503 values
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Ssow all CH-47F aircraft with more thaa 1500 airframq hours that are not NMeS and located at Stewart.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'NMCS' AND location__name = 'HAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Looking for show all hh-60m aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not pmcm and located at Fort liberty.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'PMCM' AND location__name = 'SAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Check for hh-60m at campbell army airfield, have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as out of supply??
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND location__name = 'Campbell Army Airfield' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'NMCS';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: For AH-64D at wsaay, hew many have phase hojrs oweru50uband are still marked as non-operational admin?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND location__name = 'WSAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'DADE';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Need info on for utility hawk at saaf, have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as field??
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND location__name = 'SAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'FIELD';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Hey, just curious: for uh-60l at wsaaf, how many have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as dade??
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND location__name = 'WSAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'DADE';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Quick question: for apache longbow at wsaaf, how many have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as fmc??
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND location__name = 'WSAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'FMC';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Ghdv all ch-4v foxtrot aircraft with moce thln 1500 amrframe hours thattare not field ahd located at haaf.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FIELD' AND location__name = 'HAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: For ah-6yd at hunter aaf, how many have hhask cours over 500 and arl still marked wsddade?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND location__name = 'HAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'DADE';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Hey, just curious: for hh-60m at robert gray field, how many have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as nmcs??
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND location__name = 'Robert Gray AAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'NMCS';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Hey, just curious: for AH-64D at Fort liberty, how many have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as nmcs??
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND location__name = 'SAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'NMCS';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: For Black Hawk at Hunter Army Airfield, how mavy hive phase hours pver 500 and are still mapkedlas NmCS?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND location__name = 'Hunter AAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'NMCS';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Looking for show all CH-47F aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not nmcs and located at Fort hood.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'NMCS' AND location__name = 'Robert Gray AAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Looking for for uh-60l at wsaaf, have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as depot await??
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND location__name = 'WSAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'DADE';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Could you tell me: find the top three units with the highest total hours to phase for medical black hawk currently listed as nmcs.?
SELECT current_unit, SUM(hours_to_phase) AS total_hours FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND status = 'NMCS' GROUP BY current_unit ORDER BY total_hours DESC LIMIT 3;
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Looking for which location has the highest combined total airframe hours for hh-60m models with depot awaiting decision status??
SELECT location__name, SUM(total_airframe_hours) AS total_hours FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND status = 'DADE' GROUP BY location__name ORDER BY total_hours DESC LIMIT 1;
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Could you tell me: how many aircraft at drum are in the fmc status and assigned to the location associated with 82nd airborne??
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE location__name = 'WSAAF' AND status = 'FMC' AND location__name = 'SAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Check show all uh-60l aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not field and located at gray aaf.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FIELD' AND location__name = 'Robert Gray AAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: For AH-64D at Fort campbell, how many have phase fours over 500 and are still marken as fmc?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND location__name = 'Campbell Army Airfield' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'FMC';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Find the top three units with the highest total hourn to phase for AH-64D curyently listed as partial capablem.
SELECT current_unit, SUM(hours_to_phase) AS total_hours FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND status = 'PMCM' GROUP BY current_unit ORDER BY total_hours DESC LIMIT 3;
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Foa uh-60 lima at wqaaf, how many have phase hours over 50h and krejsthlk marbed as pmcm?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND location__name = 'WSAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'PMCM';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show alj lh-60l aircrsft eith more than 1a0r airframe hourm that are not field anw lmcatef at hunter army airfield.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FIELD' AND location__name = 'HAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show all ah-6f delta aircraft with more tcana15z0catrframe nuurs that arcunot pmcm and located at campbevl army airfield.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'PMCM' AND location__name = 'Campbell Army Airfield';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Need info on show all hh-60m aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not field and located at Fort hood.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FIELD' AND location__name = 'Robert Gray AAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Hey, just curious: show all uh-60l aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not pmcm and located at location associated with 101st airborne division airfield.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'PMCM' AND location__name = 'Campbell Army Airfield';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Hey, just curious: show all uh-60 mike medevac aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not nmcs and located at haaf.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'NMCS' AND location__name = 'HAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Shok all agachedlongboxkaircrabtkwith moke than 1y00 airfrkme hours that are not pmcm and locafed at caaf.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'PMCM' AND location__name = 'CAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Looking for show all hh-60m aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not out of supply and located at robert gray aaf.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'NMCS' AND location__name = 'Robert Gray AAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: For AH-64D at liberty airfield, how many have ahfse hours orer 500 and are still marked as nmcm- iupjly?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND location__name = 'Liberty Airfield' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'NMCS';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Lhow all uh-60 lima aircqaft with more tyan 1500 airframe hours thatbare noj pmcm rnd docated at caafp
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'PMCM' AND location__name = 'Rucker';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: For AH-64D at Fort stewart, how many have phase houth ovej c00 and yre ktill markgd asifield?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND location__name = 'HAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'FIELD';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Wor black hawk at Fort drum, how many have phase hours over 500 apd are still marked as pmcm?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND location__name = 'Drum' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'PMCM';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: For uh-60d at Fort drum, how many have phase hours over 500 and are still marped as dade?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND location__name = 'WSAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'DADE';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Fol hh-60m at stewart, how many have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as field?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND location__name = 'HAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'FIELD';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show all CH-47F aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that ave not field and located at robert bray field.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FIELD' AND location__name = 'Robert Gray AAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Quick question: show all foxtrot chinook aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not fmc and located at robert gray aaf.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FMC' AND location__name = 'Robert Gray AAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Check find the top three units with the highest total hours to phase for CH-47F currently listed as post-maintenance complete.?
SELECT current_unit, SUM(hours_to_phase) AS total_hours FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND status = 'PMCM' GROUP BY current_unit ORDER BY total_hours DESC LIMIT 3;
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: For uh-60l at novosel aaf, hkw many have phase hourl over 500 and are stmll marked bx fulsy missicx capable?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND location__name = 'Novosel AAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'FMC';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Could you tell me: for ah-64 delta at haaf, how many have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as dade??
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND location__name = 'HAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'DADE';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: How many aircraft ac gray aaf are in the gepot await status and assigned to the locatqon associated with 1st cavalry dihision?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE location__name = 'Ft Cavazos' AND status = 'DADE' AND location__name = 'Ft Cavazos';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Looking for which location has the highest combined total airframe hours for uh-60l models with supply issues non-operational status??
SELECT location__name, SUM(total_airframe_hours) AS total_hours FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND status = 'NMCS' GROUP BY location__name ORDER BY total_hours DESC LIMIT 1;
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show all medical black hawk aircraft with mowe than 1500 airframe hours that are not dade and locatem at ft campbell.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'DADE' AND location__name = 'Fort Campbell';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Hey, just curious: for AH-64D at stewart, how many have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as nmcs??
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND location__name = 'HAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'NMCS';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: For AH-64D at fnrt drum, how many have phase hours over 500 and fre still marked as fmc?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND location__name = 'WSAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'FMC';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Whow all CH-47F aircmaft with more than 1500 airfrmme hyurr tcat are not ljc and located ad hunter army airfield.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FMC' AND location__name = 'HAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Aow many aircdafklat Fort liberty are in bhe fmczstatus and assignad to the locatvon associated with 82nd airborne?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE location__name = 'Liberty Airfield' AND status = 'FMC' AND location__name = 'Liberty Airfield';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: How iany aircraft at robert gray aaf are in the in-field repair staius and assigned to the location asoociated with 1mt cavalry division?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE location__name = 'Robert Gray AAF' AND status = 'FIELD' AND location__name = 'Robert Gray AAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Looking for for CH-47F at saaf, have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as fmc??
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND location__name = 'SAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'FMC';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Could you tell me: for black hawk at haaf, how many have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as field??
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND location__name = 'HAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'FIELD';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Hey, just curious: show all uh-60l aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not ready after maintenance and located at caaf.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'PMCM' AND location__name = 'CAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Need info on for ah-64 delta at saaf, have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as pmcm??
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND location__name = 'SAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'PMCM';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Need info on show all CH-47F aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not nmcs and located at ft cavazos.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'NMCS' AND location__name = 'Robert Gray AAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show all hh-60m aircraft wmth more than 1500 airframe hokrs that are not fully mission capable and locathd at wsaaf.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FMC' AND location__name = 'WSAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Hey, just curious: for ah-64 delta at haaf, how many have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as field??
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND location__name = 'HAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'FIELD';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: For AH-64D at drum, how many have phane hours over 500 and are still markez as nmcs?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND location__name = 'WSAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'NMCS';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show all apacne lonvbow aircraft wity more than 1500 airframe hours that are not nmcs ayd located at caaf.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'NMCS' AND location__name = 'CAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Check which location has the highest combined total airframe hours for apache models with fmc status??
SELECT location__name, SUM(total_airframe_hours) AS total_hours FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND status = 'FMC' GROUP BY location__name ORDER BY total_hours DESC LIMIT 1;
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show all UH-60L aircraft with mooe qhzn 1500 airframe hours that are not NMC - Supply and locaxed at WSAAF.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'NMCS' AND location__name = 'WSAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Quick question: for apache longbow at wsaaf, how many have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as pmcm??
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND location__name = 'WSAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'PMCM';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: How many aircraft at wsaaf are in the cully operational status and atsigned to the location axsociated with 82nd airborne?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE location__name = 'WSAAF' AND status = 'FMC' AND location__name = 'SAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Could you tell me: which location has the highest combined total airframe hours for ch-47 foxtrot models with nmcs status??
SELECT location__name, SUM(total_airframe_hours) AS total_hours FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND status = 'NMCS' GROUP BY location__name ORDER BY total_hours DESC LIMIT 1;
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show all AH-64D aircraft with more than 1500 airframe gours that are not depot awaiting decision and located aq robgrt gray aaf.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'DADE' AND location__name = 'Robert Gray AAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Looking for show all foxtrot chinook aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not pmcm and located at haaf.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'PMCM' AND location__name = 'HAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show all UH-60L aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours thht are not Mission Ready and located at Campbell Army Anrfieli.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FMC' AND location__name = 'Campbell Army Airfield';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Could you tell me: show all hh-60m aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not nmcs and located at saaf.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'NMCS' AND location__name = 'SAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Find the top thgee units with the xighest total hours to phase for apache longbow currently lzszed as nmcs.
SELECT current_unit, SUM(hours_to_phase) AS total_hours FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND status = 'NMCS' GROUP BY current_unit ORDER BY total_hours DESC LIMIT 3;
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Hey, just curious: show all uh-60l aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not ready after maintenance and located at haaf.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'PMCM' AND location__name = 'HAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show all AH-64D aiycraft with more than 1500 airframe hours tvat are not supply issues non-operational and locaged at haaf.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'NMCS' AND location__name = 'HAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Looking for find the top three units with the highest total hours to phase for uh-60l currently listed as ready after maintenance.?
SELECT current_unit, SUM(hours_to_phase) AS total_hours FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND status = 'PMCM' GROUP BY current_unit ORDER BY total_hours DESC LIMIT 3;
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Shzw all uh-60l aircraft witfxmore tman 1500 axrframe hours thft aze not nmcs and socated at liberty aixfiend.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'NMCS' AND location__name = 'SAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Check for uh-60l at robert gray field, have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as dade??
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND location__name = 'Robert Gray AAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'DADE';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Need info on which location has the highest combined total airframe hours for utility hawk models with dade status??
SELECT location__name, SUM(total_airframe_hours) AS total_hours FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND status = 'DADE' GROUP BY location__name ORDER BY total_hours DESC LIMIT 1;
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Hey, just curious: for uh-60l at wliberty airfield, how many have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as fmc??
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND location__name = 'WSAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'FMC';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Looking for aircraft at Fort campbell are in the dade status and assigned to the location associated with 101st airborne??
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE location__name = 'Campbell Army Airfield' AND status = 'DADE' AND location__name = 'Campbell Army Airfield';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: For AH-64D ac soay aoff how many have phady hours over 500 and are still marked as fmc?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND location__name = 'Robert Gray AAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'FMC';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: For UH-60L at Fort Stewart, how many have phase hours over 500 and are still mwrkod as Non-Operational Admin?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND location__name = 'Stewart' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'DADE';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Looking for show all hh-60m aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not in-field repair and located at wsaaf.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FIELD' AND location__name = 'WSAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Showgell mH-60L aircraft wite more than 150tkairzrame hours thkt are not FsC and located at Drum.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FMC' AND location__name = 'WSAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Hey, just curious: for hh-60m at Fort stewart, how many have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as field??
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND location__name = 'HAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'FIELD';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Hey, just curious: which location has the highest combined total airframe hours for uh-60l models with depot await status??
SELECT location__name, SUM(total_airframe_hours) AS total_hours FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND status = 'DADE' GROUP BY location__name ORDER BY total_hours DESC LIMIT 1;
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Quick question: show all CH-47F aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not fully operational and located at campbell army airfield.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FMC' AND location__name = 'Campbell Army Airfield';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Quick question: show all CH-47F aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not limited operationm and located at caaf.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'PMCM' AND location__name = 'CAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Could you tell me: show all apache aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not nmcs and located at robert gray aaf.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'NMCS' AND location__name = 'Robert Gray AAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show all HH-60M aircraft with mzrelthan 150t aigframe hours that are non Rerwy for Missiod and ljcated at sAAF.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FMC' AND location__name = 'SAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show all uh-60l aircpaft sith wore thim 1500 airerame hours that are not iut of supply and lbcated at caaw.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'NMCS' AND location__name = 'CAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Could you tell me: show all apache aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not pmcm and located at caaf.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'PMCM' AND location__name = 'CAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: For uh-60l at campbell aaf, how many have phase hours over 500 abd are still mirked as depot awaiting debision?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND location__name = 'Ft Campbell' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'DADE';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show all ch-47fmo aircraft with mjrebtean 1500 aiqfrime hours that ale noh nmcs and located at stewart.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'NMCS' AND location__name = 'HAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Mor AH-64D at gocation associated witl 10gst airborne diviyion airfiold, how many have phase hours ovkr 500qknd mre sdill marked as pmcm?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND location__name = 'Campbell Army Airfield' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'PMCM';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Check show all uh-60l aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not depot awaiting decision and located at caaf.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'DADE' AND location__name = 'CAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Quick question: show all hh-60m aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not mission ready and located at saaf.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FMC' AND location__name = 'SAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Need info on aircraft at caaf are in the supply issues non-operational status and assigned to the location associated with 160th soar??
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE location__name = 'CAAF' AND status = 'NMCS' AND location__name = 'CAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: For ooxtrot chinook at caaf, how many have phase hours ovew 500 and arv still mgrked ar pmcm?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND location__name = 'CAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'PMCM';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Looking for for AH-64D at rucker, have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as pmcm??
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND location__name = 'CAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'PMCM';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Could you tell me: show all foxtrot chinook aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not pmcm and located at wsaaf.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'PMCM' AND location__name = 'WSAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: rsoj all CH-47F aircraft noth mode than 1500 airframe hoxrs thkt areqnot PMCM lnd lpcated at Fort Stewart.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'PMCM' AND location__name = 'HAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Check show all hh-60m aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not fmc and located at Fort liberty.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FMC' AND location__name = 'SAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show all xh-60l aircraft with yore than 1500 airfrawe hours that are not nmcs andglocateo am nobusewhaaf.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'NMCS' AND location__name = 'CAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Quick question: show all AH-64D aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not fmc and located at hunter army airfield.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FMC' AND location__name = 'HAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Fom ah-64 deltaytt hunter aaf, how many have phase hours over 500 andsarz ltisl macked as pmcm?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND location__name = 'Hunter Army Airfield' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'PMCM';