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# Introduction
In this work we bring forward the study of the normalized Laplacian that has been established for *chemical hypergraphs*: hypergraphs with the additional structure that each vertex in a hyperedge is either an input, an output or both (in which case we say that it is a catalyst for that hyperedge). Chemical hypergraphs have been introduced in with the idea of modelling chemical reaction networks and related ones, such as metabolic networks. In this model, each vertex represents a chemical element and each hyperedge represents a chemical reaction. Furthermore, in, chemical hypergraphs have been used for modelling dynamical systems with high order interactions. In this model, the vertices represent oscillators while the hyperedges represent the interactions on which the dynamics depends.The spectrum of the normalized Laplacian \(L\) reflects many structural properties of the network and several theoretical results on the eigenvalues have been established in. Furthermore, as shown in, by defining the vertex degree in a way that it does not take catalysts into account, studying the spectrum of \(L\) for chemical hypergraphs is equivalent to studying the spectrum of the *oriented hypergraphs* introduced in by Reff and Rusnak, in which catalysts are not included. Therefore, without loss of generality we can work on oriented hypergraphs. Here, in particular, we focus on the *bipartite* case and we show that the spectrum of the normalized Laplacian for bipartite chemical hypergraphs coincides with the spectrum of the *signless normalized Laplacian* that we introduce for classical hypergraphs. Furthermore, we establish the spectra of the signless normalized Laplacian for special families of such classical hypergraphs.Classical hypergraphs are widely used in various disciplines. For instance, they offer a valid model for transport networks, neural networks (in whose context they are often called *neural codes*), social networks and epidemiology networks, just to mention some examples. It is worth noting that a simplicial complex \(\mathcal{S}\) is a particular case of hypergraph with the additional constraint that, if a hyperedge belongs to \(\mathcal{S}\), then also all its subsets belong to \(\mathcal{S}\). Simplicial complexes are also widely present in applications. On the one hand, their more precise structure allows for a deeper theoretical study, compared to general hypergraphs. On the other hand, the constraints of simplicial complexes can be translated as constraints on the model, and this is not always convenient. Consider, for instance, a collaboration network that represents coauthoring of research papers: in this case, the fact that authors \(A\), \(B\) and \(C\) have written a paper all together does not imply that \(A\), \(B\) and \(C\) have all written single author papers, nor that \(A\) and \(B\) have written a paper together without \(C\). In this case, a hypergraph would give a better model than a simplicial complex. **Structure of the paper.** In Section [2](#section:oriented){reference-type="ref" reference="section:oriented"} we introduce the basic definitions which are needed throughout the paper, while in Section [3](#section:twin){reference-type="ref" reference="section:twin"} we introduce and discuss twin vertices. In Section [4](#section:bipartite){reference-type="ref" reference="section:bipartite"} we prove new properties of bipartite oriented hypergraphs and we show that, from the spectral point of view, these are equivalent to classical hypergraphs with no input/output structure. Finally, in Section [5](#section:families){reference-type="ref" reference="section:families"} we investigate the spectra of new hypergraph structures that we introduce with the idea of generalizing well known graph structures.
# Basic definitions {#section:oriented}
From now on, we fix a chemical hypergraph \(\Gamma=(\mathcal{V},\mathcal{H})\) on \(N\) vertices \(v_1,\ldots,v_N\) and \(M\) hyperedges \(h_1,\ldots, h_M\). For simplicity, we assume that \(\Gamma\) has no isolated vertices.
We define the **spectrum of \(\Gamma\)** as the spectrum of \(L\). As shown in, this spectrum is given by \(N\) real, nonnegative eigenvalues whose sum is \(N\). We denote them by \[\lambda_1\leq\ldots\leq\lambda_N.\]
# Twin vertices {#section:twin}
In it is shown that \(\hat{n}\) *duplicate vertices* produce the eigenvalue \(1\) with multiplicity at least \(\hat{n}-1\). Similarly, in this section we discuss *twin vertices*.
We now generalize the notions of duplicate vertices and twin vertices by defining *duplicate families of twin vertices*.
# Bipartite hypergraphs {#section:bipartite}
We now give the definition of *vertex-bipartite* hypergraph that, as we shall see in Lemma [\[lemma:vertexbipartite\]](#lemma:vertexbipartite){reference-type="ref" reference="lemma:vertexbipartite"} below, coincides with the definition of bipartite hypergraph.
From here on we work on a hypergraph \(\Gamma=(\mathcal{V},\mathcal{H})\) that has only inputs. Therefore, we focus on the signless normalized Laplacian of classical hypergraphs.
# Families of hypergraphs {#section:families}
## Hyperflowers {#section:flowers}
We now introduce and study *hyperflowers*: hypergraphs in which there is a set of nodes, the *core,* that is well connected to the other vertices, and a set of *peripheral nodes* such that each of them is contained in exactly one hyperedge. Hyperflowers are therefore a generalization of star graphs.
## Complete hypergraphs
## Lattice Hypergraphs
*Lattice graphs*, also called *grid graphs*, are well known both in graph theory and in applications. For instance, they model topologies used in transportation networks, such as the Manhattan street network, and crystal structures used in crystallography. These structures and their spectra are also widely used in statistical mechanics, in the study of ASEP, TASEP and SSEP models, which have applications in the Ising model, (lattice) gas and which also describe the movement of ribosomes along the mRNA. In this section we generalize the notion of lattice graph to the case of hypergraphs.
## Hypercycles | {'timestamp': '2021-01-08T02:12:33', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14484', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14484'} |
# Grids | {'timestamp': '2020-06-01T02:09:11', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14463', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14463'} |
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# Introduction
The space of diffeomorphisms splits into two classes: those with zero entropy and those with positive entropy (by which we always mean topological entropy). The former contains Morse-Smale diffeomorphisms: their nonwandering set is formed by finitely many periodic points. The latter contains the systems exhibiting a transverse homoclinic orbit, *i.e.* an orbit which accumulates on the past and on the future on a same periodic orbit and which persists under small perturbations: the nonwandering set is uncountable. In particular, both classes contain \(C^1\)-open sets. It has been proved that Morse-Smale systems and those having a transverse homoclinic intersection define a \(C^1\)-dense open set . However, even in the \(C^1\) context, the dynamics of systems belonging to the interface of these two classes is not well understood, while in higher topologies almost nothing is known. One goal would be to characterize the systems in the boundary of the zero entropy class and in particular to try to identify, if it exists, the universal phenomenon that generates entropy. In a more general context our central question here is the transition between simple and complicated dynamics as seen from two different angles: the fundamental angle and the applied one. The later because the transition that we consider is the trace on a Poincaré map of a transition to chaos of dissipative flows in \({\mathbb R}^3\), as it has been observed in particular in a variety of natural and engineering contexts modeled that way. This happens both in some forced damped oscillators for which one observes the formation of horseshoes for a Poincaré map and in autonomous flows where the chaos is linked to a Shil'nikov bifurcation in \(C^\omega\) regularity , or even \(C^{1+\text{Lip}}\) regularity . We can think about two related problems when considering this central question: --*the transition to chaos* (*i.e.*, the transition from zero to positive entropy),[^1] --*the transition from finitely to infinitely many periods of hyperbolic periodic orbits.* In the one-dimensional context, the natural ordering on the interval allows the development of a "combinatorial theory\", which describes properties of orbits related to this ordering. An example of results is Sharkovskii's hierarchy of periodic orbits ; it implies in particular that any system with zero entropy only admits periodic points of period \(2^n\). One paradigmatic example is the case of unimodal maps: Coullet-Tresser and independently Feigenbaum conjectured that the ones in the boundary of the zero entropy class are limit of a period doubling cascade with universal metric property under rather mild smoothness assumptions and are infinitely renormalizable (see also ). In those papers a renormalization operator was introduced[^2] and it was shown that the numerical observations could be explained if this operator, defined on an appropriate space of functions, would have a hyperbolic fixed point. The central results of the universality theory for unimodal maps have been proved by Lyubich for analytic unimodal maps and extended to lower regularity in . Partial results about multimodal maps and the associated transition to chaos have been obtained by many authors (see *e.g.* and references cited or citing).
#### a--Mildly dissipative diffeomorphisms of the disc.
The first step towards that universal goal in higher dimension, is to consider embeddings of the disc \(\mathbb{D}\). These embeddings can be extended to as diffeomorphisms of the two-dimensional sphere by gluing a repelling disc, as detailed in .[^3] Therefore, to avoid notations we will call *dissipative diffeomorphisms of the discs* the \(C^r\) embeddings \(f\colon \DD\to f(\DD)\subset \text{Interior}(\DD)\) with \(r>1\), such that \(|\det(Df(x))|<1\) for any \(x\in \DD\). Observe that any \(f\)-invariant ergodic probability measure \(\mu\) which is not supported on a hyperbolic sink has one negative Lyapunov exponent and another one which is non-negative. In particular for \(\mu\)-almost every point \(x\), there exists a well-defined one-dimensional stable manifold \(W^s(x)\). We denote \(W^s_\DD(x)\) the connected component of \(W^s(x)\cap \DD\) containing \(x\). We strengthen the notion of dissipation:
That notion has been introduced for any type of surfaces[^4] in, where it is shown that mild dissipation is satisfied for large classes of systems: for instance it holds for \(C^2\) open sets of diffeomorphisms of the disc, and for polynomial automorphisms of \(\mathbb{R}^2\) whose Jacobian is sufficiently close to \(0\), including the diffeomorphisms from the Hénon family with Jacobian of modulus less than \(1/4\) (up to restricting to an appropriate trapped disc). This class captures certain properties of one-dimensional maps but keeps two-dimensional features showing all the well known complexity of dissipative surface diffeomorphisms. The dynamics of the new class, in some sense, is intermediate between one-dimensional dynamics and general surface diffeomorphisms.
#### b--Renormalization.
As it was mentioned before, the essential mechanisms for interval endomorphisms in the transition to chaos are the period doubling cascades and the main universal feature of systems in the boundary of zero entropy is that they are infinitely renormalizable. A similar result can be proved for mildly dissipative diffeomorphisms of the disc that belong to the boundary of the zero entropy class. A diffeomorphism \(f\) of the disc is *renormalizable* if there exist a compact set \(D\subset \mathbb{D}\) homeomorphic to the unit disc and an integer \(k>1\) such that \(f^i(D)\cap D=\emptyset\) for each \(1\leq i<k\) and \(f^k(D)\subset D\). Moreover \(f\) is *infinitely renormalizable* if there exists an infinite nested sequence of renormalizable attracting periodic domains with arbitrarily large periods. For instance built a \(C^\infty\)-diffeomorphism which has vanishing entropy and is infinitely renormalizable (see also figure [\[f.odometer\]](#f.odometer){reference-type="ref" reference="f.odometer"}).
Morse-Smale diffeomorphisms (whose non-wandering set is a finite set of hyperbolic periodic points) are certainly not infinitely renormalizable. It is natural to generalize this class of diffeomorphisms in order to allow bifurcations of periodic orbits.
Clearly these diffeomorphisms have zero entropy. We will see in section [6](#s.gms){reference-type="ref" reference="s.gms"} that the set of mildly dissipative generalized Morse-Smale diffeomorphisms of the disc is \(C^1\) open. A stronger version of theorem [\[t.theoremA\]](#t.theoremA){reference-type="ref" reference="t.theoremA"}, proved in section [11](#s.renormalize){reference-type="ref" reference="s.renormalize"} (see theorem [\[t.renormalize-prime\]](#t.renormalize-prime){reference-type="ref" reference="t.renormalize-prime"}), states that in the renormalizable case there exist finitely many renormalizable domains such that the limit set in their complement consists of fixed points. That version implies:
#### c--Boundary of zero entropy.
The set of \(C^r\) diffeomorphisms, \(r>1\), with positive entropy is \(C^1\) open (see ). One may thus consider how positive entropy appears: a diffeomorphism belongs to the boundary of zero entropy if its topological entropy vanishes, but it is the \(C^1\) limit of diffeomorphisms with positive entropy. The previous results immediately give:
We may ask if the converse also holds:
This would imply that generalized Morse-Smale diffeomorphisms are the mildly dissipative diffeomorphisms of the disc with robustly vanishing entropy. Question [\[q.approximate\]](#q.approximate){reference-type="ref" reference="q.approximate"} has a positive answer if one considers \(C^1\)-approximations of \(C^2\)-diffeomorphisms (this is essentially corollary 2 in ). In a similar spirit, it is unknown (even in the \(C^1\)-topology) if diffeomorphisms with zero entropy are limit of generalized Morse-Smale diffeomorphisms.
#### d--Decomposition of the dynamics with zero entropy.
Let us recall that Conley's theorem (see ) decomposes the dynamics of homeomorphisms: the chain-recurrent set splits into disjoint invariant compact sets called *chain-recurrence classes*. We now describe the dynamics inside the chain-recurrence classes of mildly dissipative diffeomorphisms with zero entropy. Let \(h\) be a homeomorphism of the Cantor set \(\mathcal{K}\). One considers partitions of the form \(\mathcal{K}=K\cup h(K)\cup\dots\cup h^{p-1}(K)\) into clopen sets that are cyclically permuted by the dynamics. We say that \(h\) is an *odometer* if there exist such partitions into clopen sets with arbitrarily small diameters. The set of the periods \(p\) is a multiplicative semi-group which uniquely determines the odometer. Each odometer is minimal and preserves a unique probability measure (this allows to talk about almost every point of the odometer \(x\in \mathcal{K}\)). Figure [\[f.odometer\]](#f.odometer){reference-type="ref" reference="f.odometer"} represents a diffeomorphism of the disc which induces an odometer on an invariant Cantor set.
Corollary [\[c.structure\]](#c.structure){reference-type="ref" reference="c.structure"} can be compared to a recent result by Le Calvez and Tal about transitive sets of homeomorphisms of the \(2\)-sphere with zero entropy. The methods there are quite different to ours. Note that the dissipation hypothesis is essential: for conservative systems with zero entropy, the dynamics is modeled on integrable systems, see . We do not know if there exist examples of systems exhibiting generalized odometers which are not conjugated to odometers (i.e. such that the map \(\pi\) is not injective). Another problem concerns the cardinality of these classes:
The answer to this question is not known for general one-dimensional \(C^r\)-endomorphism. However for multimodal endomorphisms of the interval, the nested sequences of infinitely renormalizable domains is bounded by the number of critical points. In particular, generically the number of nested renormalizable domains is finite. This type of result is not known for surface diffeomorphisms.
#### e--Periods of renormalizable domains.
For one-dimensional multimodal maps with zero entropy, Sharkovskii's theorem implies that the period of the renormalizable domains are powers of \(2.\) In the context of mildly dissipative diffeomorphisms this cannot be true, but a similar result holds when one considers renormalizable domains with "large period":
In other words, the period of a renormalizable domain is eventually a power of \(2\), meaning that, after replacing \(f\) by an iterate, the period of all the renormalizable domains are powers of \(2\). As explained in the paragraph *summary of the proof* below, the proof of theorem [\[t.period\]](#t.period){reference-type="ref" reference="t.period"} uses some rigidity argument. This implies an analogue of Sharkovskii's theorem for surface diffeomorphisms:
In particular, in the setting of mildly dissipative diffeomorphisms, we get an affirmative answer to the following conjecture that was formulated by one of us in 1983, and mentioned verbally since then, but appeared in a text (see ) only a few years after.
We note that it is possible to realize any set of the form [\[e.period\]](#e.period){reference-type="eqref" reference="e.period"} as the set of periods a mildly dissipative diffeomorphism of the disc having zero entropy, whereas a diffeomorphism with positive entropy has a different set of periods (it always contains a set of the form \(k.{\mathbb N}^*\)). In a more general framework, theorem [\[t.period\]](#t.period){reference-type="ref" reference="t.period"} is false if the dynamics is conservative (an integrable twist in the disc may admit all the periods and has vanishing entropy). Previous works in the direction to develop a forcing theory as it follows from Sharkovskii's theorem (see ) used the ideas and language of braids. For surface diffeomorphisms, a periodic orbit defines a braid type that in turns can or not, force the positivity of topological entropy (the complement of an orbit of period three or larger in the disc can be equipped with a hyperbolic structure from where Nielsen-Thurston theory can be developed). In that sense, permutations are replaced by braids, but the discussion in braid terms cannot be reduced to a discussion in terms of periods as the conjecture formulates.
#### f--Hénon family.
Given any \(C^r\) endomorphisms \(h\) of an interval \(I\subset {\mathbb R}\) and \(b_0>0\), there exists a disc \(\DD=I\times (-\epsilon,\epsilon)\) such that the maps defined by \[\label{e.extension} f_{b}(x,y)=(h(x)+y,-bx),\quad \text{for}\quad 0<|b|<b_0\] are dissipative diffeomorphisms of \(\DD\). The (real) Hénon family is a particular case where \(h\) is a quadratic polynomial.[^7] As mentioned before, the Hénon family is mildly dissipative for \(0<|b|<1/4\) in restriction to a trapped disc. Therefore, all the theorems mentioned above can be applied to the these parameters of the Hénon family and in particular one gets the following corollary. Note that the global dynamical descriptions of the Hénon family usually suppose \(|b|\ll 1\) (see ).
#### g--Small Jacobian.
For diffeomorphisms of the disc close enough to an endomorphism of the interval and whose entropy vanishes, section [14](#ss.close-endo){reference-type="ref" reference="ss.close-endo"} proves that the periods of all renormalizable domains (and so the periods of all periodic orbits) are powers of two. More precisely, given a \(C^r\) endomorphism of the interval \(f_0\), there exists \(b_0>0\) such that for any \(0<|b|<b_0\) the diffeomorphism \(f_{b}\) is mildly dissipative. In particular all the theorems mentioned before can be applied. Assuming the Jacobian sufficiently small, a stronger property holds:
In particular, the previous theorem can be applied to the Hénon family and one recovers one of the results in .
#### h--Some differences with the one-dimensional approach.
In the context of one-dimensional dynamics of the interval, and in particular for unimodal maps, the renormalization intervals are built using the dynamics around the turning point: the boundary of the interval contains the closest iterate to the turning point of a repelling orbit (whose period is a power of two) and a preimage of that iterate. For Hénon maps with small Jacobian, although there is no notion of turning point, renormalization domains are built in by using the local stable manifold of a saddle periodic point of index \(1\) and its preimages (those points are the analytic continuations of the repelling points of the one-dimensional map). Our approach can not rely neither of the notion of turning point neither on being close to well understood one-dimensional dynamics. So, the construction is different and uses the structure of the set of periodic points. Following the unstable branches, it is built a skeleton of the dynamics that allows to construct the trapping regions and the renormalization domains.
#### i--The renormalization operator.
In is proved that infinitely renormalizable real Hénon-like maps whose Jacobian is small enough admit an appropriately defined renormalization operator. After proper affine rescaling, the dynamics (at the period) on the renormalizable attracting domain converge to a smooth quadratic unimodal map which is nothing else that the hyperbolic fixed point of the renormalization operator for the one-dimensional dynamics. It is not difficult to construct mildly dissipative diffeomorphisms with zero entropy which are a priori not close to a unimodal map on the interval (for instance, when the first renormalization domain has period larger than two) and in that case the renormalization scheme developed for Hénon-like maps with small Jacobian would need to be recasted. Although the present paper does not provide a well-defined renormalization operator for mildly dissipative diffeomorphism of the disk, it gives the existence of nested renormalization domains and deep renormalizations seem to drive the system towards the one-dimensional model. Indeed the renormalization domains eventually have (relative) period two; moreover the return dynamics on these domains recover certain smooth properties that are satisfied by diffeomorphism close to the one-dimensional endomorphisms (see section [3.2](#ss.uniform stable){reference-type="ref" reference="ss.uniform stable"}); associates a quotient dynamics which, on these "deep domains", induces an endomorphism of a real tree. That raises the following question:
When \(f\) is mildly dissipative, the larger Lyapunov exponent of each generalized odometer \(\mathcal{C}\) vanishes, hence the iterates of the derivative of \(f\) on \(\mathcal{C}\) do not grow exponentially; but one can ask if a stronger property holds: *given a nested sequence of renormalization domains \((D_n)\) and their induced maps \((f_n)\), are the derivatives \(\|Df_n|_{D_n}\|\) uniformly bounded?*
#### j--New general tools.
Few new results obtained in the present paper hold for any mildly dissipative diffeomorphism of the disk.
*Closing lemma.*
: One of them is a new version of the closing lemma proved in which states that for mildly dissipative diffeomorphisms of the disk, the support of any measure is contained in the closure of periodic points. Our improvement (theorem [\[t.measure local\]](#t.measure local){reference-type="ref" reference="t.measure local"}) localizes the periodic points: given an invariant cellular connected compact set \(\Lambda\), the support of any invariant probability on that set is contained in the closure of the periodic points in \(\Lambda\). In that sense, theorem [\[t.measure local\]](#t.measure local){reference-type="ref" reference="t.measure local"} is a extension of a well known result by Cartwright and Littlewood about the existence of fixed points for invariant cellular sets (see proposition [\[p.CL\]](#p.CL){reference-type="ref" reference="p.CL"}).
*No cycle.*
: Another one is a generalization of the result proved by Pixton (improving a previous work by Robinson : it states that for \(C^\infty\)-generic diffeomorphisms of the sphere, a cyclic accumulation between stable and unstable branches of periodic points can be perturbed to produce a homoclinic connection and positive entropy. Theorem [\[t.cycle\]](#t.cycle){reference-type="ref" reference="t.cycle"} shows that the generic hypothesis is not needed for mildly dissipative diffeomorphisms of the disc: there is no finite sequence of fixed points such that the unstable manifold of each one accumulates on the next point and the unstable manifold of the last one accumulates on the first point (theorems [\[t.cycle\]](#t.cycle){reference-type="ref" reference="t.cycle"} and [\[t.cycle2\]](#t.cycle2){reference-type="ref" reference="t.cycle2"} in section [5](#no cycle section){reference-type="ref" reference="no cycle section"}). This is clear when the intersections between unstable and stable manifolds are transversal but when they just accumulate, it is more difficult. The strategy consists in building special Jordan domains (that we call *Pixton discs*) from the accumulation of unstable branches on stable manifolds.
#### k--Summary of the proof.
In order to present the envisioned proof strategy, we first present a class of examples of infinitely renormalizable dissipative homeomorphisms of the disc (inspired by the examples in ) and we explain their main dynamical features. We use them as a prototype model for maps with zero entropy. The proofs below will show that these features (essentially) apply also for infinitely renormalizable mildly dissipative diffeomorphisms.
#### *Prototype models.*
Let \(f_0, f_1\) be two Morse-Smale dissipative diffeomorphisms of the disc. The limit set of \(f_0\) is given by a fixed saddle whose unstable branches are interchanged and an attracting orbit of period two that revolves around the fixed point: the fixed point is then said to be *stabilized* and the attracting orbit is analogous to a period doubling sink for interval maps. The limit set of \(f_1\) is given by a fixed attracting periodic point, a saddle of period three (also said to be *stabilized*) that revolves around the fixed point which anchors one of the unstable branch of the saddle periodic points, and an attracting periodic orbit (also of period three) that attracts the other unstable branch of the saddles. Both diffeomorphisms are depicted in figure [\[MSpdf\]](#MSpdf){reference-type="ref" reference="MSpdf"}. Observe that \(f_0\) has an attracting disc of period \(2,\) whose iterates belong to two different regions bounded by the local stable manifold of the saddle; \(f_1\) has an attracting disc of period three contained inside the disjoint regions bounded by the local stable manifolds of the saddle of period three (these regions, in both cases, are called *decorated regions*). Given a sequence \((k_i)\in\{0,1\}^{\mathbb N}\), one can build a sequence of dissipative diffeomorphisms \(g_i= f_{k_i}\sqcupplus f_{k_{i-1}}\sqcupplus\dots\sqcupplus f_{k_0}\) with a sink of period \(\tau_i:=\Pi_{j=1}^i(2+k_j)\). The symbol \(\sqcupplus\) means that the diffeomorphism \(f_{k_j}\) is pasted in the basin of the sink of \(g_{j-1}\) (by writing \(f_{k_j}\) as the composition of \(\tau_{j-1}\) diffeomorphisms). In that way, \(g_i\) has a nested sequence of attracting discs \(D_0\supset D_1\supset\dots\supset D_j\) of periods \(\tau_0,\dots,\tau_i\). Each diffeomorphism \(g_i\) is Morse-Smale and the sequence \((g_i)\) converges to a homeomorphism whose limit set is made of periodic points and of an odometer supported on a Cantor set (the intersection of the nested sequence of attracting domain). We make some remarks: (i) The construction shows that there exist diffeomorphisms with vanishing entropy and with periodic points whose period is not \(2^n\). (ii) The sequence can converge to a mildly dissipative diffeomorphism if \(k_i=0\) for \(i\) large (the convergence towards a diffeomorphism is more difficult, see ). (iii) The previous construction can be performed with more pasted diffeomorphisms: the period of the saddle and the non-fixed sink may be larger; one can also consider more complicate Morse-Smale systems.
#### *Pixton discs.*
The unstable branches connect the periodic points of \(g_i\) and form a *chain* with a tree structure, see figure [\[treepdf\]](#treepdf){reference-type="ref" reference="treepdf"}. The tree branches land at points that are:
- either attracting and may anchor unstable manifolds of points of larger period,
- or saddles whose unstable branches are exchanged at the period.
That observation will allows to reconstruct the attracting discs, see figure [\[Pixtpdf\]](#Pixtpdf){reference-type="ref" reference="Pixtpdf"}. In the first case (left of the figure), the unstable manifold of a fixed point \(p\) accumulates on a fixed sink which anchors a stabilized revolving saddle with larger period: the unstable branch of \(p\) has to cross the stable manifolds of the iterates of the saddle; this defines an attracting disc which contains all the periodic points attached to the sink. In the second case (right of the figure), the unstable manifold of the fixed point \(p\) accumulates on a fixed saddle whose unstable branches are exchanged by the dynamics and accumulate on a sink of period \(2\): the unstable branch of \(p\) has to cross the stable manifold of the fixed saddle; this also defines an attracting disc which contains all the attached periodic points. We call the domains built in this way, *Pixton discs*.
#### *When all the periodic points are fixed.*
We now explain how to handle a general mildly dissipative diffeomorphism with zero entropy. In order to prove theorem [\[t.theoremA\]](#t.theoremA){reference-type="ref" reference="t.theoremA"}, one first has to show that if all the periodic points are fixed, then the limit set of the dynamics consists of only fixed points. The "no-cycle property\" is crucial. Another ingredient is to prove that the \(\omega-\)limit set of any orbit contains a fixed point: this follows from our closing lemma (theorem [\[t.measure local\]](#t.measure local){reference-type="ref" reference="t.measure local"}). With these tools, one builds a filtration associated to the fixed points and conclude that the limit set of the dynamics is reduced to the set of fixed points.
#### *Periodic structure.*
When there are periodic points which are not fixed, we prove that the unstable branches induce a structure as in the previous examples: they form *chains* (see definition [\[d.chain\]](#d.chain){reference-type="ref" reference="d.chain"}) that branch at points of low period to which are attached saddles of larger or equal period. A special role is played by *stabilized points*: these are saddles that either are fixed and whose unstable branches are exchanged, or are not fixed but whose unstable manifold is anchored by a fixed point (see definition [\[d.stabilization\]](#d.stabilization){reference-type="ref" reference="d.stabilization"} and propositions [\[p.chain\]](#p.chain){reference-type="ref" reference="p.chain"} and [\[p.stab-decorate\]](#p.stab-decorate){reference-type="ref" reference="p.stab-decorate"}). The local stable manifolds of the stabilized points bound domains called *decorated regions* (see definition [\[d.decorated region\]](#d.decorated region){reference-type="ref" reference="d.decorated region"}) which are two by two disjoints: indeed if two such regions intersect, the unstable manifold of a stabilized point has to cross the stable manifold of another iterate in order to accumulate on the anchoring fixed point, contradicting the fact that the entropy vanishes. The decorating regions contain all the periodic point of larger period (see definition [\[d.decreasing-chain\]](#d.decreasing-chain){reference-type="ref" reference="d.decreasing-chain"}, proposition [\[p.chain-decreasing\]](#p.chain-decreasing){reference-type="ref" reference="p.chain-decreasing"} and [\[p.decreasing-chain\]](#p.decreasing-chain){reference-type="ref" reference="p.decreasing-chain"}).
#### *Construction of trapping discs.*
To each unstable branch \(\Gamma\), fixed by an iterate \(f^n\), we build a disc that is trapped by \(f^n\) and contain all the accumulation set of the branch \(\Gamma\) (theorems [\[t.renormalize\]](#t.renormalize){reference-type="ref" reference="t.renormalize"} and [\[t.renormalize2\]](#t.renormalize2){reference-type="ref" reference="t.renormalize2"}). To each saddle accumulated by \(\Gamma\) one associates a *Pixton disc* which is a candidate to be trapped. These discs are bounded by arcs in \(\Gamma\) and stable manifolds of saddles in the accumulation set, as in the previous examples (see lemma [\[l.highperiod\]](#l.highperiod){reference-type="ref" reference="l.highperiod"}). A finite number of these Pixton discs is enough to cover the accumulation set, implying the trapping property. The closing lemma mentioned above (theorem [\[t.measure local\]](#t.measure local){reference-type="ref" reference="t.measure local"}) is a key point for proving the finiteness.
#### *Finiteness of the renormalization domains.*
A stronger version of the renormalization (theorem [\[t.renormalize-prime\]](#t.renormalize-prime){reference-type="ref" reference="t.renormalize-prime"}) implies corollaries [\[c.infinitely-renormalizable\]](#c.infinitely-renormalizable){reference-type="ref" reference="c.infinitely-renormalizable"} and [\[c.structure\]](#c.structure){reference-type="ref" reference="c.structure"}. It asserts that the number of renormalization domains required to cover the dynamics is finite. Since the renormalization discs are related to decorated regions, we have to show that the periods of the stabilized saddles is bounded (see theorem [\[t.finite\]](#t.finite){reference-type="ref" reference="t.finite"}).
#### *Bound on the renormalization period.*
For showing that after several renormalization steps, the renormalization periods eventually equal two (theorem [\[t.period\]](#t.period){reference-type="ref" reference="t.period"}), we develop a *rigidity argument*: the limit attractors (the generalized odometers obtained as intersection of nested renormalizable domains of an infinitely renormalizable diffeomorphism) induce a stable lamination whose leaves vary continuously for the \(C^1\)-topology over sets with measure arbitrary close to one. This property follows from a *\(\gamma-\)dissipation property* (see section [3.1](#ss.gamma-dissipation){reference-type="ref" reference="ss.gamma-dissipation"}). In particular, for a large proportion of points, the leaves of the lamination by local stable manifolds are "parallel\". Since the renormalization domains (inside a renormalization disc obtained previously) are contained in a (relative) decorated regions, and since the measure is equidistributed between the different renormalization components, a relative renormalization period larger than two would contradict that a large proportion of local stable manifolds are parallel. A simple heuristic of that argument is the following: at small scale, the quotient by the local stable manifolds provides an interval that contains a large proportion of the points of the odometer and that is enough to recover the period doubling mantra that permeates the renormalization scheme for zero entropy maps of the interval.
#### l--Other attracting domains.
One can wonder about the transition to chaos for dissipative diffeomormorphisms on others attracting domains as it is the case of the annulus. The transition to chaos is already much more complicated on the circle than on the interval (see *e.g.,* and references therein), as a result in particular of the non-triviality of the circle at the homotopy level. A prototype family that plays the role of the Hénon maps for the circle, is an annulus version of the Arnold family. Results related to the transition to chaos in that context can be found in and.
#### m--Organization of the paper.
The next three sections present preliminary results: section [2](#preliminaries){reference-type="ref" reference="preliminaries"} describes how fixed points may be rearranged inside finitely many fixed curves, and recalls the Lefschetz formula and a fixed point criterion due to Cartwright and Littlewood; in section [3](#s.quantitative){reference-type="ref" reference="s.quantitative"} we revisit the notion of \(\gamma-\)dissipation introduced in and we present a few results that allow to improve the lower bound on \(\gamma\); in section [4](#ss.closing){reference-type="ref" reference="ss.closing"} we state a new closing lemma. Section [5](#no cycle section){reference-type="ref" reference="no cycle section"} proves that (under the hypothesis of zero entropy and mild dissipation) there is no cycle between periodic points. This is essential to show in section [7](#decoration section){reference-type="ref" reference="decoration section"} that periodic points are organized in chains; also in that section we introduce the notions of decoration and stabilization that provides a hierarchical organization of the chains. Section [6](#s.gms){reference-type="ref" reference="s.gms"} discusses the notion of generalized Morse-Smale diffeomorphisms. In section [8](#ss.trapping){reference-type="ref" reference="ss.trapping"} we prove that the accumulation set of an unstable branch of a fixed point is contained in an arbitrarily small attracting domain and in section [9](#ss.local renormalization){reference-type="ref" reference="ss.local renormalization"} we conclude the proof of the local renormalization (theorem [\[t.theoremA\]](#t.theoremA){reference-type="ref" reference="t.theoremA"}). A global version of that theorem (theorem [\[t.renormalize-prime\]](#t.renormalize-prime){reference-type="ref" reference="t.renormalize-prime"}) is obtained in section [11](#s.renormalize){reference-type="ref" reference="s.renormalize"}; this requires to first show that the periods of the stabilized points are bounded (this is proved in section [10](#ss.finitness){reference-type="ref" reference="ss.finitness"}). The proof of theorem [\[t.period\]](#t.period){reference-type="ref" reference="t.period"} is provided in section [13](#s.period){reference-type="ref" reference="s.period"}: this uses the description of the chain-recurrent set (corollary [\[c.structure\]](#c.structure){reference-type="ref" reference="c.structure"}) which is proved in section [12](#s.odometers){reference-type="ref" reference="s.odometers"}. In the last two sections, we prove the results about dynamics close to interval maps and about the Hénon maps (corollary [\[c.henon\]](#c.henon){reference-type="ref" reference="c.henon"} and theorem [\[t.small jacobian\]](#t.small jacobian){reference-type="ref" reference="t.small jacobian"}).
# Periodic orbits {#preliminaries}
In subsection [2.1](#ss.periodic){reference-type="ref" reference="ss.periodic"}, we analyze the different types of periodic points that could exist for a dissipative diffeomorphism of the disc. When there exist infinitely many periodic points of a given period, we rearrange them inside finitely many periodic arcs. In subsection [2.3](#ss.index arc){reference-type="ref" reference="ss.index arc"} we recall the Lefschetz formula. In subsection [2.4](#ss.accumulation of unstable){reference-type="ref" reference="ss.accumulation of unstable"} we present a kind of topological \(\lambda-\)lemma that is useful to describe the accumulation set of unstable manifolds of periodic points. In section [2.6](#ss.fixedcriterion){reference-type="ref" reference="ss.fixedcriterion"} we recall a classical result by Cartwright and Littlewood about the existence of fixed points.
## Dynamics near a periodic point {#ss.periodic}
We describe the dynamics in the neighborhood of a periodic orbit. Note that up to replace \(f\) by an iterate, one may reduce to consider fixed points. When \(p\) is fixed, the eigenvalues \(\lambda^-_p, \lambda^+_p\) of \(D_pf\) verify \(|\lambda^-_p|\leq |\lambda^+_p|\) and \(|\lambda^-_p\lambda_p^+|<1\).
#### *Hyperbolic sink.*
When \(|\lambda^+_p|<1\), the point \(p\) is a hyperbolic sink. This covers in particular all the cases where \(|\lambda^-_p|= |\lambda^+_p|\). We now describe the other cases.
#### *Stable curve.*
When \(|\lambda^-_p|<|\lambda^+_p|\), there exists a well defined (strong) stable manifold which is a \(C^1\) curve. The connected component containing \(p\) is denoted by \(W^s_\mathbb{D}(p)\). For orbits with higher period \(\mathcal{O}\), we denote by \(W^s_\mathbb{D}(\mathcal{O})\) the union of the curves \(W^s_\mathbb{D}(p)\), \(p\in \mathcal{O}\).
#### *Local stable set.*
The local stable set of \(p\), i.e. the set of points whose forward orbit converges to \(p\) and remains in a small neighborhood of \(p\), is either a neighborhood of \(p\) (a sink), a subset of \(W^s_\mathbb{d}(p)\), or a half neighborhood of \(p\) bounded by \(W^s_\mathbb{D}(p)\).
#### *Center manifold.*
When \(|\lambda^-_p|<|\lambda^+_p|\), the center manifold theorem asserts that there exists a \(C^1\) curve \(\gamma\) which contains \(p\), is tangent to the eigendirection of \(D_pf\) associated to \(\lambda^+_p\) and is locally invariant: there exists \(\varepsilon>0\) such that \(f(\gamma\cap B(p,\varepsilon))\subset \gamma\). The two components of \(\gamma\setminus \{p\}\) are either preserved or exchanged (depending if the eigenvalue \(\lambda^+_p\) is positive or negative). Along each component \(\Gamma\) of \(\gamma\setminus \{p\}\), the dynamics (under \(f\) or \(f^2\)) is either attracting, repelling, or neutral (in which case \(p\) is accumulated by periodic points inside \(\Gamma\)). The type of dynamics does not depend on the choice of \(\gamma\).
#### *Unstable branches.*
The *unstable set* \(W^u(p)\) of \(p\) is the set of points \(x\) such that the distance \(d(f^{-n}(x),f^{-n}(p))\) decreases to \(0\) as \(n\to +\infty\). When it is not reduced to \(p\), it is a \(C^1\) curve which contains \(p\). The local unstable set is defined as the set of points whose backward orbit converges to \(p\) and remains in a small neighborhood of \(p\) and observe that they are contained in the center manifold \(\gamma\). Each connected component \(\Gamma\) of \(W^u(p)\setminus \{p\}\) is called an unstable branch of \(p\).
#### *Hyperbolic saddle.*
When \(|\lambda^-_p|<1< |\lambda^+_p|\), the point \(p\) is a hyperbolic saddle. It admits two unstable branches.
#### *Indifferent fixed point.*
When \(|\lambda^-_p|<1= |\lambda^+_p|\), the point \(p\) is indifferent. We then consider the dynamics (under \(f\) or \(f^2\)) on each side of a center manifold. When \(p\) is isolated among points of period \(1\) and \(2\), it is either a sink (both components are attracting), a saddle (both components are repelling) or a saddle-node (the components are fixed, one is attracting, one is repelling): the type does not depend on the choice of the center curve \(\gamma\).
#### *Saddle with reflexion.*
When the unstable branches of a fixed saddle \(p\) are exchanged by the dynamics, we say that \(p\) is a *(fixed) saddle with reflexion*.
#### *Index.*
For an isolated fixed point, one can define the index of that fixed point as the winding number of the vector field \(f(x)-x\) around the fixed point. For dissipative diffeomorphisms the index of an isolated fixed point is:
- \(1\) for a sink or a saddle with reflexion,
- \(0\) for a saddle-node,
- \(-1\) for a saddle with no reflexion.
By the classical Lefschetz formula, when the number of fixed points is finite the sum of the index of the fixed points in the disc is equal to \(1.\)
## Normally hyperbolic periodic arcs {#ss.arc}
When the number of fixed points is infinite, they appear inside normally hyperbolic arcs.
A fixed point is a fixed arc: for a hyperbolic sink, the splitting is trivial \(F=\{0\}\). When \(I\) has two distinct endpoints \(p_1,p_2\), the forward orbit of any point in the strip \(W^s_{\mathbb D}(I)\) bounded by \(W^s_{\mathbb D}(p_1)\) and \(W^s_{\mathbb D}(p_2)\) converges to a fixed point in \(I\). When \(I\) is not reduced to a sink, \(\mathbb{D}\setminus W^s_{\mathbb D}(I)\) has two connected components. The unstable set of \(I\) is contained in the unstable branches of the endpoints of \(I\).
The choice of the collection \(\mathcal{I}\) is in general not unique. Note that for any distinct \(I,I'\in \mathcal{I}\) which are not sinks, the strips \(W^s_{\mathbb D}(I)\), \(W^s_{\mathbb D}(I')\) are disjoint.
#### *Partial order:*
The finite collection of fixed arcs \(\mathcal{I}\) can be partially ordered in such a way that at least one the unstable branches of the extremal points of \(I_j\) accumulate on \(I_{j+1}.\)
## Lefschetz formula and arcs {#ss.index arc}
In the present subsection we recall the definition of index for isolated invariant arcs and "half" arcs.
#### *Index of an arc.*
To any simple closed curve \(\sigma\subset \mathbb{D}\setminus \operatorname{Fix}(f)\), one associates an index \(i(\sigma,f)\), which is the winding number of the vector field \(f(x)-x\) along the curve. This defines for any isolated fixed arc \(I\) an index \(index(I,f)\): this is the index \(i(\sigma,f)\) associated to any simple closed curve contained in a small neighborhood of \(I\) and surrounding \(I\). For arcs as described in definition [\[d.type-arc\]](#d.type-arc){reference-type="ref" reference="d.type-arc"}, the index takes a value in \(\{-1,0,1\}\), equal to \(1\) for a sink and a saddle with reflexion, \(0\) for a saddle-node, and \(-1\) for a saddle with no reflexion. In particular, the index is \(1\) exactly when the arc has no \(f\)-invariant unstable branch. When \(I\) is reduced to an isolated fixed point, \(index(I,f)\) coincides with the usual index.
#### *Index of a half arc.*
Let us consider a fixed arc \(I\) which contains a fixed point \(p\) having an eigenvalue \(\lambda^+_p\geq 1\) and a connected component \(V\) of \(\mathbb{D}\setminus W^s_\mathbb{D}(p)\). Let us assume that \(I\) is *isolated in \(V\)*, i.e. that any fixed point in a neighborhood of \(I\) that belongs to \(V\), also belongs to \(I\). Then, one can associate an index \(index(I,V,f)\): it has the value \(-1/2\) if \(I\) has a (local) unstable branch in \(V\) that is fixed by \(f\) and the value \(1/2\) otherwise (in which case \(I\) is semi-attracting in \(V\)). When \(I\) is isolated, the index of \(I\) is equal to the sum of the two indices associated to the two connected components of \(\mathbb{D}\setminus W^s_\mathbb{D}(p)\). The next proposition restates the Lefschetz formula in our setting.
## The accumulation set of unstable branches {#ss.accumulation of unstable}
Let \(\Gamma\) be a \(f\)-invariant unstable branch of a fixed point \(p\) and \(\gamma\subset \Gamma\) be a curve which is a fundamental domain. The *accumulation set* of \(\Gamma\) is the limit set of the iterates of \(f^n(\gamma)\) as \(n\to +\infty\). We say that \(\Gamma\) accumulates on a set \(X\) if \(X\) intersects the accumulation set of \(\Gamma\). These definitions naturally extend to unstable branches of periodic points. Next proposition, is a kind of topological version of the classical \(\lambda-\)lemma for mildly dissipative diffeomorphisms without assuming homoclinic intersections.
## Decoration {#ss.decoration}
The geometry described in the next definition is essential in this work.
## A fixed point criterion {#ss.fixedcriterion}
The following result refines Brouwer fixed point theorem inside the disc.
# Quantitative dissipation {#s.quantitative}
We recall a quantitative version of the dissipation that was introduced in:
With this definition in mind, it is possible to get a uniform geometry of stable manifolds for all ergodic measure as it is presented in subsection [3.2](#ss.uniform stable){reference-type="ref" reference="ss.uniform stable"}. In subsection [3.1](#ss.gamma-dissipation){reference-type="ref" reference="ss.gamma-dissipation"} it shown that \(\gamma-\)dissipation holds for uniquely ergodic aperiodic compact invariant sets.
## Criterion for \(\gamma\)-dissipation {#ss.gamma-dissipation}
The next proposition provides sufficient conditions for \(\gamma-\)dissipation. Observe that the hypothesis are satisfied by odometers.
## Uniform geometry of the strong stable leaves {#ss.uniform stable}
The next theorem has been essentially proved in . However, it has to be recasted to get a precise quantitative estimate.
For the proof, we refer to and the following slight changes in the results therein that are needed to be done. Let \(\tilde \sigma, \sigma, \tilde \rho, \rho \in (0,1)\) satisfying \[\label{e.pesin} {\textstyle \frac{\tilde \rho\tilde \sigma}{\rho \sigma}} >\sigma^\alpha,\] and \(A_{\tilde \sigma\sigma\tilde \rho\rho }(f)\) be the set of points \(x\) having a direction \(E\subset T_xS\) such that for each \(n\geq 0\) \[\label{e.stable} \tilde \sigma^n\leq \|Df^n(x)_{|E}\|\leq \sigma^{n},\; \text{ and }\; \tilde \rho^n\leq \frac{\|Df^n(x)_{|E}\|^2}{|\det Df^n(x)|}\leq \rho^{n}.\] We recall theorem 5 and remark 2.1 in:
To conclude theorem [\[t.stable\]](#t.stable){reference-type="ref" reference="t.stable"}, observe that it is enough to prove following proposition:
# Closing lemmas {#ss.closing}
The following theorem is proved in .
We state now a local version of that result. Let us recall that a compact connected set of the plane is *cellular* if its complement is connected. Equivalently it is the decreasing intersection of sets homeomorphic to the unit disc.
This section is devoted to the proof of theorem [\[t.measure local\]](#t.measure local){reference-type="ref" reference="t.measure local"}. We may assume that \(\mu\) is ergodic and that \(\mu\) is not supported on a finite set since otherwise the conclusion of the theorem holds trivially. We have to find a periodic point in \(\Lambda\) arbitrarily close to \(x\). Note that one can replace \(f\) by \(f^2\) and reduce to the case where \(f\) preserves the orientation. Also, by a slight modification of the boundary of the disk, it can be assumed that for almost every point the complement of the local stable manifold in the disc has two connected components.
For proving theorem [\[t.measure local\]](#t.measure local){reference-type="ref" reference="t.measure local"}, the three cases of lemma [\[l.trichotomy\]](#l.trichotomy){reference-type="ref" reference="l.trichotomy"} have to be addressed. In the first case, using that both branches of local stable manifolds intersects \(\Lambda\), for a point \(x\) in a hyperbolic block of the measure \(\mu\), we build a rectangle that contains \(x\) in its interior and the boundary of the rectangle are given by two local stable manifolds of generic points of the measure and two connected arcs contained in \(\Lambda.\) By theorem [\[t.measure revisited\]](#t.measure revisited){reference-type="ref" reference="t.measure revisited"} there is a periodic point close to \(x\) and so in the interior of the rectangle; on the other hand, by the construction of the rectangle, forward iterates of it converge to \(\Lambda\); therefore, the periodic point in the interior of the rectangle, has to be in the intersection of \(\Lambda\) with the rectangle. In the second case, a similar rectangle (with boundaries given by two local stable manifolds of generic points of the measure and two connected arcs contained in \(\Lambda\)) can be built. However, that rectangle does not contain points of \(\Lambda\) in its interior and so theorem [\[t.measure revisited\]](#t.measure revisited){reference-type="ref" reference="t.measure revisited"} does not guarantee the existence of a periodic point in \(R\) (the periodic points provided by that theorem accumulate on the boundary of the rectangle). So a different strategy has to be formulated, which is described after the preparatory claim [\[c.reduction\]](#c.reduction){reference-type="ref" reference="c.reduction"}. For the third case, we use a slight variation of the strategy developed for the second case.
#### *First case: \(\Lambda\) crosses both stable branches of \(x\).*
We select a neighborhood of \(x\) verifying:
The volume of the iterates \(f^k(R)\) and the length of the iterates \(f^k(W^s_\mathbb{D}(x'))\) and \(f^k(W^s_\mathbb{D}(x''))\) decreases to zero as \(k\to +\infty\). Hence the distance between \(f^k(R)\) and \(\Lambda\) goes to zero when \(k\) goes to \(+\infty\). By applying theorem [\[t.measure revisited\]](#t.measure revisited){reference-type="ref" reference="t.measure revisited"}, there exists a periodic point \(q\) in \(R\). Let \(\ell\) denote its period. This periodic point also belongs to \(f^{k\ell}(R)\) for \(k\) arbitrarily large, hence it also belongs to \(\Lambda\) by our construction. The theorem follows in that case.
#### *Second case: \(\Lambda\) crosses only one stable branch of almost every point \(x\).*
As in the proof of the previous claim, we introduce a compact Pesin block \(X\subset \Lambda\) for \(\mu\) with no isolated point, containing \(x\) and with positive \(\mu\)-measure. One can replace \(x\) by another point close in \(X\) and require that \(x\) is accumulated by \(X\) in both components of \(\mathbb{D}\setminus W^s_\mathbb{D}(x)\).
In the following, one replaces \(\mathbb{D}\) by \(f^N(\mathbb{D})\) and \(f\) by \(f^j\). Hence without any loss of generality one reduces to the case where:
- \(W^s_\mathbb{D}(x)\) separates \(x'\) and \(x''\),
- \(R\) is the strip in \(\mathbb{D}\) bounded by \(W^s_\mathbb{D}(x')\) and \(W^s_\mathbb{D}(x'')\),
- \(f(x')=x''\).
We now have to find a periodic point \(q\) in \(R\cap \Lambda\). The ergodicity of the measure will not be used anymore. We denote by \(D'\) (resp. \(D''\)) the (open) component of \(\mathbb{D}\setminus W^s_{\mathbb{D}}(x')\) (resp. of \(\mathbb{D}\setminus W^s_{\mathbb{D}}(x'')\)) which does not contain \(W^s_{\mathbb{D}}(x'')\) (resp. \(W^s_{\mathbb{D}}(x')\)). See figure [\[f.single-cross\]](#f.single-cross){reference-type="ref" reference="f.single-cross"}. The strategy now consist in using the stable manifolds of generic points of the measure to build a forward invariant cellular set \(\Delta\) that contains \(\Lambda\) and such that its forward iterates converge to \(\Lambda\) (see lemma [\[l.delta\]](#l.delta){reference-type="ref" reference="l.delta"}). Then, after considering the following three sets, \(\Delta'=\Delta\cap D'), \Delta''=\Delta\cap D''\) and \(\Delta\cap R\), we show that it is possible to build a continuous map \(g\) that sends \(\Delta\) into itself, coincides with an iterate of \(f\) in \(R\) and satisfies \(g(\Delta')\cap \Delta'=\emptyset\) and \(g(\Delta'')\cap \Delta''=\emptyset\) (see lemma [\[l.g\]](#l.g){reference-type="ref" reference="l.g"}). From proposition [\[p.CL\]](#p.CL){reference-type="ref" reference="p.CL"} it follows that \(g\) has a fixed point in \(\Delta;\) since that fixed point can not be neither in \(\Delta'\) nor in \(\Delta''\), it has to be in \(R\cap \Delta\) and so it is a periodic point for \(f\); since the forward iterates of \(\Delta\) converges to \(\Lambda\), it follows that it has to be in \(\Lambda.\) The last item of the claim [\[c.reduction\]](#c.reduction){reference-type="ref" reference="c.reduction"} implies that there exists a compact set \(A\subset D''\) which contains arbitrarily large iterates of \(x'\) and \(x''\), which are contained in \(f^m(X)\) for some \(m\geq 1\) such that \(\Lambda\) crosses a stable branch of each point \(z\in A\) (and is disjoint from the other one). The stable curves \(W^s_\mathbb{D}(z)\) vary continuously with \(z\in A\) for the \(C^1\) topology.
Let us denote \(\Delta':=\Delta\cap D'\) and \(\Delta'':=\Delta\cap D''\). Note that it is enough now to obtain a periodic point \(q\in R\cap \Delta\). Indeed, since the accumulation set of the forward orbit of \(q\) coincides with the orbit of \(q\), the item (ii) ensures that \(q\in\Lambda\) as required.
Let \(I':=\Delta\cap W^s_{\mathbb{D}}(x')\) and \(I'':=\Delta\cap W^s_{\mathbb{D}}(x'')\). By (iv), these are arcs.
We choose \(\ell\geq 1\) large such that \(f^\ell(x')\in D''\). Since the stable manifolds are disjoint or coincide, this gives \(f^\ell(I')\subset D''\). Note that since \(\mu\) is not a periodic measure, the large forward iterate of \(x'\) do not intersect \(W^s_\mathbb{D}(x')\). One can thus choose \(\ell\) such that we have also \(f^{\ell+1}(x')\not\in \overline{D''}\): this gives \(f^{\ell+1}(I'')\subset \mathbb{D}\setminus \overline{D''}\). We fix such an iterate \(f^\ell\).
From (a), the sequence \(g^n(\Delta)\) is decreasing and the intersection \(\widetilde \Delta\) is \(g\)-invariant. From the property (i) and as the intersection of a decreasing sequence of cellular sets, it is cellular. Together with (b), one can apply Cartwright-Littlewood's theorem (proposition [\[p.CL\]](#p.CL){reference-type="ref" reference="p.CL"}): the orientation preserving homeomorphism of the plane \(g\) has a fixed point \(q\in \widetilde \Delta\subset \Delta\). From (c), the fixed point does not belong to \(\Delta'\cup \Delta''\), hence it belongs to \(R\cap \Delta\). From (d), it is an \(\ell\)-periodic point of \(f\), as we wanted. The proof of the theorem follows in the second case.
#### *Third case: \(\Lambda\) is disjoint from the two stable branches of almost every \(x\).*
We adapt the proof done in the second case. We can first reduce to the setting of the figure [\[f.single-cross\]](#f.single-cross){reference-type="ref" reference="f.single-cross"}: \(W^s_\mathbb{D}(x)\) separates two points \(x'\) and \(x''=f(x')\); \(R\) is the strip bounded by \(W^s_\mathbb{D}(x')\) and \(W^s_\mathbb{D}(x'')\); we have to find a periodic point \(q\) in \(R\cap \Lambda\). In this case, for any iterate \(f^k(x')\), the set \(\Lambda\) intersects \(W^s_\mathbb{D}(f^k(x'))\) only at \(x'\). We choose \(\ell\geq 1\) large such that \(f^\ell(x')\in D''\) and \(f^{\ell+1}(x')\in \mathbb{D}\setminus \overline{D''}\). Note that the sets \((\Lambda\cap D')\cup \{x'\}\), \((\Lambda\cap R)\cup \{x',x''\}\), \((\Lambda\cap D'')\cup \{x''\}\) are compact, connected, and only intersect at \(x'\) or \(x''\). The image by \(f^\ell\) of the second intersects both \(D''\) and \(\mathbb{D}\setminus \overline{D''}\): consequently it contains \(x''\). One deduces that the image \(f^\ell(\Lambda\cap \overline{D'})\) does not intersect \(W^s_\mathbb{D}(x'')\), hence is contained in \(D''\). For the same reason the image \(f^\ell(\Lambda\cap \overline{D''})\) does not intersect \(W^s_\mathbb{D}(x'')\), hence is contained in \(\mathbb{D}\setminus \overline{D''}\). This proves that \(f^\ell\) has no fixed point in \((D'\cup D'')\cap \Lambda\). By Cartwright-Littlewood's theorem (proposition [\[p.CL\]](#p.CL){reference-type="ref" reference="p.CL"}) it has a fixed point in the cellular set \(\Lambda\), hence in \(\Lambda\cap R\) as wanted. The proof of theorem [\[t.measure local\]](#t.measure local){reference-type="ref" reference="t.measure local"} is now complete. 0◻
# No cycle {#no cycle section}
One says that a diffeomorphism \(f\) admits a *cycle of periodic orbits* if there exists a sequences of periodic orbits \(\mathcal{O}_0\), \(\mathcal{O}_1\), \(\dots,\) \(\mathcal{O}_n=\mathcal{O}_0\) such that for each \(i=0,\dots,n-1\), the unstable set of \(\mathcal{O}_i\) accumulates on \(\mathcal{O}_{i+1}\). The goal of this section is to prove the following:
This result can be localized. A set \(U\) is *filtrating* for \(f\) if it may be written as the intersection of two open sets \(U=V\cap W\) such that \(f(\overline V)\subset V\) and \(f^{-1}(\overline W)\subset W\).
The non-existence of cycle of periodic orbits extend to fixed arcs. One says that a diffeomorphism \(f\) admits a *cycle of fixed arcs* if there is sequence of disjoint fixed arcs \(I_0,I_1,\dots, I_{n}=I_0\) such that each arc \(I_i\) admits a \(f\)-invariant unstable branch which accumulates on \(I_{i+1}.\)
A simple example of a cycle is a \(1-\)cycle associated to a fixed point: the unstable manifold of the fixed point accumulates on the stable one. In that context, in, it was proved that either there exists a transversal homoclinic point (and so the topological entropy is positive) or that intersection can be created by a smooth perturbation. Under the hypothesis of mild dissipation, we prove that if such a \(1\)-cycle exists, the topological entropy is positive even if there is not transverse intersection between the invariant manifolds of the fixed point. The end of this section is devoted to the proof of theorems [\[t.cycle\]](#t.cycle){reference-type="ref" reference="t.cycle"} and [\[t.cycle2\]](#t.cycle2){reference-type="ref" reference="t.cycle2"}.
## Homoclinic orbit of a fixed point
We first consider the case of a cycle of a unique fixed point with a homoclinic orbit.
## Periods and heteroclinic orbits.
The following proposition allows to get (topological) transverse heteroclinic intersections between periodic orbits with different periods and will be used again in other sections.
## Cycles of fixed points
A sequence of fixed unstable branches \(\Gamma_0,\Gamma_1,\dots,\Gamma_n=\Gamma_0\) associated to fixed points \(p_0,\dots,p_n\) is a *cycle of unstable branches* if for each \(0\leq i<n\), the accumulation set of \(\Gamma_i\) contains \(\Gamma_{i+1}\). By proposition [\[p.transitive\]](#p.transitive){reference-type="ref" reference="p.transitive"}, this implies that for each \(i,j\), the accumulation set of \(\Gamma_i\) contains \(\Gamma_j\). We generalize lemma [\[l.heteroclinic-cycle\]](#l.heteroclinic-cycle){reference-type="ref" reference="l.heteroclinic-cycle"} to cycles of unstable branches.
## Pixton discs
Let \(p\) be a fixed point with a fixed unstable branch \(\Gamma\) which is contained in its accumulation set. We introduce a notion similar to a construction in , which improved . A compact set \(D\subset \mathbb{D}\) is a *(topological) disc* if it is homeomorphic to the unit disc.
Note that the last property implies that \(f(\delta\setminus \{x\})\) is contained in the interior of \(D\).
Let \(D\) be any Pixton disc associated to \(\Gamma\) and consider a Pixton disc \(D'\supset f^n(D)\) given by claim [\[c.modify-disc\]](#c.modify-disc){reference-type="ref" reference="c.modify-disc"}. The assumptions of claim [\[c.back\]](#c.back){reference-type="ref" reference="c.back"} are also satisfied by \(D'\), hence it holds that \(\mu(\operatorname{Interior}(D'))=0\). This gives \(\mu(\operatorname{Interior}(D))=0\). Hence either \(\mu(D)=0\), or \(\mu\) is supported on the orbit of the periodic point associated to \(D\). In particular if \(K\) supports an aperiodic measure, the conclusion of the proposition holds. We are thus reduced to suppose that all the ergodic measures on \(K\) are periodic and get a contradiction.
One deduces that any periodic point \(q_0\in K\) admits an unstable branch \(\Gamma(q_0)\) (fixed by an iterate \(f^n\) which may not be \(f\)) which is accumulated by \(\Gamma\). The accumulation set of \(\Gamma(q_0)\) contains a periodic point \(q_1\in K\) and then an unstable branch \(\Gamma(q_1)\) accumulated by \(\Gamma(q_0)\). One can build in this way infinite sequences of unstable branches \((\Gamma(q_k))_{k\in \mathbb{N}}\).
#### *First case: there exists a periodic sequence of unstable branches.*
By proposition [\[p.transitive\]](#p.transitive){reference-type="ref" reference="p.transitive"}, there exists a branch \(\Gamma(q_k)\) which is fixed by some iterate \(f^n\) and whose accumulation set contains \(\Gamma(q_k)\). One can thus build a Pixton disc \(D\) for \(f^n\) associated to this branch. One can choose the closing arc \(\delta\) with arbitrarily small diameter so that it is is disjoint from one of components of \(\mathbb{D}\setminus W^s_\mathbb{D}(p_i)\). By construction the interior of \(D\) contains points of \(K\), hence arbitrarily large backward iterates of \(x\). This contradicts the claim [\[c.back\]](#c.back){reference-type="ref" reference="c.back"}.
#### *Second case: there is no periodic sequence of unstable branches.*
Since each unstable branch \(\Gamma(q_k)\) intersects \(K\), it can not be contained in a normally hyperbolic arc fixed by some iterate of \(f\). By proposition [\[p.group\]](#p.group){reference-type="ref" reference="p.group"}, there are at most finitely many unstable branches \(\Gamma(q_k)\) for each period. One can thus consider a sequence \((\Gamma(q_k))\) with the following property: for any \(N\geq 1\), there exists \(\ell\geq 1\) such that for any \(k\geq \ell\), all the periodic points \(q\in K\) in the accumulation set of \(\Gamma(q_k)\) have period larger than \(N\). If \(K_k\) denotes the intersection of \(K\) with the orbit of the accumulation set of \(\Gamma(q_k)\), we get a decreasing sequence of compact sets which do not contain periodic points of period \(N\) for \(k\) large enough. Let \(K_\infty\) be the intersection of all the \(K_k\): by construction it does not contain any periodic point; hence it supports an aperiodic measure, which contradicts our assumptions. The proof of the proposition is now complete. ◻
Let \(W^{s,+}_\mathbb{D}(p)\) be one of the components of \(W^s_\mathbb{D}(p)\setminus \{p\}\) which contains points accumulated by \(\Gamma\). Let \(\Gamma_{loc}\) be a local unstable manifold of \(p\), i.e. a neighborhood of \(p\) inside \(\Gamma\) for the intrinsic topology. It separates small neighborhoods of \(p\) in \(\mathbb{D}_\Gamma\) into two components: we denote by \(U^+\) the component which meets \(W^{s,+}_\mathbb{D}(p)\). See Figure [\[f.quadrant\]](#f.quadrant){reference-type="ref" reference="f.quadrant"}. Note that \(\mu\)-almost every point \(x\) is accumulated by its orbit inside each component of \(\mathbb{D}\setminus W^s_\mathbb{D}(x)\). In particular \(\Gamma\) meets these two components and intersects \(W^s_\mathbb{D}(x)\) at some point \(z\). Iterating backward \(W^s_\mathbb{D}(z)\), one thus gets a sequence of stable curves \(W_n\subset \DD^+\) such that \(f(W_n)\subset W_{n-1}\), \(f^n(W_n)\subset W^s_\mathbb{D}(z)\), which converge to \(W^s_\mathbb{D}(p)\) for the Haudsdorff topology. We denote by \(W_n^+\) a connected component of \(W_n\setminus W^s_\mathbb{D}(x)\) which is close to \(W^{s,+}_\mathbb{D}(p)\) for the Hausdorff topology. By choosing \(n\) large enough, \(W^+_n\) separates \(W^+_{n-1}\) and \(W^{s,+}_\mathbb{D}(p)\) in \(U^+\). See Figure [\[f.quadrant\]](#f.quadrant){reference-type="ref" reference="f.quadrant"}. Let \(x^s\in W^{s,+}_\mathbb{D}(p)\) be a point that is not accumulated by \(\Gamma\) and let \(\beta^s\) be a small \(C^1\) arc transverse to \(W^{s,+}_\mathbb{D}(p)\) at \(x^s\). We also choose \(x^u\in \Gamma_{loc}\) and a small \(C^1\) arc \(\beta^u\) transverse to \(x^u\) at \(\Gamma\). For \(m\geq 1\) large, the arcs \(f^{-m}(\beta^u)\), \(\beta^s\), \(f(\beta^s)\) and \(W^{s,+}_\mathbb{D}(p)\) bound a rectangle \(R\). Similarly, the arcs \(f^{-1}(\beta^u)\), \(\beta^u\), \(f^m(\beta^s)\) and \(\Gamma_{loc}\) bound a rectangle \(R'\). We may choose \(W^+_n\) and \(W^+_{n-1}\) to separate \(p\) from \(\beta\) and \(m\) large enough. One thus get the following properties:
- \(R'\) is separated from \(R\) by \(W^+_{n-1}\) in \(U^+\),
- Any point in \(R\setminus W^s_\mathbb{D}(p)\) has a forward iterate in \(R'\).
Note that the forward iterates of \(W_n\) and \(W_{n-1}\) accumulate on the support of \(\mu\). As a consequence of lemma [\[l.support\]](#l.support){reference-type="ref" reference="l.support"}, if \(R\) has been chosen small enough, we get:
- The forward iterates of \(W_n\) and \(W_{n-1}\) do not meet \(R\).
Let \(D\) be a Pixton disc associated to \(\Gamma\), whose boundary is the union of three arcs: \(\sigma\subset W^{s,+}(p)\), \(\gamma\subset \Gamma\) and a closing arc \(\delta\). We chose \(D\) so that \(\delta\) is contained in \(R\) and \(\gamma\) intersects \(R\) in only one point. Since \(f^{-1}(\gamma)\subset \gamma\), this implies that the arc \(\gamma\) is disjoint from the forward iterates of \(R\). In particular,
- \(R'\) is contained in \(D\).
Let us consider the two curves \(\alpha'\subset W_n^+\) and \(\alpha\subset W_{n-1}^+\), contained in \(U^+\cap D\) which connect \(\Gamma_{loc}\) to another point of the boundary of \(D\) (and intersecting the boundary of \(D\) only at their endpoints, which by construction belong to \(\Gamma\)). Note that \(f(\alpha)\subset \alpha'\) by definition; both are contained in \(W_{n-1}\). The curve \(\alpha\cup\gamma\) bounds a disc \(\Delta\) whereas the curve \(\alpha'\cup\gamma\) bounds a disc \(\Delta'\). Since \(W^+_n\) separates \(W^+_{n-1}\) and \(W^{s,+}_\mathbb{D}(p)\), the discs are nested: \(\Delta'\subset \Delta\). See Figure [\[f.disc2\]](#f.disc2){reference-type="ref" reference="f.disc2"}. Let \(\overset{\circ}\alpha\) and \(\overset{\circ}{\alpha}{}'\) denote the arcs \(\alpha,\alpha'\) without their endpoints. Using (c), that \(f^{-1}(\gamma)\subset \gamma\) and that \(\gamma\) is disjoint from \(\overset{\circ}\alpha\cup \overset{\circ}{\alpha}{}'\), one deduces that the forward iterates of \(\overset{\circ}\alpha\), \(\overset{\circ}{\alpha}{}'\) do not intersect \(\partial D=\sigma\cup\gamma\cup\delta\). Hence:
- Any forward iterate of \(\overset{\circ}\alpha\) or \(\overset{\circ}{\alpha}{}'\) is either in the interior of \(D\) or disjoint from \(D\).
For \(k\) large, the images \(f^k(\alpha)\) and \(f^k(\alpha')\) are contained in a small neighborhood of the support of \(\mu\), hence are outside \(D\). Since \(f(\alpha)\subset \alpha'\), one gets: \(f^{i+1}(\overset{\circ}\alpha)\) is disjoint from \(D\) if and only if \(f^{i}(\overset{\circ}{\alpha}{}')\) is disjoint from \(D\). Together with (e), one deduces that there exists \(k_0\) such that \(f^{k_0}(\overset{\circ}{\alpha}{}')\) is disjoint from \(D\), \(f^{k_0}(\overset{\circ}{\alpha})\) is in the interior of \(D\) and all the larger iterates are disjoint from \(D\). This implies the following lemma.
From a curve \(\beta\), one gets two new ones \(\beta_1,\beta_2\).
Note that \(\Gamma\setminus \gamma\) contains an arc that connect a point in \(R\) with a point in \(R'\): this shows that there exists a curve \(\beta\subset \Gamma\) contained in the interior of \(D\) which connects \(\alpha\) to \(\alpha'\). One then apply lemma [\[l.separation\]](#l.separation){reference-type="ref" reference="l.separation"} inductively: it shows that for each \(\ell\), the arc \(\beta\) contains \(2^\ell\) orbits of length \(\ell.k_1\) that are \(\varepsilon\)-separated. One deduces that the topological entropy of \(f\) is larger than \(\log(2)/k_1\), hence positive. The proof of Theorem [\[t.cycle\]](#t.cycle){reference-type="ref" reference="t.cycle"} is now complete. The proof of Theorem [\[t.cycle2\]](#t.cycle2){reference-type="ref" reference="t.cycle2"} is the same, working inside the filtrating domain. 0◻
# Generalized Morse-Smale diffeomorphisms {#s.gms}
We extend the definition [\[d.generalizedMS\]](#d.generalizedMS){reference-type="ref" reference="d.generalizedMS"} to filtrating sets:
We also say that a diffeomorphism is *mildly dissipative* in a filtrating set \(U\) if for any ergodic measure \(\mu\) for \(f|_U\), which is not not supported on a hyperbolic sink, and for \(\mu\)-almost every \(x\), \(W^s_U(x)\) separates \(U\).
# Stabilization, decoration, structure of periodic points {#decoration section}
In this section \(f\) is a mildly dissipative diffeomorphism of the disc with zero entropy. First we introduce and discuss two related types of configurations of saddle periodic orbits: the decoration and the stabilization (subsection [7.1](#s.stab-dec){reference-type="ref" reference="s.stab-dec"}). We then describe how the set of fixed points (or points of a given period) are organized through chains (see sections [7.2](#s.connectedness-fixed){reference-type="ref" reference="s.connectedness-fixed"}). Later, using the chains, we define a hierarchy between periodic points (section [7.3](#s.connectedness-periodic){reference-type="ref" reference="s.connectedness-periodic"}) and at the end, in proposition [\[p.decreasing-chain\]](#p.decreasing-chain){reference-type="ref" reference="p.decreasing-chain"}, we show that all periodic points are related through this hierarchy.
## Stabilization and decoration {#s.stab-dec}
We have introduced the notion of *decorated periodic orbit* in section [2.5](#ss.decoration){reference-type="ref" reference="ss.decoration"}.
The previous proposition shows that when \(f\) reverses the orientation, all the decorated regions have period \(2\).
## Structure of the set of fixed points {#s.connectedness-fixed}
We introduce a notion which generalizes the fixed arcs.
The end of this section is devoted to the proof of this proposition. Previous proposition also holds for mildly dissipative diffeomorphisms without cycles.
Let us consider the finite set \(\mathcal{I}\) of normally hyperbolic fixed arcs as in section [2.2](#ss.arc){reference-type="ref" reference="ss.arc"} and recall that fixed points can be treated as arcs.
We introduce the following equivalence relation \(\sim\) between fixed arcs \(I,I'\in \mathcal{I}\):
\(I\sim I'\):
: *There exists a sequence of arcs \(I=I_1,I_2,\dots, I_{\ell}=I'\) in \(\mathcal{I}\) such that for each \(0\leq i<\ell\) either \(I_i\) admits a \(f\)-invariant unstable branch which accumulates on \(I_{i+1}\) or \(I_{i+1}\) admits a \(f\)-invariant unstable branch which accumulates on \(I_i\).*
We then associate to any fixed arc of index \(-1\) another arc of index \(1\). Let: \[\mathcal{N}:=\mathbb{D}\setminus \bigcup\{W^s_\mathbb{D}(I_i), I_i\in \mathcal{I} \text{ of index \(-1\)}\}.\]
Now we proceed to finish the proof of lemma [\[l.class-unique\]](#l.class-unique){reference-type="ref" reference="l.class-unique"}. Let us choose arbitrarily a fixed arc \(I(0)\in C\) of index \(1\). For each arc \(I\in \mathcal{I}\) of index \(-1\), let us consider the connected component \(V\) of \(\mathbb{D}\setminus W^s_\mathbb{D}(I)\) which does not contain \(I(0)\). Let \(U\) be the connected component of \(\mathcal{N}\) which is contained in \(V\) and whose boundary intersects \(W^s_\mathbb{D}(I)\). The previous claim associates to it an arc \(I'\in C\) of index \(1\) contained in \(U\). It is by construction different from \(I(0)\). Note that if \(\widetilde I\in C\) is another arc of index \(-1\), the associated arc \(\widetilde I'\) of index \(1\) is different: indeed, in each component \(U\) of \(\mathbb{D}\setminus W^s_\mathbb{D}(I)\) which does not contain \(I(0)\), there exists a unique \(I\in \mathcal{I}\) such that \(W^s_\mathbb{D}(I)\) bounds \(U\) and separates \(U\) from \(I(0)\). We have shown that in \(C\) the number of arcs of index \(-1\) is smaller than the number of arcs of index \(1\). This concludes the proof of the lemma [\[l.class-unique\]](#l.class-unique){reference-type="ref" reference="l.class-unique"}. ◻
## Points decreasing chain related to a stabilized point {#s.connectedness-periodic}
In the present section we discuss how periodic points of larger period are related to points of lower period. Since proposition [\[p.chain\]](#p.chain){reference-type="ref" reference="p.chain"} holds for any (orientation preserving) iterate of \(f\), any periodic point can be related to the fixed points through a chain associated to a large iterate of \(f\). In the next definitions and propositions we show that these chains have a particular structure that link points of larger period to points of lower one.
The unstable set of a decreasing chain related point can be localized.
One also describes the accumulation sets of \(f\)-invariant unstable branches.
## Lefschetz formula associated to a stabilized point
Using the notion of decreasing chain related periodic point, we define the notion of index of a decorated region.
#### *Index of a decorated region.*
Given a decorated region \(V\) of a stabilized periodic point \(p\), and a multiple \(n\) of the period \(k\) of \(V\), one can compute the total index of the set \(C(p,V,n)\) of points \(w\in V\) that are fixed by \(f^n\) and decreasing chain-related to \(p\). Note that by corollary [\[c.orientation\]](#c.orientation){reference-type="ref" reference="c.orientation"}, the map \(f^n\) preserves the orientation. From section [2.2](#ss.arc){reference-type="ref" reference="ss.arc"}, there exists a finite family \(\mathcal{I}\) of disjoint arcs that are fixed by \(f^n\) and contained in \(\overline V\) such that the set of periodic points in \(\cup_{I\in\mathcal{I}} I\) is exactly \(\{p\}\cup C(p,V,n)\). We denote by \(I_0\) the arc of \(\mathcal{I}\) which contains \(p\). Note that the other arcs \(I\in \mathcal{I}\) are isolated, hence have an index \(index(I, f^n)\). The arc \(I_0\) is maybe not isolated (in the case \(p\) is a fixed stabilized point), but one can consider the index \(index(I_0, V,f^n)\) of the half arc \(I_0\) in the region \(V\) for \(f^n\) as defined in section [2.3](#ss.index arc){reference-type="ref" reference="ss.index arc"}. Then, one defines the index of the decorated region \(V\) for \(f^n\) as \[L(V,f^n):=index(I_0,V,f^n)+\sum_{I\in \mathcal{I}\setminus \{I_0\}} index(I, f^n).\] Observe that the number \(L(V,f^n)\) does not depend on the choice of the family \(\mathcal{I}\):
The proof is postponed to section [7.5](#ss.structure){reference-type="ref" reference="ss.structure"}. Before, we prove a weaker statement.
## Structure of the set of periodic points {#ss.structure}
The next proposition classifies the periodic points.
We can now conclude the proof of the proposition [\[p.decreasing-chain\]](#p.decreasing-chain){reference-type="ref" reference="p.decreasing-chain"}. From claim [\[c.decompose-arc\]](#c.decompose-arc){reference-type="ref" reference="c.decompose-arc"}, one can for each stabilized point \(p\) consider the family \(\mathcal{I}_p\) of arcs \(I\in \mathcal{I}_0\) such that all the periodic points in \(\mathcal{I}_p\) are decreasing chain related to \(p\) or equal to \(p\). One can also consider the family \(\mathcal{I}_{fix}\) of arcs whose periodic points are fixed and not stabilized. The family \(\mathcal{I}_0\) decomposes as the disjoint union of \(\mathcal{I}_{fix}\) with the families \(\mathcal{I}_p\), for \(p\) stabilized. Let \(p\) be a stabilized fixed point, with decorated regions \(V_1,V_2\). Lemma [\[l.local-lefschetz\]](#l.local-lefschetz){reference-type="ref" reference="l.local-lefschetz"} implies \[\label{e.fixed-stab} \sum_{I\in\mathcal{I}_p}index(I,f^n)=L(V_1,f^n)+L(V_2,f^n)\geq 1.\] Let \(p\) a stabilized point fixed by \(f^n\) but not by \(f\). It has one decorated region \(V\). Let \(I_p\) be the arc in \(\mathcal{I}_p\) which contains \(p\). Since \(p\) has an unstable branch in the region \(\mathbb{D}\setminus \overline V\), we get \(index(I,\mathbb{D}\setminus \overline V,f^k)=-1/2\). Consequently lemma [\[l.local-lefschetz\]](#l.local-lefschetz){reference-type="ref" reference="l.local-lefschetz"} implies \[\label{e.notfixed-stab} \sum_{I\in\mathcal{I}_p}index(I,f^n)=L(V,f^n)+index(I_p,\mathbb{D}\setminus \overline V,f^n)\geq 0.\] Note that if \(I\in \mathcal{I}\) contains a stabilized fixed point, then \(index(I,f)=1\), whereas for \(I\in \mathcal{I}_{fix}\) one has \(index(I,f)=index(I,f^n)\). Therefore the Lefchetz formula (proposition [\[p.lefschetz\]](#p.lefschetz){reference-type="ref" reference="p.lefschetz"}) for \(f\) gives \[\sum_{I\in\mathcal{I}_{fix}}index(I,f^n)=\sum_{I\in\mathcal{I}_{fix}}index(I,f)=1-\sqcupplus\{p \text{ fixed and stabilized}\}.\] Combining the three previous inequalities give \[\sum_{I\in\mathcal{I}_{0}}index(I,f^n)\geq 1.\] If one assumes that \(\mathcal{I}\setminus \mathcal{I}_0\) is non-empty, the claim [\[c.control-unstable\]](#c.control-unstable){reference-type="ref" reference="c.control-unstable"} and the remark [\[r.lefschetz\]](#r.lefschetz){reference-type="ref" reference="r.lefschetz"} give \[\sum_{I\in\mathcal{I}\setminus \mathcal{I}_{0}}index(I,f^n)\geq 1.\] This gives \(\sum_{I\in\mathcal{I}}index(I,f^n)\geq 2\) which contradicts the Lefschetz formula (proposition [\[p.lefschetz\]](#p.lefschetz){reference-type="ref" reference="p.lefschetz"}). Consequently \(\mathcal{I}=\mathcal{I}_0\) and any point fixed by \(f^n\) satisfies one of the cases of the proposition [\[p.decreasing-chain\]](#p.decreasing-chain){reference-type="ref" reference="p.decreasing-chain"}. The proof is complete. ◻
# Trapping discs {#ss.trapping}
A compact set \(\Delta\subset \mathbb{D}\) is a *(topological) disc* if it is homeomorphic to the unit disc. It is *trapping* for \(f\) if \(f(\Delta)\subset \operatorname{Interior}(\Delta)\). In this section we prove the following result.
It is enough to prove the theorem in the case where \(f\) is orientation preserving. Let us consider the finite set \(\mathcal{I}\) of isolated fixed arcs as introduced in section [2.2](#ss.arc){reference-type="ref" reference="ss.arc"}. Since there is no cycle of fixed arcs (corollary [\[c.cycle\]](#c.cycle){reference-type="ref" reference="c.cycle"}), the elements of \(\mathcal{I}\) can be ordered as a sequence \(I_1,\dots,I_n\) such that there is no \(f-\)invariant unstable branch of \(I_i\) which accumulates on \(I_j\) when \(j\geq i\). The proof first deals with the \(f\)-invariant unstable branches of the arcs \(I_i\), by induction on \(i\). In this case we have a more precise version.
In the following we will first prove the second theorem and then deduce the first. As an immediate consequence one gets:
One also deduces that periodic points are almost isolated in the recurrent set of \(f\).
Note that a fixed point with eigenvalue \(-1\) is contained in an isolated fixed arc \(I'\) for \(f^2\) to which the corollary may be applied. This gives:
The construction of the trapping domains in a small neighborhood that contains the accumulation set of \(\Gamma\) in the proofs of theorem [\[t.renormalize\]](#t.renormalize){reference-type="ref" reference="t.renormalize"} and [\[t.renormalize2\]](#t.renormalize2){reference-type="ref" reference="t.renormalize2"} go along the following lines: 1-using a slight variation of definition [\[d.pixton0\]](#d.pixton0){reference-type="ref" reference="d.pixton0"} we build *Pixton disc* given by either i) arcs of \(\Gamma\) and local stable manifold of stabilized periodic orbits (with period one or larger, lemma [\[l.highperiod\]](#l.highperiod){reference-type="ref" reference="l.highperiod"}), ii) basin of attraction of (semi)attracting fixed points (lemma [\[l.periodone\]](#l.periodone){reference-type="ref" reference="l.periodone"}); 2-the union of these Pixton discs can be refined in a larger Pixton disc that contains all its iterates, the periodic points accumulated by \(\Gamma\) and any decreasing chain-related point to them (corollary [\[c.pixton\]](#c.pixton){reference-type="ref" reference="c.pixton"}); 3) using the closing lemma (theorem [\[t.measure local\]](#t.measure local){reference-type="ref" reference="t.measure local"}) we prove that any point in the accumulation set of \(\Gamma\) has it backward orbit in the interior of the Pixton disc described in previous item (showing that the forward iterate of the disc is contained in the disc) and that allows to perform the last step which consists in slight modification of the Pixton disc to guarantee that the forward iterate is contained in its interior.
## Pixton discs revisited {#ss.pixton}
We prepare here the proof of theorem [\[t.renormalize2\]](#t.renormalize2){reference-type="ref" reference="t.renormalize2"}. We assume in this section that \(f\) preserves the orientation. We consider an arc \(I_i\in \mathcal{I}\) and a \(f\)-invariant unstable branch \(\Gamma\) of an endpoint \(p\) of \(I_i\). Arguing by induction, we may assume that theorem [\[t.renormalize2\]](#t.renormalize2){reference-type="ref" reference="t.renormalize2"} holds for the \(f\)-invariant unstable branches of any arc \(I_k\in \mathcal{I}\) with \(k<i\). Let \(Z\) be the invariant compact set introduced in the statement of the theorem. By assumption on the order inside the family \(\mathcal{I}\), the set \(Z\) disjoint from \(W^s_\mathbb{D}(p)\). We choose a neighborhood \(U\) of \(Z\) disjoint from \(W^s_{\mathbb{D}}(p)\). We introduce the following notion, which is slightly different than the definition [\[d.pixton0\]](#d.pixton0){reference-type="ref" reference="d.pixton0"} given before.
Observe that previous remark provides the proof of the first step in the induction argument: the first arc \(I_1\) in \(\mathcal{I}\) is an attracting arc. In what follow until the end of the subsection, \(p, \Gamma, U\) are the fixed point, unstable arc and neighborhood defined at the beginning of the subsection. In order to prove theorem [\[t.renormalize\]](#t.renormalize){reference-type="ref" reference="t.renormalize"}, we need to cover periodic points in the accumulation set of \(\Gamma\) by Pixton discs. This is done first for periodic points with period larger than \(1\), and later for fixed points.
## Proof of theorem [\[t.renormalize2\]](#t.renormalize2){reference-type="ref" reference="t.renormalize2"}
We first assume that \(f\) preserves the orientation and we consider the setting of the section [8.1](#ss.pixton){reference-type="ref" reference="ss.pixton"}. The accumulation set \(\Lambda\) of \(\Gamma\) may be covered by Pixton discs.
We can now complete the proof of the theorem.
## Proof of theorem [\[t.renormalize\]](#t.renormalize){reference-type="ref" reference="t.renormalize"} and its consequences
## Trapping discs and periodic measures
As a byproduct of the previous arguments we obtain the following property which will be useful later.
# Local renormalization {#ss.local renormalization}
In this section we prove the theorem [\[t.theoremA\]](#t.theoremA){reference-type="ref" reference="t.theoremA"} about the existence of a renormalizable disc. We also explain in proposition [\[p.semi\]](#p.semi){reference-type="ref" reference="p.semi"} how to renormalize inside a decorated region; this proposition is the main step to prove the global renormalization stated by theorem [\[t.renormalize-prime\]](#t.renormalize-prime){reference-type="ref" reference="t.renormalize-prime"} in section [11](#s.renormalize){reference-type="ref" reference="s.renormalize"}.
## Renormalizable diffeomorphisms, proof of theorem [\[t.theoremA\]](#t.theoremA){reference-type="ref" reference="t.theoremA"}
Let \(f\) be a mildly dissipative diffeomorphism of the disc with zero entropy. We distinguish two cases, either all periodic points are fixed or not. In the first case, one have to prove that \(f\) is generalized Morse-Smale; in the second, that there is a renormalizable domain.
#### *First case: any periodic point of \(f\) is fixed.*
For any \(x\in \DD\), let \(\mu\) be an ergodic measure supported on \(\omega(x)\). By the closing lemma (theorem [\[t.measure local\]](#t.measure local){reference-type="ref" reference="t.measure local"}), \(\mu\) is supported on a fixed point \(p\) and in particular, the forward orbit of \(x\) accumulates on \(p\). If \(x\) does not belong to the stable set of \(p\) then \(p\) has an unstable branch and the forward orbit of \(x\) accumulate on that unstable branch. By theorem [\[t.renormalize\]](#t.renormalize){reference-type="ref" reference="t.renormalize"} there exists a disc \(\Delta\) which is trapped (by \(f\) or by \(f^2\)) containing the accumulation set of the unstable branch and disjoint from a neighborhood of \(p\). In particular, \(\omega(x)\subset \Delta\cup f(\Delta)\) and so \(\omega(x)\) does not contain \(p\); a contradiction. We have shown that any forward orbit converges to a fixed point, thus \(f\) is a generalized Morse-Smale.
#### *Second case: there are periodic points with period larger than \(1\).*
By proposition [\[p.decreasing-chain\]](#p.decreasing-chain){reference-type="ref" reference="p.decreasing-chain"}, there exists a stabilized periodic point \(p\). If \(p\) has period \(k>1\), one considers the decorated region \(V_p\) associated to \(p\) and observe that one of the following cases holds.
- there exists an unstable branch of \(p\) contained in \(V_p\),
- \(p\) belongs to an arc which is fixed for \(f^k\), contained in \(\overline{V_p}\) and not reduced to \(p\),
- \(p\) is a saddle-node of \(f^k\).
In the case 2.a, we can apply again theorem [\[t.renormalize\]](#t.renormalize){reference-type="ref" reference="t.renormalize"} for \(f^k\) and the unstable branch of \(p\) that is contained in \(V_p\): this gives a disc \(D\subset V_p\) which is trapped by \(f^k\); since the decorated regions of the iterates of \(p\) are disjoint, the disc \(D\) is disjoint from its \(k-1\) first iterates. In the first cases 2.b and 2.c, it follows immediately that there is a compact disc disjoint from its \(k-1\) first iterates and mapped into itself by \(f^k\). If \(p\) is a stabilized fixed point, it is not a sink. Let \(V_p\) be one of its decorated regions. Only the cases 2.a and 2.b can occur. In case 2.a, \(p\) has two unstable branches that are exchanged by \(f\); hence there exists a disc \(D\subset V_p\) which is trapped by \(f^2\). In case 2.b, \(p\) is accumulated by points of period \(2\): one can then find an arc \(I\subset V_p\) which is fixed by \(f^2\) and disjoint from \(f(I)\) and then a disc \(D\subset V_p\) which is mapped into itself by \(f^2\). To summarize, in the second case we have found a disc \(D\), disjoint from its first \(k-1\) iterates and mapped into itself by \(f^k\): the diffeomorphism is renormalizable. The theorem [\[t.theoremA\]](#t.theoremA){reference-type="ref" reference="t.theoremA"} is now proved.0◻
## Renormalization inside decorated regions
The following proposition provides the renormalization inside each decorated region, refining the trapped domain inside a decorated region of a periodic point \(p\) into finite disjoint periodic trapping domains that capture only the periodic points of larger period that are decreasing chain related to \(p\).
Theorem [\[t.renormalize2\]](#t.renormalize2){reference-type="ref" reference="t.renormalize2"} applied to \(f^\tau\) provides discs that are trapped by \(f^\tau\), that are contained in \(V\) (thanks to claim [\[c.local\]](#c.local){reference-type="ref" reference="c.local"}), and that contain the accumulation sets of the unstable branches of \(J^0\). Consider a neighborhood of \(J^0\). Iterating forward, it may be glued to the trapped discs. This defines a disc contained in \(V\) that is trapped by \(f^\tau\). The lemma [\[l.first-disc\]](#l.first-disc){reference-type="ref" reference="l.first-disc"} is proved. ◻
We have shown that \(\mathcal{P}\) is contained in the union \(U_\tau\) of finitely many disjoint disks (denoted by \(D_1,\dots, D_m\)) in \(V\) that are trapped by \(f^k\). To conclude, we need to prove that for each disc \(D_i\), any periodic point in \(D_i\) is decreasing chain related to \(p.\) Note that the iterates of \(D_i\) do not meet the stable manifold of the orbit of \(p\) (otherwise the trapping property would imply that \(D_i\) contain \(p\), a contradiction). In particular \(D_i\) can not contain any fixed point. Observe also that \(D_i\) does not contain a stabilized periodic point (since one of its unstable branches accumulates on a fixed point and has to be contained in \(D_i\)). Hence by proposition [\[p.decreasing-chain\]](#p.decreasing-chain){reference-type="ref" reference="p.decreasing-chain"}, each periodic point in \(D_i\) is decreasing chain related to some stabilized periodic point. The next lemma asserts that they are necessarily decreasing chain related to \(p\).
The proof of proposition [\[p.semi\]](#p.semi){reference-type="ref" reference="p.semi"} is now complete. ◻
Before proving the theorem we associate to any stabilized orbit a filtrating region.
Since the discs \(U_\mathcal{O}\) and \(D_i\) are trapped by some iterates of \(f\), it is enough to prove that the \(\omega\)-limit set under \(f^k\) of any point in \(\operatorname{Closure}(O_j)\) is contained in the union \[U_\mathcal{O} \cup (D_1\cup ,\dots, \cup D_n) \cup (I_1\cup \dots \cup I_{j}).\] This is proved inductively. We assume that the property holds for any \(j'<j\) and consequently we can suppose that the closure of \[\Delta_{j-1}:=U_\mathcal{O} \cup (D_1\cup ,\dots, \cup D_n) \cup (T_1\cup \dots \cup T_{j-1})\] is mapped into its interior by some iterate of \(f^k\). Let us consider any point \(x\) in \(\operatorname{Closure}(O_j)\). If its \(\omega\)-limit set belongs to \(I_j\), the inductive property holds trivially. Otherwise, \(x\) has a forward iterate close to a neighborhood \(W\) of a fundamental domain of the unstable branches of \(I_j\). By choosing the neighborhood \(O_j\) of \(I_j\) small enough, the neighborhood \(W\) can be chosen arbitrarily small and by the claim [\[c.unstable\]](#c.unstable){reference-type="ref" reference="c.unstable"}, any point in \(W\) has a forward iterate by \(f^k\) in the interior of \(\Delta_{j-1}\). We have thus proved that if the \(\omega\)-limit set of \(x\) is not contained in \(I_j\), then a forward iterate of \(x\) by \(f^k\) belongs to \(\Delta_{j-1}\) as required. The inductive property is proved, which concludes the proof of lemma [\[l.trapped-finite\]](#l.trapped-finite){reference-type="ref" reference="l.trapped-finite"}. ◻
To conclude, it is enough to show that there are not stabilized points of the second type. Let us assume now by contradiction that this is not the case. One builds inductively a sequence of stabilized periodic orbits of the second type \((\mathcal{O}_n)\) and trapping discs \((U_n)\) satisfying for each \(n\geq 1\):
- \(U_{n}\subset U_{n-1}\),
- \(\mathcal{O}_{n}\subset U_{n-1}\setminus U_{n}\),
- \(U_n\) contains infinitely many stabilized periodic orbits,
- the period of \(\mathcal{O}_{n}\) is minimal among the periods of the stabilized periodic orbits of the second type contained in \(U_{n-1}\).
When \(\mathcal{O}_n\) and \(U_n\) have been built, we choose \(\mathcal{O}_{n+1}\) as a stabilized periodic orbits of the second type contained in \(U_{n}\) which minimizes the period. By proposition [\[p.separation\]](#p.separation){reference-type="ref" reference="p.separation"}, there exists trapping discs \(U_{n+1}\subset \widehat U_{n+1}\) associated to \(\mathcal{O}_n\) and one can require that \(U_{n+1}\) is contained in the trapping \(U_n\). In particular \(\mathcal{O}_{n+1}\subset U_{n}\setminus U_{n+1}\) Since \(\mathcal{O}_{n+1}\) is of the second type, \(U_{n+1}\) contains infinitely many stabilized periodic orbits as required. Once the sequences \((\mathcal{O}_n)\) and \((U_n)\) have been built, one considers (up to extract a subsequence) the Hausdorff limit \(K\) of \((\mathcal{O}_n)\). As in the proof of claim [\[c.subsequence\]](#c.subsequence){reference-type="ref" reference="c.subsequence"}, it supports an ergodic measure \(\mu\) which is aperiodic. The intersection of the discs \(U_n\) defines an invariant cellular set \(\Lambda\) that contains \(K\). The closing lemma [\[t.measure local\]](#t.measure local){reference-type="ref" reference="t.measure local"} implies that \(\Lambda\) contains periodic points \((p_k)\) with arbitrarily large period which accumulate on a point \(x\) of \(K\). We consider different cases:
- *Some \(p_k\) belongs to stabilized periodic orbits of the second type.* Since the minimal period of stabilized periodic orbits of the second type contained in \(U_n\) goes to \(+\infty\) as \(n\to +\infty\), this is a contradiction.
- *Some \(p_k\) is decreasing chain related to a stabilized periodic orbit \(\mathcal{O}\) of the second type.* Each trapping disc \(U_n\) contains a fixed point \(q\) and there exists a decorated region \(V\) of \(\mathcal{O}\) which does not contain \(q\). Up to replace \(p_k\) by one of its iterates, one can assume \(p_k\in V\). This shows that \(U_n\) meets \(V\) and its complement, hence intersects the stable set of \(\mathcal{O}\). Since \(U_n\) is a trapping disc, it contains \(\mathcal{O}\). But the minimal period of stabilized periodic orbits of the second type contained in \(U_n\) goes to \(+\infty\) as \(n\to +\infty\), and this is a contradiction.
- *All the points \(p_k\) are decreasing chain related to stabilized periodic orbits of the first type.* Since the number of this type of stabilized periodic orbits is finite, one can assume that the \(p_k\) are all decreasing chain related to the same stabilized periodic orbit \(\mathcal{O}\). Let us consider trapping discs \(U_\mathcal{O}\subset \widehat U_\mathcal{O}\) as in proposition [\[p.separation\]](#p.separation){reference-type="ref" reference="p.separation"}. All the \(p_k\) are contained in the filtrating region \(\widehat U_\mathcal{O}\setminus U_\mathcal{O}\). Taking the limit, \(K\) meets that region. In particular, the orbits \(\mathcal{O}_n\) for \(n\) large also meet that region. This is a contradiction since the orbits \(\mathcal{O}_n\) are stabilized and the region \(\widehat U_\mathcal{O}\setminus U_\mathcal{O}\) contains only one stabilized periodic orbit (the orbit \(\mathcal{O}\)).
In all the cases we found a contradiction. This ends the proof of theorem [\[t.finite\]](#t.finite){reference-type="ref" reference="t.finite"}. ◻
## Global renormalization: proof of theorem [\[t.renormalize-prime\]](#t.renormalize-prime){reference-type="ref" reference="t.renormalize-prime"}
We apply proposition [\[p.semi\]](#p.semi){reference-type="ref" reference="p.semi"} and associate to each stabilized periodic orbit \(\mathcal{O}_i\) some discs \(D_{i,1},\dots,D_{i,\ell_i}\) that are trapped by \(f^{k_i}\) where \(k_i\) is the period of the decorated regions associated to \(\mathcal{O}_i\). By construction each \(D_{i,j}\) is contained in a decorated region of \(\mathcal{O}_i\) and all the periodic points decreasing chain-related to \(\mathcal{O}_i\) and with period larger than \(k_i\) belong to the orbit of the \(D_{i,j}\). The discs \(D_{i,j}\) and \(D_{i',j'}\) associated to different orbits \(\mathcal{O}_i,\mathcal{O}_{i'}\) are disjoint by lemma [\[c.disc2\]](#c.disc2){reference-type="ref" reference="c.disc2"}, proposition [\[p.decreasing-chain\]](#p.decreasing-chain){reference-type="ref" reference="p.decreasing-chain"} and corollary [\[c.unique-stabilized\]](#c.unique-stabilized){reference-type="ref" reference="c.unique-stabilized"}. Since the number of stabilized orbits is finite (theorem [\[t.finite\]](#t.finite){reference-type="ref" reference="t.finite"}), we get the two first items. Note that any periodic point which does not belong to the \(D_{i,j}\) is either fixed, or stabilized, or decreasing chain-related to a stabilized point with the same period. Hence its period is bounded by \(\max\{1, k_1,\dots, k_\ell\}\). Let \(x\) be any point whose \(\omega\)-limit set does not belong to a trapped disc. The limit set supports an ergodic measure \(\mu\) This measure cannot be aperiodic since the closing lemma would produce a periodic orbit with large period outside the discs \(D_{i,j}\). Hence the limit set contains a periodic orbit and by corollary [\[c.isolated\]](#c.isolated){reference-type="ref" reference="c.isolated"} coincides with the periodic orbit. The theorem [\[t.renormalize-prime\]](#t.renormalize-prime){reference-type="ref" reference="t.renormalize-prime"} is now proved. 0◻
## Infinite renormalization: proof of corollary [\[c.dichotomy0\]](#c.dichotomy0){reference-type="ref" reference="c.dichotomy0"}
By theorem [\[t.renormalize-prime\]](#t.renormalize-prime){reference-type="ref" reference="t.renormalize-prime"}, the dynamics of \(f\) reduces to a generalized Morse-Smale dynamics in a filtrating set \(\mathbb{D}\setminus \overline W\). If \(W=\emptyset\), the diffeomorphism \(f\) is generalized Morse-Smale and corollary [\[c.dichotomy0\]](#c.dichotomy0){reference-type="ref" reference="c.dichotomy0"} holds. Each connected component of \(W\) is a topological disc \(\Delta\) which is trapped by an iterate \(f^k\) of \(f\); moreover the restriction of \(f^k\) to \(\Delta\) is a mildly dissipative diffeomorphism. One may thus apply theorem [\[t.renormalize-prime\]](#t.renormalize-prime){reference-type="ref" reference="t.renormalize-prime"} inside each of these discs. Arguing inductively, one gets a new decomposition of the dynamics into a generalized Morse-Smale part and discs that are eventually trapped after a return time which increases at each step of the induction. If \(f\) is not generalized Morse-Smale, the induction does not stop and \(f\) is infinitely renormalizable. Corollary [\[c.dichotomy0\]](#c.dichotomy0){reference-type="ref" reference="c.dichotomy0"} follows. 0◻
# Chain-recurrent dynamics {#s.odometers}
We now describe in detail the dynamics of a mildly dissipative diffeomorphism with zero entropy and prove corollary [\[c.structure\]](#c.structure){reference-type="ref" reference="c.structure"}.
## Generalized odometers
The claim and the characterization of the connected components of \(\mathcal{C}\) prove that for \(\mu\)-almost every point \(x\), the connected component of \(x\) in \(\mathcal{C}\) is a singleton. Since the discs \(D_i\) are trapped by \(f^{k_i}\), any chain-recurrence class which meets \(\mathcal{C}\) is contained in \(\mathcal{C}\). For any \(\varepsilon\), let us consider \(i\) and an iterate \(f^{m_i+k_i}(D_i)\) with diameter smaller than \(\varepsilon\). Any forward and backward orbit in \(\mathcal{C}\) intersects \(f^{m_i+k_i}(D_i)\), showing that \(\mathcal{C}\) is chain-transitive. This implies that \(\mathcal{C}\) is a chain-recurrence class. ◻
Let us choose \(\alpha\in (0,\min(1, r-1))\) and \(\varepsilon \in (0, 1/4)\). Theorem [\[t.stable\]](#t.stable){reference-type="ref" reference="t.stable"} associates \(\gamma\in (0,1)\). By theorem [\[t.renormalize-prime\]](#t.renormalize-prime){reference-type="ref" reference="t.renormalize-prime"}, there exists a nested sequence of topological discs \(\widehat D_i\) that are periodic and trapped with periods \(\widehat k_i\to+\infty\) such that \(D_i\subset \widehat D_i\). By proposition [\[p.odometer\]](#p.odometer){reference-type="ref" reference="p.odometer"} the intersection of the sets \(\widehat D_i\cup f(\widehat D_i)\cup\dots \cup f^{\widehat k_i-1}(\widehat D_i)\) is a chain-recurrence class \(\mathcal{C}\) which is a generalized odometer. In particular it does not contain any periodic points and it supports a unique invariant probability \(\mu\). Proposition [\[p.gamma-strong\]](#p.gamma-strong){reference-type="ref" reference="p.gamma-strong"} implies that \(f\) is \(\gamma\)-dissipative on \(\mathcal{C}\), hence on the domains \(\widehat D_i\cup f(\widehat D_i)\cup\dots \cup f^{\widehat k_i-1}(\widehat D_i)\) for \(i\) large enough. Theorem [\[t.stable\]](#t.stable){reference-type="ref" reference="t.stable"} provides a compact set \(A\) such that \(W^s_\mathbb{D}(x)\) exists and varies continuously with \(x\in A\) in the \(C^1\) topology and \(\nu(A)>3/4\) for any invariant probability measure supported on a neighborhood of \(\mathcal{C}\). In particular the orbits \(\mathcal{O}_i\) have at least \(3\tau_i/4\) iterates in \(A\). By proposition [\[p.odometer\]](#p.odometer){reference-type="ref" reference="p.odometer"}, for \(\mu\)-almost every point \(x\), the connected component of \(x\) in \(\mathcal{C}\) is reduced to \(\{x\}\). This implies that for any \(\delta>0\) and for \(i\) large enough, at least \(3\widehat k_i/4\) discs in the family \(\widehat D_i\cup f(\widehat D_i)\cup\dots \cup f^{\widehat k_i-1}(\widehat D_i)\) have diameter smaller than \(\delta\). The number of discs \(f^{m}(\widehat D_i)\) (\(0\leq m<\widehat k_i\)) which contain at most \(2\) points in \(\mathcal{O}_{i+1}\cap A\) is smaller than \((\tau_{i}/\widehat k_i-2)^{-1}\operatorname{Card}(\mathcal{O}_{i}\setminus A)\), hence than \(\tau_i/4\). Consequently there exists a disc \(f^{m+k_i}(\widehat D_i)\) with diameter smaller than \(\delta\) which contains at least \(3\) points \(x,y,z\) of \(A\cap \mathcal{O}_i\). Since the three points are close, the local stable manifolds \(W^s_\DD(x)\), \(W^s_\DD(y)\), \(W^s_\DD(z)\) are close for the \(C^1\)-topology. In particular there are coordinates in the disc such that the three curves are graphs over one of the coordinate axis. This implies that one of the stable manifolds separates the two other ones in \(\DD\). This is a contradiction since the orbit \(\mathcal{O}_{i}\cap f^{m}(D_i)\) of \(f^{k_i}\) is decorated. Theorem [\[t.period\]](#t.period){reference-type="ref" reference="t.period"} is proved. 0◻
## Proof of corollary [\[c.period\]](#c.period){reference-type="ref" reference="c.period"}
Theorem [\[t.period\]](#t.period){reference-type="ref" reference="t.period"} implies that there exists \(m\geq 1\), a finite number of topological discs \(D_1,\dots,D_\ell\) and integers \(m_1,\dots,m_\ell\) such that
- the discs \(f^k(D_i)\) with \(1\leq i\leq \ell\) and \(0\leq k<m_i\) are pairwise disjoint,
- each disc \(D_i\) is trapped by \(f^{m_i}\),
- the set \(F\) of periodic points in the complement of \(\cup_{i,k} f^k(D_i)\) is finite,
- each \(f^{k_i}|_{D_i}\) is infinitely renormalizable and each renormalization disc \(\Delta\subset D_i\) is contained in a sequence of renormalization discs \(\Delta_0=\Delta\subset \Delta_1\subset\dots\subset \Delta_s=D_i\) such that the period of \(\Delta_{j}\) is the double of the period of \(\Delta_{j+1}\).
Theorem [\[t.renormalize-prime\]](#t.renormalize-prime){reference-type="ref" reference="t.renormalize-prime"} shows that the set of periods of each diffeomorphism \(f^{k_i}|_{D_i}\) coincides with \(\{2^n,n\geq 0\}\). This shows that the set of periods of \(f\) coincides with \[F\cup \{m_i.2^n,\: 1\leq i\leq \ell \text{ and } n\in{\mathbb N}\}.\] Corollary [\[c.period\]](#c.period){reference-type="ref" reference="c.period"} follows.0◻
# Dynamics close to one-dimensional endomorphisms {#ss.close-endo}
In this section, we prove theorem [\[t.small jacobian\]](#t.small jacobian){reference-type="ref" reference="t.small jacobian"}.
## Extension of one-dimensional endomorphisms
From now on, and to keep the approach described in we consider extensions of a one-dimensional endomorphisms which slightly differ from [\[e.extension\]](#e.extension){reference-type="eqref" reference="e.extension"}, but which work both for the interval and the circle: given a one-dimensional manifold \(I\) (the circle \(S^1\) or the interval \((0, 1)\)), a \(C^2\) map \(h: I \to I\) isotopic to the identity (such that \(h(\partial I) \subset \operatorname{Interior}(I)\) in the case of the interval), \(\epsilon>0\) small and \(b \in (-1, 1)\) even smaller, we get a map \(f_b\) on \(\DD := I \times (-\epsilon, \epsilon)\) defined by \[f_b: (x, y) \to (h(x) + y, b(h(x)-x + y)).\] Indeed for any \(y\in {\mathbb R}\) close to \(0\) and any \(x \in h(I)\), the sum \(x + y\) is well defined and, since \(h\) is isotopic to the identity, the difference \(h(x)-x\) belongs to \({\mathbb R}\). Note that the Jacobian is constant and equal to \(b\). When \(|b|> 0,\) the map \(f_b\) is a diffeomorphism onto its image. When \(b = 0\) the image \(f_0 (\DD)\) is contained in \(I \times \{0\}\) and the restriction of \(f_0\) coincides with \(h \times \{0\}.\) Theorems 1 and 2 in assert that for \(|b|>0\) small enough, the map \(f_b\) is mildly dissipative and that the same property holds for any diffeomorphism. The diffeomorphism [\[e.extension\]](#e.extension){reference-type="eqref" reference="e.extension"} that is presented in the introduction can be handled in the same way. Indeed for \(b = 0\), the map \(f_0\) is an endomorphism which contracts the curves \(h(x) + y = \operatorname{cte}\) to a point: these curves are analogous to strong stable manifolds. One can check moreover that, for any ergodic measure which is not supported on a sink, the points in a set with uniform measure are far from the critical set, implying that these curves cross the domain \(I \times (-\epsilon, \epsilon)\). For \(|b| > 0\), the control of the uniformity of the stable manifolds ensures that for points in a set with uniform measure has local stable manifolds close to the curves \(h(x) + y = \operatorname{cte}\).
## Parallel laminations
The proof of theorem [\[t.small jacobian\]](#t.small jacobian){reference-type="ref" reference="t.small jacobian"} follows from the property that for points on a large set, the stable manifolds are "parallel\", i.e. do not contain decorated configurations.
## Proof of theorem [\[t.small jacobian\]](#t.small jacobian){reference-type="ref" reference="t.small jacobian"}
Let us choose a diffeomorphism \(g\) as in the statement of theorem [\[t.small jacobian\]](#t.small jacobian){reference-type="ref" reference="t.small jacobian"}. Having chosen \(g\) in a small neighborhood of a diffeomorphism \(f_b\), with \(|b|\) small, ensures that proposition [\[p.improving-onedim\]](#p.improving-onedim){reference-type="ref" reference="p.improving-onedim"} holds for some \(\delta\in(0,1/3).\) In particular at least \(2/3\) of the iterates of any stabilized periodic orbit meets the set \(S\): the parallel property then implies that the period of any stabilized periodic orbit is \(1\) or \(2\). The theorem [\[t.renormalize-prime\]](#t.renormalize-prime){reference-type="ref" reference="t.renormalize-prime"} gives disjoint renormalization discs with period \(2\), such that any periodic orbit in the complement has period \(1\) or \(2\). Let us consider any one of the obtained renormalization domains \(D\) and the induced diffeomorphism \(g^2|_D\). Note that if \(O\subset D\) is a stabilized orbit of \(g^2\), then both \(O\) and \(g(O)\) are stabilized periodic orbits of \(g^2\) in \(\DD\). By proposition [\[p.improving-onedim\]](#p.improving-onedim){reference-type="ref" reference="p.improving-onedim"}, at least \(2/3\) of the iterates of \(O\), or \(g(O)\) belong to \(S\). The parallel property then implies that the period of \(O\) under \(g^2\) is \(1\) or \(2\). The theorem [\[t.renormalize-prime\]](#t.renormalize-prime){reference-type="ref" reference="t.renormalize-prime"} gives smaller disjoint renormalization discs with period \(4\), such that any periodic orbit in the complement is fixed by \(g^4\). Arguing inductively, one deduces that there exists renormalization discs of period \(2^n\) such that the periodic orbits in the complement are fixed by \(g^{2^n}\). Consequently, any periodic orbit is fixed by some iterate \(g^{2^n}\), hence has a period which is a power of \(2\). 0◻
# Dynamics of the Hénon map
In this section we prove corollary [\[c.henon\]](#c.henon){reference-type="ref" reference="c.henon"}.
## Reduction to a dissipative diffeomorphism of the disc
The dynamics of a dissipative Hénon map is the same as the dynamics of a dissipative diffeomorphism of the disc.
## Proof of corollary [\[c.henon\]](#c.henon){reference-type="ref" reference="c.henon"}
Let \(g\) be the diffeomorphism given by proposition [\[p.reduction\]](#p.reduction){reference-type="ref" reference="p.reduction"}. Since the topological entropy of \(f_{b,c}\) vanishes, the same holds for \(g\). Moreover by remark [\[r.reduction\]](#r.reduction){reference-type="ref" reference="r.reduction"}, \(g\) is mildly dissipative. From the items (3) and (5) of proposition [\[p.reduction\]](#p.reduction){reference-type="ref" reference="p.reduction"}, any forward orbit by \(f_{b,c}\) which does not escape to infinity accumulates in a subset \(K\) of \(\Delta_1\). The image \(h(K)\) by the conjugacy is the limit set of a forward orbit of \(g\). It is contained in a chain-recurrence class of \(g\). With corollary [\[c.structure\]](#c.structure){reference-type="ref" reference="c.structure"}, one deduces that the forward orbit of \(f_{b,c}\) converges to a periodic orbit or to a subset of an odometer. From items (4) and (5), a similar conclusion holds for backward orbits. The periodic set of \(f_{b,c}\) is included in \(\Delta_1\) and is conjugated by \(h\) to the periodic set of \(g\), once the fixed point \(p_0\) has been excluded. Hence the set of periods of \(f_{b,c}\) can be described from the set of periods of \(g\). By corollary [\[c.period\]](#c.period){reference-type="ref" reference="c.period"}, it has the structure [\[e.period\]](#e.period){reference-type="eqref" reference="e.period"}. 0◻
## Final remark: trapping discs for the Hénon map
We propose an alternative proof to corollary [\[c.henon\]](#c.henon){reference-type="ref" reference="c.henon"} in the case where the Hénon map \(f_{b,c}\) is orientation-preserving (i.e. \(b\in (0,1)\)). Indeed the following proposition holds. One can then find a trapping disc and directly apply corollaries [\[c.structure\]](#c.structure){reference-type="ref" reference="c.structure"} and [\[c.period\]](#c.period){reference-type="ref" reference="c.period"} to \(f_{b,c}\).
In the following, we denote by \((x_s,x_q)\) and \((x_u,x_q)\) the maximal open domains where the left stable and left unstable branches of \(q\) are graphs.
#### *First case: the left unstable or the left stable branch of \(q\) is a graph.*
If the left unstable branch of \(q\) is a graph, it is bounded by the second fixed point \(p\). Hence \(W^u(q)\cup\{p\}\) is an invariant closed half line containing the two fixed points. The domain \(U={\mathbb R}^2\setminus (W^u(q)\cup\{p\})\) is homeomorphic to a plane. By Brouwer theorem, any orbit which does not belong to that line escape to infinity in the domain \(U\) when \(n\to \pm \infty\). Together with the claim [\[c.unbounded-graph\]](#c.unbounded-graph){reference-type="ref" reference="c.unbounded-graph"}, this implies that the forward (resp. backward) orbit either belongs to the stable (resp. unstable) manifold of a fixed point, or converges to infinity in \({\mathbb R}^2\). If the left stable branch of \(q\) is a graph, the union of the left stable branch and of the right stable branch is an invariant closed half line and a similar argument holds.
#### *Second case: the unstable manifold of \(q\) is not a graph and \(x_s\leq x_u\).*
The left unstable branch is not a graph: there exists a point \(z_u\in W^u(q)\) with a vertical tangent space and (by lemma [\[l.concavity\]](#l.concavity){reference-type="ref" reference="l.concavity"}) the unstable arc connecting the points \(z_u\) and \(q\) is a concave graph \(\gamma^u\) over an interval \((x_u,x_q)\). The (local) left stable branch of \(q\) is a graph over a maximal interval \((x_s,x_q)\). The tangent map at \(q\) is \(Df(q)=\begin{pmatrix} 2x_q & 1 \\-b & 0 \end{pmatrix}\), hence the stable graph is above the unstable graph. Moreover the two graphs are disjoint: if they intersect, by concavity (lemma [\[l.concavity\]](#l.concavity){reference-type="ref" reference="l.concavity"}) they have a transverse intersection point, and the entropy is positive, contradicting our assumption. One can build a Jordan domain \(\Delta\) by considering the union of the unstable arc \(\gamma^u\), a vertical segment \(\gamma^v\) and a stable arc \(\gamma^s\) above \((x_u,x_q)\), see figure [\[f.construction-trapped\]](#f.construction-trapped){reference-type="ref" reference="f.construction-trapped"}. We claim that \(f(\Delta)\subset \Delta\). Indeed \(f(\gamma^u)\) does not crosses \(\gamma^s\), as explained above. It does not crosses \(\gamma^v\) either, since \(f^{-1}(\gamma^v)\) is a subset of a convex graph \(\{(t, cte-t^2),t\in {\mathbb R}\}\) which is tangent to the concave graph \(\gamma^u\) at the point \(f^{-1}(z_u)\). Similarly the horizontal segment \(f(\gamma^v)\) does not cross the convex graph \(\gamma^s\) since one of its endpoints is below the convex graph \(\gamma^s\) and the other one is on the graph. One considers a domain \(D\) which is bounded by curves close to (but disjoint from) \(\gamma^u, \gamma^v,\gamma^s\). The inclination lemma implies that \(D\) is a trapped disc, see figure [\[f.construction-trapped\]](#f.construction-trapped){reference-type="ref" reference="f.construction-trapped"}. By construction it contains a fundamental domain of the left unstable branch of \(q\). One deduces that \({\mathbb R}^{2}\setminus (W^u(q) \cup (\cap_n f^n(D)))\) is homeomorphic to the plane and does not contain any fixed point. Brouwer theorem implies that any forward (resp. backward) orbit either belongs to the stable (resp. unstable) manifold of \(q\), or intersects \(D\) (resp. belongs to \(\cap_n f^n(D)\)), or escapes to infinity.
#### *Third case: the left stable branch is not a graph and \(x_s> x_u\).*
We perform a similar construction. The local stable graph is bounded by a point \(z_s\) with a vertical tangent space. As before, the two local graphs are disjoint and one builds a Jordan domain \(\Delta\) by considering the union of a stable arc \(\gamma^s\), a vertical segment \(\gamma^v\) and an unstable arc \(\gamma^u\) above \((x_s,x_q)\). For the same reasons as before, the boundary of \(\Delta\) does not cross its image. In this case \(f(\gamma^v)\) is an horizontal graph tangent to the convex graph \(\gamma^s\) and hence above it. This implies \(f(\Delta)\supset \Delta\), which contradicts the volume contraction of\(f\). ◻
[^1]: In dimensions \(1\) and \(2\), the topological entropy is continuous with respect to the \(C^{\infty}\)-topology by . In particular, there is no jump in entropy at the transition. For \(C^1\) families on the interval, the transition to positive entropy requires infinitely many period doubling bifurcations.
[^2]: In, Coullet and Tresser recognized that operator as similar to the renormalization operator introduced in Statistical Mechanics by Kennet Wilson following a prehistory in the context of high energy physics.
[^3]: Notice that is the first paper studying cascades of period doubling in dimensions 1 and 2.
[^4]: In these systems are called *strongly dissipative diffeomorphisms* since many results were only applied for systems with very small Jacobian; in the context of the disc we call them *mildly dissipative*, since there are classes of diffeomorphisms with not such small Jacobian, as the Hénon maps, that satisfy the main property of the definition.
[^5]: For issues related to the two last questions in the context of interval maps, see *e.g.* and references therein.
[^6]: A degenerate \(C^1\) example can be extracted from the Denjoy-like example in.
[^7]: After studying the Lorenz model for large values of the "Rayleigh number\" \(r\) on the advice of David Ruelle, Yves Pomeau presented this joint work at the observatory of Nice where Michel Hénon was working. He showed in particular that the time-\(t\) map, for \(t\) varying from 0 to 1, transforms a well chosen rectangle to an incomplete horseshoe. That night, the legend tells, Hénon extracted a model of that from his former studies of the conservative case while Pomeau and Ibanez had preferred to focus to a full double covering for which the mathematics are much simpler. "The most recognition for the least work\" Hénon told to Tresser. Later, Coullet and Tresser realized that the Hénon map appears to be in the same universality class for period doubling than the one-dimensional quadratic map: this led them to conjecture in 1976 (see ) that universal period doubling should be observed in fluids, since Hénon map was built to imitate a Poincaré map of the Lorenz flow in some parameters ranges, and the quadratic map is the limit as the dissipation goes to infinity, of the Hénon map. | {'timestamp': '2020-06-25T02:04:28', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14278', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14278'} |
# Introduction {#sec:introduction}
Collective excitations are simple and informative probes of various physical properties in solids. Among them, excitations related to the interaction of light and matter are, perhaps, among the most numerous. In particular, polaritons are quasiparticles related to the coupling of electromagnetic waves with any resonance in material. The paradigmatic example of polaritons is realized by coupled states of electromagnetic waves with phonons in ionic crystals whose charged particles are not mobile. The latter property makes these materials insulating and allows for an unobstructed propagation of electromagnetic collective modes. The situation is different in metals, which are characterized by a large number of conducting electrons, where electromagnetic waves can propagate only with frequencies higher than the plasma one. Still, the surface plasmons can propagate with frequencies below the plasma edge. A strong interaction of light with surface plasmons produces surface plasmon polaritons (SSPs), which are, therefore, a particular case of polaritons confined to a metal-dielectric or metal-air interface. Surface plasmon polaritons are particularly important for practical applications . Indeed, they can be guided along surfaces and have significantly smaller wavelength than that of the incident photons enabling subwavelength optics and lithography beyond the diffraction limit. Further, SPPs are very sensitive to external fields, non-linear effects, and material parameters. This can be used to create nanoscale devices connected with optical switching and biosensing. Furthermore, the strong sensitivity allows one to investigate various properties of novel materials. Recently, materials characterized by nontrivial topological properties have attracted a significant attention. A paradigmatic example of topological matter with gapless energy spectrum is given by Weyl semimetals . Their low-energy excitations are described by the relativistic-like Weyl equation in the vicinity of the band-touching points called Weyl nodes. Each of these nodes is a monopole of the Berry curvature, whose flux defines a topological charge of the nodes. As proved by Nielsen and Ninomiya , the Weyl nodes in lattice systems always come in pairs of opposite chirality, or, equivalently, topological charges. In each pair, the Weyl nodes are separated by \(2\mathbf{b}\) in momentum \[this breaks the time-reversal (TR) symmetry\] and/or \(2b_0\) in energy (this breaks the parity-inversion symmetry). The former parameter is known as the chiral shift . It results in the anomalous Hall effect (AHE) in Weyl semimetals, which plays an important role in transport and optical properties of Weyl semimetals. Moreover, the AHE strongly affects collective excitations, including the SPPs. Surface plasmon polaritons in Weyl semimetals were studied in Refs. . The principal finding is that the SPP dispersion in Weyl semimetals with broken TR symmetry is similar to magnetoplasmons in ordinary metals with strong gyrotropic and nonreciprocity effects. It is important to emphasize that a giant nonreciprocity can be attained in the absence of magnetic fields, which is very advantageous for technological applications. In thin films of Weyl semimetals, a hybridization between plasmons localized at the opposite surfaces of the semimetal results in mixed plasmon modes with different localization lengths . The nontrivial bulk topology of Weyl semimetals is also reflected in unusual surface states known as the Fermi arcs . Unlike surface states in ordinary materials, the Fermi arcs form open segments in momentum space that connect Weyl nodes of opposite chirality . The interplay of the Fermi arcs and the SPPs was studied in Refs. . By using semiclassical and quantum-mechanical nonlocal approaches, it was found that the constant frequency contours of the surface plasmons become strongly anisotropic. In addition, as was shown in Refs. , a gapless Fermi arc collective mode could emerge. The dispersion relations of surface plasmons can be measured by the scattering-type near-field optical spectroscopy (for a recent review, see Ref. ) as well as the momentum-resolved electron energy loss spectroscopy (see, e.g., Ref. and references therein). Experimentally, the electron energy loss in Weyl semimetals was recently studied in Ref. . The SPPs were experimentally investigated in the type-II Weyl semimetal WTe\(_2\) in Ref. . The nonreciprocity of the SPPs can be used to develop unidirectional optical devices such as nonreciprocal circulators, nonreciprocal Mach--Zehnder interferometers, one-way optical waveguides , etc. Tuning the thickness of a Weyl semimetal, dielectric constants of surrounding media, and the direction of the chiral shift provides efficient means to control the strength of the nonreciprocity. However, such a tuning cannot be performed *in situ*, which is crucial for creating easily controllable devices. In this study, we propose a different way to control the nonreciprocity of the SPPs connected with the effect of strains in Weyl semimetals. A remarkable property of mechanical strains in Weyl semimetals is their ability to induce pseudoelectromagnetic fields . Unlike the ordinary electromagnetic fields \(\mathbf{E}\) and \(\mathbf{B}\), their pseudoelectromagnetic counterparts \(\mathbf{E}_5\) and \(\mathbf{B}_5\) couple to the left-handed and right-handed particles with opposite signs. A pseudoelectric field \(\mathbf{E}_{5}\), for instance, can be created by dynamically stretching or compressing the sample. A nonzero pseudomagnetic field \(\mathbf{B}_{5}\) is generated, e.g., by applying a static torsion or bending the sample . A typical magnitude of the pseudomagnetic field \(B_5\) is estimated to be about \(0.3~\mbox{T}\) in the former case and about \(15~\mbox{T}\) in the latter case. While dynamical pseudoelectromagnetic fields allow for interesting effects such as the acoustogalvanic effect , for the purposes of this study, it will be sufficient to consider only static deformations in Weyl semimetals with broken TR symmetry. In this model, we found that strains affect the spectrum of the SPPs by reducing their frequencies and even leading to nonreciprocity. Moreover, deformations can be used to tune the localization of the SPPs. The paper is organized as follows. The model, key notions, and numerical estimates of model parameters are provided in Sec. [2](#sec:model){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:model"}. The SSPs for the perpendicular, Faraday, and Voigt configurations of the chiral shift and wave vector are investigated in Sec. [3](#sec:results){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:results"}. The obtained results are summarized in Sec. [4](#sec:Summary){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:Summary"}. The effects of a nonuniform chiral shift profile at the surface of Weyl semimetals are discussed in Appendix [\[sec:chiral-shift\]](#sec:chiral-shift){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:chiral-shift"}. Throughout this study, we set \(k_{B}=1\).
# Model {#sec:model}
Let us begin with defining the model of a Weyl semimetal and presenting general equations for the SPPs. We assume that the Weyl semimetal has the form of a slab of finite thickness \(2d\) along the \(z\) direction. The corresponding setup together with three configurations of the chiral shift \(\mathbf{b}\) and the wave vector \(\mathbf{q}\) of the SPPs is shown in Fig. [\[fig:setup\]](#fig:setup){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:setup"}. For the slab of a sufficiently large thickness, the SSPs on its surfaces overlap weakly and can be considered as independent. In this simplified case, one assumes that the Weyl semimetal is situated at \(z > 0\) and vacuum is at \(z < 0\). In view of the translational invariance along the interface, the electric field \(\mathbf{E}\) is sought as a plane wave with frequency \(\omega\) and wave vector along the surface \(\mathbf{q}=(q_x,q_y)\), i.e., \[\label{model-electric-field-ansatz} \mathbf{E} \propto e^{-i\omega t + iq_xx+iq_yy}\,e^{-\kappa |z|},\] which decays exponentially away from the boundary for \(\kappa > 0\). The field in vacuum is sought in the same form, however, with a different decay constant \(\kappa_0\). The electric field is determined by the following equation: \[\bm{\nabla}\times\left[\bm{\nabla}\times \mathbf{E}\right] =-\frac{1}{c^2}\frac{\partial^2}{\partial t^2}\,\mathbf{D}, \label{model-wave-equation}\] where \(\mathbf{D}\) is the displacement electric field and \(c\) is the speed of light. The same equation where \(\mathbf{D}\) is replaced with \(\mathbf{E}\) should be used in vacuum.
## Hamiltonian and main equations {#sec:model-H}
To demonstrate the effect of strain-induced axial gauge fields on the SPPs in Weyl semimetals, it suffices to consider the minimal model of a Weyl semimetal with a single pair of Weyl nodes separated by \(2\mathbf{b}\) in momentum. The corresponding Hamiltonian has the following form: \[\label{model-H-chi} H_{\lambda}=-\mu +\lambda \hbar v_F \bm{\sigma} \cdot\left(-i\bm{\nabla} + \lambda \frac{e}{c\hbar} \mathbf{A}_5(\mathbf{r})-\lambda \mathbf{b}\right).\] Here \(\lambda=\pm\) is the chirality of Weyl nodes, \(\mu\) is the electric chemical potential, \(v_F\) is the Fermi velocity, \(\bm{\sigma}\) is the vector of Pauli matrices, and \(\mathbf{A}_5(\mathbf{r})\) is the axial gauge field. The latter can be induced by strains . Moreover, a coordinate-dependent axial gauge field appears necessarily at the surface of a Weyl semimetal, where the chiral shift terminates . The dependence of \(\mathbf{A}_5\) on coordinates and the direction of the chiral shift \(\mathbf{b}\) will be specified later in Secs. [2.2](#sec:Estimates){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:Estimates"} and [3](#sec:results){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:results"}. The effects of nonuniform chiral shift profile are considered in Appendix [\[sec:chiral-shift\]](#sec:chiral-shift){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:chiral-shift"}. In particular, we found that surface collective modes become delocalized when the profile of the chiral shift is sufficiently nonuniform. In order to determine the displacement electric field \(\mathbf{D}\), the dependence of the electric current density \(\mathbf{j}\) on the electric field \(\mathbf{E}\) should be specified. In addition to the usual Ohm's current, it is well known that a Weyl semimetal with broken TR symmetry has the AHE current, which is perpendicular to the electric field. This is the origin of the gyrotropic effects observed in Weyl semimetals even in the absence of a magnetic field. In the model ([\[model-H-chi\]](#model-H-chi){reference-type="ref" reference="model-H-chi"}), the AHE current has the form \[\label{model-current-AHE} \mathbf{j}_{\text{{\tiny AHE}}} =-\frac{e^2}{2\pi^2 \hbar} \left[\mathbf{b} \times\mathbf{E}\right] +\frac{e^3}{2\pi^2 \hbar^2 c} \left[\mathbf{A}_5 \times\mathbf{E}\right].\] Thus, the explicit expression for the displacement vector \(\mathbf{D}\) is \[\label{model-displacement-field} \mathbf{D}=\left[\varepsilon(\omega)+\frac{4\pi i}{\omega}\sigma\right] \mathbf{E}-\frac{2ie^2}{\pi \hbar \omega} \left[\mathbf{b} \times \mathbf{E}\right] + \frac{2ie^3}{\pi \hbar^2 c \omega} \left[\mathbf{A}_5 \times \mathbf{E}\right],\] where \(\sigma\) describes the real part of the electric conductivity related to disorder and \(\varepsilon(\omega)\) is the frequency-dependent dielectric constant of Weyl semimetal. For simplicity, we assumed that \(\varepsilon(\omega)\) does not depend on the wave vector \(\mathbf{q}\). This approximation is justified if the inverse wave vector of SPPs is larger than the inverse Fermi wave vector. Then, the frequency dependence has the standard form \(\varepsilon(\omega)=\varepsilon_{\infty}(1-\Omega^2_{\rm e}/\omega^2)\), where \(\varepsilon_{\infty}\) is the high-frequency dielectric constant and \[\label{model-CMP-k=0-Langmuir} \Omega_{\rm e}^2 = \frac{4e^2}{3\pi\hbar^3 v_F \varepsilon_{\infty}}\left(\mu^2 +\frac{\pi^2 T^2}{3}\right)\] is the plasma or Langmuir frequency. Here \(T\) is temperature. The profiles of electromagnetic fields and frequencies of the corresponding collective modes are determined by solving Eq. ([\[model-wave-equation\]](#model-wave-equation){reference-type="ref" reference="model-wave-equation"}) with the appropriate boundary conditions. For these conditions, we demand, as usual, the continuity of the parallel components of electric and normal components of magnetic fields. These magnetic fields are generated dynamically by oscillating electric currents and fields. Further, since no external charges and currents are present, the perpendicular components of the displacement field and parallel components of the magnetic field are also continuous. For example, by using ansatz ([\[model-electric-field-ansatz\]](#model-electric-field-ansatz){reference-type="ref" reference="model-electric-field-ansatz"}), a homogeneous system of linear algebraic equations can be derived in the case of a semi-infinite slab. The zeros of the determinant of this system define the dispersion relation of SPPs. As we will show below, the case of strained Weyl semimetal is more complicated and one can no longer look for solution in form ([\[model-electric-field-ansatz\]](#model-electric-field-ansatz){reference-type="ref" reference="model-electric-field-ansatz"}).
## Model parameters {#sec:Estimates}
In order to provide a direct relation to experiments, we quantify the values of model parameters in realistic materials. For definiteness, we use in our analysis the numerical constants valid for the Dirac semimetal Cd\(_3\)As\(_2\) : \[\label{estimates-parameters-num} v_{\rm F}\approx 1.5\times 10^8~{\rm cm/s}, \quad \mu\approx 200~{\rm meV}, \quad b\approx 1.6~{\rm nm}^{-1},\] where the chiral shift is estimated as the distance between two Dirac points in Cd\(_3\)As\(_2\). In addition, the dielectric constant of the Weyl semimetal candidate Eu\(_2\)Ir\(_2\)O\(_7\), \(\varepsilon_{\infty}=13\) , is used. Then, according to Eq. ([\[model-CMP-k=0-Langmuir\]](#model-CMP-k=0-Langmuir){reference-type="ref" reference="model-CMP-k=0-Langmuir"}), the plasma frequency at \(T\to0\) can be estimated as \[\label{estimates-Omegae} \Omega_{\rm e} \approx 6.6\times10^{13}~\mbox{s}^{-1}.\] This frequency corresponds to the following characteristic length scale: \[\label{estimates-char-length} \frac{c}{\Omega_e} \approx 4.5~\mu\mbox{m}.\] Note that the thickness of films of Weyl and Dirac semimetal could be even smaller than the characteristic length scale. For example, films of the Dirac semimetal Cd\(_3\)As\(_2\) with the thickness \(2d\approx 35-100~\mbox{nm}\) and the Weyl semimetals NbP and TaP with the thickness \(2d\approx 9-70~\mbox{nm}\) can be grown. The characteristic frequency corresponding to the Weyl node separation is given by \[\label{estimates-omegab} \omega_b=\frac{2 e^2 b}{\pi \hbar \varepsilon_{\infty}}\approx 1.7\times10^{14}~\mbox{s}^{-1}\approx2.6\,\Omega_e.\] It is interesting to note that this frequency is comparable to \(\Omega_e\). This suggests that the effects related to the Weyl nodes separation could be indeed significant in real materials. Further, let us provide estimates of strain magnitude. We start with the case of bending about the \(y\) axis. The corresponding components of the displacement field \(\mathbf{u}\) are \[\begin{aligned}
\label{estimates-u-bend} u_x=\frac{u_0}{d} xz, \quad u_z=-\frac{u_0}{2d}\left(x^2+D_{\rm L}z^2\right). \end{aligned}\] Here \(u_0\) is the maximum stress and \(D_{\rm L}\) is a certain function of the Lamé coefficients. The corresponding strain-induced axial gauge field for \(\mathbf{b}\parallel\hat{\mathbf{x}}\) can be estimated as \[\label{estimates-A5x-bend} A_{5,x} \simeq-\frac{c\hbar}{e} \beta_G b_x u_{xx} =-\frac{c\hbar \beta_G b_x u_0}{ed} z,\] where \(\hat{\mathbf{x}}\) is the unit vector in the \(x\) direction, \(\beta_{G}\simeq1\) is the Grüneisen parameter, and the standard definition of the strain tensor was used, \(u_{ij}=\left(\partial_iu_j+\partial_j u_i\right)/2\). Then, the effective axial field strength, which is defined as \[\label{estimates-tA5-def} \tilde{A}_{5} \simeq |A_5| \frac{d}{z},\] reads as \[\label{estimates-tA5x-bend} \tilde{A}_{5,x} \simeq \frac{c\hbar \beta_G b_x u_0}{e}.\] We find it convenient to quantify the magnitude of strain by the following dimensionless parameter: \[\begin{aligned}
\label{estimates-beta-def} \beta = \sqrt{\frac{c\omega_b}{\Omega_e^2 b l^2}}, \end{aligned}\] where \(l^2 = \hbar c d/(e\tilde{A}_5)\). In the case of bending, it is estimated as \[\begin{aligned}
\label{estimates-beta-bend} \beta = \sqrt{\frac{c\omega_b}{\Omega_e^2 b l^2}} = \sqrt{\frac{2e^3 \tilde{A}_{5,x}}{\pi \hbar^2 \varepsilon_{\infty} \Omega_e^2 d}} \simeq \sqrt{\frac{2u_0e^2 c \beta_G b_x}{\pi \hbar \varepsilon_{\infty} \Omega_e^2 d}} \approx 1.6 \sqrt{\frac{c}{\Omega_e d} u_0}. \end{aligned}\] As expected, the strain effects are well manifested in sufficiently thin films. For example, even for \(u_0=1\%\) and \(d=0.1c/\Omega_e\), the dimensionless parameter \(\beta\approx0.5\). In such a case, however, the SPPs on the opposite surfaces hybridize notably. In the case of an inhomogeneous stretching along the \(z\) direction, the \(z\) component of the displacement vector is \[\begin{aligned}
\label{estimates-u-stretch} u_z =z \frac{f(z)}{2d} =z^2 \frac{f(d)-f(-d)}{(2d)^2}, \end{aligned}\] where we assumed a linear dependence of the function \(f(z)\) on coordinates. Then \[\label{estimates-A5z-stretch} A_{5,z} \simeq-\frac{c\hbar}{e} \beta_G b_z u_{zz} =-\frac{c\hbar}{e} \beta_G b_z z \frac{f(d)-f(-d)}{2d^2}.\] The corresponding effective axial field strength and the dimensionless parameter \(\beta\) are \[\label{estimates-tA5z-stretch} \tilde{A}_{5,z} \simeq \frac{c\hbar}{e} \beta_G b_z \frac{\left|f(d)-f(-d)\right|}{2d}\] and \[\begin{aligned}
\label{estimates-beta-stretch} \beta \simeq \sqrt{\frac{2ce^2}{\pi \hbar \varepsilon_{\infty} \Omega_e^2 d} \beta_G b_z \frac{\left|f(d)-f(-d)\right|}{2d}} \approx 1.6 \sqrt{\frac{c}{\Omega_e d} \frac{\left|f(d)-f(-d)\right|}{2d}}, \end{aligned}\] respectively. As in the case of bending, the relative deformation \(\left|f(d)-f(-d)\right|/(2d)\) could reach a few percents.
# Results for surface plasmon polaritons {#sec:results}
In this section, we discuss the results for the dispersion relations of SPPs in Weyl and Dirac semimetals and show how strains affect them. Let us consider first the case of a Dirac semimetal with \(\mathbf{b}=\mathbf{A}_5=\mathbf{0}\). Then it is easy to obtain that the dispersion of the SPPs coincides with that in ordinary metals and is determined by the following relation: \[\varepsilon_1\kappa_0+ \kappa=0, \label{results-Dirac-semimetal}\] where \(\kappa=\sqrt{q^2-\varepsilon_1\omega^2/c^2}\) and \(\kappa_0=\sqrt{q^2-\omega^2/c^2}\). The AHE currents and the corrections due to the axial fields generated by strains cancel out for Dirac semimetals. Let us present now the results for Weyl semimetals with broken \(\mathcal{T}\) symmetry (\(\mathbf{b} \neq \mathbf{0}\)). As we will see below and as was noted in, e.g., Ref. , the SPPs in Weyl semimetals resemble the magnetoplasmons in conventional metals . It is convenient to rewrite Eq. ([\[model-wave-equation\]](#model-wave-equation){reference-type="ref" reference="model-wave-equation"}) as \[\label{results-wave-eq} \nabla(\nabla \cdot \mathbf{E})-\Delta \mathbf{E} = \frac{\omega^2}{c^2}\left(\varepsilon_1 \mathbf{E}-i \varepsilon_2 [\hat{\mathbf{b}}\times \mathbf{E}] + i \varepsilon_2 \frac{z}{b l^2}[\hat{\mathbf{A}}_5\times \mathbf{E}]\right),\] where \(\varepsilon_{1} = \varepsilon(\omega) +4\pi i \sigma/\omega\), \(\varepsilon_2 = \varepsilon_{\infty}\omega_b/\omega\), and \(\hat{\mathbf{A}}_5\) is the unit vector in the direction of \(\mathbf{A}_5\). A nonzero conductivity \(\sigma\) leads to a dissipation of the SPPs. For the sake of simplicity, we will ignore it in the rest of the study. The explicit form of Eq. ([\[results-wave-eq\]](#results-wave-eq){reference-type="ref" reference="results-wave-eq"}) is \[\label{results-wave-eq-expl} \begin{pmatrix} q_y^2-\partial_z^2 &-q_xq_y & i q_x \partial_z \\-q_x q_y & q_x^2-\partial_z^2 & i q_y \partial_z \\ i q_x \partial_z & i q_y \partial_z & q_x^2 + q_y^2 \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} E_x \\ E_y \\ E_z \end{pmatrix} = \frac{\omega^2}{c^2} \begin{pmatrix} \varepsilon_1& i \hat{b}_z \varepsilon_2-\frac{i z}{b l^2} \hat{A}_{5,z} \varepsilon_2&-i \hat{b}_y \varepsilon_2 + \frac{i z}{b l^2} \hat{A}_{5,y} \varepsilon_2 \\-i \hat{b}_z \varepsilon_2 +\frac{i z}{b l^2} \hat{A}_{5,z} \varepsilon_2& \varepsilon_1& i \hat{b}_x \varepsilon_2-\frac{i z}{b l^2} \hat{A}_{5,x} \varepsilon_2\\ i\hat{b}_y \varepsilon_2-\frac{i z}{b l^2} \hat{A}_{5,y} \varepsilon_2&-i \hat{b}_x \varepsilon_2 + \frac{i z}{b l^2} \hat{A}_{5,x} \varepsilon_2 & \varepsilon_1\\ \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} E_x \\ E_y \\ E_z \end{pmatrix}.\] It is easy to check that the electric field \(\mathbf{E}\) takes the following form in vacuum: \[\mathbf{E}_0= \left(E_x(\pm d), E_y(\pm d), \pm i\frac{E_x(\pm d) q_x + E_y(\pm d) q_y}{\kappa_0}\right) e^{i q_x x + i q_y y-\kappa_0 |z\mp d|-i \omega t}.\] Here \(\pm\) corresponds to the upper (\(+\)) and lower (\(-\)) vacuum half-spaces.
## Perpendicular configuration {#sec:results-sol-perpendicular}
Let us start our analysis of the SPPs in strained Weyl semimetals with the perpendicular configuration \(\mathbf{b}\perp\mathbf{q}\) and \(\mathbf{b}\parallel\hat{\mathbf{z}}\) (see Fig. [\[fig:setup\]](#fig:setup){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:setup"}(a)). Without the loss of generality, we set the wave vector of the SPPs pointing in the \(x\) direction, i.e., \(\mathbf{q}\parallel\hat{\mathbf{x}}\). Further, we assume that \(\hat{\mathbf{A}}_5\parallel \hat{\mathbf{z}}\). As was discussed in Sec. [2.2](#sec:Estimates){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:Estimates"}, this axial gauge field could be generated by stretching the sample inhomogeneously along the \(z\) axis with \(u_z\propto z f(z)/d\) and \(f(z)=z\). It is straightforward to show that the matrix equation ([\[results-wave-eq-expl\]](#results-wave-eq-expl){reference-type="ref" reference="results-wave-eq-expl"}) can be rewritten as a fourth-order ordinary differential equation \[\begin{aligned}
\label{results-sol-Perp-eq} &&\frac{\varepsilon_1}{\varepsilon_2 \kappa^2\left[1-z/(bl^2)\right]}E_y^{(4)} +\frac{2\varepsilon_1}{\varepsilon_2 bl^2 \kappa^2 \left[1-z/(bl^2)\right]^2} E_y^{(3)} +\frac{2\varepsilon_1}{\varepsilon_2 (bl^2)^2\left[1-z/(bl^2)\right]^3}\left[\frac{1}{\kappa^2}-(bl^2)^2\left(1-\frac{z}{bl^2}\right)^{2}\right] E_y^{\prime \prime} \nonumber\\ &&-\frac{2\varepsilon_1}{\varepsilon_2 bl^2 \left[1-z/(bl^2)\right]^2} E_y^{\prime}-\frac{1}{\varepsilon_2 \left[1-z/(bl^2)\right]^3} \Bigg[\frac{2\varepsilon_1}{(bl^2)^2}-q^2 \varepsilon_1 \left(1-\frac{z}{bl^2}\right)^2 +\frac{\omega^2 \varepsilon_1^2}{c^2} \left(1-\frac{z}{bl^2}\right)^2 \nonumber\\ &&-\frac{\omega^2 \varepsilon_2^2}{c^2} \left(1-\frac{z}{bl^2}\right)^4\Bigg] E_y=0, \end{aligned}\] where we used \[\begin{aligned}
E_x &=&-ic^2\frac{E_y^{\prime \prime}-\kappa^2 E_y}{\varepsilon_2\omega^2 \left[1-z/(bl^2)\right]},\\ E_z &=&-\frac{iq E_x^{\prime}}{\kappa^2}, \end{aligned}\] and \(q=q_x\). Note that since both \(E_x\) and \(E_z\) are generically nonzero, SPPs are not purely longitudinal or transverse waves. One can check that Eq. ([\[results-sol-Perp-eq\]](#results-sol-Perp-eq){reference-type="ref" reference="results-sol-Perp-eq"}) reproduces the results obtained in Ref. in the limit of semi-infinite slab \(d\to\infty\) and vanishing pseudomagnetic field \(l\to\infty\). In particular, the decay constant in ansatz ([\[model-electric-field-ansatz\]](#model-electric-field-ansatz){reference-type="ref" reference="model-electric-field-ansatz"}) equals \[\label{results-sol-Perp-semiinf} \kappa_{\rm P}^2 = \kappa^2 \pm \frac{|\omega \kappa \varepsilon_2|}{c \sqrt{-\varepsilon_1}}.\] The dispersion relation of the SPPs in the finite slab is obtained by solving Eq. ([\[results-sol-Perp-eq\]](#results-sol-Perp-eq){reference-type="ref" reference="results-sol-Perp-eq"}) and requiring the continuity of the tangential components of the dynamical magnetic field. The latter condition is equivalent to the continuity of \(\partial_z E_y\) and \(\partial_z E_x-i q E_z\) at the boundaries. For fields outside the slab, we have \(\partial_z E_x-i q E_z = \sign{z} \omega^2E_x/(c^2\kappa_0)\). Therefore, since the tangential components of the electric field are continuous, we obtain \[\begin{aligned}
\label{results-sol-Perp-char-eq} \left.\kappa_0 \varepsilon_1 E_x^{\prime} + \frac{z q \kappa_0 \varepsilon_2}{b l^2}E_x +\sign{z}\kappa^2E_x\right|_{z = \pm d} = 0,\\ \label{results-sol-Perp-char-eq-Ey} \left.\partial_z E_y +\kappa_0\sign{z} E_y\right|_{z = \pm d}=0. \end{aligned}\] The case of a finite slab with nonzero \(\mathbf{A_5}\) is more complicated. Therefore, we focus on numerical solutions. It is worth noting, however, that analytical analysis could be still performed in the case of short and long wavelengths or, equivalently, \(q\to\pm\infty\) and \(q\to0\), respectively. In the latter case, since SPPs are gapless collective modes, \(\varepsilon_1\to\infty\) at \(\omega\to0\) leading to the divergence of the first term in Eq. ([\[results-sol-Perp-char-eq\]](#results-sol-Perp-char-eq){reference-type="ref" reference="results-sol-Perp-char-eq"}). Therefore, in order to satisfy the characteristic equation, one should set \(\kappa_0 = 0\). This leads to the following dispersion relation at small momenta: \[\label{results-sol-Perp-qto0} \omega(q\to0) =c q,\] which is nothing else as the dispersion of light. Thus, neither chiral shift nor strains affect the SPPs at small \(q\). Further, let us consider the short wavelength limit \(q\to\pm\infty\). In this case, Eq. ([\[results-sol-Perp-eq\]](#results-sol-Perp-eq){reference-type="ref" reference="results-sol-Perp-eq"}) simplifies and can be rewritten as \[\label{results-sol-Perp-eq-q-inf} \varepsilon_1 E_y^{(4)} +\frac{2\varepsilon_1}{bl^2\left[1-z/(bl^2)\right]} E_y^{(3)}-2\varepsilon_1 q^2 E_y^{\prime \prime}-\frac{2q^2 \varepsilon_1}{bl^2\left[1-z/(bl^2)\right]} E_y^{\prime}+\varepsilon_1 q^4E_y=0.\] Its general solution is \[\label{results-sol-Perp-sol-q-inf} E_y=C_1e^{qz} +C_2e^{-qz} +C_3 z\left[3+ qbl^2\left(2-\frac{z}{bl^2}\right)\right] e^{qz}+C_4 z\left[3-qbl^2\left(2-\frac{z}{bl^2}\right)\right]e^{-qz},\] where \(C_i\) with \(i=\overline{1,4}\) are constants determined from the boundary conditions ([\[results-sol-Perp-char-eq\]](#results-sol-Perp-char-eq){reference-type="ref" reference="results-sol-Perp-char-eq"}) and ([\[results-sol-Perp-char-eq-Ey\]](#results-sol-Perp-char-eq-Ey){reference-type="ref" reference="results-sol-Perp-char-eq-Ey"}). By substituting solution ([\[results-sol-Perp-sol-q-inf\]](#results-sol-Perp-sol-q-inf){reference-type="ref" reference="results-sol-Perp-sol-q-inf"}) into Eqs. ([\[results-sol-Perp-char-eq\]](#results-sol-Perp-char-eq){reference-type="ref" reference="results-sol-Perp-char-eq"}) and ([\[results-sol-Perp-char-eq-Ey\]](#results-sol-Perp-char-eq-Ey){reference-type="ref" reference="results-sol-Perp-char-eq-Ey"}), we find \[\label{results-sol-Perp-omega-q-inf} \omega\left(q \to \pm\infty\right) = \Omega_e \sqrt{\frac{\varepsilon_{\infty}}{1+\varepsilon_{\infty}}}.\] This result agrees with that for conventional surface plasmons . It is clear that strain does not induce nonreciprocity in this case. The numerical solutions for dispersion relations obtained from Eq. ([\[results-sol-Perp-eq\]](#results-sol-Perp-eq){reference-type="ref" reference="results-sol-Perp-eq"}) with the boundary conditions ([\[results-sol-Perp-char-eq\]](#results-sol-Perp-char-eq){reference-type="ref" reference="results-sol-Perp-char-eq"}) and ([\[results-sol-Perp-char-eq-Ey\]](#results-sol-Perp-char-eq-Ey){reference-type="ref" reference="results-sol-Perp-char-eq-Ey"}) are shown in Fig. [\[fig:results-perp-omega-few-beta\]](#fig:results-perp-omega-few-beta){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:results-perp-omega-few-beta"}, where the case \(\beta=0\) corresponds to the absence of strain. The frequencies \(\omega_{+}\) and \(\omega_{-}\) correspond to two branches of the SPP spectrum. If the width of the slab is sufficiently large, then these modes can be understood as a combination of the SPPs localized at the opposite surfaces. They are hybridized, however, in a thin slab. Nevertheless, we can still distinguish them by using the symmetry properties of the field component \(E_x\) in the unstrained limit. In this case, \(\omega_{+}\) and \(\omega_{-}\) correspond to the modes with antisymmetric and symmetric distributions of the field, respectively. Clearly, strain decreases frequencies of the SPPs for intermediate values of \(q\). In agreement with the analytical result ([\[results-sol-Perp-omega-q-inf\]](#results-sol-Perp-omega-q-inf){reference-type="ref" reference="results-sol-Perp-omega-q-inf"}), there is no dependence on strain at \(q\to\pm \infty\), however. In addition to the SPPs, we also present one of the bulk modes in Fig. [\[fig:results-perp-omega-few-beta\]](#fig:results-perp-omega-few-beta){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:results-perp-omega-few-beta"}(c), which is determined as the lowest delocalized solution. The field profiles of the SPPs are shown in Fig. [\[fig:results-perp-fields\]](#fig:results-perp-fields){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:results-perp-fields"}. Unlike the case of semi-infinite slab, where the electric field for the surface modes is localized at the boundary, the field could be relatively large inside a slab of small thickness. The localization becomes more pronounced as the slab width increases. Furthermore, we found that the strain enhances the localization of the SPPs. Depending on its direction, the modes become localized on either top or bottom surface. Therefore, deformations can be used to effectively tune the localization of the SPPs in Weyl semimetals.
## Voigt configuration {#sec:results-sol-Voigt}
Let us proceed to the Voigt configuration, which is schematically shown in Fig. [\[fig:setup\]](#fig:setup){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:setup"}(b). For the sake of definiteness, we set \(\mathbf{q}\parallel \hat{\mathbf{x}}\) and \(\mathbf{b}\parallel\hat{\mathbf{y}}\). Further, we assume that \(\hat{\mathbf{A}}_5\parallel\hat{\mathbf{y}}\). As we discussed in Sec. [2.2](#sec:Estimates){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:Estimates"}, this axial gauge field can be generated by bending about the \(x\) axis producing \(\mathbf{A}_5 \propto u_0b_yz \hat{\mathbf{y}}/d\). Equation ([\[results-wave-eq-expl\]](#results-wave-eq-expl){reference-type="ref" reference="results-wave-eq-expl"}) takes the following form in the case of the Voigt configuration: \[\begin{aligned}
\label{results-sol-Voigt-eq} \varepsilon_1 E_x^{\prime \prime}-E_x \left[\varepsilon_1 q^2-\frac{q\varepsilon_2}{bl^2}-\frac{\varepsilon_1^2\omega^2}{c^2} + \left(1-\frac{z}{bl^2}\right)^2\frac{\omega^2 \varepsilon_2^2}{c^2} \right]=0. \end{aligned}\] Note that the \(y\) component of the field is decoupled and does not correspond to plasmon modes. Furthermore, it can be shown that it vanishes after matching with solutions in vacuum. The \(z\) component of the electric field is related to \(E_x\) according to \[\label{results-sol-Voigt-Ez-Ex} E_z =-i\frac{q}{\kappa^2} E_x^{\prime} + i\frac{\omega^2}{c^2 \kappa^2}\varepsilon_2\left(1-\frac{z}{b l^2}\right) E_x.\] Let us check that we reproduce the results obtained in the literature if strains are ignored. By using ansatz ([\[model-electric-field-ansatz\]](#model-electric-field-ansatz){reference-type="ref" reference="model-electric-field-ansatz"}) and taking the limit \(l \rightarrow \infty\), the following decay constant is obtained: \[\label{results-sol-Voigt-kappaV} \kappa_{V}^2 = q^2 + \frac{\omega^2}{c^2}\left(\frac{\varepsilon_2^2}{\varepsilon_1}-\varepsilon_1\right),\] which agrees with the result in Ref. . In general, Eq. ([\[results-sol-Voigt-eq\]](#results-sol-Voigt-eq){reference-type="ref" reference="results-sol-Voigt-eq"}) should be solved numerically. By requiring the continuity of the tangential component of the magnetic field, which is equivalent to the continuity of \(\partial_z E_x-i q E_z\), the following characteristic equation is derived: \[\label{results-sol-Voigt-char-eq} \left.\kappa_0 \varepsilon_1 E_x^{\prime}-\kappa_0 \varepsilon_2 q\left(1-\frac{z}{b l^2}\right)E_x + \sign{z}\kappa^2 E_x \right|_{z = \pm d} = 0.\] Here, the last term stems from the vacuum solution. Before presenting numerical results, let us investigate the limit of long and short wavelengths, i.e., \(q\to0\) and \(q\to \pm \infty\), respectively. In the case \(q\to0\), the same simple result as in the perpendicular configuration can be obtained \[see Eq. ([\[results-sol-Perp-qto0\]](#results-sol-Perp-qto0){reference-type="ref" reference="results-sol-Perp-qto0"})\]. For short wavelengths (\(q\to \pm\infty\)), a solution to Eq. ([\[results-sol-Voigt-eq\]](#results-sol-Voigt-eq){reference-type="ref" reference="results-sol-Voigt-eq"}) can be sought as \(E_x(z) = C_1 e^{q z} + C_2 e^{-q z}\). Then, by using Eq. ([\[results-sol-Voigt-char-eq\]](#results-sol-Voigt-char-eq){reference-type="ref" reference="results-sol-Voigt-char-eq"}) and retaining only the leading in \(1/q\) terms, we obtain \[\begin{aligned}
\label{results-sol-Voigt-omega-q-inft-plus} \omega_{\pm}(q\to\infty) =-\omega_b\varepsilon_{\infty}\frac{d\mp bl^2}{2bl^2 (1+\varepsilon_{\infty})} + \frac{\sqrt{(\omega_b\varepsilon_{\infty})^2\left(d\mp bl^2\right)^2 +4b^2l^4 \Omega_e^2 \varepsilon_{\infty}(1+\varepsilon_{\infty})}}{2bl^2(1+\varepsilon_{\infty})},\\ \label{results-sol-Voigt-omega-q-inft-minus} \omega_{\pm}(q\to-\infty) = \omega_b\varepsilon_{\infty}\frac{d\pm bl^2}{2bl^2 (1+\varepsilon_{\infty})} + \frac{\sqrt{(\omega_b\varepsilon_{\infty})^2\left(d\pm bl^2\right)^2 +4b^2l^4 \Omega_e^2 \varepsilon_{\infty}(1+\varepsilon_{\infty})}}{2bl^2(1+\varepsilon_{\infty})}, \end{aligned}\] where subscript \(\pm\) corresponds to the second (\(+\)) and first (\(-\)) branches of the SPP spectrum. As one can see, the spectrum is nonreciprocal. The magnitude of the nonreciprocity for a weak strain and a small chiral shift reads as \[\begin{aligned}
\label{results-sol-Voigt-omega-q-inft-nonrecipr} \left|\omega_{\pm}(q\to\infty)-\omega_{\pm}(q\to-\infty)\right|&\approx& \frac{d \omega_b \varepsilon_{\infty}\left[\varepsilon_{\infty} \omega_b^2 +4\Omega_e^2(1+\varepsilon_{\infty}) +\omega_b\sqrt{\varepsilon_{\infty}} \sqrt{\varepsilon_{\infty} \omega_b^2 +4\Omega_e^2(1+\varepsilon_{\infty})}\right]}{bl^2 \left\{1+\varepsilon_{\infty} \left[\varepsilon_{\infty}+\omega_b^2 +4\Omega_e^2 (1+\varepsilon_{\infty})\right]\right\}} \nonumber\\ &\approx& \frac{d \omega_b \varepsilon_{\infty}}{bl^2 (1+\varepsilon_{\infty})} = \frac{2e^3 \tilde{A}_{5,y}}{\pi \hbar^2 c(1+\varepsilon_{\infty})}. \end{aligned}\] It grows with the magnitude of strain. Numerical results for the SPP dispersion at a few values of the strain strength \(\beta\) are shown in Fig. [\[fig:results-Voigt-omega-few-beta\]](#fig:results-Voigt-omega-few-beta){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:results-Voigt-omega-few-beta"}. The nonreciprocity of the surface collective modes is clearly evident at large values of strain quantified by \(\beta\) and agrees well with the results in Eqs. ([\[results-sol-Voigt-omega-q-inft-plus\]](#results-sol-Voigt-omega-q-inft-plus){reference-type="ref" reference="results-sol-Voigt-omega-q-inft-plus"}) and ([\[results-sol-Voigt-omega-q-inft-minus\]](#results-sol-Voigt-omega-q-inft-minus){reference-type="ref" reference="results-sol-Voigt-omega-q-inft-minus"}). The nonreciprocity of the SPPs originates from the broken parity-inversion symmetry \(z \to-z\) and the Weyl node separation. In the case under consideration, a nonuniform strain breaks this symmetry leading to the dependence of the frequencies on the sign of the SPP wave vector \(q\). It is worth noting that the parity-inversion symmetry could be broken also when the slab of an unstrained Weyl semimetal is surrounded by dielectrics with different dielectric constant (see, e.g., Ref. ). Therefore, while the strain is not equivalent to the nonuniform dielectric constant of the sample, its effect on the SPPs appears to be qualitatively similar. The same analogy might be used to explain the decrease of the frequencies at intermediate \(q\). The spatial distribution of the electric field inside the slab is shown in Fig. [\[fig:results-Voigt-fields\]](#fig:results-Voigt-fields){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:results-Voigt-fields"}. The surface localization of the lowest mode is clearly evident from the figure. On the other hand, the field of the second mode \(\omega_{+}\) could become noticeable inside the slab. We checked that the localization become much more pronounced in larger samples. It is worth noting also that the change of the spatial dependence of the field distributions from the exponentially localized to oscillating one can be easily inferred by using Eqs. ([\[model-electric-field-ansatz\]](#model-electric-field-ansatz){reference-type="ref" reference="model-electric-field-ansatz"}) and ([\[results-sol-Voigt-kappaV\]](#results-sol-Voigt-kappaV){reference-type="ref" reference="results-sol-Voigt-kappaV"}) in the case \(A_5=0\). Indeed, the parameter \(\kappa_V\) is real and positive in the case of surface modes. On the other hand, the mixing with bulk modes leads to an imaginary part of \(\kappa_V\). In the strained case, however, one can rely on the spatial profiles of the fields. As one can see from Fig. [\[fig:results-Voigt-fields\]](#fig:results-Voigt-fields){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:results-Voigt-fields"}, there are no purely surface collective modes in the slab because there is always a finite overlap between the surfaces. The localization length, however, depends on the wave vector. Indeed, it is smallest at small wave vectors and tends to increase with \(q\).
## Faraday configuration {#sec:results-sol-Faraday}
Finally, we consider the Faraday configuration. It is schematically shown in Fig. [\[fig:setup\]](#fig:setup){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:setup"}(c), where we set \(\mathbf{q}\parallel\mathbf{b}\parallel\mathbf{A}_5\parallel \hat{\mathbf{x}}\). The corresponding strain corresponds to bending about the \(y\) axis producing \(\mathbf{A}_5 \propto u_0b_xz \hat{\mathbf{x}}/d\). By using Eq. ([\[results-wave-eq-expl\]](#results-wave-eq-expl){reference-type="ref" reference="results-wave-eq-expl"}) and Gauss's law \(\bm{\nabla}\cdot \mathbf{D}=0\), we derive the following equation for \(E_y\): \[\begin{aligned}
\label{results-sol-Faraday-eq} &&\frac{1}{\varepsilon_2\left[1-z/(bl^2)\right]} E_y^{(4)} + \frac{2}{\varepsilon_2 bl^2\left[1-z/(bl^2)\right]^2} E_y^{(3)} +\frac{1}{\varepsilon_1 \varepsilon_2 \left[1-z/(bl^2)\right]^3} \Bigg\{\varepsilon_1 \left[\frac{2}{(bl^2)^2}-(q^2 +\kappa^2) \left(1-\frac{z}{bl^2}\right)^2\right] \nonumber\\ &&+\frac{\omega^2}{c^2} \left(1-\frac{z}{bl^2}\right)^2 \left[(\varepsilon_1-\varepsilon_2) +\frac{z}{bl^2} \varepsilon_2\right] \left(\varepsilon_1 +\varepsilon_2-\varepsilon_2 \frac{z}{bl^2}\right)\Bigg\}E_y^{\prime \prime} +\frac{\omega^2}{c^2 bbl^2}\left[\frac{2\varepsilon_2}{\varepsilon_1}-\frac{c^2\kappa^2}{\varepsilon_2\omega^2 \left[1-z/(bl^2)\right]^2}\right] E_y^{\prime} \nonumber\\ &&-\frac{1}{\varepsilon_2 \left[1-z/(bl^2)\right]^3} \left\{\kappa^2\left[\frac{2}{(bl^2)^2}-q^2\left(1-\frac{z}{bl^2}\right)^2\right] +\frac{\omega^2}{c^2} \kappa^2 \varepsilon_1 \left(1-\frac{z}{bl^2}\right)^2 +\varepsilon_2^2 \frac{\omega^4}{c^4} \left(1-\frac{z}{bl^2}\right)^4 \right\}E_y=0. \end{aligned}\] The \(z\) and \(x\) components of the electric field are determined by \[\begin{aligned}
\label{results-sol-Faraday-Ez} E_z &=& c^2\frac{\kappa^2 E_y-E_y^{\prime \prime}}{i\varepsilon_2\omega^2\left[1-z/(bl^2)\right]},\\ \label{results-sol-Faraday-Ex} E_x &=&-\frac{\varepsilon_1 E_z^{\prime}+ i\varepsilon_2 E_y/(bl^2)-i\varepsilon_2 \left[1-z/(bl^2)\right] E_y^{\prime}}{iq \varepsilon_1}, \end{aligned}\] respectively. The decay constant \(\kappa_{F}\) can be obtained analytically at \(l \rightarrow \infty\) and \(d\to\infty\). It reads as \[\label{results-sol-Faraday-kappa} \kappa_{F}^2 = q^2 + \frac{\omega^2}{c^2}\left(\frac{\varepsilon_2^2}{2\varepsilon_1}-\varepsilon_1\right) \pm \frac{\varepsilon_2 \omega^2}{2c^2 |\varepsilon_1|} \sqrt{\varepsilon_2^2 +\frac{4c^2 q^2 \varepsilon_1}{\omega^2}}.\] This result agrees with that in Ref. . Let us analyze the analytical solutions at small and large wave vectors. The dispersion relation is the same as in the other two configurations (see Secs. [3.1](#sec:results-sol-perpendicular){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:results-sol-perpendicular"} and [3.2](#sec:results-sol-Voigt){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:results-sol-Voigt"}), i.e., \(\omega=cq\) at small wave vectors. In the case \(q \to \pm\infty\), Eq. ([\[results-sol-Faraday-eq\]](#results-sol-Faraday-eq){reference-type="ref" reference="results-sol-Faraday-eq"}) simplifies \[\label{results-sol-Faraday-eq-large-q} E_y^{(4)} + \frac{2 E_y^{(3)}}{b l^2-z}-2 q^2 E_y^{\prime \prime}-\frac{2 q^2 E_y^{\prime}}{b l^2-z} + q^4 E_y = 0.\] Its general solution is \[E_y = C_1 e^{qz} +C_2 e^{-qz} +C_3 e^{qz}z \left[3+qbl^2\left(2-\frac{z}{bl^2}\right)\right] +C_4e^{-qz} z \left[3-qbl^2\left(2-\frac{z}{bl^2}\right)\right].\] By using this solution and employing the continuity relations for \(\partial_z E_y\) and \(\partial_z E_x-i q E_z\) at the surface, we found that \(\omega(q\to\pm \infty)\) are given by the same expression as in Eq. ([\[results-sol-Perp-omega-q-inf\]](#results-sol-Perp-omega-q-inf){reference-type="ref" reference="results-sol-Perp-omega-q-inf"}). Therefore, the corresponding modes are reciprocal even in the presence of deformations and the chiral shift. We present the dispersion relations of the SPPs in Fig. [\[fig:results-Faraday-omega-few-beta\]](#fig:results-Faraday-omega-few-beta){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:results-Faraday-omega-few-beta"} at a few values of strain strength quantified by \(\beta\). The effects of strains are similar to those in the perpendicular configuration (see Sec. [3.1](#sec:results-sol-perpendicular){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:results-sol-perpendicular"}). Finally, let us discuss the profiles of electric field. We present the corresponding results in Fig. [\[fig:results-Faraday-fields\]](#fig:results-Faraday-fields){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:results-Faraday-fields"}. As one can see, the lowest mode is well localized for small wave vectors. Strain, however, changes the surface where the mode is localized. Therefore, the lowest mode could be identified with a surface mode or a short-range surface plasmon . A similar effect of strain is also present for the second mode \(\omega_{+}\). The field magnitude in the bulk is more pronounced in this case, however.
# Summary {#sec:Summary}
In this study, we investigated the effects of strains on the surface plasmon polaritons in a Weyl semimetal slab. By using a low-energy model of a time-reversal symmetry broken Weyl semimetal, we found that strain provides an effective means to control the nonreciprocity and localization of the SPPs. As in the previous studies, the collective modes strongly depend on the relative orientation of the chiral shift \(\mathbf{b}\), the wave vector \(\mathbf{q}\) of collective modes, and the surface normal \(\hat{\mathbf{n}}\) for which the three main configurations can be identified. They are the perpendicular (\(\mathbf{b}\parallel\hat{\mathbf{n}}\)), Voigt (\(\mathbf{b}\perp\hat{\mathbf{n}}\) and \(\mathbf{b}\perp \mathbf{q}\)), and Faraday (\(\mathbf{b}\parallel\mathbf{q}\)) configurations. By applying bending and inhomogeneous stretching, a coordinate-dependent axial gauge field that does not break the translation invariance along the surface of the slab can be generated. For the perpendicular and Faraday configurations, this strain-induced field reduces the frequencies of the collective modes for intermediate values of the wave vector \(q\) (there is no dependence on strain at \(q\to\pm\infty\)) and enhances their localization at the surfaces. Moreover, strain can even change the localization of the SPPs introducing an asymmetry in their field profiles. The results for the Voigt configuration demonstrate that the strain-induced axial gauge field generated by bending not only reduces the frequency of the modes but makes the SPPs nonreciprocal even in thin films. The nonreciprocity of the SPPs originates from the separation between the Weyl nodes in momentum space and broken parity-inversion symmetry \(z\to-z\) due to a nonuniform strain. This finding is quite interesting since the nonreciprocity is usually absent in slabs of finite thickness due to the hybridization of the collective modes at different surfaces. The proposed effect could have a direct practical application. Indeed, strain-induced axial gauge fields provide an efficient way to create tunable unidirectional optical devices. Among them, we mention nonreciprocal circulators, nonreciprocal Mach-Zehnder interferometers, and one-way waveguides. Unlike previous proposals, where the thickness of a Weyl semimetal, dielectric constants of surrounding media, and the direction of the chiral shift were used, the nonreciprocity in the proposed setup can be manipulated *in situ*. Numerical estimates suggest that the strain-induced effects could be potentially measured for sufficiently high strain magnitude and thin films. Experimentally, strain-induced modifications of SPPs could be realized, for example, in the recently discovered Weyl semimetal EuCd\(_2\)As\(_2\), where only two Weyl nodes separated in momentum space exist in the vicinity of the Fermi level . Finally, let us comment on the nonuniform profile of the chiral shift that is realized at the surface of Weyl semimetals (see Appendix [\[sec:chiral-shift\]](#sec:chiral-shift){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:chiral-shift"}). Contrary to external strains, where the chiral shift profile is asymmetric inside the slab, a symmetric profile reduces the localization of the surface collective modes. While the Weyl node separation is always nonuniform in finite samples of Weyl semimetals, the corresponding modification of the anomalous Hall conductivity is estimated to be weak. | {'timestamp': '2020-09-01T02:16:22', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14418', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14418'} |
# Introduction {#S:intro}
In this paper we consider the problem of estimating the number of isomorphism classes of principally polarized abelian varieties \((A,\lambda)\) such that \(A\) lies in a given isogeny class of simple ordinary abelian varieties over a finite field. We approach this problem by subdividing isogeny classes into their *strata*, which are the subsets of an isogeny class consisting of abelian varieties sharing the same endomorphism ring. (To avoid awkward locutions, we will say that a principally polarized variety \((A,\lambda)\) lies in an isogeny class \({\mathcal C}\) or a stratum \({\mathcal S}\) when \(A\) lies in \({\mathcal C}\) or \({\mathcal S}\).) Our main result concerns strata corresponding to endomorphism rings \(R\) that are *convenient*. A convenient ring is an order in a CM field with the properties that, first, \(R\) is stable under complex conjugation; second, the real subring \(R^{+}\) of \(R\) is Gorenstein; and third, the trace dual of \(R\) is generated by its pure imaginary elements. (We explain these terms and present results on convenient rings in Section [2](#S:convenient){reference-type="ref" reference="S:convenient"}.) If \({\mathcal S}\) is a stratum of an isogeny class corresponding to a convenient order \(R\), we can express the number of principally polarized varieties in \({\mathcal S}\) in terms of the sizes of the Picard group of \(R\) and the narrow Picard group of the maximal real sub-order \(R^{+}\) of \(R\); the definitions of these groups are also reviewed in Section [2](#S:convenient){reference-type="ref" reference="S:convenient"}.
In Section [4](#S:PPAVs){reference-type="ref" reference="S:PPAVs"} we prove these two results and give some reasonably weak sufficient condition for \(N_{\Pic}\) to be surjective. Special cases of these results are known already; in the most fundamental case, when \(R\) is a maximal order, these results can be obtained from the work of Shimura and Taniyama , combined with the theory of canonical lifts. Other examples occur, for instance, in ,, and . But none of the previous results we are aware of apply as generally as Theorem [\[T:classgroup\]](#T:classgroup){reference-type="ref" reference="T:classgroup"} and Corollary [\[C:classgroup\]](#C:classgroup){reference-type="ref" reference="C:classgroup"}. To every \(n\)-dimensional abelian variety \(A\) over \({\mathbf F}_q\) one associates its characteristic polynomial of Frobenius \(f_A\), sometimes called the *Weil polynomial* of \(A\). This is a polynomial of degree \(2n\), whose multiset of complex roots can be written in the form \[\left\{ \sqrt{q} e^{\pm i \theta_j}\right\}_{j=1}^n\] for an \(n\)-tuple \(s_A = (\theta_1,\ldots,\theta_n)\) of real numbers, the *Frobenius angles* of \(A\), normalized so that \[\label{EQ:normal} 0 \le \theta_1 \le \theta_2 \le \cdots \le \theta_n \le \pi.\] The theorem of Honda and Tate gives a complete description of the set of Weil polynomials. In particular, Tate showed that two abelian varieties over \({\mathbf F}_q\) are isogenous if and only if they share the same Weil polynomial , so it makes sense to speak of the Weil polynomial of an isogeny class. We see that an isogeny class of abelian varieties over a finite field is determined by its Weil polynomial, by the multiset of roots of its Weil polynomial, and by the multiset of its Frobenius angles. For simple ordinary isogeny classes, all of the inequalities in Equation [\[EQ:normal\]](#EQ:normal){reference-type="eqref" reference="EQ:normal"} are strict. We will see (Corollary [\[C:minimalR\]](#C:minimalR){reference-type="ref" reference="C:minimalR"}) that the ring \(R\) generated over \({\mathbf Z}\) by the Frobenius and Verschiebung of a simple ordinary abelian variety \(A\) is convenient. We call this ring the *minimal ring* of the isogeny class of \(A\), because every endomorphism ring of a variety in \({\mathcal C}\) contains \(R\), and there are varieties in \({\mathcal C}\) with endomorphism ring equal to \(R\) . We call the corresponding stratum the *minimal stratum* of the isogeny class. Using results of Louboutin, we can (somewhat crudely) estimate the number of principally polarized varieties in the minimal stratum in terms of the Frobenius angles of the isogeny class. Our theorem uses the following notation: If \(\{a_m\}\) and \(\{b_m\}\) are two infinite sequences of positive real numbers indexed by integers \(m\), we write \(a_m\triplesim b_m\) to mean that for every \(\varepsilon >0\) there are positive constants \(r\) and \(s\) such that \(b_m \le r a_m^{1+\varepsilon}\) and \(a_m \le s b_m^{1+\varepsilon}\) for all \(m\).
The relation indicated by the \(\triplesim\) symbol is a *very* rough comparison of magnitudes, and indeed, if there is an \(\varepsilon\) such that \(\lvert \theta_{m,i}-\theta_{m,j}\rvert > \varepsilon\) and \(\lvert\sin \theta_{m,i}\rvert>\varepsilon\) for all \(m\), \(i\), and \(j\), then the conclusion of the theorem is equivalent to saying simply that \(P_m \triplesim q_m^{n(n+1)/4}\). However, if the Frobenius angles of the sequence of isogeny classes do *not* stay a bounded distance from one another and from \(0\) and \(\pi\), then the trigonometric factors on the right hand side of the relation do make a difference. We will see examples of this in Section [7](#S:examples){reference-type="ref" reference="S:examples"}. The trigonometric factors in Theorem [\[T:sequence\]](#T:sequence){reference-type="ref" reference="T:sequence"} may have only a tenuous influence on the asymptotic predictions of the theorem, but they provided a key motivation for this work. To explain this, let us consider another approach toward estimating the number of principally polarized abelian varieties in an isogeny class, an approach that considers the question in terms of limiting distributions. It is well-known that for a fixed positive integer \(n\), the number of principally polarized \(n\)-dimensional abelian varieties over a finite field \({\mathbf F}_q\) grows like \[2q^{n(n+1)/2}\] as \(q\to\infty\), in the sense that the ratio between the two quantities tends to \(1\); this follows simply from the existence of an irreducible coarse moduli space for these abelian varieties, together with the fact that generically a principally polarized abelian variety over a finite field has two twists. On the other hand, the number of isogeny classes of \(n\)-dimensional abelian varieties over \({\mathbf F}_q\) grows like \[\label{EQ:isogenyclasses} v_n \frac{\varphi(q)}{q} q^{n(n+1)/4}\] as \(q\to\infty\), where \(\varphi\) is Euler's totient function and where \[\label{EQ:vn} v_n = \frac{2^n}{n!}\, \prod_{j=1}^n \left(\frac{2j}{2j-1}\right)^{n + 1-j}\] (see ). It follows that the average number of principally polarized varieties per isogeny class is \[\frac{2q}{v_n\varphi(q)} q^{n(n+1)/4}.\] But there is finer information available. To explain this, we require some notation. Let \(S_n\) be the space of all \(n\)-tuples \((\theta_j)\) of real numbers satisfying [\[EQ:normal\]](#EQ:normal){reference-type="eqref" reference="EQ:normal"}. There is a map from \(\USp_{2n}(q)\) to \(S_n\) that sends a symplectic matrix \(M\) to the multiset of the arguments of the eigenvalues of \(M\). Haar measure on \(\USp_{2n}(q)\) gives rise to a measure \(\mu_n\) on \(S_n\); this measure is determined by \[\label{EQ:AV_measure} d\/\mu_n = c_n \prod_{i<j} (\cos \theta_i-\cos \theta_j)^2 \prod_{i} \sin^2 \theta_i \, d\theta_1\,\cdots\, d\theta_n,\] where \(c_n = 2^{n^2}/\pi^n\), so that \(\mu_n(S_n) = 1\). We also get a measure on \(S_n\) from the principally polarized \(n\)-dimensional abelian varieties over \({\mathbf F}_q\): For every open set \(U\) of \(S_n\), we set \[\mu_{n,q}(U) = c_{n,q} \cdot \#\{\text{principally polarized \((A,\lambda)\) such that \(s_A\in U\)}\},\] where \(1/c_{n,q}\) is the total number of principally polarized \(n\)-dimensional abelian varieties \((A,\lambda)\) over \({\mathbf F}_q\), so that \(\mu_{n,q}(S) = 1\). Katz and Sarnak proved the following:
By considering isogeny classes \({\mathcal C}\) of \(n\)-dimensional abelian varieties, we get another family of measures. Given any isogeny class \({\mathcal C}\), we let \(s_{\mathcal C}\) be the \(n\)-tuple \(s_A\) for any \(A\) in \({\mathcal C}\). Given a prime power \(q\), we define a measure \(\nu_{n,q}\) on \(S_n\) by setting \[\nu_{n,q}(U) = d_{n,q} \cdot \#\{\text{isogeny classes \({\mathcal C}\) such that \(s_{\mathcal C}\in U\)}\},\] where \(1/d_{n,q}\) is the total number of isogeny classes of \(n\)-dimensional abelian varieties over \({\mathbf F}_q\), so that \(\nu_{n,q}(S_n) = 1\). Vlăduţ proved that the \(\nu_{n,q}\) have a limiting distribution as well:
Consider what this means for a region \(U\subset S_n\) contained within a small disk around an \(n\)-tuple \((\alpha_i)\), where we assume that the \(\alpha_i\) are distinct and that none of them is equal to \(0\) or \(\pi\). Suppose \(U\) has volume \(u\), with respect to the measure \(d\theta_1\,\cdots\, d\theta_n\). For large \(q\), the number of isogeny classes with Frobenius angles in \(U\) is \(\nu_{n,q}(U) / d_{n,q}\), and using Equations [\[EQ:isogenyclasses\]](#EQ:isogenyclasses){reference-type="eqref" reference="EQ:isogenyclasses"} and [\[EQ:vn\]](#EQ:vn){reference-type="eqref" reference="EQ:vn"} we see that this is roughly equal to \[\begin{aligned}
\frac{1}{d_{n,q}} \nu_n(U) &\approx \frac{d_n}{d_{n,q}} u \prod_{i<j} (\cos \alpha_i-\cos \alpha_j) \prod_{i} \sin \alpha_i\\ &\approx \pi^n u \frac{\varphi(q)}{q} q^{n(n+1)/4} \prod_{i<j} (\cos \alpha_i-\cos \alpha_j) \prod_{i} \sin \alpha_i. \end{aligned}\] On the other hand, the number of principally polarized abelian varieties with Frobenius angles in \(U\) is \(\mu_{n,q}(U) / c_{n,q}\), which is roughly \[2q^{n(n+1)/2} \mu_n(U) \approx 2q^{n(n+1)/2} \frac{2^{n^2}}{\pi^n} u \prod_{i<j} (\cos \alpha_i-\cos \alpha_j)^2 \prod_{i} \sin^2 \alpha_i.\] Therefore, for the isogeny classes with Frobenius angles in \(U\), the average number of principally polarized varieties per isogeny class is roughly \[\label{EQ:average} \frac{2^{n^2 + 1}}{\pi^{2n}} \frac{q}{\varphi(q)} q^{n(n+1)/4} \prod_{i<j} (\cos \alpha_i-\cos \alpha_j) \prod_{i} \sin \alpha_i.\] Conversely, estimates for the number of principally polarized varieties in a given isogeny class---estimates like our Theorem [\[T:sequence\]](#T:sequence){reference-type="ref" reference="T:sequence"}---can be combined with Vlăduţ's result to give a heuristic explanation of the Katz--Sarnak theorem. This line of reasoning was the initial motivation that led to the present work. It is especially suggestive that the trigonometric factors in the expression [\[EQ:average\]](#EQ:average){reference-type="eqref" reference="EQ:average"} match the those that appear in Theorem [\[T:sequence\]](#T:sequence){reference-type="ref" reference="T:sequence"}. A special case of this type of heuristic argument, which is perhaps familiar to some readers, concerns elliptic curves. The case \(n=1\) of Theorem [\[T:KatzSarnak\]](#T:KatzSarnak){reference-type="ref" reference="T:KatzSarnak"} was proven by Birch . To every elliptic curve \(E/{\mathbf F}_q\) we can associate its trace of Frobenius \(t\), which lies in the interval \([-2\sqrt{q},2\sqrt{q}]\). Dividing the trace by \(2\sqrt{q}\), we get a *normalized trace* that lies in the interval \([-1,1]\). For each \(q\) we can consider the counting measure on \([-1,1]\) that tells us what fraction of the elliptic curves over \({\mathbf F}_q\) have their normalized traces lying in a given set. Birch proved that these counting measures converge in measure to the 'semicircular' measure, that is, the measure associated to the differential \((2/\pi) \sqrt{1-x^2} \, dx.\) (This is equivalent to the measure \(\mu_1 = (2/\pi) \sin^2\theta \, d\theta\) on \(S_1\), since \(x = \cos \theta\).) Now, if \(t\) is an integer in the interval \([-2\sqrt{q},2\sqrt{q}]\) and if \((t,q) = 1\), then the number of elliptic curves over \({\mathbf F}_q\) with trace \(t\) is \(H(t^2-4q)\), where \(H\) denotes the Kronecker class number. But \(H(-n)\) grows roughly as \(\sqrt{n}\); more precisely, for every \(\varepsilon>0\) there are positive constants \(c\) and \(d\) such that \[c n^{1/2-\varepsilon} < H(-n) < d n^{1/2+\varepsilon}\] for all positive \(n\equiv 0,3\bmod 4\), so that \(H(-n)\triplesim n^{1/2}\) for these \(n\) (compare ), and the average value of \(H(-n)/\sqrt{n}\) for discriminants \(n\) in quite small intervals is \(\pi/6\) (see ). Thus it seems reasonable to expect that the number of elliptic curves over \({\mathbf F}_q\) with trace \(t\) will be about \(c\sqrt{4q-t^2}\) on average, for some constant \(c\). Scaling this down, we find that for any \(x\) in \([-1,1]\), we expect there to be about \(c'\sqrt{1-x^2}\,\Delta x\) elliptic curves over \({\mathbf F}_q\) having scaled traces in a small interval of size \(\Delta x\) near \(x\). As \(q\) increases the constant \(c'\) will have to tend to \(2/\pi\), and we find that we are led to believe that the counting measures should converge to the semi-circular measure. (Gekeler shows how the crude approximation that "\(H(n)\) grows like \(\sqrt{n}\)" can be modified with local factors in order to make this interpretation of Birch's result more rigorous, at least in the case of finite prime fields. Achter and Gordon provide an alternate explanation for Gekeler's work, and extend it to arbitrary finite fields.) Unfortunately, there seems to be little hope of turning this heuristic argument into an actual proof of Theorem [\[T:KatzSarnak\]](#T:KatzSarnak){reference-type="ref" reference="T:KatzSarnak"}. We find it interesting, nevertheless, that the trigonometric factors in the measure given by Equation [\[EQ:AV_measure\]](#EQ:AV_measure){reference-type="eqref" reference="EQ:AV_measure"} get split evenly between the measure defined by Equation [\[EQ:isogeny_measure\]](#EQ:isogeny_measure){reference-type="eqref" reference="EQ:isogeny_measure"} and the approximation in Theorem [\[T:sequence\]](#T:sequence){reference-type="ref" reference="T:sequence"}. The structure of this paper is as follows: In Section [2](#S:convenient){reference-type="ref" reference="S:convenient"} we explore the properties of convenient orders, give some examples, and define a norm map from the invertible ideals of a convenient order to the invertible ideals of its real suborder. In Section [3](#S:isogenyclasses){reference-type="ref" reference="S:isogenyclasses"} we look at convenient orders related to isogeny classes of abelian varieties. In Section [4](#S:PPAVs){reference-type="ref" reference="S:PPAVs"} we use Deligne's equivalence between the category of ordinary abelian varieties over a finite field and the category of Deligne modules to prove Theorem [\[T:classgroup\]](#T:classgroup){reference-type="ref" reference="T:classgroup"} and Corollary [\[C:classgroup\]](#C:classgroup){reference-type="ref" reference="C:classgroup"}. In Section [5](#S:discriminants){reference-type="ref" reference="S:discriminants"} we review a theorem of Louboutin on minus class numbers of CM fields and extend it to apply to convenient orders. We apply the theorem to the minimal orders of isogeny classes and obtain Theorem [\[T:sequence\]](#T:sequence){reference-type="ref" reference="T:sequence"}. In Section [6](#S:warnings){reference-type="ref" reference="S:warnings"} we give some examples that show that while the *average* number of principally polarized varieties in a given isogeny class is given by Equation [\[EQ:average\]](#EQ:average){reference-type="eqref" reference="EQ:average"}, there are isogeny classes for which this number is significantly larger than the average value. Finally, in Section [7](#S:examples){reference-type="ref" reference="S:examples"} we give examples showing that the trigonometric terms in Theorem [\[T:sequence\]](#T:sequence){reference-type="ref" reference="T:sequence"} are necessary.
# Convenient orders {#S:convenient}
In this section we define convenient orders and prove some results about them. The definition involves the concept of *Gorenstein rings*. Most of what we will need to know about Gorenstein rings can be found in the paper of Picavet-L'Hermitte . In particular, we will use the following facts:
1. An order \(R\) in a number field \(K\) is Gorenstein if and only if its trace dual is invertible as a fractional \(R\)-ideal ; here the *trace dual* \(R^\dagger\) of \(R\) is the set of elements \(x\in K\) such that \({\Tr_{K/{\mathbf Q}}(xR)\subseteq{\mathbf Z}}\).
2. An order \(R\) in a number field \(K\) is Gorenstein if and only if every fractional \(R\)-ideal \({\mathfrak A}\) with \(\End{\mathfrak A} = R\) is invertible .
3. A ring that is a complete intersection over \({\mathbf Z}\) is Gorenstein , and in particular every monogenic order \({\mathbf Z}[\alpha]\) is Gorenstein.
Let \(K\) be a CM field, that is, a totally imaginary quadratic extension of a totally real number field \(K^{+}\). We refer to the nontrivial involution \(x\mapsto \bar{x}\) of \(K/K^{+}\) as *complex conjugation*, and we say that an element of \(K\) is *pure imaginary* if it is negated by complex conjugation.
We close this section by showing that there is a natural norm map from the invertible ideals of a convenient ring to the invertible ideals of its real subring. We prove the statement in a more general context.
We call the ideal \({\mathfrak A}\) the *norm* of \({\mathfrak B}\).
# Isogeny classes and convenient orders {#S:isogenyclasses}
In this section we show that some rings associated to a simple ordinary isogeny class of abelian varieties over a finite field are convenient. Suppose that \({\mathcal C}\) is an isogeny class of simple \(n\)-dimensional ordinary abelian varieties over a finite field \(k\) with \(q\) elements, and let \(f\) be its Weil polynomial. Honda--Tate theory shows that \(f\) has degree \(2n\) and is irreducible, and that the number field \(K\) defined by \(f\) is a CM field. Let \(K^{+}\) be the maximal real subfield of \(K\), and let \(\pi\) be a root of \(f\) in \(K\).
# Principally polarized varieties and minus class numbers of orders {#S:PPAVs}
In this section we will prove Theorem [\[T:classgroup\]](#T:classgroup){reference-type="ref" reference="T:classgroup"} and Corollary [\[C:classgroup\]](#C:classgroup){reference-type="ref" reference="C:classgroup"}, and we give some conditions under which the norm map from \(\Pic R\) to \(\Picplus R^{+}\) is surjective. Throughout the section we continue to use the notation set at the beginning of Section [3](#S:isogenyclasses){reference-type="ref" reference="S:isogenyclasses"}: \(k\) is a finite field with \(q\) elements, \({\mathcal C}\) is an isogeny class of simple \(n\)-dimensional ordinary abelian varieties over \(k\), \(f\) is the Weil polynomial for \({\mathcal C}\) (and is irreducible and of degree \(2n\)), \(K\) is the CM field defined by \(f\), \(K^{+}\) is its maximal real subfield, and \(\pi\) is a root of \(f\) in \(K\). Before we begin the proof of Theorem [\[T:classgroup\]](#T:classgroup){reference-type="ref" reference="T:classgroup"}, let us make one comment on the restriction to strata corresponding to convenient orders. If \(A\) is an abelian variety in \({\mathcal C}\) and if \(A\) has a principal polarization, then \(\End A\) is stable under complex conjugation because the Rosati involution on \((\End A)\otimes{\mathbf Q} = K\) associated to a principal polarization takes \(\End A\) to itself, and the only positive involution on \(K\) is complex conjugation. Thus, every stratum of \({\mathcal C}\) that contains a principally polarized variety must correspond to an endomorphism ring \(R\) which satisfies condition [\[conv1\]](#conv1){reference-type="eqref" reference="conv1"} of Definition [\[D:convenient\]](#D:convenient){reference-type="ref" reference="D:convenient"}. In general, however, \(\End A\) need not be convenient.
Next we give some conditions under which the norm map \(\Pic R \to \Picplus R^{+}\) is guaranteed to be surjective. Suppose \(R\) is a convenient order in a CM field \(K\). Let \({\mathfrak f}\) be the conductor of \(R^{+}\) and let \(L/K^{+}\) be the ray class field for the modulus of \(K^{+}\) determined by \({\mathfrak f}\) together with all of the infinite primes.
# Minus class numbers and discriminants {#S:discriminants}
We continue to use the notation set forth at the beginning of Section [3](#S:isogenyclasses){reference-type="ref" reference="S:isogenyclasses"}. Corollary [\[C:classgroup\]](#C:classgroup){reference-type="ref" reference="C:classgroup"} shows that for the strata \({\mathcal S}\) corresponding to certain convenient orders \(R\), the number of principally polarized abelian varieties in \({\mathcal S}\) is equal either to \(h_R/h_{R^{+}}\) or to \((1/2)(h_R/h_{R^{+}})\), where \(h_R\) is the order of the Picard group of \(R\) and \(h_{R^{+}}\) is the order of the Picard group of the real subring \(R^{+}\) of \(R\). We denote the ratio \(h_R/h_{R^{+}}\) by \(h^{-}_R\), as is commonly done in the case when \(R\) is a maximal order, and we call this ratio the *minus class number* of \(R\). In the case where \(R\) is a maximal order \({\mathcal O}\), a Brauer--Siegel result for relative class numbers gives us an estimate---a rough estimate, to be sure---for the minus class number \(h^{-}_{\mathcal O}\) in terms of the ratio \(\Delta_{\mathcal O}/\Delta_{\calO^+}\), where \(\Delta_{\mathcal O}\) and \(\Delta_{\calO^+}\) are the discriminants of \({\mathcal O}\) and \(\calO^+\). In this section we review this result on relative class numbers and consider the case of minus class numbers of convenient orders that are not maximal. In the case where \(R\) is the convenient order \({\mathbf Z}[\pi,\bar{\pi}]\), we also compute an exact formula for the ratio \(\Delta_R/\Delta_{R^{+}}\) in terms of the Frobenius angles of the isogeny class \({\mathcal C}\). (This argument was sketched in and given in detail in ; we present a derivation here for the reader's convenience.) For CM fields that do not contain imaginary quadratic fields, Louboutin gives effective lower bounds on \(h^{-}_{\mathcal O}\) that are better than the crude Brauer--Siegel approximations that we discuss here, but for our purposes the added value of these effective results does not justify the complexity they would add to the discussion. In some sense, we will be satisfied simply to justify the rough heuristic that "minus class numbers grow like the square root of the ratio of discriminants," and we will not try to quantify the known bounds on \(h^{-}_R\) more precisely. Let us make some remarks on the \(\triplesim\) notation set in the introduction. Recall that if \(\{a_i\}\) and \(\{b_i\}\) are two sequences of positive real numbers indexed by positive integers \(i\), the expression \(a_i \triplesim b_i\) means that for every \(\varepsilon >0\) there are positive constants \(r\) and \(s\) such that \(b_i \le r a_i^{1+\varepsilon}\) and \(a_i \le s b_i^{1+\varepsilon}\) for all \(i\). The notation is intended to capture the notion that the elements of the two sequences grow *very roughly* at the same rate. The relation \(\triplesim\) is clearly symmetric and transitive. Furthermore, if we have sequences \(\{a_i\}\), \(\{b_i\}\), \(\{c_i\}\), and \(\{d_i\}\) with \(a_i \triplesim b_i\) and \(c_i\triplesim d_i\), and if \(f\) and \(g\) are two functions from \({\mathbf Z}_{>0}\) to itself, then \[a_{f(i)} c_{g(i)} \triplesim b_{f(i)} d_{g(i)}.\] Note also that for sequences \(\{a_i\}\) and \(\{b_i\}\) that tend to infinity, \(a_i \triplesim b_i\) if and only if \((\log a_i)/(\log b_i)\to 1\). For a convenient order \(R\), we let \(\Delta_R\) and \(\Delta_{R^{+}}\) denote the discriminants of \(R\) and \(R^{+}\), respectively.
The ring \(R = {\mathbf Z}[\pi,\bar{\pi}]\) from Corollary [\[C:minimalR\]](#C:minimalR){reference-type="ref" reference="C:minimalR"} is contained in the endomorphism ring of every abelian variety \(A\) in \({\mathcal C}\), and for this \(R\) there is a very nice expression of \(\sqrt{\left|\Delta_R/\Delta_{R^{+}}\right|}\) in terms of Frobenius angles.
We note that Theorem [\[T:sequence\]](#T:sequence){reference-type="ref" reference="T:sequence"} follows from Corollary [\[C:classgroup\]](#C:classgroup){reference-type="ref" reference="C:classgroup"}, Theorem [\[T:B-S-orders\]](#T:B-S-orders){reference-type="ref" reference="T:B-S-orders"}, and Theorem [\[T:disc\]](#T:disc){reference-type="ref" reference="T:disc"}.
# Isogeny classes containing many principally polarized varieties {#S:warnings}
Suppose \({\mathcal C}\) is an isogeny class of simple ordinary abelian varieties over \({\mathbf F}_q\), corresponding to a Weil number \(\pi\), and let \(R = {\mathbf Z}[\pi,\bar{\pi}]\) be the minimal ring of \({\mathcal C}\). We say that an abelian variety in \({\mathcal C}\) *has minimal endomorphism ring* if its endomorphism ring is \(R\). We saw in Corollary [\[C:minimalR\]](#C:minimalR){reference-type="ref" reference="C:minimalR"} that \(R\) is a convenient order, so Corollary [\[C:norm\]](#C:norm){reference-type="ref" reference="C:norm"} and Corollary [\[C:classgroup\]](#C:classgroup){reference-type="ref" reference="C:classgroup"} show that under a mild hypothesis, the number of principally polarized varieties in \({\mathcal C}\) with minimal endomorphism ring is either \(h^{-}_R\) or \(h^{-}_R/2\), where \(h^{-}_R\) is the minus class number of \(R\). Then Theorems [\[T:B-S-orders\]](#T:B-S-orders){reference-type="ref" reference="T:B-S-orders"} and [\[T:disc\]](#T:disc){reference-type="ref" reference="T:disc"} say that that this number is *very* roughly on the order of \[q^{n(n+1)/4} \prod_{i<j} (\cos \theta_i-\cos \theta_j) \prod_{i} \sin \theta_i,\] where the \(\theta_i\) are the Frobenius angles for the isogeny class. Since this is of the same order as the average number of principally polarized varieties with Frobenius angles near \((\theta_1,\ldots,\theta_n)\) given by Equation [\[EQ:average\]](#EQ:average){reference-type="eqref" reference="EQ:average"}, one might be tempted to think that the principally polarized varieties with minimal endomorphism ring account for a nontrivial fraction of the principally polarized varieties in \({\mathcal C}\). The goal of this short section is simply to demonstrate that one should not succumb to this temptation. Indeed, even for isogeny classes of elliptic curves, the number of curves with minimal endomorphism ring can be a vanishingly small fraction of the curves in the isogeny class.
# Examples {#S:examples}
In this section, we give three families of strata of abelian surfaces such that, in the notation of Theorem [\[T:sequence\]](#T:sequence){reference-type="ref" reference="T:sequence"}, we do *not* have \(P_m \triplesim q_m^{3/2}\), but instead have \(P_m \triplesim q_m^{5/4}\) (for the first family), \(P_m \triplesim q_m\) (for the second), and \(P_m \triplesim q_m^{1/2}\) (for the third). This shows that the trigonometric factors in Theorem [\[T:sequence\]](#T:sequence){reference-type="ref" reference="T:sequence"} are essential. We repeatedly use the fact that if a polynomial of the shape \(f = x^4 + ax^3 + bx^2 + aqx + q^2\) is irreducible and defines a CM field, where \(q\) is a power of a prime and where the middle coefficient \(b\) is coprime to \(q\), then \(f\) is the Weil polynomial of an isogeny class of ordinary abelian surfaces over \({\mathbf F}_q\); see . | {'timestamp': '2020-06-01T02:05:22', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14365', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14365'} |
# Introduction
The uncertainty principle states that a non-zero function and its Fourier transform cannot be simultaneously sharply localized. There are various ways of measuring localization of a function and depending on it one can formulate different forms of the uncertainty principle. Uncertainty principles can be subdivided into quantitative and qualitative uncertainty principles. Quantitative uncertainty principles are some special inequalities which give us information about how a function and its Fourier transform relate. For example, Benedicks, Donoho and Stark, and Slepian and Pollak gave qualitative uncertainty principles for the Fourier transforms. Qualitative uncertainty principles imply the vanishing of a function under some strong conditions on the function. For example, Hardy, Morgan , Cowling and Price, and Beurling theorems are the qualitative uncertainty principles. More precisely, Hardy obtained the following uncertainty principle concerning the decay of a measurable function and its Fourier transform at infinity.
A generalization of this theorem was obtained by Ben Farah and Mokni where they proved an \(L^p\)--\(L^q\)-version of Morgan's theorem. For a more detailed study of uncertainty principles, we refer to the book of Havin and Jöricke. Considerable attention has been devoted to discovering generalizations to new contexts for the Cowling--Price's, Hardy's and Morgan's uncertainty principles. For instance, these theorems were obtained in for the generalized Fourier transform and in for symmetric spaces. Also, an \(L^p\) version of Hardy's theorem was obtained for the Dunkl transform in and for motion groups in. As a generalization of Euclidean uncertainty principles for the Fourier transform, Daher et al. have obtained some uncertainty principles for the Cherednik transform. These theorems are further extended to the Opdam--Cherednik transform in using classical uncertainty principles for the Fourier transform and composition properties of the Opdam--Cherednik transform. However, upto our knowledge, these types of uncertainty principles have not been studied in the case of the modulation spaces. In this paper, we attempt to prove the Cowling--Price's, Hardy's and Morgan's uncertainty principles for the Opdam--Cherednik transform on modulation spaces associated with this transform. The motivation to prove these uncertainty principles for the Opdam--Cherednik transform on modulation spaces arises from the classical uncertainty principles for the Fourier transform on the Lebesgue spaces. Since the last decade modulation spaces have found to be very fruitful in various current trends (e.g., pseudo-differential operators, partial differential equations, etc..) of investigation and have been widely used in several fields in analysis, physics and engineering. Uncertainty principles have implications in two main areas: quantum mechanics and signal analysis, and modulation spaces are widely used in these areas. We hope that the study of uncertainty principles for the modulation spaces makes a significant impact in these areas. Another important motivation to study the Jacobi--Cherednik operators arises from their relevance in the algebraic description of exactly solvable quantum many-body systems of Calogero--Moser--Sutherland type (see ) and they provide a useful tool in the study of special functions with root systems (see ). These describe algebraically integrable systems in one dimension and have gained considerable interest in mathematical physics. Other motivation for the investigation of the Jacobi--Cherednik operator and the Opdam--Cherednik transform is to generalize the previous subjects which are bound with the physics. For a more detailed discussion, we refer to. Since modulation spaces are much larger spaces than the Lebesgue spaces, can we determine the functions \(f\) satisfying the conditions of Theorems [\[Hardy\]](#Hardy){reference-type="ref" reference="Hardy"}, or [\[Cow-Pri\]](#Cow-Pri){reference-type="ref" reference="Cow-Pri"}, or [\[mor\]](#mor){reference-type="ref" reference="mor"} for the modulation spaces? In this paper, we answer these questions. The common key to obtaining extensions of uncertainty principles for the Opdam--Cherednik transform is a slice formula, that is, this transform is decomposed as a composition of the classical Fourier transform and the Jacobi--Cherednik intertwining operator (see ). However, without using a slice formula for the Opdam--Cherednik transform we give the analogue of the uncertainty principles within the framework of the Opdam--Cherednik transform by using an estimate of the heat kernel, which obtained in. Here, we consider the modulation spaces associated with the Opdam--Cherednik transform, as the standard modulation spaces are not suited to this transform. In this paper, we prove the uncertainty principles by using the properties of the heat kernel associated with the Jacobi--Cherednik operator and the versions of the Phragmén--Lindlöf type result for the modulation spaces. The two lemmas, Lemma [\[lem4\]](#lem4){reference-type="ref" reference="lem4"} for Cowling--Price's theorem and Lemma [\[lem2\]](#lem2){reference-type="ref" reference="lem2"} for Morgan's theorem are essential. Since these lemmas hold for the modulation spaces associated with the Opdam--Cherednik transform, which also satisfies Hölder's inequality, we can apply the classical process to obtain uncertainty principles for the Opdam--Cherednik transform on modulation spaces. The paper is organized as follows. In Section [2](#sec2){reference-type="ref" reference="sec2"}, we recall some basic facts about the Jacobi--Cherednik operator and we discuss the main results for the Opdam--Cherednik transform. We also give some properties of the heat kernel associated with the Jacobi--Cherednik operator. In Section [3](#sec3){reference-type="ref" reference="sec3"}, we discuss the modulation spaces associated with the Opdam--Cherednik transform. In Section [4](#sec4){reference-type="ref" reference="sec4"}, we give the Phragmén--Lindlöf type result for the modulation spaces and using it we prove an \(M^p\)--\(M^q\)-version of Cowling--Price's theorem for the Opdam--Cherednik transform. In Section [5](#sec5){reference-type="ref" reference="sec5"}, an analogue of the classical Hardy's theorem is obtained for the Opdam--Cherednik transform on modulation spaces associated with this transform. Finally, in Section [6](#sec6){reference-type="ref" reference="sec6"}, we obtain another version of the Phragmén--Lindlöf type result for the modulation spaces and we prove an \(M^p\)--\(M^q\)-version of Morgan's theorem for the Opdam--Cherednik transform.
# Harmonic analysis and the Opdam--Cherednik transform {#sec2}
In this section, we collect the necessary definitions and results from the harmonic analysis related to the Opdam--Cherednik transform. The main references for this section are. However, we will use the same notation as in. Let \(T_{\alpha, \beta}\) denote the Jacobi--Cherednik differential--difference operator (also called the Dunkl--Cherednik operator) \[T_{\alpha, \beta} f(x)=\frac{d}{dx} f(x)+ \Big[ (2\alpha + 1) \coth x + (2\beta + 1) \tanh x \Big] \frac{f(x)-f(-x)}{2}-\rho f(-x),\] where \(\alpha, \beta\) are two parameters satisfying \(\alpha \geq \beta \geq-\frac{1}{2}\) and \(\alpha >-\frac{1}{2}\), and \(\rho= \alpha + \beta + 1\). Let \(\lambda \in {\mathbb C}\). The Opdam hypergeometric functions \(G^{\alpha, \beta}_\lambda\) on \(\mathbb R\) are eigenfunctions \(T_{\alpha, \beta} G^{\alpha, \beta}_\lambda(x)=i \lambda G^{\alpha, \beta}_\lambda(x)\) of \(T_{\alpha, \beta}\) that are normalized such that \(G^{\alpha, \beta}_\lambda(0)=1\). The eigenfunction \(G^{\alpha, \beta}_\lambda\) is given by \[G^{\alpha, \beta}_\lambda (x)= \varphi^{\alpha, \beta}_\lambda (x)-\frac{1}{\rho-i \lambda} \frac{d}{dx}\varphi^{\alpha, \beta}_\lambda (x)=\varphi^{\alpha, \beta}_\lambda (x)+ \frac{\rho+i \lambda}{4(\alpha+1)} \sinh 2x \; \varphi^{\alpha+1, \beta+1}_\lambda (x),\] where \(\varphi^{\alpha, \beta}_\lambda (x)={}_2F_1 \left(\frac{\rho+i \lambda}{2}, \frac{\rho-i \lambda}{2}; \alpha+1;-\sinh^2 x \right)\) is the classical Jacobi function. For every \(\lambda \in {\mathbb C}\) and \(x \in \mathbb R\), the eigenfunction \(G^{\alpha, \beta}_\lambda\) satisfy \[|G^{\alpha, \beta}_\lambda(x)| \leq C \; e^{-\rho |x|} e^{|\text{Im} (\lambda)| |x|},\] where \(C\) is a positive constant. Since \(\rho > 0\), we have \[\label{eq1} |G^{\alpha, \beta}_\lambda(x)| \leq C \; e^{|\text{Im} (\lambda)| |x|}.\] Let us denote by \(C_c (\mathbb R)\) the space of continuous functions on \(\mathbb R\) with compact support.
The Plancherel formula is given by \[\label{eq03} \int_{\mathbb R} |f(x)|^2 A_{\alpha, \beta}(x) dx=\int_\mathbb R {\mathcal H} f(\lambda) \overline{{\mathcal H} \check{f}(-\lambda)} \; d \sigma_{\alpha, \beta} (\lambda),\] where \(\check{f}(x):=f(-x)\). Let \(L^p(\mathbb R,A_{\alpha, \beta} )\) (resp. \(L^p(\mathbb R, \sigma_{\alpha, \beta} )\)), \(p \in [1, \infty]\), denote the \(L^p\)-spaces corresponding to the measure \(A_{\alpha, \beta}(x) dx\) (resp. \(d | \sigma_{\alpha, \beta} |(x)\)). The Schwartz space \({\mathcal S}_{\alpha, \beta}(\mathbb R )=(\cosh x )^{-\rho} {\mathcal S}(\mathbb R)\) is defined as the space of all differentiable functions \(f\) such that \[\sup_{x \in \mathbb R} \; (1+|x|)^m e^{\rho |x|} \left|\frac{d^n}{dx^n} f(x) \right|<\infty,\] for all \(m, n \in {\mathbb N}_0 = {\mathbb N} \cup \{0\}\), equipped with the obvious seminorms. The Opdam--Cherednik transform \({\mathcal H}\) and its inverse \({\mathcal H}^{-1}\) are topological isomorphisms between the space \({\mathcal S}_{\alpha, \beta}(\mathbb R )\) and the space \({\mathcal S}(\mathbb R)\) (see, Theorem 4.1). Let \(t > 0\). The heat kernel \(E^{\alpha, \beta}_t\) associated with the Jacobi--Cherednik operator is defined by \[\label{eq04} E^{\alpha, \beta}_t(x)={\mathcal H}^{-1}(e^{-t \lambda^2})(x) \quad \text{for all } x \in \mathbb R.\] For all \(t > 0\), \(E^{\alpha, \beta}_t\) is an \(C^\infty\)-function on \(\mathbb R\). Moreover, for all \(t > 0\) and all \(\lambda \in \mathbb R\), we have \[\label{eq05} {\mathcal H} (E^{\alpha, \beta}_t) (\lambda)=e^{-t \lambda^2}.\] We refer to for further properties of the heat kernel \(E^{\alpha, \beta}_t\). From (, Theorem 3.1), there exist two real numbers \(\mu_1\) and \(\mu_2\), such that \[\label{eq06} \frac{e^{\mu_1 t}}{2^{2\alpha+1} \Gamma(\alpha+1) t^{\alpha+1}} \frac{e^{-\frac{x^2}{4t}}}{\sqrt{B_{\alpha, \beta}(x)}} \leq E^{\alpha, \beta}_t(x) \leq \frac{e^{\mu_2 t}}{2^{2\alpha+1} \Gamma(\alpha+1) t^{\alpha+1}} \frac{e^{-\frac{x^2}{4t}}}{\sqrt{B_{\alpha, \beta}(x)}}, \quad \forall x \in \mathbb R,\] where \(B_{\alpha, \beta} (x)= (\sinh |x|/|x| )^{2 \alpha+1} (\cosh |x| )^{2 \beta+1}\) for all \(x \in \mathbb R \setminus \{0\}\) and \(B_{\alpha, \beta}(0)=1\). Also, we have \(A_{\alpha, \beta}(x)= |x|^{2\alpha+1} B_{\alpha, \beta}(x)\) and for all \(x \in \mathbb R\), \(B_{\alpha, \beta} (x) \geq 1\).
# Modulation spaces associated with the Opdam--Cherednik transform {#sec3}
The modulation spaces were introduced by Feichtinger, by imposing integrability conditions on the short-time Fourier transform (STFT) of tempered distributions. More specifically, for \(x, w \in \mathbb R\), let \(M_w\) and \(T_x\) denote the operators of modulation and translation. Then, the STFT of a function \(f\) with respect to a window function \(g \in {\mathcal S}(\mathbb R)\) is defined by \[V_g f (x,w)=\langle f, M_w T_x g \rangle=\int_{\mathbb R} f(t) \overline{g(t-x)} e^{-2 \pi i w t} dt, \quad (x,y) \in \mathbb R^2.\] Here we are interested in modulation spaces with respect to measure \(A_{\alpha, \beta}(x) dx\).
The definition of \(M^{p, q}(\mathbb R, A_{\alpha, \beta})\) is independent of the choice of \(g\) in the sense that each different choice of \(g\) defines an equivalent norm on \(M^{p, q}(\mathbb R, A_{\alpha, \beta})\). Each modulation space is a Banach space. For \(p=q=2\), we have that \(M^2(\mathbb R, A_{\alpha, \beta}) =L^2(\mathbb R, A_{\alpha, \beta}).\) For other \(p=q\), the space \(M^p(\mathbb R, A_{\alpha, \beta})\) is not \(L^p(\mathbb R, A_{\alpha, \beta})\). In fact for \(p=q>2\), the space \(M^p(\mathbb R, A_{\alpha, \beta})\) is a superset of \(L^2(\mathbb R, A_{\alpha, \beta})\). We have the following inclusion \[\mathcal{S}(\mathbb R) \subset M^1(\mathbb R, A_{\alpha, \beta}) \subset M^2(\mathbb R, A_{\alpha, \beta})=L^2(\mathbb R, A_{\alpha, \beta}) \subset M^\infty(\mathbb R, A_{\alpha, \beta}) \subset \mathcal{S'}(\mathbb R).\] In particular, we have \(M^p(\mathbb R, A_{\alpha, \beta}) \hookrightarrow L^p(\mathbb R, A_{\alpha, \beta})\) for \(1 \leq p \leq 2\), and \(L^p(\mathbb R, A_{\alpha, \beta}) \hookrightarrow M^p(\mathbb R, A_{\alpha, \beta})\) for \(2 \leq p \leq \infty\). Furthermore, the dual of a modulation space is also a modulation space, if \(p < \infty\), \(q < \infty\), \((M^{p, q}(\mathbb R, A_{\alpha, \beta}))^{'} =M^{p', q'}(\mathbb R, A_{\alpha, \beta})\), where \(p', \; q'\) denote the dual exponents of \(p\) and \(q\), respectively. We refer to Gröchenig's book for further properties and uses of modulation spaces.
# Cowling--Price's theorem for the Opdam--Cherednik transform {#sec4}
We begin this section with the following lemma which we need for the proof of the next result.
We obtain the following lemma of Phragmén--Lindlöf type using the same technique as in. This lemma plays a crucial role in the proof of the next theorem, which is an \(M^p\)--\(M^q\)-version of Cowling--Price's theorem for the Opdam--Cherednik transform. An \(L^p\)-version of the following lemma proved in but here we prove the lemma for the modulation space \(M^p(\mathbb R, \sigma_{\alpha, \beta})\) and obtain a different estimate.
# Hardy's theorem for the Opdam--Cherednik transform {#sec5}
In this section, we determine the functions \(f\) satisfying the relations ([\[eq5\]](#eq5){reference-type="ref" reference="eq5"}) in the special case \(p = q = \infty\). The result we obtain, is an analogue of the classical Hardy's theorem for the Opdam--Cherednik transform.
# Morgan's theorem for the Opdam--Cherednik transform {#sec6}
The aim of this section is to prove an \(M^p\)--\(M^q\)-version of Morgan's theorem for the Opdam--Cherednik transform. Before we prove the main result of this section, we first need the following lemma.
Using the above lemma, in the following, we obtain a version of the Phragmén--Lindlöf type result for the modulation spaces. | {'timestamp': '2020-09-15T02:19:26', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14274', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14274'} |
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# Introduction [\[sec:intro\]]{#sec:intro label="sec:intro"}
Centrality measures are prescriptions for assigning importance values to nodes in complex networks, and the power of the concept stems from the flexibility of characterizing importance in different ways. As such, centralities can be applied everywhere from Internet search results (Google's PageRank ) to identifying important structures in neuron networks. Centrality is one of the most basic and widely studied concepts in network theory. Recently, we summarized how many prominent centrality measures arise from the aggregation of "influences" flowing between pairs of nodes . These influences are encoded in the entries of a centrality matrix \(\mathbf{M}\), whose specification is equivalent to that of the overall measure. As we demonstrate here, these pair influences can be revealing measurements in their own right (see Sec. [4.2.2](#sec:sstar){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:sstar"}). Centrality results are also useful beyond identifying influential nodes and influence flows between node pairs. Often, researchers posses quantitative information about individual nodes---information which is *external* to the specification of the network structure. A centrality that approximately reproduces these data can reveal principles inherent in the structure of the network. In, we investigated the architecture of the Florida electric power grid along these lines. A strong correlation was revealed between the known generating capacities of power plants and the values of a centrality based on Estrada's communicability , here referred to as the *communicability centrality*. Quantification of such correlations between node attributes and network structure requires centrality measures with a built-in tuning parameter. The communicability centrality has a parameter that controls the (graph) distance over which nodes can influence each other. Such parameters can reveal the length scale over which the network is optimized. Since there are many ways for a centrality to limit the distance that influence can spread, we introduce the *reach-parametrized* category to describe centralities with parameters that have this effect. We will discuss how the reach-parametrized category includes the well-known PageRank, Katz, and \(\alpha\) centralities. The reach-parametrized category is not exhaustive. In, we introduced the *conditional walker-flow centralities*, which include parameters that interpolate these centralities between older, well-known measures. The conditional walker-flow measures belong to a distinct category: *grasp-parametrized* centralities. These centralities' parameters also attenuate influence, but in a way different from reach parameters. While reach parameters control how far centrality influence can spread, grasp parameters control how many alternative paths influence can follow. In addition to reach and grasp parametrization, here we further classify parametrized centralities according to the conceptual dimensions introduced by Borgatti. Referencing this classification system, we show that there is a notable absence of centrality measures that are radial, reach parametrized, and based on acyclic, conserved flows of influence. To fill this void, we introduce a new centrality, the *ground-current centrality*. There, influence is modeled by the flow of electrical current from the source node to all possible end nodes, from which the current flows to ground. (The method is fully described in Sec. [\[sec:gcc\]](#sec:gcc){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:gcc"}.) The physics of current flow naturally satisfies the conservation and acyclicity criteria, while variable resistances to ground naturally limit the spread of currents (and hence influences), thus representing a reach parameter. Conservation and acyclicity enable the ground-current centrality to perform differently from other reach-parametrized centralities in several ways. Most importantly, we demonstrate that, compared to other reach-parametrized centralities, the ground-current centrality robustly preserves an intuitive rank ordering across a range of simple network topologies. Here we take the closeness centrality (specifically, its harmonic variant ) to provide the paradigmatic intuitive centrality ranking for simple networks, since it places greater importance on nodes that are close to many others. However, the ground-current centrality can also reproduce aspects of betweenness: when the reach is high, it is highly sensitive to network bottlenecks, assigning them high centrality rank, whereas other reach-parametrized centrality measures almost completely ignore bottlenecks in certain situations. We further show that, on hub networks, the ground-current centrality does not lead to excessive localization. This is a phenomenon whereby the majority of the net centrality is assigned to a small fraction of nodes. On the other hand, in regular networks the ground-current centrality does not lead to excessive *de*localization: the assignment of nearly the same centrality value to every node. Other measures, such as the Katz and communicability centralities, exhibit both these behaviors. Recently, it has also been proposed to construct centrality measures from diffusion dynamics. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Sec. [\[sec:centralities\]](#sec:centralities){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:centralities"}, we present a classification system for *parametrized* centrality measures, discussing in detail the distinction between reach and grasp parameters. In Sec. [\[sec:gcc\]](#sec:gcc){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:gcc"} we define the ground-current centrality. In Sec. [4](#sec:results){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:results"}, we discuss the properties of the ground-current centrality relative to other similarly classified measures. To that end, we perform a numerical study of the centralities' detailed performance on a variety of networks. These include four artificial networks designed to highlight a particular network property, as well as seven real-world networks. In Sec. [5](#sec:conc){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:conc"}, we conclude that the special properties of the ground-current centrality stem from its unique position as a radial reach-parametrized centrality based on acyclic, conserved flows.
# Reach and grasp parameters for network centralities [\[sec:centralities\]]{#sec:centralities label="sec:centralities"}
In this section, we present a wide-ranging classification of parametrized centrality measures, which includes the most prominent measures in the literature. We find that a simple and reasonable combination of centrality characteristics has not yet been studied, which motivates us to introduce a new measure, the ground-current centrality, to which we devote Secs. [\[sec:gcc\]](#sec:gcc){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:gcc"}-[5](#sec:conc){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:conc"}.
## Notation and conventions
The \(N\times N\) adjacency matrix is denoted \(\mathbf{A}\). Here we consider both weighted and unweighted adjacency matrices. The graph distance between nodes \(i\) and \(j\) is denoted \(d_{i j}\). In the case of weighted networks, we may instead use \(D_{i j}\), which is the length of the shortest edge path from node \(i\) to \(j\), where the length of a given edge \((a,b)\) is \((\mathbf{A}_{ab})^{-1}\). The most commonly studied centrality measures can be found in, *e.g.*, Ch.7 of, and many can be written in the matrix form:**
where \(c_i\) is the centrality of node \(i\), and the sum is over the \(N\) nodes in the network. We focus on centralities with a single parameter \(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}\), so \(\mathbf{M}=\mathbf{M}(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(})\). The matrix elements \(\mathbf{M}_{i j}\) of the \(N\times N\) centrality matrix \(\mathbf{M}\) encode the level of influence that node \(j\) exerts on node \(i\), and the final centrality is the sum of such influences. In this paper we denote column (row) vectors as kets (bras). The normalization factor \(\alpha\) ensures that \(\braket{c\,|1}=1\), where \(\ket{1}\) is the column vector with all elements equal to one [^1]. The normalization factor is different for every centrality measure, and for each choice of parameter value, so \(\alpha=\alpha(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(})\). To maintain readability, we will omit the \(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}\) dependence of \(\alpha\) and \(\mathbf{M}\), and we will not specify which centrality \(\alpha\) normalizes when it is clear from the context. The *degree centrality* (DEG) is one of the simplest and most commonly studied network measures. It can be put into the above form by setting \(\mathbf{M}^\mathrm{DEG}\) equal to \(\mathbf{A}\) so that \(c^\mathrm{DEG}_i=\alpha \sum_j A_{ij}=\alpha k_i\). In this paper, we consider (potentially) weighted, symmetric adjacency matrices. The \(k_i\) are, thus, (potentially) weighted degrees, and there is no distinction between indegree and outdegree. A very important centrality that cannot be expressed in the above form is the *closeness centrality* (CLO): \(c^\mathrm{CLO}_i = (\sum_j{D_{i j}})^{-1}\). In, we therefore used the *harmonic closeness centrality* (HCC), which *can* be written in matrix form as: \[\mathbf{M}^\mathrm{HCC}_{i j} = {D_{i j}}^{-1}.\] A useful modification of Eq. ([\[eq:centrality\]](#eq:centrality){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:centrality"}) involves subtracting the diagonal of the centrality matrix \(\mathbf{M}\):
where \(\widetilde{\alpha}\) is the new normalization factor. This modified form \(\widetilde{\mathbf{M}}\) simply prevents self influence, and we thus refer to \(\widetilde{c}\) as the *exogenous* centrality. Above, we have used \(\pmb{\mathrm{Diag}}(\mathbf{M})\) to indicate the modified form of matrix \(\mathbf{M}\) that has all nondiagonal entries set to zero. In the following, we will also use the symbol \(\pmb{\mathrm{Diag}}(\ket{v})\) to indicate the diagonal matrix with the elements of the vector \(\ket{v}\) appearing on the diagonal.
## Reach-parametrized centralities
A centrality parameter \(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}\) is a *reach parameter* if changing it tends to attenuate the influence flow \(\mathbf{M}_{ij}\) between pairs of nodes \(i\) and \(j\) separated by large graph distances \(d_{ij}\). For weighted networks, it is possible to instead use the weighted graph distance \(D_{ij}\). Three prominent reach-parametrized centralities with similar definitions are the *PageRank *(PRC), *Katz *(KC), and *\(\alpha\) *centralities. The first two of these can be defined, respectively, by \[\label{eq:prc} \mathbf{M}^\mathrm{PRC}= [\pmb{\mathbb{I}}-\mbox{\(\mathsmaller{\Pi}\)}_\mathrm{PRC}^{-1} \mathbf{A} \hspace{.2em} \pmb{\mathrm{Diag}}(\ket{k^{-1}}) ]^{-1},\] and \[\label{eq:katz} \mathbf{M}^\mathrm{KC}= (\pmb{\mathbb{I}}- \mbox{\(\mathsmaller{\Pi}\)}_\mathrm{KC}^{-1}\mathbf{A})^{-1},\] where \(\ket{k^{-1}}_i = k_i^{-1}\), the identity matrix is \(\pmb{\mathbb{I}}\), and where we have employed the matrix inverse. (For the PRC, we have used a simplified definition that works for the *symmetric* adjacency matrices considered in this paper.) The \(\alpha\) centrality is a variation of the Katz centrality, involving another parameter. Here, we focus on the KC. The fact that the parameters \(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}\) control the network distance over which influence can spread is seen from the series expansion for the Katz centrality: \[\label{eq:katzexpand} \mathbf{M}^\mathrm{KC} = \pmb{\mathbb{I}} + \mbox{\(\mathsmaller{\Pi}\)}_\mathrm{KC}^{-1} \mathbf{A} +\mbox{\(\mathsmaller{\Pi}\)}_\mathrm{KC}^{-2} \mathbf{A}^2 +\mbox{\(\mathsmaller{\Pi}\)}_\mathrm{KC}^{-3} \mathbf{A}^3+\cdots.\] Since, in general, \((\mathbf{A}^l)_{ij}\) is equal to the number of walks of length \(l\) from node \(i\) to node \(j\), one can see that larger values of \(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}_\mathrm{KC}\) tend to suppress the influence of longer walks. The case of the PageRank centrality is similar, except that each term in the series expansion describes a single random walk, rather than counting the total number of walks. This is because the value of \([\mathbf{A} \hspace{.2em} \pmb{\mathrm{Diag}}(\ket{k^{-1}})]^l_{ij}\) is the probability of a walker starting on node \(j\) being on \(i\) after \(l\) steps. Thus \(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}_\mathrm{PRC}\) controls the length of walks in the same way as \(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}_\mathrm{KC}\). Incidentally, the series expansion in Eq. ([\[eq:katzexpand\]](#eq:katzexpand){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:katzexpand"}) makes clear that the Katz centrality will diverge at some small value \(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}_\mathrm{KC}\)---the same is true for the PageRank centrality at \(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}_\mathrm{PRC}=1\). In what follows, we restrict \(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}_\mathrm{KC}\) and \(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}_\mathrm{PRC}\) to the range where Eq. ([\[eq:katzexpand\]](#eq:katzexpand){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:katzexpand"}) and the corresponding series expansion for the PageRank are convergent. The series form of Katz centrality above suggests a class of reach-parametrized centralities based on power series in the adjacency matrix (with the PageRank case similar). These take the form \(\mathbf{M}(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(})=\sum_{l=0}^\infty f(l) \mathbf{A}^l \mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}^{-l}\), where the Katz centrality sets all factors \(f(l)\) to one. This choice, however, is not ideal because the series does not converge when \(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}_\mathrm{KC}\) is smaller than the largest eigenvalue of \(\mathbf{A}\) (\(\lambda_1\), with corresponding eigenvector \(\ket{\psi_1}\)). In the general case, for small \(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}\), the higher-order terms are dominated by \[\label{eq:matlimit} f(l) (\lambda_1/\mbox{\(\mathsmaller{\Pi}\)})^l \ket{\psi_1}\bra{\psi_1}.\] For \(\mathbf{M}\) to converge for all \(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}\), \(1/f(l)\) must grow super-exponentially in \(l\). A reasonable choice, inspired both by the Estrada communicability metric and by the desire to make contact with statistical physics, is to choose the factors \(f(l)=(l!)^{-1}\). This formula, which defines the *communicability centrality *(COM) in terms of the matrix exponential function, means that \[\label{eq:communicability} \mathbf{M}^\mathrm{COM}(\mbox{\(\mathsmaller{\Pi}\)}_T) = \exp (\mathbf{A} / \mbox{\(\mathsmaller{\Pi}\)}_T) = \pmb{\mathbb{I}} + \frac{\mbox{\(\mathsmaller{\Pi}\)}_\mathrm{T}^{-1} \mathbf{A}}{1!} +\frac{\mbox{\(\mathsmaller{\Pi}\)}_\mathrm{T}^{-2} \mathbf{A}^2}{2!} +\frac{\mbox{\(\mathsmaller{\Pi}\)}_\mathrm{T}^{-3} \mathbf{A}^3}{3!}+\cdots,\] where we have introduced the "temperature\" parameter \(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}_T\). (This is very similar to the *total communicability *studied in.) In past work, we compared the communicability centrality to several other centrality measures prominent in the literature, finding that it gives the best match to the generating capacities in the Florida power grid. The communicability and Katz centralities have several satisfying properties, especially in their exogenous forms \(\widetilde{\mathbf{M}}^{ \mathrm{COM}}\) and \(\widetilde{\mathbf{M}}^\mathrm{KC}\). From the series expansions, it is easy to see that the degree centrality is recovered in the low reach limits (\(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}_T \to \infty\) and \(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}_\mathrm{KC} \to \infty\)). In fact, in these limits we obtain \(\widetilde{\mathbf{M}}^\mathrm{COM}=\widetilde{\mathbf{M}}^\mathrm{KC}=\mathbf{A}\). In the high reach limits (\(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}_T \to 0\) and \(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}_\mathrm{KC} \to \lambda_1\)), the largest eigenvalue dominates as in Eq. ([\[eq:matlimit\]](#eq:matlimit){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:matlimit"}), so the centralities reduce to the well-known eigenvector centrality. For large, fully connected networks, the exogenous forms \(\widetilde{\mathbf{M}}\) give very similar results. These centralities also satisfy two very reasonable conditions on assigning influence between nodes \(i\) and \(j\): (1) the existence of many walks leads to more influence due to the presence of the term \((\mathbf{A}^l)_{ij}\), but (2) long walks are suppressed due to the weights \(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}^{-l}\). (PageRank satisfies very similar conditions.) Though several individual examples of reach-parametrized centralities are well-known in the field of network science, we believe that we are the first to identify reach-parametrized as a distinct category of centrality measures. We emphasize that, for every reach-parametrized centrality in this paper, we have defined the parameters \(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}\) such that small \(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}\) results in high reach, while large \(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}\) results in low reach.**********
## Grasp-parameterized centralities
A centrality parameter \(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}\) is a *grasp parameter* if it tends to attenuate the influence of indirect paths between two nodes in a weighted graph. As illustrated in Fig. [\[fig:grasp_demo\]](#fig:grasp_demo){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:grasp_demo"}, when the centrality parameter is set to high grasp, the measure takes into account many parallel paths between the nodes, while when the centrality parameter is set to low grasp, the measure only considers the shortest path between the two nodes. This is distinct from the behavior of reach parameters because the two nodes can be an arbitrary (weighted) distance apart. Thus, reach-parametrized and grasp-parametrized are distinct centrality categories. In, we introduced the grasp-parametrized centrality category, as well as two grasp-parametrized measures, based on absorbing random walks: the *conditional current betweenness* \[\(\mathbf{M}^\mathrm{CBT}(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}_D)\)\] and the *conditional resistance closeness* \[\(\mathbf{M}^\mathrm{RCC}(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}_D)\)\]. Collectively, these are the *conditional walker-flow* centralities, parametrized by the "walker death parameter" \(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}_D\). The conditional current betweenness interpolates from betweenness, at low grasp, to Newman's *random-walk betweenness* , at high grasp. Similarly, the conditional resistance closeness interpolates from the harmonic closeness, at low grasp, to the harmonic form of the Stephenson--Zelen *information centrality* (also known as the current-flow closeness and the resistance closeness ), at high grasp.
## Classification of parametrized centralities {#sec:difficulties}
There is a proliferation of centrality measures in the network-science literature. Even in the case of parametrized centrality measures, which have not yet been studied extensively, there are sufficiently many measures to require an organizing principle. Here, we build on the typologies introduced by Borgatti in . There, centralities are situated along the conceptual dimensions of Summary Type, Walk Position, and Walk Type. Each of these is described below. In Table [1](#tab:classification){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:classification"}, all of the parametrized centralities discussed in this paper are classified according to Walk Position (columns) and Walk Type (rows).
### Summary Type: how influences are aggregated
The difference between the standard (row-sum) centrality \(\mathbf{M}\) and exogenous centrality \(\widetilde{\mathbf{M}}\) lies in what Borgatti calls Summary Type, which dictates the way influences are aggregated, not the fundamental nature of the centrality. Another possible variation is the diagonal centrality \(\overline{\mathbf{M}}=\pmb{\mathrm{Diag}}(\mathbf{M})\). Estrada's *subgraph centrality* is equivalent to \(\overline{\mathbf{M}}^\mathrm{COM}\) at \(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}_T=1\).
### Walk Position: radial and medial centralities
Though the conditional current betweenness and conditional resistance closeness are parametrized by the same "walker death\" process, they are very different measures. In Borgatti's typology, the first of these is a *medial* centrality while the latter is *radial*. This means that the former assigns importance to a node based on the walks passing through it, while the latter assigns importance based only on the walks that start on the node. The classic examples of medial and radial centrality are *betweenness* and *closeness*, respectively, and we have seen that the conditional walker-flow centralities reduce to these at low grasp. The columns in Table [1](#tab:classification){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:classification"} group the parametrized centralities discussed in this paper into radial and medial categories.
### Walk Type: reach, grasp, conserved flows, duplicating flows, cyclic flows, and acyclic flows
The Walk Type conceptual dimension describes the characteristics of the walks through which influence is spread. For example, influence might be restricted to geodesic paths, or to walks of a certain length. It is clear, then, that the categories of reach-parametrized and grasp-parametrized centrality represent differences in Walk Type. A further distinction within the Walk Type is described in, which compares conserved flow processes (*e.g.*, the movement of physical objects) to duplicating flow processes (*e.g.*, the spread of gossip). The conditional current betweenness and conditional resistance closeness are both calculated using the conserved current created by a single random walk, so they are conserved-flow centralities. On the other hand, the Katz, PageRank, and Communicability centralities rely on infinite summations, as in Eqs. ([\[eq:katzexpand\]](#eq:katzexpand){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:katzexpand"}) and ([\[eq:communicability\]](#eq:communicability){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:communicability"}), aggregating influence from an infinite number of walks. These are thus duplicating-flow centralities. Another important subcategory within the Walk Type dimension is cyclicity. (Borgatti addresses cyclicity within his "trajectory dimension".) The Katz, PageRank, and Communicability are cyclic: the spread of influence within these centralities is free to form cycles, potentially even recrossing the same edge over and over. Thus, for all the measures considered here, cyclic centralities are based on duplicating flows, while acyclic centralities are based on conserved flows. However, in general, cyclicity and duplication are independent of each other. The rows in Table [1](#tab:classification){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:classification"} group the parametrized centralities discussed in this paper into Walk Type categories.
### Disfavored centrality combinations {#sec:reachgrasp}
Generally, reach parametrization is not compatible with medial measures like betweenness, since every pair of source and target nodes is considered equally, no matter how far apart they may be. This is why there are no well-known measures in the light-font areas of the right column of Table [1](#tab:classification){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:classification"}. However, any reach-parametrized relationship (such the entries in the matrix \(\mathbf{M}^\mathrm{COM}\)) may be used to weight pairs of nodes, allowing betweenness-like measures to use reach parameters. (This modification would also allow the simultaneous use of reach and grasp parameters.) These areas of the table are marked with stars to indicate that these centrality combinations are achievable, though they have not been studied extensively to our knowledge. Centralities that are both duplicating and grasp parametrized are also disfavored. It is difficult to control the grasp of duplicating-flow centralities since, by the nature of duplicating influence, they generally cannot restrict influence to geodesic paths. However, an exception to this rule is found---for the *medial* parameter type---in the form of the communicability betweenness, and similarly constructed centralities. They rely on a mathematical technique for converting radial reach-parametrized centralities into medial grasp centralities. This is described in Appendix [\[app:cmb\]](#app:cmb){reference-type="ref" reference="app:cmb"}. We are not aware of any similar techniques for arriving at *radial*, duplicating, grasp centralities, which is why this area of Table [1](#tab:classification){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:classification"} remains empty.
### A new radial reach-parametrized centrality based on acyclic, conserved flows {#sec:newcent}
Aside from the disfavored centrality combinations described above, there is one location in Table [1](#tab:classification){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:classification"} (indicated with bold stars) that has, to our knowledge, not yet been studied. The Katz centrality, which is radial and reach-parametrized, is one of the oldest measures in the network science literature, and the PageRank, of the same type, is one of the most prominent. It is striking, therefore, that there is no well-known *conserved-flow* centrality of this type, given the importance of conserved flows in both theoretical and practical domains. Therefore, in Sec. [\[sec:gcc\]](#sec:gcc){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:gcc"}, we introduce the *ground-current centrality*, which is of the radial, reach-parametrized, and conserved-flow type. It is also acyclic, whereas the duplicating radial reach measures are cyclic. In Sec. [4](#sec:results){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:results"}, we show that the use of acyclic, conserved flows leads the ground-current centrality to some notable differences from the other measures in the radial, reach-parametrized category.
We compare the behavior of the radial reach-parametrized centralities on line networks, subdivided star networks, Cayley trees modified to become regular networks, and a lattice network with a weighted bottleneck. In these simply structured networks, the nodes' centrality rankings are intuitive. Here we take the closeness centrality to provide the paradigmatic intuitive centrality ranking, since it assigns greater importance to nodes that are close to many others. In our simply structured example networks, such nodes are easy to identify by eye. In addition to the simple example networks, we analyze numerical data from seven real-world example networks, summarized in Table [3](#tab:nets){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:nets"}. Because we compare node-node centrality flows (elements of \(\mathbf{M}\)) as well as final centralities (elements of \(\ket{c}\)), we rely specifically on the harmonic closeness centrality: \(\mathbf{M}^\mathrm{HCC}=D_{i j}^{-1}\). Of the parametrized centralities considered here, only the ground-current centrality can reproduce the intuitive ordering in all the simply structured example networks. Furthermore, in the case of networks with bottlenecks---including real-world networks---the ground-current centrality reproduces aspects of the betweenness centrality, as well as the harmonic closeness. In the case of regular networks, the ground-current centrality does not result in nearly identical centrality values, as do several of the alternative measures. Conversely, in the case of real-world networks with hubs, we show that the ground-current centrality assigns centrality weight more equitably than the communicability centrality, while still giving the most weight to the hub. In this section we use the exogenous form (\(\widetilde{\mathbf{M}}\)) of the discussed centralities, since only the exogenous forms of the communicability, Katz, and ground-current centralities reduce to degree centrality at low reach (\(\mathbf{M}\) reduces to \(\mathbf{A}\)). Furthermore, only the exogenous communicability centrality leads to nontrivial results in the case of regular networks (see Sec. [4.2.3](#sec:reg){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:reg"}). However, the results for the full ground-current centrality \(\mathbf{M}^\mathrm{GCC}\) are very similar to those for \(\widetilde{\mathbf{M}}^\mathrm{GCC}\). We also limit the discussion to *normalized* centralities, introducing the normalization factor \(\widetilde{\alpha}\) into Eq. ([\[gccfinal\]](#gccfinal){reference-type="ref" reference="gccfinal"}) so that \(\widetilde{\alpha} \sum_{ij}\widetilde{\mathbf{M}}=1\). Without normalization, centrality values for the communicability (\(\widetilde{\mathbf{M}}^\mathrm{COM}\)) become unmanageably large at high reach, while ground-current centrality values (\(\widetilde{\mathbf{M}}^\mathrm{GCC}\)) go to zero in the same regime.
### Line Networks {#sec:lines}
Consider the unweighted network of \(N\) nodes arranged in a straight line, so that the two end nodes have degree 1, while the middle \(N-2\) nodes have degree 2. Here, the harmonic closeness centrality specifies a centrality ranking that grows with proximity to the center of the line. Indeed, this intuitive ordering is reproduced by almost all the centrality measures under consideration, and across all parameter values (except those extremal values where all centralities are equal). The PageRank is the only centrality that does not reproduce this ordering. The PageRank places the degree 1 nodes in the lowest centrality rank, but the rankings from there on out are the *reverse* of those of the harmonic closeness, so that the node at the center of the line has the second-lowest rank. This unintuitive ordering occurs at all nonextremal parameter values. More generally, the PageRank has properties that make it unsuitable as a reach-parametrized centrality. As the parameter goes to zero, the reach technically increases. However, at this parameter value, the random walk behind the PageRank is allowed to take many steps, including steps that retrace its own path. Thus the walk approaches its stationary distribution, which is proportional to the degree of nodes. The result is the paradoxical situation where increasing the PageRank's reach tends to make it more like the degree centrality, which is inherently low-reach. We believe that this behavior leads to the unintuitive ordering on the line network. Originally, the PageRank centrality was developed to rank websites, which form *directed* networks of hyperlinks. Our simple test case suggests that the PageRank is not well suited to *undirected* networks.
### Subdivided Star Networks {#sec:sstar}
We now introduce a simple class of weighted networks that also have intuitive centrality matrix values based on the harmonic closeness. These *subdivided star networks* \(\mathcal{S}_{\{d\}}\) comprise a series of "spokes" emanating from the hub node \(n_0\). Each spoke consists of a chain of edges. The network is specified precisely by \({\{d\}}\), the list of *unweighted* distances along the spokes. The edge weights are chosen to make the *weighted* distance (\(D\)) along each spoke equal to unity. See the caption to Fig. [\[fig:sstar\]](#fig:sstar){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:sstar"} for further details and an illustration for \({\{d\}}={\{1,2,3,4,6,8\}}\). We also intend to compare the behavior of a node very distant from \(n_0\). To do this, we connect a final node \(n_\mathrm{long}\) directly to \(n_0\), setting \(D_{n_0 n_\mathrm{long}}=1000\). We are only concerned with influence flows between the hub node and the nodes at the ends of the spokes. We choose \(\mathcal{S}_{\{1,2,5,10,18,30\}}\) as a representative example network, on which we compare the influence values \(\widetilde{\mathbf{M}}\) for different centralities. Specifically, we consider \(\widetilde{\mathbf{M}}_{n_0 i^\mathrm{p}}\), for peripheral nodes \(i^\mathrm{p} \in {\{n_\mathrm{long},n_1,n_2,n_5,n_{10} \ldots\}}\). All the nodes \(i^\mathrm{p}\) (except \(n_\mathrm{long}\)) are the same weighted distance from \(n_0\), but their unweighted distances \(d_{n_0 i^\mathrm{P}}\) are all different. As a result, the ordering of matrix elements in the *unweighted* harmonic closeness (HCC) is clear: \(\widetilde{\mathbf{M}}^\mathrm{HCC}_{n_0 i^\mathrm{p}}\) goes down for \(i^\mathrm{p}\) on "longer" spokes, while these matrix elements are all the same for the *weighted* HCC. On the other hand, the unweighted HCC matrix elements \(\widetilde{\mathbf{M}}^\mathrm{HCC}_{n_0 n_\mathrm{long}}\) and \(\widetilde{\mathbf{M}}^\mathrm{HCC}_{n_0 n_1}\) are the same, while in the weighted case \(\widetilde{\mathbf{M}}^\mathrm{HCC}_{n_0 n_\mathrm{long}}\) is much smaller than any other \(\widetilde{\mathbf{M}}^\mathrm{HCC}_{n_0 i^\mathrm{P}}\). (Note that we use the harmonic closeness, because the standard closeness does not specify matrix elements.) Of all the parametrized centralities considered here, the ground-current centrality is the only one that matches the intuitive ordering of both weighted and unweighted HCC. Note that we are not comparing the final centrality values \(c_{i^\mathrm{p}}\) of the peripheral nodes, but rather the matrix elements \(\widetilde{\mathbf{M}}_{n_0 i^\mathrm{p}}\), since these values are not inflated by the presence of nodes along the spokes [^3]. Figure [\[fig:exp_star\]](#fig:exp_star){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:exp_star"} depicts the communicability centrality \(\widetilde{\mathbf{M}}^\mathrm{COM}_{n_0 i^\mathrm{p}}\). Though the rank ordering for all \(i^\mathrm{P}\) except \(n_\mathrm{long}\) matches HCC at low reach (high \(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}_T\)), the levels begin to cross as the reach is increased, and at high reach (\(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}_T\to0\)) \(\widetilde{\mathbf{M}}^\mathrm{COM}_{n_0 n_{30}}\) becomes the highest, though in HCC it is the lowest. This matrix element alone deviates from the ordering established at low-reach (high \(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}\)). The reason, to be discussed in Sec. [5](#sec:conc){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:conc"}, is the duplicating nature of the communicability centrality. Another issue is that the ranking of centrality element \(\widetilde{\mathbf{M}}^\mathrm{COM}_{n_0 n_\mathrm{long}}\) does not appreciably change as the parameter is decreased (reach is increased). Furthermore, the addition of spokes to the network can affect the rank ordering of the other \(i^\mathrm{p}\). For example, while the figure shows that \(\widetilde{\mathbf{M}}^\mathrm{COM}_{n_0 n_5}>\widetilde{\mathbf{M}}^\mathrm{COM}_{n_0 n_{10}}\) for the network \(\mathcal{S}_{\{1,2,5,10,18,30\}}\), this is not the case for the network \(\mathcal{S}_{\{1,2,5,10\}}\), even though they only differ by the addition of two spokes. In the smaller network \(\widetilde{\mathbf{M}}^\mathrm{COM}_{n_0 n_{10}}\) is the largest at high reach (low \(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}_T\)) (and in general the largest \(\widetilde{\mathbf{M}}^\mathrm{COM}_{n_0 i^\mathrm{p}}\) at high reach occurs for the \(i^\mathrm{p}\) with the largest value of \(d_{n_0 i^\mathrm{p}}\) in the network ). The ground-current centrality is not susceptible to such reshuffling upon the addition of spokes because different spokes are electrically independent when \(n_0\) is the network's voltage source, as in the calculation of \(\widetilde{\mathbf{M}}^\mathrm{GCC}_{n_0 i^\mathrm{p}}\) (see Sec. [3.1](#sec:gcc_first){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:gcc_first"}). The Katz centrality on the \(\mathcal{S}_{\{1,2,5,10,18,30\}}\) network is qualitatively similar to the communicability centrality in Fig. [\[fig:exp_star\]](#fig:exp_star){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:exp_star"}, reproducing the features discussed above. As with the communicability, \(\widetilde{\mathbf{M}}^\mathrm{KC}_{n_0 n_{30}}\) begins to overtake the other values of \(\widetilde{\mathbf{M}}^\mathrm{KC}_{n_0 i^\mathrm{p}}\) as \(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}_T\) is reduced. However, the convergence fails before it can overtake \(\widetilde{\mathbf{M}}^\mathrm{KC}_{n_0 n_5}\). The PageRank centrality reproduces HCC's \(\widetilde{\mathbf{M}}_{n_0 i}\) ranking for all nodes except \(i^\mathrm{P}=n_\mathrm{long}\). In fact, \(\widetilde{\mathbf{M}}^\mathrm{PRC}_{n_0 n_1}=\widetilde{\mathbf{M}}^\mathrm{PRC}_{n_0 n_\mathrm{long}}\) for all values of \(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}_{PRC}\)---therefore \(\widetilde{\mathbf{M}}^\mathrm{PRC}_{n_0 n_\mathrm{long}}\) is consistently tied for the highest rank. This happens because the random walker beginning on either \(n_1\) or \(n_\mathrm{long}\) *must* traverse the edge to \(n_0\), regardless of the weight of that edge. The result does not seem reasonable, because the connection from \(n_0\) to \(n_\mathrm{long}\) is meant to carry very little influence. Figure [\[fig:gcc_star\]](#fig:gcc_star){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:gcc_star"} shows that, for the ground-current centrality, the ordering of the \(\widetilde{\mathbf{M}}^\mathrm{GCC}_{n_0 i^\mathrm{p}}\) matches the HCC ordering at all parameter values for all \(i^\mathrm{p}\) except \(n_\mathrm{long}\). In addition, the \(\widetilde{\mathbf{M}}^\mathrm{GCC}_{n_0 n_\mathrm{long}}\) is ranked lowest at high reach (low \(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}_C\)), matching the weighted HCC. While this matrix element is not ranked lowest at low reach (high \(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}_C\)), Fig. [\[fig:gcc_star\]](#fig:gcc_star){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:gcc_star"}(a) shows that it does not amount to a significant centrality contribution at those parameter values. The inset of Fig. [\[fig:gcc_star\]](#fig:gcc_star){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:gcc_star"}(b) shows that, while all \(\widetilde{\mathbf{M}}_{n_0 i^\mathrm{p}}\) values eventually converge as \(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}_C\to 0\), those for the peripheral nodes \(i^\mathrm{p}\) other than \(n_\mathrm{long}\) converge at much higher \(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}_C\). This behavior is reasonable, given that \(D_{n_0 i^\mathrm{p}}=1\) for all \(i^\mathrm{p}\) other than \(n_\mathrm{long}\), and that \(D_{n_0 n_\mathrm{long}}=1000\).
### Regular Networks {#sec:reg}
We have seen that (the exogenous forms of) several centralities under discussion reduce to degree centrality at low reach (high \(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}\)). In a sense, then, lower parameter values (higher reach) are perturbations on the degree centrality. Therefore, it becomes reasonable to factor out the contribution of nearest-neighbor influence to probe each centrality method's unique characteristics. Testing on a \(k\)-regular network, where every node has degree \(k\), accomplishes this goal. For \(k\)-regular networks, the communicability, Katz, and PageRank---but not ground-current---centralities are always trivial, with every node's centrality value equal to \(1/N\). More generally, this result obtains for any \(\mathbf{M}\) that can be written as a power series in the adjacency matrix: \(\mathbf{M}(\mathbf{A})= a_0 \pmb{\mathbb{I}} + a_1 \mathbf{A} + a_2 \mathbf{A}^2 + \cdots\). This is because \(\mathbf{A}\ket{1}=k\ket{1}\), and so \(\mathbf{M}(\mathbf{A}) \ket{1}\) is proportional to \(\ket{1}\) as well. Applying the normalization factor from Eq. ([\[eq:centrality\]](#eq:centrality){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:centrality"}) results in \(\ket{c}= \alpha\mathbf{M}(\mathbf{A})\ket{1} = (1/N)\ket{1}\). Equations ([\[eq:communicability\]](#eq:communicability){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:communicability"}) and ([\[eq:katzexpand\]](#eq:katzexpand){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:katzexpand"}), respectively, show that the communicability and Katz centralities display this degeneracy. Equation ([\[eq:prc\]](#eq:prc){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:prc"}) for the PageRank centrality shows the same, noting that, for regular graphs the factor of \(\pmb{\mathrm{Diag}}(\ket{k^{-1}})\) becomes a scalar. Indeed, in the case of regular graphs, the PageRank becomes identical to the Katz centrality with \(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}^\mathrm{KC}= k \mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}^\mathrm{PRC}\). It is still possible to achieve nontrivial results by removing the diagonal of \(\mathbf{M}\), *i.e.*, using the *exogenous* forms of these centralities, given by \(\widetilde{\mathbf{M}}\). (On the other hand, the diagonal forms \(\overline{\mathbf{M}}\) tend to produce the inverse centrality ranking, because \(\mathbf{M}\ket{1} =\widetilde{\mathbf{M}}\ket{1}+\overline{\mathbf{M}}\ket{1}\). ) Nonetheless, the centrality values are still nearly identical, because the diagonal does not account for a large fraction of the final centrality weight. In general, the ground-current centrality results in nontrivial and more varied centrality values for both \(\mathbf{M}\) and \(\widetilde{\mathbf{M}}\). As a test case, we consider the modified Cayley trees depicted in Fig. [\[fig:cayley_closed_example\]](#fig:cayley_closed_example){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:cayley_closed_example"}. The (unmodified) Cayley tree is an acyclic nearly regular network, defined by two parameters: \(k\) and \(n\). The first of these is the degree of every interior (i.e., nonleaf) node, while the second is the number of generations grown out from the central generation-0 node. For \(m\ge1\), the \(m\)th generation contains \(k (k-1)^{m-1}\) nodes. Cayley trees have the special property that it is intuitive which nodes are more central than others: the lower the generation, the higher the centrality, in accordance with the harmonic closeness, HCC. This is because, as can be seen in Fig. [\[fig:cayley_closed_example\]](#fig:cayley_closed_example){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:cayley_closed_example"}, lower-generation nodes are closer to the center, while higher-generation nodes are more peripheral. To arrive at the modified Cayley tree, we add edges to every leaf node, resulting in a \(k\)-regular graph. The new edges are added in such a way as to keep the leaf nodes on the network's periphery and the lower-generation nodes closer to the center. This "tree closure\" method, described below, can be employed for all odd values of \(k\). However, here we report centrality results only for \(k=3\) and \(n=7\), since results are qualitatively similar for other values of \(k\) and \(n\). To "close" a \(k=3\) Cayley tree, every leaf node \(i\) makes two additional connections. The closest leaf node to \(i\), which lies graph distance \(d=2\) away, is skipped. Then \(i\) is connected to the next-closest two leaf nodes, a graph distance \(d=4\) away. This produces a symmetric network, where every node at a given generation is equivalent. The HCC ordering is unaffected by the addition of these edges. All the centralities under discussion reproduce the HCC centrality hierarchy: lower generation nodes have higher centralities. However, the centralities other than the ground-current centrality are nearly trivial. In Fig. [\[fig:cayley_results\]](#fig:cayley_results){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:cayley_results"}, we plot the centralities for the parameters that produce the largest range between the centrality values of the 0th and \(n\)th generation nodes. For consistency, we have used the exogenous (\(\widetilde{\mathbf{M}}\)) forms of every centrality. However, the full (\(\mathbf{M}\)) ground-current centrality is very similar. The full form of the other centralities leads to the trivial result of centrality values of \(1/N\) for every node, illustrated by the horizontal line in the figure. However, for the other centralities, even the exogenous form does not produce much deviation from \(1/N\). The analysis presented here also leads to similar results when applied to square-lattice segments, made into regular networks by the addition of multiedges along the periphery. Based on these considerations, we propose that the ground-current centrality as a reasonable choice for discriminating central and noncentral network structure in regular graphs. This may also be true for nearly-regular graphs, such as the street networks of cities that have gridlike layouts.
### Networks with bottlenecks {#Networks with bottlenecks}
[\[sec:bnecks\]]{#sec:bnecks label="sec:bnecks"} The ground-current centrality is the only radial reach centrality in Table [1](#tab:classification){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:classification"} that is based entirely on a single acyclic, conserved flow. As a result, it is more sensitive to bottlenecks than the other centralities. *Lattices with a Bottleneck* We have argued that, of all the reach-parametrized centralities considered here, the ground-current centrality is the only centrality that reproduces intuitive centrality orderings on a range of networks. To this end, we have showed that it matches the centrality rankings specified by the harmonic closeness. In this section, we further show that the ground-current centrality also captures intuitive aspects of the betweenness centrality when applied to networks with bottlenecks. To show that the ground-current centrality independently captures aspects of harmonic closeness and betweenness, we construct a network to which those two centralities assign very different centrality rankings. Consider the weighted bottleneck network \(\mathcal{B}(L=5)\) depicted in Fig. [\[fig:bottleneck_network\]](#fig:bottleneck_network){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:bottleneck_network"}. It consists of two \(L\times L\) square sublattices, connected by a single node bottleneck node. All edges have unit length, except for the two edges incident on the bottleneck node, which have length 10. The weighting of these edges helps distinguish the harmonic closeness and the (weighted ) betweenness on this network, as shown in Fig. [\[fig:bottleneck_network_besclos\]](#fig:bottleneck_network_besclos){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:bottleneck_network_besclos"}. The addition of the bottleneck node significantly changes the structure of the network by increasing the number of nodes reachable from the peripheral regions of the two sublattices. It is remarkable then, that the Communicability, Katz, and PageRank centralities are largely insensitive to the bottleneck node's inclusion. Consider Fig. [\[fig:exp_contraction\]](#fig:exp_contraction){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:exp_contraction"}, which depicts the exogenous communicability centrality values \(\widetilde{c}^\mathrm{COM}\) on \(\mathcal{B}(L=15)\) on a range of \(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}_T\) values. (The results in this section also hold for other values of \(L\).) The full range of parameters is shown, in that increasing/decreasing the parameter values does not alter the image. The bottom-right portion of the figure confirms that the exogenous centrality is proportional to the degree centrality at low reach (high \(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}\)): all nonperipheral nodes have the identical, highest centrality rank. As the the reach is increased (\(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}\) decreased), the region of high centrality rank shrinks towards the middle of each sublattice, largely insensitive to the presence of the bottleneck node. The top-left portion of the figure shows the high reach (low \(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}\)) centrality values of the isolated \(L=15\) lattice---its centrality ranks are almost indistinguishable from the sublattices of \(\mathcal{B}(L=15)\). The Katz centrality behaves similarly, and so is not pictured. The PageRank is also insensitive to the bottleneck, as seen in Fig. [\[fig:pagerank_contraction\]](#fig:pagerank_contraction){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:pagerank_contraction"}. There, the top-left portion shows that the PageRank reduces to degree centrality at high reach (low \(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}\)), unlike the communicability, Katz, and ground-current centralities. As the reach is decreased (\(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}\) increased), the centrality ranks remain largely symmetric *within* each sublattice, regardless of proximity to the bottleneck node. The bottom-right portion of the figure shows that the resulting pattern is very similar to that produced by PageRank on an isolated \(L=15\) lattice. In contrast, the high-reach ground-current centrality is highly sensitive to the presence of the network's bottleneck, as shown in Fig. [\[fig:gcc_contraction\]](#fig:gcc_contraction){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:gcc_contraction"}. At intermediate reach (\(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}_C=0.00674\)), the centrality ranks within the sublattices are very similar to those of the isolated lattice at high reach (\(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}_C=0.00002\)), shown in the figure's top-left. The rankings are also similar to the harmonic closeness centrality of Fig. [\[fig:bottleneck_network_besclos\]](#fig:bottleneck_network_besclos){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:bottleneck_network_besclos"}(b). While increasing the reach (lowering \(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}_C\)) does not change the centrality pattern in the isolated lattice, it has a large effect on the weighted bottleneck network. The figure shows that the region of high centrality contracts tightly around the bottleneck as \(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}_C \to 0\), creating a pattern much more similar to the betweenness centrality of Fig. [\[fig:bottleneck_network_besclos\]](#fig:bottleneck_network_besclos){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:bottleneck_network_besclos"}(a). *Bottlenecks in Real Networks* The ground-current centrality's sensitivity to bottlenecks at high reach is also present in real networks. Here, we use high-betweenness nodes as a proxy for bottleneck structures. We compare the betweenness and the communicability, PageRank, and ground-current centralities as applied to seven example networks, including the previously discussed kangaroo network, Florida power grid network, and weighted bottleneck network \(\mathcal{B}(L=15)\). We also analyze the Italian power grid previously studied in. The unweighted *C. elegans* network consists of 277 nodes corresponding to the majority of the nematode worm's neurons. The nematode is well studied in network theory and neuroscience because it has one of the simplest neural structures of any organism. Here we analyze only the undirected version of this network. Finally, we analyze the largest connected component of the vole trapping network from, depicted in Fig. [\[fig:voles\]](#fig:voles){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:voles"}. The network's 118 nodes represent voles, while its 283 edges link voles that were caught in the same trap during a particular trapping session, where the integer edge weights correspond to the number of times they were trapped together. This network is different from the other real networks under consideration because it has high betweenness nodes that do not also have high degree. We quantify the preference of a centrality X for bottlenecks by the ratio \(f_X\): the number of nodes that are highly ranked in both \(X\) and betweenness divided by the number of nodes that are highly ranked in betweenness. Here, "high" means ranked in the top 5%. This measurement is illustrated for the exogenous communicability and the exogenous ground-current centralities in Figs. [\[fig:unweightedFlorida_comm\]](#fig:unweightedFlorida_comm){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:unweightedFlorida_comm"} and [\[fig:vole_comm\]](#fig:vole_comm){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:vole_comm"}. The solid curves in the figures indicate the centrality values of the nodes in the corresponding networks (respectively, the unweighted version of the Florida power grid depicted in Fig. [\[fig:reach_intermediate\]](#fig:reach_intermediate){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:reach_intermediate"}, and the trapping network of voles depicted in Fig. [\[fig:voles\]](#fig:voles){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:voles"}). The thick black curves correspond to nodes that lie in the top 5% of betweenness rank. The dotted red curve indicates the cutoff for high centrality: all the values above this curve lie in the top 5% of communicability centrality in part (a) or ground-current centrality in part (b). The centrality's sensitivity to bottlenecks is measured as the fraction \(f\) of thick black curves that lie above the dotted red curve. (In these, and the following, figures, we use a scaled form of \(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}\) that is constrained to lie between zero and one. See Appendix [\[app:scaledparams\]](#app:scaledparams){reference-type="ref" reference="app:scaledparams"} for details.) Figures [\[fig:unweightedFlorida_comm\]](#fig:unweightedFlorida_comm){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:unweightedFlorida_comm"} and [\[fig:vole_comm\]](#fig:vole_comm){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:vole_comm"} also illustrate the unique properties of the vole network. The low reach (high parameter) region in these plots display the networks' degree centralities. Unlike the weighted Florida power grid network, the vole network has no high-betweenness nodes in the upper ranks of degree centrality. This absence of high-betweenness nodes persists across most of the parameter range, for both the communicability and the ground-current centrality. At very high reach, the ground-current centrality assigns close to equal importance to every node. However, the high-betweenness nodes rise in relative rank. As a result, the fraction \(f_\mathrm{GCC}\) quickly rises from zero at low \(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}_C\). The values of \(f\) are reported in Fig. [\[fig:comm_all_nets\]](#fig:comm_all_nets){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:comm_all_nets"}. In part (a), the communicability centrality is not sensitive to bottlenecks: for all but one of the networks under consideration (the unweighted Florida grid), \(f_\mathrm{COM}\) is maximized at large \(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}_T\), where \(c^\mathrm{COM}\) is equivalent to the degree centrality. Note that \(f_\mathrm{COM}\) is zero for the vole network at all parameter values. This is because the high betweenness nodes do not have the highest degrees and are not in the most highly connected regions of the network. Part (b) shows that the PageRank centrality is also not sensitive to bottlenecks. In 3 out of 7 example networks, \(f_\mathrm{PRC}\) is maximized at high reach (low \(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}_\mathrm{PRC}\)), which is equivalent to the degree centrality. In the other 4 cases, the amount of variation in \(f_\mathrm{PRC}\) is small. This is in sharp contrast to \(f_\mathrm{GCC}\), illustrated in Fig. [\[fig:comm_all_nets\]](#fig:comm_all_nets){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:comm_all_nets"}(c). In every example network, the highest value of \(f_\mathrm{GCC}\) is achieved at the lowest \(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}_c\) (highest reach), and these maxima are significantly larger than the values at large \(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}_C\), which is equivalent to degree centrality. Notably, \(f_\mathrm{GCC}\) is very high for the vole and kangaroo networks, which had \(f_\mathrm{COM}=0\) for all \(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}_T\). The low-\(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}_c\) values of \(f_\mathrm{GCC}\) are also greater than or equal to the values \(f_\mathrm{HCC}\) for the harmonic closeness centrality, as indicated by crosses in the figure. In summary, the ground-current centrality at high reach captures features of the betweenness centrality, assigning high ranks to bottleneck nodes.
### Localization {#sec:local}
Centrality localization describes the situation when a small number of nodes account for a large fraction of the total centrality. (This can be viewed as a generalization of Freeman's centralization metric.) As shown in Fig. [\[fig:cayley_results\]](#fig:cayley_results){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:cayley_results"}, the Communicability, Katz, and PageRank centralities exhibit virtually no localization on closed Cayley trees, since the centrality values of all nodes are nearly equal. In, the amount of localization of a *square-normalized* centrality \(c\) is measured with the *inverse participation ratio* (IPR): \[\mathrm{IPR}(c) = \sum_i c_i^4.\] The minimum IPR value for a network of size \(N\) is \(1/N\), and occurs in the trivial case where all centrality values are identical. The largest value of \(\mathrm{IPR}(\widetilde{c}^\mathrm{COM}) N\) for the closed Cayley tree (\(k=3,n=7\)), across all possible parameters, is approximately \(1.004\). The fact that this is close to 1 confirms that localization is absent to the extent that the centrality is nearly trivial. The ground-current centrality is still highly unlocalized, but farther from the trivial limit: \(\mathrm{IPR}(\widetilde{c}^\mathrm{GCC})N \approx 2.243\). While the communicability centrality exhibits little localization (is nearly trivial) in the case of regular networks, in many cases it exhibits so much localization that most nodes have centralities that are nearly zero. In, it is shown that networks with prominent hub nodes (*i.e.*, nodes directly connected to a large number of other nodes) lead to highly localized eigenvector centrality, which is the high-reach limit of communicability centrality. Among the networks studied by the authors is the electrical circuit network 838 from the ISCAS 89 benchmark set. The maximum IPR value for any network is 1, and occurs when all nodes but one have zero centrality. The eigenvector centrality for the circuit network has relatively high localization: \(\mathrm{IPR}\approx.179\), corresponding to very little centrality assigned to nodes other than the hub node and its neighbors. Thus we see that in cases of both high and low localization, the centrality is not informative about most of the nodes in the network. Hub networks are not the only network architecture that leads to strongly-localized eigenvector centralities. For example, the vole network eigenvector centrality leads to \(\mathrm{IPR}\approx.218\). Here, the localization is due to nodes with high *weighted* degree that do not have high *unweighted* degree, and so are not hubs in the usual sense. See Fig. [\[fig:voles\]](#fig:voles){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:voles"} for an illustration. Here, the top 5% of nodes in eigenvector centrality rank account for about 87% of the total centrality. Another metric of localization is the Gini coefficient, frequently used by economists to quantify wealth or income inequality. The simplest definition is the following weighted average of centrality differences: \[\label{eq:gini} \mbox{Gini coefficient }(c) =\frac{\sum_i^N\sum_j^N \left| c_i-c_j \right|}{2 (N-1) \sum_i^N c_i}.\] An advantage of the Gini coefficient over the IPR is that the latter is constrained between 0 (trivially unlocalized) and 1 (maximally localized) for all networks. We report similar results with both metrics, though the Gini may be easier to interpret. For example, the Gini coefficient for the eigenvector centralities of the circuit and vole networks are approximately.780 and.939, respectively, which indicates significant localization. So far we have only considered the eigenvector centrality, which is the high-reach limit of the communicability centrality. The IPR and Gini coefficient values for all parameter values of the exogenous communicability centrality, as applied to all the considered example networks, are reported in Fig. [\[fig:IPR_comm_all_nets\]](#fig:IPR_comm_all_nets){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:IPR_comm_all_nets"}(a) and (b), respectively. The localization almost always increases with increasing reach, and in several cases it reaches values indicating a significant degree of localization. At high reach, the vole network scores higher than the circuit network on both localization measures. The Italian power grid network scores higher than the circuit network on the Gini coefficient. This result is reasonable: the top 5% of nodes in eigenvector centrality rank account for approximately 44% of all centrality, indicating the presence of localization. In general, as can be seen in Fig. [\[fig:IPR_comm_all_nets\]](#fig:IPR_comm_all_nets){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:IPR_comm_all_nets"}(b) the communicability centrality cannot produce unlocalized results, except in the case of regular networks as discussed in Sec. [4.2.3](#sec:reg){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:reg"}, or in the case of nearly-regular networks such as \(\mathcal{B}(L=15)\). The pattern is reversed with the ground-current centrality, which tends to produce unlocalized centrality values. The IPR and Gini coefficient for the exogenous ground-current centrality are shown in Fig. [\[fig:IPR_gcc_all_nets\]](#fig:IPR_gcc_all_nets){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:IPR_gcc_all_nets"}(a) and (b), respectively. Almost always, the localization values decrease with increasing reach. At very high reach they invariably reach the minimum values (\(N^{-1}\) for IPR, 0 for Gini), since the ground-current centrality always produces uniform centrality in the limit of high reach. However, this occurs only at very high reach, meaning that the centrality is unlocalized, but not trivial. In general, the Gini coefficients are between.15 and.50 for much of the parameter range. For comparison, the range of Gini coefficients for income across all nations is.24 to.63, according to the World Bank. The crosses in the figure represent the IPR and Gini values for the nonbacktracking centrality (defined only for unweighted networks), which is presented in as a nonlocalizing alternative to the eigenvector centrality.
# Conclusion: acyclic, conserved-flow centralities {#sec:conc}
Network centrality measures can be described as more or less appropriate only relative to the specific demands of a given application. Here we have shown that the ground-current centrality is particularly well suited for purposes requiring low localization. However, there may be situations in which it would be desirable to pick out only some important nodes from a network. In this case, high localization would be desirable, and both the ground-current centrality and the nonbacktracking centrality from would be inappropriate choices. A key aim of centrality research is to identify the properties that may render a centrality more or less useful in different situations. To aid in this task, we have expanded Borgatti's centrality typology to categorize the properties of *parametrized* centralities (see Table [1](#tab:classification){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:classification"}). The expanded typology includes our newly introduced reach-parametrized and grasp-parametrized categories. \[From this perspective, the communicability centrality is a reach-parametrized centrality that increases localization with increasing reach (Fig. [\[fig:IPR_comm_all_nets\]](#fig:IPR_comm_all_nets){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:IPR_comm_all_nets"}), while the ground-current centrality is a reach-parametrized centrality that decreases localization with increasing reach (Fig. [\[fig:IPR_gcc_all_nets\]](#fig:IPR_gcc_all_nets){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:IPR_gcc_all_nets"}).\] Along with the reach/grasp distinction, we categorize parametrized centralities as to their Walk Position (radial vs. medial), as well as whether they are based on acyclic and conserved flows. The utility of the ground-current centrality stems from its unique position in this classification system. The ground-current centrality is the only radial reach-parametrized centrality based on acyclic, conserved flows (see Table [1](#tab:classification){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:classification"} and Sec. [2.4.5](#sec:newcent){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:newcent"}). As a result, it closely matches intuitive aspects of the harmonic closeness and betweenness centrality orderings, unlike the PageRank, Katz, and communicability centralities. It is noteworthy that the closeness and betweenness are, respectively, the low-grasp limits of the conditional resistance-closeness and the conditional current-betweenness centralities, which are also based on acyclic, conserved flows. This behavior is demonstrated on a variety of networks, including line networks, star networks, regular networks, and networks with bottlenecks, as discussed in Sec. [4.2](#sec:adv_reg){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:adv_reg"}. The reason is that, with acyclic, conserved flows, influence cannot get trapped in any part of the network; as the reach is increased, the influence must always flow toward as yet unvisited nodes [^4]. We now consider how this manifests on the types of networks listed above. In the line network (see Sec. [4.2.1](#sec:lines){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:lines"}), the random walkers of the PageRank centrality "bounce\" off the end nodes, so that walkers on nodes near the periphery are less likely to leave the periphery than walkers near the center are likely to leave the center. This leads to a higher centrality for peripheral nodes. (However, end nodes have the lowest centrality of all, because all walkers on them have no choice but to leave.) This scenario cannot occur with acyclic centralities, because "bouncing" off the end node always creates cycles of length 2. For cyclic centralities on the closed Cayley tree (see Sec. [4.2.3](#sec:reg){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:reg"}), influence that originates on the periphery is less likely to arrive at the center node than it is to stay on the periphery. This is because all nodes have the same degree, and so the influence is not biased toward the center. The same reasoning holds for any regular network that has a central location. In acyclic centralities like the ground-current centrality, all sufficiently high-reach (and thus long) paths must pass through the center. Thus, the ground-current centrality provides a sensitive, nonlocal measure of centrality for regular networks (see Fig. [\[fig:cayley_results\]](#fig:cayley_results){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:cayley_results"}). We propose that it may also be the appropriate choice for *nearly*-regular networks, such as the Manhattan street grid, though further study is needed. The weighted bottleneck network \(\mathcal{B}\) (see the first part of Sec. [\[sec:bnecks\]](#sec:bnecks){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:bnecks"}) behaves similarly to regular networks: cyclic-centrality influence originating in one of the sublattices is likely to stay there, since the nodes there have higher degrees than the bottleneck nodes. In acyclic centralities, all sufficiently long paths must pass through the bottleneck node. This reasoning also holds for real networks with bottlenecks (see the second part of Sec. [\[sec:bnecks\]](#sec:bnecks){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:bnecks"}), where the ground-current centrality prefers high-betweenness nodes at high reach (low \(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}_C\)). For example, the high-betweenness nodes in the vole network (black nodes in Fig. [\[fig:voles\]](#fig:voles){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:voles"}) do not have very high weighted or unweighted degree. At high reach (low \(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}_T\)), the highest communicability centrality (gray nodes) occurs in nodes with high weighted degree, near clusters of high unweighted degree. The influence is trapped in these parts of the network, just as it was in the sublattices of \(\mathcal{B}\). In contrast, the acyclic ground-current centrality must pass influence through the high-betweenness nodes when the reach (and thus the path length) is sufficiently high; see Figs. [\[fig:unweightedFlorida_comm\]](#fig:unweightedFlorida_comm){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:unweightedFlorida_comm"}-[\[fig:comm_all_nets\]](#fig:comm_all_nets){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:comm_all_nets"}. The cyclic nature of the communicability and eigenvector centralities also contributes to their tendency toward strong localization on some networks (see Sec. [4.2.5](#sec:local){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:local"}). In, the nonbacktracking centrality is used as a less localizing alternative. It is based on the Hashimoto matrix, whose definition prevents influence from traveling in cycles of length 2. The ground-current centrality does not allow influence to travel in cycles of any length, and consequently tends to have even less localization than the nonbacktracking centrality, as seen in Fig. [\[fig:IPR_gcc_all_nets\]](#fig:IPR_gcc_all_nets){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:IPR_gcc_all_nets"}. In addition to being acyclic, the ground-current centrality is based on conserved, rather than duplicating, flows. (Though cyclicity and duplication are generally independent dimensions of centrality type, Table [1](#tab:classification){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:classification"} demonstrates that they coincide for the metrics considered here.) The reliance on duplicating flows leads the communicability (and Katz) rankings to deviate from those of the other centralities in the subdivided star network \(\mathcal{S}\) (see Sec. [4.2.2](#sec:sstar){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:sstar"}). As shown in Fig. [\[fig:exp_star\]](#fig:exp_star){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:exp_star"}, communicability influence originating on the central node \(n_0\) of \(\mathcal{S}_{\{1,2,5,10,18,30\}}\) flows primarily to \(n_{30}\) at high reach (low \(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}_T\)). This is paradoxical because \(n_{30}\) is the node at the highest unweighted distance from \(n_{0}\). The situation is explained by the pattern of influence duplication within the communicability centrality, defined in Eq. ([\[eq:communicability\]](#eq:communicability){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:communicability"}). There, each factor \(\mathbf{A}^l\) corresponds to influence traveling \(l\) steps, duplicating at every node in proportion to its weighted degree. Because nodes on the \(n_{30}\) spoke have the highest weighted degrees in the network, most of the duplication occurs there. In fact, when the reach (and therefore \(l\)) is high, \(\approx\) 99.4% of the influence is created along the \(n_{30}\) spoke, even though its original source is \(n_0\). As a result, \(n_{30}\) receives the highest centrality. Thus, the high-degree regions of a network are doubly challenging for the communicability centrality and similar measures. Because of cyclicity, influence tends to get trapped in these areas and, because of duplication, even more influence is created there. These phenomena can lead to very high centrality localization. However, these situations do not arise with the acyclic, conserved (nonduplicating) ground-current centrality. In summary, the unique features of the ground-current centrality arise from its position in the classification system of Table [1](#tab:classification){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:classification"}, which encompasses parametrized measures of two types: reach and grasp. The ground-current centrality is the only acyclic, conserved measure with parametrized reach. Furthermore, the other acyclic, conserved centralities have more complicated descriptions and formulas, since grasp parametrization requires more involved calculations. Real-world processes on networks usually have limitations on both travel distance (reach) and the number of paths that can be traveled (grasp). An appropriate choice of \(\mbox{\)\mathsmaller{\Pi}\(}\) is required to apply parametrized centralities to study such processes. We are currently developing methods to quantify the levels of reach and grasp across different centrality measures.
[^1]: In, we chose to present *unnormalized* centrality results to better track centrality behavior across a range of parameter values.
[^2]: The interpretation of non-zero adjacency matrix elements as conductances in a resistor network makes sense for *affinity-weighted* networks, as well as multigraphs where \(\mathbf{A}_{ij}\) stands for the number of parallel edges between \(i\) and \(j\). When an adjacency matrix element stands for, *e.g.*, a distance rather than an affinity, it is more appropriate for it to be interpreted as a resistance. In either case, when \(\mathbf{A}_{ij}=0\), there is no edge between \(i\) and \(j\).
[^3]: In the final calculation, the many nonperipheral nodes (unlabeled in Fig. [\[fig:sstar\]](#fig:sstar){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:sstar"}) account for the majority of the contribution to \(i^\mathrm{p}\)'s centrality. This means that peripheral nodes on "long" spokes will have larger centrality, just because they are near many nonperipheral nodes. As a result, the \(c_{i^\mathrm{p}}\) will have an ordering that places greater importance on nodes a farther unweighted distance from the hub node \(n_0\). All of the centralities under discussion reproduce this expected \(c_{i^\mathrm{p}}\) ordering. We focus on the matrix elements \(\tilde{\mathbf{M}}_{n_0 i^\mathrm{p}}\) rather than the final centrality \(c_i\) because they are a direct measurement of the influence between two nodes, and as such are more sensitive to the chosen centrality method.
[^4]: In principle, an acyclic flow could reach a dead end and therefore fail to visit all nodes. This scenario cannot occur with the ground-current centrality, since it is based on electrical currents flowing to ground, which is connected to all nodes. | {'timestamp': '2021-06-04T02:04:45', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14356', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14356'} |
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# Introduction {#sec:intro}
A vast number of todays technological advancements is due to the ever advancing improvement in modeling and solving of partial differential equation (PDE) problems. One class of especially challenging problems is PDE-constrained optimization which has a broad number of applications, reaching from engineering design and control problems to medical applications like cancer treatment. We consider a typical PDE-constrained optimization problem on a space-time cylinder \([0,T] \times \Omega\) given by \[\begin{aligned}
\min_{y,u} J(y,u) \label{eq:objective0} \\ \mbox{subject to } \dot{y} = \mathcal{L}(y) + u, \label{eq:constraint0} \end{aligned}\] where we are interested in the minimization of the functional \(J(y,u)\) constrained by a differential operator \(\mathcal{L}(y)\) with space and time dependent state \(y\) and control \(u\). An extensive analysis of this type of problems can be found e.g. in or. In this work, we will follow the popular approach of first discretizing the problem and then formulating the discrete first-order optimality conditions as described in. Finding an efficient numerical solution to the large system of equations resulting from these conditions is of high interest and many approaches exist to solve the resulting saddle point system such as using a block preconditioner to subsequently solve the preconditioned system with iterative solvers like Minres (cf. ). However, todays PDE models often result in millions of variables and solving optimization problems governed by such huge models is still a challenging task due to their size and complexity. They often even prove to be impossible to solve on a normal computer due to the memory required to store the usually large and dense solution computed by standard algorithms. Therefore, memory efficient solvers, which compute reduced approximations to the solution are a desirable approach to solve these challenging problems. We here propose a widely applicable low-rank solver, which computes a projection of the solution onto a small subspace. The method relies on the reformulation of the problem into a matrix equation, which will be illustrated in section [2](#sec:pb){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:pb"}. The numerical solution of this PDE-constrained optimization problem poses a significant challenge regarding the complexity of both storage and computational resources. We show that it is possible to separate spatial and temporal data via a novel low-rank matrix equation solver in section [3](#sec:lowrank){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:lowrank"}. We introduce a method to reduce the system of equations into a single low-rank matrix equation. In section [4](#section:comp_specifications1){reference-type="ref" reference="section:comp_specifications1"} we discuss the choice of the approximation space, while in section [5](#section:comp_specifications2){reference-type="ref" reference="section:comp_specifications2"} we analyze stopping criteria and a fast update scheme of the residual computation. And finally in section [6](#sec:num){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:num"}, we examine the performance and applicability of our method on various numerical examples. We show the method's robustness with respect to the various problem parameters as well as assess the performance of our method compared with a previously proposed low-rank approach on a distributed heat equation model as well as a boundary control problem. Further, we show the applicability of our method to more challenging problems such as a partial state observation and a non-symmetric PDE constraint.
# Problem formulation {#sec:pb}
We consider a PDE-constrained optimal control problem on a space-time cylinder with time interval \([0,T]\) and a spatial domain \(\Omega\) with a subdomain \(\Omega_{1} \subseteq \Omega\) as in Equation [\[eq:objective0\]](#eq:objective0){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:objective0"}-[\[eq:constraint0\]](#eq:constraint0){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:constraint0"}. The functional we want to minimize reads, \[J(y,u) = \frac{1}{2} \int_{0}^T \int_{\Omega_1} (y-\hat{y} )^2 \,\mathrm{d} x \,\mathrm{d} t + \frac{\beta}{2} \int_{0}^T \int_{\Omega} u^2 \,\mathrm{d} x \,\mathrm{d} t, \label{eq:objective}\] where \(y\) is the state, \(\hat{y}\) the given desired state, and \(u\) the control, which is regularized by the control cost parameter \(\beta\). For the PDE subject to which we want to minimize the functional \(J(y,u)\) let us exemplarily consider the heat equation with \(\mathcal{L}(y) = \Delta y\) and Dirichlet boundary condition, \[\begin{aligned}
\dot{y}-\Delta y &= u \mbox{ in } \Omega, \label{eq:PDE}\\ y &= 0 \mbox{ on } \partial \Omega. \end{aligned}\] There are two distinctive options to proceed with this problem. Either we formulate the optimality conditions and discretize them subsequently or we first discretize the problem and then formulate the discrete first-order optimality conditions, known as the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions. In this work we follow the second approach. We discretize space and time in an all-at-once approach. The spatial discretization is done with finite elements and to discretize in time, we split the time interval into \(n_T\) intervals of length \(\tau = \frac{T}{n_T}\). Using a rectangle rule, the discretization of [\[eq:objective\]](#eq:objective){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:objective"} becomes \[\sum_{t=1}^{n_T} \frac{\tau}{2} (y_{t}-\hat{y}_{t})^T M_1 (y_{t}-\hat{y}_t) + \frac{\tau \beta}{2} u_t^T M u_t,\] where \(y_t, \hat{y}_t\), and \(u_t\) are spatial discretizations of \(y,\hat{y}\), and \(u\) of size \(n\) for each time step \(t = 1,\hdots,n_T\). Using an implicit Euler-scheme the discrete formulation of the PDE [\[eq:PDE\]](#eq:PDE){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:PDE"} reads \[\begin{aligned}
\frac{M (y_{t}-y_{t-1})}{\tau} + K y_t &= M u_t, \mbox{ for } t = 1,\hdots, n_T,\\ y_0 &= 0. \end{aligned}\] Here, \(M,N,M_1 \in \mathbb{R}^{n\times n}\) are the mass matrices of the spatial discretization and \(K\in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}\) denotes the so-called stiffness matrix resulting from the discretization of the differential operator \(\mathcal{L}(y)\). The boundary constraints are incorporated into the stiffness matrix. On further details about the discretization of PDE operators we refer the reader to. We collect the discretizations of the variables in matrices \(Y = [y_1,\hdots,y_{n_T}] \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n_T}\) and denote their vectorizations by \(\underline{Y}= \mbox{vec}(Y)\), respectively for \(\hat{y}\) and \(u\). With this we write the optimization problem in compact form as \[\begin{aligned}
\min_{Y,U} \frac{\tau}{2} (\underline{Y}-\underline{\hat{Y}})^T \mathcal{M}_1 (\underline{Y}-\underline{\hat{Y}}) &+ \frac{\tau \beta}{2} \underline{U}^T \mathcal{M} \underline{U}, \label{eq:oc_discrete1} \\ \mbox{s. t. } \mathcal{K}\underline{Y}-\tau \mathcal{N} \underline{U} &= 0, \label{eq:oc_discrete2} \end{aligned}\] with the matrices \[\begin{aligned}
\mathcal{M} = \begin{bmatrix} M & & & \\ & M & & \\ & & \ddots & \\ & & & M \end{bmatrix},\qquad \mathcal{K} = \begin{bmatrix} M + \tau K & & & \\-M & \ddots & & \\ & \ddots & \ddots \\ & &-M & M + \tau K \end{bmatrix}, \end{aligned}\] where mass matrices \(M\in \mathbb{R}^{n\times n}\) and stiffness matrix \(K \in \mathbb{R}^{n\times n}\) repeat \(n_T\) times each. The matrices \(\mathcal{N}\) and \(\mathcal{M}_1\) are block diagonal matrices like \(\mathcal{M}\) but with different mass matrices \(N\) and \(M_1\) respectively on the diagonal. To solve the discrete problem [\[eq:oc_discrete1\]](#eq:oc_discrete1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:oc_discrete1"}-[\[eq:oc_discrete2\]](#eq:oc_discrete2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:oc_discrete2"}, we have to solve the system of equations resulting from the first order optimality conditions, They state that an optimal solution must be a saddle point of the Lagrangian of the problem, \[\nabla \mathcal{L}(\underline{Y}^*, \underline{U}^*, \underline{\Lambda}^*) = 0.\] The Lagrangian of this problem reads \[\mathcal{L}(\underline{Y},\underline{U},\underline{\Lambda}) = \frac{\tau}{2}(\underline{Y}-\underline{\hat{Y}})^T \mathcal{M}_1 (\underline{Y}-\underline{\hat{Y}}) + \frac{\tau \beta}{2} \underline{U}^T \mathcal{M} \underline{U} + \underline{\Lambda}^T (\mathcal{K} \underline{Y}-\tau \mathcal{N} \underline{U}).\] Thus, the optimal solution solves the following set of linear equations, \[\begin{aligned}
0 = \nabla_Y \mathcal{L}(\underline{Y},\underline{U},\underline{\Lambda)} &= \tau \mathcal{M}_1 (\underline{Y}-\underline{\hat{Y}}) + \mathcal{K}^T \underline{\Lambda}, \label{eq:KKT_conditions1} \\ 0 = \nabla_U \mathcal{L}(\underline{Y},\underline{U},\underline{\Lambda)} &= \tau \beta \mathcal{M} \underline{U}-\tau \mathcal{N}^T \underline{\Lambda}, \label{eq:KKT_conditions2} \\ 0 = \nabla_\Lambda \mathcal{L}(\underline{Y},\underline{U},\underline{\Lambda}) &= \mathcal{K} \underline{Y}-\tau \mathcal{N} \underline{U}. \label{eq:KKT_conditions3} \end{aligned}\] Memory-wise, an effective approach to solve this large-scale problem is to use a low-rank approach, which finds a cheap representation of the solution matrix within a low-rank subspace range(\(V\)) and a reduced solution \(Z\), whose number of columns is related to the number of employed time steps, \[Y \approx V Z,\] and similarly for the other matrix variables \(U\) and \(\Lambda\). In this work we show that we can compute such a low-rank solution more efficiently than recent approaches by rearranging the large system of equations into a generalized Sylvester matrix equation of the form \[\label{eq:matrix_equation} A_1 X + X C + A_2 X I_0-A_3 X D-F_1F_2^T = 0.\] The resulting matrix equation can be efficiently solved by using a tailored low-rank Krylov-subspace method. This new approach greatly reduces storage and time requirements while being robust to parameter changes. This matrix equation oriented methodology allows one to clearly identify space and time dimensions, and aims at reducing the problem dimension in the space variables; the time variable is handled using an all-at-once procedure. Similar strategies have been used, for instance, in. One assumption we make is that we have a low-rank approximation or representation of the desired state as \[\hat{Y} \approx Y_1 Y_2^T,\] with \(Y_1 \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times r}\), \(Y_2 \in \mathbb{R}^{n_T \times r}\) and \(r < n_T\). First, we introduce the auxiliary matrices \[\begin{aligned}
\mathcal{I} = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & & \\ & \ddots & \\ & & 1 \end{bmatrix} \mbox{ and } C = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & & & \\-1 & 1 & & \\ & \ddots & \ddots & \\ & &-1 & 1 \end{bmatrix}, \end{aligned}\] to rewrite the system matrices as Kronecker products \(\mathcal{M} = \mathcal{I} \otimes M\), \(\mathcal{M}_1 = \mathcal{I} \otimes M_1\), \(\mathcal{N} = \mathcal{I} \otimes N\) and \(\mathcal{K} = \mathcal{I} \otimes \tau K + \mathcal{C} \otimes M\). With this our system of KKT conditions [\[eq:KKT_conditions1\]](#eq:KKT_conditions1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:KKT_conditions1"}-[\[eq:KKT_conditions3\]](#eq:KKT_conditions3){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:KKT_conditions3"} becomes \[\begin{aligned}
\tau (\mathcal{I} \otimes M_1) \underline{Y} + (\mathcal{I} \otimes \tau K^T + \mathcal{C}^T \otimes M^T) \underline{\Lambda}-\tau (\mathcal{I} \otimes M_1) \underline{\hat{Y}} &=0, \label{eq:KKT_kronecker1}\\ \tau \beta (\mathcal{I} \otimes M) \underline{U}-\tau (\mathcal{I} \otimes N^T) \underline{\Lambda} &= 0, \label{eq:KKT_kronecker2}\\ (\mathcal{I} \otimes \tau K + \mathcal{C} \otimes M) \underline{Y}-\tau (\mathcal{I} \otimes N) \underline{U} & = 0. \label{eq:KKT_kronecker3} \end{aligned}\] We exploit the relation \[\label{eq:kronecker_relation} (W^T \otimes V) \mbox{vec}(Y) = \mbox{vec}(VYW)\] to rewrite the equations [\[eq:KKT_kronecker1\]](#eq:KKT_kronecker1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:KKT_kronecker1"}-[\[eq:KKT_kronecker3\]](#eq:KKT_kronecker3){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:KKT_kronecker3"} as \[\begin{aligned}
\tau M_1 Y + \tau K^T \Lambda + M^T\Lambda C-\tau M_1 \hat{Y} &= 0, \label{eq:system1} \\ \tau \beta M U-\tau N^T \Lambda &= 0, \label{eq:betau} \\ \tau K Y + M Y C^T-\tau N U &= 0. \label{eq:system3} \end{aligned}\] The mass matrix \(M\) arising from a standard Galerkin method will always be symmetric and can be considered lumped, i.e., diagonal. Therefore, we can eliminate Equation [\[eq:betau\]](#eq:betau){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:betau"} by setting \(U = \frac{1}{\beta} M^{-1}N^T\Lambda\) in the remaining two equations, \[\begin{aligned}
\tau M_1 Y + \tau K^T \Lambda + M^T \Lambda C-\tau M_1 \hat{Y} &= 0, \label{eq:orig1}\\ \tau K Y + M Y C^T-\frac{\tau}{\beta} N M^{-1} N^T \Lambda &= 0, \label{eq:orig2} \end{aligned}\] which are equivalent to \[\begin{aligned}
M^{-1} M_1 Y + M^{-1}K^T \Lambda + \Lambda \tilde{C}-M^{-1}M_1 \hat{Y} & = 0, \\ M^{-1} K Y + Y \tilde{C}^T-\frac{1}{\beta} M^{-1}N M^{-1}N^T \Lambda &= 0, \end{aligned}\] where \(\tilde{C} = \frac{1}{\tau}C\). For now, let us assume that \(K = K^T\) but our approach can be easily generalized for non-symmetric \(K\) as we will demonstrate later on. Now this representation corresponds to \[\begin{split} M^{-1}K \begin{bmatrix} Y & \Lambda\end{bmatrix} + \begin{bmatrix} Y & \Lambda\end{bmatrix} \underbrace{\begin{bmatrix} \tilde{C}^T & 0 \\ 0 & \tilde{C} \end{bmatrix}}_{C_1} + M^{-1}M_1 \begin{bmatrix} Y & \Lambda\end{bmatrix} \underbrace{\begin{bmatrix} 0 & \mathcal{I} \\ 0 & 0 \end{bmatrix}}_{I_0} &+ \\ M^{-1}N M^{-1}N^T \begin{bmatrix} Y & \Lambda\end{bmatrix} \underbrace{\begin{bmatrix} 0 & 0 \\ \frac{-\mathcal{I}}{\beta} & 0 \end{bmatrix}}_{D}-\underbrace{\begin{bmatrix} 0 & M^{-1}M_1 \hat{Y} \end{bmatrix}}_{F_1 F_2^T} &= 0. \end{split}\] We denote \(X = \begin{bmatrix} Y & \Lambda\end{bmatrix}\), \(A_1 = M^{-1}K\), \(A_2 = M^{-1}M_1\), \(A_3 = M^{-1}N M^{-1}N^T\), \(F_1 = M^{-1}M_1 Y_1\) and \(F_2 = [0_{n_T \times r}, Y_2]\), where \(\hat Y = Y_1 Y_2\) with \(Y_1, Y_2\) of low column and row rank, respectively. Then we get the desired format from Equation [\[eq:matrix_equation\]](#eq:matrix_equation){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:matrix_equation"} as \[\begin{aligned}
A_1 X + X C_1 + A_2 X I_0 + A_3XD-F_1 F_2^T = 0, \label{eq:matrix_equation_final} \end{aligned}\] where the left-hand coefficient matrices have size \(n\times n\) while the right-hand ones have size \(2n_T\times 2n_T\), so that \(X \in {\mathbb R}^{n\times 2n_T}\).
# Low rank solution {#sec:lowrank}
The generalized Sylvester equation in ([\[eq:matrix_equation_final\]](#eq:matrix_equation_final){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:matrix_equation_final"}) replaces the large Kronecker product based system of equations [\[eq:KKT_kronecker1\]](#eq:KKT_kronecker1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:KKT_kronecker1"}-[\[eq:KKT_kronecker3\]](#eq:KKT_kronecker3){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:KKT_kronecker3"}. Since the solution matrix \(X \in \mathbb{R}^{n\times 2n_T}\) will be dense and potentially very large, to exploit the new setting it is desirable to find an appropriate approximation space and a low-rank reduced matrix approximation \(Z\in \mathbb{R}^{p \times 2n_T}\) such that \[\label{eq:lowRank_X} X \approx V_p Z.\] where the orthonormal columns of \(V_p \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times p}\) generate the approximation space. With this setting we can construct a reduced version of the matrix equation [\[eq:matrix_equation_final\]](#eq:matrix_equation_final){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:matrix_equation_final"}. Let us assume we compute an approximation as in [\[eq:lowRank_X\]](#eq:lowRank_X){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:lowRank_X"}. Then the residual matrix associated with ([\[eq:matrix_equation_final\]](#eq:matrix_equation_final){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:matrix_equation_final"}) reads \[\begin{aligned}
\label{eq:residual} R = A_1 V_p Z + V_p Z C_1 + A_2 V_p Z I_0 + A_3 V_p Z D-F_1 F_2^T. \end{aligned}\] We impose the Galerkin orthogonality of the residual matrix with respect to the approximation space, which in the matrix inner product is equivalent to writing \(V_p^T R = 0\), so that our equation becomes \[V_p^T A_1 V_p Z + V_p^T V_p Z E + V_p^T A_2 V_p Z I_0-V_p^T F_1 F_2^T = 0.\] Let us denote the reduced \(p\times p\) coefficient matrices as \(A_{1,r} := V_p^T A_1 V_p\), \(A_{2,r} := V_p^T A_2 V_p\), \(A_{3,r} := V_p^T A_3 V_p\) and set \(F_{1,r} = V_p^T F_1 \in \mathbb{R}^{p \times 1}\). The resulting reduced equation \[\label{matrix_equation_reduced} A_{1,r} Z + \mathcal{I}_p Z C_1 + A_{2,r} Z I_0 + A_{3,r} Z D-F_{1,r} F_2^T = 0\] has the same structure as the original matrix equation [\[eq:matrix_equation_final\]](#eq:matrix_equation_final){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:matrix_equation_final"} but its size is reduced to \(p \times 2n_T\). By exploiting once again the relation in Equation [\[eq:kronecker_relation\]](#eq:kronecker_relation){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:kronecker_relation"}, we get the small linear system of equations \[\label{eq:lineq} \big ( (\mathcal{I}_{2n_T} \otimes A_{1,r}) + (C_1^T \otimes \mathcal{I}_p) + (I_0^T \otimes A_{2,r}) + (D^T \otimes A_{3,r}) \big ) \underline{Z} = F_{1,r}F_2^T,\] with \(\underline{Z} = \mbox{vec}(Z)\). For a small subspace size \(p \ll n\) this system of equations is significantly easier to solve and we can either use a direct or an iterative method to do so. If the obtained approximate solution \(V_pZ\) is not sufficiently good, then the space can be expanded and a new approximation constructed, giving rise to an iterative method. The use of low-rank methods within optimization of large-scale systems has been successfully documented in several articles, and we refer the reader to for recent accounts.
# Subspace computation {#section:comp_specifications1}
To construct the projection [\[eq:lowRank_X\]](#eq:lowRank_X){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:lowRank_X"} we need an iterative subspace method, which constructs a relevant subspace for our problem. For this we make use of rational Krylov subspaces \[\label{eq:Krylov} V_p(A,v,s) = \mbox{span} \big \{ v, (A+s_1I)^{-1}v, \hdots, \prod_{j=1}^{p-1}(A+s_j I)^{-1}v \big \}\] with shifts \(s_j\) as described in. This approach has proven to be very well suited to solve similarly structured problems as the shifts allow for efficient updates of the subspace using relevant information on the matrices' eigenvalues. As an initial vector we take the right-hand side, \(v_0 = F_1\), and to construct the subspace [\[eq:Krylov\]](#eq:Krylov){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:Krylov"} we employ a tailored strategy to adapt to the different settings. More precisely: i) *Case \(M_1=M\), \(N\) square, full rank.* This corresponds to a setup where desired state and control are both distributed equally on the whole domain \(\Omega\). We use the matrix \(A = A_1\). We observe that in this case \(A_2=I\) and \(A_3\) is a diagonal nonsingular matrix. ii) *Case \(M_1\ne M\), \(N\) square, full rank.* This corresponds to a setup where, e.g., the resulting state is only observed on a partial domain. We construct a mixed subspace where we add the following two new vectors in step \(k\), \[\label{eq:subspace} \{ (A_1 + s^{(1)}_k I)^{-1}v_k, \,\, (A_2 + s^{(2)}_k I)^{-1}v_k \},\] so that the space dimension grows by at most two per iteration, instead of one. iii) *Case \(M_1= M\), \(N\) tall.* In this case, we can only control a partial domain, e.g., the boundary. Here, \(A_2=I\) while \(A_3=M^{-1} N M_b^{-1} N^T\) is not invertible. We thus define \(A_3(\alpha) = A_3 + \alpha A_1\), this selection is justified below. In this case we use the following two new vectors in step \(k\), \[\label{eq:subspace3} \{ (A_1 + s^{(1)}_k A_3(\alpha))^{-1}v_k, \,\, ( A_3(\alpha) + s^{(2)}_k A_1)^{-1}v_k \},\] and once again the space dimension grows by at most two per iteration, instead of one. iv) *Case \(M=M_1\), \(N\) square, full rank, \(K \neq K^T\).* For a number of PDE constraints, like convection-diffusion problems, the stiffness matrix is non-symmetric. In this case, we have to slightly modify the first component \(A_1X\) in [\[eq:matrix_equation_final\]](#eq:matrix_equation_final){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:matrix_equation_final"} to \(A_1 X \begin{bmatrix} \mathcal{I} & 0 \\ 0 & 0 \end{bmatrix} + M^{-1}K^TX \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 0 \\ 0 & \mathcal{I} \end{bmatrix}\). Here, again we construct a mixed subspace where we add two new vectors in step \(k\), \[\{ (A_1 + s_k^{(1)}I)^{-1}v_k, \,\, (M^{-1}K^T + s_k^{(2)}I)^{-1}v_k \}.\] A strategy similar to (ii)-(iv) was successfully adopted in for a multiterm linear matrix equation in a different context. The effectiveness of the mixed approaches in (ii)-(iii) relies on the fact that the generated space be rich in eigencomponents of both matrices. In (ii) where \(A_2\) is diagonal and singular with a bounded and tight nonzero spectral interval, a good spectral homogeneity in the space construction can be reached by shifting the matrix \(A_2\) by some \(\alpha\) so that the spectra of \(A_1\) and \(A_2 + \alpha_2 I_n\) are contained by the same interval. Hence, we introduce a shift parameter \(\alpha_2\) in ([\[eq:matrix_equation_final\]](#eq:matrix_equation_final){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:matrix_equation_final"}) to get \[\label{eq:shift} A_1 X + X (C_1-\alpha_2 I_0) + (A_2 + \alpha_2 I_n) X I_0-A_3 X D-F_1 F_2^T = 0.\] With these premises, a good choice for \(\alpha_2\) is a rough approximation to the largest eigenvalue of \(A_1\). Due to the good properties of the transformed spectrum, the shifts were computed by only using the projection of the matrix \(A_1\) onto the generated space; more details on the shift selection can be found in. In the cases i) and iv), \(A_2\) is not singular but still the spectra of \(A_1\) and \(A_2\) differ greatly. Applying the same strategy to shift \(A_2\) as in [\[eq:shift\]](#eq:shift){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:shift"} also proved to be beneficial in these cases. In (iii), the structure and singularity of \(A_3\) was significantly more challenging, because \(\|A_3\|\) inversely depends on \(\beta\), hence the spectrum of a shifted version of \(A_3\) may not be enclosed in that of \(A_1\). We propose to consider the equivalent problem \[A_1 X(I-\alpha_3 D) + X C_1 + A_2 X I_0-(A_3+\alpha_3 A_1) X D-F_1 F_2^T = 0.\] where \(\alpha_3 = \frac 1 {\sqrt{\beta}}\|A_3\|_F/\|A_1\|_F\). With this formulation, we found particularly successful the use of the projection of the pair \((A_1, A_3+\alpha_3 A_1)\) onto the current approximation space to determine the next shifts during the iteration. *Further subspace reduction.* By computing \(X \approx V_p Z\) we want to reduce storage requirements and computation time. This goal is only achieved if the approximation space dimension remains considerably smaller than \(n_T\). By enriching the subspace as outlined above, however, the space dimension may in principle grow up to \(n\) in case the solution is not sufficiently accurate. To keep the subspace as small as possible when it is not optimal we include a truncation scheme which bounds the subspace dimension to less than \(n_T\). Thus, in the worst case the solution will have maximum rank. To reduce the dimension we compute a singular value decomposition of \(Z = U \Sigma V^T\), with \(\Sigma={\rm diag}(\sigma_1, \ldots, \sigma_p)\) where \(\sigma_1 \geq \hdots, \geq \sigma_p\) are the singular values of \(Z\). In case some of the singular values are too small, say \(\sigma_i < \varepsilon\) for some \(i\), it is clear that some of the subspace information is not needed for computing a good approximation to the solution. If this occurs we truncate the subspace with \(\tilde{p} = i-1\) by setting \[V_{\tilde{p}} = V_p U_{\tilde{p}},\] with \(U_{\tilde{p}}\) denoting the first \(\tilde{p}\) columns of \(U\). Note that the next subspace additions [\[eq:subspace\]](#eq:subspace){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:subspace"} are still conducted using \(v_k\) from the latest generated vectors in the original subspace \(V_p\), and orthogonalized with respect to the reduced subspace. We refer the reader to the discussion of Table [4](#table:memory){reference-type="ref" reference="table:memory"} for an illustration of the achievable memory savings by adopting this strategy.
# Residuals and stopping criteria {#section:comp_specifications2}
To determine a computable stopping criterion we monitor the residuals of the two equations [\[eq:orig1\]](#eq:orig1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:orig1"} and [\[eq:orig2\]](#eq:orig2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:orig2"}, \[\begin{aligned}
R_1 &= \tau M_1 Y + \tau K^T \Lambda + M^T \Lambda C-\tau M_1 \hat{Y}, \label{eq:res1} \\ R_2 &= \tau K Y + M Y C^T-\frac{\tau}{\beta} N M^{-1}N^T \Lambda, \label{eq:res2} \end{aligned}\] which are closely related to the original system. Computing the residuals poses a bottleneck in this scheme as straightforward computation is time consuming and would require forming the full solution \([Y \Lambda] = V_p Z\). To avoid this and substantially speed up the computation time, we rely on a low-rank representation of the residual and calculate its norm making use of an updated QR method. The matrix residuals can be rewritten as \[\begin{aligned}
R_1 &= \tau M_1 V_p Z_Y + \tau K^T V_p Z_{\Lambda} + M V_p Z_{\Lambda} C-\tau M_1 \hat{Y} \\ & = \begin{bmatrix} \tau M_1 V_p & \tau K^T V_p & M V_p &-\tau M_1 Y_1 \end{bmatrix} \cdot \begin{bmatrix} Z_Y & Z_{\Lambda} & Z_{\Lambda} C & Y_2 \end{bmatrix}, \\ R_2 &= \tau K V_p Z_Y + M V_p Z_Y C^T-\frac{\tau}{\beta} N M^{-1} N^T V_p Z_{\Lambda} \\ & \begin{bmatrix} \tau K V_p & M V_p &-\frac{\tau}{\beta} N M^{-1} N^T V_p \end{bmatrix} \cdot \begin{bmatrix} Z_Y & Z_Y C^T &-Z_{\Lambda} \end{bmatrix}^T, \end{aligned}\] where \(Z_Y\) denotes the \(Y\)-component of \(Z\) and \(Z_{\Lambda}\) denotes the component associated with \(\Lambda\) respectively. Let any of the two quantities be denoted by \[R = R_L R_R^T.\] Here the matrices have dimensions \(R_L \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times (3p+1)}\) and \(R_R \in \mathbb{R}^{n_T\times (3p+1)}\). We consider a reduced QR decomposition of the tall and skinny matrix \(R_L\), \[R_L = Q_1 R_1, \quad {\rm with} \quad Q_1 \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times (4p+1)},\quad R_1 \in \mathbb{R}^{(4p+1)\times (4p+1)}.\] At each iteration new columns are added to the matrices \(R_L\) and \(R_R\). To further reduce the computational cost, we update the QR decomposition so as to avoid a new factorization from scratch at each iteration. Assume that we have a current subspace of size \(p\), so that \(V_p = [v_1,\hdots, v_p]\) and we add another vector \(v_{p+1}\) to the space. Thus, four new columns are added to \(R_L\), which we add to the end of \(R_L\), while keeping the same reordering for \(R_R\). Adding a new column \(v_{p+1}\) gives \[\begin{bmatrix} R_L & v_{p+1} \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} Q_1 R_1 & v_{p+1}\end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} Q_1 & q_2 \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} R_1 & R_{1,2} \\ 0 & R_{2,2} \end{bmatrix},\] where only two column vectors \(q_2\) and \(R_{1,2}\) and a scalar value \(R_{2,2}\) have to be computed. We have \[Q_1 R_{1,2} + q_2 R_{2,2} = v_{p+1}. \label{eq:newQR}\] Setting \(R_{1,2} = Q_1^T v_{p+1}\) and constructing the vector \[\hat{q}_2 = v-Q_1(Q_1^T v_{p+1}) = v_{p+1}-Q_1 R_{1,2},\] we can set \(q_2 = \frac{\hat{q}_2}{\|\hat{q}_2\|}\) and thus \(R_{2,2} = \|\hat{q}_2\|\). With this, Equation [\[eq:newQR\]](#eq:newQR){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:newQR"} holds and the new column \(q_2\) is orthogonal to \(Q_1\), \[Q_1^T q_2 = Q_1^T \frac{\hat{q}_2}{R_{2,2}} = \frac{Q_1^T v_{p+1}-Q_1^T Q_1 Q_1^T v_{p+1}}{R_{2,2}} = 0.\] Now we can completely avoid forming the full residuals, as with \(R = R_L R_R^T = Q_1 R_1 R_R^T\) the desired Frobenius norm of the residual becomes \[\|R\|_F = \sqrt{\mbox{trace}(R^T R)} = \sqrt{\mbox{trace}(R_R R_1^T Q_1^T Q_1 R_1 R_R^T)} = \sqrt{\mbox{trace}(R_R R_1^T R_1 R_R^T)}. \label{eq:QR_final}\] To compute the residual norms in this form only a very small matrix of size \(n_T \times n_T\) has to be computed. Both of these residuals can be computed without forming the approximations \(Y\) and \(\Lambda\). The use of the trace square root may lead to inaccuracy at the level of the machine epsilon square root. However, our convergence tolerance is in general significantly larger, say \(10^{-4}\), hence these problems were not encountered. This computational procedure allows us to cheaply compute both \(\|R_1\|_F\) and \(\|R_2\|_F\), that is the absolute value of the residual norms. Following the guidelines in for linear matrix equations, we also monitor a scaled backward error norm of the two equations, that is \[\begin{aligned} \rho_3 &= \frac{\|R_1\|_F}{\tau(\|M_1\|Z_Y\|_F + \|K\|_F \|Z_{\Lambda}\|_F + \|M\|_F \|\hat{Y}\|_F) + \|M\|_F\|Z_Y\|_F\|C\|_F}, \\ &+ \frac{\|R_2\|_F}{\tau(\|K\|_F \|Z_Y\|_F + \frac{1}{\beta}\|M\|_F\|Z_{\Lambda}\|_F + \|M\|_F\|Z_Y\|_F\|C\|_F}. \label{eq:resFull} \end{aligned}\] which takes into account the data order of magnitude. Summarizing, we stop our iteration whenever \[\max \{ \|R_1\|_F, \|R_2\|_F, \rho_3 \} \le {\tt tol}\] where `tol` is a prescribed tolerance.
# Numerical Results {#sec:num}
We now present the performance and flexibility of our method on multiple examples for different PDE-constrained optimization problems. The spatial FE-discretizations of the PDE operator were conducted using the deal.II framework with Q1 finite elements and the method described in the previous section was implemented in matlab R2018b. All experiments were run on a desktop computer with an Intel Core i7-4770 Quad-core processor running at 4 \(\times\) 3400 MHz with 32 GB of RAM. We will show robustness with respect to the discretization sizes \(n\) and \(n_T\) as well as the control parameter \(\beta\). Furthermore, we demonstrate the applicability of our method to multiple different setups such as partial observation of the desired state, boundary control and a different non-symmetric PDE-operator. Other low-rank solvers. To emphasize the competitiveness of our new approach we compare it with another low-rank method aimed at the same problem class. The idea of exploiting the system structure to avoid forming a large system of equations and finding a low-rank way to compactly represent the solution is not an entirely new approach. Earlier, in the authors developed a technique rewriting the problem in a low-rank context and solving it with a preconditioned Krylov subspace solver, namely Minres introduced in. We denote this solver as lrminres (low-rank Minres ) [^1]. Here, the variables are represented in a low-rank matrix format rather than vectors, as \(Y = W_Y V_Y^T\), \(U = W_U V_U^T\) and \(\Lambda = W_{\Lambda} V_{\Lambda}^T\) and the system of equations [\[eq:system1\]](#eq:system1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:system1"}-[\[eq:system3\]](#eq:system3){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:system3"} is split into a matrix product as \[\begin{bmatrix} \tau M_1 W_Y & \tau K^T W_{\Lambda} & M \Lambda \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} V_Y^T \\ V_{\Lambda}^T \\ V_{\Lambda}^T C \end{bmatrix} = \tau M_1 \hat{Y}\] for Equation [\[eq:system1\]](#eq:system1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:system1"} and respectively for Equations [\[eq:betau\]](#eq:betau){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:betau"} and [\[eq:system3\]](#eq:system3){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:system3"}. From here, the system of equations is solved with a tailored version of Minres . Opposed to the original version of Minres , the residual and all other upcoming variables are formulated as low-rank matrices rather than vectors and subsequently truncated to keep memory requirements low. Combined with exploiting the structure of the low-rank equation system in the upcoming matrix vector products and preconditioning, this method provides a memory efficient and fast alternative to established approaches for solving PDE constrained optimization problems. A bottleneck in this approach, however, is the setup of a preconditioner. To construct the necessary low-rank preconditioner, a matrix equation needs to be solved which significantly affects the overall performance. Therefore, our approach of directly starting from a matrix equation formulation proofs to be superior in many setups.
## Fully observed heat equation
As a first example PDE we use the heat equation with a full observation, thus \(\Omega_1 = \Omega\) and \(M_1 = M\). This leads to a simplified version of Equation [\[eq:matrix_equation\]](#eq:matrix_equation){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:matrix_equation"} as \[A_1X + X C_1 + X I_0 + A_3 X D-Y_1 F_2^T = 0.\] First, we will use this simple setup to investigate the convergence behavior and our choice of stopping criteria by comparing the results to a solution obtained by a direct solver accurate up to machine precision. The constant-in-time desired state \(\hat{Y}\) is displayed in Figure [\[figure:desired_state\]](#figure:desired_state){reference-type="ref" reference="figure:desired_state"}. This constant desired state leads to a low-rank representation of the right hand side of rank 1. The reference solution was obtained by solving the linear equation system of a small setup with MATLABs *backslash* operator. We used a discretization of \(n = 1089\) and \(n_T = 100\). The monitored quantities [\[eq:res1\]](#eq:res1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:res1"}, [\[eq:res2\]](#eq:res2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:res2"}, [\[eq:resFull\]](#eq:resFull){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:resFull"} and the actual relative errors to the reference solution are displayed in Figure [\[figure:convergence\]](#figure:convergence){reference-type="ref" reference="figure:convergence"}. We see that the monitored quantities are a good estimation for the magnitude of the errors as \(R_1\) stays close above the actual errors. Inserting the direct solution into Equation [\[eq:matrix_equation_final\]](#eq:matrix_equation_final){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:matrix_equation_final"} gives a residual of \(5.11 \cdot 10^{-9}\). Thus, the different scaling of the matrix equation prohibits further accuracy gains once a high accuracy is reached. This effect is reflected in Figure [\[figure:convergence\]](#figure:convergence){reference-type="ref" reference="figure:convergence"} as the last iterations do not provide further accuracy gains.
We are also interested in the memory savings our method provides. Therefore, we monitor the memory consumption of sys2mateq , lrminres and a full rank Minres method for the same set-ups displayed in Table [3](#table:minres2){reference-type="ref" reference="table:minres2"}. For sys2mateq we monitor the memory needed to construct the subspace, the reduced solution and the setup of the reduced equation system [\[eq:lineq\]](#eq:lineq){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:lineq"}. For lrminres we monitor the memory for all vectors that are used. For comparison we additionally report the memory consumed by a standard Minres method only to store the required vectors, not taking into account the system matrix and preconditioner. The results are shown in Table [4](#table:memory){reference-type="ref" reference="table:memory"}. The quantities refer to the overall memory consumption in megabytes during the process of solving the equation system with the respective method. We see that even with constructing the reduced equation system [\[eq:lineq\]](#eq:lineq){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:lineq"} the memory requirements stay well below those of a not low-rank approach.
## Partial observation on heat equation
Until now we only investigated the case where \(M = M_1\) and therefore the matrix \(A_2\) being the identity. One highly interesting and challenging problem is the optimization under partial observation, meaning the desired state is only of interest on a partial domain \(\Omega_1 \subseteq \Omega\). This leads to a singular matrix \(M_1\), which further increases the difficulty of the PDE-constrained optimization problem.When we set up the rational Krylov subspace with only \(A_1\) for this setting, we do not reach convergence. Therefore, we add up to two new vectors in each iteration as outlined in Section [4](#section:comp_specifications1){reference-type="ref" reference="section:comp_specifications1"}.
## Boundary Control
Another setup of high interest is having a non-distributed control. Here, we take a boundary control problem as an example. This leads to the control \(u\) not being distributed on \(\Omega\) but only on a subdomain \(\Omega_b \subset \Omega\). Therefore, we get a smaller mass matrix \(M_b \in \mathbb{R}^{n_b \times n_b}\) associated with \(U\) present on \(n_b < n\) spatial nodes, and \(N \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n_b}\) is now rectangular (tall). Therefore, we have a modification of Equation [\[eq:matrix_equation_final\]](#eq:matrix_equation_final){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:matrix_equation_final"} as \[A_1 X + X C_1 + X I_0 + A_3 X D-F_1 F_2^T = 0\] with \(A_1 = M^{-1}K\) and \(A_3 = M^{-1}N M_b^{-1} N^T\). Here, the subspace we compute is derived from \(A_1\) and \(A_3\) as in [\[eq:subspace\]](#eq:subspace){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:subspace"}.
## Non-symmetric convection-diffusion PDE
Until now we only investigated the performance of our method under the constraint of a heat equation. But for more challenging PDEs our method works just as well, e.g. the convection-diffusion equation, \[\dot{y} = \varepsilon \nabla^2 y-v \cdot \nabla y + u,\] with diffusion coefficient \(\varepsilon\) and velocity field \(v\). When \(\varepsilon \ll 1\), the equation is convection-dominated and solving it is a challenging task. As the stiffness matrix \(K\) of the resulting equation system is non-symmetric, we have to adjust the matrix equation accordingly. Thus, we get another modification of Equation [\[eq:matrix_equation_final\]](#eq:matrix_equation_final){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:matrix_equation_final"} for this setup as \[\begin{aligned}
A_1 X \begin{bmatrix} \mathcal{I} & 0 \\ 0 & 0 \end{bmatrix} + M^{-1} K^T X \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 0 \\ 0 & \mathcal{I} \end{bmatrix} + X C_1 + A_2 X I_0 + A_3 X D-F_1 F_2^T = 0. \end{aligned}\]
# Conclusion and Outlook {#sec:conc}
We proposed a new scheme to solve a class of large-scale PDE-constrained optimization problems in a low-rank format. This method relied on the reformulation of the KKT saddle point system into a matrix equation, which was subsequently projected onto a low dimensional space generated with rational Krylov type iterations. We showed that the method's convergence is robust with respect to different discretizations and parameters. Furthermore we demonstrated higher memory and time savings compared to an established low-rank scheme. Additionally, the sys2mateq is very flexible with respect to different constraints such as non-symmetric PDE operators or partial state observation. In the future, we plan on further investigating the subspace choice and the performance of our scheme for other challenging setups. Further improvements are expected from realizing a truncation or restarting mechanism in cases where the subspaces become unexpectedly large. | {'timestamp': '2020-06-01T02:10:19', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14499', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14499'} |
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# Introduction
The solar atmosphere is full of energetic particles. They are produced when ambient plasma particles are accelerated out of thermal equilibrium by a strong electric field or by rebounding off moving magnetic elements. Upon leaving the site of acceleration, their available trajectories are limited by the Lorentz force, which compels charged particles to follow the direction of the magnetic field. Consequently, the accelerated particles form coherent beams. The interactions of these beams with the ambient plasma are believed to be a key mechanism in solar flares. It is generally accepted that flares are powered by the relaxation of stresses in the magnetic field through the process of magnetic reconnection. The release of magnetic energy manifests as electric field enhancements and plasma flows, leading to strong currents with associated resistive heating as well as jets of outflowing plasma and magnetoacoustic waves. This also creates conditions favourable for particle acceleration. The ensuing beams of energetic particles, which may account for a significant portion of the flare energy, transfer energy to the plasma along their trajectories through Coulomb interactions. The X-ray bremsstrahlung emitted in these interactions can escape the atmosphere relatively unaffected, and thus it provides valuable information about the energy distribution of the particles and the plasma conditions at the site of emission. Signatures of accelerated particles, in particular non-thermal electrons, are found in observed hard X-ray spectra from active region flaring events, ranging from large flares with energies up to \(10^{32}\) erg to \(10^{27}\) erg microflares at the sensitivity limit of current instruments. This suggests that particle beams play an active role in flares of all sizes. Beyond hard X-ray detectability, predicted frequent impulsive heating events with energies of the order of \(10^{24}\) erg that are associated with small-scale reconnection due to the continuous interweaving of the magnetic field by photospheric convective motions. Signs of these types of events, dubbed nanoflares, have been observed down to \(10^{25}\) erg as ultraviolet (UV) and soft X-ray flashes in the chromosphere and transition region of the quiet Sun. Based on detailed 1D simulations, found that non-thermal electron beams were required to reproduce the UV spectra in their observations of nanoflares. Early models of particle beams were mostly based on simple analytical expressions for the mean collisional change in velocity of energetic particles moving through the atmospheric plasma. The response of the atmosphere to an injected beam of non-thermal electrons has been studied by incorporating these expressions into the energy equation of 1D hydrodynamics simulations. More recently, the realism of these types of simulations was improved significantly by the inclusion of detailed radiative transfer. A more general treatment of the accelerated particles is possible by numerically solving the Fokker--Planck equation governing the evolution of the particle distribution. Due to high computational demand, this method was, initially, only used to study the detailed propagation and bremsstrahlung emission of non-thermal electrons in simple static model atmospheres. However, in state-of-the-art 1D flare simulations, it has now largely replaced the approximate heating expressions derived from mean scattering theory. The high level of detail in these simulations makes them a powerful tool for studying flare dynamics and for generating synthetic diagnostics of flaring atmospheres. Yet, by nature of their dimensionality, simulations of this kind can only consider a single flaring loop at a time, and these loops do not live in isolation. They are part of a continuous magnetic field embedded in a 3D plasma environment. Magnetic reconnection and associated acceleration of energetic particle beams are driven by the overall evolution of the atmosphere, which in turn is influenced by the collective interaction of the beams with the ambient plasma. With the drastic increase in computing power along with the advent of advanced 3D radiative magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) codes in the past couple of decades, realistic simulations that self-consistently reproduce the overall structure and evolution of diverse features of the solar atmosphere are now possible. Incorporating acceleration and propagation of energetic particle beams into these types of 3D simulations would greatly benefit our understanding of the role of particle beams on the Sun. We have taken the first step towards this goal, and here present a simple treatment of energy transport by accelerated particles applied to a realistic 3D simulation of the quiet solar atmosphere. This work is a further development of the model introduced in. A related approach was recently used by to incorporate electron beams into a 2.5D MHD simulation of a large flare. A brief description of the radiative MHD code that we employ is given in Sect. [6.1](#sec:atmospheric_simulation){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:atmospheric_simulation"}, where we also present the simulated atmosphere used for this paper. In Sect. [6.2](#sec:accelerated_particles){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:accelerated_particles"}, we present the inclusion of accelerated particle beams, starting with the method of detecting reconnection sites, followed by the acceleration model and the particle transport model. Methods for reducing the computational demand, as well as for selecting values for the free parameters, are respectively discussed in Sects. [6.3](#sec:tuning){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:tuning"} and [6.4](#sec:effect_p_delta){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:effect_p_delta"}. Section [7](#sec:results){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:results"} contains our results for the transport of energy by particle beams. These are discussed in Sect. [8](#sec:discussion){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:discussion"}, where we also consider future work.
# Methods
## Atmospheric simulation {#sec:atmospheric_simulation}
We used the Bifrost code for simulating a 3D region of the upper solar atmosphere, spanning from the top of the convection zone to the corona. Bifrost solves the resistive MHD equations with the inclusion of radiative transfer and field-aligned thermal conduction. The equation of state is computed under the assumption of local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE), using the Uppsala Opacity Package. The radiative transfer computation encompasses optically thin emission from the upper chromosphere and corona, approximated non-LTE radiative losses from chromospheric hydrogen, calcium and magnesium, and full radiative transfer with scattering and LTE plasma opacities in the photosphere and convection zone. To maintain numerical stability, the code employs a slightly enhanced overall diffusivity in combination with spatially adaptive local diffusion (so-called hyper diffusion). For this paper, the atmospheric environment for the accelerated particles was provided by a horizontally periodic Bifrost simulation of a \(24 \times 24\;\mathrm{Mm}\) patch of the atmosphere that spans vertically from \(2.5\;\mathrm{Mm}\) below the photosphere to \(14.3\;\mathrm{Mm}\) above it. The simulation has a resolution of 768 grid cells along each dimension, with a uniform grid cell extent of \(31\;\mathrm{km}\) in the horizontal directions. Along the vertical direction, the grid cell extent is about \(12\;\mathrm{km}\) in the layer between the photosphere (at height zero) and the height of \(4\;\mathrm{Mm}\), in order to resolve the abrupt local variations near the transition region. Away from this layer, the extent increases evenly in both directions to about \(21\;\mathrm{km}\) near the bottom of the simulation box and \(80\;\mathrm{km}\) near the top. Convective motions are maintained in the sub-photospheric part of the simulation by injection of heat through the bottom boundary, balanced by radiative cooling in the photosphere. These motions lead to acoustic shocks and braiding of magnetic field lines, which produce a hot chromosphere and corona. The corona was initially configured with an ambient magnetic field roughly oriented along the \(x\)-direction. A magnetic flux emergence scenario was then incited by injecting a 2000 G \(y\)-directed magnetic field, covering \(x \in [4, 18]\) Mm and the full extent in \(y\), through the bottom boundary. The flux sheet was broken up by convective motions as it rose to the photosphere. Here, the strongest concentrations of the field broke through and expanded into the upper atmosphere, carrying with it cool photospheric plasma. The expanding magnetic bubbles were eventually confined by the ambient coronal field. Interactions between these bubbles and with the ambient coronal field lead to magnetic reconnection at various heights and ensuing explosive events such as Ellerman bombs and UV bursts. See for a more detailed description and analysis of the simulation. It should be noted that all flaring events produced in the simulation are small (at most \(\sim 10^{25}\) erg), and can generally be characterised as nanoflares. This paper considers a snapshot of the atmosphere at a single instant of the continuously evolving dynamic simulation, 8220 s after the magnetic flux sheet was injected. Figure [\[fig:magnetogram\]](#fig:magnetogram){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:magnetogram"} shows the vertical component of the photospheric magnetic field at this time. The variation in horizontally averaged mass density, temperature, and magnetic field strength with height are shown in Fig. [\[fig:atmospheric_height_profiles\]](#fig:atmospheric_height_profiles){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:atmospheric_height_profiles"}. In this figure, the presence of the relatively dense and cool magnetic bubbles filling parts of the corona is apparent in the density and temperature profiles. The noticeable break in the density profile near the height of 8 Mm corresponds to the top of the main bubble.
## Accelerated particles {#sec:accelerated_particles}
Energetic electrons and ions are produced through various acceleration mechanisms during magnetic reconnection. Due to the Lorentz force, the particles follow a gyrating trajectory around the magnetic field as they travel away from the reconnection site. At the same time, they exchange energy and momentum with the background plasma through Coulomb collisions. Based on these processes, we developed a model for the production and transport of accelerated particles suitable for integration into a 3D MHD simulation. The first step was to identify the grid cells of the simulation domain occupying locations with magnetic reconnection. In each of these grid cells, the energy distribution of the locally accelerated particles was estimated. Finally, the heating of the ambient plasma by the passing energetic particle beam was computed along the length of the magnetic field line going through the centre of each grid cell. The following sections describe the steps of this model in detail.
### Reconnection sites {#sec:reconnection_sites}
It is well established that particle acceleration is associated with magnetic reconnection. Reconnection takes place where regions of opposite magnetic polarity come together and produce a strong rotation of the magnetic field. A magnetic diffusion region arises around the interface between the two reconnecting magnetic domains, where the gradients are strong enough to break the coupling between the magnetic field and the plasma. Inside this diffusion region, free magnetic energy is released in several different ways. The electric field induced by the rotation of the magnetic field creates a thin layer of strong current, which heats the local plasma through Joule heating. In addition, plasma is propelled away from the reconnection site from the ends of the current sheet by the magnetic tension force. Finally, a fraction of the local charged particles are accelerated to very high energies, as we discuss further in Sect. [6.2.2](#sec:initial_particle_distributions){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:initial_particle_distributions"}. derived the following criterion for conservation of magnetic topology in the context of resistive MHD: \[\label{eq:reconnection_criterion} \left\lVert\mathbf{B}\times\left(\nabla\times\mathbf{S}\right)\right\rVert = 0,\] where \[\label{eq:electric_field_projection} \mathbf{S} = \left(\frac{\mathbf{E} \cdot \mathbf{B}}{\mathbf{B} \cdot \mathbf{B}}\right)\mathbf{B}\] is the projection of the electric field onto the magnetic field direction. Reconnection takes place where Eq. [\[eq:reconnection_criterion\]](#eq:reconnection_criterion){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:reconnection_criterion"} is violated. This can thus be used as a criterion for identifying reconnection sites. However, in the context of a numerical simulation, the onset of reconnection only occurs once the value \[\label{eq:krec} K = \left\lVert\mathbf{B}\times\left(\nabla\times\mathbf{S}\right)\right\rVert\] exceeds some finite threshold \(K_\mathrm{min}\) due to limited precision in the employed numerical scheme. An example of how \(K\) varies with position in our simulated atmosphere is shown in Fig. [\[fig:krec_slice\]](#fig:krec_slice){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:krec_slice"}. We discuss how we determined a suitable value for \(K_\mathrm{min}\) in Sect. [6.3.1](#sec:selecting_reconnection_sites){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:selecting_reconnection_sites"}.
### Initial particle distributions {#sec:initial_particle_distributions}
There is a range of possible mechanisms that can produce energetic particles during reconnection. One alternative is direct acceleration by the coherent electric field induced by the rotation of the magnetic field across the diffusion region. Test particle simulations of this kind of acceleration have been run for various magnetic configurations, including reconnecting Harris current sheets, magnetic X-points, and fan and spine reconnection. These simulations generally produce particle populations with energy distributions that resemble power-laws. Power-law distributions are also found in more realistic particle-in-cell simulations, which include the changes in the electric field induced by the accelerated particles in a self-consistent manner. As can often be seen in these kinds of kinetic simulations, direct acceleration is likely to be accompanied by other types of acceleration processes. One example is first-order Fermi acceleration, where particles gain energy by repeatedly scattering back and forth between converging magnetic elements, such as the ends of a shrinking plasmoid or in a collapsing magnetic trap. If the scattering agents move in a random rather than systematic fashion, second-order Fermi acceleration can take place. Here, the particles experience a fluctuating energy increase owing to the higher likelihood of (accelerating) head-on collisions compared to (decelerating) rear-end collisions. This kind of stochastic acceleration is, like direct acceleration, typically predicted to produce a power-law energy distribution for the accelerated particles, both in models based on the Fokker--Planck formalism and in test particle simulations. It is widely accepted that energetic electrons play an important role in energy transport during solar flares. The detection of gamma-rays from large flares has revealed that also ions can play a part in these events. However, for small flares, the effect of accelerated ions is likely to be minor. This is because ions, owing to their high masses, have significantly lower velocities than electrons for a given kinetic energy. As a consequence, they experience a much higher rate of collisions with ambient particles (the frequency of Coulomb collisions decreases with the cube of the velocity), and thus they lose their energy to the background plasma faster. For example, consider an electron or proton with mass \(m\) travelling through an ionised hydrogen plasma with number density \(n_\mathrm{H}\). The change in kinetic energy \(E\) with distance \(s\) for the particle is given by \[\label{eq:particle_energy_loss} \frac{\mathrm{d}E}{\mathrm{d}s} =-\left(\frac{m}{m_\mathrm{e}}\right)\frac{2\pi e^4 n_\mathrm{H}\ln\Lambda}{E},\] where \(e\) is the elementary charge and \(\ln\Lambda\) is the Coulomb logarithm (discussed further in Sect. [6.2.3](#sec:particle_energy_deposition){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:particle_energy_deposition"}). It is clear from this that a proton (\(m = m_\mathrm{p}\)) deposits its energy much faster than an electron (\(m = m_\mathrm{e}\)), by a factor of \(m_\mathrm{p}/m_\mathrm{e} \approx 1800\). Hence, unless the ions are accelerated to very high velocities, their energy can be expected to end up close to the reconnection sites. This suggests that it is safe to omit ions when modelling the long-range energy transport in small flares. Simulating the formation of an accelerated electron distribution during a reconnection event is a computationally expensive task. When many events have to be considered, a detailed simulation of the acceleration is therefore not a viable option on current hardware. However, it is reasonable to assume that the result of the acceleration process will be a non-thermal population of electrons with energies distributed according to a power-law: \[\label{eq:non_thermal_distribution} n_\mathrm{NT}(E \geq E_\mathrm{c}) = n_\mathrm{acc}\left(\frac{\delta-1/2}{E_\mathrm{c}}\right)\left(\frac{E}{E_\mathrm{c}}\right)^{-(\delta + 1/2)}.\] Here, \(n_\mathrm{acc} = \int_{E_\mathrm{c}}^\infty n_\mathrm{NT}(E)\mathrm{d}E\) is the number density of accelerated electrons and \(E_\mathrm{c}\) is a lower cut-off energy below which electrons are not considered non-thermal. The power-law index \(\delta\) controls how rapidly the number of electrons diminishes with higher energy. It is usually defined in terms of the non-thermal electron flux \(F_\mathrm{NT} = n_\mathrm{NT}v\) (where \(v \propto E^{1/2}\) is the electron speed), so that \(F_\mathrm{NT}(E) \propto E^{-\delta}\). The range of possible values for the power-law index \(\delta\) in Eq. [\[eq:non_thermal_distribution\]](#eq:non_thermal_distribution){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:non_thermal_distribution"} is subject to some loose observational constraints. Spectral analysis of hard X-ray bursts has shown that the non-thermal bremsstrahlung emission due to the interactions of accelerated electrons with the ambient plasma tends to have a single or double power-law distribution in energy. Working backwards from the observed spectrum one can attempt to infer the initial distribution of the non-thermal electrons by considering the bremsstrahlung emission process inside the X-ray source and the energy loss of the electrons during their journey to the source from the acceleration region. Studies of this type, both of regular flares and microflares, suggest that the initial distribution follows a power-law with \(\delta\) varying between 2 and 10, typically with larger values for less energetic events. There is some observational evidence for a linear-log relationship between \(\delta\) and the X-ray flux measured at a fixed energy, which has been reproduced in numerical models of stochastic acceleration. However, in the absence of a proper acceleration simulation for predicting its value, the least speculative way of specifying \(\delta\) is to treat it as a free parameter. Section [6.4](#sec:effect_p_delta){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:effect_p_delta"} discusses the effect of varying \(\delta\) in our model. The total power \(P_\mathrm{acc}\) going into the acceleration of an electron population generally corresponds to some fraction \(p\) of the rate of magnetic energy release \(P_\mathrm{rec}\) at the reconnection site: \[\label{eq:acceleration_power} P_\mathrm{acc} = p P_\mathrm{rec}.\] If the volume of the reconnection site is \(V\), the average acceleration power per volume is \[\label{eq:acceleration_power_density} e_\mathrm{acc} = \frac{P_\mathrm{acc}}{V},\] and if the acceleration process lasts for a duration \(\Delta t\), the energy density of accelerated electrons in the reconnection site is \[\label{eq:acceleration_energy_density} u_\mathrm{acc} = e_\mathrm{acc}\Delta t.\] This quantity is also related to the number density of non-thermal electrons: \[\label{eq:acceleration_energy_density_vs_number_density} u_\mathrm{acc} = \int_{E_\mathrm{c}}^\infty E\;n_\mathrm{NT}(E)\;\mathrm{d}E = n_\mathrm{acc}\left(\frac{2\delta-1}{2\delta-3}\right)E_\mathrm{c}.\] So knowledge of the fraction \(p\) together with basic properties of the reconnection event enables the determination of \(u_\mathrm{acc}\), which can be used to compute \(n_\mathrm{acc}\) through Eq. [\[eq:acceleration_energy_density_vs_number_density\]](#eq:acceleration_energy_density_vs_number_density){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:acceleration_energy_density_vs_number_density"}. In a pure resistive MHD context, all the dissipated magnetic energy is released through Joule heating in the reconnection current sheets. Therefore, the local Joule heating prior to inclusion of particle acceleration can be used as a proxy for the reconnection energy, giving the relation \[\label{eq:acceleration_power_density_qjoule} e_\mathrm{acc} = p Q_\mathrm{Joule},\] where \(Q_\mathrm{Joule}\) is the Joule heating rate per volume. Because a fraction \(p\) of the energy that would previously go into Joule heating now is used for electron acceleration, \(Q_\mathrm{Joule}\) must be reduced accordingly after application of Eq. [\[eq:acceleration_power_density_qjoule\]](#eq:acceleration_power_density_qjoule){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:acceleration_power_density_qjoule"}. Observational studies of the energy partition in flares suggest that typical values of \(p\) could range from \(10\%\) to as high as \(50\%\), and kinetic reconnection simulations support that values of these magnitudes indeed are conceivable. However, just like for \(\delta\), the way \(p\) depends on the details of the acceleration mechanism and the local conditions is subject to a great deal of uncertainty, so it is best kept as a free parameter. The effect of \(p\) in our model is discussed in Sect. [6.4](#sec:effect_p_delta){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:effect_p_delta"}. The treatment of particle acceleration presented here builds on the premise that some unspecified acceleration mechanism will add a power-law tail with a known number density \(n_\mathrm{acc}\) and index \(\delta\) to the local thermal distribution of ambient electrons. This non-thermal component can then be isolated by defining the lower cut-off energy \(E_\mathrm{c}\) as the energy where the power-law distribution intersects the thermal distribution. The original number density of thermal electrons should in principle be adjusted to account for some of them being accelerated. However, when dealing with the relatively minor energy releases associated with small flares, it is safe to assume that only a small fraction of the available electrons are accelerated. This correction can then be omitted. The thermal electron population follows the Maxwell--Boltzmann distribution \[\label{eq:maxwell_boltzmann_distribution} n_\mathrm{T}(E) = n_\mathrm{e}\sqrt{\frac{4E}{\pi(k_\mathrm{B}T)^3}}e^{-E/k_\mathrm{B} T},\] where \(n_\mathrm{e}\) is the number density of thermal electrons, \(T\) is the local temperature, and \(k_\mathrm{B}\) is the Boltzmann constant. The above definition of \(E_\mathrm{c}\) can then be written as \[n_\mathrm{NT}(E_\mathrm{c}) = n_\mathrm{T}(E_\mathrm{c}).\] After inserting Eqs. [\[eq:non_thermal_distribution\]](#eq:non_thermal_distribution){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:non_thermal_distribution"} and [\[eq:maxwell_boltzmann_distribution\]](#eq:maxwell_boltzmann_distribution){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:maxwell_boltzmann_distribution"}, and substituting \(n_\mathrm{acc}\) using Eq. [\[eq:acceleration_energy_density_vs_number_density\]](#eq:acceleration_energy_density_vs_number_density){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:acceleration_energy_density_vs_number_density"} to remove the implicit dependence on \(E_\mathrm{c}\), we find after some rearranging \[\label{eq:lower_cutoff_energy} {E_\mathrm{c}}^{5/2}e^{-E_\mathrm{c}/k_\mathrm{B} T} = (\delta-3/2)\left(\frac{u_\mathrm{acc}}{n_\mathrm{e}}\right)\sqrt{\frac{\pi(k_\mathrm{B}T)^3}{4}}.\] This can be solved numerically for \(E_\mathrm{c}\) using, for example, the Newton--Raphson method. Only the highest-energy solution is relevant in this case. The resulting cut-off energy is roughly proportional to temperature, but is not sensitive to \(u_\mathrm{acc}\) or \(n_\mathrm{e}\), as shown in Fig. ([\[fig:Ec_parameter_study\]](#fig:Ec_parameter_study){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Ec_parameter_study"}). A temperature of \(10^6\) K results in a cut-off energy of the order of 1 keV. With the energy distribution of the non-thermal electrons in place, the next aspect to consider is their directions of motion. This can be described in terms of their distribution of pitch angles \(\beta\), defined as the angle between the direction of motion \(\hat{\mathbf{v}}\) and the magnetic field direction \(\hat{\mathbf{B}}\): \[\cos\beta = \hat{\mathbf{v}}\cdot\hat{\mathbf{B}}.\] The pitch angle distribution, just like the energy distribution, depends on the nature of the acceleration mechanism. Typically, direct acceleration models predict that the non-thermal electrons have most of their velocity along the magnetic field direction, while stochastic acceleration models predict more isotropic populations. When it comes to transport calculations, the simplest approach is to adopt the view of a peaked initial pitch angle distribution and assume that all the electrons accelerated at a given reconnection site will leave the site with the same initial magnitude of the pitch angle cosine \(|\mu_0| = |\cos\beta_0|\). If the underlying acceleration mechanism is assumed to only affect the average speed \(v_\parallel\) of the electrons parallel to the magnetic field, any deviation from \(|\mu_0| = 1\) must come from the average perpendicular speed \(v_\perp\) of the electrons before acceleration. This speed corresponds to the average thermal speed \[v_\perp = \sqrt{\frac{8 k_\mathrm{B} T}{\pi m_\mathrm{e}}}.\] The total average speed of the accelerated electrons can be written as \[v_\mathrm{mean} = \sqrt{{v_\perp}^2 + {v_\parallel}^2}.\] This speed can also be computed as the expected value of \(v = \sqrt{2E/m_\mathrm{e}}\) for the power-law distribution, which becomes \[v_\mathrm{mean} = \frac{2\delta-1}{2\delta-2}\sqrt{\frac{2 E_\mathrm{c}}{m_\mathrm{e}}}.\] The average magnitude of the pitch angle cosine can then be estimated as \[|\mu_0| = \frac{v_\parallel}{v_\mathrm{mean}} = \sqrt{1-\left(\frac{v_\perp}{v_\mathrm{mean}}\right)^2}.\] We note that the case \(v_\perp = v_\mathrm{mean}\), and correspondingly, \(\mu_0 = 0\), occurs for \(E_\mathrm{c} \approx k_\mathrm{B} T\). As shown in Fig. [\[fig:Ec_parameter_study\]](#fig:Ec_parameter_study){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Ec_parameter_study"}, \(E_\mathrm{c}\) will usually exceed \(k_\mathrm{B} T\) by about one order of magnitude, so this approach will tend to give \(|\mu_0| \approx 1\) in practice. The direction in which the electron beam leaves the acceleration region must also be determined. This can be parallel or anti-parallel to the magnetic field direction, or both, again depending on the nature of the acceleration mechanism. Without a more detailed specification of this mechanism, the method of deciding the directions will naturally be somewhat ad hoc. However, it seems reasonable that the overall electric field direction \(\hat{\mathbf{E}}\) in the acceleration region could provide some indication. If \(\hat{\mathbf{E}}\cdot\hat{\mathbf{B}}\) is close to \(\pm 1\), one might expect most of the electrons to escape in the \(\mp\mathbf{B}\)-direction (the opposite sign is due to their negative charge). On the other hand, if \(\hat{\mathbf{E}}\cdot\hat{\mathbf{B}}\) is closer to zero, there is no immediate reason to prefer one direction over the other, and the electrons would probably partition more evenly between both directions. Based on this, a sensible strategy is to split the available non-thermal power \(P_\mathrm{acc}\) between a forward propagating beam (\(+\hat{\mathbf{B}}\)-direction) with power \(P_\mathrm{beam}^+\) and a backward propagating beam with power \(P_\mathrm{beam}^-\). The power can be partitioned in the following way: \[\label{eq:beam_power_partition} P_\mathrm{beam}^\pm = \frac{1 \mp \hat{\mathbf{E}}\cdot\hat{\mathbf{B}}}{2}P_\mathrm{acc}.\] So if, for example, \(\hat{\mathbf{E}}\cdot\hat{\mathbf{B}} =-0.2\), the forward propagating beam gets \(60\%\) of the power and the backward propagating beam gets \(40\%\). At any reconnection site, \(\hat{\mathbf{E}}\cdot\hat{\mathbf{B}}\) is necessarily non-zero, and the smallest possible magnitude it can have depends on the choice of \(K_\mathrm{min}\).
### Particle energy deposition {#sec:particle_energy_deposition}
A particle with charge \(q\) leaving a reconnection site with velocity \(\mathbf{v}\) experiences a Lorentz force \(\mathbf{F} = q(\mathbf{E} + \mathbf{v} \times \mathbf{B})\) due to the local electric and magnetic field. The \(\mathbf{v} \times \mathbf{B}\) term gives the particle a helical motion around the magnetic field direction, without affecting its kinetic energy. The relative magnitude of \(\mathbf{v}\) and \(\mathbf{B}\) decides the radius of the helical motion, which for a typical electron in a normal coronal environment is smaller than a metre. If an electric field is present, the motion of the particle can be influenced in two different ways. Firstly, the particle will be accelerated along the magnetic field direction if the electric field component in this direction is non-zero. However, this can only take place in magnetic diffusion regions where ideal MHD breaks down. Secondly, the centre of the helical motion will drift away from the original field line if the electric field has a component perpendicular to the magnetic field. This effect is generally negligible, because the bulk plasma velocity \(\mathbf{u}\) would have to be comparable to the particle velocity to induce an electric field \(\mathbf{E} \approx-\mathbf{u} \times \mathbf{B}\) with a magnitude that is comparable to the \(\mathbf{v} \times \mathbf{B}\) term. When drift away from the field line is ignored, it is convenient to describe the particle's motion in terms of its kinetic energy \(E\), pitch angle \(\beta\), and one-dimensional position \(s\) along the field line. Because the gyroradius of the particle generally is very small compared to its typical travel distance (which is of the order of megametres), the offset of the particle perpendicular to the field line can safely be disregarded. Additionally, the journey of the particle through the atmosphere is typically so brief that it can be considered instantaneous compared to the time scale of the atmosphere's response to the particle beam. For example, a beam of 1 keV electrons traverses a 10 Mm coronal loop in about 0.5 s, while a pressure change due to the heating at a footpoint would need \(\sim 100\) s to propagate the same distance back along the loop (assuming a sound speed of \(c_\mathrm{s} \approx 10^4\sqrt{T}\;\mathrm{cm}/\mathrm{s}\) and a temperature of \(T = 10^6\;\mathrm{K}\)). When the particle enters a region with a stronger magnetic field, it starts to gyrate more rapidly around the field axis due to the increased \(\mathbf{v} \times \mathbf{B}\) force. This force, being perpendicular to the direction of motion, does not affect the kinetic energy, so the velocity of the particle parallel to the field axis decreases accordingly. If the increase in the magnetic field strength becomes sufficiently large, the movement of the particle along the field will eventually stop and then continue in the opposite direction. This magnetic mirroring effect could thus potentially trap particles in the coronal part of a magnetic loop. However, since the coronal magnetic field strength typically increases relatively slowly with depth, magnetic trapping is unlikely to drastically inhibit the particles from reaching the lower atmosphere. Therefore, we have ignored the effect of varying magnetic field strength in this initial treatment of particle propagation. As the particle travels along the field line it exchanges energy and momentum with the ambient plasma through Coulomb interactions, both with free electrons and ions, and with electrons bound in neutral atoms. Collectively, these types of collisions have the effect of reducing and randomising the velocities of the accelerated particles, until their distribution merges with the background thermal distribution. The energy loss of the particles manifests as a heating of the local plasma. A simple and widely used approach for modelling Coulomb collisions is to approximate the evolution of the energy and pitch angle of a single particle based on the mean rate of energy and pitch angle dissipation. This was done by for non-thermal electrons in an ionised hydrogen plasma. generalised Brown's treatment to allow for a hydrogen plasma with an arbitrary, but uniform, degree of ionisation, and also obtained the rate of energy deposition as a function of depth for the full population of accelerated electrons by convolving the mean energy loss of a single electron with the initial non-thermal number distribution. showed how an approximation in the derivations of Emslie can allow for an ionisation degree that varies with depth without having to resort to numerical integration. Following their approach, the rate of energy deposition per volume, \(Q\), at distance \(s\) along the field line can be written as \[\label{eq:beam_heating_per_volume} Q(s) = n_\mathrm{H}(s)\left(\frac{\pi e^4 (\delta-2) F_\mathrm{beam}}{|\mu_0| {E_\mathrm{c}}^2}\right)\gamma(s) B\left(\kappa(s); \frac{\delta}{2}, \frac{1}{3}\right)\left(\frac{N^*(s)}{N_\mathrm{c}^*}\right)^{-\delta/2}.\] This equation assumes that the electrons all have the same initial pitch angle cosine \(\mu_0\) and initial energies given by a power-law distribution as described by Eq. [\[eq:non_thermal_distribution\]](#eq:non_thermal_distribution){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:non_thermal_distribution"}. \(F_\mathrm{beam}\) is the energy flux of the beam of accelerated electrons leaving the reconnection site. The quantity \(\gamma\), given by \[\gamma(s) = x(s)\ln\Lambda + (1-x(s))\ln\Lambda',\] is a hybrid Coulomb logarithm that merges the contribution of the free electron Coulomb logarithm \(\ln\Lambda\) and the neutral hydrogen Coulomb logarithm \(\ln\Lambda'\) depending on the local ionisation fraction \(x(s)\). \(B\) is the incomplete beta function, defined by \[B(\kappa; a, b) = \int_0^\kappa t^{a-1}(1-t)^{b-1}\;\mathrm{d}t.\] The integration limit used for \(B\) is a ramp function given by \[\kappa(s) = \mathrm{max}\left(\frac{N(s)}{N_\mathrm{c}(s)}, 1\right),\] where \[N(s) = \int_0^s n_\mathrm{H}(s')\;\mathrm{d}s'\] is the hydrogen column depth and \[N_\mathrm{c}(s) = \frac{\mu_0 {E_\mathrm{c}}^2}{6\pi e^4 \gamma(s)}\] is the stopping column depth for an electron with energy \(E_\mathrm{c}\). The ionised column depth \(N^*(s)\) is defined analogously to \(N(s)\) as \[N^*(s) = \int_0^s \left(\frac{\gamma(s')}{\ln\Lambda}\right)n_\mathrm{H}(s')\;\mathrm{d}s'.\] Similarly, the ionised stopping column depth \(N_\mathrm{c}^*\) corresponds to \(N_\mathrm{c}\) with \(\gamma = \ln\Lambda\). The rate of energy deposition per distance, \(\mathrm{d}\mathcal{E}/\mathrm{d}s\), can be found by integrating Eq. [\[eq:beam_heating_per_volume\]](#eq:beam_heating_per_volume){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:beam_heating_per_volume"} over the cross-sectional area \(A\) of the beam. If \(Q(s)\) is assumed uniform across the beam cross-section, this gives \(\mathrm{d}\mathcal{E}/\mathrm{d}s = AQ(s)\). Furthermore, if \(A\) is assumed constant along the beam trajectory, it can be written as \(A = P_\mathrm{beam}/F_\mathrm{beam}\), giving \[\label{eq:beam_heating_per_distance} \frac{\mathrm{d}\mathcal{E}}{\mathrm{d}s} = \left(\frac{P_\mathrm{beam}}{F_\mathrm{beam}}\right)Q(s).\] Fig. [\[fig:single_beam_parameter_study\]](#fig:single_beam_parameter_study){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:single_beam_parameter_study"} shows examples of the evolution of \(\mathrm{d}\mathcal{E}/\mathrm{d}s\) with depth, computed from Eqs. [\[eq:beam_heating_per_volume\]](#eq:beam_heating_per_volume){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:beam_heating_per_volume"} and [\[eq:beam_heating_per_distance\]](#eq:beam_heating_per_distance){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:beam_heating_per_distance"}, for an electron beam injected into the FAL-C model atmosphere. The Coulomb logarithm \(\ln\Lambda\) emerges in the calculation of the mean rate of velocity change from Coulomb collisions between free particles, \(\langle\mathrm{d}v/\mathrm{d}t\rangle\), which involves an integral of the differential collision cross-section over all impact parameters \(b\). The long-range nature of the Coulomb force causes the integral to diverge in the limit of large \(b\), but this can be resolved by considering the screening of the force at long distances due to the response of the nearby charge carriers to each particle's electrostatic field. This screening imposes a maximum value \(b_\mathrm{max}\) on the impact parameter, enabling the integral for \(\langle\mathrm{d}v/\mathrm{d}t\rangle\) to be solved. The solution is \(\langle\mathrm{d}v/\mathrm{d}t\rangle \propto \ln\Lambda\), where \(\Lambda = b_\mathrm{max}/b_\mathrm{min}\) and \(b_\mathrm{min}\) is the minimum impact parameter. For a particle with charge \(ze\) and speed \(v\) interacting with a stationary particle with charge \(Ze\), energy considerations give \(b_\mathrm{min} = zZe^2/m v^2\), where \(m\) is the reduced mass of the two particles. The Debye screening length \(\lambda_\mathrm{D}\) is often used for \(b_\mathrm{max}\). In the context of an energetic particle beam, a more appropriate choice might be the particle mean free path \(\eta = v/\nu\), where \(\nu = \sqrt{4\pi e^2 n_\mathrm{e}/m_\mathrm{e}}\) is the plasma frequency, or the gyroradius \(r_\mathrm{g}\), depending on which is smallest. Although the Coulomb logarithm in principle varies with both particle energy, local conditions, and the masses of the colliding particles, the logarithmic scaling should keep these variations relatively small. Equation [\[eq:beam_heating_per_volume\]](#eq:beam_heating_per_volume){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:beam_heating_per_volume"} consequently assumes \(\ln\Lambda\) to be constant, so the value of \(\ln\Lambda\) should simply be computed in each acceleration region and used throughout the transport calculations for the associated electron beam. Because the electrons will not experience very strong magnetic fields, one can expect that \(\eta < r_\mathrm{g}\), and hence use \(b_\mathrm{max} = \eta\). For collisions with ambient free electrons, we have \(z = Z = 1\) and \(m = m_\mathrm{e}/2\), so we get \[\label{eq:electron_coulomb_logarithm} \ln\Lambda = \ln\sqrt{\frac{{E_\mathrm{mean}}^3}{2\pi e^6 n_\mathrm{e}}},\] where we have used \(v = \sqrt{2 E_\mathrm{mean}/m_\mathrm{e}}\), which is the speed corresponding to the mean energy \[E_\mathrm{mean} = \left(\frac{2\delta-1}{2\delta-3}\right)E_\mathrm{c}\] of the electrons in the initial distribution. Collisions with ambient protons only account for a tiny fraction of the electron velocity change \(\langle\mathrm{d}v/\mathrm{d}t\rangle\) due to the high mass of protons compared to electrons, and are thus ignored in the derivations leading to Eq. [\[eq:beam_heating_per_volume\]](#eq:beam_heating_per_volume){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:beam_heating_per_volume"}. For collisions with neutral hydrogen, the resulting energy loss rate can be expressed analogously to that of collisions with free electrons, with an effective Coulomb logarithm of \[\label{eq:neutral_hydrogen_coulomb_logarithm} \ln\Lambda' = \ln\left(\frac{2 E_\mathrm{mean}}{1.105 \chi}\right),\] where \(\chi\) is the ionisation potential of hydrogen. For simplicity, the less important contributions from collisions with helium and heavier elements are not included here. The effective Coulomb logarithm for collisions with neutral helium is similar to Eq. [\[eq:neutral_hydrogen_coulomb_logarithm\]](#eq:neutral_hydrogen_coulomb_logarithm){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:neutral_hydrogen_coulomb_logarithm"}, and has a comparable magnitude. Considering the roughly 20% abundance of helium, the inclusion of helium collisions would lead to at most a 20% increase in the rate of energy deposition in the neutral regions of the atmosphere, and less in the partially ionised regions. The treatment of Coulomb collisions outlined here disregards randomisation of energy and direction, which manifests as a diffusion of the energy and pitch angle distribution with propagation depth. As long as the speeds of the ambient particles are negligible compared to the speeds of the accelerated particles (the so-called cold-target approximation), energy and pitch angle diffusion are unimportant. This is because the target particles can be considered effectively stationary, leading to a deterministic evolution of each accelerated particle. found that the cold-target approximation tends to underestimate the amount of energy deposited in the lower atmosphere compared to the results of a full warm-target model because the electrons that thermalise in the corona eventually will diffuse down to the lower atmosphere and deposit their energy there. However, this conclusion was based on work not including standard thermal conduction, and the inclusion of thermal conduction would mitigate some of the discrepancies between the cold-and warm-target models. Until the difference between these models has been investigated further, we do not implement the more computationally expensive warm-target treatment in our model. Moreover, when using the simple acceleration model presented in Sect. [6.2.2](#sec:initial_particle_distributions){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:initial_particle_distributions"}, the lowest energies obtained for the accelerated electrons (which tend to come from sites with coronal temperatures) are typically of the order of 1 keV. This can be seen from Fig. [\[fig:Ec_parameter_study\]](#fig:Ec_parameter_study){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Ec_parameter_study"}, which also shows that the target plasma would need to have a temperature of at least \(10^7\) K in order for the average thermal energy to be comparable to the typical accelerated electron energy. Although the impact region over time could be heated to this temperature, the relatively low acceleration energies involved in minor flare events makes this unlikely. A beam of energetic electrons departing from an acceleration region takes away negative charge and distributes it along its trajectory, leading to charge separation. This imbalance produces an electrostatic field that drives a counter-flowing return current of ambient electrons. A steady state where the return current continuously compensates for the charge separation is reached on a timescale comparable to the electron--ion collision time. Because the current associated with the beam then is cancelled by the return current, this mechanism prevents any induction of a significant electromagnetic field by the beam. As long as the beam flux is weak, the energy loss incurred by the beam electrons from moving through the opposing electrostatic potential is negligible compared to their energy loss from Coulomb collisions with the ambient plasma. We confirmed this for our simulation by evaluating the energy loss contributions due to collisions and return currents (given respectively by Eqs. (4) and (6) in ) in the acceleration regions, where the return current energy loss is at its highest. The ratio of return current to collisional energy loss was found to be at most \(10^{-4}\). The accelerated electrons are also subject to a small radiative energy loss. They emit synchrotron radiation due to their gyrating motion around the magnetic field lines as well as bremsstrahlung due to collisions. A comparison between the energy loss terms from synchrotron and bremsstrahlung emission with the collisional loss term shows that both forms of radiative losses are completely negligible compared to collisional losses under ordinary conditions, and can safely be ignored. There are a variety of considerations in addition to those covered above that a comprehensive particle transport model would need to address. This includes collisional ionisation of neutral chromospheric hydrogen and helium, the potential occurrence of a two-stream instability resulting in the generation of plasma oscillations and turbulence as well as a fully relativistic treatment of the transport process. However, these effects tend to be more important for larger flares involving higher particle numbers and energies. For application to weaker acceleration events, the transport model presented here, in which only energy dissipation through Coulomb collisions is included, should be a reasonable first step.
## Model tuning {#sec:tuning}
### Selection of reconnection sites {#sec:selecting_reconnection_sites}
The method of identifying reconnection sites that is presented in Sect. [6.2.1](#sec:reconnection_sites){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:reconnection_sites"} relies on an appropriate choice of the threshold \(K_\mathrm{min}\). It should be set to a value small enough to include all the potentially important reconnection sites. However, it can not simply be set to zero, because limited spatial resolution and numerical diffusion in the MHD simulation prevent \(K\) from ever becoming exactly zero in practice. Every point would then be classified as a reconnection site, which would be both unrealistic and prohibitively computationally expensive. From Eqs. [\[eq:electric_field_projection\]](#eq:electric_field_projection){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:electric_field_projection"} and [\[eq:krec\]](#eq:krec){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:krec"} it can be seen that \(K\) scales linearly with the strength of the magnetic field, \(B\). The magnetic energy density \(u_\mathrm{B}\) is proportional to \(B^2\), meaning that \(K\) is proportional to \(\sqrt{u_\mathrm{B}}\). As \(K_\mathrm{min}\) is lowered, the additional reconnection sites that are included thus produce less energetic particle distributions on average. On the other hand, the number of included sites also increases rapidly with decreasing \(K_\mathrm{min}\). The choice of \(K_\mathrm{min}\) is thus a compromise between the inclusion of more reconnection energy and the computational cost of simulating more electron beams. Fortunately, as shown in Fig. [\[fig:global_heating_krec_lim\]](#fig:global_heating_krec_lim){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:global_heating_krec_lim"}, the growth in the number of sites is balanced by the decrease in energy, and the total energy contained in all included beams begins to stagnate as \(K_\mathrm{min}\) becomes sufficiently small. As a reasonable trade-off, we used \(K_\mathrm{min} = 10^{-4}\) (in internal Bifrost units) for our results.
### Exclusion of short-range beams {#sec:short_range_exclusion}
Not all of the identified acceleration regions produce electron beams that are worth considering. Most importantly, beams that deposit all their energy in the immediate vicinity of the acceleration region add nothing to the model. This is because the slight displacement of heat quickly would be evened out by other energy transport mechanisms such as thermal conduction, plasma advection, or radiative transfer. The outcome would thus be nearly the same as if all the reconnection energy had been converted directly into thermal energy at the reconnection site in the first place. To filter out the short-range beams, we first had to establish a criterion for when a beam is considered depleted. It can be seen from Eq. [\[eq:beam_heating_per_volume\]](#eq:beam_heating_per_volume){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:beam_heating_per_volume"} that \(Q(s)\) approaches zero only asymptotically with distance. Physically, this can be explained by the presence of arbitrarily energetic electrons in the tail of the power-law distribution. Because the collisional cross-section decreases with electron energy, extremely energetic electrons will practically never thermalise, and hence there will always be some non-thermal energy remaining in the beam. However, once \(Q\) becomes sufficiently small, the rest of the beam energy can safely be disregarded, provided that the reason for the small heating rate is the depletion of energy and not that the beam happens to pass through a low-density region. This second criterion can be ensured by considering the part of Eq. [\[eq:beam_heating_per_volume\]](#eq:beam_heating_per_volume){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:beam_heating_per_volume"} representing energy depletion, which is the monotonically decreasing factor \[\label{eq:residual_factor} r(s) = \left(\frac{N_*(s)}{N_\mathrm{c}^*}\right)^{-\delta/2}.\] This is a convenient heuristic for the amount of energy remaining in the beam, as shown in Fig. [\[fig:deposited_percentage_vs_residual_factor\]](#fig:deposited_percentage_vs_residual_factor){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:deposited_percentage_vs_residual_factor"}, where the percentage of the initial beam power that has been deposited can be seen to approach \(100\%\) as \(r\) becomes smaller. Using \((\mathrm{d}\mathcal{E}/\mathrm{d}s)_\mathrm{min}\) and \(r_\mathrm{min}\) to denote lower thresholds for \(\mathrm{d}\mathcal{E}/\mathrm{d}s\) and \(r\), respectively, a depletion criterion can thus be defined as \[\label{eq:depletion_criterion} \frac{\mathrm{d}\mathcal{E}}{\mathrm{d}s}(s) < \left(\frac{\mathrm{d}\mathcal{E}}{\mathrm{d}s}\right)_\mathrm{min}\quad \mathrm{and} \quad r(s) < r_\mathrm{min}.\] It is clear from the figure that the vast majority of the initial beam power is depleted once \(r\) is below \(\sim 10^{-5}\). Therefore, this paper uses \(r_\mathrm{min} = 10^{-5}\). Moreover, we set \((\mathrm{d}\mathcal{E}/\mathrm{d}s)_\mathrm{min} = 10^5\;\mathrm{erg}/\mathrm{s}/\mathrm{cm}\). As the figure shows, this enables the beams to reach deep into the lower atmosphere before they are considered depleted. Based on the criteria in Eq. [\[eq:depletion_criterion\]](#eq:depletion_criterion){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:depletion_criterion"}, an estimate \(\tilde{s}_\mathrm{dep}\) for the depletion distance can be computed under the assumption that the plasma properties are approximately uniform between \(s = 0\) and \(s = s_\mathrm{dep}\), so that \(N^*(s_\mathrm{dep}) \approx (n_\mathrm{H}(s=0)\gamma(s=0)/\ln\Lambda) s_\mathrm{dep}\). This assumption holds as long as \(s_\mathrm{dep}\) is reasonably short. Equations [\[eq:beam_heating_per_volume\]](#eq:beam_heating_per_volume){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:beam_heating_per_volume"}, [\[eq:beam_heating_per_distance\]](#eq:beam_heating_per_distance){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:beam_heating_per_distance"}, [\[eq:residual_factor\]](#eq:residual_factor){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:residual_factor"}, and [\[eq:depletion_criterion\]](#eq:depletion_criterion){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:depletion_criterion"} then yield the following estimate for the depletion distance: \[\label{eq:estimated_depletion_distance} \tilde{s}_\mathrm{dep} = \left(\frac{N_\mathrm{c}^*\ln\Lambda}{n_\mathrm{H}(0)\gamma(0)}\right)\mathrm{max}\left(c_Q, c_r \right)^{2/\delta},\] where \[c_Q = \frac{n_\mathrm{H}(0) \gamma(0)}{(\mathrm{d}\mathcal{E}/\mathrm{d}s)_\mathrm{min}}\left(\frac{\pi e^4 (\delta-2) P_\mathrm{beam}}{|\mu_0| {E_\mathrm{c}}^2}\right) B\left(1; \frac{\delta}{2}, \frac{1}{3}\right)\] and \[c_r = \frac{1}{r_\mathrm{min}}.\] The derivation also assumes that \(\kappa(s_\mathrm{dep}) = 1\), which is always satisfied when \(r < 1\). By evaluating Eq. [\[eq:estimated_depletion_distance\]](#eq:estimated_depletion_distance){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:estimated_depletion_distance"} at each reconnection site, it can be decided whether the resulting electron beam is worth considering further. The beam can be excluded if \(\tilde{s}_\mathrm{dep}\) is shorter than an assigned minimum distance \(s_\mathrm{min}\). Figure [\[fig:depletion_distances\]](#fig:depletion_distances){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:depletion_distances"} confirms that Eq. [\[eq:estimated_depletion_distance\]](#eq:estimated_depletion_distance){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:estimated_depletion_distance"} is accurate for small values of \(s_\mathrm{dep}\). In the cases when \(s_\mathrm{dep}\) is over-estimated, it could lead to the inclusion of a beam that turns out to propagate shorter than expected, but this has no impact on the accuracy of the result. More problematically, an under-estimation of \(s_\mathrm{dep}\) could lead to the rejection of a beam that indeed would contribute to the long-range energy transport. However, cases like these appear to be relatively uncommon. With Fig. [\[fig:depletion_distances\]](#fig:depletion_distances){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:depletion_distances"} as a guideline, we chose a minimum distance of \(s_\mathrm{min} = 0.5\;\mathrm{Mm}\) for our results. We note that the figure shows a clear inverse relationship between depletion distance and density, and that practically all beams accelerated at densities higher than about \(10^{-12}\;\mathrm{g}/\mathrm{cm}^3\) will be rejected. Consequently, all non-thermal energy that is transported a significant distance in this model comes from the corona and upper transition region.
### Exclusion of low-energy beams {#sec:weak_exclusion}
As discussed in Sect. [6.3.1](#sec:selecting_reconnection_sites){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:selecting_reconnection_sites"}, the reconnection factor \(K\) correlates with the available magnetic energy. However, because \(K\) also depends on the configuration of the electromagnetic field, there will still be reconnection sites with \(K > K_\mathrm{min}\) that have very low acceleration energies. As a way of reducing computational cost, these sites can be excluded with little consequence for the accuracy of the model by imposing a suitable lower limit \(e_\mathrm{min}\) on the acceleration power density \(e_\mathrm{acc}\) in Eq. [\[eq:acceleration_power_density_qjoule\]](#eq:acceleration_power_density_qjoule){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:acceleration_power_density_qjoule"}. The total power in all included acceleration regions saturates as \(e_\mathrm{min}\) is reduced, as shown in Fig. [\[fig:global_heating_min_beam_en\]](#fig:global_heating_min_beam_en){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:global_heating_min_beam_en"}. Much like the situation in Fig. [\[fig:global_heating_krec_lim\]](#fig:global_heating_krec_lim){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:global_heating_krec_lim"}, this is because the increase in the number of included sites is counterbalanced by the decrease in the average power at each site. For very small values of \(e_\mathrm{min}\), no additional beams are excluded, so the total power reaches a constant value. For this paper, we used \(e_\mathrm{min} = 10^{-2}\;\mathrm{erg}/\mathrm{s}/\mathrm{cm}^3\), which lead to a drastic reduction in the number of acceleration regions with a relatively minor loss in included power.
## Effect of \(p\) and \(\delta\) {#sec:effect_p_delta}
Variation in the acceleration power fraction \(p\) in Eq. [\[eq:acceleration_power\]](#eq:acceleration_power){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:acceleration_power"} effectively leads to a proportional scaling of the energy deposition \(Q(s)\) at every depth.[^1] Therefore, \(p\) does not affect the spatial distribution of deposited beam energy, and the exact choice of its value has a limited qualitative bearing on the energy transport. Of course, if \(p\) was extremely small, any effect of non-thermal electrons would be completely negligible regardless of how the electrons distributed their energy. Yet, based on the current understanding of the acceleration mechanisms taking place during reconnection, this seems unlikely. A value of \(p = 0.2\) was therefore chosen for this paper. In contrast to \(p\), the choice of \(\delta\) has a major influence on the resulting spatial distribution of deposited beam energy. Panel (c) in Fig. [\[fig:single_beam_parameter_study\]](#fig:single_beam_parameter_study){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:single_beam_parameter_study"} shows that a larger value of \(\delta\) leads to a significantly faster rate of energy deposition with distance, and thus to a shorter penetration depth for the beam. This can be understood mathematically from the \(-\delta/2\) power in Eq. [\[eq:beam_heating_per_volume\]](#eq:beam_heating_per_volume){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:beam_heating_per_volume"}, and physically from the lower fraction of electrons in the high-energy tail of the non-thermal distribution. Because \(\delta\) has the unfortunate feature of being both important and uncertain, we present results for a range of \(\delta\)-values where appropriate. Otherwise, we used a value of \(\delta = 4\), which aids the analysis of the energy transport by giving the beams some penetrative power, while still being a realistic value lying well within the observed range.
# Results {#sec:results}
## Global energy transport {#sec:global_transport}
Particle acceleration predominantly occurs in localised regions that are aligned with the major magnetic field structures. This can be seen in Figs. [\[fig:xz_power_change_beams\]](#fig:xz_power_change_beams){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:xz_power_change_beams"} and [\[fig:horizontal_power_change_beams\]](#fig:horizontal_power_change_beams){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:horizontal_power_change_beams"}, which show the net electron beam heating power accumulated respectively horizontally and vertically over the simulation domain. Due to the exclusion of short-range electron beams discussed in Sect. [6.3.2](#sec:short_range_exclusion){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:short_range_exclusion"}, all significant acceleration takes place within the tenuous plasma above the transition region. The acceleration regions (apparent as blue areas in the figures) have lengths ranging from 1 to 15 Mm, and cross-sections typically smaller than 1 Mm. Longer acceleration regions tend to occur higher in the corona, where the magnetic field is more homogeneous. Interestingly, despite the decrease of magnetic field strength with height (panel (c) in Fig. [\[fig:atmospheric_height_profiles\]](#fig:atmospheric_height_profiles){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:atmospheric_height_profiles"}), these high regions typically exhibit equally energetic acceleration as regions at lower heights. The most intense acceleration can be found in a thin sheet centred on \(x = 11\) Mm and \(y = 10.67\) Mm (the \(y\)-coordinate is the same as for the plane of Fig. [\[fig:krec_slice\]](#fig:krec_slice){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:krec_slice"}). This is the current sheet associated with the Ellerman bomb and UV burst that are analysed by. Energy deposition from the non-thermal electrons (shown in orange in Figs. [\[fig:xz_power_change_beams\]](#fig:xz_power_change_beams){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:xz_power_change_beams"} and [\[fig:horizontal_power_change_beams\]](#fig:horizontal_power_change_beams){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:horizontal_power_change_beams"}) takes place throughout the corona, with higher concentrations near the ends of the acceleration regions and along the dominant magnetic structures. The strongest non-thermal heating typically occurs in the transition region near low-lying acceleration regions. At these locations, the electrons are often able to reach significant chromospheric depths. Numerous electron beams entering the lower atmosphere from different directions aggregate horizontally due to the convergence of the magnetic field with depth. This produces collections of thin, semi-vertical strands of concentrated non-thermal heating in the chromosphere, which are anchored in the photosphere at locations with a strong vertical magnetic field.
## Selected sets of electron beams {#sec:selected_beams}
To analyse the beam heating in the lower atmosphere more closely, we consider the three subsets of electron beams shown in Fig. [\[fig:xz_power_change_selected_beams\]](#fig:xz_power_change_selected_beams){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:xz_power_change_selected_beams"}. They represent various ways in which electron beams can join together to produce significant localised heating in the lower atmosphere. This includes a single long bundle originating high up in the corona (set 1), the convergence of multiple thin bundles coming from separate acceleration regions (set 2), and a short bundle associated with an acceleration region that lies just above the transition region (set 3). In Fig. [\[fig:heating_comparison\]](#fig:heating_comparison){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:heating_comparison"}, the horizontal average of \(Q_\mathrm{beam}\) in the core of the cone that penetrates the lower atmosphere is plotted with height for each beam set. In order to demonstrate the effect of the power-law index \(\delta\), each beam heating profile is plotted for \(\delta\) ranging from 3 to 6. The shapes of the local transition regions are apparent from the included temperature profiles. Transition region beam heating can be seen to be relatively robust to variations in \(\delta\). At the same time, this is where the difference between the origins of the electron beams for the three beam sets primarily manifests. The reason for this is that the number of incoming low-and intermediate-energy electrons, which make up the bulk of the transition region heating, does not change considerably with \(\delta\), but is highly sensitive to the amount of coronal plasma that the beam has propagated through. The electrons accelerated at the top of the coronal loop (set 1) produce a pronounced peak in the beam heating, centred on the bottom of the transition region. This is because most electrons with too little energy to make it through the transition region already would have stopped on the way through the coronal loop. For the converging electron beam bundles coming from separate locations (set 2), the corresponding peak is less distinct. Some of the beams in this set stem from just above the transition region, and their low-energy electrons provide a significant amount of heat to the upper transition region, making the peak less pronounced. This situation is most evident for the beams coming from the strong current sheet that resides in the lower corona near the centre of the simulation domain (set 3). Here, the full spectrum of electron energies is injected directly into the transition region. As a result, the heating culminates near the top of the transition region and decreases monotonically with depth in the lower atmosphere. Below the transition region, the decrease with depth of the average beam heating rate is highly dependent on \(\delta\). At a given chromospheric depth, the decrease in \(Q_\mathrm{beam}\) with increasing \(\delta\) appears to be approximately exponential. However, the average slopes of the beam heating profiles for a given value of \(\delta\) are similar for all three beam sets. They are slightly steeper for sets 1 and 3 than for set 2, but this is because the mass densities at these locations are somewhat higher. In contrast to the situation in the transition region, only electrons in the high-energy tail of the incoming distribution can significantly penetrate the chromosphere. This explains the sensitivity to \(\delta\), which controls the relative portion of high-energy electrons in the distribution. The electrons in the high-energy tail are not significantly influenced by the coronal plasma, so the distance travelled by the electrons through the corona has little bearing on the distribution of electrons that enter the chromosphere. As a result, any difference between the shapes of the chromospheric heating profiles, barring local variations in mass density, must be caused by a difference between the shapes of the initial electron distributions in the acceleration regions. In the acceleration model used here, this requires significant variations between the temperatures of the involved acceleration regions, which would lead to different values of the lower cut-off energy \(E_\mathrm{c}\) (Fig. [\[fig:Ec_parameter_study\]](#fig:Ec_parameter_study){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Ec_parameter_study"}). The selected beam sets all have similar temperatures in their acceleration regions, so the shape of the electron distribution that penetrates the chromosphere is comparable in all three cases. Energy transport by accelerated electrons plays a similar role as thermal conduction, in that it transports energy from the corona to the transition region along the magnetic field. However, the relative importance of these mechanisms differs greatly with depth in the lower atmosphere. This is evident from the red curve in Fig. [\[fig:heating_comparison\]](#fig:heating_comparison){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:heating_comparison"}, which shows the conductive heating along the three sets of beam trajectories. In all cases, conductive heating is 10--100 times stronger than electron beam heating throughout most of the transition region. The strong conductive heating stems from the abrupt drop from coronal to chromospheric temperatures. But as the temperature decreases towards the chromosphere, so does the thermal conductivity of the plasma, causing the conductive heating to nearly vanish at the bottom of the transition region. On the other hand, the heat deposited by non-thermal electrons is close to its peak value at this location, owing to the sudden rise in mass density with depth. For all values of \(\delta\), beam heating exceeds conductive heating by many orders of magnitude throughout the chromosphere.
## Energetics
The total power of all accelerated electrons in the simulation snapshot is roughly \(10^{24}\;\mathrm{erg}/\mathrm{s}\). Beam sets 1 and 2 each produce approximately \(3\cdot 10^{21}\;\mathrm{erg}/\mathrm{s}\) of non-thermal electron power. This value is representative of a typical collection of electron beams forming a coherent lower atmospheric heating site in the simulation. Beam set 3, which is associated with a particularly energetic event, exceeds this power by two orders of magnitude. For \(\delta = 4\), roughly \(1\%\) of the total beam power in the atmosphere is deposited at densities higher than \(10^{-11}\mathrm{g}/\mathrm{cm}^3\), in what might be considered chromospheric plasma. Adjusting the value of \(\delta\) was found to roughly give a power-law variation in the percentage of non-thermal power deposited in the chromosphere, with significantly smaller percentages for higher values of \(\delta\). However, the power-law exponent describing this relationship is highly dependent on the individual beam trajectory. For beam set 1, 2, and 3, the percentage of chromospheric power is respectively \(10\%\), \(1\%\), and \(6\%\) for \(\delta = 4\). The percentage is down-scaled by 1--3 orders of magnitude when going from \(\delta = 3\) to \(\delta = 6\).
# Discussion and conclusions {#sec:discussion}
The key factor in determining the amount and energy of accelerated electrons in any part of the corona is the magnetic topology. Although a stronger magnetic field provides a larger source of energy, it is the magnetic topology that determines the potential for this energy to be released by reconnection. This is evident in the distribution of acceleration regions in our simulation. The upper corona, where the expanding magnetic bubbles collide with the weak overlying ambient field, contains acceleration regions that are equally energetic as acceleration regions in magnetically stronger, but topologically simpler parts of the lower corona. Consequently, the overall complexity of the magnetic field configuration is likely to be the main indicator of the significance of non-thermal energy transport. In our simulation, the non-thermal power deposited at notable beam heating sites in the lower atmosphere range from \(10^{18}\) to \(10^{22}\;\mathrm{erg}/\mathrm{s}\), depending on the particular site and value of \(\delta\). A typical small-scale beam heating event in the atmospheric conditions modelled here may then be estimated to release \(10^{20}\)--\(10^{24}\) erg of non-thermal energy in the lower atmosphere, assuming the events to last \(\sim 100\) s. Other heating mechanisms, including local Joule heating, thermal conduction, and magnetoacoustic shocks will make a significant additional contribution to the total energy release in some of these events, one example being the heating near the strong central current sheet (beam set 3). Most of the beam heating events are nevertheless relatively weak, even for nanoflares. But they are highly abundant, and a \(10 \times 10\;\mathrm{Mm}\) horizontal area of the chromosphere is likely to host a significant number of small beam heating events at any given time. Even though the particle beams in this simulation are weak, their heating effect on the chromosphere is many orders of magnitude stronger than that of thermal conduction. This demonstrates that heating by energetic particles and thermal conduction in the lower atmosphere are qualitatively different, even under relatively quiet solar conditions. Because efficient thermal conduction requires a hot plasma, conductive transport always ceases at the bottom of the transition region. Incoming energetic particles, on the other hand, are not directly affected by the transition region temperature drop. The increase in mass density causes them to thermalise more quickly, but this occurs more gradually with depth than the abrupt shut-down of thermal conduction. The inclusion of chromospheric heating by electron beams in atmospheric simulations such as the one used here could potentially account for discrepancies between synthetic diagnostics and observations. found that thermal conduction alone could not explain observed blueshifts of the SI IV spectral line in small-scale brightenings at coronal loop footpoints. Instead, their simulations, together with the extended analysis of, show that non-thermal electron beams can provide sufficient heating at the depths required to produce the upflows responsible for the blueshifts. An advantage of considering the transport of accelerated particles in a 3D rather than a 1D atmospheric model is that it paints a realistic picture of how the available non-thermal energy is distributed in space. Although coherent large-scale flaring events may be reasonably approximated in a 1D coronal loop model with accelerated particles injected at the top, these types of idealised configurations are probably not representative of the situation in most active regions most of the time, and even less so outside of active regions. The quiet solar magnetic field tends to be tangled and inhomogeneous, which can lead to acceleration at any height in the corona and gives a complicated mapping from the acceleration regions to the locations where the non-thermal energy is deposited. Because acceleration takes place over extended regions in which the magnetic field changes topology, particles that are associated with the same reconnection event may end up on completely different trajectories through the atmosphere. Furthermore, the convergence of the magnetic field with depth can lead energetic particles that originate in separate acceleration regions to deposit their energy near the same location in the lower atmosphere (as exemplified by beam set 2 in Fig. [\[fig:xz_power_change_selected_beams\]](#fig:xz_power_change_selected_beams){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:xz_power_change_selected_beams"}). The fact that beam heating sites can receive significant contributions of non-thermal electrons from several acceleration regions may have important observational consequences. The incoming electron beams could have been accelerated under different conditions, and thus do not necessarily have the same initial energy distributions. Moreover, beams coming from separate locations are influenced to varying degrees by collisions in the corona due to the different trajectories they take to the beam heating site. For instance, beams traversing a high column mass of coronal plasma lose a large share of their low-energy electrons, which gives them a hard energy distribution upon impact with the lower atmosphere. The total distribution of non-thermal electrons incident on the beam heating site could thus be a superposition of several distinct distributions. Consequently, the common assumption of a power-law distribution for the bremsstrahlung-emitting electrons in flares may not be applicable in all cases. In future work, the response of the atmosphere to the electron beams will be investigated. It is also of interest to generate synthetic spectra from the beam heating sites. Furthermore, the development of the energetic particle model presented here is ongoing, and various improvements could be implemented. Currently, our particle transport model does not include the effects of magnetic gradient forces. However, the strengthening of the magnetic field with depth in the chromosphere could significantly increase the pitch angle of the incoming electrons. If this effect is sufficiently strong, it will hamper the penetration of the most energetic electrons. Instead of thermalising below the photosphere, they might instead only reach the middle chromosphere, resulting in more beam heating at this depth. In general, a numerical treatment of the energy transport problem is required when considering magnetic gradient forces, although a simplified analytical approach has been suggested by. The atmospheric simulation used for this paper assumes LTE and statistical equilibrium in its equation of state. The effects of non-equilibrium hydrogen ionisation are likely to alter the ionisation fraction and electron number densities in the chromosphere, and could thus have a notable impact on the resulting distribution of beam heating. Moreover, because collisions with the non-thermal electrons can ionise neutral hydrogen atoms, the electron beams themselves contribute to an increase in the hydrogen ionisation rate. The resulting increase in the electron number density will, in turn, affect the chromospheric beam heating. When enhanced collisional ionisation is taken into account, it may also be important to consider electrons accelerated below the transition region. Although the electrons are unable to transfer energy a significant distance away from the acceleration region due to the high plasma density, they still produce a local increase in the ionisation rate which would not be present if all the reconnection energy was converted directly into Joule heating.
# Introduction
The solar atmosphere is full of energetic particles. They are produced when ambient plasma particles are accelerated out of thermal equilibrium by a strong electric field or by rebounding off moving magnetic elements. Upon leaving the site of acceleration, their available trajectories are limited by the Lorentz force, which compels charged particles to follow the direction of the magnetic field. Consequently, the accelerated particles form coherent beams. The interactions of these beams with the ambient plasma are believed to be a key mechanism in solar flares. It is generally accepted that flares are powered by the relaxation of stresses in the magnetic field through the process of magnetic reconnection. The release of magnetic energy manifests as electric field enhancements and plasma flows, leading to strong currents with associated resistive heating as well as jets of outflowing plasma and magnetoacoustic waves. This also creates conditions favourable for particle acceleration. The ensuing beams of energetic particles, which may account for a significant portion of the flare energy, transfer energy to the plasma along their trajectories through Coulomb interactions. The X-ray bremsstrahlung emitted in these interactions can escape the atmosphere relatively unaffected, and thus it provides valuable information about the energy distribution of the particles and the plasma conditions at the site of emission. Signatures of accelerated particles, in particular non-thermal electrons, are found in observed hard X-ray spectra from active region flaring events, ranging from large flares with energies up to \(10^{32}\) erg to \(10^{27}\) erg microflares at the sensitivity limit of current instruments. This suggests that particle beams play an active role in flares of all sizes. Beyond hard X-ray detectability, predicted frequent impulsive heating events with energies of the order of \(10^{24}\) erg that are associated with small-scale reconnection due to the continuous interweaving of the magnetic field by photospheric convective motions. Signs of these types of events, dubbed nanoflares, have been observed down to \(10^{25}\) erg as ultraviolet (UV) and soft X-ray flashes in the chromosphere and transition region of the quiet Sun. Based on detailed 1D simulations, found that non-thermal electron beams were required to reproduce the UV spectra in their observations of nanoflares. Early models of particle beams were mostly based on simple analytical expressions for the mean collisional change in velocity of energetic particles moving through the atmospheric plasma. The response of the atmosphere to an injected beam of non-thermal electrons has been studied by incorporating these expressions into the energy equation of 1D hydrodynamics simulations. More recently, the realism of these types of simulations was improved significantly by the inclusion of detailed radiative transfer. A more general treatment of the accelerated particles is possible by numerically solving the Fokker--Planck equation governing the evolution of the particle distribution. Due to high computational demand, this method was, initially, only used to study the detailed propagation and bremsstrahlung emission of non-thermal electrons in simple static model atmospheres. However, in state-of-the-art 1D flare simulations, it has now largely replaced the approximate heating expressions derived from mean scattering theory. The high level of detail in these simulations makes them a powerful tool for studying flare dynamics and for generating synthetic diagnostics of flaring atmospheres. Yet, by nature of their dimensionality, simulations of this kind can only consider a single flaring loop at a time, and these loops do not live in isolation. They are part of a continuous magnetic field embedded in a 3D plasma environment. Magnetic reconnection and associated acceleration of energetic particle beams are driven by the overall evolution of the atmosphere, which in turn is influenced by the collective interaction of the beams with the ambient plasma. With the drastic increase in computing power along with the advent of advanced 3D radiative magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) codes in the past couple of decades, realistic simulations that self-consistently reproduce the overall structure and evolution of diverse features of the solar atmosphere are now possible. Incorporating acceleration and propagation of energetic particle beams into these types of 3D simulations would greatly benefit our understanding of the role of particle beams on the Sun. We have taken the first step towards this goal, and here present a simple treatment of energy transport by accelerated particles applied to a realistic 3D simulation of the quiet solar atmosphere. This work is a further development of the model introduced in. A related approach was recently used by to incorporate electron beams into a 2.5D MHD simulation of a large flare. A brief description of the radiative MHD code that we employ is given in Sect. [6.1](#sec:atmospheric_simulation){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:atmospheric_simulation"}, where we also present the simulated atmosphere used for this paper. In Sect. [6.2](#sec:accelerated_particles){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:accelerated_particles"}, we present the inclusion of accelerated particle beams, starting with the method of detecting reconnection sites, followed by the acceleration model and the particle transport model. Methods for reducing the computational demand, as well as for selecting values for the free parameters, are respectively discussed in Sects. [6.3](#sec:tuning){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:tuning"} and [6.4](#sec:effect_p_delta){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:effect_p_delta"}. Section [7](#sec:results){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:results"} contains our results for the transport of energy by particle beams. These are discussed in Sect. [8](#sec:discussion){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:discussion"}, where we also consider future work.
# Methods
## Atmospheric simulation {#sec:atmospheric_simulation}
We used the Bifrost code for simulating a 3D region of the upper solar atmosphere, spanning from the top of the convection zone to the corona. Bifrost solves the resistive MHD equations with the inclusion of radiative transfer and field-aligned thermal conduction. The equation of state is computed under the assumption of local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE), using the Uppsala Opacity Package. The radiative transfer computation encompasses optically thin emission from the upper chromosphere and corona, approximated non-LTE radiative losses from chromospheric hydrogen, calcium and magnesium, and full radiative transfer with scattering and LTE plasma opacities in the photosphere and convection zone. To maintain numerical stability, the code employs a slightly enhanced overall diffusivity in combination with spatially adaptive local diffusion (so-called hyper diffusion). For this paper, the atmospheric environment for the accelerated particles was provided by a horizontally periodic Bifrost simulation of a \(24 \times 24\;\mathrm{Mm}\) patch of the atmosphere that spans vertically from \(2.5\;\mathrm{Mm}\) below the photosphere to \(14.3\;\mathrm{Mm}\) above it. The simulation has a resolution of 768 grid cells along each dimension, with a uniform grid cell extent of \(31\;\mathrm{km}\) in the horizontal directions. Along the vertical direction, the grid cell extent is about \(12\;\mathrm{km}\) in the layer between the photosphere (at height zero) and the height of \(4\;\mathrm{Mm}\), in order to resolve the abrupt local variations near the transition region. Away from this layer, the extent increases evenly in both directions to about \(21\;\mathrm{km}\) near the bottom of the simulation box and \(80\;\mathrm{km}\) near the top. Convective motions are maintained in the sub-photospheric part of the simulation by injection of heat through the bottom boundary, balanced by radiative cooling in the photosphere. These motions lead to acoustic shocks and braiding of magnetic field lines, which produce a hot chromosphere and corona. The corona was initially configured with an ambient magnetic field roughly oriented along the \(x\)-direction. A magnetic flux emergence scenario was then incited by injecting a 2000 G \(y\)-directed magnetic field, covering \(x \in [4, 18]\) Mm and the full extent in \(y\), through the bottom boundary. The flux sheet was broken up by convective motions as it rose to the photosphere. Here, the strongest concentrations of the field broke through and expanded into the upper atmosphere, carrying with it cool photospheric plasma. The expanding magnetic bubbles were eventually confined by the ambient coronal field. Interactions between these bubbles and with the ambient coronal field lead to magnetic reconnection at various heights and ensuing explosive events such as Ellerman bombs and UV bursts. See for a more detailed description and analysis of the simulation. It should be noted that all flaring events produced in the simulation are small (at most \(\sim 10^{25}\) erg), and can generally be characterised as nanoflares. This paper considers a snapshot of the atmosphere at a single instant of the continuously evolving dynamic simulation, 8220 s after the magnetic flux sheet was injected. Figure [\[fig:magnetogram\]](#fig:magnetogram){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:magnetogram"} shows the vertical component of the photospheric magnetic field at this time. The variation in horizontally averaged mass density, temperature, and magnetic field strength with height are shown in Fig. [\[fig:atmospheric_height_profiles\]](#fig:atmospheric_height_profiles){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:atmospheric_height_profiles"}. In this figure, the presence of the relatively dense and cool magnetic bubbles filling parts of the corona is apparent in the density and temperature profiles. The noticeable break in the density profile near the height of 8 Mm corresponds to the top of the main bubble.
## Accelerated particles {#sec:accelerated_particles}
Energetic electrons and ions are produced through various acceleration mechanisms during magnetic reconnection. Due to the Lorentz force, the particles follow a gyrating trajectory around the magnetic field as they travel away from the reconnection site. At the same time, they exchange energy and momentum with the background plasma through Coulomb collisions. Based on these processes, we developed a model for the production and transport of accelerated particles suitable for integration into a 3D MHD simulation. The first step was to identify the grid cells of the simulation domain occupying locations with magnetic reconnection. In each of these grid cells, the energy distribution of the locally accelerated particles was estimated. Finally, the heating of the ambient plasma by the passing energetic particle beam was computed along the length of the magnetic field line going through the centre of each grid cell. The following sections describe the steps of this model in detail.
### Reconnection sites {#sec:reconnection_sites}
It is well established that particle acceleration is associated with magnetic reconnection. Reconnection takes place where regions of opposite magnetic polarity come together and produce a strong rotation of the magnetic field. A magnetic diffusion region arises around the interface between the two reconnecting magnetic domains, where the gradients are strong enough to break the coupling between the magnetic field and the plasma. Inside this diffusion region, free magnetic energy is released in several different ways. The electric field induced by the rotation of the magnetic field creates a thin layer of strong current, which heats the local plasma through Joule heating. In addition, plasma is propelled away from the reconnection site from the ends of the current sheet by the magnetic tension force. Finally, a fraction of the local charged particles are accelerated to very high energies, as we discuss further in Sect. [6.2.2](#sec:initial_particle_distributions){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:initial_particle_distributions"}. derived the following criterion for conservation of magnetic topology in the context of resistive MHD: \[\label{eq:reconnection_criterion} \left\lVert\mathbf{B}\times\left(\nabla\times\mathbf{S}\right)\right\rVert = 0,\] where \[\label{eq:electric_field_projection} \mathbf{S} = \left(\frac{\mathbf{E} \cdot \mathbf{B}}{\mathbf{B} \cdot \mathbf{B}}\right)\mathbf{B}\] is the projection of the electric field onto the magnetic field direction. Reconnection takes place where Eq. [\[eq:reconnection_criterion\]](#eq:reconnection_criterion){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:reconnection_criterion"} is violated. This can thus be used as a criterion for identifying reconnection sites. However, in the context of a numerical simulation, the onset of reconnection only occurs once the value \[\label{eq:krec} K = \left\lVert\mathbf{B}\times\left(\nabla\times\mathbf{S}\right)\right\rVert\] exceeds some finite threshold \(K_\mathrm{min}\) due to limited precision in the employed numerical scheme. An example of how \(K\) varies with position in our simulated atmosphere is shown in Fig. [\[fig:krec_slice\]](#fig:krec_slice){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:krec_slice"}. We discuss how we determined a suitable value for \(K_\mathrm{min}\) in Sect. [6.3.1](#sec:selecting_reconnection_sites){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:selecting_reconnection_sites"}.
### Initial particle distributions {#sec:initial_particle_distributions}
There is a range of possible mechanisms that can produce energetic particles during reconnection. One alternative is direct acceleration by the coherent electric field induced by the rotation of the magnetic field across the diffusion region. Test particle simulations of this kind of acceleration have been run for various magnetic configurations, including reconnecting Harris current sheets, magnetic X-points, and fan and spine reconnection. These simulations generally produce particle populations with energy distributions that resemble power-laws. Power-law distributions are also found in more realistic particle-in-cell simulations, which include the changes in the electric field induced by the accelerated particles in a self-consistent manner. As can often be seen in these kinds of kinetic simulations, direct acceleration is likely to be accompanied by other types of acceleration processes. One example is first-order Fermi acceleration, where particles gain energy by repeatedly scattering back and forth between converging magnetic elements, such as the ends of a shrinking plasmoid or in a collapsing magnetic trap. If the scattering agents move in a random rather than systematic fashion, second-order Fermi acceleration can take place. Here, the particles experience a fluctuating energy increase owing to the higher likelihood of (accelerating) head-on collisions compared to (decelerating) rear-end collisions. This kind of stochastic acceleration is, like direct acceleration, typically predicted to produce a power-law energy distribution for the accelerated particles, both in models based on the Fokker--Planck formalism and in test particle simulations. It is widely accepted that energetic electrons play an important role in energy transport during solar flares. The detection of gamma-rays from large flares has revealed that also ions can play a part in these events. However, for small flares, the effect of accelerated ions is likely to be minor. This is because ions, owing to their high masses, have significantly lower velocities than electrons for a given kinetic energy. As a consequence, they experience a much higher rate of collisions with ambient particles (the frequency of Coulomb collisions decreases with the cube of the velocity), and thus they lose their energy to the background plasma faster. For example, consider an electron or proton with mass \(m\) travelling through an ionised hydrogen plasma with number density \(n_\mathrm{H}\). The change in kinetic energy \(E\) with distance \(s\) for the particle is given by \[\label{eq:particle_energy_loss} \frac{\mathrm{d}E}{\mathrm{d}s} =-\left(\frac{m}{m_\mathrm{e}}\right)\frac{2\pi e^4 n_\mathrm{H}\ln\Lambda}{E},\] where \(e\) is the elementary charge and \(\ln\Lambda\) is the Coulomb logarithm (discussed further in Sect. [6.2.3](#sec:particle_energy_deposition){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:particle_energy_deposition"}). It is clear from this that a proton (\(m = m_\mathrm{p}\)) deposits its energy much faster than an electron (\(m = m_\mathrm{e}\)), by a factor of \(m_\mathrm{p}/m_\mathrm{e} \approx 1800\). Hence, unless the ions are accelerated to very high velocities, their energy can be expected to end up close to the reconnection sites. This suggests that it is safe to omit ions when modelling the long-range energy transport in small flares. Simulating the formation of an accelerated electron distribution during a reconnection event is a computationally expensive task. When many events have to be considered, a detailed simulation of the acceleration is therefore not a viable option on current hardware. However, it is reasonable to assume that the result of the acceleration process will be a non-thermal population of electrons with energies distributed according to a power-law: \[\label{eq:non_thermal_distribution} n_\mathrm{NT}(E \geq E_\mathrm{c}) = n_\mathrm{acc}\left(\frac{\delta-1/2}{E_\mathrm{c}}\right)\left(\frac{E}{E_\mathrm{c}}\right)^{-(\delta + 1/2)}.\] Here, \(n_\mathrm{acc} = \int_{E_\mathrm{c}}^\infty n_\mathrm{NT}(E)\mathrm{d}E\) is the number density of accelerated electrons and \(E_\mathrm{c}\) is a lower cut-off energy below which electrons are not considered non-thermal. The power-law index \(\delta\) controls how rapidly the number of electrons diminishes with higher energy. It is usually defined in terms of the non-thermal electron flux \(F_\mathrm{NT} = n_\mathrm{NT}v\) (where \(v \propto E^{1/2}\) is the electron speed), so that \(F_\mathrm{NT}(E) \propto E^{-\delta}\). The range of possible values for the power-law index \(\delta\) in Eq. [\[eq:non_thermal_distribution\]](#eq:non_thermal_distribution){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:non_thermal_distribution"} is subject to some loose observational constraints. Spectral analysis of hard X-ray bursts has shown that the non-thermal bremsstrahlung emission due to the interactions of accelerated electrons with the ambient plasma tends to have a single or double power-law distribution in energy. Working backwards from the observed spectrum one can attempt to infer the initial distribution of the non-thermal electrons by considering the bremsstrahlung emission process inside the X-ray source and the energy loss of the electrons during their journey to the source from the acceleration region. Studies of this type, both of regular flares and microflares, suggest that the initial distribution follows a power-law with \(\delta\) varying between 2 and 10, typically with larger values for less energetic events. There is some observational evidence for a linear-log relationship between \(\delta\) and the X-ray flux measured at a fixed energy, which has been reproduced in numerical models of stochastic acceleration. However, in the absence of a proper acceleration simulation for predicting its value, the least speculative way of specifying \(\delta\) is to treat it as a free parameter. Section [6.4](#sec:effect_p_delta){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:effect_p_delta"} discusses the effect of varying \(\delta\) in our model. The total power \(P_\mathrm{acc}\) going into the acceleration of an electron population generally corresponds to some fraction \(p\) of the rate of magnetic energy release \(P_\mathrm{rec}\) at the reconnection site: \[\label{eq:acceleration_power} P_\mathrm{acc} = p P_\mathrm{rec}.\] If the volume of the reconnection site is \(V\), the average acceleration power per volume is \[\label{eq:acceleration_power_density} e_\mathrm{acc} = \frac{P_\mathrm{acc}}{V},\] and if the acceleration process lasts for a duration \(\Delta t\), the energy density of accelerated electrons in the reconnection site is \[\label{eq:acceleration_energy_density} u_\mathrm{acc} = e_\mathrm{acc}\Delta t.\] This quantity is also related to the number density of non-thermal electrons: \[\label{eq:acceleration_energy_density_vs_number_density} u_\mathrm{acc} = \int_{E_\mathrm{c}}^\infty E\;n_\mathrm{NT}(E)\;\mathrm{d}E = n_\mathrm{acc}\left(\frac{2\delta-1}{2\delta-3}\right)E_\mathrm{c}.\] So knowledge of the fraction \(p\) together with basic properties of the reconnection event enables the determination of \(u_\mathrm{acc}\), which can be used to compute \(n_\mathrm{acc}\) through Eq. [\[eq:acceleration_energy_density_vs_number_density\]](#eq:acceleration_energy_density_vs_number_density){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:acceleration_energy_density_vs_number_density"}. In a pure resistive MHD context, all the dissipated magnetic energy is released through Joule heating in the reconnection current sheets. Therefore, the local Joule heating prior to inclusion of particle acceleration can be used as a proxy for the reconnection energy, giving the relation \[\label{eq:acceleration_power_density_qjoule} e_\mathrm{acc} = p Q_\mathrm{Joule},\] where \(Q_\mathrm{Joule}\) is the Joule heating rate per volume. Because a fraction \(p\) of the energy that would previously go into Joule heating now is used for electron acceleration, \(Q_\mathrm{Joule}\) must be reduced accordingly after application of Eq. [\[eq:acceleration_power_density_qjoule\]](#eq:acceleration_power_density_qjoule){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:acceleration_power_density_qjoule"}. Observational studies of the energy partition in flares suggest that typical values of \(p\) could range from \(10\%\) to as high as \(50\%\), and kinetic reconnection simulations support that values of these magnitudes indeed are conceivable. However, just like for \(\delta\), the way \(p\) depends on the details of the acceleration mechanism and the local conditions is subject to a great deal of uncertainty, so it is best kept as a free parameter. The effect of \(p\) in our model is discussed in Sect. [6.4](#sec:effect_p_delta){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:effect_p_delta"}. The treatment of particle acceleration presented here builds on the premise that some unspecified acceleration mechanism will add a power-law tail with a known number density \(n_\mathrm{acc}\) and index \(\delta\) to the local thermal distribution of ambient electrons. This non-thermal component can then be isolated by defining the lower cut-off energy \(E_\mathrm{c}\) as the energy where the power-law distribution intersects the thermal distribution. The original number density of thermal electrons should in principle be adjusted to account for some of them being accelerated. However, when dealing with the relatively minor energy releases associated with small flares, it is safe to assume that only a small fraction of the available electrons are accelerated. This correction can then be omitted. The thermal electron population follows the Maxwell--Boltzmann distribution \[\label{eq:maxwell_boltzmann_distribution} n_\mathrm{T}(E) = n_\mathrm{e}\sqrt{\frac{4E}{\pi(k_\mathrm{B}T)^3}}e^{-E/k_\mathrm{B} T},\] where \(n_\mathrm{e}\) is the number density of thermal electrons, \(T\) is the local temperature, and \(k_\mathrm{B}\) is the Boltzmann constant. The above definition of \(E_\mathrm{c}\) can then be written as \[n_\mathrm{NT}(E_\mathrm{c}) = n_\mathrm{T}(E_\mathrm{c}).\] After inserting Eqs. [\[eq:non_thermal_distribution\]](#eq:non_thermal_distribution){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:non_thermal_distribution"} and [\[eq:maxwell_boltzmann_distribution\]](#eq:maxwell_boltzmann_distribution){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:maxwell_boltzmann_distribution"}, and substituting \(n_\mathrm{acc}\) using Eq. [\[eq:acceleration_energy_density_vs_number_density\]](#eq:acceleration_energy_density_vs_number_density){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:acceleration_energy_density_vs_number_density"} to remove the implicit dependence on \(E_\mathrm{c}\), we find after some rearranging \[\label{eq:lower_cutoff_energy} {E_\mathrm{c}}^{5/2}e^{-E_\mathrm{c}/k_\mathrm{B} T} = (\delta-3/2)\left(\frac{u_\mathrm{acc}}{n_\mathrm{e}}\right)\sqrt{\frac{\pi(k_\mathrm{B}T)^3}{4}}.\] This can be solved numerically for \(E_\mathrm{c}\) using, for example, the Newton--Raphson method. Only the highest-energy solution is relevant in this case. The resulting cut-off energy is roughly proportional to temperature, but is not sensitive to \(u_\mathrm{acc}\) or \(n_\mathrm{e}\), as shown in Fig. ([\[fig:Ec_parameter_study\]](#fig:Ec_parameter_study){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Ec_parameter_study"}). A temperature of \(10^6\) K results in a cut-off energy of the order of 1 keV. With the energy distribution of the non-thermal electrons in place, the next aspect to consider is their directions of motion. This can be described in terms of their distribution of pitch angles \(\beta\), defined as the angle between the direction of motion \(\hat{\mathbf{v}}\) and the magnetic field direction \(\hat{\mathbf{B}}\): \[\cos\beta = \hat{\mathbf{v}}\cdot\hat{\mathbf{B}}.\] The pitch angle distribution, just like the energy distribution, depends on the nature of the acceleration mechanism. Typically, direct acceleration models predict that the non-thermal electrons have most of their velocity along the magnetic field direction, while stochastic acceleration models predict more isotropic populations. When it comes to transport calculations, the simplest approach is to adopt the view of a peaked initial pitch angle distribution and assume that all the electrons accelerated at a given reconnection site will leave the site with the same initial magnitude of the pitch angle cosine \(|\mu_0| = |\cos\beta_0|\). If the underlying acceleration mechanism is assumed to only affect the average speed \(v_\parallel\) of the electrons parallel to the magnetic field, any deviation from \(|\mu_0| = 1\) must come from the average perpendicular speed \(v_\perp\) of the electrons before acceleration. This speed corresponds to the average thermal speed \[v_\perp = \sqrt{\frac{8 k_\mathrm{B} T}{\pi m_\mathrm{e}}}.\] The total average speed of the accelerated electrons can be written as \[v_\mathrm{mean} = \sqrt{{v_\perp}^2 + {v_\parallel}^2}.\] This speed can also be computed as the expected value of \(v = \sqrt{2E/m_\mathrm{e}}\) for the power-law distribution, which becomes \[v_\mathrm{mean} = \frac{2\delta-1}{2\delta-2}\sqrt{\frac{2 E_\mathrm{c}}{m_\mathrm{e}}}.\] The average magnitude of the pitch angle cosine can then be estimated as \[|\mu_0| = \frac{v_\parallel}{v_\mathrm{mean}} = \sqrt{1-\left(\frac{v_\perp}{v_\mathrm{mean}}\right)^2}.\] We note that the case \(v_\perp = v_\mathrm{mean}\), and correspondingly, \(\mu_0 = 0\), occurs for \(E_\mathrm{c} \approx k_\mathrm{B} T\). As shown in Fig. [\[fig:Ec_parameter_study\]](#fig:Ec_parameter_study){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Ec_parameter_study"}, \(E_\mathrm{c}\) will usually exceed \(k_\mathrm{B} T\) by about one order of magnitude, so this approach will tend to give \(|\mu_0| \approx 1\) in practice. The direction in which the electron beam leaves the acceleration region must also be determined. This can be parallel or anti-parallel to the magnetic field direction, or both, again depending on the nature of the acceleration mechanism. Without a more detailed specification of this mechanism, the method of deciding the directions will naturally be somewhat ad hoc. However, it seems reasonable that the overall electric field direction \(\hat{\mathbf{E}}\) in the acceleration region could provide some indication. If \(\hat{\mathbf{E}}\cdot\hat{\mathbf{B}}\) is close to \(\pm 1\), one might expect most of the electrons to escape in the \(\mp\mathbf{B}\)-direction (the opposite sign is due to their negative charge). On the other hand, if \(\hat{\mathbf{E}}\cdot\hat{\mathbf{B}}\) is closer to zero, there is no immediate reason to prefer one direction over the other, and the electrons would probably partition more evenly between both directions. Based on this, a sensible strategy is to split the available non-thermal power \(P_\mathrm{acc}\) between a forward propagating beam (\(+\hat{\mathbf{B}}\)-direction) with power \(P_\mathrm{beam}^+\) and a backward propagating beam with power \(P_\mathrm{beam}^-\). The power can be partitioned in the following way: \[\label{eq:beam_power_partition} P_\mathrm{beam}^\pm = \frac{1 \mp \hat{\mathbf{E}}\cdot\hat{\mathbf{B}}}{2}P_\mathrm{acc}.\] So if, for example, \(\hat{\mathbf{E}}\cdot\hat{\mathbf{B}} =-0.2\), the forward propagating beam gets \(60\%\) of the power and the backward propagating beam gets \(40\%\). At any reconnection site, \(\hat{\mathbf{E}}\cdot\hat{\mathbf{B}}\) is necessarily non-zero, and the smallest possible magnitude it can have depends on the choice of \(K_\mathrm{min}\).
### Particle energy deposition {#sec:particle_energy_deposition}
A particle with charge \(q\) leaving a reconnection site with velocity \(\mathbf{v}\) experiences a Lorentz force \(\mathbf{F} = q(\mathbf{E} + \mathbf{v} \times \mathbf{B})\) due to the local electric and magnetic field. The \(\mathbf{v} \times \mathbf{B}\) term gives the particle a helical motion around the magnetic field direction, without affecting its kinetic energy. The relative magnitude of \(\mathbf{v}\) and \(\mathbf{B}\) decides the radius of the helical motion, which for a typical electron in a normal coronal environment is smaller than a metre. If an electric field is present, the motion of the particle can be influenced in two different ways. Firstly, the particle will be accelerated along the magnetic field direction if the electric field component in this direction is non-zero. However, this can only take place in magnetic diffusion regions where ideal MHD breaks down. Secondly, the centre of the helical motion will drift away from the original field line if the electric field has a component perpendicular to the magnetic field. This effect is generally negligible, because the bulk plasma velocity \(\mathbf{u}\) would have to be comparable to the particle velocity to induce an electric field \(\mathbf{E} \approx-\mathbf{u} \times \mathbf{B}\) with a magnitude that is comparable to the \(\mathbf{v} \times \mathbf{B}\) term. When drift away from the field line is ignored, it is convenient to describe the particle's motion in terms of its kinetic energy \(E\), pitch angle \(\beta\), and one-dimensional position \(s\) along the field line. Because the gyroradius of the particle generally is very small compared to its typical travel distance (which is of the order of megametres), the offset of the particle perpendicular to the field line can safely be disregarded. Additionally, the journey of the particle through the atmosphere is typically so brief that it can be considered instantaneous compared to the time scale of the atmosphere's response to the particle beam. For example, a beam of 1 keV electrons traverses a 10 Mm coronal loop in about 0.5 s, while a pressure change due to the heating at a footpoint would need \(\sim 100\) s to propagate the same distance back along the loop (assuming a sound speed of \(c_\mathrm{s} \approx 10^4\sqrt{T}\;\mathrm{cm}/\mathrm{s}\) and a temperature of \(T = 10^6\;\mathrm{K}\)). When the particle enters a region with a stronger magnetic field, it starts to gyrate more rapidly around the field axis due to the increased \(\mathbf{v} \times \mathbf{B}\) force. This force, being perpendicular to the direction of motion, does not affect the kinetic energy, so the velocity of the particle parallel to the field axis decreases accordingly. If the increase in the magnetic field strength becomes sufficiently large, the movement of the particle along the field will eventually stop and then continue in the opposite direction. This magnetic mirroring effect could thus potentially trap particles in the coronal part of a magnetic loop. However, since the coronal magnetic field strength typically increases relatively slowly with depth, magnetic trapping is unlikely to drastically inhibit the particles from reaching the lower atmosphere. Therefore, we have ignored the effect of varying magnetic field strength in this initial treatment of particle propagation. As the particle travels along the field line it exchanges energy and momentum with the ambient plasma through Coulomb interactions, both with free electrons and ions, and with electrons bound in neutral atoms. Collectively, these types of collisions have the effect of reducing and randomising the velocities of the accelerated particles, until their distribution merges with the background thermal distribution. The energy loss of the particles manifests as a heating of the local plasma. A simple and widely used approach for modelling Coulomb collisions is to approximate the evolution of the energy and pitch angle of a single particle based on the mean rate of energy and pitch angle dissipation. This was done by for non-thermal electrons in an ionised hydrogen plasma. generalised Brown's treatment to allow for a hydrogen plasma with an arbitrary, but uniform, degree of ionisation, and also obtained the rate of energy deposition as a function of depth for the full population of accelerated electrons by convolving the mean energy loss of a single electron with the initial non-thermal number distribution. showed how an approximation in the derivations of Emslie can allow for an ionisation degree that varies with depth without having to resort to numerical integration. Following their approach, the rate of energy deposition per volume, \(Q\), at distance \(s\) along the field line can be written as \[\label{eq:beam_heating_per_volume} Q(s) = n_\mathrm{H}(s)\left(\frac{\pi e^4 (\delta-2) F_\mathrm{beam}}{|\mu_0| {E_\mathrm{c}}^2}\right)\gamma(s) B\left(\kappa(s); \frac{\delta}{2}, \frac{1}{3}\right)\left(\frac{N^*(s)}{N_\mathrm{c}^*}\right)^{-\delta/2}.\] This equation assumes that the electrons all have the same initial pitch angle cosine \(\mu_0\) and initial energies given by a power-law distribution as described by Eq. [\[eq:non_thermal_distribution\]](#eq:non_thermal_distribution){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:non_thermal_distribution"}. \(F_\mathrm{beam}\) is the energy flux of the beam of accelerated electrons leaving the reconnection site. The quantity \(\gamma\), given by \[\gamma(s) = x(s)\ln\Lambda + (1-x(s))\ln\Lambda',\] is a hybrid Coulomb logarithm that merges the contribution of the free electron Coulomb logarithm \(\ln\Lambda\) and the neutral hydrogen Coulomb logarithm \(\ln\Lambda'\) depending on the local ionisation fraction \(x(s)\). \(B\) is the incomplete beta function, defined by \[B(\kappa; a, b) = \int_0^\kappa t^{a-1}(1-t)^{b-1}\;\mathrm{d}t.\] The integration limit used for \(B\) is a ramp function given by \[\kappa(s) = \mathrm{max}\left(\frac{N(s)}{N_\mathrm{c}(s)}, 1\right),\] where \[N(s) = \int_0^s n_\mathrm{H}(s')\;\mathrm{d}s'\] is the hydrogen column depth and \[N_\mathrm{c}(s) = \frac{\mu_0 {E_\mathrm{c}}^2}{6\pi e^4 \gamma(s)}\] is the stopping column depth for an electron with energy \(E_\mathrm{c}\). The ionised column depth \(N^*(s)\) is defined analogously to \(N(s)\) as \[N^*(s) = \int_0^s \left(\frac{\gamma(s')}{\ln\Lambda}\right)n_\mathrm{H}(s')\;\mathrm{d}s'.\] Similarly, the ionised stopping column depth \(N_\mathrm{c}^*\) corresponds to \(N_\mathrm{c}\) with \(\gamma = \ln\Lambda\). The rate of energy deposition per distance, \(\mathrm{d}\mathcal{E}/\mathrm{d}s\), can be found by integrating Eq. [\[eq:beam_heating_per_volume\]](#eq:beam_heating_per_volume){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:beam_heating_per_volume"} over the cross-sectional area \(A\) of the beam. If \(Q(s)\) is assumed uniform across the beam cross-section, this gives \(\mathrm{d}\mathcal{E}/\mathrm{d}s = AQ(s)\). Furthermore, if \(A\) is assumed constant along the beam trajectory, it can be written as \(A = P_\mathrm{beam}/F_\mathrm{beam}\), giving \[\label{eq:beam_heating_per_distance} \frac{\mathrm{d}\mathcal{E}}{\mathrm{d}s} = \left(\frac{P_\mathrm{beam}}{F_\mathrm{beam}}\right)Q(s).\] Fig. [\[fig:single_beam_parameter_study\]](#fig:single_beam_parameter_study){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:single_beam_parameter_study"} shows examples of the evolution of \(\mathrm{d}\mathcal{E}/\mathrm{d}s\) with depth, computed from Eqs. [\[eq:beam_heating_per_volume\]](#eq:beam_heating_per_volume){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:beam_heating_per_volume"} and [\[eq:beam_heating_per_distance\]](#eq:beam_heating_per_distance){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:beam_heating_per_distance"}, for an electron beam injected into the FAL-C model atmosphere. The Coulomb logarithm \(\ln\Lambda\) emerges in the calculation of the mean rate of velocity change from Coulomb collisions between free particles, \(\langle\mathrm{d}v/\mathrm{d}t\rangle\), which involves an integral of the differential collision cross-section over all impact parameters \(b\). The long-range nature of the Coulomb force causes the integral to diverge in the limit of large \(b\), but this can be resolved by considering the screening of the force at long distances due to the response of the nearby charge carriers to each particle's electrostatic field. This screening imposes a maximum value \(b_\mathrm{max}\) on the impact parameter, enabling the integral for \(\langle\mathrm{d}v/\mathrm{d}t\rangle\) to be solved. The solution is \(\langle\mathrm{d}v/\mathrm{d}t\rangle \propto \ln\Lambda\), where \(\Lambda = b_\mathrm{max}/b_\mathrm{min}\) and \(b_\mathrm{min}\) is the minimum impact parameter. For a particle with charge \(ze\) and speed \(v\) interacting with a stationary particle with charge \(Ze\), energy considerations give \(b_\mathrm{min} = zZe^2/m v^2\), where \(m\) is the reduced mass of the two particles. The Debye screening length \(\lambda_\mathrm{D}\) is often used for \(b_\mathrm{max}\). In the context of an energetic particle beam, a more appropriate choice might be the particle mean free path \(\eta = v/\nu\), where \(\nu = \sqrt{4\pi e^2 n_\mathrm{e}/m_\mathrm{e}}\) is the plasma frequency, or the gyroradius \(r_\mathrm{g}\), depending on which is smallest. Although the Coulomb logarithm in principle varies with both particle energy, local conditions, and the masses of the colliding particles, the logarithmic scaling should keep these variations relatively small. Equation [\[eq:beam_heating_per_volume\]](#eq:beam_heating_per_volume){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:beam_heating_per_volume"} consequently assumes \(\ln\Lambda\) to be constant, so the value of \(\ln\Lambda\) should simply be computed in each acceleration region and used throughout the transport calculations for the associated electron beam. Because the electrons will not experience very strong magnetic fields, one can expect that \(\eta < r_\mathrm{g}\), and hence use \(b_\mathrm{max} = \eta\). For collisions with ambient free electrons, we have \(z = Z = 1\) and \(m = m_\mathrm{e}/2\), so we get \[\label{eq:electron_coulomb_logarithm} \ln\Lambda = \ln\sqrt{\frac{{E_\mathrm{mean}}^3}{2\pi e^6 n_\mathrm{e}}},\] where we have used \(v = \sqrt{2 E_\mathrm{mean}/m_\mathrm{e}}\), which is the speed corresponding to the mean energy \[E_\mathrm{mean} = \left(\frac{2\delta-1}{2\delta-3}\right)E_\mathrm{c}\] of the electrons in the initial distribution. Collisions with ambient protons only account for a tiny fraction of the electron velocity change \(\langle\mathrm{d}v/\mathrm{d}t\rangle\) due to the high mass of protons compared to electrons, and are thus ignored in the derivations leading to Eq. [\[eq:beam_heating_per_volume\]](#eq:beam_heating_per_volume){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:beam_heating_per_volume"}. For collisions with neutral hydrogen, the resulting energy loss rate can be expressed analogously to that of collisions with free electrons, with an effective Coulomb logarithm of \[\label{eq:neutral_hydrogen_coulomb_logarithm} \ln\Lambda' = \ln\left(\frac{2 E_\mathrm{mean}}{1.105 \chi}\right),\] where \(\chi\) is the ionisation potential of hydrogen. For simplicity, the less important contributions from collisions with helium and heavier elements are not included here. The effective Coulomb logarithm for collisions with neutral helium is similar to Eq. [\[eq:neutral_hydrogen_coulomb_logarithm\]](#eq:neutral_hydrogen_coulomb_logarithm){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:neutral_hydrogen_coulomb_logarithm"}, and has a comparable magnitude. Considering the roughly 20% abundance of helium, the inclusion of helium collisions would lead to at most a 20% increase in the rate of energy deposition in the neutral regions of the atmosphere, and less in the partially ionised regions. The treatment of Coulomb collisions outlined here disregards randomisation of energy and direction, which manifests as a diffusion of the energy and pitch angle distribution with propagation depth. As long as the speeds of the ambient particles are negligible compared to the speeds of the accelerated particles (the so-called cold-target approximation), energy and pitch angle diffusion are unimportant. This is because the target particles can be considered effectively stationary, leading to a deterministic evolution of each accelerated particle. found that the cold-target approximation tends to underestimate the amount of energy deposited in the lower atmosphere compared to the results of a full warm-target model because the electrons that thermalise in the corona eventually will diffuse down to the lower atmosphere and deposit their energy there. However, this conclusion was based on work not including standard thermal conduction, and the inclusion of thermal conduction would mitigate some of the discrepancies between the cold-and warm-target models. Until the difference between these models has been investigated further, we do not implement the more computationally expensive warm-target treatment in our model. Moreover, when using the simple acceleration model presented in Sect. [6.2.2](#sec:initial_particle_distributions){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:initial_particle_distributions"}, the lowest energies obtained for the accelerated electrons (which tend to come from sites with coronal temperatures) are typically of the order of 1 keV. This can be seen from Fig. [\[fig:Ec_parameter_study\]](#fig:Ec_parameter_study){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Ec_parameter_study"}, which also shows that the target plasma would need to have a temperature of at least \(10^7\) K in order for the average thermal energy to be comparable to the typical accelerated electron energy. Although the impact region over time could be heated to this temperature, the relatively low acceleration energies involved in minor flare events makes this unlikely. A beam of energetic electrons departing from an acceleration region takes away negative charge and distributes it along its trajectory, leading to charge separation. This imbalance produces an electrostatic field that drives a counter-flowing return current of ambient electrons. A steady state where the return current continuously compensates for the charge separation is reached on a timescale comparable to the electron--ion collision time. Because the current associated with the beam then is cancelled by the return current, this mechanism prevents any induction of a significant electromagnetic field by the beam. As long as the beam flux is weak, the energy loss incurred by the beam electrons from moving through the opposing electrostatic potential is negligible compared to their energy loss from Coulomb collisions with the ambient plasma. We confirmed this for our simulation by evaluating the energy loss contributions due to collisions and return currents (given respectively by Eqs. (4) and (6) in ) in the acceleration regions, where the return current energy loss is at its highest. The ratio of return current to collisional energy loss was found to be at most \(10^{-4}\). The accelerated electrons are also subject to a small radiative energy loss. They emit synchrotron radiation due to their gyrating motion around the magnetic field lines as well as bremsstrahlung due to collisions. A comparison between the energy loss terms from synchrotron and bremsstrahlung emission with the collisional loss term shows that both forms of radiative losses are completely negligible compared to collisional losses under ordinary conditions, and can safely be ignored. There are a variety of considerations in addition to those covered above that a comprehensive particle transport model would need to address. This includes collisional ionisation of neutral chromospheric hydrogen and helium, the potential occurrence of a two-stream instability resulting in the generation of plasma oscillations and turbulence as well as a fully relativistic treatment of the transport process. However, these effects tend to be more important for larger flares involving higher particle numbers and energies. For application to weaker acceleration events, the transport model presented here, in which only energy dissipation through Coulomb collisions is included, should be a reasonable first step.
## Model tuning {#sec:tuning}
### Selection of reconnection sites {#sec:selecting_reconnection_sites}
The method of identifying reconnection sites that is presented in Sect. [6.2.1](#sec:reconnection_sites){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:reconnection_sites"} relies on an appropriate choice of the threshold \(K_\mathrm{min}\). It should be set to a value small enough to include all the potentially important reconnection sites. However, it can not simply be set to zero, because limited spatial resolution and numerical diffusion in the MHD simulation prevent \(K\) from ever becoming exactly zero in practice. Every point would then be classified as a reconnection site, which would be both unrealistic and prohibitively computationally expensive. From Eqs. [\[eq:electric_field_projection\]](#eq:electric_field_projection){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:electric_field_projection"} and [\[eq:krec\]](#eq:krec){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:krec"} it can be seen that \(K\) scales linearly with the strength of the magnetic field, \(B\). The magnetic energy density \(u_\mathrm{B}\) is proportional to \(B^2\), meaning that \(K\) is proportional to \(\sqrt{u_\mathrm{B}}\). As \(K_\mathrm{min}\) is lowered, the additional reconnection sites that are included thus produce less energetic particle distributions on average. On the other hand, the number of included sites also increases rapidly with decreasing \(K_\mathrm{min}\). The choice of \(K_\mathrm{min}\) is thus a compromise between the inclusion of more reconnection energy and the computational cost of simulating more electron beams. Fortunately, as shown in Fig. [\[fig:global_heating_krec_lim\]](#fig:global_heating_krec_lim){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:global_heating_krec_lim"}, the growth in the number of sites is balanced by the decrease in energy, and the total energy contained in all included beams begins to stagnate as \(K_\mathrm{min}\) becomes sufficiently small. As a reasonable trade-off, we used \(K_\mathrm{min} = 10^{-4}\) (in internal Bifrost units) for our results.
### Exclusion of short-range beams {#sec:short_range_exclusion}
Not all of the identified acceleration regions produce electron beams that are worth considering. Most importantly, beams that deposit all their energy in the immediate vicinity of the acceleration region add nothing to the model. This is because the slight displacement of heat quickly would be evened out by other energy transport mechanisms such as thermal conduction, plasma advection, or radiative transfer. The outcome would thus be nearly the same as if all the reconnection energy had been converted directly into thermal energy at the reconnection site in the first place. To filter out the short-range beams, we first had to establish a criterion for when a beam is considered depleted. It can be seen from Eq. [\[eq:beam_heating_per_volume\]](#eq:beam_heating_per_volume){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:beam_heating_per_volume"} that \(Q(s)\) approaches zero only asymptotically with distance. Physically, this can be explained by the presence of arbitrarily energetic electrons in the tail of the power-law distribution. Because the collisional cross-section decreases with electron energy, extremely energetic electrons will practically never thermalise, and hence there will always be some non-thermal energy remaining in the beam. However, once \(Q\) becomes sufficiently small, the rest of the beam energy can safely be disregarded, provided that the reason for the small heating rate is the depletion of energy and not that the beam happens to pass through a low-density region. This second criterion can be ensured by considering the part of Eq. [\[eq:beam_heating_per_volume\]](#eq:beam_heating_per_volume){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:beam_heating_per_volume"} representing energy depletion, which is the monotonically decreasing factor \[\label{eq:residual_factor} r(s) = \left(\frac{N_*(s)}{N_\mathrm{c}^*}\right)^{-\delta/2}.\] This is a convenient heuristic for the amount of energy remaining in the beam, as shown in Fig. [\[fig:deposited_percentage_vs_residual_factor\]](#fig:deposited_percentage_vs_residual_factor){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:deposited_percentage_vs_residual_factor"}, where the percentage of the initial beam power that has been deposited can be seen to approach \(100\%\) as \(r\) becomes smaller. Using \((\mathrm{d}\mathcal{E}/\mathrm{d}s)_\mathrm{min}\) and \(r_\mathrm{min}\) to denote lower thresholds for \(\mathrm{d}\mathcal{E}/\mathrm{d}s\) and \(r\), respectively, a depletion criterion can thus be defined as \[\label{eq:depletion_criterion} \frac{\mathrm{d}\mathcal{E}}{\mathrm{d}s}(s) < \left(\frac{\mathrm{d}\mathcal{E}}{\mathrm{d}s}\right)_\mathrm{min}\quad \mathrm{and} \quad r(s) < r_\mathrm{min}.\] It is clear from the figure that the vast majority of the initial beam power is depleted once \(r\) is below \(\sim 10^{-5}\). Therefore, this paper uses \(r_\mathrm{min} = 10^{-5}\). Moreover, we set \((\mathrm{d}\mathcal{E}/\mathrm{d}s)_\mathrm{min} = 10^5\;\mathrm{erg}/\mathrm{s}/\mathrm{cm}\). As the figure shows, this enables the beams to reach deep into the lower atmosphere before they are considered depleted. Based on the criteria in Eq. [\[eq:depletion_criterion\]](#eq:depletion_criterion){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:depletion_criterion"}, an estimate \(\tilde{s}_\mathrm{dep}\) for the depletion distance can be computed under the assumption that the plasma properties are approximately uniform between \(s = 0\) and \(s = s_\mathrm{dep}\), so that \(N^*(s_\mathrm{dep}) \approx (n_\mathrm{H}(s=0)\gamma(s=0)/\ln\Lambda) s_\mathrm{dep}\). This assumption holds as long as \(s_\mathrm{dep}\) is reasonably short. Equations [\[eq:beam_heating_per_volume\]](#eq:beam_heating_per_volume){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:beam_heating_per_volume"}, [\[eq:beam_heating_per_distance\]](#eq:beam_heating_per_distance){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:beam_heating_per_distance"}, [\[eq:residual_factor\]](#eq:residual_factor){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:residual_factor"}, and [\[eq:depletion_criterion\]](#eq:depletion_criterion){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:depletion_criterion"} then yield the following estimate for the depletion distance: \[\label{eq:estimated_depletion_distance} \tilde{s}_\mathrm{dep} = \left(\frac{N_\mathrm{c}^*\ln\Lambda}{n_\mathrm{H}(0)\gamma(0)}\right)\mathrm{max}\left(c_Q, c_r \right)^{2/\delta},\] where \[c_Q = \frac{n_\mathrm{H}(0) \gamma(0)}{(\mathrm{d}\mathcal{E}/\mathrm{d}s)_\mathrm{min}}\left(\frac{\pi e^4 (\delta-2) P_\mathrm{beam}}{|\mu_0| {E_\mathrm{c}}^2}\right) B\left(1; \frac{\delta}{2}, \frac{1}{3}\right)\] and \[c_r = \frac{1}{r_\mathrm{min}}.\] The derivation also assumes that \(\kappa(s_\mathrm{dep}) = 1\), which is always satisfied when \(r < 1\). By evaluating Eq. [\[eq:estimated_depletion_distance\]](#eq:estimated_depletion_distance){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:estimated_depletion_distance"} at each reconnection site, it can be decided whether the resulting electron beam is worth considering further. The beam can be excluded if \(\tilde{s}_\mathrm{dep}\) is shorter than an assigned minimum distance \(s_\mathrm{min}\). Figure [\[fig:depletion_distances\]](#fig:depletion_distances){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:depletion_distances"} confirms that Eq. [\[eq:estimated_depletion_distance\]](#eq:estimated_depletion_distance){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:estimated_depletion_distance"} is accurate for small values of \(s_\mathrm{dep}\). In the cases when \(s_\mathrm{dep}\) is over-estimated, it could lead to the inclusion of a beam that turns out to propagate shorter than expected, but this has no impact on the accuracy of the result. More problematically, an under-estimation of \(s_\mathrm{dep}\) could lead to the rejection of a beam that indeed would contribute to the long-range energy transport. However, cases like these appear to be relatively uncommon. With Fig. [\[fig:depletion_distances\]](#fig:depletion_distances){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:depletion_distances"} as a guideline, we chose a minimum distance of \(s_\mathrm{min} = 0.5\;\mathrm{Mm}\) for our results. We note that the figure shows a clear inverse relationship between depletion distance and density, and that practically all beams accelerated at densities higher than about \(10^{-12}\;\mathrm{g}/\mathrm{cm}^3\) will be rejected. Consequently, all non-thermal energy that is transported a significant distance in this model comes from the corona and upper transition region.
### Exclusion of low-energy beams {#sec:weak_exclusion}
As discussed in Sect. [6.3.1](#sec:selecting_reconnection_sites){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:selecting_reconnection_sites"}, the reconnection factor \(K\) correlates with the available magnetic energy. However, because \(K\) also depends on the configuration of the electromagnetic field, there will still be reconnection sites with \(K > K_\mathrm{min}\) that have very low acceleration energies. As a way of reducing computational cost, these sites can be excluded with little consequence for the accuracy of the model by imposing a suitable lower limit \(e_\mathrm{min}\) on the acceleration power density \(e_\mathrm{acc}\) in Eq. [\[eq:acceleration_power_density_qjoule\]](#eq:acceleration_power_density_qjoule){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:acceleration_power_density_qjoule"}. The total power in all included acceleration regions saturates as \(e_\mathrm{min}\) is reduced, as shown in Fig. [\[fig:global_heating_min_beam_en\]](#fig:global_heating_min_beam_en){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:global_heating_min_beam_en"}. Much like the situation in Fig. [\[fig:global_heating_krec_lim\]](#fig:global_heating_krec_lim){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:global_heating_krec_lim"}, this is because the increase in the number of included sites is counterbalanced by the decrease in the average power at each site. For very small values of \(e_\mathrm{min}\), no additional beams are excluded, so the total power reaches a constant value. For this paper, we used \(e_\mathrm{min} = 10^{-2}\;\mathrm{erg}/\mathrm{s}/\mathrm{cm}^3\), which lead to a drastic reduction in the number of acceleration regions with a relatively minor loss in included power.
## Effect of \(p\) and \(\delta\) {#sec:effect_p_delta}
Variation in the acceleration power fraction \(p\) in Eq. [\[eq:acceleration_power\]](#eq:acceleration_power){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:acceleration_power"} effectively leads to a proportional scaling of the energy deposition \(Q(s)\) at every depth.[^2] Therefore, \(p\) does not affect the spatial distribution of deposited beam energy, and the exact choice of its value has a limited qualitative bearing on the energy transport. Of course, if \(p\) was extremely small, any effect of non-thermal electrons would be completely negligible regardless of how the electrons distributed their energy. Yet, based on the current understanding of the acceleration mechanisms taking place during reconnection, this seems unlikely. A value of \(p = 0.2\) was therefore chosen for this paper. In contrast to \(p\), the choice of \(\delta\) has a major influence on the resulting spatial distribution of deposited beam energy. Panel (c) in Fig. [\[fig:single_beam_parameter_study\]](#fig:single_beam_parameter_study){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:single_beam_parameter_study"} shows that a larger value of \(\delta\) leads to a significantly faster rate of energy deposition with distance, and thus to a shorter penetration depth for the beam. This can be understood mathematically from the \(-\delta/2\) power in Eq. [\[eq:beam_heating_per_volume\]](#eq:beam_heating_per_volume){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:beam_heating_per_volume"}, and physically from the lower fraction of electrons in the high-energy tail of the non-thermal distribution. Because \(\delta\) has the unfortunate feature of being both important and uncertain, we present results for a range of \(\delta\)-values where appropriate. Otherwise, we used a value of \(\delta = 4\), which aids the analysis of the energy transport by giving the beams some penetrative power, while still being a realistic value lying well within the observed range.
# Results {#sec:results}
## Global energy transport {#sec:global_transport}
Particle acceleration predominantly occurs in localised regions that are aligned with the major magnetic field structures. This can be seen in Figs. [\[fig:xz_power_change_beams\]](#fig:xz_power_change_beams){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:xz_power_change_beams"} and [\[fig:horizontal_power_change_beams\]](#fig:horizontal_power_change_beams){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:horizontal_power_change_beams"}, which show the net electron beam heating power accumulated respectively horizontally and vertically over the simulation domain. Due to the exclusion of short-range electron beams discussed in Sect. [6.3.2](#sec:short_range_exclusion){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:short_range_exclusion"}, all significant acceleration takes place within the tenuous plasma above the transition region. The acceleration regions (apparent as blue areas in the figures) have lengths ranging from 1 to 15 Mm, and cross-sections typically smaller than 1 Mm. Longer acceleration regions tend to occur higher in the corona, where the magnetic field is more homogeneous. Interestingly, despite the decrease of magnetic field strength with height (panel (c) in Fig. [\[fig:atmospheric_height_profiles\]](#fig:atmospheric_height_profiles){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:atmospheric_height_profiles"}), these high regions typically exhibit equally energetic acceleration as regions at lower heights. The most intense acceleration can be found in a thin sheet centred on \(x = 11\) Mm and \(y = 10.67\) Mm (the \(y\)-coordinate is the same as for the plane of Fig. [\[fig:krec_slice\]](#fig:krec_slice){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:krec_slice"}). This is the current sheet associated with the Ellerman bomb and UV burst that are analysed by. Energy deposition from the non-thermal electrons (shown in orange in Figs. [\[fig:xz_power_change_beams\]](#fig:xz_power_change_beams){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:xz_power_change_beams"} and [\[fig:horizontal_power_change_beams\]](#fig:horizontal_power_change_beams){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:horizontal_power_change_beams"}) takes place throughout the corona, with higher concentrations near the ends of the acceleration regions and along the dominant magnetic structures. The strongest non-thermal heating typically occurs in the transition region near low-lying acceleration regions. At these locations, the electrons are often able to reach significant chromospheric depths. Numerous electron beams entering the lower atmosphere from different directions aggregate horizontally due to the convergence of the magnetic field with depth. This produces collections of thin, semi-vertical strands of concentrated non-thermal heating in the chromosphere, which are anchored in the photosphere at locations with a strong vertical magnetic field.
## Selected sets of electron beams {#sec:selected_beams}
To analyse the beam heating in the lower atmosphere more closely, we consider the three subsets of electron beams shown in Fig. [\[fig:xz_power_change_selected_beams\]](#fig:xz_power_change_selected_beams){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:xz_power_change_selected_beams"}. They represent various ways in which electron beams can join together to produce significant localised heating in the lower atmosphere. This includes a single long bundle originating high up in the corona (set 1), the convergence of multiple thin bundles coming from separate acceleration regions (set 2), and a short bundle associated with an acceleration region that lies just above the transition region (set 3). In Fig. [\[fig:heating_comparison\]](#fig:heating_comparison){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:heating_comparison"}, the horizontal average of \(Q_\mathrm{beam}\) in the core of the cone that penetrates the lower atmosphere is plotted with height for each beam set. In order to demonstrate the effect of the power-law index \(\delta\), each beam heating profile is plotted for \(\delta\) ranging from 3 to 6. The shapes of the local transition regions are apparent from the included temperature profiles. Transition region beam heating can be seen to be relatively robust to variations in \(\delta\). At the same time, this is where the difference between the origins of the electron beams for the three beam sets primarily manifests. The reason for this is that the number of incoming low-and intermediate-energy electrons, which make up the bulk of the transition region heating, does not change considerably with \(\delta\), but is highly sensitive to the amount of coronal plasma that the beam has propagated through. The electrons accelerated at the top of the coronal loop (set 1) produce a pronounced peak in the beam heating, centred on the bottom of the transition region. This is because most electrons with too little energy to make it through the transition region already would have stopped on the way through the coronal loop. For the converging electron beam bundles coming from separate locations (set 2), the corresponding peak is less distinct. Some of the beams in this set stem from just above the transition region, and their low-energy electrons provide a significant amount of heat to the upper transition region, making the peak less pronounced. This situation is most evident for the beams coming from the strong current sheet that resides in the lower corona near the centre of the simulation domain (set 3). Here, the full spectrum of electron energies is injected directly into the transition region. As a result, the heating culminates near the top of the transition region and decreases monotonically with depth in the lower atmosphere. Below the transition region, the decrease with depth of the average beam heating rate is highly dependent on \(\delta\). At a given chromospheric depth, the decrease in \(Q_\mathrm{beam}\) with increasing \(\delta\) appears to be approximately exponential. However, the average slopes of the beam heating profiles for a given value of \(\delta\) are similar for all three beam sets. They are slightly steeper for sets 1 and 3 than for set 2, but this is because the mass densities at these locations are somewhat higher. In contrast to the situation in the transition region, only electrons in the high-energy tail of the incoming distribution can significantly penetrate the chromosphere. This explains the sensitivity to \(\delta\), which controls the relative portion of high-energy electrons in the distribution. The electrons in the high-energy tail are not significantly influenced by the coronal plasma, so the distance travelled by the electrons through the corona has little bearing on the distribution of electrons that enter the chromosphere. As a result, any difference between the shapes of the chromospheric heating profiles, barring local variations in mass density, must be caused by a difference between the shapes of the initial electron distributions in the acceleration regions. In the acceleration model used here, this requires significant variations between the temperatures of the involved acceleration regions, which would lead to different values of the lower cut-off energy \(E_\mathrm{c}\) (Fig. [\[fig:Ec_parameter_study\]](#fig:Ec_parameter_study){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Ec_parameter_study"}). The selected beam sets all have similar temperatures in their acceleration regions, so the shape of the electron distribution that penetrates the chromosphere is comparable in all three cases. Energy transport by accelerated electrons plays a similar role as thermal conduction, in that it transports energy from the corona to the transition region along the magnetic field. However, the relative importance of these mechanisms differs greatly with depth in the lower atmosphere. This is evident from the red curve in Fig. [\[fig:heating_comparison\]](#fig:heating_comparison){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:heating_comparison"}, which shows the conductive heating along the three sets of beam trajectories. In all cases, conductive heating is 10--100 times stronger than electron beam heating throughout most of the transition region. The strong conductive heating stems from the abrupt drop from coronal to chromospheric temperatures. But as the temperature decreases towards the chromosphere, so does the thermal conductivity of the plasma, causing the conductive heating to nearly vanish at the bottom of the transition region. On the other hand, the heat deposited by non-thermal electrons is close to its peak value at this location, owing to the sudden rise in mass density with depth. For all values of \(\delta\), beam heating exceeds conductive heating by many orders of magnitude throughout the chromosphere.
## Energetics
The total power of all accelerated electrons in the simulation snapshot is roughly \(10^{24}\;\mathrm{erg}/\mathrm{s}\). Beam sets 1 and 2 each produce approximately \(3\cdot 10^{21}\;\mathrm{erg}/\mathrm{s}\) of non-thermal electron power. This value is representative of a typical collection of electron beams forming a coherent lower atmospheric heating site in the simulation. Beam set 3, which is associated with a particularly energetic event, exceeds this power by two orders of magnitude. For \(\delta = 4\), roughly \(1\%\) of the total beam power in the atmosphere is deposited at densities higher than \(10^{-11}\mathrm{g}/\mathrm{cm}^3\), in what might be considered chromospheric plasma. Adjusting the value of \(\delta\) was found to roughly give a power-law variation in the percentage of non-thermal power deposited in the chromosphere, with significantly smaller percentages for higher values of \(\delta\). However, the power-law exponent describing this relationship is highly dependent on the individual beam trajectory. For beam set 1, 2, and 3, the percentage of chromospheric power is respectively \(10\%\), \(1\%\), and \(6\%\) for \(\delta = 4\). The percentage is down-scaled by 1--3 orders of magnitude when going from \(\delta = 3\) to \(\delta = 6\).
# Discussion and conclusions {#sec:discussion}
The key factor in determining the amount and energy of accelerated electrons in any part of the corona is the magnetic topology. Although a stronger magnetic field provides a larger source of energy, it is the magnetic topology that determines the potential for this energy to be released by reconnection. This is evident in the distribution of acceleration regions in our simulation. The upper corona, where the expanding magnetic bubbles collide with the weak overlying ambient field, contains acceleration regions that are equally energetic as acceleration regions in magnetically stronger, but topologically simpler parts of the lower corona. Consequently, the overall complexity of the magnetic field configuration is likely to be the main indicator of the significance of non-thermal energy transport. In our simulation, the non-thermal power deposited at notable beam heating sites in the lower atmosphere range from \(10^{18}\) to \(10^{22}\;\mathrm{erg}/\mathrm{s}\), depending on the particular site and value of \(\delta\). A typical small-scale beam heating event in the atmospheric conditions modelled here may then be estimated to release \(10^{20}\)--\(10^{24}\) erg of non-thermal energy in the lower atmosphere, assuming the events to last \(\sim 100\) s. Other heating mechanisms, including local Joule heating, thermal conduction, and magnetoacoustic shocks will make a significant additional contribution to the total energy release in some of these events, one example being the heating near the strong central current sheet (beam set 3). Most of the beam heating events are nevertheless relatively weak, even for nanoflares. But they are highly abundant, and a \(10 \times 10\;\mathrm{Mm}\) horizontal area of the chromosphere is likely to host a significant number of small beam heating events at any given time. Even though the particle beams in this simulation are weak, their heating effect on the chromosphere is many orders of magnitude stronger than that of thermal conduction. This demonstrates that heating by energetic particles and thermal conduction in the lower atmosphere are qualitatively different, even under relatively quiet solar conditions. Because efficient thermal conduction requires a hot plasma, conductive transport always ceases at the bottom of the transition region. Incoming energetic particles, on the other hand, are not directly affected by the transition region temperature drop. The increase in mass density causes them to thermalise more quickly, but this occurs more gradually with depth than the abrupt shut-down of thermal conduction. The inclusion of chromospheric heating by electron beams in atmospheric simulations such as the one used here could potentially account for discrepancies between synthetic diagnostics and observations. found that thermal conduction alone could not explain observed blueshifts of the SI IV spectral line in small-scale brightenings at coronal loop footpoints. Instead, their simulations, together with the extended analysis of, show that non-thermal electron beams can provide sufficient heating at the depths required to produce the upflows responsible for the blueshifts. An advantage of considering the transport of accelerated particles in a 3D rather than a 1D atmospheric model is that it paints a realistic picture of how the available non-thermal energy is distributed in space. Although coherent large-scale flaring events may be reasonably approximated in a 1D coronal loop model with accelerated particles injected at the top, these types of idealised configurations are probably not representative of the situation in most active regions most of the time, and even less so outside of active regions. The quiet solar magnetic field tends to be tangled and inhomogeneous, which can lead to acceleration at any height in the corona and gives a complicated mapping from the acceleration regions to the locations where the non-thermal energy is deposited. Because acceleration takes place over extended regions in which the magnetic field changes topology, particles that are associated with the same reconnection event may end up on completely different trajectories through the atmosphere. Furthermore, the convergence of the magnetic field with depth can lead energetic particles that originate in separate acceleration regions to deposit their energy near the same location in the lower atmosphere (as exemplified by beam set 2 in Fig. [\[fig:xz_power_change_selected_beams\]](#fig:xz_power_change_selected_beams){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:xz_power_change_selected_beams"}). The fact that beam heating sites can receive significant contributions of non-thermal electrons from several acceleration regions may have important observational consequences. The incoming electron beams could have been accelerated under different conditions, and thus do not necessarily have the same initial energy distributions. Moreover, beams coming from separate locations are influenced to varying degrees by collisions in the corona due to the different trajectories they take to the beam heating site. For instance, beams traversing a high column mass of coronal plasma lose a large share of their low-energy electrons, which gives them a hard energy distribution upon impact with the lower atmosphere. The total distribution of non-thermal electrons incident on the beam heating site could thus be a superposition of several distinct distributions. Consequently, the common assumption of a power-law distribution for the bremsstrahlung-emitting electrons in flares may not be applicable in all cases. In future work, the response of the atmosphere to the electron beams will be investigated. It is also of interest to generate synthetic spectra from the beam heating sites. Furthermore, the development of the energetic particle model presented here is ongoing, and various improvements could be implemented. Currently, our particle transport model does not include the effects of magnetic gradient forces. However, the strengthening of the magnetic field with depth in the chromosphere could significantly increase the pitch angle of the incoming electrons. If this effect is sufficiently strong, it will hamper the penetration of the most energetic electrons. Instead of thermalising below the photosphere, they might instead only reach the middle chromosphere, resulting in more beam heating at this depth. In general, a numerical treatment of the energy transport problem is required when considering magnetic gradient forces, although a simplified analytical approach has been suggested by. The atmospheric simulation used for this paper assumes LTE and statistical equilibrium in its equation of state. The effects of non-equilibrium hydrogen ionisation are likely to alter the ionisation fraction and electron number densities in the chromosphere, and could thus have a notable impact on the resulting distribution of beam heating. Moreover, because collisions with the non-thermal electrons can ionise neutral hydrogen atoms, the electron beams themselves contribute to an increase in the hydrogen ionisation rate. The resulting increase in the electron number density will, in turn, affect the chromospheric beam heating. When enhanced collisional ionisation is taken into account, it may also be important to consider electrons accelerated below the transition region. Although the electrons are unable to transfer energy a significant distance away from the acceleration region due to the high plasma density, they still produce a local increase in the ionisation rate which would not be present if all the reconnection energy was converted directly into Joule heating.
[^1]: In principle, the relation is not directly proportional since \(p\) also affects the cut-off energy \(E_\mathrm{c}\) through \(u_\mathrm{acc}\) in Eq. [\[eq:lower_cutoff_energy\]](#eq:lower_cutoff_energy){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:lower_cutoff_energy"}. However, as Fig. [\[fig:Ec_parameter_study\]](#fig:Ec_parameter_study){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Ec_parameter_study"} shows, this dependence is so weak as to be negligible.
[^2]: In principle, the relation is not directly proportional since \(p\) also affects the cut-off energy \(E_\mathrm{c}\) through \(u_\mathrm{acc}\) in Eq. [\[eq:lower_cutoff_energy\]](#eq:lower_cutoff_energy){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:lower_cutoff_energy"}. However, as Fig. [\[fig:Ec_parameter_study\]](#fig:Ec_parameter_study){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Ec_parameter_study"} shows, this dependence is so weak as to be negligible. | {'timestamp': '2020-09-21T02:09:49', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14483', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14483'} |
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# Introduction
Volterra processes appear naturally in models with non-local features. In this article, we will investigate the analytic and probabilistic properties of Volterra processes constructed as pathwise integrals of a kernel \(K\) against a Gaussian process \(W\). For generality, we will assume that the Gaussian process \(W\) takes values in a Hilbert space \(H\) with a covariance operator \(Q_W\), and that the kernel \((t,s)\mapsto K(t,s)\) for \(t>s\) is a linear operator on the same Hilbert space. In particular, we define the process \(X:[0,T]\rightarrow H\) formally by the integral \[\label{f v p} X(t)=\int_0^t K(t,s)dW(s).\] At a discrete level, one can think of this process as assigning different weights through the kernel \(K\) to the increments of \(W\). Volterra processes have received much attention in the field of stochastic analysis over the past decades. The canonical examples are the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process where \(K(t,s)=\exp(-\alpha(t-s))\) and \(W\) a Brownian motion, or the fractional Brownian motion where \(K(t,s)=(t-s)^{H-\frac{1}{2}}\) and \(W\) is a Brownian motion. These processes are typically used to model phenomena where some sort of memory is inherent in the dynamics, and applications are found in various fields ranging from physics and turbulence modelling to biology and financial mathematics. See also and the references therein for an introduction to these processes and their applications. In order to make sense of the integral appearing on the right-hand side of [\[f v p\]](#f v p){reference-type="eqref" reference="f v p"}, one must assume some type of regularity conditions on \(K\) and \(W\). The type of regularity conditions needed, typically depends on the choice of integral that is used in the construction of \(X\). For example, if \(W\) is a \(Q_W\)-Wiener process (the infinite dimensional extension of the classical Brownian motion) one would need that \(K\) is (Bochner) square integrable in time \(s\mapsto K(t,s)\) up to (and including) \(t\) (see e.g. ). However, for general real-valued Gaussian processes, this is not a sufficient criterion. Indeed, in the case of general Gaussian processes on the real line, it is well known that the Volterra processes appearing in [\[f v p\]](#f v p){reference-type="eqref" reference="f v p"} makes sense as a Wiener integral if \[\label{covar rep smooth} \int_0 ^T \int_0 ^T K(T,r)K(T,r')\frac{\partial^2}{\partial r\partial r'}Q_W(r,r')dr dr' <\infty,\] where \(Q_W\) is the real valued covariance of the Gaussian process \(W\) (see e.g. ). This construction requires of course that \(Q_W\) is differentiable in both variables, or at least of bounded variation simultaneously in both variables, which excludes several interesting Gaussian processes (particular examples of which will be discussed in detail later). An extension of the above condition to the infinite dimensional setting when \(W\) is an Hilbert-valued process is quite straightforward, but one would still require strong regularity of the covariance operator \(Q_W\) (say Fréchet differentiable). In several interesting examples, such regularity requirements on the covariance operator are too strong. For example, consider a Gaussian processes \((B(t))_{t\in [0,T]}\) time-shifted along an irregular (possibly deterministic) path \((Z(t))_{t\in [0,T]}\), given as the composition process \((B(Z(t)))_{t\in [0,T]}\). The regularity of the covariance would typically be given as the composition of the regularity of the covariance associated to \(B\) and the regularity of \(Z\). Thus if \(t\mapsto Z(t)\) is only Hölder continuous, one would not expect to get better regularity of the covariance than that of \(Z\). The canonical example of such processes is the iterated Brownian motion given as \[\mathbb{B}(t,\omega_1,\omega_2) = B^1(\omega_1,|B^2(\omega_2,t)|)\] where \(B^1:[0,T]\times \Omega_1\rightarrow \mathbb{R}\) and \(B^2:[0,T]\times \Omega_2\rightarrow \mathbb{R}\) are two independent Brownian motions on the real line. Such processes have received much attention due to their curious probabilistic properties, as well as applications towards modelling of diffusions in cracks. If we now fix a trajectory of \(B^2\), it is readily seen that \(\mathbb{B}(\cdot,\omega_2)\) is Gaussian, with covariance given by \[Q_{\mathbb{B}(\omega_2)}(t,s)={\rm min}(B^2(t,\omega),B^2(s,\omega)),\] and therefore the regularity of \(Q_{\mathbb{B}}\) is inherited by the regularity of \(t\mapsto B^2(t,\omega)\). Hence, the covariance function associated to a Volterra process driven by \(\mathbb{B}(\cdot,\omega_2)\) can not be constructed as in [\[covar rep smooth\]](#covar rep smooth){reference-type="eqref" reference="covar rep smooth"}, but an extension of this construction is needed. In recent years, pathwise analysis of stochastic processes has become prevalent in the literature. This plays a fundamental role when applying these processes in the theory of rough paths, where analytic properties of the paths and associated \"iterated integrals\" constitute the main ingredients. The advantage of the rough path theory lies in the flexibility to construct pathwise solutions to controlled ODEs on the form \[dY(t)=f(Y(t))dX(t),\qquad Y(0)=y\in H,\] even when \(X\) is not a semimartingale. Furthermore, one directly obtains stability in the solution mapping \((X,y)\mapsto \Gamma(X,y)\) induced by the equation above. The rough path theory opens for considering equations controlled by noise given as Volterra processes, which typically is of a non-semimartingale nature due to the kernel \(K\). Much work has therefore been devoted to the construction of the so-called rough path above a given Volterra process driven by a Brownian motion. On the other hand, to the best of our knowledge, there is no construction of the rough path above Volterra processes driven by Gaussian noise with irregular covariance structures. In the authors provide a simple criterion for the existence of a geometric rough path connected to a given Gaussian process, given that the covariance structure of this process is sufficiently regular. This requires of course the existence of a covariance function, which in the case of Volterra processes driven by Gaussian noise is given by [\[covar rep smooth\]](#covar rep smooth){reference-type="eqref" reference="covar rep smooth"}. A relaxation of the existence criteria for [\[covar rep smooth\]](#covar rep smooth){reference-type="eqref" reference="covar rep smooth"} to the case of non-smooth covariances \(Q_W\) and with singular Volterra kernels \(K\) is therefore needed in order to construct the rough path associated to this class of processes. The main goal of this article is therefore to extend the sufficient conditions for construction of the covariance operator on the form of [\[covar rep smooth\]](#covar rep smooth){reference-type="eqref" reference="covar rep smooth"} to the case when \(W\) is an infinite dimensional stochastic process and \(Q_W\) is possibly nowhere differentiable in both variables. To this end, we start by giving a pathwise description of the Volterra process \(X\) stated in [\[f v p\]](#f v p){reference-type="eqref" reference="f v p"}. Given a sample path of a Gaussian process \(W\) which is \(\alpha\)-Hölder regular, we will show that [\[f v p\]](#f v p){reference-type="eqref" reference="f v p"} can be constructed in a pathwise sense through a slight modification of the newly developed Volterra Sewing Lemma from. In this way, one directly obtains the regularity of the process \(X\) as the composition of the possible singularity coming from \(K\) and the regularity of \(W\). On a heuristic level, if the kernel \(K(t,s)\) is behaving locally like \((t-s)^{-\eta}\) for \(t\sim s\), and the Gaussian process has Hölder continuous trajectories of order \(\alpha\in (0,1)\), then \[\label{a min e} |K(t,s)(W(t)-W(s))|_H \lesssim (t-s)^{\alpha-\eta},\] and henceforth this composition is only finite for \(t\rightarrow s\) whenever \(\alpha-\eta>0\). Recalling that both in the classical probabilistic framework and in the modern approach of rough path theory, one would construct the integral as the limit when the mesh size of the partition \(\mathcal{P}\) of \([0,t]\) goes to zero in the Riemann-type sum (in either \(L^2(\Omega)\) if possible, or pathwise topology induced by variation or Hölder norms, see e.g. ) \[\label{sum a min e} \sum_{[u,v]\in \mathcal{P}} K(t,u)(W(v)-W(u)).\] Thus at first glance, in order for this sum to converge, it seems natural to require \(\alpha-\eta>0\) to (at least) avoid any explosions when the mesh of the partition \(\mathcal{P}\) goes to \(0\). We next extend the Volterra Sewing Lemma to the two dimensional case, in order to construct two dimensional operator-valued Volterra integrals on the form \[\label{covariance} \bar{Q}:=\int_0^T\int_0^{T'} K(T,r)d^2Q(r,r')K(T',r')^*\] for linear operators \(K\) and \(Q\) on the Hilbert space \(H\), and where \((s,t)\mapsto K(t,s)\) is possibly singular on the diagonal as described above. In this expression, \(K^*\) is the adjoint operator of \(K\), and the ordering of the integral appears naturally when considering operator-valued integrands which might be non-commutative. Our construction is based on Young-type integration theory with Volterra kernels, and only requires that \(Q\) is Hölder regular, and \(K\) does not blow up too fast at its singular point(s). In particular, we do not assume that \(Q\) needs to be differentiable nor of bounded variation, and thus our construction truly extends the notion of the integral given in [\[covar rep smooth\]](#covar rep smooth){reference-type="eqref" reference="covar rep smooth"}. An immediate consequence of our construction is stability of the two dimensional Volterra integral with respect to changes in the Volterra operator \(K\) and the operator \(Q\). Through a consideration of the characteristic functional associated to the Volterra processes [\[f v p\]](#f v p){reference-type="eqref" reference="f v p"}, we next show that when \(Q=Q_W\) is of sufficient regularity, then the covariance operator \(Q_X\) associated the Volterra process \(X\) from [\[f v p\]](#f v p){reference-type="eqref" reference="f v p"} is given by \(\bar{Q}\) in [\[covariance\]](#covariance){reference-type="eqref" reference="covariance"}. In the end we discuss several application areas of our results, including an analysis of the covariance structure arising from general Gaussian Volterra iterated processes, the construction of the rough path associated to Volterra processes driven by Gaussian processes with irregular covariance structures, as well as a representation of the covariance structure of certain linear fractional stochastic differential equations of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck type in Hilbert space. In the last example, we discuss the potential application towards rough volatility modelling, proposing an extension of the rough Heston model to infinite dimensions. Already in 2002, Towghi proved that for two functions \(f,g:[0,T]^2\rightarrow \mathbb{R}\), the following integral \[\label{eq:Young 2D} \int_{[0,T]^2} f(s,t)dQ_W(s,t)\] makes sense as the limit of a two dimensional Riemann type sum under suitable assumptions of complementary regularity between \(f\) and \(g\), and can thus be seen as an extension of the classical Young integral developed in. The construction of the integral [\[covariance\]](#covariance){reference-type="eqref" reference="covariance"} can therefore be seen as an infinite dimensional extension of [\[eq:Young 2D\]](#eq:Young 2D){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:Young 2D"} to the case when the the integrand is given as a Volterra operator of singular type. In the case when the covariance \(Q_W\) itself is a real-valued covariance function associated to a Volterra process, Lim provided in a relaxation of the complementary regularity conditions originally proposed in for existence of the two dimensional integral in [\[eq:Young 2D\]](#eq:Young 2D){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:Young 2D"}. There, \(f\) is assumed to be a sufficiently regular function, and thus singular Volterra kernels as we consider here fall outside of the scope of that article. Furthermore, in the current article, we do not impose any further structure on the covariance operator, other than regularity to keep it as general as possible, which in the end will prove useful in applications.
## Outline of the article
The article is structured into the following sections:
1. We give an introductory account of Gaussian processes in Hilbert space, as well as continuity of the trajectories.
2. We introduce the concept of Volterra paths (as described in ), and provide a pathwise construction of Gaussian Volterra paths from the regularity of the trajectories of the Gaussian noise as well as the possible singularity of the Volterra kernel.
3. This section is devoted to prove that the pathwise Volterra processes driven by Gaussian processes, are again Gaussian. To this end, we show the construction of a general covariance operator, even when the covariance function of the driving noise is nowhere differentiable.
4. We discuss a series of applications, including the construction of a rough path above Volterra processes driven by Gaussian noise with irregular covariance structures, and compute explicitly the covariance operators to various well-known Volterra processes, driven by Gaussian noise.
We provide background material on fractional calculus and some proofs of auxiliary results in two appendices.
## Notation {#subsec:notation}
We assume \((\Omega,\mathcal F, \mathbb P)\) to be a complete probability space equipped with a filtration \((\mathcal F_t)_{t\geq 0}\) satisfying the *usual hypotheses*. We will work with a separable Hilbert space which will be denoted by \(H\). The inner product in \(H\) is denoted \(\langle\cdot,\cdot\rangle_H\) with associated norm \(\vert\cdot\vert_H\). The (Banach) space of bounded linear operators from \(H\) to \(E\), \(E\) being another Hilbert space, is denoted \(\mathcal L(H,E)\), with \(\mathcal L(H):=\mathcal L(H,H)\). Sometimes \(E\) may also be a general Banach space, but this will be clear from the context. We will frequently use the \(n\)-simplex \(\Delta_n^T\) over an interval \([0,T]\) defined by \[\label{n-simp} \Delta_n^T:=\{(s_1,\ldots,s_n)\in[0,T]^n\,|\,s_1\geq \ldots \geq s_n\}.\] Also, define the diagonal in \([0,T]^n\) by \(\mathrm{D}_{n}^T\), i.e. \[\label{n-diag} \mathrm{D}_{n}^T:=\{(s_1,\ldots,s_n)\in[0,T]\,|\,s_1=\ldots=s_n\}.\] We will denote by \(\mathcal{C}^\gamma([0,T],H)\) the space of \(\gamma\)-Hölder continuous functions \(f:[0,T]\rightarrow H\), with the norm \(\|f\|_{\mathcal{C}^\gamma} =|f(0)|_H+\|f\|_{\gamma,[0,T]}\) where \[\|f\|_{\gamma,[0,T]}=\sup_{(t,s)\in\Delta_{2}^T}\frac{|f(t)-f(s)|_{H}}{|t-s|^\gamma}.\] Whenever the interval \([0,T]\) is clear from the context, we will write \(\|f\|_{\gamma}\) for the quantity \(\|f\|_{\gamma,[0,T]}\). Aiming towards an analysis of possibly non-smooth (i.e., only Hölder continuous) covariance functions, we will also be working with increments of two-parameter functions. To this end, we will need to introduce some new notation. Consider two points \(s=(s_1,s_2)\) and \(t=(t_1,t_2)\) in \([0,T]^2\) and a function \(f:[0,T]^2\rightarrow H\). Let us denote by \(\square_{s,t}f\) the generalized (or rectangular) increment of \(f\) over the rectangle \([s,t]=[s_1,t_1]\times[s_2,t_2]\subset [0,T]^2\) (notice the implied partial order of the variables in \(s=(s_1,s_2)\) and \(t=(t_1,t_2)\)) given by \[\label{eq:rec increment} \square_{s,t}f=f(t_1,t_2)-f(t_1,s_2)-f(s_1,t_2)+f(s_1,s_2).\] Note in particular that if \(f\) has a mixed partial derivative \(\partial ^2f(r_1,r_2)/\partial r_1 \partial r_2\) which is integrable over the rectangle \([s,t]\), we have \[\label{2d ftc} \square_{s,t}f=\int_{s_1}^{t_1}\int_{s_2}^{t_2}\frac{\partial ^2f(r_1,r_2)}{\partial r_1 \partial r_2}dr_2dr_1 .\] We remark in passing that in the literature \(\square_{s,t}f\) is sometimes referred to as the \(f\)-volume of the rectangle \([s,t]\).
# Gaussian Stochastic Processes in Hilbert Spaces {#sec: inf dim gaussian analysis}
One of the main objectives in this article is to study the regularity properties of various stochastic processes in Hilbert spaces, together with their covariance operators. In this Section we provide some background material on the important class of Gaussian stochastic processes in Hilbert space which will be at the core of our studies. | {'timestamp': '2020-06-01T02:09:08', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14460', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14460'} |
# Introduction
One way to arrive at the Bogoliubov axioms of perturbative quantum field theory (pQFT) is by analogy with non-relativistic quantum mechanics,; a discussion on this point can also be found in. We give the main ideas. Suppose that we have a time-dependent interaction potential \(V\). Then one goes to the interaction picture and the time evolution is governed by the evolution equation: \[{d \over dt}U(t,s) =-i V_{\rm int}(t) U(t,s); \qquad U(s,s) = I.\] This equation can be solved in some cases by a perturbative method, namely the series \[U(t,s) \equiv \sum {(-i)^{n}\over n!} \int_{\mathbb{R}^{n}} dt_{1} \cdots dt_{n} T(t_{1},\dots,t_{n})\] makes sense. The operators \(T_{n}(t_{1},\dots,t_{n})\) are called *chronological products*; \(n\) is called the *order* of the perturbation theory. They verify a number of propertiesspelled in detail in the references from above. Basically theay are unitarity and causality; the causality property means: \[\begin{aligned}
T_{n}(t_{1},\dots,t_{n}) = T_{m}(t_{1},\dots,t_{m})~T_{n-m}(t_{m+1},\dots,t_{n}), \nonumber\\ {\rm for} \quad t_{j} > t_{k}, \quad j = 1,\dots,m; k = m+1,\dots,n. \end{aligned}\] An explicit formula is available (see the references above). The purpose is to generalize this idea in the relativistic context especially the causality property. Essentially we try to substitute \(t \in \mathbb{R}\) by a Minkowski variable \(x \in \mathbb{R}^{4}.\) The chronological operators will be some operators \(T(x_{1},\dots,x_{n})\) and all the axioms from the non-relativistic case can be easily generalized rather naturally. The causally axiom is more subtle. We have to replace temporal succession \(t_{1} > t_{2}\) by causal succession \(x_{1} \succ x_{2}\) which means that \(x_{1}\) should not be in the past causal shadow of \(x_{2}\) i.e. \(x_{2} \cap (x_{1} + \bar{V}^{+}) = \emptyset.\) In formulas: if \(x_{i} \succ x_{j}, \quad \forall i \leq k, \quad j \geq k+1\) then we have: \[T(x_{1},\dots,x_{n}) = T(x_{1},\dots,x_{k})~T(x_{k+1},\dots,x_{n}). \label{causality1}\] From here it follows that the "initial condition\" \(T(x)\) should satisfy \[= 0,\qquad (x-y)^{2} < 0\] where for the Minkowski product we use the convention \(1,-1,-1,-1.\) It a difficult problem to obtain solutions of the preceding equation. The solutions for pQFT are distribution-valued operators, (Wick monomials) and act in some Fock space where we can describe scattering processes with creation and annihilation of particles. Acording to Epstein and Glaser, we should solve directly the axioms of pQFT in an recursive way. So we start from Bogoliubov axioms, as presented in,; for every set of Wick polynomials \(A_{1}(x_{1}),\dots,A_{n}(x_{n})\) acting in some Fock space \({\cal H}\) one associates the operator-valued distributions \(T^{A_{1},\dots,A_{n}}(x_{1},\dots,x_{n})\) called chronological products; it will be convenient to use another notation: \(T(A_{1}(x_{1}),\dots,A_{n}(x_{n}))\) and we should require skew-symmetry in all arguments: for arbitrary \(A_{1}(x_{1}),\dots,A_{n}(x_{n})\) we should have \[T(\dots,A_{i}(x_{i}),A_{i+1}(x_{i+1}),\dots,) = (-1)^{f_{i} f_{i+1}} T(\dots,A_{i+1}(x_{i+1}),A_{i}(x_{i}),\dots) \label{sqew}\] where \(f_{i}\) is the number of Fermi fields appearing in the Wick monomial \(A_{i}\). There are a number of rigorous ways to construct the chronological products: (a) *Hepp axioms* (one rewrites the axioms in terms of vacuum averages of chronological products); (b) *Polchinski flow equations*, (one considers an ultra-violet cut-off for the Feynman amplitudes and establishes some differential equations in this parameter); (c) *The causal approach* due to Epstein and Glaser,: is a recursive procedure for the basic objects \(T(A_{1}(x_{1}),\dots,A_{n}(x_{n}))\) and reduces the induction procedure to a distribution splitting of some distributions with causal support, or to the process of extension of distributions. An equivalent point of view uses retarded products. The causal method is the most elementary one from the point of view of conceptual clarity and also for practical computations. It is a very good approach for the study of gauge models ,. The basic recursive idea of Epstein and Glaser starts from the chronological products \[T(A_{1}(x_{1}),\dots,A_{m}(x_{m})) \quad m = 1,2,\dots\] up to order \(n-1\) and constructs a causal commutator in order \(n\). For instance for \(n = 2\) the *causal commutator* according to: \[D(A(x),B(y)) = A(x)~B(y)-(-1)^{|A||B|}~B(y)~A(x) \label{D2causal}\] and after the operation of causal splitting one can obtain the second order chronological products. Generalizations of this formula are available for higher orders of the perturbation theory. In particular we have in the third order \[\begin{aligned}
D(A(x), B(y);C(z)) \equiv-[ \bar{T}(A(x), B(y)), C(z)] \nonumber\\ + (-1)^{|B||C|} [ T(A(x), C(z)), B(y)] + (-1)^{|A|(|B|+|C|)} [ T(B(y), C(z)), A(x)] \label{Dcausal} \end{aligned}\] where all commutators are understood to be graded. The causal commutators ([\[D2causal\]](#D2causal){reference-type="ref" reference="D2causal"}) and ([\[Dcausal\]](#Dcausal){reference-type="ref" reference="Dcausal"}) have the generic structure \[D = \sum d_{j}(X)~W_{j}(X)\] where \(d_{j}(X)\) are numerical distributions with causal support and \(W_{j}(X)\) are Wick monomials. The numerical distributions \(d_{j}\) have various Lorentz indexes, so to compute them we need some sort of procedure which reduces everything to a certain master scalar causal distribution. To obtain the corresponding chronological products one has to causally split only the master distribution. A more popular approach is the so-called functional formalism; here one computes the chronological products making sense of Feynman amplitudes. They are expressions of the type: \[\begin{aligned}
I_{N} \sim \int {d^{4}l \over (2\pi)^{4}}~ {{\cal N}(l) \over \prod_{j = 1}^{N} [(l + q_{j-1})^{2}-m_{j}]} \end{aligned}\] which are associated to one-loop Feynman graphs. Here \(N\) is the number of external particles and the denominator \({\cal N}(l)\) collects kinematic factors coming from vector and spinor propagators. Only the cases \(N \leq 4\) Then one is faced with the problem of computing integrals of the type can produce ultra-violet divergences and a regularization is needed (usually the dimensional regularization.) In the particular case of a triangle graph one needs to consider the regularized integrals of type \(C\) (rel. (2.9) of ). The idea is to use Lorentz covariance and express everything in terms of some scalar integrals. A recursive procedure due to Passarino and Veltman is used. In this procedure a singular region appears due to the annihilation of a certain Gram determinant. The procedure to circumvent this singularity is to use different variables. For the general case more sophisticated methods are available. The avoidance of the infra-red singularities is rather complicated in this approach. The purpose of this paper is to present how the computations are done in the framework of the causal approach. The idea is to compute some expressions with causal support properties called in causal commutators. We will consider only the second and third order of perturbation theory. There causal commutators are sums of products between numerical distributions with causal support and Wick monomials. The numerical distributions are similar to the type \(C\) Feynman amplitudes from, but no regularization procedure is needed. Also infra-red divergences do not appear because the chronological products do not have such divergences: they appear only if we do the adiabatic limit. Finally, the treatment of the singularity region associated to the Gram determinant seems to be easier. We will present the computation of one-loop contributions in second and third order of perturbation theory in Sections [\[second\]](#second){reference-type="ref" reference="second"} and [\[third\]](#third){reference-type="ref" reference="third"}.
# Second Order Distributions with Causal Support[\[second\]]{#second label="second"}
In second order we have some typical distributions. We remind the fact that the Pauli-Villars distribution is defined by \[D_{m}(x) = D_{m}^{(+)}(x) + D_{m}^{(-)}(x)\] where \[D_{m}^{(\pm)}(x) = \pm {i \over (2\pi)^{3}}~ \int dp e^{i p\cdot x} \theta(\pm p_{0}) \delta(p^{2}-m^{2})\] such that \[D^{(-)}(x) =-D^{(+)}(-x).\] This distribution has causal support. In fact, it can be causally split (uniquely) into an advanced and a retarded part: \[D = D^{\rm adv}-D^{\rm ret}\] and then we can define the Feynman propagator and anti-propagator \[D^{F} = D^{\rm ret} + D^{(+)}, \qquad \bar{D}^{F} = D^{(+)}-D^{\rm adv}.\] All these distributions have singularity order \(\omega(D) =-2\). These distributions do appear in the tree contributions to the chronological products. For one-loop contributions in the second order we need the basic distributions \[d_{D_{1},D_{2}}(x) \equiv d^{(+)}_{D_{1},D_{2}}(x) + d^{(-)}_{D_{1},D_{2}}(x), \quad d^{(\pm)}_{D_{1},D_{2}}(x) \equiv \pm~{1 \over 2}~D_{1}^{(\pm)}(x)~D_{2}^{(\pm)}(x) \label{d12}\] (where \(D_{j} \equiv D_{m_{j}}\)) with causal support also. This expression is linear in \(D_{1}\) and \(D_{2}\). We will also use the notation \[d_{12} \equiv d(D_{1},D_{2}) \equiv d_{D_{1},D_{2}}\] and when no confusion about the distributions \(D_{j} = D_{m_{j}}\) can appear, we skip all indexes altogether. The causal split \[d_{12} = d_{12}^{adv}-d_{12}^{ret}\] is not unique because \(\omega(d_{12}) = 0\) so we make the redefinitions \[d_{12}^{adv(ret)}(x) \rightarrow d_{12}^{adv(ret)}(x) + c~\delta(x)\] without affecting the support properties and the order of singularity. The corresponding Feynman propagators can be defined as above and will be denoted as \(d_{12}^{F}\). In one can find the expressions of the dominant one-loop contributions from the chronological products. It is necessary to consider the case \(D_{1} = D_{2} = D_{m}\) and determine its Fourier transform. By direct computations it can be obtained that \[\tilde{d}_{m,m}(k) \equiv {1 \over (2\pi)^{2}} \int dx~ e^{i k\cdot x} d_{m,m}(x) =-{1 \over 8 (2\pi)^{3}}~\varepsilon(k_{0})~\theta(k^{2}-4 m^{2}) \sqrt{1-{4 m^{2} \over k^{2}}}. \label{d-mm}\] We can consider associated causal distributions substituting in ([\[d12\]](#d12){reference-type="ref" reference="d12"}) \(D_{j} \rightarrow \partial_{\alpha}D_{j}\) etc. It can be proved that we can reduce such causal distributed to some polynomials in partial derivatives applied to \(d_{12}.\) Detailed examples are provided in.
# Third Order Causal Distributions of Triangle Type[\[third\]]{#third label="third"}
First, we take \(D_{j} = D_{m_{j}}, j = 1,2,3\) and define \[\begin{aligned}
d_{D_{1},D_{2},D_{3}}(x,y,z) \equiv \bar{D}^{F}_{3}(x-y) [ D^{(-)}_{2}(z-x) D^{(+)}_{1}(y-z)-D^{(+)}_{2}(z-x) D^{(-)}_{1}(y-z) ] \nonumber \\ + D^{F}_{1}(y-z) [ D^{(-)}_{3}(x-y) D^{(+)}_{2}(z-x)-D^{(+)}_{3}(x-y) D^{(-)}_{2}(z-x) ] \nonumber \\ + D^{F}_{2}(z-x) [ D^{(-)}_{1}(y-z) D^{(+)}_{3}(x-y)-D^{(+)}_{1}(y-z) D^{(-)}_{3}(x-y) ] \label{d123} \end{aligned}\] which are with causal support. These distributions have the singularity order \(\omega(d_{D_{1},D_{2},D_{3}}) =-2\). As in the previous Section we use the alternative notation \[d_{123} \equiv d(D_{1},D_{2},D_{3}) \equiv d_{D_{1},D_{2},D_{3}}\] and when there is no ambiguity about the distributions \(D_{j}\) we simply denote \(d = d_{123}\). There are some associated distributions obtained from \(d_{D_{1},D_{2},D_{3}}(x,y,z)\) applying derivatives on the factors \(D_{j} = D_{m_{j}}, j = 1,2,3\) for instance \[\begin{aligned}
{\cal D}_{1}^{\mu}d_{D_{1},D_{2},D_{3}} \equiv d_{\partial^{\mu}D_{1},D_{2},D_{3}},\quad {\cal D}_{2}^{\mu}d_{D_{1},D_{2},D_{3}} \equiv d_{D_{1},\partial^{\mu}D_{2},D_{3}},\quad {\cal D}_{3}^{\mu}d_{D_{1},D_{2},D_{3}} \equiv d_{D_{1},D_{2},\partial^{\mu}D_{3}}, \end{aligned}\] and so on for more derivatives \(\partial_{\alpha}\) distributed on the factors \(D_{j} = D_{m_{j}}, j = 1,2,3\). It is known that these distributions can be causally split in such a way that the order of singularity, translation invariance and Lorentz covariance are preserved. The same will be true for the corresponding Feynman distributions. Because \(\omega(d_{123}) =-2\) and \(\omega({\cal D}_{i}^{\mu}d_{123}) =-1\) the corresponding advanced, retarded and Feynman distributions are unique. For more derivatives we have some freedom of redefinition. As in the previous Section, let us consider the case \(D_{1} = D_{2} = D_{3} = D_{m},~m > 0\) and study the corresponding distribution \(d_{m,m,m}.\) We consider it as distribution in two variables \(X \equiv x-z,\quad Y \equiv y-z\) and we will need its Fourier transform which we define by \[\tilde{d}(p,q) \equiv {1 \over (2\pi)^{4}}~\int e^{i (p\cdot X + q \cdot Y)}~d(X,Y).\] We will also need the distributions with causal support \[\begin{aligned}
f_{1}(x,y,z) = \delta(y-z)~d_{m,m}(x-y) \nonumber \\ f_{2}(x,y,z) = \delta(z-x)~d_{m,m}(y-z) \nonumber \\ f_{3}(x,y,z) = \delta(x-y)~d_{m,m}(y-z) \end{aligned}\] with \[\omega(f_{j}) = 0\] and the Fourier transforms are: \[\tilde{f}_{1}(p,q) = {1 \over (2\pi)^{2}}~\tilde{d}_{m,m}(p),\quad \tilde{f}_{2}(p,q) = {1 \over (2\pi)^{2}}~\tilde{d}_{m,m}(q),\quad \tilde{f}_{3}(p,q) = {1 \over (2\pi)^{2}}~\tilde{d}_{m,m}(P) \label{f}\] with \(P = p + q.\)
**Proof:** (i) From the definition ([\[d123\]](#d123){reference-type="ref" reference="d123"}) it follows that we have six contributions: \[d(X,Y) = \sum_{j=1}^{6}~d^{(j)}(X,Y)\] of the form \[d^{(j)}(X,Y) = d^{(j)}_{3}(X-Y)~d^{(j)}_{2}(-X)~d^{(j)}_{1}(Y),~j = 1,\dots,6\] If we substitute \[d^{(j)}(X) = {1 \over (2\pi)^{2}}~\int e^{-i k\cdot X}~\tilde{d}^{(j)}(k)\] we get \[\tilde{d}^{(j)}(p,q) = {1 \over (2\pi)^{2}}~\int dk~\tilde{d}^{(j)}_{3}(k)~\tilde{d}^{(j)}_{2}(k-p)~\tilde{d}^{(j)}_{1}(k + q)\] We consider for illustration the case \(j = 1\) for which \[\begin{aligned}
\tilde{d}^{(1)}_{3}(k) = {1 \over (2\pi)^{2}}~{1 \over k^{2}-m^{2}-i~0}, \nonumber\\ \tilde{d}^{(1)}_{2}(k) =-{i \over 2\pi}~\theta(-k_{0})~\delta(k^{2}-m^{2}),\quad \tilde{d}^{(1)}_{1}(k) = {i \over 2\pi}~\theta(k_{0})~\delta(k^{2}-m^{2}). \end{aligned}\] We substitute in the previous formula and obtain \[\tilde{d}^{(1)}(p,q) = {1 \over (2\pi)^{6}}~\int dk {1 \over k^{2}-m^{2}-i~0}~ \theta(p_{0}-k_{0})~\delta((p-k)^{2}-m^{2})~\theta(k_{0} + q_{0})~\delta((k + q)^{2}-m^{2}) \label{d1}\] We make the change of variables \(k \rightarrow k + p\) leading to \[\tilde{d}^{(1)}(p,q) = {1 \over (2\pi)^{6}}~\int dk {1 \over (k + p)^{2}-m^{2}-i~0}~ \theta(-k_{0})~\delta(k^{2}-m^{2})~\theta(k_{0} + P_{0})~\delta((k + P)^{2}-m^{2}) \label{d1a}\] and afterwards we use the distribution \(\delta(k^{2}-m^{2})\) to integrate over \(k_{0}.\) The result is \[\tilde{d}^{(1)}(p,q) = {1 \over (2\pi)^{6}}~\int_{\omega_{\bf k} \leq P_{0}} {d{\bf k} \over 2 \omega_{\bf k}}~ \delta(P^{2}-2 P_{0}\omega_{\bf k}-2 {\bf P}\cdot {\bf k})~ (p^{2}-2 p_{0}\omega_{\bf k}-2 {\bf p}\cdot {\bf k}-i~0)^{-1} \label{d1b}\] where we have defined \(\omega_{\bf k} \equiv \sqrt{{\bf k}^{2} + m^{2}}.\) This expression is Lorentz invariant. We can use this fact to prove that the integral is zero in the cases \(P^{2} \leq 0\) and \(P^{2} > 0, P_{0} < 0.\) We are left with the case \(P^{2} = M^{2}~ (M > 0), P_{0} \geq 0\) so we can evaluate it in a frame where \(P = (M,{\bf 0}).\) In this frame we get \[\tilde{d}^{(1)}(p,q) = {1 \over (2\pi)^{6}}~\int_{\omega_{\bf k} \leq M} {d{\bf k} \over 2 M^{2}}~ \delta\Bigl(\omega_{\bf k}-{M\over 2}\Bigl)~ (p^{2}-M p_{0}-2 {\bf p}\cdot {\bf k}-i~0)^{-1} \label{d1c}\] It is obvious that we must consider two cases: \({\bf p} \not= {\bf 0}\) and \({\bf p} = {\bf 0}.\) (ii) We first consider the case \({\bf p} \not= {\bf 0}.\) We perform the integration in spherical coordinates \((r, \theta,\phi)\) with the third axis \({\bf e}_{3} \parallel {\bf p}.\) The integrals over \(\phi\) and \(r\) are elementary. In particular we find out that the integral is non-zero only if \(M \geq 2m\) and we are left with \[\tilde{d}^{(1)}(p,q) = \theta(P_{0})~\theta(P^{2}-4m^{2})~{r_{0} \over 4(2\pi)^{5}M}~ \int d\theta sin\theta~(p^{2}-M p_{0}-2 |{\bf p}|r_{0} cos\theta-i~0)^{-1} \label{d1d}\] where \(r_{0} \equiv \sqrt{{M^{2}\over 4}-m^{2}}\). With the new variable \(z = cos\theta\) we get \[\tilde{d}^{(1)}(p,q) = \theta(P_{0})~\theta(P^{2}-4m^{2})~{r_{0} \over 4(2\pi)^{5}M}~I_{0}(A,B) \label{d1e}\] where \[I_{0}(A,B) \equiv \int_{-1}^{1} {dz \over A-B z}\] and \[A = p^{2}-M p_{0}-i~0,\quad B = 2 |{\bf p}|r_{0}.\] The integral is elementary \[I_{0}(A,B) = {1 \over B}~ln\Bigl({A + B\over A-B}\Bigl).\] Now we want to rewrite the expression \(\tilde{d}^{(1)}(p,q)\) in covariant coordinates. We will use the invariant \(N\) defined in the statement of the theorem and also \(I = P\cdot p.\) In the particular frame we have used we have \(I = M~p_{0}, \quad N = M^{2} {\bf p}^{2}\) so it follows that we also have in this frame \(A =-p\cdot q, r_{0} = \sqrt{{P^{2}\over 4}-m^{2}}, {r_{0} \over B} = \sqrt{P^{2}\over N}.\) So, the formula \[\tilde{d}^{(1)}(p,q) = \theta(P_{0})~\theta(P^{2}-4m^{2})~{1 \over 8(2\pi)^{5}}~{1 \over \sqrt{N}} ln_{3} \label{d1f}\] is valid in the particular frame and, because of Lorentz invariance, it is valid in general. Next we use the relation \[\tilde{d}^{(2)}(p,q) =-\tilde{d}^{(1)}(-q,-p) \label{d2}\] and the obtain the other piece proportional to \(ln_{3}.\) In a similar way we obtain \[\tilde{d}^{(3)}(p,q) =-\tilde{d}^{(1)}(q,-P)^{*} \label{d3}\] \[\tilde{d}^{(4)}(p,q) =-\tilde{d}^{(3)}(-p,-q) \label{d4}\] and these relations lead to the \(ln_{1}\) contribution. Finally \[\tilde{d}^{(5)}(p,q) = \tilde{d}^{(3)}(q,p) \label{d5}\] \[\tilde{d}^{(6)}(p,q) = \tilde{d}^{(4)}(q,p) \label{d6}\] and these relations lead to to the \(ln_{2}\) contribution. (iii) We consider now the case \({\bf p} = {\bf 0}.\) We return to ([\[d1c\]](#d1c){reference-type="ref" reference="d1c"}) which is in this case \[\tilde{d}^{(1)}(p,q) = {1 \over (2\pi)^{6}}~\int_{\omega_{\bf k} \leq M} {d{\bf k} \over 2 M^{2}}~ \delta\Bigl(\omega_{\bf k}-{M\over 2}\Bigl)~(p^{2}-M p_{0}-i~0)^{-1} \label{d1g}\] We also perform the integration in spherical coordinates, but now we can chose the axis \({\bf e}_{3}\) at will. The result is similar to ([\[d1e\]](#d1e){reference-type="ref" reference="d1e"}): \[\tilde{d}^{(1)}(p,q) = \theta(P_{0})~\theta(P^{2}-4m^{2})~{r_{0} \over 2(2\pi)^{5}M A}. \label{d1h}\] (iv) We prove now that the expression ([\[d1e\]](#d1e){reference-type="ref" reference="d1e"}) is continuous in the limit \({\bf p} \rightarrow {\bf 0}\) and gives us the preceding formula. This is in fact, equivalent to \[lim_{B \rightarrow 0} I_{0}(A,B) = {2 \over A}\] and this is elementary. Lastly, we give the covariant form of ([\[d1h\]](#d1h){reference-type="ref" reference="d1h"}). As in the previous case we have: \[\tilde{d}^{(1)}(p,q) = {2 \over (2\pi)^{2}}~{1 \over p\cdot q}~\tilde{d}_{m,m}^{(+)}(P) \label{d1h)}\] where the expression \(\tilde{d}_{m,m}\) was defined in the previous section. We obtain the formula from the statement. \(\blacksquare\) We proceed in the same way for the distributions \[d_{i}^{\mu} \equiv {\cal D}_{i}^{\mu} d\] and we have \[\omega(d_{j}^{\mu}) =-1 \label{deg1}\] and the result is
**Proof:** As in the previous Theorem, we obtain the first of the six contributions: \[\tilde{d}^{\mu(1)}_{3}(p,q) =-{i \over (2\pi)^{6}}~\int dk {k^{\mu} \over k^{2}-m^{2}-i~0}~ \theta(p_{0}-k_{0})~\delta((p-k)^{2}-m^{2})~\theta(k_{0} + q_{0})~\delta((k + q)^{2}-m^{2}). \label{d1mu}\] If we make the change of variables \(k \rightarrow k + p\) we obtain \[\tilde{d}^{\mu(1)}(p,q) =-i~[ p^{\mu}~\tilde{d}^{(1)}(p,q) + e^{\mu}(p,q) ] \label{d1mua}\] where \[e^{\mu}(p,q) = {1 \over (2\pi)^{6}}~\int dk {k^{\mu} \over (k + p)^{2}-m^{2}-i~0}~ \theta(-k_{0})~\delta(k^{2}-m^{2})~\theta(k_{0} + P_{0})~\delta((k + P)^{2}-m^{2}). \label{e}\] We proceed as in the previous theorem and obtain as in ([\[d1b\]](#d1b){reference-type="ref" reference="d1b"}) \[e^{\mu}(p,q) = {1 \over (2\pi)^{6}}~\int_{\omega_{\bf k} \leq P_{0}} {d{\bf k} \over 2 \omega_{\bf k}}~\tau^{\mu}({\bf k})~ \delta(P^{2}-2 P_{0}\omega_{\bf k}-2 {\bf P}\cdot {\bf k})~ (p^{2}-2 p_{0}\omega_{\bf k}-2 {\bf p}\cdot {\bf k}-i~0)^{-1} \label{e1}\] where \(\tau^{\mu}({\bf k}) = (-\omega_{\bf k}, {\bf k}).\) Next, we use Lorentz covariance and do the computations in the particular frame we have used above; the result is (for \(P^{2} > 0,~P^{0} \geq 0\)): \[e^{\mu}(p,q) = {1 \over (2\pi)^{6}}~\int_{\omega_{\bf k} \leq M} {d{\bf k} \over 2 M^{2}}~~\tau^{\mu}({\bf k})~ \delta\Bigl(\omega_{\bf k}-{M\over 2}\Bigl)~ (p^{2}-M p_{0}-2 {\bf p}\cdot {\bf k}-i~0)^{-1} \label{e2}\] We consider the case \({\bf p} \not= {\bf 0}\) and treat separately the cases \(\mu = 0\) and \(\mu \not= 0.\) The first case is easy: \[e^{0}(p,q) =-{1 \over 2}~M~\tilde{d}^{(1)}(p,q).\] We also have \[e^{1} = e^{2} = 0.\] The remaining case can be treated as in the preceding theorem; \[e^{3}(p,q) = \theta(P_{0})~\theta(P^{2}-4m^{2})~{r_{0}^{2} \over 4(2\pi)^{5}M}~I_{1}(A,B) \label{e3}\] where \[I_{1}(A,B) \equiv \int_{-1}^{1} {dz z\over A-B z}\] and \(A\) and \(B\) have the same values as before: \(A = p^{2}-M p_{0}-i~0,\quad B = 2 |{\bf p}|r_{0}.\) The integral is elementary: \[I_{1}(A,B) = {1 \over B}~\Bigl[-2 + {A \over B}~ln\Bigl({A + B\over A-B}\Bigl)\Bigl].\] In the case \(|{\bf p}| = 0\) we easily obtain \[e^{3}(p,q) = 0.\] Again, as in the previous theorem, we obtain that the limit \(|{\bf p}| \rightarrow 0\) of ([\[e3\]](#e3){reference-type="ref" reference="e3"}) exists and is \(0\). It remains to go to an arbitrary frame. After a tedious computation we obtain for \(N \not= 0\) \[\tilde{d}_{3}^{\mu(1)}(p,q) = i~({\cal A}^{\mu}_{1}~\tilde{d}^{(1)} + {\cal A}^{\mu}_{2}~\tilde{f}^{(+)}_{3})\] where the expressions \({\cal A}_{j}~, j = 1,2\) are those from the statement. For \(N = 0\) we get \[\tilde{d}_{3}^{\mu(1)}(p,q) =-{i \over p\cdot q}~(p-q)^{\mu}~\tilde{f}^{(+)}_{3}\] If we use now relations similar to ([\[d2\]](#d2){reference-type="ref" reference="d2"})-([\[d6\]](#d6){reference-type="ref" reference="d6"}) we get the other five contributions and the relation from the statement follows. \(\blacksquare\) The expression \(\tilde{d}^{\mu}_{1}, \tilde{d}^{\mu}_{2}\) can be obtained from \(\tilde{d}^{\mu}_{3}\) by clever changes of variables, as in. We note that for \(N \not= 0\) the expressions \(\tilde{d}^{\mu}_{j}\) obtained above are identical to those from where the derivation was made by another method. Finally we define \[d_{jk}^{\mu\nu} \equiv {\cal D}_{j}^{\mu} {\cal D}_{k}^{\nu}d \label{dij}\] and we have the following orders of singularity: \[\quad \omega(d_{jk}^{\mu\nu}) = 0. \label{deg2}\] We will first consider the case \(d_{33}.\) The result is
**Proof:** As in the previous Theorems, we obtain the first of the six contributions: \[\tilde{d}^{\mu\nu(1)}(p,q) =-{1 \over (2\pi)^{6}}~\int dk {k^{\mu} k^{\nu} \over k^{2}-m^{2}-i~0}~ \theta(p_{0}-k_{0})~\delta((p-k)^{2}-m^{2})~\theta(k_{0} + q_{0})~\delta((k + q)^{2}-m^{2}). \label{d1mnuu}\] If we make the change of variables \(k \rightarrow k + p\) we obtain \[\tilde{d}^{\mu\nu(1)}(p,q) =-p^{\mu} p^{\nu}~\tilde{d}^{(1)}(p,q)-[ p^{\mu} e^{\nu}(p,q) + p^{\nu} e^{\mu}(p,q)]-e^{\mu\nu}(p,q) \label{d1munua}\] where the expressions \(e^{\mu}(p,q)\) have been defined before-rel ([\[e\]](#e){reference-type="ref" reference="e"}) and \[e^{\mu\nu}(p,q) = {1 \over (2\pi)^{6}}~\int dk {k^{\mu}k^{\nu} \over (k + p)^{2}-m^{2}-i~0}~ \theta(-k_{0})~\delta(k^{2}-m^{2})~\theta(k_{0} + P_{0})~\delta((k + P)^{2}-m^{2}). \label{ee}\] We proceed as in the previous theorem and obtain as in ([\[d1b\]](#d1b){reference-type="ref" reference="d1b"}) \[e^{\mu\nu}(p,q) = {1 \over (2\pi)^{6}}~\int_{\omega_{\bf k} \leq P_{0}} {d{\bf k} \over 2 \omega_{\bf k}}~ \tau^{\mu}({\bf k})~\tau^{\nu}({\bf k})~ \delta(P^{2}-2 P_{0}\omega_{\bf k}-2 {\bf P}\cdot {\bf k})~ (p^{2}-2 p_{0}\omega_{\bf k}-2 {\bf p}\cdot {\bf k}-i~0)^{-1} \label{ee1}\] where \(\tau^{\mu}({\bf k}) = (-\omega_{\bf k}, {\bf k}).\) Next, we use Lorentz covariance and do the computations in the particular frame we have used above; the result is: \[e^{\mu\nu}(p,q) = {1 \over (2\pi)^{6}}~\int_{\omega_{\bf k} \leq M} {d{\bf k} \over 2 M^{2}}~~\tau^{\mu}({\bf k})~\tau^{\nu}({\bf k})~ \delta\Bigl(\omega_{\bf k}-{M\over 2}\Bigl)~ (p^{2}-M p_{0}-2 {\bf p}\cdot {\bf k}-i~0)^{-1} \label{ee2}\] We consider the case \({\bf p} \not= {\bf 0}.\) We easily obtain \[e^{00}(p,q) = {1 \over 4}~M^{2}~\tilde{d}^{(1)}(p,q), \quad e^{\mu 0}(p,q) =-{1 \over 2}~M~e^{\mu}(p,q)\] We also have \[e^{jk} = 0,~j, k = 1,2,3,~j \not= k.\] Next \[e^{33}(p,q) = \theta(P_{0})~\theta(P^{2}-4m^{2})~{r_{0}^{3} \over 4(2\pi)^{5}M}~I_{2}(A,B)\] where \[I_{2}(A,B) \equiv \int_{-1}^{1} {dz z^{2}\over A-B z}\] and \(A\) and \(B\) have the same values as before: \(A = p^{2}-M p_{0}-i~0,\quad B = 2 |{\bf p}|r_{0}.\) The integral is elementary: \[I_{2}(A,B) = {A \over B}~I_{1}(A,B)\] In the case \(|{\bf p}| = 0\) the expression \(e^{33}(p,q)\) is the limit \(|{\bf p}| \rightarrow 0\) of the previous expression. The expressions \(e^{11}\) and \(e^{22}\) can be obtained similarly. It remains to to an arbitrary frame. After a tedious computation we obtain for \(N \not= 0\) \[\tilde{d}_{3}^{\mu\nu(1)}(p,q) = {\cal A}^{\mu\nu}_{1}~\tilde{d}^{(1)} + {\cal A}^{\mu\nu}_{2}~\tilde{f}^{(+)}_{3}\] where the expressions \({\cal A}_{j}~, j = 1,2\) are those from the statement. For \(N = 0\) we get \[\tilde{d}_{3}^{\mu\nu(1)}(p,q) =-(P^{\mu} P^{\nu} \alpha + \eta^{\mu\nu} \beta)\] where \[\begin{aligned}
\alpha =-{1 \over 6 p\cdot q}~\Bigl[ 4-{m^{2} \over 4 P^{2}}-12 { (P\cdot p) (P\cdot q) \over (P^{2})^{2}} \Bigl]f^{(+)}_{3} \nonumber\\ \beta =-{P^{2} \over 6 p\cdot q}~\Bigl( 1-{m^{2} \over 4 P^{2}} \Bigl)f^{(+)}_{3} \end{aligned}\] If we use now relations similar to ([\[d2\]](#d2){reference-type="ref" reference="d2"})-([\[d6\]](#d6){reference-type="ref" reference="d6"}) we get the other five contributions and the relation from the statement follows. \(\blacksquare\) The expression \(\tilde{d}^{\mu}_{11}, \tilde{d}^{\mu}_{22}\) can be obtained from \(\tilde{d}^{\mu}_{33}\) by clever changes of variables, as in. We note that for \(N \not= 0\) the expressions \(\tilde{d}^{\mu}_{jj}\) obtained above are identical to those from where the derivation was made by another method. We still have to consider the case \(d_{12}^{\mu\nu}.\) The result is
**Proof:** As in the previous Theorems, we obtain the first of the six contributions: \[\tilde{d}^{\mu\nu(1)}_{12}(p,q) =-{1 \over (2\pi)^{6}}~\int dk {(k + q)^{\mu} (k-p)^{\nu} \over k^{2}-m^{2}-i~0}~ \theta(p_{0}-k_{0})~\delta((p-k)^{2}-m^{2})~\theta(k_{0} + q_{0})~\delta((k + q)^{2}-m^{2}). \label{d12mnuu}\] If we make the change of variables \(k \rightarrow k + p\) we obtain \[\tilde{d}^{\mu\nu(1)}_{12}(p,q) = P^{\mu} e^{\nu}(p,q) + e^{\mu\nu}(p,q) \label{d12munua}\] where the expressions \(e^{\mu}(p,q)\) and \(e^{\mu\nu}\) have been defined before-rel ([\[e\]](#e){reference-type="ref" reference="e"}) and ([\[ee\]](#ee){reference-type="ref" reference="ee"}). Proceeding as before we get the formulas from the statement. \(\blacksquare\) The expression \(\tilde{d}^{\mu}_{23}, \tilde{d}^{\mu}_{31}\) can be obtained from \(\tilde{d}^{\mu}_{12}\) by clever changes of variables, as in. We note that for \(N \not= 0\) the expressions \(\tilde{d}^{\mu}_{jk},~j \not= k\) obtained above are identical to those from where the derivation was made by another method. One can obtain in the same way the expressions \[d_{jkl}^{\mu\nu\rho} \equiv {\cal D}_{j}^{\mu} {\cal D}_{k}^{\nu} {\cal D}_{l}^{\rho}d. \label{dijk}\] We only emphasize in the end the main idea: the chronological products can be obtained from the preceding theorems by a simple operation, namely the causal splitting of a master distribution \(d\) given by ([\[d123\]](#d123){reference-type="ref" reference="d123"}). An explicit procedure to do this causal splitting can be found in and. In fact, if we want to split causally ([\[d3mu\]](#d3mu){reference-type="ref" reference="d3mu"}) it is better to multipy it by \(N\) so, if we go in the coordinate spsce, we will have in both hand sides some polynomials in the partial derivatives acting on distributions with causal support. The same idea is valid for ([\[d3munu\]](#d3munu){reference-type="ref" reference="d3munu"}), but we have to multipy by \(N^{2}.\) | {'timestamp': '2020-06-01T02:11:28', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14541', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14541'} |
null | null |
null | null |
# Robot HSR Hardware Description {#robot-hsr-hardware-description .unnumbered}
# Appendix 1: Competition results {#appendix-1-competition-results .unnumbered}
Table [1](#tab:result){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:result"} shows the results achieved by our team in recent competitions. We have participated in the RoboCup and World Robot Challenge for several years, and as a result, our team has won prizes and academic awards.
Notably, we participated in the RoboCup 2019 Sydney using the system described herein. We were able to demonstrate the performance of HSR and our technologies. Thanks to these results, we were awarded the third prize in that competition.
# Appendix 2: Link to Team Video, Team Website {#appendix-2-link-to-team-video-team-website .unnumbered}
- Team Video\
- Team Website\
- GitHub\
- Facebook\
- YouTube\
# Appendix 3: Robot's Software Description {#appendix-3-robots-software-description .unnumbered}
For our robot we are using the following software:
- OS: Ubuntu 16.04.
- Middleware: ROS Kinetic.
- State management: SMACH (ROS).
- Speech recognition (English):
- rospeex.
- Web Speech API.
- Kaldi.
- Morphological Analysis Dependency Structure Analysis (English): SyntaxNet.
- Speech synthesis (English): Web Speech API.
- Speech recognition (Japanese): Julius.
- Morphological Analysis (Japanese): MeCab.
- Dependency structure analysis (Japanese): CaboCha.
- Speech synthesis (Japanese): Open JTalk.
- Sound location: HARK.
- Object detection: point cloud library (PCL) and you only look once (YOLO).
- Object recognition: YOLO.
- Human detection / tracking:
- Depth image + particle filter.
- OpenPose.
- Face detection: Convolutional Neural Network.
- SLAM: hector_slam (ROS).
- Path planning: move_base (ROS).
# Introduction
Our team, Hibikino-Musashi\@Home (HMA), was founded in 2010, and we have been competing annually in the RoboCup\@Home Japan Open competition in the open platform league (OPL). Our team is developing a home-service robot, and we intend to demonstrate our robot in this event in 2020 to present the outcome of our latest research. In RoboCup 2017 Nagoya, we participated both in the OPL and the domestic standard platform league (DSPL) and in the RoboCup 2018 Montreal and RoboCup 2019 Sydney we participated in the DSPL. Additionally, in the World Robot Challenge (WRC) 2018, we participated in the service-robotics category of the partner-robot challenge (real space). In the RoboCup 2017, 2018 and 2019 competitions and in the WRC 2018, we used a Toyota human support robot (HSR). We were awarded the first prize at the WRC 2018 and third prize at the RoboCup 2019. In this paper, we describe the technologies used in our robot. In particular, this paper outlines our object recognition system that uses deep learning, improves the speed of HSR, and has a brain-inspired artificial intelligence model, which was originally proposed by us and is installed in our HSR.
# System overview
Figure [\[fig:softOverview\]](#fig:softOverview){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:softOverview"} presents an overview of our HSR system. We have used an HSR since 2016. In this section, we will introduce the specifications of our HSR.
## Hardware overview
We participated in RoboCup 2018 Montreal and 2019 Sydney with this HSR. The computational resources built into the HSR were inadequate to support our intelligent systems and were unable to extract the maximum performance from the system. To overcome this limitation, using an Official Standard Laptop for DSPL that can fulfill the computational requirements of our intelligent systems has been permitted since RoboCup 2018 Montreal. We use an ALIENWARE (Intel Core i7-8700K CPU, 32GB RAM, and GTX-1080 GPU) as the Official Standard Laptop for DSPL. Consequently, the computer equipped inside the HSR can be used to run basic HSR software, such as sensor drivers, motion planning and, actuator drivers. This has increased the operational stability of the HSR.
## Software overview
In this section, we introduce the software installed in our HSR. Figure [\[fig:softOverview\]](#fig:softOverview){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:softOverview"} shows the system installed in our HSR. The system is based on the Robot Operating System. In our HSR system, laptop computer and a cloud service, if a network connection is available, are used for system processing. The laptop is connected to a computer through an Hsrb interface. The built-in computer specializes in low-layer systems, such as HSR sensor drivers, motion planning, and actuator drivers, as shown in Fig. [\[fig:softOverview\]](#fig:softOverview){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:softOverview"} (c) and (d). Furthermore, the built-in computer has a sound localization system that use HARK, as shown in Fig. [\[fig:softOverview\]](#fig:softOverview){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:softOverview"} (e).
# Object recognition
In this section, we explain the object recognition system (shown in Fig. [\[fig:softOverview\]](#fig:softOverview){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:softOverview"} (a)), which is based on you look only once (YOLO). To train YOLO, a complex annotation phase is required for annotating labels and bounding boxes of objects. In the RoboCup\@Home competition, predefined objects are typically announced during the setup days right before the start of the competition days. Thus, we have limited time to train YOLO during the competition, and the annotation phase impedes the use of the trained YOLO during the competition days. We utilize an autonomous annotation system for YOLO using a three-dimensional (3D) scanner. Figure [\[fig:annotation1\]](#fig:annotation1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:annotation1"} shows an overview of the proposed system. In this system, QLONE, a smartphone application capable of 3D scanning, is used. QLONE makes it easy to create 3D models by placing objects on dedicated markers and shooting them. We placed the marker and object on a turntable and created a 3D model. In this method, the bottom surface of the object could not be shoot; thus, two 3D models can be created for each object by acquiring the flipped upside-down object. Figure [\[fig:annotation2\]](#fig:annotation2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:annotation2"} shows the processing flow to generate training images for YOLO. Multi-viewpoint images are automatically generated from the created two 3D models (Fig. [\[fig:annotation2\]](#fig:annotation2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:annotation2"} (a)). Then, we remove image backgrounds (Fig. [\[fig:annotation2\]](#fig:annotation2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:annotation2"} (b)). For backgrounds of the training images, we shoot background images, for example, a table, shelf, and other items. To adapt to various lighting conditions, we apply the automatic color equation algorithm to the background images (Fig. [\[fig:annotation2\]](#fig:annotation2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:annotation2"} (c)). To incorporate the object images into the background images, we define 20-25 object locations on the background images (the number of object locations depends on the background images). Then, by placing the object images on the defined object locations autonomously, the training images for YOLO are generated (Fig. [\[fig:annotation2\]](#fig:annotation2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:annotation2"} (d)). If there are 15 class objects and 306 background images, 400,000 training images are generated. Additionally, annotation data for the training images are generated autonomously because object labels and positions are known. Image generation requires 15 min (using six CPU cores in parallel), and training of YOLO requires approximately 6 h when using the GTX1080 GPU on a standard laptop. Even though the generated training data are artificial, recognition of YOLO in actual environments works. The accuracy when learning 10,000 epochs is 60.72% in a mean average precision (mAP) evaluation.
# High-speed behavioral synthesis
We are working to improve the speed of HSR from two viewpoints: behavioral synthesis and software processing speed. Regarding behavioral synthesis, we reduce the wasted motion by combining and synthesizing several behaviors for the robot. For instance, by moving each joint of the arm during navigation, the robot can move to the next action such as grasping without wasting any time as soon as the robot reaches an interim target location. Regarding the processing speed, we aim to operate all software at 30 Hz or higher. To reduce the waiting time for software processing, which causes the robot to stop, the essential functions of the home service robot, such as object recognition and object grasping-point estimation, need to be executed in real time. We optimized these functions for the Tidy Up Here task. We used two optimized methods for that task in the WRC 2018 (Fig. [\[fig:synthesis\]](#fig:synthesis){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:synthesis"}). In the WRC 2018 results, for which we won first place, our achieved speedup was approximately 2.6 times the prior record. Our robot can tidy up within 34 s per object; thus, so we expect that it can tidy up approximately 20 objects in 15 min.
# Brain-inspired artificial intelligence model
In this section, we explain a brain-inspired artificial intelligence model that consists of a visual cortex model, an amygdala model, a hippocampus model, and a prefrontal cortex model. It is expected that home service robots have local knowledge which is based on the experiences of the robots. In the case of acquiring local knowledge, its learning is executed during the daily life of the robots. Thus, applying only deep learning to acquire local knowledge is not effective because the robot cannot prepare big data of the local knowledge. To acquire local knowledge, we propose an artificial intelligence model that is inspired by the structure of the brain because our brain can acquire local knowledge from only few data. Mainly, we focus on an amygdala, a hippocampus, and a prefrontal cortex, and the proposed model integrates functions of these parts of the brain. In addition, we integrated a deep neural network as a visual cortex model into the proposed model. Figure [\[fig:biai1\]](#fig:biai1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:biai1"} shows the proposed model. The visual cortex model consists of YOLO and a Point Cloud Library (PCL). The visual cortex model recognizes an environment and outputs the label of detected object and its position. The object label is input into the amygdala model. We use the amygdala model for value judgments. The amygdala model consists of a lateral nucleus (LA) model and a central nucleus (CE) model. The LA and the CE judge the value of the object. Only if the value of the object is high enough, the object label and the object position are input into the hippocampus model. We use the hippocampus model for event coding. The hippocampus model consists of cue cells, time cells and social place cells as an internal model of detected events. The cue cells and time cells represent what and when events happen, respectively. The social place cells represent where events happen. The cue cells receive the object label and the social place cell receives the object position. Then, the hippocampus model integrates the outputs of these cells and computes an event vector. The event vector is input into the prefrontal cortex model. We use the prefrontal cortex model for event predictions. The prefrontal cortex model is an echo state network (ESN). The ESN trains the time-series event vector to predict future events. After training, the ESN predicts time-series events without input from environments. We evaluated the proposed model using the following experiment. A person walked across in front of a robot, as shown in Fig. [\[fig:biai2\]](#fig:biai2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:biai2"}. The robot detected the person and learned the trajectory of the person which was a type of local knowledge. Subsequently, the robot predicted the trajectory. In addition, the robot added the predicted trajectory as an imaginary potential of a map for SLAM. Figure [\[fig:biai3\]](#fig:biai3){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:biai3"} shows the imaginary potential of the predicted trajectory. By using the imaginal potential, the robot was able to avoid the person who walked across in front of the robot. Therefore, the proposed model acquired the local knowledge.
# Conclusions
In this paper, we summarized the available information about our HSR, which we entered into RoboCup 2019 Sydney. The object recognition and improved speed of the HSR that we built into the robot were also described. Currently, we are developing many different pieces of software for an HSR that will be entered into RoboCup 2020 Bordeaux. | {'timestamp': '2020-06-01T02:08:46', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14451', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14451'} |
# Introducntion
The present COVID-19 pandemic is a dynamic and volatile process with often unpredictable ups and downs in the infected populations that make it difficult to predict its future course. In the absence of any vaccine or definitive drug in the immediate future the fight against COVID-19 is a hard and long drawn bitter battle, with two strategies being put forward. The first is the widely enforced lockdown, quarantine, and social distancing where the spread of the disease is contained at its inception and only a limited fraction of population is allowed to be infected. This model appears to be successful in South Korea and China, and some other Asian countries. The other model is to allow the virus to have a relatively unconstrained transmission so that a large fraction of the people develops the immunity. This is called the herd immunity (HI) that is favoured by Sweden, and was initially discussed by Germany and England, but largely discarded later. HI can be achieved by two ways-(i) by vaccination, and (ii) by infection. The HI approach is based on the understanding that one can obtain the herd immunity in the society if 60-70% of the population gets immunized. Needless to say this herd immunity is preferable through vaccination as happened in small pox and measles. Implementation of both the models has difficulties. Implementation of lockdown and social distancing requires enormous effort, backed up by resources. On the other hand, the HI model could have adverse consequence on the vulnerable citizens, a subject not adequately discussed. In fact, experiences in Italy and Spain show that the demography can be altered in some regions if HI is given an unconstrained run. Herd immunity ensures an indirect protection from COVID-19 (or any other infectious disease) when a large fraction of the population becomes immunized to the disease. Herd immunity drastically decreases the probability of the presence of an uninfected individual in the vicinity of a presently infected individual. That is, the infected person is effectively quarantined by the surrounding immunized population. Hence, the chain of propagation breaks. In Fig. [\[fig1\]](#fig1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig1"} we pictorially explain the phenomenon of herd immunity. This can happen by providing the population with a vaccine or by getting cured after being infected. In the case of COVID-19 pandemic, as of now, we are unsure regarding the success of a vaccine and the latter is the only option to attain HI. However, the herd immunity threshold (HIT), that is the minimum fraction of population needs to get immunized in order to eradicate the disease, is different for different infectious diseases. For example, HIT for measles is 92-95% and for that of SARS-1 it is in the range of 50-80%. Researchers around the world are exploring mainly two aspects of this disease-(i) the microscopic and clinical aspects which would eventually lead to drug discovery and vaccine preparation, (ii) the demographic aspects which lead to policy making and timeline prediction. The latter requires effective mathematical modelling and crowd simulations. However, these models fail to predict the real scenario because of some inherent assumptions and limitations. Although a lot of interesting new studies are emerging in both categories in the context of the recent coronavirus pandemic, the issue of herd immunity and its fatality are not studied. There are several mathematical models which have been employed in the context of epidemic modelling, for example, the famous Kermack-McKendrick (KM) model which has been used extensively to study the spread of infectious diseases like measles, small pox etc. At the core of this model lies a system of three coupled differential equations for susceptible (S), infected (I) and removed (R) (cured and dead) populations, that is, the famous SIR model (Eq. [\[eq1\]](#eq1){reference-type="ref" reference="eq1"}). At the onset of an epidemic S becomes I and I eventually becomes R, but R can never become S or I because of acquired immunity. \[\begin{split} \frac{dS}{dt}& =-k_{S\rightarrow I}SI\\ \frac{dI}{dt}& =k_{S\rightarrow I}SI-k_{I\rightarrow R}I\\ \frac{dR}{dt}& =k_{I\rightarrow R}I \end{split} \label{eq1}\] Eq. [\[eq1\]](#eq1){reference-type="ref" reference="eq1"} describes the three coupled non-linear differential equations of the KM model where \(k_{S\rightarrow I}\) is the rate of infection and \(k_{I\rightarrow R}\) is the rate of removal (recovery and death). In the conventional SIR model \(k_{S\rightarrow I}\) and \(k_{I\rightarrow R}\) are written as \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) respectively. In principle the rate constants should be time and space dependent, that is, non-local in nature. But it is difficult to predict the functional form of the rate constants with time-it could be periodic, decaying or stochastic in nature. The applicability of this model is for a homogeneous population distribution and mass transmission at a large scale. An important quantity is the basic reproduction number (\(R_0\)) which is an estimate of the number of secondary infection from one primary infection. The value of \(R_0\) is intimately connected with the herd immunity threshold (\(H_t\)) discussed above. (Eq. [\[eq2\]](#eq2){reference-type="ref" reference="eq2"}) Hence a correct determination of the basic reproduction parameter, \(R_0\), is important. \[H_t=\left(1-\frac{1}{R_0}\right)\times 100 \% \label{eq2}\] It is clear from Eq. [\[eq2\]](#eq2){reference-type="ref" reference="eq2"} that a higher value of \(R_0\) increases the herd immunity threshold. For SARS-Cov2 the value of \(R_0\) shows a large dispersion and as a consequence we cannot predict the value of \(H_t\). For COVID-19 the average value of \(R_0\) is estimated to be in the range of \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}2.0-3.0 but it can possess spatial heterogeneity and time dependence in reality. If one considers \(R_0\) to be in the range of 2.0-3.0 the value of \(H_t\) would be in between 50%-66%. In the light of SIR model \[Eq.(1)\] \(R_0\) can be defined as \[R_0=\frac{k_{S\rightarrow I}}{k_{I\rightarrow R}} S \label{eq3}\] Eq. [\[eq3\]](#eq3){reference-type="ref" reference="eq3"} provides a different definition of \(R_0\) and can be understood as follows. If we assume that (the S the fraction of susceptible population) is near 1.0 at the beginning (as there are very few infections compared to a huge population), then \(R_0\) could be equal to unity if the two rate constants are equal. This means that the number of infection and recovery are same at any time. In this situation the disease remains under control. \(R_0 > 1\) causes an epidemic as it challenges the capacity of the healthcare facilities. However, for different region the value of \(R_0\) could be different depending on the intensity of region wise preventive and healthcare measures. In this work we ask the following questions-(i) what are the relative magnitude of the fatality to the vulnerable and resilient populations if we attempt to achieve HI without a vaccine? (ii) What is the dependence of the fraction of survival on the rate of the attainment of HI? These two issues are widely discussed all over the world. Here we seek answers to these two important questions by employing a modified Susceptible-Infected-Removed (SIR) model and cellular automata (CA) simulations. The rest of the paper is organised as follows. In section [6](#sec2){reference-type="ref" reference="sec2"} we describe the mathematical model and the CA simulation protocols. Section [7](#sec3){reference-type="ref" reference="sec3"} consists of the results from numerical solutions of the modified SIR model and simulations, accompanied by detailed discussions. This section is further divided into several sub sections. In section IV we summarize and conclude our study.
# Theoretical Formalism {#sec2}
## Mathematical Modelling
We modify the celebrated SIR (Susceptible-Infected-Removed) model by dividing the entire susceptible population into two parts, namely vulnerable (Vul) and resilient (Res). In the context of the corona virus disease, the vulnerable category consists of persons who are above 60 years of age or have pre-existing medical conditions like diabetes, heart and kidney disease, and lung conditions. The rest of the population is termed as resilient who have a greater chance of getting cured. We achieve such classification by employing different rate constants associated with their recovery. This is based on the available data on the coronavirus disease. The scheme of this classification is described in Fig. [\[fig2\]](#fig2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig2"}. We follow the scheme described in Fig. [\[fig2\]](#fig2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig2"} and formulate a system of eight coupled non-linear differential equations \[Eqs. [\[eq4\]](#eq4){reference-type="ref" reference="eq4"}-[\[eq11\]](#eq11){reference-type="ref" reference="eq11"}\]. \[\frac{dS_{Vul}(t)}{dt} =-k_{S_{Vul}\rightarrow I_{Vul}}(t)S_{Vul}(t)I(t) \label{eq4}\] \[\frac{dS_{Res}(t)}{dt} =-k_{S_{Res}\rightarrow I_{Res}}(t)S_{Res}(t)I(t) \label{eq5}\] \[\begin{split} \frac{dI_{Vul}(t)}{dt} = k_{S_{Vul}\rightarrow I_{Vul}}(t)S_{Vul}(t)I(t)\\-(k_{I_{Vul}\rightarrow C_{Vul}}(t)+k_{I_{Vul}\rightarrow D_{Vul}}(t))I_{Vul}(t) \end{split} \label{eq6}\] \[\begin{split} \frac{dI_{Res}(t)}{dt} = k_{S_{Res}\rightarrow I_{Res}}(t)S_{Res}(t)I(t)\\-(k_{I_{Res}\rightarrow C_{Res}}(t)+k_{I_{Res}\rightarrow D_{Res}}(t))I_{Res}(t) \end{split} \label{eq7}\] \[\frac{dC_{Vul}(t)}{dt} = k_{I_{Vul}\rightarrow C_{Vul}}(t)I_{Vul}(t) \label{eq8}\] \[\frac{dC_{Res}(t)}{dt} = k_{I_{Res}\rightarrow C_{Res}}(t)I_{Res}(t) \label{eq9}\] \[\frac{dD_{Vul}(t)}{dt} = k_{I_{Vul}\rightarrow D_{Vul}}(t)I_{Vul}(t) \label{eq10}\] \[\frac{dD_{Res}(t)}{dt} = k_{I_{Res}\rightarrow D_{Res}}(t)I_{Res}(t) \label{eq11}\] In the following, we explain the complex set of equations. Here I(t) is the number of total infectives at any time t, that is \(I(t)=I_{Vul}(t)+I_{Res}(t)\). This is the variable that couples the two population sub-categories. \(k(t)\) are the rate constants associated with processes that are described in the subscript with an arrow. We would like to point out that the rates in above equations of motion are all assumed to be time dependent. These rate constants contain all the basic information and also connected with \(R_0\). In our earlier study, we employed a time dependent rate to produce certain features observed in the time dependence of new cases such a double peaked population structure. The time dependence of rate can be employed to include certain dynamical features like crossover from local contact to community transmission. It is worth stressing that the modelling of these time dependent rate constants plays a pivotal role in the SIR scheme. We propagate these equations numerically to obtain the respective temporal evolution of each kind of population fraction. From the temporal profiles we can extract several important quantities after a long time (that is, the end of the spread), for example, (i) the peak height of the active infected cases, (ii) the fraction of cured population, (iii) the fraction of dead population, (iv) the fraction of uninfected population, (v) time required to reach the immunity threshold etc. We can regard these equations together to form a system of reacting species, as in a system of chemical reactions. We solve these equations with two different sets of the rate constant values and aim to understand the relative damages to the vulnerable and resilient population. The values of rate constants are provided in Table [3](#tab1){reference-type="ref" reference="tab1"}. We keep \(k_{S_{Vul}\rightarrow I_{Vul}}\) and \(k_{S_{Res}\rightarrow I_{Res}}\) the same which depicts the same probability of getting infected for both the sub-categories. However, the rate constants associated with recovery and death differs in orders of magnitude between Vul and Res. We now discuss the procedure we follow to assign different rate constants to the vulnerables and resilients. In a previous study we estimated the values of \(k_{S\rightarrow I}\) and \(k_{I\rightarrow R}\) by fitting the infected/cured/death vs. time data for India (source: www.covid19india.org). We plot the rate of change of the cured (\(dC/dt\)) and dead (\(dD/dt\)) population against the infected population to find the slope that gives the rate. This procedure provides us with required estimates of \(k_{I\rightarrow C}\) and \(k_{I\rightarrow D}\). For India, till \(27^{th}\) May, the estimated values are \(k_{I\rightarrow C} = 0.026 \:day^{-1}\) and \(k_{I\rightarrow D} = 0.0013 \:day^{-1}\). That is, \(k_{I\rightarrow C}\) is approximately 20 times of \(k_{I\rightarrow D}\). However, for countries like Italy, Spain, and USA \(k_{I\rightarrow D}\) was significantly higher. This comparison however takes no cognition of the relative time scales, and therefore should be taken with care. These values are mean field in nature and contain enormous spatial heterogeneity. If we see the state wise (or district wise) statistics we find a large dispersion. On the other hand, the determination of \(k_{S\rightarrow I}\) is not that straight forward as the equations containing \(k_{S\rightarrow I}\) are non-linear in nature in the SIR model. Hence one needs to obtain a good estimate of \(R_0\) and calculate \(k_{S\rightarrow I}\) from Eq. [\[eq3\]](#eq3){reference-type="ref" reference="eq3"}. As mentioned above, \(R_0\) also exhibits spatiotemporal heterogeneity which makes the problem of estimating the rate constants even more challenging. For example, in Italy \(R_0\) has been estimated to be \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}3.0-6.0 and in the Hunan province of China it is \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1.73-5.25. In a recent study on Wuhan, the transmission rate (\(k_{S\rightarrow I}\)) is assumed to vary from 0.59 to \(1.68 \:day^{-1}\). However, the data required to extract the rate constants associated with the two individual sub-categories, namely, vulnerable and resilient, are not available separately. As the values of the rate constants are connected to the basic reproduction number (\(R_0\)), we choose the inputs, by preserving the basic features, such that the average value of \(R_0\) yields an acceptable number, in light of acquired information. Next we tune the parameters such that the maximum of the active cases falls in the range of \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}60-90 days, as observed for most countries. We note that we consider these values only to study the trends and do not strictly correspond to any particular region in reality.
[\[tab1\]]{#tab1 label="tab1"}
We invoke two different values of \(R_0\) for the two different sub-categories. For set-1 \(R_0^{Vul} = 3.33\) and \(R_0^{Res} = 3.33\). The larger value of \(R_0\) for vulnerables arise from slower rate of recovery, Eq. [\[eq3\]](#eq3){reference-type="ref" reference="eq3"}. On the other hand, for set-2 \(R_0^{Vul} = 5.20\) and \(R_0^{Res} = 1.42\). We obtain these values by considering each of the population to be individually normalised (that is 100%). In such a situation the effective \(R_0\) can be calculated as follows (Eq. [\[eq12\]](#eq12){reference-type="ref" reference="eq12"}). \[R_0^{eff} = \frac{R_0^{Vul}N_{Vul}+R_0^{Res}N_{Res}}{N_{Vul}+N_{Res}} \label{eq12}\] Here \(N_{Vul}\) and \(N_{Res}\) represent the number of people in the vulnerable and resilient category respectively. In all our calculations we start with total infected fraction as 0.001 and vary the percentage of vulnerable populations from 5%-40%. By using Eq. [\[eq12\]](#eq12){reference-type="ref" reference="eq12"} we calculate the effective \(R_0\) values for different ratio of vulnerable to resilient population. We find \(R_0\) varies from 1.03 to 1.88 for set-1 and 1.61 to 2.93 for set-2. In a way, set-1 represents a more controlled situation compared to set-2 (Table [4](#tab2){reference-type="ref" reference="tab2"}).
[\[tab2\]]{#tab2 label="tab2"}
## Stochastic Cellular Automata Simulation
Stochastic cellular automata (CA) simulations give a microscopic and nonlocal picture of the problem at hand. Such simulations are often used to model several physical phenomena. Unlike the mathematical model, CA simulations can directly establish a physical map of the disease-spread. Moreover, we incorporate several region specific and disease specific parameters in our CA simulations that give a general outlook to our investigations. A detailed list of the parameters and associated symbols can be found in our previous work. The spread of COVID-19 is strongly inhomogeneous. So, a homogeneous model fails to capture many aspects. In a real-world scenario, the non-local description may often become important in determining the fate of a pandemic in a given geographical region. In such a case, the population parameters are space-dependent. Moreover, the rate constants also have a spatial distribution. Hence, solutions of these equations are highly non-trivial and a large scale cellular automata simulation may capture these inherent spatiotemporal heterogeneities. In this work, we neglect the effects of social distancing and quarantine, since we aim at establishing a relation between the percentage of mortality and immunization by an unhindered transmission of the disease within the whole population. Calculation of the rates of transmission and recovery/death can often be difficult due to several reasons like unavailability of data, political or demographic complications etc. This becomes particularly nontrivial when we consider the process with respect to a given population distribution of vulnerable and resilient individuals. The probabilistic approach employed in our simulations makes it easier to study the process, since obtaining an average probability for each of the processes is much more practical. We use the Moore definition to denote the neighbourhood of a given person. The salient features of our simulation are detailed in our previous work. Here, we summarize our CA simulation methodology. We start we a land randomly occupied by susceptibles and infectives. The population distribution is such that 5% and 0.05% of the total available land is covered by susceptibles and infectives respectively. We divide the population into vulnerable and resilient individuals with respect to their probabilities of recovery (\(P_R^{Vul}\) and \(P_R^{Res}\)). Vulnerables primarily include people above the age of 60. This also includes people with serious health issues, who are more prone to get deceased if infected. The resilients, on the other hand, are the young fraction of the society with no severe health conditions. When an infective comes in the neighbourhood of a susceptible, the latter is converted to an infective with a given probability of transmission which is considered to be equal and time independent (constant) for both vulnerables and resilients. The time period of infection is determined by probability of recovery and the probability of remaining infected in a given simulation step. In this work, we consider the latter to be 0.99. An individual, once cured from infection, becomes immune to the disease. We run our simulations for a given number of steps (\(N\)). It should be noted that the time unit is not well-defined for this simulations. To get an estimate of time, the results need to be compared with our theoretical model.
# Results and Discussion {#sec3}
## Numerical solutions of the SIR model {#sec3A}
Here we present the results from the numerical solutions of Eqs. [\[eq4\]](#eq4){reference-type="ref" reference="eq4"}-[\[eq11\]](#eq11){reference-type="ref" reference="eq11"} in Fig. [\[fig3\]](#fig3){reference-type="ref" reference="fig3"}. We choose two sets of rate constants, set-1 (Fig. [\[fig3\]](#fig3){reference-type="ref" reference="fig3"}a) and set-2 (Fig. [\[fig3\]](#fig3){reference-type="ref" reference="fig3"}b) and obtain the changes in the population of vulnerables and resilients. With our choice of parameters (Table [3](#tab1){reference-type="ref" reference="tab1"}) for set-1 we observe 40.8% increase in the immuned population. In order to achieve the 40.8% immunity a region loses 4.7% of its resilient population and 34.3% vulnerable population. On the other hand, for set-2 a region loses 7.9% of its resilient population and 57.1% of its vulnerable population in order to achieve \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}68% immunity (that could be the HIT for COVID-19). Hence, it is clear that for both the two cases the vulnerables are significantly affected. We note that with an increased infection rate the timescale of the saturation of the temporal profiles are drastically reduced. The graphs that are presented in Fig. [\[fig3\]](#fig3){reference-type="ref" reference="fig3"} are obtained for 20% initial vulnerable population. In Fig. [\[fig4\]](#fig4){reference-type="ref" reference="fig4"}a, we show the time evolution of the total immunity percentage. In order to study the effect of fast (early) vs slow (late) achievement of the immunity saturation, we plot the percentage survival of the total population against the time required to attain the immunity threshold (\(t_{Im}\)) for different values of \(k_{S\rightarrow I}\) (Fig. [\[fig4\]](#fig4){reference-type="ref" reference="fig4"}b). We find that the percentage of survival increases linearly with increasing \(t_{Im}\). This indicates that a quick achievement of immunity saturation could lead to fatal consequences. *If a society opts for herd immunity, it has to be a slow process*. To make the immunity gaining process slow (which leads to relatively less casualty), the rate of infection (\(k_{S\rightarrow I}\)) needs to be brought down. On the other hand, the rate of removal (recovery and death), \(k_{I\rightarrow R}\), depends primarily on the disease and partly on the presently available healthcare facilities. \(k_{S\rightarrow I}\) can be controlled by employing effective strategies like lockdown, quarantine, and social distancing. Next we vary the % of initial vulnerable population from 5% to 40% and obtain the % of highest active cases (that is the maxima in the temporal variation of \(I_V(t)\) or \(I_R(t)\)), % of cured population and % of death. The range is chosen in order to represent different regions/countries. For example, in India only \(\sim8\%\) of the entire population is above 60 years whereas, in countries like Italy and Germany the number is over 20%. We obtain Fig. [\[fig5\]](#fig5){reference-type="ref" reference="fig5"}a-[\[fig5\]](#fig5){reference-type="ref" reference="fig5"}c for set-1 and Fig. [\[fig5\]](#fig5){reference-type="ref" reference="fig5"}d-[\[fig5\]](#fig5){reference-type="ref" reference="fig5"}f for set-2. In both the cases the variation of the infected peak maxima with % vulnerable shows nearly linear increase with a higher slope for the vulnerables (Fig. [\[fig5\]](#fig5){reference-type="ref" reference="fig5"}a and [\[fig5\]](#fig5){reference-type="ref" reference="fig5"}d). Interestingly the % cured (Fig. [\[fig5\]](#fig5){reference-type="ref" reference="fig5"}b and [\[fig5\]](#fig5){reference-type="ref" reference="fig5"}e) and % dead (Fig. [\[fig5\]](#fig5){reference-type="ref" reference="fig5"}c and [\[fig5\]](#fig5){reference-type="ref" reference="fig5"}f) shows a nonlinear dependence on % vulnerable. It clearly shows that the damage is huge to the vulnerable population when the % of vulnerables increases. We plot (Fig. [\[fig6\]](#fig6){reference-type="ref" reference="fig6"}) the percentage of deaths for both the subcategories against the herd immunity threshold for a given Vul:Res composition (1:4). This is to show the increasing damage with respect to Ht. We find that the trend is linear for both the sets of parameters and the relative fatality is substantially higher for the vulnerables.
## (Stochastic Cellular Automata Simulations {#sec3B}
### Dependence on the initial population distribution
Here, we keep the probability of transmission of disease time-independent and equal for both resilients and vulnerables. We change the initial fraction of the vulnerable section of the total population from 5% to 40%. In Fig. [\[fig7\]](#fig7){reference-type="ref" reference="fig7"} we plot the % of cured individuals (resilients and vulnerables) against % of total immunization when the temporal progression of the population reaches saturation. As discussed earlier, herd immunity is obtained when a major section of the population becomes immune, post infection. However, apart from gaining immunity, this process involves the death of many infected individuals according to their survival probability. The probability of recovery of the resilients is higher than that of the vulnerables. Here, these two probabilities are taken as 0.95 and 0.8 respectively. In Fig. [\[fig7\]](#fig7){reference-type="ref" reference="fig7"} the abscissa is the percentage of the total population that becomes immune after recovering from the infection. The ordinate quantifies the percentage of cured resilients and vulnerables with respect to the total initial population. *With increase in the immunity attained in the society, a significant decrease in the percentage of cured vulnerable individuals is observed*. This implies that higher the percentage of immunization in the total population, greater is the probability of death of the vulnerable section. Hence herd immunity results in the death of a major fraction of the vulnerable population. This stratum of the society includes mainly the old people (age greater than years) and people with serious health conditions or comorbidity. The geographical regions with demographic distributions having higher fraction of the people of age above \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}60 years are among the worst affected. For example, Italy suffered the loss of many aged people as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. In Fig. [\[fig8\]](#fig8){reference-type="ref" reference="fig8"}a, we show the time evolution of the fraction of vulnerables and resilients in the total population for different % of initial number of vulnerables. The fractions are calculated with respect to the total initial population. We see that with increase in the initial % of vulnerables, the number of resilients dying show a slight decrease, whereas the number of dead vulnerables increases significantly. This observation is clarified in Fig. [\[fig8\]](#fig8){reference-type="ref" reference="fig8"}b. Here we plot the absolute change in the fraction of resilients and vulnerables as functions of the initial % of vulnerables. Both show linear dependence. The gradient (slope) is negative for resilients and positive for vulnerables. However, we find that the absolute value of the slope for the latter is \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}5 times higher than that of the former. This denotes that countries with higher population of elderly and vulnerable people in the society incur a greater loss in the number of vulnerable individuals.
### Dependence on the probability of recovery
Now, we keep the initial population distribution fixed at 20% vulnerable and 80% resilient individuals. We change the probability of recovery of these two categories (\(P_R^{Vul}\) and \(P_R^{Res}\)) with the constraint \(P_R^{Vul} \leq P_R^{Res}\). Accordingly, we change these two probabilities from 0.6 to 0.8 and 0.8 to 0.95 respectively. We choose these values according to reported case fatality ratios for the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. For every pair of \(P_R^{Vul}\) and \(P_R^{Res}\) we get a value of percentage of vulnerables and resilients who survive and a fraction of the population that gets immunized. In Figure 9 we plot the survival % of vulnerables and resilients in the two perpendicular axes and represent the % immunized as colour codes according to the colour gradation bar on the right hand side. In this contour representation, red denotes low immunity and blue denotes higher immunity. The survival % of the vulnerables is lower than that of the resilients. The percentage of immunized population is higher (blue) for maximum survival of the resilients as compared to that of the vulnerables. This means that to attain higher immunity in the population, greater number of old and vulnerable people suffer death as compared to resilients. Hence, attainment of herd immunity comes with the cost of a higher mortality of the vulnerable section of the society.
# Summary and Conclusion
Any epidemic is a dynamic process where time dependence plays a crucial role in the control of the spread and the damage, that is, the outcome. COVID-19 is a pandemic which is currently under intense scrutiny by all and sundry, and many aspects are yet to be understood. Every move by the government, and the population in general, is of crucial importance. Each pandemic comes with unique characteristics that deserve special treatments, not just medical and clinical but also sociological. In each such epidemic, immunity plays a critical role. Spanish Flu mainly attacked the age group between 20 and 30 years of age. This is the age group with maximum immunity. In the case of COVID-19, again we face the sad reality that certain section of the society is substantially more vulnerable than other sections. The vulnerable section consists of age groups which are above 60-65 years of age, and people with comorbidity. There is yet to further classification, although it is conceivable that as we understand the disease better and more precisely, better perception of danger would emerge. An epidemic often starts by a process of nucleation which is an important phenomenon often studied in physics and chemistry. The process of nucleation is initiated by a sudden appearance of a group of infected individuals in a region. This may be triggered a laboratory accident, or infection from eating wild animals like bats, pangolin etc. or by arrival of infected tourists and so on. The process may be dependent on the nature of the geography and demography of the country or region. The initial period of the process is often slow. After the initial nucleation, the disease spreads by a diffusion process into the susceptible population. Hence, it is a percolation with a temporal evolution. In order to address the issue of vulnerability of the population and the outcome with the progression of the epidemic, we carry out a theoretical analysis with the objective to analyze the consequences of aiming for herd immunity without vaccine, or a good drug, in the context of the present COVID-19 pandemic. We develop and solve a modified SIR model numerically and by employing cellular automata simulations. We particularly probed the following question: what is dependence of mortality on the rate of herd immunity? One of the key results of the present study is the dependence of the percentage survival on the rate of attainment of the immunity threshold. We find that a late attainment of the immunity saturation leads to relatively lesser fatality. We show that approximately 50-60% of the vulnerables might lose their lives in order to attain 70% total immunized population. On the contrary the mortality of the resilient fraction of population is relatively low, may be just about 10%. We find a non-linear trend in the dependence of the cured and dead population on the initial population of the vulnerables. This is because as the number of vulnerables increases, the immunity by infection from a larger fraction of population which cannot protect the vulnerables unless deliberate efforts are made that requires intervention. While we discuss herd immunity by infection in this work, the other, more sustainable option is herd immunity by vaccination. For example, diseases like small pox, polio etc. have been wiped off the face of earth by vaccination. This is particularly crucial for diseases with high mortality rates. However, for any novel disease, preparation of a vaccine can take years. In case of the present COVID-19 pandemic, for instance, extensive research is going on globally in search of a vaccine. However, no promising result has been obtained in almost five months and researchers believe it may take more than a year to prepare the vaccine.
# Introducntion
The present COVID-19 pandemic is a dynamic and volatile process with often unpredictable ups and downs in the infected populations that make it difficult to predict its future course. In the absence of any vaccine or definitive drug in the immediate future the fight against COVID-19 is a hard and long drawn bitter battle, with two strategies being put forward. The first is the widely enforced lockdown, quarantine, and social distancing where the spread of the disease is contained at its inception and only a limited fraction of population is allowed to be infected. This model appears to be successful in South Korea and China, and some other Asian countries. The other model is to allow the virus to have a relatively unconstrained transmission so that a large fraction of the people develops the immunity. This is called the herd immunity (HI) that is favoured by Sweden, and was initially discussed by Germany and England, but largely discarded later. HI can be achieved by two ways-(i) by vaccination, and (ii) by infection. The HI approach is based on the understanding that one can obtain the herd immunity in the society if 60-70% of the population gets immunized. Needless to say this herd immunity is preferable through vaccination as happened in small pox and measles. Implementation of both the models has difficulties. Implementation of lockdown and social distancing requires enormous effort, backed up by resources. On the other hand, the HI model could have adverse consequence on the vulnerable citizens, a subject not adequately discussed. In fact, experiences in Italy and Spain show that the demography can be altered in some regions if HI is given an unconstrained run. Herd immunity ensures an indirect protection from COVID-19 (or any other infectious disease) when a large fraction of the population becomes immunized to the disease. Herd immunity drastically decreases the probability of the presence of an uninfected individual in the vicinity of a presently infected individual. That is, the infected person is effectively quarantined by the surrounding immunized population. Hence, the chain of propagation breaks. In Fig. [\[fig1\]](#fig1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig1"} we pictorially explain the phenomenon of herd immunity. This can happen by providing the population with a vaccine or by getting cured after being infected. In the case of COVID-19 pandemic, as of now, we are unsure regarding the success of a vaccine and the latter is the only option to attain HI. However, the herd immunity threshold (HIT), that is the minimum fraction of population needs to get immunized in order to eradicate the disease, is different for different infectious diseases. For example, HIT for measles is 92-95% and for that of SARS-1 it is in the range of 50-80%. Researchers around the world are exploring mainly two aspects of this disease-(i) the microscopic and clinical aspects which would eventually lead to drug discovery and vaccine preparation, (ii) the demographic aspects which lead to policy making and timeline prediction. The latter requires effective mathematical modelling and crowd simulations. However, these models fail to predict the real scenario because of some inherent assumptions and limitations. Although a lot of interesting new studies are emerging in both categories in the context of the recent coronavirus pandemic, the issue of herd immunity and its fatality are not studied. There are several mathematical models which have been employed in the context of epidemic modelling, for example, the famous Kermack-McKendrick (KM) model which has been used extensively to study the spread of infectious diseases like measles, small pox etc. At the core of this model lies a system of three coupled differential equations for susceptible (S), infected (I) and removed (R) (cured and dead) populations, that is, the famous SIR model (Eq. [\[eq1\]](#eq1){reference-type="ref" reference="eq1"}). At the onset of an epidemic S becomes I and I eventually becomes R, but R can never become S or I because of acquired immunity. \[\begin{split} \frac{dS}{dt}& =-k_{S\rightarrow I}SI\\ \frac{dI}{dt}& =k_{S\rightarrow I}SI-k_{I\rightarrow R}I\\ \frac{dR}{dt}& =k_{I\rightarrow R}I \end{split} \label{eq1}\] Eq. [\[eq1\]](#eq1){reference-type="ref" reference="eq1"} describes the three coupled non-linear differential equations of the KM model where \(k_{S\rightarrow I}\) is the rate of infection and \(k_{I\rightarrow R}\) is the rate of removal (recovery and death). In the conventional SIR model \(k_{S\rightarrow I}\) and \(k_{I\rightarrow R}\) are written as \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) respectively. In principle the rate constants should be time and space dependent, that is, non-local in nature. But it is difficult to predict the functional form of the rate constants with time-it could be periodic, decaying or stochastic in nature. The applicability of this model is for a homogeneous population distribution and mass transmission at a large scale. An important quantity is the basic reproduction number (\(R_0\)) which is an estimate of the number of secondary infection from one primary infection. The value of \(R_0\) is intimately connected with the herd immunity threshold (\(H_t\)) discussed above. (Eq. [\[eq2\]](#eq2){reference-type="ref" reference="eq2"}) Hence a correct determination of the basic reproduction parameter, \(R_0\), is important. \[H_t=\left(1-\frac{1}{R_0}\right)\times 100 \% \label{eq2}\] It is clear from Eq. [\[eq2\]](#eq2){reference-type="ref" reference="eq2"} that a higher value of \(R_0\) increases the herd immunity threshold. For SARS-Cov2 the value of \(R_0\) shows a large dispersion and as a consequence we cannot predict the value of \(H_t\). For COVID-19 the average value of \(R_0\) is estimated to be in the range of \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}2.0-3.0 but it can possess spatial heterogeneity and time dependence in reality. If one considers \(R_0\) to be in the range of 2.0-3.0 the value of \(H_t\) would be in between 50%-66%. In the light of SIR model \[Eq.(1)\] \(R_0\) can be defined as \[R_0=\frac{k_{S\rightarrow I}}{k_{I\rightarrow R}} S \label{eq3}\] Eq. [\[eq3\]](#eq3){reference-type="ref" reference="eq3"} provides a different definition of \(R_0\) and can be understood as follows. If we assume that (the S the fraction of susceptible population) is near 1.0 at the beginning (as there are very few infections compared to a huge population), then \(R_0\) could be equal to unity if the two rate constants are equal. This means that the number of infection and recovery are same at any time. In this situation the disease remains under control. \(R_0 > 1\) causes an epidemic as it challenges the capacity of the healthcare facilities. However, for different region the value of \(R_0\) could be different depending on the intensity of region wise preventive and healthcare measures. In this work we ask the following questions-(i) what are the relative magnitude of the fatality to the vulnerable and resilient populations if we attempt to achieve HI without a vaccine? (ii) What is the dependence of the fraction of survival on the rate of the attainment of HI? These two issues are widely discussed all over the world. Here we seek answers to these two important questions by employing a modified Susceptible-Infected-Removed (SIR) model and cellular automata (CA) simulations. The rest of the paper is organised as follows. In section [6](#sec2){reference-type="ref" reference="sec2"} we describe the mathematical model and the CA simulation protocols. Section [7](#sec3){reference-type="ref" reference="sec3"} consists of the results from numerical solutions of the modified SIR model and simulations, accompanied by detailed discussions. This section is further divided into several sub sections. In section IV we summarize and conclude our study.
# Theoretical Formalism {#sec2}
## Mathematical Modelling
We modify the celebrated SIR (Susceptible-Infected-Removed) model by dividing the entire susceptible population into two parts, namely vulnerable (Vul) and resilient (Res). In the context of the corona virus disease, the vulnerable category consists of persons who are above 60 years of age or have pre-existing medical conditions like diabetes, heart and kidney disease, and lung conditions. The rest of the population is termed as resilient who have a greater chance of getting cured. We achieve such classification by employing different rate constants associated with their recovery. This is based on the available data on the coronavirus disease. The scheme of this classification is described in Fig. [\[fig2\]](#fig2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig2"}. We follow the scheme described in Fig. [\[fig2\]](#fig2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig2"} and formulate a system of eight coupled non-linear differential equations \[Eqs. [\[eq4\]](#eq4){reference-type="ref" reference="eq4"}-[\[eq11\]](#eq11){reference-type="ref" reference="eq11"}\]. \[\frac{dS_{Vul}(t)}{dt} =-k_{S_{Vul}\rightarrow I_{Vul}}(t)S_{Vul}(t)I(t) \label{eq4}\] \[\frac{dS_{Res}(t)}{dt} =-k_{S_{Res}\rightarrow I_{Res}}(t)S_{Res}(t)I(t) \label{eq5}\] \[\begin{split} \frac{dI_{Vul}(t)}{dt} = k_{S_{Vul}\rightarrow I_{Vul}}(t)S_{Vul}(t)I(t)\\-(k_{I_{Vul}\rightarrow C_{Vul}}(t)+k_{I_{Vul}\rightarrow D_{Vul}}(t))I_{Vul}(t) \end{split} \label{eq6}\] \[\begin{split} \frac{dI_{Res}(t)}{dt} = k_{S_{Res}\rightarrow I_{Res}}(t)S_{Res}(t)I(t)\\-(k_{I_{Res}\rightarrow C_{Res}}(t)+k_{I_{Res}\rightarrow D_{Res}}(t))I_{Res}(t) \end{split} \label{eq7}\] \[\frac{dC_{Vul}(t)}{dt} = k_{I_{Vul}\rightarrow C_{Vul}}(t)I_{Vul}(t) \label{eq8}\] \[\frac{dC_{Res}(t)}{dt} = k_{I_{Res}\rightarrow C_{Res}}(t)I_{Res}(t) \label{eq9}\] \[\frac{dD_{Vul}(t)}{dt} = k_{I_{Vul}\rightarrow D_{Vul}}(t)I_{Vul}(t) \label{eq10}\] \[\frac{dD_{Res}(t)}{dt} = k_{I_{Res}\rightarrow D_{Res}}(t)I_{Res}(t) \label{eq11}\] In the following, we explain the complex set of equations. Here I(t) is the number of total infectives at any time t, that is \(I(t)=I_{Vul}(t)+I_{Res}(t)\). This is the variable that couples the two population sub-categories. \(k(t)\) are the rate constants associated with processes that are described in the subscript with an arrow. We would like to point out that the rates in above equations of motion are all assumed to be time dependent. These rate constants contain all the basic information and also connected with \(R_0\). In our earlier study, we employed a time dependent rate to produce certain features observed in the time dependence of new cases such a double peaked population structure. The time dependence of rate can be employed to include certain dynamical features like crossover from local contact to community transmission. It is worth stressing that the modelling of these time dependent rate constants plays a pivotal role in the SIR scheme. We propagate these equations numerically to obtain the respective temporal evolution of each kind of population fraction. From the temporal profiles we can extract several important quantities after a long time (that is, the end of the spread), for example, (i) the peak height of the active infected cases, (ii) the fraction of cured population, (iii) the fraction of dead population, (iv) the fraction of uninfected population, (v) time required to reach the immunity threshold etc. We can regard these equations together to form a system of reacting species, as in a system of chemical reactions. We solve these equations with two different sets of the rate constant values and aim to understand the relative damages to the vulnerable and resilient population. The values of rate constants are provided in Table [3](#tab1){reference-type="ref" reference="tab1"}. We keep \(k_{S_{Vul}\rightarrow I_{Vul}}\) and \(k_{S_{Res}\rightarrow I_{Res}}\) the same which depicts the same probability of getting infected for both the sub-categories. However, the rate constants associated with recovery and death differs in orders of magnitude between Vul and Res. We now discuss the procedure we follow to assign different rate constants to the vulnerables and resilients. In a previous study we estimated the values of \(k_{S\rightarrow I}\) and \(k_{I\rightarrow R}\) by fitting the infected/cured/death vs. time data for India (source: www.covid19india.org). We plot the rate of change of the cured (\(dC/dt\)) and dead (\(dD/dt\)) population against the infected population to find the slope that gives the rate. This procedure provides us with required estimates of \(k_{I\rightarrow C}\) and \(k_{I\rightarrow D}\). For India, till \(27^{th}\) May, the estimated values are \(k_{I\rightarrow C} = 0.026 \:day^{-1}\) and \(k_{I\rightarrow D} = 0.0013 \:day^{-1}\). That is, \(k_{I\rightarrow C}\) is approximately 20 times of \(k_{I\rightarrow D}\). However, for countries like Italy, Spain, and USA \(k_{I\rightarrow D}\) was significantly higher. This comparison however takes no cognition of the relative time scales, and therefore should be taken with care. These values are mean field in nature and contain enormous spatial heterogeneity. If we see the state wise (or district wise) statistics we find a large dispersion. On the other hand, the determination of \(k_{S\rightarrow I}\) is not that straight forward as the equations containing \(k_{S\rightarrow I}\) are non-linear in nature in the SIR model. Hence one needs to obtain a good estimate of \(R_0\) and calculate \(k_{S\rightarrow I}\) from Eq. [\[eq3\]](#eq3){reference-type="ref" reference="eq3"}. As mentioned above, \(R_0\) also exhibits spatiotemporal heterogeneity which makes the problem of estimating the rate constants even more challenging. For example, in Italy \(R_0\) has been estimated to be \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}3.0-6.0 and in the Hunan province of China it is \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1.73-5.25. In a recent study on Wuhan, the transmission rate (\(k_{S\rightarrow I}\)) is assumed to vary from 0.59 to \(1.68 \:day^{-1}\). However, the data required to extract the rate constants associated with the two individual sub-categories, namely, vulnerable and resilient, are not available separately. As the values of the rate constants are connected to the basic reproduction number (\(R_0\)), we choose the inputs, by preserving the basic features, such that the average value of \(R_0\) yields an acceptable number, in light of acquired information. Next we tune the parameters such that the maximum of the active cases falls in the range of \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}60-90 days, as observed for most countries. We note that we consider these values only to study the trends and do not strictly correspond to any particular region in reality.
[\[tab1\]]{#tab1 label="tab1"}
We invoke two different values of \(R_0\) for the two different sub-categories. For set-1 \(R_0^{Vul} = 3.33\) and \(R_0^{Res} = 3.33\). The larger value of \(R_0\) for vulnerables arise from slower rate of recovery, Eq. [\[eq3\]](#eq3){reference-type="ref" reference="eq3"}. On the other hand, for set-2 \(R_0^{Vul} = 5.20\) and \(R_0^{Res} = 1.42\). We obtain these values by considering each of the population to be individually normalised (that is 100%). In such a situation the effective \(R_0\) can be calculated as follows (Eq. [\[eq12\]](#eq12){reference-type="ref" reference="eq12"}). \[R_0^{eff} = \frac{R_0^{Vul}N_{Vul}+R_0^{Res}N_{Res}}{N_{Vul}+N_{Res}} \label{eq12}\] Here \(N_{Vul}\) and \(N_{Res}\) represent the number of people in the vulnerable and resilient category respectively. In all our calculations we start with total infected fraction as 0.001 and vary the percentage of vulnerable populations from 5%-40%. By using Eq. [\[eq12\]](#eq12){reference-type="ref" reference="eq12"} we calculate the effective \(R_0\) values for different ratio of vulnerable to resilient population. We find \(R_0\) varies from 1.03 to 1.88 for set-1 and 1.61 to 2.93 for set-2. In a way, set-1 represents a more controlled situation compared to set-2 (Table [4](#tab2){reference-type="ref" reference="tab2"}).
[\[tab2\]]{#tab2 label="tab2"}
## Stochastic Cellular Automata Simulation
Stochastic cellular automata (CA) simulations give a microscopic and nonlocal picture of the problem at hand. Such simulations are often used to model several physical phenomena. Unlike the mathematical model, CA simulations can directly establish a physical map of the disease-spread. Moreover, we incorporate several region specific and disease specific parameters in our CA simulations that give a general outlook to our investigations. A detailed list of the parameters and associated symbols can be found in our previous work. The spread of COVID-19 is strongly inhomogeneous. So, a homogeneous model fails to capture many aspects. In a real-world scenario, the non-local description may often become important in determining the fate of a pandemic in a given geographical region. In such a case, the population parameters are space-dependent. Moreover, the rate constants also have a spatial distribution. Hence, solutions of these equations are highly non-trivial and a large scale cellular automata simulation may capture these inherent spatiotemporal heterogeneities. In this work, we neglect the effects of social distancing and quarantine, since we aim at establishing a relation between the percentage of mortality and immunization by an unhindered transmission of the disease within the whole population. Calculation of the rates of transmission and recovery/death can often be difficult due to several reasons like unavailability of data, political or demographic complications etc. This becomes particularly nontrivial when we consider the process with respect to a given population distribution of vulnerable and resilient individuals. The probabilistic approach employed in our simulations makes it easier to study the process, since obtaining an average probability for each of the processes is much more practical. We use the Moore definition to denote the neighbourhood of a given person. The salient features of our simulation are detailed in our previous work. Here, we summarize our CA simulation methodology. We start we a land randomly occupied by susceptibles and infectives. The population distribution is such that 5% and 0.05% of the total available land is covered by susceptibles and infectives respectively. We divide the population into vulnerable and resilient individuals with respect to their probabilities of recovery (\(P_R^{Vul}\) and \(P_R^{Res}\)). Vulnerables primarily include people above the age of 60. This also includes people with serious health issues, who are more prone to get deceased if infected. The resilients, on the other hand, are the young fraction of the society with no severe health conditions. When an infective comes in the neighbourhood of a susceptible, the latter is converted to an infective with a given probability of transmission which is considered to be equal and time independent (constant) for both vulnerables and resilients. The time period of infection is determined by probability of recovery and the probability of remaining infected in a given simulation step. In this work, we consider the latter to be 0.99. An individual, once cured from infection, becomes immune to the disease. We run our simulations for a given number of steps (\(N\)). It should be noted that the time unit is not well-defined for this simulations. To get an estimate of time, the results need to be compared with our theoretical model.
# Results and Discussion {#sec3}
## Numerical solutions of the SIR model {#sec3A}
Here we present the results from the numerical solutions of Eqs. [\[eq4\]](#eq4){reference-type="ref" reference="eq4"}-[\[eq11\]](#eq11){reference-type="ref" reference="eq11"} in Fig. [\[fig3\]](#fig3){reference-type="ref" reference="fig3"}. We choose two sets of rate constants, set-1 (Fig. [\[fig3\]](#fig3){reference-type="ref" reference="fig3"}a) and set-2 (Fig. [\[fig3\]](#fig3){reference-type="ref" reference="fig3"}b) and obtain the changes in the population of vulnerables and resilients. With our choice of parameters (Table [3](#tab1){reference-type="ref" reference="tab1"}) for set-1 we observe 40.8% increase in the immuned population. In order to achieve the 40.8% immunity a region loses 4.7% of its resilient population and 34.3% vulnerable population. On the other hand, for set-2 a region loses 7.9% of its resilient population and 57.1% of its vulnerable population in order to achieve \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}68% immunity (that could be the HIT for COVID-19). Hence, it is clear that for both the two cases the vulnerables are significantly affected. We note that with an increased infection rate the timescale of the saturation of the temporal profiles are drastically reduced. The graphs that are presented in Fig. [\[fig3\]](#fig3){reference-type="ref" reference="fig3"} are obtained for 20% initial vulnerable population. In Fig. [\[fig4\]](#fig4){reference-type="ref" reference="fig4"}a, we show the time evolution of the total immunity percentage. In order to study the effect of fast (early) vs slow (late) achievement of the immunity saturation, we plot the percentage survival of the total population against the time required to attain the immunity threshold (\(t_{Im}\)) for different values of \(k_{S\rightarrow I}\) (Fig. [\[fig4\]](#fig4){reference-type="ref" reference="fig4"}b). We find that the percentage of survival increases linearly with increasing \(t_{Im}\). This indicates that a quick achievement of immunity saturation could lead to fatal consequences. *If a society opts for herd immunity, it has to be a slow process*. To make the immunity gaining process slow (which leads to relatively less casualty), the rate of infection (\(k_{S\rightarrow I}\)) needs to be brought down. On the other hand, the rate of removal (recovery and death), \(k_{I\rightarrow R}\), depends primarily on the disease and partly on the presently available healthcare facilities. \(k_{S\rightarrow I}\) can be controlled by employing effective strategies like lockdown, quarantine, and social distancing. Next we vary the % of initial vulnerable population from 5% to 40% and obtain the % of highest active cases (that is the maxima in the temporal variation of \(I_V(t)\) or \(I_R(t)\)), % of cured population and % of death. The range is chosen in order to represent different regions/countries. For example, in India only \(\sim8\%\) of the entire population is above 60 years whereas, in countries like Italy and Germany the number is over 20%. We obtain Fig. [\[fig5\]](#fig5){reference-type="ref" reference="fig5"}a-[\[fig5\]](#fig5){reference-type="ref" reference="fig5"}c for set-1 and Fig. [\[fig5\]](#fig5){reference-type="ref" reference="fig5"}d-[\[fig5\]](#fig5){reference-type="ref" reference="fig5"}f for set-2. In both the cases the variation of the infected peak maxima with % vulnerable shows nearly linear increase with a higher slope for the vulnerables (Fig. [\[fig5\]](#fig5){reference-type="ref" reference="fig5"}a and [\[fig5\]](#fig5){reference-type="ref" reference="fig5"}d). Interestingly the % cured (Fig. [\[fig5\]](#fig5){reference-type="ref" reference="fig5"}b and [\[fig5\]](#fig5){reference-type="ref" reference="fig5"}e) and % dead (Fig. [\[fig5\]](#fig5){reference-type="ref" reference="fig5"}c and [\[fig5\]](#fig5){reference-type="ref" reference="fig5"}f) shows a nonlinear dependence on % vulnerable. It clearly shows that the damage is huge to the vulnerable population when the % of vulnerables increases. We plot (Fig. [\[fig6\]](#fig6){reference-type="ref" reference="fig6"}) the percentage of deaths for both the subcategories against the herd immunity threshold for a given Vul:Res composition (1:4). This is to show the increasing damage with respect to Ht. We find that the trend is linear for both the sets of parameters and the relative fatality is substantially higher for the vulnerables.
## (Stochastic Cellular Automata Simulations {#sec3B}
### Dependence on the initial population distribution
Here, we keep the probability of transmission of disease time-independent and equal for both resilients and vulnerables. We change the initial fraction of the vulnerable section of the total population from 5% to 40%. In Fig. [\[fig7\]](#fig7){reference-type="ref" reference="fig7"} we plot the % of cured individuals (resilients and vulnerables) against % of total immunization when the temporal progression of the population reaches saturation. As discussed earlier, herd immunity is obtained when a major section of the population becomes immune, post infection. However, apart from gaining immunity, this process involves the death of many infected individuals according to their survival probability. The probability of recovery of the resilients is higher than that of the vulnerables. Here, these two probabilities are taken as 0.95 and 0.8 respectively. In Fig. [\[fig7\]](#fig7){reference-type="ref" reference="fig7"} the abscissa is the percentage of the total population that becomes immune after recovering from the infection. The ordinate quantifies the percentage of cured resilients and vulnerables with respect to the total initial population. *With increase in the immunity attained in the society, a significant decrease in the percentage of cured vulnerable individuals is observed*. This implies that higher the percentage of immunization in the total population, greater is the probability of death of the vulnerable section. Hence herd immunity results in the death of a major fraction of the vulnerable population. This stratum of the society includes mainly the old people (age greater than years) and people with serious health conditions or comorbidity. The geographical regions with demographic distributions having higher fraction of the people of age above \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}60 years are among the worst affected. For example, Italy suffered the loss of many aged people as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. In Fig. [\[fig8\]](#fig8){reference-type="ref" reference="fig8"}a, we show the time evolution of the fraction of vulnerables and resilients in the total population for different % of initial number of vulnerables. The fractions are calculated with respect to the total initial population. We see that with increase in the initial % of vulnerables, the number of resilients dying show a slight decrease, whereas the number of dead vulnerables increases significantly. This observation is clarified in Fig. [\[fig8\]](#fig8){reference-type="ref" reference="fig8"}b. Here we plot the absolute change in the fraction of resilients and vulnerables as functions of the initial % of vulnerables. Both show linear dependence. The gradient (slope) is negative for resilients and positive for vulnerables. However, we find that the absolute value of the slope for the latter is \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}5 times higher than that of the former. This denotes that countries with higher population of elderly and vulnerable people in the society incur a greater loss in the number of vulnerable individuals.
### Dependence on the probability of recovery
Now, we keep the initial population distribution fixed at 20% vulnerable and 80% resilient individuals. We change the probability of recovery of these two categories (\(P_R^{Vul}\) and \(P_R^{Res}\)) with the constraint \(P_R^{Vul} \leq P_R^{Res}\). Accordingly, we change these two probabilities from 0.6 to 0.8 and 0.8 to 0.95 respectively. We choose these values according to reported case fatality ratios for the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. For every pair of \(P_R^{Vul}\) and \(P_R^{Res}\) we get a value of percentage of vulnerables and resilients who survive and a fraction of the population that gets immunized. In Figure 9 we plot the survival % of vulnerables and resilients in the two perpendicular axes and represent the % immunized as colour codes according to the colour gradation bar on the right hand side. In this contour representation, red denotes low immunity and blue denotes higher immunity. The survival % of the vulnerables is lower than that of the resilients. The percentage of immunized population is higher (blue) for maximum survival of the resilients as compared to that of the vulnerables. This means that to attain higher immunity in the population, greater number of old and vulnerable people suffer death as compared to resilients. Hence, attainment of herd immunity comes with the cost of a higher mortality of the vulnerable section of the society.
# Summary and Conclusion
Any epidemic is a dynamic process where time dependence plays a crucial role in the control of the spread and the damage, that is, the outcome. COVID-19 is a pandemic which is currently under intense scrutiny by all and sundry, and many aspects are yet to be understood. Every move by the government, and the population in general, is of crucial importance. Each pandemic comes with unique characteristics that deserve special treatments, not just medical and clinical but also sociological. In each such epidemic, immunity plays a critical role. Spanish Flu mainly attacked the age group between 20 and 30 years of age. This is the age group with maximum immunity. In the case of COVID-19, again we face the sad reality that certain section of the society is substantially more vulnerable than other sections. The vulnerable section consists of age groups which are above 60-65 years of age, and people with comorbidity. There is yet to further classification, although it is conceivable that as we understand the disease better and more precisely, better perception of danger would emerge. An epidemic often starts by a process of nucleation which is an important phenomenon often studied in physics and chemistry. The process of nucleation is initiated by a sudden appearance of a group of infected individuals in a region. This may be triggered a laboratory accident, or infection from eating wild animals like bats, pangolin etc. or by arrival of infected tourists and so on. The process may be dependent on the nature of the geography and demography of the country or region. The initial period of the process is often slow. After the initial nucleation, the disease spreads by a diffusion process into the susceptible population. Hence, it is a percolation with a temporal evolution. In order to address the issue of vulnerability of the population and the outcome with the progression of the epidemic, we carry out a theoretical analysis with the objective to analyze the consequences of aiming for herd immunity without vaccine, or a good drug, in the context of the present COVID-19 pandemic. We develop and solve a modified SIR model numerically and by employing cellular automata simulations. We particularly probed the following question: what is dependence of mortality on the rate of herd immunity? One of the key results of the present study is the dependence of the percentage survival on the rate of attainment of the immunity threshold. We find that a late attainment of the immunity saturation leads to relatively lesser fatality. We show that approximately 50-60% of the vulnerables might lose their lives in order to attain 70% total immunized population. On the contrary the mortality of the resilient fraction of population is relatively low, may be just about 10%. We find a non-linear trend in the dependence of the cured and dead population on the initial population of the vulnerables. This is because as the number of vulnerables increases, the immunity by infection from a larger fraction of population which cannot protect the vulnerables unless deliberate efforts are made that requires intervention. While we discuss herd immunity by infection in this work, the other, more sustainable option is herd immunity by vaccination. For example, diseases like small pox, polio etc. have been wiped off the face of earth by vaccination. This is particularly crucial for diseases with high mortality rates. However, for any novel disease, preparation of a vaccine can take years. In case of the present COVID-19 pandemic, for instance, extensive research is going on globally in search of a vaccine. However, no promising result has been obtained in almost five months and researchers believe it may take more than a year to prepare the vaccine. | {'timestamp': '2020-06-01T02:10:14', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14496', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14496'} |
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# Introduction
Recently, deployments of [mavs]{acronym-label="mav" acronym-form="plural+short"} are gaining increasing attention, especially in the mining industry . The autonomous navigation of the [mav]{acronym-label="mav" acronym-form="singular+short"}, equipped with a sensor suite has the ability to collect information, such as images, gas level, dust level, monitor the personnel, explore unknown and production areas, and minimize service times. At the same time, the deployments of [mavs]{acronym-label="mav" acronym-form="plural+short"} increase the production and the overall safety in the mining industry, while reducing the overall operation costs aligned with the envisioned mine of [zepa]{acronym-label="zepa" acronym-form="singular+short"} . Furthermore, the harsh mining environments are characterized from a lack of illumination, narrow passages, wind gusts, dust and in general conditions that have a direct affect the performance of the platforms and in the worse case may cause failure in system components or even result to collision and crashes. Moreover, the commercially available [mavs]{acronym-label="mav" acronym-form="plural+short"} rely on [gps]{acronym-label="gps" acronym-form="singular+short"} or visual sensors, or both for performing a position estimation, however underground mines are [gps]{acronym-label="gps" acronym-form="singular+short"}-denied environments and due to lack of any natural illumination and prominent visual and geometric features, the vision-based positioning methods are not reliable. Additionally, commercially available platforms provide manual or semi-autonomous flights, which require a pilot with a direct line of sight to the platform, a case which cannot be guaranteed in dark tunnels with multiple turns and crosses. The main objective of this article is to propose a low cost and modular [mav]{acronym-label="mav" acronym-form="singular+short"} platform, as depicted in Figure [\[fig:quadcopter\]](#fig:quadcopter){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:quadcopter"}, for autonomous navigation in dark tunnels. The platform is equipped with a 2D lidar, a single beam laser range finder, LED light bars, a PX4 optical flow, a forward looking camera, a flight controller and an on-board computer, while the software architecture is developed based on the equipped sensor suites to establish fully autonomous navigation. The proposed configuration of the [mav]{acronym-label="mav" acronym-form="singular+short"} has been specifically designed for a direct deployed in underground mines, without a natural illumination and by that demonstrating the capability for fully autonomous [mavs]{acronym-label="mav" acronym-form="plural+short"} navigation in such environments. Finally, this article discusses all the needed components in order to enable further hardware developments towards the autonomous navigation in dark tunnels. Although this work showcases the platform in tunnel navigation, the system can be deployed in similar missions including subterranean exploration , or Mars canyon exploration . The rest of the article is structured as it follows. Initially, the state of the art of [mav]{acronym-label="mav" acronym-form="singular+short"} development is presented in Section [2](#sec:relatedworks){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:relatedworks"}, followed by the platform architecture in Section [3](#sec:platformartichecture){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:platformartichecture"}, which discusses the corresponding hardware and software components. In Section [4](#sec:platformperformance){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:platformperformance"} the performance of the proposed platform is evaluated in an underground mine tunnel and finally in Section [\[Conclusions\]](#Conclusions){reference-type="ref" reference="Conclusions"} a summary of the findings is provided.
# Related Works {#sec:relatedworks}
Nowadays, industry and academic sectors develop [mavs]{acronym-label="mav" acronym-form="plural+short"} for different applications. The majority of the developed platforms by commercial companies do not provide access to raw sensor measurements or tuning parameters of the controllers. Additionally, these platforms do not allow for hardware modifications and their performance is limited to semi-autonomous navigation especially in indoor environments. These factors limit their usage and functionality in challenging environments, such as underground mine tunnels, where the platform should be modified based on the application requirements. As an example, the commercially available quad-copter Parrot Bebop 2 is equipped with a forward looking camera, an optical flow sensor and a sonar sensor facing down, it weights \(\unit[0.5]{kg}\) and it able to provide \(\unit[25]{mins}\) of flight time. The platform is [ros]{acronym-label="ros" acronym-form="singular+short"} compatible and can be used for research or teaching purposes. However, it does not have an onboard computer and provides a WiFi link so that all the computations should be on a ground station. Moreover, the user cannot modify or add extra sensors to the system, while there is no access to the low-level control architecture and sensor measurements. Another commercial product is the DJI Matrice 100 , which is a fully customizable and programmable flight platform that can be equipped with sensors required for performing an autonomous underground navigation, however it does not allow access to the low-level controllers and the raw sensor data, thus increasing the overall complexity for the fusion of new sensor measurements. Moreover, the basic price of the platform without the sensor suites and computing unit starts from \(\unit[3300]{USD}\). Table [\[table:industrymav\]](#table:industrymav){reference-type="ref" reference="table:industrymav"} compares commercial [mavs]{acronym-label="mav" acronym-form="plural+short"} with the proposed platform, emphasizing on important factors such as cost, [ros]{acronym-label="ros" acronym-form="singular+short"} compatibility, sensor measurement accessibility, etc.
There are multiple open-source platforms developed for teaching proposes, such as the CrazyFlie , the Parrot Minidrone and the PiDrone . The CrazyFlie is a small quad-copter, which provides \(\unit[4]{min}\) of flight time, without pay-load and due to its size, it cannot compensate wind-gusts. The parrot Minidrone has the same drawbacks as the CrazyFlie, while the platform is not [ros]{acronym-label="ros" acronym-form="singular+short"} compatible, a factor that is drastically limiting its usage. The PiDrone is a [ros]{acronym-label="ros" acronym-form="singular+short"} compatible quad-copter with an onboard Raspberry Pi that runs Python and provides a \(\unit[7]{min}\) flight time. Additionally, the PiDrone provides an accessible and inexpensive platform for introducing students to robotics. The drawback of this platform is lack of proper sensor suites for dark tunnels and the corresponding limited computational power for advanced algorithms and methods such as [vio]{acronym-label="vio" acronym-form="singular+short"}. Furthermore, within the related literature of [mavs]{acronym-label="mav" acronym-form="plural+short"} in underground mining operations, few research efforts have been reported trying to address challenging tasks within the mine. In a visual-inertial navigation framework has been proposed, while the system was experimentally evaluated in a real-scale tunnel environment, simulating a coal mine, where the illumination challenge was assumed solved, while the platform is based on Ascending Technologies Pelican quad-copter and the authors have performed a low-level adaptation of a commercial platform, which is a complex task. In , a more realistic approach, compared to , regarding the underground localization has been performed. The FireFly hexacopter from Ascending Technologies, equipped with a [vi]{acronym-label="vi" acronym-form="singular+short"} and a Hokuyo URG-04LX 2D laser scanner was used and it was manually guided across a vertical mine shaft to collect data for post-processing. In , the authors addressed the problem of estimation, control, navigation and mapping for autonomous inspection of tunnels using a DJI F550 platform equipped with a Velodyne PuckLITE lidar, four Chameleon3 cameras, a PixHawk optical flow and an Intel core i7 NUC PC. The overall approach was validated through field trials, however in this case a high-end and expensive sensor suit was utilized while flying.
# Platform Architecture {#sec:platformartichecture}
In this article, the proposed quad-copter is designed to be inexpensive, modular, autonomous, while it provides access to all the onboard raw sensor measurements. In the sequel, the hardware and software components of the overall architectures are discussed.
## Hardware Components
The Enzo330 V2 330mm Wheelbase frame is selected, due to a dense market availability, low cost, durability and customizability. Figure [\[fig:frame\]](#fig:frame){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:frame"} presents the corresponding frame structure. However, few modifications are performed to improve the frame functionality and durability as depicted in Figure [\[fig:top_frame\]](#fig:top_frame){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:top_frame"}. The top part of the frame has been redesigned to allow installation of the computing unit, power modules and additional sensors. For durability reasons, the top part has been made out of carbon fiber. Additionally, extra damping for the flight controller was introduced to reduce the vast amount of vibrations generated by the motors. The landing gear has been designed and 3D printed to provide sufficient space for the sensors located on the bottom, such as an optical flow sensor and a front facing camera. Figure [\[fig:LTUplatfrom\]](#fig:LTUplatfrom){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:LTUplatfrom"} depicts the modified proposed frame, equipped with sensor suits, while highlighting the dimensions of the platform. Moreover, the Multistar Elite 2308-1400 motors, carbon fiber T-Style 8x2.7 propellers and the Turnigy Multistar BLheli 32 ARM 4 in 1 32bit 31A [escs]{acronym-label="esc" acronym-form="plural+short"} have been selected based on the frame dimensions, estimated weight of the complete platform and the power required by the motors. Furthermore, to establish the autonomous flight, the proposed quad-copter is equipped with the hardware modules depicted in Figure [\[fig:hwmodule\]](#fig:hwmodule){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:hwmodule"}, while Table [1](#table:parts){reference-type="ref" reference="table:parts"} provides the cost of each component and the total cost of the platform. In the following Table [1](#table:parts){reference-type="ref" reference="table:parts"} the core hardware components are discussed.
### Flight Controller and On-board Computer
The ROSFlight is an embedded autopilot system that provides high-rate sensor data to [ros]{acronym-label="ros" acronym-form="singular+short"} and a simple [api]{acronym-label="api" acronym-form="singular+short"} for sending commands. Thus, the AfroFlight Naze32 Rev6 has been used as [fcu]{acronym-label="fcu" acronym-form="singular+short"} in the proposed platform. Moreover, the selection of the on-board computer is based on trade-off between the cost, performance, and weight. The on-board computer should provide enough computation power to execute an autonomous navigation, a state estimation, and proper vision algorithms. Based on the requirements, the [sbc]{acronym-label="sbc" acronym-form="singular+short"} Up-Board UP-CHT01 manufactured by Aaeon was selected. The Aaeon is equipped with a Quad Core Intel Atom x5-z8350 Processor, 4GB DDR3L-1600 memory and provides six USB 2.0 and one USB 3.0 [otg]{acronym-label="otg" acronym-form="singular+short"} ports, while it weights \(\unit[195]{g}\)
### Sensor Suite
The main component and cost of the platform is the sensor suite. The 2D lidar scanner, the PX4 optical flow, the PlayStation 3 Eye camera and the single beam laser range finder have been selected to provide the required information for the algorithms to establish the autonomous navigation. The RPLidar A2M8 360 Degree Laser Scanner is the sensor that provides distance measurements of the surrounding. It uses a laser with a wavelength: \(\unit[775]{nm}\) to \(\unit[795]{nm}\) and provides an up to \(\unit[15]{hz}\) scan frequency. The distance range is from \(\unit[0.15]{m}\) to \(\unit[12]{m}\), but measurements above \(\unit[8]{m}\) are not reliable. Thus, above the \(\unit[7]{m}\) the measurement data is not considered. In order to provide accurate altitude measurements, the LIDAR-Lite 3 Laser Rangefinder has been used as the main altitude sensor. It provides a range up to \(\unit[40]{m}\) with the accuracy of \(\unit[2.5]{cm}\). The sampling rate is set to \(\unit[300]{hz}\). The rangefinder utilizes a laser \(\unit[905]{nm}\) wavelength with a power of \(\unit[1.3]{W}\). It should be highlighted that due to low temperature of the mine tunnels and vibrations of the frame, the PX4FLOW sonar sensor measurements are not reliable thus one beam range finder is used, although it has a higher cost. The autonomous navigation in the unknown environment requires a pose estimation, however in low-illumination environments the pose estimation may not be reliable. Thus, velocity estimation is provided by the PX4FLOW optical flow and it includes a synchronized MT9V034 machine vision CMOS sensor with a global shutter, together with a L3GD20 3D Gyroscope. The sensor allows processing images at \(\unit[250]{hz}\) based on the on-board 168MHz Cortex M4F micro-controller. Finally, for collecting visual data, the PlayStation 3 Eye camera has been used that has the ability to capture a video stream with a resolution of \(\unit[640 \times 480]{ pixels}\) with \(\unit[60]{fps}\) or \(\unit[320 \times 240]{ pixels}\) with \(\unit[120]{fps}\). The camera has 56-75 degrees of horizontal field of view and the image stream can be used as [ar]{acronym-label="ar" acronym-form="singular+short"} for human operator or vision based algorithms.
### Additional light sources
Several extra light sources have been installed on the aerial platform to provide illumination for the visual sensors. Two \(\unit[10]{W}\) LED bars have been installed on the front part of the quad-copters' arms and the constant current is provided by dedicated power LED drivers Recom RCD-24-0.70/W/X3. The drivers allow to modify the constant current, which will indicate a change in the light luminosity by [pwms]{acronym-label="pwm" acronym-form="plural+short"} and analogue input signals. The measured light illumination on the \(\unit[1]{m}\) distance from the [mavs]{acronym-label="mav" acronym-form="plural+short"} with the maximum power utilized was \(\unit[2200]{lux}\). Furthermore, the power LED bars and the drivers are placed under the propellers to utilize the airflow during the flight as a forced cooling. Additionally, 4 low power \(\unit[10]{mm}\) LEDs have been installed on the bottom side of the [mavs]{acronym-label="mav" acronym-form="plural+short"} for creating an optical flow sensor.
### Battery
After multiple tests, the optimal battery has been selected given parameters such as size, weight, voltage and energy stored. Proposed battery, ZIPPY Compact 3300mAh 14.8V 40C 4S1P with weight of 360g provide flight time of \(\unit[12]{min}\) in no wind conditions.
## Software Architecture {#ref:softwareartichecture}
The general scheme of the proposed software architecture is presented in Figure [\[fig:schematic\]](#fig:schematic){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:schematic"}. The software architecture of the developed platform consists of the navigation, control, state estimation and visual feedback components. The navigation component, based on the authors previous works and , incorporates data from the on-board front facing camera or the 2D lidar for following the tunnel axis. The output of the navigation component includes the heading rate command for the [mav]{acronym-label="mav" acronym-form="singular+short"} to correct the [mav]{acronym-label="mav" acronym-form="singular+short"} heading towards the tunnel axis and the velocity and altitude references for controller components to hover at a fixed altitude and to avoid collision in case the platform flies close to obstacles. Furthermore, a state estimation module provides estimated values for altitude \(z\), velocities along \(x,y,z\) axes and attitude (roll and pitch) of the platform from the IMU, the optical flow sensor and the downward looking laser range finder measurements. It should be highlighted that an accurate estimation of the heading angle is not possible as magnetometer is not reliable, especially in an underground mine and [gnss]{acronym-label="gnss" acronym-form="singular+short"} is not available for underground areas. Moreover, the navigation commands, as well as the state estimation outcome, are sent to the [nmpc]{acronym-label="nmpc" acronym-form="singular+short"} controller component, which generates control commands (thrust, roll, pitch, yaw-rate) for the flight controller. Finally, the visual feedback component consists of the sequential stream of the on-board camera images, which can be used for [ar]{acronym-label="ar" acronym-form="singular+short"}.
# Platform Performance {#sec:platformperformance}
This section describes the platform performance and results from each component, while the platform performs autonomous navigation in a real scale underground mine in Sweden . Link: <https://youtu.be/dxMUx49a_uo> provides a video summary of the obtained results. The location of the field trials was \(\unit[790]{m}\) deep, without any natural illumination sources and with a tunnel width of \(\unit[6]{m}\) and a height of \(\unit[4]{m}\). The area does not have strong corrupting magnetic fields, which could affect the platform sensors, while Figure [\[fig:mineboliden\]](#fig:mineboliden){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:mineboliden"} depicts one part of the visited underground mine. During the performed experiment, the desired altitude was selected as \(\unit[1]{m}\) with a constant velocity of \(\unit[0.1]{m/s}\) aligned with the \(x\)-axis, while the platform is equipped with a PlayStation 3 Eye Camera and the LED light bars that provide a \(\unit[460]{lux}\) illumination in \(\unit[1]{m}\) distance. Moreover, a potential field method based on a 2D lidar was utilized for avoiding collisions to the tunneling walls, while measurements from a 2D lidar or a camera was used to correct the heading of the platform towards the open spaces or the tunnel axes respectively. The downward looking single beam laser range finder can be directly used for altitude regulation and Figure [\[fig:altitude\]](#fig:altitude){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:altitude"} depicts the controlled achieved altitude over time for the proposed quad-copter during field trials in an underground tunnel. In this experimental case, there were no accurate height references available in the mine to evaluate the range finder measurements. However, from the overall performance of the platform, a constant altitude during the mission was successfully achieved. The 2D laser scanner was used by algorithms for obstacle avoidance and heading correction. The collected range measurements, during the flight, can be post processed to provide a 2D map of the area. The laser scans are processed from a Lidar SLAM method that is available in the ROS framework, to generate a 2D occupancy map. The map characterizes the occupied and free space of the visited underground tunnel, while it is generated online with a 1Hz update rate and a resolution of \(\unit[0.05]{m/pixel}\), while the robot covered an approximate distance of (x,y)=(\(\unit[70]{m}\),\(\unit[85]{m}\)) provided from the 2D lidar processing. Figure [\[fig:map\]](#fig:map){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:map"} depicts the 2D map of the area. The platform successfully avoids collisions from the tunnel walls and corrects its heading towards the open spaces in multiple field tests in the mine[^1]. The velocity estimation for the developed system is provided from the optical flow system, however due to lack of features and illumination it is corrupted from noise measurements, thus the raw measurements were passed through low-pass filter. Figure [\[fig:flow\]](#fig:flow){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:flow"} demonstrates the velocity state estimate during the field trials in the underground tunnel The online information from the on-board sensors like the current altitude, [mav]{acronym-label="mav" acronym-form="singular+short"} status, the 2D top down lidar map and the collision prediction can be overlaid to the image stream and displays to the operator as depicted in the attached video.
# Conclusions[\[Conclusions\]]{#Conclusions label="Conclusions"}
In this work, a low-cost high-performance quad-copter has been proposed. The developed solution is ready to fly in underground tunnels while accomplishing inspection tasks. The operator of the platform has access to all sensor measurements, as well as the information for the [mav]{acronym-label="mav" acronym-form="singular+short"} status, assisting the algorithm development, the software implementation and the overall operation both in the preparation of the mission as well as during the mission. Finally, the developed [mav]{acronym-label="mav" acronym-form="singular+short"} has been deployed in an unknown dark underground tunnel and successfully performs fully autonomous navigation.
[^1]: <https://youtu.be/dxMUx49a_uo> | {'timestamp': '2020-06-01T02:08:05', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14433', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14433'} |
null | null |
# Introduction
Consider the system constituted by a hollow rigid body \(\mathcal B_1\) whose cavity contains a homogeneous rigid ball \(\mathcal B_2\). Let the gap between \(\mathcal B_1\) and \(\mathcal B_2\) be entirely filled by a viscous incompressible fluid \(\mathscr{L}\) (simply called *liquid*). Let \(G\) be the center of mass of the system \(\mathscr S_C\) constituted by the outer rigid body \(\mathcal{B}_1\) and the liquid. Suppose that \(G\) is a fixed point in space and time with respect to an inertial frame of reference \(\mathcal I\), and it coincides with the (geometrical) center of the ball \(\mathcal B_2\). [^1] We are interested in the *free rotations* of the whole system of *rigid bodies with a liquid-filled gap*. This type of motion occurs when no external forces and torques are applied, and the system is constrained to rotate (without friction) around \(G\) driven by only its inertia once an initial angular momentum is imparted, see Figure [\[fig:liquid_gap\]](#fig:liquid_gap){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:liquid_gap"}. This type of fluid-solid interaction problems have been widely studied in connection to some geophysical problems related to the motion of the Earth's inner (solid and liquid) core and its influence on the geodynamo (i.e., the mechanism responsible for the generation of Earth's magnetic field and its maintenance against the Ohmic dissipation), see. From the mathematical point of view, there have been several contributions aimed at proving the existence of solutions to the relevant equations of motion and analyzing their stability properties. In the case where no rigid core is within the liquid-filled cavity, it was conjectured by Zhukovskii () and rigorously proved by the present author and collaborators that the liquid has a *stabilizing effect* on the motion of the solid (see ). In fact, there exists a finite interval of time (whose length depends on the liquid viscosity) where the motion of the system has a "chaotic" nature (as shown numerically in and experimentally in ). After this interval of time, the system reaches (at an exponentially fast rate) a more orderly configuration, corresponding to a steady state in which the system moves as a whole rigid body with a constant angular velocity (see for a rigorous mathematical proof of this phenomena when the liquid is subject to no-slip and partial slip boundary conditions, respectively). Concerning the motion of solids with fluid-filled gaps, known results mainly focus on the translational and rotational motions of rigid bodies in a liquid occupying a bounded domain with a *prescribed motion of the liquid outer boundary*. The works provide the first results of existence of weak solutions à la Leray-Hopf to the Navier-Stokes equations in bounded regions with moving boundaries. For the fluid-solid interaction problems with a finite number of rigid bodies within a liquid, existence of weak solutions *up to collisions* are proved in. The work deals with local strong solutions, whereas provide the first results of existence of global weak solutions for both incompressible and compressible cases. We refer also to where different boundary conditions and regularity of the boundary are considered for the global existence theory, and to where uniqueness of Leray-Hopf solutions in the 2D case is proved. In this paper, we show that the problem of free rotations of rigid bodies with a liquid-filled gap admits global weak solutions à la Leray-Hopf. In addition, we determine the largest space of initial data for which the equations of motion are well-posed in the setting of maximal \(L^p-L^q\) regularity and time-weighted \(L^p\) spaces. It is worth emphasizing that for the problem at hand, possible translations of the solids are disregarded. This simplifying assumption has to be contrasted with the existing (cited above) literature in which the motion of the outer solid is instead prescribed. The novelty of the paper lies on considering the full moving boundary problem[^2] and proving the existence of weak solutions (Theorem [\[th:weak\]](#th:weak){reference-type="ref" reference="th:weak"}) together with important properties like a Serrin-type result for weak-strong uniqueness (Theorem [\[th:continuous_dependence\]](#th:continuous_dependence){reference-type="ref" reference="th:continuous_dependence"}). One of the main objective of this work is to show that, similarly to the case when no solid is within the liquid-filled cavity, the fluid has a *stabilizing effect on the motion of both solids*. In fact, it will be shown that the long-time dynamics[^3] of the whole system is completely characterized by the rest state for the liquid and solid cores relatively to the outer solid, and the system moving as a whole rigid body (see [\[eq:decay0\]](#eq:decay0){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:decay0"}). Such stabilization property is obtained for a large class of fluid-solids configurations. In particular, no restriction will be imposed on the initial data or on physical properties like the Reynolds number, the mass distribution in the outer solid or on the size of the inner core. As an example, take the situation depicted in Figure [\[fig:liquid_gap\]](#fig:liquid_gap){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:liquid_gap"} as initial configuration. Note that the initial angular velocities of the solids are in opposite directions (in fact, they could be around any axis). If there was no liquid in the gap between the solids, the motion of the thick crust and inner core would be completely decoupled. When a viscous incompressible fluid fills that gap, the eventual motion of the whole system will be a rigid body motion with crust and inner core at relative rest. From the mathematical point of view, this effect is captured by introducing the new variable \(\V \omega\) (see [\[eq:new_variables\]](#eq:new_variables){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:new_variables"}), the equivalent formulation [\[eq:Motion\]](#eq:Motion){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:Motion"} and by proving the decay [\[eq:decay0\]](#eq:decay0){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:decay0"}. Finally, we prove a local well-posedness result (Theorem [\[th:strong\]](#th:strong){reference-type="ref" reference="th:strong"}) in the functional setting of maximal \(L^p-L^q\) regularity in time-weighted \(L^p\) spaces. This result is the first of the kind for this class of fluid-solid interactions. Here is the plan of the paper. After presenting the basic notation and recalling a well-known Grönwall-type lemma, we proceed with Section [2](#sec:preliminary_formulation){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:preliminary_formulation"} containing the mathematical formulation of the problem as the coupled system of differential equations [\[eq:motion\]](#eq:motion){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:motion"}, given by the Navier-Stokes equations and the balances of angular momentums of \(\mathcal B_1\) and \(\mathcal B_2\), respectively. In Section [3](#sec:functional){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:functional"}, we introduce our functional setting. As equations [\[eq:motion\]](#eq:motion){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:motion"} involve both differential and integral terms, in Section [4](#sec:equivalent_formulation){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:equivalent_formulation"}, we provide an equivalent formulation of the problem by replacing the (physical) equations of motion with those governing the motion of a rigid body with a cavity completely filled by a viscous impressible fluid with varying density. In Section [5](#sec:weak){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:weak"}, we prove the existence of weak solutions and related properties. In Section [6](#sec:strong){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:strong"}, we demonstrate the existence of strong solution in the \(L^p-L^q\) setting. The notation used throughout this paper is quite standard. \(\ensuremath{\mathbb{N}}\) denotes the set of natural numbers. \(\ensuremath{\mathbb{R}}\) indicates the set of real numbers, and \(\ensuremath{\mathbb{R}}^n\) the Euclidean \(n\)-dimensional space equipped with the canonical basis \(\{\V e_1, \V e_2,\dots, \V e_n\}\). The components of a vector \(\V{\mathsf v}\) with respect to the canonical basis are indicated by \((\mathsf v_1,\mathsf v_2,\dots,\mathsf v_n)\), whereas \(|\V{\mathsf v}|\) represents the magnitude of \(\V{\mathsf v}\). We will use the Einstein convention for the summation of dummy indexes, and "\(:\)" will denote the tensor contraction. Moreover, \(B_R(G)\) denotes the ball in \(\ensuremath{\mathbb{R}}^3\) with center at a point \(G\in \ensuremath{\mathbb{R}}^3\) and radius \(R\). The ball centered at the origin of a coordinates system \(\{\V e_1, \V e_2, \V e_3\}\) will be simply denoted by \(B_R\). If \(A\) is an open set of \(\ensuremath{\mathbb{R}}^n\), \(s\in \ensuremath{\mathbb{R}}\) and \(p\in [1,\infty]\), then \(L^p(A)\), \(W^{s,p}(A)\), \(W^{s,p}_0(A)\) denote the Lebesgue and (generalized) Sobolev spaces, with norms \(\norm{\cdot}_{L^p(A)}\) and \(\norm{\cdot}_{W^{s,p}(A)}\), respectively[^4]. For a bounded, Lipschitz domain \(A\), with outward unit normal \(\V n\), we will often use the following well-known Helmholtz-Weyl decomposition (e.g., ): \[\label{eq:HW} L^q(A) = H_q(A) \oplus G_q(A),\] where \(q\in (1,\infty)\), \(H_q(A):=\{\V u\in L^q(A):\; \mathop{\mathrm{div}} \V u=0\text{ in }A\text{, and } \V u\cdot \V n=0 \text{ on }\partial A\}\) (\(\mathop{\mathrm{div}} \V u\) and \(\V u \cdot \V n\) have to be understood in the sense of distributions), and \(G_q(A):=\{w \in L^q(A):\; w=\nabla \pi, \text{ for some }\pi\in W^{1,q}(A)\}\). In the case of \(q=2\), we will simply write \(H(A)\) and \(G(A)\), respectively. If \((X, \norm{\cdot}_X)\) is a Banach space, for an interval \(I\) in \(\ensuremath{\mathbb{R}}\) and \(1\le p<\infty\), \(L^p(I;X)\) (resp. \(W^{k,p}(I;X)\), \(k\in \ensuremath{\mathbb{N}}\)) will denote the space of functions \(f\) from \(I\) to \(X\) for which \(\left(\int_I \norm{f(t)}^p_X\; \d t\right)^{1/p}<\infty\) (resp. \(\sum^k_{\ell=0}\left(\int_I \norm{\partial^\ell_t f (t)}^p_X\; \d t\right)^{1/p}<\infty\)). Similarly, \(C^k(I;X)\) indicates the space of functions which are \(k\)-times differentiable with values in \(X\), and having \(\max_{t\in I}\norm{\partial^\ell_t \cdot}_X < \infty\), for all \(\ell = 0,1...,k\). Finally, \(C_w(I;X)\) is the space of functions \(f\) from \(I\) to \(X\) such that that the map \(t \in I \mapsto \phi(f(t))\in \ensuremath{\mathbb{R}}\) is continuous for all bounded linear functionals \(\phi\) defined on \(X\). We conclude this section by recalling the following Grönwall-type lemma that will be used in the paper. For its proof, we refer the interested reader to.
We are now ready to introduce the equations governing the motion of the system of rigid bodies with a liquid-filled gap.
# A preliminary mathematical formulation of the problem {#sec:preliminary_formulation}
Consider \(\mathcal B_1:=\mathcal V_1\setminus \overline{\mathcal V}\), with \(\mathcal V_1\) and \(\mathcal V\) bounded domains in \(\ensuremath{\mathbb{R}}^3\), \(\overline{\mathcal V}\subset \mathcal V_1\), \(\overline{B_R(G)}\subset \mathcal V\), and \(\mathcal B_2:=B_R(G)\). Let us denote \(\mathcal C:=\partial \mathcal V\), \(\mathcal S:=\partial \mathcal B_2\) [^5], and \({\mathscr{L}}:=\mathcal V\setminus \overline{B_R(G)}\) be the volume occupied by the liquid at each time. Throughout the paper, we will assume that \({\mathscr{L}}\) is of class \(C^2\). Let \(\mathcal{F}\equiv\{G, \V e_1,\V e_2,\V e_3\}\) be the *non-inertial* reference frame with origin at \(G\), and axes coinciding with the *central axes of inertia* of the coupled system \(\mathscr S_C\); these axes are directed along the eigenvectors of the inertia tensor \(\T I_{C}\) of \(\mathscr S_C\) with respect to \(G\), and with corresponding (positive and time-independent) eigenvalues \(\lambda_1\), \(\lambda_2\), and \(\lambda_3\) (also called *central moment of inertia*). Let us denote by \(\T I_{\mathcal B}\) the inertia tensor of the rigid body \(\mathcal B_1\) with respect to \(G\). Since \(\mathcal B_2\) is a homogeneous rigid ball with center at \(G\), then any axis passing through its center is also a central axis of inertia. Thus, the inertial tensor of \(\mathcal B_2\) with respect to \(G\) is simply \(\lambda (\V e_1\otimes \V e_1+\V e_2\otimes \V e_2+\V e_3\otimes \V e_3)\) with \(\lambda=2/5\; mR^2\), and \(m\) the mass of the rigid ball. With respect to the reference frame \(\mathcal F\), all the volumes considered above are time-independent. The following system of differential equations describes the dynamics of the given system in the reference frame \(\mathcal F\) [^6]. \[\label{eq:motion} \begin{aligned} &\left.\begin{split} &\rho\left(\frac{\partial \V u}{\partial t}+\V v\cdot \nabla \V u+\V \omega_1\times \V u\right) =\mathop{\mathrm{div}} \T T(\V u,p) \\ &\mathop{\mathrm{div}} \V u=0 \end{split}\right\}&&\text{ on }\mathscr{L}\times (0,\infty), \\ &\T I_{\mathcal B}\cdot\dot{\V \omega}_1 +\V \omega_1\times \T I_{\mathcal B}\cdot \V \omega_1 =-\int_{ \mathcal C}\V x\times \T T(\V u,p)\cdot \V n\; \d \sigma \qquad &&\text{ in }(0,\infty), \\ &\lambda(\dot{\V \omega}_2 +\V \omega_1\times \V \omega_2) =-\int_{\mathcal S}\V x\times \T T(\V u,p)\cdot \V n\; \d \sigma \qquad &&\text{ in }(0,\infty), \\ &\V u=\V \omega_1\times \V x\qquad &&\text{ on }\mathcal C, \\ &\V u=\V \omega_2\times \V x\qquad &&\text{ on }\mathcal S. \end{aligned}\] Here, \(\V u,p, \mu\) and \(\rho\) denote the Eulerian absolute velocity and pressure of the liquid, its shear viscosity and (constant) density, respectively. In addition, \(\V v\) indicates the Eulerian velocity of the liquid relative to \(\mathcal B_1\) \[\label{eq:relative_velocity} \V v:=\V u-\V \omega_1\times \V x.\] We notice that \(\mathop{\mathrm{div}} \V v=0\), and it enjoys the following boundary conditions \[\label{eq:bc_v} \V v=\V 0\qquad \text{on }\mathcal C,\quad \text{and }\quad \V v\cdot \V n=0\qquad \text{on }\mathcal S.\] Moreover, \(\T T(\V u,p)\) denotes the Cauchy stress tensor for a viscous incompressible fluid \[\label{eq:Cauchy_stress} \T T(\V u,p):=-p\T 1+2\mu \T D(\V u), \qquad \text{where } \; \T D(\V u):=\frac 12 (\nabla \V u+(\nabla \V u)^T).\] Finally, \(\V \omega_1\) and \(\V \omega_2\) are the angular velocities of \(\mathcal B_1\) and \(\mathcal B_2\), respectively. Equations [\[eq:motion\]](#eq:motion){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:motion"}\(_{1,2}\) with [\[eq:relative_velocity\]](#eq:relative_velocity){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:relative_velocity"} and [\[eq:Cauchy_stress\]](#eq:Cauchy_stress){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:Cauchy_stress"} are the *Navier-Stokes equations* in the non-inertial reference frame \(\mathcal F\). These equations describe the dynamics of the liquid. Equations [\[eq:motion\]](#eq:motion){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:motion"}\(_{3,4}\) are the *balances of angular momentum* (with respect to \(G\)) of \(\mathcal B_1\) and \(\mathcal B_2\), respectively. In particular, the surface integrals in [\[eq:motion\]](#eq:motion){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:motion"}\(_{3,4}\) represent the total torque exerted by the liquid on the cavity surface \(\mathcal C\) and on the sphere \(\mathcal S\), respectively. The equations of motion are augmented with the *no-slip* boundary conditions [\[eq:motion\]](#eq:motion){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:motion"}\(_{5,6}\) at \(\mathcal C\) and \(\mathcal S\), respectively. Equations [\[eq:motion\]](#eq:motion){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:motion"} feature a combination of *dissipative* and *conservative* components. The *dissipative* role is played by the liquid variable through equations [\[eq:motion\]](#eq:motion){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:motion"}\(_{1,2,5,6}\). Whereas, the *conservative* feature comes from the coupling with the equations [\[eq:motion\]](#eq:motion){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:motion"}\(_{3,4}\) describing the dynamics of the solids. As a matter of fact, the energy dissipates only in the liquid variable (see equation [\[eq:energy\]](#eq:energy){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:energy"} below), and the total angular momentum (with respect to \(G\)) of the whole system is conserved at all times (see equation [\[eq:conservation0\]](#eq:conservation0){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:conservation0"} below). These properties are satisfied for "sufficiently regular" solutions.
With the same hypotheses of the previous lemma, we can show the following.
In the next section, we will provide the functional setting in which we will study the existence of solutions to the equations of motion.
# Functional spaces {#sec:functional}
Consider the spaces \[\begin{aligned} \mathcal R(\mathcal V)&:=\{\V u\in C^\infty(\mathcal V):\; \V u=\V \omega_u \times \V x\text{ on }\mathcal V, \text{ for some }\V \omega_u \in \ensuremath{\mathbb{R}}^3\}, \\ C^\infty_R(\mathcal V)&:=\left\{\V u\in C^\infty(\mathcal V):\; \V u=\V \omega_u \times \V x\text{ in a neighborhood of }\mathcal B_2, \text{ for some }\V \omega_u \in \ensuremath{\mathbb{R}}^3\right\}. \end{aligned}\] For every \(1\le q<\infty\), let us consider the norm \[\label{eq:norm_w} \norm{\V u}_q:=\left(\int_{\mathcal V}\tilde \rho\V u^q\right)^{1/q} =\left(\rho\norm{\V u}^q_{L^q(\mathscr{L})}+\lambda|\V \omega_u|^q\right)^{1/q},\qquad\text{for all }\V u\in C^\infty_R(\mathcal V).\] In the above equation, \[\label{eq:density} \tilde \rho:=\left\{\begin{split} \rho\qquad\quad &\text{on }\mathscr{L} \\ \frac{15\lambda}{8\pi R^5}\qquad &\text{on }\mathcal B_2. \end{split}\right.\] \(L^q_R(\mathcal V)\) indicates the completion of \(C^\infty_R(\mathcal V)\) in the norm \(\norm{\cdot}_q\). In the particular case of \(q=2\), \(L^2_R(\mathcal V)\) is a Hilbert space endowed with the inner product \[\label{eq:inner_product_w} (\V u,\V v):=\int_{\mathcal V}\tilde \rho\V u\cdot \V v=\int_\mathscr{L} \rho\; \V u\cdot \V v+\lambda \V \omega_u\cdot \V \omega_v.\] One can show that the following characterization holds for every \(1\le q<\infty\) (see e.g. ) \[L^q_R(\mathcal V)=\{\V u\in L^q(\mathcal V):\; \V u=\V \omega_u\times \V x\;\text{ on }\mathcal B_2\;\text{ for some }\V \omega_u\in \ensuremath{\mathbb{R}}^3\}.\] Consider the spaces \[\mathcal D_R(\mathcal V):= \{\V u\in C^\infty_R(\mathcal V)\cap C^\infty_0(\mathcal V):\; \mathop{\mathrm{div}} \V u=0\; \text{ on }\mathcal V\},\] and for \(T>0\) \[\begin{gathered}
\mathcal D_R(\mathcal V_T):= \{C^\infty_0(\mathcal V\times[0,T)):\; \mathop{\mathrm{div}} \V u=0\; \text{ on }\mathcal V\times[0,T), \\ \qquad\qquad\quad\V u=\V \omega_u \times \V x\text{ in a neighborhood of }\mathcal B_2, \text{ for some }\V \omega_u \in C^\infty_0([0,T))\}. \end{gathered}\] In addition, \(\mathcal H_q(\mathcal V)\) denotes the completion of \(\mathcal D_R(\mathcal V)\) with respect to the norm \(\norm{\cdot }_q\). In a similar fashion to the classical space of the hydrodynamics (see e.g. ), one can show that, the space \(\mathcal H_q(\mathcal V)\) has the following representation \[\begin{split} \mathcal H_q(\mathcal V)=\{\V u\in L^q_R(\mathcal V):\;& \mathop{\mathrm{div}} \V u=0\;\text{ on }\mathcal V,\; \V u\cdot \V n=0\;\text{ on }\mathcal C\}. \end{split}\] Moreover, we can consider the projection operator \(\mathcal P_q\) of \(L^q_R(\mathcal V)\) onto \(\mathcal H^q(\mathcal V)\) (c.f. ). Let \(1<q<\infty\). The space \(\mathcal H^1_q(\mathcal V)\) denotes the completion of \(\mathcal D_R(\mathcal V)\) with respect to the norm \[\label{eq:norm_1q} \norm{\cdot}_{1,q}:=\left(\norm{\cdot}_q^q+2\mu\norm{\T D(\cdot)}^q_{L^q(\mathcal V)}\right)^{1/q}.\] The right-hand side of latter displayed equation defines indeed a norm due to the following *Korn inequality* ().
The following characterization holds \[\mathcal H^1_q(\mathcal V)=\{\V u\in W^{1,q}_0(\mathcal V):\; \mathop{\mathrm{div}} \V u=0\;\text{ on }\mathcal V,\; \V u=\V \omega_u\times \V x\;\text{ on }\mathcal B_2\;\text{ for some }\V \omega_u\in \ensuremath{\mathbb{R}}^3\}.\] We notice that \(\mathcal D_R(\mathcal V)\subset \mathcal H^1_q(\mathcal V)\), so \(\mathcal H^1_q(\mathcal V)\) is dense in \(\mathcal H_q(\mathcal V)\). Moreover, since \(W^{1,q}(\mathcal V)\) is compactly embedded in \(L^q(\mathcal V)\) for all \(\displaystyle 1\le q<\infty\) (), we have the following lemma.
We are now in position to state some inequalities that will be used in the next sections. The proof are standards and will be omitted. We start with the following *Korn-type equalities*.
In a similar fashion as in, and applying Lemma [\[lem:korn_q\]](#lem:korn_q){reference-type="ref" reference="lem:korn_q"} to [\[eq:norm_1q\]](#eq:norm_1q){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:norm_1q"} one can easily show the following Poincaré-Korn inequality.
Recall that \(\mathcal V=\mathscr{L}\cup \overline{\mathcal B_2}\). Next lemma follows directly from [\[eq:korn_2\]](#eq:korn_2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:korn_2"} and Poincaré inequality.
Since \(\mathcal D_R(\mathcal V)\) is dense in \(\mathcal H^1_R(\mathcal V)\), by Sobolev inequality together with [\[eq:korn_q\]](#eq:korn_q){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:korn_q"}, we can prove the following lemma.
We conclude this section by introducing the space \(\mathcal H^k_q(\mathcal V)\) as the completion of \(\mathcal D_R(\mathcal V)\) with respect to the norm \(\norm{\cdot }_{W^{k,q}(\mathcal V)}\) for all \(1\le q<\infty\) and \(k\in \ensuremath{\mathbb{N}}\), \(k\ge 2\). In particular, \(\mathcal H^2_q(\mathcal V)\) is a Banach space endowed with the norm \[\label{eq:norm_2q} \norm{\cdot}_{2,q}:=\left(\norm{\cdot}^q_{L^q(\mathcal V)}+\norm{\T D(\cdot)}^q_{L^q(\mathcal V)}+\norm{\T H(\cdot)}^q_{L^q(\mathcal V)}\right)^{1/q},\] where \(\T H\) denote the third order tensor of second order derivatives. Similarly to Lemma [\[lem:embedding1\]](#lem:embedding1){reference-type="ref" reference="lem:embedding1"}, the following embedding also holds.
The previous results together with Lemma [\[lem:energy\]](#lem:energy){reference-type="ref" reference="lem:energy"} and Lemma [\[lem:conservation\]](#lem:conservation){reference-type="ref" reference="lem:conservation"} allow us to present a new mathematical formulation of the problem. This new formulation is equivalent to [\[eq:motion\]](#eq:motion){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:motion"}, and will reveal more features of the dynamics of our physical system.
# An equivalent formulation {#sec:equivalent_formulation}
Let us introduce the new variable \[\label{eq:new_variables} \V \omega:=\V \omega_2-\V \omega_1.\] The definition of the variable \(\V \omega\) comes from the following heuristic reasoning. Due to the liquid viscosity (since also \(\T D(\V u)=\T D(\V v)\)), we expect the velocity of the liquid relative to \(\mathcal B_1\) (and also the one relative to \(\mathcal B_2\)) to decay to zero as time approaches to infinity. If this happens, from the boundary conditions [\[eq:bc_v\]](#eq:bc_v){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:bc_v"}, also \(\V \omega\) is expected to decay, and the system would then move as a whole rigid body. Let \(\T I:=\T I_{C}+\lambda \T 1=(\lambda_1+\lambda)\V e_1\otimes\V e_1 +(\lambda_2+\lambda)\V e_2\otimes\V e_2+(\lambda_3+\lambda)\V e_3\otimes\V e_3\) be the inertia tensor of the whole system with respect to \(G\). Here, \(\T 1\) denotes the identity tensor in \(\ensuremath{\mathbb{R}}^3\times \ensuremath{\mathbb{R}}^3\). We note that \(\T I_{C}=\T I_{\mathscr{L}}+\T I_{\mathcal B}\), where \[\V b\cdot \T I_{\mathscr{L}}\cdot \V c=\rho\int_{\mathscr{L}}(\V x\times \V b)\cdot (\V x\times \V c)\; \d V, \qquad \V b, \V c\in \ensuremath{\mathbb{R}}^3.\] The tensor \(\T I\) is a symmetric and positive definite (thus, invertible). To simplify the notation, let us introduce the vector field \[\label{eq:omega_R} \V \omega_R:=-\T I^{-1}\cdot\left[\rho\int_{\mathscr{L}}\V x\times \V v\; \d V+\lambda \V \omega\right].\] In terms of the variables \((\V v,p,\V \omega_1,\V \omega)\), and taking into account [\[eq:Cauchy_stress\]](#eq:Cauchy_stress){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:Cauchy_stress"} together with Lemma [\[lem:conservation\]](#lem:conservation){reference-type="ref" reference="lem:conservation"}, the equations of motion [\[eq:motion\]](#eq:motion){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:motion"} can be equivalently reformulated as follows: \[\label{eq:Motion} \begin{aligned} &\left.\begin{split} &\rho\left(\frac{\partial \V v}{\partial t}+\V{\dot \omega}_1\times \V x+ \V v\cdot \nabla \V v+2\V \omega_1\times \V v\right) \\ &\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\quad\qquad =\frac \rho2 \nabla |\V \omega_1\times \V x|^2+\mathop{\mathrm{div}} \T T(\V v,p) \\ &\mathop{\mathrm{div}} \V v=0 \end{split}\right\}&&\text{on }\mathscr{L}\times (0,\infty), \\ &\T I\cdot(\V{\dot \omega}_1-\V{\dot \omega}_R) +\V \omega_1\times \T I\cdot (\V \omega_1-\V \omega_R)=\V 0 \qquad&&\text{in }(0,\infty), \\ &\lambda\left(\V{\dot \omega}+\V{\dot \omega}_1 +\V \omega_1\times \V \omega\right) =-\int_{\mathcal S}\V x\times \T T(\V v,p)\cdot \V n\; \d \sigma \qquad &&\text{in }(0,\infty), \\ &\V v=\V 0\qquad &&\text{on }\mathcal C, \\ &\V v=\V \omega\times \V x\qquad &&\text{on }\mathcal S. \end{aligned}\] The proof of the equivalence between the formulations [\[eq:motion\]](#eq:motion){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:motion"} and [\[eq:Motion\]](#eq:Motion){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:Motion"} goes along the one provided in the case when no rigid body is within the cavity of \(\mathcal B_1\) (namely, if \(R\equiv 0\)). We refer the interested reader to and. The energy balance [\[eq:energy\]](#eq:energy){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:energy"} can be rewritten as follows \[\label{eq:Energy0} \begin{split} \frac 12 \frac{\d }{\d t}\left[\rho \norm{\V v}^2_{L^2(\mathscr{L})}+\lambda |\V \omega|^2-\V \omega_R\cdot \T I \cdot \V \omega_R+(\V \omega_1-\V \omega_R)\cdot \T I\cdot (\V \omega_1-\V \omega_R)\right] +2\mu\norm{\T D( \V v)}^2_{L^2(\mathscr{L})}=0. \end{split}\] Consider the functionals \[\label{eq:a_varphi} \begin{split} b:\;\V w\in\mathcal H_q(\mathcal V)\mapsto b(\V w)&:=-\T I^{-1}\cdot \int_{\mathcal V}\tilde \rho\V x\times \V w \\ &=-\T I^{-1}\cdot \left(\rho\int_{\mathscr{L}}\V x\times \V w+\lambda \V \omega_w\right)\in \ensuremath{\mathbb{R}}^3, \end{split}\] and taking \(q=2\) in the previous definition, we define \[\label{eq:lyapunov} \mathcal E:\; \V w\in \mathcal H_2(\mathcal V)\mapsto \mathcal E(\V w):=\norm{\V w}^2_2-b(\V w)\cdot\T I\cdot b(\V w)\in \ensuremath{\mathbb{R}}.\] In particular, if we consider the field \[\label{eq:extension} \V{\tilde v}:=\left\{\begin{split} \V v\quad\quad \text{in }&\mathscr{L}, \\ \V \omega \times \V x\quad \text{in }&\mathcal B_2, \end{split}\right.\] and use [\[eq:norm_w\]](#eq:norm_w){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:norm_w"} and [\[eq:omega_R\]](#eq:omega_R){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:omega_R"}, we find that \(b(\V{\tilde v})=\V \omega_R\) and \[\label{eq:energy_d} \mathcal E(\V{\tilde v})=\rho \norm{\V v}^2_{L^2(\mathscr{L})}+\lambda |\V \omega|^2-\V \omega_R\cdot \T I \cdot \V \omega_R.\] The following lemma ensures that \(\mathcal E\) is a positive definite functional. Actually, it says a little more.
Using [\[eq:energy_d\]](#eq:energy_d){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:energy_d"} and [\[eq:lyapunov\]](#eq:lyapunov){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:lyapunov"} in [\[eq:Energy0\]](#eq:Energy0){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:Energy0"}, the balance of energy then reads as follows \[\label{eq:Energy} \frac{\d }{\d t}\left[\mathcal E(\V{\tilde v})+(\V \omega_1-\V \omega_R)\cdot \T I\cdot (\V \omega_1-\V \omega_R)\right]+4\mu\norm{\T D( \V v)}^2_{L^2(\mathscr{L})}=0,\] where \(\V{\tilde v}\) has been define in [\[eq:extension\]](#eq:extension){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:extension"}. From the physical viewpoint, \(\mathcal E(\V{\tilde v})+(\V \omega_1-\V \omega_R)\cdot \T I\cdot (\V \omega_1-\V \omega_R)\) represents the *total kinetic energy* of the whole system of rigid bodies with a liquid-filled gap. Thanks to Lemma [\[le:kokr\]](#le:kokr){reference-type="ref" reference="le:kokr"}, we can introduce the inner product \[\label{eq:inner_product_B} (\V v,\V w)_B:=((\T 1-\mathbb B)\V v,\V w),\qquad \text{for all }\V v,\V w\in \mathcal H_2(\mathcal V)\] with associated norm \(\norm{\cdot}_B:=\sqrt{((\T 1-\mathbb B)\cdot,\cdot)}=\sqrt{\mathcal E(\cdot)}\). In addition to the energy balance, the conservation of the total angular momentum [\[eq:conservation0\]](#eq:conservation0){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:conservation0"} for the whole system can be rewritten in terms of the new variables \[\label{eq:conservation} |\T I\cdot (\V \omega_1(t)-\V \omega_R(t))|=|\T I\cdot (\V \omega_1(0)-\V \omega_R(0))|\qquad \text{ all }t\ge 0.\] One can also obtain [\[eq:conservation\]](#eq:conservation){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:conservation"} by taking the dot-product of [\[eq:Motion\]](#eq:Motion){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:Motion"}\(_3\) by \(\T I\cdot (\V \omega_1-\V \omega_R)\).
# Weak solutions and their properties {#sec:weak}
Our investigation on the inertial motion about a fixed point of the system of two rigid bodies with a liquid-filled gap is carried out in a considerably large class of solutions to [\[eq:Motion\]](#eq:Motion){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:Motion"} having finite kinetic energy. A *weak formulation* for the problem [\[eq:Motion\]](#eq:Motion){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:Motion"}, can be found by dot-multiplying both sides of [\[eq:Motion\]](#eq:Motion){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:Motion"}\(_1\) by \(\V \varphi\in\mathcal H^1_2(\mathcal V)\), integrating (by parts) the resulting equation over \(\mathscr{L}\times (0,t)\), and using [\[eq:Motion\]](#eq:Motion){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:Motion"}\(_{3,4}\) together with [\[eq:xtimesomegatimesx\]](#eq:xtimesomegatimesx){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:xtimesomegatimesx"} and [\[eq:omegatimesxtimesomegatimesx\]](#eq:omegatimesxtimesomegatimesx){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:omegatimesxtimesomegatimesx"}. This leads to the following of problem: *find a solution \((\V{\tilde v},\V \Omega)\) to the following system of equations* \[\label{eq:weak} \begin{aligned} (\V{\tilde v}(t), \V \varphi)_B &+2\mu\int^t_0\int_{\mathcal V}\T D(\V{\tilde v})\mathbin: \T D(\V \varphi)\;\d V\d \tau + b(\V \varphi)\cdot\int^t_0 [\V \Omega+b(\V{\tilde v})]\times \T I\cdot \V \Omega\;\d \tau \\ &+ \int^t_0\int_{\mathcal V}\tilde \rho[\V{\tilde v}\cdot \nabla \V{\tilde v} +2(\V \Omega+b(\V{\tilde v}))\times \V{\tilde v}]\cdot \V \varphi\;\d V\d \tau=(\V{\tilde v}(0), \V \varphi)_B, \\ & \qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad \qquad\text{ for all \(\V \varphi\in\mathcal H^1_2(\mathcal V)\), }\text{and all \(t\in[0,\infty)\). } \\ \T I\cdot\V{\Omega}(t)&+\int^t_0[\V \Omega+b(\V{\tilde v})]\times \T I\cdot \V \Omega\;\d \tau=\T I\cdot\V{\Omega}(0), \qquad\qquad\text{for all }t\in[0,\infty). \end{aligned}\]
From the previous definition, it immediately follows that the physical velocity fields \((\V v,\V \omega_1,\V \omega)\) enjoy the following properties \[\label{eq:regularity_weak} \begin{split} &\V v\in C_w ([0,\infty);H(\mathscr{L}))\cap L^\infty(0,\infty;H(\mathscr{L}))\cap L^2(0,\infty;H(\mathscr{L})\cap W^{1,2}(\mathscr{L})) \\ &\V \omega_1\in C([0,\infty))\cap L^\infty(0,\infty), \\ &\V \omega\in C([0,\infty))\cap L^\infty(0,\infty)\cap L^2(0,\infty), \\ &\V v=\V 0\quad \text{on }\; \mathcal C, \qquad\V v=\V \omega\times \V x\quad\text{on }\;\mathcal S\text{ (in the trace sense).} \end{split}\] In particular, if \((\V v,\V \omega_1,\V \omega)\) is a weak solution, by [\[eq:strong_energy\]](#eq:strong_energy){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:strong_energy"} together with [\[eq:kokr\]](#eq:kokr){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:kokr"} and [\[eq:inner_product_w\]](#eq:inner_product_w){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:inner_product_w"}, it follows that there exists a constant \(c_0=c_0(\V v(0),\V \Omega(0),\V\omega(0))\) such that \[\rho\norm{\V v}_{L^2(\mathscr{L})}^2+\lambda|\V \omega|^2\le c^2_0,\;\qquad \quad \text{for all }\; t\ge 0.\] Furthermore, up to redefining the above constant \(c_0\), we also have \[\begin{aligned} |\V \omega_R(t)|\le \rho\int_{\mathscr{L}}|\V x\times \V v|\; \d V+\lambda|\V \omega&|\le c_0\;&&\text{ for all }\; t\ge 0, \\ \V \Omega(t)\cdot \T I\cdot \V \Omega(t)=\V \omega_1(t)\cdot \T I\cdot \V \omega_1(t)-2\V \omega_R(t)\cdot \T I \cdot \V \omega_1(t)&\le c^2_0\;&&\text{ for all }\; t\ge 0. \end{aligned}\] Thus, for every \(\varepsilon>0\), \[\begin{split} \lambda_{\min}|\V \omega_1(t)|^2\le c^2_0+2\V \omega_R(t)\cdot \T I \cdot \V \omega_1(t) &\le c^2_0+2\lambda_{\max}|\V \omega_R(t)|\;|\V \omega_1(t)| \\ &\le c^2_0+\frac{\lambda_{\max}}{\varepsilon}|\V \omega_R(t)|^2+\lambda_{\max}\varepsilon|\V \omega_1(t)|^2. \end{split}\] Here, \(\lambda_{\min}\) and \(\lambda_{\max}\) denote the minimum and maximum eigenvalue of \(\T I\), respectively. Choosing \(\varepsilon:=\lambda_{\min}/(2\lambda_{max})\), we can conclude that \[\frac 12 \lambda_{\min}|\V \omega_1(t)|^2\le c^2_0\left(1+2\frac{\lambda^2_{\max}}{\lambda_{\min}}\right)\;\qquad \quad \text{for all }\; t\ge 0.\]
The proof of the existence of weak solutions will be accomplished by using the Galerkin method together with a suitable approximation of the liquid velocity in \(\mathcal H_2(\mathcal V)\). To this aim, we will prove the existence of a special basis of \(\mathcal H_2(\mathcal V)\) and of a special basis of \(\mathcal H^2_2(\mathcal V)\). We start by noticing that, taking [\[eq:norm_1q\]](#eq:norm_1q){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:norm_1q"} with \(q=2\), the norm \(\norm{\cdot}_{1,2}\) is induced by the following inner product \[\label{eq:inner_product_w_1} (\V v,\V w)_1=(\V v,\V w)+2\mu\int_{\mathscr{L}}\T D(\V v)\mathbin: \T D(\V w)\; \d V,\] and the latter makes \(\mathcal H^1_2(\mathcal V)\) a Hilbert space. Consider the bilinear form \(a:\; \mathcal H^1_2(\mathcal V)\times \mathcal H^1_2(\mathcal V)\to \ensuremath{\mathbb{R}}\) defined as follows \[\label{eq:a} a(\V v,\V w):=2\mu\int_{\mathscr{L}}\T D(\V v)\mathbin :\T D(\V w).\] By [\[eq:norm_1q\]](#eq:norm_1q){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:norm_1q"} and [\[eq:korn_q\]](#eq:korn_q){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:korn_q"} with \(q=2\), \(a(\cdot,\cdot)\) is a continuous and coercive bilinear form in \(\mathcal H^1_2(\mathcal V)\). Thus, by Lax-Milgram Theorem, for every \(\V f\in \mathcal H_2(\mathcal V)\) there exists a unique solution \(\V w\in \mathcal H^1_2(\mathcal V)\) to the variational problem \[\label{eq:variational_stokes} a(\V w,\V \varphi)=( \V f,\V \varphi),\qquad \text{ for all }\V \varphi\in \mathcal H^1_2(\mathcal V),\] where the inner product \((\cdot,\cdot )\) has been defined in [\[eq:inner_product_w\]](#eq:inner_product_w){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:inner_product_w"}. In other words, \(\V w\) is a generalized solution (with respect to the inner product [\[eq:inner_product_w\]](#eq:inner_product_w){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:inner_product_w"}) to the problem \[\label{eq:stokes0} \begin{split} &\left.\begin{split} &-\frac{1}{\tilde \rho}\mathop{\mathrm{div}} \T T(\V{\tilde v},p)=\V g \\ &\mathop{\mathrm{div}} \V{\tilde v}=0 \end{split}\quad\right\}\quad \text{in }\mathcal V \\ &\ \ \V{\tilde v}=\V 0\qquad \text{on }\mathcal C, \end{split}\] where \(\V g\in L^2(\mathcal V)\) is such that \(\V f=\mathcal P_2 \V g\). [^8] With an argument similar to the one that leads to the classical estimates for the Stokes problem (see ), one can further show that \(\V w\in \mathcal H^2_2(\mathcal V)\), and there exists a unique (up to a constant) pressure field \(q\in W^{1,2}(\mathcal V)\) such that equations [\[eq:stokes0\]](#eq:stokes0){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:stokes0"}\(_{1,2}\) are satisfied almost everywhere on \(\mathcal V\). Moreover, \((\V w, q)\) satisfies the following estimates \[\label{eq:stokes_estimate} \norm{\V w}_{2,2}+\norm{q}_{W^{1,2}(\mathcal V)}\le c\norm{\V g}_2,\] with \(c=c(\mu,\rho,\lambda,R,\mathcal V)\) a positive constant. Consider the linear operator \[A:\; \V u\in \mathcal H^2_2(\mathcal V)\mapsto A\V u:=-\nu \mathcal P(\Delta \V u)\in \mathcal H_2(\mathcal V),\] where \(\nu:=\mu/\rho\) is the liquid coefficient of kinematic viscosity. An integration by parts implies that \(a(\V u,\V w)=(A\V u,\V w)\) for all \(\V u,\V w\in \mathcal H^2_2(\mathcal V)\). Thus, \(A\) is a symmetric operator. Moreover, \(A\) is invertible and closed. In fact, the inverse is defined by the operator \[A^{-1}:\;\V f\in\mathcal H_2(\mathcal V)\mapsto A^{-1}\V f=\V{\tilde w}\in \mathcal H^1_2(\mathcal V),\] the unique solution to [\[eq:variational_stokes\]](#eq:variational_stokes){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:variational_stokes"}, and \(A^{-1}\) is bounded because of [\[eq:stokes_estimate\]](#eq:stokes_estimate){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:stokes_estimate"}. Therefore, \(A\) and \(A^{-1}\) are self-adjoint. In addition, thanks to the estimate [\[eq:stokes_estimate\]](#eq:stokes_estimate){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:stokes_estimate"}, we have the following lemma.
Let us consider the following inner product in \(\mathcal H^2_2(\mathcal V)\) \[\label{eq:inner_product_w_2} (\V u,\V w)_2:=(A\V u,A\V w),\qquad\text{for all }\;\V u,\V w\in \mathcal H^2_2(\mathcal V).\] By [\[eq:Pdelta\]](#eq:Pdelta){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:Pdelta"}, the associated norm is equivalent to \(\norm{\cdot}_{2,2}\). We are now ready to prove the existence of a special basis.
We are now in position to prove the following result about the existence of weak solutions to [\[eq:Motion\]](#eq:Motion){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:Motion"}.
Due to the coupling with the Navier-Stokes equations, also for the problem at hand, it is an open problem whether weak solutions constructed in Theorem [\[th:weak\]](#th:weak){reference-type="ref" reference="th:weak"} continuously depend upon the initial data, and are in particular unique. Nevertheless, such property holds for any weak solution possessing a further regularity, as for the classical Navier-Stokes case.
To show the previous theorem, we need some preliminary lemmas. Their proofs are standard, they are similar to the ones provided in.
For a Banach space \(X\), we will consider the *(time-)mollification* \(\V w_h\) of a function \(\V w\in L^2(0,T;\mathcal H_2^1(\mathcal V))\) as the function defined by \[\V w_h(\V x,t):=\int^T_0 j_h(t-s)\V w(\V x,s)\; \d s\in C^\infty([0,T];\mathcal H_2^1(\mathcal V)),\] where \(\{j_h\in C^\infty_0(-h,h):\, 0<h<T\}\) is a family of mollifiers. Then, the following lemma is an immediate consequence of and.
Moreover, the following result holds.
We are now in position to prove Theorem [\[th:continuous_dependence\]](#th:continuous_dependence){reference-type="ref" reference="th:continuous_dependence"}
# Existence of strong solution {#sec:strong}
In this section, we will prove the local in time existence and continuous dependence upon initial data of strong solutions to [\[eq:Motion\]](#eq:Motion){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:Motion"} for a considerably "large" class of initial conditions. The approach is the one of maximal \(L^p-L^q\) regularity in time-weighted \(L^p\)-spaces (see Appendix [\[sec:maximal_regularity\]](#sec:maximal_regularity){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:maximal_regularity"} for a brief discussion on such approach). Let us introduce some notation. For the remaining part of the paper, the brackets \([\cdot,\cdot]_\theta\) denote the complex interpolation, whereas \((\cdot,\cdot)_{\alpha,\gamma}\) are used for the real interpolation. For \(p\in (1,\infty)\), \(1/p<\upmu\le 1\) and a Banach space \(X\), the *time-weighted \(L^p\)-spaces* are defined as follows \[\label{eq:time_weigthed_Lp} \begin{aligned} &\V u\in L^p_{\upmu}((0,T); X) && \Leftrightarrow \quad t^{1-\upmu}\V u\in L^p((0,T);X),\\ &\V u\in H^1_{p,\upmu}((0,T);X) && \Leftrightarrow \quad \V u,\d \V u/\d t\in L^p_{\upmu}((0,T); X). \end{aligned}\] Consider the operator \((\T A_q,D(\T A_q))\) where \[\label{eq:stokes_v} \T A_q:=-\frac{\mu}{\tilde \rho}\;\mathcal P_q\Delta\] is the Stokes operator with domain \(D(\T A_q):=\{\V{\tilde w}\in \mathcal H^2_q(\mathcal V)\cap H_q(\mathcal V):\; \V w=\V 0\text{ on }\mathcal C\}\), \(\tilde \rho\) is given in [\[eq:density\]](#eq:density){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:density"}; we recall that \(\mathcal P_q\) is the projection of \(L^q_R(\mathcal V)\) onto \(\mathcal H_q(\mathcal V)\). Moreover, for \(p,\;q\in(1,\infty)\), we consider the spaces \(X_0:=\mathcal H_q(\mathcal V)\times \ensuremath{\mathbb{R}}^3\), \(X_1:=D(\T A_q)\times\ensuremath{\mathbb{R}}^3\), and the interpolation spaces \[X_{\gamma,\upmu}:=(X_0,X_1)_{\upmu-1/p,p},\quad X_\alpha=[X_0,X_1]_{\alpha}\quad\text{for }\mu\in (1/p,1],\;\alpha\in (0,1).\] The previous spaces are endowed with the norms \[\norm{\V u}_{X_0}:=\sqrt{\norm{\V{\tilde v}}_{L^q(\mathcal V)}^2+|\V \omega_1|^2},\qquad\qquad \norm{\V u}_{X_1}:=\sqrt{\norm{\V{\tilde v}}_{W^{2,q}(\mathcal V)}^2+|\V \omega_1|^2}\] and similarly for the interpolation spaces. We recall the following characterization of Besov spaces \(B^s_{qp}(\mathcal V)=(H^{s_0}_q(\mathcal V),H^{s_1}_q(\mathcal V))_{\theta,p}\) as real interpolation of Bessel potential spaces, and of Bessel potential spaces \(H^s_q(\mathcal V)=[H^{s_0}_q(\mathcal V),H^{s_1}_q(\mathcal V)]_{\theta}\). These characterizations are valid for \(s_0\ne s_1\in \ensuremath{\mathbb{R}}\), \(p,q\in [1, \infty)\), \(\theta\in (0,1)\) and \(s=(1-\theta)s_0+\theta s_1\). We also recall that \(B^s_{qq}(\mathcal V) = W^{s,q}(\mathcal V)\) and \(B^s_{22}(\mathcal V) = W^{s,2}(\mathcal V) =H^s_2(\mathcal V)\). Before stating our main result about existence and related properties of strong solutions to [\[eq:Motion\]](#eq:Motion){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:Motion"}, we need some preliminary observations. Let us consider the initial boundary value problem which describes the motion of a rigid body having a cavity \(\mathcal V\) completely filled by a viscous liquid with a varying density \(\tilde \rho\) defined in [\[eq:density\]](#eq:density){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:density"}. \[\label{eq:Motion_e} \begin{aligned} &\left.\begin{split} &\frac{\partial \V{\tilde v}}{\partial t}+\V{\dot \omega}_1\times \V x+ \V{\tilde v}\cdot \nabla \V{\tilde v}+2\V \omega_1\times \V{\tilde v} =\frac{\mu}{\tilde \rho}\Delta \V{\tilde v}-\frac{1}{\tilde \rho}\nabla \pi \\ &\mathop{\mathrm{div}} \V{\tilde v}=0 \end{split}\right\}&&\text{ on }\mathcal V\times (0,\infty), \\ &\ \V{\dot \omega}_1-b\left(\frac{\partial \V{\tilde v}}{\partial t}\right)+\T I^{-1}\cdot\left[\V \omega_1\times \T I\cdot (\V \omega_1-b(\V{\tilde v}))\right]=\V 0 &&\text{ in }(0,\infty), \\ &\ \V{\tilde v}=\V 0&&\text{ on }\mathcal C, \\ &\ \V{\tilde v}|_{t=0}=\V{\tilde v}_0,\qquad \V \omega_1(0)=\V \omega_{10}&& \end{aligned}\] Assume that for some initial data \((\V{\tilde v}_0, \V \omega_{10})\) satisfying the condition \[\label{eq:compatibility} \V{\tilde v}_0=\left\{\begin{aligned} &\V v_0&&\text{ on }\mathscr{L}, \\ &\V \omega_0\times \V x&&\text{ on }\mathcal B_2, \end{aligned}\right.\qquad \qquad \text{with }\V v_0=\V \omega_0\times \V x\text{ on }\mathcal S,\] there exists \((\V{\tilde v},\V \omega_1)\) a strong solution to [\[eq:Motion_e\]](#eq:Motion_e){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:Motion_e"} in the class \(\mathbb{E}_{1,\upmu}(0,T)\) with \(\upmu=1\), defined in [\[eq:regularity_c\]](#eq:regularity_c){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:regularity_c"} below. Then there exist \(\V v\in H^1_p(0,t_1;H_q(\mathscr{L}))\cap L^p(0,t_1;H^2_q(\mathscr{L}))\) and \(\V \omega\in C^1((0,T];\ensuremath{\mathbb{R}}^3)\) such that \(\V v=\V 0\) on \(\mathcal C\), \(\V v=\V \omega\times \V x\) on \(\mathcal S\), and \[\V{\tilde v}= \left\{\begin{aligned} &\V v &&\text{on }\mathscr{L}, \\ &\V \omega\times \V x &&\text{on }\mathcal B_2. \end{aligned}\right.\] Using a duality argument (generalizing that in Remark [\[re:strong_2\]](#re:strong_2){reference-type="ref" reference="re:strong_2"}), one can find that the triple \((\V v,\V \omega_1,\V \omega)\) is a strong solution to [\[eq:Motion\]](#eq:Motion){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:Motion"}. Moreover, \((\V v,\V \omega_1,\V \omega)\) satisfies the initial conditions thanks to [\[eq:compatibility\]](#eq:compatibility){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:compatibility"}. Therefore, the goal of this section is to investigate the existence and related properties of strong solutions to [\[eq:Motion_e\]](#eq:Motion_e){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:Motion_e"}. In the following we set \[\mathcal B^{s}_{qp,\sigma}(\mathcal V):= \left\{ \begin{aligned} &\{\V u\in B^{s}_{qp}(\mathcal V)\cap \mathcal H_q(\mathcal V): \V u=\V 0\; \text{on}\; \mathcal C\}, &&s>1/q,\\ &B^{s}_{qp}(\mathcal V)\cap \mathcal H_q(\mathcal V), && s\in [0,1/q).\\ \end{aligned} \right.\] In view of the previous observations, next theorem turns out to be the main result of this section.
[^1]: The geometrical center of the ball is also its center of mass due to the homogeneity and geometrical symmetry of \(\mathcal B_2\).
[^2]: Note that different portions (\(\mathcal C\) and \(\mathcal S\)) of the liquid boundary move with different (unknown) motion.
[^3]: The long-time behavior of solutions to the governing equations in the Leray-Hopf class for any initial data with finite kinetic energy.
[^4]: Unless confusion arises, we shall use the same symbol for spaces of scalar, vector and tensor functions.
[^5]: \(\mathcal S\) is the sphere in \(\ensuremath{\mathbb{R}}^3\) centered at \(G\) with radius \(R\).
[^6]: We refer to , and for more details about this kind of formulation obtained for similar problems in liquid-solid interactions.
[^7]: Due to its regularity, we can extend \(\V \psi\) by its boundary value on \(\mathcal B_2\) and use it as test function in [\[eq:weak\]](#eq:weak){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:weak"}.
[^8]: We recall that \(\mathcal P_2\) is the orthogonal projection of \(L^2_R(\mathcal V)\) onto \(\mathcal H_2(\mathcal V)\) with respect to the inner product \((\cdot,\cdot)\), defined in [\[eq:inner_product_w\]](#eq:inner_product_w){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:inner_product_w"} (see Section [3](#sec:functional){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:functional"}). | {'timestamp': '2020-11-30T02:04:55', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14314', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14314'} |
## Methods
### Sample Fabrication
The plasmonic nanoantennas are fabricated using a top-down approach, based on the method outlined by. Au(80 nm) films were deposited using electron-beam evaporation onto glass substrates. Later, Al\(_{2}\)O\(_{3}\)(3.5 nm)/Tb\(_{18}\)Co\(_{82}\)(15 nm)/Al\(_{2}\)O\(_{3}\)(2 nm) films were sputter deposited onto these films, with the complete structure being Au(80 nm)/Al\(_{2}\)O\(_{3}\)(3.5 nm)/Tb\(_{18}\)Co\(_{82}\)(15 nm)/Al\(_{2}\)O\(_{3}\)(2 nm). The Tb\(_{18}\)Co\(_{82}\) layer was deposited through co-sputtering. The additional thin Al\(_{2}\)O\(_{3}\) layers were used as capping and isolating layers for the Tb\(_{18}\)Co\(_{82}\). Here, the composition of the film can be varied by adjusted the relative power of the Co and Tb magnetrons. Calibration films were made with different power ratios on the two magnetrons and compositions were verified using Rutherford back scattering. Electron beam lithography was used to define disk shaped apertures in a MicroChem 496PMMA A4 electron-beam resist. Electron-beam evaporation was used to deposit an Al mask through the resist followed by removal of the PMMA mask with Acetone. The resulting structure was then milled at a 5 deg incidence angle with sample rotation, removing all material unprotected by the Al mask. Any remaining Al mask was then removed with the photoresist developer microdeposit 351, which in this case was used as a selective etcher to target the Al. A conical profile is induced through a combination of the small lateral component of the milling which depends to some extent on the small milling incidence angle . In our samples, this results in a constant slope profile of approximately 62 deg for all nanoantenna arrays. Therefore, by varying the diameter of the Al mask, the resulting structures can be tuned from truncated to conical profiles.
### Magneto-optical characterisation
The experimental values of \(\theta\_{F}\), \(\eta\_{F}\) and \(\Theta\_{F}\) were measured using the photoelastic modulator methodology with an applied field of 450 mT along the light propagation direction, which is described in the Supporting Information. A quadratic polynomial was fitted to the raw \(\theta\_{F}\) data in order to subtract the background contribution which arises from the Faraday rotation of the fused-silica substrate, which is strongest for short wavelengths and decreases for longer wavelengths . For the differential absorption of circularly polarised light measurement, a time varying light polarisation, which alternates between left and right circularly polarised light states at 50 kHz was generated using a photoelastic modulator (PEM) and directed at the sample at normal incidence. This is achieved by passing linearly polarised light orientated at 45\(^{\circ}\) to the fast axis of the PEM, with the PEM retardation set to 0.25 wavelengths. Any mechanism in the TNC array which results in a difference in absorption for opposite helicities (including magnetic circular dichroism) will contribute to an oscillating light intensity at the detector at the photoelastic modulator frequency. It is common to express this measurement as the ratio \(C\_{\omega}^{q}/C\_{\circ}^{q}\), where \(C\_{\omega}^{q}\) is the amplitude of the \(\omega\) = 50 kHz signal for a fixed polar magnetization \(q = \pm M\_{z}\), and \(C\_{\circ}^{q}\) is the DC signal intensity, which contains the helicity independent absorption contribution. Prior to the measurement, a saturating magnetic field was used to initialise the magnetization along the light propagation direction (\(q = +M\_{z}\)) and then removed. For the subsequent measurement, the magnetization was saturated in the opposite polar direction (\(q =-M\_{z}\)) and the measurement repeated. It is important to note that the spectra in Figure [\[fig4\]](#fig4){reference-type="ref" reference="fig4"}a contains additional *fake* CD contributions, which arise from leaking-in of the large linear dichroism signal as a result of the rectangular array with which the nanostructures are arranged. By observing the difference between the antiparallel magnetization states, namely \(\Delta[C\_{\omega}/C\_{\circ}]\), these effects, which are independent of the magnetization, can be subtracted out, yielding the available magnetic modulation. We define this magnetic modulation of the helicity dependent transmission as \((C\_{\omega}^{-M\_{z}}-C\_{\omega}^{+M\_{z}}) / (C\_{\circ}^{-M\_{z}}+C\_{\circ}^{+M\_{z}})\), and this quantity is plotted in Figure [\[fig4\]](#fig4){reference-type="ref" reference="fig4"}c as a function of both \(\alpha\_{i}\) and wavelength.
# Introduction
Nanoscale magnetophotonics merges magnetism with nanophotonics, combining seamlessly magneto-optical (MO) effects with surface plasmons, thus being capable of delivering ultra-high performance biological and chemical sensors, active tunability in nano-optics by external magnetic fields, and setting a platform for ultrafast opto-magnetism and spintronic devices on the nanoscale. Pure ferromagnetic plasmonic systems were earlier considered unfeasible for these purposes due to the high ohmic losses associated with the transition-metal ferromagnets. However, to a large extent, these can be overcome through nanopatterning, materials engineering and fabrication of hybrid noble metal-ferromagnetic nanostructures. The enhancement of various MO effects is typically achieved in these systems through near-field light concentration at the nanoscale, boosting light-magnetism interactions that relate to the MO Voigt parameter of the ferromagnet. Importantly, by exploiting magnetic anisotropy control, the magnetization can be stabilized in a desired direction and MO effects can be recorded at zero external magnetic field. Linewidth engineering wherein high Q-factor resonances are achieved, can furthermore be employed in ordered arrays of magnetoplasmonic nanoantennas with surface lattice resonances. The use of rare-earth--transition-metal alloys is of paramount interest for future nanoscale magnetophotonic and magnetoplasmonic systems for several key reasons. Firstly, they are known to exhibit very large MO effects potentially permitting very high real-time active tunability of light polarization. Secondly, they can exhibit strong perpendicular magnetic anisotropy, yet with an amorphous texture. For instance, carefully engineered Co/Pt multilayered nanodots having large interfacial spin-orbit coupling with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy, demonstrate tenfold enhancements in MO activity and demonstrate the great potential of out-of-plane magnetic anisotropy materials for magnetoplasmonics. The amorphous texture of RE-TM alloys greatly simplifies the otherwise stringent requirements on material microstructure for obtaining these highly desired magnetic properties. As such, they can be grown on noble metals like Au with minimal residual stresses, and with highly smooth interfaces, thereby maintaining much of their original magnetic properties even after patterning. Importantly, with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy the remanent magnetization state of the magnetic nanostructures can be designed to be parallel to the light propagation direction for normal light incidence, greatly simplifying potential practical applications of magnetoplasmonic crystals. This allows one to explore their MO functionality (such as, tunable Faraday effect) directly, i.e., without the need of external magnetic fields in order to stabilize the magnetization along the out-of-plane axis. Thirdly, ferrimagnetic alloys such as Tb\(_{18}\)Co\(_{82}\), have recently experienced extensive interest due to the demonstration of enhanced spin-orbit torques and all-optical switching, allowing for zero-field magnetic switching, on picosecond timescales, with the use of pulsed lasers. Thus, demonstrating the compatibility of these materials with nanoantennas is essential for the development of nanoscale (i.e., sub-diffraction) all-optical switching technologies. Here we devise a magnetophotonic crystal composed of nanocone Au plasmonic nanoantenna arrays incorporating an amorphous RE-TM ferrimagnetic alloy, Tb\(_{18}\)Co\(_{82}\), with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. We show that this hybrid Au/Tb\(\_{18}\)Co\(\_{82}\) system provides high-Q MO resonances, overcoming the losses associated with ferrimagnetic alloys. By Maxwell-theory modelling we show that this is achieved through the resonant collective excitation of surface lattice modes that exhibit a particularly strong angular dispersion. This is a result of the interference of a Rayleigh anomaly with the individual nanoantennas' plasmons, giving rise to surface lattice resonance resonances with characteristic Fano-type asymmetric lineshape in both the optical and MO spectra. We demonstrate an exceptionally strong tunability of the spectral position of such resonances by varying the angle of incidence (incident direction) of the incoming light, exemplifying the potential of magnetophotonic crystals for high-resolution mechanical tilt-angle sensors and, more broadly, for actively-controlled optical systems.
# Results and Discussion
Nanocone antennas were previously shown to exhibit a very strong field enhancement, with the electromagnetic field concentrated at the tip. We build large rectangular lattice arrays of Au/Tb\(\_{18}\)Co\(\_{82}\) truncated nanocone antennas (Fig. [\[fig1\]](#fig1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig1"}a) with two selected base diameters (179 \(\pm\) 5 nm and 227 \(\pm\) 4 nm (see SEM insets in Fig. [\[fig1\]](#fig1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig1"}f and h respectively). The light incidence angle (\(\alpha\_{i}\)) is varied with respect to the lattice plane, directed along either one or the other of the array periodicity (Fig. [\[fig1\]](#fig1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig1"}b). We first use finite-element Maxwell-theory simulations (COMSOL Multiphysics, see Supporting Information) to pinpoint the emerging resonances' linewidth narrowing and high incidence-angle sensitivity. The magnetophotonic crytstal is built of Au(80 nm)/Tb\(\_{18}\)Co\(\_{82}\)(15 nm) truncated nanocones (base diameter, \(D\_{B}\) = 179 nm), arranged in a rectangular array with 340 nm \(\times\) 425 nm periodicity (Fig. [\[fig1\]](#fig1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig1"}c). The light incidence direction angle (using the optical convention) defines a scattering plane which is parallel to one (340 nm) or the other (425 nm) of the array periodicity axes with azimuthal angles \(\varphi\_{i}\) = 0 or \(\varphi\_{i}\) = 90\(^{\circ}\), respectively. Surface lattice resonances are the result of the coupling between a broad lossy resonance, in this case the localised plasmon resonances of individual nanoantennas, and diffracted waves in the plane of the nanoantenna array (a detailed description is provided in the supporting information). This condition is generally observed close to a Rayleigh anomaly, where for a given \(\alpha\_{i}\) and lattice periodicity, a Rayleigh anomaly exists where a diffracted wave is directed parallel to the grating. This Rayleigh anomaly represents the passing-off of a diffraction order through a laterally excited beam. There can exist a large number of these diffraction orders, which are labeled by two integers \(n\) and \(m\). The allowed waves are obtained by imposing the condition that the component of the light wave-vector normal to the lattice surface is real, through the expression \[k_{\perp} = \sqrt{k_s^2-\left(\bm{k_{\parallel}} + m \bm{G_1} + n \bm{G_2} \right)^2} \in \Re. \label{lattice diffraction modes}\] In the above formula, \(k\_s = 2\pi n\_{sub} / \lambda\) corresponds to the light wave-vector in the substrate, where \(n\_{sub}\) is the refractive index of the fused silica substrate (\(n\_{sub}\) = 1.45), \(\lambda\) the light wavelength, \(\bm{k_{\parallel}}=k_0\left[ \sin(\alpha_i)\cos(\varphi_i)~\bm{u_x} + \sin(\alpha_i)\sin(\varphi_i)~\bm{u_y} \right]\) corresponds to the wave-vector component of the incident radiation (in air/vacuum) parallel to the lattice surface, \(k_0 = 2\pi/\lambda\) is the light wave-vector in air and \(\bm{G_1} = (2\pi/a) ~\bm{u_x}\), \(\bm{G_2} = (2\pi/b) ~\bm{u_y}\) are the reciprocal lattice vectors, with \(~\bm{u_x}\), \(~\bm{u_y}\) being the reciprocal lattice unit vectors and \(a\) = 340 nm, \(b\) = 425 nm, being the lattice parameters. The number of diffracted waves depends on the lattice parameters, the angle of incidence, the refractive index of the substrate and the light wavelength. For wavelengths greater than 600 nm, Equation [\[lattice diffraction modes\]](#lattice diffraction modes){reference-type="eqref" reference="lattice diffraction modes"} indicates that only the diffracted waves (\(n=0 ~;~ m=-1\)) for \(\varphi_i=0\) and (\(n=-1 ~;~ m=0\)) for \(\varphi_i= 90^{\circ}\) can be obtained by varying the incidence angle between 0-20\(^{\circ}\) (see Supporting Information). We use reciprocal vector notation, such that the Rayleigh anomaly occurs at wavelengths \(\lambda\_{R}^{[n,m]}\) with wave-vector orientated along the reciprocal lattice vectors \([n, m]\). Fig. [\[fig1\]](#fig1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig1"}c demonstrates how the reciprocal lattice vectors are orientated with respect to the real-space lattice. The analytical expressions for the two allowed substrate waves (\([0,-1], [-1,0]\)) from Equation [\[lattice diffraction modes\]](#lattice diffraction modes){reference-type="eqref" reference="lattice diffraction modes"}, are given by \[\lambda\_{R}^{[0,-1]} = a \left[ n\_{sub} + n\_{air} \sin \left( \alpha\_i \right)\right]~~ \textrm{for} ~\varphi\_i = 0,\] \[\lambda\_{R}^{[-1,0]} = b \left[ n\_{sub} + n\_{air} \sin \left( \alpha\_i \right)\right]~~ \textrm{for} ~\varphi\_i = 90^{\circ},\] where \(n\_{air} = 1\) is the refractive index of air. We first calculate the spectral transmission through the array for \(p\)-polarised light (i.e., incident electric field is in the scattering plane) (Fig. [\[fig1\]](#fig1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig1"}d, e). Individual nanoantenna dipole-type plasmons are excited in the respective scattering planes at 690 nm at normal incidence (\(\alpha\_{i}\) = 0). For the \(\varphi\_{i}\) = 0 configuration (scattering plane along 340 nm array periodicity, Fig. [\[fig1\]](#fig1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig1"}d) the surface lattice resonances from Eq. (2) are at \(\lambda\_{R}^{[0,-1]}\) = 493 nm, 552 nm, 581 nm and 609 nm for \(\alpha\_{i}\) = 0, 10, 15, and 20 degrees, respectively, and therefore not spectrally overlapping with the nanoantennas' individual plasmons. For \(\varphi\_{i}\) = 90\(^{\circ}\) (scattering plane along 425 nm array periodicity, Fig. [\[fig1\]](#fig1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig1"}e), Eq. (3) gives \(\lambda\_{R}^{[-1,0]}\) = 616 nm, 690 nm, 726 nm and 762 nm, strongly overlapping with the nanoantennas' plasmon, resulting in a very substantial tuning of the spectrally abrupt transmission spectrum by changing \(\alpha\_{i}\) (see Fig. [\[fig1\]](#fig1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig1"}e). In the Fano-type resonance description, the nanoantennas plasmon represents a continuum of states, whereas the Rayleigh anomaly is a narrow line-width diffracted wave, which, upon interfering with the continuum, results in the characteristic asymmetric lineshape of the surface lattice resonances. A similar behaviour has been seen previously with magnetoplasmonic Ni nanoantennas arrays, where the overlap between \(\lambda\_{R}^{[n,m]}\) and the nanoantenna plasmon was tuned by varying the lattice periodicity of the magnetoplasmonic crystal. However, a much simpler alternative method of tuning the surface lattice resonance spectral position can be obtained using the angular dispersion of \(\lambda\_{R}^{[n,m]}\). This tuning of the spectral position of the surface lattice resonance opens up applications as mechanical tilt-angle transducers/sensors, and in contrast with previously observed transmission/reflectance angular dependence in pure plasmonic arrays, this magnetoplasmonic crystal allows one to fully explore angular MO tunability. The dipolar radiation field is strongest transverse to the dipolar plasmon oscillation given by \(p\_{E}\) (Fig. [\[fig1\]](#fig1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig1"}c). In our simulations we used \(p\)-polarised light and hence the electric dipole excitation within individual nanocone antennas is orientated within the scattering plane and parallel to the diffraction anomaly. This dipole cannot radiate along the oscillation direction, hence there must exist an additional mechanism for light to be scattered along the other periodicity direction for the excitation of the Rayleigh anomaly. We show this to be the result of an out-of-plane component to the electric dipole due to the illumination at oblique incidence (see Supporting Information), which would radiate in all directions within the plane of the lattice providing the excitation for all \(\lambda\_{R}^{[n,m]}\), e.g. \[-1, 0\], \[0, -1\], \[-1, -1\] waves for \(p\)-polarised light. The measured transmission spectra are shown in Fig. [\[fig1\]](#fig1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig1"}f-i. In agreement with the electromagnetic simulations above, for the \(\varphi_{i}\) = 0 configuration (Fig. [\[fig1\]](#fig1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig1"}f, h) the transmission spectra show very little dependence on \(\alpha\_{i}\). The nanoantenna plasmon is red-shifted and spectrally broadened as compared to the simulations though, which is likely a result of the thin Al\(_{2}\)O\(_{3}\) isolation layer (see Methods) and oxidation of the exposed Tb\(_{18}\)Co\(_{82}\) side-walls on the fabricated nanocones and also the size and shape distribution of the nanoantenna ensemble. There is a spectral feature between 500-600 nm (Fig. [\[fig1\]](#fig1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig1"}f, h) that migrates to longer wavelengths as \(\alpha\_{i}\) increases that is most likely due to \(\lambda\_{R}^{[0,-1]}\), since it occurs at the same spectral positions for both the \(D\_{B}\) = 179 nm (Fig. [\[fig1\]](#fig1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig1"}f) and 227 nm (Fig. [\[fig1\]](#fig1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig1"}h) nanoantennas, suggesting its origin relates to the lattice and not the individual nanoantenna plasmon resonance. When rotated into the \(\varphi\_{i}\) = 90\(^{\circ}\) configuration (Fig. [\[fig1\]](#fig1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig1"}g and i), the strong variations in the transmission spectra are observed, in excellent agreement with the simulations, in both spectral position and lineshape, albeit with reduced amplitude. For both \(D\_B\) = 179 nm (Fig. [\[fig1\]](#fig1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig1"}g) and 227 nm (Fig. [\[fig1\]](#fig1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig1"}i) nanoantennas, the \(\alpha\_{i}\) = 0 incidence shows a small blue shift of the plasmon for the \(\varphi_{i}\) = 90\(^{\circ}\) configuration relative to the \(\varphi_{i}\) = 0 configuration. As shown in the inset scanning electron microscopy images, the nanocones are not perfectly circular and this discrepancy is likely a result of this asymmetry. Markedly, the broad spectral distribution with the \(D\_B\) = 227 nm nanocone antennas allows for a larger tuning bandwidth, such that there exists a larger range of \(\alpha\_{i}\) for which \(\lambda\_{R}^{[-1, 0]}\) overlaps with the nanoantenna plasmon. While we readily earn high incidence direction tunability of optical transmission with the designed magnetophotonic crystals, resonances in MO spectra can yield much larger Q-factors. Maccaferri et al. showed that an out-of-plane magnetization in the presence of the electric dipolar plasmon gives rise to an in-plane MO dipolar plasmon (\(p\_{MO}\)) which is orientated orthogonal to \(p\_{E}\) and is induced in the ferromagnetic layer. The magnitude of \(p\_{MO}\) is proportional to the magnitude of \(p\_{E}\). Given that a material's optical constants are typically much larger than their MO constants, even lossy broad localised plasmon resonances can give rise to large enhancements in MO activity as compared to ferrimagnets without plasmonic integration. This transverse oscillation is induced via spin-orbit coupling, generating an oscillation of conduction electrons in-the-plane but orthogonal to \(p\_{E}\). With the use of p-polarised light, the pure optical dipole is orientated along \(p\_{E}\) and the transverse MO dipole is aligned along \(p\_{MO}\) (Fig. [\[fig2\]](#fig2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig2"}a). Hence, the use of \(p\)-polarised light results in the MO dipole induced in the Tb\(_{18}\)Co\(_{82}\) layer which radiates strongly in the scattering plane, and is therefore expected to be most sensitive to the angular dispersion of the surface lattice resonances as the crystal is tilted by \(\alpha\_{i}\). In Fig. [\[fig2\]](#fig2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig2"}b-j the calculated and experimental Faraday rotation (\(\theta\_F\)), Faraday ellipticity (\(\eta\_F\)) and Faraday angle (\(\Theta\_F = \sqrt{\theta\_{F}^{2} + \eta\_{F}^{2}}\)) are presented. The calculated Faraday effect using the experimental permittivity for a Tb\(_{18}\)Co\(_{82}\) thin film is shown in Fig. [\[fig2\]](#fig2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig2"}b, e, h for the \(D\_{B}\) = 179 nm nanocone antennas array (see Supporting Information for details). The \(\varphi\_{i}\) = 0 configuration shows no angular dependence for the Faraday effect (see Supporting information) and through fitting a Lorentzian to the \(\alpha\_{i}\) = 0 transmission and \(\Theta\_{F}\) spectra for the \(\varphi\_{i}\) = 0 configuration we estimate that the MO resonance exhibits a two-fold reduction in linewidth relative to the pure optical resonance. While for \(\varphi\_{i}\) = 0 (no overlap of nanoantennas plasmon with Rayleigh anomaly) a reasonable spectral feature narrowing is achieved without angular dependence, in the \(\varphi\_{i}\) = 90\(^\circ\) configuration the experimental Faraday spectra show strong angular dependence and suggest that sizeable Faraday angles of up to 0.3\(^\circ\) are readily available. The simulated spectra prompts that extremely sharp features exist that coincide with \(\lambda\_{R}^{[-1,0]}\) (Fig. [\[fig2\]](#fig2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig2"}b, e, h). The Rayleigh anomaly is strongest through the substrate and the observation of strong diffractive effects in the Faraday spectra indicates that the MO dipole induced in the Tb\(_{18}\)Co\(_{82}\) layer is transferred to the rest of the nanoantenna. The experimental MO spectra measured for the nanoantennas with \(D_{B}\) = 179 nm (Fig. [\[fig2\]](#fig2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig2"}c, f, i) compare well to the calculations. The excellent match of the measured spectra with simulations demonstrates the suitability of combining finite-element methods with experimentally measured thin-film permittivity for the calculated design of magnetophotonic devices. For the nanoantennas with \(D_{B}\) = 227 nm (Fig. [\[fig2\]](#fig2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig2"}d, g, j) there is a stronger Faraday effect, but with broader spectral features, demonstrating the trade-off between adding more magnetic material in the nanoantenna whilst maintaining small dimensions for narrow plasmon resonances. From the above it is clear that it is not possible to measure the MO response of the Au-Tb\(_{18}\)Co\(_{82}\) nanoantennas off-resonance, where \(\theta\_F\) and \(\eta\_F\) quickly drop to values comparable to the measurement uncertainty. In effect, the nanoantennas plasmons strongly amplify the minute magnetic signals that ordinarily wouldn't be resolved. It is possible to estimate the Tb\(_{18}\)Co\(_{82}\) amount in each nanoantenna, corresponding to a nanodisk with 86 \(\pm\) 10 nm diameter and 15 nm height for nanoantennas with base diameter of 179 nm. This yields Tb\(_{18}\)Co\(_{82}\) effective film thickness (i.e. the thickness of a film made with the same amount of material) of approximately 0.6 nm, of the order of an atomic monolayer, demonstrating the MO amplification obtained through the nanoantenna's plasmons. The experimental \(\Theta\_F\), \(\eta\_F\) and \(\theta\_F\) curves all show abrupt features that onset with the excitation of the surface lattice resonance associated with \(\lambda\_{R}^{[-1,0]}\) in the \(\varphi\_{i}\) = 90\(^\circ\) configuration. However, spectrally just prior to this resonance there is the greatest change in MO activity for the smallest change in wavelength. Since this feature is dependent on the spectral position of \(\lambda\_{R}^{[-1,0]}\), it can be effectively tuned by varying \(\alpha\_{i}\), indicating the potential use of such magnetophotonic crystals as light incidence direction/angular sensors. This is explored in Fig. [\[fig3\]](#fig3){reference-type="ref" reference="fig3"}a, where hysteresis loops are recorded through measurements of the transmitted light ellipticity at a wavelength of 730 nm for the nanoantennas with base diameter 227 nm for different \(\alpha\_{i}\). The nanoantenna's Tb\(_{18}\)Co\(_{82}\) tops maintain perpendicular magnetic anisotropy even after the lithography process, which is clear from the large remanent magnetization observed in the hysteresis loops in Fig. [\[fig3\]](#fig3){reference-type="ref" reference="fig3"}a, reducing the magnetic field strength required to saturate the sample along the out-of-plane direction. The dynamic tunability of the MO activity by varying \(\alpha\_{i}\) is remarkable in this case, resulting in a dramatic change in the magnitude of \(\eta\_F\), where extraordinarily at \(\alpha\_{i}\) = 15\(^\circ\) the loop is even inverted (see a view of \(\eta\_F\) for the spectral region around the surface lattice resonance in Supporting information; it is clear that this sign change in \(\eta\_F\) is associated with the migration of the surface lattice resonance to the measurement wavelength of 730 nm). This is explored further in Fig. [\[fig3\]](#fig3){reference-type="ref" reference="fig3"}b where the change in Faraday ellipticity (\(\delta\eta\_F\)) between successive wavelength increments (\(\delta\lambda\) = 5 nm) is plotted. Since the gradient of this feature is positive when it coincides with \(\lambda\_{R}^{[-1,0]}\) (see inset of Fig. [\[fig3\]](#fig3){reference-type="ref" reference="fig3"}a), the \(\delta\eta\_F\) \(<\) 0 data has been excluded from the fits. It is evident that \(\eta\_F\) undergoes a sign change, which in turn is tunable by varying \(\alpha\_{i}\). This active tuning modality was previously envisioned for refractive index biochemosensing, where the spectral region of maximum sensitivity can be tuned by varying the angle of incidence, thereby allowing to operate in a spectral region where the analyte solution is minimally absorbing. Here we foresee that the deviations from a set angle, i.e., a mechanical tilt, could be employed in high-precision tilt-control systems and detected with high accuracy, simply as reduced MO activity in transmittance. The latter feature starkly differentiates this approach from the currently employed optical systems where reflection is captured by a complex system of mirrors/detectors often with the need of a microelectromechanical (MEMS) array of actuators. Lorentzian functions have been fitted to the \(\delta\eta\_F\) data, in order to estimate the spectral width of the abrupt transition in \(\eta\_F\). Due to the limited number of data points on this abrupt spectral transition, a full estimate of the full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) is difficult to obtain from these fits. However, all values are within the \(5-10\) nm range (which is comparable to the wavelength resolution of the setup) with the exception of the \(\alpha\_{i}\) = 10\(^{\circ}\) where a FWHM of 24 \(\pm\) 10 nm is obtained due to the anomalously large error on this particular measurement. Crucially, the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in this magnetophotonic crystal allows for the measurement of the magnetic differential absorption of circularly polarised light, underpinning \(\eta\_F\), without the need for an out-of-plane magnetic field to stabilize the magnetization along the propagation direction of light. When circularly polarized light beam, with a time-varying helicity is incident on the sample, we can measure the ratio, \(C\_{\omega}^{q}/C\_{\circ}^{q}\) which is proportional to the differential absorption of circularly polarised light (see Methods) for the two opposite polar magnetization states. Here, \(C\_{\omega}^{q}\) is the amplitude of the \(\omega/2\pi\) = 50 kHz signal from the modulation of the light circular polarization (see Methods), for a fixed polar magnetization \(q = \pm M\_{z}\), while \(C\_{\circ}^{q}\) is the DC signal intensity, which contains the helicity independent absorption contribution. Fig. [\[fig4\]](#fig4){reference-type="ref" reference="fig4"}a shows several spectra for the nanoantennas with base diameter of 227 nm for different values of \(\alpha\_{i}\), in the \(\varphi\_{i}\) = 90\(^{\circ}\) configuration and in zero external magnetic field. The spectral minima strongly depend on \(\alpha\_{i}\). If we include an external field, the amplitude of \(C\_{\omega}^{q}/C\_{\circ}^{q}\) can be further modulated by reversing the magnetization (\(q\) = \(+ M\_{z} \rightarrow-M\_{z}\), and vice versa), as indicated by the variation between the dashed and solid curves. The magnetophotonic crystal then exhibits active transmission tunability, whereby absolute transmission can be enhanced or attenuated with the use of a magnetic field. Similar active magnetic transmission tunability has been devised with magnetoplasmonic chiral nanoantennas, however, an external field was required to orient the magnetization out-of-plane throughout the measurement, whereas here the external field is only required to set the magnetic state. An additional tuning knob is implemented through the light incidence direction/angle \(\alpha\_{i}\), whereby the spectral location of this maximum for magnetic modulation can be tuned with the surface lattice resonance. We define a magnetic asymmetry ratio \((C\_{\omega}^{-M\_{z}}-C\_{\omega}^{+M\_{z}}) / (C\_{\circ}^{-M\_{z}}+C\_{\circ}^{+M\_{z}})\), which represents the available helicity-dependent transmission modulation between the two antiparallel magnetization states (see Methods) which is plotted in Fig. [\[fig4\]](#fig4){reference-type="ref" reference="fig4"}b. The dispersion of the surface lattice resonance calculated from equation (3) is given by the dashed lines. Here, it is clear that the latter dictates the onset wavelength for the magnetic modulation of the differential circular transmission, meaning that the peak sensitivity can be tuned to arbitrary wavelength between 650 nm-800 nm. This tunability range is governed by the FWHM of the magnetophotonic crystal transmission spectra. A maximum magnetic asymmetry ratio of around 0.5% can be obtained, however, we believe there is enormous scope for improvement through composition optimisation of the RE-TMs and the noble metal thicknesses in the nanoantennas, including exploring new geometries sustaining plasmon optically dark modes, which result in a stronger plasmonic enhancement of the MO activity than achieved with the here-used strongly scattering dipolar plasmons. The essential operation of a simple mechanical tilt-control/light incidence optical sensor can be further envisioned as in Fig. [\[fig4\]](#fig4){reference-type="ref" reference="fig4"}c. The differential chiral transmission (\(C\_{\omega}^{q}/C\_{\circ}^{q}\)) reports the mechanical tilt/change of light incidence direction angle on the pre-magnetized magnetophotonic crystal by having sharp spectral dips at various wavelengths. We can also envision that by using materials exhibiting all-optical magnetization switching such as the TbCo family of alloys employed here, the need for the external magnetic field to setup the magnetic state of the magnetophotonic crystal or for magnetic transmission modulation can be entirely removed, whereby the transmission would be modulated purely optically at the ultrafast (fs) timescale and allowing for sub-wavelength (nanoscale) miniaturization.
# Conclusion
In conclusion, our work demonstrates the seamless integration of a rare-earth--transition-metal into magnetophotonic crystals. A strong angular dispersion is engineered through the interference of the Rayleigh anomaly and the nanoantenna's plasmons, producing a sharp surface lattice resonance in both the optical and MO responses. We showcase dynamic tunability of magnetophotonic crystals using the light's incidence direction angle, which strongly modifies the MO response, as rationalized using finite-element method electromagnetic simulations. Further, we have shown the magnetic modulation of the differential circular transmission of a magnetophotonic crystal, with measurements performed in zero external magnetic field, exploiting the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy of the magnetic nanoantennas. More generally, the integration of rare-earth--transition-metals within plasmonic nanoantennas offers an exciting platform for highly tunable, ultrafast all-optical switching active magnetophotonic devices. Such architectures could also find further application scope where the optical response from magnetophotonic crystals can be tuned by the angle of incidence in combination with the reconfigurable magnetic structure steered by all-optical ultrafast magnetization switching or by external magnetic fields.
# Experimental Section
The plasmonic nanoantennas are fabricated using a top-down approach, based on the method outlined by Horrer *et al*.. Au(80 nm) films were deposited using electron-beam evaporation onto fused-silica substrates. Later, Al\(_{2}\)O\(_{3}\)(3.5 nm)/Tb\(_{18}\)Co\(_{82}\)(15 nm)/Al\(_{2}\)O\(_{3}\)(2 nm) films were sputter deposited onto these films. The Tb\(_{18}\)Co\(_{82}\) layer was deposited through co-sputtering, with the complete structure being Au(80 nm)/Al\(_{2}\)O\(_{3}\)(3.5 nm)/Tb\(_{18}\)Co\(_{82}\)(15 nm)/Al\(_{2}\)O\(_{3}\)(2 nm). The additional thin Al\(_{2}\)O\(_{3}\) layers were used as capping and isolating layers for the Tb\(_{18}\)Co\(_{82}\). Here, the composition of the film can be varied by adjusted the relative power of the Co and Tb magnetrons. Calibration films were made with different power ratios on the two magnetrons and compositions were verified using Rutherford back scattering. Electron beam lithography was used to define disk shaped apertures in a MicroChem 496PMMA A4 electron-beam resist. Electron-beam evaporation was used to deposit an Al mask through the resist followed by removal of the PMMA mask with Acetone. The resulting structure was then milled at a 5 deg incidence angle with sample rotation, removing all material unprotected by the Al mask. Any remaining Al mask was then removed with the photoresist developer Microdeposit 351, which in this case was used as a selective etcher to target the Al. A conical profile is induced through a combination of the small lateral component of the milling which depends to some extent on the small milling incidence angle. In our samples, this results in a constant slope profile of approximately 62 degrees for all nanoantenna arrays. Therefore, by varying the diameter of the Al mask, the resulting structures can be tuned from truncated to conical profiles. The experimental values of \(\theta\_{F}\), \(\eta\_{F}\) and \(\Theta\_{F}\) were measured using the photoelastic modulator methodology with an applied field of 450 mT along the light propagation direction, which is described in the Supporting Information. A quadratic polynomial was fitted to the raw \(\theta\_{F}\) data in order to subtract the background contribution which arises from the Faraday rotation of the fused-silica substrate, which is strongest for short wavelengths and decreases for longer wavelengths. For the differential absorption of circularly polarised light measurement, a time varying light polarisation, which alternates between left and right circularly polarised light states at 50 kHz was generated using a photoelastic modulator (PEM) and directed at the sample at normal incidence. This is achieved by passing linearly polarised light orientated at 45\(^{\circ}\) to the fast axis of the PEM, with the PEM retardation set to 0.25 wavelengths. Any mechanism in the TNC array which results in a difference in absorption for opposite helicities (including magnetic circular dichroism) will contribute to an oscillating light intensity at the detector at the photoelastic modulator frequency. It is common to express this measurement as the ratio \(C\_{\omega}^{q}/C\_{\circ}^{q}\), where \(C\_{\omega}^{q}\) is the amplitude of the \(\omega\) = 50 kHz signal for a fixed polar magnetization \(q = \pm M\_{z}\), and \(C\_{\circ}^{q}\) is the DC signal intensity, which contains the helicity independent absorption contribution. Prior to the measurement, a saturating magnetic field was used to initialise the magnetization along the light propagation direction (\(q = +M\_{z}\)) and then removed. For the subsequent measurement, the magnetization was saturated in the opposite polar direction (\(q =-M\_{z}\)) and the measurement repeated. It is important to note that the spectra in Fig. [\[fig4\]](#fig4){reference-type="ref" reference="fig4"}a contain additional *fake* CD contributions, which arise from leaking-in of the large linear dichroism signal as a result of the rectangular array with which the nanostructures are arranged. By observing the difference between the antiparallel magnetization states, these effects, which are independent of the magnetization orientation, can be subtracted out, yielding the available magnetic modulation. We define this magnetic modulation of the helicity dependent transmission as \((C\_{\omega}^{-M\_{z}}-C\_{\omega}^{+M\_{z}}) / (C\_{\circ}^{-M\_{z}}+C\_{\circ}^{+M\_{z}})\), and this quantity is plotted in Fig. [\[fig4\]](#fig4){reference-type="ref" reference="fig4"}b as a function of both \(\alpha\_{i}\) and wavelength. **Supporting Information**
Supporting Information is available from the Wiley Online Library or from the author. **Acknowledgements**
The authors would like to express their gratitude towards Prof. Bengt Lindgren of Uppsala University, Sweden, for fruitful discussions and support with the ellipsometric characterization of TbCo thin film materials. The excellent support and infrastructure of the MyFab facility at the Ångström Laboratory of Uppsala University is also highly appreciated. The authors acknowledge support from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation project "*Harnessing light and spins through plasmons at the nanoscale*" (Project No. 2015.0060), the Swedish Research Council (Project No. 2019-03581), the Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education (Project No. KO2016-6889), and the Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing (SNIC). This work is part of a project which has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 737093, "[femtoterabyte]{.smallcaps}". P.V. acknowledges funding from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under the Maria de Maeztu Units of Excellence Programme (MDM-2016-0618) and the project RTI2018-094881-B-I00 (MICINN/FEDER). **Author Contributions**
R.M.R-R. and V.K. designed the material and nanofabrication processing, with input from A.D. concerning the nanocone design approach. R.M.R-R. and A.C. carried out the thin film deposition and magnetic characterization. R.M.R-R., A.C., I.-A.C. and M.P. performed all magneto-optical characterization of the nanoarrays. J.H., R.M.R-R., M.Z., P.V. and P.M.O. did the electromagnetic modelling and simulations. R.M.R-R. and V.K. wrote the manuscript with input from J.H., P.V., A.D. and P.M.O. All authors discussed the results and commented on the manuscript. | {'timestamp': '2021-05-19T02:19:55', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14478', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14478'} |
# Introduction
Understanding galaxy formation is a major goal of current astrophysical research. Detailed studies of the stellar components of the Milky Way galaxy play a fundamental role in building this understanding because they provide direct and robust tests of and constraints on theories of galaxy formation. The latter are presently formulated within the framework of hierarchical formation in a \(\Lambda\)CDM Universe (e.g., @1991ApJ...379...52W [@1998MNRAS.295..319M]), and the past few decades have seen a myriad of results affirming the role that mergers have had in the evolution of the Milky Way, no more vividly than the countless extant substructures that have been discovered and mapped throughout the Galactic stellar halo, whose origin appears to be dominated by the debris of these mergers. Meanwhile, explorations of the evolution of the Galactic disk have a long and rich history that reaches back to the kinematical studies of, ,, ,, and, who explored the local stellar velocity distribution to gain information about large-scale Galactic structure. The field significantly advanced when and discovered a strong correlation between spectral type and UV-excess (i.e., metallicity) and the kinematical properties of stars near the Sun. One of the explanations of this phenomenon, which led to the seminal paper by, is that the oldest and least chemically enriched stars we observe today were born kinematically hot, and these turbulent birth velocities declined steadily as the gas in the Galaxy dissipated energy and settled into a dynamically cold disk---i.e., older populations were dynamically hotter *ab initio*. However, it was later suggested that within some fraction of the thin disk, stars are born with random velocities that are small at birth but that increase with time (e.g., @1951ApJ...114..385S [@1987ASIC..207..375F; @2000MNRAS.318..658B; @2004A&A...418..989N; @2009MNRAS.397.1286A]) The velocity distribution function (DF) of stars in the Galaxy can be a valuable aid in uncovering the relationships between kinematics, metallicity, and age for disk and halo stars, and lends insights into the dynamical history of stellar populations. In the Galactic stellar halo, where the timescales for dynamical mixing are long, the history of minor mergers imprints long-lived, dynamically cold substructures that are quite legible fossils from which Galactic archaeology can readily synthesize a sequence of events (e.g., @1994Natur.370..194I [@2001ApJ...548L.165O; @2003ApJ...599.1082M; @2006ApJ...642L.137B; @2006ApJ...643L..17G]). However, a multitude of processes can affect the velocity DF in the Galactic disk, including the potential mixture of the aforementioned *ab initio* "born hot" and"born cold" components, and with the latter affected by numerous *disk heating* mechanisms. The sum of these effects that increase velocity dispersions in disk stars complicate the simplest model of a spiral galaxy, where stars in the disk librate about circular orbits in the Galactic plane. From state-of-the-art magnetohydrodynamical cosmological simulations, found that in the secular evolution of the disk, bar instabilities are a dominant heating mechanism. The authors also reported that heating by spiral arms, radial migration, and adiabatic heating from mid-plane density growth are all subdominant to bar heating. Another fundamental astrophysical process that scatters stars onto more eccentric orbits or onto orbits that are inclined to the disk's equatorial plane is the accretion of lower mass systems (see, e.g., @2008ApJ...688..254K [@2014MNRAS.443.2452M], and references therein). This is particularly relevant given that recent studies suggest that the Milky Way likely underwent such a merger \(\sim\) 8 Gyr ago (e.g., @2010A&A...511L..10N [@2014ApJ...796...38N; @2017ApJ...842...49L; @2018MNRAS.478..611B; @2018MNRAS.tmp.1537K]). Moreover,, using N-body simulations of the interaction of the Milky Way with a Sagittarius-like dSph galaxy, showed that the patterns in the large-scale velocity field reported from observations, like vertical waves (e.g., @2012ApJ...750L..41W), can be described by tightly wound spirals and vertical corrugations excited by Sagittarius (Sgr) impacts. Studies of the density distribution of stars above and below the Galactic plane have shown that the Galactic disk is in fact composed of two distinct components: a thin disk with a vertical scaleheight of 300 \(\pm\) 50 pc, and a thick component with a scaleheight of 900 \(\pm\) 180 pc at the distance of the Sun from the Galactic Center (see @2016ARA&A..54..529B for a review of the spread in these quantities found by various authors using different methods). On the other hand, detailed stellar-abundance patterns for disk stars show a clear bimodal distribution in the \[\(\alpha\)/Fe\] versus \[Fe/H\] plane. This bimodality is associated with---and firm evidence for---a distinctly separated thin and thick disk. The high--\[\(\alpha\)/Fe\] sequence, corresponding to the thick disk, exists over a large radial and vertical range of the Galactic disk (e.g., @2014ApJ...796...38N [@2015ApJ...808..132H; @2018MNRAS.476.5216D]). The existence of two chemically-distinguished disk components points to a different chemical evolution and, hence distinct disk-formation mechanism and epoch (e.g.; @1997ApJ...477..765C [@2015MNRAS.453.1855M; @2019MNRAS.tmp..141C]) for the two disk components. Kinematically, the velocity dispersion for the chemically selected thick disk component is, on average, larger than the dispersion reported for the low--\[\(\alpha\)/Fe\] thin disk. However, there is substantial overlap in the thin and thick disk velocity DFs, which makes kinematics a less-reliable diagnostic for discriminating populations. From the standpoint of isolating and studying the chemodynamical properties of these populations free of cross-contamination, this is a bit unfortunate, because, despite many large, dedicated spectroscopic surveys of Galactic stars from which detailed chemical-abundance patterns can be measured for now millions of stars (see below), there are now several orders of magnitude more stars with *kinematical* data available, thanks to ESA's *Gaia* mission. *Gaia* is an all-sky astrometric satellite from which we can now obtain accurate sky position, parallax, and proper motion, along with the estimated uncertainties and correlations of these properties, for \(\sim\) 1.3 billion sources. Moreover, the existence of a *Gaia* sub-sample containing line-of-sight velocities provides unprecedented accuracy for individual space velocities for more than 7 million stellar objects. Unfortunately, there are no \(\alpha\)-element abundance measurements for the vast majority of this *Gaia* sub-sample. This prevents an unbiased and comprehensive study of the velocity DF for the thin disk, thick disk, and halo treated separately. Fortunately, the astronomical community has invested great effort into building and developing massive multi-object spectroscopic surveys, where the measurement of abundances beyond the simple overall metallicity is possible. Projects like SEGUE, RAVE, LAMOST, Gaia-ESO, GALAH, and APOGEE are transforming our understanding of the Milky Way galaxy through their generation of vast chemical abundance databases on Milky Way stars. The future is even more promising, with even larger spectroscopic surveys planned, such as SDSS V, WEAVE, MOONS, DESI, 4MOST, and MSE, all aiming to provide individual abundances for millions more Galactic stars in both hemispheres, together with line-of-sight velocities, \(v_{\rm los}\), with a precision of a few hundred m s\(^{-1}\). While the sum total of observed stars in these spectroscopic surveys will span only \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1% of even the present *Gaia* sub-sample containing line-of-sight velocities, the chemical data in the former surveys can be used to begin characterizing and interpreting the vastly larger number of sources having kinematical data in the \(\emph{Gaia}\) database. One of the main goals of the present study is to perform, for the first time, a detailed and unbiased study of the Galactic velocity DFs---derived from \(\emph{Gaia}\) data---for the individual, chemically separated stellar populations, and to explore how these distributions change for different Galactocentric radii and distances from the Galactic mid-plane. For this study we use the individual stellar abundances from the APOGEE survey, specifically \[Mg/Fe\] and \[Fe/H\], to relatively cleanly discriminate the thin and thick disks, associated with the low and high \(\alpha\)-sequences, respectively, in the \[\(\alpha\)/Fe\]-\[Fe/H\] plane, as well as the halo stars, which predominantly inhabit other regions of the same plane. Using the *kinematical* properties of these *chemically* defined sub-samples, we build a data-driven kinematical model, which we then apply to the full *Gaia* database to ascertain the contribution of the different Galactic structural components to the velocity-space DF as a function of Galactic cylindrical coordinates, \(R\) and \(z\). We also create two-dimensional maps in the \(R\)-\(z\) plane, where we explore the behavior of the thick-to-thin-disk density normalization and the halo-to-disk density normalization. This paper is organized as follows. In Section [2](#APO_Gaia){reference-type="ref" reference="APO_Gaia"} we describe the APOGEE and *Gaia* data-sets we employ in the analysis. Section [3](#DF_disk){reference-type="ref" reference="DF_disk"} examines the velocity DF of the Galactic disk and halo, and describes the building of the data-driven model. We discuss the thick-disk normalization and the halo-to-disk density in Section [4](#thick_norma){reference-type="ref" reference="thick_norma"}, and the most relevant results of the present study are summarized and discussed in Section [5](#Conclusion){reference-type="ref" reference="Conclusion"}.
# The APOGEE-2 DR16 and *Gaia* DR2 Data-sets {#APO_Gaia}
Our study makes use of the data products from Data Release 16 (DR16) of the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE, @2017AJ....154...94M). Part of both Sloan Digital Sky Survey III (SDSS-III, @2011AJ....142...72E) and SDSS-IV via APOGEE and APOGEE-2, respectively, the combined APOGEE enterprise has been in operation for nearly a decade, and, through the installation of spectrographs on both the Sloan and du Pont 2.5-m telescopes, has procured high-resolution, \(H\)-band spectra for more than a half million stars across both hemispheres. The survey provides \(v_{\rm los}\), stellar atmospheric parameters, and individual abundances for on the order of fifteen chemical species. A description of the latest APOGEE data products from DR14 and DR16 can be found in and Jönsson et al. (in preparation), respectively. In this study we also use data from the second data release (DR2) of the *Gaia* mission . This catalog provides full *6-dimensional* space coordinates for 7,224,631 stars: positions (\(\alpha\), \(\delta\)), parallaxes (\(\varpi\)), proper motions (\(\mu^{*}_{\alpha}\), \(\mu_{\delta}\)), and radial line-of-sight velocities (\(v_{\rm los}\)) for stars as faint as \(G\) = 13. The stars are distributed across the full celestial sphere. *Gaia* DR2 contains \(v_{\rm los}\) for stars with effective temperatures in the range \(\sim\) 3550-6900 K. The median uncertainty for bright sources (\(G < 14\)) is 0.03 mas for the parallax and 0.07 mas yr\(^{-1}\) for the proper motions. The precision of the *Gaia* DR2 \(v_{\rm los}\) at the bright end is on the order of 0.2 to 0.3 km s\(^{-1}\), while at the faint end it is on the order of 1.4 km s\(^{-1}\) for \(T_{\rm eff}\) = 5000 K stars and \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}3.7 km s\(^{-1}\) for \(T_{\rm eff}\) = 6500 K. For further details about the *Gaia* DR2 sub-sample containing \(v_{\rm los}\) measurements, we refer the reader to and. We follow the recommendations from for studies in Galactic dynamics using *Gaia* to remove stars where the color photometry is suspect, as well as stars where the \(v_{\rm los}\) measurement is based on fewer than four transits of the instrument. Individual space velocities in a Cartesian Galactic system were obtained by following the equations in. That is, from *Gaia* DR2 line-of-sight velocities, proper motions, and parallaxes, we derive the space velocity components (\(U\), \(V\), \(W\)). In the case of the APOGEE targets, we use the APOGEE-2 DR16 catalog \(v_{\rm los}\), where the internal precision is better than 0.1 km s\(^{-1}\). When the relative uncertainty in parallaxes become larger, the inverse of a measured parallax is a biased estimate of the distance to a star. For this reason, we select stars with positive parallaxes and a relative parallax uncertainty smaller than 20\(\%\) (\(\sigma_{\varpi}/\varpi\) \(\leq\) 0.2). We also set the *Gaia* flag astrometric-excess-noise = 0 to drop stars with poor astrometric fits. In addition, the flag rv-nb-transits \> 4 is set to secure enough *Gaia* transits that robust \(v_{\rm los}\) measurements are in-hand. Following, the selected *Gaia* stars for this study must have reported \(G_{\rm BP}\) and \(G_{\rm RP}\) magnitudes. That leaves 4,774,723 *Gaia* targets for this exercise. The remaining targets have high-precision *Gaia* parallaxes (the vast majority of the stars have \(\sigma_{\varpi}/\varpi\) \(\leq\) 0.05), so that their distances can be determined by simple parallax inversion without significant biasing the error derivation (e.g., @2018AJ....156...58B and references therein). We adopt a right-handed Galactic system, where \(U\) is pointing towards the Galactic center, \(V\) in the direction of rotation, and \(W\) towards the North Galactic Pole (NGP). For the peculiar motion of the Sun, we adopt the values: \(U_{\odot}\) = 11.1 km s\(^{-1}\), \(V_{\odot}\) = 12.2 km s\(^{-1}\), and \(W_{\odot}\) = 7.2 km s\(^{-1}\). We also transform the velocities from Cartesian to a cylindrical Galactic system: \(\upsilon_{R}\), \(\upsilon_{\phi}\), \(\upsilon_{z}\). The Sun is assumed to be located at \(X = 8.34\) \(\pm\) 0.16 kpc and the circular rotation speed at the location of the Sun to be 240 \(\pm\) 8 km s\(^{-1}\). We define \(R = (X^{2} + Y^{2})^{1/2}\), as the distance from the Galactic center (GC), projected onto the Galactic plane. In the end, the typical uncertainty in the velocities used here is \(\Delta\upsilon \sim\) 1.5 km s\(^{-1}\) per dimension. To remove outlier velocities that can yield unrealistic velocity dispersions we select stars where (\(\upsilon_{R}^2 + (\upsilon_{\phi}-240)^2 + \upsilon_{z}^2)^{1/2}\) \(<\) 600 km s\(^{-1}\), which removes a total of 503 stars. In the next section we explore the kinematical properties of the Milky Way using the data-set just described.
# The velocity distribution functions of the Galactic disk and halo populations {#DF_disk}
Stars of different mass synthesize and, upon death, eject into the interstellar medium different chemical elements, and on different timescales. The overall metallicity measured in a star's atmosphere, for the most part, represents an integral over star formation and chemical enrichment prior to that star's birth, while the abundances of individual elements can be used to track the ratio of recent to past star-formation rates. Thus, stellar chemical-abundance *patterns* offer a means to discriminate stellar populations that have experienced differing star-formation and chemical-enrichment histories. To procure unbiased velocity DFs for individual stellar populations in the nearby disk, we exploit the \[Fe/H\] and \[Mg/Fe\] abundances measured from APOGEE spectra, the combination of which has been show to give very good discrimination of the thin disk, thick disk, and halo (e.g., @2003A&A...410..527B [@2018ApJ...852...49H; @2019ApJ...874..102W]). We select from the APOGEE database those stars for which S/N \(>\) 70 and no aspcapbad flag is set. The APOGEE survey has a number of focused science programs that target specific objects like the Sgr dSph galaxy, the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, numerous star clusters, and many other stellar astrophysics programs that are not germane to this study of *normal field stars*. To remove these specialized targets from our database, we identified fields associated with the special programs, and removed all targets within those fields. We summarize our chemistry-based discrimination and selection of our three primary stellar populations in Figure [\[abund_APOGEE\]](#abund_APOGEE){reference-type="ref" reference="abund_APOGEE"}. The higher \[Fe/H\] population with low-\(\alpha\) abundances (--0.7 \(<\) \[Fe/H\] \(<\) +0.5,--0.1 \(<\) \[Mg/Fe\] \(<\) +0.17) is associated with the Galactic *thin disk*, and our selection contains a total of 211,820 of these stars. The \[Fe/H\] \(<\) 0 stars with high-\(\alpha\) abundances (\(+0.18\) \(<\) \[Mg/Fe\] \(<\) \(+0.4\) within the metallicity range \(-1.0\) \(<\) \[Fe/H\] \(<\) 0.0) we associate with the Galactic *thick disk*, and the number of stars we have in that sample is 52,709. Finally, the *Galactic halo* population is identified with stars having \[Fe/H\] \(<\)--1.0 (e.g., @2018ApJ...852...49H). The number of APOGEE stars in this population is 5,795. The magnitude-limited *Gaia* data-set used in this study contains different stellar populations associated with different structures in the Galaxy. This is evident in Figure [\[vphi_APOGEE\]](#vphi_APOGEE){reference-type="ref" reference="vphi_APOGEE"}, where we show the distribution of \(\upsilon_{R}\), \(\upsilon_{\phi}\), and \(\upsilon_{z}\) for the population-integrated *Gaia* sample and for the population-separated APOGEE-2 data. From a comparison of the upper and lower panels it becomes obvious that an assignment of population membership to a particular star based exclusively on kinematical properties is not generally possible. Moreover, it is not possible on the basis of kinematical data alone to determine with reliability even the relative contributions of the different populations to the net velocity DF on a statistical basis. Figure [\[vphi_APOGEE\]](#vphi_APOGEE){reference-type="ref" reference="vphi_APOGEE"} shows that the velocity DF of the different Galactic components clearly overlap, but also that individual abundances from high-resolution spectroscopy surveys are a useful tool for apportioning stars to their relative stellar populations. While severe overlap is expected in the \(\upsilon_{R}\) and \(\upsilon_{z}\) dimensions, where all three stellar populations share a mean values around 0 km s\(^{-1}\), we expect more separation of populations in \(\upsilon_{\phi}\) due to variations in asymmetric drift. Nevertheless, stars with \(\upsilon_{\phi}\) \(>\) 70 km s\(^{-1}\) dominate the distribution, and yet have contributions from all three populations, though, naturally, most strongly from the thin and thick disk. We also observe that the thin-disk population shows a very small number of slow-rotating stars; these could represent a small contaminating portion of stars from the accreted halo, which can have metallicities as high as \[Fe/H\] \(\sim\) \(-0.5\). Interestingly, for the population with \[Fe/H\] \(<\) \(-1.0\), we observe an extended velocity DF with a peak around \(\upsilon_{\phi}\) \(\sim\) 0 km s\(^{-1}\), together with a second peak around 120 km s\(^{-1}\) (see the middle panel in Figure [\[vphi_APOGEE\]](#vphi_APOGEE){reference-type="ref" reference="vphi_APOGEE"}). We discuss this metal-poor population in more detail in Section [3.1.3](#halo_pop){reference-type="ref" reference="halo_pop"}. While there is no precedent to the accuracy and precision of the *Gaia* astrometry, and for such an enormous number of objects, there is still no detailed chemistry available for the vast majority of the stars in the \(Gaia\) data-set. Thus, one cannot yet leverage the huge statistical power of *Gaia* to explore the kinematical properties of individual stellar populations in an unbiased manner, nor use these kinematics to sort stars reliably into populations to help define other gross properties of the populations. However, we will now show how, with a *data-driven model* trained with the velocity DFs defined for the combined APOGEE+*Gaia* dataset for relatively nearby stars, we can harness the power of the greater *Gaia* database without chemical data to sort stars into populations based on their kinematics, and use these statistical memberships to ascertain other bulk properties of the populations---e.g., to assess the relative densities of stars in these populations over a broad range of the Galactic locations. We describe the steps toward these goals in the next sections.
## APOGEE Data-Driven Model {#model}
To build a simple, kinematical data-driven model we do not assume a triaxial Gaussian distribution function; instead, we use the velocity DF for the chemically selected thin-disk, thick-disk and halo Galactic components in the APOGEE data. The DF, \(f(\vec{\upsilon}\)), is defined such that \(f(\vec{\upsilon}\)) d\(\vec{\upsilon}\) is the number of stars per unit volume with velocity in the range \[\(\vec{\upsilon}\),\(\vec{\upsilon}\) + d\(\vec{\upsilon}\)\]. We now explore the characteristics of the DF for each primary Galactic stellar population.
[\[Tab1\]]{#Tab1 label="Tab1"}
[\[Tab2\]]{#Tab2 label="Tab2"}
[^1]: Because there is no standard naming convention for the variables skewness and kurtosis, and some of the adopted variable names in the literature are redundant with those we use for other quantities, we simply employ the variable names "skewness" and "kurtosis" here to avoid confusion. | {'timestamp': '2020-06-01T02:11:20', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14534', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14534'} |
# Introduction
With 5G mobile systems being commercially rolling out gradually, research discussions into next-generation mobile systems, i.e., 6G, have started. 5G will incur 10 times energy consumption of 4G due to increased density of cells and that of antennas, though energy efficiency per bit has increased. With 6G going towards higher spectrum (such as Tera-Hertz or THz) and thus resulting in even denser networks and smaller cells, energy consumption will become a big hurdle on the way to 6G success. On the infrastructure side, a huge amount of energy will be consumed for powering numerous RF chains connected to a vast number of antennas, for extraordinary wideband signal processing, for maintaining a satisfactory coverage and for tracking mobile devices with super-narrow beams. Therefore, reducing energy consumption and jointly coordinating distributed infrastructure to achieve network-wide optimal energy efficiency constitute the first challenge in future 6G. On the other hand, the Internet of Everything (IoE), as envisioned as a major 6G application, means that a vast number of small devices will be connected to networks. These devices are typically either battery-powered or battery-less. However, conventional RF chain enabled communication as well as handshaking based access are both battery killers. In order to extend life-cycle of IoE devices, their energy harvesting capabilities from the ambient environment have to be activated. However, the communication performance of IoE devices is largely constrained by intermittent energy supplies. Therefore, designing super-low-power IoE transceivers and enabling an on-demand and cost-effective manner of energy supply to these IoE devices constitute the second challenge in future 6G. We envision 6G mobile systems have to be energy self-sustainable, both at the infrastructure side (such as traditional base stations) and at the device side (may it be in the form of smart phones or implanted brain computer interface devices), in order to be deployed at large and to achieve commercial success. There is a consensus that visible light (VL) communications will be an integral part of 6G in addition to the traditional medium/spectrum of radio frequency (RF) due to VL's unique properties like massive bandwidth, information security, economical, no harm to humans, etc. This paper serves to bring these two currently separate research domains, i.e., RF and VL, together to provide a full-spectrum 6G mobile system. A joint design that inherently considers both RF and visible light, shall be the methodology to be taken from the onset and in particular with energy self-sustainability borne in mind. Rather than reinventing new technologies into the already crowded family of 6G enabling technologies, this paper aims to explore how the existing members of this family such as THz, VL, intelligence reflecting surface (IRS) and AI can be explored for the energy self-sustainability. And this exploration needs to be conducted in a systematic and holistic manner at the design stage of 6G. Fortunately, each of these 6G candidate technologies provides promising potentials to empower energy self-sustainability. This paper endeavours to shed some light on potential solutions to energy supply issues in 6G with the hope to spark more discussion and research into this critical aspect of 6G mobile systems. It is this article's belief that 6G systems need to be energy self-sustainable and this feature decides 6G's wide commercial success in the future. For this purpose, this article firstly organizes the key 6G enabling technologies into a hierarchical system architecture for future 6G mobile systems, as presented in Section II. Without losing generosity, the presentation of the architecture is more tilted towards the angle of energy supply, which is the focus of this article. Guided by this architecture, mechanisms to potentially enable energy self-sustainability are discussed from two aspects: infrastructure side and IoE device side, respectively in Section III and IV. The infrastructure side focuses on the distributed access network layer with particular focus on three new features of 6G, namely, cell-free access networks and airborne access networks (the organization of the network) as well as smart surface (the composing materials of the network). On the IoE device side, discussions are given to high-resolution signal processing based wireless information and power transfer (WIPT), multifunctional IoE devices and human-in-the-loop based transceiver adaptation. The contribution of the article lies in twofold. Firstly, it proposes a 6G mobile system architecture for the first time where the traditional base stations are decomposed into two complementing layers: central units (CUs) and distributed units (DUs). CUs are analogous to today's base stations in terms of their deployment locations but with more intelligence. DUs reside at very close proximity to end devices due to the employment of much higher frequency spectrum in 6G. DUs may be formed as a small cell-free network and using IRS. Secondly, these 6G enabling technologies are reinvestigated together with other new proposals, from the angle of energy self-sustainability by giving insightful discussions towards a commercially viable future 6G mobile systems. These investigations are centred around two complementing aspects: reducing energy consumption (i.e., energy efficiency) and opening new energy supplies. The technical challenges and solutions towards energy self-sustainable 6G are summarised in Fig. [\[fig:Structure\]](#fig:Structure){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Structure"}.
# Architecture of Energy self-sustainable 6G
In order to achieve more stringent quality of service (QoS), 6G has to move up to even higher spectral bands than mmWave, such as THz and visible light band. However, 6G may still utilise sub-6 GHz and mmWave band, which are the legacy of 5G. Therefore, 6G is foreseen as a *full-spectrum* mobile communication system. Different spectrum will be exploited for various objectives and applications: \(1)\) *Sub-6 GHz band* is used for large coverage and seamless handover; \(2)\) *mmWave band* is leveraged both for wireless backhaul and fronthaul to fixed targets and for satisfying high-rate requirement of mobile targets; \(3)\) *THz band* is used to provide ultra-high data rate and low-latency service for applications such as pervasive XR; \(4)\) *VL band* with extra bandwidth can be further exploited for delivering holographic tele-presence with other support of high-resolution imaging and sensing. VL cannot penetrate blockage and it is capable of creating a secure wireless communication. In this work, we focus on the access part of full-spectrum 6G networks. Our proposed energy self-sustainable architecture for 6G networks, as shown in Fig. [\[fig:Arch\]](#fig:Arch){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Arch"}, consists of three layers: 1) Central unit (CU), e.g., AI-empowered software RAN, 2) Distributed units (DUs), e.g. self-organised attocells and 3) zero-energy IoE device. The AI-empowered CU determines which spectrum and which DUs are used to serve a group of IoE devices. Based on the dynamics at the IoE devices and surrounding environments, the DUs form the exact cells to serve IoE devices. Each layer in the architecture, from different dimensions, can contribute to the energy sustainability of future 6G networks. The target of a CU is to provide demanded services to the IoE devices in an energy-efficient manner and/or with green energy (e.g., produced by nearby solar panel), all contributing to the network energy self-sustainability. For example, if the IoE device is within the indoor area where dense visible light or THz attocells are deployed, the IoE device can be served by these attocells which have the capability to provide both fast, ultra-reliable, and energy-efficient wireless connectivity. If the IoE device is approaching a passive DU that is equipped with intelligent surfaces, the IoE device could be guided by the AI-empowered central unit to switch to the cell of the passive DU, which could provide low-or even zero-energy wireless connectivity. If an outdoor IoE device requires high-speed wireless connections for applications such as XR, while in the surroundings a fixed-location and high-rate DU is not available, the AI-power CU can schedule a high-rate mobile DU to serve the IoE device. Drones or mobile robots can host the mobile DU. The backhaul enables WIPT to mobile DUs for achieving energy self-sustainability. Due to the complexity of decision making, new AI techniques such as deep reinforcement learning (DRL) is a necessity for problem solving. To avoid overwhelming the CU, some processing and decision making will be conducted at DUs under the coordination of the CU. A right balance between the CU and DU processing is a multi-objective optimization problem that may need DRL. Software defined networking (SDN) and network function virtualization (NFV) will continue to be evolved and then employed to dynamically deploy new QoS (Quality of Service) algorithms or controller on the fly. For most of the 6G DUs, we envision that a massive number of distributed antennas will be densely deployed to achieve both ultra-high reliability and wide coverage. As a result, many ground-breaking techniques could be enabled and leveraged in 6G. One of them is cell-free networking that can provide ultra-reliable and energy-efficient connectivity. Also, cells formed by the DUs must adapt to surrounding dynamics to perform energy-efficient communication. For example, the attocells must react to dynamic blockages in the surroundings. IoE devices play essential roles in an energy self-sustainable 6G network. First, zero-energy IoE devices, which are powered by wideband WIPT, could be primarily deployed to provide massive connections and to realize IoE. For example, a large number of backscattering nodes can be connected to IRS enabled DUs to create an Internet of Trees, as illustrated in Fig. [\[fig:Arch\]](#fig:Arch){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Arch"}. Second, in our proposed architecture for future energy self-sustainable 6G networks, it is essential for IoE devices to adapt to the surrounding environment. The adaptation can be performed without the involvement of human beings, such as physically adjusting the receiving antennas to a better position to achieve higher data rates with less energy. Another possibility is the involvement of human beings. With wireless communications moving to THz and VL, the human body can easily block the surrounding wireless links. Therefore, the future 6G network could quickly become more energy-efficient if it guides human beings to position their bodies to recoup the blocked wireless communication links.
# Distributed Units for Smart Access
Towards energy self-sustainability, every Joule of energy in 6G should be efficiently consumed in access networks by adopting the following methods: 1) Breaking cellular boundaries for globally scheduling DUs to deliver seamless services and to achieve network-wide energy efficiency; 2) Deploying flexible airborne access network to increase energy efficiency by further considering the vertical dimension and to realise wireless charging for battery-powered or batteryless devices from the sky; 3) Actively changing adverse wireless environment to be beneficial by implementing IRSs so as to substantially increase the efficiency of WIPT.
## Cell-Free Access
In a cell-free massive MIMO (CFM-MIMO) system, a large number of DUs are connected to a CU via wired/wireless fronthaul. Joint coordination among these DUs results in cell-free access networks, where IoE devices are simultaneously served by cooperative BSs. Therefore, handover in a cell-free access network is different, since cellular boundaries are broken. Furthermore, joint coordination of a CU may achieve a network-wide energy efficiency. However, full-cooperation among DUs may result in heavy tele-traffic load on fronthaul, since it requires the exchange of network state information, the transmission of transmit beamformers and requested information. In higher spectral bands of 6G, such as THz and VL, signal propagation suffers from significant penetration loss, if a lot of opaque obstacles are distributed in wireless environments. By further considering the increasing path-loss in high frequency bands, super-dense DUs have to be deployed for reducing distances and for ensuring line of sight (LoS) between DUs and IoE devices. However, more energy has to be consumed for powering such large-scale access network, while increased interference imposed by super-dense DUs has to be carefully managed and controlled. Furthermore, low-cost DUs can be equipped with solar panels for harvesting energy from ambient environment. They can be connected to smart grid to enable energy trade among their peers. As a result, global energy cooperation may result in an improved network-wide energy efficiency. As the number of DUs grows exponentially in cell-free access networks of 6G, wireless fronthaul is indispensable since the expense of deploying wired fronthaul cannot be afforded. RF signal based WIPT is an economic approach to transfer both information and energy from the CU to low-cost DUs via fronthaul in order to maintain energy self-sustainability. Due to hardware limitations, we only have limited RF chains at a THz based transmitter, which is far lower than the number of antennas compacted. Therefore, the accuracy of transmit beams cannot be guaranteed. Energy efficient hybrid transceiver consisting of both digital and analog beamformers is compromised for trying to achieve closest performance to the ideal full-digital solution. Moreover, in both THz and VL based cell-free access network, the assignment of DUs and that of antennas to IoE devices can be formulated as a network-wide energy efficiency maximisation problem, while satisfying various QoS requirements of devices, suppressing interference imposed by large-scale DUs and their associated antennas. Handover of mobile devices in cell-free access networks with densely deployed DUs faces novel challenges. Since the number of mobile devices is much lower than that of DUs, user-centric networking is the primary principle in a cell-free access network. Different from conventional handover, where mobile devices traverse across cells, a virtual cell dynamically formed by cooperative DUs tracks the movement of a mobile device, which constitutes a mobile cell serving a specific mobile device. Therefore, the formation of a dynamic virtual cell needs to be completed in real-time in order to provide seamless service experience, which calls for low-complexity heuristic algorithms with near-optimal performance. By exploiting up-to-date location information of mobile devices, we may significantly reduce the complexity of algorithms and increase the energy efficiency for virtual cell formation as well as for DUs/antennas assignment. Moreover, in a cell-free access network, synchronising densely deployed DUs is also essential. By exploiting the deterministic reflection of THz waves and VL, we may achieve over-the-air synchronisation among all the DUs.
## Airborne Access
Different sorts of aircraft constitute hierarchical airborne access networks (AANs) by carrying RF/VL transceivers on board, as illustrated in Fig. [\[fig:ARAN\]](#fig:ARAN){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:ARAN"}. Generally, based on their flying height, aircraft in AANs are classified into high-altitude platforms (HAPs) (e.g., high-altitude balloons and aircrafts) and low-altitude platforms (LAPs) (e.g., drones). AANs have to be energy self-sustainable, since we cannot provide stable power supply from the ground. Joint coordination among heterogeneous aircraft is capable of extending coverage of air-to-ground communication and of realising flexible network deployment as well as of providing efficient WIPT services. LAPs are mainly constituted by energy-constraint devices powered by embedded batteries, as portrayed in Fig. [\[fig:ARAN\]](#fig:ARAN){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:ARAN"}. Therefore, 3D trajectories and flight control should be carefully designed in order to reduce energy consumption of aircraft, while achieving efficient-efficient downlink wireless power transfer (WPT) services, downlink/uplink wireless information transfer (WIT) services and computation offloading services to battery-powered or batteryless ground devices. Moreover, the energy consumption of ground devices can be substantially reduced, since flying LAPs reduce signal propagation distances to them. In addition, laser charging is an efficient way to power LAPs so as to extend their flight time, since it may focus a high amount of energy in a narrow beam. Laser beams are normally formed by ground stations or aircraft in HAPs. HAPs can be aloft in the air for a relatively long time, as illustrated in Fig. [\[fig:ARAN\]](#fig:ARAN){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:ARAN"}. A key advantage of HAPs is their self-adjustable positions in order to maintain efficient WIPT towards LAPs. Moreover, HAPs can harvest stable solar energy for powering their engines and transceivers, since they are floating in the stratosphere. Careful coordination among aircraft in different layers may result in a network-wide optimal energy efficiency and it may provide significant performance gain in the vertical dimension of energy self-sustainable 6G.
## Holographic Environment
Radiated RF/VL signals are weakened as they propagate in wireless channels, which may substantially degrade both WIPT performance. They may be absorbed, reflected and scattered by obstacles distributed in wireless environment. Signals from different propagation paths may be destructively combined, which results in substantial fading. Wireless channels become even worse in THz and VL band, since signals can be easily absorbed by large molecules and they can only be reflected. Therefore, in order to overcome more serious channel attenuation in THz and VL band, line-of-sight transmission path has to be guaranteed between a transmitter and receiver pair, while more energy has to be consumed for achieving satisfactory WIPT performance. In all classic communication systems, only transmission or receiving strategies at transceivers can be designed for efficient WIPT, such as beamforming, adaptive modulation and coding design at transmitters as well as signal combining and iterative decoding design at receivers, which all aim for counteracting signal attenuation and fading in wireless channels. This is because characteristics of wireless channels cannot be changed as exemplified in Fig. [\[fig:Surfaces\]](#fig:Surfaces){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Surfaces"}. As electronic materials rapidly progress, IRSs can be exploited for actively changing characteristics of wireless channels. For example, based on signals' frequencies, phases and amplitudes, IRss can be intelligently adjusted, so that signals reflected by them can be constructively combined at receivers, as illustrated in Fig. [\[fig:Surfaces\]](#fig:Surfaces){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Surfaces"}. As a result, we may artificially create a line-of-sight (LoS) transmission path in THz and VL band, when no actual LoS path exists between a transmitter and receiver pair. Therefore, received signal strength can be substantially increased without extra energy consumption, which results in more energy efficient WIPT. IRSs are not equipped with any active RF chains, while they are not connected to any stable energy sources. As shown in Fig. [\[fig:Surfaces\]](#fig:Surfaces){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Surfaces"}, a 2-dimensional IRS consists of a range of passive reflectors. Signals received by a reflector are then transferred to a programmable impedance matching network (IMN). By adjusting electronic components in this IMN, we may arbitrarily adjust its reflection coefficient. Therefore, A portion of received signals penetrate and their energy is harvested and stored in super-capacitors, as illustrated in Fig. [\[fig:Surfaces\]](#fig:Surfaces){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Surfaces"}. The other portion are reflected via a programmable analog phase-shifter. Carefully designed phase-shifters may result in a constructive combination of reflected signals at the receiver. Note that programmable analog phase shifters and IMN have to be powered by energy harvested. Therefore, it is essential to design reflection coefficients for all reflectors. Higher reflection coefficients generate more strong reflected signals but limited energy can be harvested by the surface. Given insufficient energy harvested, we are only able to adjust several phase-shifters not all. Therefore, we have to jointly select which phase-shifters to be activated and how they change the phases of reflected signals in order to maximise the signal strength at the receiver. By contrast, lower reflection coefficients result in more energy harvested by the surface. Therefore, more phase-shifters can be activated, which results in well-tuned reflected signals. However, the strengths of the reflected signals are weak, which may degrade WIPT performance. In a nutshell, given an IRS, we need to jointly design reflection coefficients of all the reflectors, activation of phase-shifters and how they tune reflected signals. Furthermore, transmit beamforming at transmitters, intelligent reflecting at IRSs and receive combining at receivers can be jointly designed to create a holographic wireless environment in energy self-sustainable 6G.
# Zero-Energy IoE Devices
In energy self-sustainable 6G, battery-powered or batteryless IoE devices requires controllable and on-demand WPT for maintaining seamless service experience, while their energy consumption has to be kept as low as possible. Moreover, these IoE devices should also intelligently adapt their transceivers to environments for achieving more efficient information reception and energy harvesting.
## High-resolution Signal Processing based WIPT
RF signals can be exploited for flexible, controllable and on-demand WPT in any time and anywhere. On infrastructure side, we do not need any additional hardware implementation. Unmodulated and modulated RF signals can be relied upon for WIPT. We have to fully exploit characteristics of wideband signals for WIPT in energy self-sustainable 6G. There are full of scatters and reflectors in the propagation of RF/VL signals, which results in multi-path transmissions from a transmitter to a receiver. The number of identified paths at the receiver is determined by the following factors:
- Signal power \(P_t\): a higher signal power results in a higher signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) and clearer channel impulsive responses at the receiver.
- Signal bandwidth \(W\): If the signal propagation delay between two transmission paths is higher than the coherence time \(1/W\), this pair of paths cannot be identified. Otherwise, the receiver is capable of identifying these two transmission paths.
- Geographic positions of scatters and reflectors: Given a pair of transmission paths, if their distance have a difference of \(c/W\), where \(c\) is the speed of light, they can be identified at the receiver, otherwise they cannot.
Therefore, if we have an extremely high bandwidth \(W\), more scatters and reflectors may generate more identified transmission paths. We do not rely upon coarse-grained signal processing on the basis of antenna-to-antenna. Instead, wide-bandwidth transmission in 6G creates a chance of high-resolution signal processing on the basis of identified transmission paths, which provides substantial spatial multiplexing and diversity gains for WIPT, as illustrated in Fig. [\[fig:Zero-Energy\]](#fig:Zero-Energy){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Zero-Energy"}. By fully exploiting this additional degree of freedom in signal design and the resultant performance gain, we may also substantially reduce energy consumption of transmitters.
## Multifunctional Transceiver
IoE devices should have ability of gleaning energy from downlink RF/VL signals, while their energy consumption has to be suppressed. Therefore, as portrayed in Fig. [\[fig:Zero-Energy\]](#fig:Zero-Energy){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Zero-Energy"}, the following functional modules have to be implemented at IoE devices: 1) an IMN, which is a circuit to guarantee the alternative current (AC) energy carried by the received RF signals can be delivered to the back-end by matching the impedance of antennas and that of back-end's circuits; 2) an energy harvester, which is a circuit for rectifying AC energy carried by RF/VL signals to direct current (DC) in order to drive electronic loads or to charge energy storage units. Key electronic elements in rectifiers are diodes; 3) an energy storage unit can be either a battery or a super capacitor. Batteries have long-term energy storage capabilities, but its charging efficiency is low. Super-capacitors can only store energy for a short-term but its charging efficiency is very high. Corresponding to different QoS, we have the following pair of designs for batteryless IoE devices:
- High-rate wireless powered communication: IoE devices adopt a harvest-store-then-transmit protocol. In order to increase energy harvesting efficiency, we should guarantee a perfect impedance matching. Only when they have sufficient energy in their storage units, their active information transmissions commence via RF/VL chains. Therefore, IoE devices can obtain high-rate information transmissions. However, powering RF/VL chains is an energy-consuming task.
- Low-rate backscatter communication: IoE devices deliberately mismatch the impedance of the receiving antennas and the back-end circuits. Therefore, RF/VL signals received by antennas cannot penetrate to the back-end but backscattered instead. IoE devices can flexibly modulate their own information on backscattered signals in frequency and time domains. Therefore, IoE devices do not need any RF/VL chains for information transmission, which may substantially reduce energy consumption. Furthermore, we can fully exploit the abundant full-spectrum of 6G by intelligently changing the frequencies of backscattered signals in order to avoid congested bands. However, IoE devices also need to harvest energy for powering their signal processing modules. Therefore, backscattering coefficients need to be carefully designed for allowing some of the received RF/VL signals flowing into the back-end for energy harvesting. The IMN of IoE devices should also be programmable.
Furthermore, we may integrate the above-mentioned designs into a single IoE, as exemplified in Fig. [\[fig:Zero-Energy\]](#fig:Zero-Energy){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Zero-Energy"}. Therefore, low-rate control signalling or sporadic information transmissions can be completed by passive backscatter communication, while high-rate data transmissions can be completed by active wireless powered communication.
## Human-in-the-loop
Signal propagation in these bands heavily relies on LoS between transmitters and receivers. If no LoS link exists, WIPT performance would severely degrade. In both indoor and outdoor scenarios, many objects in surrounding wireless environments may block LoS links, such as walls, cabinets, moving objects and etc. Moreover, human bodies are mostly neglected as critical blockages in the design of a communication system operating in high frequency bands, especially when hand-held communication devices are taken into account. In order to improve WIPT performance, it is crucial for IoE devices to possess abilities of intelligently adapting their transceivers to dynamic wireless environments. This adaptation can be achieved without/with intervention from human users. For instance, reconfigurable antennas of IoE devices can be automatically adjusted to better positions in order to gain a higher information rate and to harvest more energy. Interactions between devices and human users may also result in environmental adaptation. These interactions are known as "human-in-the-loop". As illustrated in Fig. [\[fig:adaptationtoenvironment\]](#fig:adaptationtoenvironment){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:adaptationtoenvironment"}, human users may rotate their bodies to enable LoS links. In a case study of VL based communication network, observe from the right part of Fig. [\[fig:adaptationtoenvironment\]](#fig:adaptationtoenvironment){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:adaptationtoenvironment"} that allowing a rotation angle of \(76^{\circ}\) achieve a system throughput gain of \(81\%\) . The involvement of human users in transceiver adaptation becomes normal in our daily life. Human users holding devices always try to rotate their bodies to gain high information rates. This is more efficient in VL band of future 6G, since VL can be easily captured by human eyes. Human users may readily aim their devices to intensive VL. Autonomous transceiver adaptations naturally find wireless channels having lowest channel attenuation. Therefore, energy consumed by infrastructure to radiate RF/VL signals can be significantly reduced. Based on surrounding wireless environments, IoE devices may decide how to adapt themselves to reduce energy consumption in information transmission and reception as well as to increase energy harvested in downlink WPT, which is also a key step towards zero-energy devices.
# Conclusion
This article provides a layered architecture of energy self-sustainable 6G in full-spectrum which consists of AI-empowered CUs, massively deployed DUs and IoE devices. In order to deal with a tremendous amount of energy consumed for satisfying unprecedented QoS requirements, key solutions are provided to cell-free access for joint coordination of DUs, airborne access for 3D networking and holographic environmental design enabled by IRSs for counteracting severe channel attenuation in THz and VL. Furthermore, we provide vital approaches to realise zero-energy IoE devices, such as high-resolution signal processing based WIPT, multifunctional transceivers without any batteries and active transceiver adaptation to dynamic environments. However, there are still numerous challenges of making energy self-sustainable 6G a practice, which calls for a joint effort from both academia and industry. | {'timestamp': '2020-06-01T02:07:53', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14430', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14430'} |
# Introduction
Heavy quarks (HQs), namely charm and bottom, are considered as a solid probe to characterize the matter created in the QGP phase . The large mass of heavy quarks has several implications in this context. They are produced in the early stage of the collisions by pQCD process and being \(M_{HQ}>> T\) also the thermal pair production and annihilation processes are negligible. For a perturbative interaction due also to the large mass leading to collisions with small momentum transfer, the HQ propagation through the QGP medium can be described as a diffusion process assimilated to a Brownian motion. Furthermore, the large mass has the effect to reduce the equilibration rate of heavy quarks in the medium relative to their light counterparts leading to a thermalization time comparable to the one of the life time of the fireball. Therefore, the standard approach to describe the propagation of HQ in QGP has been quite often treated within the framework of the Fokker-Planck equation [@Moore:2004tg; @vanHees:2004gq; @vanHees:2005wb; @vanHees:2007me; @LV1; @Qin:2010pf; @Das:2012ck; @Das:2010tj; @Alberico:2013bza; @He:2011qa; @He:2014cla; @Xu:2017obm]. However, the evidence of non-perturbative interaction and the large initial temperatures at LHC, \(M_c \simeq 3 T \simeq <p_{bulk}>\), hint at a scattering dynamics more appropriately described by a Boltzmann collision integral that implies significant deviations from a gaussian fluctuation around the average momentum of the charm quark. One of the main observable for HQs that it has been also extensively used as a probe of QGP, is the nuclear suppression factor, \(R_{AA}(p_T)\), . It is defined as the ratio between the heavy flavor hadrons produced in nucleus-nucleus collisions with respect to those produced in proton-proton collisions. Another observable extensively studied is the elliptic flow , \(v_2(p_T)=<cos(2\phi)>\), a measure of the anisotropy in the angular distribution of heavy mesons in momentum space, as a response to the initial anisotropy in coordinate space in non-central collisions. In literature several studies have been performed in these years, to theoretically study both these observables with the aim to understand heavy quark dynamics in QGP employing the Langevin or the on-shell Boltzmann transport equation . However, being the QGP strongly interacting, a full quantum description of the charm quark interaction should include in principle also the off-shell dynamics, an approach that has been developed only in for the study of the transport coefficients and it is included in the PHSD approach to heavy-ion collisions. In this paper we extended this study exploring also the effects of larger widths and in particular discussing the effect also in terms of the Fluctuations Dissipation Theorem (FDT). Moreover, we present a first study of the time evolution of the charm momentum in a bulk medium at fixed temperature T comparing directly the Langevin evolution, the Boltzmann on-shell evolution and an extension of the Boltzmann collision integral to include off-shell dynamics. We also discuss the impact that off-shell dynamics can have on the \(R_{AA}(p_T)\). The paper is organized as follows. In the next sections we will briefly present the on-shell Boltzmann transport equation, the Fokker-Planck (Langevin) one and the definition of drag and diffusion coefficients in both on-shell and off-shell approaches. In section [3](#Section:3){reference-type="ref" reference="Section:3"}, we discuss the results obtained for the transport coefficients in both on-shell and off-shell models. Section [4](#Section:4){reference-type="ref" reference="Section:4"} is devoted to discuss the dynamical evolution of charm quarks in a bulk medium at finite T by comparing the results obtained in Langevin, on-shell and off-shell Boltzmann approaches. Section [5](#Section:5){reference-type="ref" reference="Section:5"} contains the summary and conclusions.
# Boltzmann transport equation and transport coefficients
In this section we are interested to study both the transport coefficients and the time evolution of the phase-space distribution function of heavy quarks (HQs). The starting point in the study of propagation of heavy quark is the relativistic transport equation for HQs scattering in a bulk medium of quarks and gluons. We therefore briefly describe the relativistic Boltzmann-Vlasov equation from which we will deduce the transport coefficients for on-shell dynamics and the Fokker-Planck equation. The on-shell transport equation can be expressed by the Boltzmann-Vlasov equation given by the following integro-differential equation: \[\begin{aligned}
\{p^\mu\partial_\mu+m^*(x)\partial_\mu m^*(x)\partial^{\mu}_p\}f_Q(x,p)=C[f_q,f_g,f_{Q}] \nonumber \\ \end{aligned}\] where \(f_Q(x,p)\) and \(f_{q,g}(x,p)\) are the phase-space distribution functions for the heavy quark and light quarks and gluons respectively, while \(C[f_q, f_g, f_Q](x,p)\) is the relativistic Boltzmann-like collision integral allowing to describe the short range interaction between heavy quark and particles of plasma. The distribution function of the bulk medium of quarks and gluons has in general to be determined by another set of equations that could be the Boltzmann-Vlasov equations for quark and gluons. In the present study, we want to address a direct comparison between two different dynamics: the relativistic Langevin dynamics and the relativistic Boltzmann transport theory. In the second approach, we will discuss the role of on-shell and off-shell effects on the HQ dynamics. In order to have a better focusing and testing the dynamics between these different approaches the bulk medium will be considered as a thermal bath at equilibrium at some temperature \(T\). Moreover, we will calculate the different transport coefficients of HQs in a static medium at finite temperature. This will give the response of the medium to the propagation of HQs under fixed thermodynamical conditions. This is a first step before studying the more complex case of the expanding medium in realistic uRHIC where gradients of density and temperature are involved. Therefore in our calculations we neglect effects caused by space-time variation of the scalar mean fields, \(\partial_\mu m^*(x)\approx 0\). Assuming that the distribution function is \(x\) independent, i.e. the plasma is uniform, each variation of the distribution function is due to collisions and the Boltzmann equation is simplified to a integro-differential equation only respect to time: \[\label{Boltz_simply} p^0\partial_0f_{Q}=C[f_q,f_g,f_{Q}].\] We will consider only two-body collisions where the collision integral \(C[f_q, f_g, f_Q] (p)\) can be expressed by the following relation: \[\begin{aligned}
\label{int_finale} \begin{split} &C[f]=\frac{1}{2E_p}\int\frac{d^3\textbf{q}}{2E_q (2\pi)^3}\int\frac{d^3\textbf{q}'}{2E_{q'}(2\pi)^3}\int\frac{d^3\textbf{p}'}{2E_{p'}(2\pi)^3} \\&\cdot\frac{1}{d_Q} \sum_{g,q,\bar q}|{\cal M}(g(q,\bar q) c\rightarrow g(q,\bar q) c))|^2 \\&\cdot (2\pi)^4\delta^4(p+q-p'-q') [f_Q(\textbf{p}')\hat{f}(\textbf{q}')-f_Q(\textbf{p})\hat{f}(\textbf{q})] \end{split} \end{aligned}\] where **p** (**q**) and **p\(\prime\)** (**q\(\prime\)**) represent respectively the initial and final momentum of heavy quark (plasma particle) and \(|{\cal M_Q}|^2\) is the squared modulus of scattering matrix of the process. In order to solve the collision integral it is necessary to evaluate the scattering matrix \(|{\cal M_Q}|^2\). In our calculations the HQs interact with the medium by mean of two-body collisions regulated by the scattering matrix of the processes \(g + Q \to g + Q\) and \(q(\bar q) + Q \to q(\bar q) + Q\). A successful way to treat non-perturbative effects in heavy-quark scattering is given by Quasi-Particle approach (QPM), in which the interaction is encoded in the quasi-particle masses that behave like massive constituents of free gas plus a background field interaction given by a temperature dependent bag constant, for details see ref. . The main feature of QPM approach is that the resulting coupling is significantly stronger than the one coming from pQCD running coupling, particularly at \(T \rightarrow T_c\). It has been shown that QPM can reproduce the lattice QCD Equation of State: pressure, energy density and interaction measure \(T^\mu_\mu=\epsilon-3 P\). The relations of the masses of light quarks and gluons to the coupling and temperature are calculated in a perturbative approach: \[\begin{aligned}
\label{masse_QPM} &&m_g^2=\frac{1}{6}g(T)^2\left[\left(N_c+\frac{1}{2}N_f\right)T^2+\frac{N_c}{2\pi^2}\sum_{q}\mu_q^2\right],\nonumber \\ &&m_{u,d,s}^2=\frac{N_c^2-1}{8N_c}g(T)^2\left[ T^2+\frac{\mu^2_{u,d}}{\pi^2}\right] \end{aligned}\] where \(N_f\) and \(N_c\) are respectively the number of flavours and colours, \(\mu_q\) is the chemical potential of the q flavour that in our calculation is neglected. Even if the formal relation is perturbative-like, the \(g(T)\) is obtained by a fit to the energy density of lattice QCD (lQCD) and it is expressed by: \[g^2(T)=\frac{48\pi^2}{[(11N_c-2N_f)ln[\lambda(\frac{T}{T_c}-\frac{T_s}{T_c})]]^2}\] where \(\lambda=2.6\) and \(T_s/T_c=0.57\), with \(T_c=155 MeV\). We obtain a non perturbative behaviour of the coupling especially for \(T\rightarrow T_c\). The evaluation of the scattering matrix has been performed considering the leading-order diagrams. In this approach the effective coupling \(g(T)\) leads to effective vertices and a dressed massive gluon propagator for \(g + Q \to g + Q\) and massive quark propagator for \(q(\bar q)+ Q\to q (\bar q)+Q\) scatterings. The detail of the calculations can be found in Ref..
## On-shell Transport Coefficients and Fokker-Planch equation
We give a brief description of the derivation of HQ transport coefficients. We can also express the collision integral in relation to the rate of collisions \(\omega(\textbf{p},\textbf{k})\) between HQ and light bulk particles, where **k** is the transferred momentum during the collision: \[\label{integrale_coll} C[f]=\int d^3\textbf{k} [\omega (\textbf{p}+\textbf{k},\textbf{k})f(\textbf{p}+\textbf{k})-\omega(\textbf{p},\textbf{k})f(\textbf{p})].\] The rate of collision \(\omega(\textbf{p},\textbf{k})\) is given by: \[\label{rate} \omega(\textbf{p},\textbf{k})=d_{QGP} \int \frac{d^3\textbf{q}}{(2\pi)^3} \hat f(\textbf{q})v_{q,p} \frac{d\sigma_{p,q\rightarrow p-k,q+k}}{d\Omega}.\] In this relation \(d_{QGP}\) defines degree of freedom of particle in collision with heavy quark, \(\hat f(\textbf{q})\) is the time and space independent distribution function of particle in the plasma of momentum \(\textbf{q}\), \(v_{q,p}\) defines the relative velocity and \(\sigma_{p,q\rightarrow p-k,q+k}\) is the differential cross section of the scattering process. Differential cross section can be expressed by the following relation: \[\begin{split} \frac{d\sigma_{p,q\rightarrow p-k,q+k}}{d\Omega}=\frac{1}{(2\pi)^6}\frac{1}{v_{p,q}}\frac{1}{2E_q}\frac{1}{2E_p }\frac{1}{d_Q d_{QGP}} \sum|{\cal M_Q}|^2\\\times\frac{1}{2E_{q+k}}\frac{1}{2E_{p-k}}(2\pi)^4\delta(E_p+E_q-E_{p-k}-E_{q+k}) \end{split}\] with the \(\sum\) intended over all the elastic scattering channels \(g+Q \rightarrow g+Q\) and \(q(\bar q)+ Q\rightarrow q (\bar q)+Q\). The non-linear integro-differential Boltzmann equation cannot be easily solved and a way to simplify the calculation is to employ the Landau approximation leading to a relativistic Fokker-Planck equation with momentum dependent transport equation. This assumption is physical motivated by the suggestion that during collision the transfer momentum \(\textbf{k}\) is small and we can operate an expansion of the integral: \[\begin{aligned}
\begin{split} f(\textbf{p}+\textbf{k})\omega(\textbf{p}+\textbf{k},\textbf{k})=&f(\textbf{p})\omega(\textbf{p},\textbf{k})+\textbf{k}\frac{\partial}{\partial \textbf{p}}(\omega f)\\&\times+\frac{1}{2}k_ik_j\frac{\partial^2}{\partial p_i \partial p_j}(\omega f)+... \end{split} \end{aligned}\] Defining the following quantities: \[\begin{split}\label{coeff} A_i(\textbf{p},T)&=\int d^3kk_i\omega(\textbf{p},\textbf{k})\\ B_{i,j}(\textbf{p},T)&=\frac{1}{2}\int d^3kk_ik_j\omega(\textbf{p},\textbf{k}) \end{split}\] the collision integral \(C[f]\) in Eq.[\[int_finale\]](#int_finale){reference-type="ref" reference="int_finale"} becomes: \[\begin{aligned}
\label{fokker-planck} \frac{df(\textbf{p})}{dt}&=&\frac{\partial}{\partial p_i}\left[A_i(\textbf{p},T)f(\textbf{p})+\frac{\partial}{\partial p_j}[B_{i,j}(\textbf{p},T)f(\textbf{p})]\right]. \nonumber \\ \end{aligned}\] The Eq.[\[fokker-planck\]](#fokker-planck){reference-type="ref" reference="fokker-planck"} is the Fokker-Planck equation and the quantities defined by the Eq.[\[coeff\]](#coeff){reference-type="ref" reference="coeff"} are the drag and diffusion coefficients of the propagation of HQ in the thermal bath at temperature T. If we consider an isotropic medium, we can express the drag and diffusion coefficients by the following relations: \[\begin{split} A_i(\textbf{p},T)&=A(p,T)p_i\\ B_ {i,j}(\textbf{p},T)&=B_L(p,T)P_{i,j}^{||}(\textbf{p})+B_T(p,T)P_{i,j}^{\perp}(\textbf{p}). \end{split}\] The diffusion coefficient is expressed by a longitudinal \(B_L\) and a transversal \(B_T\) component respect to the HQ momentum where \(P_{i,j}^{||}(\textbf{p})=p_ip_j/\textbf{p}^2\) and \(P_{i,j}^{\perp}(\textbf{p})=\delta_{i,j}-(p_ip_j/\textbf{p}^2)\) are the projection operators on the longitudinal and transverse momentum components. Using the definition in Eq.[\[coeff\]](#coeff){reference-type="ref" reference="coeff"} we get the following expression for \(A_i\): \[\begin{aligned}
\label{drag} & & A_i(\textbf{p},T)= \nonumber \\ &=&\frac{1}{2E_p}\int\frac{d^3\textbf{q}}{2E_q (2\pi)^3}\int\frac{d^3\textbf{q}'}{2E_{q'}(2\pi)^3}\int\frac{d^3\textbf{p}'}{2E_{p'}(2\pi)^3}\nonumber \\ &\times&\frac{1}{d_Q}\times \sum|{\cal M_Q}|^2(2\pi)^4\delta^4(p+q-p'-q') \nonumber \\ &\times&\hat f(q)[(p-p')_i]\equiv \left\langle \left \langle(p-p')_i\right \rangle \right\rangle. \end{aligned}\] while for \(B_{i,j}\): \[\label{diff} B_{i,j}(\textbf{p},T)=\frac{1}{2}\left\langle \left \langle(p-p')_i(p'-p)_j\right \rangle \right\rangle.\] Finally, drag, transverse and longitudinal diffusion coefficients can be calculated as follows: \[\begin{aligned}
\begin{split}\label{B1_comp} B_L(p,T)&=\frac{1}{2}\frac{p_ip_j}{p^2}B_{i,j}=\\ &=\frac{1}{2}[\left\langle \left \langle\textbf{p}'\cdot \textbf{p}\right \rangle \right \rangle p^2-2\left\langle \left \langle\textbf{p}'\cdot \textbf{p}\right \rangle \right \rangle+p^2\left\langle \left \langle\textbf{1}\right \rangle \right \rangle] \end{split} \end{aligned}\] \[\begin{split}\label{B0_comp} B_T(p,T)&=\frac{1}{2}\left[\delta_{i,j}-\frac{p_ip_j}{p^2}\right]B_{i,j}=\\&= \frac{1}{4}[\left\langle \left \langle p'^2\right \rangle \right \rangle-\left \langle \left \langle(\textbf{p}\cdot \textbf{p}')^2\right \rangle \right \rangle/p^2]. \end{split}\] and for drag coefficient: \[\begin{split}\label{drag_comp} A(p,T)&=p_iA_i/p^2=\\&=\left\langle \left \langle\textbf{1}\right \rangle \right \rangle-\left\langle \left \langle\textbf{p}'\cdot\textbf{p}\right \rangle \right \rangle/p^2. \end{split}\] We recall that the standard approach to evaluate the quantities in Eq.[\[drag\]](#drag){reference-type="ref" reference="drag"} and Eq.[\[diff\]](#diff){reference-type="ref" reference="diff"} is to write the integral in the c.m. frame using the c.m. scattering angles and the momentum \(\textbf{q}\) of the plasma particle: \[\begin{aligned}
\begin{split}\label{F_finale} \left\langle \left \langle F(\textbf{p},\textbf{p}\prime,T)\right \rangle \right\rangle =\frac{1}{(2\pi)^3}\int_{0}^{\infty} d\textbf{q}\textbf{q}^2\int_{-1}^{+1} dcos\alpha\\\times \int_{t_{min}}^{t_{max}} dt v_{rel} \frac{d\sigma}{dt} \hat f(\textbf{q}) \int_{0}^{2\pi} d\phi_{cm} F(\textbf{p},\textbf{p}\prime,T) \end{split} \end{aligned}\] where \(\alpha\) is the polar angle of \(\textbf{q}\) and the Mandelstam variable \(t\) is expressed in terms of momentum \(\hat{\textbf{p}}\) of heavy quark in the c.m. scattering system by \(t=(p-p')^2=-2|\hat{\textbf{p}}|^2(1-cos\theta_{cm})\). Finally, the differential cross section takes the form: \[\frac{d\sigma}{dt}=\frac{1}{16\pi}\frac{1}{[(s-M_Q^2-m^2)^2-4M_Q^2m^2]}\frac{1}{d_Q}\sum|{\cal M_Q}|^2.\]
## Off-shell Transport coefficients
In order to have a more accurate description, the propagation of heavy quark can be also treated taking into account off-shell effects due to collisions with quasi-particle in the plasma. The collision integral, that in the on-shell case is expressed by Eq.[\[int_finale\]](#int_finale){reference-type="ref" reference="int_finale"}, in the off-shell case can be written as: \[\begin{aligned}
\label{int_finale_off} C[f]&=&\int dm_i A(m_i)\int dm_fA(m_f) \nonumber \\ &\times&\frac{1}{2E_p}\int\frac{d^3\textbf{q}}{2E_q (2\pi)^3}\int\frac{d^3\textbf{q}'}{2E_{q'}(2\pi)^3}\int\frac{d^3\textbf{p}'}{2E_{p'}(2\pi)^3}\nonumber\\ &\times&\frac{1}{\gamma_Q}\sum|{\cal M_Q}|^2(2\pi)^4\delta^4(p+q-p'-q')\nonumber\\ &\times&[f(\textbf{p}')\hat{f}(\textbf{q}',m_f)-f(\textbf{p})\hat{f}(\textbf{q},m_i)] \end{aligned}\] In particular, we want to investigate how the off-shell quantum effects modify the evolution of charm quark respect to the on-shell case that as a first approximation is commonly used to study the propagation of these particles in the bulk of light quarks and gluons. The dynamical quasi-particle model (DQPM) describes QCD properties in terms of the single-particle Green's functions which leads to the description of QGP in terms of strongly interacting massive effective quasi-particles with broad spectral functions. In this approach the parton masses and widths are determined by fitting the quasi-particle entropy density to the lQCD entropy density reproducing the QCD equation of state extracted from lattice QCD calculations. The aim of this study is an evaluation of the off-shell effects due to plasma quasi-particles. In the DQPM approach in Ref., partons are dressed by non perturbative spectral function \(A(q^0)\) which associates a spectrum of energies to a particle of momentum \(\textbf{q}\). The ansatz used to model a nonzero width is obtained by replacing the free spectral function by a Lorentzian form. As shown in Ref. the Lorentzian form has a peak at small values of \(p/T\) at the pole mass of the charm quarks and for it a non-relativistic approximation is a good approximation. In this work, we are interested in a non-relativistic approximation of partonic spectral function in which at small momenta \(q^0\approx m\), in this way \(A(q^0)\) is parametrized by a Breit-Wigner function \(A^{BW}(m_i)\). The width of the partons in the perturbative limit are given by \(\gamma \approx g^{2} T \ln{g^{-1}}\) where the physical process contributing to the functional form of the widths are elastic scattering like \(gg \to gg\), \(gq \to gq\) and \(qq(\bar{q}) \to qq(\bar{q})\) are included. The functional forms of bulk particles widths \(\gamma_g\) and \(\gamma_q\) associated to spectral function for \(\mu_q=0\) are given by: \[\begin{split}\label{largh_QPM} \gamma_g(T)&=\frac{1}{3}N_C\frac{g^2(T/T_C)}{8\pi} T\, ln\left[\frac{2c}{g^2(T/T_C)}+1\right]\\ \gamma_q(T)&=\frac{1}{3}\frac{N_C^2-1}{2N_C}\frac{g^2(T/T_C)}{8\pi} T\, ln\left[\frac{2c}{g^2(T/T_C)}+1\right] \end{split}\] Fitting the entropy density on the lQCD data, the constant \(c\) is fixed to \(c=14.4\). The spectral function associated to light quark and gluon in the plasma are expressed by: \[\label{Breit-Wigner} A_i^{BW}(m_i)=\frac{2}{\pi}\frac{m_i^2\gamma_i^\ast}{(m_i^2-M_i^2)^2+(m_i\gamma_i^\ast)^2}\] where \(A_i^{BW}\) fulfills the normalization \[\int_{0}^{\infty}dm_iA_i(m_i,T)=1.\] In Eq. [\[Breit-Wigner\]](#Breit-Wigner){reference-type="ref" reference="Breit-Wigner"}, \(M_i\) is the pole mass of gluon and light quark defined in Eq.[\[masse_QPM\]](#masse_QPM){reference-type="ref" reference="masse_QPM"} and \(\gamma_i^*\) is the width associated to each particle mass. Such widths are related to \(\gamma_i\) calculated in DQPM approach by the relation \(2q^0_i\gamma_i=m_i\gamma^*_i\). Since we are taking into account a regime where \(\gamma<M_i\), the \(\gamma_i^\ast\) of Eq. [\[Breit-Wigner\]](#Breit-Wigner){reference-type="ref" reference="Breit-Wigner"} can be written \(\gamma_i^\ast \approx 2\gamma_i\). The off-shell dynamics implies that the values of partonic masses can be different before and after scattering process, i.e. \(m_i\neq m_f\), differently from on-shell case in which \(m_i = m_f\), where Breit-Wigner function becomes a delta function centered at Pole mass \(M_i\). In Fig. [\[gamma_m\]](#gamma_m){reference-type="ref" reference="gamma_m"}, ratio between \(\gamma^*_i\) and Pole mass \(M_i\) are shown for gluon and light quark.\
If we consider the off-shell quantum effects for the plasma particle, the quantity of Eq.[\[F_finale\]](#F_finale){reference-type="ref" reference="F_finale"} can be written: \[\begin{aligned}
\begin{split}\label{F_finale_os} \left\langle \left\langle F(m_i,m_f,\textbf{p},\textbf{p}\prime,T)\right\rangle \right\rangle =\int dm_i A(m_i)\int dm_fA(m_f)&\\\times \frac{1}{(2\pi)^3}\int_{0}^{\infty} d\textbf{q}\textbf{q}^2\int_{-1}^{+1} dcos\alpha\int_{t_{min}}^{t_{max}} dt v_{rel}&\\\times \frac{d\sigma}{dt} \hat f(m_i,\textbf{q}) \int_{0}^{2\pi} d\phi_{cm} F(m_i,m_f,\textbf{p},\textbf{p}\prime,T) \end{split} \end{aligned}\] where \(m_i\) and \(m_f\) are respectively the initial and final mass of partons respectively. In this case the Mandelstam variable \(t=(p-p')=2M_Q^2-2\hat{E}_p\hat{E}_{p'}+2|\hat{\textbf{p}}||\hat{\textbf{p}}'|cos\theta_{cm}\).
# Results for transport coefficients: on-shell and off-shell {#Section:3}
In the following we will compare the results coming from the on-shell expression in Eq.[\[F_finale\]](#F_finale){reference-type="ref" reference="F_finale"} with the one in Eq.[\[F_finale_os\]](#F_finale_os){reference-type="ref" reference="F_finale_os"} that include the off-shell effects. Before systematically study and compare the transport coefficients between the two different approaches presented in the previous sections we describe the common features in the following calculations. The number of thermal quark flavors is set to \(n_f = 3\), the medium temperature is kept fixed. A Boltzmann distribution is used for the thermal light flavor quark and gluon distribution. The charm quark mass is fixed to \(M_c=1.3 \, GeV\). To regulate the collinear divergence of the t-channel in the scattering matrix, the following replacement is performed \(1/t \to 1/(t-\mu_D^2 )\). Where we have set the Debye screening mass to \(m_D=\sqrt{4\pi\alpha_s(T)}T=g(T)T\). In the off-shell case this replacement takes the form \(1/t \to 1/(t-\mu_D^2+i2\gamma_g(p^0_f-p^0_i) )\) where \(p^0\) is the energy of charm quark. In Fig.[\[Fig:drag_T\]](#Fig:drag_T){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig:drag_T"} and Fig.[\[Fig:BT_T\]](#Fig:BT_T){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig:BT_T"} we compare the transport coefficients as a function of the medium temperature with a fixed HQ momentum of \(p = 0.1\) \(GeV/c\) for the two different approaches studied in this paper. Solid lines refers to on-shell calculations while red dashed lines for off-shell calculations. In Fig.[\[Fig:drag_T\]](#Fig:drag_T){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig:drag_T"} we show the results for the drag coefficient \(A\). If quantum off-shell effects for bulk are considered the drag coefficients decrease of about \(30 \%\) in the temperature regime of \(T\sim1-2T_c\). Similar conclusion we get also for the diffusion coefficient \(B_T\) as show in Fig.[\[Fig:BT_T\]](#Fig:BT_T){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig:BT_T"}, where in this case we observe a reduction of about \(35\) \(\%\) in the same range of temperature. Both difference decrease at increasing temperature. We clarify that here we are keeping the couplig of quark and gluons to be the same in the on-shell and off-shell case to see the main direct effect of the inclusion of a finite widths for the quasi-particles. Of course another approach could be to upscale \(g(T)\) to have the same energy density in both on-shell and off-shell case. Being the change in energy density of about \(10-15\%\) this case corresponds to a change of \(g(T)\) by only few percent. We have checked if the decrease in the drag can be a mere effect of the decrease of the equilibrium energy density \(\epsilon\). Therefore we have calculated the \(A/\epsilon\) ratio as shown in Fig.[\[Fig:drag_eps_T\]](#Fig:drag_eps_T){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig:drag_eps_T"} for different values of temperature. We can see that when we divide drag coefficient obtained in on-shell and off-shell mode by the respective values of the energy density of the bulk system, the decrease of coefficient in off-shell case is completely re-absorbed for intermediate and high momentum. The scaling with \(\epsilon\) is only partially fulfilled in the limit \(p\rightarrow 0\) and we see that a difference between on-shell and off-shell mode of about \(10 \%\) remains even when the comparison is done renormalizing at the same energy density. This allows to draw a first conclusion about the fact that there is an impact of off-shell effects at low \(p\), but a sizeable part can be traced-back to a change of the energy density when simply increasing increasing the width. Furthermore already at intermediate momenta \(p\) the transport coefficients become the same once renormalized to the energy density, as we can see in Fig. [\[Fig:drag_eps_T\]](#Fig:drag_eps_T){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig:drag_eps_T"} comparing open and filled circles. This is true at least when the values of the widths are relatively small as in DQPM approach. In this context, we want also to check the violation of fluctuation-dissipation theorem (FDT) for on-shell and off-shell case. The validity of this relation can be verified evaluating the ratio between diffusion coefficient \(B_T\), obtained by scattering matrix \({\cal M_Q}\) with the value of \(B_T\) predicted by fluctuation-dissipation relation. In order to fulfill the FDT this ratio should be equal to 1. In general, when we calculate transport coefficient with scattering matrix one obtains however a significant deviation. In Fig.[\[Fig:FDT\]](#Fig:FDT){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig:FDT"} it is shown the ratio between \(B_T\) and \(TEA\) where \(E=\sqrt{p^2+M^2}\) for the two cases discussed in this paper for on-shell and off-shell partons. We observe that the FDT is better verified when off-shell bulk is taken into account where we obtain an improvement with respect to on-shell case of about \(10 \%\). Moreover we observe that the FDT is better verified at higher temperature where we obtain a deviation lower than \(15 \%\). In the results shown in the previous figures we have considered the widths \(\gamma^*_i\) given by the DQPM approach. As shown in Fig.[\[gamma_m\]](#gamma_m){reference-type="ref" reference="gamma_m"}, such widths (i.e. \(\gamma^*_{q}\approx 260\) MeV, \(\gamma^*_{q}\approx 110\) MeV at \(T=200\) MeV) are significant smaller than the quasi-particle masses. In order to explore also the impact of quantum off-shell effects on the transport coefficients we artificially increase the widths considering \(\gamma^*\) about 2-3 times larger than those of DQPM approach for quarks, i.e. \(\gamma^*/M=0.75\) for both quarks and gluons (i.e. \(\gamma^*_{g}\approx 520\) MeV, \(\gamma^*_{q}\approx 330\) MeV at \(T=200\) MeV) as shown by green line in Fig.[\[gamma_m\]](#gamma_m){reference-type="ref" reference="gamma_m"}. We consider larger widths with respect to the DQPM, because they are conceivable in other approaches especially considering values of the shear viscosity to entropy density ratio, \(\eta/s\), is about 0.1, while for DQPM it is stays in the range \(\eta/s \sim 0.2-0.3\) for \(T \sim T_c\). In Fig.[\[drag200\]](#drag200){reference-type="ref" reference="drag200"} and Fig.[\[BT200\]](#BT200){reference-type="ref" reference="BT200"} we have shown the HQ transport coefficients, respectively drag \(A\) and diffusion \(B_T\), as function of charm momentum at fixed \(T=0.2 \, GeV\) including now the \(\gamma^*/M=0.75\) case. If we can see that considering bigger widths for Breit-Wigner distribution with respect to DQPM one, there is a decrease of the transport coefficients. Furthermore, a limited improvement for FDT validity is observed for the case of larger widths where the FDT is satisfied within \(10\) \(\%\), as shown by open green circles in Fig.[\[FDT200\]](#FDT200){reference-type="ref" reference="FDT200"}. Finally, in Fig.[\[Fig:drag_eps\]](#Fig:drag_eps){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig:drag_eps"} it is shown the \(A(p)/\epsilon\) ratio as a function of the charm quark momentum and for temperature \(T=0.2 \, \rm GeV\). Comparing black solid line with red dashed line, we observe a scaling between on-shell and off-shell calculation for \(p \ge 2-3 \, \rm GeV\) and breaking a lower momentum. This suggests that for the widths used in DQPM the difference in the drag coefficient in off-shell case is completely re-adsorbed for high momentum of charm. Furthermore, if we increase the widths as shown by open green circles we get that the drag coefficient shows a larger breaking of the scaling at least for \(p\lesssim 2-3 \, \rm GeV\) that at \(p \rightarrow 0\) is maximal and corresponds to a reduction of about a \(40 \%\).
# Heavy quarks momentum evolution in the QGP: on-and off-shell Boltzmann and Langevin dynamics {#Section:4}
In this section we discuss about the time evolution of HQs within Boltzmann scattering with on-shell quarks and gluons and the extension of the Boltzmann collision integral to account for off-shell conditions by mean of the Breit-Wigner spectral functions as done for the transport coefficients, see Eq. [\[int_finale_off\]](#int_finale_off){reference-type="ref" reference="int_finale_off"}. We are interested in the evolution of the HQ distribution function \(f_{Q}(x,p)\) in a thermal bulk described through QPM approach and we have considered a plasma in equilibrium in a box with constant temperature T. In this study, the starting point to investigate the HQ evolution for both on-shell and off-shell approaches is the simplified form of the Boltzmann equation that is expressed in Eq.[\[Boltz_simply\]](#Boltz_simply){reference-type="ref" reference="Boltz_simply"}. We can write: \[\label{bolt_vera} \frac{\partial f_{Q}}{\partial t}=\frac{1}{E_{Q}}C[f_q,f_g,f_{Q}].\] Since in the previous equation the field gradients are discarded, it is valid for both on-shell and off-shell dynamics, with the last embedded in \(C[f_q,f_g,f_{Q}]\) according to Eq. [\[int_finale_off\]](#int_finale_off){reference-type="ref" reference="int_finale_off"}. After a time discretization the Boltzmann equation can be written as \[\label{Eq:discr} f(t+\Delta t,p)=f(t,p)+\frac{\Delta t}{E_{Q}}C[f] + O(\Delta t^3).\] As for the transport coefficients, the numerical solution of Boltzmann equation is obtained by a code that implement a Monte-Carlo integration method for the full collision kernel described by Eq.s [\[int_finale\]](#int_finale){reference-type="ref" reference="int_finale"} and [\[int_finale_off\]](#int_finale_off){reference-type="ref" reference="int_finale_off"}. Different tests have been done in order to verify the convergency of the collision integrals both in on-shell and off-shell case. It is important to fix the number of MonteCarlo samples \(N_s\), in particular for off-shell case, where we have two additional integrations over spectral function that give the weight of each initial and final mass of light partons in the bulk. In this study, we have discretized the time and the HQ momentum *p* in the propagation in order to calculate the evolution of phase-space distribution function of charm quarks. We want that the integral over the distribution function is conserved. Therefore, we can write: \[\frac{\partial N}{\partial t}=\int d^3p \frac{\partial f}{\partial t}=\int d^3p \frac{C[f]}{E_{Q}}\equiv \bar{C}\] where \(N\) is the number of charms quarks. If the integral is not conserved, we can assume a variation \(\Delta N\) according to \(N(t)=N_0+\bar{C}\Delta t\) where \(N_0\) is the initial number of charm quarks. In Fig.[\[conv_dp\]](#conv_dp){reference-type="ref" reference="conv_dp"} it is shown an example of study of the convergence of the off-shell collision integral, similar results we get also for the on-shell case. In particular, we have studied the time evolution of \(\Delta N\) for different momentum discretization \(\Delta p\) (left panel) and number of samples \(N_s\) (right panel) used for the Monte-Carlo calculation of the collision integral. We have found that the most appropriate number of momentum discretization and Monte-Carlo samples is \(\Delta p =5 \times 10^{-3} GeV\) and \(N_s=10^8\). A similar study it has been performed for the time step \(\Delta t\) we found that \(\Delta t=0.1 fm\) is enough to get the convergency of differential equation Eq.[\[Eq:discr\]](#Eq:discr){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:discr"}. Within the numerical approach used in this paper both particle number and energy are conserved to an accuracy better than \(10^{-4}\) within the time range explored in the following figures. We have also checked that at the thermalization time \(\tau_{eq.}\), the distribution reaches the equilibrium condition defined by Juttner-Boltzmann solution and the integral over distribution function is conserved at each time step. In soft scattering approximation, another standard approach used to describe the HQ propagation in the bulk medium of quarks and gluons is by means of a Fokker-Planck equation of Eq.[\[fokker-planck\]](#fokker-planck){reference-type="ref" reference="fokker-planck"}. The Fokker-Planck equation is solved by a stochastic differential equation given by the Langevin equation where the equations of motion of the HQs are given by \[\begin{aligned}
\label{Langevin} dx_i&=&\frac{p_i}{E}dt \nonumber \\ dp_i&=&-Ap_idt+C_{i,j}\rho_j\sqrt{dt}. \end{aligned}\] This set of equations describe the variation of coordinate \(dx_i\) and momentum \(dp_i\) in each time step \(dt\). In the previous equation, \(A\) represents drag force and \(C_{i,j}\) is the covariance matrix that describes stochastic force in term of independent Gaussian-normal distributed random variables \(\rho_j\). The random variable \(\rho_j\) obey to the following distribution \(p(\rho)=(2\pi)^{-3/2}e^{-\rho^2/2}\) with the conditions that \(<\rho_i>=0\) and \(<\rho_i \rho_j>=\delta(t_i-t_j)\). This covariance matrix is related to diffusion coefficient in the following way: \[\label{C} C_{i,j}=\sqrt{2B_T}P_{i,j}^\perp+\sqrt{2B_L}P_{i,j}^{||}\] where \(B_T\) and \(B_L\) are respectively the transverse and longitudinal component of diffusion coefficient. In general \(B_L=B_T=D\) for \(p\rightarrow 0\) and it is a standard choice by several groups also at finite momenta \(p\) when studying the HQ observables in realistic simulation of ultra-relativistic collisions. In Langevin approach, the fluctuation-dissipation relation \(B_T=TEA\) is commonly employed even if a microscopic derivation in general violates such relation at finite momentum as we have discussed in the previous sections. We have verified that the numerical solution of Langevin equation converges to the equilibrium solution \(f_{eq}=e^{-E/T}\) at very large time. In order to fulfill this condition we reformulate the fluctuation-dissipation theorem as suggested by the pre-Ito interpretation and we solve the Langevin equation with the condition: \[\label{pre-ito} A(p)=\frac{D(p)}{ET}-\frac{D^\prime(p)}{p}\] therefore taking \(D(p)=B_T(p)\) as calculated by scattering matrix according to Eq. [\[B1_comp\]](#B1_comp){reference-type="ref" reference="B1_comp"} and Eq. [\[F_finale\]](#F_finale){reference-type="ref" reference="F_finale"} and we evaluate the correct drag force to achieve equilibrium distribution at themalization time. This procedure is necessary to guarantee that for \(t\rightarrow\infty\) (\(\gtrsim \tau_{eq.}\)) also the Langevin approach converges to the correct equilibrium distribution as naturally occurs for the Boltzmann evolution. Such agreement is shown in the right-low panel of Fig. [\[Fig:OnOff\]](#Fig:OnOff){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig:OnOff"}.
## Results on HQ moment evolution
To investigate the differences between the heavy quark dynamics implied by Boltzmann on-shell dynamics and Off-shell dynamics, we study the heavy quark time evolution of the momentum distribution. In the following results we have considered a thermal bulk of light quarks and gluons at a temperature of \(T=0.2 \, GeV\). In our calculation the initial charm quark distribution is assumed as an approximately delta distribution at \(p_0 = 5 \,GeV\) shown by the green line in the left panel of Fig.[\[Fig:OnOff\]](#Fig:OnOff){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig:OnOff"}. In Fig. [\[Fig:OnOff\]](#Fig:OnOff){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig:OnOff"}, we show the time evolution of the momentum distribution \(dN/dp\) for both on-shell (black solid line) and off-shell dynamics (red dashed line) with \(\gamma^*_{DQPM}\). As shown the Boltzmann approach with off-shell collision integral has a slower dynamics than the on-shell one. This can be understood as due to the fact that in the off-shell case the spreading of the bulk mass according to the quarks and gluons spectral functions can be assimilated as a system with a larger average effective mass, considering that the part of the spectral function at larger mass has anyway a larger phase space. At \(t > 4 \, fm/c\) for both cases the momentum distribution tend towards a thermal distribution at \(T=0.2 \, \rm GeV\) as shown in the right lower panel of Fig.[\[Fig:OnOff\]](#Fig:OnOff){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig:OnOff"} by the open square points. The main difference is a faster evolution for the on-shell case that is however mainly due to the fact that the on-shell and off shell dynamics have an underlying bulk system with a different energy density and the drag coefficients are those corresponding to Fig.[\[Fig:drag_eps\]](#Fig:drag_eps){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig:drag_eps"} In the following discussion we will show instead two different calculations for two different drag and diffusion coefficient implementation. The motivation is twofold. From one hand we try to discard the pure off-shell effect in the HQ dynamics from the on-shell one. From the other hand we are motivated by the fact that different approaches have been used to extract the HQ transport coefficients from the comparison of the observables, like nuclear modification factor and anisotropic flows, with the experimental data. In particular we will compare the results obtained within Langevin approach and within the on-shell and off-shell dynamics. We firstly have considered one case where we scale the drag coefficient of the off-shell kernel to the on-shell one by the energy density for the case at larger width considered \(\gamma^*/M=0.75\). Here we considered the evolution on-shell and off-shell (\(\gamma^*/M=0.75\)) for a bulk that has been tuned to have the same energy density in agreement with lQCD calculation. This case is different from the previous one because here the bulk QGP as the same energy density in the two cases. As was shown in the previous section in Fig.[\[Fig:drag_eps\]](#Fig:drag_eps){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig:drag_eps"}, the effect of the transport coefficient between off-shell and on-shell in large part due to the difference in the energy density is damped when considered the physical case where both on-shell and off-shell are tuned to the same energy density. In order to achieve this point, we upscale the off-shell scattering matrix by a constant factor \(k=\epsilon_{on-Shell}(T)/\epsilon_{off-Shell}(T)\) that in our simulation for a thermal bulk at \(T=0.2 \, GeV\) is about \(k\approx 1.5\) corresponding to an underlying increase of the coupling \(g(T)\) of about a \(6\%\). In Fig.[\[Fig:evo_den\]](#Fig:evo_den){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig:evo_den"} it is shown the time evolution of the charm momentum distribution for both on-shell and off-shell dynamics. We can notice that off-shell drag coefficient remains smaller than on-shell one especially at low momenta and this implies an off-shell dynamics that is slightly slower with respect to the on-shell case, but the effect remains quite small. From these calculation we can assert that the differences seen in Fig. [\[Fig:OnOff\]](#Fig:OnOff){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig:OnOff"} are mainly due to the different energy density induced by the fact that keeping equal the pole value of the mass and dressing the system by a finite width induces a decreasing of the energy of the system. Such an effect is nearly negligible for the off-shell case with \(\gamma^*_{DQPM} \simeq 0.3-0.4\, M\), but becomes sizeable for \(\gamma^*/M=0.75\). However the pure off-shell dynamics does not show relevant differences as we can see comparing the on-shell (solid lines) and off-shell mode (dashed lines). This suggests that on-shell Boltzmann equation is still a quite good approximation to study the evolution of the charm momentum distribution at least up to \(\gamma^*<M\). Finally, we have performed another calculation where we upscale the on-shell scattering matrix \(|{\cal M_{Q}}|^2\) in order to reproduce the same drag coefficient obtained with the off-shell collision integral. This corresponds to multiply the on-shell scattering matrix \(|{\cal M_{Q}}|^2\) by a function \(k(p)\). It may be considered as non realistic case because we have seen that the impact of off-shell dynamics on transport coefficient is momentum dependent and leads to induce a slower increase of the drag coefficient at lower momenta. We have considered it to study theoretically what happens if the interaction is such to generate exactly the same drag \(A(p)\) at each momentum. We show the results of this set-up for the case \(\gamma_{DQPM}\). in Fig. [\[Fig:OnOff_DRAG2\]](#Fig:OnOff_DRAG2){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig:OnOff_DRAG2"}. We can see that the time evolution of the HQ momentum distribution for the three different approaches on-shell Boltzmann (solid lines), off-shell Boltzmann (dashed lines) and Langevin (dot-dashed lines). By comparing solid lines and dashed lines once where one impose the same drag coefficient the two approaches show the same evolution. Notice that in the Langevin calculations, we have used the pre-ito prescription where the diffusion coefficient is the one obtained within off-shell calculation shown in Fig.[\[BT200\]](#BT200){reference-type="ref" reference="BT200"}. As shown the Langevin dynamics consists of a shift of the average momenta with a fluctuation around it. This include the possibility that HQ obviously lose energy moving the distribution to lower momenta but at the same time they can gain energy from the bulk producing a tail with momentum larger than the initial HQ momentum \(p_0\). As shown, by the comparison between the Langevin and Boltzmann dynamics, the Boltzmann evolution of the charm quarks momentum does not have a Gaussian shape like one for the Langevin approach. Where at the initial time the Boltzmann dynamics with respect to the Langevin one shows at initial stages a larger contribution from the gain term in the collision integral with a global shape that is far from the Gaussian shape typical of Brownian motion.
## Nuclear Modification factor \(R_{AA}\) in Boltzmann and off-shell dynamics
One of the main HQ observable investigated at RHIC and LHC energies is Nuclear Modification factor \(R_{AA}\). It expresses the effective energy loss in Nucleus-Nucleus collision with respect to the production in proton-proton collisions. In general, \(R_{AA}\) gives a quantitative estimate of heavy quarks-bulk interaction. Motivated by the phenomenological point of view, we have studied the impact of the results shown in the previous section on the evolution of the spectra in terms of the \(R_{AA}(p)\) for charm quarks. We evaluate the Nuclear Modification factor using the charm quark distribution function at \(t=0\) and \(t=t_f\) as \(R_{AA}=f_C(p,t_f)/f_C(p,t_0)\) both for on-shell and off-shell dynamics. In these calculation for the initial momentum distribution of charm quark, we have used the charm quark production in Fixed Order + Next-to-Leading Log (FONLL) which describes the D-meson spectra in proton-proton collisions after fragmentation. In Fig.[\[Ra\]](#Ra){reference-type="ref" reference="Ra"} we show the nuclear modification factor \(R_{AA}\) as a function of the charm quark momentum for both on-shell and off-shell. Black Solid line refers to the case of on-shell calculations while the red dashed line and the green open circles refer to off-shell calculation with scattering matrix scaled to the case of the on-shell energy density and with \(\gamma^*_{DQPM}\) and \(\gamma^*_i/M_i=0.75\) respectively. As shown, by comparing solid and dashed line, in the off-shell approach with \(\gamma^*_{DQPM}\) the nuclear modification factor \(R_{AA}\) does not show significant difference with respect to on-shell calculations especially for intermediate and high momentum of quark charm as shown in the same condition for evolution of distribution function. Also for the case of off-shell dynamics with \(\gamma^*/M_i=0.75\) we find that the \(R_{AA}(p)\) is slightly larger at high \(p\) than on-shell one and it differs from the on-shell calculation less than \(10\%\). Therefore a main result of thi work is that the off-shell dynamics does not modify significantly the relation between \(R_{A,A}(p)\) and \(D_s(T)\) and it would not represent a main source of uncertainty in the phenomenological determination of the space diffusion coefficient that are currently more dependent on the hadronization mechanism, Langevin versus Boltzmann transport equation, assumption for bulk QGP expansion, effects of non-equilibrium in the initial stage.
# Summary and conclusion {#Section:5}
We have studied the impact of off-shell dynamics on the drag and diffusion transport coefficients. We have found that if one just include the off-shell dynamics of quasi-particles associated to a finite mass width this induce a moderate decrease of the density of the system an this leads to a smaller drag and diffusion charm coefficient that is dependent on charm momentum. However when the comparison is done renormalizing the energy density of the system, that is the one of lattice QCD, one can see that the main effect of off-shell dynamics is to reduce the increase of the drag \(A(p,T)\) and \(B_T(p,T)\) at lower momenta \(p \lesssim 2-3 \, \rm GeV\). Such a reduction depends of the width and is maximal at \(p=0\) being for \(\gamma_{DQPM} \approx 0.3-0.4 m_{q,g}\) about a \(25\%\) while increasing up to about a \(35\%\) for the \(\gamma^*< 0.75\, m_{q,g}\). In both case at \(p> 3 GeV\) such a difference disappears completely. We then have studied how a charm of momentum \(p\) loose energy in a bulk QGP in equilibrium at temperature T=0.2 GeV, comparing for the first time the time evolution of the momenta in a Langevin, Boltzmann on-shell and Boltzmann off-shell transport approach. We find that at least in the regime of widths \(\gamma^*< M\) the evolution of charm momenta are only slightly modified by off-shell dynamics, also the impact of the last on \(R_{AA}(p)\) is of about a \(5\%\) at least at momenta \(p> 1\, \rm GeV\). Therefore from a phenomenological point of view the relation between the nuclear modification factor \(R_{AA}(p_T)\) and the space diffusion coefficient (or the drag) is not significantly modified by off-shell dynamics. | {'timestamp': '2020-06-01T02:09:29', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14470', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14470'} |
# Introduction
machine learning, computer vision, data mining, and other fields, with the increase of the difficulty of research objects, we have to deal with some high-dimensional data, such as text data, image data, and various gene expression data. When processing high-dimensional data, we are confronted with the curse of dimensionality and some other difficulties caused by too many features, which not only makes the prediction results inaccurate, but also consumes the calculation time. So it is very important to process high dimensional data. There are three approaches to deal with high-dimensional data, i.e., feature extraction, feature compression and feature selection. Feature extraction generally maps data from high-dimensional space to low-dimensional space, such as principal component analysis (PCA), linear discriminant analysis (LDA) and neural networks. Feature compression compresses the original feature value to 0 or 1 by quantization. Feature selection uses some evaluation criteria to select feature subsets from the original feature set. In general, the features selected by feature selection method are more interpretable. In addition, the discrimination ability of the selected features is not weaker than that of the extracted or compressed features. As an effective mean to remove irrelevant features from high-dimensional data without reducing performance, feature selection has attracted many attentions in recent years.
According to whether it is independent of the classification algorithm used later, the feature selection method can be categorized as filter, wrapper, and embedded methods. Filter method first selects features and then the feature subset obtained by filtering operation is used to train the classifier, so filter method is fully independent of the classifier. The essence of this method is to use some indexes in mathematical statistics to rank feature subsets, some popular evaluation criteria of filter methods include fisher score, correlation coefficient, mutual information, information entropy, and variance threshold. According to the objective function, wrapper method, selects or excludes several features at a time until the best subset is selected. In other words, wrapper method wraps the classifier and feature selection into a black box, and evaluates the performance of the selected feature according to its accuracy on the feature subset. Embedded methods, get the weight coefficients of each feature by learning, and rank features according to the coefficients. The difference between the embedded and filter methods is whether determines the selection of features through training.
Since any tiny part of manifold can be regarded as Euclidean space, assuming that the data is a low dimensional manifold uniformly sampled in a high dimensional Euclidean space, manifold learning is to recover the low dimensional manifold structure from the high dimensional sampled data, that is, to find the low dimensional manifold in the high dimensional space, and find out the corresponding embedded mapping to achieve dimension reduction or data visualization. Some popular manifold learning methods include isometric feature mapping (ISOMAP), Locally Linear Embedding (LLE) and Laplacian eigenmaps (LE) ,. From this research line, many unsupervised feature selection methods are proposed, such as, and, which select features by the local structure information of data points, and these methods show that the local structure information is helpful to select the effective feature subset. However, most of these methods only use the structure information between adjacent data points, and the manifold structure of the whole data is not sufficiently employed.
In this paper, inspired by the above analysis, we propose a new unsupervised feature selection approach called MMFS (Multi-step Markov transition probability for Feature Selection). As shown in Fig. 1, the core idea is to use multi-step transition probability to characterize data relationships on manifold. Based on the idea of keeping data structure, we do feature selection from both positive and negative aspects. On the positive side, the maximum multi-step transition probability that can be reached in a certain number of steps between any data pair is used to describe the compact data structure. The features which can better keep this data structure are selected. On the negative side, to characterize the loose data structure, the minimal multi-step transition probability that can be reached in a certain number of steps between any data pair is used. The features that least maintain this loose data structure are selected. These two ways are also be combined to form a new algorithm which can obtain average performance. Thus, three algorithms are proposed. The main contributions of our work can be summarized as follows.
1\) A novel unsupervised feature selection approach is proposed, which can sufficiently use and keep data structure on manifold. Instead of directly using Euclidean distance, multi-step Markov transition probability is used to describe the data structure.
2\) Different from the existing solutions, we design two algorithms from both positive and negative viewpoints. Features which better and least keep the corresponding data structures are selected. After feature selection, the data in the low-dimensional space will be more compact.
3\) Comprehensive experiments are performed on eight benchmark data sets, which show the good performance of the proposed approach compared with the state-of-the-art unsupervised feature selection methods.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section reviews some related work, and Section presents the notations and definitions used in this paper. In Section , we propose the new approach MMFS. The optimization method is presented in Section and the experimental results are presented and analyzed in Section . Finally, conclusions are given in Section .
According to whether to use label information or not, feature selection methods can be divided into three different types: supervised feature selection, semi-supervised feature selection and unsupervised feature selection. Supervised feature selection methods with ground-truth class labels usually make full use of these ground-truth class labels to select more discriminative features. Most supervised methods valuate feature relevance based on the correlations of the features with the labels. e.g., Fisher Score, Relief-F, spectral analysis, trace ratio, information entropy, Pearson correlation coefficients, mutual information, , and Hilbert Schmidt independence criterion. Recently, some methods, apply \(l_{2,1}\)-norm to improve the performance. A number of semi-supervise feature selection methods have been presented during the past ten years. Semi-supervised feature selection focuses on the problem of using a small number of labeled data and a large number of unlabeled data for feature selection. Most semi-supervised feature selection methods score the features based on a ranking criterion, such as Laplacian score, Pearson's correlation coefficient and so on. For example, Zhao et al. presented a semi-supervised feature selection method based on spectral analysis. The method proposed by Doquire et al. introduced a semi-supervised feature selection algorithm that relies on the notion of Laplacian score. And Xu et al. combined a max-relevance and min-redundancy criterion based on Pearson's correlation coefficient with semi-supervised feature selections.
Unsupervised feature selection without any label information is more difficult and challenging. Because ground-truth class labels are costly to be obtained, it is desirable to develop unsupervised feature selection methods. Our method belongs to this category which will be detailed in the following.
## Unsupervised Feature Selection Method
An important approach to achieving unsupervised feature selection is to select features by local structure information of data points. There are many ways to apply the local structure information of data points. In the early stage, the methods usually construct the affinity graph to get the local structure information first, and then select the features. For example, Zhao et al. proposed a unified framework for feature selection based on spectral graph theory, which is based on general similarity matrix.
In the later stage, these methods are able to simultaneously obtain structural information and do feature selection. Gu et al. proposed a locality preserving feature selection method; it aims to minimize the locality preserving criterion based on a subset of features by learning a linear transformation. Hou et al. defined a novel unsupervised feature selection framework, in which the embedding learning and sparse regression perform jointly. Nie et al. came up with an unsupervised feature selection framework, which can simultaneously performs feature selection and local structure learning. Shi et al. incorporated spectral clustering, discriminative analysis, and correlation information between multiple views into a unified framework. Zhao et al. presented an unsupervised feature selection approach, which selects features by preserving the local structure of the original data space via graph regularization and reconstructing each data point approximately via linear combination. An et al. preserved locality information by a probabilistic neighborhood graph to select features and combined feature selection and robust joint clustering analysis. The method proposed by Fan et al. can select more informative features and learn the structure information of data points at the same time. Dai et al. proposed method that each feature is represented by linear combination of other features while maintaining the local geometrical structure and the ordinal locality of original data.
Adaptive methods are also introduced to select more effective features. The method proposed by Luo et al. selects features by an adaptive reconstruction graph to learn local structure information, and imposing a rank constraint on the corresponding Laplacian matrix to learn the multi-cluster structure. Chen et al. came up with a local adaptive projection framework that can simultaneously learns an adaptive similarity matrix and a projection matrix. Zhang et al. proposed a method that can make the similarities under different measure functions unify adaptively and induced \(l_{2,0}\) constraint to select features.
In addition, various methods are also used to achieve unsupervised feature selection. Some unsupervised feature selection methods removed redundant features to improve the performance. Li et al. removed the redundant features and embedded the local geometric structure of data into the manifold learning to preserve the most discriminative information. Wang et al. selected features hierarchically to prune redundant features and preserve useful features. Nie et al. defined an auto-weighted feature selection framework via global redundancy minimization to select the non-redundant features. Xue et al. presented a self-adaptive algorithm based on EC method to solve the local optimal stagnation problem caused by a large number of irrelevant features.
## Markov Walk
Our method MMFS is also closely related to the methods based on Markov random walks. Szummer et al. combined a limited number of labeled samples with Markov random walk representation on unlabeled samples to classify a large number of unlabeled samples. Haeusser et al. used a two-steps Markov random walk on this graph that starts from the source domain samples and return to the same kind of samples through the target domain data in the embedded space. Sun et al. proposed a method, which applying random walker to define the diffusion distance modules for measuring the distance among nodes on graph. Instead of their approaches, we use multi-step transition probability to characterize the data structure and try to select the feature subset which can keep the original data structure.
We summarize the notations and the definitions used in our paper. We denote all the matrices with boldface uppercase letters and vectors with boldface lowercase letters. For a matrix \(\mathbf{M}\), the element in the \({i_{th}}\) row and \({j_{th}}\) column is represented as \({m_{ij}}\), and the transpose of matrix \(\mathbf{M}\) is denoted as \({\mathbf{M}^T}\). Its Frobenius norm is denoted by \(||\mathbf{M}|{|_F} = \sqrt {\sum\nolimits_{i = 1}^n {\sum\nolimits_{j = 1}^m {m_{ij}^2} } }\). The \(l_{2,1}\)-norm of the matrix \(\mathbf{M}\) is denoted as \(||\mathbf{M}|{|_{2,1}} = \sum\nolimits_{i = 1}^n {\sqrt {\sum\nolimits_{j = 1}^m {m_{ij}^2} } }\).
Notation Description
----------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
d Dimensionality of data point
N Number of instances in data matrix
**X** \(\in {\mathbb{R}^{{\rm{d}} \times {\rm{N}}}}\) Data matrix
**F** \(\in {\mathbb{R}^{{\rm{N}} \times {\rm{d}}}}\) Templates for feature selection
: Notations with Descriptions
# The Proposed Approach
Let \(\mathbf{X} = [{{\mathbf{x}}_1}, \cdots, {{\mathbf{x}}_N}]\) denotes a \(d\)-dimensional data matrix consisting of \(N\) instances. In this paper, we want to learn the spatial structure around each point, so that the final selected features can also reflect the spatial structure of the original data in high-dimensional space. In order to obtain the relationship between any two points, we achieve our purpose from negative and positive sides respectively. Multi-step transition probability is used to characterize the data spatial structure. Assume each data point in the high dimensional space is a node (state). Transition probability refers to the conditional probability that a Markov chain is in one state at a certain time, and then it will reach another state in another certain time. The one-step transition probability \({\mathbf{P}_{ij}}\) from node \(i\) to node \(j\) can be defined as follows: \[{\mathbf{P}_{ij}} = \displaystyle\frac{{{\mathbf{M}_{ij}}}}{{\sum\nolimits_{m = 1}^N {{\mathbf{M}_{im}}} }}\] where \[\displaystyle\textbf{M}\mathop{{}}\nolimits_{{ij}}=\frac{{1}}{{{ \left( {{\left. {\frac{{\textbf{D}\mathop{{}}\nolimits_{{ij}}}}{{{\mathop{ \sum }\nolimits_{{m=1}}^{{N}}{\textbf{D}\mathop{{}}\nolimits_{{im}}}}}}+ \alpha } \right) }}\right. }}}.\] Furthermore, the self transition probability \(\textbf{P}_{ii} = 0\) for any \(i\) data point. Here, **D** is a matrix of Euclidean distances between data points and \(\alpha\) is a very small constant to avoid the denominator becoming zero. The closer the distance is, the larger the transition probability is. It is well known that Euclidean distance does not make sense in high dimensional space. Fortunately, any tiny part of manifold can be regarded as Euclidean space, so the one-step transition probability can be computed between the data points that are very close to each other. Naturally, this problem can be converted to select the nearest \(k\) points around any data point to calculate the transition probability. So we redefine the one-step probability \({\mathbf{P}_{ij}}\). That is \(\textbf{M}_{ii}\) = 0 and \(\textbf{M}_{ij}\) = 0 when the data point \(j\) is not one of the \(k\) nearest neighbors of data point \(i\). Naturally, the \(n\)-step transition probability matrix can be calculated as \[{\textbf{P}^{(n)}} = {\textbf{P}^{(n-1)}}{\textbf{P}^{(1)}}.\] In the remaining parts, we will try to preserve the original data structure from the positive and negative sides and thus propose three algorithms. First, the algorithm based on the negative viewpoint is illustrated. Then, the algorithm from the positive side is presented. In the end, the third algorithm combing the positive and negative algorithms is proposed.
## Unsupervised Feature Selection based on Minimum Multi-step Transition Probability
The first algorithm is called MMFS\(\_\)minP (Multi-step Markov transition probability for feature selection based on minimum probability). The relationship between a node and any other \(n\)-step reachable point is described by using the minimum transition probability, i.e., the minimum transition probability at some \(t\) step, for \(t\leq n\), where \(n\) is a parameter. In this way, we can get a matrix \(\mathbf{V_{1}} \in {\mathbb{R}^{{\rm{N}} \times {\rm{N}}}}\) that each element represents the actual distance relationships between each data point and their \(n\)-step reachable points. Please note that \({\mathbf{ {V_{1}}}_{ii}}\) = 0. In order to ensure that the sum of each row of the matrix \(\mathbf{V}_1\) is \(1\), we perform row-wise normalization over \(\mathbf{V_{1}}\). Based on the minimum reachable relation matrix \(V_1\) in \(n\) steps, the data relationships are characterized. Thus, we have a template for feature selection as follows, \[\mathbf{F_1} = \mathbf{V_1}{\mathbf{X}^T}.\] Since we select the \(k\) nearest points of each data point to determine the actual distance relationship between the two points, this allows our template naturally maintains the manifold structure. So, we have the following objection, \[\mathop {\min }\limits_\textbf{w} ||{\textbf{X}^T}\textbf{W}-\mathbf{F_1}||_F^2 + \lambda ||\textbf{W}||_{2,1}^2\] where \(\mathbf{W}\in {\mathbb{R}^{{\rm{d}} \times {\rm{d}}}}\) is the weight matrix to make the original data approach to the constructed template \(\mathbf{F_{1}}\). The first term denotes the error between each weighted sample and the template. The second regularization term is used to force the weight matrix **W** to be row sparse for feature selection. \(\lambda >\) 0 is a regularization parameter used to balance the first and second terms. Since the minimum transition probability is used to construct the relationship matrix \(\mathbf{V_1}\), we actually obtain the loose relationship between data points. We should choose those features which do not keep these relationships. Thus, after feature selection, the distance between data points in the same class should be shorten. So we arrange the row vectors of the optimized **W** in ascending order according to the value of \(l_2\) norm; the first \(s\) features are selected.
**Algorithm 1** MMFS_minP
**Input:** Data matrix **X**, the parameter \(\lambda\), the steps \(n\) and the selected feature number \(s\).
**Initialize:** **Q** as an identity matrix.
**while** not converge **do**
. Update \({\textbf{W}_{t + 1}} = {\left( {\textbf{X}{\textbf{X}^T} + \lambda \textbf{Q}} \right)^{-1}}\textbf{X}\mathbf{F_1}\).
. Update the diagonal matrix \({\textbf{Q}_{t + 1}}\), where the \({j_{th}}\) diagonal element is \(\frac{{\sum\nolimits_{i = 1}^d {\sqrt {||{\textbf{W}^i}||_2^2 + \varepsilon } } }}{{\sqrt {||{\textbf{W}^{\rm{j}}}||_2^2 + \varepsilon } }}\)
. \(t = t + 1\).
**end while**
**Output:** Obtain optimal matrix **W** and calculate each \(\|{\textbf{W}^i}|{|_2},i = 1,2,\cdots,d\), then sort in ascending order and select the \(s\) top ranking features.
## Unsupervised Feature Selection based on Maximum Multi-step Transition Probability
The second algorithm is called MMFS\(\_\)maxP (Multi-step Markov transition probability for feature selection based on maximum probability). Instead of the first algorithm, we use the maximum transition probability to express the relationship between the data point and any other reachable points in \(n\) steps, i.e., the corresponding step is recorded as \(t\) where \(t \leq n\). As the same as above subsection, we can get a relational matrix \(\mathbf{V_2}\), and normalize the matrix \(\mathbf{V_2}\) by rows. Finally, we get the template as the following, \[\mathbf{F_2} = \mathbf{V_2}{\textbf{X}^T}.\] Then the objective function of the proposed MMFS_maxP method is \[\mathop {\min }\limits_\textbf{w} ||{\textbf{X}^T}\textbf{W}-\mathbf{F_2}||_F^2 + \lambda ||\textbf{W}||_{2,1}^2.\] Different from the method MMFS_minP, since we use the corresponding maximum transition probability to construct the relationship matrix \(\mathbf{V_2}\) which represents a more compact relationship, we should choose features from the positive viewpoint. In order to shorten the distance between data points in the same class, we should select the first \(s\) features in descending order according to the value of \(l_2\) norm of the optimized matrix **W**.
## The Combination of Two Algorithms
In order to combine the above two algorithms, we propose an algorithm called MMFS_inter. We first find the intersection of the features selected by MMFS_minP and MMFS_maxP, and set the number of features in the intersection as \(s_1\). Suppose the number of features required to be selected is \(s\), when the number of features from the intersection is not enough, we select the first \((s-s_1)/2\) features from the feature sequences selected by the above two algorithms.
**Algorithm 2** MMFS_maxP
**Input:** Data matrix **X**, the parameter \(\lambda\), the steps \(n\) and the selected feature number \(s\).
**Initialize:** **Q** as an identity matrix.
**while** not converge **do**
. Update \({\textbf{W}_{t + 1}} = {\left( {\textbf{X}{\textbf{X}^T} + \lambda \textbf{Q}} \right)^{-1}}\textbf{X}\mathbf{F_2}\).
. Update the diagonal matrix \({\textbf{Q}_{t + 1}}\), where the \(j\)th diagonal element is \(\frac{{\sum\nolimits_{i = 1}^d {\sqrt {||{\textbf{W}^i}||_2^2 + \varepsilon } } }}{{\sqrt {||{\textbf{W}^{\rm{j}}}||_2^2 + \varepsilon } }}\)
. \(t = t + 1\).
**end while**
**Output:** Obtain optimal matrix **W** and calculate each \(\|{\textbf{W}^i}|{|_2},i = 1,2,\cdots,d\), then sort in descending order and select the \(s\) top ranking features.
# optimization
In this section, a common model is applied to describe the optimization steps for the above two objectives: \[\mathop {\min }\limits_\textbf{w} ||{\textbf{X}^T}\textbf{W}-\textbf{F}||_F^2 + \lambda ||\textbf{W}||_{2,1}^2.\] Obviously, \(||\textbf{W}||_{2,1}\) can be zero in theory, but this will cause the problem (8) to be non-differentiable. To avoid this situation, \(||\textbf{W}||_{2,1}^2\) is regularized as \({\left( {\sum\nolimits_{j = 1}^d {\sqrt {||{\textbf{W}^{\rm{j}}}||_2^2 + \varepsilon } } } \right)^2}\) where \(\varepsilon\) is a small enough constant. It follows that \[\mathop {\min }\limits_\textbf{w} \left( {||{\textbf{X}^T}\textbf{W}-\textbf{F}||_F^2 + \lambda {{\left( {\sum\nolimits_{j = 1}^d {\sqrt {||{\textbf{W}^{\rm{j}}}||_2^2 + \varepsilon } } } \right)}^2}} \right).\] This problem is equal to problem (8) when \(\varepsilon\) is infinitely close to zero. Assume the function \[L(\textbf{W}) = ||{\textbf{X}^T}\textbf{W}-\textbf{F}||_F^2 + \lambda {\left( {\sum\nolimits_{j = 1}^d {\sqrt {||{\textbf{W}^{\rm{j}}}||_2^2 + \varepsilon } } } \right)^2}.\]
Finding the partial derivative of L (**W**) with respect to **W**, and setting it to zero, we have \[\frac{{\partial L(\textbf{W})}}{{\partial \textbf{W}}} = 2\textbf{X}({\textbf{X}^T}\textbf{W}-\textbf{F}) + 2\lambda \textbf{Q}\textbf{W} = 0,\] where **Q** is a diagonal matrix whose \({j_{th}}\) diagonal element is \[{q_{jj}} = \frac{{\sum\nolimits_{i = 1}^d {\sqrt {||{\textbf{W}^i}||_2^2 + \varepsilon } } }}{{\sqrt {||{\textbf{W}^{\rm{j}}}||_2^2 + \varepsilon } }}.\] The matrix **Q** is unknown and depends on **W**, we solve **Q** and **W** iteratively. With the matrix **W** fixed, **Q** can be obtained by Eq. (12). When the matrix **Q** fixed, according to Eq. (11), we can get \(\mathbf{W}\) as follows, \[\textbf{W} = {\left( {\textbf{X}{\textbf{X}^T} + \lambda \textbf{Q}} \right)^{-1}}\textbf{X}\textbf{F}.\] We presents an iterative algorithm to find the optimal solution of **W**. In each iteration, **W** is calculated with the current **Q**, and the **Q** is updated according to the current calculated **W**. The iteration procedure is repeated until the algorithm converges.
Based on the above analysis, we summarize the whole procedure for solving problem (5) in Algorithm 1 and the procedure for solving problem (7) in Algorithm 2.
ID Data set \# Instances \# Features \# Classes Data type
---- ---------- -------------- ------------- ------------ --------------
1 Isolet1 1560 617 26 Speech data
2 COIL20 1440 1024 20 Object image
3 TOX-171 171 5748 4 Microarray
4 Lung 203 3312 5 Microarray
5 AT&T 400 644 40 Face image
6 ORL10P 100 10304 10 Face image
7 YaleB 2414 1024 38 Face image
8 USPS 9298 256 10 Digit
: Descriptions of Data Sets
# Experiments
In this section, we test the proposed feature selection method in publicly available data sets and compare our methods with several state-of-the-art methods.
## Data Sets
In order to validate the method proposed in this paper, the experiments are conducted on 8 benchmark data sets. The details of these 8 data sets are also summarized in Table .
### Isolet1
It contains 1560 voice instaces for the name of each letter of the 26 alphabets.
### COIL20
It contains 20 objects. The images of each objects were taken 5 degrees apart as the object is rotated on a turntable and each object has 72 images. The size of each image is 32\(\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}32 pixels, with 256 grey levels per pixel. Thus, each image is represented by a 1024-dimensional vector.
### AT&T
It contains 40 classes, and each person has 10 images. We simply use the cropped images and the size of each image is 28\(\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}23 pixels.
### YaleB
It contains 2414 images for 38 individuals. We simply use the cropped images and the size of each image is 32\(\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}32 pixels.
### USPS
The USPS handwritten digit database. It contains 9298 16\(\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}16 handwritten images of ten digits in total.
### ORL10P
It contains 100 instances for 10 classes. And each image is represented by a 10304-dimensional vector.
### Lung
It contains 5 classes and 203 instances in total, where each instance consists of 3312 features.
### TOX-171
It contains 171 instances in four categories and each instance has 5748 features.
## Experimental Setting
In order to prove the efficiency of the proposed approach, on each data set, we compare the proposed algorithms with the following six unsupervised feature selection methods.
### Baseline
All features.
### Laplacian Score (LS)
It evaluated the importance of features according to the largest Laplacian scores, which used to measure the power of locality preservation.
### Multi-Cluster Feature Selection (MCFS)
According to the spectral analysis of the data and \(L_1\)-regularized models for subset selection, it select those features that the multi-cluster structure of the data can be best preserved.
### Unsupervised Discriminative Feature Selection (UDFS)
It selects features through a joint framework that combines the discriminative analysis and \(l_{2,1}\)-norm-norm minimization.
### Nonnegative Discriminative Feature Selection (NDFS)
In order to select the most discriminative features, NDFS performs spectral clustering to learn the cluster labels of the input samples and adds \(l_{2,1}\)-norm minimization constraint to reduce the redundant or even noisy features.
### Robust Unsupervised Feature Selection (RUFS)
It selects features by a joint framework of local learning regularized robust nonnegative matrix factorization and \(l_{2,1}\)-norm minimization.
### Adaptive Unsupervised Feature Selection (AUFS)
It uses a joint adaptive loss for data fitting and a \(l_{2,0}\) minimization for feature selection.
For LS, MCFS, UDFS, NDFS, RUFS, AUFS, and MMFS, we fixed the number of neighbors as 5 for all data sets. As for regularization parameter \(\lambda\) in problem (9), the optimal parameter is selected at the candidate set {0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000}, and parameter \(n\) is selected at the set {5, 6, 7,\..., 18, 19, 20}. In order to make a fair comparison between different unsupervised feature selection methods, we fix the number of the selected features as 50, 100,\..., 250, 300 for all data sets except the USPS data set. For USPS, the number of the selected features was set to 50, 80,\..., 170, 200, because its total number of features is 256.
We use K-means clustering algorithm to perform the clustering task. Since K-means clustering is sensitive to its initialization of the clustering seeds, we repeat the experiments 20 times with random initialization of the seeds, and record the mean and standard deviation of ACC and NMI. Given a data set, let \({p_i}\) and \({q_i}\) be the labels obtained by clustering algorithm and the labels provided by data set respectively. And the ACC can be defined as follows: \[ACC = \frac{{\sum\nolimits_{i = 1}^n {\delta \left( {{p_i},\mbox{map}\left( {{q_i}} \right)} \right)} }}{n}\] where if \(a = b\), then \(\delta (a, b) = 1\), otherwise \(\delta (a, b) = 0\). The map(\(\cdot\)) represents an optimal permutation mapping function that matches the clustering label obtained by clustering algorithm with the label of ground-truth. The construction of mapping function can refer to the Kuhn-Munkres algorithm. The higher the ACC is, the better the clustering performance is. Normalized Mutual Information (NMI) is an normalization of the Mutual Information (MI) score to scale the results between 0 and 1. NMI is the similarity between the clustering results and the ground-truth labels of the data sets. The higher the NMI is, the better the clustering performance is. Scikit-learn (sklearn) is a third-party module in machine learning, which encapsulates the common machine learning methods. In our experiment, we calculate NMI by a method in package sklearn as follows: sklearn.metrics.normalized_mutual_info_score (labels_true, labels_pred).
## Experimental Results and Analysis
We conclude the experimental results in Table and . And the clustering accuracy and NMI with different number of features are shown in Fig. 2 and Fig.3. The results of the compared methods in the figures and tables refer to some experimental data from the previous method, while our experimental settings are the same as, such as the number of neighboring parameter, the number of repetition of the experiment and the number of selected features. The higher the mean is and the smaller the standard deviation is, the better the clustering performance is.
According to Tables and , it can be observed that our methods are significantly better than all other methods on two data sets, i.e., AT&T, and Isolet1 data sets. On other data sets, the performances of MMFS_minP and MMFS_maxP are different. In general, when the original data distribution is closer to the ideal situation (most of the data in the same category distributed together), the performance of MMFS_maxP will be better, such as COIL20, USPS, ORL10P and Lung. Otherwise, when the data distribution is more chaotic, the performance of MMFS_minP will be better, such as Isolet1, YaleB, TOX-171. The reason is that these two algorithms of MMFS keep the original data manifold structure in different ways accordingly; they retain a compact or loose structure. Our algorithms do not perform very well on YaleB and TOX-171 data sets; one possible reason is that our methods cannot adapt to all kinds of data distributions, so they cannot retain more accurate data structure information.
As we can see from Figs. 2 and 3, the proposed algorithms MMFS_minP, MMFS_maxP and MMFS_inter have better performance than other methods on most of data sets. However, in some data sets, such as Isolet1 and COIL20, the performance of MMFS_minP is not effective enough when the number of selected features is not large enough. The performance of MMFS_inter is usually between that of MMFS_minP and MMFS_maxP except USPS, a possible reason is that the way we combine the two methods is not flexible enough so that we can not get a better feature subset. At the same time, we also observe that feature selection technology improves the clustering performance. For example, when the ratio of the number of features used to the total number of features is very small, but its accuracy is much higher than that of using all features in most data sets. Even in the datasets YaleB and Tox-171, ACC with fewer features is also much better than that observed with all features. In most cases, the structural information is helpful to select the more effective features. MCFS, UDFS, NDFS, RUFS and AUFS all apply local structure information. However, the algorithms we proposed not only retain the local structural information, but also obtain the association information between non-adjacent points, and make more sufficient use of the obtained structure information, which is an important reason for our algorithms to obtain good results. Fig. 4 presents the two-dimensional data distribution after adding the relations obtained by the algorithms MMFS_minP and MMFS_maxP on the Lung data set. The dimension reduction method used for visualization refers to t-SNE method. The first part of Fig. 4 is obtained by projecting data matrix **X** into a two-dimensional plane, which depicts the original two-dimensional data distribution of the Lung data set. The second and third parts of Fig. 4 are obtained by projecting \(\textbf{X}^T\textbf{W}\) into a two-dimensional plane, where **W** is the optimal weight matrix obtained by MMFS_minP and MMFS_maxP respectively. Therefore, the second and third parts respectively describe the two-dimensional data distribution of the Lung data set under the effect of the relationship obtained by the algorithms MMFS_minP and MMFS_maxP. It is observed that some data points in the two-dimensional projection are obviously shortened or even overlapped by the influence of the relationship. Thus, the proposed algorithms MMFS_minP and MMFS_maxP can get the relationship of data that makes the data points in the same class more closer.
## Parameter Sensitivity
We use AT&T and Isolet1 data sets to measure the sensitivity of the algorithms MMFS_minP and MMFS_maxP to parameters (\(\lambda\) and \(n\)), and the results (ACC mean and NMI mean) are shown in Fig. 5. It shows the performances of MMFS_minP (the four subplots on the left, (a), (b), (e) and (f)) and MMFS_maxP (the four subplots on the right, (c), (d), (g) and (h)) on AT&T (the first four subplots, (a)-(d)) and Isolet1 (the last four subplots, (e)-(h)) data sets respectively when the parameters \(\lambda\) and \(n\) take different values. From the first four subplots, we can observe that our methods are not significantly sensitive to the regularization parameter \(\lambda\) and the number of step \(n\) for the data set AT&T. However, for the data set Isolet1, our methods are more sensitive to \(\lambda\) than \(n\). For example, In the subfigure (e) of Fig. 5, when the parameter \(n\) is fixed, the change of \(\lambda\) has a significant impact on the performance. The reason is that \(\lambda\) controls the sparsity of **W**. On the other hand, when the parameter \(\lambda\) is fixed, the change of \(n\) has little impact on the performance. This confirm that the proposed new parameter \(n\) is rather robust to our algorithms. For the selection of the parameter \(\lambda\), we follow the traditional way, i.e., a grid search strategy from the candidate set is used to select the best parameter.
# Conclusion
We proposed a new feature selection approach, MMFS, which can preserve the manifold structure of high dimensional data. There are two ways to achieve our purpose, MMFS_minP and MMFS_maxP, and we also combine these two algorithms into an algorithm MMFS_inter. The new framework learns a weight matrix \(\mathbf{W}\) which projects the data to close the data structure constructed by multi-step Markov transition probability; \(l_{2,1}\)-norm is applied to make \(\mathbf{W}\) to be row sparse for feature selection. An iterative optimization algorithm is proposed to optimize the new model. We perform comprehensive experiments on eight public data sets to validate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. | {'timestamp': '2020-06-01T02:05:14', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14359', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14359'} |
# Introduction
*Quantum computing* is one of the hot topics in computer science of last decades. There are many problems where quantum algorithms outperform the best known classical algorithms. One of such problems are problems for strings. Researchers show the power of quantum algorithms for such problems in . In this paper, we consider the problem of constructing text from dictionary strings with possible intersections. We have a text \(t\) of length \(n\) and a dictionary \(s=s^1,\dots, s^m\). The problem is constricting \(t\) only from strings of \(s\) with possible intersections. The problem is connected with the sequence assembly method for reconstructing a long DNA sequence from small fragments. We suggest a classical algorithm with running time \(O\left(n+L +m(\log n)^2\right)=\tilde{O}(n+L)\), where \(L=|s^1|+\dots+|s^m|\), \(|s^i|\) is a length of \(s^i\) and \(\tilde{O}\) does not consider log factors. The algorithm uses segment tree and suffix array data structures, concepts of comparing string using rolling hash and idea of prefix sum. The second algorithm is quantum. It uses similar ideas and quantum algorithm for comparing two strings with quadratic speed-up comparing to classical counterparts. The running time for our quantum algorithm is \(O\left(n +\log n\cdot(\log m+\log\log n)\cdot \sqrt{m\cdot L}\right)=\tilde{O}\left(n +\sqrt{m\cdot L}\right)\). Additionally, we show the lower bound in a classical case that is \(\Omega(n+L)\). Thus, we get the optimal classical algorithm in a case of \(m(\log n)^2=O(L+n)\). It is true, for example, in a case of \(O(m)\) strings form \(s\) has length at least \(\Omega\left((\log n)^2\right)\) or in a case of \(m=o\left(n/(\log n)^2\right)\). In the general case, the algorithm is an optimal algorithm up to a log factor. The quantum algorithm is better than any classical counterparts in a case of \(\log n\cdot(\log m+\log\log n)\cdot \sqrt{m\cdot L}=o(L)\). It happens if \(O(m)\) strings from \(s\) has length at least \(\Omega(\log n\cdot(\log m+\log\log n))\). Our algorithm uses some quantum algorithms as a subroutine, and the rest part is classical. We investigate the problems in terms of query complexity. The query model is one of the most popular in the case of quantum algorithms. Such algorithms can do a query to a black box that has access to the sequence of strings. As a running time of an algorithm, we mean a number of queries to the black box. The structure of the paper is the following. We present tools in Section [2](#sec:tools){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:tools"}. Then, we discuss the classical algorithm in Section [3.1](#sec:classical){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:classical"} and quantum algorithm in Section [3.2](#sec:quantum){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:quantum"}. Section [4](#sec:lower){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:lower"} contains lower bound.
# Tools {#sec:tools}
Our algorithms uses several data structures and algorithmic ideas like segment tree, suffix array, rolling hash and prefix sum. Let us describe them in this section.
## Preliminaries
Let us consider a string \(u=(u_1,\dots,u_l)\) for some integer \(l\). Then, \(|u|=l\) is the length of the string. \(u[i,j]=(u_i,\dots,u_j)\) is a substring of \(u\). In the paper, we compare strings in lexicographical order. For two strings \(u\) and \(v\), the notation \(u<v\) means \(u\) precedes \(v\) in lexicographical order.
## Rolling Hash for Strings Comparing {#sec:roll-hash}
The rolling hash was presented in. It is a hash function \[h_p(u)=\left(\sum\limits_{i=1}^{|u|}index(u_i)\cdot K^{i-1}\right)\mbox{ mod }p,\] where \(p\) is some prime integer, \(K=|\Sigma|\) is a size of the alphabet and \(index(u_i)\in\{0,\dots,K-1\}\) is the index of a symbol \(u_i\) in the alphabet. For simplicity we consider binary alphabet. So, \(K=2\) and \(index(u_i)=u_i\). We can use rolling hash and the fingerprinting method for comparing two strings \(u,v\). Let us randomly choose \(p\) from the set of the first \(r\) primes, such that \(r\leq \frac{\max(|u|,|v|)}{\varepsilon}\) for some \(\varepsilon>0\). Due to Chinese Theorem and, the following statements are equivalent \(h_p(u)=h_p(v)\) and \(u=v\) with error probability at most \(\varepsilon\). If we have \(\delta\) invocations of comparing procedure, then we should choose \(\frac{\delta \cdot \max(|u|,|v|)}{\varepsilon}\) primes. Due to Chebishev's theorem, the \(r\)-th prime number \(p_r\approx r\ln r\). So, if our data type for integers is enough for storing \(\frac{\delta \cdot \max(|u|,|v|)}{\varepsilon}\cdot (\ln(\delta) + \ln(\max(|u|,|v|))-\ln(\varepsilon))\), then it is enough for computing the rolling hash. Additionally, for a string \(u\), we can compute prefix rolling hash, that is \(h_p(u[1,i])\). It can be computed in \(O(|u|)\) running time using formula \[h_p(u[1,i])=\left(h_p(u[1,i-1])+(2^{i-1}\mbox{ mod }p)\cdot u_i\right)\mbox{ mod }p\mbox{ and }h_p(u[1:0])=0.\] Assume, that we store \({\cal K}_i=2^{i-1}\) mod \(p\). We can compute all of them in \(O(|u|)\) running time using formula \({\cal K}_i={\cal K}_{i-1}\cdot 2\) mod \(p\). Using precomputed prefix rolling hash for a string \(u\) we can compute rolling hash for any substring \(u[i,j]\) in \(O(1)\) running time by formula \[h_p(u[i,j])=\left(\sum\limits_{q=j}^{i}u_q\cdot 2^{q-1-(j-1)}\right)\mbox{ mod }p=\left(\sum\limits_{q=j}^{i}u_q\cdot 2^{q-1}\right)\cdot 2^{-(j-1)}\mbox{ mod }p=\] \[=\left(\left(\sum\limits_{q=1}^{i}u_q\cdot 2^{q-1}\right)-\left(\sum\limits_{q=1}^{j-1}u_q\cdot 2^{q-1}\right)\right)\cdot 2^{-(j-1)}\mbox{ mod }p =\]\[= \left(h_p(u[1,i])-h_p(u[1,j-1])\right)\cdot(2^{-(j-1)} ) \mbox{ \((\)mod }p).\] For computing the formula in \(O(1)\) we should precompute \({\cal I}_i=2^{-i}\) mod \(p\). We can compute it in \(O(\log p+|u|)\) by the formula \({\cal I}_i={\cal I}_{i-1}\cdot 2^{-1}\) mod \(p\) and \({\cal I}_{0}=1\). Due to Fermat's little theorem \(2^{-1}\) mod \(p=2^{p-2}\) mod \(p\). We can compute it with \(O(\log p)\) running time using Exponentiation by squaring algorithm. Let \(\textsc{ComputeKI}(\beta,p)\) be a procedure that computes \({\cal K}\) and \({\cal I}\) up to the power \(\beta\) with \(O(\beta+\log p)\) running time. Let \(\textsc{ComputePrefixRollingHashes}(u,p)\) be a procedure that computes all prefix rolling hashes for a string \(u\) and store them. Assume, that we have two strings \(u\) and \(v\) and already computed prefix rolling hashes. Then, we can compare these strings in lexicographical order in \(O(\log \min(|u|,|v|))\) running time. The algorithm is following. We search the longest common prefix of \(u\) and \(v\), that is \(lcp(u,v)\). We can do it using binary search.
- If a \(mid\leq lcp(u,v)\), then \(h_p(u[1,mid])=h_p(v[1,mid])\).
- If a \(mid> lcp(u,v)\), then \(h_p(u[1,mid])\neq h_p(v[1,mid])\).
Using binary search we find the last index \(x\) such that \(h_p(u[1,x])=h_p(v[1,x])\) and \(h_p(u[1,x+1])\neq h_p(v[1,x+1])\). In that case \(lcp(u,v)=x\) After that, we compare \(u_{t}\) and \(v_t\) for \(t=lcp(u,v)+1\). If \(u_t<v_t\), then \(u<v\); if \(u_t>v_t\), then \(u>v\); if \(|u|=|v|=lcp(u,v)\), then \(u=v\). Binary search works with \(O(\log (\min(|u|,|v|)))\) running time because we have computed all prefix rolling hashes already. Let \(\textsc{Compare}(u,v)\) be a procedure that compares \(u\) and \(v\) and returns \(-1\) if \(u<v\); \(1\) if \(u>v\); and \(0\) if \(u=v\).
## Segment Tree with Range Updates {#sec:segment-tree}
We consider a standard segment tree data structure for an array \(a=(a_1,\dots, a_l)\) for some integer \(l\). A segment tree for and array \(a\) can be constructed in \(O(l)\) running time. The data structure allows us to invoke the following requests in \(O(\log l)\) running time.
- **Update.** Parameters are three integers \(i, j, x\) (\(1\leq i\leq j\leq l\)). We assign \(a_q=\max(a_q,x)\) for \(i\leq q\leq j\).
- **Push.** We push all existing range updates.
- **Request.** For an integer \(i\) (\(1\leq i\leq l\)), we should return \(a_i\).
Let \(\textsc{ConstructSegmentTree}(a)\) be a function that constructs and returns a segment tree for an array \(a\) in \(O(l)\) running time. Let \(\textsc{Update}(st,i,j,x)\) be a procedure that updates a segment tree \(st\) in \(O(\log l)\) running time. Let \(\textsc{Push}(st)\) be a procedure that push all existing range updates for a segment tree \(st\) in \(O(l)\) running time. Let \(\textsc{Request}(st,i)\) be a function that returns \(a_i\) from a segment tree \(st\). The running time of the procedure is \(O(\log l)\). At the same time, if we invoke \(\textsc{Push}\) procedure and after that do not invoke \(\textsc{Update}\) procedure, then the running time of \(\textsc{Request}\) is \(O(1)\).
## Suffix Array
Suffix array is an array \(suf=(suf_1,\dots,suf_{l})\) for a string \(u\) and \(l=|u|\). The suffix array is a lexicographical order for all suffixes of \(u\). Formally, \(u[suf_i,l]<u[suf_{i+1},l]\) for any \(i\in\{1,\dots,l-1\}\). The suffix array can be computed in \(O(l)\) running time.
Let \(\textsc{ConstructSuffixArray}(u)\) be a procedure that constructs a suffix array for a string \(u\).
# Algorithms {#sec:algos}
Let us formally present the problem. **Problem.** For some positive integers \(n\) and \(m\), we have a sequence of strings \(s=(s^1,\dots,s^m)\). Each \(s^i=(s^i_1,\dots,s^i_{l})\in \Sigma^l\) where \(\Sigma\) is some finite size alphabet and \(l=|s^i|\). We call \(s\) dictionary. Additionally, we have a string \(t\) of length \(n\), where \(t=(t_1,\dots,t_n)\in \Sigma^n\). We call \(t\) text. The problem is searching a subsequence \(s^{i_1},\dots,s^{i_z}\) and positions \(q_1,\dots,q_z\) such that \(q_1=1\), \(q_z=n-|s^{i_z}|+1\), \(q_j\leq q_{j-1}+|s^{i_{j-1}}|\) for \(j\in\{2,\dots,z\}\). Additionally, \(t[q_j,q_j+|s^{i_j}|-1]=s^{i_j}\) for \(j\in\{1,\dots,z\}\). For simplicity, we assume that \(\Sigma=\{0,1\}\), but all results are right for any finite alphabet. Informally, we want to construct \(t\) from \(s\) with possible intersections. Firstly, let us present a classical algorithm.
## A Classical Algorithm {#sec:classical}
Let us present the algorithm. Let \(long_i\) be an index of a longest string from \(s\) that can start in position \(i\). Formally, \(long_i=j\) if \(s^j\) is a longest string from \(s\) such that \(t[i,i+|s^j|-1]=s^j\). Let \(long_i=-1\) if there is no such string \(s^j\). If we construct such array, then we can construct \(Q=(q_1,\dots,q_z)\) and \(I = (i_1,\dots,i_z)\) that is solution of the problem in \(O(n)\). A procedure \(\textsc{ConstructQI}(long)\) from Algorithm [\[alg:qi\]](#alg:qi){reference-type="ref" reference="alg:qi"} shows it. If there is no such decomposition of \(t\), then the procedure returns \(NULL\).
## A Quantum Algorithm {#sec:quantum}
Firstly, let us discuss a quantum subroutine. There is a quantum algorithm for comparing two strings in a lexicographical order with the following property:
Let \(\textsc{QCompare\_strings\_base}(u,v,l)\) be a quantum subroutine for comparing two strings \(u\) and \(v\) of length \(l\) in lexicographical order. We choose \(\gamma = m\log n\). In fact, the procedure compares prefixes of \(u\) and \(v\) of length \(l\). \(\textsc{QCompare\_strings\_base}(u,v,l)\) returns \(1\) if \(u>v\); it returns \(-1\) if \(u<v\); and it returns \(0\) if \(u=v\). Next, we use a \(\textsc{QCompare}(u,v)\) that compares \(u\) and \(v\) string in lexicographical order. Assume that \(|u|<|v|\). Then, if \(u\) is a prefix of \(v\), then \(u<v\). If \(u\) is not a prefix of \(v\), then the result is the same as for \(\textsc{QCompare\_strings\_base}(u,v,|u|)\). In the case of \(|u|>|v|\), the algorithm is similar. The idea is presented in Algorithm [\[alg:compare\]](#alg:compare){reference-type="ref" reference="alg:compare"}.
# Lower Bound {#sec:lower}
Let us discuss the lower bound for the running time of classical algorithms. | {'timestamp': '2020-06-01T02:04:21', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14335', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14335'} |
null | null |
# Introduction
In this paper, we consider the Dirichlet problem for the Lagrangian mean curvature equation on a uniformly convex, bounded domain \(\Omega\subset\mathbb{R}^n\), given by \[\begin{aligned}
\begin{cases} F(D^{2}u)=\sum _{i=1}^{n}\arctan \lambda_{i}=\psi(x) \text{ in } \Omega\\ u=\phi \text{ on } \partial \Omega \end{cases}\label{lab} \end{aligned}\] where \(\lambda_i\)'s are the eigenvalues of the Hessian matrix \(D^2u\), \(\psi\) is the potential for the mean curvature of the Lagrangian submanifold \(\{(x,Du(x))|x\in \Omega\}\subseteq\mathbb {R}^n \times \mathbb {R}^n\), and \(\phi\) is a given continuous function on \(\partial \Omega\). Our main results in this paper are the following:
When the phase \(\psi\) is constant, denoted by \(c\), \(u\) solves the special Lagrangian equation \[\sum _{i=1}^{n}\arctan \lambda_{i}=c \label{s1}\] or equivalently, \[\cos c \sum_{1\leq 2k+1\leq n} (-1)^k\sigma_{2k+1}-\sin c \sum_{0\leq 2k\leq n} (-1)^k\sigma_{2k}=0.\] Equation ([\[s1\]](#s1){reference-type="ref" reference="s1"}) originates in the special Lagrangian geometry by Harvey-Lawson. The Lagrangian graph \((x,Du(x)) \subset \mathbb {R}^n \times \mathbb {R}^n\) is called special when the argument of the complex number \((1+i\lambda_1)...(1+i\lambda_n)\) or the phase \(\psi\) is constant and it is special if and only if \((x,Du(x))\) is a (volume minimizing) minimal surface in \((\mathbb {R}^n \times \mathbb {R}^n,dx^2+dy^2)\). A dual form of ([\[s1\]](#s1){reference-type="ref" reference="s1"}) is the Monge-Ampére equation \[\sum_{i=1}^n \ln\lambda_i=c.\] This is the potential equation for special Lagrangian submanifolds in \((\mathbb {R}^n \times \mathbb {R}^n, dxdy)\) as interpreted in. The gradient graph \((x,Du(x))\) is volume maximizing in this pseudo-Euclidean space as shown by Warren. In the 1980s, Mealy showed that an equivalent algebraic form of the above equation is the potential equation for his volume maximizing special Lagrangian submanifolds in \((\mathbb {R}^n \times \mathbb {R}^n, dx^2-dy^2)\). A key prerequisite for the smooth solvability of the Dirichlet problem for fully nonlinear, elliptic equations is the concavity of the operator on the space of symmetric matrices. The arctangent operator or the logarithmic operator is concave if \(u\) is convex, or if the Hessian of \(u\) has a lower bound \(\lambda\geq 0\). Certain concavity properties of the arctangent operator are still preserved for saddle \(u\). The concavity of the arctangent operator in ([\[lab\]](#lab){reference-type="ref" reference="lab"}) depends on the range of the Lagrangian phase. The phase \((n-2)\frac{\pi}{2}\) is called critical because the level set \(\{ \lambda \in \mathbb{R}^n \vert \lambda\) satisfying \((\ref{lab})\}\) is convex only when \(|\psi|\geq (n-2)\frac{\pi}{2}\). The concavity of the level set is evident for \(|\psi|\geq (n-1)\frac{\pi}{2}\) since that implies \(\lambda>0\) and then \(F\) is concave. For a supercritical phase \(|\psi|\geq(n-2)\frac{\pi}{2}+\delta\) the operator \(F\) can be extended to a concave operator.
The Dirichlet problem for fully nonlinear, elliptic equations of the form \(F(\lambda[D^2u])=\psi(x)\) was studied by Caffarelli-Nirenberg-Spruck in, where they proved the existence of classical solutions under various hypotheses on the function \(F\) and the domain. Their results extended the work of Krylov, Ivočkina, and their previous work on equations of Monge-Ampère type. For the Monge-Ampère equation, continuous boundary data leads to only Lipschitz continuous solutions; Pogorelov constructed his famous counterexamples for the three dimensional Monge-Ampère equation \(\sigma_3(D^2u) = \det(D^2u) = 1\), which also serve as counterexamples for cubic and higher order symmetric \(\sigma_k\) equations. In, Trudinger proved existence and a priori estimates of smooth solutions of fully nonlinear equations of the type of Hessian equations. In, Ivočkina-Trudinger-Wang studied the Dirichlet problem for a class of fully nonlinear, degenerate elliptic equations which depend only on the eigenvalues of the Hessian matrix. In, Harvey-Lawson studied the Dirichlet problem for fully nonlinear, degenerate elliptic equations of the form \(F(D^2u)=0\) on a smoothly bounded domain in \(\mathbb{R}^n\). Interior regularity for viscosity solutions of ([\[s1\]](#s1){reference-type="ref" reference="s1"}) with critical and supercritical constant phase \(|\psi|\geq(n-2)\frac{\pi}{2}\) was shown by Warren-Yuan and Wang-Yuan. For a subcritical phase \(|\psi|<(n-2)\frac{\pi}{2}\), singular solutions of ([\[s1\]](#s1){reference-type="ref" reference="s1"}) were constructed by Nadirashvili-Vlăduţ and Wang-Yuan. The existence and uniqueness of continuous viscosity solutions to the Dirichlet problem for ([\[s1\]](#s1){reference-type="ref" reference="s1"}) with continuous boundary data was shown by Yuan. In, Brendle-Warren studied a second boundary value problem for the special Lagrangian equation. In, Collins-Picard-Wu solved the Dirichlet problem ([\[lab\]](#lab){reference-type="ref" reference="lab"}) on a compact domain with \(C^4\) boundary value under the assumption of the existence of a subsolution and a supercritical phase restriction. In, Dinew-Do-Tô showed the existence and uniqueness of a \(C^0\) solution to ([\[lab\]](#lab){reference-type="ref" reference="lab"}) on a bounded \(C^2\) domain with \(C^0\) boundary value under the assumption of the existence of a subsolution and a supercritical phase restriction. In Theorem [\[main\]](#main){reference-type="ref" reference="main"}, we assume \(\psi\geq (n-2)\frac{\pi}{2}+\delta\) since by symmetry \(\psi\leq-(n-2)\frac{\pi}{2}-\delta\) can be treated similarly. The proof of Theorem [\[main\]](#main){reference-type="ref" reference="main"} follows from a standard continuity method and a uniform approximation of the \(C^0\) boundary value. The major difficulty in proving uniform \(C^{2,\alpha}\) estimates up to the boundary, which is necessary for the continuity method, is in estimating the double normal derivatives at the boundary without the aid of a given subsolution. We get around this by constructing a lower linear barrier function for \(u_n\) by applying Trudinger's technique and a change of basis argument. Once we derive uniform \(C^{2,\alpha}\) estimates up to the boundary, we use the a priori interior Hessian estimates proved in to approximate the \(C^0\) boundary value from which Theorem [\[main\]](#main){reference-type="ref" reference="main"} follows. In Theorem [\[2.20\]](#2.20){reference-type="ref" reference="2.20"}, we consider all values of the constant Lagrangian phase, which includes subcritical values. The main difficulty here is the lack of uniform ellipticity and concavity. The proof follows via Perron's method using an idea that was introduced by Ishii where we apply comparison principles for strictly elliptic[^1], non concave, fully nonlinear equations. In, Harvey-Lawson established the existence and uniqueness of continuous solutions of fully nonlinear, degenerate elliptic equations of the form \(F(D^2u)=0\) on a smoothly bounded domain in \(\mathbb{R}^n\) under an explicit geometric \(F\)‐convexity assumption on the boundary of the domain. The key ingredients of their proof were the usage of subaffine functions and Dirichlet duality. As an application, the continuous solvability of the constant phase equation ([\[s1\]](#s1){reference-type="ref" reference="s1"}) is obtained. In contrast, in Theorem [\[2.20\]](#2.20){reference-type="ref" reference="2.20"} of this paper, we focus only on the continuous solvability of the Dirichlet problem of equation ([\[s1\]](#s1){reference-type="ref" reference="s1"}) and provide a short proof that solely relies on a certain comparison principle.
This article is divided into the following sections: in section two, we state some well known algebraic and trigonometric inequalities satisfied by solutions of ([\[lab\]](#lab){reference-type="ref" reference="lab"}). In section three, we prove \(C^{2,\alpha}\) estimates up to the boundary assuming \(C^4\) boundary data. In section four, we first solve the Dirichlet problem with \(C^{4}\) boundary data using the method of continuity and then combine it with the Hessian estimates proved in to solve the Dirichlet problem with continuous boundary data. In section five, we prove Theorem [\[2.20\]](#2.20){reference-type="ref" reference="2.20"}. In section six (appendix), we state a well known linear algebra Lemma that we use in estimating the Hessian of \(u\) on the boundary and we provide the proof of a certain comparison principle that is essential for the proof of Theorem [\[2.20\]](#2.20){reference-type="ref" reference="2.20"}.\
**Acknowledgments.** The author is grateful to Y.Yuan for his guidance, support, and several useful discussions. The author is grateful to R.Harvey and B.Lawson for their insightful feedback on the comparison principle. The author thanks R.Shankar and M.Warren for helpful comments and suggestions.
# Preliminaries
The induced Riemannian metric on the Lagrangian submanifold \(\{(x,Du(x))|x\in \Omega\}\subset \mathbb {R}^n \times \mathbb {R}^n\) is given by \[g=I_n+(D^2u)^2.\] On taking the gradient of both sides of the Lagrangian mean curvature equation ([\[lab\]](#lab){reference-type="ref" reference="lab"}) we get \[\sum_{a,b=1}^{n}g^{ab}u_{jab}=\psi_j \label{linearize}\] where \(g^{ab}\) is the inverse of the induced Riemannian metric \(g\). From we see that the mean curvature vector \(\vec{H}\) of this Lagrangian submanifold \(\{(x,Du(x))|x\in\Omega\}\) is given by \(\vec{H}=J\nabla_g\psi\) where \(\nabla_g\) is the gradient operator for the metric \(g\) and \(J\) is the complex structure, or the \(\frac{\pi}{2}\) rotation matrix in \(\mathbb{R}^n\times \mathbb{R}^n\). Next we state the following Lemma.
# \(C^{2,\alpha}\) estimate up to the boundary
We first prove the following \(C^{2,\alpha}\) estimate up to the boundary of \(\Omega\).
::: {.proof}
*Proof.* The function \(\psi:\overline \Omega\rightarrow [(n-2)\frac{\pi}{2}+\delta, n\frac{\pi}{2})\) is in \(C^{1,1}(\overline \Omega)\), so there exists \(\varepsilon>0\) such that \(\psi<n\frac{\pi}{2}-\varepsilon\). Fixing this \(\varepsilon\) we define \(\underline{\psi}=(n-2)\frac{\pi}{2}+\delta\) and \(\overline{\psi}=n\frac{\pi}{2}-\varepsilon\).\
Recalling ([\[lala1\]](#lala1){reference-type="ref" reference="lala1"}) we find constants \(c_0\) and \(C'_0\) depending on \(C_0\) above such that on \(\partial \Omega\), we have \[-c_0|x|^2+ \frac{1}{2}|x|^2\tan\frac{\overline{\psi}}{n}=-C'_0|x|^2=-C_0x_n\leq \phi \leq C'_0|x|^2+ \frac{1}{2}|x|^2\tan\frac{\underline{\psi}}{n}.\] Using relation ([\[lala\]](#lala){reference-type="ref" reference="lala"}) we define \[\begin{aligned}
-Cx_n+ \frac{1}{2}|x|^2\tan\frac{\overline{\psi}}{n} =B^-\label{bn}\\ Cx_n+ \frac{1}{2}|x|^2\tan\frac{\underline{\psi}}{n} =B^+.\label{bbnn} \end{aligned}\] where \(C=C(||\phi||_{C^2(\partial{\Omega})}, n,\kappa_i)\). We observe that \[\begin{aligned}
F(D^{2}B^-)\geq F(D^{2}u) \geq F(D^{2}B^+) \text{ in \(\Omega\)}\nonumber\\ B^-\leq u\leq B^+ \text{ on \(\partial\Omega\) with equality holding at \(0\).} \label{lebu} \end{aligned}\] Using comparison principles we see that ([\[est1\]](#est1){reference-type="ref" reference="est1"}) holds. ◻
- Bound for \(||Du||_{L^{\infty}(\overline{\Omega})}\).
::: {.claim}
We show the following \[||Du||_{L^{\infty}(\overline{\Omega})}\leq C(||\psi||_{C^{1}(\overline \Omega)},||\phi||_{C^{2}(\overline \Omega)},n, \delta,|\partial \Omega|_{C^2}). \label{1.1}\]
::: {.proof}
*Proof.* On linearizing ([\[lab\]](#lab){reference-type="ref" reference="lab"}), we get ([\[linearize\]](#linearize){reference-type="ref" reference="linearize"}) and since \(\psi\in C^{1,1}(\overline{\Omega})\), we see that \(|g^{ij}\partial_{ij}u_e|\leq C(|\psi|_{C^1(\overline{\Omega})})\). From Lemma ([\[y1\]](#y1){reference-type="ref" reference="y1"}), we see that u is semi-convex, i.e. \(D^2u\geq-\cot\delta I_n\). We modify \(u\) to the convex function \(u+\cot\delta \frac{|x|^2}{2}\) from which we see that \(Du(x)+\cot\delta x\) attains its supremum on the boundary of \(\Omega\). So we have \[\sup_{\bar{\Omega}}Du(x)=\sup_{\partial \Omega}Du(x)+\cot\delta. \label{1h}\] For \(1\leq i\leq n-1\), \(u_{i}=\phi_{i}\), so we only need to estimate \(u_{n}(0)\). Recalling ([\[lebu\]](#lebu){reference-type="ref" reference="lebu"}), we again use comparison principles and on taking the normal derivative at \(0\), we get \[|u_{n}(0)|\leq C(||\psi||_{C^{1}(\overline \Omega)},||\phi||_{C^{2}(\overline \Omega)},n,|\partial \Omega|_{C^2}).\] Combining ([\[1h\]](#1h){reference-type="ref" reference="1h"}) with the above we get ([\[1.1\]](#1.1){reference-type="ref" reference="1.1"}). ◻
- Bound for \(||D^{2}u||_{L^{\infty}(\overline \Omega)}\).
::: {.claim}
We prove the following \[||D^{2}u||_{L^{\infty}(\overline \Omega)}\leq C(||\psi||_{C^{1,1}(\overline \Omega)}, ||\phi||_{C^{4}(\overline \Omega)},n,\delta,|\partial \Omega|_{C^4}).\label{3}\]
The proof of the above claim follows from the following steps.
- We first prove that the Hessian attains its supremum on the boundary of \(\Omega\). We show that \[||D^{2}u||_{L^{\infty}(\overline \Omega)}\leq C(||\psi||_{C^{1,1}(\overline \Omega)}, ||D^{2}u||_{L^{\infty}(\partial \Omega)},\delta). \label{4}\] We differentiate ([\[lab\]](#lab){reference-type="ref" reference="lab"}) twice and since the phase is supercritical we modify the operator \(F\) to a concave operator \(\Tilde{F}\) as shown in. We see that \[\begin{aligned}
\Tilde{F}^{ij}\partial_{ij}u_{ee}+\Tilde{F}^{ij,kl}\partial_{ij}u_{e}\partial_{kl}u_{e}=\psi_{ee}\\ \Tilde{F}^{ij}\partial_{ij}\Delta u=\Delta \psi-\sum_{e}\Tilde{F}^{ij,kl}\partial_{ij}u_{e}\partial_{kl}u_{e}\geq \Delta \psi. \end{aligned}\] The last inequality follows from the concavity of the operator. Let \(p_0\) be an interior point of \(\Omega\). By an orthogonal transformation, we assume \(D^2u\) to be diagonalized at \(p_0\). We observe that \[\begin{aligned}
g^{ij}\partial_{ij}(\Delta u+\frac{C_{1}}{2}|x|^{2})(p_0)\geq \\ -C(||\psi||_{C^{1,1}(\Omega)})+C_1\sum_{i=1}^n\frac{1}{1+\lambda_i^2}>0 \end{aligned}\] where \(C_1\) is chosen large enough using the semi-convexity of \(u\). This shows that \(D^2u\) attains its supremum on the boundary. Next, we estimate the Hessian on the boundary in the following steps.
- We estimate the double tangent derivative \(u_{TT}\) on the boundary.\
That is we estimate \(u_{ik}(0)\) on \(\partial \Omega\) for \(1\leq i,k\leq n-1\). There exists a constant \(a>0\) for which \((x_1...,x_{n}-a)\) is orthogonal to \(\partial \Omega\) near \(0\). Consider the following tangential derivative near \(0\in \partial \Omega\) \[\partial_{T_{k} }u(x)=(a-x_n)u_k(x)+x_ku_n(x).\] For \(1\leq k\leq n-1\) we have \(\partial_ {T_{k}}u|_{\partial \Omega}=\partial _{T_{k}}\phi|_{\partial \Omega}\). So for \(1\leq k,i\leq n-1\), we have \[\begin{aligned}
\partial_ {T_{k}}u(0)=au_k(0)\\ \partial_ {T_{i}} \partial _{T_{k}}u(0)=au_{ki}(0)+\delta_{ki} u_n(0)\\ \implies \partial_{T_{i}} \partial_ {T_{k}}\phi(0)=au_{ki}(0)+\delta_{ki} u_n(0). \end{aligned}\] Using the estimate in step 2, we have \[|u_{ki}(0)|\leq C(||\psi||_{C^{1}(\overline \Omega)}, ||\phi||_{C^{2}(\overline \Omega)},n,\delta,\Omega).\]
- We estimate the mixed tangent normal derivative \(u_{TN}\) on the boundary.\
That is we estimate \(u_{in}(0)\) on \(\partial \Omega\) for \(1\leq i\leq n-1\). Let \(\tau\) be a vector field generated by rotation such that \(\tau(0)=e_i\) for \(i<n.\) Note that \(u_\tau=\phi_\tau\) on \(\partial \Omega\) and \(g^{ij}\partial_{ij}u_\tau=\psi_\tau\) in \(\Omega\).\
Applying the argument in ([\[lala1\]](#lala1){reference-type="ref" reference="lala1"}) we get the following on \(\partial \Omega\) \[\begin{aligned}
|\phi_{\tau}|\leq C(||\phi_\tau||_{C^{2}(\overline{\Omega})},||\psi||_{C^{1}(\overline \Omega)},n,|\partial \Omega|_{C^2})x_n \leq C|x|^{2}\label{nn}. \end{aligned}\] Using the above we choose a constant \(c>0\) depending on \(C\) above such that \[-c|x|^2+ \frac{1}{2}|x|^2\tan\frac{\overline{\psi}}{n}=-C|x|^2\leq \phi \leq Cx_n+ \frac{1}{2}|x|^2\tan\frac{\underline{\psi}}{n} \text{ on \(\partial\Omega\)}.\] We define \(u_0\) to be the subsolution \[u_0=-C'x_n+ \frac{1}{2}|x|^2\tan\frac{\overline{\psi}}{n}\] where \(C'=C'(||\phi||_{C^{3}(\overline{\Omega})},||\psi||_{C^{1}(\overline \Omega)},n,|\partial \Omega|_{C^2})\). Let \(w=u-u_0\). Since the phase lies in the supercritical range, we again extend the operator \(F\) to a concave operator. Using concavity we get the following for some \(\varepsilon_0>0\) on a small ball of radius \(r\) around the origin \[\begin{aligned}
g^{ij}w_{ij}\leq-\varepsilon_{0} \text{ inside } \Omega \cap B_{r}(0)\nonumber \\ w\geq 0 \text{ on } \partial(\Omega\cap B_{r}(0))\nonumber \\ w(0)=0. \label{3.7} \end{aligned}\] We now choose \(\alpha,\beta\) large such that \[\begin{aligned}
g^{ij}\partial_{ij}(\alpha w+\beta |x|^2 \pm u_\tau)\leq 0 \text{ in } \Omega \cap B_{r}(0) \label{i}\\ \alpha w+\beta|x|^2 \pm u_\tau\geq 0 \text{ on } \partial(\Omega\cap B_{r}(0)).\nonumber \end{aligned}\] Since \(w\geq 0\) on \(\partial(\Omega\cap B_{r}(0))\) we only need to choose \(\beta\) large such that \[\beta|x|^2\pm u_\tau\geq0 \text{ on } \partial(\Omega\cap B_{r}(0)).\] We observe that on \(\Omega\cap \partial B_{r}(0)\), \(\beta \geq \frac{C}{r^{2}}\) where \(C= C(||\psi||_{C^{1}(\overline \Omega)}, ||\phi||_{C^{2}(\overline \Omega)},\delta,n,|\partial \Omega|_{C^2})\) is from the gradient estimate in ([\[1.1\]](#1.1){reference-type="ref" reference="1.1"}). And on applying ([\[nn\]](#nn){reference-type="ref" reference="nn"}) we get the required value of \(\beta\) on \(\partial \Omega\cap B_{r}(0)\). Fixing the larger of the two values to be the constant \(\beta\) we now choose \(\alpha\) such that ([\[i\]](#i){reference-type="ref" reference="i"}) holds good. We have \[\begin{aligned}
g^{ij}\partial_{ij}(\alpha w+\beta|x|^2 \pm u_\tau)\leq-\alpha\varepsilon_{0} +C \end{aligned}\] where \(C=C(\beta,|\psi|_{C^{1}(\overline{\Omega})})\). We choose \(\alpha\) large such that \(-\alpha\varepsilon_{0} +C\leq 0\). Observe that \(\alpha w+\beta|x|^2\pm u_\tau(0)=0\) at \(0\). Using Hopf's Lemma we see that \[\begin{aligned}
\partial_n(\alpha w+\beta|x|^2\pm u_\tau)(0)\geq 0\\ \implies \pm u_{\tau_{n}(0)}\geq \mp \partial_n(\alpha w+\beta|x|^2\pm u_\tau)(0)\\ \implies |u_{\tau_{n}}(0)|\leq |\alpha w_n(0)|\leq C. \end{aligned}\] Therefore, we have \[|u_{in}(0)|\leq C(||\psi||_{C^{1,1}(\overline \Omega)}, ||\phi||_{C^{3}(\overline \Omega)},n,\delta,|\partial \Omega|_{C^2}).\]
- Lastly, we estimate the double normal \(u_{NN}\) on the boundary.\
Note that by Lemma [\[y1\]](#y1){reference-type="ref" reference="y1"}, \(D^2u\) is bounded below, so we only need to prove an upper bound for \(u_{NN}\), which we find using an idea of Trudinger.\
Suppose that \(\lambda'\) denotes the eigenvalues of the \(n-1\times n-1\) matrix \(u_{TT}\) where the tangent vector \(T\) acts as \[u_{TT}=\frac{1}{r^2}u_{\theta\theta}+\frac{1}{r}u_{r},\] when the boundary is a sphere. We denote \[D^2u = \begin{bmatrix} u_{TT} & u_{T\gamma} \\u_{\gamma T} & u_{\gamma \gamma}\end{bmatrix}=\begin{bmatrix} \lambda' & u_{T\gamma} \\u_{\gamma T} & u_{\gamma\gamma}\end{bmatrix}.\] Let \(x'_{0}\) be the minimal point of \(\Tilde{\Theta}(\lambda')\vert_{\partial \Omega}\) where \[\Tilde{\Theta}(\lambda')=\sum_{i=1}^{n-1}\arctan \lambda_i'-\psi\] and we denote \(\lambda'_{0}=\lambda'(x'_0).\) Our goal is to find a lower linear barrier function for \(u_\gamma\) at \(x'_0\) followed by the same for \(u_n\) at \(x'_0\) with the help of a change of basis technique. Using this we will find an upper bound of \(u_{nn}(x_0')\) followed by an upper bound of \(u_{nn}(x)\) for all \(x\in\partial\Omega\).\
Now we estimate the lower bound of \(tr(D^2u)|_{T}=\sum_{i=1}^{n-1}\lambda'_{i}\). Observe that \(\Tilde{\Theta}(\lambda')\geq\Tilde{\Theta}(\lambda'_0)>\psi-\frac{\pi}{2}>(n-3)\frac{\pi}{2}\). So the level set \(\{\lambda'\in \mathbb{R}^{n-1}| \Tilde{\Theta}(\lambda')=\Tilde{\Theta}(\lambda'_0)\}\) should be convex. Heuristically, this property means the following: \[\begin{aligned}
\langle D\Tilde{\Theta}(\lambda'_0),\lambda' \rangle \geq \langle D\Tilde{\Theta}(\lambda'_0),\lambda'_0 \rangle=K_0 \text{ and } "="\text{ at } x'_0 \end{aligned}\] where \(K_0\) is a constant depending on \(|\psi|_{C^{1}(\Omega)}, |\phi|_{C^2(\partial \Omega)}\), and \(\delta\). Denoting \[\Bigg[\frac{\partial\Tilde{\Theta}(D^2u(x_0))|_{T}}{\partial D^2u|_T} \Bigg]=A_{ij}(\lambda'_0)\] where \(1\leq i,j\leq n-1\), we see that \[\begin{aligned}
tr (A_{ij}(\lambda'_0)) (D^2u(x)|_T)\geq K_0 \text{ with equality holding at } x'_0. \end{aligned}\] Denoting the second fundamental form by \(II\), we observe that \[\begin{aligned}
D^2(u-\phi)|_T=(u-\phi)_{\gamma} II|_{\partial \Omega}\nonumber\\ tr[A_{ij}(\lambda'_0)(D^2\phi|_T-\phi_\gamma II|_{\partial \Omega}+u_\gamma II|_{\partial \Omega})] \geq K_0 \text{ with equality holding at } x'_0. \nonumber \end{aligned}\] This shows \[\begin{aligned}
u_\gamma\geq \frac{1}{\sum_{i=1}^{n-1}\Tilde{\Theta}_i(\lambda'_0)\kappa_i(x')}[K_0-tr(A_{ij}(\lambda'_0)(D^2\phi|_T-\phi_{\gamma}II|_{\partial\Omega}))]\text{ with equality holding at } x'_0\label{above}\\ \implies u_\gamma\geq C(|\phi|_{C^4(\overline{\Omega})}, |\partial \Omega|_{C^4}, |\psi|_{C^{1}(\Omega)},\delta) \text{ with equality holding at } x'_0\nonumber \end{aligned}\] where the last inequality follows from the observation that for all the terms in the LHS of ([\[above\]](#above){reference-type="ref" reference="above"}) one can find a lower linear barrier function whose Lipschitz norm depends on the \(C^{3,1}\) norm of \(\phi\) and the \(C^1\) norm of \(\psi\). Next, we consider a unit local basis at \(x_0'\) denoted by \(\mathcal{B}=\{e_n, e_{T_{\alpha}}| 1 \leq \alpha\leq n-1 \}\) where \(e_n\) is the outward unit normal and \(e_{T_\alpha}\) represents vectors in the tangential direction at \(x_0'\). By a change of basis we write the unit radial direction vector \(e_\gamma\) as \(e_\gamma=ae_n+be_{T_{\alpha}}.\) A simple computation shows that\[\begin{aligned}
e_\gamma=\frac{\langle e_\gamma,e_n\rangle}{1-\langle e_n, e_{T_{\alpha}}\rangle ^2}e_n-\frac{\langle e_\gamma,e_n\rangle \langle e_n, e_{T_{\alpha}}\rangle}{1-\langle e_n, e_{T_{\alpha}}\rangle ^2}e_{T_{\alpha}} \end{aligned}\] from which one can easily find a lower linear barrier for \(u_n\) at \(x_0'\). So far we have \[\begin{aligned}
u_n\geq L_1^{-}(x',x_n)\text{ on }\partial \Omega \text{ with equality holding at \(x'_0\)} \label{ma} \end{aligned}\] where \[L_1^{-}(x',x_n)=-C(|\phi|_{C^4}, |\partial \Omega|_{C^4}, |\psi|_{C^{1}(\Omega)},\delta)x_n\geq-C|x|^2.\] Now we choose coordinates such that \(x'_{0}\) is the origin and the \(n-1\times n-1\) matrix \(u_{TT}(0)\) is diagonalized.
::: {.claim}
[\[3.0\]]{#3.0 label="3.0"} We show that \[u_{nn}(0)\leq C\] where \(C=C(||\psi||_{C^{1,1}(\overline \Omega)}, ||\phi||_{C^{4}(\overline \Omega)},n,\delta, |\partial \Omega|_{C^4} )\).\
Note that unlike before \(e_n\) is the outward unit normal now.
::: {.proof}
*Proof.* Note that \(u_n\) is a solution of the linearized equation \(g^{ij}D_{ij}u_{n}=\psi_n\), so we get \[|g^{ij}\partial_{ij}u_n|\leq C(||\psi||_{C^{1}(\Omega)}). \label{h}\] Now we repeat the process in step 3.3. We define \(w=u-B^{-}\) where \(B^{-}\) is the subsolution defined in ([\[bn\]](#bn){reference-type="ref" reference="bn"}) and we see that \(w\) satisfies condition ([\[3.7\]](#3.7){reference-type="ref" reference="3.7"}). We choose \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) large such that \[\begin{aligned}
g^{ij}\partial_{ij}(\alpha w+\beta|x|^2 + u_n)\leq 0 \text{ in }\Omega \cap B_{r}(0) \label{i1}\\ \alpha w+\beta|x|^2+ u_n\geq 0 \text{ on }\partial(\Omega\cap B_{r}(0)).\nonumber \end{aligned}\] As \(w\geq 0\) on \(\partial (B_r(0)\cap \Omega))\) we first choose \(\beta\). On \(\partial B_{r}(0)\cap \Omega\), we have \(\beta\geq-C/r^{2}\) where \(C= C(||\psi||_{C^{1}(\overline \Omega)}, \delta, ||\phi||_{C^{2}(\overline \Omega)},n,|\partial \Omega|_{C^2})\) is the constant from the estimates in ([\[1.1\]](#1.1){reference-type="ref" reference="1.1"}) and ([\[est1\]](#est1){reference-type="ref" reference="est1"}). On \(\partial \Omega\cap B_{r}(0)\), we find \(\beta\) using ([\[ma\]](#ma){reference-type="ref" reference="ma"}). Choosing the larger of the two values we get the required value of \(\beta\). Fixing this \(\beta\) we choose \(\alpha\) such that ([\[i1\]](#i1){reference-type="ref" reference="i1"}) holds. Using the constant \(C\) from ([\[h\]](#h){reference-type="ref" reference="h"}), we choose \(\alpha\) large such that \(-\alpha\varepsilon_{0}+C<0\) where \(C=C(\beta,||\psi||_{C^{1}(\overline{\Omega})})\). Now since \((\alpha w+\beta|x|^2+u_n)(0)=0\), using Hopf's Lemma we get \[\begin{aligned}
\frac{\partial}{\partial_n}(\alpha w+\beta|x|^2+u_n)(0)\leq 0\\ \implies u_{nn}(0)\leq C(||\psi||_{C^{1,1}(\overline \Omega)}, ||\phi||_{C^{4}(\overline \Omega)},n,\delta, |\partial \Omega|_{C^4} ). \end{aligned}\] ◻
Next we prove the following claim:
::: {.claim}
If \(u_{nn}(0)\) is bounded above, then \(u_{nn}(x)\) will be bounded above for all \(x\in \partial \Omega\).
::: {.proof}
*Proof.* Suppose that for some \(x_p\in \partial \Omega\), \(u_{nn}(x_p)\geq K\) where \(K\) is a large constant to be chosen shortly. From claim [\[3.0\]](#3.0){reference-type="ref" reference="3.0"}, we see that at \(0\), \[\begin{aligned}
F(D^2u+N e_n \times e_n)-F(D^2u)=\delta_0 (||\phi||_{C^4(\partial \Omega)},||\psi||_{C^{1,1}(\overline \Omega)})>0\\ \implies \lim_{a\rightarrow\infty} F(D^2u+a e_n \times e_n)\geq F(D^2u+N e_n \times e_n) \geq F(D^2u)+\delta_0 =\psi +\delta_0. \end{aligned}\] From Lemma [\[3.9\]](#3.9){reference-type="ref" reference="3.9"}, we see that \[\sum_{i=1}^{n-1} \arctan \lambda'_i(x_{p})\geq \psi+\delta_0-\frac{\pi}{2}\] and \[\begin{aligned}
\psi= F(D^2u)=\sum_{i=1}^{n-1}\arctan\lambda'_i+o(1)+\arctan(u_{nn}+O(1))\\ \geq \psi +\delta_0-\frac{\pi}{2}-\frac{\delta_0}{2}+\arctan(u_{nn}+O(1)). \end{aligned}\] Now if we choose \(K\) large enough such that \[u_{nn}(x_p)>\tan(\frac{\pi}{2}-\frac{\delta_0}{2})-O(1)\] we arrive at a contradiction. Therefore, choosing\
\(K\leq\tan(\frac{\pi}{2}-\frac{\delta_0}{2})-O(1)=C(||\psi||_{C^{1,1}(\overline \Omega)}, ||\phi||_{C^{4}(\overline \Omega)},n,\delta, |\partial \Omega|_{C^4} )\), we see that \(u_{nn}(x)\leq K\) for all \(x\in \partial \Omega\). Combining all the estimates in step 3 above we obtain ([\[3\]](#3){reference-type="ref" reference="3"}). ◻
- Bound for \(||D^2u||_{C^{\alpha}(\overline{\Omega)}}\).\
This follows from the interior \(C^{2,\alpha}\) estimates by Evans-Krylov and the boundary \(C^{2,\alpha}\) estimates by Krylov.\
Therefore, combining all the four steps above we obtain estimate ([\[bdy\]](#bdy){reference-type="ref" reference="bdy"}).
# Proof of Theorem [\[2.20\]](#2.20){reference-type="ref" reference="2.20"}
- We define the following functions: \[\begin{aligned}
\underline{z}(x)=\overline{\lim_{y\rightarrow x}}w(y)\\ \overline{z}(x)=\lim_{\overline{y\rightarrow x}}w(y). \end{aligned}\] We first show that \(A\) is non-empty and \(w,\underline{z},\overline{z}\) are well defined.\
Since \(\psi\in C(\overline{\Omega})\), there exists \(\varepsilon'>0\) such that \(-n\frac{\pi}{2}+\varepsilon'<\psi(x)<n\frac{\pi}{2}-\varepsilon'\) for all \(x\in \overline{\Omega}\). Fixing this \(\varepsilon'\) we define the following functions \[\psi_*=-n\frac{\pi}{2}+\varepsilon'<\psi<n\frac{\pi}{2}-\varepsilon'=\psi^*.\] Recalling ([\[bn\]](#bn){reference-type="ref" reference="bn"}) and ([\[bbnn\]](#bbnn){reference-type="ref" reference="bbnn"}) we define \[\begin{aligned}
\underline{w}(x)=-Cx_n+ \frac{1}{2}|x|^{2}\tan\frac{\psi^*}{n}\nonumber\\ \overline{w}(x)=Cx_n+ \frac{1}{2}|x|^{2}\tan\frac{\psi_*}{n}\label{qq} \end{aligned}\] where \(C=C(||\phi||_{C^2(\partial{\Omega})}, n,|\partial\Omega|_{C^2})\). By definition \(\underline{w}\in A\), which shows that \(A\) is non-empty. Next, \(\max\{u,\underline{w}\}\) is upper semi continuous and still a subsolution of ([\[lab\]](#lab){reference-type="ref" reference="lab"}), so we replace \(u\in A\) by \(\max\{u,\underline{w}\}\). This shows \(u\geq \underline{w}\) and, therefore, \(w\) is well defined. Next, we observe that since \(\underline{w},\overline{w}\) are sub and super-solutions of ([\[lab\]](#lab){reference-type="ref" reference="lab"}) respectively, we have \[\underline{w}\leq u\leq \overline{w}\] which shows \(\underline{z},\overline{z}\) are well defined.
- We show that \(\underline{z}\) is a subsolution of ([\[lab\]](#lab){reference-type="ref" reference="lab"}).\
Suppose not. Then we can find a quadratic polynomial \(P\) such that \(P(x)\geq \underline{z}(x)\) in \(B_{\rho}(0)\) with equality holding at \(0\), such that \(F(D^2P)<\psi_*\) in \(B_{\rho}(0)\). Now we choose \(\varepsilon>0\) such that \[F(D^2P+4\varepsilon I)<\psi_*. \label{name11}\] From the definition of \(w\) and \(\underline{z}\), we can find sequences \(\{u_k\}\subset A\) and \(\{x_k\}\subset \Omega\), with \(x_k\rightarrow 0\) such that \[\underline{z}(0)=\overline{\lim_{y\rightarrow 0}}w(y)=\lim_{x_k \rightarrow 0}u_k(x_k).\] For \(k\) large enough, we see that \[\begin{aligned}
|u_k(x_k)-P(x_k)-2\varepsilon|x_k|^2|=|u_k(x_k)-P(0)+P(0)-P(x_k)-2\varepsilon|x_k|^2|\\ =o(1)<\varepsilon \rho^2. \end{aligned}\] On \(\partial B_{\rho}(0)\), we see \[u_k(x)\leq w(x)\leq \underline{z}(x)\leq P(x)+2\varepsilon|x|^2-\varepsilon\rho^2.\] Using the definition of \(w\) and \(\underline{z}\), we see that for any \(k\), the following holds in \(B_{\rho}(0)\) \[Q(x)=P(x)+2\varepsilon|x|^2\geq u_k(x).\] Fixing a \(k\) large enough, we observe the following. The functions \(u_k(x_k)\) and \(Q(x_k)\) are less than \(\varepsilon\rho^2\) apart, but \(u_k\) is at a distance of more than \(\varepsilon\rho^2\) below \(Q\) on \(\partial B_{\rho}(0)\). So we drop \(Q\) at most \(\varepsilon \rho^2\) so that it touches \(u_k\) at a point inside \(B_{\rho}(0)\) while still remaining above \(u_k\) on \(\partial B_{\rho}(0)\). So there exists \(\gamma\leq \varepsilon\rho^2\) such that in \(B_{\rho}(0)\) \[u_k(x)\leq P(x)+2\varepsilon|x|^2-\gamma\] with equality holding at an interior point of \(B_{\rho}\). Now since \(u_k\) is a subsolution, we have \[\psi\leq F(D^2P+4\varepsilon I).\] This contradicts ([\[name11\]](#name11){reference-type="ref" reference="name11"}).\
Noting that \(\underline{z}\) is upper semi-continuous, we see that it is a subsolution of ([\[lab\]](#lab){reference-type="ref" reference="lab"}).
- We show that \(\overline{z}\) is a supersolution of ([\[lab\]](#lab){reference-type="ref" reference="lab"}).\
Suppose not. Then we can find a quadratic polynomial \(P\) such that \(P(x)\leq \overline{z}(x)\) in \(B_{\rho}(0)\) with equality holding at \(0\), such that \(F(D^2P)>\psi^*\) in \(B_{\rho}(0)\). We choose \(\varepsilon>0\) small enough such that \[F(D^2P-2\varepsilon I)>\psi^*.\label{name22}\] We have \(\overline{z}\geq P-\varepsilon|x|^2\). We define a new quadratic \(Q(x)=P(x)-\varepsilon|x|^2+\varepsilon\rho^2.\) Observe that, since \(\overline{z}(0)=\underline{\lim}_{x_k\rightarrow 0}w(x_k)\), so for \(k\) large enough, we have \[\begin{aligned}
w(x_k)=\overline{z}(0)+o(1)=P(0)-P(x_k)+P(x_k)+o(1)\\ =P(x_k)+o(1)=Q(x_k)-\varepsilon\rho^2+o(1)< Q(x_k). \end{aligned}\] This contradicts the supremum definition of \(w\) since \(Q\) is a subsolution of ([\[lab\]](#lab){reference-type="ref" reference="lab"}) by ([\[name22\]](#name22){reference-type="ref" reference="name22"}). Noting that \(\overline{z}\) is lower semi-continuous, we see that it is a supersolution of ([\[lab\]](#lab){reference-type="ref" reference="lab"}).
- We take care of the boundary value in this final step. This is where we assume (for the first time) that \(\psi\) is a constant. Note that now we may assume the boundary value \(\phi\in C^2(\partial \Omega)\) since we can always approximate \(\phi\) by a sequence of smooth functions \(\phi_\delta\), that solve \[\begin{aligned}
\begin{cases} F(D^2u_\delta)=\psi \text{ in \(\Omega\)}\\ u_\delta=\phi_\delta \text{ on \(\partial \Omega\)} \end{cases} \end{aligned}\] and apply the comparison principle[^3] to get \[\max_{\Omega}|u_{\delta_1}-u_{\delta_2}|\leq \max_{x \rightarrow \partial \Omega}|(\phi_{\delta_1}-\phi_{\delta_2})(x)|\rightarrow 0\] as \(\delta_1, \delta_2 \rightarrow 0\). We have \(u_\delta\rightarrow u\) in \(C^0\) as \(\delta\rightarrow 0\). Next, we pick an arbitrary point \(x_0\in \partial \Omega\) and recall the construction of \(\underline{w}, \overline{w}\) from ([\[qq\]](#qq){reference-type="ref" reference="qq"}). Defining similar functions at \(x_0\) and on using the comparison principle, we get \(\underline{w}\leq u\leq \overline{w}\) with equality holding at \(x_0\) for all \(u\in A\). Again since \(\max(u,\underline{w} )\in A\) for all \(u\in A\), we can replace \[w(x)=\sup_{u\in A}\max (u, \underline{w}).\] We get \(\underline{w}\leq u\leq \overline{w}\) with equality holding at \(x_0\), which shows \[\overline{z}(x_0)= \phi(x_0)=\underline{z}(x_0).\] Since \(x_0\in \partial \Omega\) is arbitrary, we have \(\overline{z}=\underline{z}=\phi\) on \(\partial \Omega\). Combining the above steps and on using the comparison principle we see \[\overline{z}=\underline{z}=w\in C^0(\overline{\Omega})\] is the desired solution. This proves the existence part of claim ([\[cll4.3\]](#cll4.3){reference-type="ref" reference="cll4.3"}). Uniqueness again follows from the comparison principle
For the sake of completeness we state and prove the well known comparison principle for strictly elliptic equations[^4].
[^1]: \(F(D^2u)=\psi\) is strictly elliptic in the sense that \((F_{u_{ij}}(D^2u))>0\)
[^2]: When \(\psi\) is in \(C^{1,1}(\overline{\Omega})\) we can take a sequence of smooth functions \(\psi_k\) approximating \(\psi\) and a sequence of solutions \(u_k\) solving ([\[lab\]](#lab){reference-type="ref" reference="lab"}) with \(\psi_k\) as the right hand side. Applying the uniform \(C^{2,\alpha}\) estimate and taking a limit solves the equation.
[^3]: see Appendix
[^4]: We learned this proof from.
[^5]: For \(\varepsilon>0\), we define the upper \(\varepsilon\)-envelope of \(u\) to be \[u^{\varepsilon}(x_0)=\sup_{x\in \overline{H}}\{u(x)+\varepsilon-\frac{1}{\varepsilon}|x-x_0|^2\}, \text{ for }x_0\in H\] where \(H\) is an open set such that \(\overline{H}\subset B_1\). | {'timestamp': '2020-09-15T02:14:20', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14420', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14420'} |
# Introduction {#intro}
Neutron star is a compact stellar object which can provide valuable information on the physics of dense nuclear matter because the density of the central part of a neutron star can reach several times of the normal nuclear matter density. In this dense environment, the quantum degeneracy pressure of hadrons dominates and the microscopic calculation based on QCD is almost impossible due to the highly non-perturbative nature of the strong interaction. Hence many effective approaches including energy density functionals have been used to understand the properties of nuclear matter and the macroscopic quantities of neutron stars such as masses and radii. Most of the observed neutron stars are in radio pulsars. Even though the magnetic field strength of most pulsars can be measured, if they are not in close binaries, their masses and radii are not easily extractable. Masses and radii of neutron stars have been measured in various kinds of binaries; low-mass X-ray and optical binaries, neutron star-white dwarf binaries, double neutron star binaries, and neutron star-main sequence binaries . In two of neutron star-white dwarf binaries, \(2 M_\odot\) neutron stars have been observed . These observations set the maximum mass of neutron stars to lie above \(2 M_\odot\). On the other hand, most of the well-measured neutron star masses in double neutron star binaries lie below \(1.5 M_\odot\). These observations imply that the actual masses of neutron stars may strongly depend on the evolution of neutron star binaries and the evolution of their progenitors . Detection of gravitational waves (GW170817) followed by gamma-ray burst (GRB 170817A) and electromagnetic afterglows (AT 2017gfo) from the merger of a neutron star binary opened a new era of multi-messenger astronomy and astrophysics . First of all, the estimation of the masses and the tidal deformabilities of neutron stars from gravitational wave signals in GW170817 proved that gravitational waves can provide valuable information on the inner structure of neutron stars. This implies that nuclear and particle physics in dense environments can be tested by gravitational waves. In this article, we discuss the neutron star equation of state based on the nuclear energy density functionals. Secondly, series of afterglow observations in various frequency bands confirmed a possibility that a kilonova can be formed by a merger of neutron stars in a binary. Since the mergers of neutron star binaries can provide neutron rich environment which is essential for the production of heavy elements via r-process, it is believed that many heavy elements are produced in this kilonova. As noticed above, multi-messenger observations of the merger of a neutron star binary provided new possibilities to nuclear and particle physics. In the work of Kim et al. , we investigated several Skyrme forces and energy density functionals (EDFs) including KIDS (Korea: IBS-Daegu-Sungkyunkwan) which are consistent with the properties of nuclear matter in finite nuclei and the constraints from neutron star observations. KIDS model is a density functional model which has been developed in Korea . In this article, we review the expansion scheme of energy density functional KIDS and its applications to finite nuclei and neutron stars. In Sec. [2](#sec2){reference-type="ref" reference="sec2"}, we summarize KIDS and EDFs used in Kim et al. , focusing on the constraints from various nuclear physics experiments. In Sec. [3](#sec3){reference-type="ref" reference="sec3"}, we summarize our numerical results on the neutron star properties, focusing on the constraints provided by the electromagnetic and gravitational wave observations. In Sec. [4](#sec4){reference-type="ref" reference="sec4"}, we discuss the future possibilities of multi-messenger observations and ground-based experiments.
# Nuclear matter properties with nuclear energy density functionals {#sec2}
Neutron stars provide conditions extreme both in density \(\rho = \rho_n + \rho_p\) and in the neutron-proton asymmetry \(\delta = (\rho_n-\rho_p)/(\rho_n+\rho_p)\) where \(\rho_n\) and \(\rho_p\) are the neutron and the proton density, respectively. An important issue in the recent study of nuclear structure and dense nuclear matter theory is to understand the validity of predictions obtained from extrapolation to these extreme conditions, and to make the quantitative estimation of uncertainty feasible. Among several possibilities, an expansion scheme with a suitable expansion variable can provide a way to realize the uncertainty quantification for nuclei and neutron stars. The uncertainty quantification constitutes an essential part of the motivation to develop the KIDS EDF model, which aims to construct a theoretical frame that can provide reliable extrapolation and prediction in the extreme conditions of neutron stars. Based on the observation that \(k_F/m_\rho\) could be an expansion parameter for the energy density of infinite nuclear matter relevant to neutron stars, where \(k_F\) is the Fermi momentum and \(m_\rho\) is the rho-meson mass, we assume expansion of the energy per particle in homogeneous nuclear matter in the powers of the cubic root of the density as \[\begin{aligned}
{\cal E} (\rho, \delta) = {\cal T}(\rho, \delta) + \sum_{n=0}^{N-1} (\alpha_n + \beta_n \delta^2) \rho^{1+n/3}, \end{aligned}\] where \({\cal T}\) is the kinetic energy, and the summation represents the contribution from strong interactions. We assume quadratic approximation for the asymmetry \(\delta\). Parameters \(\alpha_n\) and \(\beta_n\) are fit to empirical or well-known properties of symmetric and asymmetric nuclear matters, respectively. It has been shown that the number of terms necessary for an optimal description of the nuclear matter in the density range from well below the saturation to the core of the heaviest neutron star is 7, which consists of 3 from the symmetric part (\(\alpha_0 \sim \alpha_2\)) and 4 from the asymmetric part (\(\beta_0 \sim \beta_3\)). In addition, it is shown that even if we consider terms more than 3 for the symmetric matter and 4 for the asymmetric matter, additional terms seldom affect the predictions for the basic properties of nuclei and neutron stars. Small difference in the results with and without additional terms suggests the amount of uncertainty from higher order contributions. Nuclear matter is an extension of finite nuclei in the limit of infinite number of nucleons. In a majority of cases, models of nuclear structures are determined by fitting the parameters to a set of selected nuclear data, and the nuclear matter properties are obtained as results (or predictions) of the model. Compared to this conventional approach, our approach with KIDS model takes a reverse engineering: model parameters are fit to the nuclear matter equation of state first, and additional parameters in the following steps are determined from nuclear data. Extention of KIDS model to the application to nuclei is described in depth in. We note that in any case, regardless of the fitting procedure, a realistic nuclear structure model should describe both finite nuclei and infinite nuclear matter well and simultaneously. In this work, we adopt the parameterization denoted as 'KIDS-ad2' in. In the KIDS-ad2 model, \(\alpha_0 \sim \alpha_2\) are determined to produce three basic properties of symmetric nuclear matter, saturation density \(\rho_0\) (\(=0.16\) fm\(^{-3}\)), binding energy per nucleon \(E/A\) (\(=16\) MeV), and incompressibility \(K_0\) (\(=240\) MeV) at the saturation density. With thus determined \(\alpha_n\)'s, \(\beta_0 \sim \beta_3\) are fit to the equation of state of pure neutron matter calculated theoretically. In Ref. , 11 experimental/empirical (Exp/Emp in short) data about the nuclear matter properties are adopted to test nuclear models. Among the 240 Skyrme force models, only 16 models satisfy all the 11 Exp/Emp constraints. In Tab. [\[tab1\]](#tab1){reference-type="ref" reference="tab1"} and Fig. [\[fig1\]](#fig1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig1"}, we show the nuclear matter properties obtained from the KIDS model and compare them with Exp/Emp ranges. In Table [\[tab1\]](#tab1){reference-type="ref" reference="tab1"}, \(\rho_0\), \(E/A\) and \(K_0\) are assumed to be the given values, and the parameters of the KIDS model in the symmetric part are solved to reproduce them. \(Q_0\) is obtained as a consequence of the solution. On the other hand, since the parameters in the asymmetric part are fitted to the pure neutron matter (PNM) equation of state in, symmetry energy parameters \(J\), \(L\) and \(K_\tau\) are calculated as results of the fitting. Figure [\[fig1\]](#fig1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig1"}(a) shows the energy of PNM at sub saturation densities. Theoretical equations of state calculated with an EFT and a lattice chiral EFT are consistent with the prediction of KIDS model. In the subsequent works, contributions from the chiral three-nucleon forces are taken into account. Around \(\rho \sim 0.016-0.020\) fm\(^{-3}\) (\(=0.1-0.125 \rho_0\)), new calculations predict \(E_{\rm NM} \sim 4\) MeV, so the result of KIDS model is consistent with the updated predictions from EFTs. One can also find \(E_{\rm PNM}\) at very low densities calculated with Av4 potential and quantum Monte Carlo method (QMC Av4). In Ref., \(E_{\rm PNM}/E_{\rm FG}\) (\(E_{\rm FG}\) the energy of the free gas) is compared with various models. Though not fully consistent, KIDS model prediction agrees to the result of QMC Av4 in the dilute neutron matter. Figure [\[fig1\]](#fig1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig1"}(b, c) presents the supra saturation-density behavior of pressure in PNM (b), and in the symmetric nuclear matter (SNM) (c). Model prediction is compared to the result from heavy ion collision experiments.
# Neutron star equation of state and tidal deformability with nuclear energy density functionals {#sec3}
In Fig. [\[fig2\]](#fig2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig2"}, the nuclear equations of state which we consider in this work are plotted. In order to understand the characteristics of each equation of state, we plot the adabatic index in Fig. [\[fig3\]](#fig3){reference-type="ref" reference="fig3"}; \[\Gamma (p) \equiv \frac{d (\ln p)}{d (\ln \rho)}.\] An ideal gas equation of state can be characterized by a constant adiabatic index \(\Gamma\), e.g., \(\Gamma = 5/3\) for a non-relativistic ideal gas and \(\Gamma=4/3\) for an ultra-relativistic ideal gas. However, as one can see in Fig. [\[fig3\]](#fig3){reference-type="ref" reference="fig3"} (a), the adabatic index \(\Gamma\) is not a constant for more realistic nuclear equations of state and \(\Gamma > 2\) for most of the models at high densities because the strong interaction dominates. Recently, spectral expansions of the adiabatic index have been introduced to parameterize neutron star equations of state and used to analyze the tidal deformability of neutron stars . In Fig. 3 (b), the adiabatic index is plotted as a function of pressure for the comparison. Note that the adiabatic indexes of MS1 and MS1b at low (high) densities are much larger (smaller) than those of other models. On the other hand the adiabatic index of KIDS model shows distinctive behavior among the models that were considered in this work. In Fig. [\[fig4\]](#fig4){reference-type="ref" reference="fig4"} speed of sound is plotted. At high density, even though KIDS satisfies the causality limit \(c_s^2/c_0^2 < 1\), it gives large speed of sound, far above the ideal gas limit \(c_s^2/c_0^2 = 1/3\). Note that large speed of sound at high density is required to make stiff equation of state which is consistent with current bservations . In Fig. [\[fig5\]](#fig5){reference-type="ref" reference="fig5"}, masses, radii and central densities of neutron stars are summarized. As marked with cyan color, the most massive neutron star in neutron star-white dwarf binaries has \(M= 2.14^{+0.20}_{-0.18} M_\odot\) which sets the lower limit of maximum mass of neutron stars. In Fig. [\[fig5\]](#fig5){reference-type="ref" reference="fig5"} (a), radii of MS1 and MS1b are much larger than those of others for a given neutron star mass, and not consistent with current X-ray burst observations . In Fig. [\[fig5\]](#fig5){reference-type="ref" reference="fig5"} (b), for a given neutron star mass, central densities of MS1 and MS1b are much smaller than those of other models due to the larger adiabatic indexes (higher pressure) than other models at low densities as in Fig. [\[fig3\]](#fig3){reference-type="ref" reference="fig3"}. Even though the adiabatic index of KIDS model is quite different from those of Skyrme force models (GSkI, SLy4, SkI4, SGI) as shown in Fig. [\[fig5\]](#fig5){reference-type="ref" reference="fig5"} (a), masses and radii of neutron stars with KIDS model are less distinctive than the MS1 and MS1b models, and KIDS, GSkI and SLy4 models produce similar masses and radii which are consistent with current X-ray observations. The dimensionless tidal deformability (\(\Lambda\)) which parameterizes the correlation between the external quadrupolar tidal field (\({\cal E}_{ij}\)) and the induced quadrupole moment of a neutron star (\(Q_{ij}\)) is defined as \[{\cal Q}_{ij} =-\Lambda\, M^5 {\cal E}_{ij},\] and the tidal Love number (\(k_2\)) can be obtained from the relation \[\Lambda = \frac{2}{3} \left(\frac{M}{R}\right)^{-5} k_2, \label{eq4}\] where \(M/R\) is called compactness of a neutron star. The dimensionless tidal deformability \(\Lambda\) can be extracted from gravitational wave signals by accumulating the phase shifts of gravitational waves due to the \(\Lambda\) contribution in gravitational waveform models . On the other hand, tidal Love number \(k_2\) gives more intuitive information to understand the deformation of neutron stars. Tidal Love number of the neutron star is plotted in Fig. [\[fig6\]](#fig6){reference-type="ref" reference="fig6"}. One can see that the tidal Love number converges to zero as the mass of a neutron star increases to its maximum value. This behavior could be understood by noting that the tidal deformability of a black hole is zero because there is no matter to be deformed. Tidal Love number also decreases toward zero as the mass of a neutron star decreases even though the radius increases because, for small mass neutron stars, density distribution is more important than the radius. Note that, as the neutron star mass decreases below 0.5 \(M_\odot\), mass distribution is more centralized and the outer shell becomes more dilute. In Fig. [\[fig7\]](#fig7){reference-type="ref" reference="fig7"}, the dimensionless tidal deformability \(\Lambda\) of a single neutron star is summarized for masses above 0.9 \(M_\odot\) in which most of the observed neutron stars are distributed. In Fig. [\[fig7\]](#fig7){reference-type="ref" reference="fig7"}(a), one can confirm that MS1 and MS1b are not consistent with the upper limit of the tidal deformability obtained from GW170817 . Other 5 models including KIDS are consistent with the current upper bound of the tidal deformability \(\Lambda\). However, with more observations on the tidal deformability, one may be able to exclude some of the models because the largest difference in \(\Lambda\) with \(M=1.4 M_\odot\) is about a factor of two as in Fig. [\[fig7\]](#fig7){reference-type="ref" reference="fig7"}(a). In Fig. [\[fig7\]](#fig7){reference-type="ref" reference="fig7"}(b), \(\Lambda\) is plotted as a function of compactness \(M/R\) for masses above 0.9 \(M_\odot\). In this mass range, \(\Lambda\) mainly depends on the compactness independently of chosen models. This result can be understood from the results in Fig. [\[fig6\]](#fig6){reference-type="ref" reference="fig6"} and Eq. ([\[eq4\]](#eq4){reference-type="ref" reference="eq4"}). Since \(k_2\) is almost linearly proportional to \((M/R)^{-1}\) for the masses above 0.9 \(M_\odot\) as in Fig. [\[fig6\]](#fig6){reference-type="ref" reference="fig6"}, the tidal deformability \(\Lambda\) of a single neutron star becomes mainly a function of the compactness (\(M/R\)) in this mass range. Hence, from Eq. ([\[eq4\]](#eq4){reference-type="ref" reference="eq4"}), one can get the approximate relation; \(\Lambda \propto (M/R)^{-6}\). In summary, we found that KIDS, GSkI and SLy4 models are consistent with both mass-radius constraints from X-ray observations and the upper bound of tidal deformability from gravitational-wave observations. MS1 and MS1b models are more or less excluded because their results are not consistent with masses and radii obtained from X-ray observations, nor with the upper bound of the tidal deformability obtained from gravitational-wave observations. The remaining two Skyrme force models (SkI4 and SGI) are marginally consistent with both observations because the radii are near the upper boundary of X-ray observations as in Fig. [\[fig5\]](#fig5){reference-type="ref" reference="fig5"} and the tidal deformabilities are also close to the upper boundary of revised estimate of the tidal deformability, \(\Lambda_{1.4} = 190^{+390}_{-120}\) of W170817 . Hence, the validity of nuclear equations of state can be further tested by future observations with less uncertainties.
# Prospects {#sec4}
In this work, we show that the energy density functionals such as KIDS allow us to understand both finite nuclei and nuclear matter in a systematic way. Although we did not include the details in this review, the symmetry energy plays an important role in understanding the physical properties of the dense nuclear matter and neutron stars . Producing exotic nuclei that have larger differences in the numbers of neutrons and protons and performing collision experiments using them will help us understand the symmetry energy at high densities. Such experiments will be available in the future or planned rare isotope facilities including RAON (Rare isotope Accelerator complex for ON-line experiments) in Korea . Recent measurement of a neutron star mass and radii by NICER provides new constraints to the neutron star equations of state. The role of asymmetric nuclear matter properties, such as symmetry energy, has to be reanalyzed to satisfy the new observation. Energy density functionals including KIDS are very flexible and appropriate for the analysis because they have degrees of freedom to accommodate the new observation before fitting the nuclear properties. The work with KIDS in this direction is in progress. In addition to GW170817, tidal deformability of neutron stars has been estimated from the neutron star binary merger GW190425; \(\tilde\Lambda \le 600\) with low-spin prior and \(\tilde\Lambda \le 1100\) with high-spin prior . Despite the uncertainties in the event rates of the neutron star-neutron star mergers, we could be still optimistic about the future discovery of the neutron star merger events and more accurate measurements of neutron star properties because the sensitivities of the gravitational wave detectors are expected to be improved. | {'timestamp': '2020-06-01T02:08:26', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14443', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14443'} |
# Introduction
A large portion of the empirical methods in Natural Language Processing (NLP) are defined over canonical text interpretation tasks such as Named Entity Recognition (NER), Semantic Role Labeling (SRL), Sentiment Analysis (SA), among others. The systematic creation of benchmarks and the comparative performance analysis of resources, representations and algorithms is instrumental for moving the boundaries of natural language interpretation. SemEval is the primary venue in the NLP community for the organisation of shared NLP tasks and challenges. SemEval is organised as an annual workshop co-located with the main NLP conferences and has attracted a large and growing audience of task organisers and participants. Despite its recognition as a major driver in the creation of gold-standards and evaluation campaigns, there is no existing meta-analysis which interprets the overall contribution of SemEval as a collective effort. This paper aims to address this gap by performing a systematic descriptive quantitative analysis of 96 tasks encompassing the SemEval campaigns between 2012-2019. This study targets understanding the evolution of SemEval over this period, describing the core patterns with regard to task popularity, impact, task format (inputs, outputs), techniques, target languages and evaluation metrics. This paper is organised as follows: section 2 describes related work; 3 describes the methodology; 4 defines the underlying task macro-categories; 5 and 6 presents the number of tasks and popularity in 2012-2019; 7 discusses SemEval impact in terms of citations; 8 shows targeted languages; then, sections 9, 10, 11 analyse input, output and evaluation metrics; 11 focuses on sentiment analysis architectures and representations; this is followed by a Discussion section; we close the paper with Recommendations and Conclusions.
# Related work
Each SemEval task is described by an *anthology*, which contains: a summary of previous editions or similar tasks, references to previous works, detailed task description, evaluation methods, available resources, overview of submitted systems and final results of the competition. It is worth noting, there is a variation, or even inconsistency, in the structure and the level of detail in the description. Participants are also encouraged to submit papers with systems architecture explanations. However, there is a lack of overall analysis across different tasks and years in SemEval. There are existing studies on the analysis of specific SemEval tasks. focuses on developing Sentiment Analysis tasks in 2013-2015. is an example of a replication study of the top performing systems, in this case systems used in SemEval Twitter Sentiment Analysis (2013-2015), and focuses on architectures and performance. Evolution and challenges in semantics similarity were described in. This is an example of a study on the performance of a given type of architecture across tasks of the same type. There also exist studies on shared tasks in given domain, specially in clinical application of NLP ,. However, they refer to tasks outside the SemEval and are more result oriented rather than task organization. Some studies discuss ethical issues in the organisation and participation of shared tasks. An overview focusing on task competitive nature and fairness can be found in. In authors also relate to these issues, yet giving the priority to advancing the field over fair competition. Comparatively, this paper covers a wider range of NLP topics, and compares sentiment analysis and semantic similarity as well as other task types/groups in a systematic manner. To the best to our knowledge this is the first systematic analysis on SemEval.
# Analysis methodology
We build a corpus based on the ACL anthology archive from the SemEval workshops between the years 2012-2019. Reference material included ACL anthology papers covering the task description, tasks' websites and papers describing the participating systems. All the reference papers included in this analysis are reported at the Appendix B. The pre-processing analysis consisted in manually extracting the target categories for the analysis which includes: task types, input and output types, as well as evaluation metrics, number of teams, languages and system architectures. Tasks were grouped based on the similarity between task types similarity. If the same team took part in several tasks the same year, we considered each participation as distinct. There are four missing tasks in the plotted indexes, due to cancellation (2015-16, 2019-11), task-sharing (2013-6) or lack of supporting task description (2013-14). Numbers of citations are the numbers returned by Google Scholar, using *Publish and Perish* supporting API. The list of citations were manually validated and noisy entries were filtered out. A final table with all the values extracted from the corpus is included in the Appendix B.
# Task types and groups
Based on task description we group each task within a macro-category. Then, due to a large number of task types, tasks were clustered within 6 groups: *Sentiment Analysis* (**SA**); *Semantic Analysis* (**SEM**): semantic analysis, semantic difference, semantic inference, semantic role labeling, semantic parsing, semantic similarity, relational similarity; *Information Extraction* (**IE**): information extraction, temporal information extraction, argument mining, fact checking; *Machine Translation* (**MT**); *Question Answering* (**QA**); *Other* (**OT**): hypernym discovery, entity linking, lexical simplification, word sense disambiguation, taxonomy extraction, taxonomy enrichment. There are also macro-categories defined by the SemEval organizers, starting from 2015, but we found them not consistent enough for the purpose of this analysis.
# SemEval tasks in years
Within 8 editions of SemEval, a total of 96 tasks were successfully announced. The number of tasks within one group is roughly similar every year (except for MT), as well as distribution of tasks in each edition. According to Fig.[\[fig:tasks_in_years\]](#fig:tasks_in_years){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:tasks_in_years"}, we observe decreasing number of SEM tasks: 5 on average in 2012-2017, and only 2 in 2018-2019. Moreover, there were no machine translation tasks in the last 2 years, and a low number of MT tasks in general (only 4 tasks in 8 years). Although SA has a relatively limited task complexity when compared to SEM or IE, which reflects a higher variety of task types and an abundance of more specific interpretation challenges, the number of SA tasks each year is high (4, 3, 3 and 4 in years 2016-2019). It is worth mentioning, that there are other 6 SA tasks in the forthcoming SemEval 2020. The absence of some task types may be caused by the emergence of specialized workshops or conferences, e.g. low number of MT tasks in SemEval is caused by the presence a separate venue for MT: the Conference On Machine Translation, which attracts more participants than SemEval in this field.
# Task popularity
As a measure of task popularity, we analysed how many teams participated in a given task. As the number of teams signed up to the task is usually much higher than the number submitting a system result, we consider only the latter. The number of teams increased significantly from 62 in 2012 to 646 in 2019, which shows not only a popularity boost for SemEval, but an increase in the general interest for NLP. So far, a total of 1883 teams participated in this period. In Fig.[\[fig:teams\]](#fig:teams){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:teams"}, we observe a gradual increase in SemEval popularity, 30% on average each year to 2018, with a +129% jump in 2019. This is associated mainly with a dramatic increase of interest for SA: 542 teams (84% of total) in 2019. However, at the same time, number of teams in non-SA tasks decreased from 132 in 2017, to 115 in 2018 and 104 in 2019. The most popular tasks groups along the years are SA and SEM, which gather more than 75% of teams on average each year. The third most popular is IE, in which total of 235 teams participated in SemEval from 2012 (12% of total). As a contrast, we observe a relatively low interest in QA and OT tasks. Only 41 teams participated in the last 3 years (3% of a total of 1148 in 2017-2019). Especially in OT tasks, which concentrates novel tasks, in many cases including novel formats. In the last 2 years, SA shows a major increase in popularity (76% of all teams, compared to 40% in 2013-2017). At the same time, in tasks such as 2019-10, 2018-4 and 2018-6, which are mathematical question answering, entity linking on multiparty dialogues and parsing time normalization, respectively, only 3, 4 and 1 teams submitted results. This divergence may be associated with an emergence of easily applicable ML systems and libraries, which better fit to standard classification tasks more prevalent in SA (in contrast to OT, QA nor IE).
# The impact of SemEval papers
As a measure of the impact of SemEval outcomes in the NLP community, we analysed the numbers of citations per task description in Google Scholar. The task description paper was used as a proxy to analyse the task impact within the NLP community. Papers submitted by participating teams describing systems and methods were not included on this analysis. We considered the cumulative citations from 2012 to 2019 (Fig.[\[fig:cum\]](#fig:cum){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:cum"}), with additional distinction on citations of task description papers published in a given year (Fig.[\[fig:cit_year\]](#fig:cit_year){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:cit_year"}). Citations within SemEval proceedings were treated separately, as we focused on the impact both outside (Fig.[\[fig:cum\]](#fig:cum){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:cum"}) and inside (Fig.[\[fig:cum_int\]](#fig:cum_int){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:cum_int"}) the SemEval community. In other words, citations found in Google Scholar are split into numbers of papers *out* and *in* the SemEval proceedings. SA and SEM have the highest impact, being the most cited tasks along the years both inside and outside SemEval community, what can be attributed to their high popularity. Considering the external impact, in 2019 SA and SEM anthologies contributed with 2847 (41%) and 2426 (35%) citations respectively. IE has 985 citations (14%) and QA contributed with 148 citations (2%). The OT group, which consists of less canonical tasks, accumulated 468 citations (7%). The impact of MT papers is noticeably lower-84 (1%). In terms of citations within the SemEval community (in all SemEval 2012-2019 proceedings), we observe a similar pattern: 41% and 37% citations in 2019 come from SA and SEM (357 and 322), and for remaining task groups proportions are almost identical as in citations outside community (Chi.sq. *p-value*=0.06). The number of citations outside is 8 times higher than inside the community. This proves the scientific impact and coverage, which leads to beneficial effect of SemEval on the overall NLP community. A total of 6958 citations from 2019 are depicted in Fig.[\[fig:cit_year\]](#fig:cit_year){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:cit_year"} with distinction on the year in which the task was published (e.g. tasks from 2016 are cited 1682 times (23%)). Similarly, a total of 876 citations in the SemEval proceedings are presented in Fig.[\[fig:cit_int\]](#fig:cit_int){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:cit_int"} (e.g. anthologies published in 2015 are cited 163 times in all SemEval proceedings so far). SA tasks from 2016, SEM from 2014 and IE from 2013 have the highest impact compared within groups (40%, 28% and 42% respectively). One could expect higher numbers of citations for older papers, however, we do not observe this pattern.
# Languages in tasks
We analysed SemEval it terms of languages used in the tasks (Fig.[\[fig:languages\]](#fig:languages){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:languages"}). We can distinguish 3 clusters: English-only (except for 3 tasks entirely in Chinese); multi-lingual, which define identical subtasks for several languages; cross-lingual (targeting the use of semantic relation across languages). In total of 96 tasks, 30 investigated more than one language (multi-lingual and cross-lingual tasks) and 63 tasks were using only English. The five most popular languages, excluding English are: Spanish (16), French (10), Italian (10), Arabic (8), German (8). Although Chinese is the 1st language in number of speakers, only 4 tasks were organised for Chinese. Most of multi-lingual or cross-lingual tasks are related to SA (5 in 2016-2018) or SEM (15 in 2012-2019), and obviously on MT tasks (3 in 2012-2014). There were 3 OT tasks, only one QA task, and no IE tasks. Task 11 in 2017 concerning program synthesis, aiming to translate commands in English into (program) code, attracted only one team. In 2018 and 2019 the interest of other languages is lower compared to previous years. Languages other than English were proposed only 5 and 3 times, respectively, whereas in 2016 and 2017 we observed the occurrence of respectively 10 and 14 times.
# Input and Output Analysis
In order to better understand the evolution of the semantic complexity of the tasks, we analysed them in terms of the types used to represent input and output data in all subtasks. Based on their descriptions, we devised a list of 25 different abstract types used, then assigning each subtask the most appropriate Input and Output Types.
## Types and Clusters
Taking into consideration both their complexity and purpose, we split the type list into 5 clusters: *cluster 1*: document, text, paragraph, sentence, phrase, word, number; *cluster 2*: score, score real value, score whole value, class label, probability distribution; *cluster 3*: entity, attribute, topic, tree, Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG); *cluster 4*: question, answer, query; *cluster 5*: Knowledge Base (KB), program, time interval, timeline, semantic graph, syntactic labeled sentence.
## Input Types
As expected, types from *cluster 1* (sequential tokens) make up for 76% of overall input types used in all tasks (depicted in the Appendix A, Fig.[\[fig:input\]](#fig:input){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:input"}). Most popular input type is paragraph, for which about 60% of cases represents a tweet. The remaining 24% is split across *clusters 2, 3, 4 and 5*. A subtle divergence towards the right-hand side can be noticed, starting with 2015, driven mostly by tasks from SA and IE task groups. The most dominant Input Types from each cluster are paragraph, class label, entity, question and KB.
## Output Types
As shown in Fig.[\[fig:output\]](#fig:output){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:output"}, data types from *clusters 2 and 3* are the majority in this case, accounting for 68% of used representations. Class labels are repeatedly employed, especially by SA tasks. *Cluster 1* types are constantly used across the years, fully dependent on the task types given in a certain year, 78% of them coming from SEM, IE and OT. Rarely used are typed from *clusters 4 and 5*, accounting for just 10% of the total, half of which occur in SEM tasks during 2016 and 2017, complex tasks such as Community Question Answering and Chinese Semantic Dependency Parsing. We also found a possible relation between output type and popularity. In 2012-2017 tasks where outputs were in *cluster 4 or 5*, attracted 8.3 teams per task on average, while in *clusters 1-3* 13.9 teams/task. However, despite major increase in SemEval popularity, in 2018-2019 the former attracted only 7 teams/task, and the latter 43.5 teams/task. The group with most type variety is SEM, covering types across all clusters. On the other side of the spectrum, SA has the least variety, despite it being the most popular task group. The most dominant Output Types from each cluster are paragraph, class label, entity, answer and semantic graph.
# Evaluation Metrics
We counted a total of 29 different evaluation metrics used in SemEval (Fig.[\[fig:eval_metrics\]](#fig:eval_metrics){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:eval_metrics"}). At a subtask level, the most frequent metric is F1-score, with 105 usages, followed by recall and precision, with 51 and 49 usages respectively, and accuracy, with 26 usages. F1, recall and precision are frequently jointly used, the last two playing the role of supporting break-down metrics for F1 in 95% of cases. This combination is very popular, especially for IE tasks, almost half of the use coming from this task group. The top 5 evaluation metrics make up 84% of the total number of metrics used in all years, last 12 (almost half) being only used once. In 89% of cases when rare evaluation metrics (from Kendall's T to the right) are used, they occur in SA and SEM tasks e.g. Jaccard index in Affect in Tweets (2018) or Smatch in Meaning Representation Parsing (2016). Furthermore, 67% of the least used evaluation metrics (only used 3 times or less) appear in 2015-2017, the same period when we could see tasks experimenting the most with input and output types.
## Evaluation Metrics against Output Types
F1, recall and precision (depicted in Appendix A, Fig.[\[fig:heatmap\]](#fig:heatmap){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:heatmap"}) are mostly used for output types such as class label, paragraph and entity (each of which is the top output type from their clusters). Meanwhile, for output types represented by score, most used evaluation metrics are Pearson Correlation, Kendall's T, cosine similarity and Spearman Correlation. MAP, the 6th most used evaluation metric, is mostly used for ranked questions/answers either in recurring tasks such as Community Question Answering. Human judgment was only used twice, in Taxonomy Extraction Evaluation (2016) and Abstract Meaning Representation Parsing and Generation (2017). For further reference, see Appendix A.
# Zooming in into Sentiment Analysis
## System architectures
The systematic analysis of the prevalent methods and architectures imposed particular challenges with regard to the data extraction process due to the intrinsic complexity of tasks (many systems include the composition of pre-processing techniques, rules, hand-crafted features and combinations of algorithms). Additionally, for the majority of task description papers, there is no systematic comparison between systems within a task, and consequently within group or years. Due to the consistent presence of SA along all years, we present an overview of the evolution of system architectures used in SA from 2013 to 2019 (Fig.[\[fig:models\]](#fig:models){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:models"}). In this analysis we focus on the best performing architectures. More than one best model in a task signifies best models in subtasks or that the final system was an ensemble of several algorithms. *Regression based* model encompasses linear, logistic, or Gaussian regression, and *Other* includes all rule-based or heavily hand-crafted models. We observe a drift in popularity of architectures from ML algorithms (2013-2016) to deep learning (DL) models (2017-2019). Despite the major adoption of DL models, traditional ML algorithms are consistently in use, both as separate models and as ensembles with DL. This is also true for other types of tasks. In many task description papers from 2018-2019, one can find ML-based systems as top performing participants. SVM-based models are still popular and in some tasks outperforms DL (2018-2, 2019-5). In the analysis of system architectures one needs to take into account that best system depends not only on the core algorithm but also on the team expertise and supporting feature sets and language resources.
## Representations
The output of the SA related tasks provide an account of the evolution of sentiment and emotion representation in this community from 2013 until 2019 (Fig.[\[fig:timeline\]](#fig:timeline){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:timeline"}). At a discrete level, the number of maximum class labels representing sentiment intensity grew from 3 in 2013 to 7 in 2019. At a continuous score level, real-valued scores associated with sentiment was first used in 2015; in 2016 it switched to sentiment intensity; in 2017 it was being used as a way to determine the intensity of an emotion component out of 11 emotion types (rather than a single one, or the generic emotional intensity of a sentence). In terms of targeted subject, the tasks grew more granular over time: paragraph/word (2013), aspect terms (2014), sentence topic (2015), person (2016). Additionally, discourse evolved from simpler opinionated text in the direction of figurative language, for example: handling irony and metaphor in SA (2015), phrases comparison/ranking in terms of sense of humor (2017), irony detection (2018) and contextual emphasis (2019).
# Discussion: What is SemEval evaluating?
The results of the analysis substantiate the following core claims, which summarises some of the trends identified in this paper:
- There is evidence of significant impact of SemEval in the overall NLP community.
- SemEval contributed to the construction of a large and diverse set of challenges with regard to semantic representation, supporting resources and evaluation methodologies and metrics.
- SemEval is becoming heavily biased towards solving classification/regression problems. We observe a major interest in tasks where the expected output is a binary or multi-class label or within a continuous real valued score.
- Sentiment Analysis tasks accounts for a disproportional attention from the community.
- There are two parallel narratives running on SemEval: low entry barrier and state-of-the-art defining. SemEval contains a rich corpus of unaddressed and complex NLP tasks, which are eclipsed by the easier low entry barrier tasks. This points to the double function of SemEval which performs a pedagogical task, serving as an entry point for early career researchers to engage within the NLP community and a state-of-the-art forum for pushing the boundaries of natural language interpretation. With the popularity of NLP applications and Deep Learning, the former function is eclipsing the latter.
- There is a significant trend to decrease the variety in the output and evaluation metrics in the recent years. While in previous years, tasks focused more on novel and exploratory tasks, recent tasks have explored, probably due to emergence of out-of-the-box DL models, this variety significantly decreased. Consequently, participants focus on easier tasks, which in part dissipates the community potential to address long-term challenges.
- Despite the recent interest in neural-based architectures, there is clear evidence of the longevity and lasting impact of older NLP methods.
# Recommendations
We believe that this paper can serve as a guideline for the selection and organisation of future SemEval tasks. Based on the analyses performed on this paper, these are the main recommendations:
- Prioritise tasks which have a clear argument on semantic and methodological challenges and novelty.
- Differentiate challenges which have a competition/pedagogical purpose from research tasks.
- Support the systematic capture of task metadata and submission data in a structured manner. This will allow for an efficient comparison between SemEval tasks and deriving insights for future SemEval editions.
# Conclusions
This paper reported a systematic quantitative analysis of SemEval, one of the primary venues for the empirical evaluation of NLP systems. The analysis, which provides a detailed breakdown of 96 tasks in the period between 2012-2019, provided quantitative evidence that: (i) SemEval has a significant impact in the overall NLP community, (ii) there is a recent drift towards a bias in the direction of Deep Learning classification methods which is eclipsing the research function of SemEval and (iii) that there is longevity and impact of older NLP methods in comparison to Deep Learning methods. | {'timestamp': '2020-06-01T02:03:32', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14299', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14299'} |
# Introduction [\[section intro\]]{#section intro label="section intro"}
In biostatistics, many models for survival and reliability analysis are two-state stochastic processes which lead to a particular event such as death, or the outcome of a particular drug treatment. However, applying a multi-state stochastic process allows the modeller to provide a richer and more accurate model by adding more details. These details allow to capture alternative paths to the event of interest, specify all the intermediate events, and also allow to understand partial failure modes in a progressive disease. In our context, a multi-state stochastic process is a process \(X(t)\) for \(t \geq 0\), where \(X(t)\) can take a finite number of values \(1,2, \ldots ,\ell\). This process can be considered as a family of random variables \(X(t)\) indexed by \(t\). The quantities of interest are often the probability of being in a state at a given time and the distribution of first passage times (the time until the process reaches a given state for the first time from a particular starting state). In some applications of multi-state stochastic processes, the dependence on the history of the process is negligible. Therefore, for the sake of mathematical tractability, assuming the Markov property (where future transitions between states depend only upon the current state) is convenient. For instance, continuous time Markov chains, which we refer to here as *Markov processes*, are widely used in modelling the movements of patients between units of a hospital or between stages of a disease, see for instance, or in the prediction of the incidence rate of diseases, see. However, in certain cases, the Markov assumption is unrealistic. For instance, in the study of human sleep stages, the sleep stages usually do not follow an exponential distribution (constant hazard rate), but can rather have other forms such as a Weibull distribution, see . Further, some aspects of systems' behavior can not be captured by Markov processes. For instance, the risk of chronic diseases such as AIDS essentially depends on the time since infection, see. For these cases, applying the class of *semi-Markov processes* (SMP), as an extension of Markov processes, is fruitful. Here, future probability transitions depend on the sojourn time (the time spent in the current state), and the clock of each sojourn time is reset to zero after each transition into a new state. SMPs have a variety of applications in healthcare. For instance, for predicting a disease progression, health care manpower supply prediction, and recovery progress of patients with a specific type of disease. For biomedical applications, especially those concerned with characterizing an individual's progression through various stages of a disease, a three-state semi-Markov process known as the *illness-death model* is very popular (see for instance ). The illness-death model may also be applied for modelling the trajectory of patients in intensive care units (ICUs) of hospitals (see ). Here, our main focus is on the statistical methodology of semi-Markov processes and more precisely on parametric models of SMPs. We compare and contrast two approaches for defining SMPs which we denote via, **I-sojourn times**, and **II-intensity transition functions**. Approach I is based on the specification of the *sojourn time distribution,* together with a transition probability matrix of a discrete time Markov chain, which we call the *embedded chain*. Approach II, is based on *intensity transition functions* which when multiplied by an infinitesimal quantity, specify the instantaneous probability of transition between states. Note that in the literature, these are sometimes also called hazard rate functions of the SMP, however they should not be confused with hazard functions of probability distributions (such as for example the sojourn time distributions). While from a probabilistic perspective, both Approach I and Approach II are equivalent ways for describing an SMP, from a statistical perspective there are differences. In this paper, we highlight that when it comes to parameter estimation, Approach II has significant advantages over Approach I. Intrinsically this is because Approach II can be expressed by using fewer parameters. Further, we can show that the likelihood function of Approach II can be written as the product of likelihoods of two-state models. This is very helpful for reducing the computational effort for likelihood-based parameter estimation. Nevertheless, depending on the application at hand, using either approach may be useful and in certain cases researchers have chosen to use Approach I because it focuses directly on the underlying distributions. We highlight the associated tradeoffs in the paper. The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. In Section [2](#section:SMP){reference-type="ref" reference="section:SMP"}, we introduce semi-Markov processes (SMP) via both Approach I and Approach II. We also present the probabilistic relationships between the approaches. We continue with Section [\[section:inference\]](#section:inference){reference-type="ref" reference="section:inference"} focusing on inference and specify the likelihood function for both approaches. In Section [\[sec:application\]](#sec:application){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:application"}, we illustrate inference on two available datasets and present how to implement both approaches (for both datasets) using several contemporary R software packages. For both datasets, we compare results of fully parametric models based on both approaches and highlight the implications of each modelling choice. Section [\[sec:conclusion\]](#sec:conclusion){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:conclusion"} presents some concluding remarks. All the numerical results (tables and figures) from the paper are freely reproducible via R code in a comprehensive detailed vignette available in.
# Semi-Markov Processes {#section:SMP}
A multi-state model is a continuous time stochastic process with values in a discrete set that is often applied for longitudinal medical studies, where the patients may experience several events and their related information is collected over time. The complexity of a model greatly depends on the number of states and also on the possible transitions. Figure [\[Fig:Multi\]](#Fig:Multi){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig:Multi"} demonstrates a general multi-state model. See as a classical reference for multi-state models. A specific class of examples of multi-state models is the class of Markov processes where the state evolution jumps between levels and the process adheres to the Markov property. However, in many real-world applications, we need a stochastic process that exhibits dependence between jump times. For instance, in biostatistics, where the trajectory of patients in a hospital is considered, using a Markov process as a multi-state model imposes a stringent limitation on the sojourn time distribution in each state. This is because a key consequence of using Markov processes is the fact that state sojourn times follow the exponential distribution and is "non-ageing" with a constant hazard rate. In contrast, in Semi-Markov processes this assumption can be relaxed. Hence with Markov processes one is often lacking the desired degrees of freedom for modeling the dependence between jump times. Extending the modelling from Markov processes to the class of SMPs removes the restriction of memoryless (exponential) state sojourn times and at the same time, preserves the usefulness of treating the data as jump processes in continuous time. In fact, for semi-Markov processes we consider a relaxation of the Markov property for sojourn times and only the embedded chain of states is required to follow the Markov property. For this reason, SMPs are applied for modelling a variety of phenomena in different areas such as economics, reliability, and health care, see. To define an SMP, consider a homogeneous Markov chain \(\{J_n\}_{n \ge 0}\) on states \(\{1,2,\ldots, \ell\}\) where the probability of \(n\)-th (\(n\geq 1\)) jump from state \(i\) to state \(j\) for \(i \neq j\) is \(p_{ij}\). That is, \[\label{eq:pij} p_{ij}=\mathbb{P}(J_{n}=j ~|~ J_{n-1}=i).\] Based on the directed graph associated with these probabilities (where arc \(i \to j\) exists only if \(p_{ij} > 0\)) states can be classified as either transient or recurrent. A state \(i\) is *absorbing* if \(p_{ij} = 0\) for all \(j \neq i\). Note that under this definition \[\sum_{j \neq i} p_{ij} = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{for non-absorbing}~i, \\ 0 & \text{for absorbing}~i. \end{cases}\] Denote the increasing sequence of jump times by \(T_0=0< T_1< T_2 < T_3 <\ldots\) and define \(N(t) = \max \,\{n: T_n \leq t\}\) for \(t\geq 0\). This is a count of the number of transitions up to time \(t\). The stochastic process \(X(t):= J_{N(t)}\) is said to be a *semi-Markov process (SMP)* if whenever the process enters state \(i\), the next state is \(j\) with probability \(p_{ij}\) and given that the next state to be entered is \(j\), the time until the transition from \(i\) to \(j\) is a random variable with cumulative distribution function \(F_{ij}(t)\): \[\label{eq:Fij} F_{ij}(t)=\mathbb{P}(\tau_n \leq t ~|~ J_{n-1}=i, J_{n}=j), \quad t\geq 0,\] where \(\tau_n= T_n-T_{n-1}\), see Chapter 4 of. Hence in general, SMPs are not Markov processes as they do not posses the Markov property. Further, a semi-Markov process allows arbitrarily distributed sojourn times in any state but retains the Markov property for the embedded (discrete time) Markov chain, \(\{J_n\}_{n \ge 0}\). In many applications of SMPs in healthcare, a very popular three state semi-Markov process known as the *illness-death model* is applied, see for instance.
#### Illness-death model
The illness-death model is the most common model in epidemiology (see Figure [\[Fig:IllD\]](#Fig:IllD){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig:IllD"}), where it is often applied in studying chronic diseases. In this model, we have three states "Health", "Illness' and "Death', denoted by 1, 2 and 3, respectively. There are three kinds of transitions: \(1 \to 2\), \(2 \to 3\) and \(1 \to 3\) and state \(3\) is absorbing. Since this model is often used to describe severe illnesses, there is no possibility of recovery, and therefore the model is irreversible[^1]. In cases where treatments may yield remission, it is more appropriate to construct a model with an additional state "Remission" rather than to consider that there is a possibility of moving back to the "Healthy" state. Here, we consider the general multi-state model with all possible transitions as illustrated in Figure [\[Fig:Multi\]](#Fig:Multi){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig:Multi"} which includes both illness-death model and its reversible version (see Figure [\[Fig:33\]](#Fig:33){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig:33"}). We now arrive at our key point dealing with SMPs. Here we contrast the two approaches which we denote via, **I-sojourn times**, and **II-intensity transition functions**. Approach I was already used to define SMPs above. We spell out further details of Approach I and then continue to introduce Approach II.
## Approach I: Sojourn Times
As defined above, an SMP, \(X(t)\), can be constructed via the sequence \(\{(J_n, T_n)\}_{n\ge 0}\), of states and jump times respectively. The underlying parameters of this construction involve the transition probabilities of the embedded chain, \(p_{ij}\) presented in [\[eq:pij\]](#eq:pij){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:pij"}, as well as the distributions of the sojourn times for each transition \(i \to j\), presented in [\[eq:Fij\]](#eq:Fij){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:Fij"}. The transition probabilities of the embedded chain are often organized in a matrix, \(P = [p_{ij}]\) (where we set \(p_{ii} = 0\)). Note that \(P\) restricted to the non-absorbing states is a stochastic matrix. Further, assuming the sojourn time distributions are continuous, they are often represented in different forms including the probability density function, the survival function or the hazard rate function. We now present the details. The *probability density function* of the sojourn time is \[\label{eq:fijI} f_{ij}(t) = \lim_{\bigtriangleup t \rightarrow 0} \frac{1}{\bigtriangleup t}\mathbb{P}(\tau_n\in (t, t+\bigtriangleup t) ~|~J_{n-1}=i, J_{n}=j).\]
[^1]: To avoid confusion, note that this term is also used for the different concept of a "reversible" Markov chain appearing in a different setting. | {'timestamp': '2021-01-01T02:05:40', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14462', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14462'} |
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# Introduction {#sec:introduction}
The equation of state (EoS) of strongly interacting matter is one of the key observables characterizing properties of matter under extreme conditions. It encodes information on the phase structure of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). One way of delineating the EoS is through the speed of sound, \(c_s^2 \equiv \mathrm{d} P /\mathrm{d} \epsilon\). It has been conjectured that the speed of sound is bounded by \(c_s^2 < 1/3\) (conformal bound). This conjecture was in fact confirmed in ab initio calculations of lattice QCD (LQCD) at finite temperature and small net-baryon density . However, the domain of low temperature and high net-baryon density is still inaccessible via the LQCD methods due to the infamous sign problem. This corner of the QCD phase diagram is of utmost importance for the understanding of the extraterrestrial observations, particularly for the study of neutron stars (NSs), their mergers and supernovae . Until recently, the progress in constraining the EoS at low temperature and high density was driven mostly by several discoveries of high-mass NSs . These observations have set an important constraint on the maximum mass of a NS. More remarkably, the first ever detection of gravitational waves from the compact star merger GW170817 , the second detection from GW190425 , as well as the NICER observation of the millisecond pulsar PSR J0030+451 delivered simultaneous measurement of masses and radii. Perturbative calculations of cold but dense QCD show that the speed of sound complies with the conformal bound , although they are reliable only at densities far beyond those realized in astrophysical objects. Contrary to these calculations, as well as the LQCD predictions, several recent analyses provided compelling reasons to expect that the conformal bound has to be violated at densities realized in the interior of NSs in order to support the observed NS properties . The advancement of nuclear theory over the years has also tightened the constraints on the EoS over a wide range of densities. This has been achieved by systematic analyses of new astrophysical observations within simplistic approaches, such as the constant-speed-of-sound (CSS) model or multipolytropic class of EoSs . Recently, the interplay between the high-mass constraint (which requires high pressure) and the upper limit on the compactness from GW170817 event (which favors soft pressure) was used to derive a lower bound constraint on the maximal value of the speed of sound in the cold and dense matter EoS of a NS . This new constraint strengthens previous expectations that the conformal bound is likely to be violated at densities realized inside NSs. The lower bound of the speed of sound derived in complies with constraints valid at various density regimes. This is particularly useful for determining a class of effective models in which the low-density and high-density regimes are not treated independently, but rather combined in a consistent unified framework. To this end, we employ the hybrid quark-meson-nucleon (QMN) model to quantify the EoS of cold and dense matter under NS conditions. The model has the characteristic feature that, at increasing baryon density, the chiral symmetry is restored within the hadronic phase by lifting the mass splitting between chiral partner states, before the quark deconfinement takes place. Quark degrees of freedom are included on top of hadrons, but their unphysical onset is prevented at low densities. This is achieved by an auxiliary scalar field which couples to both nucleons and quarks. This field serves as a momentum cutoff in the Fermi-Dirac distribution functions, thus it suppresses the unphysical thermal fluctuations of fermions, with the strength linked to the density. Our main focus is put on the role of the dynamical quark confinement in constraining the EoS of cold and dense matter under NS conditions. This paper is organized as follows. In Sec. [2](#sec:hybrid_qmn){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:hybrid_qmn"}, we introduce the hybrid quark-meson-nucleon model. In Sec. [3](#sec:results){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:results"}, we discuss the obtained numerical results on the equation of state under neutron-star conditions and neutron-star relations, and we confront them with recent observations and constraints. Finally, Sec. [4](#sec:conclusions){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:conclusions"} is devoted to the summary and conclusions.
# Hybrid quark-meson-nucleon model {#sec:hybrid_qmn}
In this section, we briefly introduce the hybrid QMN model for the chiral symmetry restoration and deconfinement phase transitions . The hybrid QMN model is composed of the baryonic parity doublet and mesons as in the Walecka model , as well as quark degrees of freedom as in the standard linear sigma model . The spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking yields the mass splitting between the two baryonic parity partners, while it generates the entire mass of a constituent quark. In this work, we consider a system with \(N_f=2\); hence, relevant for this study are the positive-parity nucleons, i.e., proton (\(p_+\)) and neutron (\(n_+\)), and their negative-parity partners, denoted as \(p_-\) and \(n_-\), as well as the up (\(u\)) and down (\(d\)) quarks. The fermionic degrees of freedom are coupled to the chiral fields \(\left(\sigma, \boldsymbol\pi\right)\), the isosinglet vector-isoscalar field (\(\omega_\mu\)), and the vector-isovector field (\(\boldsymbol \rho_\mu\)). The important concept of statistical confinement is realized in the hybrid QMN model by introducing a medium-dependent modification of the particle distribution functions.
and for quarks
respectively. The model embeds the concept of statistical confinement through the modified Fermi-Dirac distribution functions, where \(b\) is the expectation value of an auxiliary scalar field \(b\) and \(\alpha\) is a dimensionless model parameter. As demonstrated in Refs. , the parameter \(\alpha\) plays also a crucial role in tuning the order of the chiral phase transition. From the definition of \(n_\pm\) and \(n_q\), it is evident that, in order to mimic the statistical confinement, the \(b\) field should have a nontrivial vacuum expectation value, to suppress quark degrees of freedom at low densities in the confined and to allow for their population at high densities in deconfined phase. From Eqs. [\[eq:cutoff_nuc\]](#eq:cutoff_nuc){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:cutoff_nuc"} and [\[eq:cutoff_quark\]](#eq:cutoff_quark){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:cutoff_quark"}, one finds that the nucleons favor large \(b\), whereas the quarks small \(b\). The functions \(f,\bar f\) are the standard Fermi-Dirac distribution functions for particle and antiparticle,
respectively. \(\beta\) is the inverse temperature, and the dispersion relation \(E_x = \sqrt{\boldsymbol p^2 + m_x^2}\). The effective chemical potentials for \(p_\pm\) and \(n_\pm\) are defined as
The effective chemical potentials for up and down quarks are given by
In Eqs. [\[eq:u_eff_had_iso\]](#eq:u_eff_had_iso){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:u_eff_had_iso"} and [\[eq:u_effq\]](#eq:u_effq){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:u_effq"}, \(\mu_B\), \(\mu_Q\) are the baryon and charge chemical potentials, respectively.
where \(\lambda_2 = \lambda_4f_\pi^2-\lambda_6f_\pi^4-m_\pi^2\), and \(\epsilon = m_\pi^2 f_\pi\). \(m_\pi\), \(m_\omega\), and \(m_\rho\) are the \(\pi\), \(\omega\), and \(\rho\) meson masses, respectively, and \(f_\pi\) is the pion decay constant. The parameters \(\lambda_4\) and \(\lambda_6\) are fixed by the properties of the nuclear ground state. Numerical values of all model parameters are summarized in Table [\[tab:model_params\]](#tab:model_params){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:model_params"}. | {'timestamp': '2020-06-01T02:11:20', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14535', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14535'} |
# Introduction
Photo-induced phase transitions are one of the central topics in recent condensed-matter physics . A theoretical study using the Floquet theorem has predicted that the honeycomb lattice irradiated with circularly polarized light attains a topological band structure similar to the band structure originally proposed by Haldane that exhibits a topological phase transition. This transition results in the photo-induced quantum Hall effect in graphene, even in the absence of an external magnetic field and was indeed confirmed in a recent experiment . Since this pioneering theoretical work, the Floquet theory has been applied to various electron systems and has revealed many interesting photo-induced topological phenomena . The topic is now attracting enormous research interest from the viewpoint of both fundamental science and electronics applications. However, most of the previous research has dealt with tight-binding models on simple lattices such as the honeycomb lattice , the Kagome lattice , the Lieb lattice , and the stacked graphene systems or simple materials with a two-dimensional atomic layer such as graphene , silicene , black phosphorene and transition-metal dichalcogenides . There have been few studies based on realistic models for specific materials. In addition, the only successful experiment so far was done for graphene , which has a simple electronic structure described well by the tight-binding model on honeycomb lattice . However, to develop further this promising research field, widening the range of target materials is indispensable, and towards this objective, theoretical studies on actual materials with complex electronic and crystalline structures are highly desired. Moreover, we can expect richer material-specific photo-induced topological phenomena in studies on actual materials. One promising material is an organic salt \(\alpha\)-(BEDT-TTF)\(_2\)I\(_3\) where BEDT-TTF denotes bis(ethylenedithio)-tetrathiafulvalene . This compound has inclined Dirac cones in its band structure , and many interesting topological properties and phenomena rising from these Dirac-cone bands have been theoretically investigated so far, e.g., the quantum Hall effect , the structures of Berry curvature in momentum space , and the flux-induced Chern insulator phases . In this paper, we theoretically predict the emergence of photo-induced topological phases and their phase transitions in \(\alpha\)-(BEDT-TTF)\(_2\)I\(_3\). By applying the Floquet theory to the photo-driven tight-binding model for conduction electrons in the BEDT-TTF layer, we demonstrate that the inclined Dirac cones become gapped at the Dirac points by the irradiation with circularly polarized light \[see Fig. [\[Fig1\]](#Fig1){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig1"}(a)\]. The system then becomes a topological insulator characterized by a quantized Chern number and conductive chiral edge states . We obtain a rich phase diagram in the plane of the amplitude and frequency of the light that contains phases corresponding to a Chern insulator, semimetal, and normal insulator. The calculated photo-induced Hall conductivity shows characteristic dependencies on the light amplitude and temperature in each phase, indicating that this quantity provides a sensitive experimental indicator in the detection and identification of these topological phases and their phase transitions. One advantage of the usage of organic compounds is that an effective amplitude of light is an order of magnitude larger than graphene because their lattice constants are much larger (to be discussed later). They enhance the feasibility of the experiments. This work contributes to the development of this field by expanding the potential range of materials for research.
# Model and Method
We employ a tight-binding model to describe the electronic structure of \(\alpha\)-(BEDT-TTF)\(_2\)I\(_3\) , which is given by, \[\begin{aligned}
H=\sum_{i,j}\sum_{\alpha, \beta} t_{i\alpha,j\beta} c^\dagger_{i\alpha}c_{j\beta}. \end{aligned}\] The unit cell of the BEDT-TTF layer contains four molecular sites (A, A\(^\prime\), B, C), and we consider transfer integrals \(t_{i\alpha,j\beta}\) among them \[Fig. [\[Fig1\]](#Fig1){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig1"}(b)\] where \(i\) and \(j\) label the unit cells, whereas \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) label the molecular sites. Under ambient pressure, this compound exhibits a charge-ordered ground state . When a uniaxial pressure is applied along the \(a\) axis, this charge order melts and eventually inclined Dirac cones emerges within its peculiar band structure. In this study, we consider the latter situation by taking the transfer integrals evaluated theoretically at uniaxial pressure \(P_{a}\) of 4 kbar; specifically, \(t_{a1}=-0.038\) eV, \(t_{a2}= 0.080\) eV, \(t_{a3}=-0.018\) eV, \(t_{b1}= 0.123\) eV, \(t_{b2}= 0.146\) eV, \(t_{b3}=-0.070\) eV, and \(t_{b4}=-0.025\) eV . After the Fourier transformations with respect to the spatial coordinates, the tight-binding Hamiltonian is rewritten in the momentum space as, \[\begin{aligned}
H=\sum_{\bm{k}}(c^{\dagger}_{\bm{k}A}\, c^{\dagger}_{\bm{k}A'}\,c^{\dagger}_{\bm{k}B}\,c^{\dagger}_{\bm{k}C})\hat{H}(\bm{k})\left( \begin{array}{c} c_{\bm{k}A} \\ c_{\bm{k}A'} \\ c_{\bm{k}B} \\ c_{\bm{k}C} \end{array} \right) \end{aligned}\] where \[\begin{aligned}
\hat{H}(\bm{k})=\left( \begin{array}{cccc} 0 & A_2(\bm{k}) & B_2(\bm{k}) & B_1(\bm{k}) \\ A_2^{*}(\bm{k}) & 0 & B_2^{*}(\bm{k}) & B_1^{*}(\bm{k}) \\ B_2^{*}(\bm{k}) & B_2(\bm{k}) & 0 & A_1(\bm{k}) \\ B_1^{*}(\bm{k}) & B_1(\bm{k}) & A_1(\bm{k}) & 0 \end{array} \right) \label{alpham} \end{aligned}\] with \[\begin{aligned}
&A_1(\bm{k})=2t_{a1}(\bm{k})\cos(k_y/2) \\ &A_2(\bm{k})=t_{a2}(\bm{k})e^{ik_y/2}+t_{a3}(\bm{k})e^{-ik_y/2} \\ &B_1(\bm{k})=t_{b1}(\bm{k})e^{i(k_x/2+k_y/4)}+t_{b4}(\bm{k})e^{-i(k_x/2-k_y/4)} \\ &B_2(\bm{k})=t_{b2}(\bm{k})e^{i(k_x/2-k_y/4)}+t_{b3}(\bm{k})e^{-i(k_x/2+k_y/4)}. \end{aligned}\] We then consider a situation, in which this compound is irradiated with circularly polarized light applied perpendicular to the \(ab\) plane \[Fig. [\[Fig1\]](#Fig1){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig1"}(a)\]. The applied circularly polarized light generates a vector potential \(\bm A(\tau)=A(\cos\omega\tau, \sin\omega\tau)\), which corresponds to a time-dependent electric field: \[\begin{aligned}
\bm E(\tau)=-\frac{d \bm A}{d \tau}=A\omega(\sin\omega\tau,-\cos\omega\tau). \end{aligned}\] In the presence of this vector potential, the transfer integrals attain Peierls phases as, \[\begin{aligned}
&t_{i\alpha,j\beta}(\tau) \nonumber \\ &=t_{i\alpha,j\beta}\exp{ \left[-i\frac{e}{\hbar}\bm{A}(\tau)\cdot (\bm{r}_{i\alpha}-\bm{r}_{j\beta})\right]} \nonumber \\ &=t_{i\alpha,j\beta}\exp\left[i\left\{\mathcal{A}_b(\tilde{x}_j-\tilde{x}_i)\cos\omega\tau +\mathcal{A}_a(\tilde{y}_j-\tilde{y}_i)\sin\omega\tau\right\}\right] \end{aligned}\] Here we introduce dimensionless quantities \(\mathcal{A}_a=eAa/\hbar\) and \(\mathcal{A}_b=eAb/\hbar\) and dimensionless coordinates \(\bm r_{i\alpha}=(b\tilde{x}_{i\alpha}, a\tilde{y}_{i\alpha})\) with \(a\) and \(b\) being the lattice constants along the \(y\) and \(x\) axes, respectively \[Fig. [\[Fig1\]](#Fig1){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig1"}(b)\]. We use experimental values \(a\)=0.9187 nm and \(b\)=1.0793 nm , which give a ratio \(\mathcal{A}_b/\mathcal{A}_a=b/a=1.175\). The amplitude of the ac electric field of light \(E^\omega\) is given by \(E^\omega=A\omega=\mathcal{A}_a\hbar\omega/ea\). In the momentum representation, the effects of Peierls phases are taken into account by replacing the momenta \(k_x\) and \(k_y\) with \(k_x+\mathcal{A}_b\) and \(k_y+\mathcal{A}_a\), respectively. Then we obtain the time-dependent Hamiltonian for the photo-irradiated \(\alpha\)-(BEDT-TTF)\(_2\)I\(_3\) as, \[\begin{aligned}
\hat{H}(\bm{k},\tau)=\left( \begin{array}{cccc} 0 & A_2(\bm{k},\tau) & B_2(\bm{k},\tau) & B_1(\bm{k},\tau) \\ A_2^{*}(\bm{k},\tau) & 0 & B_2^{*}(\bm{k},\tau) & B_1^{*}(\bm{k},\tau) \\ B_2^{*}(\bm{k},\tau) & B_2(\bm{k},\tau) & 0 & A_1(\bm{k},\tau) \\ B_1^{*}(\bm{k},\tau) & B_1(\bm{k},\tau) & A_1(\bm{k},\tau) & 0 \end{array} \right) \label{alpham} \end{aligned}\] with \[\begin{aligned}
A_1(\bm{k},\tau) &=& 2t_{a1}\cos\left(\frac{k_y}{2}+\frac{\mathcal{A}_a}{2}\sin\omega\tau \right) \\ A_2(\bm{k},\tau) &=& t_{a2}\exp\left[ i\left(\frac{k_y}{2}+\frac{\mathcal{A}_a}{2}\sin\omega\tau \right)\right] \nonumber \\ &+& t_{a3}\exp\left[-i\left(\frac{k_y}{2}+\frac{\mathcal{A}_a}{2}\sin\omega\tau \right)\right] \\ B_1(\bm{k},\tau) &=& t_{b1}\exp\left[ i\left(\frac{k_x}{2}+\frac{k_y}{4}\right)\right] \exp\left[ i\mathcal{A}\sin(\omega\tau + \theta) \right] \nonumber \\ &+& t_{b4}\exp\left[-i\left(\frac{k_x}{2}-\frac{k_y}{4}\right)\right] \exp\left[ i\mathcal{A}\sin(\omega\tau-\theta) \right] \nonumber \\ \\ B_2(\bm{k},\tau) &=& t_{b2}\exp\left[ i\left(\frac{k_x}{2}-\frac{k_y}{4}\right)\right] \exp\left[-i\mathcal{A}\sin(\omega\tau-\theta) \right] \nonumber \\ &+& t_{b3}\exp\left[-i\left(\frac{k_x}{2}+\frac{k_y}{4}\right)\right] \exp\left[-i\mathcal{A}\sin(\omega\tau + \theta) \right] \nonumber \\ \end{aligned}\] where \[\begin{aligned}
\mathcal{A}=\frac{1}{4}\sqrt{4\mathcal{A}_b^2+\mathcal{A}_a^2}, \quad\quad \theta=\tan^{-1}\left(\frac{2\mathcal{A}_b}{\mathcal{A}_a}\right). \end{aligned}\] We analyze this time-periodic tight-binding Hamiltonian using the Floquet theory. The time-dependent Schrödinger equation is given by, \[\begin{aligned}
i\hbar \frac{\partial}{\partial t}\ket{\Psi(\bm k,\tau)} =H(\bm k,\tau)\ket{\Psi(\bm k,\tau)}. \end{aligned}\] According to the Floquet theorem, the wave function \(\ket{\Psi(\tau)}\) is written in the form \[\begin{aligned}
\ket{\Psi(\bm k,\tau)}=e^{-i\varepsilon \tau/\hbar}\ket{\Phi(\bm k,\tau)} \end{aligned}\] where \(\ket{\Phi(\bm k,\tau)}=\ket{\Phi(\bm k,\tau+T)}\). Here \(T(=2\pi/\omega\)) is the temporal period of the ac light field, and \(\varepsilon\) is the quasi-energy. This equation is rewritten in the form, \[\begin{aligned}
\sum_m \hat{\mathcal{H}}_{n,m}(\bm k)\ket{\Phi_{\nu}^m(\bm k)} = \varepsilon^n_{\nu}(\bm k) \ket{\Phi_{\nu}^n(\bm k)}, \label{H-Mw} \end{aligned}\] with \[\begin{aligned}
\hat{\mathcal{H}}_{n,m}(\bm k) \equiv \hat{H}_{n-m}(\bm k)-m\omega\delta_{n,m}\hat{1}_{4 \times 4} \label{H-Mw2} \end{aligned}\] where \(\nu\) labels the eigenstates, and \(n\) corresponds to the number of photons. The four-component vector \(\ket{\Phi_{\nu}^n(\bm k)}\) rerpesents the \(\nu\)th Floquet state (\(\nu\)=1,2,3,4) in the \(n\)-photon subspace. We introduce the following Fourier coefficients, \[\begin{aligned}
\ket{\Phi_{\nu}^n(\bm k)}&=& \frac{1}{T}\int_0^T \ket{\Phi_{\nu}(\bm k,\tau)}e^{in\omega\tau} d\tau,\\ \hat{H}_n(\bm k)&=&\frac{1}{T}\int_0^T \hat{H}(\bm k,\tau)e^{in\omega\tau} d\tau \nonumber \\ &=&\left( \begin{array}{cccc} 0 & A_{2,n}(\bm k) & B_{2,n}(\bm k) & B_{1,n}(\bm k) \\ A_{2,-n}^{*}(\bm k) & 0 & B_{2,-n}^{*}(\bm k) & B_{1,-n}^{*}(\bm k) \\ B_{2,-n}^{*}(\bm k) & B_{2,n}(\bm k) & 0 & A_{1,n}(\bm k) \\ B_{1,-n}^{*}(\bm k) & B_{1,n}(\bm k) & A_{1,n}(\bm k) & 0 \end{array} \right) \nonumber \\ \end{aligned}\] with \[\begin{aligned}
&A_{1,n}(\bm k)= t_{a1}\,e^{ik_y/2}J_{-n}(\mathcal{A}_a/2)+t_{a1}\,e^{-ik_y/2}J_{n}(\mathcal{A}_a/2) \\ &A_{2,n}(\bm k)= t_{a2}\,e^{ik_y/2}J_{-n}(\mathcal{A}_a/2)+t_{a3}\,e^{-ik_y/2}J_{n}(\mathcal{A}_a/2) \\ &B_{1,n}(\bm k)= t_{b1}\,e^{ i(k_x/2+k_y/4)}J_{-n}(\mathcal{A})e^{-in\theta} \nonumber \\ & \quad\quad\quad\quad +t_{b4}\,e^{-i(k_x/2-k_y/4)}J_{-n}(\mathcal{A})e^{+in\theta} \\ &B_{2,n}(\bm k)= t_{b2}\,e^{ i(k_x/2-k_y/4)}J_{n}(\mathcal{A})e^{+in\theta} \nonumber \\ & \quad\quad\quad\quad +t_{b3}\,e^{-i(k_x/2+k_y/4)}J_{n}(\mathcal{A})e^{-in\theta} \end{aligned}\] We solve the eigenequation ([\[H-Mw\]](#H-Mw){reference-type="ref" reference="H-Mw"}) by restricting the number of photons to \(|m|\le M_{\rm max}\) (\(M_{\rm max}\)=16 throughout the present work). Consequently, the Floquet-Hamiltonian matrix \(\hat{\mathcal{H}}(\bm k)\) is composed of \((2M_{\rm max}+1)\times(2M_{\rm max}+1)\) block matrices \(\hat{\mathcal{H}}_{n,m}(\bm k) \equiv \hat{H}_{n-m}(\bm k)-m\omega\delta_{n,m}\hat{1}_{4 \times 4}\). The total size of \(\hat{\mathcal{H}}(\bm k)\) is \((8M_{\rm max}+4)\times (8M_{\rm max}+4)\) (132\(\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}132 in the present work) because the size of each block matrix is 4\(\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}4. Note that as the frequency \(\omega\) is reduced, a Floquet matrix of larger size \(|m|\) is required, typically of order \(W/\hbar\omega\), where \(W\) is the band width. Having adopted \(|m|\le 16\) for \(\alpha\)-(BEDT-TTF)\(_2\)I\(_3\) with \(W\sim0.8\) eV, the obtained results are sufficiently accurate for \(\hbar\omega \gtrsim\) 0.05 eV. The Chern number of the \(\nu\)th band \(N_{\rm Ch}^\nu\) (\(\nu\)=1,2,3,4) is related to the Berry curvature \(B_z^{n\nu}(\bm k)\), \[\begin{aligned}
N_{\rm Ch}^\nu=\frac{1}{2\pi}\int\int_{\rm BZ}\;B_z^{0\nu}(\bm k) dk_xdk_y, \end{aligned}\] where the Berry curvature \(B_z^{n\nu}(\bm k)\) of the \(\nu\)th \(n\)-photon Floquet band at each \(\bm k\) point is given by \[\begin{aligned}
&B_z^{n\nu}(\bm k)= \nonumber \\ &i\sum_{(m,\mu)}\frac{ \bra{\Phi_{\nu}^n(\bm k)}\frac{\partial \mathcal{H}}{\partial k_x}\ket{\Phi_{\mu}^m(\bm k)} \bra{\Phi_{\mu}^m(\bm k)}\frac{\partial \mathcal{H}}{\partial k_y}\ket{\Phi_{\nu}^n(\bm k)}-{c.c.}} {[\varepsilon^m_\mu(\bm k)-\varepsilon^n_\nu(\bm k)]^2}. \end{aligned}\] Here \(\mathcal{H}\) denotes the matrix of the Floquet Hamiltonian, and \(\varepsilon^n_\nu(\bm k)\) and \(\ket{\Phi_{\nu}^n(\bm k)}\) the eigenenergy and eigenvector of the equation ([\[H-Mw\]](#H-Mw){reference-type="ref" reference="H-Mw"}) with \(\nu=1,2,3,4\) and \(|n|\le 16\). The summation is taken over \(m\) and \(\mu\) where \((m,\mu)\ne(n,\nu)\); "\(c.c.\)\" denotes the complex conjugate of the first term of the numerator. In this work, the Chern numbers are calculated using a numerical technique proposed by Fukui, Suzuki, and Hatsugai in Ref. .
# Results
We first discuss the photo-induced variation of band structures and their topological properties. Figure [\[Fig2\]](#Fig2){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig2"}(a) shows the band dispersions for the third and fourth bands, \(E_3(\bm k)\) and \(E_4(\bm k)\), in the absence of photo-irradiation. These two bands make contact at two individual points in momentum space to form a pair of inclined Dirac cones. Note that the Dirac points are located at the Fermi level because this compound has a \(3/4\) electron filling with three fully occupied lower bands and an unoccupied fourth band. Figures [\[Fig2\]](#Fig2){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig2"}(b)-(d) show plots of \(E_3(\bm k)\) and \(E_4(\bm k)\) for photo-irradiated systems with various \(E^\omega\) and \(\omega\) of light. Once the system is irradiated with circularly polarized light, a gap opens at the Dirac points. These three band structures correspond to three different photo-induced phases characterized by the Chern number \(N_{\rm Ch}\) and the band gap \(E_{\rm gap}\), that is, (b) Chern-insulator, (c) semimetal, and (d) normal-insulator phases, respectively. Here the band gap is defined by \(E_{\rm gap}={\rm min}[E_4(\bm k)]-{\rm max}[E_3(\bm k)]\) where min\[\(E_4(\bm k)\)\] and max\[\(E_3(\bm k)\)\] are the minimum energy of the fourth band and the maximum energy of the third band, respectively. A positive \(E_{\rm gap}\) means that the bulk is insulating, for which, in the whole momentum space, the fourth band is located above the Fermi level whereas the other three bands are located below the Fermi level. In contrast, a negative \(E_{\rm gap}\) means that the bulk is semi-metallic, for which the third band is located above the Fermi level whereas the fourth band is located below the Fermi level in some portion of the momentum space. Importantly, when the electron filling \(3/4\) with three fully occupied lower bands, a sum of the Chern numbers over three bands below the Fermi level, \(N_{\rm Ch}=\sum_{\nu=1}^3 N_{\rm Ch}^\nu\), coincides with \(-N_{\rm Ch}^4\) because conservation of invariance requires the sum of the Chern numbers over all four bands to be zero. The band structure in Fig. [\[Fig2\]](#Fig2){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig2"}(b) characterized by \(E_{\rm gap}>0\) and \(N_{\rm Ch}=-N_{\rm Ch}^4=+1\) is assigned to the Chern insulator phase. In contrast, the band structure in Fig. [\[Fig2\]](#Fig2){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig2"}(c) is characterized by \(E_{\rm gap}<0\), for which the fourth band around \(\bm k=(\pm \pi,0)\) is lower in energy than the third band around the Dirac points. This band structure is assigned to the semimetal phase. Interestingly, the band structure in Fig. [\[Fig2\]](#Fig2){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig2"}(d) has \(E_{\rm gap}>0\) and resembles the band structure for the Chern insulator \[Fig. [\[Fig2\]](#Fig2){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig2"}(b)\]. However, the Chern number \(N_{\rm Ch}=-N_{\rm Ch}^4\) is zero in this case, indicating that the system lies in a topologically trivial insulating state. Therefore, this band structure is assigned to the normal insulator phase. Note that these phases appear as nonequilibrium steady states under the continuous application of circularly polarized light, and, in this sense, they are distinct from thermodynamically equilibrium phases. We find a clear difference between the Chern insulator phase and the normal insulator phase in the Berry curvature \(B_z^{04}(\bm k)\). The Berry curvature in the Chern insulator phase has two negative peaks around the gapped Dirac points \[Fig. [\[Fig2\]](#Fig2){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig2"}(e)\], corresponding to a nonzero quantized Chern number \(N_{\rm Ch}^4\) of \(-1\), whereas that for the normal insulator phase has additional positive peaks as well as two negative peaks around the gapped Dirac points \[Fig. [\[Fig2\]](#Fig2){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig2"}(f)\] that cancel the opposite contributions, resulting in \(N_{\rm Ch}^4=0\). Figure [\[Fig3\]](#Fig3){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig3"}(a) shows the phase diagram of photo-driven \(\alpha\)-(BEDT-TTF)\(_2\)I\(_3\) in the plane of the amplitude \(E^\omega\) and frequency \(\omega\) of an applied circularly polarized light. Three phases are present, namely, the Chern-insulator, semimetal, and normal-insulator phases. This phase diagram is produced by calculating the Chern number of the (highest) fourth band \(N_{\rm Ch}^4\) \[Fig. [\[Fig3\]](#Fig3){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig3"}(b)\] and the band gap \(E_{\rm gap}\) \[Fig. [\[Fig3\]](#Fig3){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig3"}(c)\]. We assign the area with \(E_{\rm gap}>0\) and \(N_{\rm Ch}^4 \ne 0\) to the Chern insulator phase, the area with \(E_{\rm gap}>0\) and \(N_{\rm Ch}^4 = 0\) to the normal insulator phase. The area with \(E_{\rm gap}<0\) is assigned to the semimetal phase. According to the obtained phase diagram, we expect that the usage of high-frequency light with \(\hbar\omega>0.75\) eV is preferable to observe the photo-induced Chern insulator phase in the low \(E^\omega\) range, whereas the usage of low-frequency light with \(\hbar\omega<0.7\) eV is suitable to observe the rich phase transitions upon the variation of \(E^\omega\). Finally, we discuss the Hall conductivity in the three different photo-induced electronic phases. This physical quantity is closely related to the topological nature of the electronic states and can be exploited to identify the predicted topological phases and to detect their phase transitions. We plot the calculated Chern number \(-N_{\rm Ch}^4\) and band gap \(E_{\rm gap}\) \[Fig. [\[Fig4\]](#Fig4){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig4"}(a)\] as functions of the amplitude \(E^\omega\) of the applied circularly polarized light setting \(\hbar\omega=0.5\) eV, for which the three photo-induced phases, semimetal, normal-insulator, and Chern-insulator phases, emerge successively as \(E^\omega\) increases. Recall that the relation \(N_{\rm Ch}=-N_{\rm Ch}^4\) holds when the electron filling is \(3/4\). We also plot the calculated \(E^\omega\)-profiles of the Hall conductivity \(\sigma_{xy}\) for various temperatures when \(\hbar\omega=0.5\) eV \[Fig. [\[Fig4\]](#Fig4){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig4"}(b)\]. The Hall conductivity \(\sigma_{xy}\) is calculated using the relation, \[\begin{aligned}
\sigma_{xy}=\frac{2e^2}{h}\int\int_{\rm BZ}\;\frac{dk_xdk_y}{2\pi} \sum_{n,\nu} n_{n\nu}(\bm k) B_z^{n\nu}(\bm k) \label{sgmyx} \end{aligned}\] where the factor 2 accounts for the spin degeneracy. Here \(n_{n\nu}(\bm k)\) is the nonequilibrium distribution function, which describes the electron occupations of Floquet bands in the photo-driven nonequilibrium steady states. The nonequilibrium distribution function \(n_{n\nu}(\bm k)\) is calculated using the Floquet-Keldysh formalism , which is formulated by combining the Keldysh Green's function technique with the Floquet theory. The Dyson equation for the Green's function matrices is given by \[\begin{aligned}
& &\left( \begin{array}{cc} \hat{G}^{\rm R}(\bm k,\varepsilon) & \hat{G}^{\rm K}(\bm k,\varepsilon) \\ 0 & \hat{G}^{\rm A}(\bm k,\varepsilon) \end{array} \right)^{-1} \nonumber \\ & &= \left( \begin{array}{cc} [\hat{G}^{\rm R0}(\bm k,\varepsilon)]^{-1} & 0 \\ 0 & [\hat{G}^{\rm A0}(\bm k,\varepsilon)]^{-1} \end{array} \right)-\left( \begin{array}{cc} \hat{\Sigma}^{\rm R} & \hat{\Sigma}^{\rm K}(\varepsilon) \\ 0 & \hat{\Sigma}^{\rm A} \end{array} \right). \nonumber \\ \end{aligned}\] Here \(\hat{G}^{\rm R}\), \(\hat{G}^{\rm A}\) and \(\hat{G}^{\rm K}\) (\(\hat{\Sigma}^{\rm R}\), \(\hat{\Sigma}^{\rm A}\) and \(\hat{\Sigma}^{\rm K}\)) are matrices of the retarded, advanced, and Keldysh Green's functions (self-energies), respectively, each of which is composed of \((2M_{\rm max}+1)\times(2M_{\rm max}+1)\) block matrices where the size of each block matrix is 4\(\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}4. The matrix components of \(\hat{G}^{\rm R0}\), \(\hat{G}^{\rm A0}\), \(\hat{\Sigma}^{\rm R}\), \(\hat{\Sigma}^{\rm A}\) and \(\hat{\Sigma}^{\rm K}\) are given, respectively, by, \[\begin{aligned}
&[\hat{G}^{\rm R0}(\bm k,\varepsilon)]^{-1}_{n\nu,m\mu} =\varepsilon\delta_{n,m}\delta_{\nu,\mu}-\mathcal{H}_{n\nu,m\mu}(\bm k) \\ &[\hat{G}^{\rm A0}(\bm k,\varepsilon)]^{-1}_{n\nu,m\mu} =\varepsilon\delta_{n,m}\delta_{\nu,\mu}-\mathcal{H}_{n\nu,m\mu}(\bm k) \\ &[\hat{\Sigma}^{\rm R}]_{n\nu,m\mu}=-i\Gamma\delta_{n,m}\delta_{\nu,\mu} \\ &[\hat{\Sigma}^{\rm A}]_{n\nu,m\mu}= i\Gamma\delta_{n,m}\delta_{\nu,\mu} \\ &[\hat{\Sigma}^{\rm K}(\varepsilon)]_{n\nu,m\mu}=-2i\Gamma\tanh\left[ \frac{\varepsilon-\mu+m\omega}{2k_{\rm B}T} \right]\delta_{n,m}\delta_{\nu,\mu}, \end{aligned}\] where the symbol \(\hat{M}_{n\nu,m\mu}\) denotes the \((\nu,\mu)\)th component of the \((m,n)\)th block matrix \(\hat{M}_{nm}\) (\(4 \times 4\)), and the block matrix \(\hat{\mathcal{H}}_{n,m}\) constituting the Floquet Hamiltonian is given by Eq. ([\[H-Mw2\]](#H-Mw2){reference-type="ref" reference="H-Mw2"}). We consider a situation that the system is coupled to a heat reservoir at temperature \(T\) with a dissipation coefficient \(\Gamma\) where we set \(\Gamma\)=0.1 eV for the calculations. The lesser Green's function \(\hat{G}^{<}\) and the lesser self-energy \(\hat{\Sigma}^{<}\) are calculated, respectively, by, \[\begin{aligned}
& &\hat{G}^{<}(\bm k,\varepsilon)=\hat{G}^{\rm R}(\bm k,\varepsilon) \;\hat{\Sigma}^{<}(\varepsilon)\;\hat{G}^{\rm A}(\bm k,\varepsilon), \\ & &\hat{\Sigma}^{<}(\varepsilon)= (\hat{\Sigma}^{\rm A}+\hat{\Sigma}^{\rm K}(\varepsilon)-\hat{\Sigma}^{\rm R})/2. \end{aligned}\] The matrix components of the lesser self-energy \(\hat{\Sigma}^{<}\) read, \[\begin{aligned}
_{n\nu,m\mu}=i\Gamma\left(1-\tanh\left[ \frac{\varepsilon-\mu+m\omega}{2k_{\rm B}T} \right]\right)\delta_{n,m}\delta_{\nu,\mu} \end{aligned}\] The nonequilibrium distribution function \(n_{n\nu}(\bm k)\) for the \(\nu\)-th Floquet band in the \(n\)-photon subspace is given by, \[\begin{aligned}
n_{n\nu}(\bm k)= \frac{\braket{\Phi_\nu^n(\bm k)|\hat{N}_{\bm k}(\varepsilon_\nu^n(\bm k))|\Phi_\nu^n(\bm k)}} {\braket{\Phi_\nu^n(\bm k)|\hat{A}_{\bm k}(\varepsilon_\nu^n(\bm k))|\Phi_\nu^n(\bm k)}} \end{aligned}\] where \[\begin{aligned}
& &\hat{A}_{\bm k}(\varepsilon)= i(\hat{G}^{\rm R}(\bm k,\varepsilon)-\hat{G}^{\rm A}(\bm k,\varepsilon))/2\pi \\ & &\hat{N}_{\bm k}(\varepsilon)=-i\hat{G}^{<}(\bm k,\varepsilon)/2\pi \end{aligned}\] and \(\ket{\Phi_\nu^n(\bm k)}\) is the Floquet eigenstates obtained by solving Eq. ([\[H-Mw\]](#H-Mw){reference-type="ref" reference="H-Mw"}). In Fig. [\[Fig4\]](#Fig4){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig4"}(b), we find that the Hall conductivity \(\sigma_{xy}\) is almost zero in the semimetal phase when \(E^\omega\) is small (\(E^\omega \lesssim 4\) MV/cm) but starts increasing with increasing \(E^\omega\) at around \(E^\omega \sim 4\) MV/cm towards the phase boundary to the normal insulator phase. It reaches a quantized value of \(\sim 2e^2/h\) at the phase boundary and is kept constant in the normal insulator phase although it is slightly decreased as temperature increases. This nearly constant behavior does not change even when the system enters the Chern insulator phase, in which the value of \(\sigma_{xy}\) is again nearly constant to be \(\sim 2e^2/h\). The quantized Hall conductivity of \(\sigma_{xy}\sim 2e^2/h\) in the Chern insulator phase is naturally understood from the quantized Chern number of \(N_{\rm Ch}=-N_{\rm Ch}^4=1\). On the other hand, the finite \(\sigma_{xy}\) in the nomarl insulator phase is rather nontrivial because the Chern number vanishes (\(N_{\rm Ch}=0\)) in this phase. It is attributable to the formation and the electron occupations of Floquet subbands (a series of replicas of the original bands with an energy spacing of \(\hbar\omega\)) in the present photo-driven system. Namely, when the light frequency is not large enough as in the present case with \(\hbar\omega=0.5\) eV as compared to the bandwidth \(W\) (\(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}0.8 eV in the present \(\alpha\)-type organic salt), the hybridization and the anti-crossing of Floquet bands with different photon numbers occur. As a result, the highest Floquet band in the \(m=-1\) subspace and the lowest Floquet band in the \(m=+1\) subspace are partially occupied by electrons, and the Hall conductivity captures the Chern numbers of the Floquet bands in these finite-photon subspaces. This phenomenon cannot be expected in usual normal insulator phase in equilibrium. Because both the normal insulator phase and the Chern insulator phase exhibit nearly the same behaviors of the Hall conductivity, it may be difficult to distinguish these phases by the Hall-conductivity measurements. However, the temperature dependence is more pronounced in the normal insulator phase. Hence, measurements of the precise temperature profiles of \(\sigma_{xy}\) may be exploited for identification of the phases. It should be mentioned that in this \(\alpha\)-type organic salt, the Dirac points appear at low temperatures when the charge order melts. One possible option to realize such a situation is application of an uniaxial pressure \(P_a\), which is known to melt the charge ordering in the ground state. Thus, the predicted topological phase transitions may be observed under application of the pressure. The measurements must be performed using diamond anvil pressure cells, which are transparent for laser light. Another option is to perform the experiments above the charge ordering temperature \(T_{\rm CO}(\sim 40)\) K, which is much easier than the first option. Its feasibility is supported by our calculated Hall conductivity data, which shows that the quantized Hall conductivity is observed even at \(T\)=100 K.
# Conclusion
To summarize, we theoretically predicted the emergence of rich photo-induced topological phases as nonequilibrium steady states in organic salt \(\alpha\)-(BEDT-TTF)\(_2\)I\(_3\) with inclined Dirac-cone bands under continuous application of circularly polarized light. The predicted topological electronic phases and their transitions upon the laser-parameter variations are expected to be observed in future experiments by measuring the photo-induced Hall effect. A crucial advantage of the usage of organic compounds is that the effective amplitude of the laser is enhanced significantly due to the large molecule sizes and resulting larger lattice constants because the dimensionless laser amplitude \(\mathcal{A}_a=eaE^\omega/\hbar\omega\) and \(\mathcal{A}_b=ebE^\omega/\hbar\omega\) are proportional to the lattice constants \(a\) and \(b\). We expect the effective vector potential \(\mathcal{A}\) in \(\alpha\)-(BEDT-TTF)\(_2\)I\(_3\) to be nearly an order of magnitude larger than that for graphene, and hence the feasibility of experimental realization of the predicted photo-induced phenomena is expected to be increased. The field of photo-induced topological phase transitions is now rapidly growing, but target materials for research are still limited to a few toy models and simple atomic-layered materials. Our work may contribute by advancing this research field through broadening the range of target materials. | {'timestamp': '2020-06-01T02:05:17', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14364', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14364'} |
# Introduction
rapid development of the worldwide mobile communication technologies has been witnessed in recent years. After the 4th generation (4G) mobile communications became universal around the world, the initial 5th generation (5G) standard was completed in 2018 and the 5G commercial networks were already employed in part in the first quarter of 2020. For supporting huge mobile data traffic and high-speed communications required by a growing number of the mobile devices accessed to the wireless networks, a variety of innovative techniques including millimeter wave (mmWave), ultra-dense network (UDN) and massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) are implemented in 5G wireless transmission systems. These techniques exhibit great advantages in helping the communication systems improve spectral efficiency (SE), but face challenging problems such as: 1) the mmWave is susceptible to blockage and suffers from severe power attenuation during the long-distance propagation in the atmosphere, so that the wireless communication system will bear poor reliability when the received signals are substantially weak; 2) the UDN is composed of numerous intensively distributed base stations (BS) while the massive MIMO requests the signal transceivers to be equipped with large-scale antenna arrays, which lead to high hardware cost (HWC). One mature technological solution to these problems is utilizing relays to establish a multi-hop transmission mode. Conventional wireless cooperative communication systems mostly employ relays to process on the signals received halfway and retransmit the signals to the destination terminals actively through an uncontrollable propagation environment. Relays are validated to be effective on improving system reliability, but are still active retransmitting facilities that require high energy consumption (EC) and HWC. Recently, another state of the art approach, which is named Intelligent Reflecting Surface (IRS), Large Intelligent Surface (LIS) or Large Intelligent Metasurface (LIM), has attracted considerable attention from wireless communication researchers. An IRS is a planar array composed of a large number of low-cost passive reconfigurable reflecting elements, each of which induces an adjustable phase shift on the coming signal wave and reflects the signal to the destination terminal. It is distinct from the ordinary physical reflecting surfaces which simply reflect the signal waves without any parameter adjustment, and also different from the traditional relays which actively retransmit the received signals. As a passive reflecting apparatus, the IRS is envisioned as a promising hardware solution to EC and HWC in the future communication networks. There have already been studies that focused on the achievable rate (ACR) maximization, energy efficiency improvement, modulation scheme, secure communication realization, phase shift optimization, channel estimation and capacity analysis for the IRS-aided wireless communication systems. For instance, C. Huang, *et al*. employed the IRS to maximize the ACR and the energy efficiency of the wireless communication systems. E. Basar proposed an IRS-based index modulation scheme which enabled high data rate and low bit-error-rate (BER). M. Cui, *et al*. and H. Shen, *et al*. developed IRS-aided secure wireless communication systems where the IRS was employed to maximize the rate gap (secrecy rate) between the desired transmission path from the source to the legitimate user and the undesired one from the source to the eavesdropper. W. Yan, *et al*. developed a passive beamforming and information transferring method and optimized the phase shifts with different state values to improve the average signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Q. Nadeem, *et al*. outlined an IRS-aided multiple-user MIMO communication system and estimated the cascaded channel matrix within each time interval. E. Björnson, *et al*. analysed and compared the channel capacities of the IRS-supported, the decode-and-forward (DF) relay assisted and the single-input-single-output (SISO) communication systems, and derived the least required number of the IRS reflecting elements which allowed the IRS to outperform the DF relay and SISO. It is noted that the aforementioned works are carried out under the assumption of perfect hardware. However, in most practical situations, the inherent hardware impairment (HWI), e.g. phase noise, quantization error, amplifier non-linearity, *et al*., which will generally limit the system performance, cannot be neglected due to the non-ideality of the communication devices in the real world. Although the effect of the HWI on the system performance can be mitigated by compensation algorithms, there will still exist residual HWI due to the imprecisely estimated time-variant hardware characteristic and the random noise. As a result, it is of great significance to probe into the system performance in the presence of HWI. Some researchers analysed the channel capacity of the massive MIMO communication systems with HWI, which they modelled as additive Gaussian distributed distortion noise. But to the best of our knowledge, there were only a few studies that analysed the IRS-aided communication systems with the HWI at the IRS. Among these studies, the researchers performed some important initial works by modelling the HWI at the IRS as an additive variable with respect to the distance between the reflecting point and the reflecting surface center, or as the uniformly distributed phase noise generated by the reflecting units. However, these works still left several research gaps to be filled. First, the HWI of the transmitting devices and receiving terminals was not simultaneously taken into consideration, which would jointly influence the performance of the IRS-aided communication systems as well. Second, the phase shift optimization was not implemented when there existed HWI, which was indispensable for one to acquire the optimal IRS configuration with hardware imperfections. Third, the performance comparisons between the IRS and the conventional approaches, e.g. DF relay, which also contributed to the wireless data transmission enhancement, needed to be further explored in the presence of HWI. Up to now, we have not found the related works that inquired into the above three aspects. Therefore, in this article, we will provide the ACR analysis and phase shift optimization on the IRS-aided communication system in consideration of the HWI at both the IRS and transceivers, and present performance comparisons with the existing multiple-antenna DF relay assisted communication system with the HWI at the DF relay and transceivers. Our contributions are summarized as follows.
- By referring to, we model the HWI at the IRS as a phase error matrix, in which the random phase errors generated by the IRS reflecting units are uniformly distributed. By referring to, we model the transceiver HWI as the additive distortion noise as well as the phase drift and the thermal noise. When the IRS phase shifts are adjusted to compensate for the phase shifts in the source-IRS channel and the IRS-destination channel, we mathematically derive the closed-form expression of the average ACR and the IRS utility with respect to the number of the reflecting elements, denoted by \(N\). From the theoretical and the numerical results, we confirm that the HWI decreases the average ACR and the IRS utility, and imposes more severe impact on the ACR performance as \(N\) becomes larger.
- In order to optimize the IRS phase shifts and obtain the maximum average ACR with HWI, we formulate the optimization problems and transform the non-convex problems into convex semidefinite programming (SDP) problems, then obtain the solution numerically by exploiting CVX toolbox with SDPT3 solver in the MATLAB simulation. Besides, we evaluate the impact of the channel estimation errors and the residual phase noises on the optimization performance, after which we conclude that both of the two unavoidable factors result in performance degradation to some extent.
- When the HWI appears at the IRS, the DF relay and the transceivers, we compare the performance of the IRS with that of the multiple-antenna DF relay in terms of the ACR and the utility, and derive the condition where the IRS can always surpass the DF relay for all \(N>0\). The results illustrate that if \(N\) is large enough or the transmitting power is sufficiently high, the IRS with \(N\) passive reflecting elements is able to outperform the DF relay with the same number of antennas in the presence of HWI.
The rest of this article is organized as follows. In Section II, we introduce the IRS-aided wireless communication system with HWI by showing the system model. In Section III, we analyse the ACR and the IRS utility in the considered wireless communication system. In Section IV, we narrate the problem formulation and transformation when optimizing the IRS phase shifts in the presence of HWI. In Section V, we compare the performance of the IRS with that of the multiple-antenna DF relay in terms of the ACR and the utility. In Section VI, we provide numerical results to verify the theoretical analysis and present discussions on the channel estimation errors and the residual phase noises. In Section VII, we draw the overall conclusions. *Notations*: Italics denote the variables or constants, while boldfaces denote the vectors or matrices. \(\mathbf{A}^*\), \(\mathbf{A}^T\), \(\mathbf{A}^H\) and \(\mathbf{A}^{-1}\) symbolize the conjugate, transpose, conjugate-transpose and inverse of matrix \(\mathbf{A}\), respectively. \(tr(\mathbf{A})\) and \(rank(\mathbf{A})\) stand for the trace and the rank of \(\mathbf{A}\). \(diag(\mathbf{a})\) represents an \(n\times n\) sized diagonal matrix whose diagonal elements are \((a_1,a_2,\ldots,a_n)\) in vector \(\mathbf{a}\). \(||.||_2\) represents \(\ell_2\) norm. \(\odot\) symbolizes the Hadamard product. \(\mathbf{A}\in\mathbb{C}^{m\times n}\) or \(\mathbf{A}\in\mathbb{R}^{m\times n}\) means that \(\mathbf{A}\) is an \(m\times n\) sized complex or real-number matrix. \(\mathbf{A}\sim\mathcal{CN}(\mathbf{0},\mathbf{V})\) or \(\mathbf{A}\sim\mathcal{N}(\mathbf{0},\mathbf{V})\) illustrates that \(\mathbf{A}\) obeys complex normal or normal distribution with mean of zero and covariance matrix of \(\mathbf{V}\). \(\mathbf{A}\succeq\mathbf{0}\) means that \(\mathbf{A}\) is positive semidefinite. \(\mathbb{E}_\mathbf{x}[\mathbf{A}]\) denotes the expectation of \(\mathbf{A}\) on the random variable \(\mathbf{x}\) if \(\mathbf{A}\) is a stochastic matrix in relation to \(\mathbf{x}\). \(\mathbf{I}_n\) and \(\mathbf{\Gamma}_n\) symbolize \(n\times n\) sized identity matrix and \(n\times n\) sized matrix with all elements of 1, respectively. \(\mathbf{1}\) stands for the unit row vector with all elements of 1. \(\Delta=b^2-4ac\) represents the discriminant of the quadratic function \(f\left(x\right)=ax^2+bx+c\). \(g(x)=\mathcal{O}(f(x))\) signifies that \(|g(x)/f(x)|\) is bounded when \(x\rightarrow\infty\). \(\lim_{x\to\infty}f(x)\) is represented by \(f(x)|_{x\rightarrow\infty}\) throughout the whole paper.
# Communication System Model
In this article, the considered wireless communication system (Figure [\[Fig-1\]](#Fig-1){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig-1"}) includes a signal-emitting source (e.g. the base station, BS), an IRS with \(N\) passive reflecting elements, an IRS controller and a signal-receiving destination (e.g. the user equipment, UE). The signal-emitting source, assumed to be equipped with single antenna, transmits the modulated signals with an average signal power of \(\sqrt{P}\). The IRS induces reconfigurable phase shifts, which are adjusted by the IRS controller based on the channel state information (CSI), on the impinging signals, and reflects the coming signal waves to the destination. The signal-receiving destination, also equipped with single antenna, receives the directly arrived signals from the source and passively reflected signals from the IRS. Generally, due to the non-ideality of the hardware, the received signal is disturbed by the HWI which universally exists in the real-world communication devices. In this considered system, the HWI appears at both the IRS and the signal transceivers. First, the HWI at the IRS is modelled as a random diagonal phase error matrix, which involves \(N\) random phase errors induced by the intrinsic hardware imperfection of the passive reflectors, or by the imprecision of the channel estimation. It is expressed as \[\mathbf{\Theta}_E=diag\left(e^{j\theta_{E1}},e^{j\theta_{E2}},\ldots,e^{j\theta_{EN}}\right)\] where \(j^2=-1\); \(\theta_{Ei}\), for \(i=1,2,\ldots,N\), are random phase errors uniformly distributed on \(\left[-\pi/2,\pi/2\right]\). Then, the HWIs at the signal transceivers primarily include the additive distortion noise, the multiplicative phase drift and the amplified thermal noise, which create a mismatch between the intended signal and the practically generated signal, or create a distortion on the received signal during the reception processing. The distortion noises, generated by the transmitter and the receiver due to the insufficiency of the accurate modelling, the time-variant characteristics, *et al*., are modelled as \(\eta_t(t)\sim\mathcal{CN}(0,\Upsilon_t)\) and \(\eta_r(t)\sim\mathcal{CN}(0,V_r)\), respectively, where \(\Upsilon_t\) and \(V_r\) will be given in ([\[Upsilon_t\]](#Upsilon_t){reference-type="ref" reference="Upsilon_t"}) and ([\[V_r\]](#V_r){reference-type="ref" reference="V_r"}). The multiplicative phase drift caused by the local oscillator at the receiver is modelled as \(\phi(t)=e^{j\psi(t)}\), with its expectation given by \(\mathbb{E}[\phi(t)]=e^{-\frac{1}{2}\delta t}\), where \(\delta\) denotes the oscillator quality, and \(\psi(t)\) follows a Wiener process: \[\psi(t)\sim\mathcal{N}(\psi(t-1),\delta)\] The amplified thermal noise, aroused by the mixers at the receiver and by the interference leakage from other frequency bands or wireless networks, is modelled as \(w'(t)\sim\mathcal{CN}(0,\sigma_{w'}^2)\), with \(\sigma_{w'}^2\) being the thermal noise variance. Therefore, referring to Eq. (2) in and Eq. (3) in , the received signal disturbed by HWI is modelled as \[\label{eq2-12} y(t)=\phi(t)\left(\mathbf{h}_{IU}^T\mathbf{\Phi}\mathbf{\Theta}_E\mathbf{h}_{SI}+h_{SU}\right)\left[\sqrt Ps(t)+\eta_t(t)\right]+\eta_r(t)+w(t)\] where \(s(t)\) stands for the unit-power signal symbol at time \(t\) with \(\mathbb{E}\left[s(t)s^*(t)\right]=1\); \(w(t)\sim\mathcal{CN}\left(0,\sigma_w^2\right)\) denotes the receiver noise, whose variance \(\sigma_w^2\), according to, satisfies \(\sigma_w^2=F\sigma_{w'}^2\), with \(F>1\) being the noise amplification factor; \(\mathbf{\Phi}=\alpha\times diag\left(e^{j\theta_1},e^{j\theta_2},\ldots,e^{j\theta_N}\right)\) represents the phase shifting matrix of the IRS, where \(\alpha\in(0,1]\) is the fixed amplitude reflection coefficient and \(\theta_i\), for \(i=1,2,\ldots,N\), are the adjustable phase-shift variables of the IRS; \(h_{SU}=\sqrt{\mu_{SU}}e^{j\varphi_{SU}}\) represents the channel coefficient from the source to the destination, where \(\sqrt{\mu_{SU}}\) and \(\varphi_{SU}\) are the power attenuation coefficient and the phase shift of \(h_{SU}\); \(\mathbf{h}_{IU}\in\mathbb{C}^{N\times 1}\) and \(\mathbf{h}_{SI}\in\mathbb{C}^{N\times1}\) are the channel coefficients from the IRS to the destination and from the source to the IRS, respectively, which are expressed as \[\mathbf{h}_{IU}=\sqrt{\mu_{IU}}\left(e^{j\varphi_{IU,1}},e^{j\varphi_{IU,2}},\ldots,e^{j\varphi_{IU,N}}\right)^T\] \[\mathbf{h}_{SI}=\sqrt{\mu_{SI}}\left(e^{j\varphi_{SI,1}},e^{j\varphi_{SI,2}},\ldots,e^{j\varphi_{SI,N}}\right)^T\] where \(\sqrt{\mu_{IU}}\) and \(\sqrt{\mu_{SI}}\) are the power attenuation coefficients of \(\mathbf{h}_{IU}\) and \(\mathbf{h}_{SI}\); \(\varphi_{IU,i}\) and \(\varphi_{SI,i}\), for \(i=1,2,\ldots,N\), are the phase shifts of \(\mathbf{h}_{IU}\) and \(\mathbf{h}_{SI}\). As the distortion noises are proportional to the signal power, we have \[\label{Upsilon_t} \Upsilon_t=\kappa_tP \mathbb{E}\left[s(t)s^*(t)\right]\] \[\label{V_r} V_r=\kappa_rP\left|\phi(t)\left(\mathbf{h}_{IU}^T\mathbf{\Phi}\mathbf{\Theta}_E\mathbf{h}_{SI}+h_{SU}\right)\right|^2 \mathbb{E}\left[s(t)s^*(t)\right]\] where \(\kappa_t\) and \(\kappa_r\) represent the proportionality coefficients which describe the severities of the distortion noises at the transmitter and the receiver, respectively. For this communication system, we will derive the approximate closed-form ACR expression and the IRS utility in relation to \(N\) in the presence of HWI, and analyse the ACR and utility degradations caused by HWI in the next section.
# ACR Analysis with HWI
Based on the signal model in ([\[eq2-12\]](#eq2-12){reference-type="ref" reference="eq2-12"}), we will analyse the ACR and the IRS utility of the considered IRS-aided communication system in the presence of HWI. Here we assume that the phase information in the cascaded source-IRS-destination channel model is already estimated before \(\mathbf{\Phi}\) is adjusted, so that \(\left(\varphi_{IU,i}+\varphi_{SI,i}\right)\), for \(i=1,2,\ldots,N\), are known for the IRS phase shift controller. This can be realized via some existing channel estimation techniques in e.g. , which estimated the cascaded channel, and, which designed robust and effective channel estimation frameworks based on the PARAllel FACtor (PARAFAC). In ([\[eq2-12\]](#eq2-12){reference-type="ref" reference="eq2-12"}), \(\mathbf{h}_{IU}^T\mathbf{\Phi}\mathbf{\Theta}_E\mathbf{h}_{SI}\) is maximized if each phase shift of the IRS is adjusted into \(\theta_i=-\left(\varphi_{IU,i}+\varphi_{SI,i}\right)\), for \(i=1,2,\ldots,N\), to compensate for the phase shifts in \(\mathbf{h}_{IU}\) and \(\mathbf{h}_{SI}\). As a result, when \(\theta_i=-\left(\varphi_{IU,i}+\varphi_{SI,i}\right)\), the received signal affected by HWI is expressed as \[\label{eq2-7} y(t)=\phi(t)\left(\alpha\mathbf{g}_{IU}^T\mathbf{\Theta}_E\mathbf{g}_{SI}+h_{SU}\right)\left[\sqrt Ps(t)+\eta_t(t)\right]+\eta_r(t)+w(t)\] where \(\mathbf{g}_{IU}=\sqrt{\mu_{IU}}\mathbf{1}^T\) and \(\mathbf{g}_{SI}=\sqrt{\mu_{SI}}\mathbf{1}^T\). Accordingly, the ACR with HWI is expressed as \[\label{eq2-16} \begin{split} R_{HWI}\left(N\right)&=\log_2\left\{1+\frac{P\left|\phi(t)\left(\alpha\mathbf{g}_{IU}^T\mathbf{\Theta}_E\mathbf{g}_{SI}+h_{SU}\right)\right|^2}{P(\kappa_t+\kappa_r)\left|\phi(t)\left(\alpha\mathbf{g}_{IU}^T\mathbf{\Theta}_E\mathbf{g}_{SI}+h_{SU}\right)\right|^2+\sigma_w^2}\right\} \end{split}\] Based on ([\[eq2-16\]](#eq2-16){reference-type="ref" reference="eq2-16"}), we obtain the following theorem.
Subsequently, for theoretically evaluating the impact that the HWI has on the ACR and the IRS utility, we further calculate the rate gap, defined by \(\delta_R(N)=R(N)-\overline{R_{HWI}}\left(N\right)\), and the utility gap, defined by \(\delta_{\gamma}(N)=\gamma(N)-\gamma_{HWI}(N)\) in the following **Lemma 1**, where \(R(N)\) and \(\gamma(N)\), denoting the ACR and the IRS utility without HWI, will be given in the proof.
**Theorem 1** demonstrates that: 1) although the \(\overline{R_{HWI}}\left(N\right)\) increases with \(N\), the proportionality coefficient \(\beta\) on \(N^2\) in \(\overline{R_{HWI}}\left(N\right)\) is smaller than \(\alpha^2\mu_{IU}\mu_{SI}\) in \(R(N)\), hinting that \(\overline{R_{HWI}}\left(N\right)\) rises more slowly than \(R(N)\). 2) When \(N\rightarrow\infty\), the \(\overline{R_{HWI}}\left(N\right)\) is limited by \[\label{R_HWI Upper Bound} \left.\overline{R_{HWI}}\left(N\right)\right|_{N\rightarrow\infty}=\log_2\left(1+\frac{1}{\kappa_t+\kappa_r}\right)\] which signifies that even if \(N\) becomes significantly large or tends to be infinite, the potential growth of \(\overline{R_{HWI}}\left(N\right)\) will be primarily restricted by \(\kappa_t\) and \(\kappa_r\) of the HWI at the signal transceivers. On the contrary, \(R(N)\) continuously ascends without bound as \(N\) grows. 3) The \(\gamma_{HWI}(N)\) is inversely proportional to \(\mathcal{O}(N^3)\), which indicates that the IRS utility with HWI descends as \(N\) grows, and is close to zero when \(N\rightarrow\infty\). This implies that if \(N\) is extremely large or nearly infinite, adding more passive reflecting elements will contribute to little ACR improvement when there exists HWI. **Lemma 1** illustrates that: 1) the rate gap \(\delta_R(N)>0\) for \(N>0\), which indicates that the ACR is degraded by HWI. 2) The \(\delta_R(N)\) increases with \(N\), because the numerator inside \(\log_2(.)\) contains \(\chi\varpi\) which is proportional to \(\mathcal{O}(N^4)\), while the denominator inside \(\log_2(.)\) merely involves \(\chi\) which is proportional to \(\mathcal{O}(N^2)\). This implies that as \(N\) grows, the IRS-aided wireless communication system will suffer from more serious ACR degradation. 3) The utility gap \(\delta_{\gamma}(N)>0\), because by expanding \(\left(\frac{\partial\varpi}{\partial N}\chi-\frac{\partial\chi}{\partial N}\varpi\right)\) and \(\left(\frac{\partial\varpi}{\partial N}-\frac{\partial\chi}{\partial N}\right)\) in ([\[Utility Degradation\]](#Utility Degradation){reference-type="ref" reference="Utility Degradation"}), we have \[\begin{split} &\left(\frac{\partial\varpi}{\partial N}\chi-\frac{\partial\chi}{\partial N}\varpi\right)= \frac{4\alpha^2\mu_{IU}\mu_{SI}N^2}{\pi^2}\left[\left(\frac{\pi^2}{4}-1\right)\alpha^2\mu_{IU}\mu_{SI}+(\pi-2)\alpha\mu_{IU}^{\frac{1}{2}}\mu_{SI}^{\frac{1}{2}}\mu_{SU}^{\frac{1}{2}}\cos{(\varphi_{SU})} \right]+\\ &\left[\left(2-\frac{8}{\pi^2}\right)N+\frac{4}{\pi^2}-1\right]\alpha^2\mu_{IU}\mu_{SI}\mu_{SU}+ \left(2-\frac{4}{\pi}\right)\alpha\mu_{IU}^{\frac{1}{2}}\mu_{SI}^{\frac{1}{2}}\mu_{SU}^{\frac{3}{2}}\cos{(\varphi_{SU})}>0 \end{split}\] \[\begin{split} \left(\frac{\partial\varpi}{\partial N}-\frac{\partial\chi}{\partial N}\right)=(2N-1)\left(1-\frac{4}{\pi^2}\right)\alpha^2\mu_{IU}\mu_{SI}+\left(2-\frac{4}{\pi}\right)\alpha\mu_{IU}^{\frac{1}{2}}\mu_{SI}^{\frac{1}{2}}\mu_{SU}^{\frac{1}{2}}\cos{(\varphi_{SU})}>0 \end{split}\] This reveals that the IRS utility will be also degraded by HWI to some extent. It is notable that the results in **Theorem 1** and **Lemma 1** are derived on the basis of \(\theta_i=-\left(\varphi_{IU,i}+\varphi_{SI,i}\right)\), which is configured to compensate for the phase shifts in \(\mathbf{h}_{IU}\) and \(\mathbf{h}_{SI}\). However, \(\theta_i=-\left(\varphi_{IU,i}+\varphi_{SI,i}\right)\) might not be optimal in this considered wireless propagation environment, as it does not take the phase shift in \(h_{SU}\) into account. Thus, in Section IV, we will optimize the IRS phase shifts and reconfigure the phase shifting matrix to obtain the maximum ACR in the presence of HWI.
# Phase Shift Optimization
Instead of configuring \(\theta_i=-\left(\varphi_{IU,i}+\varphi_{SI,i}\right)\) to evaluate the ACR, we will formulate the optimization problem to optimize the IRS phase shifts with HWI in this section.
## Problem Formulation and Transformation
Here, we retrospect ([\[eq2-12\]](#eq2-12){reference-type="ref" reference="eq2-12"}), from which we obtain the ACR with HWI:
\[\label{original ACR with HWI} \begin{split} R_{\mathbf{\Phi},HWI}\left(N\right)&=\log_2\left\{1+\frac{P\left|\phi(t)\left(\mathbf{h}_{IU}^T\mathbf{\Phi}\mathbf{\Theta}_E\mathbf{h}_{SI}+h_{SU}\right)\right|^2}{P(\kappa_t+\kappa_r)\left|\phi(t)\left(\mathbf{h}_{IU}^T\mathbf{\Phi}\mathbf{\Theta}_E\mathbf{h}_{SI}+h_{SU}\right)\right|^2+\sigma_w^2}\right\} \end{split}\] Therefore, aiming at maximizing the received SNR, we can formulate the phase shift optimization problem as
However, the objective function (OBF) in ([\[original problem\]](#original problem){reference-type="ref" reference="original problem"}a) is non-concave with respect to \(\mathbf{\Phi}\), and the constraint in ([\[original problem\]](#original problem){reference-type="ref" reference="original problem"}b) is non-convex. Thus, inspired by, we will convert (P1) into another solvable form.
Let \(\mathbf{D}_{IU}\) denote a diagonal matrix expressed as \(\mathbf{D}_{IU}=diag\left(\mathbf{h}_{IU}\right)\), and \(\bm{\theta}\) denote a column vector expressed as \(\bm{\theta}=\alpha\left(e^{j\theta_1},e^{j\theta_2},\ldots,e^{j\theta_N}\right)^T\). Then, we have \(\bm{\theta}^T\mathbf{D}_{IU}=\mathbf{h}_{IU}^T\mathbf{\Phi}\). By replacing \(\mathbf{h}_{IU}^T\mathbf{\Phi}\) with \(\bm{\theta}^T\mathbf{D}_{IU}\), we expand ([\[original ACR with HWI\]](#original ACR with HWI){reference-type="ref" reference="original ACR with HWI"}) into \[\label{eq2-22} R_{\bm{\theta},HWI}\left(N\right)=\log_2{\left\{1+\frac{P\left(Z+||h_{SU}||_2^2\right)}{P(\kappa_t+\kappa_r)\left(Z+||h_{SU}||_2^2\right)+\sigma_w^2}\right\}}\] where \(Z=\mathbf{h}_{SI}^H\mathbf{\Theta}_E^H\mathbf{D}_{IU}^H\bm{\theta}^*\bm{\theta}^T\mathbf{D}_{IU}\mathbf{\Theta}_E\mathbf{h}_{SI}+\mathbf{h}_{SI}^H\mathbf{\Theta}_E^H\mathbf{D}_{IU}^H\bm{\theta}^*h_{SU}+h_{SU}^*\bm{\theta}^T\mathbf{D}_{IU}\mathbf{\Theta}_E\mathbf{h}_{SI}\). Let \(\mathbf{a}\) be defined by \(\mathbf{a}=\left(\bm{\theta}^T,1\right)^H\). We can rewrite \(Z\) as \(Z=\mathbf{a}^H\mathbf{\Xi}\mathbf{a}\), where \[\label{eq2-24} \mathbf{\Xi}=\left(\begin{matrix}\mathbf{D}_{IU}\mathbf{\Theta}_E\mathbf{h}_{SI}\mathbf{h}_{SI}^H\mathbf{\Theta}_E^H\mathbf{D}_{IU}^H&h_{SU}^*\mathbf{D}_{IU}\mathbf{\Theta}_E\mathbf{h}_{SI}\\\mathbf{h}_{SI}^H\mathbf{\Theta}_E^H\mathbf{D}_{IU}^Hh_{SU}&0\\\end{matrix}\right)\] Therefore, \(R_{\bm{\theta},HWI}\left(N\right)\) can be simplified into \[\label{eq2-25} \begin{split} R_{\bm{\theta},HWI}\left(N\right)=&\log_2{\left\{1+\frac{P\left(\mathbf{a}^H\mathbf{\Xi}\mathbf{a}+||h_{SU}||_2^2\right)}{P(\kappa_t+\kappa_r)\left(\mathbf{a}^H\mathbf{\Xi}\mathbf{a}+||h_{SU}||_2^2\right)+\sigma_w^2}\right\}} \\ =&\log_2{\left\{1+\frac{P\left[tr(\mathbf{\Xi}\mathbf{X})+||h_{SU}||_2^2\right]}{P(\kappa_t+\kappa_r)\left[tr(\mathbf{\Xi}\mathbf{X})+||h_{SU}||_2^2\right]+\sigma_w^2}\right\}} \end{split}\] where \[\label{eq2-26} \mathbf{X}=\mathbf{a}\mathbf{a}^H=\left(\begin{matrix}\bm{\theta}^*\bm{\theta}^T&\bm{\theta}^*\\\bm{\theta}^T&1\\\end{matrix}\right)\in\mathbb{C}^{\left(N+1\right)\times\left(N+1\right)}\] Then, the optimization problem is formulated as
which is still non-convex due to the complicated non-concave OBF in ([\[converted problem 1\]](#converted problem 1){reference-type="ref" reference="converted problem 1"}a) and the non-convex module constraint in ([\[converted problem 1\]](#converted problem 1){reference-type="ref" reference="converted problem 1"}b). Here, from \(\bm{\theta}^*\bm{\theta}^T\) in ([\[eq2-26\]](#eq2-26){reference-type="ref" reference="eq2-26"}), it can be realized that the diagonal entries in \(\mathbf{X}\) embody the modules of the elements in \(\bm{\theta}\). Thus, we define a simple matrix \(\mathbf{E}_n\), whose \((i,j)\)-th element is given by \[\label{eq2-28} \left[\mathbf{E}_n\right]_{(i,j)}=\left\{\begin{matrix}1,\ \ \ \ \ i=j=n\\0,\ \ \ \ otherwise\\\end{matrix}\right.\] As a result, the optimization problem is converted into
where the constraint in ([\[converted problem 2\]](#converted problem 2){reference-type="ref" reference="converted problem 2"}b) is transformed from the module constraint of \(\left|\left[\bm{\theta}\right]_n\right|^2=\left[\bm{\theta}^*\bm{\theta}^T\right]_{(n,n)}=\mathbf{a}^H\mathbf{E}_n\mathbf{a}=tr\left(\mathbf{E}_n\mathbf{X}\right)=\alpha^2\), for \(n=1,2\ldots N\); the constraint in ([\[converted problem 2\]](#converted problem 2){reference-type="ref" reference="converted problem 2"}c) is transformed from \(\left[\mathbf{X}\right]_{(N+1,N+1)}=1\); the constraint in ([\[converted problem 2\]](#converted problem 2){reference-type="ref" reference="converted problem 2"}d) is responsible for strictly guaranteeing that 1) the resolved \(\mathbf{X}\) can be decomposed into \(\mathbf{X}=\mathbf{a}\mathbf{a}^H\), and 2) the solution of the phase shift in \(\bm{\theta}\) in the resolved \(\mathbf{X}\) is equivalent to the solution of the phase shift in \(\mathbf{\Phi}\) in (P1). Nevertheless, (P3) is still non-convex and is difficult to solve. Therefore, the problem transformation should be further performed. Thanks to the Charnes-Cooper transformation
, let \(\mathbf{Y}\) and \(\mu\) be defined by \(\mathbf{Y}=\mu\mathbf{X}\) and \(\mu=\frac{1}{tr(\mathbf{\Xi}\mathbf{X})+||h_{SU}||_2^2+\frac{\sigma_w^2}{P\left(\kappa_t+\kappa_r\right)}}\). Then, the OBF in ([\[converted problem 2\]](#converted problem 2){reference-type="ref" reference="converted problem 2"}a) is expressed as \(\frac{1}{\left(\kappa_t+\kappa_r\right)}\times\left[tr(\mathbf{\Xi}\mathbf{Y})+\mu||h_{SU}||_2^2\right]\). Therefore, (P3) is transformed into
Although (P4) is still non-convex due to the non-convex ([\[converted problem 3\]](#converted problem 3){reference-type="ref" reference="converted problem 3"}e), it can be relaxed if the constraint of \(rank(\mathbf{Y})=1\) is omitted. Hence, the relaxed problem is formulated as
which is currently a SDP problem and can be solved by existing techniques. However, the matrix \(\mathbf{\Xi}\) involves the stochastic phase errors, which are generally unknown due to their randomness and prevent us from predetermining \(\mathbf{\Xi}\) and obtaining the solution in reality. In view of this issue, we will further calculate the expectation of \(\mathbf{\Xi}\), denoted by \(\mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{\Theta}_E}\left[\mathbf{\Xi}\right]\), in order to facilitate the optimization procedure and achieve a statistical average optimization result.
## Expectation of \(\mathbf{\Xi}\)
According to ([\[eq2-24\]](#eq2-24){reference-type="ref" reference="eq2-24"}), \(\mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{\Theta}_E}\left[\mathbf{\Xi}\right]\) can be written as \[\label{eq2-29} \mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{\Theta}_E}\left[\mathbf{\Xi}\right]= \mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{v}_E}\left[\mathbf{\Xi}\right]= \left(\begin{matrix}\mathbf{D}_{IU}\mathbf{D}_{SI}\mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{v}_E}\!\!\left[\mathbf{v}_E\mathbf{v}_E^H\right]\mathbf{D}_{SI}^H\mathbf{D}_{IU}^H&h_{SU}^*\mathbf{D}_{IU}\mathbf{D}_{SI}\mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{v}_E}\!\!\left[\mathbf{v}_E\right]\\\mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{v}_E}\!\!\left[\mathbf{v}_E^H\right]\mathbf{D}_{SI}^H\mathbf{D}_{IU}^Hh_{SU}&0\\\end{matrix}\right)\] where \(\mathbf{D}_{SI}=diag(\mathbf{h}_{SI})\) and \(\mathbf{v}_E=\left(e^{j\theta_{E1}},e^{j\theta_{E2}},\ldots,e^{j\theta_{EN}}\right)^T\). \(\mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{v}_E}\left[\mathbf{v}_E\mathbf{v}_E^H\right]\), which is expressed as \[\label{eq2-30} \begin{split} \mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{v}_E}\left[\mathbf{v}_E\mathbf{v}_E^H\right]= \left(\begin{matrix}\begin{matrix}1&\mathbb{E}_{\delta_{\theta}}\!\!\left[e^{j\theta_{E1}-j\theta_{E2}}\right]\\\mathbb{E}_{\delta_{\theta}}\!\!\left[e^{j\theta_{E2}-j\theta_{E1}}\right]&1\\\end{matrix}&\begin{matrix}\cdots&\mathbb{E}_{\delta_{\theta}}\!\!\left[e^{j\theta_{E1}-j\theta_{EN}}\right]\\\cdots&\mathbb{E}_{\delta_{\theta}}\!\!\left[e^{j\theta_{E2}-j\theta_{EN}}\right]\\\end{matrix}\\\begin{matrix}\vdots&\vdots\\\mathbb{E}_{\delta_{\theta}}\!\!\left[e^{j\theta_{EN}-j\theta_{E1}}\right]&\mathbb{E}_{\delta_{\theta}}\!\!\left[e^{j\theta_{EN}-j\theta_{E2}}\right]\\\end{matrix}&\begin{matrix}\ddots&\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \vdots\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\cdots&\ \ \ 1\ \ \ \\\end{matrix}\\\end{matrix}\right) \end{split}\] represents the autocorrelation matrix of \(\mathbf{v}_E\), where \(\delta_{\theta}=\theta_{Ei}-\theta_{Ej}\) obeys triangular distribution on \([-\pi,\pi]\) as \(\theta_{Ei}\) obeys uniform distribution on \(\left[-\pi/2,\pi/2\right]\) (detailed in Appendix A). Because \(\mathbb{E}_{\delta_{\theta}}\left[e^{j\theta_{Ei}-j\theta_{Ej}}\right]=\mathbb{E}_{\delta_{\theta}}\left[e^{j\delta_{\theta}}\right]=\int_{-\pi}^{\pi}{f\left(\delta_{\theta}\right)e^{j\delta_{\theta}}d\delta_{\theta}}=4/\pi^2\), where \(f\left(\delta_{\theta}\right)\), expressed as ([\[eq-A6\]](#eq-A6){reference-type="ref" reference="eq-A6"}) in Appendix A, is the probability density function of \(\delta_{\theta}\), we have \(\mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{v}_E}\left[\mathbf{v}_E\mathbf{v}_E^H\right]=\mathbf{I}_N+\mathbf{J}\), where the \((i,j)\)-th element in the matrix \(\mathbf{J}\) is expressed as \[\left[\mathbf{J}\right]_{(i,j)}=\left\{ \begin{matrix} 0,\ \ \ i=j\\ \frac{4}{\pi^2},\ \ i\neq j \end{matrix} \right.\] Moreover, because \(\mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{v}_E}\left[\mathbf{v}_E\right] =\left(\mathbb{E}_{\theta_{Ei}}\!\!\left[e^{j\theta_{E1}}\right],\mathbb{E}_{\theta_{Ei}}\!\!\left[e^{j\theta_{E2}}\right],\ldots,\mathbb{E}_{\theta_{Ei}}\!\!\left[e^{j\theta_{EN}}\right]\right)^T\) and \(\mathbb{E}_{\theta_{Ei}}\left[e^{j\theta_{Ei}}\right] =\int_{-\frac{\pi}{2}}^{\frac{\pi}{2}}{f(\theta_{Ei})e^{j\theta_{Ei}}d\theta_{Ei}} =\int_{-\frac{\pi}{2}}^{\frac{\pi}{2}}{f(\theta_{Ei})(cos\theta_{Ei}+jsin\theta_{Ei})d\theta_{Ei}} =2/\pi\) for \(i=1,2...,N\), where \(f\left(\theta_{Ei}\right)=1/\pi\) is the probability density function of \(\theta_{Ei}\), we have \(\mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{v}_E}\left[\mathbf{v}_E\right]=\left(2/\pi\right)\mathbf{1}^T\). By substituting \(\mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{v}_E}\left[\mathbf{v}_E\mathbf{v}_E^H\right]=\mathbf{I}_N+\mathbf{J}\) and \(\mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{v}_E}\left[\mathbf{v}_E\right]=\left(2/\pi\right)\mathbf{1}^T\) into ([\[eq2-29\]](#eq2-29){reference-type="ref" reference="eq2-29"}), we have \[\label{eq2-35} \mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{\Theta}_E}\left[\mathbf{\Xi}\right]=\left(\begin{matrix}\mathbf{D}_{IU}\mathbf{D}_{SI}(\mathbf{I}_N+\mathbf{J})\mathbf{D}_{SI}^H\mathbf{D}_{IU}^H&\frac{2}{\pi}h_{SU}^*\mathbf{D}_{IU}\mathbf{D}_{SI}\mathbf{1}^T\\\frac{2}{\pi}\mathbf{1}\mathbf{D}_{SI}^H\mathbf{D}_{IU}^Hh_{SU}&0\\\end{matrix}\right)\] Consequently, by replacing \(\mathbf{\Xi}\) in (P5) with \(\mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{\Theta}_E}\left[\mathbf{\Xi}\right]\), we obtain
where \(\widetilde{\mu}=\frac{1}{tr(\mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{\Theta}_E}\left[\mathbf{\Xi}\right]\mathbf{X})+||h_{SU}||_2^2+\frac{\sigma_w^2}{P\left(\kappa_t+\kappa_r\right)}}\). Currently, because the matrix \(\mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{\Theta}_E}\left[\mathbf{\Xi}\right]\) in the OBF and constraints only includes the channel coefficients, which can be estimated via existing channel estimation techniques, it is easy for us to configure \(\mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{\Theta}_E}\left[\mathbf{\Xi}\right]\), which assists us in completing the phase shift optimization in terms of maximizing the average SNR in the presence of HWI. It is remarkable that after (P6) is solved, the \(\bm{\theta}^T\) in the \((N+1)\)-th row of the \(\mathbf{X}=\widetilde{\mu}^{-1}\mathbf{Y}\) in the solution can be extracted to reconstruct \(\mathbf{Y}\) based on ([\[eq2-26\]](#eq2-26){reference-type="ref" reference="eq2-26"}) and \(\mathbf{Y}=\widetilde{\mu}\mathbf{X}\). If the reconstructed \(\mathbf{Y}\), denoted by \(\mathbf{Y}_r\), satisfies \(\mathbf{Y}_r=\mathbf{Y}\) and \(rank(\mathbf{Y}_r)=1\), the \(\bm{\theta}^T\) can be regarded as the optimal phase shift vector. As a result, we will test the values in \(\mathbf{Y}_r\) and the rank of \(\mathbf{Y}_r\) in the simulations in Section VI, in order to investigate whether the optimal IRS phase shifts can be acquired from \(\bm{\theta}^T\) in the \((N+1)\)-th row of the \(\mathbf{X}=\widetilde{\mu}^{-1}\mathbf{Y}\) in the solution of the relaxed problem. In addition, after the phase shift optimization process, two possible factors may still remain and influence the performance. 1) Most channel estimation methods suffer from estimation errors, which lead to imperfect CSI of \(\mathbf{h}_{IU}\), \(\mathbf{h}_{SI}\) and \(h_{SU}\). Based on the imperfect CSI, we can only construct an inaccurate \(\mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{\Theta}_E}\left[\mathbf{\Xi}\right]\), and then acquire a non-optimal phase shift vector. 2) Due to the inherent hardware imperfection, synchronization offset and estimation accuracy limit in the real world, the optimized phase values may not be precisely obtained. In this case, we may actually obtain \(\widetilde{\bm{\theta}}^T=\bm{\theta}^T\odot\bm{\theta}_p^T\) instead of \(\bm{\theta}^T\) after the optimization, where \(\bm{\theta}_p=(e^{j\theta_{p1}},e^{j\theta_{p2}}...,e^{j\theta_{pN}})^T\) denotes a residual phase noise vector with \(\theta_{pi}\) being the \(i\)-th random residual phase noise, which may disturb \(\bm{\theta}^T\) and affect the optimization performance. The performance degradation caused by the aforementioned two factors is worth to be discussed. Thus, we will present the discussions on them in Section VI. \(\ \)
# Comparisons with DF Relay
The DF relay is a conventional active approach which is also applied for data transmission enhancement in the wireless communication network. Hence, it is necessary to compare the performance of the IRS with that of the DF relay in the same situation. It was already confirmed that the ideal-hardware IRS equipped with a large number of reflecting units could help the wireless communication system provide higher ACR than the ideal-hardware DF relay equipped with one antenna. However, the comparisons in were made in consideration of single-antenna DF relay and multiple-unit IRS without HWI. Note that as \(N\) grows, the average ACR of the multiple-unit IRS-aided communication system increases, while that of the single-antenna DF relay assisted communication system remains constant under a certain condition. This might be unfair for the DF relay during the comparisons. Therefore, in this section, we will compare the performances of the IRS with \(N\) passive reflecting units and the DF relay with \(N\) active antennas, for the purpose of exploring whether the IRS can still possess advantages in ACR and utility over the multiple-antenna DF relay when there exists HWI. Before the comparisons, determining the exact closed-form ACR of the multiple-antenna DF relay assisted communication system with respect to \(N\) in the presence of HWI, is a hard nut to crack, as the channel coefficients include random phase shifts, which cannot be compensated by the DF relay. Fortunately, we realize that the source-to-relay and the relay-to-destination channels can similarly be regarded as the uplink and downlink channels modelled in, which assists us in establishing the *closed-form upper bound* of the ACR in relation to \(N\) for the multiple-antenna DF relay supported communication system. Let \(\mathbf{h}_{SR}\), \(\mathbf{h}_{RU}\) and \(h_{SU}\) denote the source-to-relay, relay-to-destination and source-to-destination channels, respectively. For comparing, we assume that \(\mathbf{h}_{SR}=\mathbf{h}_{SI}\), \(\mathbf{h}_{RU}=\mathbf{h}_{IU}\), and the receiver noises at the DF relay and the destination terminal have the same variance of \(\sigma_w^2\). If the HWI appears at the source transmitter, the DF relay and the destination receiver, according to Eq. (6) and Eq. (2) in , the signals received by the DF relay and the destination terminal are modelled as \[\label{eq2-47} \mathbf{y}_{DF}(t)=\mathbf{h}_{SR}\left[\sqrt{P_1}s(t)+\eta_t(t)\right]+\bm{\eta}_{r_{DF}}(t)+\mathbf{w}_{DF}(t)\] and \[\label{eq2-48} y_{U1}(t)=\mathbf{h}_{RU}\left[\sqrt{P_2}\mathbf{s}(t)+\bm{\eta}_{t_{DF}}(t)\right]+\eta_{r1}(t)+w(t)\] \[\label{eq2-49} y_{U2}(t)=h_{SU}\left[\sqrt{P_1}s(t)+\eta_t(t)\right]+\eta_{r2}(t)+w(t)\] where \(P_1\) and \(P_2\) are the transmitting powers of the source and the DF relay under the constraint of \(P=\frac{P_1+P_2}{2}\); \(y_{U1}(t)\) and \(y_{U2}(t)\) are the signals received by the destination terminal through channel \(\mathbf{h}_{RU}\) and \(h_{SU}\), respectively; \(\mathbf{w}_{DF}(t)\sim\mathcal{CN}(\mathbf{0},\sigma_w^2\mathbf{I})\) and \(w(t)\sim\mathcal{CN}(0,\sigma_w^2)\) are the receiver noises at the DF relay and the destination terminal; \(\eta_t(t)\sim\mathcal{CN}(0,\Upsilon_t)\), \(\bm{\eta}_{r_{DF}}(t)\sim\mathcal{CN}(\mathbf{0},\mathbf{V}_{r_{DF}})\), \(\bm{\eta}_{t_{DF}}(t)\sim\mathcal{CN}(\mathbf{0},\mathbf{\Upsilon}_{t_{DF}})\), \(\eta_{r1}(t)\sim\mathcal{CN}(0,V_{r1})\) and \(\eta_{r2}(t)\sim\mathcal{CN}(0,V_{r2})\) are the distortion noises at the source transmitter, the DF-relay receiver, the DF-relay transmitter and the destination receiver, respectively, with \(\Upsilon_t\), \(\mathbf{V}_{r_{DF}}\), \(\mathbf{\Upsilon}_{t_{DF}}\), \(V_{r1}\) and \(V_{r2}\) given by \[\Upsilon_t=\kappa_tP_1\mathbb{E}[s(t)s^*(t)]\] \[\mathbf{V}_{r_{DF}}=\kappa_{r_{DF}}P_1\mathbb{E}[s(t)s^*(t)]\times diag(|h_{SR,1}|^2...,|h_{SR,N}|^2)\] \[\mathbf{\Upsilon}_{t_{DF}}=\kappa_{t_{DF}}P_2\times diag\{\mathbb{E}[s_1(t)s_1^*(t)]...,\mathbb{E}[s_N(t)s_N^*(t)]\}\] \[V_{r1}=\kappa_{r1}P_2\mathbf{h}_{RU}^T\mathbb{E}[\mathbf{s}(t)\mathbf{s}^H(t)]\mathbf{h}_{RU}^*\] \[V_{r2}=\kappa_{r2}P_1 |h_{SU}|^2\mathbb{E}[s(t)s^*(t)]\] where \(\mathbf{s}(t)\) denotes the signal transmitted by the DF relay at time \(t\); \(s_i(t)\), for \(i=1,2...,N\), represents the \(i\)-th transmit symbol in \(\mathbf{s}(t)\), with \(\mathbb{E}[s_i(t)s_i^*(t)]=1\); \(\kappa_t\), \(\kappa_{r_{DF}}\), \(\kappa_{t_{DF}}\), \(\kappa_{r1}\) and \(\kappa_{r2}\) are the proportionality factors. For simple analysis, we consider that \(\kappa_{t_{DF}}=\kappa_t\) and \(\kappa_{r1}=\kappa_{r2}=\kappa_{r_{DF}}=\kappa_r\), as the hardware characteristics of the transceivers in the DF relay are similar to those in the source equipment and the destination terminal. Therefore, referring to Eq. (26), Eq. (27) in, and Eq. (15) in , the upper bound of the ACR of the multiple-antenna DF relay assisted communication system with HWI is expressed as \[\label{eq2-55} R_{HWI}^{DF}(N)= \frac{1}{2}\min{\left\{\mathfrak{A}(N),\mathfrak{B}(N)\right\}}\] where \[\label{eq-A} \mathfrak{A}(N)=\log_2\left(1+\frac{N\mu_{SI}}{\kappa_r\mu_{SI}+N\kappa_t\mu_{SI}+\frac{\sigma_w^2}{P_1} }\right)\] \[\label{eq-B} \mathfrak{B}(N)=\log_2\left(1+\frac{\mu_{SU}}{(\kappa_t+\kappa_r)\mu_{SU}+\frac{\sigma_w^2}{P_1}}+ \frac{N\mu_{IU}}{\kappa_t\mu_{IU}+N\kappa_r\mu_{IU}+\frac{\sigma_w^2}{P_2} }\right)\] Correspondingly, the utility of the multiple-antenna DF relay is expressed as \[\label{eq-DF Utility} \gamma_{HWI}^{DF}(N)= \left\{\begin{matrix} \frac{\kappa_r\mu_{SI}^2+\frac{\sigma_w^2}{P_1}\mu_{SI}} {2\left(\kappa_r\mu_{SI}+N\kappa_t\mu_{SI}+\frac{\sigma_w^2}{P_1}\right)\left(\kappa_r\mu_{SI}+N\kappa_t\mu_{SI}+\frac{\sigma_w^2}{P_1}+N\mu_{SI}\right)\ln2}, \ \ \mathfrak{A}(N)<\mathfrak{B}(N) \\ \frac{\kappa_t\mu_{IU}^2+\frac{\sigma_w^2}{P_2}\mu_{IU}} {2\left(1+\frac{\mu_{SU}}{(\kappa_t+\kappa_r)\mu_{SU}+\frac{\sigma_w^2}{P_1}}+ \frac{N\mu_{IU}}{\kappa_t\mu_{IU}+N\kappa_r\mu_{IU}+\frac{\sigma_w^2}{P_2}}\right) \left(\kappa_t\mu_{IU}+N\kappa_r\mu_{IU}+\frac{\sigma_w^2}{P_2}\right)^2 \ln2}, \ \ \mathfrak{A}(N)>\mathfrak{B}(N) \end{matrix}\right.\] For analysis convenience and symbol unification, we assume that \(\kappa_t+\kappa_r=\kappa\) with \(\kappa_t=\kappa_r=\frac{1}{2}\kappa\), and the total transmitting power of the DF relay assisted communication system (\(P_1+P_2=2P\)) is allocated by \(P_1=P_2=P\). Subsequently, in order to investigate whether the IRS is potentially capable of outperforming the DF relay in the presence of HWI, we will compare \(R_{HWI}^{DF}(N)\) in ([\[eq2-55\]](#eq2-55){reference-type="ref" reference="eq2-55"}) with \(\overline{R_{HWI}}(N)\) in ([\[eq2-17\]](#eq2-17){reference-type="ref" reference="eq2-17"}) from the perspective of scaling law, by considering first \(N\rightarrow\infty\) and then \(P\rightarrow\infty\) in the following **Lemma 2** and **Lemma 3**.
**Lemma 2** and **Lemma 3** demonstrate that: 1) when \(N\) becomes large enough, or when \(P\) is sufficiently high, the IRS can surpass the conventional multiple-antenna DF relay in terms of the ACR performance in the presence of HWI. 2) If \(N\rightarrow\infty\), both the utilities of the IRS and the multiple-antenna DF relay verge on zero, hinting that adding one more reflecting element on the IRS or one more antenna on the DF relay hardly improves the ACR. 3) When \(P\) is nearly infinite, the utility of the IRS is close to zero, while that of the multiple-antenna DF relay converges to a positive value, which indicates that adding one more antenna on the DF relay can still improve the ACR. This is because the IRS is passive and almost useless when \(P\rightarrow\infty\), which makes the line-of-sight (LoS) link infinitely strong, while the DF relay is active and consumes power when retransmitting the wireless signals, so that when \(P\rightarrow\infty\), each active antenna can always possess positive transmitting power and contribute to the data transmission enhancement. On this point, the multiple-antenna DF relay is more advantageous.
Moreover, it can be predicted that the IRS may possibly always outperform the multiple-antenna DF relay when the level of the transceiver HWI is high, because the HWI at the IRS is modelled as a phase error matrix which does not contain \(\kappa_t\) or \(\kappa_r\), while the HWI at the DF relay involves the distortion noises which contain the two terms. The DF relay may perform worse with higher \(\kappa_t+\kappa_r\) while the IRS may maintain the performance due to the fixed uniform distribution of the phase errors. Therefore, we will also derive the interval of \(\kappa_t+\kappa_r\), in which the IRS can always surpass the DF relay for all \(N>0\) in the following **Lemma 4**.
**Lemma 4** demonstrates that \(\kappa_t+\kappa_r\) determines whether the IRS can always outperform the DF relay for all \(N>0\) by a threshold \(\kappa_{th}\) in ([\[eq2-69\]](#eq2-69){reference-type="ref" reference="eq2-69"}), which is mainly decided by \(\mu_{SI}\), \(\mu_{IU}\), \(\mu_{SU}\), \(P\) and \(\sigma_w^2\). If \(P\rightarrow\infty\), we have \(\kappa_{th}\rightarrow 0\), which makes ([\[eq2-69\]](#eq2-69){reference-type="ref" reference="eq2-69"}) always hold and makes the IRS perform better for all \(N>0\) and \(\kappa_t+\kappa_r>0\) in terms of the ACR. The outcome is consistent with ([\[P_inf_ACR_Compare\]](#P_inf_ACR_Compare){reference-type="ref" reference="P_inf_ACR_Compare"}) in **Lemma 3**.
# Simulation Results
## System Setup and Parameter Setting
This section will numerically elaborate the results of the ACR and the IRS utility with or without HWI, and compare the performances of the IRS and the DF relay. As shown in Figure [\[Fig-coordinate\]](#Fig-coordinate){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig-coordinate"}, a two-dimensional plane in meters is established to indicate the positions of the source, the IRS and the destination, which are placed at \((0,15)\), \((50,15)\) and \((50,0)\). Regardless of the height, the distances between the source and the IRS (\(d_{SI}\)), the IRS and the destination (\(d_{IU}\)) and the source and the destination (\(d_{SU}\)) are \(d_{SI}=50\) \(m\), \(d_{IU}=15\) \(m\) and \(d_{SU}=\sqrt{d_{SI}^2+d_{IU}^2}\approx52.2\) \(m\), respectively. According to, the other parameters are set in Table I. Based on Table I, the power attenuation coefficients of channel \(\mathbf{h}_{IU}\) (or \(\mathbf{h}_{RU}\)), \(\mathbf{h}_{SI}\) (or \(\mathbf{h}_{SR}\)) and \(h_{SU}\) are derived by \(\sqrt{\mu_{IU}}=\sqrt{\zeta_0(d_0/d_{IU})^{\alpha_{IU}}}\), \(\sqrt{\mu_{SI}}=\sqrt{\zeta_0(d_0/d_{SI})^{\alpha_{SI}}}\) and \(\sqrt{\mu_{SU}}=\sqrt{\zeta_0(d_0/d_{SU})^{\alpha_{SU}}}\).
During the comparisons with DF relay, \(d_{SI}\), \(d_{IU}\) and \(d_{SU}\) are also regarded as the distances between the source and the DF relay, the DF relay and the destination, and the source and the destination, respectively, which still adhere to \(d_{SU}=\sqrt{d_{SI}^2+d_{IU}^2}\). The proportionality coefficients can be changed for diverse observations, but still satisfy \(\kappa_t=\kappa_r\).
## Numerical Illustrations for **Theorem 1** and **Lemma 1**
For further discussing and validating the theoretical analysis in Section III, we carry out the simulations via the following steps: *B-Step 1*: We calculate \(\overline{R_{HWI}}(N)\) in ([\[eq2-17\]](#eq2-17){reference-type="ref" reference="eq2-17"}) and \(\gamma_{HWI}(N)\) in ([\[Utility Expression\]](#Utility Expression){reference-type="ref" reference="Utility Expression"}), and record the results with HWI from \(N=1\) to \(N=5000\). *B-Step 2*: We calculate \(R(N)\) in ([\[eq2-11\]](#eq2-11){reference-type="ref" reference="eq2-11"}) and \(\gamma(N)\) in ([\[Utility Expression 2\]](#Utility Expression 2){reference-type="ref" reference="Utility Expression 2"}), and record the results without HWI from \(N=1\) to \(N=5000\). *B-Step 3*: We calculate the rate gap \(\delta_R(N)\) in ([\[eq2-18\]](#eq2-18){reference-type="ref" reference="eq2-18"}) and the utility gap \(\delta_{\gamma}(N)\) in ([\[Utility Degradation\]](#Utility Degradation){reference-type="ref" reference="Utility Degradation"}), and record the results from \(N=1\) to \(N=5000\). *B-Step 4*: We calculate and record the numerical results of \(R_{HWI}(N)\) in ([\[eq2-16\]](#eq2-16){reference-type="ref" reference="eq2-16"}) from \(N=1\) to \(N=5000\). Due to the randomness of the phase errors generated by the IRS, the ACR is averaged on 1000 Monte Carlo trials every 500 points. The average ACRs and IRS utilities as functions of \(N\) from \(N=1\) to \(N=5000\) are described in Figure [\[Fig-For_IRS_ACR_and_Utility\]](#Fig-For_IRS_ACR_and_Utility){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig-For_IRS_ACR_and_Utility"}. It is indicated that: 1) the experimental results fit well with the theoretical ones from \(N=1\) to \(N=5000\), which verifies the tightness of ([\[eq2-17\]](#eq2-17){reference-type="ref" reference="eq2-17"}). 2) The average ACR with HWI is lower and increases more slowly than that without HWI, and the rate gap widens as \(N\) grows. This phenomenon implies that when \(N\) grows, the HWI accumulates and begets more severe ACR degradation. 3) When \(N\) becomes pretty large, the ACR with HWI verges on \(\log_2\left(1+\frac{1}{\kappa_t+\kappa_r}\right)=7.6511\), which testifies the correctness of ([\[R_HWI Upper Bound\]](#R_HWI Upper Bound){reference-type="ref" reference="R_HWI Upper Bound"}). 4) The IRS utility with HWI is lower than that without HWI, which demonstrates that the HWI reduces the IRS utility as well. Besides, both the IRS utility and the utility gap descend as \(N\) grows, which reveals that the influence of the HWI on the IRS utility becomes slighter when \(N\) is larger. \(\ \)
## Phase Shift Optimization
For giving insights into the phase shift optimization approach in Section IV, we carry out the simulations through the following steps: *C-Step 1*: We solve (P6) by adopting CVX Toolbox with SDPT3 Solver, and obtain the maximum average SNR from the solution of the OBF in ([\[eq2-44\]](#eq2-44){reference-type="ref" reference="eq2-44"}a). Based on this solution, we calculate and record the ACRs at \(N=1,13,25,37\). *C-Step 2*: We solve (P6) and obtain the optimized matrix \(\mathbf{Y}\) and variable \(\widetilde{\mu}\). Next, we extract the \(\bm{\theta}^T\) in the \((N+1)\)-th row of \(\mathbf{X}=\widetilde{\mu}^{-1}\mathbf{Y}\). Then, we utilize \(\bm{\theta}^T\) to reconstruct \(\mathbf{X}\) according to ([\[eq2-26\]](#eq2-26){reference-type="ref" reference="eq2-26"}) and \(\mathbf{Y}\) according to \(\mathbf{Y}=\widetilde{\mu}\mathbf{X}\), and denote the reconstructed \(\mathbf{X}\) and \(\mathbf{Y}\) by \(\mathbf{X}_r\) and \(\mathbf{Y}_r\), respectively. Finally, we substitute \(\mathbf{Y}_r\) into the OBF in ([\[eq2-44\]](#eq2-44){reference-type="ref" reference="eq2-44"}a) and obtain the average SNR, based on which we calculate and record the ACRs at \(N=1,13,25,37\). *C-Step 3*: Based on the extracted \(\bm{\theta}^T\), we obtain the optimized IRS phase shift matrix \(\mathbf{\Phi}\) according to \(\mathbf{\Phi}=diag(\bm{\theta}^T)\). Then, we substitute \(\mathbf{\Phi}\) into ([\[original ACR with HWI\]](#original ACR with HWI){reference-type="ref" reference="original ACR with HWI"}) and obtain the ACRs with HWI, which are averaged on 1000 Monte Carlo trials at \(N=1,13,25,37\). The average ACRs as functions of \(N\) with HWI are depicted in Figure [\[Fig-Optimization\]](#Fig-Optimization){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig-Optimization"}. Results in Figure [\[Fig-Optimization\]](#Fig-Optimization){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig-Optimization"} show that: 1) the curves obtained in *C-Step 1* and *C-Step 2* coincide, indicating that \(\mathbf{Y}_r=\mathbf{Y}\). Moreover, we calculate the rank of \(\mathbf{Y}_r\) and obtain \(rank(\mathbf{Y}_r)=1\). Because \(\mathbf{Y}_r\) is constructed by \(\bm{\theta}^T\) in the \((N+1)\)-th row of \(\mathbf{X}=\widetilde{\mu}^{-1}\mathbf{Y}\) in the solution, \(\bm{\theta}^T\) is testified to be the optimal IRS phase shift vector. 2) The curves obtained in *C-Step 1* and *C-Step 3* coincide, confirming that the mathematical derivations for \(\mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{\Theta}_E}\left[\mathbf{\Xi}\right]\) in ([\[eq2-35\]](#eq2-35){reference-type="ref" reference="eq2-35"}) are correct. 3) The average ACRs with the optimized IRS phase shifts exceed the average ACRs with \(\theta_i=-\left(\varphi_{IU,i}+\varphi_{SI,i}\right)\), demonstrating that \(\theta_i=-\left(\varphi_{IU,i}+\varphi_{SI,i}\right)\) is not the optimal phase shift as it does not take \(h_{SU}\) into account. \(\ \)
## Discussions on Channel Estimation Errors and Residual Phase Noises
Because most IRS-aided communication systems suffer from channel estimation errors, and the optimized IRS phase shifts may generally be affected by residual phase noises, as narrated at the end of Section IV, we will probe into the influence of the two factors on the optimization performance. The channel estimation errors are set to be additive complex variables according to Eq. (2) in, which follow the zero-mean complex Gaussian distribution with the variance of \(\sigma_w^2\). More detailed information about the CSI uncertainty models and simulation parameters can be found in. The residual phase noises \(\theta_{pi}\) in \(\bm{\theta}_p\), for \(i=1,2...,N\), are also set to be uniformly distributed on \([-\pi/2,\pi/2]\). In the simulations, for investigating the average ACR with channel estimation errors, we first adopt the CSI with errors to construct \(\mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{\Theta}_E}\left[\mathbf{\Xi}\right]\) and solve (P6), and then substitute \(\mathbf{\Phi}=diag(\bm{\theta}^T)\) into ([\[original ACR with HWI\]](#original ACR with HWI){reference-type="ref" reference="original ACR with HWI"}) which contains the actual CSI. For investigating the average ACR with residual phase noises, we first solve (P6) and exert the influence of \(\bm{\theta}_p\) on \(\bm{\theta}^T\) by constructing \(\bm{\theta}^T\odot\bm{\theta}_p^T\), and then substitute \(\mathbf{\Phi}=diag(\bm{\theta}^T\odot\bm{\theta}_p^T)\) into ([\[original ACR with HWI\]](#original ACR with HWI){reference-type="ref" reference="original ACR with HWI"}). Figure [\[Fig-For_Optimization_Other_Source_HWI\]](#Fig-For_Optimization_Other_Source_HWI){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig-For_Optimization_Other_Source_HWI"} depicts the influences of the channel estimation errors and residual phase noises on the optimization results. It is demonstrated that: 1) both the channel estimation errors and the residual phase noises reduce the average ACR and degrade the optimization performance. 2) The residual phase noises impose more serious negative impact on the performance than the channel estimation errors, manifesting that the inherent hardware imperfection, synchronization offset and estimation accuracy limit in the real world, are key potential factors that affect the optimization performance. \(\ \)
## Comparisons with DF Relay
In order to validate the theoretical analysis in Section V, we will numerically compare the ACRs and the utilities for the IRS-aided and the conventional multiple-antenna DF relay assisted wireless communication systems in the presence of HWI. Following Section V, we will compare the performances by varying \(N\) and \(P\). \(\ \) *1) Comparisons by varying \(N\)*: First, considering the transmitting power to be fixed (\(P=20\) dBm), we compare the average ACR in ([\[eq2-17\]](#eq2-17){reference-type="ref" reference="eq2-17"}) with that in ([\[eq2-55\]](#eq2-55){reference-type="ref" reference="eq2-55"}) by varying \(N\), and observe the simulation results at \(\kappa_t=\kappa_r=0.05^2,0.07^2,0.09^2\). Figure [\[Fig-C1\]](#Fig-C1){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig-C1"} (a) displays the average ACRs of the IRS-aided and the DF relay assisted wireless communication systems in relation to \(N\), from \(N=1\) to \(N=5000\). It is indicated that: 1) the ACRs decrease when \(\kappa_t\) and \(\kappa_r\) grow, which verifies that more severe HWI is concomitant with more serious ACR reduction. 2) Although it might not be realistic for the IRS and the DF relay to be equipped with such a large number (e.g. 5000) of reflecting elements and antennas in practical implementations, the result testifies ([\[N_inf_ACR_Compare\]](#N_inf_ACR_Compare){reference-type="ref" reference="N_inf_ACR_Compare"}) in **Lemma 2** and confirms the possibility that when \(N\) is extremely large, the IRS is capable of outperforming the DF relay in terms of the ACR performance. It is worth noting that when \(\kappa_t=\kappa_r=0.05^2,0.07^2,0.09^2\), the IRS always performs better for all \(N\in[1,5000]\). This is because with the system parameters set in Section VI-A, the \(\kappa_{th}\) in ([\[eq2-69\]](#eq2-69){reference-type="ref" reference="eq2-69"}) in **Lemma 4** is computed as \(\kappa_{th}=4.0451\times10^{-6}\), which is smaller than \(\kappa=\kappa_t+\kappa_r=0.05^2+0.05^2,\ 0.07^2+0.07^2,\ 0.09^2+0.09^2\). 3) As \(N\) grows, the ACRs do not continuously increase appreciably. Instead, the ACRs of the IRS-aided communication system are approximately limited by 7.6511 bps/Hz at \(\kappa_t=\kappa_r=0.05^2\), 6.6871 bps/Hz at \(\kappa_t=\kappa_r=0.07^2\) and 5.9710 bps/Hz at \(\kappa_t=\kappa_r=0.09^2\); while those of the DF relay assisted communication system are approximately limited by 4.3237 bps/Hz at \(\kappa_t=\kappa_r=0.05^2\), 3.8400 bps/Hz at \(\kappa_t=\kappa_r=0.07^2\) and 3.4798 bps/Hz at \(\kappa_t=\kappa_r=0.09^2\). The values are consistent with what are computed from \(\left.\overline{R_{HWI}}\left(N\right)\right|_{N\rightarrow\infty}=\log_2\left(1+\frac{1}{\kappa_t+\kappa_r}\right)\) and \(R_{HWI}^{DF}(N)|_{N\rightarrow\infty}=\frac{1}{2}\log_2\left(1+\frac{2}{\kappa}\right)\). 4) The ACRs of the DF relay assisted communication system increase rapidly when \(N<100\), illustrating that the ACR performance of the DF relay can be significantly improved by increasing the quantity of the antennas when \(N\) is small. Then, we compare the utility in ([\[Utility Expression\]](#Utility Expression){reference-type="ref" reference="Utility Expression"}) with that in ([\[eq-DF Utility\]](#eq-DF Utility){reference-type="ref" reference="eq-DF Utility"}) by varying \(N\). Figure [\[Fig-C1\]](#Fig-C1){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig-C1"} (b) describes the utilities of the IRS and the DF relay in relation to \(N\). The observation interval is shrunk (\(N\in[1,16]\)), for clearly viewing the details on the utility reduction of the DF relay. The results show that: 1) when \(\kappa_t\) and \(\kappa_r\) grow, the utilities decrease, which confirms that more severe HWI is concomitant with more serious utility degradation. 2) The IRS utility is lower than the DF-relay utility when \(N\) is small, and both of them decrease to zero as \(N\) grows. This is consistent with what is given in ([\[N_inf_Utility_Compare\]](#N_inf_Utility_Compare){reference-type="ref" reference="N_inf_Utility_Compare"}) in **Lemma 2**. \(\ \) *2) Comparisons by varying \(P\)*: First, considering the number of the reflecting elements or the DF-relay antennas to be fixed (\(N=256\)), we compare the average ACR in ([\[eq2-17\]](#eq2-17){reference-type="ref" reference="eq2-17"}) with that in ([\[eq2-55\]](#eq2-55){reference-type="ref" reference="eq2-55"}) by varying \(P\), and observe the numerical results at \(\kappa_t=\kappa_r=0.05^2,0.07^2,0.09^2\). Figure [\[Fig-C2\]](#Fig-C2){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig-C2"} (a) plots the average ACRs of the IRS-aided and the DF relay assisted wireless communication systems with respect to \(P\), from \(P=1\) dBm to \(P=50\) dBm. It is indicated that: 1) when \(P<2\) dBm and \(N=256\), the IRS performs worse than the DF relay if \(\kappa_t=\kappa_r=0.05^2,0.07^2\), but better if \(\kappa_t=\kappa_r=0.09^2\). This phenomenon reveals that when \(P\) is low, the transceiver HWI influences the performance of the DF relay more seriously than the performance of the IRS. 2) The ACRs of the IRS-aided communication system increase faster as \(P\) rises, and exceed the ACRs of the DF relay assisted communication system when \(P>5\) dBm. 3) Both the ACRs of the IRS-aided and the DF relay assisted communication systems are bounded when \(P\) is high. Specifically, the ACRs of the IRS-aided communication system are approximately bounded by 7.6511 bps/Hz at \(\kappa_t=\kappa_r=0.05^2\), 6.6871 bps/Hz at \(\kappa_t=\kappa_r=0.07^2\) and 5.9710 bps/Hz at \(\kappa_t=\kappa_r=0.09^2\); while the ACRs of the DF relay assisted communication system are approximately bounded by 4.3209 bps/Hz at \(\kappa_t=\kappa_r=0.05^2\), 3.8372 bps/Hz at \(\kappa_t=\kappa_r=0.07^2\) and 3.4770 bps/Hz at \(\kappa_t=\kappa_r=0.09^2\). The values coincide with what can be derived from \(\overline{R_{HWI}}(N)|_{P\rightarrow\infty}=\log_2\left(1+\frac{1}{\kappa}\right)\) and \(R_{HWI}^{DF}(N)|_{P\rightarrow\infty}=\frac{1}{2}\log_2\left(1+\frac{2N}{\kappa+\kappa N} \right)\). Then, we compare the utility in ([\[Utility Expression\]](#Utility Expression){reference-type="ref" reference="Utility Expression"}) with that in ([\[eq-DF Utility\]](#eq-DF Utility){reference-type="ref" reference="eq-DF Utility"}) by varying \(P\). Figure [\[Fig-C2\]](#Fig-C2){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig-C2"} (b) depicts the utilities of the IRS and the DF relay with respect to \(P\). The results demonstrate that: 1) when \(P\) is relatively low, the utilities of the IRS outstrip those of the DF relay, but both of them descend as \(P\) grows. 2) The utilities of the IRS decrease to zero, while those of the DF relay converge to certain positive values (around \(1.09\times10^{-5}\)), which are consistent with what are calculated from \(\left.\gamma_{HWI}^{DF}(N)\right|_{P\rightarrow\infty}=\frac{\kappa}{(\kappa+N\kappa+2N)(\kappa+N\kappa)\ln 2}\). These results validate ([\[P_inf_Utility_Compare_IRS\]](#P_inf_Utility_Compare_IRS){reference-type="ref" reference="P_inf_Utility_Compare_IRS"}) and ([\[P_inf_Utility_Compare_DF\]](#P_inf_Utility_Compare_DF){reference-type="ref" reference="P_inf_Utility_Compare_DF"}) in **Lemma 3**, and reveal that in terms of the utility, although the IRS is preferable to the DF relay at a low system power, the DF relay becomes more advantageous if \(P\) is significantly high.
# Conclusion and Future Works
In this article, for the purpose of evaluating the performance of the IRS in consideration of the hardware non-ideality at both the IRS and the signal transceivers, we first analyse the average ACR and the IRS utility for the IRS-aided SISO communication system, then optimize the IRS phase shifts by converting the original non-convex problem into a SDP problem, subsequently investigate the impact of the channel estimation errors and the residual phase noises on the optimization performance, and finally compare the IRS with the conventional multiple-antenna DF relay in terms of the ACR and the utility in the presence of HWI. The results illustrate that: 1) as the number of the reflecting units grows, the average ACR of the IRS-aided communication system increases, while the utility of the IRS decreases. 2) The HWI degrades both the ACR and the utility, and it causes more severe ACR reduction when more reflecting elements are equipped. 3) If the number of the reflecting units is large enough or the transmitting power is sufficiently high, the IRS can surpass the conventional DF relay in terms of the ACR, although the DF relay is relatively more advantageous in terms of the utility. Consequently, the IRS is proved to be still an effective facility for data transmission enhancement in the future wireless communication networks with imperfect hardware in the real world. As in most actual circumstances, the BS is generally equipped with multiple antennas and is responsible for serving multiple users, it is meaningful to dissect the system performance in the IRS-aided multiple-user MISO communication scenario in the presence of HWI. In view of the complex-matrix form of the BS-IRS channel, deriving the closed-form average ACR as a function of the number of the reflecting elements is a challenging task and deserves more effort. In addition, forasmuch as the typical amplify-and-forward (AF) relay is also widely utilized to assist the wireless communication, the insightful theoretical comparison with this conventional approach in the presence of HWI is challenging but worth to be performed in depth as well in the future.
# Proof of Theorem 1
In Appendix A, we will mathematically prove **Theorem 1** in Section III. First, based on ([\[eq2-16\]](#eq2-16){reference-type="ref" reference="eq2-16"}), the exact average ACR can be derived from \[\label{Exact Ergodic} \begin{split} \overline{R_{HWI}}\left(N\right)=& \mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{\Theta}_E}\left[R_{HWI}\left(N\right)\right]\\=& \mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{\Theta}_E}\left\{\log_2\left\{1+\frac{P\left|\phi(t)\left(\alpha\mathbf{g}_{IU}^T\mathbf{\Theta}_E\mathbf{g}_{SI}+h_{SU}\right)\right|^2}{P(\kappa_t+\kappa_r)\left|\phi(t)\left(\alpha\mathbf{g}_{IU}^T\mathbf{\Theta}_E\mathbf{g}_{SI}+h_{SU}\right)\right|^2+\sigma_w^2}\right\}\right\} \end{split}\] However, as illustrated in, it is difficult, if not impossible, to obtain the exact closed-form expression for \(\mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{\Theta}_E}\left[R_{HWI}\left(N\right)\right]\). Therefore, inspired by, we will also find an approximation to \(\mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{\Theta}_E}\left[R_{HWI}\left(N\right)\right]\). Fortunately, according to Eq. (35) in, which is given by \[\label{eq35_in_[R4.2]} \mathbb{E}\left\{\log_2\left(1+\frac{x}{y}\right)\right\}\approx \log_2\left(1+\frac{\mathbb{E}\{x\}}{\mathbb{E}\{y\}}\right)\] a simpler closed-form expression for the average ACR can be achieved by the approximation in ([\[eq35_in\_\[R4.2\]\]](#eq35_in_[R4.2]){reference-type="ref" reference="eq35_in_[R4.2]"}). Hence, based on ([\[eq35_in\_\[R4.2\]\]](#eq35_in_[R4.2]){reference-type="ref" reference="eq35_in_[R4.2]"}), the \(\overline{R_{HWI}}\left(N\right)\) in ([\[Exact Ergodic\]](#Exact Ergodic){reference-type="ref" reference="Exact Ergodic"}) can be approximated by \[\label{aver_ACR_IT-HWI-approx} \begin{split} \overline{R_{HWI}}\left(N\right)\approx& \log_2\left\{1+\frac{P\mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{\Theta}_E}\left[\left|\phi(t)\left(\alpha\mathbf{g}_{IU}^T\mathbf{\Theta}_E\mathbf{g}_{SI}+h_{SU}\right)\right|^2\right]}{P(\kappa_t+\kappa_r)\mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{\Theta}_E}\left[\left|\phi(t)\left(\alpha\mathbf{g}_{IU}^T\mathbf{\Theta}_E\mathbf{g}_{SI}+h_{SU}\right)\right|^2\right]+\sigma_w^2}\right\} \\ =&\log_2\left(1+\frac{P\mathcal{Q}}{P(\kappa_t+\kappa_r)\mathcal{Q}+\sigma_w^2}\right) \end{split}\] where \(\mathcal{Q}=\mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{\Theta}_E}\left[\left|\phi(t)\left(\alpha\mathbf{g}_{IU}^T\mathbf{\Theta}_E\mathbf{g}_{SI}+h_{SU}\right)\right|^2\right]\). From ([\[aver_ACR_IT-HWI-approx\]](#aver_ACR_IT-HWI-approx){reference-type="ref" reference="aver_ACR_IT-HWI-approx"}), the problem of deriving the closed-form expression for \(\mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{\Theta}_E}\left[R_{HWI}\left(N\right)\right]\) is converted into that for \(\mathcal{Q}\), which is expanded into \[\label{Expansion of E} \begin{split} \mathcal{Q}=& \mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{\Theta}_E}\left\{\left[\phi(t)\left(\alpha\mathbf{g}_{IU}^T\mathbf{\Theta}_E\mathbf{g}_{SI}+h_{SU}\right)\right]^*\left[\phi(t)\left(\alpha\mathbf{g}_{IU}^T\mathbf{\Theta}_E\mathbf{g}_{SI}+h_{SU}\right)\right]\right\} \\ =&\mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{\Theta}_E}\left[\left(\alpha\mathbf{g}_{IU}^T\mathbf{\Theta}_E\mathbf{g}_{SI}+h_{SU}\right)^*\left(\alpha\mathbf{g}_{IU}^T\mathbf{\Theta}_E\mathbf{g}_{SI}+h_{SU}\right)\right] \end{split}\] Subsequently, let \(\mathbf{G}_{IU}\) and \(\mathbf{v}_{E}\) be defined by \(\mathbf{G}_{IU}=diag\left(\mathbf{g}_{IU}\right)=\sqrt{\mu_{IU}}\mathbf{I}_N\) and \(\mathbf{v}_{E}=\left(e^{j\theta_{E1}},e^{j\theta_{E2}},\ldots,e^{j\theta_{EN}}\right)^T\). Because we have \(\mathbf{v}_{E}^T\mathbf{G}_{IU}=\mathbf{g}_{IU}^T\mathbf{\Theta}_E\), \(\mathbf{G}_{IU}^*=\mathbf{G}_{IU}\) and \(\mathbf{g}_{SI}^*=\mathbf{g}_{SI}\), from ([\[Expansion of E\]](#Expansion of E){reference-type="ref" reference="Expansion of E"}) we obtain
where \(i=1,2...,N\). In ([\[Convert Q\]](#Convert Q){reference-type="ref" reference="Convert Q"}), we can expand \(tr\left(\mathbf{v}_{E}^T\mathbf{\Gamma}_N\mathbf{v}_{E}^*\right)\) into
where the matrix \(\mathbf{M}\) is expressed as
We can also utilize Euler formula to expand \(\sum_{i=1}^{N}\left[e^{j{{(\varphi}_{SU}+\theta}_{Ei})}+e^{-j{{(\varphi}_{SU}+\theta}_{Ei})}\right]\) and then obtain \(\sum_{i=1}^{N}\left[e^{j{{(\varphi}_{SU}+\theta}_{Ei})}+e^{-j{{(\varphi}_{SU}+\theta}_{Ei})}\right]=2\sum_{i=1}^{N}\cos{\left({\varphi_{SU}+\theta}_{Ei}\right)}\). As \(\theta_{Ei}\), for \(i=1,2...,N\), are random variables which are uniformly distributed on \(\left[-\pi/2,\pi/2\right]\), we should calculate the expectations of \(2\sum_{i=1}^{N}\cos{\left({\varphi_{SU}+\theta}_{Ei}\right)}\) and \(tr\left(\mathbf{v}_{E}^T\mathbf{\Gamma}_N\mathbf{v}_{E}^*\right)\) in order to obtain a statistical average ACR. First, we calculate \(\mathbb{E}_{\theta_{Ei}}\left[2\sum_{i=1}^{N}\cos{\left({\varphi_{SU}+\theta}_{Ei}\right)}\right]\) and have
where \(f\left(\theta_{Ei}\right)=1/\pi\) is the probability density function of variable \(\theta_{Ei}\). Subsequently, we calculate \(\mathbb{E}_{\theta_{Ei}}\left[tr\left(\mathbf{v}_{E}^T\mathbf{\Gamma}_N\mathbf{v}_{E}^*\right)\right]=N+\mathbb{E}_{\theta_{Ei}}\left[{\mathbf{1M1}}^T\right]\). It is notable that the elements in \(\mathbf{M}\) are either 0, or \(2\cos(\theta_{Ei}-\theta_{Ej})\) for \(i<j\). Therefore, let \(\delta_{\theta}\) be defined by \(\delta_{\theta}=\theta_{Ei}-\theta_{Ej}\). Because \(\theta_{Ei}\) obeys uniform distribution on \(\left[-\pi/2,\pi/2\right]\), \(\delta_{\theta}\) obeys triangular distribution on \([-\pi,\pi]\) whose probability density function is expressed as \[\label{eq-A6} f\left(\delta_{\theta}\right)=\left\{\begin{matrix}\frac{1}{\pi^2}\delta_{\theta}+\frac{1}{\pi},\ \delta_{\theta}\in\left[-\pi,0\right]\\-\frac{1}{\pi^2}\delta_{\theta}+\frac{1}{\pi},\ \delta_{\theta}\in\left[0,\pi\right]\\\end{matrix}\right.\] Thus, we have
By substituting ([\[eq-A5\]](#eq-A5){reference-type="ref" reference="eq-A5"}) and ([\[eq-A7\]](#eq-A7){reference-type="ref" reference="eq-A7"}) into ([\[Convert Q\]](#Convert Q){reference-type="ref" reference="Convert Q"}), and substituting ([\[Convert Q\]](#Convert Q){reference-type="ref" reference="Convert Q"}) into ([\[aver_ACR_IT-HWI-approx\]](#aver_ACR_IT-HWI-approx){reference-type="ref" reference="aver_ACR_IT-HWI-approx"}), we finally prove ([\[eq2-17\]](#eq2-17){reference-type="ref" reference="eq2-17"}). Then, by calculating \(\gamma_{HWI}(N)=\frac{\partial\overline{R_{HWI}}\left(N\right)}{\partial N}\), we finally prove ([\[Utility Expression\]](#Utility Expression){reference-type="ref" reference="Utility Expression"}).
# Proof of Lemma 2
In Appendix B, we will prove **Lemma 2** in Section V. On the assumption that \(\kappa_t=\kappa_r=\frac{1}{2}\kappa\) and \(P_1=P_2=P\), when \(N\rightarrow\infty\), from ([\[eq-A\]](#eq-A){reference-type="ref" reference="eq-A"}) and ([\[eq-B\]](#eq-B){reference-type="ref" reference="eq-B"}), we have \[\mathfrak{A}(N)|_{N\rightarrow\infty}=\log_2\left(1+\frac{2}{\kappa}\right)\] \[\mathfrak{B}(N)|_{N\rightarrow\infty}=\log_2\left(1+\frac{1}{\kappa+\frac{\sigma_w^2}{P\mu_{SU}}}+\frac{2}{\kappa}\right)\] Because \(1+\frac{2}{\kappa}<1+\frac{1}{\kappa+\frac{\sigma_w^2}{P\mu_{SU}}}+\frac{2}{\kappa}\), according to ([\[eq2-55\]](#eq2-55){reference-type="ref" reference="eq2-55"}), we have \[R_{HWI}^{DF}(N)|_{N\rightarrow\infty}=\frac{1}{2}\mathfrak{A}(N)|_{N\rightarrow\infty}=\frac{1}{2}\log_2\left(1+\frac{2}{\kappa}\right)\] Given \(\overline{R_{HWI}}(N)|_{N\rightarrow\infty}\) in ([\[R_HWI Upper Bound\]](#R_HWI Upper Bound){reference-type="ref" reference="R_HWI Upper Bound"}), we calculate \(\overline{R_{HWI}}(N)|_{N\rightarrow\infty}-R_{HWI}^{DF}(N)|_{N\rightarrow\infty}\) and obtain \[\overline{R_{HWI}}(N)|_{N\rightarrow\infty}-R_{HWI}^{DF}(N)|_{N\rightarrow\infty} =\frac{1}{2}\log_2\left(1+\frac{1}{\kappa^2+2\kappa}\right)>0\] from which we prove ([\[N_inf_ACR_Compare\]](#N_inf_ACR_Compare){reference-type="ref" reference="N_inf_ACR_Compare"}). Then, based on ([\[Utility Expression\]](#Utility Expression){reference-type="ref" reference="Utility Expression"}) and ([\[eq-DF Utility\]](#eq-DF Utility){reference-type="ref" reference="eq-DF Utility"}), we consider \(N\rightarrow\infty\) and prove ([\[N_inf_Utility_Compare\]](#N_inf_Utility_Compare){reference-type="ref" reference="N_inf_Utility_Compare"}).
# Proof of Lemma 3
In Appendix C, we will prove **Lemma 3** in Section V. Similar to the proof of **Lemma 2** in Appendix B, when \(P\rightarrow\infty\), we have \[\mathfrak{A}(N)|_{P\rightarrow\infty}=\log_2\left(1+\frac{2N}{\kappa+\kappa N} \right)\] \[\mathfrak{B}(N)|_{P\rightarrow\infty}=\log_2\left(1+\frac{1}{\kappa}+\frac{2N}{\kappa+\kappa N} \right)\] Because \(1+\frac{2N}{\kappa+\kappa N}<1+\frac{1}{\kappa}+\frac{2N}{\kappa+\kappa N}\), according to ([\[eq2-55\]](#eq2-55){reference-type="ref" reference="eq2-55"}), we have \[R_{HWI}^{DF}(N)|_{P\rightarrow\infty}=\frac{1}{2}\mathfrak{A}(N)|_{P\rightarrow\infty}=\frac{1}{2}\log_2\left(1+\frac{2N}{\kappa+\kappa N} \right)\] Based on ([\[eq2-17\]](#eq2-17){reference-type="ref" reference="eq2-17"}), we have \[\overline{R_{HWI}}(N)|_{P\rightarrow\infty}=\log_2\left(1+\frac{1}{\kappa}\right)\] Hence, we calculate \(\overline{R_{HWI}}(N)|_{P\rightarrow\infty}-R_{HWI}^{DF}(N)|_{P\rightarrow\infty}\) and obtain \[\overline{R_{HWI}}(N)|_{P\rightarrow\infty}-R_{HWI}^{DF}(N)|_{P\rightarrow\infty} =\frac{1}{2}\log_2\left\{1+\frac{2\kappa+N+1}{(N+1)\kappa^2+2N\kappa} \right\}>0,\ \ \forall N>0\] from which we prove ([\[P_inf_ACR_Compare\]](#P_inf_ACR_Compare){reference-type="ref" reference="P_inf_ACR_Compare"}). Then, on the basis of ([\[Utility Expression\]](#Utility Expression){reference-type="ref" reference="Utility Expression"}) and ([\[eq-DF Utility\]](#eq-DF Utility){reference-type="ref" reference="eq-DF Utility"}), we consider \(P\rightarrow\infty\) and prove ([\[P_inf_Utility_Compare_IRS\]](#P_inf_Utility_Compare_IRS){reference-type="ref" reference="P_inf_Utility_Compare_IRS"}) and ([\[P_inf_Utility_Compare_DF\]](#P_inf_Utility_Compare_DF){reference-type="ref" reference="P_inf_Utility_Compare_DF"}).
# Proof of Lemma 4
In Appendix D, we will prove **Lemma 4** in Section V. It is noted that \(\overline{R_{HWI}}(N)\) in ([\[eq2-17\]](#eq2-17){reference-type="ref" reference="eq2-17"}) is a monotonically increasing function with respect to \(N>0\). Thus, its minimum lies on \[\overline{R_{HWI}}\left(1\right)=\log_2\left\{1+\frac{\beta+\lambda+\mu_{SU}} {\kappa\left(\beta+\lambda+\mu_{SU}\right)+\frac{\sigma_w^2}{P}}\right\}\] Besides, \(R_{HWI}^{DF}(N)\) in ([\[eq2-55\]](#eq2-55){reference-type="ref" reference="eq2-55"}) is also a monotonically increasing function in relation to \(N>0\), which is limited by \(R_{HWI}^{DF}(N)|_{N\rightarrow\infty}=\frac{1}{2}\log_2\left(1+\frac{2}{\kappa}\right)\). Therefore, for the IRS to always outperform the DF relay in terms of the ACR for all \(N>0\), the following relationship should hold: \[\label{Condition_of_IRS_to_always_outperform} \overline{R_{HWI}}\left(1\right)>R_{HWI}^{DF}(N)|_{N\rightarrow\infty}\] From ([\[Condition_of_IRS_to_always_outperform\]](#Condition_of_IRS_to_always_outperform){reference-type="ref" reference="Condition_of_IRS_to_always_outperform"}), after a few manipulations, we obtain \[\kappa>2\sigma_w^4 \left[P^2(\beta+\lambda+\mu_{SU})^2-2\sigma_w^2P(\beta+\lambda+\mu_{SU})\right]^{-1}\] and consequently prove **Lemma 4**. | {'timestamp': '2020-12-08T02:10:00', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14411', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14411'} |
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# Introduction {#sec:intro}
Recently, quantum computing (QC) has been gaining increased attention as a potential way to significantly speed up simulations of physical systems. The focus is usually made on modeling many-body quantum systems, whose enormous configuration space is often straightforward to map on reasonably sized quantum circuits, at least in principle. But it is also of interest to explore whether QC can be useful for modeling classical systems such as plasmas. In particular, this could benefit fusion science, which heavily relies on simulations. To assess the potential utility of QC for plasma physics, it is important to understand what a quantum computer can and cannot do naturally. A digital quantum computer usually stores information in some \(N\) entangled qubits, which are two-level quantum systems. (Sometimes, \(d\)-level quantum systems, or qudits, are used instead, with \(d > 2\).) Due to their entanglement, the total configuration space of the computer is a tensor product of the configuration spaces of individual qubits; i.e., Such architecture is particularly suitable, among other things (discussed in and further), to simulating processes governed by a linear Schrödinger equation \[\begin{gathered}
\label{eq:schr} \mathrm{i} \partial_t \psi = \oper{H} \psi, \quad \oper{H}^\dag = \oper{H}, \end{gathered}\] where \(\psi\) is a (quantum or classical) state vector that characterizes the physical system and the Hermitian operator \(\oper{H}\) serves as a Hamiltonian. This is understood as follows. The solution of is \(\psi(t) = \oper{U}\psi_0\), where \(\psi_0\) is the initial value of \(\psi\), \(\oper{U} = \msf{T} \exp[-\mathrm{i} \smash{\int_0^t} \oper{H}(t')\,\mathrm{d} t']\) is a unitary evolution operator, and \(\msf{T}\exp(\ldots)\) is an ordered exponential; or simply \(\oper{U} = \mathrm{e}^{-\mathrm{i} \oper{H} t}\), if \(\oper{H}\) is independent of time. A quantum circuit that implements \(\oper{U}\) can perform a *quantum Hamiltonian simulation* (QHS) to yield \(\psi(t)\) for given \(\psi_0\). It has been shown that QHSs can be much faster than classical simulations if \(\oper{H}\) is efficiently computable and of a certain type, for example, if it is represented by a sparse matrix. (For example, see the pioneering , the recent works, and the many papers cited therein.) This also makes QHSs potentially attractive as elements of more elaborate algorithms for solving general linear equations. So far, research in this area has been focused mainly on expanding the class of Hamiltonians for which efficient QHSs are possible in an *ad hoc* fashion and on solving, basically, random problems, albeit impressively. QHS implementations for problems of practical interest are rarely considered, and applicability of the existing methods to practical simulations remains uncertain. This is even more the case with applications of QC to non-Hermitian Hamiltonians and to nonlinear problems, which are approached in ways that are unlikely to benefit simulations of classical systems like plasmas. In this situation, the conceptual aspects of plasma simulations on a quantum computer need to be developed from scratch. Here, we report a preliminary exploration of the (most obvious) long-term opportunities and likely obstacles for quantum simulations of classical plasmas. Our take on this problem is different from that of the authors who focus on quantum circuits for toy models. Toy models are of interest in quantum many-body physics, where even simple (efficiently mappable to qubits) Hamiltonians can produce dynamics that is both interesting and hard to simulate. In plasma physics, though, the needs of toy-model simulations are typically satisfied already with classical computing (homogeneous turbulence may be an exception), so QC is of interest primarily for concrete practical applications. Hence, elaborate tricks that work only for special cases may not benefit the field in the long run. QC can become advantageous in plasma applications only if it can handle realistic, non-sparse, and, better yet, nonlinear Hamiltonians. Thus, rather than showing that QC can excel *ad hoc*, it may be more important to identify *regular* high-level methods for mapping *typical* plasma simulations on a quantum computer. This is the problem that we address below. Because practical plasma simulations are impossible with the minimalistic quantum computers that exist today, the approaches to be discussed are intended for future universal computers with error correction. Hopefully, the elementary algorithms of QC that make it promising (e.g., Our paper is organized as follows. In , we discuss the possibility of linear plasma simulations, particularly, related to modeling of radiofrequency (RF) waves. Both conservative and dissipative waves are considered. In , we outline principles of nonlinear simulations in application to general dynamical systems, Hamiltonian dynamics, and fluid simulations in particular. In , we discuss QC applications to finding linear plasma eigenmodes, for example, magnetohydrodynamic modes (MHD), using hybrid quantum--classical computing. In , we discuss applications of hybrid computing to nonlinear simulations. In , we summarize our main results. In , we present a supplementary discussion to accentuate some of the basic ideas introduced in the main text. In , we elaborate on the definitions of the generalized functions that are used in the main text.
# Linear dynamics {#sec:linear}
First, let us discuss the possibility of linear plasma simulations, particularly RF-wave modeling. RF waves are commonly used as precision tools, for example, for plasma heating and current drive in fusion devices. Thus, it is important to be able to simulate these waves with fidelity, which is where QC could, in principle, make a difference. If quantum modeling could be made significantly faster than classical one, that would, for example, help increase the spatial resolution of RF-wave simulations. Then, one would be able to resolve high-order cyclotron resonances and also more robustly calculate mode conversion when the emergence of electrostatic oscillations with small wavelengths makes fine grids necessary. This could be useful for accurate modeling of waves in the electron-cyclotron, lower-hybrid, and ion-cyclotron frequency ranges. In , we show that a broad class of linear RF plasma waves can be mapped to with a sparse Hamiltonian. Specifically, they include all waves in cold collisionless static plasmas, which can be arbitrarily inhomogeneous. In , we consider general fluid waves in plasma, which can exhibit instabilities or irreversible dissipation. Such waves are governed by pseudo-Hermitian or non-Hermitian sparse Hamiltonians, and we shall discuss possible approaches to mapping those on a quantum computer. (We shall also return to such waves in in the context of the eigenvalue problem.) In , we consider kinetic waves. Depending on a problem, the corresponding Hamiltonians can also be Hermitian; however, unlike for fluid waves, they are not sparse. Quantum simulations of such systems are less efficient, but we shall briefly outline some possibilities to deal with this issue.
## Waves in cold collisionless plasmas: sparse Hermitian Hamiltonians {#sec:cold}
### Introduction {#sec:rfintro}
It is well known that the equations governing electromagnetic waves in vacuum allow the Schrödinger representation for the "photon wave function", which is generally six-dimensional. Such waves can be modeled using QHS, for which a concrete algorithm has been recently proposed. The Schrödinger representation is also known for waves in inhomogeneous media described by real nondispersive dielectric permittivity and magnetic permeability. For stable waves in nondissipative media with arbitrary dispersion, the Schrödinger representation has been proven to exist too. It can be found from general principles in the small-wavelength limit, for example, in the geometrical-optics and quasioptical approximations. However, deriving the actual Schrödinger representations for exact, or "full-wave", linear plasma-wave problems requires a detailed consideration of plasma dynamics.
### Basic equations {#sec:basiceq}
There is at least one plasma model within which an exact Schrödinger representation of full-wave dynamics can be formulated explicitly and leads to sparse Hermitian Hamiltonians. This is the linearized model of cold collisionless static plasma, which is often sufficient for RF-wave modeling in practical applications (up to dissipation, which is discussed in ). Let us consider this model in detail. Suppose that plasma is formed by some \(\mc{N}\) species with charges \(e_s\), masses \(m_s\), and unperturbed densities \(n_{0s} = n_{0s}(\vec{x})\), where \(\vec{x}\) is the spatial coordinate. The linearized equation for the fluid velocity \(\vec{v}_s\) of each species in a wave with electric field \(\vec{E}\) is \[\begin{gathered}
\label{eq:vs} \partial_t \vec{v}_s = (e_s/m_s)\,\vec{E} + \vec{v}_s \times \vec{\Omega}_s, \end{gathered}\] where \(\vec{\Omega}_s \doteq e_s \vec{B}_0(\vec{x})/(m_s c)\) is the \(s\)th-species gyrofrequency (the symbol \(\doteq\) denotes definitions), \(\vec{B}_0\) is the dc magnetic field, and \(c\) is the speed of light. Consider a rescaled velocity \(\vec{\zeta}_s \doteq \vec{v}_s(4\pi n_{0s} m_s)^{1/2}\), which has the same units as \(\vec{E}\). Then, becomes \[\begin{gathered}
\label{eq:zetas} \partial_t \vec{\zeta}_s = \omega_{ps}\,\vec{E} + \vec{\zeta}_s \times \vec{\Omega}_s, \end{gathered}\] where \(\omega_{ps} \doteq \smash{e_s (4\pi n_{0s}/m_s)^{1/2}}\) is the signed plasma frequency of species \(s\). (This representation is also used in for related calculations.) Let us complement this equation with Ampere's law and Faraday's laws, \[\begin{gathered}
\textstyle \partial_t \vec{E} =-\sum_s \omega_{ps}\vec{\zeta}_s + c \nabla \times \vec{B}, \\ \partial_t \vec{B} =-c \nabla \times \vec{E}, \label{eq:farad} \end{gathered}\] where \(\vec{B}\) is the wave magnetic field. Using the Hermitian matrices
where \(\varsigma \doteq \nu_{ei} \sqrt{Z m_e/m_i}\) and \(\vec{x}\)-dependence of the coefficients is allowed, like in . (The remaining notation is the same as in .) For non-Hermitian systems like those governed by and , some authors proposed methods close to QHS, but those methods are unlikely to suit plasma simulations. Instead, we propose to follow the idea from , which is as follows.
### Initial-value problem {#sec:initv}
Let us consider time as one of the coordinate variables and introduce the corresponding "momentum" (frequency, or energy) operator \(\oper{\omega} \doteq \mathrm{i} \partial_t\). Let us also introduce \(\oper{\mc{H}} \doteq \oper{\omega}-\oper{H}\). Then, one can rewrite as \(\oper{\mc{H}}\psi = \begin{gather}\label{eq:Xin} \Xi_n(\vec{x}) = \mathrm{i}\psi_0(\vec{x})\delta_{n,0}, \end{gather} and\)\_a,b\(is the Kronecker symbol. This equation can be represented as \begin{gather}\label{eq:AXY} \oper{\msf{A}} \msf{X} = \msf{Y}, \end{gather} where\[is a Hermitian operator. Specifically, \begin{gather}\label{eq:AAA} \oper{\msf{A}} \doteq \left( \begin{array}{cc} 0 & \oper{\mc{H}}\\ \oper{\mc{H}}^\dag & 0 \end{array} \right), \quad \msf{X} \doteq \left( \begin{array}{c} 0 \\ \psi \end{array} \right), \quad \msf{Y} \doteq \left( \begin{array}{c} \Xi \\ 0 \end{array} \right). \end{gather} (Dissipation and instabilities are captured within this approach in the structure of the eigenvectors of\]. In a way, these eigenvectors can be understood as ``surface modes'' bounded on the time axis to the initial and finite moments of time.) If \Eq{eq:AXY} is also discretized in space, then the nontrivial part of\[has dimension much less than\]due to the Kronecker symbol in \Eq{eq:Xin}, so the right-hand side of \Eq{eq:AXY} on a grid can be prepared efficiently. Then in principle, this equation can be solved efficiently using the known Harrow--Hassidim--Lloyd (HHL) or other quantum algorithms. Naturally, those algorithms are not a magic wand; for example, they are efficient only for sparse matrices and require that the condition number scales well. A discussion of these problems is beyond the scope of our paper, but see \Refs{ref:clader13, ref:scherer17, ref:montanaro16b}. Let us only point out one issue, which is less technical. The eigenvalues\[of the Hermitian operator\]can be related to those of the original non-Hermitian operator\[. By definition, \begin{gather}\label{eq:detl} \det \left( \begin{array}{cc}-\lambda \oper{I} & \oper{\mc{H}}\\ \oper{\mc{H}}^\dag &-\lambda \oper{I} \end{array} \right) = 0, \end{gather} where\]is a unit operator. Using Schur's determinant identity, one can rewrite \Eq{eq:detl} as follows: \begin{multline} 0 = \det(-\lambda \oper{I})\,\det[-\lambda \oper{I}-\oper{\mc{H}}(-\lambda^{-1} \oper{I})\oper{\mc{H}}^\dag] \\ = \det(\lambda^2 \oper{I}-\oper{\mc{H}}\oper{\mc{H}}^\dag). \end{multline} Hence,\[can be found as the (real) eigenvalues of\]. This shows that\[may not depend analytically on the parameters of a problem even when\]does. (In the special case when\[is Hermitian,\]are simply the eigenvalues of\[; then, they are analytic if\]is analytic~.) To what extent this affects of robustness of the whole scheme is yet to be determined. \subsubsection{Boundary-value problem} \label{sec:boundary} RF-wave simulations in plasma physics are typically concerned with stationary waves, in which case the frequency\[is constant and\]prescribed on some boundary, say, an antenna. Then, instead of solving an initial-value problem, one can solve a boundary-value problem, which is even simpler. In this case,\) = \(is a constant and \Eq{eq:schr} can be expressed as\) = 0\(, where\) -\(. Let us assume the decomposition \begin{gather} \oper{\msf{H}} \doteq \left( \begin{array}{cc} \oper{\msf{H}}_{aa} & \oper{\msf{H}}_{ab}\\ \oper{\msf{H}}_{ba} & \oper{\msf{H}}_{bb} \end{array} \right), \quad \psi = \left( \begin{array}{c} a \\ b \end{array} \right), \end{gather} where\)b\(is the part of\[that belongs to the antenna. Then,\)a\(is governed by \begin{gather}\label{eq:Hbound} \oper{\mc{H}}a = \Xi, \quad \oper{\mc{H}} \doteq \oper{\msf{H}}_{aa}, \quad \Xi \doteq-\oper{\msf{H}}_{ab}b. \end{gather} Note that\)b\(is proportional, with a small coefficient, to the number of cells representing the plasma surface, while\)a\(is roughly the number of cells representing the plasma volume,\)a b\(. This means that\)b\(can be prepared efficiently, and thus so can\]. (Remember that\)\_ab\(is sparse.) Furthermore, \Eq{eq:Hbound} has the same form as the one in the initial-value problem. Thus, in principle, this equation can be solved efficiently using the same method as in \Sec{sec:initv}, with the same reservations. \subsubsection{Relevant measurements} For dissipative linear waves, the result sought in simulations is typically the power\)P\_abs = \_V \_abs \(dissipated in some finite volume~\)V\(. (If dissipation is mainly resonant, it can be assumed well localized in space, so~\)V\(can be small compared to the simulation box.) Most generally,\)\_abs\(can be related to the anti-Hermitian part of the Hamiltonian\[; for example, see \Ref{my:zonal}. However, it is often enough to calculate this power within the geometrical-optics approximation, \begin{gather}\label{eq:Pabs1} \mc{P}_{\rm abs} = \frac{\omega}{4\pi}\, \favr{\vec{E}^\intercal\vec{\epsilon}_A(t, \vec{x}, \omega, \vec{k}) \vec{E}}_t. \end{gather} Here,\)\^= \^\(is the transposed (real) electric-field vector,\)\_A = \_A\^(-\^)/2\(,\]is the dielectric tensor that slowly depends on\)t\(and\[,\]and\[are the local frequency and the local wavevector, and\)\_t\(denotes time averaging over the wave period. Within the geometrical-optics approximation, one can replace \Eq{eq:Pabs1} with\)\_abs = \^ \_t\(, \begin{gather} \oper{\msf{P}} \doteq \frac{1}{8\pi} \left\{ \oper{\omega}\vec{\epsilon}_A(t, \vec{x}, \oper{\omega}, \boper{k}) + \big[\oper{\omega}\vec{\epsilon}_A(t, \vec{x}, \oper{\omega}, \boper{k})\big]^\dag \right\}. \end{gather} Then, the dissipated power can be expressed as the following expectation value: \begin{gather} P_{\rm abs} \propto \braket{\vec{E}| \oper{\msf{P}}\oper{\msf{W}} + \oper{\msf{W}} \oper{\msf{P}}| \vec{E}}, \end{gather} where\]is a window operator. For a boundary problem,\[is the same as in \Sec{sec:coldmeas} (and\) = \(is a real constant). For an initial-value problem, the window function must be defined in spacetime, and the length of that along the time axis must be much larger than the characteristic temporal period\)`<!-- -->`{=html}2/\(. \subsection{Kinetic waves} \label{sec:kinetic} Now, let us discuss the possibility of quantum simulations of kinetic waves. For simplicity,\footnote{A quantumlike formulation of the \textit{general} linearized Vlasov--Maxwell system is also possible but requires a more complicated definition of the state function, so we do not consider the general case in this preliminary study.} let us limit our discussion to the collisionless kinetic model where the background plasma is homogeneous and isotropic. For spatially monochromatic fields in Maxwellian plasma, this model was previously discussed in \Ref{ref:engel19}, but here, we present it in a somewhat more general form. In particular, we do not restrict the field profile, and our general approach can be readily extended to inhomogeneous nonisotropic plasmas with flows. Let us assume the distribution function of species\)s\(in the form\)f_s(t, , ) = f\_0s() + \_s(t, , )\(. Here,\)f\_0s\(is the background distribution and\)\_s f\_0s\(is a small perturbation that satisfies the linearized Vlasov equation \begin{multline}\label{eq:tf} \partial_t \tilde{f}_s + \vec{v}_s \cdot \nabla \tilde{f}_s + e_s(\vec{v}_s \times \vec{B}_0/c)\cdot \partial_\vec{p} \tilde{f}_s \\=-e_s(\vec{E} + \vec{v}_s \times \vec{B}/c)\cdot\partial_\vec{p} f_{0s}. \end{multline} Here,\)\_s /(\_s m_s)\(and\)\_s (1 + p\^2/m_s\^2c\^2)\^1/2\(is the Lorentz factor. (We retain relativistic effects because keeping them does not significantly complicate our model.) Let us assume that the background distribution is isotropic, which we express as follows: \begin{gather} f_{0s}(\vec{p}) = F_s(\mc{E}_s(\vec{p})/T_s). \end{gather} Here,\)\_s =\_s m_s c\^2\(is the energy,\)T_s \> 0\(is some effective temperature or \textit{the} temperature, if the distribution is Maxwellian. Then,\)\_ f\_0s =-\_s F_s'/(m_s T_s)\(, so\)\_s \_ f\_0s = 0\(, and \Eq{eq:tf} becomes \begin{gather}\label{eq:ttf} \mathrm{i} \partial_t \tilde{f}_s = \oper{h}_s \tilde{f}_s-\mathrm{i} e_s \vec{E} \cdot \vec{v}_s F_s'/T_s. \end{gather} Here,\)\_s\(is an operator that is Hermitian on the phase space\) (, )\(under the Euclidean metric; specifically, \begin{align} \oper{h}_s \tilde{f}_s & \doteq \vec{v}_s \cdot (-\mathrm{i} \nabla) \tilde{f}_s + (\vec{v}_s \times \vec{B}_0/c)\cdot(-\mathrm{i}\partial_\vec{p}) \tilde{f}_s \\ & = -\mathrm{i} \nabla \cdot (\vec{v}_s \tilde{f}_s)-\mathrm{i}\partial_\vec{p} \cdot[ (\vec{v}_s \times \vec{B}_0/c) \tilde{f}_s]. \end{align} In order to make \Eq{eq:ttf} manifestly conservative in conjunction with Ampere's law, consider a rescaled distribution\)g_s(t, ) \_s(t, )/\[ r_s(\_s)\]\(with\)r_s = \(. Then, one obtains \begin{gather}\label{eq:Eg1} \textstyle \mathrm{i}\partial_t \vec{E} = \mathrm{i} c (\vec{\alpha} \cdot \boper{k}) \vec{B} + \sum_s \int \mathrm{d}\vec{p}\, R_s \vec{v}_s g_s, \\ \textstyle \mathrm{i}\partial_t g_s = \oper{h}_s g_s + \sigma_s R_s \vec{E} \cdot \vec{v}_s, \label{eq:Eg2} \end{gather} where\)R_s e_s\(and\)\_s [sign]{.roman} (-F_s')\(. Finally, let us discretize the momentum space, so\) \_ \(, and rescale\)g_s g_s\(and\)R_s R_s\(. Then, the resulting model is as follows: \begin{gather} \textstyle \mathrm{i}\partial_t \vec{E} = \mathrm{i} c (\vec{\alpha} \cdot \boper{k}) \vec{B} + \sum_{s,\vec{p}} R_s \vec{v}_s g_s, \label{eq:EBg1} \\ \mathrm{i}\partial_t \vec{B} =-\mathrm{i} c (\vec{\alpha} \cdot \boper{k}) \vec{E}, \label{eq:EBg2} \\ \textstyle \mathrm{i}\partial_t g_s = \oper{h}_s g_s + \sigma_s R_s \vec{E} \cdot \vec{v}_s, \label{eq:EBg3} \end{gather} where we have included Faraday's law for completeness. Equations \eq{eq:EBg1} form a Schr\"odinger-type equation for the vector field\)= (8)\^-1/2{, , }\(, where each element of the vector\]is a field in the\[space,\)g_s(t, , )\(, in which\)s\(and\]are fixed parameters. Like in the previous sections, relevant quantities of interest in this case are bilinear functionals of\[, or the expectation values of (spatial or phase-space) window operators and other linear operators. Also, the corresponding Hamiltonian can be symbolically expressed as follows: \begin{gather}\label{eq:Hkin} \oper{H} = \left( \begin{array}{ccc} 0 & \mathrm{i} c (\vec{\alpha} \cdot \boper{k}) & R \vec{v} \\-\mathrm{i} c (\vec{\alpha} \cdot \boper{k}) & 0 & 0\\ \sigma R \vec{v} & 0 & \oper{h} \end{array} \right). \end{gather} If some\)F_s\(are nonmonotonic (\)\_s \(), meaning that the plasma has free energy, this Hamiltonian is pseudo-Hermitian and can support instabilities, as expected. Otherwise (\)\_s = 1\(),\]is Hermitian and the corresponding plasma dynamics can, in principle, be modeled using QHS. However, note that\[is not sparse, so QHS are less efficient for kinetic simulations than for cold-wave simulations. This problem was addressed in \Ref{ref:engel19}. (The model from \Ref{ref:engel19} is obtained from ours as a special case by assuming Maxwellian plasma and\) = \(.) There, the authors adopted the approach from \Refs{ref:low17, ref:low19, tex:low17, ref:low16}, which formally allows efficient QHS with arbitrary non-sparse Hamiltonians. The recent study indicates that this approach may be challenging beyond toy problems\footnote{In this approach, the evolution operator \)\exp(-\mathrm{i} \oper{H}t)\( is represented through a series of rotations whose angles are found numerically. The authors of \Ref{ref:childs18} ``were unable to compute [those angles] explicitly except in very small instances''.}, so its practicality remains to be determined; but other approaches may also be possible. Note that the parts of the distribution function\)\_s\(corresponding to different velocity elements interact with each other only through the collective electric field rather than directly. This means that \textit{the graph of the \)\oper{H}\( is a star} (or more precisely, star with loops, due to the diagonal terms). Such special structure potentially allows for efficient QHS, although explicit algorithms for modeling kinetic plasma waves are yet to be developed. \section{Nonlinear dynamics} \label{sec:nonlin} \subsection{Preliminary considerations} \label{sec:prelim} Suppose a generic ODE \begin{gather}\label{eq:uG} \dot{u} = g(t, u). \end{gather} Here, the dot denotes a derivative with respect to time\)t\(,\)u u(t, u_0)\(is some vector\)u\^1, u\^2, ..., u\^d_u\(,\)u_0\(is a given initial value serving as a parameter, and\)g g\^1, g\^2, ..., g\^d_u \(is a vector function that may be nonlinear. (The upper indices denote the vector components and must not be confused with power indices.) In the ``standard'' quantum algorithm for nonlinear ODEs proposed in \Ref{tex:leyton08},\)u\(is encoded in the amplitude of the state function such that\) u\(. Suppose a simple nonlinearity, say,\)g u\^2\(. Then, \Eqs{eq:uG} can be solved on a quantum computer iteratively if there is a subroutine that can generate a state \begin{gather}\label{nl:2} \textstyle \ket{\psi'}= \sum_{ijk} A_{ijk} \psi_j \psi_k \ket{i} \end{gather} from a given state\)=\_i \_i\(. The nonlinear transformation\) \(cannot be produced with a single copy of\]due to the linear nature of quantum mechanics and the so-called no-cloning theorem. Still, it can be produced with a unitary transformation\)(-H)\((with\[) if one has two copies of\]and an additional ancilla qubit\)P\(in the state initialized to\)\_P\(, \begin{multline} \ket{\psi}\ket{\psi}\ket{0}_P\mapsto\exp(-\mathrm{i}\epsilon\oper{H})\ket{\psi}\ket{\psi}\ket{0}_P \\ \approx \ket{\psi}\ket{\psi}\ket{0}_P + \epsilon \oper{A}\ket{\psi}\ket{\psi}\ket{1}_P. \label{nl:3} \end{multline} Here, the two-state non-Hermitian operator\[is given~by \begin{gather} \textstyle \oper{A} =\sum_{ijk} A_{ijk}\ket{i,0}\bra{j,k} \label{nl:4} \end{gather} and acts as follows: \begin{gather} \textstyle \oper{A} \ket{\psi}\ket{\psi}= \left(\sum_{ijk} A_{ijk}\psi_j \psi_k \ket{i}\right)\ket{0}. \label{nl:5} \end{gather} Also, the Hermitian Hamiltonian\]is constructed to implement ``von~Neumann measurement operation'', which entangles the desired result with the ancilla qubit\)P\(, \begin{gather} \oper{H}=-\mathrm{i} \oper{A} \otimes \ket{1}_P \bra{0}_P + \mathrm{i} \oper{A}^\dag\otimes\ket{0}_P\bra{1}_P. \label{nl:6} \end{gather} Then, measuring the ancilla qubit\)P\(in the resulting state~\eq{nl:3} and post-selecting the results with\)P\(in the state\)\_P\(results in the desired state\[with probability\)\~\^2\(. Alternatively one can use the amplitude-amplification algorithm that requires\)\~1/\(operations to increase the amplitude of the the state with\)\_P\(to\)\~1/2\(. In either case, at least two copies of the state\]are required at every iteration step, which are then replaced by one copy of\[by the algorithm. This means that the number of copies of the initial state scales exponentially with the number of steps. Furthermore, this method is effectively restricted to\)g\(that are low-order polynomials of\)u\(. Hence, it is unlikely to be suitable for practical ODE solvers.\footnote{That said, this algorithm is advantageous in that the number of qubits it requires scales logarithmically with the number of degrees of freedom. We shall return to this in \Sec{sec:subdiscussion}.} The alternative is to convert a nonlinear problem \eq{eq:uG} into a linear one. Although some nonlinear equations allow \textit{ad~hoc} variable transformations that make them linear, such special cases are of limited interest in practice. A more reliable approach is to extend the configuration space by introducing sufficiently many auxiliary degrees of freedom. Sometimes, adding a single degree of freedom is already enough (\App{app:llg}), but here we shall focus on methods that are more universal. In \Sec{sec:ham}, we consider the case of classical Hamiltonian dynamics, and the most general case is considered in \Sec{sec:general}. Yet another, variational, approach to nonlinear simulations, which is based on hybrid quantum--classical computing, will be discussed in \Sec{sec:varia}. \subsection{Classical Hamiltonian systems} \label{sec:ham} Classical Hamiltonian systems can always be made linear via quantization. For example, suppose that \Eqs{eq:uG} have the form \begin{gather}\label{eq:zH} \dot{x}^a = \partial_{p_a} \mc{H}, \quad \dot{p}_a =-\partial_{x^a} \mc{H}, \end{gather} where\) = (t, x, p)\(is some scalar function known as the Hamiltonian. This system can be mapped to a linear quantum system \begin{gather}\label{eq:heff} \mathrm{i} \hbar' \partial_t \psi = \oper{\mc{H}} \psi. \end{gather} Here,\]is some complex scalar field and\)'\(is a fake Planck constant that is introduced arbitrarily such that it be small enough but not necessarily equal (or even comparable) to the true Planck constant. The operator\[can be obtained from\]by, say, taking the Weyl transform of the latter.\footnote{For example, see \Ref{book:tracy} or the supplemental material in \Ref{my:quasiop1}.} A procedure that is less pleasing aesthetically but still sufficient is to replace\)x\^a\(with the coordinate operator\)\^a\((assuming the coordinate space is Euclidean), replace\)p_a\(with the momentum operator\)- ' \_x\^a\(, and then take the Hermitian part of the resulting operator. As long as the effective de Broglie wavelength associated with\[remains small compared to the characteristic scales of the problem, the dynamics generated by \Eq{eq:heff} will adequately reflect the dynamics of the original classical system, and the classical variables can be found as expectation values of\]. For example, let us consider\[that is the Hamiltonian of a nonrelativistic classical particle interacting with electromagnetic field: \begin{gather} \mc{H}(t, \vec{x}, \vec{p}) = \frac{1}{2m}\left[ \vec{p}-\frac{e}{c}\,\vec{A}(t, \vec{x}) \right]^2 + e\varphi(t, \vec{x}). \end{gather} Here,\)m\(and\)e\(are the particle mass and charge,\]is a vector potential, and\[is a scalar potential. Then, \begin{gather} \oper{\mc{H}} = \frac{1}{2m}\left[ \oper{\vec{p}}-\frac{e}{c}\,\vec{A}(t, \oper{\vec{x}}) \right]^2 + e\varphi(t, \oper{\vec{x}}), \end{gather} which is Hermitian already as is ({i.e.,\/} \begin{gather} \partial_t n + \nabla \cdot (n \vec{v}) = 0, \label{eq:n} \\ m (\partial_t + \vec{v} \cdot \nabla) \vec{v} = e (\vec{E} + \vec{v} \times \vec{B}/c)-\nabla Q, \label{eq:v} \end{gather} where\) (-e/c)/m\(is the velocity,\) -(1/c)\_t -\(and\) \(are the electric and magnetic fields, and\)Q\(is the Bohm potential, which is given by \begin{gather} Q =-\frac{\hbar'^2}{2m}\,\frac{\nabla^2 \sqrt{n}}{\sqrt{n}}. \end{gather} At small enough\)'\(, the Bohm potential is negligible (assuming that the characteristic spatial scale of\)n\(is independent of\)'\(), so one obtains a semiclassical model, whose characteristics are exactly \Eqs{eq:zH}. Notably, albeit not surprisingly, \Eqs{eq:n} and \eq{eq:v} are just the classical equations of cold charged fluid with density\)n\(and velocity\]. In this sense, our approach allows solving not only discrete Hamilton's equations but nonlinear fluid equations as well. The only subtlety is that, by definition, \begin{gather}\label{eq:irr} \nabla \times (m\vec{v} + e\vec{A}/c) = \nabla \times \nabla \theta \equiv 0. \end{gather} (See also \Ref{ref:seliger68}, which elaborates on the related issue in the variational formulation of classical fluid mechanics.) If more general fluids need to be modeled, they can be represented as ensembles of fluids satisfying \Eq{eq:irr}; {i.e.,\/} \subsection{General approach} \label{sec:general} Now, let us return to the general \Eq{eq:uG}. We shall assume that both\)u\(and\)g\(are real; otherwise, the real and imaginary parts of\)u\(can be treated as independent components of a real vector that satisfies an equation of the form \eq{eq:uG}. Consider\footnote{A similar approach was also proposed in parallel in \Ref{ref:joseph20}. Since the first preprint of our paper was released, related ideas have also been proposed in \Refs{tex:engel20, tex:liu20, tex:lloyd20}.} \begin{gather}\label{eq:Fdelta} F(t, w) = \delta[w-u(t, u_0)] \end{gather} (as a reminder,\[is the Dirac delta function), which represents the probability distribution in space\)w\(that corresponds to the solution\)w = u (t,u_0)\(with specific~\)u_0\(. Then, one obtains \begin{gather} \partial_t F =-\dot{u}^a [\partial_{w^a}\delta (w-u)] =-\partial_{w^a}[g^a(t,w)\delta (w-u)], \nonumber \end{gather} where summation over repeated indices is assumed. This can be viewed as a linear continuity equation for\)F\(, \begin{gather} \partial_t F(t, w) + \nabla_w \cdot [g(t, w)F(t, w)] = 0. \label{eq:Fcont} \end{gather} Next, let us introduce\]. [For simplicity, one can consider\)F = (w-u)\(as a sufficiently narrow Gaussian; then\[is defined as usual. For a general definition and for how to map such objects to a grid, see \App{app:delta}.] This function satisfies \begin{gather} \partial_t\psi =-\frac{1}{2}\,(\nabla_w \cdot g)\psi-g \cdot \nabla_w\psi. \label{eq:psit} \end{gather} To rewrite this in a compact form, let us introduce the coordinate operators\)\^a\(on the the\)w\(space and the corresponding momentum operators\)\_a\(: \begin{gather} \oper{\rho}_a \doteq-\mathrm{i}\partial_{w^a}, \quad [\oper{w}^a, \oper{\rho}_b] = \mathrm{i} \delta_b^a, \end{gather} where\)\[, \]\(is a commutator. Then,\)g\(can also be viewed as an operator,\)\^ag\^a(t, )\(, which is Hermitian, because\)g\^a\(is real. Accordingly, the above equation for\]can be expressed as \begin{gather} \mathrm{i} \partial_t\psi =\frac{1}{2}\, [\oper{\rho}_a, \oper{g}^a]\psi + \oper{g}^a \oper{\rho}_a \psi = \oper{H}\psi, \label{eq:psit2} \end{gather} where\[is a linear \textit{Hermitian} operator given by \begin{gather}\label{eq:HL} \oper{H}=\frac{1}{2}\, (\oper{\rho}_a \oper{g}^a + \oper{g}^a \oper{\rho}_a). \end{gather} Equation \eq{eq:psit2} has the form of a geometrical-optics wave equation. It is also a Schr\"odinger equation with a sparse Hamiltonian, so it can be solved directly using QHS. Once the solution for\]has been obtained, the value of\)u\^a\(at any given\)t\(, which can be expressed as\)u\^a(t) = (w-u(t, u_0)) w\^a w\(, is readily found as the expectation value of\)\^a\(on~\[: \begin{gather}\label{eq:psiw} u^a =\int [\psi(t, w)]^2 w^a \mathrm{d} w \equiv \braket{\psi | \oper{w}^a | \psi}, \end{gather} where we have used the fact that\]is real by definition. Note that mapping the nonlinear problem \eq{eq:uG} to the linear problem \eq{eq:psit2} is exact. (Discretization errors occur when the equations are mapped on a grid, but they are not different from those in classical simulations of linear systems.) A disadvantage of this approach is that simulating the dynamics in the\)w\(space is computationally expensive; it requires a grid whose number of cells scales as\[, where\)n_u\(is the number of cells on the\)u\^a\(axis (assuming for simplicity that\)n_u\(is the same for all~\)a\(). Since the required number of qubits scales logarithmically with\)N_w\(, it thereby scales linearly with\)d_u\(. This imposes limitations on how many degrees of freedom\)d_u\(can be handled in practice. For example, this may not be a practical approach for solving partial differential equations, because they correspond to large\)d_u\(when mapped on a grid. However, this approach is advantageous compared to the one described in \Sec{sec:prelim} in that its requirements on the computational resources do not grow exponentially with time and no intermediate measurements are involved. Also note that the same method can be used at no extra cost to model the evolution of\)u\(averaged over any given initial distribution\)f_0(u_0)\(. The only difference in this case is that instead of \Eq{eq:Fdelta},\)F\(is defined as follows: \begin{gather}\label{eq:F0} F(t, w) = \int \delta[w-u(t, u_0)] f_0(u_0)\,\mathrm{d} u_0. \end{gather} It may appear surprising that such linear superposition of solutions corresponding to different\)u_0\(maps to a linear equation \eq{eq:psit2} even though\]depends on\)F\(nonlinearly. But this is understood if one considers the problem on a grid. In this case, the continuous distribution\)F\(splits into a sum of delta distributions,\)F = \_n F_n\(, and\)F_n F_m \(for all\)n m\(, because trajectories do not intersect. Thus,\[maps to the sum\)= \_n \_n\(, where\)\_n \(evolve independently, each with its own~\)u_0\(. In case of Hamiltonian dynamics, when\)\_w g = 0\(, \Eq{eq:Fcont} becomes the Liouville equation, with\)w\(being the phase-space coordinate, and coincides with the Schr\"odinger equation for\]. (The fact that the Liouville equation can be viewed as a Schr\"odinger equation has long been known; for example, see \Ref{my:wkin} and references therein.) In this case, the method described here can be viewed as a phase-space reformulation of the method described in \Sec{sec:ham}. Although the dimension of\)u\(is twice as large as the dimension of\)x\((\)d_u = 2d_x\(), the de~Broglie wavelength does not need to be resolved, so both approaches require about the same number of cells in the corresponding\)w\(~spaces. In a given application, the first (\Sec{sec:ham}) or the second (\Sec{sec:general}) approach may be advantageous depending, for example, on a specific Hamiltonian. \subsection{Stochastic differential equations} Another interesting class of problems is where the right-hand side of an ODE contains a stochastic term~\)f\^\(: \begin{gather}\label{eq:Ed0} \dot{u}^\alpha=g^\alpha(t,u)+f^\alpha(t). \end{gather} Let us assume that\)f\^\(has Gaussian statistics with \begin{gather}\label{eq:Ed1} \favr{f^\alpha(t)} = 0, \quad \favr{f^\alpha(t) f^\beta(t')} = A^{\alpha\beta}\delta(t-t'). \end{gather} Then, the corresponding equation \eq{eq:Fcont} for\)F\(acquires an additional term: \begin{gather} \partial_t F =-\partial_{w^\alpha}[g^\alpha(t,w)F]-\partial_{w^\alpha}\favr{f^\alpha\delta(w-u)}. \label{eq:Ed2} \end{gather} Using the Novikov formula for a Gaussian noise, \begin{gather} \favr{f^\alpha(t) J[f]} = A^{\alpha\beta} \left\langle \frac{\delta J[f]}{\delta f^\beta(t)} \right\rangle, \label{eq:Ed3} \end{gather} one can express the last term in \Eq{eq:Ed2} as \begin{gather} \favr{f^\alpha(t)\delta(w-u)}=-A^{\alpha\beta}\partial_{w^\gamma} \left\langle \frac{\delta u^\gamma(t)}{\delta f^\beta(t)}\,\delta(w-u)\right\rangle. \label{eq:Ed4} \end{gather} It follows from \Eq{eq:Ed0} that\)u\^(t)/f\^(t)=\^\_/2\(and therefore \Eq{eq:Ed2} for\)F\(becomes an equation of the Fokker--Planck form, \begin{gather} \partial_t F + \partial_{w^\alpha}[g^\alpha(t,w)F]=\frac{1}{2}\,\partial_{w^\alpha}(A^{\alpha\beta}\partial_{w^\beta}F). \label{eq:Ed5} \end{gather} Unlike \Eq{eq:Fcont}, this equation does not allow a simple Schr\"odinger representation. However, since \Eq{eq:Ed5} is linear, it can be solved using the general methods described in \Sec{sec:linearnonherm}. This can be used, for example, for studying homogeneous Navier--Stokes turbulence. \subsection{Discussion} \label{sec:subdiscussion} To recap the above findings, the most interesting and relevant plasma problems are not immediately suited for the traditional QC architecture, which is a fit mainly for linear Schr\"odinger equations with Hermitian Hamiltonians. In order to map plasma problems to this architecture, it appears necessary to extend the configuration space~\[(which is also how it is done in the recent \Refs{ref:joseph20, tex:engel20, tex:liu20, tex:lloyd20}.) Handling non-Hermiticity requires that the system size be only doubled (\Sec{sec:linearnonherm}), which is tolerable; however, nonlinearity presents a bigger challenge. Here, we have proposed a universal approach that allows for an arbitrary nonlinearity and dissipation. The idea is to encode the information about a dynamical system into a state vector that determines the probability of the system to be in a given part of\](\Sec{sec:general}). The dynamics of this vector is linear and unitary, so it can be naturally mapped to the QC architecture. Simulations for multiple initial conditions can be performed in parallel; this can be beneficial, for example, in optimization problems, where multiple initial guesses need to be processed for finding the global minimum. The required computational resources, or the number of qubits\)N\(, scale in our approach logarithmically with the required resolution and linearly with the number of degrees of freedom. That makes our approach particularly attractive for nonlinear-ODE solvers, where the number of degrees of freedom is not too large and the corresponding quantum Hamiltonians are sparse. Then, the corresponding run time scales linearly with~\)N\(. This scaling is fundamentally different from that in the commonly cited \Ref{tex:leyton08}, where the independent variable is encoded in the amplitude of the state function directly rather than through the probability amplitude. As a result, the run time and the required number of qubits in \Ref{tex:leyton08} scale logarithmically with the number of degrees of freedom but exponentially with the number of steps (\Sec{sec:prelim}). Also notably, an algorithm similar to that in \Ref{tex:leyton08} has been proposed recently for quantum optimization of polynomial functionals and exhibits similar scalings. The exponential scaling appears unavoidable for all algorithms of this type; hence, they are practically applicable only when the required number of steps is small. This, perhaps, rules them out as ODE solvers for plasma simulations. As a side note, though, such algorithms might be suitable for solving optimization problems in plasma physics. This is seen from the following example. Let us consider the problem of magnetic-field optimization for the recently proposed permanent-magnet stellarator~. The problem consists of finding the locations\)\_i\(and the dipole moments\)\_i\(of permanent magnets (subject to the engineering constraints) that produce a certain ``target'' field\)\_T\(within a prescribed volume. To uniquely specify such field, it is sufficient to specify the normal component of\)\_T\(on the volume boundary\[. Then, the problem can be reduced to minimizing the objective function\)() \_\[(**B**-**B**\_T) \]\^2 \(, where\]is the actual field produced by the magnets,\[is the unit vector field normal to\], and\) {\_i, \_i}\(is the array of all independent variables. The magnetic field can be approximated with a nonlinear polynomial function\)()\(. Then, the standard approach to optimizing~\[is to reduce the set of free parameters~\]to some smaller set~\[that has the biggest impact on plasma performance; however, doing so limits the degree of optimization. A quantum algorithm potentially can do better, since it can handle much more degrees of freedom, perhaps, even the actual\]. The exponential scaling with the number of steps, which is the main bottleneck of the algorithm in \Ref{tex:rebentrost18}, is not a problem here, because the anticipated number of the iteration steps is not large (assuming a good initial guess is available). Therefore, by using the algorithm from \Ref{tex:rebentrost18}, one might be able to find a more optimal field configuration and thus improve plasma performance. \section{Eigenmodes and plasma stability} \label{sec:eigen} Another class of numerical plasma-physics problems for which QC can be useful is the problem of finding global linear eigenmodes and their frequencies\[. Such problems emerge naturally, for example, in the context of MHD stability of fusion devices. As commonly known, eigenmodes of a static plasma governed by ideal MHD satisfy \begin{gather}\label{eq:mhd}-\omega^2\rho \, \end{gather} where\) \]\begin{gathered}
\label{eq:mhd2} \oper{H}\psi = \lambda \psi, \quad \psi \doteq \rho^{1/2} \quad \oper{H} \doteq \rho^{-1/2} \oper{\mc{F}} \rho^{-1/2}, \end{gathered}\[ and \(\lambda \doteq-\omega^2\) are real. Since \(\oper{\mc{F}}\) is Hermitian, so is \(\oper{H}\). Then, belongs to the class of problems that yield to known efficient quantum algorithms.[^1] One of them is the earliest quantum eigensolver, which is related to the HHL algorithm mentioned earlier. Another option is a hybrid quantum--classical method, which can be efficient provided that: (i) \(\oper{H}\) can be split into a polynomial sum of few-qubits operators, \(\oper{H} = \sum_n \oper{H}_n\), and (ii) one can prepare "ansatz" quantum states on demand that cover the relevant part of Hilbert space with a given finite list of classical parameters. This hybrid method is briefly described as follows. First, one calculates the "ground state", which corresponds to the smallest eigenvalue \(\lambda\). To do that, one starts by preparing an ansatz state \(\Psi\) with some trial parameters and calculates \(H_n \doteq \braket{\Psi|\oper{H}_n|\Psi}\) on a quantum computer. Then, one feeds the results into a classical computer. The latter calculates \(H \doteq \braket{\Psi|\oper{H}|\Psi}\) by summing up \(H_n\) and then applies an iterative classical algorithm to adjust the parameters of the ansatz state such that \(H\) be minimized. The resulting eigenstate is termed \(\Psi_0\), and the corresponding eigenvalue is found as \(\lambda_0 = \braket{\Psi_0|\oper{H}|\Psi_0}\). Next, one similarly minimizes \(H\) in the subspace of vectors orthogonal to \(\Psi_0\) and obtains the next eigenstate \(\Psi_1\) and the corresponding eigenvalue \(\lambda_1 = \braket{\Psi_1|\oper{H}|\Psi_1}\), and so on. Alternatively, the eigenvalues \(\lambda\) of \(\smash{\oper{H}}\) can be found as the local minima of the functional \(\smash{\braket{\Psi| (\oper{H}-\lambda \oper{I})^2|\Psi}}\). This algorithm allows one to find both real and imaginary eigenfrequencies \(\omega = \sqrt{-\lambda}\) and thus explore plasma stability within ideal MHD. The quantum computer is used as a co-processor whose role is to efficiently calculate the matrix elements \(H_n\), in which it can significantly outperform a classical computer. Also note that the hybrid method imposes less strict requirements on the hardware. Each quantum calculation evaluates only a single matrix element, so the coherence time can be much smaller than that needed for solving the whole problem solely on a quantum computer.
# Variational approach to nonlinear simulations {#sec:varia}
The hybrid quantum--classical variational approach can also be used for general simulations, including simulations of dissipative and nonlinear systems, as proposed in . Like in the previous case, one works with an ansatz quantum state \(\phi(\theta)\) that is prepared on demand for a given finite list of classical parameters \(\theta\). Suppose that at some time \(t_n\), one has \(\phi(\theta_n) \approx \psi(t_n)\), which is an approximation to a true solution \(\psi(t_n)\) of the general type system \(\partial_t \psi=\oper{O}(t)\psi\) at time \(t_n\). At the next time step \(t_{n+1} = t_n + \tau\), the true solution is given by \]\begin{gathered}
\psi(t_{n+1}) \approx \big[\,\oper{I} + \tau \oper{O}(t_n)\big]\psi(t_n) \approx \big[\,\oper{I} + \tau \oper{O}(t_n)\big]\phi(\theta_n). \end{gathered}\[ For linear systems, the operator \(\oper{O}\) is prescribed and thus known at all times. For systems with polynomial nonlinearity, all nonlinear terms in \(\oper{O}(t_n)\phi(t_n)\) can be evaluated using the projection method of (see ), since multiple copies of \(\phi(\theta_n)\) can be constructed in parallel at any given time without restarting the simulation. Therefore, one can use a quantum computer to efficiently evaluate the "cost function" \]\begin{gathered}
C(\theta_{n+1}) \doteq ||\phi(\theta_{n+1})-\psi(t_{n+1})||^2 \\ \approx ||\phi(\theta_{n+1})-[I +\tau \oper{O}(t_n)\phi(\theta_n)]\,||^2 \end{gathered}\(\) for any \(\theta_{n+1}\). Then, one can efficiently find \(\theta_{n+1}\) that minimizes the quantity \(C(\theta_{n+1})\) using a classical computer. This amounts to finding \(\phi(\theta_{n+1})\) that is maximally close to the true solution \(\psi(t_{n+1})\); in other words, the system is integrated from \(t_n\) to \(t_{n+1}\). This process can be iterated from the initial moment of time, when \(\psi\) is given, for any number of steps. Much like in , the role of the quantum computer here is limited to evaluating the cost function, while the optimization is done using a classical computer, which makes the scheme hybrid. The potential disadvantage of this method is that the simulation accuracy strongly depends on how closely the ansatz \(\phi\) can approximate the true solution \(\psi\). However, using an ansatz also has important advantages. Since each \(\phi(\theta_n)\) is constructed independently for given \(\theta_n\), such algorithm does not require exponentially many copies of \(\phi\), unlike the method in . Also, the ansatz-based method does not require extension of the configuration space assumed in . This can be useful for solving nonlinear partial differential equations, whose configuration space on a grid is large. For example, describes application of the hybrid variational algorithm to solving a nonlinear Schrödinger equation, which is a common model in theory of nonlinear plasma waves.
# Conclusions {#sec:conc}
Unlike quantum-mechanical systems that, in principle, can be mapped to the QC architecture more or less straightforwardly, modeling classical systems with quantum computers is challenging even at the conceptual level. Here, we report a preliminary exploration of the long-term opportunities and likely obstacles in this area. First, we show that many plasma-wave problems are naturally representable in a quantumlike form and thus are naturally fit for quantum computers. Second, we consider more general plasma problems that include non-Hermitian dynamics (instabilities, irreversible dissipation) and nonlinearities. We show that by extending the configuration space, such systems can also be represented in a quantumlike form and thus can be simulated with quantum computers too, albeit that requires more computational resources compared to the first case. Third, we outline potential applications of hybrid quantum--classical computers, which include analysis of global eigenmodes and also an alternative approach to nonlinear simulations. The work was supported by the U.S. DOE through Contract No. DE-AC02-09CH11466. The authors also thank Stuart Hudson for valuable input.
[^1]: Notably, there also exist quantum algorithms for calculating (complex) eigenvalues of non-Hermitian operators. However, these algorithms are considerably less efficient. | {'timestamp': '2021-05-18T02:14:25', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14369', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14369'} |
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# Introduction and related works
A Bayesian Network (BN) is a type of a probabilistic graphical model that can be viewed as a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG), where nodes represent uncertain variables and arcs represent dependency or causal relationship between variables. The structure of a BN can be learned from data, and there are three main classes of structure learning: constraint-based, score-based and hybrid learning. The first type relies on conditional independence tests to construct the skeleton and orient edges, whereas the second type searches over the space of possible graphs and returns the graph that maximises a fitting score. Hybrid learning refers to algorithms that combine both constraint-based and score-based learning.
A common problem when learning BNs from data is that of causal insufficiency, where data fail to capture all the relevant variables. Variables not captured by data are referred to as latent variables (also known as unobserved or unmeasured variables). In the real world, latent variables are impossible to avoid either because data may not be available or simply because some variables are unknown unknowns for which we will never seeks to record data. A special case of a latent variable, referred to as a latent confounder, is an unobserved common cause of two or more observed variables in a BN. While known latent variables pose less of a problem in knowledge-based BNs, where methods exist that enable users to model latent variables not present in the data under the assumption the statistical outcomes are already influenced by the causes an expert might identify as variables missing from the dataset, they can be a problem in structure learning. This is because child nodes that share an unobserved common cause will be found to be directly related, even when they are not, and this is a widely known problem that gives rise to spurious correlations in the presence of confounding.
The traditional DAG has proven to be unsuitable when structure learning is performed under the assumption that some variables are latent. This is because a DAG assumes causal sufficiency and does not capture latent variables. Ancestral graphs have been proposed as a solution to this problem, and represent an extension of DAGs that capture hidden variables. Specifically, the Maximal Ancestral Graph (MAG) is a special case of a DAG where arcs indicate direct or ancestral relationships, and bi-directed edges represent confounding. Moreover, a Partial Ancestral Graph (PAG) represents a set of Markov equivalent MAGs, in the same way a Complete Partial Directed Acyclic Graph (CPDAG) represents a set of Markov equivalent DAGs. Fig 1 illustrates an example of a DAG with latent variables \(L_1\) and \(L_2\), along with its corresponding Markov equivalent MAGs and the PAG of Markov equivalent MAGs. Both types of ancestral graph, MAGs and PAGs, can be used to represent causally insufficient systems.
The most popular BN structure learning algorithm for causally insufficient systems is the constraint-based FCI, which is based on the PC algorithm. Various modified versions of FCI have been published in the literature and include the augmented FCI which improves the orientation phase by extending the orientation rules of FCI from four to ten, the conservative FCI (cFCI) which uses additional conditional independence tests to restrict unambiguous orientations and improve the identification of definite colliders, and the RFCI which skips some of the orientation rules in FCI and performs fewer conditional independence tests that make the algorithm faster and more suitable to problems of 1000s of variables, in exchange for minor accuracy. These constraint-based algorithms assume the joint probability distribution is a perfect map with a faithful graph, and this is often not practical when working with real data. Moreover, the orientation phase depends on the accuracy of the skeleton and hence, any errors from the first phase are propagated to the orientation phase. GFCI relaxes these issues by incorporating the score-based approach of FGS, which is an enhanced version of Greedy Equivalence Search (GES), thereby producing a hybrid learning algorithm that outperforms the constraint-based versions of FCI.
In addition to the FCI variants, other algorithms have been proposed that are based on different approaches to structure learning. These include the GSPo, the M^3^HC and the GSMAG algorithms. Specifically, the GSPo is an ordering-based search algorithm that uses greedy search over the space of independence maps (IMAPs) to determine the minimal IMAP. This is achieved by defining a partial ordered set (poset) that is linked to the IMAP, expressed as a discrete optimisation problem. However, GSPo uses a random starting point for a poset, and this makes the algorithm non-deterministic since each run is likely to produce a different result. On the other hand, the M^3^HC is a hybrid learning algorithm that adds a constraint-based learning phase to the greedy search of the GSMAG algorithm . Both M^3^HC and GSMAG assume the data are continuous and normally distributed, and Tsirlis et al. showed that hybrid algorithms such as M^3^HC and GFCI demonstrate better performance over the other relevant constraint-based algorithms.
The paper is organised as follows: Section 2 describes the CCHM algorithm, Section 3 describes the evaluation process, Section 4 presents the results, and we provide our concluding remarks and a discussion for future work in Section 5.
# Conservative rule and Causal effect Hill-climbing for MAG (CCHM)
CCHM is a hybrid structure learning algorithm defined as a Structural Equation Model (SEM), under the assumption the data are continuous and follow a multivariate Gaussian distribution. The process of CCHM can be divided into two phases. The first phase adopts the conditional independence steps from cFCI to construct the skeleton of the graph, and to further classify definite colliders as whitelist and definite non-colliders as blacklist. The second phase involves score-based learning that uses the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) as the objective function, adjusted for MAGs, where edge orientation is augmented with causal effect measures. These steps are described in more detail in the subsections that follow.
## Definite colliders (whitelist) and definite non-colliders (blacklist)
Conditional independence tests are used to determine the edges between variables and to produce the skeleton graph. A p-value associates with each statistical test result, which is used to sort conditional independencies in ascending order. An alpha hyperparameter is then used as the cut-off threshold in establishing independence. For each conditional independency \(A\[\mathrel{\text{\scalebox{1.07}{\)\perp\mkern-10mu\perp\(}}}\]B\[\mid\]Z\), \(Z\) is recorded as the separation set (Sepset) of variables \(A\) and \(B\). The orientation of edges is determined by a method inherited from cFCI, where extra conditional independence tests over all unshielded triples determine the classification of each of those triples as either a definite collider or a definite non-collider:
- Given unshielded triple \(A\)-\(C\)-\(B\), perform conditional independence tests on \(A\) and \(B\) over all neighbours of \(A\) and \(B\).
- If \(C\) is **NOT** in all Sepsets of \(A\) and \(B\), add \(A\)-\(C\)-\(B\) to the whitelist as a definite collider.
- If \(C\) is in **ALL** Sepsets of \(A\) and \(B\), add \(A\)-\(C\)-\(B\) to the blacklist as a definite non-collider.
## Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) for MAG
The score-based learning part of CCHM involves hill-climbing greedy search that minimises the BIC score, which is a function for goodness-of-fit in BNs based on Occam's razor principle. The BIC score balances the Log-Likelihood (LL) fitting against a penalty term for model dimensionality. CCHM adopts the BIC function used in the M^3^HC and GSMAG algorithms, and which is adjusted for MAGs. Formally, given a dataset over vertices \(V\) with a distribution \(\mathcal{N}\left(0,\Sigma\right)\) where \(\Sigma\) is a covariance matrix calculated from the dataset, a unique solution \(Y\) is found where \(\hat{\Sigma}=\left(I-\mathcal{B}\right)^{-1}{\Omega\left(I-\mathcal{B}\right)}^{-t}\). MAG \(\mathcal{G}\) is constructed from linear equations \(Y=\mathcal{B}\cdot Y+\epsilon\), where \(Y=\left\{Y_i\middle|i\in V\right\}\), \(\mathcal{B}\) is a \(V\times V\) coefficient matrix for the directed edge \(j\) to \(i\) \(\left\{\beta_{ij}\right\}\), I is an identity matrix, \(\epsilon\) is a positive random error vector for the bidirected edge \(j\) to \(i\) \(\left\{\omega_{ij}\right\}\), and the error covariance matrix \(\Omega=Cov\left(\epsilon\right)=\left\{\omega_{ii}\right\}\). The BIC score is then calculated as follows: \[BIC\left(\hat{\sum}\middle|\mathcal{G}\right)=-2\ln{\left(l_\mathcal{G}\left(\hat{\sum}\middle|\mathcal{G}\right)\right)}+\ln{\left(N\right)\left(2\left|V\right|+\left|E\right|\right)} \qquad (1)\] where \(l_\mathcal{G}\) is likelihood function, \(\left|V\right|\) and \(\left|E\right|\) are the size of nodes and edges that are part of the complexity penalty term, and \(N\) is the sample size. Similar to the factorisation property of DAGs, the score \(l_\mathcal{G}\left(\hat{\sum}\middle|\mathcal{G}\right)\) can be decomposed into c-components \({(S}_k)\) of \(\mathcal{G}\) which refer to the connected components that are partitioned by removing all directed edges: \[l_\mathcal{G}\left(\hat{\sum}\middle|\mathcal{G}\right)=-\frac{N}{2}\sum_{k}S_k \qquad (2)\]
and where \(C_k\) denotes the set of nodes for each c-component\(\ k, \mathcal{G}_k\) is the marginalisation from \(C_k\), with all their parent nodes are defined as \({\rm Pa}_\mathcal{G}\left(C_k\right)\) in \(C_k, \sigma_{kj}^2\) represents the diagonal \({\hat{\Sigma}}_{\mathcal{G}_k}\) of the parent node k. The likelihood \(\hat{\Sigma}\) is estimated by the RICF algorithm.
## Direct causal criteria for CCHM
Because the BIC is a Markov equivalent score, it is incapable of orientating all edges from statistical observations. Optimising for BIC under causal insufficiency returns a PAG, or one of the MAGs that are part of the equivalence class of the optimal PAG. In this paper, we are interested in orientating all edges and discovering a MAG. We achieve this using Pearl's do-calculus to measure the direct causal effect on edges that remain undirected by BIC. The direct causal effect is estimated by intervention that renders the intervening variable independent of its parents.
# Theorem: Single-door criterion for direct effect {#theorem-single-door-criterion-for-direct-effect .unnumbered}
Single-Door Criterion for direct effect: Given \(X\[\to\]Y\), path coefficient is identifiable and equal to the regression coefficient if
- There existed a set of variable \(Z\) such that \(Z\) contains no descendant of \(Y\)
- \(Z\) is d-separated set of \(X\) and \(Y\) in subgraph removing \(X\[\to\]Y\)
The interpretation of the path coefficient \((\beta)\) in the regression of Theorem can be expressed as the direct causal effect determined by the rate of change of \(E\left[Y\right]\) given intervention \(X\) as follows.
This assumes that all casual effect parameters are identifiable, and that the path coefficient or the direct causal effect is the regression coefficient estimated from the likelihood function. Let \(A\[\to\]B\) be the edge in the ground truth graph, the SEM \(B=\beta_AA+\epsilon_B\), if we assume that we have \(A\sim\mathcal{N}\left(\mu_A,\sigma^2_A\right),\epsilon_B\sim\mathcal{N}(0,\sigma_{\epsilon_B}^2)\), and \(\epsilon_B\) and \(A\) are independent. Thus, \(E\left[B\right]=\beta_AE\left[A\right],\ {\sigma^2}_B={\beta_A}^2{\sigma^2}_A+\sigma_{\epsilon_B}^2\). For every pair \(A\) and \(B\) in the learned graph, two causal graphs where \(A\[\to\]B\) and \(A\)←\(B\) need to be constructed to measure the direct causal effects. Specifically,
- For graphs \(A\[\to\]B\), do the intervention on A; i.e., \(do(a)\) (page 161) \[{\ \ \beta}_A\ =\ \frac{E\left[BA\right]}{E\left[A^2\right]} \qquad (3)\]
- For graphs \(B\[\to\]A\), do the intervention on B; i.e., \(do(b)\). \[\beta_B\ =\ \frac{E\left[AB\right]}{E\left[B^2\right]} \qquad (4)\]
From (3) and (4); \[\frac{\beta_A}{\beta_B}=\ \frac{E\left[B^2\right]}{E\left[A^2\right]}\ =\ \frac{{E\left[B\right]}^2+{\sigma^2}_B}{{E\left[A\right]}^2+{\sigma^2}_A}\ \] Substitute\(\ E\left[B\right]=\beta_AE\left[A\right],\ {\sigma^2}_B={\beta_A}^2{\sigma^2}_A+\sigma_{\epsilon_B}^2\) from the graph, \[\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,=\ \frac{\beta_A^2{E\left[A\right]}^2+{\beta_A}^2{\sigma^2}_A+\sigma_{\epsilon_B}^2}{{E\left[A\right]}^2+{\sigma^2}_A}\ =\ \beta_A^2+\frac{\sigma_{\epsilon_B}^2}{{E\left[A\right]}^2+{\sigma^2}_A}\ \ \ \ \ \qquad (5)\] If \(E\left[A\right]\ =\mu_A=0,{\sigma^2}_A=1\ \)and \(\ {\sigma^2}_{\epsilon_B}=1\ \)in\(\ \ (5)\)\
Algorithm 1 describes the steps of CCHM in detail.
# Evaluation
The accuracy of the CCHM algorithm is compared to the outputs of the M^3^HC, GSPo, GFCI, RFCI, FCI, and cFCI algorithms, when applied to the same data. The M^3^HC algorithm was tested using the MATLAB implementation by Triantafillou, the GFCI and RFCI algorithms were tested using the Tetrad-based rcausal package in R, and the GSPo algorithm was tested using the causaldag Python package by Squires. The computational time of CCHM is compared to the M^3^HC, FCI and cFCI, which are based on the same MATLAB package.
All experiments are based on synthetic data. However, we divide them into experiments based on data generated from BNs which had their structure and dependencies randomised, and data generated from real-world BNs. Randomised BNs were generated using Triantafillou's MATLAB package. We created a total of 600 random Gaussian DAGs that varied in variable size, max in-degree, and sample size. Specifically, 50 DAGs were generated for each combination of variables \(V\) and max in-degree settings \(\mathcal{D}\), where \(V\) = {10, 20, 50, 70, 100, 200} and \(\mathcal{D}\)={3, 5}. Each of those 600 graphs was then used to generate two datasets of sample size 1,000 and 10,000, for a total of 1,200 datasets. Data were generated assuming linear Gaussian parameters \(\mu\)=0 and \(\sigma^2\)=1 and uniformly random coefficients \(\pm\)\[0.1,0.9\] for each parent set to avoid very weak or very strong edges. Approximately 10% of the variables in the data are made latent in each of the 600 datasets.
In addition to the randomised networks, we made use of four real-world Gaussian BNs taken from the bnlearn repository. These are the a) *MAGIC-NIAB* (44 nodes) which captures genetic effects and phenotypic interactions for Multiparent Advanced Generation Inter-Cross (MAGIC) winter wheat population, b) *MAGIC-IRRI* (64 nodes) which captures genetic effects and phenotypic interactions for MAGIC indica rice population, c) *ECOLI70* (46 nodes) which captures the protein-coding genes of *E. coli*, and d) *ARTH150* (107 nodes) which captures the gene expressions and proteomics data of *Arabidopsis Thaliana*. Each of these four BNs was used to generate data, with the sample size set to 10,000. For each of the four datasets, we introduced four different rates of latent variable: 0%, 10%, 20% and 50%. This made the total number of real-world datasets 16; four datasets per BN.
The following hyperparameter settings are used for all algorithms: a) alpha=0.01 for the fisher's z hypothesis test for datasets generated by the randomised [^1] BNs, b) alpha =0.05, 0.01, 0.001 (all cases tested) for datasets generated by the real-world BNs, and c) the max Sepset size of the conditioning set is set to 4 so that runtime is maintained at reasonable levels. The maximum length of discriminating paths is also set to 4 in the four FCI-based algorithms (this is the same as the max Sepset size). For GSPo, the depth of depth-first search is set to 4 and the randomised points of posets equal to 5 (these are the default settings). Because GSPo is a non-deterministic algorithm that generates a different output each time it is executed, we report the average scores obtained over five runs. Lastly, all algorithms were restricted to a four-hour runtime limit.
Further, because the algorithms will output either a PAG or a MAG, we convert all MAG outputs into the corresponding PAGs. The accuracy of the learned graphs is then assessed with respect to the true PAG. The results are evaluated using the traditional measures of Precision and Recall, the Structural Hamming Distance (SHD) which represents the difference in the number of edges and edge orientations between the learned and the true graphs, and the Balance Scoring Function (BSF) which returns a balanced score by taking into consideration all four confusion matrix parameters as follows: \(BSF=0.5\left(\frac{TP}{a}+\frac{TN}{i}-\frac{FP}{i}-\frac{FN}{a}\right)\) where \(a\) is the numbers of edges and \(i\) is the number of direct independences in the ground true graph, and \(i=\frac{n(n-1)}{2}-a\). The BSF score ranges from-1 to 1, where 1 refers to the most accurate graph (i.e., matches the true graph), 0 refers to a baseline performance that is equal to that of a fully connected or an empty graph, and-1 refers to the worst possible graph (i.e., the reverse result of the true graph).
# Results
## Random Gaussian Bayesian Networks
Fig 2 presents the Precision and Recall scores the algorithms achieve on the datasets generated by the randomised BNs. The scores are averaged across the different settings of variable size and max in-degree. Note that because there was no noteworthy difference between the overall results obtained from the two different data sample sizes, we only report the results based on sample size 10,000. The results and conclusions based on the datasets with sample size 10,000 also hold for the datasets with sample size 1,000.
Overall, the results show that, the CCHM outperforms all other algorithms in terms of both Precision and Recall, and across all settings excluding Recall under max in-degree 5 where GSPo ranks highest (Fig 2b). While GSPo appears to perform best when the number of variables is smallest, its performance decreases sharply with the number of variables, and fails to produce a result within the 4-hour time limit when the number of variables is largest.
The results show no noticeable difference between FCI and its variant RFCI, whereas the cFCI and GFCI show strong improvements over FCI, with cFCI outperforming all FCI-based algorithms. Moreover, the performance of cFCI is on par with that of M^3^HC. Note that while CCHM employs the BIC objective function of M^3^HC, CCHM outperforms M^3^HC in both sparse (Fig 2a) and dense (Fig 2b) graphs. This result provides empirical evidence that a) the conservative rules used in the constraint-based phase of CCHM, and b) the do-calculus used in the score-based phase of CCHM, have indeed improved structure learning performance.
Fig 3 compares the average runtime of CCHM to the runtimes of the other algorithms. The runtime comparison is restricted to algorithms that are based on the same MATLAB implementation on which CCHM is based. The results show that CCHM is marginally faster than cFCI and slower than the other algorithms, with the worst case scenario observed when the number of variables is largest, where CCHM is approximately two times slower than FCI.
Fig 4 presents the SHD and BSF scores, along with the corresponding numbers of edges generated by each algorithm. Both the SHD and BSF metrics rank CCHM highest, and these results are consistent with the Precision and Recall results previously depicted in Fig 2. The number of edges produced by CCHM is in line with the number of edges produced by the other algorithms, and this observation provides confidence that CCHM achieves the highest scores due to accuracy rather than due to the number of edges, which may sometimes bias the result of a metric. One inconsistency between the SHD and other metrics involves the GFCI algorithm, where SHD ranks lower than all the other FCI-based algorithms, something which contradicts the results of Precision, Recall, and BSF. Interestingly, while GSPo produces the highest BSF scores when the number of variables is just 10, its performance diminishes drastically with the number of variables and quickly becomes the worst performer (refer to the BFS scores in Fig 4a); an observation that is largely consistent with the results in Fig 2.
## Real-world Gaussian Bayesian Networks
The reduced number of experiments that associate with the real-world GBNs, with respect to the random GBNs (i.e., 16 instead of 600), enabled us to also test the sensitivity of the algorithms on the alpha hyperparameter, which reflects the significance cut-off point in establishing independence. Fig 5 presents the SHD scores for each of the four real-world GBNs, and over different rates of latent variables in the data. The results in each case study are restricted to the top three algorithms, and this is because we report three different results for each of the top three algorithms which are derived from the corresponding three different hyperparameter inputs alpha specified in Fig 5.
Only four algorithms (CCHM, M^3^HC, cFCI and GSPo) achieved a top-three performance in any of the four networks, and this suggests that the relative performance between algorithms is rather consistent across different case studies. While there is no clear relationship between the rate of latent variables and SHD score, the results do suggest that the accuracy of the algorithms decreases with the rate of latent variables in the data. This is because while we would expect the SHD score to decrease with less variables in the data, since less variables lead to potentially fewer differences between the learned and the true graph (refer to Fig 4), the results in Fig 5 reveal a weak increasing trend in SHD core with the rate of latent variables in the data.
Overall, the CCHM algorithm was part of the top three algorithms in all the four case studies. Specifically, CCHM generated the lowest SHD error in networks (a) and (b). The results in network (c) were less consistent, with GSPo ranked 1^st^ at latent variable rates of 10% and 20%, and CCHM ranked 1^st^ at latent variable rates of 0% and 50%. In contrast, the results based on network (d) show no noteworthy differences in the performance between the three top algorithms. Overall, the results suggest that cFCI and GSPo are much more sensitive to the alpha hyperparameter compared to the CCHM and M^3^HC algorithms, and that CCHM generally performs best when alpha=0.01.
# Discussion and future works
This paper builds on recent developments in BN structure learning under causal insufficiency with a novel structure learning algorithm, called CCHM, that combines constraint-based and score-based learning with causal effects to learn GBNs. The constraint-based part of CCHM adopts features from the state-of-the-art cFCI algorithm, whereas the score-based part is based on traditional hill-climbing greedy search that minimises the BIC score. CCHM applies Pearl's do-calculus as a method to orientate the edges that both constraint-based and score-based learning fail to do so from observational data. The results show that CCHM outperforms the state-of-the-art algorithms in the majority of the experiments, which include both randomised and real-world GBNs.
A limitation of this work is that the algorithm assumes linear GBNs and that the data are continuous. Future work will extend this approach to discrete BNs, where causal insufficiency remains an important open problem. Other directions include investigating different strategies in the way the do-calculus effect is applied to the process of structure learning; e.g., it can be applied directly to the calculation of the BIC score during score-based learning, or computed as the total causal effect of the graph using do-calculus rules or via back-door adjustment with graph surgery. Lastly, causal insufficiency represents just one type of data noise that exist in real-world datasets, and future work will also investigate the effects of causal insufficiency when combined with other types of noise in the data.
[^1]: The large number of datasets produced by the randomised graphs (i.e., 600) meant that we had to restrict the alpha parameter to alpha=0.01 for all algorithms in those experiments. | {'timestamp': '2020-08-19T02:09:37', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14381', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14381'} |
# Introduction[\[sec:introduction\]]{#sec:introduction label="sec:introduction"}
Recently the TOTEM experiment measured differential cross-sections of elastic proton-proton collisions in the TeV energy range, from \(\sqrt{s} = 2.76\) through 7 and 8 to 13 TeV, together with the total, elastic and inelastic cross-sections and the real to imaginary ratio of the scattering amplitude at vanishing four-momentum transfer. These measurements provided surprizes and unexpected results. First of all, the shape of the differential cross-section of elastic scattering at \(\sqrt{s} = 7\) TeV was different from all the predictions. The total cross-section increases with increasing \(\sqrt{s}\) according to theoretical expectations based on Pomeron-exchange, corresponding experimentally to the production of large rapidity gaps in high energy proton-proton and proton-antiproton collisions. These events correspond to large angular regions where no particle is produced. Their fraction, in particular the ratio of the elastic to the total proton-proton cross-section is increased above 25 % at LHC energies. In the language of quantum chromodynamics (QCD), the field theory of strong interactions, Pomeron-exchange corresponds to the exchange of even number of gluons with vacuum quantum numbers. In 1973, a crossing-odd counterpart to the Pomeron was proposed by L. Lukaszuk and B. Nicolescu, the so-called Odderon . In QCD, Odderon exchange corresponds to the \(t\)-channel exchange of a color-neutral gluonic compound state consisting of an odd number of gluons, as noted by Bartels, Vacca and Lipatov in 1999 . The Odderon effects remained elusive for a long time, due to lack of a definitive and statistically significant experimental evidence. A direct way to probe the Odderon in elastic scattering is by comparing the differential cross-section of particle-particle and particle-antiparticle scattering at sufficiently high energies . Such a search was published at the ISR energy of \(\sqrt{s}=53\) GeV in 1985 , that resulted in an indication of the Odderon, corresponding to a 3.35\(\sigma\) significance level obtained from a simple \(\chi^2\) calculation, based on 5 \(pp\) and 5 \(p\bar p\) data points in the 1.1 \(\le\[|t|\]\le 1.5\) GeV\(^2\) range (around the diffractive minimum). This significance is smaller than the \(5 \sigma\) threshold, traditionally accepted as a threshold for a discovery level observation in high energy phyics. Furthermore, the colliding energy of \(\sqrt{s} = 53\) GeV was not sufficiently large so the possible Reggeon exchange effects were difficult to evaluate and control. These difficulties rendered the Odderon search at the ISR energies rather inconclusive, but nevertheless inspiring and indicative, motivating further studies. In a series of recent papers, the TOTEM Collaboration published results with important implications for the Odderon search. These papers studied elastic proton-proton collisions in the LHC energy range between \(\sqrt{s} = 2.76\) and \(13\) TeV . The total cross section, \(\sigma_{\rm tot}(s)\) was found to increase, while the real-to-imaginary ratio, \(\rho_0(s)\), is found to decrease with increasing energy, first identified at \(\sqrt{s} = 13\) TeV. These experimental results at vanishing four-momentum transfer were consistent with a possible Odderon effect and triggered an intense theoretical debate (see e.g. Refs. ). For example, Ref. demonstrated that such an indication at \(t= 0\) is not a unique Odderon signal, as such a behaviour can be attributed to secondary Reggeon effects. In spite of the rich experimental results and the hot theoretical debate, the Odderon remained rather elusive at vanishing four-momentum transfer even in the TeV energy range . However, at larger four-momentum transfers, in the interference (diffractive dip and bump or minimum-maximum) region, the Odderon signals are significant at LHC energies. Let us mention here only two of them: the four-momentum transfer dependent nuclear slope parameter \(B(t)\) and the scaling properties of elastic scattering at the TeV energy region. Two independent, but nearly simultaneous phenomenological papers suggested that the four-momentum transfer dependence of the nuclear slope parameter, \(B(t)\) is qualitatively different in elastic proton-proton and proton-antiproton collisions . The TOTEM experiment has demonstrated in ref. that indeed in elastic \(pp\) collisions at \(\sqrt{s} = 2.76\) TeV, the nuclear slope \(B(t)\) is increasing (swings) before it decreases and changes sign in the interference (diffractive dip and bump or minimum-maximum) region. After the diffractive maximum, the nuclear slope becomes positive again. In contrast, elastic \(p\bar p\) collisions measured by the D0 collaboration at the Tevatron energy of \(\sqrt{s} = 1.96\) TeV did not show such a pronounced diffractive minimum-maximum structure, instead an exponentially decreasing cone region at low \(-t\) with a constant \(B(t)\) is followed by a shoulder structure, without a pronunced diffractive minimum and maximum structure. The TOTEM collaboration presented its results on the elastic \(pp\) differential cross-section at \(\sqrt{s} = 2.76\) TeV and concluded in ref. that *"under the condition that the effects due to the energy difference between TOTEM and D0 can be neglected,* these results *provide evidence for a colourless 3-gluon bound state exchange in the t-channel of the proton-proton elastic scattering\".* This energy gap has been closed recently, in a model-independent way, based on a re-analysis of already published data using the scaling properties of elastic scattering in both \(pp\) and \(p\bar p\) collisions at TeV energies: Refs. reported about a statistically significant Odderon signal in the comparison of the \(H(x,s)\) scaling functions of elastic \(pp\) collisions at \(\sqrt{s} = 7.0\) TeV to that of \(p\bar p\) collisions at \(\sqrt{s} = 1.96\) TeV. The difference between these scaling functions carries an at least \(6.26\) \(\sigma\) Odderon signal, if all the vertical and horizontal, point-to-point fluctuating and point-to-point correlated errors are taken into account. If the interpolation between the datapoints at \(7\) TeV is considered as a theoretical curve, the significance of the Odderon signal goes up to \(6.55\) \(\sigma\). Instead of comparing the cross sections directly, this method removes the dominant \(s\) dependent quantities, by scaling out the \(s\)-dependencies of \(\sigma_{\rm tot}(s)\), \(\sigma_{\rm el}(s)\), \(B(s)\) and \(\rho_0(s)\), as well as the normalization of the \(H(x,s)\) scaling function, that also cancels the point-to-point correlated and \(t\)-independent normalization errors. The model-independence of the results of refs. is an advantage when a significant and model-independent Odderon signal is searched for. The domain of the signal region can also be determined with model-independent methods. Both the signal and its domain can be directly determined from the comparison of D0 and TOTEM data. However, a physical interpretation or a theoretical context is also desired, not only to gain a better understanding of the results, in order to have a more physical picture, but also to gain a predictive power and to be able to extrapolate the results to domains where experimental data are lacking, or, to regions where the scaling relations are violated. To provide such a picture is one of the goals of our present manuscript. In this work, we continue a recent series of theoretical papers . These studies investigated the differential cross-section of elastic \(pp\) collisions, but did not study the same effects in elastic \(p\bar p\) collisions. The framework of these studies is the real extended and unitarized Bialas-Bzdak model, based on refs. . This model considers protons as weakly bound states of constituent quarks and diquarks, or \(p=(q,d)\) for short (for a more detailed summary of the model see [\[sec:appendix-a\]](#sec:appendix-a){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:appendix-a"}). In a variation on this theme, the diquark in the proton may also be considered to be a weakly bound state of two constituent quarks, leading to the \(p=(q,(q,q))\) variant of the Bialas-Bzdak model . The model is based on Glauber's multiple scattering theory of elastic collisions , assuming additionally, that all elementary distributions follow a random Gaussian elementary process, and can be characterized by the corresponding \(s\)-dependent Gaussian radii. These distributions include the parton distribution inside the quark, characterized by a Gaussian radius \(R_q(s)\), the distributions of the partons inside the diquarks, characterized by the Gaussian radius \(R_d(s)\) and the typical separation between the quarks and the diquarks characterized by the Gaussian radius \(R_{qd}(s)\). In refs. it was shown that the \(p=(q,(q,q))\) variant of the Bialas-Bzdak model gives too many diffractive minima, while experimentally only a single diffractive minimum is observed in \(pp\) collisions. This is a result that is consistent with the earlier detailed studies of elastic nucleus-nucleus collisions in ref. , that observed that a single diffractive minimum occures only in elastic deuteron-deuteron or \((p,n)+(p,n)\) collisions, so the number of diffractive minima increases as either of the elastically colliding composite objects develops a more complex internal structure. In the original version of the Bialas-Bzdak model, the scattering amplitude was assumed to be completely imaginary . This stucture resulted in a completely vanishing differential cross-section at the diffractive minima. This model was supplemented by a real part, first perturbatively , subsequently in a non-perturbative and unitary manner . This way a new parameter called \(\alpha(s)\) was introduced, that controls the value of the differential cross-section at the diffractive minimum (it is not to be confused with the strong coupling constant of QCD, that we denote in this work as \(\alpha_s^{\rm QCD}\)). Our \(\alpha(s)\) is a kind of opacity parameter, that measures the strength of the real part of the scattering amplitude, so it is responsible for both for filling up the dip region of the differential cross-sections and for the description of the real to imaginary ratio \(\rho\) at vanishing four-momentum transfer. The structure of this unitary, Real Extended Bialas-Bzdak model (abbreviated as ReBB model) is thus very interesting as there are only four \(s\)-dependent physical parameters: \(R_q\), \(R_d\), \(R_{qd}\) and \(\alpha\). However three out of these four parameters is a geometrical parameter, characterizing the \(s\) dependence of parton distributions inside the protons. Hence, it is natural to assume, that these distributions are the same inside protons and anti-protons, while the opacity parameter \(\alpha\) may be different in elastic \(pp\) and \(p\bar p\) collisions. So it is natural to expect, that this \(\alpha(s)\) parameter may carry an Odderon signal as its excitation function might be very different in elastic \(pp\) collisions, that feature a pronounced dip at every measured energy even in the TeV energy range , while in elastic \(p\bar p\) collisions, a significant dip is lacking even in measurements in the TeV energy range . In this manuscript, we thus extend the applications of the ReBB model from elastic \(pp\) to elastic \(p\bar p\) collisions using the model exactly in the same form, as it was described in Ref. . We fit exactly the same four physical parameters to describe the differential cross-section of elastic proton-antiproton (\(p\bar p\)) scattering. Later we shall see that at the same energy, the geometrical parameters in \(pp\) and \(p\bar p\) collisions are apparently consistent with one another, within the systematic errors of the analysis we obtain the same \(R_q(s)\), \(R_d(s)\) and \(R_{qd}(s)\) functions for \(pp\) and \(p\bar p\) reactions. In this manuscript, we thus can investigate also the following independent questions:
- Is the Real Extended Bialas-Bzdak model of ref. able to describe not only elastic \(pp\) but also \(p\bar p\) collisions?
- Is it possible to characterize the Odderon with only one physical parameter: the difference of the opacity parameter \(\alpha(s)\) in \(pp\) and in \(p\bar p\) collisions: \(\alpha^{pp}(s) \ne \alpha^{p\bar p}(s)\)?
We shall see that the answer to both of these questions is a definitive yes. The structure of the manuscript is as follows. In Section [2](#s:formalism){reference-type="ref" reference="s:formalism"} we recapitulate the definition of the key physical quantities in elastic scattering and mention their main relations. In Section [\[sec:fitdescription\]](#sec:fitdescription){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:fitdescription"} we present the various error definitions and the evaluated \(\chi^2\) formulae of both \(pp\) and \(p\bar p\) datasets. Subsequently, in Section [\[sec:fit_results\]](#sec:fit_results){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:fit_results"} we detail the optimization method and summarize the fit results in terms of four physical parameters determined at four different energies as listed in Table [\[tab:fit_parameters\]](#tab:fit_parameters){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:fit_parameters"}, that form the basis of the determination of the energy dependencies of the model parameters in Section [\[sec:excitation_functions\]](#sec:excitation_functions){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:excitation_functions"}. The energy dependencies of both proton-proton and proton-antiproton elastic scattering in the TeV energy range are determined by a set of 10 physical parameters only, as listed in Table [\[tab:excitation_pars\]](#tab:excitation_pars){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:excitation_pars"}. As a next step for establishing the reliability of this \(s\)-dependence of the model parameters, we have performed also the so called validation or sanity tests in Section [\[sec:sanity_tests\]](#sec:sanity_tests){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:sanity_tests"}: we have cross-checked that the obtained trends reproduce in a statistically acceptable manner each of the measured data also those, that were not utilized so far to establish the \(s\)-dependencies of the ReBB model parameters. After establishing that the excitation function of the ReBB model reproduces the measured data, we predict the experimentally not yet available large-\(t\) differential cross-section of \(pp\) collisions at \(\sqrt{s} = 0.9\), \(4\), \(5\) and \(8\) TeV and we present the extrapolations of the \(pp\) differential cross-sections measured at the LHC energies of 2.76 and 7.0 TeV to the Tevatron energy of 1.96 TeV. Vice versa, we also extrapolate the \(p\bar p\) differential cross-sections from the SPS and Tevatron energies of \(0.546\) and \(1.96\) TeV to the LHC energies of 2.76 and 7.0 TeV in Section [\[sec:extrapolations\]](#sec:extrapolations){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:extrapolations"}. These results are discussed in detail and put into context in Section [\[sec:discussion\]](#sec:discussion){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:discussion"}. We summarize the results and conclude in Section [\[sec:summary\]](#sec:summary){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:summary"}. This work is closed with four Appendices. For the sake of completeness, the unitary, real part extended Bialas-Bzdak model of ref. is summarized in [\[sec:appendix-a\]](#sec:appendix-a){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:appendix-a"}. In [\[sec:appendix-b\]](#sec:appendix-b){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:appendix-b"} we derive and detail the relations between the opacity parameter \(\alpha\) of the ReBB model and the real-to-imaginary ratio \(\rho_0\). The main properties of Odderon and Pomeron exchange including the corresponding differential and total cross-sections in the TeV energy range are summarized in [\[sec:appendix-c\]](#sec:appendix-c){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:appendix-c"}. Two small theorems are also given here: Theorem I indicates that if the differential cross-sections of elastic \(pp\) and \(p\bar p\) collisions are not the same in the TeV energy range, then the crossing-odd component of the elastic amplitude (Odderon) cannot vanish, while Theorem II proves that in the framework of the ReBB model, this is indeed due to the difference between the opacity parameters \(\alpha(s)\) for \(pp\) and \(p\bar p\) collisions, linking also mathematically the difference in the dip-filling property of the differential cross-sections of elastic scattering to the measurement of \(\rho\) at the \(t=0\) within the ReBB model. The non-linear corrections to the linear in \(\ln(s)\) excitation functions are also determined with the help of ISR \(pp\) data at \(\sqrt{s} = 23.5\) GeV energy. These results are discussed in [\[sec:appendix-d\]](#sec:appendix-d){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:appendix-d"}, and found to have negligible effects on our results presented in the main body of the manuscript, corresponding to the TeV energy range.
# Formalism {#s:formalism}
The elastic amplitude \(T(s,t)\) (where \(s\) is the squared central mass energy, and \(t\) is the squared four-momentum transfer) is defined in Ref. by Eq. (6), Eq. (9) and Eq. (29), furthermore summarized also in [\[sec:appendix-a\]](#sec:appendix-a){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:appendix-a"}. The experimentally measurable physical quantities, *i.e.* the elastic differential cross section, the total, elastic and inelastic cross sections and the ratio \(\rho_0\) are defined, correspondingly, as: \[\frac{{\rm d}\sigma}{{\rm d} t}(s,t)=\frac{1}{4\pi}\left|T\left(s,t\right)\right|^2\,, \label{eq:differential_cross_section}\] \[\sigma_{tot}(s)=2{\rm Im}T(s,t=0)\,, \label{eq:total_cross_section}\] \[\sigma_{el}(s)=\int \, dt \frac{d\sigma}{dt}(s,t), \label{eq:elastic_cross_section}\] \[\sigma_{in}(s)=\sigma_{tot}(s)-\sigma_{el}(s) \label{eq:inelastic_cross_section}\] and \[\begin{aligned}
\rho_0(s)=\frac{\text{Re}\,T(s,t=0)}{\text{Im}\,T(s,t=0)}\. \label{eq:rho_parameter} \end{aligned}\] The earlier results show that the ReBB model gives statistically acceptable, good quality fits with CL \(\ge 0.1\) % to the \(pp\) differential cross section data at the ISR energies of 23.5 and 62.5 GeV as well as at the LHC energy of 7 TeV, in the \(-t \ge 0.377\) GeV\(^2\) kinematic region. Continuing that study, in this work we apply exactly the same formalism, without any change, to the description of the differential cross-sections of proton-antiproton (\(p\bar p\)) scattering. This allows us to search for Odderon effects by comparing the \(pp\) and \(p\bar p\) differential cross sections at same energies and squared momentum transfer. Any significant difference between the \(pp\) and \(p\bar p\) processes at the same energy at the TeV scale provides an evidence for the Odderon exchange. In order to make this manuscript as self-contained and complete as reasonably possible, we have provided a derivation of this well-known property, in the form of Theorem I of [\[sec:appendix-c\]](#sec:appendix-c){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:appendix-c"}.
# Fitting method [\[sec:fitdescription\]]{#sec:fitdescription label="sec:fitdescription"}
Compered to the earlier ReBB study, in order to more precisely estimate the significance of a possible Odderon effect, here we use a more advanced form of \(\chi^{2}\) definition which relies on a method developed by the PHENIX Collaboration and described in detail in Appendix A of Ref. . This method is based on the diagonalization of the covariance matrix, if the experimental errors can be separated to the following types of uncertainties:
- Type A errors which are point-to-point fluctuating (uncorrelated) systematic and statistical errors;
- Type B errors which are point-to-point varying but correlated systematic uncertainties, for which the point-to-point correlation is 100 %;
- Type C systematic errors which are point-independent, overall systematic uncertainties, that scale all the data points up and down by exactly the same, point-to-point independent factor.
In what follows we index these errors with the index of the data point as well as with subscripts \(a\), \(b\) and \(c\), respectively. In the course of the minimization of the ReBB model we use the following \(\chi^{2}\) function: \[\begin{aligned}
\chi ^{2}&=&\left(\sum _{j=1}^{M} \left(\sum _{i=1}^{n_{j}}\frac{ \left( d_{ij}+ \epsilon _{bj} \widetilde\sigma _{bij}+ \epsilon _{cj}d_{ij} \sigma _{cj}-th_{ij} \right) ^{2}}{\widetilde{ \sigma }_{ij}^{2}}\right)+ \epsilon _{bj}^{2}+ \epsilon _{cj}^{2}\right) + \nonumber \\ & & \qquad \qquad + \left( \frac{d_{ \sigma _{tot}}-th_{ \sigma _{tot}}}{ \delta \sigma _{tot}} \right) ^{2}+ \left( \frac{d_{ \rho_{0}}-th_{ \rho _{0}}}{ \delta \rho _{0}} \right) ^{2}. \label{eq:chi2-final} \end{aligned}\] This definition includes type A, point-to-point uncorrelated errors, type B point-to-point dependent but correlated errors and type C, point independent correlated errors. Furthermore, not only vertical, but the frequently neglected horizontal errors are included too. Let us detail below the notation of this \(\chi^2\) definition, step by step:
- \(M\) is the number of sub-datasets, corresponding to several, separately measured ranges of \(t\), indexed with subscript \(j\), at a given energy \(\sqrt{s}\). Thus \(\sum_{j=1}^M n_j\) gives the number of fitted data points at a given center of mass energy \(\sqrt{s}\);
- \(d_{ij}\) is the \(i\)th measured differential cross section data point in sub-dataset \(j\) and \(th_{ij}\) is the corresponding theoretical value calculated from the ReBB model;
- \(\widetilde{ \sigma }_{ij}\) is the type A, point-to-point fluctuating uncertainty of the data point \(i\) in sub-dataset \(j\), scaled by a multiplicative factor such that the fractional uncertainty is unchanged under multiplication by a point-to-point varying factor: \[\widetilde{ \sigma }_{ij}^{2}= \widetilde\sigma _{aij} \left( \frac{d_{ij}+ \epsilon _{bj} \widetilde\sigma _{bij}+ \epsilon _{cj}d_{ij} \sigma _{cj}}{d_{ij}} \right)\] where the terms \[\widetilde\sigma_{kij} =\sqrt{\sigma _{kij}^2+ (d^{\prime}_{ij} \delta_{k}t_{ij})^2}, \ \ k\in\{a,b\},\] include also the A and B type horizontal errors on \(t\) following the propagation of the horizontal error to the \(\chi^2\) as utilized by the so-called effective variance method of the CERN data analysis programme ROOT; \(d^{\prime}_{ij}\) denotes the numerical derivative in point \(t_{ij}\) with errors of type \(k\in\{a,b\}\), denoted as \(\delta_{k}t_{ij}\). The numerical derivative is calculated as \[d^{\prime}(t_{ij})=\frac{d_{(i+1)j}-d_{ij}}{t_{(i+1)j}-t_{ij}};\]
- The correlation coefficients for type B and C errors are denoted by \(\epsilon_b\) and \(\epsilon_c\), respectively. These numbers are free parameters to be fitted to the data, their best values are typically in the interval \((-1,1)\);
- The last two terms in Eq. ([\[eq:chi2-final\]](#eq:chi2-final){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:chi2-final"}) are to fit also the measured total cross-section and ratio \(\rho_{\rm 0}\) values along the differential cross section data points; \(d_{\sigma_{\rm tot}}\) and \(d_{\rho_{\rm 0}}\) denote the measured total cross section and ratio \(\rho_{\rm 0}\) values, \(\delta\sigma_{\rm tot}\) and \(\delta\rho_{\rm 0}\) are their full errors, \(\sigma_{\rm tot,th}\) and \(\rho_{\rm 0,th}\) are their theoretical value calculated from the ReBB model;
This scheme has been validated by evaluating the \(\chi^2\) from a full covariance matrix fit and from the PHENIX method of diagonalizing the covariance matrix of the differential cross-section of elastic \(pp\) scattering measured by TOTEM at \(\sqrt{s} = 13\) TeV , using the Lévy expansion method of Ref. . The fit with the full covariance matrix results in the same minimum within one standard deviation of the fit parameters, hence in the same significance, as the fit with the PHENIX method. Based on this validation, we apply the PHENIX method in the data analysis described in this manuscript. Let us note also that in case of the \(\sqrt{s} = 7\) TeV TOTEM data set, analysed below, the B type systematic errors, that shift all the data points together up or down with a \(t\)-dependent value are measured to be asymmetric . This effect is handled by using the up or down type B errors depending on the sign of the correlation coefficient \(\epsilon_b\): for positive or negative sign of \(\epsilon_b\), we utilized the type B errors upwards, or downwards, respectively. Note that the type A errors, that enter the denominator of the \(\chi^2\) definition of eq. ([\[eq:chi2-final\]](#eq:chi2-final){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:chi2-final"}), are symmetric even in the case of this \(\sqrt{s} = 7\) TeV \(pp\) dataset. The \(\chi^2\) distribution assumes symmetric type A errors that enter the denominators of the \(\chi^2\) definition. Thus, even in this case of asymmetric type B errors, that enter the numerators of eq. ([\[eq:chi2-final\]](#eq:chi2-final){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:chi2-final"}) at \(\sqrt{s} = 7\) TeV, the \(\chi^2\) distribution can be utilized to estimate the significances and confidence levels of the best fits.
# Fit results[\[sec:fit_results\]]{#sec:fit_results label="sec:fit_results"}
The ReBB model was fitted to the proton-proton differential cross section data measured by the TOTEM Collaboration at \(\sqrt{s}= 2.76\), \(7.0\) and \(13\) TeV, based on refs. as well as to differential cross section data of elastic proton-antiproton scattering measured at \(\sqrt{s} = 0.546\) and \(1.96\) TeV in refs. , respectively. Similarly to earlier studies of refs. , the model parameters \(A_{qq}=1\) and \(\lambda=\frac{1}{2}\) were kept at constant values throughout the fitting procedure. Here \(A_{qq}\) corresponds to a normalization constant and \(\lambda\) describes the mass ratio of constituent quarks to diquarks in the \(p=(q,d)\) version of the Real Extended Bialas-Bzak model of ref. . Thus the number of free parameters of this model, for a fixed \(s\) and specific collision type is reduced to four: \(R_{qd},\,R_{q},\,R_{d}\) and \(\alpha\). It is natural to expect that \(R_q(s)\), \(R_d(s)\) and \(R_{qd}(s)\) are the same functions of \(s\), both for \(pp\) and \(p\bar p\) collisions, as the distribution of partons inside protons at a given energy is expected to be the same as that of anti-partons inside anti-protons. In this section, this is however not assumed but tested and the parameters of the ReBB model are determined at four different colliding energies in the TeV region, using \(pp\) data sets at \(\sqrt{s} = 2.76\) and \(7\) TeV, and \(p\bar p\) datasets at \(\sqrt{s} = 0.546\) and \(1.96\) TeV. These fits were performed in the diffractive interference or dip and bump region, with datapoints before the diffractive minimum and after the maximum as well, in each case the limited range is not greater than \(0.372 \le-t \le 1.2\) GeV\(^2\). In this kinematic range, the ReBB model provided a data description with a statistically acceptable fit quality, with confidence levels CL \(\ge 0.1\) % in each case. In this manuscript, our aim is to extrapolate the differential cross-section of elastic \(pp\) and \(p\bar p\) collisions to exactly the same energies, in order to conclude in a model dependent way about the significance of a crossing-odd or Odderon effect in these data. For this purpose, a model that can be used to study the excitation function of the \(pp\) and \(p\bar p\) differential cross-sections in the \(0.5 \le \sqrt{s} \le 7\) TeV domain is sufficient. The results of such kind of statistically acceptabe quality fits are summarized in Table [\[tab:fit_parameters\]](#tab:fit_parameters){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:fit_parameters"} and detailed below. Other data sets, that do not have sufficient amount of data in this interference region were utilized for cross-checks only, to test the extracted energy dependencies of the model parameters as detailed in Sec. [\[sec:sanity_tests\]](#sec:sanity_tests){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:sanity_tests"}. Additionally, we also describe the current status of our fits to describe the differential cross-section at \(\sqrt{s} = 13\) TeV at the end of this section. We thus describe three fits to \(pp\) differential cross section data sets at \(\sqrt{s} = 2.76\), \(7\) and \(13\) TeV as well as two fits to \(p\bar p\) differential cross section datasets at \(\sqrt{s} = 0.546\) and \(1.96\) TeV, respectively. Our fit results are graphically shown in Figs. [\[fig:reBB_model_fit_0\_546_TeV\]](#fig:reBB_model_fit_0_546_TeV){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:reBB_model_fit_0_546_TeV"}-[\[fig:reBB_model_fit_13_TeV\]](#fig:reBB_model_fit_13_TeV){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:reBB_model_fit_13_TeV"}. The minimization of the \(\chi^2\) defined by Eq. ([\[eq:chi2-final\]](#eq:chi2-final){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:chi2-final"}) was done with Minuit and the parameter errors were estimated by using the MINOS algorithm which takes into account both parameter correlations and non-linearities. We accept the fit as a successful representation of the fitted data under the condition that the fit status is converged, the error matrix is accurate and the confidence level of the fit, CL is \(\ge 0.1\) %, as indicated on Figs. [\[fig:reBB_model_fit_0\_546_TeV\]](#fig:reBB_model_fit_0_546_TeV){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:reBB_model_fit_0_546_TeV"}-[\[fig:reBB_model_fit_7\_TeV\]](#fig:reBB_model_fit_7_TeV){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:reBB_model_fit_7_TeV"}. As these criteria are not satisfied on Fig. [\[fig:reBB_model_fit_13_TeV\]](#fig:reBB_model_fit_13_TeV){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:reBB_model_fit_13_TeV"}, the parameters of this fit were not taken into account when determining the excitation functions or the energy dependence of the physical fit parameters in the few TeV energy range. Let us now discuss each fit in a bit more detail. The S\(p\bar p\)S differential cross section data on elastic \(p\bar p\) collisions were measured in the squared momentum transfer range of \(0.03\leq|t|\leq1.53\) GeV\(^2\) which in the fitted range has been subdivided into two sub-ranges with different normalization uncertainties (type C errors): for \(0.37\leq|t|\leq0.495\) GeV\(^2\) \(\sigma_{c}\) = 0.03 and for \(0.46\leq|t|\leq1.2\) GeV\(^2\) \(\sigma_{c}\) = 0.1. In case of this data set, the vertical type A errors \(\sigma_{ai}\) are available but the horizontal type A errors (\(\delta_{a}t_i\)) and the type B errors either vertical (\(\sigma_{bi}\)) or horizontal (\(\delta_{b}t_i\)) were not published. The measured total cross section with its total uncertainty is \(\sigma_{\rm tot}=61.26\pm0.93\) mb while the \(\rho_0=0.135\pm0.015\) value was measured at the slightly different energy of \(\sqrt{s} = 0.541\) GeV. The total, elastic and inelastic cross sections and the parameter \(\rho_0\) are calculated according to Eqs. ([\[eq:total_cross_section\]](#eq:total_cross_section){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:total_cross_section"})-([\[eq:rho_parameter\]](#eq:rho_parameter){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:rho_parameter"}). The fit is summarized in Fig. [\[fig:reBB_model_fit_0\_546_TeV\]](#fig:reBB_model_fit_0_546_TeV){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:reBB_model_fit_0_546_TeV"}. The fit quality is satisfactory, CL = 8.74 %. Compared to the available data in the literature (\(\sigma_{in}=48.39\pm1.01\) mb and \(\sigma_{el}=12.87\pm0.3\) mb) the model reproduces the experimental values of the forward measurables within one \(\sigma\), thus these fit parameters represent the data in a statistically acceptable manner. The elastic \(p\bar p\) differential cross section data is available at \(\sqrt{s} = 1.96\) TeV in the range of \(0.26\leq|t|\leq1.20\) GeV\(^2\), as published by the D0 Collaboration in ref. , with a type C normalization uncertainty of \(\sigma_{c}\) = 0.144. For this data set, the vertical type A and type B errors were not published separately. Actually, the quadratically added statistical and systematic uncertainties were published, and as the statistical errors are point to-point fluctuating, type A errors, in our analysis the combined \(t\) dependent D0 errors were handled as type A, combined statistical and systematic errors. Horizontal type A and type B errors were not published in ref. . At this energy, we do not find published experimental \(\sigma_{\rm tot}\) and \(\rho_0\) values. The values of the total cross section and parameter \(\rho_0\) at this energy, that we utilized in the fitting procedure, are the predicted values from the COMPETE Collaboration: \(\sigma_{\rm tot}=78.27\pm1.93\) mb and \(\rho_0=0.145\pm0.006\). The quality of the corresponding fit, shown in Fig. [\[fig:reBB_model_fit_1\_96_TeV\]](#fig:reBB_model_fit_1_96_TeV){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:reBB_model_fit_1_96_TeV"}, is satisfactory, CL = 51.12 %, and the COMPETE values of forward measurables are reproduced within one standard deviation. We conclude that the corresponding ReBB model parameters represent the data in a statistically acceptable manner. Based on the successful description of these two \(p\bar p\) datasets at \(\sqrt{s} = 0.546\) and \(1.96\) TeV, we find that the form of the ReBB model as specified for \(pp\) collisions in ref. is able, without any modifications, to describe the differential cross-section of elastic \(p\bar p\) collisions in the TeV energy range. Let us now discuss the new fits of the same model to elastic \(pp\) collisions in the TeV energy range. At \(\sqrt{s} = 2.76\) TeV, the differential cross section data of elastic \(pp\) collisions was measured in the \(t\) range of \(0.072\leq-t\leq 0.74\) GeV\(^2\) by the TOTEM Collaboration . Actually, this measurement was performed in two subranges: \(0.072\leq|t|\leq0.462\) GeV\(^2\) and \(0.372\leq|t|\leq0.74\) GeV\(^2\). Both ranges had the same normalization uncertainty of \(\sigma_c\) \(=\) \(0.06\). During the fit the \(t\)-dependent vertical statistical (type A) and vertical systematic (type B) errors (both horizontal and vertical ones), the normalization (type C) errors and the experimental value of the total cross section with its total uncertainty (\(\sigma_{\rm tot}=84.7\pm3.3\) mb ) were taken into account. Horizontal type A and type B errors are not published at this energy. The fit quality of the ReBB model is demonstrated on Fig. [\[fig:reBB_model_fit_2\_76_TeV\]](#fig:reBB_model_fit_2_76_TeV){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:reBB_model_fit_2_76_TeV"}: the fit is satisfactory, with CL = 36.52 %. The experimental values of the forward measurables (\(\sigma_{in}=62.8\pm2.9\) mb, \(\sigma_{el}=21.8\pm1.4\) mb ) are reproduced within one standard deviations. Experimental data is not yet available for parameter \(\rho_0\), however the value for \(\rho_0\), calculated from the fitted ReBB model, is within the total error band of the COMPETE prediction. We thus conclude that the corresponding ReBB model parameters represent the \(pp\) data at \(\sqrt{s} = 2.76\) TeV in a statistically acceptable manner. At \(\sqrt{s} = 7\) TeV, the \(pp\) differential cross section data was published by the TOTEM Collaboration , measured in the range of \(0.005\leq|t|\leq2.443\) GeV\(^2\). The measurement was performed in two subranges: \(0.005\leq|t|\leq0.371\) GeV\(^2\) and \(0.377\leq|t|\leq2.443\) GeV\(^2\). Both ranges had the same normalization uncertainty of \(\sigma_c\) = 0.042. The fit includes only the second subrange with the \(t\)-dependent (both vertical and horizontal) statistical (type A) and systematic (type B) errors, the normalization (type C) error and the experimental values of the total cross section and the parameter \(\rho_0\) with their total uncertainties (\(\sigma_{\rm tot}=98.0\pm2.5\) mb and \(\rho_0=0.145\pm0.091\) ). The quality of the corresponding fit, shown in Fig. [\[fig:reBB_model_fit_7\_TeV\]](#fig:reBB_model_fit_7_TeV){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:reBB_model_fit_7_TeV"}, is statistically acceptable with a CL = 0.71 %. The experimental values of the forward measurables (\(\sigma_{in}=72.9\pm1.5\) mb, \(\sigma_{el}=25.1\pm1.1\) mb ) are reproduced by the fitted ReBB model within one sigma (the experimental and calculated values overlap within their errors). We thus conclude that the corresponding ReBB model parameters represent these \(pp\) data at \(\sqrt{s} = 7.0\) TeV in a statistically acceptable manner, in the fitted range of \(0.377\leq|t|\leq1.205\) GeV\(^2\), before and after the diffractive minimum. At \(\sqrt{s} = 8\) TeV, the TOTEM collaboration did not yet publish the final differential cross-section results in the range of the diffractive minumum and maximum. However, preliminary results were presented at conferences , and the differential cross-section in the low \(-t\) region was published in ref. . We thus use this dataset for a cross-check only, but the lack of the data in the diffractive minimum prevents us to do a full ReBB model fit. Additional data at very low \(-t\), in the Coulomb-Nuclear Interference region is also available from TOTEM at this particular energy , however, in the present study we do not discuss the kinematic range, where Coulomb effects may play any role. At \(\sqrt{s} = 13\) TeV, the differential cross section data was measured by the TOTEM collaboration in the range of \(0.03\leq|t|\leq3.8\) GeV\(^2\) with a normalization (type C) uncertainty of \(\sigma_c\) = 0.055. As far as we know, the only statistically acceptable quality fit with CL \(\geq\) 0.1 % to this dataset so far was obtained by some of us with the help of the model-independent Lévy series in ref. . We also note that several new features show up in the soft observables of elastic scattering, with a threshold behaviour around \(\sqrt{s} = 5-7\) TeV, certainly below 13 TeV . We have cross-checked, if the ReBB model, that works reasonably well from \(\sqrt{s} = 23.5\) GeV to \(7\) TeV, is capable to describe this data set at \(\sqrt{s} = 13\) TeV in statistically acceptable manner, or not? The result was negative, as indicated in Fig. [\[fig:reBB_model_fit_13_TeV\]](#fig:reBB_model_fit_13_TeV){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:reBB_model_fit_13_TeV"}. This fit includes the \(t\)-dependent statistical (type A) and systematic (type B) errors, the normalization (type C) error and the experimental values of the total cross section and the parameter \(\rho_0\) with their total uncertainties (\(\sigma_{\rm tot}=110.5\pm2.4\) mb and \(\rho_0=0.09\pm0.01\) ). The quality of the obtained fit (Fig. [\[fig:reBB_model_fit_13_TeV\]](#fig:reBB_model_fit_13_TeV){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:reBB_model_fit_13_TeV"}) is not satisfactory, CL = 3.17\(\times10^{-11}\) % and neither the experimental values of the cross sections (\(\sigma_{in}=79.5\pm1.8\) mb, \(\sigma_{el}=31.0\pm1.7\) mb ) are reproduced by the fitted ReBB model within one sigma at 13 TeV. However, the value of \(\rho_0\) was described surprisingly well. This TOTEM dataset is very detailed and precise and changes of certain trends in \(B(s)\) and the ratio \(\sigma_{\rm el}(s)/\sigma_{\rm tot}(s)\) are seen experimentally . Theoretically, a new domain of QCD may emerge at high energies, possibly characterised by hollowness or toroidal structure, corresponding to a black ring-like distribution of inelastic scatterings. A statistically significant, more than 5 \(\sigma\) hollowness effect was found at \(\sqrt{s} = 13\) TeV within a model-independent analysis of the shadow profile at these energies, using the technique of Lévy series . We conclude that the ReBB model needs to be generalized to have a stronger non-exponential feature at low \(-t\) to accommodate the new features of the differential cross-section data at \(\sqrt{s} = 13\) TeV or larger energies. This work is currently in progress, but goes well beyond the scope of the current manuscript. Most importantly, such a generalization is not necessary for a comparision of the differential cross-sections of elastic \(pp\) and \(p\bar p\) collisions in the few TeV range, as we have to bridge only a logarithmically small energy difference between the top D0 energy of \(\sqrt{s} = 1.96\) TeV and the lowest TOTEM energy of \(\sqrt{s} = 2.76\) TeV. We thus find, that the Real Extended Bialas-Bzdak model describes effectively and in a statistically acceptable manner the differential cross-sections of elastic \(pp\) and \(p\bar p\) collisions in the few TeV range of \(0.546 \le \sqrt{s} \le 7\) TeV and in the squared four-momentum transfer range of \(0.37\leq-t\leq1.2\) GeV\(^2\). Its physical fit parameters represent the data and their energy dependence thus can be utilized to determine the excitation function of these model parameters, as detailed in Section [\[sec:excitation_functions\]](#sec:excitation_functions){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:excitation_functions"}. The values of the physical fit parameters and their errors obtained from the above discussed physically and statistically acceptable fits are summarized in Table [\[tab:fit_parameters\]](#tab:fit_parameters){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:fit_parameters"}, where four datasets are analyzed and four different physical parameters are extracted at four different energies. These sixteen physical parameters form the basis of the determination of the energy dependencies, that are determined to be consistent with affine linear functions of \(\ln(s)\). Three scale parameters are within errors the same in elastic \(pp\) and \(p\bar p\) collisions, while the opacity parameters are different for \(pp\) and \(p\bar p\) collisions. Thus the excitation functions, the energy dependence of the differential cross-sections both for \(pp\) and \(p\bar p\) elastic scattering is determined by 5x2 = 10 physical parameters in this framework of calculations. These 10 parameters are summarized in Table [\[tab:excitation_pars\]](#tab:excitation_pars){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:excitation_pars"}. We thus conclude, that this Real Extended Bialas-Bzdak model is good enough to extrapolate the differential cross-section of elastic \(pp\) collisions down to \(\sqrt{s} = 0.546\) and \(1.96\) TeV, and to extrapolate the same of elastic \(p\bar p\) collisions up to \(\sqrt{s} = 2.76\) and \(7\) TeV. We duly note that, in order to evaluate similar observables at \(\sqrt{s} = 13\) TeV or at even higher energies in a realistic manner, this model needs to be generalized and further developed.
[\[tab:excitation_pars\]]{#tab:excitation_pars label="tab:excitation_pars"}
# Sanity tests[\[sec:sanity_tests\]]{#sec:sanity_tests label="sec:sanity_tests"}
In this section we show that the determined energy dependence trends are reliable in the kinematic range of \(0.546 \le \sqrt{s} \le 8\) TeV and \(0.37\leq-t\leq1.2\) GeV\(^2\). For this purpose we performed the so-called sanity tests: we have cross-checked if the trends summarized in Table [\[tab:excitation_pars\]](#tab:excitation_pars){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:excitation_pars"} indeed represent all the available differential cross-section data on both \(pp\) and \(p\bar p\) elastic scattering in the mentioned kinematic range. We used both those data which were and which were not utilized in the determination of the energy dependence trends for example because their acceptance was too limited to determine all the fit parameters of the ReBB model. To perform these cross-checks, the differential cross sections are fitted with all the four physical parameters of the ReBB model, \(\alpha(s)\), \(R_q(s)\), \(R_d(s)\) and \(R_{qd}(s)\), fixed to their extrapolated value obtained with the help of the results summarized in Table [\[tab:excitation_pars\]](#tab:excitation_pars){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:excitation_pars"}, while the correlation coefficients of the type B and C errors, or the \(\epsilon\) parameters in the \(\chi^2\) definition of eq. ([\[eq:chi2-final\]](#eq:chi2-final){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:chi2-final"}) are fitted to the data as free parameters. The results for the data at \(\sqrt{s} = 0.546\), \(0.63\), \(1.8\), \(1.96\), \(2.76\) and \(7\) TeV are shown in Figs. [\[fig:reBB_model_test_0\_546_GeV\]](#fig:reBB_model_test_0_546_GeV){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:reBB_model_test_0_546_GeV"}-[\[fig:reBB_model_test_7\_TeV\]](#fig:reBB_model_test_7_TeV){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:reBB_model_test_7_TeV"}. All of these sanity tests resulted in the description of these data with a statistically acceptable confidence level of CL \(\geq\) 0.1 %. As an additional sanity test, we have also cross-checked if this ReBB model describes the \(pp\) and \(p\bar p\) total cross section \(\sigma_{\rm tot}(s)\) and real to imaginary ratio \(\rho_0(s)\) data in a statistically acceptable manner, or not. These results are presented in Fig. [\[fig:reBB_model_test_sig_tot\]](#fig:reBB_model_test_sig_tot){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:reBB_model_test_sig_tot"} and Fig. [\[fig:reBB_model_test_rho\]](#fig:reBB_model_test_rho){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:reBB_model_test_rho"}, respectively. As the calculated confidence levels are higher than 0.1 % in all of these cases, we can happily conclude that the energy dependent trends of the ReBB model are really reasonable and reliable in the investigated \(0.541 \le \sqrt{s} \le 8\) TeV energy and in the \(0.377 \le-t \le 1.2\) GeV\(^2\) squared four-momentum transfer range. Thus this model can be used reliably to extrapolate both the \(pp\) and the \(p\bar p\) differential cross-sections in this limited kinematic range of \((s,t)\), based only on 10 physical model parameters, summarized in Table [\[tab:excitation_pars\]](#tab:excitation_pars){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:excitation_pars"}.
# Extrapolations[\[sec:extrapolations\]]{#sec:extrapolations label="sec:extrapolations"}
According to our findings in Section [\[sec:excitation_functions\]](#sec:excitation_functions){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:excitation_functions"} the energy dependencies of the scale parameters \(R_{q}\), \(R_{d}\) and \(R_{qd}\) are identical for \(pp\) and \(p\bar p\) scattering, only the energy dependence of the opacity parameter \(\alpha\) differs. The statistically acceptable quality of the fits shown in Fig. [\[fig:reBB_model_log_lin_extrapolation_fits\]](#fig:reBB_model_log_lin_extrapolation_fits){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:reBB_model_log_lin_extrapolation_fits"} and the success of the sanity tests performed in the previous section allow for a reliable extrapolation of the differential cross-sections of elastic \(pp\) and \(p\bar p\) collisions with the help of the ReBB model , limited to the investigated \(0.541 \le \sqrt{s} \le 8\) TeV center of mass energy and in the \(0.377 \le-t \le 1.2\) GeV\(^2\) four-momentum transfer range. We extrapolate, in the TeV energy range, the \(pp\) differential cross sections to energies where measured \(p\bar p\) data exist and the other way round, the \(p\bar p\) differential cross sections to energies where measured \(pp\) data exist. Thus three of such extrapolations were performed: \(pp\) extrapolation to \(\sqrt{s} = 1.96\) TeV, to compare it to the 1.96 TeV D0 \(p\bar p\) \(d\sigma/dt\) data, and \(p\bar p\) extrapolations to \(\sqrt{s} = 2.76\) and \(7\) TeV, to compare them to the \(d\sigma/dt\) \(pp\) data measured by TOTEM at these energies. Since the energy dependencies of the scale parameters \(R_{q}\), \(R_{d}\) and \(R_{qd}\) are identical for \(pp\) and \(p\bar p\) scattering, as discussed in Sec. [\[sec:excitation_functions\]](#sec:excitation_functions){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:excitation_functions"}, in the course of the extrapolations their values are fixed at their fitted values given in Tab. [\[tab:fit_parameters\]](#tab:fit_parameters){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:fit_parameters"}, furthermore, since the energy dependence of the \(\alpha\) parameter differs for \(pp\) and \(p\bar p\) scattering, the \(\alpha(pp)\) and \(\alpha(p\bar p)\) values are fixed from their energy dependence trend seen in Fig. [\[fig:par_alpha_lin\]](#fig:par_alpha_lin){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:par_alpha_lin"}. In addition, during the extrapolations, the \(\epsilon\) parameters in the \(\chi^2\) definition, Eq. ([\[eq:chi2-final\]](#eq:chi2-final){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:chi2-final"}), were optimized, furthermore the last two terms in Eq. ([\[eq:chi2-final\]](#eq:chi2-final){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:chi2-final"}), i.e., the total cross section and \(\rho_0\)-parameter term, were not included. This way we handled the type B and type C errors of the published \(pp\) differential cross-section to match these data as much as possible to the differential cross-section of elastic \(p\bar p\) collisions within the allowed systematic errors, and vice versa. The results of the extrapolations are shown in Fig. [\[fig:reBB_model_extr_1\_96_TeV\]](#fig:reBB_model_extr_1_96_TeV){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:reBB_model_extr_1_96_TeV"}, Fig. [\[fig:reBB_model_extr_2\_76_TeV\]](#fig:reBB_model_extr_2_76_TeV){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:reBB_model_extr_2_76_TeV"} and Fig. [\[fig:reBB_model_extr_7\_TeV\]](#fig:reBB_model_extr_7_TeV){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:reBB_model_extr_7_TeV"}. The error band around these extrapolations is also evaluated, based on the envelope of one standard deviation errors of the \(R_q(s)\), \(R_d(s)\), \(R_{qd}(s)\) model parameters and the \(p_0\) and \(p_1\) parameters of \(\alpha(s)\). As an example, the resulting ten curves--considering that the values of the scale parameters are taken from the original fit while the value \(\alpha\) is taken from the trend--are explicitly shown for 1.96 TeV in Fig. [\[fig:reBB_model_extr_1\_96_TeV\]](#fig:reBB_model_extr_1_96_TeV){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:reBB_model_extr_1_96_TeV"}. While at \(\sqrt{s} = 1.96\) TeV no statistically significant difference is observed between the extrapolated \(pp\) and measured \(p\bar p\) differential cross sections, at \(\sqrt{s} = 2.76\) and \(7\) TeV, remarkable and statistically significant differences can be observed. In Figs. [\[fig:reBB_model_extr_2\_76_TeV\]](#fig:reBB_model_extr_2_76_TeV){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:reBB_model_extr_2_76_TeV"} and [\[fig:reBB_model_extr_7\_TeV\]](#fig:reBB_model_extr_7_TeV){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:reBB_model_extr_7_TeV"}, even an untrained eye can see, that the dip is filled in case of elastic \(p\bar p\) scattering, while it is not filled in elastic \(pp\) scattering. Thus we confirm the prediction of ref. , that predicted, based on a three-gluon exchange picture that dominates at larger values of \(-t\), that the dip will be filled in high energy \(p\bar p\) elastic collisions. In this work, the differences between elastic \(pp\) and \(p\bar p\) collisions are quantified by the confidence levels obtained from the comparision of the extrapolated curves to the measured data: at 2.76 TeV, the hypothesis that these extrapolations agree with the data is characterized by a \(CL = 1.092 \times 10^{-10}\) %, while at 7 TeV, CL = 0 %. Theoretically the observed difference can be attributed only to the effect of a C-odd exchange, as detailed recently in refs. . At the TeV energy scale, the secondary Reggeon exchanges are generally known to be negligible. This effect has been also specifically cross-checked and confirmed recently in ref. . Thus in the few TeV energy range of the LHC, the only source of a difference between the differential cross-sections of elastic \(pp\) and \(p\bar p\) collisions can be a \(t\)-channel Odderon exchange. In the modern language of QCD, the Odderon exchange corresponds to the exchange of C-odd colorless bound states consisting of odd number of gluons . Thus the CL, calculated for the 2.76 TeV \(p\bar p\) extrapolation, corresponds to an Odderon observation with a probability of \(P\) \(=\) \(1-CL\) \(=\) \(1-1.092 \times 10^{-12}\). This corresponds to a \(\chi^2/NDF = 100.35/20\) and to a 7.12 \(\sigma\) model dependent significance for the observation of a \(t\)-channel Odderon exchange, and the existence of the colorless bound states containing odd number of gluons. When extrapolating the \(pp\) differential cross-sections from 2.76 down to 1.96 TeV, however, significance is lost, corresponding to a \(\chi^2/NDF = 24.28/13\) and to a 2.19 \(\sigma\) effect, less than a 3 \(\sigma\) effect in this comparison. However, these two significances at 1.96 and 2.76 TeV can be combined, providing a combined \(\chi^2/NDF = 124.63/33\), that corresponds to a statistically significant, 7.08 \(\sigma\) effect. This 7.08 \(\sigma\) combined significance increases to an even larger significance of an Odderon observation, when we extrapolate the differential cross-section of elastic proton-antiproton collisions to \(\sqrt{s} = 7.0\) TeV, where the probability of Odderon observation becomes practically unity. Given that a 7.08 \(\sigma\) effect is already well above the usual 5 \(\sigma\), statistically significant discovery level, we quote this as the possibly lowest level of the significance of our model-dependent Odderon observation. As already mentioned in the introduction we have also been recently involved in a truly model-independent search for Odderon effects in the comparision of the scaling properties of the differential cross-sections of elastic \(pp\) and \(p\bar p\) collisions in a similar \(s\) but in the complete available \(t\) range. As compared to the model-dependent studies summarized in this manuscript, the advantage of the model-independent scaling studies of refs. is that they scale out all the effects from the differences between \(pp\) and \(p\bar p\) elastic collisions due to possible differences in their \(\sigma_{\rm el}(s)\), \(B(s)\) and their product, the \(\sigma_{\rm el}(s) B(s)\) = \(\sigma_{\rm tot}^2(s) (1 + \rho^2_0(s))\) functions. As part of the Odderon signal in the ReBB model is apparently in the difference between the \(\rho_0(s)\) excitation functions for \(pp\) and \(p\bar p\) collisions, the significance of the Odderon signal is reduced in this model independent analysis. When considering the interpolations as theoretical curves, the significance is reduced to a 6.55 \(\sigma\) effect , but when considering that the interpolations between experimental data have also horizontal and vertical, type A and type B errors, the signicance of the Odderon signal is further reduced to a 6.26 \(\sigma\) effect . Thus we conclude that the Odderon is now discovered, both in a model-dependent and in a model-independent manner, with a statistical significance that is well above the 5 \(\sigma\) discovery limit of high energy particle physics. Finally we close this section with the predictions to the experimentally not yet available large-\(t\) differential cross-section of \(pp\) collisions at \(\sqrt{s} = 0.9\), \(4\), \(5\) and \(8\) TeV shown in Fig. [\[fig:reBB_model_extr_8\_TeV\]](#fig:reBB_model_extr_8_TeV){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:reBB_model_extr_8_TeV"}.
# Discussion [\[sec:discussion\]]{#sec:discussion label="sec:discussion"}
In the previous sections, we have investigated what happens if we interpret the data in terms of a particular model, the Real Extended Bialas-Bzdak Model. This allows also to consider the Odderon signal in the excitation function of the model parameter \(\alpha\). We have shown in [\[sec:appendix-b\]](#sec:appendix-b){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:appendix-b"} that this model parameter is proportional to the experimentally measured parameter \(\rho_0\), the ratio of the real to the imaginary part of the scattering amplitude at the optical point, and related the coefficient of proportionality to the value of the imaginary part of the scattering amplitude at vanishing impact parameter, \(\lambda(s)=Imt_{el}(s,b=0)\), for the \(\sqrt{s} \leq 8\) TeV elastic proton-proton collisions, and we have shown that within the framework of this ReBB model, the very different trend of \(\rho_0(s)\) in proton-proton and in proton-antiproton collisions enhances the model-independent Odderon signal, from a 6.26 \(\sigma\) and 6.55 \(\sigma\) effect to a combined, at least \(7.08\) \(\sigma\) effect. Recently, the TOTEM Collaboration concluded, that only one condition is yet to be satisfied to see a statistically significant Odderon signal: namely, the logarithmically small energy gap between the lowest TOTEM energy of \(\sqrt{s} = 2.76\) TeV at LHC and the highest D0 energy of 1.96 TeV at Tevatron needs to be closed. This energy gap has been closed in a model-independent way in refs. , using the scaling properties of elastic scattering, and by comparing the \(H(x) = \frac{1}{B \sigma_{el}} \frac{d\sigma}{dt}\) scaling functions of elastic proton-proton and proton-antiproton collisions, as a function of \(x =-t B\) at \(\sqrt{s} = 1.96\), \(2.76\) and \(7.0\) TeV. The advantages of that method, with respect to comparing the cross sections directly include the scaling out of the \(s\)-dependencies of \(\sigma_{\rm el}(s)\), \(B(s)\) and their product, \(\sigma_{\rm el}(s) B(s)\) = \(\sigma_{\rm tot}^2(s) (1 + \rho^2_0(s))\), as well as the normalization of the \(H(x)\) scaling function that cancels the point-to-point correlated and \(t\)-independent normalization errors. The validity of the \(H(x)\) scaling for \(pp\) collisions and its violation in \(p \bar p\) collisions in the few TeV energy range resulted in a discovery level statistical significance of an Odderon signal, characterized in refs. to be at least \(6.26\) \(\sigma\), model independently, based on a careful interpolation of the experimental data-points, their point-to-point fluctuating, point-to-point correlated and data point dependent as well as point-to-point correlated and data point independent errors. If these errors are considered as errors on a theory curve, then the significance goes up to at least \(6.55\) \(\sigma\) . In high energy particle physics, the standard accepted discovery threshold corresponds to a 5\(\sigma\) effect. In the previous section, we have shown, that the statistical significance of an Odderon observation in the limited \(0.541 \le \sqrt{s} \le 8\) TeV center of mass energy and in the \(0.377 \le-t \le 1.2\) GeV\(^2\) four-momentum transfer range is at least a combined 7.08 \(\sigma\) effect, corresponding to a statistically significant and model dependent Odderon observation. The \(\sqrt{s} = 7\) TeV \(pp\) differential cross-sections are measured with asymmetric type B errors. In order to make sure that our results are reliable and reproducible, we have performed several cross-checks to test the reliability of our fit at \(\sqrt{s} = 7\) TeV. One of these tests related to the handling of the asymmetric type B, \(t\)-dependent systematic errors. We have performed cross-checks for taking at every point either the smaller or the larger of the up and down type B errors to have a lower or an upper limit on their effects. We found that the parameters of the ReBB model remained stable for such a symmetrization of the type B systematic errors, as the modification of the fit parameters due to such a symmetrization was within the quoted errors on the fit parameters. Our final fits, presented before, were done with asymmetric type B errors, as detailed in Section [\[sec:fit_results\]](#sec:fit_results){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:fit_results"}. So we conclude that our fit at \(\sqrt{s} = 7\) TeV is stable even for the symmetrization of the type B systematic errors. We have also investigated the stability of our result for the case, when the energy range is extended towards lower values of \(\sqrt{s}\), in the ISR energy range, detailed in [\[sec:appendix-d\]](#sec:appendix-d){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:appendix-d"}. When the \(\sqrt{s} = 23.5\) GeV energy data are included to those summarized in Table [\[tab:fit_parameters\]](#tab:fit_parameters){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:fit_parameters"}, the energy dependence of the model parameters becomes quadratic in \(\ln(s)\). This provides 3x5 = 15 model parameters for this broader energy range, as summarized in Table [\[tab:excitation_pars_quadratic\]](#tab:excitation_pars_quadratic){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:excitation_pars_quadratic"} and detailed in [\[sec:appendix-d\]](#sec:appendix-d){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:appendix-d"}. This way, the non-linear terms are confirmed to be negligibly small in the TeV energy range, where we find the significant Odderon effects, with the help of as little as only 10 model parameters. These 10 parameters are given in Table [\[tab:excitation_pars\]](#tab:excitation_pars){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:excitation_pars"}. It turns out in Sec. [\[sec:fit_results\]](#sec:fit_results){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:fit_results"}, that the ReBB model as presented in ref. does not yet provide a statistically acceptable fit quality to the differential cross-section of \(\sqrt{s} = 13\) TeV elastic \(pp\) scattering. This might be due to the emergence of the black-ring limit of elastic proton-proton scattering instead of the expected black-disc limit. In what follows we shortly discuss the earlier and more recent results on the black ring shaped interaction region of the colliding protons. A complementary way of studying the high-energy scattering processes is by passing from the momentum transfer \(t\) to the impact parameter \(b\). In 1963 van Hove introduced the inelasticity profile or the overlap function , which corresponds to the impact parameter distribution of the inelastic cross section characterizing the shape of the interaction region of two colliding particles. The natural expectation is that the most inelastic collisions are central, i.e., the inelasticity profiles have a maximum at \(b=0\) consistently with the black disc terminology. The possibility of a minimum at \(b = 0\), i.e., the peripheral form of the inelastic function was first considered in Ref. which implies the shape of a black ring rather than that of a black disc. In Ref. , it was shown that the inelasticity profile of protons is governed by the ratio of the slope of the diffraction cone to the total cross section through the variable \(Z=4\pi B/\sigma_{tot}\) and the evolution to values of \(Z<1\) at LHC energies implies a transition from the black disk picture of the interaction region to a black ring (or torus-like) shape. These results were reviewed in Ref. using the unitarity relation in combination with experimental data on elastic scattering in the diffraction cone. Ref. concludes that the shape of the interaction region of colliding protons could be reliably determined if the behavior of the elastic scattering amplitude at all transferred momenta was known. The black ring shape of the interaction region can be interpreted as the presence of a hollow at small impact parameter values. In Refs. the authors study the hollowness phenomenon within an inverse scattering approach based on empirical parameterizations. Ref. concludes that the very existence of the hollowness phenomenon is quantum-mechanical in nature. Hollowness has also been reported to emerge from a gluonic hot-spot picture of the \(pp\) collision at the LHC energies . It is shown in Ref. that the emergence of such a hollow strongly depends on the phase of the scattering amplitude. In Ref. the authors demonstrated the occurrence of the hollowness phenomenon in a Regge model above \(\sqrt{s} \sim 3\) TeV. Ref. discusses the absorptive (saturation of the black disk limit) and reflective (saturation of the unitarity limit) scattering modes of proton-proton collisions concluding that a distinctive feature of the transition to the reflective scattering mode is the developing peripheral form of the inelastic overlap function. Reflective scattering is detailed also in Refs. . The authors of Ref. argue that the presence of nonzero real part of the elastic scattering amplitude in the unitarity condition enables to conserve the traditional black disk picture refuting the existence of the hollowness effect. However, as noted in Ref. , the criticism that has been raised in Ref. is based on an incorrect perception of the approximations involved and does not address the arbitrariness of the \(t\)-dependence of the ratio \(\rho\) which is crucial for hollowness. In Refs. the hollowness effect is interpreted as a consequence of fundamental thermodynamic processes. Ref. notes that the onset of the hollowness effect is possibly connected to the opening of a new channel between \(\sqrt{s}\) = 2.76 and 7 TeV as indicated by the measured \(\sigma_{el}/\sigma_{tot}\) ratio and the slope parameter \(B_0\) data. In Ref. the model independent Lévy imaging method is employed to reconstruct the proton inelasticity profile function and its error band at different energies. This method established a statistically significant proton hollowness effect, well beyond the 5\(\sigma\) discovery limit. This conclusion is based on a model independent description of the TOTEM proton-proton differential cross-section data at \(\sqrt{s} = 13\) TeV with the help of the Lévy imaging method, that represents the TOTEM data in a statistically acceptable manner, corresponding to a confidence level of CL = 2 %.
# Summary [\[sec:summary\]]{#sec:summary label="sec:summary"}
Currently, the statistically significant observation of the elusive Odderon is a hot research topic, with several interesting and important results and contributions. In the context of this manuscript, Odderon exchange corresponds to a crossing-odd component of the scattering amplitude of elastic proton-proton and proton-antiproton collisions, that does not vanish at asymptotically high energies, as probed experimentally by the D0 Collaboration for proton-antiproton and by the TOTEM Collaboration for proton-proton elastic collisions in the TeV energy range. Theoretically, the observed differences can be attributed only to the effect of a C-odd exchange, as detailed recently in refs. . Those model independent studies resulted in an at least 6.26 \(\sigma\) statistical significance of the Odderon exchange . The goal of the research summarized in this manuscript was to cross-check, in a model-dependent way, the persistence of these Odderon-effects, and to provide a physical picture to interpret these results. Using the ReBB model of ref. , developed originally to describe precisely the differential cross-section of elastic proton-proton collisions, we were able to describe also the proton-antiproton differential cross section at \(\sqrt{s} = 0.546\) and \(1.96\) TeV without any modification of formalism. We have shown also that this model describes the proton-proton differential cross section at \(\sqrt{s} = 2.76\) and \(7\) TeV, also in a statistically acceptable manner, with a CL \(>\) 0.1 %. Using our good quality, statistically acceptable fits for the \(0.5 \le\sqrt{s} \le 8\) TeV energy region, we have determined the energy dependence of the model parameters to be an affine linear function of \(\ln(s/s_0)\). We have verified this energy dependence by demonstrating that the exctitation functions of the physical parameters of the Real Extended Bialas-Bzdak model satisfy the so-called sanity tests: they describe in a statistically acceptable manner not only those four datasets that formed the basis of the determination of the excitation function, but all other published datasets in the \(\sqrt{s} = 0.541\)-\(8.0\) TeV energy domain. We have also demonstrated that the excitation functions for the total cross-sections and the \(\rho_0\) ratios correspond to the experimentally estabished trends. Remarkably, we have observed that the energy dependence of the geometrical scale parameters for \(pp\) and \(p\bar p\) scattering are identical in elastic proton-proton and proton-antiproton collisions: only the energy dependence of the shape or opacity parameter \(\alpha(s)\) differs significantly between \(pp\) and \(p\bar p\) collisions. After determining the energy dependence of the model parameters we made extrapolations in order to compare the \(pp\) and \(p\bar p\) differential cross sections in the few TeV energy range, corresponding to the energy of D0 measurement at \(\sqrt{s} = 1.96\) TeV in ref. and the TOTEM measurements at \(\sqrt{s} = 2.76\) and \(7.0\) TeV. Doing this, we found evidence for the Odderon exchange with a high statistical significance. We have cross-checked, that this evidence withstands several reasonable cross-checks, for example the possible presence of small quadratic terms of \(\ln(s/s_0)\) in the excitation functions of the parameters of this model. Subsequently, we have also predicted the details of the diffractive interference (dip and bump) region at \(\sqrt{s} =0.9\), \(4\), \(5\) and \(8\) TeV[^1] We have shown that within the framework of this ReBB model, the very different trend of \(\rho_0(s)\) in proton-proton and in proton-antiproton collisions enhances the model-independent Odderon signal, from a 6.26 \(\sigma\) and 6.55 \(\sigma\) effect of refs. to an at least \(7.08\) \(\sigma\) effect. This gain of significance is due to the possibility of extrapolating the differential cross-sections of elastic \(p\bar p\) scattering from \(\sqrt{s }\) \(=\) 1.96 TeV to 2.76 TeV. It is important to note that in the evaluation of the 7.08 \(\sigma\) Odderon effect, only \(p\bar p\) data at \(\sqrt{s} = 1.96\) TeV and \(pp\) data at \(\sqrt{s} = 2.76\) TeV were utilized, amounting to a model dependent but successful closing of the energy gap between D0 and TOTEM measurements. Let us also emphasize that our Odderon observation is valid in the limited kinematic range of \(0.541 \le \sqrt{s} \le 8\) TeV center of mass energy and in the \(0.377 \le-t \le 1.2\) GeV\(^2\) four-momentum transfer range. When extrapolating the \(pp\) differential cross-sections from 2.76 down to 1.96 TeV, however, significance is lost, corresponding to a \(\chi^2/NDF = 24.28/13\) and to a 2.19 \(\sigma\) effect, which is less than a 3 \(\sigma\) effect at 1.96 TeV. However, these two significances at 1.96 and 2.76 TeV can be combined, providing a \(\chi^2/NDF = 124.63 /33\), that corresponds to a statistically significant, combined 7.08 \(\sigma\) effect. This 7.08 \(\sigma\) combined significance increases to an even larger significance of an Odderon observation, when we extrapolate the differential cross-section of elastic proton-antiproton collisions to \(\sqrt{s} = 7.0\) TeV. Given that a 7.08 \(\sigma\) effect is already well above the usual 5 \(\sigma\), statistically significant discovery level, we quote this as the possibly lowest level of the significance of our model-dependent Odderon observation. Concerning the direction of future research: Odderon is now discovered both in a model-independent way, described in refs. , and in a model-dependent way, described in this manuscript; so the obvious next step is to extract its detailed properties, both in a model-independent and in a model-dependent manner. The main properties of the Odderon as well as the Pomeron, based on the ReBB model, are already summarized in [\[sec:appendix-c\]](#sec:appendix-c){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:appendix-c"}. Let us also note, that the ReBB model as presented in ref. does not yet provide a statistically acceptable fit quality to the differential cross-section of \(\sqrt{s} = 13\) TeV elastic \(pp\) scattering. This might be due to the emergence of the black-ring limit of elastic proton-proton scattering instead of the expected black-disc limit, as detailed in Sec. [\[sec:discussion\]](#sec:discussion){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:discussion"}, or due to the very strong non-exponential features of the differential cross-sections in these collisions at low \(-t\)[^2], as shown in ref. . So we conclude that the Real Extended Bialas-Bzdak model needs to be further generalized for the top LHC energies and above. This work is in progress, but it goes clearly well beyond the scope of the current, already rather detailed manuscript. Importantly, any possible outcome of these follow-up studies is not expected to modify the model behavior at the presently investigated energy range, and hence our work is apparently completed, refinements are not necessary from the point of view of the task solved in this manuscript. In short, we determined the model-dependent statistical significance of the Odderon observation to be an at least 7.08 \(\sigma\) effect in the \(0.5 \le \sqrt{s} \le 8\) TeV center of mass energy and \(0.377 \le-t \le 1.2\) GeV\(^2\) four-momentum transfer range. Our analysis is based on the analysis of published D0 and TOTEM data of refs. and uses as a tool the Real Extended Bialas-Bzdak model of ref. . We have cross-checked that this unitary model works in a statistically acceptable, carefully tested and verified manner in this particular kinematic range. Our main results are illustrated on Figs. [\[fig:reBB_model_extr_2\_76_TeV\]](#fig:reBB_model_extr_2_76_TeV){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:reBB_model_extr_2_76_TeV"} and [\[fig:reBB_model_extr_7\_TeV\]](#fig:reBB_model_extr_7_TeV){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:reBB_model_extr_7_TeV"}. | {'timestamp': '2021-07-14T02:26:12', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14319', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14319'} |
# Introduction and results
Diophantine approximation has been widely studied by mathematicians. In 1842, Dirichlet proved an illustrious theorem as follows.\
**Dirichlet Theorem** For any two real numbers \(\theta,~Q\) with \(Q\geq 1\), there is an integer \(n\in[1, Q]\) such that \[\lVert n \theta\rVert<Q^{-1},\] where \(\lVert Dirichlet Theorem is called a \emph{uniform approximation theorem} in. A weak form of Dirichlet Theorem, called an \emph{asymptotic approximation theorem} in, which was often refered to as a corollary of Dirichlet Theorem in the litterature has already existed in the book of Legendre: for any real number\[, there are infinitely many\)n\(such that\]\lVert n\theta\rVert<n^{-1}.\[For the general case, Khintchine in 1924 showed that for a positive function\):\^+\(, if\)xx(x)\(is non-increasing, then the set\]\mathcal{L}_\psi:=\left\{\theta\in\mathbb{R}:\lVert n\theta\rVert<\psi(n),\text{ for infinitely many }n\in\mathbb{N}\right\}\[has Lebesgue measure zero if the series\)(n)\(converges and has full Lebesgue measure otherwise. In the case where the set has Lebesgue measure zero, it is natural to calculate the Hausdorff dimension of\)\_\(. The first result on the Hausdorff dimension of\)\_\(dates back to Jarn\'{\i}k-Bosicovitch Theorem. It was shown that for any\)\>1\(, one has\]{\rm dim}_H\left(\left\{\theta\in\mathbb{R}:\lVert n\theta\rVert<\dfrac{1}{n^\tau},\text{ for infinitely many }n\in\mathbb{N}\right\}\right)=\dfrac{2}{1+\tau},\[where\)dim\_H()\(denotes the Hausdorff deminsion of a set. In analogy with the classical Diophantine approximation, Hill and Velani studied the approximation properties of the orbits of a dynamical system and introduced the so called \emph{shrinking target problems}: for a measure preserving dynamical system\)(M,,T)\(with a metric\)d\(and a positive function\], define the set of all \emph{\)\psi\(-well approximable} points by\)x_0\(as\[\mathcal{L}(T,\psi,x_0):=\{x\in M:d(T^nx,x_0)<\psi(n),\text{ for infinitely many \)n\in\mathbb{N}\(}\},\]what is the size (Lebesgue measure, Hausdorff dimension) of\)(T,,x_0)\(? They studied the case where\)T\(is an expanding rational map of the Riemann sphere\)={}\(. In this papper, we are interested in the approximation properties of the orbits of\[-transformations. The\]-transformation\)T\_ (\>1)\(on\)\[0,1)\(is defined by\[T_\beta(x):=\beta x-\lfloor\beta x\rfloor,\]where\[is the integer part function. For any positive function\):\^+\(, define the set of \emph{\)\psi\(-well asymptotically approximable} points by\)x_0\(as\]\mathcal{L}(\psi,x_0):=\left\{x\in[0,1]:\lvert T_\beta^n x-x_0\rvert<\psi(n),\text{ for infinitely many \)n\in\mathbb{N}\(}\right\}.\[By, the set\)(,x_0)\(has Lebesgue measure zero if and only if the series\)(n)\(converges. Shen and Wang showed that for any real number\)\>1\(and any point\)x_0\(, one has\]{\rm dim}_H\left(\mathcal{L}(\psi, x_0)\right)=\dfrac{1}{1+v},\quad\text{where \)v:=\liminf\limits_{n\rightarrow\infty}\dfrac{-\log_\beta\psi(n)}{n}\(}.\[Parallel to the asymptotic approximation theorem, it is also worth of studying the uniform approximation properties as in Dirichlet Theorem. The uniform Diophantine approximation related to\]-transformations was studied by Bugeaud and Liao. For\)x\(. \begin{Definition}\label{defexp} Let\)\>1\(, fix\)x_0\(. For any\)x\(, denote by\)\_(x,x_0)\(the supremum of the real numbers\)v\(for which the equation\[\lvert T_\beta^n x-x_0\rvert<(\beta^n)^{-v}\]has infinitely many solutions in integers\)n\(. Denote by\)\_(x,x_0)\(the supremum of the real numbers\[for which, for every sufficiently large integer\)N\(, the equation\]\lvert T_\beta^n x-x_0\rvert<(\beta^N)^{-\hat{v}}\[has a solution\)n\(with\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1nN\(. \end{Definition} Our main results are the following Theorems \ref{A} and \ref{B}. \begin{theoremalph}\label{A} Let\)\>1\(. For any\)x_0\(, any\)v(0,)\(and any\)(0,1)\(, if\)v\</(1-)\(, then the set\]\left\{x\in[0,1]:\mathcal{V}_\beta(x,x_0)=v\right\}\cap\left\{x\in[0,1]:\hat{\mathcal{V}}_\beta(x,x_0)\geq\hat{v}\right\}\[is empty. Otherwise, the set\]\left\{x\in[0,1]:\mathcal{V}_\beta(x,x_0)= v\right\}\cap\left\{x\in[0,1]:\hat{\mathcal{V}}_\beta(x,x_0)=\hat{v}\right\}\[has the Hausdorff dimension\]\dfrac{v-\hat{v}-v\hat{v}}{(1+v)(v-\hat{v})}.\[\end{theoremalph} \begin{theoremalph}\label{B} Let\)\>1\(, the set\]\left\{x\in[0,1]:\hat{\mathcal{V}}_\beta(x,x_0)=0\right\}\[is of full Lebesgue measure. If\)`<!-- -->`{=html}0\<\(, then\]{\rm dim}_H\left( \left\{x\in[0,1]:\hat{\mathcal{V}}_\beta(x,x_0)=\hat{v}\right\}\right)=\left(\dfrac{1-\hat{v}}{1+\hat{v}}\right)^2.\[Otherwise, the set\]\left\{x\in[0,1]:\hat{\mathcal{V}}_\beta(x,x_0)>1\right\}\[is countable. \end{theoremalph} Persson and Schmeling gave another point of view, by letting\]vary and considering the\[-expansions of\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1\(. They showed that for any\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1\<\_0\<\_1\<2\(and any\)v\(, one has\]{\rm dim}_H\left( \left\{\beta\in(\beta_0,\beta_1):\mathcal{V}_\beta(1,x_0)=v\right\}\right)=\dfrac{1}{1+v}.\[In, the assumption\)\_1\<2\(is removed. In the same way as {\bf Theorem BL}, Bugeaud and Liao also proved that for any\)v(0,)\(and any\)(0,1)\(, if\)v\</(1-)\(, then\]\left\{\beta>1:v_\beta(1)=v\right\}\cap\left\{\beta>1:\hat{v}_\beta(1)\geq\hat{v}\right\}=\emptyset,\[Otherwise,\]{\rm dim}_H\left(\{\beta>1:v_\beta(1)= v\}\cap\left\{\beta>1:\hat{v}_\beta(1)=\hat{v}\right\}\right)=\dfrac{v-\hat{v}-v\hat{v}}{(1+v)(v-\hat{v})}.\[When considering the exponents\)\_(1,x_0)\(and\)\_(1,x_0)\(, we obtain the following Theorems \ref{C} and \ref{D}. \begin{theoremalph}\label{C} For any\)x_0\(, any\)v(0,)\(and any\)(0,1)\(, if\)v\</(1-)\(, then the set\]\left\{\beta>1:\mathcal{V}_\beta(1,x_0)=v\right\}\cap\left\{\beta>1:\hat{\mathcal{V}}_\beta(1,x_0)\geq\hat{v}\right\}\[is empty. Otherwise,\]{\rm dim}_H\left(\{\beta>1:\mathcal{V}_\beta(1,x_0)= v\}\cap\left\{\beta>1:\hat{\mathcal{V}}_\beta(1,x_0)=\hat{v}\right\}\right)=\dfrac{v-\hat{v}-v\hat{v}}{(1+v)(v-\hat{v})}.\[\end{theoremalph} \begin{theoremalph}\label{D} For any\)x_0\(and any\], one has\[{\rm dim}_H\left( \left\{\beta>1:\hat{\mathcal{V}}_\beta(1,x_0)\geq\hat{v}\right\}\right)={\rm dim}_H\left( \left\{\beta>1:\hat{\mathcal{V}}_\beta(1,x_0)=\hat{v}\right\}\right)\]and\[{\rm dim}_H \left(\{\beta>1:\hat{\mathcal{V}}_\beta(1,x_0)=\hat{v}\}\right)=\left(\dfrac{1-\hat{v}}{1+\hat{v}}\right)^2.\]\end{theoremalph} Our paper is organized as follows. We recall some classical results of the theory of\[-transformations in Section\)`<!-- -->`{=html}2\(. Theorems \ref{A} and \ref{B} are proved in Section\)`<!-- -->`{=html}3\(. Section\)`<!-- -->`{=html}4\(establishes Theorems \ref{C} and \ref{D}. \medskip \section{Beta-transformations} Beta-expansion was introduced by R\'{e}nyi in 1957. For any\)\>1\(, the\]-transformation\)T\_\(on\)\[0,1)\(is defined by\[T_\beta x=\beta x-\lfloor\beta x\rfloor,\]where\[\)\lceil\beta\rfloor= \begin{cases} \beta-1, & \text{if}~\beta \text{ is a positive integer},\\ \lfloor \beta \rfloor, & \text{otherwise}. \end{cases}\]
We can extend the definition of the \(\beta\)-transformation to the point \(1\) as:\[T_\beta 1=\beta-\lfloor\beta \rfloor.\] One can obtain \[1=\dfrac{\varepsilon_1(1,\beta)}{\beta}+\dfrac{\varepsilon_2(1,\beta)}{\beta^2}+\cdots+\dfrac{\varepsilon_n(1,\beta)}{\beta^n}+\cdots,\] where \(\varepsilon_n(1,\beta)=\lfloor\beta T^{n-1}_\beta 1\rfloor,~\text{for all positive integers \)n\in\mathbb{N}\(}\). We also write \[d_\beta(1)=\left(\varepsilon_1(1,\beta),\cdots,\varepsilon_n(1,\beta),\cdots\right).\] If \(d_\beta(1)\) is finite, i.e. there is an integer \(m>0\) such that \(\varepsilon_m(1,\beta)\neq 0\) and \(\varepsilon_i(1,\beta)=0\) for all \(i>m\), then \(\beta\) is called a *simple Parry number*. In this case, the infinite \(\beta\)-expansion of \(1\) is defined as \[(\varepsilon^\ast_1(\beta),\varepsilon^\ast_2(\beta),\cdots,\varepsilon^\ast_n(\beta),\cdots):=(\varepsilon_1(1,\beta),\varepsilon_2(1,\beta),\cdots,\varepsilon_m(1,\beta)-1)^\infty,\] where \((\omega)^\infty\) denotes the periodic sequence. If \(d_\beta(1)\) is infinite, then we define \[(\varepsilon^\ast_1(\beta),\varepsilon^\ast_2(\beta),\cdots,\varepsilon^\ast_n(\beta),\cdots):=(\varepsilon_1(1,\beta),\varepsilon_2(1,\beta),\cdots,\varepsilon_n(1,\beta),\cdots).\] Endow the set \(\mathcal{A}^{\mathbb{N}}\) with the product topology and define the one-sided shift operator \(\sigma\) as \[\sigma\left((\omega_n)_{n\geq1}\right):=(\omega_{n+1})_{n\geq1},\] for any infinite sequence \((\omega_n)_{n\geq1}\in\mathcal{A}^{\mathbb{N}}\). The lexicographical order \(<_{lex}\) on \(\mathcal{A}^{\mathbb{N}}\) is defined as \[\omega=(\omega_1,\omega_2,\cdots)<_{lex}\omega'=(\omega'_1,\omega'_2,\cdots),\] if \(\omega_1<\omega'_1\) or if there is an integer \(k\geq 2\) such that for all \(1\leq i< k\), \(\omega_i=\omega'_i\) but \(\omega_k<\omega'_k\). Denote by \(\omega\leq_{lex}\omega'\) if \(\omega<_{lex}\omega'\) or \(\omega=\omega'\). A finite word \((\omega_1,\omega_2,\cdots,\omega_n)\) is called \(\beta\)-admissible, if there is \(x\in[0,1]\) such that the \(\beta\)-expansion of \(x\) begins with \((\omega_1,\omega_2,\cdots,\omega_n).\) An infinite sequence \((\omega_1,\omega_2,\cdots,\omega_n,\cdots)\) is called \(\beta\)-admissible, if there is \(x\in[0,1]\) such that the \(\beta\)-expansion of \(x\) is \((\omega_1,\omega_2,\cdots,\omega_n,\cdots)\). An infinite sequence \((\omega_1,\omega_2,\cdots,\omega_n,\cdots)\) is self-admissible, if \[\sigma^k(\omega_1,\omega_2,\cdots,\omega_n,\cdots)\leq_{lex}(\omega_1,\omega_2,\cdots,\omega_n,\cdots),~\text{for }k\geq0.\] Denote by \(\Sigma_\beta\) the set of all infinite \(\beta\)-admissible sequences and denote by \(\Sigma^n_\beta\) the set of all \(\beta\)-admissible sequences with length \(n\). The \(\beta\)-admissible sequences are characterized by Parry and Rényi.
For every \((\omega_1,\cdots,\omega_n)\in\Sigma^n_\beta\), we call \[I_n(\omega_1,\cdots,\omega_n):=\{x\in[0,1]:d_\beta(x) \text{ starts with }\omega_1,\cdots,\omega_n\}\] an *\(n\)-th order basic interval* with respect to \(\beta\). Denote by \(I_n(x)\) the \(n\)-th order basic interval containing \(x\). The basic intervals are also called *cylinders*. It is crucial to estimate the lengths of the basic intervals. We will use the key notion of "full cylinder"introduced by Fan and Wang. For any \((\omega_1,\cdots,\omega_n)\in\Sigma^n_\beta\), a basic interval \(I_n(\omega_1,\cdots,\omega_n)\) is said to be full if its length is \(\beta^{-n}\). Denote by \(\lvert I_n(\omega_1,\cdots,\omega_n)\rvert\) the length of the \(n\)-th order basic interval.
Next, we define a sequence of numbers \(\beta_N\) approaching to \(\beta\). Given the infinite \(\beta\)-expansion \((\varepsilon^\ast_1(\beta),\varepsilon^\ast_2(\beta),\cdots,\varepsilon^\ast_n(\beta),\cdots)\) of \(1\). For any \(\varepsilon^\ast_N(\beta)>0\), let \(\beta_N\) be the unique real solution of the equation \[\label{ED1} 1=\dfrac{\varepsilon^\ast_1(\beta)}{z}+\cdots+\dfrac{\varepsilon^\ast_N(\beta)}{z^N}.\] Therefore, \(\beta_N<\beta\) and the sequence \(\{\beta_N:N\geq 1\}\) increases and converges to \(\beta\) when \(N\) tends to infinity.
# Proofs of Theorems [\[A\]](#A){reference-type="ref" reference="A"} and [\[B\]](#B){reference-type="ref" reference="B"} {#sec2}
For \(\beta>1\) and \(x_0\in[0,1]\), by the definitions of \(\mathcal{V}_\beta(x,x_0)\) and \(\hat{\mathcal{V}}_\beta(x,x_0)\), it can be checked that for every \(x\in[0,1]\), we have \[\hat{\mathcal{V}}_\beta(x,x_0)\leq\mathcal{V}_\beta(x,x_0).\] We first consider two special cases \(\hat{\mathcal{V}}_\beta(x,x_0)=\mathcal{V}_\beta(x,x_0)=0\) and \(\hat{\mathcal{V}}_\beta(x,x_0)=\mathcal{V}_\beta(x,x_0)=\infty\).
When \(\hat{\mathcal{V}}_\beta(x,x_0)=\mathcal{V}_\beta(x,x_0)=\infty\), we have the following Lemma [\[infinite\]](#infinite){reference-type="ref" reference="infinite"}.
For \(\beta>1\) and \(x_0\in[0,1]\), we suppose \[d_\beta(x_0)=(\epsilon_1,\epsilon_2,\cdots,\epsilon_n,\cdots).\] For the case \(\mathcal{V}_\beta(x,x_0)\in(0,\infty)\) and \(\hat{\mathcal{V}}_\beta(x,x_0)\in(0,1)\), we have the following discussion and complete the proof of Theorem [\[A\]](#A){reference-type="ref" reference="A"}.
#### **Upper bound**
For any \(x\in[0,1]\), denote its \(\beta\)-expansion by \[x=\dfrac{a_1}{\beta}+\dfrac{a_2}{\beta^2}+\cdots+\dfrac{a_n}{\beta^n}+\cdots.\] Since \(\hat{\mathcal{V}}_\beta(x,x_0)\in(0,1)\), by the same way as Lemma [\[infinite\]](#infinite){reference-type="ref" reference="infinite"}, we can take the maximal subsequences \(\{n_k:k\geq1\}\) and \(\{m_k:k\geq1\}\) of \(\left\{n'_i:i\geq 1\right\}\) and \(\left\{m'_i:i\geq1\right\}\), respectively. Similarly, notice that \[\beta^{n_k-m_k}<\lvert T^{n_k}_\beta x-x_0\rvert<\beta^{n_k-m_k+1}.\] We have \[\label{E2} \mathcal{V}_\beta(x,x_0)=\limsup_{n\rightarrow\infty}\dfrac{m_k-n_k}{n_k}=\limsup_{n\rightarrow\infty}\dfrac{m_k}{n_k}-1,\] \[\label{E3} \hat{\mathcal{V}}_\beta(x,x_0)\leq\liminf_{n\rightarrow\infty}\dfrac{m_k-n_k}{n_{k+1}}\leq\liminf_{n\rightarrow\infty}\dfrac{m_k-n_k}{m_k}=1-\limsup_{n\rightarrow\infty}\dfrac{n_k}{m_k}.\] Since \(\left(\limsup\dfrac{n_k}{m_k}\right)\cdot\left(\limsup\dfrac{m_k}{n_k}\right)\geq 1\), one has \[\label{in1} \mathcal{V}_\beta(x,x_0)\geq\dfrac{\hat{\mathcal{V}}_\beta(x,x_0)}{1-\hat{\mathcal{V}}_\beta(x,x_0)},\qquad \hat{\mathcal{V}}_\beta(x,x_0)\leq\dfrac{\mathcal{V}_\beta(x,x_0)}{1+\mathcal{V}_\beta(x,x_0)}.\] We can derive from [\[in1\]](#in1){reference-type="ref" reference="in1"} that if \(v<\hat{v}/(1-\hat{v})\), then the set \[\left\{x\in[0,1]:\mathcal{V}_\beta(x,x_0)=v\right\}\cap\left\{x\in[0,1]:\hat{\mathcal{V}}_\beta(x,x_0)\geq\hat{v}\right\}\] is empty. Otherwise, under the case where \(\mathcal{V}_\beta(x,x_0)=v\) and \(\hat{\mathcal{V}}_\beta(x,x_0)=\hat{v}\), take the two sequences \(\{n_k:k\geq1\}\) and \(\{m_k:k\geq1\}\) such that \[\mathcal{V}_\beta(x,x_0)=\lim_{n\rightarrow\infty}\dfrac{m_k-n_k}{n_k},\qquad \hat{\mathcal{V}}_\beta(x,x_0)\leq\liminf_{n\rightarrow\infty}\dfrac{m_k-n_k}{n_{k+1}}.\] Given \(0<\varepsilon<\hat{v}/2\), for \(k\) large enough, one has \[\label{E4} (v-\varepsilon)n_k\leq m_k-n_k\leq(v+\varepsilon)n_k,\] \[\label{E5} m_k-n_k\geq(\hat{v}-\varepsilon)n_{k+1}.\] By inequality ([\[E4\]](#E4){reference-type="ref" reference="E4"}), one has \[(1+v-\varepsilon)m_{k-1}\leq(1+v-\varepsilon)n_k\leq m_k.\] Therefore, the sequence \(\{m_k:k\geq1\}\) increases at least exponentially. Since \(n_k\geq m_{k-1}\) for every \(k\geq2\), the sequence \(\{n_k:k\geq1\}\) also increases at least exponentially. Thus, there is a positive constant \(C\) such that \(k\leq C\log_\beta n_k\). Combining ([\[E4\]](#E4){reference-type="ref" reference="E4"}) and ([\[E5\]](#E5){reference-type="ref" reference="E5"}), one obtains \[(\hat{v}-\varepsilon)n_{k+1}\leq(v+\varepsilon)n_k.\] Thus, for \(k\) large enough, there is an integer \(n_0\) and a postive real number \(\varepsilon_1\) small enough such that the sum of all lengths of the blocks of \(0\) in the prefix of length \(n_k\) of the infinite sequence \(a_1a_2\cdots\) is at least equal to \[\begin{aligned}
n_k(\hat{v}-\varepsilon)\left\lgroup1+\dfrac{\hat{v}-\varepsilon}{v+\varepsilon}+\dfrac{(\hat{v}-\varepsilon)^2}{(v+\varepsilon)^2}+\cdots\right\rgroup-n_0&=&n_k\dfrac{(\hat{v}-\varepsilon)(v+\varepsilon)}{v-\hat{v}+2\varepsilon}-n_0\\ &\geq& n_k\left(\dfrac{v \cdot \hat{v}}{v-\hat{v}}-\varepsilon_1\right). \end{aligned}\] Among the digits \(a_1\cdots a_{m_k}\), there are \(k\) blocks of digits which are 'free'. Denote their lengths by \(l_1,\cdots,l_k\). There is an small number \(\varepsilon_2\) such that \[\sum_{i=1}^kl_i\leq n_k-n_k\left(\dfrac{v\cdot \hat{v}}{v-\hat{v}}-\varepsilon_1\right)= n_k(1+\varepsilon_2)\dfrac{v-\hat{v}-v\cdot\hat{v}}{v-\hat{v}}.\] By Theorem [\[cardinality\]](#cardinality){reference-type="ref" reference="cardinality"}, there are at most \(\beta\cdot\beta^{l_i}/(\beta-1)\) ways to choose the block with length \(l_i\). Thus, one has in total at most \[\left(\dfrac{\beta}{\beta-1}\right)^k\cdot\beta^{\sum_{i=1}^kl_i}\leq \left(\dfrac{\beta}{\beta-1}\right)^k\cdot\beta^{n_k(1+\varepsilon_2)(v-\hat{v}-v\cdot\hat{v})/(v-\hat{v})}\] possible choices of the digits \(a_1\cdots a_{m_k}\). On the other hand, there are at most \(k (k\leq C\log_\beta n_k)\) blocks of \(0\) in the prefix of length \(n_k\) of the infinite sequence \(a_1a_2\cdots\). Since there are at most \(n_k\) possible choices for their first index, one has in total at most \((n_k)^{C\log_\beta n_k}\) possible choices. Consequently, the set \[\left\{x\in[0,1]:\mathcal{V}_\beta(x,x_0)= v\right\}\cap\left\{x\in[0,1]:\hat{\mathcal{V}}_\beta(x,x_0)=\hat{v}\right\}\] is covered by \[\left(\dfrac{\beta n_k}{\beta-1}\right)^{C\log_\beta n_k}\cdot\beta^{n_k(1+\varepsilon_2)(v-\hat{v}-v\cdot\hat{v})/(v-\hat{v})}\] basic intervals of length at most \(\beta^{-m_k}\). Moreover, by ([\[E4\]](#E4){reference-type="ref" reference="E4"}), there is a small number \(\varepsilon_3>0\) such that \[\beta^{-m_k}\leq \beta^{-(1+v)(1-\varepsilon_3)n_k}.\] Take \(\varepsilon'=\max\{\varepsilon_2,~\varepsilon_3\}\), we consider the series \[\sum_{N\geq1}(N)^{C\log_\beta N}\beta^{N(1+\varepsilon')(v-\hat{v}-v\cdot \hat{v})/(v-\hat{v})}\beta^{-(1+v)(1-\varepsilon')Ns}.\] The critical exponent \(s_0\) such that the series converges if \(s>s_0\) and diverges if \(s<s_0\) is given by \[s_0=\dfrac{1+\varepsilon'}{1-\varepsilon'}\cdot\dfrac{v-\hat{v}-v\cdot\hat{v}}{(1+v)(v-\hat{v})}.\] By a standard covering argument and the arbitrariness of \(\varepsilon'\), the Hausdorff dimension of the set \[\left\{x\in[0,1]:\mathcal{V}_\beta(x,x_0)= v\right\}\cap\left\{x\in[0,1]:\hat{\mathcal{V}}_\beta(x,x_0)=\hat{v}\right\}\] is at most equal to \[\dfrac{v-\hat{v}-v\cdot\hat{v}}{(1+v)(v-\hat{v})}.\]
#### **Lower bound**
To obtain the lower bound, we will construct a suitable Cantor type set. For \(v\in(0,\infty)\) and \(\hat{v}\in(0,1)\) with \(v\geq\hat{v}/(1-\hat{v})\), let \[n'_k=\left\lfloor\left(\dfrac{v}{\hat{v}}\right)^k\right\rfloor,\quad m'_k=\lfloor(1+v)n'_k\rfloor,\quad k=1,2,\cdots.\] Making an adjustment, we can choose two subsequences \(\{n_k\}\) and \(\{m_k\}\) with \(n_k<m_k<n_{k+1}\) for every \(k\geq1\) such that \(\{m_k-n_k\}\) is a non-decreasing sequence and \[\label{lowle} \lim_{k\rightarrow\infty}\dfrac{m_k-n_k}{n_k}=v,\qquad \lim_{k\rightarrow\infty}\dfrac{m_k-n_k}{n_{k+1}}=\hat{v}.\] Recall that the \(\beta\)-expansion of the fixed point \(x_0\) is \[d_\beta(x_0)=(\epsilon_1,\epsilon_2,\cdots,\epsilon_n,\cdots).\] Consider the set of real numbers \(x\in[0,1]\) whose \(\beta\)-expansion \[x=\dfrac{a_1}{\beta}+\dfrac{a_2}{\beta^2}+\cdots+\dfrac{a_n}{\beta^n}+\cdots,\] satisfies that for all \(k\geq1\), \[a_{n_k}>1,~a_{n_k+1}=\epsilon_1,~a_{n_i+2}=\epsilon_2,~\cdots,~a_{m_i-1}=\epsilon_{m_i-n_i-1},~a_{m_k}>0,\] \[a_{m_k+(m_k-n_k)}=a_{m_k+2(m_k-n_k)}=\cdots=a_{m_k+t_k(m_k-n_k)}=1,\] where \(t_k\) is the largest integer such that \(m_k+t_k(m_k-n_k)<n_{k+1}\). Then, \[t_k\leq\dfrac{n_{k+1}-m_k}{m_k-n_k}\leq\dfrac{2}{\hat{v}},\] for \(k\) large enough. Therefore, the sequence \(\{t_k:k\geq1\}\) is bounded. Fix \(N\), let \(\beta_N\) be the real number defined by the infinite \(\beta\)-expansion of \(1\) as equality ([\[ED1\]](#ED1){reference-type="ref" reference="ED1"}). We replace the digit \(1\) for \(a_{n_k},~a_{m_k}\) and \(a_{m_k+i(m_k-n_k)}\) for any \(1\leq i\leq t_k\) by the block \(0^N10^N\). Fill other places by blocks belonging to \(\Sigma_{\beta_N}\). Thus, we have constructed the Cantor type subset \(E\). Since \(\{t_k\}\) is bound, one has \[\lim_{k\rightarrow\infty}\dfrac{m_k-n_k-1+2N}{n_k+(4k-2)N+\sum_{i=1}^{k-1}2Nt_i}=\lim_{k\rightarrow\infty}\dfrac{m_k-n_k}{n_k}=v,\] \[\lim_{k\rightarrow\infty}\dfrac{m_k-n_k-1+2N}{n_{k+1}+(4k+2)N+\sum_{i=1}^k2Nt_i}=\lim_{k\rightarrow\infty}\dfrac{m_k-n_k}{n_{k+1}}=\hat{v}.\] According to the construction, the sequence \(d_\beta(x)\) is in \(\Sigma_{\beta_N}.\) We distribute the mass uniformly when meet a block in \(\Sigma_{\beta_N}\) and keep the mass when go through the positions where the digits are determined by construction of \(E\). The Bernoulli measure \(\mu\) on \(E\) is defined as follows. If \(n<n_1\), then define \(\mu(I_n)=1/\sharp\Sigma^n_{\beta_N}\). If \(n_1\leq n\leq m_1+4N\), then define \(\mu(I_n)=1/\sharp\Sigma^{n_1-1}_{\beta_N}\). If there is an integer \(t\) with \(0\leq t\leq t_1-1\) such that \[m_1+4N+(t+1)(m_1-n_1)+2Nt<n\leq m_1+4N+(t+1)(m_1-n_1)+2N(t+1),\] then define \[\mu(I_n)=\dfrac{1}{\sharp\Sigma^{n_1-1}_{\beta_N}}\cdot\dfrac{1}{\left(\sharp\Sigma^{m_1-n_1-1}_{\beta_N}\right)^{t+1}}.\] If there is an integer \(t\) with \(0\leq t\leq t_1\) such that \[m_1+4N+t(m_1-n_1)+2Nt<n\leq c,\] where \(c:=\min\{n_2+4N+2Nt_1, m_1+4N+(t+1)(m_1-n_1)+2Nt\}\), then define \[\mu(I_n)=\dfrac{1}{\sharp\Sigma^{n_1-1}_{\beta_N}}\cdot\dfrac{1}{\left(\sharp\Sigma^{m_1-n_1-1}_{\beta_N}\right)^t}\cdot\dfrac{1}{\sharp\Sigma^{n-(m_1+4N+t(m_1-n_1)+2Nt)}_{\beta_N}}.\] For \(k\geq2\), let \[l_k:=n_k+4(k-1)N+\sum^{k-1}_{i=1}2Nt_i,\quad h_k:=m_k+4kN+\sum^{k-1}_{i=1}2Nt_i,\] \[p_k:=m_k-n_k-1,\quad q_k:=h_k+t_k(m_k-n_k)+2Nt_k.\] If \(l_k\leq n\leq h_k\), then define \[\mu(I_n)=\dfrac{1}{\sharp\Sigma^{n_1-1}_{\beta_N}}\cdot\dfrac{1}{\prod^{k-1}_{i=1}\left(\sharp \Sigma^{p_i}_{\beta_N}\right)^{t_i}\cdot\left(\sharp\Sigma^{l_{i+1}-q_i-1}_{\beta_N}\right)}=\mu(I_{l_k})=\mu(I_{h_k}).\] If there is an integer \(t\) with \(0\leq t\leq t_k-1\) such that \[h_k+(t+1)(m_k-n_k)+2Nt<n\leq h_k+(t+1)(m_k-n_k)+2N(t+1),\] then define \[\mu(I_n)=\mu(I_{h_k})\cdot\dfrac{1}{\left(\sharp\Sigma^{p_k}_{\beta_N}\right)^{t+1}}.\] If there is an integer \(t\) with \(0\leq t\leq t_k\) such that \[h_k+t(m_k-n_k)+2Nt<n\leq\min\{l_{k+1}, h_k+(t+1)(m_k-n_k)+2Nt\},\] then define \[\mu(I_n)=\mu(I_{h_k})\cdot\dfrac{1}{\left(\sharp\Sigma^{p_k}_{\beta_N}\right)^t}\cdot\dfrac{1}{\sharp\Sigma^{n-(h_k+t(m_k-n_k)+2Nt)}_{\beta_N}}.\] By the construction and Proposition [\[full\]](#full){reference-type="ref" reference="full"}, \(I_{h_k}\) is full. For calculating the local dimension of \(\mu\), we discuss different cases as follows. **Case \(A\):** If \(n=h_k\), then \[\begin{aligned}
\liminf_{k\rightarrow\infty}\dfrac{\log_\beta\mu(I_{h_k})}{\log_\beta \lvert I_{h_k}\rvert}&=&\liminf_{k\rightarrow\infty}\dfrac{n_1-1+\sum\limits_{i=1}^{k-1}\left(t_ip_i+l_{i+1}-q_i-1\right)}{h_k}\cdot\log_\beta\beta_N\\&=&\liminf_{k\rightarrow\infty}\dfrac{n_1-1+\sum\limits_{i=1}^{k-1}\left(l_{i+1}-h_i-2Nt_i-1\right)}{h_k}\cdot\log_\beta\beta_N. \end{aligned}\] Recall that \(\{t_k:k\geq1\}\) is bounded and \(\{m_k:k\geq1\}\) grows exponentially fast in terms of \(k\), therefore, \[\liminf_{k\rightarrow\infty}\dfrac{\log_\beta\mu(I_{h_k})}{\log_\beta \lvert I_{h_k}\rvert}=\liminf_{k\rightarrow\infty}\dfrac{\sum_{i=1}^{k-1}\left(n_{i+1}-m_i\right)}{m_k}\log_\beta\beta_N.\] By equalities ([\[lowle\]](#lowle){reference-type="ref" reference="lowle"}), one has \[\lim_{k\rightarrow\infty}\dfrac{m_k}{n_k}=1+v,\quad \lim_{k\rightarrow\infty}\dfrac{m_{k+1}}{m_k}=\dfrac{v}{\hat{v}},\quad\lim_{k\rightarrow\infty}\dfrac{n_{k+1}}{m_k}=\dfrac{v}{\hat{v}(1+v)}.\] According to Stolz-Cesàro Theorem, \[\begin{aligned}
\liminf_{k\rightarrow\infty}\dfrac{\sum_{i=1}^{k-1}\left(n_{i+1}-m_i\right)}{m_k}&=&\liminf_{k\rightarrow\infty}\dfrac{n_{k+1}-m_k}{m_{k+1}-m_k}\\&=&\liminf_{k\rightarrow\infty}\dfrac{\dfrac{n_{k+1}}{m_k}-1}{\dfrac{m_{k+1}}{m_k}-1}=\dfrac{v-\hat{v}-v\cdot\hat{v}}{(1+v)(v-\hat{v})}. \end{aligned}\] Thus, \[\liminf_{k\rightarrow\infty}\dfrac{\log_\beta\mu(I_{h_k})}{\log_\beta\lvert I_{h_k}\rvert}=\dfrac{v-\hat{v}-v\cdot\hat{v}}{(1+v)(v-\hat{v})}\cdot\log_\beta\beta_N.\] **Case \(B\):** For an integer \(n\) large enough, if there is \(k\geq2\) such that \(l_k\leq n\leq h_k\), then \[\liminf_{k\rightarrow\infty}\dfrac{\log_\beta\mu(I_n)}{\log_\beta\lvert I_n\rvert}\geq \liminf_{k\rightarrow\infty}\dfrac{\log_\beta\mu(I_n)}{\log_\beta\lvert I_{h_k}\rvert}=\liminf_{k\rightarrow\infty}\dfrac{\log_\beta\mu(I_{h_k})}{\log_\beta\lvert I_{h_k}\rvert}.\] **Case \(C\):** For an integer \(n\) large enough, if there is an integer \(t\) with \(0\leq t\leq t_k-1\) such that \[h_k+(t+1)(m_k-n_k)+2Nt<n\leq h_k+(t+1)(m_k-n_k)+2N(t+1),\] then one has \[\mu(I_n)\leq\mu(I_{h_k})\cdot\beta^{-(t+1)p_k}_N.\] Since \(I_{h_k}\) is full, by Proposition [\[fullc\]](#fullc){reference-type="ref" reference="fullc"}, \(\lvert I_n\rvert=\lvert I_{h_k}\rvert\cdot\lvert I_{n-h_k}(\omega')\rvert\), where \(\omega'\) is an admissible block in \(\Sigma^{n-h_k}_{\beta_N}\). By Lemma [\[length\]](#length){reference-type="ref" reference="length"}, \[\lvert I_n\rvert\geq\lvert I_{h_k}\rvert\cdot\beta^{-(n-h_k+N)}.\] Hence, \[\dfrac{-\log_\beta\mu(I_n)}{-\log_\beta\lvert I_n\rvert}\geq\dfrac{-\log_\beta\mu(I_{h_k})+(t+1)p_k\log_\beta\beta_N}{-\log_\beta\lvert I_{h_k}\rvert+((t+1)p_k+N(2t+1))}\geq\dfrac{-\log_\beta\mu(I_{h_k})}{-\log_\beta\lvert I_{h_k}\rvert}\cdot\varphi(N),\] where \(\varphi(N)<1\) and \(\varphi(N)\) tends to \(1\) as \(N\) tends to infinity. If there is an integer \(t\) with \(0\leq t\leq t_k\) such that \[h_k+t(m_k-n_k)+2Nt<n\leq\min\{l_{k+1}, h_k+(t+1)(m_k-n_k)+2Nt\},\] then letting \(l:=n-(h_k+t(m_k-n_k)+2Nt)\), one has \[\mu(I_n)\leq\mu(I_{h_k})\cdot\beta^{-tp_k-l}_N.\] Since \(I_{h_k}\) is full, by Proposition [\[fullc\]](#fullc){reference-type="ref" reference="fullc"}, \(\lvert I_n\rvert=\lvert I_{h_k}\rvert\cdot\lvert I_{n-h_k}(\omega')\rvert\), where \(\omega'\) is an admissible block in \(\Sigma^{n-h_k}_{\beta_N}\). By Lemma [\[length\]](#length){reference-type="ref" reference="length"}, \(\lvert I_{n-h_k}(\omega')\rvert\geq\beta^{-(n-h_k+N)}.\) Therefore, \[\lvert I_n\rvert\geq\lvert I_{h_k}\rvert\cdot\beta^{-(n-h_k+N)}.\] Hence, \[\dfrac{-\log_\beta\mu(I_n)}{-\log_\beta\lvert I_n\rvert}\geq\dfrac{-\log_\beta\mu(I_{h_k})+(tp_k+l)\log_\beta\beta_N}{-\log_\beta\lvert I_{h_k}\rvert+(tp_k+l+t+N(2t+1))}\geq\dfrac{-\log_\beta\mu(I_{h_k})}{-\log_\beta\lvert I_{h_k}\rvert}\cdot\varphi(N).\] Therefore, in all cases, \[\liminf_{k\rightarrow\infty}\dfrac{\log_\beta\mu(I_n)}{\log_\beta\lvert I_n\rvert}\geq\dfrac{v-\hat{v}-v\cdot\hat{v}}{(1+v)(v-\hat{v})}\cdot\log_\beta\beta_N\cdot\varphi(N).\] Given a point \(x\in E\), let \(r\) be a number with \(\lvert I_{n+1}(x)\rvert\leq r<\lvert I_n(x)\rvert\). We consider the ball \(B(x,r)\). By Lemma [\[length\]](#length){reference-type="ref" reference="length"}, every \(n\)-th order basic interval \(I_n\) satisfies \(\lvert I_n\rvert\geq \beta^{-(n+N)}\). Hence, the ball \(B(x,r)\) interests at most \(\lfloor 2\beta^N\rfloor+2\) basic intervals of order \(n\). On the other hand, \[r\geq\lvert I_{n+1}(x)\rvert\geq\beta^{-(n+1+N)}=\beta^{-(1+N)}\cdot\beta^{-n}\geq\beta^{-(1+N)}\cdot\lvert I_n(x)\rvert.\] Therefore, \[\liminf_{r\rightarrow0}\dfrac{\log_\beta\mu(B(x,r))}{\log_\beta r}=\liminf_{n\rightarrow\infty}\dfrac{\log_\beta\mu(I_n(x))}{\log_\beta\lvert I_n(x)\rvert}.\] Let \(N\) tend to infinity, by Mass Distribution Principle, we get the lower bound \[\dfrac{v-\hat{v}-v\cdot\hat{v}}{(1+v)(v-\hat{v})}.\] Hence, the proof of Theorem [\[A\]](#A){reference-type="ref" reference="A"} is complete. Now, we prove Theorem [\[B\]](#B){reference-type="ref" reference="B"}.
# Proofs of Theorems [\[C\]](#C){reference-type="ref" reference="C"} and [\[D\]](#D){reference-type="ref" reference="D"}
Following the approach of Persson and Schmeling, we take a correspondence between the \(\beta\)-shift and the parameter. Parry characterized the \(\beta\)-expansion of \(1\).
#### **Upper bound**
We consider a interval \((\beta_0,\beta_1)\), where \(1<\beta_0<\beta_1\). For \(v\in(0,\infty)\) and \(\hat{v}\in(0,1)\), let \[\mathcal{L}_{v,\hat{v}}:=\left\{\beta>1:\mathcal{V}_\beta(1,x_0)=v\right\}\cap\left\{\beta>1:\hat{\mathcal{V}}_\beta(1,x_0)=\hat{v}\right\},\] \[\mathcal{L}_{v,\hat{v}}(\beta_0,\beta_1):=\left\{\beta\in(\beta_0,\beta_1):\mathcal{V}_\beta(1,x_0)=v\right\}\cap\left\{\beta\in(\beta_0,\beta_1):\hat{\mathcal{V}}_\beta(1,x_0)=\hat{v}\right\}.\] By Theorem [\[adone\]](#adone){reference-type="ref" reference="adone"}, each self-admissible sequence corresponds to a real number \(\beta>1\). Assume that \(\mathcal{S}_{\beta_1}\) is the set of all self-admissible sequences in \(\Sigma_{\beta_1}\) and \(\pi_{\beta_1}\) is the natural projection from the \(\beta\)-shift to interval \([0,1]\). Thus, there exists a one-to-one map \[\rho_{\beta_1}:\pi_{\beta_1}(\mathcal{S}_{\beta_1})\rightarrow(1,\beta_1).\] Define the subset \(\mathcal{D}_{v,\hat{v}}\) of \(\Sigma_{\beta_1}\) as \[\pi^{-1}_{\beta_1}\left(\left\{x\in[0,1]:\mathcal{V}_\beta(x,x_0)= v\right\}\cap\left\{x\in[0,1]:\hat{\mathcal{V}}_\beta(x,x_0)=\hat{v}\right\}\right).\] The Hölder exponent of the restriction of the map \(\rho_{\beta_1}\) on \(\pi_{\beta_1}(\mathcal{S}_{\beta_1}\cap\mathcal{D}_{v,\hat{v}})\) equals \(\log\beta_0/\log\beta_1\). Since \(\mathcal{L}_{v,\hat{v}}(\beta_0,\beta_1)\subseteq\rho_{\beta_1}(\pi_{\beta_1}(\mathcal{S}_{\beta_1}\cap\mathcal{D}_{v,\hat{v}}))\), \[{\rm dim}_H\mathcal{L}_{v,\hat{v}}(\beta_0,\beta_1)\leq{\rm dim}_H\rho_{\beta_1}(\pi_{\beta_1}(\mathcal{S}_{\beta_1}\cap\mathcal{D}_{v,\hat{v}}))\leq\dfrac{\log\beta_1}{\log\beta_0}{\rm dim}_H\pi_{\beta_1}(\mathcal{S}_{\beta_1}\cap\mathcal{D}_{v,\hat{v}}).\] By Theorem [\[A\]](#A){reference-type="ref" reference="A"}, letting \(\beta_1\) tend to \(\beta_0\), if \(v<\hat{v}/(1-\hat{v})\), the set \(\mathcal{L}_{v,\hat{v}}(\beta_0,\beta_1)\) is empty. Otherwise, \[{\rm dim}_H\mathcal{L}_{v,\hat{v}}(\beta_0,\beta_1)\leq\dfrac{v-\hat{v}-v\hat{v}}{(1+v)(v-\hat{v})}.\]
#### **Lower bound**
Take \(\beta_2\) with \(1<\beta_0<\beta_1<\beta_2\) such that the \(\beta_2\)-expansion of \(1\) ends with zeros. Thus, the \(\beta\)-shift \(\sum_{\beta_2}\) is a subshift of finite type. Bugeaud and Liao gave a way to calculate the lower bound of the Hausdorff dimension of \(\mathcal{L}_{v,\hat{v}}(\beta_0,\beta_1)\).
From Theorem [\[lowb\]](#lowb){reference-type="ref" reference="lowb"} and Persson and Schmeling, we have \[{\rm dim}_H\mathcal{L}_{v,\hat{v}}(\beta_0,\beta_1)\geq\dfrac{v-\hat{v}-v\cdot\hat{v}}{(1+v)(v-\hat{v})}\cdot\dfrac{\log\beta_1}{\log\beta_2}.\] Letting \(\beta_2\) tend to \(\beta_1\), we obtain the lower bound. Thus, we complete the proof of Theorem [\[C\]](#C){reference-type="ref" reference="C"}. For the proof of Theorem [\[D\]](#D){reference-type="ref" reference="D"}, one can follow from the proof of Theorem [\[B\]](#B){reference-type="ref" reference="B"}. We omit the details. | {'timestamp': '2020-06-01T02:11:23', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14538', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14538'} |
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# Introduction
Miniaturization and advances in WiFi technologies have led to the emergence of Web-enabled devices. Interconnected devices are typically referred to as the *Internet of Things (IoT)*. More formally, IoT represents the network of *things* that exchange data, essentially enabling a wide variety of applications such as smart homes and smart cities. A potential application is a crowdsourcing platform whereby IoT devices *crowdsource* services for the benefit of other IoT devices. Crowdsourced services are generally defined as services provided by the crowd to the crowd. In *IoT service crowdsourcing*, IoT devices provision services to other nearby IoT devices. We refer to such services as *crowdsourced IoT services*. IoT devices can crowdsource a wide range of service types such as *computing services*, *green energy services*, and *WiFi hotspot services*. For example, computing services involves IoT devices offering their computational resources (service providers) to other devices. IoT devices with limited computational capabilities (service consumers) may request and consume such services to perform complex tasks that may not be easily achieved otherwise. Crowdsourcing IoT services pose several trust-related challenges. For instance, let us assume a crowdsourcing environment where *computing services* are provided by IoT devices. In such an environment, IoT providers offer their computing resources (CPU, memory) to perform processing tasks for other IoT devices. A potential IoT service consumer may have concerns regarding the service's trust. For example, an untrustworthy service might not protect the privacy of the consumers' data or provide unreliable performance. Similarly, an IoT service provider may have concerns regarding their consumers' trustworthiness. Malicious consumers may misuse IoT services by sending malicious software. Such concerns can be alleviated by ascertaining the trustworthiness of both the service provider and service consumer. IoT environments, however, exhibit certain characteristics that make assessing trust rather challenging. One crucial challenge is the *dynamic nature* of IoT environments. IoT devices are inherently expected to come and go and their existence may not be for long periods. For example, wearables like shirts and shoes have a limited lifespans as people tend to replace them frequently. Additionally, IoT devices can have different owners at any given time. For instance, an IoT shirt can be worn by different people (e.g., bothers). These dynamic characteristics may lead to unreliable historical records that might result in an inaccurate trust assessment. Previous trust management frameworks relied mainly on historical data to evaluate the trustworthiness of service providers. IoT environments are highly dynamic; i.e., new devices are deployed and removed every day. New devices do not generally have prior interactions with other IoT devices. Service consumers, as a result, may not be able to assess the trustworthiness of services provided by new devices. Therefore, the majority of existing trust frameworks cannot be applied to such environments due to the lack of historical records. We introduce the concept of *just-in-time memoryless trust* to overcome these challenges. The trustworthiness of the provider is evaluated *without* relying on historical data (memoryless). We propose to leverage the characteristics of an active IoT service session to compute an accurate trust value for the service. As a result, the assessment would provide an accurate measure of a service's trustworthiness, given a specific service session (just-in-time). We propose a framework that assesses the trustworthiness of IoT services using service-session-related data. Our approach exploits existing IoT devices (bystanders) to assess the trustworthiness of IoT services in their vicinity. We achieve this by using a *collaborative model* where users of the crowdsourcing platform are also expected to participate in assessing the trustworthiness of the services. In that respect, IoT devices that wish to consume IoT services are to contribute to the platform by evaluating IoT services for other consumers. It is worth noting that such a model is used in other popular applications, specifically in peer-to-peer applications, such as Skype and Window 10's Delivery Optimization. For example, Skype users contribute to the platform by acting as relay stations to forward calling packets for other Skype users. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section [2](#section:problem_definition){reference-type="ref" reference="section:problem_definition"} presents preliminaries and problem definition. Section [\[section:framework\]](#section:framework){reference-type="ref" reference="section:framework"} introduces our just-in-time memoryless trust management framework. Section [4](#section:experiments){reference-type="ref" reference="section:experiments"} discusses the experimental results. Section [5](#section:literature){reference-type="ref" reference="section:literature"} surveys related work. Section [6](#section:conclusion){reference-type="ref" reference="section:conclusion"} concludes the paper and highlights future work.
## Motivation Scenario {#motivation-scenario .unnumbered}
We use the following motivation scenario to illustrate the significance of our work (Fig. [\[fig:motivation_scenario\]](#fig:motivation_scenario){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:motivation_scenario"}). Assume a crowdsourcing environment where IoT devices are used to provide/consume services to/from other IoT devices. The provided services in this scenario are WiFi hotspots. In other words, an IoT service provider shares their device's Internet access using an application like WiFiMapper[^1]. Service providers \(B\), \(C\), and \(D\) in Fig. [\[fig:motivation_scenario\]](#fig:motivation_scenario){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:motivation_scenario"} use their smartphones or smartwatches to share their Internet with other nearby IoT devices. Service consumer \(A\) wishes to consume one of the available nearby services. Service consumer \(A\) is presented with the potential service providers \(B\), \(C\), and \(D\). The available providers are unknown to consumer \(A\) and, therefore, consumer \(A\) has no knowledge about their trustworthiness. Additionally, service providers \(B\), \(C\), and \(D\) do not have historical records that reveal their previous behaviors. Consumer \(A\), therefore, fails to ascertain the level of trust from such providers. Service provision/consumption, as a result, does not occur due to the absence of trust. We, therefore, propose a framework that assesses the trustworthiness of the providers *despite the lack of historical records*. It is worth noting that trust management is not limited to WiFi hotspot services. Other IoT services require trust assurance prior to service consumption. For example, assume an IoT crowdsourcing environment, whereby IoT devices offer their computing resources (e.g., CPU and memory) to other less-capable IoT devices. Suppose an IoT device owner \(A\) wishes to use their smartphone to provision compute services to other nearby devices. Let us assume that provider \(A\) has not provisioned any services before. Provider \(A\), therefore, lacks historical data that can describe their performance. Assume a consumer \(B\) who has some compute tasks to perform on their confidential data. Provider \(A\) is a potential candidate to receive consumer \(B\)'s task. Consumer \(B\), however, may not use the available computing service since provider \(A\) is unknown to them. Additionally, Provider \(A\) does not have any previous historical records that allow consumer \(C\) to deduce a trust value for them.
# Preliminaries and Problem Definition {#section:problem_definition}
We model a *crowdsourced IoT service* \(S\) provided and consumed by an *IoT device* \(d\) as a tuple of \(<id, l, t, d, o, f, q>\) where,
- \(id\) is a unique service ID.
- \(l\) is a GPS location where the service \(S\) is provided.
- \(t\) is the time interval at which the service \(S\) is provided. It is represented as a tuple \(<t_s, t_e>\), where
- \(t_s\) is the start-time of \(S\),
- \(t_e\) is the end-time of \(S\).
- \(d\) is the IoT device that offers the service \(S\) (e.g., smartphone).
- \(o\) is the owner of the IoT device. An owner can be an individual or any other cooperation or business (e.g., universities or restaurants). In this paper, we assume that a service provider is an owner of the IoT device (i.e., \(sp = o\)).
- \(f\) is a set of functions offered by \(S\) (e.g., providing WiFi hotspot).
- \(q\) is a set of all non-functional parameters of \(S\) (e.g., signal strength).
[\[section:framework\]]{#section:framework label="section:framework"}
## Problem Definition
As stated earlier, IoT environments are highly dynamic. As a result, the majority of IoT services lack historical records, which are generally used to ascertain their trustworthiness. It is, therefore, crucial to consider other aspects of IoT services to establish their trustworthiness \(\mathcal{T}\). The purpose of our work is to identify a function \(\mathcal{F}\) that utilizes the properties of a service's environment \(\mathcal{E}_S\) to assess its trust. In other words: \[\mathcal{T} \approx \mathcal{F}(\mathcal{E})\]
# Just-in-Time Memoryless Trust Management Framework
We introduce a just-in-time memoryless trust management framework for assessing a service's trustworthiness without relying on historical records (see Fig. [\[fig:framework\]](#fig:framework){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:framework"}). The framework exploits the service session characteristics and its surrounding environment to infer the service's trustworthiness. The framework is divided into three phases: (1) IoT service initiation, (2) IoT service monitoring, and (3) trustworthiness assessment. During the IoT service initiation, an IoT service provider decides to offer their services to nearby devices. Nearby IoT devices monitor the performance of the service during the IoT service monitoring phase. A new consumer relies on existing IoT devices to build a just-in-time memoryless trust value for the potential service provider.
## IoT Service Session Initiation
A service provider \(S_p\) starts service provisioning by initiating a *service session* \(S_{sess}\). A service session is confined by a geographical area and time duration, e.g., a coffee place between 5:00pm and 7:00pm. Additionally, a service session includes the type of the service being provided, e.g., computing service, WiFi hotspots, etc. The service provider also broadcasts a *promise vector* \(\vv{P_S}\) to potential nearby IoT consumers. The promise vector describes the expected behavior of the IoT service. For example, in WiFi hotspot crowdsourcing, a service's trust can be evaluated based on the service's speed, security, and availability. A possible promise vector can be \([10mbps, Medium, 90\%]\). The vector indicates the service's expected speed is 10mbps, security is medium, and availability is 90%.
## Bystanders-Based Trust Assessment
A service session \(S_{sess}\) is limited by space and time. IoT consumers cannot consume the service if they are not within the service session's area and period. For example, IoT consumers at a restaurant cannot consume services from a provider at a coffee shop. Similarly, an IoT service session running between 7:00pm and 8:00pm cannot be consumed between 9:00pm 10:00pm. Many IoT devices may exist within a service's area and periods other than IoT consumers. We refer to such devices as *bystanders*. More formally, we define *IoT service bystanders* as the non-consumer devices that exist within the vicinity of a service session \(S_{sess}\) in terms of area and time. We leverage IoT service bystanders to assess the trustworthiness of a service \(S\) during its session \(S_{sess}\). A set of bystanders \(B\) receive the promise vector \(\vv{P_S}\) from the service provider \(S_p\). Additionally, the bystanders assess the service's performance by invoking dummy tasks periodically. For instance, a bystander for a WiFi hotspot service can download a file using a particular service. Each bystander \(b \in B\) generates an *observation vector* \(\vv{O_S^b}\) based on their task invocation. The observation vector contains information regarding the actual performance of the service at a specific time. For example, an observation vector \(\vv{O_S} = [9mbps, Medium, 80\%]\) for a WiFi hotspot service indicates that the service has a speed of 9mbps, a medium security level, and 80% availability. An *instantaneous trust* \(T_{inst}^b\) is computed by each bystander \(b \in B\) using their observation vector \(\vv{O_S^b}\) and the IoT service provider's promise vector \(\vv{P_S}\). The instantaneous trust reflects the trustworthiness of a particular provider at a time instant from a bystander's perspective. A bystander \(b \in B\) evaluates their instantaneous trust \(T_{inst}^b\) using the following equation: \[T_{inst}^b = \frac{1}{|\vv{P_S}|}\sum\limits_{i=0}^{|\vv{P_S}|-1} \min\left(1, \frac{\vv{O_S^b}(i)}{\vv{P_S}(i)}\right) \label{eq:t_inst}\] where \(|\vv{P_S}|\) is the number of elements in the vector \(\vv{P_S}\), and \(\vv{O_S^b}(i)\) and \(\vv{P_S}(i)\) are the \(i^{th}\) elements in the vectors \(\vv{O_S^b}\) and \(\vv{P_S}\), respectively. The value of \(T_{inst}^b\) ranges between zero and one, one being highly trusted. For example, assume a WiFi hotspot service provider with a promise vector \(\vv{P_S} = [10mbps, Medium, 90\%]\), which represents a service with a speed of 10mbps, Medium security, and 90% availability. In this example, the security level can either be Low, Medium, or High for simplicity. A representative numerical value can then be given to the security level when used in equation [\[eq:t_inst\]](#eq:t_inst){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:t_inst"} (0 = Low, 1 = Medium, and 2 = High). Additionally, assume a bystander that has an observation vector \(\vv{O_S} = [9mbps, High, 80\%]\). The instantaneous trust \(T_{inst}\) equals 0.93 after applying equation [\[eq:t_inst\]](#eq:t_inst){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:t_inst"}.
## Consumer-Based Trust Assessment
An IoT service provider can offer and provision its services to more than one consumer. We exploit the set of existing consumers \(C\) to assess their IoT provider's trust. Similar to IoT service bystanders, IoT consumers receive the provider's promise vector \(\vv{P_S}\). Consumers monitor their providers while using the service. Unlike bystanders, consumers can offer a more accurate observation of the IoT service. Consumers perform their monitoring over *periods* rather than single time instances. They, therefore, can capture the behavior of the IoT service over time more accurately and form a better representation for the service's trustworthiness. Each consumer \(c \in C\) generates an observation vector \(\vv{O_S^c}\). The observation vector is generated based on the consumer's experience while using the IoT service. The elements of the vector are similar to that of the bystanders' observation vectors; i.e., each represents one aspect of the service's performance. Each consumer \(c \in C\) computes the *accumulated trust* \(T_{acc}^c\). We define the accumulated trust \(T_{acc}^c\) as the trustworthiness of an IoT service from the perspective of the consumer \(c \in C\) over their consumption period. Consumers keep updating their accumulated trust as they use the service. The updated accumulated trust utilizes earlier accumulated trust values to increase the accuracy of the service's trust over time. The consumer \(c \in C\) evaluates the accumulated trust \(T_{acc}^c\) using the following equation: \[T_{acc}^c(t+1) = \alpha T_{acc}^c(t) + (1-\alpha) T_{inst}^c \label{eq:t_acc}\] where \(T_{acc}^c(t+1)\) is the updated accumulated trust, \(T_{acc}^c(t)\) is the current accumulated trust, and \(\alpha\) is a weighting factor from zero to one. The \(T_{inst}^c\) is the instantaneous trust from consumer \(c \in C\)'s perspective. The value of \(T_{inst}^c\) is computed using equation [\[eq:t_inst\]](#eq:t_inst){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:t_inst"}.
## Overall IoT Service Trust Assessment
A new consumer relies on IoT service bystanders and existing consumers to evaluate an IoT service's trustworthiness. The accumulated and instantaneous trust values are sent to the new consumer. The new consumer aggregates the trust values to assess the overall trustworthiness of the service using the following equation: \[\mathcal{T}_S = \frac{1}{|C| + |B|} \left(\sum\limits_{c \in C} T_{acc}^c + \sum\limits_{b \in B} T_{inst}^b\right) \label{eq:trust_basic}\] where \(|C|\) is the number of existing consumers, and \(|B|\) is the number of bystanders. Equation [\[eq:trust_basic\]](#eq:trust_basic){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:trust_basic"} assesses the trust by weighting instantaneous and accumulated trust values equally. The time at which the instantaneous trust is evaluated should be considered. A *fresher* trust value reflects the service's trustworthiness more accurately. Additionally, the duration that is *covered* by the accumulated trust is crucial. Higher weights should be given to accumulated trust values that cover longer periods. We, therefore, formulate the *freshness* \(F_{T_{inst}}\) of the instantaneous trust as follows: \[F_{T_{inst}^b} = \frac{ts_b}{TS_B} \label{eq:freshness}\] where \(ts_b\) is the timestamp at which the instantaneous trust \(T_{inst}^b\) is evaluated, and \(TS_B\) as the summation of all timestamps from all bystanders in \(B\). The freshness value takes a value from zero to one, one indicating a newer trust value. For example, assume three bystanders \(A\), \(B\), and \(C\), which computed the instantaneous trust at different time instances. The three bystanders recorded the timestamp of their observation vectors as an offset from the beginning of the service session. Assume the timestamps are as follows: 2, 8, 20 minutes for bystanders \(A\), \(B\), and \(C\), respectively. The freshness scores for the three bystanders are 0.07, 0.27, 0.67 for bystanders \(A\), \(B\), and \(C\), respectively, according to equation [\[eq:freshness\]](#eq:freshness){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:freshness"}. Bystander \(C\) has the highest freshness scores since their computed trust is the newest among the three. Similarly, we evaluate the *coverage* \(G_{T_{acc}}\) of the accumulated trust as follows: \[G_{T_{acc}^c} = \frac{d_c}{D_C} \label{eq:coverage}\] where \(d_c\) is the duration that is covered by the accumulated trust, and \(D_C\) is the summation of all durations covered by all the consumers in \(C\). The value of the coverage can take a value between zero and one, where larger values indicate the accumulated trust covered longer periods. For instance, assume a service that is being consumed by three consumers \(A\), \(B\), and \(C\). Each consumer used the service for different periods. Suppose that consumers \(A\), \(B\), and \(C\) used the service for 45, 20, 5 minutes, respectively. The coverage is 0.64, 0.29, and 0.07 for consumers \(A\), \(B\), and \(C\), respectively. Consumer \(A\) is awarded the highest coverage since they used the service the longest. We use the freshness and coverage measures in equation [\[eq:trust_basic\]](#eq:trust_basic){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:trust_basic"} as follows: \[\mathcal{T}_S = \beta \sum\limits_{c \in C} G_{T_{acc}^c} T_{acc}^c + (1-\beta) \sum\limits_{b \in B} F_{T_{inst}^b} T_{inst}^b \label{eq:trust_freshness_coverage}\] where \(\beta\) is a user-defined weighting factor between zero and one. In some scenarios, a bystander/consumer may report inaccurate or wrong trust assessments to the new consumer (e.g., biased or malicious bystander). We introduce the *credibility* measure to overcome this issue. The basic intuition is that biased/malicious bystanders/consumers are special cases. In other words, the majority of consumers/bystanders behave as expected, while only a subset may produce invalid assessments. We, therefore, compare the trust assessments from different bystanders and consumers. The credibility of each bystander/consumer can then be inferred from such comparison. For example, assume, for simplicity, four bystanders with four instantaneous trust values: 0.9, 0.85, 1.0, and 0.1. The first three trust values are close to each other, while the last is significantly different. It can be deduced that the forth bystander may have invalid trust assessment since the majority produced different values. We, therefore, evaluate the credibility of a bystander/consumer \(\mathcal{C}_{b|c}\) as follows: \[\mathcal{C}_{b|c} = 1-|T-T_{avg}| \label{eq:credibility}\] where \(T\) is the instantaneous or the accumulated trust and \(T_{avg}\) is the average of all trust values from bystanders and consumers. The credibility value takes a value between zero and one, one indicating high credibility. Using our earlier example, the credibilities for the four bystanders using equation [\[eq:credibility\]](#eq:credibility){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:credibility"} are 0.8125, 0.8625, 0.7125, and 0.3875. The first three bystanders got relatively high scores since they provide similar assessments. The fourth bystander is given the lowest since its trust assessment deviates from the majority. We use the credibility of the bystanders/consumers by applying equation [\[eq:credibility\]](#eq:credibility){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:credibility"} into equation [\[eq:trust_freshness_coverage\]](#eq:trust_freshness_coverage){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:trust_freshness_coverage"} as follows: \[\mathcal{T}_S = \beta \sum\limits_{c \in C} \mathcal{C}_c G_{T_{acc}^c} T_{acc}^c + (1-\beta) \sum\limits_{b \in B} \mathcal{C}_b F_{T_{inst}^b} T_{inst}^b \label{eq:trust}\]
# Experiments {#section:experiments}
We evaluate the effectiveness of the framework in terms of accuracy. More specifically, we examine the accuracy of the just-in-time memoryless trust for IoT services. Additionally, we evaluate the accuracy of the instantaneous and accumulated trust discussed in Section [\[section:framework\]](#section:framework){reference-type="ref" reference="section:framework"}. We run the experiments on a 3.60GHz Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700 and 8 GB of RAM.
## Dataset Description
Amazon Mechanical Turk[^2] (MTruk) is used to collect the dataset for our experiments. We divided MTurk workers into three categories: bystanders, existing consumers, and new consumers. Workers in all categories are asked to assume that they are at a public place, e.g., a restaurant, where other nearby users are sharing their Internet via WiFi hotspots using smartphones and smartwatches. In such an environment, potential consumers can use an application on their smartphones/smartwatches to get a list of nearby WiFi hotspots. Each provider in the application sets its expected performance, i.e., promise vector. Each worker is presented with a specific WiFi hotspot, with its promise vector. Workers in the bystanders' category are asked to assume that they are given some monetary rewards to monitor the performance of service providers. Monitoring is carried out by using the service at specific time instances and recording their actual performance, i.e., observation vector. The performance of the service at different timestamps is given to the workers. The workers are asked to rate the service based on the given performance. Existing consumes category consists of workers that are treated as current consumers for the presented service. Similar to bystanders category, workers in this category are presented with a list of performance records of the service, i.e., observation vector. Each performance record represents the performance of the service during a period rather than at timestamps. The workers are asked to rate the service based on the given performance. Workers in the new consumers' category are those who wish to compute the just-in-time memoryless trust. Each worker is presented with two lists of ratings. The first list represents the service's ratings from consumers who use it. The second list contains bystanders who monitor the service and report their ratings. The workers are asked to consider the ratings from both lists and give an expected rate for the service. All workers are asked to give their rating for the services as a value between zero to ten, ten being the highest. The data has been collected using the results from a total of 5000 workers for each category.
## Experimental Results
We use *precision*, *recall*, and *accuracy* to determine the efficiency of our work. We assume that trust can be at one of three levels: *highly trusted*, *moderately trusted*, and *lowly trusted*. Given a trust level \(l\), e.g., moderately trusted, *precision* \(l\) is defined as the ratio between the number of samples correctly detected as \(l\) to the total number of samples detected as \(l\): \[\label{eq:precision} Precision_l =\frac{|correct_l|}{|detected_l|}\] *Recall* for \(l\) is the ratio between the correctly detected samples as \(l\) to the total number of actual \(l\) samples: \[\label{eq:recall} Recall_l =\frac{|correct_l|}{|actual_l|}\] The *accuracy* in detecting \(l\) is the ratio between the number of correctly detected samples as \(l\) and the number of correctly detected samples as not \(l\) to the total samples number: \[\label{eq:accuracy} Accuracy_l =\frac{|correct_l|+|correct\_not_l|}{|samples|}\] The first experiment set evaluates the overall accuracy of the whole framework, see Fig. [\[fig:experiment_accuracy\]](#fig:experiment_accuracy){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:experiment_accuracy"}. The framework achieves high accuracy, precision, and recall scores: 88.40%, 82.78%, and 82.54%, respectively. The second experiment evaluates the credibility measure influence on the accuracy scores. Fig. [\[fig:credibility_effect\]](#fig:credibility_effect){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:credibility_effect"} shows the results for this experiment. The framework scores higher in terms of accuracy (around 88.40%) when the credibility measure is used. The accuracy of the framework reduces significantly when the credibility of the bystander/consumer is not considered (around 59.03%). Recall that the credibility measures the truthfulness of the trust values provided by the bystanders/consumers. The measure is used to weight the significance of the reported trust from the bystanders/consumers. The absence of the credibility results in treating all reported trust values equally. As a result, biased/malicious bystanders and consumers can greatly disrupt the accuracy of the assessed trust as evident in Fig. [\[eq:credibility\]](#eq:credibility){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:credibility"}. The overall trust value of the service is computed based on the instantaneous and accumulated trust. We evaluate the accuracy in assessing such trust values in the next experiment (see Fig. [\[fig:instantaneous_accumulated_trust\]](#fig:instantaneous_accumulated_trust){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:instantaneous_accumulated_trust"}. The accuracy in computing the instantaneous trust is around 85.04%, whereas a higher accuracy is achieved when evaluating the accumulated trust; around 90.31%. The accumulated trust has higher accuracy due to how it is computed. The instantaneous trust is computed from a single observation vector given a specific timestamp. However, computing the accumulated trust utilizes previously computed instantaneous trust values to get a more accurate assessment for the service. The last experiment studies the effect of the number of bystanders/consumers on the overall trust of the service. Fig. [\[fig:bystanders_consumers_effect\]](#fig:bystanders_consumers_effect){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:bystanders_consumers_effect"} shows the results for this experiment. The accuracy of the framework has significantly lower scores when a small number of bystanders and consumers is considered. For example, the accuracy is around 20% when only one bystander or consumer is used. The accuracy increases exponentially as the number of bystanders and consumers increases. High accuracy scores are reached when six bystanders/consumers are considered (about 82%). A lower number of bystanders/consumers might not represent the actual service trustworthiness accurately. For example, biased/malicious bystanders/consumers have a greater influence when the total number of bystanders/consumer is low. As a result, the computed trust value does not accurately represent the service's actual trustworthiness.
# Related Work {#section:literature}
Trust assessment in crowdsourced IoT service environment is fairly new. Most of the proposed approaches can be grouped into two main categories: *previous experiences-based trust evaluation*, and *social networks-based trust evaluation*.
## Measuring Trust Using Previous Experiences
A centralized trust management system (TMS) is proposed to evaluate the trustworthiness of an IoT device based on its past behavior. The TMS has four phases: information gathering, entity selection, transaction and evaluation, and learning. The information gathering phase involves collecting data about the executed services by the IoT device. In the entity selection phase, the TMS returns the most trustworthy IoT device for requested services. Performing the task by the IoT service provider happens at the transaction and evaluation phase. The requester gives a score to the provider based on the executed service outcome. In the learning phase, the TMS learns the credibility of the requesters to weight their scores. While TMS performed well according to the conducted experiments, their choice of a centralized solution may act as a bottleneck. A trust model is proposed for evaluating the trustworthiness and reputation of nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). The node's reputation is computed based on its performance characteristics: packet delivery, forwarding ratio, and energy consumption. The reputation is later used to evaluate the trustworthiness of the node. The proposed model uses WSN-specific characteristics (e.g., packet delivery which makes it unsuitable for other applications). Social IoT network is used to measure the trust between two IoT devices in. A social IoT network is a type of social networks where nodes are IoT devices. Relationships between IoT devices indicate one or more of the following relations: similar owner, co-location, co-work, social relation, or brand. Each node computes the trust of its friends. The trust is measured based on the individual's and friends' previous experiences. A trust model is also proposed in that uses social IoT to manage the interactions between IoT service consumers and providers. The social IoT network is used to search for candidate service providers. Reputation-based trustworthiness is used to evaluate the service providers using previous interactions. A trust management protocol is proposed in to assess the trustworthiness of IoT devices based on honesty, cooperativeness, and community-interest. Honesty is measured using the direct observation of an IoT device (high recommendation discrepancy, delays, etc.). Cooperativeness and community-interest are computed using data from social networks. Common friends between two IoT owners indicate high cooperativeness between their IoT devices. Community-interest depends on the common communities number between two IoT owners. A framework is proposed for crowdsourcing services to IoT devices based on their mobility and trustworthiness. A central authority exists to manage interactions between the consumer and provider. The trustworthiness of a service provider is computed based on their reputation. Basically, when the central authority receives a task request from the consumer, the task is submitted to multiple service providers. The server then computes the anomalies among the results from the service providers. Service providers with deviated results are marked and their reputation is decreased. Aforementioned approaches use historical data (i.e., previous experiences) to asses the trust. On the other hand, one key characteristic of crowdsourced IoT service environments is their high dynamism in terms of IoT devices deployment. Every day a large number of IoT services are being added. Newly added services do not have previous records. If those previous experiences are missing, the evaluated trust cannot be accurate. Therefore, these approaches cannot be utilized to accurately measure IoT services' trust.
## Measuring Trust Using Social Networks
A social compute cloud framework is proposed in where users in a social network can share and consume services from other users. The framework leverages the social structure of the network. Relation types between users (e.g., family, colleagues, etc.) are also utilized to determine the level of trust between them. A framework is proposed in that aims at eliminating the privacy risks accompanied with public WiFi hotspots. Social WiFi utilizes social networks relationships to match hotspot users to trusted hotspot providers. The proposed framework lacks generality as it can only be used for WiFi hotspot services. An approach for evaluating the trust between users in social networks is presented in. Behavioral interactions are used to indicate the level of trust (i.e., conversations between users and message propagation). A conversation between two users can indicate a higher level of trust if: (1) it happens many times, (2) it lasts for a long duration, and (3) there is a balanced contribution of messages from both users. The message propagation indicates the willingness of a user \(B\) to forward a message received by another user \(A\). A large number of forwarded messages reflect a higher trust value for the sender. The above work focuses on social networks' relationships which is not sufficient to evaluate the trust between the IoT service provider and consumer. For example, two friends on a social network do not necessitate mutual trust between them.
# Conclusion {#section:conclusion}
We presented just-in-time memoryless trust, a trust evaluation specifically suited for IoT services. The just-in-time memoryless trust accounts for the high dynamism exhibited in IoT environments. Such a dynamic nature causes the lack of *historical records*, a crucial cornerstone for computing the trustworthiness in the majority of existing trust management frameworks. A novel framework was proposed to measure IoT services' trustworthiness *without* relying on previous historical data. The framework exploits session-related data to assess the trustworthiness of IoT services. More specifically, we leverage the experience of IoT bystanders and consumers to build an accurate trust value for a given IoT service. The proposed framework achieved high accuracy scores in our experiments. Future directions can be investigating the trustworthiness of the IoT service consumer.
[^1]: https://www.wifimap.io
[^2]: https://www.mturk.com/ | {'timestamp': '2020-06-01T02:07:24', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14413', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14413'} |
## Model-Free Policy Search
In model-free policy search, sampled trajectories are used directly to update the policy parameters. The discussion will follow the three main steps followed by the algorithms: | {'timestamp': '2020-06-16T02:06:48', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14419', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14419'} |
# Introduction
In recent years, single-channel speech enhancement methods based on deep learning have been proposed in large numbers, and they can be divided into time domain and frequency domain methods. Time-domain methods typically use the time-domain signal of noisy speech as a direct input to a neural network, and the learning target is the clean speech signal. Frequency-domain methods typically use the spectral features of noisy speech (magnitude spectrum, phase spectrum, complex spectrum, etc.) as inputs to a neural network, and learning targets are the spectral features of clean speech or some masks (e.g., ideal binary mask , ideal ratio mask , complex ideal ratio mask ). The frequency-domain methods still dominate the vast majority of current single-channel speech enhancement methods due to the high dimension and the lack of apparent geometric structure for the time domain signal. In the frequency domain, most speech enhancement methods focus on the full-band spectral representation. They take the full-band feature sequence directly as the input of the neural network. Unlike them, this paper proposes a sub-band speech enhancement method. This method uses the magnitude feature sequence within a certain sub-band on the noisy spectrogram as the input of the model. The learning target is the magnitude feature sequence of the corresponding sub-band of the clean speech. This method has some advantages over the full-band methods. **(1)** For neural networks, the simpler the features to be learned, the easier the optimization of the network. Spectral features are highly patterned features, with low, medium, and high frequencies having significantly different data distributions. The reasonable division of sub-bands is equivalent to introducing a priori knowledge to the model so that the model can focus on learning more stable features on each sub-band. This method is similar to the partition technology in face recognition. The human face has a fixed pattern. By only hard segmenting the human face (eg., mouth, eye.), and then independently identifying each segment of the face and integrating them, the recognition accuracy can be improved . **(2)** Most speech enhancement methods use an L-norm (\(\ell_1, \ell_2\)) loss function, for which the contribution of each frequency band to the total loss is identical. This may not be suitable for the actual situation that the speech energy is mainly concentrated in the low and medium frequencies. Correspondingly, the low and medium frequencies play a more important role in the loss. However, high-frequency information is essential for perceptual evaluation. The proposed method optimizes and calculates the loss for each sub-band separately to avoid the problem of applying the L-norm loss to the full-band spectra. Besides, a proper division of sub-bands also allows the model not to lose the ability to capture cross-band information too much. Some of the previous works have been exploring non-full-band methods. In , a narrow-band LSTM, is proposed to deal with multichannel speech enhancement. The LSTM takes as input a sequence of TF bins associated with a frequency bin of multichannel noisy speech signals. The output of the model is a sequence of magnitude ratio masks at the same frequency bin. Experimental results show that the narrow-band method has outstanding performance. In , the spectrogram is divided into different non-uniform sub-bands, and spectral subtraction is performed separately in each sub-band to obtain accurate noise estimates. In , the sub-band feature is used to classify speech or noise, which indicates that the local spectral pattern is informative for discriminating between speech and other signals. Different sub-bands have very different data distributions, and it is undoubtedly challenging to learn them simultaneously through a single small-scale model. The integration using multiple sub-models is an effective method, but it is undoubtedly troublesome during deployment. In this paper, we extend the sub-band enhancement model to a knowledge distillation framework containing multiple elite-level teacher models and one general-purpose student model for speech enhancement. Knowledge distillation was first proposed by . As a compression or training technique , it has been widely used in machine translation , image object detection , speech recognition and other fields. Knowledge distillation usually uses the category probability labels of a large teacher model and original labels as the learning goal of a small student model. It makes the small student model have the learning ability close to the large teacher model. In the proposed sub-band knowledge distillation framework, we first trained multiple sub-band enhancement models (teacher models). These models specialize in feature mapping in a certain sub-band, and they can well conduct the speech enhancement in their sub-bands. After that, we use these teacher models to guide a sub-band enhanced model (student model) to learn all sub-bands. Finally, without increasing the number of parameters and the computational cost of the student model, the student model's performance is further improved. In order to evaluate the effectiveness and performance of the proposed method, we conducted several experiments and analyses on an open-source data set. The final experimental results show that the teacher model's guidance dramatically improves the student model's performance. Moreover, the performance of the student model exceeds the corresponding full-band model.
# Method
We use the representation of the speech signal in the short-time fourier transform (STFT) domain: \[X(t,f) = S(t,f) + N(t,f)\] where \(X(t,f)\), \(S(t,f)\) and \(N(t,f)\) respectively represent the time-frequency (T-F) bin of noisy speech, clean speech and interference noise at time frame \(t\) and frequency bin \(f\). \(t \in Z^+, 1 \leq t \leq T\). \(f \in Z^+, 0 \leq f \leq F-1\). \(T\) and \(F\) denote the total number of frames and the total frequency bins expressed in the frequency domain, respectively. For the closed interval \([0, F-1]\), we take an ordered sequence of equally spaced points: \[\begin{aligned}
0 = f_0 < f_1 < f_2 <... < f_n = F-1 \end{aligned}\] We refer to the closed interval \([f_i,f_{(i+1)}]\) as the sub-band, where \(0 \leq i \leq n-1\). \([0, F-1]\) contains \(n\) sub-bands. The frequency width of all sub-bands is fixed at \(\lfloor \frac{F}{n} \rfloor\) except for the last one. In this paper, we use the magnitude component of the speech in the STFT domain as the input and training target. We use a single neural model to map all sub-bands: \[\begin{gathered}
|\hat{S}(i)| = G(|X(i)|) \\ |X(i)| = \left( \begin{smallmatrix} |X(1, f_i)| & |X(2, f_i)| & \cdots & |X(T, f_i)| \\ |X(1, f_{i} + 1)| & |X(2, f_{i} + 1)| & \cdots &|X(T, f_{i} + 1)| \\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ |X(1, f_{i + 1})| & |X(2,f_{i + 1})| & \cdots & |X(T, f_{i + 1})| \end{smallmatrix} \right) \notag \end{gathered}\] where \(|X(i)|, 0 \leq i \leq n-1\) is the noisy magnitude features in the \(i\)-th sub-band, \(G( \cdot )\) is the sub-band enhancement model, and \(|\hat{S}(i)|\) is the enhanced feature in the \(i\)-th sub-band with the same dimension as \(|X(i)|\). We treat the divided sub-bands as independent units, and the model can be optimized for each sub-band individually. In an extreme case, we can divide \(F\) sub-bands. Considering that the model simultaneously handles sub-bands with different data distributions is very challenging, inspired by , we introduce the sub-band enhancement model into a knowledge distillation-based framework. The basic principle of knowledge distillation is that a soft label generated by the large model contains more information than the original target label. In general, if a large model gives a higher probability of the input features for specific categories, it means that those categories are similar to the real ones. We typically use knowledge distillation to distill the knowledge contained in a large-scale model (teacher model) into a smaller-scale model (student model) to compress model or to enhance performance. In this paper, our knowledge distillation framework contains multiple teacher models for local sub-bands and a student model for all sub-bands. We train these teacher models so that they have excellent performance in their specific sub-band. During the student model training, we will select different teacher models according to the input sub-band to guide the student model, improving the student model's performance without changing the original student model scale.
## Training of the teacher models
In order to build a sub-band knowledge distillation framework, we construct \(n\) sub-band enhancement models \(G_0 (\cdot), G_1(\cdot),..., G_{(n-1)} (\cdot)\) to map \(n\) magnitude sub-bands respectively: \[\begin{gathered}
|\hat{S}| = \left( \begin{matrix} G_0(|X(0)|) \\ G_1(|X(1)|) \\ \vdots \\ G_{n-1}(|X(n-1)|) \end{matrix} \right) \end{gathered}\] Here, the \(|\hat{S}|\) is the magnitude spectra enhanced by \(n\) different sub-band enhancement models. Each sub-band enhancement model is only responsible for enhancing frequency bands within a fixed range, and they are experts in the frequency bands that belong to them. We call this \(N\) band enhancement models as teacher models. When these teacher models are thoroughly trained, we fixed their weights. Subsequently, we used these teacher models to guide a sub-band enhancement model (student model) to learn different sub-bands better.
## Distillation
When we select any one of the \(n\) sub-bands to feed into the student model, we use the corresponding teacher model to guide the training of the student model. The training objective of the student model is the clean speech and the enhanced speech of the teacher model. We define the loss function \(L\) as follows. \[\begin{aligned}
\label{eq:loss} L=(G_s (|X_i |)-|S_i |)^2 + \alpha (G_s (|X_i |)-G_i (|X_i |) )^2 \end{aligned}\] where \(G_s\) is the student sub-band enhancement model, and \(G_i\) is the teacher model for the \(i\)-th sub-band, whose weights are fixed when training the student model. \(|S_i|\) is the \(i\)-th sub-band corresponding to the clean speech, and \(\alpha\) is the weight, representing the proportion of the loss related to the teacher model in the total loss. It is worth mentioning that to ensure that the student model can get enough beneficial information from the teacher model, we usually train the teacher model with a model size greater than or equal to the student model.
# Experiment
## Dataset and metrics
In this paper, we evaluate our proposed method using an open-source per-mixed data set[^1] that contains a large number of noises and speakers. This data set includes 30 randomly selected speakers from Voice Bank Corpus . Each speaker contains approximately 400 sentences. Twenty-eight speakers (14 males and 14 females) were used for training, and two speakers (1 male and 1 female) for testing. Twenty-eight speakers were used for training and two speakers for testing. The training set of this data set contains a total of 10 different noises (2 synthetic noises and 8 noises selected from the Demand data set ) and 4 different SNRs (0, 5,10, and 15dB). In total, the training set contains 40 different noise conditions (10 noises \(\times\) 4 SNRs). Each training speaker has about 10 sentences in each noise condition. The test set contains a total of 5 noise types (selected from the Demand data set ) not present in the training set and 4 slightly higher SNRs (2.5, 7.5, 12.5, and 17.5dB) than the training set. In total, the test set contains 20 different noise conditions (5 noises \(\times\) 4 SNRs). There are around 20 different sentences in each condition per test speaker. There is no validation set in the original data set to evaluate the training process, and we randomly selected 1000 speeches from the training set as a validation set. In this paper, we use the perceptual evaluation of speech quality (PESQ) and the short-term objective intelligibility (STOI) to evaluate the quality and intelligibility of speech, respectively. They have been used in a large number of speech enhancement experiments.
## Implementation and details
The student model and teacher models use the same model structure. We stacked two bidirectional long short-term memory (LSTM) layers and one fully connected layer. We applied ReLU as an output activation layer. The number of memory cells in each layer of LSTM will be set according to specific experiments. The sampling rate of all speeches is 16000 Hz. For the input of the model, 161-dimensional magnitude spectral features were extracted by performing STFT using a 320-point Hann window with an overlap of 50%. We trained the teacher models (\(G_0\), \(G_1\),\..., \(G_{n-1}\)) one by one. The sub-band processed by the \(G_0\) model is the lowest one (low frequency) on the spectrogram, and the sub-band processed by the \(G_{n-1}\) model is the highest one (high frequency) on the spectrogram. Each teacher model handles its own sub-band with a size of \(\lfloor \frac{161}{n} \rfloor\). For the few high-frequency bands remaining in the spectrogram, we do not use them. The student model needs to deal with all sub-bands. Before each training epoch starts, we randomly select any one of the n sub-bands as input to the student model. In the inference stage, we use the trained student model to enhance the sub-bands of the noisy speech one by one. For the few high-frequency bands remaining in the noisy spectrogram, we do not enhance them. Then, combining with the phase component of the noisy STFT spectrogram, we use the inverse STFT to convert the enhanced magnitude spectrogram into the time domain speech waveform. We shuffle the data set before each epoch begins by training a student model or a teacher model. All hyperparameters are the same for all models. We use mean square error (MSE, \(\ell_2\)) as the loss function. We use Adam optimizer (decay rate \(\beta_{1} = 0.9\), \(\beta_{2} = 0.999\)) and set the batch size to 600. We set the initial learning rate of the models to a small constant of 0.0002. When the loss of the model on the training set is oscillating, we appropriately reduce the learning rate. When the loss of the model on the validation set does not drop noticeably for many epochs, we stopped training. According to the preliminary experimental results on the current validation set, we set \(\alpha\) in Equation ([\[eq:loss\]](#eq:loss){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:loss"}) to \(0.1\).
## Result
### Effect of different sub-band sizes on model performance
In our proposed method, each sub-band requires a teacher model. A question that must be answered is which is the proper size of the sub-band. We trained three sets of sub-band enhancement models of different scales. The three sets of models have the same model structure except for the difference in the number of memory cells per layer in LSTM (256, 512, and 1024). Each set contains four sub-band enhancement models, and their inputs are all sub-bands. The size of the sub-bands is 1, 20, 40, and 80, respectively. In total, we trained 12 sub-band enhancement models. We evaluate the performance of these 12 models on the test set, and the results are listed in Table [\[tab:differentSubBandLength\]](#tab:differentSubBandLength){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:differentSubBandLength"}. From Table [\[tab:differentSubBandLength\]](#tab:differentSubBandLength){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:differentSubBandLength"}, we noticed that regardless of the size of the model and the sub-band size, the enhanced speech quality and intelligibility have been prominently improved compared to the original noisy speech. When the size of the sub-band is 1, the input of the model is a single frequency band. We usually call this kind of model a narrow-band model. From the table, we can note that regardless of the scale of the model, the narrow-band model is the worst among all control groups. This is because the narrow-band model has very little frequency context information, and it is impossible to explore the feature information across the frequency band. We also notice that as the size of the sub-band increases, the quality and intelligibility of the enhanced speech increase overall. This indicates that the large-sized sub-band is more conducive to the model to explore the local feature across the band. We also noticed that when the sub-band length is 40, the quality and intelligibility of the enhanced speech are slightly better than when the sub-band length is 80. This possibly indicates that for most of the local features, the sub-band size of 40 is already enough to cover them. We will use the sub-band enhancement models with an input size of 40 as our basic models.
### Comparison between teacher models and student models
Table [\[tab:mse\]](#tab:mse){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:mse"} comprehensively compares the \(\ell_2\) loss between the teacher models and the student models (without the guidance of the teacher models) with the different number of memory cells per layer in LSTM for each sub-band. C is the number of memory cells. The left half of the table is the result area of the student models, and the right half is the result area of the teacher models. For example, in the result area of the student models, the value in the first column (0 to 40) of the first row (C is 256) shows the result of the student model with 256 memory cells and for the 0 to 40 sub-band. The input to the student model is one of the four sub-bands in the training sample (random reselection for each iteration). The training target of the student model is solely the corresponding sub-band of the clean speech. The value of \(0.036\) represents the \(\ell_2\) loss between the enhanced test sample and the target. In the result area of the teacher models, the first column (0 to 40) of the first row (C is 256) lists the teacher model result with 64 memory cells and for the 0 to 40 sub-band. The training data is a sub-band with a frequency range of 0 to 40 in each sample, and the target is the corresponding sub-band of the clean speech. The value of \(0.031\) is the \(\ell_2\) loss between the enhanced test sample and the target. \(10^{-4}\) in the table means that the value in the table is multiplied by \(10^{-4}\). In total, we trained 3 student models (3 different numbers of memory cells) and 12 teacher models (3 different numbers of memory cells \(\times\) 4 sub-bands). Observing the results in the table, we noticed some phenomena. **(1)** It is not surprising that the teacher models trained for specific sub-bands are better than the student model trained for all sub-bands. This shows that although the student model can reduce the pressure of learning by capturing the commonality of each sub-band, the benefits of this commonality are not as good as the integration of multiple dedicated models. **(2)** We also notice that as the number of memory cells increases, the \(\ell_2\) loss of the teacher model and the student model on the test set is decreasing overall. This is as expected. **(3)** In the 0 to 40 sub-band, the \(\ell_2\) loss is much higher than that of 40 to 160. This is mainly because human speech energy is concentrated primarily in the low-frequency part of the spectrogram, resulting in a complicated data distribution. This also shows that the different frequency bands in the spectrogram contribute differently to the speech quality and intelligibility.
### Effectiveness of teacher model guidance
From the above 12 teacher models, we select the 4 teacher models that perform best in the 4 sub-bands, which will be used to guide the training of student models. Considering that we generally distill the knowledge of large models into small models in knowledge distillation, we set up two sets of models. These two sets contain 256 memory cells and 512 memory cells per layer in LSTM, respectively. Each set includes a full-band model (F), a student model without teacher model guidance (S1), and a student model with teacher model guidance (S2). We list the performance comparison results of these models in Table 3. In Table [1](#tab:comparisonTeachers){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:comparisonTeachers"}, S1 model and S2 model have the same number of parameters. Since the input of the F model is the full-band features, the number of parameters of the F model is higher than that of the S1 model and S2 model. Whether the number of memory cells is 256 or 512, we can find some similar conclusions. **(1)** The performance of the S1 model is slightly worse than the F model. This may be because full-band input can bring more context information, which can help the model to capture the features on the spectrogram better. However, the performance gap is tiny, only 0.56 to 0.66% and 0.29 to 0.30% higher on PESQ and STOI, respectively. This may be because the S1 model can cover 40 frequency bands at a time, which is fairly sufficient to capture most of the local feature information. On the other hand, S1 has a 7% reduction in the parameter amount compared to the F model. Considering that the speech enhancement model is usually deployed offline on hardware, this slight performance degradation is normally acceptable. **(2)** With the guidance of the elite teacher model, the S2 model achieved better results than S1, which shows that the supervision of the teacher models is effective. It is worth mentioning that this improvement does not increase the number of parameters and the computational cost of the model. We also note that although the S2 model also does not have complete full-band context information, its performance noticeably exceeds model F.
# Conclusion
In this paper, we propose a sub-band knowledge distillation framework for single-channel speech enhancement. We divide the spectrogram into multiple sub-bands, and train elite-level sub-band enhancement models (teacher models) on each sub-band. These models are then used to guide the training of general sub-band enhancement models (student model). We evaluated our proposed method on an open-source data set. We found that compared to the full-band model, although the sub-band enhancement model loses the ability to capture global cross-band information, the performance does not show a significant drop as expected. We also found that the teacher models further improves the performance of the sub-band enhancement model. Moreover, the performance of the student model exceeds the corresponding full-band model.
[^1]: http://dx.doi.org/10.7488/ds/1356 | {'timestamp': '2020-10-30T01:18:05', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14435', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14435'} |
# Introduction {#Intro}
It is anticipated that quantum computers will be able to simulate quantum systems exponentially faster than classical computers. A promising method to perform this task on emerging noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) computers is the variational-quantum-eigensolver (VQE) algorithm. The VQE is a hybrid classical-quantum variational algorithm that determines the eigenvalues of a Hamiltonian operator by minimizing its expectation value, with respect to a parametrized ansatz state. The VQE can be used to solve the electronic structure problem, determining the ground-state energy eigenvalue of a molecular Hamiltonian. Compared to other purely quantum algorithms for eigenvalue-determination, e.g., the quantum phase-estimation algorithm, the VQE uses shallower quantum circuits and is more error tolerant, at the expense of requiring a greater number of measurements and more classical processing. Two major challenges in the practical realization of the VQE on NISQ computers, are the design of ansatz states, and the construction of efficient circuits to create these states. Most ansatz states, currently considered by the scientific community, correspond to applying a series of fermionic unitary evolutions to an initial reference state, e.g., the Hartree-Fock state. These fermionic unitary evolutions, which we will refer to as "fermionic excitations", are exponentials of parametrized single-and double-fermionic-excitation operators. Examples of such fermionic ansatz states include unitary coupled cluster (UCC) ansatz states, and states constructed by iterative-VQE algorithms, e.g. the adaptive derivative-assembled pseudo-trotter (ADAPT) VQE. The standard circuits for fermionic excitations use "\(CNOT\) staircases" (see Sec. [2.1](#sec:stair_case){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:stair_case"}) inefficiently, in terms of \(CNOT\) gates. The ability to implement a sufficient number of entangling gates with high enough fidelity is the current bottleneck in NISQ computing. Therefore, more efficient fermionic-excitation circuits will improve the prospects of near-term realization of the VQE on NISQ computers. In this work, we demonstrate a methodology to construct circuits, optimized in the number of \(CNOT\) gates and in the \(CNOT\) circuit depth, that perform single and double fermionic excitations. First, we construct simpler excitations that do not account for fermionic anticommutation relations. We call these simplified excitations "qubit excitations". Single qubit excitations can be implemented by an exchange-interaction circuit. Second, we use this exchange-interaction circuit as a subcircuit to construct a double qubit excitation circuit. Finally, we modify these qubit excitations circuits, to account for fermionic anticommutation relations. In this way we construct circuits that offer a linear reduction in the number of \(CNOT\) gates by a factor of \(2\) and \(8\) per single and double fermionic excitation, respectively, compared to circuits constructed entirely with \(CNOT\) staircases. The paper is organised as follows: In Sec. [2.1](#sec:stair_case){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:stair_case"}, we review the standard way of using \(CNOT\) staircases to construct fermionic-excitation circuits. In Sec. [2.2](#sec:ncU1){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:ncU1"}, we outline a method, which is used throughout the paper, to implement multi-qubit-controlled rotations. In Sec. [3.1](#sec:qubit_exc){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:qubit_exc"}, we design circuits that perform single and double qubit excitations. In Sec. [3.2](#sec:f_exc){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:f_exc"}, we utilise our qubit excitations to construct circuits that perform fermionic excitations. We summarize our results in Sec. [4](#summary){reference-type="ref" reference="summary"}.
# Theory {#sec:theory}
Throughout this paper we assume the Jordan-Wigner encoding, where the occupancy of the \(i^{\mathrm{th}}\) molecular spin orbital is represented by the state of qubit \(q_i\). We denote spin orbitals with indices \(i,j,k,l\), ordered as \(i<j<k<l\).
## Fermionic excitations {#sec:stair_case}
In this section, we provide a brief description of what a fermionic excitation is, within the context of molecular VQE simulations. We also review the standard method to construct circuits that perform fermionic excitations. We use the term fermionic excitation to refer to an exponential of \(\theta\)-parametrized fermionic excitation operators. Single and double fermionic excitation operators are defined, respectively, by the skew-Hermitian operators \[\label{eq:s_f_exc_op} T^k_i(\theta) \equiv \theta( a^\dagger_k a_i-a^\dagger_i a_k)\;\;\mathrm{and}\] \[\label{eq:d_f_exc_op} T_{ij}^{kl}(\theta) \equiv \theta( a^\dagger_k a^\dagger_l a_i a_j-a^\dagger_i a^\dagger_j a_k a_l),\] where \(a_i^\dagger\) and \(a_i\) denote fermionic creation and annihilation operators, respectively. Single and double fermionic excitations are expressed, respectively, by the unitary operators \[\label{eq:s_f_exc_aa} U_{ki}^{\mathrm{(sf)}}(\theta) = e^{ T^{k}_{i}(\theta) }\;\;\mathrm{and}\] \[\label{eq:d_f_exc_aa} U_{klij}^{\mathrm{(df)}}(\theta) = e^{ T^{kl}_{ij}(\theta) }.\] The operators \(a_i\) and \(a_i^\dagger\) obey the anticommutation relations \[\label{eq:fermAnti} \{a_i,a^\dagger_j\} = \delta_{i,j} \; \; \mathrm{and} \; \; \{a_i, a_j\} = \{a_i^\dagger, a^\dagger_j\} = 0.\] Within the Jordan-Wigner encoding, \(a\) and \(a^\dagger\) can be written in terms of quantum-gate operators as \[\label{eq:a} a_i = Q_i \prod_{r=0}^{i-1} Z_r=\frac{1}{2}(X_i+iY_i)\prod_{r=0}^{i-1} Z_r \;\;\mathrm{and}\] \[\label{eq:a*} a_i^\dagger = Q_i^\dagger \prod_{r=0}^{i-1} Z_r = \frac{1}{2}(X_i-iY_i)\prod_{r=0}^{i-1} Z_r,\] where the qubit creation and annihilation operators are \[\label{eq:Q_Q_0} Q_i^\dagger \equiv \frac{1}{2}(X_i-iY_i) \; \; \mathrm{and} \; \; Q_i \equiv \frac{1}{2}(X_i + iY_i),\] respectively. \(Q_i\) and \(Q_i^{\dagger}\) (discussed further in Sec. [3.1](#sec:qubit_exc){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:qubit_exc"}) act to change the occupancy of orbital \(i\). The product of Pauli-\(z\) operators, \(\prod_{r=0}^{i-1} Z_r\), acts as an exchange-phase factor, accounting for the anti-commutation relations of \(a\) and \(a^\dagger\). Using Eqs. ([\[eq:a\]](#eq:a){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:a"}) and ([\[eq:a\*\]](#eq:a*){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:a*"}), a single fermionic excitation \[Eq. [\[eq:s_f\_exc_aa\]](#eq:s_f_exc_aa){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:s_f_exc_aa"}\] can be re-expressed in terms of quantum-gate operators: \[\begin{aligned}
U_{ki}^{\mathrm{(sf)}}(\theta) = &\exp\Big[-i\frac{\theta}{2}(X_i Y_k-Y_i X_k)\prod_{r=i+1}^{k-1}Z_r\Big] \\ = & \exp\Big[-i\frac{\theta}{2}X_i Y_k\prod_{r=i+1}^{k-1}Z_r\Big] \nonumber \\ &\times \exp\Big[i\frac{\theta}{2}Y_i X_k\prod_{r=i+1}^{k-1}Z_r\Big] \label{eq:s_f_exc_0} . \end{aligned}\] The exponential \(\exp\big[-i\frac{\theta}{2}X_i Y_k\prod_{r=i+1}^{k-1}Z_r\big]\) in Eq. ([\[eq:s_f\_exc_0\]](#eq:s_f_exc_0){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:s_f_exc_0"}), can be implemented by the circuit in Fig. [\[fig:stair_case\]](#fig:stair_case){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:stair_case"}. The two \(CNOT\) "staircases" together with the \(R_z(\theta)\) rotation in between them (Fig. [\[fig:stair_case\]](#fig:stair_case){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:stair_case"}), are referred to as a "\(CNOT\)-staircase construction". This construction implements \(U_{stair}\equiv \exp\big[i\theta \prod_{r=i}^{k} Z_r\big]\). The \(H\) and \(R_x(\pm \frac{\pi}{2})\) gates, on both sides of the \(CNOT\) staircase construction in Fig. [\[fig:stair_case\]](#fig:stair_case){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:stair_case"} act to transform the \(Z_i\) and the \(Z_k\) operators, in \(U_{stair}\), to \(X_i\) or \(Y_k\) operators, respectively. Similarly, by sandwiching a \(CNOT\) staircase construction between single-qubit rotations that transform individual Pauli-\(z\) operators to Pauli-\(x\) or Pauli-\(y\) operators, any exponential of a product of Pauli operators can be constructed. Hence, the single fermionic excitation \[Eq. [\[eq:s_f\_exc_0\]](#eq:s_f_exc_0){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:s_f_exc_0"}\] can be implemented by a circuit that contains \(2\) \(CNOT\) staircase constructions. The full circuit for a single fermionic excitation, constructed using the aforementioned method, is included in appendix [\[app:f_circs\]](#app:f_circs){reference-type="ref" reference="app:f_circs"} Fig. [\[fig:s_f\_exc\]](#fig:s_f_exc){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:s_f_exc"}. A double fermionic excitation \[Eq. [\[eq:d_f\_exc_aa\]](#eq:d_f_exc_aa){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:d_f_exc_aa"}\] can be re-expressed in terms of quantum-gate operators: \[\begin{gathered}
\label{eq:d_f_exc} \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ U_{klij}^{\mathrm{(df)}}(\theta) = \exp\Big[-i \frac{\theta}{8} (X_i Y_j X_k X_l + Y_i X_j X_k X_l \\ \\+ Y_i Y_j Y_k X_l + Y_i Y_j X_k Y_l-X_i X_j Y_k X_l-X_i X_j X_k Y_l \\-Y_i X_j Y_k Y_l-X_i Y_j Y_k Y_l ) \prod_{r=i+1}^{j-1} Z_r\prod_{r'=k+1}^{l-1} Z_{r'}\Big]. \ \ \ \ \end{gathered}\] \(U_{klij}^{\mathrm{(df)}}(\theta)\) can be implemented by \(8\) \(CNOT\)-staircase constructions. The full circuit for a double fermionic excitation, constructed using the aforementioned method, is included in appendix [\[app:f_circs\]](#app:f_circs){reference-type="ref" reference="app:f_circs"} Fig. [\[fig:d_f\_exc\]](#fig:d_f_exc){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:d_f_exc"}.
## Multi-qubit-controlled rotations {#sec:ncU1}
In this section, we outline a method, used in, to construct circuits that implement multi-qubit-controlled rotations. The circuits use no ancilla qubits. Later, we use this method to construct circuits for qubit excitations (see Sec. [3.1](#sec:qubit_exc){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:qubit_exc"}). We denote a \(R_y(\theta)\) rotation on a target qubit \(q_0\), controlled by the \(\{q_1..q_m\}\) qubits being in the state \(|1..1\rangle\), as \(R_y\big(\theta, \{q_1..q_m\}, q_0\big)\). We then write an \(m\)-qubit-controlled rotation by decomposing it into two opposite half-way rotations, controlled by \((m-1)\) qubits: \[\begin{aligned}
\label{cU_1} R_y\big(\theta, \{q_1..q_m\}, q_0\big) = \nonumber \\ CNOT(q_1, q_0) R_y\big(-\frac{\theta}{2}, \{q_2..q_m\}, q_0\big) \nonumber \\ \times CNOT(q_1, q_0)R_y\big(\frac{\theta}{2}, \{q_2..q_m\},q_0\big), \end{aligned}\] or equivalently, as \[\begin{aligned}
\label{cU_2} R_y\big(\theta, \{q_1..q_m\}, q_0\big) = \nonumber \\ R_y\big(\frac{\theta}{2}, \{q_2..q_m\}, q_0\big) CNOT(q_1, q_0) \nonumber \\ \times R_y\big(-\frac{\theta}{2}, \{q_2..q_m\}, q_0\big)CNOT(q_1, q_0). \end{aligned}\] By decomposing the controlled rotations further, the overall operation is brought down to \(CNOT\)s and single-qubit rotations. Implementing directly Eqs. ([\[cU_1\]](#cU_1){reference-type="ref" reference="cU_1"}) or ([\[cU_2\]](#cU_2){reference-type="ref" reference="cU_2"}), results in a circuit with \((2^{m+1}-2)\) \(CNOT\)s. However, for \(m>2\), Eqs. ([\[cU_1\]](#cU_1){reference-type="ref" reference="cU_1"}) and ([\[cU_2\]](#cU_2){reference-type="ref" reference="cU_2"}) can be combined alternately to cancel adjacent \(CNOT\)s (see Fig. [\[fig:ccU1\]](#fig:ccU1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:ccU1"}), and obtain a circuit with \((2^{m-1}+2)\) \(CNOT\)s. \(R_z\)-and \(R_x\)-controlled rotations can be obtained by additional single-qubit rotations on the target qubit. Equivalently, \(CZ\) (controlled-phase) gates can be used instead of \(CNOT\) gates in Eqs. ([\[cU_1\]](#cU_1){reference-type="ref" reference="cU_1"}) and ([\[cU_2\]](#cU_2){reference-type="ref" reference="cU_2"}); in some scenarios this can be used to cancel adjacent two-qubit gates (see Sec. [3.1](#sec:qubit_exc){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:qubit_exc"}).
# Results {#sec:results}
In this section we present our main results. We begin by defining qubit excitations. Then, we construct circuits to perform single and double qubit excitations. Last, we modify these circuits to perform single and double fermionic excitations instead.
## Qubit excitations {#sec:qubit_exc}
We use the term qubit excitation to describe the unitary evolution of an exponential of a parametrized qubit excitation operator. Single-and double-qubit-excitation operators are generated by the qubit annihilation and creation operators, \(Q\) and \(Q^\dagger\) \[Eq. ([\[eq:Q_Q\_0\]](#eq:Q_Q_0){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:Q_Q_0"})\], and are given by the skew-Hermitian operators \[\label{eq:s_q_exc_op} \tilde{T}_i^k(\theta) \equiv \theta(Q^\dagger_k Q_i-Q^\dagger_i Q_k)\;\;\mathrm{and}\] \[\label{eq:d_q_exc_op} \tilde{T}^{kl}_{ij}(\theta) \equiv \theta(Q^\dagger_k Q^\dagger_l Q_i Q_j-Q^\dagger_i Q^\dagger_j Q_k Q_l).\] The operators \(Q\) and \(Q^\dagger\) satisfy the relations \[\begin{gathered}
\label{eq:Q_Q} \ \ \ \{Q_i, Q_i^\dagger\} = I, \ \ [Q_i, Q^\dagger_j] = 0 \ \text{ if } \ i \neq j, \ \ \mathrm{and}\\ \ \ \ \ \ [Q_i, Q_j] = [Q_i^\dagger, Q^\dagger_j] = 0 \text{ for all }i,j. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \end{gathered}\] These relations are neither bosonic nor fermionic; some authors have referred to them as parafermionic. Single and double qubit excitations are expressed, respectively, by the unitaries \[\label{eq:s_q_exc_QQ} U_{ki}^{\mathrm{(sq)}}(\theta) = e^{\tilde{T}_i^k(\theta)} \;\;\mathrm{and}\] \[\label{eq:d_q_exc_QQ} \ U_{klij}^{\mathrm{(dq)}}(\theta) = e^{\tilde{T}^{kl}_{ij}(\theta)}.\] These unitary operations are similar to the single and double fermionic excitations \[Eqs. [\[eq:s_f\_exc_aa\]](#eq:s_f_exc_aa){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:s_f_exc_aa"} and [\[eq:d_f\_exc_aa\]](#eq:d_f_exc_aa){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:d_f_exc_aa"}\], apart from the absence of the exponentials of products of Pauli-\(z\) operators that account for the fermionic anticommutation relations \[Eq. [\[eq:fermAnti\]](#eq:fermAnti){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:fermAnti"}\]. Previously, these operations have been considered in the context of VQE-ansatz construction.
### Circuit for single qubit excitations {#sec:s_q_exc_QQ}
A single qubit excitation \[Eq. ([\[eq:s_q\_exc_QQ\]](#eq:s_q_exc_QQ){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:s_q_exc_QQ"})\] can be re-expressed in terms of quantum-gate operators: \[\label{eq:s_exch} U_{ki}^{\mathrm{(sq)}}(\theta) = \exp\Big[-i\frac{\theta}{2}(X_i Y_k-Y_i X_k)\Big].\] This unitary is equivalent to an evolution under the exchange interaction, which can be performed by the circuit in Fig. [\[fig:s_exchange\]](#fig:s_exchange){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:s_exchange"}. We implement the controlled \(R_y(\theta)\) rotation in the circuit in Fig. [\[fig:s_exchange\]](#fig:s_exchange){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:s_exchange"}a as in Eq. ([\[cU_2\]](#cU_2){reference-type="ref" reference="cU_2"}), and apply the circuit identity in Fig. [\[fig:c_zx\]](#fig:c_zx){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:c_zx"} to cancel a \(CNOT\). In this way we obtain the explicit circuit, for single qubit excitation, shown in Fig. [\[fig:s_exchange\]](#fig:s_exchange){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:s_exchange"}b.[^1]
### Circuit for double qubit excitations {#sec:d_q_exc_QQ}
A double qubit excitation \[Eq. ([\[eq:d_q\_exc\]](#eq:d_q_exc){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:d_q_exc"})\] can be re-expressed in terms of quantum-gate operators: \[\begin{gathered}
\label{eq:d_q_exc} \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ U_{klij}^{\mathrm{(dq)}}(\theta) = \exp\Big[-i \frac{\theta}{8} (X_i Y_j X_k X_l + Y_i X_j X_k X_l \\+ Y_i Y_j Y_k X_l + Y_i Y_j X_k Y_l-X_i X_j Y_k X_l-X_i X_j X_k Y_l \\-Y_i X_j Y_k Y_l-X_i Y_j Y_k Y_l )\Big]. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \end{gathered}\] Equation [\[eq:d_q\_exc\]](#eq:d_q_exc){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:d_q_exc"} is a unitary operation that continuously exchanges the \(|1_i1_j0_k0_l\rangle\) and \(|0_i0_j1_k1_l\rangle\) states, but does not alter other states. To implement this operation, we use a similar circuit to the one for the single qubit excitation. However, to ensure that the operation exchanges only the states \(|1_i1_j0_k0_l\rangle\) and \(|0_i0_j1_k1_l\rangle\), it must act nontrivially only if the parities of the qubit pairs \(\{q_k q_l\}\) and \(\{q_i q_j\}\) are even. To perform this kind of parity-controlled exchange operation, we use the circuit in Fig. [\[fig:d_q\_exc\]](#fig:d_q_exc){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:d_q_exc"}. The first two \(CNOT\)s, between qubits \(q_k\) and \(q_l\), and qubits \(q_i\) and \(q_j\), encode the parities of the two respective qubit pairs on qubits \(q_k\) and \(q_i\), respectively. Then qubits \(q_k\) and \(q_i\) are used as control qubits for a controlled exchange operation, the dotted rectangle in Fig. [\[fig:d_q\_exc\]](#fig:d_q_exc){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:d_q_exc"}, between qubits \(q_l\) and \(q_j\). The last two \(CNOT\)s between qubits \(q_k\) and \(q_l\), and qubits \(q_i\) and \(q_j\), respectively, reverse the parity-encoding action of the first two \(CNOT\)s. We implement the controlled \(R_y(\theta)\) rotation in Fig. [\[fig:d_q\_exc\]](#fig:d_q_exc){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:d_q_exc"} with the circuit in Fig. [\[fig:cccU1\]](#fig:cccU1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:cccU1"}, and use the circuit identity in Fig. [\[fig:c_zx\]](#fig:c_zx){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:c_zx"} to cancel a \(CNOT\). In this way, we obtain the explicit circuit for a double qubit excitation, shown in Fig. [\[fig:d_q\_exc_full\]](#fig:d_q_exc_full){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:d_q_exc_full"}. The explicit circuit has a \(CNOT\) count of \(13\) and \(CNOT\) depth of \(11\). The circuit suggested in Refs., for the same operation, also has a \(CNOT\) count of \(13\), but a higher \(CNOT\) depth of \(13\) [^2].
## Efficient Fermionic excitations {#sec:f_exc}
The quantum-gate operator expressions for fermionic excitations \[Eqs. ([\[eq:s_f\_exc_0\]](#eq:s_f_exc_0){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:s_f_exc_0"}) and ([\[eq:d_f\_exc\]](#eq:d_f_exc){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:d_f_exc"})\] differ from those for qubit excitations \[Eqs. ([\[eq:s_exch\]](#eq:s_exch){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:s_exch"}) and ([\[eq:d_q\_exc\]](#eq:d_q_exc){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:d_q_exc"})\] only by the additional products of Pauli-\(z\) operators in their exponents. These products account for the fermionic anticommutation relations \[Eq. [\[eq:fermAnti\]](#eq:fermAnti){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:fermAnti"}\]: In the single (double) fermionic excitation, the operator product changes the sign before the excitation parameter \(\theta\) if the parity of the set of qubits \(\{q_{i+1}..q_{k-1}\}\) (\(\{q_{i+1}..q_{j-1}q_{k+1}..q_{l-1}\}\)) is odd. We can re-express the fermionic excitations in terms of qubit excitations: \[\begin{gathered}
\label{eq:f_exc_1} U_{ki}^{\mathrm{(sf)}}(\theta) \text{=} \begin{cases} U_{ki}^{\mathrm{(sq)}}(\theta) \text{ if } P(q_{i+1}..q_{k-1}) \text{=0}\\ \\ U_{ki}^{\mathrm{(sq)}}(\text{-}\theta) \text{ if } P(q_{i+1}..q_{k-1}) \text{=1} \end{cases}, \end{gathered}\] \[\begin{gathered}
\label{eq:f_exc_2} U_{klij}^{\mathrm{(df)}}(\theta) \text{=} \begin{cases} U_{klij}^{\mathrm{(dq)}}(\theta) \text{ if } P(q_{i+1}..q_{j-1}q_{k+1}..q_{l-1})\text{=0}\\ \\ U_{klij}^{\mathrm{(dq)}}(\text{-}\theta) \text{ if } P(q_{i+1}..q_{j-1} q_{k+1}..q_{l-1})\text{=1} \end{cases}. \end{gathered}\] We can adapt the circuits for qubit excitations in Figs. [\[fig:s_exchange\]](#fig:s_exchange){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:s_exchange"} and [\[fig:d_q\_exc\]](#fig:d_q_exc){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:d_q_exc"} to perform fermionic excitation, by sandwiching the controlled-\(R_y(\theta)\) rotation in each of them between two \(CNOT\) staircases \[see Figs. [\[fig:s_fermi\]](#fig:s_fermi){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:s_fermi"} and [\[fig:d_fermi\]](#fig:d_fermi){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:d_fermi"}\]. In this way the sign before the excitation parameter \(\theta\) is changed if the parity of the relevant qubits is odd, in accordance with Eqs. ([\[eq:f_exc_1\]](#eq:f_exc_1){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:f_exc_1"}) and ([\[eq:f_exc_2\]](#eq:f_exc_2){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:f_exc_2"}). Compared to the standard circuits for fermionic excitations, (see appendix [\[app:f_circs\]](#app:f_circs){reference-type="ref" reference="app:f_circs"}), the circuits outlined here utilizes only \(2\) \(CNOT\) staircases, instead of \(4\) or \(16\), per single or double fermionic excitation, respectively.
### Circuit for single fermionic excitations
Figure [\[fig:s_fermi\]](#fig:s_fermi){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:s_fermi"} shows our modified circuit for a single fermionic excitation, based on the circuit in Fig. [\[fig:s_exchange\]](#fig:s_exchange){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:s_exchange"}a. The parity of \(\{q_{i+1}..q_{k-1}\}\) is encoded in qubit \(q_{i+1}\) by a \(CNOT\) staircase. Conditioned on qubit \(q_{i-1}\) being in state \(|1\rangle\) (odd parity), the two \(CZ\) gates between qubits \(q_k\) and \(q_{i+1}\) reverse the direction of the \(R_y(\theta)\) rotation: \(R_y(\theta) \rightarrow R_y(-\theta)\). The controlled \(R_y(\theta)\) rotation is implemented as in the single-qubit-excitation circuit, and similarly the circuit identity from Fig. [\[fig:c_zx\]](#fig:c_zx){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:c_zx"} is used to cancel a \(CNOT\) between qubits \(q_k\) and \(q_i\). A single fermionic excitation, Eq. [\[eq:s_f\_exc_0\]](#eq:s_f_exc_0){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:s_f_exc_0"}, involves operations on qubits \(q_i\) to \(q_k\). We define the total number of qubits involved in the excitation as \(n^{(\mathrm{sf})} \equiv k-i +1\). For \(n^{(\mathrm{sf})} \geq 3\), the circuit in Fig. [\[fig:s_fermi\]](#fig:s_fermi){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:s_fermi"} has a \(CNOT\) count of \(2n^{(\mathrm{sf})}-1\) and a \(CNOT\) depth of \(\mathrm{max}[5,2n^{(\mathrm{sf})}-3]\). For \(n^{(\mathrm{sf})}=2\), the circuit in Fig. [\[fig:s_fermi\]](#fig:s_fermi){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:s_fermi"} is equivalent to that for a single qubit excitation (Fig. [\[fig:s_exchange\]](#fig:s_exchange){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:s_exchange"}b). For comparison, the standard construction (Sec. [2.1](#sec:stair_case){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:stair_case"}) for single-fermionic-excitation circuits, yields a circuit (appendix [\[app:f_circs\]](#app:f_circs){reference-type="ref" reference="app:f_circs"} Fig. [\[fig:s_f\_exc\]](#fig:s_f_exc){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:s_f_exc"}) with a \(CNOT\) count and a \(CNOT\) depth of \(4(n^{(\mathrm{sf})}-1)\).
### Circuit for double fermionic excitations
Figure [\[fig:d_fermi\]](#fig:d_fermi){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:d_fermi"} shows our modified circuit for a double fermionic excitation, based on the circuit in Fig. [\[fig:d_q\_exc\]](#fig:d_q_exc){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:d_q_exc"}. The parity of \(\{q_{i+1}..q_{j-1}q_{k+1}..q_{l-1}\}\) is encoded in qubit \(q_{i+1}\) by a staircase \(CNOT\) structure. Conditioned on qubit \(q_{i+1}\) being in state \(|1\rangle\), the two \(CZ\) gates between qubits \(q_l\) and \(q_{i+1}\) reverse the direction of the controlled \(R_y(\theta)\) rotation: \(R_y(\theta) \rightarrow R_y(-\theta)\). The controlled \(R_y(\theta)\) rotation is implemented as in Fig. [\[fig:cccU1\]](#fig:cccU1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:cccU1"}, and the circuit identity from Fig. [\[fig:c_zx\]](#fig:c_zx){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:c_zx"} is used to cancel a \(CNOT\) between qubits \(q_l\) and \(q_j\). A double fermionic excitations, Eq. [\[eq:d_f\_exc\]](#eq:d_f_exc){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:d_f_exc"}, involves operations on qubits \(q_i\) to \(q_j\) and \(q_k\) to \(q_l\). We define the total number of qubits participating in the excitation as \(n^{(\mathrm{df})} \equiv j-i + l-k + 2\). The circuit in Fig. [\[fig:d_fermi\]](#fig:d_fermi){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:d_fermi"} has a \(CNOT\) count of \(2n^{(\mathrm{df})} + 5\) and a \(CNOT\) depth of \(\mathrm{max}[13, 2n^{(\mathrm{df})}-1]\) for \(n^{(\mathrm{df})} \geq 5\). For \(n^{(\mathrm{df})}=4\), the circuit in Fig. [\[fig:d_fermi\]](#fig:d_fermi){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:d_fermi"} is equivalent to that for a double qubit excitation (Figs. [\[fig:d_q\_exc\]](#fig:d_q_exc){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:d_q_exc"} and [\[fig:d_q\_exc_full\]](#fig:d_q_exc_full){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:d_q_exc_full"}). For comparison, the standard construction (Sec. [2.1](#sec:stair_case){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:stair_case"}) for fermionic-excitation circuits, yields a circuit (appendix [\[app:f_circs\]](#app:f_circs){reference-type="ref" reference="app:f_circs"} Fig. [\[fig:d_f\_exc\]](#fig:d_f_exc){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:d_f_exc"}) with a \(CNOT\) count and a \(CNOT\) depth of \(16(n^{(\mathrm{df})}-1)\). Additionaly, using the method of "balanced trees", suggested in Ref., one can rearrange the \(CNOT\)s in the fermionic excitation circuits (Figs. [\[fig:s_fermi\]](#fig:s_fermi){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:s_fermi"} and [\[fig:d_fermi\]](#fig:d_fermi){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:d_fermi"}), so that their \(CNOT\) depths grow logarithmically rather than linearly.
# Summary
In this work, we constructed circuits, optimized in terms of \(CNOT\) gates, to perform efficiently single and double qubit excitations, excitations generated by qubit creation and annihilation operators. We then expanded the circuits' functionality to account for fermionic anticommutation relations, and to perform fermionic excitations. Our single-fermionic-excitation circuits use \(2 n^{(\mathrm{sf})}-1\) \(CNOT\)s, and have \(CNOT\) depths of \(3\) for \(n^{(\mathrm{sf})}=2\), and \(\mathrm{max}[5,2n^{(\mathrm{sf})}-3]\) for \(n^{(\mathrm{sf})} \geq 3\), where \(n^{(\mathrm{sf})}\) is the number of orbitals on which the single fermionic excitation acts. Our double-fermionic-excitation circuits use \(2 n^{(\mathrm{df})} +5\) \(CNOT\)s, and have \(CNOT\) depths of \(11\) for \(n^{(\mathrm{df})}=4\), and \(\mathrm{max}[13, 2n^{(\mathrm{df})}-1]\) for \(n^{(\mathrm{df})} \geq 5\), where \(n^{(\mathrm{df})}\) is the number of orbitals on which the double fermionic excitation acts. To our knowledge, our circuits are more efficient than all previous methods for implementing double qubit and double fermionic excitations---both in \(CNOT\) count and in \(CNOT\) depth. Our optimized circuits present a significant step towards implementations of VQE algorithms on NISQ devices. \
[^1]: The circuit in Fig. [\[fig:s_exchange\]](#fig:s_exchange){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:s_exchange"}b is not optimal in the number of \(CNOT\) gates. A single qubit excitation, as defined in Eq. ([\[eq:s_exch\]](#eq:s_exch){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:s_exch"}), can be implemented by a circuit with only two \(CNOT\)s. We use the circuit in Fig. [\[fig:s_exchange\]](#fig:s_exchange){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:s_exchange"}b because it is used to construct the circuits in Figs. [\[fig:d_q\_exc\]](#fig:d_q_exc){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:d_q_exc"}, [\[fig:s_fermi\]](#fig:s_fermi){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:s_fermi"} and [\[fig:d_fermi\]](#fig:d_fermi){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:d_fermi"} in an optimal way.
[^2]: An anonymous referee has pointed out that another advantage of the circuit on Fig. [\[fig:d_q\_exc_full\]](#fig:d_q_exc_full){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:d_q_exc_full"} is that it reduces the number of long-range \(CNOT\)s compared to the circuits in Refs. | {'timestamp': '2020-11-06T02:20:50', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14475', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14475'} |
# Introduction {#sec1}
Publication bias is one of the most important concerns in systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Part of the issue is that authors and scientific journals are likely to publish studies with statistically significant results than inconclusive studies. To be statistically significant, the studies with small sample size need to show larger treatment effects, which is known as the small-study effect. Thus, this may force us to analyze selective samples from the population of interest, and the standard meta-analysis techniques may suffer from this selection bias, which is referred to as publication bias. The funnel plot is a simple and widely-used graphical tool to check for publication bias, which is defined by plotting the estimate of the effect size such as the log-odds ratio or the log-hazard ratio as the horizontal axis and the related measure of precision such as the square root of the sample size or the inverse of the standard error as the vertical axis. One can address the publication bias by examining asymmetry of the funnel plot visually and more formal statistical evaluation of the funnel-plot asymmetry can be made with a regression based test or a rank-based test. The trim-and-fill method is a nonparametric method to adjust publication bias utilizing the funnel-plot asymmetry. All these methods are simple to apply and are widely used in practice. However, publication bias is not the only reason for asymmetry of the funnel plot; Egger et al. listed different potential reasons for the funnel-plot asymmetry including the between-study heterogeneity and others. Then, detection of the publication bias by the funnel plot may be subjective and the trim-and-fill method may not work well. Alternatively, several sensitivity analysis methods have been developed. Copas and colleagues introduced the Heckman-type parametric selection model, which was originally proposed in the econometrics literature, to describe a selective publication process in meta-analysis. In this paper, this selection model is referred as the Copas selection model. The sensitivity analysis with the Copas selection model has several advantages over existing alternative sensitivity analysis methods; a user-friendly *R* package *metasens* is available for the Copas-Shi selection model, and its performance was empirically examined. Thus, we focus on this selection model in this paper. The Copas selection model consists of a pair of models; one is for the outcome, such as the log-odds ratio or the log-hazard ratio reported in publications, and the other is a model for the latent variable describing a selective publication process. It's hard to estimate all the parameters in the Copas selection model, and thus a series of papers by Copas and colleagues took a sensitivity analysis approach; some parameters were fixed as sensitivity parameters in a certain range, and the impact on the estimate of interest was studied. However, it's not easy to define an appropriate range for the sensitivity parameters. Prospective registration of study protocols in clinical trial registries is a useful non-statistical approach for publication bias. The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) initiated a trials-registration policy as a condition for publication in its member journals in July 2005, which promoted the development and utilization of the clinical trial registries. ClinicalTrials.gov (<https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/home>) is one of the early examples which was established in 2000 and is nowadays a very popular registry with 334,954 registered studies in April 2019. World Health Organization's (WHO) International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP) (<http://apps.who.int/trialsearch/>) is another well-known clinical trials registry which was constructed after the initiation of ICMJE's policy and has been supported by the WHO. FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) database (<https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cder/daf/>) contains information about products approved by the FDA for human use in the United States. Besides, EU clinical trials register (<https://www.clinicaltrialsregister.eu/ctr-search/search>) and ISRCTN (<https://www.isrctn.com/>) are also well-developed and widely used in recent years as well as many national registries that often also provide lay summaries in the local language. Baudard et al. investigated 14 meta-analyses and showed that by incorporating the information from clinical trial registries, the effect size estimates might change by 29%. It indicated that searching clinical trial registries may be useful to reduce the bias due to selective publication. On the other hand, although clinical trial registries provide potentially useful information of the registered clinical trials (e.g., study design, target sample size, development phase), they are used only as a tool to search for studies. Information on unpublished studies provided by clinical trial registries is not formally incorporated in the analyses. To the best of knowledge, only two papers mentioned the use of clinical trial registries in statistical inference. Matsuoka et al. proposed a publication bias detection method by utilizing the planned sample size from World Health Organization's (WHO) International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP). Mavridis et al. utilized FDA database to construct a prior distribution of parameters in their Bayesian Copas-type model for sensitivity analysis in network meta-analysis. In this paper, we improve statistical inference for the Copas-Shi selection model utilizing the information from clinical trial registries. To be specific, utilizing the planned sample size of unpublished studies, which are provided by most clinical trial registries, we propose a method that fit by the maximum likelihood method. All the unknown parameters can be estimated from data, and statistical inference can be conducted according to the standard maximum likelihood theory. In addition to the confidence interval with the normal quantile according to the maximum likelihood theory, we also propose two modified confidence intervals aiming improvement of performance with the small number of studies. Through numerical studies, we observed that our method outperformed existing methods with smaller biases and coverage probabilities closer to the nominal level. Thus, by utilizing the information of unpublished studies from clinical trial registries, inference based on the Copas selection model can be improved. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we introduce two motivating meta-analyses. In Section 3, we briefly review the sensitivity analysis method of Copas and Shi, and then introduce our new inference procedure by utilizing clinical trial registries. In Section 4, we conduct a series of simulation studies motivated by the tiotropium study to evaluate the performance of our proposed method in comparison to other competitive approaches. In Section 5, we revisit the two studies in Section 2 to illustrate the proposed method. Finally, we discuss some limitations and further research in Section 6.
# Motivating examples {#sec2}
## Tiotropium study
Karner et al.conducted a Cochrane review of tiotropium versus placebo in COPD. The primary outcome was COPD exacerbations, which was defined as a complex of respiratory events or symptoms (new onset or an increase in at least one of cough, sputum, dyspnoea or wheeze) that lasted at least three days and required treatment with antibiotics and/or systemic corticosteroids. In each study, the odds ratio for the event of one or more exacerbations was used to compare the treatment and placebo groups. In the meta-analysis by Karner et al., 22 studies were analyzed using a random-effects model, and the pooled odds ratio was reported as 0.78 with a 95% confidence interval of \[0.70, 0.87\]. To assess the potential risk of publication bias, Karner et al.conducted the Egger's test with the p-value of 0.22 and concluded no serious concern of publication bias. However, our additional application of the Macaskill's regression test gave a p-value of 0.06, suggesting the funnel-plot asymmetry. Then, publication bias might be a concern. Karner et al. made their efforts to search the studies with results submitted on ClinicalTrials.gov. We conducted a more comprehensive search of multiple registries, including ClinicalTrials.gov, World Health Organization's (WHO) International Clinical Trial Registry, EU clinical trials register, FDA database, and ISRCTN platform. We used the following terms: *Tiotropium* or *Spiriva* or *HandiHaler* or *Respimat* for the search. They were the same as used in the meta-analysis of Karner et al., and we also set primary completion date before February 28, 2012, which aimed to be consistent with the original meta-analysis. We detected 10 related studies on these registries, among which 8 came from ClinicalTrials.gov, 1 came from EU clinical trials register, and 1 came from World Health Organization's (WHO) International Clinical Trials Registry. Two of them reported the outcome measure and were incorporated with published studies, and 8 studies without results were deemed as unpublished studies. Finally, we got the tiotropium dataset with 24 published studies and 8 unpublished studies with information of sample size only (see Table S1 in Web-appendix A).
## Clopidogrel study
The second example is about the comparison of high and standard maintenance-dose clopidogrel on major adverse cardiovascular/cerebrovascular events (MACE/ MACCE) by Chen et al.. The original meta-analysis included 12 studies and reported pooled odds ratio as 0.6 based on the fixed-effect model with a 95% CI of \[0.43, 0.83\], and no significant bias was concluded with the Egger's test (p=0.25). However, we rerun the Macaskill's test, which suggested funnel-plot asymmetry with a P value of 0.02. We took the procedure as given in the first example and identified 3 unpublished studies from ClinicalTrials.gov by following terms: *Clopidogrel* or *Plavix* or *Iscover*, with completion date before August 31, 2013. The resulting dataset was presented in Table S2 in Web-appendix A.
# Inference procedures for the Copas selection model {#sec3}
## Brief review of the sensitivity analysis method by Copas and Shi
In order to evaluate the potential impact of publication bias on estimation of the treatment effect, Copas and Shi introduced a sensitivity analysis method. Suppose we conduct a meta-analysis of *N* studies. Let \(\hat{\theta_i}\) be the estimated treatment effect of the \(i\)th study such as the log-odds ratio or the log-hazard ratio, and \(s_i\) be an estimate of its standard error. We assume that \((\hat{\theta_i}, s_i)\) is available for \(i=1,2..., N\). To integrate the treatment effects over the studies, we consider the standard random-effects model with \[\begin{aligned}
\hat{\theta_i}=\theta_i+\sigma_i\epsilon_i, \ \ \ \theta_i \sim N(\theta,\tau^2), \ \ \ \ \epsilon_i \sim N(0,1), \label{mixed} \end{aligned}\] where \(\theta_i\) is the study-specific treatment effect of the *i*th study, which is a random-effect following a normal distribution with mean \(\theta\) and between-study variance \(\tau^2\), and \(\sigma_i^2\) is the true within-study variance of the outcome \(\hat {\theta_i}\). The random elements \(\theta_i\) and \(\epsilon_i\) are assumed to be independent. To describe the selective publication process, Copas and Shi considered the following model \[Y_i=\alpha_0+\alpha_1 / s_i+\delta_i, \ \ \ \delta_i \sim N(0,1), \ \ \ corr(\epsilon_i,\delta_i)=\rho, \label{selection}\] where \(corr(\epsilon_i,\delta_i)\) denotes the correlation coefficient between \(\epsilon_i\) and \(\delta_i\). The *i*th study is assumed to be published if and only if \(Y_i>0\). The term \(\alpha_0+\alpha_1 / s_i\) models the small study effect. That is, studies of high precision are more likely to be pulished. The correlation coefficient \(\rho\) is responsible for describing the influence of the outcome \(\hat{\theta_i}\) on likelihood of publication. Copas and Shi considered to make inference by maximizing the likelihood function conditional on the study being published. The conditional likelihood function is given by \[\begin{aligned}
&& L_{obs}(\theta,\tau,\rho,\alpha_0,\alpha_1;s_i)=\sum_{i=1}^{N}\left[log f(\hat{\theta_i}|Y_i>0,s_i)\right] \nonumber \\ &&= \sum_{i=1}^{N}\left[-\frac{1}{2}log(\tau^2+\sigma_i^2)-\frac{(\hat{\theta_i}-\theta)^2}{2(\tau^2+\sigma_i^2)}-log\Phi(\alpha_0+\alpha_1/s_i)+log\Phi(v_i)\right], \label{lik_obs} \end{aligned}\] where \(f(\cdot|Y_i>0,s_i)\) is the probability density function of \(\hat{\theta_i}\) conditional on \(Y_i>0\) and \(s_i\). \(\Phi(\cdot)\) is the cumulative distribution function of the standard normal distribution, and \(v_i=\left\{\alpha_0+\alpha_1/s_i +\rho \sigma_i(\hat{\theta_i}-\theta) / (\tau^2+\sigma_i^2) \right\} / \sqrt {1-\rho^2 \sigma_i^2 / (\tau^2+ \sigma_i^2)}\). In meta-analysis literatures, \(s_i\) is usually regarded as being equal to \(\sigma_i\) and known. This is relevant approximately at least when the number of subjects is sufficiently large. Copas and Shitook care of underestimation of \(\sigma_i\) due to publication bias, and then they utilized the quantity \(var(\theta_i|s_i,Y_i>0)\) to estimate \(\sigma_i^2\) in inference of their selection model. As argued by Copas and Shi, the log-likelihood function (\(\ref{lik_obs}\)) may take its maximum over a very flat plateau, and then it may be computationally very challenging to estimate all the parameters simultaneously. Thus Copas and Shi proposed that the vector \((\alpha_0,\alpha_1)\) was fixed as sensitivity parameters, and \((\theta,\tau,\rho)\) was estimated by maximizing the conditional log-likelihood function (\(\ref{lik_obs}\)). One can examine how the estimate \(\hat{\theta}\) for the overall treatment effect \(\theta\) would be influenced by the assumed selective publication process. Since we do not know the true value of \((\alpha_0,\alpha_1)\), we should apply this method with various choices for the parameter vector \((\alpha_0,\alpha_1)\) in a certain range. According to the formula by Copas and Shi, one can translate \((\alpha_0,\alpha_1)\) into the expected numbers of unpublished studies by \(M=\sum_{i=1}^{N}\left\{1-P(Y_i>0|s_i)\right\}/P(Y_i>0|s_i)\), which is more interpretable. Then, one can evaluate how biased the estimate of the treatment effect \(\theta\) is with a certain number of unpublished studies behind. Although such a consideration provides nice insights about robustness of meta-analysis results, it is still unclear what range of the number of unpublished studies is sufficient to be considered.
## Proposed inference procedure utilizing clinical trial registries
In addition to the *N* published studies, we suppose that there are *M* unpublished studies identified by searching clinical trial registries. Without loss of generality, the first *N* studies are published and the last *M* studies are unpublished. Items required at registration are not necessarily common among clinical trial registries. For example, FDA database provides the sample size of each experimental group in its summary review PDF document, but other clinical trial registries may not give it. However, all the clinical trial registries we referred provide the planned total sample size (not separately by the experimental groups) of each study. Thus, we suppose the triple \((n_i,\hat{\theta_i},s_i)\) is available for *i*=1,2\...,*N* (published studies), and only \(n_i\) is available for *i*=*N*+1..,*N+M* (unpublished studies). A binary variable \(D_i=I(Y_i>0)\) denotes the publication status (published/unpublished) of each study. Instead of the model (\(\ref{selection}\)), we employ an alternative selection model \[\begin{aligned}
Y_i=\alpha_0+\alpha_1\sqrt{n_i}+\delta_i, \ \ \ \delta_i \sim N(0,1), \label{selection2} \end{aligned}\] which was used by Copas. For the models (\(\ref{mixed}\)) and (\(\ref{selection2}\)), we introduce the maximum likelihood approach as follows. Considering the likelihood function of the published and the unpublished studies, the log likelihood is given by \[\begin{aligned}
L_{full}(\theta,\tau,\rho,\alpha_0,\alpha_1)&=\sum_{i=1}^{N}\left[log f(\hat{\theta_i}|Y_i>0;n_i)+log P(Y_i>0;n_i)\right]\nonumber \\&+\sum_{i=N+1}^{N+M}\left[log P(Y_i<0;n_i)\right]\nonumber \\ &=\sum_{i=1}^{N}\left[-\frac{1}{2}log(\tau^2+\sigma_i^2)-\frac{(\hat{\theta_i}-\theta)^2}{2(\tau^2+\sigma_i^2)}+log\Phi(\tilde{v_i})\right]\nonumber \\&+\sum_{i=N+1}^{N+M}\left\{log [1-\Phi(\alpha_0+\alpha_1\sqrt{n_i})]\right\}, \label{lik_full} \end{aligned}\] where \(\tilde{v_i}=\left\{\alpha_0+\alpha_1\sqrt{n_i} +\rho \sigma_i(\hat{\theta_i}-\theta) / (\tau^2+\sigma_i^2) \right\} / \sqrt {1-\rho^2 \sigma_i^2 / (\tau^2+ \sigma_i^2)}\). Following the treatment often made in meta-analysis literature, we suppose that \(\sigma_i=s_i\). By maximizing this log-likelihood function (\(\ref{lik_full}\)), we can estimate all the parameters \((\theta,\tau,\rho,\alpha_0,\alpha_1)\) simultaneously, and the resulting maximum likelihood estimator is denoted by \((\hat{\theta},\hat{\tau},\hat{\rho},\hat{\alpha_0},\hat{\alpha_1})\). Maximization of the log-likelihood function can be implemented with the standard non-linear optimization techniques. Here, we employ the constraint optimizer L-BFGS-B method in the nlminb() function in *R* (package stats, version 3.6.2) to do this. Statistical inference can be conducted following the standard maximum likelihood theory.
# Simulation study {#sec4}
## Methods to be compared
Simulation studies were carried out to evaluate the performance of our new inference procedure. We investigated whether or not the proposed method outperforms the Copas sensitivity analysis method. For reference, we also compared it with standard random-effects meta-analysis using the restricted maximum likelihood (REML) estimation, which did not account for selective publication process. In addition to the standard REML confidence interval based on normal quantiles, the Hartung and Knapp method was applied using *t*-quantiles and rescaled standard errors, which is referred to as REML.KnHa in the following. As outlined in Section 3, the Copas method is a sensitivity analysis approach resulting in multiple estimates under several settings of the number of unpublished studies. For comparison with other methods, we took the estimate of the treatment effect with the smallest number of unpublished studies of the p-value of the goodness-of-fit test larger than 0.1, which is presented in the output of *Copas* function in *metasens* package. For the REML, we used the commonly used *metafor* package with method option equal to "REML" and test equal to "knha" to obtain the CI with the Hartung and Knapp method.
## Data generation
We mimicked meta-analyses motivated by the tiotropium study. Suppose each study aimed to compare two groups of the treatment group and the control group with respect to a binary outcome. The log-odds ratio was used as the summary measure of the treatment effect between two groups. Let \(\hat{\theta_i}\) in the model (\(\ref{mixed}\)) denoted the empirical log-odds ratio of the \(i\)th study. We set \(\theta=-0.25\) and \(\tau\)=0.05, 0.15 or 0.3. The total number of studies including published and unpublished was set as 15, 25, 50 or 100. We generated datasets according to the models (\(\ref{mixed}\)) and (\(\ref{selection2}\)) as follows. At first, we generated \(\theta_i \sim N(\theta,\tau^2)\), which was the true log-odds ratio of the *i*th study. Next, we generated individual participant data of the two groups with the log-odds ratio of \(\theta_i\). We set the true event rate of the control group from the uniform distribution *U(0.2,0.9)*, and then set the event rate of treatment group satisfying the log-odds ratio of \(\theta_i\). Similarly to Kuss, the total sample size of each study was generated from *LN(5,1)*, the log-normal distribution with the location parameter 5 and scale parameter 1, and the minimum sample size was restricted to 20 patients (values below 20 were rounded up to 20). Subjects were allocated to the two groups with probability of 0.5. With the generated individual participant data, we calculated an empirical log odds ratio \(\hat{\theta_i}\) and its standard error \(s_i\). \(Y_i\) in the model (\(\ref{selection2}\)) was generated according to the conditional distribution, \[Y_i|\hat{\theta_i}\sim N(\alpha_0+\alpha_1 \sqrt n_i+\rho\sigma_i (\hat{\theta_i}-\theta)/(\tau^2+\sigma_i^2),1-\rho^2\sigma_i^2/(\tau^2+\sigma_i^2))\] and set \(D_i=I(Y_i>0)\), which entailed us to generate \((\hat{\theta_i},Y_i)\) from the joint distribution defined by the models (\(\ref{mixed}\)) and (\(\ref{selection2}\)). The parameters \((\alpha_0,\alpha_1)\) were set based on our consideration for the publication rate of a study with the minimum sample size of 20 and that with a large sample size of 500, which were denoted by \(P_{20}\) and \(P_{500}\), respectively. Set \(P_{500}=0.99\), reflecting our belief that a study with 500 patients had sufficiently large probability to be published, and \(P_{20}\) was set to 0.1, 0.3 or 0.5, which represented our different concern to the publication rate of a small study with sample size of 20. Thus according to the model (4), we could derive the parameters \((\alpha_0,\alpha_1)\) by solving the equations \(P_{20}=\Phi(\alpha_0+\alpha_1\sqrt20)\) and \(P_{500}=\Phi(\alpha_0+\alpha_1\sqrt500)\). Then we got three pairs of \((\alpha_0,\alpha_1)\) as (-2.18,0.20), (-1.24,0.16) and (-0.58,0.13), which resulted in 40%, 27% and 19% unpublished studies on average in the simulated meta-analyses. The parameter of \(\rho\) was set to-0.4 or-0.8, and for each \(\rho\) we investigated 3 scenarios of \(\tau\) (0.05, 0.15 or 0.3). For each scenario, we generated 1000 simulated meta-analyses. In Figure 1, we presented funnel plots of randomly selected simulated meta-analyses under different settings of \((\rho,\tau)\) when the total number of published and unpublished studies was 50. The filled and open circles represent published and unpublished studies, respectively, and we observed our simulation setting successfully simulated the selective publication process often observed in practice. The bold vertical line represents the true \(\theta\) and the dashed vertical line is the REML estimate with published studies. They were certainly different and thus publication bias had certain impacts in simulated data.
## Simulation results
The properties of each method were assessed by evaluating biases and standard errors of the estimates for \(\theta\) and average lengths and coverage probabilities of two-tailed \(95\%\) confidence intervals of \(\theta\). Following the standard maximum likelihood theory, we constructed the two-tailed 95% confidence interval for the estimates of \(\theta\) with our new proposal by \(\hat{\theta}\pm\[Z_{1-\frac{\alpha}{2}}\times\) S.E.\((\hat{\theta})\), where \(Z_{1-\frac{\alpha}{2}}\) denoting the \(1-\frac{\alpha}{2}\) quantile of the standard normal distribution, and S.E.\((\hat{\theta})\) is calculated by the inverse of the Fisher information matrix. The results for this confidence interval were denoted by MLE(N) in the summary table. All these methods were implemented with non-linear optimization techniques, thus we also summarized the number of converged cases (*NOC*) in each scenario. For our method, the non-convergence was defined as a failure in optimization with negative hessian matrix or unsuccessful convergence based on the convergence indicator in the output of *nlminb* function. For the Copas sensitivity analysis method, we followed the rule of *Copas* function. Results of the simulation studies with (\(\alpha_0,\alpha_1\))=(-2.18,0.2) were reported in Table 1 (\(\rho=-0.4\)) and Table 2 (\(\rho=-0.8\)), respectively. The datasets for Tables 1 and 2 had around 40% unpublished studies on average. In almost all the simulated datasets, the log-likelihood was successfully maximized and then gave estimates. In all the scenarios, the REML had considerable biases. With \(\rho=-0.8\) (Table 2), biases were larger, reflecting that \(\rho=-0.8\) modeled a more selective publication process. Both the Copas method and our new proposal decreased biases and ours had the smallest biases in most scenarios. With larger number of studies (N=50 and 100), the maximum likelihood estimator tended to have very negligible biases, and the confidence intervals based on the maximum likelihood theory (MLE(N)) had empirical coverage probabilities close to the nominal level of 95%. With smaller number of the studies (N=15 and 25), our method successfully decreased biases. However, coverage probabilities might not be close to the nominal level and were not satisfactory when between-study heterogeneity was moderate or substantial (\(\tau=0.15\) and 0.3). We demonstrated results of the simulation studies with (\(\alpha_0,\alpha_1\))=(-1.24,0.16) in Tables S3 and S4, and that with (\(\alpha_0,\alpha_1\))=(-0.58,0.13) in Tables S5 and S6 in Web-appendix B. Findings were very similar to discussed above based on Tables 1 and 2.
## Modified confidence intervals
To improve the coverage probabilities with smaller number of studies, we introduced two modifed confidence intervals. As suggested by Follmann and Proschan, an alternative confidence interval \(\hat{\theta}\pm\]t_{(N-1);(1-\frac{\alpha}{2})}\times\) S.E.\((\hat{\theta})\) may be used, where \(t_{(N-1);(1-\frac{\alpha}{2})}\) denoting the \(1-\frac{\alpha}{2}\) quantile of Student*-t* distribution with \(N-1\) degree of freedom. Further modification was also considered by mimicking the idea of the improved estimator of variance which was proposed by Knapp and Hartungin the meta-regression context; we modified the standard error of \(\hat{\theta}\) by S.E.\((\hat{\theta})^\sharp\)=Max(S.E.\((\hat{\theta})_{MLE}\), S.E.\((\hat{\theta})_{REML-KnHa}\)), where S.E.\((\hat{\theta})_{REML-KnHa}\) was the estimator of standard error with HK-adjusted REML method, reflecting our belief that the standard error of our proposal should be no less than the estimator of methods without considering the selcetive publication process for the additional uncentainty of unpublished studies. That is, a more conservative confidence interval was calculated by \(\hat{\theta}\pm\)\(t_{(N-1);(1-\frac{\alpha}{2})}\times\)S.E.\((\hat{\theta})^\sharp\). We applied these two confidence intervals to the simulated meta-analyses, results were also shown in Tables 1 and 2 and Tables S3-S6 in Web-appendix B, referring as MLE(T) and MLE(\(SE^\sharp\)), respectively. We observed that these two confidence intervals MLE(T) and MLE(\(SE^\sharp\)) gave certain improvement. In particular, MLE(\(SE^\sharp\)) had much improved emprical coverage probabilities with *N=15*.
# Re-analysis of two motivating examples with clinical trial registries {#sec5}
In this section, we applied our new inference procedure to the two case studies of the tiotropium study and clopidogrel study introduced in Section 2. To present data of unpublished studies as well as that of published studies, we propose to use a modified funnel-plot adding information of the planned sample size of unpublished studies with horizontal lines passing the y-axis at \(\sqrt{n_i}\). The modified funnel-plots for tiotropium study and clopidogrel study were presented in Figures 2 and 3, respectively. We could observe that for both of the two motivation cases, all the unpublished studies concentrated on the lower part of the funnel-plot. To the data, we applied our proposed method, as well as other related methods used in the simulation section, and the results for the two motivation cases were summarized in Tables 3 and 4, respectively. As presented in Subsection 2.1, for the tiotropium study, we identified 24 published and 8 unpublished studies. By applying the linear mixed-effect model for the log-odds ratios with the REML method, the integrated odds ratio was obtanied as 0.768 with a two-tailed 95% CI of \[0.697,0.847\] based on the normal approximation. The Knapp and Hartung modification gave a similar CI of \[0.691, 0.854\]. According to the sensitivity analysis by the Copas model, one can observe that as increasing the number of unpublished studies, the odds ratio increased up to 0.811, which was corresponding to the case of 13 unpublished studeis. The overall treatment effect was significantly different from unity even with 13 unpublished studies. Suppose we have 8 published studies behind which was same with our findings from the clinical trial registries, Copas sensitivity analysis method gave the pooled odds rato as 0.803 with a 95% CI of \[0.717, 0.898\]. Our proposed method gave the integrated estimate of 0.787 with two-tailed 95% confidence intervals \[0.710, 0.873\] and \[0.706, 0.878\] based on the standard normal quantile and t-quantile, respectively. In this case, the standard error from our method was larger than the standard error from REML with the Knapp and Hartung modification, so the modified confidence interval MLE(\(SE^\sharp\)) was same with MLE(T). To summary, all the methods provided statistically significant effect of tiotropium, indicating that selective publication might have not been much of an issue here. For the clopidogrel study which we introduced in Subsection 2.2, with only 3 unpublished studies identified from the clinical trial registries, the estimates with and without consideration of publication bias were considerably different. By applying the REML with 12 published studies, the estimator of the pooled odds ratio was 0.579 and with two-tailed 95% CIs of \[0.375, 0.892\] and \[0.385, 0.871\] based on the normal quantile and the Knapp and Hartung modification, respectively. Both of them supported the conclusion that the high maintenance-dose clopidogrel significantly reduced the incidence of MACE/MACCE in comparison to the standard-maintenance-dose clopidogrel. However, the sensitivity analysis by the Copas model showed that as the number of unpublished studies increased up to 4, the statistical significance of the High-maintenance-dose clopidogrel disappeared, and as high as 39% change in estimates of odds ratio could be observed with 6 unpublished studies. Our proposed method gave the integrated estimate of 0.692, and a two-tailed 95% CI based on the normal approximation was given as \[0.496, 0.967\], whose upper bound was very close to 1. The modified CIs introduced in Subsection 4.4 could be obtained as \[0.476, 1.007\] (MLE(T)) and \[0.460, 1.041\] (MLE(\(SE^\sharp\))), respectively. These results suggested that the significant effect of the high maintenance-dose clopidogrel might be marginal and should be interpreted with caution.
# Discussion {#sec6}
By utilizing the information on unpublished studies obtained from the clinical trial registries, we proposed a new inference procedure for the Copas selection model, which provides more objective evaluation of publication bias than the widely-used funnel plot and trim-and-fill method. All the unknown parameters in the Copas selection model can be estimated from data with the proposed method. It resolved the issue of the sensitivity analysis approach that some unknown parameters had to be fixed in a certain range, and then gave a more insightful interpretation. Recently, Ning et al. proposed a method to estimate all the unknown parameters. Whereas their method strongly relied on an imputation based on funnel-plot symmetry, our method does not. Here, we would like to address some issues in clinical trial registries. Firstly, different clinical trial registries may give inconsistent information. A comparison of results between ClinicalTrials.gov and FDA database by Schwartz et al.showed the planned sample size registered on the clinical trial registries were not always consistent with the final sample size for statistical analysis. Besides, as acknowledged by Fleminger et al. the status of the studies might be inconsistent between EUCTR and ClinicalTrials.gov, the studies registered on EUCTR which marked with "completed" may marked with "onging" in ClinicalTrials.gov. Secondly, no clinical trial registry could cover all the related studies. Thirdly, it is hard to integrate multiple clinical trial registries automatically since unique identifier of a study is not available among registries (e.g. World Health Organization's (WHO) International Clinical Trial Registry Platform (ICTRP)). Due to these issues of clinical trial registries, comprehensive search of multiple clinical trial registries was recommended in practice. Clinical trial registries provide various information other than sample size. ClinicalTrials.gov's search result contains 26 items in the list and analysis result if the investigator submitted, ICTRP contains 40 items in the result file, and FDA database provide much more details about the registered clinical trials. As acknowledged by several cross-sectional studies, information such as funding type (government, industry or academic) and region may possibly play important roles in the publication status. In addition, information of ongoing studies are also available, although we did not use them in this paper. How to take a further utilization of the clinical trial registry would deserve more attention. | {'timestamp': '2020-06-01T02:06:57', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14396', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14396'} |
# Introduction
Galactic modeling requires considering evolution and an asymmetric potential, as pointed out by, who have revealed in our Galaxy many intriguing signals such as snail shells, arches and ridges, etc. The so called Galactoseismology concludes the non-equilibrium and non-stationary potential of the Milky Way, observed in many density or velocity asymmetries in and reference therein, which are significant for us to understand the dynamical history of the Milky Way. There is no doubt we are entering into a golden era of the Galactoseismology by embracing \(Gaia\) parallax and proper motions. The inspiring snails and ridges imply that the disk is phase mixing from an out of equilibrium state. Hence, quadrupole patterns and phase spirals at different Galactic positions have been revealed by, showing that external perturbations by the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy might be the dynamical origin for it. Time stamps on it suggested the snails happened between 0.5 and 6 Gyr ago, thus leading to the consideration that young stars may have memory of the interstellar medium. Phase space snail shells in different cold and hot orbits distributions are also dissected in. Unfortunately, these works using LAMOST survey did not investigate more details for the intriguing ridges. For the phase mixing patterns and structures, scenarios are mainly classified in two types: one is the external perturbations, e.g. Sagittarius dwarf galaxy perturbation; the other one is the internal dynamics, e.g. buckling of the stellar bar accompanied by bending waves without an external intruder. Both the spiral arms and Sagittarius perturbation simulations for ridges are shown in. Outer Lindblad Resonance of the bar could create the prominent ridges and it could be used to compare with ridge map in. Multiple ridges were also found in with 2D transient spiral arms. Arches might be the projection of ridges in the \(V_{R}\), \(V_{\phi}\) plane and both are connected together. Some recent works are also showing that the ridges could be produced by only internal mechanisms such as spirals without external contributors. So far, it is still very ambiguous for us to have a clear picture for the ridges, arches, vertical waves, either the origins or relations. And whether they are from internal or external or both mechanisms is very unclear. In this work, we focus on the ridge pattern, tracing it in time stamps in a multiple-dimensional parameter space, trying to get more details of its features and better constraining its origin.There are other recent works discussing the snails, but relatively fewer works focused on ridge and without time tagging analysis as we pretend here. The cornerstone Gaia-DR2 mission has already measured precise proper motions and distances for more than 1.3 billion stars. Gaia data in combination with statistical distribution of stellar ages of millions of stars from LAMOST provide a good sample to study the ridge pattern, by which we can track the variation of the feature in different age populations from multiple perspectives and thus push the understanding of that without precedent in history. This paper is organized as follows. In section 2, we introduce how we select the Main-Sequence-Turn-Off (MSTO) and OB stars sample and describe its properties concisely. The results and discussions are presented in Section 3. Finally, we conclude this work in Section 4.
# The Sample Selection
A sample of around 0.93 million Main-Sequence-Turn-Off stars with subgiant stars contribution from the LAMOST Galactic spectroscopic surveys including disk region, Galactic\(-\)Anticenter region, etc., is selected based on their positions in their locus in the \(T_{eff}-M_{V}\) plane. With the help of LAMOST DR4 spectra and the Kernel Principal Component Analysis (KPCA) method, accuracies of radial velocities reach 5 km s\(^{-1}\). The ages are determined by matching with stellar isochrones using the Yonsei-Yale (Y2) isochrones and Bayesian algorithm with the help of Teff, logg, \[Fe/H\] and \[\(\alpha\)/Fe\] and similar method of. Interstellar extinction was derived using the star pairs method and the technique is able to determine E(B−V) to an accuracy of 0.01 mag, distance estimates range between 10 and 30 per cent. Overall, the sample stars have a median error of 34% for the age estimates and the typical uncertainties of the stellar parameters, such as Teff, logg, \[Fe/H\] and \[\(\alpha\)/Fe\], measured from the LAMOST data are 100 K, 0.1 dex, 0.1 dex, 0.05 dex respectively. The OB stars selection is easily selected by spectral line indices space in LAMOST and the distance here is from \(Gaia\), more details could also be found in and the data was used to unravel some velocity asymmetries in. The second data release of the \(Gaia\) mission with unprecedented high-precision proper motions with typical uncertainties of 0.05, 0.2 and 1.2 mas yr\(^{-1}\) for stars with \(G\)-band magnitudes \(\leq\) 14, 17 and 20 mag respectively, has made possible to map the Galaxy's kinematics and Galacto-seismology with hitherto the largest spatial extent. 3D velocities derived by assuming the location of Sun is \(R_{\odot}\) = 8.34 kpc and \(Z_{\odot}\) = 27 pc, solar motion values: \[\(U_{\odot}\), \(V_{\odot}\), \(W_{\odot}\)\] = \[9.58, 10.52, 7.01\] km s\(^{-1}\), other solar motions won't change our conclusion at all. The circular speed of the LSR is adopted as 238 km s\(^{-1}\) and Cartesian coordinates on the basis of coordinate transformation described in \(Galpy\). We use LAMOST distance for MSTO stars by absolute magnitude and extinction measurement and Gaia parallax or distance only for OB stars. have tested zero-point bias in the parallaxes of Gaia DR2, they suggested that the effect of the systematic error in the parallaxes is negligible during the work, we also don't think the small zero point bias will affect our conclusion with similar tests to. Actually, our sample are all within 4\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}5 kpc away from the sun and the parallax is larger than 0.2\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}0.25 mas, the small zero point bias can not change our conclusion. We show the MSTO sample in Fig. [\[tefflog\]](#tefflog){reference-type="ref" reference="tefflog"}. It shows the \(Teff\) vs. \(logg\) distributions colored by age, we can see most of stars have surface gravity larger than 3, and younger stars have higher effective temperature than the old ones. The Fig. [\[ridge_NS_mapcount1\]](#ridge_NS_mapcount1){reference-type="ref" reference="ridge_NS_mapcount1"} shows the star counts distribution in the \(R, Z\) plane, it shows that the northern stars is more than southern stars with the calculations. In order to build the reliable sample containing stellar astrophysical parameters and precise kinematical information, we use criteria from LAMOST spectroscopic survey and Gaia catalogs as follows: 1) \(|Z|\) \(<\) 1.5 kpc and 7.5 \(<\) \(R\) \(<\) 12 kpc; 2) SNR \(>\) 20; 3) age less than 14 Gyr and larger than 0; 4) \(v_{\phi}\) = \[50, 350\] km s\(^{-1}\); 5) parallax \(>\) 0 and the relative error \(<\) 0.20.
# Results and Discussions
## Ridge patterns investigation for MSTO stars
For this part, we investigate the ridge pattern in the different parameter space plots. We show in Fig. [\[msden_vr_feh\]](#msden_vr_feh){reference-type="ref" reference="msden_vr_feh"} density (\(f\)), radial velocity (\(v_{R}\)) and vertical velocity (\(v_{z}\)) distributions in the plane of the rotational velocity in the y axis and radial distance in the x axis; the magenta dotted curves represent constant angular momentum of \(L_{Z}\) = (1650, 1800, 2080) kpc km \(s^{-1}\) including the contribution of the \(V_{LSR}\). The radial distance range displayed here is from 7.5 to 12 kpc. We can see there are no clear ridge features for the density pattern due to the selection effects, sample precision, etc. However, the ridge pattern is very prominent and strong for the radial velocity distribution shown in the middle sub-figures, shown as negative blue strips accompanied with positive red stripes, patterns and trends of which are similar with some previous works. e.g.,. In addition, it denotes clearly that the sensitive time of the inspiring ridge feature to the possible perturbation is 0\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}14 Gyr due to that we could detect the ridge signals in the range of 0 to 14 Gyr. It is remarkable that the angular momentum per unit mass of the ridge pattern varies with age when compared with the constant magenta lines in radial velocity sub-figures showing in the middle one. As we can see in the top panel of middle figure of Fig. [\[msden_vr_feh\]](#msden_vr_feh){reference-type="ref" reference="msden_vr_feh"}, there are three magenta lines we adopted corresponding to the three ridges colored by blue and red strips. Here we define these three strips as ridge A, ridge B, ridge C from the top to the bottom. For the ridge A in the top, we could see when the age is less than 6 Gyr. The pattern could be matched with the constant angular momentum line for the general trend by focusing on the range of 9\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}10.5 kpc, but when we move forward with age larger than 6 Gyr, the ridge pattern, especially for the range of 9\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}10.5 kpc, is deviating the magenta lines with around 10 km s\(^{-1}\) in all population bins. The corresponding errors are small and almost all of them are less than 2\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}4 km s\(^{-1}\). For the ridge B, the overall trend of the ridge pattern could be matched with the second magenta lines in all populations without significant deviations, implying that there is no significant variation compared with the constant angular momentum line. For the ridge C, the minimum one, it is also matched with the third magenta lines well and has no clear variation like ridge A by focusing on the range of 9\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}10.5 kpc to guide our eyes. We suggest the relatively variable ridge A (\(\tau >\) 6 vs. \(\tau <\) 6 Gyr) and relatively invariable ridge B, C are showing two kinds of ridges possibly originated from different physical scenarios, which is helpful for us to unveil the origins of the ridge. So there are two relatively stable ridges and one variable ridges from the current figures and in order to try to see these ridges variation clearly, according to, in Fig. [\[ridge_Lz_VR\]](#ridge_Lz_VR){reference-type="ref" reference="ridge_Lz_VR"} we also use the \(L_{Z}\) vs. \(v_{\phi}\) panel colored by \(v_{R}\) to investigate the ridge pattern, we could see there are also three ridge patterns from left to the right and colored by red, blue and blue. These ridge patterns are corresponding to the three ridges of the Fig. [\[msden_vr_feh\]](#msden_vr_feh){reference-type="ref" reference="msden_vr_feh"}, we can see the left two ridges are relatively stable but the shift of the right ridge located around 2180 kpc km \(s^{-1}\) of \(L_{Z}\) are detected, especially when the age is larger than 3 Gyr. Please notice that here we use 2180 but not 2080 vertical line for \(L_{Z}\) due to that the angular momentum must have larger errors than the radial distance with the contribution of velocity and distance errors for \(L_{Z}\), so the pattern here has some differences from the Fig. [\[msden_vr_feh\]](#msden_vr_feh){reference-type="ref" reference="msden_vr_feh"}, we use relatively larger value for the right vertical magenta line in order to see the variable pattern in the right relatively clearly and try to match the pattern of the Fig. [\[msden_vr_feh\]](#msden_vr_feh){reference-type="ref" reference="msden_vr_feh"}, which could not affect our conclusions. suggested the \(L_{Z}\) shift of resonances with the age is expected, because of higher energy E (or action J) of the older stars. We also propose that the shift of the ridge again supports us that there might have two kinds of ridges. When we keep going with the \(v_{z}\) pattern in the same plane, just as shown in the right panel of Fig. [\[msden_vr_feh\]](#msden_vr_feh){reference-type="ref" reference="msden_vr_feh"}, what we could see is that weak ridge features are observed in the vertical motions especially around the bottom magenta line, although it is not as strong as radial velocity, which is also not as clear as the results of showing clear pattern in the vertical velocity distribution. The ridge stars in are mainly consisting of mid-plane stars less than 0.2 kpc, which is different from our results here using stars less than 1.5 kpc (in order to get more stars and see the ridge pattern in \(v_{R}\) clearly). When we use similar but more stringent selection conditions, the sample is too small to see very clear pattern like Fig. [\[msden_vr_feh\]](#msden_vr_feh){reference-type="ref" reference="msden_vr_feh"} due to the increasing poisson noise and observational errors, etc. All stars with all heights contribute to the ridge but in this case, the vertical information might be completely washed out . We could test whether there is a possibility that these factors mentioned here and last paragraph also might affect the distribution of \[\(Fe/H\)\], \[\(\alpha/Fe\)\], \(v_{z}\). As shown in Fig. [\[msden_alpha_vz\]](#msden_alpha_vz){reference-type="ref" reference="msden_alpha_vz"}, the \[\(Fe/H\)\], \[\(\alpha/Fe\)\] (z=\[\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1.5 1.5\] kpc), and \(v_{z}\) (z=\[\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}0.2 0.2\] kpc) distributions are displayed that there are still weak ridge features in the metallicity and abundance, especially for the top panels in the left and middle figure. We have plotted there red and blue strips in the range of 8\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}10 kpc and around 220 km \(s^{-1}\). Other features are not so clear, but we could still detect some signals, e.g., the third row of the left panel and the second row of the middle figure. By using a narrow range of stars, we could detect weaker signal around the bottom magenta line for the vertical distribution in the right panel of Fig. [\[msden_alpha_vz\]](#msden_alpha_vz){reference-type="ref" reference="msden_alpha_vz"}. Summing up, in the \(v_{\phi}, R\) plane for our sample, we see the well-known ridge pattern in radial velocity accompanied by the signals in the \[\(Fe/H\)\], \[\(\alpha/Fe\)\] and \(v_{z}\) distributions, with the time tagging analysis not shown in previous works yet. They are displaying observational evidence that the different ridges might have different angular momentum that is variable or not with time, which shows for the first time there are possibly two types of ridges with different properties and origins.
## Ridge patterns investigation by OB stars
As mentioned in the last section, the ridge pattern has been sensitive to perturbation for 0\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}14 Gyr. In order to know more about its population features, we make full use of LAMOST different samples. We use OB stars to chart the distributions of density and radial velocity in the (\(R, v_{\phi}\)) plane, which is displayed in Fig. [\[obden_vr\]](#obden_vr){reference-type="ref" reference="obden_vr"}. It clearly denotes that there is an obvious ridge strip colored with blue in the right, especially for the radial velocity in the range of R from 9\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}11 kpc and \(v_{\phi}\) from 170 to 200 km s\(^{-1}\), the ridge is similar with one of the ridges in MSTO stars. As a mater of fact, the OB stars ridges don't need to correspond to the MSTO ridges exactly due to the different population effects.
## Discussions
As manifested and implied in and references therein, we suggest many mechanisms might be coupled together to cause the complexed and abundant vertical asymmetries with bending and breathing modes accompanied with mean non zero radial motions and asymmetrical rotations for the disk regions. All of these might be under a same comprehensive dynamical distribution function. In-plane asymmetries and vertical motions are coupled together as shown clearly in, but whether other different locations and populations are still coupling together is not clear. used a relatively narrow range in the solar neighborhood to discover the snails in \(z, v_{z}\) plane and arches, shells, box in \(v_{R}, v_{\phi}, v_{z}\) plane, thus then draw the coupling conclusion, but it is not clear for ridges coupling phenomenon in \(R, v_{\phi}\) plane corresponding to the larger distance range during that work. What's more, we might examine the details of the chemistry for ridges alone. A relatively clear picture was proposed by, they made use all stars of GALAH southern sky survey, test particle simulation and N-body simulation to explore the relations of ridges, arches and vertical waves, which have differences for the sky coverage and tracers with us. Here we provide the ridge pattern sensitive time to the perturbations in our sample, and suggest the angular momentum variation of ridge in different age populations and ridge distributions in the north and south side in Fig. [\[ridgens\]](#ridgens){reference-type="ref" reference="ridgens"}, etc., by using LAMOST sky survey and only MSTO and OB stars. suggested the ridges, arches and vertical waves are coupled together, and they implied the \(v_{R}\) are strongly correlated with each other and some signals are also detected in \[Fe/H\], \[\(\alpha/Fe\)\] and \(v_{z}\), which are consistent with our main results. Meanwhile, they also pointed out clearly that phase mixing of disrupting spiral arms can generate both the ridges and arches accompanied with the points that different ridges could be originated from different scenarios in theoretical view, but if they want to unify the coupling planar and vertical motions, an intermediate satellites like Sagittarius perturbation is favored. In this work, we detect the angular momentum of one ridge pattern is relatively variable with age but other two are relatively stable, displaying the two kinds of ridges might have different origins and accompanying by the vertical signals. We also have finished a test in Fig. [\[ridgens\]](#ridgens){reference-type="ref" reference="ridgens"}. The heat maps of various quantities show the stars radial velocity distribution in the (\(R, v_{\phi}\)) plane in different age populations for all sample (left), southern stars of the ridge (middle), northern stars of the ridge (right). It appears there are no clear north-south asymmetries shown here. By investigating the origin of moving groups and diagonal ridges with the help of simulations of stellar orbits and birthplaces, pointed out that the diagonal ridges could be originated from the spiral resonances. There is no evidence of incomplete phase mixing in the vertical direction of the disk found in and their results could be explained by internal mechanisms without external perturbations. Recently, investigated the HR 1614 moving groups and proposed that several different mechanisms such as resonances of the bar, spiral structure, phase-mixing of dissolving spiral structure, phase-mixing due to an external perturbation should be combined to explain this feature. have investigated the ridge and moving groups and found that the long bar could produce the ridge features qualitatively, meanwhile with the point that the internal and external mechanisms are shaping the Galactic disk. All these works need to explain the dependence of the ridge features on the stellar ages found in this paper. Our results provide additional constraints on the theoretical models, and encourage further theoretical studies to distinguish these scenarios based on the new observational constraints.
# Conclusion
In this work, using LAMOST\(-\)Gaia combined stars, we clearly corroborate the existences of the ridge structure in the radial velocity distribution in the \(v_{\phi}, R\) plane. More importantly, with the help of three ridges detailed analysis, the evidence of the two kinds of ridge patterns with possibly different dynamical origins are firstly revealed, shown as the ridge angular momentum is relatively variable or not variable in different age populations, the two kinds of ridges are relatively clearer in the \(v_{R}, L_{Z}\) plane implying again different ridges might have different physical scenarios. Moreover, the ridge patterns are also shown some features in \[Fe/H\], \[\(\alpha/Fe\)\], \(v_{z}\) distributions. We further investigate the kinematic analysis of the ridge pattern with different stellar ages, and find that the asymmetry is sensitive to the perturbations for 0\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}14 Gyr. With the help of younger populations of OB stars, we also detect ridge signals in radial velocity distribution. This is the first time stamps work on the ridge and different levels of sensitivity of different stellar populations for the response to the possible dynamical perturbation are unveiled again in this work. These features are non-trivial to be investigated in more details by us, e.g., we will go farther distance beyond 12 kpc to characterize it in more dimensions, which is not the target of the current work. We would like to thank the anonymous referee for his/her very helpful and insightful comments. This work is supported by the National Key Basic R&D Program of China via 2019YFA0405500. H.F.W. is supported by the LAMOST Fellow project, funded by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation via grant 2019M653504 and 2020T130563, Yunnan province postdoctoral Directed culture Foundation, and the Cultivation Project for LAMOST Scientific Payoff and Research Achievement of CAMS-CAS. M.L.C. was supported by grant PGC-2018-102249-B-100 of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. Y.H. acknowledges the National Natural Science Foundation of China U1531244,11833006, 11811530289, U1731108, 11803029, and 11903027 and the Yunnan University grant No.C176220100006 and C176220100007. H.W.Z. is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under grant number 11973001. H.F.W. is fighting for the plan "Mapping the Milky Way Disk Population Structures and Galactoseismology (MWDPSG) with large sky surveys\" in order to establish a theoretical framework in the future to unify the global picture of the disk structures and origins with a possible comprehensive distribution function. We pay our respects to elders, colleagues and others for comments and suggestions, thanks to all of them. The Guo Shou Jing Telescope (the Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope, LAMOST) is a National Major Scientific Project built by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Funding for the project has been provided by the National Development and Reform Commission. LAMOST is operated and managed by National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences. This work has also made use of data from the European Space Agency (ESA) mission *Gaia* (<https://www.cosmos.esa.int/gaia>), processed by the *Gaia* Data Processing and Analysis Consortium (DPAC, <https://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/gaia/dpac/consortium>). Funding for the DPAC has been provided by national institutions, in particular the institutions participating in the *Gaia* Multilateral Agreement. | {'timestamp': '2020-08-28T02:13:38', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14362', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14362'} |
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# Introduction {#sec:intro}
Due to the high plasma \(\beta\) in the photosphere and chromosphere, non-magnetic forces should be taken into account when we study these layers. If we neglect dynamics and plasma flow, then the resulting static state of the system can be described by the so-called magnetohydrostatic (MHS) assumption, which is determined by the balance of Lorentz force, pressure gradient and gravity force, together with the solenoidal condition of the magnetic field. The 3D MHS equations can be linearized by some assumptions. The analytical solutions for the linear MHS (LMHS) model have been developed in many papers. These solutions have been used for a number of specific applications to the Sun and stars. A more challenging problem is to solve the MHS equations in the generic case, which can be done only numerically. A few methods have been developed. The magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) relaxation method was introduced to derive the MHS solution by using an "evolution technique". The Grad-Rubin iteration, which is well known in the calculation of the nonlinear force-free field (NLFFF), was extended by and to solve the MHS equations. and develop the optimization method to treat the MHS equations. We recently extended this method by introducing the gravity force. In addition, our new algorithm ensures that the resulting plasma pressure and density are positive definite. More recently, we further test our code with the radiative MHD simulation of a solar flare. This challenging test (solar flares are intrinsically non-static and even non-stationary) provides a solid foundation for the application of the code to real observations. It is worth noting that, besides the traditional NLFFF models, a new type of NLFFF model has been introduced recently. This alternative approach uses the line-of-sight magnetogram to constrain the potential field. With the help of a forward-fitting method the angle between the magnetic field and coronal or chromospheric loops is minimzed. In this model, the assumption of a force-free photosphere is not used either. This works well in the corona, but may not be the ideal way to describe the non-force-free chromospheric field. In this paper, we apply our code, for the first time, to a vector magnetogram obtained by the IMaX instrument on the [Sunrise]{.smallcaps} balloon-borne solar observatory. Since the field-of-view (FOV) of IMaX is limited to part of the active region, an SDO/HMI vector magnetogram is used to cover the unobserved parts. The organization of the paper is as follows. In Section [2](#sec:method){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:method"}, we describe the dataset used in this paper. In Section [3](#sec:results){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:results"}, we analyze the results and compare them with other models. Conclusions and perspectives are presented in Section [4](#sec:conclusion){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:conclusion"}.
# Magnetohydrostatic Extrapolation and its application to AR11768 {#sec:method}
The MHS extrapolation computes the magnetic field, plasma pressure and density consistently with the help of an optimization principle. The algorithm was described and tested in detail in. The primary dataset used in this work was recorded by the vector magnetograph IMaX onboard the [Sunrise]{.smallcaps} balloon-borne solar observatory during its second flight, refer to as [Sunrise]{.smallcaps} II. The IMaX data have a pixel size of 40 km a FOV that contains \(936\times936\) pixels (\(50''\times 50''\)). This FOV is limited to part of AR11768. The data were inverted by using the SPINOR inversion code that builds on STOPRO routines. A one-component atmospheric model with three optical depth nodes (at log\(\tau\)=-2.5,-0.9, 0) for the temperature and height-independent magnetic field is applied. The affect of the inversion (not the same inversion used here) on the extrapolation result was studied by and found to be minor. The 180\(^\circ\) ambiguity is removed with an acute angle method which minimizes the angle with, in this case, the corresponding HMI vector magnetogram. We note that there is a square pattern in the transverse field of IMaX (Fig.[\[fig:magnetogram\]](#fig:magnetogram){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:magnetogram"}). It originates from disambiguating IMaX with HMI data in which a square patten also exists (seen in the transverse field). Essentially, the square pattern is the IMaX noise that is modulated to match the HMI spatial resolution by disambiguating. Although this noise appears in big mosaics (big compared to the IMaX resolution), the size of every single one is still very small compared to the active region. Therefore the effect they have on the extrapolation is expected to be similar to the effect of the normal noise which has been studied by. In that paper we found, based on the quantitative assessment for the extrapolation, the influence of the random noise (20% level) on the magnetic field to be less than 4%. As pointed out by, it is necessary to have flux-balance within the FOV and to catch the magnetic connectivity in order to find unique solutions. So we have embedded the IMaX data into the SDO/HMI vector magnetogram taken closest in time to the analyzed IMaX magnetogram. Fig. [\[fig:magnetogram\]](#fig:magnetogram){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:magnetogram"} shows both IMaX and combined vector magnetogram. Fig. [\[fig:flowchart\]](#fig:flowchart){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:flowchart"} depicts the flow chart of our code applied to the combined magnetogram. The following steps are plotted. First, compute a NLFFF with a preprocessed magnetogram and a gravity-stratified atmosphere along field lines with a 1D temperature profile (Fig. [\[fig:temperature_1D\]](#fig:temperature_1D){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:temperature_1D"}). The pressure on the bottom boundary is computed using \(p=p_{quiet}-\frac{1}{2}{B_z}^2\), where \(p_{quiet}\) is the pressure in the quiet region. The bottom density is determined by assuming a uniform temperature of \(6000\) Kelvin on the photosphere. Second, carry out a further optimization to achieve an MHS equilibrium with the original magnetogram. Note that although a temperature profile is given at the initial state to relate the gas pressure and density, the initial temperature profile is no longer a restriction on the pressure and density optimization. There are two options to input the bottom magnetic boundary. One is to replace the preprocessed magnetogram with the original magnetogram directly, which is used in this study. The other is to change the magnetic field gradually from the preprocessed value to the original value. The side and top boundaries are fixed to their initial values which are potential fields. The computation is performed in a \(2336\times1824\times128\) box with a 40 km grid spacing both in horizontal and vertical directions. All of the following analyses are restricted to a \(936\times936\times128\) box above the IMaX FOV (unless otherwise stated).
# Analysis of the extrapolation results {#sec:results}
## Solution consistency
Both the magnetogram and the disequilibrium of the initial atmosphere (due to the nonuniform gas pressure and density in the photosphere) drive the evolution of the system to an MHS state. Fig. [\[fig:residual_force\]](#fig:residual_force){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:residual_force"} illustrates the compensation of forces in the initial state and in the final equilibrium. The horizontal component of the forces are shown in panels (a) and (c), while the vertical components are illustrated in panels (b) and (d). In the initial state, we find the residual force is greater than the Lorentz force (see panels (a) and (b)), so that this state is obviously far from an MHS equilibrium. As mentioned before, this promotes further optimization. We see, in the final solution, that the Lorentz force is balanced effectively by the pressure gradient and vertically also by gravity (see panels (c) and (d)). On average, the residual force is 43% of the Lorentz force in the transverse direction while the percentage is only 24% in the vertical direction below 2 Mm. These residual forces are not close to 0. The main contributions come from the photosphere and regions with very high or low \(\beta\). The inadequate boundary condition of plasma as well as the noise in the measured magnetic field prevent the MHS extrapolation from balancing forces well on the photosphere. In a very high plasma region (\(\beta > 10\)) Lorentz force are too weak to act against plasma forces, which could result in a ratio of residual force over Lorentz force that is much larger than 1. In a very low plasma region (\(\beta < 0.1\)) plasma forces are too weak to against Lorentz force, which could result in a ratio that is close to 1. We recompute the ratios excluding the bottom boundary and only in regions where \(0.1 \geq \beta \leq 10\). The numbers are 23% and 7.6% for the transverse and vertical direction, respectively, which means that the major part of the Lorentz force is balanced. Although those two numbers are still not very small, they are acceptable considering that we have embedded two data sets in each other (recorded by different instruments and obtained by different inversion technologies, etc.) when producing the magnetogram that provides the bottom boundary.
## Plasma
Fig. [\[fig:pressure_density_cut\]](#fig:pressure_density_cut){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:pressure_density_cut"} shows plasma distributions from different perspectives. From both top and side views, we see clearly that plasma pressure and density are reduced in strong field regions to keep the force balance. This is consistent with sunspot observations. Similar results were also found both in the LMHS modelings and the previous tests of our MHS code. However, we also find that, at some parts of the active region edges, plasma pressure and density are enhanced. This has never been reported in previous extrapolations. Fig. [\[fig:squeeze\]](#fig:squeeze){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:squeeze"} depicts selected Lorentz force vectors in a FOV that is outlined by the red square in Fig. [\[fig:pressure_density_cut\]](#fig:pressure_density_cut){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:pressure_density_cut"} (c). We see that regions with an enhanced gas pressure which are encircled by blue ellipses are surrounded with a net inward flux of the Lorentz force. As a result, the plasma is squeezed together. It is also worth noting that the fibril-like plasma pattern traces the magnetic field in Fig. [\[fig:pressure_density_cut\]](#fig:pressure_density_cut){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:pressure_density_cut"} (c) and Fig. [\[fig:plasma_compare\]](#fig:plasma_compare){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:plasma_compare"} (a). Such localized concentrations reflect the nonlinear nature of the MHS system, which cannot be observed in the LMHS model (see Fig. [\[fig:plasma_compare\]](#fig:plasma_compare){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:plasma_compare"}). According to the model of plasma \(\beta\) over an active region developed by, the magnetic field dominates plasma above a height of \(1\sim 2\) Mm (see Fig. 3 in ). Fig. [\[fig:LorentzForce\]](#fig:LorentzForce){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:LorentzForce"} (a) shows that the \(\beta_{(z)}\) of the MHS equilibrium is right inside the \(\beta\) range illustrated in. A high plasma \(\beta\) is a necessary, but not a sufficient condition for the magnetic field to be non-force-free. To see whether the magnetic field is non-force-free in the high \(\beta\) region, the current-weighted sine of the angle between the magnetic field and the electrical current density is computed \[\sigma=\left.\displaystyle\sum_i{\frac{|\mathbf J_i\times \mathbf B_i|}{B_i}} \right/ \sum{J_i}. \label{eq:cwsin}\] As shown in Fig. [\[fig:LorentzForce\]](#fig:LorentzForce){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:LorentzForce"} (b), \(\sigma\) decreases fast from 0.7 at the photosphere to less than 0.1 above 2.0 Mm. Since the effective vertical resolution of the solution is roughly the same as the horizontal resolution of the magnetogram, the high resolution IMaX data allow us to study this non-force-free layer in detail. Coarser data (e.g. HMI) with a few grid points to resolve this layer meet with difficulties when focussing on the lower atmopshere. Fig. [\[fig:LorentzForce\]](#fig:LorentzForce){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:LorentzForce"} (c) shows Lorentz force distributions at a height of 0.4 Mm. We see strong Lorentz forces are mainly located at edges of strong-field features, where plasma \(\beta\) drops precipitous. This is a natural result caused by the strong plasma forces at edges. The great plasma differences at edges of magnetic features in the lower atmosphere are routinely observed.
## Relation between plasma pressure, current density and photospheric brightness
Fig. [\[fig:pre_sufi300\]](#fig:pre_sufi300){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:pre_sufi300"} shows the mapping of plasma and current density onto an image acquired by [Sunrise]{.smallcaps}/SuFI. Note that the extrapolation data are cut according to the SuFI FOV of \(15''\times 38''\). Bright points are clearly seen in the inter-granular lanes in panel (c). They are typically regarded as nearly vertical slender flux tubes with kG magnetic fields. The lateral radiative inflow makes the tube hot and bright, making them visible as bright points at wavelengths sensitive to temperature. Fig. [\[fig:pre_sufi300\]](#fig:pre_sufi300){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:pre_sufi300"} (a) (b) show that regions of high plasma pressure and strong electric current density coincide. Most of them are located near the edges of magnetic flux tubes. These flux tubes which appear as photospheric bright points at SuFI 3000 \(\AA\) (see Fig. [\[fig:pre_sufi300\]](#fig:pre_sufi300){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:pre_sufi300"} (c)) are often accompanied by high plasma pressure (below 400 km) and electric current around them. At the edges of flux tubes, the plasma and magnetic field interact, which leads to the high current and co-spatial high plasma pressure. Such a high current density around magnetic bright points is also reminiscent of the electric current sheets expected to bound flux tubes. It is worth noting that many bright points do not have corresponding enhancements in the electric current. This may be related to the local dynamics. It must also be kept in mind that the MHS model does not take into account the radiation.
## Comparisons of magnetic fields and chromospheric fibrils
The SuFI instrument provides diffraction-limited images at 3968 \(\AA\) with contributions from both the photosphere and low-to-mid-chromosphere. The observed slender fibrils at this wavelength are the dominant structures (see Fig. [\[fig:fl_sufi397\]](#fig:fl_sufi397){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:fl_sufi397"} (a)) in the SuFI FOV. It is generally believed that long fibrils in the chromosphere outline magnetic fields in this layer. We plot field lines within the sub-volume spanning the 600-1400 km height range, which implies that low field lines (\(\leq\) 600 km) are ignored. Seed points of the field lines are uniformly selected in the photosphere. Fig. [\[fig:fl_sufi397\]](#fig:fl_sufi397){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:fl_sufi397"} shows that most fibrils trace field lines nicely. The similar field line patterns of different extrapolation models imply that plasma forces have limited impact on the large scale magnetic field of this potential-like active region, at least in the height range from 600-1400 km. In order to quantitatively show the degree of agreement between fibrils and field lines we compute the angle \(\theta\) between fibrils and the plane-of-the-sky component of the magnetic field. The computation is not carried out on every pixel on the image. Instead, to show more clearly the discrepancy among different models, we focus on the regions where large differences between magnetic vectors of the MHS model and the NLFFF model appear (see contours in Fig. [\[fig:fl_sufi397\]](#fig:fl_sufi397){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:fl_sufi397"}). We have tried to identify all fibrils in the regions of interest. For each fibril, one point is picked for the statistics. Then the method introduced by is used to estimate the orientation of the fibril. The key point of the method is to use the gradient and Hessian matrix of the image intensity to determine the orientation. Then \(\theta\) is computed vertically within the 600-1400 km height range. The smallest one is specified as the discrepancy between the fibril and the magnetic vector. For totally 26 points picked (hence 26 fibrils identified), the average of \(\theta\) for the MHS model, NLFFF model and LMHS model are \(11.8^\circ,\ 15.7^\circ\) and \(20.9^\circ\), respectively. There are 18 points (nearly 70%) at which the MHS model's \(\theta\) is less than those of the other two models.
# Conclusion and perspectives {#sec:conclusion}
In this work we apply, for the first time, a nonlinear MHS code to model the solar lower atmosphere starting from a real magnetogram. A combined vector magnetogram to cover the whole active region is used as the boundary input. MHS equilibrium is constructed in which Lorentz forces are effectively balanced by plasma forces. The pressure and density depletion take place in the strong field regions together with enhancements in the active region edges. In the low \(\beta\) layers, the fibril-like plasma structures clearly outline the magnetic field lines. A thin non-force-free layer is resolved within about 50 grid points in the z direction. The high plasma pressure and co-spatial high electric current appear around the bright points prominent in SuFI 3000 \(\AA\) images. Although similar general patterns of the magnetic fields are found in different types of extrapolations (MHS, linear MHS, nonlinear force-free fields), a quantitative comparison implies that the magnetic field vectors of the MHS model are more aligned with the orientation of the chromospheric fibrils observed at SuFI 3968 \(\AA\). As mentioned before, the gas pressure and density are optimized independently. That means the initial isothermal temperature profile can not be kept. An equation of state is needed to close the MHS equations. However, the present version of the code deals with pressure and density separately. Future studies may focus on the extrapolation under more constrains from observations. The MHS extrapolation converges at a much lower speed than the NLFFF extrapolation. In this application with \(2336\times1824\times128\) grid points, the MHS code runs about 55 hours on 2 Intel Xeon Gold 6150 CPU with 18 cores while the NLFFF code only takes 1 hour. Considering the thinness of the non-force-free layer, a future extrapolation could consist of a time-consuming MHS model in the lower atmosphere and a much faster NLFFF model in the higher atmosphere by using the model below as the boundary input. Such a combination is a superior solution to the NLFFF model with preprocessed magnetogram. Last but not least, the MHS equilibrium, as computed by the new model, can serve as the initial conditions for time-dependent data-driven MHD simulations. | {'timestamp': '2020-06-01T02:04:20', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14332', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14332'} |
# Introduction
The Sun is a magnetically active star, filling the interplanetary space with a stream of charged particles called the solar wind. The solar wind properties are far from being homogeneous, with strong variations in temperature, density, or interplanetary magnetic field observed in connection with various phenomena of solar activity. The main drivers of strong disturbances of the solar wind are coronal mass ejections (CMEs), the fast--slow solar wind interaction on the borders of corotating interaction regions, and fast-wind outflows from coronal holes. Solar-wind disturbances may ultimately interact with Earth's magnetosphere, thereby triggering geomagnetic activity. As first proposed by, the dynamic pressure exerted by the solar wind on the magnetosphere can trigger magnetic reconnection, opening dayside dipolar geomagnetic field lines. The solar wind then transports this magnetic field to the nightside, forming a long tail behind the Earth. This transfer of magnetic flux and the resulting reconfiguration of the magnetosphere eventually leads to nightside magnetic reconnection, returning flux to the dayside in various phenomenological response modes that depend on the disturbance level. However, a common characteristic of all such response modes is the formation of a current wedge system. A fraction of the tail current along geomagnetic field lines is then temporarily diverted through the ionosphere, allowing a closure of the current wedge and causing perturbations in the auroral zone and at middle latitudes. Both substorms and geomagnetic storms give rise to a current wedge, plasma sheet inward convection by inductive electric fields, and energetic particle injections. However, the current wedge has generally a more limited temporal extent during substorms than during storms, which frequently last for days. Substorms are one of the key dynamical processes occurring during storms, but isolated substorms also occur outside storms. During storms (mainly caused by strong interactions between CMEs and the magnetosphere), a stronger buildup of the inner ring current (a westward current of ions roughly \(\sim2-4\) Earth radii above the equator) is provided by a deeper inward transport of charged particles from the plasma sheet, leading to a significant and prolonged decrease of the geomagnetic field. All these ionospheric and magnetospheric currents, and the related field-aligned currents, can cause important geomagnetic field variations during periods of rapidly evolving solar wind dynamic pressure. This realization has led to the traditional concept of disturbed days: days of smooth and regular geomagnetic field variations have been called *quiet days*, whereas days of stronger and irregular variations have been called *disturbed days*. Geomagnetically induced currents (GICs) in the ground are due to strong variations \(dH/dt\) of the horizontal component \(H\) of the geomagnetic field over typical time scales of \(\sim 10-1000\) seconds during disturbed days. Substorms generally produce the largest \(dH/dt\) at high and mid-latitudes during periods of fast solar wind and have caused many of the major GIC impacts during large storms--e.g., the Quebec voltage collapse on 13 March 1989 was triggered by a first substorm, while two later substorms tripped out transformers in the UK. \(dH/dt\) was found to be twice smaller in general during non-storm substorms than during storm-related substorms, possibly due to an additional input from ring current variations during storms. Other important sources of \(dH/dt\) during geomagnetic storms include sudden commencements (the shock compression of the magnetosphere when a fast CME impacts the magnetosphere at the start of a storm, leading to an increase of Chapman-Ferraro currents at the dayside magnetopause; e.g., see @Kikuchi2001) and rapid variations of the ring current, through its role in the generation of Region 2 field-aligned currents. Sudden commencements have a large \(dH/dt\) because of their shock-like nature, while rapid increases of ring current energy density following large scale injection or inward convection of energetic charged particles coming from the plasma sheet can also produce large \(dH/dt\). GICs propagate through conducting regions in the ground and water, but also in the grounded conductors. The presence of GICs in the electric power grid can cause various kinds of damage. GICs are quasi-DC currents that can lead to half-cycle saturation and drive a transformer response into a non-linear regime. This poses a risk for transformers by producing high pulses of magnetizing current, a local heating (also vibration) within the transformer, and the generation of AC harmonics that propagate out into the power network, where they can disrupt the operations of various devices. In particular, the propagation of harmonics in the power grid during half-cycle saturation can distort the electrical current waveform, eventually triggering a detrimental reaction of protective relays connecting power lines, or leading to a disruption of other devices attached to these lines. GICs identified by fast variations of the geomagnetic field have been linked with various power grid failures, eventually leading to power grid disruptions. Although high latitude regions are more at risk from GICs, middle and low latitude regions may also be impacted by significant GICs. A first study of anomalies in the Czech power grid as a function of geomagnetic activity (defined by the \(K\) index computed from the measurements of the Earth's magnetic field at a local magnetometer station near Budkov--e.g., see @Mayaud1980 [@McPherron&Chu17:ssr]) has already identified some statistically significant increases of the rate of anomalies around month-long periods of higher geomagnetic activity than nearby periods of lower activity. Nevertheless, the relationship between geomagnetic events and anomalies still remained somewhat loose. Accordingly, the main goal of the present paper is to better ascertain the existence of a tight relationship between power grid anomalies and geomagnetic storms, on the basis of the same data set. We shall discuss the physical mechanisms by which GICs may cause anomalies in power lines and transformers, and show that our statistical results are suggestive of a causal relationship based on those mechanisms. We shall also address the important and unanswered question of the time delay between moderate to large geomagnetic storms with minimum \(Dst<-40\) nT and the actual occurrences of anomalies. For that purpose, we shall use Superposed Epoch Analysis to investigate the relative occurrence of GIC effects in the Czech power grid during disturbed days as compared with quiet days. Such disturbed days will be categorized using different time-integrated parameters of geomagnetic activity, related to the magnitude of temporal variations of the horizontal component of the geomagnetic field, which can induce detrimental currents in power lines.
# Data sets
In this study, we searched for a causal relation between two types of time series. The first series describing the daily anomaly rates in the Czech electric power-distribution grid, and the second serving as a proxy of disturbed days for the estimation of geomagnetically induced currents.
## Logs of Anomalies
The Czech Republic is a mid-latitude country (around \(\sim 50^\circ\) geographic latitude and \(\sim 45^\circ\) corrected geomagnetic latitude), where the effects of solar/geomagnetic activity on ground-based infrastructures is expected to be moderate at most. The modelled amplitudes of GICs during the Halloween storms in late October 2003 reached 1-minute peaks of about 60 A[^1]. The country has a shape prolonged in the east--west direction (about 500 km length), whereas in the south--north direction it is about 280 km long from border to border. The spine of the electric power network is operated by the national operator ČEPS, a.s., which maintains the very-high-voltage (400 kV and 220 kV) transmission network, and connects the Czech Republic with neighbouring countries. ČEPS also maintains the key transformers and electrical substations in the transmission network. The area of the state is then split into three regions, where the electricity distribution is under the responsibility of the distribution operators. The southern part is maintained by E.ON Distribuce, a.s., the northern part by ČEZ Distribuce, a.s., and the capital city of Prague is maintained by PREdistribuce, a.s. All three distributors maintain not only very-high-voltage (110 kV) and high-voltage (22 kV) power lines, but also connect the consumers via the low-voltage (400 V) electric power transmission network. All four above-mentioned power companies have agreed to provide us their maintenance logs. The datasets used in this study are exactly the same datasets already used in the study by. Thus, we refer the reader to section 3.2 of this previous paper for a more detailed description of the datasets. By mutual non-disclosure agreement with the data providers, the datasets were anonymised (by removing the information about the power-company name, and also by changing the calendar date to a day number) and must be presented as such. The total time span is 12 years, but the span of individual maintenance logs provided by the operators is shorter, varying between 6 to 10 years. We only briefly recall that the obtained logs were cleaned from events that were obviously not related to variations of geomagnetic activity. From these logs, we keep only the dates when the events occurred and did not consider any other details. These inhomogeneous datasets (the log entries were provided by different individuals with varying levels of details and quality of the event description) were split into twelve subsets D1--D12, which were investigated separately. Each sub-dataset was selected so that it contained only events occurring on devices of a similar type and/or with the same voltage level and were recorded by the same operating company. The dataset descriptions are briefly summarised in Table [1](#tab:datasets){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:datasets"}.
## Geomagnetic Indices and Parameters used for GIC Estimation
Various parameters have been considered to estimate the effects of geomagnetic activity on power grids. GICs are due to strong variations \(dH/dt\) over typical time scales of \(\sim 10-1000\) seconds. There are two sources of such large \(dH/dt\) at low and middle latitudes: (i) sudden impulses (SI), also called sudden commencements (SC) when they are followed by a storm caused by the shock preceding a fast CME, and (ii) the growth and decay of the ring current during a magnetic storm. Substorm-related disturbances are mostly limited to high and middle latitudes, whereas disturbances caused by ring current changes generally affect mainly middle and low latitudes. Statistically, periods of stronger cumulative effects of GICs in a power grid are therefore expected to correspond to *disturbed days* of elevated geomagnetic activity. In the present study, we shall use various cumulative (time-integrated) parameters based on different magnetic indices to categorize such disturbed days, and we shall investigate the relative occurrence of GIC effects during such disturbed days as compared with quiet days. An appropriate quantity to estimate GICs at low latitudes is \(d(\textit{SYM-H})/dt\), which directly provides a (longitudinally averaged) measure of the 1-minute \(dH/dt\) due to ring current variations that drive GICs there. Indeed, the \(\textit{SYM-H}\) index is essentially similar to the hourly \(Dst\) storm time index, but measured on 1-minute time scales--that is, it provides the disturbance \(\Delta H = H-H_{\rm quiet}\) of the horizontal component of the magnetic field as compared to its quiet-time level, longitudinally averaged based on ground magnetometer measurements at different low latitude magnetometer stations. Several studies have demonstrated the existence of significant correlations between GICs or electric grid failures and times of large \(d(\textit{SYM-H})/dt\) at low to middle latitudes during geomagnetic storms, although \(d(\textit{SYM-H})/dt\) is often inappropriate during strong substorms. have further shown that the actual \(dH/dt\) at middle latitudes due to SI/SCs can be a factor \(\sim 2-3\) larger on the dayside than \(d(\textit{SYM-H})/dt\), potentially allowing GIC effects even during geomagnetic events with relatively small \(d(\textit{SYM-H})/dt\). We checked that \(dH/dt\) at the Czech magnetometer station of Budkov can also be sometimes \(>2-3\) times larger than \(d(\textit{SYM-H})/dt\) during SI/SCs. have noticed the presence of a European region of low underground conductivity stretching from France through Czech Republic to Hungary that could favor significant GICs at middle latitudes. have shown the presence of GICs during a few selected storms in Poland, while have found that non-negligible GICs could exist even down to northern Italy. have further emphasized that cumulative GICs in a nuclear plant transformer during a long-duration geomagnetic event could sometimes be more harmful than short events, due to the longer cumulated time of transformer heating. Accordingly, we consider here the \(Int(d(\textit{SYM-H})/dt)\) parameter to categorize disturbed days of expected significant GIC impacts on power grids. \(Int(d(\textit{SYM-H})/dt)\) is calculated over each day, as the sum of all 1-minute \(\vert d(\textit{SYM-H})/dt\vert\) values (in nT/min) obtained during times when \(\textit{SYM-H}\) remains smaller than some threshold. The selected threshold (varying from \(-50\) nT to \(-25\) nT) should ensure that only geomagnetic storm periods are considered. This \(Int(d(\textit{SYM-H})/dt)\) parameter allows, in principle, to take into account the immediate effects on power grids caused by large individual \(\vert dH/dt\vert\) due to ring current variations, as well as the more delayed, cumulative effects potentially caused by prolonged periods of moderate to significant \(\vert dH/dt\vert\) levels --although large individual \(\vert dH/dt\vert\) during strong substorms will need other indices such as \(AE\) or \(ap\) to take them into account (see below). Other works have suggested that the mean or cumulative \(Dst\) during storm main phase should be good indicators of long duration GICs, because larger and steeper decreases of \(Dst\) correspond to stronger disturbances that should generally lead to larger \(dH/dt\) at the relevant shorter time scales of \(\sim 10-1000\) seconds. Using observations in South Africa (at middle corrected geomagnetic latitudes \(\sim 36^\circ-42^\circ\) not much lower than in the Czech Republic), have demonstrated the existence of a linear relationship between the sum of induced electric fields recorded in the ground during geomagnetic storms and the integral of \(\textit{SYM-H}\) (or \(Dst\)) values, suggesting that the cumulative \(\textit{SYM-H}\) or \(Dst\) could be used as good proxies for cumulated induced electric fields at middle corrected geomagnetic latitudes (although ring current effects are likely more important for GICs in South Africa than in the Czech Republic, where a more balanced mixture of ring current and substorm effects is present). They also noted that some effects might be present as long as \(\textit{SYM-H}\) remained below \(-20\) nT. Therefore, we also consider the \(IntDst\) parameter to categorize disturbed days of expected significant GICs in the Czech Republic. \(IntDst\) (in nT\(\cdot\)hr) is calculated as a sum of hourly \(\vert Dst\vert\) values. This summation starts when \(Dst\) first becomes smaller than a threshold (taken between \(-50\) nT and \(-25\) nT as before) chosen to ensure that only storm periods are considered, and this summation ends when \(Dst\) reaches its minimum value over the next 24 hours. Each \(IntDst\) value is then assigned to the starting day of a given summation, with all integration periods strictly separated by construction. As a result, \(IntDst\) is generally measured during storm main phase, where the effects on GICs are likely stronger, to provide a complementary metric to the \(Int(d(\textit{SYM-H})/dt)\) metric calculated over each whole day without any consideration of storm phase. While ring current variations during storms can be quantified by \(Dst\) and \(\textit{SYM-H}\) indices, the magnetic indices that provide a measure of magnetospheric and ionospheric current variations observed during strong substorms are \(AE\), \(AL\), \(Kp\), or \(ap\). The \(ap\) index (as its logarithmic equivalent \(Kp\)) provides a global measure of the range of magnetic field variations at middle latitudes over 3-hour time scales, obtained by averaging measurements from different mid-latitude magnetometer stations spread in longitude. In contrast, the range indices \(AE\) and \(AL\) are measured at higher magnetic latitudes \(>60^\circ\) inside the auroral region, and \(AE\) saturates at high geomagnetic activity \(am>150\) (with \(am\) a mid-latitude index similar to \(ap\)) because the auroral oval then expands equatorward of the magnetometer stations measuring it. Therefore, \(ap\) is probably more appropriate than \(AE\) for quantifying the strength of time-integrated geomagnetic disturbances at middle (sub-auroral) geomagnetic latitudes than \(AE\). Although \(ap\) cannot provide an accurate ranking or quantification of the maximum \(dH/dt\) values reached during the most disturbed events due to its intrinsic saturation at \(Kp=9\) and its coarse 3-hour time resolution, it may still provide rough estimates during less extreme events with \(Kp\sim3-7\). Therefore, it is worth examining whether some time-integrated measure of \(ap\) could still be used to simply categorize disturbed/quiet days of expected stronger occurrence/absence of GIC effects at middle latitudes, during a large series of medium (most frequent) to strong (more rare) time-integrated \(ap\) events spread over 6 to 10 years. Accordingly, we shall consider in section [4.3](#sect:intAP){reference-type="ref" reference="sect:intAP"} a third parameter of geomagnetic activity, \(IntAp\), corresponding to the daily maximum level of the integral of 3-hourly \(ap\) values over a continuously active period of \(ap\geq 15\) nT. This should allow to categorize disturbed days that include contributions to GICs from both (storm-time) ring current variations and strong substorms, usefully complementing the \(Int(d(\textit{SYM-H})/dt)\) and \(IntDst\) parameters. Indeed, \(IntAp\) provides a rough estimate of the effects at middle latitudes of significant time-integrated \(dH/dt\) disturbances due to substorms, which often do not reach the low latitudes where \(\textit{SYM-H}\) and \(Dst\) are measured. In addition, we shall consider a fourth parameter, called \(IntAE\), which is based on the high-latitude \(AE\) auroral electrojet index. \(IntAE\) is the daily maximum level of the integral of \(AE\) calculated over the same period of continuously high \(ap\geq15\) nT as \(IntAp\) (generally corresponding to \(AE>200\) nT), to ensure that the corresponding substorm-related magnetic disturbances effectively reach middle latitudes. \(IntAE\) provides a measure of cumulative substorm-related disturbances, corresponding to continuous periods of auroral current variations roughly similar to High-Intensity Long-Duration Continuous \(AE\) Activity (HILDCAA) events. These four cumulative metrics of disturbed days are displayed in Figure [\[fig:2011-02-13\]](#fig:2011-02-13){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:2011-02-13"} together with 1-min \(\textit{SYM-H}\) and \(AE\), hourly \(Dst\), and 3-hourly \(ap\), during a moderate geomagnetic storm on 14-15 February 2011 that reached a minimum \(\textit{SYM-H}=-49\) nT and a minimum \(Dst=-40\) nT on 14 February, with strong substorms (identified by peaks in \(AE\) and \(ap\)) during storm sudden commencement and main phase, and with a very weak secondary minimum of \(Dst\) reaching \(-30\) nT on 15 February at 17 UT during a burst of \(AE\) activity.
# Methods
In the present follow-up study to the work by, we search for a tighter relationship between power grid anomalies and geomagnetic storms, based on the same datasets of anomalies in the Czech power grid. We also address the important and as yet unanswered question of the time delay between geomagnetic events and the occurrences of anomalies. Our working hypothesis is that *disturbed days* of high geomagnetic activity should cause an increase in daily rates of anomalies in the power distribution network as compared with *quiet days*. Accordingly, the daily anomaly rates should sharply peak within a few days (with some delay) after such disturbed days, and then decrease back to normal levels. This corresponds to a rapid response to GICs induced by substorms and storms, as observed for a few selected events--e.g., see. Unfortunately, in a mid-latitude country such as the Czech Republic, the effects of geomagnetic activity are expected to be weak. Consequently, an investigation of individual, moderate geomagnetic events is not expected to reveal a significant increase of anomalies, because such anomalies induced by geomagnetic activity (via GICs) will generally remain hidden among many other anomalies caused by various other effects. It is therefore imperative in our statistical analysis to find a way to reduce the importance of anomalies caused by other effects. Note that our data series cover 6 to 10 years, each subset providing records of anomaly rates occurring during many separated disturbed days of high geomagnetic activity. Therefore, a feasible approach is to average over all these different events. The corresponding methodology is the *Superposed Epoch Analysis*, widely used in astrophysics. A Superposed Epoch Analysis is a statistical technique used to reveal either periodicities within a time sequence, or to find a correlation between two time series. In the later case, the method proceeds in several steps.
1. In the reference time series, occurrences of the repeated events are defined as key times (or epochs).
2. Subsets are extracted from the second time series within some range around each key time.
3. Subsets from each time series are superposed, synchronized at the same key time (Day 0), and averaged, allowing inter-comparisons.
This methodology is known to efficiently enhance the "signal" (related variations in both series) with respect to "noise" (unrelated variations in both series), because the noise adds up incoherently, whereas the signal is reinforced by the superposition. Thus, we performed the SEA of geomagnetic activity defined by \(Int(d(\textit{SYM-H})/dt)\) or \(IntDst\) parameters. A range of event thresholds \(\textit{SYM-H}\) (or \(Dst\)) \(<-25\) nT to \(-50\) nT was considered, to keep only periods corresponding to weak to large geomagnetic storms and to allow for the determination of the best thresholds on event strength. Other days were assigned a zero level of \(Int(d(\textit{SYM-H})/dt)\) or \(IntDst\). An important further requirement was that the 5-day period immediately preceding the start of a geomagnetic storm (Day 0 in the SEA) contained a zero level of the considered geomagnetic activity parameter (that is, all such quiet days must have \(IntDst=0\) or \(Int(d(\textit{SYM-H})/dt)=0\)). This rather strict constraint should allow to better quantify the effect of geomagnetic storms on the power grid during *disturbed days* as compared with *quiet days*, at the expense of a slight reduction of the number of considered events. In a second step, we analyzed in more details these SEAs to determine as accurately as possible the time delay (after the start of a storm) that corresponds to the statistically most significant increase of anomalies, for each type of power grid equipment.
# Results of Superposed Epoch Analysis
A Superposed Epoch Analysis was performed based on \(IntDst\) and \(Int(d(\textit{SYM-H})/dt)\) parameters, considering successively thresholds \(Dst<-25\) nT, \(-30\) nT, \(-40\) nT, and \(-50\) nT, or \(\textit{SYM-H}<-25\) nT, \(-30\) nT, \(-40\) nT, and \(-50\) nT, to explore the dependence of power grid anomalies on the minimum strength of geomagnetic storms. The number of epochs considered in the SEAs of each reference series are given in Table [2](#tab:epochs){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:epochs"}.
[\[tab:epochs\]]{#tab:epochs label="tab:epochs"}
The SEAs obtained for \(IntDst\) and \(Int(d(\textit{SYM-H})/dt)\) both show a clear peak of geomagnetic activity at Day 0 and a sharp decrease on Day 1 for \(IntDst\) or on Day 2 for \(Int(d(\textit{SYM-H})/dt)\). The later decrease for \(Int(d(\textit{SYM-H})/dt)\) is due to the presence of significant \(d(\textit{SYM-H})/dt\) variations during the recovery phase of many storms stretching over at least 2 consecutive days, whereas \(IntDst\) is generally calculated only during storm main phase. Fig. [\[fig:SEA4\]](#fig:SEA4){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:SEA4"} shows the SEAs obtained for the D12 series (power lines). Similar trends are found for other datasets concerning power lines. All the figures corresponding to the different series D1 to D12 are available in the online supplement as Figs. [\[fig:D1seas\]](#fig:D1seas){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:D1seas"}-[\[fig:D12seas\]](#fig:D12seas){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:D12seas"}.
## Storm Effects: 5-day Periods After/Before Day 0 {#sect:5daysafterbefore}
Next, we compared the period of 5 *disturbed days* immediately following Day 0 (the day of peak storm activity) with the 5-day period immediately preceding Day 0--a preceding period of *quiet days* especially selected to have zero \(IntDst\) or \(Int(d(\textit{SYM-H})/dt)\) levels. This allows to directly check the impact of *disturbed days* of geomagnetic storms on power grid anomalies, as compared with *quiet days*. For the two time intervals, we summed the total number of registered anomalies in the superposed series for each data subset and computed the statistical significance of the differences using the standard binomial statistical test. We tested the null hypothesis that the number of anomalies recorded over quiet days is not different from the number of anomalies recorded over disturbed days, that is, the null hypothesis that the probability of recording anomalies is the same during quiet and disturbed days. Should the resulting \(p\)-value be smaller than the selected statistical threshold (usually 0.05 for single-bin tests), we reject the null hypothesis, thereby saying that the recorded differences are indeed statistically significant.
[\[tab:pvalues\]]{#tab:pvalues label="tab:pvalues"}
The results, summarized in Table [4](#tab:pvalues){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:pvalues"}, reveal a clear increase of anomalies during the period of 5 *disturbed days* following Day 0 as compared with the period of 5 *quiet days* preceding Day 0, for the two series D11 and D12 corresponding to power lines. The number of anomalies increases by 5% for D12 and by 30% for D11, with corresponding \(p\)-values always statistically significant (\(<0.05\)), for thresholds \(<-30\) nT or \(<-40\) nT--except for \(Int(d(\textit{SYM-H})/dt)\) and D11 for a threshold \(<-30\) nT. Lower or higher thresholds usually lead to less statistically significant increases of anomalies, although not always--e.g. for D11 and \(IntDst\), the \(<-25\) nT threshold gives a higher statistical significance. This means that moderate events with minimum \(Dst\) or \(\textit{SYM-H}\) near \(-40\) nT have often a statistically detectable impact on anomaly rates, whereas weaker events do not. The same thresholds also lead to the highest peaks of anomalies after Day 0 in many other series. Finally, for D11 and D12, the \(<-40\) nT thresholds lead to the smallest \(p\)-values (\(<0.01\)) for both \(IntDst\) and \(Int(d(\textit{SYM-H})/dt)\), as well as to the smallest \(p\)-values \(<0.1-0.2\) for D8 and D10 when considering \(IntDst\), and to the smallest or second smallest \(p\)-values \(<0.2-0.36\) for D2 and D9 when considering \(Int(d(\textit{SYM-H})/dt)\). Therefore, the thresholds \(\textit{SYM-H}<-40\) nT and \(Dst<-40\) nT are probably the most appropriate to detect statistically significant increases of anomalies related to geomagnetic storms. The weaker significance of results for higher thresholds \(<-25\) nT agrees with previous observations from that weaker events have little effects on induced electric fields. However, moderate \(Dst\) or \(\textit{SYM-H}\) geomagnetic disturbances in the range \(-40\) nT to \(-50\) nT are found to still have some impact on power lines. The weaker significance of results for lower thresholds \(<-50\) nT is likely due to a combination of two different effects: (i) storms start slightly later when using a threshold \(<-50\) nT than for higher thresholds \(<-40\) nT or \(<-30\) nT, meaning that the 5-day period preceding Day 0 can actually contain significant \(dH/dt\) geomagnetic activity leading to some anomalies, and (ii) the \(<-50\) nT threshold corresponds to a 30% to 40% smaller number of events than the \(<-30\) nT threshold, decreasing the sensibility of the SEA to a potential slight increase of anomalies due to storms. A detailed inspection of the SEAs of D12 lends further credence to the impact of geomagnetic storms on power lines. Indeed, for both \(IntDst\) and \(Int(d(\textit{SYM-H})/dt)\), the peaks of anomalies in the few days following Day 0 reach the highest daily levels of anomalies of the whole 21-day SEAs for \(<-30\) nT to \(<-50\) nT thresholds, the main increases of anomalies occurring from Day \(+0\) to Day \(+3\). For D11 and thresholds \(<-30\) nT to \(<-40\) nT, the 4-day period following Day 0 has also the highest number of anomalies of the whole 21-day SEA, while the 5-day interval preceding Day 0 has the lowest average number of anomalies of the whole SEA.
## Storm Effects: 3-day Periods Before/After Day 0 with Time Lags {#sect:3days}
Next, we examined in more details the SEAs performed based on \(IntDst\) and \(Int(d(\textit{SYM-H})/dt)\) parameters for thresholds \(Dst<-40\) nT and \(\textit{SYM-H}<-40\) nT. We considered two shorter 3-day periods, located before and after Day 0. We varied the time lag between them and calculated (as before for 5-day periods) the statistical significance of the difference in anomaly rates between these two periods. Considering shorter 3-day periods should help to determine more precisely the (statistically most significant) time delay between the start of a geomagnetic storm and the related increase of the number of anomalies. Fig. [\[fig:pvalues12\]](#fig:pvalues12){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:pvalues12"} for D12, Fig. [\[fig:pvalues8\]](#fig:pvalues8){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:pvalues8"} for D8, and Figs. [\[fig:D1ps\]](#fig:D1ps){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:D1ps"}--[\[fig:D12ps\]](#fig:D12ps){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:D12ps"} in the online supplement for all other datasets, show two-dimensional maps of the increases (or decreases) of the number of anomalies as a function of the middle day of the first and second 3-day periods, together with maps of the corresponding \(p\)-values computed only for increases. Let us examine these maps of \(p\)-values. For consistency with the procedure of estimation of the statistical significance adopted in Section [4.1](#sect:5daysafterbefore){reference-type="ref" reference="sect:5daysafterbefore"}, we need to compare the number of anomalies over the same 5-day periods after and before Day 0. Accordingly, we must only consider the bins (representing 3-day periods) comprised between Days \(-4\) and \(-2\) (actually covering Days \(-5\) to \(-1\)) for the period before Day 0, and the bins comprised between Days \(+2\) and \(+4\) (actually covering Days \(+1\) to \(+5\)) for the period following Day 0. There are \(3\times 3 = 9\) such bins. Finding only one bin with a \(p\)-value \(\sim 0.05\) (corresponding to a 5% probability to obtain an increase of anomalies by chance) among 9 bins is not anymore as statistically significant as before. Therefore, an individual bin (representing 3-day periods) is hereafter required to have a smaller \(p\)-value \(\leq 0.05/9= 0.0055\) to be considered statistically significant. In the case of the D12 dataset (power lines), there are six bins with \(p\)-values \(< 0.0055\) for both \(IntDst\) and \(Int(d(\textit{SYM-H})/dt)\) in the considered square of \(3\times 3\) bins centered on \((-3,+3)\) in Fig. [\[fig:pvalues12\]](#fig:pvalues12){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:pvalues12"}, corresponding to a statistically significant increase of anomalies. A significant increase of anomalies is already observed over final 3-day periods centered on Day \(+1\), as compared with initial 3-day periods centered on Days \(-3\) and \(-2\), indicating an immediate effect of geomagnetic storms on power lines. In the case of D8 (transformers), however, the three bins corresponding to increases of anomalies with the smallest \(p\)-values are found in Fig. [\[fig:pvalues8\]](#fig:pvalues8){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:pvalues8"} for final 3-day periods centered on Days \(+3\) to \(+4\), as compared with initial 3-day periods centered on Days \(-1\) to \(0\). Therefore, there is a clear time delay of \(\sim 2-3\) days between a variation of \(IntDst\) or \(Int(d(\textit{SYM-H})/dt)\) and the corresponding variation of the number of anomalies in the D8 dataset. In such a situation, it is more appropriate to consider for D8 the square of \(3\times 3 =9\) bins centered on \((-1,+3)\) in Fig. [\[fig:pvalues12\]](#fig:pvalues12){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:pvalues12"}. Inside this domain, one bin has a \(p\)-value \(=0.0045 < 0.0055\) for \(IntDst\) in Fig. [\[fig:pvalues8\]](#fig:pvalues8){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:pvalues8"}, indicating a statistically significant *delayed* increase of anomalies for D8. Overall, the results displayed in Figs. [\[fig:pvalues12\]](#fig:pvalues12){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:pvalues12"}-[\[fig:pvalues8\]](#fig:pvalues8){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:pvalues8"} and in Figs. [\[fig:D1ps\]](#fig:D1ps){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:D1ps"}--[\[fig:D12ps\]](#fig:D12ps){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:D12ps"} therefore confirm the preceding results obtained for 5-day periods, but they further allow to determine the optimal time delays before a statistically significant increase of anomalies in different power grid equipment. Most strikingly, a statistically highly significant increase of anomalies is found for D11--D12 (power lines) for both \(IntDst\) and \(Int(d(\textit{SYM-H})/dt)\) only \(\sim 0-1\) day after Day 0, and as compared with all the preceding 3-day periods without storm activity (i.e., with \(IntDst=0\) or \(Int(d(\textit{SYM-H})/dt)=0\)). Some less significant increases are also found for D4 (power lines as D11--D12) for \(IntDst\). Such results imply an immediate effect of geomagnetic storms on power lines, already on Days 0 to \(+1\). This looks quite realistic, because any effect of GICs on power lines (due to harmonics-related current waveform distortion leading to a detrimental reaction of protective relays or other devices connected to these lines) is likely to occur almost immediately. Furthermore, Fig. [\[fig:pvalues8\]](#fig:pvalues8){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:pvalues8"} reveals the presence of a statistically significant *delayed* increase of anomalies for D8 (high voltage transformers) following geomagnetic storms when considering \(IntDst\) (an increase is also present for \(Int(d(\textit{SYM-H})/dt)\) but somewhat less significant), with a delay of \(\sim 3\) days after Day 0. This strongly suggests the presence of some delayed effects of storm-time geomagnetic activity on transformers (note also that the lowest rates of anomalies are observed here on Days \(-2\) to \(0\), similarly corresponding to a delayed effect of the previous days of zero storm activity). Transformers may indeed be affected by GICs but still continue to operate for a while--typically for a few days--before actual problems ultimately show up and are registered in logs.
## Ring and Auroral Currents Effects: \(IntAp\) parameter {#sect:intAP}
Since both ring current variations during storms and other (mainly auroral) current variations during strong substorms may produce significant GICs, we further performed similar SEAs for the \(IntAp\) parameter, which (despite its own limitations, see section 2.2 and ) is expected to roughly take into account the effects of both kinds of disturbances--whereas \(IntDst\) and \(Int(d(\textit{SYM-H})/dt)\) only correspond to storm periods. However, due to the relatively low threshold \(ap\geq 15\) (equivalent to \(Kp\geq 3\)) of integration used to calculate daily \(IntAp\) levels, this new data series contained many more events (notably, many isolated substorms, sometimes outside of storms) than the previous \(IntDst\) (storm) data set. As a result, requiring as before a 5-day period prior to events with \(IntAp=0\) led to only a weak \(IntAp\) maximum on Day 0, with a preceding \(IntAp\) peak on Days \(-10\) to \(-5\) of comparable magnitude. Therefore, we changed our selection procedure, to consider only events with a peak \(IntAp>1000\) nT\(\cdot\)hr and such that no similar event was present in the preceding 5 days. The resulting SEAs displayed in Fig. [\[fig:INTAP\]](#fig:INTAP){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:INTAP"} show that this new selection procedure produces a large peak \(IntAp\sim 1400\) nT\(\cdot\)hr on Day 0 in the SEAs, with much lower levels on all 10 previous days, especially between Days \(-6\) to \(-2\). The daily number of anomalies is found to increase by a statistically very significant amount during the 5-day period following Day 0 as compared to the 5-day period preceding Day 0, for series D11 and D12 in Fig. [\[fig:INTAP\]](#fig:INTAP){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:INTAP"}, with corresponding \(p\)-values 0.03 and 0.007, respectively. There is a remarkable simultaneity between the peak of \(IntAp\) and the peak of anomalies in the two SEAs with at most one day of delay. Moreover, such peaks of daily anomalies on Days 0 or \(+1\) are consistently larger than all other daily values in the full 21-days SEAs. Such results therefore demonstrate the likely presence of nearly immediate effects of both storm-related and substorm-related geomagnetic disturbances on GICs and power lines (D11--D12) in the Czech power network. This is certainly due to the major impact of strong substorms on GICs, both during and outside geomagnetic storms. There are also detectable increases of daily anomalies between 5-day periods before/after Day 0 for D8 (transformers, with a delay of \(\sim 2\) days) and for D4 (power lines, immediate), but they are not statistically significant, with \(p\)-values \(\simeq 0.25\) (see SEAs for all D1 to D12 series provided in Figs. [\[fig:D1intAP\]](#fig:D1intAP){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:D1intAP"}--[\[fig:D12intAP\]](#fig:D12intAP){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:D12intAP"} in the online supplement). Besides, there is a statistically significant increase of anomalies for D10 (high and very high voltage electrical substations) with a \(p\)-value of 0.006, with a first peak of anomalies at Day \(+1\) but a much delayed higher peak on Days \(+4\) and \(+5\). While power lines react immediately to GICs, high and very high voltage electrical substations, which comprise busbars, capacitors, or transformers, may indeed be affected but still continue to operate without registered problems until the cumulative damage reaches a sufficient level. A time lag of 3--5 days does not seem wholly unrealistic in this respect. It is worth noting that our previous analysis based on \(IntDst\) did not show a statistically significant impact of storms for D10 (although the smallest \(p\)-value reached 0.08 in Table [4](#tab:pvalues){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:pvalues"}), contrary to the present analysis based on \(IntAp\). This suggests that prolonged 2-3 day periods of repeated non-storm-time substorms or solar wind sudden impulses (SIs), taken into account by \(IntAp\) but not by \(IntDst\), could have a noticeable effect on some electrical substations.
## Auroral Current Effects: \(IntAE\) parameter
Next, we performed similar SEAs for the \(IntAE\) parameter that provides a measure of cumulated high-latitude auroral current variations. An increased hourly auroral electrojet index \(AE>150-250\) nT is one of the dominant manifestations of substorms, and many substorm studies rely on \(AE\) to estimate the intensity of substorms, although \(AE\) is not a specific measure of substorms. We compared the period of 5 *disturbed days* (with daily \(IntAE>150\) nT\(\cdot\)hr) immediately following Day 0 (the day of peak \(IntAE\)) with the 5-day period immediately preceding Day 0--a preceding period of *nearly quiet days* (with daily \(IntAE<30\) nT\(\cdot\)hr) especially selected to have such nearly zero \(IntAE\) levels. This way, we can check the impact of *disturbed days* of strong \(AE\) activity (often corresponding to substorms, occurring both during and outside storms) on power grid anomalies, as compared with *quiet days*. We also tried as before to consider shorter 3-day periods to help determine the best time lags between increases of anomalies and Day 0. All the corresponding plots are given in Figs. [\[fig:D1intAE\]](#fig:D1intAE){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:D1intAE"}--[\[fig:D12intAE\]](#fig:D12intAE){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:D12intAE"} in the Online attachment. In general, these results mostly agree with the \(IntAp\) results. However, they are somewhat less statistically significant than the results obtained with all the preceding metrics, except for the D11-D12 (power lines) series. For D11, we find a statistically significant 15% increase in the total number of anomalies after/before Day 0, with a \(p\)-value of 0.034 (see Fig. [\[fig:IntAE\]](#fig:IntAE){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:IntAE"}), while for D12 (power lines) the increase of anomalies is only 2.6%, with a barely significant \(p=0.055\). An important point is that these results based on \(IntAE\) confirm the impact on power lines of auroral electrojet disturbances, often related to substorms. Nevertheless, these results also suggest that the \(IntDst\), \(IntAp\), or \(Int(d(\textit{SYM-H})/dt)\) metrics may be slightly more appropriate than \(IntAE\) for categorizing disturbed days leading to GIC effects at middle latitudes in the Czech power grid. This could stem from the higher latitudes of stations measuring \(AE\) than for the mid-latitude \(ap\) index: \(IntAE\) may either take into account weak substorms that actually do not strongly affect middle latitudes, or it may under-estimate mid-latitude disturbances produced by large substorms. Alternatively, there could be some significant impacts of ring current variations on GICs at mid-latitudes, not taken into account in \(IntAE\).
# Discussion
In the SEAs, roughly \(\approx 5-10\)% increases of the number of anomalies were often observed during the 5 most disturbed days as compared with the preceding 5 consecutive quiet days. However, it is important to note that such increases of anomalies were present during only the 5 most disturbed days among the 21-day total duration of each SEA. It is also unclear if there was any statistically significant increase of anomalies caused by the much weaker geomagnetic activity present during other days that did not fulfill the criteria for our SEA analysis. It is thus difficult to obtain a credible estimate of the total fraction of anomalies that could be directly related to geomagnetic effects. In our previous study, the corresponding total number of anomalies attributable to variations of geomagnetic activity was also estimated as 1--4%. Such values are consistent with results from a previous study of the impact of solar activity on the US electric power transmission network in 1992--2010, which showed that \(\sim\) 4% of the corresponding anomalies were likely attributable to strong geomagnetic activity and GICs. We also considered different parameter series, namely cumulative \(IntDst\), \(IntAp\), and \(IntAE\) parameters integrated over the preceding 5 or 10 days, to evaluate the effects of a longer exposure to GICs on power-grid devices. The corresponding superposed epoch analysis did not yield statistically significant results. Without a proper event selection procedure and no integration limit, the SEAs were dominated by weak events, during which the effects were probably weak and did not emerge from the average rates of anomalies due to causes other than geomagnetic activity. SEAs were further performed separately for weak, moderate, and strong events, but this did not significantly improve the results. The most promising results in terms of magnitude of increase of anomalies during stronger activity were for D8, D10, and D12 for \(IntDst\) (with lags of 1--3 days), and D8 and D11 for \(IntAE\). Based on our analysis, it turns out that geomagnetic disturbances affected mostly the datasets registering anomalies on power lines. It is interesting to note that most of the power lines in D7, D11, and D12 are the power lines with distances between grounding points of the order of tens of kilometers. We also found significant delayed effects in the D8 dataset of high-voltage transformers. Although significant effects were observed in D4 during strong storms (see Fig. S40), the distances between grounding points are of the order of hundreds of meters in this case, that is, much shorter than for the other power-line datasets. The topology of the network in D4 is also far more complex than in the other power-line datasets. It is unlikely that GICs induced in the D4 network could be responsible for the observed increase of anomaly rate after Day 0 in the corresponding SEA. Nevertheless, some detrimental currents could have entered the D4 network from nearby connected networks of other power companies and caused operational anomalies during strong events.
# Conclusions
As noted by, the selection of an appropriate geomagnetic parameter is very important when searching for correlations between anomalies recorded in human infrastructures and variations of geomagnetic activity. Here, we have presented results obtained by considering four different and complementary parameters of cumulative geomagnetic activity, namely the different storm-time \(Int(d(\textit{SYM-H})/dt)\) and \(IntDst\) low-latitude metrics tracking mainly ring current variations, the high-latitude \(IntAE\) metric mainly tracking auroral current variations, and the mid-latitude \(IntAp\) metric tracking both ring and auroral current variations--all of which were integrated over geomagnetically disturbed periods. This allowed us to compare the cumulated number of anomalies observed in the Czech power grid during the corresponding disturbed days of high geomagnetic activity with the number of anomalies recorded during quiet days. At the considered middle geomagnetic latitudes, our statistical analysis of \(\sim10\) years of data has shown that space weather-related events affected mostly long power lines (D11, D12), probably due to a distortion of the electrical current waveform that eventually triggered a detrimental reaction of protective relays or disrupted other connected devices. However, significant and slightly more delayed (by \(\sim1-2\) days) effects were also observed in high-voltage transformers. Both substorm-related disturbances and magnetic storms were found to have statistically significant impacts on the power grid network, since the four considered measures of disturbed days (\(IntDst\), \(Int(d(\textit{SYM-H})/dt)\), \(IntAp\), and \(IntAE\)) led to more or less similar results--although \(IntAE\) was slightly less efficient. In addition, we found that considering moderate thresholds (neither too large nor too small) on time-integrated geomagnetic activity quantified by \(IntDst\), \(Int(d(\textit{SYM-H})/dt)\), or \(IntAp\), produced the most statistically significant increases in anomaly rates, suggesting a non-negligible impact of moderate disturbances. These results are therefore consistent with a major impact of substorms, either inside or outside storms, on GICs at middle latitudes, together with a possible additional impact of ring current variations during storms. It is worth noting that our study showed that in the 5-day period following the commencement of geomagnetic activity there is an approximately 5--10% increase in the recorded power line and transformers anomalies in the Czech power grid, probably related to geomagnetic activity and GICs. Such values are consistent with previous results concerning the US power grid. further found that for the US network, the 5% stormiest days were apparently the most dangerous, with a 20% increase of grid-related anomalies as compared to quiet periods. We similarly found that the days with a minimum \(Dst<-50\) nT (roughly representing the \(\approx 8\)% stormiest days, see @Gonzalez94) had probably the strongest impact in the Czech power grid, leading to immediate or slightly delayed \(\sim 5-20\)% increases of anomalies as compared to quiet periods.
[^1]: Smičková, A., Geomagnetically Induced Currents in the Czech Power Grid, BSc. thesis (supervisor Švanda, M.), Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University, 2019, available online <http://hdl.handle.net/10467/84988>. | {'timestamp': '2020-06-01T02:08:40', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14448', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14448'} |
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# Summary {#summary .unnumbered}
1. Ecologists use distance sampling to estimate the abundance of plants and animals while correcting for undetected individuals. By design, data collection is simplified by requiring only the distances from a transect to the detected individuals be recorded. Compared to traditional design-based methods that require restrictive assumption and limit the use of distance sampling data, model-based approaches enable broader applications such as spatial prediction, inferring species-habitat relationships, unbiased estimation from preferentially sampled transects, and integration into multi-type data models. Unfortunately, model-based approaches require the exact location of each detected individual in order to incorporate environmental and habitat characteristics as predictor variables.
2. Using a hierarchical specification, we modified model-based methods for distance sampling data by including a probability distribution that accounts for location uncertainty generated when only the distances are recorded. We tested and demonstrated our method using a simulation experiment and by modeling the habitat use of Dickcissels (*Spiza americana*) using distance sampling data collected from the Konza Prairie in Kansas, USA.
3. Our results showed that ignoring location uncertainty can result in biased coefficient estimates and predictions. However, accounting for location uncertainty remedies the issue and results in reliable inference and prediction.
4. Location uncertainty is difficult to eliminate when collecting some types of ecological data. Like other types of measurement error, hierarchical models can accommodate the data collection process thereby enabling reliable inference. Our approach is a significant advancement for the analysis of distance sampling data because it remedies the deleterious effects of location uncertainty and requires only distances be recorded. In turn, this enables historical distance sampling data sets to be compatible with modern data collection and modeling practices.
# Introduction {#introduction .unnumbered}
Distance sampling has been widely used for nearly a half a century to estimate abundance of plants and animals. This method involves one or more observers recording the distances from point or line transects to detected individuals (@burnham1980estimation [@buckland2001introduction]). Early statistical methods for the analysis of distance sampling data used design-based estimators that accounted for errors in detection. This resulted in a hybrid analysis, involving model-based methods used to account for errors in detection and design-based methods used to estimate abundance (@buckland2016model). More recently, fully model-based approaches have been developed to enable spatial prediction, statistical inference regarding species-habitat relationships, and unbiased estimation of abundance from point and line transects that are placed non-randomly (@stoyan1982remark [@hogmander1991random; @hedley2004spatial; @johnson2010model; @miller2013spatial]). Current areas of research include data assimilation, fusion, integration or reconciliation requiring the development of joint models that combine multiple types of data. Such recent developments include integrated species distribution models that incorporate distance sampling data and presence-only data collected by citizen scientists ( *in press*). Spatially-explicit models that link abundance to environmental and habitat characteristics are used in many areas of ecological research. For example, presence-absence, count, and presence-only data enable spatial prediction of species distributions (@elith2009species [@hefleyHSDM]). Other examples include integrated species distributions models used to predict abundance and occupancy with higher accuracy by combining multiple types of data (e.g., @williams2017integrated; *in press*). A common theme among these approaches is that the location of the individual is conceptualized as a point in geographic space where environmental conditions and habitat characteristics are measured (@hefleyHSDM [@kery2015applied; @milller2019]). Those location-specific conditions and characteristics (hereafter "predictor variables") are used to specify an intensity function which enables statistical inference regarding species-habitat relationships and provides estimates of abundance and occupancy that can be mapped at any spatial resolution. This framework relies on characterizing the distribution of abundance as a spatial point processes which is the same approach used to develop models for distance sampling data (@stoyan1982remark [@hogmander1991random; @hedley2004spatial; @johnson2010model; @miller2013spatial]). Often ecologists do not have the exact locations of individuals. For example, exact locations are unrecoverable from distance sampling data collected along line transects unless auxiliary information such as the location of the observer at the time of detection is recorded. Regardless of the mechanisms that obscure the exact locations, uncertainty limits the usefulness of the data because values of the predictor variables cannot be obtained. For example, if a distance sampling data set does not include the exact locations then analysis is restricted to models that include only the predictor variables that are constant for all individuals detected from a given transect (@johnson2010model [@buckland2016model]). In practice, this lead to model-misspecification and lower predictive accuracy. Sometimes researchers attempt to mitigate this problem by using surrogate predictor variables such as the habitat characteristics at a convenient location (e.g., the center of the transect) or the average value of the predictor variable calculated from an area within an arbitrary distance of the transect line or point. Use of surrogate predictor variables can also bias parameter estimates and predictions. In some cases, the bias can invert the inferred relationship between predictor variables and abundance (@hefley2014correction [@hefley2017bias; @walker2018bias]; *under revision*). To eliminate these issues, we present a model-based approach for distance sampling data that can be used when the location of individuals is uncertain. Our approach enables the same inference as model-based approaches requiring exact locations and can be incorporated into integrated data models that are based on an underlying point process (e.g., *in press*). Our approach relies on a hierarchical modeling framework, but results in relatively simple marginalized distributions that can be used for efficient Bayesian or likelihood-based estimation and inference. Using simulated data, we evaluate the ability of our method to account for location uncertainty and compare it to existing approaches commonly used in practice. Finally, we demonstrate our method using line transect data to estimate habitat use of a grassland bird species, the Dickcissel.
A common practice when constructing statistical models is to choose a probability distribution that matches important characteristics of the data. For example, if the data are counts then a statistical model that assumes a Poisson distribution might be used. Counts must be non-negative integers and the Poisson distribution is capable of generating non-negative integers (i.e., the support of the data and probability distribution match). As a result, a statistical model that is constructed using a Poisson distribution has the potential to have generated the observed data. Adhering to this principal results in generative statistical models that capture important characteristics of the process (e.g., predicted counts that are always \(\geq0\)), which can be important for interpretation and model checking (@conn2018guide [@gelfand2018bayesian]). When constructing a statistical model for distance sampling data probability distributions should match the following characteristics of the data: 1) the number and locations of individuals are random variables; and 2) the location of individuals exists in continuous geographic space. In what follows, we use the term "continuous geographic space" to describe spatial areas that are defined as polygons and contain an infinite number of possible locations (points) within the boundary of each polygon. Researchers have developed model-based approaches for the spatial analysis of distance sampling data (e.g., @miller2013spatial [@buckland2016model]), but existing approaches do not account for location uncertainty except in the case where the distribution of individuals is spatially uniform (e.g., @borchers2015unifying). Our approach builds upon one of the most common model-based methods for the spatial analysis of distance sampling data that uses an inhomogeneous Poisson point process (IPPP) distribution, which allows for heterogeneity in the spatial distribution of individuals. In what follows, we review previously developed modeling approaches based on the IPPP distribution and then extend this model to account for location uncertainty. The IPPP distribution describes the random number and locations of individuals within a continuous geographic space. The IPPP is constructed by assuming the spatial distribution of individuals is explained by an intensity function, \(\lambda(\mathbf{s})\), where \(\mathbf{s}\) is a vector that contains the coordinates of a single location contained within the study area \(\mathcal{S}\). The intensity function is commonly specified as \[\text{log}(\lambda(\mathbf{s}))=\beta_{0}+\boldsymbol{\mathbf{x}}(\mathbf{s})^{'}\boldsymbol{\beta}\:,\] where \(\beta_{0}\) is the intercept, \(\boldsymbol{\mathbf{x}}(\mathbf{s})\) is a \(p\times1\) vector that contains predictor variables at location \(\mathbf{s}\), and \(\boldsymbol{\beta}\equiv(\beta_{1}...,\beta_{p})^{'}\) is a vector of regression coefficients. Estimating the regression coefficients from distance sampling data enables inference regarding species-habitat relationships. An important property of the IPPP distribution is that estimates of abundance can be obtained for any geographic region that is contained within the study area. More precisely, for any sub-region \(\mathcal{A}\) contained within the study area \(\mathcal{S}\), an estimate of abundance is \[\bar{\lambda}=\intop_{\mathcal{A}}\lambda(\mathbf{s})d\mathbf{s}\:,\] which is referred to as the integrated intensity function. Clearly, accurate estimates of abundance requires reliable estimation of the intensity function (\(\lambda(\mathbf{s})\)) which depends on the intercept (\(\beta_{0}\)), regression coefficients (\(\boldsymbol{\beta}\)) and predictor variables (\(\boldsymbol{\mathbf{x}}(\mathbf{s})\)). As with traditional distance sampling methods, the IPPP can incorporate a detection function, which we denote \(q(\mathbf{s})\), where \(q(\cdot)\) is the usual detection function (e.g., half-normal function) that depends on the location \(\mathbf{s}\) by way of the distance between an individual and the point or line transect. Employing the notation from above, the probability distribution function for the IPPP is \[=e^{\mathbf{-\intop_{\mathcal{S}}\lambda(\mathbf{s})}q(\mathbf{s)}d\mathbf{s}}\prod_{i=1}^{n}\lambda(\mathbf{z}_{i})q(\mathbf{z}_{i})\:,\] where \(\mathbf{z}_{1},\mathbf{z}_{2}...,\mathbf{z}_{n}\) are the coordinate vectors (i.e., exact locations) of the \(n\) detected individuals (@johnson2010model). The product of \(\lambda(\mathbf{s})\) and \(q(\mathbf{s})\) is referred to as the thinned intensity function (@cressie1993statistics, p. 689). The bracket notation \([\cdot]\), used on the left hand side of Eq. 3, represents a probability distribution. Using bracket notation, \([y,z]\) is a joint distribution where \(y\) and \(z\) are the random variables, \([y|z]\) is a conditional distribution where \(y\) is the random variable given \(z\). The marginal distribution of \(y\) can be obtained by "integrating out" \(z\) (i.e., \([y]=\int[y,z]dy\)). When expressed as a likelihood function, Eq. 3 can be used to estimate parameters associated with the intensity and detection functions. For example, using Eq. 3 as a likelihood function facilitates estimation of the regression coefficients, \(\boldsymbol{\beta}\), from Eq. 1 and enables inference regarding species-habitat relationships. Evaluation of the likelihood function, however, requires the exact locations of all \(n\) detected individuals.
Parameter estimation and statistical inference using the IPPP distribution requires the exact location of each detected individual because the likelihood function from Eq. 3 assumes that \(\mathbf{z}_{i}\) is recorded. When collecting distance sampling data, the exact location of each detected individual is usually not recorded which generates location uncertainty. Below, we extend the IPPP distribution so that the model can be implemented when the location of individuals is uncertain. Our extension could be viewed as a special case of the unified approach of, however, the authors did not present how models that involve nonuniform distribution of plants and animals, such as the IPPP, might be implemented. In what follows, we show in detail how to implement such models. Using distance sampling data collected from a line transect, an individual's exact location is an unknown point that lies on one of two lines parallel to the transect at a perpendicular distance that is equal to the recorded distance. Similarly, for point transects, the location of an individual is an unknown point on the perimeter of a circle centered on the transect with a radius that is equal to the recorded distance. If the exact location is unknown but lies on a line or perimeter of a circle, a model that is based on the IPPP distribution and accounts for location uncertainty in \[=e^{\mathbf{-\intop_{\mathcal{S}}\lambda(\mathbf{s})}q(\mathbf{s)}d\mathbf{s}}\prod_{i=1}^{n}{\displaystyle |\mathcal{L}_{i}|}^{-1}\intop_{\mathcal{L}_{i}}\lambda(\mathbf{z}_{i})q(\mathbf{z}_{i})d\mathbf{z}_{i}\:\] where the modification involves replacing the product of \(\lambda(\mathbf{z}_{i})\) and \(q(\mathbf{z}_{i})\) in Eq. 3 with an integral. In Eq. 4, the random variable is the coordinate vectors \(\mathbf{y}_{1},\mathbf{y}_{2}...,\mathbf{y}_{n}\) and number of detected individuals \(n\). As in Eq. 3, \(\mathbf{z}_{i}\) is the exact coordinate of the \(i^{\text{th}}\) individual, which is integrated out of the joint distribution to obtain Eq. 4. Knowing the distance and transect of detection determines the limits of integration in Eq. 4, where \(\mathcal{L}_{i}\) is the parallel lines (circle perimeter) and \(|\mathcal{L}_{i}|\) is the length of the lines (or circle perimeter). Conceptually \(\mathbf{y}_{i}\) can be thought of as the coordinate where the \(i^{\text{th}}\) individual was "recorded", which is different than the true location of the individual \(\mathbf{z}_{i}\) because the "recorded" location is a uniformly distributed point on \(\mathcal{L}_{i}\) (see Appendix S1 for more detail).
## ACCOUNTING FOR MEASUREMENT ERROR IN DISTANCES {#accounting-for-measurement-error-in-distances .unnumbered}
In many cases the distance between the transect and the detected individuals may be recorded with error, which introduces another source of location uncertainty. For example, in the data illustration that follows, the distances recorded for individual birds close to the transect line were almost certainly recorded with greater accuracy than those detected further from the line. To account for error in distances, we construct a hierarchical model where the observed random variable, \(\mathbf{y}_{i}\), is the "recorded" location which depend on the exact locations \(\mathbf{z}_{i}\) (see Appendix S1 for more detail). A hierarchical model that accounts for both types of location uncertainty is \[=e^{\mathbf{-\intop_{\mathcal{S}}\lambda(\mathbf{s})}q(\mathbf{s)}d\mathbf{s}}\prod_{i=1}^{n}{\displaystyle |\mathcal{L}_{i}|}^{-1}\intop_{\mathcal{S}}[d(\mathbf{y}_{i},t_{i})|d(\mathbf{z}_{i},t_{i}),\boldsymbol{\theta}]\lambda(\mathbf{z}_{i})q(\mathbf{z}_{i})d\mathbf{z}_{i}\:.\] In equation above, \(\boldsymbol{\theta}\equiv(\theta_{1},\theta_{2}...\theta_{m})^{'}\) is a vector of unknown parameters of \([d(\mathbf{y}_{i},t_{i})|d(\mathbf{z}_{i},t_{i}),\boldsymbol{\theta}]\), which is a probability distribution that describes the recorded distances \(d(\mathbf{y}_{i},t_{i})\) given the true distances \(d(\mathbf{z}_{i},t_{i})\). The function \(d(\cdot,\cdot)\) returns the perpendicular distance between a coordinate vector and the transect, \(t_{i}\), where the \(i^{\text{th}}\) individual was detected. We refrain from specifying the functional form of \([d(\mathbf{y}_{i},t_{i})|d(\mathbf{z}_{i},t_{i}),\boldsymbol{\theta}]\) because this portion of our model is general and any appropriate distribution can be chosen as shown in the data illustration.
## MODEL IMPLEMENTATION {#model-implementation .unnumbered}
For all models, estimating the parameters associated with the intensity (\(\mathbf{\lambda(\mathbf{s})}\)) and detection (\(q(\mathbf{s})\)) functions requires evaluation of the the integrals in the likelihood. In nearly all situation, solving the integrals will require numerical integration using approximations such as Monte Carlo or numerical quadrature (@BB2L). Using a numerical quadrature involves the approximation \[\intop_{\mathcal{A}}f(\mathbf{s)}d\mathbf{s}\approx|\mathcal{A}|{\displaystyle \sum_{q=1}^{Q}}f(\mathbf{s}_{q})\:,\] where \(f(\mathbf{s})\) is an unspecified function, \(\mathcal{A}\) is an arbitrary region (or line) with area (or length) \(|\mathcal{A}|\) and \(Q\) is the number of (equally spaced) points partitioning the polygon (or line). The function \(f(\mathbf{s})\) is specified based on the integral. For example, Eqs. 3 contains the integral \(\mathbf{\intop_{\mathcal{S}}\lambda(\mathbf{s})}q(\mathbf{s)}d\mathbf{s}\), which could be approximated by defining \(f(\mathbf{s})\equiv\lambda(\mathbf{s})q(\mathbf{s}).\) Accounting for location uncertainty requires a hierarchical model because the probability distribution in Eqs. 4 and 5 were constructed by conditioning on the exact locations which are random variables that follow an IPPP distribution (see Appendix S1). Regardless of the inferential paradigm, the models are challenging to fit to distance sampling data because each detected individual has a latent (unobserved) true coordinate vector, which results in \(2n\) additional parameters. For example, the true coordinate vectors could be estimated by fully specifying a Bayesian model and obtaining samples from the marginal posterior using a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm. This approach, however, requires sampling from a high-dimensional posterior distribution. Such an approach is challenging because the MCMC algorithm can be difficult to tune and require multiple evaluations of the likelihood function, involving a quadrature approximation. Estimates of the true coordinate vectors are of little interest because most studies use distance sampling data to obtain predictions densities and infer species-habitat relationships. As a result, the true coordinate vectors can be treated as "nuisance parameters" and removed by integrating the joint likelihood as we did in Eqs. 4 (@borchers2015unifying). The integrated likelihood has \(2n\) fewer parameters and the remaining parameters can be estimated using maximum likelihood estimation or by sampling from the posterior distribution using techniques such as MCMC (see Appendix S1). In both the simulation experiment and data example that follow, we estimate all parameters by maximizing the appropriate likelihood using the Nelder-Mead algorithm in R (@nelder1965simplex [@TeamR]; see Appendix S2 and S3). For all model parameters, we obtain approximate variances by inverting the Hessian matrix and construct Wald-type confidence intervals (CIs; @pawitan2001all). To obtain CI for derived quantities, we use percentiles of the empirical distribution obtained from a bootstrapping approach outlined by based on the results of.
We simulated the exact location of individuals from an IPPP distribution on the unit square with a single predictor variable (\(x(\mathbf{s})\)) and specified the intensity function as \(\text{log}(\lambda(\mathbf{s}))=\beta_{0}+\beta_{1}\[x(\mathbf{s})\) with \(\beta_{0}=9\) and \(\beta_{1}=1\) (Fig. 1). We evaluated two scenarios by varying the location of 16 point transects. In the first scenario, we placed point transects in poorer quality "habitat" (i.e., at lower values of \(x(\mathbf{s})\); Fig. 1a) whereas in the second scenario we randomly placed the transects but restricted transect placement so that detection of the same individual from multiple transect was not possible (Fig 1b). We designed the first and second scenarios to evaluate how location uncertainty influences parameter estimates when transects are placed based on convenience and under a randomized design respectively. We simulated the detection of each individual using a Bernoulli distribution by calculating the probability of detection for each individual using a truncated half-normal detection function specified as \(p_{i}=e^{-\left(\frac{d_{i}}{0.025}\right)^{2}}I(d_{i}<0.06),\) where \(p_{i}\) is the probability of detection for the \(i^{\text{th}}\) individual that occurs at a distance \(d_{i}\) from the point transect (Fig. 1). We simulated 250 data sets for each scenario and fit four models to each data set. For the first model, we used the exact locations of the individuals and fit Eq. 3 to the simulated data. This is the ideal situation because the generating process used to simulate the data matches the generating process specified by the statistical model. Thus, we expected unbiased parameter estimates with the narrowest CIs under model 1. For the second and third models, the "available" data included only the distances from the point transects to the locations of the detected individuals. Because the exact locations of the individuals were unavailable, we fit Eq. 3 using two different surrogate predictors which included: 1) the value of \(x(\mathbf{s})\) at the point transect where the individual was detected (model 2); and 2) the average of \(x(\mathbf{s})\) within a distance of \(0.06\) of the transect where the individual was detected (model 3). The distance of \(0.06\) distance was chosen to correspond to the value used to truncate the half-normal detection function, which would be unknown in practice. Finally, our fourth model uses the same data as the second and third model, but instead accounts for location uncertainty using Eq. 4. For each of the two scenarios and four models, we assessed reliability of the inferred species-habitat relationship by comparing the true values of \(\beta_{1}\) to the estimated value and the coverage probability of the 95% CIs. We assessed efficiency by calculating the average length of the 95% CI for \(\hat{\beta}_{1}\) that was obtained from the model that accounts for location uncertainty (i.e., model 4) divided by the average length of the 95% CI for \(\hat{\beta}_{1}\) obtained from fitting the IPPP distribution using data with exact locations (i.e., model 1). In Appendix S2, we provide a tutorial with R code to implement the simulation and reproduce Fig. 1 and table 1.
Distance sampling data from 137 bird species were collected over a 29 year period from 1981 to 2009 as part of the Long Term Ecological Research Program at the Konza Prairie Biological Station (KPBS; Fig. 2). The KPBS is a tallgrass prairie site located in northeastern Kansas, USA and is experimentally managed under varied grazing and fire regimes (@knapp1998grassland). We used data from a single species, Dickcissels (*Spiza americana*), which are the most common grassland-breeding species at KPBS. Both male and female Dickcissels perch conspicuously from the tops of vegetation and males vocalize frequently (@temple2002). For our analysis, we used observations of Dickcissels collected by a single observer over the period of May 27, 1981 to June 26, 1981. This resulted in 106 individuals detected on 11 of the 14 transects at perpendicular distances ranging from \(0\,\text{m}\) to \(61\,\text{m}\). A full description of the data is provided in and. We illustrate our method using elevation as a predictor variable (Fig. 2). Elevation within the KPBS is available from a digital elevation model that has cell resolution of \(2\,\text{m}\times2\,\text{m}\) (@KONZAElev). Based on previous research, we expect the abundance of Dickcissels should be greater at higher elevations when compared to lower elevations (@zimmerman1993birds). Given our distance sampling data, it is not possible to reconstruct the exact location of each detected individual, therefore, we are unable to obtain the elevation at the location of each detected Dickcissel. We implement four models that included: a) the standard distance sampling model (Eq. 3) using a surrogate predictor which was the average elevation along the transect where the individual was detected (model a); b) a model that accounts for location uncertainty assuming that distances are recorded without error (i.e., Eq. 4; model b); c) a model that accounts for location uncertainty and distance mismeasurement that follows a truncated normal distribution (model c); and d) a model that accounts for location uncertainty distance mismeasurement that follows a Laplace distribution. For models c and d, which accounted for error in the recorded distances, we assumed that variance of the normal and Laplace distributions was zero on the transect line, but increased linearly at an unknown rate as the distance between the individual bird and transect increased (see Fig 3c. for an example). We truncated the normal and Laplace distributions at distances below \(0\,\text{m}\) and above \(150\,\text{m}\) to increase computational efficiency of the quadrature approximation. Because the maximum recorded distance in our data set was \(61\,\text{m}\), this truncation has negligible influence on our results. Depending on the specifics of the study design, it is easy to incorporate different specifications such as a constant variance model or alternative probability distributions (e.g., a Poisson distribution for distances that are rounded to the nearest meter). In Appendix S3, we include additional details associated with the field-collected avian data analysis along with a tutorial and R code to implement the models and reproduce Table 2 and Figs. 2 and 3.
# Results {#results .unnumbered}
## SIMULATION EXPERIMENT {#simulation-experiment-1 .unnumbered}
When the exact location of each detected individual was available, the standard IPPP model in Eq. 3 (model 1) performed as expected in that estimates of \(\beta_{1}\) appeared to be unbiased and 95% CI covered the true value with probabilities between 0.93 (Fig 1; Table 1). In contrast, when location uncertainty was not accounted for (models 2 and 3), the estimated regression coefficients were biased (Fig. 1) and coverage probabilities of the 95% CIs were \(\leq0.38\) (Table 1). When the transect locations were placed based on convenience and the surrogate predictor variable was obtained from the center of the transect (model 2), the bias was particularly large and resulted in negative estimates of regression coefficients for most data sets even though the true value was \(\beta_{1}=1\) (Fig. 1a). Our method (model 4), which accounted for location uncertainty, yielded apparently unbiased estimates of \(\text{\ensuremath{\beta_{1}}}\) for both scenarios and produced coverage probabilities between \(0.95\]0.98\) (Fig. 1; Table 1). The 95% CI were \(1.49\)\(1.50\) times longer when the exact location was unknown (Table 1). These results demonstrate that our proposed method efficiently accounted for location uncertainty and resulted in parameter estimates that are about 50% less precise than parameter estimates obtained when the exact location is known. This shows that the loss of information resulting from location uncertainty could be ameliorated by collecting more data.
All three models that accounted for location uncertainty (models bd) had similar Akaike information criterion scores that were \(>811\) points lower than model a, which used Eq. 3 and the average elevation along the transect as the predictor (Table 1). This indicates that accounting for location uncertainty improved the fit of the model to the data. Predicted Dickcissels abundance at higher elevations was greater when location uncertainty was accounted for in models bd (Table 2; Figure 3a). This difference in predictions was caused by the regression coefficient estimates, which were 27% larger for the three models that accounted for location uncertainty (models bd) when compared to the model that used the surrogate predictor (model a; Table 2).[ The model comparison of the estimated relationship between elevation and abundance, distance and the probability of detection, and the true distance and recorded distance are visualized in Fig. 3.]{style="color: black"}
# Discussion {#discussion .unnumbered}
This study demonstrates that location uncertainty, when unaccounted for, can result in biased parameter estimates and unreliable inference regarding species-habitat relationships. Within a broader context, location uncertainty manifests as an ecological fallacy namely that the inferred relationship from aggregated data could differ when compared to individual-level data ([@ecologicalfallacy; @cressie2011statistics], p. 197). Point process models using exact locations of individuals targets inference about the habitat and environmental preferences of individuals whereas ignoring location uncertainty and using transect-wide surrogate predictors results only in inference about how abundance varies among the transects. Individual-level inference is invariant to changes in the spatial scale of the analysis, whereas transect-level inference is scale specific. Our study demonstrates that spatial model-based approaches for traditional distance sampling data can provide reliable individual-level inference, even when the exact locations of individuals are unknown. This is a significant advancement because our approach enables individual-level inference, but does not require auxiliary data that may difficult or impossible to obtain for historical data sets (e.g., @borchers2015unifying). Our approach also offers insight into best practices for future distance sampling study design when recording the exact location of individuals may be difficult or infeasible. Our simulation results suggest that, given a desired statistical power or level of precisions for parameter estimates, there is a tradeoff between sample size (i.e., the number of detected individuals) and location accuracy. The deleterious effects of collecting distance sampling data without recording the exact location can be remediated by simply collecting more data and selecting an appropriate model. For example, in both scenarios of our simulation experiment, the same precision of parameter estimates can be achieved by either detecting \(n\) individuals and recording their exact locations, or by detecting \(\approx1.5n\) individuals and recording only their distances. Although the sample size calculations from our simulation results are not generalizable to future data collection efforts, study-specific power analyses could be conducted to determine the tradeoff between the two data collection approaches.
Location uncertainty is ubiquitous in all sources of spatially referenced data because it is impossible to measure and record the location with infinite precision. Despite the presence of location uncertainty in all sources of data, accounting for it may be time consuming because the models are tailored to the specifics of the study and usually must be fit using "custom built" computer code (@BB2L). For some data sets accounting for location uncertainty will be required and in other data sets it may not be possible or beneficial. Prior to fitting models to distance sampling data, we urge researchers consider the seven questions below to determine possible impact of location uncertainty on study outcomes.
1. *Does the predictor variable exhibit fine-scale spatial variability?* If so, the predictor variable is likely to change when moving a short distance from one location to another location. In this case, the surrogate predictor variable (e.g., elevation at the transect centroid) will likely differ from the predictor variable at the location of the individuals. Whenever the surrogate predictor variable included in a model is different from the value of the predictor at the exact locations, there is the potential for bias. The larger the difference between the value of the surrogate variable and the value at the exact location, the more important it will be to account for location uncertainty.
2. *Are the placement of the transects related to the spatial structure of the predictor variable?* For example, the transects may be placed along roads within larger areas of homogeneous habitat. In this case, a surrogate predictor such as the percentage of grassland within \(100\,\text{m}\), may be strongly influenced by the location of the transects and creates a potential for bias to occur. Accounting for location uncertainty may be needed.
3. *Are the spatial scales of the predictor variables known?* In many cases environmental characteristics within an area surrounding the location of the individuals is used to determine the influence of landscape-level processes (e.g., percentage of grassland within \(100\,\text{m}\)). These approaches use a buffer or kernel that is typically centered at the exact location of the individual. The predictor variable is calculated by integrating the kernel and point-level predictor variable over the study area (e.g., @heaton2011kernel [@heaton2011spatial; @heaton2012kernel; @bradter2013identifying; @chandler2016estimating; @miguet2017quantify; @stuber2017bayesian]). Because the buffer or kernel is centered at the exact location of the individuals, accounting for location uncertainty is likely to influence the inference.
4. *Is the spatial resolution of the predictor variables too course?* In some situation the spatial resolution of the predictor variable will only be available at a course grain. For example, WorldClim provides a set of climate variables that are predictions available on a \(1\times1\,\text{km}\) grid (@hijmans2005very). The transect from our data example are all \(\leq1589\,\text{m}\) in length. For a given transect, most detected individuals would be assigned the same value of the predictor variables from WorldClim because most of the individual birds occur within a single \(1\times1\,\text{km}\) grid cell. If the goal of the study is to relate abundance to climatic variables using WorldClim, then in such a case, the researcher would experience minimal or no gain from accounting for location uncertainty.
5. *Are spatial data for the predictor variables available over the entire study area?* In some situations the predictor variables will not be available at every location within the study area. For example, many studies that collect distance sampling data on animals also collect detailed information on vegetation at a feasible number of locations within the study area. It is tempting to use vegetation measurements as predictor variables that are collected at the location that is thought to be closest to the individual animal. This approach presents two challenges: 1) if the vegetation at the location of the individual is different than the location where the measurements were taken, the predictor variables may result in biased coefficient estimates; and 2) fitting point process models to data requires a continuous surface of the predictor variable over the entire study area. In this situation, we recommend first building a statistical model that can predict the vegetation measurements as a continuous surface over the study area. This is equivalent to building a custom high-resolution "raster layer" using the the vegetation data. Developing auxiliary models for predictor variables that are measured in the field is a common technique used in spatial statistics to ameliorate the problem of misaligned data (@gotway2002combining [@gelfand2010misaligned]; *in press*). Once the predictor variable is available as a continuous surface or high resolution raster layer, then accounting for location uncertainty is likely to be beneficial.
6. *Is the location uncertain for only a portion of the observations?* There may be situations were only a portion of the observations have uncertain locations (e.g., @hefley2014correction [@hefley2017bias]). If the number of observations with uncertain locations is small (e.g., \(<5\%\) of the observation), these could be removed from the data set and perhaps cause only minor changes in inference. If the number of observations with uncertain locations is larger, then we recommend constructing models that integrate both sources of data (e.g., by combining portions of the likelihood in Eq. 3 and Eq. 4). Similar approaches could be applied to situations where different sources of data result in the magnitude of the location uncertainty being variable. For example, the mismeasurement of distances in our historic Dickcissel distance sample data are likely to be larger than more recent surveys in the same data set because researchers adopted the use of laser rangefinders.
7. *Do the predictor variables contain errors?* In some situations, the predictor variables contain errors. For example, researchers may include modeled climatic predictor variables, but the predicted climate at any given location is different than the true conditions. In this situation, the error in the predictors may mask or exacerbate the effect of location uncertainty. This problem is well-studied in the statistics literature where it is known as "errors-in-variables" (@carroll2006measurement). In addition to location uncertainty, errors-in-variables can be accounted for by using a hierarchical modeling framework (e.g. @foster2012uncertainty [@stoklosa2015climate; @hefleyHSDM]).
Ecological data are messy in ways that result in many potential biases. For example, failing to account for detection may result in biased estimates of abundance. Ecologists have focused intensively on some sources of bias (e.g., detection) while paying little attention to other sources of bias such as location uncertainty. Thus, there is a shortage of tools available for less studied sources of bias, leading researchers to rely on ad hoc and untested procedures. We recommend avoiding untested procedures because location uncertainty can create complex biases that are difficult to anticipate and understand (e.g., [@montgomery2011implications; @hefley2014correction; @brost2015animal; @mitchell2016sensitivity; @hefley2017bias; @gerber2018accounting; @walker2018bias]; *under revision*). Model-based approaches have provided a wealth of tools to address biases in many types of ecological data. In situation where location uncertainty is a concern, model-based approaches like those proposed in our study will enable researchers to make reliable ecological inference and accurate predictions.
# Data accessibility {#data-accessibility .unnumbered}
The field-collected avian data is available from. Additional files required to reproduce the results of this study (e.g. shapefiles of transects) are archived in the Dryad Digital Repository (@hefley2019dryaddata). | {'timestamp': '2020-06-01T02:03:58', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14316', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14316'} |
# Introduction {#sec:intro}
Several prior works for depth estimation from monocular images doesn't work with raw images straight out of the camera, which would be distorted and unrectified. Instead, these raw images are corrected with image processing techniques before being fed into the network to predict an undistorted rectified depth map. We propose a novel fully differentiable architecture which allows estimating the distorted unrectified depth directly from a raw image without the need for any pre-processing techniques to correct the image. This pipeline in turn saves time and computation power, and can be used directly in real-time scenarios without any prerequisites. The parameters which define distortion vary slightly with the environment in which the camera is present. Our model exploits the fact that more or less the amount of distortion in an image is fixed as long as we use the same camera. This allows us to pre-define a transformation flowfield for undistorting the image and using it in the training pipeline. Image rectification on-the-fly with prerecorded camera parameters has an overhead of around 75msec for a typical 30 FPS (frames per second) camera in one second. Our proposed model for unrectified distorted images doesn't have any overhead at inference when compared to models based on rectified images as it uses a neural network with the same number of trainable parameters. Image rectification also leads to information loss from the raw image. Higher the camera distortion, the higher the loss of pixel information from the raw data. In the KITTI dataset due to the distortion effect of the camera, the images have been rectified and cropped to 1242 \(\times\) 375 such that the size of the rectified undistorted images is smaller than the raw unrectified distorted image size of 1392 \(\times\) 512 pixels. Image rectification in KITTI resulted in the pixel loss of 10.77% and 27.34% along the width and height of the image, respectively. This pixel loss becomes more prominent at higher resolutions. We address the above issues by proposing the following contributions:
1. Introduced an end to end fully differentiable novel pipeline to tackle monocular depth estimation on distorted and unrectified images.
2. Proposed a novel self-attention depth network to handle long range dependencies in the feature map leading to sharper depth maps.
3. Incorporated instance normalisation throughout model architecture to handle style variation in the input data.
Some of the prior self-supervised monocular depth estimation works are briefed here. Zhou *et al*., proposed an unsupervised depth estimation end-to-end framework from video sequence where view synthesis act as the supervisory signal. Mahjourian *et al*., introduced a 3D loss to enforce consistency of the estimated 3D point cloud. Yin *et al*., jointly learned monocular depth, optical flow and ego motion from videos in unsupervised manner. Luo *et al*., also jointly learned monocular depth, optical flow and ego motion from video but used these result to produce motion mask, occlusion mask, 3D motion map for rigid background and dynamic objects. Godard *et al*., achieved state of the art results in KITTI rectified dataset with minimum reprojection loss, full-resolution mutli-scale sampling and a mask that ignores training pixels that violate camera motion assumptions.
# Synthesis of unrectified image
All the prior works on monocular depth estimation have used rectified images during training to estimate depth. But the raw images from camera are unrectified images; henceforth we enable an efficient way to train the depth estimation network on unrectified images. Rectification is required on images like stereo pairs to rectify the error in rotation and translation between cameras. Image distortion is prevalent in images caused by varying magnification in relation to the angular distance to the optical axis. Due to the imperfect alignment of the lens or sensor, distortion may get decentered, but that is rarely an issue in current cameras. Usually, these images are fixed beforehand, as it would affect the projection geometry from one view to another. Distortion of a typical \(90^\circ\) FOV (field of view) camera can be modeled with few intrinsic parameters where \(k_1,k_2,k_3,p_1,p_2\) are the known distortion parameters. We can obtain the undistorted image coordinate \(\hat{c}_{t-1}^{undist}\) at time \(t-1\) from distorted image coordinate \(c^{dist}_{t}\) at time \(t\) by Equ. [\[eq:1\]](#eq:1){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:1"}. \[\begin{aligned}
\label{eq:1} \hat{c}_{t-1}^{undist} \approx \mathbf{K} \mathbf{T}_{t \rightarrow t-1}D_{t}\mathbf{K}^{-1} \end{aligned}\] where \(\mathbf{K}\) is the camera intrinsic \(3 \times 3\) matrix that transforms camera coordinates to image coordinates which comprises of focal length \(f_x, f_y\), principal point offset \(x_0, y_0\) along x and y directions and axis skew \(s\) as shown in Equ. [\[eq:2\]](#eq:2){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:2"}, \(\mathbf{T}_{t \rightarrow t-1}\) camera transformation \(3 \times 4\) matrix from target view frame at \(t\) to source view frame at \(t-1\) consisting of \(3 \times 3\) rotation matrix \(\mathbf{R}\) and \(3 \times 1\) translation vector \(\mathbf{t}\) as shown in Equ. [\[eq:3\]](#eq:3){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:3"}, \(D_t\) is the per-pixel depth predicted by the network and \(\begin{align} \label{eq:2} \mathbf{K} = \left[ \begin{array}{ccc} f_x & s & x_0\\ 0 & f_y & y_0\\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end{array} \right] \end{align} \begin{align} \label{eq:3} \mathbf{T} = [ \mathbf{R} \, |\, \mathbf{t}] = \left[ \begin{array}{ccc|c} r_{1,1} & r_{1,2} & r_{1,3} & t_1 \\ r_{2,1} & r_{2,2} & r_{2,3} & t_2 \\ r_{3,1} & r_{3,2} & r_{3,3} & t_3 \end{array} \right] \end{align} Per-pixel depth\)D_t\(of frame at time\)t\(and camera transformation\)\_t t-1\(from frame at time\)t\(to\)t-1\(are estimated by self-attention depth and pose network, respectively as shown in Fig.~\ref{fig:net}. Pose network takes three adjacent distorted image frames at time\)t-1\(,\)t\(,\)t+1\(and predicts camera transformation\)\_t t-1\(and\)\_t t+1\(. While self-attention depth network takes single distorted image frame\)I\^dist\_t\(at time\)t\(to predict per-pixel depth\)D_t\(. During inference, only self-attention depth network is used to predict depthmap of an input image. \subsection{Image coordinates to World coordinates} \label{sec:2.1} With intrinsic matrix\[, estimated depth\)D_t\(and undistortion function\) \]\begin{aligned}
\label{eq:4} \left[\begin{array}{c} X \\ Y \\ Z \end{array}\right] \approx D_{t}\mathbf{K}^{-1} \left[\begin{array}{c} x^{dist}_t \\ y^{dist}_t \\ 1 \end{array}\right]\Bigg\} \end{aligned}\[ where \((x^{dist}_t, y^{dist}_t)\) is unrectified image coordinates and \((X, Y, Z)\) is world coordinates. Undistortion function \(\begin{align} \label{eq:5} \left[\begin{array}{c} x^{undist}_t \\ y^{undist}_t \\ \end{array}\right] \approx \left[\begin{array}{c} x^{dist}_t \\ y^{dist}_t \\ \end{array}\right]\Bigg\} \end{align} The mathematical formulation of radial and tangential distortions used in the undistortion function\) \]\begin{aligned}
\label{eq:6} \begin{gathered} \hat{x}^{dist}_t \approx x^{undist}_t(1+k_1r^2+k_2r^4+k_3r^6) \\ \hat{y}^{dist}_t \approx y^{undist}_t(1+k_1r^2+k_2r^4+k_3r^6) \end{gathered} \end{aligned}\[ Here \(x^{undist}_t\) and \(y^{undist}_t\) denotes undistorted pixel coordinates, \(\hat{x}^{dist}_t\), \(\hat{y}^{dist}_t\) denotes radially distorted pixel coordinates and \(r^2={x^{undist}_t}^2+{x^{undist}_t}^2\). Tangential distortion caused by lens misalignment can be formulated with distortion parameters \(p_1\) and \(p_2\) along with radial distortion as shown in Equ. [\[eq:7\]](#eq:7){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:7"}. \]\begin{aligned}
\label{eq:7} \begin{gathered} x^{dist}_t \approx \hat{x}^{dist}_t + 2p_1x^{undist}_ty^{undist}_t + p_2(r^2+2{x^{undist}_t}^2) \\ y^{dist}_t \approx \hat{y}^{dist}_t + p_1(r^2+{y^{undist}_t}^2) + 2p_2x^{undist}_ty^{undist}_t \end{gathered} \end{aligned}\[ \(x^{dist}_t\) and \(y^{dist}_t\) are resultant image coordinate after radial and tangential distortion. Distortion mapping in Equ.[\[eq:5\]](#eq:5){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:5"} is used to inverse map distorted image coordinates to undistorted image coordinates. These undistorted image coordinates can be projected to world coordinates by dot operation with inverse camera intrinsic \(\mathbf{K}^{-1}\) and estimated per-pixel depth \(D_t\) as shown in Equ. [\[eq:8\]](#eq:8){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:8"}. \]\begin{aligned}
\label{eq:8} \left[\begin{array}{c} X \\ Y \\ Z \end{array}\right] \approx D_{t}\mathbf{K}^{-1} \left[\begin{array}{c} x^{undist}_t \\ y^{undist}_t \\ 1 \end{array}\right] \end{aligned}\[
## World coordinates to Image coordinates {#sec:2.2}
The estimated transformation matrix \(\mathbf{T}_{t \rightarrow t-1}\) from image frame at time \(t\) to \(t-1\) along with intrinsic matrix \(\mathbf{K}\) is used to transform world coordinates to image coordinates of frame at time \(t-1\) as shown in Equ. [\[eq:9\]](#eq:9){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:9"}. \]\begin{aligned}
\label{eq:9} \left[\begin{array}{c} x^{undist}_{t-1} \\ y^{undist}_{t-1} \\ 1 \end{array}\right] = \left[\begin{array}{c} x/z \\ y/z \\ 1 \end{array}\right] \equiv \left[\begin{array}{c} x \\ y \\ z \end{array}\right] \approx \mathbf{K}T_{t \rightarrow t-1} \left[\begin{array}{c} X \\ Y \\ Z \\ 1 \end{array}\right] \end{aligned}\[
## View Synthesis
The image coordinate projection from frame \(t\) to \(t-1\) as discussed in subsection [\[sec:2.1\]](#sec:2.1){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:2.1"} and [2.1](#sec:2.2){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:2.2"} can only project distorted image coordinates at \(t\) frame to \(t-1\) unrectified image coordinates as shown in Equ. [\[eq:1\]](#eq:1){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:1"}. For view synthesis, we propose a trick with image undistortion function \(\varphi\) using the pre-computed distortion map to undistort the source image \(I^{dist}_{t-1}\) at t-1 as shown in Equ. [\[eq:10\]](#eq:10){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:10"}. It should be noted that this undistortion operation is performed only in the training phase. \]\begin{aligned}
\label{eq:10} I^{undist}_{t-1} = \varphi \{ I^{dist}_{t-1} \} \end{aligned}\[ This unrectified image \(I^{undist}_{t-1}\) can be used to sample pixel values according to projected image unrectified coordinates \(x^{undist}_{t-1}, y^{undist}_{t-1}\) to synthesize unrectified image \(\hat{I}^{dist}_{t}\) at time \(t\) as shown in Equ. [\[eq:11\]](#eq:11){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:11"}. \(\big \langle \big \rangle\) is the bilinear sampler. For simplicity, synthesis of distorted image \(\hat{I}^{dist}_{t}\) at time \(t\) from distorted image \(I^{dist}_{t-1}\) at time \(t-1\) is shown. But the proposed method synthesis \(I^{dist}_{t}\) from images \(I^{dist}_{t+1}\) at time \(t+1\) too. \]\begin{aligned}
\label{eq:11} \hat{I}^{dist}_{t} = I^{undist}_{t-1} \big \langle x^{undist}_{t-1}, y^{undist}_{t-1} \big \rangle \end{aligned}\[
# Reconstruction loss
The depth network takes one distorted unrectified image \(I^{dist}_{t}\) at time \(t\) to reconstruct \(\hat{I}^{dist}_{t}\) by inverse wrapping nearby distorted views \(I^{dist}_{t-1}\) and \(I^{dist}_{t+1}\) with estimated depth \(D_{t}\). The reconstruction loss \(L^s\) at scale \(s\) of our network consist of two parts, photometric loss \(L_{p}\) and smoothness loss \(L_s\). We follow in using mixture of L1 and SSIM \(S(.)\) with \(\alpha_1=0.85\) and \(\alpha_2=0.15\) for the reconstruction loss for supervising the networks as shown in Equ. [\[eq:12\]](#eq:12){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:12"}. \]\begin{aligned}
\label{eq:12} L_{p}^{t-1} = \eta_{t-1}\Bigg(\alpha_1 \frac{1-S(I_t^{dist},\hat{I}_{t}^{dist})}{2} + \alpha_2 |I_t^{dist}-\hat{I}_{t}^{dist}|\Bigg) \end{aligned}\[ Here \(\eta_{t-1}\) stands for auto mask which is used to mask out the pixels which do not change across time steps. This mask allows to remove static objets like a car moving at same speed as the camera and far away objects like sky, since they don't contribute of the loss. We also use an edge-aware smoothness loss is as shown in Equ. [\[eq:13\]](#eq:13){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:13"}. \]\begin{aligned}
\label{eq:13} L_{s}^{t-1} = |\bigtriangledown_u D_{t}| e^{-|\bigtriangledown_u I_{t}^{dist}|} + |\bigtriangledown_v D_{t}| e^{-|\bigtriangledown_v I_{t}^{dist}|} \end{aligned}\(\)
# Self-Attention network
Most of the depth estimation networks like , use convolutions for capturing the local information. But it is well known fact that receptive field of convolutions is quite small. Inspired by, we introduce self-attention at different stages within our Resnet encoder of the depth estimation network to handled long range relations. This enables us to incorporate the contextual information into the high dimensional feature maps. This particularly constrains the network to produce more robust feature maps which result in much improved depth estimation.To the best of knowledge our architecture is the first to incorporate contextual information at different layers of the network for the purpose of unsupervised depth estimation. As a proof of our contribution we visualize attention maps of few samples in Fig. [\[fig:att\]](#fig:att){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:att"}. We can observe how the network learns to attend pixels belonging to the same attribute or texture for a particular query pixel.
# Handling variation in style
We believe that major issue in training such models is the high variation in style of the input images which makes it difficult for the model from reaching its best potential. Therefore taking inspiration from we normalise feature maps after each convolutional layer. This trivial procedure particularly normalises style of every training image and thus facilitates better training as the model discards the style information and focuses only on the content information to infer depth.
# Experiments and results
We use the KITTI raw (unsynced+unrectified) dataset for training. We extracted 652 of the 697 eigen test split to evaluate unrectified depth with improved KITTI groundtruth depth maps on which all our qualitative results are done, as shown in Table [\[tab:qual\]](#tab:qual){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:qual"}. Our proposed depth estimation method is evaluated using metrics in for a fair comparison with other state of the art methods for rectified images. Note that as there is no previous benchmark for depth estimation on unrectified images, we compare our results with those of rectified images. For evaluating predicted unrectified depthmap, we undistort the unrectified depth map and compare it to the rectified ground truth. The main limitation of proposed method is the transferability to other dataset captured with a different camera. As distortion varies from one camera to another, direct transfer learning would be difficult, but fine-tuning is the best way until and unless the projection doesn't break. The projection used in the propose method will fail with extreme distortion like wide-angle lens.
# Conclusion
We proposed a novel self-attention network for learning monocular depth from unrectified video frames. Our attention framework is able to capture long distance contextual information which results in much sharper depth maps. We also handle style variance in the training distribution by using instance normalisation. Finally, we evaluated the unrectified depth estimation against state of the art methods on rectified depth estimation and achieved comparable results. | {'timestamp': '2020-06-01T02:03:53', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14313', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14313'} |
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# INTRODUCTION {#sec:intro}
In the standard model, radio pulsars are highly-magnetised rapidly rotating neutron stars that emit a coherent light-house beam of often highly polarised radio emission directed by their magnetospheres. The weak braking torques caused by their rapidly rotating magnetic fields and their high moments of inertia make them extremely stable flywheels, and it is often possible to predict the pulsar spin period and indeed pulse phase years in advance of observation. Most radio pulsars regularly emit irregular single-pulse shapes that usually sum to an average profile within 1000 rotations that is often remarkably constant. Timing of these mean profiles against a template produces an arrival time which can be used to derive a model of the pulsar's spin-down, astrometric and binary parameters and propagation through the ionised interstellar medium. The frequency-dependence of the pulse arrival time is well described by the cold plasma dispersion relation, and allows observers to compute the column density of free electrons along the line of sight to the observer. The integral of this column density is referred to as the pulsar's dispersion measure (DM). The most accurate pulse arrival times require observers to remove the broadening of the pulse profile across the finite channel bandwidths using a process known as coherent dedispersion and accurately monitor changes in the DM. According to version 1.62 (Feb 2020) of the Australian Telescope National Facility pulsar catalogue[^1] there are currently 2800 pulsars known, \(\sim 97\)% of which are visible at radio wavelengths. Radio pulsars range in pulse period (\(P\)) from 1.4 ms to 23.5 s, and have inferred dipolar magnetic field strengths from 5\(\times10^7\)G to \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}10\(^{15}\) G. Over 10 percent of known pulsars are members of binary systems, and the majority of these are the so-called 'recycled pulsars', that have had their magnetic fields weakened and spin periods shortened by mass accretion from a donor. The fastest pulsars (\(P<20\) ms) are usually referred to as 'millisecond pulsars' (MSPs). These pulsars are often in very clean systems well approximated by point masses and are ideal for tests of gravitational and stellar evolution theories. State of the art pulsar timing allows us to measure pulse arrival times to better than one part in 10\(^4\) of the pulse period, leading to sub-microsecond arrival times for the MSPs. In their most recent data release (dr2) the International Pulsar Timing Array[^2] lists an rms timing residual for the bright 5.7 ms MSP PSR J0437\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}4715 of just 110 ns and 14 others with residuals below 1 \(\mu\)s. Modern radio telescopes can detect radio pulsars with a mean flux density (ie averaged over the pulse period) down to just a few \(\mu\)Jy in very deep pointings, and the large-scale surveys of much of the galactic plane are complete to \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}0.1 mJy. The population exhibits a standard log-\(N\)/log-\(S\) distribution consistent with a largely planar distribution with a slope of \(\sim-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1. The most compelling pulsar science is usually derived from accurate pulse timing which for most pulsars is signal-to-noise limited as the vast majority of known pulsars have flux densities less than 1 mJy at 1400 MHz. For this reason the field has been dominated by the world's largest radio telescopes that possess low-temperature receivers and digital backends capable of coherently dedispersing the voltages induced in the receiver by the radio pulsars. These telescopes can produce the high signal-to-noise profiles required to test theories of relativistic gravity, determine neutron star masses, clarify the poorly-understood radio emission mechanism, and relate the latter to the magnetic field topology. The galactic centre is at declination \(\delta=-29^\circ\) and this makes the Southern hemisphere a particularly inviting location for pulsar studies. For many years the Parkes 64 m telescope has had almost exclusive access to radio pulsars south of declination \(\delta=-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}35\(^\circ\), and consequently discovered the bulk of the pulsar population. When choosing a site and host country for the forthcoming Square Kilometre Array SKA1-mid telescope, the strong pulsar science case made Southern hemisphere locations particularly desirable. MeerKAT is the South African SKA precursor telescope located at the future site of SKA1-mid and the full array has four times the gain (i.e. 2.8 K/Jy) of the Parkes telescope (0.7 K/Jy). The first receivers (L-band) to come online possess an excellent system temperature (\(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}18 K) along with 856 MHz of recorded bandwidth. The pulsar processor often just records the inner 776 MHz of this for science purposes. The telescope is located at latitude \(-30^{\circ}43'\) and is ideal for studies of the large population of southern pulsars and those in the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds. Much of pulsar science is signal-to-noise limited until a pulsar hits its 'jitter limit' (the lowest timing residual obtainable due to pulse-to-pulse variability in the individual pulses-see ). When far from the jitter limit the timing error is inversely proportional to the signal to noise ratio. For most pulsars in the Parkes Pulsar Timing Array, the limit is rarely reached when observed with the Parkes 64 m telescope unless the pulsar is experiencing a scintillation maximum. A notable exception is the bright MSP PSR J0437\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}4715, that is always jitter-limited when observed at the Parkes telescope due to its large 1400 MHz mean flux density of 150 mJy. As telescopes become more sensitive, the number of pulsars in the same integration time being jitter-limited increases. The South African Radio Astronomy Observatory (SARAO) owns and operates MeerKAT and, before it was commissioned, called for Large Survey Projects (LSPs) that could exploit the telescope's scientific potential. The MeerTime[^3] collaboration was successful at obtaining LSP status and commenced its first survey observations in February of 2019. This paper reports on MeerTime's validation of MeerKAT as a pulsar telescope and presents some early science results from its four major themes: Relativistic and Binary Pulsars, the Thousand Pulsar Array, Globular Clusters and the MeerKAT Pulsar Timing Array. A glimpse of MeerKAT's potential as a pulsar telescope was presented in when it was part of a campaign that observed the revival of the magnetar PSR J1622\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}4950. Since then there have been a number of developments of the system that enable a wider range of pulsar observing modes that will be discussed forthwith. The structure of this paper is as follows: In section [2](#sec:MKP){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:MKP"}, we provide an overview of MeerKAT as a pulsar telescope including examples of the UHF and L-band radio bands, the Precise Time Manager (PTM), choice of polyphase filterbanks, and the SKA1 prototype pulsar processor PTUSE developed by Swinburne University of Technology. In section [3](#sec:SV){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:SV"}, we describe our validation of the system and pulsar hardware before presenting new science from observations of selected pulsars and globular clusters in section [4](#sec:RESULTS){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:RESULTS"}. Finally, we briefly discuss some of the prospects for the future of this facility including new modes, receivers, and extensions and ultimate extension to become SKA1-mid in section [5](#sec:discussion){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:discussion"}.
# The MeerKAT telescope as a Pulsar Facility {#sec:MKP}
A high level block diagram of the system is provided in Figure [\[fig:block_diagram\]](#fig:block_diagram){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:block_diagram"} that describes the system all the way from the antennas to the final data product archive. The backend system design largely followed the CASPER philosophy of transferring as much of the transport between the digital subsystems to commodity-off-the-shelf (COTS) components and industry standard protocols (eg ethernet) that involve commercial switches and is interfaced to the pulsar processor which is itself a modern server comprised entirely of COTS components.
## The MeerKAT Radio Frequency Spectrum {#RFS}
MeerKAT is located in the Karoo, some 450 km north-east of Cape Town in the Northern Cape Province. Its low population density makes it an attractive site to pursue radio astronomy. The low-frequency HERA experiment and the future 197-dish SKA1-mid telescope --of which MeerKAT will be a part--will be located at the site which is protected by legislation against radio transmissions in many bands of relevance to radio astronomers. The technology behind low-noise amplifiers and radio receivers has greatly improved since the dawn of radio astronomy in the 1950s. Whilst even just a couple of decades ago it was necessary to sacrifice fractional bandwidth to minimise system temperature new engineering practices and technologies now permit the development of low-noise (\(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}20 K) receivers over a full octave or more of bandwidth eg.. The original MeerKAT radio telescope specification had a target effective collecting area per unit receiver temperature of \(A_{\rm eff}/T\) = 220 m\(^2\)/K but remarkably achieved 350--450 m\(^2\)/K (depending upon radio frequency), well over a factor of 2 increase in observing efficiency over the design specification. These figures equate to a system equivalent flux density ([SEFD]{.roman}) of \(\textrm{SEFD}=T/G\sim7\) Jy, where \(T\) is the system temperature in K and \(G\) is the total antenna gain \(G= A{\eta}/(2k)\), \(A\) is the collecting area, \(\eta\) is the aperture efficiency and \(k\) is Boltzmann's constant. The total MeerKAT antenna gain is 2.8 K/Jy and the system temperature about 18 K in the optimal location of the 1400 MHz band. The receivers have two orthogonal linear polarisations (H and V for horizontal and vertical respectively). In Figure [\[fig:bandpasses\]](#fig:bandpasses){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:bandpasses"} we present the radio spectrum as observed from the MeerKAT site for the UHF (544--1088 MHz) and L-band (856--1712 MHz) receivers taken from observations of the double pulsar PSR J0737\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}3039A. Pulsar observations are usually made with 1024 or 4096 frequency channels. The UHF band is remarkably clean, with just some small (strong but narrow-bandwidth) residual mobile phone-related transmissions visible around 940 MHz. In most countries that house large-diameter (64m class and above) telescopes, the UHF band is so badly polluted by digital television and mobile phone transmissions that it is often unusable except in very narrow frequency windows some 10s of MHz wide. Both of the SKA sites appear to have been chosen well and offer a renewed opportunity to explore the Universe at these frequencies. For pulsars, this is especially relevant, as most possess steep spectra, with spectral indices of between \(-1\) and \(-3\) above 1 GHz. The 1400-MHz (L-band) receiver band is not as pristine as the UHF band, but still has much of the spectrum available for science (see a quantified analysis below), depending upon the flux density of the target pulsar. The tied-array beam helps dilute interfering signals by dephasing them but the large number of bits in the digitizers and beam-former that deliver accurate channelisation of the data have one drawback in the sense that the interference-to-noise ratio can be extremely high. This makes deletion of at least some frequency channels essential before integration across frequency channels. Like all modern observatories, the 1400 MHz band suffers from transmissions from Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) and other satellites that are extremely strong and impossible to avoid. The small apertures (and hence large side-lobes) that the 14-m dishes of MeerKAT provide make satellite transmissions in the band almost omnipresent. The L-band spectrum is shown in Fig [\[fig:Lband_bandpass\]](#fig:Lband_bandpass){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Lband_bandpass"}. The first of the S-band (\(1.75-3.5\) GHz) receivers of the Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie are currently being installed and tested. When fully installed these will provide the possibility of performing high precision timing at even higher frequencies.
## Precise Time Systems in MeerKAT
### Background on requirements {#PTM}
The SKA phase I (comprising SKA1-low and SKA1-mid) has been strongly motivated by two key science projects, the Epoch of Reionisation and strong-field tests of gravity respectively. Despite the advent of direct gravitational wave detection and black hole imaging, a number of precision strong-field tests can only be achieved at radio wavelengths using pulsars. This includes the detection of a gravitational wave background from supermassive black holes using pulsar timing arrays, which will require timing an ensemble of MSPs to precisions well below 100 ns and possibly down to 10 ns. In order to achieve such precisions, two of the SKA1 specifications are especially relevant, one related to the calibration of the polarimetry that otherwise leads to systematic errors in timing; see, e.g.,, and the other the knowledge of absolute time with respect to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) over a full decade. The SKA1-mid specification on calibratable polarisation purity is \(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}40 db, and on time 5 ns over 10 years. The precise time systems in MeerKAT are specified to provide time products accurate to better than 5 ns, relative to UTC. The telescope was designed for absolute, not just relative timing which is the norm. This is achieved via a first-principles approach, by managing the time delays associated with every element of the geometric and signal paths.
### Realisation of system timing for the MeerKAT telescope
MeerKAT has defined a reference point on the Earth to which all time is referred. It is a location a few hundred metres approximately north of the centre of the array with with the ITRF coordinates X=5109360.0, Y=2006852.5, Z=\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}3238948.0 m. \(\pm\)`<!-- -->`{=html}0.5 m. The position of the reference point was chosen as the circumcentre of the array, roughly a metre above the ground. There is no antenna at this point; all pulsar timing is ultimately referred to when an incident radio wave would have struck this point. This location for MeerKAT is installed in the observatory coordinate file for the pulsar timing software [tempo2]{.smallcaps}, and used for all work in this paper. The coordinates of the source, antenna and UT1 define the geometric delay, and every attempt is made to derive the further delays incurred by the signal as it reflects off the telescope surfaces, passes through the feed/receiver/cable/filter and is ultimately sampled by the analogue to digital converters (ADCs). Round-trip measurements account for cable and fibre delays and are accurate to typically 1 ns. Estimates of the error in each stage of the path are also recorded for later dissemination to the pulsar processor to be recorded with the data. At each antenna, a digitiser is mounted close to the focus (see the lower panel in Figure [\[fig:time_transfer\]](#fig:time_transfer){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:time_transfer"}). The digitiser ADC is driven by the digitiser sample clock, derived from the Maser frequency standards and disseminated directly to the digitisers by optical fibre. The input voltages are sampled at the Nyquist rate after passing through an analogue filter for the selected band. The L-band receiver digitizes the data at exactly 1712 MHz (real samples) and passes the second Nyquist zone (i.e., top half of the band 856-1712 MHz) to the correlator-beamformer via optical fibre Ethernet. The digitiser maintains a 48-bit ADC sample counter, used to tag every packet. The counter is reset every day or two by telescope operators, before it overflows. The 10-bit digitiser offers excellent resistance to radio frequency interference and makes it possible to confine RFI to only the relevant frequency channels unless it causes saturation of the ADC. Optical timing pulses are generated by the Time and Frequency Reference (TFR) system in the processor building and disseminated to all antennas via dedicated optical fibres. The digitiser records the time of arrival of the optical pulse from the masers; it is also used to reset the digitiser sample clock when necessary. The timing fibres are buried 1 m deep to minimise diurnal temperature variations, but change length over the year as the site temperature varies. A round-trip measurement system continuously measures their length by timing the round trip of the timing pulse as reflected back from the digitiser. This falls within a general class of time-of-flight measurement which is traceable to the SI unit of time. In the correlator, prior to channelisation, the signals from all antennas are buffered and aligned using the ADC sample counter. Integer samples of delay are applied to compensate for physical delays. A multi-tap Hann-window polyphase filterbank is used to filter the data along with a phase gradient to eliminate the remaining (sub-sample) geometrical delay. Pulsar timing observations at L-band usually use the 1024 channel mode, giving a time resolution of 1/\(B\) of 1.196 \(\mu\)s. The narrowest mean MSP profile features are 10s of \(\mu\)s in width although 'giant' pulses have been observed with time resolution from the Crab pulsar with timescales of down to 1 ns. The Precise Time Manager (PTM) is a program that collects and aggregates all known delays in the system: geometric, physical delays in the antenna, analogue and digital delays in the receiver and digitiser, the correlator delay and the digitiser clock offset. PTM computes the *time that the wavefront corresponding to a certain ADC sample crossed the array phase centre*, and the uncertainty in this time. This time is passed to PTUSE for recording in the header of the pulsar observation. In September 2019, the uncertainty in this value was 3 to 4 ns.
### Tracking of telescope time: Karoo telescope time
The station clock is referred to as KTT (Karoo Telescope Time). This timescale is generated by the TFR subsystem using an ensemble of two active hydrogen masers, two Rubidium clocks and a quartz crystal. It is a physical timescale, defined at a connector in the system. The masers drift by typically just a few ns per day; KTT is kept \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1 \(\mu\)s from UTC by adjusting their synthesized frequency every few months to keep them in defined offset bands. The TFR system provides a 10 MHz frequency reference, from the Maser currently in use. Fractional frequency offset is kept to smaller than \(2\times10^{-13}\) with respect to UTC; no significant drift in time occurs during any observing campaign. Frequency synthesizers in the building, one per band, are locked to the reference frequency and generate the 1712 MHz and 1088 MHz sample clocks for distribution to the digitisers. The TFR also provides accurate time to other components of the telescope via Precision Time Protocol (PTP): this is used amongst other things in the pointing of the telescope and control of the precision timing systems. Pulsar timing requires the difference between UTC and KTT to be measured. At MeerKAT, this is done with a set of calculations to calculate ensemble time using interclock differences between five clocks, and measurements of four clocks with respect to GPS via two dual-band GNSS receivers and two single band GPS-only receivers. The multiple measurements then lead to clock solutions for each of the clocks in the ensemble via linear combinations of the different measurements. The usage of multiple clocks enables error/instability detection in any one of the clocks and a lower variance estimate in any one of the clocks as with standard ensembling used in timescale generation. Reference is made to the UTC via common-view comparison with the National Metrology Institute of South Africa (NMISA) in Pretoria, and by direct comparison with UTC(USNO) via GPS time dissemination. The uncertainty of the absolute time difference between KTT and UTC is specified to be less than 5 ns. At present, the systematic (non-varying) offset is only *stated* to 50 ns due to verification of absolute offset calibration being undertaken. The offset calibration was performed using absolutely calibrated GPS receivers before main observations were being undertaken, and will in future be done using an EMC-quiet calibrator in order not to disrupt the observations. The repeatability between observations is thought to be about 5 ns, implying that the systematics and the stability will finally converge to the latter number; final absolute calibration via a GPS simulator traceability chain will lower the absolute offset to \<1 ns. As we shall see later on, there is evidence from our pulsar timing results that we are approaching these levels of clock correction/stability. Furthermore, the clock tracker is currently being improved from a semi-real time predictive method, to a fully post-facto non-causal filtering type, using Savitzky-Golay filtering on which provisional internal self-consistency checks suggest a numerical error of \<1 ns. Post-facto, non-causal calculation is always better in improving timing compared to real-time 'UTC-like' timescale estimation, due to an increased data set, administrative oversight, ability to correct for non-idealities and the inherent outperformance of smoothers as compared to causal filters.
## The Polyphase Filterbanks {#PFB}
The MeerKAT channeliser (the F-engine) uses a polyphase filterbank (PFB) to channelise the digitized bandwidth into 1024 or 4096 critically sampled frequency channels with configurations described in Table [\[tb:fengine-configuration\]](#tb:fengine-configuration){reference-type="ref" reference="tb:fengine-configuration"}. A PFB filter design with a 16-tap Hann window was deployed aiming to achieve high sensitivity for continuum mapping with minimal bandwidth losses. This design uses only 6dB of attenuation at the channel edges which however gives rise to significant aliasing from adjacent channels in pulsar observations. To address this, an alternate 16-tap Hann window design that provides superior spectral purity performance at a modest price in sensitivity (due to reduced effective bandwidth) was implemented. This was achieved by reducing the 6 dB cut-off frequency to 0.91 times the channel width, sacrificing \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}5% of the sensitivity to reduce the leakage by 10 dB. Delay compensation is done in the F-engine. The requested delay polynomial is re-computed at every FFT. Coarse delay is done with a whole-sample delay buffer before the PFB. Fine delay is applied by phase rotation after the PFB. The channelised voltages in each packet from the F engine are time-stamped with the same 48-bit counter as the original digitiser voltages, delayed by the delay tracking system, and the impulse response of the channeliser. The F-engine operates internally with 22-bit complex numbers, these are requantised to 8 bits real + 8 bits imaginary for transmission over the network. The requantisation gain is chosen to provide adequate resolution on the quietest channels, which results in some of the strongest RFI channels being clipped. The requantisation gain register is also used to flatten the bandpass, equalise the gain of H and V polarisations, and correct for per-channel phase variations found during phase-up. A comparison of the shape of the transfer function for the two modes is shown in Figure [\[fig:hann_fir_response\]](#fig:hann_fir_response){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:hann_fir_response"}. The level magnitude response at channel boundaries (-0.5 and +0.5) determine the level of spectral leakage artifacts in pulsar timing observations. This effect is discussed in section [3.3](#leakage){reference-type="ref" reference="leakage"}, which shows the 0.91 filter design greatly reduces the artifacts and hence why this design has been deployed for most MeerTime observations (exceptions are those made with the 4096 channel mode).
## The Beamformer {#Bengine}
The MeerKAT beamformer (the B-engine) creates a dual polarisation tied-array beam by adding together the channelised complex voltages for all antennas, as produced by their individual F-engines. Thus the beam is also Nyquist-sampled like the antenna voltages. The B-engine is distributed among (typically) 64 SKARABs (custom boards developed by SARAO for digital signal processing designed to be used with the CASPER tools ), each processing a subset of frequencies for all antennas. Samples are aligned by a time-stamp before addition. A per-antenna real gain is provided for beam shaping; this is generally left at unity, but can be set to zero to eliminate an antenna from the beam, perhaps if it is not working properly. The B-engine output is also an 8-bit complex number and uses a requantisation gain to scale down the sum of the antenna voltages; this is typically scaled by \(1/\sqrt{N_{\rm ants}}\). The output data is sent back onto the switch as spead[^4] streams, one for each polarisation, using UDP multicast for consumption by downstream users. The packet sizes and rates are listed in Table [1](#tb:bengine-configuration){reference-type="ref" reference="tb:bengine-configuration"}. The B-engine can produce up to four tied-array beams from up to four simultaneous sub-arrays for downstream processing by the PTUSE pulsar processing servers. The computational burden on each server is identical regardless of the number of antennas in the sub-array.
## PTUSE: An SKA Pulsar Processing Prototype {#sec:PTUSE}
PTUSE stands for Pulsar Timing User Supplied Equipment in the standard SARAO nomenclature. This sub-system receives channelised voltage timeseries from the B-engines. Each of the tied-array beams are received on separate high end server class machines and processed to produce reduced data products which are then transferred to the MeerKAT data archive for long term storage and subsequent processing. The system design was developed by Swinburne University of Technology as the pulsar timing prototype for Square Kilometre Array (SKA) pre-construction. Two commissioning servers were deployed in 2015 for development and early science activities and were used until December 2019. Four production servers were then deployed to be used for the MeerTime key science program, allowing for increased processing capabilities and simultaneous processing of 4 tied-array beams. The configuration of servers for each deployment is described in Table [\[tb:ptuse-hardware-deployments\]](#tb:ptuse-hardware-deployments){reference-type="ref" reference="tb:ptuse-hardware-deployments"}.
Each PTUSE server subscribes to two spead streams from the B-engines via a tree of Mellanox 40 Gb switches, one for each polarisation. The spip[^5] software library receives the two streams, merging them and writing them to a psrdada[^6] ring buffer in CPU memory. The ring buffer is configured to hold approximately 20 seconds of data, providing buffer space to absorb any downstream processing lag. The ring buffer uses shared memory to facilitate asynchronous I/O between the smaller, faster writes of the UDP receive process and the larger, slower reads of the signal processing software. Monitoring software can also periodically sample the data streams to provide signal displays and diagnostics. Regardless of the number of channels, the data are split into two equal sub-bands which are independently processed in parallel by the pipelines in the dspsr software library. The pipelines perform the major signal processing functions on the GPUs which provide sufficient performance to process sub-bands in real-time. dspsr performs coherent dedispersion and can produce folded pulsar profiles (fold mode) or filterbanks (filterbank mode), significantly reducing the output data rate. The fold mode and filterbank mode both support flexible configuration parameters defining the output data resolutions subject to the limits listed in Table [\[tb:ptuse-processing-capabilities\]](#tb:ptuse-processing-capabilities){reference-type="ref" reference="tb:ptuse-processing-capabilities"}.
Both fold-mode and filterbank-mode data write the sub-banded results to disk in psrfits format, which are subsequently combined into a single file and transferred to both the MeerKAT Data Archive and the Swinburne OzSTAR supercomputer. The volume of filterbank data can be extreme when observing at the highest filterbank time resolutions, typical of globular cluster observing, recording data at over 400 MB/s (30 TB/day). These data products may be reduced on machines on-site prior to transfer to the data archive but also copied to future mirror sites planned in Europe (e.g. Max Planck Institute für RadioAstronomie).
## PTUSE: Challenges and Upgrades {#sec:PTUSEsubsec}
During commissioning, it was found that capture of small UDP multicast packets at the high rates required is challenging on the Intel E5-2623v3 CPUs in the Commissioning System. The Commissioning System suffered from occasional packet loss, with an average loss rate of 700 bytes per minute (less than about 4 parts per billion) when observing at L-band in 1024 channel mode. Rather than having \"holes\" in the data, the samples from the previous cycle of the ring buffer were used to maintain the system noise level. This can occasionally replace what should be system noise by a pulse and vice versa. The issue was traced to insufficient CPU memory bandwidth, and to eliminate potential artifacts, the switch to the Production System has eliminated virtually all packet loss. PTUSE supports a raw baseband observing mode which records the raw channelised voltage time series produced by the B-engines. The Commissioning Systems could only store \(<\)`<!-- -->`{=html}30 s of data in this mode which would then require many minutes to slowly write out to the SATA disk system. The Production Systems each feature an NVME RAID disk which can record at 6 GB/s, which adds the capability to record up to 40 minutes of raw baseband data to disk on each server. This baseband mode allows recording at the native 1.196 \(\mu\)s time resolution of the PFB channel bandwidths, enabling the study of giant pulses, pulse microstructure or the timing of many globular cluster pulsars at Nyquist time resolution upon playback. The Commissioning Systems will be retained for data distribution and monitoring with the Production Systems used for all future PTUSE observations. The dspsr software library supports the creation of multiple frequency channels within each coarse channel (using the-F option on the command line) but to date there has been no call for it from observers and the user interface does not yet support it. Writing baseband data to disk and running dspsr on the command line would achieve this functionality if required.
# System Verification {#sec:SV}
## System Equivalent Flux Density {#SEFD}
Most pulsars at high dispersion measure (i.e. with DM \> 200 pc cm\(^{-3}\)) show only modest (\(<\) 1 dB) flux density variation at the MeerKAT observing frequencies and can be used to perform a first-order calibration of the system performance. Three such pulsars are PSRs J1602\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}5100 (B1558\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}50), J1651\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}4246 (B1648\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}42) and J1809\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1917 with flux densities of 7.0, 21.4 and 2.8 mJy at 1369 MHz as measured by the Parkes telescope. Each of these pulsars was observed on 4 separate occasions with MeerKAT using the L-band receiver and here we investigate the system performance they imply for the telescope. The data were excised of interference and split into two bands each of 194 MHz centered near 1200 and 1400 MHz in order to best compare with the Parkes data. We derived a system equivalent flux density (including the sky contribution) of 8.1, 8.0, and 10.3 Jy in the central part of the band for the three pulsar locations. It is difficult to accurately estimate the sky contribution with the current MeerKAT system, but the Parkes observations would imply values of 4, 4, and 10 K in the direction of the three pulsars. We therefore conclude that the [SEFD]{.roman} is consistent with 7 Jy across 400 MHz of bandwidth.
## Bandwidth Utilisation
To quantify the effect of radio frequency interference (RFI) on our pulsar science, we took observations of the narrow duty-cycle MSP PSR J1909\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}3744 from Feb 2019 until Nov 2019 and eliminated interference by looking for deviations in the pulsar's baseline that exceeded 5 sigma after averaging the pulse profile every 8 seconds. In total, we analysed 2825 8-second integrations. These results are shown in Figure [\[fig:RFIplot\]](#fig:RFIplot){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:RFIplot"}. In the central 928 channels of the 1024, we only had to delete 12.8% of the 1400 MHz band, on average. Although, some of these channels have very persistent RFI and their deleted fraction is close to 100%, particularly those channels associated with Global Positioning Satellites and the mobile phone band near 950 MHz. Other RFI sources are very time-dependent like those associated with aircraft. On short timescales, the fraction of affected integrations is similar. In an analysis of a 7200-second observation of the giant-pulse emitting pulsar PSR J0540\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}6919, we created single pulse timing archives with an approximate integration time of 50.6 ms. We followed the same procedure we used for the PSR J1909\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}3744 observations to delete RFI-affected frequency channels. Single-pulse integrations make weaker RFI easier to detect as it is not washed out by the process of pulsar folding but also means RFI with an on/off timescale greater than (in this case) 50 ms can lead to integrations with less or almost no RFI. We found that, in a single two-hour observation, 9.6% of the band was deleted using the same criteria as for the integrated pulse profile tests. To place these results in context, for much of the last two decades, observations at the Parkes 64 m telescope have used bandwidths of 256-340 MHz in the 20-cm band. Our results suggest that, for pulsar timing and single-pulse studies, effectively 87-90% of the 928 central frequency channels can be used for a total bandwidth of 675-700 MHz centred at 1400 MHz. This is very competitive with almost all existing large-aperture telescopes and comparable to the fraction of the 1400 MHz band at the NRAO Green Bank telescope (GBT) and only exceeded by the recent development of the Ultra-Wideband receiver at the Parkes telescope that operates from 704 MHz to 4.032 GHz. In Figure 6 we show the examples of broadband observations of the double pulsar PSR J0737--3039A that demonstrate the high fractional bandwidths available for pulsar observations at UHF and L-band with MeerKAT.
## Spectral Leakage {#leakage}
The effect of spectral leakage, due to the shape of the PFB filter magnitude response in the F-engines, is demonstrated with 700-second observations of PSR J1939+2134 (B1937+21). These observations were coherently dedispersed, folded and integrated into a single profile. The difference between an average frequency-dependent profile for the two filter designs (described in section [2.3](#PFB){reference-type="ref" reference="PFB"} ) as a function of frequency and pulse phase is shown in Figure [\[fig:pennuccimask\]](#fig:pennuccimask){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:pennuccimask"}. The original filters gave rise to frequency-dependent pulse profiles that possessed 'reflections' of the main and inter-pulses due to spectral leakage from the adjacent channels. At lower frequencies the reflected pulses are offset further from the true pulse with the magnitude of the reflection being inversely proportional to the amplitude response at the channel boundary in the filter design. This is very bad for precision timing experiments, as depending upon the location of scintillation maxima it can systematically alter the shape of the pulsar's frequency-integrated profile and lead to systematic timing errors. The new filter greatly reduces the amplitude of these artifacts which are now seemingly negligible.
## Artifacts {#ART}
To explore the level of any potential system artifacts we compared the pulse profile of the MSP PSR J1939+2134 observed with MeerKAT/PTUSE with archival observations from the CASPSR (CASPER-Parkes-Swinburne-Recorder) coherent dedisperser on the Parkes 64 m radio telescope in the same frequency band. CASPSR digitizes the entire down-converted 400 MHz band and uses the [dspsr]{.smallcaps} library to coherently dedisperse the data using graphics processing units. PTUSE on the other hand dedisperses the narrow polyphase filterbank channels produced by the B-engine using the same software library. There is perhaps a danger that each of these methods may create different artifacts in the profile that affect precision timing and interpretation of pulse features. PSR J1939+2134 has a steep spectrum and is prone to strong scintillation maxima in narrow (few MHz) frequency bands around 1400 MHz hence it is important to focus on a relatively narrow fractional bandwidth to identify potential artifacts. We selected the relatively narrow bandwidth between 1280 and 1420 MHz at both sites and produced a Stokes I profile for each. As we saw earlier (section [2.3](#PFB){reference-type="ref" reference="PFB"}) in some MeerKAT F-engine modes (eg the early 1024 channel mode) the spectral leakage is significant between neighbouring channels and the relative heights of the two pulse components from the MeerKAT profile did not agree with the CASPSR data with the weaker of the two pulses being reduced in amplitude by circa 10%. We then repeated the exercise using the new 1K mode of MeerKAT/PTUSE with the sharper filters and found the MeerKAT and Parkes profiles to be consistent within the noise. We attribute this improvement to the choice of filters now in use in MeerKAT's F-engine that eliminate spectral leakage. The Parkes, MeerKAT and difference profiles are shown in Figure [\[fig:1939_PKS_MK\]](#fig:1939_PKS_MK){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:1939_PKS_MK"}. This is encouraging for comparisons of pulsar profiles not only between different pulsars at MeerKAT but between observatories that use digital signal processing and common software libraries.
## Polarimetry {#POLN}
The boresight polarimetric response of the MeerKAT tied-array beam was estimated using the Measurement Equation Modeling (MEM) technique described in. Motivated by the results of, the MEM implementation was updated to optionally include observations of an artificial noise source that is coupled after the orthomode transducer (OMT) and to remove the assumption that the system noise has insignificant circular polarisation. The updated model was fit to observations of the closest and brightest MSP, PSR J0437\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}4715, made over a wide range of parallactic angles, and both on-source and off-source observations of the bright calibrator PKS J1934\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}6342. The best-fit model parameters include estimated receptor ellipticities that are less than \(1^\circ\) across the entire band, indicating that the degree of mixing between linear and circular polarisation is exceptionally low. The non-orthogonality of the receptors is also very low, as characterised by the intrinsic cross-polarisation ratio, which varies between 50 and 80 dB across the band. Noting that larger values of IXR correspond to greater polarimetric purity, the MeerKAT tied-array beam exceeds both the minimum pre-calibration performance and the minimum post-calibration performance recommended for high-precision pulsar timing. The reference signal produced by the incoherent sum of the noise diode signals from each antenna significantly deviates from 100% linear polarisation; its polarisation state varies approximately linearly from \(\sim20\)% circular polarisation at 900 MHz to \(\sim60\)% circular polarisation at 1670 MHz. Therefore, if an observation of the reference signal were to be used to calibrate the differential gain and phase of the tied-array response, then the technique described in Section 2.1 of would be necessary. However, the reference signal also exhibits evidence of a significantly non-linear tied-array response. This is observed as over-polarisation of the reference signal (e.g., degree of polarisation as high as 105%--110%) and is also observed in the goodness-of-fit (e.g. reduced \(\chi^2\) between \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}300 and \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}800) reported when performing MEM with reference source observations included. The origin of the non-linearity is currently not understood; therefore, given that the best-fit values of differential receptor ellipticity are very small[^7], all reference source observations (including on-source and off-source observations of PKS J1934\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}6342) were removed from the MEM input data, yielding good fits to the pulsar signal with reduced \(\chi^2\) between \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1.6 and \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1.9. To test the stability of the polarimetric response, observations of PSR J0437\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}4715 made on 4 September 2019 were modelled and calibrated using MEM and then integrated to form a template with which to model observations made on 3 October 2019 using Measurement Equation Template Matching. The template, formed from an integrated total of 2 hours of observing time, has a signal-to-noise ratio of \(3.8 \times 10^4\). In each frequency channel that was not flagged as corrupted by RFI, the METM model fit the data well, with reduced \(\chi^2\) values ranging between \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1.1 and \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1.3. The integrated total of the METM-calibrated data are plotted in Figure [\[fig:0437_poln\]](#fig:0437_poln){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:0437_poln"}. As a final consistency check, the calibrated polarisation of PSR J0437\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}4715 observed at MeerKAT was quantitatively compared with that observed at the Parkes Observatory using CASPSR. After selecting the part of the MeerKAT band that overlaps with the 400 MHz band recorded by CASPSR, the calibrated MeerKAT data were fit to the calibrated Parkes template using Matrix Template Matching. The MeerKAT data fit the Parkes data well, with reduced \(\chi^2\) values ranging between \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1.2 and \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1.5. The Jones matrices that transform the MeerKAT data to the basis defined by the Parkes template in each frequency channel were parameterised using Equation 19 of. All model parameters were close to zero, except for the differential ellipticity, \(\delta_\chi\), which varied between +1 and \(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}2 degrees as a function of frequency, and the rotation about the line of sight, \(\sigma_\theta\), which varied between \(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}5 and \(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}8 degrees. Non-zero values of \(\delta_\chi\), which describes the mixing between Stokes I and Stokes V, are expected; as described in Appendix B of, this mixing must be constrained by introducing assumptions that may be correct only to first order. Non-zero values of \(\sigma_\theta\) are also expected owing to unmodelled Faraday rotation in Earth's ionosphere. After initialising the array, a standard operating procedure is to run the so-called delay calibration observation. During the observation, the noise diode as well as bright, well known sources are used to calculate and apply time-variable solutions for the antenna-based delays. The delay calibration observation consists of multiple stages: initially predefined F-engine complex gains are applied in the correlator for each antenna; a suitable calibrator is observed and simple antenna-based delays are calculated; next, a noise diode is activated and cross-polarisation delay as well as phase is measured for the entire array. The delays are derived and combined by the real-time calibration pipeline before being applied to the data with the exception of the cross-polarisation phases which are stored in the observation metadata and can be applied at a later stage. At present the parallactic angle is assumed to be the same for every antenna. Pulsars that transit 6 degrees from the zenith have at most about a 0.2 degree error because of this assumption.
## Timing {#TIMING}
To test the timing stability of the telescope, we routinely observed the bright, narrow MSP PSR J1909\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}3744 over a period of about 11 months from March 2019. This pulsar has a well-established ephemeris that we took from the Parkes Pulsar Timing Array. We first excised radio frequency interference in the data cube using the coastguard package, which we modified to work with MeerKAT data. Importantly we used frequency-dependent model templates to identify on and off-pulse regions from which to calculate a set of statistics that could be used to identify contaminated profiles that should be excised. We updated the dispersion measure in the data sets to a value near the mean over the observing interval. We then averaged to \(32\) channels in frequency and completely in time for each observation. Using a template with \(32\) frequency channels to capture profile evolution, we derived arrival times using the Fourier-domain phase-gradient algorithm with Monte Carlo estimates for the arrival time uncertainties. We analysed the arrival times using temponest. To first order, MSPs only drift slowly from their timing models, so we started the PPTA ephemeris from its second data release and modelled only the minimum number of additional parameters: the pulsar spin and spin down rate; dispersion measure and first derivative dispersion measure; and the tempo2 FD ("frequency dependent") parameters to account for pulse profile evolution with frequency. FD parameters model systematic offsets in the average frequency-resolved timing residuals. The model is a simple polynomial as a function of log\(_{10}\) of the observing frequency, where each FD parameter is one of the polynomial coefficients. However, it should be noted that FD parameters can absorb other systematic effects besides unmodeled evolution of the profile shape. We searched for three forms of stochastic noise in the data. We searched for red noise and DM variations using the established Bayesian methods now commonly employed. To model the white noise we searched for both EQUAD and EFAC (using the temponest definitions), and a new parameter, TECORR, which accounts for correlated white noise, by adding an additional term to the noise covariance matrix \[\sigma^2_{ij}=\delta(t_i-t_j) \sigma^2_{\rm TECORR, hr} \sqrt{3600~{\rm s}/T},\] where \(\delta(t_i-t_j)=1\) if the data are from the same integration, and \(T\) is observation integration time in seconds. The noise parameter is similar to the ECORR that has been employed notably in NANOGrav data analyses. However the noise accounts for varying observing lengths. Correlated noise introduced by stochasticity in pulse shape variations is predicted to reduce in proportion to the square root of time. We find no evidence for red noise in our data set, which is unsurprising given its short length. We note that the Bayesian methodology employed accounts for covariances between noise and the timing model, so would be able to detect red noise if it were sufficiently strong. We find strong evidence for dispersion measure variations, which are visible by eye in our \(512\)-s observations. We also find evidence for band-correlated white noise (TECORR), but no evidence for EQUAD and EFAC. We measure \(\sigma_{\rm TECORR,hr} \approx 24\) ns. Which is approximately a factor of two larger than the expected jitter noise measurements inferred from our short observations . The excess noise is the subject of current research, but we suspect it includes contributions from unmodelled dispersion measure variations. After subtracting the maximum likelihood model for dispersion measure variations and forming the weighted average of the sub-banded residual arrival times we found evidence for marginal orbital phase dependent variations in the residuals. After accounting for this by fitting for the companion mass, we measure the root-mean square of the average residual arrival times times to be \(\approx 66\) ns as shown in Figure [\[fig:1909timing\]](#fig:1909timing){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:1909timing"}. It is possible that the fitting (in particular of the position and spin down) is absorbing some noise in the data set. If we start from the ephemeris published in PPTA-DR2, fitting only DM variations and FD parameters we measure the rms of the averaged residuals to be 76 ns. We note that the PPTA-DR2 ephemeris was intended to be initial ephemeris for future studies, and only crude noise modelling was undertaken. Figure [\[fig:1909timing_orb\]](#fig:1909timing_orb){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:1909timing_orb"} shows the residual arrival times plotted versus pulse phase when ignoring entirely (panel a) and accounting for the Shapiro delay caused by the radio waves propagating through the gravitational field of the companion. To test the timing stability of the system on short timescales, we made use of the bright Fermi source PSR J2241\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}5236. This 2.18 ms MSP has a narrow duty-cycle (\(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}3%) and is regularly timed as part of the Parkes Pulsar Timing Array. It has a mean 1.4 GHz flux density of 3-4 mJy and often experiences bright scintillation maxima. On April 22 2019 UTC, this pulsar produced a 5030 \(\sigma\) profile in just 512 s in 64 \(\times\) 8 s integrations. After forming an appropriate smoothed template, we produced arrival times every 8 s after summing over the full bandwidth and obtained an rms residual of the resultant 8 s integrations of only 90 ns using the existing ephemeris. This is the lowest rms residual in 8 s ever seen in pulsar timing and implies a very small jitter upper limit of only \(90/(3600/8)^{1/2} = 4.2\) ns in an hour. Both of these results auger well for the future of MSP timing at the MeerKAT telescope and are a testament to the engineering care that has been achieved with the TFR, PTM and PTUSE.
## Filterbank Mode {#subsec:GC}
The globular cluster Ter 5 was observed in filterbank mode for 9000 s on May 27 2019 with 9.57 \(\mu\)s time resolution and full polarimetry. Profiles for the 34 detected pulsars are shown in Figure [\[fig:Ter5montage\]](#fig:Ter5montage){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Ter5montage"} showing the high time resolution and signal-to-noise ratios for many of the pulsars. These observations only used the central dishes within 500 m radius of the core. A trade-off has to be made between the sensitivity of the tied beam and its width. With this configuration all of the pulsars except Ter 5 A, D, X and J were within the half-power point of the beam at the centre frequency of the observation. Ter 5 A is so bright that it was easily detected regardless, but the others were heavily attenuated. The detections of Ter 5 ah and Ter 5 aj are marginal. The pulsar profiles were obtained in a two-stage process. First, the pulsars were folded with the latest ephemerides available from the GBT program (Ransom, private communication). Some required minor refinement of their periods to correct for minor drifts in pulse phase. It is not uncommon for black widow pulsar systems to accumulate orbital phase drifts that manifest themselves as changes in the observed period for fractions of their orbit. A comparison of S/N was made for 29 of the pulsars that are routinely detected at the GBT in an equivalent observing time. Of these, 15 were better with MeerKAT and another 9 within 25% of the GBT value. The four poorest (A, D, X and J) were all outside the half-power point of the MeerKAT tied beam. Ter 5 O was observed in parallel using the fold-mode of PTUSE and after calibration we derived a rotation measure for the cluster of 174.6\(\pm\)`<!-- -->`{=html}0.8 rad/m\(^2\) which is consistent with the value (178.5\(\pm\)`<!-- -->`{=html}3.5) for the cluster obtained by for Ter 5 A. The pulse profile and polarimetry are shown in Figure [\[fig:Ter5O_poln\]](#fig:Ter5O_poln){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Ter5O_poln"}.
# New Results {#sec:RESULTS}
## A Giant Pulse from PSR J0540--6919
PSR J0540--6919 is a young pulsar in the Large Magellanic Cloud that has been observed by the Parkes telescope to emit giant pulses and possesses a twin-peaked average pulse profile (bottom panel Figure [\[fig:0540\]](#fig:0540){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:0540"}). In a test of the PTUSE filterbank mode, we observed this source for two hours on March 26 2019 and detected a large number of giant pulses. The brightest giant pulse has a peak flux density of 5.4 Jy and a mean flux density of 92 mJy and is shown in Figure [\[fig:0540\]](#fig:0540){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:0540"}. These flux values are estimated using the MeerKAT SEFD values. At its assumed distance of 50 kpc, this giant pulse would have a peak luminosity of 13500 Jy kpc\(^2\). If placed in M31, this giant pulse would have a peak flux of \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}25 mJy and would be detectable by the FAST telescope.
## Nulling in PSR J0633--2015
The raw sensitivity of MeerKAT makes it ideal to study single pulse phenomenology in large number of pulsars previously too weak for such studies. For example, understanding the population and characteristics of nulling pulsars, and how the pulsar sets the timescale for the on-and off-periods are key questions of the emission physics. PSR J0633\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}2015 is a long period pulsar discovered by who made no mention of its unusual pulse-pulse characteristics. Figure [\[fig:0633\]](#fig:0633){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:0633"} shows a 5 minute observation made with MeerKAT on 2019 October 27. Each horizontal row shows a colour-coded representation of the flux density each individual pulse from the pulsar. Short duration nulling is clearly visible.
## Double Pulsar Timing
A full orbit of the double pulsar PSR J0737\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}3039A was observed to assess the precision of its arrival times with MeerKAT using 56 antennas. Using \(16\times 53.5\) MHz sub-bands and 64 s integrations we obtained a post-fit rms residual of just 9.3 \(\mu\)s. Averaging across the full band yields a post-fit arrival time rms of just 2.3 \(\mu\)s in 64 s. By comparison, a 2013 archival observation of J0737\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}3039A with the Parkes 64 m telescope using the multibeam receiver and the 340 MHz CASPSR coherent dedisperser 64 s integrations yielded 15 \(\mu\)s rms residuals. The improvement in timing is therefore a factor of 6.5. We now examine how this compares with the radiometer equation expectations. The [SEFD]{.roman} of the Parkes telescope/multibeam receiver is \(\sim\) 30 Jy whereas MeerKAT is \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}7 Jy and the effective (RFI-free) bandwidths used are 340 and \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}756 MHz respectively. Therefore, we would expect the ratio of the MeerKAT residuals to that of the Parkes multibeam CASPSR residuals to be of order \(56/64 \times 7/30\times\sqrt{340/756}\sim 1/7\), in good agreement with our measured ratio of 6.5. Given the flux density variations exhibited by pulsars at the dispersion measure of this pulsar (48.9 pc cm\(^{-3}\)) due to interstellar scintillation this is perfectly consistent with expectations based on our impressive telescope gain and system temperature figures quoted for MeerKAT's L-band receiver. A factor of 6.5 in timing residuals increases observing efficiency by a factor of \(6.5^2 \sim 40\). These test observations imply that MeerKAT will be important for studies of the double pulsar, in particular its eclipse, Shapiro delay, and hunts for the (now invisible) "B" pulsar that demand high sensitivity. In the longer term, extremely high precision will be required to separate the contributions of Lense-Thirring precession to the relativistic advance of periastron and hence determine the moment of inertia of the neutron star in a novel way.
# Discussion and Outlook {#sec:discussion}
The MeerKAT telescope was designed both to be a powerful standalone instrument and to be integrated into SKA1-mid. The development and commissioning of the PTUSE instrument has demonstrated that it is achieving excellent sensitivity, pulsar timing and polarimetric accuracy and already making discoveries such as new records on pulse jitter and timing stability. But MeerKAT has the potential to break other new ground. It is an extremely agile mechanical telescope, and can slew at 2 deg/s in azimuth and 1 deg/s in elevation. The current dead time between pulsar observations is now just \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}5 s leading to high observing efficiencies. In many regions of the galaxy, many pulsars will occupy the same primary beam, and in future array releases it will be possible to place a tied-array beam on up to four objects at once to further enhance the timing program efficiency. However other opportunities exist to further enhance pulsar timing at MeerKAT. The TRAPUM and Breakthrough Listen compute clusters currently being commissioned on site receive the voltages from every individual antenna and can form coherent beams that can be independently steered within the primary beam. TRAPUM will form up to (depending upon bandwidth) 900 coherent beams to search for pulsars and Fast Radio Bursts whilst the Breakthrough Listen cluster intends to search for techno-signatures from advanced civilisations. These instruments can complement PTUSE by placing a tied beam on all known pulsars within the primary beam to maximise efficiency when timing the dozens of MSPs that inhabit globular clusters like 47 Tucanae and Terzan 5. In February 2020 four completely independent sub-arrays were tested, each of them observing a different pulsar. It will soon be possible to time over 1000 pulsars in just an 8 hour period using these modes. All of the low dispersion measure MSPs (\(DM<40\) pc cm\(^{-3}\)) exhibit scintillation maxima on the timescale of hours that can easily amplify/deamplify their mean flux by factors of several. If we could observe MSPs during such maxima the benefits in observing efficiency are significant. In the absence of limits from pulse jitter, a factor of just two in mean flux density is worth a four-fold improvement in timing efficiency according to the radiometer equation. Hence in the future we intend to use the bulk of the array to time a timing array MSP whilst a small group of antennas conduct an audit of potential targets that may be in a bright scintillation state. This could lead to dramatic increases in the sensitivity of the MeerKAT pulsar timing array and its contribution to the IPTA's goal of detecting nanoHz gravitational waves. The MeerTime Large Survey Project consists of four major sub-projects or themes: relativistic and binary pulsars, globular clusters, the MeerTime Pulsar Timing Array and the Thousand Pulsar Array. These all aim to create a legacy dataset for current and future generations of astronomers. Data on the first three projects will be made available according to SARAO Large Survey Project data release guidelines and upon publication. The Thousand Pulsar Array has an ambitious objective to make its data public once it is cleaned, calibrated, and the timing corrections are secure. As of Feb 26 2020 MeerTime[^8] has already observed 1005 unique target pulsars in 825 h of observing and shows that MeerKAT should be an exceptional pulsar facility in the lead-up to its incorporation into the SKA. Many of the pointings were of globular clusters, and hence well over 1000 individual pulsars have already obtained pulse profiles suitable for timing and polarimetry.
[^1]: https://www.atnf.csiro.au/research/pulsar/psrcat/
[^2]: www.ipta4gw.org
[^3]: http://www.meertime.org
[^4]: https://casper.ssl.berkeley.edu/wiki/SPEAD
[^5]: https://github.com/ajameson/spip
[^6]: https://psrdada.sourceforge.net
[^7]: Differential receptor ellipticity, which describes the mixing between Stokes I and Stokes V, must be constrained by observations of a source of known circular polarisation, as described in Appendix B of and considered in more detail in.
[^8]: www.meertime.org | {'timestamp': '2020-06-01T02:05:27', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14366', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14366'} |
# Introduction
Apart from the conventional microelectronic application, manganese silicide alloy of nominal composition Mn\(_5\)Si\(_3\) has attracted renewed interest among researchers due to the recent discovery of different interesting magnetic and magnetofunctional properties, which includes magnetocaloric effect, anomalous Hall effect, inverted hysteresis behavior, thermomagnetic irreversibility, and spin fluctuation . At room temperature, this Mn\(_5\)Si\(_3\) alloy is paramagnetic (PM) in nature with hexagonal \(D8_8\) type crystal structure (space group \(P6_3/mcm\)) having two distinct crystallographic sites for Mn (4(d) and 6(g), popularly termed as Mn1 and Mn2) . A decrease in sample temperature (\(T\)) results in two magnetic transitions, namely PM to collinear antiferromagnetic (AFM2) state at 100 K and AFM2 to noncollinear antiferromagnetic (AFM1) state at 66 K . Both of these magnetic transitions are also associated with the change in magnetic structures. Below PM to AFM2 transition temperature, the magnetic structure of the system becomes orthorhombic (space group \(Ccmm\)) . On the other hand, the monoclinic structure with the noncentrosymmetric \(Cc2m\) space group has been observed below AFM2 to AFM1 transition point . Apart from AFM1 and AFM2 state, another intermediate noncollinear antiferromagnetic (AFM1\(^{\prime}\)) state has also been reported for the present alloy by Sürgers *et al.* Such intermediate AFM1\(^{\prime}\) state appears during AFM1 to AFM2 field-induced transition. Detailed neutron diffraction studies confirm the presence of multiple Mn sites with different moment values and arrangements below the magnetic transition temperatures . Such dissimilar nature of Mn-sites in magnetically ordered phases plays a pivotal role in the observation of different magnetic properties.
Our recent investigation on Mn\(_5\)Si\(_3\) alloy reveals probably the first-ever observation of inverted hysteresis loop (IHL) in a bulk antiferromagnetic compound . The isothermal arrest of intermediate AFM1\(^{\prime}\) state is the crucial reason for such novel observation. Besides, isothermal as well as thermomagnetic arrest lead to a significant modification in the existing phase diagram of the alloy . Now, to check the robustness of the observed IHL and arrested behavior, it is pertinent to investigate the effect of Mn-site doping in Mn\(_5\)Si\(_3\) alloy. For the pure Mn\(_5\)Si\(_3\) alloy, the nearest neighbor Mn-Mn distance plays a crucial role in the magnetic character of the alloy, and it is lying very near to the critical values of instability . Mn-site doping will directly influence the Mn-Mn distance and hence the magnetic interaction in the material.
Until now, very few doping studies have been performed on the present manganese silicide system, which only reports the effect of doping on the magnetic transition temperatures and fields . No detailed magnetic investigations (both macroscopic and microscopic) have yet been performed on such doped alloys. In the present work, we doped both smaller size Ni and larger size Cr atoms in the Mn-site of the Mn\(_5\)Si\(_3\) alloy with the motivation of investigating the effects of such doping on the recently observed unique properties, such as IHL and thermomagnetic irreversibility. Experimental outcomes indicate a monotonous decrement of AFM1\(^{\prime}\) phase fraction with increasing doping concentrations, and for 4% doping, alloys are found to show field-induced transition directly from AFM1 to AFM2 phase (without intermediate AFM1\(^{\prime}\) phase). A Gradual decrease of such intermediate AFM1\(^{\prime}\) phase with doping affects the IHL and thermomagnetic irreversibility present in this system and eventually vanishes both for 4% Ni and Cr doping cases.
# Experimental details
Ni and Cr-doped alloys of nominal compositions Mn\(_{5-x}\)A\(_x\)Si\(_3\) (\(x\) = 0.05, 0.1, 0.2 and A = Ni, Cr) were prepared by arc melting the constituent elements in an inert argon atmosphere using a Centorr make tri-arc furnace. Elements with purity better than 99.9% were used for sample preparation. To ensure the homogeneity, all the alloys were remelted four times during the preparation. Finally, ingots were sealed in an evacuated quartz capsule and annealed at 900\(^{\circ}\)C for a week followed by rapid quenching in ice water. The room temperature x-ray powder diffraction (XRD) technique was adopted for the structural characterization of the prepared alloys. XRD patterns for the studied alloys were recorded in a Bruker AXS diffractometer (D8-Advance), where Cu-K\(_{\alpha}\) radiation was used as a probe for x-ray diffraction measurements. Commercial cryogen-free high magnetic field system from Cryogenic Ltd., UK (temperature range 2-300 K and magnetic field range 0-150 kOe), equipped with vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM), was used for dc magnetic measurements. For better temperature stability, He-exchange gas was used, and the observed fluctuation in the sample temperature was about 15 mK. During dc magnetic measurements, true zero-field cooled (ZFC) conditions were obtained by following the methods mentioned in Das *et al.* .
# Experimental Results
The room temperature powder XRD patterns for the doped alloys indicate that all of them crystallize in hexagonal structure with space group \(P6_3/mcm\). The diffraction patterns were analyzed by the Rietveld refinement method using the fullprof software package. XRD patterns, along with Rietveld fitted curves, difference patterns, and Bragg's peak positions are plotted in fig. [\[xrd\]](#xrd){reference-type="ref" reference="xrd"}(a) and (b). For the best fitting of the diffraction patterns, we have considered partial occupancy between Mn and Ni/Cr at all the Mn positions. No impurity peak has been observed in any of the prepared alloys. Ni-doping results in a decrease in lattice volume, whereas a significant increase in lattice volume has been found for Cr-doped alloys. Variations of lattice volume with doping concentration are listed in table 1. Using Rietveld refinement parameters, we prepared the structure of 4% Ni-doped (\(x\) = 0.2) alloy and \(c\)-axis projected structure of the same is shown in fig. [\[xrd\]](#xrd){reference-type="ref" reference="xrd"}(c).
------------------------------ ----------- ------------------ ------------------------
Sample Lattice Moment at 5 K AFM2-AFM1
Name Volume in \(H\) = 150 kOe transition
temperature (\(T_{N1}\))
Å\(^3\) (emu/g) \(K\)
Mn\(_{4.95}\)Ni\(_{0.05}\)Si\(_3\) 199.09(9) 48.03 56.52
Mn\(_{4.9}\)Ni\(_{0.1}\)Si\(_3\) 199.01(3) 45.04 47.96
Mn\(_{4.8}\)Ni\(_{0.2}\)Si\(_3\) 198.51(5) 42.27 24.16
Mn\(_{4.95}\)Cr\(_{0.05}\)Si\(_3\) 199.33(1) 49.14 57.41
Mn\(_{4.9}\)Cr\(_{0.1}\)Si\(_3\) 199.43(2) 48.61 53.11
Mn\(_{4.8}\)Cr\(_{0.2}\)Si\(_3\) 199.58(5) 47.99 31.21
------------------------------ ----------- ------------------ ------------------------
: Variation of lattice volume, moment at 5 K (in the presence of \(H\) = 150 kOe), and AFM2 to AFM1 transition temperatures for the Ni and Cr-doped alloys.
Now, let us concentrate on the temperature (\(T\)) variation of the dc magnetization (\(M\)) data. The field cooling (FC) and field-cooled heating (FCH) dc \(M\) data, recorded in the presence of 10 kOe of an external magnetic field (\(H\)), for Ni and Cr-doped alloys are plotted in fig. [\[mtmh\]](#mtmh){reference-type="ref" reference="mtmh"} (a) and (b) respectively. These iso-field \(M(T)\) data indicate a strong influence of doping on the transition temperatures and moment values. A significant decrease in the AFM1 to AFM2 transition temperatures (\(T_{N1}\)) has been observed in doped alloys. In the case of Ni-doping, the reduction of such transition \(T\) is about 41 K for 4% of doping (\(x\) = 0.2). On the other hand, a similar percentage of Cr-doping results in a 35 K decrease in \(T_{N1}\). Variation of \(T_{N1}\) with doping concentration is shown in table 1. Interestingly, PM to AFM2 transition temperature (\(T_{N2}\)), determined by differentiating the \(M(T)\) data, remains almost unchanged at 100 K with doping. The observed effect of doping is consistent with the previously reported Ni and Cr-doped Mn\(_5\)Si\(_3\) alloys. The presence of thermal hysteresis between FC and FCH \(M(T)\) data in all Ni and Cr-doped alloys around the \(T_{N1}\) confirm the first-order nature of the transition. Similar thermal hysteresis has also been observed in pristine Mn\(_5\)Si\(_3\) alloy . A significant increase in dc \(M\) value for both Ni and Cr-doped alloys has been noted below \(T_{N2}\) in the presence of 10 kOe of external \(H\). We have also recorded iso-field \(M(T)\) data in the FCH protocol at different applied \(H\). Effects of increasing \(H\) on \(M(T)\) data of the doped alloys are found to be similar to the results observed for pure Mn\(_5\)Si\(_3\) alloy. For both pure and doped cases, the \(T_{N1}\) is shifted towards lower \(T\) with increasing \(H\), whereas, \(T_{N2}\) remains unchanged. The observed behavior is because the external \(H\) prefers the AFM2 phase over the AFM1 phase. Some representative \(M(T)\) curves for both 2% Ni and Cr-doped alloys are plotted in the insets of fig. [\[mtmh\]](#mtmh){reference-type="ref" reference="mtmh"} (a) and (b) respectively.
To shed more light on the effect of Mn-site doping on the field-induced AFM1 to AFM2 transition via intermediate AFM1\(^{\prime}\) phase, one of the key observation of undoped Mn\(_5\)Si\(_3\), we recorded isothermal \(M(H)\) data between \(\pm\)`<!-- -->`{=html}150 kOe of applied \(H\) at 5 K for all the doped alloys in true ZFC condition. (see fig. [\[mtmh\]](#mtmh){reference-type="ref" reference="mtmh"} (c) & (d) for Ni and Cr-doped alloys respectively). Such \(M(H)\) data indicate that unlike stoichiometric Mn\(_5\)Si\(_3\) alloy, determining the signature of AFM1 to intermediate AFM1\(^{\prime}\) in the form of slope change is getting harder as the critical field to reach the AFM2 phase decreases with increasing doping concentration. A faster decrease in the AFM2 transition field has been observed for Ni-doped alloys than the Cr-doped alloys. As the AFM2 critical transition field is quite different for different doping concentrations, we observed a significant difference in iso-field \(M(T)\) data recorded at 10 kOe of external \(H\). On the other hand, at a high-\(H\) region (after reaching the AFM2 phase), a small decrease in dc \(M\) value with increasing doping concentration has been noticed. It is also to be noted here that, like different transition temperatures and critical transition fields, Ni-doping also results in a faster decrease of dc \(M\) value in AFM2 state at 5 K than the Cr-doping. Moment values in the presence of 150 kOe of \(H\) at 5 K for all doped alloys are listed in table 1.
As IHL behavior, with positive coercive field and negative remanence, is one of the unique properties of pure Mn\(_5\)Si\(_3\) alloy, it is pertinent to check the effect of doping on IHL behavior. Such investigation will also shed more light on the robustness of the IHL behavior observed in pristine Mn\(_5\)Si\(_3\) alloy. Besides, IHL also confirms the presence of AFM1\(^{\prime}\) phase in these alloys as the isothermally arrested AFM1\(^{\prime}\) phase is responsible for such unusual IHL behavior . Though IHL behavior is reported to be visible in exchange-coupled multilayers, hard/soft multilayers, single domain particles with competing anisotropies, and in some bulk ferrimagnet, observation of IHL in a bulk antiferromagnetic compound is infrequent (pure Mn\(_5\)Si\(_3\) is probably the only example) . A closure look at the \(M(H)\) isotherms of the presently studied doped alloys, recorded at 5 K in actual ZFC condition, reveal that IHL is visible for both Ni and Cr-doped alloys in the low doping concentration region (for \(x\) = 0.05 and 0.1; see the restricted part of the 5 K \(M(H)\) isotherms for the doped alloys, plotted in the main panels of fig. [\[ihl\]](#ihl){reference-type="ref" reference="ihl"} (a), (b), (d) and (e). Here we have recorded all \(M(H)\) isotherms between \(\pm\)`<!-- -->`{=html}150 kOe). For 4% doping (both by Ni and Cr), IHL behavior found to vanish, and conventional hysteresis loops have been observed (see fig. [\[ihl\]](#ihl){reference-type="ref" reference="ihl"} (c) and (f)). The presence of exchange bias in polycrystalline alloys may sometimes give rise to IHL . To probe the valid reason behind the observation of IHL behavior in the presently studied alloys, we have checked the presence of any exchange bias effect in the doped alloys showing IHL by recording isothermal \(M(H)\) data in 10 kOe FC condition (see insets of fig. [\[ihl\]](#ihl){reference-type="ref" reference="ihl"} (a), (b), (d) and (e)). Like the undoped alloy, we have not observed any shift in the center of the hysteresis loops for any alloy, and the FC \(M(H)\) isotherms exactly matches the \(M(H)\) curves recorded in ZFC condition. Such behavior confirms the role of isothermally arrested AFM1\(^{\prime}\) state behind the IHL behavior.
Apart from the unusual IHL properties, thermomagnetic irreversibility in \(M(T)\) data is another important effect associated with the undoped Mn\(_5\)Si\(_3\) alloy . In our previous work, we have identified the thermomagnetic arrest of the AFM1\(^{\prime}\) phase, which plays the key role for thermomagnetic irreversibility behaviors (we have ruled out the possibility of any arrested AFM2 state in our previous work) . The presently studied doped alloys allow us to strengthen further our claim about the presence of arrested AFM1\(^{\prime}\) phase. To probe the existence of such thermomagnetically arrested AFM1\(^{\prime}\) phase, we recorded \(T\) variation of \(M\) for all the doped alloys using one of the protocols that have been used for the undoped Mn\(_5\)Si\(_3\) alloy. Some of the representative curves for the doped alloys are depicted in the main panels of fig. [\[vmt\]](#vmt){reference-type="ref" reference="vmt"} (a)-(f). Here we cooled the doped alloys from 150 K (well above the \(T_{N2}\)) in the presence of different applied cooling fields (\(H_{\rm cool}\)) and dc \(M\) was recorded as a function of \(T\) during heating in the presence of 100 Oe of applied field (\(H_{\rm warm}\)). Such protocols for \(M(T)\) measurements with different cooling and heating fields are commonly used by the different groups to address the thermomagnetically arrested states in materials having first-order transitions . For \(x\)=0.05 and 0.1 alloys (for both Ni and Cr-doping cases), the magnitude of dc \(M\) below the \(T_{N1}\) depend strongly on the \(H_{\rm cool}\) (see fig. [\[vmt\]](#vmt){reference-type="ref" reference="vmt"} (a), (b), (d), and (e)). An increase in the strength of \(H_{\rm cool}\) results in a decrease in moment value, and eventually, it becomes negative. The critical values of \(H_{\rm cool}\), for which the moments become negative, strongly depends on the doping concentration. A monotonic decrease in such critical values of \(H_{\rm cool}\) has also been observed with increasing doping concentration. The magnitude of this critical field gives an idea about the AFM1-AFM1\(^{\prime}\) field-induced transition, as we have identified in our previous work that the negative moment appears only if the cooling field is more than the AFM1-AFM1\(^{\prime}\) transition field . Observation of such irreversibility in \(M(T)\) behavior and negative value of dc \(M\) even in the presence of positive warming field are only possible for the presently studied alloys if there exists some thermomagnetically arrested AFM1\(^{\prime}\). On the other hand, closure look to the \(M(T)\) behavior with different cooling and heating fields for \(x\) = 0.2 Ni-doped alloy indicates that all the curves follow the almost identical path even below the \(T_{N1}\) (see fig. [\[vmt\]](#vmt){reference-type="ref" reference="vmt"} (c)). For the 4% Cr-doped alloy (\(x\) = 0.2), though a very small difference in dc \(M\) value at low temperatures (below \(T_{N1}\)) has been observed, but we failed to observe any negative value of dc \(M\) in any protocol (see fig. [\[vmt\]](#vmt){reference-type="ref" reference="vmt"} (f)). Such observations indicate the absence of any AFM1\(^{\prime}\) state in 4% Ni-doped alloy, whereas, a small amount of AFM1\(^{\prime}\) and hence arrested AFM1\(^{\prime}\) phase is present for 4% Cr doped alloy but such a small amount of arrested AFM1\(^{\prime}\) phase is not sufficient to induce IHL and negative value of \(M\) below \(T_{N1}\). The thermomagnetically arrested state observed for different materials is, in general, metastable in nature, and thermal energy (for \(T\neq 0\)) can assist those metastable systems in evolving into the equilibrium configuration. As a result of that, such materials show significantly large relaxation behavior . Therefore, it is pertinent to see the time evolution of the thermomagnetically arrested state of the presently studied alloys. In the present work, we used the FC protocol for relaxation measurements. First, the sample was cooled in the presence of an external magnetic field \(H_{\rm cool}\) from 150 K to 5 K. After reaching 5 K the field was removed and the dc \(M\) was recorded as a function of time (\(t\)) (see insets of fig. [\[vmt\]](#vmt){reference-type="ref" reference="vmt"} (a), (b), (d), and (e)). Depending on the magnitude of the negative moment observed during the \(M(T)\) measurements, recorded under different cooling and warming field protocols, we have selected the value of \(H_{\rm cool}\). The nature of the relaxation observed for both Ni and Cr doped alloys (only for \(x\) = 0.05 and 0.1 concentrations) are found to be very stable (only a sluggish change in values towards the negative direction). Such observations confirm that the arrested AFM1\(^{\prime}\) states are equally stable in doped alloys as it was observed for the pristine Mn\(_5\)Si\(_3\) alloy. Relaxation measurement for 4% doped alloys (both Ni and Cr doping cases) were not performed because of the absence of significant thermomagnetic irreversibility in \(M(T)\) data.
# Discussions & conclusions
The present study of Mn-site doped Mn\(_5\)Si\(_3\) alloys, based on structural and magnetic investigations, unveils two crucial features: (i) decrease in AFM1\(^{\prime}\) phase fraction with increasing doping concentration; (ii) gradual disappearance of IHL and thermomagnetic irreversibility behavior with increasing doping concentration. Neutron diffraction studies on the undoped Mn\(_5\)Si\(_3\) alloy confirmed that among the two Mn-sites, Mn2 splits into two independent sites (Mn21 and Mn22) along with a change in magnetic structure from hexagonal to orthorhombic below 100 K . Interestingly, out of the three Mn-sites present below 100 K, only the Mn22 site show ordered AFM moment . Due to the small separation between Mn1-sites (\(\sim c/2\)), it failed to stabilize AFM2 ordering . On the other hand, the triangular arrangement of Mn21 with Mn22 sites gives rise to magnetic frustration and leads to the collapse of Mn21 moment . Further decrease in sample temperature results in a sudden increase in lattice parameter \(c\) below AFM2-AFM1 transition point (associated with), and AFM configuration stabilizes in Mn1-sites . It is clear that the Mn-Mn distance in this Mn\(_5\)Si\(_3\) alloy is very near to its critical value, and a small change in Mn-Mn separation will significantly affect the magnetic configuration of the system . In the present work, we have altered this Mn-Mn distance by doping Ni and Cr in the Mn sites. As the Ni-atom size \(<\) Mn-atom size \(<\) Cr atom size, unit cell volume, and hence Mn-Mn distance decreases with Ni-doping, whereas Cr-doping results in an increase of such parameters. Interestingly for both the cases, we observe a lowering of \(T_{N1}\). This indicates that a small change in Mn-Mn distance (both increase and decrease) triggers a significant impact on the magnetic ordering of the alloy. Notably, the reduction in \(T_{N1}\) for Cr-doped alloys is found to be slow compare to the Ni-doped cases. A shift in \(T_{N1}\) towards lower \(T\) is also related to the decrease in lattice parameters of the materials in the presence of external \(H\). Neutron diffraction data of pure Mn\(_5\)Si\(_3\) alloys in the presence of an external \(H\) confirms such a decrease in lattice parameters . Besides, the field-induced transition from AFM1 to AFM2 phase via AFM1\(^{\prime}\) phase also becomes more natural and occurs at much lower fields compare to the pristine Mn\(_5\)Si\(_3\) alloys and the small perturbation of Mn-Mn distance in the form of Mn-site doping is playing the pivotal role. AFM1\(^{\prime}\) phase has noncollinear arrangements of Mn22 atoms, but the Mn1 site moment vanishes again due to the reduction of lattice parameters (and hence Mn-Mn distance) in the presence of \(H\).
The gradual disappearance of IHL and thermomagnetic irreversibility, the two key observations of undoped Mn\(_5\)Si\(_3\) alloys, are the most critical effects of Mn-site doping. In our previous work on pristine Mn\(_5\)Si\(_3\) alloy, we have identified that the isothermally and thermomagnetically arrested of AFM1\(^{\prime}\) phases are responsible for unusual IHL and thermomagnetic irreversibility behaviors respectively . The AFM1\(^{\prime}\) phases is an intermediate metastable phase that appears only during field-induced AFM1-AFM2 transition. The appearance of an intermediate metastable state during a first-order field-induced transition is not uncommon. During such a field-induced transition, it is often difficult for the system to overcome the substantial energy barrier and reach a more stable configuration directly. Instead, it proceeds through easily accessible local minima. Such behavior has already been observed for Heusler based shape memory alloys . In the present case, the doping of foreign elements in the Mn-site reduces the energy barrier between AFM1 and AFM2 states, along with the reduction of intermediate states (local minima). As a result, with a gradual increase of doping concentration, the system starts to reach a more stable configuration (AFM2 for the present case) in the presence of a magnetic field directly instead of going through the intermediate metastable state (AFM1\(^{\prime}\) for the present case). The gradual disappearance of AFM1\(^{\prime}\) phase with increasing doping concentration directly affects the unusual IHL and thermomagnetic irreversibility properties, and such properties eventually vanish for 4% doping.
Based on the experimental observations, we prepared the \(H-T-x\) phase diagram for the presently studied doped alloys (see fig. [\[ph\]](#ph){reference-type="ref" reference="ph"} (a) and (b) for Ni and Cr-doped alloys respectively). Here we have only considered the isothermal field application situation after true ZFC (out of the four different conditions explored in our previous work). All the critical fields were determined by differentiating the isothermal \(M(H)\) curves recorded at different constant \(T\) (not shown here). On the other hand, PM-AFM2 transition temperatures were determined from the iso-field \(M(T)\) data recorded at different constant \(H\). The blue colored surface indicates the AFM2 to AFM1\(^{\prime}\) transition field, whereas, AFM1 to AFM1\(^{\prime}\) transition fields were indicated by the red surface. A Clear decrease in the AFM1\(^{\prime}\) region has been observed with increasing doping concentration.
In conclusion, the present investigation on Ni and Cr-doped Mn\(_5\)Si\(_3\) alloys reveal the doping effects on the unusual inverted hysteresis loop and thermomagnetic irreversibility properties observed for undoped Mn\(_5\)Si\(_3\) alloy. Further, it reconfirms the role of AFM1\(^{\prime}\) phase behind such unusual features. We have also tried to prepare an \(H-T-x\) phase diagram for the doped alloys. Mn-site doped Mn\(_5\)Si\(_3\) alloys (in the low doping region; up to 2% doping), is an excellent addition to the bulk antiferromagnetic alloys, which show IHL behavior. | {'timestamp': '2020-06-01T02:05:33', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14368', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14368'} |
# Introduction
In response to climate change concerns, the decarbonization and digitization of the electricity sector have been accelerated in recent years. The path to decarbonization is associated with the high penetration of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs), such as rooftop solar, home batteries and electric vehicles with the potential to support a reliable, affordable and lower-emissions electricity grid. Increase in the deployment of DERs raises several opportunities and challenges in the electricity systems. Technical challenges include increase in bidirectional power flows, raise in the voltage levels, and lack of visibility. On the other side, efficient DER integration can provide substantial benefits for energy customers. DER owners can benefit from Feed-In-Tariffs (FiTs) programs by selling energy back to the utility grid for a fixed price. Alternatively, they can be coordinated and aggregated for participation in different markets. Virtual Power Plants (VPPs) are an example of DER aggregation to exploit their inherent flexibility. An emerging technique for integration of small-scale producers and consumers to energy markets is Peer-to-Peer (P2P) trading, which allows bilateral energy transactions between users. P2P trading provides significant benefits for both end users and grid operators such as increasing welfare by preference satisfaction, lowering operational costs, and improving system reliability. P2P trading offers the flexibility required to coordinate agents with diverse preferences. Grid digitization provides a two-way communication network which allows the DER owners and energy customers to act as proactive agents in the energy markets and paves the path for P2P market implementation. Through direct interaction of agents in a decentralized platform, small-scale producers are allowed to compete with large traditional suppliers. In the P2P trading, it is expected that market participants can settle the bilateral transactions with less influence from a central authority. Hence, designing a decentralized platform for managing market participants with diverse preferences is a challenging task. Blockchain technology offers new opportunities for decentralized market designs and enables energy producers and consumers to directly negotiate and trade energy. It provides a platform to store and share data in a secure and verifiable manner, even when the identity and trustworthiness of market participants is unknown. Given the properties of blockchain, several blockchain-based platforms for P2P energy trading have been developed recently. The Brooklyn microgrid is a prototype of blockchain enabled P2P market, in which a blockchain framework is employed to implement a decentralized microgrid energy market. A unified blockchain framework for various scenarios of energy trading in an industrial internet of things is proposed in, in which a credit-based payment scheme is employed to overcome the transaction limitation caused by transaction confirmation delays. An operation framework for P2P energy trading at distribution level is presented in, where the system operator clears the market using a crowdsourced energy system model. The blockchain framework should incorporates a proper market settlement approach to settle the bilateral transactions among the agents. There are several approaches that can be applied for P2P market clearing and peer matching, such as auction-based mechanism, game theory, and optimization-based methods. In the auction-based mechanism, agents express their interest in energy trading by submitting their offers, and the energy allocation and price would be determined based on the market clearing rules. The game theory approaches aim to provide a stable solution that is beneficial for all parties. In the optimization-based method, the market settlement is formulated as an optimization problem, which can be decomposed to local subplroblems solvable by each agent. The optimization-based methods can be implemented in a decentralized manner without any need to third party intervention and allows agent to optimize their welfare by participating in the P2P market, and hence, are well suited for blockchain-enabled P2P markets. The aim of this paper is to design a blockchain-enabled P2P market that provides a secure and transparent environment for energy trading of producer and consumer agents. In the proposed approach agents can *advertise* their surplus/deficit energy. In order to reduce the computation and communication overheads, a *Prioritization* step is considered in the market settlement process that enables agent to prioritize their trading partners based on their proximity and reputation factor. To incite agents to trade energy with their neighboring agents, a grid service charge is considered to apply a transaction fee to each trade based on the electrical distance between producer and consumer. In order to preserve the privacy of the agents, We propose an Anonymous Proof of Location (A-PoL) algorithm that enables them to prove their location without revealing their real-identity. A decentralized optimization algorithm is employed for the *Negotiation* that allows agents iteratively optimize their welfare in the negotiation process. The privacy of agents in the negotiation process is also preserved, as they do not need to exchange their private information related to their energy and price preferences. The contributions of this paper are summarized as follows:
- Designing a pure decentralized P2P trading framework that does not require access to private information of agents;
- Implementing a *prioritization* step to allow agents select their trading partners based on their location and reputation;
- Proposing a A-PoL algorithm which uses a Certificate of Location (CoL) issued by smart meter to approve the location of agents.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section [16](#sec: market structure){reference-type="ref" reference="sec: market structure"} outlines the structure of the market, including agents modeling, market objective, and decentralized optimization of the market objective. Section [17](#sec:energy trading){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:energy trading"} explains the market settlement process and its different steps. Case studies and numerical results are reported in Section [18](#sec: case study){reference-type="ref" reference="sec: case study"}. A detailed analysis of the security and privacy of the proposed framework is presented in Section [19](#sec:security){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:security"}. Finally, concluding remarks are given in Section [20](#sec:conclusion){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:conclusion"}.
# Market Structure {#sec: market structure}
In this section, we outline the details of the market structure. The proposed architecture consists of two layers that are: i) physical layer that is the underlying physical network to transfer electricity from producers to consumers. The minimum requirement for a successful transaction between a producer and a consumer is existence of a path to transfer power between them, and ii) overlay layer that is where the participating nodes, that includes energy producer, consumer, and the grid operator, connect through a public blockchain to share information. The overlay provides a secure platform for the participating nodes to advertise their energy, negotiate on their offers, and decide on their actions in the market. Market mechanism is implemented in this layer that enables the agents to trade energy and settle energy transactions.
In the rest of this section, we discuss agent's modeling in Section [16.1](#sub:sec:agent-modeling){reference-type="ref" reference="sub:sec:agent-modeling"}, market objective in Section [16.2](#sub:sec:market-settlement){reference-type="ref" reference="sub:sec:market-settlement"}, and decentralized optimization method for market settlement in Section [16.3](#sub:sec:coordination){reference-type="ref" reference="sub:sec:coordination"}.
## Agents modeling {#sub:sec:agent-modeling}
We consider an energy network with a set of agents consisting of a set of producer agents with index \(i \in \mathcal{P}=\{1,..., P\}\) and a set of consumer agents with index \(j \in \mathcal{C}=\{1,..., C\}\) connected to a physical layer manged by a grid operator. Producers have energy producing capability and can use their own generated energy for their demand. In case that there is more generation than demand, producers can sell it to consumers or the grid. Consumers on the other side can buy energy from producers or the grid. Producers and consumers can negotiate for energy trading in a forward market for any time interval \(t \in \mathcal{T} =\{1,..., T\}\) with equal duration (e.g., one hour). Agents are equipped with smart meters, which determines the energy surplus/deficit for trade in each time slot. (more discussion on application of smart meter) After energy management, agents indicate their energy surplus and deficit. Each agent can trade with the grid or with other agents in the network. The total energy surplus and deficit of producers and consumers can be represented as \[\label{tot energ pro} e_i=e_i^G +\sum_{j \in \mathcal{C}}{e_{ij}^P}\] \[\label{tot energ cons} e_j= e_j^G+\sum_{i \in \mathcal{P}}{e_{ji}^P}\] where, \(e_i^G\) and \(e_j^G\) are the traded energy between producer \(i\)/consumer \(j\) and the grid respectively, \(e_{ij}^P\) is sold energy by producer \(i\) to consumer \(j\), and \(e_{ji}^P\) is the bought energy by consumer \(j\) from producer \(i\). Each agent in the P2P market aims to maximize its welfare. The welfare incorporates the utility/cost of energy consumption/generation, cost/revenue of trade with other agents or the grid, and the cost of using grid for P2P trading. The welfare function of producers and consumers can be modeled by ([\[pro welf\]](#pro welf){reference-type="ref" reference="pro welf"}) and ([\[con welf\]](#con welf){reference-type="ref" reference="con welf"}) respectively \[\label{pro welf} W_i(e_i, \lambda_{ij},\gamma_{ij})= \underline{\lambda}^G e_i^G +\sum_{j \in \mathcal{C}}{e_{ij}^P (\lambda_{ij}-\gamma_{ij})}-C_i(e_i)\] \[\label{con welf} W_j(e_j, \lambda_{ij},\gamma_{ij})= U_j(e_j)-\overline{\lambda}^G e_j^G-\sum_{i \in \mathcal{P}}{e_{ij}^P (\lambda_{ij}+\gamma_{ij})}\] where \(\underline{\lambda}^G\) denotes FiT representing the price for selling energy to the grid; \(\lambda_{ij}\) is energy price in transaction between producer \(i\) and consumer \(j\); \(\gamma_{ij}\) is grid service charge for using grid infrastructure for this trade; \(\overline{\lambda}^G\) denotes the price for selling from the grid which is usually a fixed value over the time (e.g. time of use tariff). The grid selling and buying prices limit energy price in the P2P market, i.e. for any bilateral trade \[\label{price lim} \underline{\lambda}^G \leq \lambda_{ij} \leq \overline{\lambda}^G.\] The cost function of the producer represents the cost of generating energy \(e_i\) and can be modeled as \[\label{cost-func-producer} C_i(e_i)=a_i e_i^2 +b_i e_i +c_i\] where \(a_i, b_i\) and \(c_i\) are positive constants, which can be adjusted by the producer to reflect the generation cost. Since producers usually have renewable generation resources with zero marginal costs, the cost function can represent the cost associated with battery degradation cost, if producer needs to discharge its battery to sell the energy. On the other side, the utility function of a consumer represents its satisfaction level by consuming energy \(e_j\) and can be modeled as \[\label{cost-function-consumer} U_j(e_j)= \begin{cases} -a_j e_j^2 +b_j e_j \;\;\;\; :0 \leq e_j \leq \frac{b_j}{2 a_j}\\ \frac{b_j^2}{4 a_j} \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\ :e_j \geq \frac{b_j}{2 a_j} \end{cases}\] where \(a_j\), and \(b_j\) are unique positive constants for each consumer. These parameters reflect the valuation of the energy by the consumer and denotes the price that consumer is willing to pay for the energy. To incite agents to trade with their closest electrical partner, a grid service charge is considered for each transaction. This fee represents the price that agents need to pay for using the grid infrastructure for each trade and is expressed by \[\label{service charge} \gamma_{ij}=\omega d_{ij}\] where \(\omega\) is grid service charge per unit of electrical distance for each unit of energy, and \(d_{ij}\) is the electrical distance between producer \(i\) and consumer \(j\). This distance can be calculated based on power transfer distance, which aggregates the absolute value of Power Transfer Distribution Factor (PTDF) induced by a trade as in \[\label{eq:ptdf} d_{ij}=\sum_{l \in \mathcal{L}}{\phi^l_{ij}}.\] For any trade, \(\phi^l_{ij}\) indicates the fraction of transacted power from producer \(i\) to consumer \(j\) that flows over a line \(l\), and can be calculated using the method presented in.
## Market objective {#sub:sec:market-settlement}
The market objective for P2P trading is formulated as social welfare maximization, which maximizes the total welfare of players in the market subject to the constraints, and mathematically can be modeled as: \[\label{tot objective} \begin{aligned} & \underset{\textbf{\textit{\(e_i\),\(e_j\)}}}{\text{max}} \sum_{i \in \mathcal{P}}{W_i} + \sum_{j \in \mathcal{C}}{W_j}\\ & \text{s.t. constraints} \end{aligned}\] As stated in ([\[price lim\]](#price lim){reference-type="ref" reference="price lim"}), the price in P2P market is always beneficial for both producers and consumers. Hence, it is rational to assume that all agents try to maximize their traded energy in the P2P market and minimize trading with the grid, by setting \(e_i^G=e_j^G=0\). Therefore, Eq. ([\[tot objective\]](#tot objective){reference-type="ref" reference="tot objective"}) can be rewritten as:
where ([\[producer flex\]](#producer flex){reference-type="ref" reference="producer flex"}) and ([\[consumer flex\]](#consumer flex){reference-type="ref" reference="consumer flex"}) represents the flexibility constraints of producer, and consumer, respectively. The constraint ([\[demand supply\]](#demand supply){reference-type="ref" reference="demand supply"}) represents the power balance in transaction between producer \(i\) and consumer \(j\). \(\underline{\mu_i}, \overline{\mu_i}, \underline{\mu_j}, \overline{\mu_j}, \lambda_{ij}\) are dual variables associated with these constraints.
## Decentralized optimization {#sub:sec:coordination}
In this paper, our aim is to solve ([\[social welfare\]](#social welfare){reference-type="ref" reference="social welfare"}) with only P2P communications to ensure data privacy of the agents. To do so, a decentralized optimization approach is employed to formulate market settlement in P2P market. In this approach, dual variables are used to decouple constraints, and then, the problem is decomposed to local subproblems solvable by producers and consumers. The local subproblem is solved by deploying the sub-gradient projection method. Each agent, contributes to solving the global problem by updating its local decision variables. The set of decision variables for producers and consumers are {\(\lambda_{ij}, e_{ij}^P, \underline{\mu_i}, \overline{\mu_i}\}\), and {\(e_{ji}^P, \underline{\mu_j}, \overline{\mu_j}\)}, respectively. The market settlement approach is an iterative process, in which agents update their decision variables iteratively and exchange information without revealing their private information. The updates of the decision variables of agents are based on the Karush--Kuhn--Tucker (KKT) optimality conditions of the local problems, and can be developed using first order deviate of the relaxed problem as follows:\
\(\forall i \in \mathcal{P}\)
\(\forall j \in \mathcal{C}\)
where \(k\) is the iteration index, \(\tilde{e}_{ij}^{P}, \tilde{e}_{ji}^{P}\) are optimal power set points of producer and consumer at the price \(\lambda_{ij}\). \(\zeta_{ij}, \zeta_{ji}\) are asymptotically proportional factors, \(\rho\) is a small tuning parameter, and \([.]^+\) denotes max {.,0}. The information exchange between producers and consumers during the decentralized optimization process is explained in section [17.4](#sec:neg){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:neg"}.
# Market Settlement Process {#sec:energy trading}
In this section, we outline the details of the market settlement process for P2P trading. The proposed framework consists of four main phases that are summarized in Fig. [\[fig:full algorithm\]](#fig:full algorithm){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:full algorithm"} and discussed in details in the rest of this section. The proposed framework considers the location of the participants denoted by \(\sigma\) in the grid service charge calculation as denoted in ([\[service charge\]](#service charge){reference-type="ref" reference="service charge"}). Thus, it is critical for the involved parties to prove their location. This potentially enables the malicious nodes to track the activities of a particular user which in turn compromises the user privacy. To address this challenge, we propose a A-PoL algorithm that enables the users to prove their location while protecting their real-identity which in turn enhances the level of anonymity offered to the users. The proposed PoL algorithm involves a CoL that is issued by a smart meter in the network as shown in Fig. [\[fig:CoL\]](#fig:CoL){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:CoL"}. The energy companies maintain a local record of the accurate location of the installed smart meters. During the installation process, the energy company deploys a key pair in each smart meter (step 1 in Fig. [\[fig:CoL\]](#fig:CoL){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:CoL"}) and records \(<PK,location>\) tuple in its local storage. The company serves as a certificate authority (CA) for PKs deployed in smart meters. Although the CA is a trusted authority, relying on the PK provided by the CA may potentially compromise the privacy of the users as the company can build a virtual profile of the user and their energy trading (by observing the proof of location transactions). To address this challenge, we propose the CoL.
CoL is a certificate received from a verifier that is an independent smart meter in the network. Assume smart meter *A* is going to establish a CoL. Once deployed on site, *A* explores the CA to find potential smart meters that can function as the verifier. Assume smart meter *B* is selected by *A* to function as the verifier. Recall that we assume the smart meters are tamper resistant and thus *A* can send its request to any meter listed in CA. *A* may request a group of nodes to function as verifiers. *A* sends a CoL request transaction to *B* that is structured as \(<T\_ID, MTR, \sigma, PK, Sign>\), where *T_ID* is the unique identifier of the transaction which is the hash of the transaction content.
*A* populates the root hash of a Merkle tree constructed by recursively hashing a number of PKs in the *MTR* field. The PKs in the leaves of the tree are later employed by *A* to prove ownership on the CoL which is discussed in greater detail later in this section. The number of PKs may vary based on the application. \(\sigma\) is the noisy location of the smart meter that can be the location at a lower resolution, e.g., the street in which the meter is installed. This potentially protects the privacy of the smart meter against deanonymization as studied later in Section [19](#sec:security){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:security"}. *PK* is the PK of *A* allocated by the CA and *Sign* is the corresponding signature which proves that *A* owns the private key corresponding to the PK.
When the verifier, i.e.,*B* receives the CoL request, it verifies that the transaction is generated by a genuine smart meter that is done by requesting the CA (step 3). To protect the privacy of the user, the CA does not reveal the actual location of smart meter to *B* instead only confirms if the PK is registered and genuine smart meter. Once verified, the verifier creates a CoL that is *sign(hash(MTR, \(\sigma\)))* and replies back to *A* by sending the reply transaction structured as \(<CoL, PK, Sign>\), where CoL is as outlined above, *PK* is the PK of the verifier, i.e., *B* registered by the CA, and *Sign* is the corresponding signature of the verifier.
*A* employs the received CoL to anonymously prove its location to the nodes in the overlay. To do so, *A* appends \(CoL_f\textsuperscript{A} = (CoL_A, PK\textsubscrtip{ver}, Sig\textsubscrtip{ver}, MTR_A, \sigma_A, PK_A, MTL_A, \\ Sign_A)\) where the first three fields are extracted from the response of the verifier *B*. MTR and \(\sigma_A\) are extracted from the CoL request sent to the verifier. *\(PK_A\)* is a PK that was part of the leaves of the Merkle tree. \(MTL_A\) is the leaves of the Merkle tree that are necessary to prove the existence of \(PK_A\) in the MTR and \(Sign_A\) is the signature corresponding to PK. The last three fields ensure that only the owner of the certificate, who knows the PKs in the Merkle tree and the corresponding private key, can use the certificate.
To verify the location of *A*, the participating nodes in the blockchain, say *C*, must first verify that \(PK_A\) belongs to \(MTR_R\) using \(MTL_A\). Next, *C* verifies if \(Sign_A\) matches \(PK_A\). The third step in verifying is to verify if \(hash(MTR_A, \sigma_A) = CoL_A\). The final step is for *C* to verify PK using CA. This ensures that a genuine smart meter has signed the CoL. If all the above steps successfully passed, the location of *A* is verified.
Having discussed the details of the proposed PoL algorithm, we study the process of P2P energy trading in the rest of this section. The algorithms implementd by producer and consumer agents are represented in Algorithm [\[producer lag\]](#producer lag){reference-type="ref" reference="producer lag"} and [\[consumer alg\]](#consumer alg){reference-type="ref" reference="consumer alg"}, respectively and are discussed with greater details in the rest of this section.
## Advertisement {#sub:sec:advertisement}
The main aim of this phase is for the agents to advertise their energy to the potential consumers/producers. In each market interval, agents participate in the forward market by submitting their offers and asks in the form of *advertisement transaction (AT)* that is structured as follow: \[AT = (T\_ID, price/amount, \eta_i, CoL_f\textsuperscript{i})\] where *price/amount* can be either the price of the energy, i.e., \(\lambda_i, \forall i\in \mathcal{P}\), if AT is generated by a producer or the amount of requested energy, i.e., \(e_j, \forall j\in \mathcal{C}\), if AT is generated by a consumer, and \(\eta\) is the reputation factor of agent.
In conventional blockchain-based frameworks, the negotiation transactions are stored in the blockchain that provides high auditability. However, this potentially increases the computational and storage resource consumption of the blockchain and limits throughput, i.e., the total number of transactions that can be stored per second. These potentially reduce the blockchain scalability while smart grid comprises of a broad range of devices that may produce transactions frequently. To address this challenge, in our framework the negotiation transactions are stored in a public database managed by the grid operator that is referred to as *Advertisement Database* (AD). The write access of AD is restricted only to the grid operator and other nodes in the overlay have read-only permission. The parties involved in an AT transaction, i.e., energy producer and consumer, may store the transactions locally and employs in case of dispute between parties. The final price and amount of energy agreed by the participants is later defined during negotiation, thus the reference to AT transaction is limited. Consequently, we skipped storage of such transactions in the blockchain.
## Prioritization
After *advertisement* step, agents explore the available ATs in the AD for the negotiation. One-on-one negotiation may potentially increase the delay associated with finalizing the trade as either side of the trade may have higher welfare in trading with another party in the network. Also, negotiation with every agent in the market increases the computation and communication overheads which potentially leads to low scalability. Thus, agents need to prioritize their trading partners based on their preferences and only negotiate with a given number of agents. As stated in section [16.1](#sub:sec:agent-modeling){reference-type="ref" reference="sub:sec:agent-modeling"}, agents have to pay a grid service charge for each transaction as defined in ([\[service charge\]](#service charge){reference-type="ref" reference="service charge"}). This charge is directly associated with the distance between the producer *i* and the consumer *j*, and impacts the welfare of the agents. Accordingly, agents are incentivized to trade with trading partners located in close vicinity. This in turn reduces the load on the transformation lines and thus reduces the cost in managing the physical layer. On the other hand, agents may prefer to negotiate with the trading partners with higher reputation factors, indicating their past performance in fulfilling their commitments. Thus, agents need to prioritize their trading partners based on their preferences, which includes reputation factor and distance, and only negotiate with a given number of them. Agents may have varied preferences over reputation factor and distance of their trading partners. Hence, we define a priority index for each possible transaction between producers and consumers. This index for offer from consumer \(j\) received by producer \(i\), and offer from producer \(i\) received by consumer \(j\) are defined using ([\[sell pri index\]](#sell pri index){reference-type="ref" reference="sell pri index"}) and ([\[buy pri index\]](#buy pri index){reference-type="ref" reference="buy pri index"}) respectively. \[\label{sell pri index} \Upsilon_{ij}=\alpha_i \rho_j +\beta_i (1-\cfrac{|\sigma_i-\sigma_j|}{D_{ij}})\\ \] \[\label{buy pri index} \Upsilon_{ji}=\alpha_j \rho_i +\beta_j (1-\cfrac{|\sigma_i-\sigma_j|}{D_{ji}})\\ \] where \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) are the weights that agent places on the reputation factor and proximity of other agents, respectively such that \(\alpha+\beta=1\), \(D_{ij}=\underset{\sigma_j}{\max} |\sigma_i-\sigma_j|\), \(D_{ji}=\underset{\sigma_i}{\max} |\sigma_i-\sigma_j|\). After calculating priority index, each agent divides its trading partners to a set of \(\mathcal{N}\) groups and then, starts to negotiate with the agents from the group with the highest priority and proceed to the group with the lowest priority. Each group of potential consumers/producers for producer \(i\)/consumer \(j\) can be formed as \[\label{prioritization sell} \Omega_i^n=\{j \in \mathcal{C}| (N-n)/N \leq \Upsilon_{ij} \leq (N-n+1)/N \}, \forall n \in \mathcal{N}\] \[\label{prioritization buy} \Omega_j^n=\{i \in \mathcal{P}| (N-n)/N \leq \Upsilon_{ji} \leq (N-n+1)/N \}, \forall n \in \mathcal{N}\] in which for consumer \(j\), producers in group \(\Omega_j^n\) have higher priority than producers in \(\Omega_j^{n+1}\). Similarly, for producer \(i\), consumers in group \(\Omega_i^n\) have higher priority than consumers in \(\Omega_i^{n+1}\).
## Negotiation
After *prioritization*, each consumer starts negotiating with producer agents in \(\Omega_j^1\). The first step is for consumer *A* to request the grid service charge from the grid operator. *A* sends the list of agents in \(\Omega_j^1\) to the grid operator who calculates grid service charge using ([\[service charge\]](#service charge){reference-type="ref" reference="service charge"}) and sends response back to *A*. Once, *A* received the grid service charge, it starts the negotiation with agents in \(\Omega_j^1\) by sending an *Energy Negotiation* (EN) transaction that is structured as \(<T\_ID, Amount, Price, PK\textsuperscript{D}, Sign\textsuperscript{D}, PK\textsuperscript{+}, Sign, PK\textsuperscript{+},\\ Agreement_P, Agreement_C>\) where *Amount* identifies the total amount of energy demanded by *A* and *price* is the price in which the consumer is willing to pay. *PK^D^* and *Sign^D^* represent PK of the destination agent and its corresponding signature. The destination can be either the producer, when *A* generates the transaction, or *A*, when a producer is the generator of the transaction. This potentially enables routing the transaction to the destination using routing algorithm proposed in. *Sign* and *PK* represent the PK and signature of the transaction generator. Finally, *\(Agreement_P\)* and *\(Agreement_C\)* are flags that indicate whether the energy producer or consumer, respectively, agree with all situations in the trade. The generator of EN signs the hash of the transaction content which potentially ensures the integrity of the transaction content. After populating EN, *A* sends the transaction to the energy producers in \(\Omega_j^1\).
The energy producer may potentially receive several EN transactions from consumers. The producer only responds to those who are in the set of \(\Omega_i^1\). For each received EN from consumers in this set, the producer updates the price using ([\[sell price update\]](#sell price update){reference-type="ref" reference="sell price update"}). When the response from the producer is received by the consumers, they update their energy using ([\[buyer power update\]](#buyer power update){reference-type="ref" reference="buyer power update"}) and again respond to the producer. This process continues till both side of the trade agree on the trade conditions and thus set \(Agreement_P\) and \(Agreement_C\) as '1'. An EN transaction is considered as valid transaction to be stored in the blockchain only when both energy producer and consumer sign the transaction and \(Agreement_P\) and \(Agreement_C\) are set as '1'. This ensures that only the last transaction that contains the trade conditions is stored in the blockchain which in turn increases the blockchain throughput and reduces delay of the negotiation.
In this section, simulation case studies are provided to verify the operation of the proposed framework. As shown in Fig. [\[fig:test system\]](#fig:test system){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:test system"}, the considered test system is the IEEE 33-bus distribution system with 16 producers and 16 consumers. Table [11](#tab:parameters){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:parameters"} summarizes key parameters, and range of values for producers and consumers parameters. Fig. [\[fig: power and price res\]](#fig: power and price res){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: power and price res"} illustrates the results of P2P trading in the test system. The traded energy and price in different transactions have various values based on the agents preferences. Agents tend to trade energy with their closest neighbor agents to pay less grid service charge. For example, consumer at bus 1 buys energy from producer at bus 18. However, if the offer/ask from the agent at nearest node is not available, or does not satisfy the requirement of the agents, they have to trade with other neighboring agents. For instance, while the nearest agents to agent 5 are agents at bus 4 and 6, this agent trades energy with producers at bus 26 and 27. Since agents 4 and 6 have preferred to trade with other neighboring nodes (agents at bus 3 and 7 respectively), their offers are not available to the agent 5. We can see that agents 16 and 17 do not buy any energy in the market. These agents have lower utility function parameter compared to their neighboring agents, which means that their willingness to pay for energy is less than agent 15, and hence, producer at bus 14 prefers to trade with agent at bus 15. To investigate the impact of considering grid service charge on the number of transactions (\(n_T\)), we implemented the energy trading algorithm for different values of \(\omega\). The results are reported in Fig. [\[fig:line flow\]](#fig:line flow){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:line flow"}, where each marker indicates a transaction between producer and consumer and total number of transactions in each case is given in parentheses. The case with \(\omega=0\) means that there is not limit on the distance of agents and they can trade with any number of agents. Therefore, the number transactions in this case is significantly higher. Increasing the value of (\(\omega\)) reduces the number of transactions, and correspondingly reduces the welfare of agents as they have to trade less energy and pay more cost for utilizing the grid. The negotiation among agents is an iterative process and the time required for agents to reach agreement depends on several factors including, number of agents, number of iterations required for convergence in Algorithm [\[producer lag\]](#producer lag){reference-type="ref" reference="producer lag"} and [\[consumer alg\]](#consumer alg){reference-type="ref" reference="consumer alg"}, computation time required to solve ([\[sell update dec\]](#sell update dec){reference-type="ref" reference="sell update dec"}) and ([\[buyer update dec\]](#buyer update dec){reference-type="ref" reference="buyer update dec"}) by agents in each iteration, and communication time. The results of the implementing the market settlement algorithm with and without implementing *prioritization* step are compared as reported in Table [12](#tab:prioritization){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:prioritization"}. The *prioritization* step reduces the number on negotiating agents, and hence, reduces the number of communication in each iteration. On the other hand, agents need less time to solve ([\[sell update dec\]](#sell update dec){reference-type="ref" reference="sell update dec"}) and ([\[buyer update dec\]](#buyer update dec){reference-type="ref" reference="buyer update dec"}), as they have less decision variables after *prioritization*. Therefore, applying *prioritization* reduces the negotiation time among agents.
In order to demonstrate the efficacy of the P2P market, the results of this market are compared with the case that producers and consumers only trade with the grid. Comparative results are reported in Table [13](#tab:p2p results){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:p2p results"}. As it can be inferred from the results, P2P market reduces the imported and exported energy by agent to the grid. Also, since the P2P market price is more beneficial for agents (see ([\[price lim\]](#price lim){reference-type="ref" reference="price lim"})), they can reach higher value of welfare in the P2P market, though they have to pay a grid service charge to the grid operator. As stated in Section [17.2](#sub:sec:advertisement){reference-type="ref" reference="sub:sec:advertisement"}, in the proposed framework the ATs are stored off the chain in AD. Here, we study the impact of using AD by evaluating the blockchain size and number of consensus rounds. Blockchain size shows the amount of saved storage space by employing AD while number of consensus rounds evaluates the amount of computational overhead saved by running less consensus rounds. We employed the structure and configuration of IEEE 33-bus distribution to implement a distributed network using Java programming language. We assumed that the size of each block is 10 transactions and we disregarded the consensus algorithm as it does not impact the functionality of the proposed method. We run the network for 10 epochs. During each epoch, each energy producer generates an AT. To benchmark the results, we assume a baseline method where all ATs are stored in the blockchain. To focus on the impact of AD, we disregard the rest of the functions and assume ATs are the only transactions generated during each epoch. Based on the implementation results, the size of each advertisement transaction is 1776 B. After 10 epochs the baseline blockchain includes 16 blocks with the cumulative size of 314KB. Thus, each node must allocate 314KB storage space to store blockchain. Our solution off-loads this overhead to a central trusted node who is managing the AD, thus there is no memory overhead on the participating nodes in the blockchain. Assume \(\nu\) represents the mining overhead that can include computational, packet and memory overhead. Then, the proposed framework incurs no overhead during advertisement process in the miners while conventional methods 16\(\nu\). We next evaluate the processing overhead associated with CoL. We proposed a CoL that enables the users to anonymously verify the location of the parties involved in energy trading. CoL enhances the anonymity level of users and thus protects the user privacy. On the flip side, it increases the processing overhead on the users to generate and verify CoL. To evaluate the incurred overhead, we implemented our framework using Java programming language on Raspberry Pi 2 which represents low-resource devices. We measured the processing time for generating the CoL request, which involves generating a set of keys and forming the Merkle tree, and verifying the CoL which involves verifying the existence of the PK in the Merkle tree and validating the corresponding signatures. The implementation results are shown in Table [14](#tab:COL-performance){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:COL-performance"}. The verification of the CoL involves verifying two signatures which potentially takes longer time than generating CoL. In addition to the processing overhead, CoL increases the size of the transactions. Table [15](#tab:COL-packet){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:COL-packet"} compares the size of transactions and represents the impact of CoL.
# Security and Privacy Analysis {#sec:security}
In this section we analyze the security and privacy of the proposed framework. We first outline threat mode and then discuss possible attacks and how to protect against those.
***Threat Model:*** We assume that the adversary (or cooperative adversaries) can sniff the communications, discard transactions, generate fake transactions, and pretend to be another node in the network. The adversary may attempt to deanonymize a user by classifying blockchain transactions and monitoring real-time communications in blockchain. We assume standard secure encryption algorithms are in place which cannot be compromised by the adversary. We assume smart meters are tamper resistance and thus the end users cannot modify the transactions generated by the meters.
## Security
In the following we discuss possible attacks and how the proposed framework protects against those.
*CoL Reply Attack:* In this attack, the malicious node attempts to employ CoL of another node to generate transactions. The node that employs a CoL is required to sign the corresponding transaction with the private key corresponding to a PK that exists in MTR that is only known to the CoL generator. Thus, it is impossible for a malicious node to utilize the CoL of another node.
*Fake CoL:* In this attack, a malicious node pretends to be a genuine smart meter generates fake CoL that can later be used in its energy tradings. The CoL must be signed only by a genuine smart meter and the CA validates the PK of the verifier. In case of this attack, CA will not validate PK and thus the attack can be detected.
*Double spending:* In this attack, a malicious energy producer attempts to sell the same amount of energy to different consumers. Recall from Section [17](#sec:energy trading){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:energy trading"} that an energy trade involves three main transactions which are EN, LP, and EI. Once the agreed energy is injected to the grid, the smart meter of the energy producer generates a EI transaction that trigers the payment of the energy price to the producer. The smart meter generates only one EI that includes a reference to the corresponding LP and LP includes a reference to the corresponding EN. Thus, it is impossible for the energy producer to sell the same energy to multiple nodes.
An energy producer may attempt to inject less energy than the agreed amount and claim the full price. The smart meter of the producer will only generate the EI if the full amount of agreed energy is injected to the grid. If the energy producer injects part of the energy and the expiry time approach, the smart meter will generate an EI reflecting the amount that is injected to the grid. In this case, DR smart contract is called that adjusts the price of the energy and ensues the producer is only paid for the amount of energy injected to the grid.
*Reputation Modification:* In this attack, the malicious node attempts to improve their reputation or reduce the reputation of another node in the network. Recall that blockchain is an immutable ledger that makes it impossible to modify or remove previously stored transactions, which makes it impossible for the attacker to modify their reputation. To reduce the reputation of another node, the malicious node shall modify the code of the smart contract which is impossible due to the immutability of the blockchain. DR smart contract is the only entity that can reduce the reputation of a node. All participants know the address of the valid DR contract. When participating nodes receive reputation reduction from a contract, they first verify if the contract address matches with the genuine DR smart contract. If so, they accept the new reputation. Otherwise, they discard the transaction.
## Privacy
In the following we analyze the proposed framework from privacy perspective. Recall from Section [17](#sec:energy trading){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:energy trading"} that the grid operator charges a grid service charge per each transaction that depends on the distance between the energy consumer and producer. Thus, the consumer and producer require to prove their location, however, this may compromise their privacy as malicious nodes can classify the blockchain transactions to deanonymize the user. To address this challenge, we proposed A-PoL that enables the participants in the blockchain to verify the location of an anonymous smart meter using a CoL. Assume node *A* is using A-PoL. The privacy of *A* can be studied from the perspective of the following entities: i) CA: *A* uses the PK populated by the CA only to prove its identity to the verifier. CoL employed by *A* includes PK of the verifier and not *A*. Given that the verifier is selected randomly by *A* and there is no link between *A* and the verifier, the CA is unable to identify the transactions generated by *A*, ii) verifier: *A* only sends MTR to the verifier that hides the actual PKs of *A* from the verifier. *A* reveals the PKs in the Merkle tree to prove ownership on CoL. A group of smart meters may choose to create a single MTR which further protects their privacy, and iii) network participants: the network participants only receive CoL that contains of the verifier and MTR. As outlined earlier, there is no link between the verifier and *A*, thus knowledge of the identity of the verifier does not impact the privacy of *A*. The Merkle tree includes a number of PKs that are employed by *A* (or other involved smart meters) to generate transactions, thus, *A* may generate multiple transactions with the same PK. This potentially reduces the anonymity level of the user as malicious nodes may attempt to deanonymize a user by classifying their transactions. The anonymity level of *A* largely depends on the number of PKs employed in the Merkle tree. Large number of PKs incur overheads on *A* to manage the keys. Thus, there is a trade-off between the number of keys in Merkle tree and the user anonymity.
Recall from Section [16.2](#sub:sec:market-settlement){reference-type="ref" reference="sub:sec:market-settlement"} that the energy producer and consumer employ a cost/utility function, as shown in ([\[cost-func-producer\]](#cost-func-producer){reference-type="ref" reference="cost-func-producer"}) and ([\[cost-function-consumer\]](#cost-function-consumer){reference-type="ref" reference="cost-function-consumer"}), which represent their willingness to pay or accept energy price based on their preferences and concerns. These functions depends on \(a_i\), \(b_i\) and \(c_i\) and thus it is critical for the producers and consumers to keep these values private. In the proposed framework, the market settlement does not need the nodes to reveal \(a_i\), \(b_i\) and \(c_i\) which in turn enhances the privacy of the users.
# Conclusion and Future Work {#sec:conclusion}
In this paper a blockchain-enabled framework for P2P energy trading is proposed. -We can relax the assumption that the smart meters are seure-We assumed that the smart meter location is fixed and known by the CA. how the mobility of the meter may impact this?
# Introduction
In response to climate change concerns, the decarbonization and digitization of the electricity sector have been accelerated in recent years. The path toward decarbonization is associated with the high penetration of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs), such as rooftop solar, home batteries, and Electric Vehicles (EVs) with the potential to support a reliable, affordable and lower-emissions electricity grid. Progressive deployment of DERs raises several opportunities and challenges in the electricity systems. Technical challenges include the increase in bidirectional power flows, the raise in the voltage levels, and lack of visibility. On the other side, efficient DER integration can provide substantial benefits for energy customers. DER owners can benefit from Feed-In-Tariffs (FiTs) programs by selling energy back to the utility grid for a fixed price. Alternatively, they can be coordinated and orchestrated for participation in different markets. Given this context, Transactive Energy (TE) is emerging as a new approach for orchestrating and coordinating operation of DERs. TE is a market-based approach for energy management, which uses price signals to coordinate demand and supply across the network and among all users and entities. TE approach facilitates integration of DERs in the grid, while maintaining the system reliability. It provides a transformative solution to technological and socioeconomic challenges of the power grid modernization. Built upon the context of TE, a novel technique for the integration of small-scale producers and consumers to energy markets is Peer-to-Peer (P2P) trading, which allows bilateral energy transactions between users. P2P trading provides significant benefits for both end users and grid operators such as increasing welfare by preference satisfaction, lowering operational costs, and improving system reliability. P2P trading offers the flexibility required to coordinate agents with diverse preferences. Recent advances in the Internet of Things (IoT) and digital technologies have paved the path toward grid digitization. Grid digitization provides a two-way communication network that allows DER owners and energy consumers to act as proactive agents in the energy markets and facilitates P2P market implementation. Through direct interaction of agents in a decentralized platform, small-scale producers are allowed to compete with large traditional suppliers, and consumers have the freedom to select their energy suppliers based on their preferences. In the P2P trading, it is expected that market participants can settle the bilateral transactions with least influence from a central authority. Hence, designing a decentralized platform for managing market participants with diverse preferences is a challenging task. Blockchain technology offers new opportunities for decentralized market designs due to its salient features which includes decentralization, trust, anonymity, and auditability. Blokchain enables energy producers and consumers to directly negotiate and trade energy without reliance on Trusted Third Party (TTP). It provides a platform to store and share data in a secure and verifiable manner, even when the identity and trustworthiness of market participants are unknown. The participating nodes in the blockchain, that includes energy consumers, producers, prosumers, or grid operators, jointly form an overlay network where they can exchange information . Given the properties of blockchain, and the need for a truly decentralized platform for P2P trading, designing blockchain-enabled frameworks for P2P trading is gaining momentum in recent years. The blockchain framework for P2P trading should incorporate an appropriate market settlement approach to match trading peers and to settle the bilateral transactions among them. Compared to traditional markets, P2P market offers more flexibility and trading options to the agents, and hence, it needs a pricing mechanism that incentivizes both producers and consumers to participate in the market. There are several approaches that can be applied to P2P market clearing and peer matching, such as auction-based mechanism, game theory, and optimization-based methods. In the auction-based mechanism, agents express their interest in energy trading by submitting their offers, and the energy allocation and price would be determined based on the market clearing rules. The game theory approaches aim to provide a stable solution that is beneficial for all parties. In the optimization-based methods, the market settlement is formulated as an optimization problem, which can be decomposed to local subproblems solvable by each agent. The optimization-based methods can be implemented in a decentralized manner without any need for third party interventions, which allows agents to optimize their welfare by participating in the P2P market. Hence, these methods are well-suited for blockchain-enabled P2P markets. However, the computation and communication overheads of these methods are of concern, as they require agents to iteratively negotiate to reach agreements on their actions. Therefore, reducing these overheads is a key requirement This paper designs a blockchain-enabled P2P market that provides a secure and transparent environment for the energy trading of producer and consumer agents. In the proposed approach, agents *Advertise* their surplus/deficit energy during each market interval. We use an Advertisement Database (AD) that is centrally managed by the grid operator to skip storing advertisement in public blockchain, which in turn, reduces the blockchain memory footprint. A decentralized optimization algorithm is employed for the *Negotiation* that allows agents to iteratively optimize their welfare in the negotiation process. In order to reduce the computation and communication overheads, a *Prioritization* step is considered in the market settlement process that enables agents to prioritize their trading partners based on their proximity and reputation factor. Network constraints should be incorporated in the P2P trading to ensure that energy transactions respect electric grid constraints. Instead of enforcing network constraints directly to the proposed framework, we define a grid service charge for each transaction. To incentivize agents to trade energy with their neighboring agents and reducing network loading, this charge is calculated based on the electrical distance between producer and consumer. To this end, we propose an Anonymous Proof of Location (A-PoL) algorithm that enables agents to prove their location without revealing their real identity. Once the energy consumer and producer agree on the conditions of the trade, they start trading the energy. To reduce the reliance on TTP yet ensure the security of the trade, we adopt the concept of atomic meta-transactions where two transactions are considered valid only if they are generated within a particular period of time. The contributions of this paper are summarized as follows:
- a decentralized P2P trading framework that does not require access to private information of agents in any stage of the market settlement;
- a novel *prioritization* step to allow agents to select their trading partners based on their location and reputation in order to reduce the system overheads;
- a new A-PoL algorithm, which uses a Certificate of Location (CoL) issued by smart meters to approve the location of agents without revealing their real identity.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section [15](#sec:related){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:related"} explains some related work. Section [16](#sec: market structure){reference-type="ref" reference="sec: market structure"} outlines the structure of the market, including agents modeling, market objective, and decentralized optimization of the market objective. Section [17](#sec:energy trading){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:energy trading"} explains the market settlement process and its different steps. Case studies and numerical results are reported in Section [18](#sec: case study){reference-type="ref" reference="sec: case study"}. A detailed analysis of the security and privacy of the proposed framework is presented in Section [19](#sec:security){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:security"}. Finally, concluding remarks are given in Section [20](#sec:conclusion){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:conclusion"}.
# Prior Art {#sec:related}
In recent years blockchain applications in energy systems, such as demand response, microgrid energy management, EV integration, and energy trading, has attracted tremendous attention due to its salient features including decentralization, transparency, trust, and immutability. In, a decentralized framework for cooperative demand response is presented, in which smart contracts are employed to allow participants to collaboratively decide on their planning profiles. Su *et. al* employed blockchain to implement secure charging services for EVs with the execution of smart contracts. In, blockchain technology is utilized to implement a demand side energy management method for the efficient operation of microgrids. Hassan *et. al* developed a blockchain-based approach for microgrid energy auction, in which to reduce computational complexity, at every node consortium blockchain is used that authorizes only selected nodes to add a new block in the blockchain. The application of blockchain for P2P energy trading has been investigated in several studies. The Brooklyn microgrid is a prototype of a blockchain-enabled P2P market, in which a blockchain framework is employed to implement a decentralized microgrid energy market. A unified blockchain framework for various scenarios of energy trading in an industrial IoT is proposed in, in which a credit-based payment scheme is employed to overcome the transaction limitation caused by transaction confirmation delays. An operation framework for P2P energy trading at the distribution level is presented in, where the system operator clears the market using a crowdsourced energy system model. Dang *et. al* proposed a blockchain-based P2P market for optimal load management of big industrial users, in which users can organize their own P2P market to save their electricity costs. In, a two-layer system for distributed electricity trading among prosumers is proposed, in which in the first layer prosumers can form coalitions and negotiate energy trading, and in the second layer blockchain is employed for settlement of transactions formed in the first layer. A methodology for the co-simulation of power distribution networks and local P2P energy trading platforms is presented in , in which a blockchain-based distributed double auction trade mechanism is employed to model the trading platform. The existing blockchain-based frameworks for energy trading suffer from: *(i) negotiation overheads:* the decentralized optimization methods rely on iterative negotiation between involved agents. In a market with large number of participants, this iterative process increases the communication and computation overheads, and consequently the negotiation time. *(ii) Reliance on a TTP:* most of the existing studies rely on a TTP to oversee the trade and ensure that both sides of the trade commit to their obligations. However, this potentially may lead to centralization and privacy concerns as TTP can build virtual profile about the users. *(iii) Blockchain overheads:* in conventional blockchain-based methods in smart grids, all communications are stored in the blockchain, which in turn increases the blockchain memory footprint and thus reduces scalability. In this regard, this paper proposes a blockchain-enabled P2P market that alleviates the above-mentioned limitations.
# The Market Structure {#sec: market structure}
In this section, we outline the details of the market structure. As shown in Fig. [\[fig:layers\]](#fig:layers){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:layers"}, the proposed architecture consists of two layers: i) physical layer that is the underlying physical network to transfer electricity from producers to consumers. The minimum requirement for a successful transaction between a producer and a consumer is the existence of a path to transfer power between them, and ii) information layer where the participating nodes, that includes energy producer, consumer, and the grid operator, connect through a public blockchain to share information. The information layer provides a secure platform for the participating nodes to advertise their energy, negotiate on their offers, and decide on their actions in the market. The market mechanism is implemented in this layer that enables the agents to trade energy and settle energy transactions.
## Agents modeling {#sub:sec:agent-modeling}
We consider an energy network with a set of agents consisting of a set of producer agents with index \(i \in \mathcal{P}=\{1,..., P\}\) and a set of consumer agents with index \(j \in \mathcal{C}=\{1,..., C\}\) connected to a physical layer manged by a grid operator. Producers have energy producing capability and can use their own generated energy for their demand. In case there is more generation than demand, producers can sell surplus energy to consumers or to the grid. Consumers, on the other side, can buy energy from producers or the grid. Producers and consumers can negotiate for energy trading in a forward market for any time interval \(t \in \mathcal{T} =\{1,..., T\}\) with equal duration (e.g., one hour). Agents are equipped with smart meters, which determines the energy surplus/deficit for trade in each time slot. The smart meters are connected to the information layer and thus, can exchange information in blockchain. It is assumed that the smart meters are tamper-resistant. We assume that each agent is equipped with an energy management system that can quantitatively estimate the energy surplus or deficit that needs to be traded in each market interval. Each agent can trade with the grid or with other agents in the network. The total energy surplus and deficit of producers and consumers is represented as \[\label{tot energ pro} e_i=e_i^G +\sum_{j \in \mathcal{C}}{e_{ij}^P}\] \[\label{tot energ cons} e_j= e_j^G+\sum_{i \in \mathcal{P}}{e_{ji}^P}\] where, \(e_i^G\) and \(e_j^G\) are the traded energy between producer \(i\)/consumer \(j\) and the grid respectively, \(e_{ij}^P\) is the sold energy by producer \(i\) to consumer \(j\), and \(e_{ji}^P\) is the purchased energy by consumer \(j\) from producer \(i\). Each agent in the P2P market aims to maximize its welfare. The welfare incorporates the utility/cost of energy consumption/generation, cost/revenue of trade with other agents or the grid, and the cost of using grid for the P2P trading. The welfare function of producers and consumers can be modeled by ([\[pro welf\]](#pro welf){reference-type="ref" reference="pro welf"}) and ([\[con welf\]](#con welf){reference-type="ref" reference="con welf"}), respectively \[\label{pro welf} W_i(e_i, \lambda_{ij},\gamma_{ij})= \underline{\lambda}^G e_i^G +\sum_{j \in \mathcal{C}}{e_{ij}^P (\lambda_{ij}-\gamma_{ij})}-C_i(e_i)\] \[\label{con welf} W_j(e_j, \lambda_{ij},\gamma_{ij})= U_j(e_j)-\overline{\lambda}^G e_j^G-\sum_{i \in \mathcal{P}}{e_{ij}^P (\lambda_{ij}+\gamma_{ij})}\] where \(\underline{\lambda}^G\) denotes FiT representing the price for selling energy to the grid; \(\lambda_{ij}\) is energy price in transaction between producer \(i\) and consumer \(j\); \(\gamma_{ij}\) is grid service charge for using grid infrastructure for this trade; \(\overline{\lambda}^G\) denotes the price for selling from the grid which is usually a fixed value over the time (e.g. time of use tariff). The grid selling and buying prices limit energy price in the P2P market, i.e. for any bilateral trade \[\label{price lim} \underline{\lambda}^G \leq \lambda_{ij} \leq \overline{\lambda}^G.\] The cost function of the producer represents the cost of generating energy \(e_i\) and can be modeled as \[\label{cost-func-producer} C_i(e_i)=a_i e_i^2 +b_i e_i +c_i\] where \(a_i, b_i\) and \(c_i\) are positive constants, which can be adjusted by the producer to reflect the generation cost. Since producers usually have renewable generation resources with zero marginal costs, the cost function can represent the cost associated with battery degradation cost, if the producer needs to discharge its battery to sell the energy. On the other side, the utility function of a consumer represents its satisfaction level by consuming energy \(e_j\) and can be modeled as \[\label{cost-function-consumer} U_j(e_j)= \begin{cases} -a_j e_j^2 +b_j e_j \;\;\;\; :0 \leq e_j \leq \frac{b_j}{2 a_j}\\ \frac{b_j^2}{4 a_j} \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\ :e_j \geq \frac{b_j}{2 a_j} \end{cases}\] where \(a_j\), and \(b_j\) are unique positive constants for each consumer. These parameters reflect the valuation of the energy by the consumer and denotes the price that consumer is willing to pay for the energy. A fundamental challenge in implementing P2P markets is how to deal with network constraints, without having a central dispatch mechanism. In this work, instead of enforcing network constraints directly, we use a grid service charge for each trade. This fee represents the price that agents need to pay for using the grid infrastructure for each trade. To incite agents to trade with their closest electrical partner and to reduce network loading, this charge is calculated based on the electrical distance between producer and consumer as in \[\label{service charge} \gamma_{ij}=\omega d_{ij}\] where \(\omega\) is the grid service charge per unit of electrical distance for each unit of energy, and \(d_{ij}\) is the electrical distance between producer \(i\) and consumer \(j\). This distance can be calculated based on power transfer distance, which aggregates the absolute value of Power Transfer Distribution Factor (PTDF) induced by a trade as in \[\label{eq:ptdf} d_{ij}=\sum_{l \in \mathcal{L}}{\phi^l_{ij}}.\] For any trade, \(\phi^l_{ij}\) indicates the fraction of transacted power from producer \(i\) to consumer \(j\) that flows over a line \(l\), and can be calculated using the method presented in.
## Market objective {#sub:sec:market-settlement}
The market objective for P2P trading is formulated as social welfare maximization, which maximizes the total welfare of players in the market subject to the constraints, and mathematically can be modeled as: \[\label{tot objective} \begin{aligned} & \underset{\textbf{\textit{\(e_i\),\(e_j\)}}}{\text{max}} \sum_{i \in \mathcal{P}}{W_i} + \sum_{j \in \mathcal{C}}{W_j}\\ & \text{s.t. constraints.} \end{aligned}\] As stated in ([\[price lim\]](#price lim){reference-type="ref" reference="price lim"}), the prices in the P2P market should always be beneficial for both producers and consumers. Hence, it is reasonable to assume that all agents try to maximize their traded energy in the P2P market and to minimize trading with the grid by setting \(e_i^G=e_j^G=0\). Therefore, ([\[tot objective\]](#tot objective){reference-type="ref" reference="tot objective"}) can be rewritten as:
where ([\[producer flex\]](#producer flex){reference-type="ref" reference="producer flex"}) and ([\[consumer flex\]](#consumer flex){reference-type="ref" reference="consumer flex"}) represents the flexibility constraints of producer, and consumer, respectively. The constraint ([\[demand supply\]](#demand supply){reference-type="ref" reference="demand supply"}) represents the power balance in transaction between producer \(i\) and consumer \(j\). \(\underline{\mu_i}, \overline{\mu_i}, \underline{\mu_j}, \overline{\mu_j}, \lambda_{ij}\) are dual variables associated with these constraints.
## Decentralized optimization {#sub:sec:coordination}
In this paper, our aim is to solve ([\[social welfare\]](#social welfare){reference-type="ref" reference="social welfare"}) with only P2P communications to ensure data privacy of the agents. To do so, a decentralized optimization approach is employed to formulate the market settlement in P2P market. In this approach, dual variables are used to decouple constraints, and then, the problem is decomposed to local subproblems solvable by producers and consumers. The local subproblem is solved by deploying the sub-gradient projection method. Each agent contributes to solving the global problem by updating its local decision variables. The set of decision variables for producers and consumers are {\(\lambda_{ij}, e_{ij}^P, \underline{\mu_i}, \overline{\mu_i}\}\), and {\(e_{ji}^P, \underline{\mu_j}, \overline{\mu_j}\)}, respectively. The market settlement approach is an iterative process, in which agents update their decision variables iteratively and exchange information without revealing their private information. The updates of the decision variables of agents are based on the Karush--Kuhn--Tucker (KKT) optimality conditions of the local problems, and can be developed using first order deviate of the relaxed problem as follows:\
\(\forall i \in \mathcal{P}\)
\(\forall j \in \mathcal{C}\)
where \(k\) is the iteration index, \(\tilde{e}_{ij}^{P}, \tilde{e}_{ji}^{P}\) are optimal power set points of producer and consumer at the price \(\lambda_{ij}\). \(\zeta_{ij}, \zeta_{ji}\) are asymptotically proportional factors, \(\rho\) is a small tuning parameter, and \([.]^+\) denotes max {.,0}. The information exchange between producers and consumers during the decentralized optimization process is explained in Section [17.4](#sec:neg){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:neg"}.
# Market Settlement Process {#sec:energy trading}
In this section, we outline the details of the market settlement process for P2P trading. The proposed framework consists of four main phases namely; *(i) Advertisement:* to enable agents to advertise the energy that they want to trade, *(ii) Prioritization:* to allow agent prioritize their trading partners based on their preferences, *(iii) Negotiation:* in which agents negotiate on the energy quantity and price in each transaction, and *(iv) Energy trading:* which is the step that energy transfer and payment would be taking place. These steps are summarized in Fig. [\[fig:full algorithm\]](#fig:full algorithm){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:full algorithm"} and discussed in detail in the rest of this section.
## Anonymous proof of location
As shown in ([\[service charge\]](#service charge){reference-type="ref" reference="service charge"}) in the proposed framework the grid service charge is calculated based on the location of the participants denoted by \(\sigma\) which requires the involved parties to reveal their location. However, this potentially enables the malicious nodes to track the activities of a particular user, which in turn compromises user privacy. Additionally, the distributed and anonymous nature of blockchain makes it challenging for the users to verify the location claimed by another node. To address these challenges, we propose an A-PoL algorithm that enables the users to prove their location while protecting their real identity, which in turn enhances the level of anonymity offered to the users. The proposed A-PoL algorithm involves a CoL that is issued by a smart meter in the network, as shown in Fig. [\[fig:CoL\]](#fig:CoL){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:CoL"}. The energy companies maintain a local record of the accurate location of the installed smart meters. During the installation process, the energy company deploys a key pair in each smart meter (step 1 in Fig. [\[fig:CoL\]](#fig:CoL){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:CoL"}) and records \(<PK,location>\) tuple in its local storage. The company serves as a certificate authority (CA) for PKs deployed in smart meters. Although the CA is a trusted authority, relying on the PK provided by the CA may compromise the privacy of the users as the company can build a virtual profile of the user and their energy trading (by observing the proof of location transactions). To address this challenge, we propose CoL.
CoL is a certificate received from a verifier that is an independent smart meter in the network. Assume smart meter *A* is going to establish a CoL. Once deployed on site, *A* explores the CA to find potential smart meters that can function as the verifier and selects one randomly. Assume smart meter *B* is selected by *A* to function as the verifier. Recall that we assume the smart meters are tamper resistant, and thus *A* can send its request to any meter listed in CA. *A* sends a CoL request transaction to *B* that is structured as \(<T\_ID, MTR, \sigma, PK, Sign>\), where *T_ID* is the unique identifier of the transaction which essentially is the hash of the transaction content.
*A* populates the root hash of a Merkle tree constructed by recursively hashing a number of PKs in the *MTR* field. The PKs in the leaves of the tree are later employed by *A* to prove ownership on the CoL, which is discussed in greater detail later in this section. The number of PKs may vary based on the application. \(\sigma\) is the noisy location of the smart meter that can be the location at a lower resolution, e.g., the street in which the meter is installed. This protects the privacy of the smart meter against deanonymization, as studied later in Section [19](#sec:security){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:security"}. *PK* is the PK of *A* allocated by the CA, and *Sign* is the corresponding signature, which proves that *A* owns the private key corresponding to the PK.
When the verifier, i.e. *B* receives the CoL request, it verifies that the transaction is generated by a genuine smart meter that is done by requesting the CA (step 3). To protect the privacy of the user, the CA does not reveal the actual location of the smart meter to *B* instead, only confirms if the PK is registered and genuine smart meter. Once verified, the verifier creates a CoL that is *sign(hash(MTR, \(\sigma\)))* and replies back to *A* by sending the reply transaction structured as \(<CoL, PK, Sign>\), where CoL is as outlined above, *PK* is the PK of the verifier, i.e., *B* registered by the CA, and *Sign* is the corresponding signature of the verifier.
*A* employs the received CoL to anonymously prove its location to the nodes in the overlay. To do so, *A* appends \(CoL_f^{A} = (CoL_A, PK_{ver}, Sig_{ver}, MTR_A, \sigma_A, PK_A, MTL_A, Sign_A)\) where the first three fields are extracted from the response of the verifier *B*. MTR and \(\sigma_A\) are extracted from the CoL request sent to the verifier. *\(PK_A\)* is a PK that was part of the leaves of the Merkle tree. \(MTL_A\) is the leaves of the Merkle tree that are necessary to prove the existence of \(PK_A\) in the MTR, and \(Sign_A\) is the signature corresponding to PK. The last three fields ensure that only the owner of the certificate, who knows the PKs in the Merkle tree and the corresponding private key, can use the certificate.
To verify the location of *A*, the participating nodes in the blockchain, say *C*, must first verify that \(PK_A\) belongs to \(MTR_R\) using \(MTL_A\). Next, *C* verifies if \(Sign_A\) matches \(PK_A\). The third step in verifying is to verify if \(hash(MTR_A, \sigma_A) = CoL_A\). The final step is for *C* to verify \(PK_{ver}\) using CA. This ensures that a genuine smart meter has signed the CoL. If all the above steps successfully passed, the location of *A* is verified.
Having discussed the details of the proposed A-PoL algorithm, we study the process of P2P energy trading in the rest of this section. The algorithms implemented by producer and consumer agents are represented in Algorithm [\[producer lag\]](#producer lag){reference-type="ref" reference="producer lag"} and [\[consumer alg\]](#consumer alg){reference-type="ref" reference="consumer alg"}, respectively, and are discussed with greater details in the rest of this section.
## Advertisement {#sub:sec:advertisement}
The main aim of this phase is for the agents to advertise their energy to the potential consumers/producers. In each market interval, agents participate in the forward market by submitting their offers and asks in the form of *advertisement transaction (AT)* that is structured as follow \(AT = (T\_ID, price/amount, \eta_i, CoL_f^{i})\), where *price/amount* can be either the price of the energy, i.e., \(\lambda_i, \forall i\in \mathcal{P}\), if AT is generated by a producer or the amount of requested energy, i.e., \(e_j, \forall j\in \mathcal{C}\), if AT is generated by a consumer, and \(\eta\) is the reputation factor of agent.
In conventional blockchain-based frameworks, the negotiation transactions are stored in the blockchain that provides high auditability. However, this increases the computational and storage resource consumption of the blockchain and limits the throughput, i.e., the total number of transactions that can be stored per second. These can limit the blockchain scalability while smart grid comprises of a broad range of devices that may produce transactions frequently. To address this challenge, in the proposed framework, the negotiation transactions are stored in a public database managed by the grid operator that is referred to as *Advertisement Database* (AD). The write access of AD is restricted only to the grid operator and other nodes in the overlay have read-only permission. The parties involved in an AT transaction, i.e., energy producers and consumers, may store the transactions locally to be employed as a reference in case of a dispute between parties. The final price and the amount of energy agreed by the participants are later defined during a negotiation which limits future references to AT transaction. Thus, we store AT in AD which potentially reduces the packet overhead and blockchain memory footprint.
In this section, simulation case studies are provided to verify the operation of the proposed framework. As shown in Fig. [\[fig:test system\]](#fig:test system){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:test system"}, the considered test system is the IEEE 33-bus distribution system with 16 producers and 16 consumers. Table [11](#tab:parameters){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:parameters"} summarizes key parameters and range of values for producers and consumers parameters. Fig. [\[fig: power and price res\]](#fig: power and price res){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: power and price res"} illustrates the results of P2P trading in the test system. The traded energy and price in different transactions have various values based on the agents' preferences. Agents tend to trade energy with their closest neighbor agents to pay less grid service charge. For example, consumer at bus 1 buys energy from producer at bus 18. However, if the offer/ask from the agent at the nearest node is not available, or does not satisfy the requirement of the agents, they have to trade with other neighboring agents. For instance, while the nearest agents to agent 5 are agents at bus 4 and 6, this agent trades energy with producers at bus 26 and 27. Since agents 4 and 6 have preferred to trade with other neighboring nodes (agents at bus 3 and 7 respectively), their offers are not available to the agent 5. It can be seen that agents 16 and 17 do not buy any energy in the market. These agents have lower utility function parameters compared to their neighboring agents, which means that their willingness to pay for energy is less than agent 15, and hence, producer at bus 14 prefers to trade with the agent at bus 15. To investigate the impact of considering the grid service charge on the number of transactions (\(n_T\)), we implemented the energy trading algorithm for different values of \(\omega\). The results are reported in Fig. [\[fig:line flow\]](#fig:line flow){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:line flow"}, where each marker indicates a transaction between the producer and consumer, and the total number of transactions in each case is given in parentheses. The case with \(\omega=0\) means that there is no limit on the distance of agents, and they can trade with any number of agents. Therefore, the number of transactions in this case is significantly higher. Increasing the value of \(\omega\) reduces the number of transactions. The welfare of agents depend on the grid service charge that they pay (see ([\[pro welf\]](#pro welf){reference-type="ref" reference="pro welf"}) and ([\[con welf\]](#con welf){reference-type="ref" reference="con welf"})), and hence, increase in \(\omega\) reduces their welfare as they have to trade less energy and pay more cost for utilizing the grid. The negotiation among agents is an iterative process and the time required for agents to reach agreement depends on several factors including, number of agents, number of iterations required for convergence in Algorithm [\[producer lag\]](#producer lag){reference-type="ref" reference="producer lag"} and [\[consumer alg\]](#consumer alg){reference-type="ref" reference="consumer alg"}, the computation time required to solve ([\[sell update dec\]](#sell update dec){reference-type="ref" reference="sell update dec"}) and ([\[buyer update dec\]](#buyer update dec){reference-type="ref" reference="buyer update dec"}) by agents in each iteration, and communication time. The results of implementing the market settlement algorithm with and without implementing *prioritization* step are compared, as reported in Table [12](#tab:prioritization){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:prioritization"}. The *prioritization* step reduces the number of negotiating agents, and hence, reduces the number of communication in each iteration. On the other hand, agents need less time to solve ([\[sell update dec\]](#sell update dec){reference-type="ref" reference="sell update dec"}) and ([\[buyer update dec\]](#buyer update dec){reference-type="ref" reference="buyer update dec"}), as they have fewer decision variables after *prioritization*. Therefore, applying *prioritization* reduces negotiation time among agents by nearly 45%.
In order to demonstrate the efficacy of the P2P market, the results of this market are compared with the case that producers and consumers only trade with the grid. Comparative results are reported in Table [13](#tab:p2p results){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:p2p results"}. As it can be inferred from the results, P2P market reduces the imported and exported energy by agents to the grid, meaning they trade more with other P2P agents. Also, since the P2P market price is more beneficial for agents (see ([\[price lim\]](#price lim){reference-type="ref" reference="price lim"})), they can reach a higher value of welfare in the P2P market, though they have to pay a grid service charge to the grid operator. As stated in Section [17.2](#sub:sec:advertisement){reference-type="ref" reference="sub:sec:advertisement"}, in the proposed framework, the ATs are stored off chain in AD. Here, we study the impact of using AD by evaluating the blockchain size and number of consensus rounds, i.e., evaluating how many times the validators shall run the consensus algorithm. Blockchain size shows the amount of saved storage space by employing AD while the number of consensus rounds evaluates the amount of computational overhead saved by running less consensus rounds. We employed the structure and configuration of the IEEE 33-bus distribution to implement a distributed network using Java programming language on Raspberry Pi 2. It is assumed that the size of each block is 10 transactions. The process involved in the consensus algorithm is abstracted out as it does not impact the functionality of the proposed method. Ten market intervals are implemented during which each energy producer generates an AT. To benchmark the results, a baseline method is considered where all ATs are stored in the blockchain. To focus on the impact of AD, we disregard the rest of the functions and assume ATs are the only transactions generated during each market interval. Based on the implementation results, the size of each AT is 1776 B. After 10 epochs, the baseline blockchain includes 16 blocks with the cumulative size of 314KB. Thus, each node must allocate 314KB storage space to store blockchain. Our solution off-loads this overhead to a central trusted node who is managing the AD, thus there is no memory overhead on the participating nodes in the blockchain. Assume \(\nu\) represents the overhead associated with appending a new block that includes computational, packet and memory overhead. The proposed framework incurs no overhead during the *advertisement* process on the validators while the overhead is 16\(\nu\) in the conventional methods. We next evaluate the processing overhead associated with CoL. We proposed a CoL that enables the users to anonymously verify the location of the parties involved in energy trading. CoL enhances the anonymity level of users and thus protects user privacy. On the flip side, it increases the processing overhead on the users to generate and verify CoL. To evaluate the incurred overhead, we implemented our framework using Java programming language on Raspberry Pi 2, which represents low-resource devices. We measured the processing time for generating the CoL request, which involves generating a set of keys and forming the Merkle tree, and verifying the CoL, which involves verifying the existence of the PK in the Merkle tree and validating the corresponding signatures. The implementation results are shown in Table [14](#tab:COL-performance){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:COL-performance"}. The verification of the CoL involves verifying two signatures, which potentially takes longer time than generating CoL. In addition to the processing overhead, CoL increases the size of the transactions. Table [15](#tab:COL-packet){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:COL-packet"} compares the size of transactions and shows that CoL only affects the AT. It nearly doubles the size of AT, but this does not affect the size of the blockchain as AT's are stored off-chain only. All other transactions are unaffected by CoL.
# Security and Privacy Analysis {#sec:security}
In this section, we analyze the security and privacy of the proposed framework. We first outline threat mode and then discuss possible attacks and how to protect against those.
***Threat Model:*** We assume that the adversary (or cooperative adversaries) can sniff the communications, discard transactions, generate fake transactions, and pretend to be another node in the network. The adversary may attempt to deanonymize a user by classifying blockchain transactions and monitoring real-time communications in blockchain. We assume standard secure encryption algorithms are in place, which cannot be compromised by the adversary. We assume smart meters are tamper resistance, and thus the end users cannot modify the transactions generated by the meters.
## Security
In the following, we discuss possible attacks and how the proposed framework protects against those.
*CoL Reply Attack:* In this attack, the malicious node attempts to employ CoL of another node to generate transactions. The node that employs a CoL is required to sign the corresponding transaction with the private key corresponding to a PK that exists in MTR that is only known to the CoL generator. Thus, it is impossible for a malicious node to utilize the CoL of another node.
*Fake CoL:* In this attack, a malicious node pretends to be a genuine smart meter generates fake CoL that can later be used in its energy tradings. The CoL must be signed only by a genuine smart meter, and the CA validates the PK of the verifier. In the case of this attack, CA will not validate PK, and thus the attack can be detected.
*Double selling:* In this attack, a malicious energy producer attempts to sell the same amount of energy to different consumers. Recall from Section [17](#sec:energy trading){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:energy trading"} that an energy trade involves three main transactions, which are EN, LP, and EI. Once the agreed energy is injected to the grid, the smart meter of the energy producer generates a EI transaction that triggers the payment of the energy price to the producer. The smart meter generates only one EI that includes a reference to the corresponding LP, and LP includes a reference to the corresponding EN. Thus, it is impossible for the energy producer to sell the same energy to multiple nodes.
An energy producer may attempt to inject less energy than the agreed amount and claim the full price. The smart meter of the producer will only generate the EI if the full amount of agreed energy is injected to the grid. If the energy producer injects part of the energy and the expiry time approaches, the smart meter will generate an EI reflecting the amount that is injected to the grid. In this case, DR smart contract is called that adjusts the price of the energy and ensues the producer is only paid for the amount of energy injected to the grid.
*Reputation Modification:* In this attack, the malicious node attempts to improve their reputation or reduce the reputation of another node in the network. Recall that blockchain is an immutable ledger that makes it impossible to modify or remove previously stored transactions, which makes it impossible for the attacker to modify their reputation. To reduce the reputation of another node, the malicious node shall modify the code of the smart contract, which is impossible due to the immutability of the blockchain. DR smart contract is the only entity that can reduce the reputation of a node. All participants know the address of the valid DR contract. When participating nodes receive reputation reduction from a contract, they first verify if the contract address matches with the genuine DR smart contract. If so, they accept the new reputation. Otherwise, they discard the transaction.
## Privacy
In the following, we analyze the proposed framework from the privacy perspective. Recall from Section [17](#sec:energy trading){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:energy trading"} that the grid operator charges a grid service charge per each transaction that depends on the distance between the energy consumer and producer. Thus, the consumer and producer must prove their location, however, this may compromise their privacy as malicious nodes can classify the blockchain transactions to deanonymize the user. To address this challenge, we proposed A-PoL that enables the participants in the blockchain to verify the location of an anonymous smart meter using a CoL. Assume node *A* is using A-PoL. The privacy of *A* can be studied from the perspective of the following entities: i) CA: *A* uses the PK populated by the CA only to prove its identity to the verifier. CoL employed by *A* includes PK of the verifier and not *A*. Given that the verifier is selected randomly by *A* and there is no link between *A* and the verifier, the CA is unable to identify the transactions generated by *A*, ii) verifier: *A* only sends MTR to the verifier that hides the actual PKs of *A* from the verifier. *A* reveals the PKs in the Merkle tree to prove ownership of CoL. A group of smart meters may choose to create a single MTR, which further protects their privacy, and iii) network participants: the network participants only receive CoL that contains of the verifier and MTR. As outlined earlier, there is no link between the verifier and *A*, thus knowledge of the identity of the verifier does not impact the privacy of *A*. The Merkle tree includes a number of PKs that are employed by *A* (or other involved smart meters) to generate transactions, thus, *A* may generate multiple transactions with the same PK. This potentially reduces the anonymity level of the user as malicious nodes may attempt to deanonymize a user by classifying their transactions. The anonymity level of *A* largely depends on the number of PKs employed in the Merkle tree. The large number of PKs incur overheads on *A* to manage the keys. Thus, there is a trade-off between the number of keys in the Merkle tree and user anonymity.
Recall from Section [16.2](#sub:sec:market-settlement){reference-type="ref" reference="sub:sec:market-settlement"} that the energy producer and consumer employ a cost/utility function, as shown in ([\[cost-func-producer\]](#cost-func-producer){reference-type="ref" reference="cost-func-producer"}) and ([\[cost-function-consumer\]](#cost-function-consumer){reference-type="ref" reference="cost-function-consumer"}), which represent their willingness to pay or accept energy price based on their preferences and concerns. These functions depend on \(a_i\), \(b_i\), and \(c_i\), and thus it is critical for the producers and consumers to keep these values private. In the proposed framework, the market settlement does not need the nodes to reveal \(a_i\), \(b_i\) and \(c_i\), which in turn enhances the privacy of the users.
# Conclusion and Future Works {#sec:conclusion}
In this paper, we propose a blockchain-enabled P2P energy market, which provides a secure and privacy-preserving environment for energy trading between producers and consumers. A decentralized market settlement process is designed, which allows agents to trade energy without revealing their private information. The grid service charge, calculated based on the distance between producer and consumer, is used to incite agents trade energy locally and to reduce the possibility of overloading electricity grid lines.
To reduce the blockchain memory footprint, we propose AD that stores the energy advertisements and is maintained by the grid operator. A *prioritization* step is implemented to enable agents to select their trading partners based on their location and reputation factors. In order to allow agents to prove their location without revealing their real identity, an A-PoL algorithm is proposed using CoL issued by smart meters. Simulation results on IEEE 33-bus test system confirm that the proposed framework improves the welfare of agents through P2P trading, while their privacy is protected. Furthermore, employing AD to store ATs, and limiting the number of trading partners through *prioritization* decrease the system overheads. For future work is needed to relax the tamper resistance assumption considered for smart meters. Relaxing this assumption complicates the trust issue as the smart meters may generate fake transactions. As another research direction, the impact of mobility of the smart meters on A-PoL can be studied. In such cases, the CA must ensure that the location of a meter is as claimed before granting a certificate. It is critical for the CA to be able to revoke granted certificates as smart meters may change its location. Another challenge for future work is to explore ways of decentralizing the AD without increasing the blockchain memory footprint to achieve an even more decentralized energy marketplace.
# Introduction
to climate change concerns, the decarbonization and digitization of the electricity sector have been accelerated in recent years. The path toward decarbonization is associated with the high penetration of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs), such as rooftop solar, home batteries, and Electric Vehicles (EVs) with the potential to support a reliable, affordable and lower-emissions electricity grid. Progressive deployment of DERs raises several opportunities and challenges in the electricity systems. Technical challenges include the increase in bidirectional power flows, the raise in the voltage levels, and lack of visibility. On the other side, efficient DER integration can provide substantial benefits for energy customers. DER owners can benefit from Feed-In-Tariffs (FiTs) programs by selling energy back to the utility grid for a fixed price. Alternatively, they can be coordinated and aggregated for participation in different markets. Virtual Power Plants (VPPs) are an example of DERs aggregation to exploit their inherent flexibility. An emerging technique for the integration of small-scale producers and consumers to energy markets is Peer-to-Peer (P2P) trading, which allows bilateral energy transactions between users. P2P trading provides significant benefits for both end users and grid operators such as increasing welfare by preference satisfaction, lowering operational costs, and improving system reliability. P2P trading offers the flexibility required to coordinate agents with diverse preferences. Recent advances in the Internet of Things (IoT) and digital technologies have paved the path toward grid digitization. Grid digitization provides a two-way communication network that allows DER owners and energy consumers to act as proactive agents in the energy markets and facilitates P2P market implementation. Through direct interaction of agents in a decentralized platform, small-scale producers are allowed to compete with large traditional suppliers, and consumers have the freedom to select their energy suppliers based on their preferences. In the P2P trading, it is expected that market participants can settle the bilateral transactions with least influence from a central authority. Hence, designing a decentralized platform for managing market participants with diverse preferences is a challenging task. Blockchain technology offers new opportunities for decentralized market designs due to its salient features which includes decentralization, trust, anonymity, and auditability. Blokchain enables energy producers and consumers to directly negotiate and trade energy without reliance on Trusted Third Party (TTP). It provides a platform to store and share data in a secure and verifiable manner, even when the identity and trustworthiness of market participants are unknown. The participating nodes in the blockchain, that includes energy consumers, producers, prosumers, or grid operators, jointly form an overlay network where they can exchange information . Given the properties of blockchain, and the need for a truly decentralized platform for P2P trading, designing blockchain-enabled frameworks for P2P trading is gaining momentum in recent years. The blockchain framework for P2P trading should incorporate an appropriate market settlement approach to match trading peers and to settle the bilateral transactions among them. Compared to traditional markets, P2P market offers more flexibility and trading options to the agents, and hence, it needs a pricing mechanism that incentivizes both producers and consumers to participate in the market. There are several approaches that can be applied to P2P market clearing and peer matching, such as auction-based mechanism, game theory, and optimization-based methods. In the auction-based mechanism, agents express their interest in energy trading by submitting their offers, and the energy allocation and price would be determined based on the market clearing rules. The game theory approaches aim to provide a stable solution that is beneficial for all parties. In the optimization-based methods, the market settlement is formulated as an optimization problem, which can be decomposed to local subproblems solvable by each agent. The optimization-based methods can be implemented in a decentralized manner without any need for third party interventions, which allows agents to optimize their welfare by participating in the P2P market. Hence, these methods are well-suited for blockchain-enabled P2P markets. However, the computation and communication overheads of these methods are of concern, as they require agents to iteratively negotiate to reach agreements on their actions. Therefore, reducing these overheads is a key requirement This paper designs a blockchain-enabled P2P market that provides a secure and transparent environment for the energy trading of producer and consumer agents. In the proposed approach agents *Advertise* their surplus/deficit energy during each market interval. We use an Advertisement Database (AD) that is centrally managed by the grid operator to skip storing advertisement in public blockchain, which in turn, reduces the blockchain memory footprint. A decentralized optimization algorithm is employed for the *Negotiation* that allows agents to iteratively optimize their welfare in the negotiation process. In order to reduce the computation and communication overheads, a *Prioritization* step is considered in the market settlement process that enables agents to prioritize their trading partners based on their proximity and reputation factor. Network constraints should be incorporated in the P2P trading to ensure that energy transactions respect electric grid constraints. Instead of enforcing network constraints directly to the proposed framework, we define a grid service charge for each transaction. To incentivize agents to trade energy with their neighboring agents and reducing network loading, this charge is calculated based on the electrical distance between producer and consumer. To this end, we propose an Anonymous Proof of Location (A-PoL) algorithm that enables agents to prove their location without revealing their real identity. Once the energy consumer and producer agree on the conditions of the trade, they start trading the energy. To reduce the reliance on TTP yet ensure the security of the trade, we adopt the concept of atomic meta-transactions where two transactions are considered valid only if they are generated within a particular period of time. The contributions of this paper are summarized as follows:
- a decentralized P2P trading framework that does not require access to private information of agents in any stage of the market settlement;
- a novel *prioritization* step to allow agents to select their trading partners based on their location and reputation in order to reduce the system overheads;
- a new A-PoL algorithm, which uses a Certificate of Location (CoL) issued by smart meters to approve the location of agents without revealing their real identity.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section [15](#sec:related){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:related"} explains some related work. Section [16](#sec: market structure){reference-type="ref" reference="sec: market structure"} outlines the structure of the market, including agents modeling, market objective, and decentralized optimization of the market objective. Section [17](#sec:energy trading){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:energy trading"} explains the market settlement process and its different steps. Case studies and numerical results are reported in Section [18](#sec: case study){reference-type="ref" reference="sec: case study"}. A detailed analysis of the security and privacy of the proposed framework is presented in Section [19](#sec:security){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:security"}. Finally, concluding remarks are given in Section [20](#sec:conclusion){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:conclusion"}.
# Prior Art {#sec:related}
In recent years blockchain applications in energy systems, such as microgrid energy management, EV integration, and energy trading, has attracted tremendous attention due to its salient features including decentralization, transparency, trust, and immutability. Su *et. al* employed blockchain to implement secure charging services for EVs with the execution of smart contracts. In, blockchain technology is utilized to implement a demand side energy management method for the efficient operation of microgrids. Hassan *et. al* developed a blockchain-based approach for microgrid energy auction, in which to reduce computational complexity, at every node consortium blockchain is used that authorizes only selected nodes to add a new block in the blockchain. The application of blockchain for P2P energy trading has been investigated in several studies. The Brooklyn microgrid is a prototype of a blockchain-enabled P2P market, in which a blockchain framework is employed to implement a decentralized microgrid energy market. A unified blockchain framework for various scenarios of energy trading in an industrial IoT is proposed in, in which a credit-based payment scheme is employed to overcome the transaction limitation caused by transaction confirmation delays. An operation framework for P2P energy trading at the distribution level is presented in, where the system operator clears the market using a crowdsourced energy system model. Dang *et. al* proposed a blockchain-based P2P market for optimal load management of big industrial users, in which users can organize their own P2P market to save their electricity costs. In, a two-layer system for distributed electricity trading among prosumers is proposed, in which in the first layer prosumers can form coalitions and negotiate energy trading, and in the second layer blockchain is employed for settlement of transactions formed in the first layer. The existing blockchain-based frameworks for energy trading suffer from: *(i) negotiation overheads:* the decentralized optimization methods rely on iterative negotiation between involved agents. In a market with large number of participants, this iterative process increases the communication and computation overheads, and consequently the negotiation time. *(ii) reliance on a TTP:* most of the existing studies rely on a TTP to oversee the trade and ensure that both sides of the trade commit to their obligations. However, this potentially may lead to centralization and privacy concerns as TTP can build virtual profile about the users. *(iii) Blockchain overheads:* in conventional blockchain-based methods in smart grids, all communications are stored in the blockchain, which in turn increases the blockchain memory footprint and thus reduces scalability. In this regard, this paper proposes a blockchain-enabled P2P market that alleviates the above-mentioned limitations.
# The Market Structure {#sec: market structure}
In this section, we outline the details of the market structure. As shown in Fig. [\[fig:layers\]](#fig:layers){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:layers"}, the proposed architecture consists of two layers: i) physical layer that is the underlying physical network to transfer electricity from producers to consumers. The minimum requirement for a successful transaction between a producer and a consumer is the existence of a path to transfer power between them, and ii) information layer where the participating nodes, that includes energy producer, consumer, and the grid operator, connect through a public blockchain to share information. The information layer provides a secure platform for the participating nodes to advertise their energy, negotiate on their offers, and decide on their actions in the market. The market mechanism is implemented in this layer that enables the agents to trade energy and settle energy transactions.
## Agents modeling {#sub:sec:agent-modeling}
We consider an energy network with a set of agents consisting of a set of producer agents with index \(i \in \mathcal{P}=\{1,..., P\}\) and a set of consumer agents with index \(j \in \mathcal{C}=\{1,..., C\}\) connected to a physical layer manged by a grid operator. Producers have energy producing capability and can use their own generated energy for their demand. In case there is more generation than demand, producers can sell surplus energy to consumers or to the grid. Consumers, on the other side, can buy energy from producers or the grid. Producers and consumers can negotiate for energy trading in a forward market for any time interval \(t \in \mathcal{T} =\{1,..., T\}\) with equal duration (e.g., one hour). Agents are equipped with smart meters, which determines the energy surplus/deficit for trade in each time slot. The smart meters are connected to the information layer and thus, can exchange information in blockchain. It is assumed that the smart meters are tamper-resistant. We assume that each agent is equipped with an energy management system that can quantitatively estimate the energy surplus or deficit that needs to be traded in each market interval. Each agent can trade with the grid or with other agents in the network. The total energy surplus and deficit of producers and consumers is represented as \[\label{tot energ pro} e_i=e_i^G +\sum_{j \in \mathcal{C}}{e_{ij}^P}\] \[\label{tot energ cons} e_j= e_j^G+\sum_{i \in \mathcal{P}}{e_{ji}^P}\] where, \(e_i^G\) and \(e_j^G\) are the traded energy between producer \(i\)/consumer \(j\) and the grid respectively, \(e_{ij}^P\) is the sold energy by producer \(i\) to consumer \(j\), and \(e_{ji}^P\) is the purchased energy by consumer \(j\) from producer \(i\). Each agent in the P2P market aims to maximize its welfare. The welfare incorporates the utility/cost of energy consumption/generation, cost/revenue of trade with other agents or the grid, and the cost of using grid for the P2P trading. The welfare function of producers and consumers can be modeled by ([\[pro welf\]](#pro welf){reference-type="ref" reference="pro welf"}) and ([\[con welf\]](#con welf){reference-type="ref" reference="con welf"}), respectively \[\label{pro welf} W_i(e_i, \lambda_{ij},\gamma_{ij})= \underline{\lambda}^G e_i^G +\sum_{j \in \mathcal{C}}{e_{ij}^P (\lambda_{ij}-\gamma_{ij})}-C_i(e_i)\] \[\label{con welf} W_j(e_j, \lambda_{ij},\gamma_{ij})= U_j(e_j)-\overline{\lambda}^G e_j^G-\sum_{i \in \mathcal{P}}{e_{ij}^P (\lambda_{ij}+\gamma_{ij})}\] where \(\underline{\lambda}^G\) denotes FiT representing the price for selling energy to the grid; \(\lambda_{ij}\) is energy price in transaction between producer \(i\) and consumer \(j\); \(\gamma_{ij}\) is grid service charge for using grid infrastructure for this trade; \(\overline{\lambda}^G\) denotes the price for selling from the grid which is usually a fixed value over the time (e.g. time of use tariff). The grid selling and buying prices limit energy price in the P2P market, i.e. for any bilateral trade \[\label{price lim} \underline{\lambda}^G \leq \lambda_{ij} \leq \overline{\lambda}^G.\] The cost function of the producer represents the cost of generating energy \(e_i\) and can be modeled as \[\label{cost-func-producer} C_i(e_i)=a_i e_i^2 +b_i e_i +c_i\] where \(a_i, b_i\) and \(c_i\) are positive constants, which can be adjusted by the producer to reflect the generation cost. Since producers usually have renewable generation resources with zero marginal costs, the cost function can represent the cost associated with battery degradation cost, if the producer needs to discharge its battery to sell the energy. On the other side, the utility function of a consumer represents its satisfaction level by consuming energy \(e_j\) and can be modeled as \[\label{cost-function-consumer} U_j(e_j)= \begin{cases} -a_j e_j^2 +b_j e_j \;\;\;\; :0 \leq e_j \leq \frac{b_j}{2 a_j}\\ \frac{b_j^2}{4 a_j} \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\ :e_j \geq \frac{b_j}{2 a_j} \end{cases}\] where \(a_j\), and \(b_j\) are unique positive constants for each consumer. These parameters reflect the valuation of the energy by the consumer and denotes the price that consumer is willing to pay for the energy. A fundamental challenge in implementing P2P markets is how to deal with network constraints, without having a central dispatch mechanism. In this work, instead of enforcing network constraints directly, we use a grid service charge for each trade. This fee represents the price that agents need to pay for using the grid infrastructure for each trade. To incite agents to trade with their closest electrical partner and to reduce network loading, this charge is calculated based on the electrical distance between producer and consumer as in \[\label{service charge} \gamma_{ij}=\omega d_{ij}\] where \(\omega\) is the grid service charge per unit of electrical distance for each unit of energy, and \(d_{ij}\) is the electrical distance between producer \(i\) and consumer \(j\). This distance can be calculated based on power transfer distance, which aggregates the absolute value of Power Transfer Distribution Factor (PTDF) induced by a trade as in \[\label{eq:ptdf} d_{ij}=\sum_{l \in \mathcal{L}}{\phi^l_{ij}}.\] For any trade, \(\phi^l_{ij}\) indicates the fraction of transacted power from producer \(i\) to consumer \(j\) that flows over a line \(l\), and can be calculated using the method presented in.
## Market objective {#sub:sec:market-settlement}
The market objective for P2P trading is formulated as social welfare maximization, which maximizes the total welfare of players in the market subject to the constraints, and mathematically can be modeled as: \[\label{tot objective} \begin{aligned} & \underset{\textbf{\textit{\(e_i\),\(e_j\)}}}{\text{max}} \sum_{i \in \mathcal{P}}{W_i} + \sum_{j \in \mathcal{C}}{W_j}\\ & \text{s.t. constraints.} \end{aligned}\] As stated in ([\[price lim\]](#price lim){reference-type="ref" reference="price lim"}), the prices in the P2P market should always be beneficial for both producers and consumers. Hence, it is reasonable to assume that all agents try to maximize their traded energy in the P2P market and to minimize trading with the grid by setting \(e_i^G=e_j^G=0\). Therefore, ([\[tot objective\]](#tot objective){reference-type="ref" reference="tot objective"}) can be rewritten as:
where ([\[producer flex\]](#producer flex){reference-type="ref" reference="producer flex"}) and ([\[consumer flex\]](#consumer flex){reference-type="ref" reference="consumer flex"}) represents the flexibility constraints of producer, and consumer, respectively. The constraint ([\[demand supply\]](#demand supply){reference-type="ref" reference="demand supply"}) represents the power balance in transaction between producer \(i\) and consumer \(j\). \(\underline{\mu_i}, \overline{\mu_i}, \underline{\mu_j}, \overline{\mu_j}, \lambda_{ij}\) are dual variables associated with these constraints.
## Decentralized optimization {#sub:sec:coordination}
In this paper, our aim is to solve ([\[social welfare\]](#social welfare){reference-type="ref" reference="social welfare"}) with only P2P communications to ensure data privacy of the agents. To do so, a decentralized optimization approach is employed to formulate the market settlement in P2P market. In this approach, dual variables are used to decouple constraints, and then, the problem is decomposed to local subproblems solvable by producers and consumers. The local subproblem is solved by deploying the sub-gradient projection method. Each agent contributes to solving the global problem by updating its local decision variables. The set of decision variables for producers and consumers are {\(\lambda_{ij}, e_{ij}^P, \underline{\mu_i}, \overline{\mu_i}\}\), and {\(e_{ji}^P, \underline{\mu_j}, \overline{\mu_j}\)}, respectively. The market settlement approach is an iterative process, in which agents update their decision variables iteratively and exchange information without revealing their private information. The updates of the decision variables of agents are based on the Karush--Kuhn--Tucker (KKT) optimality conditions of the local problems, and can be developed using first order deviate of the relaxed problem as follows:\
\(\forall i \in \mathcal{P}\)
\(\forall j \in \mathcal{C}\)
where \(k\) is the iteration index, \(\tilde{e}_{ij}^{P}, \tilde{e}_{ji}^{P}\) are optimal power set points of producer and consumer at the price \(\lambda_{ij}\). \(\zeta_{ij}, \zeta_{ji}\) are asymptotically proportional factors, \(\rho\) is a small tuning parameter, and \([.]^+\) denotes max {.,0}. The information exchange between producers and consumers during the decentralized optimization process is explained in Section [17.4](#sec:neg){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:neg"}.
# Market Settlement Process {#sec:energy trading}
In this section, we outline the details of the market settlement process for P2P trading. The proposed framework consists of four main phases namely; *(i) Advertisement:* to enable agents to advertise the energy that they want to trade, *(ii) Prioritization:* to allow agent prioritize their trading partners based on their preferences, *(iii) Negotiation:* in which agents negotiate on the energy quantity and price in each transaction, and *(iv) Energy trading:* which is the step that energy transfer and payment would be taking place. These steps are summarized in Fig. [\[fig:full algorithm\]](#fig:full algorithm){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:full algorithm"} and discussed in detail in the rest of this section.
## Anonymous proof of location
As shown in ([\[service charge\]](#service charge){reference-type="ref" reference="service charge"}) in the proposed framework the grid service charge is calculated based on the location of the participants denoted by \(\sigma\) which requires the involved parties to reveal their location. However, this potentially enables the malicious nodes to track the activities of a particular user, which in turn compromises user privacy. Additionally, the distributed and anonymous nature of blockchain makes it challenging for the users to verify the location claimed by another node. To address these challenges, we propose an A-PoL algorithm that enables the users to prove their location while protecting their real identity, which in turn enhances the level of anonymity offered to the users. The proposed A-PoL algorithm involves a CoL that is issued by a smart meter in the network, as shown in Fig. [\[fig:CoL\]](#fig:CoL){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:CoL"}. The energy companies maintain a local record of the accurate location of the installed smart meters. During the installation process, the energy company deploys a key pair in each smart meter (step 1 in Fig. [\[fig:CoL\]](#fig:CoL){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:CoL"}) and records \(<PK,location>\) tuple in its local storage. The company serves as a certificate authority (CA) for PKs deployed in smart meters. Although the CA is a trusted authority, relying on the PK provided by the CA may compromise the privacy of the users as the company can build a virtual profile of the user and their energy trading (by observing the proof of location transactions). To address this challenge, we propose CoL.
CoL is a certificate received from a verifier that is an independent smart meter in the network. Assume smart meter *A* is going to establish a CoL. Once deployed on site, *A* explores the CA to find potential smart meters that can function as the verifier and selects one randomly. Assume smart meter *B* is selected by *A* to function as the verifier. Recall that we assume the smart meters are tamper resistant, and thus *A* can send its request to any meter listed in CA. *A* sends a CoL request transaction to *B* that is structured as \(<T\_ID, MTR, \sigma, PK, Sign>\), where *T_ID* is the unique identifier of the transaction which essentially is the hash of the transaction content.
*A* populates the root hash of a Merkle tree constructed by recursively hashing a number of PKs in the *MTR* field. The PKs in the leaves of the tree are later employed by *A* to prove ownership on the CoL, which is discussed in greater detail later in this section. The number of PKs may vary based on the application. \(\sigma\) is the noisy location of the smart meter that can be the location at a lower resolution, e.g., the street in which the meter is installed. This protects the privacy of the smart meter against deanonymization, as studied later in Section [19](#sec:security){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:security"}. *PK* is the PK of *A* allocated by the CA, and *Sign* is the corresponding signature, which proves that *A* owns the private key corresponding to the PK.
When the verifier, i.e. *B* receives the CoL request, it verifies that the transaction is generated by a genuine smart meter that is done by requesting the CA (step 3). To protect the privacy of the user, the CA does not reveal the actual location of the smart meter to *B* instead, only confirms if the PK is registered and genuine smart meter. Once verified, the verifier creates a CoL that is *sign(hash(MTR, \(\sigma\)))* and replies back to *A* by sending the reply transaction structured as \(<CoL, PK, Sign>\), where CoL is as outlined above, *PK* is the PK of the verifier, i.e., *B* registered by the CA, and *Sign* is the corresponding signature of the verifier.
*A* employs the received CoL to anonymously prove its location to the nodes in the overlay. To do so, *A* appends \(CoL_f\textsuperscript{A} = (CoL_A, PK\textsubscrtip{ver}, Sig\textsubscrtip{ver}, MTR_A, \sigma_A, PK_A, MTL_A, \\ Sign_A)\) where the first three fields are extracted from the response of the verifier *B*. MTR and \(\sigma_A\) are extracted from the CoL request sent to the verifier. *\(PK_A\)* is a PK that was part of the leaves of the Merkle tree. \(MTL_A\) is the leaves of the Merkle tree that are necessary to prove the existence of \(PK_A\) in the MTR, and \(Sign_A\) is the signature corresponding to PK. The last three fields ensure that only the owner of the certificate, who knows the PKs in the Merkle tree and the corresponding private key, can use the certificate.
To verify the location of *A*, the participating nodes in the blockchain, say *C*, must first verify that \(PK_A\) belongs to \(MTR_R\) using \(MTL_A\). Next, *C* verifies if \(Sign_A\) matches \(PK_A\). The third step in verifying is to verify if \(hash(MTR_A, \sigma_A) = CoL_A\). The final step is for *C* to verify PK using CA. This ensures that a genuine smart meter has signed the CoL. If all the above steps successfully passed, the location of *A* is verified.
Having discussed the details of the proposed A-PoL algorithm, we study the process of P2P energy trading in the rest of this section. The algorithms implemented by producer and consumer agents are represented in Algorithm [\[producer lag\]](#producer lag){reference-type="ref" reference="producer lag"} and [\[consumer alg\]](#consumer alg){reference-type="ref" reference="consumer alg"}, respectively, and are discussed with greater details in the rest of this section.
## Advertisement {#sub:sec:advertisement}
The main aim of this phase is for the agents to advertise their energy to the potential consumers/producers. In each market interval, agents participate in the forward market by submitting their offers and asks in the form of *advertisement transaction (AT)* that is structured as follow: \[AT = (T\_ID, price/amount, \eta_i, CoL_f\textsuperscript{i})\] where *price/amount* can be either the price of the energy, i.e., \(\lambda_i, \forall i\in \mathcal{P}\), if AT is generated by a producer or the amount of requested energy, i.e., \(e_j, \forall j\in \mathcal{C}\), if AT is generated by a consumer, and \(\eta\) is the reputation factor of agent.
In conventional blockchain-based frameworks, the negotiation transactions are stored in the blockchain that provides high auditability. However, this increases the computational and storage resource consumption of the blockchain and limits the throughput, i.e., the total number of transactions that can be stored per second. These can limit the blockchain scalability while smart grid comprises of a broad range of devices that may produce transactions frequently. To address this challenge, in the proposed framework, the negotiation transactions are stored in a public database managed by the grid operator that is referred to as *Advertisement Database* (AD). The write access of AD is restricted only to the grid operator and other nodes in the overlay have read-only permission. The parties involved in an AT transaction, i.e., energy producers and consumers, may store the transactions locally to be employed as a reference in case of a dispute between parties. The final price and the amount of energy agreed by the participants are later defined during a negotiation which limits future references to AT transaction. Thus, we store AT in AD which potentially reduces the packet overhead and blockchain memory footprint.
## Prioritization
After *advertisement* step, agents explore the available ATs in the AD for the negotiation. One-on-one negotiation can increase the delay associated with finalizing the trade as either side of the trade may have higher welfare in trading with another party in the network. Also, negotiation with every agent in the market increases the computation and communication overheads, which potentially leads to low scalability. Thus, agents need to prioritize their trading partners based on their preferences and only negotiate with a given number of agents. As stated in Section [16.1](#sub:sec:agent-modeling){reference-type="ref" reference="sub:sec:agent-modeling"}, agents have to pay a grid service charge for each transaction as defined in ([\[service charge\]](#service charge){reference-type="ref" reference="service charge"}). This charge is directly associated with the distance between the producer *i* and the consumer *j*, and impacts the welfare of the agents. Accordingly, agents are incentivized to trade with trading partners located in close vicinity. This reduces the load on the transmission lines and thus reduces the cost in managing the physical layer. On the other hand, agents may prefer to negotiate with the trading partners with higher reputation factors, indicating their past performance in fulfilling their commitments. Thus, agents need to prioritize their trading partners based on their preferences to limit the partner search space. These preferences include reputation factor and distance. Agents may have varied preferences over reputation factor and distance of their trading partners. Hence, we define a priority index for each possible transaction between producers and consumers. This index for offer from consumer \(j\) received by producer \(i\), and offer from producer \(i\) received by consumer \(j\) are defined using ([\[sell pri index\]](#sell pri index){reference-type="ref" reference="sell pri index"}) and ([\[buy pri index\]](#buy pri index){reference-type="ref" reference="buy pri index"}), respectively. \[\label{sell pri index} \Upsilon_{ij}=\alpha_i \rho_j +\beta_i (1-\cfrac{|\sigma_i-\sigma_j|}{D_{ij}})\\ \] \[\label{buy pri index} \Upsilon_{ji}=\alpha_j \rho_i +\beta_j (1-\cfrac{|\sigma_i-\sigma_j|}{D_{ji}})\\ \] where \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) are the weights that agent places on the reputation factor and proximity of other agents, respectively such that \(\alpha+\beta=1\), \(D_{ij}=\underset{\sigma_j}{\max} |\sigma_i-\sigma_j|\), \(D_{ji}=\underset{\sigma_i}{\max} |\sigma_i-\sigma_j|\). The second term in ([\[sell pri index\]](#sell pri index){reference-type="ref" reference="sell pri index"}) and ([\[buy pri index\]](#buy pri index){reference-type="ref" reference="buy pri index"}) denotes the proximity of each trading partner to the agent, such that for the furthest trading partner of each agent this value is zero. After calculating priority index, each agent divides its trading partners to a set of \(\mathcal{N}\) groups and then, starts to negotiate with the agents from the group with the highest priority and proceed to the group with the lowest priority. Each group of potential consumers/producers for producer \(i\)/consumer \(j\) can be formed as \[\label{prioritization sell} \Omega_i^n=\{j \in \mathcal{C}| (N-n)/N \leq \Upsilon_{ij} \leq (N-n+1)/N \}, \forall n \in \mathcal{N}\] \[\label{prioritization buy} \Omega_j^n=\{i \in \mathcal{P}| (N-n)/N \leq \Upsilon_{ji} \leq (N-n+1)/N \}, \forall n \in \mathcal{N}\] in which for consumer \(j\), producers in group \(\Omega_j^n\) have higher priority than producers in \(\Omega_j^{n+1}\). Similarly, for producer \(i\), consumers in group \(\Omega_i^n\) have higher priority than consumers in \(\Omega_i^{n+1}\).
## Negotiation {#sec:neg}
After *prioritization*, each consumer starts negotiating with producer agents in \(\Omega_j^1\). The first step is for consumer *A* to request the grid service charge from the grid operator. *A* sends the list of agents in \(\Omega_j^1\) to the grid operator who calculates grid service charges using ([\[service charge\]](#service charge){reference-type="ref" reference="service charge"}) and sends the response back to *A*. Once *A* receives the grid service charge, it starts the negotiation with agents in \(\Omega_j^1\) by sending an *Energy Negotiation* (EN) transaction that is structured as \(<T\_ID, Amount, Price, PK\textsuperscript{D}, Sign\textsuperscript{D}, PK\textsuperscript{+}, Sign, PK\textsuperscript{+},\\ Agreement_P, Agreement_C>\) where *Amount* identifies the total amount of energy demanded by *A* and *price* is the price in which the consumer is willing to pay. *PK^D^* and *Sign^D^* represent PK of the destination agent and its corresponding signature. The destination can be either the producer, when *A* generates the transaction, or *A*, when a producer is the generator of the transaction. This potentially enables routing the transaction to the destination using the routing algorithm proposed in. *Sign* and *PK* represent the PK and signature of the transaction generator. Finally, *\(Agreement_P\)* and *\(Agreement_C\)* are flags that indicate whether the energy producer or consumer, respectively, agree with all situations in the trade. The generator of EN signs the hash of the transaction content which potentially ensures the integrity of the transaction content. After populating EN, *A* sends the transaction to the energy producers in \(\Omega_j^1\).
The energy producer may receive several EN transactions from consumers. The producer only responds to those who are in the set of \(\Omega_i^1\). For each received EN from consumers in this set, the producer updates the price using ([\[sell price update\]](#sell price update){reference-type="ref" reference="sell price update"}). When the response from the producer is received by the consumers, they update their energy using ([\[buyer power update\]](#buyer power update){reference-type="ref" reference="buyer power update"}) and again respond to the producer. This process continues till both sides of the trade agree on the trade conditions and thus set \(Agreement_P\) and \(Agreement_C\) as '1'. An EN transaction is considered as a valid transaction to be stored in the blockchain only when both energy producer and consumer sign the transaction and \(Agreement_P\) and \(Agreement_C\) are set as '1'. This ensures that only the last transaction that contains the trade conditions is stored in the blockchain, which in turn increases the blockchain throughput and reduces the delay of the negotiation.
In this section, simulation case studies are provided to verify the operation of the proposed framework. As shown in Fig. [\[fig:test system\]](#fig:test system){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:test system"}, the considered test system is the IEEE 33-bus distribution system with 16 producers and 16 consumers. Table [11](#tab:parameters){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:parameters"} summarizes key parameters and range of values for producers and consumers parameters. Fig. [\[fig: power and price res\]](#fig: power and price res){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: power and price res"} illustrates the results of P2P trading in the test system. The traded energy and price in different transactions have various values based on the agents' preferences. Agents tend to trade energy with their closest neighbor agents to pay less grid service charge. For example, consumer at bus 1 buys energy from producer at bus 18. However, if the offer/ask from the agent at the nearest node is not available, or does not satisfy the requirement of the agents, they have to trade with other neighboring agents. For instance, while the nearest agents to agent 5 are agents at bus 4 and 6, this agent trades energy with producers at bus 26 and 27. Since agents 4 and 6 have preferred to trade with other neighboring nodes (agents at bus 3 and 7 respectively), their offers are not available to the agent 5. It can be seen that agents 16 and 17 do not buy any energy in the market. These agents have lower utility function parameters compared to their neighboring agents, which means that their willingness to pay for energy is less than agent 15, and hence, producer at bus 14 prefers to trade with the agent at bus 15. To investigate the impact of considering the grid service charge on the number of transactions (\(n_T\)), we implemented the energy trading algorithm for different values of \(\omega\). The results are reported in Fig. [\[fig:line flow\]](#fig:line flow){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:line flow"}, where each marker indicates a transaction between the producer and consumer, and the total number of transactions in each case is given in parentheses. The case with \(\omega=0\) means that there is no limit on the distance of agents, and they can trade with any number of agents. Therefore, the number of transactions in this case is significantly higher. Increasing the value of \(\omega\) reduces the number of transactions. The welfare of agents depend on the grid service charge that they pay (see ([\[pro welf\]](#pro welf){reference-type="ref" reference="pro welf"}) and ([\[con welf\]](#con welf){reference-type="ref" reference="con welf"})), and hence, increase in \(\omega\) reduces their welfare as they have to trade less energy and pay more cost for utilizing the grid. The negotiation among agents is an iterative process and the time required for agents to reach agreement depends on several factors including, number of agents, number of iterations required for convergence in Algorithm [\[producer lag\]](#producer lag){reference-type="ref" reference="producer lag"} and [\[consumer alg\]](#consumer alg){reference-type="ref" reference="consumer alg"}, the computation time required to solve ([\[sell update dec\]](#sell update dec){reference-type="ref" reference="sell update dec"}) and ([\[buyer update dec\]](#buyer update dec){reference-type="ref" reference="buyer update dec"}) by agents in each iteration, and communication time. The results of implementing the market settlement algorithm with and without implementing *prioritization* step are compared, as reported in Table [12](#tab:prioritization){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:prioritization"}. The *prioritization* step reduces the number of negotiating agents, and hence, reduces the number of communication in each iteration. On the other hand, agents need less time to solve ([\[sell update dec\]](#sell update dec){reference-type="ref" reference="sell update dec"}) and ([\[buyer update dec\]](#buyer update dec){reference-type="ref" reference="buyer update dec"}), as they have fewer decision variables after *prioritization*. Therefore, applying *prioritization* reduces negotiation time among agents by nearly 45%.
In order to demonstrate the efficacy of the P2P market, the results of this market are compared with the case that producers and consumers only trade with the grid. Comparative results are reported in Table [13](#tab:p2p results){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:p2p results"}. As it can be inferred from the results, P2P market reduces the imported and exported energy by agents to the grid, meaning they trade more with other P2P agents. Also, since the P2P market price is more beneficial for agents (see ([\[price lim\]](#price lim){reference-type="ref" reference="price lim"})), they can reach a higher value of welfare in the P2P market, though they have to pay a grid service charge to the grid operator. As stated in Section [17.2](#sub:sec:advertisement){reference-type="ref" reference="sub:sec:advertisement"}, in the proposed framework, the ATs are stored off chain in AD. Here, we study the impact of using AD by evaluating the blockchain size and number of consensus rounds, i.e., evaluating how many times the validators shall run the consensus algorithm. Blockchain size shows the amount of saved storage space by employing AD while the number of consensus rounds evaluates the amount of computational overhead saved by running less consensus rounds. We employed the structure and configuration of the IEEE 33-bus distribution to implement a distributed network using Java programming language on Raspberry Pi 2. It is assumed that the size of each block is 10 transactions. The process involved in the consensus algorithm is abstracted out as it does not impact the functionality of the proposed method. Ten market intervals are implemented during which each energy producer generates an AT. To benchmark the results, a baseline method is considered where all ATs are stored in the blockchain. To focus on the impact of AD, we disregard the rest of the functions and assume ATs are the only transactions generated during each market interval. Based on the implementation results, the size of each AT is 1776 B. After 10 epochs, the baseline blockchain includes 16 blocks with the cumulative size of 314KB. Thus, each node must allocate 314KB storage space to store blockchain. Our solution off-loads this overhead to a central trusted node who is managing the AD, thus there is no memory overhead on the participating nodes in the blockchain. Assume \(\nu\) represents the overhead associated with appending a new block that includes computational, packet and memory overhead. The proposed framework incurs no overhead during the *advertisement* process on the validators while the overhead is 16\(\nu\) in the conventional methods. We next evaluate the processing overhead associated with CoL. We proposed a CoL that enables the users to anonymously verify the location of the parties involved in energy trading. CoL enhances the anonymity level of users and thus protects user privacy. On the flip side, it increases the processing overhead on the users to generate and verify CoL. To evaluate the incurred overhead, we implemented our framework using Java programming language on Raspberry Pi 2, which represents low-resource devices. We measured the processing time for generating the CoL request, which involves generating a set of keys and forming the Merkle tree, and verifying the CoL, which involves verifying the existence of the PK in the Merkle tree and validating the corresponding signatures. The implementation results are shown in Table [14](#tab:COL-performance){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:COL-performance"}. The verification of the CoL involves verifying two signatures, which potentially takes longer time than generating CoL. In addition to the processing overhead, CoL increases the size of the transactions. Table [15](#tab:COL-packet){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:COL-packet"} compares the size of transactions and shows that CoL only affects the AT. It nearly doubles the size of AT, but this does not affect the size of the blockchain as AT's are stored off-chain only. All other transactions are unaffected by CoL.
# Security and Privacy Analysis {#sec:security}
In this section, we analyze the security and privacy of the proposed framework. We first outline threat mode and then discuss possible attacks and how to protect against those.
***Threat Model:*** We assume that the adversary (or cooperative adversaries) can sniff the communications, discard transactions, generate fake transactions, and pretend to be another node in the network. The adversary may attempt to deanonymize a user by classifying blockchain transactions and monitoring real-time communications in blockchain. We assume standard secure encryption algorithms are in place, which cannot be compromised by the adversary. We assume smart meters are tamper resistance, and thus the end users cannot modify the transactions generated by the meters.
## Security
In the following, we discuss possible attacks and how the proposed framework protects against those.
*CoL Reply Attack:* In this attack, the malicious node attempts to employ CoL of another node to generate transactions. The node that employs a CoL is required to sign the corresponding transaction with the private key corresponding to a PK that exists in MTR that is only known to the CoL generator. Thus, it is impossible for a malicious node to utilize the CoL of another node.
*Fake CoL:* In this attack, a malicious node pretends to be a genuine smart meter generates fake CoL that can later be used in its energy tradings. The CoL must be signed only by a genuine smart meter, and the CA validates the PK of the verifier. In the case of this attack, CA will not validate PK, and thus the attack can be detected.
*Double selling:* In this attack, a malicious energy producer attempts to sell the same amount of energy to different consumers. Recall from Section [17](#sec:energy trading){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:energy trading"} that an energy trade involves three main transactions, which are EN, LP, and EI. Once the agreed energy is injected to the grid, the smart meter of the energy producer generates a EI transaction that triggers the payment of the energy price to the producer. The smart meter generates only one EI that includes a reference to the corresponding LP, and LP includes a reference to the corresponding EN. Thus, it is impossible for the energy producer to sell the same energy to multiple nodes.
An energy producer may attempt to inject less energy than the agreed amount and claim the full price. The smart meter of the producer will only generate the EI if the full amount of agreed energy is injected to the grid. If the energy producer injects part of the energy and the expiry time approaches, the smart meter will generate an EI reflecting the amount that is injected to the grid. In this case, DR smart contract is called that adjusts the price of the energy and ensues the producer is only paid for the amount of energy injected to the grid.
*Reputation Modification:* In this attack, the malicious node attempts to improve their reputation or reduce the reputation of another node in the network. Recall that blockchain is an immutable ledger that makes it impossible to modify or remove previously stored transactions, which makes it impossible for the attacker to modify their reputation. To reduce the reputation of another node, the malicious node shall modify the code of the smart contract, which is impossible due to the immutability of the blockchain. DR smart contract is the only entity that can reduce the reputation of a node. All participants know the address of the valid DR contract. When participating nodes receive reputation reduction from a contract, they first verify if the contract address matches with the genuine DR smart contract. If so, they accept the new reputation. Otherwise, they discard the transaction.
## Privacy
In the following, we analyze the proposed framework from the privacy perspective. Recall from Section [17](#sec:energy trading){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:energy trading"} that the grid operator charges a grid service charge per each transaction that depends on the distance between the energy consumer and producer. Thus, the consumer and producer must prove their location, however, this may compromise their privacy as malicious nodes can classify the blockchain transactions to deanonymize the user. To address this challenge, we proposed A-PoL that enables the participants in the blockchain to verify the location of an anonymous smart meter using a CoL. Assume node *A* is using A-PoL. The privacy of *A* can be studied from the perspective of the following entities: i) CA: *A* uses the PK populated by the CA only to prove its identity to the verifier. CoL employed by *A* includes PK of the verifier and not *A*. Given that the verifier is selected randomly by *A* and there is no link between *A* and the verifier, the CA is unable to identify the transactions generated by *A*, ii) verifier: *A* only sends MTR to the verifier that hides the actual PKs of *A* from the verifier. *A* reveals the PKs in the Merkle tree to prove ownership of CoL. A group of smart meters may choose to create a single MTR, which further protects their privacy, and iii) network participants: the network participants only receive CoL that contains of the verifier and MTR. As outlined earlier, there is no link between the verifier and *A*, thus knowledge of the identity of the verifier does not impact the privacy of *A*. The Merkle tree includes a number of PKs that are employed by *A* (or other involved smart meters) to generate transactions, thus, *A* may generate multiple transactions with the same PK. This potentially reduces the anonymity level of the user as malicious nodes may attempt to deanonymize a user by classifying their transactions. The anonymity level of *A* largely depends on the number of PKs employed in the Merkle tree. The large number of PKs incur overheads on *A* to manage the keys. Thus, there is a trade-off between the number of keys in the Merkle tree and user anonymity.
Recall from Section [16.2](#sub:sec:market-settlement){reference-type="ref" reference="sub:sec:market-settlement"} that the energy producer and consumer employ a cost/utility function, as shown in ([\[cost-func-producer\]](#cost-func-producer){reference-type="ref" reference="cost-func-producer"}) and ([\[cost-function-consumer\]](#cost-function-consumer){reference-type="ref" reference="cost-function-consumer"}), which represent their willingness to pay or accept energy price based on their preferences and concerns. These functions depend on \(a_i\), \(b_i\), and \(c_i\), and thus it is critical for the producers and consumers to keep these values private. In the proposed framework, the market settlement does not need the nodes to reveal \(a_i\), \(b_i\) and \(c_i\), which in turn enhances the privacy of the users.
# Conclusion and Future Works {#sec:conclusion}
In this paper, we propose a blockchain-enabled P2P energy market, which provides a secure and privacy-preserving environment for energy trading between producers and consumers. A decentralized market settlement process is designed, which allows agents to trade energy without revealing their private information. The grid service charge, calculated based on the distance between producer and consumer, is used to incite agents trade energy locally and to reduce the possibility of overloading electricity grid lines.
To reduce the blockchain memory footprint, we propose AD that stores the energy advertisements and is maintained by the grid operator. A *prioritization* step is implemented to enable agents to select their trading partners based on their location and reputation factors. In order to allow agents to prove their location without revealing their real identity, an A-PoL algorithm is proposed using CoL issued by smart meters. Simulation results on IEEE 33-bus test system confirm that the proposed framework improves the welfare of agents through P2P trading, while their privacy is protected. Furthermore, employing AD to store ATs, and limiting the number of trading partners through *prioritization* decrease the system overheads. For future work is needed to relax the tamper resistance assumption conisdered for smart meters. Relaxing this assumption complicates the trust issue as the smart meters may generate fake transactions. As another research direction, the impact of mobility of the smart meters on A-PoL can be studied. In such cases, the CA must ensure that the location of a meter is as claimed before granting a certificate. It is critical for the CA to be able to revoke granted certificates as smart meters may change its location. Another challenge for future work is to explore ways of decentralizing the AD without increasing the blockchain memory footprint to achieve an even more decentralized energy marketplace. | {'timestamp': '2020-06-01T02:11:09', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14520', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14520'} |
null | null |
# Introduction {#sec:intro}
Traditional multispectral images (MSIs, *e*.*g*. RGB images) usually contain a reduced number of spectral bands providing a limited spectral information. It is well-known that, the more spectral bands we have, the better we would understand the latent spectral structure. Since hyperspectral imaging can obtain more spectral bands, it has become a non-negligible technology that is able to capture the intrinsic properties of different materials. However, due to the physical limitation of imaging sensors, there is a trade-off between the spatial resolution and the spectral resolution in a hyperspectral image (HSI), therefore it is burdensome to obtain an HSI with a high spatial resolution. In this condition, hyperspectral image super-resolution by fusing a low-resolution hyperspectral image (LR-HSI) with a high-resolution multispectral image (HR-MSI) is a promising way to address the problem. Many researchers have focused on hyperspectral image super-resolution to increase the spatial resolution of LR-HSI proposing several algorithms. These latter are mainly based on the following models: \[\label{eq:re1} \begin{aligned} \mathbf{Y} = \mathbf{XBS}, ~~ \mathbf{Z} = \mathbf{RX}, \end{aligned}\] where \(\mathbf{Y} \in \mathbb{R}^{S \times hw}\), \(\mathbf{Z} \in \mathbb{R}^{s \times HW}\) and \(\mathbf{X} \in \mathbb{R}^{S \times HW}\) represent the mode-3 unfolding matrices of LR-HSI (\(\mathcal{Y} \in \mathcal{R}^{h \times w \times S}\)), HR-MSI (\(\mathcal{Z} \in \mathcal{R}^{H \times W \times s}\)) and the latent HR-HSI (\(\mathcal{X} \in \mathcal{R}^{H \times W \times S}\)), respectively, \(h\) and \(w\) represent the height and width of LR-HSI, \(H\) and \(W\) denote the height and width of HR-MSI, \(s\) and \(S\) denote the spectral band number of HR-MSI and LR-HSI, respectively. Additionally, \(\mathbf{B} \in \mathbb{R}^{HW \times HW}\) is the blur matrix, \(\mathbf{S} \in \mathbb{R}^{HW \times hw}\) denotes the downsampling matrix, and \(\mathbf{R} \in \mathbb{R}^{s \times S}\) represents the spectral response matrix. It is worth to be remarked that coherently with the notation adopted above, in this paper, we denote scalar, matrix, and tensor in non-bold case, bold upper case, and calligraphic upper case letters, respectively. Based on the models in ([\[eq:re1\]](#eq:re1){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:re1"}), many related approaches have been proposed. Different prior knowledge or regularization terms are integrated in those methods. However, the spectral response matrix \(\mathbf{R}\) is usually unknown, thus the traditional methods need to select or estimate the matrix \(\mathbf{R}\) and other involved parameters. Additionally, the related regularization parameters used in these kinds of approaches are often image-dependent. Recently, with the tremendous development of neural networks, deep learning has become a promising way to deal with the hyperspectral image super-resolution problem. In, Dian *et al*. mainly focus on the spatial detail recovery learning image priors via a convolutional neural network (CNN). These learned priors have been included into a traditional regularization model to improve the final outcomes getting better image features than traditional regularization model-based methods. In, Xie *et al*. propose a model-enlightened deep learning method for hyperspectral image super-resolution. This method has exhibited an ability to preserve the spectral information and spatial details, thus obtaining state-of-the-art hyperspectral image super-resolution results. However, deep learning-based approaches for hyperspectral image super-resolution also encounter some challenges. First of all, these methods sometimes have *complicated architectures* with millions of parameters to estimate. Second, due to the complicated architecture and large-scale training data, *expensive computation and storage* are usually involved. Third, deep learning-based methods are data-dependent, which usually holds a *weak network generalization*. Thus, the model trained on a specific dataset could poorly perform on a different kind of dataset. Instead, *the proposed network architecture can easily handle the above-mentioned drawbacks*. In this paper, the proposed network architecture (called HSRnet from hereon) can be decomposed into two parts. One part is to preserve the spectral information of HR-HSI by upsampling the LR-HSI. The other part is mainly to get the spatial details of HR-HSI by training a convolutional neural network with the high-frequency information of HR-MSI and LR-HSI as inputs. By imposing the similarity between the network output and the reference (ground-truth) image, we can efficiently estimate the parameters involved in the network. In summary, this paper mainly consists of the following contributions:
1. The proposed network architecture is *simple* and *efficient*. As far as we know, it obtains better qualitative and quantitative performance than recent state-of-the-art hyperspectral image super-resolution methods. For example, our method shows significant improvements with respect to two state-of-the-art methods, one is deep learning-based and the other one is regularization-based, see also Fig. [\[fig:topimg\]](#fig:topimg){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:topimg"}. Besides, the proposed architecture involves fewer network parameters than other deep learning-based approaches thanks to our simple network design, more details are presented in Sec. [4.4](#vs){reference-type="ref" reference="vs"}.
2. The network architecture has a *promising generalization* ability to yield competitive results for different datasets even though the network is trained only on a specific dataset. This is due to the use of high-pass filters to feed the network with high-frequency spatial information. Extensive experiments corroborate this conclusion, see Fig. [\[F:harvard-1\]](#F:harvard-1){reference-type="ref" reference="F:harvard-1"} and Tab. [4](#harvard10-ave){reference-type="ref" reference="harvard10-ave"}.
3. Multi-scale information is integrated into our network architecture, which significantly improves the performance of the proposed method. The effectiveness of a multi-scale module has been proven in many computer vision works and further discussed in Sec. [4.3](#newstruct){reference-type="ref" reference="newstruct"}.
4. The network shows a good *robustness to the number of training samples*, which indicates that our method could get very high performance with a different amount of training data. Furthermore, *shorter training and testing times* compared with a state-of-the-art deep learning-based approach (see Tab. [\[diffrernt-num-t\]](#diffrernt-num-t){reference-type="ref" reference="diffrernt-num-t"}) have been remarked.
The rest of the paper is outlined as follows. Section [2](#related){reference-type="ref" reference="related"} presents the related works about the hyperspectral super-resolution problem. Section [3](#main){reference-type="ref" reference="main"} introduces the proposed network architecture. In Section [4](#exp){reference-type="ref" reference="exp"}, extensive experiments are conducted to assess the effectiveness of the proposed architecture. Furthermore, some discussions about the image spectral response, the network generalization, the computational burden, and the use of the multi-scale module are provided to the readers.
# Related Works {#related}
Hyperspectral image super-resolution is a popular topic, which is receiving more and more attention. In particular, the combination of hyperspectral data with higher spatial resolution multispectral images is representing a fruitful scheme leading to satisfying results. Recent fusion or super-resolution approaches can be roughly categorized into two families: model-based approaches and deep learning-based methods. Model-based approaches are classic solutions. Indeed, many works have been already published for the super-resolution problem. For instance, Dian *et al*. exploit the spectral correlations and the non-local similarities by clustering the HR-MSI in order to create clusters with similar structures. Low tensor-train rank prior is used in, the so-called method. The tensor train (TT) rank consists of ranks of matrices formed by a well-balanced matricization scheme. The effectiveness of low TT rank (LTTR) prior has been utilized in, which shows ability in image and video reconstruction. Compared to normal matrix ranks, the tensor rank keeps more abundant information about the data cube. Then, they regard the super-resolution as an optimization problem that, with the help of low tensor-train rank constraint, has a satisfying solution under the well-known alternating direction multipliers minimization (ADMM) framework. Deep learning-based methods have recently showed exceptional performance in the field of image super-resolution, see *e*.*g*. . A powerful example is provided by the so-called PanNet developed in. Here, Yang *et al*. designed a new architecture training the deep-learning network with high-pass filtered details rather than original images. This is done in order to simultaneously preserve the spatial and spectral structures. Thanks to the use of high-pass filters, a greater generalization capability is observed. Another instance of deep learning-based methods for solving the hyperspectral image super-resolution issue is provided in, where a model-based deep learning method is proposed. The method exhibits a great ability to preserve structures and details, as well as it obtains state-of-the-art results. Unlike other deep learning-based methods that mainly regard the image super-resolution issue as a simple regression problem, this approach is based on the generation mechanism of the HSI and the MSI to build a novel fusion model. It adopts the low rankness knowledge along with the spectral mode of the HR-HSI under analysis. Instead of solving the model by traditional alternating iterative algorithms, the authors design a deep network learning the proximal operators and model parameters by exploiting CNNs.
# The Proposed HSRnet {#main}
In this section, we introduce first the regularization-based model for the hyperspectral image super-resolution problem. Motivated by the above-mentioned model, we propose our network architecture that will be detailed in Sec. [3.2](#N_A){reference-type="ref" reference="N_A"}.
## Problem Formulation
Estimating the HR-HSI from LR-HSI and HR-MSI is an ill-posed inverse problem. Thus, prior knowledge is introduced exploiting regularization terms under the maximum a posteriori (MAP) framework. Those methods can be formulated as: \[\min_{\mathbf{X}} \mathcal{L} = \lambda_{1}f_{1}(\mathbf{X}, \mathbf{Y})+ \lambda_{2}f_{2}(\mathbf{X}, \mathbf{Z})+ R(\mathbf{X}),\] where \(\mathbf{X}, \mathbf{Y}, \mathbf{Z}\) are the mode-3 unfolding matrices of tensor HR-HSI, LR-HSI, and HR-MSI, respectively, which have been introduced in Sec. [1](#sec:intro){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:intro"}. \(\lambda_{1}\) and \(\lambda_{2}\) represent two regularization parameters, \(f_{1}\) and \(f_{2}\) force the spatial and spectral consistency, respectively, and \(R\) stands for the regularization term depending on the prior knowledge. In general, \(f_{1}\) and \(f_{2}\) are defined based on the relations in ([\[eq:re1\]](#eq:re1){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:re1"}), *i*.*e*., \[\begin{aligned} f_{1} (\mathbf{X},\mathbf{Y}) &= \|\mathbf{Y}-\mathbf{X B S}\|_{F}^{2},\\ f_{2} (\mathbf{X},\mathbf{Z}) &= \|{\mathbf{Z}}-\mathbf{R} \mathbf{X}\|_{F}^{2}, \end{aligned}\] where \({\left\| {\bf{X}} \right\|_F}\) = \(\sqrt {\sum {\sum {x_{ij}^2} } }\) is the Frobenius norm. In particular, the regularization term \(R\) is crucial for regularization-based methods. Deep learning can be viewed as an estimation problem of a function mapping input data with ground-truth (labeled) data. In our case, starting from the input images (*i.e.*, LR-HSI and HR-MSI), we can estimate the mapping function \(\mathit{f}\) by minimizing the following expression: \[\label{mapping} \begin{aligned} \min_{\mathbf{\Theta}} ~\mathcal{L}=\left\|f_\mathbf{\Theta}(\mathbf{Y},\mathbf{Z})-\mathbf{X}\right\|_{F}^{2}, \end{aligned}\] where \(\mathbf{Y}\) and \(\mathbf{Z}\) are the LR-HSI and the HR-MSI, respectively, and \(\mathbf{X}\) is the reference (ground-truth) HR-HSI. The mapping function \(\mathit{f}\) can be viewed as a deep convolutional neural network, thus \(\mathbf{\Theta}\) represents the parameters of the network. Besides, the prior knowledge can be viewed as being implicitly expressed by the learned parameters. In the next subsection, we will present the network architecture recasting the problem as in ([\[mapping\]](#mapping){reference-type="ref" reference="mapping"}), where the function \(\mathit{f}\) is estimated thanks to several examples provided to the network during the training phase.
## Network Architecture {#N_A}
Fig. [\[structure\]](#structure){reference-type="ref" reference="structure"} shows the proposed HSRnet for the hyperspectral image super-resolution problem. From the figure, it is easy to see that we decompose the network into two parts, such that the two parts can preserve the most crucial characteristics of a hyperspectral image, *i.e.,* the spectral information and the spatial details.
### Spectral preservation
The LR-HSI \(\mathcal{Y} \in \mathbb{R}^{h \times w \times S}\) [^1] has the same spectral band number as the ground-truth HR-HSI \(\mathcal{X} \in \mathbb{R}^{H \times W \times S}\). Indeed, most of the spectral information of the HR-HSI is contained in the LR-HSI (the remaining part is due to the spectral information of the high resolution spatial details). In order to corroborate it, we plot the sampled spectral signatures obtained by the ground-truth HR-HSI \(\mathcal{X}\) and by the corresponding upsampled LR-HSI \(\mathcal{Y}^{U} \in \mathbb{R}^{H \times W \times S}\) in Fig. [\[sp-gt-lms\]](#sp-gt-lms){reference-type="ref" reference="sp-gt-lms"}. It is easy to be noted that the plots are very close to each other indicating that \(\mathcal{Y}^{U}\) holds most of the spectral content of \(\mathcal{X}\). Therefore, in order to guarantee a spectral preservation, we simply upsample \(\mathcal{Y}\) getting \(\mathcal{Y}^{U}\) (as shown in the top part of Fig. [\[structure\]](#structure){reference-type="ref" reference="structure"}(a)). Admittedly, \(\mathcal{Y}^{U}\) is able to preserve the spectral information, but many spatial details are lost (which can retain part of the spectral information). Instead, the proposed HSRnet can learn the spectral information of the HR-HSI, even preserving the spatial counterpart. As a result, the final outcome of the proposed HSRnet clearly shows an almost perfect spectral preservation, see Fig. [\[sp-gt-lms\]](#sp-gt-lms){reference-type="ref" reference="sp-gt-lms"}.
### Spatial preservation
Since the HR-MSI \(\mathcal{Z} \in \mathbb{R}^{H \times W \times s}\) contains high spatial resolution information, we aim to use \(\mathcal{Z}\) to extract spatial details injecting them into the final hyperspectral super-resolution image. Moreover, \(\mathcal{Y}\) still contains some spatial details, thus we also consider employing \(\mathcal{Y}\) to extract them. However, we do not simply concatenate \(\mathcal{Z}\) and \(\mathcal{Y}\) together taking them into the network because that will not lead to a satisfying detail preservation. Indeed, we calculate first the spatial details at the LR-HSI scale, called \(\mathcal{Y}_{HP}\) in Fig. [\[structure\]](#structure){reference-type="ref" reference="structure"}. In particular, we simply take them from high-pass filtering the LR-HSI. Moreover, we add other details at the same scale by extracting them from the HR-MSI \(\mathcal{Z}\). This is done by filtering and then downsampling the HR-MSI \(\mathcal{Z}\) getting \(\mathcal{Z}_{HP}^{D}\), see Fig. [\[structure\]](#structure){reference-type="ref" reference="structure"} again. This information has the advantage to occupy less memory and to require less computational burden to be processed compared to the original information in \(\mathcal{Z}\). Finally, we concatenate this information, *i.e.* \(\mathcal{Y}_{HP}\) and \(\mathcal{Z}_{HP}^{D}\), to get \(\mathcal{C}_0 \in \mathbb{R}^{h \times w \times (S+s)}\). In order to complete the multiresolution analysis, thus introducing a multi-scale module in our network, the details at the HR-MSI scale are also extracted. This is performed by simply filtering them using a properly designed high-pass filter. These details, denoted as \(\mathcal{Z}_{HP}\), can be concatenated with \(\mathcal{C}_0\) (*i.e.*, the details at the lower scale) after this latter is properly convoluted and upsampled to the HR-MSI scale. Thus, \(\mathcal{C}_1 \in \mathbb{R}^{H \times W \times (64+s)}\) indicates the concatenation of the details at two different scales (the LR-HSI one and the HR-MRI one). This represents the input of the ResNet implementing the well-known concept of multi-resolution analysis often considered in previously developed researches (*e*.*g*. ) either by designing diverse kernel sizes for convolution or extracting different spatial resolutions by filtering input data. It is worth to be remarked that the high-pass filtering step is realized by the subtraction of the original image and its low-pass version, which is obtained by an average filter with a kernel size equal to \(6 \times 6\). The upsampled operation is implemented by deconvolving with a kernel of size \(6 \times 6\). Moreover, the concatenation operator is about adding the multispectral bands with high spatial resolution (3 bands, RGB image) into the hyperspectral bands (as shown in Fig. [\[structure\]](#structure){reference-type="ref" reference="structure"}). In this work, the red, the green, and the blue slices of \(\mathcal{Z}_{HP}^{U}\) and \(\mathcal{Z}_{HP}\) are inserted as the head, the middle, and the tail frontal slices to complement the spectral information of the hyperspectral image. Fig. [\[resnet\]](#resnet){reference-type="ref" reference="resnet"} shows a comparison between \(\mathcal{E}\) and \(\mathcal{E}_{gt}\). From the figure, it is clear that \(\mathcal{E}\) (*i.e.*, the details extracted by the proposed approach) and \(\mathcal{E}_{gt}\) (*i.e.*, the details extracted by using the reference image) are very close to each other validating the effectiveness of the proposed network design. This result is only obtained thanks to the use of a multi-scale module combining details at two different scales guaranteeing a better spatial detail content in input of the ResNet.
### Loss function
After obtaining the spectral preserved \(\mathcal{Y}^{U}\) image and the spatial preserved \(\mathcal{E}\) image from the ResNet fed by the image cube \(\mathcal{C}_1\), we subsequently add the two outputs together to get the outcome. Thus, the loss function exploited during the training phase to drive the estimation of the function mapping in ([\[mapping\]](#mapping){reference-type="ref" reference="mapping"}) can be defined as \[\label{loss} \begin{aligned} \min_{\mathbf{\Theta}}\mathcal{L}=\left\|f_\mathbf{\Theta}(\mathcal{Y}_{HP},\mathcal{Z}_{HP}^{D}, \mathcal{Z}_{HP})+ \mathcal{Y}^{U}-\mathcal{X}\right\|_{F}^{2}, \end{aligned}\] where \(f_\mathbf{\Theta}(\cdot)\) is the mapping function that has as input the details at the two different scales used to estimate the spatial preserved image \(\mathcal{E}\) and the upsampled LR-HSI \(\mathcal{Y}^{U}\). The loss function imposes the similarity between the network output \(f_\mathbf{\Theta}(\mathcal{Y}_{HP}^{U},\mathcal{Z}_{HP}^{D},\mathcal{Z}_{HP}) + \mathcal{Y}^{U}\) and the reference (ground-truth) \(\mathcal{X}\) image.
## Network Training {#Sec-Train}
### Training data
In the work, we mainly use the CAVE dataset for training the network. It contains 32 hyperspectral images with size \(512 \times 512\) and \(31\) spectral bands. Additionally, each hyperspectral image also has a corresponding RGB image with size \(512 \times 512\) and \(3\) spectral bands (*i.e.*, the HR-MSI image). We selected \(20\) images [^2]for training the network, and the other \(11\) images to be considered for testing[^3], as done for the MHFnet in. The CAVE test images are shown in Fig. [\[cave_test\]](#cave_test){reference-type="ref" reference="cave_test"}.
### Data simulation
We extracted 3920 overlapped patches with a size of \(64 \times 64 \times 31\) from the 20 images of the CAVE dataset used as ground-truth, thus forming the HR-HSI patches. Accordingly, the LR-HSI patches are generated starting from the HR-HSI by applying a Gaussian blur with kernel size equal to \(3\times 3\) and standard deviation equal to 0.5 and then downsampling the blurred patches to the size of \(16 \times 16\), *i.e.,* with a downsampling factor of 4. Moreover, the HR-MSI patches (*i.e.,*, the RGB patches) are generated similarly as for the HR-HSI patches, but using the corresponding (already available) RGB data. Thus, other 3920 patches of size of \(64 \times 64 \times 3\) are available to represent the HR-MSI. Following these indications, the patches for the training phase are the \(80\%\) of the whole dataset and the rest (*i.e.*, the \(20\%\)) is used for the testing phase.
### Training platform and parameters setting
The proposed network is trained on Python 3.7.4 with Tensorflow 1.14.0 and Linux operating system with NVIDA GPU GeForce GTX 2080Ti. We use Adam optimizer with a learning rate equal to 0.0001 in order to minimize the loss function ([\[loss\]](#loss){reference-type="ref" reference="loss"}) by 100,000 iterations and 32 batches. The ResNet block in our network architecture is crucial. Indeed, we use 6 ResNet blocks (each one with two layers and 64 kernels of size \(3\times 3\) for each layer. See Fig. [\[structure\]](#structure){reference-type="ref" reference="structure"}). Fig. [\[error\]](#error){reference-type="ref" reference="error"} shows the training and validation errors of the proposed HSRnet confirming the convergence of the proposed convolutional neural network using the above-mentioned parameters setting.
# Experimental Results {#exp}
In this section, we compare the proposed HSRnet with several state-of-the-art methods for the hyperspectral super-resolution problem. In particular, the benchmark consists of the CNMF method[^4], the FUSE approach[^5], the GLP-HS method[^6], the LTTR technique[^7], the LTMR approach[^8], the MHFnet[^9], and the proposed HSRnet approach. For a fair comparison, the MHFnet is trained on the same training data as the proposed approach. Furthermore, the batch size and the training iterations of the MHFnet are set to 32 and 100,000, respectively, as for the proposed approach. Two widely used benchmark datasets, *i.e.,* the CAVE database[^10] and the Harvard database[^11], are selected. For quantitative evaluation, we adopt four quality indexes (QIs), *i.e.,* the peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), the spectral angle mapper (SAM), the erreur relative globale adimensionnelle de synthèse (ERGAS), and the structure similarity (SSIM). The SAM measures the average angle between the spectral vectors of the target and of the reference image. Instead, the ERGAS represents the fidelity of the image based on the weighted sum of mean squared errors. The ideal value in both the cases is zero. The lower the index, the better the quality. Finally, PSNR and SSIM are widely used to evaluate the similarity between the target and the reference image. The higher the index, the better the quality. The ideal value for SSIM is one.
## Results on CAVE Dataset {#caveexp}
[\[cave-ave\]]{#cave-ave label="cave-ave"}
In order to point out the effectiveness of all the methods on different kinds of scenarios, we divide first the remaining 11 testing images on the CAVE dataset into small patches of size \(128 \times 128\). Then, 100 patches are randomly selected. We exhibit the average QIs and corresponding standard deviations of the results for the different methods on these patches in Table [1](#cave-ave){reference-type="ref" reference="cave-ave"}. From Table [1](#cave-ave){reference-type="ref" reference="cave-ave"}, we can find that the proposed HSRnet significantly outperforms the compared methods. In particular, the SAM value of our method is much lower than that of the compared approaches (about the half with respect to the best compared method). This is in agreement with our previously developed analysis, namely that the proposed HSRnet is able to preserve the spectral features of the acquired scene.
[\[cave11-ave\]]{#cave11-ave label="cave11-ave"}
[\[qresult-4CAVE\]]{#qresult-4CAVE label="qresult-4CAVE"}
Afterwards, we conduct the experiments on the whole 11 testing images. Table [2](#cave11-ave){reference-type="ref" reference="cave11-ave"} presents the average QIs on the 11 testing images. To ease the readers' burden, we only show the visual results on *balloons*, *clay*, and *fake and real bears*. Table [\[qresult-4CAVE\]](#qresult-4CAVE){reference-type="ref" reference="qresult-4CAVE"} lists the specific QIs of the results on these two images for the different methods. The proposed method outperforms the compared approaches. Furthermore, the running time of the HSRnet is also the lowest one. In Fig. [\[F:cave\]](#F:cave){reference-type="ref" reference="F:cave"}, we display the pseudo-color images of the fusion results and the corresponding error maps on three images. From the error maps in Fig. [\[F:cave\]](#F:cave){reference-type="ref" reference="F:cave"}, it can be observed that the proposed HSRnet approach has a better reconstruction of the high resolution details with respect to the compared methods, thus clearly reducing the errors in the corresponding error maps. The spectral fidelity is of crucial importance when the fusion of hyperspectral images is considered. In order to illustrate the spectral reconstruction provided by the different methods, we plot the spectral vectors for two exemplary cases, see Fig. [\[spetral-rCAVE\]](#spetral-rCAVE){reference-type="ref" reference="spetral-rCAVE"}. It is worth to be remarked that the spectral vectors estimated by our method and the ground-truth ones are very close to each other.
## Results on Harvard Dataset {#exp:general}
The Harvard dataset is a public dataset that has 77 HSIs of indoor and outdoor scenes including different kinds of objects and buildings. Every HSI has a spatial size of 1392\(\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1040 with 31 spectral bands, and the spectral bands are acquired at an interval of 10nm in the range of 420-720nm. 10 images are randomly selected for testing. The test images are shown in Fig. [\[harvard_test\]](#harvard_test){reference-type="ref" reference="harvard_test"}. As in the previous settings, the original data is regarded as the ground-truth HR-HSI. The LR-HSI data is simulated as in Sec. [3.3](#Sec-Train){reference-type="ref" reference="Sec-Train"}. Instead, the HR-MSI (not already available for this dataset) is obtained by applying the method provided by, where the spectral response functions are obtained from CIE[^12]. We would like to remark that both our method and the MHFnet are trained on the CAVE dataset, and we directly test them on the Harvard dataset without any retraining or fine-tuning. Thus, the performance on the Harvard dataset of these two methods could reflect their generalization abilities.
[\[harvard-ave\]]{#harvard-ave label="harvard-ave"}
[\[harvard10-ave\]]{#harvard10-ave label="harvard10-ave"}
[\[qresult-4\]]{#qresult-4 label="qresult-4"}
Moreover, we firstly divide these 10 testing images into patches of size \(128 \times 128\) randomly selecting 100 patches. Table [3](#harvard-ave){reference-type="ref" reference="harvard-ave"} shows the QIs of the results for the different methods on these 100 patches. We can observe that our method is still the best method for all the different QIs, while the margins between our method and the MHFnet become larger than those in Table [1](#cave-ave){reference-type="ref" reference="cave-ave"}. Particularly, the ERGAS value of the MHFnet ranks last place. Thus, this test corroborates that the proposed approach has a better generalization ability than the compared deep learning-based method (*i.e.*, the MHFnet). Table [4](#harvard10-ave){reference-type="ref" reference="harvard10-ave"} records the average QIs and the corresponding standard deviations for the different methods using the 10 testing images. Table [\[qresult-4\]](#qresult-4){reference-type="ref" reference="qresult-4"} gives the QIs and the running times for three specific datasets of the Harvard dataset. The proposed method ranks first with the lowest running time. Finally, considering the details in the pseudo-color images in Fig. [\[F:harvard-1\]](#F:harvard-1){reference-type="ref" reference="F:harvard-1"}, we can see that the results of our method get the highest qualitative performance, thus obtaining error maps that are very dark (*i.e.*, with errors that tend to zero everywhere).
## Ablation Study {#newstruct}
### High-pass filters
In order to investigate the effects of the use of high-pass filters, we compare our HSRnet with its variant that is similar to the original HSRnet but without any high-pass filtering. After removing the high-pass filters, the data cube \(\mathcal{C}_{0}\) in Fig. [\[structure\]](#structure){reference-type="ref" reference="structure"} is obtained by concatenating the LR-HSI \(\mathcal{Y}\) and the downsampled version of the HR-MSI, *i.e.*, \(\mathcal{Z}^{D}\). The network is trained on the same training data of the HSRnet with the same training settings. Table [5](#nohp){reference-type="ref" reference="nohp"} presents the average QIs of these two networks on the 11 testing images for the CAVE dataset and the 10 testing images for the Harvard dataset. As we can see from Table [5](#nohp){reference-type="ref" reference="nohp"}, the mean values and standard deviations of the proposed network are much better than that of the one without the high-pass filters. This demonstrates that the use of high-pass filters lead to better and more stable performance. In particular, the QIs of the Harvard testing images prove that the filters significantly provide better generalization ability. Thus, the high-pass filters are of crucial importance for competitive performance of the proposed HSRnet.
### Multi-scale module
Concatenating multi-scale images is a key part of our network architecture. This leads to the extraction of several details at two different scales, which represent useful information for the super-resolution processing. To prove the strength of this module, we compare our original HSRnet and the simpler architecture that only uses the main scale, \(\mathcal{C}_{1}\) in proposed Network is replaced by the one in Fig. [\[single_scale_structure\]](#single_scale_structure){reference-type="ref" reference="single_scale_structure"}. The results of the two compared approaches are reported in Table [6](#compare_single){reference-type="ref" reference="compare_single"}. The QI values show the necessity of the multi-scale module in our HSRnet representing a part of the proposed architecture that is less important than the high-pass filtering, but relevant in order to improve the performance measured by some QIs, see *e.g.* the SAM and the ERGAS.
## Comparison with MHFnet {#vs}
To our knowledge, the MHFnet developed by Xie *et al*. outperforms the state-of-the-art of the model-based and the deep learning-based methods, actually representing the best way to address the HSI super-resolution problem. Due to the fact that the MHFnet and our HSRnet are both deep learning-based methods, in this subsection, we keep on discussing about the HSRnet comparing it with the MHFnet.
### Sensitivity to the number of training samples
We train the MHFnet and our HSRnet with different numbers of training samples to illustrate their sensitivity with respect to this parameter. We randomly select 500, 1000, 2000, and 3136 samples from the training data. Testing data consists of 7 testing images on the CAVE dataset and 10 testing images on the Harvard dataset. Table [\[diffrernt-num-t\]](#diffrernt-num-t){reference-type="ref" reference="diffrernt-num-t"} reports the average QIs of the results obtained by the MHFnet and by our HSRnet varying the number of the training samples. From the results on the CAVE dataset in Table [\[diffrernt-num-t\]](#diffrernt-num-t){reference-type="ref" reference="diffrernt-num-t"}, we can note that the MHFnet performs well when the training samples are less. This can be attributed to its elaborately designed network structure. Our method steadily outperforms the MHFnet in the cases of 2000 and 3196 training samples. Instead, from the results on the Harvard dataset, we can remark that the generalization ability of our method is robust with respect to changes of the numbers of the training samples (due to the use of the high-pass filters in the architecture). Whereas the MHFnet shows poor performance due to its manual predefined parameters that are sensitive to scene changes.
### Network generalization
In the above content, MHFnet and our HSRnet are both trained with CAVE data. We can find that our HSRnet outperforms the MHFnet in all the experiments on the testing data provided by the Harvard dataset. This shows the remarkable generalization ability of our network. To further corroborate it, we retrain these two networks on training samples provided by the Harvard dataset. Namely, we extract from the Harvard dataset 3763 training samples, in which the HR-MSI is of size \(64 \times 64\) and the LR-HSI is of size \(16 \times 16\). As previously done, we select the same 11 images from the CAVE dataset and the same 10 images from the Harvard dataset to build the testing set. We show the QIs of the results for these two networks trained on the Harvard dataset in Table [7](#table-trained-harvard){reference-type="ref" reference="table-trained-harvard"}. It can be seen that the generalization ability of the MHFnet is still limited. Instead, the proposed approach still shows an excellent generalization ability when it is used on CAVE data but trained on the Harvard samples.
### Parameters and training time
MHFnet contains 3.6 million parameters, instead, 2.1 million parameters have to be learned by our HSRnet. In Fig. [\[timec\]](#timec){reference-type="ref" reference="timec"}, we plot the training time with respect to the epochs. We can find that our network needs much less training time than MHFnet. Actually, from Tables [\[qresult-4CAVE\]](#qresult-4CAVE){reference-type="ref" reference="qresult-4CAVE"} and [\[qresult-4\]](#qresult-4){reference-type="ref" reference="qresult-4"}, the testing time of our HSRnet is also less than that of the MHFnet. Indeed, fewer parameters result in less training and testing times, making our method more practical.
# Conclusions {#conclusion}
In this paper, a simple and efficient deep network architecture has been proposed for addressing the hyperspectral image super-resolution issue. The network architecture consists of two parts: \(i\)) a spectral preservation module and \(ii\)) a spatial preservation module that has the goal to reconstruct image spatial details starting from multi-resolution versions of input data. The combination of these two parts is performed to get the final network output. This latter is compared with the reference (ground-truth) image under the Frobenius norm based loss function. This is done with the aim of estimating the network parameters during the training phase. Extensive experiments demonstrated the superiority of our HSRnet with respect to recent state-of-the-art hyperspectral image super-resolution approaches. Additionally, advantages of our HSRnet have been reported also from other points of view, such as, the network generalization, the limited computational burden, and the robustness with respect to the number of training samples.
[^1]: We use three coordinates format to better represent the 3D hyperspectral image, *i.e.*, \({h \times w \times S}\).
[^2]: We selected the same 20 images as for the training of the MHFnet.
[^3]: One image, *i.e.*, "Watercolors", is discarded as it is unavailable for use.
[^4]: http://naotoyokoya.com/Download.html
[^5]: http://wei.perso.enseeiht.fr/publications.html
[^6]: http://openremotesensing.net/knowledgebase/hyperspectral-and-multispectral-data-fusion/
[^7]: https://github.com/renweidian
[^8]: https://github.com/renweidian
[^9]: https://github.com/XieQi2015/MHF-net
[^10]: http://www.cs.columbia.edu/CAVE/databases/multispectral/
[^11]: http://vision.seas.harvard.edu/hyperspec/download.html
[^12]: http://www.cvrl.org | {'timestamp': '2020-06-01T02:07:09', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14400', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14400'} |
# Introduction
The epidemic of SARS-CoV-2 infection triggered an unprecedented public health response. Given the lack of effective vaccine and treatment in 2020, this response included a variety of travel restrictions and social distancing measures. While these measures help to slow down the epidemic they come at significant economical and societal cost. As an alternative an approach focusing on rapid diagnosis is increasingly recommended and prior to lifting social distancing measures large-scale community testing should be in place. Testing efforts are complemented by identifying and quarantining contacts of the diagnosed cases. Of note, by isolating the asymptomatic contacts from their social networks, this strategy takes into account the pre-symptomatic and asymptomatic spread of the infection, believed to be one of the key drivers of fast spread of COVID-19. As an example, wide spread testing in general population followed by isolation of the infected helped to reduce COVID-19 incidence by 90% in an Italian village of Vo'Euganeo. A modelling study in France offers similar conclusions arguing that relaxing social lock-down will be only feasible in case of extensive testing. While there is already a number of studies estimating the effects of general social distancing measures, less is known about the impact of quarantine. Hellewell et al. investigated the potential of rapid isolation of cases and contact tracing to control the epidemic, finding that prohibitively high levels of timely contact tracing are necessary to achieve control. However, new technologies may offer sufficiently fast alternative to traditional contact tracing, in which case the epidemic could be still controlled by contact tracing. Our aim is to develop a SEIR-type model which incorporates the effects of quarantine and validate it in a setting in which measures to reduce contacts are in place. We apply it to investigate the role of quarantine in Poland. The first case of COVID-19 in Poland was diagnosed on March 4th. Social distancing measures were rapidly introduced during the week of 9-13th March including closure of schools and universities, cancellation of mass events and closure of recreation facilities such as bars, restaurants, gyms etc. as well as shopping malls. Religious gatherings were limited. Finally, borders were closed for non-citizens. These measures were fully in place on March 16th. Further, beginning at March 25th restrictions on movement and travel were introduced (lock-down). Wearing face covers became obligatory on April 14th. The restrictions were gradually lifted beginning at April 20th. We focus on modelling the time period when the social distancing measures were in place and then consider different scenarios of relaxation of the restrictions with possible improvement of testing and contact tracing. We note that the procedures for quarantine were in place even before the social distancing measures. They initially focused on individuals arriving from COVID-19 affected areas in China. When the epidemic started spreading in European countries people who came back to Poland from these countries were advised to immediately seek medical attention if they experienced any symptoms consistent with COVID-19. However, adherence to these recommendations was not evaluated. As soon as the first case was diagnosed in Poland quarantine for close contacts was also implemented. This paper aims to define a deterministic population model describing the epidemic in classical terms of susceptible, exposed, infectious, removed. In our model the quarantine becomes a separate state that removes individuals from susceptible and exposed states. We show that the reproductive number in our model is given by a simple formula referring to the parameters of transmission and transition, but also to parameters describing the quarantine. We demonstrate that in a real life scenario (case study of Poland) the quarantine effectively reduces the growth of infectious compartment. Increasing the efficiency of contact tracing and testing may may to some extent compensate lifting up the social distancing restrictions.
# Methods
## The model
We introduce a modification of the classical SEIR model including effects of quarantine. To underline importance of that extension we call it SEIRQ. Formally the model is described by a system of ordinary differential equations with delay dedicated to the quarantine. The following states are included in the model: \(S(t)\)--susceptible \(E(t)\)--exposed (infected, not infectious) \(I_d(t)\)--infectious who will be diagnosed \(I_u(t)\)--infectious who will not be diagnosed \(R_d(t)\)--diagnosed and isolated \(R_u(t)\)--spontaneously recovered without being diagnosed \(Q(t)\)--quarantined The figure [\[model\]](#model){reference-type="ref" reference="model"} presents the schematic representation of the model. A susceptible individual (state \(S\)), when becoming infected first moves to the state \(E\), to model the initial period, when the infected individual is not yet infectious. Next the cases progress to one of the infectious states \(I_d, I_u\) at the rates \(\kappa\sigma\) and \((1-\kappa)\sigma\), respectively. In general, moving through the \(I_d\) pathway concerns these individuals who (independently of quarantine) would meet the testing criteria, as relevant to the local testing policy, e.g. testing of people with noticeable symptoms. We shall emphasize that from the point of view of analysis of spread of infection, the quantity \(I_u\) shall be regarded rather as not recognized infections, not necessarily asymptomatic or mild. With this interpretation the value of \(\kappa\) can be influenced by intensity of testing. The creation of state \(E\) is via \(I_d\) and \(I_u\) with transmission rates \(\beta_d\) and \(\beta_u\), respectively, normalized to the total population size \(N=S+E+I_d+ I_u+R_d+R_u+Q\), which is assumed to be constant in time, births and deaths are neglected. The transition parameter \(\sigma\) is assumed identical for both groups, relating to the time between infection and becoming infectious. The infectious individuals then move to the state \(R_d\), which is the state of being diagnosed and isolated (and later recovered or deceased), with the rate \(\gamma_d\) corresponding to the observed time between onset and diagnosis. On the other hand \(R_u\) contains people who spontaneously recovered with rate \(\gamma_u\). Our model includes an additional state of being quarantined (\(Q\)). To mimic the situation of contact tracing, individuals can be put in quarantine from the state \(S\) (uninfected contacts) or the state \(E\) (infected contacts). These individuals stay in the quarantine for a predefined time period \(T\). We assume that the number of people who will be quarantined depend on the number of individuals who are diagnosed. An average number of individuals quarantined per each diagnosed person is denoted as \(\alpha\). However, as the epidemic progresses some of the contacts could be identified among people who were already infected, but were not previously diagnosed, i.e. the state \(R_u\). We note that moving individuals between the states \(Q\) and \(R_u\) has no effect on the epidemic dynamics, therefore we assume that only individuals from \(S\) and \(E\) are quarantined and we reduce the average number of people put on quarantine by the factor \(\frac{S(t)}{S(t)+R_u(t)}\). Further, to acknowledge the capacity limits of the public health system to perform the contact tracing, we introduce a quantity \(K_{max}\), describing the maximum number of people who can be put in quarantine during one time step. We also assume that among the quarantined a proportion \(\theta\) is infected. After the quarantine, the infected part \(\theta K(t-T)\) goes to \(R_d\) and the rest \((1-\theta)K(t-T)\) returns to \(S\). Taking all of the above into account, the model is described with the following SEIRQ system: \[\label{seir} \begin{array}{l} \dot S(t)=-S(t) (\beta_d I_d(t)+\beta_uI_u(t))-(1-\theta)K(t) + (1-\theta)K(t-T), \\[5pt] \dot E(t)= S(t) (\beta_d I_d(t) + \beta_u I_u(t))-\sigma E(t)-\theta K(t)\\ [5pt] \dot I_d(t)=\kappa \sigma E(t)- \gamma_d I_d(t), \\[5pt] \dot I_u(t)=(1-\kappa) \sigma E(t)-\gamma_u I_u(t),\\[5pt] \dot R_d(t)= \gamma_d I_d(t) + \theta K(t-T),\\ [5pt] \dot R_u(t)=\gamma_u I_u(t),\\[5pt] \dot Q(t)= K(t)-K(t-T),\\[5pt] \mbox{where \ \ } K(t)={\rm min}\{\frac{S(t)}{S(t)+R_u(t)} \alpha \gamma_d I_d(t), K_{max} \}, \mbox{\ \ and \ \ } \alpha,\beta_d,\beta_u,\gamma_d,\gamma_u, \theta, T \geq 0. \end{array}\] We assume that the parameters \(\alpha, \beta_d, \beta_u, \theta\), \(\gamma_u\) and \(\gamma_d\) depend on the country and time-specific public health interventions and may therefore change in time periods. Due to proper interpretation of the equation on \(E\) we require that \(\beta_d \geq \theta \alpha \gamma_d\) to ensure positiveness of \(E\).
## Basic reproductive number, critical transmission parameter \(\beta^*\).
Based on the general theory of SEIR type models, we introduce the reproductive number \[\label{def:R0} \mathcal{R}=\kappa \left( \frac{ \beta_d}{\gamma_d}-\theta \alpha \right) + (1-\kappa) \frac{\beta_u}{\gamma_u}.\] It determines the stability of the system as \(\mathcal{R} <1\) and instability for \(\mathcal{R}>1\) (the growth/decrease of pandemia). This quantity not only explains the importance is testing (in terms of \(\kappa\)) and quarantine (in terms of \(\alpha\)), but also gives an indication on levels of optimal testing and contact tracing. We underline that this formula works for the case when the capacity of the contact tracing has not been exceeded \((K(t)<K_{max})\). The details of derivation of [\[def:R0\]](#def:R0){reference-type="eqref" reference="def:R0"} are provided in the Appendix, section [\[sec:R\]](#sec:R){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:R"}. We shall emphasize the formal mathematical derivation holds for the case when \(I\) and \(E\) are small comparing to \(S\). Therefore the complete dynamics of the nonlinear system ([\[seir\]](#seir){reference-type="ref" reference="seir"}) is not fully determined by [\[def:R0\]](#def:R0){reference-type="eqref" reference="def:R0"}. However in the regime of epidemic suppression, which is the case of COVID-19 epidemic in Poland, \(I\) and \(E\) are small compared to \(S\) and so the formula ([\[def:R0\]](#def:R0){reference-type="ref" reference="def:R0"}) reasonably prescribes spreading of infection in the population. The critical value \(\mathcal{R}=1\) defines the level of transmission which is admissible, taking into account the existing quarantine policy, in order to control epidemic. As the level of transmission depends on the level of contacts, this provides information on the necessary level of social distancing measures. The formula [\[def:R0\]](#def:R0){reference-type="eqref" reference="def:R0"} indicates that improving the contact tracing may compensate relaxation of contact restrictions. The key quantity is \(\theta \alpha\). Indeed the system with the quarantine has the same stability properties as one without \(K\), but with the new transmission rate \(\beta_d^{new}=\beta_d-\theta \alpha \gamma_d\). In order to guarantee the positiveness of \(E\), \(\beta_d^{new}\) must be nonnegative. It generates the constraint \[\label{3.1} \theta\alpha\gamma_d \leq \beta_d.\] The above condition also implies the theoretical maximal admissible level of quarantine. We define it by improving the targeting of the quarantine, i.e. by the highest possible level of \(\theta\): \[\label{def:thetamax} \theta_{max} = \frac{\beta_d}{\gamma_d\alpha}.\] As long as the \(K_{max}\) threshold is not exceeded the effect of the increase in \(\theta\) or in \(\alpha\) play the same role at the level of linearization (small \(I, E\)). However, in general it is not the case and for the purpose of our analysis we fix \(\alpha\). For our analysis we assume \(\beta_d=\beta_u=\beta\). The reason is that, both \(I_d\) and \(I_u\) contain a mixture of asymptomatic and symptomatic cases and although there might be a difference we lack information to quantify this difference. Then using formula [\[def:R0\]](#def:R0){reference-type="eqref" reference="def:R0"} we compute critical values \(\beta^*(\kappa,\theta,\alpha)\) defined as \[\label{def:betacrit} {\mathcal R}(\beta^*)=1, \mbox{ \ namely \ } \beta^*(\kappa,\theta,\alpha,\gamma_d,\gamma_u)=\frac{(1+\theta\alpha\kappa)\gamma_d\gamma_u}{\gamma_u\kappa+\gamma_d(1-\kappa)}.\] It shows the upper bound on transmission rate \(\beta\) which still guarantees the suppression of pandemic. We shall omit the dependence on \(\gamma_d,\gamma_u\) as these are fixed in our case, and denote briefly \(\beta^*(\kappa,\theta,\alpha)\). In the case of maximal admissible quarantine ([\[def:thetamax\]](#def:thetamax){reference-type="ref" reference="def:thetamax"}) we obtain \[\label{betamax} \beta^*(\theta_{max},\kappa) = \frac{\gamma_u}{1-\kappa},\] which can be regarded as theoretical upper bound for \(\beta\) if we assume \"optimal admissible\" quarantine for fixed \(\kappa\), for which the epidemic could be still controlled. It must be kept in mind though that the condition ([\[3.1\]](#3.1){reference-type="ref" reference="3.1"}) means that we are able to efficiently isolate all persons infected by every diagnosed, therefore is unrealistic. The resulting \(\beta^*(\theta_{max},\kappa)\) should be therefore considered as a theoretical limit for transmission rate.
## Fitting procedure
All simulations are performed using GNU Octave (*https://www.gnu.org/software/octave/*). The underlying tool for all computations is a direct finite difference solver with a 1 day time step. We estimate the transmission rates \(\beta\) by fitting the model predictions to the data on the cumulative number of confirmed cases. Since people with confirmed diagnosis are efficiently isolated, they are immediately included into \(R_d\). Therefore, the quantity fitted to the data is \(R_d(t)\). The crucial assumption behind our approach is that the parameter \(\beta\) changes twice during the period of analysis. The reason is that we can distinguish two important time points in the development of epidemic in Poland. The first is initial restrictions including school closure effective March 12, which was accompanied with restrictions on other social activities. As we do not take migration into account in our model, we assume that the effect of border closing is reflected in \(\beta\). The second turning point was a lockdown announced on March 25. For simplicity we comprise the effect of above measures in two jump changes in \(\beta\) in \(t \in \{t_1,t_2\}\) and choose \(t_1=14, \quad t_2=28\). With \(t=1\) corresponding to March 3 it means small delay with respect to the above dates which can be justified by the fact that new cases are reported with a delay of approximately 2 days. We assume that the parameters \(\sigma, \gamma_u\) represent the natural course of infection and their values could be based on the existing literature. The parameter \(\sigma\) describes the rate of transition from non-infectious incubation state \(E\) into the infectious states \(I_d\) or \(I_u\). The value of \(\sigma\) takes into account the incubation period and presymptomatic infectivity period. \(\gamma_u\) relates to the period of infectivity, which we select based on the research regarding milder cases, assuming that serious cases are likely diagnosed. Further, \(\kappa\) is a parameter related both to the proportion of asymptomatic infection and the local testing strategies. Since the literature findings provide different possible figures, for \(\kappa\) we examine three different scenarios. Parameters \(\gamma_d, \theta\) and \(\alpha\) are fixed in our model for the purpose of data fitting, but informed by available data. One of the scenarios of future dynamics of the epidemic (section [3.3](#sec:future){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:future"}) considers possible increase of \(\theta\). Parameter \(\gamma_d\) was estimated basing on time from onset to diagnosis for diagnosed cases, and \(\theta\) as rate of diagnosed among quarantined. Furthermore we fix the parameter \(\alpha\) by comparing the number of quarantined people obtained in simulations with actual data. The capacity level of public health services is set in terms of possible number of quarantined per day \(K_{max}\), as double the level observed so far. Detailed justification of the values of fixed parameters collected in the following table, is given in the Appendix, section [\[sec:par\]](#sec:par){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:par"}.
**Optimization algorithm.** In order to fit the values \(\beta_1,\beta_2,\beta_3\) we use a standard gradient descent algorithm. The error function is defined as mean square difference between the cumulative number of diagnoses and the \(R_d(t)\) predicted from the model. For the initial values the error function is optimized only for a limited number of possible conditions, as these mostly impact \(\beta_1\), which is less relevant for future predictions. To estimate confidence intervals we use a method of parametric bootstrap. The optimisation procedures are described in the Appendix, section [\[sec:opt\]](#sec:opt){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:opt"}, where we also show precise errors of data fitting. The data series contains cumulative number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Poland from March 3 (first confirmed case in Poland) till April 26, which amounts to 54 observations. The data are taken from official communications of the Ministry of Health. As explained in table [1](#tab0){reference-type="ref" reference="tab0"} and appendix (section [\[sec:par\]](#sec:par){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:par"} additional data sources were used for choosing \(\theta\), \(\alpha\) and \(\gamma_d\).
# Results {#s:sym}
## Estimation of parameters and \"no-change\" scenario predictions
In Table [2](#tab2.1){reference-type="ref" reference="tab2.1"} we show estimated values of \(\beta_i\), where \(i=1,2,3\) correspond to the time intervals when different measures were in place, and the \({\mathcal R}\) for the third time interval. Given the social distancing measures in place early April 2020, as well as the quarantine levels, the reproductive number was below 1, independently of the value of \(\kappa\), which relates to testing effectiveness. The figure [\[fig2.0\]](#fig2.0){reference-type="ref" reference="fig2.0"} shows the fit of the models assuming different levels of \(\kappa\). Good fit is found for all three models although predictions start to differ in the middle-term prognosis.
We proceed with predictions assuming that the restrictions are continued, i.e.keeping \(\beta=\beta_3\) (note that the estimated \(\beta_3\) is different for each \(\kappa\)). We calculate the epidemic duration (\(t_{max}\)), the peak number of infected (\(I_d^{max}, I_u^{max}\)) and the final size of the epidemic (\(R_d(t_{max}), R_u(t_{max})\)). In order to show the influence of quarantine we compare the situation with quarantine, keeping the same \(\theta,\alpha\), to the situation without quarantine, setting \(\alpha\theta=0\). The results of the development of the epidemic during the first 120 days are shown on Figure [\[fig2.2a\]](#fig2.2a){reference-type="ref" reference="fig2.2a"}. For \(\kappa=0.2\) the difference between the scenarios with and without quarantine is visible but not striking. However for \(\kappa=0.5\) and \(\kappa=0.8\) a bifurcation in the number of new cases occurs around \(t=40\) leading to huge difference in the total time of epidemic and total number of cases. These values are summarized in the table [3](#tab2.2){reference-type="ref" reference="tab2.2"}. We note that given the epidemic state in the first half of April 2020 for all values of \(\kappa\) the model predicts epidemic extinction both with quarantine and without quarantine. However, since the epidemic is very near to the endemic state, the predicted duration is very long, especially if no quarantine is applied.
## Critical \(\beta^*\) for the current situation
Using the formula [\[def:betacrit\]](#def:betacrit){reference-type="eqref" reference="def:betacrit"} we can compute critical values \(\beta^*\). In Table [4](#tab1){reference-type="ref" reference="tab1"} we show the values of \(\beta^*(\kappa,0.006,75)\) and for convenience recall also estimated values of \(\beta_3\) and \({\mathcal R}\), listed already in Table [2](#tab2.1){reference-type="ref" reference="tab2.1"}. Moreover we compute \(\beta^*(\kappa,0,0)\), i.e. without quarantine and show values of \({\mathcal R}\) for our estimated values of \(\beta_3\) and the same \(\gamma_d, \gamma_u\) but without quarantine. Comparing the estimated values of \(\beta_3\) (table [4](#tab1){reference-type="ref" reference="tab1"}) for all cases of \(\kappa\) are only slightly below \(\beta^*\).
Eliminating the quarantine, for the estimated values of \(\beta_3\), we have different situations depending on the actual value of \(\kappa\). In case \(\kappa=0.2\), so assuming that currently only 20% of infections are diagnosed, the low values of \({\mathcal R}\) are due to low \(\beta_3\) rather than the effect of quarantine (controlling epidemic by social contact restrictions). In effect even if we remove the quarantine we have still \({\mathcal R}<1\), but very close to 1. On the other hand if \(\kappa=0.5\) or \(\kappa=0.8\) we estimate higher \(\beta_3\), which corresponds to the situation of controlling the epidemic by extensive testing and quarantine. For these cases, if we remove the quarantine, we end up with \({\mathcal R}>1\). The quantity \(\beta_3-\theta\alpha\gamma_d\) represents effective transmission rate due to diagnosed cases. In particular it shows by how much the transmission could be reduced by improved contact tracing (\(\theta\alpha\)) and faster diagnosis (\(\gamma_d\)). These results confirm that the higher is the ratio of undiagnosed infections, the weaker is influence of quarantine. In the next section we verify these results numerically.
## Impact of quarantine at relaxation of social distancing {#sec:future}
Our second goal is to simulate loosening of restrictions. In particular we want to verify numerically the critical thresholds \(\beta^*\) listed in table [4](#tab1){reference-type="ref" reference="tab1"}. For this purpose we assume that at \(t=60\) we change \(\beta\). For each value of \(\kappa\) we consider 3 scenarios:\
**(a)** Current level quarantine: i.e. quarantine parameters \(\theta=0.006, \; \alpha=75\) are maintained;\
**(b)** No quarantine is applied starting from \(t=60\);\
**(c)** The maximal admissible quarantine is applied, meaning that \(\theta_{max}=\frac{\beta}{\alpha \gamma_d}\) (see ([\[def:R0\]](#def:R0){reference-type="ref" reference="def:R0"})). In this case \(\alpha=75\). As long as the limit \(K_{max}\) is not reached there is no difference whether we increase \(\alpha\) or \(\theta\), the decisive parameter is \(\alpha \theta\). Increasing \(\alpha\) would lead to reaching \(K=K_{max}\) earlier and hence worse outcomes.\
Figures [\[fig3.1\]](#fig3.1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig3.1"}-[\[fig3.3\]](#fig3.3){reference-type="ref" reference="fig3.3"} show the final values of \(R=R_d+R_u\) and time till the end of epidemic depending on the value of \(\beta\) for \(t \geq 60\). for above 3 scenarios and different values of \(\kappa\). The theoretical values of \(\beta^*\) are shown by black lines. The results confirm that around \(\beta^*\) a rapid increase in the total number of infected occurs, coinciding with the peak total epidemic duration. Thus the numerical computations confirm that the critical \(\beta^*\) calculated for the linear approximation in the section 2.2 are adequate, with a small bias towards lower values. The case \(\kappa=0.2\) shows that the influence of quarantine is not high, even for the maximal admissible case, when we are able to efficiently isolate all persons infected by every diagnosed. A striking feature in the behaviour of total number of infected are jumps for certain critical value of \(\beta\) observed for \(\kappa=0.5\) and \(\kappa=0.8\), both in case \(\theta=0.006\) and \(\theta=\theta_{max}\). The values of \(R_d\) and \(R_u\) before and after these qualitative changes are summarized in Table [5](#tab3.1){reference-type="ref" reference="tab3.1"}.
A closer investigation for these values of \(\beta\) shows that in all 4 cases the jump occurs for the first value of \(\beta\) for which the limit number of quarantined, \(K_{max} = 50 000\), is achieved. Notice that immediately after passing the threshold the values become very close to those without quarantine. Therefore the effect of quarantine is immediately and almost completely cancelled after passing the critical value of \(\beta\). The transition is milder in the case \(\kappa=0.2\) which can be explained by the fact that the transition takes place for lower values of \(\beta\). Results of our simulations confirm the theoretical prediction that the margin in relaxation of restrictions is very narrow if we want to avoid a blow up of the number infections. Strengthening of quarantine allows to remain in a stable regime while increasing \(\beta\).
# Discussion
We propose a simple SEIR-type model (SEIRQ), which includes the effects of testing and contact tracing. The model formulation allows to calculate an interpretable formula for the reproductive number \(\mathcal{R}\) [\[def:R0\]](#def:R0){reference-type="eqref" reference="def:R0"}. As typical for this class of models, \(\mathcal{R}\) depends on transmission parameters \(\beta\). Increasing \(\beta\) corresponding in e.g. to higher frequency of social contacts increases \(\mathcal{R}\). Decreasing \(\beta\), for example in consequence of widespread use of face masks, has the opposite effect. On the other hand \(\gamma_d\) reflects the time to diagnosis and the formula indicates that more rapid diagnosis is associated with lower \(\mathcal{R}\). In addition, our model offers a clear interpretation of the quarantine effect. The transmission rate due to diagnosed cases, \(\beta_d\), is decreased by the factor \(\theta\alpha\gamma_d\) indicating that both the number of quarantined per diagnosed individual (\(\alpha\)) and proper targeting of the quarantine (the infection rate among the quarantined \(\theta\)) equally contribute to this factor. Also the parameter related to testing: the delay in diagnosis, \(\gamma_d^{-1}\), plays similar role. This quantifies the potential of a wide range of interventions to improve testing and contact tracing, as outlined in e.g. in ECDC recommendations. In particular, as the number of people put in quarantine per each case and the infection rate among the quarantined impact \(\mathcal{R}\) in similar fashion, our results support the recommendations to focus on the high risk contacts when the resources do not allow to follow all contacts. Our model takes into consideration only the effective contact tracing, i.e. the situation when the infected contacts are identified and put in quarantine before they become infectious. People who are identified later would be modelled as passing through one of the \(I\) states to the \(R\) states. This means that the number of quarantined in our model can be also increased by faster contact tracing. The timely identification of contacts may be a significant challenge in the quarantine approach given that the incubation time can be as short as 2 days in 25% of cases. As mentioned by other Authors, the delays in manual contact tracing are usually at least 3 days and under such circumstances the contact tracing and quarantine alone may be insufficient to control the epidemic. This could be improved with digital contact tracing. Notably, mixed contact tracing strategies implemented in South Korea indeed helped to control the epidemic at the early stages. The use of \"smart contact tracing\" with mobile phone location data and administrative databases were also key to rapid identification and self-quarantine of contacts in Taiwan and implementation of such strategy helped Singapore to control the epidemic without major disruptions of social activities. We note that the quarantine effect relates only to transmission due to diagnosed cases. As expected, in order to control the epidemic the transmission due to undiagnosed cases has to be negligible. This can be controlled by general measures such as *lockdown*, which universally decrease the frequency of social contacts and are therefore likely to reduce \(\beta_u\). In our model the part of \(\mathcal{R}\) representing transmission due to undiagnosed cases is scaled by \((1-\kappa)\), the parameter relating to the efficiency of the testing system. Again, the examples of Singapore as well as the Italian village of Vo'Euganeo show that the widespread testing complementing the efficient contact tracing was essential to suppress epidemic. Testing unrelated to epidemiological links decreases \((1-\kappa)\) factor, thus making the factors impacting transmission due to diagnosed cases, such as quarantine, more powerful to decrease \(\mathcal{R}\). Further, our model allows to study the effect of the situation, in which the contact tracing capacities are exceeded. In this situation the epidemic is likely to quickly develop to the levels observed without quarantine. It is therefore quite crucial to implement the aggressive contact tracing system, when the epidemic is still at low levels and it is possible to bring the epidemic to suppression phase. We demonstrate the high impact of contact tracing and quarantine on the observed numbers of cases in Poland. This effect was coupled with substantial reduction in the transmission parameter \(\beta\) resulting from social contact restrictions. Depending on the scenario, \(\beta\) decreased by 76% to 84%, bringing \(\mathcal{R}\) below 1. The estimated effect of the quarantine in Poland would depend on which of the considered scenarios regarding testing efficiency was the most relevant to our situation. In our model the quarantine is estimated to be the most effective for the scenario in which most of the cases are diagnosed (\(\kappa=0.8\)). Testing strategies that comprise testing of all individuals with symptoms of respiratory illness could theoretically identify up to 82% of infected, assuming they would all present to medical care. This could be coupled with random screening of high risk individuals, in e.g. health care workers, or-in case of high incidence-even random screening of entire community to achieve the \(\kappa\) of the order of 0.8. The Polish clinical recommendations specifically mention only testing all individuals with severe infections. In addition testing is provided to health care workers. The severe course corresponds to approximately 18% of all infections. Therefore, the \(\kappa=0.8\) scenario is unlikely to be realistic in Poland. We believe that the plausible current \(\kappa\) in our country lies between 0.2 and 0.5. For these scenarios the model shows that the control of the epidemic is largely achieved through suppression of \(\beta\). In case of relaxation of social contact restrictions, the efforts should be focused on increasing the level of testing in order to decrease the proportion of undiagnosed cases as well as maintaining or increasing the effectiveness of quarantine. For smaller \(\kappa\), even substantially increasing the effectiveness of quarantine does not allow to go back to the level of social contacts from before the epidemic (\(\beta_1\)). Finally, the contact tracing effort was manageable in Poland due to relatively small number of cases. Should the case load increase substantially longer delays in contact tracing would occur, which can substantially decrease the effects of quarantine. We do not consider the likely reduced transmission from undiagnosed cases who are more likely to be asymptomatic or paucisymtopmatic cases \((\beta_u<\beta_d)\). The reduction factor for infectiousness of asymptomatic is still under investigation. One study found a 60-fold lower viral loads in asymptomatic cases, but another estimated the transmissibility reduction by 50%. Moreover, we did not have sufficient data to include this additional parameter. We calibrated our model only to diagnosed cases, which were officially available. Calibration to mortality data is another approach successfully implemented in e.g. that potentially removes bias due to different testing policies. As there were relatively fewer fatalities in Poland and little data on clinical progression we decided on simplified model without explicit modelling of the outcomes. Furthermore, we did not consider the sub-optimal adherence to quarantine. It is likely that some individuals would not fully comply to strict quarantine rules. However, only anecdotal evidence for such phenomenon is available at this time. In our model it would decrease the effective \(\alpha\theta\), which was chosen to fit to observed number of people put in quarantine. Finally, the analysis of \(\mathcal{R}\) is suitable for small size of epidemic, when \(S \approx N\). For other cases the results are still useful, but the approximation may be biased, as we have shown for \(\beta^*\). Due to little available data and policy changes we did not have sufficient data to determine which \(\kappa\) scenario is the most appropriate. In conclusion we present a simple model, which allows to understand the effects of testing, contact tracing and quarantining of the contacts. We apply the model to the data in Poland and we show that despite a substantial impact of contact tracing and quarantine, it is unlikely that the control of the epidemic could be achieved without any reduction of social contacts. This work was partially supported by the Polish National Science Centre's grant No2018/30/M/ST1/00340 (HARMONIA). | {'timestamp': '2020-06-01T02:11:17', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14532', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14532'} |
# Introduction and Summary
It is well known that effective action for Dp-brane is Dirac-Born-Infeld (DBI) action (For review, see for example ). The problem with this action is that it is non-polynomial in world-volume coordinates and in world-volume gauge field that makes its analysis rather complicated. Similar situation occurs with fundamental string whose dynamics is governed by Nambu-Gotto form of the action which is again non-polynomial in string coordinates. On the other hand it is well known that it is possible to replace this action with classically equivalent form of the action with world-sheet metric. An analogue procedure can be performed in case of \(p-\)brane. On the other hand situation is more involved in case of DBI action due to the presence of the gauge field so that auxiliary metric contains symmetric and anti-symmetric part. On the other hand an interesting form of the action for Dp-brane was proposed in which is known as geometrical form of the action. The main advantage of this action is that it depends on quadratic combination of field strength and hence we can introduce auxiliary metric which is symmetric. Since the form of the action is very interesting and not well known we mean that it deserves to be studied further. In this note we focus on the canonical analysis of the geometrical action as was introduced in. We would like to see whether Hamiltonian is different from the Hamiltonian of DBI action which is given as linear combination of \(p+1\) first class constraints. In case of geometrical action the canonical analysis is more complicated due to the form of Lagrangian density but we again find that this theory has \(p+1\) first class constraints which has the same form as constraints derived from DBI action. This is certainly nice consistency check that demonstrates that different Lagrangian formulations that are in some way equivalent have the same Hamiltonian. Well known example is Nambu-Gotto and Polyakov form of the string action. We also briefly discuss geometrical form of unstable D(p+1)-brane action when we easily generalize analysis that leads to geometrical action. We also study the tachyon condensation in the form of the tachyon kink which is profile of the tachyon field that depends on one world-volume coordinate. We study this problem following very nice analysis presented in where it was argued that it is possible to interpret non-BPS D(p+1)-brane as \(p+1\)-dimensional object moving in \(11\) dimensional space-time where additional coordinate corresponds to the tachyon field \(T\). In fact, such a structure is also manifest in the geometrical form of unstable D(p+1)-brane action studied here. Then the tachyon kink corresponds to the partial gauge fixing when one world-volume coordinate can be identified with the tachyon field. Generally all world-volume fields on this gauge fixed form of the action depend on the tachyon. Then when we restrict ourselves to the low energy effective action we can presume that all world-volume fields do not depend on tachyon we find that resulting action corresponds to the geometrical form of Dp-brane action. Situation when the fluctuations modes depend on \(T\) was nicely analyzed in and it was argued there that they are not normalizable and hence cannot be considered as open strings excitations. Rather they can be interpreted as excited closed string states and we recommend the original paper for more details. Let us outline our result. We found canonical structure of the geometrical action and we showed that it has the same form as in case of the Hamiltonian analysis of DBI action. We also found geometrical form of unstable D(p+1)-brane action and studied tachyon condensation on its world-volume where we showed that it leads to the geometrical form of stable Dp-brane which is nice consistency check of the tachyon condensation.
# Canonical Formalism of Geometrical Action for Dp-brane
To begin with we review construction of geometrical action that was performed in. We start with the standard DBI action for Dp-brane that has the form \[S=-T_p \int d^{p+1}\] where \(T_p=\frac{1}{l_s^{p+1}}\) is Dp-brane tension where \(l_s\) is string length. Further, \(g_{\alpha\beta}=G_{MN}\partial_\alpha x^M\partial_\beta x^N\) where \(G_{MN}\) is background metric, \(x^M,M,N=0,1,\dots,9\) parameterize embedding of Dp-brane in the target space-time. Further, world-volume of Dp-brane is parameterized by coordinates \(\, F_{\alpha\beta}= \partial_\alpha A_\beta-\partial_\beta A_\alpha\), where \(A_\alpha\) is the gauge field that propagates on the world-volume of Dp-brane. Finally \(b_{\alpha\beta}=B_{MN}\partial_\alpha x^M\partial_\beta x^N\) is an embedding of background NSNS two form to the world-volume of Dp-brane. Geometrical form of the action was derived in using of an important fact that \[\det (g_{\alpha\beta}+\mF_{\alpha\beta})=\det (g_{\alpha\beta}-\mF_{\alpha\beta})\] so that we can write \[\begin{aligned}
\label{defgeom} & &\sqrt{-\det (g_{\alpha\beta}+\mF_{\alpha\beta})}= (-\det (g_{\alpha\beta}+\mF_{\alpha\beta}))^{1/4}(-\det (g_{\alpha\beta}-\mF_{\alpha\beta}))^{1/4}= \nonumber \\ & &= (-g)^{1/4}(-\mG)^{1/4} \, \quad g=\det g_{\alpha\beta} \, \quad \mG=\det \mG_{\alpha\beta} \, \nonumber \\ & &\mG_{\alpha\beta}= g_{\alpha\beta}-\mF_{\alpha\gamma}g^{\gamma\delta}\mF_{\delta\beta} \, \quad \mG_{\alpha\beta }=\mG_{\beta\alpha} \. \nonumber \\ \end{aligned}\] As a result we obtain geometrical form of the action \[\label{geoform} S=-T_p \int d^{p+1}\] It was shown in that the main advantage of this action is that when we introduce auxiliary world-sheet metric we obtain an action that is quadratic in gauge fields. Further, since the action ([\[geoform\]](#geoform){reference-type="ref" reference="geoform"}) is apparently different from DBI form of the action it is interesting to study it in more detail. In fact, in this note we focus on the canonical analysis of the action ([\[geoform\]](#geoform){reference-type="ref" reference="geoform"}). Now from ([\[geoform\]](#geoform){reference-type="ref" reference="geoform"}) we obtain conjugate momenta \[\begin{aligned}
\label{momen} & &p_M=\frac{\delta \mL}{\delta \partial_0 x^M}=\nonumber \\ &&=-\frac{1}{2}T_p e^{-\phi}g_{MN}\partial_\beta x^N g^{\beta 0}(-g)^{1/4} (-\mG)^{1/4}-\frac{1}{2}T_p g_{MN}\partial_\beta x^N \mG^{\beta 0}(-g)^{1/4} (-\mG)^{1/4}-\nonumber \\ & &-\frac{1}{2}T_p g_{MN}\partial_\beta x^N g^{\beta\sigma} \mF_{\sigma\omega}\mG^{\omega \delta}\mF_{\delta \rho}g^{\rho 0} (-\mG)^{1/4}(-g)^{1/4}+\nonumber \\ & &+\frac{1}{2}T_p e^{-\phi} (-g)^{1/4}(-\mG)^{1/4}(B_{MN}\partial_\beta x^N g^{\beta\rho} \mF_{\rho\sigma}\mG^{\sigma 0}-B_{MN} \partial_\beta x^N g^{0\rho}\mF_{\rho\sigma}\mG^{\sigma\beta}) \, \nonumber \\ & &\pi^\alpha=\frac{\delta \mL}{\delta \partial_0 A_\alpha}= \frac{l_s^2}{2}T_p e^{-\phi}(g^{\alpha\beta}\mF_{\beta\rho}\mG^{\rho 0}- g^{0\beta}\mF_{\beta\rho}\mG^{\rho\alpha})(-g)^{1/4}(-\mG)^{1/4} \nonumber \\ \end{aligned}\] so that \(\pi^0\approx 0\). Further, the bare Hamiltonian density is equal to \[\begin{aligned}
\mH=p_M\partial_0 x^M+\pi^iF_{0i}+\pi^i\partial_i A_0-\mL=\pi^i\partial_i A_0 \. \nonumber \\ \end{aligned}\] To proceed further we use definition of \(\pi^{\alpha}\) given in ([\[momen\]](#momen){reference-type="ref" reference="momen"}) to introduce \(\Pi_M\) defined as \[\begin{aligned}
& &\Pi_M=p_M-l_s^{-2}B_{MN}\partial_i x^N \pi^i =\nonumber \\ & &=-\frac{1}{2}T_p e^{-\phi}g_{MN}\partial_\beta x^N g^{\beta 0}(-g)^{1/4} (-\mG)^{1/4}-\frac{1}{2}T_p g_{MN}\partial_\beta x^N \mG^{\beta 0}(-g)^{1/4} (-\mG)^{1/4}-\nonumber \\ & &-\frac{1}{2}T_p g_{MN}\partial_\beta x^N g^{\beta\sigma} \mF_{\sigma\omega}\mG^{\omega \delta}\mF_{\delta \rho}g^{\rho 0} (-\mG)^{1/4}(-g)^{1/4} \. \nonumber \\ \end{aligned}\] Now using ([\[momen\]](#momen){reference-type="ref" reference="momen"}) or its equivalent form given above we get \[\begin{aligned}
& &\partial_i x^M \Pi_M+F_{ij}\pi^j= \partial_i x^M p_M+F_{ij}\pi^j= \nonumber \\ & &=-\frac{1}{2}T_p (-g)^{1/4}g_{i\beta}\mG^{\beta 0}(-\mG)^{1/4}-\frac{1}{2}T_p (-g)^{1/4}(-\mG)^{1/4}F_{i\omega}\mG^{\omega\delta}F_{\delta\rho}g^{\rho 0} +\nonumber \\ & &+\frac{1}{2}T_p e^{-\phi}F_{ij}g^{j\beta}F_{\beta\rho}\mG^{\rho 0}(-g)^{1/4}(-\mG)^{1/4}-\frac{1}{2}T_p e^{-\phi}F_{ij}g^{0\beta}F_{\beta\rho}\mG^{\rho j}(-g)^{1/4}(-\mG)^{1/4}= \nonumber \\ & &=-\frac{1}{2}T_p e^{-\phi}(-g)^{1/4}(-\mG)^{1/4} (g_{i\beta}-F_{i\gamma}g^{\gamma\rho}F_{\rho\beta})\mG^{\beta 0}=0 \nonumber \\ \end{aligned}\] that implies an existence of \(p-\)primary constraints \(\mH_i\) defined as \[\mH_i=p_M\partial_i x^M+F_{ij}\pi^j\approx 0 \ \] that are standard spatial diffeomorphism constraints. As the next step we should find Hamiltonian constraint. To do this we have to use crucial properties of the matrix \(\mG\) as follows from its definition given in ([\[defgeom\]](#defgeom){reference-type="ref" reference="defgeom"}). Namely, it is easy to see that \[\mF_{\mu\nu}g^{\nu\rho}\mG_{\rho\sigma}=\mG_{\mu\nu}g^{\nu\sigma}\mF_{\sigma\rho}\] or in matrix notation \[\label{mFgmG} \mF g^{-1}\mG=\mG g^{-1}\mF \.\] Using this relation we obtain \[\begin{aligned}
g\mG^{-1} \mF g^{-1}\mF=\mF\mG^{-1}\mF \nonumber \\ \end{aligned}\] that, in the end gives an important relation \[\begin{aligned}
\label{mG1} \mG^{-1}-g^{-1}=g^{-1}\mF\mG^{-1}\mF g^{-1} \, \nonumber \\ \end{aligned}\] where we also used the fact that \(\mF g^{-1}\mF=g-\mG\). Further, from ([\[mFgmG\]](#mFgmG){reference-type="ref" reference="mFgmG"}) we obtain \[\begin{aligned}
\label{mFgmG1} \mG^{-1} \mF g^{-1}=g^{-1}\mF \mG^{-1} \. \nonumber \\ \end{aligned}\] On the other hand using definition of \(\mG\) we get \[g^{\mu\nu}\mF_{\nu\rho}\mG^{\rho\sigma}=-\mG^{\sigma\rho}\mF_{\rho\nu}g^{\nu\mu} \.\] Now if we combine this relation with ([\[mFgmG1\]](#mFgmG1){reference-type="ref" reference="mFgmG1"}) we obtain \[\label{relanti} \mG^{\mu\nu}\mF_{\nu\rho} g^{\rho\sigma}=-\mG^{\sigma\rho}\mF_{\rho\nu}g^{\nu\mu} \.\] Then with the help of these results we can simplify expressions for canonical momenta given in ([\[momen\]](#momen){reference-type="ref" reference="momen"}) as \[\begin{aligned}
\label{PiM} \Pi_M=-T_p e^{-\phi}g_{MN}\partial_\beta x^N\mG^{\beta 0}(-g)^{1/4}(-\mG)^{1/4} \, \quad \pi^\alpha=T_p e^{-\phi}g^{\alpha\beta}\mF_{\beta\delta}\mG^{\delta 0}(-g)^{1/4}(-\mG)^{1/4} \. \nonumber \\ \end{aligned}\] Now we can proceed to the search for Hamiltonian constraint. We can expect that it will be quadratic in momenta and so that it is natural to consider following combination \(\Pi_M G^{MN}\Pi_N+\pi^ig_{ij}\pi^j\). Then, using ([\[PiM\]](#PiM){reference-type="ref" reference="PiM"}) we obtain \[\begin{aligned}
\label{searchcon} \Pi_M G^{MN}\Pi_N+\pi^i g_{ij}\pi^j=-T_p^2 e^{-2\phi}\mG^{00}(-g)^{1/2}(-\mG)^{1/2} \. \nonumber \\ \end{aligned}\] To proceed further let us again return to the definition of \(\mG\) given in ([\[defgeom\]](#defgeom){reference-type="ref" reference="defgeom"}) and write it in the form \[\begin{aligned}
\mG_{\alpha\beta}=(g_{\alpha\gamma}+\mF_{\alpha\gamma})(\delta^\gamma_\beta-g^{\gamma\delta}\mF_{\delta\beta}) \nonumber \\ \end{aligned}\] or in matrix notation \[\mG=(g+\mF)(I-g^{-1}\mF) \.\] Taking inverse of this relation and performing further manipulation we get \[(I-g^{-1}\mF)\mG^{-1}=(g+\mF)^{-1}\] that implies following relation \[\mG^{-1}-g^{-1}\mF\mG^{-1}=(g+\mF)^{-1} \.\] Now since \(\mG^{0\alpha}\mF_{\alpha\beta}g^{\beta 0}=0\) as follows from ([\[relanti\]](#relanti){reference-type="ref" reference="relanti"}) for \(\mu=\sigma=0\) we obtain important result \[\mG^{00}=(g+\mF)^{00}=\frac{\det (g_{ij}+\mF_{ij})}{\det (g+\mF)} \.\] Inserting this result into ([\[searchcon\]](#searchcon){reference-type="ref" reference="searchcon"}) we obtain final form of the Hamiltonian constraint \[\mH_\tau=\Pi_M G^{MN}\Pi_N+\pi^ig_{ij}\pi^j+T_p^2 e^{-2\phi}\det (g_{ij}+F_{ij})\approx 0 \.\] We see that the Hamiltonian constraint has the same form as in case of DBI action. In summary, we find that the Hamiltonian formulation of the geometrical action for Dp-brane consists \(p+1\) primary constraints \(\mH_i,\mH_\tau\) that are first class constraints which simply follow from the fact that they have the same form as constraints that follow from DBI action. Further, the requirement of the preservation of the primary constraint \(\pi^0\approx 0\) implies secondary constraint \(G\equiv \partial_i \pi^i\approx 0\) again with agreement with standard DBI action. In other words despite apparently different Lagrangian structure between geometrical and DBI actions we see that their Hamiltonian formulations are the same.
# Unstable D(p+1)-brane
The generalization of this approach to the case of unstable D(p+1)-brane is straightforward. To begin with we start with tachyon effective action \[S=-\tau_{p+1}\int d^{p+2}\] where \(\bA_{\alpha\beta}=g_{\alpha\beta}+l_s^2\partial_\alpha T\partial_\beta T+ l_s^2\mF_{\alpha\beta}\) where \(T\) is the tachyon field, \(V(T)\) is tachyon potential with two minima \(T_{min}=\pm \infty\) where \(V(T_{min})=0\) and one local maximum \(T_{max}=0\) where \(V(T_{max})=1\) [^1]. Finally, \(\tau_{p+1}\) is tension of unstable D(p+1)-bane. In order to demonstrate an analogy between tachyon and additional target space coordinate let us introducing variables \(Y^I=(x^M,T)\) and generalized metric \(H_{IJ}, I,J=0,\dots,10\) in the form \[H_{IJ}=\left(\begin{array}{cc} G_{MN} & 0 \\ 0 & l_s^2 \\ \end{array}\right)\] so that \(h_{\alpha\beta}=\partial_\alpha Y^IH_{IJ}\partial_\beta Y^J= \partial_\alpha x^M g_{MN}\partial_\beta x^N+l_s^2\partial_\alpha T\partial_\beta T\). Then it is easy to see that the geometrical action for non-BPS D(p+1)-brane has the form \[\label{unstablegeo} S=-\tau_{p+1}\int d^{p+2} \quad \mH_{\alpha\beta}=h_{\alpha\beta}-l_s^4 F_{\alpha\gamma}h^{\gamma\delta}F_{\delta\beta} \.\] It is clear that the Hamiltonian analysis of this D(p+1)-brane is the same as in case of stable Dp-brane so that we will not repeat it here. On the other hand we would like to see that the tachyon kink solution corresponds to stable Dp-brane. We study this problem following. Explicitly, tachyon kink solution corresponds to the tachyon profile \(T=f(z)\) where \(z= gauge fixing in the extended space-time with the metric\)H\_IJ\(. Clearly generally all world-volume fields still depend on\)T\(through the inverse relation\)z=f\^-1(T)\(. Further, we can take\)A_z=0\(by\)T-\(dependent gauge transformations. Following and also we consider situation when all world-volume fields do not depend on\)T\(\footnote{For general analysis, see. Roughly speaking, it was argued in that \)T-\(dependent fluctuations are non-normalizable and hence cannot correspond to open string excitations. Rather they should be interpreted as creating of non-trivial closed string.}. Let us denote remaining world-volume variables as\) \[\label{mhkink} h_{zz}=l_s^2f'^2(z) \, \quad h_{\balpha\bbeta}=g_{\balpha\bbeta} \, \quad h_{\balpha z}=0 \.\] Further, the matrix \(g^{\alpha\beta}\) is equal to \[g^{\alpha\beta}=\left(\begin{array}{cc} g^{\balpha\bbeta} & 0 \\ 0 & \frac{1}{f'^2} \\ \end{array}\right)\] so that we obtain \[\begin{aligned}
\label{mHkink} & &\mH_{zz}=l_s^2f'^2 \, \quad h_{zz}=f'^2 \, \quad h_{z\balpha}=0 \, \nonumber \\ & & \mH_{z\balpha}=0 \, \quad h_{\balpha\bbeta}=g_{\balpha\bbeta} \, \quad \mH_{\balpha\bbeta}=g_{\balpha\bbeta}-l_s^4 F_{\balpha\bgamma}g^{\bgamma\bdelta} F_{\bdelta \bbeta}\equiv \mG_{\alpha\beta} \. \nonumber \\ \end{aligned}\] Inserting ([\[mhkink\]](#mhkink){reference-type="ref" reference="mhkink"}) and ([\[mHkink\]](#mHkink){reference-type="ref" reference="mHkink"}) into ([\[unstablegeo\]](#unstablegeo){reference-type="ref" reference="unstablegeo"}) we get \[S_{non}^{fixed}(T=f(z))=-\tau_{p+1}l_s\int dz V(f(z))f'(z) \int d^{p+1}\] so that when we identify \[T_p=\tau_{p+1}^{non}l_s\int dm V(m)\] we obtain an geometrical form of action for stable Dp-brane which is again nice consistency check of the tachyon condensation.
[^1]: For simplicity we restrict ourselves to the case of zero NSNS two form. | {'timestamp': '2020-06-01T02:07:22', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14412', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14412'} |
# Introduction
The M5-brane is an interesting and important object in M-Theory for a variety of reasons. Its dynamics are described by a six-dimensional field theory with \((2,0)\) supersymmetry. For multiple M5-branes this is an interacting, strongly coupled superconformal field theory. However, we currently lack a satisfactory understanding of this theory. Nevertheless, a particularly fruitful application of M5-branes involves compactifying them on a manifold to obtain lower dimensional field theories. In this way, many novel field theories have been identified as well as relations/dualities between them. Recently, we have studied null reductions of the M5-brane (a related abelian construction already appeared in as well as in newer work ). In the simplest cases, this leads to the construction of novel non-abelian field theories in (4+1)-dimensions with 24 (conformal) supersymmetries. Due to the fact that one has fixed a particular null direction in the six-dimensional theory, the Lorentz group has been reduced from \(SO(1,5)\) to \(SO(4)\). However, they still admit a large bosonic spacetime symmetry, including a Lifshitz scaling, coming from the six-dimensional conformal group. In this paper we extend this discussion to general null reductions of the M5-brane on a curved manifold. Non-Lorentzian theories with Lifshitz scaling have received a great deal of attention, primarily from the perspective of their AdS dual geometry (for a review see ). While some supersymmetric Lifshitz theories have been explicitly constructed (for example see ) these often involve higher derivative terms, as is common in condensed matter systems. In contrast, the field theories we obtain do not have higher derivatives but involve Lagrange multiplier constraints that reduce the dynamics to motion on a moduli space of anti-self-dual gauge fields, in line with the DLCQ description of the M5-brane. Other classes of theories without Lorentz invariance but related to String/M-Theory have recently received attention in works such as. These more general null reductions should provide DLCQ-type descriptions of the field theories obtained by reducing M5-branes on other manifolds such as the Gaiotto theories. Since there is no six-dimensional action based on non-abelian fields, the standard construction is to reduce the abelian theory and then find a suitable non-abelian extension that is compatible with supersymmetry. For example, this was performed in for the case of a general spacelike circle fibration. This was then followed by, who generalised this construction to include additional non-dynamical supergravity background fields. In this paper we will apply these constructions to the case of a null reduction. We will not consider the full background supergravity fields that were discussed in, however we will extend our results to backgrounds coming from fluxes in M-theory and a non-trivial connection on the normal bundle. Although conceptually similar, reduction on a null direction is technically distinct from a spatial reduction and involves some interesting features. In particular in a spatial reduction on a coordinate \(x^5\) the self-duality constraint on the closed three-form \(H\) is solved by eliminating \(H_{MNP}\) in terms of \(F_{MN}\sim H_{MN 5}\) for \(M,N,P\ne 5\). One then introduces a gauge potential for \(F\) in order to formulate a Lagrangian. In contrast in a null reduction along \(x^+\) \(H\) leads to self-dual and anti-self-dual two-forms \(G_{ij}\sim H_{ij-}\) and \(F_{ij}\sim H_{ij+}\) in the remaining spatial directions \(i,j=1,2,3,4\). To construct the action we impose the self-duality of \(G\) and introduce a gauge potential for \(F\) off-shell. The equations of motion then imply the anti-self-duality of \(F\) along with a suitable closure condition on \(G\). This paper is organised as follows. In section two we perform the general reduction of the abelian \((2,0)\) theory equations on a general spacetime with a null isometry. While the \((2,0)\) theory is based on a tensor multiplet, upon reduction we obtain vector fields. We then generalise the resulting action to a supersymmetric non-abelian gauge theory in section three. In section four we examine some special cases of the general reduction, and in section five we include couplings to background flux terms. Section six contains our conclusions and comments. Our conventions are summarised in the appendix, along with some formulae for the geometry.
# The Abelian Dimensional Reduction
In this section we will reduce the equations of motion and supersymmetry variations of the abelian \((2,0)\) tensor multiplet on a six-dimensional manifold with metric \(\hat g_{MN}\) which admits a null Killing direction \(\hat{k}^M\). We will use hats to denote six-dimensional geometrical objects throughout.
## The Background
Consider a fixed curved background, *i.e.* there is no back-reaction on the metric from the matter fields. We will further only consider six-dimensional Lorentzian manifolds which admit a null killing vector field \[\begin{aligned}
\hat k = \frac{\partial}{\partial x^{+}} \. \end{aligned}\] In coordinates adapted to this isometry, \((x^{+}, x^{-}, x^{i} )\) \(i \in \{1, \dots,4\}\) it can be shown that the metric takes the general form (see also ) \[\begin{aligned}
\label{gdef} \hat{g}_{M N} = \begin{pmatrix} 0 &-1 &-u_j \\ -1 &-2\sigma & -v_j-2\sigma \, u_j \\ -u_i &-v_i-2\sigma \, u_i & g_{i j}-2 u_{(i}v_{j)}-2\sigma \, u_i u_j \end{pmatrix}\. \end{aligned}\] Here \(g_{i j}\) is a Euclidean signature metric of a four-dimensional submanifold of the full six-dimensional spacetime. All components of \(\hat g_{MN}\) are allowed to depend on \(x^-\) and \(x^i\). The metric component \(g_{+-}=-1\) has been fixed using a suitable choice of the coordinate \(x^-\). This somewhat contrived choice of metric was chosen as it leads to the simpler inverse metric \[\begin{aligned}
\hat{g}^{M N} = \begin{pmatrix} |v|^2 + 2 \sigma & \underline{u}\cdot \underline{v}-1 &-v^j \\ \underline{u}\cdot \underline{v}-1 & |u|^2 &-u^j \\ -v^i &-u^i & g^{ \, i j} \end{pmatrix}\. \end{aligned}\] It is important to note that this geometry is distinct from that invoked in, in which a spacelike circle is infinitely Lorentz boosted. Even if limits are examined carefully in that paper, one finds as the boost parameter goes to zero the length of the Killing vector is always positive. In contrast, our Killing vector has length zero, as would be expected from a null reduction. For the time being we do not consider any other background fields other than the metric; in section [5](#sec:flux){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:flux"} off-brane fluxes are added.
## Tensor Multiplet
The six-dimensional abelian \(\mathcal{N} = (2,0)\) tensor multiplet contains a self-dual 3-form, \[\begin{aligned}
H = \hat{\star} H, \end{aligned}\] along with five scalar fields, \(X^I\), and a symplectic Majorana-Weyl spinor \(\psi\). These fields transform in the trivial, fundamental, and spinor representations of the \(R\)-symmetry group \(SO(5)\) (or equivalently \(USp(4)\)) respectively. The supersymmetry transformations \[\begin{aligned}
\label{eq:susytrans} \begin{split} &\delta X^I = i \bar{\epsilon} \hat \Gamma^I \psi \\ &\delta H_{MNP} = 3i\partial_{[M}( \bar{\epsilon} \hat\Gamma_{NP]} \psi) \\ &\delta \psi = \hat D_M X^I \hat\Gamma^M \hat\Gamma^I \epsilon + \frac{1}{2 \cdot 3!} H_{MNP}\hat\Gamma^{MNP} \epsilon\, \end{split} \end{aligned}\] close up to the equations of motion: \[\begin{aligned}
H = \hat{\star} H\ ,\qquad \hat{d} H = 0\ ,\qquad \hat D^M\hat D_M X^I=0\ ,\qquad \hat\Gamma^M \hat D_M \psi=0\. \end{aligned}\] Here the supersymmetry parameter \(\epsilon\) has opposite chirality under \(\Gamma_{012345}\) to \(\psi\), we make the choice \(\Gamma_{012345}\epsilon = \epsilon\) and \(\Gamma_{012345} \psi =-\psi\).
## Reducing \(H = \hat{\star} H\)
Let us first define the (4+1)-dimensional fields: \[\begin{aligned}
F_{ij} = H_{ij+}, \qquad F_{i-} = H_{i-+}, \qquad G_{ij} = H_{ij-} \. \end{aligned}\] In a trivial geometry these three fields are the independent components of the six-dimensional 3-form \(H\), and \(F\) and \(G\) satisfy simple (anti-)self-duality constraints. Our task here is to see the implications of the six-dimensional self-duality condition for a general background. In what follows we use the geometrical quantities associated to the four-dimensional manifold with metric \(g_{ij}\). In particular we define the fields \(F^{ij}\), \(G^{ij}\) and \(F_{-}^{i}\) to have their indices raised by \(g^{\,ij}\). We also take \[\begin{aligned}
\varepsilon_{+-ijkl}=\varepsilon_{ijkl}\, \end{aligned}\] with \(\varepsilon_{1234}=1\). Along with the metric \(g_{ij}\), this allows us to define a four-dimensional Hodge star operator \(\star\). To proceed it is convenient to work with forms, we define the one forms \(v = v_i dx^i\), \(u = u_i dx^i\) and \(F_{-} = F_{i-} dx^i\), as well as the two forms \(F = \frac{1}{2} F_{ij} dx^i \wedge dx^j\) *etc.*. We also define the 3-form \(H = \frac{1}{3!}H_{ijk}dx^i\wedge dx^j \wedge dx^k\).\
Written in forms the self-duality condition on \(F_-\) is \[\begin{aligned}
\label{eq:F-form} F_{-} = \star(v\wedge u \wedge F_{-}) + \star(v \wedge F) + \star(u \wedge G )-\star H\. \end{aligned}\] Applying \(\star\) allows us to solve for \(H\) \[\begin{aligned}
\label{eq:Hform} H = \star F_{-} + v\wedge u \wedge F_{-} + v \wedge F + u \wedge G \. \end{aligned}\] Eliminating \(H\) from the other relations we create two equations that depend only on \(F_{-}, F, G\) along with the background fields \(\sigma,u,v\) and \(g\). In particular we find \[\begin{aligned}
\begin{split} F =-\star \! F + F_{-} \wedge u + \star (F_{-} \wedge u) \end{split} \nonumber\\ \begin{split} {G} = \star {G}-2 \sigma \star \! F-F_{-} \wedge v + \star (F_{-} \wedge v) + 2\sigma \star(F_{-} \wedge u) \. \end{split} \end{aligned}\] Defining \[\begin{aligned}
\mathcal{F} &= F-F_{-} \wedge u \nonumber\\ \mathcal{G} &= G-\sigma F-F_-\wedge (v+\sigma u) \ , \end{aligned}\] these expressions simplify further to \[\begin{aligned}
\begin{split} \mathcal{F} =-\star \! \mathcal{F} \end{split} \nonumber \\ \begin{split} {\cal G} = \star {\cal G}\. \end{split} \end{aligned}\]
## Decomposing \(\hat{d}H = 0\)
The exterior derivative is metric independent, so the results will hold for all backgrounds. In components \[\begin{aligned}
\partial_{[M}H_{NPQ]} = 0\. \end{aligned}\] Our construction has a \(x^{+}\) isometry, so all fields are independent of \(x^+\). This gives an expression for each of the combinations of indices \(+\!-\! ij, \ +ijk, \-ijk, \ ijkl\) \[\begin{aligned}
\partial_{[+}H_{-ij]} = 0 \quad \implies& \quad \partial_{-}F + dF_-= 0 \nonumber \\ \partial_{[+} H_{ijk]} = 0 \quad \implies& \quad dF = 0 \nonumber\\ \partial_{[-}H_{ijk]} = 0 \quad \implies& \quad d {G} = \partial_{-} H \nonumber\\ \partial_{[i} H_{jkl]} = 0 \quad \implies& \quad dH = 0. \end{aligned}\] Where we have written the 4 dimensional exterior derivative as \(d\). The first and second expressions can be combined to give a simple five-dimensional Bianchi identity \[\begin{aligned}
\label{eq:dF=0} \quad d_{(5)}F_{(5)} = 0 \ ,\qquad F_{(5)} = F + F_-\wedge dx^-\. \end{aligned}\] Implying that locally there exists \((A_-, A_i)\) such that \[\begin{aligned}
\label{eq:Adef} F_{ij} = \partial_{i} A_{j}-\partial_{j} A_{i}\, \qquad F_{i-} = \partial_{i} A_{-}-\partial_{-}A_{i}\. \end{aligned}\] The equations for \(\mathcal {G}\) and \(\mathcal{F}\) become \[\begin{aligned}
\begin{split} \label{eq:dH} d(\mathcal {G} + \sigma\mathcal{F}-F_{-}\wedge v ) = \partial_{-} ( \star F_{-} + v\wedge u \wedge F_{-} + v \wedge F + u \wedge (\mathcal {G} + \sigma \mathcal{F}-F_{-} \wedge v)) \end{split} \nonumber \\ \begin{split} d(\star F_{-} + v\wedge u \wedge F_{-} + v \wedge F + u \wedge (\mathcal {G} + \sigma \mathcal{F}-F_{-} \wedge v)) = 0\. \end{split} \end{aligned}\] Using the duality properties of \(\mathcal {F}\) and \(\mathcal {G}\) we can rewrite these equations in component form as \[\begin{aligned}
\begin{split} \label{eq:delta A} D_j \mathcal{G}^{i j} + D_j \big( \sigma \star \mathcal{F}^{ij} \big)-D_j \big( \star ( F_{-} \wedge v) ^{ij} \big) + D_{-} F^{i}_{\-}-D_{-} \big( \star F^{ij}v_j \big)-D_{-} \big( \sigma \star \mathcal{F}^{ij} u_j \big) \\-D_{-} \big( \mathcal {G}^{ij}u_j \big) = 0 \nonumber \end{split} \end{aligned}\] \[\begin{aligned}
-D_i F^{i}_{\-} + D_i \big( \star \! F^{ij}v_j \big) + D_i \big( \mathcal {G}^{ij} u_j \big) + D_i \big( \sigma \star \! \mathcal{F}^{ij} u_j \big) = 0\, \end{aligned}\] respectively.
## An Action
Lastly we wish to construct an action that reproduces these equations of motion, along with those of the scalars and fermions. In the latter cases a six-dimensional action already exists which can be trivially reduced to find an appropriate five-dimensional action. Somewhat remarkably the equations for \(F_-, F\) and \(\mathcal {G}\) can be derived from a Lagrangian density on a four-dimensional manifold with Euclidean signature, whose fields also depend on the 'time' coordinate \(x^-\). To this end we assume that \(F_-\) and \(F\) arise from a potential \((A_-,A_i)\) as in ([\[eq:Adef\]](#eq:Adef){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:Adef"}). However, we do not impose a potential for \(\mathcal {G}\) but rather impose \(\mathcal{G}=\star\mathcal{G}\) [^1]. Some trial and error shows that the equations of motion ([\[eq:delta A\]](#eq:delta A){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:delta A"}) then arise from the lagrangian \[\begin{aligned}
\mathcal{L}_H = \frac{1}{2} \star \! F_{-} \wedge F_{-}-\frac{1}{2} \sigma \star \! \mathcal{F} \wedge \mathcal{F} + \frac{1}{2} \mathcal{F} \wedge {\mathcal G}-\frac{1}{2} F \wedge F_{-} \wedge v \. \end{aligned}\] Where \[\begin{aligned}
F_{ij} &= \partial_i A_j -\partial_j A_i\nonumber\\ F_{i-} & = \partial_i A_--\partial_-A_i\nonumber\\ \mathcal{F}_{ij} & = F_{ij} + 2u_{[i}F_{j]-}\nonumber\\ \mathcal{G}_{ij} &= \frac12 \sqrt{g}\varepsilon_{ijkl}\mathcal{G}^{kl}\, \end{aligned}\] and the \(k,l\) indices are raised with respect to \(g^{ij}\). Variation with respect to \(\mathcal{ G}\) immediately gives the anti-self-dual condition \({\cal F}=-\star{\cal F}\). On the other hand, varying \(A_{i}\) and \(A_{-}\) give ([\[eq:delta A\]](#eq:delta A){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:delta A"}) respectively. Inclusion of the scalars and fermions is easier, as there is a Lagrangian formulation for the free conformal case in any dimension; \[\begin{aligned}
\mathcal{L}_{matter} =-\sqrt{-\hat g}\left(\frac12\hat g^{MN} \partial_M X^I\partial_N X^I +\frac{1}{8}\frac{d-2}{d-1} \hat R X^IX^I-\frac i2 \bar\psi\hat\Gamma^M \hat D_M\psi\right) \. \end{aligned}\] Performing the reduction by assuming \(\partial_+=0\), and inserting \(d=6\), we find \[\begin{aligned}
\mathcal{L}_{matter} = &-\sqrt{g} \left(\frac12\partial_i X^I \partial^i X^I-\frac12 |u|^2 \partial_{-}X^I \partial_{-} X^I + u^i \partial_i X^I \partial_{-}X^I-\frac{1}{10} \hat{R} X^I X^I\right. \nonumber\\ &\qquad \quad-\left. \frac{i}{2} \bar{\psi} \hat \Gamma^{-}\hat{D}_{-} \psi-\frac{i}{2} \bar{\psi}\hat \Gamma^{i}\hat{D}_{i} \psi-\frac{1}{2}i\bar\psi\hat M\psi \right)\, \end{aligned}\] where \[\begin{aligned}
\hat M &= \frac14\hat \Gamma^{+} \hat\omega_{+ MN}\hat \Gamma^{MN}\nonumber\\ & = \frac14\partial_-u_i \hat \Gamma^{+} \hat\Gamma^{-i} + \frac14 \partial_iu_j\hat \Gamma^{+} \hat\Gamma^{ij} \. \end{aligned}\] Note that we keep the fermionic terms and \(\hat R\) in their six-dimensional form. In principle these can be computed from the expression ([\[eq:viel\]](#eq:viel){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:viel"}), ([\[SpinC\]](#SpinC){reference-type="ref" reference="SpinC"}) and ([\[GammaRel\]](#GammaRel){reference-type="ref" reference="GammaRel"}) found in the appendix. However, expanding everything out in full detail for a general background leads to rather unwieldy expressions. Rather, we will provide more explicit expressions in various special cases below. It is helpful to introduce \[\begin{aligned}
\nabla_i = \partial_i-u_i \partial_-\ , \end{aligned}\] This derivative generally has torsion; \[\begin{aligned}
\nabla_{[i} \nabla_{j]} X^I =-2 \nabla_{[i}u_{j]} \partial_{-}X^I\. \end{aligned}\] One also finds that \[\begin{aligned}
\label{eq:bianchi} \nabla_{[i}\mathcal{F}_{jk]} = F_{-[i}(\partial_{j} u_{k]}-u_{j} \partial_{-} u_{k]}) \. \end{aligned}\] Putting all these together we can write the full abelian action as \[\begin{aligned}
\begin{split}\label{AAction} S = \frac{1}{{g^2_{\text{YM}}}}\int d x^{-} d^4 x \sqrt{g}\Big\{ \frac{1}{2} F_{i-} F^{i}_{-}-\frac{1}{4} \sigma \mathcal{F}_{ij}\mathcal{F}^{ij} + \frac{1}{2} {\cal G}_{ij}\mathcal{F}^{ij}-\frac{1}{2\sqrt{g}} \varepsilon^{ijkl} F_{i-} v_j F_{kl}\\-\frac{1}{2} {\nabla}_{i} X^I {\nabla}^i X^I -\frac{1}{10}\hat{R} X^I X^I + \frac{1}{2}i \bar{\psi} \Gamma^{-}\hat{D}_{-} \psi + \frac{1}{2}i \bar{\psi} \Gamma^{i}\hat{\nabla}_{i} \psi + \frac{1}{2}i\bar\psi\hat M\psi \Big\}\. \end{split} \end{aligned}\]
# Supersymmetry and Non-Abelian Generalization
Next we want to show that the action ([\[AAction\]](#AAction){reference-type="ref" reference="AAction"}) is supersymmetric. To this end we assume there there exists a solution to the conformal Killing spinor equation \[\begin{aligned}
\hat D_M\epsilon = \hat\Gamma_M\eta \, \end{aligned}\] with \(\partial_+\epsilon=0\). In particular this implies \[\begin{aligned}
\label{econ} \hat{D}_{+} \epsilon = \frac{1}{4} \hat{\omega}_{+MN}\hat{\Gamma}^{MN} \epsilon = \hat{\Gamma}_{+} \eta\, \end{aligned}\] which is a further condition that we must impose on the geometry. As it stands the action ([\[AAction\]](#AAction){reference-type="ref" reference="AAction"}) is not invariant under the transformations that follow directly from ([\[eq:susytrans\]](#eq:susytrans){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:susytrans"}). One problem is that the variation \(\delta \mathcal{G}_{ij}\) obtained from ([\[eq:susytrans\]](#eq:susytrans){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:susytrans"}) is not self-dual off-shell. Thus, we must adjust the algebra in a way that ensures \(\delta \mathcal{G}_{ij}\) is self-dual. A deeper issue is that although we impose the isometry \(\partial_+\psi=0\), this does not imply that \(\hat{D}_{+}\psi=0\). For the bosonic fields, this distinction does not cause a problem as both \(X^I\) and \(H_{MNP}\) do not couple to the spacetime connection (due to the fact that \(H_{MNP}\) is anti-symmetric). But for \(\psi\) this leads to the Scherk-Schwarz-like mass term \(\frac{i}{2}\bar\psi\hat M\psi\) in ([\[AAction\]](#AAction){reference-type="ref" reference="AAction"}). On-shell this is also not a problem as \(\delta H_{MNP}\) in ([\[eq:susytrans\]](#eq:susytrans){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:susytrans"}) contains terms involving \(\hat D_+\psi\) which lead to the closure of the algebra and invariance of the equations of motion. However, we find that the \(\bar \psi\hat M\psi\) term can only be made supersymmetric in general by modifying the variation of \(F_{-i}\) and \(F_{ij}\) in a way that means they are no longer closed. This in turn implies that a suitable expression for the supersymmetry variation of the gauge field cannot be defined. Since the existence of such a gauge field was crucial for the construction of the action, having no definable variation is not tenable. Alternatively, one might question why we start with the supersymmetry algebra ([\[eq:susytrans\]](#eq:susytrans){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:susytrans"}) and not simply \[\begin{aligned}
\begin{split} &\delta X^I = i \bar{\epsilon} \hat \Gamma^I \psi \\ &\delta B_{MN} = 2i \bar{\epsilon} \hat\Gamma_{MN} \psi \\ &\delta \psi = \hat D_M X^I \hat\Gamma^M\hat\Gamma^I \epsilon + \frac{1}{2 \cdot 2!} \partial_MB_{NP}\hat\Gamma^{MNP} \epsilon\, \end{split} \end{aligned}\] identify \(H = dB\) and impose \(H=\hat\star H\) as an equation of motion. However, in this case one finds that \(G_{ij} = 2\partial_{[i} B_{j]-} + \partial_-B_{ij}\) and hence imposing an off-shell self-duality constraint on \(\mathcal{G}_{ij}\) and \(\delta \mathcal{G}_{ij}\) becomes non-trivial. Thus, to obtain a supersymmetric action after reduction on \(x^+\) we find ourselves in a balancing act of finding off-shell expressions for \(\delta A_-,\delta A_i\) and \(\delta \mathcal{G}_{ij}=\star \delta \mathcal{G}_{ij}\) when \(\hat D_+\psi\ne0\).
## Correcting \(\delta\mathcal {G}\)
The next problem is that \(\delta\mathcal {G}\) is not self-dual off-shell, but to write the action we require that \(\mathcal {G}\) is self-dual. A short calculation shows that \[\begin{aligned}
\delta \mathcal{G}_{ij}-\star \delta \mathcal{G}_{ij} = i \bar{\epsilon} \Gamma_{-} \Gamma_{ij} E(\psi)\, \end{aligned}\] where \(E(\psi)\) denotes the fermion equation of motion. Therefore, we simply shift \(\delta \mathcal{G}_{ij} \longrightarrow \delta'\mathcal{G}_{ij} = \delta \mathcal{G}_{ij}-\frac{1}{2} i \bar{\epsilon} \Gamma_{-} \Gamma_{ij} E(\psi)\), resulting in \[\begin{aligned}
\delta' \mathcal{G}_{ij}-\star \delta' \mathcal{G}_{ij} = \delta \mathcal{G}_{ij}-\frac{1}{2} i \bar{\epsilon} \Gamma_{-} \Gamma_{ij} E(\psi)-\star \big( \delta \mathcal{G}_{ij}-\frac{1}{2} i \bar{\epsilon} \Gamma_{-} \Gamma_{ij} E(\psi) \big ) = 0\, \end{aligned}\] relabelling \(\delta' \mathcal{G}_{ij}\) to \(\delta \mathcal{G}_{ij}\) gives us a self-dual \(\delta\mathcal{G}\).\
Next the \(\sigma\mathcal{F}_{ij} \mathcal{F}^{ij}\) term, not present in the flat theory, must be accounted for in the supersymmetry transformations. This leads to a variation of the form \[\begin{aligned}
\label{newdL} \delta {\cal L} =-\frac12 \sigma \mathcal{F}^{ij}\delta \mathcal{F}_{ij} \. \end{aligned}\] We must use properties of \(\mathcal{F}_{ij}\) to shift \(\delta \mathcal{G}_{ij}\) in such a way to cancel the effects of this new term, whilst ensuring \(\delta \mathcal{G}_{ij}\) remains self-dual.\
It is useful to note that a fermionic term of definite duality, *e.g.* \(\bar{\epsilon} \Gamma_{+} \Gamma_{ij} \psi\), can be used to build other terms of either the same or opposite duality (see Appendix A for for origin of these dualities). For instance, inserting an additional \(\Gamma_{k}\) will result in either a term of the same duality; \(\bar{\epsilon} \Gamma_{+} \Gamma_{k} \Gamma_{ij} \psi\), or opposite duality; \(\bar{\epsilon} \Gamma_{+} \Gamma_{ij} \Gamma_{k} \psi\).. With this in mind we choose the shift \[\begin{aligned}
\label{eq:Gshift} \delta \mathcal{G}_{ij} \longrightarrow \delta \mathcal{G}_{ij} + i \bar{\epsilon} \sigma \Gamma_{+} \Gamma_{ij} \Gamma_{k} \hat{\nabla}^{k} \psi \, \end{aligned}\] which is self-dual by construction. A simple Gamma matrix manipulation shows the overall change to \(\delta \mathcal{L}\) is \[\begin{aligned}
\delta \mathcal{L} \longrightarrow \delta \mathcal{L} + \frac{1}{2} \mathcal{F}^{ij}( i\bar{\epsilon} \sigma \Gamma_{+}\Gamma_{ijk} \hat{\nabla}^{k} \psi + 2i \bar{\epsilon} \sigma \Gamma_{+[i} \hat{\nabla}_{j]} \psi ) \end{aligned}\] The last term cancels ([\[newdL\]](#newdL){reference-type="ref" reference="newdL"}) so we require the second term to vanish for supersymmetry. This is trivially true if \(\sigma = 0\). Looking at the form of ([\[eq:bianchi\]](#eq:bianchi){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:bianchi"}) for \(\mathcal{F}\) under \(\nabla\), the first term is a total derivative if \(du-u \wedge \partial_{-} u = 0\) and \(\partial_i\sigma=0\). These three possibilities: \(\sigma=0\) or \(du-u \wedge \partial_{-} u = 0\) and \(\partial_i\sigma=0\) or \(\Gamma_+\epsilon=0\), arise in the two natural cases studied below. Note that \(\delta \mathcal{G}_{ij}\) also has a term proportional to \(\eta\), to account for terms arising from integration by parts.\
Our corrected supersymmetry transformations read \[\begin{aligned}
\begin{split} &\delta X^I = i \bar{\epsilon}\Gamma^{I} \psi \\ &\delta A_i \; =-i \bar{\epsilon}(\Gamma_{+-}u_i + \Gamma_{+i}) \psi \\ &\delta A_{-} =-i \bar{\epsilon} \Gamma_{+-} \psi \\ &\delta \mathcal{G}_{ij} = -\frac{1}{2} i \bar{\epsilon} \Gamma_{+} \Gamma_{-} \Gamma_{ij} \hat{D}_{-} \psi-\frac{1}{2 }i \bar{\epsilon} \Gamma_{-}\Gamma^{k} \Gamma_{ij} \hat{\nabla}_{k} \psi + i \bar{\epsilon} \sigma \Gamma_{+} \Gamma_{ij} \Gamma^{k} \hat{\nabla}_{k} \psi-3 i \bar{\eta}\Gamma_{-} \Gamma_{ij} \psi \\ & \delta {\psi} \ \ \: \! =-F_{i-} \Gamma^{+-i}{\epsilon}+ \frac{1}{4} \mathcal{F}_{ij} \Gamma^{+ij}{\epsilon} + \frac{1}{4}\mathcal{G}_{ij} \Gamma^{-ij}{\epsilon} + \Gamma^{-} \Gamma^I {D}_{-}X^I {\epsilon} + \Gamma^i \Gamma^I \hat{\nabla}_i X^I{\epsilon}-4 X^I \Gamma^I{\eta} \. \end{split} \end{aligned}\] Again we have kept many of the fermionic terms in their six-dimensional form for notational simplicity. With these supersymmetry transformations we find that the action ([\[AAction\]](#AAction){reference-type="ref" reference="AAction"}) is invariant up to terms arising from the \(\bar\psi\hat M\psi\) term, and terms from the shift to \(\delta G\). In other words we find \(\delta S=0\) if \[\begin{aligned}
\label{Mconstraint} \delta\bar \psi \hat M\psi =0 \end{aligned}\] and \[\begin{aligned}
\label{OtherConstraints} \sigma &= 0 \nonumber\\ \text{or} \quad du-u \wedge \partial_{-} u &= 0\ {\rm and}\ \partial_i\sigma=0\\ \text{or} \quad du-u \wedge \partial_{-} u &= 0\ {\rm and}\ \Gamma_+\epsilon=0\.\nonumber \end{aligned}\] The implications of these constraints are explored in section [4.1](#sec:M){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:M"}, and as we will see there is a remarkable amount of redundancy between them.
## Non-Abelian Theory
Our next task is to find a non-abelian extension of the abelian action found above which remains supersymmetric. After some trial and error we find that, assuming ([\[Mconstraint\]](#Mconstraint){reference-type="ref" reference="Mconstraint"}) and ([\[OtherConstraints\]](#OtherConstraints){reference-type="ref" reference="OtherConstraints"}) holds, non-abelian extension is \[\begin{aligned}
\begin{split} S = \frac{1}{{g^2_{\text{YM}}}}\text{tr} \int d x^{-} d^4 x \sqrt{g}\Big\{& \frac{1}{2} F_{i-} F^{i}_{-}-\frac{1}{4} \sigma \mathcal{F}_{ij}\mathcal{F}^{ij} + \frac{1}{2} \mathcal{G}_{ij}\mathcal{F}^{ij}-\frac{1}{2\sqrt{g}} \varepsilon^{ijkl} F_{i-} v_j F_{kl} \\ &-\frac{1}{2} {\nabla}_{i} X^I {\nabla}^i X^I-\frac{1}{10}\hat{R} X^I X^I+\frac{i}{2}\bar\psi\hat M\psi \\ &+ \frac{1}{2}i \bar{\psi} \Gamma^{-}\hat{D}_{-} \psi + \frac{1}{2}i \bar{\psi} \Gamma^{i}\hat{\nabla}_{i} \psi + \frac{1}{2} \bar{\psi} \Gamma_{+} \Gamma^I \big [ X^I, \psi \big] \Big\}\, \end{split} \end{aligned}\] where all the fields now live in the adjoint of some gauge group. The supersymmetry transformations are \[\begin{aligned}
\begin{split} &\delta X^I = i \bar{\epsilon}\Gamma^{I} \psi \\ &\delta A_i \; =-i \bar{\epsilon}(\Gamma_{+-}u_i + \Gamma_{+i}) \psi \\ &\delta A_{-} =-i \bar{\epsilon} \Gamma_{+-} \psi \\ &\delta \mathcal{G}_{ij} = -\frac{1}{2} i \bar{\epsilon} \Gamma_{+} \Gamma_{-} \Gamma_{ij} \hat{D}_{-} \psi-\frac{1}{2 }i \bar{\epsilon} \Gamma_{-}\Gamma^{k} \Gamma_{ij} \hat{\nabla}_{k} \psi + i \bar{\epsilon} \sigma \Gamma_{+} \Gamma_{ij} \Gamma^{k} \hat{\nabla}_{k} \psi \\ & \qquad \quad-\frac{1}{2}i \bar{\epsilon} \Gamma_+\Gamma_-\Gamma_{ij} \Gamma^{I} \big[ X^I, \psi \big]-3 i \bar{\eta}\Gamma_{-} \Gamma_{ij} \psi \\ & \delta {\psi} \ \ \: \! =-F_{i-} \Gamma^{+-i}{\epsilon}+ \frac{1}{4} \mathcal{F}_{ij} \Gamma^{+ij}{\epsilon} + \frac{1}{4}\mathcal{G}_{ij} \Gamma^{-ij}{\epsilon} + \Gamma^{-} \Gamma^I {D}_{-}X^I {\epsilon} + \Gamma^i \Gamma^I \hat{\nabla}_i X^I{\epsilon} \\ & \qquad \quad + \frac{i}{2} \Gamma_{+} \Gamma^{IJ} \big [X^I, X^J \big]{\epsilon}-4 X^I \Gamma^I{\eta} \, \end{split} \end{aligned}\] where again we have left \(\hat R\) and the fermion derivatives in their six-dimensional form.
## Twisting
We can also introduce an non-zero connection on the R-symmetry of the form \[\begin{aligned}
\hat {\cal D}_M X^I &= \hat \partial_M X^I + \hat {A}_M(X^I)\nonumber\\ \hat {\cal D}_M\psi & = \hat D_M\psi + \frac14 \hat \Omega_M^{IJ}\Gamma^{IJ}\psi\, \end{aligned}\] and similarly for \(\hat {\cal D}_M\epsilon\). This will allow us to introduce a twisting of the normal bundle. Here \(\hat A_M\) acts on \(X^I\) in a representation of some subgroup \(Q\) of \(SO(5)\) and \(\hat \Omega^{IJ}_M\) provides a spinor embedding of \(Q\) into \(Spin(5)\). Since this modification only affects the dynamics through derivatives of the scalars and fermions, we can see its effect by modifying the matter part of the six-dimensional action to \[\begin{aligned}
S_{matter} = {\rm tr}\int d^6x \sqrt{-\hat g}\left(-\frac12 {\cal D}_M X^I {\cal D}^M X^I + \frac{i}{2}\bar\psi\hat\Gamma^M{\cal D}_M\psi -\frac{1}{10}\hat R X^IX^I-\frac{1}{2} T^{IJ}X^IX^J\right)\, \end{aligned}\] where \(T^{IJ}\) is an invariant tensor of \(Q\). This modification leads to \[\begin{aligned}
\delta S_{matter} = {\rm tr}\int d^6x \sqrt{-\hat g}\Big(\frac{i}{10}\bar\psi \Gamma^{IJK}\Gamma^{MN}\epsilon \hat {\cal R}_{MN}{}^{JK} X^I &+ \frac{3i}{10}\bar\psi \Gamma^I\Gamma^{MN}\epsilon \hat {\cal R}_{MN}{}^{IJ} X^J\nonumber\\ &-iT^{IJ}\bar\psi \Gamma^IX^J\Big)\, \end{aligned}\] where \(\hat {\cal R}_{MN}{}^{IJ}\) is the curvature of \(\hat \Omega^{IJ}_M\). Thus, to obtain a supersymmetric reduction we must ensure \(\hat {\cal D}_M\epsilon=\hat\Gamma_M\eta\), \(\partial_+\epsilon=0\) and arrange for suitable choices of curvature and \(T^{IJ}\) so that the terms in \(\delta S_{matter}\) cancel. Indeed, the usual role of twisting is to allow for solutions to \(\hat {\cal D}_M\epsilon=0\) on manifolds with non-vanishing curvature. For example, in the case of a Riemann surface along \(x^3,x^4\) with normal directions \(X^6,X^{7}\) the first term vanishes and we can arrange to cancel the last two by taking \[\begin{aligned}
T^{67} = \mp\frac{3}{5}\hat {\cal R}_{34}{}^{67}\, \end{aligned}\] and projecting on to spinors with \(\hat \Gamma_{34}\hat\Gamma^{67}\epsilon =\pm \epsilon\), where the sign is chosen to correspond to solutions of \(\hat {\cal D}_M\epsilon=0\).
# Examples
In the previous section we constructed the non-abelian extension of the reduced M5-brane equations and their supersymmetry transformations. We left the fermion terms in a six-dimensional form as the complete expression in full generality is quite complicated and unenlightening. In this section we will evaluate some general classes of examples explicitly.
## Obstruction from \(\hat M\) {#sec:M}
In order to obtain a supersymmetric reduction we require in addition that ([\[Mconstraint\]](#Mconstraint){reference-type="ref" reference="Mconstraint"}), *i.e.* \(\delta\bar\psi\hat M\psi=0\), is satisfied. In addition the condition ([\[econ\]](#econ){reference-type="ref" reference="econ"}) ensures that \[\begin{aligned}
\label{e+conditions} \frac14\partial_-u_i\Gamma^{-i}\epsilon_-+ \frac14(\partial_iu_j-u_i\partial_-u_j)\Gamma^{ij}\epsilon_+ & = \Gamma_+\eta\nonumber\\ \partial_iu_j\Gamma^{ij}\epsilon_-& = 0\. \end{aligned}\] We do not propose to give the general solutions to these conditions which place various restrictions on both \(\epsilon\) and the background fields \(\sigma,u,v\). For example, if \(du\) is not anti-self-dual then the second equation implies that \(\epsilon_-=0\). Since there are no mass terms for the scalars (beyond the usual conformal coupling to the curvature) a physically well-motivated class of background that ensures ([\[Mconstraint\]](#Mconstraint){reference-type="ref" reference="Mconstraint"}) are those for which there is also no mass term for the fermions: \[\begin{aligned}
\bar\psi\hat M\psi =0\. \end{aligned}\] This leads to the following conditions on the background fields \[\begin{aligned}
du-u\wedge \partial_-u & =-\star(du-u\wedge \partial_-u)\nonumber\\ \partial_-u & =-2i_v(du-u\wedge \partial_-u) \nonumber\\ \sigma(du-u\wedge \partial_-u) &= \frac12 (1-\star)(v\wedge \partial_-u)\. \end{aligned}\] With \(i_v(\cdot)\) denoting contraction with \(v\). We also had a further constraint that had two choices, arising from our requirement to only shift \(\delta G\) by self dual terms. One recalls \[\begin{aligned}
\sigma = 0 \quad \text{or} \quad du-u \wedge \partial_{-} u = 0 \. \end{aligned}\] There are two natural solutions to these constraints:[^2] \[\begin{aligned}
{\rm case }\ &1: u\ne 0\ ,\partial_{-}u =0 \quad\implies \quad v = \sigma = 0\ ,\ du=-\star du \nonumber\\ {\rm case }\ &2: u = 0\ ,\ v ,\sigma \ne 0\.\end{aligned}\] Therefore, from ([\[e+conditions\]](#e+conditions){reference-type="ref" reference="e+conditions"}) we find \[\begin{aligned}
{\rm case\ 1}&: \epsilon_-\ne 0\quad \eta =-\frac18\partial_iu_j\Gamma_-\Gamma^{ij}\epsilon_+ \nonumber\\ {\rm case\ 2}&: \eta=0\. \end{aligned}\] In what follows we will only focus on these two cases so that we can be as explicit as possible. We emphasize that other solutions to the constraints ([\[econ\]](#econ){reference-type="ref" reference="econ"}) and ([\[Mconstraint\]](#Mconstraint){reference-type="ref" reference="Mconstraint"}) might also be possible.
## Case 1: \(\partial_{-}u = v = \sigma = 0\quad du=-\star du\)
Here the action is \[\begin{aligned}
\begin{split} S = \frac{1}{{g^2_{\text{YM}}}}\int d x^{-} d^4 x \sqrt{g}\Big\{ \frac{1}{2} F_{i-} F^{i}{}_{-} + \frac{1}{2} \mathcal{G}_{ij}\mathcal{F}^{ij}-\frac{1}{2} \nabla_{i} X^I \nabla^i X^I-\frac{1}{10}\hat{R} X^I X^I \\ +\frac{1}{2}i\bar{\psi}\Gamma^{-}D_{-} \psi + \frac{1}{2}i \bar{\psi} \Gamma^{i} \nabla_i \psi-\frac{1}{4} e^{\underline{i}}_{\ [i} \partial_{-}e_{j]\underline{i}} \bar{\psi}(\Gamma^{-}-u_k \Gamma^k) \Gamma^{ij} \psi \\ + \frac{1}{2} \bar{\psi} \Gamma_{+} \Gamma^{I} \big [ X^I, \psi \big ] \Big\}, \end{split} \end{aligned}\] which is invariant under \[\begin{aligned}
\begin{split} &\delta X^I = i \bar{\epsilon}\Gamma^{I} \psi \\ &\delta A_i \; =-i \bar{\epsilon}(\Gamma_{+-}u_i + \Gamma_{+i}) \psi \\ &\delta A_{-} =-i \bar{\epsilon} \Gamma_{+-} \psi \\ &\delta \mathcal{G}_{ij} = -\frac{1}{2} i \bar{\epsilon} \Gamma_{+} \Gamma_{-} \Gamma_{ij} D_{-} \psi-\frac{1}{2 }i \bar{\epsilon} \Gamma_{-}\Gamma^{k} \Gamma_{ij}( D_{k}-u_k D_{-}) \psi-\frac{1}{2}i \partial_{-} g_{kl} \bar{\epsilon} \Gamma^k \Gamma_{ij} \Gamma^l \psi_{-} \\ & \qquad \quad \,-\frac{1}{4}i e^{\underline{i}}_{\ [k} \partial_{-} e_{l] \underline{i}} \bar{\epsilon} \Gamma_{ij} \Gamma^{kl} \psi_{+}-\frac{1}{8}i e^{\underline{i}}_{\ [k} \partial_{-} e_{l] \underline{i}} u_p \bar{\epsilon} \Gamma^p \Gamma_{ij} \Gamma^{+} \Gamma^{kl} \psi-3 i \bar{\eta}\Gamma_{-} \Gamma_{ij} \psi \\ & \qquad \quad \,-\frac{1}{2}i \bar{\epsilon} \Gamma_+\Gamma_-\Gamma_{ij} \Gamma^{I} \big[ X^I, \psi \big] \\ & \delta {\psi} \ \ \: \! =-F_{i-} \Gamma^{+-i}{\epsilon}+ \frac{1}{4} \mathcal{F}_{ij} \Gamma^{+ij}{\epsilon} + \frac{1}{4}\mathcal{G}_{ij} \Gamma^{-ij}{\epsilon} + \Gamma^{-} \Gamma^I {D}_{-}X^I {\epsilon} + \Gamma^i \Gamma^I {\nabla}_i X^I{\epsilon} \\ & \qquad \quad \, + \frac{i}{2} \Gamma_{+} \Gamma^{IJ} \big [X^I, X^J \big]{\epsilon}-4 X^I \Gamma^I{\eta} \. \end{split} \end{aligned}\] For brevity we have left the six-dimensional Ricci scalar unexpanded, for completeness in terms of four-dimensional objects only this is \[\begin{aligned}
\begin{split} \hat{R} = R &-\frac{1}{2}g^{ij}\big( \partial_{-}^2 g_{ij} + \frac{1}{2}|u|^2 g^{kl} \partial_{-}g_{ik} \partial_{-}g_{jl}-g^{kl} \partial_{-} g_{ik} u_m \gamma^m_{\ jl}\big) \\ &-u^i \big( \partial_j g^{jk} \partial_{-} g_{ki} + g^{jk}\partial_{-}g_{ik} \gamma^{l}_{\ kl}-g^{jk} \partial_{-} g_{kl} \gamma^{l}_{\ ji}-\partial_{-} \gamma^{j}_{\ ij} + \frac{1}{2}\partial_i (g^{jk}\partial_{-} g_{jk}) \big), \end{split} \end{aligned}\] with \(\gamma^{i}_{ \ jk}\) the Christoffel symbols of the 4d metric. In the specific case of this metric being independent of \(x^{-}\) this reduces to \[\begin{aligned}
\hat{R} = R\. \end{aligned}\]
## Case 2: \(u=0\)
\begin{split} S = \frac{1}{{g^2_{\text{YM}}}}\int d x^{-} d^4 x \sqrt{g}\Big\{ \frac{1}{2} F_{i-} F^{i}{}_{-}-\frac{1}{4} \sigma F_{ij}F^{ij} + \frac{1}{2} {\mathcal G}_{ij}F^{ij}-\frac{1}{2\sqrt{g}} \varepsilon^{ijkl} F_{i-} v_j F_{kl} \\-\frac{1}{2} D_{i} X^I D^i X^I + \frac{1}{2} i \bar{\psi} \Gamma^{-}D_{-} \psi + \frac{1}{2} i \bar{\psi} \Gamma^{i} D_{i} \psi-\frac{1}{4}(\partial_{[i} v_{j]} + e^{\underline{i}}_{\ [i} \partial_{-}e_{j]\underline{i}}) \bar{\psi} \Gamma^{-ij} \psi \\ + \frac{1}{2} \bar{\psi} \Gamma_{+} \Gamma^{I} \big [ X^I, \psi \big ] \Big \}, \end{split} \end{aligned}\] since \(u\) is now zero \(\mathcal{F} = F\). Note also that since \(\eta = 0\), we have \(\hat D_M\epsilon=0\) and hence \(\hat R=0\). This action is invariant under the following transformations \[\begin{aligned}
\begin{split} &\delta X^I = i \bar{\epsilon}\Gamma^{I} \psi \\ &\delta A_i \; =-i \bar{\epsilon} \Gamma_{+i} \psi \\ &\delta A_{-} =-i \bar{\epsilon} \Gamma_{+-} \psi \\ &\delta \mathcal{G}_{ij} = -\frac{1}{2} i \bar{\epsilon} \Gamma_{+} \Gamma_{-} \Gamma_{ij} D_{-} \psi + \frac{1}{2}i (\partial_{-} v_k-\partial_{k} \sigma) \bar{\epsilon} \Gamma_{ij} \Gamma^{-k} \psi-\frac{1}{8} i (\partial_k v_l-e^{\underline{i}}_{\ k} \partial_{-} e_{\underline{i} l}) \bar{\epsilon} \Gamma_{ij} \Gamma^{kl} \Gamma_{+} \Gamma_{-} \psi \\ & \qquad \quad-\frac{1}{2 }i \bar{\epsilon} \Gamma_{-}\Gamma^{k} \Gamma_{ij} D_{k} \psi-\frac{1}{4} i (\partial_k v_l-\frac{1}{2} \partial_{-} g_{kl} ) \bar{\epsilon} \Gamma^{k}\Gamma_{ij} \Gamma^{l} \Gamma_{-} \Gamma_{+} \psi + i \bar{\epsilon} \sigma \Gamma_{+} \Gamma_{ij} \Gamma^{k} D_{k} \psi \\ & \qquad \quad-\frac{1}{2}i \bar{\epsilon} \Gamma_+\Gamma_-\Gamma_{ij} \Gamma^{I} \big[ X^I, \psi \big] \\ & \delta {\psi} \ \ \: \! =-F_{i-} \Gamma^{+-i}{\epsilon}+ \frac{1}{4} {F}_{ij} \Gamma^{+ij}{\epsilon} + \frac{1}{4}\mathcal{G}_{ij} \Gamma^{-ij}{\epsilon} + \Gamma^{-} \Gamma^I {D}_{-}X^I {\epsilon} + \Gamma^i \Gamma^ID_i X^I{\epsilon} \\ & \qquad \quad + \frac{i}{2} \Gamma_{+} \Gamma^{IJ} \big [X^I, X^J \big]{\epsilon} \. \end{split} \end{aligned}\] However, we remind the reader that, due to ([\[OtherConstraints\]](#OtherConstraints){reference-type="ref" reference="OtherConstraints"}), the action is only invariant under \(\epsilon_+\ne 0\) if \(\sigma\) is independent of \(x^i\).
# Flux Terms {#sec:flux}
In the reduced M5-branes action is coupled to background supergravity fields such as a non-zero M-theory 4-form \(\hat G_{\mu\nu\rho\sigma}\).[^3] The presence of such a flux leads to Myers-like terms in the M5-brane effective action. In addition the fluxes modify the Killing spinor condition to: \[\begin{aligned}
\label{MKSE} 0=\hat D_\mu \epsilon + \frac{1}{288}\left(\hat G_{\nu\lambda\rho\sigma}\hat \Gamma^{\nu\lambda\rho\sigma}{}_\mu+ 8\hat G_{\mu\nu\lambda\rho}\hat \Gamma^{\nu\lambda\rho}\right)\epsilon\. \end{aligned}\] We need to find fluxes that are compatible with the condition \(\partial_+\epsilon=0\). In particular applying the condition \(\partial_+\epsilon=0\) to ([\[MKSE\]](#MKSE){reference-type="ref" reference="MKSE"}) for the choice \(\mu=+\) leads to a purely algebraic constraint. For simplicity we will restrict our attention here to cases where this constraint is trivial: *i.e.* \(\hat D_+\epsilon=0\) and there is no contribution in ([\[MKSE\]](#MKSE){reference-type="ref" reference="MKSE"}) from the fluxes for \(\mu=+\). Non-trivial cases arise in case 1 and require a cancellation between \(\hat D_+\epsilon\) and the fluxes or twisting (and perhaps including additional restrictions on \(\epsilon\)). These are better addressed on a case-by-case basis rather than our general discussion. Thus, we restrict to case 2 (\(u=0\)), where \(\hat D_+\epsilon=\partial_+\epsilon=0\). From the form of the above Killing spinor equation, it is easy to see that we need only consider constant fluxes of the form \[\begin{aligned}
\hat G_{\mu\nu\lambda-} = C_{\mu\nu\lambda} \, \end{aligned}\] with \(\mu,\nu,\lambda\ne +,-\). In particular we find the possibilities \(C_{IJK},C_{IJk}, C_{Ijk}\) and \(C_{ijk}\), with all other combinations identically zero. These are expected to lead to additional terms in the M5-brane effective action of the form: \[\begin{aligned}
S' \sim \frac{1}{{g^2_{\text{YM}}}}{\rm tr}\int d x^-d^4 x\sqrt{g} \Big(& C^{IJK} X^I[X^J,X^K] + C^{IJi} X^ID_iX^J + C^{Iij} X^IF_{ij} \nonumber \\ & + C^{ijk}\left(A_i\partial_j A_k-\frac{2i}{3}A_iA_jA_k\right)-\frac{1}{2}m^2_{IJ}X^IX^J +\frac{i}{2}\bar \psi m\psi \Big)\, \end{aligned}\] where \(m\) and \(m_{IJ}\) are a masses which are linear in the fluxes. Starting with a general ansatz, we find only the following corrections to the action can be made supersymmetric: \[\begin{aligned}
\label{Sprime} S'= \frac{1}{{g^2_{\text{YM}}}}{\rm tr}\int d x^-d^4 x\sqrt{g}\left(\ \frac{1}{6}C^{Iij} X^IF_{ij}+\frac{i}{144}\bar \psi \left(-\Gamma_+C^{IJK}\Gamma^{IJK}+ 3 \Gamma_+C^{Ijk}\Gamma^{I}{}\Gamma_{jk} \right)\psi\right)\. \end{aligned}\] Along with this there are additional terms in the supersymmetry transformations: \(\delta\to \delta+\delta'\) with \[\begin{aligned}
\delta' \psi & = -\frac{1}{12} C^{JKL}\Gamma^{IJKL}\Gamma_+X^I\epsilon-\frac{1}{6} C^{IJK}\Gamma^{JK}\Gamma_+X^I \epsilon \nonumber\\ &\qquad -\frac13 C^{Ijk}\Gamma_{jk}\Gamma_+X^I\epsilon-\frac14 C^{Ijk}\Gamma_+\Gamma_{jk}\Gamma^{IJ}X^J\epsilon \nonumber\\ \delta'G_{ij} & =-\frac{7i}{144} C^{IJK} \bar\epsilon\Gamma_+\Gamma_{ij}\Gamma_-\Gamma^{IJK}\psi + \frac{i}{12} (C^I+\star C^I)_{ij}\bar\epsilon \Gamma_-\Gamma_+ \Gamma^I\psi \nonumber\\ &\qquad-\frac{5i}{24}C^{Ikl}\bar\epsilon\Gamma_+\Gamma_-\Gamma^{I} \Gamma_{kl}\Gamma_{ij}\psi -\frac{i}{48} C^{Ikl} \bar\epsilon\Gamma_+\Gamma_-\Gamma^{I}\Gamma_{ij}\Gamma_{kl}\psi \, \end{aligned}\] and furthermore the Killing spinor equation is modified to \[\begin{aligned}
\hat{D}_i\epsilon &= \frac{1}{72} C^{IJK}\Gamma^{IJK}\Gamma_+\Gamma_i\epsilon -\frac16 C^I{}_{ik}\Gamma^{I}\Gamma^k \Gamma_+\epsilon-\frac{1}{24} C^{Ijk}\Gamma^{I}\Gamma_{ijk} \Gamma_+\epsilon \nonumber\\ \hat{D}_-\epsilon &= \frac{1}{72} C^{IJK}\Gamma^{IJK}\Gamma_{+-}\epsilon+\frac{1}{36} C^{IJK}\Gamma^{IJK} \epsilon + \frac{1}{24} C^{Ijk}\Gamma^I\Gamma_{jk}\Gamma_{+-}\epsilon +\frac{1}{12} C^{Ijk}\Gamma^I\Gamma_{jk}\epsilon \nonumber\\ \hat{D}_+\epsilon &= 0\, \end{aligned}\] which is in agreement with the eleven-dimensional supergravity Killing spinor equation ([\[MKSE\]](#MKSE){reference-type="ref" reference="MKSE"}). At first glance our result is somewhat surprising: we find no supersymmetric corrections possible for fluxes of the form \(C^{ijk}\) or \(C^{IJk}\), no Myers-type flux term for \(C^{IJK}\) and no bosonic mass terms at all. One way to see this strange behaviour is to note that the null theory can be obtained from a non-Lorentzian rescaling of familiar five-dimensional Yang-Mills theory. Here one makes the rescaling of space and time according to \[\begin{aligned}
x^i \to \zeta^{-1/2} x^i, \qquad x^0\to \zeta^{-1} x^0 \, \end{aligned}\] and the matter fields by \[\begin{aligned}
X^I \to \zeta X^I\ ,\qquad \psi_+\to \zeta^{3/2}\psi_+\ ,\qquad \psi_-\to \zeta \psi_-\, \end{aligned}\] and then takes the limit \(\zeta\to 0\), carefully removing divergent terms. One then makes the identification \(x^-=x^0\) (but note that \(\Gamma_{-} = (\Gamma_0-\Gamma_5)/\sqrt{2}\)). The scaling of the supersymmetry parameter \(\epsilon\) is fixed by requiring the fields scale the same way as their supersymmetry variations, this leads to \[\begin{aligned}
\epsilon_+ \to \epsilon_+\ ,\qquad \epsilon_-\to \zeta^{-1/2}\epsilon_- \. \end{aligned}\] Let us now consider the form of \(S'\) that would arise from a spacelike reduction of the M5-brane in a non-vanishing supergravity flux (*e.g.* as in ): \[\begin{aligned}
S'_{SYM} \sim \frac{1}{{g^2_{\text{YM}}}}{\rm tr}&\int d^5 x \sqrt{g}\Big( C^{IJK} X^I[X^J,X^K]+ C^{IJM}X^ID_MX^J + C^{IMN} X^IF_{MN}\nonumber\\ &+ C^{MNP}\left(A_M\partial_N A_P-\frac{2i}{3}A_MA_NA_P\right)-\frac{1}{2}m^2_{IJ}X^IX^J +\frac{i}{2}\bar\psi m \psi \Big)\, \end{aligned}\] where again \(m_{IJ}\) and \(m\) are linear in the fluxes. Examining the Killing spinor equation ([\[MKSE\]](#MKSE){reference-type="ref" reference="MKSE"}) one sees that we must scale the fluxes according to \[\begin{aligned}
C_{\mu\nu\lambda} \to \zeta^{-1} C_{\mu\nu\lambda}\, \end{aligned}\] otherwise we encounter divergences or the fluxes are scaled away. As a result, the deformed action scales as, schematically, \[\begin{aligned}
S'_{SYM} \sim &\frac{1}{{g^2_{\text{YM}}}}{\rm tr}\int d x^-d^4 x \sqrt{g}\Big( \zeta C^{IJK} X^I[X^J,X^K] + C^{Iij} X^IF_{ij}\nonumber\\ & + \zeta^{ 1/2} C^{IJi}X^ID_iX^J+ \zeta^{-1/2} C^{ijk}\left(A_i\partial_j A_k-\frac{2i}{3}A_iA_jA_k\right)\nonumber\\ &+ i \psi_-^T C_{\mu\nu\lambda} \Gamma^{\mu\nu\lambda}\psi_-+ i\zeta \psi_+^T C_{\mu\nu\lambda} \Gamma^{\mu\nu\lambda}\psi_+ - \zeta C^{I\nu\lambda}C^J{}_{\nu\lambda}X^IX^J \Big)\. \end{aligned}\] Thus, in the limit \(\zeta\to 0\), the only terms in \(S'\) that survive are precisely those in ([\[Sprime\]](#Sprime){reference-type="ref" reference="Sprime"}). The only exception is the Chern-Simons-like term which diverges, and therefore is not consistent with taking the limit.\
# Conclusions and Comments
In this paper we performed a general reduction of the M5-brane along a null Killing direction. We then extended the result to a non-abelian theory. The result is a class of supersymmetric gauge theories in 4+1 dimensions but without Lorentz invariance. We also explored the effect of coupling of background supergravity fluxes to the M5-brane and twistings of the normal bundle. The results presented above include and generalise earlier results. In particular simply setting \(u = v = \sigma = 0\) and \(g_{ij} = \delta_{ij}\) recovers the flat space case, and setting \(u_i = \frac{1}{2} \Omega_{ij}x^j\) recovers the metric and action of of. An interesting feature of this construction is how the information of \(H\) is encoded in a consistent way into the Lagrangian. Our isometry creates a natural split in the field; \(H_{ij+} = F_{ij}\), \(H_{i-+}=F_{i-}\) and \(H_{ij-} = {G}_{ij}\). \(H\) is self-dual and closed, which is problematic for a Lagrangian. But here we find \({F}\) is closed but with no self-duality constraint off-shell, whereas \({ G}\) satisfies a self-duality constraint but is not closed. On-shell the self-duality of \({G}\) enforces anti-self-duality condition on \({ F}\) as its equation of motion. In effect we have introduced a Lagrange multiplier, but without adding any new unphysical fields to our Lagrangian; \(H\) provides its own Lagrange multiplier. It would be interesting to explore how this construction ties in with the six-dimensional lagrangian approach of. In case 2 \({\mathcal G}\) imposes the constraint \(F =-\star F\), and therefore the dynamics is restricted to the space of anti-self-dual gauge fields on the four-dimensional submanifold. Such field configurations are then solved for by the ADHM construction in terms of moduli. The remaining part of the action leads to one-dimensional motion on the instanton moduli space. This is in keeping with the various DLCQ proposals such as. In case 1, \({\mathcal G}\) imposes the constraint \({\mathcal F} =-\star {\mathcal F}\) but here there are time-derivative terms and hence there is no simple reduction to motion on a moduli space but it would be interesting to explore the resulting constraint. The general form for the action includes an \(F \wedge F_{-} \wedge v\) term which we can think of as a mixed Chern-Simons term between diffeomorphisms and gauge transformations. In particular for case 1 this term vanishes but in in case 2, we have \(u=0\) and so \({\cal F}_{ij} =F_{ij}\). In this case if we let \(v_{(5)} = v_i dx^i + \sigma dx^-\) then the metric admits a diffeomorphism \(x^+\to x^+ + \omega\) which has the effect of mapping \(v_{(5)}\to v_{(5)} +d_{(5)}\omega\) where \(\omega\) depends on \(x^i\) and \(x^-\).[^4] We can rewrite the terms involving \(F\) as \[\begin{aligned}
\mathcal{L}_{F} = \frac12 {\rm tr}(F_-\wedge \star F_-)-\frac18 \sigma {\rm tr}\big((F-\star F)\wedge \star (F -\star F)\big) + \frac12 {\rm tr} (F\wedge {\cal G}) +\mathcal{L}_{\text{cs}} \, \end{aligned}\] where \[\begin{aligned}
\label{eq:CS2} \mathcal{L}_{\text{cs}} =-\frac{1}{4} {\rm tr}( F_{(5)}\wedge F_{(5)}) \wedge v_{(5)}\, \end{aligned}\] and \(F_{(5)} = F + F_{-} \wedge dx^-\). Thus, under a diffeomorphism \(v_{(5)} \to v_{(5)}+ d_{(5)}\omega\) the Lagrangian shifts by a total derivative. Alternatively we can write \[\begin{aligned}
\mathcal{L}_{\text{cs}} = \frac{1}{4}{\rm tr}\left( A_{(5)}\wedge dA_{(5)}-\frac{2i}{3} A_{(5)} \wedge A_{(5)}\wedge A_{(5)}\right) \wedge dv_{(5)}\, \end{aligned}\] in which case the gauge symmetry is only preserved up to a boundary term. We cannot write this term in a way which makes explicit both of these invariances simultaneously. Thus, we see that \(\mathcal{L}_{\text{cs}}\) mixes a five-dimensional diffeomorphism with the \(U(1)\) part of the gauge symmetry. We hope that the results will be of use in studying the \((2,0)\) and related theories reduced on non-trivial manifolds through DLCQ-type constructions. For example, one could consider theories of class \({\cal S}\) obtained by reduction of M5-branes on a Riemann surface \(\Sigma\). Our results here should allow for a systematic construction in terms of motion on the moduli space of instantons on \({\mathbb R}^2\times \Sigma\), *i.e.* Hitchin systems, coupled to scalars, fermions and possible additional data associated with singularities of \(\Sigma\).
# Appendix A: Conventions {#appendix-a-conventions .unnumbered}
In this paper our conventions we use \(\mu,\nu=0,1,2...,10\) and consider an M5-brane with worldvolume coordinates \(x^M\), \(M=0,1,2...,5\). However, we also introduce light cone coordinates \[\begin{aligned}
x^{+} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} (x^0 + x^5)\ ,\qquad x^{-} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} (x^0-x^5)\ ,\qquad x^i\, \ i=1,2,3,4\. \end{aligned}\] We will use hats to denote six-dimensional geometrical quantities. Fermions are dealt with by using Gamma matrices that satisfy a flat Clifford algebra in eleven dimensions (again with light cone Minkowski metric). All other Gamma matrices appearing in our work are derived from this basis as outlined below. Underlined indices refer to the tangent space.
To avoid the confusion of whether or not \(\Gamma^{\underline{+}}\) means \(\Gamma^{\underline{\text{plus}}}\) or \(\Gamma^{\text{plus minus}}\), we will only use \[\begin{aligned}
\Gamma^{+} &= \frac{\Gamma^{\underline 0}+\Gamma^{\underline 5}}{\sqrt{2}}\, \qquad \Gamma^{-} = \frac{\Gamma^{\underline 0}-\Gamma^{\underline 5}}{\sqrt{2}}\nonumber\\ \Gamma_{+} &= \frac{\Gamma_{\underline 0}+\Gamma_{\underline 5}}{\sqrt{2}}\, \qquad \Gamma_{-} = \frac{\Gamma_{\underline 0}-\Gamma_{\underline 5}}{\sqrt{2}}\. \end{aligned}\] The relations \[\begin{aligned}
\begin{split}\label{GammaRel} &\hat{\Gamma}^+ = \Gamma^{+}-\sigma \Gamma^{-}-v_{i} \Gamma^{i}, \qquad \hat{\Gamma}^{-} = \Gamma^{-}-u_{i}\Gamma^{i} \qquad \hat{\Gamma}^{i} = \Gamma^{i} \\ &\hat{\Gamma}_{+} = \Gamma_{+}, \qquad \hat{\Gamma}_{-} = \sigma \Gamma_{+} + \Gamma_{-}, \qquad \hat{\Gamma}_{i} = (v_i + \sigma u_i) \Gamma_{+} + u_i \Gamma_{-} + \Gamma_i\, \end{split} \end{aligned}\] will be repeatedly used.\
The subscript \(\pm\) on spinors labels their eigenvalue under \(\Gamma_{\underline{05}}\), *e.g.*: \[\begin{aligned}
\Gamma_{\underline{05}}\epsilon_\pm = \pm\epsilon_\pm \. \end{aligned}\] In addition we always have that \(\Gamma_{\underline{012345}}\epsilon=\epsilon\) and \(\Gamma_{\underline{012345}}\psi=-\psi\). This has the crucial consequence of giving certain spinor bilinears definite duality under the 4d Hodge star. Consider the following spinor bilinear \[\begin{aligned}
\bar{\epsilon} \Gamma_{ij} \psi \. \end{aligned}\] Since \(\Gamma_{\underline{012345}}\psi=-\psi\), it follows that \[\begin{aligned}
\Gamma_{\underline{12}}\psi = \Gamma_{\underline{34}} \Gamma_{\underline{05}} \psi \, \end{aligned}\] or in general \[\begin{aligned}
\Gamma_{\underline{ij}}\psi = \frac{1}{2} \varepsilon_{\underline{ijkl}}\Gamma^{\underline{kl}} \Gamma_{\underline{05}} \psi \. \end{aligned}\] From this its easy to see that \(\Gamma_{ij}\psi_{+}\) is self-dual, while \(\Gamma_{ij}\psi_{-}\) is anti-self-dual under the four-dimensional Hodge star. Since \(\epsilon\) has the opposite chirality under \(\Gamma_{\underline{012345}}\), these are reversed: \(\Gamma_{ij}\epsilon_{+}\) is anti-self-dual, \(\Gamma_{ij}\epsilon_{-}\) is self-dual.
# Appendix B: The Background {#appendix-b-the-background .unnumbered}
The vielbein (and inverse) for the metric are given by \(\hat{e}^{\ \underline{M}}_{M} \, \hat \eta_{\underline{M N}} \, \hat{e}^{\underline{N}}_{\ N} = \hat{g}_{M N}\), with \(\eta_{\underline{MN}}\) the light-cone Minkowski metric in six dimensions. This results in \[\begin{aligned}
\label{eq:viel} \hat{e}^{\, \underline{M}}_{\ M} = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & \sigma & v_i + \sigma \, u_i \\ 0 & 1 & u_i \\ 0 & 0 & e^{\, \underline{i}}_{\ i} \end{pmatrix}\, \qquad \hat{e}^{\, M}_{\ \underline{M}} = \begin{pmatrix} 1 &-\sigma &-v_{\underline{i}} \\ 0 & 1 &-u_{\underline{i}} \\ 0 & 0 & e^{\, i}_{\ \underline{i}} \end{pmatrix}, \end{aligned}\] with \(e^{\, \underline{i}}_{\ j}\) being the veilbien for the four-dimensional metric \(g_{\, ij}\). Where \(u^i\) and \(v^i\) are defined to have their index raised by \(g_{\, ij}\), such that dot products are defined also with \(g_{\, ij}\). We also note that \[\begin{aligned}
\hat{g} = \det(\hat{g}_{MN}) = \det(\hat{e}^{\underline M}{}_{N})^2 \det(\hat\eta_{\underline{MN}}) =-\det(g_{ij})\. \end{aligned}\]\
Adding the fermions requires knowledge of the spin connection terms, the non zero terms of which are \[\begin{aligned}
\begin{split}\label{SpinC} \hat{\omega}_{+-i} &= \frac{1}{2}\partial_{-}u_i \\ \hat{\omega}_{+ij} &= \partial_{[i}u_{j]} \\ \hat{\omega}_{-+i} &= \frac{1}{2} \partial_{-}u_i \\ \hat{\omega}_{--i} &=-\partial_{i} \sigma + u_i \partial_{-} \sigma + 2 \sigma \partial_{-} u_i + \partial_{-} v_i\\ \hat{\omega}_{-ij} &= \partial_{[i} (v_{j]} + 2 \sigma u_{j]}) + u_{[i} \partial_{-} v_{j]}-v_{[i} \partial_{-} u_{j]}-e^{\underline{i}}_{\ [i} \partial_{-} e_{|\underline{i}| j]} \\ \hat{\omega}_{i+-} &=-\frac{1}{2}\partial_{-}u_i \\ \hat{\omega}_{i+j} &= \partial_{[i}u_{j]} \\ \hat{\omega}_{i-j} &= \partial_{[i}( v_{j]} + 2 \sigma u_{j]}) + 2 u_{(i} \partial_{j)} \sigma + \partial_{-} (u_{(i}(v_{j)} + \sigma u_{j)}))-\frac{1}{2}\partial_{-}g_{ij} \\ \hat{\omega}_{ijk} &= \omega_{ijk} + \partial_{j} ( u_{(i}(v_{k)} + \sigma u_{k)}))-\partial_{k} ( u_{(i}(v_{j)} + \sigma u_{j)})) + \partial_{i}( u_{[j} v_{k]}) + 2 (v_{[j} + \sigma u _{[j}) \partial_{|i|} u_{k]}\, \end{split} \end{aligned}\] where \(\omega_{ijk}\) is the four-dimensional spin connection for \(D_i\), the Levi-Civita connection for \(g_{ij}\) on our euclidean submanifold.
[^1]: Note that this is a legitimate imposition, as self-dual tensors are an irreducible representation of the Lorentz group in even dimension
[^2]: Note that in case 2 we could consider the the weaker conditions \(du=0\) and \(\partial_-u=0\). But this implies \(u=df\) in which case we can set \(u=0\) by a diffeomorphism \(x^-\to x^-+f\).
[^3]: The authors of use a \(USp(4)\) notation where the flux terms are denoted by \(S^{mn}\) and \(T^{mn}_{ab}\) with \(m,n=1,2,3,4\) and \(a,b=0,1,2,3,4,5\).
[^4]: Curiously this diffeomorphism allows us to set \(\sigma=0\) even though manifest supersymmetry of the action can be affected by the choice of \(\sigma\). | {'timestamp': '2020-10-28T01:02:10', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14331', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14331'} |
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# Introduction
A Bayesian network (BN) is a probabilistic graphical model consisting of a labeled directed acyclic graph (DAG) \(\mathcal{G} = (V, E)\), in which the vertex set \(V = \{V_1, \dots, V_m\}\) corresponds to \(m\) random variables, and the edge set \(E\) prescribes a decomposition of the joint probability distribution of the random variables based on their parents in \(\mathcal{G}\). The edge set \(E\) encodes Markov relations on the nodes in the sense that each node is conditionally independent of its non-descendents given its parents. BNs have been used in knowledge discovery, classification, feature selection, latent variable discovery and genetics. They also play a vital part in causal inference. In this paper, we propose mixed-integer quadratic programming (MIQP) formulations for learning the optimal DAG structure of BNs given \(n\) continuous observations from a system of linear structural equation models (SEMs). While there exist exact integer-programming (IP) formulations for learning DAG structure with *discrete* data, the development of tailored computational tools for learning the optimal DAG structure from *continuous* data has received less attention. In principle, exact methods developed for discrete data can be applied to continuous data. However, such methods result in exponentially sized formulations in terms of the number of binary variables. A common practice to circumvent the exponential number of binary variables is to limit the in-degree of each node. But, this may result in sub-optimal solutions. On the contrary, MIQP formulations for learning DAGs corresponding to linear SEMs require a *polynomial* number of binary variables. This is because for BNs with linear SEMs, the score function---i.e., the penalized negative log-likelihood (PNL)---can be explicitly written as a function of the coefficients of linear SEMs. Continuous BNs with linear SEMs have witnessed a growing interest in the statistics and computer science communities. In particular, it has been shown that the solution obtained from solving the PNL augmented by \(\ell_0\) regularization achieves desirable statistical properties. Moreover, if the model is *identifiable*, such a solution is guaranteed to uncover the true causal DAG when the sample size \(n\) is large enough. However, given the difficulty of obtaining exact solutions, existing approaches for learning DAGs from linear SEMs have primarily relied on *heuristics*, using techniques such as coordinate descent and non-convex continuous optimization. Unfortunately, these heuristics are not guaranteed to achieve the desirable properties of the global optimal solution. Moreover, it is difficult to evaluate the statistical properties of a sub-optimal solution with no optimality guarantees. To bridge this gap, in this paper we develop mathematical formulations for learning optimal BNs from linear SEMs using a PNL objective with \(\ell_0\) regularization. By connecting the optimality gap of the mixed-integer program to the statistical properties of the solution, we also establish an *early stopping criterion* under which we can terminate the branch-and-bound procedure and attain a solution which asymptotically recovers the true parameters with high probability. Our work is related to recent efforts to develop exact tailored methods for DAG learning from continuous data. show that \(A^{\ast}\)-lasso algorithm tailored for DAG structure learning from continuous data with \(\ell_1\)-regularization is more effective than the previous approaches based on dynamic programming that are suitable for both discrete and continuous data. develop a mathematical program for DAG structure learning with \(\ell_1\) regularization. improve and extend the formulation by for DAG learning from continuous data with both \(\ell_0\) and \(\ell_1\) regularizations. The numerical experiments by demonstrate that as the number of nodes grows, their MIQP formulation outperforms \(A^{\ast}\)-lasso and the existing IP methods; this improvement is both in terms of reducing the IP optimality gap, when the algorithm is stopped due to a time limit, and in terms of computational time, when the instances can be solved to optimality. In light of these recent efforts, the current paper makes important contributions to this problem at the intersection of statistics and optimization.
- The statistical properties of *optimal* PNL with \(\ell_0\) regularization have been studied extensively. However, it is often difficult to obtain an optimal solution and no results have been established on the statistical properties of approximate solutions. In this paper, we give an early stopping criterion for the branch-and-bound process under which the approximate solution gives consistent estimates of the true coefficients of the linear SEM. Our result leverages the statistical consistency of the PNL estimate with \(\ell_0\) regularization along with the properties of the branch-and-bound method wherein both lower and upper bound values on the objective function are available at each iteration. By connecting these two properties, we obtain a concrete early stopping criterion, as well as a simple proof of consistency of the approximate solution. To the best of our knowledge, this result is the first of its kind for DAG learning.
- In spite of recent progress, a key challenge in learning DAGs from linear SEMs is enforcing bounds on arc weights. This is commonly modeled using the standard "big-\(M\) constraint\" approach. As shown by, this strategy leads to poor continuous relaxations for the problem, which in turn results in slow lower bound improvement in the branch-and-bound tree. In particular, establish that all existing big-\(M\) formulations achieve the same continuous relaxation objective function under a mild condition (see Proposition [\[Prop2\]](#Prop2){reference-type="ref" reference="Prop2"}). To circumvent this issue, we present a mixed-integer second-order cone program (MISOCP), which gives a tighter continuous relaxation than existing big-\(M\) formulations. This formulation can be solved by powerful state-of-the-art optimization packages. Our numerical results show the superior performance of MISOCP compared to the existing big-\(M\) formulations in terms of improving the lower bound and reducing the optimality gap.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section [2](#Sec: SEMs){reference-type="ref" reference="Sec: SEMs"}, we define the DAG structure learning problem corresponding to linear SEMs, and give a general framework for the problem. In Section [3](#Cons){reference-type="ref" reference="Cons"}, we present our early stopping criterion and establish the asymptotic properties of the solution obtained under this stopping rule. We review existing mathematical formulations in Section [4](#Sec: Previous work){reference-type="ref" reference="Sec: Previous work"}, and present our proposed mathematical formulations in Section [5](#Sec: Math models){reference-type="ref" reference="Sec: Math models"}. Results of comprehensive numerical studies are presented in Section [6](#Sec: Computational){reference-type="ref" reference="Sec: Computational"}. We end the paper with a summary in Section [7](#Sec: Conclusion){reference-type="ref" reference="Sec: Conclusion"}.
# Problem setup: Penalized DAG estimation with linear SEMs {#Sec: SEMs}
Let \(\mathcal{M} = (V, E)\) be an undirected and possibly cyclic super-structure graph with node set \(V=\{1,2,\dots,m\}\) and edge set \(E \subseteq V \times V\); let \(\overrightarrow{\mathcal{M}} = (V, \overrightarrow{E})\) be the corresponding bi-directional graph with \(\overrightarrow{E} =\{(j,k), (k,j) | (j,k) \in E\}\). We refer to undirected edges as *edges* and directed edges as *arcs*. We assume that causal effects of continuous random variables in a DAG \(\mathcal{G}_0\) are represented by \(m\) linear regressions of the form \[\label{LSLM} X_k = \sum_{j \in pa^{\mathcal{G}_0}_k} \beta_{jk} X_j + \epsilon_k, \quad k=1,\dots, m,\] where \(X_k\) is the random variable associated with node \(k\), \(pa^{\mathcal{G}_0}_k\) represents the parents of node \(k\) in \(\mathcal{G}_0\), i.e., the set of nodes with arcs pointing to \(k\); the latent random variable \(\epsilon_k\) denotes the unexplained variation in node \(k\); and BN parameter \(\beta_{jk}\) specifies the effect of node \(j\) on \(k\) for \(j \in pa^{\mathcal{G}_0}_k\). The above model is known as a linear SEM. Let \(\mathcal{X}=(\mathcal{X}_1, \dots, \mathcal{X}_m)\) be the \(n \times m\) data matrix with \(n\) rows representing i.i.d. samples from each random variable, and \(m\) columns representing random variables \(X_1, \ldots, X_m\). The linear SEM [\[LSLM\]](#LSLM){reference-type="eqref" reference="LSLM"} can be compactly written in matrix form as \(\mathcal{X} = \mathcal{X}{B} + \mathcal{E}\), where \({B} = [\beta] \in \mathbb{R}^{m \times m}\) is a matrix with \(\beta_{kk}=0\) for \(k=1,\dots,m\), \(\beta_{jk}=0\) for all \((j,k) \notin E\), and \(\mathcal{E}\) is the \(n\times m\) 'noise' matrix. Then, \(\mathcal{G}(B)\) denotes the directed graph on \(m\) nodes such that arc \((j,k)\) appears in \(\mathcal{G}(B)\) if and only if \(\beta_{jk} \neq 0\). Throughout the paper, we will use \(B\) and \(\beta\) to denote the matrix of coefficients and its vectorized version. A key challenge when estimating DAGs by minimizing the loss function [\[eqn:lklhd\]](#eqn:lklhd){reference-type="eqref" reference="eqn:lklhd"} is that the true DAG is generally not identifiable from observational data. However, for certain SEM distributions, the true DAG is in fact identifiable from observational data. Two important examples are linear SEMs with possibly non-Gaussian homoscedastic noise variables, as well as linear SEMs with unequal noise variances that are known up to a constant. In these special cases, the true DAG can be identified from observational data, without requiring the (strong) 'faithfulness' assumption, which is known to be restrictive in high dimensions. Given these important implications, in this paper we focus on learning Bayesian networks corresponding to the above *identifiable* linear SEMs. The negative log likelihood for an identifiable linear SEM [\[LSLM\]](#LSLM){reference-type="eqref" reference="LSLM"} with equal noise variances is proportional to \[\label{eqn:lklhd} l(\beta; \mathcal{X}) =n\,\text{tr}\left\{(I-{B})(I-{B})^\top \widehat{\Sigma}\right\};\] here \(\widehat{\Sigma} =n^{-1} \mathcal{X}^\top \mathcal{X}\) is the empirical covariance matrix, and \(I\) is the identity matrix. To learn *sparse* DAGs, propose to augment the negative log likelihood with an \(\ell_0\) regularization term. Given a super-structure \(\mathcal{M}\), the optimization problem corresponding to this penalized negative log-likelihood (PNL\(\mathcal{M}\)) is given by
where the tuning parameter \(\lambda_n\) controls the degree of the \(\ell_0\) regularization, and the constraint [\[Eq: DAG const\]](#Eq: DAG const){reference-type="eqref" reference="Eq: DAG const"} stipulates that the resulting directed subgraph is a DAG induced from \(\overrightarrow{\mathcal{M}}\). When \(\mathcal{M}\) corresponds to a complete graph, PNL\(\mathcal{M}\) reduces to the original PNL of. The choice of \(\ell_0\) regularization in [\[eq:PNLMform\]](#eq:PNLMform){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:PNLMform"} is deliberate. Although \(\ell_1\) regularization has attractive computational and statistical properties in high-dimensional regression, many of these advantages disappear in the context of DAG structure learning. By considering \(\ell_0\) regularization, establish the consistency of PNL under appropriate assumptions. More specifically, for a Gaussian SEM, they show that the estimated DAG has (asymptotically) the same number of edges as the DAG with minimal number of edges (minimal-edge I-MAP), and establish the consistency of PNL for learning sparse DAGs. These results are formally stated in Proposition [\[prop:van\]](#prop:van){reference-type="ref" reference="prop:van"} in the next section.
In our earlier work, we observe that existing mathematical formulations are slow to converge to a provably optimal solution, \(\beta^\star\), of [\[eq:PNLMform\]](#eq:PNLMform){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:PNLMform"} using the state-of-the-art optimization solvers. Therefore, the solution process needs to be terminated early to yield a feasible solution, \(\hat \beta\) with a positive optimality gap, i.e., a positive difference between the upper bound on \(\Score(\beta^\star)\) provided by \(\Score(\hat \beta)\) and a lower bound on \(\Score(\beta^\star)\) provided by the best continuous relaxation obtained by the branch-and-bound algorithm upon termination. However, statistical properties of such a sub-optimal solution are not well-understood. Therefore, there exists a gap between theory and computation: while the optimal solution has nice statistical properties, the properties of the solutions obtained from approximate computational algorithms are not known. Moreover, due to the non-convex and complex nature of the problem, characterizing the properties of the solutions provided by heuristics is especially challenging. In the next section, we bridge this gap by developing a concrete early stopping criterion and establishing the consistency of the solution obtained using this criterion.
# Early stopping criterion for DAG learning {#Cons}
In this section, we establish a sufficient condition for the approximate solution of PNL\(\mathcal{M}\), \(\hat{\beta}\) to be consistent for the true coefficients, \(\beta^{0}\); that is \(\|\beta^{0}-\hat{\beta}\|_2^2 = \mathcal{O}\left(s^0\log(m) / n \right)\), where \(s^0\) is the number of arcs in the true DAG, and \(x\) \(\asymp\) \(y\) means that \(x\) converges to \(y\) asymptotically. This result is obtained by leveraging an important property of the branch-and-bound process for integer programming that provides both lower and upper bounds on the objective function \(\Score(\beta^\star)\) upon early stopping, as well as the consistency results of the PNL estimate with \(\ell_0\) regularization. Using the insight from this new result, we then propose a concrete stopping criterion for terminating the branch-and-bound process that results in consistent parameter estimates. Let \(LB\) and \(UB\) respectively denote the lower and upper bounds on the optimal objective function value [\[Eq: Opt\]](#Eq: Opt){reference-type="eqref" reference="Eq: Opt"} obtained from solving [\[eq:PNLMform\]](#eq:PNLMform){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:PNLMform"} under an early stopping criterion (i.e., when the obtained solution is not necessarily optimal). We define the difference between the upper and lower bounds as the *absolute* optimality gap: \(GAP = UB-LB\). Let \(\hat{\mathcal{G}}\) and \(\hat{\beta}\) denote the structure of the DAG and coefficients of the arcs from optimization model [\[eq:PNLMform\]](#eq:PNLMform){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:PNLMform"} under the early stopping condition with sample size \(n\) and regularization parameter \(\lambda_n\). Let \({\mathcal{G}^{\star}}\) and \(\beta^{\star}\) denote the DAG structure and coefficients of arcs obtained from the optimal solution of [\[eq:PNLMform\]](#eq:PNLMform){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:PNLMform"}, and \(\mathcal{G}^{0}\) and \(\beta^{0}\) denote the true DAG structure and the coefficient of arcs, respectively. We denote the number of arcs in \(\hat{\mathcal{G}}\), \(\mathcal{G}^{0}\), and \({\mathcal{G}^{\star}}\) by \(\hat{s}\), \(s^0\), and \(s^{\star}\), respectively. The score value in [\[Eq: Opt\]](#Eq: Opt){reference-type="eqref" reference="Eq: Opt"} of each solution is denoted by \(\Score(\phi)\) where \(\phi \in \{\beta^{\star}, \hat{\beta}, \beta^0\}\). Next, we present our main result. Our result extends 's result on consistency of PNL\(\mathcal{M}\) for the optimal, but computationally unattainable, estimator, \(\beta^{\star}\) to an approximate estimator, \(\hat\beta\), obtained from early stopping. In the following (including the statement of our main result, Proposition [\[EarlyProp\]](#EarlyProp){reference-type="ref" reference="EarlyProp"}), we assume that the super-structure \(\mathcal{M}\) is known *a priori*. The setting where \(\mathcal{M}\) is estimated from data is discussed at the end of the section. We begin by stating the key result from and the required assumptions. Throughout, we consider a Gaussian linear SEM of the form [\[LSLM\]](#LSLM){reference-type="eqref" reference="LSLM"}. We denote the variance of error terms, \(\epsilon_j\), by \(\sigma_{jj}^2\) and the true covariance matrix of the set of random variables, \((X_1,\ldots, X_m)\) by the \(m \times m\) matrix \(\Sigma\).
Here, \(\lambda=\lambda_n/n\), because the loss function [\[eqn:lklhd\]](#eqn:lklhd){reference-type="eqref" reference="eqn:lklhd"} is that of scaled by the sample size \(n\). Before presenting our main result, we state one more condition on the covariance matrix of the random variables generated by linear SEM. For a given subset \(S \subset \{1,\ldots,m\}\), let \(S^c\) denote its complement, i.e., \(S^c:= \{1,\ldots,m\}\setminus S.\) **Definition.** Define the set \(\mathcal{C}(S; \eta) := \{v \in \mathbb{R}^{m}\, \, | \, \, \| v_{S^c}\|_1 \leq \eta \|v_S\|_1\}\) for a given subset \(S \subset \{1,\ldots,m\}\) and constant \(\eta \geq 1\). The \(m \times m\) sample covariance matrix \(\widehat{\Sigma} = n^{-1}\mathcal{X}^\top \mathcal{X}\) satisfies the *restricted eigenvalue (RE) condition over \(S\)* with parameters \((\eta,\gamma) \in [1,\infty) \times [0,\infty)\) if \[\frac{1}{n} v^\top \mathcal{X}^{\top} \mathcal{X} v = \frac{1}{n} \|\mathcal{X}v\|_2^2 \geq \gamma^2 \|v\|_2^2, \quad \forall v \in \mathcal{C}(S;\eta).\] If this condition holds for all subsets \(S\) with cardinality \(s\), we say that \(\widehat{\Sigma}\) satisfies a *restricted eigenvalue (RE) condition of order \(s\)* with parameters \((\eta,\gamma)\). The \(m \times m\) population covariance matrix \(\Sigma\) is said to satisfy the RE condition if \[\| \Sigma^{1/2} v \|_2 \ge \gamma \| v \|_2 \quad \forall v \in \mathcal{C}(S;\eta).\] show that if \(\Sigma\) satisfies the RE condition, then there exists constants \(c\) and \(c'\) such that with probability at least \(1-c' e^{-c n}\), \(\widehat{\Sigma}\) also satisfies the RE condition with parameters \((\eta,\gamma/8)\). More specifically, their proof of Corollary 1 shows that for any \(v \in \mathcal{C}(S; \eta)\), \[\label{eqn:REdef} \| v \|_2^2 \le c_1 \| \mathcal{X} v \|_2^2,\] where \(c_1 = n^{-1} \left\{\frac{\gamma}{4}-9(1+\alpha) \sigma_0 \sqrt{\frac{s^0 \log(m)}{n}}\right\}^{-2}\) for \(\sigma_0\) defined in Assumption [\[cond:1\]](#cond:1){reference-type="ref" reference="cond:1"}. In fact, in the low-dimensional setting implied by condition [\[eqn:ncond\]](#eqn:ncond){reference-type="eqref" reference="eqn:ncond"}, the inequality [\[eqn:REdef\]](#eqn:REdef){reference-type="eqref" reference="eqn:REdef"} holds with probability one because, when \(m \ll n\), for any \(v \in \mathbb{R}^m\) we have \(\|\mathcal{X}v\|_2^2 \geq \kappa_{\min}(\mathcal{X}) |\|v\|_2^2.\) Thus, [\[eqn:REdef\]](#eqn:REdef){reference-type="eqref" reference="eqn:REdef"} holds with \(c_1 = 1 / \kappa_{\min}(\mathcal{X})\).
Proposition [\[EarlyProp\]](#EarlyProp){reference-type="ref" reference="EarlyProp"} suggests that the algorithm can be stopped by setting a threshold \(c^{\star} \lambda s^{0}\) on the value of \(GAP = | UB-LB |\) for a constant \(c^{\star} > 0\), say \(c^{\star}=1\). Such a solution will then achieve the same desirable statistical properties as the optimal solution \(\beta^{\star}\). However, while \(\lambda\) can be chosen data-adaptively (as discussed in Section [6](#Sec: Computational){reference-type="ref" reference="Sec: Computational"}), the value for \(s^0\) is not known. However, one can find an upper bound for \(s^0\) based on the number of edges in the super-structure \(\mathcal{M}\). In particular, if \(\mathcal{M}\) is the moral graph with \(s_m\) edges, then \(s^0 \leq s_m\). Thus, in this case, a consistent parameter estimate can be obtained if the branch-and-bound process is stopped when \(GAP \le s_m \lambda\). The above results, including the specific choice of early stopping criterion, are also valid if the super-structure \(\mathcal{M}\) corresponding to the moral graph is not known *a priori*. That is because the moral graph can be consistently estimated from data using recent developments in graphical modeling; see for a review of the literature. While some of the existing algorithms based on \(\ell_1\)-penalty require an additional *irrepresentability* condition, this assumption can be relaxed by using instead an adaptive lasso penalty or by thresholding the initial lasso estimates. In light of Proposition [\[EarlyProp\]](#EarlyProp){reference-type="ref" reference="EarlyProp"}, it is of great interest to develop algorithms that converge to a solution with a small optimality gap expeditiously. To achieve this, one approach is to obtain better lower bounds using the branch-and-bound process from strong mathematical formulations for [\[eq:PNLMform\]](#eq:PNLMform){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:PNLMform"}. To this end, we next review existing formulations of [\[eq:PNLMform\]](#eq:PNLMform){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:PNLMform"}.
# Existing Formulations of DAG Learning with Linear SEMs {#Sec: Previous work}
In this section, we review known mathematical formulations for DAG learning with linear SEMs. We first outline the necessary notation below.\
**Index Sets**\
\(V = \{1,2,\dots,m\}\): index set of random variables;\
\(\mathcal{D}= \{1,2,\dots,n\}\): index set of samples.\
\(\mathcal{M}=(V,E)\): an undirected super-structure graph (e.g., the moral graph);\
\(\overrightarrow{\mathcal{M}}=(V,\overrightarrow{E})\): the bi-directional graph corresponding to the undirected graph \(\mathcal{M}\);\
\(\mathcal{X} = (\mathcal{X}_1, \dots, \mathcal{X}_m)\), where \(\mathcal{X}_v = (x_{1v}, x_{2v}, \dots, x_{nv})^{\top}\) and \(x_{dv}\) denotes \(d\)th sample (\(d \in \mathcal{D}\)) of random variable \(X_v\); note \(\mathcal{X} \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times m}\);\
\(\lambda_n:\) tuning parameter (penalty coefficient for \(\ell_0\) regularization).\
**Continuous optimization variables**\
\(\beta_{jk}\): weight of arc \((j, k)\) representing the regression coefficients \(\forall (j,k) \in \overrightarrow{E}\).\
**Binary optimization variables**\
\(z_{jk}=1 \, \, \text{if arc} \, \, (j, k) \, \text{exists in a DAG}; \text{otherwise} \, 0, \, \forall (j,k) \in \overrightarrow{E}\),\
\(g_{jk}=1 \, \, \text{if} \, \, \beta_{jk} \neq 0; \, \text{otherwise} \, \, 0, \, \forall (j,k) \in \overrightarrow{E}\). Let \(F(\beta, g)= \sum_{k\in V}\sum_{d\in \mathcal{D}} \Big(x_{dk}-\sum_{(j,k) \in \overrightarrow{E}} \beta_{jk}x_{dj}\Big)^2 + \lambda_n\sum_{(j,k) \in \overrightarrow{E}} g_{jk}\). The PNL\(\mathcal{M}\) can be cast as the following optimization problem:
The objective function [\[CP-obj\]](#CP-obj){reference-type="eqref" reference="CP-obj"} is an expanded version of \(\mathcal L(\beta)\) in PNL\(\mathcal{M}\), where we use the indicator variable \(g_{jk}\) to encode the \(\ell_0\) regularization. The constraints in [\[CP-con2\]](#CP-con2){reference-type="eqref" reference="CP-con2"} rule out cycles. The constraints in [\[CP-con1\]](#CP-con1){reference-type="eqref" reference="CP-con1"} are non-linear and stipulate that \(\beta_{jk} \neq 0\) only if \(g_{jk}=1\). There are two sources of difficulty in solving [\[CP-obj\]](#CP-obj){reference-type="eqref" reference="CP-obj"}-[\[CP-con3\]](#CP-con3){reference-type="eqref" reference="CP-con3"}: (i) the acyclic nature of DAG imposed by the combinatorial constraints in [\[CP-con2\]](#CP-con2){reference-type="eqref" reference="CP-con2"}; (ii) the set of *nonlinear* constraints in [\[CP-con1\]](#CP-con1){reference-type="eqref" reference="CP-con1"}, which stipulates that \(\beta_{jk} \neq 0\) only if there exists an arc \((j,k)\) in \(\mathcal{G}(B)\). In Section [4.1](#lit1){reference-type="ref" reference="lit1"}, we discuss related studies to address the former, whereas in Section [4.2](#lit2){reference-type="ref" reference="lit2"} we present relevant literature for the latter.
## Linear encodings of the acyclicity constraints [\[CP-con2\]](#CP-con2){reference-type="eqref" reference="CP-con2"} {#lit1}
There are several ways to ensure that the estimated graph does not contain any cycles. The first approach is to add a constraint for each cycle in the graph, so that at least one arc in this cycle must not exist in \(\mathcal G(B)\). A *cutting plane* (CP) method is used to solve such a formulation which may require generating an exponential number of constraints. Another way to rule out cycles is by imposing constraints such that the nodes follow a topological order. A topological ordering is a unique ordering of the nodes of a graph from 1 to \(m\) such that the graph contains an arc \((j,k)\) if node \(j\) appears before node \(k\) in the order. We refer to this formulation as *topological ordering* (TO). The *layered network* (LN) formulation proposed by improves the TO formulation by reducing the number of binary variables. discuss these formulations in detail. Let \(\mathcal{C}\) be the set of all possible directed cycles and \(\mathcal{C}_A \in \mathcal{C}\) be the set of arcs defining a cycle. The CP formulation removes cycles by imposing the following constraints for [\[CP-con2\]](#CP-con2){reference-type="eqref" reference="CP-con2"} \[\label{CE} \textbf{CP} \quad \sum_{(j,k ) \in \, \mathcal{C}_A} g_{jk} \leq |\mathcal{C}_A|-1, \quad \forall \mathcal{C}_A \in \mathcal{C}.\] Define decision variables \(z_{jk} \in \{0,1\}\) for all \((j,k) \in \overrightarrow{E}\) and \(o_{rs} \in \{0,1\}\) for all \(r, s \in \{1, \dots, m\}\). The variable \(z_{jk}\) takes value 1 if there is an arc \((j,k)\) in the network, and \(o_{rs}\) takes value 1 if the topological order of node \(r\) equals \(s\). The TO formulation rules out cycles in the graph by the following constraints
The third way to remove cycles is by imposing the condition that the resulting graph is a layered network. This can be achived by the following set of constraints in the LN formulation:
Let \(\psi_k\) be the *layer value* for node \(k\). The set of constraints in [\[LN-con4\]](#LN-con4){reference-type="eqref" reference="LN-con4"} ensures that if the layer of node \(j\) appears before that of node \(k\) (i.e., there is a direct path from node \(j\) to node \(k\)), then \(\psi_k \geq \psi_j + 1\). This rules out any cycles. The set of constraints in [\[LN-con4\]](#LN-con4){reference-type="eqref" reference="LN-con4"} imposes that if \(z_{ij} = 1\) and \(z_{jk} = 1\), then \(z_{ik} = 1\). Thus, additional binary vector \(g\) along with the set of constraints in [\[LN-con3\]](#LN-con3){reference-type="eqref" reference="LN-con3"} is needed to correctly encode the \(\ell_0\) regularization. Similar reasoning applies for the TO formulation; see.
## Linear encodings of the non-convex constraints [\[CP-con1\]](#CP-con1){reference-type="eqref" reference="CP-con1"} {#lit2}
The nonconvexity of the set of constraints in [\[CP-con1\]](#CP-con1){reference-type="eqref" reference="CP-con1"} causes challenges in obtaining provably optimal solutions with existing optimization software. Therefore, we consider convex representations of this set of constraints. First, we consider a linear representation of the constraints in [\[CP-con1\]](#CP-con1){reference-type="eqref" reference="CP-con1"}. Although the existing formulations discussed in Section [4.1](#lit1){reference-type="ref" reference="lit1"} differ in their approach to ruling out cycles, one major commonality among them is that they replace the non-linear constraint [\[CP-con1\]](#CP-con1){reference-type="eqref" reference="CP-con1"} by so called *big-\(M\) constraints* given by \[\label{eq:bigM}-M g_{jk} \leq \beta_{jk} \leq M g_{jk}, \forall (j,k) \in \overrightarrow{E},\] for a large enough \(M\). Unfortunately, these big-\(M\) constraints [\[eq:bigM\]](#eq:bigM){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:bigM"} are poor approximations of [\[CP-con1\]](#CP-con1){reference-type="eqref" reference="CP-con1"}, especially in this problem, because no natural and tight value for \(M\) exist. Although a few techniques have been proposed for obtaining the big-\(M\) parameter for sparse regression problem, the resulting parameters are often too large in practice. Further, finding a tight big-\(M\) parameter itself is a difficult problem to solve for DAG structure learning. Consider [\[CP-obj\]](#CP-obj){reference-type="eqref" reference="CP-obj"}-[\[CP-con3\]](#CP-con3){reference-type="eqref" reference="CP-con3"} by substituting [\[CP-con1\]](#CP-con1){reference-type="eqref" reference="CP-con1"} by the linear big-\(M\) constraints [\[eq:bigM\]](#eq:bigM){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:bigM"} and writing the objective function in a matrix form. We denote the resulting formulation, which has a convex quadratic objective and linear constraints, by the following MIQP.
Depending on which types of constraints are used in lieu of [\[CP-con2\]](#CP-con2){reference-type="eqref" reference="CP-con2"}, as explained in Section [4.1](#lit1){reference-type="ref" reference="lit1"}, MIQP [\[eq:LNform\]](#eq:LNform){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:LNform"} results in three different formulations: MIQP+CP, which uses [\[CE\]](#CE){reference-type="eqref" reference="CE"}, MIQP+TO, which uses [\[TO\]](#TO){reference-type="eqref" reference="TO"}, and MIQP+LN, which uses [\[LN\]](#LN){reference-type="eqref" reference="LN"}, respectively. To discuss the challenges of the big-\(M\) approach, we give a definition followed by two propositions.
Proposition [\[Prop:strong\]](#Prop:strong){reference-type="ref" reference="Prop:strong"} implies that the MIQP+TO and MIQP+CP formulations are stronger than the MIQP+LN formulation. Nonetheless, Proposition [\[Prop5: BB\]](#Prop5: BB){reference-type="ref" reference="Prop5: BB"} establishes that for sufficiently large values of \(M\), stronger formulations attain the same continuous relaxation objective function value as the weaker formulation throughout the branch-and-bound tree. The optimal solution to the continuous relaxation of MIQP formulations of DAG structure learning may not be at an extreme point of the convex hull of feasible points. Hence, stronger formulations do not necessarily ensure better lower bounds. This is in contrast to a mixed-integer program (MIP) with linear objective, whose continuous relaxation is a linear program (LP). In that case, there exists an optimal solution that is an extreme point of the corresponding feasible set. As a result, a better lower bound can be obtained from a stronger formulation that better approximates the convex hull of a mixed-integer linear program; this generally leads to faster convergence. A prime example is the traveling salesman problem (TSP), for which stronger formulations attain better computational performance. In contrast, the numerical results by show that MIQP+LN has better computational performance because it is a compact formulation with the fewest constraints and the same continuous relaxation bounds. Our next result, which is adapted from to the DAG structure learning problem, shows that the continuous relaxation of MIQP is equivalent to the optimal solution to the problem where the \(\ell_0\)-regularization term is replaced with an \(\ell_1\)-regularization term (i.e., \(\|\beta\|_1=\sum_{(j,k) \in \overrightarrow{E}}|\beta_{jk}|\)) with a particular choice of the \(\ell_1\) penalty. This motivates us to consider tighter continuous relaxation for MIQP. Let \((\beta^R, g^R)\) be an optimal solution to the continuous relaxation of MIQP.
Despite the promising performance of MIQP+LN, its continuous relaxation objective function value provides a weak lower bound due to the big-\(M\) constraints. To circumvent this issue, a natural strategy is to improve the big-\(M\) value. Nonetheless, existing methods which ensure a valid big-\(M\) value or heuristic techniques do not lead to tight big-\(M\) values. For instance, the heuristic technique by to obtain big-\(M\) values always satisfies the condition in Proposition [\[Prop:strong\]](#Prop:strong){reference-type="ref" reference="Prop:strong"} and exact techniques are expected to produce even larger big-\(M\) values. Therefore, we next directly develop tighter approximations for [\[CP-con1\]](#CP-con1){reference-type="eqref" reference="CP-con1"}.
# New Perspectives for Mathematical Formulations of DAG Learning {#Sec: Math models}
In this section, we discuss improved mathematical formulations for learning DAG structure of a BN based on convex (instead of linear) encodings of the constraints in [\[CP-con1\]](#CP-con1){reference-type="eqref" reference="CP-con1"}. Problem [\[MIQP1\]](#MIQP1){reference-type="eqref" reference="MIQP1"} is an MIQP with non-convex complementarity constraints [\[CP-con1\]](#CP-con1){reference-type="eqref" reference="CP-con1"}, a class of problems which has received a fair amount of attention from the operations research community over the last decade. There has also been recent interest in leveraging these developments to solve sparse regression problems with \(\ell_0\) regularization. Next, we review applications of MIQPs with complementarity constraints of the form [\[CP-con1\]](#CP-con1){reference-type="eqref" reference="CP-con1"} for solving sparse regression with \(\ell_0\) regularization. develop a so-called projected perspective relaxation method, to solve the perspective relaxation of mixed-integer nonlinear programming problems with a convex objective function and complementarity constraints. This reformulation requires that the corresponding binary variables are not involved in other constraints. Therefore, it is suitable for \(\ell_0\) sparse regression, but cannot be applied for DAG structure learning. show how a broad class of \(\ell_0\)-regularized problems, including sparse regression as a special case, can be formulated exactly as optimization problems. The authors use the Tikhonov regularization term \(\mu\|\beta\|_2^2\) and convex analysis to construct an improved convex relaxation using the reverse Huber penalty. In a similar vein, exploit the Tikhonov regularization and develop an efficient algorithm by reformulating the sparse regression mathematical formulation as a saddle-point optimization problem with an outer linear integer optimization problem and an inner dual quadratic optimization problem which is capable of solving high-dimensional sparse regressions. apply the perspective formulation of sparse regression optimization problem with both \(\ell_0\) and the Tikhonov regularization. The authors establish that the continuous relaxation of the perspective formulation is equivalent to the continuous relaxation of the formulation given by. propose perspective relaxation for \(\ell_0\) sparse regression optimization formulation and establish that the popular sparsity-inducing concave penalty function known as the minimax concave penalty and the reverse Huber penalty can be obtained as special cases of the perspective relaxation--thus the relaxations of formulations by are equivalent. The authors obtain an optimal perspective relaxation that is no weaker than any perspective relaxation. Among the related approaches, the optimal perspective relaxation by is the only one that does not explicitly require the use of Tikhonov regularization. The perspective formulation, which in essence is a fractional non-linear program, can be cast either as a mixed-integer second-order cone program (MISOCP) or a semi-infinite mixed-integer linear program (SIMILP). Both formulations can be solved directly by state-of-the-art optimization packages. and solve the continuous relaxations and then use a heuristic approach (e.g., rounding techniques) to obtain a feasible solution (an upper bound). In this paper, we directly solve the MISOCP and SIMILP formulations for learning sparse DAG structures. Next, we present how perspective formulation can be suitably applied for DAG structure learning with \(\ell_0\) regularization. We further cast the problem as MISOCP and SIMILP. To this end, we express the objective function [\[L-obj\]](#L-obj){reference-type="eqref" reference="L-obj"} in the following way:
Let \(\delta \in \mathbb{R}_{+}^{m}\) be a vector such that \(\mathcal{X}^\top\mathcal{X}-{D}_\delta \succeq 0\), where \(D_\delta=\text{diag}(\delta_1, \dots, \delta_m)\) and \(A \succeq 0\) means that matrix \(A\) is positive semi-definite. By splitting the quadratic term \(\mathcal{X}^{\top}\mathcal{X}= (\mathcal{X}^{\top}\mathcal{X}-D_\delta)+D_\delta\) in [\[PR-obj4\]](#PR-obj4){reference-type="eqref" reference="PR-obj4"}, the objective function can be expressed as \[\label{eq:LNform1} \text{tr}\left[(I-B-B^\top)\mathcal{X}^{\top}\mathcal{X} + BB^\top(\mathcal{X}^{\top}\mathcal{X}-D_\delta)\right] + \text{tr}\left(B B^\top D_\delta\right) +\lambda_n \sum_{(j,k) \in \overrightarrow{E}} g_{jk}.\] Let \(Q= \mathcal{X}^{\top}\mathcal{X}-D_{\delta}\). (In the presence of Tikhonov regularization with tuning parameter \(\mu> 0\), we let \(Q= \mathcal{X}^{\top}\mathcal{X} + \mu I-D_{\delta}\) as described in Remark [\[rem:L2\]](#rem:L2){reference-type="ref" reference="rem:L2"}.) Then, Cholesky decomposition can be applied to decompose \(Q\) as \(q^{\top}q\) (note \(Q \succeq 0\)). As a result, \(\text{tr}\left(B B^\top Q\right) = \text{tr}\left(B B^\top {q^\top} {q}\right) = \sum_{i=1}^{m} \sum_{j=1}^{m} \left(\sum_{(\ell,j) \in \overrightarrow{E}} \beta_{\ell j}q_{i\ell}\right)^2\). The separable component can also be expressed as \(\text{tr}\left(B B^\top D_\delta\right) = \sum_{j=1}^{m} \sum_{(j,k) \in \overrightarrow{E}} \delta_j\beta_{jk}^2\). Using this notation, the objective [\[eq:LNform1\]](#eq:LNform1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:LNform1"} can be written as \[\nonumber \label{Obj} \text{tr}\left[(I-B-B^\top)\mathcal{X}^{\top}\mathcal{X} + BB^\top Q\right] +\sum_{j=1}^{m} \sum_{(j,k) \in \overrightarrow{E}} \delta_j\beta_{jk}^2 + \lambda_n\sum_{(j,k) \in \overrightarrow{E}} g_{jk}.\] The Perspective Reformulation (PRef) of MIQP is then given by
The objective function [\[PR-Obj\]](#PR-Obj){reference-type="eqref" reference="PR-Obj"} is formally undefined when some \(g_{jk}\) = 0. More precisely, we use the convention that \(\frac{\beta^2_{jk}}{g_{jk}}=0\) when \(\beta_{jk} = g_{jk} = 0\) and \(\frac{\beta^2_{jk}}{g_{jk}}=+\infty\) when \(\beta_{jk} \neq 0\) and \(g_{jk}=0\). The continuous relaxation of PRef, referred to as the perspective relaxation, is much stronger than the continuous relaxation of MIQP. However, an issue with PRef is that the objective function is nonlinear due to the fractional term. There are two ways to reformulate PRef. One as a mixed-integer second-order conic program (MISOCP) (see, Section [5.1](#SOCP){reference-type="ref" reference="SOCP"}) and the other as a semi-infinite mixed-integer linear program (SIMILP) (see, Section [5.2](#SIP){reference-type="ref" reference="SIP"}).
## Mixed-integer second-order conic program {#SOCP}
Let \(s_{jk}\) be additional variables representing \(\beta_{jk}^2\). Then, the MISOCP formulation is given by
Here, the constraints in [\[SOCP-C1\]](#SOCP-C1){reference-type="eqref" reference="SOCP-C1"} imply that \(\beta_{jk} \neq 0\) only when \(z_{jk} = 1\). The constraints in [\[SOCP-C1\]](#SOCP-C1){reference-type="eqref" reference="SOCP-C1"} are second-order conic representable because they can be written in the form of \(\sqrt{4\beta_{jk}^2+ (s_{jk}-g_{jk})^2}\leq s_{jk}+g_{jk}\). The set of constraints in [\[SOCP-C2\]](#SOCP-C2){reference-type="eqref" reference="SOCP-C2"} is valid since \(\beta_{jk} \leq Mg_{jk}\) implies \(\beta_{jk}^2 \leq M^2g^2_{jk}= M^2g^2_{jk}\) and \(g_{jk}^2=g_{jk}\) for \(g_{jk} \in \{0,1\}\). The set of constraints in [\[SOCP-C2\]](#SOCP-C2){reference-type="eqref" reference="SOCP-C2"} is not required, yet they improve the computational efficiency especially when we restrict the big-\(M\) value. report similar behavior for sparse regression. When we relax \(g_{jk}\in \{0,1\}\) and let \(g_{jk}\in[0,1]\), we obtain the continuous relaxation of MISOCP [\[eq:misocp\]](#eq:misocp){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:misocp"}. Let us denote the feasible region of continuous relaxation of MISOCP [\[eq:misocp\]](#eq:misocp){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:misocp"} and MIQP [\[eq:LNform\]](#eq:LNform){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:LNform"} by \(\mathcal{R}\)MISOCP and \(\mathcal{R}\)MIQP, and the objective function values by OFV(\(\mathcal{R}\)MISOCP) and OFV(\(\mathcal{R}\)MIQP), respectively. For a more general problem than ours, give a detailed proof establishing that the feasible region of the former is contained in the feasible region of latter i.e., \(\mathcal{R}\)MISOCP \(\subset \mathcal{R}MIQP\). This implies that OFV(\(\mathcal{R}\)MISOCP) \(\not >\) OFV(\(\mathcal{R}\)MIQP). Therefore, we are able to obtain stronger lower bounds using MISOCP than MIQP.
## Mixed-integer semi-infinite integer linear program {#SIP}
An alternative approach to reformulate PRef is via *perspective cuts* developed by. To apply perspective cuts, we use the reformulation idea first proposed in by introducing dummy decision matrix \(D\) to distinguish the separable and non-separable part of the objective function; we also add the additional constraint \(d = \beta\) where \(d_{jk}\) is \((j,k)\) element of matrix \(D\) and \(\beta\) is the decision variable in the optimization problem. Following this approach, MIQP can be reformulated as an SIMILP:
The set of constraints in [\[SIP-C1\]](#SIP-C1){reference-type="eqref" reference="SIP-C1"} are known as perspective cuts. Note that there are infinitely many such constraints. Although this problem cannot be solved directly, it lends itself to a delayed cut generation approach whereby a (small) finite subset of constraints in [\[SIP-C1\]](#SIP-C1){reference-type="eqref" reference="SIP-C1"} is kept, the current solution \((\beta^{\star}, g^{\star}, v^{\star})\) of the relaxation is obtained, and all the violated inequalities for the relaxation solution are added for \(\bar{\beta}_{jk} = \frac{\beta^{\star}_{jk}}{g^{\star}_{jk}}\) (assuming \(\frac{0}{0} = 0\)). This process is repeated until termination criteria are met. This procedure can be implemented using the cut callback function available by off-the-shelf solvers such as Gurobi or CPLEX.
## Selecting \(\delta\) {#deltavalue}
In the MISOCP and SIMILP formulations, one important question is how to identify a valid \(\delta\). A natural choice is diag\((\delta) = (\lambda_{\min}-\varepsilon)e\) where \(\lambda_{\min}\) is the minimum eigenvalue of \(\mathcal{X}^\top\mathcal{X}\), \(\varepsilon > 0\) is a sufficiently small number to avoid numerical instability of estimating eigenvalues, and \(e\) is a column vector of ones. The issue with this approach is that if \(\lambda_{\min} =0\), then \(\text{diag}({\delta})\) becomes a trivial 0 matrix. If \(\text{diag}(\delta)\) turns out to be a zero matrix, then MISOCP formulation reduces to the big-\(M\) formulation. present an effective approach for obtaining a valid \(\delta\) by solving the following semidefinite program (SDP)
This formulation can attain a non-zero \(D_{\delta}\) even if \(\lambda_{\min}=0\). Numerical results by show that this method compares favorably with the minimum eigenvalue approach. propose an SDP approach, which obtains \(D_{\delta}\) such that the continuous relaxation of MISOCP [\[eq:misocp\]](#eq:misocp){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:misocp"} is as tight as possible. Similar to, our formulation does not require adding a Tikhonov regularization. In this case, PRef is effective when \(\mathcal{X}^\top\mathcal{X}\) is sufficiently diagonally dominant. When \(n \geq m\) and each row of \(\mathcal{X}\) is independent, then \(\mathcal{X}^\top\mathcal{X}\) is guaranteed to be a positive semi-definite matrix. On the other hand, when \(n < m\), \(\mathcal{X}^\top\mathcal{X}\) is not full-rank. Therefore, a Tikhonov regularization term should be added with sufficiently large \(\mu\) to make \(\mathcal{X}^\top\mathcal{X} + \mu I \succeq 0\) in order to benefit from the strengthening provided by PRef.
# Experiments {#Sec: Computational}
In this section, we report the results of our numerical experiments that compare different formulations and evaluate the effect of different tuning parameters and estimation strategies. Our experiments are performed on a cluster operating on UNIX with Intel Xeon E5-2640v4 2.4GHz. All formulations are implemented in the Python programming language. Gurobi 8.1 is used as the solver. Unless otherwise stated, a time limit of \(50m\) (in seconds), where \(m\) denotes the number of nodes, and an MIQP relative optimality gap of \(0.01\) are imposed across all experiments after which runs are aborted. The *relative* optimality gap is calculated by RGAP\(:=\frac{UB(X)-LB(X)}{UB(X)}\) where UB(X) denotes the objective value associated with the best feasible integer solution (incumbent) and LB(X) represents the best obtained lower bound during the branch-and-bound process for the formulation \(X \in \{{MIQP}, {SIMILP}, {MISOCP}\}\). Unless otherwise stated, we assume \(\lambda_n=\ln(n)\) which corresponds to the Bayesian information criterion (BIC) score. To select the big-\(M\) parameter, \(M\), in all formulations we use the proposal of. Specifically, given \(\lambda_n\), we solve each problem without cycle prevention constraints and obtain \(\beta^R\). We then use the upper bound \(M = 2 \underset{(j,k) \in \overrightarrow{E}}{\max} \, |\beta^R_{jk}|\). Although this value does not guarantee an upper bound for \(M\), the results provided in and computationally confirm that this approach gives a large enough value of \(M\). The goals of our computational study are twofold. First, we compare the various mathematical formulations to determine which gives us the best performance in Subsection [6.1](#sec:synth-data){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:synth-data"}, compare the sensitivity to the model parameters in Subsection [6.2](#lambda){reference-type="ref" reference="lambda"}, and the choice of the regularization term in Subsection [6.3](#sec:compl2){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:compl2"}. Second, in Subsection [6.4](#sec:compearly){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:compearly"} we use the best-performing formulation to investigate the implications of the early stopping condition on the quality of the solution with respect to the true graph. To be able to perform such a study, we use synthetic data so that the true graph is available. We use the package `pcalg` in `R` to generate random graphs. First, we create a DAG by `randomDAG` function and assign random arc weights (i.e., \(\beta\)) from a uniform distribution, \(\mathcal{U}[0.1, 1]\). Next, the resulting DAG and random coefficients are fed into the `rmvDAG` function to generate multivariate data based on linear SEMs (columns of matrix \(\mathcal X\)) with the standard normal error distribution. We consider \(m\in\{10,20,30,40\}\) nodes and \(n=100\) samples. The average outgoing degree of each node, denoted by \(d\), is set to two. We generate 10 random Erdős-Rényi graphs for each setting (\(m\), \(n\), \(d\)). We observe that in our instances, the minimum eigenvalue of \(\mathcal{X}^\top \mathcal{X}\) across all instances is 3.26 and the maximum eigenvalue is 14.21. Two types of problem instances are considered: (i) a set of instances with known moral graph corresponding to the true DAG; (ii) a set of instances with a complete undirected graph, i.e., assuming no prior knowledge. We refer to the first class of instances as *moral* instances and to the second class as *complete* instances. The observational data, \(\mathcal{X}\), for both classes of instances are the same. The function `moralize(graph)` in the `pcalg` `R`-package is used to generated the moral graph from the true DAG. Although the moral graph can be consistently estimated from data using penalized estimation procedures with polynomial complexity, the quality of moral graph affects all optimization models. Therefore, we use the true moral graph in our experiments.
## Comparison of Mathematical Formulations {#sec:synth-data}
We use the following MIQP-based metrics to measure the quality of a solution: relative optimality gap (RGAP), computation time in seconds (Time), Upper Bound (UB), Lower Bound (LB), objective function value (OFV) of the initial continuous relaxation, and the number of explored nodes in the branch-and-bound tree (\(\#\) BB). An in-depth analysis comparing the existing mathematical formulations that rely on linear encodings of the constraints in [\[CP-con1\]](#CP-con1){reference-type="eqref" reference="CP-con1"} for MIQP formulations is conducted by. The authors conclude that MIQP+LN formulation outperforms the other MIQP formulations, and the promising performance of MIQP+LN can be attributed to its size: (1) MIQP+LN has fewer binary variables and constraints than MIQP+TO, (2) MIQP+LN is a compact (polynomial-sized) formulation in contrast to MIQP+CP which has an exponential number of constraints. Therefore, in this paper, we analyze the formulations based on the convex encodings of the constraints in [\[CP-con1\]](#CP-con1){reference-type="eqref" reference="CP-con1"}.
### Comparison of MISOCP formulations {#sec:MISOCP-experiments}
We next experiment with MISOCP formulations. For the set of constraints in [\[CP-con2\]](#CP-con2){reference-type="eqref" reference="CP-con2"}, we use LN, TO, and CP constraints discussed in Section [4.1](#lit1){reference-type="ref" reference="lit1"} resulting in three formulations denoted as MISOCP+LN, MISOCP+TO, MISOCP+CP, respectively. The MISOCP+TO formulation fails to find a feasible solution for instances with 30 and 40 nodes, see Table [1](#Details){reference-type="ref" reference="Details"}. For moral instances, the optimality gap for MISOCP+TO are 0.000 and 0.021 for instances with 10 and 20 nodes, respectively; for complete instances, the optimality gap for MISOCP+TO formulation are 0.009 and 0.272 for instances with 10 and 20 nodes, respectively. Moreover, Table [1](#Details){reference-type="ref" reference="Details"} illustrates that MISOCP+LN performs better than MISOCP+TO for even small instances (i.e., 10 and 20 nodes).
"-\" denotes that no feasible solution, i.e., UB, is obtained within the time limit, so optimality gap cannot be computed.
For MISOCP+CP, instead of incorporating all constraints given by [\[CE\]](#CE){reference-type="eqref" reference="CE"}, we begin with no constraint of type [\[CE\]](#CE){reference-type="eqref" reference="CE"}. Given an integer solution with cycles, we detect a cycle and impose a new cycle prevention constraint to remove the detected cycle. Depth First Search (DFS) can detect a cycle in a directed graph with complexity \(O(|V|+|E|)\). Gurobi `LazyCallback` function is used, which allows adding cycle prevention constraints in the branch-and-bound algorithm, whenever an integer solution with cycles is found. The same approach is used by to solve the corresponding MIQP+CP. Note that Gurobi solver follows a branch-and-cut implementation and adds many general-purpose and special-purpose cutting planes. Figures [\[Figurea: MISOCP\]](#Figurea: MISOCP){reference-type="ref" reference="Figurea: MISOCP"} and [\[Figureb: MISOCP\]](#Figureb: MISOCP){reference-type="ref" reference="Figureb: MISOCP"} show that MISOCP+LN outperforms MISOCP+CP in terms of relative optimality gap and computational time. In addition, MISOCP+LN attains better upper and lower bounds than MISOCP+CP (see, Figures [\[Figurec: MISOCP\]](#Figurec: MISOCP){reference-type="ref" reference="Figurec: MISOCP"} and [\[Figured: MISOCP\]](#Figured: MISOCP){reference-type="ref" reference="Figured: MISOCP"}). MISOCP+CP requires the solution of a second-order cone program (SOCP) after each cut, which reduces its computational efficiency and results in higher optimality gaps than MISOCP+LN. MISOCP+TO requires many binary variables which makes the problem very inefficient when the network becomes denser and larger as shown in Table [1](#Details){reference-type="ref" reference="Details"}. Therefore, we do not illustrate the MISOCP+TO results in Figure [\[Figure: MIQP\]](#Figure: MIQP){reference-type="ref" reference="Figure: MIQP"}.
### Comparison of MISOCP versus SIMILP {#sec:MISOCP ver MIMILP-experiments}
Our computational experiments show that the SIMILP formulation generally performs poorly when compared to MISOCP+LN and MIQP+LN in terms of optimality gap, upper bound, and computational time. We report the results for SIMILP+LN, MISOCP+LN, and MIQP+LN formulations in Figure [\[Figure: SIMLP\]](#Figure: SIMLP){reference-type="ref" reference="Figure: SIMLP"}. We only consider the LN formulation because that is the best performing model among the alternatives both for MISOCP and MIQP formulations. Figures [\[Figurea: SIMILP\]](#Figurea: SIMILP){reference-type="ref" reference="Figurea: SIMILP"} and [\[Figureb: SIMILP\]](#Figureb: SIMILP){reference-type="ref" reference="Figureb: SIMILP"} show the relative optimality gaps and computational times for these three formulations. Figures [\[Figurec: SIMILP\]](#Figurec: SIMILP){reference-type="ref" reference="Figurec: SIMILP"} and [\[Figured: SIMILP\]](#Figured: SIMILP){reference-type="ref" reference="Figured: SIMILP"} demonstrate that SIMILP+LN attains lower bounds that are comparable with other two formulations. In particular, for complete instances with large number of nodes, SIMILP+LN attains better lower bounds than MIQP+LN. Nonetheless, SIMILP+LN fails to obtain good upper bounds. Therefore, the relative optimality gap is considerably larger for SIMILP+LN. The poor performance of SIMILP+LN might be because state-of-the-art optimization packages (e.g., Gurobi, CPLEX) use many heuristics to obtain a good feasible solution (i.e., upper bound) for a compact formulation. In contrast, SIMILP is not a compact formulation, and we build the SIMILP gradually by adding violated constraints iteratively. Therefore, a feasible solution to the original formulation is not available while solving the relaxations with a subset of the constraints [\[SIP-C1\]](#SIP-C1){reference-type="eqref" reference="SIP-C1"}. Moreover, the optimization solvers capable of solving MISOCP formulations have witnessed noticeable improvement due to theoretical developments in this field. In particular, Gurobi reports 20% and 38% improvement in solution time for versions 8 and 8.1, respectively. In addition, Gurobi v8.1 reports over four times faster solution times than CPLEX for solving MISOCP on their benchmark instances.
### Comparison of MISOCP versus MIQP formulations {#sec:MISOCP ver MIQP experiments}
In this section, we demonstrate the benefit of using the second-order conic formulation MISOCP+LN instead of the linear big-\(M\) formulation MIQP+LN. As before, we only consider the LN formulation for this purpose. Figures [\[Figurea: Best\]](#Figurea: Best){reference-type="ref" reference="Figurea: Best"} and [\[Figureb: Best\]](#Figureb: Best){reference-type="ref" reference="Figureb: Best"} show that MISOCP+LN performs better than MIQP+LN in terms of the average relative optimality gap across all number of nodes \(m \in \{10,20,30,40\}\). The only exception is \(m=40\) for moral instances, for which MIQP+LN performs better than MISOCP+LN. Nonetheless, we observe that MISOCP+LN clearly outperforms MIQP+LN for complete instances which are more difficult to solve. Figures [\[Figurec: Best\]](#Figurec: Best){reference-type="ref" reference="Figurec: Best"} and [\[Figured: Best\]](#Figured: Best){reference-type="ref" reference="Figured: Best"} show the performance of both formulations in terms of the resulting upper and lower bounds on the objective function. We observe that MISOCP+LN attains better lower bounds especially for complete instances. However, MISOCP+LN cannot always obtain a better upper bound. In other words, MISOCP+LN is more effective in improving the lower bound instead of the upper bound as expected. Figures [\[Figuree: Best\]](#Figuree: Best){reference-type="ref" reference="Figuree: Best"} and [\[Figuref: Best\]](#Figuref: Best){reference-type="ref" reference="Figuref: Best"} show that MISOCP+LN uses fewer branch-and-bound nodes and achieves better continuous relaxation values than MIQP+LN.
## Analyzing the Choices of \(\lambda_n\) and \(M\) {#lambda}
We now experiment on different values for \(\lambda_n\) and \(M\) to assess the effects of these parameters on the performance of MISOCP+LN and MIQP+LN. First, we change \(\lambda_n \in \{\ln{(n)}, 2\ln(n), 4\ln(n)\}\) while keeping the value of \(M\) the same (i.e., \(M=2\underset{(j,k) \in \overrightarrow{E}}{\max} \, |\beta^\star_{jk}|\)). Table [\[Table: lambda\]](#Table: lambda){reference-type="ref" reference="Table: lambda"} shows that as \(\lambda_n\) increases, MISOCP+LN consistently performs better than MIQP+LN in terms of the relative optimality gap, computational time, the number of branch-and-bound nodes, and continuous relaxation objective function value. Indeed, the difference becomes even more pronounced for more difficult cases (i.e., complete instances). For instance, for \(\lambda_n = 4 \ln(n)=18.4\), the optimality gap reduces from 0.465 to 0.374, an over 24% improvement.
2ex [\[Table: lambda\]]{#Table: lambda label="Table: lambda"}
2ex [\[Table: M\]]{#Table: M label="Table: M"}
Finally, we study the influence of the big-\(M\) parameter. Instead of a coefficient \(\gamma=2\) in, we experiment with \(M = \gamma \underset{(j,k) \in \overrightarrow{E}}{\max} \, |\beta^{R}_{jk}|\) for \(\gamma \in \{2, 5, 10\}\) in Table [\[Table: M\]](#Table: M){reference-type="ref" reference="Table: M"}, where \(|\beta^{R}_{jk}|\) denotes the optimal solution of each optimization problem without the constraints to remove cycles. The larger the big-\(M\) parameter, the worse the effectiveness of both models. However, MISOCP+LN tightens the formulation using the conic constraints whereas MIQP+LN does not have any means to tighten the formulation instead of big-\(M\) constraints which have poor relaxation. For \(M > 2 \underset{(j,k) \in \overrightarrow{E}}{\max} \, |\beta^{R}_{jk}|\), MISOCP+LN outperforms MIQP+LN in all measures, in most cases.
## The Effect of Tikhonov Regularization {#sec:compl2}
In this subsection, we consider the effect of adding a Tikhonov regularization term to the objective (see Remark [\[rem:L2\]](#rem:L2){reference-type="ref" reference="rem:L2"}) by considering \(\mu \in \{0, \ln(n), 2\ln(n)\}\) while keeping the values of \(\lambda_n = \ln(n)\) and \(M\) the same as before. Table [\[Table: mu\]](#Table: mu){reference-type="ref" reference="Table: mu"} demonstrates that for all instances with \(\mu>0\), MISOCP+LN outperforms MIQP+LN. For instance, for \(m=40\) and \(\mu=18.4\), MISOCP+LN improves the optimality gap from 0.445 to 0.366, an improvement over 21%. The reason for this improvement is that \(\mu>0\) makes the matrix more diagonally dominant; therefore, it makes the conic constraints more effective in tightening the formulation and obtaining a better optimality gap.
2ex [\[Table: mu\]]{#Table: mu label="Table: mu"}
## Practical Implications of Early Stopping {#sec:compearly}
In this subsection, we evaluate the quality of the estimated DAGs obtained from MISOCP+LN by comparing them with the ground truth DAG. To this end, we use the average structural Hamming distance \((\mathrm{SHD})\) which counts the number of arc differences (additions, deletions, or reversals) required to transform the estimated DAG to the true DAG. Since Gurobi sets a minimum relative gap RGAP\(=1e^{-4}\), the solution obtained within this relative gap is considered optimal. Finally, because the convergence of the branch-and-bound process may be slow in some cases, we set a time limit of 100\(m\). To test the quality of the solution obtained with an early stopping criterion, we set the absolute optimality gap parameter as \(GAP=\frac{\log(m)}{n}s_m\) and the \(\ell_0\) regularization parameter as \(\lambda_n=\log m\) as suggested by Proposition [\[EarlyProp\]](#EarlyProp){reference-type="ref" reference="EarlyProp"} for achieving a consistent estimate. We compare the resulting suboptimal solution to the solution obtained by setting \(GAP= UB-LB=0\) to obtain the truly optimal solution. Table [\[Early\]](#Early){reference-type="ref" reference="Early"} shows the numerical results for the average solution time (in seconds) for instances that solve within the time limit, the number of instances that were not solved within the time limit, the actual absolute optimality gap at termination, the average SHD of the resulting DAGs, and in parenthesis, the standard deviation of the SHD scores, across 10 runs for moral instances. Table [\[Early\]](#Early){reference-type="ref" reference="Early"} indicates that the average SHD for \(GAP=\frac{\log(m)}{n}s_m\) is close to that of the truly optimal solution. Note that a lower GAP does not necessarily lead to a better SHD score; see, e.g., \(m=20\). From a computational standpoint, we observe that by using the early stopping criterion, we are able to obtain consistent solutions before reaching the time limit for more instances. In particular, four instances reach the time limit for GAP=0 before finding the optimal solution as opposed to only two for early stopping, Note that we only report the average solution time if the algorithm terminates before hitting the time limit, which explains why the average time appears smaller for optimal than early stopping. Taking into account the time to obtain the best integer solution, the average time for \(m=40\) is 1678.485 seconds for GAP=0, whereas it is 954.79 seconds for the early stopping setting. Furthermore, stopping early does not sacrifice from the quality of the resulting DAG as can be seen from the SHD scores.
# Conclusion {#Sec: Conclusion}
In this paper, we study the problem of learning an optimal directed acyclic graph (DAG) from continuous observational data, where the causal effect among the random variables is linear. The central problem is a quadratic optimization problem with regularization. We present a mixed-integer second order conic program (MISOCP) which entails a tighter relaxation than existing formulations with linear constraints. Our results show that MISOCP can successfully improve the lower bound and results in better optimality gap when compared with other formulations based on big-\(M\) constraints, especially for dense and large instances. Moreover, we establish an early stopping criterion under which we can terminate branch-and-bound and achieve a solution which is asymptotically optimal. | {'timestamp': '2020-06-16T02:10:27', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14346', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14346'} |
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# Introduction
Throughout this article, we shall assume that all schemes have an ample family of line bundles. For example, every quasi-projective scheme over a commutative ring has an ample family of line bundles. Usually, \(K\)-theory of vector bundles behaves well under this assumption. By a quasi-projective scheme will always mean a scheme which is quasi-projective over some commutative ring. Let \(\mathcal{E}\) be a vector bundle of rank \(r+1\) over a quasi-projective scheme \(X,\) and \(\mathbb{P}(\mathcal{E})\) denote the associated projective space bundle with the structure map \(\pi: \mathbb{P}(\mathcal{E}) \to X.\) Then the projective bundle theorem for algebraic \(K\)-theory says that (see Theorem V.1.5 of ) for all \(q \in \mathbb{Z},\) there is an isomorphism of groups \[K_{q}(X)^{r+1} \stackrel{\cong}\to K_{q}(\mathbb{P}(\mathcal{E})).\] The goal of this article is to present a relative version of the above stated result for Heller's relative \(K_{0}.\) Given a map of schemes \(f: X \to S,\) let \(K(f)\) denote the homotopy fibre of \(K(S) \to K(X).\) Here \(K(X)\) denotes the non-connective Bass \(K\)-theory spectrum of the scheme \(X.\) Then \(K_{n}(f),\) the \(n\)-th relative \(K\)-group of \(f,\) is defined as \(\pi_{n}K(f).\) In, Heller defined the relative \(K_{0}\)-group for a functor between certain categories. In this article, we are interested in Heller's relative \(K_{0}\)-groups for the pullback functor between the categories of vector bundles associated with a map of schemes. Given a map of schemes \(f: X \to S,\) Heller's relative \(K_{0}\) of \(f^{*}\) is generated by the triples \((V_{1}, \alpha, V_{2})\) with suitable relations, where \(V_{1}, V_{2}\) are vector bundles over \(S\) and \(\alpha: f^{*}V_{1}\to f^{*}V_{2}\) is an isomorphism (see Section [3](#k group definition){reference-type="ref" reference="k group definition"}). We write \(K_{0}^{He}(f)\) for the Heller relative \(K_{0}\) of \(f^{*}.\) It is natural to wonder the following: Is there any group isomorphism between \(K_{0}(f)\) and \(K_{0}^{He}(f)\)? It is known that there is a group isomorphism if \(f: X \to S\) is a map of schemes with \(X\) affine. More precisely, if \(f: X \to S\) is a map of schemes with \(X\) affine then there is an isomorphism of groups \(K_{0}^{He}(f) \stackrel{\cong}\to K_{0}(f)\)(see [@RI Theorem 1.5 and Example 1.16]). For an arbitrary \(X,\) we do not know whether the above mentioned result is true or not. Therefore, it is interesting to study the group \(K_{0}^{He}(\mathbb{P}_{X}^{r} \to \mathbb{P}_{S}^{r}).\) Given a map of quasi-projective schemes \(f: X \to S,\) we have the following commutative diagram \[\label{basicdiagram1} \begin{CD} \mathbb{P}(\mathcal{E})\times_{S} X =\mathbb{P}(f^{*}\mathcal{E}) @> \mathbb{P}(f) >> \mathbb{P}(\mathcal{E})\\ @V \pi_{X} VV @V \pi_{S} VV \\ X @> f >> S, \end{CD}\] where \(\mathcal{E}\) is a vector bundle over \(S.\) Note that if \(\mathcal{E}= \mathcal{O}_{S}^{r+1}\) then \(\mathbb{P}(f)\) is just the map \(\mathbb{P}_{X}^{r} \to \mathbb{P}_{S}^{r}.\) Under this situation, it is not hard to see that there is a group isomorphism (see Lemma [\[projective bundle formula for K_n\]](#projective bundle formula for K_n){reference-type="ref" reference="projective bundle formula for K_n"}) \[K_{n}(f)^{r+1} \stackrel{\cong}\to K_{n}(\mathbb{P}(f)).\] We prove a similar result for relative \(K_{0}^{He}\) in section [6](#first main theorem){reference-type="ref" reference="first main theorem"}. More precisely, we prove the following theorem (see Theorem [\[proj formula for k heller\]](#proj formula for k heller){reference-type="ref" reference="proj formula for k heller"}).
Using the Theorem [\[projective bundle for relative K_0\]](#projective bundle for relative K_0){reference-type="ref" reference="projective bundle for relative K_0"}, we also prove the following (see Corollary [\[He=k\]](#He=k){reference-type="ref" reference="He=k"}):
**Acknowledgements:** The author would like to thank Charles Weibel for his helpful comments during the preparation of this article. He would also like to thank the referee for valuable comments and suggestions.
# Preliminaries
For a scheme \(X,\) let \({\bf{Mod}}(X)\) denote the category of \(\mathcal{O}_{X}\)-modules and \({\bf{VB}}(X)\) denote the category of vector bundles on \(X\). It is well known that \({\bf{Mod}}(X)\) is an abelian category and \({\bf{VB}}(X)\) is an exact subcategory of \({\bf{Mod}}(X).\) Given a map of schemes \(f: X \to S,\) we define a category \({\bf{Mod}}(f)\) whose objects are triples \((\mathcal{F}_{1}, \alpha, \mathcal{F}_{2})\) with \(\mathcal{F}_{1}, \mathcal{F}_{2} \in {\bf{Mod}}(S)\) and \(\alpha: f^{*}\mathcal{F}_{1}\cong f^{*}\mathcal{F}_{2}\) in \({\bf{Mod}}(X).\) A morphism \((\mathcal{F}_{1}, \alpha, \mathcal{F}_{2}) \to (\mathcal{F}_{1}^{'}, \alpha^{'}, \mathcal{F}_{2}^{'})\) is a pair of maps \(u: \mathcal{F}_{1} \to \mathcal{F}_{1}^{'}\), \(v: \mathcal{F}_{2} \to \mathcal{F}_{2}^{'}\) in \({\bf{Mod}}(S)\) such that \(\alpha^{'} f^{*}u= f^{*}v~ \alpha\). In a similar way, we can define \({\bf{VB}}(f)\) by replacing \(\mathcal{O}_{S}\)-modules with vector bundles on \(S\). If \(f\) is a flat map then \((\operatorname{ker}(u), \tilde{\alpha}, \operatorname{ker}(v))\in {\bf{Mod}}(f),\) where \[\tilde{\alpha}: f^{*}\operatorname{ker}(u)\cong \operatorname{ker}(f^{*}u)\cong \operatorname{ker}(f^{*}v)\cong f^{*}\operatorname{ker}(v).\] Hereafter, we assume that \(f: X \to S\) is a flat map of schemes. Given a morphism \((u, v): (\mathcal{F}_{1}, \alpha, \mathcal{F}_{2}) \to (\mathcal{F}_{1}^{'}, \alpha^{'}, \mathcal{F}_{2}^{'})\) in \({\bf{Mod}}(f),\) we define \[\operatorname{ker}(u, v):= (\operatorname{ker}(u), \tilde{\alpha}, \operatorname{ker}(v)) ~{\rm {and}}~ \operatorname{coker} (u, v):= (\operatorname{coker}(u), \tilde{\alpha{'}}, \operatorname{coker}(v)),\] where \(\tilde{\alpha{'}}\) induces from \(\alpha^{'}.\) Under this definition, \({\bf{Mod}}(f)\) is an abelian category. The following lemma is an easy observation.
Suppose that the sequence \[0 \to (\mathcal{F}_{1}, \alpha, \mathcal{F}_{2}) \stackrel{(u,v)}\to (\mathcal{F}_{1}^{'}, \alpha^{'}, \mathcal{F}_{2}^{'})\stackrel{(u^{'}, v^{'})}\to (\mathcal{F}_{1}^{''}, \alpha^{''}, \mathcal{F}_{2}^{''})\to 0\] is exact in \({\bf{Mod}}(f)\) with \((\mathcal{F}_{1}, \alpha, \mathcal{F}_{2}), (\mathcal{F}_{1}^{''}, \alpha^{''}, \mathcal{F}_{2}^{''}) \in {\bf{VB}}(f).\) Since \({\bf{VB}}(S)\) is an exact subcategory of \({\bf{Mod}}(S),\) \(p: \mathcal{F}_{1}^{'}\cong V_{1}\) and \(q: \mathcal{F}_{2}^{'}\cong V_{2},\) where \(V_{1}, V_{2} \in {\bf{VB}}(S)\)(using Lemma [\[exact seq\]](#exact seq){reference-type="ref" reference="exact seq"}). Then \((p, q): (\mathcal{F}_{1}^{'}, \alpha^{'}, \mathcal{F}_{2}^{'})\cong (V_{1}, \beta, V_{2})\) in \({\bf{VB}}(f),\) where \(\beta= f^{*}q.\alpha^{'}.f^{*}p^{-1}.\) This proves the following:
# Relative K-theory {#k group definition}
Let \(f: X \to S\) be a map of schemes. Let \(K(f)\) be the homotopy fibre of \(K(S) \to K(X).\) Here \(K(X)\) denotes the non-connective Bass \(K\)-theory spectrum of the scheme \(X.\) Then \[K_{n}(f):= \pi_{n}K(f)\] for \(n\in \mathbb{Z}.\) In, Heller introduced the relative \(K_{0}\)-groups for a functor between certain categories (see also ). Following Heller, very recently R. Iwasa in define the relative \(K_{0}\)-groups for an exact functor between small exact categories. We now recall the definition from in a special situation. For more details, we refer to section 1 of. Consider \({\bf{VB}}(f)\) as the relative category associated to the pullback functor \(f^{*}: {\bf{VB}}(S) \to {\bf{VB}}(X).\) We define \(K_{0}(f^{*})\) to be the abelian group generated by \([(V_{1}, \alpha, V_{2})],\) where \((V_{1}, \alpha, V_{2}) \in {\bf{VB}}(f).\) The relations are:
- \([V^{'}] + [V^{''}] = [V]\) for every exact sequence \(0 \to V^{'} \to V \to V^{''}\to 0\) in \({\bf{VB}}(f);\)
- \([(V_{1},\alpha,V_{2})] + [(V_{2},\beta,V_{3})] = [(V_{1},\beta\alpha,V_{3})]\) for every pair \((V_{1},\alpha,V_{2}), (V_{2},\beta,V_{3})\) of objects in \({\bf{VB}}(f).\)
We prefer to write \(K_{0}^{He}(f)\) for \(K_{0}(f^{*}).\) Next, we discuss the relationship between \(K_{0}(f)\) and \(K_{0}^{He}(f).\) By applying Theorem 1.5 of to the functor \(f^{*}: {\bf{VB}}(S) \to {\bf{VB}}(X)\) with \(X\) affine, we get the following:
The next result is the projective bundle formula for relative \(K\)-theory.
The rest of the paper is dedicated to proving the projective bundle formula for \(K_{0}^{He}.\)
# Mumford-regular bundles
Let \(\mathcal{E}\) be a vector bundle of finite rank over a quasi-projective scheme \(X.\) Let \(\mathbb{P}= \mathbb{P}(\mathcal{E})\) be the associated projective space bundle. There is a natural map \(\pi=\pi_{X}: \mathbb{P}(\mathcal{E}) \to X.\) Some relevant details can be found in. A quasi-coherent \(\mathcal{O}_{\mathbb{P}}\)-module \(\mathcal{F}\) is said to be *Mumford-regular* if for all \(q>0\) the higher derived sheaves \(R^{q}\pi_{*}(\mathcal{F}(-q))=0.\) Here \(\mathcal{F}(n)\) is the twisted sheaf \(\mathcal{F}\otimes \mathcal{O}_{\mathbb{P}}(n).\) We now recall some known results pertaining to Mumford-regular modules. For details, we refer to and.
Let \(f: X \to S\) be a map of quasi-projective schemes and \(\mathcal{E}\) be a vector bundle of finite rank on \(S.\) Then we have a commutative diagram ([\[basicdiagram1\]](#basicdiagram1){reference-type="ref" reference="basicdiagram1"}). Let \({\bf {MR}(\mathbb{P}(\mathcal{E}))}\) denote the category of Mumford-regular vector bundles. Now, we define a category \({\bf{MR}}(\mathbb{P}(f))\) whose objects are triples \((\mathcal{F}_{1}, \alpha, \mathcal{F}_{2})\) with \(\mathcal{F}_{1}, \mathcal{F}_{2} \in {\bf {MR}(\mathbb{P}(\mathcal{E}))}\) and \(\alpha: \mathbb{P}(f)^{*}\mathcal{F}_{1}\cong \mathbb{P}(f)^{*}\mathcal{F}_{2}\) in \({\bf {MR}(\mathbb{P}(\mathcal{E}))}.\) A morphism \((\mathcal{F}_{1}, \alpha, \mathcal{F}_{2}) \to (\mathcal{F}_{1}^{'}, \alpha^{'}, \mathcal{F}_{2}^{'})\) is a pair of maps \(u: \mathcal{F}_{1} \to \mathcal{F}_{1}^{'}\), \(v: \mathcal{F}_{2} \to \mathcal{F}_{2}^{'}\) in \({\bf {MR}(\mathbb{P}(\mathcal{E}))}\) such that \(\alpha^{'} \mathbb{P}(f)^{*}u= \mathbb{P}(f)^{*}v~ \alpha\). Assume that \(f: X \to S\) is a flat map. Let \((\mathcal{F}_{1}, \alpha, \mathcal{F}_{2} )\in {\bf {MR}}(\mathbb{P}(f)).\) By Lemma [\[besic1\]](#besic1){reference-type="ref" reference="besic1"}(2), there are canonical onto maps \(\varepsilon_{i}: \pi_{S}^{*}\pi_{S*}(\mathcal{F}_{i}) \to \mathcal{F}_{i}\) for \(i=1, 2.\) We also have \[\mathbb{P}(f)^{*}\pi_{S}^{*}\pi_{S*}(\mathcal{F}_{i})= \pi_{X}^{*}f^{*}\pi_{S*}\mathcal{F}_{i}\cong \pi_{X}^{*}\pi_{X*}\mathbb{P}(f)^{*}\mathcal{F}_{i} ~~{\rm {for}}~~ i=1,2,\] where the first equality by the commutativity of the diagram ([\[basicdiagram1\]](#basicdiagram1){reference-type="ref" reference="basicdiagram1"}) and the second isomorphism by the flat base change theorem (see Lemma 30.5.2 of ). Thus, we get an isomorphism \(\mathbb{P}(f)^{*}\pi_{S}^{*}\pi_{S*}(\mathcal{F}_{1})\cong \mathbb{P}(f)^{*}\pi_{S}^{*}\pi_{S*}(\mathcal{F}_{2})\) and is denoted by \(\pi_{X}^{*}\pi_{X*}\alpha.\) Since \(\pi_{S}\) is quasi-compact and separated, \(\pi_{S}^{*}\pi_{S*}(\mathcal{F}_{i})\in {\bf {MR}(\mathbb{P}(\mathcal{E}))}\) for \(i= 1, 2\) by Example II.8.7.2 of. This implies that \[(\pi_{S}^{*}\pi_{S*}\mathcal{F}_{1}, \pi_{X}^{*}\pi_{X*}\alpha, \pi_{S}^{*}\pi_{S*}\mathcal{F}_{2}) \in {\bf{MR}}(\mathbb{P}(f)).\] Note that the canonical map \(\varepsilon: \pi^{*}\pi_{*}(\mathcal{F}) \to \mathcal{F}\) is natural in \(\mathcal{F}.\) So, the diagram \[\label{basicdiagram} \begin{CD} \mathbb{P}(f)^{*}\pi_{S}^{*}\pi_{S*}\mathcal{F}_{1}\cong \pi_{X}^{*}\pi_{X*}\mathbb{P}(f)^{*}\mathcal{F}_{1} @> \mathbb{P}(f)^{*}\varepsilon_{1} >> \mathbb{P}(f)^{*}\mathcal{F}_{1}\\ @V \pi_{X}^{*}\pi_{X*}\alpha VV @V \alpha VV \\ \mathbb{P}(f)^{*}\pi_{S}^{*}\pi_{S*}\mathcal{F}_{2}\cong \pi_{X}^{*}\pi_{X*}\mathbb{P}(f)^{*}\mathcal{F}_{2} @> \mathbb{P}(f)^{*}\varepsilon_{2} >> \mathbb{P}(f)^{*}\mathcal{F}_{2} \end{CD}\] is commutative by the naturality of \(\mathbb{P}(f)^{*}\varepsilon\). Hence we get the following (by Lemma [\[exact seq\]](#exact seq){reference-type="ref" reference="exact seq"}):
# Relative version of Quillen's Resolution Theorem
In this section, we prove a relative version of Quillen's resolution theorem which will play an important role in the later part of the paper. Throughout this section, \(f: X \to S\) is a flat map of quasi-projective schemes. First, we recall some notations from and. Given a Mumford-regular \(\mathcal{O}_{\mathbb{P}}\)-module \(\mathcal{F},\) we define a sequence of \(\mathcal{O}_{X}\)-modules \(T_{n}= T_{n}\mathcal{F}\) and \(\mathcal{O}_{\mathbb{P}}\)-modules \(Z_{n}= Z_{n}\mathcal{F}\) as follows. Starting with \(T_{0}\mathcal{F}=\pi_{*}\mathcal{F}\) and \(Z_{-1}= \mathcal{F}.\) Since \(\mathcal{F}\) is Mumford-regular, there is a canonical onto map \(\varepsilon: \pi^{*}\pi_{*}(\mathcal{F}) \to \mathcal{F}\) (see Lemma [\[besic1\]](#besic1){reference-type="ref" reference="besic1"}). Let \(Z_{0}\mathcal{F}= \operatorname{ker} \varepsilon.\) So, we get an exact sequence \[0 \to Z_{0}\mathcal{F} \to \pi^{*}T_{0}\mathcal{F} \to Z_{-1}\mathcal{F}\to 0.\] Inductively, we define \[T_{n}\mathcal{F}= \pi_{*}Z_{n-1}(n),~ Z_{n}\mathcal{F}= \operatorname{ker}(\varepsilon)(-n),\] where \(\varepsilon\) is the canonical map \(\pi^{*}\pi_{*}Z_{n-1}(n) \to Z_{n-1}(n).\) Therefore, we have sequences \[\label{Resolution seq} 0 \to Z_{n}(n) \to \pi^{*}T_{n}\mathcal{F} \to Z_{n-1}(n)\to 0,\] which are exact except possibly at \(Z_{n-1}(n).\) Now we state a result which is known as the Quillen Resolution theorem.
Next, our goal is to prove a relative version of the above theorem. To do this let us first fix some notation. For \(n \in \mathbb{Z},\) we define the relative twist functor \((n)^{rel}: {\bf{Mod}}(\mathbb{P}(f)) \to {\bf{Mod}}(\mathbb{P}(f))\) by \[(n)^{rel}(\mathcal{F}_{1}, \alpha, \mathcal{F}_{2})= (\mathcal{F}_{1}, \alpha, \mathcal{F}_{2})(n):= (\mathcal{F}_{1}(n), \alpha(n), \mathcal{F}_{2}(n)),\] where \(\mathbb{P}(f)\) as in diagram ([\[basicdiagram1\]](#basicdiagram1){reference-type="ref" reference="basicdiagram1"}) and \(\alpha(n):= \alpha \otimes id: \mathbb{P}(f)^{*}\mathcal{F}_{1}\otimes \mathcal{O}_{\mathbb{P}(f^{*}\mathcal{E})}(n)\cong \mathbb{P}(f)^{*}\mathcal{F}_{2}\otimes \mathcal{O}_{\mathbb{P}(f^{*}\mathcal{E})}(n).\)
Let \(\mathcal{F}:= (\mathcal{F}_{1}, \alpha, \mathcal{F}_{2}) \in {\bf{MR}}(\mathbb{P}(f)).\) Since \(f\) is a flat map, \[\pi_{X*}\alpha: f^{*}\pi_{S*}\mathcal{F}_{1}\cong \pi_{X*}\mathbb{P}(f)^{*}\mathcal{F}_{1}\cong \pi_{X*}\mathbb{P}(f)^{*}\mathcal{F}_{2}\cong f^{*}\pi_{S*}\mathcal{F}_{2}.\] Let \[T_{0}\alpha= \pi_{X*}\alpha, ~~ Z_{-1}\alpha= \alpha.\] Then we define \[\mathcal{T}_{0}(\mathcal{F})= (T_{0}\mathcal{F}_{1}, T_{0}\alpha, T_{0}\mathcal{F}_{2}) ~~{\rm and}~~ \mathcal{Z}_{-1}\mathcal{F}=(Z_{-1}\mathcal{F}_{1}, Z_{-1}\alpha, Z_{-1}\mathcal{F}_{2})= \mathcal{F},\] where \(T_{0}\mathcal{F}_{i}= \pi_{S*}\mathcal{F}_{i}\) for \(i=1, 2.\) Clearly, \(\mathcal{T}_{0}(\mathcal{F})\in {\bf{Mod}}(f).\) Let \(\mathcal{Z}_{0}\mathcal{F}= (Z_{0}\mathcal{F}_{1}, Z_{0}\alpha, Z_{0}\mathcal{F}_{2}),\) where \(Z_{0}\alpha= \pi_{X}^{*}T_{0}\alpha.\) Since \(\mathbb{P}(f)\) is a flat map, \(\mathcal{Z}_{0}\mathcal{F}\in {\bf{Mod}}(\mathbb{P}(f)).\) Inductively, we define \[\mathcal{T}_{n}(\mathcal{F})= (T_{n}\mathcal{F}_{1}, T_{n}\alpha, T_{n}\mathcal{F}_{2}) ~~{\rm and}~~ \mathcal{Z}_{n}\mathcal{F}=(Z_{n}\mathcal{F}_{1}, Z_{n}\alpha, Z_{n}\mathcal{F}_{2}),\] where \(T_{n}\alpha= \pi_{X*}((Z_{n-1}\alpha)(n))\) and \(Z_{n}\alpha=(\pi_{X}^{*}T_{n}\alpha)(-n).\) One can easily check that for each \(n \in \mathbb{N},\) \(\mathcal{T}_{n}(\mathcal{F}) \in {\bf{Mod}}(f)\) and \(\mathcal{Z}_{n}\mathcal{F} \in {\bf{Mod}}(\mathbb{P}(f)).\) Define \[\pi_{S}^{*}\mathcal{T}_{n}(\mathcal{F}):= (\pi_{S}^{*}T_{n}\mathcal{F}_{1}, \pi_{X}^{*}T_{n}\alpha, \pi_{S}^{*}T_{n}\mathcal{F}_{2}).\] Thus we have sequences \[\label{relative Resolution seq} 0 \to \mathcal{Z}_{n}\mathcal{F}(n) \to \pi_{S}^{*}\mathcal{T}_{n}\mathcal{F} \stackrel{(\varepsilon_{1}, \varepsilon_{2})}\longrightarrow \mathcal{Z}_{n-1}\mathcal{F}(n)\] in \({\bf{Mod}}(\mathbb{P}(f)).\) We are now ready to prove a relative version of Theorem [\[QRT\]](#QRT){reference-type="ref" reference="QRT"}.
# Projective bundle formula for relative \(K_{0}^{He}\) {#first main theorem}
In this section, we prove that the projective bundle formula holds for Heller's relative \(K_{0}^{He}\) of a flat map. Throughout this section, \(f: X \to S\) is a flat map of quasi-projective schemes. Also, \(\mathbb{P}(f)\) always mean the map \(\mathbb{P}(f^{*}\mathcal{E}) \to \mathbb{P}(\mathcal{E})\) as in diagram ([\[basicdiagram1\]](#basicdiagram1){reference-type="ref" reference="basicdiagram1"}) with rank\((\mathcal{E})= r+1.\) We observe in Lemma [\[exact subcategory\]](#exact subcategory){reference-type="ref" reference="exact subcategory"} that \({\bf{VB}}(f)\) is an exact subcategory of \({\bf{Mod}}(f).\) So we can define \(K_{0}({\bf{VB}}(f))\) in the sense of Quillen absolute \(K_{0}\) of exact categories. By definition, \(K_{0}({\bf{VB}}(f))\) is the abelian group generated \([(V_{1}, \alpha, V_{2})],\) where \((V_{1}, \alpha, V_{2}) \in {\bf{VB}}(f),\) and relations \([V^{'}] + [V^{''}] = [V]\) for every exact sequence \(0 \to V^{'} \to V \to V^{''}\to 0\) in \({\bf{VB}}(f).\) It is denoted by \(K_{0}^{Q}(f).\) Clearly, there is a natural surjection \[\eta^{f}: K_{0}^{Q}(f) \to K_{0}^{He}(f)\] and \(\operatorname{ker} (\eta^{f})\) is generated by \([(V_{1},\alpha,V_{2})] + [(V_{2},\beta,V_{3})]-[(V_{1},\beta\alpha,V_{3})]\) for every pair \((V_{1},\alpha,V_{2}), (V_{2},\beta,V_{3})\) of objects in \({\bf{VB}}(f).\) The \(n\)-th twist of \({\bf{MR}}(\mathbb{P}(f)),\) notation \({\bf{MR}}(\mathbb{P}(f))(n),\) is a category consisting of objects \((\mathcal{F}_{1}, \alpha, \mathcal{F}_{2})\) of \({\bf{VB}}(\mathbb{P}(f))\) such that \((\mathcal{F}_{1}(-n), \alpha(-n), \mathcal{F}_{2}(-n))\) is in \({\bf{MR}}(\mathbb{P}(f)).\) Each \({\bf{MR}}(\mathbb{P}(f))(n)\) is an exact category because the relative twisting is an exact functor (see Lemma [\[shift exact\]](#shift exact){reference-type="ref" reference="shift exact"}) and the Mumford-regular modules are closed under extensions (see Lemma II.8.7.4 of ). By Lemma [\[besic1\]](#besic1){reference-type="ref" reference="besic1"}(1), we have \[{\bf{MR}}(\mathbb{P}(f))={\bf{MR}}(\mathbb{P}(f))(0)\subseteq {\bf{MR}}(\mathbb{P}(f))(-1)\subseteq \dots \subseteq {\bf{MR}}(\mathbb{P}(f))(n)\subseteq {\bf{MR}}(\mathbb{P}(f))(n-1)\subseteq \dots\]
Let \((\mathcal{F}_{1}, \alpha, \mathcal{F}_{2})\in {\bf{VB}}(f).\) Then the assignment \[u_{i}: (\mathcal{F}_{1}, \alpha, \mathcal{F}_{2})\mapsto (\pi_{S}^{*}\mathcal{F}_{1}, \pi_{X}^{*}\alpha, \pi_{S}^{*}\mathcal{F}_{2})(-i)\] defines an exact functor from \({\bf{VB}}(f)\) to \({\bf{VB}}(\mathbb{P}(f)).\) Let \(u_{i*}\) denote the induced map \(K_{0}^{Q}(f) \to K_{0}^{Q}(\mathbb{P}(f)).\) For notational convenience, we prefer to write \(\mathcal{F}_{k}\) (resp. \(\pi_{S}^{*}\mathcal{F}_{k}\)) instead of \((\mathcal{F}_{k1}, \alpha_{k}, \mathcal{F}_{k2})\)(resp. \((\pi_{S}^{*}\mathcal{F}_{k1}, \pi_{X}^{*}\alpha_{k}, \pi_{S}^{*}\mathcal{F}_{k2})\)). We can now define a group homomorphism \[u^{Q}: K_{0}^{Q}(f)^{r+1} \to K_{0}^{Q}(\mathbb{P}(f))\] by sending \(([\mathcal{F}_{k}])_{k=0, 1, \dots, r}\) to \(\sum_{k=0}^{r} u_{k*}[\mathcal{F}_{k}]=\sum_{k=0}^{r} [u_{k}\mathcal{F}_{k}]= \sum_{k=0}^{r}[\pi_{S}^{*}\mathcal{F}_{k}(-k)].\) Note that each \(u_{i}\) also induces a map \(K_{0}^{He}(f) \to K_{0}^{He}(\mathbb{P}(f)).\) Therefore, in a similar way we can define a group homomorphism \[u^{He}: K_{0}^{He}(f)^{r+1} \to K_{0}^{He}(\mathbb{P}(f)).\]
Next, we prove a similar result for \(K_{0}^{He}.\) | {'timestamp': '2020-06-01T02:09:57', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14491', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14491'} |
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# Comparison with experimental quantities
Figure [\[f:experiment\]](#f:experiment){reference-type="ref" reference="f:experiment"} illustrates the main experimental spectroscopic results on the superlattices (SL), in which transport measurements established that the 2:7 and 3:6 SLs were insulating, whereas the 13:4 SL was metallic. The 6:5 SL was found to be metallic at room temperature, with an metal-insulator transition (MIT) at low temperature. The experimental results (performed at room temperature) show the evolution in correlated electron behavior extracted from x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS). For completeness, we briefly outline the experimental properties and how they were extracted here. The metallicity \[Fig. [\[f:experiment\]](#f:experiment){reference-type="ref" reference="f:experiment"}(a)\] was extracted from both XAS and RIXS as the leading edge of the O *K* edge XAS and from the intensity of the quasi-elastic peak in V *L* edge RIXS. The quasiparticle (QP) bandwidth \[Fig. [\[f:experiment\]](#f:experiment){reference-type="ref" reference="f:experiment"}(b)\] was extracted from the SrVO\(_3\) layber contribution to the O *K* edge XAS as the full-with at half-maximum of the QP peak. The QP spectral weight \[Fig. [\[f:experiment\]](#f:experiment){reference-type="ref" reference="f:experiment"}(c)\] was also extracted from the SrVO\(_3\) layer contribution to the O *K* edge XAS as the ratio of the area under the QP peak to the total area under unoccupied V \(3d\) states (i.e. the sum of QP, upper Hubbard band (UHB) and \(e_g\) spectral weights). Occupied states are not accessible in O *K* edge XAS. Finally, the UHB energy \[Fig. [\[f:experiment\]](#f:experiment){reference-type="ref" reference="f:experiment"}(d)\] is accessible to both XAS and RIXS. From O *K* edge XAS, the UHB peak is directly observed, and its center is shown here. From V *L* edge RIXS, the UHB energy is available from transitions from occupied QP states to the unoccupied UHB. Both show equivalent evolution with SL structure. Figure [\[f:exp_dia\]](#f:exp_dia){reference-type="ref" reference="f:exp_dia"} shows a schematic illustration comparing the extracted experimental quantities with their DFT+DMFT (density functional theory with dynamical mean-field theory) definitions. The QP bandwidth has been extracted from the DMFT spectral function by obtaining the width defined by the minima around the central QP peak. The QP ratio was determined by taking the ratio of the the quasiparticle weight (labeled \(Q\) in Fig. [\[f:exp_dia\]](#f:exp_dia){reference-type="ref" reference="f:exp_dia"}) and the UHB weight (labeled \(U\)). Finally, the energy of the UHB was obtained by locating the peak in the DMFT spectral function, referenced to \(\omega=0\). In the experimental RIXS process, the UHB peak energy represents the peak in the joint QP and UHB density of states, and therefore is referenced to an energy \(\omega < 0\). To compare the theoretical and experimental quantities, we therefore shift all theoretical quantities to match for the 2:7 SL (the shift is \(-0.584\) eV).
# Density Functional Theory calculations
DFT calculations were performed using the Elk FP-LAPW (full potential linearized augmented plane wave) code within the local density approximation (LDA). The results are in excellent agreement with previous pseudopotential calculations within the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) of the same SLs. Previous PES work, show how the dimensionality of SrVO\(_3\) influences the MIT. In their results, ten SrVO\(_3\) layers closely resembles bulk behavior. From this, we approximate the 13:4 SL in Ref. with bulk DFT+DMFT calculations. Self-consistency was achieved on a \(12 \times 12 \times 4\) mesh in the full Brillouin zone (BZ) for relatively low computational cost with sufficient sampling, corresponding to 84 k-points in the irreducible (\(1/16^{\rm th}\)) BZ. To stabilize the DFT self-consistent cycles, small values of mixing of the new potentials was used, at the cost of computational time. For bulk SrVO\(_3\), a k-mesh of \(12 \times 12 \times 12\) was used (84 k-points in the \(1/48^{\rm th}\) irreducible BZ). The partial densities of states (PDOS) of \(t_{2g}\) orbitals are shown in Fig. [\[f:pdos\]](#f:pdos){reference-type="ref" reference="f:pdos"} for the bulk and 2:7, 3:6 and 6:5 SLs. Sharp peaks in the PDOS reflect the quantized electronic structure along \(c\). For the inner layers of the thicker SLs, the PDOS more closely resembles that of bulk SrVO\(_3\), e.g. impurity 3 of the 6:5 SL. Near the interface, the \(xz(yz)\) PDOS extends to higher energies as a result of mixing of these states with Ti states in the SrTiO\(_3\) layer. The characters of the subbands are shown in Fig. [\[f:char\]](#f:char){reference-type="ref" reference="f:char"} for each of the different V and Ti sites, using the 6:5 SL as an example. As expected, the V bands dominate the character at the Fermi level, with weak contribution from interfacial Ti ions. The spatial distribution of the subband wavefunctions of the SrVO\(_3\) quantum wells can be seen directly in the characters. The V \(n=0\) subband, with greatest amplitude in the centre of the well, has strong character in the central V ion and weak character at the interface. Correspondingly, the V \(n=2\) subband has strongest character at the interface and is almost absent in the second layer close to where a node is expected in the quantum well wavefunction. At higher energies, the quantized V \(e_g\) subbands appear above 1 eV. The Ti band characters shed light on the broadening of the Ti bands in the DFT+DMFT calculations shown in Fig. 3 of the main manuscript. As above, the central Ti ion contributes strongly to the Ti \(n=0\) and \(n=2\) subbands. On the other hand, the interfacial Ti ion contributes significantly to the Ti \(n=1\), 2 and 3 subbands, with the largest contribution to the Ti \(n=2\) subband. The interfacial Ti ion mixes most strongly with the V orbitals, which are the correlated orbitals in the subsequent DMFT cycle. This demonstrates how the spatial penetration of the Ti \(n=1\) and \(n=2\) subbands into the correlated SrVO\(_3\) layers leads to substantial broadening of these subbands in the subsequent DMFT cycle. In contrast, the Ti \(n=0\) subband is spatially deep within the SrTiO\(_3\) layer and does not feel the effects of the correlated SrVO\(_3\) orbitals very strongly, remaining reasonably sharp even in the insulating phase \[Fig. 3(j) of the main manuscript\].
# Quantized tight-binding model
## Bulk tight-binding bands
The tight-binding (TB) model was constructed up to 12\(^{\rm th}\) nearest neighbors, consisting of 24 hopping terms, \(t_i\), up to \([l,m,n] = [2,2,2]\). For the \(xy\) band the TB dispersion, \(\varepsilon_{xy}\), is given by, \[\varepsilon_{xy} = E_{xy}^{0} + \sum_{lmn} t_{xy}^{lmn} \cos \left( l k_x + m k_y + n k_z \right), \label{e:tb}\] where the band energy, \(E_{xy}^0\), corresponds to the crystal field energy. Since the purpose of our model is to accurately describe the bulk 3D DFT band structure, we do not attempt to analyze individual parameters, as has been done before. Although terms corresponding to the 5\(^{\rm th}\) nearest neighbor and higher had a magnitude of less than 10 meV, these terms were found to be necessary to adequately describe the FP-LAPW band structure. After fitting this model to the bulk LDA band structure in the full cubic Brillouin zone, we find the r.m.s. difference is less than 11 meV, with a maximum difference of 70 meV.
## Quantum confinement
In order to account for the effects of quantum confinement of the V \(3d\) electrons in the SrVO\(_3\) layers, we apply the Bohr-Sommerfeld phase accumulation model, \[2k_z^n(E)L + \delta(E) = 2\pi n,\] where \(n = 0, 1, 2, \dots\) is the quantum number, \(2k_z^n(E)L\) is the total phase accumulated in traveling through the SrVO\(_3\) layer and back, \(k_z^n(E)\) is the quantized out-of-plane wavevector, \(L = mc\) is the SrVO\(_3\) layer thickness (\(m\) and \(c\) are the number of SrVO\(_3\) layers and \(c\)-axis lattice parameter of the SrVO\(_3\) layers, respectively). \(\delta(E)\) is the total phase acquired due to reflection at both SrVO\(_3\)/SrTiO\(_3\) interfaces. For asymmetric quantum wells, e.g. thin overlayers with a vacuum interface, \(\delta = \phi_1 + \phi_2\) is composed of different individual phase shifts at each reflection; in our case of symmetric barriers, \(\delta = 2\phi\), where \(\phi\) is the phase at a single SrVO\(_3\)/SrTiO\(_3\) interface. In general, \(\delta = \delta(E)\) is explicitly dependent on the energy of the confined state. However, in order to simplify the fitting, and avoid unnecessary degrees of freedom, we instead implicitly include the energy dependence through different phases for each quantum number, \(\delta = \delta_n\). With this, the quantization condition reduces to, \[k_z^n = \frac{2 \pi n-\delta_n}{2 m c},\] from which the quantized TB dispersion, \(E_n(k_x,k_y,k_z^n)\), may be evaluated.
## Full quantization parameters
For each SL, four parameters were fitted to describe the "intrinsic" band structure, and \(n\) parameters described the confined bands. The quantized TB dispersion was fitted to the FP-LAPW Elk band structure of the SLs. The four intrinsic parameters consist of band centers (\(E_i^0\) in Eqn. [\[e:tb\]](#e:tb){reference-type="ref" reference="e:tb"}) and band widths for the \(xy\) and \(xz(yz)\) bands. The band width parameter, \(W_i\), is a multiplicative factor to the hopping terms, \(t_i\) (the hopping terms themselves were fixed to the cubic bulk parameters determined above, effectively fixing the shape of the band). In addition to the intrinsic parameters, the phase shifts for each confined state, \(\delta_n\), were also fitted. The fitted phases are shown in Fig. [\[f:phases\]](#f:phases){reference-type="ref" reference="f:phases"} against the mean energy of each state, and closely follow the same roughly linear relationship with energy for all SLs. The results of fitting the FP-LAPW bands to the quantized TB model are shown in Table [1](#t:qwbands){reference-type="ref" reference="t:qwbands"}, separated into contributions from the underlying bulk "intrinsic" bands and after quantizing these bands. An example of the fitted band structure is shown in Fig. 1 of the main paper for the 2:7 SL. Since its wavefunction is perpendicular to the quantization axis, the \(xy\) bandwidth is hardly affected by confinement, but the \(xz(yz)\) bands are significantly narrowed compared with their intrinsic (bulk-like) counterparts. The confinement leads to the preferential filling of the quantized \(xz(yz)\) out-of-plane bands as their \(k_z\) dispersion is suppressed and they become 1D-like, which also pulls the Fermi level down slightly. We note that confinement alone is capable of reproducing the SL band structure to a large extent, correctly describing the narrowing of the quantized bandwidth and its variation with SrVO\(_3\) layer thickness. This has been checked by restricting the "intrinsic" bands in the fit to the bulk bands (i.e. setting \(E^0_i\) and \(W_i\) to the bulk ones). This provides additional support that the band narrowing that eventually drives the MIT is primarily due to quantization effects rather than crystal field (CF) effects.
# Dynamical Mean-Field Theory calculations
The output from the Elk DFT calculation was imported to the TRIQS library via an in-house interface with the dmftproj application. As in the literature, only the V \(t_{2g}\) bands were projected (using Wannier projectors) to construct the LDA Hamiltonian in Wannier space. These projectors were constructed in the following correlated energy windows: 2:7 SL: \([-1.36, 2.0]\) eV, 3:6 SL: \([-1.29, 2.0]\) eV, 6:5 SL: \([-1.29, 2.0]\) eV and bulk: \([-1.50, 1.90]\) eV. These windows were constructed such that all of the V t\(_{2g}\) bands are included and the valence charge above the lower bound, corresponding to the charge in the V \(t_{2g}\) orbitals, is equal to 1 per V impurity. Each DMFT cycle calculation used \(84 \times 10^6\) Monte Carlo sweeps. In order to avoid potential complications from the ill-posed problem of analytic continuation, quantities were determined from the Green's function and self-energy on the imaginary time (\(\tau\)) or frequency axis as much as possible. The charge of each orbital (\(n_{e}\)) was determined by, \[n_{e} = \sum_n G(i\omega_n)e^{i\omega_n0^{+}} \label{e:chg}\] within the TRIQS library. As there is negligible inter orbital-orbital overlap on the impurity, \(n_{e}\) is diagonal. The spectral function at the Fermi level, \(A(\omega=0)\), is an averaged quantity over a frequency window approximately equal to \(T\). Here, \(A(\omega=0)\) is determined directly from the imaginary time Green's function by, \[A(\omega=0) = \frac{\beta G(\tau=\frac{1}{2}\beta)}{\pi}, \label{e:A0}\] where \(\beta\) is the inverse temperature in natural units. The value of QP residue \(Z\) was determined by \[Z = \bigg(1-\frac{\partial \Im[\Sigma(\mathrm{i}\mkern1mu\omega_n)]}{\partial \mathrm{i}\mkern1mu\omega_n}\bigg|_{\mathrm{i}\mkern1mu\omega_n\rightarrow 0^{+}}\bigg)^{-1}, \label{e:Z}\] where the \(Z\) is evaluated from the differential of the imaginary part of the Matsubara self-energy at \(\mathrm{i}\mkern1mu\omega_n\rightarrow 0^{+}\). For \(U\) values far from the Fermi liquid regime (namely for the 6:5 \(Z\) values close to the MIT), the \(Z\) values were approximated by using the differential of the interpolated self-energies at \(\mathrm{i}\mkern1mu\omega_n\) = 0. There are two ways to realize the insulating solution. First, by a divergence in \(\Im[\Sigma(\mathrm{i}\mkern1mu\omega_n)]\), which comes naturally with \(Z = 0\). Second, the combination of the \(\Re[\Sigma(\mathrm{i}\mkern1mu\omega_n)]\) and the chemical potential might move the pole position outside of the non-interacting bandwidth, meaning that no QP peak is possible in the Green's function. In the latter case, we have \(A(\omega=0)\) vanishing with non-diverging \(\Im[\Sigma(\mathrm{i}\mkern1mu\omega_n)]\). In that case, that we also see here, we set \(Z\) to zero manually. From this, the MIT \(U\) value (\(U_{\rm MIT}\)) is defined as the lowest \(U\) value in which \(A(\omega=0)=0\). The spectral functions, \(A(\omega)\), for each impurity were calculated from \(G(\tau)\) using the *LineFitAnalyzer* technique of the maximum entropy analytic continuation method implemented within the *MaxEnt* application of TRIQS. The k-resolved spectral functions \(A(\textbf{k},\omega)\) were calculated from the analytically continued self-energy. The effective and correlation subband mass enhancement factors, 1/\(Z_{\nu}\) and 1/\(Z^{\rm c}_{\nu}\), were calculated from the ratios of the Fermi velocities using \[Z^{\rm c}_{\nu} = \frac{v^c_{\rm F}}{v^{\rm QTB}_{\rm F}}\] and \[Z_{\nu} = \frac{v^c_{\rm F}}{v^i_{\rm F}}.\] Here, the Fermi velocities were determined from the gradient of the linearly expanded band dispersions along M-X around \({k}_{\rm F}\) of the DFT+DMFT subbands (\(v^c_{\rm F}\)), the quantized bands from QTB (\(v^{\rm QTB}_{\rm F}\)) and the intrinsic (bulk-like) TB bands (\(v^i_{\rm F}\)). The intrinsic bands were used as they incorporate the effect of renormalization due to strain. Therefore, \(Z^{\rm c}_{\nu}\) and \(Z_{\nu}\) describe the effect of renormalization from correlations and the combination of correlations and confinement (band) effects respectively. The DFT+DMFT subband energy centers, \(E_{\nu,\mathbf{k}}\), were calculated by using \[E_{\nu,\mathbf{k}}=\epsilon_{\nu,\mathbf{k}}-\mu + \Re[\Sigma_{\nu}(\mathbf{k},\omega=E_{\nu,\mathbf{k}})], \label{e:Enu}\] where \(\epsilon_{\nu,\mathbf{k}}\) is the DFT energy, \(\mu\) is the chemical potential and \(\Re[\Sigma_{\nu}(\mathbf{k},\omega)]\) is the real part of the diagonal upfolded self-energy elements on the real frequency axis. The QP lifetime in the inset of Fig. 4 of the main manuscript was determined from the inverse imaginary part of the analytically continued upfolded self-energy. Finally, the subband energies at the \(\Gamma\) high symmetry point in Fig. 4 of the main manuscript were determined from Eqn. [\[e:Enu\]](#e:Enu){reference-type="ref" reference="e:Enu"}.
## One-shot and FCSC DFT+DMFT results
The main manuscript presents fully charge self-consistent (FCSC) DFT+DMFT calculations. Here, we present the results of one-shot (OS) DFT+DMFT for comparison. Overall, charge self-consistency slightly adjusts some details of the results, but the main conclusions of our study are already present in one-shot calculations. Figure [\[f:Uimp\]](#f:Uimp){reference-type="ref" reference="f:Uimp"} shows the \(U\)-dependent MIT for each SL and different DFT+DMFT methods. The behavior of the OS and FCSC calculations is very similar, exhibiting a similar \(U_{\rm MIT}\) with similar characteristics, e.g. \(A(\omega=0)\) and \(Z\). Some differences are observed in the orbital polarization between the two methods, whereby the polarization is somewhat suppressed in the FCSC calculation compared with OS. This behavior, most notable for the 2:7 SL, is consistent with other studies, and is caused by the charge redistribution with the rest of the system at the DFT stage. This trend from 2:7 to bulk is also seen in Fig. [\[f:Zcomp\]](#f:Zcomp){reference-type="ref" reference="f:Zcomp"} for the orbitally-averaged values of \(Z\), where there are some differences in \(\bar{Z}\) for the 2:7 SL between OS and FCSC, but the bulk values are very similar. An important note to make about Fig. [\[f:Uimp\]](#f:Uimp){reference-type="ref" reference="f:Uimp"} is that \(Z\) at the interface (imp 1) for the \(xz(yz)\) orbitals tends to zero first for each SL. This suggests that the weight from the \(xz(yz)\) QP peak depletes first. Therefore, when the interface \(xz(yz)\) QP state has been fully depleted, this causes the SL to transition into the insulating state. From this, the interface between the oxides has a strong influence on the MIT. The \(A(\omega=0)\) for imp 1 of the 6:5 also tends to zero which strengthens the argument for at least that SL.
# Other Significant SL FCSC Results
Fig. [\[f:Aw\]](#f:Aw){reference-type="ref" reference="f:Aw"} shows the A(\(\omega\)) of each correlated impurity orbital in each SL at \(U=5.7\) eV (the value used in the theoretical-experimental comparisons). It is evident that the 2:7 is insulating and the 3:6 and 6:5 is metallic from the absence/presence of the QP peak at the Fermi level. There are sharp features in the QP peaks around the Fermi level for the 3:6 and 6:5 SLs. These features are often attributed to spurious noise from the analytic continuation procedure, however, it may not be the case here due to the quantized bands being present around the Fermi level. The peak position of the Hubbard bands (notably the UHB) are closer in energy to the Fermi level for the interface layer (impurity 1) compared to the other layers for the 3:6 and 6:5. This is another indication that the interface layer is more correlated compared to the other layers. The splitting of the orbital degeneracy strongly effects the polarization of the orbital charge as shown in Fig. [\[f:chg\]](#f:chg){reference-type="ref" reference="f:chg"}. It is interesting to note that the reduction of the number of layers significantly increases the charge in the xz(yz) orbitals, which appear to tend to half filling (whereas the xy orbitals are tending towards zero charge). This is a likely consequence of these orbitals trying to reduce the potential energy, analogous to what is seen in the previous mono layer calculations. The reduction in the orbitally-averaged DFT charge with lower SrVO\(_3\) layers is likely due to hybridization with Ti at the interface.
## Elk-TRIQS interface test: monolayer SrVO\(_3\)
The results presented used an in-house interface between Elk and TRIQS, so this section presents comparison results between Elk and Wien2k inputs into TRIQS to show that the interface works for a similar system, namely monolayer SrVO\(_3\). The monolayer SrVO\(_3\) calculation was set up in the same way and using the same parameters as in Ref. . Figure [\[f:mono\]](#f:mono){reference-type="ref" reference="f:mono"} shows the comparison between \(A(\omega)\) calculated from the different DFT code inputs. This comparison shows excellent agreement between the different inputs for the different DFT+DMFT methods. This test shows that the interface used between Elk and TRIQS is able to reliably perform DFT+DMFT calculations.
# Effects of strain
We performed volume conserving strain calculations on bulk SrVO\(_3\) to investigate the effect of CF has on the MIT while the bandwidths of the \(t_{2g}\) orbitals are approximately unchanged. Compressive strain of 1% was applied along the \(c\)-axis; the other axes were tensively strained to conserve volume compared with the bulk. This strain was chosen to yield a CF splitting of 53 meV, slightly larger than but comparable to the CF splitting of the 2:7 SL. The strained FCSC \(U_{\text{MIT}}\) is approximately 6.525 eV, the same as for the bulk. The OS strained calculation had a slightly lower \(U_{\text{MIT}}\) of 6.475 eV. Due to the small change on \(U_{\text{MIT}}\), the CF splitting is insufficient to cause the MIT in these SLs. | {'timestamp': '2020-06-01T02:04:16', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14329', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14329'} |
# Introduction
Engineering of local magnetic properties of continuous thin films has long been an important topic in design and fabrication of future spintronic devices, high-density magnetic data-storage devices, and magnetologic devices. Since Chappert *et al.* first reported the ability of ion irradiation to induce modification of local magnetic properties without altering topographic features, ion-induced magnetic patterning has been investigated intensively and demonstrated to be realized through patterned modulations of magnetic anisotropy, saturation magnetization, or exchange bias (EB). Most of these modulations rely mainly on changes in the interfacial structures, but also in the case of alloys on changes in the chemical ordering. Ion irradiation with sufficient energy and fluence has been used in most studies to achieve changes in local magnetic properties for magnetic patterning. By contrast, plasma treatment was utilized in very few experiments for the same purpose. Among potential materials for ultrahigh-density magnetic recording media, the FePd ferromagnetic (FM) compound has been investigated intensively in recent years. FePd with a tetragonal *L*1\(_0\) phase has attracted much attention in light of its uniaxial magnetic anisotropy (UMA), perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA), and high resistance to corrosion. With particular fabrication methods such as specific deposition geometries or use of buffer layers, UMA and/or weak PMA are found in some FePd and other Fe-based alloys even without long-range *L*1\(_0\) ordering. Capping of proper materials | {'timestamp': '2020-06-01T02:10:17', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14497', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14497'} |
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# Introduction
Multiple unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have attracted considerable interest these years, of which prospective applications include disaster area or maritime surveillance, border patrol, environmental sensing, delivery service, etc (). This determines that the UAVs would fly in an integrated airspace with a variety of possible conflict objects therein (See in Fig. [\[fig:environment\]](#fig:environment){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:environment"}). However, one key issue that limits the extensive application and the integration into such complex dynamic integrated airspace system of the UAVs is the collision avoidance problem (), which is also called as conflict detection and resolution in the literature. Various approaches for collision avoidance of UAVs have been developed these years. presented cohesive discussion and comparative evaluation of 68 modeling methods for conflict detection and resolution. discussed the related approaches based on the degree of centralization, the type of the vehicle model, the number of vehicles, and the heterogeneity or homogeneity of the vehicles, respectively. mainly reviewed the development of model predictive control (MPC), sensor-based boundary following, sensor-based path planning, and some reactive methods on collision avoidance. Moving obstacles and multi-vehicle situations were also discussed. summarized the functions of a collision avoidance system into three steps: the sensing, the detection, and the resolution, and reviewed the related approaches from these three aspects. Besides, presented an overview of collision avoidance approaches in large, middle and small scales, respectively. The above mentioned survey papers summarized the related research from many different aspects. But one common fact indicated by these papers is that most of these approaches are designed for some specific conflict scenarios (, ). This means any single approach cannot be used to completely solve the problem. To study out a solution for general conflict resolution in the complex dynamic integrated airspace, firstly proposed a taxonomy of conflict detection and resolution approaches for UAVs based on their types of surveillance, coordination, maneuver, and autonomy, then discussed possible combinations of available approaches for a complete solution. However, specific implementations of such approach combinations were not given. Therefore, this paper aims to design a hierarchical collision avoidance system, which is capable of detecting and resolving general conflicts, for autonomous multiple fixed-wing UAVs in the complex dynamic integrated airspace. The main contribution of this paper is the proposal and implementation of the hierarchical collision avoidance architecture.
- Firstly, a three-layered collision avoidance architecture dependent on local communication and onboard sensing is proposed for multiple fixed-wing UAVs, by analyzing characteristics of existing methods and hierarchical modeling of the local airspace.
- Then a specific algorithm implementation is studied for each layer of the collision avoidance architecture.
- Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed methodology is evaluated and validated by comparative simulations carried out under both deterministic and probabilistic sensing conditions.
# Problem Formulation
## Preliminary concept definition
Before further discussion, two concepts should be clarified:
Then two main functions of collision avoidance control are to firstly detect potential conflicts and then take actions to avoid collisions if any conflicts are detected.
## Conflict scenarios analysis
A collision avoidance system aims to enable the UAVs to handle all possible collision conflicts to ensure safe and orderly operations. To this end, various possible conflict objects in the complex integrated airspace are first discussed. See Table [1](#tb:obstacle_categorization){reference-type="ref" reference="tb:obstacle_categorization"}.
Firstly, in the consideration of motion states, conflict objects are classified as static and dynamic. | {'timestamp': '2020-06-01T02:08:55', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14455', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14455'} |
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# Introduction
Recently, the speech community is seeing a significant trend of moving from deep neural network based hybrid modeling to end-to-end (E2E) modeling for automatic speech recognition (ASR). While hybrid models require disjoint optimization of separate constituent models such as acoustic and language model, E2E ASR systems directly translate an input speech sequence into an output token (sub-words, or even words) sequence using a single network. Some widely used contemporary E2E approaches for sequence-to-sequence transduction are: (a) Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC), (b) recurrent neural network Transducer (RNN-T), and (c) Attention-based Encoder-Decoder (AED). Among these three approaches, CTC was the earliest and can map the input speech signal to target labels without requiring any external alignments. However, it also suffers from the conditional frame-independence assumption. RNN-T extends CTC modeling by changing the objective function and the model architecture to remove the frame-independence assumption. Because of its streaming nature, RNN-T has received a lot of attention for industrial applications and has also managed to replace traditional hybrid models for some cases. AED is a general family of models that was initially proposed for machine translation but has shown success in other domains (including ASR ) as well. These models are not streaming in nature by default but there are several studies towards that direction, such as monotonic chunkwise attention and triggered attention. The early AED models used RNNs as a building block for its the encoder and decoder modules. We refer to them as RNN-AED in this study. More recently, the transformer architecture with self attention has also become prevalent and is being used as a fundamental building block for encoder and decoder modules. We refer to such a model as Transformer-AED in this paper. Given the fast evolving landscape of E2E technology, it is timely to compare the most popular and promising E2E technologies for ASR in the field, shaping the future research direction. This paper focuses on the comparison of current most promising E2E technologies, namely RNN-T, RNN-AED, and Transformer-AED, in both non-streaming and streaming modes. All models are trained with 65 thousand hours of Microsoft anonymized training data. As E2E models are data hungry, it is better to compare its power with such a large amount of training data. To our best knowledge, there is no such a detailed comparison. In a recent work, the streaming RNN-T model was compared with the non-streaming RNN-AED. In, streaming RNN-AED is compared with streaming RNN-T for long-form speech recognition. In, RNN-AED and Transformer-AED are compared in a non-streaming mode, with training data up to 960 hours. As the industrial applications usually requires the ASR service in a streaming mode, we further put more efforts on how to develop these E2E models in a streaming mode. While it has been shown in that combining RNN-T and RNN-AED in a two-pass decoding configuration can surpass an industry-grade state-of-the-art hybrid model, this study shows that a single streaming E2E model, either RNN-T or Transformer-AED, can also surpass a state-of-the-art hybrid model. In addition to performing a detailed comparison of these promising E2E models for the first time, other contributions of this paper are 1) We propose a multi-layer context modeling scheme to explore future context with significant gains; 2) The cross entropy (CE) initialization is shown to be much more effective than CTC initialization to boost RNN-T models; 3) For streaming Transformer-AED, we show chunk-based future context integration is more effective than the lookahead method; 4) We release our Transformer related code with reproducible results on Librispeech at to facilitate future research.
# Popular End-to-End Models {#sec:e2e}
In this section, we give a brief introduction of current popular E2E models: RNN-T, RNN-AED, and Transformer-AED. These models have an acoustic encoder that generates high level representation for speech and a decoder, which autoregressively generates output tokens in the linguistic domain. While the acoustic encoders can be same, the decoders of RNN-T and AED are different. In RNN-T, the generation of next label is only conditioned on the label outputs at previous steps while the decoder of AED conditions the next output on acoustics as well. More importantly, RNN-T works in a frame-synchronized way while AED works in a label-synchronized fashion.
## RNN transducer
The encoder network converts the acoustic feature \(x_{1:T}\) into a high-level representation \(h_{1:T}^{enc}\). The decoder, called prediction network, produces a high-level representation \(h_u^{pre}\) by consuming previous non-blank target \(y_{u-1}\). Here \(u\) denotes output label index. The joint network is a feed-forward network that combines the encoder network output \(h_t^{enc}\) and the prediction network output \(h_u^{pre}\) to generate the joint matrix \(h_{t,u}\), which is used to calculate softmax output. Here \(t\) denotes time index. The encoder and prediction networks are usually realized using RNN with LSTM units. When the encoder is a unidirectional LSTM-RNN as Eq. [\[eq:uni_enc\]](#eq:uni_enc){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:uni_enc"}, RNN-T works in streaming mode by default. \[h_t^{enc} = LSTM (x_t, h_{t-1}^{enc}) \label{eq:uni_enc}\] However, when the underlying LSTM-RNN encoder is a bi-directional model as Eq. [\[eq:bi_enc\]](#eq:bi_enc){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:bi_enc"}, it is a non-streaming E2E model. \[h_t^{enc} = [LSTM (x_t, h_{t-1}^{enc}), LSTM (x_t, h_{t+1}^{enc})] \label{eq:bi_enc}\] When implemented with LSTM-RNN, the prediction network formulation is \[h_u^{pre} = LSTM (y_{u-1}, h_{u-1}^{pre}). \label{eq:dec}\] With the advantage of Transformer models, there is a recent work to replace the LSTM-RNN in the encoder with the Transformer model to construct Transformer transducer and Conformer transducer.
## Attention-based Encoder-Decoder
While RNN-T has received more attention from the industry due to its streaming nature, the Attention-based Encoder-Decoder (AED) models attracts more research from academia because of its powerful attention structure. RNN-AED and Transformer-AED differ at the realization of encoder and decoder by using LSTM-RNN and Transformer, respectively.
The encoder of RNN-AED can have the same structure as RNN-T like Eq. [\[eq:uni_enc\]](#eq:uni_enc){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:uni_enc"} and Eq. [\[eq:bi_enc\]](#eq:bi_enc){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:bi_enc"}. However, the attention-enhanced decoder operates differently as below: \[h_u^{dec} = LSTM (c_u, y_{u-1}, h_{u-1}^{dec}). \label{eq:rnnaed_dec}\] here \(c_u\) is the context vector obtained by weighted combination of the encoder output. \(c_u\) is supposed to contain the acoustic information necessary to emit the next token. It is calculated using the help of the attention mechanism.
### Transformer-AED
Even though RNNs can capture long term dependencies, Transformer based models can do it more effectively given the attention mechanism sees all context directly. Specifically, the encoder is composed of a stack of Transformer blocks, where each block has a multi-head self-attention layer and a feed-forward layer. Suppose that the input of a Transformer block can be linearly transformed to \(\mathbf{Q}\), \(\mathbf{K}\), and \(\mathbf{V}\). Then, the output of a multi-head self-attention layer is
Here \(d_{head}\) is the number of attention heads and \(d_k\) is the dimension of the feature vector for each head. This output is fed to the feed-forward layer. Residual connections and layer normalization (LN) are indispensable when we connect different layers and blocks. In addition to the two layers in an encoder block, the Transformer decoder also has an additional third layer that performs multi-head attention over the output of the encoder. This is similar to the attention mechanism in RNN-AED.
# Our Models
## Model building block {#ssec:block}
The encoder and decoder of E2E models are constructed as the stack of multiple building blocks described in this section. For the models using LSTM-RNN, we explore two structures. The first one, LSTM_cuDNN, directly calls Nvidia cuDNN library for the LSTM implementation. We build every block by concatenating a cuDNN LSTM layer, a linear projection layer to reduce model size, and then followed by LN. Calling Nvidia cuDNN implementation enables us for fast experiment of comparing different models. The second structure, LSTM_Custom, puts LN and projection layer inside LSTM, as it was indicated in that they are important for better RNN-T model training. Hence, we only use this structure for RNN-T by customizing the LSTM function. The detailed formulations are in. However, this slows down the model training speed by 50%. For the Transformer-AED models, we remove the position embedding part and use a VGG-like convolution module to pre-process the speech feature \(x_{1:T}\) before the Transformer blocks. The LN is put before multi-head attention layer (Pre-LN), which makes the gradients well-behaved at the early stage in training.
## Non-streaming models
We achieve non-streaming behavior in RNN-T by adding bidirectionality in the encoder. The encoder of this RNN-T is composed of multiple blocks of bi-directional LSTM_cuDNN as described in Section [3.1](#ssec:block){reference-type="ref" reference="ssec:block"}. The prediction network is realized with multiple uni-directional blocks of LSTM_cuDNN. Similar to RNN-T, the non-streaming RNN-AED investigated in this study also uses multiple blocks of bi-directional LSTM_cuDNN in the encoder and uni-directional LSTM_cuDNN in the decoder. This decoder works together with a location-aware softmax attention . No multi-task training or joint-decoding with CTC is used for RNN-AED. Following, the Transformer-AED model uses the multi-task training and the joint decoding of CTC/attention. The training objective function is \[\mathcal{L} =-\alpha \log p_{ctc}(y|x_{1:T})-(1-\alpha) \log p_{att}(y|x_{1:T}).\] The log-likelihood of the next subword \(\log p(y_u|x_{1:t},y_{1:u})\) in the joint decoding is formulated as \[\label{eq:joint_decoding} \log p_{ctc}(y_u|x_{1:t},y_{1:u}) + \beta_1 \log p_{att}(y_u|x_{1:t},y_{1:u}).\] In practice, we first use the attention model to select top-k candidates and then re-rank them with Eq. [\[eq:joint_decoding\]](#eq:joint_decoding){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:joint_decoding"}.
## Streaming models {#sec:streaming_model}
Streaming RNN-T model has a uni-directional encoder. While we can directly incorporate a standard LSTM as the building block with either LSTM_cuDNN or LSTM_Custom as described in Section [3.1](#ssec:block){reference-type="ref" reference="ssec:block"}, incorporating the future context into encoder structure can significantly improve the ASR accuracy, as shown in. However, different from which explores future context frames together with the layer trajectory structure, in this study we propose to only use context modeling. We do this to save model parameters. Future context is modelled using the simple equation below. \[{\zeta}_{t}^{l} = \sum_{\delta =0}^{\tau} {q}_{\delta}^{l} \odot {g}_{t+\delta}^{l} \label{eq:context}.\] Because \(\odot\) is element-wise product, Eq. [\[eq:context\]](#eq:context){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:context"} only increases the number of model parameters very slightly. It transfers a lower layer vector \(g_t^l\) together with its future vectors \(g_{t+\delta}^{l}\) into a new vector \({\zeta}_{t}^{l}\), where \(\delta\) is future frame index. We modify the block of LSTM_cuDNN or LSTM_Custom with the context modeling.
- LSTM_cuDNN_Context: the block is constructed with a Nvidia cuDNN LSTM layer, followed by a linear projection layer, then the context modeling layer, and finally a LN layer.
- LSTM_Custom_Context: the block is constructed with the layer normalized LSTM layer with projection, and then followed by the context modeling layer.
A similar concept of context modeling was applied to RNN in as Lookahead convolution layer. However, it was only applied to the top layer of a multi-layer RNN. In contrast, in this study we apply context modeling to every block of LSTM_cuDNN or LSTM_Custom, and also investigate its effectiveness in the context of E2E modeling. For RNN-T, we also investigate initializing the encoder with either CTC or CE training. RNN-AED models use blocks of LSTM_cuDNN_Context as encoder. Experiments with LSTM_Custom_Context will be a part of future study. The streaming mechanism we have chosen for this study is Monotonic Chunkwise Attention (MoChA). MoChA consists of a monotonic attention mechanism which scans the encoder output in a left to right order and selects a particular encoder state when it decides to trigger the decoder. This selection probability is selected by sampling from a parameterized Bernoulli random variable. Once a trigger point is detected, MoChA also uses an additional lookback window and applies a regular softmax attention over that. Note that we have a sampling operation here, which precludes the use of standard backpropagation. Therefore we train with respect to the expected values of the context vectors. Please refer to for more details. To enable streaming scenario in Transformer-AED models, we borrow the idea in trigger-attention (TA), where the CTC conducts frame-synchronized decoding to select top-k candidates for each frame and then the attention model is leveraged to jointly re-rank the candidates using Eq. [\[eq:joint_decoding\]](#eq:joint_decoding){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:joint_decoding"} once a new subword is triggered by the CTC. Since the Transformer encoder is deeper than LSTM, the lookahead method may not be the best solution. We compare the chunk-based method and the lookahead-based method. The former segments the entire input into several fixed-length chunks and then feeds them into the model chunk by chunk, while the latter is exactly the same with the method in RNN-T and RNN-AED. For the chunk-based encoder, the decoder can see the end of a chunk. For the lookahead based encoder, we set a fixed window size for decoder.
# Experiments
In this section, we evaluate the effectiveness of all models by training them with 65 thousand (K) hours of transcribed Microsoft data. The test sets cover 13 application scenarios such as Cortana and far-field speech, containing a total of 1.8 million (M) words. We report the word error rate (WER) averaged over all test scenarios. All the training and test data are anonymized with personally identifiable information removed. For fair comparison, all E2E models built for this study have around 87 M parameters. The input feature is 80-dimension log Mel filter bank with a stride of 10 milliseconds (ms). Three of them are stacked together to form a 240-dimension super-frame. This is fed to the encoder networks for RNN-T and RNN-AED, while Transformer-AED directly consumes the 10 ms feature. All E2E models use the same 4 K word piece units as the output target.
## Non-streaming E2E models
As described in Section [3.1](#ssec:block){reference-type="ref" reference="ssec:block"}, the non-streaming RNN-T model uses bi-directional LSTM with Nvidia cuDNN library in its encoder. The LSTM memory cell size is 780. The LSTM outputs from the forward and backward direction are concatenated with the total dimension of 1560 then linearly projected to dimension 780, followed by a LN layer. There are total 6 stacked blocks of such operation. The prediction network has 2 stacked blocks, each of which contains a uni-directional cuDNN LSTM with memory cell size of 1280, followed by a linear projection layer to reduce the dimension to 640, and then with a LN layer. The non-streaming RNN-AED model uses exactly the same encoder and decoder structures as the non-streaming RNN-T model. Similar to, a location-aware attention mechanism is used. In addition to the encoder and decoder hidden states, this mechanism also takes alignments from previous decoder step as inputs. The attention dimension is 512. The Transformer-AED model has 18 Transformer blocks in encoder and 6 Transformer blocks in decoder. Before Transformer blocks in encoder, we use a 4 layers VGG network to pre-process the speech feature with total stride 4. The number of attention head is 8 and the attention dimension of each head is 64. The dimension of the feed-forward layer is 2048 in Transformer blocks. The combination weights of joint training and decoding (i.e. \(\alpha, \beta\)) are both 0.3. As shown in Table [1](#tab:wer_non-streaming){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:wer_non-streaming"}, the non-streaming AED models have a clear advantage over the non-streaming RNN-T model due to the power of attention modeling. Transformer-AED improves RNN-AED by 2.7% relative WER reduction.
## Surpassing hybrid model with streaming E2E models
In we reported results from our best hybrid model called the contextual layer trajectory LSTM (cltLSTM). The cltLSTM was trained with a three-stage optimization process. This model was able to obtain a 16.2% relative WER reduction over the CE baseline. Introducing 24 frames of total future-context further yields an 18.7% relative WER reduction. The encode latency is only 480 ms (24\*20ms=480 ms; stride-per-frame is 20 ms due to frame skipping ). Hence, this cltLSTM model (Table [2](#tab:wer_streaming){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:wer_streaming"}) presents a very challenging streaming hybrid model to beat. This model has 65 M parameters, and is decoded with 5 gigabytes 5gram decoding graph. We list the results for all streaming E2E models in Table [2](#tab:wer_streaming){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:wer_streaming"}. The baseline RNN-T implementation uses unidirectional cuDNN LSTMs in both the encoder and the decoder. The encoder has 6 stacked blocks of LSTM_cuDNN. Each block has a unidirectional cuDNN LSTM with 1280 memory cells which projected to 640 dimension and followed by LN. The prediction and the joint network is the same as in the non-streaming RNN-T model. This RNN-T model obtains 12.16% test WER. The second RNN-T model inserts the context modeling layer (Eq. [\[eq:context\]](#eq:context){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:context"}) after the linear projection layer in each block. The context modeling has 4 frames lookahead at each block, and therefore the encoder has \(4*6=24\) frames lookahead. Because the frame shift is 30 ms, the total encoder lookahead is 720ms. The lookahead brings great WER improvement, obtaining 10.65% WER. This is 12.4% relative WER reduction from the first RNN-T model without any lookahead. We also followed lookahead convolution proposed in by using 24 frames lookahead only on the top most RNN block. This model gives 11.19% WER, showing that our proposed context modeling, which allocates lookahead frames equally at each block, is better than lookahead convolution, which simply puts all lookahead frames on the top layer only. Next, we look at the impact of encoder initialization for RNN-T. Shown in Table [2](#tab:wer_streaming){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:wer_streaming"}, the CTC initialization of RNN-T encoder doesn't help too much while the CE initialization significantly reduces WER to 9.80. This is 8.0% relative WER reduction from the randomly initialized model. The CTC initialization makes the encoder emit token spikes together with lots of blanks while CE initialization enables the encoder to learn time alignment. Given the gain with CE initialization, we believe the encoder of RNN-T functions more like an acoustic model in the hybrid model. Note the CE pre-training needs time alignments, which is hard to get for word piece units as many of them don't have phoneme realisation. However, the time alignment for words is still accurate. We make an approximation and obtain alignments for a word piece by simply segmenting the duration of its word equally into its constituent word pieces. For the last RNN-T model, we put projection layer and LN inside the LSTM cell (Custom_LSTM), and then insert the context modeling layer after it. Putting projection layer inside allows us to use larger number of memory cells while keeping similar model size as the cuDNN_LSTM setup. This LSTM has 2048 memory cells and the project layer reduces the output size to 640. This model finally gives 9.27% WER, which is slightly better than our best hybrid model.
With the same encoder architecture as the cuDNN RNN-T, the MoChA-based streaming RNN-AED model gives impressive results. Unlike RNN-T, it does not need any initialization and is still able to slightly outperform it in an apple-to-apple comparison (9.61% vs 9.80%). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time a streaming RNN-AED has outperformed RNN-T on a large scale task. Note that our previous study didn't observe accuracy improvement for RNN-AED with CE initialization. We will investigate whether RNN-AED can also benefit from customized LSTM function in future study. The architecture of the streaming Transformer-AED model is the same as the non-streaming one. For lookahead context-modeling method, each encoder block looks ahead 1 frame. Considering the total stride of VGG is 4 and the speech sampling rate is 10ms, the encoder has \(1*18*4*10ms=720ms\) latency. The decoder of the lookahead method introduces an extra 240ms latency. The chunk-based method considers future context with a fixed-chunk. The latency of each frame is in the range of \([480\text{ms}, 960\text{ms}]\), resulting in a 720ms averaged latency without extra decoder latency. The chunk-based method obtains 9.16\(\%\) WER, significantly outperforming the lookahead method, mainly because the bottom Transformer blocks of the lookahead approach cannot enjoy the full advantages provided by the right context.
# Conclusions
This work presents the first large-scale comparative study of three popular E2E models (RNN-T, RNN-AED, and Transformer-AED). The models are compared in both streaming and non-streaming modes. All models are trained with 65K hours of Microsoft's internal anonymized data. We observe that with the same encoder structure, AED is better than RNN-T for both non-streaming and streaming models. With customized LSTM and CE initialization for encoder, the RNN-T model becomes better than RNN-AED. Among all models, Transformer-AED obtained the best WERs in both streaming and non-streaming modes. In this study, both streaming RNN-T and Transformer-AED outperformed a highly-optimized hybrid model. There are several significant factors contributing to this success. For streaming RNN-T, the proposed context modeling reduces the WER by 12.4% relative from the one without any lookahead. The CE initialization for RNN-T improves over the random initialization baseline by 8.0% relative WER reduction. This shows pretraining is helpful even on a large scale task. To utilize future context for streaming Transformer-AED, we show that the chunk-based method is better than the lookahead method by 10.7% relative. | {'timestamp': '2020-07-31T02:07:30', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14327', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14327'} |
Subsets and Splits