'oh hoowuuni hoowP hoowuP hoowuunono'eiyeitino'
but no 3.NEG-pause NEG-pause NEG-speak.Arapaho-pers.PL
But they don't speak Arapaho .
Wohei he'iitnei'i howoh'oowuu' he'ih'itet
okay somewhere
Okay some time later he came to a town .
noohowun hinee hiinoo'eihii
see-3.IMPER that predator,.hunter
" Look at that hunter !" [ one of the rabbits said ].
Woow neesoo' ceeseini' ceeciiniini'
now.PERF thirty X+1
Now thirty one years ago .( i . e . 1918 -- or 1931 ?)
nohtou tohu'nee'eesih'iitowunee he'ihP
why ? NARRPAST-pause
Why do you call it that , he said to him .
Noh tei'yoonehe' he'ih'iisiii'oo
and child NARRPAST-grow.up
The child grew ,
'oh tih'iiniiP niini'itoo3i' nooxeihi' nuhu' wonooniii'oo3i'
but when.PAST.HABIT-REDUP-pause IMPERF-do.good-3PL maybe this IC.young.generation-3PL
But maybe these younger [ Arapaho ] people are doing a good thing . \{ Unclear whether the reference is to the children looking at older archival materials generally , or specifically looking at these materials as part of Sand Creek Run \ 'f1 see note below .\}
Hiniisi3oo he'ihno'oeci3ee ceexoon
3S-thing.made one,.another
What he did was he led another one by the reins .
Howoo nii'neenei3owoo'oono'
also when.IMPERF-what-conduct.ceremony-12
Even when we conduct ceremonies .
Nehe' Joe Duran
this Joe Duran
this Joe Duran .
Heetootonounou'u nuhu' heetih'owouunouhu3i' he'ih'ii3e'
FUT-REDUP-use-3PL this so.that-blessed,.have.blessing-3PL
" They will use this , so that they will receive a blessing [ too ]," they said to him .
"nootneihoowu'uciintoe" heehehk nih'oo3oo
1S.FUT.NEG-INSTR-quit-feel.cold said trickster
" That won't stop my being cold ," said White Man .
ceenokuni3i' drum
have.s.o..sit.down-3PL drum
They put me at the drum .
Scorekeeper .
Nootinowoo ni'iice'iskuuhu'u ce'iskuu3oo
IC.look.for.s.t.-1S INSTR.CAUS-shown.on.TV-0.PL television
I am looking for the remote control .
Noh nooxeihi' heihow3o'uunoo'ei
and maybe,.perhaps 2S.IMPERF-never-hunt
And " maybe you've never gone hunting ." [ he said to him ].
Heihii he'ihseese'iseno'
soon NARRPAST-REDUP-lie-pers.PL
Soon they were lying down .
If you're gonna ahh talk Arapaho the way through nii'oo'
if you're gonna ahh talk Arapaho the way through IC.good
If you're gonna ahh , talk Arapaho the way through , It's good .
wohei he'iicxooyeiniihi' he'iicxooyeiniihi' 'oh ne'niitonoot
okay after.some.time after.some.time but then-hear-3S
Well then after some time , then he heard [ someone ].
niiyou nihniiitowuunin kokuy wo'ei3 nuhu' bei'ci3ei'i PAST-ask.for-2S rifle or this money
" Here is the gun you asked for , or this money ," [ you will say ].
niiceeceni3ee3i' hini'iit nih-oniini honinoo'oo cese'eihiiho' you know that(aforementioned).there PAST-fall.down,.over-DETACH falling.down animal-NA.PL you know
We gut out those ones the one that went down , the animals , you know .
yeah Toonnono'o3P
yeah INDEF-IC.a.lot-pause
Yeah , whoever has lots ...
neneenit neniiheneihit IC.own-3.S
" He owns it ."
Noh hiiwoonhehe' hoowoo3eihino nuhu' cee'iyooninoo
and now 0.NEG-many.little.ones-0PL this thing.distributed-pers.PL
And today there are not a lot of per capita payments .
hoseino' yeah
meat yeah
Meat , yes .
Nih'eenei'towuuno' hini' tohno'o3oo'
PAST-tell.s.o..about.things-1S that(aforementioned) since-terrible-0S
I told him about all that , because it was powerful .
nuhu' ciisibinoo'oot nuhu' tohnee'ees
this getting.bored-3.S this
He was fed up with what was happening , that is was going like that .
he sawP ne'eeneixoohootowoot
he saw-pause then-learn.things.for.oneself-3.S
Then he learned it from watching .
Heeyowuuhu' hiisiis bisiihi' hinen hisei noh tei'yoonoh'o' nihcee'inowoot
each.time-ADV month all-ADV man woman and children PAST-distribute.s.t..for.selves-3.S
Every month all the men , women and even children got a distribution payment .
noh niitotoubeeno' neihoownee'eestoobe
and IMPERF-warned-12 1.NEG-do.thus-1PL
We are warned , " we don't do things like that ."
nooxeihi' ne'iteseit niine'eehek nehe' notonoh'oeheb
maybe then-meet-4 this
Maybe he met my younger brother .
Noh hi'in beh'eihoho' noh hu'un huseino' nih'ini nih'e'inonoo3i' nuhu' hisein tih'iiceii3oowuni3
and that(aforementioned) and that(aforementioned) woman-NA.PL PAST-DETACH PAST-know-3PL this woman-OBV.S
The old men and old women knew that this woman wore her hair that way .
koociinee nehe' nebesooo this 1S-thing.hit.with.projectile
Is that not the one I hit/is that not my butt ?
kooP kooheihP koohihno'koohuno' koohihteesiyeino'
did the kids arrive [ by bus ], did they ride [ to school ]?
Hinee nee'eesinihii3o' nehe' nih'oo3oo
that this White.person
That , that's what I said to this white man .
Heebe3teh'ei'oo hini' koo'oh
stomach.has.gotten.really.bloated.from.eating that(aforementioned) coyote
The coyote's stomach was really bloated .
neneenin hinono'ei Arapaho
" you are Arapaho ."
uhm-hmm heeninouhu3i' heeninouhut
uhm-hmm IC.wear.long.clothes-3PL IC.wear.long.clothes-3.S
Uhm-hmm , they wear long clothes , he wears long clothes .
hei'etP nee'eestobeenoo
That's what I've heard about it .
Teecxo' I guess nih'iinee'eeneetoo3i' 'oh hiiwoonhehe' hoowoohnee'eesoo
long.ago I guess PAST.IMPERF-do.that-3PL but now no.longer-be.thus
Long ago , I guess , they did that , But now it is no longer like that .
'oh neeso'oo3i' nih'iit
but fast-3PL he
" But they are fast ," he said .
yeah cenee3inihiinoo
yeah , I made I mistake in speaking .
Hihcebe' hoh'eni' he'ih'eeneinohuuxonino' hoh'onookei'i
above mountain NARRPAST-have.nest-pers.PL rocky.area
[ The parents ] had a nest in the rocks up on the mountain .
ahh betebihoho' hiihooweenei'tobeeno' hini' hitiisiinib
ahh old.women 3.IMPERF.NEG-tell.about.things-pers.PL that(aforementioned) 3S-birthday
Those old ladies won't tell when their birthday is .
niine'eehek neh'eeno heniixoot hitonih'o' he'ihnottonee niine'eehek nehe' hinono'eineeceen niine'eehek nehe' betkouu this IC.scared.of-3S 3S-horse NARRPAST-ask-3S this Arapaho-chief-OBV.S this part.of.Sun.Dance.altar
Here is this Crazy Horse , he asked this Arapaho chief , this Black Coal ,
Niine'eehek nehe' wootii niine'eehek nehe' hotii wootii 'oh hoowoowoh'ouhu' this like this car like but 3.NEG-expensive
Here is this car , well it is not expensive !
Kookon nih'iiwoowo'3iine'etiitooni'
People were just uhh living however they can manage , with whatever they could find .
Toh'uteseti' hini' heni'iniisihi' honowu3ecoot noh heetni'i3ecooni':
since-come.upon.e.o.-1PL that(aforementioned) IC.INSTR-made-0S joy,.happiness and FUT-be.happy-1PL
But we had to celebrate and rejoice ,
niibooboo3eino' niinono'oen
IMPERF-fight.against-3 IMPERF-make.errors,.do.things.wrong-2S
He fights us over things ; " you are making errors/doing things wrong " [ he says ].
hii3eti' ho'oeetii bee'ee'
IC.good paint
good . color it ! red ?
Beeyoo 3oonteec hooxebi'one' niihok
just.right top.of.head face-LOC say-SUBJ
[ Hit me ] right smack in the middle of the face , he said .
neniiwoh'uneit ;
IC.carrying.s.t . -4
of men . [ Lit . 'In their hearts all over the earth they carry him . ' ]
Yehei you guys don't look so good he says
gee.whiz ! you guys don't look so good he says
" Gee , you guys don \ 'edt look so good ," he says .
'oh neene'P nuhu' honoh'oehih'o' siineihoowuni'bii'eeneet hootneeneisP ni'oonoo3iteenoo huutiino
but REDUP-3-pause this little.boys INTENSE-1.NEG-able-think.up FUT-what-pause able-REDUP-tell.story-1S
But these boys , I really can't figure out a way where I will be able to tell them stories about/explain things to them here .
or which one he'iiteenou'u
or which one
or which one he'iiteenou'u .
Noh ce'esooni' cih'o3i'eebeenoo hinee Colorado
and different that Colorado
And I got another job in Colorado .
beeheeteihit koohei'it hi3oowuuhu'
IC.all.powerful-3.S IC.stand.up-3.S true,.truly-ADV
They were saying , " The Lord has risen indeed ,
SiiP tousiini nih'ii3o' neisonoo
INTENSE-pause what-DETACH my.father,.my.uncle
" What happened ?" I said to my father .
Ne'nii'no'oeinoo3i' Noh nihbiinoo3i'
that-when.IMPERF-get.out.of.water-3PL and PAST-eat-3PL
That's when they took it out of the water . And they ate it .
kookon hoowuuteneihiinoo
just.any NEG-taken
[ A thing ] wasn't just taken and used for no reason .
ci' he'ihceenokuut Hihcebe' Nih'oo3ousoon hi'oo3in
too NARRPAST-settle.on,.occupy above white.child-OBV.S 4S-foot-4POSS
who sat at the Lord's feet ,
Nihcei'soo' tih'iiP
PAST-different-0S when.PAST.HABIT-pause
It was different ....
Howoo heebiyoo wooxe wo'ei3 heenei'isiihi' neenei'inou'u
also spoon knife or REDUP-know-3PL
Also spoon , knife , and . so . forth , they know all this .
Cih'iixoohoo3ihi hee3ei'neeno'oteihin
EMPH.IMPER-show.s.o..s.t.-1S.IMPER how.much-tough-2S
Show me how powerful you are .
Wohei heetneeckoohunoo
okay FUT-go.home-1S
" Now I am going home ."
Hiinoo'eihii heihoowneen nih'ii3eit
" You're not a hunter ," [ his friend ] said to him .
noh he'ihbesen nonixo3oo:
and NARRPAST-touch bier,.thing.for.carrying.the.dead
and touched the bier ,
kooxnihkouteni3i' Kooxnihkouteni3i' hi'in COE
yet.again-PAST-exclude-3PL yet.again-PAST-exclude-3PL that(aforementioned) council.of.elders
That COE sent me away/fire me yet again .
Noh nehe' nebesiibehe' nih'oonoo3itooneinoo ci' nuhu' nihii
and this 1S-grandfather PAST-REDUP-tell.a.story-3S too this well...
And my grandfather also told me stories about this uhh .
Heetnotiihee3i' nuhu' honoh'oho' nih'iit
FUT-search.for-1PL this boys he
" We will look for these boys ," he said .
HoowP hoowoe'inowuu nuhu' nihii hiitei'yooniibi3i'
3.NEG-pause 3.NEG-know-3PL this well... IC.have.children-3PL
The ones who , uhh , have children don't know it .
heetnee'inP heetnee'inou'u heetbi'3ookubeihiinoo'
FUT-know-pause FUT-know-3PL FUT-only-repeated.verbally-0S
They will know it , it will just be repeated .
hini' neneeninoo niiheyoo:
that(aforementioned) by.self
see that it is I myself .
'oh neeP neenei3tonounou'u nuhu' nuhu' hunono'eitiit 'oh niicihwonee3inoo'oo' nuhu'
but what-use-3PL this this Arapaho.language but this
And how they use the Arapaho language , this is dying out .
ciibeh'iiP ciibeh'iihohooteihi nih'ii3i'
" Don't , don't be shy ," they said .
neinoo nih'iiP
1S.mother PAST.IMPERF-pause
My mother ...
A cap .
Wotnih'iino'oteenebeihi3i' teecxo'
I.guess-PAST.IMPERF-thought.highly.of-3PL long.ago
I guess long ago they were highly thought of .
hoowoene'inowuu nuhu' beniiinootno
3.NEG-REDUP-know-3PL this soldier'
They don't know the soldier's songs .
He'ne'ei'towuunoot ciibehyihoo' hinee heetohno'otoo'oe' koh'owuu'
then-tell.s.o.-3S PROHIB-go-2PL.IMPER that where-lots.of.brush creek
Then he told them , " Do not go there where the timber is thick , at the streams ."
nee'ei'ise' nuhu' hoo3itoo
that' this story
This is the end of the story .
Yeheihoo nih'iit uhh nehei
gee.whiz ! PAST-said-3.S uhh 1S-aunt
Gee whiz , my aunt said .
Nih'oo3oo he'ihnoonoyei
Nih'oo3oo was fishing .
he'ihbeebi'inii3itoneeno' Hihcebe' Nih'oo3ou'u noh heesinihiihohkoni',.praise,.glorify-3PL above white.person(s) and what-say-3PL.SUBJ
praising God and saying ,
noh he'ne'ii'ixoo'oekuuceenokuutonoot
and that's.when-kneeling.down-sit.with,.among-3S
and falling down before him ,
Neneenin hinen heniineniinin man
" You , a man , you are a man ."
nonote' co'te'
my.hat cap
My hat , a cap .
Heniine'etiinoo Konouutosei' Ethete
I live at Ethete
Beenhehe' 3ii'oku3i' niihencebkoohu3i'
a.little IC.sit-3PL cars
A few cars are sitting there .
Beebeet heetnoohowot koo'oh
just FUT-see-2S coyote
And just the coyote will be there .
niiyou nuhu' hoo3itoo heetihne'nih'iisini'iini this story so.that-that-PAST.PERF-good-DETACH
Here's the story , about how [ things were done ] so that it was good .
'oh hoownoohootowuu huutiino woow nuh'uuno tohco'oneentoono'
but 3.NEG-see-3PL now.PERF this
And they don't see now , that we have always been here .
hoowuh'okeciihihnoo tih'oo3itou'u
too-little-1S when.PAST-tell.story-3PL
I was too young when they told the story .
Nih'eenetino' beebei'on teesi' hiine'etiit nih'eesoo'
PAST-speak-12 far.away life
We talked , way up on top there , about how life was .
boy you know nono'o3oo'
boy you know IC.tough-0S
... It is tough .
Niibeteee3i' yoo3oniiis hehyeinei'i biikoo
IMPERF-dance-3PL five.days NUM-four-0.PL at.night
They dance five days , and four nights .
'oh hiiwoonhehe' niini'ouubeihinoo nih'iinoo
but now IMPERF-feel.good.physically-1S PAST-said-1S
And now I feel good , I said .
He'ne'iteneihit heetih'oonoyoohowoot hinono'eiwookecii
then-selected,.chosen,.appointed-3.S so.that-watch.over-3S Arapaho-cow-NA.OBV.PL
Next he was appointed as the head beef herder for the tribal cattle herd .
neheic !
Come here !
wohei nehe' nih'ei'towuun: huu3e' ceesey ceesey nihnokooyeinoo neeyou hinee houuneniibetee 3i'eyoo
okay this PAST-tell.s.o.-3S over.there one.time one PAST-fast-1S that Crow-holy monument
Well he told me about this : " one time over there , one time I was fasting at that Crowheart Butte ."