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2h11ni | 41 | Nosy lawn obsessed neighbor Sterling Heights MI. U.S.: Since I moved into my home 2 years ago our neighbor has been nagging us about our grass clippings falling onto his lawn where our property meets on one side. I have changed the way I cut my grass purchased a bag for our mulching mower and used an air blower to accommodate what I believe to be a petty request. He s never relented. It s become clear to me that he will not be happy (if ever) until I m on my hands and knees removing each blade from his lawn. It is a small amount of grass we re talking about and it has done no damage to his property but he s now threatening to take me to civil court over it. Does he have grounds? | I don t think so. The judge is going to see you are making reasonable attempts to stop this (even beyond reasonable in my opinion) and not rule in his favor. I would call his bluff and tell him to sue you. Besides what are his damages? | *I am a bot whose sole purpose is to improve the timeliness and accuracy of responses in this subreddit.* --- **It appears you forgot to include your location in the title or body of your post.** **Please update the original post to include this information.** --- [Report Inaccuracies Here](http: r LocationBot ) | [Author](http: u ianp) | 69 | 2 |
2h5u6f | 125 | I found a laptop kept it now the owner is upset that its condition is different from how they left it. OK Sorry but this will be a long story: I found a laptop one morning. I turned it in to the police lost and found and they gave me a receipt and said to check back in 90 days at which point I could claim it if the owner didn t come forward. 90 days later they said I could have it if I ran a 7-day ad in the paper and no one responded. I ran the ad (actually 14 days because they had a special deal) and also posted on Craigslist. No one came forward and I picked it up from the station. Right after getting it I also checked with Dell and they said that it was sold by Best Buy. Best Buy said that they had no info on the owner as well. The laptop s OS had just been re-installed a couple weeks prior and there was no identifying info that I could find. No pictures or documents no saved usernames etc. I found that the laptop had sustained water damage (I m guessing it was outside long enough to get rained on). I tinker around with these things as a hobby so I repaired it. That included buying parts which I paid for myself to replace the damaged parts. For example the screen had water damage that I couldn t fix so I replaced that. I spent a couple hundred on it to get it in good working order. I threw away the damaged parts I had to replace a month or two later. They were not functional they were visibly corroded. Only about 1 3 of the laptop screen was visible but even the visible part was malformed. I did NOT throw away good parts I threw away parts that were no longer able to be used. During this time I also removed his hard drive which only contained a ton of music movies and replaced it with my own. Three months after the PD gave it to me (six months after I found it) someone called me in response to the newspaper ad. He was able to confirm the laptop s identifying numbers and what the desktop background was. I told him he could have it back but I also explained the water damage issue. I said I would be removing the parts that I had paid for and I no longer had the damaged originals since it had been over half a year. If he wanted to pay for the parts I would leave them in. He said no he did not want to pay for anything and arranged to pick it up. I removed the parts I purchased and put his hard drive back in. When he showed up he was angry that it was missing parts. He got visibly angry and yelled at me saying I had no right to alter his laptop in any way. We had met in a public place so I told him I understand that he s upset but there is nothing I can do since it has been over half a year and the parts removed were no longer functional. I left. Now he has mailed me a copy of a quote from a computer repair shop for the cost to get the laptop back in working order. It amounts to about $700. (It s much higher than what it cost me because they re including the cost of parts directly from Dell as well as labor whereas I bought from eBay and did it myself.) He has stated that because the laptop s parts were removed in my care he expects full reimbursement for this cost within 30 days or he will initiate a claim in small claims court. Am I likely to be held responsible for this? | Personally I would ve kept the laptop since you put so much time effort into trying to find the owner and so much money to fix it. But you were nice and the guy was lucky to get it back. If he s trying to shake you down for more money he can fuck off. | Unless this was a particularly high end laptop he could probably just get a new one for $700. | 74 | 6 |
2hbsc5 | 111 | Apartment manager and custodians ransacked my apartment 3 days before lease was up. Took microwave TV shower curtains and over the counter medications. I can t help but feel violated and need help! I m in the process of moving out of my old apartment and I stopped by yesterday to grab some things and noticed all my stuff had been gone through. This includes account numbers and other important information. I talked to the manager and have since gotten back my TV and microwave. After expressing my displeasure they said they would return my deposit and clean the apartment for me. I can t help but feel like I should get police involved to protect myself. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks reddit! | The lease hasn t expired yet? If so they had no right to be in your apartment (outside of an emergency) and basically burglarized you. You could call the police. You should also have them pay for a credit monitoring service in case of identity theft. | There is nothing stopping you from filing a police report. | 93 | 30 |
2hdwe3 | 21 | Friend of mine is applying to the Sheriff department in California and admitted to lewd acts with a minor during his polygraph they have seized his cell phone and computer. he is 20 and she is 17 they grew up together and kissed once when he was a minor. The problem is that he admitted to having a Skype session where she flashed him and showed him her breasts (which happened when he was no longer a minor but she was). Now the sheriff s are threatening him with child pornography yet he is still qualified for the job. I repeat they have not disqualified him. He is beyond worried and doesn t know if he can go to jail over this. There is no record of the conversation or recording of that Skype session. They have said they are going to go talk to the girl and that he is no longer allowed to have any contact with her until she turns 18 They have returned his belongings and have found nothing Reddit can someone shed some light onto this suture? | TIL don t even talk to the cops during a job interview. | It would be possible for him to go to jail over this but it doesn t sound like anyone is going to try to send him there. If he follows the directive to cease all contact with her until she turns 18 he probably won t need to worry. I m not sure what you mean when you say they have not disqualified him . When the department seizes your electronics and starts investigating you it s likely implied that a job is no longer a possibility even if they don t actually *say* that. | 61 | 9 |
2hguyo | 143 | [Serious] Keeping My Package From Amazon From Me I am in the state of Florida. Pretty much I am at a small community college and I am living in the dorms. I had 2 flags come in the mail Air Force Flag and a POW (Prisoner of War) Flag and it was delivered on saturday. Well come monday it wasn t given to me. I found out yesterday that the dean has been holding them without telling me. Come today Thursday 4 days since she has had it she still will not talk to me about why she has them and she still has not given them to me. I had to go all across the campus for 2 days just to find out that she has it. I tried going to her office today to ask her about it but once again she has pushed me away from the issue and told me to wait. Is there any Federal Agency or anything that I can talk to about this? It does not sound legal what she is doing. EDIT: I just called her cellphone. I got her number from someone in the office. She said I m not going to explain myself. I might talk to you about it tomorrow. Good Bye. I am going to call the USPIS tomorrow United States Postal Inspection Service and see what they say. This is getting out of hand. EDIT: Just tried to talk to her again in her office she got security to escort me out and told me she will call me when she is ready. I m filing a police report once I get to my car. EDIT: Just got my packages yesterday. She apologized and she said it was a mis understanding. She thought i was a terrorist...... Thanks for the support . | US Post Office - Postal Inspectors This is exceptionally strange even for this subreddit. Has she offered any explanation as to why she has your package? Does your college have some sort of rule about mail? As it s been presented here if it s come through the mail what she has done is a federal crime. If it was UPS or FedEx it s a state crime. I would call the police and file a police report. Not your campus police department the real police for your town. | Edited and added my location for clarity. | 86 | 7 |
2hh1m0 | 39 | I was prepped for surgery but the surgeon did not operate for reasons beyond my control. I m being billed $5k. Is there anything I can do? I was scheduled for surgery. Went in they prepared me I was put under. However the surgeon did not begin the surgery. I woke up in a room told a nurse I feel amazing no pain or anything she explains that I didn t actually have surgery. I asked if something went wrong and she said that the surgeon had to leave the surgery due to a personal issue and there was not another surgeon available. I asked to speak with someone about it and a hospital administrator told me that the surgeon was unable to complete the surgery because of a personal emergency. He told me that they would re-schedule me for surgery again which is coming up next week. However I just found out that I am being billed about $5k. The charges were explained as being for the anesthesiologist s time anesthetic drugs to put me under operating room and recovery room where they took me to let the drugs wear off. Is there anything I can do? I am going to have to pay the same $5k AGAIN when the surgery is actually done. If they couldn t start the surgery because of a medical issue with me that made it unsafe I would understand but I am told the only reason it wasn t done is because the surgeon had some kind of personal problem unrelated to work or my surgery. Thanks for your advice in advance! WA | This is ridiculous. I suggest you call the hospital and ask to speak with their attorney. All hospitals have in-house counsel. Explain the situation that you feel it is their fault for commencing anesthesia etc without another qualified surgeon available and ask them to void all charges. You sure as heck shouldn t have to pay for it. I am extremely suspicious of any so-called emergency that commenced in the 2 minute period between when anesthesia was administered and surgery was supposed to begin. Your surgeon should have been in the room then! Most operations don t take all that long. Surgeons just don t bail when a patient is passed out on the table and they don t accept phone calls then either. Something very bad happened and it wasn t a personal emergency in the sense you and I would consider it. Either your surgeon had a resident in there to start your operation and then got stuck in an emergency with the ongoing surgery of the patient he was finishing up before you or he was yanked out by the hospital for being drunk etc. Do not just accept that it was some personal emergency without an explanation or a reason that no other competent surgeon was available after you were under anesthesia. Call the legal department. This smells to high heaven. | are you insured? In is the hospital in your network?if so then call your insurance company and let them deal with it. Typically anesthesia is not paid for unless there is an accompanying procedure for it. If the hospital is in network then the insurance company will tell them to pound sand. You might want to check with the anti-fraud folks at the insurance company. | 70 | 16 |
2hwkc7 | 29 | Sister got DUI. Appeared on other sister s record. How can I help her? One of my sister s is extremely irresponsible. The other one is nothing like her. A few weeks ago Sister 1 got a DUI (along with a hit and run. She is the worst) was arrested and promptly bailed out by my mother. A few weeks before this Sister 2 had a falling out with Sister 1 and my mother. She was kicked out and now she stays with our grandma. This morning Sister 2 called me in tears telling me how her job called her and informed her she wouldn t be receiving the job because there was a DUI and pending court case on her record. Remember Sister 2 is NOT the one who got the DUI. My my mom is literally the worst and this is not beneath her. It s safe to assume that this is not an accident and Sister 1 (who by the way received no punishment from my mom) could have done this on purpose. Or my mom could have. Or it could have just been a simple accident. Please tell me how I could help my sister in the worst case scenario because she just got accepted into University and she needs this job. We live in America if that helps (WA State!) Thank you so much for listening Reddit! | I have actually worked this exact case. Sister 2 needs to call the arresting department NOW and ask to speak with a supervisor. She needs to explain that her irresponsible liar of a sister impersonated her when she was arrested and that the wrong sister has been charged with the crime. She needs to be willing to come in and make a statement as well as be printed for comparison. She also needs to make sure that the department sends a correction to the FBI for the print cards. Informationally for you Sister 1 is now in a SHITLOAD more trouble. She has added several charges including a [felony](http: rcw default.aspx?cite=9A.60.040) charge. In my case the shitbag sister turned a misdemeanor 1st DWI into 9 months in county. | Since Sister 1 was arrested the police have her fingerprints on file. Sister 2 should go to the police station and explain the problem. The police can tell the fingerprints don t match. Note that Sister 1 is likely to get into even more trouble for lying to the police about her identity but that should be the least of your concerns. | 72 | 10 |
2hwkc7 | 29 | Sister got DUI. Appeared on other sister s record. How can I help her? One of my sister s is extremely irresponsible. The other one is nothing like her. A few weeks ago Sister 1 got a DUI (along with a hit and run. She is the worst) was arrested and promptly bailed out by my mother. A few weeks before this Sister 2 had a falling out with Sister 1 and my mother. She was kicked out and now she stays with our grandma. This morning Sister 2 called me in tears telling me how her job called her and informed her she wouldn t be receiving the job because there was a DUI and pending court case on her record. Remember Sister 2 is NOT the one who got the DUI. My my mom is literally the worst and this is not beneath her. It s safe to assume that this is not an accident and Sister 1 (who by the way received no punishment from my mom) could have done this on purpose. Or my mom could have. Or it could have just been a simple accident. Please tell me how I could help my sister in the worst case scenario because she just got accepted into University and she needs this job. We live in America if that helps (WA State!) Thank you so much for listening Reddit! | I have actually worked this exact case. Sister 2 needs to call the arresting department NOW and ask to speak with a supervisor. She needs to explain that her irresponsible liar of a sister impersonated her when she was arrested and that the wrong sister has been charged with the crime. She needs to be willing to come in and make a statement as well as be printed for comparison. She also needs to make sure that the department sends a correction to the FBI for the print cards. Informationally for you Sister 1 is now in a SHITLOAD more trouble. She has added several charges including a [felony](http: rcw default.aspx?cite=9A.60.040) charge. In my case the shitbag sister turned a misdemeanor 1st DWI into 9 months in county. | > Please tell me how I could help my sister She should contact the police agency that entered the record and talk to them about help. This may just be a clerical error or it may be some form of identity theft. | 72 | 16 |
2i1hg8 | 70 | Landlord replaced carpet in my bedroom charged me for new carpet and is saying i also need to compensate for years lost on previous carpet. I just moved out of my house while moving i dropped a small container of acrylic paint on the carpet. It damaged about 2 square feet of carpet. My landlord decided she wanted to replace all the carpet and I obliged though I thought it seemed a little unnecessary. Now even though I paid for the carpet to be replaced she is saying i also need to compensate on the years lost on the previous carpet. It was supposed to last 30 years and she only got 16 years out of it. I didn t pick the new carpet she did and she went with a cheaper carpet than before. I don t really see how she can charge me for this. Is this legal? I am a California tenant i lived in the residence for two years. | A landlord must expect a certain time period where paint and carpet have a useful life. Even if no damage to the rental property carpet has occurred age and normal wear eventually triggers the need for replacement. Under California landlord-tenant guidelines a carpet s useful life is eight to 10 years. The cost of replacing the carpet after 10 years falls to the landlord. A tenant who has lived in the property for 10 years and has caused no damage to the carpet other than wear and tear has every right to ask the landlord to replace the carpet. http: publications landlordbook sec-deposit.shtml In other words it s completely illegal for her to charge you for that. | This is certainly beyond stupid. She wants you to basically pay for the depreciation of the previous carpet? How much is a carpet worth per year? Including depreciation? Come on. Don t pay for anything. If she tries to sue.... She won t... | 102 | 27 |
2i326g | 185 | CEO insults me. Fires me. Refuses to pay me. Threatens to crush me if I sue. I just wanted to apologies first for the long post. I didn t mean to write something this long. But it felt good to get it off my chest as I never told anyone before. Also sorry if there is any weird Grammer I issues. I m using a new ios 8 keyboard and I m not quite use to it.. SwiftKey for the curious. A few months back I interviewed with a company. It went really well. They brought me back for a second interview. After the interview they gave me a project to work on that they claimed to be struggling with. They even paid me for my time. After I turned in the work I was told they wanted to do a third and final interview. The interview went great. At the end they gave me a test project to complete within a certain amount of time. Once complete I was told the position was between me and two other guys. A few days later I received a email saying they are going to go with one of the other guys. I was bummed however the email was super positive. It basically stated that it came down to a small error I made in the file. They were really encouraging saying how much potential they see in me and how we should keep in contact cause you never know what can happen. A month goes by and I get an email from them asking if I m still interested. I was skeptical so I asked to work contract for two Weeks to learn their system and how they do things. They agreed and I was at their office that Monday. I came in Monday and met the team. It was mostly an older group of people trying to be as edgy as one can be in a corporate office. It was rather annoying. I noticed everytime I was introduced to a person I never met. They would say something like Your not going to leave us are you? . Got my first project. I knocked it out of the park. Got my second project knocked it out of the park. I m talking high fives here people. It s Wednesday and I have now I received my third project. This is where it all goes down hill. My boss tasked me with coming up with a design for a shirt. He sketched something and told me to do something like this. I finished it within the hour along with 3 other designs and ideas that I thought were better for the client. He actually liked one of my ideas and told me to flush it out more. So we do a few more projects together where he sketched something and I give him that and some more. All seemed good. Then he pulled me into his office early one morning and told me I messed up bad on a project. I asked him to explain. He told me I deviated to far from his quick sketch. To which I told him he was mistaken. I went to my desk grabbed the sketch to show him how they compare. He wasn t having it. I also have a photography background so after the Stern talk. He asked if I wanted to do a photo shoot. I was thrilled as this is something I m really comfortable with. I do the photo shoot and it went great. I come back edit the photos and they honestly look great. I turn them in to another team member and he is jazzed about them. I get another high five. My boss comes over and asked if I can stick around a little late today as he needs help with something. I said sure it really wasn t a problem as I was having a great day. Why was I having a great day you ask? Well it was my bday and everything was for the most part going good in my life. That is until the meeting I had with my boss. He told me he was not happy with the work I produce and told me I was a hack. And that I knew nothing about design. I proceeded to remind him of all the projects we did where the client choose my design. He didn t have much else to say other than he was sorry it didn t work out. And just like that I was fired on my bday 8 days into my two week agreement. Here is where it gets beyond fucked up. Two days go by and I come back to pick up my paycheck from the front desk. I pick it up go out to my car and open it. The check was $1 200 short. I immediately go back in side and demand to talk to payroll. The front desk calls the payroll lady for me saying the guy we let go last week wants to speak with you . She eventually emerges from her office and walks right past me and smiles. She disappeared for 15 mins. When she returns she has my old boss right next to her. Since I was getting paid hourly at a rate we both agreed on I asked them why my check is lower than it should be. They began flipping through my time sheets. He looks up and says we agreed to quality work and a certain rate and we didn t get it . I lost my temper and we get into a shouting match in the hallway. The CEO over hears what s going on and invites me and my old boss in to settle things. While in his office the CEO was constantly belittling me and my time. I being treated very unprofessional. I was told I m stupid and that I have no talent etc.. He told me he is refusing to pay for the hours he owes me. He even challenged me to take him to court where he said he would crush me. I asked for my time sheets and they refused to give them to me. I had to ask for them four times. Eventually they caved. I left the building and took a look a the time sheets. They took a sharpie marker to a bunch of my hours. Then they also wrote down the correct amount of how much I should have been paid and subtracted all of the highlighted hours. I m not sure what to do. Part of me would love to put this company s name here to make people aware of what they have done and who they are. But the other side of me thinks it would be very unprofessional. Do I have grounds for a lawsuit to get my money? Or should I just cut my losses? Tl ddr Got fired on my bday. Employer refusing to pay me my whole paycheck. | They paid you less than what they said they would pay you under the terms of your contract. Of course you have grounds to sue. | There is sure to be a statute in your state that governs non payment of salary . there is a little wrinkle as to whether you were an employee with a contract or an independent contractor so the statue may or may not govern your case The best thing you can do is find a friend who has a friend who is an attorney and get them to write a strongly worded letter on his professional letterhead in exchange for a few six packs You do have grounds for a lawsuit but its not going to be worth your time-to take it through small claims court would take at least 5 court appearances and then a 1 2 to full day bench trial-so it depends if you want to make that kind of time investment-and the prep time. I wouldn t put their name out there to the general public or potential clients employees bc it sounds like you work in a small community. I would feel ok with just factually telling other artists your experience with the company. I would also say to look at glass ceiling and see what other employees have said about them in the past | 130 | 14 |
2i326g | 185 | CEO insults me. Fires me. Refuses to pay me. Threatens to crush me if I sue. I just wanted to apologies first for the long post. I didn t mean to write something this long. But it felt good to get it off my chest as I never told anyone before. Also sorry if there is any weird Grammer I issues. I m using a new ios 8 keyboard and I m not quite use to it.. SwiftKey for the curious. A few months back I interviewed with a company. It went really well. They brought me back for a second interview. After the interview they gave me a project to work on that they claimed to be struggling with. They even paid me for my time. After I turned in the work I was told they wanted to do a third and final interview. The interview went great. At the end they gave me a test project to complete within a certain amount of time. Once complete I was told the position was between me and two other guys. A few days later I received a email saying they are going to go with one of the other guys. I was bummed however the email was super positive. It basically stated that it came down to a small error I made in the file. They were really encouraging saying how much potential they see in me and how we should keep in contact cause you never know what can happen. A month goes by and I get an email from them asking if I m still interested. I was skeptical so I asked to work contract for two Weeks to learn their system and how they do things. They agreed and I was at their office that Monday. I came in Monday and met the team. It was mostly an older group of people trying to be as edgy as one can be in a corporate office. It was rather annoying. I noticed everytime I was introduced to a person I never met. They would say something like Your not going to leave us are you? . Got my first project. I knocked it out of the park. Got my second project knocked it out of the park. I m talking high fives here people. It s Wednesday and I have now I received my third project. This is where it all goes down hill. My boss tasked me with coming up with a design for a shirt. He sketched something and told me to do something like this. I finished it within the hour along with 3 other designs and ideas that I thought were better for the client. He actually liked one of my ideas and told me to flush it out more. So we do a few more projects together where he sketched something and I give him that and some more. All seemed good. Then he pulled me into his office early one morning and told me I messed up bad on a project. I asked him to explain. He told me I deviated to far from his quick sketch. To which I told him he was mistaken. I went to my desk grabbed the sketch to show him how they compare. He wasn t having it. I also have a photography background so after the Stern talk. He asked if I wanted to do a photo shoot. I was thrilled as this is something I m really comfortable with. I do the photo shoot and it went great. I come back edit the photos and they honestly look great. I turn them in to another team member and he is jazzed about them. I get another high five. My boss comes over and asked if I can stick around a little late today as he needs help with something. I said sure it really wasn t a problem as I was having a great day. Why was I having a great day you ask? Well it was my bday and everything was for the most part going good in my life. That is until the meeting I had with my boss. He told me he was not happy with the work I produce and told me I was a hack. And that I knew nothing about design. I proceeded to remind him of all the projects we did where the client choose my design. He didn t have much else to say other than he was sorry it didn t work out. And just like that I was fired on my bday 8 days into my two week agreement. Here is where it gets beyond fucked up. Two days go by and I come back to pick up my paycheck from the front desk. I pick it up go out to my car and open it. The check was $1 200 short. I immediately go back in side and demand to talk to payroll. The front desk calls the payroll lady for me saying the guy we let go last week wants to speak with you . She eventually emerges from her office and walks right past me and smiles. She disappeared for 15 mins. When she returns she has my old boss right next to her. Since I was getting paid hourly at a rate we both agreed on I asked them why my check is lower than it should be. They began flipping through my time sheets. He looks up and says we agreed to quality work and a certain rate and we didn t get it . I lost my temper and we get into a shouting match in the hallway. The CEO over hears what s going on and invites me and my old boss in to settle things. While in his office the CEO was constantly belittling me and my time. I being treated very unprofessional. I was told I m stupid and that I have no talent etc.. He told me he is refusing to pay for the hours he owes me. He even challenged me to take him to court where he said he would crush me. I asked for my time sheets and they refused to give them to me. I had to ask for them four times. Eventually they caved. I left the building and took a look a the time sheets. They took a sharpie marker to a bunch of my hours. Then they also wrote down the correct amount of how much I should have been paid and subtracted all of the highlighted hours. I m not sure what to do. Part of me would love to put this company s name here to make people aware of what they have done and who they are. But the other side of me thinks it would be very unprofessional. Do I have grounds for a lawsuit to get my money? Or should I just cut my losses? Tl ddr Got fired on my bday. Employer refusing to pay me my whole paycheck. | Are you a dwarf? Your former employers could be hit with a fine of between 50 000 and 100 000 grogs if you can prove that your were let go due to said dwarfism. [Mongolian Labor Code 1999 section 141.](http: dyn natlex docs WEBTEXT 57592 65206 E99MNG01.htm#c2) I am of course assuming you re living in mongolia. | There is sure to be a statute in your state that governs non payment of salary . there is a little wrinkle as to whether you were an employee with a contract or an independent contractor so the statue may or may not govern your case The best thing you can do is find a friend who has a friend who is an attorney and get them to write a strongly worded letter on his professional letterhead in exchange for a few six packs You do have grounds for a lawsuit but its not going to be worth your time-to take it through small claims court would take at least 5 court appearances and then a 1 2 to full day bench trial-so it depends if you want to make that kind of time investment-and the prep time. I wouldn t put their name out there to the general public or potential clients employees bc it sounds like you work in a small community. I would feel ok with just factually telling other artists your experience with the company. I would also say to look at glass ceiling and see what other employees have said about them in the past | 126 | 14 |
2i326g | 185 | CEO insults me. Fires me. Refuses to pay me. Threatens to crush me if I sue. I just wanted to apologies first for the long post. I didn t mean to write something this long. But it felt good to get it off my chest as I never told anyone before. Also sorry if there is any weird Grammer I issues. I m using a new ios 8 keyboard and I m not quite use to it.. SwiftKey for the curious. A few months back I interviewed with a company. It went really well. They brought me back for a second interview. After the interview they gave me a project to work on that they claimed to be struggling with. They even paid me for my time. After I turned in the work I was told they wanted to do a third and final interview. The interview went great. At the end they gave me a test project to complete within a certain amount of time. Once complete I was told the position was between me and two other guys. A few days later I received a email saying they are going to go with one of the other guys. I was bummed however the email was super positive. It basically stated that it came down to a small error I made in the file. They were really encouraging saying how much potential they see in me and how we should keep in contact cause you never know what can happen. A month goes by and I get an email from them asking if I m still interested. I was skeptical so I asked to work contract for two Weeks to learn their system and how they do things. They agreed and I was at their office that Monday. I came in Monday and met the team. It was mostly an older group of people trying to be as edgy as one can be in a corporate office. It was rather annoying. I noticed everytime I was introduced to a person I never met. They would say something like Your not going to leave us are you? . Got my first project. I knocked it out of the park. Got my second project knocked it out of the park. I m talking high fives here people. It s Wednesday and I have now I received my third project. This is where it all goes down hill. My boss tasked me with coming up with a design for a shirt. He sketched something and told me to do something like this. I finished it within the hour along with 3 other designs and ideas that I thought were better for the client. He actually liked one of my ideas and told me to flush it out more. So we do a few more projects together where he sketched something and I give him that and some more. All seemed good. Then he pulled me into his office early one morning and told me I messed up bad on a project. I asked him to explain. He told me I deviated to far from his quick sketch. To which I told him he was mistaken. I went to my desk grabbed the sketch to show him how they compare. He wasn t having it. I also have a photography background so after the Stern talk. He asked if I wanted to do a photo shoot. I was thrilled as this is something I m really comfortable with. I do the photo shoot and it went great. I come back edit the photos and they honestly look great. I turn them in to another team member and he is jazzed about them. I get another high five. My boss comes over and asked if I can stick around a little late today as he needs help with something. I said sure it really wasn t a problem as I was having a great day. Why was I having a great day you ask? Well it was my bday and everything was for the most part going good in my life. That is until the meeting I had with my boss. He told me he was not happy with the work I produce and told me I was a hack. And that I knew nothing about design. I proceeded to remind him of all the projects we did where the client choose my design. He didn t have much else to say other than he was sorry it didn t work out. And just like that I was fired on my bday 8 days into my two week agreement. Here is where it gets beyond fucked up. Two days go by and I come back to pick up my paycheck from the front desk. I pick it up go out to my car and open it. The check was $1 200 short. I immediately go back in side and demand to talk to payroll. The front desk calls the payroll lady for me saying the guy we let go last week wants to speak with you . She eventually emerges from her office and walks right past me and smiles. She disappeared for 15 mins. When she returns she has my old boss right next to her. Since I was getting paid hourly at a rate we both agreed on I asked them why my check is lower than it should be. They began flipping through my time sheets. He looks up and says we agreed to quality work and a certain rate and we didn t get it . I lost my temper and we get into a shouting match in the hallway. The CEO over hears what s going on and invites me and my old boss in to settle things. While in his office the CEO was constantly belittling me and my time. I being treated very unprofessional. I was told I m stupid and that I have no talent etc.. He told me he is refusing to pay for the hours he owes me. He even challenged me to take him to court where he said he would crush me. I asked for my time sheets and they refused to give them to me. I had to ask for them four times. Eventually they caved. I left the building and took a look a the time sheets. They took a sharpie marker to a bunch of my hours. Then they also wrote down the correct amount of how much I should have been paid and subtracted all of the highlighted hours. I m not sure what to do. Part of me would love to put this company s name here to make people aware of what they have done and who they are. But the other side of me thinks it would be very unprofessional. Do I have grounds for a lawsuit to get my money? Or should I just cut my losses? Tl ddr Got fired on my bday. Employer refusing to pay me my whole paycheck. | They paid you less than what they said they would pay you under the terms of your contract. Of course you have grounds to sue. | *I am a bot whose sole purpose is to improve the timeliness and accuracy of responses in this subreddit.* --- **It appears you forgot to include your location in the title or body of your post.** **Please update the original post to include this information.** --- [Report Inaccuracies Here](http: r LocationBot ) | [Author](http: u ianp) | 130 | 20 |
2i326g | 185 | CEO insults me. Fires me. Refuses to pay me. Threatens to crush me if I sue. I just wanted to apologies first for the long post. I didn t mean to write something this long. But it felt good to get it off my chest as I never told anyone before. Also sorry if there is any weird Grammer I issues. I m using a new ios 8 keyboard and I m not quite use to it.. SwiftKey for the curious. A few months back I interviewed with a company. It went really well. They brought me back for a second interview. After the interview they gave me a project to work on that they claimed to be struggling with. They even paid me for my time. After I turned in the work I was told they wanted to do a third and final interview. The interview went great. At the end they gave me a test project to complete within a certain amount of time. Once complete I was told the position was between me and two other guys. A few days later I received a email saying they are going to go with one of the other guys. I was bummed however the email was super positive. It basically stated that it came down to a small error I made in the file. They were really encouraging saying how much potential they see in me and how we should keep in contact cause you never know what can happen. A month goes by and I get an email from them asking if I m still interested. I was skeptical so I asked to work contract for two Weeks to learn their system and how they do things. They agreed and I was at their office that Monday. I came in Monday and met the team. It was mostly an older group of people trying to be as edgy as one can be in a corporate office. It was rather annoying. I noticed everytime I was introduced to a person I never met. They would say something like Your not going to leave us are you? . Got my first project. I knocked it out of the park. Got my second project knocked it out of the park. I m talking high fives here people. It s Wednesday and I have now I received my third project. This is where it all goes down hill. My boss tasked me with coming up with a design for a shirt. He sketched something and told me to do something like this. I finished it within the hour along with 3 other designs and ideas that I thought were better for the client. He actually liked one of my ideas and told me to flush it out more. So we do a few more projects together where he sketched something and I give him that and some more. All seemed good. Then he pulled me into his office early one morning and told me I messed up bad on a project. I asked him to explain. He told me I deviated to far from his quick sketch. To which I told him he was mistaken. I went to my desk grabbed the sketch to show him how they compare. He wasn t having it. I also have a photography background so after the Stern talk. He asked if I wanted to do a photo shoot. I was thrilled as this is something I m really comfortable with. I do the photo shoot and it went great. I come back edit the photos and they honestly look great. I turn them in to another team member and he is jazzed about them. I get another high five. My boss comes over and asked if I can stick around a little late today as he needs help with something. I said sure it really wasn t a problem as I was having a great day. Why was I having a great day you ask? Well it was my bday and everything was for the most part going good in my life. That is until the meeting I had with my boss. He told me he was not happy with the work I produce and told me I was a hack. And that I knew nothing about design. I proceeded to remind him of all the projects we did where the client choose my design. He didn t have much else to say other than he was sorry it didn t work out. And just like that I was fired on my bday 8 days into my two week agreement. Here is where it gets beyond fucked up. Two days go by and I come back to pick up my paycheck from the front desk. I pick it up go out to my car and open it. The check was $1 200 short. I immediately go back in side and demand to talk to payroll. The front desk calls the payroll lady for me saying the guy we let go last week wants to speak with you . She eventually emerges from her office and walks right past me and smiles. She disappeared for 15 mins. When she returns she has my old boss right next to her. Since I was getting paid hourly at a rate we both agreed on I asked them why my check is lower than it should be. They began flipping through my time sheets. He looks up and says we agreed to quality work and a certain rate and we didn t get it . I lost my temper and we get into a shouting match in the hallway. The CEO over hears what s going on and invites me and my old boss in to settle things. While in his office the CEO was constantly belittling me and my time. I being treated very unprofessional. I was told I m stupid and that I have no talent etc.. He told me he is refusing to pay for the hours he owes me. He even challenged me to take him to court where he said he would crush me. I asked for my time sheets and they refused to give them to me. I had to ask for them four times. Eventually they caved. I left the building and took a look a the time sheets. They took a sharpie marker to a bunch of my hours. Then they also wrote down the correct amount of how much I should have been paid and subtracted all of the highlighted hours. I m not sure what to do. Part of me would love to put this company s name here to make people aware of what they have done and who they are. But the other side of me thinks it would be very unprofessional. Do I have grounds for a lawsuit to get my money? Or should I just cut my losses? Tl ddr Got fired on my bday. Employer refusing to pay me my whole paycheck. | Are you a dwarf? Your former employers could be hit with a fine of between 50 000 and 100 000 grogs if you can prove that your were let go due to said dwarfism. [Mongolian Labor Code 1999 section 141.](http: dyn natlex docs WEBTEXT 57592 65206 E99MNG01.htm#c2) I am of course assuming you re living in mongolia. | *I am a bot whose sole purpose is to improve the timeliness and accuracy of responses in this subreddit.* --- **It appears you forgot to include your location in the title or body of your post.** **Please update the original post to include this information.** --- [Report Inaccuracies Here](http: r LocationBot ) | [Author](http: u ianp) | 126 | 20 |
2i326g | 185 | CEO insults me. Fires me. Refuses to pay me. Threatens to crush me if I sue. I just wanted to apologies first for the long post. I didn t mean to write something this long. But it felt good to get it off my chest as I never told anyone before. Also sorry if there is any weird Grammer I issues. I m using a new ios 8 keyboard and I m not quite use to it.. SwiftKey for the curious. A few months back I interviewed with a company. It went really well. They brought me back for a second interview. After the interview they gave me a project to work on that they claimed to be struggling with. They even paid me for my time. After I turned in the work I was told they wanted to do a third and final interview. The interview went great. At the end they gave me a test project to complete within a certain amount of time. Once complete I was told the position was between me and two other guys. A few days later I received a email saying they are going to go with one of the other guys. I was bummed however the email was super positive. It basically stated that it came down to a small error I made in the file. They were really encouraging saying how much potential they see in me and how we should keep in contact cause you never know what can happen. A month goes by and I get an email from them asking if I m still interested. I was skeptical so I asked to work contract for two Weeks to learn their system and how they do things. They agreed and I was at their office that Monday. I came in Monday and met the team. It was mostly an older group of people trying to be as edgy as one can be in a corporate office. It was rather annoying. I noticed everytime I was introduced to a person I never met. They would say something like Your not going to leave us are you? . Got my first project. I knocked it out of the park. Got my second project knocked it out of the park. I m talking high fives here people. It s Wednesday and I have now I received my third project. This is where it all goes down hill. My boss tasked me with coming up with a design for a shirt. He sketched something and told me to do something like this. I finished it within the hour along with 3 other designs and ideas that I thought were better for the client. He actually liked one of my ideas and told me to flush it out more. So we do a few more projects together where he sketched something and I give him that and some more. All seemed good. Then he pulled me into his office early one morning and told me I messed up bad on a project. I asked him to explain. He told me I deviated to far from his quick sketch. To which I told him he was mistaken. I went to my desk grabbed the sketch to show him how they compare. He wasn t having it. I also have a photography background so after the Stern talk. He asked if I wanted to do a photo shoot. I was thrilled as this is something I m really comfortable with. I do the photo shoot and it went great. I come back edit the photos and they honestly look great. I turn them in to another team member and he is jazzed about them. I get another high five. My boss comes over and asked if I can stick around a little late today as he needs help with something. I said sure it really wasn t a problem as I was having a great day. Why was I having a great day you ask? Well it was my bday and everything was for the most part going good in my life. That is until the meeting I had with my boss. He told me he was not happy with the work I produce and told me I was a hack. And that I knew nothing about design. I proceeded to remind him of all the projects we did where the client choose my design. He didn t have much else to say other than he was sorry it didn t work out. And just like that I was fired on my bday 8 days into my two week agreement. Here is where it gets beyond fucked up. Two days go by and I come back to pick up my paycheck from the front desk. I pick it up go out to my car and open it. The check was $1 200 short. I immediately go back in side and demand to talk to payroll. The front desk calls the payroll lady for me saying the guy we let go last week wants to speak with you . She eventually emerges from her office and walks right past me and smiles. She disappeared for 15 mins. When she returns she has my old boss right next to her. Since I was getting paid hourly at a rate we both agreed on I asked them why my check is lower than it should be. They began flipping through my time sheets. He looks up and says we agreed to quality work and a certain rate and we didn t get it . I lost my temper and we get into a shouting match in the hallway. The CEO over hears what s going on and invites me and my old boss in to settle things. While in his office the CEO was constantly belittling me and my time. I being treated very unprofessional. I was told I m stupid and that I have no talent etc.. He told me he is refusing to pay for the hours he owes me. He even challenged me to take him to court where he said he would crush me. I asked for my time sheets and they refused to give them to me. I had to ask for them four times. Eventually they caved. I left the building and took a look a the time sheets. They took a sharpie marker to a bunch of my hours. Then they also wrote down the correct amount of how much I should have been paid and subtracted all of the highlighted hours. I m not sure what to do. Part of me would love to put this company s name here to make people aware of what they have done and who they are. But the other side of me thinks it would be very unprofessional. Do I have grounds for a lawsuit to get my money? Or should I just cut my losses? Tl ddr Got fired on my bday. Employer refusing to pay me my whole paycheck. | Are you a dwarf? Your former employers could be hit with a fine of between 50 000 and 100 000 grogs if you can prove that your were let go due to said dwarfism. [Mongolian Labor Code 1999 section 141.](http: dyn natlex docs WEBTEXT 57592 65206 E99MNG01.htm#c2) I am of course assuming you re living in mongolia. | Report them to your state Department of Labor. Wage theft of the type you describe is illegal pretty much everywhere and they can bring the hammer down on this company. | 126 | 45 |
2i7s5q | 55 | I tripped over a wire and knocked someone s phone off the table. 3 days later he s threatening to subpoena me Pennsylvania So the other night in the library I was working on a group project. While walking past a table I didn t notice a charger was strung across the aisle. I tripped over it and the phone hit the ground. No damage was notified to me then but then the next day I got a text(He knew someone I was working with) telling me to give him money for the phone. I said no I didn t know who he was it wasn t my responsibility and I recommended using a case. I just got a text saying to give him 75$ or he would take me to small claims courts. I was going to just give him the money but I called my mom and she said not to and to contact people at the University. She also said that she would get a close family friend to send a cease and desist if his actions continue and he would also represent me. Office of Student Life recommended I file a report with public safety detailing harassment and I m waiting for them to come to my room now. What should I do? | Reply to his text with dude you strung the cord across an aisle where people walk. I m not responsible for it. And then stop contact with him. It s highly unlikely he d follow through with small claims court. Even if he did you go and tell the judge your side and they d agree that the other guy is responsible. Two texxt messages from the guy isn t harrassment. 20 text messages or calls in the middle of the night is harrassment. | Stringing a cord across an aisle? Sounds like this guy is entirely responsible for what happened to his phone. I would reply telling him as much and that this will be the last of your contact. Then I would just ignore him as it is highly unlikely he would go to small claims court for $75 with no case. | 89 | 27 |
2i7s5q | 55 | I tripped over a wire and knocked someone s phone off the table. 3 days later he s threatening to subpoena me Pennsylvania So the other night in the library I was working on a group project. While walking past a table I didn t notice a charger was strung across the aisle. I tripped over it and the phone hit the ground. No damage was notified to me then but then the next day I got a text(He knew someone I was working with) telling me to give him money for the phone. I said no I didn t know who he was it wasn t my responsibility and I recommended using a case. I just got a text saying to give him 75$ or he would take me to small claims courts. I was going to just give him the money but I called my mom and she said not to and to contact people at the University. She also said that she would get a close family friend to send a cease and desist if his actions continue and he would also represent me. Office of Student Life recommended I file a report with public safety detailing harassment and I m waiting for them to come to my room now. What should I do? | Reply to his text with dude you strung the cord across an aisle where people walk. I m not responsible for it. And then stop contact with him. It s highly unlikely he d follow through with small claims court. Even if he did you go and tell the judge your side and they d agree that the other guy is responsible. Two texxt messages from the guy isn t harrassment. 20 text messages or calls in the middle of the night is harrassment. | > Office of Student Life recommended I file a report with public safety detailing harassment For two text messages? Seriously? Can t you just you know say no and then ignore him? Anyhow your options are to pay him or wait to see if he takes you to small claims court. | 89 | 35 |
2ic03t | 61 | Is it illegal to shoot down a drone (helicopter) in mid flight with a crossbow? I shot a drone and the owner claimed he had legal rights to fly it over my lawn and that he paid $2 000 and has the right to claim it. What did I do with the drone as soon as it landed? I smash it! Because he s been flying it back in forth for two weeks now I gave him warnings even called the cops after that he continued harassing me. So I got a little pissed off and decided to shoot his drone because he was harassing me and now filing a lawsuit. Another question to ask can I counter sue for $2 000? EDIT: Its a quadcopter EDIT: I used a crossbow non-lethal I tied a rope so I can pull it down. | While you posses air rights over your property you may not destroy property that tresspasses through that airspace. The proper course of action would have been to file a restraining order legally preventing the owner of the drone from flying over the property otherwise he would face legal penalties. Just as you may not shoot a tresspassing dog nor destroy someone s car parked on your lawn you can t wantonly destroy an RV quadrocopter. If you take this to trial you will lose on statute. I recommend you hire an attorney and offer to settle for the full replacement cost of the drone. An expensive lesson to you that you may not destroy tresspassing property unless it is a physical threat to your safety or your property. | Your account is short on facts it is difficult to ascertain whether this may or may not have been harassment. In terms of aviation laws it does not sounds like any were broken unless he was flying in an unsafe manner which could be questioned. Even if that were true however this would not make you destroying it the correct thing to do. Think about if it were the 10 year old neighbor driving his remote control car across your lawn. Would you have the legal right to destroy it? You don t like your neighbors dog running across your lawn so you shoot it - does that seem like the appropriate response? I cannot think of a situation where you destroying someone s property is ever the correct response regardless of if they were breaking a law or not. The correct response is to document the situation the best you can and report it to the police. It sounds like your neighbor likely has some recourse against you in regards to destroying his property. | 88 | 28 |
2iewec | 31 | My Neighbors are Bullying Us. What can me do? Me and my roommate (both females) are living in a house a couple blocks away from our campus. And our neighbors (a man and a women in their 50 s and their daughter (mid 20 s) live next door. Twice they have came over to our house and proceeded to YELL at us. Literally YELL. One day the dad came over and knocked on our door. We were both home and we had two guy friends over. We all opened the door and the dad proceeded to tell us we needed to get our grass cut. He was obviously annoyed but didn t yell. We told him that the landlord was responsible for the grass. The next day the mom came over. I was home alone and I opened the door. The mom asked me why the grass wasn t taken care of yet. I told her that the land lord was supposed to take care of it. She said she is friends with the landlord and that he said he isn t. I said that my roommate and I would call my roommate s mom when my roommate got home and see what was going on. She asked why I hadn t done that yesterday and I replied that I didn t think it was that big of a deal. (Half the people s houses on our street have grass way way longer than ours so it wasn t a big deal. We don t live on that nice of a street). She just started screaming. Literally yelling about how my attitude was bad and blah blah blah. I couldn t believe it and literally said Why are you yelling at me? . Her daughter came over and calmed her down. She proceeded to tell me that as soon as I was eating I was to bring our trash cans in because the trash guy wasn t coming for a few days and then left. I took the trash in 10 mins after she left and my roommate s mom took care of the grass issue the next day. A few days later we get a text from our landlord that the neighbors keep texting him saying we have a car parked in our front lawn. He said he couldnt care less but that the neighbors keep texting him about it. We had a few friends over and one of them had parked their vehicle half way in the grass because we didn t have enough room on our driveway. We moved the car as soon as he texted us. Well now my rooomate just called me in tears because the neighbors came over again and scared her so bad. She said all three of them came over and the dad started yelling LITERALLY YELLING because our dog was barking. A grown man yelled at my sweet young female roommate. A GROWN MAN. She said she was terrified especially because there was three of them and she was all alone. She told them that someone would come pick the dog up and she had a friend take our dog to his house for now. How can I handle this situation? . We arn t even bad kids. We dont party at all. We just go to school and do homework and watch netflix on saturday nights. My big guy friends want to go over to their house and yell at them for bullying us but I feel like there is a better way to handle this. Any suggestions? | Stop opening the door. Really. Just ignore them. If they won t leave the porch call the police. But don t open the door. Don t talk to them. | *I am a bot whose sole purpose is to improve the timeliness and accuracy of responses in this subreddit.* --- **It appears you forgot to include your location in the title or body of your post.** **Please update the original post to include this information.** --- [Report Inaccuracies Here](http: r LocationBot ) | [Author](http: u ianp) | 185 | 4 |
2igh5o | 84 | School confiscates phone. Phone is stolen from teacher. I have a Note 4 which is a huge phone. It is uncomfortable to have in my pocket and I notice it gets scratched in my backpack so I usually set it on my desk during class. I am a junior in highschool in CA. My teacher saw my phone and confiscated it. I believe the handbook says she s supposed to have it delivered to the office for safekeeping but when she took it she left it on the marker tray below the whiteboard and it was stolen as the tangle of people left the class. Even though I was still in the classroom she assumed responsibility for the device and it was stolen. This was two hours ago and I haven t approached administration about it yet... what do? | This isn t legal advice but have you tried using [Android Device Manager](https: android devicemanager) to try to locate your phone? | If you have a school resource officer report to them first. If not the administration. If the teacher knows it is stolen she has probably already reported to administration. And use whatever phone tracker you have on your phone to find out where it is before school lets out. | 155 | 20 |
2igh5o | 84 | School confiscates phone. Phone is stolen from teacher. I have a Note 4 which is a huge phone. It is uncomfortable to have in my pocket and I notice it gets scratched in my backpack so I usually set it on my desk during class. I am a junior in highschool in CA. My teacher saw my phone and confiscated it. I believe the handbook says she s supposed to have it delivered to the office for safekeeping but when she took it she left it on the marker tray below the whiteboard and it was stolen as the tangle of people left the class. Even though I was still in the classroom she assumed responsibility for the device and it was stolen. This was two hours ago and I haven t approached administration about it yet... what do? | This isn t legal advice but have you tried using [Android Device Manager](https: android devicemanager) to try to locate your phone? | Probably approach your administration first. That would be a good start. It rarely gets better to escalate a situation before you have tried to talk it through. Also they can probably go searching locker and things in an effort to find it. Legally I think you might have some theory based on the concept of a bailment but the school is almost certainly immune. You would have to find the thief. I have no idea how much a Note 4 costs but I highly doubt it is enough for an attorney to get involved. Your best bet is to ask the administration to help you find who stole it. Especially because it is probably pretty easy to narrow it down from the people who were in the class. | 155 | 64 |
2iv64w | 77 | Hotel gave us a lower price room than I reserved they won t refund the difference. Anything I can do in CA? We recently got married and went on our honeymoon. I reserved a hotel s honeymoon suite. It was supposed to have a separate living area and bedroom private ocean-view patio complimentary room service breakfast each morning etc. When we arrived the hotel told us there was a booking issue and they were over-booked and their honeymoon suites were full. They arranged for us to get a honeymoon suite at a different hotel nearby. The hotel already had my credit card information from the reservation. The day we arrived and were sent to the different hotel I asked front desk staff if they would process my payment or if I needed to give the new hotel my card info. The person told me she THOUGHT I would pay the new hotel but there wasn t a manager available to talk to because it was late at night. At the new hotel when a manager was a available I went to arrange payment and was told that the other hotel had already collected my payment. They charged my credit card for the amount of the room we RESERVED not the price of the room we GOT. The other hotel s honeymoon suite was much smaller just the one room had no deck or patio was not an ocean-view room and there was no breakfast feature. Wifi and parking had to be paid for. They comped parking for the first night but after that we had to pay. It is also simply a lower-quality hotel. I actually considered it when booking but found that it got bad reviews. Sure enough the hotel room was not very clean two light bulbs were out the bathtub had dirty footprints in it and we found some forgotten belongings of a previous guest in the room. The price of the room I reserved was $410 night. I asked front desk staff at the hotel that they put us in and was told that the rate for the room we were in was $290 night. That is a $120 different over 7 days $840 total. We also had to buy breakfast each day since breakfast was not included and we had to pay for wifi and parking which were free at the original hotel. Overall we are out more than $1000. The hotel refuses to give me any money back because they say that the rooms were equivalent because they are both honeymoon suites. But the room we reserved was a much nicer room with more features. And and the hotel they sent us to we had to pay for things that were complimentary at the first hotel. If I take them to court is it likely I would win or would their defense of the rooms being equivalent hold up? | Personally I think you have a good case. You did not get what you paid for. You can sue in small claims. You need your receipts for everything. Also get print outs of the website pictures for both hotels and the room you wanted and the room you got. If you took any pictures that would be good also. Get all these things together and write a strongly worded letter explaining what happened what compensation you want and by when (give them a few weeks). Send it to the corporate office. If you don t get a response you like then file in small claims. | Also I was advised to consider doing a chargeback to my credit card. However since we did receive SOME services (just not the proper amount) I am not sure whether it can be arranged. | 84 | 21 |
2ix1r3 | 51 | Pizza Thief I live in an apartment building that you need to be buzzed into if you don t have a key. Tonight I placed an online order for some pizzas (paid with credit card) and after nearly two hours and zero pizzas I called the place to see what was up. They told me that my pizzas had already been delivered and then contacted the driver to see what had happened. Apparently another resident had been hanging out in the lobby let the driver in (which is why I was never buzzed) signed the receipt and took the pizzas for himself. Now there s the obvious (and heinous) crime of pizza theft here but would signing my credit card receipt constitute fraud identity theft? Is the pizza place liable for letting that happen not delivering the pizza to my exact address? I realize this may seem a bit silly compared to the other issues people bring here but nobody comes between me and my pizzas. | Chargeback is probably the best option assuming the pizza place isn t receptive. While pizzatheft *should* be punishable by summary execution our legal system is occasionally backwards and demented. | try to get the pizza place to replace your order or refund you. If they refuse contact your card issuer for a charge back. The pizzanapper is a thief but the police will not help you and small claims is may not even be an option to you depending on your location and the total amount paid. If it was an option is would be almost assuredly not worth it. | 68 | 17 |
2j0gkv | 25 | Served Court Summons by child Today my wife was served a court summons from her daughters father through the child who is five years old. He hid the papers in the childs homework and then told the child to hand it to mommy. Is this insane or is it just me? Edit: I m also curious if we should report it since he forced the child to unknowingly serve the papers. | Aside from being counter-productive and childish it s also not going to be valid service of process. | *I am a bot whose sole purpose is to improve the timeliness and accuracy of responses in this subreddit.* --- **It appears you forgot to include your location in the title or body of your post.** **Please update the original post to include this information.** --- [Report Inaccuracies Here](http: r LocationBot ) | [Author](http: u ianp) | 58 | 4 |
2j7x25 | 28 | My son had an incident on his school bus (USA) I am wondering if we should meet with an Attorney. My son who is in Junior High infromed us that he and his buddies were talking football on the bus when somone heckled the Bus Aids favorite team. The Bus Aid assumed it was my son. As punishment he sat on my sons lap for several stops. The Bus Aid is a man approx 55+ years old. My son immediately felt uncomfortable and told him to move he refused. The school reviewed the footage confirmed and the Aid was fired. Days have passed and my son still seems very embarrassed and just doesn t seem to be himself. Would there be any value to seeking legal advice? | I always like the school related questions because it allows me to engage in fond nostalgia for my days as a high school principal and what I had to deal with every day. And there were few days without crazy weird shit happening. There was an incident on the bus kids acting stupid as kids do. And the aide responding in a stupid way. The school punished him to the max. They cannot do anything more to him outside of asking the police to file criminal charges. Did he commit a crime? Probably. But we live in a society. We try and do good every day. Do we want to give this guy a criminal record for this? Hes lost his job. Your precious snowflake will survive. If this traumatized him you have done a shitty job raising him. Of course he was embarrassed. And for the rest of school kids may say hey Junior remember when Aide Bob sat on you? That was hysterical! Big fucking deal. He will survive. If he isn t himself then he had a helluva lot more problems going on than this. Your job as a parent is to raise him to be able to deal with the world. Junior high is one of the most difficult periods in adolescence. Everything is horrible traumatic and everlasting. Except it isn t. You overblowing the drama on this is going to gin him up to make this a bigger deal than it really is. What do you want money? A piece of shit personal injury attorney may be able to shake some money out of the school. So if that will satisfy you give it a shot. And the next time someone looks cross eyed at your kid he will probably have to be institutionalized. Smarten up. Deal with your kid in a way that moves him forward in his development. This is not it. | Have you talked to the police? | 105 | 5 |
2j7x25 | 28 | My son had an incident on his school bus (USA) I am wondering if we should meet with an Attorney. My son who is in Junior High infromed us that he and his buddies were talking football on the bus when somone heckled the Bus Aids favorite team. The Bus Aid assumed it was my son. As punishment he sat on my sons lap for several stops. The Bus Aid is a man approx 55+ years old. My son immediately felt uncomfortable and told him to move he refused. The school reviewed the footage confirmed and the Aid was fired. Days have passed and my son still seems very embarrassed and just doesn t seem to be himself. Would there be any value to seeking legal advice? | I always like the school related questions because it allows me to engage in fond nostalgia for my days as a high school principal and what I had to deal with every day. And there were few days without crazy weird shit happening. There was an incident on the bus kids acting stupid as kids do. And the aide responding in a stupid way. The school punished him to the max. They cannot do anything more to him outside of asking the police to file criminal charges. Did he commit a crime? Probably. But we live in a society. We try and do good every day. Do we want to give this guy a criminal record for this? Hes lost his job. Your precious snowflake will survive. If this traumatized him you have done a shitty job raising him. Of course he was embarrassed. And for the rest of school kids may say hey Junior remember when Aide Bob sat on you? That was hysterical! Big fucking deal. He will survive. If he isn t himself then he had a helluva lot more problems going on than this. Your job as a parent is to raise him to be able to deal with the world. Junior high is one of the most difficult periods in adolescence. Everything is horrible traumatic and everlasting. Except it isn t. You overblowing the drama on this is going to gin him up to make this a bigger deal than it really is. What do you want money? A piece of shit personal injury attorney may be able to shake some money out of the school. So if that will satisfy you give it a shot. And the next time someone looks cross eyed at your kid he will probably have to be institutionalized. Smarten up. Deal with your kid in a way that moves him forward in his development. This is not it. | Tell him to walk it off? I mean you can go to the school and sue and all that but at that point you re part of the problem. The School reviewed the footage and fired the guy they did everything in their power. I mean...shit I dont want to sound like an old man here but GET OVER IT. If you need to see a therapist thats fine but he s going to tell you to Accept it happened and to move on with your life. | 105 | 7 |
2j7x25 | 28 | My son had an incident on his school bus (USA) I am wondering if we should meet with an Attorney. My son who is in Junior High infromed us that he and his buddies were talking football on the bus when somone heckled the Bus Aids favorite team. The Bus Aid assumed it was my son. As punishment he sat on my sons lap for several stops. The Bus Aid is a man approx 55+ years old. My son immediately felt uncomfortable and told him to move he refused. The school reviewed the footage confirmed and the Aid was fired. Days have passed and my son still seems very embarrassed and just doesn t seem to be himself. Would there be any value to seeking legal advice? | I always like the school related questions because it allows me to engage in fond nostalgia for my days as a high school principal and what I had to deal with every day. And there were few days without crazy weird shit happening. There was an incident on the bus kids acting stupid as kids do. And the aide responding in a stupid way. The school punished him to the max. They cannot do anything more to him outside of asking the police to file criminal charges. Did he commit a crime? Probably. But we live in a society. We try and do good every day. Do we want to give this guy a criminal record for this? Hes lost his job. Your precious snowflake will survive. If this traumatized him you have done a shitty job raising him. Of course he was embarrassed. And for the rest of school kids may say hey Junior remember when Aide Bob sat on you? That was hysterical! Big fucking deal. He will survive. If he isn t himself then he had a helluva lot more problems going on than this. Your job as a parent is to raise him to be able to deal with the world. Junior high is one of the most difficult periods in adolescence. Everything is horrible traumatic and everlasting. Except it isn t. You overblowing the drama on this is going to gin him up to make this a bigger deal than it really is. What do you want money? A piece of shit personal injury attorney may be able to shake some money out of the school. So if that will satisfy you give it a shot. And the next time someone looks cross eyed at your kid he will probably have to be institutionalized. Smarten up. Deal with your kid in a way that moves him forward in his development. This is not it. | Embarrassing things happen when you re in middle school.... The school took action and the situation was delt with. Consider it a lesson for your son about dealing with weird situations. Attempting legal action wouldn t make your son any less embarrassed if anything it would just drag it out. | 105 | 11 |
2j7x25 | 28 | My son had an incident on his school bus (USA) I am wondering if we should meet with an Attorney. My son who is in Junior High infromed us that he and his buddies were talking football on the bus when somone heckled the Bus Aids favorite team. The Bus Aid assumed it was my son. As punishment he sat on my sons lap for several stops. The Bus Aid is a man approx 55+ years old. My son immediately felt uncomfortable and told him to move he refused. The school reviewed the footage confirmed and the Aid was fired. Days have passed and my son still seems very embarrassed and just doesn t seem to be himself. Would there be any value to seeking legal advice? | I always like the school related questions because it allows me to engage in fond nostalgia for my days as a high school principal and what I had to deal with every day. And there were few days without crazy weird shit happening. There was an incident on the bus kids acting stupid as kids do. And the aide responding in a stupid way. The school punished him to the max. They cannot do anything more to him outside of asking the police to file criminal charges. Did he commit a crime? Probably. But we live in a society. We try and do good every day. Do we want to give this guy a criminal record for this? Hes lost his job. Your precious snowflake will survive. If this traumatized him you have done a shitty job raising him. Of course he was embarrassed. And for the rest of school kids may say hey Junior remember when Aide Bob sat on you? That was hysterical! Big fucking deal. He will survive. If he isn t himself then he had a helluva lot more problems going on than this. Your job as a parent is to raise him to be able to deal with the world. Junior high is one of the most difficult periods in adolescence. Everything is horrible traumatic and everlasting. Except it isn t. You overblowing the drama on this is going to gin him up to make this a bigger deal than it really is. What do you want money? A piece of shit personal injury attorney may be able to shake some money out of the school. So if that will satisfy you give it a shot. And the next time someone looks cross eyed at your kid he will probably have to be institutionalized. Smarten up. Deal with your kid in a way that moves him forward in his development. This is not it. | You might want to contact the police. That is grossly inappropriate conduct. The school took action so all you could would be to go after the guy himself. | 105 | 11 |
2j7x25 | 28 | My son had an incident on his school bus (USA) I am wondering if we should meet with an Attorney. My son who is in Junior High infromed us that he and his buddies were talking football on the bus when somone heckled the Bus Aids favorite team. The Bus Aid assumed it was my son. As punishment he sat on my sons lap for several stops. The Bus Aid is a man approx 55+ years old. My son immediately felt uncomfortable and told him to move he refused. The school reviewed the footage confirmed and the Aid was fired. Days have passed and my son still seems very embarrassed and just doesn t seem to be himself. Would there be any value to seeking legal advice? | I always like the school related questions because it allows me to engage in fond nostalgia for my days as a high school principal and what I had to deal with every day. And there were few days without crazy weird shit happening. There was an incident on the bus kids acting stupid as kids do. And the aide responding in a stupid way. The school punished him to the max. They cannot do anything more to him outside of asking the police to file criminal charges. Did he commit a crime? Probably. But we live in a society. We try and do good every day. Do we want to give this guy a criminal record for this? Hes lost his job. Your precious snowflake will survive. If this traumatized him you have done a shitty job raising him. Of course he was embarrassed. And for the rest of school kids may say hey Junior remember when Aide Bob sat on you? That was hysterical! Big fucking deal. He will survive. If he isn t himself then he had a helluva lot more problems going on than this. Your job as a parent is to raise him to be able to deal with the world. Junior high is one of the most difficult periods in adolescence. Everything is horrible traumatic and everlasting. Except it isn t. You overblowing the drama on this is going to gin him up to make this a bigger deal than it really is. What do you want money? A piece of shit personal injury attorney may be able to shake some money out of the school. So if that will satisfy you give it a shot. And the next time someone looks cross eyed at your kid he will probably have to be institutionalized. Smarten up. Deal with your kid in a way that moves him forward in his development. This is not it. | Good lord everything doesn t have to be a lawsuit. | 105 | 14 |
2j8foi | 117 | Fired after being suspected of having Ebola I was let go from work today becuase some employees thought that since I came back from dallas on a one day trip that I was feared of having Ebola even though I was not sick or showing any signs of sickness at work. They made small light hearted jokes about it and started office rummors about me having ebola & even a false rummor that I knew the patient there. I was let go before I could even get the chance to address these false claims. I have not had contact with anyone that was was sick and I myself was not showing any signs of sickness at all just the mere fact that I was in the Dallas area made my employer feel uneasy & told me that it may have scared some employees that your trip to Dallas was theatening to thier safety . Was I treated unfairly? What should i do? | Contact the news. Such morons should get airtime. | What state are you in? I believe it is illegal to be fired because of health status or perceived health status - consult an employment lawyer. | 251 | 33 |
2j8foi | 117 | Fired after being suspected of having Ebola I was let go from work today becuase some employees thought that since I came back from dallas on a one day trip that I was feared of having Ebola even though I was not sick or showing any signs of sickness at work. They made small light hearted jokes about it and started office rummors about me having ebola & even a false rummor that I knew the patient there. I was let go before I could even get the chance to address these false claims. I have not had contact with anyone that was was sick and I myself was not showing any signs of sickness at all just the mere fact that I was in the Dallas area made my employer feel uneasy & told me that it may have scared some employees that your trip to Dallas was theatening to thier safety . Was I treated unfairly? What should i do? | Contact the news. Such morons should get airtime. | Somehow I doubt that was the real reason you were fired. | 251 | 64 |
2jg1y5 | 143 | Co-worked fired for reporting a possible Ebola patient to the CDC. I work in urgent care. Because of the Ebola scare my clinic recently sent out a memo regarding the proper protocol should a patient present with Ebola-like symptoms who have recently traveled. To sum it up it stated that we are to immediately isolate the patient and call the CDC while a single physician would put on PPE and triage the patient and await direction from the CDC. So today we had a patient walk in and state that he was running a fever and had recently traveled to Africa. My co-worker gave the patient an N-59 mask immediately put the patient in isolation and then went to call the CDC. As she was on the phone with the CDC our operations manager got wind of the situation. She immediately ran up to my co-worker and yelled at her to hang up the phone. I assume maybe she didn t want panic in the clinic. After she demanded that she hang up the phone she said a few harsh words to my colleague and then fired her on the spot. I have no idea how she rationalized firing her but she did. My question is does my colleague have any grounds for wrongful termination? She was following a written protocol. | Well if this is true first talk to an employment lawyer. If there s no legal remedy then I would strongly consider going to the media. | > she said a few harsh words to my colleague and then fired her on the spot. Oh yes the medical field is full of these asshats. I worked in a hospital many years ago handling infected waste and kept getting respiratory infections and I have asthma so my doctor told me to wear a medical mask. My boss fired me because I alarmed the patients as I did my work in the hospital. Your co-worker can file for unemployment then find a new job. | 127 | 32 |
2jg1y5 | 143 | Co-worked fired for reporting a possible Ebola patient to the CDC. I work in urgent care. Because of the Ebola scare my clinic recently sent out a memo regarding the proper protocol should a patient present with Ebola-like symptoms who have recently traveled. To sum it up it stated that we are to immediately isolate the patient and call the CDC while a single physician would put on PPE and triage the patient and await direction from the CDC. So today we had a patient walk in and state that he was running a fever and had recently traveled to Africa. My co-worker gave the patient an N-59 mask immediately put the patient in isolation and then went to call the CDC. As she was on the phone with the CDC our operations manager got wind of the situation. She immediately ran up to my co-worker and yelled at her to hang up the phone. I assume maybe she didn t want panic in the clinic. After she demanded that she hang up the phone she said a few harsh words to my colleague and then fired her on the spot. I have no idea how she rationalized firing her but she did. My question is does my colleague have any grounds for wrongful termination? She was following a written protocol. | I would consult with a lawyer immediately. This is a serious problem and lapses in protocol like this can result in thousands of deaths of someone goes undiagnosed with Ebola. Step 1 is talk to a lawyer then I would (after clearing it with the lawyer) notify the CDC and whatever regulatory body governs the clinic hospital that your co-worker was just fired from. | > she said a few harsh words to my colleague and then fired her on the spot. Oh yes the medical field is full of these asshats. I worked in a hospital many years ago handling infected waste and kept getting respiratory infections and I have asthma so my doctor told me to wear a medical mask. My boss fired me because I alarmed the patients as I did my work in the hospital. Your co-worker can file for unemployment then find a new job. | 86 | 32 |
2jjfc1 | 43 | Ex-employer sent me IT bill for retrieving deleted e-mails Quick backstory: I was hired on as an admin-assistant at a University here in Canada as a casual employee. I was laid off in the second month due to budget cuts. I was giving a general office g-mail account when I got hired using the same e-mail as the person prior to me. I was never told not to delete e-mails when I am done with them. When I was let go I deleted all the e-mail in my inbox then from the trashbin in g-mail. I did this because I used it for some personal things (booking a hotel online banking) and did not want the next person to have access to these. Apparently I was not supposed to do this and my former boss decided that they would send me the bill from the IT department at the University to pay to recover these e-mails. They garnished my last paycheque ($500) and sent me an invoice for the remaining $400 to pay. Never once was it in writing that I agreed to pay for this nor should I have to as I was never instructed otherwise. The only issue is that I was working the Faculty of Law and everyone is a lawyer. What where do I go with this? Can they take me to small claims court? What If I dont pay? Edit: I should also note: I was part of the union (NASA) and am in the process of speaking with them and I have contacted the Alberta Labour Board and they referred me back to the union. | All legal issues aside I cannot fathom why you would use an inbox accessed by multiple people that you do not own for sensitive and personal correspondence. | Not familiar with Canadian law on the subject. But would be surprised if it allowed the employer to garnish a paycheck without consent. In my state of North Carolina you could sue for treble damages + attorneys fees. | 69 | 8 |
2jjfc1 | 43 | Ex-employer sent me IT bill for retrieving deleted e-mails Quick backstory: I was hired on as an admin-assistant at a University here in Canada as a casual employee. I was laid off in the second month due to budget cuts. I was giving a general office g-mail account when I got hired using the same e-mail as the person prior to me. I was never told not to delete e-mails when I am done with them. When I was let go I deleted all the e-mail in my inbox then from the trashbin in g-mail. I did this because I used it for some personal things (booking a hotel online banking) and did not want the next person to have access to these. Apparently I was not supposed to do this and my former boss decided that they would send me the bill from the IT department at the University to pay to recover these e-mails. They garnished my last paycheque ($500) and sent me an invoice for the remaining $400 to pay. Never once was it in writing that I agreed to pay for this nor should I have to as I was never instructed otherwise. The only issue is that I was working the Faculty of Law and everyone is a lawyer. What where do I go with this? Can they take me to small claims court? What If I dont pay? Edit: I should also note: I was part of the union (NASA) and am in the process of speaking with them and I have contacted the Alberta Labour Board and they referred me back to the union. | All legal issues aside I cannot fathom why you would use an inbox accessed by multiple people that you do not own for sensitive and personal correspondence. | Not a lawyer but an IT person. Just wanted to comment that it is absurdly frustrating for me when someone leaves the company and perma-deletes their entire mailbox. You have no idea what kernel of information may become useful to your super after your leave or to your replacement. Recently I ve been asked to dig up e-mails sent to or from staff members who are no longer here that were sent 2+ years ago only to find out they re gone. Fortunately they were very minor scraps of info we found elsewhere but the cost just to *attempt* to undelete something like that is ridiculous ($900 is not overly surprising for intense data recovery). Not to mention that certain people in the Canadian government have gotten in trouble in recent years over deleted e-mails relating to a power plant no one wanted... I doubt the same would be true of a university but you can never really know what someone will suddenly need & go looking for. **TL DR:** Don t delete your mailbox when you leave a company. Use a personal e-mail for personal things. | 69 | 9 |
2jtlia | 87 | Machinima used my r gonewild photo in one of their videos without my permission I don t want to disclose my location for obvious reasons like stalking. Machinima used my r gonewild photo in one of their videos without my permission. They are a company that focuses on video game news and other top stories. Are they allowed to do this and if not what should my next line of action be? I have tried contacting them through multiple ports without any sort of success. Like I said my location isn t entirely necessary if you want to help me out and knowing my location becomes a necessity then I will disclose it between myself and said help. Thank you in advance for any advice. Here is the link to the video my photo is the thumbnail: https: watch?v=mv_Svza5rBM | Hi. I work at Machinima and I m incredibly sorry to have this happen to you. We ve been using a contract editor for some of our pieces lately and I don t always have full info on where images are sourced. As soon as I get to a computer I ll private this video and replace the thumbnail. Please accept my apology and be assured I m going to have a conversation with the creator of this thumb. | Imgur did not license this user to post that image. He used it without permission. File a takedown notice. It helps if you include a link to the original image if it has your watermark. That shows youtube that user intentionally removed the copyright from your material. Bloggers like that get serious dings for takedown notices. | 191 | 4 |
2jtlia | 87 | Machinima used my r gonewild photo in one of their videos without my permission I don t want to disclose my location for obvious reasons like stalking. Machinima used my r gonewild photo in one of their videos without my permission. They are a company that focuses on video game news and other top stories. Are they allowed to do this and if not what should my next line of action be? I have tried contacting them through multiple ports without any sort of success. Like I said my location isn t entirely necessary if you want to help me out and knowing my location becomes a necessity then I will disclose it between myself and said help. Thank you in advance for any advice. Here is the link to the video my photo is the thumbnail: https: watch?v=mv_Svza5rBM | Hi. I work at Machinima and I m incredibly sorry to have this happen to you. We ve been using a contract editor for some of our pieces lately and I don t always have full info on where images are sourced. As soon as I get to a computer I ll private this video and replace the thumbnail. Please accept my apology and be assured I m going to have a conversation with the creator of this thumb. | In many countries in europe user Agreements like the posted ones bla bla we own everything simply are not valid and hold no meaning in court. So depending on where you are good luck. | 191 | 5 |
2jtlia | 87 | Machinima used my r gonewild photo in one of their videos without my permission I don t want to disclose my location for obvious reasons like stalking. Machinima used my r gonewild photo in one of their videos without my permission. They are a company that focuses on video game news and other top stories. Are they allowed to do this and if not what should my next line of action be? I have tried contacting them through multiple ports without any sort of success. Like I said my location isn t entirely necessary if you want to help me out and knowing my location becomes a necessity then I will disclose it between myself and said help. Thank you in advance for any advice. Here is the link to the video my photo is the thumbnail: https: watch?v=mv_Svza5rBM | Hi. I work at Machinima and I m incredibly sorry to have this happen to you. We ve been using a contract editor for some of our pieces lately and I don t always have full info on where images are sourced. As soon as I get to a computer I ll private this video and replace the thumbnail. Please accept my apology and be assured I m going to have a conversation with the creator of this thumb. | As part of reddit s [user agreement](http: wiki useragreement) you grant reddit the right to redistribute your content: > By submitting user content to reddit you grant us a royalty-free perpetual irrevocable non-exclusive unrestricted worldwide license to reproduce prepare derivative works distribute copies perform or publicly display your user content in any medium and for any purpose including commercial purposes and to authorize others to do so. So one of two groups has to authorize this use: you or reddit. You should first contact reddit to see if they ve authorized it. If not you can send a DMCA takedown notice to Machinima. | 191 | 23 |
2jtlia | 87 | Machinima used my r gonewild photo in one of their videos without my permission I don t want to disclose my location for obvious reasons like stalking. Machinima used my r gonewild photo in one of their videos without my permission. They are a company that focuses on video game news and other top stories. Are they allowed to do this and if not what should my next line of action be? I have tried contacting them through multiple ports without any sort of success. Like I said my location isn t entirely necessary if you want to help me out and knowing my location becomes a necessity then I will disclose it between myself and said help. Thank you in advance for any advice. Here is the link to the video my photo is the thumbnail: https: watch?v=mv_Svza5rBM | Hi. I work at Machinima and I m incredibly sorry to have this happen to you. We ve been using a contract editor for some of our pieces lately and I don t always have full info on where images are sourced. As soon as I get to a computer I ll private this video and replace the thumbnail. Please accept my apology and be assured I m going to have a conversation with the creator of this thumb. | Youtube has a report button you can use to report copyright infringement. | 191 | 43 |
2jtp43 | 100 | My landlord is charging me for medical bills because she says my dog scared her when she came into my apartment without notice and refusing to accept my rent check unless I pay her all at once. I m in Alabama My landlord entered my apartment on 9 15. She said that she was checking on the apartment. I have filled out all necessary paperwork required to have a dog and notifying her of details like the dog s name color breed weight height that the dog is not caged etc. She has all of it on file. She claims that when she opened the door my dog (7 year-old 8 lb miniature pinscher) ran toward the door barking and it scared her so much that she fell backwards and hit her head. She has sent me a bill for $2100. It includes the cost of an emergency room visit and x-ray. $416 of this total is listed as compensation for an RN s overtime wage to watch over her overnight in case she had a concussion. She mentioned in conversation that the RN is her sister. I asked if they found anything medically wrong with her and she stuttered about anxiety but couldn t name anything physically wrong. Three days AFTER that she told me that I should be aware that if she needs physical therapy to reduce neck pain she expects me to foot the bill. This seems ludicrous to me. Yes it is unfortunate that my dog barked at her. Had she given me notice she would be coming I would have kept him in a specific room. However I am not going to roll over and pay her thousands of dollars because she says I should. I told her as politely as I could that if she believes she is entitled to this money she can pursue it through the court but at this time myself and my dog have done nothing wrong. Now she is refusing to accept my rent check for October. I wrote a check to her for $1080 (my rent rate + $80 for dog) and she refuses to take it saying she has a right to require that my October payment include ALL currently due charges. I then put it in the rent drop-box and she sent me an email saying that my check cannot be cashed because she does not accept multiple checks for a single month s charges. She has left a notice on my door saying that if all costs and fees are not paid by 10 24 she will begin the process of eviction. What can I do? I can t afford to get a lawyer to move or to pay her thousands of dollars because she s afraid of an 8-lb doggie... | The landlord tenant act is [available here](http: legislation landlord_tenant.pdf). Section 3.103 details when the landlord has the right to enter (2 day notice). If this wasn t an emergency she didn t have the right to enter your property. The landlord s ability to evict is covered in [these sections of the Alabama code](http: alcode 35 9A 4 2). Your landlord does not appear to have the right to evict you in this case. If she tries then contest the eviction. And start looking for a new place to live because she s not going to renew your lease. | Did she know you had a dog? Just curious. Pretty sure she has no leg to stand on but I will check. Keep all the communications and the checks you wrote if you have them. | 102 | 2 |
2jtp43 | 100 | My landlord is charging me for medical bills because she says my dog scared her when she came into my apartment without notice and refusing to accept my rent check unless I pay her all at once. I m in Alabama My landlord entered my apartment on 9 15. She said that she was checking on the apartment. I have filled out all necessary paperwork required to have a dog and notifying her of details like the dog s name color breed weight height that the dog is not caged etc. She has all of it on file. She claims that when she opened the door my dog (7 year-old 8 lb miniature pinscher) ran toward the door barking and it scared her so much that she fell backwards and hit her head. She has sent me a bill for $2100. It includes the cost of an emergency room visit and x-ray. $416 of this total is listed as compensation for an RN s overtime wage to watch over her overnight in case she had a concussion. She mentioned in conversation that the RN is her sister. I asked if they found anything medically wrong with her and she stuttered about anxiety but couldn t name anything physically wrong. Three days AFTER that she told me that I should be aware that if she needs physical therapy to reduce neck pain she expects me to foot the bill. This seems ludicrous to me. Yes it is unfortunate that my dog barked at her. Had she given me notice she would be coming I would have kept him in a specific room. However I am not going to roll over and pay her thousands of dollars because she says I should. I told her as politely as I could that if she believes she is entitled to this money she can pursue it through the court but at this time myself and my dog have done nothing wrong. Now she is refusing to accept my rent check for October. I wrote a check to her for $1080 (my rent rate + $80 for dog) and she refuses to take it saying she has a right to require that my October payment include ALL currently due charges. I then put it in the rent drop-box and she sent me an email saying that my check cannot be cashed because she does not accept multiple checks for a single month s charges. She has left a notice on my door saying that if all costs and fees are not paid by 10 24 she will begin the process of eviction. What can I do? I can t afford to get a lawyer to move or to pay her thousands of dollars because she s afraid of an 8-lb doggie... | The landlord tenant act is [available here](http: legislation landlord_tenant.pdf). Section 3.103 details when the landlord has the right to enter (2 day notice). If this wasn t an emergency she didn t have the right to enter your property. The landlord s ability to evict is covered in [these sections of the Alabama code](http: alcode 35 9A 4 2). Your landlord does not appear to have the right to evict you in this case. If she tries then contest the eviction. And start looking for a new place to live because she s not going to renew your lease. | Check out your state legislation: http: legislation landlord_tenant.pdf It looks like Section 3.103 (c) says A landlord shall not abuse the right of access or use it to harass the tenant. Except in case of emergency or unless it is impracticable to do so the landlord shall give the tenant at least 2 days notice of his intent to enter and may enter only at reasonable times If your landlord didn t give you the 2 days notice they had no legal business being in there. | 102 | 21 |
2jtp43 | 100 | My landlord is charging me for medical bills because she says my dog scared her when she came into my apartment without notice and refusing to accept my rent check unless I pay her all at once. I m in Alabama My landlord entered my apartment on 9 15. She said that she was checking on the apartment. I have filled out all necessary paperwork required to have a dog and notifying her of details like the dog s name color breed weight height that the dog is not caged etc. She has all of it on file. She claims that when she opened the door my dog (7 year-old 8 lb miniature pinscher) ran toward the door barking and it scared her so much that she fell backwards and hit her head. She has sent me a bill for $2100. It includes the cost of an emergency room visit and x-ray. $416 of this total is listed as compensation for an RN s overtime wage to watch over her overnight in case she had a concussion. She mentioned in conversation that the RN is her sister. I asked if they found anything medically wrong with her and she stuttered about anxiety but couldn t name anything physically wrong. Three days AFTER that she told me that I should be aware that if she needs physical therapy to reduce neck pain she expects me to foot the bill. This seems ludicrous to me. Yes it is unfortunate that my dog barked at her. Had she given me notice she would be coming I would have kept him in a specific room. However I am not going to roll over and pay her thousands of dollars because she says I should. I told her as politely as I could that if she believes she is entitled to this money she can pursue it through the court but at this time myself and my dog have done nothing wrong. Now she is refusing to accept my rent check for October. I wrote a check to her for $1080 (my rent rate + $80 for dog) and she refuses to take it saying she has a right to require that my October payment include ALL currently due charges. I then put it in the rent drop-box and she sent me an email saying that my check cannot be cashed because she does not accept multiple checks for a single month s charges. She has left a notice on my door saying that if all costs and fees are not paid by 10 24 she will begin the process of eviction. What can I do? I can t afford to get a lawyer to move or to pay her thousands of dollars because she s afraid of an 8-lb doggie... | It sounds like she s scamming you. Be sure to document the fact you re paying your rent so she can t try to evict for nonpayment. | Did she know you had a dog? Just curious. Pretty sure she has no leg to stand on but I will check. Keep all the communications and the checks you wrote if you have them. | 58 | 2 |
2k3qhj | 169 | Update: My bosses refused to pay us for a mandatory 6-hour training seminar. I cited labor law and requested pay. They are now encouraging me to quit and making it clear that I will be let go soon. NEED ADVICE please on how to proceed... Basically my bosses sent an email detailing their refusal to pay us for a training seminar we were all forced to attend in another city last week. Their reason for not paying us was clerical errors from last year and that this was not in the budget directly from the email In short consider your meals and education your compensation. Via email the next morning I very politely and simply cited labor law and requested to be paid for 7.5 hours. As a result I was pulled aside yesterday twice once by each of the bosses (there are two a husband and wife) and told to reconsider my future with the company. The first boss told me to consider this a warning for all of the mistakes I make (this is completely out of the blue by the way) she said make any more mistakes and you are being let go. A few hours later I was reprimanded by boss #2 for being a spokesperson for my fellow employees in my email. He told me to strongly reconsider my future with the company. He made condescending remarks about my part-time status and the amount of money I was requesting. Also threatened that they would come after me if I was let go and tried to get unemployment. I repeatedly and calmly made it clear that all I wanted was to be paid for my time. My bosses have announced that we are all getting bonuses out of the blue. I assume this is their budget tax-friendly way of compensating us for that day. I am content with that however my bosses have now made it VERY clear (without saying it directly) that I will be let go very soon. It is a matter of time and a matter of what mistake they decide to fire me for. I feel very singled out and bullied. I do not want to be fired. Any help would be very appreciated. | If you are fired file for unemployment. Nothing you did is misconduct. Do not quit. | *I am a bot whose sole purpose is to improve the timeliness and accuracy of responses in this subreddit.* --- **It appears you forgot to include your location in the title or body of your post.** **Please update the original post to include this information.** --- [Report Inaccuracies Here](http: r LocationBot ) | [Author](http: u ianp) | 188 | 3 |
2k3qhj | 169 | Update: My bosses refused to pay us for a mandatory 6-hour training seminar. I cited labor law and requested pay. They are now encouraging me to quit and making it clear that I will be let go soon. NEED ADVICE please on how to proceed... Basically my bosses sent an email detailing their refusal to pay us for a training seminar we were all forced to attend in another city last week. Their reason for not paying us was clerical errors from last year and that this was not in the budget directly from the email In short consider your meals and education your compensation. Via email the next morning I very politely and simply cited labor law and requested to be paid for 7.5 hours. As a result I was pulled aside yesterday twice once by each of the bosses (there are two a husband and wife) and told to reconsider my future with the company. The first boss told me to consider this a warning for all of the mistakes I make (this is completely out of the blue by the way) she said make any more mistakes and you are being let go. A few hours later I was reprimanded by boss #2 for being a spokesperson for my fellow employees in my email. He told me to strongly reconsider my future with the company. He made condescending remarks about my part-time status and the amount of money I was requesting. Also threatened that they would come after me if I was let go and tried to get unemployment. I repeatedly and calmly made it clear that all I wanted was to be paid for my time. My bosses have announced that we are all getting bonuses out of the blue. I assume this is their budget tax-friendly way of compensating us for that day. I am content with that however my bosses have now made it VERY clear (without saying it directly) that I will be let go very soon. It is a matter of time and a matter of what mistake they decide to fire me for. I feel very singled out and bullied. I do not want to be fired. Any help would be very appreciated. | If you are fired file for unemployment. Nothing you did is misconduct. Do not quit. | You *may* have fudged up. This is why it s not the average person s position to cite law to superiors or other individuals they have a dispute with. You should have asked about the pay again when they said no you should have filed a wage claim with your local department of labor. I think pretty much all states have retaliation protection for employees who lodge complaints. You didn t do that so I don t know how far your protection from retaliation extends if at all. Here you chose to stay in house and make a stink and that s the course you set. If you do get fired still lodge a complaint with your department of labor they still may be able to do something. And also file for unemployment. Your boss can t come after you for filing for unemployment. They can dispute it they will say you were fired for cause. However you indicating to the unemployment powers that be that you were fired because you spoke up about not being paid for training time will most likely make you able to collect while you look for another job. | 188 | 28 |
2k3qhj | 169 | Update: My bosses refused to pay us for a mandatory 6-hour training seminar. I cited labor law and requested pay. They are now encouraging me to quit and making it clear that I will be let go soon. NEED ADVICE please on how to proceed... Basically my bosses sent an email detailing their refusal to pay us for a training seminar we were all forced to attend in another city last week. Their reason for not paying us was clerical errors from last year and that this was not in the budget directly from the email In short consider your meals and education your compensation. Via email the next morning I very politely and simply cited labor law and requested to be paid for 7.5 hours. As a result I was pulled aside yesterday twice once by each of the bosses (there are two a husband and wife) and told to reconsider my future with the company. The first boss told me to consider this a warning for all of the mistakes I make (this is completely out of the blue by the way) she said make any more mistakes and you are being let go. A few hours later I was reprimanded by boss #2 for being a spokesperson for my fellow employees in my email. He told me to strongly reconsider my future with the company. He made condescending remarks about my part-time status and the amount of money I was requesting. Also threatened that they would come after me if I was let go and tried to get unemployment. I repeatedly and calmly made it clear that all I wanted was to be paid for my time. My bosses have announced that we are all getting bonuses out of the blue. I assume this is their budget tax-friendly way of compensating us for that day. I am content with that however my bosses have now made it VERY clear (without saying it directly) that I will be let go very soon. It is a matter of time and a matter of what mistake they decide to fire me for. I feel very singled out and bullied. I do not want to be fired. Any help would be very appreciated. | On the chance that you will get fired forward the emails from your bosses to your personal email account. It may be useful during a wage or unemployment claim hearing. | *I am a bot whose sole purpose is to improve the timeliness and accuracy of responses in this subreddit.* --- **It appears you forgot to include your location in the title or body of your post.** **Please update the original post to include this information.** --- [Report Inaccuracies Here](http: r LocationBot ) | [Author](http: u ianp) | 122 | 3 |
2k3qhj | 169 | Update: My bosses refused to pay us for a mandatory 6-hour training seminar. I cited labor law and requested pay. They are now encouraging me to quit and making it clear that I will be let go soon. NEED ADVICE please on how to proceed... Basically my bosses sent an email detailing their refusal to pay us for a training seminar we were all forced to attend in another city last week. Their reason for not paying us was clerical errors from last year and that this was not in the budget directly from the email In short consider your meals and education your compensation. Via email the next morning I very politely and simply cited labor law and requested to be paid for 7.5 hours. As a result I was pulled aside yesterday twice once by each of the bosses (there are two a husband and wife) and told to reconsider my future with the company. The first boss told me to consider this a warning for all of the mistakes I make (this is completely out of the blue by the way) she said make any more mistakes and you are being let go. A few hours later I was reprimanded by boss #2 for being a spokesperson for my fellow employees in my email. He told me to strongly reconsider my future with the company. He made condescending remarks about my part-time status and the amount of money I was requesting. Also threatened that they would come after me if I was let go and tried to get unemployment. I repeatedly and calmly made it clear that all I wanted was to be paid for my time. My bosses have announced that we are all getting bonuses out of the blue. I assume this is their budget tax-friendly way of compensating us for that day. I am content with that however my bosses have now made it VERY clear (without saying it directly) that I will be let go very soon. It is a matter of time and a matter of what mistake they decide to fire me for. I feel very singled out and bullied. I do not want to be fired. Any help would be very appreciated. | On the chance that you will get fired forward the emails from your bosses to your personal email account. It may be useful during a wage or unemployment claim hearing. | You *may* have fudged up. This is why it s not the average person s position to cite law to superiors or other individuals they have a dispute with. You should have asked about the pay again when they said no you should have filed a wage claim with your local department of labor. I think pretty much all states have retaliation protection for employees who lodge complaints. You didn t do that so I don t know how far your protection from retaliation extends if at all. Here you chose to stay in house and make a stink and that s the course you set. If you do get fired still lodge a complaint with your department of labor they still may be able to do something. And also file for unemployment. Your boss can t come after you for filing for unemployment. They can dispute it they will say you were fired for cause. However you indicating to the unemployment powers that be that you were fired because you spoke up about not being paid for training time will most likely make you able to collect while you look for another job. | 122 | 28 |
2k3qhj | 169 | Update: My bosses refused to pay us for a mandatory 6-hour training seminar. I cited labor law and requested pay. They are now encouraging me to quit and making it clear that I will be let go soon. NEED ADVICE please on how to proceed... Basically my bosses sent an email detailing their refusal to pay us for a training seminar we were all forced to attend in another city last week. Their reason for not paying us was clerical errors from last year and that this was not in the budget directly from the email In short consider your meals and education your compensation. Via email the next morning I very politely and simply cited labor law and requested to be paid for 7.5 hours. As a result I was pulled aside yesterday twice once by each of the bosses (there are two a husband and wife) and told to reconsider my future with the company. The first boss told me to consider this a warning for all of the mistakes I make (this is completely out of the blue by the way) she said make any more mistakes and you are being let go. A few hours later I was reprimanded by boss #2 for being a spokesperson for my fellow employees in my email. He told me to strongly reconsider my future with the company. He made condescending remarks about my part-time status and the amount of money I was requesting. Also threatened that they would come after me if I was let go and tried to get unemployment. I repeatedly and calmly made it clear that all I wanted was to be paid for my time. My bosses have announced that we are all getting bonuses out of the blue. I assume this is their budget tax-friendly way of compensating us for that day. I am content with that however my bosses have now made it VERY clear (without saying it directly) that I will be let go very soon. It is a matter of time and a matter of what mistake they decide to fire me for. I feel very singled out and bullied. I do not want to be fired. Any help would be very appreciated. | Save all documentation do not quit start being very careful with who you speak to and what you say. If you are fired get unemployment then consult attorney for wrongful termination and a demand letter that should scare the pants off them. It sounds like your cite to labor law already forced some action you may be unknowingly in the drivers seat here. | *I am a bot whose sole purpose is to improve the timeliness and accuracy of responses in this subreddit.* --- **It appears you forgot to include your location in the title or body of your post.** **Please update the original post to include this information.** --- [Report Inaccuracies Here](http: r LocationBot ) | [Author](http: u ianp) | 83 | 3 |
2k7vdw | 1,847 | My landlord had my service dog taken away and probably euthanized while I was at work. Alabama. I moved to rural Alabama a few months ago and signed a 1 year lease on a rental property. The lease explicitly states that dogs are allowed with a $300 per deposit. I paid the pet deposit and pay an extra $50 month to have my dog. The dog is a professionally trained service dog that I require due to my disability. I have all of its papers and the documentation proving it is a service dog. The landlord also has a copy of the registration papers. Like I said it s a rural area so I have a large fenced in yard. The fence is 6 ft tall and it locks in front of the house. I let the dog out when I get home from work and the neighbors are over half a mile away. When I came home from work today my dog was missing. She should have been inside like she always is. I asked my neighbor (we have the same landlord) if he had seen anything and he told me he saw the landlord go into my house and remove the dog. He says he saw the dog in the back of her truck as she drove past his house. I called my landlord and asked if she had been in my house. She said she had been over to check on the electricity meter and the appliances. I told her that my dog was missing and that she was not allowed to enter my home without notice. She then denied that she had been over to my house. I demanded that she return my dog and she claimed that I had never had a dog that dogs weren t allowed on the property and that I had violated my lease. We ended up in a screaming match before I hung up. I am on the verge of calling the police but I have no proof that anything happened. The only thing I know is that my dog is gone. I ve only been home for two hours. **Edit update:**after I posted this I called my mom and had her drive over. After she arrived we called the police and filed a report. A lot of you asked why I hesitated and it s because I ve had police hassle me in the past and I wasn t going to be alone with an officer without my dog or some backup. I m wheelchair bound so I can t take any risks. After we filed the report the police went to see the landlord who lives in the area. The landlord s husband surrendered my dog and the dog was returned to me!!! I chose to press charges for trespassing and theft. Now SweetPea (the dog) is gnawing on some treats :) I plan to move out ASAP. | What you have is a witness who saw an intruder enter your home and remove your property. You know the identity of the intruder. That s plenty to call the police and report a theft and request that they investigate promptly. Explain that you are concerned that the thief may injure the dog if they don t investigate promptly. The hard part is going to be calming down and making this not seem like a landlord tenant dispute over a dog. You re in the right absolutely.... but the cops have probably seen plenty of people with not-allowed dogs get in arguments that look (from the police perspective) the same. I would be trembling in rage if somebody took my dog. Maybe write down what you need to communicate to the police before calling so you can do it calmly. Gather the lease and deposit papers and that service dog registration if you can. | Call the police immediately. I think you may want to use their non-emergency line and try to get in contact with their animal control. | 394 | 71 |
2k7vdw | 1,847 | My landlord had my service dog taken away and probably euthanized while I was at work. Alabama. I moved to rural Alabama a few months ago and signed a 1 year lease on a rental property. The lease explicitly states that dogs are allowed with a $300 per deposit. I paid the pet deposit and pay an extra $50 month to have my dog. The dog is a professionally trained service dog that I require due to my disability. I have all of its papers and the documentation proving it is a service dog. The landlord also has a copy of the registration papers. Like I said it s a rural area so I have a large fenced in yard. The fence is 6 ft tall and it locks in front of the house. I let the dog out when I get home from work and the neighbors are over half a mile away. When I came home from work today my dog was missing. She should have been inside like she always is. I asked my neighbor (we have the same landlord) if he had seen anything and he told me he saw the landlord go into my house and remove the dog. He says he saw the dog in the back of her truck as she drove past his house. I called my landlord and asked if she had been in my house. She said she had been over to check on the electricity meter and the appliances. I told her that my dog was missing and that she was not allowed to enter my home without notice. She then denied that she had been over to my house. I demanded that she return my dog and she claimed that I had never had a dog that dogs weren t allowed on the property and that I had violated my lease. We ended up in a screaming match before I hung up. I am on the verge of calling the police but I have no proof that anything happened. The only thing I know is that my dog is gone. I ve only been home for two hours. **Edit update:**after I posted this I called my mom and had her drive over. After she arrived we called the police and filed a report. A lot of you asked why I hesitated and it s because I ve had police hassle me in the past and I wasn t going to be alone with an officer without my dog or some backup. I m wheelchair bound so I can t take any risks. After we filed the report the police went to see the landlord who lives in the area. The landlord s husband surrendered my dog and the dog was returned to me!!! I chose to press charges for trespassing and theft. Now SweetPea (the dog) is gnawing on some treats :) I plan to move out ASAP. | Like the others said call the police but also a landlord cannot require you to pay a deposit or pet rent for a service animal if you provide documentation that shows it is one. | Call the police immediately. I think you may want to use their non-emergency line and try to get in contact with their animal control. | 321 | 71 |
2k7vdw | 1,847 | My landlord had my service dog taken away and probably euthanized while I was at work. Alabama. I moved to rural Alabama a few months ago and signed a 1 year lease on a rental property. The lease explicitly states that dogs are allowed with a $300 per deposit. I paid the pet deposit and pay an extra $50 month to have my dog. The dog is a professionally trained service dog that I require due to my disability. I have all of its papers and the documentation proving it is a service dog. The landlord also has a copy of the registration papers. Like I said it s a rural area so I have a large fenced in yard. The fence is 6 ft tall and it locks in front of the house. I let the dog out when I get home from work and the neighbors are over half a mile away. When I came home from work today my dog was missing. She should have been inside like she always is. I asked my neighbor (we have the same landlord) if he had seen anything and he told me he saw the landlord go into my house and remove the dog. He says he saw the dog in the back of her truck as she drove past his house. I called my landlord and asked if she had been in my house. She said she had been over to check on the electricity meter and the appliances. I told her that my dog was missing and that she was not allowed to enter my home without notice. She then denied that she had been over to my house. I demanded that she return my dog and she claimed that I had never had a dog that dogs weren t allowed on the property and that I had violated my lease. We ended up in a screaming match before I hung up. I am on the verge of calling the police but I have no proof that anything happened. The only thing I know is that my dog is gone. I ve only been home for two hours. **Edit update:**after I posted this I called my mom and had her drive over. After she arrived we called the police and filed a report. A lot of you asked why I hesitated and it s because I ve had police hassle me in the past and I wasn t going to be alone with an officer without my dog or some backup. I m wheelchair bound so I can t take any risks. After we filed the report the police went to see the landlord who lives in the area. The landlord s husband surrendered my dog and the dog was returned to me!!! I chose to press charges for trespassing and theft. Now SweetPea (the dog) is gnawing on some treats :) I plan to move out ASAP. | What you have is a witness who saw an intruder enter your home and remove your property. You know the identity of the intruder. That s plenty to call the police and report a theft and request that they investigate promptly. Explain that you are concerned that the thief may injure the dog if they don t investigate promptly. The hard part is going to be calming down and making this not seem like a landlord tenant dispute over a dog. You re in the right absolutely.... but the cops have probably seen plenty of people with not-allowed dogs get in arguments that look (from the police perspective) the same. I would be trembling in rage if somebody took my dog. Maybe write down what you need to communicate to the police before calling so you can do it calmly. Gather the lease and deposit papers and that service dog registration if you can. | Call the police. You have proof. The neighbor saw and your LL admitted to you over the phone. Then blatantly and probably (if it is in your lease) about you having a dog. Have you called the shelters? | 394 | 144 |
2k7vdw | 1,847 | My landlord had my service dog taken away and probably euthanized while I was at work. Alabama. I moved to rural Alabama a few months ago and signed a 1 year lease on a rental property. The lease explicitly states that dogs are allowed with a $300 per deposit. I paid the pet deposit and pay an extra $50 month to have my dog. The dog is a professionally trained service dog that I require due to my disability. I have all of its papers and the documentation proving it is a service dog. The landlord also has a copy of the registration papers. Like I said it s a rural area so I have a large fenced in yard. The fence is 6 ft tall and it locks in front of the house. I let the dog out when I get home from work and the neighbors are over half a mile away. When I came home from work today my dog was missing. She should have been inside like she always is. I asked my neighbor (we have the same landlord) if he had seen anything and he told me he saw the landlord go into my house and remove the dog. He says he saw the dog in the back of her truck as she drove past his house. I called my landlord and asked if she had been in my house. She said she had been over to check on the electricity meter and the appliances. I told her that my dog was missing and that she was not allowed to enter my home without notice. She then denied that she had been over to my house. I demanded that she return my dog and she claimed that I had never had a dog that dogs weren t allowed on the property and that I had violated my lease. We ended up in a screaming match before I hung up. I am on the verge of calling the police but I have no proof that anything happened. The only thing I know is that my dog is gone. I ve only been home for two hours. **Edit update:**after I posted this I called my mom and had her drive over. After she arrived we called the police and filed a report. A lot of you asked why I hesitated and it s because I ve had police hassle me in the past and I wasn t going to be alone with an officer without my dog or some backup. I m wheelchair bound so I can t take any risks. After we filed the report the police went to see the landlord who lives in the area. The landlord s husband surrendered my dog and the dog was returned to me!!! I chose to press charges for trespassing and theft. Now SweetPea (the dog) is gnawing on some treats :) I plan to move out ASAP. | Like the others said call the police but also a landlord cannot require you to pay a deposit or pet rent for a service animal if you provide documentation that shows it is one. | Call the police. You have proof. The neighbor saw and your LL admitted to you over the phone. Then blatantly and probably (if it is in your lease) about you having a dog. Have you called the shelters? | 321 | 144 |
2k7vdw | 1,847 | My landlord had my service dog taken away and probably euthanized while I was at work. Alabama. I moved to rural Alabama a few months ago and signed a 1 year lease on a rental property. The lease explicitly states that dogs are allowed with a $300 per deposit. I paid the pet deposit and pay an extra $50 month to have my dog. The dog is a professionally trained service dog that I require due to my disability. I have all of its papers and the documentation proving it is a service dog. The landlord also has a copy of the registration papers. Like I said it s a rural area so I have a large fenced in yard. The fence is 6 ft tall and it locks in front of the house. I let the dog out when I get home from work and the neighbors are over half a mile away. When I came home from work today my dog was missing. She should have been inside like she always is. I asked my neighbor (we have the same landlord) if he had seen anything and he told me he saw the landlord go into my house and remove the dog. He says he saw the dog in the back of her truck as she drove past his house. I called my landlord and asked if she had been in my house. She said she had been over to check on the electricity meter and the appliances. I told her that my dog was missing and that she was not allowed to enter my home without notice. She then denied that she had been over to my house. I demanded that she return my dog and she claimed that I had never had a dog that dogs weren t allowed on the property and that I had violated my lease. We ended up in a screaming match before I hung up. I am on the verge of calling the police but I have no proof that anything happened. The only thing I know is that my dog is gone. I ve only been home for two hours. **Edit update:**after I posted this I called my mom and had her drive over. After she arrived we called the police and filed a report. A lot of you asked why I hesitated and it s because I ve had police hassle me in the past and I wasn t going to be alone with an officer without my dog or some backup. I m wheelchair bound so I can t take any risks. After we filed the report the police went to see the landlord who lives in the area. The landlord s husband surrendered my dog and the dog was returned to me!!! I chose to press charges for trespassing and theft. Now SweetPea (the dog) is gnawing on some treats :) I plan to move out ASAP. | HOLY SHIRT. Also I thought service dogs were exempt from all pet related requirements any place any time such as deposits for pets. | Definitely file a police report. Get a lawyer and sue her for the cost to replace a service dog and any other damages you might incur | 121 | 6 |
2kfz1z | 45 | Got fired from my job and my boss threatened to sue me if I ever contact to the friends that I made. Can he really do that? As per his e-mail: Unfortunately I don t have a copy of the thing I signed although I remember when I signed it he told me that it was one of the most lax no-compete contract I d ever see. He said it just meant that I couldn t steal his customers if I left. But he went psycho on me (long story) even though I was doing an amazing job and all the customers loved me. He fired me the other day and sent me the following message. It just really sucks because I made a lot of good friends while working for him and now apparently I can t speak to them again. As per the terms of the non-compete you signed you are to have no further contact with our customers. No goodbyes no text messages no email no contact period. If you do contact any of our customers you will be in violation of the non-compete and you will get a very unpleasant call from our attorney. | Without your location and all of the terms of the agreement nobody is going to be able to give you any guidance. For employment-related contract interpretation we recommend speaking with an employment law attorney licensed to practice in your area. Personally I have serious doubts as to the legitimacy and enforceability of a non-compete non-solicitation that prohibits any and all contact with customers. Typically they only prohibit solicitation. | *I am a bot whose sole purpose is to improve the timeliness and accuracy of responses in this subreddit.* --- **It appears you forgot to include your location in the title or body of your post.** **Please update the original post to include this information.** --- [Report Inaccuracies Here](http: r LocationBot ) | [Author](http: u ianp) | 59 | 2 |
2ki2ca | 101 | My gym called my emergency contact for promotional reasons [Canada] Hi r legaladvice. I am part of a large Canadian gym chain (can I use actual names here?) and they re pretty well-known for their constant promotional harassment. It had gotten so bad that even after telling them to stop calling me and contacting their head office they wouldn t. I blocked their numbers through iOS and hoped that was the end of it. Well it wasn t. Today they called my mother at work. She is on file as my number one emergency contact. I have had past health issues so she was very scared something happened to me. Turns out they wanted to ask her if she thinks I m interested in their personal trainer sessions. I have a few questions. 1) Is this legal? My mother didn t give them her number. It was an emergency number. 2) Crossing the line and misusing personal info: can this possibly waive a termination fee? Or is that up to the gym? I want to cancel now. I can afford the $99 cancellation fee. I feel like I shouldn t have to pay considering they acted inappropriately. TL DR: Gym called my poor mother to try and get more money out of me EDIT** OCT 27 14 20:32: Okay so I ve taken the following steps: 1. I ve read over my contract and their privacy policy. There is nothing regarding anyone else s personal information so I contacted the Alberta Privacy Commissioner. They were not allowed to contact my mother but it is outside my area to file a complaint. Mom has to do it. 2. I have to go in person to opt-out of any contact and cancel my membership. My boyfriend is coming along to witness. Lots of Googling has told me a few things: bring my contract copy bring two copies of my cancellation request at least record it in some form and tell my bank to not allow any more charges as of [date]. Since I just paid a bi-weekly payment I have ten days to put a stop to the next payment but supposedly thirty days to request a cancellation. 3. Which is why I have contacted their head office. I pitched a fit on Twitter and got some email lines. I hope they will help me get out of my contract ASAP. Totally willing to pay the $99 cancellation fee. 4. Mom thinks this is the funniest thing in the world. I will edit again if I hear back from the gym s privacy officer from their membership services line and if they let me cancel my contract. See in the contract it says they can refuse to let me cancel. So I am a little worried. :| Thanks for your help so far! EDIT 10 28 14 13:39: HEY LEGALADVICE! The privacy officer and the membership officer at the head office of the gym got back to me! The manager at my gym will be penalized for what she did (though I don t believe that means anything) AND they both agreed that what she did was NOT allowed. Whether or not that means it was legal I don t know but honestly I don t care. They waived my cancellation fee and better yet they re doing it from the main office and it s on record through my e-mail so I m getting away scot-free!!! Thanks for all of your help! | This is hilarious. I bet one of your local network news channels (do you have local network news in Canada?) would be interested in doing an investigative piece on this. | Check your contract. The answer to all your questions are there. | 89 | 5 |
2kod0x | 71 | Police just entered my house illegally without a warrant. I go to university and most of the off campus housing is rented out on a yearly basis.The tenants that lived in my house last year are wanted by the police. The police have stopped by probably 10 times in the last two months and every time they have politely asked for the same people found out they don t live here anymore and then left. However this morning 5 officers showed up in an unmarked car while everyone in the house was still asleep so nobody answered the door when they knocked. This time they decided to enter our house and search our ground floor and basement. My roomate was awoken by the noise of them entering and went downstairs to see what was going on. He said the police had a picture of the mans face they were looking for but wasn t sure if it was a warrant or not and he forgot to ask for one. After my roomate told the police he doesn t live here anymore they left. I m pretty sure this is illegal but i don t know what to do next in order to prevent this from happening again. Any advice? | Wanted by the police generally means warrant as in arrest warrant. The police can enter the home of somebody they have an arrest warrant for in order to arrest that person. In this case though the police should not have a reasonable belief that your apartment is the home of person they are looking for because you have told them a zillion times that the person no longer lives there. You may try taking a copy of your lease down to the police dept and talking to somebody in charge and not going away until a note is put in the electronic record of the person they are looking for that they no longer live at your address. | *I am a bot whose sole purpose is to improve the timeliness and accuracy of responses in this subreddit.* --- **It appears you forgot to include your location in the title or body of your post.** **Please update the original post to include this information.** --- [Report Inaccuracies Here](http: r LocationBot ) | [Author](http: u ianp) | 103 | 2 |
2kod0x | 71 | Police just entered my house illegally without a warrant. I go to university and most of the off campus housing is rented out on a yearly basis.The tenants that lived in my house last year are wanted by the police. The police have stopped by probably 10 times in the last two months and every time they have politely asked for the same people found out they don t live here anymore and then left. However this morning 5 officers showed up in an unmarked car while everyone in the house was still asleep so nobody answered the door when they knocked. This time they decided to enter our house and search our ground floor and basement. My roomate was awoken by the noise of them entering and went downstairs to see what was going on. He said the police had a picture of the mans face they were looking for but wasn t sure if it was a warrant or not and he forgot to ask for one. After my roomate told the police he doesn t live here anymore they left. I m pretty sure this is illegal but i don t know what to do next in order to prevent this from happening again. Any advice? | Wanted by the police generally means warrant as in arrest warrant. The police can enter the home of somebody they have an arrest warrant for in order to arrest that person. In this case though the police should not have a reasonable belief that your apartment is the home of person they are looking for because you have told them a zillion times that the person no longer lives there. You may try taking a copy of your lease down to the police dept and talking to somebody in charge and not going away until a note is put in the electronic record of the person they are looking for that they no longer live at your address. | > off campus housing Was it university owned? Did the university give them permission? | 103 | 11 |
2kod0x | 71 | Police just entered my house illegally without a warrant. I go to university and most of the off campus housing is rented out on a yearly basis.The tenants that lived in my house last year are wanted by the police. The police have stopped by probably 10 times in the last two months and every time they have politely asked for the same people found out they don t live here anymore and then left. However this morning 5 officers showed up in an unmarked car while everyone in the house was still asleep so nobody answered the door when they knocked. This time they decided to enter our house and search our ground floor and basement. My roomate was awoken by the noise of them entering and went downstairs to see what was going on. He said the police had a picture of the mans face they were looking for but wasn t sure if it was a warrant or not and he forgot to ask for one. After my roomate told the police he doesn t live here anymore they left. I m pretty sure this is illegal but i don t know what to do next in order to prevent this from happening again. Any advice? | Wanted by the police generally means warrant as in arrest warrant. The police can enter the home of somebody they have an arrest warrant for in order to arrest that person. In this case though the police should not have a reasonable belief that your apartment is the home of person they are looking for because you have told them a zillion times that the person no longer lives there. You may try taking a copy of your lease down to the police dept and talking to somebody in charge and not going away until a note is put in the electronic record of the person they are looking for that they no longer live at your address. | He isnt sure if they had a warrant? | 103 | 15 |
2kod0x | 71 | Police just entered my house illegally without a warrant. I go to university and most of the off campus housing is rented out on a yearly basis.The tenants that lived in my house last year are wanted by the police. The police have stopped by probably 10 times in the last two months and every time they have politely asked for the same people found out they don t live here anymore and then left. However this morning 5 officers showed up in an unmarked car while everyone in the house was still asleep so nobody answered the door when they knocked. This time they decided to enter our house and search our ground floor and basement. My roomate was awoken by the noise of them entering and went downstairs to see what was going on. He said the police had a picture of the mans face they were looking for but wasn t sure if it was a warrant or not and he forgot to ask for one. After my roomate told the police he doesn t live here anymore they left. I m pretty sure this is illegal but i don t know what to do next in order to prevent this from happening again. Any advice? | Your options are: 1) If you are charged with a crime based on evidence found during the search you can move to have that evidence excluded from trial. 2) If the officers didn t have a warrant you can file suit under 42 USC § 1982 for violation of your civil rights. If a violation is found then you will be entitled to attorney fees. 3) You can file a complaint with the officers supervisors. | *I am a bot whose sole purpose is to improve the timeliness and accuracy of responses in this subreddit.* --- **It appears you forgot to include your location in the title or body of your post.** **Please update the original post to include this information.** --- [Report Inaccuracies Here](http: r LocationBot ) | [Author](http: u ianp) | 55 | 2 |
2kod0x | 71 | Police just entered my house illegally without a warrant. I go to university and most of the off campus housing is rented out on a yearly basis.The tenants that lived in my house last year are wanted by the police. The police have stopped by probably 10 times in the last two months and every time they have politely asked for the same people found out they don t live here anymore and then left. However this morning 5 officers showed up in an unmarked car while everyone in the house was still asleep so nobody answered the door when they knocked. This time they decided to enter our house and search our ground floor and basement. My roomate was awoken by the noise of them entering and went downstairs to see what was going on. He said the police had a picture of the mans face they were looking for but wasn t sure if it was a warrant or not and he forgot to ask for one. After my roomate told the police he doesn t live here anymore they left. I m pretty sure this is illegal but i don t know what to do next in order to prevent this from happening again. Any advice? | Your options are: 1) If you are charged with a crime based on evidence found during the search you can move to have that evidence excluded from trial. 2) If the officers didn t have a warrant you can file suit under 42 USC § 1982 for violation of your civil rights. If a violation is found then you will be entitled to attorney fees. 3) You can file a complaint with the officers supervisors. | I would certainly file a complaint with the police department. Did you roommate manage to get any of the officer s names? | 55 | 2 |
2kufxd | 60 | I think I was raped complicated issue. VA I was looking to meet up with a girl that I met on craigslist. She told me that she was housesitting and to wait for her in the house that she was taking care of. Upon entering it I told her I was there and then a few minutes after a man came in. He told me he was the owner of the house and he was either going to call the police or have a threesome with the woman and him. He then continues to threaten to call the police until I let him blow me. To be honest at this point I was almost weeping. He then stops and says its too weird and he is going to call the cops. I say I will do anything including money as long as he does not call the police. He then drives me to the ATM and I give him $160 and leave. When driving home I realized that it was likely that there was no girl and he was the one emailing all the time. What made me think this was in the middle of all of the emails there is one from him or it possibly could be his computer asking when I would arrive. He also kept claiming that he the girl would be arriving soon but she never did. If I can prove that it was actually him emailing me the whole time and he actually invited me into his apartment will I have a case. I also would like to know if what happened to me fits the legal definition of rape and whether paying him off would also be a crime. Thank you. | Jesus Christ dude call the cops. Like now. | Umm. I just. What? I don t know why you thought him calling the cops would get you in trouble? You were instructed to go inside. I know that it was a stressful situation but I still don t know why you felt actually threatened by him. If you know the address still I d say you have a strong case and you could go to the police. Also - stop hooking up with randos on Craigslist. That s stupid and obviously dangerous. Use Tindr. | 176 | 40 |
2kufxd | 60 | I think I was raped complicated issue. VA I was looking to meet up with a girl that I met on craigslist. She told me that she was housesitting and to wait for her in the house that she was taking care of. Upon entering it I told her I was there and then a few minutes after a man came in. He told me he was the owner of the house and he was either going to call the police or have a threesome with the woman and him. He then continues to threaten to call the police until I let him blow me. To be honest at this point I was almost weeping. He then stops and says its too weird and he is going to call the cops. I say I will do anything including money as long as he does not call the police. He then drives me to the ATM and I give him $160 and leave. When driving home I realized that it was likely that there was no girl and he was the one emailing all the time. What made me think this was in the middle of all of the emails there is one from him or it possibly could be his computer asking when I would arrive. He also kept claiming that he the girl would be arriving soon but she never did. If I can prove that it was actually him emailing me the whole time and he actually invited me into his apartment will I have a case. I also would like to know if what happened to me fits the legal definition of rape and whether paying him off would also be a crime. Thank you. | Absolutely go to the police. My concern is why did you think YOU would be in trouble if he called the police. You had a story of a girl telling you to go in side sounds legit unless you thought you were going to be meeting a minor. | What the fuck dude. Police NOW. | 80 | 11 |
2kufxd | 60 | I think I was raped complicated issue. VA I was looking to meet up with a girl that I met on craigslist. She told me that she was housesitting and to wait for her in the house that she was taking care of. Upon entering it I told her I was there and then a few minutes after a man came in. He told me he was the owner of the house and he was either going to call the police or have a threesome with the woman and him. He then continues to threaten to call the police until I let him blow me. To be honest at this point I was almost weeping. He then stops and says its too weird and he is going to call the cops. I say I will do anything including money as long as he does not call the police. He then drives me to the ATM and I give him $160 and leave. When driving home I realized that it was likely that there was no girl and he was the one emailing all the time. What made me think this was in the middle of all of the emails there is one from him or it possibly could be his computer asking when I would arrive. He also kept claiming that he the girl would be arriving soon but she never did. If I can prove that it was actually him emailing me the whole time and he actually invited me into his apartment will I have a case. I also would like to know if what happened to me fits the legal definition of rape and whether paying him off would also be a crime. Thank you. | Absolutely go to the police. My concern is why did you think YOU would be in trouble if he called the police. You had a story of a girl telling you to go in side sounds legit unless you thought you were going to be meeting a minor. | Was he behind or near you when you were at the ATM? If so his face or car might be on camera at the bank either at the machine camera or other cameras outside the bank. Call the cops and tell them which bank you went to. They can pull the tapes. | 80 | 23 |
2kxk42 | 107 | I knocked my neighbor s kid down my stairs by accident. What should I be doing right now? My back door opens to the right. The doorway to the basement is to the right. Today I went out to my garage for a few minutes. I left my back door unlocked. Apparently while I was in the garage my neighbor s kid went into my house through the back door. She was standing in the entryway. She had opened the door to the basement (I assume looking for me?). When I came was going back inside (completely unaware that she had entered my house) I swung the door open. It knocked her off her balance and she fell down the stairs because she had opened the door. She has some minor injuries. Her wrist is sprained and she has a lot of bruising and a cut that required a couple of stitches. Her mother is furious at me for leaving my door unlocked when I was not inside the house and for not being careful when I opened the door (no people or pets were supposed to be my house so I had no reason to be). I had yelled for her out the door while calling an ambulance because I had no idea if the girl was badly hurt. The mom came over and told me we do not need an ambulance and she would drive her to their primary doctor. Since then she texted me telling me: We are at the doctor s right now. [Explanation of injuries] I hope you know that you will be responsible for [kid s name] medical costs and any costs to me unable to work to care for her. For your negligence. Have I been negligent? Should I call my homeowner s insurance? Should I file a police report so there is a legal record of what happened? Should I be calling lawyers? I have no idea what I am supposed to be doing here. I will appreciate any advice. Thank you. Edit: I live in Phoenix Arizona USA. | Hooray! You have home owners insurance. Call them today so they can handle it. Let the mom know your insurance will handle it for you. | *I am a bot whose sole purpose is to improve the timeliness and accuracy of responses in this subreddit.* --- **It appears you forgot to include your location in the title or body of your post.** **Please update the original post to include this information.** --- [Report Inaccuracies Here](http: r LocationBot ) | [Author](http: u ianp) | 134 | 2 |
2kxk42 | 107 | I knocked my neighbor s kid down my stairs by accident. What should I be doing right now? My back door opens to the right. The doorway to the basement is to the right. Today I went out to my garage for a few minutes. I left my back door unlocked. Apparently while I was in the garage my neighbor s kid went into my house through the back door. She was standing in the entryway. She had opened the door to the basement (I assume looking for me?). When I came was going back inside (completely unaware that she had entered my house) I swung the door open. It knocked her off her balance and she fell down the stairs because she had opened the door. She has some minor injuries. Her wrist is sprained and she has a lot of bruising and a cut that required a couple of stitches. Her mother is furious at me for leaving my door unlocked when I was not inside the house and for not being careful when I opened the door (no people or pets were supposed to be my house so I had no reason to be). I had yelled for her out the door while calling an ambulance because I had no idea if the girl was badly hurt. The mom came over and told me we do not need an ambulance and she would drive her to their primary doctor. Since then she texted me telling me: We are at the doctor s right now. [Explanation of injuries] I hope you know that you will be responsible for [kid s name] medical costs and any costs to me unable to work to care for her. For your negligence. Have I been negligent? Should I call my homeowner s insurance? Should I file a police report so there is a legal record of what happened? Should I be calling lawyers? I have no idea what I am supposed to be doing here. I will appreciate any advice. Thank you. Edit: I live in Phoenix Arizona USA. | Hooray! You have home owners insurance. Call them today so they can handle it. Let the mom know your insurance will handle it for you. | How old is this kid? Did you allow the child to come to your home often without invite? | 134 | 28 |
2kxk42 | 107 | I knocked my neighbor s kid down my stairs by accident. What should I be doing right now? My back door opens to the right. The doorway to the basement is to the right. Today I went out to my garage for a few minutes. I left my back door unlocked. Apparently while I was in the garage my neighbor s kid went into my house through the back door. She was standing in the entryway. She had opened the door to the basement (I assume looking for me?). When I came was going back inside (completely unaware that she had entered my house) I swung the door open. It knocked her off her balance and she fell down the stairs because she had opened the door. She has some minor injuries. Her wrist is sprained and she has a lot of bruising and a cut that required a couple of stitches. Her mother is furious at me for leaving my door unlocked when I was not inside the house and for not being careful when I opened the door (no people or pets were supposed to be my house so I had no reason to be). I had yelled for her out the door while calling an ambulance because I had no idea if the girl was badly hurt. The mom came over and told me we do not need an ambulance and she would drive her to their primary doctor. Since then she texted me telling me: We are at the doctor s right now. [Explanation of injuries] I hope you know that you will be responsible for [kid s name] medical costs and any costs to me unable to work to care for her. For your negligence. Have I been negligent? Should I call my homeowner s insurance? Should I file a police report so there is a legal record of what happened? Should I be calling lawyers? I have no idea what I am supposed to be doing here. I will appreciate any advice. Thank you. Edit: I live in Phoenix Arizona USA. | Tell her to blow you and learn how to watch her own goddamn child. Jesus. It s your fucking property she can keep her damn kid away. Let the insurance company deal with her. | *I am a bot whose sole purpose is to improve the timeliness and accuracy of responses in this subreddit.* --- **It appears you forgot to include your location in the title or body of your post.** **Please update the original post to include this information.** --- [Report Inaccuracies Here](http: r LocationBot ) | [Author](http: u ianp) | 61 | 2 |
2kxk42 | 107 | I knocked my neighbor s kid down my stairs by accident. What should I be doing right now? My back door opens to the right. The doorway to the basement is to the right. Today I went out to my garage for a few minutes. I left my back door unlocked. Apparently while I was in the garage my neighbor s kid went into my house through the back door. She was standing in the entryway. She had opened the door to the basement (I assume looking for me?). When I came was going back inside (completely unaware that she had entered my house) I swung the door open. It knocked her off her balance and she fell down the stairs because she had opened the door. She has some minor injuries. Her wrist is sprained and she has a lot of bruising and a cut that required a couple of stitches. Her mother is furious at me for leaving my door unlocked when I was not inside the house and for not being careful when I opened the door (no people or pets were supposed to be my house so I had no reason to be). I had yelled for her out the door while calling an ambulance because I had no idea if the girl was badly hurt. The mom came over and told me we do not need an ambulance and she would drive her to their primary doctor. Since then she texted me telling me: We are at the doctor s right now. [Explanation of injuries] I hope you know that you will be responsible for [kid s name] medical costs and any costs to me unable to work to care for her. For your negligence. Have I been negligent? Should I call my homeowner s insurance? Should I file a police report so there is a legal record of what happened? Should I be calling lawyers? I have no idea what I am supposed to be doing here. I will appreciate any advice. Thank you. Edit: I live in Phoenix Arizona USA. | Like everyone else said call your insurance company. They got your back on this. I hope you don t feel guilty about the child s injuries. She definitely should not have been in your house and it is her mother s fault for not supervising her not your fault for leaving your door briefly unlocked. Good luck! | *I am a bot whose sole purpose is to improve the timeliness and accuracy of responses in this subreddit.* --- **It appears you forgot to include your location in the title or body of your post.** **Please update the original post to include this information.** --- [Report Inaccuracies Here](http: r LocationBot ) | [Author](http: u ianp) | 54 | 2 |
2l5q9l | 160 | Landlord vanished 4 years ago. My family has been living rent free for the last 4 years. He s never tried to collect the rent and won t respond to any correspondence. Asking Reddit for your advice. x-post from r needadvice. My wife s parents have been living in an apartment for 10 years. Their apartment is an old farm house (100+ years old) that was converted into 9 apartments. & nbsp Four years ago the landlord inherited some (large sum) money and moved up north approx. 12 hours away. Upon his departure there were 4 other tenants living in this building along side my in-laws. Instructions from the landlord was to leave the rent under his door and that he would retrieve it. Lease agreements were year to year. Then he left and has never been heard from or seen since. & nbsp Over the course of the next year the 4 tenants put their rent cheques under his door as instructed but he never cashed any of them. In fact the cheques were still there under his door. & nbsp My father-in-law is the pseudo superintendent of the place (takes out the garbage cuts the grass shovels the snow etc.). The landlord left an address and phone number to where he was going to be living. My in-laws tried many times to call and write to him but there was no response and still no response from him to this day. & nbsp Within a 2 year period (after the landlord vanished) the four tenants ripped up their rent cheques that were under his door and moved out leaving my wife s parents as the only remaining tenants in the building. So they haven t paid rent in 4 years and haven t had any contact with the landlord. He s never called written nothing. He s never tried to collect the rent. & nbsp The landlord got a pile of money from a car accident settlement and then he got a serious inheritance in cash and a business that his father left him. The bills for the apartment building are in the name of and being paid for by the business that he inherited. The utility bills show usage and the heat and lights are still on so he definitely knows there is someone living there. & nbsp Recently a portion of the roof fell into the third floor apartment and water damage is everywhere in addition to a massive hole. I was just up there this afternoon looking around the place and there is a TON of mold in almost every apartment. There are raccoons squirrels and a host of other wild life living in the roof with open access to various apartments. The structure is crumbling literally and the floor feels like sponge in many spots as if you re going to fall through. The one apartment on the third floor where the roof fell in is wide open to the elements and everything in there is rotting. If the City saw this place it would be immediately condemned. It is SO unsafe in almost every regard. & nbsp My in-laws live on the main floor which hasn t succumbed to the eventual damage that s awaiting it from the two floors above. We estimate within a year the place will be uninhabitable due to damage. My in-laws have disabilities and live on a fixed income. They are enjoying living rent free and don t want to mess with that even though their safety is at risk IMO. On the other hand if they don t fix the massive hole in the roof they will be forced to move out anyway (most likely within the year - were in southern Ontario and winter is pretty much here now). & nbsp My in-laws curious about a claim of squatters rights to this place. I told them I have no idea and to talk to a lawyer explain the situation and see what they say. I am asking reddit to see what you have to say about this situation. | They have no squatters rights because they re staying there with his permission. They re not squatters - they re tenants. Also being as they haven t paid rent in 4 years they CAN be sued for back rent if this deadbeat landlord were to show back up on the scene. I do not know what the statute of limitations is in their jurisdiction. | Not at all helpful but I wonder why the city has not investigated due to back taxes. I know my landlord is behind on her taxed due to the ~10 letter I get from the city a month... | 104 | 3 |
2l5q9l | 160 | Landlord vanished 4 years ago. My family has been living rent free for the last 4 years. He s never tried to collect the rent and won t respond to any correspondence. Asking Reddit for your advice. x-post from r needadvice. My wife s parents have been living in an apartment for 10 years. Their apartment is an old farm house (100+ years old) that was converted into 9 apartments. & nbsp Four years ago the landlord inherited some (large sum) money and moved up north approx. 12 hours away. Upon his departure there were 4 other tenants living in this building along side my in-laws. Instructions from the landlord was to leave the rent under his door and that he would retrieve it. Lease agreements were year to year. Then he left and has never been heard from or seen since. & nbsp Over the course of the next year the 4 tenants put their rent cheques under his door as instructed but he never cashed any of them. In fact the cheques were still there under his door. & nbsp My father-in-law is the pseudo superintendent of the place (takes out the garbage cuts the grass shovels the snow etc.). The landlord left an address and phone number to where he was going to be living. My in-laws tried many times to call and write to him but there was no response and still no response from him to this day. & nbsp Within a 2 year period (after the landlord vanished) the four tenants ripped up their rent cheques that were under his door and moved out leaving my wife s parents as the only remaining tenants in the building. So they haven t paid rent in 4 years and haven t had any contact with the landlord. He s never called written nothing. He s never tried to collect the rent. & nbsp The landlord got a pile of money from a car accident settlement and then he got a serious inheritance in cash and a business that his father left him. The bills for the apartment building are in the name of and being paid for by the business that he inherited. The utility bills show usage and the heat and lights are still on so he definitely knows there is someone living there. & nbsp Recently a portion of the roof fell into the third floor apartment and water damage is everywhere in addition to a massive hole. I was just up there this afternoon looking around the place and there is a TON of mold in almost every apartment. There are raccoons squirrels and a host of other wild life living in the roof with open access to various apartments. The structure is crumbling literally and the floor feels like sponge in many spots as if you re going to fall through. The one apartment on the third floor where the roof fell in is wide open to the elements and everything in there is rotting. If the City saw this place it would be immediately condemned. It is SO unsafe in almost every regard. & nbsp My in-laws live on the main floor which hasn t succumbed to the eventual damage that s awaiting it from the two floors above. We estimate within a year the place will be uninhabitable due to damage. My in-laws have disabilities and live on a fixed income. They are enjoying living rent free and don t want to mess with that even though their safety is at risk IMO. On the other hand if they don t fix the massive hole in the roof they will be forced to move out anyway (most likely within the year - were in southern Ontario and winter is pretty much here now). & nbsp My in-laws curious about a claim of squatters rights to this place. I told them I have no idea and to talk to a lawyer explain the situation and see what they say. I am asking reddit to see what you have to say about this situation. | They have no squatters rights because they re staying there with his permission. They re not squatters - they re tenants. Also being as they haven t paid rent in 4 years they CAN be sued for back rent if this deadbeat landlord were to show back up on the scene. I do not know what the statute of limitations is in their jurisdiction. | In order to claim squatter s rights they d need to live in the property for ten years. And all those years that they ve been writing rent checks don t count even if the checks were never cashed they have to be specifically intending to deny the owner what he s entitled to. So no they have no claim. | 104 | 6 |
2l5q9l | 160 | Landlord vanished 4 years ago. My family has been living rent free for the last 4 years. He s never tried to collect the rent and won t respond to any correspondence. Asking Reddit for your advice. x-post from r needadvice. My wife s parents have been living in an apartment for 10 years. Their apartment is an old farm house (100+ years old) that was converted into 9 apartments. & nbsp Four years ago the landlord inherited some (large sum) money and moved up north approx. 12 hours away. Upon his departure there were 4 other tenants living in this building along side my in-laws. Instructions from the landlord was to leave the rent under his door and that he would retrieve it. Lease agreements were year to year. Then he left and has never been heard from or seen since. & nbsp Over the course of the next year the 4 tenants put their rent cheques under his door as instructed but he never cashed any of them. In fact the cheques were still there under his door. & nbsp My father-in-law is the pseudo superintendent of the place (takes out the garbage cuts the grass shovels the snow etc.). The landlord left an address and phone number to where he was going to be living. My in-laws tried many times to call and write to him but there was no response and still no response from him to this day. & nbsp Within a 2 year period (after the landlord vanished) the four tenants ripped up their rent cheques that were under his door and moved out leaving my wife s parents as the only remaining tenants in the building. So they haven t paid rent in 4 years and haven t had any contact with the landlord. He s never called written nothing. He s never tried to collect the rent. & nbsp The landlord got a pile of money from a car accident settlement and then he got a serious inheritance in cash and a business that his father left him. The bills for the apartment building are in the name of and being paid for by the business that he inherited. The utility bills show usage and the heat and lights are still on so he definitely knows there is someone living there. & nbsp Recently a portion of the roof fell into the third floor apartment and water damage is everywhere in addition to a massive hole. I was just up there this afternoon looking around the place and there is a TON of mold in almost every apartment. There are raccoons squirrels and a host of other wild life living in the roof with open access to various apartments. The structure is crumbling literally and the floor feels like sponge in many spots as if you re going to fall through. The one apartment on the third floor where the roof fell in is wide open to the elements and everything in there is rotting. If the City saw this place it would be immediately condemned. It is SO unsafe in almost every regard. & nbsp My in-laws live on the main floor which hasn t succumbed to the eventual damage that s awaiting it from the two floors above. We estimate within a year the place will be uninhabitable due to damage. My in-laws have disabilities and live on a fixed income. They are enjoying living rent free and don t want to mess with that even though their safety is at risk IMO. On the other hand if they don t fix the massive hole in the roof they will be forced to move out anyway (most likely within the year - were in southern Ontario and winter is pretty much here now). & nbsp My in-laws curious about a claim of squatters rights to this place. I told them I have no idea and to talk to a lawyer explain the situation and see what they say. I am asking reddit to see what you have to say about this situation. | They have no squatters rights because they re staying there with his permission. They re not squatters - they re tenants. Also being as they haven t paid rent in 4 years they CAN be sued for back rent if this deadbeat landlord were to show back up on the scene. I do not know what the statute of limitations is in their jurisdiction. | Tell your in-laws to Forget about even trying to use That. It doesnt work like that. Here are there options: Get in contact with the landlord PAY THE 4 YEARS OF BACK RENT and he can fix the issue. Or fix it yourself. Or move out. Their days of paying no rent is pretty much over. | 104 | 28 |
2l5q9l | 160 | Landlord vanished 4 years ago. My family has been living rent free for the last 4 years. He s never tried to collect the rent and won t respond to any correspondence. Asking Reddit for your advice. x-post from r needadvice. My wife s parents have been living in an apartment for 10 years. Their apartment is an old farm house (100+ years old) that was converted into 9 apartments. & nbsp Four years ago the landlord inherited some (large sum) money and moved up north approx. 12 hours away. Upon his departure there were 4 other tenants living in this building along side my in-laws. Instructions from the landlord was to leave the rent under his door and that he would retrieve it. Lease agreements were year to year. Then he left and has never been heard from or seen since. & nbsp Over the course of the next year the 4 tenants put their rent cheques under his door as instructed but he never cashed any of them. In fact the cheques were still there under his door. & nbsp My father-in-law is the pseudo superintendent of the place (takes out the garbage cuts the grass shovels the snow etc.). The landlord left an address and phone number to where he was going to be living. My in-laws tried many times to call and write to him but there was no response and still no response from him to this day. & nbsp Within a 2 year period (after the landlord vanished) the four tenants ripped up their rent cheques that were under his door and moved out leaving my wife s parents as the only remaining tenants in the building. So they haven t paid rent in 4 years and haven t had any contact with the landlord. He s never called written nothing. He s never tried to collect the rent. & nbsp The landlord got a pile of money from a car accident settlement and then he got a serious inheritance in cash and a business that his father left him. The bills for the apartment building are in the name of and being paid for by the business that he inherited. The utility bills show usage and the heat and lights are still on so he definitely knows there is someone living there. & nbsp Recently a portion of the roof fell into the third floor apartment and water damage is everywhere in addition to a massive hole. I was just up there this afternoon looking around the place and there is a TON of mold in almost every apartment. There are raccoons squirrels and a host of other wild life living in the roof with open access to various apartments. The structure is crumbling literally and the floor feels like sponge in many spots as if you re going to fall through. The one apartment on the third floor where the roof fell in is wide open to the elements and everything in there is rotting. If the City saw this place it would be immediately condemned. It is SO unsafe in almost every regard. & nbsp My in-laws live on the main floor which hasn t succumbed to the eventual damage that s awaiting it from the two floors above. We estimate within a year the place will be uninhabitable due to damage. My in-laws have disabilities and live on a fixed income. They are enjoying living rent free and don t want to mess with that even though their safety is at risk IMO. On the other hand if they don t fix the massive hole in the roof they will be forced to move out anyway (most likely within the year - were in southern Ontario and winter is pretty much here now). & nbsp My in-laws curious about a claim of squatters rights to this place. I told them I have no idea and to talk to a lawyer explain the situation and see what they say. I am asking reddit to see what you have to say about this situation. | They have no squatters rights because they re staying there with his permission. They re not squatters - they re tenants. Also being as they haven t paid rent in 4 years they CAN be sued for back rent if this deadbeat landlord were to show back up on the scene. I do not know what the statute of limitations is in their jurisdiction. | Why have they not reported this missing person to the police? This is highly suspicious activity. If this man has no family or doesn t communicate with them your in laws could be the only ones to know of his disappearance. If he told them to leave the rent under the door he obviously planned to collect it at some point. Now he has abandoned not one but two homes. This isn t normal. Edit to add: I believe that your in laws should report the guy missing. As the four years of free living in the home could cause them to become suspects in his disappearance if in fact he has disappeared. | 104 | 36 |
2l5q9l | 160 | Landlord vanished 4 years ago. My family has been living rent free for the last 4 years. He s never tried to collect the rent and won t respond to any correspondence. Asking Reddit for your advice. x-post from r needadvice. My wife s parents have been living in an apartment for 10 years. Their apartment is an old farm house (100+ years old) that was converted into 9 apartments. & nbsp Four years ago the landlord inherited some (large sum) money and moved up north approx. 12 hours away. Upon his departure there were 4 other tenants living in this building along side my in-laws. Instructions from the landlord was to leave the rent under his door and that he would retrieve it. Lease agreements were year to year. Then he left and has never been heard from or seen since. & nbsp Over the course of the next year the 4 tenants put their rent cheques under his door as instructed but he never cashed any of them. In fact the cheques were still there under his door. & nbsp My father-in-law is the pseudo superintendent of the place (takes out the garbage cuts the grass shovels the snow etc.). The landlord left an address and phone number to where he was going to be living. My in-laws tried many times to call and write to him but there was no response and still no response from him to this day. & nbsp Within a 2 year period (after the landlord vanished) the four tenants ripped up their rent cheques that were under his door and moved out leaving my wife s parents as the only remaining tenants in the building. So they haven t paid rent in 4 years and haven t had any contact with the landlord. He s never called written nothing. He s never tried to collect the rent. & nbsp The landlord got a pile of money from a car accident settlement and then he got a serious inheritance in cash and a business that his father left him. The bills for the apartment building are in the name of and being paid for by the business that he inherited. The utility bills show usage and the heat and lights are still on so he definitely knows there is someone living there. & nbsp Recently a portion of the roof fell into the third floor apartment and water damage is everywhere in addition to a massive hole. I was just up there this afternoon looking around the place and there is a TON of mold in almost every apartment. There are raccoons squirrels and a host of other wild life living in the roof with open access to various apartments. The structure is crumbling literally and the floor feels like sponge in many spots as if you re going to fall through. The one apartment on the third floor where the roof fell in is wide open to the elements and everything in there is rotting. If the City saw this place it would be immediately condemned. It is SO unsafe in almost every regard. & nbsp My in-laws live on the main floor which hasn t succumbed to the eventual damage that s awaiting it from the two floors above. We estimate within a year the place will be uninhabitable due to damage. My in-laws have disabilities and live on a fixed income. They are enjoying living rent free and don t want to mess with that even though their safety is at risk IMO. On the other hand if they don t fix the massive hole in the roof they will be forced to move out anyway (most likely within the year - were in southern Ontario and winter is pretty much here now). & nbsp My in-laws curious about a claim of squatters rights to this place. I told them I have no idea and to talk to a lawyer explain the situation and see what they say. I am asking reddit to see what you have to say about this situation. | Hey buddy. You keep trying to justify this. It s simple. 1. The landlord can come after them and only them if they want for unpaid rent. 2. The place is not safe to live in and they need to move out. 3. Yes it s nice living rent free but they need to be responsible. 4. They have no squatters rights claim 5. You shouldn t be helping them find a way to live for free. You should help find them a new place and get ahold of their gambling addictions. | Not at all helpful but I wonder why the city has not investigated due to back taxes. I know my landlord is behind on her taxed due to the ~10 letter I get from the city a month... | 64 | 3 |
2lbv7t | 80 | My mother voted for me by mail-in in my hometown and just told me after I voted today in my college town. Besides the obvious WTF MOM? what does this mean? I didn t know I was registered in my hometown but I guess I received a mail in ballot that she filled out for me and sent in... She just guessed what I would have wanted to vote for I guess? This was three weeks ago. This is still within the same state just different counties. Is anything *actually* going to happen? I don t want my (admittedly batshit) mother to be in real trouble nor do I want to face any consequences... EDIT: This is in California. | It means your mom committed voter fraud. | *I am a bot whose sole purpose is to improve the timeliness and accuracy of responses in this subreddit.* --- **It appears you forgot to include your location in the title or body of your post.** **Please update the original post to include this information.** --- [Report Inaccuracies Here](http: r LocationBot ) | [Author](http: u ianp) | 99 | 6 |
2lcujf | 27 | Supposed counterfeit bill taken+kept at bar: we received from bank bar wouldn t provide proof. I went to a bar this evening in San Diego. Upon arrival we ordered drinks. My friend used the $100 bill she had received from her bank. The bartender served her a drink and said she would return with the change. After waiting a while my friend asked another bartender where her change was. The man told her the bill was fake. She asked to see the bill and he refused. She asked why she was given a drink if her bill was fake and the man asked her to step outside. After going outside we again asked to see the bill. The man again refused to show us the bill and told us to leave. When we started to cause a scene he offered to call the police to have us removed from the property. We thought that was a great idea since he would not give us the $100 bill or any proof that it was fake. We flagged down a cop car passing by and explained the situation. The police officer asked to see the bill and the man refused to show it with us in viewing range. After another cop arrived the cop and bar employee conversed about the bill out of our view. I over heard the cop say so what do you want to do? Give it back to them or... and shortly after they both walked up and told us we could not have the fake bill or see it. After a long period of arguing they eventually compared a real $100 to a fake $100. There is no way of knowing which bill was the one we gave to them. This bill was received directly from a bank. It was never checked with a counterfeit marker. No matter how many times we asked for it to be tried with a counterfeit marker the bar employee refused. The bar employee said the bill could be traced. If the bill is traced and not shown to have come from our state of residence (we are from Wisconsin currently visiting San Diego) is there any way to prove the bar employee switched the legit bill for a fake? The police said we could get camera footage if we take them to court but would that mean coming back to California? The bartender called his employee over to bring another $100 to compare ours against another. The comparison is the first point in time we were allowed to see the bill. I honestly can t ignore the belief that he had his employee bring a fake bill and claimed the fake was from us. Is there anything we can do? Again? The bill was received directly from a bank and the cop asked the bar employee if he wanted to return the bill to us. They refused to use a counterfeit marker they refused to shine a light through the bills and they refused to let us see the bill in question until another bill was provided. I just don t know what to do. | Oh man if someone is trying to scam you they unintentionally opened themselves up for a world of discomfort. Here s what you do. You re in San Diego right? The Secret Service are the ones who do investigations into counterfeiting. Call the Secret Service field office for San Diego (you can get the number [here](http: field_offices.shtml)) and let them know that you passed a bill to a merchant who claimed the bill was counterfeit and confiscated it explaining the situation. Let the agent know that you plan on filing an insurance claim when you return from your trip (losses from counterfeit money are [standard coverage](http: cro news 2014 09 what-to-do-if-someone-gives-you-counterfeit-money index.htm) on most homeowners or renter s policies) for the loss and that you d like some kind of reference number or agent you can speak with in order to validate the insurance claim on your end. Alert the bank as well and give them the contact information you were provided by the Secret Service. If it s bogus and the merchant turned the alleged counterfeit note over to the police then they re doing what they should and an insurance claim should cover you for such a small amount- and you ll have gotten a free drink and a good story out of it as well. If however the merchant *did not* pass the counterfeit note onto the police there could be uncomfortable questions posed by federal agents when they investigate and they claim to investigate all counterfeit cases no matter how big or small. They re going to want that alleged counterfeit bill and if the merchant can t produce it then they will have fallen under suspicion of having *knowingly passed it* a very serious crime. | > I honestly can t ignore the belief that he had his employee bring a fake bill and claimed the fake was from us. Is there anything we can do? IANAL. Short of having documented the serial number of the original bill it would be tough to prove that this is not the bill you had. | 59 | 2 |
2lcujf | 27 | Supposed counterfeit bill taken+kept at bar: we received from bank bar wouldn t provide proof. I went to a bar this evening in San Diego. Upon arrival we ordered drinks. My friend used the $100 bill she had received from her bank. The bartender served her a drink and said she would return with the change. After waiting a while my friend asked another bartender where her change was. The man told her the bill was fake. She asked to see the bill and he refused. She asked why she was given a drink if her bill was fake and the man asked her to step outside. After going outside we again asked to see the bill. The man again refused to show us the bill and told us to leave. When we started to cause a scene he offered to call the police to have us removed from the property. We thought that was a great idea since he would not give us the $100 bill or any proof that it was fake. We flagged down a cop car passing by and explained the situation. The police officer asked to see the bill and the man refused to show it with us in viewing range. After another cop arrived the cop and bar employee conversed about the bill out of our view. I over heard the cop say so what do you want to do? Give it back to them or... and shortly after they both walked up and told us we could not have the fake bill or see it. After a long period of arguing they eventually compared a real $100 to a fake $100. There is no way of knowing which bill was the one we gave to them. This bill was received directly from a bank. It was never checked with a counterfeit marker. No matter how many times we asked for it to be tried with a counterfeit marker the bar employee refused. The bar employee said the bill could be traced. If the bill is traced and not shown to have come from our state of residence (we are from Wisconsin currently visiting San Diego) is there any way to prove the bar employee switched the legit bill for a fake? The police said we could get camera footage if we take them to court but would that mean coming back to California? The bartender called his employee over to bring another $100 to compare ours against another. The comparison is the first point in time we were allowed to see the bill. I honestly can t ignore the belief that he had his employee bring a fake bill and claimed the fake was from us. Is there anything we can do? Again? The bill was received directly from a bank and the cop asked the bar employee if he wanted to return the bill to us. They refused to use a counterfeit marker they refused to shine a light through the bills and they refused to let us see the bill in question until another bill was provided. I just don t know what to do. | Oh man if someone is trying to scam you they unintentionally opened themselves up for a world of discomfort. Here s what you do. You re in San Diego right? The Secret Service are the ones who do investigations into counterfeiting. Call the Secret Service field office for San Diego (you can get the number [here](http: field_offices.shtml)) and let them know that you passed a bill to a merchant who claimed the bill was counterfeit and confiscated it explaining the situation. Let the agent know that you plan on filing an insurance claim when you return from your trip (losses from counterfeit money are [standard coverage](http: cro news 2014 09 what-to-do-if-someone-gives-you-counterfeit-money index.htm) on most homeowners or renter s policies) for the loss and that you d like some kind of reference number or agent you can speak with in order to validate the insurance claim on your end. Alert the bank as well and give them the contact information you were provided by the Secret Service. If it s bogus and the merchant turned the alleged counterfeit note over to the police then they re doing what they should and an insurance claim should cover you for such a small amount- and you ll have gotten a free drink and a good story out of it as well. If however the merchant *did not* pass the counterfeit note onto the police there could be uncomfortable questions posed by federal agents when they investigate and they claim to investigate all counterfeit cases no matter how big or small. They re going to want that alleged counterfeit bill and if the merchant can t produce it then they will have fallen under suspicion of having *knowingly passed it* a very serious crime. | Was this a big chain or an independently owned joint? If it s corporate get the contact for a district territory manager and explain the situation. Any corporate place will have SOP around counterfeit currency and maybe they ll do something for you. After all why would someone passing counterfeit bills escalate the situation? If it is employees running a scam then upper management may have already heard rumors of it and may be sympathetic or at the very least it will make it harder for them to pull it off again without getting fired. If it is independently owned you can try talking to the owner. If it doesn t get you anywhere at least you can leave a nasty yelp review. | 59 | 3 |
2le0bq | 124 | Advice on a huge bank error in your favor Hypothetical scenario (or not). One morning you wake up to discover that your personal checking account received a wire transfer from a mysterious LLC for the amount of $285 154 and a few pennies for good measure. The money is not yours. You know this. It was not a rich aunt who decided she loves you so much. It was not a secret admirer of your poetry who wanted to help a starving artist. It was a mistake. You ve been very poor all your life and you feel tempted by all the glittering possibilities but valuing your unincarcerated existence you reluctantly go to the bank to report this bank error in your favor. You report it on the same day assuming it would have been a matter of time before it was discovered anyway. You are assured they will look into it and correct the mistake. And you go to sleep that night with a bittersweet smile thinking how for just a brief moment in time you had a lot of money. That brief moment in time was five months ago. You keep waiting for the money to disappear from your account but it s still there. As of today it s still there and nobody has said a word about it. You d love to believe you won some random lottery without realizing it or that some wealthy individual or corporation made a mistake and then somehow forgot about it. But you know it is not your money. Amazingly nobody has contacted you about it in these five months. every time you log into your bank account online the money is there. You still haven t touched it each and every penny is still in the account (along with around two thousand of your own money) but it gets harder and harder to ignore as nobody has come asking for it. It s not even accumulating interest it is just sitting there in the checking account. You are concerned about the legal implications of transferring it to your savings account or a separate high interest account until the matter gets sorted out but at the same time you are concerned that if someone somehow gets a hold of your checkbook or ATM card they ll start spending it. What do you do? Is it a crime that you haven t reported it again in these five months? Do you continue following up with the bank until the mistake is taken care of? Transfer it to a high interest account and accumulate interest until the error is discovered? Let s say a full year goes by the money is still untouched and by some miracle (or nightmare depending on what might happen) the mistake still hasn t been caught. Do you declare it as income and pay taxes on it? Or do you declare it as an anonymous gift from a rich relative? Is there a statute of limitations that applies a time period of some years after which the money is legally yours? Please advise. | It s not a crime to fail to report mistakes. It s advisable to continue following up with the bank until the mistake is taken care of. Transferring it to a different account could be seen as an attempt to illegitimately appropriate it so that would not be advisable. Money which was credited to you by mistake is never yours. Statutes of limitations only affect whether you can be sued or prosecuted for it there s no statute of limitations for the bank taking the funds out of your account since they aren t yours. | *I am a bot whose sole purpose is to improve the timeliness and accuracy of responses in this subreddit.* --- **It appears you forgot to include your location in the title or body of your post.** **Please update the original post to include this information.** --- [Report Inaccuracies Here](http: r LocationBot ) | [Author](http: u ianp) | 93 | 2 |
2le0bq | 124 | Advice on a huge bank error in your favor Hypothetical scenario (or not). One morning you wake up to discover that your personal checking account received a wire transfer from a mysterious LLC for the amount of $285 154 and a few pennies for good measure. The money is not yours. You know this. It was not a rich aunt who decided she loves you so much. It was not a secret admirer of your poetry who wanted to help a starving artist. It was a mistake. You ve been very poor all your life and you feel tempted by all the glittering possibilities but valuing your unincarcerated existence you reluctantly go to the bank to report this bank error in your favor. You report it on the same day assuming it would have been a matter of time before it was discovered anyway. You are assured they will look into it and correct the mistake. And you go to sleep that night with a bittersweet smile thinking how for just a brief moment in time you had a lot of money. That brief moment in time was five months ago. You keep waiting for the money to disappear from your account but it s still there. As of today it s still there and nobody has said a word about it. You d love to believe you won some random lottery without realizing it or that some wealthy individual or corporation made a mistake and then somehow forgot about it. But you know it is not your money. Amazingly nobody has contacted you about it in these five months. every time you log into your bank account online the money is there. You still haven t touched it each and every penny is still in the account (along with around two thousand of your own money) but it gets harder and harder to ignore as nobody has come asking for it. It s not even accumulating interest it is just sitting there in the checking account. You are concerned about the legal implications of transferring it to your savings account or a separate high interest account until the matter gets sorted out but at the same time you are concerned that if someone somehow gets a hold of your checkbook or ATM card they ll start spending it. What do you do? Is it a crime that you haven t reported it again in these five months? Do you continue following up with the bank until the mistake is taken care of? Transfer it to a high interest account and accumulate interest until the error is discovered? Let s say a full year goes by the money is still untouched and by some miracle (or nightmare depending on what might happen) the mistake still hasn t been caught. Do you declare it as income and pay taxes on it? Or do you declare it as an anonymous gift from a rich relative? Is there a statute of limitations that applies a time period of some years after which the money is legally yours? Please advise. | It s not a crime to fail to report mistakes. It s advisable to continue following up with the bank until the mistake is taken care of. Transferring it to a different account could be seen as an attempt to illegitimately appropriate it so that would not be advisable. Money which was credited to you by mistake is never yours. Statutes of limitations only affect whether you can be sued or prosecuted for it there s no statute of limitations for the bank taking the funds out of your account since they aren t yours. | Life isn t Monopoly. The statue of limitations for grand theft is measured in years not months. | 93 | 25 |
2lhe2v | 23 | My boss verbally abuses me daily. I work for someone who is considered the president of the company. We don t have an HR or the like. If I have something to complain about he s the one I need to discuss it with. But my problem is him. It started practically when I first began as an employee. I ve documented it and made note of most of the times he s said something. They are all inappropriate insulting and uncalled for comments. I m nearly 6 months pregnant and he refers to me as Tubby Fatso Bertha (I don t even know what that s supposed to mean.) He calls my unborn baby a bastard and now a bitch since we found out it s a girl. If I make any sort of mistake (pennies off in my math or something) He says something along the lines of he understands because I m just a female. It s *always* because I m a woman. He openly admits to being sexists. Makes comments on my clothes my hair asks me in my pedicure matches my manicure. Asks me about my growing bra size etc. and has even smacked my hands for making a mistake like I m a child. He s overall extremely rude and offensive. This is just the tip of the ice berg. Is there anything I can do to get it to stop and recieve some sort of justice? I don t just want to quit and let him do this to whoever replaces me. I m genuinely over being treated this way. I m very passive and polite and I just can t handle it anymore. I guess my question is on how to approach this legally and maturely? I don t even know if there s anything I can do besides bring it to someone s attention but my problem is who? This might be the wrong place to post but I m just looking for advice. (I m located in the U.S. Midwest.) | If the company has 15 or more employees I would [go straight to the EEOC with this shit](http: employees charge.cfm). | *I am a bot whose sole purpose is to improve the timeliness and accuracy of responses in this subreddit.* --- **It appears you forgot to include your location in the title or body of your post.** **Please update the original post to include this information.** --- [Report Inaccuracies Here](http: r LocationBot ) | [Author](http: u ianp) | 61 | 2 |
2lqs9p | 147 | I have been summonsed to court in another state. I have never been there. I live in California. Yesterday I received a certified letter notifying me that I am being summonsed to court in Pennsylvania. The court date is on December 19 and the charge listed is Aggravated Battery and Robbery. It referenced an attached complaint and the complaint basically states that I committed the crime on October 7 and that I am being charged with Aggravated Battery and Robbery. At first I thought it was one of those scams where people make you think your insurance is going to lapse if you don t give them money or something. However I checked the courthouse of the county listed online and called them. The phone was passed around to a couple of people and eventually someone told me that it is a legitimate summons that was sent by the court. I did try to explain on the phone that I have never been to Pennsylvania and I have no idea what this is about. The person on the phone said that if I do not believe I am guilty of the crime committed I can appear before the court as summonsed and plead not guilty and that if I do not appear I am failing to comply with an official request of the court and will be given the default judgment. They said any official concerns should be made by my lawyer. I do not have a lawyer. My parents are not helpful with this situation and I have no idea what to do. Can I go to the police station and somehow get this fixed? Do I need to GET a lawyer and if so it would have to be where you can get one appointed to you for free. Can I do that in California or can I only get a Pennsylvania court lawyer since this is from Pennsylvania? Is it likely someone has stolen my identity? Please give me any advice you have. I have no way to get to Pennsylvania and I am completely lost with how to move forward with this. | I am an IL lawyer. There is a great deal in here that does not add up. You need a lawyer. You need one now. Today is Sunday. Monday morning skip class or take a day off work and get one. If you can t afford one there is Legal Aid. Google Legal Aid in your city and you will find the agencies. Also the law schools have clinics which take stuff like this. Google law schools in or near your city call the general number and ask for the legal clinic. A CA lawyer will know how to handle the PA situation. Don t sign anything don t verbally agree to anything don t give a phone interview or talk to cops or investigators without your own lawyer present. | What I don t understand is... If you re a minor how are your parents NOT helping you in this matter?? | 74 | 18 |
2lzknf | 79 | Just found out roommate NOT on lease is planning a huge party at my rental house when I m away for Thanksgiving break what can I do? (x-post with r needadvice) http: r needadvice comments 2lyqu6 just_found_out_roommate_not_on_lease_is_planning To keep it short a few months back I rented a place with my girlfriend her credit wasn t good and all that so only my name is on the lease. We have recently broken up and have mutually decided that she will move out by the end of the year BUT... I just saw through FaceBook that she is planning a huge party (invited 900 people) during Thanksgiving break when I will be gone for the week visiting my family. Obviously with that many people and her hey I m out of here soon anyway attitude I m worried about the house getting damaged and or neighbor complains or police getting called (this is in a downtown area of a large city). What can I legally do to prevent this party from occurring or make the liability all on her? I really don t want my house to get trashed and be responsible for it when I m not even there.... | Well she s a tenant regardless of being on the lease or not. This almost assuredly violates your lease and your landlord could evict you because of it. I would simply tell her that if they cause damage you will sue her for the loss of your security deposit and any subsequent charges that result from her hosting this huge party. If you have separate rooms put a good lock on your door. Remove any valuables and hope the place isn t destroyed. Tell your neighbors what s being planned and tell them to call the police at the first sign of things getting out of hand. | IANAL. Tell her she can t throw the party and you have asked the police to keep an eye on the place. | 109 | 2 |
2lzknf | 79 | Just found out roommate NOT on lease is planning a huge party at my rental house when I m away for Thanksgiving break what can I do? (x-post with r needadvice) http: r needadvice comments 2lyqu6 just_found_out_roommate_not_on_lease_is_planning To keep it short a few months back I rented a place with my girlfriend her credit wasn t good and all that so only my name is on the lease. We have recently broken up and have mutually decided that she will move out by the end of the year BUT... I just saw through FaceBook that she is planning a huge party (invited 900 people) during Thanksgiving break when I will be gone for the week visiting my family. Obviously with that many people and her hey I m out of here soon anyway attitude I m worried about the house getting damaged and or neighbor complains or police getting called (this is in a downtown area of a large city). What can I legally do to prevent this party from occurring or make the liability all on her? I really don t want my house to get trashed and be responsible for it when I m not even there.... | Well she s a tenant regardless of being on the lease or not. This almost assuredly violates your lease and your landlord could evict you because of it. I would simply tell her that if they cause damage you will sue her for the loss of your security deposit and any subsequent charges that result from her hosting this huge party. If you have separate rooms put a good lock on your door. Remove any valuables and hope the place isn t destroyed. Tell your neighbors what s being planned and tell them to call the police at the first sign of things getting out of hand. | *I am a bot whose sole purpose is to improve the timeliness and accuracy of responses in this subreddit.* --- **It appears you forgot to include your location in the title or body of your post.** **Please update the original post to include this information.** --- [Report Inaccuracies Here](http: r LocationBot ) | [Author](http: u ianp) | 109 | 5 |
2lzknf | 79 | Just found out roommate NOT on lease is planning a huge party at my rental house when I m away for Thanksgiving break what can I do? (x-post with r needadvice) http: r needadvice comments 2lyqu6 just_found_out_roommate_not_on_lease_is_planning To keep it short a few months back I rented a place with my girlfriend her credit wasn t good and all that so only my name is on the lease. We have recently broken up and have mutually decided that she will move out by the end of the year BUT... I just saw through FaceBook that she is planning a huge party (invited 900 people) during Thanksgiving break when I will be gone for the week visiting my family. Obviously with that many people and her hey I m out of here soon anyway attitude I m worried about the house getting damaged and or neighbor complains or police getting called (this is in a downtown area of a large city). What can I legally do to prevent this party from occurring or make the liability all on her? I really don t want my house to get trashed and be responsible for it when I m not even there.... | Well she s a tenant regardless of being on the lease or not. This almost assuredly violates your lease and your landlord could evict you because of it. I would simply tell her that if they cause damage you will sue her for the loss of your security deposit and any subsequent charges that result from her hosting this huge party. If you have separate rooms put a good lock on your door. Remove any valuables and hope the place isn t destroyed. Tell your neighbors what s being planned and tell them to call the police at the first sign of things getting out of hand. | I have a couple of ideas. 1. Hire private security. 2. email every single loser and person your roommate doesn t like and invite them. 3. If they are underage contact as many parents as you can. 4. Right before you leave heavily spray liquid ass (it s a real product) in every room of the house. It lasts for a week or more. 5. Get somebody on the inside to report to you when people start showing up and start calling the police making noise complaints. | 109 | 5 |
2m4m6j | 94 | Received commission for sale 17 months ago. Customer is now being refunded and they have written me a letter demanding repayment of commission. OH I used to be a sales rep. 17 months ago I sold an installation product plus a contract for a couple years of service. I quit 13 months ago. I received $1748 in commission from the sale. At the time the company was running a promotion for employees where you would receive a bonus matching commission of any sales that month. So in total I received $3496. I received this on two separate checks. One check was for $1748 and the note line said COMMISSION with the sale number. The other check was for $2968 which was $1748+other commissions during June. The note line said JUNE SALES BONUS. My contract states Commission on profit will be paid 30 days after the date of purchase. If the purchase is reversed during that time Representative will not receive profit commission. It does NOT address reversed purchases after more than 30 days. Now they have sent me a letter saying that the client has reversed their purchase due to dissatisfaction with the service and that because the sale is no longer considered to have profited the company I need to return $3496. They graciously added We understand that finances may be stressed during the holiday season. For your convenience we will allow a grace period of 60 days before taking further action on this matter. Please make payment by check by Friday the 9th of January 2015. 1. Based on what my contract says and the law on this do I actually owe them any money? 2. If I do owe them money for the commission wouldn t the bonus be excluded because it was a bonus? Or can they force me to return the bonus half of this money as well? 3. Does this have any tax implications I need to worry about? My sister said she thinks it does but I have no idea. If anyone has advice on whether I should fight this and if so how I m all ears. Thanks. | Don t give them your money. The employer paid you and it was a year and a half ago. No court is going to force you to give it back. In cases like this where the employer has already given the employee the commission money a court more than likely will not require the employee to give it back. This would raise too many problems regarding money that may have already been spent or relied on. More importantly employees do not not assume liability for an employer s loses. If your company screwed up and gave them horrible service that s your company s fault not yours. $3500 is a lot of money. Fight it. You can respond to them and tell them you re not obligated to give the money back. | They ve no right to it. | 123 | 24 |
2m9acg | 49 | My two friends used a stolen credit card to buy airline tickets for the three of us without telling me So my two friends and I were planning a vacation and I let them find and purchase the tickets without me. I honestly didn t suspect anything but when it came time to pay them back they refused to accept payment because the tickets were free. Further questioning resulted in the discovery that the tickets were purchased online from a stolen credit card. So aside from being incredibly pissed off I am also very concerned since I gave them my social security number and other information in order to secure a seat. I m hoping you guys can help me out of this jam. Also I m not sure if it s important but the flight is three weeks from now. Location: I m from New York but my friends and I are flying from South Korea. IMPORTANT EDIT: I accidentally wrote social security number but I meant passport number. Sorry for the confusion. | If you take the flight be prepared to be arrested and charged with a felony. Credit card fraud and identity theft are very serious crimes. If you do take it you could at the least be charged with receiving stolen services or accessory to credit card fraud. Safest course of action would be to report these friends and burn bridges with them. Otherwise wash your hands of it and do not take the flight or cover their asses. Also make sure your criminal friends didn t use your SSN to steal your shit. | *I am a bot whose sole purpose is to improve the timeliness and accuracy of responses in this subreddit.* --- **It appears you forgot to include your location in the title or body of your post.** **Please update the original post to include this information.** --- [Report Inaccuracies Here](http: r LocationBot ) | [Author](http: u ianp) | 79 | 3 |
2m9acg | 49 | My two friends used a stolen credit card to buy airline tickets for the three of us without telling me So my two friends and I were planning a vacation and I let them find and purchase the tickets without me. I honestly didn t suspect anything but when it came time to pay them back they refused to accept payment because the tickets were free. Further questioning resulted in the discovery that the tickets were purchased online from a stolen credit card. So aside from being incredibly pissed off I am also very concerned since I gave them my social security number and other information in order to secure a seat. I m hoping you guys can help me out of this jam. Also I m not sure if it s important but the flight is three weeks from now. Location: I m from New York but my friends and I are flying from South Korea. IMPORTANT EDIT: I accidentally wrote social security number but I meant passport number. Sorry for the confusion. | If you take the flight be prepared to be arrested and charged with a felony. Credit card fraud and identity theft are very serious crimes. If you do take it you could at the least be charged with receiving stolen services or accessory to credit card fraud. Safest course of action would be to report these friends and burn bridges with them. Otherwise wash your hands of it and do not take the flight or cover their asses. Also make sure your criminal friends didn t use your SSN to steal your shit. | refuse to go. why did you give them your ssn for a plane ticket? | 79 | 5 |
2m9acg | 49 | My two friends used a stolen credit card to buy airline tickets for the three of us without telling me So my two friends and I were planning a vacation and I let them find and purchase the tickets without me. I honestly didn t suspect anything but when it came time to pay them back they refused to accept payment because the tickets were free. Further questioning resulted in the discovery that the tickets were purchased online from a stolen credit card. So aside from being incredibly pissed off I am also very concerned since I gave them my social security number and other information in order to secure a seat. I m hoping you guys can help me out of this jam. Also I m not sure if it s important but the flight is three weeks from now. Location: I m from New York but my friends and I are flying from South Korea. IMPORTANT EDIT: I accidentally wrote social security number but I meant passport number. Sorry for the confusion. | If you get on that plane the odds of you being arrested and charged with fraud are exceptionally high. It would take a matter of minutes for the CC company and police to have you dead to rights. Here s the added wrinkle: you are fully aware that a crime has been committed AND you are directly benefitting from it. If the CC company discovers the fraud before you take that flight you could still be charged. You know these people you know what they ve done and your name is on an airline reservation with them having been purchased with stolen funds. When the prosecutor inevitably cracks down on your buddies (and be assured that they will) it would fairly easy to make this mess stick to you too. If you want to protect yourself legally above all else two things are true: 1. Calling the police to report this crime ASAP is the best thing you could do. 2. Taking the flight is the absolute worst. All points in between are a bit of a grey area but do you really want to screw around with potentially serious charges? | *I am a bot whose sole purpose is to improve the timeliness and accuracy of responses in this subreddit.* --- **It appears you forgot to include your location in the title or body of your post.** **Please update the original post to include this information.** --- [Report Inaccuracies Here](http: r LocationBot ) | [Author](http: u ianp) | 54 | 3 |
2me99j | 98 | An Iowa police officer told me that I am required by law to carry an ID with me at all times. Is that correct? Someone from r askleo suggested I post here! Some friends had a dinner party. We were not loud (only 6 people no music) but the apartment across the hall was very loud with dozens of people. Someone called in a noise complaint and police walked into the building just as a couple people entered the apartment we were in. They assumed we were the loud party and started checking IDs. I am over 21 but didn t have an ID on me. I live next door we were only drinking champagne and I don t carry my ID with me most of the time anyway because I don t drive and I only need to show an ID for stuff like work paperwork once in a blue moon. It s just one less thing to worry about replacing if my purse is lost or stolen. I had no problem with identifying myself by my name birthday or ID number (I assume they can look it up if needed). However they were pretty angry that I didn t have an ID on me and spent a while yelling at me for it. Their general claim is that if I have been issued an ID I am required by law to carry it at all times. One of the officers said I m lucky that they didn t see me drinking alcohol because they could have arrested me on the spot considering that I couldn t prove I was 21. I am not finding any information online that says I HAVE to carry my ID with me at all times. Someone in r askleo said I may have been required to identify myself which I had no problem doing. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Thanks! | You have no legal duty to carry an ID. If police have reasonable suspicion they can detain you to verify that suspicion... In this case an officer could detain you under suspicion of underage drinking and even arrest you (although that would be extreme) . However the officers statement that the arrest is just because you must prove you are over 21 is not true. The state must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you are guilty of a crime. Not the other way around. The owner lessee of the dwelling should speak with the police. Refuse entry unless they have a warrant. And kindly explain the situation. Personally I would not react well to being lectured by police when I am not breaking any laws and likely file a complaint with the police Department and IA Civil Rights Commission for the officers incorrect application of law and unethical behavior. | You don t *have* to carry your ID on you at all times. But if you don t and they have a good reason to think you were underage drinking they might be able to detain you until they can verify your age. (Remember they had no way to know that you weren t lying about your age.) | 125 | 3 |
2me99j | 98 | An Iowa police officer told me that I am required by law to carry an ID with me at all times. Is that correct? Someone from r askleo suggested I post here! Some friends had a dinner party. We were not loud (only 6 people no music) but the apartment across the hall was very loud with dozens of people. Someone called in a noise complaint and police walked into the building just as a couple people entered the apartment we were in. They assumed we were the loud party and started checking IDs. I am over 21 but didn t have an ID on me. I live next door we were only drinking champagne and I don t carry my ID with me most of the time anyway because I don t drive and I only need to show an ID for stuff like work paperwork once in a blue moon. It s just one less thing to worry about replacing if my purse is lost or stolen. I had no problem with identifying myself by my name birthday or ID number (I assume they can look it up if needed). However they were pretty angry that I didn t have an ID on me and spent a while yelling at me for it. Their general claim is that if I have been issued an ID I am required by law to carry it at all times. One of the officers said I m lucky that they didn t see me drinking alcohol because they could have arrested me on the spot considering that I couldn t prove I was 21. I am not finding any information online that says I HAVE to carry my ID with me at all times. Someone in r askleo said I may have been required to identify myself which I had no problem doing. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Thanks! | You have no legal duty to carry an ID. If police have reasonable suspicion they can detain you to verify that suspicion... In this case an officer could detain you under suspicion of underage drinking and even arrest you (although that would be extreme) . However the officers statement that the arrest is just because you must prove you are over 21 is not true. The state must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you are guilty of a crime. Not the other way around. The owner lessee of the dwelling should speak with the police. Refuse entry unless they have a warrant. And kindly explain the situation. Personally I would not react well to being lectured by police when I am not breaking any laws and likely file a complaint with the police Department and IA Civil Rights Commission for the officers incorrect application of law and unethical behavior. | I might be mistaken but if I recall Iowa isn t even a stop and ID state. If I am correct that means you weren t even under an obligation to identify yourself at all. Though a probable cause belief that you were consuming alcohol underage might change that (though I still do not think so). I think these officers were just…wrong. | 125 | 50 |
2mgttr | 46 | Wife wants divorce months after birth of first child and she has completely destroying my ability to provide Edit - sorry for any typos... Typed this out on an iPad. I should mention this is in Connecticut. Hi legaladvice Right now I m trying everything I can to repair my marriage but I think she is set on divorce. If it comes to separating I d like to avoid lawyering up for our newborns sake but I want to make sure I m not being foolish. We married three years ago after meeting at an underground support group for non-believing BYU students (the university kicks out students who leave the faith). We meet fall in love but she is moving up to Canada to complete her PhD. I am trying to save for grad school working at an IT company and as I can work remotely I follow her up. Now her parents are quite well off and are footing the bill for her apartment before we marry. I m quite adamant that we need to cleave to each other and cut the purse string (especially due to the religious and frankly controlling nature of her family) and my wife agrees. We find a modest place and start working on a family. So here I am supporting my wife full time while she does her degree (which is paid for via grants). I couldn t be happier to support her and she promises to support me in getting into grad school once she is done. One year ago we choose to become pregnant and after a few failed attempts we finally conceive. Things are rough because she has bipolar and cannot take medications during the pregnancy. Eventually she decides to drop down to a Masters and wants to move back to her parents to have the child. I m hesitant as I have a new job as an IT project director with the promise that I will be promoted to CIO. We also will not have insurance when we head down to the states but my wife claims that her parents will foot the bill. After much debate I agree with my wife that it would be best for her and the child to have the strongest support network possible. At this point we have about 20k in savings and spend 5k in moving costs. We end up in her parents house and things are fine however it is starting to get complicated. Her parents keep pushing for us to go back to church and my wife starts going. Also we are expect to pay for health insurance and are slowly depleting our funds. Now I m still working remotely (which is slowing the financial bleed) and my wife starts insisting that I need to go back to school. I m extremely hesitant as we will be completely dependent on her parents - but she insists that I place faith in her family and go to community college to take the prerequisites for a PA degree. Now I ve talked about going to PA school for a while but I m starting to have reservations as I m enjoying my work. After many argument I drop down to consulting hours at my job and attend school (still on my own dime). I also have a back surgery that leaves me incapacitated for about a month. With no job a new child school tuition and plenty of medical bills we completely drain savings. Now at this time we are fighting quite a bit. I m worried that I won t get into pa school. She is starting to realize that PA school is going to take a while to get into and is frustrated with me regarding my previous GPA. She s also telling me that I need to put more trust in her parents but outside of housing feeding us I m not seeing any money entering our account. I m not going to beg for money but it is getting to the point that I can t buy lunch at school and miss meals. Because we are fighting so much I lose favor with her family and things are just getting worse. I m starting to attend church with her family to placate feelings and my wife is asking me to attend the lds temple with her. I m slowly dying inside as I still have deep seated feelings about the church. She also lands her dream job and even though I m excited for her I m finding difficult to show that as the job would basically keep us in her parents basement for the next 6 months and the job would mean that we would be living in the same neighborhood as her parents which means we would need to attend their church to stay on good terms. At this point I m completely depressed. Forced religion inlaw problems new baby financial troubles recent back surgery and difficulty seeing a future career - I m near suicidal. We are constantly fighting... Haven t slept in the same room in months. When rare intimacies occur they are only one way. In fact she seems begrudging when I ask her to return intimacy. Last week she tells me that she has decided to file for divorce and I am heartbroken. As we are living with her parents things become even more difficult and awkward. A few days ago I talk with my father-in-law who is equally devastated and I ask him to make sure that he provides for my son while I figure things out. Yesterday I ask my parents to send $1000 dollars to allow me to move to keep everyone on good terms. I miss my son. I m still trying to repair the marriage as I don t want to lose my son however my wife is adamant. She plans on claiming full custody and says that she (or more accurately her parents) will give me $6000 to land on my feet (which I m hesitant to accept). Also there is a strong chance that she might go international with her job leaving me unable to be a part of my sons life. I m still trying to pull my wife into marraige therapy but she is adamant and is filing asap. She also has asked her father s lawyer to draft the papers. We are still on good terms and I still trust her but I m now penniless without a way to provide for my son and I m not sure im comfortable with giving away full-custody. And im basically pleading with her to not do this hastily as we haven t been to any therapy. So what are your thoughts? I m trying to end up on good terms with her for our son s sake and still try to save our marriage but I feel like I am being naive for not getting legal counsel (which I cannot afford). I also don t want to turn this into us vs them situation for my sons sake. | This is a side note but stop sacrificing your career for other people. Do what you can to get back your job where you might be promoted to CIO. > I also don t want to turn this into us vs them situation It is an us vs. them situation > I still trust her Don t. She will use every move possible to get what she wants. | Not legal advice consult an attorney in your jurisdiction: Don t give away full custody unless you really want to entirely give up all rights to your son. You need your own lawyer. Search the internet for legal aid in your city county state and give them a call. Don t sign ANYTHING until you talk to legal counsel. I would try and get some form of well-paying employment asap and get back on your feet. | 91 | 19 |
2msaa9 | 268 | Things I ve learned on this amazing sub. This is probably the most helpful sub on reddit great community etc. Can t thank the contributors enough. To that end wanted to compile a list of conventional board wisdom. Top ten: 1. If there is a material amount of money and or complexity involved you should contact a competent attorney in your state. Your state s bar association will have a referral service. 2. Use your insurance company when you can they will provide you with guidance representation if you need it. That is why you pay them. 3. Read your lease it will typically control. 4. Yes you can be sued for anything veiled legal threats do not constitute an obligation to respond to angry idiots. Wait until you re served. 5. Yes in absence of an employment contract union agreement you can be fired in an at will state for any reason at any time unless you are a member of a protected class AND being fired for being a member of that class. 6. Clerical errors do not invalidate tickets citations. They can and will be reissued. 7. You do not have to voluntarily speak with police if they suggest you come down to the station and clear things up. Call an attorney they will advise you on whether or not to go down what to say if you do. 8. Wills and Trusts are complicated. Hiring an attorney may cost something up front but will save you countless hours $$$ on the back end. 9. Owning a trampoline is an awful idea. 10. Read before signing. If you don t understand consult an expert who does. GET KEEP A COPY OF WHAT YOU SIGN. Others? CA USA for the bot. | If you are a dude giving a cop an awesome blowjob does not guarantee you will not be charged with a DUI. | > 5.Yes in absence of an employment contract union agreement you can be fired in an at will state for any reason at any time unless you are a member of a protected class AND being fired for being a member of that class. Can we get anyone to comment on when unemployment would be available or is that too state specific for a general comment? | 78 | 2 |
2msaa9 | 268 | Things I ve learned on this amazing sub. This is probably the most helpful sub on reddit great community etc. Can t thank the contributors enough. To that end wanted to compile a list of conventional board wisdom. Top ten: 1. If there is a material amount of money and or complexity involved you should contact a competent attorney in your state. Your state s bar association will have a referral service. 2. Use your insurance company when you can they will provide you with guidance representation if you need it. That is why you pay them. 3. Read your lease it will typically control. 4. Yes you can be sued for anything veiled legal threats do not constitute an obligation to respond to angry idiots. Wait until you re served. 5. Yes in absence of an employment contract union agreement you can be fired in an at will state for any reason at any time unless you are a member of a protected class AND being fired for being a member of that class. 6. Clerical errors do not invalidate tickets citations. They can and will be reissued. 7. You do not have to voluntarily speak with police if they suggest you come down to the station and clear things up. Call an attorney they will advise you on whether or not to go down what to say if you do. 8. Wills and Trusts are complicated. Hiring an attorney may cost something up front but will save you countless hours $$$ on the back end. 9. Owning a trampoline is an awful idea. 10. Read before signing. If you don t understand consult an expert who does. GET KEEP A COPY OF WHAT YOU SIGN. Others? CA USA for the bot. | If you are a dude giving a cop an awesome blowjob does not guarantee you will not be charged with a DUI. | So many of the posts on here are landlord roommate disputes custody problems car accidents and people who get caught with marijuana. Lesson: be careful! This sub has made me kind of paranoid. The posts that freak me out the most are the ones about apparent mistaken identity court clerical errors that end up with people getting subpoenas etc for things they claim to be entirely uninvolved with unaware of. | 78 | 5 |
2msaa9 | 268 | Things I ve learned on this amazing sub. This is probably the most helpful sub on reddit great community etc. Can t thank the contributors enough. To that end wanted to compile a list of conventional board wisdom. Top ten: 1. If there is a material amount of money and or complexity involved you should contact a competent attorney in your state. Your state s bar association will have a referral service. 2. Use your insurance company when you can they will provide you with guidance representation if you need it. That is why you pay them. 3. Read your lease it will typically control. 4. Yes you can be sued for anything veiled legal threats do not constitute an obligation to respond to angry idiots. Wait until you re served. 5. Yes in absence of an employment contract union agreement you can be fired in an at will state for any reason at any time unless you are a member of a protected class AND being fired for being a member of that class. 6. Clerical errors do not invalidate tickets citations. They can and will be reissued. 7. You do not have to voluntarily speak with police if they suggest you come down to the station and clear things up. Call an attorney they will advise you on whether or not to go down what to say if you do. 8. Wills and Trusts are complicated. Hiring an attorney may cost something up front but will save you countless hours $$$ on the back end. 9. Owning a trampoline is an awful idea. 10. Read before signing. If you don t understand consult an expert who does. GET KEEP A COPY OF WHAT YOU SIGN. Others? CA USA for the bot. | If you are a dude giving a cop an awesome blowjob does not guarantee you will not be charged with a DUI. | Pretty good list. I remember how school changed me one day when I was walking my dog and went past a side fence to suddenly see a trampoline on a house s driveway. No fence. Nobody around. I physically cringed. My stomach tightened and my head dropped deep into my shoulders. I finished the walk with my jaw agape shaking my head and wondering how such a fool ever earned the money for a house in the first place. | 78 | 7 |
2msaa9 | 268 | Things I ve learned on this amazing sub. This is probably the most helpful sub on reddit great community etc. Can t thank the contributors enough. To that end wanted to compile a list of conventional board wisdom. Top ten: 1. If there is a material amount of money and or complexity involved you should contact a competent attorney in your state. Your state s bar association will have a referral service. 2. Use your insurance company when you can they will provide you with guidance representation if you need it. That is why you pay them. 3. Read your lease it will typically control. 4. Yes you can be sued for anything veiled legal threats do not constitute an obligation to respond to angry idiots. Wait until you re served. 5. Yes in absence of an employment contract union agreement you can be fired in an at will state for any reason at any time unless you are a member of a protected class AND being fired for being a member of that class. 6. Clerical errors do not invalidate tickets citations. They can and will be reissued. 7. You do not have to voluntarily speak with police if they suggest you come down to the station and clear things up. Call an attorney they will advise you on whether or not to go down what to say if you do. 8. Wills and Trusts are complicated. Hiring an attorney may cost something up front but will save you countless hours $$$ on the back end. 9. Owning a trampoline is an awful idea. 10. Read before signing. If you don t understand consult an expert who does. GET KEEP A COPY OF WHAT YOU SIGN. Others? CA USA for the bot. | If you are a dude giving a cop an awesome blowjob does not guarantee you will not be charged with a DUI. | If you ve been smoking weed the cops can always smell it. | 78 | 7 |
2msaa9 | 268 | Things I ve learned on this amazing sub. This is probably the most helpful sub on reddit great community etc. Can t thank the contributors enough. To that end wanted to compile a list of conventional board wisdom. Top ten: 1. If there is a material amount of money and or complexity involved you should contact a competent attorney in your state. Your state s bar association will have a referral service. 2. Use your insurance company when you can they will provide you with guidance representation if you need it. That is why you pay them. 3. Read your lease it will typically control. 4. Yes you can be sued for anything veiled legal threats do not constitute an obligation to respond to angry idiots. Wait until you re served. 5. Yes in absence of an employment contract union agreement you can be fired in an at will state for any reason at any time unless you are a member of a protected class AND being fired for being a member of that class. 6. Clerical errors do not invalidate tickets citations. They can and will be reissued. 7. You do not have to voluntarily speak with police if they suggest you come down to the station and clear things up. Call an attorney they will advise you on whether or not to go down what to say if you do. 8. Wills and Trusts are complicated. Hiring an attorney may cost something up front but will save you countless hours $$$ on the back end. 9. Owning a trampoline is an awful idea. 10. Read before signing. If you don t understand consult an expert who does. GET KEEP A COPY OF WHAT YOU SIGN. Others? CA USA for the bot. | If you are a dude giving a cop an awesome blowjob does not guarantee you will not be charged with a DUI. | #8 is one I can relate to I ve watched a couple estates get probated and watched it get ugly - and from what I can see most people act on what they think is true motivated by greed and not by the law - and that court fights over estates will pretty much waste the inheritance of the people fighting in legal fees. Living wills DNRs trusts they re all great things to set up most people don t want to as it s an upsetting thing but in the long run it s the best gift you can leave your heirs - less things to worry about and argue over. | 78 | 9 |
2mzhm0 | 112 | Left a job 2.5 months ago still calling me asking of I can come in for my shift. (FL) (EDIT: Sorry for the title typo!) I worked for a huge theme park in the Orlando FL area this summer part time. I was offered a full time job in my field at the beginning of September and put in my two weeks notice. I talked to two different managers sent an email and also gave a physical copy of my notice to a manager in front of another manager. I was told everything was squared away. After my two weeks were up I started getting phone calls about missing shifts. I informed them that I had put in my two weeks and had started another job. For the first couple weeks both the person calling me (direct supervisor not manager) and I assumed it was some sort of error. The calls kept coming 3 or 4 days a week. 3 weeks after I had quit I emailed all the managers (7 of them) as well as called in to let them know I had quit and please stop contacting me. A manager called me back to say they had no record of my two weeks and I was still an employee. I told them to consider my resignation effective immediately then and they hung up on me. I emailed out again another notice to 7 managers. A couple responded that they d received it. It is now basically December and they have been calling me 2-3 times a week since September about missed shifts. I have contacted them repeatedly asking them to take me off the books as an employee. The people calling me have no real power over hiring or firing so they can t impact anything. They usually say If you don t come in for this shift you ll be fired. and I always respond Awesome please do that. I also can t not answer the phone as my current job works with many customers in the same area and I get a lot of cold calls. Would the Department of Labor help with this? Or can I send them a certified letter asking them to not contact me? My former company feels like a clingy ex. [UPDATE: New post here!](https: r legaladvice comments 2r1cu7 update_left_a_job_25_months_ago_still_calling_me ) | If all else fails send an email to all of the managers every time you receive a call. Someone will get fed up with your messages and get this straightened out. | Next time they call just tell them you quit. Not that you have already quit but something like you know what I quit! And hang up on them. | 107 | 6 |
2mzhm0 | 112 | Left a job 2.5 months ago still calling me asking of I can come in for my shift. (FL) (EDIT: Sorry for the title typo!) I worked for a huge theme park in the Orlando FL area this summer part time. I was offered a full time job in my field at the beginning of September and put in my two weeks notice. I talked to two different managers sent an email and also gave a physical copy of my notice to a manager in front of another manager. I was told everything was squared away. After my two weeks were up I started getting phone calls about missing shifts. I informed them that I had put in my two weeks and had started another job. For the first couple weeks both the person calling me (direct supervisor not manager) and I assumed it was some sort of error. The calls kept coming 3 or 4 days a week. 3 weeks after I had quit I emailed all the managers (7 of them) as well as called in to let them know I had quit and please stop contacting me. A manager called me back to say they had no record of my two weeks and I was still an employee. I told them to consider my resignation effective immediately then and they hung up on me. I emailed out again another notice to 7 managers. A couple responded that they d received it. It is now basically December and they have been calling me 2-3 times a week since September about missed shifts. I have contacted them repeatedly asking them to take me off the books as an employee. The people calling me have no real power over hiring or firing so they can t impact anything. They usually say If you don t come in for this shift you ll be fired. and I always respond Awesome please do that. I also can t not answer the phone as my current job works with many customers in the same area and I get a lot of cold calls. Would the Department of Labor help with this? Or can I send them a certified letter asking them to not contact me? My former company feels like a clingy ex. [UPDATE: New post here!](https: r legaladvice comments 2r1cu7 update_left_a_job_25_months_ago_still_calling_me ) | If all else fails send an email to all of the managers every time you receive a call. Someone will get fed up with your messages and get this straightened out. | My first thought was Man this sounds like harassment. | 107 | 8 |
2mzhm0 | 112 | Left a job 2.5 months ago still calling me asking of I can come in for my shift. (FL) (EDIT: Sorry for the title typo!) I worked for a huge theme park in the Orlando FL area this summer part time. I was offered a full time job in my field at the beginning of September and put in my two weeks notice. I talked to two different managers sent an email and also gave a physical copy of my notice to a manager in front of another manager. I was told everything was squared away. After my two weeks were up I started getting phone calls about missing shifts. I informed them that I had put in my two weeks and had started another job. For the first couple weeks both the person calling me (direct supervisor not manager) and I assumed it was some sort of error. The calls kept coming 3 or 4 days a week. 3 weeks after I had quit I emailed all the managers (7 of them) as well as called in to let them know I had quit and please stop contacting me. A manager called me back to say they had no record of my two weeks and I was still an employee. I told them to consider my resignation effective immediately then and they hung up on me. I emailed out again another notice to 7 managers. A couple responded that they d received it. It is now basically December and they have been calling me 2-3 times a week since September about missed shifts. I have contacted them repeatedly asking them to take me off the books as an employee. The people calling me have no real power over hiring or firing so they can t impact anything. They usually say If you don t come in for this shift you ll be fired. and I always respond Awesome please do that. I also can t not answer the phone as my current job works with many customers in the same area and I get a lot of cold calls. Would the Department of Labor help with this? Or can I send them a certified letter asking them to not contact me? My former company feels like a clingy ex. [UPDATE: New post here!](https: r legaladvice comments 2r1cu7 update_left_a_job_25_months_ago_still_calling_me ) | If all else fails send an email to all of the managers every time you receive a call. Someone will get fed up with your messages and get this straightened out. | The seven dwarfs are trying to get snow white back! Unfortunately this probably does not meet the legal definition for criminal harassment in Florida and for civil action you need to show damages. Since telling your managers HR and the callers directly that you had quit has seen no results your options seem to be to try to ignore the annoying phone calls or to escalate the problem to a higher authority. Perhaps a cease and desist letter sent certified to the company s agent that is listed with the Florida Department of State would do the trick. In the letter you can mention that you will be taking legal action if the phone calls do not stop by xx date. You might also mention that you will be discussing this issue with the local media (these huge theme parks hate bad press). You could also consider changing your phone number. Or perhaps because they are so large they have their own phone exchange number that you can have blocked. | 107 | 12 |
2mzhm0 | 112 | Left a job 2.5 months ago still calling me asking of I can come in for my shift. (FL) (EDIT: Sorry for the title typo!) I worked for a huge theme park in the Orlando FL area this summer part time. I was offered a full time job in my field at the beginning of September and put in my two weeks notice. I talked to two different managers sent an email and also gave a physical copy of my notice to a manager in front of another manager. I was told everything was squared away. After my two weeks were up I started getting phone calls about missing shifts. I informed them that I had put in my two weeks and had started another job. For the first couple weeks both the person calling me (direct supervisor not manager) and I assumed it was some sort of error. The calls kept coming 3 or 4 days a week. 3 weeks after I had quit I emailed all the managers (7 of them) as well as called in to let them know I had quit and please stop contacting me. A manager called me back to say they had no record of my two weeks and I was still an employee. I told them to consider my resignation effective immediately then and they hung up on me. I emailed out again another notice to 7 managers. A couple responded that they d received it. It is now basically December and they have been calling me 2-3 times a week since September about missed shifts. I have contacted them repeatedly asking them to take me off the books as an employee. The people calling me have no real power over hiring or firing so they can t impact anything. They usually say If you don t come in for this shift you ll be fired. and I always respond Awesome please do that. I also can t not answer the phone as my current job works with many customers in the same area and I get a lot of cold calls. Would the Department of Labor help with this? Or can I send them a certified letter asking them to not contact me? My former company feels like a clingy ex. [UPDATE: New post here!](https: r legaladvice comments 2r1cu7 update_left_a_job_25_months_ago_still_calling_me ) | If all else fails send an email to all of the managers every time you receive a call. Someone will get fed up with your messages and get this straightened out. | You ve got in touch with HR at their head office I assume? | 107 | 25 |
2mzhm0 | 112 | Left a job 2.5 months ago still calling me asking of I can come in for my shift. (FL) (EDIT: Sorry for the title typo!) I worked for a huge theme park in the Orlando FL area this summer part time. I was offered a full time job in my field at the beginning of September and put in my two weeks notice. I talked to two different managers sent an email and also gave a physical copy of my notice to a manager in front of another manager. I was told everything was squared away. After my two weeks were up I started getting phone calls about missing shifts. I informed them that I had put in my two weeks and had started another job. For the first couple weeks both the person calling me (direct supervisor not manager) and I assumed it was some sort of error. The calls kept coming 3 or 4 days a week. 3 weeks after I had quit I emailed all the managers (7 of them) as well as called in to let them know I had quit and please stop contacting me. A manager called me back to say they had no record of my two weeks and I was still an employee. I told them to consider my resignation effective immediately then and they hung up on me. I emailed out again another notice to 7 managers. A couple responded that they d received it. It is now basically December and they have been calling me 2-3 times a week since September about missed shifts. I have contacted them repeatedly asking them to take me off the books as an employee. The people calling me have no real power over hiring or firing so they can t impact anything. They usually say If you don t come in for this shift you ll be fired. and I always respond Awesome please do that. I also can t not answer the phone as my current job works with many customers in the same area and I get a lot of cold calls. Would the Department of Labor help with this? Or can I send them a certified letter asking them to not contact me? My former company feels like a clingy ex. [UPDATE: New post here!](https: r legaladvice comments 2r1cu7 update_left_a_job_25_months_ago_still_calling_me ) | I d call HR and complain that you haven t gotten a paycheck in the last 2 months of working there! | Next time they call just tell them you quit. Not that you have already quit but something like you know what I quit! And hang up on them. | 59 | 6 |
2nffg2 | 162 | I bought a box of stuff at an estate sale. It turns out something inside was really valuable and now the heir of the estate wants it back.. What are my obligations? A woman past away and her family held a sale to get rid of things they didn t want to keep. I bought a box of stuff for $20. It turned out that a couple things in the box are very valuable. I haven t gotten an expert appraisal yet but I believe the box s contents are worth at least $15 000. I had not yet decided whether I want to keep things things or sell them or possibly return them to the family who held the estate sale. I am still waiting and want to get an expert s thoughts on the items. Meanwhile the guy who clued me into the value of the items called up his niece who works for a local newspaper and writes a column about our town s history. She did a little story on it. Someone from the family who sold the box of stuff saw the story. They had a lawyer send me a letter saying that they did not intend to sell those items and to return them. They said that if I return them by Friday 11 28 they will halt legal action. I was originally considering giving the items back to the family since I know they obviously didn t know their value when they sold them. However I expected that to be a friendly warm interaction. Getting a letter in legalese making demands and threatening legal action makes me less eager to hand the items over just yet. Before I make any decisions I d like to know what my legal obligations are and whether it s likely they would be successful with the legal action they re threatening. State: Connecticut | You didn t defraud them in your purchase. You even opened the box in their presence to inspect the items. At any point then they could have changed their mind and refused to sell it to you. Once you paid them and they accepted your money for the item the transaction is complete. At that point they no longer have any right to the items or to change their mind. That said they can still sue you but they would have a hard time showing a court that they still had some right to the items. | Was the box sealed when you bought it? What kind of box is it? Did you have the opportunity to inspect the contents of the box before purchase? Can you provide a little more information about how this estate sale was structured and carried out? | 183 | 40 |
2nffg2 | 162 | I bought a box of stuff at an estate sale. It turns out something inside was really valuable and now the heir of the estate wants it back.. What are my obligations? A woman past away and her family held a sale to get rid of things they didn t want to keep. I bought a box of stuff for $20. It turned out that a couple things in the box are very valuable. I haven t gotten an expert appraisal yet but I believe the box s contents are worth at least $15 000. I had not yet decided whether I want to keep things things or sell them or possibly return them to the family who held the estate sale. I am still waiting and want to get an expert s thoughts on the items. Meanwhile the guy who clued me into the value of the items called up his niece who works for a local newspaper and writes a column about our town s history. She did a little story on it. Someone from the family who sold the box of stuff saw the story. They had a lawyer send me a letter saying that they did not intend to sell those items and to return them. They said that if I return them by Friday 11 28 they will halt legal action. I was originally considering giving the items back to the family since I know they obviously didn t know their value when they sold them. However I expected that to be a friendly warm interaction. Getting a letter in legalese making demands and threatening legal action makes me less eager to hand the items over just yet. Before I make any decisions I d like to know what my legal obligations are and whether it s likely they would be successful with the legal action they re threatening. State: Connecticut | They re yours. > I was originally considering giving the items back to the family since I know they obviously didn t know their value when they sold them. However I expected that to be a friendly warm interaction. Getting a letter in legalese making demands and threatening legal action makes me less eager to hand the items over just yet. Completely agreed fuck em. They ve got no legal ground to stand on and they know it and are doing a Hail Mary play by hoping that a scary letter from a lawyer will bluff you into giving it back. It really pisses me off when people resort to that straight away instead of simply asking nicely first I m totally with you on that. Do *me* a favor and *don t* give it back. | Keep it. Its yours and they have no right to it. | 75 | 15 |
2nffg2 | 162 | I bought a box of stuff at an estate sale. It turns out something inside was really valuable and now the heir of the estate wants it back.. What are my obligations? A woman past away and her family held a sale to get rid of things they didn t want to keep. I bought a box of stuff for $20. It turned out that a couple things in the box are very valuable. I haven t gotten an expert appraisal yet but I believe the box s contents are worth at least $15 000. I had not yet decided whether I want to keep things things or sell them or possibly return them to the family who held the estate sale. I am still waiting and want to get an expert s thoughts on the items. Meanwhile the guy who clued me into the value of the items called up his niece who works for a local newspaper and writes a column about our town s history. She did a little story on it. Someone from the family who sold the box of stuff saw the story. They had a lawyer send me a letter saying that they did not intend to sell those items and to return them. They said that if I return them by Friday 11 28 they will halt legal action. I was originally considering giving the items back to the family since I know they obviously didn t know their value when they sold them. However I expected that to be a friendly warm interaction. Getting a letter in legalese making demands and threatening legal action makes me less eager to hand the items over just yet. Before I make any decisions I d like to know what my legal obligations are and whether it s likely they would be successful with the legal action they re threatening. State: Connecticut | They re yours. > I was originally considering giving the items back to the family since I know they obviously didn t know their value when they sold them. However I expected that to be a friendly warm interaction. Getting a letter in legalese making demands and threatening legal action makes me less eager to hand the items over just yet. Completely agreed fuck em. They ve got no legal ground to stand on and they know it and are doing a Hail Mary play by hoping that a scary letter from a lawyer will bluff you into giving it back. It really pisses me off when people resort to that straight away instead of simply asking nicely first I m totally with you on that. Do *me* a favor and *don t* give it back. | Not licensed in CT but I would be curious to know what their theory of recovery would be anywhere. What specifically did they say in the letter -- did the lawyer cite any statues or case law (or anything else of reference)? | 75 | 19 |
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