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Being Basel Ready:
Anticipating the Strategic Impact of the Global Capital and Liquidity Standards
Karen Shaw Petrou
Federal Financial Analytics, Inc.
Remarks Prepared for the
Institute of International Bankers
March 7, 2011
I have been asked today to discuss the new Basel III capital and liquidity regime. So, let’s start with the new standards for the equity tranche of a mortgage-backed security when you hold a correlation-trading position in it and consider the credit-risk capital, the operational-capital requirements, market-risk capital and the liquidity standards applicable to this position under both the liquidity coverage ratio and the net stable funding ratio. OK, never mind. I suspect you’ll be happy to hear that I plan today to step back from Basel III’s manifold minutiae to focus on the future of the global Accord and its impact on each of your banks back home and here in the United States.
I last spoke to the Institute a few years ago when my topic was Basel II. Those of you with endurance may even recall the several presentations I’ve given to IIB on Basel I. Each time, I said what I’ll emphasize again today: the Basel rules are daunting, but franchise defining. As a result, understanding them, at least in bottom-line terms, is a critical strategic challenge.
What I’ll do this morning is briefly summarize key provisions first in the Basel III capital standards and then do the same for the liquidity rules. I’ll focus on both the global standards and outstanding U.S. issues. Then, I’ll turn to perhaps the most critical question here: will the U.S. in fact belly up to Basel III? If it doesn’t, the U.S. strategic outlook changes dramatically and the global Accord – already fragile – could come unglued. To cut to the chase, I think the U.S. will comply with Basel III, but we’ll do it our own way and create some significant asymmetries between the U.S. and other major financial markets. Basel III isn’t the only rule on which the U.S. will go its own way, so I’ll also briefly address some other major variations emerging between U.S. bank regulation and the new global framework.
Keys to the Capital Standards
As my little excerpt from the Basel III rules made clear, delving into the details of Basel III will quickly drive us to distraction. So, what I’d like to do today is highlight several critical facets of the capital standards, including those still in the works for systemically-important financial institutions. These firms are commonly called SIFIs. Since almost every bank here today is a SIFI, these are also a critical part of the strategic Basel III framework.
- Quantity and Quality: The Basel III rules require a seven percent common Equity Tier 1 target, not counting some of the other charges that build atop this basic standard. To be sure, banks don’t need to have all this high-quality capital until 2019, but markets are pushing banks to show their ability to meet the rules on a far quicker pace, as are several nations. The U.S. has demanded that the largest banks lay out a Basel III compliance plan in last quarter’s stress test, making it a lot harder for big firms to pay dividends or undertake other capital distributions if they aren’t Basel ready. And, of course, Switzerland has upped the Basel III ante even as the U.K.’s chief regulator is talking about how much more capital he thinks banks need to hold to prevent future crises.
- Leverage: A key component of Basel III is a new minimum capital requirement of three percent against most on- and off-balance sheet assets. This phases in as a supervisory standard, but it’s still stringent. For most global banks, the leverage rules are actually the hardest part of Basel III. How it will work here is uncertain. U.S. banks already need to meet a five percent leverage rule to be well-capitalized, but this is assessed only against on-balance sheet assets. How off-balance sheet assets are incorporated into the U.S. leverage rule and where the bar is set will drive the cost of this part of the capital requirements.
- What’s Risky: Critics of Basel III have argued that it leaves risk-weighted assets (RWAs) largely as set under Basel II. This is only sort of right. Wherever regulators thought Basel II went too light on RWAs, especially for complex products, the Basel III rules toughen them up. Stiff new stress tests also up the capital ante, even where RWAs are left from before.
And, while I’m on the subject of risk, it’s worth a moment to focus on ratings. The Basel III rules remain reliant on ratings because the RWAs are largely the same as the ratings-based ones in Basel II. Regulators are thinking hard about this and Basel II.5’s market-risk rules hedge this ratings bet a bit. But, for now, global risk-based capital rises or falls at the behest of the credit rating agencies. Not so in the U.S., where the Dodd-Frank Act mandates that any vestige of a reference to a ratings agency be struck from federal regulation. This is posing profound problems in figuring out an alternative approach to objective measurement of creditworthiness, hampering U.S. efforts to advance the global standards.
Importantly, the new seven percent Tier 1 tangible common equity requirement is only one part of a panoply of new capital requirements. There’s good old Tier 2, of course, but now also a “capital-conservation buffer.” This is included in the seven percent minimum charge to force banks to make unpleasant decisions if capital comes under stress. Above the seven percent standard, there’s also a “counter-cyclical” capital requirement that kicks in if GDP goes gaga and a “loss-absorbent” requirement. The latter is among the most problematic in Basel III. Is it “bail-in debt?” “Contingent capital?” Something else? Does it apply to all banks or just SIFIs? And, since it’s supposed to be mandated only when nations lack a statutory resolution regime, does it count in the U.S.?
Loving that Liquidity
Having softened you up with a summary of Basel III’s capital standards, let me turn to the liquidity rules. These are often overlooked – probably because everyone’s just too darn tired to think after reading the capital standards. But, I think the liquidity rules are actually even more important than the new capital standards. Too high or too low and with or without all the nuances I’ve noted, all of the banks here have long been subject to capital rules. That isn’t true for liquidity requirements. No one’s ever done this before, but Basel’s doing it anyway. To be sure, they’re easing it in a bit, with “observation periods” over the next few years to spot “unintended consequences.”
In the run-up to liquidity rules, global bankers argued that they will cost well over $1 trillion in added liquidity, but Basel marched on. As a result, I don’t think the sheer magnitude of the impact of the liquidity rules will deter regulators. It will take demonstrated effects such as a flight to sovereign obligations – a strong prospect given the incentives in the liquidity standards – to cause a rethink.
If that doesn’t happen, here’s what the Basel III liquidity rules require:
- A liquidity coverage ratio, which requires banks to show they can withstand run-off of retail deposits and wholesale funding sources over a stressed month; and
- a net stable funding ratio, which forces a similar calculation over the course of a year.
What this means is that, under various measures and at these different points in time, banks will need to do a lot better job of matching high-quality liquid holdings against their assets. No more boosting yield by funding short at lower rates to lend or bet long. Of course, how well this works depends on all of the assumptions built into these ratios, which are premised on run-off rates under stress scenarios. Many analysts – me very much included – challenge these run-offs. Not only were they often not experienced in the crisis, but regulators also shouldn’t use crisis scenarios to set day-in, day-out liquidity standards. Reasonable market conditions should be specified and then stressed to establish reasonable liquidity rules, not set the basic bar at the worst of the worst. I’m not arguing with the need for liquidity rules – we’ve learned all too many times about the risks of borrowing short to lend long. But, much in the details here needs another, hard look during the observation periods.
Basel III in the U.S.
I’ve briefly mentioned a few U.S.-specific issues, but let me now turn to a threshold and very hard questions confronting the U.S. as it takes on the President’s commitment to comply with Basel III. Regulators can make all the promises they want, but they can’t keep them if Congress begs to differ. Does it? So far, it has.
A critical provision of the Dodd-Frank Act is section 171, often called the Collins Amendment. It stipulates that banks in the U.S. can hold no less capital than that required under Basel I, essentially setting the old rules in stone as a floor for U.S. regulatory capital. Going forward, banks will need to figure out how much capital they would hold under Basel I and then compare this to Basel II now and Basel III to come.
This raises an array of questions, almost none of them addressed in the recent inter-agency proposal to implement the Collins Amendment. For example, how to calculate the Collins comparison? If it’s all-in Basel II – credit, operational, market and related risk – then Basel II and III will come in above Basel I and the global rules can be implemented here with little change. If, though, it’s a calculation based only on credit-risk capital, then the Collins Amendment could force banks to hold as much credit-risk based capital as Basel I demands under its crude risk weightings and then top this up with all the other capital charges required in the later standards, additional buffers included.
For foreign banks doing business in the U.S., the Collins Amendment is particularly problematic. Regulators have proposed to apply the standards even to branched operations here, essentially making Basel I compliance the price of a ticket to do business. This is raising considerable concern, and rightly so, about the ability of banks in compliance with Basel II and III at home to expand in the U.S.
One Global Size Isn’t Fitting All
Let me conclude by putting the conundrum of U.S. capital rules into a broader context. Despite the best will of top U.S. regulators and Treasury officials to bring America into the global framework, U.S. law is driving U.S. rules in a different direction. This is true not only with regard to the Collins Amendment. It also pervades many other vital facets of the emerging rewrite of global bank regulation.
Take the critical question of systemic regulation. Will there be global SIFI surcharges? Maybe so – we’re still awaiting word from the Financial Stability Board on whose systemic and what might happen to designated firms. But, Dodd-Frank requires systemic surcharges in the U.S., along with tough prudential, capital and liquidity rules. So, even if the global standards go light on systemic rules, U.S. law dictates tough add-on requirements, including for foreign financial firms whose parents are global SIFIs.
What about cross-border resolution, especially for systemic firms? Again, global regulators are thinking hard, but have announced little to address the problem of perceived taxpayer support for too-big-to-fail banks. In fact, some regulators – most notably in the EU – are proposing to immortalize TBTF by mandating “bail-in debt” or similar insulation between a TBTF bank and taxpayers in hopes of reducing loss next time around. As I mentioned, Basel III has mandated a “loss-absorbent” capital charge comparable to the bail-in proposal, but provides an exemption for nations with statutory resolution regimes. The U.S. has this in spades with Title II of Dodd-Frank, the “orderly liquidation” provisions of the new law that essentially doom a systemic firm once an immediate panic subsides. Do U.S. banks need to bear the cost of counterparty demands in anticipation of loss in a systemic situation and, at the same time, global charges based on taxpayer rescue? How will foreign banks under contradictory regimes here and at home be treated?
What about the Volcker Rule? Time doesn’t permit delving into this major part of Dodd-Frank, so suffice it to say that it’s yet another asymmetric standard. U.S. banks and foreign ones here can’t do proprietary trading or make hedge-fund or private-equity investments. Offshore, you can, although U.S. banks remain barred from doing so. Living wills are another major issue – will some nations like the U.S. force subsidiarization while others – the EU – foster branching and resulting efficiencies? Given the power of the credit rating agencies, different standards here mean more than the asymmetry in the Basel III standards I mentioned earlier. Asset securitization in the U.S.? Its fate depends on Dodd-Frank too. And, there’s the very different framework for derivatives regulation likely as Dodd-Frank is implemented here and rules take a different tack in other major regimes.
Let me conclude with an over-arching suggestion. Although Basel III is seemingly final, much in it remains in doubt, especially as implementation gets under way in the U.S. And, these vital rules are coming into effect in tandem with debate over all of the other principle tenets of strategic bank regulation.
I’ve told you today what I know about Basel III, but I know one other thing: uncertainty is the watchword for bank strategic planning. Banks that look for the final rulebook to guide them will be waiting a long, long time. Banks and competing institutions that anticipate the rules to come and shape them to desired business and policy goals will thus gain a critical competitive edge. One more consequence of the global financial crisis is that the critical defining factor for success at each of your banks is what legislators and regulators do. Policy risk – one still unfamiliar to all too many banks – now has become the inflection point for key line-of-business and corporate decisions. | <urn:uuid:1549373e-cb2b-4eba-af5f-527f2a96dd4c> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://fedfin.com/karen-petrou-on-being-basel-ready/ | 2024-02-29T12:33:40Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.930165 | 3,179 | 1 |
First posted at: Bushman, B. (2014, March). Sitting less, moving more. In ACSM Heath & Fitness Journal. Retrieved from https://journals.lww.com/acsm-healthfitness/Fulltext/2014/04000/Sitting_Less,_Moving_More.5.aspx?trendmd-shared=0
Today's society encourages sedentary behaviour, using technology to make things easier while decreasing daily activity. How do we optimize our health in the downtime between exercise routines? Read this article for more information on the research and studies that help encourage activity and fitness leading to a healthier lifestyle.
Q: I maintain a relatively regular exercise program including 30 to 40 minutes per day of either aerobic exercise or resistance training but tend to be inactive in my “off” time, and my job includes mainly desk/computer-related tasks. I’ve heard various reports on the dangers of sitting. Does my exercise routine help to offset that? What can I do to optimize my health?
A: Having a regular exercise program promotes health and fitness and is encouraged for individuals of all ages (2). The benefits of regular physical activity have been clearly shown (26), and regular exercise beyond activities of daily living should be included for most adults (3). A complete exercise prescription includes activities to target cardiorespiratory (aerobic) fitness, muscular fitness, flexibility, and neuromotor fitness (see Chapter 7 — “General Principles of Exercise Prescription” inACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription,9th edition, or the ACSM Position Stand “Quantity and Quality of Exercise for Developing and Maintaining Cardiorespiratory, Musculoskeletal, and Neuromotor Fitness in Apparently Healthy Adults: Guidance for Prescribing Exercise” (3,12)). Meeting these exercise recommendations may not be enough to maximize health, however. In addition to regular exercise, reducing the amount of time spent in sedentary activities is “important for the health of physically active and inactive individuals” (3).
Sedentary behaviors seem to be encouraged as labor-saving devices and technology make even simple tasks “easier” (e.g., who remembers physically cranking down a car window, standing up to change a television station, or walking to answer a wall-mounted phone in another room of the house?). The breakdown of how people spend their time each (based on the U.S. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES)) was found to be as follows (17):
Moderate to vigorous physical activity — 0.3 hours
Light physical activity — 4.1 hours
Sedentary — 10.2hours
The benefits of moderate to vigorous physical activity have been widely studied, and such activity is encouraged (e.g.,3,26); see Box 2 for some of the key points from thePhysical Activity Guidelines for Americans (26). Given the amount of time spent in light physical activity and sedentary behavior, researchers are focusing efforts to uncover the potential impact of these behaviors on health (see Box 3 for operational definitions of the range of behaviors and Box 4 for methods used to assess sitting time and activity levels).
As research in this area has expanded, the distinction between “too much sitting” and “too little exercise” should be considered; the latter refers to not meeting the exercise recommendations whereas the former reflects increased time spent sitting as is found with certain sedentary behaviors (e.g., television viewing, computer/game use, workplace sitting, sitting while commuting) (18). Sedentary time is associated with increased risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and both cardiovascular and all-cause mortality (27). Sedentary behavior is “not simply the absence of moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity but rather is a unique set of behaviors with unique environmental determinants and a range of potentially unique health consequences” (18). Assuming that the volume of moderate and vigorous activities is constant, health benefits potentially increase if light-intensity activities replace sedentary activities (21). Light-intensity activities are suggested to be healthier than sedentary activities (21).
For example, the impact of sitting on all-cause death rate was examined in a large cohort of more than 123,000 individuals in a study by the American Cancer Society (20). Women who sat more (>6 hours during leisure time) had an approximately 40% higher all-cause death rate than women who sat less (<3 hours per day) and, for men, the death rate was approximately 20% higher (20). This association was found regardless of the amount of physical activity. However, when comparing those who sat moreand were less physically active with those who reported sitting the least and being most active, the increases in all-cause death rates were 94% for women and 48% for men (20). Similarly, in a large multiethnic group of postmenopausal women, prolonged sitting time increased the risk of cardiovascular disease independent of leisure time physical activity (7).
In a large cross-sectional study, total sitting time, television viewing, and leisure time computer use were associated with cardiometabolic risk factors (e.g., poorer levels of the following: body mass index, waist circumference, total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, blood pressure, nonfasting blood glucose, gamma glutamyltransferase — an indicator of liver function, and triglycerides) (4). Although causality cannot be established because the study was cross sectional (i.e., factors other than those measured could have impacted differences between individuals and the direction of the relationship cannot be determined), researchers suggest potential benefits of reducing sedentary time and limiting television viewing and computer use during leisure time (4). A recent review highlighted a significant association between screen time and cardiovascular mortality independent of physical activity (11). This is worthy of attention given that the average American spends more than 41 hours per week with screen content — including more than 34 hours of television (16).
In another cross-sectional study (NHANES), self-reported sitting time was associated with cardiometabolic health risk (as evidenced by such measures as waist circumference, triglycerides, insulin resistance, and lower HDL cholesterol, among others) (23). Researchers found differences between those who reported sitting more than 3 hours per day compared with those who reported sitting less than 3 hours per day (23). Various mechanisms by which sitting may potentially impact risk have been studied (25). Potential mechanisms include the impact of decreased muscle contraction on the uptake of triglycerides and free fatty acids, production of HDL cholesterol, uptake of glucose, and changes in energy expenditure, which could impact daily energy expenditure and weight gain (24). Other factors in specific settings also may play a role. For example, sitting while viewing television is associated with increased food consumption, which, along with lower energy expenditure, could contribute to increased waist circumference and related adverse glucose and lipid changes (18).
When considering those who engage in at least 150 minutes per week of moderate to vigorous physical activity (as recommended within guidelines from many sources,e.g.,3,26), researchers have found a detrimental dose-response association for television time and a number of health-related measures, including waist circumference, systolic blood pressure, and 2-hour plasma glucose (15). The term “active couch potato” has become attached to this phenomenon — a situation where a person achieves a recommended level of physical activity (e.g., 150 minutes per week) but is sedentary most waking hours (18). Although meeting physical activity guidelines, adverse consequences seem to be in place related to being sedentary (18).
Considering that employed adults represent about half of the world’s population and most of the population spends one third of adult life at work, the workplace is an important setting to potentially impact health by reducing sitting time and breaking up periods of prolonged sitting (1). One group of interest has been office-based workers whose occupation is sedentary. In one pilot study, researchers provided a workstation that could be transitioned between sitting and standing postures to one group of office workers (intervention group) who were compared with a group of office workers who used a typical nonadjustable work surface and who were asked to maintain their usual level of activity (comparison group) (1). The intervention group reduced sitting time (mainly because of increased standing time, although beneficial effects for transitional and stepping also were seen) (1).
Another study incorporated the use of technology to prompt activity. Individuals within an office setting were encouraged to avoid prolonged periods of sitting through the use of a software program that reminded individuals to take a 1-minute break from sitting every 30 minutes. The point-of-choice prompts did result in lowering the number of prolonged uninterrupted sitting periods (10). In a study of academic and administrative staff at universities in four different countries (Australia, Canada, Northern Ireland, and the United States), a Web-based walking intervention focused on increasing walking by an extra 1,000 steps above baseline every 2 weeks during a 6-week period. For the employees who used the program, workday walking was increased by 25% (estimated to be equivalent to about 15 minutes more per day) (13).
To help understand the potential health impact of breaking up periods of prolonged sitting, researchers in the Take-a-Stand Project introduced the use of sit-standdevices (workstation design that allows employees to change from a standing to seated position) in a group of office workers whose jobs involved prolonged periods of sitting time (22). The sit-stand device did increase nonsitting time (by ∼66 minutes and 16.1% reduction in sedentary time during the intervention period) and also reduced upper back and neck pain and improved mood states (22). Although the study included a relatively small group of office workers (n = 10 for the control group andn = 24 for the intervention group) who were active (70% of control group and 75% of intervention group met the2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans level of activity), the study was conducted in a real-world setting and provides insights into potential benefits of reducing sitting time (22).
Although many questions remain related to the impact of sedentary behavior, exercise prescriptions should “…include a plan to decrease periods of inactivity in addition to an increase in physical activity” (3). Strategies for office workers have been suggested, including (9):
Standing and taking a break from the computer every 30 minutes
Walking to a colleagues’ desk instead of phoning or e-mailing
Using a height-adjustable desk to enable frequent transitions between working in a standing or sitting position
Using a headset or speaker phone during teleconferences to enable more standing during the meeting
Other action plan ideas for day-to-day life from ACSM are found in Box 5. From a public health perspective, policies and program implementation are recommended to educate the public of the health risks of inactivity (and how to reduce risks), to enhance opportunities for students to be active, to develop ways to allow sedentary employees to be active while maintaining productivity, and to develop community environments that are activity friendly (14).
A regular program of moderate to vigorous physical activity is recommended to help promote health and fitness. In addition, avoiding long periods of sedentary activity also seems to be important for health — for both physically active and inactive individuals (3). Recommendations on limits for sitting time or on the frequency of sitting-time interruptions are not yet defined precisely. Generally, individuals should be encouraged to limit sitting time and break up periods of prolonged sitting; a simple message has been suggested that promotes such activity: Stand Up, Sit Less, Move More, More Often (9). | <urn:uuid:3b0703ca-52fd-41b7-bd84-49e766ad3217> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://fitter1.com/blogs/news/sitting-less-moving-more | 2024-02-29T13:00:41Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.94089 | 2,416 | 1 |
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Suttons extends Nippon Gases contract for a further three years
The nationwide logistics provider has held the relationship with Nippon Gases for over 20 years, transporting bulk carbon dioxide across the UK, serving major blue-chip customers.
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Another reason to have an account on multiple exchanges is that not all exchanges list the same cryptocurrency coins. When you discover a new coin that you want to buy you don't want to end up in line waiting for approval but just take action before the price goes up. Click here for a FULL list of popular exchanges including our personal TOP 5.
Step 3 - Payment methods buying Wrapped Bitcoin
Binance has over 100 payment options to deposit money and purchase your Wrapped Bitcoin. Easily select your preferred currency and the payment option you want to use. Of course they also provide the most used payment methods like Credit Card, Bank Transfer & PayPal.
Note: every country has different payment options, simply login and check the payment methods for country. In the cryptoworld and on exchanges like Binance you can't buy every coin directly with FIAT currency. Therefor they created stable coins like Tether USDT.
These are cryptocurrencies you can buy to later swap them over to the currency you want to buy. Before buying your preferred coin its good to look-up what what coins are paired to the coin you want to buy.
Step 4 - Trade or buy your first Wrapped Bitcoin
In the cryptoworld and on exchanges like Binance you can't buy every cryptocurrency directly with FIAT currency. Therefor they created stable coins like Tether USDT.
These stable coins are cryptocurrencies you can purchase to later swap them over to the currency you want to buy. The name stable-coin is from the USD as the price of these coins just use the price of the USD. Before buying your preferred cryptocurrency its good to look-up what what coins are paired to the coin you want to buy. For example some coins only pair with Bitcoin and Ethereum other also pair with stable coins.
Benefit of using stable-coins
As some cryptocurrencies can be volatile stable coins are often linked to the USD. Therefor their price stays very similar what will reduce the risk while trading fiat currency into other crypto coins and visa versa.
Step 5 - Prepare for the crypto future!
As mentioned earlier this guide is all about buying Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC), prepare yourself and create multiple secured accounts on exchanges. This way you will be prepared for the future when you want to buy a new cryptocurrencies that are not listed on the one exchange you are using
Step 6 - More information about Wrapped Bitcoin
DYOR - Do Your Own Research
When investing in Wrapped Bitcoin always make sure you do your own research on the coin, technology of the coin and the team behind the coin. Before you're investing in a coin its important to do you your own research on the coin, technology of the coin and the team behind the coin.
DCA - Dollar Cost Averaging Strategy
Dollar Cost Averaging is a strategy that is popular in the investment- and crypto-world. It's a tactic where you buy systematic a certain amount of a certain coin / investment you believe in. For example every month $100. As you buy systematic it will reduce the emotional involvement and as you spread the money you invest you spread the risk of a changing market.
- Invest small amounts
- Less stress about volatile markets
- Less chance on losses as you never purchase full amounts on peaks
- Won't make optimal trades as you don't invest all on the bottom
- Takes longer, as you're not rich after one trade
- If you DCA on one investment you can pick a loser investment what will only go down. Better is there to spread your investments while doing DCA.
Explanation Video DCA Dollar Cost Averaging
Explanation Video How to Buy Wrapped BitcoinBelow you'll find a video tutorial about how to buy Bitcoin (BTC). Simply replace BTC with Wrapped Bitcoin in this video and you'll learn how to buy Wrapped Bitcoin within a couple of minutes.
Official Wrapped Bitcoin WBTC sources
- Website: https://wbtc.network
- Whitepaper: Click here for the whitepaper of Wrapped Bitcoin
- Wrapped Bitcoin Announcements
- Wrapped Bitcoin Twitter
- Wrapped Bitcoin Reddit
- Wrapped Bitcoin Chat
- Wrapped Bitcoin Explorer
Benefits of cryptocurrencies
Cryptocurrencies offer a range of benefits that have attracted the attention of individuals, businesses, and governments worldwide. One significant advantage is the potential for increased financial inclusivity. Cryptocurrencies enable individuals who lack access to traditional banking services to participate in the global economy, empowering the unbanked and underbanked populations. Furthermore, cryptocurrencies offer faster and cheaper cross-border transactions compared to traditional banking systems, eliminating the need for intermediaries and reducing transaction fees.
Another key benefit is the security and privacy provided by cryptocurrencies. The use of cryptographic techniques ensures that transactions are secure and cannot be tampered with, while also safeguarding the privacy of users by providing pseudonymous transactions. Lastly, cryptocurrencies offer a decentralized and transparent financial system through the use of blockchain technology. The distributed nature of blockchain ensures that no single entity has control over the network, reducing the risk of manipulation or censorship.
Pros of cryptocurrencies:
- Financial Inclusivity: Cryptocurrencies enable access to financial services for the unbanked and underbanked, promoting financial inclusion and empowerment.
- Fast and Affordable Transactions: Cryptocurrencies facilitate quick and low-cost cross-border transactions, reducing the reliance on traditional banking systems and intermediaries.
- Security and Privacy: Cryptocurrencies utilize robust cryptographic techniques to ensure secure transactions while preserving the privacy of users through pseudonymity.
Cons of cryptocurrencies:
- Volatility and Risk: Cryptocurrencies are known for their price volatility, which can result in significant fluctuations and potential financial losses for investors.
- Regulatory Challenges: The regulatory landscape for cryptocurrencies is still evolving, creating uncertainty and potential barriers to widespread adoption.
- Scalability and Energy Consumption: Some cryptocurrencies face scalability challenges, leading to slower transaction times and higher fees. Additionally, the energy consumption associated with certain consensus mechanisms, such as Proof-of-Work, has raised concerns about environmental impact.
It's important to note that the pros and cons of cryptocurrencies can vary depending on the specific cryptocurrency and its implementation. Additionally, the cryptocurrency market is dynamic, and ongoing developments may impact the advantages and disadvantages associated with these digital assets. | <urn:uuid:aacfb64a-3193-4f95-84ec-89730d341e38> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://goinvest.io/wrapped-bitcoin/how-to-buy-wrapped-bitcoin-wbtc | 2024-02-29T12:40:59Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.930326 | 1,886 | 1 |
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We've gathered some common questions here to provide you with helpful information about our platform and services.
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Pre Sale Questions
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Once your order has been shipped, we will provide you with a tracking number via email. You can follow the link or follow it on the carrier's page to get real-time updates on the status of your shipment.
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A blog has just been published from the Director of Competition & Registration at OfS on “Getting to grips on grade inflation”. The key statistic in this debate, is that the proportion of first-class honours degrees awarded has increased from 16% to 29% between 2010-11 and 2017-18.
In regard to the latest increase, the Director says OfS wants “to understand, for example, whether a provider has made recent changes to the way it calculates degree calculations, or whether it can point to other evidence – such as investment in staffing, teaching, services or facilities – that would credibly account for the “unexplained” increases.
The blog then interestingly goes on, “We are also interested in the steps that governing bodies have taken to ensure that academic governance arrangements are adequate and effective”.
This follows the OfS publishing in June 2019, “Effective practice advice for governing bodies”, in respect of Access & Participation noting that, “under the Higher Education & Research Act 2017, governing bodies are responsible for overseeing the development of a provider’s access and participation plan and monitoring its performance.” This states, “It is .. essential that governing bodies are familiar with the OfS approach and guidance on access and participation and that they ensure that the provider’s plan meets expectations set out in that guidance”.
The OfS has been very active on Access & Participation and it is understandable that they would wish governing bodies to exercise direction, pressure and commitment to achieve OfS aims. However, this is not the only government strategic priority. Supplementary guidance to the OfS this year from the Secretary of State on quality included eliminating grade inflation, essay mills and unconditional offers – especially conditional unconditional offers. The Strategic Priorities for the OfS for 2019/20 already included: senior pay, freedom of expression, health & wellbeing, student protection plans, consumer rights and financial sustainability.
The challenge for HE Governing Bodies of this approach is at least twofold:
- How to stay focused on the Institutional strategy, values, culture and general oversight while giving appropriate weight to Government priorities?
- How governing bodies adapt to the role they are now expected to fulfil in respect of academic quality issues?
The potential risks in the OfS approach are that Councils could become more managerial and that more paperwork flows to Councils which ticks the compliance boxes but does not necessarily help the debate or address the OfS needs. In these circumstances, Councils could become diverted from exercising their overall role and focus.
Actions to address the challenge from the OfS that might be considered include:
Rethinking the paper overload at Council meetings.
This is not easy as it involves a major cultural change – we like paper as incoming lay members often note. Council members need to know enough to fulfil their role but not everything. It takes effort to write papers with an eye on the Council members reading them, but the papers could be shorter, focused on the key issues/risks/decisions but supplemented by awareness briefing sessions. Perhaps a paper addressing the University’s response to key government priorities would be valuable rather than covering each separately in detail.
Getting the balance right between management and governance.
The management team needs to be of the right quality to be trusted to manage the implementation of the University Strategy, Council decisions and the detailed operations of the University. Council needs to let them do so. However, the Executive also needs to be properly accountable for their performance to Council justifying and maintaining Council’s confidence.
Considering whether there are enough external members with academic quality experience on the Council.
Making sure there is good induction, focused briefing documentation and regular briefings/discussions for all Council members on academic quality and other issues. It is helpful that there are internal members with this experience, but external challenge is helpful. Too often Council members do not feel competent or simply feel they should stay outside these issues.
Is it time to consider the role of Senate or Academic Board?
It manages the key reputational asset of the University – the ability to award degrees? How well is it performing that function and what is Council’s evidence for that opinion? Senates are a historic construct – marginally reformed – but sit oddly in governance terms as they do not usually have external members providing insight and challenge and are usually chaired by the management – Vice-Chancellor or his/her Deputy. As such, they are often more akin to managerial committees, but it could be argued that they may neither be serving the needs of the Vice-Chancellor or giving Council the assurance it needs.
Ensuring that there is good professional support for governance and Council members.
Maintaining the continuing engagement and focus of good quality Council members requires this support. It is an investment that can be repaid, as a well-performing Council can add considerable value to a University. Is it time for more Universities to consider a governance team led by a senior professional solely tasked with this role reporting directly to the Chair of Council?
The need to respond to Government priorities and the OfS is real but the risks in so doing need to be considered and mitigated.
Frank Toop is a Consulting Fellow for Halpin – the home of experts in governance. | <urn:uuid:d461cf5e-b2ab-4a44-8a53-091b75eceb8e> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://halpinpartnership.com/ofs-challenges-university-governance/ | 2024-02-29T12:18:35Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.964177 | 1,082 | 1 |
Preparing for war…..
Shadow of Mordor is developed by Monolith Studios and published by Warner Bros Interactive. It is based off J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings universe. Set between Bilbo’s adventure in The Hobbit and Frodo’s adventure in The Lord of the Rings. Shadow of Mordor follows the adventure of Celebrimbor and Talion, two victims of the Dark Lord Sauron. They both have a grudge against Sauron for losing their families, and they both combine their unique skills to become the ultimate Uruk-dominating machine. There are two large maps in open world styles which separate Urukai. And there are armies that can be killed/control at the players will in story mode. This game gave birth to the infamous “Nemesis” system where all the bad guys will REMEMBER YOU, amongst other things.
The landscapes are wide and varied in this open world game. Wild animals such as ‘caragors’ and ‘graugs’ have immense detail. Uruks in the armies are very unique graphically, and even minute details like flies circling them are identified. When using the bow, where things spacially matters immensely, you will find that Talion/Celebrimbor has a great shot when picking through the scenery of a view.
This is a story of revenge, that much is clear from the very beginning. Both Talion and Celebrimbor lose their families to agents of Sauron, although we only learn of Talion’s family at first. They lose their own loves in a blood magic ritual during their slaying. Different characters are introduced, and one plot from a certain Lord of the Rings movie is also used. As a former Gondorian ranger, you will help human slaves of the Uruk as well as help a warrior princess at various times. The story definitely has it’s leap of faith with logic at times, but slashing orcs never needed a premise; it was definitely more satisfying knowing that we are getting the character revenge and joining the fight against Sauron at the same time.
The voice acting in this game was truly gripping. Different voices for all your different Uruk enemies is also interesting. The whisper sound effects employ when using wraith abilities really blends well. Shadow of Mordor also employs excellent sound effects through the controller. Not a lot of games utilized that controller speaker, but when they do, they do it oh so well. When engaged with a new foe, your ear will definitely pick up their war cries.
This game plays like a perfect blend of the Assassin’s Creed and Batman Arkham series. You can employ both stealth and straight up combat to meet your goals.The game truly has a learning curve, where, in the beginning, stealth is definitely preferred. Trying to take on too many Uruk can not only impede your progress, but depending on how far you’ve gotten in the game, can introduce unknown members of the armies at the most unopportunistic times. The game’s Nemesis system is truly fresh and unique; every Uruk in the army has a list of strengths and weaknesses. These characteristics will determine how you choose to tackle a certain foe. There were some Uruks that were so strong in combat, I had to employ the nature of the surroundings however possible: unlocking caragor cages, shooting morgai flies, and even getting a group of ghuls to chase my foe’s underlings so that I could isolate them.
This game’s story modes and DLC were gratifying. The game presented environmental challenges, had interesting mechanics to take advantage of, and never had a dull moment. The Lord of the Hunt DLC really made the beasts of the game stand out all on their own. Mastering
nature as the ranger. Having control of the Uruk army was great, but besides taking of over other Uruks and the final battle, it felt a little short of the ultimate goal. This game has hours of gameplay and tons of replayability.
It’s near perfect. Maybe Shadow of War will be completely perfect. This reviewer intends to find out soon. | <urn:uuid:a5870451-6029-49e6-808a-df4bea64e232> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://hardmodegamers.com/shadow-of-mordor-official-review | 2024-02-29T11:07:33Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.962529 | 867 | 1 |
In the heart of America, Kentucky boasts a rich diversity of native plants that can be harnessed to create beautiful, sustainable gardens and landscapes. Kentucky native plants add a touch of natural beauty to your surroundings and contribute to the overall well-being of the environment.
This article will explore various native plants, including trees, shrubs, vegetables, fruits, edible natives, and herbs that thrive in Kentucky's climate and soil. Each plant brings its unique charm and is vital in promoting sustainability in your outdoor spaces.
Benefits of Gardening and Landscaping with Kentucky Native Plants
Native plants are adapted to local precipitation patterns and soil conditions. This means they typically require less water than non-native species, reducing the need for irrigation.
Native plants have evolved with the local soils and usually don't require fertilizer. This helps to maintain the soil structure and fertility, and reduces the risk of chemical runoff into local water systems.
Supporting Local Wildlife
Native plants provide habitat for native species of birds, insects, and other wildlife. For example, they offer the right kinds of food for local pollinators like bees and butterflies, helping to maintain biodiversity.
Once established, native plants require less maintenance than non-natives. They are better adapted to local conditions, less prone to diseases and pests, reducing the need for pesticides and fertilizers.
Saving money on water costs is a nice side effect of using native plants. Over time, these savings can be significant.
Native plants offer a unique and authentic beauty that exotic plants can't match. They can provide vibrant flowers, exciting textures, and seasonal variety naturally suited to the local landscape.
Because native plants are tailored to local weather conditions, they make your landscape more resistant to climate change, especially extreme weather events. This resilience can help reduce the risk of plant loss and subsequent financial costs for replacement and garden repair.
Community and Cultural Benefits
Gardening with native plants can foster a sense of community and local identity. These plants are a living link to an area's natural history, and their conservation helps preserve a region's unique ecology and culture.
Most Common Kentucky Native Plants
Red Maples are native to Kentucky and are prized for their stunning red foliage in the fall. They provide excellent shade, reducing the need for air conditioning, and their deep roots help prevent soil erosion. These trees are low-maintenance, making them a sustainable choice for landscaping.
Eastern White Pine:
Eastern White Pines are evergreen trees that thrive in Kentucky's climate. They offer year-round beauty and act as windbreaks, reducing energy consumption by protecting homes from harsh winter winds. Their dense foliage also provides privacy and habitat for wildlife.
Black Gum trees are known for their glossy, dark green leaves and brilliant red fall foliage. They attract native birds and insects, promoting biodiversity in your garden. Their ability to grow in wet or dry soils makes them versatile for various landscape conditions.
The American Sycamore is a majestic tree with mottled, exfoliating bark and large leaves. Its extensive root system helps stabilize riverbanks and prevents soil erosion, making it a sustainable choice for properties near water bodies.
Pawpaw trees produce unique, tropical-flavored fruits native to Kentucky. They can be integrated into a sustainable landscape, providing fresh, locally sourced fruits while supporting pollinators and enhancing the ecosystem's resilience.
This native shrub features showy, bottlebrush-like flowers and lush foliage. It's an excellent choice for attracting pollinators and birds, contributing to the local ecosystem's health.
Buttonbush is a wetland shrub that thrives in Kentucky's moisture-rich areas. Its fragrant, spherical blooms attract butterflies and bees while stabilizing soil near ponds or streams.
Arrowwood Viburnum is prized for its clusters of white flowers and blue-black berries. It provides cover and food for wildlife and thrives in a range of soil types, making it a sustainable choice for landscaping.
Witch Hazel offers unique, spidery blooms in late winter, providing early nectar for pollinators. Its adaptability to different soil conditions and low maintenance requirements make it a sustainable addition to your garden.
Common Elderberry produces clusters of edible berries that are popular for making jams and syrups. It attracts beneficial insects and birds while adding a touch of beauty to your landscape.
Kentucky Wonder Beans:
These pole beans are a staple in Kentucky gardens. They're easy to grow, produce high yields, and have a delicious flavor, reducing the need for store-bought beans.
Cherokee Purple Tomato:
This heirloom tomato variety is well-suited to Kentucky's climate. Its rich, sweet flavor makes it a favorite for home gardeners, supporting sustainable, local food production.
Bourbon Red Turkey Beans:
These beans are a tasty addition to your garden and part of Kentucky's heritage. They're excellent for drying and saving for future meals, promoting sustainability.
Blue Lake Bush Beans:
Blue Lake Bush Beans are prolific producers of tender, stringless beans. Their compact growth habit is perfect for smaller garden spaces, maximizing yield in limited areas.
Collard greens are a nutritious leafy green that thrives in Kentucky's cooler seasons. They're easy to grow and provide a continuous source of fresh greens for your table, reducing the need for store-bought vegetables.
Also known as Juneberry or Saskatoon, the Serviceberry produces sweet and flavorful berries in early summer. These delicious berries attract birds and wildlife to your garden, enhancing biodiversity.
Wild Plums are smaller and more tangy than cultivated plums but are excellent for making jams and preserves. They are an essential food source for various native insects and birds.
Kentucky is home to several native blackberry species, such as the Allegheny Blackberry. They produce juicy, sweet berries perfect for fresh eating or making pies and jams. Blackberries support local pollinators and wildlife.
Kentucky's native Persimmon tree produces small, sweet, and astringent fruits in the fall. These fruits are a valuable food source for wildlife and can be used for making desserts and jellies when fully ripe.
Bee Balm, also known as Wild Bergamot, produces vibrant, aromatic flowers that attract pollinators like bees and butterflies. It's also a traditional medicinal herb used by Native Americans.
Goldenrod is a striking native herb with bright yellow blooms. Contrary to popular belief, it does not cause allergies and is an essential nectar source for bees and other beneficial insects.
Echinacea is a well-known native herb with attractive purple flowers. It's not only a popular ornamental plant but also has medicinal properties, boosting the immune system and supporting overall health.
Wild Ginger is a low-growing native herb with heart-shaped leaves and unique maroon-colored flowers. It provides ground cover in shaded areas, reducing the need for herbicides and supporting native woodland ecosystems.
While it may not be the most welcome herb due to its sting, it has culinary and medicinal uses. It's a rich source of nutrients and can be used in soups and teas, and as a natural fertilizer for your garden, promoting sustainability.
In conclusion, Kentucky native plants are the real MVPs for sustainable gardening and landscaping. But it's not just about beauty and taste; native plants help the environment, too. They support local wildlife, reduce water use, and need less pampering than exotic plants. It's like having a low-maintenance friend who always has your back.
So, whether you're a seasoned gardener or starting, consider adding Kentucky natives to your garden and landscape. They're the sustainable superheroes that make your garden thrive while keeping Mother Nature happy. It's a win-win for you, your garden, and our beautiful Bluegrass State!
Are native plants difficult to maintain? Native plants are generally low-maintenance and have evolved to thrive in local conditions. They require less water and fewer pesticides than non-native species.
Can I find native plants at local nurseries? Yes, many local nurseries in Kentucky offer a variety of native plants. You can also participate in native plant sales and exchanges organized by environmental groups.
Do native plants attract wildlife to my garden? Native plants provide food and habitat for local wildlife, including birds, butterflies, and pollinators, making your garden a thriving ecosystem.
Can I use native plants in urban landscaping? Absolutely! Native plants can be incorporated into both rural and urban landscapes, helping to create green and sustainable urban environments.
Where can I learn more about Kentucky's native plants? Local botanical gardens, conservation organizations, and online resources can provide detailed information on native plants and their benefits. | <urn:uuid:36bb4128-bc6f-45ba-a6b2-9eeca1c429e9> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://hardygarden.com/blogs/articles/kentucky-native-plants | 2024-02-29T11:05:25Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.918359 | 1,791 | 4 |
Fields or grow locations in Farmbrite can be anywhere that you are growing plants and want to keep track of the productivity of that area. For example, a field can represent a traditional 40 acre field of row crops, or an orchard of trees or berries, or a market garden plot, or a raised bed, or a greenhouse.
You can add a new field by clicking on the green “Add Grow Location” button. You’ll be prompted to provide details about your field and Farmbrite will take you through a step by step Wizard to set up your grow location.
Finding your Field or Bed
You can easily search for any of your grow locations using the search bar located on the top right of the field list. The search bar will search for fields based on their Title (Name) or Status. Simply type in your search criteria and hit enter to search.
Please Note: Deleted records cannot be recovered.
Adding a Grow location
When creating a new grow location you will be prompted to move through a set up Wizard. Enter the important information about your growing area, What you want to name it, if it is a field, greenhouse, etc, the planting format, growing status and more.
The planting format will be different for different growing areas. For instance, plants that will be added to beds will want to be added to a planted in beds planting format and plants that are grown close together in a large area will want to be added to the cover crop or row crop type format. If you are growing trees, select Other.
Tip: Add your crops first and then add your grow locations for easy set up. | <urn:uuid:290c8c11-9593-4a9e-bd52-80c419153fc6> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://help.farmbrite.com/help/grow-locations-getting-started | 2024-02-29T11:14:17Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.911596 | 339 | 1 |
Green Business Opportunity: Sustainable Ventures for Success
As environmental consciousness grows, the green business opportunity becomes more promising. Explore the potential for sustainable ventures and how businesses can seize this opportunity for both profitability and positive impact.
Rising Demand for Sustainable Solutions
The increasing awareness of environmental issues has led to a rising demand for sustainable products and services. Consumers are actively seeking eco-friendly alternatives, creating a market ripe for green businesses. Entrepreneurs can tap into this demand by offering innovative solutions that prioritize environmental sustainability.
Eco-Friendly Products and Services
Green business opportunities span a wide range of industries, from renewable energy and eco-friendly products to sustainable construction and green technologies. Entrepreneurs can focus on developing and delivering products and services that minimize environmental impact, promoting a circular economy and reducing the overall carbon footprint.
Government Incentives and Policies
Governments around the world are recognizing the importance of sustainable practices and are implementing policies to encourage green initiatives. Entrepreneurs can leverage government incentives, grants, and subsidies designed to support environmentally friendly businesses. Staying informed about these policies is essential for maximizing the benefits of a green business venture.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Impact
Businesses are increasingly incorporating Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) into their operations. A green business not only contributes to environmental sustainability but also aligns with CSR goals. Companies demonstrating a commitment to eco-friendly practices often enjoy positive brand reputation and consumer loyalty.
Educating and Engaging Consumers
Educating consumers about the environmental benefits of green products is crucial. Marketing strategies should focus on transparency, showcasing the eco-friendly aspects of products and services. Engaging consumers in the sustainability journey creates a sense of shared responsibility and enhances the overall impact of green businesses.
Innovative Sustainable Technologies
Advancements in technology are driving innovation in sustainable solutions. Entrepreneurs can explore opportunities in developing or adopting green technologies. From energy-efficient devices to waste reduction technologies, investing in innovation can position a business at the forefront of the green revolution.
Collaborations and Partnerships
Building strategic collaborations and partnerships is key to the success of green businesses. Collaborating with other eco-conscious businesses, NGOs, or research institutions can lead to shared resources, knowledge exchange, and collective efforts toward a more sustainable future.
Green Certification and Standards
Obtaining green certifications and adhering to environmental standards adds credibility to a green business. Certifications such as LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) or Energy Star signify a commitment to sustainability. Meeting and exceeding these standards can attract environmentally conscious consumers and business partners.
Market Research for Target Audience
Understanding the target audience is fundamental for any business, and green businesses are no exception. Conducting market research helps identify the specific needs, preferences, and behaviors of environmentally conscious consumers. Tailoring products and marketing strategies to align with these insights enhances the relevance and success of green ventures.
Green Business Opportunity for HomeContractorHub.info
For specialized insights and resources on seizing the green business opportunity in the home improvement industry, visit Green Business Opportunity. Explore expert advice tailored to contractors and service providers, offering valuable tips for integrating sustainability into your business model.
Striking the Balance: Profitability and Environmental Impact
In conclusion, the green business opportunity presents a unique intersection of profitability and environmental impact. Entrepreneurs have the chance to contribute to a sustainable future while meeting the growing demand for eco-friendly solutions. By embracing innovation, building strategic partnerships, and staying attuned to market trends, businesses can position themselves at the forefront of the green revolution, reaping both financial and environmental rewards. | <urn:uuid:63f5e241-016b-4f69-bbb2-60debe5bd6b1> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://homecontractorhub.info/green-business-opportunity-sustainable-ventures-for-success/ | 2024-02-29T12:45:32Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.898942 | 732 | 4 |
Solar Light Market Size, Key Company Profiles, Types, Applications and Forecast to 2027 – SoccerNurds
Request a download sample
The most recent report on “The Solar Light Market Report 2021 by Key Players, Types, Applications, Countries, Market Size, Forecast to 2027 “by Credible Markets includes a comprehensive study of the geographic landscape, industry size and sales estimate of the company. Additionally, the report highlights the challenges hindering the market growth and expansion strategies of leading companies in the Solar Light Market.
A comprehensive competitive analysis, containing insightful data on industry leaders, is designed to help potential market participants and existing competitors find the right direction to reach their decisions. In the market structure analysis, solar light companies with their profiles, sales shares in the market, a comprehensive portfolio of their offers, network and sales strategies, regional market imprints and much more are discussed in detail.
Key Players in Global Solar Light Market Covered In Chapter 13:
Solar Street Lights USA
Shenzhen Jiawei solar lighting
Force of nature
Dragons breathe solar
SOKOYO Solar Group
Sunny solar technology
In Chapter 6, by Types, the Solar Light Market from 2015 to 2025 is mainly divided into:
In Chapter 7, Solar Lighting Market from 2015 to 2025 based on Applications covers:
Geographically the detailed analysis of consumption, sales, market share and growth rate of the following regions:
- North America (USA, Canada, Mexico)
- Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain, others)
- Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Southeast Asia, others)
- Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, South Africa, others)
- South America (Brazil, others)
Some points from the table of contents
Solar Light Market Report 2020-2025 – Professional Analysis of Production and Consumption (Impact of COVID-19)
Chapter 1 Solar Light Market – Scope of Research
Chapter 2 Solar light market – research methodology
Chapter 3 Market forces for solar light
Chapter 4 Solar light market – by geography
Chapter 5 Solar light market – According to trade statistics
Chapter 6 Solar light market – By type
Chapter 7 Solar light market – by application
Chapter 8 North America Solar Light Market
Chapter 9 Market analysis for solar light in Europe
Chapter 10 Market analysis for solar light in the Asia-Pacific region
Chapter 11 Analysis of the solar light market in the Middle East and Africa
Chapter 12 Market analysis for solar light in South America
Chapter 13 Company profiles
Chapter 14 Market Forecast – By Region
Chapter 15 Market forecast – by type and application
Important questions addressed in the report
- What is the Total Market Value of the Solar Light Market Report?
- What would be the forecast period in the market report?
- What is the market value of the solar light market in 2021?
- What is the opinion of the top industry leader on solar light?
- What is the base year calculated in the Solar Light Market Report?
- What are the key trends in the Solar Light Market Report?
- What are the Market Values / Growth% of the Emerging Markets?
- Which market holds the maximum market share in the solar light market?
Credible market analysis
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Contact number: +1 (929) -450-2887
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Thank you for reading this article. You can also get individual chapter-by-chapter sections or regional report versions such as North America, Europe, MEA, or Asia Pacific. | <urn:uuid:9a3929c9-9e78-4abf-9179-1c53bbcaa333> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://homeimprovementnewsjournal.com/solar-light-market-size-key-company-profiles-types-applications-and-forecast-to-2027-soccernurds/ | 2024-02-29T11:29:16Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.844009 | 748 | 1 |
A free to attend talk by Dr David Ratledge on recent historic Lidar discoveries in East Anglia 2pm, Saturday 14th October 2023Davies Memorial Hall, The Street, Herringswell,Suffolk IP28 6ST The past ten years have seen a transformation in our understanding of Britain’s Roman road network, as a consequence of Lidar data becoming freely available.Dr Ratledge […]
The views across Dunstable Downs towards Ivinghoe Beacon have changed. UK Power Networks has removed the 33kV lattice tower line which has significantly changed the views. Note the Icknield Way disc in the UKPN ‘before’ photo below. Read more details in the UKPN press release including comments from the Chilterns Conservation Board and National Trust.
We would like to improve the route of the Icknield Way riders route around Heydon, Chrishall, Elmdon, Strethall on the Cambridgeshire/Essex borders. The route current runs along a number of minor roads but there may be a better route using bridleways and byways. We would like to find some local riding folk who can advise
We would like to improve the route of the Icknield Way in Letchworth. The route current runs down the “Icknield Way” road through the town, which may be historically accurate, but it is probably the least attractive few miles of the Icknield Way as a leisure route. We would like to find some Letchworth local
The Icknield Way Association has become an OS Maps Trusted Route Partner. The off-road riding and walking routes have been added to OS maps. For OS subscribers it is possible to see the route using an traditional Landranger or Explorer OS map backgrounds. A GPS route can also be downloaded to add into other tools.
The Icknield Way Trail website has had a refresh. The previous version was created on some old unsupported software and it has now been refreshed. As part of the work have updated information and corrected broken links. As you will be aware this website is focused on equestrians and mountain bikers. Walkers should go to | <urn:uuid:e9ca27ff-d452-4184-9308-41c8c8fb6817> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://icknieldwaytrail.org.uk/category/promotion/ | 2024-02-29T12:09:57Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.953761 | 456 | 1 |
Which geyser is best for kitchen instant or storage: Are you contemplating between an instant or storage geyser for your kitchen, but feeling a bit baffled? Don’t fret! Deciding which geyser to get can be puzzling, but we’ve got your back.
This blog will unravel the mystery and guide you through the pros and cons of each. Let’s embark on this hot water adventure!
Testing Method and Parameters:
- Heating Time: Measure the time taken to heat a specific volume of water (e.g., 5 liters) to the desired temperature.
- Energy Efficiency: Evaluate energy consumption concerning water heating capacity.
- Space and Installation: Consider the available space in your kitchen and the ease of installation for both types.
- Water Temperature Control: Analyze the precision and convenience of temperature adjustment.
- Cost: Factor in the initial investment, maintenance, and operational costs.
|Rapid, heats water instantly
|Slower, needs time to heat stored water
|Generally more energy-efficient per use
|May be less efficient due to heat loss
|Space and Installation
|Compact, easier to install
|Requires more space, installation effort
|Immediate control, better for small needs
|Steady temperature for larger volumes
|Lower initial cost, cost-effective for small use
|Higher initial cost, efficient for larger volumes
Advantages and Disadvantages:
- Advantages: Rapid heating, energy efficiency for smaller quantities, compact size.
- Disadvantages: May not suit larger water requirements, higher operational costs for frequent use.
- Advantages: Steady supply for larger volumes, potentially more energy-efficient for higher usage.
- Disadvantages: Slower heating, larger footprint, initial cost might be higher.
Tips for Consideration: To Identify which geyser is best for kitchen instant or storage
- Usage Patterns: Consider your daily hot water consumption to align with the geyser’s capacity.
- Space Availability: Assess the kitchen space to determine the most fitting size.
- Energy Efficiency: Check energy ratings to optimize long-term savings.
- Installation: Factor in installation complexities and costs.
- Maintenance: Understand maintenance needs for longevity.
Detailed Comparison and Analysis:
Heating Time and Efficiency:
Instant geysers excel in heating water rapidly as they heat water on-demand. They start producing hot water almost instantly after turning them on, making them ideal for small, immediate needs like washing dishes or hands.
Conversely, storage geysers, which hold a preheated reservoir of water, take longer to heat the stored water, making them better suited for scenarios where a continuous and steady supply of hot water is required, such as for cooking or larger cleaning tasks.
Regarding energy efficiency, instant geysers tend to be more efficient for smaller quantities due to their on-demand heating nature. They only heat the water needed, reducing energy wastage.
However, for larger volumes, storage geysers might prove more efficient as they can maintain a steady temperature and prevent heat loss.
Space and Installation:
In terms of space and installation, instant geysers have a clear advantage due to their compact size and ease of installation. They fit snugly in smaller spaces, making them suitable for apartments or kitchens with limited space.
Conversely, storage geysers require more space, often needing a dedicated area due to their larger size and the need for a tank to hold the heated water.
Installation of instant geysers is relatively straightforward and can sometimes be done without professional help, saving on installation costs.
On the other hand, installing a storage geyser might involve more complexity, requiring additional plumbing work and potentially higher installation expenses.
Temperature Control and Cost Considerations:
Instant geysers offer immediate control over water temperature, allowing precise adjustments based on the required usage. This feature is beneficial for small-scale tasks where specific temperature settings are necessary.
Storage geysers, however, maintain a constant temperature for larger volumes, suitable for situations requiring a continuous supply of hot water.
When considering costs, instant geysers generally have a lower initial cost, making them a cost-effective choice for small-scale usage.
However, their operational costs might be higher for frequent use due to increased energy consumption. Storage geysers might have a higher upfront cost but prove more efficient for larger volumes, leading to potential cost savings in the long run.
FAQ on Which geyser is best for kitchen instant or storage
Q: Which geyser type is better for a small kitchen?
A: An instant geyser is more suitable for smaller kitchens due to its compact size and rapid heating capabilities.
Q: Are storage geysers more energy-efficient than instant geysers?
A: For larger water volumes, storage geysers tend to be more energy-efficient. However, for smaller quantities, instant geysers can be more efficient due to their immediate heating.
Q: Can I install a storage geyser in a limited space?
A: While storage geysers require more space, certain compact models might fit in smaller areas, but installation may need careful consideration.
Thinking about Which geyser is best for kitchen instant or storage? to choose best between an instant and a storage geyser depends on your specific kitchen needs. Evaluate the parameters, consider the comparison, and weigh the pros and cons to make an informed decision that suits your lifestyle and preferences.
Ultimately, whether it’s the rapid response of an instant geyser or the steady supply of a storage geyser, the choice rests on what best aligns with your daily hot water requirements and the space available in your kitchen. | <urn:uuid:2d7ec8ca-c77a-4d90-916b-23d036d3444b> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://idigibuzz.com/which-geyser-is-best-for-kitchen-instant-or-storage/ | 2024-02-29T12:43:38Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.892323 | 1,202 | 1 |
Abstract: Accurately determining pain levels in children is difficult, even for trained professionals and parents. Facial activity provides sensitive and specific information about pain, and computer vision algorithms have been developed to automatically detect Facial Action Units (AUs) defined by the Facial Action Coding System (FACS). Our prior work utilized information from computer vision, i.e. automatically detected facial AUs to develop classifiers to distinguish between pain and no-pain conditions. However, application of pain/no-pain classifiers based on automated AU codings across different environmental domains resulted indiminished performance. In contrast, classifiers based on manually coded AUs demonstrated reduced environmentally-based variability in performance. To improve classification performance in the current work, we applied transfer learning by training another machine learning model to map automated AU codings to a subspace of manual AU codings to enable more robust pain recognition performance when only automatically coded AUs are available for the test data. With this transfer learning method, we improved the Area under the ROC Curve (AUC) on independent data (new participants) from our target data domain from 0.69 to 0.72.
Scientific Publications from Researchers Using iMotions
iMotion is used for some of the most interesting human behavior research studies done by top researchers around the world. Contact us to have your publication featured here.All Publications | <urn:uuid:f519ce20-ceff-4f0b-9c42-563a55caa45c> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://imotions.com/blog/automated-pain-detection-in-facial-videos-of-children-using-human-assisted-transfer-learning/ | 2024-02-29T11:40:16Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.900342 | 280 | 1 |
The new third edition provides readers with the fundamental theories and concepts for understanding how business is done in Europe, linking it to the current European business environment through a range of up-to-date case studies and examples.
Revised and updated to include recent changes in the economic and political climate of Europe, and thematic perspectives on key contemporary European challenges, the authors also bring into consideration non-EU Business in the EU as well as the way Brexit is likely to affect businesses.
Also new to this edition:
- Examples and cases from a wider range of European member states, including Tesla, Airbnb, Ryanair, Belgian AB InBev’s acquisition of British SABMiller, and the expansion of Alibaba Group in Europe.
- Enhanced material on business in EFTA and CEFTA areas.
- Analysis of the effects digitalisation, business analytics and Artificial Intelligence have on business in Europe.
- Coverage of the challenges and opportunities stemming from migration and the refugee crisis.
- A specific focus on the gig and shared economy.
- An investigation into how sustainability and climate change agreements impact on business.
The book is supported by online resources for lecturers and students, including an instructor’s manual, PowerPoint Slides, multiple choice questions, class-based role play instruction guides, chapter summaries, and links to relevant videos and podcasts.
Suitable reading for students on European business modules at both undergraduate and postgraduate level.
- Instructor's manual
- PowerPoint Slides
- Multiple Choice Questions
- Detailed role-play instruction guides
- Further reading suggestions
- Links to online videos and podcasts
- Chapter summaries
- Web links to European institutions and associations | <urn:uuid:e7e6de93-fdac-4ec9-bd72-4290894329cb> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://in.sagepub.com/en-in/sas/doing-business-in-europe/book257560 | 2024-02-29T13:28:07Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.899437 | 346 | 2 |
Viewpoint by Charith Gunawardena
Fight for Private Creditor Debt Cancellation
The writer is a former Local Councillor for London Borough of Enfield in the United Kingdom representing the Green Party and a member of the Sri Lankan diaspora.
LONDON (IDN) — With the whole world watching the deteriorating political, economic and humanitarian situation unfolding in Sri Lanka, and while we pray for swift solutions to food, fuel and medical shortages, there is now an opportunity to reinvent how countries caught in post-Covid 19 debt traps recover from crippling debt and re-emerge as healthy, functioning economies.
Sri Lanka, like many other countries seeking International Monetary Fund (IMF), bailouts, is in a difficult position. Corrupt governments have mismanaged the nation’s finances and agreed to predatory loans with exploitive interest rates. Having absconded from the country they ravaged, they have left millions of everyday citizens on the hook for their crimes and ineptitude.
In the case of Sri Lanka, the country has internal and external borrowings of over $50 billion (60% of GDP) that it cannot service crucially over 40% of that is to private creditors, many of whom are charging predatory interest rates. The loans from multilateral institutions (over 20% of external debt) and bilateral arrangements (30%) are on more concessionary payment terms.
The traditional solution, to turn to the IMF, will likely result in crippling austerity measures and the selling off of our national assets and resources, leaving us even less able to revive our economy on our own steam. This is unacceptable, and I would suggest not inevitable.
Sri Lanka is not the only country in this position. It is the canary in the coal mine. The pandemic, the war in Ukraine and resulting inflation have hamstrung several nations in the global south who may soon be facing their own disasters. The instability this will cause will be detrimental to global politics and economies writ large. Problems like these are not isolated and do not stay put. They travel, taking their consequences with them across the planet.
The solutions to these troubles are as unique and complicated as each individual country, but what they all share is some measure of debt cancellation and delayed or restructured repayment. I am not suggesting Sri Lanka default on its external loans to other governments or multilateral institutions.
I am suggesting that instead of thinking in the short-term and selling off our assets, the very things that could be used to revive the economy, we declare null and void the remainder of the debt to extortionary private lenders and instead create a plan for how Sri Lanka’s people and resources can work to revive the economy and repay those restructured multilateral loans and bilateral loans from our allies. Taking a genuinely non-aligned position in the geopolitical battles between larger nations is a prerequisite to request assistance from across the world.
The benefits to this are myriad. First and foremost, it gives Sri Lankans a chance at long-term independence and prosperity and shield against climate change. There have been 16 rounds of standard IMF bailout packages since 1965, and they have all failed to deliver sustainable solutions. The current model of prioritising benefits to lenders rather than local populations is wrongheaded and it simply doesn’t work.
The IMF should bail out people, not accommodate corporations. If they did, the people would, in time, be able to pay back their loans. Sri Lanka is rich is resources and assets which can be leveraged to create a booming economy. The issue is not insolvency, it is illiquidity.
Secondly, we must take a progressive stand against the ability of exploitive private creditors to make deals with corrupt leaders who ultimately are not held responsible for the outcomes.
By including private creditors, such as world’s largest asset manager BlackRock, in IMF debt restructuring negotiations, they are being rewarded for their destructive lending practices, and are encouraged to continue, causing generations-worth of economic damage to struggling nations. Sri Lanka should default on loans to predatory private creditors, and it should do so jointly with other low-income countries.
Yes, the lenders will sue. There is no international court that can force countries to pay them back, but the loans are subject to the laws in which the lenders are based, most often New York and London, and they may pursue claims to overseas assets. This is our opportunity to mobilise for greater economic fairness and to campaign for changes to these laws for the better.
Currently countries in economic hardship do not have the bankruptcy protections granted to businesses. If the owners of a company that cannot pay its bills can be shielded from its creditors to avoid destitution, then surely a country that supports the lives and welfare of millions of people should be entitled to the same protections.
If low-income countries default together, we shine a light on this issue and put pressure on the United States and United Kingdom governments to enact legislation that will protect distressed governments. The change required is systemic and necessitates that we stand together and that new models work for the people. Yes, this will be a fight, but a fight worth engaging in, and one in which there will be support from around the world.
Debt cancellation is not a fairy tale. It can and has happened, to greater and lesser extents, and it can happen for Sri Lanka, but the call needs to come from the people. The current government will not engage in this type of structural change without pressure. The people need to demand it. They need to demand fairness and the opportunity to thrive.
Debt cancellation in these circumstances is justice. I would encourage every Sri Lankan, and every citizen of countries in similar straits, to consider the idea. Talk about it with your friends and family. Discuss it within Sri Lankan civil society. Demand that our leaders fight for it.
The diaspora wants to help and will speak up within their countries calling for their governments to support these ideas. If Sri Lankans ask for it, organisations like Debt Justice UK, Asian Peoples’ Movement on Debt and Development, Jubilee USA, and others, can support the fight.
The whole planet is in recovery mode. Now is the time for large-scale change based on reframing what economic justice looks like. Debt is not a moral issue. Allowing people to suffer and die is a moral issue. [IDN-InDepthNews — 31 July 2022]
Photo: Sri Lankans wait in line with their empty gas cylinders near a gas shop in Colombo. Credit: Tharaka Basnayaka/NurPhoto via AP
IDN is the flagship agency of the Non-profit International Press Syndicate.
This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence. You are free to share, remix, tweak and build upon it non-commercially. Please give due credit. | <urn:uuid:035a28f6-1bb4-4f62-b25b-bd3718f2c03b> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://indepthnews.net/time-for-new-solutions-for-sri-lanka/ | 2024-02-29T11:56:54Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.950428 | 1,414 | 1 |
The House of Representatives on Thursday failed to override President Joe Biden’s first veto of his presidency, which was related to a Biden administration rule on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investment.
The House vote of 219–200 in favor of overriding Biden’s veto fell short of the two-thirds majority threshold required. All Republicans who were present voted in favor of overriding the veto. Rep. Jared Golden (D-Maine) was the lone Democrat who joined them in the vote.
Biden’s veto, issued March 20, rejected a resolution introduced by Rep. Andy Barr (R-Ky.) to rescind a Department of Labor (DOL) rule that went into effect on Jan. 30. The resolution, whose companion bill was led by Sen. Mike Braun (R-Ind.), passed the House and Senate via simple majority votes.
The DOL rule allows pension fund managers to invest people’s retirement money according to various ESG criteria. It replaces a previous rule issued under the Trump administration in 2020 that required fund managers to make investments only based on financial considerations.
The Biden administration rule affects the pensions of 152 million Americans, which amount to some $12 trillion.
“House Democrats just overwhelmingly doubled down in defense of Biden’s radical ESG regulation,” House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) said in a statement on Twitter on Thursday in response to the failed veto override.
“House Republicans have different priorities: your retirement savings should NOT be used to fund political activism,” he added. “We’ll continue to fight for American workers over woke Wall Street.”
Barr, who introduced the anti-ESG measure, on Thursday shared a Twitter post from Rep. John Rose (R-Tenn.): “@HouseGOP is sending a message to President Biden: we stand with hard-working, middle-class Americans over woke, special interest groups.
“Americans’ retirement accounts should be protected from left-wing lunacy. @RepAndyBarr is leading this effort and I’m 100% supportive—for the financial security of Tennesseans.”
ESG is a voluntary activity companies can pursue. The non-financial criteria are measured by external, third-party providers. Companies deemed to better meet ESG criteria may be allotted more capital and credit, and preferential contracting, by financial institutions subscribed to the ESG agenda.
Supporters of ESG say such criteria can guide companies to reflect changing trends and benefit their employees and society at large in non-financial ways.
But those opposed to ESG say that it amounts to something like a social credit score that shifts investing from focusing on revenue, investor returns, and the quality of goods and services, to focusing on arbitrary and subjective goals that seek to achieve political and social justice causes, sometimes at the expense of financial returns.
Many Republican and some Democrat lawmakers have said the DOL rule would politicize investing and allow pension fund managers to risk Americans’ hard-earned dollars to pursue leftist causes that have nothing to do with finances, including climate change and gender diversity.
Prior to Biden’s veto, the Democrats who voted with Republicans to rescind the DOL rule were Rep. Golden, and Sens. Jon Tester (D-Mont.) and Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.).
Other Democrats say that the rule would just allow the fund managers to acknowledge ESG criteria as relevant to analyzing their investments.
“This bill would risk your retirement savings by making it illegal to consider risk factors MAGA House Republicans don’t like,” Biden previously said on Twitter in announcing his veto. Biden said in a White House statement that the rule “protects the hard-earned life savings and pensions of tens of millions of workers and retirees across the country.”
“This ESG rule will weaken our energy, national, and economic security while jeopardizing the hard-earned retirement savings of 150 million West Virginians and Americans,” Manchin had said after Biden’s veto. “Despite a clear and bipartisan rejection of the rule from Congress, President Biden is choosing to put his administration’s progressive agenda above the well-being of the American people.”
Barr previously told the House floor that ESG funds carry higher fees and are less diversified than non-ESG funds. “Twenty-one percent of investors don’t even know what ESG stands for,” he said.
The post House Fails to Override Biden’s First Presidential Veto Amid Dispute Over ESG Investment Rule appeared first on Energy News Beat.
Energy News Beat | <urn:uuid:ab5d2932-b119-4f39-a790-c161446e872a> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://internationalenergytransition.info/house-fails-to-override-bidens-first-presidential-veto-amid-dispute-over-esg-investment-rule/ | 2024-02-29T12:09:11Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.953112 | 969 | 2 |
BERLIN – Scores of members of Congress and the European Parliament called on Tuesday to replace the designated chair of the next United Nations climate summit with ties to the fossil fuel sector and sharply limit the industry’s influence in the upcoming talks.
The United Arab Emirates has been criticized by environmental advocates for nominating Sultan Al-Jaber, head of the state-owned Abu Dhabi National Oil Company, to preside over the November 30 – December 12 meeting, known as COP28, in Dubai. Has been done.
In an open letter, the lawmakers called on UN Secretary-General António Guterres, US President Joe Biden, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and UN climate chief Simon Stills “in diplomatic efforts to secure the return of the COP28-designated president”. urged to engage”. ,
Citing the presence of hundreds of oil and gas industry lobbyists at last year’s climate talks in Egypt, lawmakers called on leaders to “take immediate steps to limit the influence of polluting industries, especially major fossil fuel industry players”. Called to raise, whose business strategies are clear.” at odds with the central goals of the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement.
Nearly three dozen US senators and members of the House signed the letter, including both progressive and mainstream Democrats and independents. Veteran US Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse helped organize the letter. Those in attendance included US Rep. Katie Porter, Sen. Bernie Sanders, Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Sen. Jeff Merkle.
The signatures of the European Parliament came mostly from the Greens, Social Democrats and members of the Left, but also from independents and a conservative legislator.
Al-Jaber’s office responded to the letter by pointing to his experience in attending 11 previous UN climate conferences, his pledge to transition ADNOC’s business away from fossil fuels, and his role in founding renewable energy company Masdar .
“We believe that Dr. Sultan’s experience as an engineer, working across the energy spectrum, combined with his experience as a senior global industry leader, are assets that will enable the UAE’s transformative approach to COP28 Will help you run.”
US climate envoy John Kerry has in the past described al-Jaber as a “fantastic choice” to chair the talks. | <urn:uuid:a4d23505-7566-4fda-b278-89d397192355> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://internetshuffle.com/index.php/2023/06/07/us-european-lawmakers-call-for-removal-of-head-of-un-climate-talks-over-fossil-fuel-link-internetshuffle-internetshuffle/ | 2024-02-29T12:46:11Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.945672 | 481 | 4 |
16 x 20 Canvas Print
Gallery Wrapped canvas prints are stretched over a 1.25”-deep bar made of 100% renewable, kiln dried, knot free, finger jointed wood. Assembled by hand.
Poly-cotton blend canvas paper with sharp photographic reproduction and color fidelity, coated with a chemically-perfect gloss finish to protect against fading.
Ready To Hang
All framed and gallery wrapped stretched canvas prints come with preinstalled hanging hardware, ready for immediate display on your wall. | <urn:uuid:4e66e872-7649-4670-af51-9b550f4c2a0f> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://jasonbehnke.com/collections/licensing-available/products/red-autumn-1 | 2024-02-29T12:34:44Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.863252 | 105 | 1 |
A Lagos State Special Offences (Mobile) Court sitting at Oshodi has sentenced a socialite, Ms Chidinma Ogbulu, to two years in prison for distributing petrol as a souvenir during a party.
Chief Magistrate Kehinde Ogundare convicted and sentenced the socialite following her guilty plea on Thursday, and evidence by the prosecution.
Ogundare held that prosecution proved its case against the socialite beyond any reasonable doubt, according to a statement from the Lagos State Ministry of Justice on Friday.
The socialite was first arraigned on March 14 for distributing petrol as a souvenir during her installation party on March 5 at Havillah Event Centre in Lagos State.
She pleaded not guilty then but changed her plea to guilty on Thursday when the case came up for hearing.
Ogundare sentenced the socialite to three months imprisonment or fine N15, 000 fine on count one of the three-count charge, and one-year imprisonment or N500,000 fine on the second count.
The chief magistrate sentenced the socialite to one-year imprisonment or N500,000 fine on the third count.
According to Lagos State Government, the socialite violated Section 251(1), 168 (1), 244 of the Criminal Law of the state, 2015, and Section 195 (2)(b) of the Environmental Management Protection Law of the state, 2017. | <urn:uuid:74b124a0-1023-4582-8412-a7515ddebab7> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://korrectnews.com.ng/fuel-souvenir-lagos-socialite-jailed-two-years/ | 2024-02-29T12:28:17Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.948708 | 291 | 1 |
TRULIFE® ACRYLIC FLOAT: Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
The printed photograph comes alive behind a thin layer of ultra-clear, glare-resistant, UV protected TruLife® acrylic, taking on a life-like feeling of three-dimensionality. The sturdy-yet-lightweight, easy-to-clean piece floats about an inch off the wall — no frame required. It’s like a window straight into your dreams!
Note: Acrylic floats will arrive ready to hang with all mounting hardware already attached for easy installation.
FRAMED TRULIFE® ACRYLIC: Artisan craftsmanship meets visual excellence.
Choose from a variety of unique 4” artisan wood frames and a black or white 2.5” individually-wrapped linen liner. Handcrafted in Italy, the uniquely textured grains of each frame mean no two ever look exactly the same — yet they all look stunning.
A piece of art in their own right, these frames perfectly complement the same brilliant TruLife® acrylic artwork finish for the ultimate sense of casual luxury and awe.
✓ Unrivaled quality and craftsmanship. Not every photographic print you can find out there is created equal. Choose an heirloom piece from an award-winning artist, produced with only the finest materials in the world, raising the bar for presenting timeless limited-edition photographic art.
✓ My no-worry guarantee. I take uncertainty out of the art buying process with my total satisfaction promise and the option of no-questions-asked returns for up to 90 days (just in case).
✓ You'll join my COLLECTOR’S CIRCLE. I believe art should be about lasting connections. As a valued member of my exclusive collector’s circle, you’ll get to see new image releases first, receive collector-only savings and get in-person or online invitations to gallery events closed to the general public.
I am a proud member of 1% for the Planet and its mission of protecting our only home. As part of my CONSERVATION PLEDGE, I have committed to donating 1% of every sale to my Purpose Partners — organizations who fight to protect the land shown in your artwork. That means over its life in my gallery, this piece will generate roughly $2000 supporting public lands conservation. That's art with an impact. | <urn:uuid:88416a9c-b610-4561-a452-87555dc73451> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://larsgesingfineart.com/collections/all-nature-photography-prints/products/kauai-art-hanalei-bay-beach-sunset | 2024-02-29T11:43:46Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.88372 | 576 | 1 |
Frequently Asked Questions
Is this the official ECONOMY PEST CONTROL, INC. website?
This page and website is a part of the Wastebits Locator, providing a comprehensive resource of contact information for waste handlers. It is not the official website of ECONOMY PEST CONTROL, INC..
Are you affiliated with ECONOMY PEST CONTROL, INC.? Is there information that we can update to keep things accurate? Use this form to request an edit to this page.
What is the purpose of a landfill?
The purpose of a landfill is to provide an effective way to dispose of waste material. Landfills are designed and operated under environmental regulations, providing a safe and efficient way to dispose of solid waste materials.
When properly managed, landfills can protect communities from potential contamination and help preserve scarce resources by reducing emissions and protecting surface and groundwater resources.
How do landfills work?
Landfills are typically constructed in layers, with each layer consisting of a protective liner and waste materials. The top layer consists of soil or non-degradable materials such as plastic to ensure that the contents remain contained within the landfill.
As additional waste is added to the landfill, it is compacted into a dense form and covered with soil or non-degradable cover material. This helps to minimize the release of odors and prevent the entry of pests into the landfill site. Additionally, leachate collection systems are installed to capture liquids that the decomposing waste materials may generate.
This liquid is then treated before being released back into the environment. Landfill gas-to-energy systems are also installed in some landfills to capture and convert the methane gas from decomposing waste into electricity.
As landfills reach capacity, they are typically closed off and monitored for environmental compliance before being rehabilitated or covered with soil. By taking these steps, communities can ensure that their landfills are effectively managed and do not threaten the environment.
What happens to the waste in a landfill?
The waste materials deposited into landfills undergo a process of decomposition over time. This process is known as biodegradation, which occurs as bacteria and other microorganisms break down the materials in the landfill.
As the materials decompose, they are converted into nutrient-rich soil that can be used for landscaping or landfill rehabilitation. Additionally, landfill gas-to-energy systems capture methane gas generated through this process and convert it into renewable energy.
By taking these steps, landfill operators can help ensure that landfill contents are managed responsibly and do not threaten the environment.
What kind of safety measures are taken at landfill sites?
Landfill sites are designed with special safety measures to protect the environment and nearby communities from potential health risks associated with landfill waste. These measures include landfill liners and leachate collection systems to prevent landfill waste from contaminating nearby soil and water.
Additionally, landfill gas-to-energy systems are typically installed in some landfills to capture and convert the methane gas from decomposing waste into electricity. Finally, landfill sites may also employ safety systems such as odor control, landfill compaction equipment, landfill covers, and landfill monitoring systems to ensure that landfill sites are managed responsibly.
By taking these steps, landfill operators can help protect the environment and nearby communities from potential health risks associated with landfill waste.
Are there any regulations governing landfill sites?
Yes, landfill sites are regulated by local, state, and federal laws to ensure that landfill operators are managing landfill waste responsibly and protecting the environment from potential health risks. These regulations may include requirements for landfill liners, leachate collection systems, landfill gas-to-energy systems, odor control systems, landfill compaction equipment, landfill covers, and landfill monitoring systems.
Additionally, landfill sites must also comply with landfill closure and landfill post-closure regulations to ensure that landfill waste is properly managed and the environment is protected. By following these regulations, landfill operators can help protect the environment and nearby communities from potential health risks associated with landfill waste.
Are landfill sites monitored for safety?
Yes, landfill sites are typically monitored by landfill operators to ensure that landfill waste is managed responsibly and that the environment is protected from potential health risks. Landfill monitoring systems include landfill covers to keep landfill waste from entering the atmosphere, landfill compaction equipment to reduce the volume of landfill waste, landfill liners to prevent landfill leachate from entering the groundwater, landfill gas-to-energy systems to convert landfill methane into electricity, and odor control systems to reduce any unpleasant odors.
By monitoring landfill sites with these systems, landfill operators can help protect the environment and nearby communities from potential health risks associated with landfill waste.
Are there any benefits to landfill sites?
Yes, landfill sites can benefit local communities and the environment. Landfill gas-to-energy systems can convert landfill methane into electricity, providing renewable energy. In addition, landfill rehabilitation projects can restore degraded landscapes with vegetation, helping to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and providing a benefit to local wildlife and ecosystems.
By taking these steps, landfill operators can help reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to global efforts to combat climate change. Additionally, landfill sites also provide economic benefits by creating jobs for local communities and supporting businesses that collect and recycle landfill waste.
Ultimately, landfill sites are an important part of our waste management system, and by managing landfill sites responsibly, landfill operators can help protect the environment and benefit local communities. | <urn:uuid:0c493588-45ff-4bd4-abb6-90c2e77912ca> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://locator.wastebits.com/location/economy-pest-control-inc | 2024-02-29T11:43:01Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.911276 | 1,112 | 5 |
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Introducing The Cassandra Bezel Set Round and Marquis Bangle by Lumeniri—a captivating lab-grown diamond bangle meticulously crafted in 14k yellow gold.
Adorned with a total of 0.9 carats of Round and Marquise F-G, VS top-quality lab diamonds, this piece boasts a modern design that effortlessly elevates any look. Designed with precision, these bangles reflect the perfect fusion of style and sustainability. Ethically sourced and meticulously shaped, the diamonds within this bangle radiate brilliance while aligning seamlessly with Lumeniri's unwavering commitment to sustainable luxury.
We graciously invite you to explore our current collection or connect with a Lumeniri diamond concierge to guide you through the possibilities of a custom design journey. Experience sophistication and responsible luxury with The Cassandra Bezel Set Round and Marquis Bangle.
- 0.9 ct
- DEF VS top quality lab diamonds
- Handmade in Istanbul with recycled gold & sustainable techniques
- Made to Order in 2-3 weeks
- 14K White, Yellow or Rose Gold
Connect with our Diamond Concierge here if you would like to discuss a custom design.
We have a 30-day return policy, which means you have 30 days after receiving your item to request a return.
To be eligible for a return, your item must be in the same condition that you received it, unworn or unused, with tags, and in its original packaging. You’ll also need the receipt or proof of purchase.
To start a return, you can contact us at [email protected]. If your return is accepted, we’ll send you a return shipping label, as well as instructions on how and where to send your package. Items sent back to us without first requesting a return will not be accepted.
You can always contact us for any return question at [email protected]. | <urn:uuid:58b15415-62ca-45bd-952e-c6e20e1dc557> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://lumeniri.com/products/the-cassandra-bezel-set-round-and-marquis-bangle | 2024-02-29T11:15:39Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.891919 | 412 | 1 |
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Introducing "The Elaine" from our Huggies & Hoops collection.
These elegant hoop earrings feature 0.22 carats of top-quality Round F-G, VS grade lab diamonds elegantly set in 14K Rose Gold. Embodying Lumeniri Diamonds' commitment to authenticity and sustainability, these hoops represent the brand's dedication to crafting high-design diamond jewelry for a forward-thinking generation that embraces the potential of science and human innovation.
At Lumeniri Diamonds, we focus on providing genuine, sustainably created high-design diamond jewelry. Additionally, "The Elaine" hoop earrings are available upon request in either White Gold or Rose Gold, offering our customers the opportunity to personalize their jewelry and align it with their unique preferences and individual styles.
- 0.22 ct
- F-G, VS top quality lab diamonds
- Handmade in Istanbul with recycled gold & sustainable techniques
- Made to Order in 2-3 weeks
- 14K White, Yellow or Rose Gold (18K available upon request)
Connect with our Diamond Concierge here if you would like to discuss a custom design.
We have a 30-day return policy, which means you have 30 days after receiving your item to request a return.
To be eligible for a return, your item must be in the same condition that you received it, unworn or unused, with tags, and in its original packaging. You’ll also need the receipt or proof of purchase.
To start a return, you can contact us at [email protected]. If your return is accepted, we’ll send you a return shipping label, as well as instructions on how and where to send your package. Items sent back to us without first requesting a return will not be accepted.
You can always contact us for any return question at [email protected]. | <urn:uuid:40eca5b7-9c7e-4d08-ad6c-f7e90be1082d> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://lumeniri.com/products/the-elaine | 2024-02-29T12:33:01Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.891927 | 406 | 1 |
Director Um Tae-hwa’s dystopian thriller “Concrete Utopia” swept Wednesday’s 59th Daejong Film Awards.
Hosted by actor Cha In-pyo and comedian Jang Do-yeon, the award ceremony, also known as the Grand Bell Awards, was held at Gyeonggi Arts Center in Suwon, Gyeonggi Province, on a smaller scale than in previous years.
“Concrete Utopia” won the most coveted best picture award and five other awards, with Lee Byung-hun snatching the best actor award for his role in it. Actor Lee Sun-young won the best supporting actress award. "Concrete Utopia" is Korea's entry for next year's Oscars.
The best actress award went to Kim Seo-hyung of “Greenhouse,” which tells the story of a nurse and caregiver, Moon-jung, who lives in a greenhouse. It delves into the character's downfall as she tries to cover up the accidental death of an old couple in her care.
It was Kim’s fifth win at the Daejong Film Awards.
The best director award went to director Ryoo Seung-wan of “Smugglers,” which attracted 5.1 million moviegoers this summer, surpassing its breakeven point at 4 million admissions.
Actor Kim Seon-ho of “The Childe” and Kim Si-eun of “Next Sohee” bagged the rookie actor and actress awards, respectively.
Kim Seon-ho, mostly known for his innocuous image and dimpled smile, took up the challenge to show a different side in “The Childe,” his first-ever “neatly crazy” killer character.
“I appreciate all the people who allowed me to do the film. It was wonderful for me to participate in a film project which is a result of so many people’s passion and effort,” Kim said in his acceptance speech on Wednesday night.
Attempting to transform itself and recognize content also available on streaming platforms, Daejong Film Awards launched a streaming awards category this year.
The first recipients of Daejong Film Award’s best actor and actress awards in streaming were Choi Min-sik of Disney+ series “Big Bet” and Han Hyo-joo of Disney+ series “Moving.”
“I believe that I’m receiving this award on behalf of my team. I think Lee Mi-hyun of ‘Moving’ received so much love and positive feedback not because I was a good actor, but because director Park, writer Kang and all the other staff worked on making Lee an attractive character. There is nothing I can do alone,” Han said in her acceptance speech on the stage.
As the 59th Daejong Film Awards tried to stage a rebound from a slew of controversies that have plagued the country's oldest film awards, such as charges of unfair selection of winners and poor event organization, the event was held in a smaller scale with only a few actors in attendance.
The majority of the awards were presented by non-actors and many of the award recipients were absent, citing schedule conflicts. Lee Byung-hun and Kim Si-eun said they could not attend as they were shooting for the second series of “Squid Game.”
“This year, we focused on newness and fairness in giving the awards. Next year is our 60th anniversary. We hope to see more attention paid to the awards,” said Lee Yong-ki, the executive chairman of Daejong Film Awards. | <urn:uuid:656969bd-a8d1-453d-a476-d41c7aaf1322> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://m.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20231116000593 | 2024-02-29T11:30:47Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.978592 | 776 | 1 |
Jaguar E-Pace:- The Jaguar E-Pace in July last year. The car was introduced to the world a few months ago, but it will only arrive in India at the Auto Expo in February. As far as plan, the Jaguar E-Pace looks to some degree indistinguishable from the F-Speed yet the more modest face and roofline give approach to its extents. Although the E-Pace does not have the same intimidating appearance as the F-Pace, it is still a stylish SUV. As a matter of fact, its extents add a feeling of reasonableness to the SUV because of its 480-liter boot.
The Jaguar E-Pace unquestionably has some allure as a pick for a little extravagance SUV. The inside is agreeable, up-to-date and very much designated. Common sense is superior to average in the Jaguar E-Pace as well. However, some of the technology is faulty, and it can be quite pricey for its class. Not just has the new Jaguar E-Pace got a revived outside, upgraded inside, new vehicle design and establishment of the most recent Pivi Star infotainment.
Jaguar E-Pace Price 2024
Jaguar, best known for its sporty coupes and sedans, introduced their first SUV, the F-Pace, in the previous year. The English vehicle producer has now extended its SUV portfolio with the presentation of the Jaguar E-Pace, a minimized extravagance SUV, situated beneath the F-Speed. the Jaguar E-Pace before long turned into a hit in the conservative SUV market. The useful, yet sharp, minimal SUV is more modest than the F-Speed yet is as yet a profoundly beneficial decision for families, particularly the individuals who need something somewhat more lithe than the bigger Jaguar SUV.
The Jaguar E-Pace will go up against preferences of the Audi Q5, BMW X3 and the Mercedes-Benz GLC alongside the Volvo XC60 and the Land Meanderers. We anticipate that the Jaguar E-Pace will arrive in India, if not sooner, and that it will likely be displayed at the Auto Expo in Delhi. Jaguar will always be inseparable from masterful cars and long-hooded roadsters to us. However, the compact 2024 Jaguar E-Pace is well-suited to its heritage. With its tight extents, tapering windows and roofline, and signature grille, the Jaguar E-Pace looks as stylish in its skin as any Jag before it.
Jaguar E-Pace Details 2024
|Name of the vehicle Company
|Jaguar E-Pace Price In India 2024 Launch Date, Features, Full Specification, Booking, Reviews
Jaguar E-Pace Feature
The plan has been propelled by the F-type and like the Jaguar E-Pace, it gets the ordinary enormous oval lattice grille with the feline looked at headlamps flanking it. The high hood, erupted wheel curves and a tall position give it the muscle while remaining consistent with its lively Jaguar legacy. Obviously, the calfskin upholstery, separate-zone environment control, sunroof and electrically customizable seats are totally presented on the Jaguar E-Pace. As far as wellbeing, there is a cover of front facing, side and shade airbags alongside a far reaching electronic dependability program. The Jaguar E-Pace comes loaded with features, such as electrically adjustable front seats, four-wheel drive control, adaptive dampers, an electronic stability program, separate climate control, and more, considering the SUV’s likely price.
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Engine, Transmission & Performance
Jaguar will offer the 2.0-liter gasoline and diesel engines for the E-Pace in a variety of tunings. The gasoline model will be available with 297 and 237 horsepower, while the diesel model will be available with 148, 177, and 237 horsepower, respectively. Jaguar will offer a variety of tuning options for the 2.0-liter gasoline and diesel engines under the hood of the E-Pace. The petroleum will be presented in the 237bhp and 296bhp renditions while the diesel will be presented in the 148bhp, the 177bhp and the 237bhp conditions of tune.
An all-wheel drive will be presented on the more remarkable forms while the section level trims may be presented with back tire drive as it were. Jaguar offers the Jaguar E-Pace with 2.0-liter petroleum and diesel motor choices to look over. The gasoline version is available worldwide in tunes with 237 and 296 bhp. The diesel then again comes on 148bhp, 177bhp and 237bhp. Jaguar will make the India introduction of the Jaguar E-Pace at the 2018 Car Exhibition one month from now with the send off expected around mid. At the point when sent off, the Jaguar E-Pace is probably going to be valued around the Rs 50 lakhs mark.
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Exterior & Interior
The Jaguar E-Pace is built on the lightweight aluminum-infused architecture of the Land Rover Discovery Sport and Evoque platforms. The plan has been propelled by the F-type and like the F-Speed, it gets the ordinary enormous oval lattice grille with the feline looked at headlamps flanking it. The high hood, erupted wheel curves and a tall position give it the muscle while remaining consistent with its lively Jaguar legacy. The Jaguar E-Pace depends on the Land Meanderer Disclosure Game/Evoque platform which has been developed using the lightweight aluminium infused architecture.
The Jaguar E-Pace accompanies every one of the fancy odds and ends related with extravagance vehicles. Alongside the touchscreen infotainment framework, the Jaguar E-Pace likewise gets an all-new up front console that radiates more data to the driver than any other time in recent memory. Obviously, the calfskin upholstery, separate-zone environment control, sunroof and electrically flexible seats are undeniably presented on the Jaguar E-Pace. As far as wellbeing, there is a case of front facing, side and drape airbags alongside an exhaustive electronic dependability program. Within, the Jaguar E-Pace accompanies every one of the extravagant accessories related with extravagance vehicles. Alongside the touchscreen infotainment framework, the E-Pace also gets an all-new heads-up display that beams more information to the driver than ever before.
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Jaguar E-Pace Specification
Jaguar E-Pace famous minimal SUV includes a decision of strong and proficient motors. A few motors highlight Gentle Crossover Electric Vehicle (MHEV) innovation, while there is likewise a high level Module Mixture Electric Vehicle (PHEV) powertrain. State of the art associated advancements highlight in the Jaguar E-Pace, including the most recent Pivi Genius infotainment innovation; gotten to through another bended glass 11.4-inch HD touchscreen. Cell phone clients will be satisfied as there is 15W remote gadget charger, situated before the new Driver Selector, and including as standard are Apple CarPlay® and Android Auto™. Amazon Alexa voice control makes connectivity even better.
|Engine Displacement (cc)
|No. of cylinder
|Max Power (bhp@rpm)
|Max Torque (nm@rpm)
Engine and Transmission
|No. of cylinder
|Valves Per Cylinder
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Fuel & Performance
|Emission Norm Compliance
Dimensions & Capacity
|No of Doors
Jaguar E-Pace Launch & Price In India 2024
The Jaguar E Pace expected launch in India is yet to be decided. The Jaguar E Pace will rival MU-X, Meridian and Tiguan. Expect prices to start from 45 Lakh. Jaguar E-Pace is a compact SUV that combines style, performance, and versatility. With its sleek design and powerful engine options, the E-Pace is sure to turn heads on the road. It offers a spacious and luxurious interior, with comfortable seating for up to five passengers and ample cargo space. The E-Pace also comes equipped with advanced safety features to help keep you and your passengers protected on the road.
How To Book Jaguar E-Pace Online?
- To book this car Visit the Official Website www.jaguar.in
- Select a Product Your Favorite Jaguar E-Pace.
- Select your state, city, and then the nearest Jaguar dealer.
- Fill in your details for the Jaguar E-Pace representative to reach out.
- Pay the online booking amount For the Jaguar E-Pace and Proceed with online payment.
- After payment confirmation, you will receive a call from team Jaguar for further details.
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Jaguar E-Pace Rating & Reviews
Jaguar E-Pace is an impressive compact SUV that offers a combination of performance, style, and practicality. With its sleek design and powerful engine options, the E-Pace delivers a thrilling driving experience. It also offers a spacious and comfortable interior, with plenty of room for both passengers and cargo. The E-Pace is equipped with advanced safety features to ensure peace of mind on the road, including lane-keeping assist, autonomous emergency braking, and adaptive cruise control.
Jaguar E-Pace is a compact luxury SUV that offers a perfect blend of style, performance, and versatility. With its sleek and athletic design, the E-Pace is sure to turn heads wherever you go. It features a spacious interior with ample legroom and cargo space, making it ideal for both everyday commuting and weekend getaways. The E-Pace also comes equipped with advanced safety features to ensure the utmost protection for you and your passengers. With its powerful engine options and responsive handling, this SUV delivers an exhilarating driving experience.
Jaguar E-Pace FAQ’S
[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h3″ question-0=”Is Jaguar E-Pace available in India?” answer-0=”The anticipated price range for the Jaguar E-Pace is estimated to be between ₹71.00 – 75.00 Lakh. The highly-anticipated SUV from Jaguar, the new E-Pace, is scheduled to make its debut in India in October 2025. In India, the 2025 Jaguar E-Pace will be up against tough competition from the Land Rover Range Rover Evoque, BMW X3, and Mercedes-Benz GLB. It is highly likely that the launch date for the Jaguar E-Pace will only be in October 2025. ” image-0=”” headline-1=”h3″ question-1=”Is the Jaguar E-Pace being discontinued?” answer-1=”In the end, Jaguar will discontinue all of its current models, including the XE, XF, E-Pace, F-Pace, I-Pace, and F-Type. This move will result in a lineup consisting solely of super-luxury, all-electric vehicles. Autocar reports that Jaguar aims to achieve approximately 50,000 global sales for its premium electric vehicles. ” image-1=”” headline-2=”h3″ question-2=”Is the E-Pace fully electric?” answer-2=”Jaguar E-Pace PHEV is fully capable of managing commutes in full Electric Vehicle (EV) mode, with a range of up to 38 miles. ” image-2=”” headline-3=”h3″ question-3=”Is Jaguar good for Indian roads?” answer-3=”The Jaguar I-Pace comes with state-of-the-art safety features including front and rear parking sensors and lane-keep assist, enhancing the car’s safety and comfort while driving on busy and unpredictable Indian roads. ” image-3=”” headline-4=”h3″ question-4=”Is the Jaguar E-PACE a luxury car?” answer-4=”The 2024 Jaguar E-Pace stands out as the most budget-friendly choice from the brand. It offers shoppers a subcompact luxury SUV that combines British charm with enjoyable driving performance and a peaceful interior. ” image-4=”” count=”5″ html=”true” css_class=””] | <urn:uuid:2546c51f-938e-4cfc-958a-b5f00f74e95b> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://maliit.org/jaguar-e-pace-price-in-india-2024-launch-date-features-full-specification-booking-reviews/ | 2024-02-29T12:51:39Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.891987 | 2,682 | 2 |
Aerobraking is an astronautical technique used by mission scientists to reduce the height of spacecraft orbits by allowing atmospheric drag to slow the spacecraft's velocity. Often the solar panels onboard orbiters can be used to maximize and control the amount of drag applied to the craft. This technique will ultimately minimize the requirement for the use of propellants (to slow the craft down), thereby optimizing cost effectiveness.
This technique was used to great effect on missions such as the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter in 2017, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter in 2006 and Mars Odyssey in 2001, and is standard practice when spacecraft are being inserted into orbit or when a reduction in velocity is required.
Aerocapture is a subcategory of aerobraking. Atmospheric drag is used to reduce velocity to a point the vehicle can enter a stable orbit with a minimum or no propellant burn. Aerocapture can be the prelude to descent and entry into the atmosphere. Aerocapture can subject a vehicle to very high accelerations, and for future manned mission will require very precise attitude controls for the vehicles.
For example, in a typical manned Mars mission concept, using aerobraking cuts the initial vehicle mass in half compared to purely propulsive capture, even including the mass of a large heatshield required for aerobraking. This is because aerobraking can scrub off several km/s of arrival velocity per aerobraking pass without using propellant. However, high arrival velocities can impose significant radiative and convective heating loads on the heatshield, and sustained accelerations on the crew of as much as 5g for several minutes. A typical Mars aerobraking atmosphere entry corridor has a periapsis of 40-50km and a height tolerance of less than 5km, requiring accurate navigation and aerodynamic control.
Aerocapture can be used to shorten travel times between Earth and Mars, as well as with other planetary bodies in the solar system with atmospheres. The time of travel to Mars, for a similar deltaV expense, can be reduced from nine months, 270 days, for a Hohmann transfer orbit to about four months (128 days). This would reduce radiation doses by over 60% compared to the Hohmann transfer. This trajectory uses 4.62 km/s of deltaV. SpaceX Starship is designed for about 6 km/s of deltaV.
This type of orbit is much more dangerous than the Hohmann transfer orbit, as it requires a successful capture or the vehicle and crew are left on an elliptical solar orbit that may not approach any planet for centuries. The return velocity of Apollo was about 11 km/s, so the 9 km/s relative speed shown in the illustration should be manageable.
The images show orbits determined by the NASA Ames research center trajectory planner tool.
- Braun, Powell, Hartung, "The effect of interplanetary trajectory options on a manned Mars aerobrake configuration ," 1990 NASA Marshall Technical Report. https://ntrs.nasa.gov/citations/19900016720
- NASA Ames Research Center, "Trajectory Browser", web tool. https://trajbrowser.arc.nasa.gov/traj_browser.php?maxMag=25&maxOCC=4&chk_target_list=on&target_list=mars%0D%0A&mission_class=oneway&mission_type=flyby&LD1=2020&LD2=2030&maxDT=200&DTunit=days&maxDV=5&min=DT&wdw_width=-1&submit=Search#a_load_results | <urn:uuid:e288d566-a913-404b-adca-d6dd3f1bdbd8> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://marspedia.org/Aerobraking | 2024-02-29T11:25:52Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.872686 | 765 | 1 |
The DC area is the highest paying region for Environmental Scientists and Specialists in the US, with a regional mean salary of $115,000, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (2018).
Top employers for graduates from AU's Department of Environmental Science:
- Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
- Center for Global Development
- Metropolitan Emergency Animal Clinic
- National Park Service
- Sierra Club
See more about Environmental Studies alumni career outcomes.
Positions Recently Obtained by AU ENVS Graduates
Program Coordinator for One Million Students Program at One Million Lights
Legislative Assistant at US Senate
Development Associate at Friends In Service Helping
Coordinator at Global Sustainability & Corporate
Responsibility at Tiffany & Co.
Sustainability Outreach Coordinator at Duke University
Project Manager at Greenspring Energy
Account Manager and Energy Efficiency Consultant at Engineered Systems and Energy Solutions, ES2
Project Scientist at NGE (Pittsburgh based geological engineering firm)
Summer Associate at Pure Energy Partners
Editor at "The Muse"
Analyst at BlackRock (science and technology trust)
Graduate Student at Yale University
Casting Producer at America's Got Talent at FremantleMedia
Media Planner at BasisMedia GmbH
Scientific Integrity Intern at Union of Concerned Scientists
Market Manager at South Durham Farmers' Market
Engagement Management Specialist at Opower
General Office Administrator at American Board for Certification of Teacher Excellence
Science Teacher at Teach For America
Staff Assistant at Emerging Europe at Institute of International Finance | <urn:uuid:e911f3e3-7f14-4ace-b37b-10fb692314e3> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://math.american.edu/cas/environmental/ba-envs.cfm | 2024-02-29T11:38:51Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.846612 | 316 | 3 |
ZAMBIA – The Norwegian government is planning to invest US$17 million in the development of agricultural markets for 600,000 smallholder farmers in Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Zambia.
The project, which will be spearheaded by Farm to Market Alliance (FTMA), also plans to engage over 3,000 agricultural small and medium-scale enterprises (SMEs) in profitable food value chains, thus boosting their income and sustainability.
FTMA, which is a unique coalition consisting of six organisations namely Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), Bayer Crop Science Division, Rabobank, Syngenta Crop Protection, Yara International and the World Food Programme (WFP), is aimed at developing a sustainable and profitable agricultural sector in Africa.
According to a statement issued by FTMA, the partnership addresses major challenges smallholder farmers face.
“The FTMA is proud to announce that the Norwegian government will continue its support with a commitment of US$17 million over three years. This grant will help ensure that agricultural markets work better for hundreds of thousands of smallholder farmers in
The Farm to Market Alliance is an alliance of six agri-focused organisations, collaborating to develop a sustainable and profitable agricultural sector in Africa.
It does so by addressing the major challenges smallholder farmers face, supporting their transition to commercial agriculture.
Click here to find out more!
“The Farm to Market Alliance is a unique collaboration that supports the growth of agricultural markets and works with smallholder farmers to help them find buyers for their produce – enabling them to earn a sustainable living and support their families”
David Beasley – Executive DIrector, World Food Proramme
The Farm to Market Alliance works to build resilient value chains by bringing together the public and private sectors to leverage the knowledge, experience, and infrastructure of agriculture experts.
Africa is recognised as the future breadbasket of the world, but the continent is still a net-importer of food.
The Farm to Market Alliance’s mission is to develop a sustainable and profitable agricultural sector in Africa.
Farmers in Africa have been subject to a range of barriers preventing them from transitioning to commercial farming.
To address this, the Farm to Market Alliance takes a demand-led approach in servicing smallholder farmers and the surrounding ecosystem, thus providing a holistic value chain solution.
The announcement of continued funding to the Farm to Market Alliance comes at a time when access to food is deteriorating for millions of people, threatening both food security and peace in vulnerable regions.
“In the middle of the COVID-19 crisis we are also facing a hunger crisis. We must rebuild more resilient and fair food systems after the pandemic, and the Farm to Market Alliance is uniquely positioned to help us achieve that goal,” said Yara’s President and CEO, Svein Tore Holsether.
Read full article here
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GFA Attract Interview With Mostafa Khaled Abdel Akher (Entrepreneur Edition)
In this episode of GFA Attract (Entrepreneur edition) we interviewed, Mr. Mostafa who graduated from the German University in Cairo in 2013, where he received a B.A degree in Management Technology with double core majors in Economics and Innovation. Mostafa now works with Makwa. An Egyptian startup focused on innovation, Makwa aims to offer convenience in the dry clean & laundry sector, through the application of digital technology. Watch Here
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we organize syndicated funding rounds of up to $500,000.
“Business is always a struggle. There are always obstacles and competitors. There is never an open road, except the wide road that leads to failure. Every great success has always been achieved by fight, every winner has scars. The men who succeed are the efficient few –they are the few who have the ambition and will-power to develop themselves. So choose to be among the few today.” – Chris Kirubi, Centum Investment, Kenya | <urn:uuid:3e1ba04a-ae32-476b-909b-27778c23401f> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://media.getfundedafrica.com/2021/01/06/farm-to-market-alliance-secures-more-funding-from-norwegian-government/ | 2024-02-29T12:50:38Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.927036 | 964 | 1 |
The US togel hari ini is a game that can be played in almost every state in the nation. The odds of winning the jackpot are about 1 in 292,201,338. This is based on the number of numbers you must select to win, and the size of the lottery pool. Some of the most popular lotteries have jackpots that are larger than $100 million. But, even if you do not hit the big one, there are a variety of other prizes that are just as tempting.
Mega Millions is a popular lottery game that is available in more than 40 states. If you want to win this massive jackpot, you need to choose five winning numbers from the 70 available. It is best to play more than one lottery ticket in order to increase your chances of hitting the jackpot.
Another lotterie with a large jackpot is Powerball. Powerball is a national game that is also available in 45 different states. In addition to the jackpot, the prize money goes to several charities. These include state parks, wildlife habitats, open space conservation, and schools.
New Hampshire was the first official state to offer a lottery, beginning in 1964. In that year, a Romanian-born mathematician named Stefan Mandel won the lottery fourteen times, keeping a large portion of the profits for himself.
The Oregon lottery was founded in 1984 with the aim of putting most of the money from ticket sales back into the community. Most of the money is used to fund education, state parks, and veterans services. Since then, the lottery has helped countless communities and provided assistance to thousands of people.
In the past few years, more and more states have approved online lottery ticket sales. Online lottery subscriptions can be purchased, and they range in price depending on the number of drawings. Buying lottery tickets online is a safe and secure way to play the lottery. However, the laws for selling tickets online vary from state to state, and you must be careful to stick to the law.
You can find lottery games that are available in your state online, and you can also buy a second chance ticket that allows you to get more money. To take advantage of this service, you simply need to fill out a form on the back of your lottery ticket.
Some of the most common lottery games are the Powerball and Mega Millions. Powerball is the largest lottery in the country, and has a jackpot that can reach up to $100 million. Mega Millions offers an extra Mega Ball in the 25 lottery options.
The California State Lottery is a charter member of the Multi-State Lottery Association, and offers a wide variety of draw and local games. You can also play the lottery online through the state-run website.
The Idaho Lottery, on the other hand, was launched in 1989. Like the other states in the US, it is a member of the Multi-State Lottery Alliance, and you can enjoy four multi-state draw games. Those games include Cash4Life, Powerball, and Mega Millions. | <urn:uuid:2d13c0ed-55aa-44bd-a97c-a035c3fab043> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://milorambles.com/tag/result-togel-hari-ini/ | 2024-02-29T12:02:04Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.968311 | 622 | 1 |
Going Green with Interior Lighting: Sustainable Options for Your Home
In recent years, there has been a growing awareness of the impact that traditional lighting has on the environment. As a result, many homeowners are now seeking sustainable options for their homes that not only reduce their carbon footprint but also save on energy costs. Going green with interior lighting has become an essential consideration when designing or renovating a home, and the good news is that there are now a range of sustainable lighting options available that are both practical and stylish. In this article, we will explore the various sustainable lighting choices available, and provide tips on how to incorporate them into your home.
Understanding Green Lighting
Green lighting refers to lighting that is designed to be more energy-efficient, eco-friendly, and sustainable than traditional lighting. The goal of green lighting is to reduce energy consumption, minimize waste, and decrease the impact of lighting on the environment. There are several types of green lighting, including LED lighting, CFL lighting, halogen lighting, natural lighting, and solar lighting. Each type of green lighting has its own unique features and benefits, and it is essential to understand these differences when selecting lighting for your home. By choosing green lighting options, you can not only reduce your energy bills but also contribute to a more sustainable future.
Sustainable Lighting Options for Your Home
There are several sustainable lighting options available for homeowners who want to go green with their lighting choices. One of the most popular and energy-efficient options is LED lighting, which is known for its long lifespan, low heat output, and low energy consumption. CFL lighting is another popular option, as it uses about 75% less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs and lasts up to 10 times longer. Halogen lighting is also an energy-efficient option, as it uses about 30% less energy than traditional bulbs. Natural lighting, such as sunlight, is an eco-friendly and cost-effective option, which can be maximized by using reflective surfaces and light-colored walls. Solar lighting is another sustainable option that uses solar panels to store energy from the sun during the day and provide light at night. Other options include using dimmer switches and motion sensors, which can help reduce energy consumption by automatically adjusting the lighting according to the level of natural light or occupancy in a room.
Factors to Consider When Choosing Sustainable Lighting
When choosing sustainable lighting options for your home, there are several factors to consider. First, it is important to consider the brightness and color temperature of the lighting, as this can affect the mood and ambiance of a room. Compatibility with existing fixtures and systems is also an important factor, as some sustainable lighting options may require additional equipment or installation. The cost and energy savings of the lighting option should also be considered, as some options may have a higher upfront cost but provide long-term savings. Durability and longevity are also important factors to consider, as sustainable lighting options should be built to last. Finally, it is essential to consider the environmental impact of the lighting option, including its energy consumption and waste output. By taking these factors into account, homeowners can make an informed decision about which sustainable lighting options will work best for their home.
Tips for Incorporating Sustainable Lighting in Your Home
Incorporating sustainable lighting in your home can be a simple and effective way to reduce your carbon footprint and energy costs. One way to do this is to switch to energy-efficient bulbs, such as LED or CFL bulbs, which use less energy and last longer than traditional incandescent bulbs. Maximizing natural lighting is another way to go green with your lighting choices. This can be done by using light-colored walls, reflective surfaces, and strategically placed windows or skylights. Using lighting controls and timers, such as dimmer switches and motion sensors, can also help reduce energy consumption by automatically adjusting the lighting based on the level of natural light or occupancy in a room. Choosing sustainable lighting fixtures, such as those made from recycled materials, is another way to go green with your lighting choices. Finally, creating a lighting plan that takes into account the specific lighting needs and preferences of each room can help ensure that you are using the most energy-efficient and eco-friendly lighting options possible.sustainable lighting options into your home is not only beneficial for the environment but also for your wallet. With a wide range of options available, from LED and CFL bulbs to natural and solar lighting, homeowners can choose lighting solutions that meet their needs and reduce their energy bills. By considering factors such as brightness, compatibility, cost, durability, and environmental impact, homeowners can make informed decisions when selecting sustainable lighting options for their home. Furthermore, incorporating simple tips such as maximizing natural lighting and using lighting controls can help further reduce energy consumption. Making the switch to sustainable lighting options is a small yet impactful step towards a more eco-friendly and sustainable future. | <urn:uuid:4f22d1e0-8907-419b-a141-ba8b5213a768> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://mirodemi.com/en-ae/blogs/lighting/going-green-with-interior-lighting-sustainable-options-for-your-home | 2024-02-29T13:03:24Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.953185 | 985 | 3 |
Responding to the need for quality and affordable healthcare especially during the pandemic brought about by COVID-19, Metro Pacific Investments Corporation (PSE:MPI)’s mWell PH, the fastest growing fully integrated health and wellness mobile app in the country has pulled out all the stops to increase the number of partner doctors nationwide via its partnership with PhilCare, a pioneer in healthcare made smarter.
The collaboration between mWell and PhilCare allows users to consult doctors 24/7 or book an appointment at a convenient time—all in a few taps, without having to leave home! Primary care and specialized doctors, are available for video consultations on the mWell PH app.
MPIC Chairman, Manny V. Pangilinan is excited about the growth of MPIC group’s newest foray in digital healthcare, “mWell continues to evolve as it provides innovative healthcare solutions. Every step is anchored on its mission of bringing healthcare closer to every Filipino through a wide and sustainable network of medical experts and services”.
Joey Lim, MPIC’s President and CEO said “mWell shall further optimize its tools and features to empower more Filipinos to be in control of their health. He vows, “mWell will be their partner in every stage of their wellness journey.”
Further strengthening the partnership with PhilCare, mWell now offers savings on PhilCare health plans as part of its Gift of mWellness campaign for Christmas. This effort aims to help mWell PH app users avoid stress from unexpected medical expenses and have access to quality medical care. PhilCare ER Vantage and Health Vantage health plans provide up to P80,000 worth of emergency, hospital coverage and COVID-19 coverage for as low as P966.
mWell users can avail of up to 10% off on various PhilCare health plans on the mWell PH app e-shop until November 15.
Just download the mWell App and go to the Shop tab and tap on “Health Insurance“
PhilCare’s CEO and President Jaeger Tanco said the partnership with mWell is rooted on a common mission to make healthcare accessible to Filipinos. “HMOs must utilize technology to meet customers’ needs in the most convenient way possible. With help from mWell, we can bring affordable healthcare to more people,” he pointed out.
Chaye Cabal-Revilla, Chief Finance & Sustainability Officer of Metro Pacific Investments Corp says, “This holiday season, mWell continues on its mission to respond to the healthcare needs of every Filipino. Our partnership with PhilCare is part of the group’s efforts to become an even stronger health ally for our countrymen. mWell’s goal is to build a healthier nation and a more sustainable future, fueled by the power of technology.”
This is in line with the MPIC Group’s commitment to contribute to the achievement of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, particularly SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being. It also supports the MVP Group’s Gabay Kalusugan advocacy to bring quality and affordable healthcare to Filipinos by providing convenient access to doctors. Using the mWell PH app ensures that patients, wherever they may be in the country, can easily reach experts and receive essential medical advice.
mWell’s constantly growing ecosystem gives patients easy access to doctors from top hospitals including Makati Medical Center, Cardinal Santos, Asian Hospital and Medical Center De Los Santos Medical Center, Manila Doctors Hospital and Marikina Valley Medical Center.
Aside from telemedicine services, mWell provides fitness and nutrition programs developed by experts and an e-shop for health items. It is supported by industry and technology stalwarts, including CareSpan, Telus, LotusFlare, Aktivo and active8me and runs on fast secure payments via PayMaya.
Download the mWell PH app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. Follow mWell on Facebook and mwellph on Instagram for more updates.
mWell, is the health technology platform developed by Metro Pacific Health Tech Corporation that offers telemedicine, e-pharmacy, health and wellness programs, e- commerce, among others, in an integrated, tech-based healthcare digital ecosystem. Metro Pacific Health Tech Corporation is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Metro Pacific Investments Corporation, the leading infrastructure investment company in the Philippines with investments in various infrastructure assets including healthcare. | <urn:uuid:2a9410f0-0d44-4148-9195-47790ab8b41b> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://monzmelecio.com/mwell-ph-and-philcare-team-up-for-affordable-healthcare-to-fight-against-covid/ | 2024-02-29T11:17:10Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.937046 | 926 | 2 |
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MPTX has assisted several communities with both competitive and entitlement grant applications for Community Development Block Grant – Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR), Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP), Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA), and Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) projects. MPTX guides project development from initial project concepts and community brainstorming to building out program application forms and detailing project specifics. We also create custom project maps, conduct preliminary environmental analysis, assist with budget development, and compile required federal forms. After application submission, we coordinate with community staff and agency program administrators to respond to Requests For Information (RFIs) and achieve project award status.
Our team provides comprehensive application development services for projects tailored to community preferences and specifications. Our goal is to streamline the application and approval process, maximize funding for competitive programs, and design the most effective and beneficial projects for the community. | <urn:uuid:2be84a37-8fdd-4dd4-8e0f-c01789f7780a> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://mptx-inc.com/portfolio/grant-applications/ | 2024-02-29T12:32:54Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.902154 | 181 | 1 |
Successful school leaders know: People come first
By Camilla Benbow
(Originally printed in The Tennessean on March 23, 2012)
I’ve written recently about how parents can tell whether their child has a good teacher and about how they can tell if their child is attending a good school. Perhaps it goes without saying that leadership is key to hiring good teachers and running good schools, but let’s take a closer look at principals.
Much of the quality research on school leadership has been sponsored in recent years by the Wallace Foundation. In a January report, The School Principal as Leader, the foundation put forth five key responsibilities for school principals:
Shaping a vision of academic success for all students.
Creating a climate hospitable to learning.
Cultivating leadership in others.
Managing people, data and processes.
If that sounds a little technical, we can make it clear in just two words: Relationships matter.
If principals want their students to be academically successful, they need to create a culture in which students are known, cared for and respected as individuals. Principals should also understand that success can mean very different things for different children, who come with their own backgrounds, talents and interests.
Open to people, ideas
To create an environment hospitable to learning, schools should be open to people and their ideas. Principals should see teachers (and themselves) as learners, alongside students. Parents and their concerns should always be welcome. A commitment to hospitality should also be evident in a school’s facilities and grounds.
Cultivating leadership means allowing teachers the opportunity to work as professionals. Great principals develop great teachers and encourage their careers. Students, too, should have plentiful opportunities to passionately pursue the things that interest them, whether in academics or in extracurricular activities.
To improve instruction, a principal should see a school’s curriculum as dynamic, not a fixed set of facts and formulas to be memorized and mastered. Because knowledge is always changing, great principals look for ways to forge relevant connections among students, teachers and the material being studied.
Managing people and processes is all about relationship. Skillful principals understand the roles played by everyone from the office secretary to the master teacher, and they help them grow in their roles. They ensure that every student experiences a rigorous and relevant curriculum. And they have the ability to monitor programs, use data to evaluate their effectiveness, and improve them continuously. Under the guidance of a principal with these skills, a school becomes a successful learning community.
Camilla P. Benbow is Patricia and Rodes Hart Dean of Education and Human Development at Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College. Her column on education appears every other Thursday in The Tennessean Local section. | <urn:uuid:e3be0894-4e16-4254-8d59-06a2d1c04fae> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://my.vanderbilt.edu/camillabenbow/news/successful_school_leaders_know_people_come_first/ | 2024-02-29T11:08:17Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.961325 | 570 | 1 |
In an era defined by the rapid convergence of technology and creativity, the art world is experiencing a seismic shift. This transformation is driven by the advent of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), a digital innovation that is redefining the boundaries and possibilities of art. As we witness this fusion of the digital and the traditional, it’s clear that we are entering a new epoch in the art world, one where the enduring beauty of traditional art meets the revolutionary potential of the digital age.
The Dawn of a New Artistic Era with NFTs
NFTs are more than just a digital trend; they represent a significant shift in how art is created, valued, and exchanged. This technology, built on blockchain, offers unique digital ownership, bringing an unprecedented level of authenticity and exclusivity to digital art. For traditional artists, NFTs present an exciting, albeit challenging, new landscape to explore. This intersection of the digital and the traditional is not just a novelty; it’s a new chapter in the long history of art, offering a fresh canvas for artistic expression and innovation.
Expanding Horizons: Traditional Artists in the World of NFTs
The impact of NFTs on traditional artists is profound and multifaceted. On one hand, it opens up new avenues for monetization and global reach, breaking down the barriers of the traditional art market. On the other hand, it requires artists to navigate a complex and often volatile digital marketplace. This shift from physical to digital is not merely a change of medium, but a whole new approach to creating and sharing art. It’s an opportunity for artists to reimagine their work in a digital context, reaching audiences far beyond the confines of galleries and museums.
Overcoming Challenges in the Digital Transition
The path to embracing NFTs is laden with obstacles, from the technical complexities of blockchain technology to the environmental concerns associated with it. For artists accustomed to the tactile experience of creating art, this transition can be daunting. It requires not only a new set of skills but also a new way of thinking about art and its place in the digital world. The challenges, however, are accompanied by a promise of greater creative freedom and the potential for wider recognition and financial reward.
Pioneers at the Forefront: Traditional Artists Embracing NFTs
The journey of traditional artists into the NFT space is marked by inspiring success stories. These artists, with their diverse backgrounds and unique styles, have not only adapted to the world of NFTs but have also thrived, setting new standards for what can be achieved at the intersection of traditional art and digital technology.
José Delbo: Delbo’s transition to the digital world exemplifies how an artist with a rich history in traditional mediums can successfully adapt and flourish in the NFT space. His foray into digital art, while maintaining the essence of his classic comic book style, has opened new avenues for artistic expression and commercial success.
Beeple (Mike Winkelmann): Beeple’s groundbreaking sale at Christie’s has become a watershed moment for NFTs, illustrating the immense potential of this new medium. His journey underscores the limitless possibilities for artists willing to embrace the digital world, combining traditional artistry with innovative technology.
Trevor Jones: Jones’s unique approach to integrating traditional painting techniques with digital augmentation has carved out a new niche in the art market. His work demonstrates how the blending of these two worlds can create something truly unique and captivating.
Fewocious (Victor Langlois): The young artist’s meteoric rise in the NFT space is a testament to the power of digital platforms in elevating traditional art to new heights. His journey is an inspiration to a new generation of artists, showing that the barriers between the traditional and the digital are there to be crossed.
Krista Kim: Kim’s “Mars House” is a groundbreaking fusion of art and technology, redefining the concept of what art can be in the digital era. Her work pushes the boundaries of traditional art, exploring new forms of digital expression and interaction.
Charting a New Course: The Future of Traditional Art in the Digital Realm
As traditional artists navigate the uncharted waters of NFTs, they are not just adapting to a new medium; they are leading a cultural shift. This journey is about more than just learning new technologies; it’s about reimagining the role of the artist in a digital world. It’s an opportunity to expand the reach and impact of their work, to connect with audiences in new and meaningful ways, and to redefine what it means to be an artist in the 21st century.
Embracing the Synergy of Art and Technology
The successful integration of traditional art into the NFT space hinges on finding harmony between the old and the new. It’s about leveraging the power of digital technology to enhance, not replace, the intrinsic value of traditional art. This synergy opens up a world of possibilities, enabling artists to explore new forms of creativity and expression.
Overcoming Obstacles and Seizing Opportunities
The road ahead is not without challenges, but it is rich with opportunity. By overcoming the technical and conceptual barriers of the digital world, traditional artists can unlock new potentials for their work. This journey requires a willingness to learn, to experiment, and to collaborate, but the rewards — in terms of artistic growth and commercial success — can be substantial.
A New Renaissance in Art
The integration of NFTs into the art world marks a turning point, a new renaissance in art. This era is about more than just the convergence of the traditional and the digital; it’s about the evolution of art itself. It’s an opportunity for traditional artists to lead the way in defining what art can be in the digital age. In this new era, art is not confined by medium or method; it is defined by creativity, innovation, and the ability to connect with audiences in a rapidly changing world. Platforms like NFTHoom are playing a pivotal role in this transition, providing artists with a simple, safe, and vast global market to enter the NFT world. Through services like NFTHoom, artists can seize future global opportunities, ensuring their art resonates across cultures and borders in the digital age. | <urn:uuid:9e51eb49-9fd9-4b45-bf8c-43aab4dcef67> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://myarticles.io/the-digital-canvas-traditional-art-in-the-age-of-nfts/ | 2024-02-29T11:55:46Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.919665 | 1,303 | 1 |
“The biggest misconception that people have is that sustainability is about carbon emissions,” says Pablo Orvananos, global sustainability consulting lead at Hitachi Digital Services. “That’s what we call carbon tunnel vision. Sustainability is much more than carbon. It’s a plethora of environmental issues and social issues, and companies need to focus on all of it.”
Companies looking to act will find a great deal of complexity surrounding corporate sustainability efforts. Companies are responsible not only for their own emissions and fossil fuels usage (Scope 1), but also the sustainability efforts of their energy suppliers (Scope 2) and their supply chain partners (Scope 3). New regulations require organizations to look beyond just emissions. Companies must ask questions about a broad range of environmental and societal issues: Are supply chain partners sourcing raw materials in an environmentally conscious manner? Are they treating workers fairly?
Sustainability can’t be siloed into one specific task, such as decarbonizing the data center. The only way to achieve sustainability is with a comprehensive, holistic approach, says Daniel Versace, an ESG research analyst at IDC. “A siloed approach to ESG is an approach that’s bound to fail,” he adds.
This content was produced by Insights, the custom content arm of MIT Technology Review. It was not written by MIT Technology Review’s editorial staff. | <urn:uuid:42cad142-672e-4daf-9d29-f4104bb344c5> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://mydroll.com/unlocking-the-power-of-sustainability/ | 2024-02-29T11:00:47Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.943237 | 292 | 4 |
My Eco Hive is a knowledge-based, member-driven eco-friendly source to a world of culture. Our sacred space is a network of interactive minds, providing premium goods and services to the world. My Eco Hive Digital streams sustainable content and tips for clean, green and healthy life practices for the benefit of our people and our planet. We interweave sustainability with technology for member to thrive, offer and find products, farms, food sources, places to stay, wellness resources, practitioners, native and indigenous artifacts and so much more. We host vendors who offer best ethics, coupons, price comparison, reviews and daily deals to build a successful business model for sustainable profitable ventures. | <urn:uuid:299ce64a-d688-4adb-9e89-d456204051d5> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://myecohive.com/event_listing_type/meeting-or-networking-event/ | 2024-02-29T10:54:53Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.920592 | 136 | 1 |
Our handmade Santoku is crafted by our master artisans with high standard craftsmanship in Seki city Japan. The core blade is made out of 19C27 high carbon steel with 45 layers of extremely durable Damascus steel.
The handle is made of high-quality Chestnut wood and has 8 angles. Number eight is considered a lucky number and called “Suehirogari” in Japan. Traditionally the Japanese Samurai sword, “Katana” also had 8 angles as it provides the user with strength.
The core material, 19C27 steel together with its 45 multilayer Damascus stacked on both sides provides the blade with high rigidity, toughness, and durability. Experienced craftsman which traditionally created the Samurai swords for the Japanese emperor passed their know how and techniques from generation to generation which is now used to craft the beautiful blades of the handmade Santoku. | <urn:uuid:9dbb3784-7f7d-495a-ad50-6746e126bc23> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://nakano-knives.com/products/handmade-santoku | 2024-02-29T12:47:27Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.946416 | 180 | 1 |
Natural Yield Microgreens and Hydroponic Consulting Services
We have 30+ years experience in building and operating hydroponic systems (and in recent years Microgreens!) ranging from NFT, Drip, Flood and Drain, and Aeroponics systems.
Our goal is to provide as much information and advice for free through our various channels including our articles and recently launched You Tube channel. We will continue to grow those resources and our first goal to helping you.
Some of you though, just need a bit more time and "hands-on" help. We are happy to offer these services.
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If you want to get going in the very exciting business of microgreens and hydroponics, but just need a helping hand getting started we can help! Reach out to us at [email protected] and the right person will get in touch with you. | <urn:uuid:8f16fab9-4533-48b6-b6df-db3b20221a55> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://naturalyield.com.au/microgreen-hydroponic-consulting-services/ | 2024-02-29T12:49:12Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.936873 | 301 | 1 |
Sombrero Marsh open for Family Visits
Every Monday and Tuesday, parents and caretakers can bring their kids for a hands-on self guided exploration. Come in, chat with an educator, grab an exploration backpack, and head out to the marsh to identify grasses, listen to songbirds, and catch creepy-crawlies in a net. We have lots of exciting exhibits too! For more information about visiting Sombrero Marsh, e-mail [email protected] or call 303.499.3647
|Monday, May 1
|1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
|Sombrero Marsh Environmental Education Center
Bookings are closed for this event. | <urn:uuid:fffdb073-6755-4377-a9e8-390ab76b1298> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://naturekidslafayette.org/events/sombrero-marsh-open-for-family-visits-2017-05-01/ | 2024-02-29T12:05:12Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.868708 | 146 | 1 |
On January 9th, we ushered in the first day of the “March 9th” holiday. “1929 did not take action, 3949 walked on the ice, 5969 watched the willows along the river…” In North China, this kind of “Nine-Nine Song” is widely circulated, which is exactly the folk “Counting Nine”. A vivid record of a custom.
“Counting nine” means counting from the winter solstice, counting one “nine” every nine days until “nine-nine” is eighty-one days, so there is also the saying “counting nine cold days”. Historically, people who have been busy for a year recuperate in the cold winter and look forward to the arrival of spring. “Counting nine” to relieve the cold has become a joy in folk customs. In addition to word of mouth, there are slightly different versions in different places. The “Nine-Nine Songs” and the “Nine-Nine Cold-repelling Pictures” that have been handed down in the form of calligraphy, painting, etc.
According to average temperature statistics in the past 30 years, nearly 80% of areas in my country have the lowest temperatures during the “39” and “49” periods. Among them, most of the northern regions enter the coldest time of the year during March 9th.
This is because during the winter solstice, the earth still has “residual heat”. During the winter solstice, the sun shines directly on the Tropic of Capricorn, and the solar altitude angle in the northern hemisphere is the smallest. This makes the winter solstice the day with the shortest day and the longest night in the northern hemisphere. At this time, the surface of the northern hemisphere where our country is located receives weak solar radiation energy, so the temperature is low. After the winter solstice, although the solar altitude angle begins to gradually increase and the length of the day gradually increases, the heat lost by the surface every day is greater than the solar radiation received. This situation of being unable to make ends meet will continue until the “Third and Fourth” periods. At this time, the heat budget of the earth’s surface is close to balance, and the overall “heat accumulation” of the earth’s surface is the least. For many places in our country, the lowest temperature of the year is Usually occurs at this time.
However, our country has a vast territory, and the climate in different regions has obvious differences. The coldest periods in different regions are not exactly the same. Eastern Jiangnan, most of South China and other places will be colder during the “49th”. Yunnan, southeastern Tibet and other places may enter the lowest temperature period of the year after the winter solstice. In places such as the southeastern coast of my country and Hainan Island, the lowest temperature period may occur during May 9th.
During the cold weather, plants in most areas enter the dormant period, leaves of deciduous trees fall off, and some animals begin to hibernate. And people will not be idle. In terms of agriculture, the northern region takes advantage of the intermission period of cultivated land to carry out farmland water conservancy project construction, clearing ditches and drainage, plowing and plowing the soil, etc., to enhance the water storage and retention capacity of cultivated land, and to eliminate overwintering pests. In the southern region, people also need to carefully protect overwintering crops from cold to ensure that crops survive the winter safely. | <urn:uuid:8b22bcc2-bbec-42a0-988d-e3f1b919aac4> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://newsworldhealth.com/is-the-temperature-the-lowest-in-march-9/ | 2024-02-29T12:43:12Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.955629 | 766 | 2 |
In Louisiana’s mild climate, selecting the right heating system is key. This guide explores efficient, cost-effective options suited to local weather, focusing on energy efficiency and the benefits of choosing experienced providers like Nick’s Heating & Air Conditioning for optimal home comfort.
Types of Heating Systems Available
In Louisiana, the climate dictates a specific approach to home heating, making some heating systems more suitable than others. Here’s a brief overview:
- Furnaces: The most common heating system, furnaces can run on electricity, natural gas, or oil. They’re efficient for quick heating but might be more than what’s necessary for Louisiana’s mild winters.
- Heat Pumps: Ideal for mild climates, heat pumps extract heat from the air or ground to warm the home, doubling as air conditioners in summer. Their energy efficiency and dual functionality make them perfect for Louisiana’s weather.
- Boilers: Less common in Louisiana, boilers heat water to provide steam or hot water for heating spaces. They are more prevalent in older homes and can be more expensive to install and operate compared to other systems.
- Ductless Mini-Split Systems: These are great for homes without ductwork or for heating specific rooms. They offer an efficient and customizable heating (and cooling) solution but may require multiple units for complete home coverage.
- Radiant Heating: Installed beneath the floor or in walls, radiant heating provides even, efficient warmth. While it’s comfortable and efficient, the initial installation can be costly, making it a less common choice for Louisiana homes.
For homeowners in Southeast Louisiana, heat pumps often emerge as the standout choice due to their efficiency in mild climates and their ability to provide both cool and hot air. The cost-effectiveness of this hybrid system and its environmental benefits further solidify its appeal, making it a smart investment for year-round comfort.
Heat Pumps: An Ideal Choice for Mild Winters
Heat pumps stand out as an exemplary heating (and cooling) solution for Louisiana’s mild winters and hot summers, thanks to their efficiency and versatility. Here’s a closer look at why they’re particularly suited to the region:
- Dual Functionality: Heat pumps serve both as heaters in winter and air conditioners in summer, making them a practical, year-round system for Louisiana’s climate. This dual-purpose functionality offers significant savings on installation and maintenance by consolidating two systems into one.
- Energy Efficiency: Compared to traditional heating systems, heat pumps are more energy-efficient because they transfer heat rather than generate it by burning natural resources. This efficiency translates into lower energy bills and a reduced environmental impact, aligning with the growing preference for sustainable home heating solutions.
Types of Heat Pumps:
- Air-Source Heat Pumps: These are the most common type, extracting heat from outdoor air to warm your home in winter and reversing the process to cool it in summer. They are relatively easy to install and are most cost-effective in mild climates like Louisiana.
- Ground-Source (Geothermal) Heat Pumps: These utilize the stable temperature of the ground to provide heating and cooling. While they offer higher efficiency and lower operating costs than air-source pumps, their initial installation cost can be higher, making them a long-term investment.
- Cost Considerations: The upfront cost of heat pumps, especially geothermal systems, can be higher than traditional heating systems. However, their operational efficiency and lower monthly energy bills can offset the initial investment over time. Additionally, various incentives and rebates may be available to reduce upfront costs.
- Choosing the Right System: Selecting between an air-source and ground-source heat pump depends on several factors, including your property’s size, local geography, and budget constraints. Consulting with experienced HVAC professionals, like those at Nick’s Heating & Air Conditioning, can help determine the most suitable system for your home.
Heat pumps represent a smart choice for Louisiana residents, offering an efficient, environmentally friendly, and versatile solution to meet both heating and cooling needs. Their ability to adapt to the state’s unique climate, coupled with potential savings on energy bills, makes them an attractive option for homeowners looking to enhance their comfort and reduce their carbon footprint.
Energy Efficiency and Cost Considerations
When selecting a heating system for your Louisiana home, energy efficiency and cost are paramount considerations. These factors not only influence the environmental impact of your heating choice but also have a direct effect on your wallet. Here’s what you need to know:
Understanding Energy Efficiency:
- Efficiency Ratings: Heating systems are evaluated based on their energy efficiency, typically measured by the Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) for furnaces and boilers, and the Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) and Heating Seasonal Performance Factor (HSPF) for heat pumps. Higher ratings signify more efficient energy use, translating to lower utility bills.
- Impact on Costs: An energy-efficient system may come with a higher upfront cost but can lead to significant savings on energy bills over time. In Louisiana’s mild climate, the efficiency of a heat pump, for example, can offer substantial cost benefits due to its ability to efficiently manage both heating and cooling needs.
- Installation Costs: The initial cost of installing a new heating system varies widely based on the type of system, the complexity of the installation, and any necessary modifications to your home’s existing infrastructure.
- Operating Costs: These costs, influenced by the efficiency of your heating system and the local cost of energy sources, affect the long-term affordability of your heating solution. Systems that use less energy for operation, such as heat pumps in energy-efficient models, tend to offer lower ongoing costs.
- Maintenance and Repair Costs: Regular maintenance is crucial for ensuring the efficiency and longevity of your heating system. Some systems, like furnaces and boilers, may require more frequent maintenance or have higher repair costs than others, like ductless mini-splits or heat pumps.
Choosing an energy-efficient heating system is an investment in the future comfort and sustainability of your home. It’s essential to consider both the short-term and long-term financial implications of your choice.
- Incentives and Rebates: Look for federal, state, or local incentives and rebates for installing energy-efficient heating systems. These can help offset the initial cost and make a more efficient and accessible system.
Nick’s Heating & Air Conditioning, with its expertise and commitment to quality, can guide you through selecting and installing the most energy-efficient heating system for your Louisiana home. Their knowledge of local climate needs and the latest energy-efficient technologies ensures you get a system that not only fits your budget but also your commitment to reducing your carbon footprint.
Ready for Comfort?
Embrace a cozy, efficient home with Nick’s Heating & Air Conditioning. Explore our tailored heating solutions, crafted for Louisiana’s climate, and benefit from our expertise and dedicated service. 🏡🌡️ Secure your comfort today—experience the difference of a trusted provider. Contact us today. Your ideal home environment awaits! | <urn:uuid:1b1a9055-838c-4812-a962-2b168f1f4ae1> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://nicksac.com/types-of-heating-systems-for-louisiana/ | 2024-02-29T12:31:02Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.915419 | 1,501 | 5 |
The skin around the eye area is very delicate and it is essential to apply your eye cream correctly. Always apply gently with your ring finger on the upper and lower lid following the bone area of the eyes.
After applying your serum and moisturiser to your face, apply any excess product left to the back of your hands for younger and more even toned skin. After all, your hands tend to give away your age.
Combining homecare products with professional treatments results in a 50% improvement in visible results. Professional treatments also enhance the penetration of active ingredients in prescribed homecare products.
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Apply a pea size and massage gently into the face, neck and decollate for 30 to 45 seconds.
While exercise is great for your health, excessive sweating, combined with heat, perspiration, friction and friction can aggravate an acne outbreak on your forehead, chest, back, and other parts of your body.
Applying moisturizer on your face is good for your skin because it keeps your skin hydrated and helps to balance the oil production within the skin. If you don’t apply a moisturizer to your skin, it will dry out and trigger your glands to produce more oil. This oil will clog your pores and cause an acne outbreak.
Early preventative measures and consistently using the right skincare products for your skin reduces short term and long term effects of ageing. Our qualified Nimue Skincare Therapists will guide you on the correct anti-ageing products for your skin after doing a professional skincare analysis.
Skincare therapists are not beauticians. Skincare therapists study for 3 years and are qualified in the health and chemistry of the skin and the health of the skin. Qualified Nimue Skincare Therapists also guide you through various phases of your prescription, educate you on the steps you need to follow as well as the products you need to use to restore and maintain optimal health of your skin. | <urn:uuid:fdfa9855-b3da-4c3b-a3e9-68896cf06a01> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://nimueskin.com/problematic-skin/ | 2024-02-29T12:13:08Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.878895 | 957 | 1 |
Rattan furniture is a popular choice for both indoor and outdoor use. It is known for its natural beauty, durability, and versatility. However, it is important to be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of rattan furniture before making a purchase.
Advantages of Rattan Furniture
- Natural beauty: Rattan furniture has a warm and inviting look that can add a touch of nature to any space. It is available in a variety of colours and finishes, so you can find the perfect pieces to match your décor.
- Durability: Rattan is a strong and durable material that can withstand years of use. It is also partially resistant to pests and rot.
- Versatility: Rattan furniture can be used in a variety of settings, including indoor and outdoor living spaces, patios, and decks. It is also available in a wide range of styles, from traditional to contemporary.
- Sustainability: Rattan is a renewable resource, making it a sustainable choice for furniture.
Disadvantages of Rattan Furniture
- Susceptibility to moisture: Rattan is susceptible to moisture damage, so it is important to protect it from rain. If it does get wet, it is important to dry it off immediately.
- High cost: Rattan furniture can be expensive, especially if it is made from high-quality materials.
- Maintenance: Rattan furniture requires regular cleaning and maintenance to keep it looking its best. It is important to vacuum it regularly and to dust it with a damp cloth. You should also avoid placing it in direct sunlight, as this can cause the rattan to fade.
Overall, rattan furniture is a durable and versatile choice for both indoor and outdoor use. However, it is important to be aware of its susceptibility to moisture. | <urn:uuid:7993de2b-6ba3-460e-b025-da24d222b7f0> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://oceanluxe.com.au/blogs/ocean-luxe-blog/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-rattan-furniture | 2024-02-29T11:52:08Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.951463 | 366 | 2 |
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For over 25 years, Orlando Roofing Company has provided superior roofing services to homeowners in the region. Our full spectrum of roofing services includes roofing inspections, repairs, and replacements as well as emergency repair services. Additionally, we always try to educate our clients and community on the best practices for cost-effective and long-lasting roofing options.
Orlando Roofing Contractor Caring for Your Roof
The roof above your head is arguably the most crucial structural element of your home and what gives your building shelter. Unfortunately, proper roof care and economics is not a subject most people are well-practiced in. This can lead to many misunderstandings and myths about roofing that can lead to catastrophic results.
If you are a homeowner in Orlando or the Orange County, we are here to provide you with everything you need for a suitable and long-lasting roof. However, before we ever have the privilege of arriving on-site to lend our expertise to your roof, we would like to provide you with something of far greater value.
In all truth, most of the decisions you will make that puts cash back in your wallet and prolong the service life of your roof will be made before you even order a single shingle or call up your roofing experts for an experienced opinion. Here, we would like to share our extensive knowledge and understanding to dispel myths and confusions on a topic that is just above everyone’s heads, except ours – because we’re the expert roofers!
Clearing Off the Common Confusions about Roofing Repairs and Replacements
If you are unsure about how to get the most bang from your buck in the roofing market, the following confusions don’t help any. Read on to learn about the cost-effective route to roof maintenance and damage repairs.
Roofing Myth No. 1 – “Roofing Repairs are Costly and Superfluous”
There are many roofing services that can improve the conditions of your roof and materials and of course, not every single one is needed or even advisable. Nevertheless, the right amount of care and maintenance can help your roofing materials live out their full-service life and then some.
Furthermore, not all roofing maintenance tasks need to be very expensive. Some of the most important actions that will preserves the life of your roof include clearing out the gutters, blowing away leaves and performing a regular inspection that can catch smaller issues before they grow into expensive problems. More minor repairs and conscientious attention won’t cost much and are the single most important actions that preserve your roof and lower your costs.
Roofing Myth No. 2 –– “All the Shingles are in Place, So the Roof is Just Fine”
When making your regular roofing inspection, it is vital to be thorough. It is easy to cast your eyes across your roof and heave a sigh of relief when you notice that no shingles have been torn from their place. Just because everything seems to be in perfect order doesn’t mean that your roofing material won’t be damaged severely by the next severe rain and wind storm.
A proper roofing inspection involves pulling out your bird-watching binoculars from the closet and carefully examining row after row of shingles or roofing tiles to make sure positions are correct, nails are flush, flashing looks good and there are no torn, bubbling or cracked tiles/ shingles. The inspection of the exterior can be followed up by inspecting the interior for signs of moisture damage.
An inspection should be done a couple of times a year and after any heavy rain or snow. If you see anything you aren’t sure you can repair yourself, give us a call, and our experienced team of roofers will provide you with an expert opinion and budget-friendly plan to set things right.
Roofing Myth No. 3 –– “The Flashing Can Be Replaced with the Roof”
Orlando, Florida is blessed with a balmy tropical climate, but it does see its share of fierce weather conditions as well. The local weather is an important thing to consider when planning the maintenance of your roof as it can affect the different roofing components differently. The flashing on your roof is the strips of metal that can be seen around chimneys, skylights, and other architectural elements on your roof. This flashing keeps water from running down the joints where roofing materials meet the structures. Your flashing will need more diligent inspection than the rest of your roof as a small problem can get out of hand quickly and often go unnoticed.
The flashing should be snugly fastened in place and show no sign of disrepair, warping, or rusting. Typically, your flashing should last as long as the rest of the roof, but you will want to keep a closer eye on it when making regular inspections.
Roofing Myth No. 4 – Unless you are Buying Top-Shelf Roofing Materials, they are all the same thing.”
One of the most important decisions you will make is choosing the right materials for your roof. The correct match will lead to greater longevity, cheaper repair works, and even other benefits like energy efficiency and aesthetic appeal. Of course, by the same measure, the wrong material choice can mean a costly mistake.
Roofing Myth No. 5 –– “The most Cost-Effective Roofing solution requires the Cheapest Materials.”
It is easy to assume that using cheaper roofing materials will lead to a more affordable roof with more inexpensive repairs and replacements. However, this is not necessarily true. The only way to truly save cash on your roof I to think of the bigger picture and plan your materials, repairs, and replacements accordingly.
For example, metal roofing is widely considered the most cost-effective solution for several reasons. First, it is very durable and will outlast many other roofing options. Even though it is a more costly initial payment, metal roofing puts cash back in your pocket with energy savings and low maintenance. Furthermore, metal roofing can be selected to resemble a very expensive slate or a stone roof that would cost over twice what a metal roof would cost.
Of course, if you aren’t planning on owning the home for another 30 to 40 years, this investment may be overkill.
Myth No. 6 –– “Calling in the Roofing Experts is only Necessary when a Replacement or Major Repair is in Order.”
On the contrary! You can avail yourself of a professional expert opinion at any point in your roof’s life. It’s kind of like going to a dentist before all your teeth need to be replaced can prevent that unfortunate outcome. As a homeowner, you should get very familiar with the conditions of your roof, and this may call for an expert opinion now and then.
You can speculate for a long time while the damage and disrepair get worse, and the amount of cash you will need to rectify the situation climbs higher and higher. However, if you call your roofing professional over, you can compare with them the notes you have made how you feel about the roof and gauge your level of roof stewardship.
This will mean your roofing plans are based on solid intelligence and less likely to run into anything unexpected later down the line.
Myth No. 7 –– “It is Cheaper to Replace some of the roofs or do minor repairs rather than replace the entire roof.”
This is not always a myth; there will be times when only a small corner of the roof has been affected, and only a small amount of repair work is required to set everything in order. This can be done by removing the affected roofing materials, shingles for example, and provided there is no damage to the structure below, merely replacing them. The biggest problem here is that the new shingles may look a bit different from the older ones and this could be an issue if a resale is around the corner.
On the other hand, if you see that a portion of your roof will need to be replaced to restore its usefulness, you will want to think about your options here. First, it is cheaper to replace the entire roof in one shot, than replace half now and half later. If you already have a team of roofing experts up on the roof, you may want to go ahead and have the entire roof replaced. This is especially true if you will need to replace the roof within a few years.
Why Call Orlando Roofing Company?
Over the last 25 years, Orlando Roofing Company has made a name for itself as the leading roofing contractor for Orlando and the Orange County area. We pride ourselves, not just in our superior roofing services, but also pour capacity to communicate clearly and meticulously with our valued clients. It is our primary goal to fully understand the needs, concerns, and expectations of our clients so that we can do all within our capacity to satisfy and exceed them. We invite our potential client to review some of the glowing reports our past customers have provided for roof replacement and repair.
If you are a homeowner in the Orlando Area and considering how best to approach the needs of your home, don’t guess and speculate on a subject of such importance. We have a long history of experience in the region and will apply our local knowledge to help you form a roofing plan that will serve you well and fit your budget perfectly. After you have spoken with our experts, you will feel peace of mind knowing that your home and roof are in the hands of trustworthy experts.
Here are some other reasons to count on us for all your roofing needs:
1. The Local Roofing Experts
Our roofing representatives are experts on all things related to roofing. You can expect them to provide a full explanation of the services we offer and how these can be applied to damaged or partially damaged roofs. We can also discuss the advantages of various roofing materials and help you select the best one for your new tropical home. We will even provide you with a full overview of any project you have in mind, so you know exactly what will happen when the big day arrives.
2. Commercial Locations
While most of our work is with the domestic sector, we also provide services to commercial locations in the area. Your business needs an effective and attractive roof as part of its public presentation and the health and safety of that inside. Whether you are looking for a new roof or repair works or just information about our options, we have all the information you need to make an informed decision about commercial roofing.
3. Commitment to Customer satisfaction
At the end of the day, the most significant commitment we have is to the needs of our clients. We believe that in this line of work, customer satisfaction is critical to referrals and more business. For this reason, we have built our company culture around exceeding the expectations of our clients. Our dedication to customer satisfaction is exemplified in fast response times, knowledgeable professionals, clear communication, and meticulous service.
4. Comprehensive Care and the Extra Mile
One thing we have come to learn is that roofing projects can be a source of stress, upset, and even confusion as the home is turned upside down for a time. During this situation, it is good to know you are working with a team that understands the stress and frustration of this significant ordeal. We will take the time to explain every aspect of our meticulous working plan and hear your suggestions for completing our tasks quickly and with as little disruption to your life as possible.
5. Quality Workmanship
Perhaps the most crucial factor that contributes to long-lasting roofing is attention to detail and skilled workmanship. The quality of new roof installation and repair work will ultimately decide how long the roofing work will last. You will be happy to know that our superior roofing services will allow you to get the most from your roofing materials and postpone hefty investments and replacements for as long as possible.
In Conclusion – Orlando Roofing Company
For all things related to the roof over your head, call the Orlando Roofing Company. It is our commitment to excellence and superior skills that provide you and your home with value and a roofing system perfect for your needs and budget. Call us on (407) 289-0116 anytime to find out what we can do for you. | <urn:uuid:b6b456c5-5335-41aa-acd3-73a834b4ba85> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://orlandoroofingcompany.net/ | 2024-02-29T12:16:33Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.947966 | 2,729 | 2 |
Energy White Paper – Government confirms £6.7bn warm homes package and UK ETS
14th December 2020 | Residential Energy
The UK Government has finally released its Energy White Paper, detailing steps to deliver “overwhelmingly decarbonised power in the 2030s”, with a new £6.7bn support scheme to be set up to tackle fuel poverty and a UK variant of the Emissions Trading Scheme to be introduced. The Energy White Paper has been delayed numerous times in 2020, but the Government finally detailed what the strategy entails on Monday [14 December]. It builds on the Prime Minister’s Ten Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution and the National Infrastructure Strategy (NIS) in outlining how the nation plans to transform its power and heating systems to support the net-zero emissions target for 2050. Specifically, the Government believes new measures will help cut emissions from industry, transport and buildings by 230 million metric tonnes over the next 10 years – equivalent to taking 7.5 million petrol cars off the road permanently.
Energy white paper
While the publication of the paper has been long-awaited, the new detail listed by the Government is surprisingly sparse. Instead, the White Paper reiterates numerous decarbonisation commitments that were revealed in both the Ten Point Plan and the NIS. It does include a £6.7bn support system for fuel poor households that will run for six years. The package is designed to save families in old inefficient homes up to £400. In addition, the Warm Home Discount Scheme to 2026 will be delivered to cover 750,000 UK householders by giving them £150 off electricity bills each winter. The White Paper also confirms that the £2bn Green Homes Grant announced in the summer will be extended by a further year, as envisioned in the Ten Point Plan.
In addition, installations of electric heat pumps are scheduled to grow from 30,000 per year to 600,000 by 2038. The White Paper also raises ambitious on industrial clusters, pledging to deliver four low-carbon clusters by 2030 and at least on net-zero variant by 2040.
More information available on the website below | <urn:uuid:16ed91e2-82e7-44e0-8b40-9ed2d78ff3fc> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://oroco.co.uk/energy-white-paper-government-confirms-6-7bn-warm-homes-package-and-uk-ets/ | 2024-02-29T12:39:36Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.931535 | 434 | 2 |
V. Kozar, S. Lashko, N. Halchenko, L. Kazachenko
The processes of urbanization lead to increased levels of influence of physical factors and, in particular, vibration. Vibration can damage buildings and have an adverse effect on the human body. Therefore, the issues of improving vibration monitoring systems are relevant. The presence of a spatial component in the data on the vibration situation indicates the feasibility of using geographic information systems in this area. The works of scientists in various fields of science are devoted to the study of the influence of vibrations on human beings and their environment. In existing studies the basic methodological principles for assessing the impact of vibration on people and environment were defined and methods for estimating vibration levels were developed. However, insufficient attention to the problems of vibration monitoring in the settlements is paid. The modern settlement can be described as a complex system formed by many interconnected anthropogenic and natural elements of the territories. Some components of this system belong to the category of objects that need to be protected from vibration, others are sources of vibration, and some belong to both categories. Facilities that require measures to protect against vibration include residential and public buildings, residential areas, parks, squares, recreation areas. Sources of vibration in buildings include: transport, industrial enterprises and installations, engineering equipment of buildings, built-in enterprises of trade, consumer services, etc. Geospatial data in the monitoring systems of the territory of the settlement is multisectoral and complex. Appropriate spatial data infrastructure is required for their efficient processing. Modeling of vibration monitoring system should be performed as part of the infrastructure of geospatial data at the local level. The basic set of spatial data for vibration monitoring included data on land plots, buildings, streets, utilities, railways, highways, hydrography, relief, soils, zoning. The «Address» class has been introduced to support address data. The set of thematic geospatial data includes information on the sources and areas of vibration pollution, control points and results of vibration levels, vibration protection devices, objects on which blasting or construction works are carried out. Based on the results of the analysis, a conceptual scheme of the geospatial database was developed. The proposed model can be the basis for designing the next stages of geographic information system for monitoring vibration. | <urn:uuid:6ae4cab3-65e7-4601-9e31-9811b7fa4eb2> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://ouci.dntb.gov.ua/?backlinks_to=10.31650%2F2415-377x-2020-78-34-40&sort=issued-asc | 2024-02-29T12:13:24Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.939674 | 465 | 1 |
Are you dreaming of transforming your backyard into a private oasis, complete with a stunning swimming pool? If so, you may have come across the term “radiant pools” during your research. Radiant pools are renowned for their durability, versatility, and unparalleled beauty. But before you dive into the world of radiant pools, one question may be on your mind: how much do they cost?
The price of radiant pools can vary depending on a variety of factors, including the size, shape, and features you choose. While it’s difficult to provide an exact figure without more information, it’s essential to understand the value that radiant pools can bring to your home. With their innovative design and exceptional quality, radiant pools offer a long-lasting investment that adds beauty and functionality to your outdoor space. So, let’s explore the factors that influence the cost of radiant pools and discover how they can transform your backyard into a luxurious retreat.
Radiant pools offer a range of models and sizes, which can affect the price. On average, the cost of a radiant pool can be between $10,000 and $30,000, including installation. Factors like additional features, site preparation, and accessories can also impact the total cost. For a more accurate estimate, it is recommended to contact a local radiant pool dealer or visit their official website.
How Much Are Radiant Pools?
Radiant pools are a popular choice for homeowners looking to enhance their outdoor space with a durable and versatile swimming pool. Whether you are considering installing a new pool or upgrading your existing one, it’s essential to understand the cost involved. In this article, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to determine the pricing of radiant pools.
1. Research Different Pool Models
The first step in determining the cost of radiant pools is to research different models available in the market. Radiant pools come in various shapes, sizes, and features, which can significantly affect their price range. Take the time to compare the specifications and prices of different models to find the one that best fits your budget and requirements.
Additionally, consider the long-term costs associated with each model. Factors such as energy efficiency, maintenance requirements, and durability should also be taken into account to determine the overall value of the pool.
2. Get Quotes from Pool Installers
Once you have narrowed down your options, it’s time to reach out to pool installers and request quotes. Contact reputable pool companies in your area and provide them with the details of the radiant pool model you are interested in. They will be able to give you a more accurate estimate based on the specific installation requirements and any additional features or customization you desire.
It’s advisable to obtain quotes from multiple installers to compare prices and ensure you are getting a fair deal. However, be cautious of extremely low prices, as they may indicate subpar quality or hidden costs that could arise later on.
3. Consider Additional Costs
When budgeting for a radiant pool, it’s crucial to consider additional costs that may arise during the installation process. Factors such as site preparation, excavation, landscaping, permits, and accessories (such as pool covers and filters) should be taken into account.
Furthermore, ongoing expenses, such as water and energy bills, regular maintenance, and potential repairs, should also be factored into your overall budget. These additional costs will vary depending on your location, pool usage, and personal preferences.
4. Financing Options
If the upfront cost of a radiant pool exceeds your immediate budget, consider exploring financing options. Many pool companies offer financing plans that allow you to spread the cost over time. However, remember to carefully review the terms and conditions, including interest rates and repayment terms, to ensure they align with your financial capabilities.
It’s also worth checking if there are any local or federal incentives or grants available for pool installations. These programs can help offset some of the costs and make owning a radiant pool more affordable.
5. Consult with a Pool Professional
Finally, consulting with a pool professional can provide further insights into the cost of radiant pools. They can assess your specific needs, evaluate your outdoor space, and provide personalized recommendations. Their expertise will help you make an informed decision and ensure you are investing in a pool that meets your budget and requirements.
Remember that the cost of a radiant pool is not solely determined by its initial price tag. It’s essential to consider the long-term value, durability, and additional costs associated with owning and maintaining a pool to make an informed decision.
Frequently Asked Questions
Welcome to our FAQ section, where we provide answers to commonly asked questions about radiant pools.
How much do radiant pools cost?
Radiant pools come in various sizes and configurations, so the cost can vary. The price of a radiant pool typically starts at around $10,000 and can go up to $30,000, depending on the specific model and additional features you choose.
It’s important to note that the cost of installation is not included in the base price of the pool. Factors such as site preparation, labor, and any additional customization can influence the overall cost of your radiant pool.
What factors influence the cost of a radiant pool?
Several factors can affect the cost of a radiant pool. The size and shape of the pool, the materials used in its construction, and any additional features or accessories you choose will all contribute to the final price.
Other factors that can influence the cost include the location of your property, the complexity of the installation, and any necessary site preparations. It’s recommended to consult with a professional pool installer who can provide a detailed estimate based on your specific requirements.
Are radiant pools a good investment?
Yes, radiant pools are generally considered a good investment. They are built to last and offer many advantages over traditional pools. The insulated walls of radiant pools help to retain heat, which can result in energy savings and prolong the swimming season.
Radiant pools are also known for their durability and low maintenance requirements. Their modular design allows for easy installation and customization, making them a flexible choice for various backyard layouts. Additionally, radiant pools are backed by warranties that provide added peace of mind for homeowners.
Can I install a radiant pool myself?
While it is possible to install a radiant pool yourself, it is recommended to hire a professional pool installer. Proper installation requires specific knowledge and experience to ensure the pool is level, structurally sound, and meets all safety regulations.
A professional installer will also have the necessary equipment and tools to properly handle the installation process. By hiring an expert, you can ensure that your radiant pool is installed correctly and avoid potential issues that could arise from DIY installation.
Do radiant pools require any special maintenance?
While radiant pools are designed to be low maintenance, they still require regular upkeep to ensure optimal performance and longevity. Basic maintenance tasks include regular cleaning of the pool’s surface, skimming debris, and balancing the water chemistry.
Additionally, it is recommended to winterize the pool to protect it from harsh weather conditions. This may involve draining the pool, adding antifreeze, and covering it with a winter cover. Following the manufacturer’s guidelines and consulting with a pool professional will help you maintain your radiant pool properly.
In conclusion, the cost of radiant pools can vary depending on several factors such as the size, design, and additional features. While it is difficult to provide an exact price range without considering individual preferences, it is important to note that radiant pools are generally considered a worthwhile investment. These innovative pools combine durability, energy efficiency, and aesthetic appeal, making them a popular choice among homeowners seeking a long-lasting and visually appealing option for their outdoor spaces.
When considering the price of radiant pools, it is important to factor in the long-term benefits they offer. These pools are known for their exceptional heat retention properties, which can significantly reduce heating costs over time. Additionally, their rugged construction ensures durability, minimizing the need for frequent repairs or replacements. Ultimately, the cost of a radiant pool is an investment in the enjoyment and value of your home, providing a luxurious and sustainable oasis for years to come. | <urn:uuid:94022be2-4dce-4ba6-896d-7098f97da636> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://ourswimmingpools.com/how-much-are-radiant-pools/ | 2024-02-29T12:49:52Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.942071 | 1,683 | 1 |
This is a common viral infection which effects respiratory system. The infection can cause wheezing, chest tightness, shortness of breath etc. Here are some remedies to stop asthma attack: Stay away from triggers like smoke, tobacco products, dust etc. Drink more water – six glasses of water a day can help relieve asthma symptoms. If your child has asthma, keep them away from smoking adults. Asthma attacks can often be prevented by regularly taking asthma medication. Keep your house clean as dust and dirt can trigger an asthma attack. Asthma attacks can be brought on by stress, so try to keep stress levels low..
Table of Contents
How To Stop An Asthma Attack? – Related Questions
How do you stop an asthma attack without an inhaler?
Asthma is a serious lung disease that causes your airways to tighten and makes it hard to breathe. An asthma attack is a sudden worsening of asthma symptoms. During an asthma attack, it can be hard to catch your breath or breathe normally. These attacks can be caused by a variety of things, including irritation of the airways, exercise, or other asthma triggers. You can treat asthma attacks by avoiding triggers, using a rescue inhaler, or taking other steps to control your symptoms. If you don’t have an inhaler with you, there are other things you can do to try to manage your symptoms. For example, you can try to relax, focus your breathing on one area of your body, or move around to help relieve your symptoms..
How can I stop asthma immediately?
Asthma is a lung disease that causes difficulty breathing. It causes the lungs to be inflamed and the airways to narrow. Asthma can be triggered by allergen, respiratory infections, and stress. The immediate treatment of acute asthma is usually carried out by a doctor. Asthma symptoms can be relieved with the use of an asthma action plan which includes the avoidance of triggers and the use of preventative medication. If your asthma symptoms get worse, you should seek medical help immediately. Your doctor can prescribe medicine to open the airways. The medicine can be given as a tablet to ease the symptoms or as a nebulizer, inhaled through a mouthpiece or mask. Depending on the severity of the attack..
Can drinking water stop an asthma attack?
Yes, drinking water is known to help stop an asthma attack. Drinking water helps thin the mucus in your lungs, making it easier for your body to expel the mucus and allowing you to breathe more easily. Dehydration is a leading cause of asthma attacks. In fact, many asthma sufferers become dehydrated before an attack, so be sure you’re drinking plenty of water every day. You should drink around 6 – 8 glasses of water a day to keep your lungs moist and breathing clear..
How can I open my lungs without an inhaler?
An inhaler contains a medicine, which opens your lungs. But it’s important to understand that it doesn’t work for everybody, especially children below the age of six. Apart from medications, there are many other ways to open your lungs. The easiest way is to take a deep breath in so that all the air goes inside your lungs, and hold it there for a few seconds. Then slowly exhale out all the air from your lungs. You can repeat this exercise a few times. Another way is to sit on a chair with your back straight and place your hands on your knees, with palms facing down. Perform a few gentle pushups to make your air passages open. Alternatively, you can also hold your breath before catching a breath of fresh air..
Does caffeine help asthma?
Caffeine is a stimulant to the central nervous system but has no effect on asthma. It can help you feel more alert, but it doesn’t do anything to treat your asthma. The effects of caffeine can wear off quickly and you may experience a relapse. Moreover, the side effects of caffeine are gastrointestinal upset, dizziness, insomnia, and restlessness. It may also irritate your airways. So if you have asthma, it is best to avoid caffeine-containing foods and beverages..
Does steam inhalation help asthma?
Yes, steam inhalation is one of the oldest asthma relieve treatment. It helps to open airways and makes breathing easier. You can use steam inhalation by putting a pot of hot water or a towel soaked in hot water on your face. You can also use a hot shower, but the effect lasts only for few minutes. The best thing about steam inhalation is it is free and easy to do. If you want you can buy steam inhalation packs from your local pharmacy..
Can an inhaler help if you have Covid?
Covid is a form of depression that is not caused by any mental or physical illness. Though it has no physiological effect on the human brain, it can take a serious toll on people who have it. The only way to get rid of it is to get help from a medical expert. This is why you need to seek medical attention for it. If you are wondering if there is anything that can help you with its symptoms, the answer is yes. Using an inhaler to cope with Covid symptoms might just be the right move. It is always advisable to consult a medical professional before you try using any form of medication. This is because only a doctor is qualified to determine what is right for you. Inhalers can help you to manage the symptoms of Covid, but they cannot help you to get rid of the disorder. It is a good idea to talk to your doctor about this..
What are 5 treatments for asthma?
The most common causes of asthma include cigarette smoking, air pollution, animal dander, pollen and even exercise. In this post, we’ll discuss solutions to asthma that are safe, convenient and effective. 1. Asthma Natural Treatments – Get plenty of sleep. Stay away from stress. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Eliminate chemical food additives. 2. Asthma Natural Remedies – Avoid eating fatty foods, sugar, artificial flavoring, dairy products and meats. Eat more raw fruits and vegetables and whole grains. 3. Asthma Diet – Drink fresh juices and eat fresh fruits with each meal. Eat at least one raw vegetable every day. 4. Track your Asthma Attack – Make a list of your asthma triggers. An asthma journal will enable you to identify the specific triggers for your asthma. 5. Breathing Exercises – Practice breathing exercises regularly just after rising in the morning. Regular exercise is an important part of asthma treatment..
Do hot showers help with asthma?
A hot shower can help with asthma. The warmth helps to open the airways and allows you to breathe better. It also helps to relax you and reduce any feeling of a panic attack. If you have access to a sauna, then this is even better, as it will have a stronger effect and help to clear the airways more..
How do I open my airways?
You will find this helpful. There is a simple way to open your airways that works for most people. It is called the 4-7-8 technique. Take a deep breath in, then exhale completely. Next, close your mouth and inhale through your nose to a mental count of four. Hold your breath for a mental count of seven. Then exhale completely through your mouth, making a “whoosh” sound to a count of eight. Inhale again and repeat the cycle three more times for a total of four breaths. Deep breathing has a calming effect on the nervous system. It also brings more oxygen to the brain to improve memory and concentration. This is a healthy practice to do at home, as well as when you are experiencing test anxiety..
Can cold water trigger asthma?
Cold water can trigger asthma and it is extremely important that you know how to prevent it! Cold temperatures can also cause asthma symptoms such as chest tightness, wheezing, coughing and difficulty breathing. There are a couple of things that you can do to try to prevent cold water from causing asthma symptoms. Always warm up with a short walk before getting into cold water. If you are entering cold water from your pool or beach, then do a few minutes of warm up exercises in the water to ensure that you don’t trigger an asthma attack. It is also recommended that you avoid cold water swimming if you suffer from asthma.. | <urn:uuid:012ae9e7-7018-48b2-9a7c-4c2a5591df79> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://paperjaper.com/how-to-stop-an-asthma-attack/ | 2024-02-29T12:35:04Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.949254 | 1,738 | 1 |
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Genuine Nissan auto parts are the way to go when you're ready to repair or replace a part on your vehicle, and plenty of repairs can be completed at home with a bit of automotive know-how and a couple of tools. If you need help, your local Nissan service center at 4601 E HWY 377 is right around the corner. But why go with genuine Nissan parts in GRANBURY and what's available? When you purchase quality, genuine Nissan parts on the Nissan Parts & Accessories site, you can be confident you're ordering the right component for your Nissan model and trim.
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Fixing up your Nissan interior with genuine accessories involves entry-level car care skills. It's a great place to start when maintaining your Nissan! Many accessory and interior parts are straightforward to install and instantly enhance your car's aesthetics. Help safeguard your floors from daily life with All-Season Floor Mats, High Wall Liners, or replace the ones you've got with matching carpeted floor mats. Make room for more adventure when you organize your trunk/cargo area with trunk/cargo nets, shopping bag hooks, and cargo organizers. Enhance your driving experience with genuine Nissan accessories and parts that look great, including interior accent lighting, trunk sub-floor organizers, rear view mirror, cargo accessories, floor mats, and many more! A variety of accessories are available for purchase online or at GRANBURY NISSAN on US Highway 377.
Buy Nissan Suspension, Steering, and Brake Parts in GRANBURY, TX
Do your brake problems just seem to keep multiplying? Screeching sounds, weak brakes, or vibrating in the steering wheel or brake pedal when braking are all signs that it's time to research new Nissan brake parts in GRANBURY. Depending on the issue, replacement steering and suspension parts may be a good idea, too, since brakes work side-by-side with your Nissan steering and suspension to halt your vehicle. Shop for Nissan parking brake components, cables, brake pads, and more online, along with steering gears, suspension systems, axles, and even steering wheels. When you buy quality Nissan parts from the Nissan Parts store, you can speed up and slow down with confidence.
Shop Tires in GRANBURY, TX for Nissan Vehicles
Start with Nissan Parts online when shopping for tires in GRANBURY. Why? Because we know your Nissan car, truck, or SUV inside and out. Tires aren't "one size fits all." They have to be compatible with your vehicle. When you drive with the right tire size and type, you get more of what you love out of your Nissan — comfort and fun! Without the right tires, your Nissan's performance can suffer. That's why we only sell tires that match your Nissan's needs. You don't need to shop around or guess. and we offer well-established tire brands, like Hankook, Continental, Yokohama, Kumho, Bridgestone, and Goodyear.
Buy tires for your Nissan online, and then call (817) 736-8200 to book an installation appointment at GRANBURY NISSAN. Ask about Road Hazard Coverage, too! This package supports your tire purchase by helping to pay for the cost to replace or repair a flat or damaged tire. Buy eligible tires in GRANBURY from GRANBURY NISSAN and you'll get a great fit, great value, and great customer service! We keep things simple and stay focused on providing you with the right tires for your Nissan.
Buy Nissan Ignition, Fuel, and Engine Parts in GRANBURY, TX
There's no such thing as thrilling performance without your Nissan engine. It's where energy is transformed into movement and how miles turn into memories. Shop Nissan parts in GRANBURY or online to source the engine components you need to maintain, upgrade, or repair your Nissan engine. Tackle DIY engine care in your driveway with a new engine air filter, or turn to your nearest Nissan service center on US Highway 377 to perform a more difficult installation, like for a crankcase ventilation system, manifold intake, or an oil pump, to name a few. The proper fuel, ignition, and engine parts can help ensure your Nissan maintains its thrilling performance.
Buy Nissan Heating and Cooling Parts in GRANBURY, TX
Keep your cabin comfortable and your engine cool. Stay on top of your engine cooling system and HVAC with everything from water pumps and radiators to A/C condenser fans and heater hoses. Low coolant levels can cause your engine to overheat. There's a chance you could be looking at a coolant leak. Consider replacing parts of your Nissan cooling system. These symptoms tend to be pretty obvious, along with signs it's time to order new parts for your Nissan HVAC. A/C not blasting cool air? Odd smell stinking up your cabin? Sounds like the right time for some new HVAC components. Shop Nissan HVAC parts online, and visit your closest service center at 4601 E HWY 377 for installation. The situation may be as straightforward as tracking down a leak in the A/C system or as nuanced as replacing a compressor clutch.
Purchase Nissan Batteries and Electrical Parts in GRANBURY, TX
Many GRANBURY drivers choose to replace their Nissan battery at home, and they start with Nissan Parts & Accessories. Nissan Genuine Batteries are designed to meet your vehicle's original specifications. Each battery comes with an 84-month Limited Warranty. You can also order any coordinating battery part online, like battery hold-down frames, clamps, and covers. Your Nissan needs a durable, working car battery to power its electrical components. If you've installed a new car battery and continue to have trouble with the electrical system, you may need replacement electrical parts. Buy Nissan car batteries, wiring, and electrical parts in GRANBURY and contact GRANBURY NISSAN at (817) 736-8200 with questions.
Shop Nissan Transmission and Driveline Parts in GRANBURY, TX
The Nissan transmission and driveline ensure the perfect amount of power is sent to your wheels for the desired speed. Every bolt, nut, and gasket, needs to match your Nissan perfectly for this system to stay smooth and in sync. Trust genuine Nissan transmission parts like the differential, driveshaft, axle, and cruise control to your OEM for custom-designed, custom-fitted components. As nuanced and involved as the system can be, it's also easy to find the right Nissan transmission parts in GRANBURY. Shop online and enjoy reliable fitment.
Shop Nissan Electric Vehicle Parts in GRANBURY, TX
Nissan Parts & Accessories also carries components for electric vehicles in GRANBURY. From battery bay to trunk, you'll find what you need to take care of your Nissan Electric LEAF. OEM Nissan replacement parts help maintain your EV's advanced performance. Browse Nissan electric car parts online, and turn to GRANBURY NISSAN on US Highway 377 for expert advice on high voltage and low voltage maintenance and parts.
Shop Online Now, Ship to You, or Pickup In-Store on US Highway 377
Wondering where to buy Nissan parts in GRANBURY? Shop Nissan auto parts online and pick them up at 4601 E HWY 377 or have them shipped to your house. Nissan Parts & Accessories website is your online destination for original Nissan parts and more in GRANBURY. Visit the site often for our latest coupons and sales, and buy now to help protect your Nissan's stand-out performance for miles to come. | <urn:uuid:75367253-1551-4598-8640-00097ee2c94c> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://parts-dealers.nissanusa.com/texas/granbury/4601-e-hwy-377/ | 2024-02-29T11:42:29Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.913687 | 1,801 | 1 |
Window Treatment Design Services
Here at Patrick Street Interiors, we love window treatments, and we know how important they are to both the style and functionality of your room. There are so many different types of treatments, and we can help you with anything that you might need. From simple wood blinds, to fully custom decorative treatments. Feel free to contact us to find out more about the many options that are available to suit your room!
Drapery panels can be a beautiful way to finish (or even start!) off a room. We offer several different options for how your panels are designed and fabricated, all based on your budget and decor needs. A large variety of drapery hardware is also available.
- Bespoke - These treatments are high-end, hand fabricated by our local seamstress and completely custom. If you can imagine it, we can make it!
- Custom - Fabricated in one of our preferred national workrooms, these treatments can be specified with any fabric, for any size window, in many different styles.
- Semi-Custom - Select from our personally curated fabric collection, and choose from 9 different drapery styles for a perfect fit for your room. See our collection HERE
- Quick Ship - Simple panels in a select group of solid fabric. The perfect choice for a quick update without the hassle of sorting through a thousand options. Usually ships in 2 weeks (*please note shipping times may be longer due to Covid delays in workrooms and factories). See our collection HERE
Simple and functional, Roman shades are a great way to provide coverage for you windows, while adding style and personality to your space. Roman shades are custom made to fit your windows, and can be made from any fabric, and in several different styles.
Valances & Cornice Boards
Finish your windows off with a decorative top treatment. Hide unsightly hardware, extend the height of your windows or just pull in a gorgeous fabric to tie in the rest of the room. Valances and cornice boards are custom made and can be shaped and styled to fit any decor.
Beautiful architecture for your windows! Shutters are a simple but luxurious way to cover your windows. All shutters are custom fit to your windows, and available in any paint or stain to match the woodwork in your home. Having shutters installed is like putting beautiful furniture on your windows.
Blinds & Shades
Blinds and Shades lean more toward the functional side of window treatments, but there are still some beautiful options out there that allow for coverage and style. We can help you select the right treatment for your needs, whether it's privacy, light control, or style. Any type of blind or shade is available for your selection. Each option has the ability to be motorized and controlled by remote.
- Wood Blinds
- Woven Wood Shades
- Solar Shades & Decorative Roller Shades
- Cellular Shades
- Soft Fabric Blinds
We'd love to help you find the perfect window treatments for your room and answer any questions that you might have.
Please feel free to give us a call at 240-575-5875, or click the button to contact us.
We look forward to hearing from you! | <urn:uuid:1bc19cbd-de4d-4314-a43a-f34a3784cffb> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://patrickstreetinteriors.com/pages/window-treatments-2 | 2024-02-29T11:13:25Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.913629 | 660 | 1 |
Privately funded scholarships present financial security for Jarvey, who has little time to work a paid job outdoors of rehearsing, traveling and finding out. During the educational year, he plays in six ensembles, together with UM’s Symphonic Wind Ensemble, Symphony Orchestra and Jazz Band. He accepts regular invitations to carry out at festivals and as a visitor artist with groups across the nation. This educational 12 months, he’ll perform with the Billings Symphony, the Battle Creek Symphony in Michigan, and the Cambridge Symphony in Boston.
Any copyright in these works will must be ascertained and permission granted to make use of them earlier than they are often reproduced or adapted. In addition, the ethical rights of the creators of the existing works must be observed. This reality sheet offers data on the nature of copyright in media art, points for using Indigenous arts in media art and Indigenous protocols. At Plymouth College of Art, we invite and encourage new modes of creative apply that redefine citizenship in the twenty first century.
Arts, Media, And Culture Track Checklists Starting Autumn 2018
The show is known as “Postmodern Portraiture” and this collection of artists challenges and subverts the established order pre-modern and modern theoretical approaches for portraiture. The number of pictures are fragmented and often morph widespread aesthetics and signifiers to create a new language for portraiture.
You’ll be mentored by approachable academics who happen to be some of Tasmania’s most distinctive artistic expertise, whereas experimenting and collaborating with college students from all walks of life. Moogahlin Performing Arts, the famend Sydney First Peoples arts firm, is in residence within the Department of Theatre and Performance Studies enabling students to observe the process of fine-tuning a script with actors.
Today we face a quantity of challenges, similar to climate change and inequality, and tons of artists replicate on these points of their work. Some artists take an outright activist function, making their voice heard in present debates.
Successful completion of the final yr of senior studiesMinimum total result of “Bien/Buena/Bueno/Good” on all academic programs. A campus since 1998, the Centre for Creative Arts and Media relies in a former Redemptorist Monastery, which originally opened in 1940 to accommodate students training for the priesthood. Remnants of this heritage are still to be discovered – the high ceilings, broad home windows and spacious rooms give the revamped building an immediate attraction, whereas the library is constructed with Irish oak utilizing a distinct ecclesiastical theme.
Why Arts, Tradition And Media?
The program gave me a world and multidisciplinary perspective, a broader view of the Europe and extra structured and consistent way of thinking and analyzing. MediaAC validates studying outcomes in an built-in method to contribute both to the popularity of the abilities and competences of the students, but in addition constant increase the quality of the course. Knowledge particular to each course and the methods of assessment in the program are detailed in the curriculum. Upon successful completion of the necessities of the course and a master’s thesis, graduates are awarded a joint masters diploma by two or three of the Partner universities. | <urn:uuid:b1b79e93-f5cc-40ae-b8e5-2d9bb9716292> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://paulrobertsofloraldesign.com/music-arts-media-recruitment-specialists-3.html | 2024-02-29T11:20:50Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.933078 | 656 | 1 |
Silky smooth Dura-Drag™ carbon fibre washers eliminate hesitation even under extreme drag settings, and are impregnated with a Phenolic bonding agent to reduce wear and water intrusion.
Keeps gears protected and in alignment by eliminating any flex in the reel’s frame. The 2500 size features a full metal body and sideplate, but differentiates from the rest of the range with a graphite rotor still capable of withstanding maximum drag loads, but saving weight in this compact size addition to the Slammer IV DX family.
To eliminate slippage and the need to use monofilament backing before spooling, the Slammer IV features a textured ring at the base of the spool to tie your braid directly onto.
To eliminate slippage and the need to use monofilament backing before spooling, the Slammer IV DX features a textured ring at the base of the spool to tie your braid directly onto.
With spare Hypalon knob also included across the range (excluding 2500 size which features an EVA knob only).
With spare EVA knob also included across the range (excluding 2500 size which features an EVA knob only).
Additional bearing in the spool which helps to support the spool when placed under heavy drag loads.
High grade sealed stainless bearing with a special coating that helps to bead water away from this highly exposed and crucial part of any spin reel for dependable long-term performance.
The new small but tough 2500 size features HT-100™ carbon fibre drag washers with PENN’s proprietary heat-dispersing grease, the ‘100’ indicating that 100 miles of line can be pulled of the reel with no wear on the washers.
State of the art Computer Numerical Control technology machines gears out of a solid piece of metal, ensuring exact alignment, smooth long-term performance and cranking torque rigidity when trying to get that last wind on a hard fighting fish.
Independently verified by the International Ingress Protection Rating, the Slammer’s renowned IPX6 sealing is improved further by an additional seal under the rotor before the labyrinth seal, and a change in the way the drag is sealed to offer a reduced minimum drag for improved low-end smoothness.
Keeps gears protected and in alignment by eliminating any flex in the reel’s frame. The 2500 size features a full metal body and sideplate, but differentiates from the rest of the range with a graphite rotor still capable of withstanding maximum drag loads, but saving weight in this compact size addition to the Slammer family.
The perfect oscillation for an extremely even line lay.
Line capacities on spool are marked at 1/3rd, 2/3rd and full capacity.
Techno-Balanced™ rotor gives smooth retrieves.
Eliminates rotor backplay for instant hook sets.
Braid Ready to handle the strain that braided lines put on a reel.
No backing needed because the rubber gasket keeps superline from slipping.
Tip section of the rod is solid and not hollow to virtually eliminate breakage.
A graphite inner core for sensitivity and an e glass outer layer for durability.
A manufacturer of premium rod components.
The CNC Gear™ is machined from premium metals which provide a durable yet smooth gear train created by the precision of CNC technology.
Our Dura-Drag material contains a special Phenolic bonding agent that prevents premature breakdown of the carbon fibre material while providing a barrier to water.
Full Metal Body and sideplate keep precise gear alignment under heavy loads.
SLS3 construction uses inner and outer spiral wrap layers of carbon fibre to sandwich middle layers of alternating longitudinal carbon and glass. The spiral wraps maintain a round cross section in the blank when under load which helps the blank handle higher loads. The middle layers of unidirectional carbon and glass create the backbone of the rod by utilising the strength of glass combined with the lightweight of the carbon fibre to deliver a strong, balanced, and thin rod blank.
Sealed from heavy seas and spray, protecting key internal parts.
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Lost your password? | <urn:uuid:3b1e81f8-ff52-4154-b27e-ecca3e31d860> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://pennfishing.com.au/directory/listing/flyfinz-tackle-books | 2024-02-29T12:52:48Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.852998 | 1,068 | 1 |
- Product Material: Transparent ABS environmental protection plastic
- Product Packaging: 1PCS into the blister packaging
- Product Size: The diameter of the battery type is about 6.4CM, and the diameter of the charging type is about 7.0CM
- Applicable Battery: Rechargeable environmentally friendly lithium battery.
- Two color mode designs, unique red light mode, and colorful light change mode attract your kitten at any time. This cat toy has bells and feathers, which can stimulate the cat's hunting instinct.
- Built-in cat's favorite catnip: This upgraded version of the cat toy uses natural catnip structure to excite tired kittens and improve their appetite.
- 360° rotating ball: After powering on, the interactive cat toy will start to rotate 360° and color LED indicators. If it collides with walls, chairs, doors, etc., the ball will automatically change direction. No further help is needed.
- Automatic shutdown: After 45 minutes of riding, the cat ball will automatically shut down and will not consume too much battery power.
- USB charging design: about 1.5 hours of charging time can provide 4 hours of entertainment time. This is the best cat toy when you leave your cat alone at home.
- This ball is fully automatic, it will accompany your cat/dog when you are away, and it can also help the cat exercise more and have fun.
- The ball will work throughout the room and will automatically change direction if it hits a wall or corner.
- Easy to use: just turn on the sphere, turn on/off the switch, and let your pet enjoy it.
- The built-in LED light can also attract animals to hunting, rolling, and running, making pets more interesting.
- The rechargeable design solves the battery life problem and no longer waste your money buying new batteries.
- There will be no boring days for pets, sitting on the rotating LED ball all day long.
- Cat toy ball set*1 | <urn:uuid:15ef7184-8bff-41a3-bf94-088102cf8b87> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://petsquares.com/en-ca/products/led-laser-electronic-rolling-ball-toy | 2024-02-29T11:20:45Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.859813 | 416 | 1 |
Environmental protection and energy conversion by state-of-the-art photocatalysts emerge as imperative in pursuit for ideal, sustainable and green oriented solutions. However, major drawbacks in broader application of one of the most promising semiconductor photocatalyst, titanium dioxide (TiO2), lies in the need for enhancing visible light absorption and elevating the photocatalytic reactivity. Towards these directions, narrowing the band gap and functionalization of the surface chemistry are among the most prosperous materials design approaches.
As reported in earlier work, the surface structure engineering proven to be an encouraging approach to endow optical and electrical properties of the TiO2 based material. For the first time, the black powder of TiO2 with a disordered lattice and hydrogen surface doping, was obtained through hydrogenation under high pressure and temperature, consequently leading to narrowing the optical band gap to 1.54 eV. The presented chapter aims to reveal in – depth all the literature available information related to the black titania synthesis in addition of sharing in details its prosperous physicochemical properties.
Feature information related to the photocatalytic activity of black TiO2 as well as of the most crucial features will also be provided. Finally, the chapter will conclude with the derived significant benefits of such material properties in photocatalytic treatment of organic pollutants and hydrogen production.
Jovana Prekodravac, Dimitrios Giannakoudakis, Bojana Vasiljevic, Vaishakh Nair, Juan Carlos Colmenares, Dejan Kepic. Chapter nr 14 in a book titled: “Novel Materials for Emerging Environmental Remediation Applications: adsorption and beyond”. Edited by Dimitrios A. Giannakoudakis, Lucas Meili, Ioannis Anastopoulos. ISBN: 9780323918947. Copyright: © Elsevier 2022.
Published: September 1, 2022
https://www.elsevier.com/books/novel-materials-for-environmental-remediation-applications/giannakoudakis/978 – 0-323 – 91894-7
Sign-up for our science Newsletter | <urn:uuid:79c14879-10dd-4510-b832-1e028b591307> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://photo-catalysis.org/publications/chapter-14-black-titania-turning-the-surface-chemistry-towards-visible-light-absorption-photo-remediation-of-hazardous-organics-and-h2-production | 2024-02-29T10:49:02Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.876902 | 449 | 1 |
By 2030, achieve a 45% reduction in commuting emissions from 2010 levels.
Commuting by students, faculty and staff to the Vancouver campus is the highest extended impact emissions category accounting for nearly the same GHG emissions of buildings and energy supply combined. UBC has been very successful at increasing the transit mode share from 18% in 1997 to 54% in 2019 as a result of the introduction of the U-Pass program for students in 2003. However, substantial growth in the transit mode share is constrained until there is a rapid transit connection to UBC, which isn’t anticipated until around 2030.
This risks an increase to the single occupant vehicle mode share above the current 32% and therefore an increase in commuting emissions and public health impacts. There are opportunities for significant emissions reductions by decreasing commuting trips, shifting choices of transportation modes and vehicle types, and increasing transit capacity in the longer term. Climate justice factors into the development of transportation policies and programs to ensure that equity across the UBC community is considered.
Actions – Immediate
- Develop policies, targets and tools that enable and support departments in incorporating remote work / teleworking, flex days and online learning on an ongoing basis.
- Explore funding via a “Sustainable Transportation Levy” as part of parking permit fees (e.g., $0.25 / trip) to fund sustainable transportation initiatives, including a Sustainable Transportation Program, that will support increased use of sustainable modes of transportation and reductions in commuting emissions.
- Establish an ongoing Sustainable Transportation Program to deliver infrastructure, programs and initiatives that enable sustainable transportation choices and drive behavioural change to reduce commuting emissions.
- Continue to pursue a SkyTrain connection to campus by 2032 (existing action).
- Identify a suite of improvements including infrastructure, procedural, and policy changes to improve the Electric Vehicle (EV) charging user experience and increase capacity to support transition towards electrical vehicle ownership in the UBC community.
Actions - Short Term - By 2024
- Transition parking permit fee structure to daily permits only (eliminating monthly, term, and annual permits), and offer a discount/subsidy for monthly transit passes for all staff and faculty.
- Improve cycling experience to support increased cycling trips to and from campus, such as improved secure bike storage, working with government partners to provide dedicated bike lanes to/from campus and an integrated e-bike and bike share program with the City of Vancouver.
In a survey conducted by TransLink, 92% of respondents indicated support for extending SkyTrain to the UBC Vancouver campus.
Take Action Now
Learn about sustainable transportation alternatives for your commute, and find resources to support you in using them. | <urn:uuid:581ddafd-0d76-4ee1-8634-e12fbb9ff7b5> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://planning.ubc.ca/sustainability/sustainability-action-plans/climate-action-plan-2030/cap-2030-targets-and-actions-commuting | 2024-02-29T12:10:32Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.92062 | 542 | 3 |
OCS Saildrone Mission Blog - TPOS 2022 Mission
This 90-day mission is supported by NOAA OMAO and Saildrone, Inc.
Two Saildrone uncrewed surface vehicles (USV) departed the 10°N, 125°W launch site on June 22, 2022, initiating the fifth in a series of Saildrone missions to the eastern tropical Pacific as part of a multinational effort to enhance the Tropical Pacific Observing System (TPOS).
Want more up-to-date information? You are in luck! Follow the drones on their 2022 TPOS journey and access real-time data on the PMEL Saildrone dashboard.
Lessons Learned from TPOS 2022
June 5, 2023
The TPOS 2022 Saildrone mission officially completed on September 26, 2022, with SD1033 positioned near 5°N, 131.5°W and SD1052 positioned near 0°N, 133.75°W. Since the drones were located in the field far from land, it took several months for each drone to complete its long journey home to California. While SD1033 returned to port on January 6, 2023, SD1052 only recently returned to port on May 13, 2023, lasting 281 and 407 days at sea, respectively. Per the previous post, SD1052 experienced degrading performance and was the slower of the two drones, but at the end of the mission it was also positioned further south (by a whole 5°!) and thus had more distance to travel home. Surprisingly, SD1052 was the only drone to briefly cross the strong meridional temperature front separating the warm sub-tropical waters from the cold, upwelled water along the Equator. Unfortunately, the timing of the crossing occurred with only seven days remaining in the mission, reflecting the navigational difficulties posed by low-wind, high-ocean current conditions in the eastern equatorial tropical Pacific study region. As a refresher, the USVs from the TPOS missions are of the Saildrone Explorer series class, meaning that there is no motor available for navigation, so the drones depend strongly on wind power.
While the equatorial study region did not go according to plan, the TPOS 2022 Saildrone mission provided important lessons and insights for the recently launched TPOS 2023 Saildrone mission to the central tropical Pacific. Rather than fighting the currents, which the drones have struggled with over the years, the navigation team is planning routes that will anticipate the westward drifting currents and prevent the drones from overshooting their target region of 0°, 155°W to 0°, 170°W. Likewise, in the second half of the mission, the drones will transit north along 170°W to ride the North Equatorial Counter Current back to the east. As we press forward with each new mission, we continue to learn how to best optimize this novel technology to "fill in the gaps" and enhance the existing observational network across the tropical Pacific.
Go with the Flow
August 29, 2022
With approximately one month remaining in the TPOS 2022 Mission to the eastern tropical Pacific, the two drones have made impressive strides as they continue to sample the air-sea environment across the region. During their first month, the drones successfully completed two buoy intercomparisons against the Tropical Atmosphere Ocean (TAO) array moorings located at 8°N, 125°W and 5°N, 125°W. These intercomparisons involve the drones circling around a buoy for 12 - 24 hours in order to evaluate the sensors on both types of observing platforms and ensure that we are collecting climate-quality measurements.
In the second month of the mission, as the drones traveled south toward the equatorial study region, they once again encountered strong ocean currents associated with the westward expanding equatorial Cold Tongue and tropical instability wave (TIW) activity. As in previous missions, strong ocean currents coupled with weaker winds pose navigational difficulties for the drones, as the vehicles are not motorized and instead rely on environmental conditions for sailing. Using past lessons learned, the drones were directed to use the currents to their advantage, sailing clockwise around a TIW crest to enter more favorable conditions for reaching the study region. While sailing this clockwise trajectory, the drones successfully crossed a weak sea surface temperature (SST) front associated with a convergence zone on the backside of the TIW crest, maintaining a zonally-oriented east-west formation as they collected observations.
Unfortunately, given degradation in the sailing performance of drone 1052, the drones will likely become separated for the remainder of the mission as they continue south across a region of powerful westward-flowing ocean currents. Nevertheless, the drones will continue in an attempt to cross the strong meridional SST front separating the warm sub-tropical waters from the cold, upwelled water along the Equator, yielding important information on the air-sea interface.
The Sun Rises on TPOS 2022
July 6, 2022
Photo taken on SD1033 en route to the 8°N, 125°W TAO buoy in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean. Photo credit: Saildrone, Inc.
The day after the (boreal) summer solstice, Saildrone USVs SD1033 and SD1052 began their mission in the middle of the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean, having launched from Alameda, CA about one month prior. As in previous missions, the drones are fully equipped with oceanic, atmospheric, and biogeochemical sensors to collect climate-quality air-sea measurements over data sparse regions of the tropical ocean, with the overarching goal to address gaps in the current Tropical Pacific Observing System array. As we enter into the fifth TPOS Saildrone mission to the eastern tropical Pacific, we continue to explore the feasability of USVs as observing platforms within different regimes, such as the low-wind environment of the ITCZ (i.e., "the doldrums"), the low-wind, high-ocean current environment of the equatorial Pacific Cold Tongue, and the warm, biologically-active waters of the tropical Pacific Ocean.
This blog page is maintained by Samantha Wills. | <urn:uuid:51bfe4da-d9a8-449d-bdd9-fb621880048c> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://pmel.noaa.gov/ocs/ocs-saildrone-mission-blog-tpos-2022-mission | 2024-02-29T13:01:42Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.934527 | 1,273 | 3 |
Radioactive waste is a by-product of many medical practices, including diagnostic imaging, radiation therapy, and nuclear medicine. This type of waste is produced when radioactive materials are used in medical procedures and discarded.
Radioactive waste can come in many forms, including liquids, gases, and solids. Some common examples of radioactive waste include used syringes, contaminated clothing, and even the tools and equipment used in medical procedures.
Proper disposal of radioactive waste is crucial to prevent contamination of the environment and protect public health. This is why it is essential to work with a reliable medical waste collection service like MCC, which specializes in properly transporting and disposing of this type of waste.
Our professionals are trained to handle radioactive waste safely and effectively, using specialized equipment and techniques to ensure that the waste is contained and disposed of properly.
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I have been reading the letters of Macaulay, these printed in a handsome volume published a hundred years ago, and edited by his nephew George Otto Trevelyan. Some forty pages of this book excerpt the letters he wrote to his family and friends from India.
It was in June 1834 that Macaulay arrived in the sub-continent. Days later he wrote home of ‘the dark faces, with white turbans, and flowing robes: the trees not our trees: the very smell of the atmosphere that of a hothouse, and the architecture as strange as the vegetation’. In 1837, by which time he had been three years in India—mostly in Calcutta—Macaulay wrote to his friend Mrs Drummond of ‘the miseries of life in this country. We are annually baked four months, boiled four more, and allowed the remaining four to become cool if we can. At this moment the sun is blazing like a furnace. The earth, soaked with oceans of rain, is steaming like a wet blanket. Vegetation is rotting all around us. Insects and undertakers are the only living creatures which seem to enjoy the climate’.
It is impossible not to sympathize. For the Englishmen who came out to work in India, this would be a forever strange and sometimes hostile land. The weather was different—radically different; the clothes, the customs, the trees, the birds and the terrain too. The disjunctions were so great as to give the word ‘foreign’ a whole new meaning. Even allowing for the fact that they came here as rulers, day-to-day existence was chock-full of frustration and exasperation. How then did they cope?
Most colonialists sought consolation in sport. They formed their own, racially exclusive, clubs, where they played tennis and cricket with their fellows. Or, if they were more solitary, they went out riding or with a gun into the country’s then teeming jungles. But Macaulay was small, and sickly, and cared little either for shikar or sport. His manner of escape lay in the printed word. In his time in India he read, read as prodigiously as any man or scholar before or since.
Consider thus his description of a trip he made from Madras to Ooty, where he was carried for four hundred miles on the shoulders of coolies. The journey took three weeks. After it was ended he wrote home. ‘My power of finding amusement without companions was pretty well tried on my voyage’, he remarked: ‘I read insatiably; the Iliad and the Odyssey, Virgil, Horace, Caesar’s Commentaries, Bacon de Augmentis, Dante, Petrarch, Ariosto, Tasso, Don Quixote, Gibbon’s Rome, Mill’s India, all the seventy volumes of Voltaire, Sismondi’s History of France, and the seven thick folios of the Biographica Brittanica’.
At this point one begins to lose sympathy. For I have done that journey many times myself, if not in a palanquin then by bus, car, and train. And if one only looks around one finds infinite glories—two hundred species of birds (at least); richly varied terrain, from paddy fields to mango orchards through verdant forests on to majestic hills, with the river Kaveri somewhere in between; an exquisite palace built by Tipu Sultan for himself and almost as fine a monument built for his father; and the fabulous temple in Somnathapur, an encrusted little jewel that is a wonder not just of India, but of the world.
Yet this insolent Englishman had eyes for none of this, only for his books. Reading Macaulay’s account, it seems that the coolies were carrying not just a solitary sahib, but also a mobile private library. And could he really have read all those volumes in a single journey? Or was he, shall we say, being economical with the truth?
The truth is that even if he exaggerated somewhat with regard to the number of volumes he read, Macaulay did spent most of his spare time in India reading. As he told his friend Thomas Ellis, ‘my time is divided between public business and books’. In the last week of 1835, Macaulay wrote Ellis with a list of the books he had read that year: ‘Aschylus twice; Sophocles twice; Herodotus; Thucydides; almost all Xenophon’s works; almost all Plato; Aristotle’s Politics and a good deal of his Organon besides dipping elsewhere in him, the whole of Plutarch’s Lives; about half of Lucian; two or three books of Athenaeus; Plautus twice; Terence twice; Lucretius twice; Catullus; Tibulus; Propertius; Lucan; Status; Silvus Italicus; Livy; Velleius; Paterculus; Sallust; Caesar; and, lastly, Cicero’.
In an appropriately classical allusion, his nephew tells us that ‘there are scattered passages in those letters which prove that Macaulay’s feelings, during his protracted absence from his native country, were at times almost at keen as those which racked the breast of Cicero, when he was forced to exchange the triumphs of the Forum, and the cozy suppers with his brother augurs, for his hateful place of banishment at Thessalonica…’. But in at least one respect Macaulay was luckier than Cicero; he could take advantage of printed books. And so can we. Then, as now, there is no better balm for boredom or loneliness than great literature. | <urn:uuid:0702150e-8a62-404c-bb23-7c70e298ff05> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://ramachandraguha.in/archives/the-letters-of-a-lonely-man.html | 2024-02-29T10:33:30Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.978997 | 1,230 | 1 |
Indoor Air Quality Study Shows Aircraft in Flight May Have Lowest Particulate Levels
Mar 02, 2021 — Atlanta, GA
If you’re looking for an indoor space with a low level of particulate air pollution, a commercial airliner flying at cruising altitude may be your best option. A newly reported study of air quality in indoor spaces such as stores, restaurants, offices, public transportation — and commercial jets — shows aircraft cabins with the lowest levels of tiny aerosol particles.
Conducted in July 2020, the study included monitoring both the number of particles and their total mass across a broad range of indoor locations, including 19 commercial flights in which measurements took place throughout departure and arrival terminals, the boarding process, taxiing, climbing, cruising, descent, and deplaning. The monitoring could not identify the types of the particles and therefore does not provide a direct measure of coronavirus exposure risk.
“We wanted to highlight how important it is to have a high ventilation rate and clean air supply to lower the concentration of particles in indoor spaces,” said Nga Lee (Sally) Ng, associate professor and Tanner Faculty Fellow in the School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology. “The in-flight cabin had the lowest particle mass and particle number concentration.”
The study, believed to be the first to measure both size-resolved particle mass and number in commercial flights from terminal to terminal and a broad range of indoor spaces, has been accepted for publication in the journal Indoor Air and posted online at the journal’s website. Supported by Delta Air Lines, the research may be the first to comprehensively measure particle concentrations likely to be encountered by passengers from terminal to terminal.
As scientists learn more about transmission of the coronavirus, the focus has turned to aerosol particles as an important source of viral spread indoors. Infected people can spread the virus as they breathe, talk, or cough, creating particles ranging in size from less than a micron — one millionth of a meter — to 1,000 microns. The larger particles quickly fall out of the air, but the smaller ones remain suspended.
“Especially in poorly ventilated spaces, these particles can be suspended in the air for a long period of time, and can travel to every corner of a room,” Ng said. “If they are viral particles, they can infect people who may be at a considerable distance from a person emitting the particles.”
To better understand the circulation of airborne particles, Delta approached Ng to conduct a study of multiple indoor environments, with a strong focus on air travel conditions. Using handheld instruments able to measure the total number of particles and their mass, Georgia Tech researchers examined air quality in a series of Atlanta area restaurants, stores, offices, homes, and vehicles — including buses, trains, and private automobiles.
They trained Delta staff to conduct the same type of measurements in terminals, boarding areas, and a variety of aircraft through all phases of flight. The Delta staff recorded their locations as they moved through the terminals, and the instruments produced measurements consistent with the restaurants and stores they passed on their way to and from boarding and departure gates.
“The measurements started as soon as they stepped into the departure terminal,” Ng said. “We were thinking about the whole trip, what a person would encounter from terminal to terminal.”
In flight, aircraft air is exchanged between 10 and 30 times per hour. Some aircraft bring in exclusively outside air, which at cruising altitude is largely free of pollutant particles found in air near the ground. Other aircraft mix outdoor air with recirculated air that goes through HEPA filters, which remove more than 99% of particles.
In all, the researchers evaluated measurements from 19 commercial flights with passenger loads of approximately 50%. The flights included a mix of short- and medium-length flights, and aircraft ranging from the CRJ-200 and A220 to the 757, A321, and 737.
Among all the spaces measured, restaurants had the highest particle levels because of cooking being done there. Stores were next, followed by vehicles, homes, and offices. The average sub-micron particle number concentration measured in restaurants, for instance, was 29,400 particles per cubic centimeter, and in offices it was 2,473 per cubic centimeter.
“We have quite a comprehensive data set to look at the size distribution of particles across these different spaces,” Ng said. “We can now compare indoor air quality in a variety of different spaces.”
Because of the portable instruments used, the researchers were unable to determine the source of the particles, which could have included both biological and non-biological sources. “Further studies can include direct measurements of viral loads and tracing particle movements in indoor spaces,” she added.
Jonathan Litzenberger, Delta’s managing director of Global Cleanliness Strategy, said the research helps advance the company’s goals of protecting its customers and employees.
“Keeping the air clean and safe during flight is one of the most foundational layers of protection Delta aims to provide to our customers and employees,” he said. “We are always working to better understand the travel environment and confirm that the measures we are implementing are working.”
Overall, the study highlights the importance of improving indoor air quality as a means of reducing coronavirus transmission.
“Regardless of whether you are in an office or an aircraft, having a higher ventilation rate and good particle filtration are the keys to reducing the total particle concentration,” said Ng. “That should also reduce the concentration of any viral particles that may be present.”
In addition to Ng, the researchers included Jean C. Rivera-Rios, Taekyu Joo, Masayuki Takeuchi, and Thomas M. Orlando from Georgia Tech; and Tracy Bevington, John W. Mathis, Clifton D. Pert, Brandon A. Tyson, Tyler M. Anderson-Lennert, and Joshua A. Smith from Delta Air Lines.
CITATION: Jean C. Rivera-Rios, et al, “In-flight particulate matter concentrations in commercial flights are likely lower than other indoor environments.” (Indoor Air, 2021) https://doi.org/10.1111/ina.12812
Georgia Institute of Technology
177 North Avenue
Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0181 USA
Media Relations Contacts: John Toon (404-894-6986) ([email protected]) or Anne Wainscott-Sargent (404-435-5784) ([email protected]).
Writer: John Toon | <urn:uuid:404d2d72-90da-4898-91fa-684118d93379> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://research.gatech.edu/indoor-air-quality-study-shows-aircraft-flight-may-have-lowest-particulate-levels | 2024-02-29T12:51:36Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.937848 | 1,410 | 1 |
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The world-beating performance of the Echelon just got better, thanks to the addition of a high-strength carbon fiber body that drops this already lightweight pedal down to an incredible 220 grams a set.
The WCS Echelon Carbon pedal offers a proven pedal design in a lightweight, reasonably-priced package. This Keo-compatible pedal features a combination of bushings and bearings for extremely long life, adjustable spring tension and a composite body and high-strength carbon claw, and a low-profile cleat/pedal interface for maximum pedaling efficiency. The pedal's lifespan is also increased thanks to a sealed cartridge outer bearing. A stainless steel cleat promises excellent wear and no noise. The Echelon Carbon also offers adjustable tension with extra-strong springs for powerful riders. Works with Ritchey or look Keo™ cleats. | <urn:uuid:31da1c39-a1fc-48f0-8966-0e51dc3e15eb> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://ritcheylogic.com/bike/pedals/wcs-carbon-echelon-pedals | 2024-02-29T13:07:34Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.889255 | 187 | 1 |
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The cameras/sensors detect when the space is no longer occupied and the parking session has ended. Minutes are not applied to the next vehicle. Any subsequent vehicle that enters that space would need to begin a new session.
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The current meters are at the end of their useful life. The cost of maintaining or upgrading them exceeds the price of replacing them with meters offered by other vendors.
The parking meter was invented 80 years ago to ensure people pay for the parking they use and to regulate space turn over in congested areas, so everyone has a chance to park on main streets. Meters are used because they still serve these purposes. New meters being evaluated also offer additional consumer friendly features to ease payment, improve enforcement, promote local businesses, and provide public safety.
The proposed new meters represent an upgrade to the latest technology in both parking meters and in Smart City parking management technology. They have many consumer-friendly features, such as multiple ways to pay for parking, a bright, multilingual display with full audio-visual capabilities, unparalleled integration with a parking mobile app and even the ability to automatically recognize a license plate and pay for parking so the driver is never in danger of receiving a ticket. The meters also incorporate the latest in vehicle detection technology that allows for the complete capture of parking data behavior, and the ability to combine meter operations and enforcement by instantaneously detecting and documenting parking violations. This ensures uniform, 24/7 enforcement capabilities throughout the city, and allows officers to remotely enforce parking violations without the need to travel directly to a vehicle. Finally, the meters feature many other non-parking related features commonly found in SmartCity kiosk devices, such as the ability to broadcast audio-visual weather alerts and amber alerts, provide community service notices, display advertising, etc.
In most cases there may be a centralized Meter or Kiosk located a few spaces from your car where you will need to make payment.
No. The same rules, regulations and hours will apply. The only difference is that tickets for any parking violation may now be mailed to you rather than left on your windshield. Over time, Royal Oak may use the enhanced data about parking demand supplied by the system to evaluate changes to its hours and policies, but there are no such changes currently planned.
Coins, credit cards, pay by phone (app) and eventually the option to pay automatically through a license plate recognition system. There is a minimum charge of $1.00 for all credit card transactions.
Once the meters have been in place for several months and the public has become familiar with them, consumers will also be provided with an optional service that will allow for automatic meter payments for time used any time their car pulls into and parks at a metered parking space.
No. The meters do not have printers and they will not issue paper receipts or pay stubs. So, there is no need to place anything on your dashboard. But you may obtain a receipt via email simply by keying your email address into the meter and requesting one.
MPS is also Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliant and must go through an independent audit to remain PCI compliant each year.
MPS just completed an end-to-end third party penetration test of both its software and actual hardware to verify that its solid versus hacking attempts, stealing hardware, and cracking open hardware.
As far as how credit cards work, the actual reader hardware encrypts the data and communicates to the payment gateway with a ‘token’. MPS never sees anything related to card numbers, which keeps it out of scope and helps us pass our audits. Our system also keeps owner info out of scope since that is done by municipal approved vendors.
MPS does not have access to anyone credit card information.
If you are familiar with smart phone mobile apps from other cities, Sentry Mobile works almost exactly like them. After you have downloaded the app onto your phone and set up your account, you will simply need to open the app and key in your space number and desired parking duration anytime you park. The app will debit your account for the payment and you will be ready to park. The app will also provide you with an alert 15 minutes and 5 minutes prior to your time expiring. You can add time (up to the posted limit) by making an additional payment at any time. The app will automatically email you a receipt for each parking transaction. The Sentry Mobile app is also capable of providing turn-by-turn directions to open parking spaces.
While the meters do have lots of advanced technology, they are very intuitive and user friendly. Operating them is as simple as depositing a quarter or inserting your credit card and pushing a few buttons on the touch-screen display to key in your space number. The meters automatically guide users through the process via audio and written instructions. The meters also have a help button which will trigger an audio-visual tutorial of how the meter works. In many ways, it’s like using an ATM machine.
The meters are programmed with English as their default language. However, the user can also push a button on the display screen to switch to either [Spanish] or [Portuguese]. The meters incorporate user-friendly graphic icons to enable those who do not speak English, to understand and operate the meter.
The proposed meters will be powered through low voltage electricity that will be delivered to the devices by below-ground wiring which will be sealed beneath the sidewalk. Utilization of wired electricity ensure that the system is adequately powered at all times It is more reliable than solar and battery-operated systems that require constant and costly battery maintenance and replacement.
Yes. The system relies on electricity rather than batteries. If not disposed of properly, spent batteries may introduce harmful materials into the environment.
Yes. The new system represents the latest in parking technology. It has cameras and other vehicle sensors that are designed to detect and document when and for how long a vehicle has parked in a space.
The technology has been in continuous use in other cities throughout North America since 2014 and has handled over 10 million parking sessions. It has been thoroughly tested and refined in all traffic, weather and other conditions and has proven to be very reliable.
If the meter that you park at is not working, the meter will indicate that your space is malfunctioning and will allow you to park for free. In most cases the meter will tell you it is malfunctioning only after you attempt to pay.
The Sentry system is in commercial use in the cities of Bridgeport CT, Cedarhurst NY, Flint MI, and Vancouver BC. The following cities have also tested the technology and are in various stages of evaluating or rolling it out: Austin TX, Boston MA, Bloomfield NJ, Cedar Rapids IA, Chelsea MA, Dubuque IA, Grand Junction CO, Hartford CT, Hamtramck MI, Holyoke MA, Indianapolis IN, Lodi CA, Lowell MA, New Britain CT, New Haven CT, New Orleans LA, Plymouth MA, St. Paul MN, San Antonio TX, Royal Oak MI, Minneapolis MN, and Worcester MA.
The new system does not automatically issue parking tickets. It merely captures photographic evidence and data associated with the alleged parking violation. This data will include the date, time, and location of the alleged violation, the time the vehicle first parked at the meter, the amount of parking time purchased at the meter, the time the meter expired, and the time the vehicle drove away from the meter. The evidence is accessed and evaluated by Royal Oak parking enforcement officers, who then authorize the issuance of a ticket.
The new system will provide enforcement officers with evidence to enforce the same parking violations they commonly enforce at metered spaces right now.
Royal Oak and the system’s vendor, Municipal Parking Services (MPS), will be conducting a robust 30-day education campaign to introduce the system to the public. Among other actions, this will consist of outreach efforts to the local media, briefings for downtown employees, a door-to-door introduction campaign for shops, restaurants and offices within the metered area, the distribution of brochures with instructions for how the system works and more. In addition, warning notices instead of parking tickets will be mailed for the first 30 days of operations to ensure that any routine visitors who might otherwise miss the introductory campaign will become aware of the changes in parking enforcement.
Michigan permits the issuance of tickets by mail once verified by city enforcement officers.
The meters are programed with a 15-minute grace period during which a driver may enter and exit a space without paying. If a vehicle stays in the space for more than five minutes without paying, then yes, they may receive a ticket.
Tickets will be mailed within 1-3 days of the violation, so violators should receive tickets within 2-5 business days of any violation.
In the event you never receive your original ticket, you will receive default or reminder notices of an unpaid ticket from the Court. Violators can appeal mailed tickets in the same manner as other citations that are issued.
No. Although placing a parking ticket on the windshield is an accepted and time-honored method of serving a ticket, it is not the only way to serve a parking ticket.
Yes. Ticketing by mail is a legally valid method of serving a parking ticket in many US states plus the District of Columbia. It is also a legally valid method of serving parking tickets throughout much of Canada, including right across the border in Ontario province.
The registered owner of a vehicle is held responsible for any parking violations involving their unoccupied vehicle.
The process for appealing a ticket you receive in the mail is no different from the process of appealing a ticket served directly to you or directly upon your vehicle. You should consult the citation you receive for specific instructions about how and when to appeal.
: Each citation that is sent in the mail is accompanied by an evidence form that will provide details of the violation. So, both you and any official who considers your appeal will have contextual evidence concerning the violation.
Urban planning experts universally agree that tightly regulated curb-side parking actually fosters higher space turnover and therefore greater parking availability in downtown areas. This results in better access for consumers to downtown offices, shops, restaurants and other entertainment options, and higher customer counts for merchants.
It is highly likely that overall the new system will result in more tickets simply due to its ability to provide officers with evidence of violations in multiple locations across the town at the same time. However, for those who wish to avoid a ticket, the new system will offer greater tools for complying with meter regulations.
The new system brings the latest in parking technology to Royal Oak. It has proven to provide dramatic improvements in parking space turnover, parking space availability and therefore consumer convenience and access to downtown merchants wherever employed. It also has proven to drive much higher traffic counts and meter payment compliance, and therefore higher parking revenues, than legacy parking systems.
Although the proposed system is capable of monitoring "sidewalk" or pedestrian traffic for an additional fee, the City has no interest in that feature. All personal data collected regarding parking enforcement is owned by the City and governed by City protocol.
It is the City’s desire to move away from multiple platforms and move toward one or two parking platforms.
There has been some interest in the past, however that topic needs to be revisited once we get past the impact of COVID.
The MPS system allows for Royal Oak branding. It is also capable of integrating with Park Mobile, however many of the specialized features (i.e., turn-by-turn directions, concierge service, etc.) are not available through the Park Mobile application.
With the expected increase in enforcement, which should eventually be offset by an increase in compliance, there is no anticipated loss in revenue.
There are no planned changes to current handicapped spaces.
The author of this question added, "a graduated pricing structure would create a disincentive for people to park there all day because the cost would be astronomical."
Interesting concept. The purpose or intent of regulated parking is to keep traffic flowing and make spaces available for short term visitors to frequent the businesses and establishments that attract those visitors to the area. A graduated price structure might allow more affluent visitors to dominate spaces and negatively impact the businesses by reducing available spaces.
The DDA and its Infrastructure/Parking Committee has supported the investigation into replacing current, obsolete meters.
The vendor seeks a five-year contract with options for extensions. COVID actually presents an opportune time to upgrade the parking system with minimum investment or impact on parking revenue.
No, however the vendor anticipates a worthwhile return on their investment based on the data that was collected during the test period.
If there is no renewal at the end of the contract, the vendor would be expected to remove their meters.
It is anticipated there would be an initial increase in ticketing that would eventually be offset by an increase in compliance. Personnel needs would be evaluated throughout the process.
We don’t anticipate any negative impact on revenue due to an increase in enforcement and an ultimate increase in compliance.
No. There are no plans to increase parking rates.
No. Any proposed agreement will be reviewed by counsel to ensure that the agreement is in compliance with the covenants of the bonds.
The meters are very easy to see, intuitive, and provide audio and visual directions.
Each city mentioned, currently has their own systems.
There is no plan to change the current number of handicapped spaces.
Handicap spaces ARE charged at the same rate as all other on street metered spaces. Only those issued a yellow free-parking sticker in conjunction with a disability placard or license plate from the Secretary of State at the time of their parking session are eligible for free parking.
Yes, the Henry Ford Health Care building may pose some unique challenges for the 11 Mile Rd. structure that may need to be addressed in the future.
The app. is designed to provide the closest available space to your destination. If the availability of that space changes before your arrival, it is designed to provide you with the next closest space. We are hoping to integrate the parking structures within the app. The structures have lit signs with available spaces as you’ve described.
Good suggestion. Rates for parking structures are “free” for the first two hours and $.75/hr. afterward. The rates are published on the website, on signs in the downtown area, and sings at the entrance to the structures. We will also look at the feasibility of posting the rates on the lit occupancy signs.
Engineers have not determined the final configuration of the meters. The spacing of the meters may be varied depending on the usage in the area. The angled parking on Washington poses an interesting challenge that may require the installation of sensors detecting occupancy being coordinated with traditional enforcement efforts, or the retention of more traditional meters.
Although there is minimum maintenance involved with the propose MPS meters, they still require the routine emptying of coins, clearing coin jams, etc. There are also maintenance costs associated with the traditional meters located in the periphery of the downtown area and with the maintenance of the parking garages.
The city only plans to use the cameras associated with recording and enforcing parking sessions. Cameras associated with monitoring pedestrian traffic are a costly option that is not being considered.
The proposed solution for the surface lots would involve license plate readers at the entrances/exits and a number of meters/pay stations. It does not involve gates or turnstiles. Payment would be made at the meters/pay stations in a somewhat similar fashion to the kiosks that are currently in use at some of the lots.
What is being proposed is an attempt to eliminate the gamesmanship you’ve described, and make parking fair for everybody.
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Questions asked using the link provided will be added to the list found at romi.gov/parkingfaq in the future. | <urn:uuid:8fd1dd22-5f9c-47db-b27b-42dd3110e957> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://romi.gov/FAQ.aspx?QID=433 | 2024-02-29T12:56:16Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.954354 | 3,307 | 1 |
Environmental degradation resulting, in part, from globalised food systems, including New Zealand’s practices, has led to an alarming failure in ensuring food security and community resilience. This degradation induced climate change, creating a self-destructive cycle (Dury et al., 2019). New Zealand, like many regions, grapples with the extensive repercussions of these issues. Addressing these challenges is paramount for the nation’s security and economy.
In New Zealand, the predominant approach to address these issues centres on the existing industrial farming systems and strives for improvement through technology and innovation. However, it’s not just incremental changes that are needed; a paradigm shift is required. Within the country a distinct group of small-scale food growers are utilising techniques aligned with international literature and practices.
The question arises: Can small scale food growers help New Zealand’s domestic food security while simultaneously benefiting the environment and community resilience?
This study has a dual purpose: firstly, to comprehensively understand New Zealand’s small-scale food growers, their integration into the landscape, ecosystems, and communities; and secondly, to underscore the significance of these growers in addressing New Zealand’s present and future challenges.
To achieve these objectives, this research project combines a thorough literature review with an examination of a select group of ten small-scale food growers in New Zealand, operating on land blocks smaller than ten hectares. The research comprises twenty interviews, including thirteen growers, three thought leaders, two business representatives, and one consultant and facilitator each. These interviews undergo thematic analysis, which is later compared with the literature review’s findings.
Key findings indicate that the current terminology associated with this group of growers and their land size is inconsistent and unrepresentative. Crop diversity, the primary technique used on small-scale food farms in New Zealand, has a positive impact on the natural environment. Moreover, crop diversity leads to increased distribution diversity and enhanced community resilience.
1. Create a robust identity to unite the small scale food grower sector
2. Quantify the produce impact of small scale growers in local communities, through investment in research
3. Sector leadership must participate in conversations for future domestic food security solutions
4. Use this report as a catalyst to initiate the above actions | <urn:uuid:1e08cfea-7637-4072-8de0-bb5fcb6c2d13> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://ruralleaders.co.nz/small-scale-food-growers-and-their-role-in-new-zealands-sustainable-food-future/ | 2024-02-29T13:14:54Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.921437 | 465 | 2 |
If you’re itching to travel after months in lockdown, these cannabis-friendly luxury retreats may be just what you need.
Everyone needs a break. Heck, right about now, all of us do. Some prefer to climb a mountain or jump in a lake. But others savor the inward approach. The increasing popularity of retreats allows people to take a break from the routine while also working on personal development, and returning with an enhanced skill set and a solid social circle for future support. Here are five advantages of luxury retreats.
The Value of Luxury Retreats
1) Retreats Offer Long Term Benefits Over Vacations
Luxury retreats set themselves apart from a vacation in that they include a specific intention behind the urge to escape from a monotonous routine. The act of setting an intention means that you set aside the time to reflect, talk about, meditate on, or otherwise work on, a particular issue.
Basically, vacations provide an escape that often serves to release some of the built-up pressure. But they rarely induce long-term benefits. Accordingly, the science backs this theory up. In a study published in Nature (2016), researchers found that vacations only bring about short-term improvements in well-being, whereas a meditation retreat offers significant benefits to cellular health far beyond the vacation effect.Epel, E., Puterman, E., Lin, J. et al. Meditation and vacation effects have an impact on disease-associated molecular phenotypes. Transl Psychiatry 6, e880 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1038/tp.2016.164
2) Nature Recharges the Wear Spirit
When it comes to spending time outdoors, there’s more to it than meets the eye. One of the major advantages of a luxury retreat is the time spent in nature. A study published in Environmental Health and Preventative Medicine (2017) investigated the effects on individuals after spending time in forests. Basically, the researchers noted an astounding number of benefits that included positive impacts on hypertension, cardiac and pulmonary function, immune function, inflammation, oxidative stress hormones, anxiety, depression, and emotional responses.Oh, B., Lee, K. J., Zaslawski, C., Yeung, A., Rosenthal, D., Larkey, L., & Back, M. (2017). Health and well-being benefits of spending time in forests: systematic review. Environmental health and … Continue reading
3) The Power of Solid Company
Unlike a beach holiday, retreats tend to attract people of a similar mindset. Such environments are often supportive, and like-minded individuals often provide accountability and motivation to each other. What’s more, very often these people remain friends and continue to support each other upon returning from the retreat, meaning that anyone struggling is never truly alone.
4) Retreats Provide Access to Professional Help
Many retreats are incredibly well organized. Correspondingly, these include a host of activities facilitated by trained professionals. Such activities often include training, counseling, and physical exercises that help bring about improvements in spiritual, physical, and mental well-being.
This leads not only to benefits while attending the retreat, but also serve to equip attendees with the skills to cope and continue developing after returning.
5) Solitude is a Healer
Much of the healing we require is already within us. Accordingly, with meditation practices, retreats often provide the solitude we require to silence the mind and really tune into the underlying drivers of the issues we experience.
The Power of Silent Retreats
The programs of different retreats vary widely, and one important consideration is whether they’re silent or more social in nature. People attend retreats for all sorts of reasons; some require an environment to connect deeper within, while others attend to connect. Both offer advantages, with the benefits of a silent retreat being much more easily quantifiable.
A study published in Frontiers in Psychology (2016), investigated the psychological effects of a one-month silent meditation retreat. After analyzing the effects on nineteen experienced meditators, researchers noted improvements in non-attachment, cooperativeness, and reductions in reward-dependence, and self-directedness.Montero-Marin, J., Puebla-Guedea, M., Herrera-Mercadal, P., Cebolla, A., Soler, J., Demarzo, M., Vazquez, C., Rodríguez-Bornaetxea, F., & García-Campayo, J. (2016). Psychological Effects of a … Continue reading
Embracing Cannabis on Retreat
For many consumers, cannabis provides a welcome escape from the day-to-day stresses of life. In some instances, the intentioned and methodical consumption of cannabis in the retreat environment can fast-track someone on the road to wellness. Due to the ever-growing legalization and destigmatization movement across the globe, cannabis retreats that embrace the therapeutic potential of cannabis are now a thing. Here are three centers offering such cannabis-themed retreats.
420 Yoga Retreats
Located in the Rocky Mountains in Colorado, 420 Yoga Retreats provide a creative mix of yoga, movement, meditation, and CBD massages. Weekend retreats attract those who want to work with cannabis to release physical and emotional blockages in a supportive therapeutic environment surrounded by some breathtaking mountain scenery.
Coral Cove Cannabis Retreat
Jamaica is a country with a rich tradition in the spiritual use of cannabis. In a secluded corner of the island, the Coral Cove Wellness Resort caters to cannabis lovers who want to escape from the tourist hotspots and connect further with nature. With mineral hot springs nearby, a wide variety of home-grown cannabis on-site, and capable chefs who provide cannabis-infused dishes, it’s the place to truly connect with the spirit of cannabis for true healing.
Based in California, Cannabliss organize retreats designed to expand the mind, strengthen the body, and further, to awaken the spirit. Better yet, this all comes with the conscious consumption of cannabis. Further, by having trained staff and neuropathic doctors on hand, these retreats take a holistic approach to healing by bringing both body and mind into alignment to harness the true power of cannabis.
So, for your next getaway, why not invest in yourself? Correspondingly, why not opt for an experience that’ll empower you to regain control of the direction of your life. Whether it’s the time in nature, the time spent with like-minded individuals, or the teachings from trained instructors, these luxury retreats offer a lot more in terms of personal development than a beach holiday ever could. What’s not to love about it, especially if the retreat is cannabis-friendly! | <urn:uuid:00651ae6-e856-4854-91f3-62483f0a7ed2> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://rxleaf.com/luxury-retreats-cannabis-friendly-international/ | 2024-02-29T11:22:00Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.914856 | 1,403 | 1 |
Parameter Type: Drinking Water Testing for Volatiles
Parameter Name: 1-Chlorohexane
What it is and Where it Comes From:
1-Chlorohexane is a clear liquid with little to no odor. Halogenated aliphatic compounds, such as 1-Chlorohexane, are moderately or very reactive. Halogenated organics generally become less reactive as more of their hydrogen atoms are replaced with halogen atoms. Materials in this group may be incompatible with strong oxidizing and reducing agents. Also, they may be incompatible with many amines, nitrides, azo/diazo compounds, alkali metals, and epoxides. Drinking water testing gives you several benefits like peace of mind, identifying contaminants in your water, and insight into health concerns. Safe Home offers Laboratory drinking water testing kits for 1-Chlorohexane, allowing you to collect your water sample and ship it directly to our EPA-Certified Laboratory. This platform of drinking water testing for 1-Chlorohexane will give you an accurate level based on the lowest level of a parameter our instruments can detect (Method Detection Level). Safe Home drinking water testing for volatiles can be used for city and well water supplies. Drinking water testing should be done any time you notice a significant change in your water quality.
Exposure to 1-Chlorohexane can cause drowsiness, headache, nausea, vomiting and irritation of the eyes, nose, throat, and lungs in humans. 1-Chlorohexane has not been tested for its ability to cause cancer in animals.
Solutions to Contaminant Levels:
You have completed the drinking water testing process, what are the next steps? A filter with granular activated carbon (GAC) is a proven option to remove certain chemicals, particularly organic chemicals, from water. GAC filters can be used to remove chemicals that give objectionable odors or tastes to water such as hydrogen sulfide (rotten eggs odor) or chlorine. Reverse osmosis is a process that removes foreign contaminants, solid substances, large molecules, and minerals from water by using pressure to push it through specialized membranes. Here’s how reverse osmosis works. Unlike osmosis, which is a passive process, reverse osmosis requires external force (pressure) to work. Pressure is applied to a highly concentrated solute solution, such as salt water, to pass through a membrane to a lower concentrate solution. The membrane allows water to flow through but blocks out larger molecules, like contaminants. The reverse osmosis process leaves higher concentrations of solute on one side and only the solvent, or freshwater, on the other. Who do I need to contact to find out more information about water quality in my area? Every community water supplier must provide an annual report to its customers, known as a Consumer Confidence Report (CCR). The report provides information on your local drinking water quality, including the water’s source, contaminants found in the water, and how consumers can get involved in protecting drinking water. How often does the local public water system preform drinking water testing? Frequency of drinking water testing depends on the number of people served, the type of water source, and types of contaminants. Certain contaminants are tested more frequently than others, as established by the Safe Drinking Water Act. You can find out about levels of regulated contaminants in your treated water for the previous calendar year in your annual Consumer Confidence Report (CCR). | <urn:uuid:d26e9267-d97b-42fd-b123-04150ae6e501> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://safehometestkits.com/1-chlorohexane/ | 2024-02-29T12:32:31Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.92174 | 717 | 1 |
A near-empty pipeline is never a good sign for a business – and also for the salespeople that are responsible for bringing on new customers.
For sales managers and CEOs, it is a never-ending frustration to not be able to rely on consistent, well-qualified leads coming into the sales funnel.
So what is the problem? The main reason, uncovered through extensive worldwide research, is that your sales team is not equipped to hunt effectively. And to operate in the ‘new normal’ economic climate of today, you can’t afford to have salespeople that are unable to be proactive in hunting for new business.
The truth is, not all salespeople can hunt, or have the ability to, and it is about assessing these skills, and understanding if there is any possibility that training will be able to remove those weaknesses. If not, then unfortunately you can probably never expect to see any improvement in that salesperson’s ability to sell.
There are a few different ways you can assess your sales team capabilities, but the most effective is a sales-specific tool – however, even then you need to be sure it aligns with your specific sales pipeline.
What is important to remember, is that any issues with your pipeline requires careful review of multiple factors – as guessing what the problem is doesn’t work, you will only waste time and resources on things that will not have any effect at all.
But, if your lack of new opportunities requires a quick fix for a small period of time, you could provide a band-aid solution as noted by the Objective Management Group, which involves scheduling a one, two, three, or five-day blitz where the only activities that will take place are those that will generate new opportunities.
Have all of your salespeople come in off the road and pretend they are on holiday, but instead of hitting the beaches on some warm, sunny island, put them on the phones. Have them call prospects they failed to sell, prospects with whom they failed to get appointments, prospects they never called on before, and customers/clients who can refer them to new prospects, etc.
Micro manage this blitz, give out awards if you see fit, and make sure the entire company is focused on the goal. Make sure that all of your employees support the focused sales effort by not distracting the salespeople from what they need to do over this short period of time.
Remember, this strategy is only a band-aid, it doesn’t solve the underlying problems and, like any rubber band, will return to it’s original state as soon as the pressure is released. So the key is to long term gain is ensuring you have a strategy in place that deals with any issues salespeople face with creating new sales opportunities – it is only the way your pipeline will always be healthy. | <urn:uuid:05d3e1f1-06b9-4b79-9fb6-81aaeea43cdf> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://salesstar.com/uk/why-arent-there-enough-new-sales-opportunities-in-your-pipeline/ | 2024-02-29T12:39:10Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.967676 | 581 | 1 |
July 13, 2021
OEM Products & Ecosystem Integrations, Samsara
Sustainability is top-of-mind for many of our customers: fleet managers across every sector—from last mile distributors to passenger transit providers to government agencies—have strict emissions targets, and sustainability initiatives have become a top priority across their organizations.
Samsara is focused on improving the sustainability of the operations that power our economy, and a big part of that is helping fleet customers adopt electric vehicles (EVs) to help them reach their sustainability goals and operate more efficiently. In fact, since 2018 we’ve seen over 160 million cumulative hybrid and electric miles driven by customers.
There are a few key reasons why customers are adopting EVs. For example, they have lower operational costs than standard internal combustion engine vehicles, batteries are improving and becoming cheaper, and there are more EVs coming on the market than ever before. In fact, 6 million commercial EVs are expected to be on the road globally by 2025. With more fleet managers looking to adopt EVs, one of the biggest considerations is making sure they have the right charging infrastructure in place.
That’s why, we’re excited to announce that EVgo has become the first electric vehicle partner on Samsara’s Experts Marketplace—our network of trusted, certified implementation experts—to help support Samsara customers in their transition to electric vehicles.
As the nation’s largest public fast charging network for electric vehicles, EVgo is on a mission to expand the ecosystem of charging stations and enable electrification of the transportation sector. EVgo designs, owns, operates, and maintains a network of more than 1,100 Level 2 chargers and 800+ direct current fast charging locations across 34 states. As a certified partner on our Experts Marketplace, EVgo can now serve as a resource and implementation partner for Samsara customers interested in taking their next step towards electrification.
In addition to maintaining the largest public EV charging network in the United States, EVgo provides a number of options to help light, medium, and heavy-duty fleets to electrify:
Public fast charging: EVgo provides fleets access to their existing and growing network of EVgo public fast chargers, which has an uptime rate of 98%.
Dedicated charging hubs: EVgo can build dedicated charger hubs for fleets without consistent “home base” charging or who need additional “opportunity” charging on the go.
Fleet depots: EVgo offers turnkey depot solutions that span the entire value chain for fleets, including transition planning, infrastructure deployment, equipment provisioning, software & networking, and ongoing maintenance.
EVgo can also offer Samsara customers flexibility with how they pay for charging and manage costs, with different ownership models to meet their needs:
Charging as a service: EVgo can build, own, operate, and maintain charging hardware on behalf of Samsara customers, available in a subscription that meets their needs and turns charging into an operational expense.
Customer owned: Customers can build, operate and own their own charging solution, and EVgo fills in the gaps to help build, operate and maintain charging infrastructure on their behalf.
"The transportation market is electrifying at a rapid pace. Electric vehicles provide an incredible opportunity for commercial fleets when it comes to making a sustainable impact,” explained Jonathan Levy, Chief Commercial Officer at EVgo. “We believe there’s incredible potential for EV adoption within this industry and we’re excited to be partnering with Samsara to help more fleets make this transition to electric.”
Samsara’s EV monitoring products—including the Fleet Electrification report, which helps customers assess which vehicles are best suited to be replaced with EVs—are a great combination with EVgo’s charging solutions, making it easier than ever for fleets of all kinds to electrify their operations and reach their sustainability goals.
To learn more about getting started with electric vehicles, check out the EVgo Experts Marketplace page and join our upcoming webinar co-hosted with EVgo, How to Lead the Charge with Fleet Electrification. | <urn:uuid:ca5de8c7-1e23-4cc5-8ba8-e3c61ed6499d> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://samsara-staging.com/blog/evgo | 2024-02-29T12:25:11Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.942939 | 851 | 3 |
Socomec India, a leading global specialist in Low Voltage (LV) power management, has unveiled its ambitious expansion plan today. The Chennai-headquartered French powerhouse is set to venture into the markets of Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, effective immediately. Termed as Greater India, this strategic move consolidates the three countries into a unified business entity, marking a significant milestone for Socomec India and opening up new opportunities for business growth.
Socomec – Expansion to Sri Lanka and Bangladesh
Speaking on the expansion, Mr. Meenu Singhal, Managing Director of Socomec India, stated, “Our commitment to meeting the evolving energy needs with innovative power solutions in the Asian market remains unwavering. Engineered in Europe and proudly manufactured in India, our products are poised to make a substantial impact in the markets of Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. This reaffirms our commitment to support the Atmanirbhar Bharat initiative and energize the country, while also solidifying our dedication to the ‘Make in India’ initiative with India serving as a pivotal hub for Socomec’s strategic growth in the Asia Pacific region. Our adherence to global quality standards positions us to navigate this journey with ease. We look forward to building lasting partnerships and empowering businesses with sustainable and efficient power solutions, further strengthening Socomecs position as a trusted leader in the industry.”
With a recent €5 million investment by Socomec Group in the Indian market to enhance manufacturing capacity, the goal is not only to meet local demands but also to Sri Lanka and Bangladesh markets through exports. Socomec India is energizing the country through its innovative power solutions, including Uninterrupted Power Supply, Power switching, and monitoring solutions. Leveraging cutting-edge Technology, these products are tailored for Data Centers, Manufacturing and Process Industries, Healthcare, Infrastructure, Commercial Buildings, and Renewable Energy. With a focus on local presence, these product categories will now be available in the Sri Lanka and Bangladesh markets. With this expansion, Socomec India aims to double its revenue in these regions within the next 3 years.
To fortify this ambitious growth plan, Socomec proudly announces the appointment of Mr. Suhard Amit as the General Manager, tasked with steering the companys initiatives in the emerging markets of Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. Mr. Amit, with a distinguished career spanning over 25 years in diversified market segments, brings a wealth of expertise to the role, positioning him as a key driver of Socomecs strategic endeavors in these dynamic markets.
As Socomec India embarks on this exciting journey of expansion, the company remains dedicated to delivering excellence and innovation in power management. The commitment to sustainable solutions and superior quality will not only benefit businesses in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, but also contribute to the overall development of these regions. This move contributes to the broader South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) initiative, promoting economic cooperation and regional integration. The Greater India vision positions Socomec as a catalyst for cross-border trade and cooperation within the SAARC nations.
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- Live Cricket Match India Vs South Africa | <urn:uuid:6178af15-242d-49b4-8f0f-c7a21c613aef> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://sejalnewsnetwork.in/socomec-india-unveils-strategic-expansion-plans-to-sri-lanka-and-bangladesh-reinforces-commitment-to-make-in-india/ | 2024-02-29T11:16:11Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.902506 | 734 | 1 |
Introducing our hammered eco-silver sustainable band ring handcrafted by artisan jeweller Jackie Potts from "Jewellery by Jackie." This elegance ring not only looks beautiful but also made from sustainable and responsible materials.
Each ring is meticulously handcrafted from eco-silver, offering not just a touch of beauty but also minimising its environmental footprint. The hammered texture on the band creates a captivating play of light and shadow, giving the ring a unique and enchanting character.
Lightweight and comfortable, it's perfect for any occasion, from casual to formal the hammered eco-silver sustainable band ring can be worn on its own or paired with other rings from your collection, creating a personalised look that complements your individuality.
Due to the handcrafted nature of this product the item received may differ from that pictured here.
Size: Band width - 6-6.5mm
Material: Recycled sterling silver [Please note the rings are not hallmarked as they are below the silver weight of 7.78g].
Made by Jewellery by Jackie | <urn:uuid:005c4970-6e0b-44b7-b61a-992060036f12> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://shop.mostyn.org/collections/jewellery-by-jackie/products/sustainable-hammered-silver-band-ring | 2024-02-29T11:14:22Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.928884 | 215 | 1 |
Last year faced us with many dynamic changes that we need to factor in. Political shocks such as Trump’s triumph are still to fully unravel, but we are not keen on disastrous forecasts. Instead, we will focus on facts and figures that suggest otherwise. Of course, predicting how the market will behave is never an exact science and there is no crystal ball to rely on. For now, let us just say that 2017 is shaping up to be quite an exciting year, an interesting blend of continuity, change, and innovation.
Rise and shine
First off, we expect to see the continuous rise in prices, although more slowly than before. Now, the “healthy” prices dynamics are the result of several trends, including lower gas prices, better wage growth and the arrival of new buyer cohorts, predominantly Millennials, who have decided to get off the face and come into home ownership. This brings us to the point where the overall growth is closely tied to financial legislation, as well as economic stimuli, most notably interest rates, deregulation, infrastructure projects, inflation, etc.
The bigger picture
Less regulation, for example, is welcomed by many, but it is important to note that it could also lead to looser lending practices and eventually induce another market crisis. Furthermore, global economic tendencies cultivate a shifting ecosystem for all players. Take Chine for example. Its recent stumbling could put foreign investments in a downswing and impede the demand in many markets. What is more, the aftermath of political seismic shifts like Brexit prescribe caution and still await a meaningful epilog.
Diverse urban jungles
Naturally, urban areas appreciate more than suburbs and metro outskirts. At the same time, there are bigger discrepancies between metro areas than ever before, which may benefit some groups of buyers, such as retirees. Another reason to explore the suburban frontier is that many neighborhoods are now adding urban amenities, giving rise to a new emerging trend of “urban” living. This is a great way to get the best of both worlds and immerse in entertainment, shopping, and other activities outside the core city area.
The first part of 2017 seems to be the right time to purchase real estate. One of the main reasons is that record-low mortgage rates are still fostering a favorable climate, which is not expected to last long. Even a humble elevation would increase annual payments significantly and may undermine your property hunting endeavors. Moreover, higher interest rates could also inhibit property deals. So, it may be harder to find suitable properties for sale than you might think. Then again, that depends on the type of real estate you aspire to purchase.
A flexible approach
First-time buyers looking for starter homes may struggle to secure a nice deal. The market is a bit tight, the supply is relatively low and the competition fierce. It pays off to remain flexible, though, and open to various opportunities. For instance, those who are prepared to get away from the urban center can capitalize on a tolerable rise in prices. Another thing to consider is buying a home which requires upgrades and overhauls. More and more buyers are starting to realize that this is a sound strategy to profit in the long run.
Finally, there are some exciting trends to keep an eye on in 2017. One of them is the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (drones), which has been green-lit by federal institutions. This will help sellers show their properties from an amazing new perspective. Buyers will also be able to profit and dispatch drones to take a peek at potential targets. It is clear that the technology will play a vital role. Tech-savvy sellers are generally in a good position and increasingly cater to groups like Millennials, who already possess ample funds to look beyond condos and starter homes.
Housing market segmentation is generating a wide array of different experiences for both sellers and buyers. This means that varying outcomes will be present for individuals according to their position in the real estate landscape. There are a lot of uncertainties surrounding the global economy, and cautious optimism might be the best response. In any regard, it is possible to work your way around the hurdles on the road if you are prepared to show flexibility and due diligence. Short of major turbulences, we expect the upward trajectory to produce a rather good year. | <urn:uuid:7de7fdc6-85be-42e4-beac-26f9ab38a857> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://socialnomics.net/2017/02/01/emerging-real-estate-trends-to-keep-an-eye-on/ | 2024-02-29T12:30:10Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.958788 | 868 | 1 |
With ever-increasing utility costs, lack of reliability and a need for renewable energy alternatives, Solight outdoor solar lights are suited to a broad range of uses and locations, powering your home, business and outdoor spaces with secure, always-on functionality.
The advancements in solar lighting allow us to develop cutting-edge technology, commercial-grade solar batteries and tamper-proof casing materials, along with elegant solar lighting aesthetics, zero-maintenance fixtures and long-life solar energy cells.
The Leading Supplier of Outdoor Solar Lights South Africa
Solight is an established team of solar energy experts developing and designing best-in-class renewable lighting fixtures for a range of purposes, from decorative outdoor solar lights for landscaping to high-performance estate solar lighting.
Our dedicated consultants can recommend the right solar light fixtures, placements, technical properties or casings for your requirements, with a focus on sustainable, accessible and future-proof energy alternatives.
Solar lighting is particularly beneficial in retrofitting properties or premises with poor electricity dependability or where security lights are prone to outages and downtime – and can deliver a considerable, long-term saving.
Professional Solar Lighting Solutions
Within our solar lights gallery and blog, we provide a library of educational resources to explain the cost-efficiency of solar lights and the benefits in terms of maintenance, running expenses, installation and carbon reduction.
Solight advocates for excellence in all we do and are happy to provide advice and assistance if you would like information about the specifications of any solar light model or creating a network of outdoor solar lights for security purposes.
Each outdoor solar lighting product comes with a professional warranty. We are on hand to answer any questions you may have about ideal lighting placements, positions or angles of illumination.
Please get in touch at your convenience, or browse our extensive catalogues of garden solar lights, security solar lighting solutions, estate and roadway solar light units or landscape solar light installations for further details. | <urn:uuid:6e1cbede-b2fc-45b4-8c38-4495592745c5> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://solight.co.za/?product_orderby=popularity&product_count=60 | 2024-02-29T10:51:42Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.891744 | 395 | 3 |
When Tony Schavone moved to Spearfish with his wife Alyce in 1957, to teach at Black Hills State University, there were only three paved roads – Highway 16 (Colorado Boulevard/North Main) passing through town, Jackson Boulevard to University Street, and University Street to the college.
“We had passed through South Dakota on vacation the year before, and South Dakota was one place we said we would never live,” said Alyce Schavone. But her husband’s position was just temporary, so she agreed to come.
And thanks to many forward thinkers like long-time Spearfish resident and developer, Joe Jorgensen – the community has come a long way in the 55 years Schavone has made it her home.
With a 20% overall growth in the past 10 years, according to city officials, the city of Spearfish is constantly expanding, changing and improving. Spearfish has been noted as a progressive community by other cities and businesses because of its ability to provide a high level of service while thinking outside the box to provide amenities for all citizens.
“Spearfish has three prominent things that set it apart from other towns: our recreation center, affordable housing initiatives and open space conservation areas,” said Cheryl Johnson, Public Works Administrator.
In 2007, a group of investors and developers purchased the old Wal-Mart facility from the company after a new Super Wal-Mart was built on the east side of Spearfish. This group then transferred ownership to the city and renovated the structure into a 71,000 square foot recreation and aquatics center, complete with gym space, walking track, training room, fitness area, indoor batting cages, game room and outdoor water park.
“The risk was worth it and now Spearfish has a phenomenal facility for community recreation,” said Joe Jorgensen, investor, land developer and realtor.
According to Johnson, Spearfish is the only community nationally to purchase a Wal-Mart facility and remodel it into a structure for community use.
People move to Spearfish for a variety of reasons from the beauty, to the climate to the educational and healthcare systems. Affordable housing also draws a large number of families to the community.
“Affordable is relative to your financial status, but our housing is affordable compared to many places like Western North Dakota, Colorado and California,” said Johnson.
Numerous residential developments are currently being expanded while others are in the planning stages and will begin to see growth in coming years. Two of the city’s most recent developments are The Reserve in Higgins Gulch located west of Spearfish and McGuigan Subdivision located north of Spearfish, respectively.
“Development happens where land and water/sewer are available. The McGuigan Subdivision and The Reserve are highly attractive because they are ready,” said Jorgenson, developer of the McGuigan Subdivision.
Both the Reserve and McGuigan Subdivisions include city water, sewer, garbage, snow removal, police and fire protection. Each development has single family and multi-family residences, as well as open space for parks, walking paths and recreation.
Near Exit 17, the Elkhorn Ridge Golf Estates development is currently underway. With scenic views of the Black Hills and the Elkhorn Ridge Golf Club, this community’s lots range average 13,000 square feet in size and are serviced by the city with the same amenities mentioned above.
The city administrators and local developers are proud of the open space conservation areas, that Spearfish provides. Throughout the city, residents and visitors have access to 17 city parks, nearly eight miles of recreation/bike paths, two public golf courses, two disc golf courses, one skate park and numerous sports fields and complexes.
“I am proudest of the parks and open spaces that we’ve built into each subdivision. Some are walking paths, some are parks and others are just general open spaces,” said Jorgensen.
In addition, the city has also expanded the land they own to include more open space conservation areas including the west side of Lookout Mountain and the addition of land near Creekside Elementary school for expanded recreation paths and a park.
“The city budgets money every three years to add one to one and half miles of rec paths,” said Johnson. “Rec paths are just as important as roads nowadays, but are very expensive, especially areas with bridges over Spearfish Creek.”
“People choose Spearfish because of the quality of life, amenities, scenic beauty and the environment. Those things have always been here and current residents hold the standards high to keep it that way,” said City Planner, Jayna Watson. “We are not an average city. People pay higher attention to the details of architectural standards and ‘up the bar’ for our community.” | <urn:uuid:a48929b6-48cf-485f-9d29-280e248283ec> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://spearfishchamber.org/progressive-community-exceeds-expectations/ | 2024-02-29T12:24:09Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.962032 | 1,006 | 2 |
Nebraska Action Coalition Announces New Non-Nursing Co-Lead, New Partner
The Nebraska Action Coalition (NAC) welcomes StrategicHealthSolutions as its newest non-nurse co-lead. Strategic works to ensure the sustainability of America’s health care system by working closely with government on fraud, waste, and abuse in our national health insurance programs.
Based in Omaha, Strategic was founded by a Nebraska nurse who grew the company to 250 employees and $30 million in revenue in 10 short years. The company’s staff is 33 percent nurses. StrategicHealthSolutions is recognized nationally by Inc. Magazine as one of the nation’s fastest growing and by SmartCEO as a Healthiest Company awardee, and is on Washington Technology’s Fast 50 List for growth as a government contractor.
NAC’s newest “innovative partner,” RDG, is a nationally award-winning architecture firm leading the way in green design. One area of expertise is the design of health care facilities. RDG’s projects include schools of nursing and interprofessional healthcare in Nebraska, Michigan, Connecticut, and Kansas. | <urn:uuid:e07fcfa9-84b6-4123-be53-b34867c43437> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://staging.campaignforaction.org/nebraska-action-coalition-announces-new-non-nursing-co-lead-new-partner/ | 2024-02-29T11:09:43Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.950002 | 238 | 1 |
In early December around 100 people crammed into a church in downtown Buffalo for Our City Buffalo’s fifth annual Anti-Displacement Summit. Community and cultural organizers, policy experts, interpreters, Indigenous elders, writers and poets, parents and youth, and all kinds of Buffalonians educated themselves and each other on policies and community-rooted solutions to protect long-time residents and communities of color from the negative impacts of profit-driven economic development.
Displacement weighs heavy on the hearts and minds of residents every year around this time. It was more pronounced at this year’s summit, as the human toll could – literally – be counted. The first anniversary of the 2022 Buffalo Blizzard was about to arrive, much as the blizzard itself had, without much fanfare or forethought. More than 47 people were victims of the erosion of services and the continued impact of ever-growing displacement. This displacement, like all displacement, was preventable, the result of government underpreparedness and inaction.
“Buffalo failed us. It failed a lot of people. It failed a lot of families – brothers, sisters, mothers, friends. It’s devastating and disgusting…it’s disgusting that it took a year to remember all the names,” lamented Edie Syta, whose mother died trying to buy fish from the Broadway Market for Christmas Eve dinner. Her mother, Stasia Syta, was an immigrant from Poland who didn’t speak English, and wasn’t informed by authorities about the severity of the storm.
Edie was one of dozens of family members, loved ones, and community members who silently marched down Delaware Avenue from the Summit to City Hall in a community-led, public memorial for the victims. The first and only. With tears, flowers, deep breaths, libations, lights and banners bearing the names of all those known and unknown, the community remembered.
City of Good Neighbors
This has become the new norm in Buffalo. The community meets the moment, time and again. They respond with their whole chest and an ever-expanding mutual aid network. Buffalonians have always had a reputation for helping each other. That help has become systematized over the years, born out of years of union, community, and faith-based organizing, and, more recently, a white supremacist mass shooting and a catastrophic blizzard. Meanwhile, elected leaders have settled on a predictable strategy to abdicate their responsibility: Refuse to acknowledge the harm that has been caused and maintain the status quo, or, in more extreme circumstances, fill the void with empty promises and wordy platitudes, with full confidence that the community will either forget or move on.
But the community hasn’t forgotten or moved on. In fact, Buffalonians are coming to terms with the fact that they must support each other and contest for power at the same time. This on top of everything else feels heavy, overwhelming, and unsustainable. As a result, the movement to build enough power to self-govern has had many stops and starts over the past couple of years.
It might be a new year but as we closed out 2023, Buffalo was still reeling from the trauma and pain of 2022. That year began like others do, but things drastically changed on May 14th. A white supremacist shot 13 people at a grocery store on the East Side, murdering 10. The city’s dishonorable claim as one of the most racially segregated metropolitan areas in the United States became more than a statistic that day.
The Buffalo-based think tank Partnership for the Public Good had released a report entitled A City Divided: A Brief History of Segregation in Buffalo in April of 2018, almost four full years prior to the Tops massacre. It told a familiar story to those who live it every day. It itemized the far-reaching costs of segregation on people of Hundreds of residents participated in public hearings, Council meetings, and other forums to make their voices heard. Thousands more spoke out against the gerrymandered districts over the course of the next several months. They raised their voices about the need to confront systemic racism now, not repeating the mistakes of our past and waiting for another generation to begin to address the flagrant harm.
Less than nine months later, while the grief and trauma of May 14th was still raw, tragedy would strike again. This time in the form of a blizzard, the likes of which had been felt and experienced by Buffalo before, but not for at least a generation. The total accumulation from December 21st through December 26th, 2022 was 51.0 inches (or 4.3 feet), and included hurricane-force winds of up to 80 miles per hour, wind chill temperature of negative 30 degrees, and whiteout conditions. Starting on the 23rd, parts of the city of Buffalo experienced almost two full days of zero visibility.
The blizzard and lake-effect snowstorm paralyzed the region, hindered holiday travel and canceled Christmas celebrations, knocked out power for more than 100,000 people, temporarily put an end to all emergency services in the city, and left more than 47 community members dead in Erie County; 31 of those were in the city, and 20 of those were people of color.
People were stranded on their way to run errands that would’ve taken only a few short minutes under normal conditions. Roads were impassable. Desperation led Buffalonians to defy the travel ban and unsuccessfully try to make it to vulnerable family, friends, and loved ones—sometimes with tragic consequences. Anndel Taylor, a 22-year-old member of 1199SEIU, died on a stretch of highway connecting the suburban town of East Aurora, where she worked at Absolute Care of Aurora Park, to the city of Buffalo where she lived. Abdul Sharifu, a 26-year-old Congolese father-to-be, was killed when he ventured out into the storm to buy milk for a neighbor’s baby. “Trying to bring a gallon of milk home to a friend cost him his life,” recalled his friend during the remembrance in front of City Hall.
However, the response from the City of Good Neighbors was equally dramatic and moving. There was a 70,000-person Facebook group that verifiably saved lives, started by two people who feeling powerless, decided to connect people. Up and down main arteries and side streets across the city, people looked after each other. The Buffalo Mutual Aid Network, Twitter/X, community organization and block club listservs, text group chats and Facebook status updates are full of documented instances of people coming to the aid of others. Folks shoveled each other out, provided groceries and supplies, performed wellness checks, saved pets and other non-human creatures, and risked their lives in the name of community care and collective action. Dozens of volunteers from the Black East Side community and Bangladeshi East Side community joined forces to save hundreds of Buffalonians, providing them with transportation, food, water, shelter, and other basic needs. A Buffalo couple even sheltered a deceased woman’s body in their home until it could be collected by the authorities days later.
County and local elected leaders and officials were widely criticized for their ill-prepared and poorly managed response to the storm. Erie County Executive Mark Poloncarz defended his decision to wait to enact a travel ban. He openly condemned Buffalo’s Mayor Byron Brown for his handling of the Buffalo blizzard and storm cleanup efforts, calling it “embarrassing,” in one of the most memorable moments of the 2022 Buffalo Blizzard. He also revealed that Brown hadn’t been on daily coordination calls with other municipalities. Both were held accountable in the court of public opinion for not informing people further in advance or having a definitive plan to keep people safe during a life-threatening storm.
Instead of reallocating funds to make sure that people had what they needed during the storm, the City’s limited resources went into the immediate creation of an anti-looting detail. The day after Christmas, Mayor Brown held a press conference where he chastised Buffalonians who broke into businesses during the storm, referring to them as the “lowest of the low.” The new anti-looting unit expanded the reach of the Buffalo Police Department overnight. It was reported that 10 people were arrested mere days after the detail was created. “You’re destroying your community. It will not be tolerated,” Buffalo Police Commissioner Joseph Gramaglia said. “We’ve made it a priority to each of our district detectives. We will put your face on TV.”
City of No Illusions
“We are all we have” isn’t just a subversive or anarchic political slogan. It’s a phrase that I’ve heard repeated over the past 12 months in the most unlikely places in Buffalo and by the most unlikely of sources. For the majority of Buffalonians it’s how they’ve always felt–though it does seem to be more acute after a year filled with death and trauma (2022), followed by a year of non-acknowledgement and the political elite scurrying like rats on a sinking ship to leave their current office (2023).
In the aftermath of the deadly blizzard, in which most – if not all – of the blame from the community’s perspective was placed squarely on City Hall, Mayor Brown requested an independent study from New York University’s Robert F. Wagner School of Public Service. After months of interviews and anticipation, a 170-page report was released in the sweltering heat and sunshine of Summer 2023. It chronicled the failures of the City of Buffalo and other governmental actors. It also made pointed recommendations for how the City could improve its emergency preparedness and responsiveness for next time. The list included such obvious items as adequate equipment, effective communication with the public, coordination of road closures, and equitable distribution of resources in neighborhoods throughout the city, not neglecting the poorest neighborhoods and those most in need. There were also personnel recommendations–a fleet manager and emergency manager, for starters.
If only things were that easy in Buffalo. Because the city has a strong-mayor form of government, the Mayor’s sign-off was needed for any of NYU’s recommendations to actually be implemented in a real way. That’s difficult for many reasons, chief of which is that there’s no money. Over the years, the Brown administration has balanced the budget with unrealistic revenue projections, borrowing from Buffalo Public Schools and spending down the City’s reserves.
Due in large part to an unprecedented amount of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) dollars from the federal government, $331 million to be exact, the City of Buffalo has been able to fill budget gaps inconspicuously. Not unprecedented nationally but highly relevant for what’s ahead, Buffalo has spent about 50% of its ARPA dollars in this way. Those funds run out at the end of the year, and that means that the bills will begin to stack up and the revenue generation – namely raising property taxes – that Brown so harshly criticized his former political opponent India Walton for will become hypercritical (but not enough) in balancing the City’s budget. Rumors have been swirling about a return of the Buffalo Fiscal Stability Authority – the City’s control board – formed in 2003 to keep the City from going bankrupt.
Although the Mayor preferred not to include an emergency manager in the final 2024 budget, it was successfully negotiated by the Common Council. The position would have never been filled except for the fact that the Mayor took a public shellacking at the end of October, notably when he would have still been in the running for a new job as the president of Buffalo State University.
As the City’s snow plan was being finalized, University District Council Member Rasheed Wyatt mounted a one-man protest and refused to vote “yes” for any other hires for the City of Buffalo until the position was filled. Giving credence to his position, a former emergency management expert in New York City who reviewed the plan, speaking in an interview with local media, said it was “doomed to fail” without the City of Buffalo having its own emergency manager. An offer was made to a prospective candidate days later.
That debacle is consistent with what organizers, activists, and BLIPOC working-class Buffalonians have experienced over the course of the Brown administration. That’s why they fought so hard to try to elect India Walton mayor in 2021. Her election would have given the people the opportunity to govern and control public resources for the good of all–reversing the current practice of prioritizing profits for private developers and corporate landlords, maintaining the political and personal power to fail upwards.
That’s why recently Our City Action Buffalo and other community anchor institutions and organizations have decided to apply greater emphasis on an outside-inside strategy. This strategy builds the social and political capital and infrastructure needed to change material conditions for people on the ground while still holding elected leaders accountable.
A blizzard-related example of how the community has become more sophisticated in its approach is through self-organizing meetings, workshops, summits, and other popular education opportunities to share community resources (community fridges, snow brigades, etc.), develop community emergency plans, and present life or death information for the next extreme weather event. The community has taken this on independently while also keeping a watchful eye on City Hall, advocating for disinvestment from the over-policing of Black and Brown communities, investing greater public resources in warming shelters, climate catastrophe mitigation projects, interpretation and translation services to better communicate with Buffalo’s diverse and ever-growing population, and implementing other recommendations contained within the NYU report.
City of Healing and Redemption
In a climate-impacted city such as Buffalo, it was only a matter of time until the next storm took place. This past weekend’s lake-effect snow pummeled the Buffalo area, reminding residents of the horrors of one year ago and providing state, county, and local officials with a mulligan of sorts: to prove through actions that they had learned valuable lessons and were better prepared and more aware of the dire consequences for ineptitude.
State and county officials were aggressive in their approach, putting travel bans in place early and keeping them there for the duration of the storm. The only time they faltered in this approach was when Erie County Executive Mark Poloncarz announced that county residents who wanted to shovel at the Bills stadium were exempt from the travel ban. They utilized the emergency alert system twice to warn the public of the life-threatening storm, and provided regular updates to the public on what they could expect. New York State Governor Kathy Hochul’s successful negotiation to postpone the Buffalo Bills playoff game from Sunday to Monday was met with controversy outside of Buffalo but not (much) within it. She had heard her constituents’ cries of outrage at the handling of the last blizzard and did what needed to be done to quell them this time. And although it was clear that the state and county were running the show, with the City of Buffalo mostly parroting talking points and boosting information provided by the county, there did seem to be a seriousness about the snow removal efforts this time around that didn’t previously exist. Today, Buffalonians are savoring the sense of relief.
At least for the moment. The question still remains: Will Buffalo be ready for more severe and less predictable extreme weather events? Buffalo residents are beginning to answer that question through collective action and mutual aid efforts, running movement leaders for political office, resisting the City’s neoliberal policies, and showing up at City Hall to speak truth to power when it matters most.
Buffalo-born trauma therapist Nicolalita Rodriguez co-emceed the memorial for blizzard victims in Niagara Square on that unseasonably warm day in December. After everyone had spoken and the last note of “A Change is Gonna Come” had been sung, she stepped up to the mic and said, “Every one of these people has a story. They’re not just a name. We treat trauma as an individual and inevitable occurrence. We offer our sympathy, business as usual, like our City did. As a trauma therapist, I can tell you that this trauma is collective. Collective trauma requires collective healing.”
In the coming year, Buffalonians will attempt to heal. The only way that can happen is by rejecting cynicism that keeps us unorganized and choosing hope through collective action. If displacement, segregation, poverty, and climate catastrophe are all policy-driven phenomena, then by out-organizing the opposition Buffalonians can prioritize the passage of policies that create a truly equitable, inclusive, climate-resilient, and democratic community.
“The onus should not be on individual people. This trauma is systemic. The deaths of our loved ones could have absolutely been prevented,” Rodriguez continued, “In honoring the lives of those we’ve lost, we stand together to let our City know, we reject your sympathies. For any kind of healing process to begin, we need empathy and that starts with accountability.”
That’s why we’ll be drawing down power from those who would seek to skirt accountability and not commit to co-governing with the people. The new year brings new campaigns, and alongside policies, we’ll take aim at the very levers of power, by deepening and expanding participatory governance and community self-determination, by amending the current corporate charter, which concentrates power for the establishment, with one that is firmly grounded in community and human rights.
For more information on the ongoing organizing for justice and democracy in Buffalo, check out Our City Action Buffalo.
Featured image: December 2023 memorial for victims of the Christmas Blizzard of 2022 in Buffalo. Photo by Nathan Peracciny. | <urn:uuid:725df3ad-4296-47e0-abb4-10cbec25cb57> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://staging.convergencemag.com/articles/blizzard-brings-buffalo-lessons-in-power-and-resilience/ | 2024-02-29T12:09:27Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.967178 | 3,727 | 1 |
ESG Reporting Frameworks & Standards – Continue to Multiply
Posted on October 14, 2021 by Hank Boerner – Chair & Chief Strategist#About the Climate Crisis #Biden-Harris Administration #Climate Change #Corporate Citizenship #Corporate CSR Reporting #Corporate Governance #Corporate Responsibility #Corporate Sustainability #ESG Issues #G4 #Global Reporting Initiative #Human Rights #Materiality #SASB #Sustainability Big Data #Sustainability Reporting
Original: October 14 2021
by Hank Boerner – Chair & Chief Strategist – G&A Institute
The number of ESG disclosure and reporting guidelines, frameworks and standards continues to expand – here comes the GRI Universal Standards, the SASB XRBL Taxonomy, and much more.
The range of available transparency tools is making it more challenging for corporate management and investors to navigate.
The ESG / Sustainability / Sustainable Investing lexicon for both publicly-traded companies and their providers of capital is today chock-a-block with acronyms and initials. GRI, SASB, TCFD, OECD, IIRC, SDG, PRI, UNGC, GRESB, WEF, IFRS, EFRAG, EC’s NFRD – you get the picture!
And there are a host of industry-focused standards (such as RBA, once known as EICC), IEPC, LEED).
The venerable player is the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), a comprehensive, ever-expanding, stakeholder-focused reporting framework created by global stakeholders over two decades ago with roots in Boston, in the Ceres Pledge of the early-1990s.
That pledge was created by SRI investors after the Exxon Valdez oil tanker disaster in Alaska and was intended to invite corporate managements to promise to do better in what is now ESG performance.
The first two signatories of significant size were General Motors and Sun Oil. G&A team members were involved in encouraging firms to sign on to the pledge in those early years.
By 1999-2000 the first corporate environmental, responsibility, et al reports were being published in the United States and Europe (a few dozen appeared in the first round with the first generation of the GRI framework, G1).
Over the ensuing years the GRI framework evolved and matured on through G3, G4 and finally in recent years to a more formal standards-based approach. And those modular standards for ESG reporting are continuing to evolve as GRI enters its third decade.
The news today about GRI is focused on the launch of what are called “Universal Standards”, which in modular form will be in place for corporate and institutional reports to use if they are going to report in accordance with the GRI Standards.
The now-familiar Core and Comprehensive will go away; it will still be OK to use “GRI-Referenced” (a less strict version which references parts of the GRI reporting standard) in reporting following the Universal Standards, which will go into effect in January 2023.
The new GRI Universal Standards align with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Human Rights, the OECD Governance Standards, and the International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN).
The elements of the Universal Standards to keep in mind are these: what is the impact of the corporation on society, and society on the corporation; materiality of disclosures; due diligence on the part of reporters.
Keep in mind the standards are broad and focused on stakeholder disclosure, of course including providers of capital as stakeholders. All companies can use the Universal Standards to communicate the firm’s impact on the broader society. (Think: how does your firm connect with people?)
Supply chain operations are an important part of GRI reporting going forward. Consider, as one expert recently explained, that of the large, multi-national enterprises of the developed world, more than 90 percent of production is beyond the company’s walls, out there in the world of non-company producers (many in less-developed nations as well as in China).
The European Union is considering adopting corporate sustainability reporting that would use the GRI Universal Standards for mandated disclosure by all companies operating in the 27 EU states (with certain qualifications as to size and other considerations).
GRI standards-focused disclosure is expected to include story-telling and metrics about corporate sustainability actions and activities, governance, strategies, planning, practices, engagements, and more. Materiality assessment activities are critical elements of GRI standards reporting, notes the GRI team.
In addition, GRI is launching a series of Sector Specific guidance, beginning with the new “Sector Standard for Oil and Gas.”
The sector standards will address “how decision and actions of companies address widespread stakeholder concerns about their climate change-related impacts, while ensuring a just transition for workers, communities and the environment”.
We are sharing details of the above developments at GRI with you in the Top Stories this issue.
The G&A Institute team has been focused intently on GRI reporting since 2000 and was designated as the GRI Data Partner for the U.S., and then the U.K. and Republic of Ireland more than a decade ago.
Over this decade, we’ve gathered and analyzed in depth thousands of GRI reports since then. G&A Institute is a Community Member of GRI, and we of course watch the work of GRI very closely.
Whether you are a corporate manager, executive or board member, or provider of capital to the corporate sector, you should also keep a close watch on GRI. And, the G&A team is available to help answer any questions you have.
- GRI revises universal sustainability standards, with focus on human rights(Source: Accounting Today)
- Oil and gas transparency standard for the low-carbon transition (Source: GRI)
- GRI raises the global bar for due diligence and human rights reporting (Source: GRI) | <urn:uuid:02155b53-a744-4ae0-87a1-33a58ba4367c> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://stagingblog.ga-institute.com/esg-reporting-frameworks-standards-continue-to-multiply/ | 2024-02-29T11:51:37Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.947093 | 1,253 | 4 |
We recognise that our success is only as good as the people that work for us. Our team are experienced professionals who can meet the creative challenge of even the most meticulous of projects. We draw upon our well-established list of experienced, highly skilled sub-contractors to ensure that everyone on site echoes the quality and professionalism that is synonymous with the Stonewood name.
Sam joined Stonewood as a Site Manager in 2006 and brought with him 10 years’ experience as a carpenter within his family business. Sam began running high spec renovation, conservation and new build projects before being appointed a Director in 2016 now leads the Partnerships division.
Joe joined Stonewood in 2013 after completing his Construction Commercial Management degree at UWE.
He was then appointed as a Director of Builders in 2019 and moved to Stonewood Homes in 2021. As of 2022, Joe is Operations Director and is responsible for customer care, aftercare and continuously improving organisational processes.
James is a Chartered Surveyor with 15 years of agency experience most recently heading the residential development team at JLL in Bristol. His role is to build the land bank though the acquisition of both strategic and consented residential development sites.
HeadS of departments
Sales & Marketing
Head of Sales & Marketing
Jasmine has extensive experience in selling new build homes for developers. She is responsible for the end to end sales process for all developments, devising marketing strategies and managing the customer journey. Jasmine is an active member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing.
Caroline has many years of experience in sales, having worked in estate agency for nearly 15 years. Caroline strives daily to provide honest and realistic advice to potential buyers whilst focusing on their needs as well as helping them fulfil their requirements.
Holly joined Stonewood in January 2020 with a vast background in planning and conservation. She previously worked at Stroud District Council as a development team manager and has a master’s degree in planning and later studied for a post-graduate degree in conservation.
With 30 years’ experience in the Industry, starting as an apprentice Bricklayer, then in to site management, Lee has extensive experience from various developments for the major housebuilders, with the last 5 years as a Contracts Manager over seeing development from Cornwall to Swindon. Lee joined Stonewood in 2020.
Blake joined Stonewood in 2020 with over 15 years’ experience in the industry and a successful stint at a major housebuilder. Skilled in CSCS, SMSTS, Contractors, Project Estimation, and Inspection. Blake holds an NVQ Level 6 in Construction Management focused in Construction Management. | <urn:uuid:18fef4b0-39f1-4f43-b761-fb77d4c462ca> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://stonewoodhomes.co.uk/our-people/ | 2024-02-29T13:10:29Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.956262 | 541 | 1 |
E-commerce enablement stands at the forefront of business evolution in the digital age. As companies navigate the dynamic landscape of online commerce, understanding the intricacies of e-commerce enablement becomes paramount. This article delves deep into the insights surrounding this transformative concept, shedding light on its significance for businesses seeking sustained growth.
The Foundations of E-Commerce Enablement
In the realm of e-commerce enablement, the foundational elements play a pivotal role. Establishing a robust online presence, seamless user experiences, and secure transactions are the building blocks that businesses need to lay down. The synergy of these components sets the stage for an empowered e-commerce ecosystem.
When it comes to e-commerce, users are at the heart of the experience. Understanding their behaviors, preferences, and expectations becomes the compass guiding successful e-commerce enablement strategies. By placing the user at the center, businesses can tailor their platforms to offer a personalized and engaging shopping experience.
The Technology Landscape
In the ever-evolving world of technology, staying ahead of the curve is imperative for e-commerce enablement. From artificial intelligence enhancing product recommendations to blockchain securing transactions, exploring the latest technological advancements becomes a strategic move for businesses aiming to empower their growth in the digital marketplace.
Data-Driven Decision Making
In the era of e-commerce enablement, data emerges as a powerful ally for businesses. Analyzing user data, market trends, and competitor strategies empowers decision-makers to make informed choices. This data-driven approach not only enhances efficiency but also provides a competitive edge in the ever-evolving digital landscape.
Seamless Integration of Platforms
E-commerce enablement is not a standalone concept; it thrives on integration. The seamless connection of various platforms, be it website, mobile app, or social media channels, creates a unified and cohesive brand presence. Businesses leveraging this integration witness increased accessibility and engagement, fostering growth opportunities.
Supply Chain Optimization
Efficiency in supply chain management is a critical aspect of successful e-commerce enablement. From inventory control to order fulfillment, streamlining the supply chain not only reduces operational costs but also enhances customer satisfaction. An optimized supply chain lays the groundwork for scalability and sustained growth.
Security in E-Commerce Transactions
In the digital realm, ensuring the security of e-commerce transactions is non-negotiable. Customers entrust businesses with sensitive information during online transactions, and safeguarding this data is paramount. Implementing robust security measures not only builds trust but also protects the reputation of the brand, fostering long-term customer relationships.
Mobile Responsiveness and Accessibility
With the surge in mobile device usage, optimizing e-commerce platforms for mobile responsiveness is no longer an option but a necessity. A seamless and responsive mobile experience enhances accessibility, reaching a broader audience and capitalizing on the growing trend of mobile-based transactions.
Tailoring the shopping experience through personalization strategies is a cornerstone of effective e-commerce enablement. From personalized product recommendations to targeted marketing campaigns, businesses can create a connection with their customers, leading to increased loyalty and repeat business.
The Role of Artificial Intelligence in E-Commerce
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a game-changer in the e-commerce landscape. From chatbots providing real-time customer support to machine learning algorithms predicting consumer behavior, integrating AI into e-commerce enablement strategies opens up new dimensions of efficiency and customer satisfaction.
Cross-Border E-Commerce Opportunities
In the interconnected world of e-commerce, businesses have the opportunity to expand beyond borders. Exploring cross-border e-commerce not only broadens the customer base but also exposes businesses to diverse market dynamics, fostering adaptability and resilience in the face of global challenges.
Sustainability in E-Commerce Practices
As societal awareness regarding environmental concerns grows, integrating sustainable practices into e-commerce becomes imperative. From eco-friendly packaging to carbon-neutral shipping options, businesses that prioritize sustainability not only contribute to a better world but also resonate with a conscious consumer base.
Navigating E-Commerce Regulatory Landscape
Amid the rapid evolution of e-commerce, understanding and adhering to regulatory frameworks is crucial. Compliance with data protection laws, taxation policies, and other industry-specific regulations not only mitigates legal risks but also builds trust among consumers, establishing the business as a responsible and ethical entity.
Social Media Engagement Strategies
In the era of social connectivity, leveraging social media for e-commerce enablement is indispensable. Crafting engaging content, running targeted campaigns, and fostering a community around the brand on social platforms not only boosts visibility but also creates a direct channel for customer interaction and feedback.
Harnessing Big Data Analytics
Big data analytics plays a pivotal role in e-commerce enablement. Analyzing large sets of data allows businesses to gain valuable insights into consumer behavior, market trends, and operational efficiency. Harnessing this analytical power enables strategic decision-making and the identification of untapped opportunities for growth.
E-Commerce Enablement Case Studies
Real-world examples provide tangible insights into the effectiveness of e-commerce enablement strategies. Case studies of successful implementations, detailing challenges faced and lessons learned, serve as valuable benchmarks for businesses seeking inspiration and guidance in their own e-commerce journeys.
The Future of E-Commerce Enablement
Anticipating future trends is essential for businesses aiming to stay ahead of the curve. Delving into emerging technologies, consumer preferences, and global market shifts, this section explores the potential trajectory of e-commerce enablement and offers strategic considerations for sustained growth in the years to come.
The Evolution of Customer Expectations
As technology advances, so do customer expectations. Meeting and exceeding these expectations becomes a competitive advantage. From lightning-fast delivery options to immersive shopping experiences, businesses that stay attuned to evolving customer demands position themselves for success in the ever-evolving landscape of e-commerce.
Global Market Dynamics
E-commerce enablement does not exist in isolation; it is deeply influenced by global market dynamics. Exploring the impact of geopolitical events, economic shifts, and cultural trends on the e-commerce landscape provides businesses with a comprehensive understanding of external factors that may shape their strategies.
Challenges and Solutions in E-Commerce Enablement
No journey is without challenges, and the realm of e-commerce enablement is no exception. This section identifies common challenges businesses may encounter, ranging from technological hurdles to market saturation, and provides strategic solutions to navigate these obstacles, ensuring resilience and adaptability.
Cultivating Brand Loyalty
Beyond acquiring customers, cultivating brand loyalty is a key driver of sustained growth. Building emotional connections, offering loyalty programs, and prioritizing customer satisfaction contribute to a loyal customer base that not only makes repeat purchases but also becomes brand advocates, fostering organic growth.
E-Commerce Enablement and Small Businesses
E-commerce enablement is not exclusive to large enterprises; it holds immense potential for small businesses as well. This section explores how small businesses can leverage e-commerce enablement to overcome barriers, reach a wider audience, and compete effectively in the digital marketplace.
Building a Scalable E-Commerce Infrastructure
Scalability is a fundamental consideration in e-commerce enablement. As businesses grow, their infrastructure must evolve to accommodate increased traffic, transactions, and data. Designing a scalable e-commerce infrastructure ensures that growth is not hindered by technological limitations, laying the foundation for long-term success.
Community Engagement and Brand Building
Community engagement is a powerful tool for brand building in the e-commerce realm. Fostering a sense of community around a brand through forums, social media groups, and interactive content not only enhances brand visibility but also creates a loyal customer base that actively participates in the brand’s narrative.
E-Commerce Enablement Metrics and Analytics
Measuring the success of e-commerce enablement strategies requires a robust system of metrics and analytics. This section delves into key performance indicators (KPIs) such as conversion rates, customer lifetime value, and website traffic analysis. Understanding and interpreting these metrics is essential for refining strategies and optimizing performance.
Adapting to Market Trends
The e-commerce landscape is dynamic, with trends evolving rapidly. Businesses that stay agile and adapt to emerging trends position themselves for continued success. From the rise of voice commerce to the impact of augmented reality, this section explores current and upcoming trends that businesses should monitor and integrate into their e-commerce strategies.
E-Commerce Enablement in the Post-Pandemic Era
The global pandemic has reshaped consumer behaviors and accelerated the digital transformation. Examining how e-commerce enablement strategies have evolved in response to these changes provides valuable insights for businesses navigating the post-pandemic landscape, ensuring resilience and adaptability in the face of uncertainty.
International E-Commerce Expansion Strategies
Expanding e-commerce operations internationally presents both opportunities and challenges. This section explores effective strategies for entering new markets, addressing cultural nuances, and navigating logistical complexities. A well-executed international expansion can significantly contribute to the sustained growth of businesses in the global e-commerce arena.
E-Commerce Enablement and Omnichannel Experiences
Omnichannel experiences have become integral to e-commerce success. This section delves into the seamless integration of online and offline channels, creating a unified customer experience. Businesses that master omnichannel strategies not only meet customer expectations but also create a competitive advantage in the crowded digital marketplace.
E-Commerce Enablement Best Practices
Drawing upon the insights accumulated throughout this extensive exploration, this section consolidates the best practices for effective e-commerce enablement. From prioritizing user experience to embracing technological innovations, businesses can use these best practices as a roadmap for implementing successful e-commerce strategies.
“Empowering Growth: E-Commerce Enablement Insights” has provided an in-depth exploration of the key facets of e-commerce enablement. From foundational principles to future trends, businesses can leverage these insights to not only survive but thrive in the competitive and ever-evolving landscape of digital commerce. | <urn:uuid:9be5afb8-1582-48ab-91b5-867127e5b4bd> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://superhighseo.com/e-commerce-enablement/ | 2024-02-29T13:03:11Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.879489 | 2,068 | 3 |
What is Climate React mode? (Sensibo Sky)
Climate React is a temperature and humidity-based smart mode that allows you to control your a/c according to the temperature and/or humidity reading of the Sensibo sensor.
You can also combine the two parameters - Temperature and Humidity - in order to set the Feels Like mode.
The Climate React mode allows for more efficient and economical use of your a/c by:
- Dual Set Points
You can set the a/c to Heat when cold and to Cool when hot.
- Feels Like mode
Takes into consideration the temperature and humidity levels so that you feel comfortable within the temperature set points.
For example - You can set the a/c to start cooling when the temperature reaches 28°C / 82°F and then switch to Fan when the temperature is cooler, overriding the internal a/c thermostat.
- Anti Freeze / Anti Heat
For example - You can set the a/c to turn on Heat when the temperature drops below 10°C/ 50°F to prevent freeze damage.
With Sensibo Climate React you can significantly save on electric bills by setting what your a/c does according to your temperature preferences.
To set the Climate React mode please see - How To Set The Climate React Mode | <urn:uuid:a331281d-48cc-4955-9ae2-0aadf8d8a9f2> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://support.sensibo.com/l/en/article/c1wa1i632e-what-is-climate-react-mode | 2024-02-29T12:08:44Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.812662 | 270 | 1 |
This week’s Replace options tales detailing a number of new reserving platforms and Selection’s new direct billing product. Take pleasure in.
Competition Among Banks’ Travel Platforms Intensifies
(“Citi Launches New Journey Platform With Reserving.com,” August 19, 2022 by way of Phocus Wire)
Citi (f/okay/a Citigroup) introduced final week the upcoming launch of its new journey platform, Citi Journey with Reserving.com, in partnership with, you guessed it, Reserving.com. In response to Reserving.com, the brand new web site and cell app will permit customers to look, view and e-book lodges, flights and automotive leases and pay for bookings with their Citi card and/or Citi loyalty program factors. Probably opponents to Citi’s new providing embrace comparable choices from Capital One, American Specific and JP Morgan Chase.
Southwest Launches New Corporate Booking Portal
(“Southwest Guarantees Elevated Effectivity With New Enterprise Journey Portal,” August 15, 2022 by way of Journey Weekly)
As soon as proud to shun its opponents’ company journey endeavors, Southwest Airways has come full circle. Following bulletins by the airline in 2020 and 2021 to lastly make its services out there on conventional international distribution programs, Southwest was set to launch (August 24) a brand new company journey portal for journey administration corporations and different company vacationers. The self-service portal will present customers new automated companies, along with dashboards and different improved reporting. Journey fund administration and expanded element on journey sustainability may even be featured.
Choice Launches New Direct Billing Program
(“Selection Introduces Consolidated Invoicing for Corp. Prospects,” August 15, 2022 by way of Enterprise Journey Information)
Final week at GBTA, Selection launched a brand new direct billing choice for its company prospects in partnership with TreviPay. Prospects enrolled within the Direct Pay program can obtain weekly consolidated invoicing for stays throughout Selection’s total portfolio of manufacturers. Enrolled prospects may even obtain entry to a devoted company buyer portal that gives prospects with actual time data on invoices, prices and cost standing and gives direct entry to Selection’s buyer assist workforce. Prospects will nonetheless be capable of use their negotiated charges and facilities. Bookings will probably be made straight (by way of web site, app or name middle) or by way of a buyer’s chosen company. In response to a press launch from TreviPay, advantages of the brand new program embrace decreased credit score publicity for company purchasers whereas lodges keep away from the numerous dangers related to extending credit score. Potential price financial savings and improved buyer loyalty additionally appear to be possible advantages of this new cost program.
Cosmopolitan Launches Travel Booking Platform Targeting Gen Z and Millennials
August 17, 2022 by way of Phocus Wire
Ladies’s media model Cosmopolitan has launched a journey reserving service referred to as CosmoTrips. Inbuilt partnership with DH Enterprise & Associates, the platform gives immediately bookable, curated trip experiences throughout the US. | <urn:uuid:6aa3cdc0-d6a5-4804-9d80-acde3788301b> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://takemeanywhere.com/2022/08/30/online-travel-update-competition-among-banks-travel-platforms-intensifies-and-southwest-launches-new-corporate-booking-portal-foster-garvey-pc/ | 2024-02-29T11:24:14Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.914942 | 659 | 1 |
You may also have noticed an article in today’s Herald newspaper that’s saying that Brodacom has invested some US $25 million on network infrastructure. The figure reminded us of news we posted almost a year ago that basically said the same thing; that Brodacom (then just Spiritage) had invested $25 million into the network. Other publications also carried the news around the same time. In July last year, The Daily news carried another report, this time saying that Spiritage was going to invest another $25 million into the network by the end of 2011.
Today’s Herald article suggests the company has invested another $25 million in addition to the one announced in April last year’s. Either that or we, the writers, are recycling the same story over and over. It’s not unusual for that to happen.
We reached out to Spiritage founder and chief executive today on Twitter this morning (he’s active on the platform) to get clarification and we haven’t received a response yet.
Brodacom is a Spiritage Group subsidiary. The company (also known as Valley Technologies) is one of Zimbabwe’s 12 licensed IAPs.
Update (15 march 2012): We received a response the Spiritage chief executive. According to him the $25M referred to the article is the same April 2011 one. So yes, it’s the old story remixed. He clarified though that part of the story that says about US $15 million is required to expand to semi urban, small towns and rural areas is correct. | <urn:uuid:f6d93da2-2326-4851-9e23-0882b1e13030> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://testing.techzim.co.zw/2012/03/either-brodacom-has-poured-another-us-25-million-into-the-company-or/ | 2024-02-29T12:34:09Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.976146 | 331 | 1 |
When I first discovered the wonder of charity shops, admittedly I kept it to myself. My friends saw them as shops full of ‘dead people’ where the clothes smell of old ladies. Because of this, I visited them alone, conspicuously slipping into one on the way home from school. Yet it got to the point where I’d be head to toe in charity shop purchases and I had to break it to people that West Norwood charity shops were my equivalent of Topshop.
Now older, more mature and poor (student life – sigh) given the current financial climate, charity shops are more pertinent than ever, and there certainly isn’t a shortage of them in Brighton. One reason people often pass a charity shop by is the overwhelming jumble of clothes, found in unorganised smelly heaps on the shop’s floor, making it difficult to find anything of value. However, these are the types of charity shops one must visit as they are far cheaper and contain many more unique items.
In contrast, Oxfam, for example, bumps up its prices and creates its own range of products, making your donation to charity of less value. Don’t get me wrong, Oxfam is still great but for the real deals, head toward the charity shop with murky windows that haven’t been cleaned for 17 years. The one whose owner wasn’t even the last one to clean them and instead has practically become part of the worn out musty furniture. The key to uncovering gems in these circumstances is patience and a lot of wading through crap. But in the end it is worth it as you will find something unique that you will treasure, and only for a few quid. Perhaps give it a wash before you wear it though.
Why people spend extortionate amounts on clothes from high street shops that everyone else has already baffles me. Remember the faux fur coat phase? Perhaps it was just a south London thing, but there was a time when almost every girl owned a Topshop or Urban Outfitters (if you’re lucky) fur coat. It got to the point when groups of girls would walk around at lunch imitating a herd of yetis – pretty menacing from afar.
Buying and donating to charity shops is basically recycling. Just as you recycle (or should do) your rubbish, think of clothes in the same way. In the extreme consumerist society we live in, the last thing we need is more ‘stuff’, nor should we encourage the production of it. This is somewhat hypocritical coming from a shopaholic who buys clothes frequently, but if it’s either the bin or my wardrobe then it’s allowed right?
As skint students and the next generation of leaders in a society where capitalism has gone a little crazy, (hence the protests) this is certainly the time to have the attitude of ‘waste not, want not’. Further, let’s not forget that the money you spend in charity shops goes to…charity. Therefore, you can purchase a unique vintage velvet jacket that you treasure forever while also helping a donkey, or even a blind man – it’s a win-win situation. Fabulous. Happy charity shop shopping! | <urn:uuid:61666ac8-2a33-4f08-8d17-4376c8caae01> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://thebadgeronline.com/2012/01/university-apparel-charity-fashion/ | 2024-02-29T12:49:51Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.964559 | 673 | 2 |
The Detroit Mushlab is your go-to source for all things mycology. We specialize in providing high-quality mycology growth supplies and supplements at the most competitive prices on the market. Our mission is to make it easy and affordable for mushroom enthusiasts to grow their own fungi and unlock their full potential.
At The Detroit Mushlab, customer satisfaction is our top priority. Our knowledgeable and friendly team is always available to assist you with any questions or concerns, and provide expert advice to help you achieve success in your mycology journey. We believe that building a strong online community is essential to our success, and we actively engage with our customers through our website and social media channels to create a supportive and inclusive environment for mushroom growers everywhere.
So if you're looking for the best deals on mycology growth supplies and supplements, look no further than The Detroit Mushlab. Join our community today and take your mycology skills to the next level!"
Meet the founder and owner of The Detroit Mushlab, Pops. With a passion for mycology and a commitment to sustainability, Pops founded the Mushlab with the goal of providing high-quality mycology supplies at affordable prices. Focusing on customer service and building a supportive online community. | <urn:uuid:012d6704-4002-484e-99c9-d43800fb3b9c> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://thedetroitmushlab.net/Lottas-Custom-Bar-p601974876 | 2024-02-29T12:02:02Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.935196 | 256 | 1 |
I was searching for something else, and I came across this piece I wrote back in 2007…
…And perhaps unsurprisingly, not much has changed today, except that now catastrophists are saying EVERYTHING is proof of climate change.
Climate change can apparently do anything whatsoever, including mutually exclusive and contradictory things, because “science”.
It’s absolutely unfalsifiable.
I decide to republish it here, to point out, that while the science against the catastrophists has only accumulated and strengthened; their stridency and grasping demands have only increased.
I say again, the concept of catastrophic anthropogenic climate change, except in the case of localized micro-climates, holds absolutely no scientific water.
Honest scientists will tell you the same thing if pressed (and if their funding doesn’t depend on it), but the agenda politics of todays science (admittedly on both sides of the political spectrum, but generally on different subjects), prevents real, honest, science from occurring anymore; or from being reported if and when it is (the record of suppressing science which disproves catastrophic anthropogenic climate change is long and shameless at this point).
The mere language used by catastrophists against those who seek to use actual science rather than sociopolitical ideological faith, calling us “deniers” in an attempt to paint an equivalence with holocaust deniers, should make it clear that their concern is not truth.
The honest numbers are simple.
Global temperatures have risen an average of less than 1 degree centigrade since measurements started being taken (“adjusted measurements”, which have been conclusively proven to be inaccurate and possibly deliberately manipulated say it may be as much as 1.8 degrees, but that is the absolute maximum).
There is no “sudden and precipitous increase”. There is no hockey stick. It was a lie, and even many of the climate change people have admitted it. The ice caps aren’t melting, in fact in most areas they are thickening slightly. The sea level isn’t rising any more than it would have naturally.
Oh and in case you didn’t know… Polar bears are excellent swimmers.
More damning to the catastrophists faith; even by their own admission, there has been NO rise (and there may in fact have been a slight decline) in global average temperatures, SINCE 1996.
Since temperature recordings have begun, volcanic eruptions have put more carbon into the atmosphere, and caused more temperature change, than all of human industry and activity since the beginning of the human race; but it wasn’t by increasing temperatures with carbon, it was by decreasing them with dust in the air… much of which was in fact carbon particulates.
The world has been far colder than today at times when there was far more carbon in the atmosphere; even without more dust. The world has been far warmer than today with far less carbon in the air, even WITH more dust.
The amount of anthropogenic carbon dioxide and carbon particulates in the atmosphere are FAR less than one half of one percent of total carbon dioxide, and far less than one half of one percent of total carbon particulates (the vast majority of CO2 is released by soil, rotting vegetation, oceanic microorganisms, and seafloor offgassing. The vast majority of particulates, are released by forest fires, and volcanic activity ). Considering how small a percentage of our atmospheric carbon and carbon compounds (between 0.03 and 0.06 percent. Not between 3% and 6%, 3 one hundredths of a percent), that amount is completely insignificant to global climate change.
This is not to say they don’t effect local microclimates, they certainly do. But in those local microclimates, these concentrations are literally hundreds to thousands of times higher.
These levels of anthropogenic CO2 in the atmosphere are not a temperature driver, or a climate forcing.
In fact, historical records show that overall CO2 levels (which, remember, human inputs make up only a tiny fraction of) TRAIL global climate change by anywhere from a few hundred years, to a few thousand.
All currently existing GLOBAL climate change can be fully and scientifically explained by natural endothermic cycles (atmospheric oceanic interaction combined with volcanic and other geothermal activity, and large particulate emissions such as forest fires, plus natural greenhouse component and other climate forcing component emissions), and the fluctuation in output of the sun (because earth is an exothermic system). The suns output has varied greatly over the course of human history (and of course long before), and periods of warming and cooling have tracked right along with that output.
Models using average sunspot activity as an indicator of solar thermal forcing, have proven to be accurate within a few percentage points at predicting historical temperatures.
Some models (those used by catastrophists) predict that there may be FUTURE global climate change based on a theory that human generated carbon inputs, even though they are far lower than historical levels which did NOT cause these things to happen, will somehow cause the entire climate system to change the way it has always functioned.
These models are ridiculous on their face. The way you test a model is to run if forwards and backwards without adjustment, and see if it can accurately predict what actually happened in the past, using the data from further back in the past; then verifying against actual future results over time.
None of the models that predict significant global climate change due to human carbon inputs, come anywhere close to predicting the historical record.
They always consistently overestimate warming by SEVERAL HUNDRED PERCENT, as in estimating 4 to 8 times the actual warming.
And NONE of them came anywhere close to predicting the variability of the historical record, always showing a consistent warming trend over time, even for CENTURIES that had a significant cooling trend.
The models were not made to predict the actual climate… they were specifically made to predict massive warming, no matter the input. And that’s what they do, as non-catastrophists have proven, running data which any rational model should predict steady or cooling temperatures through the models… and they STILL predicted significant warming.
I leave it up to you to decide whether the models were just designed badly, or whether the distortion was intentional. Either way, these models cannot be trusted, and decisions should certainly not be made based on them.
The climate IS changing, and has since the moment the earth formed a climate. As near as we can tell (through ice core samples and the like) there has never been a period of more than 200 years without at least a 1 degree change in global average temperatures.
The climate will continue to change on its own, and no NORMAL human activity will change global climate significantly one way or the other… unless it’s something that actually would kill us all (which would by definition not be normal… Incredibly massive particulate pollution over a high percentage of the earths surface – including the oceans – would do it. It would initially trigger warming from trapped thermal radiation, followed by extremely rapid cooling from blocking out the sun, and then a sudden ice age; and likely kill all crops and food animals in the process, along with at least 80% of humanity in the first two years, if not more, and ultimately followed by mass global extinction).
That isn’t to say we shouldn’t attempt to develop better sources of energy, we should. We aren’t going to “run out” of oil… ever in fact; a basic understanding of economics would show that. But, eventually hydrocarbon fuels are going to get more and more expensive as time goes on, and petroleum fueled combustion engines are relatively inefficient, and do contribute significantly to micro climate pollution.
In many ways, doing things greener IS in fact better. Saving energy is generally a very good thing. Not polluting is generally a good thing. When it isn’t, is when it destroys economies, prevents job growth, reduces food production, increases food prices, and all the other ways that forced greenism (I won’t even call it environmentalism, because it isn’t doing the environment much good), causes pain, suffering, misery, and general reductions in peoples health, quality of life, standard of living, and basic liberties.
“Climate change” isn’t about the environment… It’s about giving financial and political control to anti-western, anti-capitalists…. Or just the cynical opportunists who would use peoples good intentions and fears to increase their own power.
It’s about punishing those rich capitalist nations and people, for not being poor socialists… Or just for “not doing things the RIGHT way”…. whatever that particular person or group happens to think the “right” way is.
It isn’t science, it’s a pseudo-scientific sociopolitical ideological movement, and near religion. The adherents don’t need any proof, because they have faith; and any who challenge that faith must be burned as heretics in their new inquisition. | <urn:uuid:c8fb7fa8-200a-41c2-a17d-555737b55916> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://thelibertypapers.org/categories/economics/energy-policy/ | 2024-02-29T11:23:36Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.951294 | 1,900 | 6 |
September 24, 2021
If you are into fashion, you tuned in to the most awaited event of the year: The Met Gala, which is the fashion equivalent to the Oscars. It was led by the Editor-in-Chief of Vogue, Anna Wintour.
The Gala is a fundraising benefit for the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City and welcomes famous stars, influencers, models, and young creatives to convene in the year’s most over-the-top looks. Past themes over the years have included camp, religion, punk, and more. Guests appearances such as Rihanna, Beyonce, Nicki Minaj, Zendaya, Kim Kardashian, Kendall Jenner, Lady Gaga, Ariana Grande, and so many more have made notable arrivals for a consecutive amount of years.
This year’s Gala theme was “In America: A Lexicon of Fashion,” and sadly I wasn’t a fan of how this year’s looks turned out. It wanted to focus on everything surrounding American fashion. Andrew Bolton, the Wendy Yu Curator in Charge of the Costume Institute, stated “I really do believe that I think young designers, in particular, are at the vanguard of discussions about diversity and inclusion, as well as sustainability and transparency,” he told Vogue. “ But, compared to previous Met Gala’s, this one was very underwhelming.
There were so many people that I was looking forward to seeing what they would wear; I expected so much more, but it seemed as if the designers were struggling to find pieces that represented America because a good amount of the designers were influenced by European pieces and works of art for an American theme!
Considering what the whole concept of this year’s Met is, I find that very ironic. So, I wish they stepped more outside of the box. The Met Gala is supposed to be extravagant, and, with these celebs having a team of people making ideas for what to design, you would think they could be more creative.
A lot of looks this year were either very simple, basic, predictable, or just didn’t match the theme at all. It was an incredibly vague and broad theme as well, and there were so many opportunities to do things such as disco, Motown, classic rock & roll, American cowboys, the Roaring 20’s sportswear, old Hollywood, and the list goes on and on.
Fortunately, on May 2, 2022, according to The Costume Institution, there will be another Met that will feature men and women’s historical dress dating from the 18th century to modern times. So, I’m curious as to how that will turn out.
My Favorite Met Gala Looks:
- Iman Harris Reed
- Lupita Nyong’o
- Anok Yai
- Yara Shahidi
- Quannah Chasinghorse
- Emily Blunt
- Imaan Hammam
- Jeremy Pope | <urn:uuid:6aa2aca0-36e0-4926-b305-977ce7b9916e> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://thesirenlppacs.com/3127/uncategorized/the-2021-met-gala-review/ | 2024-02-29T12:16:45Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.97448 | 638 | 1 |
The next tank hero in Overwatch 2, the follow-up to Blizzard Entertainment’s well-liked team-based shooting game, is called Mauga Overwatch. Mauga is an astute and captivating Samoan warrior who serves as a hired gun for the evil Talon organization. He can throw down a barrier that imprisons himself and his opponents in a cage battle, and he carries two strong chain guns that can rip through opponents at close range. We shall discuss the identity of Mauga Overwatch, his powers, his past, and his release date in this blog article.
Who is Mauga Overwatch?
Mauga Overwatch is the first hero to be unveiled for Overwatch 2, and he is the 39th and 11th tank hero overall. He is a male hero who, together with Doom fist, Moira, Widow maker, Reaper, and Sombra, is a member of the Talon faction. He is a big, strong man with cybernetic modifications all over his body, including metal plates and a second heart. He has tattoos on his face and arms, a beard, and a mohawk haircut. He wields two chain guns on his back and is dressed in crimson and black armour with the Talon emblem on his breast.
What are Mauga Overwatch’s abilities?
Mauga Overwatch’s abilities are designed to make him a formidable brawler who can charge into enemy lines and cause havoc. His abilities are:
Primary Fire: Mauga Overwatch does damage to opponents in front of him by firing his chainguns quickly. He doesn’t have to reload for a lengthy period when firing, but his movement speed is slower.
Secondary firing: Mauga Overwatch rotates his chainguns, causing more spread and recoil in addition to an increase in firing rate and damage. In close quarters, he may utilise this mode to take out opponents, but he must exercise caution to maintain control and precision.
Ability 1: When Mauga Overwatch delivers critical damage to an enemy, he enters a berserker state and temporarily gains health. He may prolong his survival in battle by using this talent to nourish himself.
Mauga Overwatch’s second ability is to create a barrier that encloses both himself and his adversaries in a circle. While he is inside the barrier, he also receives infinite ammunition, which lets him use all of his weaponry. With this power, he may neutralise and destroy adversaries or defend himself and his friends against external dangers.
Ultimate: Mauga Overwatch throws foes upwards by charging ahead and stomping the earth. When he is charging, there is no stopping him; he cannot be shocked or knocked back. With this power, he may start battles, break apart opposing formations, or flee from harm.
Mauga: Unveiling the Warrior Within:
- Brawler at Heart: Mauga specialises in close-quarters combat, boasting abilities like:
- Rocket Hammer: Launches enemies away, disrupting formations and creating chaos.
- Island Hopper: Charges forward, knocking back foes and providing mobility.
- Clobbering: A powerful AoE slam that damages and stuns nearby enemies.
- Ultimate Ability: Chieftain’s Challenge: Mauga taunts enemies, forcing them to attack him while boosting his defenses and empowering his attacks.
- Potential Gameplay Impact: Mauga’s aggressive playstyle could redefine tank roles, focusing on disruption and brawling alongside traditional defence. His ultimate might enables clutch plays and turn the tide of battle.
What is Mauga Overwatch’s backstory?
The short tale “What You Left Behind,” which was published in June 2023 as a tie-in for the Baptiste Reunion Challenge event, reveals the history of Mauga Overwatch. The plot centres on Baptiste, a former Talon agent who turned mercenary after defecting, and follows him as he meets up with Mauga and his old team in Haiti. According to the account, Mauga belonged to the Samoan eco-rebel organisation Deepsea Raiders before joining Talon. After an injury that almost killed him, he also got another artificial heart, which changed his perspective on life. He grew to be Baptiste’s close buddy and a devoted disciple of Talon’s leader, Doom fist. He did, however, also exhibit traits of a psychopath and a sadist, relishing the chaos and carnage of his missions. Baptiste ultimately managed to escape and face him after he deceived him and attempted to murder him. A cliffhanger occurs at the end of the novel, with Mauga and Baptiste facing off in a decisive battle.
When will Mauga Overwatch be released?
Mauga Overwatch and Overwatch 2, the Overwatch sequel that was revealed at BlizzCon in November 2023, will be available together. There will be new characters, maps, modes, narrative mode, and other elements in Overwatch 2, including hero customization and advancement. Although an official release date for Overwatch 2 has not yet been announced, several leaks and rumours indicate that it will likely premiere in late 2024 or early 2025. Given that Overwatch and Overwatch 2 will have the same multiplayer mode and hero roster, Mauga Overwatch will be among the new characters that may be played in both games. Mauga Overwatch will play a part in Overwatch 2’s narrative mode as one of the adversaries the Overwatch heroes will have to deal with.
Mauga Overwatch is the new tank hero that will be added to Overwatch 2, the sequel to the popular team-based shooter game by Blizzard Entertainment. Mauga is a charismatic and cunning Samoan warrior who works as a mercenary for the villainous organisation Talon. He wields two powerful chainguns that can shred his enemies at close range, and he can deploy a barrier that traps himself and his foes in a cage fight. Mauga’s abilities are designed to make him a formidable brawler who can charge into enemy lines and cause havoc. Mauga’s backstory is revealed in the short story “What You Left Behind,” which follows his relationship with Baptiste, a former Talon operative who defected and became a mercenary. Mauga will be released along with Overwatch 2, which is expected to launch in late 2024 or early 2025, and he will also have a role in the story mode of the game. Mauga Overwatch is a new hero that will bring a new level of excitement and challenge to the Overwatch universe.
- When is Mauga officially released? No official release date has been announced yet, but rumors point towards Spring 2024.
- What are his strengths and weaknesses? Strengths include high damage output, disruption potential, and self-sustainability. Weaknesses might include vulnerability to ranged attacks and limited crowd control abilities.
- How will he impact existing tank synergies? His aggressive playstyle could complement dive compositions, while his disruption might challenge traditional shield-based strategies.
- Will he receive balance adjustments? Likely, as Blizzard monitors his performance and player feedback to ensure a healthy meta.
- How can I learn more about Mauga? Keep an eye on the official Overwatch channels and community forums for updates and gameplay demonstrations. | <urn:uuid:696def7b-8f55-4b3c-9b41-8744f2c995bb> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://tonileland.com/mauga-overwatch/ | 2024-02-29T11:38:13Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.961489 | 1,479 | 1 |
Experience Real World Infrastructure Projects
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The games/simulations are played within the framework of specific PPP contracts, during their implementation phase. A series of contractual events take place during the game sessions to which game participants must react and make decisions, with the support of expert facilitators. A debriefing takes place at the end of each game to reflect on the decisions taken during the workshop.
Participation in the session offers hands-on training and capacity-building to both public and private practitioners with an opportunity to work as closely as possible on a real-life project over its lifespan.
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Obbe Wassenaar is a Senior Advisor and is a specialist in the procurement of public-private partnerships. His main role is to advise on the structuring and procurement of PPP projects, mostly in infrastructure. Obbe’s experience ranges from a broad range of projects both locally and internationally related to infrastructure, office buildings, utilities, harbours, Smart Cities, IT and water projects. He is a specialist in the competitive dialogue tendering process and has trained and mentored more than 20 project teams both in the Netherlands and internationally.
Jean-Isamu Taguchi is a Doctor of Law specialized in infrastructure development. He wrote his Ph.D. thesis on the sustainability in PPPs in economic infrastructures. He works with Madenco on the development of sustainability issues of PPP eSimulations. Jean-Isamu has also worked for the World Bank and the EIB in their respective PPP departments as a consultant, developing knowledge management products and providing advice on the scope and structure of PPPs in the waste management and transport sectors.
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Sign up to learn more about Toraza’s programming and download our Training Catalogue. | <urn:uuid:56ea8198-443d-4d6a-a02b-04d747e45a8b> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://toraza.ca/simulations | 2024-02-29T13:00:27Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.929579 | 480 | 1 |
A 3,400 year-old city emerged from the Tigris River in Iraq due to a drought, revealing the hidden civilization. A team of archaeologists rushed to the Mosul reservoir, located in northern Iraq and includes the Mosul Dam (once known as Saddam Dam) to investigate the old city. Archaeologists say that the lost city is the ancient city of ‘Zakhiku’.
The lost city actually emerged earlier this year, after a long period of extreme drought in the country led to large amounts of water being drawn from the reservoir to irrigate crops. This all caused water levels to fall.
Amidst all of the excavated findings were ‘several large buildings, a huge fortification and an extensive city’.
The Universities of Freiburg and Tubingen were fast reacting as the reservoir on the Tigris River dried up, revealing the historical wonder. They had to rush to investigate before the site was submerged again. The excavation was led by Chairman of the Kurdistan Archaeology Organization, Dr. Hasan Ahmed Qasim, Dr. Ivana Puljiz from the University of Freiburg, and Dr. Peter Pfälzner from the University of Tübingen.
In 2018 archaeologists partially discovered the site. This time was the first time a team of archaeologists thoroughly excavated the site.
Tigris River reveals Iraq is home to submerged Bronze Age ancient city
The university explained that Iraq is “one of the countries in the world most affected by climate change” and that “to prevent crops from drying out, large amounts of water have been drawn down from the Mosul reservoir – Iraq’s most important water storage – since December.”
The university added: “The extensive city with a palace and several large buildings could be ancient Zakhiku – believed to have been an important center in the Mittani Empire (ca. 1550-1350 BC).”
A team was hastily formed in days to explore this Bronze Age ancient city. Funding was also quickly secured from the Fritz Thyssen Foundation through the University of Freiburg.
The university added: “The German-Kurdish archaeological team was under immense time pressure because it was not clear when the water in the reservoir would rise again.”
Reports reveal that researchers covered the excavated buildings with tight-fitting plastic sheets and gravel to avoid damage when underwater. The university confirmed that the site is now once more entirely submerged. | <urn:uuid:cb24381f-0b2d-4fd2-9cb0-e58979944d93> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://travelnoire.com/the-underwater-lost-city-of-zakhiku-resurfaces-3400-years-later-on-tigris-river/ | 2024-02-29T10:40:05Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.971244 | 505 | 1 |
There are many advantages to using an electric outboard motor when fishing on a lake.
- Manipulate your position
- Quietness in approach and presence
- Reduction of impact on the environment
- Use of clean energy
Using a remote to control the electric motor gives Gary the ability to keep his eyes on the fishing action without having to focus on starting the motor.
Higher end models have GPS spotlock, which holds your position securely moored, saves putting out an anchor. | <urn:uuid:cc7116d5-ad2e-46b4-9d3c-1c70795d8324> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://troutterritory.com.au/benefits-of-an-electric-outboard-motor/ | 2024-02-29T11:00:44Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.921577 | 98 | 1 |
Labour union Solidarity appealed to a court to overturn the state of disaster declared by President Cyril Ramaphosa to deal with the energy crisis.
The union is arguing the electricity crisis does not meet the definition of a disaster in terms of the relevant legislation, existing laws can adequately manage the crisis, the declaration of a state of disaster does not serve a clear purpose and there was improper political interference in declaring the decree, it said in a statement.
“The government itself is the cause of the electricity disaster and it cannot declare itself a disaster, thereby obtaining extraordinary powers to address the disaster,” said the union’s CEO Dirk Hermann
Government will probably take on R140bn of Eskom’s guaranteed debt in the fiscal year through March 2024, followed by an additional R50bn and R30bn respectively in the next two years as the power utility goes on to meet predetermined financial and operational targets, RMB Morgan Stanley analysts led by Andrea Masia said in note published on Tuesday.
The department of mineral resources & energy and energy will issue a request for proposals for 513MW of battery storage by the end of the month, energy minister Gwede Mantashe said in a speech.
It also plans to issue request for proposals for 3,000MW of gas-fuelled generation by the end of the current financial year and up to 5,000MW subject to grid capacity availability for the seventh bid window.
The ongoing energy crisis has caused rolling blackouts, weakened the rand and forced the declaration of a state of disaster.
An alternative asset manager is touting a new fund that it said will help alleviate that crisis and make investors a healthy return.
Grovest’s Twelve B Green Energy Fund will ultimately seek to deploy as much as R1bn annually, CEO Jeff Miller said in an interview, while noting its current pipeline is about a tenth of that. It will use the funds to invest in solar panels, inverters and batteries in residential complexes, commercial buildings and industrial buildings.
Eskom, named as the world’s biggest sulphur dioxide emitter, is seeking approval to release more of the pollutant linked to ailments ranging from asthma to heart attacks.
The move is part of an attempt by the company to reduce the level of temporary blackouts as a result of its inability to meet demand.
Eskom will cut 3,000MW of power from the national grid from 5am to 4pm and 4,000MW from 4pm to 5am until further notice, the utility said on Twitter on Sunday.
Ramaphosa blindsided the ruling ANC by reneging on a party resolution to place the state power utility under the control of the energy ministry and faces criticism for appointing an electricity minister within his office.
He declared a state of disaster last Thursday over the energy crisis hobbling the economy. The measure will enable the government to bypass regulatory hurdles as it seeks to repair broken power plants and procure emergency electricity to end outages that have extended to as long as 12 hours a day since the start of the year.
View original article here. | <urn:uuid:8d01a528-0b2c-4513-a71d-0205de5d69c0> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://twelveb.co.za/union-seeks-to-overturn-state-of-disaster-to-deal-with-energy-crisis/ | 2024-02-29T11:21:23Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.95386 | 635 | 2 |
ATLANTA — Spring is on the way, and that means lawns, gardens, and other forms of greenery will soon be bursting with vibrant life. From blades of grass that mowers cannot reach to pesky weeds that need attention, Weed Eater Guides is ready to help ensure that every home looks great this spring. The company’s brand-new 2017 weed eater buying guide and reviews at include all the information and analysis readers will need to make the best possible buying decisions.
New 2017 buying guides for hedge trimmers, garden tillers, lawn mowers, leaf blowers, and other outdoor tools will likewise help visitors to keep lawns and gardens looking beautiful this spring and throughout the rest of the year. With a huge range of timely, informative buying guides and reviews to choose from, Weed Eater Guides also hosts a vast collection of garden tips, an in-depth how-to section, and a regularly updated blog. With spring not far off, there is no better way to gear up for all the lawn and garden care to come than with a visit to Weed Eater Guides.
“We enjoy a fairly mild wintertime climate here in Atlanta, but it’s with the end of March that the frost-free growing season truly begins,” said Weed Eater Guides founder and veteran professional landscaper Mike Evans, “That means people all over the area, along with others throughout the US and much of the Northern Hemisphere, are soon going to be turning their thoughts to gardening and lawn care. We’ve been working diligently here at Weed Eater Guides in recent months to make sure to have a huge selection of buying guides and reviews to offer, all up to date for 2017. From lawn mowers and hedge trimmers to the weed eaters that give the site its name, we think anyone who appreciates the tools that make a great-looking yard possible will enjoy stopping by for a visit.”
According to a 2015 report published by research firm Packaged Facts, the American lawn and garden care equipment market alone accounts for more than $10 billion in average annual spending. Sales of powered equipment make up over two-thirds of that total, with battery-powered tools becoming notably more popular in recent years.
Weed Eater Guides is a leading online authority on lawn and garden care equipment, as well as other tools that make work around the home easier. With a special focus on producing reliable, useful guides and reviews that save readers time and help them make more satisfying purchases, Weed Eater Guides has something for everyone who appreciates a great looking lawn, garden, or home. As many of the site’s guides have now been updated for 2017 and the imminent arrival of spring, there has never been a better time to stop by to have a look.
About Weed Eater Guides:
Covering weed eaters, lawn mowers, hedge trimmers, and more, Weed Eater Guides offers up well-researched buying guides and reviews that readers can trust and rely upon. | <urn:uuid:0982268a-52c5-41bb-b795-535eccf2918d> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://unlocka.net/with-spring-almost-here-weed-eater-guides-is-ready-to-help-readers-gear-up.html | 2024-02-29T13:23:09Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.957403 | 618 | 1 |
VEKA produces rigid dry-blend (powder) virgin PVC-U compound in shades of white, cream and natural; the natural material can be coloured by adding masterbatch on the extrusion line; if customers are not familiar with this technology then we can provide guidance.
VEKA will typically supply a 22-bag load with 1 bag being approximately 1 metric tonne, and this can be delivered on transport arranged by VEKA. A full 22-bag load can comprise a mix of different formulations, and smaller loads can be produced for collection by the customer. Compound is typically made to order with a 3-4 working day lead-time, however we can also hold stock of customer specific formulations by prior agreement.
Our dedicated compound mixing plant in Burnley produces virgin PVC-U material only, however our subsidiary – VEKA Recycling based in Wellingborough – can supply recycled PVC-U pellets in white and grey: https://www.veka-compounds.uk/
Our in-house laboratory can formulate material to the customers specified performance level, including processing temperatures, impact resistance and UV stability, supported by extensive inbound and outbound materials testing, as well as complete batch traceability.
VEKA mixes all PVC-U compound formulations in our dedicated multi-component mixing plant located on our main UK site in Burnley, Lancashire.
Simply complete the enquiry form on the website or email [email protected] today for a detailed consultation.
Our advanced on-site laboratory and multi-component mixing plant enables us to develop and test customer specific formulations in-house plus we can carry out trial runs of compound on site using our own extruders prior to sending to customers for their own trials.
No! In the UK VEKA has extrudes bespoke profiles for many customers across a wide range of product types and markets, and has done so for many years; VEKA continues to invest in developing and growing this important aspect of our UK business, we just don’t shout about it as maintaining customer confidentiality is paramount.
VEKA can extrude products in whatever colour is required; we use masterbatch technology which means that with the exception of whites and creams, we add colour pigment on the extrusion line, eliminating any risk of contamination in the compound mixing process and enabling us to do shorter runs. VEKA UK also has a lamination plant on our Burnley site enabling us to laminate product with colour foils from VEKA’s own SPECTRAL range, as well as brands such as Renolit and HornSchuch.
VEKA can extrude products from rigid PVC-U in either 100% virgin form, or co-extruded using a mixture of recycled material – usually for the base or core – In combination with a UV-stable virgin skin. We can also extrude material from 100% recycled PVC-U where weatherability is not required. In addition, we can co-extrude gasket seals on the extrusion line.
Sorry, no results matched your search. Please clear the search box and try again. | <urn:uuid:38b8af56-3c1a-47f2-ab1d-4d67f4fa54fa> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://vekauk.com/faqs/customer-questions/ | 2024-02-29T12:05:53Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.930017 | 642 | 1 |
My name is Samara Flug. I am the Director of Business Operations at Vertical Harvest, in Jackson. This role is responsible for building cross-functional processes, strategy, and structure to help increase overall efficiency, support, and cohesiveness as we grow. I was attracted to working at VH because I am passionate about creating better products and making them accessible to more people. When I moved to Jackson, Vertical Harvests’ mission resonated with me by focusing on food access, sustainability, and building a more conscious, inclusive business. I am so excited to be a part of such an amazing team doing important work with a lot of exciting goals on the horizon. My favorite product that we grow at the greenhouse is the Citrus Blend of microgreens! They go well with everything and I have been making arugula salads with the Citrus Blend, pistachios, and peaches every week this summer. I did, however, get to taste a borage flower on my greenhouse tour (thank you Charlotte and Johnny!) and I immediately fell in love with the flavor. In my spare time, I love cooking (especially making soups!), trail running, biking, skiing, and folk music.
Gary Endecott – Vertical Harvest headshot coming soon!!
My name is Gary Endecott/G$$. I am working in the Packaging Department. I came to work for Vertical Harvest because of Sean Stone and Caroline! I love to ski, mountain bike, go to the rodeo and work at the Moose hockey games. I am also a mountain host at Jackson Hole Mountain Resort. I also love spending time with my family and friends. I really enjoy picking on Sean Stone…we have been friends for 11 years! And I love being called by my nickname, G-Money$$!
I am Noah Rial and I am the Fulfillment Lead. I am excited to work at Vertical Harvest because of the awesome people growing awesome greens. My favorite VH product is definitely the Spicy Mix microgreens! I love putting them on my sandwiches to add some fun spice. In my free time, I love to ride my bike and skateboard.
My name is Jojo Denmark and I am the packaging manager at the greenhouse. I came to work at Vertical Harvest because I have always admired what VH stands for and the quality product the greenhouse produces. When I was interested in working here, I had a few friends who worked here/knew people who worked here & everyone had the most positive/outstanding things to say about VH, so of course I wanted to try & be a part of the team! My favorite product that we grow at VH is the beet power. I LOVE IT! There’s just something about those little beet petites that just tastes so yummy & makes me happy. In my free time, I try to spend a lot of my free time outside with friends and loved ones. Typically in the summer I’m either biking, playing ball/frisbee with my dog Archie, or doing some form of an art project (lately it’s been cyanotype). In the winter, classically in Jackson, I love to snowboard and apres! I’m super excited to be a part of the VH team and I already feel so welcomed and supported here!
My name is Charlotte Hadley and I am a Senior Farm Associate at Vertical Harvest. Something that brought me to the greenhouse is the fact that I am an advocate for sustainability, community health, equity, inclusion and revolutionizing our food systems. Vertical Harvest sparked my interest from the moment I stepped foot in Jackson, as an all- encompassing company looking to change lives and doing it through growing food. My favorite product that we grow at VH is the Sweet Mix. I love it and it’s so tasty for salads. In my free time, I love all outdoor activities with friends but I especially love to ski, mountain bike, rock-climb, practice yoga, sing, play ukulele and cook!
My name is Connor Engelmann and I am a farm associate in the racks/microgreens department. I help seed, harvest, and problem solve. I was largely attracted to Vertical Harvest because of employment model. My younger sister has Down syndrome, and it really means a lot working for a company that prioritizes hiring people of differing abilities. When it comes to my favorite product that we grow in the greenhouse, I really love the Beet Power mix, especially in my morning smoothie! The cilantro is a close second. In my free time I love to trail run, read, bake, and cook.
My name is Monique Cardillo. I just started as the Local Sales Manager for Jackson, helping to share our product with our local community. Originally, wholesome mission and strong community values are what I was drawn to at Vertical Harvest. But once I met the team, I was certain that I wanted to be part of the inspiring and supportive group of individuals who work here. My favorite product that we grow in the greenhouse changes daily, if not hourly. Currently, I’ve been reaching for our Dr. Feel Good microblend mix again and again, which paired perfectly with my smoked salmon breakfast this morning. During my free time, skiing gets me most excited. But when there is no snow afoot, I prefer to be outside and love all activities that take me there; especially running, boating, fishing, hiking, backpacking, climbing, and gardening. | <urn:uuid:110bbe9e-6a25-43fb-95b0-97fd8cb40d32> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://verticalharvestfarms.com/welcome-to-vertical-harvest-farms-interview-with-new-employees/ | 2024-02-29T12:16:40Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00200.warc.gz | en | 0.955336 | 1,138 | 2 |
Subsets and Splits