I think he nuked himself with female voters a looooong time ago.
I can’t really find any transcript of Tingle’s speech in which the context of the ‘racist’ quote was made, so it’s very difficult to judge the intent and meaning behind the comment. The only bit I can find: >“We are a racist country, let’s face it. We always have been and it’s very depressing,” There’s no metric on what qualifies as a ‘racist’ country or not; but it is obvious that racism has played a part in the national psyche and conversation. The treatment of massacres of indigenous people pre 1901 The fact the first Federal Parliament passed the White Australia Policy, a blatantly racist law which remained in law for 70 years, the majority of Australia’s existence up until this time The practice of forced removal of children from parents of only one race again for the majority of the nation’s existence (again up until the 70s) Fearmongering and dogwhistling against non white races being prominent in political discourse even up until today. Different legislation for those living in indigenous communities (like NT alcohol laws) On a non political level (as her comment didn’t specifically mention politics only): The vast vast majority of commercial TV and media featuring white faces. Today 1 out of 5 Australians are of Asian heritage (there’s more Australians of Asian heritage than Americans of black or Latino heritage) but you wouldn’t know it from watching Australian TV. The national character and story being almost exclusively from a white Anglo Saxon perspective, with only fleeting mentions of a vague ‘multiculturalism’. News media quick to label the race of a non white offender but you never hear the opposite. News media egging on race riots like Cronulla. Tingle is right, racism is a big part of the Australian story. Australia may not be as racist as other nations, and we may have improved the situation in recent years but neither of those facts invalidate her comments. Besides beyond the Sky ‘News’ and LNP outrage brigade who deities the ABC 24/7 (even though the comments were made outside her employment so there is no breach of charter) who else is criticising her? No one.
Pre and early internet the Australian censor was quite active in banning content in Australia because they thought it hinted at abuse in some way or they imagined pornstars with small boobs were too much like children.  What's happened since isn't so much a relaxation of standards as much as they just haven't been able to control content online. As the eSafety commissioner demonstrates, Australia hasn't lost the desire to regulate content for dubious moral reasons.  Any efforts to install online age verification, which in turn requires identity verification, are likely to reinvigorate the Australian government to try and censor pornography. Imagine pornhub with half the categories removed because they are abhorrent to Christians and feminists.
Are we pro-News Corp when the story originates from Facebook? Just trying to figure when I'm supposed to be outraged.
Housing Affordability was nominated by 36% of Australians. Climate change was down seven points to 13%.
I think this might be more about you. Maybe they enjoy going for dinner, sitting at home watching Netflix, just enjoying each other's company.
I think when Australia had one of the highest living standards in the world, there wasn't much homelessness, but as things declined and the cost of everything went up, it started to affect people who previously wouldn't have been affected, until now we have working class, lower middle class, and even middle class people getting in to trouble and finding themselves homeless. It is shocking in a country like Australia, but not surprising when you think about it.
Digging? So outside? Fuck me mate. I'd take every dart butt I'd been dropping in my tool belt over the day and stuff them in your letterbox on the way out.
I was meaning there isn’t a medication for autism that will ‘fix’ it, compared to adhd. Although, some antidepressants or diazepam meds help with anxiety that can arise due to autism (Valium is great lol, I wish it wasn’t addictive).
Too many people for the services available doesn't help.
Well he can stick to appearing on the very highbrow Kyle and Jacky O show like any good PM does. Especially appearing on the Monday they debuted in Melbourne. Nice way to pay back the wedding invite. If you’re gonna lower the PM’s role to that garbage Albo, you have no right to make any comment about the media in general.
Used to have one, it never dried the clothes 100%. I don’t know if they’ve improved since then, but I won’t get another one.
Taking flash photos of the little penguins when they've been explicitly and repeatedly told not to. Though we should probably have clearer signage in more languages.
After getting some free tickets, I have a grudging respect. Their big commercial songs still suck.
yeah... look at the end of the day we have to look out for ourselves first. I say this with all the warmth in my heart. If I am taking a certain train route to work everyday, and I am regularly passing by homeless people who aren't in their right mind, I'm going to engage with them as little as possible. I can't risk having one of them becoming fixated, or getting aggressive. I will donate to charities to help, i will go with a group of people to help them, but as a young woman I'm just never going to approach them on my own, not when I work nights and get home late. If this makes me a coldhearted bitch, then whatever. I come from trauma myself, I know what it can do to people. And I know that they're victims too. But we all need to put ourselves first. And my safety is my number one priority.
Unless I’m drinking hooch out of a steel toilet, I’m not interested at all.
No reason to follow laws that are immoral and inconsistent with international agreements on labor laws.
You can blame them for letting a known person wander around the communities when we have mental health beds.
I've said it before - Thai town. Always full of Thai people and broad menu to suit most tastes!
Sorry gal, what you experienced pretty much IS the dating culture here. There are more and more people, at least in my circles, just not bothering anymore.
I would not be surprised if both major parties thought they could simply import skilled people when the need arose without considering the possibility those skilled people would not be available, or that those additional people plus natural population growth would have other repercussions. The LNP is against research and the ALP's focus is on workers and jobs, so pure research has been declining, when many of historys serendipidous discoveries have been made during research. Neither party is really looking to the future, only firefighting and managing by crisis.
I didn't think they would be coordinated nor talented enough to skate.
I was not born in Australia and I generally like to torch the cunts who were, but you protest far too much, I think. If you were talking about violent crimes committed against immigrants, I could understand it. That's not what you're talking about here - and frankly you're a little insulting, assuming that you are for real. Australia's level of immigration has been far too high for several years without any commensurate expansion in infrastructure. Everyone settles in Melbourne or Sydney. This has created a very noticeable decline in living standards in terms of overcrowding - not just traffic, but in schools, hospitals, etc. A lot of people don't want any more of this and it's hard to blame them. The housing situation is unimaginably horrible and it is getting worse. The amenity of living in Australia (for those of us who knew it in the mid 90s) is now gone. If I were you, I'd keep my mouth shut about centrelink, etc. We are living in a per capita recession as we speak and mass immigration is the only way that the government can gaslight the people that everything is cool because we don't have an actual negative GDP print(even though it feels like recession for the average punter). I grew up in the US and I've been getting stick from Aussies since God was a boy. So I moved back a few months ago after many years. You can do it too, sport, if you feel strongly about it.
And bucket everyone together like an entire gender is a bunch of criminals. Instead of addressing the underlying problems stemmed by poverty, cost of living, lack of education, etc.
Wow, windows! I don't think I'll be able to afford this place.
Rock-it Barber ... they're looked after me from mohawks to mullets to quiffs. Little on the expensive side but I haven't found anywhere cheaper that does a better cut.
It's unlikely you will find anyone from the Harvey Norman generation on this forum. Probably best to ask this question to facebook if you want a balanced response. Ikea, Harvey Norman is trash.
Can’t imagine the insurance on one of them these days, unless they call arson an ‘act of god’.
there’s plenty of subs that can help you with advice. also facebook groups are shockingly helpful too. search for key words trans/ftm/transmasc ect
I am selling a VW Jetta if interested?
This is my go to for anytime this comes up.
I heard a podcast breakdown on the demographic voting Teal. They weren't disgruntled conservatives looking for an alternative. They were progressives voting strategically. The electorates themselves are shifting and the Teals will only last as long as it takes to put in a Greens or Labor candidate.
Only if they ever plan on going back. Seems pretty common that Americans that have no intention of going back just don't bother.
The Conversation: [‘Everybody has not won’: trickle-down economics was an idiotic idea. How do we fix the inequality it causes? ]( > Wealth, Orseme recognised, is not just about economic inequality but also about political inequality. > > The threat of extreme wealth to the political promise of democracy runs like a red thread through Alfani’s book. He demonstrates that, despite their power, rich people have been treated historically with suspicion and even disdain: considered dubious for their lack of a valuable social role or political contribution. > > The wealthy generally lack understanding or sympathy for the struggles of the less fortunate, choosing instead to moralise their wealth through the pretence to good deeds or merit. As a result, Alfani concludes that wealthy people hold a fragile social position, always running the risk that the majority will turn against them.
Are you driving a car or motorbike? There's no 55 cent video matching fee on motorbikes.
I don't think social media broadly speaking is playing a very constructive role for any age group. Probably best that kids are off it when they are at their most impressionable.
Yep, we can just leave it for the galactic federation to fix for us. We just need to get that warp drive going.
Cafe e Cucina in South Yarra.
>You're talking about net pollution, and I'm saying that's a silly way of evaluating emissions. Yes I am talking about net emissions, **because those are the emissions**. Sea levels aren't based on per capita emissions, they are based on the amount of net carbon emissions.
>The way people in her focus groups see it, she says, “it doesn’t matter whether interest rates are up or interest rates are down, or unemployment is up or unemployment is down, doesn’t matter if it’s a pandemic, not a pandemic, GFC or not a GFC, housing is a horror show”. The irony of someone associated saying this without some degree of analytical backup is hilarious; folks looking for their first home would probably agree, those renting/looking for the next one would also agree (aka the demographic that has been ignored for the last few decades), those who just bought a home and getting hit with the reality of "sometimes rates go up" would agree, however those either fully paid off mortgage wise, or majority paid off I struggle to believe have the same sentiment as they would be pushing for their investment to drop in value. Past that; again, immigration has only been a "big issue" the last 2-3 years or so, and to say house prices (especially relative to wages) were at all healthy pre-2020 is just gaslighting people. Dropping immigration to 0 might help house prices a fraction, but the core system that sees the median house price grow faster than wages will still be in place, so we'd probably slam into a harder rescission and then people would have less borrowing power and have less purchasing power anyway.
The multiple people who have posted, asking the same question, know.
NIMBY? Isn't that part of the problem?
Well it is an equivalent over-reaction as the Libs are with climate change protestors.
I work down that end of the cbd on Bourke St near King St, and rate Fiord as the best I've tried in the area.
Whilst I don’t disagree with the whole meta criticism of the campaign, this really is some bottom of the barrel journalism. It reads as someone’s rant against a group they don’t link, with their laundry list tacked on the end. It’s crap writing.
Nothing in your quotes supports that staement. 80% of students return home immediately at the end of their study. 90% have left within two years following that. The majority of then others are here because they have jobs in skills shortage areas, but we're talking ten percent or thereabouts. The conversation probably needs to be about how to secure MORE graduates in areas like construction and health.
It is a new thing happening, very annoying. I am just cross checking all the land site names from a past reference book dated 1992 'Waterloo Creek'.
Clearly someone should be resigning.... But it's doubtful it will be the mayor
Because the government insisted on royalty contracts that had very generous terms for their mates in the industry. >instead of older, inefficient, royalty regime. why is old bad and why is proper compensation inefficient? >Public funding was invested in discovery and operation of their gas projects and now they reap the rewards. We didn't gamble $400b of public funding on finding and operating these gas fields so why should we get a similar level of benefit? We stole it from East Timor, we funded forged hydrographic surveys to facilitate this. And what little we left them we forced them to accept our dodgy royalty contracts too.
It's ok. Knocking down the community housing in some of the most desired suburbs in Melbourne to build ones that are partially private/developer owned will definitely be better. Who ever gets the contracts for the Prahran, Collingwood, Carlton, Sth Melbourne flats will be making millions in profits. Victorian government is the worst in the country.
I highly recommend checking out for motorhome relocations. They’re usually $1 day and sometimes include fuel. I’ve completed 3 trips with them, it’s an easy process, as simple as a rental car. I’ve had a 6person motorhome every time.
As much as I agree with Samaras, I think ultimately that Perrett saying that *"grand narratives belonged in election campaigns rather than budgets"* is probably the more practical truth. This puts Labor in a position they're very comfortable in - lip service about the change they want, but only carrying out the changes they need (or believe they can afford) to make. This is a fundamental issue with democracy under neoliberal and capitalist assumptions. It keeps the leftwing establishment from the proper work of nation building, keeps them "tinkering around the edges" as the article puts it - and allows for a ratcheting to the right of politics. It's easy to cut taxes on wealth and big business donors. It's easy to take some money from here, put it there, to let Capitalism usurp your party's values over time. Much easier than standing up for your country, your values, or people who actually vote you in/out. You need an economic radical to actually make substantial changes, someone willing to test things like Modern Monetary Theory, or to challenge mining giants. The exact kind of people who would never be allowed to make it that far in politics.
IMO only the strong will survive. Monique Ryan is a teal who has done things I'm aware of (speak out against HECS indexation), the rest, I don't know what they are doing. These seats won't consign themselves to having minimal political influence in the long-term, they will likely return the seats to the Liberals in the next couple of elections.
Wexler in Frankston is excellent. Did my choppers and my sons. Excellent work. Definitely not the cheapest though.
Bargearse was better than the original.
Warehousing is the worst job they always cut your hours and have high turnover of people.
I’m a big fan of [The Dick Liquor]( myself.
My prediction is that the Liberals manage to pick up a few seats, but Labor remains in government (albeit in a minority). I honestly just can’t see the Liberals winning at this stage, and especially with Dutton at the helm.
I already pay a lot in taxes. Id probably donate as I dont have the time if I wasnt taxed so highly. Not to mention my rates are specifically paying for the maintenance of that and I have mates who work for Council and do very little work by their own admission. So I dont really want to pick up some local Council workers slack in my off hours.
If employers stopped forcing people back into the office, that might help? People come in sick because then they demand you go pay for a medical certificate for missing your office day instead of allowing you to wfh.
Progressive voters are lambs to the slaughter, seriously. You guys have no idea how the world works, if you seriously believe Forrest is pure of heart with his "green schemes". Forrest is just engaging in shameless rent-seeking, if he really believes in his green schemes he should use his own money and leave taxpayer money for schools and hospitals.
Dear Australia,   Gib us moar monies, Love,    Mineral Council of Australia
An accurate, well-structured and dignified statement - that really shouldn't even need to be made.
Some would be fellow travelers, others think its cool to be a rebel without knowledge of what it really stood or stands for. Never underestimate the broad and strong influence American culture has had here.
Council waiting 10 years for sale of a property to collect? More like you'll be hearing immediately about an overdue payment and that will be accompanied with info on interest, legal fees. And, more to the point, as mentioned by another poster, council will act on all that within a few months. Best to get on the front foot and find out council's policies regarding hardship rules, etc.
It would be a great option. But the industry won't like it, so when donation time comes around, the industry will let both parties know that they don't like it, and it will disappear before it starts. Why do I say that? Remember when there was going to be a start rating for healthiness? That was over before it started. All because our government caters to big business instead of ordinary Australians.
>The safe operation of nuclear power requires strong nuclear safety regulations and enforcement agencies, none of which exist in Australia. Establishing these frameworks and new bodies would take a long time and require significant government funding which would ultimately be borne by taxpayers. This is the thing the "just remove the ban, it won't cost anything" crowd don't understand. You can't remove the ban without also implementing the framework in which nuclear can operate in this country, this will take years and tax payer dollars to carry out.
Fash sympathisers like them because they're class traitors.
Pretty big and busy pub to be struggling so much. Their food is pretty high end for pub fare so maybe that’s hurting them. Wonder too whether part of this is the beer market kind of losing touch with the consumer. There’s an expectation that every bar will carry a super diverse range of high end/craft beers, but everyone’s still expecting to pay Carlton Draft prices. Dunno about linking Tetsuya’s closure to this though, pretty sure a big part of that was the skyrocketing value of the land under Tetsuya’s. 
PO Boxes are great investments.
They should put some solar panels on the roof and run it off that. Maybe get a battery too.
Only time I left WA was when I went to Thailand through Singapore, where my passport was necessary, glad to learn I'm just an idiot, better than being right in this case
Cottees, IXL SPC, Oak, Bega, Farmers Union, Coopers Brewing Unfortunately not all Australian owned anymore
Defund the NDIS, make them apply for pensions
I don’t accept the excuse it was “the independent AAT”. The AAT is part of the executive government (ie the minister) not the judiciary, and therefore he is ultimately responsible for it.
You sound like a lot of work.
This is not unique to just Australia, it seems ever country that has an indigenous population are expected to follow the UN directive. Truthfully, its a UN lead agenda that has mandates that must be implemented. This is evident by the fact it was vote 60 / 40 NO and the the states are still trying to implement it. The agenda is still being pushed ahead regardless. The question is not what is on it for the government or the indigenous people of the world but what is in it for the UN. What is the ultimate goal ? how is this going to balance the scale of justice, how is this going to make the wrongs right ? How is this going to distribute the world wealth? All you have to do is see how Palestine and Israel issues started...
There’s Afro dance at imax/museum from What I know they all meet up there and vibe out. They’ve got an Instagram page. I’ve never got a chance get down there but the turn outs are good
There are 2 types of people that think that nuclear is a good idea. Political hacks who know it is just a distraction and people who get their news from the Herald Sun headlines as they try and find the latest footy scores. Neither will care or be aware that Dutts is floundering on his nuclear policy.
Some of us can care about issues beyond ourselves- both are possible.
This year our rent went up from 480 to 600 PW ours increased last year from 450-480 but the owner decided that cause the rental property is keeping his books in red for a long time and considering the same 4 bedroom house in our locality is ~600 we didn’t have much choice, his initial proposed rate was 630.
What about lollies and sweets You got your Bertie beetle Your super zoopers
"They slammed the person for sharing it on Facebook, they could have talked about it in person" It's a stealth charge, and would need to be setup on the POS machine specifically as an option for the muffin. Sneaky and they've been caught out. It is a difficult time for businesses granted, but skinning your customers is probably not an effective long term strategy. What's next corkage on orange juice, frothing charges for flat whites.
Why didn't the ICC investigate the Australia soldiers for war crimes allegedly committed in Afghanistan? Instead, the investigation was conducted in Australia with the Brereton report, outside of the ICC as far as I'm aware?
You must have forgotten about a little tiny thing called democracy. Just because you don't agree with the Greens, doesn't mean they weren't voted in by the people and hold real power in the Senate.
The opposition have been bumbling and stumbling over all sorts of positions on this and other key policies like the nuclear thing and yet this is what sticks in the news cycle. It's so frustrating. ALP would've been completely pantsed by now if they were the opposition continually contradicting themselves on numbers and putting out an uncosted pipe dream (nuclear) that they can't even get their own party to agree on.
The link looks real. My guess is someone else has put the wrong mobile number in for their account so you got a message about their fine
Couldn't have happened to a nastier piece of work. Good riddance.
Can’t you just call in sick and get a certificate?
NSW Liberal MP Julian Leeser has expressed alarm that a hung parliament at the next election could see the Greens making the “unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state and the weakening of the Western alliance a price of government.” On Wednesday morning, Labor and the Coalition teamed up to oppose a Greens motion in the House of Representatives recognising the state of Palestine, with Mr Leeser telling The Australian after the vote that Labor needed to take key steps to distance itself from the minor party. “It’s time Labor stopped preferencing the Greens on their ballot paper,” he said. Mr Leeser expressed grave concern at the prospect of a hung parliament at the next election and the emergence of a Labor/Greens coalition. “It is bad enough that Labor foreign policy is made on the floor of their national conference where they sell out one ally – Israel – to placate the Corbynites from attacking AUKUS,” Mr Leeser told The Australian. “But how much worse would it be if Labor allowed the Greens to dictate our foreign policy as the price of government?” “This is not an environmental party,” he said. “This is party that is obsessed with Israel and Jews.” ‘What is Adam Bandt advocating for?’: Labor MP questions Greens leader’s announcement Only five people supported the Greens motion, including the four lower house Greens MPs and Tasmanian independent Andrew Wilkie, while 80 MPs voted against it. Speaking in support of his own motion in the House of Representatives, Mr Bandt said that recognition of Palestine was long overdue and was not “just a symbolic move.” “It is a critical step towards peace and towards ending the slaughter we are seeing with the invasion of Gaza,” he said. “It is a concrete step towards peace.” “As the Prime Minister of Norway said last week, there cannot be peace in the Middle East if there is no recognition.” Mr Bandt said the “scale of the slaughter and the genocide that we are witnessing is now topping 36,000 people.” “A health system has been destroyed. There are mass graves in hospitals. Aid has been blocked. Children are now dying because they do not have enough to eat or drink.” He warned that a “human engineered famine” was now taking its toll on the civilian population in Gaza that “amounts to collective punishment of these people.” Mr Bandt said that Labor’s credibility was also on the line, declaring that a two state solution could not be realised if you “recognise just one side.” “Labor backs to the hilt a genocidal war that is destroying the possibility of a state of Palestine,” he said. “Labor has stood with the extreme Israeli government of Benjamin Netanyahu.” Josh Frydenberg slams the Greens for promoting ‘un-Australian values’ Assistant Foreign Minister Tim Watts took aim at Mr Bandt for the motion, arguing it was a stunt and an exercise in politics that would divide the community. “Why he would be deliberately setting up a vote on Palestinian recognition to fail is something that only he can answer,” Mr Watts said.. “Simplistic wedge motions in the House do nothing to advance the cause of peace,” he said. “Wedge politics only divides the community,” he said. “Anyone who is serious about peace knows that that requires a two state solution … but the Greens aren’t serious. They prefer slogans to policy. A two state solution requires working together and the recognition of each other.” “On the question of recognition, we have made clear that we will be guided by whether recognition will advance the cause for peace. Like many countries Australia has been frustrated by the lack of progress in this regard,” he said. “Australia no longer sees recognition as only occurring at the end of the process. It could occur as part of a peace process.” But Mr Watts said there would need to be serious governance reforms, noting that Hamas was a terrorist organisation. “We see no role for them in this,” he said. “A Palestinian state cannot be in the position to threaten Israel’s security.” “We want to see a reformed Palestinian governing authority … We want to see a commitment to peace and how the Palestinian authority leads its people.” Mr Leeser, who spoke against the motion, told the parliament that recognition should only occur after a peace agreement with Israel had been reached and negotiations on the ground had concluded. ‘End the occupation’: Greens Leader calls for Labor to 'take action' against Israel “This motion … sends the message that Hamas’ violent terrorist attacks, its murders, its abductions, its gang rapes, and its dismemberment of innocent children and its torture of people should somehow be defendable,” he said. “This motion means recognising a Palestinian State when Hamas refuses to release more than 130 Israeli hostages.” He also took aim at the Greens, saying that it was a party that promoted women’s rights and those of the LGBTI community but which was also advancing the “cause of organisations like Hamas which are among the greatest abusers of women (and) LGBTI people in the world.” Mr Leeser, who describes himself as a proud and public Jewish MP, also said that anti-Semitism had “become a central plank of Green philosophy.” “The Greens voted against the bipartisan motion that condemned the 7 October terrorist attacks that passed this House on 16 October – even before Israel had begun its operations in Gaza,” he said. “They refused to condemn Greens MP Jenny Leong for her comments that said Jews have tentacles and that Jews should not be able to participate in the public life of this country.” Mr Leeser also noted that Mr Bandt, when directly asked on the ABC’s Insiders program about whether he supported the idea of a Jewish homeland state, would not answer. Reflecting on the Greens motion, Executive Council of Australian Jewry co-chief executive Alex Ryvchin said the minor party had exposed “how hateful their ideology is and why the major parties should both pledge to preference this despicable party last.”
Chickorea in North Melb, been to Korea a few times and it’s on par with the real stuff, the creamy onion sauce is out the gate
Quite possibly that the nut was cross threaded but the damage continued to get worse. Plenty of times a hose has been damaged but the full extent of the problem didn't happen straight away
I’ve heard Gympie locals referred to as Gympettes…
Been through this in vic with a family member. He was falsely accused and his ex took out an avo, which automatically triggers a license suspension and forfeiture of firearms. This was despite a court order that the hobby wasn’t part of the avo. We transferred all of them to me on my license to protect them, as the cops treat them poorly, damage expensive scopes etc. Cost $10k in lawyer fees to get it overturned and the avo lifted once the actually looked at the evidence. Having said that, in DV, suspected DV situations it makes sense that it would trigger an automatic response like a license suspension. That should go alongside a simple system of their storage and return, that is not a financial burned on the parties involved.
I've always been partial to 'Fuck a duck', it has so many uses.
Because it’s owned by the same person who has the same agenda in both America and Australia?
When Tony Abbot lost the Prime Ministership, everyone hung onions on their front gates in solidarity.