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incestious pregnancy I made a post to r askreddit not long ago asking this question but then it dawned on me to ask it here with more questions I have here. http: r AskReddit comments 1akuu4 odd_pregnancy_questions * Yes I plan to go to the doctor later today and no I will not be saying anything about this whole situation until I speak with the attorney my brother trusts on Thursday. * No I am not aborting unless there will be known health issues for either me or my child. Which is why I will eventually (soon) need to tell medical professionals about all this. * The father is my brother everything was consensual and we are both adults between the ages of 20 and 30. * We live in Missouri and are not in a position to move elsewhere if at all possible. I would abort if needed to avoid moving. My questions I ll be asking on Thursday too I just want to get a feel for how all this is going to pan out. * Are doctors required or likely to say or do anything in these cases. * My brother has better health insurance than me is is likely that his insurance would cover all the additional testing me and him would require. If getting insurance companies involved in all this would cause problems we can pay in cash. * is it likely that we would ever be able to live normally without needing to hide behind legal shenanigans. * If SHTF what will happen to me and him legally. I understand that committing incest is a class D felony what does that mean? I have never dealt with the law or cops before so this really scares me a lot. edit: I have decided to abort for the legal reasons and the overall evidence supplied below that it is likely that the baby would be born with birth defects (even though I am only ~75% sure they are right mostly due to the small sample size among other things). Sorry if I turned this into a sob story or a silly discussion with little relevance to legal issues.
I m going to give you the dose of reality you clearly sorely need. Incest is both taboo and illegal because of the serious genetic risks to children conceived in an incestuous relationship. It s not illegal because of society judging you for your relationship. It s because of the babies. Now you re between a rock and a hard place. Both you and your brother are going to need to submit to some serious genetic testing so that any issues that are found can be screened for in your child. A regular amnio just isn t going to cut it. But if you tell anyone you run the very real risk of legal action. I m not talking about a ticket or a fine. I m talking about the sex offender registry ensuring that you and your brother will have a hard time finding work and a safe place to live for quite possibly the rest of your lives. Did you know that at least in some states sex offenders aren t allowed to access social media networking websites? Did you know that in many places in the US towns and neighborhoods will build tiny little practically unusable parks just so sex offenders can t live in the neighborhood? If you live near a school park or daycare you might have to move and it s very very difficult for a sex offender to find a new home. &gt Are doctors required or likely to say or do anything in these cases. I would imagine it depends on how they feel about it. It s pretty hard to convince someone you and your brother consented to bring a child into this world together. If they suspect abuse they report it. It s not just the doctor you have to worry about. You ll have to worry about every person who sees your medical file in addition to every single person who knows about it. If you think this will remain a secret in your town I ve got a bridge to sell you. If you receive nearly any sort of public assistance for the child you re required to cooperate in naming a father and collecting child support. If you don t you don t get the assistance. &gt My brother has better health insurance than me is is likely that his insurance would cover all the additional testing me and him would require. If getting insurance companies involved in all this would cause problems we can pay in cash. Is your brother going to sign the birth certificate? He s going to have to if you want his insurance to pay for anything child related. His insurance isn t going to pay for your pregnancy. YOU would have to be insured through his insurance for that to happen. You re not getting insured through his work. &gt is it likely that we would ever be able to live normally without needing to hide behind legal shenanigans. No fucking way. I got made fun of in school because I had glasses. I came home crying because of the mocking at least once a week in elementary school. Can you even IMAGINE how nasty it s going to be for your (completely innocent) child for his entire life because mommy and daddy are brother and sister? He has a 0% chance of living a normal life. He will be judged harshly for his whole life because you and your brother are gross and irresponsible. Honestly irresponsible doesn t even begin to cover it but I haven t finished my coffee yet so it ll do. &gt If SHTF what will happen to me and him legally. I understand that committing incest is a class D felony what does that mean? I have never dealt with the law or cops before so this really scares me a lot. It s not if . It s WHEN because there s no way you re keeping this a secret. Between every person who sees your medical file social services the birth certificate and just people talking it s getting out. This is a pretty damn juicy piece of gossip. It s absolutely getting out. We re talking possible time in jail sex offender registration and (god I hope) someone less fucking stupid raising your child for at least awhile. You see how I m judging you? I m a random internet stranger. And I m liberal! I don t give a shit if you and your brother want to wine and dine at the Golden Corral and go home for sex. I care that you were dumb enough to not only conceive a child but to do it on purpose. Can you even imagine how much judgment you re going to face in your town?
Assuming this isn t some sort of weird trolling attempt you may want to look up the meaning of mandated reporter .
Is this even legal...? After some Twitter stuff happened at my school I am junior by the way I was called into the principals office and told to hand over my phone which I did. Then he told me I have to give him my pass code which I politely denied. Then I was told that if I didn t the cops would be doing it for him and I said I didn t think that was legal and he took it. My Twitter account is public so they can see everything anyway I have remote wiped my iPhone from home and made my Twitter private. I am wondering if it s even legal to tell my password to them tomorrow? If I could elaborate more you would know that this is kind of serious for school so it s almost definitely something I will be asked. What are the legalities to giving up things like passwords to schools?
You likely don t need to give anyone your password. If the cops show up demand the phone back and specifically state that you don t consent to searches seizures or questioning without an attorney. Note that the change to a private Twitter account doesn t buy you much because of the way data is stored. Also make sure what you re hiding is actually against the law... Edit: I m amazed this thread is still going because the issue seems so unbearably petty that adults shouldn t reward this kind of behavior. With that being said u FountainsOfFluids below made a good point about how people use these postings as a basis for information. Here is my more complete response to this absurd situation: Because **no one has said it yet** I will - let s go full 4th Amendment with this. Does OP have a reasonable expectation to privacy for comments made in a Twitter feed? Hell no. If people don t have a reasonable expectation to privacy for phone numbers bank account data etc. then how on earth could a once public Twitter feed (and still presumably fairly open Twitter feed) be remotely private in nature? If OP was accessing the phone in class on school property and was showing its contents to other people - where is the reasonable expectation of privacy? Let s go even further off the deep end - assuming arguendo that a search into a recognized privacy interest is involved here why are we assuming it s an unlawful one? OP insists that nothing is illegal in the phone or the contents let s take OP at his her word. Sounds like we have a school administrator searching a student for evidence of a non-criminal school code infraction. Sounds like we just fell under Safford v. Redding School Dist. Schools can search students under the administrative search exception provided that the search is proportional in scope to the foreseeable harm being investigated. In this sense is a quick search through the phone unduly intrusive if the harm threatened is an outright race riot caused by a tone deaf child who doesn t see that actions have consequences and force that go well beyond what OP might intend? I give that a big hell no and I m a raging libertarian who hates almost all police actions. Let s go full 1st Amendment on this - the kid already admits that the principal saw the Twitter feed. This comment qualifies as being disruptive and because the phone was used in class school the jurisdictional hook applies - the principal could use administrative sanctions against the kid right now and could skip the police outright for bullying. Fully protected speech can invite administrative sanctions in a school environment when the speech is disruptive or contrary to the essential values of the school. That s clearly what s at play here - nakedly racist speech that strikes out at students not only because of their race but also because of their socio-economic class. It s easily grounds for a punishment.
What state are you in? Public or private school?
Previous employer threatening to sue after I left during unpaid training period. Hey there r legaladvice! To give a quick run down of what happened I was hired on April 2nd told I would need to train for 3-6 weeks entirely unpaid. I was told that the length of the training period would be dependent on how much time I was able to commit so of course I committed to six days a week eight hours a day to get it over with. After my third week of training I was told that I would be in training for another three weeks. I made the decision to resign as it was costing me time money to be there and it was becoming apparent that it would interfere with other (unrelated) work. I was required to sign a year long contract on my first day of work so resigning was obviously a breach of that contract. My previous employer demanded $1500 to be paid to the company within 7 days to compensate for my training period or legal action may result . As much as I want to be taken to small claims (I don t) I m wondering what my options are. How can I get out of paying this? Is there any options as far as counter-suing goes? I am entirely clueless. Any advice would be amazing. Thanks! EDIT: I live in BC Canada.
Odds are it s not legal. Certainly in the US it s not legal to have someone be unpaid labor if they are doing the same work as a normal employee would be doing. In the US you would have a wages &amp hours claim against this guy. * WTF with the downvote? * [US Source](http: whd regs compliance whdfs71.pdf). Canada appears to have [similar rules](http: ?p=2169).
Can you please tell us what state you re in?
Jay Z is pressing charges against me for promoting my music. Could ruin my entire life can a lawyer help or anyone? I have to turn myself in NYC on Wednesday. This is not a troll. This is a 100% serious post. Jay Z or Rocnation are pressing charges on me for allegedly logging into a couple twitter accounts they managed and posting my song. I was given the passwords by someone who offered to help me promote my music. I am not very computer savvy. I am being charged in Manhattan and I am from Upstate NY. The Detective told me to come down this week for further questioning and I spoke to a lawyer who told me not to do that. I told the Detective if I was being charged I would come down he put me on hold and said I was now being charged on what he had. Wants me to turn myself in on Wednesday. The lawyer I was talking to now wants $10 000 or $5 000 upfront. The Detective said I would probably go before a judge and be released without bail and that this is a white collar crime but I don t know if I can trust him. My girlfriend and I have a business that I run 95% of and without me everything will fall apart. I am not a criminal can t even believe this is happening. I am assuming Jay-Z doesn t even know this is happening but if he did he probably would drop it understanding the situation. If anyone can give me advice on what to expect where to find a lawyer help getting a hold of Jay-Z or Rocnation legal or what charges I am facing please let me know.
The best advice we can give you right now is to **stop posting about this on Reddit**. Stop talking about it. Everything you re saying on here right now is going to be used by prosecutors. Stop and don t say another word until you **talk to an attorney**.
Get a lawyer. Stop speaking to the police and let your lawyer speak for you.
Jay Z is pressing charges against me for promoting my music. Could ruin my entire life can a lawyer help or anyone? I have to turn myself in NYC on Wednesday. This is not a troll. This is a 100% serious post. Jay Z or Rocnation are pressing charges on me for allegedly logging into a couple twitter accounts they managed and posting my song. I was given the passwords by someone who offered to help me promote my music. I am not very computer savvy. I am being charged in Manhattan and I am from Upstate NY. The Detective told me to come down this week for further questioning and I spoke to a lawyer who told me not to do that. I told the Detective if I was being charged I would come down he put me on hold and said I was now being charged on what he had. Wants me to turn myself in on Wednesday. The lawyer I was talking to now wants $10 000 or $5 000 upfront. The Detective said I would probably go before a judge and be released without bail and that this is a white collar crime but I don t know if I can trust him. My girlfriend and I have a business that I run 95% of and without me everything will fall apart. I am not a criminal can t even believe this is happening. I am assuming Jay-Z doesn t even know this is happening but if he did he probably would drop it understanding the situation. If anyone can give me advice on what to expect where to find a lawyer help getting a hold of Jay-Z or Rocnation legal or what charges I am facing please let me know.
The best advice we can give you right now is to **stop posting about this on Reddit**. Stop talking about it. Everything you re saying on here right now is going to be used by prosecutors. Stop and don t say another word until you **talk to an attorney**.
If you re worried about paying for a lawyer just know that it ll save you even more money in the long run.
Jay Z is pressing charges against me for promoting my music. Could ruin my entire life can a lawyer help or anyone? I have to turn myself in NYC on Wednesday. This is not a troll. This is a 100% serious post. Jay Z or Rocnation are pressing charges on me for allegedly logging into a couple twitter accounts they managed and posting my song. I was given the passwords by someone who offered to help me promote my music. I am not very computer savvy. I am being charged in Manhattan and I am from Upstate NY. The Detective told me to come down this week for further questioning and I spoke to a lawyer who told me not to do that. I told the Detective if I was being charged I would come down he put me on hold and said I was now being charged on what he had. Wants me to turn myself in on Wednesday. The lawyer I was talking to now wants $10 000 or $5 000 upfront. The Detective said I would probably go before a judge and be released without bail and that this is a white collar crime but I don t know if I can trust him. My girlfriend and I have a business that I run 95% of and without me everything will fall apart. I am not a criminal can t even believe this is happening. I am assuming Jay-Z doesn t even know this is happening but if he did he probably would drop it understanding the situation. If anyone can give me advice on what to expect where to find a lawyer help getting a hold of Jay-Z or Rocnation legal or what charges I am facing please let me know.
The best advice we can give you right now is to **stop posting about this on Reddit**. Stop talking about it. Everything you re saying on here right now is going to be used by prosecutors. Stop and don t say another word until you **talk to an attorney**.
What are you being charged with? It sounds like a computer hacking related issue. How did you not know you aren t allowed to use someone else s twitter?
Jay Z is pressing charges against me for promoting my music. Could ruin my entire life can a lawyer help or anyone? I have to turn myself in NYC on Wednesday. This is not a troll. This is a 100% serious post. Jay Z or Rocnation are pressing charges on me for allegedly logging into a couple twitter accounts they managed and posting my song. I was given the passwords by someone who offered to help me promote my music. I am not very computer savvy. I am being charged in Manhattan and I am from Upstate NY. The Detective told me to come down this week for further questioning and I spoke to a lawyer who told me not to do that. I told the Detective if I was being charged I would come down he put me on hold and said I was now being charged on what he had. Wants me to turn myself in on Wednesday. The lawyer I was talking to now wants $10 000 or $5 000 upfront. The Detective said I would probably go before a judge and be released without bail and that this is a white collar crime but I don t know if I can trust him. My girlfriend and I have a business that I run 95% of and without me everything will fall apart. I am not a criminal can t even believe this is happening. I am assuming Jay-Z doesn t even know this is happening but if he did he probably would drop it understanding the situation. If anyone can give me advice on what to expect where to find a lawyer help getting a hold of Jay-Z or Rocnation legal or what charges I am facing please let me know.
The best advice we can give you right now is to **stop posting about this on Reddit**. Stop talking about it. Everything you re saying on here right now is going to be used by prosecutors. Stop and don t say another word until you **talk to an attorney**.
Get a lawyer. Yes it s hard to have to get money for a lawyer but you are charged with a serious crime. (As in equivalent to the crime Aaron Schwartz was charged with for which he was threatened with 30 years). Odds are that they will let you plea bargain to something relatively small with no real jail time. BUT get a lawyer. Get one now. Do not talk to police or anyone else without a lawyer present.
IT guy at a K-12 school need advice with dealing with a student sexting issue. A middle school student has come to school with her personal iPad. On that iPad is a picture of another middle school student from the same class who sent her an inappropriate picture of herself in a state of undress. The student with the iPad decided to bring in the iPad and show her teacher. Her teacher took the iPad and came to me about transferring the picture to her computer and printing the image for the meeting they ll be having with her parents etc. I told them I don t want to touch that iPad with a 10 foot pole and I don t want that image on our network or computers. I suggested she take a picture of the photo with a camera and give the student back the iPad. Use the camera at the meeting. I don t know if that was the right thing to do but the current laws scare the shit out of me. I m not simply dealing with a sexting issue I m dealing with an underage sexting issue. Does anyone have experience with this? What is the role of IT when it comes to this kind of stuff? Few things to note. -Personal iPad from home. -Incident happened at home image was sent last night. -Student brought iPad to school to tell the teacher about the image. I wouldn t be surprised if this happens again so I would like to start familiarizing myself with the law and the correct course of action when it comes to this. Thanks
The correct course of action is to involve administration who will then involve the school s attorney.
**Where are you located?**
Lawyers: Why is it that Attempted Murder carries a lesser punishment than Murder? If I shoot someone and they die it s considered murder but if they don t s Attempted Murder. This gets a lesser penalty right? Assuming all other factors the same in each scenario of course... (intent blah blah). Why is this? Just because I m bad at murdering why is the penalty less? **EDIT example**: Gabrielle Gifford (The congress woman shot in the head last year)
For god s sake people stop downvoting legitimate questions and comments just because you aren t entertained by them. That s not what the buttons are for.
Because the person didn t die? Succeeding at killing someone is worse than attempting to kill someone because you actually killed someone. You ve cause more harm to society and as such should be punished more harshly.
I was wrongly accused of entering a womens bathroom and flashing myself. The method used to accuse me is beyond ridiculous. [San Jose California United States of America] I was wrongly accused of entering a womens bathroom and flashing myself. The method used to accuse me is beyond ridiculous. I got suspended from college for 15 days. The method they used to accuse me was that they showed the woman or women a set of photos of people from my race ethnic group and have the women or woman vote on which picture closest resembled the suspect. They failed to show me any evidence. I called them out by saying that I am innocent until proven guilty. Then they confiscated my backpack for evidence without telling me why. I called them out on why they are suspending me first then looking for evidence instead of the other way around and they claimed that s how the justice system worked. I called them out by saying an allegation is one thing and evidence is another and they still suspended me. I have to go to court in a few months to fight this and I am still suspended. WTF? I even mentioned that eyewitness testimony is unreliable. I volunteered to take a lie detector test and they said no.
Did you call them out on it?
Who is they the campus police?
Lil Kim took my photo and is using it as album art for her new shitty song. http: dMUiNZf So this is a thing that s been happening. Lil Kim took my photo and is using it as album art (might I add she took the liberty of adding her watermark over it on instagram). I have spoken with a lady on her team as well as her manager which has done a whole lot of nothing. I ve reported the photos on Facebook and Instagram multiple times but they are continually posted. Anyone have any thoughts on what to do here? I live in BC Canada.
It s not that often on this sub that I get to say this: Sue baby sue.
[Here you go.](http: 2011 05 20 how-to-issue-a-dmca-takedown-notice ) Make sure you send it to as many people on her team as possible.
Lil Kim took my photo and is using it as album art for her new shitty song. http: dMUiNZf So this is a thing that s been happening. Lil Kim took my photo and is using it as album art (might I add she took the liberty of adding her watermark over it on instagram). I have spoken with a lady on her team as well as her manager which has done a whole lot of nothing. I ve reported the photos on Facebook and Instagram multiple times but they are continually posted. Anyone have any thoughts on what to do here? I live in BC Canada.
It s probably a terrible idea to keep us updated as the lawsuit negotiations proceed but PLEASE promise us an update once it s all over.
Just to be clear... she took a photo that you had taken (as in you were the photographer) and is using it *or* she took a photo of you (she is the photographer) and is using it? I m guessing you mean the former but I certainly thought you meant the latter on my first read.
Lil Kim took my photo and is using it as album art for her new shitty song. http: dMUiNZf So this is a thing that s been happening. Lil Kim took my photo and is using it as album art (might I add she took the liberty of adding her watermark over it on instagram). I have spoken with a lady on her team as well as her manager which has done a whole lot of nothing. I ve reported the photos on Facebook and Instagram multiple times but they are continually posted. Anyone have any thoughts on what to do here? I live in BC Canada.
It s probably a terrible idea to keep us updated as the lawsuit negotiations proceed but PLEASE promise us an update once it s all over.
Whoa. Seriously hope you get all this sorted out and a nice paycheck to boot. This is incredibly awful and I can t believe someone who would call herself an artist would do that to another female artist. Also big fan of all your tips over at MUA. It s kind of crazy to see you in another sub lol. This probably isn t the time or the place but thank you so much for taking the time to create and post such rad and informative tutorials. You re a rock star :)
Lil Kim took my photo and is using it as album art for her new shitty song. http: dMUiNZf So this is a thing that s been happening. Lil Kim took my photo and is using it as album art (might I add she took the liberty of adding her watermark over it on instagram). I have spoken with a lady on her team as well as her manager which has done a whole lot of nothing. I ve reported the photos on Facebook and Instagram multiple times but they are continually posted. Anyone have any thoughts on what to do here? I live in BC Canada.
Definitely show your lawyer the imgur album of you [transforming into the pop art zombie](http: a Ok6Ke). Good luck!
I m excited about this because I remember seeing it when you posted it. It s an appropriate photo too bad she didn t pay you for it.
Lil Kim took my photo and is using it as album art for her new shitty song. http: dMUiNZf So this is a thing that s been happening. Lil Kim took my photo and is using it as album art (might I add she took the liberty of adding her watermark over it on instagram). I have spoken with a lady on her team as well as her manager which has done a whole lot of nothing. I ve reported the photos on Facebook and Instagram multiple times but they are continually posted. Anyone have any thoughts on what to do here? I live in BC Canada.
Definitely show your lawyer the imgur album of you [transforming into the pop art zombie](http: a Ok6Ke). Good luck!
can you post your original image? just curious :D
Boobs too big for work. (California) I work as a waitress at a modern restaurant. And today at work a customer who was not even sitting in my section complained to a manager about my body. I wear a v-neck cut shirt it s a little low cut but nothing drastic major sexy or anything. This is the shirt that the restaurant provided for me for my uniform as well as all the other waitresses. I also have large breasts but to compensate for that I wear a sports bra everyday to make them appear smaller as well as a bra with no padding. I have been wearing my uniform for a year and a half now and this is the first complaint I have gotten. My manager sat me down in the middle of the restaurant in front of everybody and confronted me about my breast size. My manager told me that this particular customer who again was not in my section felt as if they should go out of their way to complain about me and that I would have to wear the men s uniform now. Is this legal? Is there anything I can do? I m upset right now because I was completely embarrassed in front of all my co-workers but I don t think it s fair for me to be forced to wear a men s uniform.
I m going to go sort of against the grain here and say there s a case - if a weak one. It s not sexual harassment that s been covered. If you ignore the impetus for the complaint and the manner in which she was told it s pretty simple discrimination. &gt [If you have a dress code rule that applies to all employees regardless of gender it must be enforced consistently for all employees. In one case female employees were allowed to wear ponytails and earrings while the men were not even though the company rule banning earrings and ponytails applied to all employees. While an employer can require different grooming standards for men and women if the rule applies to both genders the employer must enforce the rule equally. The court found the practice of not enforcing the rule equally to be discriminatory.](http: toolkit sbg office-hr managing-the-workplace instituting-dress-codes-in-workplace.aspx) The part they re violating is forcing her to wear a specific variation of the approved uniform for an illegitimate reason. For example if she was working in front of a deep fryer and they required her to wear the men s uniform because it has better coverage - that would be legitimate. Because boobs is not. Now this sucks but I assume you don t want to actually sue your employer. So when you talk to HR you may just want to say you feel singled out and discriminated against. That s language they understand.
That s pretty lame. But probably not illegal. I will never understand people who feel the need to complain about stuff that doesn t affect them at all.
Boobs too big for work. (California) I work as a waitress at a modern restaurant. And today at work a customer who was not even sitting in my section complained to a manager about my body. I wear a v-neck cut shirt it s a little low cut but nothing drastic major sexy or anything. This is the shirt that the restaurant provided for me for my uniform as well as all the other waitresses. I also have large breasts but to compensate for that I wear a sports bra everyday to make them appear smaller as well as a bra with no padding. I have been wearing my uniform for a year and a half now and this is the first complaint I have gotten. My manager sat me down in the middle of the restaurant in front of everybody and confronted me about my breast size. My manager told me that this particular customer who again was not in my section felt as if they should go out of their way to complain about me and that I would have to wear the men s uniform now. Is this legal? Is there anything I can do? I m upset right now because I was completely embarrassed in front of all my co-workers but I don t think it s fair for me to be forced to wear a men s uniform.
I m going to go sort of against the grain here and say there s a case - if a weak one. It s not sexual harassment that s been covered. If you ignore the impetus for the complaint and the manner in which she was told it s pretty simple discrimination. &gt [If you have a dress code rule that applies to all employees regardless of gender it must be enforced consistently for all employees. In one case female employees were allowed to wear ponytails and earrings while the men were not even though the company rule banning earrings and ponytails applied to all employees. While an employer can require different grooming standards for men and women if the rule applies to both genders the employer must enforce the rule equally. The court found the practice of not enforcing the rule equally to be discriminatory.](http: toolkit sbg office-hr managing-the-workplace instituting-dress-codes-in-workplace.aspx) The part they re violating is forcing her to wear a specific variation of the approved uniform for an illegitimate reason. For example if she was working in front of a deep fryer and they required her to wear the men s uniform because it has better coverage - that would be legitimate. Because boobs is not. Now this sucks but I assume you don t want to actually sue your employer. So when you talk to HR you may just want to say you feel singled out and discriminated against. That s language they understand.
Thank you everyone for the advice! As of right now I plan to contact the human resources department to find out if they can actually single me out to change my uniform. Until I get an answer I will probably just have to suck it up and wear the men s shirt.
Need Advice Got fired less than half an hour before going on maternity leave (x-post from r legal) So as I was preparing to finish my last shift before going on Maternity Leave my regional manager pulled me in to his office and informed me that he was now doing my performance review and due to my not meeting my sales goals for the year they would be terminating my employment. I have exceeds expectations in all other aspects of my review and was told explicitly when I was hired that this was not a sales-centric position. (I was a teller at a credit union) Not only that but no one in my region has met their (outlandish) sales goals. I (and others I have spoken to) feel that they have used this as a ruse to terminate me due to my pregnancy. Do I have any legal recourse whatsoever? I live in California which I realize is an at-will state but surely they can t get away with this. TL DR: Got fired for bogus reason as I was leaving for maternity leave.Any recourse? edit: Also they informed me that my insurance will run out on Nov. 30th...I m due on December 7th. Isn t that nice? edit: Thank you everyone for your advice and support! Looking into getting a lawyer :)
Get a lawyer. ASAP. A consultation should be free. They will be able to negotiate on your behalf. Were you going to be on paid leave or unpaid?
Had you filled out and been approved for your fmla leave?
Girlfriends Brother Assaulted Me 17 year old guy from England. 5 foot 11 for comparison sake. So it all started on Friday. My girlfriend told me how she was having a girl friend over for the weekend and won t text me. We then arranged to meet up on Monday to go on a date. Fast forward to today (Monday). I waited at the location of the date for half an hour and she didn t turn up. She had also not replied any of my calls or texts since Friday which was strange of her. To make sure she is alright I decided to pass by her flat to make sure she s okay. Once I arrive at her flat I knock a couple of times and she slightly opens the front door telling me she doesn t want to talk. Confused I ask whats wrong and she tells me to leave. Stupidly I barge past her and face her(and the door) asking what s going on(her behaviour was completely different to how she normally is). I realise that going in to her flat without her permission is a stupid thing to do. What I don t realise is that her massive 35 year old 6 foot 5 step brother is there and they are having a sexual relationship behind my back. There was no girl friend. Suddenly out of nowhere I feel his arm wrap round my throat from behind. Unable to breathe or react he throws me out the door and into the banister. If this was all he had done and closed the door then I wouldn t be as upset. I was trespassing and now I wasn t. Rather than close the door he pushes me into the banister again and proceeds to choke me from behind for about 30 seconds screaming Are you gonna leave her alone?! . Unable to breathe I was unable to reply and his grip tightened until I started to black out or something. Suddenly he throws me onto the floor and pins me down with his face inches from mine. He then screams at me telling me to leave her alone or he ll kill me. All this time she is standing behind him laughing smiling. After letting me go he screams asking me why I haven t fucked off yet. I manage to splutter out how my shoe had fallen off in the attack. He then grabs the shoe and smashes into my cheek and then throws it down the stairs. I then stagger outside and call the police. At this point both my nostrils are bleeding and there is a large cut on my nose and my neck nose and cheek are swollen. When the police arrive they say that he was just defending my girlfriend from me (for forcing myself in) and that he was just getting rid of a trespasser. What I want to know is that does the fact that most of the injuries and attacks make it an offend-able assault. Does this count as attacking a minor? I found it horrible that the police treated me like shit and praised him. I know I trespassed but the majority of this happened OUTSIDE. I plan to press charges against this man with my family s support but need advice. I don t know much about how the law works so any advice would be appreciated. [Images](http: a bMOfs#0)
We try to stick to legal advice here but I looked over your post history and legal advice isn t what you need. You need life advice so that s what I m going to give you. You re a smart dude. Really! I can tell by reading your posts that you re intelligent. That s awesome. You ve already got a leg up on most people. You re also an awkward teenager and you re feeling the first real sting of heartbreak. It gets better. I swear it does. The first one hurts so much because you ve never felt it before. You know how 2 year olds throw tantrums and cry and scream about the tiniest little bits of frustration? It s because those feelings are brand new to them and they don t know how to properly manage them. It s the same thing for that first heartbreak. You ve never felt these things and so you don t know how to deal with them properly. That s ok. We ve all been there. I was 16 for mine and my boyfriend really wanted to lose his virginity and I didn t want to so he had sex with my best friend. It sucked. I cried until I threw up daily for a month and wouldn t eat and I called him and drove past his house and beat my ex-best friend up a couple times. (That s right. I grew up in a southern trailer park. I m scrappy.) It s a very helpless and desperate feeling. I m telling you this so you know that I get it. I m not just throwing platitudes at you I really do understand how you feel. I m a divorce attorney. I know how desperate heartache makes you feel. I can t tell you how to heal the heartache because the only real cure is time. I CAN however tell you some ways to cope with it and help your life in general all at once. I PROMISE this stuff will help. Nothing makes an 18 year old man happier than sex. You should have some. But you should have some with someone who is a higher caliber person than your ex girlfriend. Someone who is confident and cares about herself and is therefore properly able to care about you. That means you have to care about you. Girls like confidence more than anything else. It s really hot. So you need to learn confidence. You don t have any. I know you know that. I ve read your post history. Confidence is actually a lot easier than you d think. You know how some women are more confident when we ve put on our makeup and done up our hair and we know we look good? The same thing can work for men. Here s what you re going to do: First purchase a razor and shave that neckbeard. I know it sucks to hear but that s just... no. Shave the neckbeard. Then go get a haircut. You don t have to go crazy with it but neaten it up a little. It matters. It really does. Your appearance makes it clear that you don t care much about yourself and when that s the situation it s hard for you to care about someone else in a healthy way and it s even harder for someone else to care for you. Then you need to find something that interest you and focus on it. This is important. You ll meet people you re more compatible with if you re interested in the same things. For example I m interested in vaping (electronic cigarettes) playing video games and being a good mom to my daughter. By cultivating these interests I ve made good friends who are interested in all those things. We have a lot to talk about and it makes me feel good when I m meeting up with my friends who share my interests. We have a lot to talk about! Meanwhile continue to keep your hair and beard neat. Go to local meetups or groups for people interested in whatever your interests are. Even if you really don t feel like going do it and do it regularly. You WILL make friends. I promise. Lastly lie to yourself. Yep. Tell yourself that you are a confident guy. Behave like a confident guy. Behave like the person you want to be and then one day a lot sooner than you think you just will be. You ll be so used to acting that way that you will become that person. I know it sounds like the kind of ridiculous shit your high school guidance counselor would tell you but it really is straight up true. To recap: Care about yourself and your appearance. Cultivate your interests. Fake confidence. The rest will fall in place. It really will. I PROMISE you it will.
If having disabled the intruder you then go on and inflict further punishment then this would be deemed to be excessive and gratuitous force and you could be prosecuted. How true is this statement in my situation?
Girlfriends Brother Assaulted Me 17 year old guy from England. 5 foot 11 for comparison sake. So it all started on Friday. My girlfriend told me how she was having a girl friend over for the weekend and won t text me. We then arranged to meet up on Monday to go on a date. Fast forward to today (Monday). I waited at the location of the date for half an hour and she didn t turn up. She had also not replied any of my calls or texts since Friday which was strange of her. To make sure she is alright I decided to pass by her flat to make sure she s okay. Once I arrive at her flat I knock a couple of times and she slightly opens the front door telling me she doesn t want to talk. Confused I ask whats wrong and she tells me to leave. Stupidly I barge past her and face her(and the door) asking what s going on(her behaviour was completely different to how she normally is). I realise that going in to her flat without her permission is a stupid thing to do. What I don t realise is that her massive 35 year old 6 foot 5 step brother is there and they are having a sexual relationship behind my back. There was no girl friend. Suddenly out of nowhere I feel his arm wrap round my throat from behind. Unable to breathe or react he throws me out the door and into the banister. If this was all he had done and closed the door then I wouldn t be as upset. I was trespassing and now I wasn t. Rather than close the door he pushes me into the banister again and proceeds to choke me from behind for about 30 seconds screaming Are you gonna leave her alone?! . Unable to breathe I was unable to reply and his grip tightened until I started to black out or something. Suddenly he throws me onto the floor and pins me down with his face inches from mine. He then screams at me telling me to leave her alone or he ll kill me. All this time she is standing behind him laughing smiling. After letting me go he screams asking me why I haven t fucked off yet. I manage to splutter out how my shoe had fallen off in the attack. He then grabs the shoe and smashes into my cheek and then throws it down the stairs. I then stagger outside and call the police. At this point both my nostrils are bleeding and there is a large cut on my nose and my neck nose and cheek are swollen. When the police arrive they say that he was just defending my girlfriend from me (for forcing myself in) and that he was just getting rid of a trespasser. What I want to know is that does the fact that most of the injuries and attacks make it an offend-able assault. Does this count as attacking a minor? I found it horrible that the police treated me like shit and praised him. I know I trespassed but the majority of this happened OUTSIDE. I plan to press charges against this man with my family s support but need advice. I don t know much about how the law works so any advice would be appreciated. [Images](http: a bMOfs#0)
We try to stick to legal advice here but I looked over your post history and legal advice isn t what you need. You need life advice so that s what I m going to give you. You re a smart dude. Really! I can tell by reading your posts that you re intelligent. That s awesome. You ve already got a leg up on most people. You re also an awkward teenager and you re feeling the first real sting of heartbreak. It gets better. I swear it does. The first one hurts so much because you ve never felt it before. You know how 2 year olds throw tantrums and cry and scream about the tiniest little bits of frustration? It s because those feelings are brand new to them and they don t know how to properly manage them. It s the same thing for that first heartbreak. You ve never felt these things and so you don t know how to deal with them properly. That s ok. We ve all been there. I was 16 for mine and my boyfriend really wanted to lose his virginity and I didn t want to so he had sex with my best friend. It sucked. I cried until I threw up daily for a month and wouldn t eat and I called him and drove past his house and beat my ex-best friend up a couple times. (That s right. I grew up in a southern trailer park. I m scrappy.) It s a very helpless and desperate feeling. I m telling you this so you know that I get it. I m not just throwing platitudes at you I really do understand how you feel. I m a divorce attorney. I know how desperate heartache makes you feel. I can t tell you how to heal the heartache because the only real cure is time. I CAN however tell you some ways to cope with it and help your life in general all at once. I PROMISE this stuff will help. Nothing makes an 18 year old man happier than sex. You should have some. But you should have some with someone who is a higher caliber person than your ex girlfriend. Someone who is confident and cares about herself and is therefore properly able to care about you. That means you have to care about you. Girls like confidence more than anything else. It s really hot. So you need to learn confidence. You don t have any. I know you know that. I ve read your post history. Confidence is actually a lot easier than you d think. You know how some women are more confident when we ve put on our makeup and done up our hair and we know we look good? The same thing can work for men. Here s what you re going to do: First purchase a razor and shave that neckbeard. I know it sucks to hear but that s just... no. Shave the neckbeard. Then go get a haircut. You don t have to go crazy with it but neaten it up a little. It matters. It really does. Your appearance makes it clear that you don t care much about yourself and when that s the situation it s hard for you to care about someone else in a healthy way and it s even harder for someone else to care for you. Then you need to find something that interest you and focus on it. This is important. You ll meet people you re more compatible with if you re interested in the same things. For example I m interested in vaping (electronic cigarettes) playing video games and being a good mom to my daughter. By cultivating these interests I ve made good friends who are interested in all those things. We have a lot to talk about and it makes me feel good when I m meeting up with my friends who share my interests. We have a lot to talk about! Meanwhile continue to keep your hair and beard neat. Go to local meetups or groups for people interested in whatever your interests are. Even if you really don t feel like going do it and do it regularly. You WILL make friends. I promise. Lastly lie to yourself. Yep. Tell yourself that you are a confident guy. Behave like a confident guy. Behave like the person you want to be and then one day a lot sooner than you think you just will be. You ll be so used to acting that way that you will become that person. I know it sounds like the kind of ridiculous shit your high school guidance counselor would tell you but it really is straight up true. To recap: Care about yourself and your appearance. Cultivate your interests. Fake confidence. The rest will fall in place. It really will. I PROMISE you it will.
Apparently u LocationBot doesn t recognize England as a location. However just to clarify did this take place in England in addition to you being from England?
Need some help with a strange incident last night. So my wife and I went to bed last night and all was well. She was wearing the new kerchief I got her...but that s besides the point. Anywho after falling asleep I heard some commotion on the roof but just thought it was some squirrels and went back to sleep. When I woke up this morning imagine my surprise when I found several wrapped presents under our Christmas tree. I know those presents weren t there when we went to bed but this morning there they were. I suspect that someone was on my roof last night and broke into my house. What I m confused about is this: normally in a burglary situation someone *takes* things from your house. Nothing is missing. It appears this gentleman *left* things. Is this still against the law?
Have you checked your roof for possible damages? You may have a civil suit if you can find out who this was. (By the way you ASSUME it was a gentleman unless you have knowledge you left out of your narrative.)You didn t mention any damage inside so absent that I would think the accused would be looking at a simple trespass charge. Are you sure the perpetrator didn t have your permission to enter the house? Burglary would be off the table since he she didn t take anything (not even food items?) so no intent. This case is more complicated than we can deal with in this sub. I recommend hiring a good lawyer. Perhaps you could retain the firm of Dasher Dancer Prancer Vixen Comet Cupid Donner and Schwartz.
Goodness it would appear the same burglar got into my house as well last night. It s an epidemic! A rash of crimes! And I was in my cap! The kids were all snug in their beds! Now that I think about it I did hear a clatter at one point but didn t think much of it.
Missouri - Bought a house garage full of cool items. Former owner wants cool items back. My wife and I recently closed on a house in Missouri and we began moving in this week. There s a detached garage small barn next to the house. To my amazement when moving in we found the garage to be full of cool things. There are at least 20 nice fly fishing rods a jon boat fishing supplies a nice riding mower a grill tools and a bunch of other things (I haven t explored everything). I was planning to keep some of the stuff and to sell some of the stuff. Last night however I got a call from the home s former owner (who I have never before met we bought through a realtor) and he explained that he had left some of his stuff in the garage and asked when he could come by and pick it up. I told him I d get back to him. Is the stuff in the garage mine? I bought the house property and we closed a few weeks back he should have taken his things when moving out (the house was all cleared out). Or do I need to let him take the stuff?
Generally speaking the contract sets out what is included in the sale. Anything that is not attached to the house (e.g. roof walls built-ins) is itemized. Unless this was itemized (or it listed barn with contents or similar) you don t have the right to keep it. Is it yours? No. Can you fight him about it? Yes. Would you be a dick if you fought him about it? Yes. Don t be a dick.
Well the ethical answer is that you should give it back to him. But that s not what you asked.
A kid on a bicycle hit me and is now suing... First off let me say I have an attorney through my insurance (a reputable carrier.) I will be giving a deposition shortly and basically my question is: Is there anything in particular I should be aware of (besides telling the truth?) The short story is a teenager on a bike came flying through an intersection and hit my car in the front panel area. He had a stop sign I did not. Police and my insurance determined I was not at fault. I was not issued a citation. Kid broke his ankle. Fast forward couple of years and the kid and his father are suing me. I would like to think the case will get tossed. I know there is nothing I could have done to avoid him and his bike....but for you attorneys out there...I guess I just am wondering what makes a good client for you in the deposition stage. Anything I should keep in mind regarding demeanor or what-have-you is appreciated. Also the initial plaintiff attorney dropped out of the case shorting after the initial filing. I can t be certain why but I would like to think it s because he believed it to be a lackluster case. If there s anything I can do to convey the same to this new attorney that would be great to know.
When I am defending a deposition I tell my clients to focus on four themes: yes no I don t know and I don t remember. The attorney on the other side will likely try to befriend you and get you to trust him. You should not do that. Do not volunteer extra information. Make the attorney work for the information. Do not try to be helpful. The common example attorneys give: when asked Do you have the time? The answer is yes or no - not 7:30. 7:30 is not the answer to the question you were asked. Good luck.
When did this happen and where? The statue of limitation for a personal injury claim is 2 years in California. If this accident happened on July 2011 and he filed in December 2013 this case would be dismissed because of the statue of limitations. An injury to personal property (i.e. the bike) is 3 years.
Got into and argument with my wife and she attacked me so I called the police. The next day she messages me over Facebook to tell me to go pick up my order of protection. Now I cant go home to a house that is in my name only or see my daughter or my wife. My wife filed an order of protection against me and since she is breastfeeding my daughter is also included. I had to leave the house with the clothes on my back and stay elsewhere. She said in her statement to the judge that I beat her head against the ground and blacked her eye on 2 separate occasions. She said this in her request for the order of protection. The first date she mentioned we didn t even get into an argument and had a wonderful day. I have text messages from that day and the surrounding days that I printed to show the judge at the op hearing. I also have pictures from 2 and 3 days later of her proving she had no black eye of trama what so ever. The second date she put in the statement I didn t see her that whole day and the following day she came back home and we visited my families home. Two of my family members are going with me to court to tell the judge she had no black eye or any damage to her face at all. The dates she wrote down were obviously completely made up. My wife is on post partem depression medication and she hasn t been taking them. My daughter is 3 months old and I haven t seen her in 2 weeks. The court hearing for the order of protection is set for Thursday. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I would never hit my wife. I have to have this restraining order dropped. HELP!!
&gt Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Get a lawyer.
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Charged With Drunken Driving Resisting Arrest Driving Without Valid License (Miami Beach FL) Hey so throwaway because I m kind of a celebrity. 4AM this morning I was stopped by the police in Miami Beach. Some asshole in a Red Ferrari wanted to race me. As a public figure I feel I was obligated to race him. It may have been a bad idea since it was a small street and a 35mph zone. How the fuck was I suppose to know miles per hour though? Where I m from we don t even have miles per hour. I ll admit because I m an entitled asshole I kind of got loud with the cop and asked him What the f*** did I do? Why did you stop me? The officer claims I was not cooperating with his instructions. He kept patting me down for weapons and I may have gotten a little angry. It s obvious I don t have any weapons on me. I did have weapons though my bodyguards Chester and Zues. The officer claims I had a flushed face bloodshot eyes and the odor of alcohol on his breath. That s complete bullshit. I told the officer I always look this stupid. So I m pretty sure I was discriminated against. I will admit I consumed some alcohol smoked some marijuana (isn t that legal now?) and took some prescription medicine. So anyway the cops took me in. Forced me to take a sobriety test even after I told him I was sober. Pretty sure this is a violation of my rights.... The judge set a standard bond for $2 500. Whatever I paid it in hundred dollar bills. I should point out that I was forced to take off my skinny jeans and leather jacked and they made me see the judge in an orange jumpsuit basically like I was some drunk street racing hillbilly. I ll be speaking to my lawyer about this. I may have also recently gotten in trouble over egging some assholes house. But to be honest that guy deserved it so I have no doubt that I ll be found not guilty of that. He can t even prove it. I wore gloves so they definitely won t find my prints on the eggs. Stupid cops. How will this affect my case? So I guess what I m asking you guys is.... what do I do?
Honestly the smartest thing for you to do at this point is move back to Canada buy some little cabin in the wilderness and live off the grid - never to be heard from again. Hopefully your attorney will advise the same.
I think your best bet here is to just go off the grid for a while. Cancel all of your engagements appearances etc... just let the world forget about you. and^then^never^come^back
Charged With Drunken Driving Resisting Arrest Driving Without Valid License (Miami Beach FL) Hey so throwaway because I m kind of a celebrity. 4AM this morning I was stopped by the police in Miami Beach. Some asshole in a Red Ferrari wanted to race me. As a public figure I feel I was obligated to race him. It may have been a bad idea since it was a small street and a 35mph zone. How the fuck was I suppose to know miles per hour though? Where I m from we don t even have miles per hour. I ll admit because I m an entitled asshole I kind of got loud with the cop and asked him What the f*** did I do? Why did you stop me? The officer claims I was not cooperating with his instructions. He kept patting me down for weapons and I may have gotten a little angry. It s obvious I don t have any weapons on me. I did have weapons though my bodyguards Chester and Zues. The officer claims I had a flushed face bloodshot eyes and the odor of alcohol on his breath. That s complete bullshit. I told the officer I always look this stupid. So I m pretty sure I was discriminated against. I will admit I consumed some alcohol smoked some marijuana (isn t that legal now?) and took some prescription medicine. So anyway the cops took me in. Forced me to take a sobriety test even after I told him I was sober. Pretty sure this is a violation of my rights.... The judge set a standard bond for $2 500. Whatever I paid it in hundred dollar bills. I should point out that I was forced to take off my skinny jeans and leather jacked and they made me see the judge in an orange jumpsuit basically like I was some drunk street racing hillbilly. I ll be speaking to my lawyer about this. I may have also recently gotten in trouble over egging some assholes house. But to be honest that guy deserved it so I have no doubt that I ll be found not guilty of that. He can t even prove it. I wore gloves so they definitely won t find my prints on the eggs. Stupid cops. How will this affect my case? So I guess what I m asking you guys is.... what do I do?
Honestly the smartest thing for you to do at this point is move back to Canada buy some little cabin in the wilderness and live off the grid - never to be heard from again. Hopefully your attorney will advise the same.
Your best argument is encapsulated very well [here](https: timheidecker status 426391033773961216 photo 1). I suggest taking this straight to the judge the second you get out of jail and demanding service.
Charged With Drunken Driving Resisting Arrest Driving Without Valid License (Miami Beach FL) Hey so throwaway because I m kind of a celebrity. 4AM this morning I was stopped by the police in Miami Beach. Some asshole in a Red Ferrari wanted to race me. As a public figure I feel I was obligated to race him. It may have been a bad idea since it was a small street and a 35mph zone. How the fuck was I suppose to know miles per hour though? Where I m from we don t even have miles per hour. I ll admit because I m an entitled asshole I kind of got loud with the cop and asked him What the f*** did I do? Why did you stop me? The officer claims I was not cooperating with his instructions. He kept patting me down for weapons and I may have gotten a little angry. It s obvious I don t have any weapons on me. I did have weapons though my bodyguards Chester and Zues. The officer claims I had a flushed face bloodshot eyes and the odor of alcohol on his breath. That s complete bullshit. I told the officer I always look this stupid. So I m pretty sure I was discriminated against. I will admit I consumed some alcohol smoked some marijuana (isn t that legal now?) and took some prescription medicine. So anyway the cops took me in. Forced me to take a sobriety test even after I told him I was sober. Pretty sure this is a violation of my rights.... The judge set a standard bond for $2 500. Whatever I paid it in hundred dollar bills. I should point out that I was forced to take off my skinny jeans and leather jacked and they made me see the judge in an orange jumpsuit basically like I was some drunk street racing hillbilly. I ll be speaking to my lawyer about this. I may have also recently gotten in trouble over egging some assholes house. But to be honest that guy deserved it so I have no doubt that I ll be found not guilty of that. He can t even prove it. I wore gloves so they definitely won t find my prints on the eggs. Stupid cops. How will this affect my case? So I guess what I m asking you guys is.... what do I do?
Honestly the smartest thing for you to do at this point is move back to Canada buy some little cabin in the wilderness and live off the grid - never to be heard from again. Hopefully your attorney will advise the same.
I know this is funny and all but between this and the recent stuff happening with him in LA this kid is just a train wreck. Unless something or someone intervenes he s going to be in a body bag before his 30th birthday.
Charged With Drunken Driving Resisting Arrest Driving Without Valid License (Miami Beach FL) Hey so throwaway because I m kind of a celebrity. 4AM this morning I was stopped by the police in Miami Beach. Some asshole in a Red Ferrari wanted to race me. As a public figure I feel I was obligated to race him. It may have been a bad idea since it was a small street and a 35mph zone. How the fuck was I suppose to know miles per hour though? Where I m from we don t even have miles per hour. I ll admit because I m an entitled asshole I kind of got loud with the cop and asked him What the f*** did I do? Why did you stop me? The officer claims I was not cooperating with his instructions. He kept patting me down for weapons and I may have gotten a little angry. It s obvious I don t have any weapons on me. I did have weapons though my bodyguards Chester and Zues. The officer claims I had a flushed face bloodshot eyes and the odor of alcohol on his breath. That s complete bullshit. I told the officer I always look this stupid. So I m pretty sure I was discriminated against. I will admit I consumed some alcohol smoked some marijuana (isn t that legal now?) and took some prescription medicine. So anyway the cops took me in. Forced me to take a sobriety test even after I told him I was sober. Pretty sure this is a violation of my rights.... The judge set a standard bond for $2 500. Whatever I paid it in hundred dollar bills. I should point out that I was forced to take off my skinny jeans and leather jacked and they made me see the judge in an orange jumpsuit basically like I was some drunk street racing hillbilly. I ll be speaking to my lawyer about this. I may have also recently gotten in trouble over egging some assholes house. But to be honest that guy deserved it so I have no doubt that I ll be found not guilty of that. He can t even prove it. I wore gloves so they definitely won t find my prints on the eggs. Stupid cops. How will this affect my case? So I guess what I m asking you guys is.... what do I do?
Honestly the smartest thing for you to do at this point is move back to Canada buy some little cabin in the wilderness and live off the grid - never to be heard from again. Hopefully your attorney will advise the same.
Can you pay me in Sizzurp? Also you weren t wearing skinny jeans when you were arrested. You were wearing these douche pants: http: 2014 01 23 0123-bieber-arrested-5.jpg. Anyway. Sizzurp then we ll talk.
Charged With Drunken Driving Resisting Arrest Driving Without Valid License (Miami Beach FL) Hey so throwaway because I m kind of a celebrity. 4AM this morning I was stopped by the police in Miami Beach. Some asshole in a Red Ferrari wanted to race me. As a public figure I feel I was obligated to race him. It may have been a bad idea since it was a small street and a 35mph zone. How the fuck was I suppose to know miles per hour though? Where I m from we don t even have miles per hour. I ll admit because I m an entitled asshole I kind of got loud with the cop and asked him What the f*** did I do? Why did you stop me? The officer claims I was not cooperating with his instructions. He kept patting me down for weapons and I may have gotten a little angry. It s obvious I don t have any weapons on me. I did have weapons though my bodyguards Chester and Zues. The officer claims I had a flushed face bloodshot eyes and the odor of alcohol on his breath. That s complete bullshit. I told the officer I always look this stupid. So I m pretty sure I was discriminated against. I will admit I consumed some alcohol smoked some marijuana (isn t that legal now?) and took some prescription medicine. So anyway the cops took me in. Forced me to take a sobriety test even after I told him I was sober. Pretty sure this is a violation of my rights.... The judge set a standard bond for $2 500. Whatever I paid it in hundred dollar bills. I should point out that I was forced to take off my skinny jeans and leather jacked and they made me see the judge in an orange jumpsuit basically like I was some drunk street racing hillbilly. I ll be speaking to my lawyer about this. I may have also recently gotten in trouble over egging some assholes house. But to be honest that guy deserved it so I have no doubt that I ll be found not guilty of that. He can t even prove it. I wore gloves so they definitely won t find my prints on the eggs. Stupid cops. How will this affect my case? So I guess what I m asking you guys is.... what do I do?
Honestly the smartest thing for you to do at this point is move back to Canada buy some little cabin in the wilderness and live off the grid - never to be heard from again. Hopefully your attorney will advise the same.
So I am guessing this is a joke and Justin Bieber was arrested for a DUI? EDIT: I googled it. I imagine it is much easier to lose your license when you have money to pay for others to drive you around. However I also imagine if you refuse to do so and continue driving drunk repeatedly you may learn that even celebrities end up in jail.
How to ship my penis to Iceland once I am dead? There is a penis museum in Iceland. I am located in Massachusetts. After my death I wish to donate my penis to this museum. I ve already contacted them and they are willing to accept my donation. I can place this request in my will but what legal ramifications do I need to consider specifically with the removal and shipping ? Who do I need to contact prior to death to take care of these items?
I foresee two legal problems: (1) The London Convention on the Shipment of Genitals specifically prohibits the shipping of a penis shorter than four inches. That s Section 234.2 London Conv. (1886). The United States is a signatory to the London Convention so Massachusetts will be held to the London Convention prohibitions. (2) Somehow if you get around the London Convention you ll have to deal with the Luanda Pact on the Extrastatial Display of Unused Penises Vaginas Fingers and External Organs. The Luanda Pact specifically prohibits the international display of penises that have never been used . Now that s an ambiguous definition but the locus classicus Wilhelm v. Wilhelm 13 P.V. 342 (Court of Int. Org. 1922) basically excluded the sexually inexperienced. However the Luanda Pact is limited to the *international* display so you re still able to display your penis domestically. I d recommend finding a nice museum here in the States. I know some guys here in New York who can help you out. Try the second floor annex men s room at Pennsylvania Station that s 34th Street and 8th Avenue any stall after midnight. Speak to Rusty. Let me know if you need any more guidance on this important legal issue.
How to ship my penis to Iceland once I am dead? There is a penis museum in Iceland. I am located in Massachusetts. After my death I wish to donate my penis to this museum. I ve already contacted them and they are willing to accept my donation. I can place this request in my will but what legal ramifications do I need to consider specifically with the removal and shipping ? Who do I need to contact prior to death to take care of these items?
I foresee two legal problems: (1) The London Convention on the Shipment of Genitals specifically prohibits the shipping of a penis shorter than four inches. That s Section 234.2 London Conv. (1886). The United States is a signatory to the London Convention so Massachusetts will be held to the London Convention prohibitions. (2) Somehow if you get around the London Convention you ll have to deal with the Luanda Pact on the Extrastatial Display of Unused Penises Vaginas Fingers and External Organs. The Luanda Pact specifically prohibits the international display of penises that have never been used . Now that s an ambiguous definition but the locus classicus Wilhelm v. Wilhelm 13 P.V. 342 (Court of Int. Org. 1922) basically excluded the sexually inexperienced. However the Luanda Pact is limited to the *international* display so you re still able to display your penis domestically. I d recommend finding a nice museum here in the States. I know some guys here in New York who can help you out. Try the second floor annex men s room at Pennsylvania Station that s 34th Street and 8th Avenue any stall after midnight. Speak to Rusty. Let me know if you need any more guidance on this important legal issue.
Serious question: what about your penis makes it worthy of display in a museum?
How to ship my penis to Iceland once I am dead? There is a penis museum in Iceland. I am located in Massachusetts. After my death I wish to donate my penis to this museum. I ve already contacted them and they are willing to accept my donation. I can place this request in my will but what legal ramifications do I need to consider specifically with the removal and shipping ? Who do I need to contact prior to death to take care of these items?
I foresee two legal problems: (1) The London Convention on the Shipment of Genitals specifically prohibits the shipping of a penis shorter than four inches. That s Section 234.2 London Conv. (1886). The United States is a signatory to the London Convention so Massachusetts will be held to the London Convention prohibitions. (2) Somehow if you get around the London Convention you ll have to deal with the Luanda Pact on the Extrastatial Display of Unused Penises Vaginas Fingers and External Organs. The Luanda Pact specifically prohibits the international display of penises that have never been used . Now that s an ambiguous definition but the locus classicus Wilhelm v. Wilhelm 13 P.V. 342 (Court of Int. Org. 1922) basically excluded the sexually inexperienced. However the Luanda Pact is limited to the *international* display so you re still able to display your penis domestically. I d recommend finding a nice museum here in the States. I know some guys here in New York who can help you out. Try the second floor annex men s room at Pennsylvania Station that s 34th Street and 8th Avenue any stall after midnight. Speak to Rusty. Let me know if you need any more guidance on this important legal issue.
Where s the best of legaladvice ?
How to ship my penis to Iceland once I am dead? There is a penis museum in Iceland. I am located in Massachusetts. After my death I wish to donate my penis to this museum. I ve already contacted them and they are willing to accept my donation. I can place this request in my will but what legal ramifications do I need to consider specifically with the removal and shipping ? Who do I need to contact prior to death to take care of these items?
I foresee two legal problems: (1) The London Convention on the Shipment of Genitals specifically prohibits the shipping of a penis shorter than four inches. That s Section 234.2 London Conv. (1886). The United States is a signatory to the London Convention so Massachusetts will be held to the London Convention prohibitions. (2) Somehow if you get around the London Convention you ll have to deal with the Luanda Pact on the Extrastatial Display of Unused Penises Vaginas Fingers and External Organs. The Luanda Pact specifically prohibits the international display of penises that have never been used . Now that s an ambiguous definition but the locus classicus Wilhelm v. Wilhelm 13 P.V. 342 (Court of Int. Org. 1922) basically excluded the sexually inexperienced. However the Luanda Pact is limited to the *international* display so you re still able to display your penis domestically. I d recommend finding a nice museum here in the States. I know some guys here in New York who can help you out. Try the second floor annex men s room at Pennsylvania Station that s 34th Street and 8th Avenue any stall after midnight. Speak to Rusty. Let me know if you need any more guidance on this important legal issue.
Why wait til you re dead? Lop that fucker off and throw a stamp on it.
How to ship my penis to Iceland once I am dead? There is a penis museum in Iceland. I am located in Massachusetts. After my death I wish to donate my penis to this museum. I ve already contacted them and they are willing to accept my donation. I can place this request in my will but what legal ramifications do I need to consider specifically with the removal and shipping ? Who do I need to contact prior to death to take care of these items?
In all seriousness FedEx ships biological samples products. The trick is figuring out which category it fits in to. NC State appears to have done the legwork for me there: http: ehs dot Bio_shipping.pdf. So figure out what category your penis fits into and then check fedex. They really will ship pretty much anything. As for the removal of your penis you ll need to arrange all that before you die. Please don t let your wife and or children and or husband come to my office and make me guide them through the removal of your phallus after you die. Perhaps you could contact some organizations that handle body donation for science and research and ask how to handle it.
Criminal negligence for quitting job This questions is in regards to the law in the state of South Dakota. I quit my job as an office manager about a month ago. My former boss has told me he s pressing charges against me for criminal negligence while on the job. He didn t provide me specific details but he did mention that this is due to lack of proper documentation for business processes which apparently led to unnecessarily long training time for the new hire. Does this even fit the definition of criminal negligence? No bodily harm was caused (obviously) and I m not sure who the victim is here - especially since I provided a proper 2 weeks notice even though he is claiming that 2 weeks is not sufficient. I live in a ~~right-to-work~~ at will state so I m not seeing how it s considered negligent to quit even without notice if I can be fired for literally any reason (except for those protected under federal law). Help?!
&gt I live in a right-to-work state That s not what that means. Right to work means essentially that you can t be forced to join a union. You mean at will. Quitting your job is not negligent in any way and your former employer is a douchebag. You have NOTHING to worry about.
*I am a bot whose sole purpose is to improve the timeliness and accuracy of responses in this subreddit.* --- **It appears you forgot to include your location in the title or body of your post.** **Please update the original post to include this information.** --- [Report Inaccuracies Here](http: r LocationBot ) | [Author](http: u ianp)
GF gave me Herpes. She told me she was clean. I m from Delaware US and going to make this brief. I ve been going out with a girl for a few months. We both got checked beforehand. I have a clean bill of health and she told me she had the same. I didn t want to check her physical results as it seemed like a shitty thing to do and took her word for it Total regret as a few weeks ago I had an itch on cock and it ulcerated. I went to the doctor and he confirmed herpes. I confronted my GF and she said the knew she had it she thought I wouldn t have stayed with her if I knew about it and lied about it. So this wouldn t really be a problem as I really liked her but yesterday I got dumped for someone else. So I m not a total fool and my question is can I sue her for giving me Herpes? Herpes is for life and I m going to have to disclose that to anyone I meet. Also damages for gas medical expenses etc etc whatever I can lump in there.
You can absolutely sue at least in many states. I don t know about Delaware specifically unfortunately. Contact a few personal injury attorneys. You don t need to worry about gas... you need to worry about the cost of your medication for the rest of your life. Your consultation will be free but it s important to understand that if she doesn t actually have money to collect there s not a lot a PI attorney is going to be able to do for you.
Well I m not a lawyer but I wish you the best of luck. That s a shitty thing to do especially since from what you said it seems you were willing to try and find a way to work with it.
Can the U.S. government use it s military (Army Navy Airforce) against U.S. citizens? If it can what are the circumstances? I m pretty sure I remember my high school history professor saying this but I want to verify.
It would be possible in some situations. Essentially the President would have to invoke the [Insurrection Act](http: uscode text 10 331) a law that allows the President to deploy the military in domestic situations involving rebellion or lawlessness. (Here s an [article](http: jrnl art full-spectrum-operations-in-the-homeland-a-%E2%80%9Cvision%E2%80%9D-of-the-future) that discusses a scenario in which the law might be invoked.) Note the Posse Comitatus Act generally prohibits the domestic deployment of military forces unless specifically allowed by an act of congress or the constitution. The Insurrection Act is such an act of congress and as such allows for the domestic use of military forces though under specific conditions.
http: wiki Posse_Comitatus_Act
Roommate has been recording GF and I having sex Florida USA Like the title says my roommate has been recording my girlfriend and I having sex unbeknownst to us. We would lock the door to my bedroom and he would stick his cameraphone underneath the door and watch us. This is also happening to our other roommate and his girlfriend. I don t know if he still has videos of it but it has been going on for months. Since early October apparently. We are on a college campus and all over the age of 18 but I just want to know what I am able to do legally besides notifying the school.
Call the cops. This is certainly criminal. From Florida State. 810.145(2)a &gt A person commits the offense of video voyeurism if that person.... For his or her own amusement entertainment sexual arousal gratification or profit or for the purpose of degrading or abusing another person intentionally uses or installs an imaging device to secretly view broadcast or record a person without that person s knowledge and consent who is dressing undressing or privately exposing the body at a place and time when that person has a reasonable expectation of privacy It s a felony of the third degree (punishable by up to 5 years in prison) if the offender is 19 years old or older. There are additional charges if the person does something with the video or pictures (distributes it or sends it to someone else). EDIT: Also report it NOW! The sooner the better. Do not contact your roommate first-- if he gets wind he s been caught he ll just pitch his phone in the nearest lake. EDIT 2: Updated the criminal severity thanks to u chestercoop
Have you contacted the police?
Guy wants his car back. Recently I traded my 2000 VW GTI for a 1995 Jeep Wrangler. Each of us signed over and exchanged titles after carefully inspecting each other s vehicles and went on our way. Two days later I receive a phone call from the individual s mother stating that I MUST return the Jeep or she is threatening legal action under the NJ Lemon Law and the ADA act. Apparently the person I traded with is listed as disabled and his mother still has power of attorney. My question is this: is this a scare tactic on the mother s part in an attempt to get her son s Jeep back? Or do I face the possibility of being taken to court and having the trade reversed? The title of the Jeep was in HIS name not the mother s. Thank you in advance and I will provide any and all details I can in subsequent posts.
Short answer - she s likely blowing smoke. New Jersey s [Lemon Law](http: ocp lemonlaw.htm) for used cars only covers those sold by a licensed dealer which are **also** no more than seven model years old. You re not even remotely liable there. She s blowing smoke there. The ADA has no effect on private-party sales. She s blowing smoke there. Even if she has power of attorney that doesn t prevent him from making decisions about his own items. She **could** have sold you the car if she has POA but she can t stop him from doing the same. The only remaining possibility is that she sues you for some form of fraud or deception. This is unlikely to work but is a possibility. Until or unless she files that suit you have nothing to worry about.
Lemon Law does not apply as it only covers new cars. I don t know about the ADA. Someone else can chime in on that for you.
My wife(separated) moved out of state with my son on a snap-decision. Now she is saying I must move to where she is(4 hours away) in order to see my son. Is this legal? Back in October my wife who I have been legally separated from since 2011 made a move to Las Vegas. We both lived in Temecula CA which is about 4 hours away so at first I didn t interfere. We agreed on meeting halfway each time we dropped off the kid. No I never got the agreement in writing. Today she has informed me that in order to see my son on the regular I m gonna have to move to Las Vegas near them. Is there something that can be done about this? I would consult a lawyer but I m afraid I m gonna pay for bad news.
Act quickly and hire someone who practices family law in CA. CA still has jurisdiction here and you might be able to have the child ordered back to your area. You need to do this ASAP. The clock s ticking.
&gt Is there something that can be done about this? It sounds like you have no custody order or written agreement. Absent such an order there s no issue with her moving and taking the child. You can fight for custody and the judge may very well order that you must meet halfway. You should talk to an attorney to see exactly where you d file for that custody you may be able to do so in California and possibly may be able to order her to move back to the area.
Scammed by a Drug Dealer So SWIM handed over £1 500 for a considerable amount of hash coming into the UK. However it turns out the guy has done a runner with the money. SWIM knows the full name of the man in question. What would happen if SWIM went to the Police about this? Would SWIM be arrested for any drug-related crimes?
I just want to point out that saying SWIM means jack shit would never mean jack shit in court and makes you look stupid. I mean not as stupid as you d look if you called the police to ask for your drug money back but stupid nonetheless.
This is why any black market is violent by nature because you can t involve the police or Courts to settle disputes.
Scammed by a Drug Dealer So SWIM handed over £1 500 for a considerable amount of hash coming into the UK. However it turns out the guy has done a runner with the money. SWIM knows the full name of the man in question. What would happen if SWIM went to the Police about this? Would SWIM be arrested for any drug-related crimes?
I just want to point out that saying SWIM means jack shit would never mean jack shit in court and makes you look stupid. I mean not as stupid as you d look if you called the police to ask for your drug money back but stupid nonetheless.
&gt What would happen if SWIM went to the Police about this? Would SWIM be arrested for any drug-related crimes? LOL
Scammed by a Drug Dealer So SWIM handed over £1 500 for a considerable amount of hash coming into the UK. However it turns out the guy has done a runner with the money. SWIM knows the full name of the man in question. What would happen if SWIM went to the Police about this? Would SWIM be arrested for any drug-related crimes?
I just want to point out that saying SWIM means jack shit would never mean jack shit in court and makes you look stupid. I mean not as stupid as you d look if you called the police to ask for your drug money back but stupid nonetheless.
You can t be serious? Well I suppose he could: the police need a laugh as much as anyone. Perhaps they ll laugh so hard they ll forget to charge him but I wouldn t bet on it.
Scammed by a Drug Dealer So SWIM handed over £1 500 for a considerable amount of hash coming into the UK. However it turns out the guy has done a runner with the money. SWIM knows the full name of the man in question. What would happen if SWIM went to the Police about this? Would SWIM be arrested for any drug-related crimes?
This has to be a joke. There can t be people like this in the world.
If SWIY wants I can provide anti-runner insurance for very reasonable prices.
If a person is in debt and commits suicide does their debt get transferred to their family? No decisions are final but I am really tired by his point. I don t want to pass my personal issues on to my family they do not have the the money to cover it. I have about $15 000 in credit card debt. Location California.
Hey internet stranger. I ll make a deal with you. If you spend 30 minutes talking to me about how you re feeling via PM here I ll answer your questions openly and honestly. You can check my post history and see that I know what I m talking about as far as the law is concerned. I understand that you re an adult and that you can make your decisions. I promise not to judge you or be that guy who throws platitudes at you to try to convince you not to do something you want to do and I promise not to try to make you feel guilty. I d just like you to talk to me about how you re feeling. Do we have a deal?
$15 000 isn t a lot of debt but someone in your family would likely have to deal with your estate cover your burial expenses deal with any property you have.
If a person is in debt and commits suicide does their debt get transferred to their family? No decisions are final but I am really tired by his point. I don t want to pass my personal issues on to my family they do not have the the money to cover it. I have about $15 000 in credit card debt. Location California.
Hey internet stranger. I ll make a deal with you. If you spend 30 minutes talking to me about how you re feeling via PM here I ll answer your questions openly and honestly. You can check my post history and see that I know what I m talking about as far as the law is concerned. I understand that you re an adult and that you can make your decisions. I promise not to judge you or be that guy who throws platitudes at you to try to convince you not to do something you want to do and I promise not to try to make you feel guilty. I d just like you to talk to me about how you re feeling. Do we have a deal?
Friend why not give a call to 18002738255 or go to r suicidewatch and talk to someone for a while?
I am accused of robbing four banks. I m not sure where to begin. The last few years of depositions have been a hot mess. I have learned that the FBI analysis shows the robber is 5 10 and my medical records show I m 6 1 ... and yet my lawyer thinks this is difficult to bring out in the trial and may not be sufficient proof... somehow. I am a white guy. Bit pudgy. Balding and I had a goatee at the time. The robber wore very nondescript clothing and a dust mask. I owned clothing and had a pack of dust masks in a drawer. The only link is... ten days after the robbery when I was fool enough to talk to the police and they badgered my roommate into giving them enough for a search warrant... a $10 was in my wallet that matched one (of four) pieces of bait money stolen. I was accused of literally every unsolved bank robbery for that year. 4 of them in Cedar Rapids IA. No evidence on the rest except one had a robber in a similar jacket and mask. And at the final deposition this week it came out that the man who had accused me was a cop I knew. My uncle. Who had also lied when he was offering to be there for my family and volunteered as a character witness... despite having anonymously added me to the list of white guys to be investigated. I could understand if he thought he was doing his duty but to lie to our faces about it... that s not integrity. When my lawyer called him about his supposed offer to be a character witness he admitted it. And asked us to keep it from my mother. I think he s ashamed of what he did in the eyes of the family... so he can t have done this out of a sense of honor. I am afraid. My life has been hell full of panic attacks and constant stress. And right after finding out my own uncle... now we have a plea offer that will involve parole instead of jail. I feel manipulated. I feel cheated. I feel betrayed. I m not confident in anything. I don t know if my lawyer has just been soaking us for the hours. I don t like the evidence and I really don t like that nobody wants to use the FBI analysis. And all that s without even knowing what the bill for all this is going to do to my family. For god s sake the DA s office charges 50c a sheet for the photocopies of the documents they are legally required to share. I have over $300 worth of stuff that is of questionable relevance. Thanks for reading this far. I just... I needed to vent and I could really use some advice. edit: Thanks very much everyone. I m quite stunned at how much of a response I ve gotten. My replies aren t going to be as prompt for a while as I need to lie down for a bit. Sleep s been suffering from the strain.
Talk to another lawyer. This is your life on the line.
*I am a bot whose sole purpose is to improve the timeliness and accuracy of responses in this subreddit.* --- **It appears you forgot to include your location in the title or body of your post.** **Please update the original post to include this information.** --- [Report Inaccuracies Here](http: r LocationBot ) | [Author](http: u ianp)
I am accused of robbing four banks. I m not sure where to begin. The last few years of depositions have been a hot mess. I have learned that the FBI analysis shows the robber is 5 10 and my medical records show I m 6 1 ... and yet my lawyer thinks this is difficult to bring out in the trial and may not be sufficient proof... somehow. I am a white guy. Bit pudgy. Balding and I had a goatee at the time. The robber wore very nondescript clothing and a dust mask. I owned clothing and had a pack of dust masks in a drawer. The only link is... ten days after the robbery when I was fool enough to talk to the police and they badgered my roommate into giving them enough for a search warrant... a $10 was in my wallet that matched one (of four) pieces of bait money stolen. I was accused of literally every unsolved bank robbery for that year. 4 of them in Cedar Rapids IA. No evidence on the rest except one had a robber in a similar jacket and mask. And at the final deposition this week it came out that the man who had accused me was a cop I knew. My uncle. Who had also lied when he was offering to be there for my family and volunteered as a character witness... despite having anonymously added me to the list of white guys to be investigated. I could understand if he thought he was doing his duty but to lie to our faces about it... that s not integrity. When my lawyer called him about his supposed offer to be a character witness he admitted it. And asked us to keep it from my mother. I think he s ashamed of what he did in the eyes of the family... so he can t have done this out of a sense of honor. I am afraid. My life has been hell full of panic attacks and constant stress. And right after finding out my own uncle... now we have a plea offer that will involve parole instead of jail. I feel manipulated. I feel cheated. I feel betrayed. I m not confident in anything. I don t know if my lawyer has just been soaking us for the hours. I don t like the evidence and I really don t like that nobody wants to use the FBI analysis. And all that s without even knowing what the bill for all this is going to do to my family. For god s sake the DA s office charges 50c a sheet for the photocopies of the documents they are legally required to share. I have over $300 worth of stuff that is of questionable relevance. Thanks for reading this far. I just... I needed to vent and I could really use some advice. edit: Thanks very much everyone. I m quite stunned at how much of a response I ve gotten. My replies aren t going to be as prompt for a while as I need to lie down for a bit. Sleep s been suffering from the strain.
Talk to another lawyer. This is your life on the line.
&gt I have learned that the FBI analysis shows the robber is 5 10 and my medical records show I m 6 1 ... and yet my lawyer thinks this is difficult to bring out in the trial and may not be sufficient proof... The problem here is that the FBI analysis is not fact just an educated guess. Obviously no one measured the bank robber at the time of the robbery. The FBI is using the film but due to camera angles distance movement body posture and other factors it is only an educated guess. Unfortunately the FBI analyst is not your hired expert and this is the kind of thing where a motivated witness can talk circles around the jury (ie confuse them) on all the reasons his guess may not be accurate. If you happen to have on film a full body shot of the robber standing up straight and standing still and standing against a clearly identifiable measurable unmoving mark (like if the top of his head lined up with the 25th brick on the wall from the ground) then you have a good shot at convincing a jury. You need evidence a jury can easily understand.
Neighbor s Treehouse hangs over my property Atlanta GA - about six months ago a neighbor who s property backs up to mine built a gargantuan treehouse right at the property line. I ll admit it bothered be a bit but it was sort of fait accompli - it was well underway before I noticed it. And it wasn t really hurting me so no big deal. Well yesterday I was doing yard work by my back fence (which is sort of hidden behind some bushes so I m not usually back there) and I noticed the tree house hangs at least a foot over my fence. My fear is that if a kid falls out of that thing onto my property am I liable? I really don t want to get in some kind of war with a neighbor but I don t want to lose everything because of his tree house. Any ideas?
As my posting has shown I can be a dick but in real life I have mastered the art of living peacefully next to some of the biggest craziest assholes that every bought a house. I know exactly what I would do. I d go to his house and tell him how cool the treehouse is. And its not a big deal to you but when your insurance agent was over walking around the house he noticed it hanging over the property. The insurance guy made a big deal about it but you told him that you were certainly not going to do anything to your neighbor about the treehouse. So your insurance guy said at least to send a letter to the neigbobor telling him that he has permission to have the house hanging over but that he needs to ensure that he has the property isnruance becasue you and your insurance company wont be liable for any incidents. Hell you could even have your agent write the letter. And assure the neighbor not to worry about it and thats why you came over in person. You didn t want him to think you were a dick by just having a letter show up without the personal discussion. This letter would also have the bonus of removing the ability of the guy to claim adverse permission or an easement since you are giving him a license to be on the property. As an internet stranger I guarantee this approach will ensure good neighborly relations and probably address any liability concerns you have. Of course talking to a local lawyer is the only way to be sure. Good luck!
&gt Any ideas? Talk to the neighbor about it and relay your insurance and legal concerns.
Neighbor s Treehouse hangs over my property Atlanta GA - about six months ago a neighbor who s property backs up to mine built a gargantuan treehouse right at the property line. I ll admit it bothered be a bit but it was sort of fait accompli - it was well underway before I noticed it. And it wasn t really hurting me so no big deal. Well yesterday I was doing yard work by my back fence (which is sort of hidden behind some bushes so I m not usually back there) and I noticed the tree house hangs at least a foot over my fence. My fear is that if a kid falls out of that thing onto my property am I liable? I really don t want to get in some kind of war with a neighbor but I don t want to lose everything because of his tree house. Any ideas?
As my posting has shown I can be a dick but in real life I have mastered the art of living peacefully next to some of the biggest craziest assholes that every bought a house. I know exactly what I would do. I d go to his house and tell him how cool the treehouse is. And its not a big deal to you but when your insurance agent was over walking around the house he noticed it hanging over the property. The insurance guy made a big deal about it but you told him that you were certainly not going to do anything to your neighbor about the treehouse. So your insurance guy said at least to send a letter to the neigbobor telling him that he has permission to have the house hanging over but that he needs to ensure that he has the property isnruance becasue you and your insurance company wont be liable for any incidents. Hell you could even have your agent write the letter. And assure the neighbor not to worry about it and thats why you came over in person. You didn t want him to think you were a dick by just having a letter show up without the personal discussion. This letter would also have the bonus of removing the ability of the guy to claim adverse permission or an easement since you are giving him a license to be on the property. As an internet stranger I guarantee this approach will ensure good neighborly relations and probably address any liability concerns you have. Of course talking to a local lawyer is the only way to be sure. Good luck!
Any tree or part of a tree that hangs over your property line can be removed by you without an issue. Can t speak to liability. After a period of time without your objection adverse possession might kick in. Where I live it is twenty years but it varies. You could have a certified consulting arborist declare it a hazard which would leave liability for any of your property that might get damaged with your neighbor s insurance not yours.
Neighbor s Treehouse hangs over my property Atlanta GA - about six months ago a neighbor who s property backs up to mine built a gargantuan treehouse right at the property line. I ll admit it bothered be a bit but it was sort of fait accompli - it was well underway before I noticed it. And it wasn t really hurting me so no big deal. Well yesterday I was doing yard work by my back fence (which is sort of hidden behind some bushes so I m not usually back there) and I noticed the tree house hangs at least a foot over my fence. My fear is that if a kid falls out of that thing onto my property am I liable? I really don t want to get in some kind of war with a neighbor but I don t want to lose everything because of his tree house. Any ideas?
As my posting has shown I can be a dick but in real life I have mastered the art of living peacefully next to some of the biggest craziest assholes that every bought a house. I know exactly what I would do. I d go to his house and tell him how cool the treehouse is. And its not a big deal to you but when your insurance agent was over walking around the house he noticed it hanging over the property. The insurance guy made a big deal about it but you told him that you were certainly not going to do anything to your neighbor about the treehouse. So your insurance guy said at least to send a letter to the neigbobor telling him that he has permission to have the house hanging over but that he needs to ensure that he has the property isnruance becasue you and your insurance company wont be liable for any incidents. Hell you could even have your agent write the letter. And assure the neighbor not to worry about it and thats why you came over in person. You didn t want him to think you were a dick by just having a letter show up without the personal discussion. This letter would also have the bonus of removing the ability of the guy to claim adverse permission or an easement since you are giving him a license to be on the property. As an internet stranger I guarantee this approach will ensure good neighborly relations and probably address any liability concerns you have. Of course talking to a local lawyer is the only way to be sure. Good luck!
&gt My fear is that if a kid falls out of that thing onto my property am I liable? Almost certainly not.
Neighbor s Treehouse hangs over my property Atlanta GA - about six months ago a neighbor who s property backs up to mine built a gargantuan treehouse right at the property line. I ll admit it bothered be a bit but it was sort of fait accompli - it was well underway before I noticed it. And it wasn t really hurting me so no big deal. Well yesterday I was doing yard work by my back fence (which is sort of hidden behind some bushes so I m not usually back there) and I noticed the tree house hangs at least a foot over my fence. My fear is that if a kid falls out of that thing onto my property am I liable? I really don t want to get in some kind of war with a neighbor but I don t want to lose everything because of his tree house. Any ideas?
As my posting has shown I can be a dick but in real life I have mastered the art of living peacefully next to some of the biggest craziest assholes that every bought a house. I know exactly what I would do. I d go to his house and tell him how cool the treehouse is. And its not a big deal to you but when your insurance agent was over walking around the house he noticed it hanging over the property. The insurance guy made a big deal about it but you told him that you were certainly not going to do anything to your neighbor about the treehouse. So your insurance guy said at least to send a letter to the neigbobor telling him that he has permission to have the house hanging over but that he needs to ensure that he has the property isnruance becasue you and your insurance company wont be liable for any incidents. Hell you could even have your agent write the letter. And assure the neighbor not to worry about it and thats why you came over in person. You didn t want him to think you were a dick by just having a letter show up without the personal discussion. This letter would also have the bonus of removing the ability of the guy to claim adverse permission or an easement since you are giving him a license to be on the property. As an internet stranger I guarantee this approach will ensure good neighborly relations and probably address any liability concerns you have. Of course talking to a local lawyer is the only way to be sure. Good luck!
Are you in Atlanta proper or one of the mini-cities? Check the zoning building codes for your jurisdiction there s a decent chance this structure isn t allowed. I actually built a treehouse in Atlanta when I was a kid but my dumb neighbors complained to zoning officials about it and I had to take it down. I mean I m still bitter about it but that s no reason you couldn t try doing the same thing to your neighbors.
Men s rights regarding abortion in Massachusetts. I am the female in the equation. An old fling and I got together for one night which ultimately resulted in me getting pregnant. After the night happened he never spoke to me again. I was unsure whether or not to tell him about the pregnancy because I figured why burden him with the fear and panic since I had made the final decision anyway. But then on the other hand I felt like he had a right to know and telling him would be the right thing to do morally and ethically. I spent literally an entire week battling myself whether or not to inform him. Finally at the last minute I did tell him. But I sent him a really heartfelt letter (email). I was petrified to speak to him because I didn t know how he would react to me. The letter was sincere and fair and I never once blamed him or made him look bad. I sent it to him a little while before I went to the doctors to have the procedure done. I understand this is not even remotely fair and I wish I didn t do it that way. I wish I had just told him beforehand or sent that letter so he had enough time to talk to me about it. I know this was wrong. So he responded back to the email and it said You really should have called me but I m fine with your decision. In fact I would have taken you had I known. I was relieved that he took it so well and I didn t feel so terrible after all. Then right after it was over everything changed. I spoke to him on the phone (I was on my way home) and he was telling me how terrible I was and thanks for telling him I went to kill a baby. And how mad he was at me. He ended the call with I need to go clear my head. I ll talk to you soon. So now three days later I decided to send him a text asking him if he had cleared his head and asked if he wanted to talk or would he prefer not to? He then blew up my phone saying terrible things you re a bad person for what you did. You re an a$$hole for killing a baby. Things like that. He asked me if he could have copies of any paperwork that I may have gotten from the doctors office. I m nervous about what he could potentially do? I mean does he have any legal rights in this aspect? Could he sue me or pose any sort of legal action towards me? Should I give him any papers? Thank you. EDIT: Spelling. And also - thank you all for your answers and insight. I m feeling a little better hearing them.
I m so sorry he s saying these things to you. In case you aren t clear on this you did not kill a baby and you did not do anything wrong and fuck him for telling you you did. He has no rights. None at all. He has no right to see any paperwork no right to know anything about it and he gets no say in anything. There is no baby was no baby and he never had any rights. If you don t want to talk to him anymore tell him to stop contacting you and be very clear about it. If he continues to harass you you send me a PM. I m in MA.
You don t have to provide him with anything. He has no legal rights in this situation and any documentation from your doctor s office is PHI (protected health information) that is protected under HIPAA. He cannot do anything but give you a headache.
Men s rights regarding abortion in Massachusetts. I am the female in the equation. An old fling and I got together for one night which ultimately resulted in me getting pregnant. After the night happened he never spoke to me again. I was unsure whether or not to tell him about the pregnancy because I figured why burden him with the fear and panic since I had made the final decision anyway. But then on the other hand I felt like he had a right to know and telling him would be the right thing to do morally and ethically. I spent literally an entire week battling myself whether or not to inform him. Finally at the last minute I did tell him. But I sent him a really heartfelt letter (email). I was petrified to speak to him because I didn t know how he would react to me. The letter was sincere and fair and I never once blamed him or made him look bad. I sent it to him a little while before I went to the doctors to have the procedure done. I understand this is not even remotely fair and I wish I didn t do it that way. I wish I had just told him beforehand or sent that letter so he had enough time to talk to me about it. I know this was wrong. So he responded back to the email and it said You really should have called me but I m fine with your decision. In fact I would have taken you had I known. I was relieved that he took it so well and I didn t feel so terrible after all. Then right after it was over everything changed. I spoke to him on the phone (I was on my way home) and he was telling me how terrible I was and thanks for telling him I went to kill a baby. And how mad he was at me. He ended the call with I need to go clear my head. I ll talk to you soon. So now three days later I decided to send him a text asking him if he had cleared his head and asked if he wanted to talk or would he prefer not to? He then blew up my phone saying terrible things you re a bad person for what you did. You re an a$$hole for killing a baby. Things like that. He asked me if he could have copies of any paperwork that I may have gotten from the doctors office. I m nervous about what he could potentially do? I mean does he have any legal rights in this aspect? Could he sue me or pose any sort of legal action towards me? Should I give him any papers? Thank you. EDIT: Spelling. And also - thank you all for your answers and insight. I m feeling a little better hearing them.
I m so sorry he s saying these things to you. In case you aren t clear on this you did not kill a baby and you did not do anything wrong and fuck him for telling you you did. He has no rights. None at all. He has no right to see any paperwork no right to know anything about it and he gets no say in anything. There is no baby was no baby and he never had any rights. If you don t want to talk to him anymore tell him to stop contacting you and be very clear about it. If he continues to harass you you send me a PM. I m in MA.
&gt I mean does he have any legal rights in this aspect? Could he sue me or pose any sort of legal action towards me? Should I give him any papers? You don t have to do anything you don t want to do. You made a personal decision regarding your own medical care. That decision didn t require his permission.
Men s rights regarding abortion in Massachusetts. I am the female in the equation. An old fling and I got together for one night which ultimately resulted in me getting pregnant. After the night happened he never spoke to me again. I was unsure whether or not to tell him about the pregnancy because I figured why burden him with the fear and panic since I had made the final decision anyway. But then on the other hand I felt like he had a right to know and telling him would be the right thing to do morally and ethically. I spent literally an entire week battling myself whether or not to inform him. Finally at the last minute I did tell him. But I sent him a really heartfelt letter (email). I was petrified to speak to him because I didn t know how he would react to me. The letter was sincere and fair and I never once blamed him or made him look bad. I sent it to him a little while before I went to the doctors to have the procedure done. I understand this is not even remotely fair and I wish I didn t do it that way. I wish I had just told him beforehand or sent that letter so he had enough time to talk to me about it. I know this was wrong. So he responded back to the email and it said You really should have called me but I m fine with your decision. In fact I would have taken you had I known. I was relieved that he took it so well and I didn t feel so terrible after all. Then right after it was over everything changed. I spoke to him on the phone (I was on my way home) and he was telling me how terrible I was and thanks for telling him I went to kill a baby. And how mad he was at me. He ended the call with I need to go clear my head. I ll talk to you soon. So now three days later I decided to send him a text asking him if he had cleared his head and asked if he wanted to talk or would he prefer not to? He then blew up my phone saying terrible things you re a bad person for what you did. You re an a$$hole for killing a baby. Things like that. He asked me if he could have copies of any paperwork that I may have gotten from the doctors office. I m nervous about what he could potentially do? I mean does he have any legal rights in this aspect? Could he sue me or pose any sort of legal action towards me? Should I give him any papers? Thank you. EDIT: Spelling. And also - thank you all for your answers and insight. I m feeling a little better hearing them.
I m so sorry he s saying these things to you. In case you aren t clear on this you did not kill a baby and you did not do anything wrong and fuck him for telling you you did. He has no rights. None at all. He has no right to see any paperwork no right to know anything about it and he gets no say in anything. There is no baby was no baby and he never had any rights. If you don t want to talk to him anymore tell him to stop contacting you and be very clear about it. If he continues to harass you you send me a PM. I m in MA.
Absolutely not. Your body your choice. There is legally no baby until the baby is born. Stay away from this person. You have zero obligation to give him anything in regards to any medical procedure you had.
Men s rights regarding abortion in Massachusetts. I am the female in the equation. An old fling and I got together for one night which ultimately resulted in me getting pregnant. After the night happened he never spoke to me again. I was unsure whether or not to tell him about the pregnancy because I figured why burden him with the fear and panic since I had made the final decision anyway. But then on the other hand I felt like he had a right to know and telling him would be the right thing to do morally and ethically. I spent literally an entire week battling myself whether or not to inform him. Finally at the last minute I did tell him. But I sent him a really heartfelt letter (email). I was petrified to speak to him because I didn t know how he would react to me. The letter was sincere and fair and I never once blamed him or made him look bad. I sent it to him a little while before I went to the doctors to have the procedure done. I understand this is not even remotely fair and I wish I didn t do it that way. I wish I had just told him beforehand or sent that letter so he had enough time to talk to me about it. I know this was wrong. So he responded back to the email and it said You really should have called me but I m fine with your decision. In fact I would have taken you had I known. I was relieved that he took it so well and I didn t feel so terrible after all. Then right after it was over everything changed. I spoke to him on the phone (I was on my way home) and he was telling me how terrible I was and thanks for telling him I went to kill a baby. And how mad he was at me. He ended the call with I need to go clear my head. I ll talk to you soon. So now three days later I decided to send him a text asking him if he had cleared his head and asked if he wanted to talk or would he prefer not to? He then blew up my phone saying terrible things you re a bad person for what you did. You re an a$$hole for killing a baby. Things like that. He asked me if he could have copies of any paperwork that I may have gotten from the doctors office. I m nervous about what he could potentially do? I mean does he have any legal rights in this aspect? Could he sue me or pose any sort of legal action towards me? Should I give him any papers? Thank you. EDIT: Spelling. And also - thank you all for your answers and insight. I m feeling a little better hearing them.
I m so sorry he s saying these things to you. In case you aren t clear on this you did not kill a baby and you did not do anything wrong and fuck him for telling you you did. He has no rights. None at all. He has no right to see any paperwork no right to know anything about it and he gets no say in anything. There is no baby was no baby and he never had any rights. If you don t want to talk to him anymore tell him to stop contacting you and be very clear about it. If he continues to harass you you send me a PM. I m in MA.
He has zero rights to any paperwork. The fetus (under the eyes of the law) may not even be his. Block his number and never speak with him again.
Men s rights regarding abortion in Massachusetts. I am the female in the equation. An old fling and I got together for one night which ultimately resulted in me getting pregnant. After the night happened he never spoke to me again. I was unsure whether or not to tell him about the pregnancy because I figured why burden him with the fear and panic since I had made the final decision anyway. But then on the other hand I felt like he had a right to know and telling him would be the right thing to do morally and ethically. I spent literally an entire week battling myself whether or not to inform him. Finally at the last minute I did tell him. But I sent him a really heartfelt letter (email). I was petrified to speak to him because I didn t know how he would react to me. The letter was sincere and fair and I never once blamed him or made him look bad. I sent it to him a little while before I went to the doctors to have the procedure done. I understand this is not even remotely fair and I wish I didn t do it that way. I wish I had just told him beforehand or sent that letter so he had enough time to talk to me about it. I know this was wrong. So he responded back to the email and it said You really should have called me but I m fine with your decision. In fact I would have taken you had I known. I was relieved that he took it so well and I didn t feel so terrible after all. Then right after it was over everything changed. I spoke to him on the phone (I was on my way home) and he was telling me how terrible I was and thanks for telling him I went to kill a baby. And how mad he was at me. He ended the call with I need to go clear my head. I ll talk to you soon. So now three days later I decided to send him a text asking him if he had cleared his head and asked if he wanted to talk or would he prefer not to? He then blew up my phone saying terrible things you re a bad person for what you did. You re an a$$hole for killing a baby. Things like that. He asked me if he could have copies of any paperwork that I may have gotten from the doctors office. I m nervous about what he could potentially do? I mean does he have any legal rights in this aspect? Could he sue me or pose any sort of legal action towards me? Should I give him any papers? Thank you. EDIT: Spelling. And also - thank you all for your answers and insight. I m feeling a little better hearing them.
I m so sorry he s saying these things to you. In case you aren t clear on this you did not kill a baby and you did not do anything wrong and fuck him for telling you you did. He has no rights. None at all. He has no right to see any paperwork no right to know anything about it and he gets no say in anything. There is no baby was no baby and he never had any rights. If you don t want to talk to him anymore tell him to stop contacting you and be very clear about it. If he continues to harass you you send me a PM. I m in MA.
He has no legal rights whatsoever. I still wouldn t give him any paperwork. I m sure u parsnippity will be along soon to say that far better and in more detail.
Fake ID Issue I made a shitty fake a few weeks ago with a few friends to prove my Photoshopping skills with my picture on it. Long story short I lost it and got a call from University police wanting to have a talk with me. I d like to know if its true that they can t really charge me since I they can t really prove possesion use of the fake. This is in Texas btw. I m going in to talk to them soon so if anyone has any good sentences for me to tell them that ll be gold... :)
&gt I m going in to talk to them soon The hell you are. Don t talk to anybody about this except a lawyer. You don t try to explain anything. You don t admit to anything. Do not go in to speak with them.
$6000 bank fraud. Bank is holding me accountable although the sending party was hacked. - Feb 23-25 I sold $5900 worth of property via two separate transactions. The buyer paid me using CapitalOne360 s P2P [person to person payment system] [I used a service which verifies phone number and e-mail address that in addition to the fact that they had control over a bank account with the name they provided me and transfered me funds from within that account over two days This gave me confidence they were the real person responsible for that account - however we never met in person] I am barraged by ads about how CapitalOne360 s security is so great therefore it seemed reasonable to trust this was a legitimate transaction as they were using this highly secure service to transmit the money... - Feb 29 My account is frozen and I receive a call from CapitalOne360 s fraud dept who asks me and my co-account holder for some verification and then unfreezes the account. - Mar 12 My Mortgage Bank receives a check for $6200 and CapitalOne360 sends me a notification the funds were paid. - Mar 18 Capitalone360 again freezes my account and tells me to call their fraud dept. - Mar 19 The rep at the fraud dept tells me that the sender [Feb 23-25] claims they were hacked and did not send the funds. My account is now in a negative balance of ~$5700. - Mar 20 My mortgager calls me to tell me the check has been returned to CapitalOne360 even though ostensibly it cleared. What are my options here? Can I sue the bank for negligence? They require two-factor authentication and they have those personal questions so how could their account have been hacked? Do I sue the person whose bank account was ostensibly hacked? I am going into foreclosure now. I was already in bankruptcy to avoid foreclosure however this now puts me back in a position where the Mortgage bank is going to unravel my bankruptcy and put me back in foreclosure.
Was the property bitcoins? I bet it was.
This sounds like a scam by the person who bought your property. You should absolutely ask the CapitalOne fraud team to escalate this.
$6000 bank fraud. Bank is holding me accountable although the sending party was hacked. - Feb 23-25 I sold $5900 worth of property via two separate transactions. The buyer paid me using CapitalOne360 s P2P [person to person payment system] [I used a service which verifies phone number and e-mail address that in addition to the fact that they had control over a bank account with the name they provided me and transfered me funds from within that account over two days This gave me confidence they were the real person responsible for that account - however we never met in person] I am barraged by ads about how CapitalOne360 s security is so great therefore it seemed reasonable to trust this was a legitimate transaction as they were using this highly secure service to transmit the money... - Feb 29 My account is frozen and I receive a call from CapitalOne360 s fraud dept who asks me and my co-account holder for some verification and then unfreezes the account. - Mar 12 My Mortgage Bank receives a check for $6200 and CapitalOne360 sends me a notification the funds were paid. - Mar 18 Capitalone360 again freezes my account and tells me to call their fraud dept. - Mar 19 The rep at the fraud dept tells me that the sender [Feb 23-25] claims they were hacked and did not send the funds. My account is now in a negative balance of ~$5700. - Mar 20 My mortgager calls me to tell me the check has been returned to CapitalOne360 even though ostensibly it cleared. What are my options here? Can I sue the bank for negligence? They require two-factor authentication and they have those personal questions so how could their account have been hacked? Do I sue the person whose bank account was ostensibly hacked? I am going into foreclosure now. I was already in bankruptcy to avoid foreclosure however this now puts me back in a position where the Mortgage bank is going to unravel my bankruptcy and put me back in foreclosure.
Was the property bitcoins? I bet it was.
Your only real claim is against the person who hacked the account and fraudulently purchased those items. Both the person whose information was stolen and the bank who was defrauded don t appear to have done anything wrong here. &gt they have those personal questions so how could their account have been hacked? That happens all the time. Needing to know someone s first pet s name isn t a foolproof security system and there are very smart very dedicated people who spend all day trying to steal from banks electronically.
Woke up this morning to my door being rammed in by local PD. Warrant pic included. Any advice appreciated. This morning around 8:30 am I heard loud knocks on my door looked out the window and the PD was using a battering ram to knock in my door. The arresting officer told me that Somebody told me in the last month that you were moving mass quantities of marijuana . [Warrant](http: bogZJoB.jpg?3) Well the 7 officers guns drawn on my girlfriend and I found our personal supply which was one ounce of marijuana. They also confiscated 2 pipes. **Neither of us have ever sold marijuana here we both have good jobs documented income from those jobs etc. etc.** They took our phones and cash as well (less then $200) Obviously marijuana is illegal in our state of Wisconsin but knocking down a door with guns drawn for two people who smoke weed in their home is absurd. We haven t been charged with anything yet but I would really appreciate some help on what steps we can take to get ahead of this.
You would (and should) hire an attorney to pull the warrant documentation to see if it was legally obtained.
&gt We haven t been charged with anything yet but I would really appreciate some help on what steps we can take to get ahead of this. You can get an attorney and follow his advice.
UPDATE:[Michigan] Being charged with Impaired Driving 3 years after arrest. Court lost file. Losing my job over this. Original thread: http: r legaladvice comments 1o24mn michigan_being_charged_with_impaired_driving_3 I turned myself in on November 12th (which happend to be the first day of my new job) and pleaded not guilty to felony OWI 3rd and being a habitual offender. (scariest moment of my life) They I was released on a PR bond and told that I couldn t drive and had to submit a daily PBT as well as random drug screens. I was appointed an attorney who immediately saw what a heaping pile of bullshit this case was. The blood test had been destroyed the arrest video had been destroyed I had prescriptions for the drugs in my system and the witness had moved out of state. So after 3 weeks the charges were dropped. No one I have spoken with has any idea why the prosecutors chose to even try this case. Even if they hadn t dropped the case I had a clear speedy trial violation which my excellent attorney had ready to submit. The only upside is that the employer from which I resigned gave me 2 weeks salary and I ended up finding a job at a great company doing work that I love for nearly double the salary. I guess things worked out in the long run due to my being able to keep my shit together during an exceedingly stressful period.
Great news. Can I make a suggestion that will help make sure your attorney is available to help other people in a predicament like yours? Send that attorney a thank you note just saying Because of you my life is so much better because you ___________ for me. And fill in what the attorney did for you. Being a court-appointed attorney can be REALLY rough and thankless. A thank you like that would go a long way.
Cheers to your defender! They re really something I wish I could keep my shit together like those guys gals.
My husband committed suicide on 3 18. I need some advice. I feel horrible asking these questions so soon after his death but I m in a bad way financially at this point. He had a 401k and life insurance. I am assuming that I am the sole beneficiary on both. I know I will be able to cash out the 401k once I get the death certificate in about a month which will help for long-term expenses. We live in Illinois and I know that since he had his policy for less than 2 years (it would have been 2 years in June) the insurance company can deny a payout for anything but his premiums. I m now faced with more bills than I can handle on my own not to mention the cremation expense. * He has a house in Wisconsin and I m not on the mortgage. He has friends that are doing a rent to own and have been paying that mortgage since 2010. I think that this will be listed as part of his estate and will need to be sold in order for me to pay his creditors. Will the people renting the house be able to buy it? * Both of the cars and both of the motorcycles are in his name only. What happens with those? Am I able to keep my car? Do I just give everything back to his creditors? * His nephew wants to buy his motorcycle as a reminder of his uncle. Once I get the death certificate can I sell the bike to him? * He had a lot of nice guitars that are paid off. Am I able to sell those in order to pay for bills? * If the insurance company denies the payout is there anything I can do to appeal? I m in the process of securing legal representation but I would like some general answers to put my mind at ease so I will stop having panic attacks that come out of nowhere.
The answer to all of your questions is pretty simple - the estate will need to liquidate whatever it can to pay his debts. The remainder will be handed down per his will. If he has no will then standard inheritance rules will apply. Likely what this means is that you will get all of his stuff - usually the wife gets the husband s things. Not a guarantee but very likely. So yes you could sell the house the guitars the motorcycles et cetera. You can keep the car if you can afford to keep up payments and or buy it outright. You should **not** do anything right now until you talk to an attorney. The rules surrounding ownership and probate can be pretty complex and you don t want to go selling stuff and spending the money until you know where that money was supposed to go. Good luck.
Do not sell anything or cash out any savings plans. The estate lawyer will help you settle the estate.
My husband committed suicide on 3 18. I need some advice. I feel horrible asking these questions so soon after his death but I m in a bad way financially at this point. He had a 401k and life insurance. I am assuming that I am the sole beneficiary on both. I know I will be able to cash out the 401k once I get the death certificate in about a month which will help for long-term expenses. We live in Illinois and I know that since he had his policy for less than 2 years (it would have been 2 years in June) the insurance company can deny a payout for anything but his premiums. I m now faced with more bills than I can handle on my own not to mention the cremation expense. * He has a house in Wisconsin and I m not on the mortgage. He has friends that are doing a rent to own and have been paying that mortgage since 2010. I think that this will be listed as part of his estate and will need to be sold in order for me to pay his creditors. Will the people renting the house be able to buy it? * Both of the cars and both of the motorcycles are in his name only. What happens with those? Am I able to keep my car? Do I just give everything back to his creditors? * His nephew wants to buy his motorcycle as a reminder of his uncle. Once I get the death certificate can I sell the bike to him? * He had a lot of nice guitars that are paid off. Am I able to sell those in order to pay for bills? * If the insurance company denies the payout is there anything I can do to appeal? I m in the process of securing legal representation but I would like some general answers to put my mind at ease so I will stop having panic attacks that come out of nowhere.
How are you?
Do not sell anything or cash out any savings plans. The estate lawyer will help you settle the estate.
My husband committed suicide on 3 18. I need some advice. I feel horrible asking these questions so soon after his death but I m in a bad way financially at this point. He had a 401k and life insurance. I am assuming that I am the sole beneficiary on both. I know I will be able to cash out the 401k once I get the death certificate in about a month which will help for long-term expenses. We live in Illinois and I know that since he had his policy for less than 2 years (it would have been 2 years in June) the insurance company can deny a payout for anything but his premiums. I m now faced with more bills than I can handle on my own not to mention the cremation expense. * He has a house in Wisconsin and I m not on the mortgage. He has friends that are doing a rent to own and have been paying that mortgage since 2010. I think that this will be listed as part of his estate and will need to be sold in order for me to pay his creditors. Will the people renting the house be able to buy it? * Both of the cars and both of the motorcycles are in his name only. What happens with those? Am I able to keep my car? Do I just give everything back to his creditors? * His nephew wants to buy his motorcycle as a reminder of his uncle. Once I get the death certificate can I sell the bike to him? * He had a lot of nice guitars that are paid off. Am I able to sell those in order to pay for bills? * If the insurance company denies the payout is there anything I can do to appeal? I m in the process of securing legal representation but I would like some general answers to put my mind at ease so I will stop having panic attacks that come out of nowhere.
How are you?
So sorry for your loss. Adding financial stress to the situation sucks. That being said I agree entirely with what everyone else has said - do NOTHING except pay regular bills until you get an attorney. Often times you can settle an outstanding debt for less than what s owed and an attorney could help you do that. If you feel like doing something would help to ease your mind just start compiling all of the documents you think you might need. Best of luck.
My husband committed suicide on 3 18. I need some advice. I feel horrible asking these questions so soon after his death but I m in a bad way financially at this point. He had a 401k and life insurance. I am assuming that I am the sole beneficiary on both. I know I will be able to cash out the 401k once I get the death certificate in about a month which will help for long-term expenses. We live in Illinois and I know that since he had his policy for less than 2 years (it would have been 2 years in June) the insurance company can deny a payout for anything but his premiums. I m now faced with more bills than I can handle on my own not to mention the cremation expense. * He has a house in Wisconsin and I m not on the mortgage. He has friends that are doing a rent to own and have been paying that mortgage since 2010. I think that this will be listed as part of his estate and will need to be sold in order for me to pay his creditors. Will the people renting the house be able to buy it? * Both of the cars and both of the motorcycles are in his name only. What happens with those? Am I able to keep my car? Do I just give everything back to his creditors? * His nephew wants to buy his motorcycle as a reminder of his uncle. Once I get the death certificate can I sell the bike to him? * He had a lot of nice guitars that are paid off. Am I able to sell those in order to pay for bills? * If the insurance company denies the payout is there anything I can do to appeal? I m in the process of securing legal representation but I would like some general answers to put my mind at ease so I will stop having panic attacks that come out of nowhere.
How are you?
I m sorry for your loss. To get the financial affairs in order you first need to find your husband s will if he had one. That will say who receives what. If he didn t have a will then IL law will dictate how his estate is divided. Anything that he owned jointly will go to the other joint owner(s) automatically - presumably you. Everything he owned separately will become part of his estate to be divided up according to IL law. Under IL law if your husband left no surviving descendants (children or grandchildren) then you receive his entire estate. If he left surviving descendants then you receive half and they receive the other half. Those rules should get you started. Good luck.
I m 18 and my Dad beat me in front of mom and now both are claiming it was only a verbal conflict. The next day I audio recorded my mother in my home who clearly stated she lied to the police to protect my dad. Is this usable in court? I am 18 years old and in highschool. 2 days ago my dad beat me and my mom witnessed it all. I ran out of the house and called the police and they questioned me and my parents. I didn t have any physical marks on me and both my parents said the conflict was purely verbal so the officers said this was basically my word against theirs and they couldn t do anything about it. So yesterday while at home I had a conversation with my mom while my phone was recording in my pocket. In the conversation she clearly says that she lied to the police and that my dad did beat me. Would this be admissible in court? Also I can t move out because I don t have enough money to last until college and my job is only minimum wage. Is there anything I can do to get out of this situation? EDIT: I am in Kansas. Thanks
You re in a one party consent state. As long as you were part of the conversation you recorded you can turn that into the police as evidence.
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NYC - Former scumbag roommate has been re-signing a lease as me for 6 years. He stopped paying rent. I ve been sued. I currently reside in New York City and have for about 10 years. While recently applying for a new lease I discovered that there are 4 cases in NYC Housing Court filed against me. After some digging it turns out a former roommate forged my name on a lease and has been living in our old apartment for the past 6 years. He still lives there. He stopped paying rent for some time and was sued by the management company 4 times (as me) for this. Eventually he paid all of the back rent and the management company allowed him to stay. Background: My former roommate and I started apartment hunting 7 years ago while I was still in college. Our plan was to sign a lease together but we were rejected numerous times because he had bad credit. I finally told him he needed to find a guarantor or I was out. He ended up finding a friend who would cosign the entire lease because he didn t want his name on the lease at all fearing that his poor credit would still cause trouble. This should have been my first warning but he was a good friend and I was dumb. I ended up signing a one-year lease alone and his friend who I met once acted as a guarantor. The guarantor put up the money for the security deposit as well. At the end of that year I moved out because the rent was too high. I told the management company I was moving and that they could send the guarantor his security back. That was the last I heard from my roommate the guarantor or the management company. It s been 6 years and I just found out he still lives there. Apparently the management company forgot that I told them I was not renewing the lease and sent lease renewal forms to the apartment. He signed them as me and has been for 6 years. Apparently the guarantor also resigned every year but the management company is uncertain if it really was the guarantor or it was forged. Apparently he has also been sending them rent checks through his company (he started a small not-for-profit) and signed them as me or just scribbled a signature that the management company assumed was mine. When he stopped paying rent it appears they could not get in touch with the guarantor so they sued me in housing court. 4 times. I contacted the management company as soon as I found out. They want to evict him and are debating how to proceed. I haven t tried contacting him yet and to my knowledge he doesn t know that I or the management company know. Any advice on how to proceed? I have no idea how to even get started. I want to get my name off these housing court cases. I also want to make sure he hasn t used my name for any other fraudulent activity. TLDR Former scumbag roommate has been re-signing a lease as me for 6 years. He stopped paying rent and was sued as me. I want to clear this up and have no idea how to get started. EDIT: The 4 cases were dropped when he paid the landlord back rent. Even though the cases were dropped they still show up on my record. EDIT2: Thanks for all the advice!
You re an identity theft victim. Check your credit reports to see if he opened lines of credit in your name also. http: consumerprotection identity_theft You should put an immediate credit freeze on all the credit reporting agencies ASAP. http: features feature-0014-identity-theft http: articles 0279-extended-fraud-alerts-and-credit-freezes
&gt Any advice on how to proceed? First what is the status of the four cases? Have you received any judgments? If not then go to court and present evidence that you re not responsible for this debt. Signature comparisons records of contact with the management company emails with the former roommate et cetera et cetera.
Fired for drug use not allowed to test blacklisted for other jobs [Wichita KS] I am a nurse who was working in a LTC facility for approx 4 months. I received a promotion in that time and multiple commendations from the company. Over all I was well liked and respected for running a tight shift. A month before the incident I began being harrassed by another nurse. She was very open about her religious views and openly insulted me for being gay often in front of staff and patients. She then began attempts to set me up for termination and this was acknowledged by my supervisors. She went so far as to accuse me of narcotic theft which was easily proven wrong. After that incident I put in my notice due to hostile environment. They pleaded with me to stay and I agreed with the term that next time she was out of line she would be gone. Approx a week later I was told to report to the office. They claimed a call had come saying I use drugs and that I was to be tested. They chose to use an outside tester instead of the usual in-house tests. They also told me I had been randomly selected with 7 others. How coincidental that this was the first random right after the supposed call...but I was the only one to be tested off site. I was driven to the lab escorted to the test area patted down and told I was required to be observed. A male doctor accompanied me had me pull pants to mid hip and watched me urinate while looking directly at my penis. I had some difficulty under pressure and when I gave him my sample he said it wasn t enough. We stood there over 5 min before I finally could go more adding a small amount of urine to that already in the cup. I handed him the sample he took it out and the tech immediately discarded it. She said it was 2 degrees under temp. I asked about the time between the initial sample and finishing and she said anything over 4 min to temp testing will be too cool. I would have to go again. Unfortunately no drinking and I had 30 min to closing. When my Supervisor heard this she notified hers and we were told to return to work. I assumed I would test there then return later to the lab. Instead I was met outside prevented from entering and told I was terminated. I was also told I could expect great references due to my quality of work and he was very sorry to see me go. This was by the head honcho. He seemed legit hugged me and all. Several hours later my phone blew up with texts saying they announced I was a drug addict and fired for failing a test. **I never tested!** Two friends who tested in building told me they were not allowed to see their results but were told they passed. Both admitted frequent and very recent use and stated there is no way they really passed. I dropped the issue and tried to move on. Three months later I had gone to multiple interviews who essentially promised me jobs only to never hear back or have calls answered messages returned. I received a call from a former co-worker a few days later. She said the supervisor had told several patients families that I was fired for being a junkie and had told my friend he will never work again if I have any say . Two days after I called to make a complaint and ask if this was true my friend was fired. For drug use. She immediately scheduled a test and came up clean for the substance they claimed and dirty for two they didn t. The state board shows me as active license and no action has been pursued against me. Narcotic violations are required reporting. There was no report made obviously because I was never even tested. Six months later I still cannot find work. I have *never* had this issue. Each place seems excited then fades away. Do I have any legal options here? Telling co-workers I was fired for drug use black listing me not allowing me to test bragging about hurting my career this all seems sketch. My friend is pursuing a case but I don t have resources to waste on spite. I was commended for my work even as I was terminated there is no write-up history or disciplinary history. There seems to be a clear personal vendetta. The biggest thing that bothers me is years of building a rep as an excellent nurse is wasted. I received word this week that each person involved in this issue was recently fired including the top supervisor. It seems like this could help me. Sorry for length. It is complicated and I want you to have all info. TL DR- Fired and black listed for failing a drug test when I was never tested.
&gt A month before the incident I began being harrassed by another nurse. She was very open about her religious views and openly insulted me for being gay often in front of staff and patients. She then began attempts to set me up for termination and **this was acknowledged by my supervisors.** She went so far as to accuse me of narcotic theft which was easily proven wrong. Contact an attorney in your area who specializes in employment issues.
Technically you were fired for failing to successfully complete a drug test. Your former employer is allowed to make true statements regarding the reason for your termination. You did apply for unemployment right?
Fake ID confiscated by campus bar a couple months ago received this email from local Police Department. (Illinois) I ve had a the same thing happen to a friend he went in like the email asked and received the $330 fine + suspended driving privileges for 1 year. My question are there any other options for me? ---- http: XVigKkQ.jpg ------ I have a fake driver s license that you attempted to use to enter a Champaign Bar. Please contact me in regards to this incident. Here is the process from here on out. There are parts of this investigation that I can control and parts I can t. The part that I can t control is the suspension of your driving privileges. Once the fake driver s license is turned into the state your driving privileges will be suspended for a year. This will happen whether you come in and talk to me or not. Here is the part I can control. Option A - You come in and speak to me about the fake id (Where you got it how much it cost etc.) and I will issue you a city ticket for unlawful use of identification. That is a city fine of $330.00. As long as you take care of the ticket it will not be on your criminal record. Option B - You choose not to come speak with me. I will complete my investigation and when I have enough probable cause to fulfill the requirements of the offense I will send a report to the State s Attorney s Office for charges to be filed. The offense would be unlawful use of identification and it would be on your criminal record. This is an age related offense and we do not want you to have an arrest on your record however we cannot ignore the illegal behavior all together. I urge you to make this a priority and come in and speak with me about this matter. You will not be placed under arrest and you may leave at any time. I am available to meet on ______. You can reach me via e-mail at ___ or via phone at _____. I hope to hear from you to set up a time to meet and resolve this as amiably as possible.
I love this e-mail! It s outstanding. Think about the problems of prosecuting a fake driver s license case from a few months ago. Did the bouncer take your picture? Will the bouncer be able to positively ID you keeping in mind that he sees hundreds if not thousands of people in that time period (and many of them use fakes)? Of course not! That s why that first sentence is so incredibly important - it s how you get charged and convicted: I have a fake driver s license that you attempted to use &lt ~ If you agree to this you ve satisfied all the elements of the crime and they convict you right off the cuff. If you re silent and don t respond they essentially can t charge you and they don t have a triable case. &gt Once the fake driver s license is turned into the state your driving privileges will be suspended for a year. This will happen whether you come in and talk to me or not. Of course this is an enormous lie. They will need to convict you first and without your admissions they likely won t be able to charge or convict you. &gt Option A - You come in and speak to me about the fake id We ll call this the I want to get convicted of a crime option. Legal advice from a cop is a bad idea. &gt Option B...and when I have enough probable cause to fulfill the requirements of the offense I will send a report to the State s Attorney s Office for charges to be filed. The offense would be unlawful use of identification and it would be on your criminal record. Option B is called Please don t pick this because it s really hard for me to convict you . He s openly telling you that he doesn t have enough probable cause to charge you right now ( and **when I have enough probable cause to fulfill the requirements of the offense** ). He doesn t have shit and you should treat it as such. &gt You will not be placed under arrest and you may leave at any tim This is an absurd statement. It s just a hook that s used to make it so he doesn t have to read you your Miranda rights when you arrive at the station. He wants you to talk to him without a lawyer since if you have a lawyer you won t talk and you won t be convicted. If I were you: 1) Save a copy of the e-mail but don t respond to it in any way. Literally do not hit reply for any reason. There is no reason to even confirm that he s sending a letter to your e-mail 2) Ignore this whole event. Do not return calls from the police. If you pick up the phone and it s a cop asking about this event OR they approach you in person simply say any comment I will make to you about anything will be done through my attorney. I have nothing to say at this time and if you choose to continue questioning me I insist on having a lawyer present . Don t say anything else to the cops. If they say nice weather huh you reply with I won t answer any questions without my lawyer present. Their job is to rob you of wealth and liberty - don t make it easier for them. 3) If they ticket you speak to a lawyer. Refuse to accept the charge get a copy of the police report and take this to trial. The odds of them getting a conviction are likely low due to the lack of a confession at this point. *All of the above assumes you weren t interviewed by the police at the time you used the ID and that you made no other statements to police written or recorded statements to others*. Oh and stay off Facebook related social media sites. Don t comment about this on those sites.
I ll keep it rather succinct. [This](http: sls brochureAds downloads FakeIDs-07.pdf) You can get a lawyer as everyone said you can not believe the officer but really you used your real name and address...(facepalms)...should he decide to go through with anything yeah you can get fucked. SOL on fraud is 5 years.
Fake ID confiscated by campus bar a couple months ago received this email from local Police Department. (Illinois) I ve had a the same thing happen to a friend he went in like the email asked and received the $330 fine + suspended driving privileges for 1 year. My question are there any other options for me? ---- http: XVigKkQ.jpg ------ I have a fake driver s license that you attempted to use to enter a Champaign Bar. Please contact me in regards to this incident. Here is the process from here on out. There are parts of this investigation that I can control and parts I can t. The part that I can t control is the suspension of your driving privileges. Once the fake driver s license is turned into the state your driving privileges will be suspended for a year. This will happen whether you come in and talk to me or not. Here is the part I can control. Option A - You come in and speak to me about the fake id (Where you got it how much it cost etc.) and I will issue you a city ticket for unlawful use of identification. That is a city fine of $330.00. As long as you take care of the ticket it will not be on your criminal record. Option B - You choose not to come speak with me. I will complete my investigation and when I have enough probable cause to fulfill the requirements of the offense I will send a report to the State s Attorney s Office for charges to be filed. The offense would be unlawful use of identification and it would be on your criminal record. This is an age related offense and we do not want you to have an arrest on your record however we cannot ignore the illegal behavior all together. I urge you to make this a priority and come in and speak with me about this matter. You will not be placed under arrest and you may leave at any time. I am available to meet on ______. You can reach me via e-mail at ___ or via phone at _____. I hope to hear from you to set up a time to meet and resolve this as amiably as possible.
I love this e-mail! It s outstanding. Think about the problems of prosecuting a fake driver s license case from a few months ago. Did the bouncer take your picture? Will the bouncer be able to positively ID you keeping in mind that he sees hundreds if not thousands of people in that time period (and many of them use fakes)? Of course not! That s why that first sentence is so incredibly important - it s how you get charged and convicted: I have a fake driver s license that you attempted to use &lt ~ If you agree to this you ve satisfied all the elements of the crime and they convict you right off the cuff. If you re silent and don t respond they essentially can t charge you and they don t have a triable case. &gt Once the fake driver s license is turned into the state your driving privileges will be suspended for a year. This will happen whether you come in and talk to me or not. Of course this is an enormous lie. They will need to convict you first and without your admissions they likely won t be able to charge or convict you. &gt Option A - You come in and speak to me about the fake id We ll call this the I want to get convicted of a crime option. Legal advice from a cop is a bad idea. &gt Option B...and when I have enough probable cause to fulfill the requirements of the offense I will send a report to the State s Attorney s Office for charges to be filed. The offense would be unlawful use of identification and it would be on your criminal record. Option B is called Please don t pick this because it s really hard for me to convict you . He s openly telling you that he doesn t have enough probable cause to charge you right now ( and **when I have enough probable cause to fulfill the requirements of the offense** ). He doesn t have shit and you should treat it as such. &gt You will not be placed under arrest and you may leave at any tim This is an absurd statement. It s just a hook that s used to make it so he doesn t have to read you your Miranda rights when you arrive at the station. He wants you to talk to him without a lawyer since if you have a lawyer you won t talk and you won t be convicted. If I were you: 1) Save a copy of the e-mail but don t respond to it in any way. Literally do not hit reply for any reason. There is no reason to even confirm that he s sending a letter to your e-mail 2) Ignore this whole event. Do not return calls from the police. If you pick up the phone and it s a cop asking about this event OR they approach you in person simply say any comment I will make to you about anything will be done through my attorney. I have nothing to say at this time and if you choose to continue questioning me I insist on having a lawyer present . Don t say anything else to the cops. If they say nice weather huh you reply with I won t answer any questions without my lawyer present. Their job is to rob you of wealth and liberty - don t make it easier for them. 3) If they ticket you speak to a lawyer. Refuse to accept the charge get a copy of the police report and take this to trial. The odds of them getting a conviction are likely low due to the lack of a confession at this point. *All of the above assumes you weren t interviewed by the police at the time you used the ID and that you made no other statements to police written or recorded statements to others*. Oh and stay off Facebook related social media sites. Don t comment about this on those sites.
Why did you use your real name address on a fake? Seriously why didn t you put some random s address and name.... Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Fucking stupid that you get a 1 year driving suspension but since you are at U of I you probably don t drive much anyway. I would admit to nothing and contact a lawyer before you do anything.
Fake ID confiscated by campus bar a couple months ago received this email from local Police Department. (Illinois) I ve had a the same thing happen to a friend he went in like the email asked and received the $330 fine + suspended driving privileges for 1 year. My question are there any other options for me? ---- http: XVigKkQ.jpg ------ I have a fake driver s license that you attempted to use to enter a Champaign Bar. Please contact me in regards to this incident. Here is the process from here on out. There are parts of this investigation that I can control and parts I can t. The part that I can t control is the suspension of your driving privileges. Once the fake driver s license is turned into the state your driving privileges will be suspended for a year. This will happen whether you come in and talk to me or not. Here is the part I can control. Option A - You come in and speak to me about the fake id (Where you got it how much it cost etc.) and I will issue you a city ticket for unlawful use of identification. That is a city fine of $330.00. As long as you take care of the ticket it will not be on your criminal record. Option B - You choose not to come speak with me. I will complete my investigation and when I have enough probable cause to fulfill the requirements of the offense I will send a report to the State s Attorney s Office for charges to be filed. The offense would be unlawful use of identification and it would be on your criminal record. This is an age related offense and we do not want you to have an arrest on your record however we cannot ignore the illegal behavior all together. I urge you to make this a priority and come in and speak with me about this matter. You will not be placed under arrest and you may leave at any time. I am available to meet on ______. You can reach me via e-mail at ___ or via phone at _____. I hope to hear from you to set up a time to meet and resolve this as amiably as possible.
I love this e-mail! It s outstanding. Think about the problems of prosecuting a fake driver s license case from a few months ago. Did the bouncer take your picture? Will the bouncer be able to positively ID you keeping in mind that he sees hundreds if not thousands of people in that time period (and many of them use fakes)? Of course not! That s why that first sentence is so incredibly important - it s how you get charged and convicted: I have a fake driver s license that you attempted to use &lt ~ If you agree to this you ve satisfied all the elements of the crime and they convict you right off the cuff. If you re silent and don t respond they essentially can t charge you and they don t have a triable case. &gt Once the fake driver s license is turned into the state your driving privileges will be suspended for a year. This will happen whether you come in and talk to me or not. Of course this is an enormous lie. They will need to convict you first and without your admissions they likely won t be able to charge or convict you. &gt Option A - You come in and speak to me about the fake id We ll call this the I want to get convicted of a crime option. Legal advice from a cop is a bad idea. &gt Option B...and when I have enough probable cause to fulfill the requirements of the offense I will send a report to the State s Attorney s Office for charges to be filed. The offense would be unlawful use of identification and it would be on your criminal record. Option B is called Please don t pick this because it s really hard for me to convict you . He s openly telling you that he doesn t have enough probable cause to charge you right now ( and **when I have enough probable cause to fulfill the requirements of the offense** ). He doesn t have shit and you should treat it as such. &gt You will not be placed under arrest and you may leave at any tim This is an absurd statement. It s just a hook that s used to make it so he doesn t have to read you your Miranda rights when you arrive at the station. He wants you to talk to him without a lawyer since if you have a lawyer you won t talk and you won t be convicted. If I were you: 1) Save a copy of the e-mail but don t respond to it in any way. Literally do not hit reply for any reason. There is no reason to even confirm that he s sending a letter to your e-mail 2) Ignore this whole event. Do not return calls from the police. If you pick up the phone and it s a cop asking about this event OR they approach you in person simply say any comment I will make to you about anything will be done through my attorney. I have nothing to say at this time and if you choose to continue questioning me I insist on having a lawyer present . Don t say anything else to the cops. If they say nice weather huh you reply with I won t answer any questions without my lawyer present. Their job is to rob you of wealth and liberty - don t make it easier for them. 3) If they ticket you speak to a lawyer. Refuse to accept the charge get a copy of the police report and take this to trial. The odds of them getting a conviction are likely low due to the lack of a confession at this point. *All of the above assumes you weren t interviewed by the police at the time you used the ID and that you made no other statements to police written or recorded statements to others*. Oh and stay off Facebook related social media sites. Don t comment about this on those sites.
There mere existence of a fake idea for Steve Smith (even with Steve Smith s picture) does not prove Steve Smith was in possession. That s the whole idea of a fake ID they can be faked. I believe they would need to show that you were in fact possession of this not merely that it existed. If that was all it took one could make fake ID s for all the people they didn t like and turn them over to the police.
Fake ID confiscated by campus bar a couple months ago received this email from local Police Department. (Illinois) I ve had a the same thing happen to a friend he went in like the email asked and received the $330 fine + suspended driving privileges for 1 year. My question are there any other options for me? ---- http: XVigKkQ.jpg ------ I have a fake driver s license that you attempted to use to enter a Champaign Bar. Please contact me in regards to this incident. Here is the process from here on out. There are parts of this investigation that I can control and parts I can t. The part that I can t control is the suspension of your driving privileges. Once the fake driver s license is turned into the state your driving privileges will be suspended for a year. This will happen whether you come in and talk to me or not. Here is the part I can control. Option A - You come in and speak to me about the fake id (Where you got it how much it cost etc.) and I will issue you a city ticket for unlawful use of identification. That is a city fine of $330.00. As long as you take care of the ticket it will not be on your criminal record. Option B - You choose not to come speak with me. I will complete my investigation and when I have enough probable cause to fulfill the requirements of the offense I will send a report to the State s Attorney s Office for charges to be filed. The offense would be unlawful use of identification and it would be on your criminal record. This is an age related offense and we do not want you to have an arrest on your record however we cannot ignore the illegal behavior all together. I urge you to make this a priority and come in and speak with me about this matter. You will not be placed under arrest and you may leave at any time. I am available to meet on ______. You can reach me via e-mail at ___ or via phone at _____. I hope to hear from you to set up a time to meet and resolve this as amiably as possible.
I love this e-mail! It s outstanding. Think about the problems of prosecuting a fake driver s license case from a few months ago. Did the bouncer take your picture? Will the bouncer be able to positively ID you keeping in mind that he sees hundreds if not thousands of people in that time period (and many of them use fakes)? Of course not! That s why that first sentence is so incredibly important - it s how you get charged and convicted: I have a fake driver s license that you attempted to use &lt ~ If you agree to this you ve satisfied all the elements of the crime and they convict you right off the cuff. If you re silent and don t respond they essentially can t charge you and they don t have a triable case. &gt Once the fake driver s license is turned into the state your driving privileges will be suspended for a year. This will happen whether you come in and talk to me or not. Of course this is an enormous lie. They will need to convict you first and without your admissions they likely won t be able to charge or convict you. &gt Option A - You come in and speak to me about the fake id We ll call this the I want to get convicted of a crime option. Legal advice from a cop is a bad idea. &gt Option B...and when I have enough probable cause to fulfill the requirements of the offense I will send a report to the State s Attorney s Office for charges to be filed. The offense would be unlawful use of identification and it would be on your criminal record. Option B is called Please don t pick this because it s really hard for me to convict you . He s openly telling you that he doesn t have enough probable cause to charge you right now ( and **when I have enough probable cause to fulfill the requirements of the offense** ). He doesn t have shit and you should treat it as such. &gt You will not be placed under arrest and you may leave at any tim This is an absurd statement. It s just a hook that s used to make it so he doesn t have to read you your Miranda rights when you arrive at the station. He wants you to talk to him without a lawyer since if you have a lawyer you won t talk and you won t be convicted. If I were you: 1) Save a copy of the e-mail but don t respond to it in any way. Literally do not hit reply for any reason. There is no reason to even confirm that he s sending a letter to your e-mail 2) Ignore this whole event. Do not return calls from the police. If you pick up the phone and it s a cop asking about this event OR they approach you in person simply say any comment I will make to you about anything will be done through my attorney. I have nothing to say at this time and if you choose to continue questioning me I insist on having a lawyer present . Don t say anything else to the cops. If they say nice weather huh you reply with I won t answer any questions without my lawyer present. Their job is to rob you of wealth and liberty - don t make it easier for them. 3) If they ticket you speak to a lawyer. Refuse to accept the charge get a copy of the police report and take this to trial. The odds of them getting a conviction are likely low due to the lack of a confession at this point. *All of the above assumes you weren t interviewed by the police at the time you used the ID and that you made no other statements to police written or recorded statements to others*. Oh and stay off Facebook related social media sites. Don t comment about this on those sites.
&gt My question are there any other options for me? Not really. He s laid that out pretty succinctly for you. You should think about getting an attorney before meeting with him if you choose to meet with him at all.
Fake ID confiscated by campus bar a couple months ago received this email from local Police Department. (Illinois) I ve had a the same thing happen to a friend he went in like the email asked and received the $330 fine + suspended driving privileges for 1 year. My question are there any other options for me? ---- http: XVigKkQ.jpg ------ I have a fake driver s license that you attempted to use to enter a Champaign Bar. Please contact me in regards to this incident. Here is the process from here on out. There are parts of this investigation that I can control and parts I can t. The part that I can t control is the suspension of your driving privileges. Once the fake driver s license is turned into the state your driving privileges will be suspended for a year. This will happen whether you come in and talk to me or not. Here is the part I can control. Option A - You come in and speak to me about the fake id (Where you got it how much it cost etc.) and I will issue you a city ticket for unlawful use of identification. That is a city fine of $330.00. As long as you take care of the ticket it will not be on your criminal record. Option B - You choose not to come speak with me. I will complete my investigation and when I have enough probable cause to fulfill the requirements of the offense I will send a report to the State s Attorney s Office for charges to be filed. The offense would be unlawful use of identification and it would be on your criminal record. This is an age related offense and we do not want you to have an arrest on your record however we cannot ignore the illegal behavior all together. I urge you to make this a priority and come in and speak with me about this matter. You will not be placed under arrest and you may leave at any time. I am available to meet on ______. You can reach me via e-mail at ___ or via phone at _____. I hope to hear from you to set up a time to meet and resolve this as amiably as possible.
I love this e-mail! It s outstanding. Think about the problems of prosecuting a fake driver s license case from a few months ago. Did the bouncer take your picture? Will the bouncer be able to positively ID you keeping in mind that he sees hundreds if not thousands of people in that time period (and many of them use fakes)? Of course not! That s why that first sentence is so incredibly important - it s how you get charged and convicted: I have a fake driver s license that you attempted to use &lt ~ If you agree to this you ve satisfied all the elements of the crime and they convict you right off the cuff. If you re silent and don t respond they essentially can t charge you and they don t have a triable case. &gt Once the fake driver s license is turned into the state your driving privileges will be suspended for a year. This will happen whether you come in and talk to me or not. Of course this is an enormous lie. They will need to convict you first and without your admissions they likely won t be able to charge or convict you. &gt Option A - You come in and speak to me about the fake id We ll call this the I want to get convicted of a crime option. Legal advice from a cop is a bad idea. &gt Option B...and when I have enough probable cause to fulfill the requirements of the offense I will send a report to the State s Attorney s Office for charges to be filed. The offense would be unlawful use of identification and it would be on your criminal record. Option B is called Please don t pick this because it s really hard for me to convict you . He s openly telling you that he doesn t have enough probable cause to charge you right now ( and **when I have enough probable cause to fulfill the requirements of the offense** ). He doesn t have shit and you should treat it as such. &gt You will not be placed under arrest and you may leave at any tim This is an absurd statement. It s just a hook that s used to make it so he doesn t have to read you your Miranda rights when you arrive at the station. He wants you to talk to him without a lawyer since if you have a lawyer you won t talk and you won t be convicted. If I were you: 1) Save a copy of the e-mail but don t respond to it in any way. Literally do not hit reply for any reason. There is no reason to even confirm that he s sending a letter to your e-mail 2) Ignore this whole event. Do not return calls from the police. If you pick up the phone and it s a cop asking about this event OR they approach you in person simply say any comment I will make to you about anything will be done through my attorney. I have nothing to say at this time and if you choose to continue questioning me I insist on having a lawyer present . Don t say anything else to the cops. If they say nice weather huh you reply with I won t answer any questions without my lawyer present. Their job is to rob you of wealth and liberty - don t make it easier for them. 3) If they ticket you speak to a lawyer. Refuse to accept the charge get a copy of the police report and take this to trial. The odds of them getting a conviction are likely low due to the lack of a confession at this point. *All of the above assumes you weren t interviewed by the police at the time you used the ID and that you made no other statements to police written or recorded statements to others*. Oh and stay off Facebook related social media sites. Don t comment about this on those sites.
Call your parents Ask them to hire a lawyer for you. Ask the lawyer for advice. Do what he says.
The pet policy has changed in an apartment right after my gf signed the lease now she can t bring her dog. My girlfriend was looking for a place to live next year with her dog and signed a lease on a pet friendly place yesterday. Today they e-mailed her to let her know their policy on pets has changed and she can no longer bring her dog. This is obviously a disaster for her is this legal? If not what s the recommended course of action? If it is what the fuck is she supposed to do now? This is taking place in Seattle WA if that helps.
Does the lease she signed address pets at all?
Does the signed lease say that the dog is allowed?
The pet policy has changed in an apartment right after my gf signed the lease now she can t bring her dog. My girlfriend was looking for a place to live next year with her dog and signed a lease on a pet friendly place yesterday. Today they e-mailed her to let her know their policy on pets has changed and she can no longer bring her dog. This is obviously a disaster for her is this legal? If not what s the recommended course of action? If it is what the fuck is she supposed to do now? This is taking place in Seattle WA if that helps.
If the signed lease says she can have a dog she can have a dog. If they re trying to change a signed lease she should be able to get out.
Does the signed lease say that the dog is allowed?
So the cops in Florida questioned my 6 year old in school and no one told me. So there s a bit of a backstory to this one and it s going to read like some bullshit highschool drama but it s relevant to the question being asked. Here goes: My son is 6 and lives in Florida with his mom (I live up north). The mom is dating a guy we ll call Carl. Carl recently found out he has a surprise kid from his previous gf we ll say Wanda. Their kid is 3-6 months old. Wanda doesn t want their kid to be around my kid because she s concerned my child will molest him. The reason for this concern is she s friends with Carls sister we ll call her Beth. Beth has a 7 year old who would hang out with my son until they were caught twice naked and touching each other. When this instance occurred my son immediately went into counseling to determine who initiated it and if it was him to see why. Beth just blamed my kid and did nothing. After the couseling the doctor said the other kid initiated it all. So Carl and Wanda are going through their custody proceedings and whatnot but it s been brought up that she doesn t feel safe with her kid around mine because Beth is telling her my kid is a molestor. If the discussion remained between the adults I wouldn t care but the Florida child services (DCF they call it there) was informed and went to my sons school with two police officers and they took him out of class to question him. No one told him what was going on and he was petrified when they put him in the room with the cops. He thought he was going to jail. Then they started badgering him about the molesting incident (which he s super embarrassed about). No one told either myself or his mom. Not the school not DCF and not the sherrifs department who questioned him. I was able to find some stuff regarding the legality of questioning minors regarding their involvement in crimes if they re believed to be guilty but this is not even close to that. How legal is it that my kid was questioned like this without any of the controlling bodies (school DCF sherrifs dept) informing his parents?
Generally speaking parents of minor suspects need to be informed of questioning and the parents have a right to be present during questioning. When the minor is a witness or victim that is not true. The police do not need parental permission to speak the minor.
Counselling and now a police interview about playing doctors and nurses as a 6 year old? ....shit this kids is going to have some MAJOR intimacy issues when he is older. Why has normal kid behaviour suddenly become a matter for mental health and law enforcement professionals? Sorry I cant help legally it will be very dependant on FL law.
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