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Top 3 developments Rise of the Re-Leavers: A YouGov poll found that 23% of the population are ‘re-leavers’ – those who backed remain but now support the Government implementing Brexit. EU must work with us: European Commission Brexit chief Michel Barnier called on the Prime Minister to work with, rather than against, the bloc when negotiating the UK’s withdrawal. Freshly squeezed: The Office for National Statistics found that UK workers are facing a fresh squeeze on wages, with wage growth lagging behind inflation. Knowing me, knowing EU, it’s the best we can do So-called ‘remoaners’ across the UK have reportedly resigned themselves to Brexit, with a YouGov poll marking a split within what was once the remain camp. The poll found that the UK population now falls into the following three camps: 45% are hard leavers, 22% are hard remainers, and 23% belong to a category known as ‘re-leavers’ – those who supported remain in the referendum but believe the Government has a duty to carry out the result of the referendum (with 9% stating they ‘don’t know’). Interestingly, 44% of those surveyed in a separate poll demonstrated faith in May’s negotiation abilities, regarding her as the best-equipped to deliver “the right deal for Britain”. Money, money, money A new report found that workers are facing the worst decade for pay in over 70 years. That Britons will earn no more in 2021 than they did in 2008 (yes, the year of the crash) is old news, but the specifics are new, and make for grim reading. The Office for National Statistics released figures showing that wage growth is currently lagging behind inflation for the first time since 2014, with the Bank of England warning of a real pay loss of almost £1000 for the average worker, citing Brexit as the main cause. Whilst the employment rate may hover at a record level of 74.8%, quality of work is questionable, and pay languishes. Landmark ruling from European Court of Justice changes, well, not very much The ruling declares that the EU only has to seek ratification on trade deals from the EU’s 38 national and regional parliaments if the deal touches on two specific issues: portfolio investments, and dispute-settlement regimes for investments. On the surface, this bodes well for the UK as it clearly limits the role of regional and national parliaments in the negotiation of a post-Brexit trade (and some parliaments, e.g. the Belgian ones in relation to the CETA deal, do have form in this area). However, it is highly likely that an EU-UK trade deal will touch on portfolio investments or dispute-settlement for investments and unfortunately there is little that can be done to stop regional parliaments from leveraging their veto power on dispute-settlement to achieve changes in other areas of a deal. This is an interesting ruling and depending on your interpretation, Brexit just got a little bit easier or continues to be as tricky as before. Barnier and the ‘bloody difficult woman’ Barnier has appealed to May to work collaboratively with the EU on Brexit negotiations. How May’s party responds to this remains to be seen; the UK’s chief Brexit negotiator David Davis appears to have taken pride in his apparent lack of friends in Brussels, telling the Telegraph “they want me sacked… If they don’t want me across the table, there is a reason for that (because) it’s in Britain’s interests, not theirs.” Barnier addressed MEPs in Strasbourg, declaring “I certainly don’t intend to have no deal or a bad deal. We want to conclude a deal with the UK, not against the UK. In fact, I would very much appreciate that on the UK side you could find the same spirit to reach a deal with the EU, not against the EU.” He expressed a hope to start stable (“strong and stable”?) negotiations the day after the general election. “The clock is ticking”, he reminded the MEPs; “there is not much time ahead of us.” No platitudes at the plenary – just a pragmatic set of Brexit guidelines The plenary sitting of the European Parliament in Strasborg on EU Brexit guidelines saw the MEPs conclude the following: - Transitional arrangements should be time-limited to three years and must be enforced by the EU’s Court of Justice. - UK citizens in the EU and EU citizens in Britain should receive “reciprocal” treatment – this puts the kibosh on May’s talk of absolute border control. - The final deal should not include a “trade-off” between trade and security co-operation – again, this rather undercuts some of May’s previous manoeuvres. - The UK should adhere to EU environmental and anti-tax evasion standards in order to establish closer trade ties. This will raise some eyebrows within the Conservative party – MEP Daniel Hannan and many of his allies have called for the UK to emulate a low-tax, low-regulation, Singapore-style economy. - The European Banking Authority and European Medicines Agency should be moved out of London – the former, coupled with the exodus of banks facing the loss of passporting rights, would prove a real blow to the UK’s financial industry, should it come to pass. - The UK should pay towards costs for the EU that “arise directly from its withdrawal”. - 22nd May – European Governments set to approve final negotiating directives. - 31st May – Irish High Court begins hearing case on revocability of Article 50 - 8th June – UK General Election. - 13th June – Parliament reconvenes. - 19th June – State Opening of Parliament.
Nelson accused Mack of protecting oil giant Chevron from a lawsuit. Nelson ran an ad that said ""In Congress, Mack is protecting Chevron oil from a multibillion dollar lawsuit over pollution of rivers and rain forests." That was a powerful message. Mack wants to protect big businesses who would pollute pristine lands with impunity? PolitiFact only gave Nelson a "Half True" rating, however: Nelson’s TV ad hits Mack for "protecting Chevron oil from a multibillion dollar lawsuit over pollution of rivers and rain forests."Let's summarize the summary. Mack’s act of protection is a yet-to-be-heard congressional resolution listing the Chevron case as one of many reasons to withhold trade preferences with Ecuador. Resolutions are symbolic gestures, so it would take a law for Congress to take real action on Ecuadorian trade practices. The Chevron case is also particularly complicated. Chevron says it did not get a fair trial in Ecuador and should not be held responsible anyway. Still, the resolution seems designed to exert political pressure on the country in Chevron’s favor. We rate Nelson’s claim Half True. - Mack's resolution would have no effect, by itself, on U.S. policy ("symbolic gesture") - The Chevron case was one grievance among many mentioned in the resolution - Chevron says it did not get a fair trial - The resolution "seems" intended to exert political pressure (see the first bullet above) But let's back up a bit. In fairness to PolitiFact Florida, the article does point out that experts were sympathetic to Chevron's claim about the unfair trial: Other experts empathized with Chevron’s argument that it did not get a fair trial in Ecuador, and that it overlooks that Petroecuador has been in control of drilling operations for the past 20 years.Those experts just couldn't find their voices in PolitiFact Florida's summary. And that's not a big surprise, given that PolitiFact Florida made two experts hostile to Chevron the stars of its analysis: We found a couple of experts who agree [with Nelson], including Judith Kimerling, a City University of New York-Queens College environmental policy professor who authored the 1991 book Amazon Crude, which is widely credited with inspiring the lawsuit. She represents a group of Huaorani people from Ecuador in a lawsuit against the Amazon Defense Front and plaintiff’s lawyers over how the award would be distributed.Relying on an expert with a direct interest in the case. What could be better? Maybe use a quotation from the other biased expert, Lori Wallach, as the kicker quote? "[Mack]’s shilling for Chevron but has not yet delivered on actually cutting off Ecuador’s trade preferences," she said.Wallach heads up Public Citizen's "Global Trade Watch." She judged the Chevron case in a 2012 memorandum: Ecuador is still struggling to gain compensation from Chevron for decades of contamination of a Rhode Island-sized swath of the Amazon.Okay, so? So what if PolitiFact shows partiality to Chevron's critics in its story? We're posting this today because Chevron just got a big win: A federal judge on Tuesday blocked U.S. courts from being used to collect a $9 billion Ecuadorean judgment against Chevron for rainforest damage, saying lawyers poisoned an honorable quest with their illegal and wrongful conduct.Read ABC News' story about the case in full. Then review PolitiFact Florida's fact check of Sen. Nelson's ad. PolitiFact bias.
This is a boiler for a multifamily home in Laurel Heights that was especially egregious. The client and I could smell the leaking gas walking into the mechanical room. The HOA group needs to get off the gas and onto heat pumps throughout the building utilizing the large flat rooftop on the building for solar power to run it all. top of page bottom of page
At last year’s COP28 climate conference in Dubai, French President Emmanuel Macron triumphantly declared that “nuclear energy is back”. His celebratory remark was uttered after France led a group of 20 countries in signing a pledge to “triple nuclear energy capacity from 2020 by 2050”. Since the summit, a range of announcements and promises have been made that appear to support France’s ‘nuclear renaissance’. In November, the European Parliament backed the development of small modular reactors (SMRs), a versatile technology that many consider to be the future of the industry. Two months later, Energy Transition Minister Agnes Pannier- Runacher said that France will need to build 14 new nuclear power plants rather than the six currently planned if the country is to meet its energy transition goals. Is all this optimism warranted? France has long been a nuclear superpower but lost its position as the world’s second-largest producer of nuclear energy to China in 2022, with the US coming in first. It is worth considering whether Macron’s positivity is justified in the context of several issues that currently beset the country’s industry, including EDF’s unpredictable performance, lack of strong allies in the European Council, slow progress on SMR development and Russian interdependence. EDF’s annus horribilis Électricité de France (EDF) is the French multinational electric utility company that runs the country’s 56 reactors. Throughout 2022, many were forced offline for maintenance work, causing output to fall below 1990 levels, despite installed capacity being 5GW lower at this time. Nuclear shutdowns are in themselves not a huge cause for concern. Older power plants need to be updated with the latest technologies and France was planning on widespread shutdowns for its ‘Grand Carénage’ refurbishment programme anyway. However, the nature of these specific stoppages was worrying. In December 2021, the discovery of cracks in the emergency core cooling systems of four of the newest French reactors led to them being shut down. The four units, which each produce 1.5GW, did not generate a single kilowatt-hour throughout 2022. Other 1.3GW reactors also showed similar symptoms, and by mid-2022, 12 additional reactors were shut down due to the same problem. In its annual electricity review, Réseau de Transport d’Électricité highlighted the crux of the issue, stating, “these outages, or outage extensions to carry out maintenance, tests and repairs where needed, primarily involved the newest reactors in the fleet (N4 and P4 designs), i.e. reactors that were not targeted for investment in the Grand Carénage refit programme”. Although EDF’s nuclear output was 14.8% higher in 2023 than 2022 as reactors came back online, Macron will have to square his desire for new reactors with the ongoing threat of unplanned shutdowns at existing newer plants. Mycle Schneider, nuclear analyst and author of the annual World Nuclear Status Reports, commented on the ongoing unpredictability of EDF’s output, stating: “We have repeatedly seen that EDF was off by several gigawatts of nuclear capacity availability in predictions for the following week. If you look at availability on a certain day, and then go back one week, nuclear availability is several gigawatts different to the projection made a week previously.” Seeking international allies Three months after the 2011 Fukushima disaster, former German Chancellor Angela Merkel said in a speech: “Before Fukushima . . . I was convinced that it was highly unlikely that [an accident] would occur in a high-tech country with high safety standards. Now it has happened.” The French Government was shocked at this staunch anti-nuclear stance, and former president Nicolas Sarkozy told a recent parliamentary hearing that in a phone call with Merkel: “I tell her – but Angela, what’s going on? How can this be? She says, but Nicolas, have you not seen Fukushima? And I said – but where is the tsunami going to come from in Bavaria?” This anecdote encapsulates France and Germany’s ongoing disagreement on nuclear energy, which reached a peak in 2023. The two nations differed in their opinions on the use of contracts for difference (CfDs) for nuclear energy. CfDs reduce the risk of investment in nuclear by providing companies with a fixed price for their output over a certain period, therefore offering a more predictable rate of return on capital. France supported the use of CfDs but Germany feared the state incursion would distort the price mechanism in the EU’s internal energy market if strict limitations on excess revenues from CfDs were not put in place. While an agreement , which assured Germany that CfDs would be properly designed, was eventually reached in December, the escapade, along with Germany’s decision to decommission its final three nuclear power stations in April, highlights the difference of opinion between the two EU powers. France previously looked to the UK as a nuclear ally within the bloc to help push legislation through the EU Council, but Brexit put an end to this convenience. In March last year, France signed a new alliance pushing for nuclear energy to be at the heart of the EU’s green energy transition plans, placing it on an equal footing with other renewable technologies. A total of 11 ministers signed the declaration; however, one signature was conspicuous by its absence: that of Italian Energy Minister Gilberto Pichetto Fratin. At the time, the new pro-nuclear Meloni government flirted with the idea of joining the alliance but eventually chose to only assume observer status. If Italy signed up fully, its large number of EU Council votes would have nudged the council towards a pro-nuclear majority, allowing France to push through favourable nuclear legislation and circumvent staunch opposition members such as Germany and Austria. Italy closed its last nuclear reactors in 1990, but in September last year Fratin said that Italy is looking to revive its nuclear industry. Schneider is pessimistic about the revival’s prospects, considering failed attempts under previous governments. He said: “These pledges are not new. There was an attempt to revitalise the industry under Berlusconi. Also, EDF hoped for Italy as a partner in the Flamanville project, to build up some kind of joint investment. All this has gone nowhere. If you look at the Italian industry, their latest construction project was in Slovakia. Construction originally started in 1985 and it has only just started up. If we are judging on the basis of past experience, it is very unlikely that the Italian industry will get off the ground.” SMRs – a false dawn? The creation of the EU SMR Industrial Alliance in November accentuates the blocs’ commitment to modular technology in its nuclear drive. Naturally, France led the group of 11 countries signing the alliance. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IEAE) defines SMRs as advanced nuclear fission reactors that have a power generation capacity of up to 300MW per unit – around a third of the capacity of traditional reactors. The ‘small’ and ‘modular’ nature of their design means they can be sited at locations unsuited to larger nuclear power plants. Their diminutive size is also meant to save on construction time and cost. Despite significant optimism around the technology, little progress has been made on the ground. The most advanced SMR project in the western world was forcibly abandoned in November 2023 due to excessive costs. US-based NuScale scrapped the development with a conglomerate of Utah municipalities after the cost estimate of the project increased to $9.3bn, bringing the cost per kilowatt to $20,000 for the plant, around twice the cost of the most expensive European pressurised water reactor. Subsequently, there are no SMRs in commercial operation in the west. Placing the EU alliance in this context, Schneider said: “We are not talking commercial contracts. It is like this alliance [EU SMR Industrial Alliance], which is kind of nice. Everybody [the 11 signatories] puts a name under it, but it does not mean anything in industrial terms.” Even in Russia, where SMR output has been achieved (although, not commercially), there have been construction issues. The reactor took more than 12.7 years to build, more than three-times the 3.7-year target. Schneider noted that this “was not really the demonstration of easy, quick feasibility” that SMRs are meant to be. China too has two operational SMRs, but no production or cost figures on the reactors are yet available. Overcoming Russian interdependency Russia is still the primary constructor and exporter of nuclear reactors, with the state company Rosatom, as of mid-2023, building 24 out of the 58 constructed around the world. While France has taken part in a host of EU sanctions placed on Russian energy exports designed to curb revenue for the Kremlin’s war on Ukraine, the measures have not included sanctions on the nuclear sector. Five EU countries – Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Finland, Hungary and Slovakia (all of which are part of the French-led EU “nuclear alliance”) – operate Soviet era water-water energy reactors (VVER). The reactors require a specific type of VVER fuel, the large majority of which is produced by Rosatom. Out of the 19 reactors in the countries, 15 are VVER-440 models, and in September US nuclear manufacturer Westinghouse became the first company outside of Russia to produce the VVER-440 fuel for a plant in Ukraine. However, it is still unclear how fast the changeover to Westinghouse fuel will occur. In the Czech Republic, the Temelín VVER-1000 plant used fuel supplied by Westinghouse and Framatome in the first decade of its operations but switched to Russian supplier TVEL in 2010. Although the country cited economic reasons for the move, there could also have been technical issues with Westinghouse’s VVER-1000 fuel. Russia continues to dominate in expertise and economies of scale in the production of VVER-400 fuel, leading to what Schneider described as “technical dependency”, making it difficult for the dependent European nations to diversify away from it. While France is looking to build an alliance with EU nations that still have strong links with the Russian nuclear sector, its own institutions are also interlinked. Framatome, an EDF subsidiary, originally planned to set up a joint venture with Rosatom subsidiary TVEL to manufacture VVER fuel elements in its Lingen plant in Germany. However, in spring 2023, it became clear that the German Government would likely oppose the deal, so the Franco-Russian company was set up in France, with TVEL owning 25% of it. Advanced Nuclear Fuels, a Framatome subsidiary that operates the Lingen plant, wants to extend the manufacturing plant with a dedicated VVER-fuel production line. The Lower Saxony Government is opposed to the project, but under the Atomic Law it does not have a veto right. This leaves the decision in the hands of the federal government, which as of January 2024, has not been taken. Schneider noted the irregularity of the Framatome-Rosatom partnership, considering Framatome could have worked with Westinghouse given the US company’s capability to manufacture VVER fuel. He added that although the reason for this decision is unclear and there is limited evidence to illustrate strong reasoning, “it is quite likely to do with technical difficulties” with the Westinghouse fuel. As France looks to expand its nuclear industry, there will be challenges, both within its domestic industry and its international relations, that the country will have to address. France’s nuclear watchdog recently said there was “lack of rigour and performance” in EDFs supply chain monitoring and this will have to improve if output is to become stable. While Italy has signalled its desire to re-establish nuclear power, if plans remain unrealised, it is unlikely to be a reliable nuclear ally within the EU council – something which France desperately needs if it is to push through nuclear friendly legislation. SMRs could become a key source of nuclear energy if on-the-ground development begins in earnest, but so far progress has been limited to hopeful pledges. As long as it remains largely dependent on the tenuous, unpredictable Russian regime for its nuclear fuel generation, France’s nuclear plans will have an insecure foundation. If France is to materialise its abstract nuclear dreams into everyday energy production, it will need to address each of these issues pragmatically.
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The City Council of College Station, Texas, in December voted unanimously to approve the purchase of single and three-phase transformers. The council voted to approve the purchase of single and three-phase padmount transformers from Texas Electric Cooperatives ($338,867), KBS Electrical Distributors ($61,550), and Alamo Transformer Supply ($109,372). A total of 12 vendors submitted bids to supply transformers. The transformers are scheduled for delivery in 2025. Prior to the City Council’s vote at its Dec. 11 meeting, Timothy Crabb, College Station’s Director of Electric Utilities, provided an overview of the transformer purchases. Crabb said that because of market volatility and supply chain issues, “most of our vendor agreements have escalation/de-escalation clauses in their contracts and that’s been since July of 2021.” He noted that “we evaluated the bids a little bit differently than we have in the past.” Crabb said that some of the bids were submitted as firm bids and one of those bids came in as a bid with the price quoted at time of delivery. “Delivery times have been 12 to 18 months on transformers, so that price could change,” he said. “So if you look at it, it’s like, OK, I have a firm bid and I have a non-firm bid – which one do you go with?” The decision was made to go with a non-firm bid from Texas Electric Cooperatives “and essentially they’re sixty percent less than” a firm bid submitted by another entity for a single-phase transformer. With respect to the three-phase transformers, “again, the non-firm bid came out less than the firm bid,” Crabb said, “and we’re proposing on some of the transformers based on the total ownership costs that was calculated, going with a non-firm bid on some, the firm bid on the others.” The caveat? Because of an escalation charge, firm bids are not truly firm bids, he pointed out. “We did a transformer order back in February of 2022 and it was bid as a firm bid, with a 12-month delivery time. Those transformers just came in, had an 18-month delivery time and there was an escalation on them of 30.13 percent,” he said. Therefore, the evaluation of the more recent transformer bids was done differently. “In the past, we would only” award on firm bids. “This time, we’re awarding on some firm bids and some bids that aren’t firm.” The American Public Power Association has made addressing the strained supply of distribution transformers one of its top policy issues. In December, the House Energy and Commerce Committee passed a bill that would prohibit the Department of Energy from increasing distribution transformer conservation standards for five years. Passed on a party-line vote, H.R. 4167, the Protecting America’s Distribution Transformer Supply Act, sponsored by Rep. Richard Hudson (R-NC), would prohibit DOE from increasing distribution transformer conservation standards for five years. APPA on Sept. 13 voiced support for the bill. “A delay is urgently needed to give manufacturers the certainty to increase production to meet demand,” wrote Desmarie Waterhouse, Senior Vice President, Advocacy and Communications & General Counsel at APPA, in a Statement for the Record.
From pv magazine Global Sodium-ion batteries offer considerable advantages in terms of raw material costs and safety, but manufacturing costs need to fall further in order for them to compete on par with the ubiquitous lithium-ion chemistry, particularly in stationary and large-scale storage applications. To drive down cell prices as much as possible, researchers at City of Scientific Research and Technological Applications in Alexandria, Egypt, have developed a new synthesis method for sodium-ion battery cathodes that greatly reduces the cost and time needed for each preparation step. Using Egyptian rice straw ash as a microwave absorber, the researchers synthesised, crystallised, and carbon-coated mixtures of sodium iron phosphates-carbon composites (NaFePO4-C). The sodium ion electroactive composites were prepared using different microwave heating durations, ranging from 30 to 100 seconds. According to the researchers, the optimum synthesis time was just 60 seconds for applications in sodium-ion batteries, and as a supercapacitor. They said that high-purity inert gases were not needed during synthesis, processing, or cell assembly, resulting in lower costs. “The time and cost of energy consumed for the synthesis are incomparable,” said the researchers in “Ultra-fast green microwave assisted synthesis of NaFePO4 -C nanocomposites for sodium ion batteries and supercapacitors” which was recently published in Nature. This content is protected by copyright and may not be reused. If you want to cooperate with us and would like to reuse some of our content, please contact: firstname.lastname@example.org.
Across the nation, people of faith are standing up for the environment. Evangelical Christians are fighting mountaintop removal, a coal mining process that is decimating Appalachia. Muslims are supporting sustainable farming. Jews are helping children experience the bond between nature and spirituality. Interfaith Power and Light is mobilizing people of all faiths in a religious response to global warming. For the first time, the combined energy of these diverse activists is the driving force behind a feature-length documentary, entitled RENEWAL. Veteran film producers Marty Ostrow and Terry Kay Rockefeller have crisscrossed the country to capture these exciting stories of people whose passion and deep moral commitment are making a difference in a time of grave ecological threats. The RENEWAL Project has been designed to make the documentary and its inspiring stories available to people and organizations who want to be a part of this growing movement to protect life on our planet and reverse the damage that humans have done to the environment. On this website, you can learn about how RENEWAL is being used by communities across America to help build the religious-environmental movement. It is also a place for you to connect with others who are doing this important work and for you to share stories about your own experience. Please take a few minutes to explore how you can get involved today!
Welcome to the Wholesale Down Feather Cushions Factory We import our own feather cut - fill and sew!!! -All of our feathers and down are cleaned thoroughly (washed no less than thirteen times) in non phosphate non-ionic water. The result is a set of low turbidity and oxygen numbers that rule out the presence of any unwanted materials (such as dust and plant matter). Easy Order Process: Phone - Fax - Email - Will Call - Pattern - Drawing competitive turnaround time (Subject to change during peak season.) Flat Rate Shipping: On orders over $100 Must have wholesale account to qualify... Before our feathers get into your sleeping pillow, comforter, or cushion, we test our down for Content, Species, Fill Power, Average Feather Length, along with Cleanliness Tests (Oxygen, Turbidity) and more with our experienced and well trained staff. This helps us make sure our products meet and exceed industry requirements yielding the highest quality down and feather blends available. Down Products: A product that is labeled "Down" is required to contain a minimum of 75% down cluster. The percentage of down must be listed on the label. Down and Feather Blend Products: In products that contain both down and feathers the minimum down content must be listed. There is no tolerance allowed, products labeled "50% Down/50% Feathers" must contain a minimum of 50% down cluster. There is no down fiber allowance. Feather Products: Products may be labeled "Waterfowl Feathers" if the product is at least 80% goose or duck feather. Species: Products may be labeled by species only if 90% or more of the plumage is of that species. Hypoallergenic Claims: The industry standard for hypoallergenic claims is an oxygen number of 4.8 or less and a turbidity level of 500mm or higher. What We Offer: -Pillows-Comforters in all Sizes -Four Types of Hypoallergenic Polyester We Also Provide: >Gray Duck Feather >White Goose Feather >Angel Hair Fiber >Economy Polyester Inserts >Ticking By the Yard >Ticking by the Roll Down Feather Blends (Down% / Feather%) *100% Gray Duck -or- White Goose Down Down and Feather FAQs Whenever your cushions, pillows, blankets or apparel is not in use it can be stored in a breathable storage area. A breathable bag or container will allow your products retain their natural attributes that will provide you an exceptional sleep experience for a longer life expectancy. Moisture is your biggest concern when it comes to the elements. Try your best to keep your down products dry and away from moist surfaces and surroundings. This will keep the down from clumping together and will help the piece to keep its fluffiness and loft. Natural oils from your body and other sources can also be harmful to your down products. We recommend putting a duvet cover, pillow case, or bed protector on all down bedding, to keep natural oils from your skin from reaching the filling inside your cushion, pillow etc. Down is composed of the light weight fluffy spider like clusters that lay beneath the feathers of waterfowl that protect them from the elements. Down is composed of thousands of individual fibers formed together in a three dimensional cluster which contains no quill. Feathers are what most people are familiar with when imagining a feather. They are two dimensional and help provide support and “body” to your down and feather products. Down and feather products must always be washed and processed for use in bedding, apparel, or outdoor gear. To be sanitized the fill must first be washed and rinsed to remove, dirt, oils, and bacteria. Next, the down and feather is dried at a high temperature and separated based on quality. When being imported, all down and feather product must meet their destination country’s sanitation requirements. For hundreds of years down and feather has been one of the most popular bedding choices on the planet. Ounce for ounce, down is the best insulation available, giving you a lightweight warmth which naturally wicks away moisture while insulating. It’s breathable, durable, comfortable, and resilient quality will allow properly cared for down and feather to provide comfort many years to come. Down and feather is an environmentally friendly choice. -Biodegradable – as a natural product, after time it will decompose and will once again become one with the earth. -Conserves resources – As a by-product of the food industry, no resources are going to waste, and no byproducts are being put into landfills. -Renewable – Synthetic fill materials are often composed of non-renewables resources like oil, whereas down and feather is directly from a renewable source. Overall, when compared side by side, down and feather products will have a smaller carbon footprint than their synthetic counter parts. A majority of the feathers and down found on the market today is a by-product of the food industry. The waterfowl which provide us with the warm and comfy pillows and cushions we enjoy were actually raised for FOOD and not for FEATHERS. By using the plumage for natural insulation we help to reduce the amount of agricultural waste. 80% of the feathers used in the market today comes from China, where ducks and other waterfowl play an very important role in the average diet. Have Questions? Contact Us Below. If you would like us to call you, please leave us your phone number.
Comet ISON has disintegrated in the sun’s intense heat and gravity, according to a growing consensus among astronomers. But even as it broke up, ISON provided valuable information about cometary composition. ISON’s closest approach to the sun occurred on Thanksgiving Day. Images from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, jointly run by NASA and the European Space Agency, showed a bright object flying away from the sun, giving astronomers hope that ISON had survived, even if diminished (SN Online: 11/29/13). But more recent images strongly suggest that little remains of ISON except dust, says Alex Young, a solar physicist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. After brightening in the hours before its closest solar approach, the comet faded and has remained dim, suggesting its ice has been exhausted and only loose rocks and dust remain. Young also notes that stars beyond the comet’s remains are visible through the thin dust, because no solid nucleus blocks starlight. Matthew Knight, a comet researcher at the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Ariz., who has studied ISON, agrees that not much of the comet seems to be left. “It’s not looking good,” he says. On the plus side, ISON has given astronomers their first closeup view of a comet’s demise, which will help researchers better understand this process, says Knight. “We know comets break up, but we’ve never been able to study one as it broke up.” As they mourn the comet, scientists are puzzling over why NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory didn’t capture ISON on its journey to and from the sun. Astronomers expected the observatory to detect ISON in very short ultraviolet wavelengths because previous sungrazing comets had shown up brightly in this range. But for comets to emit light in the extreme ultraviolet, they need to give off oxygen atoms, which most easily come from ice. So ISON’s no-show with the observatory may mean it had lost most of its ice before it even reached the sun, Young says. If careful studies of ISON data confirm this hypothesis, astronomers may need to revise their theories about comets’ structure. For decades, many astronomers have thought that comets are made mostly of ice with some rocks and dust. But several recent comets, including perhaps ISON, have appeared more like masses of rock and dust held together by ice. “People talk about comets being dirty snowballs,” Young says. “But some recent comets have seemed more like icy dirtballs.” HAPPY TRAILS Comet ISON’s final hours appear from several perspectives in videos taken by the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory and the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory. In all observations, ISON appears to end its journey as a puff of dust. Credit: STEREO/NASA, SDO/GSFC/NASA, SOHO/ESA and NASA
Charge Point Operators Register with SEAI and become a Charge Point Operator (CPO) for the Electric Vehicle Apartment Charger Grant scheme. Deliver and operate electric vehicle charging networks under this new scheme across Ireland. About the scheme SEAI operates the EV Apartment Charger Grant which is funded by ZEVI. The scheme will provide grant funding for apartment blocks and Multi Unit Developments (MUD) to install a local EV charging network and associated charge points. Only developments commenced before 10th March 2021 will be eligible for support for the charging network component as all residential developments after this date are mandated to provide charging infrastructure. In order to deliver the EV Apartment Charger Grant scheme successfully, we are are now seeking applications from Charge Point Operators to deliver and operate the charging networks. As a registered SEAI Charge Point Operator, you will be working closely with applicants for the EV Apartment Charger Grant scheme: - Owner Management Companies - Approved Housing Bodies - Local Authorities and - Build to Rent Developments The above organisations must use a registered Charge Point Operator (CPO) to deliver and operate an EV charging network. Only applications that list one of the registered CPOs will be considered for funding. Charge Point Operators While the Apartment Charger grant scheme provides funding for the initial EV installation, the installation must be operated and maintained continuously thereafter, so it is important that a CPO be capable of: - installing a system and providing ongoing support - providing customer support functions for several years after installation The EV charging system must be able to accommodate growth each year, and the CPO must advise on appropriate connection capacities with intelligent load management systems in order to minimise connection cost and standing chargers for its users. To qualify for registration with SEAI, a CPO will be expected to provide the following evidence and meet the criteria outlined: - Be a registered company with valid tax clearance - Hold appropriate levels of insurance - Outline the proposed charging network, IT system and components - Present evidence of installation of similar systems over the past 2 years - Present evidence that they have the necessary team, expertise and experience together with appropriate subcontractors - Present evidence of the following: - Capability to install and maintain a local EV charging network - Have a Billing System and Customer Support service - Have appropriate IT systems to manage this - Have business plan and service plan options for applicants to choose for their needs How to apply Complete the two stages below to become an SEAI registered Charge Point Operator. - Stage 1 - Complete the registration form and return it to email@example.com with the email subject “CPO Registration - [Company Name]”. Following stage 1, successful applicants will be listed as registered CPOs on SEAI’s website on a temporary basis. - Stage 2 – Applicants will be provided with a full set of terms and conditions for review and acceptance. Once SEAI has received the signed Terms and Conditions the CPO will then be a fully registered CPO under the scheme. Find a registered CPO If you wish to apply for an Apartment Charger Grant, you must do so with the support of a registered CPO from the list below.Registered Charge Point Operators
At SmartCapitalMind, we're committed to delivering accurate, trustworthy information. Our expert-authored content is rigorously fact-checked and sourced from credible authorities. Discover how we uphold the highest standards in providing you with reliable knowledge. Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) projects can range from environmental interventions to literacy programs. The goal of such projects is usually to improve standards of living and quality of life in a region. This can include promoting economic participation, addressing social inequality, improving infrastructure, and empowering residents to take charge. Such organizations can vary considerably in size and mission. They may receive funding assistance from governments, charities, and members of the public with an interest in their work. Some NGO projects focus specifically on improving conditions on the ground. These can include infrastructure development, sanitation improvements, and healthcare initiatives. Some groups take an empowering stance where instead of providing services and maintenance, they encourage residents of a region to participate in service development. In the process of activities like learning how to install and service wells, citizens acquire skills and knowledge. They can use these to advance improvements in other regions and to maintain the improvements in their area, creating a sustainable system. Social welfare can also be a subject of interest with NGO projects. Organizations may promote education and could work on independence for marginalized members of society. This may include women, or those who have historically experienced discrimination due to religion, race, or political belief. Social equality can improve quality of life for all residents, while programs to enhance financial independence can create changes in the level of economic participation. For example, a nation with numerous small businesses owned by minorities could start exporting and participating more in the global economy. Environmental conservation is another initiative used by some NGOs. This can include direct conservation measures to preserve important habitats and resources as well as farming education and other activities to encourage members of a nation to participate in environmental issues. Participants in environmental NGO project may work on a variety of topics, from documenting indigenous knowledge to creating wildlife preserves. Some environmental NGO projects involve activism to pressure nations to improve environmental policies and raise awareness about global issues. Designers of NGO projects may also consider ways to improve political systems. Direct involvement in the government may be forbidden for ethical reasons or as part of the terms of working in a country. Instead, organizations may consider ways to empower voters with activities like election monitoring or political education to help people understand how political systems work. NGO projects can also support candidates and assist with political strategy if this doesn’t violate agreements with host countries.
(Photo: Mashpi Lodge’s Cloud Forest Sky Bike) Fresh off the white-knuckle drive from Ecuador’s historic capital of Quito to its newest luxury eco-lodge, you could be forgiven for thinking you’ve just stumbled onto a real-world Jurassic Park. The only way to reach Mashpi Lodge is via a razor’s edge road that twists through the Andes Mountains, eye-level with the clouds. The impressive gates that greet your arrival are 10 feet tall and cut from thick bamboo. And the giant jungle flora, exotic and colorful, looks like it was plucked straight from the cretaceous period. It’s enough to make you wonder if something really did survive Steven Spielberg’s proverbial lost world. But what Mashpi represents is another kind of lost world altogether. A self-described “luxury cocoon in the clouds,” Mashpi is a unique hybrid among eco-destination properties: part five-star hotel, part forest hideaway, and part scientific research station. It’s a place where numerous rare South American species are slowly returning to the safety of a 3,212-acre protected biosphere that sits inside an even bigger 42,000-acre reserve. Guests come to experience this biodiversity hot spot up close and in comfort. The lodge’s resident biologists and researchers come to study the reserve’s abundance of unique wildlife. When I visited Mashpi Lodge in May, I was struck not just by the raw scenery but also by the reverence with which the property’s naturalist guides hold it. “We know how remarkable a place like Mashpi is,” I was told by Robby Delgado, my guide, whose area of scientific focus is the coevolution of species. “Places like this don’t exist anywhere else.” It almost didn’t exist at Mashpi, either. Thirty years ago, the entire area was owned by a timber company, and the spot where the steel-framed, glass-walled lodge now sits was cleared for lumber. Only recently have the area’s displaced native species—including pumas, kinkajous, tropical butterflies, and some 500 species of birds—been reintroduced or returned on their own. The sustainably built lodge at the heart of it all now employs four full-time naturalist guides. Guests are assigned one of them upon arrival at the lodge, and that naturalist accompanies them on all excursions throughout the stay. Each naturalist is also paired with a guide from the local community. My local guide, Jose Napa, has lived and worked in the area of the Mashpi reserve for more than three decades. “He has super powers,” Delgado said of Napa on one of our excursions. “He sees things no one else can see.” In the first hour of my stay, Napa spotted a fluttering toucan, a colony of leaf-cutter ants, and a skittering green iguana in the branches over my head. He later pointed out a walking palm tree (yes, it really walks—albeit slowly), a golden tanager, a quick-pawed tyra stealing bananas, and a virtual rainbow of colorful hummingbirds whirring and whooshing through the misty valley. The primary way of exploring the reserve, at least for now, is on the wooded pathways etched into the cloud forest’s steep hills. Guests are given knee-high rubber boots to wear on all excursions, which come in handy in the rainy, muddy woods. Lined with fallen palm fronds, the narrow and often steep walking paths are a colorful patchwork of brown, green, and yellow leaves. Where the trail switches back sharply or leans precipitously close to a drop, handrails made of dried vines help keep guests from stumbling. At day’s end, the rubber boots are hosed off and returned at the lodge entrance, where guests are met with a cool wet towel and a fresh fruit drink. Translated from the indigenous word, “mashpi” means “friend of water.” It’s an apt name given that there are more than 50 waterfalls here. My favorite of these drops 130 feet into an isolated swimming hole. Reaching many of the falls can be quite a hike, but soon traveling by foot will become just one option for exploring the reserve. The lodge is set to unveil its centerpiece attraction, a 1.5-mile aerial gondola, later this year. When completed, the gondola will offer quick access to currently out-of-the-way locations within the reserve, along with numerous jumping-on and jumping-off points. To minimize its environmental impact, all building materials for the gondola were transported by hand without the creation of new access roads that might disturb the delicate ecosystem. For now, however, the best way to experience the cloud forest is via the lodge’s one-of-a-kind “sky bike.” Suspended from a 1,000-foot-long cable nearly 200 feet above the valley, this thrill-of-a-lifetime ride through the clouds begs comparison to yet another entry in the Spielberg oeuvre: not dinosaurs this time, but extra-terrestrials. Above the treetops, with nothing but green ridges cascading in every direction for miles, I couldn’t help but think of the famous scene from E.T. The Extra Terrestrial. Peddling my bike across the sky is probably the most Zen travel experience I’ve ever had. If You Go A three-day, two-night stay at Mashpi Lodge starts at $1,296 per person based on double occupancy. This price includes all meals, guided explorations in English or Spanish, the sky bike, the aerial gondola (when completed), educational lectures, and field equipment such as rubber boots and rain ponchos. Book your stay through Metropolitan Touring to receive complimentary transfers to and from your hotel in Quito. Metropolitan Touring’s three-day, two-night Mashpi Lodge package also includes stops at both the Equator Monument and Latitude 0, a visit to the viewpoint of the dormant Pululahua Crater, and the opportunity to explore the archaeological site of Tulipe. More Stories by Josh Roberts: - Hiking to Havasu Falls, the Grand Canyon’s Hidden Jewel - Seeking Serenity on Scotland’s Northern Isles - 10 Best New Adventure Travel Trips of 2013 (Photos: Mashpi Lodge, Ecuador) We hand-pick everything we recommend and select items through testing and reviews. Some products are sent to us free of charge with no incentive to offer a favorable review. We offer our unbiased opinions and do not accept compensation to review products. All items are in stock and prices are accurate at the time of publication. If you buy something through our links, we may earn a commission.
H er institution, founded in 2015, is working to change that through art and culture. It is the only dedicated climate-change institution in the world, and so far has hosted exhibitions and events in temporary and public spaces across the city. But the museum is currently without a permanent home – a status that reflects how its necessity has only recently been understood, and how the discussion of climate change is only now taking its place at the heart of the cultural world. The ripples of this updated attitude are visible across museum programmes and landmark artist’s outputs across the globe. The Storm King Art Center in Mountainville, New York state, has prioritised the environment since its founding in 1960, but its current show names it as its headline concern: Indicators: Artists on Climate Change. The topic of migration has always been a rich seam for artists, but last year saw Ai Weiwei’s Human Flow, 2017, go further by showing how humanitarian crises are exacerbated by climate disaster. The film was screened at museums including the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden in Washington, DC. Even existing work is being rethought in light of environmental issues. In February, Leonardo DiCaprio's eponymous foundation, known for its engagement with environmental issues, partnered with the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) to replace the incandescent bulbs of Chris Burden’s sculpture Urban Light with LEDs, in order to prevent the release of 5 million pounds of carbon dioxide emissions over the next 10 years. Back in Manhattan, the Climate Museum is in the second stage of a multi-year process that Massie hopes will culminate in a bricks-and-mortar site – a permanent home for discussing these issues. It’s clear that the pursuit of tackling, questioning and making art about climate change has finally reached a boiling point. As such, it’s no surprise that there are a range of shows on internationally that seek to bring climate change to the forefront of public debate. Here, we select the best over the coming months. Down to earth Down to earth: Danish painting 1780-1920 and landscapes of the anthropocene explores how our conception of nature has changed over time. Organised in collaboration with the Faaborg Museum and the Ribe Art Museum, it includes landscapes by Danish artists from the 18th and 19th centuries such as NA Abildgaard, Jens Juel and CW Eckersberg. A particular highlight is Peter Hansen’s painting The Ploughman Turns, 1900, which portrays mankind’s historic efforts to tame and shape the natural world, while illustrating its “genuine dependence on the earth”, say curators Gertrud Oelsner, Gry Hedin and Thor Mednick. There are also works made by contemporary artists Camilla Berner and Rune Bosse in response to show, which the curators hope will “create a critical space for reflection by rendering visible the historical roots of the present-day Anthropocene landscape”. On view at the Hirschsprung Collection, Copenhagen, from 3 February 2019 to 28 April 2019 Earth Works: Mapping the Anthropocene Earth Works features 24 photographic works by American artist Justin Brice Guariglia, who has become one of the most prominent cultural figures working to address climate change. In 2015 and 2016, Guariglia flew seven times with NASA as part of Operation IceBridge, an airborne survey of Greenland aimed at studying the effect that melting glaciers had on the sea level. The photographs he took on these trips, printed using materials such as polystyrene and aircraft-grade aluminium, serve as the foundation for this exhibition. They oscillate between abstraction and figuration, suggesting both microscopic and panoramic perspectives and making the viewer question their conception of the natural world. “Guariglia’s work poses important questions at the precise moment they are most needed,” says Tim B Wride, the show’s curator. On view at USC Fisher Museum of Art until 8 December 2018 Following their documentaries Manufactured Landscapes, 2006, and Watermark, 2013, photographer Edward Burtynsky and award-winning filmmakers Jennifer Baichwal and Nicholas de Pencier have collaborated again to document different ways in which mankind is making an indelible mark on the planet. The trio travelled to every continent except Antarctica, capturing images of phenomena including a potash mine in Russia, anthroturbation (large-scale human tunnelling) in Switzerland and forestry on Vancouver Island. Thirty large-scale photographs by Burtynsky serve as a focal point for the exhibition, while films by Baichwal and de Pencier, watchable via a special app, are also on display, along with augmented reality installations. The burning of a mound of confiscated ivory tusks in Nairobi in 2016 is documented in all three mediums, providing multiple entry points from which visitors can engage with the challenging subject matter. Curator Sophie Hackett hopes Anthropocene will encapsulate the “global conversation that these artists are leading”. On view at Art Gallery of Ontario until January 6, 2019 Nature’s Nation: American Art and Environment This exhibition traces 300 years of evolving ideas about the natural world through the work of 120 American artists. The exhibits span from the colonial era to the present day, with highlights including Thomas Moran’s Lower Falls, Yellowstone Park, 1893, and Dorothea Lange’s Depression-era photographs. On view at The Princeton University Art Museum from 13 October 2018 to 6 January 2019 London’s Serpentine Sackler Gallery will host the first solo exhibition of Venezuelan-born artist Luchita Hurtado next summer. The show will feature works from across the artist’s long career, which has been defined by continuous experimentation and the exploration of themes including the environment and humanity’s connection to it. Among the displays will be photographs from 1946 that show the Earth from space – images that have heavily influenced Hurtado’s practice. On view at Serpentine Sackler Gallery, London from 23 May to 8 September 2019
For a while it seemed like the deal wasn’t going to go through. After his initial offer, Elon Musk tried everything he could to back out of it, short of sitting for a deposition in the resulting law suit. But, at the end of the day, it went through, and Elon Musk now owns Twitter. Lots of folks are worried about what a Musk-controlled Twitter will become. His conditional commitment to press freedom depends entirely on how much praise is heaped upon him. His record as an employer is a mess. And now he controls one of the most potent, though slowly waning, outlets for public engagement, and certainly the preferred medium of journalists and politicians. I’ve taught Social Media for Environmental Communications at Duke University for the last 11 years. Every year there’s been some big social media shakeup, and every year we look at how that shakeup will impact professionals using social media primary as an outreach and engagement tool. This has the potential to big the biggest shift in how folks approach social media that we’ve seen in a long time. But it also could be a whole heap of nothing. It all depends on the whims of a single, inconsistent owner who may not really know what he has or what his vision for it is. So what will this new Twitter look like? I suspect that we won’t see tectonic shifts in how Twitter operates immediately. It will take months for any of Musk’s vision to trickle into the user experience. I don’t get the impression that there are many people left for whom an ownership change is going to push them to finally get a Twitter account. The platform seems largely out of its growth phase. So there will likely be a slow and steady attrition of users as they get less and less out of using Twitter. They won’t be replaced. Long-term, I expect to see a hard push towards monetization of an increasingly small active user base. Which, in itself, will make that user base even smaller. What about Journalists? Probably the biggest loser in all this is Journalists. For the last decade, Journalism as a discipline has leaned heavily on Twitter, both for finding sources and for understanding the collective zeitgeist. Twitter will almost certainly become less valuable to journalism if its user engagement fades, but I think there will be a very long off-ramp to that inevitability. You’ve got time to find the next thing, don’t waste it. Will he allow previously banned users back on the site? It seems likely, but remains to be seen. What about harassment? Twitter never had a handle on the harassment that many users experienced, and I doubt that will change. What I think will change is that users who generally don’t receive much harassment will begin seeing more, leading to significant frustrations as they discover, for the first time, a problem folks have been talking about for a decade. Going from 0 to 10 is a much more jarring experience than going from 90 to 100. I think where things will get really messy is non-English-speaking Twitter, where Musk, who famously goes lean on public relations and customer support, simply won’t have the resources to monitor. Ok, but what if you’re wrong and Elon Musk’s Twitter is great, actually? That would be cool. I wish him all the luck. I’m not all that committed to Being Always Right as an identity, which is why Twitter has been less and less appealing to me. We always knew Twitter had a shelf life. Even without Elon, it has been clear for a long time that the service is struggling to find itself. Despite the idiom, nothing on the internet is forever, social media platforms grow and change and evolve. Services keep trying to reinvent themselves. I’ve been around since UseNet. People will move on to new platforms, but the thing that matters is the people. That Twitter has remained as relevant for as long as it has is a testament to the need for short, broad communications and easy discoverability on the internet. Twitter always shined brightest as a global chatroom. But that’s not a unique feature of the platform. I suspect any number of new, experimental social networks will crop up to fulfill that fundamental need. Maybe one of them will stick. So where else can we find you? I’m on most platforms as DrAndrewThaler but I plan to ride the Twitter roller coaster for a while longer. I might finally get a Ham radio license. Southern Fried Science and the OpenCTD project are supported by funding from our Patreon Subscribers. If you value these resources, please consider contributing a few dollars to help keep the servers running and the coffee flowing. Featured Image: A musk rat swimming. Photo by Author.
King Midas was said to have a golden touch. Anything he wanted to turn to gold, he could. Wealth and splendor eventually became repugnant to him and he fled his life of royalty to worship Pan the Satyr, the Greek god of fields and satyrs. Pan challenged Apollo after comparing his pan flute music to Apollo’s lyre. Apollo was awarded the contest with a simple strum of his instrument to which Midas dissented. Apollo said he must’ve “had the ears of an ass!” So King Midas’ ears became that of a long-eared donkey. King Midas’ barber knew the secret, often Midas would cover his head in a headdress. The barber whispered the heavy secret into a small hole in the ground he dug and covered it up. Later, up sprang reeds whispering the truth into the wind. It is said King Midas took his own life by drinking the blood of an ox for the truth was too much to bear. While King Midas’ touch may prove not so useful on this planet, on the Earth-like world GJ 1252b, he could make rivers that would create boiling and glittering oceans of gold. Don’t jump in after you eat your lunch. You might get a cramp. GJ 1252b orbits an M Dwarf, the most common type of star in our universe, a bit closer than we do to our Sun. Due to this, it possesses no atmosphere, constantly being bombarded by solar waves and heated plumes of radiation scorching its surface. This planet cannot withhold an atmosphere due to the intense ionic activity, solar blasts, and proximity to the Sun-like star. Mercury suffers a similar fate. There is such an intense level of heat from the nearby sun that it quite literally can melt gold, silver, and copper. “The pressure from the star’s radiation is immense, enough to blow a planet’s atmosphere away,” says Michelle Hill, an astrophysicist at the University of California, Riverside, in a statement. The planet’s orbit is two-to-one to our Earth day. In one Earth day, it will achieve two orbits, a dizzying speed on top of a 2,200-degree Fahrenheit temperature in excess. This larger-than-Earth planet copies Mercury in that its atmosphere is constantly sheared off by the intense heat and closeness to the M Dwarf. Mercury, however, does have an atmosphere albeit paper thin. The sun slowly chips away at our atmosphere but the speed of atmospheric recycling is almost 1:1. Typically, this process is usually unnoticeable. Carbon dioxide traps heat, which is why our planet can wax and wane in temperature over decades or centuries. Our cyclic nature of rain, ocean, clouds, and foliage help replenish whatever atmosphere we’ve lost. Global warming will make this more challenging for Mother Earth, however. “The planet could have 700 times more carbon than Earth has, and it still wouldn’t have an atmosphere. It would build up initially, but then taper off and erode away,” said Stephen Kane, UCR astrophysicist. It seems a grim aspect that most planets this close to a star, even an M Dwarf, may be inhospitable. And even further speculation goes into what could live or survive under such alien extremes. We would need a “Midas touch” to get these kinds of planets “golden” (likely terraforming, solar reflectors/refractors, and a lot of air conditioners). And just like a Greek tale, there’s another romantically woeful arc in the story. “It’s possible this planet’s condition could be a bad sign for planets even further away from this type of star,” Hill said. “This is something we’ll learn from the James Webb Space Telescope, which will be looking at planets like these.” We do have a silver lining, though, a moral of the “story” here. “If a planet is far enough away from an M dwarf, it could potentially retain an atmosphere. We cannot conclude yet that all rocky planets around these stars get reduced to Mercury’s fate,” Hill said. “I remain optimistic.” With hopeful hearts, we continue to search the sky. While this is a disappointing find, it is nonetheless important. Another scroll to add to the library of knowledge as we piece together the ultimate puzzle and, maybe, even find other life or a planet that can sustain it. We can always trust the “Midas Touch” in science to bring the golden truth. Zíse kalá! (Live well!) The research paper is published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters.
Automated Storage and Retrieval (ASRS) Shuttles are a part of an ASRS (automated storage and retrieval system). A shuttle delivers stored inventory to users for either manufacturing or order fulfillment. All storage shuttles work in combination with a racking system that enables high-density storage. Warehouse management software directs the shuttle to which storage location and the shuttle retrieves the inventory stored either in a container, tote, carton, tray, or pallet and delivers it to a goods to person (G2P) system for packing or assembly. What is an automated storage and retrieval system (ASRS)? Automated storage and retrieval systems (ASRS) consists of a large number of computer and robot-controlled systems for the automatic placement and retrieval of articles at defined storage locations. The system usually consists of predefined locations where machines can follow set routes to obtain items. In an automated storage and retrieval system (ASRS), there are various ways to provide the storage and retrieval of goods. These applications are typically used in businesses that need to move product quickly either for just-in-time manufacturing or order fulfillment. Most automated systems utilize various options for depending on the item(s) that are being stored. The benefits of implementing an ASRS solution allows for much faster throughput, but also accurate order fulfillment, which is crucial for e-commerce or critical healthcare applications. Furthermore, ASRS system allows organizations to optimize storage space and reduce warehouse labor, which is difficult to find in certain areas. And since there is less handling of products, ASRS solutions are much more secure and have less product damage due to fewer touches. Various Shuttles and Specific Applications Since there are various equipment options for an ASRS solution, an SSI SCHAEFER expert can help you navigate which solution may be right for your application. For example, a large volume of smaller units that are being shipped individually have a completely different need than a smaller volume of cases being stored separately or combined and shipped on a pallet. Depending on one’s need, SSI SCHAEFER has an array of both storage and retrieval options for individual units, cases, or pallet storage. There may be other criteria to take into consideration as well depending on the specific application such as: Most ASRS warehouse solutions utilize storage shuttles. These robotic retrieval systems work by retrieving items within the storage unit itself. Storage shuttles can be single level, multi-level, or roaming. There are also other options such as vertical lift modules, carousels, and heavy unit load solutions that utilize pallet solutions. Which storage method considers the purchase price? There are two methods that take the purchase price into account: Highest In First Out (HIFO) and Lowest In First Out (LOFO). With the HIFO method, the products with the highest purchase price are moved out first. This method is relatively complex, as many inventory movements are required to remove the most expensive products from stock. The method is used by companies that use or store expensive raw materials. With the LOFO method, the products with the lowest purchase price are taken out of stock first. Just like the HIFO method, this method is very time-consuming and ties up a lot of capital, as the expensive products remain in the warehouse. The advantage is that the consumption costs of the finished goods are relatively low in relation to the stored products. What is storage technology? Warehouse technology is an essential component of internal company logistics. It is the ideal storage and transport of goods in a company to optimize the supply chain as well as processes, reduce costs, increase productivity, and make optimal use of space. A structured, well thought-out storage system facilitates the day-to-day operations of all warehouse employees and is necessary to work efficiently in terms of economy and costs. In addition to the economic advantages, one of the main focuses of warehouse technology is the safe and environmentally compatible storage of hazardous materials. Special components such as fire protection containers and drum filling stations are used to store in compliance with regulations relating to environmental protection and occupational safety. Several different storage options are available, depending on the product and requirements. This depends on how large and heavy the goods are, whether they need to be stored in containers, what the temperature should be and how and how often they are accessed. For the smooth running of the business, it is worth investing time in the design of the storage system to optimize the productivity and success of the company in the long term. What are the tasks of the intralogistics software in the storage of goods? Which goods are in which storage location and zone and how they get there depends on the selected allocation and movement strategy. And regardless of whether the warehouse is manual, semi-automated or fully automated, it is important to use warehouse software to optimize the use of resources, i.e. to achieve maximum efficiency in the storage, transfer and retrieval processes. With the data recorded in the software solution of a Warehouse Management System (WMS), one keeps track of clients, stocks, batches and storage locations. All information is available at the push of a button. The WMS is the central control, monitoring and optimization instance in complex warehouse and distribution systems. This also includes the control of system statuses in the warehouse and the provision of comprehensive reporting and KPIs. In order to be able to fully exploit the advantages of an automated solution in the warehouse - for example in terms of speed, dynamics and safety - automated warehouse and conveyor technology equipment is also mapped in the software. The so-called material flow system (MFS) synchronizes and harmonizes the flow of information and goods, taking into account your warehouse strategy.
This article showcases Startup Pill’s top picks for the best Wind Energy startups. These startups are taking a variety of approaches to innovating inside of the Wind Energy industry and around the world. They are all exceptional startups well worth a follow. We tried to pick companies across the size spectrum from cutting edge startups to established brands. We selected these startups for exceptional performance in one of these categories: - Innovative ideas - Innovative route to market - Innovative product - Exceptional growth - Exceptional growth strategy - Societal impact Join our community: The Startup Pill Facebook group is designed to be a friendly and international space where startup founders, investors and consultants can share resources, progress and tips. Click here to join. Top Wind Energy Startups ClearGen is empowering the transition to a more sustainable energy future. ClearGen works with partners to deliver efficient and reliable energy infrastructure to consumers. Our consultative approach is focused on reducing development risk by streamlining the structuring and financing process to facilitate successful project development. By combining smart and flexible financing with unmatched industry expertise, ClearGen will lead the way to a new era of energy outcomes. Miraex develops, manufactures and offers photonic and quantum solutions for next generation sensing, networking and computing. Our industrial sensing solutions prevent asset failure before it happens in the most demanding environments, where standard electronic sensors do not work. At Miraex, we also build quantum integrated circuits for high sensitivity measurements and distributed quantum computing infrastructures.. . Sensorise develops and manufactures intelligent machine components for continuous monitoring and predictive maintenance. The Sensorise SmartScrew System increases operational safety, decreases maintenance costs, and extends equipment lifetime. Sensorise SmartScrews are suitable for both new-builds and retrofits. They are standard screws with a wire sensor, as thin as a hair, integrated into the base of the thread, and exhibit the same mechanical properties as standard screws and bolts. The SmartScrew is designed for harsh environmental conditions. The sensor element is completely passive, eliminating the risk of failed active electronic components inside the mechanical part. The system was created for applications in wind power, offshore infrastructure, and large-scale machinery.. . THEME is developing solutions utilizing smart, unique and simple methods to reduce emissions to exceed IMO targets while providing a long term financial benefit to the shipping industry. THEME is presently working towards development of long range cargo/container ships powered by Hydrogen. Additionally, these ships will utilize solar and wind energy for supplemental power. These ships will also utilize autonomous technologies and artificial intelligence to optimize routes harvesting the maximum amount of energy from the marine environment. THEME’s first zero emissions vessels will become commercially operational in 2025.. . Bell Resources (US) Bell Resources is positioning itself to supply energy & resources to the electric vehicle & the ride-hailing / sharing autonomous electric vehicle markets. The Company is primarily focused on developing opportunities across Australia and in the United States of America, through its wholly owned subsidiaries Bell Hub, Bell Renewables and Bell Batteries in the three areas of electric vehicle charging, renewable energy and lithium-ion batteries, respectively. Bell Resources initial focus is through Bell Hub’s co-located electric vehicle charging and car wash sites. Mission Statement: Bell Resources mission is to accelerate the transition of the transportation sector to sustainable energy. What does the Bell Resources logo represent? Bell Resources logo represents solar panels angled to capture sunlight in a forward motion, depicting the movement of people and products. The logo sits against a yellow background, representing sustainable energy from the sun.. Serge Energy is a European based Green, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Production Company. We specialise in providing clients with access to clean-energy investments, in geographically safe, and politically secure, locations in Europe. The returns that we find for clients, from renewable-energy investments, are towards the top of the scale but are reassuringly realistic due to the strong pressure in Europe to replace fossil fuel use with renewable energy. Serge Energy’s main focus is the production and sale of renewable energy within the growing European market. Our strategy to position the company and its operations in Finland have successfully put us and our clients’ investments right in the heart of the demand for sustainable energy in Europe. This model allows us to deliver value to our clients via the leveraging of the ever-growing European demand for renewable energy..
WASHINGTON (REUTERS) - The United States Army plans to fund construction of rare earths processing facilities, part of an urgent push by Washington to secure domestic supply of the minerals used to make military weapons and electronics, according to a government document seen by Reuters. The move would mark the first financial investment by the US military into commercial-scale rare earths production since World War II's Manhattan Project built the first atomic bomb. It comes after President Donald Trump earlier this year ordered the military to update its supply chain for the niche materials, warning that reliance on other nations for the strategic minerals could hamper US defences. China, which refines most of the world's rare earths, has threatened to stop exporting the specialised minerals to the US, using its monopoly as a cudgel in the ongoing trade spat between the world's two largest economies. "The US rare earths industry needs big help to compete against the Chinese," said Mr Jim McKenzie, chief executive officer of UCore Rare Metals Inc, which is developing a rare earths project in Alaska. "It's not just about the money, but also the optics of broad support from Washington." The Army division overseeing munitions last month asked miners for proposals on the cost of a pilot plant to produce so-called heavy rare earths, a less-common type of the specialised minerals that are highly sought after for use in weaponry, according to the document. Responses are due by Dec 16. UCore, Texas Mineral Resources Corp and a joint venture between Lynas Corp and privately-held Blue Line Corp are among the expected respondents, according to company officials and sources familiar with the matter. The Army said it will fund up to two-thirds of a refiner's cost and that it would fund at least one project and potentially more. Applicants must provide a detailed business plan and specify where they will source their ore, among other factors. This latest move by the Army, a division of the Pentagon, comes after a military study earlier this year on the state of the US rare earths supply chain. The rare earths tension between the US and China goes back to at least 2010, when China limited exports to Japan after a diplomatic dispute, sending prices for the niche metals spiking and fuelling concerns across the US military that China could do the same to the US. The US Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Chemical Biological Centre and the US Army headquarters did not respond to requests for comment. The request does not give a specific financial amount the Army could fund, though it is derived in part from the Defence Production Act (DPA), a 1950s-era US law that gives the Pentagon wide financial latitude to procure equipment necessary for national defence. A rare earth processing pilot plant could cost between US$5 million (S$6.8 million) and US$20 million, depending on location, size and other factors, with a full-scale plant potentially costing more than US$100 million to build, industry executives said. "It's great to see interest in financially supporting the industry from the Department of Defence," said Mr Jon Blumenthal, CEO of Blue Line Corp, which earlier this year signed a memorandum of understanding to build a rare earth processing facility in Texas with Australia-based Lynas Corp. Mr Blumenthal declined to comment when asked if Blue Line will respond to the Army's request. Lynas declined to comment. It is not clear how the Army will rank the responses given that much of the rare earths industry expertise is now located in China, though the modern rare earths industry itself had its genesis in the US decades ago. "Instead of providing funds for yet another study, this allocates money towards establishing a US-based rare earth supply chain," said Mr Anthony Marchese, CEO of Texas Mineral Resources, which is developing the Round Top mine in Texas with USA Rare Earth. After processing, however, rare earths need to be turned into rare earth magnets, found in precision-guided missiles, smart bombs and military jets and China controls the rare earths magnet industry, too. The Pentagon has not yet launched an effort to finance domestic magnet manufacturing. "Closing the magnet gap would do more to address the nation's defence needs, and as well the needs of electric vehicle-makers and others," said Mr Ryan Castilloux, managing director with Adamas Intelligence, a research firm that closely tracks the rare earths industry.
GLASGOW (REUTERS) - Vulnerable countries at the COP26 UN climate talks have urged stronger commitments on finance to help them adapt to climate change impacts and repair the damage they are suffering, in response to an early draft deal for the Glasgow summit released on Wednesday (Nov 10). The two-week annual conference is due to finish on Friday but often runs overtime as countries squabble over wording and hammer out their differences on how to push forward lagging climate action. Wednesday's provisional texts urged countries to step up their targets to cut greenhouse gas emissions by the end of 2022, acknowledging that current pledges fall short of what is needed to limit warming to 1.5 deg C and avert the worst impacts of climate change. Mr Aubrey Webson, United Nations Ambassador for Antigua and Barbuda and chair of the Alliance of Small Island States, said the deal needed to be strengthened to help the most vulnerable, particularly with finance to adopt clean energy and cope with climate change impacts. "We won't get the ambition on emissions (cuts) we need for 1.5 deg C if we don't scale up the provision of finance," he warned in a statement, noting "long overdue" money to deal with growing climate loss and damage was particularly key. One of the texts noted "regret" that developed countries have yet to meet a promise to channel US$100 billion (S$135 billion) a year in climate finance to poorer nations starting from 2020 - something they have now promised to do by 2023. The text urged governments to accelerate efforts to meet the goal sooner. Mr Abul Kalam Azad, Bangladesh's special envoy for the Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF), a club of 55 vulnerable nations in Africa, Asia and Latin America, said there was "no excuse" for meeting the already overdue US$100 billion goal later than 2022. "Without financial support, little can be done to minimise damaging effects for vulnerable communities around the world," he said. He noted the CVF wants negotiators at COP26 to mandate that financing options for "loss and damage" - from impacts such as higher seas and stronger storms, droughts and floods - be studied and then presented at COP27 next year. That request has not been included in the decision texts so far. Ms Vanessa Nakate, a young Ugandan climate activist, also called for a separate fund to help vulnerable countries like hers cope with losses, adding they would experience "suffering, suffering, suffering" if warming tops 2.4 deg C. "You cannot adapt to starvation, you cannot adapt to extinction, you cannot adapt to lost cultural heritage and you cannot adapt to lost biodiversity," she said, calling for loss and damage to be put at the centre of the COP26 negotiations. Mr Mohamed Adow, the director of Power Shift Africa, a Nairobi-based think-tank, said the COP26 decision text was currently "a very lopsided document". Its dominant advances include a push to accelerate emissions reductions, and it calls for action to phase out the use of coal and fossil fuel subsidies, the first time such an appeal has appeared in negotiating text at the talks. "But on the key demands of vulnerable countries, there is very little," he told journalists. "On helping these countries adapt to climate impacts and deal with permanent loss and damage, it is very fuzzy and vague." A 2022 deadline in the text for all countries to come back with stronger emissions reduction targets was welcomed by many, although some developing nations wanted that targeted at mainly large emitting nations that have submitted weak national action plans this year. Some climate campaigners said the text lacked a needed commitment to revise emissions-cutting goals every year, given the urgency of the changes needed. The conference's overarching aim is to "keep 1.5 alive" - a reference to the Paris Agreement's most ambitious goal to pursue efforts to limit average global temperature rise to 1.5 deg C above pre-industrial times. But a leading tracker for national climate policies this week said the world will hit 2.4 deg C of warming this century with current plans for 2030 emissions cuts - if they are fulfilled. "This draft deal is not a plan to solve the climate crisis. It's an agreement that we'll all cross our fingers and hope for the best," said Ms Jennifer Morgan, executive director of Greenpeace International. "It's a polite request that countries, maybe, possibly, do more next year." Mr Alok Sharma, the British official leading the COP26 talks, said the British government was aiming for a "high ambition" outcome from the summit. But there was still a lot of work to do to achieve a satisfactory outcome on finance in line with the hopes of vulnerable countries, he noted. He said he hoped new pledges this week would smooth the way. "We all know what is at risk if we do not reach an ambitious outcome. Climate-vulnerable countries on the front line of the climate crisis will continue to bear the brunt before it engulfs us all," he added.
Boracay is a small island in the municipality of Malay, Province of Aklan. It is one of the world’s top tourist destinations thanks to its fine white sand beaches, varied leisure activities, and pulsating night life. The Caticlan – Boracay Aerial Ropeway Project is a top-supported cable propelled transit system that will connect Caticlan (mainland) to the island of Boracay crossing the Tabon Strait. It is a modern, reliable and high-quality transportation system foreseen to move people in and out of Boracay Island (alongside the existing water-based modes of transport) at approximately 554 passengers per hour per direction (pphpd) during its opening year, and 1,250 pphpd at ultimate capacity. The study was prepared by SYSTRA Philippines to accomplish the following: - Identify existing site conditions, possible alignment, alignment issues and technical restrictions; - Determine transport demand requirements and select the most appropriate technology; - Prepare preliminary design of the project; - Establish the required capital investment based on the identified project scope; - Define the proposed project framework; - Determine the project’s technical, legal and financial viability and, - Assess the project’s environmental impacts.
Above: The treatment tank for a permitted graywater system in East Austin. Rodney Rash is the kind of guy who knows how to make something out of nothing. A former carpenter and electrician, Rash now works as a magician, constructing his own props and offering the plans for free online. He’s plugging away at a book on how to build a home for $35,000. But when he went to go construct a system to recycle water from his sinks, showers and washing machine at his home in Round Rock, Rash was stymied. After researching and coming up with a basic plan for his graywater project, he called the city to find out how to get it permitted. “They basically told me that I couldn’t do that,” he said. “Specifically, they said I couldn’t have a permitted graywater system and that these systems were very uncommon throughout Texas, but I could have a rain barrel. If you’re trucking in water from other areas to meet demand, why waste all this perfectly good water?” Round Rock is far from unusual. Despite persistent drought across much of Texas, most cities do nothing to promote graywater reuse as a conservation method, letting billions of gallons of usable water go down the drain and on to expensive and energy-intensive sewage treatment plants. Even for committed conservationists and tinkerers, Texas government, which is not known for over-regulation, often stands in the way. Every time you take a shower, use the bathroom sink or run a load of laundry, the resulting graywater—as distinct from “blackwater,” which has come into contact with human waste—could be diverted to water your lawn or irrigate a tree. A typical household produces 100 gallons of usable graywater per day, enough to replace 10 to 25 percent of potable water use on an average landscape, according to the Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center. A statewide effort to retrofit homes with graywater systems could yield savings of up to 390,000 acre-feet of water per year, according to the Texas Water Resources Institute. That’s enough water to supply 130,000 typical households. Despite the potential savings, most Texas cities are doing very little to encourage graywater use and often have regulations that make it difficult for even highly motivated people to install graywater systems. I reached five of the cities in the thick of Texas’ drought—Austin, El Paso, Round Rock, San Antonio and Wichita Falls—and not one offered incentives or rebates for graywater systems or even programs to educate citizens. In El Paso, the city water utility initially said it discouraged graywater use because of public health concerns. In Austin, the water utility requires people to get a permit even for simple washing-machine-to-landscape applications. In those five cities, we found that only three households had obtained permits for larger-scale systems that require plumbing changes. All three are in Austin. Without formal programs and public education, enthusiasts are left to navigate regulations on their own or ignore the rules altogether. Graywater advocates say a teachable moment—with many people attuned to conservation ideas amid a devastating drought—is being wasted, along with potential cash and water savings. “Graywater has the potential to step in in a place where reuse and reclaim does not,” said Lauren Ross, an environmental engineer and owner of Glenrose Engineering in Austin. “A lot of us have a rainwater cache, and when we’re in a deep drought, these tanks are empty. Graywater is a source of water that’s local, right here in my house. It generates the same amount whether it’s raining or not, and can be reused in any weather condition. It doesn’t require huge amounts of energy or expensive infrastructure, but it does require maintenance.” **Click on the image below to enlarge.** Before 2003, Texas didn’t generally allow residents to collect or reuse graywater, mainly due to concerns that using it on landscapes could pose serious risks to public health—fears that have been largely laid to rest by recent science, experts say. Most cities in Texas didn’t formally introduce graywater regulations until recently. Austin, which has put the most thought into the issue, only made graywater use legal in 2010. A graywater stakeholder committee, which included professionals such as Ross and other engineers, worked with city officials to develop less onerous rules. Austin requires permits for all graywater systems, including a relatively simple laundry-to-landscape system, which typically involves running your washing machine discharge to some turf or a tree. “We’ve been quite progressive as a whole with the adoption of this code, in particular, with the laundry to landscape,” said Austin Water Utility spokesman Robert Stefani. “It’s a great place to start, and we think it will smooth the adoption curve a bit. Instead of forcing the public into these big systems, we’ve given the public something easy to use and cheap to install.” But the adoption rate is still very low. Currently, there are three permitted graywater systems in Austin. Ross says the permitting process is still “more difficult than it needs to be for residential graywater systems.” She adds that lingering water quality concerns are overblown and date back to a time when drinking water and wastewater commingled, leading to typhoid and cholera outbreaks. “There are no recorded instances of anybody ever contracting a waterborne disease from a graywater system, permitted or unpermitted,” Ross said. “The city is confusingly cautious about why they want these excessive standards for graywater systems that don’t apply to things that are as much of a threat as graywater, such as a kiddie pool.” Austin, with its “excessive” standards, is still ahead of the rest of the state, but with no guidance, few bothered to navigate the rules. A few years ago, environmental engineer Rebecca Batchelder set out to get her home graywater system permitted. As an engineer, she could draft her own plans, which came in handy. “When I went to pull my permit, the permit officer had to ask me what graywater was, so you can imagine how it went from there,” she said. “The folks there were very helpful, they just had no defined process.” Four years later, graywater regulations have been updated but only two more homes have gone through the permitting process. For Batchelder, this doesn’t come as a surprise. “Graywater is tricky. The permitting is still probably more difficult than it should be and it usually requires cutting into your plumbing, which is scary for homeowners,” she said. “There aren’t rebates, and water is still too cheap for it to be worth it to most people. Plus, from the homeowner’s perspective, why get a permit? That just adds to the cost.” In San Francisco, laundry-to-landscape projects don’t require permits and the city offers an extensive guide available online with detailed instructions on how to get started. Cheryl Hodges is an example of a graywater enthusiast who went the DIY route, rules be damned. She asked that her name be changed since her system isn’t permitted. She lives in an unincorporated area of Hays County and operates what she calls a “gypsy graywater system.” “I take water from bathtubs, showers and sinks and put it on the landscape outside our house. It’s not a superbly piped system,” she said. “The system is somewhat informal, but it’s very much a system with real data. When I moved in the late ‘90s, the house was already built, so a lot of this is retrofitted. I had to make do with what already existed.” Hodges’ 800-square-foot home is on a hill, and she can irrigate the downhill portion of her landscape, which totals about a quarter-acre and includes pear and citrus trees, with graywater. However, she admits that maintaining a graywater system requires some vigilance. “We have directions in the bathroom and are very strict on what soaps we use,” she said. “Even as an English major, I have to pay attention to the chemistry. What are you using for dish soap? Are you washing your hair with something that has three different kinds of sodium?” While Hodges is current on the science behind her system, chances are there are less knowledgeable people who could benefit from city guidance. However, my search for graywater resources in cities throughout drought-stricken Texas came up mostly dry. In the desert city of El Paso, graywater has few fans at the city water utility. When the Observer first reached out to El Paso Water Utilities, a spokesperson informed us that graywater wasn’t part of their conservation efforts because of “water quality concerns.” Soon after talking, Montoya called back to clarify: The city of El Paso does allow for graywater systems that adhere to city regulations. Customers need to submit drawings and an application to be considered. So far, according to an engineer with the city, there aren’t any permitted or unpermitted systems in the city, along with no plans to promote graywater use as a conservation method. “One of the challenges with graywater is that it puts people in charge of their own water quality instead of the city,” Christina Montoya said. But that’s not the view of those who study the issue. “A lot of people think graywater is filthy, that because we’ve used it we need to get rid of it,” said Mike Martin, manager with the Texas A&M Energy Institute. “There are some constraints you have to follow and you have to think smart, but it’s perfectly OK to use.” To show graywater’s potential value, the institute has been conducting a yearlong study looking at the effects of graywater on native plants. Researchers found that native plants not only tolerated the water, but “thrived,” according to Martin. Wichita Falls, where rainfall is almost four feet below normal, is facing some of the most severe drought in the state. The city’s two drinking-water lakes are 22 percent full, the lowest levels since the mid-1950s. The city mentions graywater on its website, but doesn’t provide any information on how to harvest it. Wichita Falls requires a permit for a system that necessitates plumbing work, but not for simply diverting water from a washing machine to a lawn—a much cheaper and low-tech alternative. Bobby Teague, assistant director with the city, said that he hasn’t received any permit requests for an engineered system, but “hundreds, if not thousands, are diverting water via a bucket or some other way. They are filling up buckets while the shower is getting hot and carrying it to the trees, foundation or shrubs. It’s as simple as that.” While graywater is at least considered a conservation method in Wichita Falls, there isn’t much in the way of education or implementation support for residents. The same goes for San Antonio, another drought-stressed city going to greater and greater lengths to scare up water supplies. While San Antonio doesn’t prevent people from setting up systems it’s also not actively promoting graywater through rebates, which are provided for other water-saving appliances, such as low-flow shower heads or toilets. “In the city of San Antonio, graywater is a pretty uncommon practice,” said Karen Guz, conservation director of the San Antonio Water System. “But, if you wanted to take washing machine water and apply it instead of sending it down the drain, probably no one would bother you as long as it’s not a nuisance and there aren’t any complaints of smells or mosquitos. There has to be a place to send graywater.” Guz stressed that even if a graywater system was collecting water from all possible sources (showers, sinks, washing machine, etc) it still wouldn’t produce enough volume to operate an automatic sprinkler system. However, graywater isn’t seen as a complete solution for all landscape irrigation needs by most enthusiasts; Rather it’s most useful to water a portion of a yard or specific trees. Batchelder’s advice to homeowners looking to set up a system: keep it simple. “I’ve installed two permitted graywater systems, one in Austin and one in Los Angeles. Both were very labor intensive to install and prone to issues. Now, I just put my washing machine hose in a pipe that leads to my persimmon tree, or I move it to another part of the garden that is in need. The system cost me around 5 bucks, took me about 30 seconds to set up and it works beautifully.” “The cities and water utilities are way, way behind the public on this issue,” said Ross of Glenrose Engineering. “I don’t necessarily think people need a permit, but I’m not opposed either. As long as it’s something that encourages people to do it and is most beneficial, as opposed to a permit system that just doesn’t make any sense at all.” If drought forecasts remain the same, Texas cities may turn to graywater as another way to squeeze more out of diminishing water resources. “There are a lot of people moving to Texas, rainfall amounts aren’t increasing and we know drought predictions for the next 15 to 20 years,” Martin with the Texas A&M Energy Institute said. “I think conservation is the best way to save, and if we conserve our potable water source, we need to do that at the home.”
EPA rejects Texas’ more lenient standard for highly toxic air pollutant In the wake of an investigation by ProPublica and The Texas Tribune into the widely used chemical ethylene oxide, the EPA has moved to reject a less protective standard crafted by Texas regulators and backed by the chemical industry. by Kiah Collier, The Texas Tribune and ProPublica, and Maya Miller, ProPublica Sign up for The Brief, our daily newsletter that keeps readers up to speed on the most essential Texas news. As part of a sweeping announcement detailing strategies to crack down on toxic industrial air pollution, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced this week it was moving to formally reject Texas’ less protective standard for the potent carcinogen ethylene oxide and stick with its own scientific conclusions, a move that clears the way for significant reductions in emissions nationwide. EPA Administrator Michael S. Regan announced the decision after an investigation by ProPublica, in collaboration with the Texas Tribune, revealed that ethylene oxide, a low-odor, ubiquitous gas that is used to make everyday household items like dish soap, is contributing to the majority of the excess industrial cancer risk in the United States. In 2016, nearly two decades after it began assessing ethylene oxide’s link to cancer, the EPA concluded that the chemical was 30 times more carcinogenic to people who continuously inhale it as adults and 50 times more carcinogenic to those who are exposed since birth than the agency previously thought. Industry groups fought the EPA throughout the assessment process, arguing that ethylene oxide was far less harmful than agency scientists determined. The companies found an unwavering ally in Texas. A year after the EPA published its conclusions, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality launched its own assessment of ethylene oxide that scientists have criticized for excluding studies linking the chemical to breast cancer and drawing on cherry-picked analyses of the data that the federal agency had examined. The state standard that resulted is 2,000 times more lenient than the EPA’s. (Excess cancer risk for a chemical is calculated as the number of additional cancer cases that are expected to result from a lifetime of exposure.) Last year, after the EPA finalized changes to one of its six major regulations governing ethylene oxide, industry groups petitioned the federal agency to consider reassessing its decision and relying on the standard set by TCEQ instead of its own. The decision announced Wednesday dealt a blow to their hope that the EPA would rely on Texas’ less protective standard. “Today we reinforce and advance EPA’s commitment to protect overburdened communities by following the best available science and data,” Regan said in a statement. “People living near chemical plants are increasingly concerned about exposure to ethylene oxide, and the science shows it is a potent air toxic posing serious health risks.” Neil Carman, clean air director for the Lone Star Chapter of the Sierra Club, said the announcement is a “game changer” that clears the way for significant, and more expedient, reductions in ethylene oxide emissions in Texas and across the country. He added that the decision sends a strong signal to industry that the EPA will defend its own science as the agency continues to update rules for ethylene oxide emissions. “This really punches TCEQ in the gut, in essence, on ethylene oxide,” he said. “Once they finalize this new proposal, it’s got big effects for Texas.” The EPA’s announcement “shows science and facts matter, and sends ripples of hope out to people breathing ethylene oxide every day, who are also seeking far more urgent and concrete action from EPA,“ said Emma Cheuse, an attorney with Earthjustice, a Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit that represents communities and environmental groups in legal proceedings. The public will have 45 days to comment on the agency’s decision before it is finalized and five days to request a virtual hearing after the agency officially publishes its notice. But experts said the strong language the EPA used in its announcement suggests it’s not going to reverse course. The process for incorporating the federal government’s standard into a set of rules governing ethylene oxide emissions is expected to take until at least the end of 2024. That doesn’t account for the time it will take to settle any legal challenges from industry groups. If fully incorporated into the half-dozen federal rules that dictate how much toxic air pollution industrial facilities can emit, the EPA’s ethylene oxide standard could require more than 160 industrial plants across the country to slash emissions of the chemical. Legal experts said that once the federal government finalizes its approach, it will be difficult for future administrations to reverse the standard as the EPA did with previous regulations under former President Donald Trump. “That is because a court will demand reasons from EPA for changes,” said Wendy Wagner, an environmental law professor at the University of Texas. “The more good reasons EPA gives for the current approach, the harder it will be in the future for EPA to move in a different direction.” The American Chemistry Council, the powerful lobbying group representing the chemical industry that had requested the EPA consider using Texas’ ethylene oxide standard, said in a statement that it needed to review EPA’s explanation. But the group argued that such public policy decisions should be more “inclusive,” and noted that companies that make or use ethylene oxide have invested in technologies and research to reduce emissions of the chemical. “As a result of these actions, industrial ethylene oxide emissions have already fallen dramatically nationwide over the past two decades,” the statement said. Still, EPA data that relies on the agency’s new ethylene oxide standard, and on emissions reports from the companies themselves, shows facilities are releasing enough of the chemical to increase cancer risk for nearby residents. Todd Cloud, a Georgia-based air quality consultant who worked in the petrochemical industry for 20 years, said he thinks it will be difficult for many facilities to meet the EPA’s stricter standard without relocating to “the middle of nowhere” where their emissions won’t waft into populated areas. “If that standard is accurate then there is no safe level of emissions of EtO, and the only alternative is to remove it from the stream of commerce,” he said. “That’s why you’re seeing some of the pushback here.” The risk from ethylene oxide is particularly acute in Texas, the nation’s top ethylene oxide polluter and home to at least 26 facilities that emit the chemical. That includes a plant in Laredo, featured in the ProPublica and Tribune investigation, where employees of the Midwest Sterilization Corporation every year use millions of pounds of ethylene oxide to sterilize medical equipment manufactured just across the border in Mexico before shipping the equipment to hospitals across the U.S. Four years ago, after the EPA incorporated its new ethylene oxide standard into a national assessment of cancer risk posed by toxic air pollution, the agency identified the Laredo plant as one of more than two dozen “high-priority” facilities whose emissions of the chemical appeared to be elevating cancer risk to levels the agency considers unacceptable. The Laredo plant reported releasing thousands of pounds per year of ethylene oxide between 2014 and 2018, according to the most recent EPA data available. That is far more than any other facility of its kind in the country, according to an analysis by ProPublica and the Tribune. In a statement to ProPublica and the Tribune, Midwest Sterilization Corporation said it “currently is in compliance with all federal and state regulatory standards” and has exceeded them “where possible.” These standards do not yet account for the cancer risk identified by the EPA, which would require the plant to reduce emissions. “Since 2019, we have voluntarily reduced overall EtO emissions by approximately 90% after researching, purchasing, implementing, and testing the best available emissions control technology,” the statement said. The company declined to say whether that percentage is applicable to both its Laredo facility and another it owns in Jackson, Missouri. Midwest installed equipment to reduce ethylene oxide emissions at the Jackson location in 2019 after EPA conducted public meetings there to inform the community about ethylene oxide’s link to cancer and a wide array of other health impacts, including miscarriages. The EPA has yet to hold such a meeting in Laredo. Many in the community did not even know the Midwest plant existed until ProPublica and the Tribune began asking residents whether they were aware it was emitting significant amounts of a cancer-causing chemical. Since the publication of the ProPublica and Tribune investigation, Midwest has taken out full-page ads in the local newspaper that stress the importance of ethylene oxide to the health care industry and emphasize that a small portion of the chemical is used to sterilize medical devices. The EPA is set to propose an updated regulation this summer governing air pollution from commercial sterilizers like Midwest and aims to finalize it in the fall. Laredo officials and activists applauded the EPA’s announcement this week but said conflicting messages from the federal regulatory agency and TCEQ so far have spurred confusion that has hamstrung meaningful action to protect Laredo residents. Vanessa Perez, a member of the Laredo City Council whose district is home to the Midwest plant, worries that the regulatory process will take years, unnecessarily exposing Laredo residents to excess cancer risk. In the meantime, she and other officials have been trying to beat back claims from TCEQ leaders that EPA’s ethylene oxide assessment is incorrect. “The work to clarify what’s going on has fallen on us, and we’re not supposed to be here to do EPA’s job,” said Perez. The Clean Air Laredo Coalition, an organization formed by Perez and local environmental activist Tricia Cortez after they learned from ProPublica and the Tribune about the dangers posed by the Midwest plant, began scoping out a potential partnership to conduct a pilot blood testing program among 3,000 residents after a packed and emotional town hall meeting in December. The group has also been looking into applying for a community air monitoring grant from the EPA, but Perez said the application requires technical expertise that has been hard to access. While the EPA works to update environmental regulations, Texas’ more lenient rule will remain in effect. “We want the TCEQ to reverse its current industry-friendly approach to ethylene oxide and go in the opposite direction, which is to do even more than what the EPA is going to ask for,” Cortez said. The TCEQ has repeatedly defended its standard, saying the federal government is exaggerating the cancer risk posed by ethylene oxide. Officials with the state agency this week said the TCEQ would respond to the decision “in the appropriate time as part of the normal agency processes, following science and the law.” “We will have to wait and see, but TCEQ has been put on notice that there is oversight and that communities want state agencies to do what they need them to do,” said Robert Bullard, a sociologist at Texas Southern University who has spent decades documenting the disproportionate effects of pollution on communities of color across the country. Laredo residents who live in areas where the estimated cancer risk exceeds federal safety thresholds said protecting communities should be the most critical factor in making such a determination. One such resident is Robin Hunter Casiano, whose daughter attends first grade at an elementary school less than two miles from the Midwest facility. “It makes me sick every time I drop my daughter off at school in the morning just to think where they’re at in relation to that factory that can be harming their health,” she said. As part of its announcement this week, the EPA said it would be partnering with Texas Environmental Justice Advocacy Services to improve communication on environmental risk and enforcement “in response to the call for improved accessibility to language and interpretation services.” The agency also said it is “looking at a range of approaches besides regulations for achieving emissions reductions while regulations are in development, and ensuring communities are informed and engaged as we work to address EtO.” It didn’t offer specific details about what those approaches may entail. State Sen. Judith Zaffirini, a Democrat who represents Laredo, said she understands that reversing course might be difficult for the TCEQ, but “they should consider new information and the community’s perspective.” Zaffirini said she has met with “exceedingly concerned” residents in Laredo and has a meeting scheduled with Midwest representatives to hear the company’s perspective. “I am extremely concerned about the impact of this carcinogen in our air, and particularly so for our school children and most vulnerable community members,” she said in an email. “While I certainly recognize the importance of Midwest’s work to sterilize medical equipment and will listen to its representatives, I cannot imagine that they would disagree with our need to prioritize ensuring the health and safety of those who live and work near the facility.” Disclosure: Texas Southern University has been a financial supporters of The Texas Tribune, a nonprofit, nonpartisan news organization that is funded in part by donations from members, foundations and corporate sponsors. Financial supporters play no role in the Tribune's journalism. Find a complete list of them here. This story originally mischaracterized full-page ads taken out in a local newspaper by the Midwest Sterilization Corporation. They stress the importance of ethylene oxide to the health care industry and emphasize that a small portion of the chemical is used to sterilize medical equipment. They do not say that the EPA is wrong about the dangers of ethylene oxide. Informed voters, strong democracy with your help Support The Texas Tribune’s primary elections coverage. The Tribune relies on reader support to cover elections across the state and provide localized information for all Texas voters. Will you support our nonprofit newsroom with a donation of any amount?
The debate over global warming is now entering the classroom and its proponents are alarmed. It seems the “dogma” of the existence of global warming is running into problems as boards of education in several states have established a standard that requires the presentation of climate change “denial” as a valid scientific position. Legislators in other states have introduced bills that require equal time for climate change skeptics’ views in the classroom. With new national science standards from kindergarten through twelfth grade due by the end of 2012, we can expect to see a heated debate over climate change appear more often in court and in the classroom. The National Center for Science Education’s [NCSE] is challenging such restrictions. It seems anyone who so much as questions the reality of man-made climate change is in a psychological state of “denial” of established science. The Center’s education initiative 1 seeks to impose the climate change agenda upon our school children leaving no room for scientific method or debate. In the opinion of the NCSE, “there is virtually unanimous scientific agreement about climate change.” What is this claim founded upon and who are the renowned scientists that signed on to this statement? It seems NCSE has simply dismissed all those who disagree with climate change theory. Note that no figure of the percentage of scientists in agreement is given, perhaps because they deem the number to be so insignificant. A simple exaggerated statement suffices to provide all the emotional arguments to justify their agenda. An excellent article in the Wall Street Journal, titled “No Need to Panic About Global Warming” claims “there’s no compelling scientific argument for drastic action to ‘decarbonize’ the world’s economy.”2 It clearly states, that in fact a growing number of distinguished scientists and engineers do not agree that drastic actions on global warming are required and that CO2 is not only, not a pollutant, but it is a key component of our biosphere’s life cycle. Happily, the climate change program is finding a substantial amount of resistance among students across the country as well. A poll conducted last November by the National Science Teachers Association [NSTA],3 found that 82 percent of students surveyed demonstrated skepticism regarding climate change and 26 percent of teachers’ administrators showed the same tendency. Nevertheless, climate change advocates in education keep repeating the same old slogans. With a persistence almost worthy of admiration, one might conclude that some of these educators are following the advice of Robespierre: The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant.
The City of Tallahassee announced at Wednesday’s City Commission meeting that a new transit center will be created on the south side. The transit center will be located at the corner of Orange Avenue and Meridian Street.StarMetro began planning the transit center in 2013, when it made an appearance in the transportation agency’s plan for a super-stop location. The facility will include a multiple-bay area for more fixed route buses, a ticket booth and more. It will also incorporate historical and community art and safety equipment to prevent crime. According to city documents, the center will also bring stormwater improvements to the area, which includes pond restoration. Commissioner Curtis Richardson, a south side resident, said he looks forward to the addition and hopes it brings more to the city’s south side. “I want to say this can’t happen fast enough … I was down there this morning, and it looked like there was probably about a half dozen or more mattresses. I see that all the time when I pass there and so I am really looking forward to this addition to the south side of Tallahassee and what it is going to do for our citizens in that area,” Richardson said. Stanley Sims, a Tallahassee resident, explained during the meeting how he is afraid that the center will bring traffic, but still wants to see it flourish. “…. That mitigating factor of that roundabout that is on the opposite end …sometimes there is a backup and we just need to be cautious,” Sims said. City Manager Reese Goad also commented on the transit center. “I think it would really enhance the service for our riders,” Goad said. The city is also in Phase 2 of community engagement, which includes meetings with neighborhoods and organizations for community input. The facility is in the environmental and design phase, which should take 18-24 months to complete. StarMetro will also begin seeking funding for the bay as soon as it clears all permits for constructions. The city expects a design for the facility by late spring or summer pending meetings with architects and engineers. The city will host a South Side Transit Center Day this Saturday to share more about the new facility coming to the area. For those interested in learning more about the facility, the event will be held from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the site of the proposed project.
Download the Minutes from 10 January 2024 All-Party Parliamentary Group on Microplastics Formed in September 2020, the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Microplastics works to raise awareness of the effect microplastics have on the environment. The group works cross-party with interested stakeholders to discuss potential policy solutions to the problem of microplastics and microfibres. News: The APPG on Microplastics publishes its first report On 21 September 2021, the APPG on Microplastics published its first report - ‘Microplastic Policies for the Government.’ The report contains a series of holistic recommendations designed to eliminate the release of microplastic fibres from clothing into British waters. Key recommendations include the fitting of microfibre filters in all new domestic and commercial washing machines from 2025 and the appointment of a designated ‘Minister for Plastics Pollution’ who would have a clear remit for the control and prevention of plastic pollution. Over thirty cross-sector stakeholders worked with the APPG on Microplastics to help formulate the policy solutions in the report. You can download the report here. Alberto Costa and Ann Jones If you are interested in the work of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Microplastics or would like to support our work, please get in touch through firstname.lastname@example.org. Alberto Costa MP | Chair Afzal Khan MP | Vice Chair Liz Twist MP | Vice Chair Sarah Champion MP | Secretary Selaine Saxby MP | Vice Chair
Topos’ unique and innovative approach synthesizes expertise from the cognitive and social sciences as well as public opinion. Most of the insights and examples in this post emerged from the research Topos principals have conducted for a wide range of organizations over the past 10 or more years. Framing is a term that has become popular in political circles over the past ten years, but it is used in such different ways that it risks losing all meaning and becoming just a trendy word for communications. We hope that this post will be a useful resource to help advocates, funders, and consumers of framing research understand the gist of framing, and why it can make the difference between effective and ineffective communications. Frankly, many organizations are currently playing catch-up – talking about framing while continuing to operate mainly within the traditional and limited frames that they have long defaulted to – or, worse yet, the frames opponents define. Obviously this is not due to a lack of desire to communicate effectively. Instead, we believe that it is largely due to lack of framing expertise and capacity across the community. Frames organize information. Consider a familiar constellation, like the Big Dipper. Cultures throughout human history have seen patterns like this one in the sky. Constellations are simple, familiar pictures that impose sense and meaning on the random scatter of stars above us. Without them, our eyes would still register all of the bright dots that make them up, but a random scatter of points is utterly different from a simple, coherent, “user friendly” chunk that we can remember, point to and talk about. In short, constellations are organizing ideas that allow us to see and remember things we otherwise couldn’t. The same process plays out as people think about any topic; thinking and perception are guided by simple organizing ideas. When they are thinking about gun control, for instance, people’s perception may be guided by a simple organizing idea like Freedom: People should be free to make their own choices. Importantly, there can be alternative ideas that organize the same information differently and give it a different meaning. The Big Dipper, for instance, is also known as the Plough (in England), and makes up just one part of the Great Bear (Ursa Major) known to classical civilizations. Likewise, there are always choices when it comes to framing public interest issues. Rather than freedom, for instance, gun control can be thought about in terms of self-protection, or tragic accidents that kill kids. Obviously, different organizing ideas can have very different implications – a point we will return to below. Note that many messaging discussions end up focusing on variants of a single theme, rather than really exploring new organizing ideas. For example, the message “people who work hard should make a fair wage” may be more or less effective than the message “working people deserve an income that supports a family” but both use the same organizing lens of one group and their needs, rather than, for example, exploring a big picture perspective on how the overall economy benefits when working people have higher incomes. Without a clear organizing idea, people confronted with “information” about an issue can sometimes feel like they’re looking at a random scatter rather than a meaningful picture – for instance when they hear lots of facts and figures about a topic that they basically don’t understand. This lack of a clear picture either leaves people confused and disengaged, or allows them to default to an unintended organizing idea that backfires on communicators. Organizing Ideas & Public Interest Issues Let’s consider some concrete examples of how organizing ideas figure in our thinking about public interest issues – and in particular, how shifting to a different organizing idea can lead to very different thinking. Topos research in New England found that most people don’t know what a watershed is, so there is a real risk of the “random scatter” problem when advocates communicate. On the other hand, there is also a strong default idea that often rushes in to fill the vacuum. Strong default organizing idea: The WATER itself – thinking tends to focus on everything that directly affects a body of water, such as garbage or sewage dumped right into the river. Consequently, the policy conversation ends up narrowly focusing on water pollution. More constructive organizing idea: Watersheds are like a BASIN, with water (and other material) flowing from everywhere in the region to the bodies of water at the “bottom.” When people shift to this perspective they see that all land is part of a watershed and everything that happens on land has widespread consequences. With this idea shaping their thinking, people immediately recognize the relevance of zoning, agricultural policy and so on. Even a seemingly non-contentious issue like the arts can be undermined by problematic organizing ideas. Strong default organizing idea: Arts as entertainment – people may have strong and positive feelings about the arts, while seeing them through the lens of personal entertainment. In this view, entertainment is a “luxury,” and the “market” will determine which arts offerings survive, based on people’s tastes as consumers of entertainment. Consequently, public support for the arts makes little sense, particularly when public funds are scarce. More constructive organizing idea: The arts create ripple effects of benefits, such as vibrant, thriving neighborhoods where we all want to live and work. This is not only compelling, but it also sets an expectation for public responsibility for the arts. A number of leading experts and public officials of both political parties advocate for a nuclear-free world. However, the public is largely unconvinced so far. Strong default organizing idea: Nukes keep us safe – Nuclear weapons are often viewed as simply our most destructive weapon, therefore our biggest and best tool for self-protection, essentially a shield. In this frame, disarmament sounds like we are voluntarily giving up our security, or (“cutting off our arm” as the cartoon at right suggests) and advocates sound naïvely idealistic at best. More constructive organizing idea: Nukes create risk in today’s world, rather than reduce it – Nuclear weapons are a liability, because they don’t help with current risks. You can’t nuke terrorists, but terrorists could get their hands on nukes. And the sheer volume means there is a lot of opportunity for accident or theft, leading to destruction that affects us all. In this view, nukes (including our own) are like a ticking bomb in the basement. In all these cases, shifting to a new organizing idea means arriving at new conclusions about important questions such as: - Who are the relevant players? - What’s at stake? - What solutions make sense? Leading vs. Following Unfortunately, effective communication often isn’t as simple as helping people shift to a different, familiar perspective. It can be very hard work developing and promoting what is essentially a new organizing idea – and it often means moving outside an organization’s comfort zone. In an important sense, much advocacy is currently defensive – working within Americans’ existing, default understandings. For instance, advocates may feel obligated to sound “tough” on security or immigration – even if these stances don’t fit the policies they promote – or to avoid discussing unpopular or complicated positions (such as nuclear disarmament or carbon limits). And strategists often reinforce this instinct by viewing public opinion as a constraint on discourse – politicians either “can” or “can’t” take certain positions based on the popular views measured in surveys, for instance. But real change often isn’t possible unless advocates make an effective case for a position that is currently unpopular or poorly understood. While daunting, it is critical to go on the offense and work to fundamentally reshape how people think about an issue. An effective organizing idea should not only “win” in the short-term, but also set the right dynamic in motion for long-term policy. For example, a focus on the physical and organizational “public structures” that underlie American prosperity creates the foundation for a new kind of conversation. It helps people recognize the value and importance of the public sector, and helps them transcend knee-jerk dismissal of government. Of course, identifying organizing ideas with this potential is usually not easy. But developing them can make the difference between creating the space for real change, and simply making the best of what we perceive as unfortunate limits on progress. “New Common Sense” To be truly effective, an organizing idea must strike people as common sense when they hear it. In nearly every issue area, advocates are likely to be competing with ways of thinking about the topic that work against their goals, yet feel like common sense to many: - The government is inefficient, beset by bickering, made up of self-interested politicians, etc. - Poor people are largely responsible for their own fate – didn’t the rest of us work hard to earn what we’ve got? - Regulations make it harder for businesses to prosper. To compete in a terrain populated with strong and stubborn “common sense” ideas like these, a new organizing idea must have the qualities that make it also sound like common sense: It must be clear and concrete, easy to remember and talk about, and must reflect how the world really works (as opposed to wishful thinking or ideological proselytizing). It must also strike people as a new take on a familiar topic. In most issue areas, people feel they have heard the same old ideas a million times – but a new insight has a chance of standing out, sticking around, and reshaping thought and discourse. What About Values and Emotion? People often assume that framing is about “highlighting values.” While connecting to relevant values is important, it is usually insufficient by itself. It is just as important for people to understand how an issue and a value are connected. Consider different approaches to taxation. Critics of a particular tax that disproportionately affects poor and working class people – such as a grocery tax – are naturally inclined to argue that this kind of tax is “unfair.” The trouble is that the word “fair” is interpreted in wildly different ways and can be used to support almost any approach to taxes – is it “fair” for 5% of the population to pay 50% of the taxes? Isn’t a flat tax the “fairest” approach of all? Rather than simply demanding a “fair” approach to taxes, advocates of a particular approach must help audiences understand how the approach they oppose can be seen as unfair. For example, our work in Alabama suggests the following core idea is effective at helping people rethink the state’s approach to taxes: “Alabama struggles to get things done due to its Upside Down tax system, in which average families pay 10% of their income in taxes, while the wealthiest families pay less than 5%.” The organizing idea of an “upside down system” effectively turns the “common sense” view that the wealthy pay more taxes on its head. Similarly, appeals to emotion often have a limited effect, or can even backfire, if people are looking at the issue through a lens (organizing idea) that obscures important parts of the story, or that leads to an unintended interpretation (blame the victim, etc.). Once we have identified the organizing idea that gives us the best chance of moving conversation in a constructive direction, how do we promote it? The key is to repeat the organizing idea often and in a variety of ways. It should guide choices about all elements of a communication, such as: - The points we do and do not include (Some arguments might be valid, but work against the chosen frame.) - The messengers we use (Messengers can evoke, or clash with, frames – e.g. a farmer taking about watersheds can help evoke the idea that all land use decisions ultimately have consequences that flow to bodies of water.) - Images (Obviously, images can be helpful tools for promoting an organizing idea – an arts organization might show photos of vibrant neighborhoods rather than virtuoso performers, for instance.) - Supporting facts and examples – some of which will work for and others against a particular organizing idea. Conclusion: A Tough but Critical Effort It’s never easy to change common sense. By definition it has been established through repetition, the media, and so forth over time. In addition, we as humans tend to seek confirmation of what we already know, which means that “new” information tends to be re/misinterpreted as confirmation of what we already believe. Learning and following general framing principles (sticking to a coherent frame, using social math, offering explanations, etc.) will go a long way toward improving organizations’ communications. However, it is also critical to investigate the issue-specific dynamics that build or undermine support in a particular issue area. Since we all carry frames around with us, it can be particularly challenging to see our own issues in new ways. In the end, there is often no substitute for framing research that employs a variety of cognitive methods to uncover the effects of frames on thinking over time, and to develop the new frames that will create a lasting foundation of support for solutions, helping us get beyond the “plateaus” of awareness and support where too many issues have lingered for decades.
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Styles and fashion trends are constantly evolving, but what will the year 2024 bring? From futuristic silhouettes to bold prints and patterns, the hottest fashion trends of 2024 will likely push the boundaries of creativity and experimentation. It’s not just about standing out, however – eco-friendly and sustainable materials are expected to play a big role in fashion, adding a new dimension to the concept of “fashion-forward.” Whether you’re a fashionista or just looking for some wardrobe inspiration, keep your eyes peeled for the latest fashion trends. To start, nothing better than talking about sustainable pieces that are beautiful and are currently being debated a lot, because on the catwalks many people have started to see that this is a very important factor for the world, that is, in addition to helping the environment, you You can still feel good wearing these types of clothes. Here I highlight that several companies are thinking about this and are therefore using a lot of sustainable ideas, which was and still is a subject widely debated around the world, and at the same time, they seek to solve current problems with climate change. As technology is always around, clothes that have a more technological aspect and also that at times have electronics are an excellent trend for the year 2024, as each of the ideas we currently have is quite likely the change. So much so that if you think about it nowadays we have a lot of clothes with LEDs that people wear to go to parties and thus stand out even more with beautiful pieces that enhance whoever is wearing them even more. You will still find trends in those pieces that are unisex and that at the same time can be worn by both sexes. Therefore, it is a style that has proven to be very favorable and that has been growing a lot over the years, in other words, it is that piece that will flatter you, but at the same time will not demand much from you to create incredible looks. Classic clothes are also an essential point when you think about what will be a great trend for the year 2024, as they are all pieces that have a wonderful design on the body, and with this they allow you to create looks. Here in this case I reinforce the return of the pantallona and other wonderful jeans that have a charm of their own. Another point that never goes out of fashion is the full skirts that have a whole separate detail and that you definitely need to have for 2024, as they are skirts that don’t go out of fashion and that at the same time allow you to wear them with a cropped top, sweater and even with that basic t-shirt, in other words, it is a very trendy piece. Digital fashions are also coming with a certain force for those who like them, as in addition to being quite trendy, they also have the whole issue of technology in their favor, which means you can change a look in a matter of a short time. You also can’t forget those pieces that are functional, such as t-shirts, tank tops, and even leggings, as they are essential pieces regardless of the season, in this case, more neutral colors are also a great option for everyone, as we never miss a look with it regardless of the year.
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Now you can warm up your car without leaving your house first. This Chevy also comes with steering wheel cruise control. An auxiliary input will come in handy when you want to rock out to your own music. Keep the peace when it comes to the temperature of this used car for sale with multi-zone climate control. Now you and your passenger can be at the ideal temperature no matter how hot or cold that may be. This used Chevy car for sale also comes with many impressive safety features that are sure to give you peace of mind when you drive through town. Some of the canít miss safety features included with this used car are front side air bags, anti-lock brakes, and child safety locks. This used Chevy Impala is ready to take on all of your driving needs. Come to the buy here pay here car lots of USA-1 Auto Sales and test drive this used Chevy Impala for sale. If this Chevy Impala for sale is not what you are looking for, come and see one of the many other used cars for sale at our buy here pay here car lots in Elkhart IN, Goshen IN, and Niles MI. Check Out Our Website Looking to do a little of your research on the used Chevy Impala from the privacy of your own home first? Check out our easy to navigate website. You can sort by manufacturer brand, price, or even body style. Let us get to work for you before stepping foot in the door. You can get pre-approved for financing before you even come in by filling out an online credit application. Are you looking to trade-in your current vehicle? You can get a quote on that too! If you can't find something that you're looking for, contact us directly, and we can help. Trade in Your Car at the USA-1 Auto Sales Near You Trying to decide whether or not to trade in your current vehicle? We take in all types of trades at our Elkhart IN, Goshen IN, and Niles MI used car dealerships. Whether you currently have a car, truck, minivan, or an SUV, we will appraise it! So, when you are looking to buy your next car, consider getting your old car appraised. Getting an estimate of what your vehicle is worth makes it easier to plan for what kind of used carthat you can afford. It may help lower your monthly payments as well. You also wonít have to worry about selling the vehicle yourself when you trade it in. When you pick out your next car that is just right for you and your needs, have your sales team member get your current vehicle appraised. Whether it is a used Chevy Impala that interests you or another one of our used cars for sale, we have the perfect one for you at USA-1 Auto Sales. Enjoy a stress-free environment when you come to our Elkhart IN, Goshen IN, and Niles MI buy here pay here car lots in search of your next used car for sale. Our friendly and knowledgeable sales team members are happy to answer any questions you may have about our used cars for sale. They will then take you out for a test drive to ensure that it fits your wants and needs. This is so you can make an informed decision on your next car. We provide a great selection of used cars for sale, incredible deals, and outstanding customer service. Let us show you just how easy buying a used car can be at USA-1 Auto Sales. Call today to schedule an appointment for a test drive. You can reach USA-1 Auto Sales Elkhart location at (574)264-1011 or visit us in person at 1040 North Nappanee Street in Elkhart, IN 46514. You can contact us at our Goshen location at (574) 971-8484 or come to 501 West Pike Street in Goshen, IN 46526. Check out our Niles USA-1 Auto Sales located at 2401 S. 11th Street in Niles, MI 49120 or give us a call at (269)262-0124. The list of standard equipment and accessories contained on this document reflect equipment which was standard at the time vehicle was manufactured. This vehicle may or may not contain some or most of the equipment and accessories listed as a result of the vehicle identification number equipment compilation provided by a third party source. This VIN equipment compilation is provided as a service by the dealer and a third party source and is in no way intended to serve as a warranty or list of actual equipment contained on the vehicle.
Davos, Switzerland, June 8, 2022 / TRAVELINDEX / World leaders came together at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2022 against a backdrop of deepening global frictions and fractures and a once-in-a-century pandemic. On Monday, President Zelenskyy addressed participants live from Kyiv. He said that the words “turning point” have “become more than just a rhetorical figure of speech” and emphasized that “values must matter”. The war in Ukraine has created immense human suffering. And the wider impacts of the conflict are being felt around the world. The World Economic Forum called for a “Marshall Plan” for the reconstruction of Ukraine. “In Davos, our solidarity is foremost with the people suffering from the atrocities of this war,” said Klaus Schwab, the Forum’s Founder and Executive Chairman. The Special Dialogue on Ukraine session brought together 70 global CEOs alongside the Prime Minister of Ukraine (who joined virtually), with the President of the European Commission, the Foreign Minister of Ukraine and the First Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine at Davos in person, alongside other dignitaries. CEOs offered concrete ways of how their companies can support the Ukraine government and its private sector in the reconstruction of Ukraine now, rather than waiting for the war to end. The World Economic Forum offered its support in this endeavour, advancing discussions on new partnerships and market-driven solutions to enable a scaled up response to the humanitarian situation in Ukraine and other global crises. Meeting in person after a two-year hiatus, there were over 450 sessions at the meeting, which brought together 2,500 leaders and experts from around the world, including 300 government leaders and 50 heads of state. It was a critical opportunity to foster stronger global and regional cooperation to restore stability and create real impact. Nature and climate The energy crisis, exacerbated by the war in Ukraine, must not deepen the world’s dependence on climate-warming fossil fuels. During the week, there was a focus on accelerating clean energy and climate solutions: - More than 50 companies have now joined the First Movers Coalition, which was launched by US President Biden and the World Economic Forum at COP26 to decarbonize the heavy industry and long-distance transport sectors – the sectors responsible for 30% of global emissions. - This week at Davos, John Kerry, the United States Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, joined these companies in sending a powerful market signal to commercialize zero-carbon technology. Their market cap represents about $8.5 trillion across five continents and they are making unprecedented advance purchase commitments by 2030. - Eight new countries have joined the First Movers Coalition as government partners – Denmark, India, Italy, Japan, Norway, Singapore, Sweden and the UK. All are committed to create early markets for clean technologies. Alongside the United States, there are nine committed government partners. - Some 70+ CEOs of the CEO Climate Leaders Alliance – the largest CEO-led climate action group globally – agreed on taking bold action to translate pledges into tangible emission reductions in line with 1.5C. Covering 26 countries and 12 industries and representing 120 companies in total, the alliance has a combined annual emission footprint greater than India or the EU. - CEOs agreed to push for progress on critical 2030 and 2050 global climate targets, mobilizing dialogue between governments and the private sector to deliver a successful outcome at COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh. - China’s Special Envoy for Climate Change Xie Zhenhua announced his country’s contribution to plant and conserve 70 billion trees by 2030. The World Economic Forum and China Green Foundation will undertake concrete measures together through 1t.org China Action to support the fulfilment of China’s contribution. - A new $15 million investment over five years was announced to support entrepreneurs who can drive innovation in freshwater resource management – the initiative will be hosted by our UpLink platform. - CEOs also held dialogues with regional climate envoys, COP26, COP27 and COP28 leadership to make progress on global climate policies, including the importance of setting a global price on carbon and other key policy measures to fast-track the transition. - Youth activist Elizabeth Watuthi spoke on Safeguarding our People and Planet, sharing the local perspective and direct impacts of climate change in vulnerable communities, and youth climate activist Vanessa Nakate, speaking at the Staying on Course for Climate Action session, said: “When we talk about climate change we’re also talking about food security. It’s really important to understand the intersections of this crisis.” - The Forum’s Global New Mobility Coalition is launching the Urban Mobility Scorecards initiative. Over 30 companies, such as Visa, Hyundai, Uber, Volta Trucks and TIER, will work with policy-makers from cities and regions to better understand challenges and solutions to create a shared, connected and decarbonized mobility ecosystem. - A new Global Commission on the Economics of Water was launched to redefine the way we value and incorporate water into economic decision-making. It is led by Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Director-General of the World Trade Organization; Mariana Mazzucato, Founding Director of the UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose; Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Senior Minister of the Government of Singapore; and Johan Rockström, Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. The Forum’s Chief Economists Outlook report warned of “dire human consequences” from the fragmentation of the global economy. It said that developing economies face trade-offs between the risks of debt crisis and securing food and fuel. The rising cost of living hits the world’s poorest communities hardest. The Ukraine conflict has exacerbated already fragile energy and food systems. Co-investment by the public and private sector is critical to restarting a new era of growth, one that integrates inclusion and sustainability at its core rather than an afterthought, and is the best way forward for shared prosperity. - A leading group of CEOs, ministers and academic experts agreed on the roadmap for the Market Creators Alliance to develop fairer principles for governments, businesses and public-private partnerships on innovation and industrial development. This will be launched later this year. - Four Futures for Economic Globalization: Scenarios and Their Implications outlines how the nature of globalization may shift as economic powers choose between fragmentation or integration in both the physical and virtual dimensions of the world economy. - The Government of Rwanda and the United Arab Emirates announced that they are joining the Food Action Alliance for driving food systems transformation. They are part of a growing group of first-mover countries. The new partnership will harness innovation to accelerate country goals on food security and nutrition, inclusive growth, sustainability and climate resilience, in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Work, wages and job creation - The Jobs Consortium, a group of public and private sector leaders focused on investment in the jobs of tomorrow, held their inaugural meeting in Davos to drive a global recovery and investment agenda for the next two years. They aim to create growth in the jobs of tomorrow, new standards in the workplace and better wages for all, focusing on social, green and tech jobs as the high-growth, job-creating sector of the future. - Over 6 million refugees have left Ukraine to other countries since February, adding to the estimated 31 million people worldwide forcibly displaced across borders. The Refugee Employment and Employability Initiative was launched, a coalition of chief human resources officers from over 140 organizations who support the integration of Ukrainian refugees in Europe. This will pilot its work supporting learning and job opportunities for Ukrainian refugees in Europe in its first phase – aiming to expand to other regions of the world in the future. Education and skills - The Reskilling Revolution initiative, launched at the Annual Meeting in 2020, has now mobilized a community of over 50 CEOs, 350 organizations and 15 countries all working towards a vision of giving 1 billion people better education, reskilling and upskilling. A network of country accelerators in Bahrain, Bangladesh, Brazil, Cambodia, Georgia, Greece, India, Oman, Pakistan, South Africa, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates, with support from Denmark, Finland, Singapore and Switzerland, and a consortium of the largest online learning platforms are working together. - The initiative will now expand beyond adult learning to add a focus on education for children and youth. These efforts will be taken forward by a new Education 4.0 Alliance, bringing together 20 leading education organizations, and Bangladesh has become the first country to adopt the education accelerator model in Davos. - A new report, Catalysing Education 4.0 Investing in the Future of Learning for a Human-Centric Recovery, focuses on preparing today’s generation of school-age children with better collaborative problem-solving that could add $2.54 trillion – over $3,000 per school-age child – from this one skill alone. Diversity, equity, inclusion and social justice - The Gender Parity Accelerators are a global network of national public-private collaboration platforms working to close existing gender gaps and reshape gender parity for the future. This year two G20 countries, Mexico and Japan, will initiate Gender Parity Accelerators in the coming months. - The Valuable 500 initiative announced a unique mentorship programme – Generation Valuable – for people with disabilities to build the future executive leadership, driving disability inclusion by revolutionizing the boardrooms of tomorrow. - The Edison Alliance launched a new programme to speed up digital inclusion in the life-critical sectors of health, education and finance. It launched a new network of “lighthouse countries”, including Bahrain, Bangladesh and Rwanda, working with the UN Development Programme to further the alliance’s 1 billion lives vision of providing people with affordable, digital solutions by 2025. Trade and supply chains Business and government leaders highlighted the potential of trade facilitation, finance and trade technology to tackle supply chain barriers. Trade ministers gathered in Davos to hear from business and civil society and prepare for next month’s World Trade Organization Ministerial Conference. Leaders called for diversifying trade and investment relationships to bolster development and support common values. Indigenous and labour leaders called for inclusive outcomes from trade. Food security was high on the agenda. - The World Investment for Development Alliance was launched together with OECD Secretary-General Matthias Cormann, the World Bank, UNCTAD and other partners, to increase collaboration in addressing investment policy and practice. - The Forum’s Platform for Trade and Investment, together with the Digital Cooperation Organization, launched a Digital FDI initiative to support investment in the digital economy in developing economies. - The World Economic Forum convened Friends of the Africa Continental Free Trade Area, a group of heads of state and business leaders, which advanced a framework on how public-private partnerships can support the implementation of the AfCFTA. - Global supply chain disruptions make it harder to reach children with life-saving supplies. This week UNICEF co-signed an extended charter with the World Economic Forum and 16 logistics leaders to prioritize support for humanitarian supply transports. COVAX the multilateral initiative aimed at ensuring equitable access to life-saving COVID-19 vaccines was conceived in Davos two years ago. In the past seven days it has shipped its 1.5 billionth dose. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused enormous disruptions to healthcare – reversals in testing and treatment of life-threatening diseases. Crucial steps have been taken to help counteract these setbacks. These include: - The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria announced its first pledge from the private sector in Davos. It has raised a third of the $18 billion needed to reverse setbacks caused by the pandemic. - Building on recommendations developed in partnership with the European Union COVID-19 lung cancer taskforce, the Forum, together with the Lung Ambition Alliance, launched the Global Lung Cancer Collaboration to bring together organizations in healthcare delivery, research, diagnostics, biopharma, patient advocacy and non-governmental organizations to facilitate greater collaboration and solutions to eliminate lung cancer as a leading cause of death. - An Accord for a Healthier World was launched at Davos by Pfizer this week, providing all its current and future patent-protected medicines and vaccines available in the US or EU on a not-for-profit basis to 45 lower-income countries. Pfizer called on global health leaders and organizations to join the accord, bringing their expertise and resources to close the health equity gap and help create a healthier world for 1.2 billion people. Rwanda, Ghana, Malawi, Senegal and Uganda are the first five countries to commit to join the accord. Health officials in these countries will help identify and resolve hurdles beyond supply to inform the roll-out in all 45 lower-income countries. - The World Economic Forum’s Platform for Health and Healthcare signed an MoU with Saudi Arabia in support of the Global Coalition for Value in Healthcare. This partnership will increase collaborative efforts to build a global healthcare movement on value-based health systems and people-centred care, alongside global government policy-makers, industry and academia through accelerating public-private partnerships. - The World Economic Forum unveiled the concept of a Global Collaboration Village, a major initiative to harness the potential of the metaverse to create a place where international cooperation can be strengthened. - The Defining and Building the Metaverse initiative was launched bringing together key stakeholders to define and build the parameters of an economically viable, interoperable, safe and inclusive metaverse. - The Global Coalition for Digital Safety has committed to developing emergency protocols for protecting digital safety during wars, particularly to tackle online exploitation and abuse, violent extremist and terrorist content, and mis- and disinformation. This will complement the broader work of the coalition to make the internet safer by tackling harmful content and conduct online. - The Annual Meeting hosted its first public panel on Unlocking Quantum, with leaders committing to focus on how technologies and deeper analytics could transform decarbonization and accelerate the fight against climate change. They will work with Qlimate, Volkswagen and the Netherlands government on identifying and scaling solutions. - Malaysia’s Finance Minister announced his country will be the first location for a Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (C4IR) in the ASEAN region. And, the Dubai Future Foundation, with support from the Government of UAE, has signed a collaboration agreement to continue the operations of C4IR UAE. The centre will focus on blockchain, artificial intelligence and other emerging technologies. - Samantha Cristoforetti became the first astronaut to join the Annual Meeting live from space aboard the International Space Station, orbiting the planet at 17,500 miles an hour. The Live from Space session looked at how government and business can collaborate to ensure that space exploration benefits people and the planet. In a closing address, Olaf Scholz, Chancellor of Germany, called for “a sustainable, resilient globalization which uses natural resources sparingly and, above all, takes the needs of future generations into account”, adding that a new approach to globalization would be “based on solidarity which benefits all citizens – in all parts of the world.”
Editor’s note, May 25, 2021: An editor’s note was originally added to this piece in April 2020 to acknowledge the ongoing discussion of the “lab leak” theory, but updates to the piece were not mentioned at the time. A new editor’s note was added on May 24, 2021, to acknowledge language changes that were made last April and to clarify the current scientific thinking around the lab leak theory, which has continued to evolve. Editor’s note, May 24, 2021: Since this piece was originally published in March 2020, scientific consensus has shifted. Now some experts say the “lab leak” theory warrants an investigation, along with the natural origin theory. Some language in this article was updated in April 2020 to reflect scientific thinking, but it has not been updated since then. For our most up-to-date coverage, visit Vox’s coronavirus hub. There are more and more signs that the coronavirus outbreak in the United States is spiraling into a large-scale crisis. The decisions federal and local public health officials and individuals make right now — to test more people with symptoms, inform the public about the risk, isolate the sick, and institute social distancing measures like canceling events — are crucial. So will the speed at which they execute them. Meanwhile, in some right-wing news outlets and on social media, a dangerous conspiracy theory about the origin of the health crisis won’t die. There are two main versions of the rumor, and they have one common thread: that the coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, originated in a level 4 (the highest biosafety level) research laboratory in Wuhan. In one version of the rumor, the virus was engineered in the lab by humans as a bioweapon. In another version, the virus was being studied in the lab (after being isolated from animals) and then “escaped” or “leaked” because of poor safety protocol. The Wuhan Institute of Virology is a real place, and the exact origin of the novel coronavirus is still a mystery, with researchers racing since the outbreak began to figure it out. But already, virologists who’ve parsed the genome and infectious disease experts who study coronaviruses say they have enough evidence the virus is brand new and came from nature. A large group of them, citing genome analyses from multiple countries, recently affirmed in The Lancet that the virus originated in wildlife. The emergence of the virus in the same city as China’s only level 4 biosafety lab, it turns out, appears to be pure coincidence. Conspiratorial claims about the Wuhan lab are circulating on cable news and social media Before we get to debunking, let’s note who is spreading rumors about the origins of the virus. First, several prominent US conservative pundits and politicians — known to regularly spew nonsense (and bash China) — have been politicizing the bioweapon rumor for weeks. “It probably is a ChiCom laboratory experiment that is in the process of being weaponized,” right-wing radio host and Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient Rush Limbaugh said of the virus on February 24. “All superpower nations weaponize bioweapons.” The Arkansas senator furthered “infodemic” by pushing debunked claim that the novel coronavirus may have been created in a Wuhan laboratory. https://t.co/oJvVzjOyxw— Atlantic Council (@AtlanticCouncil) March 1, 2020 Former White House strategist Steve Bannon went on Fox News to defend Cotton and imply that the Chinese Communist Party was still hiding something about the origin of Covid-19. “The mainstream media and far left [are] saying, ‘Oh, he’s a conspiracy theorist,”’ Bannon said. ”All he’s saying: It’s incumbent upon the Chinese Communist Party and President Xi [Jinping] to come out and give all information ... this is all Cotton’s saying.” In the New York Post, Steven Mosher, a regular critic of China’s population control measures, has stoked the leakage rumor, using an array of circumstantial clues that Chinese labs’ handling of deadly pathogens can’t be trusted. Similar rumors have also been running rampant in online forums in China. The South China Morning Post on February 20 debunked yet another rumor of the virus escaping from the lab in China: More rumours swirled online over the weekend, this time that [Wuhan Institute of Virology] researcher Chen Quanjiao had reported the head of the institute, Wang Yanyi, claiming she had “sold experimental animals” to the live animal and seafood market and “leaked the virus” from the lab. But Chen denied the claim, saying she was angry that her name had been used to fabricate information. “The recent rumours about the institute have affected the researchers as they try to tackle key problems,” Chen said in a statement. The scientific evidence disproving these rumors matters because the conspiracy theory could persist and undermine trust in public health authorities at this critical moment. As the Washington Post reported, the rumor that the virus came from a Chinese lab is one reason residents of one Alabama county are currently unnerved and distrustful of the response to Covid-19 in their state. “Conspiracy theories about manmade viruses are not new. We saw this with HIV — the rumor that the US made it and introduced it into Africa. But they are really dangerous kinds of things to get spread around,” Gerald Keusch, a professor of medicine and international health and associate director of Boston University’s National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratories, told Vox. So let’s walk through what we know about the virus, and why it’s time to put the lab rumor to rest. The virus originated in bats and then jumped to humans, perhaps through other animals Soon after the Chinese government acknowledged there was an outbreak of a mysterious new virus in late December in Wuhan, scientists raced to sequence its genome. By mid-January, they had it and shared it with the World Health Organization. Soon after that, scientists saw that the virus closely resembled viruses that circulate in bats. “If you look at the genetic sequence of the virus, it’s closely related to a bat virus, about 96 percent the same,” Jim LeDuc, head of the Galveston National Laboratory, a level 4 biosafety lab in Texas, told Vox. “There’s been talk about a pangolin intermediate host; that’s probably not true.” Chinese officials also reported that several of the first cluster of cases had ties to a live animal market where both seafood and other wildlife were sold as food. (The market has since been closed.) The market soon became the leading hypothesis for how the virus made the leap into humans, where it’s been able to spread efficiently ever since. The genetic evidence and epidemiological information, according to three esteemed infectious disease researchers writing in the New England Journal of Medicine, “implicates a bat-origin virus infecting unidentified animal species sold in China’s live-animal markets.” According to a genome analysis by Tanja Stadler from the Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering at ETH Zurich in Basel, the virus first began transmitting in humans in China as early as the first half of November 2019. “The widespread hypothesis that the first person was infected at an animal market in November is still plausible,” Stadler said in a statement. “Our data effectively rule out the scenario that the virus circulated in humans for a long time before that.” LeDuc agrees with the hypothesis that the animal market played a role in the virus jumping to humans. “The linkage back to the market is pretty realistic, and consistent with what we saw with SARS,” said LeDuc. “It’s a perfectly plausible and logical explanation: The virus exists in nature and, jumping hosts, finds that it likes humans just fine, thank you.“ Unfortunately, there’s a long history of these “spillover” events, where an emerging disease jumps from wildlife to humans, turning into a pandemic. And scientists say we should expect them with more travel, trade, connectivity, urbanization, climate change, and ecological destruction, if we don’t stop the drivers. What researchers have to figure out now is how exactly the coronavirus jumped to humans: perhaps through a human eating an infected animal, or through humans being exposed to infected feces or urine. “All we know [is] its likely distant source was bats, but we don’t know who was between bats and people,” said Vincent Racaniello, a professor of microbiology and immunology at Columbia and host of the This Week in Virology podcast. “It could be a direct infection [between bats and humans] as well.” A scientific paper in a major journal shows this is a genuinely new virus, and there’s no way it could have been engineered by humans In a recent podcast episode, Racaniello discussed with two other researchers a fascinating paper about the virus origin. The key finding: that SARS-CoV-2 is “not a laboratory construct nor a purposefully manipulated virus.” The paper, published in Nature Medicine on March 17, is written by several leading microbiologists who closely examined the SARS-CoV-2 genome. Specifically, they found the unusual biochemical features of the virus could only have come about two ways after the virus jumped from animal to humans, or what’s called zoonotic transfer. The ways, they write, are: “1) natural selection in a non-human animal host prior to zoonotic transfer, and 2) natural selection in humans following zoonotic transfer.” In other words, nature came up with these weird characteristics in the genome, either in an intermediary animal between bats and people or in humans after the virus infected one. As Racaniello put it on his podcast: “Humans could never have dreamed this up.” What’s more, he noted, no known lab anywhere in the world was working on a coronavirus like this one, and its closest relative is a bat virus found in a cave in 2013 in Yunnan, China, 1,000 miles from Wuhan.“Presumably there’s a common ancestor, most likely from a bat or an intermediary animal that was contaminated by that bat,” Racaniello says. The coronavirus would be a bad bioweapon Several experts told me the theory that the virus was meant to be a bioweapon doesn’t make sense, either. One big reason: Covid-19 isn’t all that deadly or transmissible, compared to other potential pathogens out there. “To make it as a bioweapon, if that’s what you wanted to do, there are scarier and more virulent pathogens to work with,” said Keusch of Boston University. For instance, Ebola and the West African Lassa virus are deadly threats that can only be studied in biosafety level 4 labs, like Wuhan. Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever is a tick-borne disease that has a death rate of 30 to 50 percent. The global death rate for Covid-19, meanwhile, is around 3 percent at the moment, but it’s expected to come down dramatically as more cases are discovered in the coming weeks. And even now, it varies widely by country and region. Simply put, if you wanted to release a bioweapon to kill a lot of people, there are much deadlier pathogens you could use. The Wuhan lab has the same safety protocols as top biosafety labs in the US and Europe In his article in the New York Post, Mosher suggests that we shouldn’t trust the officials who ran the Wuhan lab. “It sure sounds like China has a problem keeping dangerous pathogens in test tubes where they belong, doesn’t it?” he says. I asked LeDuc, who runs the Galveston biocontainment lab, if he has any experience with the Wuhan lab. Turns out he has a lot. He and his colleagues have worked for six years with the Chinese team there, both in advising them on building their lab and keeping it safe, and on scientific collaboration. “I can tell you that lab in Wuhan is equivalent to any lab here in the US and Europe,” he said. For instance, many labs now use radio waves to track and inventory vials containing dangerous pathogens. Keusch agrees. “I don’t think there’s any likelihood that the lab is less prepared in terms of protocol and capability than any lab in the US. It’s really good, though nothing is perfect,” he said. The rumors have also reportedly hurt the lab’s ability to do its work. “The rumours … have caused severe damage to our researchers who have been dedicated to working on the front line, and seriously interrupted the emergency research we are doing during the epidemic,” the lab said in a statement, according to the South China Morning Post. Why we need to figure out all the details of where the virus came from According to Bruce Aylward, an epidemiologist who led the World Health Organization’s recent mission to China to assess its Covid-19 response, the investigation into where and how the virus jumped to people is ongoing. The focus remains on the (now closed) Huanan Wholesale Seafood Market, the wildlife market inside it, and other area markets. “Ever since SARS, the market authorities now have to record which animals are sold by whom and where they come from in these markets. So now there’s a list of 10 vendors from seven provinces,” he told my colleague Julia Belluz in a recent interview. “Then China’s CDC can do a case control study based on where in the market these animals were.” The focus in the past month has been on saving lives, he said, but as new cases and deaths decline, the investigators will eventually be able to turn back to getting animal info from the market vendors and testing the animals. Racaniello says it’s critical that the source is identified to eliminate the chance that the virus is introduced into people again. For LeDuc, China’s experience with the coronavirus should be a clear message of the great public health threat live animal markets post. “The reason we’re seeing [coronaviruses like SARS and SARS-CoV-2 emerge] in China is they have these live animal markets, where they bring in animals alive and co-house them, one cage on top of another, where there’s an opportunity for transmission between atypical hosts,” says LeDuc. We’ll need to be patient for Chinese investigators to get to the bottom of how the virus made the jump from animals to humans. In the meantime, remember that in a public health crisis, conspiracy theories are a distraction. Rather, it’s our collective responsibility to stay focused on keeping each other safe. Correction: An earlier version of this story misidentified Tom Cotton’s position in Congress. He is a US senator.
What Role Does Data Play in Criminal Justice Careers? No doubt you’ve seen CSI or similar shows where criminal investigators turn to high-tech computer systems to help them solve crimes. While these shows aren’t entirely accurate, neither are they entirely fictional. The rapid advance of technology has led to the invention and implementation of new tech tools throughout the criminal justice system. In particular, the ability to gather and analyze vast amounts of data has proven quite helpful in the prevention and investigation of crime. Here are a few of the main ways those in criminology and criminal justice are using data in their day-to-day jobs. What’s the most effective way to stop a criminal who’s using his or her car to flee from police? What techniques are useful in hostage situations? How can law enforcement ensure a natural disaster doesn’t lead to a spike in crime? To answer these and other questions, analysts within the criminal justice system are turning to data. By allowing analysts to find patterns between decisions and outcomes in tens of thousands of incidents, modern data computing is helping the criminal justice system develop smart plans for a wide variety of potential events. Before computers, responding to a 911 call required physical maps. Now 911 dispatchers can geo-tag the location of calls and feed those locations straight into the systems of the police, who can then quickly respond. Data can also help police take the fastest response routes based on real-time road conditions. Plus, data on everything from flood patterns to crime patterns allow law enforcement to station resources close to the areas likeliest to require law enforcement response. For years, those in criminology have understood that correlations between certain environmental and social situations can increase the likelihood that someone will commit a crime or that a neighborhood will become vulnerable to crime. These correlations are often complex and hard to detect, but modern data gathering and computing is making the task much easier. By analyzing vast amounts of geographically tagged data—such as truancy rates, unemployment rates, incidences of vandalism, etc.—law enforcement organizations can detect both large and subtle trends in crime patterns. They can then use this data to micro-target areas and/or people and take preventative measures before there’s even a spike in crime. Such uses of data have proven quite effective. During a Manchester, New Hampshire, pilot program, local police used advanced data analysis to institute preventative measures that resulted in a 12% reduction in robberies, a 21% reduction in burglaries, and a 32% reduction in thefts from motor vehicles.* Using data to solve crimes is nothing new. In fact, police and crime scene investigators have used fingerprints for well over 100 years. Modern computing, however, has dramatically changed how and how quickly data like fingerprints can be used. At the most direct, law enforcement officials can now access databases containing millions of DNA profiles and fingerprints, allowing for faster and easier identification of suspects. On a more advanced level, law enforcement agencies from across the nation can input data from crime scenes into databases designed to find connections between cases. This can help law enforcement create profiles of specific criminals and narrow suspect lists. How Can You Help Lead the Data Revolution in Criminal Justice? Every year, our criminal justice system relies more and more on data analysis. This means we need more leaders who not only understand the potential of data analysis but know how to optimally use it. If you would like to become just such a leader, one the best choices you can make is to earn an MS in Criminal Justice Leadership and Executive Management. This specialized master’s in criminal justice is, at its core, a master’s in leadership, designed to help you become a senior criminal justice leader. It’s a type of MS in Criminal justice that’s particularly useful if you’re looking to advance your current criminal justice job. The question is: can you find the time to earn an MS degree? Thanks to online education, you can. When you enroll in an online university, you won’t have to worry about missing work to earn your master of science. Instead, your online criminal justice degree program will give you the flexibility you need to complete your coursework at home and on a schedule designed to fit around your full-time job. It’s what has made online learning such a popular way for working professionals to earn a graduate degree. If you want to help guide the ways data analysis is transforming the criminal justice system, an online master’s degree in criminal justice leadership can help you reach your goal. Walden University is an accredited institution offering an online MS in Criminal Justice Leadership and Executive Management degree program. Expand your career options and earn your degree in a convenient, flexible format that fits your busy life. *P. Williams, 6 Simple Ways to Help Fight Crime With Analytics, IBM Big Data and Analytics Hub, on the internet at www.ibmbigdatahub.com/blog/6-simple-ways-help-fight-crime-analytics. Walden University is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission, www.hlcommission.org. Whether looking for information on programs, admissions, or financial aid, we're here to help. Fill out the form and we will contact you to provide information about furthering your education. Please use our International Form if you live outside of the U.S.
Meet the shirt we spent over a year making and perfecting: The Cabana. This brand new style is the second new shape to be introduced to WNU and we believe it is the only thing you will be wearing this summer. In two fabrics and four colour ways, this new style has been created using the highest quality organic materials, ensuring that all of our Cabana shirts are not only effortlessly cool in their style but also ethically made. Following the huge success of our much-loved Boyfriend style, we had pretty big shoes to fill if we wanted to introduce a new shirt shape. So when it came to thinking of what we wanted to create, we of course went back to the boys for our inspiration. It all started with a photo of Sean Connery looking inexplicably cool, wearing none other than a cabana shirt. Synonymous with relaxed tailoring, cabanas are inspired by men's old bowling shirts and are characterised by their short sleeves, straight hem and Cuban collar - the perfect addition to your summer wardrobe. Once we got the shape, it was then all about the colour. We wanted some classic colours that we knew you would love and could be thrown on easily with or without any thought. But we also really wanted to encapsulate that warm, playful feeling of being at the beach in the British summertime. We drew references from the colourful beach huts that line the coast, as well as the vintage stripes of old deck chairs (some of which we have seen revived in front of pubs as 'outdoor seating'...) and found the perfect striped material for our shirt. As ever, when we borrow from the boys, we like to make some adjustments so that you, our WNU women, will love the fit. We altered the traditional short Cuban collar, firstly by lengthening it for a more flattering, elegant line on a woman's chest, and then also by curving the collar edges for a more feminine finish. We also introduced all new buttons made from Mother Of Pearl! These beautiful buttons are made from a fully natural material, helping us achieve our promise in our Sustainability Statement to remove all plastic from our products and packaging. Our playful, striped Cabana shirts. DNA: 50% Linen and 50% cotton – the perfect combination of our Poplin and Linen. The Weave combines the cool feel of linen with the softness of cotton – and slightly thicker than them both. Wear me: Go casual and grab some cycling shorts for easy day-to-day style, or, elevate your look by pairing the Cabana with white tailored trousers, ready for drinks on the terrace. In our classic, bestselling colour ways: White and Lapis. DNA: 100% Organic Linen. Linen is a durable natural fibre derived from the flax plant – it is light and breezy, making it the staple material for summer weather. Wear me: Throw on some denim cut offs and wear the Cabana open and undone over your bikini, or go from cool to cute by tucking the shirt into a silk midi skirt.
2Q impacted by falling prices, but improved demand outlook for new season Oslo, 19 July 2023: Second-quarter EBITDA excl. special items1 was USD 252 million, compared with USD 1,475 million a year earlier. Net income attributable to shareholders of the parent was USD -300 million (USD -1.18 per share) compared with USD 664 million (USD 2.61 per share) in the second quarter 2022. The main elements of the second-quarter results are: - Strong cash conversion in low-margin environment - Falling prices generated further position losses, recovery likely in 3Q based on latest price developments - Positive volume effect from higher premium product deliveries - Improved demand and tighter nitrogen market outlook for new season “Second quarter results are impacted by the falling price trend we’ve seen so far in 2023 pushing the industry into a low-margin environment. However, recent price developments indicate stronger demand going forward,” said Svein Tore Holsether, President and Chief Executive Officer at Yara. The European nitrogen industry saw a recovery of volumes during the second quarter and season-to-date deliveries were in line with a year ago. Given supply overhangs from last season, this indicates an increase in application rates this season. For the new season, recent price developments indicate stronger demand and a tighter urea market going forward, despite substantial recent capacity additions. Together with healthy farmer incentives and low producer stocks in Europe, this creates a positive backdrop for nitrate markets. Based on the latest price developments also for phosphate and potash, margin recovery is likely in third quarter. “Yara’s flexible business model has proven resilient through great price volatility and a transformation of raw material sourcing. I am grateful to the whole organization for continuing to manage this situation, while also delivering on our strategic priorities. With its strong market position and resilience, Yara is uniquely positioned to profitably decarbonize fertilizer production through attractive investments in blue ammonia in the US which will also serve new clean ammonia segments, such as shipping fuel,” said Holsether. Yara continues to lead the energy transition and mature its Clean Ammonia project portfolio. Clean ammonia from the US represents a significant opportunity for profitable decarbonization and the potential to drive increased adoption in new segments including shipping, power generation and as an energy carrier. At its Capital Markets Day on June 26, Yara defined its ambition of developing two full-scale blue ammonia projects in the US. In addition to the announced project with Enbridge, the joint evaluation of a low-carbon blue ammonia project with BASF represents a second project candidate. Link to report, presentation and webcast 19th July at 12:00 CEST: 1) For definition and reconciliation of Alternative Performance Measures, see APM section in 2Q report, page 34. Note on Alternative performance measures: Alternative performance measures are defined, explained and reconciled to the Financial statements in the APM section of the Quarterly report on pages 34-40. Mobile: +47 920 90 093 Mobile: +47 40844647 This information is considered to be inside information pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation and is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. This stock exchange announcement was published by Maria Gabrielsen, Head of Investor Relations, at Yara International ASA, on 19 July 2023 at 08:00 CEST. Yara grows knowledge to responsibly feed the world and protect the planet. Supporting our vision of a world without hunger and a planet respected, we pursue a strategy of sustainable value growth, promoting climate-friendly crop nutrition and zero-emission energy solutions. Yara’s ambition is focused on growing a nature positive food future that creates value for our customers, shareholders and society at large and delivers a more sustainable food value chain. To achieve our ambition, we have taken the lead in developing digital farming tools for precision farming and work closely with partners throughout the food value chain to improve the efficiency and sustainability of food production. Through our focus on clean ammonia production, we aim to enable the hydrogen economy, driving a green transition of shipping, fertilizer production and other energy intensive industries. Founded in 1905 to solve the emerging famine in Europe, Yara has established a unique position as the industry’s only global crop nutrition company. We operate an integrated business model with around 17,000 employees and operations in over 60 countries, with a proven track record of strong returns. In 2022, Yara reported revenues of USD 24 billion. This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act
EVP Yara Europe Tove Andersen appointed President & CEO in Tomra Systems ASA Oslo, 26 April 2021: Tove Andersen, currently EVP Yara Europe, has been appointed President and CEO of Tomra Systems ASA. She will take up the new position latest 1 November 2021. “It’s been a privilege to follow Tove since making her part of our executive management team in 2016. I’d like to thank Tove for her significant contribution through more than two decades and wish her all the best in her new role in Tomra, a company which like Yara has sustainability at the core of its strategy”, says Svein Tore Holsether, President & CEO in Yara International. The process of finding Andersen’s successor has been initiated. Thor Giæver, SVP Investor Relations Mobile: (+47) 480 75 356 Josiane Kremer, Director External Communications Mobile: (+47) 481 80 451 Yara grows knowledge to responsibly feed the world and protect the planet. Supporting our vision of a world without hunger and a planet respected, we pursue a strategy of sustainable value growth, promoting climate-friendly crop nutrition and zero-emission energy solutions. Yara’s ambition is focused on growing a climate positive food future that creates value for our customers, shareholders and society at large and delivers a more sustainable food value chain. To achieve our ambition, we have taken the lead in developing digital farming tools for precision farming, and work closely with partners throughout the food value chain to improve the efficiency and sustainability of food production. Through our focus on clean ammonia production, we aim to enable the hydrogen economy, driving a green transition of shipping, fertilizer production and other energy intensive industries. Founded in 1905 to solve the emerging famine in Europe, Yara has established a unique position as the industry’s only global crop nutrition company. We operate an integrated business model with around 17,000 employees and operations in over 60 countries, with a proven track record of strong returns. In 2020, Yara reported revenues of USD 11.6 billion. This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act
Indoor Air Quality Studies have ranked indoor air pollution as one of the top five environmental risks to public health, since many people spend more than 90 per cent of their time indoors. Factors that can increase indoor air pollution include: - Poor building design and maintenance - Inadequate ventilation - Gases released from household consumer products or appliances Health effects of poor indoor air quality may include: - Difficulty breathing - Eye, nose and throat irritation - Worsening of pre-existing conditions such as bronchitis, emphysema, asthma and heart disease - Premature death York Region investigates complaints relating to mould and indoor air quality issues in schools, child care facilities, ice arenas, public settings and rental housing for potential health hazard. We also educate the public about air quality and advocate for healthy public policy. Clean Air at Home – Five Simple Steps Did you know there are harmful pollutants that you may not see or smell in the air at home? Mould, dust, smoke and fumes from cleaning products are some examples. Breathing these types of pollutants can harm everyone’s health. Children are at a greater risk of getting sick because their bodies are not fully developed, and they breathe in more air than adults. Pollutants can bother children’s eyes, nose and throat and cause allergies and breathing problems like asthma. Over time, these pollutants build up in children’s bodies. The good news is that there are simple, low-cost steps you can take to immediately start cleaning your air. Follow these tips on how to: - Control moisture, clean mould - Get rid of dust - Let bad air out, fresh air in - Reduce the use of toxic cleaning products - Keep smoke out These small steps make a big difference. Step 1: Control moisture, clean mould Mould can cause serious health problems for children. Keep all surfaces at home as clean and dry as possible. Mould can grow in the home when there is too much moisture from things such as showering, cooking, flooding and leaks. It can grow on fabric, drywall, cardboard or anything that can hold moisture. Take these steps to control moisture: - Turn on the fan or open a window before you shower and for a few minutes after - Turn on the fan or open a window when cooking on the stove - Wipe water droplets off bathroom tiles, windows and other surfaces - Clean up floods and leaks immediately and dry the area completely. Throw away items that cannot be fully dried - Remove clutter in your home - Make sure the air vent at the back of your clothes dryer is connected to the outside Take these steps to clean mould: - Scrub small areas of mould with water and mild detergent as soon as you see them. Dry the area quickly and completely - If you have mould that is bigger than one square metre, discuss how to fix the problem with a professional or your property manager if you are a tenant If you cannot clean up the mould right away, do your best to keep your children away from the mouldy area. Step 2: Get rid of dust Did you know that dust is one of the main sources of children’s exposure to harmful pollutants at home? Children explore the world by crawling, touching and putting things in their mouths. Dust is made up of more than dirt, it can include a mix of toxic chemicals, pollen, pet dander, allergens, dust mites and other pollutants. When children breathe in dust, it gets into their lungs and can harm their health. Take these steps to get rid of dust: - Clean floors such as tiles and hardwood with a damp mop or cloth, and vacuum carpeted areas at least once a week. Do this more often if your child is crawling. A dry mop or cloth pushes dust back into the air and does not get rid of it - Clean surfaces with a damp cloth - Take off shoes and wipe pets’ paws at the door to reduce dirt and dust from entering your home - Remove clutter to reduce dust and make cleaning easier Did you know that with regular wear and tear, products like furniture and electronics slowly break down into dust over time. If these products are made with toxic materials, the dust will be toxic too. Step 3: Let bad air out, fresh air in We may not know it, but many things we do at home put pollutants into the air. Take these steps to let bad air out, fresh air in: - Turn on the fan or open a window when you fry, sauté or grill food - Turn on the fan or open a window when you clean or use products like nail polish, hairspray, or craft materials like glue or paint - Make sure your air vents are not blocked by objects such as furniture to maintain good air flow - Make sure your appliances, such as gas stoves, and heating and cooling systems are working properly - Check your ventilation systems and replace or clean the filters and fans often. The manufacturer’s instructions or your landlord can tell you how often this should be done. Ventilation systems may be found in your bathroom, kitchen and furnace rooms - Make sure you have a carbon monoxide detector in your home and regularly check that the batteries are working - Do not use a barbecue or portable fuel-burning equipment inside a home or garage. It can cause carbon monoxide to build up in the home If you use a window to let fresh air in, think about possible sources of outdoor air pollution around your home, such as heavy traffic or parked cars with running engines. You may want to open the window when traffic is minimized. Step 4: Reduce toxic cleaning products Many cleaning products you use at home put toxic chemicals into the air your family breathes and on surfaces they touch. Cleaning products such as cleaning sprays, liquids and powders, drain cleaners and air fresheners can potentially cause harm to your family’s health. There are several effective, less toxic, low-cost household products available to clean your home, especially if you use a little extra muscle. Take these steps to reduce toxic cleaning products: - Use non-toxic cleaning products more often. Consider using alternatives such as baking soda and vinegar instead of commercial cleaning products - Avoid products that come in aerosol spray cans as they can leave chemicals in the air longer If you choose to use chemical cleaning products: - Always read and follow the label. Learn how to use the products safely and understand the health risks - Wear gloves and turn on a fan or open a window during and after use - Store products in their original containers and never mix them - Always store dangerous products away from children and pets See the charts below to learn more about non-toxic cleaning methods and natural fragrances for your home. Non-toxic cleaning chart For everyday tasks, try using non-toxic products like baking soda and vinegar. |What you need |How to use it Surfaces and floors Use a damp mop or cloth to clean floors and a damp cloth to clean surfaces. Windows and glass Vinegar or lemon juice mixed with water Mix one tablespoon of vinegar or lemon juice with four cups of water. Spray onto surface and wipe clean with a cloth. Sinks, tubs, tiles, stove tops Baking soda and water Sprinkle baking soda onto surface, scrub with a wet sponge or a cloth and rinse with water. Baking soda or vinegar Sprinkle baking soda or pour vinegar into the toilet bowl. Scrub with a toilet brush. Baking soda and water paste Do not heat the oven while cleaning. |What you need |How to use it Lemon juice and vegetable oil Mix one teaspoon of lemon juice with two cups of vegetable oil. Apply mixture to furniture with a soft cloth. |What you need |How to use it Sprinkle baking soda onto rug and vacuum after 15 minutes. Keep an open box of baking soda inside all refrigerators. Note: The products listed in this chart are not disinfectants. It is recommended that you clean and then disinfect commonly touched surfaces like door knobs, toilet seats and handles, bathroom faucets as well as any areas contaminated with blood or bodily fluids. Non-toxic fragrance chart Your home does not need a fragrant smell to be clean! If you enjoy a fragrance at home, here are some natural options to try. |What you need |How to use it Try one of the following: Add lemon juice, lemon peel or a few drops of essential oil into your water and/or vinegar cleaning solution for a fresh smell. Closets and dressers Cedar chips or herbs Place cedar chips, lavender flowers, rosemary, mint or white peppercorns in your closets and dressers. *Essential oils are highly concentrated liquids that come from plants. They come in many scents like lemon, lavender and grapefruit and can be bought at natural food stores. Read the label before using them and keep them away from children and pets. “I like my home to smell clean” Some of us use scented cleaning products and air fresheners like candles, sprays or plug-ins to give our home a clean smell. Many of these products have chemicals that can pollute your air instead of clean it. These chemicals can cause allergies and make asthma worse. Step 5: Keep smoke out No amount of second-hand smoke is safe for children to breathe. Second hand smoke from tobacco and cannabis (marijuana) is unsafe for children to breathe. The smoke from both of these products have toxic chemicals that can cause serious harm to children’s health. Tobacco smoke can get trapped in your furniture, carpets, toys and clothes when you smoke inside. This is called third-hand smoke, and it can stay in your home for weeks after your smoke. Tobacco smoke can also stick to your hands, skin and hair even if you smoke outside. The health risks from second-hand vapour from e-cigarettes are unknown. This vapour should also be kept out of the home and away from children to protect their health. Take these steps to keep smoke out: - Make your home smoke-free - If you smoke, do it outside and wash your hands when you return - Set up an outdoor smoking area away from doors and windows so other people are not exposed If smoke from a neighbour enters your home, talk to your neighbour, property manager, or check out smokefreehousingon.ca Indoor Air Pollutants Mould is a type of fungus that is present both indoors and outdoors. Mould prefers damp materials and can grow in your home on wallpaper, ceiling tiles, carpets, insulation material, chipboard and drywall. People who are immunocompromised, have respiratory conditions, are young or elderly, have the highest risk of suffering health effects from mould growth. It is difficult to prevent mould spores from being in our home, but we can prevent their growth by taking some important steps. How to prevent mould in your home: - Ensure ventilation systems are working properly throughout the home (especially your kitchen and bathroom where moisture can build up) - Ventilate attics to stop moisture build-up - Discard clutter and excess stored materials to promote air flow - Repair all plumbing, basement and roof leaks quickly - Dry, repair or remove water damaged materials - Clean humidifiers according to manufacturer's instructions and refill daily with fresh water Carbon dioxide is a colourless, unscented gas created in large part when we breathe. Since carbon dioxide is normally present in indoor environments, it is used as an indicator of general indoor air quality. If carbon dioxide is present at high levels, it may indicate that the ventilation system is not working properly and that potentially harmful gases or contaminants may also be present at higher levels. Carbon monoxide is a colourless, unscented poisonous gas produced when you burn propane, natural gas, gasoline, oil, coal or wood. Carbon monoxide builds up in buildings without proper ventilation systems and can pose an immediate risk to human health. When breathed in, carbon monoxide combines with red blood cells reducing oxygen supply. Temperature and Relative Humidity Humidity, or excess moisture in the air, can result from washing, bathing, cooking and un-vented clothes dryers. High humidity levels may result in condensation forming inside a building, leading to the development of mould. Relative humidity below 30 per cent is associated with increased discomfort and the drying of the moist membranes and skin. It is recommended that for general comfort in the home a relative humidity of 30 to 60 per cent at temperatures between 20 to 25°C are maintained. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Volatile organic compounds are gases that are emitted from products used in office and home environments. Common products which may contain VOCs are hairspray, perfume, cleaning products, building materials, paint, copiers and printers. Read consumer labels and try to decrease or eliminate the use of these products, or increase ventilation when using them indoors. Radon is a naturally occurring gas that can enter your home, and is the second leading cause of lung cancer. Visit Radon: Test your Home to learn more about radon, the York Region radon study, and how to test your home.
All pricing and details are believed to be accurate, but we do not warrant or guarantee such accuracy. The prices shown above, may vary from region to region, as will incentives, and are subject to change. Vehicle information is based off standard equipment and may vary from vehicle to vehicle. Call or email for complete vehicle specific information. MSRP is the Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) of the vehicle. It does not include any taxes, fees or other charges. *Pricing provided may vary significantly between website and dealer as a result of supply chain constraints. Pricing shown is non-binding and does not constitute an offer. Contact your dealer for updated vehicle pricing. * The estimated selling price that appears after calculating dealer offers is for informational purposes, only. You may not qualify for the offers, incentives, discounts, or financing. Offers, incentives, discounts, or financing are subject to expiration and other restrictions. See dealer for qualifications and complete details. * Images, prices, and options shown, including vehicle color, trim, options, pricing and other specifications are subject to availability, incentive offerings, current pricing and credit worthiness. * In transit means that vehicles have been built, but have not yet arrived at your dealer. Images shown may not necessarily represent identical vehicles in transit to your dealership. See your dealer for actual price, payments and complete details. *Prices and/or incentives offered exclude all fleet and fleet-tail sales to businesses. While we make every effort to ensure the data listed here is correct, there may be instances where some of the factory rebates, incentives, options or vehicle features may be listed incorrectly as we get data from multiple data sources. PLEASE MAKE SURE to confirm the details of this vehicle (such as what factory rebates you may or may not qualify for) with the dealer to ensure its accuracy. Dealer cannot be held liable for data that is listed incorrectly. *All prices plus government fees and taxes, any finance charges, any dealer document processing charge, any electronic filing charge, and any emissions testing charge. Operating, servicing and maintaining a passenger vehicle or off-road vehicle can expose you to chemicals including engine exhaust, carbon monoxide, phthalates, and lead, which are known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. To minimize exposure, avoid breathing exhaust, do not idle the engine except as necessary, service your vehicle in a well-ventilated area and wear gloves or wash your hands frequently when servicing your vehicle. For more information go to http://www.P65Warnings.ca.gov/passenger-vehicle.
Get the best protection for your eyes Very sensitive and completely irreplaceable: Hazards to the eye are manifold and can entail disastrous consequences Anything could happen to our eyes in an instant, whether at the workplace or while engaging in recreation and sports. It is certain that our sight organs are too valuable to expose them to any unnecessary hazards. Those who opt for proper care are on the safe side. A frequently used German saying - “Das kann ins Auge gehen” (literally, “That could get into your eyes,” which actually means “That could go wrong”) hits the nail on the head: Indeed, our eyes are exposed to all manner of risks. The power of the sun’s rays is not to be underestimated. Naturally, they entice us out of doors, they caress the sea and they put a smile on our face. Unfortunately, where there is a bright side, there is also a shadow side. Ultra-violet rays, called UV rays for short, can be especially harmful to our eyes. Sun Protection for the Eyes Sunlight is the most significant source of UV radiation and can damage various ocular tissues. The surface of the eye (snow blindness), the lenses (cataracts, also known as opacity) and the retina (solar maculopathy, macular degeneration) are in particular danger. UV light consists of UV-A light (leads to skin tanning, but also skin ageing), UV-B light (leads to sunburn and skin cancer) and UV-C light (these are the most dangerous rays, but are almost completely blocked by the ozone layer). What almost no one knows: Eyes can also get sunburn. The cornea and the conjunctiva are most affected. The highest risk is always when the sunlight is heavily reflected, something that can occur in a snow-covered landscape or when spending time by or in the water. With the right glasses, however, everyone can optimally protect their eyes from dangerous UV rays. What you should keep in mind when purchasing a pair of sunglasses: - UV light protection: Sunglasses that absorb at least 99% of UV rays or light rays up to 400 nm. - Yellow filter: Also called blue blockers because they block all blue light. As a result, the eye perceives the surroundings in a yellowish tint. Benefit: Better contrast for very distant objects, especially on a cloudy or snowy day. Best suited for skiers, hunters, sailors and pilots. - Polarisation filters: They block diffused light. For example, light reflected off water surfaces or cobble-stone pavement. Particularly useful for driving and fishing. - Mirror lenses: They reduce the quantity of light reaching the eye, but do not offer any safe protection from UV radiation. - Side protection: Sunglasses with this function protect the eyes from light entering from the sides. - Gradient tint lenses: They are dark-coloured in the upper part of the spectacles, light-coloured in the bottom. They thus block the glare from above, but permit normal downward vision for the eyes. They are useful for drivers, but are not recommended for the beach or in snow because a strong glare can come from below. - Photochromatic lenses: They darken automatically when it is bright and lighten when it is dark. Depending on the UV radiation and the temperature, these processes often take much less than five minutes thanks to new technologies. Eye protection is also often recommended for medical reasons. This primarily applies to people with increased UV radiation risk. These include: - Patients with macular and retinal degeneration. They should always wear glasses with a good UV filter when spending time outside. - Patients after a cataract operation. These patients’ eyes are particularly sensitive to UV light because the natural lens has been removed and has been replaced by a plastic lens (intraocular lens). Sunglasses with 100% UV protection are necessary with older models because they absorb very little UV light. New intraocular lenses now have UV protection. - Patients who are taking certain medication. Medication for psoriasis and active pharmaceutical ingredients such as tetracycline, doxycycline, allopurinol and phenothiazin are all so-called “photosensitive medications.” They increase the eye’s sensitivity to UV light. Your doctor will advise you about appropriate eye protection. Eye Protection on the Job Special protection for the eye is also very important for certain occupational activities. The following pose a hazard: - Dust, splinters, shavings or liquid particles that develop during grinding, sandblasting and cutting work as well as caulking and chiselling work. Working with explosive-actuated tools, fluid apparatuses or steam-jet degreasers is also dangerous; - Corrosive or irritant substances, for example when working with acids and alkaline solutions and when mixing and applying adhesives and coating materials using the spraying and spray coat method; - Blinding light or damaging radiation, for example when welding and working with lasers; - Effect of heat or flames; - Laser radiation
Home to spectacular mountains, winding rivers and unique wildlife like the Kermode bear, the Northwest Region has much to boast. UNBC has two campuses in the region: Terrace Campus and Prince Rupert Campus. Terrace Campus serves as the headquarters for the Northwest Region. UNBC students can take courses at either campus, or in a number of other northwest communities (Houston, Smithers, Hazelton, Stewart, Kitimat, Nass Valley, and Haida Gwaii). Terrace is located on a series of natural flat benches within the Skeena River Valley at the easternmost boundary of the territories of the Tsimshian. It is approximately 144 km from Prince Rupert and 57 km from Kitimat and this central location facilitates Terrace's role as a central hub for much of the region. Its relatively low altitude and the shelter of the surrounding Coast Mountains give it a moderate climate with less than half the rainfall found on the coast. School District 82 serves Terrace as well as Stewart, Kitimat and the Hazeltons. UNBC offers an array of courses in the Northwest region, including undergraduate and graduate programs, as well as university transfer course offerings in partnership with Coast Mountain College. Coast Mountain College offers a number of programs there, including University transfer courses at both the first and second year levels, Natural Resources, Business Administration, Applied Computer Technology and Integrated Human Services.
20 Best App Ideas That Haven't Been Made Yet In [2023 Updated] The implementation of cutting-edge new app ideas and app development are at their pinnacle. There is an application for practically every use, from leisure and lifestyle to business and education. Google play store has around 2.65 million apps available for users from all walks of life, clearly showing how fast the industry is growing. Through their intrusion into daily activities and provision of cutting-edge capabilities, mobile and web applications play a significant part in improving the quality of life. This post includes a list of more than 10 fresh app ideas that haven't been made yet. Before investing in any project, it is advised to do thorough research and make your notes to gain a deeper understanding of the concept. Top App Ideas That Haven’t Been Made The industry for app development has grown significantly to be worth billions of dollars. The desire to invest in desktop, mobile, and web applications is growing. A highly dedicated and skilled team of recognized Android App Development Company can help you to bring all these ideas to life. Read the article further for the best app ideas that haven't been made to date. 1. Tutor Finding App Using tutor search applications makes it simpler to connect with tutors. It functions more like a community where tutors can identify their areas of expertise and make direct connections with students (like the institutes). The hundreds of thousands of professors who are listed on the application are available for the students to choose from. Since there will always be a need for tutors, investing in a tutor search app may be the best app idea that hasn’t been made. 2. Brand Identification App Such a program will be a helpful addition to the arsenal of tools to see the knock-on of leading brands in apparel, jewelry, watches, and other high-end items. Users would be able to verify the legitimacy of products and learn more about firms, their policies, standards, and other information that affects the purchasing decision by scanning a tag. 3. Food Calories Determining App Imagine attending a wedding where different foods may be served that you are unfamiliar with. A person should be aware of the number of calories he is eating. The ideal app would be one that can determine the nutrients and calories in it. Additionally, it would be beneficial if all of the food's ingredients were listed. According to research, the digital health market will grow to $639 Billion later by 2026. Companies should think about inventing apps, considering these the best app ideas that haven’t been made. 4. Note Sharing App Among the next app, the concept to be considered is note sharing. These platforms will make it easier for attendees at conferences, seminars, and meetings to share their notes with others who couldn't make it. 5. Parking Spot Locator App It could be difficult to locate a free parking lot, especially in a large metropolis. One of the most intriguing app concepts available today is a service that would assist users in finding a free parking spot. Beacons and IoT technologies can be used to create such an application. 6. Celebrity Recognition App There isn't a celebrity recognition app available yet; if you're proficient in coding and programming, why not start creating one right away? For instance, you could create an Android app that requires users to take images of a specific celebrity they want to identify or learn more about. 7. Supermarket Checkout App The supermarket checkout App can be one of the best app ideas that haven’t been made. The way these apps work is when you shop, the grocery store checkout app on your iOS or Android device will automatically scan the items. During checkout, the app will use the integrated e-payment to initiate and finish the transaction. Classic and practical! According to a survey by Grandview Research, in 2019, the global market for self-checkout systems was worth US$2.8 billion. This means that such a supermarket checkout app will provide good revenue at its launch. 8. Health Advisory App Consider a situation where you are restless, and your mind is racing with pointless thoughts. The finest app will be one that can offer guidance on how to resolve such problems. How, for example, can I relieve the pain in my spinal muscle? How can my testosterone levels be raised? How can I increase my endurance? And numerous other issues relating to healthcare. Entrepreneurs are advised to connect with a reputed Healthcare Mobile App Development Company that will help them to serve the community in the best possible way. 9. Mood Monitoring App What do you think about creating a mobile app for Android and iOS that enables you to track your day and search for trends or elements that influence your mood? You might develop this idea for an app and start listing and rating daily activities, events, places, and so forth. The smartphone app will assess your recent past behaviors and, as a result, look for patterns, which is the main concept here. The Mood Monitoring App will offer advice and tips on how to elevate your mood based on all of this. 10. Mall Direction App We can all agree that large malls make it quite challenging to find the precise store you're looking for. For someone who frequents malls, the best app ideas that haven’t been made yet, you can use your search to identify the desired store that would be ideal. 11. Agricultural App Idea As a result of increasing food demand and climate change, the agriculture business has become equally specialized and in high demand. Consequently, agriculture-based mobile app concepts in 2022 will enable farmers and agribusinesses to choose better methods for various tasks. Agriculture requires the employment of personnel, and an app that helps manage them can be very useful. Material and product procurement and delivery records may also vary. In addition, agriculture can be affected by climate and farming practices. Therefore, timely knowledge about both can be quite useful. Moreover, maintaining standards and rules can be an advantage. 12. Recipes With Ingredients Consider developing an app that provides recipes based on a user-specified list of ingredients. You can add the option to set calorie limits as an advanced feature. A simple analysis of popular food websites can facilitate the addition of thousands of recipes to the application database. Users receive a general list and are then directed to the recipe source's website for additional information. 13. Table Reservation App A restaurant reservation app that allows users to reserve a table at their favorite eatery. Upon reservation, details such as floor plans, availability, and table capacity are offered by the restaurants. With a passion for hospitality, take satisfaction in bringing individuals and their favorite restaurants together on momentous occasions. 14. Recycling App Ideas Next up is another mobile app concept for environmentalists: App Ideas for Recycling. Globally, approximately 2.01 billion metric tons of municipal solid waste is generated each year. Moreover, if current conditions continue, waste production is expected to increase by 70%. Such scenarios require well-researched digital solutions that facilitate waste management, MSW recycling, and individual waste generation reduction. This is where advanced recycling software concepts can save the world. Below are some great mobile app ideas for recycling that will give you an idea of how useful they can be. 15. Expiration Date Tracking App When was the last time you reluctantly drank from a pitcher of milk that had been open for days? This concept offers a solution to this problem. It's a tracking app that keeps track of the expiration dates of food in your kitchen. Consumers will no longer doubt whether the food and beverages in their refrigerators are safe to consume. In addition, the app helps you make room in the refrigerator, pantry, and freezer, and always keeps your food organized and healthy. All you need to do is scan the item's barcode, and the app will automatically determine its name and estimated expiration date. 16. Crypto App The crypto app idea expands on the previously described app concept by proposing the creation of a trading app that relies heavily on buying, selling, or trading stocks and allowing users to follow the rise and fall of digital currencies. Crypto apps are, by definition, mobile applications that facilitate the storage and exchange of cryptocurrencies (such as Ethereum tokens and Bitcoins) with third-party platforms. Such applications include crypto wallets, crypto trading exchanges, and earn-to-play games, depending on functionality and features. As cryptocurrencies and their trading potential continue to flourish, it is time to take advantage of the market gap. 17. Find a Locally Paid Job App A mobile application to locate marginal salary jobs in the local area. It's for people who need quick income and are willing to perform odd jobs such as computer repair, dog walking, babysitting, yard mowing, and the like. 18. Language Translation Apps Language translation apps are important for several reasons, one of which is to break down barriers by enabling users to communicate in different languages. Such apps make it easy for businesses to communicate with customers and partners in different countries, increasing globalization and international trade. Overall, translation apps have become an important tool for communication, business, education, and cultural exchange in an increasingly globalized world. To build a language translation app, you can use an API such as the Google Cloud Translation API or the Microsoft Translator Text API, which provides translation functionality via RESTful calls. These APIs offer translation for multiple languages, support for batch translation, and the ability to customize the translation models used. 19. Coupon Applier App This application will be designed to ensure that each buyer receives the lowest possible price. The application informs users about available coupons. Coupons will be applied immediately upon checkout, ensuring the lowest possible cost. However, the buyer will have the ability to use the discount or not. 20. Event Planning & Invitation App The app allows users to easily organize events like weddings, birthday parties, and New Year's Eve celebrations. It provides its users with all the required data, resources, and planning advice for their upcoming events. Using this application to plan an event will reduce the stress and time required. Users can also send personalized invitations to their guests through this app. Your perspective and opinion regarding investing in these digital initiatives are likely to improve after reading about the million-dollar best app ideas that haven’t been made yet are highlighted in this article. One of the main causes of the rising interest in and financial support for the creation of mobile-based applications is the availability of inexpensive smartphones and accessible internet. Additionally, both clients and App Development Companies are becoming more interested in the development of desktop and web applications. You may get a top-notch software application that meets your business needs, improves staff engagement, and improves customer experience with the aid of a professional Android and iOS App Development Company.
There is always a voice that reverberates in the world for a long time; There are always some moments that are unforgettable and stick to the original intention to pass on the faith; There is always a figure that can not be forgotten, and it becomes the memory of Man Kun. He strives to live up to his youth, and is grateful and moved. In Man Kun, such a diligent and loyal person has emerged one touching story after another, giving us the power to move forward. Let's witness his style with reverence! Guo Junli: This year is my 10th year with Man Kun 01 Ten years to sharpen a sword Guo Junli, born in April 1990, is a Han nationality from Hengyang, Hunan Province. In July 2010, Guo Junli, who is loyal to PCB manufacturing industry, travelled thousands of miles from Hengyang to Jinggangshan Economic Development Zone with a dream. He is now the director of Man Kun Test Department. Guo Junli has always been demanding himself and the management team with a "rigorous, meticulous and realistic" working attitude. His 10 years of persistence in the key word "diligence" is enough to turn any suspicious eyes into affirmation. His key word "responsibility" does not depend on anyone, and his dedicated arm can also become a mainstay. His key word is "happy". He opens the windows of his family's heart one by one with his cheerfulness and optimism. He copies the mood of spring breeze, is busy testing products, is busy pasting sunshine, and constantly composes the most beautiful notes of life! 02 Be Conscientious And Do One's Best When Guo Junli just took the post of FQC surface treatment engineer for post process testing in Man Kun, he actively participated in the production of each post since taking the post, made in-depth understanding and continuous verification of the key parameters and key points of each post, and accumulated a lot of important parameters of experience and key points, such as: parameters of different processes for electrical testing, carbon oil parameters, and process parameters for four wire low resistance operation of flying needle machine, AVI appearance scanning, automobile plate quality control, and parameters of OSP Bokai, Enyuan and Sinochem suppliers for surface treatment. Looking back to the summer of 2010, when Mankun Factory was in the initial stage of establishment, there were only a dozen people in the workshop production line at that time. Guo Junli and his colleagues transported one piece of equipment to the workshop with a manual forklift. From the previous process to the subsequent process, each workshop installed and debugged machines and equipment, and mastered the control of key points for the process parameters of each piece of equipment. I remember that when the new project was officially put into production for the first time, problems followed: problems with incoming materials, new employees not familiar with the products, new production lines not smooth, sorting out and improving the SOP documents, etc. Facing the pressure of delivery, Guo Junli gathered his colleagues in production, quality and process to solve the existing problems. One month later, we overcame the thorny problems faced by production, and finally passed the product audit, winning the recognition of customers. In the future, whenever he encountered problems, he used his lunch break to explore and learn. In one year, he was familiar with the operation of each post on the production line. In the face of the problems presented by the products, Guo Junli strictly controlled the product quality, insisted on summing up experience every day in his work, grew from experience, and gradually improved himself. 03 From engineer to supervisor, take every step well It is understood that Guo Junli, who was promoted as a supervisor in 2018, remembered that once a product had to be shipped in an emergency. Without saying a word, he led the team to fight for 16 hours and finally finished the delivery at 3 a.m. Along the way, he always insisted on going to the workshop at 7:40 every day to start patrolling the working status of night shift staff, organizing staff to hold morning meetings, and for three years, he insisted on clearing the tail and settling the P every day to ensure the rapid operation of online boards. Do work summary and work planning every day. Open his notebook and see that there are all hard goods. Record the results of the items completed every day in detail. Tick √ on the notebook for the problems that have been solved. Note the problems that have not been solved before continuing to follow up. Then plan the key work for tomorrow. In terms of team management, it is advocated that everyone should work steadily and live happily. When working, we should devote ourselves, work hard together, and work together to do a good job. In life, we are optimistic, cheerful, and kind. Our colleagues like to associate with him. He always adheres to the people-oriented principle. No matter who put forward the opinions and feedback, he will take them seriously. Employees should go all out to deal with the problems they need to solve. They should think for the employees from the bottom of their hearts. They should report the work assigned by the leaders with plan data and ideas verified in the operation process. Finally, they should listen to the leaders' opinions before deciding the next work arrangement. For ten years, Guo Junli has been sticking to the PCB position, being careful and doing a good job in testing every PCB. Next, he said he would continue to lead the team to break through the technical difficulties. He is not only careful and serious, but also strict with himself. During his tenure as supervisor, he also trained a group of excellent team leaders for the company. The picture shows Guo Junli holding an early meeting for the department every day The picture shows the inspection of the shift handover of the foreman The picture shows the inspection equipment The picture shows the inspection product The figure shows the analysis and resolution of abnormal products 04 Persist because of love He is an old man who never forgets his original intention. Since he joined Mankun in Ji'an in 2010, more than ten years have passed, and Guo Junli has always been fighting in the front line of management, production and service. His high sense of responsibility and active service not only continuously improve product quality and product quality, but also effectively mobilize the enthusiasm of workshop staff for work. The maintenance of equipment, the improvement of product quality and product quality have always been Guo Junli's preoccupation. Guo Junli often said that product quality is the lifeblood of Man Kun people. As the department head, he has the responsibility to strictly control every link, not allow any slack, and be responsible for every customer. The most important thing for employees is to follow the process and never let a piece of unqualified PCB be sent out. He insisted on implementing details every day, checking every process parameter, controlling the process of every board, and constantly improving and implementing. Because of the principle of quality first for a long time, our automotive products have been rated as A+suppliers by customers for three consecutive years. Guo Junli believes that his ten years in the company has made him a better person. He said he would like to continue to go with the company in the next 10 years! He will continue to lead the team to break through technical difficulties and cultivate excellent teams for the company. 05 Go through 10 years and use your heart With a grateful heart, he worked hard and made silent contributions, and went through 10 years with the company. From the initial construction of Man Kun in Ji'an to the foundation laying of the current Phase III plant, he witnessed that the company has become one of the key enterprises cultivated by the government from its initial difficulties. He said that he was honored to participate in the whole development process of the company. How much sweat and hardship he had, and how many touching stories he cherished. He worked hard and devoted himself to the cause of Man Kun. Ten years of dedication, ten years of years, ten years of accumulation, the pillar of the enterprise who has worked hard for more than ten years. He has gained a lot, and won the honorary titles of "Employee Loyalty Award" and "Excellent Middle Management" for 10 years。 The third on the left is a group photo of Guo Junli who won the Employee Loyalty Award in 2019 Guo Junli was elected as the employee representative to speak Honorary Certificate of Employee Loyalty Award for 10 Years Won the title of excellent middle management in February 2021 At the end, with great respect, I would like to express my respect for the old employees of the company with the following words: It is you who have witnessed the company's progress from youth to maturity, from narrow paths to broad roads, and so many years of experience have made our company strong and strong. The rise of the company is inseparable from the old employees and seniors who work together to create. It was you who dug up this land with your hands, planted a ray of life for this ignorant bud, and kept watering, fertilizing, and guarding around it day and night. For ten years, you have dedicated your youth and hard work to this seedling of hope. With your careful care, this seed has grown from a young seedling to a big tree. Now, the trees are green and luxuriant, and they have their own place in this vast land. Dashu knows that your blood and sweat are flowing in his body, Dashu knew that it was you who bought your youthful life, Dashu knows that he is grateful. Dashu is willing to spend the remaining time with you through all the spring, summer, autumn and winter. Read the story of Man Kun, Feel the feelings of Man Kun people, We will continue to walk together in the next decade! In order to implement the employment training in the industrial park, improve the skill level of workers and reduce the employment cost of enterprises. According to the requirements of the Notice of Jiangxi Provincial Office of Human Resources and Social Security on Fully Promoting the Identification of Enterprise Vocational Skill Levels (RSBZ (2020) No. 14). From November 5 to 6, 2022, our company carried out the fourth level certification of printed circuit manufacturers, 240 people participated in the certification, and 201 people passed the assessment.MORE + Ji'an Mankun Technology Co., Ltd. is a national high-tech enterprise specializing in the R&D, manufacturing and sales of double-sided and multi-layer high-precision printed circuit boards. The products are mainly used in four fields: automotive electronics, industrial control and security, consumer electronics, and communication electronics. Since the establishment of Shenzhen Mankun in 2003, Mankun Technology has concentrated on the production and research and development of circuit boards. At the end of 2018, Ji'an Phase II Plant was put into operation. At present, Mankun Technology has an annual production capacity of 35 million square feet of circuit boards, with more than 1800 employees. After years of market development and accumulation, we have established good cooperation relationships with domestic and foreign famous brand customers such as Shiyuan, Gree Electric, Hikvision, Dahua, Delijie, Desai Xiwei, Marilli, Visteon, Ningde Times, Hainachuan Haila, etc. The company has two R&D platforms, namely municipal engineering technology research center and provincial enterprise technology center, and has successively passed UL safety certification, ISO 9001:2015, ISO14001:2015, ISO45001:2018, IATF16949:2016, CQC, RBA, intellectual property management system and integration management system certification.MORE + Ji'an Mankun Technology Co., Ltd. is a national high-tech enterprise specializing in the R&D, manufacturing and sales of double-sided and multi-layer high-precision printed circuit boards. The products are mainly used in four fields: automotive electronics, industrial control and security, consumer electronics, and communication electronics. Since the establishment of Shenzhen Mankun in 2003, Mankun Technology has concentrated on the production and research and development of circuit boards. At the end of 2018, Ji'an Phase II Plant was put into operation. At present, Mankun Technology has an annual production capacity of 35 million square feet of circuit boards, with more than 1800 employees.MORE +
category:Building materials / date:2023-01-22 01:24:23 / browse:122 / comment:3 The research shows that the friction between the grouting pipe and the soil is also greatly related to the water content and compactness of the soil. The grouting pipe itself has a pattern, and is also a grid like integral geo reinforced material, so the friction between the grouting pipe and the medium is very large; The grouting pipe also has a great tensile strength, a large deformation modulus, and the reinforcement is stable and uniform, which can see good results in a short time. It can be seen from the experiment that the mesh reinforcement performance of the grouting pipe is better than the strip reinforcement material, which increases the stability of the project; The grouting pipe is especially suitable for the construction of high-speed highways, because the action force of the back and forth traffic on the soil is very great, and the grouting pipe can share the stress, increase the deformation modulus of the soil, effectively enhance the strength of the soil, and achieve the effect of stabilizing the project and long-term use.At the same time, because the space in the grouting pipe restricts the lateral sliding and rolling of the soil particles inside, and limit the lateral displacement of soil in the whole plane of the grouting pipe. The grouting pipe plays an important role in the key points of settlement. Therefore resulting in friction. This friction force is generally called 'bite force' or 'lateral force resistance'. The 'surface friction' and 'bite force' make the slip and roll of soil particles under the force of the upper limit line at the location of the grouting pipe, it is reasonable to use the grouting pipe to treat the uneven settlement of fill excavation transition subgrade. This paper yzes the action mechanism of the grouting pipe according to its type and characteristics, introduces the construction technology and process in the construction of preventing the reflection crack of the road surface, and proposes a new technology of sprinkling a layer of filler in the grouting pipe network when paving the surface course. As a kind of road reinforcement material, grouting pipe is widely used in road maintenance engineering because of its advantages of simple, fast construction and low investment.London, chemical slurry, mixed slurry object: rock grouting, gravel grouting, clay grouting, coal body grouting coal and rock mass grouting : anti-seepage grouting, reinforcement grouting, foundation underpinning grouting, water blocking reinforcement grouting, splitting and vein grouting, bedrock crack grouting seepage grouting Interface grouting, concrete crack grouting, compaction grouting pressure: static pressure grouting, high-pressure jet grouting ceramic technology; It is divided into high-pressure grouting and ordinary grouting injection grouting.It is required to ensure that at least one embedded reinforcement is firmly welded with the anchor ring of maolehan grouting pipe within every meter along the joint direction. The quality of XF type grouting pipe should be carefully checked. If deformation or inconsistent spacing between two steel beams is found, the steel beam spacing of maolehan grouting pipe shall also be adjusted according to the ambient temperature during installation. XF type grouting pipe device shall be slowly put into the groove, so that the center line of the joint coincides with the center line of the actual reserved joint, and the deviation shall not exceed mm. Meanwhile, the inner edge of the steel side beam shall be kept vertical. After the XF grouting pipe is in place, the top surface of its steel beam shall be adjusted according to the longitudinal, transverse slope and elevation to be ~ mm lower than the adjacent asphalt concrete pavement and shall not exceed the pavement elevation.Juma,In the construction of some grouting pipes after the completion of the construction of the project, because some construction personnel did not take protective measures after the completion of the grouting pipes, the project was damaged due to some external factors. In order to help users effectively improve the construction quality of the grouting pipes, the following article introduces the protective measures that should be taken after the completion of the construction of the waterproof layer of the grouting pipes. For various engineering designs, waterproof and water stop shall be carried out throughout the whole process of grouting pipe until the backfilling soil is completed.The research shows that the friction between the grouting pipe and the soil is also greatly related to the water content and compactness of the soil. The grouting pipe itself has a pattern, and is also a grid like integral geo reinforced material, so the friction between the grouting pipe and the medium is very large; The grouting pipe also has a great tensile strength, a large deformation modulus and the reinforcement is stable and uniform, which can see good results in a short time. It can be seen from the experiment that the mesh reinforcement performance of the grouting pipe is better than the strip reinforcement material, which increases the stability of the project; The grouting pipe is especially suitable for the construction of high-speed highways, because the action force of the back and forth traffic on the soil is very great, and the grouting pipe can share the stress, increase the deformation modulus of the soil, effectively enhance the strength of the soil, and achieve the effect of stabilizing the project and long-term use.In recent years, there have been frequent natural disasters,LondonTunnel leading small conduit and pipe shed, such as mountain slides, floods, earthquakes, fires, the subgrade will not be greatly damaged due to natural disasters, so that we can save more people in the rescue work. The grouting pipe can also play a great role in slope protection. The use of the grouting pipe can well prevent the landslide of mountain soil and debris flow disasters. Through many years of practical experience, it has been proved that the roads that usually use the grouting pipe are far more than the same period of projects in terms of service life and quality. Thus reducing the casualty rate. Grouting pipe is a kind of excellent geosynthetics used for Pavement Reinforcement, old road reinforcement, subgrade reinforcement and soft soil foundation reinforcement. It has become an irreplaceable material in the application of asphalt pavement reflection crack treatment. This product is a semi-rigid product made of high-strength alkali free grouting pipe, which is made of mesh base material through internationally advanced warp knitting process and surface coating treatment. It has high tensile strength and low elongation in both longitude and latitude, and has excellent properties such as high temperature resistance, low cold resistance, aging resistance and corrosion resistance. It is widely used in asphalt pavement,LondonExpanded shell hollow grouting anchor manufacturer, cement pavement and subgrade reinforcement, railway subgrade, embankment slope protection, airport runway, sand prevention and control projects. Grouting pipe laying and fixing of grouting pipe laying of glass fiber grouting pipe can be carried out by special equipment refitted from tractors or automobiles or manually. Answer: Yes, the commonly installed grouting pipe is a straight pipe. A diffuser with one-way is set at min below the pipe. The grouting pipe is installed at the end of the reinforcement cage installation and sediment treatment (because the end of the bored pile is cone-shaped it can be protected. The piston rod can be protected by adding plastic hoses or bellows within the travel range. Installation of grouting pipe the method of installing grouting pipe is to bundle the grouting pipe and add -mm semi-circular flower pipe at the upper end of the reinforcement construction; As the project is a bored pile, in order to avoid damaging the one-way diffuser at the end of the grouting pipe when lowering the reinforcement cage, it is not appropriate to bundle the grouting pipe on the reinforcement cage and lower it at the same time.) The grouting pipe is set in the diffuser with one-way , and must be wrapped with a special inner tube. After the pipe is lowered, the grouting pipe must be filled with water, and the upper end of the grouting pipe should be blocked.It is proved by experiments that the bearing capacity of the same bored pile with and without grouting pipe is separated by %. That is why more and more bored piles and grouting pipe grouting are used more and more widely in ChinaProduction department, and the transverse overlapping width shall not be less than cm. The former shall be placed on the latter according to the asphalt paving direction. After laying the glass fiber grouting pipe, fix the glass fiber grouting pipe with high-quality cement nails and fixed iron sheets with a size of mm, mm and a thickness of .mm. The fixed spacing can be determined according to the actual construction situation.Can the stretching speed of grouting pipe be defined?There are many forms of grouting pipes that can be improved and applied. Although the engineering pipeline system is very complex, any complex pipe system can be divided into several relatively simple individual pipe sections through the setting of fixed pipe racks. When selecting the corrugated grouting pipe, the deformation compensation of the pipe system can be determined according to these relatively simple pipe sections, so as to select the grouting pipe. Low cost, fast time, no loss, free from climate and place constraints.Product range,Before the installation of the grouting pipe, it is necessary to check whether the processed support is vertical to the grouting pipe fitting, and correct the non vertical support; Then install the grouting pipe on the bracket and fasten it.Foshan Shengda building materials introduction product advantages Simple installation, complete set; The grouting pipe can be intercepted at the construction site according to the actual required length of the joint (it is recommended that the longest grouting outlet length should not exceed m); No special installation equipment is required; Grouting time can be arbitrarily selected; When grouting is carried out internally under the pressure, the grouting pipe liquid can keep uniformly filling the whole pipe; The system allows grouting under relatively low pressure; The installation will not affect the characteristics of the building grouting pipe; The installation or grouting process will not harm the concrete; Permanent sealing can be ensured after grouting; tenThe arrangement of the strain gauge shall be installed before the prestressing force is applied,LondonTunnel small conduit, and the bracket shall be fully cooled when the initial reading is measured; If the prestress has been applied, it must be noted in the report that the supporting axial force data reflects the change of the stress of the grouting pipe after the prestress is applied.London, The grouting pipe is used as the pipe for grouting at the bottom of the pile. The test shows that the bearing capacity of the cast-in-place pile treated with the pile bottom grouting can be greatly improved At the same time, the grouting pipe can also be used as the pipe for the defect washing and grouting treatment of the accident pile. At this time, it is necessary to take measures to punch the pipe at the defect position where grouting is required. The classification of the grouting pipe can be divided into three categories according to the pipe materials: the advantages of steel pipe steel pipe are that it is easy to install, and it can be welded on the reinforcement frame by electric welding, which can replace part of the reinforcement section, and because of the large rigidity of the steel pipe After embedding, the parallelism and straightness can be basically maintained. At present, many large-diameter cast-in-place piles use steel as the grouting pipe. However the price of steel pipe is relatively expensive: steel corrugated pipe steel corrugated pipe is a better grouting pipe material. It has the characteristics of thin pipe wall, less steel, impermeability, pressure resistance, high strength and good flexibility. It is usually used for post tensioning reserved holes in prestressed structures: when used as grouting pipe. It can be directly bound to the reinforcement framework soil, and the joint can be connected with a larger corrugated sleeve. Since the bellows is light, it is very convenient to operate, but attention should be paid to keeping its axis straight during installation. The length can be matched according to the construction requirements, without loss. Grouting pipe at tensioning end: the grouting pipe installed at the end of the grouting pipe reinforcement and capable of tensioning is also called grouting pipe grouting pipe. The so-called grouting pipe is a grouting pipe in post tensioning structure or component to maintain the tension of the grouting pipe reinforcement and transmit it to the mixed tension; Fixed end grouting pipe: a grouting pipe installed at the end of the grouting pipe reinforcement and usually buried in the concrete without tensioning. The standard of the grouting pipe used for the grouting pipe reinforcement is the national standard of the peoples Republic of China (GB / T -, which ensures that the products manufactured by our company conform to the product quality law of the peoples Republic of China and the standard law of the peoples Republic of China Grouting pipe is the only acoustic pipe specially used for ultrasonic testing in the market. The grouting pipe is made of cold and hard steel pipe after professional molding, and is connected by clamp pressure connection, flange connection and other methods. It has a reliable anti-seepage effect during concrete pouring. Two convex grooves are planned at the end of the bell end of the high-strength double seal clamp type acoustic measuring pipe, and the convex grooves are equipped with sealing rings. When installing the device, the socket end of the product is stabbed into the bell end by cm, and then the two convex grooves are kneaded together with special hydraulic pliers. The pipe at the kneaded part is shortened and deformed after being stressed, and the outer pipe between the two convex grooves is deeply immersed into the inner pipe, and then the reliable connection of the product is completed; After being kneaded, the rubber sealing ring deforms and fits between the two layers of pipes, playing an excellent double safety sealing effect.
March 08, 2002 Zimbabwe Prepares for Elections Candidates in Zimbabwe made a last campaign sweep through their party strongholds on Friday following a court ruling that barred tens of thousands of black farm workers from neighboring countries from voting in that country’s most contested presidential race. The Supreme Court, largely made up of judges loyal to Mugabe, ruled late yesterday to ban those who hold dual citizenship from voting. As the countdown to Zimbabwe’s presidential election draws to a close, there have been scattered reports of opposition party polling agents being abducted, detained and beaten up. Today, three South African election observers went to investigate allegations that 21 polling agents from the opposition Movement for Democratic Change had been detained at a police station. The observers began their search in Mbare, a low income Harare suburb. But that was only the start of a lengthy saga, as Zoe Eisenstein reports from the Zimbabwean capital. Aftermath of Sectarian Riots Shakes India International Women’s Day celebrations in India are taking place in a sombre atmosphere. The country remains shaken and shocked by last week’s carnage in the western Indian state of Gujarat. The official death toll now stands over 700 though peace groups say it could be as high as 2000. There are fears of fresh violence in other parts of the country amid reports that the Hinduist BJP led government has agreed to allow Hindu activists to offer prayers at the disputed site in Ayodhya on March 15. However, peace initiatives are gathering momentum across the country – and stories are emerging of people who put humanity first and helped save lives during last week’s madness in Gujarat and elsewhere. Sputnik Kilambi reports from the southern city of Hyderabad where there is also a history of Hindu/Muslim violence. Cycles of poverty and immigration As the United States’ bombing of Afghanistan continues, the American public has gotten a glimpse of the recent and growing refugee population along its borders. Around the world, displaced people face unspeakable hardships just trying to meet their daily needs in regions that are hostile to their presence. In the US, documented and undocumented immigrants who try to make a new life for themselves face many of those same hardships. Free Speech Radio News Correspondent Kata Mester looks at some of the difficulties immigrant women face that often lock them in cycles of poverty. Sweatshop Labor in Spotlight on IWD On March 8, 1857 women working in clothing and textile factories in New York City staged a protest. They were fighting against inhumane working conditions and low wages. The police attacked the protestors and dispersed them. Two years later, again in March, these women formed their first labor union to protect themselves and gain some basic rights in the workplace. On 8 March 1908, 15,000 women marched through New York City demanding shorter work hours; better pay, voting rights and an end to child labor. International Women’s Day was first recognized in 1911 when more than one million women and men attended rallies to demand women’s right to vote, to work, to be trained and an end to discrimination. In London today, demonstrators turned out to protest the continued use of sweatshop labor by many major clothing manufacturers. Anastasia Kershaw talks with protesters on the picket line outside the Gap store on Oxford Street in London. Interview with Wangari Maathai Wangari Maathai is the founder and leader of the Green Belt Movement in Kenya, a program that has empowered mostly rural women there to plant more than 20 million trees. She has won many international awards for her work. Maathai is teaching this semester at Yale University’s School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, where she spoke with Free Speech Radio correspondent Melinda Tuhus.
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It’s been a pleasure to work with some of the best local outfits here in Sint Maarten – IGY Simpson Bay Marina, The Dive Shop and Dive Safaris. They are all in support of Hello Ocean’s mission and have been helping us make things happen around here! To brush up on our diving skills, we signed up for a refresher course with Dive Safaris and The Scuba Shop, run by Kim—who is super awesome, sponsored our dive gear. Of course this culminated in two dives, one to hunt Lionfish, and another to observe Sharks — two new episodes of Hello Ocean’s video series to be released this winter/spring. St. Maarten is a yachting mecca in the NE Caribbean. Mega Yachts and yachting services are abundant here. IGY Simpson Bay Marina has been our home and office as we work on shoot details, editing, post production and of course boat projects. The small things in life like a shower, internet and just being able to walk off the boat are a BIG deal to us! IGY Simpson Bay Marina is managed by the former head of The Nature Foundation — so it was a perfect fit! And these IGY marinas are certified “green” meaning they work hard to provide no pollution solutions, recycle and keep our oceans healthy and beautiful… all the things we stand for. Support like these businesses are providing is essential to helping further Hello Oceans mission, and we are truly grateful.
1. Brief introduction of your company and current status please. Hello. This is Shin, Dong-Hwa, the CEO and Chairman of NKCL Bio Group Inc. NKCL Bio Group Inc.(NKCL Bio Group) is a bio-specialized company that researches and develops NK cell culture technology based on its cell culture technology. NK cells are known as natural killer cells that play a pivotal role in the body's immune system. Recently, we have established an automated NK cell culture system and aim to develop NK cell therapeutics using NK immune cells. NKCL Bio Group Inc. has set the 'Personalized Immune Care Platform' service using NK cell culture technology as the ultimate business goal, and has been developing various products to enhance immunity in daily life and graft immune care to the existing medical system for the past 10 years. Furthermore, we are establishing a R&D system for Contract Development and Manufacturing Company (CDMO), which is spotlighted as a future business. Under the theme of immunity, NKCL Bio Group Inc. is concentrating its efforts gradually on expanding global market by signing business partnerships not only in Korea but preclinical trial for RK-NKTM cell therapy has been completed, taking a step forward in our immune care business. For the RK-NKTM cell therapy clinical trial, human-derived breast cancer, lung cancer, liver cancer, and kidney cancer cell lines transplanted into nude mice. Repeated toxicity and recovery tests were conducted for 6 weeks at the agency, clinical trial certified by Ministry of Food and Drug Safety. As a result, it is confirmed that NK immune cells activated by culturing with the RK-NKTM Kit are safe without toxicity. It has also proven its potential to be a treatment that can effectively control cancer cells. NK immune cells activated by RK-NKTM are autologous immune cells that have few side effects and no resistance to the human body, and we are very convinced that they will be recognized for higher anticancer effects and stability than chemical anticancer drugs, Cisplatin in breast cancer, lung cancer, liver cancer, and kidney 2. For the past 10 years, your company have secured NK cell culture technology and have been researching and developing NK cell therapeutics for next-generation anticancer treatment. Does NKCL have any technology and achievement? The main competitiveness of NKCL Bio Group is the GMP based NK cell Automatic Culture System that incorporates AI technology in the culture process. The automatic culture system finds the optimal culture environment for NK cell culture by itself, replacing the existing high-level manpower and improving production efficiency by more than NKCL Bio Group expands production facilities for NK cell therapy products based on a state-of-the-art automated culture center that is currently undergoing the GMP certification process. In the future, in order to have a global level of manufacturing facilities, we are increasing the technological achievement through patent applications related to NK cells. At the same time, we are building a cooperative system to penetrate into the cell immunotherapy market of countries wishing to be introduced of NK earlier, NKCL has been recognized for its high anticancer effect and stability through preclinical studies with RK-NKTM cell therapy. autologous immunotherapy can obtain 10 to 40 billion activated autologous immune cells using the RK-NKTM Kit, even in the case of immune cells from cancer patients in their late stage, and activate and proliferate with the RK-NKTM Kit. NK immune cells have the characteristic of showing high cancer cell killing activity of at least 30% to maximum 98%. Bio Group will continue to strive to develop NK cell therapeutics and play a leading role, and we will do our best to become a world-class company. 3. To popularize NK cell immunotherapy, you’ve expanded the automated culture facilities and systems incorporating artificial intelligence. What is the explanation of NK immune cell therapy and the plan for popularization? NK cells, which are responsible for the most important immune system in maintaining the body's health balance, have the ability to detect and directly kill abnormal cells without specific antigens, and regulate immune responses and inflammatory responses. using NK cells is attracting attention as a next-generation anti-cancer therapy with targeted treatment capabilities for cancer cells. Accordingly, by applying NKCL's unique cell culture technology, we are developing a therapeutics that significantly increases the anticancer effect by increasing the proliferative power of NK cells by more than 100 times and enhancing the existing NK cell activity. existing production method of NK immune cell therapy relied on highly specialized researchers for the entire process of culture, so there were barriers to entry due to high prices and reduced production efficiency. On the other hand, NKCL's AI-introduced automated culture system is currently undergoing GMP certification, and expected to increase productivity by more than 100 times compared to the existing manual production method, dramatically lowering the expensive immune cell treatment cost and realizing popularization. NKCL has established a close cooperation system with Hanyang University and domestic partner hospitals for R&D and clinical research of NK cell therapy, and is preparing for a biopharmaceutical contract development and manufacturing (CDMO) business to enter the cell therapy market in the future. NKCL expands offline distribution channels such as road shops and shop-in-shops. What is the reaction to the distributor or agency? Also, I am curious about the current status and expansion plans of online channels. is developing various products and services based on independently developed NK cell culture technology and microbiome technology. the case of immunity products, individual immunity checkups and consulting services can be included. We have established regional centers to promote, experience, and purchase our products and services. the case of immune care services based on NK cell culture technology, we are providing services centered on cooperative medical centers in regional bases so that immune care services can be added to the existing medical system. the future, we plan to provide the 'personalized immune care platform' services, centered on the NK Immune Center (treatment center, examination Description of the Personalized Immune Care Platform core of the NKCL business stands for immune care, and based on the different immune environments for each individual, we are developing a platform service to systematically provide research, production, and services in order to provide customized immune care services for each individual. addition, the immune care platform plans to apply various products and services, including immune food and immune water, as well as skin immunity, to strengthen individual immunity in a healthy daily life at a pre-treatment How do you expect the future marketability? a representative intractable disease, continues to increase in the number of patients due to population growth, aging, and environmental changes, despite the development of new drugs and advances in medical technology. the NK cell immunotherapy market is expected to continue to grow among next-generation immuno-oncology drugs. How do customers rate it? has accumulated various awards over the years. It boasts splendid awards such Immune Water Grand Prize at 'The best brand chosen by consumers in 2021' hosted by Chosun Ilbo prize for NK cell therapy for ‘2022 national consumer-oriented brand’ hosted by Prize for NK Cell Therapy for ‘Quality Satisfaction Selected by Consumers in 2022’ hosted by Digital Chosun Ilbo Prize at NK Immune Water, 'the most recommended brand by customers in 2022' hosted by the JoongAng Ilbo. Bio Group Inc. was certified as a ‘T-4 grade’ as an excellent technology company in Nice Evaluation Information. on the results of this RK-NKTM clinical trial, it is expected that it will be able to receive a higher score in the valuation rating as a better technology 8. What are your future visions and goals? After Corona 19, the bio industry is receiving lots of attention and is raising its status. Accordingly, NKCL accelerated the establishment of the R&D and production process for NK cell therapy with an emphasis on immune care, which will become a key keyword in the future bio industry, and plan to establish a global one-stop cooperative model for licensing, distribution channel, and network business for overseas expansion such as the Philippines, Japan, and China. In addition, we are doing our best so that the certification process of the automated culture center designed to meet the global GMP standards can be completed as soon as
“While others focus on carrying produce, we focus on selling it.” When Package Containers was founded in Portland, Oregon, in 1947, we dedicated ourselves to helping our agricultural customers sell more produce with a comprehensive line of wire ties and bags for roadside sales. More than six decades later, PCI remains the leading provider of these products to grocers, growers and food service customers throughout North America. We are known for our ability to differentiate produce brands and increase sales through enhanced point of sale merchandising. PCI has remained on top of current retail trends and the evolving needs of shoppers. It means constantly exploring new ways to increase the performance of our paper, wire tie and poly products. It means performing beyond expectations in the way we market and sell our products, manufacture them, support our customers and meet our environmental responsibilities. Whatever your need, whether getting product to market faster and protecting it from damage along the way, helping attract more loyal, less price-sensitive customers to your store or building your brand, PCI’s underlying promise is the same: to help you sell more product and earn more revenue. We Make It Happen PCI is a team of experienced leaders who, together with our innovative clients, have revolutionized the way produce is merchandised and sold. Mr. Stupfel has focused on manufacturing operations for over 30 years and has a track record of building and executing successful business operation strategies. Prior to joining Package Containers, Inc., he was a partner in Bridgespan Partners, LLC, a Portland, OR based consulting firm devoted to turnaround and restructuring of small to medium sized, closely held businesses. Mr. Stupfel was also co-founder of Aquatic & Site Technologies, Inc. and built the organization from concept stage to $3MM in sales in the first three years of operation by designing new products and identifying and successfully exploiting new markets utilizing a variety of sales channels. Born and raised in Portland, Oregon, John received a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology from Portland State University. Mr. Royce brings over 25 years of financial management experience to PCI. Prior experience includes serving as Chief Financial Officer for a small homebuilder in the Portland metropolitan area, and as controller for West One Bank and Bank of the West, also in Portland. He brings an extensive background in growing a successful bank franchise, implementation of systems, policies, and procedures, leading planning/budgeting processes, and communication of results. He has experience working with banks, external auditors and examiners, insurance agents, and tax professionals. He graduated from Portland State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration. The PCI senior management team is augmented by a cadre of front-line managers and dedicated support staff who are experienced in the packaging industry and are intricately familiar with the operations of the company. They are dedicated to meeting PCI customer needs, providing customers with consistently excellent product quality and outstanding customer service.
Can you get a water refill in Myanmar? Yes you can! Today we want to inform you about a promising new refill project, situated in Yangon, Myanmar. Last year, three ambitious students founded RefillMe. Starting small, dreaming big. We just met and immediately became fans. Sit back and enjoy our interview with Haling Min Aung, co-founder of RefillMe. INTERVIEW WITH HALING MIN AUNG, REFILLME (YANGON, MYANMAR) Can you tell us a bit about yourself, and your role at Refill Me Yangon? Mingalarpar! My name is Haling Min Aung. I work in Earth Day Network Myanmar as an assistant manager, while also managing communications at RefillMe. Furthermore I am an activist educator in Yangon. I strongly believe that climate change should be taught in every school as the future of our Earth depends on our ability to take action. Mingalarpar (what an amazing way to say hello)! Why and when did you start this project? After completing an environmental studies program from the University of Yangon, we decided to tackle environmental issues in Myanmar by initiating projects. We initiated the first one, RefillMe, in November 2019. So you already completed the first half year. We’ll talk more about the project soon. But first: who are ‘we’? Can you tell something about the team? Sure! Other team members are my classmates from the environmental studies program. My teammate Aung Pyi Soe coordinates the RefillMe project and fellow teammate Ye Myo Zaw conducts the refill pilot in Yangon. That’s nice. Many environmental projects (including Refill Ambassadors) start with only one advocate, and RefillMe already has three. What did you do with the refill pilot in Myanmar? How did it go so far? The refill pilot is carried out to address issues and challenges faced during the registration process of public refill stations. It is successfully done in two townships of Yangon by using observational study as a means for gathering information. Currently, we are working together with Thant Myanmar to map Yangon (Thant Myanmar is a non-profit organisation, aiming to reduce the use and dependency on single-use plastics). Very smart, we highly recommend people to team up with other NGO’s and (local) action groups. Together, we can create more awareness. What kind of bottles do people use when they refill in Myanmar? Refillers use aluminium bottles, stainless steel bottles and polycarbonate bottles. Reusing PET bottles is also common in Myanmar. TAP WATER IN MYANMAR Mmm, just like we do in the Netherlands. Here we drink directly from the tap. How is tap water quality in Myanmar? Do local people drink tap water? Or do you drink with filters? There is strict regulation for water quality that is supplied, however water quality varies from region to region. Factors like flooding, lack of safe water storage, old infrastructures and pipes affect the water quality. That is why people don’t drink right out of the tap. Households use filter or boil the water for consumption. Good to know. Another question: is there plastic deposit on plastic bottles in Myanmar? How is the plastic recycling infrastructure? To our knowledge, there is no formal plastic deposit on bottles in Myanmar but you can get some cash back by selling plastic bottles to waste collectors. Recycling activities in Myanmar are carried out mostly by the informal sector, which includes scavengers, waste collectors, and waste dealers. These scavengers and waste collectors collect recyclable materials such as newspapers, books, cardboards, metal, plastic bottles, tin and glass from households, commercial areas and streets and in turn sell these items to waste dealers who clean and sell them to the recycling industry both locally and for export. We also have local plastic recycling start-ups and NGOs. That sounds a bit chaotic but it can work. We think avoiding and reducing single-use plastics is better than recycling, but plastic-recycling can be useful to create new materials. And some people make a living out of it. We are curious to learn more about these recycling start-ups. And of course, to learn more about RefillMe, but we won’t steal any more time. Last question: what are your next steps? We plan to look for new partners to facilitate our project expansion. RefillMe is more than just adding stations to reduce plastic consumption. Our team is using a more holistic approach to consider things like water quality, accessibility, affordability, and aesthetics which can help us accelerate progress towards UN Sustainable Development Goal 6 in Myanmar (clean water and sanitation). We dream about going beyond RefillMe project. Currently, we are working hard to launch two new projects in August. Thank you so much Aung, we’re looking forward to hear more from you and your team! STAY UP TO DATE ON REFILLME Want to know more about RefillMe? Follow RefillMe on facebook or leave your message below. And if you happen to visit Myanmar, bring your empty bottle and pay attention to the refill stations. Join the #refillution! All images in this blogs are provided by RefillMe.
The Camden SMART Team The Camden SMART Team serves as the organizing entity to facilitate the implementation of the Camden SMART Initiative. The Camden SMART Team is a coordinating group comprised of the City of Camden, Camden County Municipal Utilities Authority, Cooper’s Ferry Partnership, Rutgers Cooperative Extension Water Resources Program, New Jersey Tree Foundation and the NJ Department of Environmental Protection. The Camden SMART Team, together with our public-private partners, community organizations, and most importantly, Camden residents, will develop a comprehensive network of green infrastructure programs and projects for a greener Camden. CITY OF CAMDEN Under the leadership of Mayor Dana L. Redd, the City of Camden is deeply committed to the implementation of the Camden SMART Initiative. Strengthening communities and revitalizing neighborhoods in the City of Camden includes not only economic sustainability, but also environmental sustainability. Effectively managing stormwater in the City of Camden not only will help prevent neighborhood flooding and combined sewer overflows, but can also tackle other issues such as air pollution, recreational needs and neighborhood beautification. The City of Camden is dedicated to educating residents and community leaders about the benefits of stormwater management and green infrastructure through neighborhood projects, training programs, and the incorporation of stormwater management into city policies. CAMDEN COUNTY MUNICIPAL UTILITIES AUTHORITY Contact: Andy Kricun, Executive Deputy Director, CCMUA - (856) 583-1223 The Camden County Municipal Utilities Authority (CCMUA) is responsible for the treatment of sewage discharged from properties in Camden County. Inefficient management of stormwater, especially where there are combined sewers, impacts the capacity of the CCMUA to treat wastewater and increases the incidence of combined sewer overflows to the river. The CCMUA is supportive of the Camden SMART Initiative as it may reduce the quantity of stormwater that 1) is conveyed to CCMUA plant, 2) discharges to the Delaware River, 3) floods Camden's streets and/or residents' homes. As a Camden SMART partner, the CCMUA has pledged to assist with project coordination and implementation, as well as the identification of potential funding for the initiative. COOPER'S FERRY PARTNERSHIP Contact: Meishka Mitchell, VP of Neighborhood Initiatives - (856) 757-9154 Cooper’s Ferry Partnership (CFP) is a private, non-profit corporation that works with community development corporations in the City of Camden to provide technical assistance on a wide range of revitalization projects. With a strong commitment to public-private partnerships, CFP will support the network of community organizations with project coordination and implementation. Looking forward, CFP will continue to develop the SMART Initiative framework, including job training and resident education components of the program. CFP will also identify opportunities for large-scale green infrastructure and green development within the City of Camden. Finally, CFP will assist the City of Camden in the development of stormwater management and environmental policy on the citywide level. RUTGERS COOPERATIVE EXTENSION WATER RESOURCES PROGRAM Contact: Christopher Obropta, Ph.D. RCE Water Resources Program - (732) 932-9800 The Rutgers Cooperative Extension Water Resources Program (RCE) is a major contributor to the SMART team through its preparation of a comprehensive feasibility study for the implementation of green infrastructure projects in Camden. Working at the neighborhood level, RCE is dedicated to educating community leaders and residents through a series of local workshops and community meetings. To ensure the longevity of the initiative, RCE will provide technical assistance and job training to local organizations and contractors for green infrastructure project implementation and maintenance. RCE will also work alongside the other SMART partners to secure funding for the initiative. NJ TREE FOUNDATION Contact: Meredith Brown, Program Director - (856) 287-4488 The New Jersey Tree Foundation’s (NJTF) Urban Airshed Reforestation Program (UARP) has been conducting stormwater management activities in the City of Camden since 2002, with the removal of 65,000 sq. ft. of impervious surface and planting of over 4,000 trees. One tree at a time, NJTF has improved environmental quality in Camden through its coordination of community-based tree and shrub/perennial plantings and its TreeKeepers program, which empower residents to become environmental stewards in their communities. With a strong commitment to the city, the NJTF will work through Camden SMART to plant trees that maximize stormwater management while beautifying communities and carrying forth the UARP mission. NJTF will also engage the local community in Camden SMART meetings, planning activities and implementation projects. NJ DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, Office of Brownfield Reuse Contact: Frank McLaughlin, Office of Brownfield Reuse - (609) 633-8227 The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) is continually striving to protect the air, waters, land, and natural resources of the State of New Jersey to ensure continued public benefit. NJDEP has targeted experience in Camden and is working towards to the effective implementation and enforcement of environmental laws to protect the health and safety of Camden residents. NJDEP has pledged to offer institutional support for the SMART Initiative and its efforts to eliminate the disproportionate environmental hazards in the City of Camden. NJDEP will also aid in locating additional funding for the maintenance of the program.
This premium table tennis table suitable for championships. Approved by ITTF and NSCC. Silver Undercarriage + Blue LightRead More Double Fish Tournament Table Tennis Table Volant Dream 2 Official Table for 2016 ITTF World Tour Grand Final Size of the table top: 2740*1525 mm with frame of 50*20 mm Height of table: 760 mm (adjustable) Bounce: 220-250 mm Bounce Uniformity: ≤ 5 mm Top glossiness: ≤ 6 Degree of deformation for half of the top: ≤ 3 mm Friction factor of the table top: ≤ 0.4 Stability of the table: ≤ 3 mm Top color: Blue Undercarriage: Made of A3 steel plate Packaging size of the table top: 1600*1455*250 mm Gross weight: 62 Kg Packaging size of the undercarriage: 1650*400*400 mm Gross weight: 75 Kg Professional Official ping pong table for International sport competitions from Double Fish Sport Brand! Table Tennis Series product include Ping Pong Table/ball/blade and so on.Read More Premium Double Foldable Portable Table Tennis Table, Compact design The new folding system minimizes the risk of injuries during table storage and moving. ITTF approved table tennis table.Read More ITTF approved official durable table tennis table for international tournament. Thickness of table board: 25mm TOURNAMENT QUALITY – This professional-grade table is designed for the highest level of competition. PERFECT FOR FAMILIES – Offers premium play for all ages. Go head-to-head or fold up for individual practice. 2-inch heavy gauge steel supports hold up to the toughest challenges. A great centerpiece for your game room, den, or gym. EASY ASSEMBLY –Start playing in minutes with simple Assembly. High-quality net is equipped with locking clamps that are easily attached.Read More Double Fish V40+ Volant 3 Stars Table Tennis Balls Conform to ITTF lastest T3 Technical Standards. Approved by ITTF and official balls for Table Tennis Team World Cup 2018 in London. Higher bounce ,Tougher,Safer and more Durable than traditional celluloid ABS seamed ball.Read More The best table tennis robot DF-E6 Equipped with intelligent control box, easy to operate. Double wheel drive Drop point at any place on table Programming capabilities Four major modes Automatic collect of table tennis ball Mobile floor type Double Fish Table Tennis Robot with net or without net *Large capacity, it can accommodate more than 100 table tennis *Easy to install and operate *Adjustable angle, can be adjusted up and down to serve the balls *Adjust the position of the spins for your own preference, top spin, under spin, right spin, left spin and no-spin *The table tennis robot set suitable for home, club or school funny *Ideal for solo practice and training Carton Size: 97x55x42cm Rated Voltage: 100-240V Mode: 8types Frequency: 30-80(balls/min) Speed: 5-50m/s Side Spin Angle: ±45degree Arc Adjustable Angle: ±23degree Gross weight: 20kg Net weight: 11kg Load ball: More than 100pcs ABS plastic and aluminum alloy materials. Single nose double service wheel,7 landing points,indirect ball mode. Spin strength:fixed-point mode with 8 gears,indirect mode with 5 gears. 6 groups practice mode. Crude pimples out table tennis racket rubber 820A is the short pimples out rubber with sponge or without sponge. This rubber is ideal for attack balls at the top of the bounce close to the net and for blocking. Carbon and Aluminum material Badminton Racket, Hot Sale Premium Double Foldable Portable Table Tennis Table, Compact design The new folding system minimizes the risk of injuries during table storage and moving. ITTF approved table tennis table. The single folding recreational table tennis table is suitable for entertainment Color: Indigo Blue Material: 600D cloth, Sponge interlay or Backing cloth. Color: Red, Blue and Green
April 5, 2005, Wal-Mart takes its case to media Giant retailer gathers reporters for PR conference ROGERS, ARK. - Wal-Mart is "good for America," and the barrage of criticism against the company is an effort to protect the status quo in retailing, President and Chief Executive Lee Scott said Tuesday in a sharp attack on community activists, organized labor and retail rivals. Addressing about 50 journalists gathered this week at the company's conference, its first-ever media event, Scott defended its wages and health care plans, criticized by labor groups as inadequate, and said that the company is able to save customers money as it drives costs from its system. "Innovation and competition tend to change the status quo," said Scott, speaking at a hotel in Rogers, a few miles from Wal-Mart Stores' Bentonville headquarters. The two-day conference is part of a stepped-up public relations campaign begun last year to burnish Wal-Mart's image and counter views that the world's largest retailer and nation's biggest private employer skimps on wages and benefits while filling America's suburbs with boxy warehouses and acres of parking lots. On Tuesday, company spokeswoman Mona Williams urged reporters to clear their minds of previous articles about the company and "start with a clean slate." Wal-Mart has a lot at stake. Company officials acknowledged that negative publicity has probably been a factor for its depressed stock price, and they say they will become more aggressive in disseminating their story about the company. As part of the overall campaign to increase sales, Wal-Mart officials plan to improve the shopping experience. The company also wants to improve areas such as its diversity and has named Eduardo Castro-Wright, formerly CEO of Wal-Mart de Mexico, to be chief operating officer of the stores division and to help the diversity effort. The company also will be more aggressive about price cuts and public relations. Wal-Mart has long been criticized by community leaders, religious groups and environmental activists, but recently it has had to face very public legal problems. Some of Wal-Mart's most vocal critics aimed to use the media event to blast the company's wage and health care policies. A group of community leaders from Inglewood, Calif., a Los Angeles suburb that rejected a Wal-Mart Supercenter a year ago, held a news conference earlier Tuesday at the hotel asking the company to sign what it calls a "community benefits agreement" that would guarantee good wages, affordable health care and protections for small businesses. The United Food and Commercial Workers International Union also announced Tuesday that it planned a new Web site called wakeupwalmart.com as part of an invigorated campaign to make Wal-Mart offer what it considers more adequate wage and health care programs. "There has to be a limit to greed when you talk about people's lives," said Paul Blank, director of the union's Wal-Mart campaign. Scott said Wal-Mart's full-time workers get about $10 an hour, and of the 86 percent of employees with health insurance, about half get the coverage through Wal-Mart. "Some well-meaning critics contend that Wal-Mart should be setting the pace for wages and benefits for the entire economy, just as a unionized GM was said to have done in the postwar period, helping usher in the great American middle class," Scott said. "The facts are that retailing does not perform that same function in the economy as GM does or did." Reuters News Service and Bloomberg News contributed to this report April 6, 2005, Vermont latest battleground on containing stores' growth But city's vote favors Wal-Mart's bid for bigger unit By DAVID GRAM BENNINGTON, VT. - Mike Bethel likes downtown Bennington. With narrow streets lined with small shops and cafes squeezed into the ground floors of historic buildings, it's quintessential New England. But he doesn't mind going out to the retail strip known as Northside Drive and shopping at the local Wal-Mart, either. In fact, he opposes an effort to limit the size of big-box retailers here. "We can compete with big-box stores in downtown because they're apples and oranges," Bethel said. "We don't have the ambiance of Vermont out on the strip. You have the ambiance of Vermont downtown." Plenty of others agreed, giving Wal-Mart a win Tuesday in a vote on whether to cap the size of big-box retailers to 75,000 square feet — an attempt to halt an expansion of the local Wal-Mart store. The bylaw, enacted in December, was expected to produce a closer vote — but the cap was rejected by a vote of 2,189-1,724. The victory for Wal-Mart, which wants to increase its Bennington store to 112,000 square feet, came after heavy advertising by the site's developer, Ohio-based Redstone Investments. Ten years ago, the Arkansas-based retailer opened its first of what are now four Vermont stores. The vote in Bennington, a town of 16,000, was watched closely in Montpelier, where state lawmakers are considering a bill that would cap retailers at 50,000 square feet. Bennington's debate may seem quaint in some parts of the country. In California, the question in several cities is whether to allow Wal-Mart Stores to build what it calls Supercenters at 200,000 square feet. That's more than four football fields of retail space. But, in 1993, two years before the Bennington Wal-Mart opened, the National Trust For Historic Preservation put the entire state of Vermont on its list of the "10 most endangered places," proclaiming the state was endangered by a phenomenon it called "Sprawl-Mart." Vermont made the list again last year when the National Trust said its "special magic" of historic villages and bucolic countryside faced "an invasion of behemoth stores that could destroy much of what makes Vermont Vermont." Bruce Laumeister saw the photo-finishing business he founded more than two decades ago in Bennington grow to 26 stores in four New England states and then shrink to 15, mainly because of cut-rate competition from big-box retailers. Eventually, he had to close what had been his biggest store, in Keene, N.H. Wal-Mart has come under scrutiny around the country for its effects on everything from its labor practices to the health of other businesses in town and the traffic its stores generate. Last month, the company agreed to pay a record $11 million to settle federal allegations it used hundreds of illegal immigrants to clean the floors at its stores in 21 states. Wal-Mart has had some success in California and elsewhere defeating local officials' efforts to limit its size by putting the issue to a referendum. Meanwhile, in Vermont, people on both sides of the debate insist it's not just about Wal-Mart. "It's about the character of Bennington," Town Manager Stuart Hurd said. Alicia Romac of the group "Citizens for a Greater Bennington" said a cap of 75,000 square feet could encourage a range of retailers to come to the area by ensuring that no single superstore moves in. Copyright 2005 Houston Chronicle April 27, 2005, Truth usually comes out for bosses who abuse staff By L.M. SIXEL You don't have to know John Bolton personally to understand what a former State Department official meant when he called the U.N. nominee a "kiss-up, kick-down sort of guy." Yes, not only is President Bush's pick as U.N. ambassador taking heat for his past criticisms of the United Nations, but political opponents are also attacking him for his management style. Bosses like Bolton accept no responsibility, said Chip Galagaza, an employment lawyer with Seyfarth Shaw in Houston. "They are puppy dogs to their supervisors and Attila the Huns to their subordinates," Galagaza said. And someone else is always to blame, he added. It's a fairly common management style, said Larry Stuart, an employment lawyer with Legge Farrow Kimmitt McGrath & Brown in Houston. "They come up in some of our cases as key players," Stuart said. It's typically someone who has a simultaneously high sense of self-worth but low self-esteem, he said. They have to prove to the employees below them that they're in charge but are self-effacing to the people above them because they believe that's how they get ahead. So why do "kiss-up, kick-down" managers act like that? Does it work? They don't garner respect from their subordinates by putting them under their thumb, Galagaza said. People see through it, he said. And if you lose the respect of your employees, you can't motivate them very well. It's not leadership. And sooner or later, the truth comes out, Galagaza said. Bolton, for example, is probably better known now across the country for his heavy-handed management style than anything he's done on foreign policy. Jim Lefton, an international representative with United Steelworkers International Union in Houston, has seen his fair share of "kiss-up, kick-down" bosses. He says they don't usually make it to the top of the energy industry. The guys who get to the top are not kiss-ups, he said. They didn't get there by sucking up but by putting their nose to the grindstone, working hard and doing what they're told to do. The kiss-up variety typically make it to the midlevel and get exposed pretty quickly, he said. Lefton said he's seen them self-destruct during contract negotiations. They get tangled up in a web by telling each side what it wants to hear rather than what it needs to hear. But their word means little, and they end up isolating themselves. "But they think they are the best thing since sliced bread," he said. They don't get it. Joe Bontke, outreach manager for the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in Houston, receives many complaints about bosses who are inappropriate in demeanor or attitude. Employees feel they have to walk on egg shells so as not to set off the bad behavior. Unfortunately, Bontke said he has to tell them that it's not against the law to be a jerk. And the behavior tends not to change, unless they get medicated, he said, laughing. But eventually, a bully boss gets tripped up by someone who understands appropriate behavior and calls them on it. Some of the bullying comes out in odd ways, said Bontke, recalling a complaint he heard recently at an Islamic mosque in Houston. It seems an employee didn't eat a piece of birthday cake at the office because he was fasting for religious reasons. The supervisor was annoyed and said: "It's not a meal. It's a damn piece of cake." So how are managers supposed to behave? According to Wanda Dalton, executive vice president and chief human resources officer for Sterling Bank, it requires listening to employees and offering solutions. Successful managers figured out that it works both ways, Dalton said. An increasing number of companies have also established policies stating they will not tolerate abusive behavior at the workplace, said Norman Schippers, Houston managing director for the Capital H Group, a business consulting firm that deals with human resources issues. The conduct codes, which are similar to policies against sexual harassment, should be discussed when employees are hired, said Schippers. That can be done by providing specific examples of abusive behavior — much like examples of harassment — or a more general discussion of how to treat one another. The rules should then be reinforced by quickly investigating complaints. If companies don't do anything about abusive behavior, work suffers, the corporate culture turns negative, and good employees leave, Schippers said. And the victims may sue. "The key is not to let it fester," he said. People quit managers A reputation for good workplace relationships is also an important recruiting tool, Schippers said. Recruiters get asked more often about how people get along at a company. After all, employees quit their managers, not their companies. So it pays to be nice to everyone. You never know who you'll be depending upon for a job reference or an ambassadorship one day. Copyright 2005 Houston Chronicle
Welcome to 19th Century, a blog dedicated to exploring the rich literary landscape of the 1800s. In this article, we delve into the serene world of nature through the lens of mesmerizing 19th century poems. Immerse yourself in the beauty and tranquility of nature’s tapestry as we uncover the enchanting verses that captured the essence of the natural world during this fascinating era. Exploring the Serene Beauty: 19th Century Nature Poems Exploring the Serene Beauty: 19th Century Nature Poems in the context of 19th century. Nature was a prominent theme in 19th-century literature and poetry. During this time, poets sought solace and inspiration in the serene beauty of the natural world. They sought to convey their emotions and thoughts through vivid descriptions and imagery of landscapes, seasons, and natural elements. Writers such as Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau embraced the transcendentalist movement, which emphasized the spiritual connection between humans and nature. Their works celebrated the intrinsic value of nature, highlighting its ability to provide solace, wisdom, and spiritual enlightenment. These poets often employed romantic language and imagery to depict nature’s beauty. They used vivid metaphors and personification to breathe life into their landscapes, making them almost tangible to the reader. Through their verses, they captured the majestic mountains, serene valleys, blooming flowers, and vibrant sunsets, inviting readers to immerse themselves in the wonders of the natural world. Additionally, 19th-century nature poems often reflected the Industrial Revolution and its impact on the environment. Poets expressed concerns about the destructive effects of industrialization, questioning the loss of natural landscapes and the degradation of the countryside. They lamented the separation between humans and nature, advocating for a return to a more harmonious relationship with the earth. The 19th century witnessed a renewed appreciation for the sublime power of nature. Poets sought to capture its essence through their lyrical verses, evoking emotions and stirring the imagination of their readers. Whether celebrating its beauty or lamenting its destruction, these poets immortalized nature in their works, reminding us of its enduring significance. 19th-century nature poems were essential vehicles for expressing the profound connection between humans and the natural world. Through their evocative language, these poets celebrated nature’s beauty, questioned its exploitation, and advocated for a harmonious relationship with our environment. Dark Academia Music with Rain Sounds Victorian Ambience Daffodils – A William Wordsworth’s Poem | Harshitha | Martin Kartenjer | Original Music for Poetry Who was the most renowned poet of the 19th century? The most renowned poet of the 19th century was William Wordsworth. He was a prominent figure in the Romantic movement and is known for his lyrical and introspective poetry. Wordsworth’s works were deeply influenced by nature, and he often explored themes of spirituality, imagination, and the power of human emotion. His most famous collection, “Lyrical Ballads,” which was published in 1798, revolutionized English poetry by emphasizing everyday language and depicting ordinary life. Wordsworth’s poems such as “Daffodils” and “The Prelude” continue to be widely celebrated and studied today. What is the term for a poem about nature? The term for a poem about nature in the 19th century is nature poetry. This genre of poetry focused on depicting and exploring the beauty, power, and significance of the natural world. Nature poetry became increasingly popular during the 19th century, as writers expressed a growing interest in the sublime landscapes and the relationship between humans and nature. Influential poets of this era, such as William Wordsworth, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and John Keats, often employed vivid imagery and evocative language to capture the essence of the natural environment in their works. Who is the most renowned nature poet? One of the most renowned nature poets of the 19th century is William Wordsworth. His love for the natural world and his ability to capture its beauty and power made him a popular figure in the Romantic movement. Wordsworth’s poems, such as “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” and “Lines Written a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey,” celebrated the wonders of nature and emphasized the importance of connecting with the natural world. His unique style and profound appreciation for the beauty of the outdoors have solidified his place as one of the greatest nature poets in English literature. Which poem addresses nature? One of the most well-known poems that addresses nature in the context of the 19th century is “The Rhodora” by Ralph Waldo Emerson. In this poem, Emerson explores the beauty and significance of nature through the rhodora, a type of flowering plant. He begins by questioning why the rhodora should be overlooked, considering its exquisite beauty and charm. Emerson then goes on to assert that nature has its own intrinsic value and purpose, regardless of human appreciation or understanding. The poem conveys a sense of wonder and awe towards the natural world, emphasizing the idea that nature has its own independent existence and meaning. It encourages readers to appreciate and respect the beauty and power of the natural environment, highlighting the importance of establishing a harmonious relationship with it. Overall, “The Rhodora” exemplifies the Romantic sensibilities prevalent during the 19th century, where poets were deeply inspired by the wonders of the natural world and sought to capture its essence through their words. Frequently Asked Questions What were some major themes explored in 19th century nature poems? In the context of the 19th century, nature poems explored several major themes. These themes often celebrated the beauty and grandeur of nature, while also reflecting upon humanity’s relationship with the natural world. Some important themes include: 1. Sublime landscapes: Many poets in the 19th century were inspired by the majestic and awe-inspiring landscapes found in nature. They depicted mountains, valleys, oceans, and forests as symbols of both the divine and the sublime. 2. The power of nature: Nature was often portrayed as a force that transcends human control. Poets emphasized the raw power and unpredictability of natural phenomena such as storms, earthquakes, and raging rivers. This theme conveyed a sense of humility and insignificance in the face of nature’s might. 3. Connection to the past: Nature was often seen as a link to the past, offering a glimpse into a simpler and more authentic way of life. Poets romanticized rural landscapes and portrayed them as havens of purity, contrasting them with the industrialization and urbanization that characterized the 19th century. 4. Nature as a source of solace: Many 19th-century poets sought solace and escape from the pressures of modern life in the tranquility of nature. They found comfort in the quietude, serenity, and harmony of natural settings, which provided them with a sense of spiritual renewal and emotional restoration. 5. Reflections on mortality: Nature poems of the 19th century often contemplated the transience of life and the inevitability of death. They used natural imagery as a metaphor for the ephemeral nature of human existence, highlighting the cycle of birth, growth, decay, and rebirth observed in the natural world. Overall, 19th-century nature poems celebrated the beauty of the natural world, pondered humanity’s place within it, and evoked a sense of wonder, awe, and introspection. Who were the most influential poets known for their nature-themed poetry in the 19th century? One of the most influential poets known for their nature-themed poetry in the 19th century was William Wordsworth. His collection of poems, “Lyrical Ballads” (1798), is considered a significant work in the development of English Romanticism. Wordsworth’s love for nature is evident in his poems, which often celebrate the beauty and tranquility of the natural world. Another influential poet of the 19th century known for his nature-themed poetry was Ralph Waldo Emerson. He was a prominent figure in the transcendentalist movement and his writings explored the relationship between nature, spirituality, and individualism. Emerson’s essays and poems, such as “Nature” (1836) and “The Rhodora” (1847), reflected his belief in the inherent beauty and power of the natural world. John Keats was another influential poet of the 19th century who often incorporated nature into his works. His poems, including “Ode to a Nightingale” (1819) and “To Autumn” (1820), are renowned for their vivid descriptions of nature’s beauty and their exploration of the transient nature of human existence. Emily Dickinson, although not widely recognized during her lifetime, is now considered one of the most important poets of the 19th century. Many of her poems revolve around themes of nature, with a focus on observing and reflecting upon the natural world. Dickinson’s unique style and imagery contributed to her reputation as an innovative and influential poet. Lastly, Lord Byron also deserves mention for his nature-themed poetry in the 19th century. While he is primarily known for his romantic and narrative poems, such as “Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage” and “Don Juan,” Byron often included vivid descriptions of nature in his works, emphasizing the power and beauty of natural landscapes. These poets, among others, played a significant role in shaping the poetic landscape of the 19th century and their nature-themed poetry continues to inspire and resonate with readers today. How did 19th century nature poems reflect the changing attitudes towards industrialization and urbanization? During the 19th century, nature poems reflected the changing attitudes towards industrialization and urbanization. As the world witnessed the rapid growth of industries and the development of cities, many individuals began to feel disconnected from the natural world. This led to a shift in how nature was perceived and portrayed in poetry. In the early part of the 19th century, nature was often romanticized and depicted as a source of solace and spiritual enlightenment. Poets like William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge emphasized the restorative power of nature and celebrated its beauty and tranquility. They viewed it as a contrast to the harshness and artificiality of the industrialized world. However, as industrialization and urbanization progressed, some poets began to express concerns about the negative impact of human activities on the environment. They witnessed the destruction of landscapes, pollution of rivers, and the loss of wildlife habitats. These concerns were reflected in their poetry, which often revealed a deep sense of loss and unease. Some nature poets became critical of the industrial revolution and deplored the destruction of the natural world. John Clare, a poet from rural England, wrote passionately about the encroachment of industrialization on his beloved countryside. His poems expressed regret for the loss of traditional ways of life and the disappearance of untouched natural landscapes. Other poets, such as Gerard Manley Hopkins, explored the tension between nature and industrialization in their works. Hopkins’s poetry often showcased the beauty of nature but also acknowledged the destructive forces at work. He grappled with the dichotomy of nature’s resilience and vulnerability in the face of human progress. Overall, 19th century nature poems served as a commentary on the changing attitudes towards industrialization and urbanization. They highlighted the growing disconnection between humans and the natural world and expressed concerns about the environmental consequences of industrial progress. These poems not only reflected the changing times but also played a role in shaping public awareness and influencing future conservation movements. The 19th century was a remarkable era for poetry that celebrated nature in all its grandeur and beauty. Poets of this time period, such as Wordsworth, Whitman, and Dickinson, captured the essence of the natural world through their evocative verse. The 19th century poems about nature provide us with a glimpse into the deep reverence and awe that people held for the natural world during this time. These works not only reflect a desire to escape from the industrialization and urbanization of the era but also serve as a reminder of the inherent connection between humans and nature. Through vivid imagery, sensory language, and contemplative themes, these poets awakened a sense of wonder and appreciation for the natural environment. They painted pictures with their words, inviting readers to see, feel, and experience the natural world alongside them. Whether it was the vast landscapes, the changing seasons, or the delicate intricacies of flora and fauna, these poets found solace in nature and sought to convey its profound impact on the human spirit. Moreover, the 19th century poems about nature were not only expressions of personal experiences and emotions; they were also a response to the socio-cultural context of the time. The industrial revolution brought about unprecedented changes to the landscape, challenging the traditional understanding of nature as an untamed, wild entity. In response, poets sought to reclaim a sense of harmony and spirituality through their lyrical representations of the natural world. The 19th century served as a golden age for poems about nature. These works continue to inspire and captivate readers today, reminding us of the timeless beauty and power of the natural world. Whether we find ourselves in the midst of bustling cities or surrounded by pristine wilderness, these poems offer a sanctuary where we can rediscover our connection to the earth and find solace in its enduring splendor.
The publishers of NOW Magazine have filed a complaint with Toronto's integrity commissioner in response to Mayor Rob Ford's alleged attempt to have all copies of the March 31 edition of the magazine removed from city facilities. The office of Toronto's Mayor Rob Ford ordered city employees to remove all copies of NOW Magazine from locations around the city, according to an email obtained by the paper. AAN News has learned of two great resources for anyone who is writing about the United Nations Climate Change Conference or climate change right now. First, climate scientists from the American Geophysical Union will be providing round-the-clock support for journalists reporting on the conference through Dec. 18. In addition, NOW Magazine's editor and CEO Alice Klein, who is attending the conference, is available for interviews about what's happening in Copenhagen. To set up an interview, email jasonh (at) nowtoronto.com or call 416-364-1300 ext. 372. Alice Klein, editor and CEO of the Toronto alt-weekly, has recently completed her debut film, Call of the Hummingbird. The "full-frontal eco-manifesto," which Klein directed, produced and wrote, will premiere next month at the SXSW Film Festival in Austin, Texas. AAN Attorney Alice Neff Lucan looks at efforts by many state legislatures to roll back Sunshine Laws. Her conclusion is that these laws and legislative efforts are troubling but not yet the end of Freedom of Information as we know it. Her advice: ask who's been requesting government information and being denied, then publish that information. "If you don't tell them about access, how is anyone to know or care?" she asks. Newspaper companies in the District of Columbia, including Washington City Paper, reached a voluntary agreement with downtown business officials on newsracks. Under the agreement, publishers will use demonstration sites to test three different rack systems to see which one works best.
At Adventure Trail Outfitters, we're dedicated to enhancing your outdoor adventures, and we're excited to introduce a game-changer – the Overland Shower. We understand that staying fresh on the trail is crucial for a comfortable and enjoyable experience, and our innovative Overland Shower is designed to meet your needs. Portability: The Overland Shower is compact and easily portable, making it an essential addition to your overlanding gear. Whether you're camping, hiking, or embarking on a cross-country journey, this portable shower ensures you stay refreshed wherever your adventure takes you. Easy Installation: Setting up the Overland Shower is a breeze. With user-friendly features and a hassle-free installation process, you can focus on enjoying your outdoor activities without worrying about complicated setups. Versatility: Our Overland Shower is designed for versatility. It works with various water sources, making it adaptable to different environments. Whether you're near a lake, river, or carrying your water supply, the Overland Shower ensures you have a reliable and convenient bathing solution. Durability: Crafted from robust materials, the Overland Shower is built to withstand the rigors of outdoor life. We understand that durability is crucial for overlanding equipment, and our shower is engineered to endure the challenges of your adventures. Efficient Water Usage: We prioritize sustainable practices, and the Overland Shower reflects our commitment to efficient water usage. With features that maximize water conservation without compromising performance, you can enjoy a refreshing shower while minimizing environmental impact. Why the Overland Shower Matters: Stay Refreshed Anywhere: No matter how remote your journey, the Overland Shower ensures you have the luxury of a refreshing shower, enhancing your overall outdoor experience. Convenience on the Trail: Convenience is key when you're on the trail, and the Overland Shower adds a touch of comfort to your camping or overlanding setup. It's a small investment that makes a big difference. Connect with Nature: Embrace the beauty of the great outdoors without sacrificing personal hygiene. The Overland Shower allows you to connect with nature while enjoying the comforts of modern living. At Adventure Trail Outfitters, we believe that every adventure should be memorable and enjoyable. The Overland Shower is a testament to our commitment to providing quality gear that enhances your outdoor lifestyle. Elevate your overlanding experience with the Overland Shower – because every adventure deserves a refreshing twist.
Canadian startup XpertSea hopes its portable technology will replace some of the antiquated methods that many producers still use in the world’s biggest animal protein industry. There has been a lot of discussion about animal protein lately, primarily when it comes to beef, poultry, and the rapid growth of plant-based or lab-grown alternatives. What many consumers fail to realize, however, is that aquaculture is the fastest-growing sector in animal protein production, with a market value of $13.3 billion. By 2030, 62% of food fish will come from aquaculture taking place within existing water systems as well as on land. Despite its massive footprint, however, it’s an industry lacking in technological development, not for lack of demand though. “Aquaculture is still very fragmented, but most important are the differences between species and territories. For example, salmon aquaculture in Norway is technologically advanced, while shrimp production in Vietnam is more rudimentary. While there are still few technology companies in the market, we are excited to see new entrants. The more technologies become available, the more farmers will be comfortable using them, which will benefit the whole industry. We are often asked who are our competitors are, and the truth is that while we don’t have direct competitors, we do have a fierce one and it’s called ‘the status quo,’” XpertSea CEO and co-founder Valérie Robitaille tells AgFunderNews. XpertSea combines a smart device that gathers aquaculture data with an intelligence platform that analyzes the data and provides actionable business insights. Having access to this information allows farms and hatcheries to optimize production and make data-driven decisions around when to feed and what to harvest all with the aim of maximizing profitability, according to Robitaille. “Since the revival of marine species aquaculture in the 1970s, warm water producers have relied on manual inspection and intuition when making critical decisions about growth, health and harvesting,” said Robitaille. “These traditional methods have often led to disease, bad feeding regimes, and harvesting organisms too early or too late. The result is inefficiency, waste, and financial losses.” The Quebec-based startup’s first customers were shrimp farms and hatcheries in Asia and Latin America. It’s since expanded its offering to Europe and North America, as well as diversifying the platform to provide intel for fish such as tilapia, sea bass, and salmonids. Animal health providers, feed and genetics companies, as well as research centers and universities have also employed XpertSea’s technology. For this food tech spotlight, we spoke with Robitaille to learn more about how the startup’s technology hopes to change the aquaculture industry. When did you launch and what growth stage are you at currently as a company? In 2011, Cody Andrews and I began developing commercial applications using optics and photonics in marine environments. We received immediate interest from aquaculture producers and so XpertSea was founded to transform aquaculture into a modern, efficient and sustainable source of food for our planet. Our platform is in use in over 50 countries and we have local representatives and partners in Europe, Asia, and South America. In the past year, we closed a Series A, doubled our workforce, ramped up R&D, and launched a new growth platform that offers hatcheries and farms an all-new set of tools and capabilities for managing their operations efficiently and profitably. What is your product? Our AI-based solution enables aquaculture producers to automate animal data collection, monitor organism health, and address problems early. The hardware component consists of smart aquaculture equipment called the XperCount, which is a portable device that can count, size and weigh tiny aquatic organisms with greater than 95% accuracy in minutes. The XperCount feeds data into an online Growth Platform, which analyzes many variables and gives producers access to key information about their production from anywhere at any time. This allows them to optimize growth, adjust feed and additives, harvest at the right time, and ship accurately. What are some of the challenges that you’ve faced and how did you overcome them? Modern aquaculture is a young industry that’s technologically far behind agriculture. As an early developer of technologies for aquaculture, we had to travel the world and explain the huge impact that reliable data can have on production and profitability. It’s not uncommon for us to be in India or Vietnam talking to a shrimp farmer about how artificial intelligence and computer vision can transform her business. On the technical side, we needed to build a team capable of inventing and innovating entirely novel solutions using advanced technologies. To create a device that can count, size and weigh tiny organisms as they swim about, our engineers had to combine machine learning, optics, computer vision, Internet of Things, Big Data and several other technologies. Then they visited farms and hatcheries around the world so the AI could study individual species for months at a time and learn to assess them accurately. What’s been the most surprising aspect of your startup journey so far? I’ve been amazed by the number of people willing to help move our business forward. I think one reason for this is the importance of our mission: using Canadian know-how to help feed the world. Aquaculture will be essential to feeding everyone, and I believe that’s why our mission resonates with so many audiences, from consumers to farmers to investors. Are there any other startups that you looked to for guidance or as a model when you were getting started/as you scale up? We look at what the AgTech industry has achieved and we see the potential for aquaculture to make similar strides in adopting technological innovation. We’re inspired by many companies, especially those using data to empower farmers. Companies like Farmers Business Network, Granular, Blue River Technology, and The Climate Corporation come to mind. What’s your fundraising experience been like? How have your investors added value beyond capital? What do you look for in an investor? We were very fortunate that early believers like angel investor Hamnett Hill, YUL Ventures, and Founder Fuel believed in us and our vision back in 2014 and are still active in our business today. Our most recent Series A integrated an amazing group of diversified investors, and we could not have hoped for a better balance of industry and technology knowledge. Obvious Ventures, Real Ventures, and edō Capital bring tremendous value and support to our technology direction, our business model and our expansion across the 40 markets we currently operate in. Aqua-Spark is the leading aquaculture investment fund, and the network and knowledge they bring in the aquaculture space is amazing. Has there been a lot of investor interest in aquaculture technology? When raising the Series A, we encountered many investors interested in aquaculture, and many of the big players took our meetings. While they were intrigued by the industry, there was too much they did not know to de-risk their investment to a level that was comfortable. I think as aquaculture becomes too important to be ignored, many more investors are becoming educated about the industry. This can be seen in the increasing number of venture deals being made in aquaculture lately. Have you entered or won any tech competitions? If so, was it beneficial? We entered a few competitions, winning some but not others. The value of a competition depends on the event’s credibility and the audience that’s paying attention. It’s important to consider the opportunity cost: it can be time-consuming to prepare for these events when there is so much work to do in the actual business, so these opportunities have to be chosen wisely. Any other advice for other startups out there? Surround yourself with the right team; it’s often been said because it’s true. Having people who are engaged and who you can trust is key. You should never underestimate how important a positive work environment is to company culture. I recommend seeking talent with varied backgrounds and with different work experience. Look for people who can bring new ideas and ways of doing things to the table, people who are curious and can learn and adapt. Once you have them, do your best to hold on to them. Know your business inside and out. Investors feel more confident when talking to someone who knows what they’re talking about. I would take the time to learn all the parts that go toward making your startup a viable opportunity. Finally, look for investors that have the industry knowledge and network specific to your company’s needs. We’ve been lucky to have supportive investors from the start, which has made a world of difference.
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We have stock in the USA and Mexico of standard sizes of sheet pile in thickness from 8 mm to 12.7 mm. Lengths can be produced according to your needs from 10 ft to 80 ft. We can provide new and used sheet pile, and can rent sheet pile to you for a temporary job, or sell it to you with a buy back provision in the sales contract. Many customers find the buy back provision a great alternative. They get new sheet pile for their job, and return it for agreed upon pricing when finished. This can be more cost effective than renting. Our company is one of the very few suppliers who offer buy back agreements. We can deliver in USA, Mexico, the Caribbean, Central and South America. This is a quickly changing market due to dumping suits and trade restrictions on many countries today. We have suppliers in USA, Mexico, Turkey, China, Vietnam and Europe. Hot Rolled coils for rerolling, for pipe production and for cold forming. Cold Rolled coils for manufacturing products and galvanizing. Galvanized coils for service center resale and metal buildings and other products. We started in the steel business in the wire and wire rod business. We have visited wire rod mills in many countries including the USA, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Venezuela, Turkey and China. We have supplied low and high carbon, cold heading quality and alloy grades. Typical range of wire rod we supply is as follows: Sizes 5.5 mm to 26 mm. Grades 1005 – 1070. Coil weights 1.5 to 2.5 metric tons Wide Flange Beams from 4 x 4 to 44 x 16. Standard grades with full range of sizes. Charpy tests available when requested in advance. Super Lightweight beams for truck trailer and other applications. This business has grown with the sheet pile and building project business. We supply beams primarily in the N. American markets. Customers in the USA, Mexico and Central America regions who have steel mills, but not melt shops require billets if they are producing long products. We have supplied these via barge to Mexico and USA and breakbulk shipments to other markets including Europe. Sizes: 60 x 60 , 80x 80, 100 x 100, 120 x 120, 5” x 5”, 130 x 130 Grades Carbon grades for making wire rod, rebar or merchant bars
submitted by firstname.lastname@example.org Register for the upcoming webinar, “Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation (TRHT) Campus Centers: Preparing the Next Generation of Leaders to Confront Racism,” taking place on Wednesday, March 6, at 3:00 p.m. (EST). Anyone on campus can register for free and watch from their own device. “An increasing aversion to difference and the growing number of racial incidents have left colleges and universities with the challenge of how to affect change and to heal from the legacies and harms of racism. This webinar will discuss the efforts of the first ten Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation (TRHT) Campus Centers in addressing the historical and contemporary effects of racism to bring about transformative and sustainable change for our students, in our communities, and across our country.” Wednesday, March 6th | Webinar, 2:00-3:00 pm, Online Further Information: https://www.aacu.org/webinar/trht19 Register at: https://secure.aacu.org/iMIS/AACUR/Events/Event_Display.aspx?EventKey=WEB190306 submitted by email@example.com The MINNE Holocaust Fellows program annually selects college students to participate in a fully-paid, one-day trip to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington D.C. to acquire a more in-depth knowledge of the Holocaust. Fellows tour the permanent exhibits and featured exhibits, as well as meet with a museum representative. Awards come through the MINNE Fund of the Minneapolis Jewish Federation, who has chosen Augsburg to be one of the select few universities to participate in the program. Multiple Augsburg students were selected last year for the trip. The 2019 trip will take place on April 16th. Applications are due on February 28th and can be found at http://jewishminneapolis.org/minne/. If you would like to learn more about the program or would like advising on the application, please contact the URGO office at firstname.lastname@example.org or 612-330-1446. – U.S. Citizen – Full-time student – Sophomore or junior planning to graduate no earlier than Spring 2020 – 3.0 GPA or higher submitted by email@example.com Kaycee Rogers, faculty in the Department of Education, recently presented “Using Narratives to Develop Empathy and Cultural Competence in Pre-Service Teachers: Literature for Learning” at the Association of Teacher Educators (ATE) Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA. At that conference she also participated as a clinical practice fellow. Selected through a competitive application process, Kaycee Rogers serves as a member of this group of teacher educators who have a strong research interest in clinical practice. submitted by firstname.lastname@example.org There are a variety of ways to incorporate experiential learning into a course. Join CTL and the Sabo Center as we hear faculty (Darcey Engen, Matt Maruggi, and Ben Stottrup) talk about their successes and challenges with different experiential learning strategies from field trips and guest speakers to semester-long projects–what worked, what didn’t, what surprised them, and more! Thursday, February 28th | Innovative Experiential Education Strategies | 2:00 pm-3:00 pm, Marshall Room submitted by email@example.com Augsburg’s Interfaith Scholars, a group of students who are interested in exploring the religious diversity of the Augsburg student body, the wider Twin Cities community, and the United States through interreligious dialogue and action, are organizing a campus wide art project focused on the question: “What brings you light?” This is an ambiguous prompt, as our goal is to engage with folks from many different religious, spiritual, and secular backgrounds and to showcase what is the “light” in our lives despite our different beliefs. We ask the members of the Augsburg community to reflect on what brings them light, and to photograph if they are able. Perhaps it is a beloved pet, a significant other, a spice rack because you love cooking, a pocket bible, a special place you spend time in, etc. If it is not something you’re able to photograph, a selfie would be a great submission! Please send appropriate content, as these photos will be displayed at the “Interfaith Art Project Showcase” on April 4th in the Gundale Chapel, located in Hagfors from 5pm-8pm. We are also asking for an audio clip with your photo submission. You can talk about what your light is or answer one of the following questions the Interfaith Scholars has compiled. Please send your photo submission to firstname.lastname@example.org. You may submit a text description or an audio recording between 30 seconds and 90 seconds long answering any of these questions: – What brings you light? – What brings you meaning? – What brings you joy? Please feel free to interpret the question in whatever way resonates with you. Be creative, be spontaneous, and be intentional. Please let us know if you have any questions on this art project or are unsure on how to complete the submission. We look forward to seeing (and hearing!) from you. Augsburg Interfaith Scholars submitted by email@example.com Students interested in a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to travel the length of the Mississippi River as part of a full semester of courses should check out Augsburg’s River Semester program for Fall 2019. Students in the program will spend 100 days traveling from the Headwaters to the Gulf of Mexico, including paddling stretches of the river south from the Twin Cities, to St. Louis, Memphis, and New Orleans before returning to the Twin Cities in December. Courses offered include Environmental and River Politics, Environmental Science, Outdoor Leadership, and self-designed independent studies. Internships or other courses by special arrangement are also possible. The deadline for registration is Mar. 15th, and scholarships of up to $3,000 are available. Full information and details at http://www.augsburg.edu/river or by contacting the Augsburg Abroad office or Program Director Joe Underhill at firstname.lastname@example.org
In 2015, the world’s governments adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a universal Agenda that commits all relevant actors to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. At Ann Foundation, we believe that the goal of Quality Education is one of the cornerstones of achieving SDG’s 2030 Agenda. Our vision asserts that education creates independence that inspires confidence which brings peace and sustainable development. Just recently, the United Nations and Member States across the globe, private actors and non-governmental organizations, among others, have undertaken the second review of the SDG implementation under the theme, “eradicating poverty and promoting prosperity in a changing world.” Despite some positive successes and good practices in providing education for all across the globe, the results from a review in 2017, in fact, are not as inspiring as we could wish for. The lack of acceptance and adherence on the part of many political leaders about the SDGs demonstrates this really clearly. It makes it extremely hard to gain political support and resources to end poverty, protect the environment, and ensure peace and prosperity when there is no consensus about the common problems, the causes and the solutions. In this context, the most affected are children who remain uneducated and, therefore, miss their chance for better futures. Education is particularly important for kids who are in orphanages, or in poorly funded schools and vocational institutes across the developing world. Based on our own experience, we can affirm that it is very hard to provide quality education to these kids due to the unavailability of sufficient support. Students of the Khadijatul Kubra Girls Mission with Ann Moideen of Ann Foundation (Photo: Ann Foundation) We have seen the impact of poor education or the lack thereof. Our projects, including our work with the orphans at the Voice Trust and the Khadijatul Kubra Girls Mission Project, have demonstrated how access to technologies can simply change the lives of children and provide them with the opportunity to craft a better future for themselves. Students of the Voice Trust Project with Ann Moideen of Ann Foundation (Photo: Ann Foundation) First and foremost, the value of education is much bigger than it sounds. Our projects do not simply provide children across the developing world with an opportunity to learn more and be a better in knowing mathematics and art and not simply ensure that more girls and boys have access to quality development and education (SDG 4), we contribute to raising their self-confidence to succeed in life, without which the main promise of the 2030 Agenda, to ensure that all human beings can fulfill their potential in dignity and equality, remains illusory. And we need your support in continuing our work. You can do so by: - sharing information about our work and share our good practices world-wide; - volunteering with us to make our projects stronger; - providing financial support to ensure that our mission and vision will continue to contribute to the 2030 Agenda. Stay tuned for more information via Facebook and Twitter (@AnnFoundationCharity)!
MagnaFlow Exhaust Products OEM GradeUniversal Catalytic Converter - 3.00in.MagnaFlow OEM Grade Federal/EPA Compliant Universal Catalytic Converter 51647 helps keep the check engine light off. Get the right fit for a wide array... Warning: This product can expose you to chemicals that are known to the State of California to cause cancer. For more information, visit www.P65warnings.ca.gov. Universal Catalytic Converter - 3.00in. MagnaFlow OEM Grade Federal/EPA Compliant Universal Catalytic Converter 51047 helps keep the check engine light off. Get the right fit for a wide array of vehicles thanks to the adaptable Universal design (cutting and welding is required). With highly corrosion resistant, stainless steel construction, you can have confidence in the quality of this catalytic converter. This replacement part is designed to meet or exceed Federal emissions requirements set forth by the EPA, complying with legal standards for OBDII Federally registered vehicles with California or Federal/EPA Emission systems.
As iPhone users, we rely heavily on our devices for various aspects of our daily lives. From communication and productivity to entertainment and more, our iPhones have become an integral part of our existence. However, one of the common challenges we face is the gradual deterioration of battery health over time. To address this concern, Apple Repair Club has introduced a cost-effective initiative, which aims to extend the lifespan of iPhones by offering battery replacements when the battery health falls below 80%. In this article, we will delve into the details of this program, understanding how it works and how it benefits iPhone users. Understanding Apple Repair Club: Apple Repair Club is collaboration of Apple service experts, servicing and supporting Apple Devices for last 8 years in New York. Their true mission is to extend the lifespan of Apple Products and reduce e-waste by providing affordable repairs and recovery services. They envision a sustainable future where products are designed for longevity and reuse. It’s battery regain initiative is a special program offered to ensure that iPhones remain functional and reliable for an extended period. The program specifically focuses on battery health, which is a critical aspect of an iPhone’s performance. Through this initiative, Apple Repair Club aims to proactively address battery-related issues and offers a sustainable solution for iPhone users. The Importance of Battery Health: Battery health is a crucial factor in determining the overall performance and longevity of an iPhone. Over time, lithium-ion batteries, which are commonly used in smartphones, experience natural degradation. As a result, their capacity to hold a charge gradually diminishes, leading to reduced battery life, throttled performance and increased dependence on frequent charging. By monitoring battery health, users can gauge the current condition of their iPhone’s battery. iOS provides a Battery Health feature, accessible through the Settings app, which provides an overview of the battery’s maximum capacity and peak performance capability. When the battery health falls below 80%, it signifies a significant decline, and users may start experiencing issues such as unexpected shutdowns or reduced battery life. How Apple Repair Club Helps: Apple Repair Club comes into play when an iPhone’s battery health drops below 80%. Traditionally, users might have had to seek out an expensive upgrade or pay hefty when battery expansion causes display malfunction. However, Apple Repair Club’s program streamlines this process, ensuring that iPhone owners can have their batteries replaced with a reliable alternative full capacity battery, usually at a reduced cost. Users can bring their iPhones to Apple Repair Club service shop or request an estimate to initiate the battery replacement process. Their skilled technicians will carefully examine the device, verify the battery health, and, if necessary, replace the battery with a brand-new high capacity one. This service ensures that iPhone users can enjoy optimal battery performance once again, restoring the device’s overall usability and extending its lifespan. Benefits for iPhone Users: The Apple Repair Club provides several significant benefits for iPhone users. Here are some key advantages of participating in this program: - Cost-Effective Solution: Apple Repair Club offers users a cost-effective means of replacing their iPhone’s battery. By replacing the battery at a reduced cost compared to third-party alternatives, ensures that users can maintain the performance of their device without breaking the bank. - High Capacity Components: When opting for Apple Repair Club, users can rest assured that their iPhone will be serviced with high capacity components. This ensures compatibility, reliability, and longevity, as only established businesses know how to find reliable parts for out-of-warranty devices that are no longer supported by the manufacturer. - Expert Service and Quality Assurance: With Apple Repair Club’s skilled technicians handling the battery replacement process, users can trust that their iPhones are in capable hands. Their commitment to quality assurance ensures that the replacement battery functions optimally and meets the high standards for reliability and longevity of your iPhone. - Extended iPhone Lifespan: By proactively addressing battery health issues and providing a reliable solution, Apple Repair Club effectively extends the lifespan of iPhones. Users can continue using their devices without the need for premature upgrades, promoting sustainability and reducing electronic waste in the planet. The Apple Repair Club serves as an invaluable resource for iPhone users, addressing the common concern of battery degradation and ensuring that their devices remain functional and reliable for a longer period. By proactively monitoring battery health and offering battery replacements when the health falls below 80%, they empowers users to maintain optimal performance without the need for expensive aftermath of device failure or premature device replacements. This program not only provides a cost-effective solution but also guarantees the use of reliable replacement components and the expertise of Apple Repair Club’s skilled technicians. With a renewed battery, users can enjoy extended battery life, reduced reliance on frequent charging, and overall enhanced user experience. Moreover, by extending the lifespan of iPhones, Apple Repair Club promotes sustainability and reduces electronic waste, aligning with its commitment to environmental responsibility. If you’re an iPhone user and your battery health is declining, don’t hesitate to explore the Apple Repair Club’s program. Visit their service center or contact Support to initiate the battery replacement process. By taking advantage of this initiative, you can ensure that your iPhone remains a reliable companion, empowering you to stay connected, productive, and entertained for years to come.
In the current economic climate, with high inflation rates and cost of living, many people are turning to online lenders to help them overcome their short-term financial difficulties. Here at Applied LMS, we offer the best loan management software option on the market because we are aware of customers’ demand for online lending, and we want to make sure it is as painless as possible for them because that’s what drives customers into your arms. We know how important it is that customers find online lenders that make their lives easier, not more difficult. Going to the bank, standing in queues, and filling out endless paperwork are quickly becoming a thing of the past. In the modern era, lenders are increasingly going online. Particularly those who can offer quick and easy short-term loans that help those in financial trouble sidestep the usual draconian requirements surrounding credit checks and other arduous administrative red tape. Our product ensures that you, as an online lender, can offer your customers the best possible service and product. Here are some reasons why Applied LMS is your preferred loan management software solution provider: Automatic Loan Origination Our software solution provides excellent designs that feature online forms to help automatically originate loans. This allows borrowers to simply fill out a loan application form on the platform, where the relevant information is collected and processed. Through a data verification process, the borrower is automatically verified and validated using our patented technology and data processing capabilities. Among these functions is the ability to verify employment and identity and even perform a rudimentary credit check. This automated system features advanced algorithms that help determine the borrower’s eligibility and ability to repay the loan. This verified information allows the system to make credit decisions, automatically expediting approval. You can predetermine these parameters and the required information, adjusting them according to your specific requirements. Terms and conditions also accompany the loan origination. In addition to the loan amount, the interest rate, applicable fees, and repayment period can be set and automated, which the borrower can electronically review and accept. Automated Underwriting and Administrative Services Our system even allows for the automatic underwriting of loans, with the option to transfer the loan to administrative services for review. If any red flags or queries are associated with the automatic process, the loans can be passed on to a team of humans who will assess the loan. Our system also handles collections and can help customers figure out payment restructuring if they have trouble repaying their loans. This lets you offer an online lending business with minimal staff and overheads. Book a demo and partner with us at Applied LMS to get your hands on the best loan management software.
Carbon Jacked sustainable employee membership platform por Carbon Jacked Educate + engage your employees on sustainability and take direct action on climate change A Nature Positive membership platform that helps you engage and educate your employees on sustainability through tree planting, supporting projects that restore nature, and reducing their carbon footprint. WHY – the urgent need for action Every business has a sustainability strategy BUT you can’t deliver on these promises without your employees. Giving them Carbon Jacked memberships and access to our membership platform helps solve this problem. WHAT – Carbon Jacked Memberships explained Through our membership platform, direct climate action and creative content our memberships have something for everyone – each employee membership: - Grants access to the Carbon Jacked platform including carbon footprint calculator, a tailored assessment and recommendations for footprint reduction. Demo available. - Plants 10 trees a month - Funds incredible projects that tackle climate change in UK National Parks and internationally. See our projects over here. - Includes ongoing sustainability content that is highly engaging (e.g. videos, blogs, recommendations, events etc.). See an example for Sky Sport here and here. - Gives access to insights and discounts on sustainable brands. See DAME example here. - Improves wellbeing through greater connection with nature. - Provides education on climate change and sustainable development, including the UN Sustainable Development Goals. In other words, we’re not just an app that somebody will use once or twice and never again. We’re also not a carbon offsetting service that oversimplify things and that can lead to significant reputational risk. We’re the bees' knees. Contact us to find out more about how it works.
- Press Release - February 29, 2024 Hemispheric Tectonics on Super-Earth LHS 3844b The tectonic regime of rocky planets fundamentally influences their long-term evolution and cycling of volatiles between interior and atmosphere. Earth is the only known planet with active plate tectonics, but observations of exoplanets may deliver insights into the diversity of tectonic regimes beyond the solar system. Observations of the thermal phase curve of super-Earth LHS 3844b reveal a solid surface and lack of a substantial atmosphere, with a temperature contrast between the substellar and antistellar point of around 1000 K. Here, we use these constraints on the planet’s surface to constrain the interior dynamics and tectonic regimes of LHS 3844b using numerical models of interior flow. We investigate the style of interior convection by assessing how upwellings and downwellings are organized and how tectonic regimes manifest. We discover three viable convective regimes with a mobile surface: (1) spatially uniform distribution of upwellings and downwellings, (2) prominent downwelling on the dayside and upwellings on the nightside, and (3) prominent downwelling on the nightside and upwellings on the dayside. Hemispheric tectonics is observed for regimes (2) and (3) as a direct consequence of the day-to-night temperature contrast. Such a tectonic mode is absent in the present-day solar system and has never been inferred from astrophysical observations of exoplanets. Our models offer distinct predictions for volcanism and outgassing linked to the tectonic regime, which may explain secondary features in phase curves and allow future observations to constrain the diversity of super-Earth interiors. Tobias G. Meier, Dan J. Bower, Tim Lichtenberg, Paul J. Tackley, Brice-Olivier Demory Comments: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letters; 9 pages, 5 figures; summary available at this http URL Subjects: Earth and Planetary Astrophysics (astro-ph.EP); Geophysics (physics.geo-ph) Journal reference: ApJL 908 L48 (2021) Cite as: arXiv:2103.02374 [astro-ph.EP] (or arXiv:2103.02374v1 [astro-ph.EP] for this version) From: Tobias Gabriel Meier [v1] Wed, 3 Mar 2021 12:53:44 UTC (12,761 KB)
LIVE VIEWING OF "RONQUEO" “Ronqueo” is the name of the traditional quartering of bluefin tuna performed by hand. Do you want to see how it is done? Come to our store where we have a specially designed space for viewing live “ronqueos”. You will also taste our products and you will learn everything about bluefin tuna and our special Mackintosh way of fishing it. INFORMATION: (+34) 956 68 53 93 · Mobile + WhatsApp: (+34) 603 51 63 23 · At our exclusive bluefin tuna boutique store you will find our full range of JC Mackintosh products, consisting of fresh and smoked bluefin tuna, as well as a selection of other gourmet products. · It has a "ronqueo" room, being the first space in Spain specially designed for live "ronqueo" viewings. · This flagship store has incorporated sustainable design, with lime mortar and recycled PET coverings that meet the brand's sustainability and quality standards. JC Mackintosh, a leading company in sustainable fishing and distribution of wild-caught bluefin tuna, has a Flagship Store in Tarifa. 150m2 bluefin tuna boutique shop located at Calle Batalla del Salado, 39. Inspired by the sustainable values of the brand, the company in charge of the design, Estudio EEBA based in Puerto de Santa María, has used wall coverings made from recycled PET bottles inspired by the rock formations on the coast of Tarifa. The boutique store is on the corner of a neoclassical-influenced building on the main avenue of Tarifa. The visitor enters through a series of light arches inspired on the Puerta de Jerez as an initiation tunnel. This passage between Panno textiles divides the main room into a selling space and the video room. Going through is like entering the universe of artisanal and sustainable wild-caught bluefin tuna fishing. LOCAL DESIGN: the design of the interior wall coverings is inspired by a rock formation called Flysch found on the coast of Tarifa. QUALITY: JC Mackintosh's fishing protocol prevents animal suffering, enhancing the quality of wild tuna in its original state. SUSTAINABILITY: JC Mackintosh fishes on demand, thus avoiding the dramatic consequences of overfishing. Sustainability, Quality and Animal Welfare: the values of JC Mackintosh.
Young people aged 18 to 34 years old are leading aviation’s revival compared to other age groups according to a new consumer trends report from the UK Civil Aviation Authority. The UK Civil Aviation Authority’s (CAA) latest consumer trends report paints a fascinating picture of air travel resurgence, with young flyers aged 18-34 leading the charge. Younger Flyers Take to Skies Nearly two-thirds (65%) of this demographic took to the skies in 2023, compared to just 47% of those aged 55 and over. This marks a notable rebound from pre-pandemic levels, when older flyers dominated the skies at 58%. The annual Aviation Consumer Survey, which informs the CAA’s consumer-centric regulatory approach, delves deeper into these trends. Notably, a growing appetite for frequent flying emerges. Of those who flew in 2023, an impressive 70% took multiple trips, up from 65% in October 2022 and significantly higher than the 49% recorded in November 2020. Rise in Environmental Awareness While environmental concerns haven’t deterred travel for most (only 7% non-flyers cited it as a reason), they have undoubtedly captured public attention. Compared to five years ago, the share of passengers worried about the environmental impact of flights has surged from 44% to a significant 76%. However, passenger satisfaction with their flying experiences paints a contrasting picture. Since the survey’s inception in 2016, overall satisfaction has steadily declined, currently sitting at 79%. This drop is particularly pronounced among older flyers (down from 86% to 78% in 2019-2023) and passengers with disabilities (down from 82% to 74% in the same period). The Importance of Digital Accessibility Interestingly, this dip in satisfaction aligns with passengers’ digital confidence. Those comfortable using electronic devices remained a consistent 80% satisfied in 2023, while less digitally confident flyers saw their satisfaction fall from 71% to 66%. This highlights the need for increased digital accessibility across the aviation sector, as airlines and airports increasingly rely on online platforms for passenger engagement. “The rise in air travel among younger generations and the return to frequent flying are positive signs for the industry’s recovery,” comments Anna Bowles, Head of Consumer at the CAA. “However, the decline in overall satisfaction underscores the need for airlines to better understand and meet passenger expectations.” Bowles further emphasizes the importance of inclusivity, stating, “The survey reveals a gap in travel confidence among older passengers and those with disabilities.” “In the face of digital advancements, it’s crucial that no passenger is left behind by the evolving aviation landscape.” CAA Survey Conclusion The UK CAA Aviation Consumer Survey serves as a valuable reminder to the industry that passenger experience and accessibility must remain top priorities. By addressing passengers’ concerns and ensuring all demographics feel welcome and supported, the aviation sector can solidify its post-pandemic recovery and embrace a future of inclusive and sustainable travel. “The findings of the Aviation Consumer Survey are a timely reminder to industry that accessibility must remain a priority across the board, and that we will continue to hold airlines and airports to account to protect consumers,” concludes Anna Bowles. Did you know AviationSource has two newsletters? One covers the general news and analysis of the industry as a whole, and the other to do with emergencies that take place throughout the year! To subscribe to our General News Newsletter, CLICK HERE! To subscribe to our Emergencies, Accidents & Incidents Newsletter, CLICK HERE! Click the photo to join our WhatsApp channel so then you can stay up to date with everything going on in the aviation industry!
Rene Furterer - Karite Nutri - Dry Hair Repair Ritual This complex is an excellent collection to repair dry or over-processed, damaged hair. A full cycle treatment set to repair - 90%FELT HAIR WAS - 96%FELT SCALP WAS *SATISFACTION TEST. 70 WOMEN AFTER 15 DAYS OF USE. 1. Rene Furterer - Karite Nutri - Intense Nourishing Oil (100 ml) With a reviving blend of Shea butter, Shea oil, Cimentrio complex and Phospholipids, this pre-shampoo treatment for very dry, damaged hair and scalps moisturizes, protects and fortifies strands while improving softness and shine. 2. Rene Furterer - Karite Nutri - Intense nourishing shampoo (200 ml) A rich, gentle cleansing shampoo that intensely nourishes and restructures very dry, damaged scalp and hair. Repaired and revived, parched tresses are left soft and manageable. 3. Rene Furterer - Karite Nutri - Intense Nourishing Mask (100 ml) This rich, deep conditioning mask nourishes and repairs very dry hair. In-depth restructuring reveals healthier, softer and more manageable hair. 4. Rene Furterer - Karite Nutri - No-rinse nutritive concentrate (100 ml) This rich leave-in treatment deeply repairs and protects very dry hair lengths for softer, shinier and healthier hair. A byproduct of the shea butter extraction process, this oil is comprised of 80% essential fatty acids along with vitamins A, D and E. Ideal for dry hair, it replenishes hydration while forming a weightless coating that helps lock in moisture. Sustainably and ethically sourced from West Africa and extracted from the nuts of the shea tree, this nutrient-dense and exceptionally hydrating ingredient feature high concentrations of essential fatty acids and antioxidants that help minimize environmental damage. Used by René Furterer for more than 30 years, the company established the Karité Ethique network in 2012 to maintain the highest quality and harvesting standards. WHEN WILL MY ORDER SHIP? The usual time for processing an order is 48 hours (2 business days), but may vary depending on the availability of products ordered. Delivery is Monday to Friday, between 8 am and 5 pm local time. If you are not home to accept delivery, a delivery notification card with further details will be issued. In some cases, smaller shipments made by courier may be left at your door. OUT OF STOCK: Due to delay in stock synchronization and supply chain delays some items cannot be available immediately. If items are out of stock or back-ordered, a follow-up email will be sent to you with an estimated time of delivery. If your order contains a combination of available products and out of stock products, we will ship the entire order once all products are back in stock. WHERE CAN I HAVE MY ORDER SHIPPED? We are currently only offering standard ground shipping service within the Canada and United States. Deliveries can only be made to locations with a street address or rural route number with a postal code or zip code. HOW DO I TRACK MY PACKAGE? Once your package has been shipped, a tracking number will be provided on your Shipping Confirmation email. All orders shipped by Canada Post can be tracked via the delivery provider's website http://www.canadapost.ca
Metrotown Naturopathic and Acupuncture This is a Naturopathic clinic and an Acupuncture clinic serving Burnaby and surrounding areas. We are currently accepting new patients. I am a Naturopathic Physician serving both Vancouver and Burnaby. I help patients to take control of their health with natural, non-invasive therapies. Burnaby is a city in the Lower Mainland region of British Columbia, Canada. Located in the centre of the Burrard Peninsula, it neighbours the City of Vancouver to the west, the District of North Vancouver across the confluence of the Burrard Inlet with its Indian Arm to the north, Port Moody and Coquitlam to the east, New Westminster and Surrey across the Fraser River to the southeast, and Richmond on the Lulu Island to the southwest. Burnaby was incorporated in 1892 and achieved its city status in 1992. A member municipality of Metro Vancouver, it is British Columbia's third-largest city by population (after Vancouver and Surrey), and is the seat of Metro Vancouver's regional district government. The main campuses of Simon Fraser University and the British Columbia Institute of Technology are located in Burnaby. Barnet Marine Park, Beecher Park, Bell Park, Brentwood, Brentwood Park, Buckingham Heights, Burnaby Fraser Foreshore Park, Burnaby Heights, Burnaby Heights BIA, Burnaby Lake Regional Park, Burnaby Mountain Conservation Area, Burnaby Neighbourhood House (North House), Burnaby Neighbourhood House (South House), Burnaby Park & Picnic Sites, Burrard Inlet Conservation Area
KRALENDIJK – A film crew from the educational youth program Het Klokhuis of NTR recently spent some days on Bonaire for recordings to be used in a program about oceans. Presenter Janouk Kelderman, together with project leader of the World Wildlife Fund Stacey Mac Donald, went to places such as Klein Bonaire, Bari reef and Margate Bay. Sea Turtle Conservation Bonaire (STCB) filmed a nest on Klein Bonaire where baby turtles were led out to sea. Healthy coral was filmed by the crew, but also the project of Reef Renewal Bonaire where baby corals are planted in areas where there is no more coral. With Clean Coast Bonaire garbage was collected and the problem of garbage on the costs as discussed. Recordings also took place at Mangrove Maniacs, where the role of mangroves as the nursery of reef life was filmed. The program featuring Bonaire will be aired in early 2022.
What’s the Latest? By most scientific accounts, the world’s governments have been too slow to react to climate change. The idea of slowing economic growth to combat carbon emissions has proven too unpalatable. Refraining from eating meat, equally so, even though livestock farming accounts for 18 percent of global carbon emissions. But what if humans could be biologically engineered so the taste of meat became repulsive? Matthew Liao, director of the Bioethics Programme at New York University, says: “We can artificially induce intolerance to red meat by stimulating the immune system against common bovine proteins.” Imagine a medical aid similar to a nicotine patch that made you sick if you ate red meat. What’s the Big Idea? Nearly all of our solutions to combating climate change have focused on alleviating secondary causes, but what about humans’ insatiable desire for more consumption, more food, more transportation–more everything? Other physical modifications could limit how much we demand from the planet’s natural resources. For example, were humans just six inches shorter, we would have 25 percent less mass to carry around with us, resulting in substantially less energy consumption. Modified eyes could allows us to see better in the dark, meaning less electricity use, and covering our skin in chlorophyll would allow us to take energy directly from the sun. What a brave new world that would be. Read more at BBC Future Photo credit: Shutterstock
SURF / FREERIDE / STRAPLESS The Spirit Surf 1500 is the combination of years of design and experience in the water. The huge wing makes foiling easy, you can ride with a smaller kite, or just get foiling before everyone else. Massive amounts of lift are produced by the profile, and the stall speed is so low you’ll think it’s floating. The Spirit Surf is forgiving and allows you to learn the basics quickly; it’s also great fun to ride in the waves, keeping the top speed down so you can harness the power of the wave rather than use the kite. The connection of the aluminium mast ensures the best connection for the mast into the top plate and fuselage. The connection is important for the transmission from your feet to the foil, giving you total control. A new 250 sqcm back wing delivers an incredible surf feeling. The whole system is modular, and you can run different mast and wing configurations for various conditions. The wing is big enough that an experienced surf foiler will be able to prone paddle into some waves and it will also work as a wing foil set up with the right board. This makes it an incredibly versatile piece of equipment that will spend far more time in the water than in the garage! If you want a wing with more lift and stability than you could imagine then the Spirit Surf 1500 is it! EXCELLENT LIFT AND POWER THE BEST LIFT OF THE RANGE WITH PLENTY OF POWER. INCREDIBLE WHITE WATER STABILITY EVEN IN WHITE WATER THE SURF 1500 STAYS STABLE AND GUARANTEEING ENDLESS FLIGHTS. PRONE SURF AND WING FOILING CAPABLE MOST VERSATILE SURF WING, COMPATIBLE FOR KITE-SURFING, SURFING AND WING FOILING. UNRIVALLED LOW-END RANGE HUGE LOW-END WHICH GETS YOU UP IN NO SWELL AND NO WIND. CARBON FRONT AND BACK WING ULTRALIGHT CARBON WINGS FOR THE BEST PERFORMANCE. FUSION FIT SYSTEM THE INNOVATIVE FUSION FIT SYSTEM FOR A BOMB PROOF AND STIFF CONNECTION. BASEPLATE – MAST CONNECTION The baseplate to mast connection is truly unique. It is glued and screwed to make sure it’s the most rigid connection possible. This technique offers the feeling of a one piece carbon construction, eliminating swing and adjustment problems. Formula 1 aluminium fusion technology, Made in Germany, the guarantee for the best performance possible. FUSELAGE BACK WING CONNECTION The fuselage back wing connection now has redesigned screw positions compared to last season, avoiding twisting of the back wing a supporting a firm hold without any deformation. Wedges can be used to adjust the back wing to your personal preference. A completely new aluminium fuselage with pocket for the best and easiest mast connection. MAST – FUSELAGE CONNECTION The mast is connected to an aluminium fuselage through a clean pocket connection, improving steering impulse transmission a lot. Special screws are the guarantee for a bomb proof connection and stainless steel helicoil thread inserts make sure it´s a connection made to last. FUSELAGE FRONT WING CONNECTION Nothing more annoying than if your gear is not working, so avoiding any hassle, the fuselage to front wing is a very clever one, which can be attached and detached without using any heavy tools like a hammer. The form avoids abrasion and the large mounting area allows a maximum of load spread. The 30° layup is responsible for maximum bending and a very high torsional stiffness, the key to maximum performance. Using the best materials, the result is a durable lightweight construction.
Every Friday, we release our favorite faith and climate stories from the week. We highlight achievements in climate solutions and effective climate communicating to people of faith. We feature helpful tips and strategies for you to implement in your faith community and stories to inspire everyone. Every week we'll let you know about upcoming events in the faith and climate community, including a special glimpse into our weekly blog which publishes here every Tuesday morning at 8 a.m. (ET). Email Ryan Smith with questions, comments or to be featured in next week's roundup. This week in faith and climate news... Coming Up in Faith and Climate... Next week, the Blessed Tomorrow blog will examine the complicated role of science in climate communications and explains why we shouldn't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Sign up to get Blessed Tomorrow's weekly blog delivered directly to your inbox every Tuesday at 8 a.m. (ET). Stay connected and get updates from Blessed Tomorrow.Subscribe
Join the Bluebonnet Case community Named after the Texas state flower, Bluebonnet is on a mission to bring color, joy and sustainability to Apple tech accessories. Get a 15% commission on each sale! We're looking for partners who want to be part of our journey to becoming the #1 Apple accessories brand in the world. - Affiliate marketing - Discount codes - Usage rights
Calvert Impact is a global nonprofit investment firm that helps all types of investors and financial professionals invest in solutions that people and our planet need. We're proud of our 25+ year track record of providing positive social and environmental impact and financial returns — without compromising either. We don't just avoid harmful industries, we proactively finance solutions to climate change and inequality around the world. Calvert Impact channels investments to high impact organizations that you won't find in the S&P 500. From renewable energy funds providing affordable solar products in Sub-Saharan Africa to small business lenders targeting underserved populations in the US, our investments advance environmental solutions and economic justice. Our products and services include: Community Investment Note Portfolio Our Annual Impact 149.9 million clients served, 66% women 25.1 million metric tons CO2 reduced 84 borrowers in 113 countries Indigenous communities often shoulder a disproportionate burden when it comes to the impacts of climate change and are also one of the first groups to feel the effects of a changing climate. While they only make up a small percentage of the US population and a comparatively small contribution of total planet-warming emissions, Indigenous communities have long been at the forefront of the clean energy transition and efforts to implement climate solutions. For the Lumbee Regional Development Association (LRDA) – a private nonprofit in Pembroke, North Carolina, founded by tribal leaders seeking to bring much-needed social, educational, and economic services to Lumbee members – going solar will deliver meaningful cost savings that will be reinvested into their community in the form of education and workforce development programs. In partnership with Eagle Solar and Light, Sunwealth developed solar on top of LRDA’s roof, which is the first solar installation on a building associated with a state recognized tribe in North Carolina. This installation will reduce 1,826 tons of carbon over its lifetime, save $51,000 in lifetime energy, and generate 76 kW of clean power.Read More The Forest Resilience Bond funds a forest restoration project protecting 15,000 acres of forestland in the North Yuba River, CA watershed using ecologically based tree thinning, meadow restoration, prescribed burning, and invasive species management—all specifically designed to reduce the risk of severe fire, improve watershed health, and protect water resources.Read More Carlos Ochoa has worked in agriculture for over 20 years as a farmer and owns the Santa Rosa farm in Peru. His entire family, including his four children, are dedicated to agriculture as farming is the family tradition. Before purchasing the farmland using his savings, Carlos rented the property. Today the farm employs about 40 workers during harvesting season. Carlos explained the challenges of farming and how he became a mango farmer. “Before, I grew rice, and now I grow mangos. Before there was more water, so we sowed rice, all of this area was filled with rice paddies. Now, we have water shortages and because of that I grow mangos instead and the entire harvest is exported to Europe and Asia.” “For the future, I hope to keep growing trees and maintaining the soil quality, and perhaps buy a larger fumigation tank. We get loans every year, and it helps us to work and improve the plantation. It helps us to keep it in good condition and improve the furrows and the roads.” Photo credit: Robi Bosch for BlueOrchardRead More At the age of 25, Mr. Guardado achieved the remarkable milestone of becoming a homeowner, a goal he once deemed impossible. At college, he had the opportunity to connect with representatives from Affordable Homes of South Texas, Inc. (AHSTI), who gave him information about their housing programs. He discovered that AHSTI also catered to Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) beneficiaries, which meant he didn't have to delay his aspirations any longer. This opportunity allowed him to take a significant step towards purchasing a home for himself and his family. Mr. Guardado's living situation became urgent, as their current home exposed them to hardships associated with changing weather conditions. Reflecting on his journey, Mr. Guardado described the experience as truly gratifying. As a DACA recipient, he never anticipated receiving such comprehensive assistance and care. He was initially apprehensive about what to expect and admitted to feeling fearful. However, on the day of the closing, he found the whole experience surreal. The prospect of a better life and a brighter future filled him and his family with hope. Mr. Guardado expressed profound gratitude to AHSTI, concluding his interview by saying, "Thank you, AHSTI." This transformative experience has left him more knowledgeable about the responsibilities and joys of homeownership.Read More Bboxx, a next generation utility, is an industry leader and global pioneer of Pay-As-You-Go solar home systems and clean cooking stove solutions. The organization works across the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, Togo, Kenya, Nigeria, and Burkina Faso, improving the accessibility of clean cooking and solar home systems to low-income households. Africa Go Green’s (AGG) loan will help provide accessible commercial solutions to address complexities with distribution and limited customer purchasing power. AGG’s support will contribute to the mitigation of an estimated 760,000 tons of CO2, the equivalent of 150,000 passenger cars driven regularly for a year. Chikuru Bwinika Garcia (above) is a business owner who uses Bboxx Cook to fulfill orders from her clients. With the new Bboxx product, Chikuru can now take orders from her customers in the mornings and have them ready for distribution by the evening.Read More Gender equity, racial justice, climate impact — these are not afterthoughts for us, they are inherent in our investment process and impact measurement and management procedures. Visit our Resources page to learn more.
Flowers often need repotting if they are to grow properly and bloom beautifully. However, can this be done in autumn? And what should you keep in mind? Most potted flowers require regular repotting. It is best to do it in the spring, but this is not a rigid rule. It is assumed that domestic plants can be repotted successfully until early September. Why? Well, flowers should not be repotted in late autumn and winter, as they are then in a period of dormancy. Although there are varieties of flowers that are repotted in autumn, as their dormancy period falls in summer. When it comes to repotting flowers, the important rule is that the older they are, the less often we repot them. In the case of small pots, it is recommended to repot once a year, when it comes to larger ones – once every few years. Of course, the most important thing is the species of the plant and its preferences and growth rate. If, after the flowers gently come out of the pot, you notice that the roots have formed a compact clump, this is a sign that the plant should be repotted. However, you need to remember that the pot should be only a little larger (on average by 1-2 cm). Sometimes it is not necessary to change the pot, it is enough to replace the substrate. This applies mainly to flowers that grow better in small containers. In autumn, tulips, narcissi, hyacinths, crocuses, sapphires, snowdrops and other bulb flowers are planted (but not transplanted). It is best to do this before frost, by early October, as then they will have time to root. When repotting potted flowers, remember to gently remove them from the pot. Beforehand, it is a good idea to water the plant quite abundantly, so that it will be easier to remove it. It is very important not to let the roots of the flowers come out through the holes located at the bottom of the container in which they grow. If this already happens, the roots should not be pulled out, it is better to cut the pot or break it (depends on what it is made of). Before the flower is placed in a new pot, the roots should be lightly shaken out of the ground. In the case of roots that are rotten, dried, torn – it is worth trimming them, and sprinkle the place with activated carbon. We put the flower in a new pot, sprinkle it with soil, slightly knead it, water it generously. Many people immediately add fertilizers and conditioners – this is a mistake, transplanted flowers should be fertilized after a few weeks. If you notice that a white film, or lime deposit, has formed on the surface of the potting soil, this is a sign that you are watering your flowers with hard water and need to repot them. It can also mean that the soil in which the plant is growing is not suitable for it. In this case, it should be repotted as soon as possible – regardless of the season. main photo: unsplash.com/Kenny Eliason
- Programs & Events - Waterwise Landscaping Going waterwise can bring beauty, blooms, birds, and butterflies to our homes and community spaces. Learn how with us. Choosing one or more exciting themes for your space can make planning easier and more fun. Explore our top choices. Learning the ins and outs of waterwise or California native plant gardening is key to setting yourself up for success and enjoying the process. Special features can help take your space to the next level. Shade, water features, places to picnic, and more. Groundwater Guardians: Youth Volunteer Cohort A Program For Students To Spread The Word About Water Conservation Joining our youth volunteer cohort means becoming an Ambassador for the Chino Groundwater Basin and the Waterwise Community Center. Ambassadors are required to attend training meetings and volunteer at community events as Waterwise Community Center representatives, helping inform our community about the importance of our groundwater. Please submit your application by EOD Monday August 21st, 2023 to be considered for the 2023-24 cohort! Limited to 7th–12th grade students living or attending school within our service area. Ambassadors will receive community service hours and a $200 scholarship for their contributions The cohort will run from September 2023 to June 2024. Requirements for the cohort include: -Attendance at training (Sept 16th, 9am-12pm) and monthly meetings (3rd Thursday of the month, 3:30-5:15pm) -Presenting at our Open House (March 21st, 2024) -Volunteering at two tabling opportunities -One community presentation Questions can be sent to email@example.com Community Volunteer Program For Adults And Youth 13 And Over With Guardian Help us care for and expand our California native plantings by working with our team in the park and demonstration garden at our headquarters in Montclair. Volunteer days include a brief talk about what is going on in the landscape during the time of year, an introduction and demonstration showing the day’s landscape-care activities, such as weeding, pruning, mulching, hand watering, and occasionally planting, and more. With your help, we can reinvigorate the land while increasing the habitat for local birds, butterflies, and pollinators, all of which help make this an even more special place for the community to enjoy and find inspiration. We look forward to working alongside you! Volunteer days take place on the 1st Saturday of most months from 9:00 a.m. to noon. You aren’t required to stay the full 3 hours if you need to leave early, but please try to arrive prior to 9:00 a.m. to participate in the orientation and tutorial part of the day. Volunteers must be at least 18 years old or 13 to 17 years old and accompanied by a parent or guardian who will also be actively participating. Everyone will be asked to sign a liability waiver online or in person on their first day volunteering. We meet in the native landscape area west of the parking lot. You will be able to see us from the lot. For Students And Recent Graduates Gain Professional Experience While Contributing To Our Mission Of Building A Water-Resilient And Watershed-Literate Community We offer paid internships in California native plants and waterwise horticulture, landscape water–conservation programs, K-12 science education, and community outreach. Be In The Know Sign Up For Our Monthly Newsletter We will never share your information with another party or use it to send spam.
𝐇𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐫: 𝐒𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐄𝐧𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐝 𝐄𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐒𝐚𝐟𝐞𝐭𝐲 Introducing our cutting-edge Human Presence Sensor, a game-changer in smart automation technology. This innovative sensor is designed to detect human presence and movement, revolutionizing the way we interact with our surroundings. With its advanced features and seamless integration, the Human Presence Sensor offers enhanced efficiency, convenience, and safety in various applications. 𝐒𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: Embrace the power of smart automation with our Human Presence Sensor. It detects human presence in a room and triggers connected devices like lights, thermostats, and smart appliances, creating a truly automated and energy-efficient home environment. 𝐄𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐲 𝐄𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐲: Our sensor eliminates the need for manual control, ensuring that lights and devices are only activated when necessary. Say goodbye to wasted energy and hello to significant cost savings on utility bills. 𝐂𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐲: With adjustable sensitivity settings, the Human Presence Sensor can be tailored to suit your specific needs. Customize the detection range and timing according to your preference, providing a personalized smart experience. 𝐄𝐧𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐝 𝐒𝐚𝐟𝐞𝐭𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐲: The sensor’s ability to detect human presence adds an extra layer of security to your home or office. Receive instant notifications if unexpected movement is detected, keeping you informed and in control. 𝐍𝐨𝐧-𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧: Our Human Presence Sensor boasts a sleek and compact design that seamlessly blends into any environment. It is discreet and non-intrusive, ensuring that your interior aesthetics remain unaffected. 𝐁𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐀𝐩𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬: Beyond homes, the Human Presence Sensor finds valuable applications in commercial spaces. Optimize energy usage in offices, retail stores, and public facilities, contributing to a greener and more sustainable future. 𝐄𝐚𝐬𝐲 𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: Our Human Presence Sensor is designed for easy installation, making it accessible to everyone. No complicated setup or wiring is required – simply place or mount the sensor, and it’s ready to enhance your smart home or business. Embrace the future of automation with our Human Presence Sensor. Experience the convenience, efficiency, and safety it brings to your smart home or business. Upgrade to smart living and take control of your environment like never before. Embrace the power of technology with our advanced Human Presence Sensor today. 𝐅𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: Real-time detection of whether someone exists, micro-motion detection, motion detection within a certain range. 𝐀𝐜𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐲𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐜: ➜Static human presence This product uses advanced millimeter wave radar technology to accurately detect whether there are people in the area, whether they are moving or stationary. ➜Accurate recognition and wide range of perception ➜Subtle human or animal movements Built-in multiple people and precision sensors, the presence of people in the room can be accurately identified through the MFA intelligence algorithm. ➜Conical detection range, applicable to room area of 6-25 square meters, induction angle of 90 degrees. The diameter of the human sensing range is about 3m (installation height is 3m, ground projection). ➜It can create intelligent scenes together with Smart switches, lamps, curtains and other intelligent products to achieve energy saving, environmental protection, security alarms and other functions. ➜With other intelligent devices, it can realize rich automation and scene control. Make intelligent hardware respond faster and control more smoothly. It can still be used even if the network is disconnected. 𝐃𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐡𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐏𝐈𝐑 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐫: ➜PIR infrared sensors can only detect human motion, but cannot detect when people are still, and the false alarm is serious. ➜The human presence sensor adopts the principle of radar microwave and has the functions of human presence, human stillness, human micro-motion and human motion detection. 𝐃𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐚𝐥: 24Ghz mmWave Doppler radar 𝐃𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞: 3m 𝐃𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐞: 90° 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐨𝐜𝐨𝐥: WIFI 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐓𝐲𝐩𝐞: Router 𝐏𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐧𝐩𝐮𝐭: 5V 1A 𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐝: flat / ceiling mounted
Heating Maintenance in Indianapolis To avoid inconvenient breakdowns in your heating system, regular heating and furnace maintenance is critical. For all your heating maintenance needs in the Indianapolis area, contact Chapman Heating, Air Conditioning & Plumbing online, or call (317) 620-8622. Our expert HVAC contractors can provide quality service and help you reap the benefits of a well-maintained furnace when winter rolls around. Benefits of Furnace Maintenance Regular furnace maintenance provides several important benefits beyond just extending the lifespan of your furnace. These include lowering your energy bill by up to 30 percent, detecting potential dangers like gas or carbon monoxide leaks, maintaining your furnace’s warranty, and improving overall function. Our priority is guaranteeing your utmost comfort and well-being in the winter season. Through regular furnace tune-ups, you will always return to a warm and inviting home throughout the colder months. Trust us to keep your heating system in optimal condition! For heating and furnace maintenance in Indianapolis, call Chapman at (317) 620-8622 or contact us online. What Does Furnace Maintenance Include? If you’re wondering what furnace maintenance includes, here’s what you can expect your technician to do during their visit: - Examine vents for leaks or blockages - Inspect the heat exchanger for damage - Test the blower access door for a tight seal - Check the burner for proper ignition and test the flame sensor - Lubricate the motor’s moving parts - Inspect and clean the blower and components There are various steps involved in maintaining your heating system. We also work on gas furnaces, heat pump repair and maintenance, and a variety of other heating services. Our Chapman HVAC contractors are happy to answer any questions you may have during their visit. Call us at (317) 620-8622 or contact us online to schedule your furnace tune-up in Indianapolis, Lebanon, Fishers, or surrounding areas. How Often Should You Get a Furnace Tune-Up? You should get a furnace tune-up at least once a year. For your annual furnace tune-up, we suggest reaching out to Chapman in the fall. By scheduling maintenance before using your heater for the first time in the winter, our experts can detect and address any potential furnace or gas furnace repair problems before they become bigger and more expensive to fix. To learn more about our furnace repair and maintenance services, contact Chapman Heating, Air Conditioning & Plumbing today. High-Quality HVAC Company in Indianapolis Chapman is your top HVAC company in Indianapolis for furnace and heating services. Our team is dedicated to excellence and constantly improving our skills, always staying up to date on the latest industry practices. You can trust us to provide honest, professional HVAC services at an affordable price! Contact us today to schedule an appointment. Financing Options Available At Chapman, we understand how important a functioning HVAC system is for your home. This is why we offer flexible financing options to help you take care of your new HVAC purchase, so you can get back to taking care of what matters most to you. A well-maintained HVAC system can save you from having to invest in costly repairs down the road. Learn more about our priority maintenance services.
The material wastage is the major problem in construction that affects the project cost significantly. Some material wastages like bricks that could be reusable for brick bat coba, and some can’t be reused again in construction. However, we can not completely stop the wastages from happening while working, but we can control it. Every quantity surveyor will add some permissible wastages while estimating materials to know the construction cost. But it does not mean that we could waste up to those allowable limits. These wastages are not only added for workmanship but also for environmental factors. The construction works are measured as per the IS code 1200, but the allowable percentage of wastages has not explained anywhere. There are no IS codes for estimating the wastages. The allowable wastages for major construction materials have been listed below for estimation as per practical experience. Wastage Permissible Limit of Construction Materials Possibilities of wastage |2% to 3.5% |Due to the fineness of cement, it may fly away by air when cement mixes with the other ingredients. |8% to 12% |The sand is sieved for plastering work and other finishing works. So some coarser sand will be neglected while sieving and some particles are dropped off during transportation. |5% to 8% |During transportation, the coarse aggregates pieces may drop off. |3.5% to 5% |The steel wastages happen while cutting and bending steel for reinforcement, but we can utilize those steel wastages. When the steel length is below 1m, then it is considered as wastage. |10% to 15% |The structural wastages happen when cutting and bending the steel plate or sections at fabrication. |2% to 3% |Some bricks may break during transportation. It also purposefully divided into two pieces for ease of work. |3% to 5% |The soil particles may fly away during transportation and filling. |Tile wastages happen rarely. Tiles may be broken while transportation and also may break while working. |8% to 15% |The granite may be broken while transportation and may break while working. |2% to 3% |The paint may fall off while applying on the wall, but proper work manners can control it. |The wood piece is carved for a smooth surface finish and fixed out correctly on doors or windows. |5% to 8% |The shuttering boards are cut and carved at the proper shape to pour the concrete. It could be controllable. |1% to 5% |The concrete wastage happens while pouring on the shuttering area, but well work manners may control it. |1% to 2% |The mortar may fall off while applying on the wall, and the wastage mortar should be cleaned after completion work else it may harden, and we have to chisel out to remove the mortar. Happy Learning 🙂
Sonoma State University Date Written: August 25, 2018 Climate models predict that rising atmospheric CO2 will simultaneously warm the troposphere and cool the stratosphere. This combination of tropospheric warming and stratospheric cooling is found in the observational data over a period of rising atmospheric CO2. Although strong correlations between these time series are found in the source data, the correlations do not survive into the detrended series at annual or five-year time scales. The absence of detrended correlation implies that the correlations seen in the source data derive from shared trends and not from responsiveness at annual or five-year time scales. The results are inconsistent with the theory that rising atmospheric CO2 simultaneously warms the troposphere and cools the lower stratosphere.
The winter in Severna Park, Maryland, is nothing short of unpredictable. With temperatures constantly fluctuating, it can be difficult to maximize energy efficiency while still keeping your home comfortable. However, you shouldn’t fret. With these handy energy-saving tips, you can stay cozy without having to throw money down the drain. Here are a few of the best ways to cut energy costs in your home. Set the Thermostat Correctly Correct thermostat use is crucial for saving energy during winter, yet many persons fail to recognize its importance. According to the Department of Energy, you can save 10 percent on your energy bill simply by turning the thermostat down seven to ten degrees for eight hours a day. While this may seem like a lot, it typically coincides with your workday, so you won’t even notice the difference. If you struggle with remembering to adjust the temperature, a smart thermostat works wonders. You can even program them remotely using any internet-enabled device. Grab a Caulking Gun Another inexpensive and easy way to save money and eliminate drafts is to seal cracks around door and window frames. It’s important to use a high-quality caulk, as it will last longer and provide better insulation. To identify sources of air leaks, all you have to do is walk around your home and conduct a visual inspection or feel for drafts. Get a Tuneup for Your Heating System One of the best ways to ensure that your heating system isn’t costing more than it should is to get it professionally evaluated and tuned up before you put it to use. HVAC professionals will perform various maintenance tasks that will keep your system operating at top efficiency, and also reduce the likelihood of a future breakdown. With these energy-saving tips, you can remain comfortable in your home while you weather out the winter. To schedule a tuneup with Coastal Heating and Air Conditioning, give us a call today at 410-919-0110. We’ll make sure your furnace is ready for the extra workload and help you to avoid emergencies. Image provided by Shutterstock
Carol Steingart is an AWARD WINNING marine science educator who has been leading intertidal programs for over 25 years. Carol, also known as “Coastal Carol,” fell in love with the marine world when she first went to the Shoals Marine Laboratory as an undergraduate at the University of New Hampshire in 1977. Having grown up on the flat, sandy beaches of Long Island, NY, she was immediately captivated by the rocky shoreline of Maine and the critters under the rocks. After working in the freshwater streams of New Hampshire in the 70s, and in the music recording engineering field in the 80s, she returned to her passion in the tide pools of Maine when she was asked to bring in some sea creatures to her daughter’s second grade class. Her presentation on tide pool critters was so good, the teachers asked her back year after year. Today, Carol offers unique intertidal excursions on the Maine coast to small groups and brings the tide pools to schools and other locations. Carol’s favorite marine creature is the horseshoe crab. Her passion for horseshoe crabs comes out in her special program offerings and excursions featuring these “prehistoric helmets of the sea.” Carol holds a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Conservation from the University of New Hampshire. She is a lifetime member of the National Marine Educators Association and was the 2022 award recipient for marine education excellence. Carol is also past-president and lifetime member of the Gulf of Maine Marine Education Association. She holds a Maine state license to collect intertidal organisms for educational purposes. Whether she is leading excursions to the rocky shore or carting intertidal critters to classrooms, libraries, assisted living facilities, or parties, kids and grown-ups love Carol’s enthusiastic approach to hands-on learning. Hands-on learning with live ocean creatures fosters a lasting and heartfelt connection, which then becomes the springboard for advocacy. To create unique educational opportunities that connect people of all ages to the natural world of coastal ecosystems, and provide hands-on learning experiences along the way.
In today’s fast-paced academic and professional landscapes, maintaining focus and managing time effectively are more important than ever. This is where Pomodoro apps come into play, offering a structured approach to productivity that can make a significant difference in how we tackle our tasks. Originating from the Pomodoro Technique, developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s, this method involves breaking work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks. It’s a proven strategy to enhance concentration and prevent burnout. In this post, we will explore a variety of Pomodoro apps, each with its unique features and benefits, designed to help you unlock your full potential in studying, work, and personal growth. Pomodor is the epitome of simplicity in the world of Pomodoro timers. Designed as a web-based application, it caters to users who appreciate a straightforward approach to time management. With its primary function centered around the classic Pomodoro Technique — 25 minutes of focused work followed by a 5-minute break — it sticks to the basics without any complicated features. This simplicity extends to its user interface, which is clean and uncluttered, offering a distraction-free environment for users to concentrate on their tasks The charm of Pomodor lies in its ease of use. Users looking for a quick-start solution to time management will find Pomodor to be an ideal choice. There’s no need for lengthy setups or configurations, making it perfect for those who prefer to dive straight into their work without fuss. MarinaraTimer offers a unique spin on the traditional Pomodoro technique by incorporating a shareable timer feature. This web-based application presents users with three modes: the standard Pomodoro timer, a custom timer for those who wish to alter work and break durations, and a kitchen timer for single-duration events. The standout feature of MarinaraTimer is the ability to create a shareable link to your timer, allowing others to join in on your work session. This feature is particularly useful for collaborative projects or group study sessions, ensuring everyone is working in sync. Forest is another powerful Pomodoro app that integrates a unique gamification element into the time management process. Available as a mobile app, Forest motivates users to stay focused by visualizing their efforts through the growth of a virtual tree. Each focused work session allows the tree to grow, while leaving the app to use other phone features results in the tree wilting. The app also contributes to real-world environmental efforts; users earn virtual coins through their focus sessions, which can be used to plant real trees in partnership with tree-planting organizations. 4. Study Bunny: Focus Timer Study Bunny: Focus Timer is a unique and engaging app designed to enhance studying efficiency by timing study sessions and offering motivational advice during breaks. When users struggle to stay focused, hitting pause on the timer provides helpful tips to re-energize and refocus. As users study, they earn coins, which can be used to purchase items or music in the app’s store, adding an element of fun and reward to the learning process. Study Bunny also includes practical productivity tools such as a To-Do list, Flashcards, and a customizable Study Tracker, making it a versatile app for students seeking to optimize their study time. Flipd is a productivity app that offers custom productivity timers to enhance concentration, track progress in various activities with tags, and provides a multitasking mode for background operation. The app’s stats and insights section visualizes progress on a calendar and offers detailed analytics over different time frames, along with motivational badges. Designed to encourage and motivate users, Flipd provides inspiring quotes, rewarding stats, and achievement badges, making it a comprehensive tool for anyone looking to minimize procrastination, stay focused, and effectively manage their time towards achieving their goals. 6. Focus Keeper Focus Keeper is a productivity-enhancing app that utilizes the Pomodoro technique to prevent burnout and maintain high efficiency. It features a simple, intuitive interface and offers customizable focus sessions, goals, and sounds. Users can manage tasks, track progress with insightful charts, and adjust session lengths to suit their needs. The app, available for iPhone and iPad with iCloud support, structures work into 25-minute focused intervals followed by 5-minute breaks, promoting sustained concentration and effective time management. Additional features include a variety of ticking and alarm sounds, background notifications, and widgets, making it an ideal tool for anyone seeking to optimize their work or study habits. MinimaList is an elegantly simple yet feature-rich to-do list app, recently highlighted on the App Store’s home page. It’s a versatile tool for iPhone, iPad, and Mac users, blending the functionality of a to-do list, reminder, checklist, and task manager to help streamline task completion. The app boasts intuitive, color-coded lists for easy organization and offers customizable themes, allowing users to personalize backgrounds and font styles. For collaborative work or shared tasks, MinimaList supports list sharing via Safari links. It enhances productivity with Home Screen and Lock Screen widgets, time-based and location-based reminders, and a focus timer featuring Pomodoro and countdown/count up options. The app includes a smart input feature for automatic reminder setting and offers cloud syncing for seamless access across devices. In conclusion, the world of Pomodoro apps offers a diverse range of tools suited to different preferences and needs. Whether it’s the gamified approach of Study Bunny, the comprehensive focus management of Flipd, or the detailed tracking and customization of Focus Keeper, there’s an app for everyone looking to boost their productivity. These apps not only help in managing time effectively but also encourage a healthier work-life balance by reminding users to take necessary breaks.
Industry: Food & Beverage Products: Backpacking and packaged foods Co-founder and CEO Lillian Hoodes is guiding her outdoor-oriented food manufacturer to healthy growth with tasty, better-for-you recipes. The prepackaged, dehydrated meal has long been a staple for campers and backpackers, but the category hasn’t changed much since it emerged in the 1960s. But Hoodes is upending tradition with TrailFork. Two years after launch, the company’s products are in 60 outdoor stores across the nation, showing there’s room for growth and innovation in the industry. The vegetarian, dehydrated backpacking meals also boast the industry’s only compostable bags. TrailFork is now in an accelerator program after raising $500,000 through a seed round at SeedInvest as it seeks to grow into more outlets, including grocery stores, with plans to expand into a manufacturing facility. In other words, Hoodes has a lot on her plate. “I saw the need as a consumer myself for a better-for-you option,” she says. “I am sort of a foodie myself and there wasn’t anything on the market that I felt good about eating, and there was also not anything on the market that satisfied my demand to minimize my own environmental impact. So what we’re trying to offer to consumers is a better-for-the-consumer option in terms of health and nutritional profile and a way for these folks who are moving out to places like Salt Lake City or people who are vacationing in wilderness spaces to just become more cognizant of the impact they’re having.” Hoodes says that many legacy players in the space have traditionally offered meals that weren’t the best for hikers and backpackers. The nutritional profiles of many foods were high in sodium and low in protein and healthy fats. “It was basically trail junk food, dehydrated junk food,” she asserts, noting that she’s starting to see some changes with companies using better ingredients. “But I didn’t find that anything was specifically designed for somebody who’s spending a lot of time in the backcountry.” While a typical meal at home might be 400 calories, that’s not enough for someone who’s been out all day hiking. “If you’re out on the trail, you’re probably at altitude, you might have been hiking for 10 miles, you’re carrying a pack. Your nutritional requirements are just a lot more significant and in our meals the portions are quite large . . . between 500 and 700 calories,” Hoodes says. “The protein content is really high. Some of the meals are close to 30 grams of protein per serving and they’re just much more designed for somebody who’s actually spending time outside and needs a lot of fuel.” The company sources ingredients from U.S.-based companies, including one in Arvada. Its plant-based proteins include oats, soy, and chia, but the company is experimenting with other sources as well. “We know a lot of people have trouble with soy, so we’re experimenting with sunflower seed protein and a couple of other things,” Hoodes says. TrailFork currently rents space in a commissary to produce its meals. It previously used a contract co-packer to mix and package its meals, but brought manufacturing back in-house for a variety of reasons. The company will use some of the money from its seed round to build a kitchen in its warehouse space. “We’d like to be able to manufacture onsite,” Hoodes says. “Largely because renting space in a commissary is more expensive in the long run than us just installing some equipment and doing it ourselves.” However, the bulk of the funding will support marketing and advertising, she adds. “We’re also embarking on a packaging redesign and we’re planning on launching into grocery soon. And so we’ll be doing the redesign with that in mind.” The foray into grocery will start with breakfasts at natural foods retailers and grow into other categories at the mass-market level. “Although I do think that we have appeal in wider grocery, we just want to start with a really small targeted market, make sure that our velocity is what we wanted it to be, and then expand from there,” says Hoodes. TrailFork has also supported thru-hikers on their trips after some hikers reached out to the company to see if it could ship food and other supplies to them on the trail; some of these customers placed orders on the site, while others shipped boxes to the company’s headquarters that TrailFork then sent with food to certain addresses. “What we’re going to try to do is actually facilitate that and we’ll be doing that as a pilot program in 2020,” Hoodes says. “We’re seeking five participants and then with that data and experience will sort of formalize the program with a planned launch in 2021.” The shipments could include replacement clothing and footwear as well as food, she explains. “We will be the only food company offering that sort of thing.” Challenges: “Figuring out the sweet spot between growing quickly and in a way that’s exciting and kind of keeps the fire burning, but then also managing that growth so that we don’t get overextended,” Hoodes says. Opportunities: Hoodes points to broad food trends that dovetail into TrailFork’s business model: “I think the opportunity is that the American consumer is simultaneously eating more quickly and tastily, and they’re also more savvy in terms of the food that they’re consuming, and there’s a bit of white space in the market in terms of a product that will fit both.” Needs: “We are growing quickly and we need capital to support that growth,” Hoodes says. “That and sales support — not just getting into a store and establishing an account, but making sure the product moves.”
Rothstein Publishing is offering Business Continuity professionals a free chapter – How Can Enterprise Security Risk Management Help YOUR Security Program? – from Brian J. Allen, Esq. and Rachelle Loyear’s breakthrough book, Enterprise Security Risk Management: Concepts and Applications. As a security professional, have you found that you and others in your company do not always define security the same way? Have your security interests and business interests have become misaligned? Perhaps, by viewing security through a risk management lens, Enterprise Security Risk Management (ESRM) can help make you and your security program successful. In this complimentary chapter from Allen and Loyear’s book, they detail this new approach, where you’ll: - Explore how security has traditionally been viewed both inside and outside of the security profession. - Understand how ESRM can change the perception of security in your enterprise to help you better communicate the value of security risk management. - See how ESRM is the best methodology to meet the changing global security risk climate. Click here to learn more and download the chapter at no charge.
Around 8500 B.C., the agricultural revolution changed the game. Human beings discovered methods to grow and store food at will, allowing for population expansion, resource management and the first opportunity to reliably plan societal development. Since day one, we have exponentially improved the tools we use and the crops we grow. Examples include domesticated animals, dry seed, irrigation, the modern till, and the internal combustion engine, all producing incredible gains in efficiency . More recently, technology has deeply permeated the processes we implement to maximize crop yield, land efficiency and nutrition content. Now, we produce enough food worldwide to feed 9 billion people and manage to waste 20% of our production along the way. Clearly we have much more ground to gain in terms of minimizing average waste and maximizing yield; however, the technological age has only accelerated our innovation discovery and distribution channels worldwide. The Climate Corporation offers farmers visualization and processing software products. Data on soil moisture, nitrogen content, and real-time crop health mix together to give farmers continuous updates on overall yield . As a result, business models for farms have become predictive, instead of responsive. With shorter lead times, farms can react to growing hazards such as nitrogen deficiency and low moisture content that would otherwise ruin an entire harvest. Value is created as the delta between the cost of The Climate Corporation’s FieldView product and the increased revenues due to better yield and crop planning. Reduction in waste costs only augment value capture from wasted labor and mismanaged land. All these gains are made possible by distributed processing power (smartphones, internet, laptop on every farm) and increased planting and harvesting control given to farmers through automated machinery and digital planning. The net result of closing the feedback loop between these devices in the field and the farmer’s database results in smarter seeding, harvesting, watering and fertilizing decisions. Sam Eathington, Climate Corporation’s Chief Science Officer, claims that they have created “the world’s first in-field sensor network for agriculture” . I expect that these innovations and a smart field are just the tip of the iceberg in humanity’s quest to produce enough food to fuel our growing population. As the boundary layer of technological improvement pushes outward, I think The Climate Corporation should begin researching how we will make the next wave of products that will allow farmers to push predicting climate impacts into directing climate impacts. In the face of climate change and so many signs pointing toward an irreversible global warming, The Climate Change’s technologies may be an aggressive hedge against diverging climate circumstances and increasingly adverse conditions for our world’s food supply. The Climate Corporation was acquired in 2013 by Monsanto, a multinational giant in the agribusiness space, largely due to its sales of technologically improved seeds. In a press release from Monsanto, they claimed the acquisition “represents Monsanto investment in supporting farmers by offering them novel options in the way they manage risk on farm – including weather, which is the single biggest risk farmers face on an annual basis” . Other ways that The Climate Corporation’s unique big data approach to farm predictive analytics shakes up agribusiness lies in secondary markets for selling data-driven harvest insurance and supply chain management solutions. The scale of this market is reflected in Monsanto’s bid of $1.1B for The Climate Corporation’s team and intellectual property . As part of Monsanto, the Climate Corporation’s research and development efforts are largely shrouded; however, we can hope that with Monsanto’s deep war chest will only enable further innovation. Combined with Monsanto’s willingness to suffer through public scrutiny in a never-ending quest for a profitable and sustainable future, the Climate Corporation could very well be our foodie-salvation. Before the agricultural revolution, human was at the mercy of the land for food. Before the technological revolution, human had mastered the land; however, remained at the mercy of weather. Now, in the heat of the technological revolution, we have better predictors on the weather and have shortened our response time to climate to the point where we can operate one step ahead of famine. How long will it be before we master our weather as well? Perhaps one day we will drive the climate, instead of responding to it. When that time comes, what choices will we make to be good stewards of our environment? Or will we extract every cent of value from our short term horizons? Our generation of agribusiness leaders will have to feed our future mouths and make these hard choices. The Climate Corporation seems to be leading the charge in the right direction. Word count - A History of Farming. http://www.localhistories.org/farming.html - The Climate Corporation. https://www.climate.com/ - Monsanto Acquires The Climate Corporation. http://www.monsanto.com/features/pages/monsanto-acquires-the-climate-corporation.aspx - Monsanto: The parable of the sower. http://www.economist.com/node/14904184 - Cornell Agriculture Library. http://chla.library.cornell.edu/c/chla/about.html - Silicon Valley Agriculture Start-ups. http://modernfarmer.com/2014/02/10-silicon-valley-agriculture-start-ups/ - Sensors and Connecting the Field. http://www.climateinsights.com/?randomId=xxsU1oUVt2kGR&_ga=1.58251049.2053084627.1479414189
DanAds today proudly announces that we have entered a partnership with the Social Enterprise Mitt Liv. Mitt Liv is a social enterprise working for an inclusive society and a job market that values diversity. Mitt Liv have passionately worked with diversity and inclusion since 2009, based on a strong conviction, a vision of equal opportunities for jobs and equal working conditions for everyone in the Swedish labour market. For DanAds our partnership with Mitt Liv means formalizing our commitment to promote a diverse and healthy workplace, enabling us to take part of all the insights and experience that Mitt Liv has acquired over the years. DanAds engagement is primarily comprised of two parts; sponsoring Mitt Liv and their operations on a yearly basis, and actively participating in “Mitt Livs Chans,” a mentorship programme for individuals with a foreign background who do not have a job befitting their qualifications, contacts and networks. “For us at DanAds, we have always made sure that we are a company open for everyone, no matter background. Everybody deserves a chance, and we take pride in the diverse and highly engaged team we have at DanAds. I personally came to Sweden with my family when I was 14, and I wouldn’t be where I am today without people believing in me and giving me that first opportunity to work and prove myself, so this cause is close to my heart”, says Istvan Beres, CEO at DanAds. About Mitt Liv: Mitt Liv is a social enterprise working for an inclusive society and a job market that values diversity. The way we see it, being a social enterprise means addressing social challenges with innovative solutions based on profitable business practices. Today Mitt Liv operates in Gothenburg, Stockholm, Östergötland (Norrköping and Linköping) and Malmö. Our objectives are not for profit, but profitability and growth are important in order to achieve our socially beneficial goals. We aim to be a social enterprise that generates its own revenue and grows through its own efforts. In this way we can achieve sustainability and the strength and continuity required to bring about major lasting changes to the equality and diversity of the Swedish jobs market. Mitt Liv is a limited liability company with special profit distribution limitations that entail any potential profits being reinvested back into the business. Mitt Liv has no religious or political affiliations. To read more, visit Mitt Livs website
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What Mayor Walsh’s annual address didn’t say about global warming State of the City While they’re in Washington, they ought to give members of both national parties a lesson on public relations, because this bipartisan buddy bit they’re milking in Boston has everyone from lawmakers to dealmakers applauding while everyone else either smiles and nods or pays no attention at all. The issue of homelessness will doubtlessly be tied to the legacy of the mayor’s first years in office, and it’s no surprise that Walsh wants to spin the story. Few things are less democratic than a state of the city, state, or union address. They are subjective greatest hits lists for captive audiences, written by people who are paid to make their bosses shine.
Ruth Morgan’s stark and provocative works at Richmond Art Center highlight climate change’s role in CA wildfires If artist Ruth Morgan’s 10 large-scale photographs currently on display at Richmond Art Center don’t send one’s ticker beating double time or one’s blood boiling, they must go immediately to the ER. They might be in cardiac arrest or have a circulatory system out of whack. “Requiem: The Remains of the Day, August 4, 2021,” is part of RAC’s Spring Season themed environmental justice exhibits. Along with the community-based participatory art project “Fencelines” that addresses environmental issues specific to Richmond, Morgan’s “Requiem” introduces the impact of climate change and the uptick of massive, monumental wildfires in greater California. The full color photographs—nine 40 x 60 inch images and one entry image 56 x 84 inches—document the aftermath of what happened during the summer of 2021 in Greenville. In a mere 45 minutes, the town was completely destroyed by the Dixie Wildfire. The photographs, taken months later and presented in Morgan’s signature large scale format, are not only sizable, but they are in their details compelling, devastating and profoundly moving without being in any way strident. In the stark perspectives and landscapes rendered in full color rather than her signature black-and-white style, Morgan avoids melodrama but manages to create an intensely dramatic vibe that is dignified, respectful, egalitarian, even elegant. Unexpectedly, there is a haunting, eery and quiet beauty to the portrayals. The charred buildings, streets, homesteads and public spaces are entirely devoid of people but resonate with the full tragedy of human lives that have been cast into disarray and a community devastated by wildfire. As a model of visual storytelling and proof of the impact of climate change on real people with real lives, the images themselves hold ironic magnetism. Striking a viewer as a kind of propellant, something visceral, with power equivalent to a wildfire, the accumulative effect instead might spur a person into action that goes far beyond passive observational or unexpressed empathy. Importantly, the facts are these: In less than an hour, the Dixie Fire reduced 100 family homes, a gas station, church, hotel, museum, bar, schools, restaurants and other commercial business to rubble. Over 1,000 residents were displaced; many of them low income, marginalized people whose small homes were likely valued at $30,000 or less. These were not the CEOs of Silicon Valley with multimillion dollar homes and fire insurance to cover any damages and rebuilding costs. Most Greenville residents lost everything they owned, including generations of family photographs and heirlooms. Fortunately, everyone was able to evacuate and no lives were sacrificed. Morgan is widely known in the Bay Area as the founder/director in 1997 of Community Works West, an organization that works directly with people impacted by incarceration and uses art to address issues related to social justice to bring healing and restoration to marginalized communities. She recently retired from her leadership role at Community Works West, but her interest in the stories of underserved people who exist on the margins of mainstream society is lifelong and continues to be expressed through her body of work as a photographer. Her acclaimed, award-winning photo series, publications and exhibits include “San Francisco County Jail #3,” “San Quentin: Maximum Security, 1981-83,” “Ohlone Elders and Youth Speak,” ”Piqua Shawnee: Cultural Survival in Their Homeland” and others. Morgan’s photographs are in private collections and exhibited in museums including the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Houston and San Diego museums, the Matrix Gallery and the University Art Museum Berkeley. Most recently, her “S.F. Jail” archive was purchased by the San Francisco Public Library, and her “Ohlone Elders and Youth” archive was purchased by the Bancroft Library. Exhibit notes for “Requiem” explain the Dixie Fire was later determined to have been caused by Pacific Gas and Electric Company equipment failure. Even so, human actions and inactions exacerbated and fed the fire’s intensity. Overgrown forests resulting from short-sighted, man-made fire suppression policies and housing development located near forests created an incendiary situation. With climate change causing years of drought and more virulent storms during California’s increasingly extended wildfire season, there was high propensity for the volatile terrain to ignite. It was only a matter of time—and remains so—before a town like Greenville would suffer a blow. Morgan said in an interview she had originally gone to the area intending to gather interviews from people who had been displaced. Upon her arrival, she found Greenville was like a ghost town. “Originally, the idea was to photograph the people impacted by climate change and the fire. To photograph the people most invisible. But there was no one there, other than a few people living in RVs outside of the area. The first two trips, I saw no one. The third time, I saw occasional people bulldozing, trying to clear the land. Eventually, it was totally razed and the rubble taken away. Now, it’s being reborn with people trying to rebuild,” she noted. Although there are no physical people in the photographs, signs of human life are everywhere. In charred, residential areas, burned-out vehicles in driveways and crumbled chimneys in yards stand like ominous sentinels or gravestones where once an entire house stood. Personal items are visible—a typewriter, a bicycle, pots and pans, broken dishes, gardening pots and tools, children’s toys, a child’s desk. In one image, “#107” on a sign is the only thing that marks a family plot. In another, a street lamp having lost its verticality to the intense heat folds upon itself and curves downward, as if bowing like a supple, graceful ballet dancer. Compellingly, black-and-white murals painted by Mendocino-based artist Shane Grammer on several burned and fragmented walls after the fire bring humanity back into the picture. One, painted on an exterior wall of a former movie theater, is of a glamorous film star-like woman, against which leans a detached, upside-down neon sign that reads, “Pioneer.” In another photograph, the image of Jesus adorns a chimney. “Grammer came before I was there and on his own came and I assume wanted to make something of beauty in the space,” said Morgan. “Those murals were mesmerizing, and seen in the midst of the devastation, it was breathtaking. It was incongruous. It added to the mystery of everything that happened in Greenville.” Aside from her reaction to the murals, Morgan said her initial and overall response to what she saw in Greenville was devastating, overwhelming. “Because of that, I became interested in photographing landscapes instead of people, which had not been my experience before,” she explained. “Initially, it was the enormity of the tragedy that struck me. To get there, you cross over mountains and drive into this valley. There, you come upon eight-square miles of total rubble. These were the homes of people who, many of them, had probably lived there for generations. I found solace only in connecting to the people through the remnants left. “It was three to four months after the fire, so people had already come back and retrieved anything that meant something to them, anything that was still intact. But what remained still told a story. Remember, these lives weren’t shattered by an Act of God. It was human impact on climate change. Yes, a fire might have happened naturally, but that was not what happened here,” she continued. Morgan said what happened in Greenville was such a monumental event that the exhibit needed large-scale imagery to capture the impact of the fire on the town. “If I could have, I would have had them all seven-feet wide, or larger. The large scale gives you a way to enter the work, and it’s powerful to be as close to the scene as you can. You have to see the details and those, you can only see in a larger format,” explained Morgan. Working with RAC exhibitions director Roberto Martinez to curate the show, the two made the decision not to include in the exhibit the black-and-white photographs versions of the images Morgan has also printed and plans to exhibit in smaller venues. Morgan said those photographs are much smaller and have a different aura. “It felt like the 10 four-color photographs were enough to tell the story. I tend to think less is more,” she said. Martinez has a masters in museum studies from JFK University and has worked with community-centered institutions like the Museum of Social Justice, the East Side Arts Alliance and LA Plaza de Cultura y Artes. He first met Morgan through Robbin Légère Henderson, a Berkeley-based artist, curator and writer who will be in conversation with Morgan at the gallery on May 27. “I knew that during the spring I wanted to focus on the impact of the climate crisis. I felt Ruth’s work resonated with that. She has a wonderful eye and in the past has captured so much of humanity with her photographs from San Quentin or with the Ohlone community here in the Bay Area. This series was a striking contrast because there were no people in these photographs,” he noted. Martinez said the human impact that fuels the climate crisis is huge and wants the images to wrap the viewer in a haunting embrace, but in a space that also feels safe. The exhibit design is intentionally quiet: The photographs have little additional interpretive content or labeling. “People can be there contemplating the images and not being told what to think,” he said. “They confront the images that are themselves quiet, despite the destruction you can see. There’s a somber tone to any place after a devastating force passes through it.” One image that struck him deeply upon first seeing it shows a broad landscape of mountains and trees in the background. “You see that, and then in the foreground, you see a massive tangle of destruction. Then you see one of Shane’s murals, painted after the fire. In the mural, you see hope in humanity and how it might re-flourish,” he said. The photograph with the collapsed streetlight, according to Martinez, also immediately grabbed him. He called it a powerful symbol suggestive of the connections that human actions have on the environments in which people live. Streetlights illuminate and increase community safety; wildfires also illuminate, but human carelessness can unleash flames strong enough to bend metal, destroy man-made inventions and diminish safety. Martinez has definite ideas of the dialogue and action he hopes the exhibits will initiate. “Art opens doors and windows into difficult conversations. The mirror on harsh realities shown through art allows for transformations in our minds towards actions,” he said. “In Ruth’s exhibit, we see the devastating impact of climate change and a world devoid of humans in which we’ve destroyed ourselves. She’s helping us see the future in a foreboding sense, but it forces us to reckon with the possibilities.” But seen in their totality, Martinez suggested the exhibits this season invite a participatory response that might result in hopeful solutions to alleviate the crisis. “I want to paint a picture that can be dark because it is, but a picture that motivates people to take actions to not walk toward that dark future, but to a different one. We want to plant, nurture and grow ideas around environmental justice,” he explained. Morgan agreed and said the response she has received to the exhibit thus far has confirmed her overall purpose, which is to better understand what happened in Greenville and to cause people to become involved in protecting and preserving the natural environment. “People are moved and sobered by ‘Requiem.’ For me, I am compelled to do this work, whether it’s to expose the criminal justice system or climate change. Greenville sounded an alarm for me and hopefully will for other people. We need to meet this moment. Individually and collectively, we can make a difference. We need to understand how much damage humans are having on the planet. We need to know we can still change course,” she said. Asked for her thoughts about the power of imagery to convey complex matters relating to social or environmental justice, Morgan said, “For some people, the visual is more impactful than any words I can use. You can look at the photographs and see climate damage right there, unmistakably. As a photographer, I think there’s nothing like an image. One image can say a lot. The power of art is palpable.”
This Week at Hastings Park – March 20 Fresh, handmade pakoras return to Hastings Park this Sunday – Mandair Farms fries up some of the tastiest kale pakoras we have ever tried. Shop around and nibble on these delicious nuggets…they make a perfect market snack! Local Bingo @ Hastings Park Pickup a bingo card at the Info Booth, shop around and show your goods at the Info Tent to get a stamp for each. Receive $1 coupons for each row completed (no diagonal rows). Complete the entire card for $10 in savings! Enter completed cards to win $50 in market money. You have until the end of April to complete the card, draw is on May 1st. Happy shopping! - FREE Evo membership – March 13, March 27: signup for a free Evo membership ($35 value) and 30 minutes of free minutes at the market. Evo’s car share program offers tons of user friendly features, including seats for five, back seats that fold down completely, bike and snowboard attachments and easy pickup/drop off using your membership card or your smart phone. - Bike Registration – March 20: Hastings Sunrise Community Police is coming to the market and encouraging shoppers to register their bikes on their app to prevent bike theft and retrieve bikes that have been stolen. - Easter Sunday – March 27: Urban Digs Farm is showing off their cute, baby animals for Easter fun at Hastings Park on Easter Sunday, March 27. Come have a look at the cutest little chicks and an adorable baby goat! Ask Julia anything you want about the animals – we’ll also have colouring for the kids. Help this Market Grow! Keep connected with your favourite market and signup for weekly updates! Click here to sign up for Hastings Park or sign up for any of our other Vancouver Farmers Market newsletters. Like our the Hastings Park Farmers Market Facebook page, write a review, tag your Instagram photos and Tweets @vanmarkets #HastingsParkWFM – help this market grow and spread the word! Get involved by volunteering at the markets! We are looking for Market Hosts at Hastings Park – for more information, please visit our website here or email firstname.lastname@example.org. We’re hiring for our 6 summer markets! We’re looking for customer-service oriented folks who care about their community, have an interest in sustainability, are positive, collaborative, full of new ideas and motivated to work hard to ensure access to local food in our region. Oh, and you’ve gotta be willing to work in the rain. And haul 50lb tents around… Sound like someone you know? Apply here! See you at the market! For a complete weekly vendor schedule, check out our Weekly Market Map.
One and a half hours is my usual commute time to my current work place. It takes forty-five miles to get there. During winter storm it takes much, much longer… I certainly have enough time to listen to the Boston Public Radio (WBUR station), and my thoughts usually start with “WHY are we all sitting here?”, slowly moving, wasting fuel, and finally contributing our share to the Global Warming… Good Morning (or Good Night) America on Wheels! Abflussrohr Reinigung WBUR is not for the weak of heart. Domestic topics range from how big is a golden parachute for a CEO who failed to manage a bank or corporation (usually an eight digit number), to sliding dollar and looming recession … All symptoms, all the information that could drive us crazy and push us out of our driver seats… Yet, I listen to my favorite radio station with great pride that we are still driving and going to our jobs to keep America moving . Our destination is clearly articulated. The verdict for all of us is “guilty”; we are guilty of not spending enough or not saving enough and, it seems as if no matter what we do “We are doomed!”. But my Russian common sense forged in trenches of communism and hardened by capitalism is refusing to give up. There is a proverb from my old days “Saving life of a drowning man is the business of that drowning man!” Since I cannot separate myself from the rest of us sliding in to recession, I find myself thinking how to stop that. I have enough time; say a couple of weeks to find a solution. Otherwise, this contract with the bank will be the last of what I could get from this economy. Well, unemployment is still guaranteed, but it will not cover all my recent acquisitions and multiplying loans (Note: nobody can blame me for not spending enough to keep our economy running; I am a patriot after all!). I am a deeply technical person. I am thinking in technical terms, and always trying to crunch through the numbers. How many of us are commuting every day? In fact, an overwhelming majority of people between 20 and 60 years old do, roughly a half of US population of 300 million. The analysis gives us a number of 220 million. What is the average commute? It is approximately 16 miles one way. Expecting 20 miles per gallon, we consume about 300 million gallons of gasoline for the nation’s one working day commute. It takes up nearly 75% of the total US gasoline consumption according to at least two sources [2, 3]. These numbers represent quite rough estimate, and relate to gasoline only (there are also kerosene and diesel fuels), but we do not need exact numbers. It answers the question of who consumes most of the gasoline. We do! And we do that by commuting. Subsequently, commuting is a source of increasing fuel demand and pricing, air pollution, traffic creation, cause of political instabilities and intrigues around the world, etc. This list can go on and on for quite some time. Abflussrohr Reinigung
Decarbonizing Heat in the U.S. Northeast: Workshop Insights and Key Takeaways (May 2023) summarizes discussions from a workshop that the Energy Futures Initiative (EFI) held in Cambridge, Massachusetts, on December 6, 2022. The workshop brought together nearly 50 stakeholders and thought leaders from the Northeast to discuss the challenges and opportunities of heating decarbonization in the U.S. Northeast, particularly for commercial and residential buildings. They discussed the potential role of low-carbon fuels, such as clean hydrogen and renewable natural gas (RNG), to complement electrification in the region’s resource mix. The U.S. Northeast (New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine) has several constraints that make its energy sector difficult to decarbonize. The region has relatively limited fossil fuel resources, as well as densely populated urban centers and protected lands in which it is difficult to site new energy infrastructure, pipelines, and transmission lines. The region also has aging infrastructure and winter weather conditions that can stress buildings and energy supply. These regional characteristics make decarbonization in the residential and commercial buildings sector—often viewed as relatively easier to electrify—particularly challenging. The region should commit to technology optionality and flexibility, emphasizing solutions that limit new infrastructure and support energy resilience. Technologies such as offshore wind power, imported hydropower, nuclear power, clean hydrogen, and low-carbon fuels can offer substantial upside if siting and permitting challenges are met. The workshop covered how to navigate issues of planning, financing, and siting energy projects and enabling infrastructure to decarbonize heating. The workshop was broken up into three panel discussions on the roles that technology and infrastructure, communities, and policy could play in helping the region meet its decarbonization goals. - Panel 1 – Evaluating the role of low-carbon fuels in the region’s decarbonization: Panelists evaluated different technology and infrastructure solutions for regional decarbonization, with a focus on the role of low-carbon fuels in the context of regional boundary conditions. Switching away from fuel oil is important for reducing emissions and protecting the region from global supply chain disruptions. Clean fuels, such as RNG, can work with the region’s existing infrastructure to replace fuel oil as a backup fuel during peak demand periods in the winter months. - Panel 2 – Discussing ways to involve local communities as partners in the region’s decarbonization: Panelists explored relationship building with front-line communities in project development and policy discussions. One method to strengthen community involvement is to acknowledge community members as local experts. For partnerships to be effective, communities must trust industry, and industry must trust communities. It is also crucial that relationships between communities and project developers be relational, not transactional. - Panel 3 – Reviewing policy tools that foster low-carbon fuels’ supply and demand: Panelists considered additional policy options for heating decarbonization in the context of recent concerted efforts at the federal level, such as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the CHIPS and Science Act, and the Inflation Reduction Act. Technology-agnostic policy opportunities will be important, given the relative lack of decarbonization policy and regulation in the Northeast to date. Clean heating standards, renewable portfolio standards, and carbon pricing could further encourage clean fuel supply and demand in the region. All seven states in the Northeast have greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets of at least 80% by midcentury. The region will need to move quickly to support the needs and goals of local communities and meet its climate goals. (Share this post with others.)
Huawei, a digital technology company, has launched a smart solar solution product. The new solar solution called Fusionsolar Residential Luna 2.0 was recently launched in Abuja. According to the Vice President of Huawei Digital Power, Sub-Saharan African Region, Nick Lusson, the product is different from other solar products because it is a smart design with a smart guard that has an intelligent energy management, smart metre, and dongle. He noted that the solution had a seamless switchover and photovoltaic optimiser, a 15kWh battery (three modules in all, 5kWh in each module) with energy optimiser and a PV panel status monitor. Lusson noted that Huawei was interested in the safety of the users and had put into the system “highly incorporated safety measures”. The Head of Marketing and Corporate Communications of Oolu Nigeria, Monica Uduku, said “Huawei remains one of the leading ICT companies in the world and they are good at innovative and producing systems that are durable and smart.” All rights reserved. This material, and other digital content on this website, may not be reproduced, published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed in whole or in part without prior express written permission from PUNCH. Contact: [email protected]
WHO WE ARE BEYOND Now is a sustainable brand where cotton fabrics are the core of our designs. It is a hybrid brand where sustainability and unique designs are carefully merged. And not just any sustainable fabrics, as we only use GOTS certified fabrics. GOTS is short for the Global Organic Textile Standard. Just in case you didn’t know. GOTS is also the leading international standard within organic production of textiles. GOTS will ensure that the most important demands to organic production are met, as well as ensuring high standards on social responsibil-ity. GOTS is backed up by independent certification of the entire textile supply chain. We want to do things right, so we carefully select our partners. We are happy to be working with one of the best-in-class suppliers, our Danish partner Green Cotton Group. And as an extra bonus, all products are MADE IN EUROPE. We appreciate your sustainable support! GOTS always provide a credible assurance to the consumer.
These smart devices offer several benefits that can significantly improve the functionality, sustainability, and overall appeal of public parks. In this category description, we explore some of the key advantages of integrating thermostats into these outdoor spaces. Thermostats play a crucial role in optimizing energy consumption within public parks. By monitoring and regulating temperature levels in various park facilities and amenities, such as restrooms, visitor centers, and cafeterias, thermostats ensure that energy is used efficiently. They enable park managers to set temperature thresholds and establish schedules for heating and cooling systems, leading to reduced energy waste and lower utility bills. One of the primary goals of public parks is to create a pleasant and enjoyable experience for visitors. Thermostats contribute to this objective by maintaining optimal temperature levels in different areas of the park. Whether it is ensuring a cool and refreshing environment during scorching summer days or a warm and cozy atmosphere during chilly winters, thermostats help create comfortable spaces where visitors can relax and unwind. Traditional methods of monitoring and maintaining park facilities can be time-consuming and expensive. However, thermostats equipped with smart features simplify this process. These devices can be remotely controlled, allowing park managers to monitor temperature settings, receive alerts for any irregularities, and adjust HVAC systems as needed. This proactive approach enables efficient maintenance, reduces the risk of equipment malfunctions, and lengthens the lifespan of infrastructure. Public parks are not only recreational spaces but also significant contributors to environmental conservation. By adopting thermostats in park facilities, they can further their commitment to sustainability. Smart thermostats allow park managers to implement energy-saving practices, such as automatically adjusting temperature settings based on occupancy patterns or integrating with weather forecasts to optimize heating and cooling operations. These eco-friendly measures help reduce the park's carbon footprint and contribute to a greener future. The integration of thermostats in public parks brings numerous benefits in terms of energy efficiency, visitor comfort, maintenance, and sustainability. By leveraging these smart devices, park managers can create environmentally friendly spaces that provide a comfortable and enjoyable experience for visitors throughout the year. Embracing this technology not only enhances the overall appeal of public parks but also contributes to a more sustainable future for generations to come. One such aspect that parks can optimize for improved energy usage is the selection of the right thermostat. In this category description, we will explore the considerations and benefits of choosing the right thermostat for public parks, ensuring optimal comfort while minimizing energy waste. Thermostats play a significant role in enhancing energy efficiency and maintaining the desired temperature levels within park facilities such as visitor centers, restrooms, and indoor recreational areas. They help to regulate heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, ensuring the efficient use of energy and creating a comfortable environment for park visitors. With various types and features available, it is essential to select the right thermostat that meets the unique needs and challenges faced by public parks. Programmable thermostats are an excellent option for public parks due to their ability to automatically adjust temperature settings based on preset schedules. This feature allows park managers to optimize energy usage by reducing heating or cooling when facilities are not in use, such as during closing hours or off-peak seasons. The key advantages of programmable thermostats include: Smart thermostats take programmability to the next level by utilizing advanced technology and machine learning algorithms. These thermostats can learn from user behavior, adapt to changing weather conditions, and even link to weather forecasts to optimize HVAC performance. Some key benefits of smart thermostats include: Occupancy sensing thermostats are specially designed to sense and respond to human presence within a room or building. They automatically adjust temperature settings based on real-time occupancy, reducing energy consumption when areas are unoccupied. Key advantages of occupancy sensing thermostats include: Selecting the right thermostat for public parks is a crucial decision that can lead to significant energy savings and improved comfort levels for visitors. By considering programmable thermostats, smart thermostats, and occupancy sensing thermostats, park managers can find the right solution to meet their unique requirements. It is essential to assess the size and occupancy patterns of park facilities and consider the potential long-term benefits offered by various thermostat options. With the right choice, public parks can contribute to a greener future while providing a comfortable and enjoyable environment for park-goers. Remember, when selecting a thermostat for public parks: By making an informed decision and embracing the capabilities of advanced thermostats, public parks can lead the way in sustainability and energy-efficient operations. In today's environmentally conscious world, it is crucial to explore energy-saving solutions that not only reduce expenses but also minimize the environmental impact. This article dives into some practical strategies and cutting-edge technologies that can help public recreation areas embrace sustainability and achieve substantial energy savings. Public recreation areas require proper lighting to ensure safety and facilitate activities during evenings and nighttime. Traditional lighting systems, such as incandescent bulbs, are energy-intensive and have a shorter lifespan compared to LED (Light Emitting Diode) lights. Implementing LED lighting not only reduces energy consumption but also lowers maintenance costs due to their long lifespan. Key benefits include: Maintaining vibrant green spaces often requires substantial water usage. However, traditional irrigation methods can be inefficient and wasteful. By embracing smart irrigation systems, public recreation areas can significantly reduce water consumption while maintaining healthy landscapes. Key advantages include: Public recreation areas can take advantage of renewable energy sources like solar power to reduce their reliance on the grid. Integrating solar panels into park structures, such as pavilions or restrooms, can power electrical amenities, such as lighting, charging stations, and water pumps, leading to several benefits: Playgrounds are essential for children's physical development and social interaction. Energy-efficient playground equipment not only offers a safe and enjoyable play experience but also minimizes energy consumption. Here's what to consider: Energy management systems (EMS) help monitor and control energy usage in public recreation areas. By leveraging real-time data and automation, EMS enables efficient resource allocation and reduces unnecessary energy consumption. Key takeaways include: Embracing energy-saving solutions in public recreation areas offers numerous benefits, ranging from cost reduction to a smaller ecological footprint. By implementing technologies such as LED lighting, smart irrigation systems, solar-powered amenities, energy-efficient playground equipment, and energy management systems, these spaces can become more sustainable and serve as model examples for the community. Not only do these solutions save money in the long run, but they also contribute to a healthier and greener environment for present and future generations to enjoy. In this category description, we will explore the various ways in which modern thermostats can revolutionize the way we control the temperature in our surroundings. Gone are the days of manually adjusting thermostats. With the introduction of smart thermostats, controlling the temperature of our living spaces has become a breeze. These intelligent devices come equipped with advanced sensors and machine learning capabilities that learn our temperature preferences and adjust automatically to create the perfect ambiance. According to a survey conducted by Statista, the global smart thermostat market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 19.4% from 2021 to 2028, reaching a market value of $130 billion by 202 This showcases the increasing popularity of these devices due to their convenience and energy-saving benefits. Modern thermostats not only enhance our comfort but also make our living spaces more energy-efficient. Energy consumption is a significant concern in today's world, and the integration of intelligent algorithms in thermostats addresses this issue effectively. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, programmable thermostats, which are a type of energy-efficient thermostats, can save households up to $180 annually in energy costs. This demonstrates the potential cost savings and environmental benefits associated with using energy-efficient thermostats. Thermostats have become an integral part of the smart home ecosystem. They seamlessly integrate with other home automation devices, allowing us to create a connected and cohesive environment. According to a report by MarketsandMarkets, the smart home market is projected to reach $133 billion by 2025, showcasing the increasing adoption of home automation. Thermostats, with their ability to seamlessly integrate with other smart devices, are driving this growth and providing a complete smart home experience. Thermostats have come a long way, transforming from simple temperature control devices to intelligent systems that prioritize our comfort and energy efficiency. The key takeaways from this article include: By embracing the advancements in thermostat technology, we can enhance our comfort, maximize energy efficiency, and contribute towards a sustainable future.
The leading lights of wunderkind firm Mobisol, a Berlin start-up, left the company to found their own research institute. They still believe that the private sector has a key role in bringing solar power to Africa and the developing world. Paul Hockenos reports There was quite a bit of hype just a handful of years ago when start-ups with names such as Mobisol, Off Grid Electric, M-Kopa, and others appeared to have devised a formula for bringing electricity to Africa’s neediest – namely by selling it to them. But the poorest of Africa’s poor just couldn’t make the small, pay-as-you-go instalments reliably enough and in the volume that the young, indebted companies needed to sustain their pioneering model. Their investors, used to double-digit profits in short timeframes, became impatient and pushy. Restructurings, insolvencies, and bankruptcies brought expectations, and the idealistic start-ups, plummeting back down to earth. The Berlin-based Mobisol was the first to venture into the world of off-grid, rural Africa with basic solar panels, small batteries, and LED light bulbs. Today, after declaring insolvency this spring, two of its chief protagonists, founder Thomas Gottschalk and his years-long business partner Thomas Duveau have opted for another route. Their new brainchild is the Access to Energy Institute (A2EI), a think tank of sorts that in addition to research and analysis also helps develop products and business models that can further their original cause: namely to supply sub-Saharan Africa with affordable, clean energy that it can use to develop – and at long last step out of the poverty trap. “We’re in existence to crack the tough nuts that the private sector won’t take on,” says Duveau, A2EI’s chief strategy officer, who calls the non-profit a collaborative research and development platform. “We’re one hundred percent independent of Mobisol. We’re doing something new, looking into the future. It’s in the spirit of public knowledge. Governments, aid agencies, companies, anyone who wants to can make use of this information.” Duveau, scion of mixed French-German parentage, joined Gottschalk as Mobisol’s head of business development in 2013. Previous to that, from 2008 to 2013, Duveau served as officer for renewable energies at the environmental NGO WWF Germany. And prior to that, he worked on the topic of renewable energies for several private investments banks. While at Mobisol, Duveau says, he saw the need for more public information and data in the energy access field. The fierce competition between the young companies from Germany, Canada, India, and the US precluded any cooperation that might advance the cause. Relevant data was jealously protected. So Duveau left Mobisol last year. He and Gottschalk went to IKEA Foundation, DOEN Foundation, Good Energies Foundation, and the Dutch development bank FMO to secure financing for the non-profit project of an energy access think tank. The nut that the A2EI partners want to crack is not that of the poorest Africans but rather they aim to spur development by getting small African businesses on their feet with the likes of solar generators, solar welding machines, solar agricultural tools, and solar cooling solutions into their hands. The idea is get these tools of trade to Africans as fast as possible, not for the greatest amount of profit possible. Their first subject was Nigeria. Africa’s most populous nation, with 191 million people, it has a glaring energy problem: the national grid is in abysmal shape, the average Nigerian’s power consumption is 3.4% of South Africa’s. Small diesel generators in private hands are there for when the public grid, if there is one, fails its customers, which is very often. A2EI estimates that 22 million such generators exist in Nigeria: an expensive, dirty, unhealthy means to generate energy. Nigerians spend €10 billion a year in government-subsidized gasoline costs for the ersatz power supply. Clean energy, in particular solar power, is an obvious solution. But the cost – about €2,280 for a 1.5 kVA system — is simply too much for the small Nigerian entrepreneur. Even a lay-away model would mean payments too high for the business, and an eight-to-nine-year wait before the cost of the solar system broke even with the cost of that many years of gasoline costs. As it stands now, the average Nigerian businessperson just won’t go for it. “They’re not used to looking that far into the future,” says Duveau. A2EI, however, thinks it has found a path to make it work. It would require some big moves from the Nigerian state: for example the elimination of gasoline subsidies and repurposing them for renewable energy. Also, the state must enforce an existing ban on the bulk import of basic generators (in place for health and safety reasons.) Moreover, the cost of the solar panels could be lowered by the Nigerian state lowering or dropping its tariffs on imported panels. (It could also manufacture their own, suggests the report, without going into this option further.) Lastly, external aid agencies must supply low-interest loans to businesses. Add this up and factor in carbon credits and cost-lowering improvements on the tech side, and the price for the solar system drops to about €911 with a breakeven time of about five years. This, says Duveau, is doable for the Nigerian businessperson. A2EI’s first report concludes that “a strong coalition of partners could reduce the potential price of solar systems to the point required to move the needle in the transition away from gasoline generators.” In other words: the original Mobisol pay-as-you-go model for Africans can work for African small businesses – with a leg-up from Africa’s governments and its international friends. Now those players have to pick up the ball and run with it. They have a substantial to-do list, should they opt to take up A2EI’s recommendations. If it works, Nigeria’s clean energy revolution could be just a beginning for the 600 million Africans without reliable power.
Following the January 2018 release of the Livestock Watering under the Water Sustainability Act (WSA) Intentions Paper, the Province received feedback from Indigenous Governments, Indigenous Organizations, stakeholders, members of the public, environmental non-government organizations and local governments. The September 2019 What We Heard on Livestock Watering document summarized the feedback received. Since then, the Province has continued its work on developing a livestock watering policy under the WSA that better responds to the feedback received and achieves a reasonable balance between the various interests. An Update on Proposed Livestock Watering Policy is now available. Engagement and consultation with organizations that provided feedback on the intentions paper will continue throughout summer and fall 2020. Final policy direction is anticipated in spring 2021. We invite you to share your thoughts about this livestock watering policy update via email to firstname.lastname@example.org by August 15, 2020.