Given the dismissal of existing Human Rights Charters during Covid, I don't see how having the same thing replicated at a federal level, that can be over-ridden at the whim of those it is supposed to constrain, is going to be of much use.
Everyone just needs to learn what the different symbols on the dash mean!
Fuck yes it’s rude in Australia
For us it was more the enticing offer of free electricity between 11am-2pm. Sure the rates outside are higher, but its a quality of life improvement because we can use the electricity and turn our house into a thermal battery (blasting reverse-cycle AC, and resistive heating) during the free hours
Too try hard.
It sounds like you're chasing the life we're told we're supposed to want and appreciate every single day of our lives. It doesn't get better because most of us still miss the thing we need most- community, real community. Here's another perspective and a blunt one: I have it 'all', a 3mil house with no debt, I run a business that I only work 5 hrs on per week, I have a great husband and two beautiful sons. We just built a new house, our dream house. It's still the same feeling I had when I was 18 and had nothing. I have dreams, but they're never as good as I think they are when I reach them, because they're all surface; buy a house, run a business. The dream for me is not to sit in a house, without community. And it took me 10 years and money to realise that I'm deeply bored and unhappy. Nothing really excites me, except my kids milestones and smiles. How is that doing anything for the world? Just sitting here unhappy making money for the government in my secure safe little box. The more I think about it the worse it gets. I think most people hit this realisation ar a certain age and you only have a choice to keep at it or fuck it all off. So we are selling our home and business this year, travelling to poorer countries, helping how we can, and experiencing life outside of the box. I feel SO MUCH better, SO relieved that there's 'more'. I'm actually elated, I rarely had that feeling anymore for years. What I'm getting at is, it's unlikely a job and house and family will make you feel better. Assuming you're not depressed, just stuck in the cycle. Deep dive into who YOU are - not what you're told to be, and there's always an answer. Then just say yes.
HOAs have way too much power. Stratas are in some ways a necessary evil, but there are some positives like ensuring the building is maintained, insured etc. Nannying Stratas have nothing on HOAs.
A taxi drivers told me never use GM Taxj, they have very non transparent pricing, if you see them on the taxi rank especially at the airport, avoid them
I'm just stoked they got Snoh Aalegra out here for some shows. Been a long time fan and never thought she'd tour Australia.
so you are for child porn, snuff videos and the like?
or hear me out.. parent's could do their jobs..
Two in three dollars allocated to new road and rail projects in Tuesday’s budget went to Labor held electorates, sparking hypocrisy claims from the Coalition. Labor allocated $4.1 billion for 64 new priority infrastructure projects, $2.7 billion of which went to Labor seats, according to analysis of Infrastructure Department data by The Australian Financial Review. Labor stashes away billions for road and rail projects in its own seats. Sydney Morning Herald The money for new projects was in addition to $10.1 billion over 10 years towards dozens of projects already being jointly funded with the states. The bulk of the new money, about $1.9 billion, went to 14 new projects in western Sydney. Among the cash splash was $115 million for upgrades to Mulgoa Road in the Liberal held marginal seat of Lindsay. A version of the same project was axed by Infrastructure Minister Catherine King six months ago in response to the review of the $120 billion 10-year Infrastructure Investment Pipeline. Advertisement Overall, NSW got $2.5 billion for 23 new road and rail projects with $1.85 billion allocated to Labor seats. About $340 million was given to Coalition seats and $215 million for projects that run over multiple, mixed electorates. Queensland was allocated three new projects worth $192 million. The bulk of that went to the Labor seat of Blair for two highway upgrades worth $177 million. A further $15 million was allocated to the Liberal seat of Petrie. Infrastructure Minister Catherine King said the government had worked closely with the states and territories to invest in the projects that needed money the most, and were guided by them to assess priority. “The majority of our investments in this budget went to ensure existing projects can be delivered, as well as in fast-growing areas like western Sydney and south-east Queensland,” Ms King told the Financial Review. “The Commonwealth cannot deliver projects that the states and territories are not supportive of. We saw the outcome of this with the Liberals and Nationals announcing project after project that were never delivered.” Just over half new projects were in Labor seats, though almost half of those – 14 small projects worth about $444 million – were in the Northern Territory where the party holds both federal lower house seats. The Territory’s election is scheduled for August this year. In Tasmania, three out of six new projects were in Labor seats and received the bulk of new money – about $120 million of the $171 million, which was largely for upgrades to the Lyell and Huon highways. Big winner A further $47 million went to transport projects in the seat of Clark around Hobart where independent Andrew Wilkie is the local MP. Victoria received just over $17.6 million for three new projects, all of which were in Coalition seats, but was ultimately the big infrastructure winner in the budget, receiving $5 billion for 27 existing projects. That commitment means Victoria received the largest share of new money allocated to the 10-year $120 billion Infrastructure Investment Program in Treasurer Jim Chalmers’ third budget, almost $2 billion more than NSW. There is also $1.8 billion still unallocated in NSW, with many new projects currently in the planning phase, and anticipated to move to construction phase in the near future. Across new and existing projects, Queensland was allocated $2.5 billion, while Western Australia received $2.3 billion, about 75 per cent of which was for WA Labor’s signature Metronet train network. South Australia got $160 million for seven new projects, just $5 million of which went to Labor seats. The bulk of the money – about $136 million – went to two road projects in the independent seat of Mayo. Shadow Infrastructure Minister Bridget McKenzie accused Labor of using the budget to “bail out” Labor premiers and satiate local Labor MPs. “It should have focussed on giving the Reserve Bank of Australia confidence in their fiscal approach, so interest rates can be reduced and cost of living pressures relieved,” Senator McKenzie said. “This government spreadsheet has only one colour, and it’s a sea of red.” stashes away billions for road and rail project announcements ahead of federal election.
I get what you mean, but also, single lane and they're turning from the middle. Get over it Mr impatient.
Get it delivered along with the kitchen paper towels from Who gives a crap. It's quality and it's always on time.
Wasn't aware of it till I read your post.
Lots of charcoal chicken shops are now gas. Most of them actually- so if you’re looking for OG charcoal that’s where it’s at or Westall charcoal chicken
>but it's also not "REALLY" a neccesity,it's sport. if they aren't playing it their lives wont end. If done properly, it teaches children how to function as part of a team; how to develop resilience and cope with losing whilst also finding lessons learned to rebound and recover; to see the benefit of investing time and effort at something *before* reaping the benefits, and it sets them up for a healthy life. It's hugely important.
lol oh you’re cute! No, that’s not the answer… the answer is how much an excavator costs, how much consultation costs, how much indigenous elders consultation cost, how many levies have the council applied and blah blah the countless goes on! that is my, quite genuine question, how much did we pay to push some rocks into place! They also are unlikely rocks taken from site - they’ll have been trucked in
Hey. Thanks for the reply. It's nice to know you can get out. Hopefully I can find something as well. I'm not sure that there are many extra responsibilities I can take on. I've worked for my current company for over half my working life and I've worked in every department, including a stint as a supervisor that lasted for just over a year. I love to learn new things, and I think that's part of the reason I'm so desperate to get out, I feel like I've hit a brick wall of all that I can learn. That and the managers are kinda impossible to deal with currently. This is also combined with how shitty people are post COVID. Which is why I don't want to just get a similar job in another company. I want to get out of retail all together. Working in the companies head office would be ideal as it's a part of the company I haven't worked in yet, but unfortunately it's located in Melbourne. I've got a mortgage that I share with someone and am responsible for helping take care of an elderly family member. So relocating is not possible with my current circumstances. My brother says my issue is that I don't talk up the skills I have enough, and your reply kinda reinforced that that is something that is definitely needed. So I might pass my resume around to different family members before I do my next bulk apply.
Can we teach them a lesson: - lab by only a minority - lib should be disintegrated for 9 years of betraying Australia - lab be the new shit party and green be the new shit-lite
Has it always been vibrating, or did it start at some point after using it a few times? Sometimes, if the blade hits a rock, it can ding and fall out of balance, particularly with bar type blades, and that will cause heavy vibration. Check the blade. it could be a simple fix.
>Put every possible solution on the table, don't legislate things away because you can't see past your ideology. We haven't legislated away the ability to put nuclear in front of the Australian people, but no one wants to seem to do it. The biggest nuclear advocates in Australia are currently refusing to reveal their costings, or where they think these power plants would be built, or who would build them, or when it could be done. The legislation doesn't prevent nuclear from being put on the table, the cluster fuck that is nuclear costings and build times is what is preventing nuclear from being put on the table. The actual reality of nuclear is why the advocates aren't putting the details on the table. And that's why people talk about it as an excuse to not do anything about climate change. Because it's loudest advocates don't actually seem interested in it, and because this detail less wailing just seems to further drag out the debate without adding an actual option.
Always - as other have mentioned if it's significantly more expensive or if quality is signficantly worse. I'm happy to pay a premium for Australian made/produced. I also always look for Australian seasonal produce - my kids know they will only get Aussie grapes/lemons/oranges. Clothes/homewares are harder to find Australian made but will try to support Australian companies if I can.
I asked someone else on here to petition my local member to allow me to avoid paying taxes. I'm hoping you can take up my case. I don't even think I'm contributing a whole percent of the tax revenue. I'll keep paying GST, but don't open with that. Thanks.
Venue makes it or breaks it, in my experience. Have been to quite a few through Speed Dating Social just because they have the tickets at the right price point. Worth doing at least once but it's a mentally exhausting exercise as you'll meet up to 20 people in a 2 hour timeframe and have 5 min conversations that mostly revolve around the same topics: occupation, hobbies, location. If you get a conversation that doesn't rely on these fallback topics you're more likely to match. The people are no better or worse than those on dating apps, the same flakey behaviour can occur. I have since found meeting people in real life through hobbies etc is better. Quality over quantity.
Kaprica in Carlton is my go to. Good quality, reasonably priced and the restaurant itself is really homely and cosy
No, it's not rude. But it's hard if you're not used to confrontation. I think given enough time you eventually live next to dickheads. I think the best method to deal with them is to start a fight between them and another dickhead in the street, so that they take it out on each other. I had an idea on how to do that. What you do is wait until their bin is emptied, and then fill it up with trash (the stinkier the better). Then you add some identifying piece of information, like a magazine subscription header or a letter, that points to the other dickhead neighbour. Then those two battle it out
Such BS artists. Per Km is roughly $2.20 (weekends and nights excluded)., silver service is an additional $11 flat. The per minute rate applies instead of the KM rate if you’re travelling less than 20kmph. Cunts like this one have ruined the taxi industry.
If they're older women then yeah very normal if they're dudes then absolutely not. Regardless you don't have to put up with it, I wouldn't.
Covid lockdowns stuffed up a lot of people and now the price of living is terrible as well. Hopefully looking forward it’s all going to fall back in to place. Keep in touch with them mate.
Don't know how we lift supply when infrastructure building is taking all the labour and building materials. If I could work on a big government infrastructure project or a home, I would choose the government job every day
Please attempt to stay on topic and avoid derailing threads into unrelated territory. While it can be productive to discuss parallels, egregious whataboutisms or other subject changes will be in breach of this rule - to be judged at the discretion of the moderators. This has been a default message, any moderator notes on this removal will come after this: My dude, a fairly tactless whataboutism there that's actually off-topic.
The first two words in the title are unnecessary...
exactly this. glad it didn't end badly OP!
Sounds like she is just making up any excuse. She probably doesn't even know where Australia is.
As far as military spending goes it's nothing over a 10yr period Theyre our northern neighbor with increasing Chinese influence and funnily enough a lot of critical metals
Big fan of Little Tienda and Jerry Joy's burritos in Thornbury
>Non-citizens of poor character should not be spared from deportation because of their ties to Australia, the Coalition has argued. Borders are a scar, first of all. Illiberal and shit ideas. (Nations can have border laws or surveillance laws, the double dipping is bullshit) Secondly, why should they be deported? If a magistrate has ruled that they have a substantial life in Australia then what reason beyond base revenge do we have to inflict further punishments for a crime that's already been punished? Either we believe in rehabilitation, or we don't.
It’s your wedding, and if your parents have no problem with being the only ones invited in your side, I would gently push back and insist that her parents not invite anyone else. It’s what we did and we were happy our wishes were respected. Edit: your wedding should not be stressful.
I thought that Queensland was already doing that? A friend's son, half-Brazilian, is already being frequently searched.
Climbing over the safety railing on the top of cliffs. There are even big pictorial signs saying not to and what will happen. If you slide down the slope, it becomes a cliff and you fall off and die! Also ignoring other signs. There really is no fuel for the next 247km.
True, but I think OP was getting at the fact that they've made the $300 line a core line, and also previously made the Stage 3 a core line too, so at some point they will have to explain the contradiction (well, maybe, you know for shit Labor would get crushed by the press for betting both ways). That all being said, the fucking Greens agree with the LNP of the rebate, so there is clearly something wrong with the rebate for that union to occur, lol.
Melba gully rainforest. Great ocean road. Been logged to the shit house. But, Has or had glow worm's, and the stump of the biggest logged tree to its date of 1985. The rainforest had a warm climate under its canopy, and could sustain the glow worm's. I haven't been to Melba since the 2000s but I know logging may have deleted what I knew. It's still a fantastic walk, and leaches are around in winter.
Have any governments not realised that selling off public assets is not good for the public-the very people they’re supposed to be representing and serving?
Sounds awesome, will sus them out
Because you are going to catch a wagon?
It's probably to deter the undesirable people. druggies, homeless. Supermarkets use it all the time
Not sure if 东北 are ok
Hollie Hughes was pretty fixated on culture war bullshit and conspiracy theories. I don’t think Jess Collins is as far right. Look at who endorsed Hughes: - Dutton - Jacinta Price - Michaelia Cash - Sky News’ Paul Murray Collins had Taylor yes but also Joe Hockey and Michael McCormack.
No. I don't even know what means
I want to say "awww thanks cunt" in a really chipper way to every compliment or assessment now. And I'm gonna also be flabbergasted when they look or react offended, until I've trained then all to believe they are all cunts in the best possible way.
He can't get qld LNP on board either, they said they won't do it unless it's bipartisan
Not a shill mate. Just someone that's pissed off his rent has increased by 50% since 2020.
If you're out north. Sammy's in Mill Park/Mernda are damn good.
A private consulting firm handed almost $10 million in aged-care contracts has left providers and the federal government embarrassed after it disabled websites built with taxpayer money, delivered a 13-page final report and issued legal threats. The saga of Miles Morgan Australia’s involvement in the “Future Fit” turnaround project for Meals on Wheels is emblematic of a broader crisis in aged care, where departmental officials and ministers throw money at the private sector hoping to fix a social problem. It is also a cautionary tale in contract management that has earnt the attention of the acting auditor-general, Rona Mellor. Miles Morgan Australia (MMA) is a boutique consulting and research services firm that was owned and operated out of Western Australia from 2012 by Barbara Macnish, a signatory to the first two contracts under the Future Fit program alongside her then chief executive officer, Lakshman Gunaratnam, a former Deloitte Australia partner. Macnish sold the business to Gunaratnam just days after the second contract was signed in December 2022 and he took control as sole director four days before Christmas that year. Together with former Labor adviser Loire Hunter, Gunaratnam owns the company through another vehicle, Leveraged Pty Ltd. Miles Morgan Australia’s involvement with Meals on Wheels began in May 2021, when the Morrison government announced changes to the Commonwealth Home Support Program that would eventually combine lower-level care with more intensive care in a new category called the Support at Home Program. Meals on Wheels Australia was approached by MMA with the offer of pro bono advice and the two outfits worked together on a business transformation funding proposal for the national peak body of Meals on Wheels providers. Meals on Wheels Australia had asked the Department of Health and Aged Care for $5.5 million. The government approved but, without the knowledge of Meals on Wheels Australia, the department recommended to then aged care services minister Richard Colbeck that it should give the money directly to MMA because it had already been working with the meals network, had “a deep understanding” of the needs and a “strong working relationship with the Department”. “This puts MMA in a unique position to deliver on the Department’s requirements,” the submission prepared for Colbeck says. “This procurement was through a direct approach (one supplier) of MMA under an existing panel arrangement.” Despite this plain fact in the ministerial submission, which was not public information until it was ordered to be tabled in the senate by Greens Senator Janet Rice, the contract notice for the $5.5 million first phase of MMA work still states the process was conducted as an “open tender”. That contract was later revised up to more than $7 million. The Saturday Paper is not suggesting that MMA or any of its directors have acted improperly in discharging their obligations under the federal government contract. Within months of winning the contract, MMA decided Meals on Wheels Australia did not have the “capability” for the transformation work and the national body was sidelined. Instead, some state associations were chosen to participate.
I agree that whoever boiled their client to death was definitely a far worse crim than the potential crims being discussed here, but you do realise that we can go after both crims? As someone who relies on NDIS I can assure you I'm just as angry as you are about the boiling water incident, but I sure wouldn't want to be a teenager and having someone posting up deepfake porn of me without my consent.
I think in late 2022 there was a chance of an early election. Other political parties were certainly preparing for it. The result of the Voice referendum and polling made it zero change of a significantly early election (being that the regular one is due a yearish from now).
None of us can possibly tell you whether they will prescribe you a particular medication. You will have to speak to your doctor.
Keen af for day tripper!
> GRN 13.5 (+0.5) Winning
Definitely agree with this on principle, however, this is the role of parents, not the government.
I’m surprised they acknowledged the current rate will head toward 250,000 with existing measures (which has been the ‘normal’ rate). Has usually been massive exaggeration around it, but he would have been labeled a fraud if he promised something that was already coming. We might find out if people hate migrants more than being employed. Personally I suspect they do
>The attorney general, Jaclyn Symes, said the reform would protect any Victorian who made a report to police, granting them complete immunity if their alleged perpetrator tries to bring a defamation suit against them. Allegations usually result in the person alleged having their freedom compromised very quickly through being detained or bailed, regardless if they are actually innocent. As we have seen in other recent developments of making bail harder to obtain, the net result of allegation is effectively punishing a person in advance of determining their guilt by using the justice system process against them. Once in the justice system, mud sticks even if the alleged criminal is proven not guilty. Until recently, innocent people could better protect themself against the effects of false allegation by taking defamation action, but this new legislation appears to block that avenue, meaning the justice system would now effectively be protecting people making false allegations. I acknowledge the issue of people being fearful of coming forward to report crimes, however a balance needs to be struck here against the ability to punish people through mere allegation, which may also be false, in advance of a judgement of guilt. The proposed legislation appears to effectively grant accusers immunity from false allegations. In our system of justice, the costs of making allegations is borne by the state, however the cost of defense, including defending their reputation, against allegations is usually borne by the defendant. Part of this defense is the ability to raise defamation action against false accusation. Without that option, the defendant is subject to public slander and loss of freedom as punishments in advance of even proof of guilt, based merely on allegation. Even if proof of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt fails, the defendant is not compensated for the loss of public standing and the punishment already meted out by the justice system in advance of the verdict. Whilst I understand the court has some leeway to punish an accuser for false allegations, this is not prescribed. Justice is supposed to be for both accused and accuser, but we are increasingly seeing justice be applied in favour of the accuser, allowing false or unfounded accusations to punish the accused, regardless of the outcome of the court. Crimes need to be objective harms of import, because our system of justice already punishes people based on allegation only, regardless of their guilt, which stretches the integrity of justice and the presumption of innocence. To also punish people, regardless of their guilt, as revenge for subjective hurt feelings would be outrageous, however many crimes are just that, based on subjective hurt feelings and not objective harms. I urge the justice system not to keep lowering the threshold to criminal activity, so that false accusations can more easily be used to punish innocent people regardless of the court judgement. I think society has lost focus of the principle of justice to more easily allow the revenge punishment of innocent people for subjective hurt feelings and for advantage. We have to find a better method of progressing justice that honours both the accused and accuser equally along with the presumption of innocence. If a crime is of sufficient import and true, then it is worthwhile pursuing and if that is still having a chilling effect on coming forward, then we need to address why that is, not develop knee-jerk legislation to make it easier to punish people through using the justice system itself on unfounded or false allegation as revenge for subjective feelings. >This perception that victim-survivors will be sued for speaking up can sometimes become a reality when they are threatened with defamation suits. If an allegation is truthful, why would a defamation action succeed? Making a threat is pointless and has no power if it can't be carried out: that is where reason comes into the equation instead of capitulating to fear and paranoia. However, I recognise that defamation law has severe limitations and I believe it needs to be re-evaluated along with the judicial process to return to the fundamental principles of justice.
They should do a show where they find families who have had to move into a shit rental, and help them to make it livable / comfortable while being totally reversible for an eventual move out day.
The massive corpo I work for have rolled out WTC before each meeting because Lloyd's of London in the UK said they wouldn't provide us with reinsurance unless we improved our ESG score. As an insurance company which neither owns any infrastructure or manufactures anything physical, the E (environmental) bit is difficult to do anything about or improve. As for the G (governance), the executive team aren't willing to invest the time and expense of restructuring and we are already very highly regulated. Therefore that only leave S (social). It's been inexpensive to throw up a few rainbow flags around the office and implement WTC. It's shallow and meaningless imo but keeps our reinsurance premiums down. As someone who fully supports indigenous rights, opportunities and recognition, I'd be far more proud if my company paid for scholarships to young indigenous people looking to enter the corporate environment but that's expensive.
Weak move by Hughes. Call a spade a spade and don’t back down.
Probably not but if you can get out of the house pax is in October and has an a space dedicated to accessibility with a lot of come and try stuff
Shitting in Howard's metamucil
*If universities want to take more international students, they must build more student accommodation. We will limit how many international students can be enrolled by each university based on a formula, including how much housing they build."* Fark. Ok. Interesting.
I haven’t locked a door or a window in my entire adult life. I’d rather they come through the front door that smash up my windows or wreck the roof. That being said I live with four grown ass men and two dogs that would happily take off the nuts of intruders.
Use [ to compare who might work out cheapest for you.
I live in a small country town in NSW and maybe 3 years ago? I was in the waiting room at the local doctors office and there was an old man with a prosthetic leg and he had stickers of flags on it, Union Jack, Scottish flag, Irish flag, welsh flag, Australian flag and also a confederate flag???? Was bizarre
Go try sell your other model to the Australian public. It was the main issue in the 99 referendum that caused it to lose. People didn’t like that the public wouldn’t have been electing the president.
Country Road is one of my faves
Don't forget to BBQ pineapple rings, and sliced potatoes, these were standards as a kid growing up in the western suburbs of Sydney.
I hope you've also catered for the amount that you'll need to save will only keep going up faster than our wages are as well? Your story is the same as so many others across the state and the fact that young folks and renters aren't marching on parliament and the RBA tells the powers that be that they can keep doing what they're doing. "A generation that is disenfranchised but not yet destitute is primed for revolution," and sadly from what I've observed, many are already the latter.
Where did it go wrong? Nothing was right in the planning phase.
They’ll have a crack at it, but they usually back off if you’ve got a good bitchy hen in charge.
You missed a couple of important steps. 1- have 000 on speed dial 2- make sure you have a fire extinguisher nearby 3- just in case, message your loved ones and let them know where you keep your will
I met a German woman who had lived in Australia - that's where she learned most of her English. Her accent was truly unique.
It’s no surprise to anyone who actually knows the details. To those who just listen to commercial media they’ve been brainwashed with “LNP are the best economic managers” propaganda since 1996. For instance I know someone who voted ALP last election, with the justification of “I’m voting ALP because I hate Scomo and want him gone but Liberals are the best economic managers so I’ll probably vote for them in 2025 because I don’t want Labor stuffing up the economy for too long”. When i tried to show him all the actual facts he refused, it was all “c’mon mate Labor are just a bunch of wannabe socialists who spend all our money and get us into debt, the Libs have their bad points but EVERYONE knows the Libs are the best economic managers” The same guy who railed about “Labor breaking their promise!” on the stage 3 tax cut even though he himself got a larger cut than he would’ve under the Liberals. There’s some people you can’t help
Remember "sooner, faster, cheaper NBN"? Tony Abbott remembers. Serious question, what national scale infrastructure implementation has the LNP delivered in the past 40 years? Bonus points if it was for the benefit of people and not donors.
I maybe don’t scrub my shower screen as regularly as I should and it was a bit scummy, but those magic sponges really are magic and it is now spotless
None of them are travelling to Australia lol so who cares?
A woman wearing Instagram makeup in the office. It just screams “I’ve never had a senior role in corporate Australia”
It depends where you are in Southbank (i.e. closer or on St Kilda Road or near City Road). If you're near City Road, you're either just across the road from the city or near South Melbourne. Basically for things to do: the city, the river area (restaurants, walks, there's some sort of food truck thing down near the Melbourne Convention Centre I think) and of course both South Melbourne Market (walk) or Queen Vic Market via the #58 tram (the night markets are back on Wednesdays Otherwise you might want to check out the megathread on things to do: Edit: Southbank is a really tiny suburb comparative to both the city (which is its own suburb) and pretty much the rest of the inner city suburbs. So there isn't much to do in it, per se, because you're usually within a few streets of being in a different suburb.
They sell Anko at Tarzahy (Target) now. Good luck.
Had my plastic license for 18 months. Still hasn't glitched or run out of batteries.
Wait, hold up - since when did the Swanston St Macca's close?
There’s a bulk centre near me and I see vans rock up filled to the roof with bottles and cans and sometimes boxes strapped to the roof. I would guess they’d be making upwards of $1000 based on what I’m returning - I’ll get maybe $30-$50.
Scott Morrison does not appear to be a person that can accept that he may have personal failings. Sadly, or not, we all do have faults. Until he comes to terms with this reality he will continue to view himself through rose coloured glasses. This in no way obliges the rest of us to do the same for him.
No body likes paying surcharge. The price has gone up on every cost associated with running a Cafe. Rent, wages, the oil guy, food. Coffee beans, dairy, the pest control company, rates, insurance, maintenance, consumables, cleaners, accountants. Delivery fees, gas, electricity, water. It's takes a lot of cups of coffee to pay those bills. The staff are barely making a living wage. The whole industry is struggling. Cafes run on extremely low profit margins and most people have zero clue of the costs associated with running a hospo business. I guarantee you that they don't want to have to charge more but have to to keep the doors open.
Yeah, that's what I looked at and thought. Mid-morning out of Avalon, and if there is an issue there should be enough time to sort the next flight out.
Those concerned about the children, and *The Guardian* could meet in the middle and decide to ban social media entirely. *Especially* for *Guardian* writers.
I paid just under $500 for three pairs of glasses - regular, reading, and sunnies, at Specsavers in November. That's including all the coatings, and lens thinning etc as well. I didn't think that was too bad for all of that.
The Australian Federal Police union is threatening strike action to “shut down” airports and the sitting of federal parliament in a severe escalation of its dispute with the Albanese government over pay and conditions. AFP Association president Alex Caruana said the union had sought legal advice about whether AFP officers could legally walk out at airports and when parliament was sitting, saying members were sick of being “disrespected” by government. “(We are considering) walking out at airports, walking out at Parliament House, walking out from other commonwealth assets and essentially shutting them down in order to make a point to the government and the AFP that we are serious about fighting for our pay and conditions and we want a fair pay deal,” he told The Australian. Denouncing the government’s latest pay offer of 11.2 per cent, Mr Caruana said he had ­spoken to about 1000 AFPA members in recent days and “it’s very clear they are very willing to vote yes to that action”. “Essentially, it would be that airports might have to shut down, parliament would have to stop ­sitting and certain other assets might have to come up with other arrangements,” he said, identifying the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation and the Holsworthy Barracks as other potential locations for industrial action. “It is a severe escalation but our members are sick of being disrespected by the government and by the AFP, and they want a fair pay deal. They don’t want to be the lowest paid police force in Australia.” The AFPA is urging members to vote no to the AFP pay offer, which includes increases to ­allowances on top of 11.2 per cent in wage rises over three years. If the offer is rejected, Mr ­Caruana said the union would examine applying to the Fair Work Commission for a protected action ballot order to authorise more significant industrial action. “It’s difficult for the AFP to do any strike action, or withholding of labour action, because of the implications to national security,” he said. “What I can say is that we are engaging some lawyers to look at what our options are in that space. “We would consider that if we were to withdraw some labour from the airports, and we were to withdraw labour from places like Parliament House, from places like ANTSO and a few other ­places like Holsworthy etc, we’re not actually putting the community at risk. “If the airports continue to operate, the airports are then taking on that risk. If parliament chooses to sit, the parliament is then taking that risk but we are currently getting legal advice as to whether or not under the AFP Act, that would be in breach of national security and a step too far. We will consider any measures necessary to get the point across to government and the AFP that they need to offer a fair wage deal for AFP members.”
>Nuclear might have been a good option 30 years ago but not today. Nuclear might have been a viable option 50-60 years ago but the events of the past 30 years have shown that it would have not been a good idea to become dependent on a technology that requires gigalitres of cool fresh water to run. We just don't have the water to spare for them. In my opinion we really should be building out concentrated solar thermal plants and solar panel arrays in the more arid regions where very few people live.
Just vote the major parties out. They won't change.
It might just be forced perspective with the photography, but what breed is he?...he looks huge! Gorgeous too, btw!
If you want a small bar vibe with decent priced drinks - Prudence. Seems a bit loose and lax there, but the crowd is nice and the staff are too.