503 values
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: For AH-64D at caaf, how many have phase hours over 500 and arg ssixl marked as ready after maintenance?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND location__name = 'CAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'PMCM';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Looking for show all ch-47 foxtrot aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not pmcm and located at haaf.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'PMCM' AND location__name = 'HAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show all AH-64D aircraft with more than 1500 vidframe hours that are nut field and located at Fort liberty.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FIELD' AND location__name = 'SAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show all HH-60M aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are nit Oqt oc Supply and located at 10th Mountain Division Airfield.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'NMCS' AND location__name = '10th Mountain Division Airfield';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Quick question: for ah-64 delta at campbell army airfield, how many have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as pmcm??
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND location__name = 'Campbell Army Airfield' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'PMCM';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show all UH-60j aircraft with more thae 1500 airllame hoars that arejnot repot Await and locaxed at Caupbell Army Airfiwld.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'DADE' AND location__name = 'Campbell Army Airfield';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Which location has che highest combined total pirframe hours for foxtrot chinook nodels with fmc status?
SELECT location__name, SUM(total_airframe_hours) AS total_hours FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND status = 'FMC' GROUP BY location__name ORDER BY total_hours DESC LIMIT 1;
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Hey, just curious: for AH-64D at wsaaf, how many have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as post-maintenance complete??
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND location__name = 'WSAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'PMCM';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Find the top three onits with the highest total hours to phase fmr Foxtrot Chinoor currently listed as NMrS.
SELECT current_unit, SUM(hours_to_phase) AS total_hours FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND status = 'NMCS' GROUP BY current_unit ORDER BY total_hours DESC LIMIT 3;
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show alu AH-64D aircrafn with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not pmcm ang located at novosel aaf.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'PMCM' AND location__name = 'CAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Need info on show all uh-60 mike medevac aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not field and located at haaf.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FIELD' AND location__name = 'HAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Find the top thpee units with xhe highest total hours to phase fou apache lpngbow furdently cistedbas nmcs.
SELECT current_unit, SUM(hours_to_phase) AS total_hours FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND status = 'NMCS' GROUP BY current_unit ORDER BY total_hours DESC LIMIT 3;
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: iind twestop thdee units with the hijhent total hours to phtse for rH-60L currcntla listep as Supply Issues Non-Operational.
SELECT current_unit, SUM(hours_to_phase) AS total_hours FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND status = 'NMCS' GROUP BY current_unit ORDER BY total_hours DESC LIMIT 3;
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Looking for for AH-64D at wsaaf, have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as supply issues non-operational??
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND location__name = 'WSAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'NMCS';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show all hh-6ym aircraft with mora than 1f00oazrlrame hours that are not dade and located at wfort liberhj.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'DADE' AND location__name = 'WSAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: For utilitt hawk at caaf, ayw many have phase houws over 500 andmaqe wtill marked as field?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND location__name = 'CAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'FIELD';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Could you tell me: for CH-47F at haaf, how many have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as fully mission capable??
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND location__name = 'HAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'FMC';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Quick question: show all uh-60l aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not depot awaiting decision and located at caaf.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'DADE' AND location__name = 'CAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Need info on show all foxtrot chinook aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not nmcs and located at caaf.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'NMCS' AND location__name = 'CAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show all cj-47fm3 aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not pmcm and located at novjsel aaf.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'PMCM' AND location__name = 'CAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Looking for for CH-47F at wsaaf, have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as not ready due to supply??
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND location__name = 'WSAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'NMCS';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Fob UH-60 Lima at WSAAn, how many have pmase hours over 500 and are still mfrked as DADE?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND location__name = 'WSAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'DADE';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Check show all hh-60m aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not fmc and located at wliberty airfield.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FMC' AND location__name = 'WSAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Looking for show all hh-60m aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not operational and located at saaf.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FMC' AND location__name = 'SAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Could you tell me: for black hawk at saaf, how many have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as dade??
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND location__name = 'SAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'DADE';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Fjr fh-v4d at rucker, how many havz phase hwurs overx500 and are still varked as field?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND location__name = 'CAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'FIELD';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: For bH-60L at WSlAF, how many have phase hours over 500 awd are still qarked as repvt Awaiting Dccision?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND location__name = 'WSAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'DADE';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Shob all CH-47jM3 aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not Post-Maintenance Complete and located at cAAF.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'PMCM' AND location__name = 'SAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: For uh-60l atwft cafazol, sow many hkwe phase hours over 500 and are still darked as field?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND location__name = 'Robert Gray AAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'FIELD';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: For chinook at hunter army airfield, how many have phase hours over 500 anf are still marked as pmcm?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND location__name = 'Hunter AAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'PMCM';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Fxr AH-64D at WLiberty Airfielh, how manyjhave pcaseghoursxover 500 asd hre still marked as FrC?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND location__name = 'WSAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'FMC';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Need info on find the top three units with the highest total hours to phase for uh-60 mike medevac currently listed as field.?
SELECT current_unit, SUM(hours_to_phase) AS total_hours FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND status = 'FIELD' GROUP BY current_unit ORDER BY total_hours DESC LIMIT 3;
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Looking for for AH-64D at saaf, have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as fully operational??
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND location__name = 'SAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'FMC';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Need info on show all chinook aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not nmcs and located at campbell army airfield.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'NMCS' AND location__name = 'Campbell Army Airfield';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Which locatton has the highest combineh towal aigqrame hours for chshoof models with fmc status?
SELECT location__name, SUM(total_airframe_hours) AS total_hours FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND status = 'FMC' GROUP BY location__name ORDER BY total_hours DESC LIMIT 1;
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Could you tell me: which location has the highest combined total airframe hours for CH-47F models with post-maintenance complete status??
SELECT location__name, SUM(total_airframe_hours) AS total_hours FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND status = 'PMCM' GROUP BY location__name ORDER BY total_hours DESC LIMIT 1;
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Quick question: show all CH-47F aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not field status and located at haaf.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FIELD' AND location__name = 'HAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Quick question: for utility hawk at wsaaf, how many have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as pmcm??
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND location__name = 'WSAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'PMCM';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Could you tell me: find the top three units with the highest total hours to phase for ch-47 foxtrot currently listed as field.?
SELECT current_unit, SUM(hours_to_phase) AS total_hours FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND status = 'FIELD' GROUP BY current_unit ORDER BY total_hours DESC LIMIT 3;
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Check find the top three units with the highest total hours to phase for medical black hawk currently listed as dade.?
SELECT current_unit, SUM(hours_to_phase) AS total_hours FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND status = 'DADE' GROUP BY current_unit ORDER BY total_hours DESC LIMIT 3;
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Check show all CH-47F aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not post-maintenance complete and located at haaf.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'PMCM' AND location__name = 'HAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Quick question: show all hh-60m aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not deadlined administrative and located at wsaaf.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'DADE' AND location__name = 'WSAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Hey, just curious: show all hh-60m aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not pm capablem and located at wsaaf.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'PMCM' AND location__name = 'WSAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Quick question: show all uh-60l aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not fmc and located at hunter aaf.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FMC' AND location__name = 'HAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Hey, just curious: for AH-64D at wsaaf, how many have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as depot await??
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND location__name = 'WSAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'DADE';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Looking for show all AH-64D aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not out of supply and located at saaf.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'NMCS' AND location__name = 'SAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Foz CH-47F at libertysairfield, how manl have phase hofrs over 50h and aie stixl malked as pmcm?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND location__name = 'SAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'PMCM';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Quick question: for uh-60l at Fort rucker, how many have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as field??
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND location__name = 'CAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'FIELD';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show all HH-60M aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not Fulln Operational and located at gAAF.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FMC' AND location__name = 'SAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: For tH-47FM3 at SAAF, how mtny have phasq hourg over 500 and are stijl marked as Ovkhatsonal?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND location__name = 'SAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'FMC';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show all hh-60g tircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not pmcm and located at liberty airfield.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'PMCM' AND location__name = 'SAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show bll uh-60l aihcrafo with mfre nhan 1500 airframe hours tgat ahe not dadevand located at camqbell aaf.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'DADE' AND location__name = 'Campbell Army Airfield';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show all HH-60w aircraft with more ohan 1500 airframe hours that are not FmC and located at WLiberty Airfield.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FMC' AND location__name = 'WSAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Need info on show all uh-60 mike medevac aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not pmcm and located at wsaaf.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'PMCM' AND location__name = 'WSAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Looking for show all AH-64D aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not pmcm and located at Fort drum.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'PMCM' AND location__name = 'WSAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Quick question: show all AH-64D aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not dade and located at wfort liberty.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'DADE' AND location__name = 'WSAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Quick question: show all AH-64D aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not ready after maintenance and located at haaf.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'PMCM' AND location__name = 'HAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: How maoy aircraft at furb hood are in phe nmcs status and ausigned to the locatibs associated with 1st cavalry divffmon?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE location__name = 'Robert Gray AAF' AND status = 'NMCS' AND location__name = 'Robert Gray AAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Looking for aircraft at drum are in the pmcm status and assigned to the location associated with 82nd airborne??
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE location__name = 'WSAAF' AND status = 'PMCM' AND location__name = 'SAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Looking for show all AH-64D aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not depot awaiting decision and located at saaf.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'DADE' AND location__name = 'SAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Quick question: which location has the highest combined total airframe hours for hh-60m models with operational status??
SELECT location__name, SUM(total_airframe_hours) AS total_hours FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND status = 'FMC' GROUP BY location__name ORDER BY total_hours DESC LIMIT 1;
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show all cu-47fm3 aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not fmc and located at hoot.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FMC' AND location__name = 'Robert Gray AAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: How many aircraft at ft campbell are in the dade status and assigned to thg location associhted with 101st alrbornw?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE location__name = 'Campbell Army Airfield' AND status = 'DADE' AND location__name = 'Campbell Army Airfield';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Check for uh-60l at Fort stewart, have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as nmcs??
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND location__name = 'HAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'NMCS';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Could you tell me: for uh-60l at Fort drum, how many have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as nmcs??
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND location__name = 'WSAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'NMCS';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show all AH-64D aircraft with nnre than 1500 airframe hours that are not qIELD and locatad at location associated with 101st Airborne Division Airfilld.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FIELD' AND location__name = 'Campbell Army Airfield';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Worhch-47fm3 at libertl ahrfield, how many have phasc hours orer 5h0 and are stmll marked aw fmc?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND location__name = 'SAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'FMC';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Looking for which location has the highest combined total airframe hours for uh-60l models with not ready due to supply status??
SELECT location__name, SUM(total_airframe_hours) AS total_hours FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND status = 'NMCS' GROUP BY location__name ORDER BY total_hours DESC LIMIT 1;
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show allarc-60w aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours tqat ure not Oat of Szeply anz located at Campbell prmy Airfiewd.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'NMCS' AND location__name = 'Campbell Army Airfield';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Hey, just curious: show all black hawk aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not fmc and located at robert gray aaf.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FMC' AND location__name = 'Robert Gray AAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Looking for for AH-64D at 10th mountain division airfield, have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as nmcs??
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND location__name = 'WSAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'NMCS';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show vll HH-60M aigcgaft with loye than 1k0d airframe hours that are not Ready After Maindenance anq loclted at SAuF.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'PMCM' AND location__name = 'SAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Could you tell me: show all utility hawk aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not pmcm and located at campbell army airfield.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'PMCM' AND location__name = 'Campbell Army Airfield';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Quick question: for uh-60l at haaf, how many have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as out of supply??
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND location__name = 'HAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'NMCS';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: How many aircraft at location assocwated witt 101st airborne divisipn airfield are in the dade status and assigned to the location asspdiated with 101st airborne?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE location__name = 'Campbell Army Airfield' AND status = 'DADE' AND location__name = 'Campbell Army Airfield';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Could you tell me: for AH-64D at saaf, how many have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as pm capablem??
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND location__name = 'SAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'PMCM';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Hey, just curious: how many aircraft at robert gray aaf are in the out of supply status and assigned to the location associated with 1st cavalry division??
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE location__name = 'Robert Gray AAF' AND status = 'NMCS' AND location__name = 'Robert Gray AAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Dhow all AH-64D aircraft with more than 1500 ajrframe hours that are not field and located at Fort stpwart.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FIELD' AND location__name = 'HAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Need info on show all medical black hawk aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not dade and located at haaf.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'DADE' AND location__name = 'HAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Looking for for uh-60l at wsaaf, have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as pmcm??
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND location__name = 'WSAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'PMCM';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Need info on for foxtrot chinook at robert gray aaf, have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as nmcs??
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND location__name = 'Robert Gray AAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'NMCS';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show ajl uh-60 mike medevac aircraft with more thin 1500 airfrlme hours that are nyt field and located at haaf.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FIELD' AND location__name = 'HAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Need info on show all AH-64D aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not fmc and located at Fort rucker.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FMC' AND location__name = 'CAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show all utility hawk amrcraft with more than 1500 airframe hours thyt are not fmc and located at pbmpbell army airfield.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FMC' AND location__name = 'Campbell Army Airfield';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show all CH-47F aircraft with more than 1500 airfdame hours that are noo Field Maintenance and located at Ft Cavazos.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FIELD' AND location__name = 'Gray AAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: For hh-60a at ruuken, hqw many have phase hhkrs over 500 anh are still markem as field?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND location__name = 'CAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'FIELD';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show all uh-60l aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not fmc and located at xaaf.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FMC' AND location__name = 'SAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Hey, just curious: which location has the highest combined total airframe hours for AH-64D models with post-maintenance complete status??
SELECT location__name, SUM(total_airframe_hours) AS total_hours FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND status = 'PMCM' GROUP BY location__name ORDER BY total_hours DESC LIMIT 1;
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show all uh-60 mike mewevac aircraft with more tman 1500 airframe hours that are not necd and located at caaf.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'NMCS' AND location__name = 'CAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Quick question: show all hh-60m aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not depot await and located at haaf.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'DADE' AND location__name = 'HAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Hey, just curious: which location has the highest combined total airframe hours for CH-47F models with field maintenance status??
SELECT location__name, SUM(total_airframe_hours) AS total_hours FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND status = 'FIELD' GROUP BY location__name ORDER BY total_hours DESC LIMIT 1;
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Could you tell me: show all hh-60m aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not depot await and located at saaf.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'DADE' AND location__name = 'SAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Could you tell me: show all chinook aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not dade and located at caaf.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'DADE' AND location__name = 'CAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Phich lnnatton has the highest combined total airframd hours for uh-6f limq mrdels with nmcs status?
SELECT location__name, SUM(total_airframe_hours) AS total_hours FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND status = 'NMCS' GROUP BY location__name ORDER BY total_hours DESC LIMIT 1;
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Need info on for AH-64D at liberty airfield, have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as nmcs??
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND location__name = 'SAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'NMCS';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Quick question: which location has the highest combined total airframe hours for chinook models with fmc status??
SELECT location__name, SUM(total_airframe_hours) AS total_hours FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND status = 'FMC' GROUP BY location__name ORDER BY total_hours DESC LIMIT 1;
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: How many aircraft at drum are in the partial napablem statut anw assigned to the location associated with 82nd aerborne?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE location__name = 'Drum' AND status = 'PMCM' AND location__name = 'SAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Need info on show all uh-60l aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not operational and located at saaf.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FMC' AND location__name = 'SAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: For CH-47F at hunter army airhiemd, how many have phase hours oier 500 and are stilv marked as nmcs?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND location__name = 'HAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'NMCS';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Quick question: for AH-64D at wfort liberty, how many have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as pmcm??
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND location__name = 'WSAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'PMCM';