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i feel guity beyond words about these things . | guilt |
misconnection i regret not keeping in touch with you i regret parting ways with you during the rest of highschool cos i accepted that you had matured since then context this woman who i am referring to was someone i cared about someone who i thought i loved someone i wrote letters too but her friends read them and had her write shit to make fun of me shematured since then and she wasnt sure that i would like the matured her so when that was said i nodded turned my back and walked away from her i regret it i wanted to be friends with her more so it is been fifteen years now since we graduated and i just want to know how life is treating her that is how i would ask her how she was that was my phrase saw her on facebook when i was on messaged her a lengthy message and then she just deleted her account with no response i miss her oh well | regret |
i am sorry we are not going to have our chance . | guilt |
My friend did not do well in the examn because I did not help ÃÂá
him. | guilt |
When I made love with a girl, which I don't really love. However ÃÂá
I know that she loves me. | guilt |
To previous vent about Christianity
I don't mean to upset any Christians here, I know that was offensive, but I have my reasons for disliking religion, and that one specifically. | guilt |
When I broke up my relationship with my former girlfriend as she ÃÂá
would ask me irrelevant quetions about my past. | guilt |
i regret not buying more tomb kings before they were discontinued for those of you unaware it is from warhammer they kinda nuked the entire game and replaced it with a new one and a bunch of armies were discontinued entirely this happened a while ago but i only had the one army and it was not very big but i always planned on fleshing it out now i would have to rely on ebay second hand models n such | regret |
i had an autistic daughter i was pressured into keeping after i was raped when i was 17 my parents have temporary custody not sure what to do when they can no longer care for her so when i was 17 i got raped by an ex and got pregnant my parents were very nice and supportive but also pressured me into keeping her she just turned 8 years old and it turns out she is autistic she is still verbal and she can read and stuff but it is incredibly stressful she can not seem to make friends and she has a horrible temper and explodes with little to no warning when she gets upset i love her very much but my parents have custody of her right now i still spend a lot of time with her and make an effort to be a big presence in her life although i now live with my very loving and understanding boyfriend who is amazing with my daughter but it is difficult and to be honest when the day comes where my parents can no longer care for her i have no idea what i m going to do she has so many appointments and therapies that i will have to quit my job most likely to get her the help she needs and it is possible she will never be able to live a fully independent life but we have no way of knowing for sure right now this might sound terrible but sometimes i wish i had given her up for adoption not because i do not love her i truly do but i had to graduate high school really late because of it i never finished college and now because she is autistic i can not provide her with the level of care she needs by myself and my parents are stuck raising my child and they love her so much but sometimes i feel like she deserves better than me as a parent | regret |
forgive me fo ot seeing them . | guilt |
i regret not taking care of my teeth wen i was a kid and even in my early teenage years i hated brushing my teeth i always felt too lazy to do it and i didnt know better even my parents gave up on making me do it at some point so i never took proper care of my teeth but now i really regret it i cant smile confidently because of my teeth i struggle with eating hard food and i am wasting way too much money and time on dentists and it is adding to my depression i just want to stop worrying and stressing myself out about this but it is affecting me way too much | regret |
i regret not trusting my instinct that something was wrong in my lifetime my inability to step up has resulted in 3 people dying once was when i was walking along a pier and watched a young girl hop up on the railing i should have said something because my gut was telling me something was wrong instead i told myself she is probably just sitting on the railing and i do not wan na go off on a random stranger except my gut was right and she fell right into the water and drowned so i told myself if i ever felt anything like that again i would do something about it flash forward 3 years to 2014 where i was in the vicinity of a murder and went into shock not only did nothing but convinced myself it was halloween so i was probably hearing things i told myself if i was ever put in that spot again i would do what was right recently i saw somebody clearly inebriated beyond any limit of reasonability i walked past them on my way out i had this feeling in my gut to go walk over and check in their car i did not i got in the car and the next day found out they had overdosed in the vehicle had i of just checked maybe that person would still be here i have lots of regrets and i usually bottle them inside like everyone else but this one hurts more than any of the others not because it is necessarily my fault i did not force someone to use drugs nor did i assist them however i told myself i would never let something like that happen again and here i am disgusted by once again my inaction resulting in hell i can not shake this feeling i have right now of just being an all around bad guy who is incapable of doing anything right i have had more opportunities to do something right than reasonably expected in this world most people only have one chance to do the right thing i have had multiple and i can not seem to get it right | regret |
I beat my young sister because she refused to wash plates. She ÃÂá
started crying and I felt sorry and guilty for what I did. | guilt |
self harm //
last night was Bad and i fell asleep before i could vent but... i messed up again and instantly regretted it (like i always do). something always breaks me down, even if i've been good for a long time, and i wish i had never started hurting myself to begin with.
i'm doing a lot better today, so i'm thankful for that.
i really hope i can be better to myself in the future. i'm going to try to be. | guilt |
run away is one of my biggest regret i always run away when i have problems i cut off people and move or travel to forgot them but one of my biggest regret of running away was to let someone i truly love because i can not handle the truth i loved him and i love him till now can not forget him even if i met other people he was the only one i imagine a family with i want to talk to him back but a part of me say i have to let him go he want to be back with me 1 year ago but it is been 1 year and he might met someone else so i do not want to be mean and comeback like a ghost i can not but i still think about him and it is killing me | regret |
i regret not giving two fucks in high school towards the end i would get stoned every morning before school i was a smart kid but i thought that really giving it your all in school made you a nerd or an egghead i still went to college and i guess am successful corporate job financially stable etc but i feel like i took the opportunities i had for granted and could have just as easily been a heroin addict working at the local gas station or dead or in jail at this age the multiverse of my own destinies weighs on me heavily and it is like i have survivor s guilt for not turning out a total fuck up despite my reckless and careless behavior at an early age i guess i do not feel like i deserve to be in the position i m in | regret |
secret childhood regret when i was little i desperately wanted to learn amiga assembly programming i saw all these awesome demos heard about what was happening on the scene and so wanted to be able to do all that but i had no one to teach me no books to read no modem to dial up the scene bbses with the amiga was not even mine it was my big brother s i could n t really explain that desire in a way my parents could understand but i tried so i got amos basic for my birthday i had plenty of fun with that i could n t touch type knew nothing about structured programming besides what françois lionet s manual could teach me i had started learning english just one year before i kept deleting my strenously entered lines by accidentally holding shift when pressing backspace these days i marvel that i ever had the capability for such persistence but it was limited no matter what one could not make demo material in amos basic or really understand how the machine worked i stopped programming when my brother sold the a500 for an a1200 a few years later he sold amos with it not that he was an ass about it he even paid me back about what it had cost now many years later back in the family home trying to help clean out things a bit before my parents sell it what do i see along with the old computer things a book on amiga assembly programming we had it all along | regret |
Forgetting a close friend's birthday. | guilt |
brother thinking about that time i nearly choked my brother out and realizing i should have just killed him | regret |
narcissist manipulated me into having a child i do not wan na go into much details but i m starting to get resentful of being a parent i never wanted this but the father forced me to have a child he romanticized the idea and said he would leave and cried and begged for me to have this child now i am deeply filled with regret can someone plz help me he trapped me i feel trapped suffocated it sounds dumb but i do not care i m considering ending my life | regret |
my attention we had to put my brother s dog asleep today i took care of her along side my mom while he was working overseas she always needed so much attention and i would give her a few minutes and move on to caring for my dog my brother s cat or my nephew i feel like she was shorted i always felt overwhelmed and irritated because i never agreed to the responsibility i just was expected to do it i was never angry or short with her but inattentive at times i feel so much guilt and regret that i did not do enough as well as some anger at my brother s decisions as he was never prepared for dealing with his pets i gave her love treats toys pets but not enough of my time i hate that she suffered toward the end and i did not have time to give her more time to make sure she knew she was so good and so loved i told her she was good and i loved her and she would be okay while they put her to sleep i held her head as her heart stopped i just wish i did more for her i tried but not nearly enough and now it is too late | regret |
looking back i have killed 2 people just by going to work with health care being what it is in the us i know of 2 coworkers who succumbed to pneumonia right after i tried to call out but had to come into work my manager told me if i did not come in then i should look for another job so i came in and they got sick i m not sure if i am more disgusted with myself or the company i worked for on this one | regret |
feeling immense regret after missed opportunity i have been looking for a 1 bed apartment in san diego for a few months now i finally saved enough for down payment closing costs 6 months expenses after i move in i got my offer accepted for one that i loved and second guessed myself with only a few documents left to sign i backed out due to analysis paralysis now there are no more units available that i could see myself living in and that one has been taken by someone else i m feeling distraught and hopeless that i will be priced out forever any guidance would be appreciated thanks | regret |
Once in my homes yard, I was plaing football with my cousin and ÃÂá
in a certain quick the ball went on uncontrolled putting down a ÃÂá
bird-cage, killing it. | guilt |
i can not understand my decision making process i m only posting this as i m back home in bed when i should still be out partying hope this does not make me sound like sonething i would not approve of ie i have much regrets about this evening to cut a dull story short i had a great night out for new years with my two friends i have more than 2 friends as many as 6 even and beyond all expectations i got asked by a delightful girl to come to an after party instead of doing this i seemed to decide that i owed my friends the loyalty of splitting the very expensive taxi fare back home rather than pursue what looked to be a very promising opportunity for some lovely lady times i regretted the decision as i made it as i carried it out and i still regret it laying here on my own i hope posting this will somehow let me sleep rather than silently scream at my own mind all night thanks and stuff | regret |
if i had done this a long time ago it would have saved a lot of pain . | regret |
i regret missing out on a date with my crush so this was back in primary so i thought that she was going to talk about this fake crush i use fake crushes to cover up my real ones so she kept on walking over to me and i was like tryna ignore her and then a couple of days later i found out that she was trying to say that i liked me | regret |
i regret not punching you to put it simply i regret not socking the absolute shit out of this bitch in middle school high school she was always the skinny popular girl and she won everything i remember when my ex and i broke up in sixth grade she literally told him i would have crushed him she never ever let me forget that i was overweight and i regret not suffocating the shit out of her for it that is all thanks | regret |
it was mostly my fault please forgive me . | guilt |
do with NAME whats best i know she has been a lot of worry to mama and i am sorry . | guilt |
When once my mother asked me to do some work for her at home ÃÂá
because she was busy and moreover this work was to be done by a ÃÂá
man. But it remained undone. | guilt |
i am a criminal at heart i do not know why but i can not stop thinking about theft in addition to other forms of nonviolent crimes not the subject but how i would do it and get away with it this is beyond the normal dae think bad thoughts sort of thing i have maps plans contacts preconfigured computer systems hiding places and other instruments of wrongdoing all ready should i decide to do the deed including a delicious scheme worth hundreds of thousands involving the bitcoin the linden and the tor black web i have even sought out and downloaded that 4chan coupon counterfeiting kit i have not done anything yet partially because somewhere inside me something tells me it is wrong and partially because i have not found a way to bring the risk of getting caught down to acceptable levels i learned that lesson getting busted for shoplifting as a young teenager to put it in perspective in my engineering seminar course the subject this past week was ethics i sat through the lecture thinking well shit looks like i can not build that theftrobot until i realized it and stopped myself i have no plans to continue on this route but i can not tell anyone especially my therapist who i m seeing for depression anxiety disorder and ptsd as i m sure they would look to my past arrest and think omg he s a criminal 4 lief an we must shun him or at least distrust me even though i have done nothing since i got busted so here i am | regret |
I once stole a shirt from the Department Store in which I work. I ÃÂá
have been promoted to work in a very privileged section of the ÃÂá
store. Their belief in my integrity makes me feel even guiltier. | guilt |
i regret not enjoying highschool and taking the chances i should have as a russian immigrant i did not know that it was basically a reguirment to join a club or sport in high school and i did not even know how i never went to any games and spent my days on youtube now i understand why i never enjoyed highschool but those days are gone i lost my friend group when i was a junior so i just sat alone i did not have any friends and did not know any place to start new friendships and now i did not even get to go to prom i just wish i could start over go to games do a sport and join a club but i can not anymore and i missed my chance because no one told me what to do do i just sat on my ass hopefully college is better but i will not get my teen years back | regret |
i regret not keeping in contact with someone who could ve been a positive influence a friend maybe more probably 78 years ago i met this girl at a concert our groups mingled and we hung out that night and had a great time we stayed in contact a little and even met up a few times at other concerts even letting us stay at her house one night after the event occasionally chatting on fb or other social media over the years of running into her my gf at the time really didnt like it when we spoke because gf really thought we had a thing for each other or she at least did for me wanting to respect her i never really reached out to her again one concert my gf claimed that this girl walked past us several times but only said hi when she saw me despite making eye contact with gf every pass another time the girl said to find her before we left however my gf only told me this once we were in the car ride home over the past 2 years or so i have reached out to the girl and we have talked a little but i always felt so unconfident talking to her i was always the one moving the conversation forward she never once asked how i was shortly before covid shut everything down i reached out one more time asking if she would be at a concert she said yes and offered to get me in free of charge she also mentioned something about a guest but i said i was flying solo for this one we talked a little and i felt great after the last time i reached out i congratulated her on a career milestone but noticed that her name on the post linked to another profile instead of hers and i did not receive a thank you just a confirmation that she knew about the error i felt like a bother so that was the last time i reached out i recently had a dream about her i was awkwardly flirting with her but she ended up holding my hand and squeezing it it felt too real am i just over romanticizing a stranger that i wish was still in my life it certainly feels like it i believe things happen for a reason the circumstances of our meeting among the hundreds of other people around does not seem like a coincidence just coming to the reality of the situation should not be this difficult but i guess that is why i m explaining myself on reddit | regret |
regret not having kids can someone please help me get this out of my head my husband of 11 years died recently we were planning on having kids but always flip flopped to the point i said i did not want them i am now in my 30s and will never experience this he had kids with someone else before me and i am now feeling like he gave that to someone else he once told me he was trying to make sure i got everything just in case he was older than me i just want to get this out of my head that i will not experience something so profound that he gave someone else | regret |
missed my chance vent in roughly 2 months i will be morning my fathers passing from cancer which was a complete shit show of an experience my parents separated when i was still in diapers and growing up my mother did what she could knowing that is she is now been diagnosed bipolar helps me understand why she was such a wreck growing up but it does not help with the animosity i still feel for her fast forwarding 19yrs and after looking down a road filled with bad decisions of my own my mother tells me that my absent father of 19yrs has reached out and asked me to come live with him and work at his company not having much say in the matter i packed up my things and drove to sunny san diego hitting the fast forward button by 27 years i m now a family man with all the trimmings house wife and kid looking at college when all of a sudden we get the call that dad has cancer within 3months of his diagnosis we are making plans for his funeral as it turns out my dad was a lot of things confronting his past regrets was not something he learned to do as it turned out he likes to play the when your ready to talk game as a way to put off hard conversations sitting here thinking about all the times i could have had the conversations that i always wanted to is hard to deal with having to deal with his loss is almost as hard as having all the conversations i wanted to have with him in my head it keeps me up at night and having to live with all the missed opportunities is difficult to cope with | regret |
Shit....I worried too many people. Not voice venting ever again. | guilt |
When I stared to much at a pastry that a woman was eating and at ÃÂá
the same instant the pastry felt on the floor. | guilt |
I'm having such a lazy and mentally horrible day I'm sorry | guilt |
i have always let each of you down in more ways than i can remember . | guilt |
NAME NAME sorry for using your room for this thing . | guilt |
JEWISH JOKE MENTION _USER_REFERENCE_ Today are you wearing your red, white, and Jew?
I'm sorry, I had to. I hope you find it funny. | guilt |
In the past I used to think that my mother was a very nagging ÃÂá
person. When I started living at the hostel we had little time ÃÂá
to meet each other. Whenever I went home she would take care ÃÂá
of me. I gradually realized that what she had done was for my ÃÂá
own good. So very time I saw her I felt guilty. | guilt |
sex with a trans escort so i have experimented with trans escorts a few times now but never performed oral until today after trying poppers for the first time now i do not think i would have done it if it was not for the high and as a man im regretting this heavily i need to get out of the loop and do not know how as im attracted to women and would only consider a relationship with a women i do not know where i stand psychologically on the topic and its messing with me | regret |
dear wife before this reaches you i shall be no more the weight of my misfortunes which i have brought upon myself by my criminal intercourse with mrs . d . i am not able to bear any longer and am therefore determined to quit a life that for some years has been but of little use to you or my children . | guilt |
i m pretty sure he was the love of my life m20 and gay if that matters i was that stupid jerk that let him go first and then when i wanted to get back with him he said it was over and i do not blame him for that because i told him that i would never come out to my family today i see he is openly dating a new guy and they seem so happy together and here i am trembling and feeling like crying but i can not because my family s around i thought we would eventually get back together someday but apparently it is over forever and this sucks so much he was my first real love and it was the most intense love i have ever experienced he accepted me fully as i was it is a horrible feeling knowing that he will never be mine but i can do nothing but accept this as fact is there anyone that has felt like this before what can i do to stop feeling so broken what hurts me most is that i will never find someone like him again because he was so rare | regret |
I really shouldn't be feeling guilty, there's loads of people who wish they have what I have..... | guilt |
feeling guilty over my jealousy i was insanely jealous of my best friend s engagement until i accidentally found out that my boyfriend intends to propose to me quite soon i talked a lot about how my friend had n t known her nowfiance long enough to accept a proposal from him or about how her track record of fast commitment and turmoil in relationships was a warning sign that she should have said ask me again later instead of yes which i feel doubly bad about because i know i have made a lot of those same mistakes i honestly did not realize that all of my skepticism was coming from a place of pure jealousy until i learned that my boyfriend wants to ask me to marry him a few months from now now all i want to talk about with my friend is her wedding plans i feel that i should have had that attitude from the beginning a bad friend is me | guilt |
the beauty and the beast it all started my sophmore year of high school i had just started at a new school and was making friends really easily to the point where i became one of the popular kids i was a pretty good athlete i played football wrestling and baseball i was so self absorbed and i thought that i was the shit and no one was as good as me yet i was struggling at home i lived with my father and my two brothers who i had to take care of because my dad was sick and i was the oldest well it came to the point that for three years i was destroying myself i was drinking and smoking everyday just to escape the reality i lived in in other words i was slowly killing myself and my health was showing it then i met her she was a freshman and i was a sophmore and we hit it off pretty good to the point where we really liked each other and it just kept escalating from then on well i was such a conceited asshole pardon my french that i kept destroying myself and everyday she would try and get me to stop i do not why she cared so much about me but all i kept doing was pushing her away and away until one day we had a huge fight and that was it we had enough of each other and we stopped talking for a good 5 months i didnt try to talk to her until my after my dad died and i had to move away well long story short we hit it off again it is as if the fire had went out but we still had that spark i had treated her like shit and i was just a bad person all in all she kept trying to help me and all i did was push her away well after my dad died i finally realized that i needed to change and that is when we started talking to each other well for the next 5 months it was like we were still together until she finally said enough was enough and told me i should move on well i have regret treating her like i did and she is all i think about anymore i continue to hold out hope that i will get back to her and we will rekindle our old flame but maybe i would feel better if i just moved on | regret |
nothing makes me more regretful than potty training this is quite literally the worst thing i have ever done in my life potty training is fucked just as i was really getting into the groove with parenting pt reared it is ugly ass head and i m pissed all the time people with older kids how was this experience for you i feel like i m drowning here | regret |
i regret kissing this girl so on friday i was at school i was pranking this girl like i wanted to kiss her and when i was going for the fake kiss and she actually kissed me and i just started kissing back and now i really regret it because my friends will probably find out and clown me for years i really did not wan na kiss her now i can not stop thinking about it and it gives me this weird feeling what should i do | regret |
I always feel guilty when I see my mother sad or fed up with ÃÂá
life. I really dont know the reason. | guilt |
I made a remark to my sister concerning her attitude to men, the ÃÂá
way she talked and I compared her to an acquaintance of mine. ÃÂá
Later, the same evening, my sister looked sad. I felt guilty ÃÂá
about her sadness. | guilt |
NAME you were tired of life with me and with our poor situation because i never fulfilled your dreams and wishes . | guilt |
i thought i would be efficient and get it all out at once so most people confess a single thing i thought i would try something a little different here goes i secretly watched mom get undressed when i was 8 i have never kissed a girl let alone had sex at age 25 and i m terrified that i might never get to i have almost attempted suicide more than a dozen times but never actually done it because i m too scared i was molested by my brother s thirteen year old friend when i was 5 he fondled me while we played hide and seek i have no friends at all and have not for 6 years or so i am the forever alone that everyone out there pretends to be no matter how hard i try i am almost completely turned off by the vagina unfortunately i am not gay as in i do not like penises either i get extremely turned on by breasts and also by intimacy more on that later the one time i had the opportunity to touch an actual female breast was in high school when i still had friends and another guy and a girl and i were playing truth or dare the girl got dared to let us touch her tits the other guy did it but i did not because i thought it was wrong and i wanted to respect her i later found out she was sexually abused as a child and is currently an alcoholic the confession i often regret i did not touch her breast i frequently wish i get a lifethreatening disease just so people will care about me just so i can be special my father almost died from cancer not long ago i often wish that he had i do not know if i have ever loved anyone the closest thing i can think of is to my mother who i merely appreciate i do not know if i physically am capable of love i have been infatuated twice once in high school and once in college in both cases the girl has not had any interest in me and i have severely creeped them out with my constant attempts to convince them the only time i m ever fully sexually aroused is when i fantasize about girls i know personally including my sisterinlaw and girls i knew in high school this is because i can imagine them actually being in love with me and wanting to be with me i even go so far as to save whole albums of their pictures from facebook and masturbate to them i also sometimes painstakingly photoshop them into pornographic pictures but it always looks too amateurish to reuse after i finish the feeling of sadness and regret i experience is overwhelming sigh | regret |
i am sorry to disappoint the vultures . | guilt |
I told a friend (lets call him C) of mine about the guy calling me ugly, he went up to him and confronted him (I'm not exactly sure what he said to him) next period I find out the my friends were joking and I haven't had a chance to tell to C yet I feel a bit guilty. I tried to stop him though.
Update: I told him and everything was fine | guilt |
I'm pushing everyone away and I don't mean to | guilt |
i regret ny life choices i left my boyfriend of several years a couple of years ago for another man who i had fallen in love with i had a good relationship wity myboyfriend at the time but i guess i fell in the trap of always looking for something else something better it broke my heart to leave him because i did still love him but i felt at the same time an overwhelming urge to see where my love with the other man would take me like i would regret not trying in the end the other man coudnt accept that i would cheared to be with him and coudnt trustme even though he had cheated as well i was very unhappy with him and in hindsight dont remember what i saw in him in the first place i wasted my early thirties on him and met someone else at 36 who is a great man but who i dont love no matter how hard i try i m 38 now no kids lonely and unhappy with my life because im with someone im not in love with and am constantly thinking of what could have been had a stayed with myboyfriend i miss him and our life constantly i regret my choices so much am i alone | regret |
and i do not know what to tell you other than i really am sorry but i know you wo not believe me . | guilt |
I was coming back home with my mother when the purse I was ÃÂá
carrying got stolen. It was done so swifty that I did not ÃÂá
realize what had happened till much later. A lot of money and the ÃÂá
keys of the house were lost. I was guilt ridden at my ÃÂá
carelessness. I felt terrible as I do not normally loose things ÃÂá
and this was quite important, especially the keys.ÃÂá
| guilt |
tw: nsfw
lately i've been very unsatisfied doing stuff with my bf it just doesn't feel right. i get turned on but i don't get any pleasure. it sucks especially because i mainly do it for him because he really enjoys doing it. | guilt |
as a father i could not give you much hence leaving you alone . | guilt |
i purposefully pretend to suck at highschool to avoid bullying and lost opportunities i still got bullied though i want to take this off my chest nobody knew my relative was surprised that i spend my highschool to early uni having panic attacks in the bathroom that i was on prescription anti depressant and saw 3 therapists by that time i play an instrument by ear so at least i knew i was not tone deaf there was this girl who bullied me for anything really so i was stupid and i thought i was giving myself an easier time if i did not speak in the end i graduated with no friends and no one added me to the school group for 3 whole years if i was not bullied i was forgotten and i regret not speaking up even on a school trip they made the count and forgot me then my mum called the school that i was not home then they noticed i was missing i really regret not showing people what i can do and what i was good at like cmon i took a damn 210 in pe but at least the coach saw through me and told me you re spoiled i m a far cry from being spoiled but at least he did not think i really sucked this much anyways we had an alumni gathering recently i did talk normally but when the topic reached bullying a lot of people opened up about being bullied by this girl and i did not say a word seeing that they had a fulfilling highschool experience even with the bullying and that me being a coward made me lose countless opportunities ps a piano teacher offered me free lessons so that could be a good sign afterwards but i wish i could go back and tell my music teacher and my pe coach i do not really suck | regret |
I got molested by my brother when I was really young about 3-4 years old? Then again when I was 8 or older. My brother doesnâÃÂÃÂt remember those moments but I do and I have started to think that they are fake but they felt so real and I can almost remember every moment so clearly. I want to tell my psychiatrist about it but I donâÃÂÃÂt dare... | guilt |
Why do I always go back to christian ? Why does he accept every time I fuck up and go back to him?? | guilt |
fuck i screw everything up met my gf 15 years ago introduced her to weed and we both did it pretty frequently we both quit completely last november in case we found jobs that drug tested she just got an amazing job offer only catch is now she has to withdraw because it requires a security clearance and her drug use was too recent i know i should not blame myself for the choices other people make but damn i can not help but feel responsible for this shit and i feel like my own stupid decisions and my past are always screwing things up damn i feel like shit | guilt |
I have been such a shit texter since December | guilt |
i miss when i wasn't a shitbag | guilt |
what the hell is wrong with me my groupmates in the battlefield to complete the assignment last night because the dateline is today and also we have two test today i just knew this morning that they stay up all night to edit video report etcthey did not study at all for the test why am i so dumb to not notice it where am i when they need help the most odl suck | guilt |
A friend of mine shot himself through the head after having told ÃÂá
me and others that he would do so. | guilt |
tell me about a specific time when you thought to yourself wow i really regret bringing you into this world today my entitled son was so mad that i would not buy him a new car i bought him a used 2019 honda civic and he wants a new bmw like adults who work hard and have a great job drive brand new bmw s he just does not understand how money works i share custody of him with my exwife who is very wealthy and i am not so this has been an on going issue that is a long story anyway today he took all the clothes out of my closet set them on fire in the driveway and took dog poop and smeared it all over my furniture today i said to myself wow i really regret bringing you into this world ugh no words | regret |
When I had wrongly explained someone an important exemple for an ÃÂá
examination. | guilt |
i am unable to take the responsibility and look after my family . | guilt |
I was spending a few days at my aunt's place. One night I got ÃÂá
home very late, I had told them I was going to a party but I went ÃÂá
to another place. They were very worried. | guilt |
Dont know what ive done but my mate is like super cold around me unless her other mates are around... like, she doesnt talk to me amd when she does its just one word answers and stuff... wish i was able to make her as happy as they do :/ | guilt |
I hate seeing people upset. It's probably one of the worst things to see especially when they mean a lot to you | guilt |
I felt guilty when I spent a night at my boyfriend's place, ÃÂá
particularly because I had been harsh and spiteful when I had ÃÂá
left home. The reason was that I feared a possible discussion on ÃÂá
the subject and I wanted to leave defiantly. | guilt |
hahaha my help just isn't good enough probably lol i'm never good enough nothing about me i'm just inferior | guilt |
i kind of miss being a whore i was a bit of a whore when i was younger maybe from ages 1923 i slept with about 15 guys in that time i would go to partiesbars and get drunk then i would leave a guy most of these resulted in brief fwb relationships i never cheated on anyone but one time i knowingly slept with a guy who had a girlfriend i still feel kinda guilty about that three years later anyway i miss the attention and the excitement of sleeping with a guy for the first time i have been with my current bf for almost two years so it is been a while since i slept with another guy i have not even flirted with anyone else we have a really great relationship it is the kind where people use us as an example of a good relationship well i was kind of naughty a few weeks ago i posted pics on gonewild without talking to him first i got a lot more attention than i expected i really liked it so i did a few more posts i kind of feel bad but i also think it helped our sex life not that it was bad in the first place my confidence soared and i was more adventurous in bed i could n t keep my hands off of him i think that if he knew that i had no interest in seeing all of those dick pix i got and only did it to get attention he d be fine but the problem is convincing him that that is the truth so here i am in rconfession so i can get it off my chest i think it is better that he does not know | regret |
I was pregnant and thought that by not having the baby I would ÃÂá
hurt the father like he did me regardless of the life we had ÃÂá
created. | guilt |
I always say I'm going to clean my photos and back them up, but I just keep taking more and more photos and they just keep taking up memory ugh | guilt |
being and awesome wife i regret not loving myself marrying and devoting myself to someone who would rather control than just love me i regret setting a bad example for my kids by staying and trying to help him i want to be his super hero i want to be that one who understood and stayed but i do not think he or anyone has ever actually loved me i regret being taught to treat others how you want to be treated | regret |
um hi idk how to start man i just have so much regret and hate towards myself it is been a few weeks already but i still can not get over it i got drunk one night and went with the person who i cared about most and i hurt that person very much i blacked out and i do not remember much but they told me everything i did and said i never get angry or act a fool when i drink but that night idk what got into me i just snapped and turned into someone else i am a good person i treat the everyone so good but that night i became a monster now i have this terrible feeling about myself i hate myself i wish i can go back into time and not even drink i do not ever want to touch alcohol anymore i have lost the person i care about most and it was all my fault idk how to deal with this | regret |
Sometimes I want the people who are the worst for me. I tell myself that they are so bad for me and they have ruined my life then a bad day comes along and there name pops in my head. I thought I was done with these people haven't talked to them in god knows how long and I just want the people I once knew back.. I don't know how to make that same connection I had with them with anyone else. It's strange trying to connect with people who I cannot bring myself to tell them the most basic things about myself. | guilt |
i am embarrassed to start this but thank you for understanding and having changed my life even though you changed it i still am lost i mean i cannot get myself together i think it is because everything is pulling against my concentration everything one does or lives is impossible almost . | guilt |
I was talking to my mom on the phone and she told me that she had ÃÂá
just gotten an award that day in front of all these people and ÃÂá
she asked me if I wanted her to send me the article in the temple ÃÂá
newsletter to me. I said no very quickly and felt guilty for not ÃÂá
being more interested and hurting her feelings. | guilt |
i found out i was in love too late have you ever found out you were in love too late i had a good friend that confessed to me that he was in love with me once he was my favorite person for a long time until i met my husband we loved the same things and we were there for each other a lot i had gotten out of an emotionally abusive relationship before we became close there was something that was a deal breaker too that some may not consider one the fog from the abusive relationship made me not even understand my emotions and healthy love when he asked me if i loved him back i honestly did not know he would date someone and we would not talk he would break up with them and then reach out it always felt like he was checking in he told me once that whoever ended up with me was going to be the luckiest guy he said amazing things like that all the time he always called me beautiful anyway fast forward and i m in a wonderful marriage and i am now in love with my husband but i alway feel bad for never telling him that i did love him looking back i know i did being in my now healthy relationship has made me realize that i was in love right before my wedding he reached out and messaged me on fb it was a picture of us in a photo booth he had snuck a kiss on my cheek in one of the photos he asked me if i remembered when we hung out then i wanted to invite him to the wedding but i did not he has not spoken to me since he is never gotten married he sometimes seems like he is not happy in the photos he posts i do not pretend that has anything to do with me i just wish he knew the truth of it all but i feel it would obviously be inappropriate to tell him now and it may even hurt him more anyway just wanted to get it off my chest i guess i love my husband but i also miss my friend too and that makes me sad sometimes | regret |
Pain becomes addicting. | guilt |
sorry for this too brief letter . | guilt |
I can't believe I just did that. I can't believe I just did that. I can't believe I just did that. I can't believe I just did that. I can't believe I just did that. | guilt |
do you think people can change i regret so many things in my life that it is hard for me to just be alone with my thoughts i have apologised to some people that i have wronged the most yet the guilt still haunts me i think i m letting people around me down some of them cut me off at least i hope that they are doing better i took them for granted and i never really know to express my feelings for them appropriately forcing myself to be nice to strangers helps a little bit why i failed to do these simplest things for years to the people i love is just a prove that i m a living cancer hurts so bad that apparently i can not really offer anything to make things better cutting me off looks like the obvious better way for them which puts me in this weird feelings i m happy for their better life and devastated for realising the door already closed i hate myslef more now knowing it took me this long and far to realise that i m a horrible person do you think people can really make amends and find peace or this is nature s way of punishing ones who did bad things and hurt other s feelings in the past sometimes i wish that there re some kind of laws againts the things i did so i can take the punishment and maybe feel better | regret |
i regret being a bitch on vacation when i was younger about five years ago my grandmother long story short is basically my mother i 20f adore her and would give her the world if i could went with me on a schooltrip to europe the whole time i just wanted to hang out with the other kids and fit in i was moody and mean i never walked around with her she tripped on the bus once and spilled her hot chocolate i got up to help clean but the girl sitting in the outer row seat said she had it i let her clean it i regret not getting up anyway more than anything i regret not staying behind the rest of the group to walk with her and some of the other adults i regret not going clothing shopping with her i regret fighting with her about having to go to church while everyone else except the three teachers went shopping i want to bring her back to europe i want to fix everything i did wrong i m closer than ever with her now she is told me before that she understood that i was unmedicated and going through puberty but that does not change or fix it no amount of apologizing fixes it ever we can not say hey remember that time in london if i could redo anything in my life it would be that | regret |
thinking of cheating on boyfriend because i m shallow i am seriously fucked my boyfriend of many years is starting to repulse me and i have lost interest in having sex with him he is still in love with me and up until about a month ago i was still in love with him too what changed everything was a ridiculously coolcharmingwitty man at work started showing interest in me now after flirting a bit i have given this guy the cold shoulder but have regrets about doing so i would break up with my boyfriend in a heartbeat to start something with my work crush but in reality would not have the guts to start something with him anyway i m terribly insecure c est la vie | guilt |
i am overly tired of my 19mo old i m starting to regret i ever met his father i m 23f and i have a 19 month old baby boy i am depressed stressed and overwhelmed with everything i constantly have to do bc his donor does nothing he gets him for half a weekend i have to work from home bc there is no childcare here and i am the only provider for him i lowkey wish i had just allowed myself to go thru with an abortion bc now i m stuck with a kid only i care about and get frustrated with i never have time for myself to go anywhere without him he is even sat in the obgyn with me while i have gotten a pap smear i hate my fuckin life i hate my bd s life and all that entertwine with him i feel like i m going to explode | regret |
When I got very drunk and really misbehaved at Christmas. | guilt |
top tier regret embarrassment and uncomfort so i was just on facetime with my girl best friend i am a guy and i was using my airpods i went to go pee and left my phone in my room i had no idea airpods have a mic and she heard me peeing i was so embarrassed i did not even show my face the rest of the call and we did not even talk much for the call after that i felt so ashamed that i lied about wanting to go to sleep just so i could end the call smh | regret |
when the politician said every year more people are being born i was the one who yelled cite your sources it was at a speech in ottawa this summer i now realize how annoying it is to the speaker i thought i was being funny where i was not but i would still do it again | guilt |
When I inadvertantly made some close friends and relatives feel ÃÂá
bad. | guilt |
Subsets and Splits