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xdcqu5 | 10.69.2 - This is the quickest I gave up on a version. | Yes I get it. There are numerous videos showing UPL turn improvement and some other better behavior but I have had four drives under the new system and it is demonstrably worse for me. * Failed to slow before left hand turn into my subdivision twice. * Failed three times to enter a right hand turn lane properly * Does not signal far enough in advance it wants to turn * Phantom braking because of trees in a median. Its real bad. * UPL tried to do turn with a car clearly blocking me leaving me in the middle of the road. * Left turn at light tried to go after light went red. Some explanations. My local road is 35mph and the entrance is double lanes separated by a median. Twice while approaching with the turn on the left my car entered the turning lane properly but was doing 35 when it realized it had to turn. At two intersections only it refuses to use the right side turning lane and instead wanted to turn at the light from the travel lane. One time it almost did it but corrected hard back to travel lane. It never signals far enough in advance to let following traffic you will be slowing for a turn. One drive through a ritzy subdivision is on a 45mph divided road where the median has large trees. when the curve causes the car to slight face the median it slows hard when a tree is present. Not all the time and I am not sure why some trees are more scary than others. My only really bad UPL has left and right turn lanes on a two lane road which has a left hand turn lane turning in front of the car and a right hand turn for the other direction. My car was doing fine watching cars left and right but a van stopped in the left hand turn lane in front of me and was hesitant to go. Once the car coming from the left of me started to turn right my car actually went forward and stopped just a foot or two from that van. So there I am in the middle of lane. Last episode of note. Got caught at a light and car didn t want to make the left turn at the light because it could not judge oncoming cars to allow safe. It does not understand cars in the oncoming right turn lane have to yield. Anyway the cars coming all stopped as the light was going red. My car tried to go after red as it was past the line. Honestly the phantom braking is back and with a vengeance for me to where I cannot allow FSD to drive if anyone is behind me. That UPL where it almost hit the van was scary and of course the two failed turns into my subdivision are just ridiculous. I would almost try to figure out how to record my drives but at this point I no longer care. I never expect them to get it to work. I already know it won t work in the rain have pictures where it says so and I am loathe to trust it at night if its so bad in daytime. 2018 LR RWD TM3 | Hug_the_Curve | 2022-09-13 16:54:47 | 113 | iobxsvb | This update still floors it toward red lights then slams the brakes at the last possible moment. I really enjoy that driving style because it minimizes my energy efficiency while maximizing brake wear and passenger terror. | altdelete47 | 2022-09-14 00:29:25 | 137 | Tesla Autopilot Performance Review |
xcnzge | 10.69.2 Resets FSD Beta strike outs | The title says it all! Strike outs are reset to 0 5! | Cycpan | 2022-09-12 20:58:14 | 26 | io6phkr | Wonderful but old news. | AdministrationTime80 | 2022-09-12 23:11:08 | 15 | Tesla Autopilot Performance Review |
9zzjnt | 10.7k miles LR TM3 still can charge to 310 | Just wanted to check back in so far so good on the battery life. Got our LR model 3 back in June and have just under 11k miles. Been about 95% Supercharging only. Anywhere from 5-30mile range and charge up to about 280 miles. Probably full charged 6+ times total. Just fully super charged today and got 310 miles. http: gallery k3f5CnZ | Jamesthepikapp | 2018-11-24 15:58:33 | 80 | ead91ba | FWIW mine has 6k miles. I was cycling 60-80% daily and my range dropped to 285. After a couple discharge to 15% and recharge to 90% I m back to 305. So I m in the camp that calibration is real and your handful of full charges are probably keeping it calibrated. | kkal82 | 2018-11-24 16:24:59 | 29 | Tesla Model Travel Experiences |
jyx06r | 100% active tiles? | Is there an engineering purpose to having half of the roof (or less) inactive? If I m able to sell the surplus energy generated back... shouldn t I want to create a higher surplus? Every inactive tile will lengthen the payback period of my investment as it s not contributing to generation. Is there a steep diminishing return on adding active tiles? Is it a sticker shock market driven sales purpose? Is it production constraints? Edit: thanks so much everyone! What an awesome community :) | borsTHEbarbarian | 2020-11-22 15:03:25 | 27 | gd847z9 | Many things you got a bunch of them. Cost and location of tiles that aren t going to produce (north shady side of the roof in the north) are expensive and payback will be bad. Many utilities won t let you go beyond x% of your annual usage so you don t become a little neighborhood utility and produce 300x your annual usage. | LurkerWithAnAccount | 2020-11-22 15:16:52 | 35 | Tesla Solar Panel Decision |
8kaihy | 1000 Miles in my Model 3 (144XX)- The Good the Bad the Ugly | First time Tesla owner here thought I d throw my hat into the review ring. Not a comprehensive review nor anything approaching a real review - more of an overview of my experience thus far. I m coming from a 2008 Nissan Altima with 190k miles for reference and I ve never owned any sort of luxury or sports sedan. Also this is my daily driver and kiddo transport for a 5- and 3-year old. TLDR: https: watch?v=0wALArd2rvo **The Good:** * Quieter smoother and more powerful than anything else I ve driven for more than a few days. * Autopilot has been largely drama-free. Something like 3 4 of my miles are highway miles on the NYS Thruway and related interstates including picking up my car from Mount Kisco (6+ hrs from Buffalo). First few times I used it I had a hard time figuring out the right amount of pressure to apply to avoid the nag without disengaging but for the most part I think I ve got the feel down now to where I barely get nags but also don t disengage. See below for more. * TACC in stop and go is worth sacrificing a kidney for. * Efficiency is amazing - I m at 249 Wh mi and that s with plenty of demo rides (gotta show off the linear acceleration!) and my newly-heavy foot. I routinely enjoy passes that my previous vehicle made me too timid to attempt. * The seats (I have the updated version apparently) are quite comfortable. Ride is wonderful and coupled with the 18 wheels is smoother than I m used to. * Homelink setup for my home garage door opener was effortless. * Fit and finish are generally good. Zero squeaks or rattles. **The Bad:** * Minor panel gap issues - driver s side A pillar fender line isn t even. Driver s side trunk lid sits higher than the surrounding panels. I m not worried about the A pillar it s quite imperceptible unless you re looking for it and I would have never noticed it on any other car I ve had - I just happened to look over the car with a much more careful eye than I have in the past. The trunk lid has either gotten worse since delivery or I somehow missed it. I ve tried adjusting the stopper on the lid (it screws in out) without success. * Post-delivery support hasn t been stellar. I did have some paint issues (again I don t think I d have noticed on previous cars but I spent a lot of time looking at the car up close and further away on delivery) - minor scratches on the hood a rock chip on the fender panel near the hood and headlight and two factory imperfections on the lower front bumper. A more serious scratch in the trunk lid. My DS has been...slow to respond and needs prodding but thus far has gotten most things to me. Because I live so far from the nearest service center they re trying to work with a local to me body shop I was planning on ceramic coating the car immediately after delivery but that s on hold while I resolve the paint issues. Supposedly they ve gotten a quote from the same detailer I was going to do the coating with it seemed to take a while but has been approved by DS mgt to have it fixed but it s been a couple of days since they were supposed to schedule the repair. I m not putting this in the ugly section...yet. * I ve had 3 phantom braking issues. No real pattern I can discern but it s certainly a concern if you re being tailgated. My foot hovers over the accelerator while I ve got someone close enough behind and today I had to use it. * Auto lane change has been mostly ok but I had one instance where I had to manually abort. First day I drove it on EAP I had a minivan overtaking me. As I d previously been wont to do I hit the signal as it was alongside - had I been driving manually I d have waited for it to pass then moved. EAP started to move pretty much immediately and I had to swing the wheel back. Maybe it would have detected itself and aborted but it wasn t a great feeling. Since then I ve not started indicating until after the vehicle overtaking has passed my front bumper and not had any further issues. I ve had a few instances where I ve indicated EAP hasn t done the lane change for long enough that I turn the blinker off and try again. * One instance where EAP made me look like a drunk driver also on that first day. I was in the left lane when a third lane opened on the left but markings didn t immediately start (maybe a 50-75ft gap before markings started). Car drifted to the center of what I assume it thought was a very wide lane then noticed the lane markings and jerked hard back towards the right. Startled me and I over-corrected a bit so there was a bit of tire squeal. Likely would have been totally fine had I just let it do it s thing (even if a bit abrupt it probably wouldn t have caused any issues with other vehicles as it corrected) but I was on a bit of a hair trigger. * While being an unpaid brand ambassador :) I was demonstrating where the charge port was. I opened the charge port cover from the phone app and something fell out as it opened. I happened to be parked over a storm sewer grate and of course whatever it was dropped in :( I think it s either a magnet or a small piece of ferrous material and it is integral to the push open functionality because ever since it s dropped off I can only open via the screen app button on Tesla chargers. Not a huge deal but definitely not enough glue (you can still see a tiny bit in the recessed area I think it fell out of) on that part. * Black interior - dear God it shows.every.single.spec.of.dust. Really wish there was a gray option. Related first time I got in after parking facing the sun on an 80 degree day I was unpleasantly surprised at how hot the seats were. Have to get used to using the app to cool (and eventually heat) the car remotely - that s on me. * Rear seat weight sensors + car seats installed with LATCH. Ended up buying some silencers on Amazon because the car kept alerting that rear seats were occupied but unbuckled. Seems like that should be a software preference somewhere. **The Ugly:** * Detailing process QA needs work. Many (though not all) of the scratches detailed above seemed to be due to either an incomplete rinse before buffing or dirty wash supplies IMO. * NYS license plates - the safety yellow clashes horribly with the MC Red. Would have liked it if they d have let me order custom plates upon taking delivery (I didn t trade in my vehicle so needed new plates in any case) instead they refused and I need to wait to get my registration from the DMV before I can order them myself (at additional and partially redundant cost). * Lack of all-weather floor mats. See: two kids. * Lack of large cupholders. My road trip drink of choice is a 32oz Gatorade G2. Good luck finding any place for that - or a large water bottle (e.g. my 32oz Nalgene) etc. **Summary:** I love the car. The ability to basically get into or out of any spot with ease and speed is amazing. Autopilot has some quirks but has generally performed well and seems to make long drives much more tolerable. I m sad I won t be able to keep it clean and pristine. Literally 2 minutes after pulling it into my driveway my daughter put a 1 scratch on the bumper (she was trying to get the bugs off with her firefighter squirt backpack and scraped at the bugs with the nozzle - sigh). The bad items enumerated above are *far* outweighed by the positive aspects. Questions? Ask away and I ll try to answer them tomorrow. | etm33 | 2018-05-18 04:29:24 | 45 | dz6bltm | IMHO our community did itself a collective disservice with all of the scrutiny of panel gaps (which was never even a consideration of mine before this car) and demanding fixes for tiny paint imperfections. Once you ve owned the car for any length of time you will have these imperfections and more. And unless it impacts how the doors or trunks close most of the panel gaps have no functional meaning. People object to them because they are supposed to be straighter. Feel free to say Tesla won t get better unless people complain but I for one don t appreciate waiting two hours during my Model 3 pickup while people go through checklists or having to wait 10 days for a service appointment while hearing that most Model 3 service appointments are for cosmetic issues. (Yes I ve asked.) Maybe there are a lot of people who feel jerked around by Tesla—it s been a long wait—and feel like demanding something in return. But honestly to pick up this amazing car on delivery day and then start negotiating right away about when one of your panels can be adjusted a tiny fraction of an inch and when three small paint nicks under the bumper can be corrected? That s super sad. There s a small contingent of people who always demand this kind of stuff but in this community lately I feel like it s spread to a wider group that would normally be so satisfied on delivery day but instead are sweating checklists they ve never come close to using during previous car purchases. Just seems like a shame. | jpbeans | 2018-05-18 07:35:59 | 38 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic |
8imenn | 1000 mile Model 3 review | It s been exactly two weeks since I ve taken delivery of my Model 3 and I ve put about 1000 miles on the car—1034mi or 254kWh at 246Wh mi to be exact. This is my review and a follow-up to the [Model 3 impressions](https: r teslamotors comments 7qir8p impressions_after_renting_model_3_for_a_day ) I wrote a while back after renting one. * I didn t like driving before but I love driving now. I intentionally miss my exit so that I can take the long way home. When the journey becomes the reward you re no longer in a rush. That s freedom. * The things I like about the car happen before I even start driving. I can use the Tesla app to turn on the A C remotely so that it s always comfortable by the time I get in. With the phone key I now have one less thing to carry and remember. Just 10 years ago I carried a cellphone camera MP3 player wallet and keys in my pockets. Now I take my phone and wallet. I can unlock the car by opening the door and lock the car by walking away. It s a frictionless experience. * When you sit in a Model 3 there is one continuous line that extends from the door to the dashboard. With the dash set as low as the door trim you get a great view out the front and the flat horizon keeps the design simple. It really maximizes your line of sight to the road. No more peeking over your instrument cluster to see where you re going. It feels so right so good. * This is my first EV but I felt like Peter Park when he dons the Iron Spider suit in Infinity War. Driving is “ridiculously intuitive.” Modulate your speed with the accelerator and only use the brake to come to a complete stop or to stop urgently. It almost feels like a driving simulation. * Autopilot software has made tremendous progress since I last tested it in January. You can immediately sense that it s more confident on the road. I ve driven 101 and 280 between San Jose and San Francisco multiple times and I could make all the trips without taking over once. * Autopilot helps you take your mind of the minutiae of keeping your car centered in the lane and maintaining your speed so that you can better anticipate what s coming up next. And now that I pay more attention to how others drive I m alarmed by just how many drivers ping pong between the lanes as if they are running an old version of Autopilot. However I realize that I m also one of those people and I actually feel safer to have the car drive itself for me—with my hands shadowing the turn of the wheel and eyes on the road. In situations where my eyes are off the road (it happens) AP is way way safer than my distracted driving. * I normally set my cruise control at 5mph over the speed limit following distance to 3 and drive on the second lane (as AP doesn t handle lanes that split or merge consistently yet). I like keeping some extra space so that the car can maintain its speed even when a car merges in front of me. I think this method also prevents creating traffic jams. When you inevitably find yourself in a traffic jam you find yourself unusually relaxed because AP is handling all the stresses of traffic and you don t have to monitor AP as much as it s driving slowly. * The only downside to AP is that it almost feels bad that you bought a very nice car with very nice acceleration and handling only to have the car drive for you most of the time. I estimate I spent 75% of the time on the highway on AP. I find it safer to have AP drive for me on the highway and it reduces stress of driving which help me drive even safer because I m calmer and more patient throughout the drive. * There are other cars on the road that have similar features but Autopilot is the only one with a beautiful UI that communicates what it s seeing and gets even better with OTA updates. The UI gives me confidence in the system because I can visually confirm that AP s interpretation of the world matches what I m seeing. And when it doesn t I know that I should take over instead of guessing what the blackbox is thinking. * This brings me to the UI which is on par with best apps on my iPhone. The speedometer is easy to read—which is especially important as it s easy to go very fast with this car—and the navigation is actually useful. I use it every time I get in the car even if I know the way because entering the destination is so easy: you can swipe on the Navigate button dictate or type on keyboard bigger than the one I m typing this review on. I ve stopped using Google Maps. * Lately I ve been going on late night drives for no reason other than to just drive. There are less cars on the road and the dark UI is stunning. I also got to test the auto high beam which was added in a recent update (it worked!). The beauty of software is that it can improve through iteration and I love that Tesla moves faster than most “smart home device” companies. Look even most of my app updates are just “bug fixes and performance improvements.” * If you made it this far you re probably curious about the ordering delivery service. I ordered Metallic Silver with 19” wheels on April 18 and took delivery exactly a week later (instant VIN assignment—#17867). My delivery at Fremont took about 15 minutes because I already knew pretty much everything about the car from reading Reddit and watching YouTube. * One thing I regret was not checking every part of the car thoroughly at delivery. In the heat of excitement and anticipation I overlooked a few “misalignments” on the car. My trunk is set askew and I have to slam really really hard to close it. I ve actually stopped using the trunk out of the fear that I ll bend the metal. I have a follow-up service scheduled next week to address this. I also have minor misalignments on the door panels that I d like to get fixed. I compared it with other Model 3s and it seems like I had a very unlucky draw. I hope that the recent owners don t find the same problems that I do. * Once you get your Model 3 added to your account the vehicle page shows additional options like view vehicle details schedule a service and ask a question (with an option to escalate it to the Tesla executive team). Scheduling a service is like making a reservation at the Apple Store except there are way more open slots. Tesla service says they value my time and their flexibility shows it. * Before my first service Tesla called me to let me know that they ll inspect the car then schedule another appointment once the parts come in. After the inspection they emailed me the updated schedule. Their service has been great so far and I hope they can fix all the issues. Fingers crossed. Updates to follow. * I ve had multiple Tesla owners and Model 3 reservation owners check out my car… like I used to do. I ask them if they want to sit inside and when they do they are pleasantly surprised by the interior (design UI cupholders storage etc.). I ve also given test drives to friends and they are always impressed by the quickness attention to detail in the UX and quietness of the ride. I recommend setting regenerative braking to low for first-time EV drivers. We all know one pedal driving is awesome but the instant response of the throttle is a revelation enough. * Customization: I named my car Thursday because I took delivery that day and I was reading Neil Gaiman s Norse Mythology (inspired after playing God of War) which said the word Thursday comes from Thor s Day. I also applied a matte paint protection film to the center console. I dread the day I have to put on the front license plates. * I ll leave you with one question: Owners where do you store your sunglasses? | seunghoyang | 2018-05-11 09:23:14 | 106 | dyswo10 | Nice review thanks for sharing your thoughts. I m super looking forward to see the first Model 3 on the streets in Europe and take a look at the interior. | 2846284628 | 2018-05-11 10:09:50 | 13 | Tesla phone key functionality |
ofyidl | 1000 miles with Plaid | So just crossed 1000 miles with Plaid and here are my impressions 😡 Dislikes: Windshield wasn t sealed on delivery (not a good first car wash experience) Interior panel does not stay clipped (waiting on replacement) Can t see available super chargers while navigation is active No controls for driving? Not sure what this is called exactly but in my M3 I could rock back and forth on hills or stop lights can t change on plaid. Other here have pointed out that it s called Roll. This is not an option for me at least. No caraoke? Rear entertainment is weird to use (independent audio?) No auto open close frunk? Occasional full pedal makes noticeable difference on battery Feel and hear the road much more compared to my M3 aero wheels with the windows down. Windows up I can t tell the difference between plaid and my LR 3. Someone pointed out that it may be due to wider and stickier tires. Front license plate holder? (At least it s painted same as car I hope it s just adhesive) 👍 Likes: Seats are great love the ventilation. Yes it s forced air and I think some people are thinking the sound of this is the active noise cancelling. Sounds like static but when you turn the vents off the sound stops as well. Acceleration is mind blowing Headlights follow the steering yoke when turning Adaptive suspension Yoke (I am a larger person so the wide yoke feels much better than the wheel) Auto open close trunk. Rear storage space Rear seating is much more comfortable than M3 Carbon fiber interior is sleek PPF on panels in front of rear wheels Walking up to the car causes excessive salivation Edit: formatting and emoji add clarification [pic of proof I have the car. won t be able to add pics of issues for a few days](https: Qd2cQYw) | Automatic-Insect8536 | 2021-07-08 03:02:25 | 408 | h4fy6ey | Sorry I m still stuck on windshield wasn t sealed... ... this is a $90k+ car right? And Tesla.has been sticking windshields in Model S for years? I m a Tesla fan and owner but this sh*t needs to improve. | diamonddave64 | 2021-07-08 05:22:57 | 163 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic |
bmbmfx | 1000 years worth of non-stop driving every 6 months = the Tesla self-driving strategy | How long will it take the Tesla fleet to drive 1000 years 24 7 365 ? * Assume 15 minutes per car per day. * 4 cars = 1 hour driving per day. * ~100 cars = 1 day non-stop driving per day. * 36 500 cars = 1 year driving per day. * 365 000 cars = 10 years driving per day. So in 100 days with 365 000 cars with self-driving hardware each being driven only 15 minutes per day you accumulate 1000 years worth of continuous driving data. Assume 30mph (only 7.5 miles per day per car) and in those 100 days you get 274 million miles. The scale is staggering. This is the Tesla strategy. | shaim2 | 2019-05-08 22:11:58 | 16 | emvhpm0 | Collecting all that data doesn t mean shit if you can t apply it to your training As fast as it s coming in. Which neither Tesla nor anyone else can do effectively at speed. | tp1996 | 2019-05-08 23:10:21 | 5 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic |
5p2htu | 100D has arrived | 100D specs: MS 632km 335 miles MX 565km 295 miles Price is +3.000 USD (or local currency) to 90D Can t be retrofitted. Now in Design Studios https: models design | Alexmgst | 2017-01-20 07:01:11 | 295 | dcnx2ym | u 110110 it is time. | kirbyCUBE | 2017-01-20 07:23:51 | 56 | Electric Performance Car Comparison |
597iqg | 100D model coming soon? | Hey there! It seems that the P100D is missing a slightly slower higher range twin brother 100D. Are there any rumors when and if we will see a second 100 kWh car come out for production? What about the range and specs? I potentially will be in a market the first Tesla in about 6-9 months (due to an extremely long commute to work that I am excited for AP to help out with). Thanks! | pushakov | 2016-10-24 22:26:43 | 19 | d968yvh | They need to increase production they said they were only capable of 200 per week. I assume they re working on that and as soon as that is online and or demand for ludicrous drops below that level they ll come out with it. | john_atx | 2016-10-24 22:37:57 | 20 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic |
6p0q8q | 100D seems poor value after recent changes. | The Model S 75D is $74 500 in the US and the 100D $97 500. A few months ago the 100D included a significant performance upgrade (before the drive unit changes on the S 75 75D) and Smart Air Suspension (now standard on all S X) as well as the range increase. Now the only differences apart from the battery appear to be a 0.1s decrease in 0-60 time and the slightly higher top speed (155mph instead of 140). It s essentially $23 000 for a 25Kwh battery upgrade which seems poor value to me. Model X 100D is slightly better value with a $17 000 price increase for the range 130-155mph speed increase and 0.2s 0-60 deacrease. Are we likely to see a price drop more options as standard on the 100D in the near future or have I missed something? | 490 | 2017-07-23 10:54:51 | 54 | dklq8rx | Don t forget the faster supercharging speeds and the high-amperage charger on the 100D making it a quicker road-tripping choice for frequent traveler. | noahio | 2017-07-23 11:56:48 | 39 | Electric Performance Car Comparison |
2fk5vh | 100kW battery packs for model 3 | 50gWh 500000 cars. Has tesla touched on this yet? I m not even sure I ve heard any speculation either. | turbodsm | 2014-09-05 16:06:24 | 17 | cka0q9w | Presumably the Model S and Model X batteries will be produced there as well which likely will each have a 100+ kWh battery in some near-term time-frame. So that s probably 10-20% of the production of the factory right there. Tesla also has plans deals I believe to produce industrial backup packs which they figure will be a growing part of their business. You can expect those to be produced here as well. Finally Tesla I m sure still plans on producing packs for other EV manufacturers. So I don t think this is any kind of indicator of an available size on the Model 3 no. I d guess they re planning to use 50-60% of the factory s capacity on the Model 3 and the rest on other models and other projects. | atrain728 | 2014-09-05 16:49:04 | 9 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic |
9f31eo | 103 days and still on a loaner battery pack. | I m 103 days in on a refurbished battery for my Model S. How long until I get mine back? The high voltage battery pack went out on May 31st. The service center shipped my battery back to Fremont and provided me with a loaner battery. The loaner battery is a high mileage 60kW whereas mine was a lower mileage 60kW. I ve asked for an update from my service center several times and been told they have no updates. I ve asked who else I can inquire with but to no avail. The service center says that the communication is one way and they will have updates when they are given them. What should I do now? What would you do? | palvaran | 2018-09-12 00:41:45 | 19 | e5tg9ys | I had the battery die on my Model S about 2 months ago. After the repair I asked if this was a loaner battery. I was told that they are no longer doing the loaner program and instead are just giving out remanufactured batteries. My range has dropped by about 15 miles and they refused to do anything about it. Still very disappointed. | OrbitalATK | 2018-09-12 00:48:58 | 23 | Tesla ownership feedback and issues |
6rj0iu | 1078 Km (670 miles) with a Model S 100D | 30 hours of drive with an average speed of 40 Km h (25 mph) AC off. Here is a video (in Italian) of the last kilometers: https: teslaownersitalia videos 259146957923768 | francescodimauro | 2017-08-04 07:52:12 | 47 | dl5fmt7 | Congratulations! Once again Elon was right: https: elonmusk status 877469994593820674 | MaChiMiB | 2017-08-04 09:24:46 | 13 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic |
2lqbbr | 10K miles in my Model S - Electricity cost breakdown | 10k miles driven Total Energy 3718.6kwh 372 Average wh mi My energy cost 0.11187c a KWH (taxes random crap fees etc not included) Total cost = $415.999782 Per mile cost = 0.0415999782 Assuming an average car gets 30mpg my cost per gallon would be 1.247999346. I should note I drive pretty spirited and usually am blasting AC music etc so this is real world non energy savings driving. The only maintenance (non warranty) work I have had to do during this time period is a new set of tires. (Spirited driving) | JasonZX12R | 2014-11-09 02:57:04 | 107 | clxaro6 | I just hit one year of ownership with my P85+. ~17 000 miles 335Wh mi average $0 spent on electricity! All charging was at work or on a Supercharger all for free. | Tesla4Life | 2014-11-09 07:08:48 | 20 | Tesla Model Travel Experiences |
x3tnx8 | 10x Off grid Powerwall Blackout Power Issues Update | Hey All It has now been 12 months since we posted our issue and it s well overdue for an update.When we first reported this issue on the forums Tesla had been working on the situation for a number of weeks without resolution and I thought I d share my situation given it was impacting both our business and home lives (father of 3 kids)(Original post [https: r teslamotors comments pgf7n4 powerwall\_failures\_what\_would\_you\_do\_if\_you\_were ](https: r teslamotors comments pgf7n4 powerwall_failures_what_would_you_do_if_you_were )) Short video of the install today [https: shorts CTRhymphRx4](https: shorts CTRhymphRx4) We experienced anywhere from 0-> 50 blackouts a day in the early days of the installation and very dirty power with flickering lights spiking voltages pool pumps braking during the frequent on off cycles. The issue as identified and advised by the Tesla specialists is that our 10 Powerwall system was reaching max capacity across CPU RAM and CANBus bandwidth essentially the Tesla Gateway module is being overloaded trying to manage all 10 Powerwall s at the same time whilst this situation results in micro outages most people wouldn t notice these outages if they re grid connected as the grid is essentially always there as a backup to your batteries (strange thought). In my instance if the batteries lose sync drop for seconds minutes it s very noticeable a silent eerry blackout. We have now tried 3-4 firmware changes and have been advised for the last 12 months or so that we can only have 7 powerwalls online we turned off 3 and everything worked fine however we ve had numerous blackouts during the attempted fix cycles whereby patch is applied turn all powerwalls back on then randomly weekly later power outages resume etc. One other alternative that didn t suit our business case was to turn off wifi and the ability to connect to it on the local network to see statistics or access the API (which meant the system would no longer integrate with our Home Automation system (Home assistant) i.e. when power lower than 20% force Air Cons to be turned off was no longer possible via our prior configuration through LAN protocols It s been a stressful situation for the family as the wife & kids don t handle the uncertainty of power all that well or at least not acclimatised to unreliable power situations we ve had well and truly over 300 outages this past year numerous corrupted pc s due to hard drives spinning during power outages numerous business interruption s. We feel like we re guinea pigs for Tesla I m definitely at the point of frustration and have insisted numerous times that I want to simply be refunded a portion of the install damages turn off X powerwalls and move on with our lives as there is no end in sight unfortunately it s been a number of months since we reached that point and expressed that level of interest in leaving this test process however we re still yet to be put in contact with the right team to handle a customer resolution exit process. I also don t know how much of our business family damages will ever be refunded etc it s very unsettling now becoming a very negative experience despite the high level of support in the first 6 months the fact we started this install in June 2021 and it s still an issue in September 2022 is a challenge to mentally deal with. Sorry for the whinge all just feeling lost in this situation and lost confidence in the longevity of our install Yours truly the tired Tesla enthusiast Chris Firgaira | chrisfirgaira | 2022-09-02 05:51:46 | 118 | imscubi | Maybe stupid question but why not split into 2 separate systems? 7PW 3PW or 5PW 5PW with two totally separate gateways. Sure you might have to play with balancing the electrical load (half house on this set half house on other set) or something like that? | kgorczyn | 2022-09-02 12:18:09 | 39 | Tesla Solar Panel Decision |
z07nh4 | 10x Tesla Powerwall Failure (Off-grid Setup Australia 240v) | Hey All We ve had yet more failures with our system (2AM woken up by our UPS systems beeping due to low battery due to powerwall 10 min crash+-) [https: watch?v=nRjzyXaEuyg](https: watch?v=nRjzyXaEuyg) I m here to provide yet another milestone update our install was signed off by Tesla approved as a 10 powerwall off-grid install which by all accounts should work 24 7 unless we either drain the batteries to 0% or there is a system failure. Tesla has acknowledged for the past 18 months there is a warranty issue at hand and have occasionally every 2-6 months applied a firmware update advising that there was a change to address our issue on each account it has failed. Our most recent firmware update was done two days ago which was supposed to take less than an hour ended up having over 50 powercycles failures during update process destroying our powered gate transformer we have had pool pumps air con fans pc s break due to the frequent power cycles. We re still awaiting compensation after asking numerous times for such and expressing severe disappointment with the system. After 18 months of perpetual issues with our off-grid install (hundreds of crashes multiple firmware revisions) we are now striving for a full system-refund and removal or we ll be finally taking Tesla to court in Australia. Gdnight it s 2:30 now downunder and I should try get back to sleep < 3 Chris Firgaira | chrisfirgaira | 2022-11-20 15:59:30 | 420 | ix4cbj6 | Best of luck hope you get your money back without having to go to court | YoricHunt | 2022-11-20 17:37:22 | 154 | Tesla Solar Panel Decision |
7go0sp | 110v 15Amp charging at home | I am picking up my Tesla Model S this weekend and was wondering with a 50 mile round trip to work every day would a 110v 15Amp plug be enough to charge it overnight 8hrs+ Some days it will be 100 miles because of reasons. Would it still be ok? | gnoxy | 2017-11-30 17:35:43 | 12 | dqkeu89 | Probably not if you re talking about charging it only 8 hours a day. ~3 mph charge rate would give you ~24 miles from an 8 hour charge. If you were able to charge off a 20amp 120v outlet and circuit you could bump it up to ~35 miles from an 8 hour charge but that would require the NEMA 5-20 adapter from Tesla as well. | rabidchinchilla | 2017-11-30 17:40:36 | 13 | Tesla Model Travel Experiences |
dxcvxh | 110v cold weather charging | Hey everyone. I ve been doing a lot of research on the Tesla model 3 and am planning on purchasing one soon. I have a slight issue right now though: I commute about 170 miles 3-4 times weekly and have no access to home charging either at home or at work. When leaving from home luckily there is a super charger only 5 mins from me but at work the nearest super charger is around 40mins. At work I will however have access to a 110v outlet in a covered un-heated garage. Living in the Midwest cold weather charging has concerned me. I have heard somewhat conflicting information regarding 110v charging in winter. Some ppl have said that most power will be used to heat the battery prior to actual charging leading to very slow charging and others have said 110v charging is not enough to heat the battery and you end up losing charge. I was wondering if there are any fellow midwesterners that have attempted 110v charging in winter and if so what has your experience been? Thanks in advance! | Theonethatwasnt | 2019-11-16 21:18:58 | 26 | f7p2kuc | Whenever someone says they ve been doing a lot of research on a subject yet there was a detailed post and subsequent discussion about that exact subject the preceding day I have to wonder if “a lot” means something different than what I was taught. The post: https: r teslamotors comments dwuttq cold_weather_charging_with_standard_wall_outlet | Dr_Pippin | 2019-11-16 21:42:05 | 31 | Tesla Model Travel Experiences |
dgwahi | 116 mph in a 30mph but it s the car s fault | The car is never responsible. Even if the computer is steering (it wasn t in this situation) the driver is still responsible. Cars don t crash drivers crash. Very sad deaths and sad death of responsibility on the driver s and parents who thought a 400+hp 70 000$ car was good for a teen. Either people accept and understand the consequences of operating a machine with lethal kinetic energy (sound like a firearm?) or we can say screw it and mandate all vehicles contain non-overridable driver input envelope protection which limit throttle and acceleration to speed limit by GPS. This discussion needs to be had. [https: news local community broward article235992723.html](https: news local community broward article235992723.html) | usmma2k13 | 2019-10-12 15:04:34 | 165 | f3fe6sm | I m actually amazed that back seat passenger survived a crash at well over 100mph. | mcot2222 | 2019-10-12 15:55:44 | 134 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic |
aioz8q | 12 22 18 deer collision - looking at least another week before body work can begin | Listen...I am TESLA long (257 shares) - M3 AWD P picked up on 12 6 18. After 2.5 weeks of pure joy I collide with two small deer at 40mph (in a 40 zone...teslafi confirms my speeds) going around a turn - both deer were in motion. & #x200B No mechanical issues but right headlight is broken small crack in windshield ultrasonic sensor(s) busted right fender damage hood dented from airborne deer (bounced of hood and hit windshield). Left fender likely hit the other one but just seemed scraped - my focus at the time was on the one flying towards me. The deer scampered off but the probability of survival is low. Could have have been worse but the car is not legally drivable. & #x200B The certified shop forgot to order the windshield on 1 2 (were closed for holidays). Fine. Two weeks ago they ordered the windshield. As of today not a peep from Tesla. Late last week I started entered support cases through [](https: If I get a response it s did you email bodyshopsupport? or bodyshopsupport did not receive your email. I feel the only reason I got any response was that I flagged for executive review...whatever that means. This week they haven t responded at all. Even the body shop is frustrated as they would like to do work and get paid. They received an email from Tesla on Friday that it might be another week due to a computer system glitch. Sure... & #x200B It needs to be noted (again) how ill prepared Tesla was is for their own success in the customer service and logistics departments. This isn t a brand new company...they ve been at this for over a decade. These issues aren t new either as we ve been reading about them for months. The people handling level 1 support are super nice but it seems they don t have access to the systems needed to give status updates. & #x200B There is engineering and then there is everything else. The leaders of everything else need to be held accountable it s unacceptable to not have better systems in place. The excuses seem closer to lies. Just a simple hey we are having issues but we are working on it would be much better. & #x200B I write this with some catharsis but if anyone has any advice I am all ears. In the grand scheme of things it s not a big deal. It s the first car I ve ever purchased (I ve driven a Jeep Cherokee since 99) and it s been kind of a rough start. I expected bumps. The questions from friends family and colleagues about when my car will be fixed don t help either. I can t blame them for asking but I got no info to give. & #x200B Honestly it s also the first time I ve wondered about my investment in the company. My inner GOB is saying I ve made a huge mistake. & #x200B Thanks for reading. & #x200B & #x200B & #x200B | sig_UVA | 2019-01-22 17:13:30 | 13 | eepccpy | > I am TESLA long (257 shares) I ve said it before but it s pretty sad that on here you have to announce that you hold shares in Tesla. Otherwise you are just labeled as a shorter by some members of the community. | ABigFalconRocket | 2019-01-22 17:17:40 | 32 | Tesla ownership feedback and issues |
l7jbr0 | 12 30 2020 Order Update Model S Long Range Plus | We ordered our Model S Long Range Plus on 12 30 2020. Delivery is 8 to 12 weeks. We received a call today from the Tesla representative asking if we wanted the option of the refreshed Model S for the additional price. We declined. Steering wheel is not for us and the price is out of our budget. Representative went on to say that he would make that note but that he could not guarantee delivery of our original order. That Tesla is continuing to make the pre-refresh Model S but in a limited capacity. And depending on our place in line they could not guarantee our order would be fulfilled. This is pretty disappointing. We bought the wall charger accessories etc. in anticipation and because their last weekly email update said if you have not already started the home charging installation now is the time. Anyways felt like this was worth posting to share our story on where we are pre-refresh order. | Nuevorebel | 2021-01-29 04:36:08 | 59 | gl772k2 | I d recommend exploring lightly used or jumping on any possible remaining inventory. Your Advisor was wrong and they are no longer producing pre-refresh models. You ve gotta just pick one up if there are any still around you. Check that inventory tool ASAP or start looking for used. | ersatzcrab | 2021-01-29 05:27:15 | 41 | Tesla Delivery Woes |
c7zvje | 12 month follow-up on rough P3D delivery | I ve been meaning to write a follow up on my rough Model 3 Performance delivery from July of last year. Here is the thread for reference: & #x200B [https: r teslamotors comments 925ss0 just\_took\_delivery\_of\_my\_performance\_model\_3 ](https: r teslamotors comments 925ss0 just_took_delivery_of_my_performance_model_3 ) & #x200B Tesla ultimately offered me a full replacement which I accepted. That was super awesome of them. Two months later I received my car. The build quality did improve a lot over the original July delivery (only real issue seemed to be a paint run and a missing paint dot which I opted not to fix). It hasn t been a perfect year and I thought I d share some of the issues I ve faced: & #x200B 1. Turn signal module replacement for disabling left turn (not deemed a safety issue but it really is) 2. Truck seal replacement 3. Dashboard replacement (dimples) 4. Center console replacement (scratched during dashboard replacement) 5. Annoying front motor beeping noise over 60 mph (per service center confirmed it s from the front motor but won t replace for noise issues since it s not a mechanical issue. Really?!?) & #x200B Overall I still really love my car but it s been a bit of a rough start. Dissapointed over the motor noise since it was also an issue with the original (just at different speeds). Hoping year two of ownership has less service visits :) | AudioHeadz | 2019-07-01 20:43:42 | 11 | esimktv | Amazing. It s so weird that some can have a list of issues with not one but two cars while others (e.g. me) have had no issues at all. Same factory \~same workers totally different output quality. SO strange (to me). | 404davee | 2019-07-01 21:25:37 | 16 | Tesla ownership feedback and issues |
cvjyr3 | 12 stall Supercharger being installed in Emeryville CA | Drove by today and saw some construction. Took some photos and the pattern looks familiar. Would be nice to have a SC in the area that s closer to the 80 580. The location is: [https: maps 7CD8g7it8obAmxUH8](https: maps 7CD8g7it8obAmxUH8) Apparently linking photos in this post didn t work so here s an imgur link instead. [https: a ZPUtqZH](https: a ZPUtqZH) | alphonsis | 2019-08-26 05:50:19 | 60 | ey4oske | All superchargers should be next to a Trader Joe s | pixel4 | 2019-08-26 06:22:12 | 9 | Tesla Model Travel Experiences |
bjxa2d | 12.1.1 Supercharging Bump for the S and X | Do we know yet if there s any supercharging performance increase for the non 100-kwh battery cars? I haven t really seen information one way or the other on the 60 70 75 85 and 90 battery packs. I assume the 350v packs will always been a bit less. I m also curious about the original 2012 85 kwh A pack that only supercharged at 90kw if that s been increased. | majesticjg | 2019-05-02 16:55:54 | 16 | emd1q68 | A couple people on TMC reported getting up to 110 kW on S75D. https: tmc threads boosted-suc-rate-confirmed-on-2018-s75d-w-ver-2019-12-1.150856 | Wicket825 | 2019-05-02 23:20:46 | 7 | Tesla Model Travel Experiences |
bl69xh | 12.1.2 A C Issues | Not sure if it s just me but since 12.1.2 a few days ago I ve been having some issues with the air conditioning system in my M3. The temperatures don t feel true to what it shows on the screen and I need to lower it to the low 60°s F to get any air to come out. Been using manual AC in the mean time. I feel as if it s a software issue. Anyone else experiencing anything similar? | kamstes | 2019-05-06 02:20:11 | 28 | emm1xo6 | Plus 1 I thought it was just me. Glad to know I m not the only one. | cobrarsnake | 2019-05-06 02:55:20 | 16 | Tesla HVAC Functionality |
bjythg | 12.1.2 showing up on TeslaFi | The first Model 3 has just received 12.1.2 in Nevada. This appears to be the same car that received 12.1.1 a day before the massive push went out last week. Keep your fingers crossed maybe the rest of us that missed out on 12.1.1 can now start getting the update shortly. https: firmware | solodogg | 2019-05-02 19:10:15 | 49 | emcdycw | Just got 12.1.1 last night - no issues so far. | teapso3 | 2019-05-02 19:34:00 | 7 | Tesla Software Update Analysis |
bue902 | 12.2 kW PV System with 4 Tesla Powerwall Batteries wliving roof | This project was planned and built for a new home. It is 12.2 kW with 40 Canadian Solar 305 watt modules 40 Enphase IQ6+ micro inverters and 4 Tesla Powerwall Batteries (6 4 kWh each) and Tesla and Enphase Envoy monitoring systems. We incorporated everything we could into the unseen spaces to minimize visual impact. [https: watch?v=W1RKr5r1T\_8](https: watch?v=W1RKr5r1T_8) | xboxerdude | 2019-05-29 12:48:07 | 19 | epaz4ta | 4 power walls for just when the power goes down | liberty4u2 | 2019-05-29 13:11:54 | 6 | Tesla Solar Panel Decision |
5cx47b | 120 000 mile update 2013 model s P85 | New problems since 100 000: Drivers side rear window came loose and was flopping around about 1 month later the same thing happened to the passenger side rear window. more TPS problems alignment and 4 new tires front headlights are intermittent taillights are fogged Heating system (Its getting cold up here in Michigan) no longer works on a cold day (35F) the cabin will not get above 55F not a drivability problem but I hate the new audio interface and the disappearing icons. Here are the problems I had before 100 000 mi: home charger replaced 12 volt battery failure drive battery failure Rear Door handle fail TPS TPS HP charger replaced HP charger replaced again Hood pop up 12 volt battery failure tires and alignment 6 sets of new tires in first 30k miles front steering knuckle dead in parking lot at mall trim under car flopping drive battery replaced drive battery replaced again motor replaced stress crack in windshield TPS HP Charger replaced HP Charger intermittent passenger door opens randomly stress crack in windshield TPS Set of new tires rear out of align again HP Charger intermittent | JD50572 | 2016-11-14 17:24:41 | 49 | da01o64 | You should do some formatting may help with the latter part of your post. | 110110 | 2016-11-14 17:45:01 | 22 | Tesla ownership feedback and issues |
962f43 | 120 vs 240 charging - follow up | Thank you all who replied. A lot of the input was valuable. u BahktoshRedclaw suggested using a public charger as a test which I did today. (Thanks for the idea) Home - 120 16 - 6 mph @ 104F (8.35 zero loss) ChargePoint - 200 16 - 11 mph (sometimes 12) @ 105F (13.91 zero loss) ChargePoint - 200 30 - 21 mph (sometimes 20) @ 105F (26.09 zero loss) The granularity isn t perfect but this implies a 14% efficiency delta from 120 to 200V. Over 12 000 miles one would consume 2 760 kWh using an additional 773 kWh on 120 16 and 580 kWh on 200 16. (386 kW if 12 mph) 193 kWh is $24 a year in monetized inefficiency (at $0.12 kWh all in) Only using the screen as a data source. Would love for others to play around with this - particularly at lower temperatures and with a 240V source. Surprised that the charger efficiency is as low as it is at higher voltages. Thanks. | 1st3inAZ | 2018-08-10 01:10:38 | 21 | e3x9e59 | I really don t understand what I m looking at. | Dr_Pippin | 2018-08-10 01:16:30 | 21 | Tesla Model Travel Experiences |
emtr2p | 120V Charging rate doubled overnight | I m currently charging my X through an extension cord with a regular 120v. Since I bought the car in Sept it s al ways charged at 3 to 4 mi hr. Recently it s been at 7 to 8 mi hr without any changes to my home. I did some math to make sure it was correct and it checks out anyone know why? (Not that I m complaining by any means) | itzryan | 2020-01-10 17:00:13 | 32 | fdrg22q | Maybe your extension cord was kinked before and un-kinked now so the electrons are flowing better. | jordanloewen | 2020-01-10 19:20:31 | 25 | Tesla Model Travel Experiences |
6qd4hy | 120V charging might be sufficient for many Model 3 owners with no other options. | The mileage per hour of charge seems to be pretty good news for renters or those who can t have 240v service installed for any reason as I think the Model 3 s weight turned out to be less than many expected. From the estimated charge times on the [Press Kit](https: presskit#model3) it appears that at the same power level the Model 3 gets about 25-30% more mileage than the [Model S](https: support home-charging-installation). In a Model S most people report averaging [around 3-4mi hr (5-6.5km hr) when charging from a standard 120v 15a outlet](https: BEyOZ842Tzs?t=3m52s). Unless I m mistaken this means in a Model 3 that you d be able to get 4-5mi hr (6.5-8km hr). Certainly not ideal but this realistically means you can get another ~10mi+ (when compared to a Model S) with an overnight charge which might be just enough to make it work for many people. Just like now you d ideally be able to supplement those overnight charges with day-long charges occasionally (or a fast charge at a supercharger public station). | coffee_oclock | 2017-07-29 20:08:41 | 39 | dkwde2i | Yeah most days I just plugged my Model S into the 120v and got 4 miles charge per hour or about 50 overnight. On days I drove more and needed full charge for next day I simply plugged the car into my 30a dryer outlet to catch up. | dieabetic | 2017-07-29 20:43:53 | 13 | Tesla Model Travel Experiences |
by80i1 | 120V vs. 240V NEMA 14-50 efficiency | I ve heard from various sources that a NEMA 14-50 outlet or any 240V outlet is far more efficient in transfer of energy to the car. Does anyone have any hard data on how much energy is wasted by a 120V trickle charger and hence how much money I d be losing to resistance compared to the cost of installing a new outlet? I m guessing it would be $300-500 since my electrical box is on the other side of my garage wall | pinetar321 | 2019-06-08 13:33:25 | 27 | eqeeroq | Rule of thumb is that 240V is about 5% more efficient than 120V. Part of this is the inherent efficiency of higher voltage and part of it is just keeping the car awake longer. The gap widens as the temperature drops because of the difficulty in maintaining heat with 120V. | _ohm_my | 2019-06-08 14:08:32 | 16 | Tesla Model Travel Experiences |
g6rnqm | 120v to 240v? | Hi all I am moving into an apartment with a detached garage. I would like to charge my car at home so us there any way to convert a 120v to a 240v ? I know nothing about electricity... lol thanks | pnutty6725 | 2020-04-23 18:10:36 | 25 | foc0mju | There are but they are only rated for small appliances. For something like this you need a qualified electrician. | goosereddit | 2020-04-23 18:16:35 | 32 | Tesla Model Travel Experiences |
5e04kf | 128 days and 10k miles later... | Four months after delivery I ve crossed 10 000 miles and I d like to share my thoughts on the Tesla and EV life in general. There are plenty of reviews surrounding the features and functionality of the Tesla so I will focus on what life with a Tesla is like from my perspective. [Sparky](https: gallery VK2Zf) * 10 043 miles * Delivery Date: 7 13 16 * 3113 kWh total (310 Wh mi average) * 1927 kWh Tesla Superchargers (62%) * 1186 kWh public ChargePoints (38%) * $0.00 electricity costs to date **Background** I live in Kansas City and lease a loft downtown. A Model S has been on my wishlist for a while now and once the 60 option was reintroduced I decided to pull the trigger. After delivery I ve added the following: ceramic tint (legal on windows one less than legal on the back) weathertech mats Tesla trunk mats Tesla 14-30 adapter removed front license plate and oem sun shades for the pano. My car prior was a 2013 Honda Accord Coupe. The four cylinder option allowed me to average 30 mpg and a tank would always last me 400+ miles. This made the change to 215 miles per tank pretty drastic but I was willing to give up some convenience to drive a Tesla. **EV Life** Learning about the units charging locations and seeing how far I can stretch the battery has been one of the most enjoyable parts of owning this car. I made the switch from distance (miles left) to energy (%) units weeks into ownership and haven t looked back. Kansas City has got to be one of the best cities for EV drivers with thousands of conveniently-placed public free ChargePoints and a Supercharger in Independence. I didn t have access to a charger every night but three sets of ChargePoints were within walking distance and the Supercharger was 15 minutes down the road. Occasionally I would leave the car in the public lot on the ChargePoint over night or I would just visit the Supercharger for a quick fill up. The 60 kWh battery was more than adequate for my needs while filling up about once a week. I had the 75 kWh battery that was limited to 60 kWh so I charged it to 100% as often as I could. I would genuinely recommend a 60 kWh battery if you had access to a dedicated charger and wanted to get into a Tesla on a budget. **Long Distance Travel** Road trips with the Tesla are a slow and steady process however the combination of AP and Supercharger stops allow for a more relaxed experience. With the smallest battery I charged frequently and for longer durations than most would need to. While there are lots of issues with city driving AP works beautifully on the highway. You become comfortable with the functionality and instinctively know when to take over. I d estimate that 75% of my overall miles were done with AP. The goal is to get up to speed asap so you can turn on AP. This will reduce the amount of serious manual engagement to just charge stops and city driving. Usually I d set AP at the speed limit and reduce speed if range anxiety kicks in. I made two round trips from KC to Colorado (Denver 1200 mi and Aspen 1700 mi round trip) and multiple trips from KC to Wichita to visit my parents (380 mi round trip). Driving in the mountains was very interesting with my efficiency ranging from -400 to 800 Wh mile. Plan for 20-25% extra time from a normal ICE trip. The Trip view in the Energy app is pretty accurate -- I usually arrive within 7-10% of the estimate. Range anxiety disappears completely after your first successful trip. I ve got the smallest battery and I m confident I can make it to any of the superchargers in the states. **The Bad** Purchase and delivery were a cumbersome experience. I had little to no communication from the DS from the point of design confirmation to actual delivery. The financing was rushed and finalized literally hours before pick up. After repeated requests I had issues with Tesla issuing the title correctly which affected insurance downstream. This was the worst car buying experience I ve ever had. My car had a handful of quality control issues upon delivery -- paint blemish on the left rear quarter-panel uneven chrome trim and minor upholstery issues. The car definitely does not feel like a $80k+ luxury vehicle but I was already expecting this after stalking TMC and this sub. I would be much more furious if I purchased a P100D and dealt with the same issues. A couple weeks after delivery I was provided a loaner (2012 85) and the service center took care of all issues within 7 days. After my longest trip out to Aspen and back I took the car in a second time for some major issues -- loose dash and exposed rubber seal around the top left of the touchscreen frunk leak and a firmware reboot. I was experiencing intermittent spontaneous issues (glove box unresponsive windows unresponsive car tried to summon itself while at the supercharger random accelerating when approaching a light). The service center said that the logs looked weird so the recommendation was to do a hard reboot. I was provided with another loaner (2013 P85) and had my car back hours later. I do want to note that my experience with the Tesla service center team has been extremely positive. The staff was honest and transparent with the issues resolution current status and timelines. The guys even let me check out an AP2 car with a glass roof that had just rolled off the truck and going through the firmware updates. **Conclusion** In my short time with this car I ve met tons of Tesla owners Tesla fans and so many curious people. When asked about the experience and ownership I try to be as transparent as possible. The company is young they re going to have quality control issues. EV isn t widely adopted yet it will be more inconvenient than a traditional gas car. But at the end of the day all issues included I am extremely happy with my Tesla and cannot wait to buy my next one. I m convinced this is the best car available for purchase today and there is no car I d rather be driving around. Driving is enjoyable and effortless for long distances. The technology and user experience are light years ahead of the competition. The warranties regular software updates and service center team are proof to me that Tesla is a company that stands by their product. Early next year I m planning an extensive road trip to tour the US -- living off the supercharger network camping at national parks occasional car camping and working remotely. This car is a remarkable piece of technology from an amazing company. I m glad to be a part of the future. To many more miles! **TL DR** EV living is new and different. Range anxiety is overrated. Long distance travel isn t for everyone. Expect quality control issues but support from Tesla. I LOVE THIS CAR. Edit: Formatting | pugnaciousp | 2016-11-20 21:03:19 | 104 | da8o1e2 | Agree w many of your points -- one of the main things I have realized is at this point Tesla s aren t for everyone. I can t imagine driving anything else and I absolutely love my X -- but it ll take a few more years of refinement for Tesla to reach the level of refinement of other luxury cars in similar price points to appeal to the masses . That s why I love how they have crazy technology functional differentiators from other cars in similar price points. For example a friend of mine was shocked that for the price a heated steering wheel isn t standard or even massage seats aren t available -- which I laugh at. For those that are concerned about things like that -- a Tesla isn t for you. I had a Honda as well before my X (Civic for 13 years) and have no interest in luxury cars so could care less about those features. I m always impressed at how many Tesla owners are people who otherwise could care less what type of car they drive but were drawn to the technology and the mission -- really cool stuff. | phattyh | 2016-11-20 21:51:30 | 14 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic |
wydx8h | 12V battery dying - Service Rep Q& As | I m in Arizona in a 2018 Model 3 got the dreaded 12V battery is dying replace soon notification. Replaced today and asked the SC rep questions that I couldn t find answers to on the internet so hopefully this helps someone else looking for the answers. I m not saying he s right or wrong just giving his answers as a data point. Q: How long from when you get the notification to when it s dead? A: I ve seen people have it die same day had one guy where it was still running at 2 weeks out. & #x200B Q: (Is Li-Ion better & what brand do you use) Is the battery Tesla uses the best one to use because the vehicle is calibrated to its specific voltage? A: Some people try to use Li-Ion it s a bad idea the car isn t designed for it. Tesla uses the Interstate brand. & #x200B Q: The internet says this issue is more prominent with the 2018s and late 2019s and beyond are better is that true? A: Completely false. It \[short life expectancy\] is simply a product of our climate. I have 2 Toyotas and their 12Vs die every 2 years too. & #x200B Q: Would the 12V battery last longer if I charged every night? A: No. & #x200B Q: Is there an unofficial recommendation to proactively change the 12V every 2 years before the notification gets you? A: That s what I do with my vehicles (his Toyotas). & #x200B Q: What happens when the high-voltage battery still has charge but the 12V is dead (Google results mainly only address when both are dead)? A: Car will be dead can t open get in no auxiliary systems. & #x200B Q: (How can I rescue the car myself in that situation) The technique of using a 9V battery on the front bumper wires to open the frunk - will that work when high-voltage battery has charge but 12V is dead (Google says both batteries have to be dead if the car was originally locked)? A: Yes. & #x200B Q: (How can I rescue the car myself in that situation) Then once I have access to the frunk can I connect a jumpstarter battery to the dead 12V battery to start the car and then start driving? (most Google results describe jumping a Tesla only when both high-voltage & 12V batteries are dead and you use the jumpstarter battery to recharge both of them) A: Yes that s what Roadside Assistance would do. Just don t walk away from the car after you do that (presumably locking the car and locking you out again). & #x200B Personal takeaways: 1. I had set up mobile service for this and the first date available was 5 days out. I didn t want to run the risk that it would die before then so I went to the SC about 15 min after opening to see if they could squeeze me in. Google suggested that I would have to plead an extenuating case. It was a total non-issue: I don t have an appointment but I got the 12V battery notification. Sure I can take care of you over here. 2. Going forward my emergency setup for a dying 12V battery will be to keep a 9V battery outside of the car (either at work or in my pocket) to function as a manual key to open the frunk via the front bumper wires and keep a charged jumpstarter powerpack in the frunk to jump the dead 12V battery to get the car going. 3. Cost outside of warranty was about $100 service took about 1 hr. | redditretina | 2022-08-26 16:41:44 | 176 | ilwe5yr | Very helpful post. Thanks for being so detailed. Pin sticky this post? | pudgyplacater | 2022-08-26 18:03:09 | 41 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic |
dfzrm9 | 12V battery requires service | Anyone have any issues with their TM3 LR 12V battery. I got in my car this morning and heard a lot of weird clicking noises and could tell something was wrong. Screen booted up with a series of warnings saying my car was unsafe to drive and that I needed to service my battery. I received delivery 6 2018 with < 25K miles. Seems kind of early for battery issues right? Any idea if warranty has any coverage for this or how much it costs to replace? They re making me wait a week before they send the mobile repair team over. & #x200B Update: Tesla just called to move my appointment up to tomorrow. Said my car was still safe to drive for 2-3 weeks. Free replacement under 50K. Great service! | F00sh00 | 2019-10-10 15:36:07 | 12 | f376fbi | Probably just a dead defective 12v battery. Mobile service should be able to swap that out for ya. | tp1996 | 2019-10-10 15:39:51 | 26 | Tesla ownership feedback and issues |
7y6in4 | 12v Battery | Why Tesla cars have a 12v battery? Why they don t use a DC DC converter to get 12v for the car-systems? | jan_O3s | 2018-02-17 13:01:56 | 17 | dudz52p | For a couple reasons. They need a small low voltage battery to be able to control the physical cut-offs and charging system. When the car is idle and not charging the high voltage battery is physically disconnected. Having a 12v not only allows the car to operate equipment like the radio in this mode but it also provides for a way for the car to reconnect the HV battery when the vehicle is put into drive mode or when charging is desired. | ENrgStar | 2018-02-17 13:22:02 | 27 | Tesla Dominance in EV Batteries |
8t190s | 12v Needs Service Morning Of RoadTrip | Thank you Paramus NJ Tesla Service Center. I woke up the morning to start packing our Model X for a 10 day road trip and was greeted by the fun 12v needs service soon indicator. After conflicting information from Tesla Tech Support this sub and Tesla forumn... It seems this could appear hours or weeks before the 12v stops being able to power the oh so critical High voltage battery latch. So I took a gamble and went to my local service center to see if they would take mercy on me and replace it (without appointment) to save our roadtrip. They did! So thank you SC for going above and beyond on a day where you had no openings. Now as for this 12v... Wtf. Car is 7 months old and only 7k miles. I know Tesla abuses the 12v battery with multiple daily charge cycles but damn... 7 months is certainly on the low end of expected life even in a Tesla. I really can t believe they didn t find a way to cram a larger battery as a retrofit or a change for newer production cars. Did the model 3 end up pulling the 12v DC DC converter into the battery pack to help avoid this or does it also have the same 12v issue? | BaxterPad | 2018-06-22 13:15:41 | 48 | e13uhnf | > Did the model 3 end up pulling the 12v DC DC converter into the battery pack to help avoid this or does it also have the same 12v issue? [Location of 12V battery in Model 3](https: tmc threads model-3-12-volt-battery-location.107340 ) Early Model 3s had problems with the 12v dying. Haven t heard any more about it since very early in the year. | NoVA_traveler | 2018-06-22 13:28:26 | 8 | Tesla ownership feedback and issues |
uig01r | 12v Replacement | I m right at the two year mark (model 3) and I have read a lot of horror stories in regard to the 12v battery especially around this milestone. I know it s hit or miss on the low battery warning vs just walking outside to a “dead” car. I figured I would go ahead and be proactive and have the 12v battery replaced. Scheduled mobile service and got the estimated price. To my shock they covered it under the limited warranty. Just wanted to pass on the news and may be something to consider for those still in warranty. | matttopotamus | 2022-05-04 20:38:40 | 95 | i7ckfg7 | I m 4 years in and 60k miles... original 12v battery | ImUrHuckle63rry | 2022-05-04 21:58:20 | 74 | Tesla ownership feedback and issues |
ge7sf5 | 13.23 KW Solar Array installed and Operational | We had a solar array installed on our house a week ago and are now waiting on Oncor to either program or replace our meter to allow net metering. So far we have generated a maximum of 76.26 kWH in one day. | [deleted] | 2020-05-05 22:34:52 | 31 | fplvxvu | Our installation [Our Solar Installation ](https: V6ZRVHdX E44-A3536-06-C2-4425-B296-CD2-BFF51-BC8-E.jpg) | buff-gunner | 2020-05-05 23:15:08 | 6 | Tesla Solar Panel Decision |
c3m0i0 | 14 hours into owning TM3 a rock chips my windshield. Does Tesla replace or must I 3rd party? | I had 28 miles on the clock. I got out onto the highway and needed to merge left out from behind a cement truck a few hundred feet ahead. A rock hits my windshield and puts 4 or so dents in my windshield. Biggest one is maybe 3-5mm and all could fit under a quarter. Could my local (Raleigh NC USA Earth Sol MilkyWay Known Universe) Tesla service center replace the windshield or do I have to use a third party? Would a third party be able to do the replacement properly? | AkkerKid | 2019-06-22 05:54:46 | 11 | errup2x | Coupla things I know from experience: 1. You ll have to use a Model 3 windshield from Tesla but third parties can install it. 2. It s not as simple as a traditional car (the windshield has a built-in light sensor and wiring harness) 3. Find someone who has a lot of Tesla experience (it will be faster and there s less chance of error) 4. Safelite says they can fix rock chips in a Model 3 about 50% of the time (they tried and failed on mine) 5. If your rock chips are directly in front of your eyes Safelite may refuse to fix them 6. Many rock chips will spread (mine did eventually) 7. A windshield claim will not affect your insurance rates (according to Allstate check yours they will tell you) you just pay the deductible (mine was $250 depends on which policy you purchased) 8. A Model 3 windshield costs about $1300 to replace ($850 part $300 labor tax) 9. Tesla won t just let installers buy a bunch of glass and stock it they have to have a VIN to order it which means you may have to wait to get it after you ask so plan ahead (a good installer should ask your VIN right away) There may be some other factoids I m forgetting. I watched my replacement and asked a lot of questions. From probably the most experienced Model 3 glass guy (I live near the factory in California and he pitches in sometimes at Tesla when they need help). Lots of interesting stories. (Hint: side glass on an original Model X is impossible to get.) | jpbeans | 2019-06-22 06:18:40 | 45 | Tesla ownership feedback and issues |
41v9s9 | 14-30 Adapter Question | Hi Everyone I ve been searching and reading threads on adapters. I do realize this has been discussed many times. I ve ordered a CPO Tesla but have not taken delivery. My understanding is that I can charge from a NEMA 14-30 outlet that exists in my garage if I dial it down to 24A in the car. Will this adapter work for connecting from the outlet to the mobile charger? http: Camco-55422-PowerGrip-Standard-Generator dp B005BNZFQ0 ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8& qid=1453308859& sr=8-1& keywords=14-30+to+14-50+adapter Thanks for the help! I want to be safe hence posting this question again. | DrumhellerRAW | 2016-01-20 17:10:18 | 10 | cz5egwj | OP can you please post a picture of that NEMA 14-30 in your garage? I d like to see the setup in order to give a more informed opinion to you on whether it s worth trying to use an adapter. | RGuyM | 2016-01-20 17:34:36 | 5 | Tesla Model Travel Experiences |
von00h | 14-50 Adapters currently in-stock in online store | We ll see how long they last. https: product gen-2-nema-adapters | vondiggity | 2022-07-01 00:13:52 | 114 | ieeq8lq | Crazy I never got an email reminder from them | hasek3139 | 2022-07-01 03:40:36 | 22 | Tesla Model Travel Experiences |
ba4ko7 | 145kW Supercharging where art thou? | Personally I think that unlocking legacy Superchargers to 145kW is a bigger deal than v3 Superchargers....especially if the charge curve is modified to hold charge rates above 100kW to nearly 60% (Model 3) as has been reported. Based on my vast legacy supercharger experience on long road trips v3 is honestly barely required. However ramping the rate to 145kW and holding rates above 100kW beyond 50% will basically result in zero waiting for me (I walk the dogs at each stop and then go to the bathroom myself). | OompaOrangeFace | 2019-04-06 14:00:47 | 95 | ek8xusa | Curious as well. Going cross country in two weeks and it would be nice to see it. I haven t supercharged for months so don t know if the update has been pushed yet. | RickJ19Zeta8 | 2019-04-06 14:19:37 | 28 | Tesla Model Travel Experiences |
2mnesu | 15 000 Subscribers! New Subreddit Design Apply to be a Moderator & More! | In celebration of reaching **15 000 subscribers** we are launching the new subreddit design! As you may know we have been working on a new stylesheet over at r tmcss (special thanks to our fellow mod u accountdureddit for writing most the CSS). It s been applied to r teslamotors now. If you notice any bugs problems inconsistencies or glitches feel free to [tell us!]( message compose?to=%2Fu%2Faccountdureddit %20%2Fu%2Fridgelawrence& subject=CSS%20suggestion) ***Additionally*** we are now starting our search for a new moderator to add to the team! The application form is located [here](http: forms 9Zs39m2aMa) so fill that out if you are interested. The form will be open for 1 week. Be in mind from our last application process (in which r teslamotors was less than half its current size) we got dozens of entries. So while anyone can apply and submit the form please only do so if you would consider yourself a serious candidate for the position (forum subreddit moderating history history with r teslamotors etc involvement with Tesla Motors). We appreciate and thank everyone that applies in advance. Finally we wanted to say thank you to not only Tesla Motors but also to you—our dedicated community—for helping grow such a small sub into one of the largest car manufacturer subreddits there is. We couldn t have done it without all of you. Here s to the next 15 000! **Cheers ** *The Mods of r TeslaMotors* **Edit: Apparently we have some CSS work to do. Sorry for the inconvenience everyone! And keep the suggestions coming!** **Edit 2: Lot s of CSS fixes have been applied - please message us [here](http: message compose?to=%2Fr%2Fteslamotors) if there are more fixes suggestions. Thanks!** | ridgelawrence | 2014-11-18 08:59:44 | 43 | cm5vjbi | Regarding the new style does anyone else have buttons on the right that are cut off? I have Submit a new link (or)ubmit a new text post with the S missing on the second half. | andguent | 2014-11-18 11:22:40 | 6 | Evolution of Tesla Subreddit |
3x1no5 | 15 Superchargers under construction in North America.... | And countless others in the permit stage. I have watched the progress on fairly close I can t recall seeing this many construction cones. It may have happened before but typically it seems to hover in the 6-8 or 10 range in the construction phase. Super encouraging although if you look at the map most of the SC s under construction are not in the areas of the country that still have big gaps although some nibble around the edges a bit. My hope is that this is just the beginning of a big push to make anywhere in the U.S. accessible without having to jump through any hoops. Destination charging also plays a huge role IMO and I haven t seen any big changes recently in that regard. | tturedditor | 2015-12-16 05:48:49 | 30 | cy0zvz0 | YOU MUST CONSTRUCT ADDITIONAL PYLONS! | Tcloud | 2015-12-16 14:19:43 | 27 | Tesla Model Travel Experiences |
jvahty | 1500+ round trip road trip over three days in MY | Going into this trip I thought the stops to charge were going to get tedious but was really surprised by how pleasant the overall experience was. All our luggage fit in the frunk and below the rear floor so our dog had the entire cargo area to himself. Autopilot took all the stress out of the drive. This entire drive was all on v2 or slower chargers as well. Doesn t appear to be any v3 for Missouri or Kansas. At least on our route. Only downside is the 23 cents a kw adds up pretty fast. Need to do some math but I m guessing the efficiency is similar to a good hybrid. Efficient with the wind and colder temps definitely dropped below 70% at times granted we were driving 80-90 whenever possible. | rypajo | 2020-11-16 17:08:16 | 27 | gcig7rl | > 23 cents a kw Just wanted to clarify that it is kWh. | Ihaveamodel3 | 2020-11-16 17:12:49 | 15 | Tesla Model Travel Experiences |
bs5qxc | 150kw Charging on Model 3 mid-range? | Hey all & #x200B I just got the update that apparently has 150kw charging but didn t see anything in the changelog about it (just battery warm-up) & #x200B The superchargers near me on the map now show up to 150kw on them when they didn t before-- but I keep hearing that the smaller mid-range battery makes it so you can t actually get those charging speeds? & #x200B Have any of the other mid range owners experience faster charging speeds after this last update? | CyberKitsune | 2019-05-23 17:27:04 | 14 | eoj53hw | LEMR owner here. I don t get the 150kw speeds either. I do however see improved charging speeds on mph hr. I hit a peak of 500mph hr which is consistent with the larger battery packs charging speed. | atestthisis | 2019-05-23 17:39:00 | 8 | Tesla Model Travel Experiences |
m8l684 | 16 v3 SuperChargers being installed in King of Prussia PA - location 100% CONFIRMED | I was in the King of Prussia PA area today and decided to stop at Chipotle to get lunch. As I was parking my car a work truck was also parking. As I was getting out of my car 3 guys exited the work truck and as they walked to Chipotle s door one guy complimented me on my car. As all Tesla owners do I got excited and stopped to talk to him. Turns out that he and his 2 coworkers are beginning the installation process for SIXTEEN v3 SuperChargers in KoP. There ve been lots of rumors about where the location would be but he confirmed for me for sure. They re literally beginning work now and the SCs will be operational in a few months he said. [Google Maps location](https: maps place 40%C2%B005 33.0%22N+75%C2%B021 30.1%22W @40.092487 -75.3594573 18z data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x0:0x0!7e2!8m2!3d40.0924872!4d-75.3583634) - in the shopping center with Giant CVS and Wendy s on Henderson Rd right by Rt 202. It was a really exciting interaction for me so I wanted to make their day too. So I bought them all lunch! | TheNewJasonBourne | 2021-03-19 16:34:20 | 99 | grhwrbd | Broke: eating Halal Guys while charging at Electrify America. Woke: eating Halal Guys while charging at Supercharger. | Craig_in_PA | 2021-03-19 16:44:36 | 19 | Tesla Model Travel Experiences |
pi5i52 | 16.6kW J1772 Charging Stations | Does any current Tesla vehicles in North America supports 16.6kW J1772 charging using the factory adapter? I was able to only get 32A 220V on my 2020 Model Y and 2021 Model 3. Should I setup something to allow it to charge @ 80A (64A) or the maximum speed is 32A? Thanks! | Kanzaki_Mirai | 2021-09-05 03:22:02 | 25 | hbnkv87 | Depends on your car and the station. Most J1772 stations I ve seen are around 30 amps. The SR and SR+ cars are capped at 32 amps max the LR and performance 3 and Y are capped at 48 amps for AC charging | The_Original_O | 2021-09-05 05:07:14 | 16 | Tesla Model Travel Experiences |
dn4iuc | 17 Wheels on a Model 3 | I ve been searching around for quite a while to see if it was possible to get 17 wheels onto a Model 3. It looks like someone actually managed to get some to fit onto a Model 3. He went with a 7 wheel and taller narrower tires than stock (215 60R17) for more ground clearance but I wonder if this rim would work with stock width and height (235 50R17) [https: threads increasing-suspension-travel-and-or-lifting-was-model-3-offroaders.7648 page-11](https: threads increasing-suspension-travel-and-or-lifting-was-model-3-offroaders.7648 page-11) | swaledigger | 2019-10-25 21:59:08 | 19 | f57p59q | but why? | stunkcrunk | 2019-10-25 22:02:12 | 11 | Tire and Wheel Maintenance |
64uuqj | 17.14.23 changes your car graphic? | So I m a fairly new owner. I have a P85 CPO that was built 9 2014. I just installed the update and noticed the graphic of the car dropped the red brake calipers from the image. Additionally a few angles appear to be the refreshed front bumper but it s hard to tell since none are head on. Just wondering if anyone noticed this or if it s normal after an update and it will fetch down an updated image later. | cardoe | 2017-04-12 00:24:01 | 11 | dg5ci9l | I would take to someone in service about changing the image. All the graphics are there in software for the various options. Someone with access just needs to toggle the appropriate variables for your car. I ve done this before with my previous MS...the spoiler wasn t represented in the graphics. It was a quick fix once I got ahold of someone who knew what I was talking about. I have to do it again with my new MS soon. Good luck! | imagaspasser | 2017-04-12 02:36:01 | 8 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic |
6kgjy8 | 17.24.28 am I crazy | Or does the audio system sound way better? When I first drove the car after the update the sound system sounded like it was on mono it was awful. So I went in the eq and moved 1 bar and boom and system kicked in and I belive it sounds way better than before! Anyone else seeing this? | Moronicon | 2017-06-30 15:17:27 | 38 | djluxm1 | It s funny that you mention that after only a couple weeks ago Elon discussing how the audio could me drastically improved just with software driver refinements. | Infinite101 | 2017-06-30 15:32:15 | 33 | Tesla Model 3 Audio Experience |
6kks12 | 17.24.30 MX90D Issues | I had Tesla install the latest update for my road-trip. We just finished our first supercharger stop. I have to say it s a downgrade from 17.17.17. Bluetooth will show the song playing but no sound. Tried restarting my phone and the problem persists. iPhone 7+ iOS 10.3.2 Autopilot has tried to swerve us off the road 3 times. One random one hill one wide lane. It can t figure out how to handle lane splits. Autopilot turned off lane assist for about 15mins. Just normal highway not for sure why? XM station folder is still blank except for the Preview channel. Makes it very hard to navigate. My wife wants to bet me that Elon won t have coast to coast autonomy by end of year. At this rate it s not a bet I m willing to take. Still love my Model X best car I ve ever driven. | plurlife | 2017-07-01 03:21:35 | 13 | djn5lkk | About the Bluetooth playing the sound and no audio - this has happened ṭo me in even the lower updates. Try toggling to a radio channel tune in and switch back to Bluetooth to see if that helps. Very random quirk and definitely a software bug! | Gunnernaut7 | 2017-07-01 11:24:09 | 5 | Tesla Software Update Analysis |
6losvx | 17.26.76- does it update AP2 ? | I just finally got my first update since I bought my MX in late May loaded with 17.17.17. I have been hearing a bunch of talk about silky smooth autopilot release coming this month.... Is this what that is? It doesn t say anything about autopilot in the release notes. All it says is about auto brightness and auto parallel park. [release notes](https: gallery V45bv) | lasercond | 2017-07-06 21:00:54 | 13 | djvff2l | From various people posting on TMC that is indeed the silky smooth update as well as the new Linux Kernel for AP2 vehicles coming from 17.17.17. A lot of people reporting much smoother stopping for traffic in front of the vehicle. And some reporting that curves and steering has improved as well. Just an fyi Tesla generally doesn t update the changelog for minor releases. Usually only for the large updates with changes to UI or new features. The under the hood stuff is not really shown. By the way the auto screen brightness is awesome. Have it on my AP1 car and it works great. Glad it will be rolling out to my AP2 car as well | DDotJ | 2017-07-06 21:06:53 | 6 | Tesla Autopilot Performance Review |
6azskv | 17.4 AP2 Sees rain puddles as lane markings. Steers over center lane markings. | After a particularly heavy rain it followed rain puddles and not the road lanes. Steered me over the center markings when the puddle got close to the middle. I was admittedly being reckless. This intersection is hit or miss. [Video](http: watch?v=gnMEJhLgPHE) | caz0 | 2017-05-13 19:52:05 | 67 | dhin887 | Tesla s autopilot team sure has some work to do. | PostYourSinks | 2017-05-13 19:54:39 | 38 | Tesla Autopilot Performance Review |
5uyn5h | 17.5.36 roll-out stagnated!? | Since a few days the number on seems to be stuck at 11 AP2 cars (plus the one obligatory erroneous AP1 report). Anybody any insight what s up with that? | Paladin32776 | 2017-02-19 15:14:44 | 18 | ddxuzjs | Either they found an issue in the initial roll out. Or they had a breakthrough with something and so decided to pause the rollout to avoid having to push two updates in a small time frame. | dmy30 | 2017-02-19 15:37:50 | 11 | Tesla Autopilot Performance Review |
5tz2go | 17.6.15 update reported by Teslafi. Anyone got it yet? | I m curious to know what the update contains. If anyone here has it please let us know. | Byshop303 | 2017-02-14 08:27:40 | 15 | ddqfurr | It restores performance for those drivers who have had their performance software restricted from too many launches. | PattyChuck | 2017-02-14 15:40:23 | 5 | Tesla Software Update Analysis |
dtg2c1 | 170kw Supercharging for SR+ removed from 2019.36.2.1 release notes | It was there on 2019.36.1 release notes the 36.2.1 release notes seem the same as 36.1 except that section is gone. Did anyone with a 36.1 SR+ actually try it? I was running my battery down so I could try it out this weekend never did get to see it. Did anyone with an SR+ and 36.1 actually get to experience it? I hope they get the bugs worked out and get it back in the software. Faster charging is a good long as it s safe. | toddzman | 2019-11-08 14:20:48 | 58 | f6wcnl2 | The last software seemed like had a lot of bugs. However it s way more important than the recent 10.0 update. With increased range. Power.. harder regenerative braking all the way to a stop and increased supercharging speeds going to be most significant update ever from Tesla. | slingxshot | 2019-11-08 14:27:43 | 17 | Tesla Model Travel Experiences |
a39nxt | 18 Rims that...almost (and then barely) fit a P3D | Did a test fit with XXR 559 18-8.5 +35mm offset and the one I got worked on the fronts. Didn t test the back : big mistake XXR 559 got all 4 with Michelin Cross climate+ mounted up : only 3 of 4 clear! Back left is hitting the caliper. But back right clears! what gives? Ended up grinding down the little squares on the caliper where the molds must have been down just a teensy bit bigger. Not even into the actual caliper just the edges of those squares. Guessing that one of my calipers had a tiiiiny bit more metal. Now clears. Of course in the back there is virtually no clearance. Front has plenty. Overall looks good to go now and the caliper paint that is missing is not visible at all. https: WzOsmBh Rim mounted (looks nice!) https: 3zjd8xX https: XFRTL8o Caliper we had to grind (slightly) in rear left. Can t tell at all now. https: z3cp4Ij https: VpuMwdk Caliper that didn t have to have anything done (rear right). Very little clearance https: l05WGbH https: o6oRLih Front with plenty of clearance Overall my lesson: fit test on all 4 spots next time! | Lunares | 2018-12-05 06:26:06 | 18 | eb4gz5n | Future op post: So today in the rear view mirror I saw sparks coming from the bottom of the car and thought it was the battery on fire. Nope. Forgot about the brakes. Something changed in the clearance. Time to buy new ... lots of things | EverythingIsNorminal | 2018-12-05 06:31:11 | 26 | Tire and Wheel Maintenance |
deomw7 | 18 or 19 Wheels for P3D+ | Hello all & #x200B I ve been going back and forth about the 20 wheels I have on my P3D+. As any of the local San Francisco owners will tell you the roads are horrible. I ve learned the hard way that 20 wheels while really nice looking are way toO prone to damage. I ve come to the conclusion that I need smaller. I know from various bloggers that 18 are much quieter and handle the bumps far better. Are 19 any better than 20 s in practicality? They look better but will that 1 provide enough cushion for such a heavy car? | robt_sf | 2019-10-07 19:47:13 | 22 | f2xjhtn | I just switched from the 20 performance wheels to the 18 tsportline TST in matte black and I love them! They look awesome so I think I m going to keep them on year round. | eL_777 | 2019-10-07 20:11:33 | 16 | Tire and Wheel Maintenance |
7sifr7 | 18 vs 19 Tires for Ride Quality Cabin Noise on Model 3 | Has anyone done a test yet for ride quality handling on the 3 and Cabin Noise between the two? I d prefer the 19 tires for the look of them but would love to know if they will be substantially noisier or harder on the road than the stock 18 s? | Nizratch | 2018-01-23 22:42:02 | 41 | dt54evm | My plan: get the 19 s because they re gorgeous and never subject myself to knowing whether the 18s are quieter and or offer substantially more range... | NoVA_traveler | 2018-01-24 00:15:47 | 35 | Tire and Wheel Maintenance |
81vjhi | 18 vs 19 Wheel Vibration Test | So I finally got some time with my second Model 3 today and decided to compare the 18 Aeros with the 19 sports on my other Model 3. [Here s a screenshot](https: a y5IhB) of the data. The sport wheels (somehow) had less vibration than the aero wheels. I was surprised by the results so I did the test again but got the same results. I think it s because the thicker tires on the aero wheels tend to “bounce” more when they hit a bump. Test was done at 40mph on the same road and in the same lane. I used an obscure app on my iPhone X so it s not the most precise instrument to test vibration but it s something. The phone was placed on the charging mat in both cars. The rubber mat was removed to reduce insulation from vibrations. Here s some [eye candy](https: a JMKou) for those that care. Any thoughts? | navinsiri | 2018-03-04 04:23:18 | 43 | dv5it8s | > So I finally got some time with my second Model 3 today... How the fuck...? | CrimsonEnigma | 2018-03-04 04:43:51 | 23 | Tire and Wheel Maintenance |
92f5j9 | 18 vs 20 tires for real world usability and performance | On the fence whether to get the performance upgrade package. I will take this car to the mountains and snow ice. Are the 18 wheels better for that rubber wise? Some have commented that 18 will be more resilient and offer smoother ride. But is that true even if inflated to the psi necessary to maximize range? Remember Elons tweet about ride quality being better at lower psi... Finally what about acceleration? I ve seen comparisons in other cars where smaller wheels lead to significantly better 0-60 in the 0.2-0.3 sec range because they tend to be lighter overall. Is that to be expected here as well? | jintoku | 2018-07-27 18:41:01 | 22 | e359sws | 20 s come with michellin Pilot sport 4s tires (summer only) cant be used in temps under 40 degrees. 18 s come with michellin primacy mxm4 s which are an all season tire. They can be used in the snow. The ps4s s will have far more grip in summer and are a true performance tire for the street occasional track use. the 18 s will be a smother ride because there is more sidewall for the tires which actually is part of the suspension system of a car even though we don t always think of tires as part of the suspension. They will help to isolate cushion some of the smaller harsher bumps from the springs dampers. The reason they went with a higher PSI was for better range. I would still think the 18 s would be far more comfortable than the 20 s even with the higher PSI of the tires. If you plan to track the car at all you will want a better braking system (track pads and possibly bigger rotors for additional heat tolerance). There are other BBK s out there for the model 3 which might be less expensive in the long run as you may want to opt for the stock 18 s and then get some aftermarket lighter wheels and tires BBK which should be less than 5k. | mattk926 | 2018-07-27 18:58:45 | 17 | Tire and Wheel Maintenance |
f5e7cp | 18 months ago I turned my nose up at Tesla. | 18 months ago I turned my nose up at the idea of ordering a Tesla EV altogether Instead I went for a Volvo XC60 T8. I thought being a hybrid it d be best of both but I was terribly wrong. It does 9-20 MPG. Today I went and test drove a model 3 and immediately went home and ordered one (Volvo is returned end of this month) It s safe to say I am completely converted to Tesla. Hopefully the wait for delivery isn t too long. | millsytime | 2020-02-17 19:35:45 | 1,113 | fhy75rv | Holy shit 9-20 mpg?! In a hybrid?! | UnknownQTY | 2020-02-17 20:06:42 | 340 | Tesla Model 3 Review |
9fb62s | 18.34 no longer requires you to physically move the steering wheel while on autopilot. | I found this out accidentally today as I got the dreaded “apply light force to steering wheel” alert I happened to be changing the song and the alert went away! I tried again to verify by changing the volume when the alert came up and it went away! Definitely very glad this update was implemented. Thanks Elon for listening I always wondered why this wasn t a thing already since I m obviously still in the car if I mess with the scroll wheels. | smallatom | 2018-09-12 20:01:54 | 242 | e5v5ezj | The car I don t have is getting better as I type this. _The future_ | Rev-777 | 2018-09-12 20:19:04 | 111 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic |
3ts5xz | 19 or 21 wheels? | If money is not an issue would you go with 19 or 21? I like the way 21 turbine looks but worried about getting it damaged easily. Thoughts? What about cyclones? I am thinking about leasing. Going with 19 or 21 doesn t really make a difference and I don t want to bother with aftermarket. What would you pick? | Peekaboo001 | 2015-11-22 05:15:44 | 11 | cx8tqy5 | Speaking solely as a car guy here big wheels are just for looks. Not only in the case of the model s just in general. They cost more tires cost more and there is a smaller selection of replacement tires. Since the 21 requires low profile tires you can expect all the cons of those as well: harsher ride quality more road noise transmitted to the cabin. In this case particularly the staggered wheels 245 front 265 rear are only available for 21 though in case you plan on needing insane traction(like drag racing). But If you really prefer the look of them then absolutely go for it. | donmoobie | 2015-11-22 07:06:40 | 22 | Tire and Wheel Maintenance |
6drkf6 | 19 vs 21 wheel owners - have you tried both? What are your thoughts? | I like higher up cars in height. Most people comment on the obvious like I know there is a slight handling difference and you get less efficiency but Im curious if you thought it was a good investment and if you feel like you re actually higher up in the car sitting and getting out of it. | omeganemesis28 | 2017-05-28 02:36:48 | 25 | di4v43u | I had the [21 inch Turbines](https: p BDwaLfuNTgx ?taken-by=sdoorex) and changed down to [19 inch TSW Geneva](https: qSHqAfw.jpg) forged wheels on a P85 with air suspension. I used Continental ExtremeContact DWs on the 21s and currently Yokohama AdvanSport A S on the 19s. While the 21s looked really good on the vehicle they also wore through tires very quickly (< 10k miles per set) compared with the 19s (19k+ currently). With the 21s I had several tires killed by pot holes but I have yet to lose one to the same on the 19s. The ride is better on the 19s due to being softer and quieter but they do feel a bit more wobbly at high speeds and in the corners. Regarding efficiency I averaged about 335 Wh Mile on the 21s but I m now at 290 Wh Mile on the 19s. The ride height was not any different between the 21s and 19s because the 21s use a 245 35R21 tire whereas the 19s use a 245 45R19 tire: Size 1: 245 35R21 Size 2: 245 45R19 Compare | Size 1 | Size 2 | Difference ---|---|----|---- Diameter | 27.8 | 27.7 | -0.4% Width | 9.6 | 9.6 | 0% Sidewall | 3.4 | 4.3 | +26.5% Circumference | 87.1 | 86.9 | -0.4% Revs Mile | 749 | 751 | +2 Edit: At the end of the day I prefer the 19s. The 21s were just unpractical for a daily driver and I still have three of the 21 inch wheels that I am trying to sell. | sdoorex | 2017-05-28 03:02:36 | 50 | Tire and Wheel Maintenance |
7vo0ph | 19 and 21 inch Tesla Turbine rims | I am really in love with the carbon turbine rims. I was wondering if they are possible to put under cars made by other brands. Has anyone else done this and how would this look? | Weakforpvm | 2018-02-06 15:23:46 | 19 | dttpbx7 | Pretty much as long as the lug pattern fits and you can fit the brake calipers. | dirtyfries | 2018-02-06 15:26:17 | 7 | Tire and Wheel Maintenance |
600l6q | 19 days from order to delivery!!! | I can t believe this news. My order was confirmed on 3 8 and today I found out that my MS is being painted as we speak and will be delivered on 3 27. That is a 19 day turn around. I read this and a few other forums and haven t seen anything this quickly. I m going to post in a couple forums to give others hope that things can happen very quickly. In case anyone is wondering: Model S 60 Glass Roof Tan leather Enhanced Autopilot | 3tco | 2017-03-17 21:58:36 | 59 | df2judv | Welcome to the end of quarter push. | midfielder4929 | 2017-03-17 22:14:21 | 45 | Tesla Delivery Woes |
yjagfq | 19 inch rims on 2020 Model S LR? | I am at the Tesla Service Center right now and I am getting my 21 rims changed for 19 rims with all seasons. The website says that they will fit my car but when I got to the service center they said I had to sign a waiver because the chart says they are not compatible. Is this normal? She said her chart says only 21 rims fit. The tech says he is 90% sure they fit. Why would the website say they fit and then the service center say they don t? When I bought the car 19 rims were an option. Anyone have this issue before? | Baz4k | 2022-11-01 14:41:19 | 23 | iumwk4z | Update: All 12 Model S in the parking lot have 19 rims. 🤔 | Baz4k | 2022-11-01 15:30:23 | 17 | Tire and Wheel Maintenance |
brllhn | 19 inch tires or 18s | Hi guys I was going to purchase a model 3 and then noticed they had a similar demo vehicle available for an extra 500. The demo has less than 7 KMS on it and comes with 19 inch wheels. I believe this option is generally worth an additional 2k. Any downfalls with the bigger wheels or purchasing the demo? | notatuttieater | 2019-05-22 07:10:17 | 11 | eoevfwj | stiffer ride | bergler82 | 2019-05-22 07:23:28 | 17 | Tire and Wheel Maintenance |
93ty29 | 19 year with passion for tesla | I am a 19 year old looking for any way to engage in tesla motors as I feel incredibly passionate about the company and what they stand for. Up until recently I wanted to even purchase a model 3 on my own but I quickly realized I couldn t afford to get it and pay for college at the same time. I really want to work in a tesla store or anywhere else. It would be a dream come to true to even do small jobs at tesla. I m currently going to school for mechanical engineering and I know it ll be a big help in the future but for now I d be happy to get my foot in the door.... Do you guys think there are any possibilities for someone of my age to get a job ?? | ChiefWarrior7 | 2018-08-01 22:58:05 | 16 | e3fy5r6 | become an electrician | PB94941 | 2018-08-01 23:00:16 | 43 | Pursuing Career at Tesla |
5ehl3e | 19K facebook group pleads for gigafactory 2 in Portugal! https: UZNF3j | The group is growing fast and is becoming an organized movement to work on convincing Tesla that Portugal is a great place for gigafactory 2. | vascobnunes | 2016-11-23 14:37:55 | 48 | dacitog | Holy cow! I m Portuguese and had no idea about this group! This may not have any significance on the outcome but I feel very proud just knowing so many people know the importance this could have for our tiny country. I think the fact that Portugal is at one end of Europe is definitely a downside given most of the production from Gigafactory 2 would be destined for Europe itself but hopefully the advantages outweigh this! | gonal123 | 2016-11-23 15:53:35 | 11 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic |
6w9laa | 19” slipstream wheels on Model 3? | I remember it being discussed here but I can t find it. Do the specs match? Can it be done? | Filippopotamus | 2017-08-27 01:40:09 | 10 | dm6d4sv | The Model S has a 120 mm bolt pattern and 40 mm offsets. I still don t know what the 3 has yet... I ve never seen it confirmed anywhere. | stevejust | 2017-08-27 02:08:53 | 9 | Tire and Wheel Maintenance |
9j8l58 | 19” wheels won t fit on P3D+ | There s a new disclaimer for the 18 and 19 wheel sizes in the Tesla shop. This was expected for the 18 s but I know a few purchasers of the Performance Upgrade were planning on having a set of 19s for the winter. Looks like you need other options since anything smaller than 20” won t work with the larger ~~calipers~~ hub. > *This package is not compatible with Model 3 Performance Dual Motor All-Wheel Drive configured with the Performance Upgrade – Contact your nearest Tesla Service Center for more details Maybe third party wheels will work I don t know. | Thud | 2018-09-27 01:33:03 | 91 | e6pignf | It s not the calipers. The Performance Plus has different hub for the wheels and requires a special cutout. https: tmc threads aftermarket-wheels-on-awd-performance-model-with-performance-upgrade.128491 | utc4984 | 2018-09-27 01:40:02 | 29 | Tire and Wheel Maintenance |
6gf13o | 1h45m software update? | Hey guys Anyone else get a prompt today this week for a software update of this size? It s my first time seeing this so I don t know if that s minor or major but figured I d throw a quick ask to see if this has been caught by anyone else. Edit: turns out this update was for 17.22.46 which included two new features | defiant103 | 2017-06-10 12:39:11 | 17 | diprnow | It always says that long but sometimes it s only 15 minutes. The install time estimate doesn t actually seem to be correlated with the size of the update and may just be a fixed value. | torndar | 2017-06-10 12:57:30 | 11 | Tesla Software Update Analysis |
8loo8f | 1st day line waiter got your AWD invite please post your reservation time here | If you re one of those who waited in line on the 1st day (owner or not since it does not matter) and already got your invite for the AWD please post your reservation time here. This way those that still does not have their invitation for the AWD can approximate when we may get the invite based on our reservation time. Can you also post your estimated delivery date and your vehicle specs. | BTTF_DeLorean | 2018-05-24 01:13:28 | 25 | dzh8can | Reserved in Annapolis MD at approx. 1130 est. Non\-owner. | utc4984 | 2018-05-24 01:24:29 | 6 | Tesla Delivery Woes |
73fvqm | 1st day reservation holders | Have the few people that received their Model 3 found out what Tesla is doing for the 1st day reservation holders? Elon hinted via a tweet that more was coming for those early backers. Just wondering. I was thinking it would be free LTE (when others will not get this) additional free supercharging or some sort of easter egg like an elon signature inside each car (like sig series). Thoughts? | pazdan | 2017-09-30 16:31:09 | 14 | dnq03e6 | I don t expect to hear anything on this until non employees begin to receive their cars (hopefully in October). | xaffable | 2017-09-30 17:03:38 | 11 | Issues with Tesla Referral Program |
91mgsb | 2 - 4 month delivery on all M3 | Was just playing with the designer and and it is now showing 2 - 4 month delivery for all variants of M3. I wonder what happened | MikeyJSabin | 2018-07-24 23:18:09 | 20 | e2z45kd | A lot of ppl ordered? My buddy ordered 1-2 weeks ago and showed 1-3months. | Jamesthepikapp | 2018-07-24 23:18:36 | 18 | Tesla Delivery Woes |
p33ryu | 2 Car Length Tesla Vision Autopilot on 2021.4.21.3 | Updated my car to 2021.4.21.3 recently and didn t see any noticeable changes. I was looking around and nobody else mentioned anything either but I just noticed in my car today that they expanded the limitations of Tesla Vision cars from 3 follow distance to 2. Still capped at 80mph but we re getting closer to feature parity with radar cars! Edit: Changed from car length to follow distance thanks u nyrol | JoshHolme | 2021-08-12 16:48:07 | 130 | h8ohov2 | Just so you re aware those aren t car lengths you re changing but just a speed relative following distance. I drive at the 7 setting and at highway speeds it give a good 9-10 car lengths and in the city it gives around 5-6 car lengths while driving and stops to within a car length behind the car in front of it. | nyrol | 2021-08-12 17:39:56 | 89 | Tesla Autopilot Performance Review |
b36s3l | 2 Dumb questions just ordered “new” Tesla M3 comes next week. It has 2 000 miles on it guessing store 4 hours away used it as test drive car. | 2 Dumb questions just ordered “new” Tesla M3 comes next week. It has 2 000 miles on it guessing store 4 hours away used it as test drive car. 1)I have the Vin can I look up the full specs somewhere? My account just gives me highlights wondering if it has premium sound. Also wondering if it s a 2018 or 2019 model. 2) Are 2019 cars made only in 2019? A lot of car manufacturers make the following year car available much sooner than the actual year stated example my girlfriend just ordered a 2020 Volvo and it arrives in August of 2019. | livewire54321 | 2019-03-20 03:00:57 | 14 | eixld1l | Did you order on a computer or did a Telsa employee send you a link? If you ordered online for full price it should not have those miles. If you ordered from a link then your Telsa employee may have found you a “deal”. That is “new” as in the car has not been registered with an owner yet but it has obviously been driven a ton. Call your delivery person and ask them why it has 2000 miles on it. Ask if it was a test drive model or why it has those many miles. You should be getting a several thousand dollar discount if it was a test drive car. I just turned down a 4000 discount on a test drive model 3 with 1200 miles because I found out it was a test drive car. | binkbankb0nk | 2019-03-20 03:13:09 | 20 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic |
8s11ic | 2 Failed Delivery Attempts | Anybody experienced two failed delivery attempts of their Model 3 over the course of 30 days? If so did Tesla offer any discounts services or other extras to help offset the inconvenience disappointments and incurred costs? The first car suffered cosmetic issues during shipment that were discovered during detailing - subsequently cancelling my delivery that day. Since the 3 week body rework has now turned into 6 weeks - they reassigned me to a new VIN (serial number over 5000 lower than the original car which is another flag of concern). Today s 2nd delivery was cancelled after my arrival for the appointment - due to an actuator failure during delivery prep. No parts in stock. Sigh.... | jlundstrom | 2018-06-18 16:51:50 | 16 | e0vnzpa | Glad they are finally catching this crap before delivery. | Jddssc121 | 2018-06-18 16:58:25 | 25 | Tesla Delivery Woes |
dh5y7b | 2 Questions for Canadian Model 3 Owners :) | Hey guys! I m looking to move back to Canada after being in the US for three years. Currently looking at Montréal as my residence. & #x200B **My two questions are:** & #x200B 1. How bad is it during winter without having a heated steering wheel? My 2015 KIA Forte has it and it literally is one of my all time favourite features especially winter time. So I m wondering if ever any of you considered the 3 yet chose not to proceed with it because of that one convenience aspect of having a heated steering wheel. 2. This is the main question really. I will need to commute to the US at least 2-3 times a month for work. It s around 550km one way. I don t have an issue driving for 5hrs or even worry about having to Supercharge on the way back and forth. However does it make sense to own a Tesla while racking up all that mileage? Or should I just keep using my current vehicle until it breaks before considering to switch to an Electric Alternative from a mileage perspective. Thanks! | allaboutandroids | 2019-10-13 04:29:08 | 14 | f3izns9 | The lack of heated steering wheel is too bad but it s really a minor inconvenience when you look at all the other advantages of the car. For example you can pre-heat the cabin right from the app. Right now there s about CAD$13k in tax write off if you buy a SR or SR + in Quebec so that s a pretty sweet deal and remember the drivetrain has been engineered to last 1.6 millions KM and the battery 800000 KM. Plus with the superchargers in Brossard Plattsburgh and Burlington you should be all set. | zippy9002 | 2019-10-13 05:31:16 | 14 | Tesla Model Travel Experiences |
5uvrir | 2 Simple questions | Why is it so difficult for Tesla to get body panel gaps consistent? Also will it be fixed for my model 3? | runs_with_knives | 2017-02-19 01:02:01 | 17 | ddxad98 | 1: good question. 2: yours specifically no but all the other ones will be fine. So sorry! | smallbusinessnerd | 2017-02-19 02:13:00 | 36 | Tesla ownership feedback and issues |
da0y0x | 2 Years Free Supercharging | For those of you who ordered your cars in the window for free supercharging what does it say under the Supercharging section of your car s info? Mine still says Pay Per Use (I ve been using referral miles since I bought mine). Because of the 300 character limit I ll reiterate what I ve heard. My rep told me that she heard from up on high that they weren t going to apply the 2 years until early October when all the qualifying orders have been delivered. Me thinks this is so they can be lazy and all of the cars will have the same 2 year start and end date. EDIT: got confirmation that all the 2 year unlimited supercharging plans will be approved and activated by the 7th | TheAJGman | 2019-09-27 14:09:13 | 14 | f1ntk0n | Took delivery yesterday of my new M3. Delivery team confirmed the 2 years won t start for a few weeks as they are manually approving every VIN out in Cali. He said your 2 years will start from the date they activate it doesn t start at delivery date. | 5t3110 | 2019-09-27 23:12:27 | 5 | Issues with Tesla Referral Program |
9kcfs3 | 2 Years of Model S 1 Day of Model 3 | After much vacillation I decided to step down from my 2016 Model S 90D to a new AWD Model 3. Then was pissed at the lower than expected valuation of my trade in S and almost cancelled two days before delivery and ate the deposit. To say I was nervous about whether it was making a good decision is an understatement. But I went through with it and took home my M3 today. Long story short: I love it. Model S was just too big for me too much of a battleship. My new 3 is on paper maybe a tenth of a second less quick from 0-60 but it doesn t feel that way. The car handles better zippier and more aggressive on turns I love the glass roof. The sight lines are mostly better (not the rear view mirror). I don t get nervous about how much room I m taking up when I pull into a parking space. My chief complaint so far is unexpected: the steering wheel isn t round but has edges and the way I normally hold the wheel it isn t comfortable and aggregates overworked tendons on my right hand. In the next few weeks I will need to find a different grip. I lose unlimited free supercharging but I only used that a half dozen times a year so my lower daily charge electricity bill probably cancels that out. All in all happy camper here. | jdhalv | 2018-10-01 02:25:54 | 92 | e6y3jbv | I kind of like that the steering wheel bottom is sort of flat. Makes it seem more sporty and easier to get in and out | dinozero | 2018-10-01 02:30:13 | 31 | Tesla Model 3 Review |
mdwxlb | 2 charged with murder... were arrested after they couldn t start a Tesla they tried to carjack | [https: news breaking ct-bridgeview-secretary-of-state-office-murder-charges-20210326-dqhoeglxvbg4vby7tpbqe67o5y-story.html](https: news breaking ct-bridgeview-secretary-of-state-office-murder-charges-20210326-dqhoeglxvbg4vby7tpbqe67o5y-story.html) | luvdapow | 2021-03-26 19:54:14 | 295 | gsbynws | *GET OUT OF THE FUCKING CAR!* *WAIT HOW DO THESE DOOR HANDLES WORK?!* | TheKobayashiMoron | 2021-03-26 20:12:32 | 159 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic |
7owf4p | 2 days 500 miles in a TM3 some S comparison too | No long trips just a lot of driving in and around LA. Misc thoughts. Picked up from MdR facility Friday morning. VIN 1727. Rear speakers don t work. The trim around the windshield on either side seems like it s not connected well. It s uneven. The auto-open via phone is awesome and totally not awesome. Can t walk anywhere near the garage without it activating the car. It really really needs a “home” mode of some sort. “When GPS shows I m home disable auto-unlock via phone” The interior feels more refined yet more spartan than my 2014 S. Door pockets!! Center console!! The rear view camera is fugging terrible. The worst I ve seen in a car. I really hope there is some way to fix or upgrade this. TERRIBLE I miss the last “30 15 5 miles” energy graph. Some things are too buried in menus. Switching to phone for audio for example takes many clicks on the screen. That screen is gorgeous. It s easy to get in the low 200s wh mile. My S does not have AP so it s new to me. The auto-cruise control is fantastic and the AP is really good. Hopefully getting better. It s a little wobbly in the lane sometimes especially around bends in the Fwy. And sometimes loses the thread. But super stoked overall. Happy I dropped the extra $5k. Keep hand(s) on the wheel! The ride is harsher than my S. But I like how it feels so solid. More so than the S. Very German sport sedan-like. I miss auto open close trunk. I wish that wasn t left on the cutting room floor. I miss #hatchbacklife The door handles are too fidgety. But if they re more durable than the S I ll live. The sport wheels provide literally NO curb protection. The tire s lip is inside of the rim. Metal *will* hit cement if you contact the curb. No doubt. Driving at night takes some getting used to. The black space where instruments should be is mildly alarming at first. I m relatively tall (6 2”) and my kids are taller (6 5”-ish). They re comfortable in the back. Headroom is better than the S for them. Handling is much better than the S. It s plenty fast. OTA update hasn t hit me yet. No WiFi. Can t schedule charging. No auto-wipers. Maybe it s not ready for the 3 yet? Haven t verified. My LTE connection died yesterday while navigating through heavy LA traffic yesterday. It was weird. First my Bluetooth connection started cutting in and out. Then it died. Change to steaming radio. It ran for about 2 songs then “loading error”. Then the map display stopped updating and the cell showed no bars and LTE with a line through it. After a few minutes all the warning icons lights flashed like I just started the car. And then everything was working again. The whole episode lasted about 15 to 20 minutes. Weird. My gripes and flaws above aside I m really happy so far and have every confidence in Tesla s service doing the right thing with the few issues I have spotted. (I got my invite Dec 24 ordered Dec 31 took delivery Jan 5. First day order but non-owner at the time. Bought a used S in November and got bumped up the list. Silver wheels AP.) | twinspop | 2018-01-08 05:32:34 | 62 | dsctdp1 | for the harsh ride check your tire pressure. Mine was delivered overinflated at nearly 50lbs. At 45lbs they are too stiff. I m riding at 42lbs front 43lbs rear. | _ohm_my | 2018-01-08 06:12:24 | 18 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic |
ibg2tg | 2 debug modes for FSD ya say Elon? Lets see! | Hi All Been listening to Elon interviews in the last few days. He mentioned a few times that he runs an Alpha(?) of FSD and he gets to see two different debug modes. He says that the average plebe wouldn t really understand what they were looking at and that one of the modes shows items that are a bit farther away than the stuff that customers can normally see... It got me super curious to see what those look like. Anyone aware of a video that shows these that we can peep at? Thanks! | jonSF | 2020-08-17 15:19:20 | 15 | g1vkkju | If you search *What Autopilot Sees* on YouTube there s a few videos [like this one](https: fKXztwtXaGo) if that s what you re looking for. | TheKobayashiMoron | 2020-08-17 16:17:09 | 14 | Tesla Autopilot Performance Review |
ck9g1l | 2 questions: tesla model 3 wifi 6\19 and riding the clutch | ok here we go & #x200B 1) model 3 built 6\\19 what type of wifi radio does it have? We able to support 5G AC? or just 5G N ? & #x200B 2) riding the clutch more of a reference for stick drivers but i have creep off so i can roll back on hills so my question is this. Am if on a hill if i give it just enough gas to keep me from rolling back at 0.. or even roll back some then small gas to go forward and so on. . while i know in a stick car this will ware out the clutch fast i know its just 2 electric motors so technically this isnt going to hurt the car AT ALL or am i wrong? & #x200B if it matters i have a P3D built from 6\\19 | tothjm | 2019-07-31 14:46:52 | 12 | evl3xhi | When you stall an electric motor (apply current without it moving) the coils turn into heater elements. Whatever energy would have moved you is now heating up the copper coils. This can cause the resin insulating the coil wire to burn off and short. This can cause a loss of performance. Doing this on small hills isn t a big deal but doing it for prolonged times or steep terrain is probably not a good idea for longevity. | drdabbles | 2019-07-31 16:20:58 | 31 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic |
8c4tje | 2 things to fix in model 3 | 1. When I use my phone to unlock the car it should load my settings. My wife sits very close to the steering wheel and it s difficult for me to get to the screen and choose my profile. Or I could lose weight I guess. 2. When putting a child seat on the back seat. The left and right seats don t trigger the seatbelt warning sign but putting it in the middle does. There should be a way to turn that off at least for the back seats. | JuryNightFury | 2018-04-14 02:53:57 | 13 | dxc5aoh | The first is being worked on. For the second I have no idea. | izybit | 2018-04-14 03:19:35 | 12 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic |
hoaxxs | 2 week old model Y. A C stopped working. Driving home from AZ to Cali | Stopped at the supercharger in Quartzsite AZ and we were so excited because it was charging the car over 900mph but about 15 mins in the a c started blowing warm air. We sat there for another 10 mins and finally had to.kove on because we have a fish tank (with fish) two dogs my wife and I all in the car and it s 115 degrees out. I reset everything turned off the a c and turned it on. Drove it about 20 miles and it slightly started cooking but prob about 95 in the car right now. Has anyone had this happen? I m literally driving while typing this (wife is driving) trying to figure it out. I have to keep driving to get the family home but this is crazy... The car is 2 weeks old.... | Poofie33 | 2020-07-09 20:44:12 | 93 | fxgo27w | I suspect that your AC is being used to cool the battery right now because supercharging warmed it up a whole lot plus radiant heating plus the 115 degree day. It may just be overwhelmed trying to cool the motors battery and you at the same time under that kind of assault. It could also be that the Y has a new heat pump and the software for it may not be very mature. I d try to contact Tesla. I d go to the app pick Roadside Assistance and tell them it s 115 degrees outside and the air conditioning doesn t work. They might be able to pull data from the car remotely and tell you what s up. | majesticjg | 2020-07-09 20:55:39 | 74 | Tesla Model Travel Experiences |
ha6ex4 | 2 weeks from FSD price increase and no AP rewrite leaks. | Normally we see leaks of major upcoming software updates weeks in advance. Either Tesla has really cracked down on the early access program or it may not be coming July 1st. Remember how many videos we saw of smart summon? What additional features do you think are coming July 2020 to justify the increase? At this point I m thinking it might just be additional sign intersection recognition and no confirmation Stop Control. | tezzler83 | 2020-06-16 15:41:34 | 44 | fv0tiy5 | What makes you think anything new is coming July 1? I think the price increase is for the already released stop light and stop sign stopping. If I remember correctly the last price increase happened about a month after Smart Summon was released. Nothing new was released on the date of the price increase. | Ihaveamodel3 | 2020-06-16 15:55:14 | 40 | Tesla Autopilot Performance Review |
cenvv8 | 2 weeks old - main fuse popped -- UPDATE | **OP HERE --** ***UPDATE:*** [https: r teslamotors comments ce5yl2 2\_weeks\_old\_main\_fuse\_popped\_while\_supercharging ](https: r teslamotors comments ce5yl2 2_weeks_old_main_fuse_popped_while_supercharging ) the techs at scottsdale service center were great. the car was inop for only 24hrs which is really fast considering how long an equivalent ICE repair might take... so they replaced the 12v battery the pyro fuse emptied the coolant and replaced it. they explained this happened because of the wrong version firmware being loaded on a sub-module . this triggered the pyro fuse at a lower threshold than is actually correct. so it blew the fuse although it didn t actually need to but nothing actually malfunctioned. they replaced the pyro fuse and updated all the software firmware to latest version. they then supercharged it and ran more diagnostics to confirm everything is still functioning properly but with the new updated threshold. pretty awesome they re able to figure out EXACTLY what happened using all the sensors internal logs etc... and not like well we fixed the fuse and we ll see if it happens again. maybe we can figure out why! . they said that engineers in california also ran diagnostics on my actual car to confirm exactlyyy what happened. so she s driving great and I m very happy with her :) would be nice to get some tesla store credit supercharging credit a hat anyyyythingggggggg ) | rebot | 2019-07-18 04:41:37 | 107 | eu3u1mg | How is it possible a wrong version of the firmware was loaded on a submodule? Did it happen with an OTA update? What version of the software did you have when it happened? | Teslaninja | 2019-07-18 04:49:59 | 35 | Tesla ownership feedback and issues |
ceftpj | 2 weeks with my first Tesla (MX): NOT the best car I ve owned. | Every car I ve owned since my £220 ford escort estate right up to my £30 000 Audi S5 convertible has been in several ways better and a lovely evolution of my car experiences. Faster more comfortable better tech better build quality. Every car has been a better car in some way. I work extremely save up and get the rewards with a better car. & #x200B I was expecting the same with Tesla. I was wrong. & #x200B Had I got the Jaguar F-PACE SVR (or Porsche Cayenne Turbo) that I wanted to get instead it would almost certainly be a better car in many ways just like my previous upgrades. Tesla however is not a better car. It is totally demeaning to suggest so. Yes it s better but it s not in the same league as a car . Yes ok it has wheels and you can drive it around like you do a car but other than that the experience is something completely different. Yes it s (MUCH) faster yes it s nice inside but... that s really it. It doesn t drive like a car it doesn t act like a car. & #x200B I wake in the morning open the app and remind myself where I parked it I check to see that it has been updated and what new features it has I check to see how much is in the tank and then I check the temperature and if too hot or cold I ask it to prepare the temperature for me as I shower. I walk to the thing and the door opens for me and I sit in it closes. A huge glorious screen reminds me what meetings I have on for the day as the seats and steering wheel jiggle me into my favourite driving position. I talk to it and it brings up a load of music I want it play. I tell it where I want to go and the glorious screen gives me a load of options I can either call or just drive to. I then start driving. Without having to turn the thing on by pressing a button or inserting a key. It just drives. But driving is an unfair description in this case - it doesn t drive the way I know it it kind of glides. I sit there in silence as I glide around effortlessly. A grunting muscle-car revs his dinosaur at me at the lights and within seconds he s a spec in my rear mirror as I glide away at what should be terrifying speeds in a car but feels like teleportation in this thing. Teh throttle isn t a throttle it s a teleportation pedal. Press it and you get instant torque and are where you want to be in soothing silence. Before I know it I m on a slightly wider road (no not a motorway just a simple A or B road) and I flick autopilot and I m just sitting there looking around at the scenery as it twists and turns and take me through traffic. I flick through radio stations and discover new music in the meantime. I get to my destination glide into my space get out the car and the doors just all close and it locks itself up. \[this isn t made up this is all a daily actual experience\] & #x200B For anyone who doesn t have a Tesla this all seems like exaggeration of little perks but it s not it s basically all amounts to a completely different experience. & #x200B This is not a car it feels like some sort of UFO type thing. Some sort of robot beast you sit in that happens to have wheels and use them on the roads. Drives don t feel like drives they feel like robot teleportation experiences. They are so much more relaxing and when I want it to be they re sooo much more fun too like when I humiliated a Jaguar F-Type on windy roads on Saturday. & #x200B This is why this feels NOTHING like my previous experiences of just getting a better car. This thing is no more a car than the best smartphone is an old wired-in landline telephone. An iPhone bears the name phone but in truth it s a palm sized portable PC and camera that can also make calls. I ve left cars behind. This is a technological beast or robot as my daughter calls it that has wheels moves on the road in a majestic way and resembles what we used to call cars. I ve not got a better car I ve now got a Tesla. & #x200B Welcome to the future! :) & #x200B & #x200B *EDIT UPDATE after the response -* *Bloody hell I m overwhelmed! I was rambling along in a break after a thought I had on my glide to work this morning expecting this post to get 10 views 3 comments and get moved deleted. Now I see 2.6k upvotes platinums golds silvers and people asking permission to publish this.... What!????? I wasn t expecting this! No I m not a writer and wasn t trying to be I m a scientist and English was worst subject at school. Having said that I wish the TLDR wasn t inserted at the top as it kind of ruins the flow of the post but I don t mind. I don t work for anyone and I m not a fanboy of Elon I just \*really\* am blown away by this thing I bought and I mean every word of it. Thank you VERY much to those who gave me these award things and thanks for ALL comments positive or negative (I ve read all) - I m not yet sure what awards do but I am very appreciative. Any praise though should go to Elon and Tesla for what they have done. I m just reporting my experience and verbalising what many probably feel nothing more. The praise is theirs. :)* | Peace_Is_Coming | 2019-07-17 17:18:29 | 2,641 | eu27vh5 | He had us in the first half not gonna lie | CallMeNardDog | 2019-07-17 17:23:54 | 1,902 | Tesla Model 3 Review |
4emnbk | 2 year 25k miles Tesla Service | Had my first annual service done yesterday. Wanted to share what that entailed for those too lazy to look up and or new to the sub. Per tmc and previous r teslamotors input I didn t think it necessary to do this every year. Had some additional things done as well (LTE retrofit Additional Key Fob Seat Belt recall check). Below is a summary of services and costs before tax: **Model: S 85 RWD** **24 Month 25000 Mile 40000 km Service (with Coil Suspension):** **$600.00** - Pulled logs and checked for active faults: No active faults - Checked firmware version: Updated to latest version 7.1 (2.16.17) - Performed function check of closures (moving glass doors trunks): Cleaned and lubricated latches. Good no issue. - Tested and inspected charging with shop¶s charge cable: Vehicle charged normally - Wiper Blades - Cabin Air Filter - Perform brake fluid flush - Perform A C evac and recharge replace desiccant bag - Replace batteries for Remote Keyless Entry and tested: Good no issue - Interior exterior lighting and horn: Good no issue - Performed inspection of powertrain and chassis components: Good no issues. - Checked fluid levels: Topped off washer fluid. Brake and coolant levels optimal. No signs - Inspected tires and rotated as necessary. - Measured tire tread depth at: (Outer) (Center) (Inner) LF: 6 32 6 32 6 32 RF: 6 32 6 32 6 32 LR: 7 32 7 32 7 32 RR: 7 32 7 32 7 32 - Adjusted tire pressures to B-pillar spec: 45psi Front 45psi Rear - Measured brake pad thickness - LF: 8 RF: 8 LR: 8 RR: 8 * Corrections: Four Wheel Alignment Check (with Coil Suspension) * Performed road test to determine if any preexisting alignment concerns are present. * Performed an alignment check. Recommend performing a 4 wheel alignment due to the alignment adjustments being out of spec. - Performed 4-wheel alignment - Test drive: Vehicle functions as designed **Parts Replaced or Added** * Carbon filter (1035125-00-A) 1 * BATTERY TRANSMITTER TYPE CR2032 * WIPER BLADE ASSEMBLY - DRIVER SIDE - BOSCH 700MM MODEL S LEFT HAND DRIVE (1051495-00-A) * WIPER BLADE ASSEMBLY - PASSENGER SIDE (1051496-00-A) * Desiccant Bag - Subcool Condenser 37g (1007717-00-A) * BRAKE FLUID DOW SERVICE 1 QT (1060099-00-A) **Customer requests to Perform LTE Retrofit:** **$500.00** * LTE Retrofit Package (1067726-00-A) 1 500.00 500.00 * Total Labor & Miscellaneous Items: 0.0000 Concern: Additional Items for LTE Retrofit * Corrections: Perform LTE Retrofit On MCU With Gyro Board Perform Calibration Test Drive United States and Canada * Performed LTE upgrade. Checked function of the LTE system. Found the LTE is functioning as designed. * PCBA LTE CONNECTIVITY UBLOX GPS (1054968-01-A) - 1 * SIM CARD JASPER (1035347-00-A) - 1 * CBL COAXIAL.50.OHM 100mm.U.FL (1010854-00-A) - 3 * Concern: Inspect Front Seat Belt Pre-Tensioners for Correct Installation **Corrections: Inspect LH And RH 1st Row Pre-Tensioners For Correct Installation: No Cost** * Inspected the Front Seat Belt Pre-Tensioners for Correct Installation and didn t find any defects. **Customer requests to purchase a 2nd Key Fob: $113.00** * Corrections: Transmitter - Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) - Add Replace 1 Transmitter * Programmed new additional key fob to customer s vehicle. Function tested to confirm proper operation. * KEY FOB BASIC 315MHz MODEL S V1.5 (1043806-00-B) * Total Labor & Miscellaneous Items: **$8.75** | Dncs | 2016-04-13 17:31:01 | 24 | d21fn2t | Thanks. My year old 34 000 mile 85D goes in a week from Friday for its first return to the mothership (other than the seat belt inspection and sips from the co located superchargers). I m also getting the LTE upgrade. | geo38 | 2016-04-13 17:53:01 | 8 | Tesla ownership feedback and issues |
4yn0j3 | 2 year lease option now available! | Did everyone else just get this email? This is great news! With hardware changing so quickly locking into a new Model X for 2 years is a huge improvement for me. It also appears that it s cheaper per month! | CashOverAss | 2016-08-20 03:24:49 | 74 | d6oz9p3 | Yes. Just checked to see if it was posted and saw your post. This is very tempting 2 years might be good a place for my model 3 | matthead | 2016-08-20 03:27:34 | 14 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic |
rttvyu | 2 year review of my Model 3 - The best car I ve ever driven in the day the worst at night | Hi everyone Welcome to my 2 year review of my Model 3 Performance built around September 2019 picked up in November 2019 at Manchester-South (Knutsford) service center in the UK. Through this review I want to cover my general experience I won t be including any specific numbers as quite frankly I don t have them and nothing I paid for that was expensive felt like it was the car s fault and something I needed to keep track of. :) So... I ll sum it up into different categories these are: Charging Range Reliability Maintenance Service Center experience and Gripes. **(If you re looking for the explanation for this post s title I d jump straight to the Gripes section)** Lets start! & #x200B **Charging:** This is actually a pretty simple one. It s not a problem and never has been one. My charging is split roughly 50 50 between home charging and Supercharging. At home I have a third-party 20 meter charging cable running from a wall outlet through 2 cat flaps down my driveway then into the car. This charges at about 2.5kW I believe it takes about 16 to 20 hours to charge. For Supercharging it s generally about 25 minutes. I live near Tebay services for anyone in the UK you probably know this place and love it as much as I do I actually end up going here for a meal and charge whilst there. Usually I m just finishing my drink as I get the Supercharging nearly complete message. Perfect timing! For Supercharging away from my local area it s never been an issue. I ve road tripped my car down to Monaco this was a round trip of around 3 000 miles. For this I used entirely Superchargers and never had a single broken stall nevermind a whole broken station. In my 2 years of ownership I ve only ever experienced 2 broken Supercharger stalls extremely reliable and reduces the worries that you might arrive to a broken charger! On the other hand... The only time in my 2 years of ownership that I ve had to use something other than Superchargers was doing the North coast 500 this is a road trip around the north coast of Scotland. The only chargers on the route past a certain point are ChargePlace Scotland ones these SUCK. Every other one is either partially or completely broken it is a range-anxiety inducing nightmare. Thank god the Supercharger network is so vast that I never have to deal with this again! In my ownership I ve always charged the car at around 30% and up to 90%. Though I don t track degradation I haven t noticed any difference in range. It s probably there but if I can t notice it then there s honestly no issue. I feel this is the case for most people the vast majority aren t plotting this. I display battery remaining in percent as the miles remaining has never once been right so it s honestly utterly useless. & #x200B **Range:** Note that this is a 2019 Model 3 before the heat pump was implemented. With that said... I d say my average range in the summer is about 240 miles. If I m driving like a moron on backroads probably less. (I did buy the Performance model for a reason after all!) - On average the outside temperature in my part of the UK during the summer is about 16c. (60f) In the winter I m probably lucky to get 150 miles. This is mainly due to more rain more wind and it just generally being colder. I will say that as of recent software updates the cold barely affects my regen anymore though! I d say on average the outside temperature in my part of thje UK during winter is about 9c. (48f) When I was road-tripping through France down to Monaco it was a blistering 39c (102f!) with this my range was all the way up to around 290 to 300 miles! Amazing! Sad to say I ll never see thay in this country though... :) Regardless this range has never been an issue. I ve averaged 322wh mi over the 22 000 miles I ve driven. Even with this I still get to family who is about an hour away drive to other people s houses that are 10-15 minutes away from there and get home on a single charge quite easily. For road trips I generally stop about every 2.5 hours of driving for a 25 minute break to charge use the bathroom grab a snack stretch etc. - This is not a concern at all for me. & #x200B **Reliability:** Oh no!? Reliability!? But but but... The build quality! It must be falling apart right!? Yeahhh... No it s fine. Drivetrain has been absolutely flawless considering I launch it on literally every single drive this is usually once a day or every other day. (Launching is addictive if you ve driven on you can relate!) Durin the whole 2 years of owning the vehicle I ve never had a single issue affecting the drivability of the car. Thoigh I have had a few software issues like one showing a turn signal fault which was fixed by me getting out of the car and back in. How about the build quality though? Well... It s Fremont I don t know what you expected but it s certainly no China build. The paint is pretty thin it s getting pretty destroyed around my rear wheel arches and on the front bumper I should have got PPF really. I ll be totally honest: The China-built cars are *amazing* all the panels are aligned the paint is noticeably better and overall they have less issues according to my mobile service technician. I will say the panels are aligned fine though! Though some trim pieces were lose my mobile service tech who was coming to check a rattle went around clipping them all back in. (Covered under warranty though so I can t complain!) & #x200B **Maintenance:** Uhh... Tyres? (Tires?) I guess that s it. Moving on. & #x200B Just joking but really that is about all I ve done to the car. At around 16 000 miles I replaced both rear tyres then had to replace a rear one 500 miles later as it got a nail stuck in the edge of the tread. Don t worry they re only Michilins most expensive tyre *I m not depressed about that or anything.* (Amazing tyres though! Well worth the price for the traction they provide!) I ve topped up the windwhield washer fluid maybe twice the tank for it is HUGE and lasts forever. No need to change the wipers yet still going strong with no streaking at all. & #x200B Here s a run down of my service center visits or mobile service visits: \- Interior trim rattle. (Covered under Goodwill free) \- Passenger window replacement. (£110 I believe? Mobile service was covered under Goodwill . The window got scratched all the way up by a rock that got stuck in the seal - On this same visit they also checked the power steering harness for any water ingress and re-enforced it as that s apparently a known issue on my age of car) \- Tail light replacement. (Due to condensation I didn t really care about this as it clears after driving a little but my dad kept bringing it up every other day he d visit so alas... It got fixed. Covered under warranty mobile service under Goodwill so all free!) \- Headlight alignment. (Covered under Goodwill free. I ll explain this more in the Gripes section as it s quite an annoying and long story - Whilst at the service center they also re-lubricated the upper control arm joints and re-sealed them this was to avoid a potential squeaking issue apparently) & #x200B **Service Center experience:** As I work from home and largely drive my car for fun more than anything productive some of the visits I made to the service center were simply to get out of the house and do something useful for once some could have been mobile service instead. Though... Every time I ve been to the service center it has been a great experience. Tea Coffee and some snacks to eat whilst you wait. The service center sales staff are great and love to have a nerd out about Tesla stuff. When I was in for my headlight alignment I was chatting about FSD Beta with them and we were both nerding out about wanting to try the yoke steering and expressing our concerns about parking with it of course. We came to the conclusion it d be fun to try at least. :) Upon collecting the car there s always a friendly person from the service department who comes and explains what was done and is always happy to explain anything in detail if needed. For mobile service I ve had the same guy each time I gave him hand holding stuff whilst he was working and got to have a fun chat with him about my road trip around France and he was telling me about places he was planning to stay in my local area and about his own personal Model S 100D that had been into an accident when someone side-swiped him. Overall... I ve never had any poor experiences at my local service center. They re a great bunch of people and whilst I was in for headlight alignment (On the 24th December!) I overheard that they d got a bunch of gifts from customers. I d thought about bringing one but didn t want to seem weird! I guess I was the odd one out by not bringing one instead. :) & #x200B **Gripes:** Alright... So this is the part you re probably looking for the explanation to the title. In the daytime I absolutely love the car and it s a joy to drive. Great fun on backroads absolutely smokes anything on the road and the acceleration kinda makes me want to throw up but in a good way! In the night time... Ugh... It feels like any minute I could crash and not even realise I was about to hit anything. Lets split this up into the 3 main causes of that: Headlights auto high beam automatic wipers. & #x200B Gripe 1 - Headlights: I ve seen on US videos that the headlight alignment is basically straight ahead there s not really many headlight laws there. It s just a free-for-all with hopes that anyone can see the road through the glare or you just buy a bigger vehicle than everyone else and screw over anyone in a smaller car by blinding them instead of them blinding you. **Nice.** In Europe... We re a bit more civilized and opt to use technology instead of simply pointing the headlights higher. (Apparently US laws are changing to allow some of this tech some time soon?) So lets do a quick comparison of 2 cars to show part of the issue here. My 2019 Model 3 Performance (£52 000!) versus my dad s 2014 Peugeot 308 (Like £30 000 new?) Tesla vs Peugeot... Fight! Peugeot the cheap French brand: Headlights adjust based on the angle of the vehicle have a very strict beam pattern so they can shine as far out as possible and as high as possible without affecting other drivers spotlights (Fog lights) turn on to see around corners better headlights generally have lots of spread so visibility to the sides is generally great. Tesla the premium brand: Headlights are static so they have to be pointed lower as not to blind people when going up a hill beam pattern is not strict at all so they need to be pointed lower to not blind others headlights have pretty terrible visibility around corners as they have little spread and don t adjust for corners at all or turn on the fog lights for corners. I really don t get it... 2019 and this is the state of the headlights...? I understand in the US these got some kind of award for being great...? Did they not bother to research the European market before releasing the Model 3 here? Now here s the really annoying part: *The headlights don t stay in the same place each drive.* Lets say you manually adjust the headlights to be higher up so they shine at people s number plates instead of literally 1 car length ahead (No joke this is what I had before manual alignment and what Tesla just aligned it back to) you d think the whole point of headlight alignment is to align them right? Wrong! Get out of the car get back in and they ll move to another position. Maybe they point at the ground and you can t see anything whilst driving maybe they point to the sky and cause everyone to flash their headlights at you. Who knows!? Lets spin the Wheel of fortune to find out! See TeslaMotorsClub forum in the UK section for a bunch of people complaining about this same experience. I imagine it s a software bug maybe some kind of gyro-drift causes it? Who knows either way it needs fixing. It s annoying for other drivers and annoying dangerous for myself. **EDIT:** Here s a picture of the low beam versus high beam this is 1 day after Tesla aligned them. Go watch a US video of a Model 3 and compaare you ll see my problem pretty fast. :) [https: a 2jE7E5D](https: a 2jE7E5D) **UPDATE:** Of what I ve gathered from comments people in Europe largely agree with the statements I made here whereas US users do not. To be clear... These issues mentioned here are caused by the EU headlight alignment and lack of advanced headlight features that are common amongst other vehicles sold in the EU and UK. Manual alignment could resolve this issue but it has a software bug that causes it to reset the alignment when entering the vehicle on a slope. & #x200B Grip 2 - Auto high beam: If I wasn t a software engineer and understood the issue a bit better I d assume they trained the auto high beam model on images of retroreflective signs instead of car headlights. How is it that on a single drive the high beam can turn off for EVERY sign at the side of the road but not a single car until they ve already flashed their lights at me? Some people say it has improved with the FSD Beta. Maybe improved vehicle detection has helped with this I m not sure what the underlying logic is but right now it s absolutely horrible. This combined with the broken European headlight alignment means I can come around a corner then suddenly go from seeing 10 car lengths ahead to literally 1. This is absolutely terrifying if you re doing 60mph around a corner then it suddenly sees the sharp corner arrow signs and turns off your lights mid-turn. I ve turned off auto high beams now as it s frankly more problematic than it is useful. When there s a lead vehicle it does a great job at turning off for them just a horrible job at everything else it needs to do... :( & #x200B Gripe 3 - Auto wipers: Lastly... The cherry on top! Camera-based automatic wipers. Credit where it s due in the day these work great and I only have to push the manual wipe button once or twice per drive if that. In the day they work far better than ones in the vast majority of other cars regularly getting just the right amount of wiping to not be annoying. At night... I mean... How do you know the difference between rain and just a black sky? This seems like a major oversight. I live in a rural area in the UK where there s no street lighting for the most part and very low light pollusion. Dark is very dark. The autowipers simply don t work in the dark. Once you get street lighting they start functioning pretty well again but 90% of the time you re sat there trying to drive whilst spamming the manual wipe button as you don t have time to look away from the road to use the on-screen buttons for changing wiper speed. (Why doesn t this use the scroll wheels like in the refresh S X? This makes 10000x more sense!) & #x200B Conclusion of the gripes: As a result of the above gripes... Here s my general night time driving experience if it s raining: \- I can see 1 car length ahead with the low beam. \- Every corner I approach causes the auto high beam to flash off for several seconds then back on making that 1 car length all I can see. On roads I don t know well this makes the corner kind of jump scare you as the high beam turns on you re doing 50 still into a sharper than you could see turn. \- Oh there s a car approaching? All I can see is RAIN let me keep spamming the manual wipe button whilst threading the needle with the 1 car length of lights I have and trying to slap the wiper speed I want on the screen. Heaven forbid there s any road debrid pedestrians dogs or anything else I need to see ahead of me. (Voice commands aren t fast enough to use really) Honestly... I m not being extreme herre. It s dangerous and stupid. It makes absolutely no sense to me why these issues haven t been a higher focus. I guess because the main software engineers are in sunny California where everything is already lit and corners are just 90 degree intersections? I really don t know but they **seriously** need to focus on Europe. Really hope Elon s so called improvements for Europe coming in March are actually helpful. & #x200B **Overall conclusion:** Against what the gripes might suggest... I absolutely love my Model 3 Performance. It handles great the sound system is great the charging network is great. Never drive at night? You re golden not a problem at all for you. But me? I drive at night a lot I work with a lot of Americans so my day starts at like 4PM and most of my driving is in the dark. Regardless of the gripes... I d still highly recommend the car to anyone! I just wish Tesla would focus their efforts in places that are important for other countries (and other states...) it seems like Europe is largely forgotten unfortunately with the software becoming more crippled over time with no real improvements in sight. Don t get me wrong I absolutely love the updates like the blind spot camera live sentry mode camera access the various cold weather improvements and the general ease of ownership and the service experience. My 2 years of ownership have been amazing there s just a few things that are extremely questionable. :) & #x200B Thanks for reading my review! I hope it doesn t come across too harsh! Let me know if you have any questions or if you have experienced any of these issues yourself. I d love to discuss this and know if the newer Model 3 s with the new headlight design experience similar issues in the dark. :) & #x200B **EDIT:** An absolute legend u allegory_corey has figured out the cause of my headlight alignment issues. They are lower in the EU in general but especially low as I park on sloped ground. It seems like Tesla is using some suspension travel sensors to determine the weight of the vehicle if the rear is squatting down more than the front then it must be heay right? Or *it s just parked on a slope.* His solution is to drive onto flat ground open then close the door then the headlights will re-align themselves back to the correct alignment. This is pretty clearly a software bug. Please someone at Tesla look into this. :) | curtis1149 | 2022-01-01 22:08:19 | 420 | hqvhixy | Newer cars come with better headlights I believe. Overall fair review and similar to my experience with my 2018 RWD LR 3. I do wonder if a 50 year old Elon would ve been as dead set on AI rain sensors. They are much better than they once were but probably still not as good as the $5 part they replace. | phxees | 2022-01-02 00:49:04 | 83 | Tesla Model Travel Experiences |
Subsets and Splits