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Made a misjudgement in a football match. | guilt |
why did i do this to myself i have got a three year old daughter i always knew i wanted to be a parent i loved babies and i could n t wait to have my own i have hated every second of it since the moment i got pregnant my kid sucks she is cute and spunky but it is too much she recently started hitting kicking and biting when she does not get her way she is always running away from me and she never sits still i honestly can not handle it a few days ago she ruined my expensive eye cream and wiped my brand new mascara all over her toys and the bathroom cabinets in reaction to this i made sure to move all my makeup into my master bathroom cupboard today as i was getting ready i had my cupboard open she raced in grabbed something and ran out as i chased her she dropped a makeup bag i figured i was in the clear and went back to getting ready a little while later i went to her playroom only to find that she d taken a different makeup bag at the same time as the other she is squeezed all of a new small bottle of face cream and a bottle of base into her toy teacups she d also taken a brand new pencil eyeliner and drawn all over my extra mascara also new was open on the carpet i made her leave the room i might have been loud and then sat on the floor and sobbed i can not keep up with all the cleaning all the annoying noises and movements and ruining all my stuff everyday why did i do this to myself i love her but i hate her too | regret |
i regret not dancing with my grandfather it is been a couple of years but whenever i think about that i feel sad sorry this is a downer but i have to get it out for once it was on my dad s 50th birthday about 8 years ago there was a huge party everyone drank and had fun i saw my grandpa dancing and having fun which was awesome because since my grandma died 15 years ago he was just depressive and you could n t talk to him much even better he was a bit of a rock n roller when he was young as far as that was possible in eastern germany so he did not dance slow but with some really cool old moves to the rolling stones and other old school rock music at some point at night i was outside with my boyfriend and gramps approached me and asked me to rock with him back then i felt ashamed for my body and that i can not dance do not know any cool moves and would just look stupid i just said no he asked me multiple times because he knew i listen to that music too and seemed really disappointed when he could n t get me to dance he walked away and danced with someone else our relationship cooled off a bit after that he died in 2017 and the only thing i could think about at his funeral was that moment and how i disappointed him i wish i could go back and change my answer so we would both have had a fond memory | regret |
i guess i am crying because i am sorry mom and dad but i am hppy that i will be in heaven and no more attacks . | guilt |
my dads been yelling at me all night but thats ok bc nct dream is here,, my friend sent me gifs of all my ults and it made me so Happy | guilt |
really struggling i love my kids as humans i want the best for them they are in the activities they want to be they are allowed and encouraged to be their fullest identities they are so kind and wellliked at school my oldest 10 is usually great to be around my youngest 7 has always made me feel angry from the time i was pregnant with him i was sick and in pain his first 3 months he screamed and fussed constantly his next 3 months more of the same but slightly better because at least he could smile and do some other things when he was 6 months old i hurt my back extremely badly and was on powerful pain meds for a while as he is grown older my youngest has always had this tendency to fuss and complain and whine about eeeeverything even the things that he loves he still finds a way to complain he says little things that are so mean here and there his threshold for frustration is so low i find absolutely no solace in all the parenting help forums who tell me to try even harder to connect with him who tell me to get to the root of why he is really nice to everyone else but mean to me i m done with hearing you should get a therapist to help you two build a better relationship because one literally has to be suicidal to see a therapist within 6 months in my community the waitlists are long my son has no real issues outside of this he does great at school he has good friends his teachers adore him he is funny and a he is so loving and caring except for me he is such an asshole to me and before he was born i dreamed of having 5 kids his difficult personality is what changed my mind i bristle at the thought of spending any time with him every single time i try he complains always complains the game is not fair i bounced the ball too high now i bounced the ball too low i say mhm too much when he talks i gave his sibling better treatment than him i made him choose the wrong juice at breakfast because it is my fault he could n t remember he could have hot chocolate he does not act this way with aaaaaanyone else and he does not see anyone else treat me this way either i have just numbed it out and i feel bad about that but i m so fucking tired of trying | regret |
I'm supposed to be in recovery from an eating disorder, so I'm going to be vegetarian for the time being since I originally went vegan to restrict more and avoid different foods. If I'm being completely honest, I feel like absolute shit because of it. I don't _want_ to eat animal foods, but if I don't then I can't eat anything since no one I know ever has vegan foods. But then there's also the fact that I'm still acting on eating disorder behaviors, so am I actually even recovering? Is all of this pointless? | guilt |
During an argument with my brother, I behaved rather ÃÂá
intransigently, even cruelly, wishing to morally hurt the "person" ÃÂá
opposed to me. | guilt |
If I ever ever find a Max kin I'm going to make sure he likes me in this reality ! I'm so sorry for not being the counselor you deserved! | guilt |
i coulnd not do that do you . | guilt |
i want to believe but i can not i would not consider myself a religious person but i sometimes find myself wishing i was a part of me truly wants to believe in a diety but i feel it is for the wrong reasons as a strong follower of science i find it most likely that we only have this one shot in life game over and no signal after life but i look at religion almost jealously i want to believe because it would promise a life after this life personally though i find that to be incredibly selfish of a reason to subscribe to a belief system tl dr agnostic theist wants to truly believe in theism because it would sate his mortality worries | guilt |
So I had a boyfriend for a bit, now mind you I don't do relationships. I have very big commitment issues. It's summer so what does that mean? That hot college guys that I used to go to school would be back in town along with me, well on a Saturday night I went to a friends birthday party. It was a big deal for everyone in town so I knew everyone would be there. My boyfriend would be at home, out of town. I went knowing that multiple guys I used to fangirl over would be there. Well anyways I ran into a guy I went to school with and who I used to have major wet dreams about, he clearly was impressed on the fact that id change rapidly in the months we hadn't seen each other. Back to the point. We ran into each other, we talked, and we had sex. Know mind you he had no clue I had a boyfriend, he's not the type to sleep with someone in a relationship. I'm not a cheater, well at least I wasn't, but if you seen the man yourself you'd question your morals too. I know there's no excuse for cheating, but still. The scary fact is that I do not feel guilty about it, in fact it excited me, I wanted to do it again, and again. I feel guilty that I don't feel guilty. | guilt |
i was trying to scared my pregnant aunt and i ended up hitting her my aunt is 8 12 months pregnant at while at work today i was trying to scare her by throwing a pen next to her i ended up hitting her with it i m a terrible person | regret |
my son has autism that comes with crippling behavioral problems so i had a very hard life i m 30 now but my mom died 5 years ago i was on drugs just pills to cope i was a mess and i got sober and for some reason i thought that if i had a baby it would make everything okay i was so fucking wrong i wish i had n t ever told his father i wanted a baby i love my son but fuck man quarantine has made everything worse i work from home so i m with him 24fucking7 he will be turning 3 in 3 weeks hes in speech therapy because since we cant socialize with kiddos like we were and hes not talking well hes talking a lot hes very chatty but it is not words yesterday i finally gave up all my fears and i dropped him off at daycare while i worked and he didnt last 30 minutes before they called and told me to pick him up because he was hitting his head on the wall and he opened the doors which other kids cant do because they re very heavy wooden doors and wouldnt stop screaming hes a sour patch kid idk i just feel like i shouldnt have had him because now hes going to struggle his whole life and i m wishing myself into the void rn | regret |
I miss my ex!!! So bad... I know I shouldn't but I do. ðÃÂÃÂà| guilt |
About not helping my sister when she asked me to help her on her ÃÂá
chemistry class. I pretended to be busy. | guilt |
Someone had to do a lot of efforts to make something work. With ÃÂá
my help he would have finished much sooner, but I wasn't in the ÃÂá
mood to help him. | guilt |
does the regret get more manageable or better or less as they get older oad families i have a toddler who is 17 months i regret him and have since he was about 4 weeks old right when the nonstop crying started we can not and will not have any more children i am curious for those of you who regretted your child at this age did it ever get less or more manageable as they aged i m thinking maybe i will feel a bit better when he is away at school all day or in preschool and i have some time away from him or when he is potty trained or speaks in full sentences or follows simple instructions am i kidding myself or holding onto some far off hope does the regret ever lessen | regret |
I have this overwhelming feeling of guilt and it's gotten to the point where I can't even go on social media and I had to delete all my pictures because I can't even look at myself. I have no reason to be guilty I just feel disgusting about myself. | guilt |
a regret that would ruin my life with my girlfriend as i know it my life as it is right now with my girlfriend who loves cats who cherishes their lives who loves them more than herself or i would possibly never see me the same if she or anyone were to discover the things i have done i was only 8 conscious but not too conscious my dad had a liter of kittens at the time and i loved those kittens i remember one in particular daisy an orange cat one i wanted to cherish myself but she d always run away i remember being so mad that she would not stay that i squished the shit out of her literally and she ofc shat all over me and then a few days later she passed i regret doing it i was cruel but weirdly enough she wasnt the only one to pass that day like half the liter was dead i dont know if it was me or if it was just coming anyway but with daisy there isnt a time i dont think about her as my girlfriends cats have trusted me and loved on me whether for food comfort or warmth i m sorry daisy i m sorry reader i m sorry i feel like i would have gone a treacherous path if not for her realizing i feel so guilty that i all i want is her love her respect this would certainly fuck me over i regret it and wanted to be a better person as someone who cherishes their small lives now i wish i could have see what our relationship could have bloomed into i dont take pleasure in pain or dealing it to others innocent or deserving but life is precious while mine is meaningless purpose is the eye of the beholder and all i want is to be happy and at peace | regret |
i regret my purchase i apologize in advance if this is the wrong sub i regret buying my home i simply hate it everything about it from the outside to the floor plan i spent over 30k trying to make the house better to no avail from a crappy contractor that updated the small master bath with the same skill of a elementary school student to the horrors of the cold i feel in this house i want to sell so bad i bought the house since i was expecting and needed a place for my family to live the house was in my price range and in a safe city all that came crashing down once i started to live in a home that i resent especially since i paid so much to make it look nice only to see that it was as pointless as putting lipstick in a pig now all i want to do is list it and get the hell out of the home so is working so hard in making it nice for the family but all i see is what i am missing no rug no butter dish no counter space wonky doors bathrooms with no storage ability limited closets for use of cleaning supplies ugly ceiling fans and light fixtures messed up paint job and compounding the list just goes on i want to rip out the updated bathroom and do it myself a waste of 5k contractor did nothing right and was too pregnant to over see anything he took advantage of that and started ranting and raving while i was sleep deprived and recuperating after birth demanding his money on an unfinished and shoddy job i wished i had just waited and and bought a home i was excited about | regret |
I felt guilty when I couldn't help a person. | guilt |
I behaved in a nasty manner towards a friend, I said things which ÃÂá
I could have said in a more friendly way. After that I felt ÃÂá
guilty. | guilt |
why do i feel like a loser for placing 12th in my class hi first time poster and i have been feeling kinda down i know that graduating high school is a huge accomplishment and i m proud of that but i during it i felt massive regret yesterday was my high school graduation and as the top 10 gave their speeches i just began to think of the what if s i knew that if i tried harder i could ve made it into the top 10 of my class and if i was any farther like 17th in my class i would not be as upset i just felt like i could have done more to make this happen but i got the same honors and awards as them on the pamphlet it shows the top 13 as highest honors yet i still feel like a failure am i just being snobby and should just be proud of this because i recognize that this is still a very good and proud place to be at and my parents are still proud of me i still do not know why i am down anyone who has been in my position have any insight or wisdom to share thanks | regret |
regret for being untruthful to myself over the past couple of years i have been trying my best to get people to like me so that i can avoid being alone to me being alone also meant people seeing you as unlikeable and judging you for it mistaken beliefs from a selfconscious child i had lots of friends dated some people but i was constantly exhausted and overwhelmed instead of focusing on school i ended up spending large amounts of time tending to my friends problems of course i told them my worries too but sometimes i would end up having three separate deep conversations at the same time which was very stressful however last year one of these friends did something truly hurtful to me even after i tried to talk to them about it several times i gave up and eventually started distancing myself the entire reason i had made friends to not be alone and judged to hide myself in the crowd had lost all its meaning so i cut off people whom i frankly did not enjoy beingtalking with this eventually ended with a few f ck you anger messages as well as a few who silently left as well i have kept two or three close friends and i m on good terms with most of the people i used to be close with although i definitely feel better about where i am in life right now the fact that i have to be in an environment where i am constantly judged and alone still scares me i also wish to be able to forgive the friend who had hurt me so badly but even after a year i find myself unable to move on as you can see by this post any advice for people who want to release grudges or for how to stop caring about people judging them thanks for reading | regret |
*Snaps fingers* awe darn, feeling guilty after masturbating like always (: | guilt |
regret not being there i regret moving to california at age 17 in 1997 and leaving my niece who was 6 at the time my niece looked up to me while in california she was molested i regret not being there for her i regret the cancer that is consuming my lower intestine and that i can not tell my parents | regret |
My friend just asked me out and I said no. I feel like I could have said yes but im not over N and I can't trust anyone like that again. Or at least not so soon. I also can't help but think she's lying to me when she says I'm cute. | guilt |
I had been on friendship with a certain girl for sometime and the ÃÂá
love was going on well, but it happened that I made the ÃÂá
friendship come to an end suddenly without good reasons. | guilt |
I hate bothering ppl.... and I do it far to often...
ðÃÂÃÂà| guilt |
When you have a crush and they're already working on a "something" with someone else, it's like youre bones are hollow and air just isn't right for your lungs. | guilt |
In an exam when I answered the questions with very little ÃÂá
assurance due to insufficiet preparation. | guilt |
long bad relationship ruined my life i had a bad relationship from the age of 24 to 34 that stole all of my good years the guy just did not want to be serious and settle down yet i stayed with him miserable and feeling like i could n t find anyone else i was not happy at all yet i could n t seem to get out it then one day we finally ended it now i m 45 and married to someone else but i regret not having kids during my fertile years i keep thinking back to this bad relationship why did not i realize that i should be spending my time looking for a family why did not i try harder to leave and just be alone why did not i value kids more back then why was i so stupid and on top of it when i did get married at 39 i thought i was too old for kids or that kids would be too much of a burden on my husband that i did not even try he has 3 adult kids of his own but i do not have a bind with them and they do not see me as a mother now i see people having kids at 40 all the time and regret not even trying i look at others with their kids and wonder who will plan my funeral and clean out my house who will be there to support me if i have to bury my husband first who will help me if i m old and frail who will visit me in the hospital i just keep thinking back to that relationship taking away so many of my good years | regret |
how to regret not coming to homecoming it felt like it was better because it was outside and people were going together and doing some stuff like forming a circle and people were showing off their dance moves i know it sounds silly but it really felt like it was something big | regret |
i have lied repeatedly about small things but unfortunately i forget what these small things were . | guilt |
When I cancelled an appointment with an idle story. Afterwards ÃÂá
it appeared that the person had looked forward to it and reserved ÃÂá
time for it. | guilt |
how do i let go of my past i keep imagining how much i could have achieved if i did not make terrible life decisions how do i let go of these and live in the present | regret |
what i have learned about drinking and love this winter break 1 never drink on a full stomach it is not cost effective i m half a tequila bottle in rarely drink have almost no tolerance and i still do not feel better 2 never let life get in the way of romance i have only ever loved one girl and she had a crush on me too i never asked on a date because i felt my dying grandmother deserved my complete attention she fell in love with an asshole who does not respect her religion jokes about war with her country even though it makes her cry blames her for his drinking before driving and generally finds disrespecting her funny yet because i love her i am helpless and forced to try to help her relationship with shawn because she loves him if you do not risk everything and go for it you may never have the chance to tell the one you love that you love her you ll always have to put her happyness before your own tl dr there is nothing worse on earth than deciding not to date the one you love because you think she is better off only to see her fall in love with an asshole that finds disrespecting her hilarious | regret |
guess i can not stop crying tonight from dread my son is 11 months old today i did not even notice the date he is been waking up every 2 hours since birth no matter what i do i have tried everything it is just how he is this week he is teething which means he wakes every hour last night he went to sleep at 745pm and from then until 630am he woke up 12 times i tracked it who can live like this my working boyfriend has no empathy for me even though he had the baby overnight once this weekend first time in 8 months and was absolutely exhausted i do this 6 days a week and on weekdays i can have the baby for over 20 hours alone night day my son also dropped a nap and sometimes only naps once a day instead of twice it effects my ability to be the best parent i can be my connection with my baby my mental health ppd and ppa and everything else in my life i m leaving my boyfriend but still not sure how to live like this regardless my mom takes my son overnight once a week and once a week i have a babysitter for 4 hours so i can have some peace i work 3 days a week 4 hours shifts which helps but i always get no more than 35 hours of sleep a night sometimes even less and it is been this way for nearly a year i feel guilty for regretting motherhood but how can anyone cope like this i need sleep peace quiet and free time i m so done | regret |
guilt and other drugs so here s some context i was an antiparent from the beginning of my relationship and i never held how i felt about parenthood back that said this is something we had n t talked about explicitly while we were courting this do you want to have kids fast forward 5 years after marriage and we reach a stage where i m pushed in a corner it is the relationship with a baby or nothing at all and i thought hey its between the devil and the deep sea at least i will not be lonely dumb decision fast forward two years we have a baby girl now and the thing is that i hate being a parent i try to approach each day as a chore but sometimes it spills over here is the kick i m trying really really hard with the hope that when a few years have passed my girl will grow up to be a human from a needy ape and we can bond but it is hard and sometimes i share my frustration with my so the response i get is if you do not want to help walk away and it breaks my heart it would be so fucking easy to do so in isolation but i am overwhelmed by the guilt for the bringing my kid into the world the poor thing did not ask to be born how could i make things worse for her by running away anybody else in a similar boat how dodid you cope | regret |
i fuck everything up i cant stop fucking shit up and it is killing me mentally i just want to be a better person i regret not being able to do better | regret |
who would it have hurt about 35 years ago i was taking a class to get my ham radio license as it happened that there was an old man in the class that i knew though i had only met him a couple of times before so i did not know him very well but he decided to sit next to me during the class he was probably in his 80 s while i was in my early 20 s and we did not have very much in common but he was very chatty during the class and i was getting annoyed i did not really want to sit next to him but i was the only person he knew in the class so no matter where i sat he sat next to me and tried to be friendly but i was uncomfortable over the weeks i learned to put up with him but that was about it at that time one of the requirements to get your most basic ham radio license was to be able to receive morse code at 5 words per minute and test day had arrived just before the test started the old guy turned to me and asked do you mind if i copy off of your paper in my head i thought what that s cheating i was being such a hypocrite i m not completely innocent but i would been caught off guard by such a bold request and my gut reaction was to say i would rather you did not and nothing else was said after the test was over we were all required to turn in our result to the instructor individually the old guy was standing right behind me in line and i could see his paper was mostly blank he just kept repeating the phrase i just want to get out of here as fast as i can i passed the test he did not and he never came back to class to try again i never saw him again i was already regretting not helping him who would it have hurt a little more than 6 months later i was talking to a mutual acquaintance and it came out that the old guy had died recently now i felt really bad what was the harm in helping a friendly old guy that just wanted to talk to people on the radio a few years later the fcc dropped the morse code requirement all together i thought of him then every so often i think of that old guy and regret i was thinking of him tonight it is a small thing and certainly not my biggest regret but would it have made a difference in and old man s last months to live who would it have hurt | regret |
as a 28 year old male i regret not having a highschool or college sweetheart i am single no children never married and i am the last remaining bachelor in my social circle there is no prospect of a meaningful relationship on the horizon for me flings and casual encounters are really not for me and the experiences leave me feeling lonely and wanting a more fulfilling close bond ever since i was a teenager i wanted to be settled with a lifelong lover by the time i hit 30 that is looking very unlikely with about 18 months to go i feel like this all stems from being a shy teenager in highschool with overly protective parents who wouldnt allow me to socialise outside of schooling i attended a catholic highschool for young men until i was 16 and then moved to a public highschool in a very small town i had no social skills with the opposite sex was a stranger in cliques that had developed since kindergarten and a natural introvert i regret not being ballsy trying my luck and bonding with a few girls now i have to sift through the divorcees solo mothers and emotional baggage i see the people in my life being happy and building families with their partners and it makes me feel like there is something inherently wrong with me | regret |
I hit my cousin badly after she threw away my dresses in a ÃÂá
pit-latrine that the little girl fainted. | guilt |
When I slapped a nephew who did something that I considered ÃÂá
wrong, and I was reprehended for this. | guilt |
I felt guilt when I betrayed the person whom I loved. | guilt |
_My feelings are only trivial and irrelevant and i'm sorry._ | guilt |
my biggest regret is not confessing to my crush so i had a crush on a guy called antony i went to high school with since year 10 antony was very shy but i thought he was really cute and funny one time he whispered something to his friend n and then n came to me and told me something with the word like but i misheard it and laughed i started thinking that antony might have wanted to say he liked me but because he was too shy he asked his friend to say it but then i thought i might be just making it all up i could n t ask him about it later because i was worried he would tell me that he did not like me so two years later i was walking with a friend in the playground and she just randomly said i think antony has a crush on you and i did not say anything later that day i realised that antony definitely wanted to confess to me 2 years ago but because i m the biggest idiot in the word i misheard n and laughed and probably made antony embarrassed antony left my school to go back to his home country half way through year 12 one of the main reasons i could n t confess to him was because of my background and religion i have strict muslim middle eastern parents that would not allow me to date but if i could go back in time i would definitely confess to antony and not worry about anyone else i know i probably sound really pathetic because i m still thinking about a guy that i have not seen in about 3 years my advice is to confess to the person you like even if you get rejected it is way better than being regretful like me right now | regret |
I had made an appointment with a girl to go to the movies, but ÃÂá
actually I had no mind when we arrived at the cinema, it was a ÃÂá
full house. I then went back and she went to the movie alone. | guilt |
Sorry, but I'm not sure I can love you the same. | guilt |
Every now and then I get reminded how I could've set up a cool lake day with all my friends but was too forgetful and insecure to go through with it. Big regret of mine. | regret |
When I flew out to my mother and made rude remarks because I felt ÃÂá
so tense (studied too hard for an examination). | guilt |
i do not know how to say this to you but i might as well now as i have nothing to lose . | guilt |
i kissed another girl i love my girlfriend so much her mother was dying and i felt like this relationship is just making me waste my time my girlfriend was sad and i was there with her everyday but i took it all the wrong way i would get angry that we could n t go out and do anything together i was selfish we even got in a fight the day her mother died i do not know how or why i would become that person that is not me i m so nice loving and caring i do not get it during that time i was talking to a girl on facebook i really wanted to live my life and talking to this girl made me feel like i made the wrong choice in girl to be with my girlfriend broke up with me because of all the stress and me taking it the wrong way i kissed this fucking girl as we were broken up my girlfriend found the chat logs and even asked if i had any physical contact with this other girl i said no she already saw the sexual talk i had as her mother was dying and she still took me back i know if i told her about the kiss i would lose her for life she is so good and i can not do that i m becoming a better person though | guilt |
having a second kid i love my little boy i also know i would be so much happier without having a child there is not one day since his birth where i do not think about just leaving him maybe he would even be better with just his father i do not know but i always ask myself about it i always feel bad and depressed and now i feel bad about not having a second child i feel bad because my son will be an only child and because everyone always ask when will you have a second f k off i do not want one i will not have a second should i stay or should i go | regret |
i think most of my regret comes from the relationship i had with my ex and no so much parenting on it is own i have made a few posts in here about my difficulties with parenting like feeling a lack of independence while there are many aspects of parenting that i find difficult to adjust to i think what s ultimately causing most of my resentment is the fact i can not cut ties with my abusive ex who tried to isolate me from everyone else in my life while i do not blame my child because he didnt ask for any of this his existence is ultimately why i cant move on with my life because his father chose to stick around and is entitled to visitation i think this is why i m so regretful do you have similar experiences | regret |
i regret not looking like them i regret not looking like my cousins we are asian but i m half asian half middle eastern i kinda look like my cousins but not exactly i hate it i hate my dad and mom for not dating someone that looked like them i love my parents but why can not i look asian why | regret |
I'm so lazy that i feel i should die | guilt |
When I forced a close friend of mine to ask a girl things about ÃÂá
herself. | guilt |
I said nasty things which I did not mean to a friend. | guilt |
I was to prepare relish for the family. I overcooked it and no ÃÂá
one liked the meal that day. | guilt |
now i cannot stop crying i am so fucked up my head is so fucked up mom and dad i am sorry . | guilt |
I did not go to the exercises, without any adequate reason. | guilt |
I saw a neighbour, from the same appartment block as me, lying ÃÂá
on the road. He could have been injured or ill. I kept 20 ÃÂá
metres away and did not go to help him. | guilt |
i do not know what could have been if he was alive i have shared a special connection through the internet with someone in the beginning of 2010 when i was 13 we have chatted and talked joked daily he was genuine and it was if he saw me for who i really was we shared a similar musical niche i have never felt such a thing before and of all the people i have met no one comes really close he was three years older when i was 16 i was busy in life with school and sports and i kinda started to lose touch i was not aware that he got obsessed with death and dying in march 2013 he killed himself and i did not find out until reading all of my unread email in april the family s testimony is heartbreaking i wish i could have been there for him i wish i talked to him and idk i do not know if i could have prevented it by showing more initiative it is been hard finding genuine friendships it feels like there are few people with similar mentalities i do not know what to say to people anymore it feels like work i feel like i have lost my innocence throughout the years i have picked the wrong friends who only cared about me because i was considered handsome but i was unaware at the time and because it was better than no friends in my head the same time he died and i regret being with those fake friends i feel really dumb now i m older i also know his death shared some similarities with a copycat suicide his death was the day our band gave their last concert in which the vocalist and guitar killed himself a month later allegedly but i have my doubts that it was even suicide my friend was just still a kid at the time i have blocked all of it immediately after but i have been processing it lately i rarely cry but i have cried on the floor he was a bright soul and my heart aches for him suicidal ideation can be temporary i wish he did not have the means at the time and i do not know what could have been | regret |
i know that i am spoiling your life that without me you could work . | guilt |
mom guilt hi had anyone had ct scans x rays or any radiation procedures specially as a child and doing fine after decades without any radiation induced health issues i am asking it because my kid had 2 sets of neck chest and abdomen x rays total 6 x rays at ages 2 and 4 out of which one set was not necessary kid is only 6 i am worried about future cancer risk due to the radiation much concerned about abdomen radiation i neither want to scare anyone nor offensive i read that children are more prone to radiation risk i am feeling guilty for not being careful and discussing with the doctor about any alternate non radiation procedures thank you | guilt |
i am sorry once again . | guilt |
i love my kids i hate my life i made a bunch of life decisions based on lies and empty promises their dad told me i also could never have predicted the state of the economy right now i can not save up to move or buy a house and if i do move i m not going to have people to watch them so i m stuck paying for daycare which is crazy expensive for 2 kids and their dad has a parttime job so he can not really afford to help either my mental health is taking a major hit right now and i m struggling not to drive my car off a bridge | regret |
When I was young I felt guilty because I thought that I had ÃÂá
commited a grave sin. | guilt |
i do not love my girlfriend of 2 years anymore but i can not break up with her because i use her for sex and i do not want to be alone i also may still have feelings for my ex i have needed to get this off of my chest for a long time but i literally can not tell anyone because it would make me seem like a terrible person sorry if this is too long about two years ago i started going out with a girl who i only kind of liked i was still very much in love with my exgirlfriend but she was completely out of the picture and no longer had a chance but the more i got to know the new girl the more i started liking her eventually i did actually fall in love with her we got along great great sex etc unfortunately while this was happening i started to alienate myself from a lot of my friends she is an introvert and did not really like my group of friends she did not have her own because of this i had to spend more time with her and lost that bond i used to have with my old group of friends even worse a majority of them live far away and it is hard to keep in contact solely through facebook recently she is become completely antisocial at one point she suggested that she wanted to do nothing for halloween and does not want to do anything but lay in bed all day and watch movies which is nice every once in a while but i can not take it anymore now that gotten deeper into her personality and trust we really are completely two different people with two completely different interest opposites attract is bull shit you need something in common with your partner the problem is i can not dump her she is the only friend i have and if i lose her i would have absolutely no social life sure i work but on weekends i would be completely alone on top of that because of my workschool schedule it makes it almost impossible for me to pick up girls so i m using her for sex which she is not that good at anyway i feel terrible for stringing her along i m using her for companionship and sex and am not truly in love with her anymore she on the other hand thinks we are going to get married and have kids in the future i am a terrible person | regret |
Guess who did bad shit and now regrets all of it and feels bad about all of it??!! Me!! ðÃÂÃÂÃÂðÃÂÃÂà| regret |
i regret the way i treated someone close to me i used to have a friend who believed i could become the best version of myself we started as friends and it soon became a romantic connection sadly i did not treat her the way she deserved to be treated and ended up losing her now she will not respond to my messages and i know i have got no one to blame but myself i miss the connection we used to have but i guess i need to live with the fact that it will never be that way again and i regret that deeply even if she knew how sorry i was we would never go back to the way things used to be | regret |
i regret not moving to alberta in 2019 instead i went to college and did farious sht jobs stayed in a single appartment living off cas welfare untill the age of 23 went back to school for nursing decided it was not for me worked a year joined the military to get a trade got out never relisted to get the trwde they out me in a different position worked for 2 years spent 2 years in a worthless trades school fk it is like i keep trying to get an education i feel soo fkn wasted all the time i m strong smart and a problem solver i do not do drugs and drink socially work out etc it is too bad i have been simply trying to survive my whole fkn life if my mother was not a bipolar drug who re who knows what i could have accomplished idk just feeling sorry for myself tonight i finally moved far enough away from everyone in my old life that my life has gotten better but some nights i m just empty empty empty | regret |
i feel no emotional connection to my son ever since i was a young girl i always knew i wanted kids at 22 i fell in love with my now husband and at 24 had a child my son is now 14 and though i consider myself a good parent and try to provide him with everything he needs to succeed i do not love him to make matters worse my husband and i are both fairly attractive and he looks like neither of us to put it bluntly he is ugly at times i wonder if he was switched at birth with another child he shares none of my interests is not athletically inclined as both his parents are and does not succeed in school i have spoken to the doctors at the hospital i gave birth at and have discussed the possibilities of my real child being switched shortly after birth i truly believe i would have felt the way a mother should if i took my real child home with me i know he is out there is it normal to feel this way my son would never know any of this and i give him love and affection but deep down i feel like a terrible person on a side note my husband and i are both tan with dark hair and my son is very pale with ginger hair which only makes matters worse | guilt |
Waking up and looking at porn and sex toys for like 3 hours on my phone ... I guess it's okay cause it's saturday but I need to keep working with the crafts today too lol. | guilt |
long read regret living with regret is hard many many years ago i had split from my ex wife and was spiralling downwards i was in the deepest darkest hole and then someone came along who changed that she arrived at exactly the right moment we courted and then moved in together x200b this person did not have a single bad bone in her body everything she did was considerate and genuine things did not work out between us because i am not a nice person and if truth be told i took advantage of her good nature my marriage had damaged me my ex was violent abusive manipulative a real charmer i went into this new fantastic relationship still bitter and twisted and untrusting because of me we did not stand a chance x200b i do not regret that we split simply put she deserved better what i regret is how i left her and how things ended nobody especially someone as kind and innocent deserves to be treated that way it is no exaggeration to say that this amazing woman saved me | regret |
i regret the last three years i was meant to study japanese at university and at the very last moment i changed my study path to pursue a girl no less in the end i missed out on both the last 3 years i have been studying french and dutch and as neat as they are as languages i have been miserable i wish i would stuck to my guns and gone through with studying japanese because i know i would have loved it of course i can still visit japan when all this virus business clears up and nothing is stopping me learning the language but i feel like i have missed out on what should have been four amazing years doing something that really would have clicked with me | regret |
i regret not expressing my feeling to the guy i really really liked two year ago and still do so it was that my friend yestarday told me that everyone in the group knew he like me but i was too stupid to understand that i like him so much that to be with him i participated on alm the events he did but now that i learm he liked me to i so much regret not saying it things would be so different he was one of the best person i knew | regret |
i cheated on my so with two of his friends two separate incidents two different guys they were drunk i was drunk it was just blowjobs and making out my so and i were not having sex and not able to talk about what was going wrong i felt ugly and unwanted until i was drunk and then i acted on onesided desires for these other guys i destroyed my friendships with both of them they treat me politely in public but refuse to speak to me otherwise and i never told my so because we are in a much better place now worked through our problems and becoming polyamorous has ironically helped a lot and i feel like our relationship is more important than being honest about that mistake because it was never about wanting to leave him it was about feeling trapped by my sexuality and not having any outlet the worst of it is how much i 1 love my so and fucking hate that i did this 2 really like both of the men i fucked around with but now they despise me and i do not blame them but it is been almost a year and i still can not stop wishing i could fix what i broke with them tldr i am a filthy whore everyone who knows hates me i do not know what to do | regret |
is there any coming back from this my friends told me i did not have the balls he said that if i went through with it he d let me spray him with bear spray the bet was for me to recommend some porn to my 60 year old mother who happens to be a church worker so i took shit a step further i sent a video of the raunchiest porn i could find to my family group chat it showed this poor emo goth girl have raw eggs funnel fed into her asshole later she was stood up right while 2 men put on boxing gloves and started delivering gut punches to mix the ingredients throughly afterward this chick proceeds to shit the scrambled eggs into a skillet where she cooks and eats it my dad has reapplied saying your sick in the head boy and my mom will be praying for me i am so looking forward to bear spraying the absolute shit out of my friend but wow do i wish i had n t sent that video lmao | regret |
I accidentally woke my bf up this morning...I hope he doesn't hate me ðÃÂÃÂà| guilt |
lost my virginity very young sorry this is a very long story when i was 13 i was dating this guy let us call him bob we had only been dating for two months and i thought we were in love cue eye roll we ended up going to different high schools but we tried to make it work for a few weeks he was always telling me he was busy the whole time bob started becoming distant a few days before school started but he still wanted to lose our virginities to each other as he put it so did i i wanted to know what it was like and i thought i loved him i had already found a guy i started to like a little bit but i tried to keep my distance from him because i would have rather made things work with bob about a week after bob and i ya know he called me to say things did not seem to work out and kept asking how we can fix this and kept suggesting we break up so we agreed to break up he started dating another girl a few days later i was okay with it at first because i had that other guy but as time passed i really started to miss him i m over him now as he is very short with me and clearly has no interest in talking to me whatsoever even as friends now i have realized that guys really do not like girls that are not virgins my ex boyfriend a different one that we will call ross and i were going to get back together but bobs friend was telling people about what bob and i did and ross found out so he was hesitant at first because he wanted a virgin girl now almost a year later i have been talking to a different guy he is the sweetest and most innocent person and i dread the day he asks if i m a virgin i will have to tell him the truth i think when he finds out he will not want to be with me anymore i regret losing my virginity so young because now guys will not like me and i will not be able to have my first time with someone i truly love | regret |
After a terrible quarrel with my family, I withdrew in my room. I ÃÂá
felt guilty because I had caused this scene by my aggressive ÃÂá
behavior. | guilt |
pathological liar in my school life i have been in toxic relationships for years there is literally not a single relationship around me that being friendships and romantic relationships that i am happy or greatful for everyone around me treats me like shit and i have absolutely no deep connections with people past the long time i have known them obviously i have responded to this in the most idiotic way possible and went behind everyone s backs to talk shit and then i make it out as if they re the only person that knows everything im telling them making them feel like im loyal to them i have realised over this time that i am a pathological liar i lie about everything i dont think there is a single person in my life who i have not lied to on a massive scale i feel completely isolated and i realised that i did this mostly to myself i feel guilt overwhelming me constantly and i vomit almost every day at the thought that one day everything will crumble around me i thought that i was not being malicious since everything i was saying was true but i realised all the lying and deceiving made me the villain in this situation i did this to myself im an incredibly non confrontational person but ive inevitably made it so eventually i will have to confront or be confronted by everyone i regret everything if anyone has any advice on my situation or just tips on helping overcome pathological lying that would be great | regret |
i regret working for advanced degrees instead of starting a family also the extensive amount of debt i m now will never fulfill the desire to be a parent | regret |
I felt guilty of having suspected my room-mate of stealing the ÃÂá
money last term. | guilt |
no getting it regret not getting with my coworker flo who i asked for a kiss and we kissed twice in the warehouse technicolor canton mi she was hot wish i had got a chance | regret |
i m a failure and i m too weak to change my circumstances i started college last semester after about two months i became terribly depressed and starting becoming suicidal thankfully my girlfriend was loving to take me to the hospital where since i have gotten help having been diagnosed with major depression and anxiety i have since started taking antidepressants i m currently taking 150 mg of effexor daily i finished last semester with a 28ish gpa i do not really check since this semester i have had no motivation to study or do well i only attend the 3 classes i like regularly the routine makes me less sad in my daytoday life i never study because i do not see the point i think about killing myself because i m too much of a fucking lazy piece of shit to study and do well i would like to cease to exist but i m too weak to commit suicide i can not remember the last time i was happy i hate myself i m worrying about dropping out i m worried about what my family will think of me i m worried that i never be happy again my girlfriend is incredibly successoriented she studies all the time and i do not think she d relate to my situation i think about the future and i m scared shitless the only thing giving me hope is that my english teacher thinks i m sort of brilliant writer which does not do me a whole lot of good worst of all i feel like an entitled brat for thinking like this i feel like a selfpitying shit for not taking advantage of my luck to even be in college people would kill for my situation advicethoughts would be appreciated | regret |
i regret not saying my ideas i known it is a thing now with these number neighbors but at least a week before i heard about it online i was calling it my text door neighbor i also remember one time i thought we should search for alien life using street lights i wrote this off a year or two later i hear they say they will search for them using such methods tldr i regret not saying my ideas p | regret |
keyed the wrong car title says it all got hammered at a party went to key this guys car he deserves it so much keyed the wrong car a kid i really really like bc they had the same car and i was to drunk to think abt it and now i feel awful i plan on leaving like 500 with a note attached | guilt |
Unable to help my mother to cook. | guilt |
i am a serial troll on free chat forums typically to indulge my pregnancy fetish and going as far as playing the role of a pregnant woman for a gay man so yeah this is just one of the random sick things i have spent probably hundreds of hours on over the past few years talking online to strangers sometimes as myself or as other people looking to indulge fantasies sometimes the shit got serious as several women have wanted me to move to their home land and marry them and other relationships have gone on 100 online for years even with other men some people i have known virtually for like 10 years now it is crazy i need someone to take the fucking internet away from me | regret |
im married with 2 kids and i feel suffocated i am 25 years old i have 2 wonderful happy healthy children and a husband that would do anything for me and im so bored with life it seems all i do is change diapers cook clean snd pay bills i got married at 19 was pregnant at 21 and it was all by choice i thought having a family was what i wanted all i want is to have fun adventures paint without it ending up all over house i want to practice yoga without becoming a horse i want to build a long lasting career without having to plan everything out with my husband and find babysitters i want to just focus my me myself and i i know that it sounds selfish and i am grateful for what i have and i hate feeling this way but my life is so boring i feel like all of my dreams have been flushed down the toilet and i dont know what to do about this i love my family so much but i hate every minute of this mundane life | regret |
i did not check what my lizards food turned into and now i regret it so my mom got me some food for my gecko nothing out of the usual but it was wax worms i let it slide at the time but what i did not know was wax worms turn into moths about three weeks later i noticed some cocoon like creatures inside the box so i grabbed the worms that were not in shells the next week i opened the box and about five moths flew out i stayed up all night trying to kill them all i only got two at this point i thought they were breeding and now i m in fear of a random moth showing up | regret |
i killed a man when i was 16 i took my car to get washed i remember on the way out one of the employees sprayed some water on my windshield in accident i remember the car wash was right next to a highway me and my friends took the highway it was a two lane with a very small barrier between oncoming traffic the barrier was basically just a sidewalk with some grass in the middle well i see the water droplets on my windshield so i start to speed up my car at the time i had a pretty fast car and my speed quickly started getting up their at the time i was one of those stupid kids that weave through traffic well in one of those i miss judged the distance and i clipped a guy in his front right panel with the back left panel of my car i barely touched him it did not even leave a mark in my car if you think about it if i would have hit him harder i would have spun out as soon as i feel that i bumped him i slow down so i can pull over as i look in my rear view i realized this was an old man when i bumped him his car went to the left since he thought he was going to hit the middle barrier he quickly turned his wheel to the right which caused him to go swing violently to the right in a panic he must ve hit the accelerator cause his car sped up and realizing he was gon na fly off the street he quickly turned his wheel the other way i know this sounds crazy it was harder to believe when i was actually witnessing it i remember thinking dude just hit the brakes stop swerving well this time he did not swerve the other way he plowed through middle barrier and straight onto oncoming traffic he was hit straight on by a semi truck it cause a huge car pile up and i sped away i m not really sure if he died or not but either way i still felt guilty for years it sucks knowing your stupid decisions could ve killed a man do i regret it yes do i think about daily not anymore do i still drive like that fuck no do i still feel guilty about it honestly no i think some things were meant to happen i know reddit is not very spiritual but those are my beliefs even if that argument is invalid what can i say i was 16 i m 24 now and i m a completely different person now i was not drunk i was not high i just had a little fender bender that turned into a freak accident this did not happen in us by the way it was a border town in mexico | guilt |
why do I keep staying up so late and neglecting my work ahhh | guilt |
i can not sleep because of the regret i have can anyone relate to this it is 330 am and i m still awake because the thoughts of regret are occupying my mind constantly | regret |
The motivation I had yesterday didn't last... My room didn't get done at all... Never started and unless I stay up all night and didn't have to work tomorrow it could get done... However I can't stay up all night because I do have work tomorrow... So it'll have to wait till Wednesday now | guilt |
"ThatâÃÂÃÂs what happens with me, I feel guilty about having completely normal feelings." | guilt |
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