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# Recovery Requirements
The goal of clustering or community detection is to recover the membership \(\Theta\) by observing the graph \(G\), up to some level of accuracy. We next define the relative error and rate of recovery.
# Proof of Proposition 1
# Proof of Proposition 2
## Decay rule
In dynamic SBM, we use the following decay rule: \[\hat{A}_t=(1-\Theta_t \Lambda (\Theta_t)^T)\hat{A}_{t-1}+\Theta_t \Lambda (\Theta_t)^T A_t.\] Let \(\hat{A}_{t}^{k}\) denote the block matrix corresponding to cluster \(k\), and similarly consider \(K\) blocks \(P_t^k\) of the connection probability matrix \(P_t\). Let \(\lambda_k\) denote the \(k\)-th element in the diagonal of \(\Lambda\). We have \[\hat{A}_t^k=(1-\lambda_k)\hat{A}_{t-1}^k+\lambda_k A_t^k,\] which can also be written as \[\hat{A}_t^k=\sum_{s=0}^{t}\beta_s^k {A}_{t-s}^k,\] where \(\beta_s^k=\lambda_k (1-\lambda_k)^s\) for \(s<t\) and \(\beta_{t}^k=(1-\lambda)^t\). Then we denote the maximum of \(\beta_s^k\) as \(\beta_k\) and we have \(\beta_k=\lambda_k\). Similarly, we define \[\hat{P}_t^k=\sum_{s=0}^{t}\beta_s^k {P}_{t-s}^k.\]
## Error Bound
The error bound \(\left\|\hat{A}_{t}^{k}-P_{t}^{k}\right\|\) can be divided into two terms: \[\left\|\hat{A}_{t}^{k}-P_{t}^{k}\right\|\leq \left\|\hat{A}_{t}^{k}-\hat{P}_{t}^{k}\right\|+ \left\|\hat{P}_{t}^{k}-P_{t}^{k}\right\|\]
### Preliminaries
The result is valid for any estimator with weights \(\beta_s^k\geq 0\) that satisfy the property that there are constants \(C_\beta,C'_\beta>0\) such that: \[\begin{aligned} &\sum_{s=0}^t \beta_s^k =1,\;\; \beta_s^k \leq \beta_{k},\;\;\sum_{s=0}^t (\beta_s^k)^2\leq C_\beta \beta_{k} \\ &\sum_{s=0}^t \beta_s^k \min(1,\sqrt{s \varepsilon_k})\leq C'_\beta \sqrt{\frac{\varepsilon_k}{\beta_k}} \end{aligned}\] Our defined decay rate naturally satisfy the first three preliminaries. The last preliminary is satisfied when \(t\geq \frac{\min (\log(\varepsilon_k/\beta_k),\log \beta_k)}{2 \log (1-\beta_k)}\)
### Bound the first term
By applying Theorem [\[theorem:first_term\]](#theorem:first_term){reference-type="ref" reference="theorem:first_term"}, for fixed block \(\Theta_0^k...,\Theta_t^k\), if \({\frac{n \alpha}{\beta_k}}\gtrsim \log n\), then for any \(\nu>0\), there is a constant \(C_\nu\) such that with probability at least \(1-n^\nu\) \[\begin{aligned} \left\|\hat{A}_{t}^{k}-\hat{P}_{t}^{k}\right\| &\leq \left\|\hat{A}_{t}^{k}-\mathbb{E}(\hat{A}_{t}^{k})\right\|+\left\|diag(\hat{P}_t^k) \right\|\\ &\leq C_\nu \sqrt{n\alpha \beta_k} + \alpha \end{aligned}\] In all considered case, \(\beta_k \gg \frac{1}{n}\), \(\alpha\) is negligible, we have \[\left\| \hat{A}_t^k-\hat{P}_t^k\right\|\lesssim \sqrt{n \alpha \beta_k}\]
### Bound the second term
Since \(\sum_{s=0}^t \beta_s^k=1\), we have \[\left\| \hat{P}_t^k-P_t^k\right\|\leq \sum_{s=0}^t \beta_s^k \left\|P_{t-s}^k-P_t^k \right\|\leq \sum_{s=0}^t \beta_s^k \left\|P_{t-s}^k-P_t^k \right\|_F,\] where \(\|.\|_F\) is the Frobenius norm.
By using Lemma [\[lemma:bound_p\]](#lemma:bound_p){reference-type="ref" reference="lemma:bound_p"} and the Lemma \[\begin{aligned} \mathbb{P}( \exists k,\; \left\|P_{t-k}-P_t\right\|^2_F \geq (8+&C) \alpha n^2 \min (1,k\varepsilon) )\\ &\leq e^{-2C^2\varepsilon^2n+\log \frac{1}{\varepsilon}} \end{aligned}\] we have, with probability at least \(1-n^{\nu}\), \[\left\|P_{t-s}^k-P_t^k \right\|_F\leq 2 \alpha n^2 \min (1,k\varepsilon_k))\] By the preliminary of \(\sum_{s=0}^t \beta_s^k \min(1,\sqrt{s \varepsilon_k})\), we obtain the desired bound. \[\left\| \hat{P}_t^k-P_t^k\right\|\lesssim \alpha \sqrt{\frac{n^2 \varepsilon_k}{\beta_{k}}}\]
# Proof of Proposition 3
# GCN and Spectral Clustering
Figure [\[fig:spec_norm_appendix\]](#fig:spec_norm_appendix){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:spec_norm_appendix"} shows that Spectral Clustering and GCN have qualitatively similar accuracy on simulated data as we vary the decay rate \(\lambda\) (the same \(\lambda\) is used for all nodes). As expected from Proposition [\[prop:opt_appendix\]](#prop:opt_appendix){reference-type="ref" reference="prop:opt_appendix"}, the optimal decay rate \(\lambda\) increases as we increase the link probability \(\alpha\), as does the value of \(\lambda\) that minimizes the spectral norm \(\|\hat{A}-P\|\). The optimal decay rate for GCN matches the decay rate value that minimizes the spectral norm, while the optimal decay rate for spectral clustering is larger than the one minimizing the spectral norm.
# Experiment result on simulated data
Figure [\[fig:bar_simu\]](#fig:bar_simu){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:bar_simu"} shows the accuracy, AUC, and F1 score comparison of all baseline methods on simulated data, averaged over all 50 timesteps. Our TRNNGCN and RNNGCN methods show the best performance across all three metrics.
# Introduction
Clustering nodes based on their connections to each other is a common goal of analyzing graphs, with applications ranging from social to biological to logistics networks. Most such clustering approaches assume that the connections (i.e., edges) between nodes, and thus the optimal clusters, do not change over time . In practice, however, many graph structures will evolve over time. Users in social networks, for example, may migrate from one community to another as their interests or employment status changes, forming new connections with other users (i.e., new edges in the graph) and changing the cluster or community to which they belong. Thus, clustering algorithms on such evolving graphs should be able to track changes in cluster membership over time. A major challenge in tracking cluster membership changes is to carefully handle historical information and assess its value in predicting the current cluster membership. Since clusters will often evolve relatively slowly, an extreme approach that does not consider edges formed in the past risks ignoring useful information about the majority of nodes whose memberships have not changed. On the other hand, making no distinction between historical and more recently formed edges may lead to slow detection of nodes' membership changes, as the historically formed edges would dominate until the nodes have enough time to make connections within their new clusters. Prior works have balanced these effects by introducing a *decay rate*: the weight of each edge is reduced by a constant decay factor in each time step between the connection formation and the time at which cluster membership is estimated. The cluster membership can then be estimated at any given time, by taking the weighted connections as input to a static algorithm like the well-studied spectral clustering . Accounting for historical node connections with a single decay rate parameter offers the advantage of interpretability: the decay rate quantifies the emphasis put on historically formed edges, which can be tuned for specific datasets. Yet while prior works have examined the optimal decay rate for stylized network models, they use a single decay rate for all edges . In practice, the optimal rate will likely vary, e.g., with higher decay rates for clusters with higher membership turnover where historical information might reflect outdated cluster memberships, making it less useful. Introducing different decay rates for each cluster, on the other hand, raises a new challenge: since we do not know the true cluster memberships for each node, we may use the wrong decay rate if a node is erroneously labeled. Moreover, the optimal decay rates for different clusters will be correlated due to connections between nodes in different clusters that themselves must be optimally weighted, potentially making the decay rates difficult to optimize. More sophisticated semi-supervised clustering methods combine LSTM (long-short-term memory) or RNN (recurrent neural network) structures with graph convolutional networks (GCNs), producing a neural network that classifies nodes based on their cluster membership labels. This network can be carefully trained to optimize the use of historical edge information, without explicitly specifying different node decay rates . However, while such algorithms show impressive empirical performance on large graph datasets, they are generally not easily interpretable. Our work seeks to connect the theoretical analysis of graph clustering algorithms with the graph neural networks commonly used in practice. Our key insight in doing so is that *prefacing a GCN with a RNN layer* can be interpreted as imposing a decay rate on node connections that depends on each node's current cluster membership, and then approximating spectral clustering on the resulting weighted graph via the GCN. Following this insight, we propose two new *transitional RNN-GCN neural network architectures* (RNNGCN and TRNNGCN) for semi-supervised clustering. We derive the theoretically optimal decay rates for nodes in each cluster under stylized graph models, and show that the weights learned for the RNN layer in TRNNGCN qualitatively match the theoretically optimal ones. After reviewing related work on theoretical and empirical graph clustering, we make the following specific contributions:
- A **theoretical analysis of the optimal decay rates** for spectral clustering algorithms applied to the dynamic stochastic block model, a common model of graph clustering dynamics .
- Two **new RNN-GCN neural network architectures** that use an interpretable RNN layer to capture the dynamics of evolving graphs and GCN layers to cluster the nodes.
- Our algorithm can achieve **almost exact recovery** by including a RNN layer that decays historical edge information. Static methods can only partially recover the true clusters when nodes change their cluster memberships with probability \(\mathcal{O}\left(\frac{\log n}{n}\right)\), \(n\) being the number of nodes.
- **Experimental results** on real and simulated datasets that show our proposed RNN-GCN architectures outperform state-of-the-art graph clustering algorithms.
# Spectral Clustering with Decay Rates
We now introduce the Spectral Clustering algorithm and optimize the decay rates to minimize its relative error.
## Spectral Clustering Algorithm
Spectral Clustering is a commonly used unsupervised method for graph clustering. The key idea is to apply \(K\)-means clustering to the \(K\)-leading left singular vectors of the adjacency matrix \(A\) ; we denote the corresponding matrix of singular vectors as \(E_K\). We then estimate the membership matrix \(\bar{\Theta}\) by solving \[(\bar{\Theta},\bar{C})\in \argmin_{\Theta\in \{0,1\}^{n\times K}, C\in\mathbb{R}^{K\times K}} \|\Theta C-E_K\|_F^2, \label{eq:kmeans}\] where \(\|.\|_F\) denotes the Frobenius norm. It is well known that finding a global minimizer of Eq. [\[eq:kmeans\]](#eq:kmeans){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:kmeans"} is NP-hard. However, efficient algorithms can find a \((1+\delta)\)-approximate solution \((\hat{\Theta},\hat{C})\), i.e., with \(\|\hat{\Theta}\hat{C}-E_K\|_F^2\leq (1+\delta) \|\bar{\Theta}\bar{C}-E_K\|_F^2\).
## Introducing Decay Rates
In the dynamic SBM, the adjacency matrix \(A\) includes edges formed from the initial time step \(1\) to the current time step \(T\). Let \(A_t\) denotes the adjacency matrix only including edges formed at time step \(t\). We have \(A = \sum_{t=1}^T A_t\). Spectral clustering performs poorly on the dynamic SBM:
To improve the performance, one can use an exponentially smoothed version \(\hat{A}_t\) as input for clustering: \[\hat{A}_t=(1-\lambda)\hat{A}_{t-1}+\lambda A_t\] where \(\hat{A}_1 = A_1\) and we call \(\lambda\in[0,1]\) the *decay rate* . Intuitively, a larger value of \(\lambda\) puts less weight on the past information, "forgetting" it faster. However, in the dynamic SBM, each cluster \(j\) may have a different change probability \(\varepsilon_j\), implying that they may benefit from using different decay rates \(\lambda\). We thus introduce a decay matrix \(\Lambda\in[0,1]^{K\times K}\) that gives a different decay rate to connections between each pair of clusters: \[\hat{A}_t=(1-\Theta_t \Lambda (\Theta_t)^T)\odot \hat{A}_{t-1}+\Theta_t \Lambda (\Theta_t)^T \odot A_t.\]
## Bounding the Relative Error
Our analysis uses 's result that the relative error rate of the Spectral Clustering on the dynamic SBM at each time \(t\) is bounded by the concentration of the adjacency matrix around its expectation: \[E(\hat{\Theta},\Theta)\lesssim (1+\delta)\frac{n_{\max}' K}{n\alpha^2 n_{\min}^2 \tau^2}\|\hat{A}-P\|^2, \label{eq:errorbound}\] where \(n_{\max}'\) and \(n_{\min}\) are respectively the second largest and smallest cluster sizes, and \(\|.\|\) denotes the spectral norm. Thus, \(E(\hat{\Theta},\Theta)\) is determined by the concentration \(\|\hat{A}-P\|\), where \(\hat{A}=\hat{A}_t\) and \(P=P_t=\Theta_t B (\Theta_t)^T\) as defined in the SBM model. To bound this concentration, we consider \(K\) diagonal blocks of the adjacency matrix \(\hat{A}_t\), with each block corresponding to edges between nodes in a single cluster, after re-indexing the nodes as necessary. Let \(\hat{A}_{t}^{k}\) denote the block matrix corresponding to cluster \(k\), and similarly consider \(K\) blocks \(P^t_k\) of the connection probability matrix \(P_t\). We can then upper-bound \(\left\|\hat{A}_{t}^{k}-P_{t}^{k}\right\|\) in terms of the decay rate:
We formally prove this result in our supplementary material. The intuition is that if the change probability \(\varepsilon_k\) is larger, we need a higher decay rate to remember less past information. We thus define the decay rates as \[\Lambda_{jk}=\left\{ \begin{aligned} \min(1,\sqrt{n \alpha \varepsilon_k})&, &j=k\\ 1&, &j\neq k. \end{aligned} \right.\] This decay rate yields almost exact recovery:
## Connection between GCN and Spectral Clustering
We empirically demonstrate that Proposition [\[prop:opt\]](#prop:opt){reference-type="ref" reference="prop:opt"}'s decay rate is optimal by varying the decay rates used in both spectral clustering and the commonly used Graph Convolutional Network (GCN), which is a first-order approximation of spectral convolutions on graphs . A multi-layer GCN has the layer-wise propagation rule: \[H^{(l+1)}=\sigma(\widetilde{D}^{-\frac{1}{2}}\widetilde{A}\widetilde{D}^{-\frac{1}{2}}H^{(l)}W^{(l)}),\] where \(\widetilde{A}=A+I_N\), \(I_N\) is the identity matrix, \(\widetilde{D}_{ii}=\sum_j \widetilde{A}_{ij}\) and \(W^{(l)}\) is a layer-specific trainable weight matrix. The activation function is \(\sigma\), typically ReLU (rectified linear units), with a softmax in the last layer for graph clustering. The node embedding matrix in the \(l\)-th layer is \(H^{(l)}\in \mathbb{R}^{N\times D}\), which contains high-level representations of the graph nodes transformed from the initial features; \(H^{(0)}=I_N\). Figure [\[fig:spec_norm\]](#fig:spec_norm){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:spec_norm"} shows that Spectral Clustering and GCN have qualitatively similar accuracy on simulated data as we vary the decay rate \(\lambda\) (the same \(\lambda\) is used for all nodes). As expected from Eq. [\[eq:errorbound\]](#eq:errorbound){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:errorbound"} and Proposition [\[prop:opt\]](#prop:opt){reference-type="ref" reference="prop:opt"}, the optimal decay rate \(\lambda\) increases as we increase the number of nodes \(n\), as does the value of \(\lambda\) that minimizes the spectral norm \(\|\hat{A}-P\|\). Although the optimal decay rate is consistently larger than the one minimizing the spectral norm (which upper-bounds the relative error as in Eq. [\[eq:errorbound\]](#eq:errorbound){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:errorbound"}), GCN's accuracy is more correlated with the spectral norm, which is the first singular value of the smoothed adjacency matrix. We then perform a grid search for the optimal decay matrix \(\Lambda\) on simulated data with \(n = 200\) nodes and change probabilities \(\varepsilon_1 = 0.05\) and \(\varepsilon_2 = 0.1\). As shown in Figure [\[fig:heat_map\]](#fig:heat_map){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:heat_map"}, GCN and Spectral Clustering achieve high accuracy. Cluster 2, which has a higher \(\varepsilon_2\), has larger decay rate \(\Lambda_{2,2}\), as expected from Proposition [\[prop:opt\]](#prop:opt){reference-type="ref" reference="prop:opt"}, for both GCN and Spectral Clustering.
# Decay Rates as RNNs
Although searching for the optimal decay matrix in Spectral Clustering can result in good performance, this method is expensive: the grid search for the optimal decay matrix can be time-consuming, and the time complexity of calculating the spectral norm is \(\mathcal{O}(n^3)\). In this section, we propose two neural network architectures, RNNGCN and TRNNGCN, that use a single decay rate \(\lambda\) and decay matrix \(\Lambda\), respectively, and then show they perform well on simulated data.
The RNNGCN model uses a single decay rate \(\lambda\in[0,1]\) as the RNN parameter. RNNGCN first uses a Recurrent Neural Network to learn the decay rate, then uses a two-layer GCN to cluster the weighted graphs. The formal model is shown in Algorithm [\[algo:RNNGCN\]](#algo:RNNGCN){reference-type="ref" reference="algo:RNNGCN"}, where \(\sigma_1\) denotes a ReLU layer and \(\sigma_2\) is a Softmax layer.
### Transitional RNNGCN (TRNNGCN)
The TRNNGCN network is similar to the RNNGCN, but uses a matrix \(\Lambda\in[0,1]^{K\times K}\) to learn the decay rates for different pairs of classes. During the training process, the labels (cluster memberships) of the training nodes are known while the labels of other nodes remain unknown, so we use the cluster prediction \(\hat{\Theta}_{i-1}\) from each iteration \(i-1\) to determine the decay rates for each node in iteration \(i\). The TRNNGCN model replaces the decay method (line 4 of Algorithm 1) with \[\hat{A}_t=(1-\hat{\Theta}_{i-1} \Lambda (\hat{\Theta}_{i-1})^T) \odot \hat{A}_{t-1}+\hat{\Theta}_{i-1} \Lambda (\hat{\Theta}_{i-1})^T \odot \hat{A}_t,\] where \(\odot\) denotes element-wise multiplication. After each iteration, it calculates \(\hat{\Theta}_i\) as the input of the next iteration.
### Empirical Validation
We validate the performance of RNNGCN and TRNNGCN on data generated by the dynamic stochastic block model. Our graph has 200 nodes, 23190 edges, 50 time steps and 2 clusters. The probabilities of forming an edge between two nodes of the same or different clusters are \(\alpha = 0.02\) and \(\tau\alpha = 0.001\), respectively, and a node changes its cluster membership with probability \(\varepsilon_1 = 0.05\) and \(\varepsilon_2 = 0.1\) for clusters 1 and 2 respectively. Figure [\[fig:simulate\]](#fig:simulate){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:simulate"} compares the RNNGCN and TRNNGCN performance with the static Spectral Clustering and GCN methods. For better visualization, the value at each time step is averaged with the 2 timesteps immediately before and after. The performance of GCN and Spectral Clustering decreases over time, as in later timesteps they use accumulated historical information that may no longer be relevant. RNNGCN and TRNNGCN show consistently high performance over time, indicating that they optimally utilize historical information. On average over time, TRNNGCN leads to 5% accuracy and AUC (area under the ROC curve) improvement, and a 10% higher F1-score, than RNNGCN, due to using a lower decay rate for the class with smaller change probability.
# Experiments
In this section, we validate the performance of RNNGCN and TRNNGCN on real datasets, compared to state-of-the-art baselines. We first describe the datasets used and the baselines considered, and then present our results.
## Datasets
We conducted experiments on five real datasets, as shown in Table [1](#tab:datasets){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:datasets"}, which have the properties shown in Table [2](#tab:dataattr){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:dataattr"}. All datasets have edges that form at different times, although only nodes in DBLP-E change their class (cluster membership) over time. We include four datasets with separate, time-varying features associated with each node (DBLP-3, DBLP-5, Brain and Reddit) to test RNNGCN's and TRNNGCN's ability to generalize to datasets with node features.
### DBLP-E
dataset is extracted from the computer science bibliography website DBLP[^1], which provides open bibliographic information on major computer science journals and conferences. Nodes represent authors, and edges represent co-authorship from 2004 to 2018. Each year is equivalent to one timestep, and co-author edges are added in the year a coauthored paper is published. Labels represent the author research area ("computer networks" or "machine learning") and may change as authors switch their research focus.
### DBLP-3 & DBLP-5
use the same node and edge definitions as DBLP-E, but also include node features extracted by `word2vec` from the authors' paper titles and abstracts. The authors in DBLP-3 and DBLP-5 are clustered into three and five classes (research areas) respectively that do not change over time.
### Reddit
dataset is generated from Reddit[^2], a social news aggregation and discussion website. The nodes represent posts and two posts are connected if they share keywords. Node features are generated by `word2vec` on the post comments .
### Brain
dataset is generated from functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data[^3]. Nodes represent cubes of brain tissue, and two nodes are connected if they show similar degrees of activation during the time period. Node features are generated by principal component analysis on the fMRI.
## Baselines and Metrics
We compare our RNNGCN and TRNNGCN with multiple baselines. GCN, GAT and GraphSage are supervised methods that include node features, while Spectral Clustering is unsupervised without features; all of these methods ignore temporal information. DynAERNN is an unsupervised method, and GCNLSTM and EGCN are supervised methods, which all utilize temporal information of both graphs and features. We evaluate the performance of methods with the standard accuracy (ACC), area under the ROC curve (AUC) and F1-score classification metrics.
## Experiment Settings
We divide each dataset into 70% training/ 20% validation/ 10% test points. Each method uses two hidden Graph Neural Network layers (GCN, GAT, GraphSage, etc.) with the layer size equal to the number of classes in the dataset. We add a dropout layer between the two layers with dropout rate \(0.5\). We use the Adam optimizer with learning rate \(0.0025\). Each method is trained with \(500\) iterations. For static methods (GCN, GAT, GraphSage and Spectral Clustering) we first accumulate the adjacency matrices of graphs at each time step, then cluster on the normalized accumulated matrix. DynAERNN, GCNLSTM, and EGCN use the temporal graphs and temporal node features as input. For our RNNGCN and TRNNGCN, we use the temporal graphs and the node features at the last time step as input. The code of all methods and datasets are publicly available[^4].
## Experimental Results
### Node Classification with Temporal Labels
We first compare the predictions of temporally changing labels in DBLP-E. Figure [\[fig:dblpe_num\]](#fig:dblpe_num){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:dblpe_num"} shows the number of authors in the Machine Learning and Computer Network fields in the years 2004-2018, as well as the probabilities that authors in each class change their labels. We observe that (i) the classes have different change probabilities (with users more likely to move from computer networks to machine learning) and (ii) the change probabilities evolve over time, with more users migrating to machine learning since 2013. This dataset thus allows us to test RNNGCN's and TRNNGCN's abilities to adapt the optimal decay rate for each class.
Figure [\[fig:dblpe\]](#fig:dblpe){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:dblpe"} shows the performance of RNNGCN and TRNNGCN in DBLP-E. Similar to Figure [\[fig:simulate\]](#fig:simulate){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:simulate"}'s result on the simulated data, GCN's performance decreases over time as the accumulated effect of class change increases. Spectral Clustering consistently performs poorly since it cannot learn the high-dimensional patterns of the DBLP-E graph. RNNGCN and TRNNGCN maintain good performance and fully utilize the temporal information. As the two classes have different change probabilities, TRNNGCN learns a better decay rate and performs better. We further show the average accuracy, AUC, and F1-score for each baseline method at each timestep; RNNGCN and TRNNGCN consistently outperform the other baselines. GCNLSTM comes the closest to matching their performance. GCNLSTM uses a LSTM layer to account for historical information, which is similar to our methods but lacks interpretability as the LSTM operates on the output of the GCN layer (which is not readily interpretable) instead of the original graph adjacency information. We use a RNN instead of LSTM layer in our algorithms for computational efficiency. **Node Classification with Temporal Features** Although our analysis is based on dynamic networks without features, Table [\[tab:result_temporal\]](#tab:result_temporal){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:result_temporal"}'s performance results demonstrate the applicability of our RNNGCN and TRNNGCN algorithms to the DBLP-3, DBLP-5, Brain, and Reddit datasets with node features. TRNNGCN achieves the best or second-best performance consistently on all datasets, even outperforming EGCN and GCNLSTM, which unlike TRNNGCN fully utilize the historical information of node features. While GraphSAGE shows good accuracy, AUC, and F1-score on the Brain dataset, no other baseline method does well across all three metrics for any other dataset. RNNGCN performs second-best on DBLP-3 but worse on the other datasets, likely because those datasets have more than three classes, which would likely have different optimal decay rates. TRNNGCN can account for these differences, but RNNGCN cannot. We further highlight the importance of taking into account historical information by noting that the static baselines (GCN, GAT, GraphSAGE, and spectral clustering) generally perform poorly compared to the dynamic baselines (DynAERNN, GCNLSTM, EGCN). DynAERNN can perform significantly worse than GCNLSTM and EGCN, likely because it is an unsupervised method that cannot take advantage of labeled training data. Thus, RNNGCN and TRNNGCN's good performance is likely due to their ability to optimally take advantage of historical graph information, even if they cannot use historical node feature information.
# Conclusion
This work proposes RNNGCN and TRNNGCN, two new neural network architectures for clustering on dynamic graphs. These methods are inspired by the insight that RNNs progressively decrease the weight placed on their inputs over time according to a learned decay rate parameter. This decay rate can in turn be interpreted as the importance of historical connection information associated with each community or cluster in the graph. We show that decaying historical connection information can achieve almost exact recovery when used for spectral clustering on dynamic stochastic block models, and that the RNN decay rates on simulated data match the theoretically optimal decay rates for such stochastic block models. We finally validate the performance of RNNGCN and TRNNGCN on a range of real datasets, showing that TRNNGCN consistently outperforms static clustering methods as well as previously proposed dynamic clustering methods. This performance is particularly remarkable compared to dynamic clustering methods that account for historical information of both the connections between nodes and the node features; TRNNGCN ignores the historical feature information. We plan to investigate neural network architectures that reveal the importance of these dynamic node features in our future work. Much work also remains on better establishing the models' interpretability.
# Model
We first introduce a dynamic version of the Stochastic Block Model (SBM) often used to study graph clustering , which we will use for our theoretical analysis in the rest of the paper.
## Stochastic Block Model
For positive integers \(K\) and \(n\), a probability vector \(p\in [0,1]^K\), and a symmetric connectivity matrix \(B\in[0,1]^{K\times K}\), the SBM defines a random graph with \(n\) nodes split into \(K\) clusters. The goal of a prediction method for the SBM is to correctly divide nodes into their corresponding clusters, based on the graph structure. Each node is independently and randomly assigned a cluster in \(\{1...,K\}\) according to the distribution \(p\); we can then say that a node is a "member" of this cluster. Undirected edges are independently created between any pair of nodes in clusters \(i\) and \(j\) with probability \(B_{ij}\), where the \((i,j)\) entry of \(B\) is \[B_{ij}=\left\{ \begin{aligned} \alpha& ,\;i=j\\ \tau \alpha & ,\;i\neq j, \end{aligned} \right.\] for \(\alpha\in(0,1)\) and \(\tau\in(0,1)\), implying that the probability of an edge forming between nodes in the same cluster is \(\alpha\) (which is the same for each cluster) and the edge formation probability between nodes in different clusters is \(\tau \alpha\). Let \(\Theta \in {\{0,1\}}^{n\times K}\) denotes the matrix representing the nodes' cluster memberships, where \(\Theta_{ik}=1\) indicates that node \(i\) belongs to the \(k\)-th cluster, and is \(0\) otherwise. We use \(A\in\{0,1\}^{n \times n}\) to denote the (symmetric) adjacency matrix of the graph, where \(A_{ij}\) indicates whether there is a connection (edge) between node \(i\) and node \(j\). From our node connectivity model, we find that given \(\Theta\), for \(i<j\), we have \[A_{ij}|\{\Theta_{ik}=1,\Theta_{jl}=1\} \backsim \text{Ber}(B_{kl}),\] where \(\text{Ber}(p)\) indicates a Bernoulli random variable with parameter \(p\). We define \(A_{ii}=0\) (nodes are not connected directly to themselves) and since all edges are undirected, \(A_{ij}=A_{ji}\). We further define the connection probability matrix \(P=\Theta B \Theta^T \in [0,1]^{n\times n}\), where \(P_{ij}\) is the connection probability of node \(i\) and node \(j\) and \(\mathbb{E}[A]=P-\text{diag}(P)\).
## Dynamic Stochastic Block Model
We now extend the SBM model to include how the graph evolves over time. We consider a set of discrete time steps \(t = 1,2,\ldots,T\). At each time step \(t\), the Dynamic SBM generates new intra-and inter-cluster edges according to the probabilities \(\alpha\) and \(\tau\alpha\) as defined for the SBM above. All edges persist over time. We assume a constant number of nodes \(n\), number of clusters \(K\), and connectivity matrix \(B\), but the node membership matrix \(\Theta_t\) depends on time \(t\), i.e., nodes' cluster memberships may change over time. We similarly define the connectivity matrix \(P_t = \Theta_t B (\Theta_t)^T\). We model changes in nodes' cluster memberships as a Markov process with a constant transition probability matrix \(H\in[0,1]^{K\times K}\). Let \(\varepsilon_j\in(0,1)\) denotes the change probability of nodes in cluster \(j\), i.e., the probability a node in cluster \(j\) changes its membership. At each time step, node \(v_i\) in cluster \(j\) changes its membership to cluster \(k\) with the following probability (independently from other nodes): \[H_{j,k}=\mathbb{P}\left[\Theta_{ik}^{t}=1|\Theta_{ij}^{t-1}=1\right]=\left\{ \begin{aligned} 1-\varepsilon_j &, & j=k\\ \frac{\varepsilon_{j}}{K-1} &, & j\neq k, \end{aligned} \right.\] Note that \(\varepsilon_j\) may be specific to cluster \(j\), e.g., if some clusters experience less membership turnover. We give an example of such a graph in our experimental evaluation. The goal of a clustering algorithm on a graph is to recover the membership matrix \(\Theta\) up to column permutation. Static clustering algorithms give an estimate \(\hat{\Theta}\) of the node membership; a dynamic clustering algorithm should produce such an estimate for each time \(t\). We define two performance metrics for these estimates (in dynamic graphs, they may be evaluated for an estimate \(\hat{\Theta} = \hat{\Theta}_t\) relative to \(\Theta = \Theta_t\) at any time \(t\)):
Our goal is then to find an algorithm that produces an estimate \(\hat{\Theta}\) minimizing \(E(\hat{\Theta},\Theta)\). In the next section, we discuss the well-known (static) spectral clustering algorithm and analyze a simple decay-based method that allows a static algorithm to make dynamic membership estimates.
# Related Work
Over the past few years, there has been significant research dedicated to graph clustering algorithms, motivated by applications such as community detection in social networks. While some works consider theoretical analysis of such clustering algorithms, more recently representation learning algorithms have been proposed that perform well in practice with few theoretical guarantees. We aim to *connect* these approaches by using a theoretical analysis of decay-based dynamic clustering algorithms to design a new neural network-based approach that is easily interpretable. **Theoretical analyses.** Traditional spectral clustering algorithms use the spectrum of the graph adjacency matrix to generate a compact representation of the graph connectivity . A line of work on static clustering algorithms uses the stochastic block model for graph connectivity , which more recent works have extended to a dynamic stochastic block model . While these works do not distinguish between clusters with different transition probabilities, earlier models incorporate such heterogeneity . Other works use a Bayesian approach , scoring metrics , or multi-armed bandits to detect communities and their evolution, while use a decay rate similar to the one we propose. As **representation learning** becomes popular, graph neural networks such as GraphSage have been used to cluster nodes in graphs based on (static) connections between nodes and node features. Graph Attention Networks (GAT) use attention-based methods to construct a neural network that highlights the relative importance of each feature, while dynamic supervised and unsupervised methods can track general network dynamics, or may be designed for clustering on graphs with dynamic edges and dynamic node features . EvolveGCN usesa GCN to evolve the RNN weights, which is similar to our approach; however, we ensure interpretability of the RNN weights by placing the RNN before the GCN layers, which we show improves the clustering performance. Finally, several works have considered the **interpretability of general GCN and RNN structures** , such as GNNExplainer . In the context of graph clustering, some works have used attention mechanisms to provide interpretable weights on node features , but attention may not capture true feature importance . Moreover, these works do not consider the importance of *historical* information, as we consider in this work.
[^1]: https://dblp.org
[^2]: https://www.reddit.com/
[^3]: https://tinyurl.com/y4hhw8ro
[^4]: https://github.com/InterpretableClustering/InterpretableClustering | {'timestamp': '2021-06-24T02:03:28', 'yymm': '2012', 'arxiv_id': '2012.08740', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.08740'} |
# Introduction
## A few auxiliary notions
**Complemented subspaces in Banach spaces.** Let \(X\) be a real or complex Banach space. By a subspace of \(X\) we will mean a linear subset of \(X\). Let \(M\) be a subspace of \(X\). \(M\) is said to be complemented in \(X\) if there exists a subspace \(N\) (a complement) such that \(X\) is the topological direct sum of \(M\) and \(N\). This means that the sum operator \(S:M\times N\to X\) defined by \(S(x,y)=x+y\), \(x\in M, y\in N\) is an isomorphism (of normed linear spaces). Here \(M\times N\) is the linear space of all pairs \((x,y)\) with \(x\in M, y\in N\) endowed with the norm \(\|(x,y)\|=\|x\|+\|y\|\). One can easily check that \(M\) is complemented in \(X\) if and only if there exists a continuous linear projection onto \(M\), i.e., a continuous linear operator \(P:X\to X\) such that \(Px\in M\) for all \(x\in X\) and \(Px=x\) for \(x\in M\). Each complemented subspace is closed (this follows from the fact that \(M=S(M\times\{0\})\)). Note that one can give the following (equivalent) definition of complementability: a subspace \(M\) is said to be complemented in \(X\) if \(M\) is closed and there exists a closed subspace \(N\) such that \(M\cap N=\{0\}\) and \(M+N=X\) (the equivalence of the definition to the original follows from the fact that each complemented subspace is closed and the Banach inverse mapping theorem). If \(X\) is a Hilbert space, then each closed subspace \(M\) of \(X\) is complemented in \(X\) (one can consider the orthogonal decomposition \(X=M\oplus M^\bot\) or, equivalently, the orthogonal projection onto \(M\)). **Sum of subspaces.** Let \(V\) be a vector space and \(V_1...,V_n\) be subspaces of \(V\). Define the sum of \(V_1...,V_n\) in the natural way, namely, \[V_1+...+V_n:=\{x_1+...+x_n\,|\,x_1\in V_1...,x_n\in V_n\}.\] It is clear that \(V_1+...+V_n\) is a subspace of \(V\). **Linear independence.** Let \(V\) be a vector space and \(V_1...,V_n\) be subspaces of \(V\). The system of subspaces \(V_1...,V_n\) is said to be linearly independent if an equality \(x_1+...+x_n=0\), where \(x_1\in V_1...,x_n\in V_n\), implies that \(x_1=...=x_n=0\).
## Notation
Throughout the paper, \(X\) is a real or complex Banach space with norm \(\|\cdot\|\). When \(X\) is a Hilbert space we denote by \(\langle\cdot,\cdot\rangle\) the inner product in \(X\). The identity operator on \(X\) is denoted by \(I\) (throughout the paper it is clear which Banach space is being considered). All operators in the paper are continuous linear operators. In particular, by a projection we always mean a continuous linear projection. The kernel and range of an operator \(T\) will be denoted by \(\ker(T)\) and \(Ran(T)\), respectively. For a continuous linear operator \(T\) between two Hilbert spaces we denote by \(T^*\) its adjoint. All vectors are vector-columns; the superscript \"t\" means transpose.
Starting point for this paper are the main results of our paper where the following questions are studied. Let \(X\) be a Banach space and \(X_1...,X_n\) be complemented subspaces of \(X\). **Question 1:** *Is \(X_1+...+X_n\) complemented in \(X\)?* If Question 1 has positive answer (for given \(X_1...,X_n\)), then the next natural question arises: **Question 2:** *Suppose that we know some projections \(P_1...,P_n\) onto \(X_1...,X_n\), respectively. Is there a formula for a projection onto \(X_1+...+X_n\) (in terms of \(P_1...,P_n\)) (of course, under certain conditions)?*
Let us present the main results of. First, we provided a sufficient condition for the sum of complemented subspaces to be complemented.
The next result shows that the rate of convergence of \(I-(I-A)^N\) to \(P\) can be estimated from above by \(C\alpha^N\), where \(\alpha\in[0,1)\). To formulate the result we need the following notation: for two vectors \(u,v\in\mathbb{R}^n\) we will write \(u\leqslant v\) if \(u\leqslant v\) coordinatewise. To make the formulation of the result clearer we first make the following important remark. Since \(E\) is a nonnegative matrix, the condition \(r(E)<1\) is equivalent to the existence of a vector \(w\in\mathbb{R}^n\) with positive coordinates and a number \(\alpha\in[0,1)\) such that \(Ew\leqslant\alpha w\). More precisely, if such \(w\) and \(\alpha\) exist, then \(r(E)\leqslant\alpha<1\) (see ). Conversely, suppose that \(r(E)<1\). If \(E\) is irreducible, then one can take \(\alpha\) to be \(r(E)\) and \(w\) a Perron-Frobenius vector of \(E\). If \(E\) is not irreducible, then consider the matrix \(E'=(e_{ij}+\delta)\) for sufficiently small \(\delta>0\), and take \(\alpha\) to be \(r(E')\) and \(w\) a Perron-Frobenius vector of \(E'\). Since \(r(E^t)=r(E)\), we see that the condition \(r(E)<1\) is also equivalent to the existence of a vector \(w\) with positive coordinates and a number \(\alpha\in[0,1)\) such that \(E^t w\leqslant \alpha w\).
Using Theorem B, we can get concrete estimates for the rate of convergence of \(I-(I-A)^N\) to \(P\). Suppose \(E\) is irreducible and \(r(E)<1\). Take \(\alpha\) to be \(r(E)\) and \(w\) a Perron-Frobenius vector of \(E\). Then we get \[\|I-(I-A)^N-P\|\leqslant (w_1+...+w_n)\max\{(1/w_1)\|P_1\|...,(1/w_n)\|P_n\|\}\frac{(r(E))^N}{1-r(E)}.\] Similarly, we can take \(\alpha\) to be \(r(E)\) and \(w\) a Perron-Frobenius vector of \(E^t\). Then we get \[\|I-(I-A)^N-P\|\leqslant (w_1\|P_1\|+...+w_n\|P_n\|)\max\{(1/w_1)...,(1/w_n)\}\frac{(r(E))^N}{1-r(E)}.\]
The assumption \(r(E)<1\) is a *sharp* sufficient condition for \(X_1+...+X_n\) to be complemented in \(X\). More precisely, we have the following result.
The aim of this paper is to obtain analogues of Theorems A, B, C for the case when \(X\) is a Hilbert space, \(X_1...,X_n\) are closed subspaces of \(X\), and \(P_1...,P_n\) are orthogonal projections onto \(X_1...,X_n\), respectively.
# Results
Let \(X\) be a real or complex Hilbert space, \(X_1...,X_n\) be closed subspaces of \(X\), and \(P_1...,P_n\) be orthogonal projections onto \(X_1...,X_n\), respectively. As in the Banach space setting, we assume that nonnegative numbers \(\varepsilon_{ij}\), \(i\neq j\), \(i,j\in\{1...,n\}\) are such that \[\label{eq:H varepsilon_ij} \|P_i x\|\leqslant\varepsilon_{ij}\|x\|,\quad x\in X_j,\] for any distinct \(i,j\in\{1...,n\}\). Clearly, [\[eq:H varepsilon_ij\]](#eq:H varepsilon_ij){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:H varepsilon_ij"} is equivalent to the inequality \(\|P_i|_{X_j}\|\leqslant\varepsilon_{ij}\). Now observe that for arbitrary closed subspaces \(M\) and \(N\) of the space \(X\) \(\|P_M|_N\|=\|P_N|_M\|\), where \(P_M\) and \(P_N\) are the orthogonal projections onto \(M\) and \(N\), respectively. Indeed, if \(M=\{0\}\) or \(N=\{0\}\), then \(\|P_M|_N\|=\|P_N|_M\|=0\). Assume that \(M\) and \(N\) are nonzero. One can easily check that \((P_M|_N:N\to M)^*=P_N|_M:M\to N\). Therefore \(\|P_M|_N\|=\|P_N|_M\|\). Hence, we can and will assume that \(\varepsilon_{ij}=\varepsilon_{ji}\) for any distinct \(i,j\in\{1...,n\}\). Define the \(n\times n\) matrix \(E=(e_{ij})\) by \[e_{ij}= \begin{cases} 0, &\text{if \(i=j\),}\\ \varepsilon_{ij}, &\text{if \(i\neq j\).} \end{cases}\] It is clear that \(E\) is symmetric and nonnegative. It follows that \(r(E)\), the spectral radius of \(E\), is the maximum eigenvalue of \(E\). Set \(A:=P_1+...+P_n\). Applying Theorem A and noting that \[\ker(P_1)\cap...\cap\ker(P_n)= X_1^\bot\cap...\cap X_n^\bot= (X_1+...+X_n)^\bot,\] we get the following result.
To make the paper self-contained we will prove Theorem [\[Th:H\]](#Th:H){reference-type="ref" reference="Th:H"} in Section [3](#S:proofs){reference-type="ref" reference="S:proofs"}. For the rate of convergence of \(I-(I-A)^N\) to \(P\) we have the following estimate which is more precise than that given by Theorem B.
The assumption \(r(E)<1\) is a *sharp* sufficient condition for \(X_1+...+X_n\) to be closed in \(X\). More precisely, we have the following result.
# Proofs {#S:proofs}
## Proof of Theorems [\[Th:H\]](#Th:H){reference-type="ref" reference="Th:H"} and [\[Th:H rate\]](#Th:H rate){reference-type="ref" reference="Th:H rate"}
We first formulate the following lemma.
The proof is simple and is omitted. Now we are ready to prove Theorems [\[Th:H\]](#Th:H){reference-type="ref" reference="Th:H"} and [\[Th:H rate\]](#Th:H rate){reference-type="ref" reference="Th:H rate"}. For simplicity of notation, we set \(r:=r(E)\). Let \(X_1\oplus...\oplus X_n\) be the (orthogonal) direct sum of Hilbert spaces \(X_1...,X_n\). Define the operator \(S:X_1\oplus...\oplus X_n\to X\) by \[S(x_1...,x_n)^t=x_1+...+x_n,\quad x_1\in X_1...,x_n\in X_n.\] One can easily check that \(S^*:X\to X_1\oplus...\oplus X_n\) acts as follows: \[S^*x=(P_1 x...,P_n x)^t,\quad x\in X.\] Therefore \(SS^*=P_1+...+P_n=A\). For every \(v=(v_1...,v_n)^t\in X_1\oplus...\oplus X_n\) we have \[\begin{aligned}
&|\|Sv\|^2-\|v\|^2|= |\|v_1+...+v_n\|^2-\|v_1\|^2-...-\|v_n\|^2|=\\ &=|\sum_{i\neq j}\langle v_i,v_j\rangle|\leqslant \sum_{i\neq j}|\langle v_i,v_j\rangle|= \sum_{i\neq j}|\langle P_i v_i,v_j\rangle|=\\ &=\sum_{i\neq j}|\langle v_i,P_i v_j\rangle|\leqslant \sum_{i\neq j}\|v_i\|\|P_i v_j\|\leqslant \sum_{i\neq j}\varepsilon_{ij}\|v_i\|\|v_j\|=\\ &=\langle E(\|v_1\|...,\|v_n\|)^t,(\|v_1\|...,\|v_n\|)^t\rangle\leqslant\\ &\leqslant r\|(\|v_1\|...,\|v_n\|)^t\|^2= r(\|v_1\|^2+...+\|v_n\|^2)= r\|v\|^2. \end{aligned}\] So \(|\|Sv\|^2-\|v\|^2|\leqslant r\|v\|^2\), i.e., \[\label{ineq:S} (1-r)\|v\|^2\leqslant\|Sv\|^2\leqslant(1+r)\|v\|^2,\quad v\in X_1\oplus...\oplus X_n.\] Since \(\|Sv\|\geqslant\sqrt{1-r}\|v\|\), \(v\in X_1\oplus...\oplus X_n\), we conclude that \(\ker(S)=\{0\}\) and \(Ran(S)\) is closed in \(X\) \(\Rightarrow\) the subspaces \(X_1...,X_n\) are linearly independent and their sum \(X_1+...+X_n\) is closed in \(X\). Further, from [\[ineq:S\]](#ineq:S){reference-type="eqref" reference="ineq:S"} and Lemma [\[L:H\]](#L:H){reference-type="ref" reference="L:H"} it follows that \[(1-r)\|x\|^2\leqslant\|S^* x\|^2\leqslant(1+r)\|x\|^2,\quad x\in Ran(S).\] We have \[\|S^* x\|^2=\langle S^*x,S^*x\rangle=\langle SS^*x,x\rangle=\langle Ax,x\rangle.\] The closed subspace \(Ran(S)=X_1+...+X_n\) is invariant with respect to \(A\). Denote by \(A'\) the restriction of \(A\) to \(X_1+...+X_n\). Then we get \[(1-r)\|x\|^2\leqslant\langle A' x,x\rangle\leqslant(1+r)\|x\|^2, \quad x\in X_1+...+X_n,\] and hence \[|\langle(A'-I)x,x\rangle|\leqslant r\|x\|^2,\quad x\in X_1+...+X_n.\] Since \(A'-I\) is self-adjoint, we conclude that \(\|A'-I\|\leqslant r\). Let us estimate \(\|I-(I-A)^N-P\|\), where \(P\) is the orthogonal projection onto \(X_1+...+X_n\). Consider the orthogonal decomposition \[X=(X_1+...+X_n)\oplus(X_1+...+X_n)^\bot= (X_1+...+X_n)\oplus (X_1^\bot\cap...\cap X_n^\bot).\] With respect to the decomposition we have \(P=I\oplus 0\) and \(A=A'\oplus 0\). Thus \[I-(I-A)^N-P=-(I-A')^N\oplus 0\] and \[\|I-(I-A)^N-P\|=\|-(I-A')^N\|\leqslant\|A'-I\|^N\leqslant r^N\to 0\] as \(N\to\infty\). Theorems [\[Th:H\]](#Th:H){reference-type="ref" reference="Th:H"} and [\[Th:H rate\]](#Th:H rate){reference-type="ref" reference="Th:H rate"} are proved.
## Proof of Theorem [\[Th:H r(E)=1\]](#Th:H r(E)=1){reference-type="ref" reference="Th:H r(E)=1"}
We will prove Theorem [\[Th:H r(E)=1\]](#Th:H r(E)=1){reference-type="ref" reference="Th:H r(E)=1"} for the case when the base field of scalars is \(\mathbb{R}\); the proof for \(\mathbb{C}\) is similar. For a number \(\alpha\in(0,1)\) consider the matrix \(I-\alpha E\). Note that this matrix has the following properties:
1. \(I-\alpha E\) is a real symmetric matrix with diagonal elements equal to \(1\);
2. the least eigenvalue of this matrix is equal to \(1-\alpha\). Consequently, this matrix is positive definite.
Therefore \(I-\alpha E\) is the Gram matrix of some linearly independent collection of unit vectors of \(\mathbb{R}^n\), say \(v^{(i)}=v^{(i)}(\alpha)\), \(i=1...,n\). Let \(L_i=L_i(\alpha)\) be the one-dimensional subspace spanned by \(v^{(i)}\), \(i=1...,n\). Denote by \(P_i=P_i(\alpha)\) the orthogonal projection onto \(L_i\), \(i=1...,n\). Clearly, \(P_i v=\langle v,v^{(i)}\rangle v^{(i)}\), \(v\in\mathbb{R}^n\), \(i=1...,n\). It follows that \(P_i v^{(j)}=\langle v^{(j)},v^{(i)}\rangle v^{(i)}=-\alpha e_{ij}v^{(i)}\) and consequently \(\|P_i|_{L_j}\|=\alpha e_{ij}\) for arbitrary \(i\neq j\). Further, since \(1\) is an eigenvalue of \(E\), there exists a unit vector \(c=(c_1...,c_n)\in\mathbb{R}^n\) such that \(Ec=c\). Then \((I-\alpha E)c=(1-\alpha)c\) and consequently \(\langle (I-\alpha E)c,c\rangle=1-\alpha\). We rewrite this equality as \(\sum_{i,j}\langle v^{(j)},v^{(i)}\rangle c_j c_i=1-\alpha,\) which is equivalent to \[\label{eq:norm of linear combination} \|c_1 v^{(1)}+...+c_n v^{(n)}\|^2=1-\alpha.\] Now we are ready to construct a Hilbert space \(X\) and its closed subspaces \(X_1...,X_n\) with the needed properties. Take an arbitrary sequence \(\alpha_k\in(0,1)\), \(k=1,2...\), which converges to \(1\) as \(k\to\infty\). Set \[X=\bigoplus_{k=1}^\infty\mathbb{R}^n\] and \[X_i=\bigoplus_{k=1}^\infty L_i(\alpha_k),\quad i=1...,n,\] where \(\bigoplus\) is the (orthogonal) direct sum of Hilbert spaces. First, let us show that \(\|P_i|_{X_j}\|=e_{ij}\) for each pair \(i\neq j\) (here \(P_i\) is the orthogonal projection onto \(X_i\)). It is clear that \[P_i=\bigoplus_{k=1}^\infty P_i(\alpha_k).\] Hence, \[\|P_i|_{X_j}\|= \sup\{\|P_i(\alpha_k)|_{L_j(\alpha_k)}\|\,|\,k=1,2...\}= \sup\{\alpha_k e_{ij}\,|\,k=1,2...\}= e_{ij}.\] Further, since the vectors \(v^{(1)}(\alpha_k)...,v^{(n)}(\alpha_k)\) are linearly independent for \(k=1,2...\), we conclude that the subspaces \(X_1...,X_n\) are linearly independent. It remains to show that \(X_1+...+X_n\) is not closed in \(X\). Suppose that \(X_1+...+X_n\) is closed in \(X\). Let \(X_1\oplus...\oplus X_n\) be the (orthogonal) direct sum of Hilbert spaces \(X_1...,X_n\). Define the operator \(S:X_1\oplus...\oplus X_n\to X\) by \[S(x_1...,x_n)^t=x_1+...+x_n,\quad x_1\in X_1...,x_n\in X_n.\] Since \(X_1...,X_n\) are linearly independent, we conclude that \(\ker(S)=\{0\}\). Moreover, \(Ran(S)=X_1+...+X_n\) is closed in \(X\). These properties imply that \(S\) is an isomorphic embedding. Hence, there exists a number \(\beta>0\) such that \(\|Su\|\geqslant\beta\|u\|, u\in X_1\oplus...\oplus X_n.\) We rewrite this inequality as \[\label{ineq:norm of sum} \|x_1+...+x_n\|^2\geqslant \beta^2(\|x_1\|^2+...+\|x_n\|^2),\quad x_1\in X_1...,x_n\in X_n.\] Now we choose \(x_i=(0...,0,c_i v^{(i)}(\alpha_k),0,0...)^t, i=1...,n.\) By [\[eq:norm of linear combination\]](#eq:norm of linear combination){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:norm of linear combination"} and [\[ineq:norm of sum\]](#ineq:norm of sum){reference-type="eqref" reference="ineq:norm of sum"} we get \(1-\alpha_k\geqslant\beta^2\). But \(\alpha_k\to 1\) as \(k\to\infty\) and thus we get a contradiction. Hence, \(X_1+...+X_n\) is not closed in \(X\). Theorem [\[Th:H r(E)=1\]](#Th:H r(E)=1){reference-type="ref" reference="Th:H r(E)=1"} is proved. | {'timestamp': '2020-12-17T02:06:55', 'yymm': '2012', 'arxiv_id': '2012.08688', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.08688'} |
# Introduction
Let \(G\) be a finite group and \({{\operatorname{Irr}}}(G)\) the set of its ordinary irreducible characters. Frobenius showed the classical formula \[\sum_{\chi\in{{\operatorname{Irr}}}(G)}\chi(1)^2=|G|\] for the dimensions of the irreducible complex representations of \(G\). No analogue of this equation is known in the modular setting, that is, for the set \({{\operatorname{IBr}}}(G)\) of irreducible \(p\)-Brauer characters of \(G\), when \(p\) is a prime dividing \(|G|\). In 2005, Willems put forward a conjecture giving a lower bound in terms of the prime-to-\(p\) part \(|G|_{p'}\) of the group order:
Willems points out that his conjecture holds for groups with cyclic Sylow \(p\)-subgroups as well as for \(p\)-solvable groups, and he proves it for groups of Lie type in defining characteristic \(p\). Here we show:
Our proof relies on a reduction of (a strengthening of) the conjecture by Tong-Viet to the case of quasi-simple groups. He shows that Conjecture [\[conj:W\]](#conj:W){reference-type="ref" reference="conj:W"} holds for all finite groups at the prime \(p\) if the following conjecture on \(p\)-Brauer characters is true for all quasi-simple groups:
Here, for \(N\unlhd G\) and \(\theta\in{{\operatorname{IBr}}}(N)\) we denote by \({{\operatorname{IBr}}}(G|\theta)\) the set of irreducible Brauer characters of \(G\) above \(\theta\). Also, recall that a finite group \(G\) is *quasi-simple* if \(G\) is perfect and \(G/Z(G)\) is simple.
Tong-Viet has verified his conjecture for the finitely many quasi-simple groups of Lie type with exceptional Schur multiplier, as well as for all covering groups of sporadic simple groups and for alternating groups of small degree. We invoke the classification of finite simple groups to deal with the general case, obtaining a complete answer at least when \(p=2\). It will turn out that in many cases the inequality in Conjecture [\[conj:TV\]](#conj:TV){reference-type="ref" reference="conj:TV"} is already satisfied with one single suitable Brauer character, like for symmetric groups in characteristic 2 or many groups of Lie type in defining characteristic, but on the other hand there are groups for which the degrees of a large number of characters have to be taken into consideration; there is no absolute upper bound on the number of necessary characters even in the class of quasi-simple groups.
To show that there are sufficiently many such characters, we are led to derive lower bounds for the number of conjugacy classes of finite groups of Lie type containing regular semisimple elements (Proposition [\[prop:reg elt\]](#prop:reg elt){reference-type="ref" reference="prop:reg elt"}) which may be of independent interest. As an application we obtain that any simple group of Lie type in characteristic \(p\) has at least two conjugacy classes of length divisible by the \(p\)-part of the group order (Corollary [\[cor:sambale\]](#cor:sambale){reference-type="ref" reference="cor:sambale"}); this was recently used by Sambale. After collecting some basic observations, we study the finite simple groups according to their classification, starting with the groups of Lie type. In Section [3](#sec:defchar){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:defchar"} we suppose that \(p\) is the defining prime; here our results are only partial for certain types. In Section [4](#sec:crosschar){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:crosschar"} we show Conjecture [\[conj:TV\]](#conj:TV){reference-type="ref" reference="conj:TV"} in the non-defining characteristic situation for all cases. Finally, in Section [5](#sec:alt){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:alt"} we verify Conjecture [\[conj:TV\]](#conj:TV){reference-type="ref" reference="conj:TV"} for alternating groups for the prime \(p=2\).
# Preliminary results
We will use the following consequence of a result of Kiyota and Wada:
In many cases, we will make use of characters of *\(p\)-defect zero*, that is, irreducible characters \(\chi\) of a finite group \(G\) such that \(\chi(1)\) contains the full \(p\)-part of the group order \(|G|\). It is a basic result of Brauer that these remain irreducible under \(p\)-modular reduction and thus furnish irreducible \(p\)-Brauer characters of the same degree.
# Groups of Lie type in defining characteristic {#sec:defchar}
Throughout this section \(\bG\) denotes a simple, simply connected linear algebraic group over the algebraic closure of a finite field and \(F:\bG\to\bG\) a Steinberg endomorphism with finite group of fixed point \(\bG^F\). Any simple group of Lie type can then be obtained as \(\bG^F/Z(\bG^F)\) for a suitable such \(\bG\), except for \(\tw2F_4(2)'\), for which Conjecture [\[conj:TV\]](#conj:TV){reference-type="ref" reference="conj:TV"} already shown in. In this section we consider the case where \(p\) is the defining characteristic of \(\bG\). Here, Willems observed that the Steinberg character (of \(p\)-defect zero) already has large enough degree for Conjecture [\[conj:W\]](#conj:W){reference-type="ref" reference="conj:W"} to hold. Note, however, that this result does not imply Conjecture [\[conj:TV\]](#conj:TV){reference-type="ref" reference="conj:TV"} for these groups, since generally there will be more than one block of positive defect. Here, substantially more work is needed. In fact, it seems that not enough is currently known about large degree irreducible modular characters in this situation to derive a complete answer unless \(p=2\). We will use the theory of highest weight representations; a basic introduction can be found for example in.
Let us first deal with some small rank cases.
We now state some further partial results.
Thus, with Proposition [\[prop:A2\]](#prop:A2){reference-type="ref" reference="prop:A2"} among symplectic groups \(\operatorname{Sp}_{2n}(q)\) only the faithful block for \(n=3,4\) and \(q=p\) odd remains open.
# The non-defining characteristic case {#sec:crosschar}
We now turn to groups of Lie type \(G\) in cross characteristic. That is, we assume that \(p\) is not the defining characteristic of \(G\). Here, Willems obtained certain asymptotic results on Conjecture [\[conj:W\]](#conj:W){reference-type="ref" reference="conj:W"}, which were improved upon for several families of groups in the thesis of Maslowski. Nonetheless, both of these fall short of proving Conjecture [\[conj:TV\]](#conj:TV){reference-type="ref" reference="conj:TV"} in the case at hand. We will again argue using suitable characters of \(p\)-defect zero, as considered by Willems, but in order to obtain complete results we need to show that there exist sufficiently many of these. Let \(\bG\) be a simple algebraic group and \(F:\bG\to\bG\) a Steinberg endomorphism. The regular semisimple elements are known to be dense in \(\bG\), so we certainly expect a large proportion of regular semisimple classes in the finite group \(\bG^F\). Here, motivated by our application in character theory, we quantify this expectation by giving a (rather weak) lower bound for their number.
Note that the total number of semisimple classes for \(G\) of simply connected type was shown by Steinberg to be equal to \(q^l\), where \(l\) is the rank of \(\bG\). With a lot more effort it would be possible to derive estimates for the number of regular semisimple classes that are asymptotically much closer to \(q^l\). We note the following easy consequence, which has been used in the proof of a recent result by Sambale:
# Alternating groups {#sec:alt}
It remains to discuss the covering groups of simple alternating groups. At present we only see how to treat the prime \(p=2\).
It should be noted that we need to use both characters \(\chi_l^1\) and \(\chi_l^2\) for our approach to work. For odd primes, the combinatorics seem more daunting, and furthermore, there are two quite different cases to consider, corresponding to faithful and non-faithful characters of \(2.\fS_n\). Note that by Lemma [\[lem:cyclic\]](#lem:cyclic){reference-type="ref" reference="lem:cyclic"}, we may assume that \(p\le n/2\) for \(\fS_n\) and \(2.\fS_n\). Our Main Theorem [\[thm:main\]](#thm:main){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:main"} now follows by combining Proposition [\[prop:class def\]](#prop:class def){reference-type="ref" reference="prop:class def"}, Theorem [\[thm:class cross\]](#thm:class cross){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:class cross"} and Theorem [\[thm:alt\]](#thm:alt){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:alt"} with the result of Tong-Viet for sporadic groups. | {'timestamp': '2020-12-17T02:10:35', 'yymm': '2012', 'arxiv_id': '2012.08765', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.08765'} |
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# Introduction
The [iot]{acronym-label="iot" acronym-form="singular+short"} provides a number of benefits, to consumers as well as business organisations. Flexibility and ease of use, coupled with low management overhead and cost make it a desirable concept. Smart cities, for example, can benefit from [iot]{acronym-label="iot" acronym-form="singular+short"} solutions , as well as cloud applications . For business organisations, logistics and asset management can be aided by the [iot]{acronym-label="iot" acronym-form="singular+short"} . The [iot]{acronym-label="iot" acronym-form="singular+short"} is characterised by its heterogeneity, as an abundance of different devices can constitute an [iot]{acronym-label="iot" acronym-form="singular+short"}. Communication as well as embedded computation capabilities mark the common denominator on which [iot]{acronym-label="iot" acronym-form="singular+short"} devices and networks depend. While these features are a given in the age of constant mobile connectivity and open [wlans]{acronym-label="wlan" acronym-form="plural+short"}, they also constitute the vulnerabilities of [iot]{acronym-label="iot" acronym-form="singular+short"} networks. Being connected to networks leads to an increased attack surface. Furthermore, [iot]{acronym-label="iot" acronym-form="singular+short"} devices are often cheap and manufactured in large numbers for short periods of time, until they become obsolete. After that, newer versions are produced, often for small prices. Consequently, re-use of hard-and software as well as low effort in programming contribute to insecure operating conditions . The [iot]{acronym-label="iot" acronym-form="singular+short"} is but a part of the development towards increased connectivity that inherently carries higher risks of cyber attacks. Botnets targeting [iot]{acronym-label="iot" acronym-form="singular+short"} devices, such as *Mirai* , industrial environments falling prey to attackers, such as the power grid in the Ukraine in December 2015 , and ransomware attacks on healthcare infrastructure and consumers alike show the need for increased automated security in this brave new digital world. As the networking paradigms are shifting from classic home and office networks to heterogeneous ad hoc networks, security solutions have to adapt as well . Offensive security measures become an administrators friend to discover vulnerabilities along the attack phases. By preemptive security, such as vulnerability checking, threats can be mitigated before an attacker can exploit them. These capabilities are more relevant in the heterogeneous environments presented today. Furthermore, an insight regarding methods as well as tools of cyber criminals is becoming crucial for [it]{acronym-label="it" acronym-form="singular+short"} security professionals. Since criminals often rely on publicly available tools, an understanding of those allows security professionals to gain insight about the threat potential and possible attack vectors. Furthermore, if [it]{acronym-label="it" acronym-form="singular+short"} security professionals adapt to the methodology of a cyber criminal, they obtain a new understanding of attacking a system, potentially allowing for a more suited defense against attacks. Additionally, any vulnerability found by methods and tools of attackers is a vulnerability that can be mitigated before a real attack occurs. The contribution of this work is
- the identification and collection of the most well-known and used open source security assessment tools and
- the mapping of these tools to well-established attack models and.
- the analysis, comparison and discussion of the capabilities of these tools.
The remainder of this work is structured as follows. The state of the art is presented in Section [2](#sec:sota){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:sota"}. The methodology underlying this paper is introduced in Section [3](#sec:methodology){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:methodology"}. The tools are introduced and evaluated in Section [4](#sec:offsec_tools){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:offsec_tools"}. A conclusion is drawn in Section [5](#sec:conc){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:conc"}.
# State of the Art {#sec:sota}
There is an abundance in literature regarding tools for offensive security purposes, in numerous blogs, but also in specialist books. However, an objective indication why the tools were chosen to be presented is not provided. Either they are used and recommended by the author, who usually is a security professional that has built a tool-box for themselves. Or the tools are contained in a suite, such as Kali Linux . *Velu* presents the usage of Kali Linux for penetration testing in his book, discussing the tools he deems most relevant . *Oakley* introduces red teaming in his book, where tools are introduced in the respective stages based on experience of the author . *Kim* presents practical penetration testing with the tools chosen in a similar fashion . *Forshaw* reduces the focus to tools for attacking network protocols, thus setting a scope . However, the tools chosen are derived from his long experience. In general, it is beneficial to have tools introduced by professionals with a long experience in the fields, as they took a long time to chose the right tool-box and become acquainted with it. In this work, however, the focus is on creating tangible, objective criteria for rating offensive security tools.
# Methodology {#sec:methodology}
This section presents the methodology on which this work is founded. First, definitions of the terms are presented, after that, the sources from which the tools are collected. Furthermore, the scope of tools and applications is discussed, a metric for attack stages is presented as well as the feature criteria of the tools.
## Definitons {#ssec:definitions}
This paragraph presents the definitions of terms used in this work that are underlying to the evaluation.
*Offensive information security*: Often called red teaming or penetration testing. It is a concept that describes using tools and methods of an attacker to detect security vulnerabilities which then can be fixed before an attacker can exploit them.
*Tool*: Finding a definition of the term tool in the context of software is exceedingly difficult. For this work, a tool is defined as a software program that can be used as such without further software, except for operating system and corresponding environment. A tool can consist of related parts that could be used in a stand alone-fashion, but are distributed and commonly used together as they follow purposes along the path of a security assessment.
*Freeware*: In the context of this work, this term describes tools which can be obtained by private persons and professionals alike free of charge. The free usage is not limited regarding the time of usage, so trial versions of commercial software are not considered. They are not specific to organisations.
*Enterprise networks*: Consisting of [it]{acronym-label="it" acronym-form="singular+short"} infrastructures, such as computers and servers. Specifically excluded are [ot]{acronym-label="ot" acronym-form="singular+short"} environments as found in industrial environments.
## Data Sources
As the collection of exhaustive, consistent lists of security tools with their attribution to a specific attack phase is difficult, several sources were considered when identifying tools to evaluate in this work. First, the literature presented in Section [2](#sec:sota){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:sota"} was used to extract the tools the authors used. Second, comprehensive lists that can be found online were employed. The nmap project provides a list of security tools, called sectools . Furthermore, *r0lan* provides an overview of tools that is attributed to the phases they are used in . From these sources, the most relevant tools were extracted. Third, well-known security distributions such as Kali and Parrot Linux contain the tools that are most established in the security community.
## Scope
The scope of this work are enterprise networks as discussed in Section [3.1](#ssec:definitions){reference-type="ref" reference="ssec:definitions"}, consisting of computers, servers and auxiliary devices. Furthermore, the scope regarding the tools is limited on tools with a security focus. Since there is a trend in security research as well as cyber criminals to use tools that are already installed on the target machine for exploitation purposes, many tasks in security assessment can be performed without security-specific tools. This technique is called living off the land. An example is the use of Microsoft PowerShell for enumerating users and directories.
## Attack Metrics: MITRE ATT&CK {#sec:attack_metrics}
The MITRE ATT&CK matrix was developed based on the well-established Lockheed Martin Cyber Kill Chain . Both aim at splitting a cyber attack into distinct phases during which an attacker follows a certain goal. This is used to aid in comprehending the objectives of an attack and ultimately mitigating it. The structure of the MITRE ATT&CK model is shown in Figure [\[fig:mitre\]](#fig:mitre){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:mitre"}. Each of these phases requires a different set of tools, so the aim of this work is mapping tools to these phases as discussed in Section [4](#sec:offsec_tools){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:offsec_tools"}. The phases used in the MITRE ATT&CK Enterprise matrix are as follows, with the description according to the MITRE-homepage .
*Reconnaissance*: The phase during which an adversary collects information about the target. Generally, reconnaissance techniques are categorised in active, i.e. with the adversary interacting with the target system in an unexpected way, and passive, i.e. the adversary not directly interacting with the target system.
*Resource Development*: The adversary is obtaining resources that can aid in attacking the system, such as accounts, systems, and other capabilities. The resources might be used in later phases, such as [cc]{acronym-label="cc" acronym-form="singular+short"}.
*Initial Access*: The adversary attempts to gain an initial foothold on the target system. This is the first phase with direct adversarial action on the target.
*Execution*: The adversary executes malicious code on the target system. This code execution usually follows an underlying goal. Often, on-board capabilities of the target system, such as compilers and interpreters, aid in the execution of malicious code.
*Persistence*: The phase in which the adversary aims to secure the foothold. Persistence allows re-entry and access to the system after the adversary logged out or the system rebooted.
*Privilege Escalation*: In this phase, the adversary aims at obtaining higher privileges. Often, certain users are restricted from performing security-critical tasks, and the first foothold was performed with such restricted accounts. Elevating privileges allows the adversary to perform a wider variety of actions.
*Defense Evasion*: After gaining access and elevating the privileges, the adversary actively evades detection by [ids]{acronym-label="ids" acronym-form="singular+short"}. Obfuscation of the tools as well as deactivation of security measures are performed in this phase.
*Credential Access*: The adversary aims at stealing account credentials for further use and to aid in following phases.
*Discovery*: In this phase, the adversary is gaining information about the environment in which the target system is located. This includes machines and services, accounts and users.
*Lateral Movement*: In this phase, the adversary is moving through the target environment and infecting new systems. Often, the foothold with which entry to the network was gained does not contain the desired target, so lateral movement is necessary to reach devices that are not directly reachable from the outside.
*Collection*: In this phase, the adversary gathers the desired information from the target machine.
*Command and Control (C&C)*: In this phase, the adversary executes control over the targeted systems and communicates with them.
*Exfiltration*: The phase in which the adversary attempts to steal and obtain data without the owner of the target system noticing. The data has to be sent in a fashion that does not cause suspicion.
*Impact*: In this phase, the adversary maliciously impacts the target system by destroying or restricting its functionality. This activity can easily be detected by the owner of the system.
## Tool Features
In order to evaluate and rate the tools, a metric needs to be defined. This metric should contain tangible, verifiable features. The features used in this work are listed as follows:
- Actively maintained: This feature is evaluated according to the latest release and the average number of releases per year. Actively maintained tools provide bug fixes and the integration of new features and protocols as well as a more active support.
- Usage: This feature discusses the licence a tool is published under, the support a user can expect and whether or not a paid version of the tool is available.
- Technical: This feature describes the interface of the tool for a user as well as the programming language the tool is programmed in. This is important as the way of interaction can make a tool more difficult or easier to apply, while the programming language in open source tools describes whether or not a user could adapt and extend the tool.
These features allow an assessment of the tools according to several dimensions. It can be derived if the tool is actively developed and likely to be adapted to new technologies. Furthermore, the capabilities for extending and embedding the tool into a toolchain can be obtained from these features.
# Analysis {#sec:offsec_tools}
In this section the relevant tools are identified and the metric is applied for comparison. Then, the results for the comparison are discussed.
## Identification
For the evaluation, well-established, commonly used security tools tailored for each of the phases as presented in Section [3.4](#sec:attack_metrics){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:attack_metrics"} were identified, collected and compared. As it is not trivial to find an exhaustive overview of security tools, several sources were used to obtain information. Apart from books presented in Section [2](#sec:sota){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:sota"}, web resources were considered as well. The nmap network scanner hosts a list of security tools . Every tool that fits the scope of this work in the top 50 tools of the sectools-list is evaluated in this work. Thus, a good coverage of relevant tools is expected. Furthermore, *r0lan* provides an overview of tools commonly used for the individual phases . Among links to tools, *r0lan* provides an abundance of sources that describe methods rather than tools, and information how to employ tools without a first focus on security, such as PowerShell, to perform security-relevant tasks. From these sources, the most used tools were extracted. They are listed in Table [\[tab:methodology_vulnerabilities_siemens_overview\]](#tab:methodology_vulnerabilities_siemens_overview){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:methodology_vulnerabilities_siemens_overview"}, categorised according to the phases of the MITRE ATT&CK metric.
## Comparison
The tools identified in the previous subsection are listed in Table [\[tab:methodology_vulnerabilities_siemens_overview\]](#tab:methodology_vulnerabilities_siemens_overview){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:methodology_vulnerabilities_siemens_overview"}, with the criteria alongside which they are evaluated.
It can be seen that the first stage has the most extensive number of tools available. Most tools are still actively maintained, meaning new releases are provided at the time of this work. However, a few tools, empire and Responder , are indicated to be deprecated. Furthermore, several tools, Veil-Evasion , Veil-Pillage shellter , windows-privesc-check , and Cloakify-Facory have their latest releases older than a year, which indicates limited maintenance of these tools. Since most versions are free, do not have a paid version and are developed by members of the community, most support is provided in terms of forums or mailing lists. Every tool provides a [cli]{acronym-label="cli" acronym-form="singular+short"}, some tools additionally provide a [gui]{acronym-label="gui" acronym-form="singular+short"} or [wui]{acronym-label="wui" acronym-form="singular+short"}. The [cli]{acronym-label="cli" acronym-form="singular+short"}-capabilities allow for the tool to be integrated into toolchains, with the output being piped into other applications. Furthermore, since a number of tools is written in Python, integration of the source code into user tools is easily possible. All tools, except for Maltego and shellter , provide their code for a user to extend and adapt.
## Discussion
The features based on which the tools are evaluated are intended to provide information for a user to pick a tool that fits her need. Furthermore, the quality and suitability of tools, as well as their versatility is evaluated. For example, msf can be used in nine of 14 phases, making it the most versatile and powerful tool in this comparision. This is due to the toolbox-approach that allows msf to load different modules for specific tasks. Furthermore, research underlying this work shows that some phases have significantly more tools created for them than others. For example, the execution phase does not have a singular tool dedicated to it. Instead, board measures of the target system are used, or tools that are not security-specific, such as web servers or communication tools. Furthermore, the variety of tools, especially in the reconnaissance-phase, is an indicator of knowledge and experience an [it]{acronym-label="it" acronym-form="singular+short"} security professional should have.
# Conclusion {#sec:conc}
This work highlights a few insights. First, there is a plethora of [it]{acronym-label="it" acronym-form="singular+short"} security assessment tools available that can be used by professionals as well as cyber criminals. Being aware of these tools and gaining familiarity is therefore crucial for security experts. The majority is freely available and actively maintained, with examples and help readily available. Second, some phases have more tools dedicated to them than others. Reconnaissance has an abundance of publicly available tools solely for the purpose of gathering information that can be used to exploit a target. The initial access phase has several tools as well, as attacks can be aimed at different types of targets. For example, there is a number of tools to attack websites, a different set of tools for attacking databases and further tools for other attack vectors. Understanding these as a professional is crucial for hardening any potential attack vector and preventing attacks from happening in the first place. Other phases rely on tools already available on the target systems, such as programming compilers and interpreters, PowerShell, netcat and other tools. These can be misused to perform malicious activity, a fact of which [it]{acronym-label="it" acronym-form="singular+short"} security professionals need to be aware of as well. This living off the land can be discussed in a future work, as there is an abundance of tools that can be misused under the right circumstances. Furthermore, tools for cracking passwords and for monitoring and exploiting wireless devices were not considered in this work, as they would exceed the scope. An exhaustive overview of such tools can be discussed in a future work as well. This work shows that gaining insight about attacks is crucial for defense. A method commonly used to obtain information about attackers, their tools and aims is honeypots . Attributing attackers and attacks is similarly important in order to implement counter measures suitable for the attacks which are identified as most likely or having most impact . In general, detecting attacks is becoming increasingly difficult due to the changes in [it]{acronym-label="it" acronym-form="singular+short"} infrastructure. Using context information , employing novel machine learning approaches and creating and providing data to train [idss]{acronym-label="ids" acronym-form="plural+short"} on are required to secure [it]{acronym-label="it" acronym-form="singular+short"} network against current and future attacks. | {'timestamp': '2020-12-17T02:13:09', 'yymm': '2012', 'arxiv_id': '2012.08811', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.08811'} |
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# Introduction and notations
As this article deals with log-concave random variables and probability density functions, we first recall basic definitions and properties:
Basic properties of log-concave distributions are surveyed in a recent paper by Saumard and Wellner, see. Log-concavity for integer-valued probability distributions, i.e. for families \({(f(k))}_{k \in \mathbb{Z}}\) of non-negative numbers with \(\underset{k \in \mathbb{Z}}{\sum} f(k) = 1\), can be defined as follows:
For example, the density \(x \mapsto \dfrac{1}{\sqrt{2 \pi}} \exp \left(-\dfrac{x^2}{2}\right)\) is in the class \(PF_n\) for any \(n \geq 2\).\
We can find a characterization of \(PF_3\) class and some examples in. The notion of \(PF_n\) class can be seen as a natural generalization of log-concavity due to the following:
The seminal paper by Schoenberg surveys basic properties of Pólya frequency functions. In, Efron studied a non-trivial monotonicity property for log-concave distributions:
Efron's theorem is stated as follows:
By using Efron's theorem one can prove the stability of log-concavity by convolution. In the article, there is also a proof of the stability of strong log-concavity by convolution. A recent work on Efron's monotonicity property is the article by Saumard and Wellner. In this paper, the authors describe conditions on a pair \((X,Y)\), other than log-concavity, for the monotonicity property to hold. The purpose of this paper is to prove two others generalizations of Efron's theorem. These generalizations are actually suggested by the title of Efron's original paper, *\"Increasing properties of Pólya frequency functions\"*, which is a bit misleading since the paper only deals with log-concave distributions. In Section 2, we generalize a restricted version of Efron's Theorem, see Theorem [\[theorem1\]](#theorem1){reference-type="ref" reference="theorem1"}: a generalized restricted monotonicity property holds for pairs of \(PF_n\) variables. A consequence of this theorem is another proof of the stability of the class \(PF_n\) by convolution. The proof of Theorem [\[theorem1\]](#theorem1){reference-type="ref" reference="theorem1"} is very simple and only uses elementary properties of determinants.\
In section 3, we reinforce the strong version of Efron's Theorem: we prove that for a stronger monotonicity assumption on the function \(\phi\), we obtain a more powerful result. We can see Theorem [\[thm_efron\]](#thm_efron){reference-type="ref" reference="thm_efron"} as a particular case of Theorem [\[theorem2\]](#theorem2){reference-type="ref" reference="theorem2"}.\
In section 4, we give a more general result of the section 3, where Theorem [\[theorem2\]](#theorem2){reference-type="ref" reference="theorem2"} and Theorem [\[theorem2_2\]](#theorem2_2){reference-type="ref" reference="theorem2_2"} are a particular case. We apply in particular this result to the function \(\Phi: s \mapsto \mathbb{E}[XY|X+Y=s]\).
# A restricted Efron's theorem for \(PF_n\) variables
In this paragraph, we prove the following generalization of restricted Efron's theorem.
We can remark that, for a pair \((\phi_1,\phi_2)\) of positive functions, the condition \(({\phi}_1,{\phi}_2) \in GM_2\) is equivalent to say that the function \(\dfrac{{\phi}_2}{{\phi}_1}\) is non-decreasing.
Restricted Efron's theorem is the particular case where \(n=2\), \({\phi}_1 = 1\) and \({\phi}_2\) is a non-decreasing function. In order to prove Theorem [\[theorem1\]](#theorem1){reference-type="ref" reference="theorem1"}, we will use two elementary propositions.\
The first one is a well-known identity which can be traced back to Andreev, see and.
The second elementary proposition is proven by noticing that the set of \((x_1, \dots ,x_n) \in \mathbb{R}^n\) such that \(x_i = x_j\) for some \(i \neq j\) has its Lebesgue measure equal to zero. We denote by \(\mathfrak{S}_n\) the set of permutations on \(\{ 1, \dots, n\}\).
An interesting consequence of Theorem [\[theorem1\]](#theorem1){reference-type="ref" reference="theorem1"} is the stability of the \(PF_n\) class by convolution:
This result is already known, a proof can be found in or in. In the following proof, we suppose that at least one density is positive.
# Efron's Theorem with a stronger monotonicity assumption
We turn now to a refined version of Efron's theorem: under a stronger assumption on the monotonicity of the function \(\phi\) on each variable we have a stronger result. We state it in two different frameworks, one for real random variables and a second for integer-valued random variables.
## Statement and examples
The continuous version of the generalized Efron's theorem is stated as follows:
If we take \(a=0\) then conditions of Theorem [\[theorem2\]](#theorem2){reference-type="ref" reference="theorem2"} are equivalent to \(\phi\) being a non-decreasing function in each variable and Theorem [\[theorem2\]](#theorem2){reference-type="ref" reference="theorem2"} is equivalent to Efron's theorem. Under additional regularity assumptions on \(\phi\), Theorem [\[theorem2\]](#theorem2){reference-type="ref" reference="theorem2"} can be restated as follows:
We give another equivalent statement for Theorem [\[theorem2\]](#theorem2){reference-type="ref" reference="theorem2"}: if \({\phi}_1: \mathbb{R}^2 \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\) is defined by \[{\phi}_1(x,y) := \exp(a(x+y))\] and if we set \(\phi_2 = \phi\), then the conclusion of Theorem [\[theorem2\]](#theorem2){reference-type="ref" reference="theorem2"} is equivalent to saying that \(({\Phi}_1,{\Phi}_2) \in GM_2\) where \(\forall s \in \mathbb{R}, {\Phi}_i(s) = \mathbb{E}[{\phi}_i(X,Y)|X+Y=s]\). We turn now to the statement of the generalized Efron's Theorem in a discrete setting:
We might notice that conditions on \(\phi\) are equivalent to:
1. \(\forall (x,y) \in \mathbb{Z}^2, ~ \phi(x+1,y) \geq e^a \phi(x,y)\),
2. \(\forall (x,y) \in \mathbb{Z}^2, ~ \phi(x,y+1) \geq e^a \phi(x,y)\).
Furthermore, if we denote \({\Delta}_1 \phi(x,y) = \phi(x+1,y)-\phi(x,y)\) and \({\Delta}_2 \phi(x,y) = \phi(x,y+1)-\phi(x,y)\) the discrete derivative operators, then the same conditions are also equivalent to:
1. \(\forall (x,y) \in \mathbb{Z}^2, ~ {\Delta}_1 \phi(x,y) \geq (e^a-1) \phi(x,y)\),
2. \(\forall (x,y) \in \mathbb{Z}^2, ~ {\Delta}_2 \phi(x,y) \geq (e^a-1) \phi(x,y)\).
We can remark that, under this form, these conditions can be seen as a discrete version of conditions of Corollary [\[corollary\]](#corollary){reference-type="ref" reference="corollary"}.
### Examples
We will consider, in this paragraph, examples for which variables are separated, i.e. functions \(\phi: \mathbb{R}^2 \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\) that can be writtten as a product of two non-negative real functions: \[\forall (x,y) \in \mathbb{R}^2, \phi(x,y) = f(x) g(y).\] We assume that:
1. For any \(y \in \mathbb{R}\), the function \(x \mapsto \exp(-ax) f(x)\) is non-decreasing.
2. For any \(x \in \mathbb{R}\), the function \(y \mapsto \exp(-ay) g(y)\) is non-decreasing.
We denote the function \(\Phi\) by \[\Phi(s) := \mathbb{E}[\phi(X,Y) | X+Y=s].\] We assume that the function \(\Phi\) is well-defined. Then by Theorem [\[theorem2\]](#theorem2){reference-type="ref" reference="theorem2"}, we have that the function \(s \mapsto \exp(-as) \Phi(s)\) is non-decreasing. If \(f\) and \(g\) can be written under the form \(f(x) = \exp(u(x))\) and \(g(y) = \exp(v(y))\) where \(u\) and \(v\) are two real functions, then \[\forall (x,y) \in \mathbb{R}^2 \, \ \phi(x,y)= \exp(u(x)) \exp(v(y)) = \exp(u(x) + v(y)).\] Then, conditions of Theorem [\[theorem2\]](#theorem2){reference-type="ref" reference="theorem2"} are equivalent to:
1. For any \(y \in \mathbb{R}\), the function \(x \mapsto u(x)-ax\) is non-decreasing.
2. For any \(x \in \mathbb{R}\), the function \(y \mapsto v(y)-ay\) is non-decreasing.
For a non-trivial example, we can consider \[\phi(x,y) = \exp[x(x^2+ \alpha) + y(y^2 +\beta)].\] By Theorem [\[theorem2\]](#theorem2){reference-type="ref" reference="theorem2"}, we have that the function \(s \mapsto \exp(-\gamma s) \Phi(s)\) is non-decreasing with the choice of parameter \(\gamma = \min(\alpha,\beta)\).
## Proof of Theorem 3 and 4
Theorem [\[theorem2\]](#theorem2){reference-type="ref" reference="theorem2"} and Theorem [\[theorem2_2\]](#theorem2_2){reference-type="ref" reference="theorem2_2"} is a direct consequence of Efron's theorem.\
We have assumed that \(\Phi\) is well-defined. Then, \(\mathbb{E}[\exp(-a(X+Y))\phi(X,Y)|X+Y=s]\) is also well-defined because we have that for any \(s \in \mathbb{R}\): \[\mathbb{E}[\exp(-a(X+Y))\phi(X,Y)|X+Y=s] = \mathbb{E}[\exp(-as)\phi(X,Y)|X+Y=s] = \exp(-as) \Phi(s).\] We can remark that for any \((x,y) \in \mathbb{R}^2\): \[\exp(-a(x+y)) \phi(x,y) = \exp(-ax) \exp(-ay) \phi(x,y).\] Then, the function \((x,y) \mapsto \exp(-a(x+y)) \phi(x,y)\) is non-decreasing in each variable because \(x \mapsto \exp(-ax)\phi(x,y)\) and \(y \mapsto \exp(-ay)\phi(x,y)\) are non-decreasing.\
By the Efron's theorem, apply to the function \((x,y) \mapsto \exp(-a(x+y))\phi(x,y)\), we have that the function \(s \mapsto \mathbb{E}[\exp(-a(X+Y))\phi(X,Y)|X+Y=s]\) is non-decreasing. But we have that: \[\mathbb{E}[\exp(-a(X+Y))\phi(X,Y)|X+Y=s] = \alpha(s) \Phi(s).\] By definition of \(\Phi\), we obtain \(\mathbb{E}[\exp(-a(X+Y))\phi(X,Y)|X+Y=s] = \exp(-as) \Phi(s)\).\
Finally, the function \(s \mapsto \exp(-as) \Phi(s)\) is a non-decreasing function.
# Some generalizations of Theorem [\[theorem2\]](#theorem2){reference-type="ref" reference="theorem2"} and Theorem [\[theorem2_2\]](#theorem2_2){reference-type="ref" reference="theorem2_2"}
In this part, we will show a more general result. We will adapt the result of the previous part for a more general real function \(\alpha\). After, we will apply this result to some example.
We can remark that the Theorem 3 and 4 are a particular case of the proposition [\[efron_general\]](#efron_general){reference-type="ref" reference="efron_general"}. In the case of Theorem 3 and 4, we have that \(\alpha(s) := \exp(-as)\).\
The Efron's Theorem is the particular case where \(\alpha(s):= 1\).\
Now, we will show an example of application of the Proposition [\[efron_general\]](#efron_general){reference-type="ref" reference="efron_general"}.\
In this proposition, we will apply the proposition [\[efron_general\]](#efron_general){reference-type="ref" reference="efron_general"} to the function \(\phi(x,y) := xy\) and \(\alpha(s) := \dfrac{1}{s}\). | {'timestamp': '2021-12-17T02:18:36', 'yymm': '2012', 'arxiv_id': '2012.08808', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.08808'} |
# Introduction
Robots are predicted to increasingly participate in everyday life of humans over the next decade, but so far most research applications deal with interactions between a robot and a single human. However, if robots are to perform general tasks such as pick-up and delivery in public spaces, they will need to be able to cope and interact with large crowds. This poses a specific challenge for navigation control, where robots are supposed to move fast and efficient, while not endangering the safety of humans walking about in the same location. Most work so far on robot navigation in environments with moving obstacles has been focused on a combination of pathfinding algorithms and human behaviour prediction. However, more recently, reinforcement learning has been proposed for robot navigation through crowds, but there has been no conclusive empirical comparison so far to pathfinding with prediction. In this paper, we present an evaluation of various pedestrian prediction techniques combined with the state-of-the-art pathfinding algorithm D\* Lite, and a recent reinforcement learning approach SA-CADRL. We evaluate the different approaches on a dataset extracted from real crowd movements recorded by CCTV at Grand Central Station in New York. The evaluation criteria are speed of movement from start to end point, and number of collisions of the virtual robot with humans. Our empirical results demonstrate that the reinforcement learning approach results in one of the fastest robots, while significantly reducing the number of collisions with humans, as measured in simulation based on real human movement data.
# Related work
Research in the area of socially aware robot motion follows three main directions: behavior prediction, reinforcement learning, and behavior cloning. Most of the work so far has focused on predicting humans' trajectories and plan the robot movement accordingly. For the prediction of humans' trajectories, clustering and typical behavior extraction was shown to be effective (e.g. ). More recently, Deep Learning techniques have been successfully applied to the prediction of individual and crowd motion, which is currently the best performing technique. For robot route planning with dynamic obstacles the approaches vary. The simplest approach is to use a pre-defined set of rules to move the robot. Another approach is to compute attracting and repelling steering forces based on current and (where available) predicted future positions of obstacles. This steering technique has been extended with Markov Decision Processes to deal with uncertainty in the predictions. Svenstrup et al. iteratively improve the current best path using a Rapidly-exploring Random Tree with obstacles represented as potential fields. In a recent reinforcement learning approach, the robot was trained in simulation to move optimally through a crowd. The third main approach to socially aware robot motion, behavior cloning, relies on the fact that humans can navigate in human crowds quite successfully and tries to imitate human behavior. This movement behaviour imitation problem has recently been tackled with inverse reinforcement learning, computing a reward function for crowd navigation from human crowd movement demonstrations, that was subsequently used to train a reinforcement learning agent. In this paper, we are focusing on the first two approaches, and perform a comparative evaluation in a simulation based on real-world pedestrian crowd recordings.
# Crowd movement dataset
In order to simulate realistic crowd movements, we used a dataset obtained from surveillance video from Grand Central Station (New York, USA). The dataset consists of 6001 frames of camera images taken from the top, and 12684 labeled pedestrian trajectories as obtained by Yi et al.. An example frame with a single pedestrian trajectory is shown in Figure [\[fig:big_path\]](#fig:big_path){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:big_path"}. The frames were sampled from a video of 4000 secs (i.e., a frequency is \(1.5\) frames per second), and each frame has a resolution of \(1920 \times 1080\). Trajectories were filtered by minimum length, where only those with at least 10 frames were retained. This left 12244 valid trajectories in the dataset with an average length of \(37\) frames. In a data pre-processing step, we overlaid the frames with a \(64 \times 36\) grid, as shown in Figure [\[fig:grid\]](#fig:grid){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:grid"}. This allows discretization of the pedestrian positions and reduces the size of the state space for the path planning. The grid resolution was chosen based on average human speed from frame to frame which are \(35\) pixels for the horizontal coordinate and \(30\) pixels for the vertical one.
# Path planning methods {#sec:prediction}
We employed two general approaches to the path planning problem. In the first approach pedestrians are considered as moving obstacles and the goal is to predict their positions over the next five time steps. These positions are then used as dynamic obstacles for the path planning algorithms such as D\* Lite, which will be described later. The second approach is to learn a robot movement policy via reinforcement learning in simulation based on the recorded pedestrian movements. We start with a discussion of prediction methods for pedestrian positions.
## Pedestrian position prediction approach
We compared several methods for position prediction in our study to demonstrate their impact on the robot policy.
### Baseline prediction
A very simple method to predict the future position of a pedestrian is to assume that the pedestrian can move into any neighboring grid square in a time step. All these squares are considered to be occupied by the pedestrian in the next time step when performing the path planning.
### Random forest regression prediction
A more sophisticated approach is to employ machine learning techniques for the prediction task. We chose Random Forest Regressor for this as a standard technique which has demonstrated robust performance in the literature. In this method, the prediction outputs are the five expected coordinates of the pedestrian over the next five time steps, relative to their original position. The state for which a prediction is made was represented using features based on the five previous grid positions of the pedestrian as follows:
- Absolute coordinates (10 features).
- Coordinates relative to the previous point (\(x\) and \(y\) speed, 8 features).
- Speed (distance between neighboring points, 4 features) and average speed (1 feature).
- Acceleration (change in speed from one step to the next one, 3 features) and average acceleration (1 feature).
- Angle of movement for each step (4 features).
The features are illustrated on Fig. [\[fig:features\]](#fig:features){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:features"}
### Behavior-CNN prediction
Behavior-CNN is a Neural Network architecture which was designed especially for movement prediction. It takes as input the embedded positions of the pedestrian over the last five time steps, and outputs the predicted positions over the next five time steps. These embedded positions are called a displacement volume and correspond to a three-dimensional matrix of size \(X \times Y \times 10\), where \(X\) and \(Y\) denote the area size (in our case \(X = 1920\) and \(Y = 1080\)). The third dimension corresponds to the distances between the pedestrian positions over the last 5 time steps, along the x and y dimension. This results in 10 values. The distance values are first normalized to be between 0 and 1 according to \(X\) and \(Y\) respectively, and then 1 is added to is to avoid too small numbers. More formally, the 10-dimensional vector is computed as given in equation [\[eq:bcnn\]](#eq:bcnn){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:bcnn"}, where (\(x_t\),\(y_t\)) is the \(i\)-th position of the pedestrian with \(t=1\) being the time five steps ago, and \(t=5\) the current time step: \[\label{eq:bcnn} [1 + \frac{x_5-x_1}{X}, 1 + \frac{y_5-y_1}{Y},..., 1 + \frac{x_5-x_5}{X}, 1 + \frac{y_5-y_5}{Y}]\] All other cells in the matrix are set to zero. The output the CNN has the same shape as the input and represents the predicted embedded positions over the next five time steps. For other technical details we refer the reader to the original paper.
### Path planning with the D\* Lite algorithm {#sec:d-star-lite}
D\* Lite is a heuristic path planning algorithm that takes as input a start and goal position, and recalculates the current path at each step taking into account the predicted coordinates of obstacles over a number of time steps. The method uses the freespace assumption, i.e. it assumes that unknown space is empty unless the predictions tell otherwise. We refer the reader to the original paper for more details. Realization in Python 3 was based on the java implementation GitHub [^1].
## Reinforcement learning approach
A state-of-the-art RL approach to socially aware robot movement is SA-CADRL (Socially Aware Collision Avoidance with Deep Reinforcement Learning) which aims to learn an optimal robot policy based on the observed state of the robot and nearby agents (i.e. pedestrians). During training, the robot receives a positive reward for reaching the destination and a negative reward for delays and collisions. The policy is represented as a neural network whose input is formed from state information on the robot and nearby agents (pedestrians) and that outputs the robot velocity. This state information includes the current position, size, and velocity of the agent/robot. Formally speaking, by using SA-CADRL architecture authors are trying to restore robot's policy \(\pi\) such as expected value to goal would be minimal: \[\arg \min_{\pi(s)} \mathbf{E}[t_g | \pi]\] With the following restrictions:
- \(||p_t-\hat{p}_t||_2 \geq r + \hat{r}\)--for any frame distance between robot and other agents should be greater than their radii sum.
- \(p_{t_g} = p_g\)--at the last frame robot should be in the goal coordinates.
- \(p_t = p_{t-1} + \Delta t \cdot \pi(s)\)--current robot's position is defined by previous position and chosen action (moving direction).
To evaluate this approach on the same trajectories and with the same metrics as the other approaches, we used the pre-trained network provided by the Chen et al. which can be found in the SA-CADRL project GitHub page [^2].
### Grid-SA-CADRL
A limitation of the SA-CADRL approach is that the robot can't move backwards. We extended the SA-CADRL approach to provide the robot with these abilities. Furthermore, we modified SA-CADRL to work on a grid-environment rather than a coordinate space as the original approach. This means that rather than having a continuous movement action, the actions are made discrete corresponding to a move into one of the 8 neighboring grid squares or standing still. The resulting network architecture is shown in Figure [\[fig:network\]](#fig:network){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:network"}. It takes the robots and three nearby pedestrians' states as inputs into an LSTM layer (size 64), followed by 3 fully connected layers with the last one outputting probabilities of actions through a softmax transformation. The robot then choose the action with the highest probability. We trained the Grid-SA-CADRL network for 1000 episodes, taking the pre-trained SA-CADRL network as a starting point. In each training episode we randomly picked a start and goal position for the robot, and a random starting time from the recordings. The pedestrians in the simulation walk according to the recording data, and an episode ends as soon as the robot has reached the goal position, or the recording has reached its end.
# Evaluation
We first present the evaluation of the prediction method accuracy, followed by the evaluation of the path planning approaches.
## Evaluation of prediction methods
We chose the Normalized Mean Square Error (NMSE, see equation below) to evaluate the pedestrian position prediction methods presented in Section [11](#sec:prediction){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:prediction"}, and optimize the hyper-parameters. \[NMSE = \frac{1}{n}\sum^{n}_{i=1}{\sqrt{(\frac{x_i-\hat{x_i}}{X})^2 + (\frac{y_i-\hat{y_i}}{Y})^2}}\] Here \(x_i\) and \(y_i\) are ground truth values, \(x_i\) and \(y_i\) are predicted. \(X\) and \(Y\) are upper limits for \(x_i\) and \(y_i\) respectively, and in our case set to \(X = 1920\) and \(Y = 1080\). We randomly split the data set of pedestrian trajectories into 80% training, 10% validation, and 10% test data. For Random Forest Regression, the NMSE was 0.27, and Behavioral CNN significantly lowered this to 0.02. To show how this accuracy difference impacts on the performance of the robot, we used both prediction methods in the D\* lite path planning algorithm.
## Evaluation of path planning
All path planning algorithms were evaluated in terms of pedestrian safety and time taken to move from the start to the goal position. These metrics were measured as follows:
- Number of collisions (i.e. states in which the robot ends up in the same cell as a pedestrian) which were split into 3 groups as shown in Figure [\[fig:collision_types\]](#fig:collision_types){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:collision_types"}. These represent a robot colliding a stationary pedestrian, a pedestrian colliding with a stationary robot, and a moving robot and a moving pedestrian colliding with each other.
- Relative delay compared to the time of the optimal route with no pedestrians present, as computed by \(D = (\frac{\hat{t}}{t}-1) \times 100\%\), where \(t\) is the time taken to move along the optimal route from start to goal, and \(\hat{t}\) is the actual time taken.
In order to evaluate the path planning approaches, we generated 1000 episodes with random start and goal positions for the robot, and random starting times of the recording data. While the SA-CADRL agent moves in a continuous coordinate space, this movement needed to be transformed into the grid-space model of the environment. Figure [\[fig:route\]](#fig:route){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:route"} shows an example of this mapping. In the first time step the SA-CADRL agent moves one step to the north, and then moves diagonally to the north east. In the third step, however, the agent moves, but does not leave the current grid cell. This means that the agent was stationary for one time step in the grid-space representation. Note that the preferred speed of the SA-CADRL agent was set to match the grid cell size. Note that the pedestrian movement was recorded without a robot being present, which limits the realism of the simulation to some extent since it ignores the effect that robot movements could influence pedestrian decisions. However, the definition of the three different collision types has been specifically designed to take this limitation into account. Specifically, a moving robot colliding with a moving pedestrian is always an indicator for sub-optimal robot behaviour, no matter whether the pedestrian movement was influenced by the robot or not.
# Results
The results of our evaluation are shown in table [2](#tab:results){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:results"}. While the baseline prediction approach may appear to be the most cautious one by assuming that a pedestrian is going to occupy all neighboring squares in the next time step, it caused the most collisions. There were due to some pedestrians moving faster than one square per time step. Increasing the range of squares that are assumed to be occupied to two does not improve the solution, since this causes the robot to stop moving at all. This confirms that a simple over-cautious solution is not feasible in a crowded space. In terms of movement speed, all other techniques demonstrate comparable performance. The D\* Lite method does not cause any SR collisions because it never is stationary. While the RL approaches do cause a relatively large number of these collisions, these are not indicative of poor robot behaviour, since pedestrians in a real-world situation are unlikely to collide with a stationary robot, and if they do it would not be the robot's fault. SP collisions do not occur for any of the approaches. Most importantly, MRP collisions are relatively frequent for the D\* Lite methods, corresponding to the accuracy of the chosen prediction method. The RL methods clearly outperform D\* Lite on this measure, and our adaptation of SA-CADRL is more than halving the count of MRP collisions to a relatively small number of 3 in 1000. This clearly shows the superiority of Grid-SA-CADRL in this environment.
[\[tab:results\]]{#tab:results label="tab:results"}
# Conclusions
In this paper, we have presented a comparative evaluation of various path planning methods for robot navigation through crowds. The evaluation was carried out in a simulation based on real-world recorded pedestrian data in a crowded space. The results show the clear superiority of reinforcement learning in terms of number of collisions with moving pedestrians, while also never colliding with stationary pedestrians.
# Introduction
Robots are predicted to increasingly participate in everyday life of humans over the next decade, but so far most research applications deal with interactions between a robot and a single human. However, if robots are to perform general tasks such as pick-up and delivery in public spaces, they will need to be able to cope and interact with large crowds. This poses a specific challenge for navigation control, where robots are supposed to move fast and efficient, while not endangering the safety of humans walking about in the same location. Most work so far on robot navigation in environments with moving obstacles has been focused on a combination of pathfinding algorithms and human behaviour prediction. However, more recently, reinforcement learning has been proposed for robot navigation through crowds, but there has been no conclusive empirical comparison so far to pathfinding with prediction. In this paper, we present an evaluation of various pedestrian prediction techniques combined with the state-of-the-art pathfinding algorithm D\* Lite, and a recent reinforcement learning approach SA-CADRL. We evaluate the different approaches on a dataset extracted from real crowd movements recorded by CCTV at Grand Central Station in New York. The evaluation criteria are speed of movement from start to end point, and number of collisions of the virtual robot with humans. Our empirical results demonstrate that the reinforcement learning approach results in one of the fastest robots, while significantly reducing the number of collisions with humans, as measured in simulation based on real human movement data.
# Related work
Research in the area of socially aware robot motion follows three main directions: behavior prediction, reinforcement learning, and behavior cloning. Most of the work so far has focused on predicting humans' trajectories and plan the robot movement accordingly. For the prediction of humans' trajectories, clustering and typical behavior extraction was shown to be effective (e.g. ). More recently, Deep Learning techniques have been successfully applied to the prediction of individual and crowd motion, which is currently the best performing technique. For robot route planning with dynamic obstacles the approaches vary. The simplest approach is to use a pre-defined set of rules to move the robot. Another approach is to compute attracting and repelling steering forces based on current and (where available) predicted future positions of obstacles. This steering technique has been extended with Markov Decision Processes to deal with uncertainty in the predictions. Svenstrup et al. iteratively improve the current best path using a Rapidly-exploring Random Tree with obstacles represented as potential fields. In a recent reinforcement learning approach, the robot was trained in simulation to move optimally through a crowd. The third main approach to socially aware robot motion, behavior cloning, relies on the fact that humans can navigate in human crowds quite successfully and tries to imitate human behavior. This movement behaviour imitation problem has recently been tackled with inverse reinforcement learning, computing a reward function for crowd navigation from human crowd movement demonstrations, that was subsequently used to train a reinforcement learning agent. In this paper, we are focusing on the first two approaches, and perform a comparative evaluation in a simulation based on real-world pedestrian crowd recordings.
# Crowd movement dataset
In order to simulate realistic crowd movements, we used a dataset obtained from surveillance video from Grand Central Station (New York, USA). The dataset consists of 6001 frames of camera images taken from the top, and 12684 labeled pedestrian trajectories as obtained by Yi et al.. An example frame with a single pedestrian trajectory is shown in Figure [\[fig:big_path\]](#fig:big_path){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:big_path"}. The frames were sampled from a video of 4000 secs (i.e., a frequency is \(1.5\) frames per second), and each frame has a resolution of \(1920 \times 1080\). Trajectories were filtered by minimum length, where only those with at least 10 frames were retained. This left 12244 valid trajectories in the dataset with an average length of \(37\) frames. In a data pre-processing step, we overlaid the frames with a \(64 \times 36\) grid, as shown in Figure [\[fig:grid\]](#fig:grid){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:grid"}. This allows discretization of the pedestrian positions and reduces the size of the state space for the path planning. The grid resolution was chosen based on average human speed from frame to frame which are \(35\) pixels for the horizontal coordinate and \(30\) pixels for the vertical one.
# Path planning methods {#sec:prediction}
We employed two general approaches to the path planning problem. In the first approach pedestrians are considered as moving obstacles and the goal is to predict their positions over the next five time steps. These positions are then used as dynamic obstacles for the path planning algorithms such as D\* Lite, which will be described later. The second approach is to learn a robot movement policy via reinforcement learning in simulation based on the recorded pedestrian movements. We start with a discussion of prediction methods for pedestrian positions.
## Pedestrian position prediction approach
We compared several methods for position prediction in our study to demonstrate their impact on the robot policy.
### Baseline prediction
A very simple method to predict the future position of a pedestrian is to assume that the pedestrian can move into any neighboring grid square in a time step. All these squares are considered to be occupied by the pedestrian in the next time step when performing the path planning.
### Random forest regression prediction
A more sophisticated approach is to employ machine learning techniques for the prediction task. We chose Random Forest Regressor for this as a standard technique which has demonstrated robust performance in the literature. In this method, the prediction outputs are the five expected coordinates of the pedestrian over the next five time steps, relative to their original position. The state for which a prediction is made was represented using features based on the five previous grid positions of the pedestrian as follows:
- Absolute coordinates (10 features).
- Coordinates relative to the previous point (\(x\) and \(y\) speed, 8 features).
- Speed (distance between neighboring points, 4 features) and average speed (1 feature).
- Acceleration (change in speed from one step to the next one, 3 features) and average acceleration (1 feature).
- Angle of movement for each step (4 features).
The features are illustrated on Fig. [\[fig:features\]](#fig:features){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:features"}
### Behavior-CNN prediction
Behavior-CNN is a Neural Network architecture which was designed especially for movement prediction. It takes as input the embedded positions of the pedestrian over the last five time steps, and outputs the predicted positions over the next five time steps. These embedded positions are called a displacement volume and correspond to a three-dimensional matrix of size \(X \times Y \times 10\), where \(X\) and \(Y\) denote the area size (in our case \(X = 1920\) and \(Y = 1080\)). The third dimension corresponds to the distances between the pedestrian positions over the last 5 time steps, along the x and y dimension. This results in 10 values. The distance values are first normalized to be between 0 and 1 according to \(X\) and \(Y\) respectively, and then 1 is added to is to avoid too small numbers. More formally, the 10-dimensional vector is computed as given in equation [\[eq:bcnn\]](#eq:bcnn){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:bcnn"}, where (\(x_t\),\(y_t\)) is the \(i\)-th position of the pedestrian with \(t=1\) being the time five steps ago, and \(t=5\) the current time step: \[\label{eq:bcnn} [1 + \frac{x_5-x_1}{X}, 1 + \frac{y_5-y_1}{Y},..., 1 + \frac{x_5-x_5}{X}, 1 + \frac{y_5-y_5}{Y}]\] All other cells in the matrix are set to zero. The output the CNN has the same shape as the input and represents the predicted embedded positions over the next five time steps. For other technical details we refer the reader to the original paper.
### Path planning with the D\* Lite algorithm {#sec:d-star-lite}
D\* Lite is a heuristic path planning algorithm that takes as input a start and goal position, and recalculates the current path at each step taking into account the predicted coordinates of obstacles over a number of time steps. The method uses the freespace assumption, i.e. it assumes that unknown space is empty unless the predictions tell otherwise. We refer the reader to the original paper for more details. Realization in Python 3 was based on the java implementation GitHub [^3].
## Reinforcement learning approach
A state-of-the-art RL approach to socially aware robot movement is SA-CADRL (Socially Aware Collision Avoidance with Deep Reinforcement Learning) which aims to learn an optimal robot policy based on the observed state of the robot and nearby agents (i.e. pedestrians). During training, the robot receives a positive reward for reaching the destination and a negative reward for delays and collisions. The policy is represented as a neural network whose input is formed from state information on the robot and nearby agents (pedestrians) and that outputs the robot velocity. This state information includes the current position, size, and velocity of the agent/robot. Formally speaking, by using SA-CADRL architecture authors are trying to restore robot's policy \(\pi\) such as expected value to goal would be minimal: \[\arg \min_{\pi(s)} \mathbf{E}[t_g | \pi]\] With the following restrictions:
- \(||p_t-\hat{p}_t||_2 \geq r + \hat{r}\)--for any frame distance between robot and other agents should be greater than their radii sum.
- \(p_{t_g} = p_g\)--at the last frame robot should be in the goal coordinates.
- \(p_t = p_{t-1} + \Delta t \cdot \pi(s)\)--current robot's position is defined by previous position and chosen action (moving direction).
To evaluate this approach on the same trajectories and with the same metrics as the other approaches, we used the pre-trained network provided by the Chen et al. which can be found in the SA-CADRL project GitHub page [^4].
### Grid-SA-CADRL
A limitation of the SA-CADRL approach is that the robot can't move backwards. We extended the SA-CADRL approach to provide the robot with these abilities. Furthermore, we modified SA-CADRL to work on a grid-environment rather than a coordinate space as the original approach. This means that rather than having a continuous movement action, the actions are made discrete corresponding to a move into one of the 8 neighboring grid squares or standing still. The resulting network architecture is shown in Figure [\[fig:network\]](#fig:network){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:network"}. It takes the robots and three nearby pedestrians' states as inputs into an LSTM layer (size 64), followed by 3 fully connected layers with the last one outputting probabilities of actions through a softmax transformation. The robot then choose the action with the highest probability. We trained the Grid-SA-CADRL network for 1000 episodes, taking the pre-trained SA-CADRL network as a starting point. In each training episode we randomly picked a start and goal position for the robot, and a random starting time from the recordings. The pedestrians in the simulation walk according to the recording data, and an episode ends as soon as the robot has reached the goal position, or the recording has reached its end.
# Evaluation
We first present the evaluation of the prediction method accuracy, followed by the evaluation of the path planning approaches.
## Evaluation of prediction methods
We chose the Normalized Mean Square Error (NMSE, see equation below) to evaluate the pedestrian position prediction methods presented in Section [11](#sec:prediction){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:prediction"}, and optimize the hyper-parameters. \[NMSE = \frac{1}{n}\sum^{n}_{i=1}{\sqrt{(\frac{x_i-\hat{x_i}}{X})^2 + (\frac{y_i-\hat{y_i}}{Y})^2}}\] Here \(x_i\) and \(y_i\) are ground truth values, \(x_i\) and \(y_i\) are predicted. \(X\) and \(Y\) are upper limits for \(x_i\) and \(y_i\) respectively, and in our case set to \(X = 1920\) and \(Y = 1080\). We randomly split the data set of pedestrian trajectories into 80% training, 10% validation, and 10% test data. For Random Forest Regression, the NMSE was 0.27, and Behavioral CNN significantly lowered this to 0.02. To show how this accuracy difference impacts on the performance of the robot, we used both prediction methods in the D\* lite path planning algorithm.
## Evaluation of path planning
All path planning algorithms were evaluated in terms of pedestrian safety and time taken to move from the start to the goal position. These metrics were measured as follows:
- Number of collisions (i.e. states in which the robot ends up in the same cell as a pedestrian) which were split into 3 groups as shown in Figure [\[fig:collision_types\]](#fig:collision_types){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:collision_types"}. These represent a robot colliding a stationary pedestrian, a pedestrian colliding with a stationary robot, and a moving robot and a moving pedestrian colliding with each other.
- Relative delay compared to the time of the optimal route with no pedestrians present, as computed by \(D = (\frac{\hat{t}}{t}-1) \times 100\%\), where \(t\) is the time taken to move along the optimal route from start to goal, and \(\hat{t}\) is the actual time taken.
In order to evaluate the path planning approaches, we generated 1000 episodes with random start and goal positions for the robot, and random starting times of the recording data. While the SA-CADRL agent moves in a continuous coordinate space, this movement needed to be transformed into the grid-space model of the environment. Figure [\[fig:route\]](#fig:route){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:route"} shows an example of this mapping. In the first time step the SA-CADRL agent moves one step to the north, and then moves diagonally to the north east. In the third step, however, the agent moves, but does not leave the current grid cell. This means that the agent was stationary for one time step in the grid-space representation. Note that the preferred speed of the SA-CADRL agent was set to match the grid cell size. Note that the pedestrian movement was recorded without a robot being present, which limits the realism of the simulation to some extent since it ignores the effect that robot movements could influence pedestrian decisions. However, the definition of the three different collision types has been specifically designed to take this limitation into account. Specifically, a moving robot colliding with a moving pedestrian is always an indicator for sub-optimal robot behaviour, no matter whether the pedestrian movement was influenced by the robot or not.
# Results
The results of our evaluation are shown in table [2](#tab:results){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:results"}. While the baseline prediction approach may appear to be the most cautious one by assuming that a pedestrian is going to occupy all neighboring squares in the next time step, it caused the most collisions. There were due to some pedestrians moving faster than one square per time step. Increasing the range of squares that are assumed to be occupied to two does not improve the solution, since this causes the robot to stop moving at all. This confirms that a simple over-cautious solution is not feasible in a crowded space. In terms of movement speed, all other techniques demonstrate comparable performance. The D\* Lite method does not cause any SR collisions because it never is stationary. While the RL approaches do cause a relatively large number of these collisions, these are not indicative of poor robot behaviour, since pedestrians in a real-world situation are unlikely to collide with a stationary robot, and if they do it would not be the robot's fault. SP collisions do not occur for any of the approaches. Most importantly, MRP collisions are relatively frequent for the D\* Lite methods, corresponding to the accuracy of the chosen prediction method. The RL methods clearly outperform D\* Lite on this measure, and our adaptation of SA-CADRL is more than halving the count of MRP collisions to a relatively small number of 3 in 1000. This clearly shows the superiority of Grid-SA-CADRL in this environment.
[\[tab:results\]]{#tab:results label="tab:results"}
# Conclusions
In this paper, we have presented a comparative evaluation of various path planning methods for robot navigation through crowds. The evaluation was carried out in a simulation based on real-world recorded pedestrian data in a crowded space. The results show the clear superiority of reinforcement learning in terms of number of collisions with moving pedestrians, while also never colliding with stationary pedestrians.
[^1]: https://github.com/daniel-beard/DStarLiteJava
[^2]: https://github.com/mfe7/cadrl_ros
[^3]: https://github.com/daniel-beard/DStarLiteJava
[^4]: https://github.com/mfe7/cadrl_ros | {'timestamp': '2020-12-17T02:13:28', 'yymm': '2012', 'arxiv_id': '2012.08822', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.08822'} |
# Introduction
Person re-identification (ReID) is an important task that matches person images across times/spaces/cameras, which has many applications such as people tracking in smart retail, image retrieval for finding lost children. Existing approaches achieve remarkable performance when the training and testing data are from the same dataset/domain. But they usually fail to generalize well to other datasets where there are domain gaps . To address this practical problem, unsupervised domain adaptive (UDA) person ReID attracts much attention for both the academic and industrial communities, where labeled source domain and unlabeled target domain data are exploited for training. Typical UDA person ReID approaches include three steps: feature pre-training with labeled source domain data, clustering-based pseudo-label prediction for the target domain data, and feature representation learning/fine-tuning with the pseudo-labels. The last two steps are usually iteratively conducted to promote each other. However, the pseudo-labels obtained/assigned through clustering usually contain noisy (wrong) labels due to the divergence/domain gap between the source and target data, and the imperfect results of the clustering algorithm. Such noisy labels would mislead the feature learning and harm the domain adaptation performance. Thus, *alleviating the negative effects of those samples with unreliable/noisy pseudo labels is important for the success of domain adaptation*. The challenge lies in 1) how to identify samples that are prone to have noisy pseudo labels; 2) how to alleviate their negative effects during the optimization. In this paper, to answer the first question, we have observed abundant samples and analyzed the relationship between the characteristics of the samples and the correctness of pseudo labels. Based on the theory on uncertainty , a model has uncertainty on its prediction of an input sample. Here, we measure the inconsistency level of the output features of two models (the student model and the teacher model based on the mean teacher method ) and take it as the estimated uncertainty of a target domain sample. [As shown in Fig. [\[fig:intro\]](#fig:intro){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:intro"}, we observe the distribution of the uncertainty (inconsistency levels) for correct/clean pseudo labels and wrong pseudo labels. We found that the uncertainty values for the samples with wrong pseudo labels are usually larger]{style="color: black"} than those with correct pseudo labels. This motivates us to estimate and exploit the uncertainty of samples to alleviate the negative effects of noisy pseudo labels, enabling effective domain adaptation. We answer the second question by carefully incorporating the uncertainty of samples into classification loss, triplet loss, and contrastive loss, respectively. We summarize our main contributions as follows:
- We propose a network named Uncertainty-guided Noise Resilient Network (UNRN) to explore the credibility of the predicted pseudo labels of target domain samples for effective domain adaptive person ReID.
- We develop an uncertainty estimation strategy by calculating the inconsistency of two models in terms of their predicted soft multilabels.
- We incorporate the uncertainty of samples to the ID classification loss, triplet loss, and contrastive loss through re-weighting to alleviate the negative influence of noisy pseudo labels.
Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework and the designed components on unsupervised person ReID benchmark datasets. Our scheme achieves the state-of-the-art performance on all the benchmark datasets.
# Related Work
## Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Person ReID
Existing unsupervised domain adaptive person ReID approaches can be grouped into three main categories. **Clustering-based methods** in general generate hard or soft pseudo labels based on clustering results and then fine-tune/train the models based on the pseudo labels . They are widely used due to their superior performance. PUL iteratively obtains hard clustering labels and trains the model in self-training manner. SSG exploits the potential similarity for the global body and local body parts, respectively, to build multiple independent clusters. These clusters are then assigned with labels to supervise the training. PAST optimizes the network with triplet-based loss function (to capture the local structure of target-domain data points) and classification loss by appending a classification layer (to use global information about the data distribution) based on clustering results. Pseudo label noise caused by unsupervised clustering is always an obstacle to the self-training. Such noisy labels would mislead the feature learning and impede the achievement of high performance. Recently, some methods introduce mutual learning among two/three collaborative networks to mutually exploit the refined soft pseudo labels of the peer networks as supervision. To suppress the noises in the pseudo labels, NRMT maintains two networks during training to perform collaborative clustering and mutual instance selection, which reduces the fitting to noisy instances by using the mutual supervision and the reliable instance selection. These approaches need mutual learning of two or more networks and are somewhat complicated. Besides, the selection of reliable instances in NRMT is a hard rather than a soft selection, which requires a careful determination of threshold parameters and may lose the chance of exploiting useful information of the abandoned samples. Different from the above works, in this paper, we propose a simple yet effective framework which estimates the reliability of the pseudo labels through uncertainty estimation and softly exploit them in the ReID losses to alleviate the negative effects of noise-prone samples. Note that we do not need two networks for mutual learning. We build our framework based on the mean teacher method, which maintains a temporally averaged model of the base network during the training, to facilitate the estimation of the uncertainty of each target domain sample. **Domain translation-based methods** transfer source domain labeled images to the style of the target domain images and use these transferred images and the inherited ground-truth labels to fine-tune the model. However, the quality of translated images is still not very satisfactory which hinders the advancement of these approaches. **Memory bank based methods** have been widely used for unsupervised representation learning which facilitates the introduction of contrastive loss for the general tasks. He *et al*. leverage the memory bank to better train the model to exploit the similarity between a sample and the instances in the global memory bank . Wang et al. propose to use memory bank to facilitate hard negative instance mining across batches. ECN leverages memory bank to enforce exemplar-invariance, camera-invariance and neighborhood-invariance over global training data (instead of local batch) for UDA person ReID. We introduce contrastive loss to the target instance memory bank to enable the joint optimization of positive pairs and negative pairs for a query/anchor sample over all the samples in the memory bank, which serves as our strong baseline.
## Uncertainty Estimation
Uncertainty modeling helps us to understand what a model does not know (or is not confident). In order to suppress the noise during the training, existing works have explored uncertainty estimation from different aspects, such as the data-dependent uncertainty, model uncertainty, and the uncertainty on annotation. For fully supervised learning tasks with clean groudtruth labels, some works learn the data-dependent uncertainty in an end-to-end manner to alleviate the influence of observation noise of an input sample for better network optimization . Zheng *et al*. use an extra auxiliary classifier to help estimate the uncertainty of the predicted pseudo labels for semantic segmentation. For clustering-based UDA person ReID, some of the pseudo labels generated by clustering are incorrect/noisy. However, the investigation on how to softly evaluate the reliability of clustering-generated pseudo labels is still underexplored. In this work, we explore the reliability estimation of the clustering-generated pseudo labels and alleviate the influence of noise-prone samples by re-weighting their contributions in ReID losses.
# Uncertainty-guided Noise Resilient Network
Unsupervised domain adaptive person ReID aims at adapting the model trained on a labeled source domain dataset \(\mathbb{D}_{s}\!\!=\!\!\left\{\!\!\left.\left(\boldsymbol{x}_{i}^{s}, {y}_{i}^{s}\right)\right|_{i=1} ^{N_{s}}\!\right\}\) [of \(C_{s}\) identities]{style="color: black"} to an annotation-free target domain dataset \(\mathbb{D}_{t}\!\!=\!\!\left\{\!\left.\boldsymbol{x}_{i}^{t}\right|_{i=1} ^{N_{t}}\right\}\). \(N_{s}\) and \(N_{t}\) denote the number of samples. \(\boldsymbol{x}_{i}\) denotes a sample and \({y}_{i}\) denotes its groudtruth label. Fig. [\[fig:fm\]](#fig:fm){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:fm"} shows an overview of our proposed Uncertainty-guided Noise Resilient Network (UNRN) for UDA person ReID. We aim to address the negative influence of noise-prone pseudo labels during adaptation/fine-tuning under the clustering-based framework. We build a clustering-based strong baseline scheme *SBase.* for UDA person ReID. On top of the strong baseline, we introduce an uncertainty calculation module to estimate the reliability of psedudo labels and incorporate the uncertainty into the ReID losses (ID classification loss (ID loss), triplet loss, and contrastive loss, respectively) to alleviate the influence of noise-prone pseudo labels. Our uncertainty-guided optimization design brings significant improvement on top of this strong baseline. We introduce the strong baseline in Section [3.1](#subsec:baseline){reference-type="ref" reference="subsec:baseline"} and elaborate on our proposed uncertainty-guided noise-resilient optimization designs in Section [3.2](#subsec:uncertainty){reference-type="ref" reference="subsec:uncertainty"}.
## Clustering-based Strong Baseline {#subsec:baseline}
We build a clustering-based strong baseline scheme *SBase.* for UDA person ReID. We follow the general pipeline of clustering-based UDA methods which consists of three main stages, *i*.*e*., model pre-training, clustering, and fine-tuning. As shown in Fig. [\[fig:fm\]](#fig:fm){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:fm"}, we exploit the labeled source domain data for fine-tuning, incorporate contrastive loss, and leverage the simple yet effective mean teacher method to have a strong baseline. We will present the ablation study of each component in the experimental section. In the model pre-training stage, we pre-train the network using source domain labeled data. In the clustering stage, we do clustering on the unlabeled target domain data using the more accurate features from the mean teacher model and generate pseudo labels based on the clustering results. **Joint fine-tuning using source data.** In the fine-tuning stage , [most works]{style="color: black"} fine-tune the networks only using target domain pseudo labels. Here, we also re-use the valuable source domain data with reliable groudtruth labels. [For a source sample, we add ID classification loss, where maintained \(C_{s}\) class centers are used as the classification weight vectors for classification.]{style="color: black"} **Contrastive loss across memory bank.** For image retrieval task, to enable the pair similarity optimization over informative negative instances, Wang *et al*. propose a cross-batch memory mechanism that memorizes the feature embeddings of the past iterations to allow collecting sufficient hard negative pairs across the memory bank for network optimization . Motivated by this, for a [target domain]{style="color: black"} query sample \(a\), we add contrastive loss to maximize the within-class similarity and minimize the between-class similarity across [the memory bank. Particularly, the memory bank consists of \(N\) target domain instances (which is maintained similar to ) and \(C_{s}\) source class center features (as the negative samples). Based on the pseudo labels of the target domain samples and the additional source class centers, we have \(N_a^+\) positive samples and \(N_a^-= N-N_a^+ + C_{s}\) negative samples. We optimize their similarities with respect to the query sample.]{style="color: black"} Following circle loss, we use self-paced weighting to softly emphasize harder sample pairs by giving larger weights to them to get effective update. **Mean teacher method.** Mean teacher is a method that temporally averages model weights over training steps, which tends to produce a more accurate model than using the final weights directly. As illustrated in Fig. [\[fig:fm\]](#fig:fm){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:fm"}, there is no gradient back-propagation over the teacher model which just maintains a temporal moving average of the student model. This method is simple yet effective. We use the features from the teacher model to perform clustering and the final ReID inference.
## Uncertainty-guided Optimization {#subsec:uncertainty}
The noisy pseudo labels would mislead the feature learning in the fine-tuning stage and hurt the adaptation performance. We aim to reduce the negative influence of noisy pseudo labels by evaluating the credibility of the pseudo label of each sample and suppress the contributions of samples with error-prone pseudo labels in the ReID losses. Intuitively, the higher of the uncertainty the model has on its output of a sample, the lower of the reliability (larger of observation noise) of the output and it is more likely to have incorrect pseudo labels through clustering. We have observed in Fig. [\[fig:intro\]](#fig:intro){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:intro"} that the samples with wrong pseudo labels in general have higher uncertainty values than those with correct pseudo labels. We leverage the uncertainty to softly assess the credibility of samples. We estimate the uncertainty based on the output consistency between the mean teacher model and the student model. For a sample \(\boldsymbol{x}_i\) of the target domain, we denote the extracted feature from the student model as \(\boldsymbol{f}_i \in \mathbb{R}^{D}\) of \(D\) dimensions, and the feature from the teacher model as \(\boldsymbol{\tilde{f}}_i \in \mathbb{R}^{D}\). One straightforward solution to calculate the consistency between the mean teacher model and the student model is to calculate the distance (, cosine distance) between the two features. However, this is clustering ignorance which does not capture/explore the global distribution of the target domain samples. In MAR, they measure the class likelihood vector (*i*.*e*., soft multilabel) of a person image with a set of reference persons (from an auxiliary domain). The inconsistency with the soft multilabel vector of an anchor sample is used to mine the hard negative sample that is visually similar to the anchor image but is of a different identity. Inspired by this, we propose to evaluate the uncertainty based on the inconsistency of the two features \(\boldsymbol{f}_i\) and \(\boldsymbol{\tilde{f}}_i\), by calculating the distance (, KL distance, L1 distance) of their soft multilabels with respect to the same set of cluster centers. Particularly, as illustrated in Fig. [\[fig:fm2\]](#fig:fm2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:fm2"}, we use the class centers of source dataset and the cluster centers of the target domain data together to form the set of "reference persons". The soft multilabel agreement is analog to the voting by the "reference persons" to evaluate the relative consistency. Besides, through the comparison with the cluster centers of the target domain data, the soft multilabel captures some global information of the clustering centers which is related to pseudo label assignment. As an auxiliary domain, the source centers provide additional references. Let \({R} =[R_t, R_s] \in \mathbb{R}^{K_r \times D}\) denote a matrix which stores the features of the \(K_r\) "reference persons", with each column denoting the feature of a "reference person". \(R_t \in \mathbb{R}^{K_t \times D}\) denotes the \(K_t\) cluster centers of the target domain data, and \(R_s \in \mathbb{R}^{K_s \times D}\) denotes the \(K_s\) class centers of the source domain data (which are obtained from the weights of the fully-connected layer of the ID classifier). \(K_r=K_t+K_s\). For a feature \(\boldsymbol f_i \in \mathbb{R}^{D}\) from the student model, we calculate the similarity to the \(K_r\) "reference persons" and obtain the soft multilabel (likelihood vector) as: \[\boldsymbol p_i = {\rm{Softmax}} \left( R \cdot \boldsymbol f_i \right),\] where Softmax(\(\cdot\)) denotes softmax function which normalizes the similarity scores. Similarly, for the feature \(\boldsymbol{\tilde{f}}_i\) from the mean teacher model, we obtain its soft multilabel as \(\boldsymbol{\tilde{p}}_i\). We use KL divergence to measure the difference between the two probability distributions from the two models as the uncertainty \(u_i\) of the sample \(\boldsymbol x_i\): \[u_i = D_{KL}(\boldsymbol{\tilde{p}}_i || \boldsymbol p_i)= \sum_{k=1}^{K_r} \tilde{p}_{i,k} \log \frac{\tilde{p}_{i,k}}{p_{i,n}}.\\ \] We have observed that a sample with a wrong pseudo-label (through clustering), in general, has a higher uncertainty. Based on this observation, we propose to exploit the uncertainty to estimate the unreliability of the pseudo-label of a sample and use it to re-weight the contributions of samples in various ReID losses. For a sample \(\boldsymbol{x}_i\) with high uncertainty, we will reduce its contribution to the losses. Therefore, we could assign \(\omega_i= 1/u_{i}\) as the credibility weight. To enable more stable training, we adopt the policy in and define \(\omega_i = {\rm{exp}}({-u_i})\). We incorporate the uncertainty-guided optimization in the classification loss, triplet loss, and contrastive loss, respectively. For *ID Classification loss*, we define the uncertainty-guided ID classification loss in a min-batch of \(n_t\) target domain samples as \[\mathcal{L}_{UID} =-\frac{1}{n_{t}} \sum_{i=1}^{n_{t}} \mathcal \omega_{i} \log p\left(\tilde{y}_{i} | \boldsymbol{x}_{i}\right), \label{eq:9}\] where \(p\left(\tilde{y}^t_{i} | \boldsymbol{x}^t_{i}\right)\) denotes the probability of being class \(\tilde{y}^t_{i}\), where \(\tilde{y}^t_{i}\) denotes the pseudo groudtruth class (based on the pseudo label assigned after clustering). For a sample with high uncertainty, a smaller weight is used to reduce its contribution to the overall loss to reduce its negative effect. As a typical sample-pair similarity optimization, triplet loss is widely used in ReID to make the similarity between an anchor sample and a positive sample to be much larger than that between this anchor sample and negative sample. For the \(j^{th}\) triplet of an anchor sample, a positive sample and a negative sample that correspond to three pseudo labels, we approximate the reliability of a sample pair, , the positive sample pair, by a function of the two uncertainties as \[\mathcal{\omega}_{ap}^j = \varphi(u_{a}^j, u_{p}^j), \label{eq:omega}\] where \(u_a^j\) and \(u_p^j\) denote the estimated uncertainty for the anchor sample and positive sample in the \(j^{th}\) triplet, respectively. For simplicity, we define the pair credibility as the average of two credibility as \(\varphi(u_{a}^j, u_{p}^j) = \omega_a^j + \omega_p^j = {\rm{exp}}({-u_a^j}) + {\rm{exp}}({-u_p^j})\). Similarly, we get \(\mathcal{\omega}_{an}^j\) for the negative sample pair. For *triplet loss*, we define the uncertainty-guided triplet loss in a min-batch of \(n_{tr}\) triplets as \[\mathcal{L}_{UTRI}\!=-\frac{1}{n_{tr}} \sum\limits_{j=1}^{n_{tr}} \log \frac{\omega_{ap}^j \exp(s_{ap}^j)}{ \omega_{ap}^j \exp(s_{ap}^j)\!+\! \omega_{an}^j \exp(s_{an}^j)},\] where \(s_{an}^j\) denotes the similarity for the \(j^{th}\) positive sample pair. Mathematically, the lower credibility (higher uncertainty) of a sample pair, the smaller of a weight on the similarity and thus a smaller gradient in optimization, *i*.*e*., contributing smaller to the optimization. For *contrastive loss*, given a query/anchor sample \(\boldsymbol{x}_k\), we have \(N_k^+\) positive samples and \(N_k^-\) negative samples in the memory bank. For a batch of \(n_t\) samples, by introducing the sample pair credibility weights, the uncertainty-guided contrastive loss is as \[\mathcal{L}_{\text {UCT}}\!=\!\frac{1}{n_t} {\sum\limits_{k=1}^{n_t}}\log\!\!\left[\!\! 1+{\sum\limits_{j=1}^{N_k^-} \omega_{kj}^-{\rm{exp}}(s_{kj}^-) \sum\limits_{i=1}^{N_k^+} \omega_{ki}^+ {\rm{exp}}(-s_{ki}^+) }\right], \label{eq:UCT}\] where \(s_{kj}^-\) denotes the similarity between the query sample \(\boldsymbol{x}_k\) and the \(j^{th}\) negative sample, and \(\omega_{kj}^-\) denotes the approximated reliability of the sample pair (see ([\[eq:omega\]](#eq:omega){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:omega"})). The lower credibility of a sample pair, the smaller the gradient and the contribution of this pair to the optimization. [Note that similar to our strong baseline, we also use self-paced weighting to softly emphasize harder sample pairs (whose similarity score deviates far from the optimum) by giving larger weights to them to get effective update. For simplicity, we do not present it in ([\[eq:UCT\]](#eq:UCT){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:UCT"}), where \(s_{kj}^-\), \(s_{ki}^+\) denote the similarities that already re-weighted. ]{style="color: black"} The total loss for the target domain data in the fine-tuning stage could be formulated as: \[\mathcal L_{target} = \mathcal L_{UID} + \lambda_{tri} \mathcal L_{UTRI} + \lambda_{ct} \mathcal L_{UCT} + \lambda_{reg} \mathcal L_{reg},\] where \(L_{reg} = \frac{1}{n_t} {\sum_{i=1}^{n_t}} u_i\) is a regularization loss which prevents large uncertainty (*i*.*e*., small credibility which could reduce the first three losses) all the time. \(\lambda_{tri}\), \(\lambda_{ct}\), and \(\lambda_{reg}\) are weighting factors.
# Experiments
## Datasets and Evaluation Metrics
We evaluate our methods using three person ReID datasets, including DukeMTMC-reID (Duke) , Market-1501 (Market) and MSMT17 . DukeMTMC-reID has 36,411 images, where 702 identities are used for training and 702 identities for testing. Market-1501 contains 12,936 images of 751 identities for training and 19,281 images of 750 identities for testing. MSMT17 contains 126,441 images of 4,101 identities, where 1,041 identities and 3060 identities are used for training and testing respectively. We adopt mean average precision (mAP) and CMC Rank-1/5/10 (R1/R5/R10) accuracy for evaluation.
## Implementation Details {#sec:imp}
We use ResNet50 pretrained on ImageNet as our backbone networks. As , we perform data agumentation of randomly erasing, cropping, and flipping. For source pre-training, each mini-batch contains 64 images of 4 identities. For our fine-tuning stage, when the source data is also used, each mini-batch contains 64 source-domain images of 4 identities and 64 target-domain images of 4 pseudo identities, where there are 16 images for each identity. All images are resized to 256\(\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}128. Similar to, we use the clustering algorithm of DBSCAN. For DBSCAN, the maximum distance between neighbors is set to \(eps=0.6\) and the minimal number of neighbors for a dense point is set to 4. ADAM optimizer is adopted. The initial learning rate is set to 0.00035. We set the weighting factors \(\lambda_{tri}=1\), \(\lambda_{ct}=0.05\), and \(\lambda_{reg}=1\), where we determine them simply by making the several losses on the same order of magnitude.
## Comparison with the State-of-the-arts
We compare our proposed UNRN with the state-of-the-art methods on four domain adaptation settings in Tab. [\[tab:sota\]](#tab:sota){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:sota"}. Our UNRN significantly outperforms the second best UDA methods by \(2.1\%\), \(3.0\%\), \(2.4\%\) and \(2.9\%\), in mAP accuracy, for Duke\(\to\)Market, Market\(\to\)Duke, Market\(\to\)MSMT, and Duke\(\to\)MSMT, respectively. SSG performs multiple clustering on both global body and local body parts. DAAM introduces an attention module and incorporates domain alignment constraints. MMT use two networks (four models) and MEB-Net use three networks (six models) to perform mutual mean teacher training, which have high computation complexity in training. Our UNRN uses only one network (two models) in training but still significantly outperforms the best-performing MEB-Net . | {'timestamp': '2020-12-18T02:11:49', 'yymm': '2012', 'arxiv_id': '2012.08733', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.08733'} |
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# Introduction
Replicating human movements and behaviour in humanoid robots is a formidable challenge with many exciting applications, ranging from health care (e.g. artificial limbs ) to space exploration. Since the manual engineering of controllers for such tasks is extremely difficult, machine learning and specifically reinforcement learning has received much attention in this area. A recent NIPS competition focused on the creation of a simulated humanoid running robot in a continuous and high-dimensional environment. The top entries to the competition employed state-of-the-art deep reinforcement learning techniques, which resulted in strong, but not optimal, performance. In this paper, we demonstrate that videos showing human running behaviour can be used to significantly improve the learning performance. In our approach, we use the coordinates of specific body parts (e.g. the foot) to define a potential function that is fed into potential-based reward shaping. To create a strong baseline for the evaluation of our approach, we combined selected RL techniques of the top ten competition entries with further optimizations to create a running agent that displays a significantly faster learning rate than the top entry. We then add the reward shaping from video data sampled from various YouTube videos, which resulted in a running agent that reached twice the running speed as our baseline in 12 hours of training. Since potential-based reward shaping has the nice theoretical property of not changing the optimal policy, data taken from sub-optimal running behaviour does not prevent the RL agent from overcoming the sub-optimalities and produce humanoid running that outperforms the data source. We demonstrate this theoretical property empirically by sampling limb positions from a slower-running agent and show how our approach generates a running robot, that after a relatively short time of training, starts to run faster than the original agent. Overall, the main contribution of our work is to demonstrate how data extracted from videos of human movements can be used to significantly speed up the reinforcement learning of humanoid robots. While our work focuses on the training of humanoid running behaviour, the proposed techniques can easily be applied to any other form of humanoid movements.
# Background
## Reinforcement Learning
Reinforcement learning is a paradigm which allows agents to learn by reward and punishment from interactions with the environment. The numeric feedback received from the environment is used to improve the agent's actions. The majority of work in the area of reinforcement learning applies a Markov Decision Process (MDP) as a mathematical model. An MDP is a tuple \(\big(S, A, T, R)\), where \(S\) is the state space, A is the action space, \(T(s,a,s') = Pr(s'|s,a)\) is the probability that action a in state s will lead to state \(s'\), and \(R(s, a, s')\) is the immediate reward \(r\) received when action \(a\) taken in state \(s\) results in a transition to state \(s'\). The problem of solving an MDP is to find a policy (i.e., mapping from states to actions) which maximises the accumulated reward. When the environment dynamics (transition probabilities and reward function) are available, this task can be solved using policy iteration. When the environment dynamics are not available, as with most real problem domains, policy iteration cannot be used. However, the concept of an iterative approach remains the backbone of the majority of reinforcement learning algorithms. These algorithms apply so called temporal-difference updates to propagate information about values of states and/or state-action pairs, \(Q(s, a)\) \[20\]. These updates are based on the difference of the two temporally different estimates of a particular state or state-action value. The Q-learning algorithm is such a method \[21\]. After each transition, \((s, a) \rightarrow (s', r)\), in the environment, it updates state-action values by the formula: \[\label{eq:qlearn} Q(s,a) \leftarrow Q(s,a) + \alpha[r + \gamma\max Q(s',a')-Q(s,a)]\] where \(\alpha\) is the rate of learning and \(\gamma\) is the discount factor. It modifies the value of taking action \(a\) in state \(s\), when after executing this action the environment returned reward \(r\), and moved to a new state \(s'\).
## Potential Based reward shaping
The idea of reward shaping is to provide an additional reward representative of prior knowledge to reduce the number of suboptimal actions made and so reduce the time needed to learn. This concept can be represented by the following formula for the Q-learning algorithm: \[\label{eq:shaping} Q(s,a) \leftarrow Q(s,a)+\alpha[r+F(s,s')+\gamma\max Q(s',a')-Q(s,a)]\] where \(F(s,s')\) is the general form of any state-based shaping reward. Even though reward shaping has been powerful in many experiments it quickly became apparent that, when used improperly, it can change the optimal policy. To deal with such problems, potential-based reward shaping was proposed as the difference of some potential function \(\Phi\) defined over a source s and a destination state \(s':F(s,s')=\gamma \Phi(s')-\Phi(s)\) where \(\gamma\) must be the same discount factor as used in the agent's update rule (see Equation [\[eq:qlearn\]](#eq:qlearn){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:qlearn"}). Ng et al. proved that potential-based reward shaping, defined according to Equation [\[eq:shaping\]](#eq:shaping){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:shaping"}, guarantees learning a policy which is equivalent to the one learned without reward shaping in both infinite and finite horizon MDPs. Wiewiora later proved that an agent learning with potential-based reward shaping and no knowledge-based Q-table initialization will behave identically to an agent without reward shaping when the latter agent's value function is initialized with the same potential function. These proofs, and all subsequent proofs regarding potential-based reward shaping including those presented in this paper, require actions to be selected by an advantage-based policy. Advantage-based policies select actions based on their relative differences in value and not their exact value. Common examples include greedy, \(\epsilon\)-greedy and Boltzmann softmax.
## Deep-RL
In Deep RL, the Q value function is represented as a multi-layer neural network. Deep RL algorithms have been shown to perform strongly on RL tasks which have been infeasible to tackle before. Over recent years, a number of algorithms and optimizations have been proposed, and we have chosen to apply the Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG) algorithm for our application domain. DDPG has been shown to be effective in continuous action domains where classic reinforcement learning methods struggled. Specifically, in the DDPG algorithm two neural networks are used: \(\mu(S)\) is a network (the *actor*) that returns the action vector whose components are the values of the corresponding control signals. \(Q^w(s, a)\) is a second neural network (the *critic*, that returns the \(Q\) value, i.e. the value estimate of the action of \(a\) in state \(s\). \[\label{eq:policy5} \begin{aligned} \nabla_\theta J(\pi_\theta) & =\int_{S}\rho^\pi(s)\int_{A}\nabla_\theta\pi_\theta(a|s)Q^w(s,a) da ds \\ &=\mathbb{E}_{s\sim \rho^\pi,a\sim\pi_\theta}[\nabla_\theta \log \pi_\theta (a|s)Q^w(s,a)] \end{aligned}\] where \(\theta\) is the parameter vector of the probabilistic policy and \(\rho^\pi(s)\) is the probability of reaching state \(s\) with policy \(\pi\). For a more complete description of DDPG, see.
## Reinforcement Learning from Demonstration
Human expert demonstrations have been demonstrated to improve the learning speed and accuracy of RL agent on a wide range of tasks. Most work in this area (e.g. ) focused on the use of state-action recordings as demonstration. This is infeasible in the case of video data, where only state information is available and the demonstration actions are not explicitly provided and often can not be derived either (as is the case with running). More recently, various methods for state-only demonstrations have been proposed (e.g. ). However, all of these methods target the imitation of demonstrations. Our work is employing potential-based reward shaping which uses the demonstrations to speed up the learning, but is also able to overcome any sub-optimalities in the demonstration rather than purely imitating them.
# Simulation Environment {#sec:domain}
The simulation environment has been provided by the \"Learning to Run\" competition and is based on the OpenSim environment employing the Simbody physics engine. The environment simulates a three-dimensional race course with small obstacles, along which a humanoid robot with 6 joints (ankle, knee, and hip on two legs) and corresponding muscles is running (see Figure [\[img:environment\]](#img:environment){reference-type="ref" reference="img:environment"}). The actions of the running humanoid robot are excitation values applied to the muscles implemented in the robot model. The next state of the environment is computed by the physics engine based on the resulting muscle activations, forces, velocities and positions of the joints. The OpenSim model environment represents the robot state using a vector of 41 features:
- position of the pelvis (rotation, x, y)
- velocity of the pelvis (rotation, x, y)
- rotation of each ankle, knee and hip (6 values)
- angular velocity of each ankle, knee and hip (6 values)
- position of the center of mass (2 values)
- velocity of the center of mass (2 values)
- positions of head, pelvis, torso, left and right toes, left and right talus (14 values)
- strength of left and right psoas (a muscle at the lower spine)
- next obstacle: x distance from the pelvis, y position of the center relative to the the ground, radius.
The reward of an agent is provided at each simulation step and is the distance covered in the run minus the muscle strain as computed by the simulation environment.
# Baseline Agent
When designing the baseline agent, we combined selected techniques from the top 10 competition entries with further optimizations. In this section, we summarize the most beneficial techniques used, all of which are taken from various contributions published in. In all exerimental results presented in the remainder of this paper, the experiments have been repeated 5 times, and the graphs show the standard error from the mean. The RL parameter choice was \(\alpha = 0.08\) and \(\gamma = 0.9\), which have been determined experimentally.
## State representation
The original state representation provided by the competition software contained 41 features, described in Section [13](#sec:domain){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:domain"}. In our state representation we added 71 features, including:
- Two-dimensional coordinates of key body positions relative to the pelvis at the center point (0,0).
- Two-dimensional velocity and acceleration vectors for key body points.
The new state representation allowed us to significantly speed up the learning process as seen on Figure [\[img:centerandfeatures\]](#img:centerandfeatures){reference-type="ref" reference="img:centerandfeatures"}.
## Additional training experience
After running a simulation episode, we trained the RL agent with additional mirrored data, which represented the agents experience during the episode and reflecting it along the \(xy\) plane. This adds valuable training for the value estimator (i.e. the critic), since the task is symmetrical. Figure [\[img:mirrored\]](#img:mirrored){reference-type="ref" reference="img:mirrored"} shows the resulting performance improvement.
## Repeating the chosen action
Each time the running agent chooses an action, this is repeated three times. Because we employed an actor-critic method, this reduced the number of computations needed to generate the next action during an episode by a factor of three. The resulting performance gain can be seen in Figure [\[img:flipaction\]](#img:flipaction){reference-type="ref" reference="img:flipaction"}.
## Reducing state resolution
In this optimization step, all the state representation data was changed from *double* to *float*. This resulted in a speed-up of the computations and a somewhat smaller state space, while also reducing the precision of the state representation. Figure [\[img:doublefloat\]](#img:doublefloat){reference-type="ref" reference="img:doublefloat"} shows the resulting performance increase.
## Neural network topology
After applying all of the techniques above, we compared 5 different network architectures by arbitrarily varying the number of layers and neurons per layer. The results are presented in Figure [\[img:architectures\]](#img:architectures){reference-type="ref" reference="img:architectures"}. For our baseline agent we chose the best performing layer, using 5 layers with 128 neurons each.
# Reward Shaping from Video Data
After designing our baseline, we added potential-based reward shaping from video data taken from arbitrary YouTube videos depicting running of humans and human-like characters. In this section we describe how the potential function was generated.
## Potential function
The overall potential function is defined as the sum of potential functions for every body part: pelvis, two knees and two feet. Following the potential-based reward shaping approach, an additional reward is given to an agent on each simulation step corresponding to the change in potentials of the source and target state. We considered the following three different potential functions for each body part (knee and foot) in our research, all of them based on the inverse of the distance between the respective body part coordinate in the video-generated data and the humanoid robot. The three potential functions represent three different inverse distance functions:
- PF1: \(\frac{1}{dx + dy}\)
- PF2: \(\frac{1}{\sqrt{dx^2 + dy^2}}\)
- PF3: \(\frac{1}{dx^2 + dy^2}\)
where \(dx\) (\(dy\)) is the absolute difference between the x (y) coordinate of the respective body part taken from the video data and the x (y) coordinate of the body part of the humanoid robot.
## Data collection
For our potential function we have used the following three sources of video data:
- A video of a cartoon character running (see Figure [\[img:cartoon\]](#img:cartoon){reference-type="ref" reference="img:cartoon"} for a screenshot)
- A video of a running character in a computer game (see Figure [\[img:videogame\]](#img:videogame){reference-type="ref" reference="img:videogame"} for a screenshot)
- A video of a running human (see Figure [\[img:runninghuman\]](#img:runninghuman){reference-type="ref" reference="img:runninghuman"} for a screenshot)
Each of the sources was used to define a potential function. The performance of the resulting potential functions in RL are compared in Figure [\[img:var_potential\]](#img:var_potential){reference-type="ref" reference="img:var_potential"}. Note that the learning curves were not trained until final convergence, which would require much more time and based on the theoretical properties of potential-based reward shaping would ultimately reach the same performance. In each source we recorded the positions of the two knees and the two feet relative to the pelvis as a two-dimensional coordinate. The recording frequency was four positions per half step. The resulting coordinates were normalized according to the OpenSim simulation. While in our work the extraction of the coordinates was done manually, algorithms to accurately extract body part positions in images with a clear view of the body do exist (e.g. ), and we intend to use these in future work.
## Selecting the data source and the potential function
We first compared the performance of the potential functions based on three videos and the inverse distance measure PF2. The results for this experiment is shown in Figure [\[img:differentvideo\]](#img:differentvideo){reference-type="ref" reference="img:differentvideo"}, and demonstrates that the human video is the best data source for the reward shaping. After selecting the running human video as the data source, we compared the three different potential functions as depicted in Figure [\[img:var_potential\]](#img:var_potential){reference-type="ref" reference="img:var_potential"}. The results show that PF3 performs best.
# Evaluation of Video-based Reward Shaping
Figure [\[img:baseline_vs_shaping\]](#img:baseline_vs_shaping){reference-type="ref" reference="img:baseline_vs_shaping"} shows the comparison of our chosen reward shaping approach (PF3) to the RL baseline. The results show that the reward shaping speeds up the learning significantly, reaching double the running speed at 12 hours of training. The end result after 24 hours of training still shows a significant advantage of the reward shaping approach. It is also worth noting that the demonstration video is of a running human who is using his arms, while the simulation model does not include these. An important advantage of potential-based reward shaping is the theoretical guarantee that the shaping will not change the optimal policy. In order to demonstrate this advantage in our context, we used a weak running robot generated by the baseline RL agent after 12 hours of training as a sub-optimal data source for the potential function. Clearly, the resulting agent is not running optimally, and the positions of the feet and knees will not be in optimal positions most of the time. We then train our RL agent with the reward shaping generated from these sub-optimal coordinates (using PF3), and compared the performance to the weak runner. The results are shown in Figure [\[img:suboptimal\]](#img:suboptimal){reference-type="ref" reference="img:suboptimal"}, and demonstrate that the RL agent is able to overcome the suboptimal performance of the data source. In fact, after 20 hours of training, the performance is more than double that of the suboptimal running agent. Also, note that the suboptimal shaping did not hurt the learning performance significantly. After 12 hours of training the shaped agent performs comparable to the baseline agent with 12 hours of training.
# Conclusions
In this paper, we presented a method to use videos of human and human-like running to shape the reward of an RL agent learning to run. Our results demonstrate that a significant improvement in learning speed can be achieved by our proposed method, as compared to a strong baseline which we designed combining selected techniques of the top ten entries to the \"Learning to Run\" competition at NIPS 2017. In future work, we intend to employ automated body pose extraction methods such as the one presented in and widen our investigation to other humanoid movement apart from running, e.g. jumping.
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# Introduction
Replicating human movements and behaviour in humanoid robots is a formidable challenge with many exciting applications, ranging from health care (e.g. artificial limbs ) to space exploration. Since the manual engineering of controllers for such tasks is extremely difficult, machine learning and specifically reinforcement learning has received much attention in this area. A recent NIPS competition focused on the creation of a simulated humanoid running robot in a continuous and high-dimensional environment. The top entries to the competition employed state-of-the-art deep reinforcement learning techniques, which resulted in strong, but not optimal, performance. In this paper, we demonstrate that videos showing human running behaviour can be used to significantly improve the learning performance. In our approach, we use the coordinates of specific body parts (e.g. the foot) to define a potential function that is fed into potential-based reward shaping. To create a strong baseline for the evaluation of our approach, we combined selected RL techniques of the top ten competition entries with further optimizations to create a running agent that displays a significantly faster learning rate than the top entry. We then add the reward shaping from video data sampled from various YouTube videos, which resulted in a running agent that reached twice the running speed as our baseline in 12 hours of training. Since potential-based reward shaping has the nice theoretical property of not changing the optimal policy, data taken from sub-optimal running behaviour does not prevent the RL agent from overcoming the sub-optimalities and produce humanoid running that outperforms the data source. We demonstrate this theoretical property empirically by sampling limb positions from a slower-running agent and show how our approach generates a running robot, that after a relatively short time of training, starts to run faster than the original agent. Overall, the main contribution of our work is to demonstrate how data extracted from videos of human movements can be used to significantly speed up the reinforcement learning of humanoid robots. While our work focuses on the training of humanoid running behaviour, the proposed techniques can easily be applied to any other form of humanoid movements.
# Background
## Reinforcement Learning
Reinforcement learning is a paradigm which allows agents to learn by reward and punishment from interactions with the environment. The numeric feedback received from the environment is used to improve the agent's actions. The majority of work in the area of reinforcement learning applies a Markov Decision Process (MDP) as a mathematical model. An MDP is a tuple \(\big(S, A, T, R)\), where \(S\) is the state space, A is the action space, \(T(s,a,s') = Pr(s'|s,a)\) is the probability that action a in state s will lead to state \(s'\), and \(R(s, a, s')\) is the immediate reward \(r\) received when action \(a\) taken in state \(s\) results in a transition to state \(s'\). The problem of solving an MDP is to find a policy (i.e., mapping from states to actions) which maximises the accumulated reward. When the environment dynamics (transition probabilities and reward function) are available, this task can be solved using policy iteration. When the environment dynamics are not available, as with most real problem domains, policy iteration cannot be used. However, the concept of an iterative approach remains the backbone of the majority of reinforcement learning algorithms. These algorithms apply so called temporal-difference updates to propagate information about values of states and/or state-action pairs, \(Q(s, a)\) \[20\]. These updates are based on the difference of the two temporally different estimates of a particular state or state-action value. The Q-learning algorithm is such a method \[21\]. After each transition, \((s, a) \rightarrow (s', r)\), in the environment, it updates state-action values by the formula: \[\label{eq:qlearn} Q(s,a) \leftarrow Q(s,a) + \alpha[r + \gamma\max Q(s',a')-Q(s,a)]\] where \(\alpha\) is the rate of learning and \(\gamma\) is the discount factor. It modifies the value of taking action \(a\) in state \(s\), when after executing this action the environment returned reward \(r\), and moved to a new state \(s'\).
## Potential Based reward shaping
The idea of reward shaping is to provide an additional reward representative of prior knowledge to reduce the number of suboptimal actions made and so reduce the time needed to learn. This concept can be represented by the following formula for the Q-learning algorithm: \[\label{eq:shaping} Q(s,a) \leftarrow Q(s,a)+\alpha[r+F(s,s')+\gamma\max Q(s',a')-Q(s,a)]\] where \(F(s,s')\) is the general form of any state-based shaping reward. Even though reward shaping has been powerful in many experiments it quickly became apparent that, when used improperly, it can change the optimal policy. To deal with such problems, potential-based reward shaping was proposed as the difference of some potential function \(\Phi\) defined over a source s and a destination state \(s':F(s,s')=\gamma \Phi(s')-\Phi(s)\) where \(\gamma\) must be the same discount factor as used in the agent's update rule (see Equation [\[eq:qlearn\]](#eq:qlearn){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:qlearn"}). Ng et al. proved that potential-based reward shaping, defined according to Equation [\[eq:shaping\]](#eq:shaping){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:shaping"}, guarantees learning a policy which is equivalent to the one learned without reward shaping in both infinite and finite horizon MDPs. Wiewiora later proved that an agent learning with potential-based reward shaping and no knowledge-based Q-table initialization will behave identically to an agent without reward shaping when the latter agent's value function is initialized with the same potential function. These proofs, and all subsequent proofs regarding potential-based reward shaping including those presented in this paper, require actions to be selected by an advantage-based policy. Advantage-based policies select actions based on their relative differences in value and not their exact value. Common examples include greedy, \(\epsilon\)-greedy and Boltzmann softmax.
## Deep-RL
In Deep RL, the Q value function is represented as a multi-layer neural network. Deep RL algorithms have been shown to perform strongly on RL tasks which have been infeasible to tackle before. Over recent years, a number of algorithms and optimizations have been proposed, and we have chosen to apply the Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG) algorithm for our application domain. DDPG has been shown to be effective in continuous action domains where classic reinforcement learning methods struggled. Specifically, in the DDPG algorithm two neural networks are used: \(\mu(S)\) is a network (the *actor*) that returns the action vector whose components are the values of the corresponding control signals. \(Q^w(s, a)\) is a second neural network (the *critic*, that returns the \(Q\) value, i.e. the value estimate of the action of \(a\) in state \(s\). \[\label{eq:policy5} \begin{aligned} \nabla_\theta J(\pi_\theta) & =\int_{S}\rho^\pi(s)\int_{A}\nabla_\theta\pi_\theta(a|s)Q^w(s,a) da ds \\ &=\mathbb{E}_{s\sim \rho^\pi,a\sim\pi_\theta}[\nabla_\theta \log \pi_\theta (a|s)Q^w(s,a)] \end{aligned}\] where \(\theta\) is the parameter vector of the probabilistic policy and \(\rho^\pi(s)\) is the probability of reaching state \(s\) with policy \(\pi\). For a more complete description of DDPG, see.
## Reinforcement Learning from Demonstration
Human expert demonstrations have been demonstrated to improve the learning speed and accuracy of RL agent on a wide range of tasks. Most work in this area (e.g. ) focused on the use of state-action recordings as demonstration. This is infeasible in the case of video data, where only state information is available and the demonstration actions are not explicitly provided and often can not be derived either (as is the case with running). More recently, various methods for state-only demonstrations have been proposed (e.g. ). However, all of these methods target the imitation of demonstrations. Our work is employing potential-based reward shaping which uses the demonstrations to speed up the learning, but is also able to overcome any sub-optimalities in the demonstration rather than purely imitating them.
# Simulation Environment {#sec:domain}
The simulation environment has been provided by the \"Learning to Run\" competition and is based on the OpenSim environment employing the Simbody physics engine. The environment simulates a three-dimensional race course with small obstacles, along which a humanoid robot with 6 joints (ankle, knee, and hip on two legs) and corresponding muscles is running (see Figure [\[img:environment\]](#img:environment){reference-type="ref" reference="img:environment"}). The actions of the running humanoid robot are excitation values applied to the muscles implemented in the robot model. The next state of the environment is computed by the physics engine based on the resulting muscle activations, forces, velocities and positions of the joints. The OpenSim model environment represents the robot state using a vector of 41 features:
- position of the pelvis (rotation, x, y)
- velocity of the pelvis (rotation, x, y)
- rotation of each ankle, knee and hip (6 values)
- angular velocity of each ankle, knee and hip (6 values)
- position of the center of mass (2 values)
- velocity of the center of mass (2 values)
- positions of head, pelvis, torso, left and right toes, left and right talus (14 values)
- strength of left and right psoas (a muscle at the lower spine)
- next obstacle: x distance from the pelvis, y position of the center relative to the the ground, radius.
The reward of an agent is provided at each simulation step and is the distance covered in the run minus the muscle strain as computed by the simulation environment.
# Baseline Agent
When designing the baseline agent, we combined selected techniques from the top 10 competition entries with further optimizations. In this section, we summarize the most beneficial techniques used, all of which are taken from various contributions published in. In all exerimental results presented in the remainder of this paper, the experiments have been repeated 5 times, and the graphs show the standard error from the mean. The RL parameter choice was \(\alpha = 0.08\) and \(\gamma = 0.9\), which have been determined experimentally.
## State representation
The original state representation provided by the competition software contained 41 features, described in Section [13](#sec:domain){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:domain"}. In our state representation we added 71 features, including:
- Two-dimensional coordinates of key body positions relative to the pelvis at the center point (0,0).
- Two-dimensional velocity and acceleration vectors for key body points.
The new state representation allowed us to significantly speed up the learning process as seen on Figure [\[img:centerandfeatures\]](#img:centerandfeatures){reference-type="ref" reference="img:centerandfeatures"}.
## Additional training experience
After running a simulation episode, we trained the RL agent with additional mirrored data, which represented the agents experience during the episode and reflecting it along the \(xy\) plane. This adds valuable training for the value estimator (i.e. the critic), since the task is symmetrical. Figure [\[img:mirrored\]](#img:mirrored){reference-type="ref" reference="img:mirrored"} shows the resulting performance improvement.
## Repeating the chosen action
Each time the running agent chooses an action, this is repeated three times. Because we employed an actor-critic method, this reduced the number of computations needed to generate the next action during an episode by a factor of three. The resulting performance gain can be seen in Figure [\[img:flipaction\]](#img:flipaction){reference-type="ref" reference="img:flipaction"}.
## Reducing state resolution
In this optimization step, all the state representation data was changed from *double* to *float*. This resulted in a speed-up of the computations and a somewhat smaller state space, while also reducing the precision of the state representation. Figure [\[img:doublefloat\]](#img:doublefloat){reference-type="ref" reference="img:doublefloat"} shows the resulting performance increase.
## Neural network topology
After applying all of the techniques above, we compared 5 different network architectures by arbitrarily varying the number of layers and neurons per layer. The results are presented in Figure [\[img:architectures\]](#img:architectures){reference-type="ref" reference="img:architectures"}. For our baseline agent we chose the best performing layer, using 5 layers with 128 neurons each.
# Reward Shaping from Video Data
After designing our baseline, we added potential-based reward shaping from video data taken from arbitrary YouTube videos depicting running of humans and human-like characters. In this section we describe how the potential function was generated.
## Potential function
The overall potential function is defined as the sum of potential functions for every body part: pelvis, two knees and two feet. Following the potential-based reward shaping approach, an additional reward is given to an agent on each simulation step corresponding to the change in potentials of the source and target state. We considered the following three different potential functions for each body part (knee and foot) in our research, all of them based on the inverse of the distance between the respective body part coordinate in the video-generated data and the humanoid robot. The three potential functions represent three different inverse distance functions:
- PF1: \(\frac{1}{dx + dy}\)
- PF2: \(\frac{1}{\sqrt{dx^2 + dy^2}}\)
- PF3: \(\frac{1}{dx^2 + dy^2}\)
where \(dx\) (\(dy\)) is the absolute difference between the x (y) coordinate of the respective body part taken from the video data and the x (y) coordinate of the body part of the humanoid robot.
## Data collection
For our potential function we have used the following three sources of video data:
- A video of a cartoon character running (see Figure [\[img:cartoon\]](#img:cartoon){reference-type="ref" reference="img:cartoon"} for a screenshot)
- A video of a running character in a computer game (see Figure [\[img:videogame\]](#img:videogame){reference-type="ref" reference="img:videogame"} for a screenshot)
- A video of a running human (see Figure [\[img:runninghuman\]](#img:runninghuman){reference-type="ref" reference="img:runninghuman"} for a screenshot)
Each of the sources was used to define a potential function. The performance of the resulting potential functions in RL are compared in Figure [\[img:var_potential\]](#img:var_potential){reference-type="ref" reference="img:var_potential"}. Note that the learning curves were not trained until final convergence, which would require much more time and based on the theoretical properties of potential-based reward shaping would ultimately reach the same performance. In each source we recorded the positions of the two knees and the two feet relative to the pelvis as a two-dimensional coordinate. The recording frequency was four positions per half step. The resulting coordinates were normalized according to the OpenSim simulation. While in our work the extraction of the coordinates was done manually, algorithms to accurately extract body part positions in images with a clear view of the body do exist (e.g. ), and we intend to use these in future work.
## Selecting the data source and the potential function
We first compared the performance of the potential functions based on three videos and the inverse distance measure PF2. The results for this experiment is shown in Figure [\[img:differentvideo\]](#img:differentvideo){reference-type="ref" reference="img:differentvideo"}, and demonstrates that the human video is the best data source for the reward shaping. After selecting the running human video as the data source, we compared the three different potential functions as depicted in Figure [\[img:var_potential\]](#img:var_potential){reference-type="ref" reference="img:var_potential"}. The results show that PF3 performs best.
# Evaluation of Video-based Reward Shaping
Figure [\[img:baseline_vs_shaping\]](#img:baseline_vs_shaping){reference-type="ref" reference="img:baseline_vs_shaping"} shows the comparison of our chosen reward shaping approach (PF3) to the RL baseline. The results show that the reward shaping speeds up the learning significantly, reaching double the running speed at 12 hours of training. The end result after 24 hours of training still shows a significant advantage of the reward shaping approach. It is also worth noting that the demonstration video is of a running human who is using his arms, while the simulation model does not include these. An important advantage of potential-based reward shaping is the theoretical guarantee that the shaping will not change the optimal policy. In order to demonstrate this advantage in our context, we used a weak running robot generated by the baseline RL agent after 12 hours of training as a sub-optimal data source for the potential function. Clearly, the resulting agent is not running optimally, and the positions of the feet and knees will not be in optimal positions most of the time. We then train our RL agent with the reward shaping generated from these sub-optimal coordinates (using PF3), and compared the performance to the weak runner. The results are shown in Figure [\[img:suboptimal\]](#img:suboptimal){reference-type="ref" reference="img:suboptimal"}, and demonstrate that the RL agent is able to overcome the suboptimal performance of the data source. In fact, after 20 hours of training, the performance is more than double that of the suboptimal running agent. Also, note that the suboptimal shaping did not hurt the learning performance significantly. After 12 hours of training the shaped agent performs comparable to the baseline agent with 12 hours of training.
# Conclusions
In this paper, we presented a method to use videos of human and human-like running to shape the reward of an RL agent learning to run. Our results demonstrate that a significant improvement in learning speed can be achieved by our proposed method, as compared to a strong baseline which we designed combining selected techniques of the top ten entries to the \"Learning to Run\" competition at NIPS 2017. In future work, we intend to employ automated body pose extraction methods such as the one presented in and widen our investigation to other humanoid movement apart from running, e.g. jumping.
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# Conclusions
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[^4]: Another footnote.
[^5]: This is a footnote
[^6]: This is a footnote.
[^7]: Another footnote here. Let's make this a rather long one to see how it looks.
[^8]: Another footnote. | {'timestamp': '2020-12-17T02:13:30', 'yymm': '2012', 'arxiv_id': '2012.08824', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.08824'} |
# Introduction
Emotion recognition in conversation (ERC) is an emerging task in natural language processing (NLP) that aims to identify the emotion of each utterance in a conversation. It can be regarded as an extension of traditional emotion detection from text, or an arising problem in dialogue systems that helps generate emotion-aware dialogues. Empirical evidence shows that the conversational context of an utterance plays an indispensable role in this task. Moreover, the emotion also tends to stay unchanged within a short context of the conversation. It is thus very critical to effectively model the alternate utterances by different parties. To solve this problem, many recent works focus on deep neural networks with hierarchical structures to model the conversational data. In these works, each utterance is firstly encoded separately into an utterance representation, which is then modeled sequentially and hierarchically. Although the structures seem to comply with the organization of utterances, they ignore the direct dependencies between words in different utterances. In addition, they are not conducive to the application of pre-trained language models such as BERT and XLNet, which have achieved superior performance in many dialogue system tasks other than ERC. There are two main challenges to directly apply these pre-trained language models to ERC. First, conversations in ERC are usually multi-party and there can be intra-and inter-speaker dependencies. Existing pre-trained language models are not readily feasible to encode these dependencies. Second, almost all language models are constrained by the input length. When the input sequence exceeds the limit, it has to be truncated, which may lead to loss of information in distant historical utterances. To cope with the above challenges, we introduce an all-in-one XLNet model, namely DialogXL, for emotion recognition in multi-turn multi-party conversation. DialogXL intends to apply a strong pre-trained language model to ERC without constructing a complicated, hierarchical model in processing the conversational data. Specifically, it first replaces XLNet's *segment recurrence* by a more flexible and memory-saving *utterance recurrence* to utilize historical utterances. Utterance recurrence stores the hidden states of historical utterances in a memory bank and reuses them while identifying a query utterance. Next, the *self-attention* in XLNet's Transformer layers is substituted for *dialog-aware self-attention*, which consists of four different types of attention, namely local self-attention, global self-attention, speaker self-attention, and listener self-attention. Dialog-aware self-attention allows DialogXL to model the inter-and intra-speaker dependencies under different reception fields in the historical context. We conduct extensive experiments on four ERC benchmarks and the results show that the proposed model, DialogXL, outperforms all the baselines on the datasets. Furthermore, several studies are conducted to verify the modules of DialogXL, and an error analysis is used to delve into the reasons behind the errors. To conclude, our contributions are as follows:
- DialogXL is the first effort of pre-trained language models designed for emotion recognition in conversation (ERC).
- We propose a memory-saving utterance recurrence to replace XLNet's segment recurrence. The new approach allows DialogXL to cache up to 1000 historical words of a conversation, which is more powerful than the vanilla XLNet model.
- Unlike the original self-attention that merely computes attention weights between words, our dialog-aware self-attention computes them by different reception fields and party roles, allowing us to capture useful intra-and inter-speaker dependencies.
# Related Work
## Emotion Recognition in Conversation
Emotion recognition in conversation (ERC) has emerged as an important problem in recent years and has attracted numerous interests from the NLP community. The availability of large conversational datasets account partly for this phenomenon, and the increasing interests in dialogue systems may also explain it. Recent works on ERC generally resort to deep learning models. For example, CMN and ICON both utilize gated recurrent unit (GRU) and memory networks. propose a recurrent-based model to model the party state, global state and emotional dynamics. propose a hierarchical GRU structure that trains utterance-level and conversation-level encoders jointly. propose a graph neural network based model to encode speaker dependencies and temporal information. incorporate external knowledge bases to support the identification. introduce transfer learning from utterance generation to ERC. The modalities of data used in the above works are not the same. Specifically, utilize textual, audio and video modalities, while the latest research tends to use only the textual modality.
## Pre-trained Language Models
The effectiveness of large pre-trained language models has been well exhibited in many NLP tasks such as machine reading comprehension, text classification, machine translation. Among the language models, BERT utilizes bi-directional Transformer encoders as well as pre-training schemes of masked language modeling and next sentence prediction. XLNet is another powerful pre-trained language model, which excels at processing long documents with the segment recurrence mechanism. In addition, it combines the strengths of both auto-encoding and auto-regressive language modeling. There have been some recent works that apply pre-trained language models to dialog-related tasks, but they have yet to be applied to emotion recognition in conversation.
# Methodology
There are two challenges to overcome in order to apply pre-trained language models to emotion recognition in conversation (ERC). The first challenge is how to encode a long historical context with hundreds of words. The second is how to model the intra-and inter-speaker dependencies of different parties. Instead of building a hierarchical network as previous work, we propose DialogXL[^1] to address these two challenges on the basis of XLNet with two improvements. The overview architecture of DialogXL is shown in Figure [\[fig:model_overview\]](#fig:model_overview){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:model_overview"}. It consists of an embedding layer, 12 Transformer layers, and a feed-forward neural network. The model identifies the emotion for each utterance in turn when a conversation comes in. Compared with XLNet, DialogXL has a more effective memory bank equipped during the training and testing phases, storing hidden states of historical utterances for future reuses. The memory bank is updated by a new *utterance recurrence* mechanism. And the hidden states at each Transformer layer are derived by *dialog-aware self-attention*.[^2]
## Problem Definition
In ERC, a conversation is defined as a list of utterances \(\{u_1, u_2,..., u_N\}\), where \(N\) is the number of utterances. Each utterance \(u_i\) consists of \(n_i\) tokens, namely \(u_i = \{w_{i1}, w_{i2}...,w_{in_i}\}\). A discrete value \(y_i\in \mathcal{S}\) is used to denote the emotion label of \(u_i\), where \(\mathcal{S}\) is the set of emotion labels. The speaker is denoted by a function \(p(\cdot)\). For example, \(p(u_i)\in \mathcal{P}\) denotes the speaker of \(u_i\) and \(\mathcal{P}\) is the collection of all speaker roles in an ERC dataset. The objective of this task is to output the emotion label \(y_t\) for a given query utterance \(u_t\) based on its historical context \(\{u_1, u_2,..., u_{t-1}\}\) and the corresponding speaker information.
## Model Input
At each time step \(t\), the query utterance \(u_t\) is prepended with the special token "`[CLS]`": \[x_t = \{\text{[CLS]}, w_{t1}, w_{t2},..., w_{tn_t}\}.\] The utterance is then passed to the embedding layer. In DialogXL, this layer consists of only word embedding. The output of the embedding layer is treated as input hidden states to the first Transformer layer: \[\mathbf{h}_t^0 = \text{Embedding}(x_t)\]
## Utterance Recurrence
XLNet and Transformer-XL address the limitation of input size by a mechanism named *segment recurrence*, which caches previous hidden states in a memory bank and revisits them in future computations. However, this mechanism is ineffective when directly applied to conversational emotion recognition for two reasons. First, the "segment" in XLNet refers to a fixed-length sequence rather than a linguistic unit such as a sentence. The conversation in ERC is defined in terms of utterances, which are typically full sentences or paragraphs. Therefore, it is essential to keep the utterances complete rather than segmented into pieces. Second, segment recurrence constrains segments in the same training batch to have the same length, which results in too many paddings stored in memory. By contrast, the proposed *utterance recurrence* stores the historical context in memory without paddings, allowing the memory to store a longer historical context. The memory, denoted by \(\mathbf{m}\), works like a stack. Every time a new set of hidden states are generated for a query utterance, they are concatenated with the current memory. To prevent from introducing noises into the memory, only the hidden states of the utterance tokens are stored, with the hidden states of the "`[CLS]`" and padding positions ignored. Formally, for the \(t\)-th utterance, at each Transformer layer \(l\) the new memory \(\mathbf{m}^{l'}\) is updated as: \[\mathbf{m}^{l'} = \mathbf{m}^{l} \parallel \mathbf{h}_{t,1:1+n_t}^{l}\] where \(\parallel\) denotes the concatenation operation. This update strategy is useful especially during the batching operation. As illustrated in Figure [\[fig:utterance_recurrence\]](#fig:utterance_recurrence){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:utterance_recurrence"}, updating memory with only the hidden states of utterance tokens makes the memory more compact, for the noises introduced by padding are mostly eliminated and more space is freed to cache a longer context.
## Dialog-Aware Self-Attention
Utterances occur alternately by different parties in a conversation, and the vanilla self-attention in XLNet cannot be directly applied to the multi-party setting. To this end, we replace the self-attention by *dialog-aware self-attention*, which enables our model to encode conversation contexts in a multi-turn multi-party setting. The new self-attention consists of four types of self-attention: *global self-attention* and *local self-attention* for different sizes of receptive fields, and *speaker self-attention* and *listener self-attention* for intra-and inter-speaker dependencies. We implement the dialog-aware self-attention by skillfully changing the masking strategies of self-attention, without the need to add any extra embeddings or parameters, as illustrated in Figure [\[fig:multi_perspective_attention\]](#fig:multi_perspective_attention){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:multi_perspective_attention"}. Dialog-aware self-attention is multi-headed. For each attention head of the \(l\)-th Transformer layer, the attention output \(\mathbf{o}^l_t\) is computed as follows: \[\label{eq:attn_begin} \widetilde{\mathbf{h}}_t^{l-1} = \mathbf{m}^{l-1} || \mathbf{h}_t^{l-1}\] \[\mathbf{q}^l_t,\ \mathbf{k}^l_t,\ \mathbf{v}^l_t = \mathbf{h}_t^{l-1}\mathbf{W}^{l\top}_q,\ \widetilde{\mathbf{h}}_t^{l-1}\mathbf{W}^{l\top}_k,\ \widetilde{\mathbf{h}}_t^{l-1}\mathbf{W}^{l\top}_v\] \[\mathbf{a}_t^l = \text{RelPosAttn}(\mathbf{q}^l_t, \mathbf{k}^l_t)\] \[\label{eq:mask} \widetilde{\mathbf{a}}_t^l = \mathbf{a}_t^l-\mathbf{s}\] \[\label{eq:attn_end} \mathbf{o}_t^l = \text{softmax}(\widetilde{\mathbf{a}}_t^l) \mathbf{v}^l_t\] where \(\mathbf{W}^{l}_q\), \(\mathbf{W}^{l}_k\), and \(\mathbf{W}^{l}_v\) are trainable parameters for each attention head, and \(\text{RelPosAttn}(\cdot)\) are the relative position attention adopted from Transformer-XL and XLNet. The attention mask \(\mathbf{s}\) in Equation ([\[eq:mask\]](#eq:mask){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:mask"}) is a matrix with the same shape as the attention weights \(\mathbf{a}_t^l\). The value of \(\mathbf{s}_{ij}\) is set to \(+\infty\) only when the attention between the \(i\)-th vector in \(\mathbf{q}^l_t\) and \(j\)-th vector in \(\mathbf{k}^l_t\) is masked, and set to 0 otherwise. For the sake of convenience, we denote Equation ([\[eq:attn_begin\]](#eq:attn_begin){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:attn_begin"}) to Equation ([\[eq:attn_end\]](#eq:attn_end){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:attn_end"}) by a function \(f(\cdot)\): \[\mathbf{o}_t^l = f(\mathbf{m}^{l-1},\mathbf{h}_t^{l-1},\mathbf{s})\]
### Global Self-Attention
Global self-attention takes all the historical context and the query utterance as the reception field. It is the same as the vanilla self-attention, in which the query utterance pays attention to the whole context. This setting allows our model to attend to previously distant utterances which may also be useful. Thus, no masking is made for global self-attention: \[\mathbf{s}^{global}_{ij}=0\]
### Local Self-Attention
Local self-attention only has a reception field of \(\omega\) latest historical utterances, where \(\omega\) is a hyperparameter. The motivation for this attention is that intuitively speaker's emotion is mostly influenced by the recent utterances. In local self-attention, we mask the attentions between the query utterance and the historical utterances outside the reception field: \[\mathbf{s}^{local}_{ij} = \left\{ \begin{array}{rl} +\infty, & j\notin \text{Idx}(\{u_{t-\omega},u_{t-\omega+1}...,u_{t-1},u_t\})\\ 0, & \text{Otherwise}\\ \end{array} \right.\] where \(\text{Idx}(\mathcal{U})\) is a function that maps the utterance tokens in \(\mathcal{U}\) to the corresponding positions in the key matrix \(\mathbf{k}^l_t\).
### Speaker Self-Attention
Speaker self-attention considers only the historical context spoken by the present speaker. It intends to model the intra-speaker dependency by identifying emotional clues in the speaker's historical utterances. In speaker self-attention, we mask the attentions between the query utterance and the utterances spoken by other speakers: \[\mathbf{s}^{speaker}_{ij} = \left\{ \begin{array}{rcl} +\infty, &j\in \text{Idx}(\{u\ |\ p(u)\neq p(u_t)\})\\ 0, &\text{Otherwise}\\ \end{array} \right.\]
### Listener Self-Attention
Listener self-attention considers only the historical utterances spoken by other speakers. It intends to model the inter-speaker dependency, meaning that the present speaker's emotion may be influence by other speakers' words. In listener self-attention, we mask the attentions between the query utterance and the utterances made by the present speaker: \[\mathbf{s}^{listener}_{ij} = \left\{ \begin{array}{rl} +\infty, &j\in \text{Idx}(\{u\ |\ p(u)=p(u_t)\})\\ 0, &\text{Otherwise}\\ \end{array} \right.\] The outputs of the four types of self-attention are concatenated and passed through a normalization layer followed by a feed-forward network to generate the output for this Transformer layer: \[\widetilde{\mathbf{o}}^l_t = \parallel_{k=1}^{K}f_k(\mathbf{m}^{l-1},\mathbf{h}^{l-1}_t,\mathbf{s}^{c_k} )\] \[\mathbf{h}^l_t = \text{FeedForward}(\text{LayerNorm}(\widetilde{\mathbf{o}}^l_t))\] where \(K\) is the number of self-attention heads, and \(c_k \in\{global,\ local,\ speaker,\ listener\}\) is the corresponding type of dialog-aware attention for the \(k\)-th attention head.
## Model Training
We take the hidden state of "`[CLS]`" at the last layer as the final encoding of the query utterance and the historical context, and pass it through a feed-forward neural network to get the predicted emotion: \[\mathbf{h}_t = \mathbf{h}^L_{t,0}\] \[\mathbf{z}_t = \text{ReLU}(\mathbf{W}_h\mathbf{h}_t+\mathbf{b}_h)\] \[P_t = \text{softmax}(\mathbf{W}_z\mathbf{z}_t+\mathbf{b}_z)\] \[\widehat{y}_t = \text{argmax}_{k\in\mathcal{S}}(P_t[k])\] For the training of our model, we use the standard cross-entropy loss as the loss function: \[\mathcal{L}(\theta) =-\sum_{i=1}^{M}\sum_{t=1}^{N}P_t[y_{i,t}]\] where \(M\) is the number of conversations in the training set, and \(\theta\) is the collection of trainable parameters in DialogXL.
# Experimental Settings
In this section, we present the experimental settings such as implementation details, datasets, metrics, and baselines.
## Implementation Details
We initialize the proposed DialogXL by pre-trained XLNet-Base and employ AdamW optimizer during training. Hyperparameter tuning for each dataset is conducted with hold-out validation on the validation set. The tunable hyperparameters include learning rate, number of heads for the four types of attentions in dialog-aware self-attention[^3], the max length of memory[^4], and the dropout rate. The results of BERT, XLNet, and DialogXL reported in our experiments are all based on the average score of 5 random runs on the test set.
## Datasets
We evaluate DialogXL on four multi-turn multi-party ERC datasets. The statistics of them are shown in Table [\[tab:statistic\]](#tab:statistic){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:statistic"}.
**IEMOCAP**: A multimodal conversational dataset for emotion recognition, with two parties included for each conversation. The emotion labels include `neutral`, `happiness`, `sadness`, `anger`, `frustrated`, and `excited`. Since this dataset has no validation set, we follow to use the last 20 dialogues in the training set for validation. **MELD**: A multimodal dataset for emotion recognition collected from the TV show `Friends`. The emotion labels include `neutral`, `happiness`, `surprise`, `sadness`, `anger`, `disgust`, and `fear`. **DailyDialog**: Human-written daily communications, with emotion labels including `neutral`, `happiness`, `surprise`, `sadness`, `anger`, `disgust`, and `fear`. Since it has no speaker information, we consider the utterance turns as the speaker turns by default. **EmoryNLP**: TV show scripts collected from `Friends`, but varies from MELD in the choice of scenes and emotion labels. The emotion labels of this dataset include `neutral`, `sad`, `mad`, `scared`, `powerful`, `peaceful`, and `joyful`. Following recent works, we utilize only the textual data of the above datasets for our experiments. The evaluation metrics are chosen as micro-F1 for DailyDialog[^5] and weighted-F1 for the other datasets.
## Baseline Methods
We compare DialogXL with the following baselines: **Previous methods:** CMN, DialogueRNN, HiGRU, DialogueGCN, TL-ERC, and KET. **BERT**: The BERT baseline for ERC, initialized with the pre-trained parameters of BERT-base. We concatenate historical utterances and the query utterance in order and then feed them into BERT for classification. The hyperparameters are tuned the same as DialogXL. **XLNet**: The XLNet baseline with the original segment recurrence and vanilla self-attention, initialized with the pre-trained parameters of XLNet-base. The hyperparameters are tuned the same as DialogXL.
# Results and Analysis
## Overall Results
The overall results of our DialogXL and the baselines are reported in Table [\[tab:overall\]](#tab:overall){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:overall"}. We can clearly note that DialogXL reaches a new state of the art on all of the four datasets. Besides, we can make another two observations as follows, which help to understand the ERC task and the pros and cons of DialogXL. First, in general, there are considerable improvements for the pre-trained language models over the others on MELD, DailyDialog, and EmoryNLP. However, the improvements of DialogXL over BERT and XLNet are not significant on these datasets. After delving into the datasets, we found that the dialogues in these datasets are relatively short (mostly 5 to 9 utterances). So the current language models, BERT and XLNet, can already encode the entire historical context and the query utterance in most cases. On these short dialogues, however, the advantages of DialogXL are not shown up completely. Second, while inferior performance of BERT and XLNet is observed to the other baselines on IEMOCAP, the improvements of DialogXL over BERT and XLNet are significant. After examining the dataset, we realized the dialogues in IEMOCAP are much longer (around 70 utterances per dialog) than the other datasets. In this case, BERT and XLNet cannot encode too much historical context effectively, while such baselines as DialogueRNN and DialogueGCN can reach distant utterances and also encode other key features such as speaker information. Moreover, our DialogXL can both encode the historical context effectively by the utterance recurrence and capture the speaker information by the dialog-aware self-attention, allowing it to achieve superior performance to all the baselines.
## Effect of the Enhanced Memory
One of the contributions of DialogXL lies in the enhanced memory with utterance recurrence. Here, we study how the utterance recurrence and the maximum memory length contribute to the final results. We change the maximum memory length from 100 to 1000 with an interval of 100 and plot the test scores on IEMOCAP, which has sufficient utterances in each conversation. The memory waste rate of segment recurrence in XLNet is also plotted in terms of the percentage of paddings in memory. Since the proposed utterance recurrence has 0 memory waste in theory, its memory waste rate is not plotted. Three models are studied for this experiment: XLNet with the original segment recurrence, XLNet with utterance recurrence, and DialogXL. The results are shown in Figure [\[fig:memory\]](#fig:memory){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:memory"}. We can note that segment recurrence always leads to a memory waste rate of over 60% for each different memory length. The rate drops with the memory length increases, along with the growth of the three models. When the memory length exceeds 700, their performance generally stops improving any more, which indicates that increasing the maximum memory length only contributes to the test results within a certain range.
## Ablation Study
In this ablation study, we analyze the impact of dialog-aware self-attention by removing each type of dialog-aware self-attention from DialogXL. The results on two representative datasets, IEMOCAP and MELD, are presented in Table [\[tab:ablation\]](#tab:ablation){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:ablation"}. We can observe that the performance of DialogXL drops on both IEMOCAP and MELD when any type of the self-attention is removed, suggesting that all these self-attentions contribute to the improvement of DialogXL. Nevertheless, their contributions can be distinguished. When speaker self-attention or listener self-attention is removed, considerable drops are observed. But when they are both removed, the drops are more obvious. This implies the importance of the inter-/intra-speaker dependency. Moreover, when local self-attention is removed, the F1 score drops the most on IEMOCAP, which contains long utterances (around 70) for each conversation. This indicates that the historical context near a query utterance is more important for this dataset. The drop on MELD is not as obvious as on IEMOCAP, because MELD has much shorter conversations (5 to 9 utterances per conversation). Finally, the removal of global self-attention leads to the least performance degradation. The reason could be twofold. First, global utterances are not as important as local utterances. Second, the speaker self-attention and listener self-attention already capture some useful information from distant utterances.
## Speaker Role Embedding
Our speaker self-attention and listener self-attention model the speaker dependencies by directly letting the model know which part of the utterances should be attended to. Another way to let a pre-trained language model understand the speaker dependencies in dialog is speaker role embedding, which maps each participant to a trainable embedding vector. Here, we make a simple comparison between the two approaches of embedding different parties on IEMOCAP and DailyDialog. To this end, we replace the speaker self-attention and listener self-attention of DialogXL with the speaker role embeddings, and refer to the resulting model as DialogXL-emb. The results of comparison are shown in Table [\[tab:speker_role\]](#tab:speker_role){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:speker_role"}. We can observe that our explicit speaker&listencer self-attention is more effective than the speaker role embedding approach. As a result, the proposed attention mechanism can be potentially applied to other dialog tasks as well.
## Error Study
Although our DialogXL has a novel framework and achieves a new state of the art, we still want to figure out its possible shortcomings to motivate the future research. Therefore, we carry out an error study on IEMOCAP. In short, we found that DialogXL's powerful capability of directly capturing word-level features in the historical context can be a double-edge sword. As illustrated in Figure [\[fig:visualization\]](#fig:visualization){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:visualization"}, the word-level attention mechanism based on semantic relevance can help make a good prediction (Case \#1), but it may also lead to a mistake by focusing too much on the semantic relevance between the query utterance and historical utterances (Case \#2). As a result, it seems to be necessary to combine with other mechanisms rather than merely relying on the popular attention to carry out the emotion recognition in dialogues. Besides, we also observe from our bad cases that some of them are mentioned in previous works, such as emotional shifts (i.e., the emotion labels of two consecutive utterances from a same speaker are different) . Roughly, our model commits mistakes for 45% of these cases, which calls for further investigations.
# Conclusion
In this paper, we proposed an all-in-one XLNet model, namely DialogXL, for emotion recognition in conversation (ERC). To model the multi-turn multi-party conversational data, DialogXL contributes two improvements on the basis of XLNet and Transformer-XL. First, an enhanced memory was introduced to replace XLNet's vanilla memory to store historical contexts more effectively. Second, a dialog-aware self-attention mechanism was proposed to deal with the multi-turn multi-party data structures. Extensive experiments were conducted on four ERC benchmarks and the results show that the proposed model outperforms all the baselines on the datasets. The effectiveness of the two improvements is also confirmed by extensive analyses. Furthermore, we have the following three findings. First, the original segment recurrence mechanism stores more than 60% paddings in memory, making it ineffective to encode the historical contexts for ERC. Second, the traditional speaker role embedding strategy is not as effective as our speaker&listener self-attention, which could also be applied to other dialog tasks. Finally, an error analysis reveals that merely relying on the attention mechanism may mislead the model. | {'timestamp': '2020-12-17T02:06:59', 'yymm': '2012', 'arxiv_id': '2012.08695', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.08695'} |
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# Introduction
Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) extends Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) to graph-based data. A common problem solved by GNNs is node classification. Given a partially labelled graph structure and the data defined on each node, the goal of node classification is to accurately classify the unlabelled nodes. For example, Fig. [\[figure:citeseer\]](#figure:citeseer){reference-type="ref" reference="figure:citeseer"} shows the graph representation of a node classification dataset before and after the node classification, where the colors represent labels of the nodes. On the left, we have a partially labelled graph. On the right, the graph is fully labelled from node classification. The graph structure represents a citation network, where each node represents a paper, and each undirected edge between two nodes represents a citation between the two papers. While GNNs are commonly used for learning irregular data residing on non-Euclidean domain, it is challenging to evaluate how much the underlying graph structure helps with the model's performance. Node classification problems can be solved using either a GNN or a CNN[^1]. One benefit of using a GNN is that it uses the given graph structure to classify nodes, while a CNN does not. However, we do not know whether using the graph structure and a GNN will provide any advantages over using a CNN and no graph structure a priori. The graph structure could provide little to no information about the labels. This motivates our question: How can we evaluate the effectiveness of the graph structure for GNNs? To answer this question, we need to address two aspects. First, we need to define what makes a graph structure effective. We say a graph structure is relatively effective if it contains a relatively large amount of information about the label distribution. This information added by the graph structure is reflected in test accuracies. For instance, Fig. [\[figure:compare\]](#figure:compare){reference-type="ref" reference="figure:compare"} shows the test accuracies of a GNN model on a citation network dataset using three different graph structures. We say the underlying graph structure of CORA-ML is more effective than the random graph, because while the edges in CORA-ML represent citations, the edges in the random graph are randomly drawn and convey no useful information. Similarly, the test accuracy of the model trained with the underlying graph structure (orange solid line) is around 20 percent higher than the model trained with the identity matrix (grey dashed line), whereas the test accuracy of the model trained with the random graph (purple dotted line) has almost no improvement from the model trained with the identity matrix. The second question we need to address is, how do we quantitatively evaluate the effectiveness of graph structure? In this paper, we propose an information theoretic parameter called edge entropy to measure the quality of label information contained in the graph structure. We show edge entropy is a good indicator of the effectivenss of GNN over CNN using experiment results from both synthetic and real datasets.
# Related Work
Node classification has been used in many different settings, but very little has been done on evaluating the effectiveness of graph structure in the node classification datasets. Much of the existing work on evaluating GNN models focuses on developing benchmarks and upper bounding the modeling capacity for graph classification tasks. Dwivedi, Joshi, Laurent, Bengio and Bresson introduced a standardized benchmarking framework for running a variety of GNN experiments. Xu, Hu, Leskovec and Jegelka showed that a Graph CNN is only as powerful as the Weisfeiler-Lehman graph isomorphism test for graph classification tasks. Another related but different problem is graph comparison. Metrics such as the clustering coefficient, the betweenness centrality, and graph spectral distance were proposed to discern the topological properties of different graph structures. This problem is different than ours, because these metrics do not consider the nodes' labels. Our challenge is to evaluate the effectiveness of the given graph structure based on both the connectivity and the label distribution.
# Problem Statement
We are interested in evaluating the effectiveness of GNN over CNN by examining the effectiveness of the graph structure in node classification datasets. In this paper, we focus on a variant of GNN called Graph Convolution Neural Networks (Graph CNNs), where the convolution layer is explicitly defined using the adjacency matrix.
## Node Classification
A node classification dataset \(D\) contains the following:
- the graph structure, i.e., the adjacency matrix \(A\)
- the data defined on each node \(X\)
- the labels for all nodes \(y\)
The goal of node classification is to accurately classify unlabelled nodes based on \(A,X\), and part of \(y\).
## Filter-based Graph CNN
We focus on filter-based graph CNN models such as TAGCN and GCN. Filter-based graph CNN models represent convolution as a filtering operation with a polynomial of the graph shift \(S\), where \(S\) can be either the adjacency matrix \(A\) or the graph Laplacian \(L\). Formally, an adjacency matrix based graph convolution layer learns a graph filter: \[P(A)(X) = \sum_{k=0}^{d-1} A^{k} X W_{k} \label{eq:conv}\] where \(P(A)\) is a polynomial of \(A\), \(X\) is the input graph signal, \(d\) is the degree of the graph polynomial, and \(\{W_{k}\}_{k=0}^{d-1}\) are learnable weights.
## Effectiveness of Graph Structures
For a node classification problem, a graph structure is less effective if the graph structure contains little information about the label distribution. This lack of information can be seen in the test accuracies of the graph CNN model. For a less effective graph structure, the model trained with the given adjacency matrix will yield little improvement in test accuracy compared with the model trained with the identity matrix, i.e., trained with the features only. For example, suppose we have two node classification datasets \(D_{1}\) and \(D_{2}\). We train a graph CNN model on both datasets using the given adjacency matrix. We also train the model for both datasets using the identity matrix instead of the adjacency matrix. We define the improvement on \(D_i\) as the difference in test accuracy when using the given adjacency matrix versus using the identity matrix. If the improvement on \(D_1\) is greater than the improvement on \(D_2\), then the graph structure in \(D_1\) provides more information, i.e., is more effective, than the graph structure in \(D_2\). Likewise, if the improvement on \(D_2\) is greater, then the graph structure in \(D_2\) is more effective than the graph structure in \(D_1\).
# Proposed Method
To evaluate the effectiveness of the graph structure in a node classification task, we propose a parameter to evaluate the quality of label information contained in the graph structure. We will first motivate our definition with some simple examples, then we will define the parameter.
## Motivating Examples {#sec:examples}
A naive attempt at evaluating the effectiveness of a graph structure is related to node clustering. Consider the graph in Fig. [\[figure:graphs\]](#figure:graphs){reference-type="ref" reference="figure:graphs"}(a). There is a blue cluster and a red cluster. Here, blue nodes always connect with blue nodes and red nodes always connect with red nodes. In this case, the edges reveal a lot of label information. For instance, suppose we want to classify an unlabelled node. If we know it has a blue neighbor, then we can confidently classify this node as blue, because the blue cluster and the red cluster are disjoint. On the other hand, consider the graph in Fig. [\[figure:graphs\]](#figure:graphs){reference-type="ref" reference="figure:graphs"}(b). Here, the blue and red clusters are mixed. It is equally likely for a blue node to connect with either another blue node or a red node. In this case, the edges do not contain useful label information. For instance, knowing that an unlabelled node has a blue neighbor does not make that node more likely to be blue or red. A simple parameter inspired by this observation is intra-class ratio, which measures the percentage of edges that connect nodes of the same class. One might hypothesize that a graph with high intra-class ratio is easier to classify with the underlying graph structure, because the clusters are more separated. However, a counter-example for this hypothesis is shown in Fig. [\[figure:graphs\]](#figure:graphs){reference-type="ref" reference="figure:graphs"}(c). In this bipartite graph, blue nodes always connect with red nodes and red nodes always connect with blue nodes. In this case, the intra-class ratio is zero, but the graph is very helpful for node classification. For instance, if an unlabelled node has a blue neighbor, then we know it must be a red node. Another parameter to consider is the clustering coefficient, which measures how likely nodes would form cliques in the graph. One might assume that a higher clustering coefficient indicates that accounting for the graphs will be more helpful for node classification, because the clusters are more obvious. However, Fig. [\[figure:graphs\]](#figure:graphs){reference-type="ref" reference="figure:graphs"}(d) shows a counter-example for this observation. In this 4-clique graph, the clustering coefficient is 1, but the graph structure does not reveal label information. This is because we have a mixed cluster of both blue and red nodes. In this case, the clustering coefficient provides little help with evaluating the effectiveness of graph structure for node classification, because it ignores the labels of nodes. To account for both the connections between different classes and the labels of nodes, we propose a more comprehensive parameter called edge entropy.
## Edge Entropy
We propose edge entropy as a parameter to evaluate the impact of accounting for the graph structures in node classification. Edge entropy measures the quality of label information encoded in the graph. A high edge entropy (closer to 1) indicates that accounting for the graph structure is very helpful for node classification. A low edge entropy (closer to 0) indicates that accounting for the graph structure is not very useful for node classification. Formally, given a graph \(\mathcal{G}\) with \(M\) classes of nodes, we define the **per-class edge entropy** of any class \(l\) as a function \(H: \{1, \hdots, M\} \to [0,1]\) such that \[\label{edgeEntropy} H(l) :=-\sum_{m \in \{1, \hdots, M\}} p_{lm}(n)\log_{M}(p_{lm}(n))\] where the first order interclass connectivity probability \(p_{lm}\) is defined as \[\label{connProb} p_{lm} := \frac{|\{\text{edge } w: \text{start}(w) \in \mathcal{V}_{l} \land \text{end}(w) \in \mathcal{V}_{m} \}|}{|\{\text{edge } w: \text{start}(w) \in \mathcal{V}_{l}\}|}\] where an edge is a member of \(\mathcal{E}\) and not a self loop, \(\mathcal{V}_{l}\) is the set of nodes that belong to the \(l\)-th class. Specifically, \(p_{lm}(n)\) is the probability that a node \(v\) belongs to class \(l\) given that \(v\) is a direct neighbor of a node of class \(l\). For a dataset, we define its **edge entropy** as: \[\label{edgeEntropyFull} \widehat{H} := \sum_{m \in \{1, \hdots, M\}} H(m)w_{m}\] where \(w_{m}\) is the percentage of samples from class \(m\). That is, the ratio between the number of class \(m\) nodes and the number of total nodes. For instance, we can analyze the edge entropies of the graphs in our motivating examples. The two graphs in Fig. [\[figure:graphs\]](#figure:graphs){reference-type="ref" reference="figure:graphs"}(a) and Fig. [\[figure:graphs\]](#figure:graphs){reference-type="ref" reference="figure:graphs"}(c) have \(\widehat{H}=0\). The graph in Fig. [\[figure:graphs\]](#figure:graphs){reference-type="ref" reference="figure:graphs"}(b) and Fig. [\[figure:graphs\]](#figure:graphs){reference-type="ref" reference="figure:graphs"}(d) have \(\widehat{H}=1\), because the edges are random. This shows that edge entropy is a good indicator of the effectiveness of graph structures for simple graph structures.
# Experimental Evaluation
In this section, we show the correlation between edge entropy and accuracy gains of GNNs from accounting the underlying graph structures using both synthetic and real datasets. We also compare edge entropy with other parameters such as the clustering coefficient and the intra-class ratio. We will start by explaining the datasets and experimental setup, then we will discuss the results from graph CNN experiments.
## Synthetic Datasets
We generate synthetic datasets with specific edge entropies. To accomplish this, we use the following approach. Let \(N\) be the number of nodes. Let \(M\) be the number of classes. Let \(r_i\), \(i = 1,\hdots,M\) be the number of nodes with class \(i\) where \(\sum_{i=1}^{M}r_{i}=N\). Let \(\rho\) be a sparsity factor, \(0\leq \rho \leq 1\). In order to have a specific edge entropy, the generated connected graph has to have a specific number of edges between nodes of each class. We create a \(M \times M\) matrix \(T\) with the desired edge entropy where \(T_{i,j}\) is the number of edges that connect a class \(i\) node to a class \(j\) node. We normalize each row of \(T\) to produce a probability matrix \(P\). \(P\) is the matrix of \(p_{lm}\) defined for each pair of classes in [\[connProb\]](#connProb){reference-type="eqref" reference="connProb"}. Using the values in \(P\) as \(p_{lm}\) in [\[edgeEntropy\]](#edgeEntropy){reference-type="eqref" reference="edgeEntropy"} and [\[edgeEntropyFull\]](#edgeEntropyFull){reference-type="eqref" reference="edgeEntropyFull"} yields the desired edge entropy \(\widehat{H}\). For example, to get an edge entropy of approximately \(\widehat{H} = 0.24\) with \(M = 2\) classes with \(N = 100\) nodes: \(r_1 = 50\) class 1 nodes and \(r_2 = 50\) class 2 nodes, a possible \(T\) and \(P\) are \(T = \begin{bmatrix} 48 & 2 \\ 2 & 48 \end{bmatrix}\), \(P = \begin{bmatrix} 0.96 & 0.04 \\ 0.04 & 0.96 \end{bmatrix}\)[^2]. To create the graph, we start with \(N\) isolated nodes. Each node has a self loop and random features. A label is assigned to each node, based on the distribution of nodes by class, \(r_i\), \(i = 1,\hdots,M\). We then consider every pair of nodes \(v_i\), \(v_j\), \(i,j = 1,\hdots,N\). For each pair of nodes, we create a directed edge from \(v_i\) to \(v_j\) with probability \(\rho P_{l,m}\) where \(l\) is the class of \(v_i\) and \(m\) is the class of \(v_j\).
## Other Datasets
We used a variety of popular node classfication datasets:
- Citation network datasets including CORA-ML, CITESEER and PUBMED. Nodes are scientific papers and edges represent citations between papers. Data defined on each node is a bag of words vector. Labels represent the field of study.
- Social network datasets such as REDDIT. Nodes represent users' posts and an edge is drawn between two posts if the same user commented on both of the posts. There is no data defined on each node. Labels represent which subreddit a post belongs to.
- Large synthetic datasets such as SBM-PATTERN and SBM-CLUSTER. Each dataset consists of 10,000 randomly generated graphs using Stochastic Block Models. They were introduced as a benchmark dataset for evaluating GNNs in.
## Experimental Setup
For each dataset, we trained a GNN model using both the underlying graph structure and the identity matrix. We then compare the difference between the test accuracy when we train with the underlying graph structure and the test accuracy when we train with the identity matrix. We call this difference in accuracy the **improvement** on the dataset from accounting for the graph structure.
### Synthetic Datasets
We generate the graphs using the following parameters: \(N=3000, M=3, r_{1}=r_{2}=r_{3}=1/3\). For comparison purposes, we choose two sparsity factor \(\rho_{1}=0.1, \rho_{2}=0.5\). The synthetic graph generated with \(p_{1}\) is sparse, and a graph generated with \(p_{2}\) is dense. We also fix two connection probability matrices such that one wo;; have low edge entropy (\(\widehat{H}_{\text{low}}\approx 0.52\)), and the other one will have high edge entropy (\(\widehat{H}_{\text{high}}\approx 0.97\)). Specifically, \[P_{\text{low}} = \begin{bmatrix} 0.8 & 0.05 & 0.15\\ 0.05 & 0.9 & 0.05 \\ 0.27 & 0.03 & 0.7 \end{bmatrix}, \, P_{\text{high}} = \begin{bmatrix} 0.4 & 0.26 & 0.34\\ 0.2 & 0.5 & 0.3 \\ 0.33 & 0.31 & 0.37 \end{bmatrix}\] Dataset dense_low is generated with \(\rho_{2}, P_{\text{low}}\). Dataset sparse_low is generated with \(\rho_{1}, P_{\text{low}}\). Dataset dense_high is generated with \(\rho_{2}, P_{\text{high}}\). Dataset sparse_high is generated with \(\rho_{1}, P_{\text{high}}\). For each dataset, we run 100 Monte Carlos trials by training a randomly initialized 2-layer TAGCN with 2nd order filters for 200 epochs, and testing with cross validation. We vary our percentage of training data from 10% to 90% with a 10% increment each step.
### Other Datasets
For citation network datasets, we trained a 2-layer TAGCN with polynomial order 3 and 16 hidden units using cross validation. We used an Adam optimizer with a learning rate of 0.01 and a learning rate decay factor of 5e-4. For the Reddit dataset, we trained a 2-layer Graph Attention Network (GAT), because we need the sampling function to handle the large size of the dataset. We used 8 heads in the first layer and 1 head in the second layer, a dropout rate of 0.6 for both layers, 200 epochs, and an Adam optimizer with a learning rate of 5e-3 and a learning rate decay factor of 5e-4. For comparison purposes we also trained the same model on citation network datasets. For the SBM datasets, we trained a 1-layer GCN with 146 hidden units and 1000 learning epochs. We used an Adam optimizer with a learning rate of 1e-3 and a learning rate reduce factor of 0.5.
[\[table:synth\]]{#table:synth label="table:synth"}
[\[table:citations\]]{#table:citations label="table:citations"}
[\[table:gat\]]{#table:gat label="table:gat"}
[\[table:sbm\]]{#table:sbm label="table:sbm"}
## Discussions
The results with both synthetic and real datasets show edge entropy is a good indicator of the effectiveness of accounting the graph structure in node classification. For example, Fig. [\[figure:syn_acc\]](#figure:syn_acc){reference-type="ref" reference="figure:syn_acc"} shows that the synthetic dataset with low edge entropy always have higher improvement than the synthetic dataset with high edge entropy for both sparsity factors, \(\rho_1 = 0.1, \rho_2 = 0.5\). Datasets dense_low (Table [1](#table:synth){reference-type="ref" reference="table:synth"}), CORA-ML (Table [2](#table:citations){reference-type="ref" reference="table:citations"}), Reddit (Table [3](#table:gat){reference-type="ref" reference="table:gat"}) and SBM_PATTERN (Table [4](#table:sbm){reference-type="ref" reference="table:sbm"}) also have the lowest edge entropy and the highest improvement in their tables. This shows that a lower edge entropy corresponds to a higher improvement in test accuracy, and a higher edge entropy corresponds to a lower improvement in test accuracy. Other parameters such as the clustering coefficient and the intra-class ratio are not consistent with the impact of accounting for graph structures in certain cases. For instance, the clustering coefficient for dataset sparse_low in Table [1](#table:synth){reference-type="ref" reference="table:synth"} is 0.121. This is lower than the clustering coefficient for dense_high (0.31) and does not reflect the better improvement of sparse_low (51.3%) over dense_high (32%). Another example is the intra-class ratio for Reddit in Table [3](#table:gat){reference-type="ref" reference="table:gat"}. The intra-class ratio for Reddit is 0.756, which is higher than the intra-class ratio of CORA-ML (0.242). This is inconsistent with Reddit's higher improvement (45.1%) from accounting the graph structure than CORA-ML (23%). The underlying reason is that the clustering coefficient ignores node labels and the intra-class ratio neglects connections between different classes, as we discussed in the motivating examples. Another interesting observation is that while the clustering coefficient is inconsistent with the improvements on synthetic datasets, a high clustering coefficient indicates a higher improvement for the real datasets studied in this paper. A possible explanation is that these problems are similar to node clustering. This might help explain why a method as simple as label propagation can achieve state-of-the-art accuracy on some popular node classification datasets.
# Conclusion
Evaluating the effectiveness of GNN over CNN on node classification datasets is an important issue, because it shows advantages of using a graph structure. In this paper, we defined what makes the graph structure effective for node classification, and we proposed edge entropy as a parameter to quantitatively evaluate the effectiveness of graph structures. We showed edge entropy is a good indicator of the effectiveness of the graph with experiment results from both synthetic and real datasets. Alternative parameters such as the clustering coefficient and the intra-class ratio are inconsistent with the accuracy gains from accounting the graph structure in some cases. In future works, we will extend the definition of edge entropy to consider longer walks of lengths greater than 1, and we will improve our simulations with other graph models such as small-world graphs and preferential attachments. | {'timestamp': '2020-12-17T02:07:14', 'yymm': '2012', 'arxiv_id': '2012.08698', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.08698'} |
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# Introduction
Recommender systems can help users in fulfilling their intentions by suggesting the most relevant actions to follow. A wide variety of systems has been developed, while most of the approaches benefit from modeling of long-term user profiles whether of sequential or static nature. In many real-world applications, long-term user profiles are not available, and therefore, suggestions have to be made solely based on the observed actions during an ongoing session. Typically, session-based recommendation algorithms suggest a user the immediate next actions. The practical relevance of the problem leads to a number of proposals for algorithms mostly based on the analysis of item-level dependencies in interactional data. When making recommendations based only on the click-stream data from an ongoing session, it is reasonable to take into account characteristics usually coming with the items. Users are likely to browse alternatives when they visit a website with the intention of purchasing a specific type of product. The alternative relations among products can be recognized by similar text descriptions. It has been shown that incorporating rich features into the recommendation process helps to deal with the sparsity and the item cold start, though it is not trivial. Most of the existing session-based recommenders assume sessions to be associated with a single intention, however, it may change within an individual session multiple times. Detecting and adapting to these changes is one of the open challenges. Based on the idea of interactional context, a precondition can be devised that allows the delineation of coherent sub-sequences of semantically related actions (Fig. [\[fig:interactional-context\]](#fig:interactional-context){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:interactional-context"}). For this purpose, we employ a technique for semantic analysis of natural language to extract high-level concepts from the item descriptions. We used it to help reduce unnecessary information that may introduce uncertainty into the intention change detection task. Within an individual session, users often browse items that complement the ones viewed earlier in the session. Hence the changes of semantics are intuitively expected to reflect patterns. This paper is devoted to the hypothesis that boosting the score of semantically related items will improve the ranking of a recommendation list generated by a baseline method. The idea underlying our approach is to make a list of top-k recommendations and then re-rank the items in a way that items semantically related to the current intention will be moved to the top of the list while the order among them is maintained. The main contributions presented in this paper are as follows:
- we extend a simple k-NN based recommender with a semantic factor that helps deliver recommendations on the user's current intention, the proposed cSkNN method improves Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR) in all conducted experiments,
- we compare effects of several linguistic-based generalization configurations on the recommended items ranking,
- we evaluate two versions of semantic adaptation in the course of activity and compare their results to the potential given by the generalization configuration.
# Related works
Traditional collaborative-filtering methods cannot be used as a session-based recommender because no past user behavior is available. A vital solution is the approach based on item co-occurrences in available click-stream data. Recommending items that are often clicked together has been proven to be effective in real-world applications and such nearest-neighbor-based algorithms of almost trivial nature are often used as competitive baselines. Session-based kNN method (SkNN), compared to Item-based kNN, considers an entire session when calculating the similarity, not only the last action. Several SkNN extensions providing sequential awareness are competitive with considerably more complex approaches, even those neural-network-based. Sequential recommenders are based on Markov model to utilize sequential dependencies. For example, Markov model makes predictions of latent topics derived from song tags that are then used to post-filter the initial ranking produced by a traditional kNN algorithm. The simple Markov chains methods calculate transition probabilities depending only on the previous state. Higher orders may be used to model more complex dependencies, however, it dramatically increases the computational complexity. Recurrent neural networks (RNN) are better suited to model complex dependencies and are used in many areas. Gated recurrent units (GRU) can handle longer dependencies and achieve significant improvements over traditional methods. Deep RNNs have the ability to capture sequential dependencies among a variety of entities and to involve rich features such as text descriptions or images, so naturally, the most of the research has been devoted to them in the past few years. Rich item representations have been utilized in Neural Attentive Session-based Recommendation model (NARM) to focus attention on items similar to session purpose. There are also works that use such representations to divide a session. Mixture-channel purpose routing networks (MCPRNs) model multiple intents in an individual session or semantic changes in attentive bi-GRU with song tags. Attentive sequential model of latent intent (ASLI) method uses categories to model the intent.
# Proposed approach
The underlying idea of proposed cSkNN is to make a list of top-k recommendations and re-rank the items according to their semantics. In this section, we elaborate on our motivation and describe our method.
## Motivation
Contextual information is an additional and important modeling dimension that helps to enhance the prediction accuracy. Existing approaches mostly focus on a *representational view* of the context. It is a descriptor of an environment in the form of stable information that can be delineated in advance and then simply observed before activity or during its initialization, e.g., weather, time, or a device's sensory inputs. However, we lack the richness of such relevant contextual information in e-commerce domain so we take the position of an alternative *interactional view* that differs from the former fundamentally. Instead of context being considered as a bit of information, it is treated as a relational property that is actively produced and maintained in the course of activity. A session-based recommender is a kind of a protagonist of such a phenomenological position since a session can be seen as context in the sense of a property relating actions together. However, context is perpetually being altered so when context is represented with a session as a whole, it may contain misleading information that is not up-to-date after several actions. Since a system cannot monitor all factors inducing changes in context, a temporal factor is often used as an acceptably effective proxy for these hidden factors. Researchers proposed a variety of functions that decay weight of actions in time or attention mechanisms to assign significance to the most recent actions; and/or to actions related to them. The drawbacks of using temporal information as a solitary indication of a change are that there is no indication of a preference shift direction, and also that widely-used decaying functions lack the ability of adaptation to sudden changes within an individual session. Labeling each action with a high-level concept conveys a reliable coherence precondition that is needed for the drift detection. Generalization of actions that enforces high-level similarities and repress low-level differences (i.e., noise) will indicate the exact boundaries of sub-sequences as depicted in Figure [\[fig:interactional-context\]](#fig:interactional-context){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:interactional-context"}. Representations learned by the distributional analysis of the interactional data inherently give rise to generalizations. However, this approach is less useful if a sufficient amount of user-item interactions is not available and also introduces bias from user interactions (as such information is already available on the level of items). Therefore, we opt to exploit a concise nature of item titles in e-commerce catalogs, from which high-level concepts can be obtained via semantic analysis. Despite difficulties emerging from the akin nature of the text, dependency parsing enables a higher control over the process of semantic generalization compared to the analysis based on the distributional hypothesis or a popular bag-of-words approach. Intuitively, transitions among coherent sub-sequences follow patterns. For example, users tend to see complementary accessories (e.g., belt) along with items that exhibit the origin purchase intention (e.g., trousers), and also users might browse items that together constitute a whole outfit. A sequential pattern of concepts "trousers" → "belt" would have higher support and confidence than sequences of particular items that correspond to those concepts. Since all such patterns on the item-level are aggregated to a single generalized pattern on the concept-level. This helps to tackle the sparsity and possibly the cold start problem. As SkNN methods are already competitive with the more sophisticated approaches, we devote more effort to their development. We evaluate a version with a simple extension (S-SkNN) that makes the method aware of sequential dependencies. The S-SkNN method is used for predicting both items and semantics used to post-filter a set of recommended items.
## Semantic clusters as a coherence precondition
We make a division of items regarded as having particular shared characteristics expressed by natural language into mutually exclusive *semantic clusters*. These will satisfy the coherence precondition that allows splitting a session into several coherent sub-sequences among which is easy to detect interest drifts. Inferring intentions from items is more difficult than inferring them from categories because they ease interaction sparsity issues and also carry explicit information about item meaning for a user. In e-commerce, human-made categories have a role of such semantic clusters, however, they are mostly widely defined and contain hundreds or thousands of items (e.g., *summer dress*). The larger clusters the more items of a higher variability they contain, hence it implies a sort of hierarchical organization in which a variety of items are aggregated into a single cluster. This allows bound actions to their neighbors into semantic windows as depicted in Figure [\[fig:configurations\]](#fig:configurations){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:configurations"}. Since the length of windows is directly affected by the size of clusters, we need to strike a balance between their size and the level of abstraction that allows both to detect drifts of interest and effective semantic filtering of recommendations. The size of semantic clusters has to be relatively smaller than the usual category size, however, not too small, because it would reduce the effectiveness of sparsity reduction and make the semantics prediction harder. Besides the size also the constitution of clusters is important because by merely enlarging clusters we can cause items that do not satisfy the convenient coherence condition to merge into a single cluster. Generalization based on natural language processing can help to overcome this issue. Dependency parsing is the task of recognizing a syntactic structure in a sentence, hence it allows a controlled extraction of words that carry a semantically essential part of item characteristics. The main goal of the product title is to attract the attention of potentially interested users, and therefore, titles are written rather concisely and mostly contain words describing the main characteristics of the product along with several adjuncts. Although we can exploit such nature, it also often leads to syntactically or grammatically incorrect constructions that considerably complicate the semantic analysis. We identified several issues and inconveniences, such as multiword and multi-language expressions or inflections of words, however, in our experiments we put the only reasonable effort in resolving the most critical ones. We believe that more effort would improve the end results, so we will discuss some of the identified issues briefly in Section [\[sec:discussion\]](#sec:discussion){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:discussion"}.
The idea is to extract salient words rather linguistically than statistically as via TF-IDF method. Dependency parsing help to keep only highly distinctive descriptors and to reduce low-level noise, e.g., infrequent colors, causing the items to be merged in an undesirable way. The key part of parsing is the nominal phrase root extraction since it has a function to express a high-level concept which is in collocation with modifiers that add descriptive information to it. We focus on nominal dependents (*nmod*) because they function as a non-core argument that brings about a relatively dense packaging of referential information, e.g., *dress with zip on back*, which results in an extreme reliance on implicit meaning providing a utility for our task. Another important function is an adjectival modifier (*amod*) which modifies the meaning of a nominal, e.g., *striped dress*. Usually, it describes qualities of items such as material, color, or other distinctive appearance or functions. Table [1](#tab:confs){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:confs"} describes four different rules of the generalization process from the standpoint of dependency parsing which control what words are extracted and used to create high-level concepts for items. We call them configurations in this paper from now on. We need to create semantic clusters to use their *IDs* during recommendation using a k-NN method. After words are normalized, we use *word2vec* model trained on all item titles to create semantic relations among similar concepts which is useful in the process of generalization during the clustering process. Each item is then represented by an average of vectors of extracted words concatenated with an item category vector. This allows to distinguish among likewise named concepts, e.g., t-shirt in women and in men category, and the nature of the category tree also allowed to capture relations based on the parts of an outfit, e.g., upper or lower body. We used a density-based clustering method DBSCAN to group items together with their surroundings given by an \(\epsilon\) parameter. The radius given by \(\epsilon\) directly influences the number of clusters and their sizes, therefore, it is another factor that strongly influences the generalization process alongside the word extraction rules. We used different \(\epsilon\) values according to the distributions of nearest neighbors' distances for each configuration. As the result, we have 29 different mappings and for each of them, we have a function \(cmap:I \rightarrow C\), where \(I\) is a set of all items and \(C\) is a set of all semantic clusters for a particular semantic cluster configuration.
## Recommendation methodology
To make recommendations, we use S-SkNN approach with an extension providing sequential awareness: given the current session \(s\), its neighbors \(N_s\) and a pairwise similarity function, the recommendation score for an item \(i \in I\) is defined as: \[score_{S-SkNN}(i,s) = \sum_{n \in N_s} sim(s,n) \cdot w_n(s) \cdot 1_n(i)\] where the similarity function is a dot product of binary-encoded sessions, the indicator function \(1_n(i)\) returns \(1\) if session \(n\) contains item \(i\) and \(0\) otherwise. If an item \(s_x\) is the most recent item of the current session and it also appears in the neighbor session \(n\), then the weight is defined as \(w_n(s)=x/|s|\), where the index \(x\) indicates the position of \(s_x\) within the session. Hence, the weight increase depends on the position of an item that appears in both sessions, while the more recent position in the current session gains a higher weight. More information can be found in. To re-rank recommendations and favor semantically related items, we extend the scoring function by the semantic factor: \[score_{cSkNN}(i,s) =score_{S-SkNN}(i,s) + c_s(i)\] where \(c_s(i)\) returns \(1\) if an item \(i\) is relevant to semantics given by \(s\) and \(0\) otherwise. Since the S-SkNN score is normalized into a range of \(<0,1>\), the \(c_s(i)\) factor assures the semantically relevant items to appear at the beginning of the recommendation list. We evaluate two different implementations of the semantic factor functions which differ in the complexity of generating a semantic cluster candidate.
## Semantic candidates by the last action [\[sec:last-semantics\]]{#sec:last-semantics label="sec:last-semantics"}
Based on the assumption that semantics does not change along with several actions, we evaluate a version of a model that favors items semantically related to the last known action. As a downside, the semantic factor function suggests wrong semantics at each beginning of a coherent sub-sequence. On the other hand, it is able to adapt immediately and there is some assurance that it will be correct for several following actions while it depends on the quality of semantic clusters. In our interaction data, the average length of semantically coherent sub-sequences is roughly from \(1.5\) to \(3.8\), depending on the clusters' configuration. In this version, \(c_s(i)\) returns \(1\) if \(cmap(i)\) equals to \(cmap(s_{|s|})\), where \(s_{|s|}\) is the last known action in the session \(s\).
## Prediction of semantic candidates [\[sec:predicted-semantics\]]{#sec:predicted-semantics label="sec:predicted-semantics"}
Semantics is derived not only from the last known action but rather from the entire session. During the training phase, another S-SkNN instance is trained on the train sessions mapped on semantic clusters from a particular \(C\) configuration using the \(cmap(i)\) function. The instance can be then used for the prediction of the next immediate semantic cluster. To make an effect with semantic filtering, we have to rely on the top-1 prediction according to semantic-level dependencies, which is used to improve the score of semantically related items in the items' recommendation list. Therefore, \(c_s(i)\) returns \(1\) if \(cmap(i)\) equals to a semantic cluster given by top-1 prediction using \(score_{S-SkNN}(c, s')\), where \(c \in C\) and \(s'\) is the current session mapped onto the configuration \(C\).
# Experiments
## Dataset
We conducted our experiments on a fashion e-commerce dataset that contains approx. 572k actions in 100k sessions in a period of 14 days. The number of users is unknown since sessions are anonymous, therefore, only short-term dependencies within an individual session can be analyzed. The dataset is very sparse, the density calculated by session-item interactions is 0.011%. The dataset contains approx. 155k products organized into 366 categories of shallow hierarchical structure with the top-level categories dividing items by the gender and age diversity dimensions, i.e., women, men, girls, and boys. The lower 3 levels divide items by the parts of the outfit, e.g., shirts, shoes, or accessories. Although our semantic analysis is based on all of the items, only 39k of them are used in the interaction data. As the texts are in the Czech language, we used UDPipe tool with Czech model for dependency parsing.
## Evaluation protocol
We use an evaluation scheme in which the task is to predict the immediate next item given the first \(n\) actions of a session. For each session, we iteratively increment \(n\) and make predictions. This simulates user activity. Each time a prediction is made, we measure two popular top-k metrics in recommender systems, namely: hit rate (HR\@k) and Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR\@k) for a set of *k* values. HR measures the proportion of cases having the true item amongst the top-k items, which is a suitable metric for certain scenarios where absolute order of recommendations does not matter. MRR is important in cases where the order of recommendations matters, which is our case since the main purpose of our task is to re-rank items and to prefer items by the semantics of the current user intent. Both the reciprocal rank and hit rate are set to zero if the rank is above *k*. The dataset is divided into random train and test subsets on the level of sessions in a ratio of 80:20, each configuration is evaluated on the same train-test sample. For the comparison, the following types of recommenders are reported:
- **baseline**: a vanilla S-SkNN model without the semantic factor with a random sampling of 1000 neighboring sessions to speed up the prediction. Therefore, we cached the scores outputs given by \(score_{S-SkNN}(i,s)\) and used them in the evaluation of all semantic configurations and methodology versions.
- **last semantics**: a cSkNN model using the last seen semantics as described in Section [\[sec:last-semantics\]](#sec:last-semantics){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:last-semantics"}.
- **predicted semantics**: a cSkNN model using the semantics predicted by the entire session as described in Section [\[sec:predicted-semantics\]](#sec:predicted-semantics){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:predicted-semantics"}. Different S-SkNN instance is trained for each semantic clusters configuration separately. Only 25% of the most recent actions in the train set is used to train the semantics prediction since more of the data did not lead to significant improvement because generalization produces a large number of identical sequences.
- **potential**: to show the maximum theoretical improvement, we employ a version of the \(c_s(i)\) function whereby it uses the true next immediate semantic cluster via a leak from the future.
For all schemes with the semantic factor, we re-rank top-50 recommendations generated by the baseline model.
## Results
The evaluation showed that semantic post-filtering increases the performance even though the semantic prediction accuracy is relatively low. One of the most important takeaways is that the generalization via NLP has a higher potential for improving recommendations compared to the popular bag-of-words approach which is manifested by configuration \#4. Table [3](#tab:conf-all-k){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:conf-all-k"} shows that MRR is improved in higher rates compared to HR, i.e., the method does not find more of the relevant items but ranks them better. Figure [\[fig:conf-effects\]](#fig:conf-effects){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:conf-effects"} shows noticeable differences between configurations which convey high-level concepts given by only *nmods* (\#1, \#2) and the other configurations that use also *amods* (\#3, \#4). Configurations \#1 and \#2 provide consistently higher MRR\@1 uplift than \#3 and \#4. We believe it is because the former omit low-level features (qualities such as colors etc.) that can be derived from the item-level dependencies but cause undesirable merging on the level of semantics. Just as is the case of \#3, if conceptually unrelated items are merged because of their identical appearance quality aspects, clusters must be large enough to create coherent sub-sequences in the browsing behavior. Although large clusters are easier to predict since their quantity declines with the growing size, the trade-off is unfavorable in this setup because the larger clusters the lower potential for the performance uplift. Configurations \#3 and \#4 display MRR growth (Fig. [\[fig:conf-effects\]](#fig:conf-effects){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:conf-effects"}a,b) stopping at the point where clusters become too large and their potential consequently starts to decrease significantly (Fig. [\[fig:conf-effects\]](#fig:conf-effects){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:conf-effects"}c). The last semantics scheme improves performance in all cases. It benefits from the length of intrasession coherence, however, results show a strong negative correlation between the coherence and the performance uplift for \#1 and \#2; and weak positive correlation for \#3 and \#4. This means that conceptual coherence is inherently given by user behavior and increasing it artificially by employing larger semantic clusters is not inevitably beneficial as can be also seen in Table [2](#tab:conf-results-overall){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:conf-results-overall"}. On the other hand, we noticed many cases of concepts alternating in sequences, e.g, \([a,a,b,a,b,a]\), what incapacitates advantages of the last semantics scheme, therefore, improving coherence by also incorporating information about interactions among the concepts prior to the clustering process could help. In this scheme, the \(c_s(i)\) function accuracy calculated as HR\@1 is only \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}35% for the best clustering configurations. Despite flaws that arise from dynamics, this scheme ensures providing the correct semantic cluster within the coherent window regardless of the cluster's size or popularity which is not the case in the predicted semantics scheme. Also, the predicted semantics scheme improves performance though in smaller rates. The top-1 cluster prediction accuracy is roughly the same as in the last semantics scheme with small fluctuations around \(\pm\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1-2%. Nevertheless metrics uplift is in most cases lower, because large clusters that provide lower utility are often predicted since the SkNN models tend to suffer from the popularity bias. Moreover, it might have trouble predicting the same cluster several times in case of a longer coherent semantic window. Therefore, this scheme is less suitable for the next-item prediction but it could be useful in different use case scenarios as discussed in Section [\[sec:discussion\]](#sec:discussion){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:discussion"}. In our settings, the semantic post-filtering has the potential to double the performance (Fig. [\[fig:conf-effects\]](#fig:conf-effects){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:conf-effects"}c). However, the best performing mappings utilized only up to \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}20% of the potential as shown in Table [2](#tab:conf-results-overall){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:conf-results-overall"}. Hence, there is still the opportunity for improvement of the semantic factor function \(c_s(i)\).
# Discussion and conclusions [\[sec:discussion\]]{#sec:discussion label="sec:discussion"}
In this paper, we presented a proof-of-concept method that allows better adaptation of the next-item recommendations to the user interest via the semantics derived from product titles. The main contribution is the finding that the item generalization based on semantic analysis appears to provide a high potential for improving the recommendations. We extended a popular session-based k-NN recommendation model to prototype our idea, though it is not limited to any kind of model. We employed the dependency parsing technique to identify head-dependent relations in a noun phrase describing an item and to extract only the most salient words that convey high-level concepts. The results of our experiments conducted on a fashion e-commerce dataset showed that omitting adjunct words describing low-level quality aspects of items, such as colors, leads to better items ranking in recommendation list when using text features to improve model performance. The experiments showed that NLP based semantic analysis has significant potential in improving recommendations, from which the large part is not utilized yet. In the future, we plan to design the interest change detection as a binary task that can use behavioral data or other events, such as category view or add to cart, to switch between the last and the predicted semantics schemes. Furthermore, we plan implementation for the neural-network-based method, for which a latent representation can also be envisioned that would allow us to handle headwords and modifiers in a more flexible way. We believe that the quality of semantic clusters and their positive effects on the performance can be improved even further. We identified several complications emerging from the nature of the text that had a bad influence on dependency parsing. The crucial part is to identify the root headword correctly, which is problematic when the root is a multiword expression, such as *skinny jeans*. Also, the correct root headword may be misleading in some cases, e.g., *pair of socks* would be inconveniently matched with *pair of gloves* because of the common root *pair*. Sometimes redundant words are used, e.g., *woman dress* in a woman category is no different from products that do not contain the word *woman*. The semantic analysis must be able to deal with copywriters' different styles, e.g., *red dress* and *dress in red color* have a different constitution but essentially the same meaning. We did not put effort into resolving these so a more comprehensive semantic analysis might provide a higher improvement. Although we evaluated the proposed method on the next-item prediction task, it can be also used in different scenarios, e.g., as a shopping cart page recommendation strategy. After a user adds an item to the cart, top-n next-concept prediction can be used to split recommended items into *n* recommendation lists for each concept separately, while we can rely upon that the sequential dependencies from the preceding browsing behavior would be also considered. | {'timestamp': '2020-12-17T02:12:22', 'yymm': '2012', 'arxiv_id': '2012.08793', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.08793'} |
# Fabrication and Device Properties
## Material Properties
Our resonators are fabricated out of a 100-\(\rm nm\) silicon nitride film that is deposited on top a 550-\(\mu \rm m\)-thick silicon handle wafer via low-pressure chemical vapor deposition (LPCVD). The material properties of silicon nitride depend upon the specifics of the LPCVD process. The reported Young's modulus and density values are in the range \(250~{\rm GPa} \le E \le 350 ~ {\rm GPa}\) and \(2600~ {\rm kg / m^3} \le \rho_s \le 3400 ~ {\rm kg / m^3}\), respectively. Furthermore, there is an unknown stress in the silicon nitride film, which results in a tension force \(S\) in the suspended beams. In Section [1.3.2](#section:Determining Material Properties from Natural Frequencies){reference-type="ref" reference="section:Determining Material Properties from Natural Frequencies"}, we show that beam theory and the measured eigenfrequencies of the beams allow us to estimate a single set of optimal material properties that can be used to describe all of the devices used in our experiments. We have found that this approach is more insightful than trying to estimate the specific material properties of each beam individually. The values we have found from this analysis are \(E=300~ \rm GPa\), \(\rho_s=2750~ \rm kg/m^3\), \(\sigma = 86.5~ \rm MPa\), and \(S= 7.64~ \rm \mu N\), as listed in Tables [1](#tab_devices){reference-type="ref" reference="tab_devices"} and [3](#fit_parameters){reference-type="ref" reference="fit_parameters"}.
## Fabrication Process
A flowchart of the fabrication process is given in Fig. [\[fig:Supp_fabrication\]](#fig:Supp_fabrication){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Supp_fabrication"}. Transducers and contact pads are patterned using electron beam lithography (EBL). A 100-nm-thick gold film with a 5-nm chromium adhesion layer underneath is deposited by thermal evaporation. After lift-off, a second step of EBL is performed to define the beam structures. A 60-nm-thick copper film is deposited via electron beam evaporation, which serves as a dry etch mask. Inductively coupled plasma etching is used to etch the silicon nitride layer anisotropically; then, the beam is suspended by an isotropic etch step that removes the silicon beneath. After the removal of the copper etch mask, the devices are placed in a chip carrier with 50-\(\Omega\) strip lines and wirebonds are made between the contact pads and the striplines. Figure [\[fig:Supp_SEM\]](#fig:Supp_SEM){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Supp_SEM"} shows SEM images of a completed chip and one of the resonators, a 15-\(\rm \mu m\)-long beam.
## Device Properties
In this section, we provide more details on the device dimensions and mechanical properties and parameters. The dimensions of the beams reported in Table [1](#tab_devices){reference-type="ref" reference="tab_devices"} are determined by imaging them in SEM at high magnification. The in-plane dimensions are found to be close to the design dimensions with small deviations due to fabrication imperfections. The thickness of the silicon nitride beams has more uncertainty and is measured to be \(\rm 92.8 \pm 0.8~nm\). In the theoretical calculations, we have used the value \(\rm 92.8~nm\). In order to find the mechanical parameters, we measure the first few resonant frequencies by driving the resonators in air; we also measure the thermal vibrations of the fundamental mode of each resonator in air and find the modal masses and spring constants by the equipartition theorem. We observe a close agreement between the mean-squared fluctuation amplitudes in air and water, as expected from the equipartition theorem. This is a good sanity check and proves that the spring constant does not change in water. All the relevant device and material parameters in this work can be found in Tables [1](#tab_devices){reference-type="ref" reference="tab_devices"}, [\[tab_device_frequencies\]](#tab_device_frequencies){reference-type="ref" reference="tab_device_frequencies"} and [3](#fit_parameters){reference-type="ref" reference="fit_parameters"}.
# Appendix: Additional Data
In this appendix, we present additional data plots using different axes and non-dimensionalizations. All of the relevant information is included in the figure captions. | {'timestamp': '2020-12-17T02:10:26', 'yymm': '2012', 'arxiv_id': '2012.08760', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.08760'} |
# Introduction
Structural Ramsey theory originated at the beginning of the 1970's in a series of papers (see ). Given structures \(\pmb{A}\) and \(\pmb{B}\), let \(\big(\mathop{}_{\pmb{A}}^{\pmb{B}}\big)\) denote the set of all copies of \(\pmb{A}\) in \(\pmb{B}\). We write \(\pmb{C}\longrightarrow (\pmb{B})^{\pmb{A}}_{l,m}\) to denote the following property: For every finite coloring \(c: \big(\mathop{}_{\pmb{A}}^{\pmb{C}}\big) \longrightarrow l\), there is \(\pmb{B}^\prime\in \big(\mathop{}_{\pmb{B}}^{\pmb{C}}\big)\) such that \(c\) takes no more than \(m\) colors on \(\big(\mathop{}_{\pmb{A}}^{\pmb{B^\prime}}\big)\). Let \(\mathcal{K}\) be a class of structures. The (small) Ramsey degree of \(\pmb{A}\) in \(\mathcal{K}\) is the smallest positive integer \(m\), if it exists, such that for every \(\pmb{B}\in \mathcal{K}\) and every positive integer \(l\geq 2\) there exists \(\pmb{C}\in \mathcal{K}\) such that \(\pmb{C}\longrightarrow (\pmb{B})^{\pmb{A}}_{l,m}\). The class \(\mathcal{K}\) is said to be a *Ramsey class* if the Ramsey degree of every \(A\in \mathcal{K}\) is 1. Ramsey classes are the main topic of interest of structural Ramsey theory. Many Ramsey classes are known. Examples relevant for our presentation include the classes of finite ordered graphs, finite ordered \(k\)-clique free graphs with \(k\geq 3\), finite ordered oriented graphs, finite ordered tournaments, and finite partial orders with a linear extension. Given an infinite structure \(\pmb{S}\) and a finite substructure \(\pmb{A}\), the *big Ramsey degree* of \(\pmb{A}\) in \(\pmb{S}\) is the smallest positive integer \(m\), if it exists, such that \(\pmb{S}\longrightarrow (\pmb{S})^{\pmb{A}}_{l,m}\) for every \(l\geq 2\). Research on big Ramsey degrees has gained recent momentum due to the seminal paper of Kechris, Pestov, and Todorčević in, and the results by Zucker in connecting big Ramsey degrees for countable structures with topological dynamics, answering a question in. The history of big Ramsey degrees for countably infinite structures has its beginnings in an example of Sierpiński, who constructed a 2-coloring of pairs of rationals such that every subset forming a dense linear order retains both colors. Later, Galvin proved that for every finite coloring of pairs of rationals, there is a subset forming a dense linear order on which the coloring takes no more than two colors, thus proving that the big Ramsey degree for pairs of rationals is exactly two. This line of work has developed over the decades, notably with Laver proving upper bounds for all finite sets of rationals, and culminating in Devlin's calculations of the exact big Ramsey degrees for finite sets of rationals in. The area of big Ramsey degrees on countably infinite structures has seen considerable growth in the past two decades, beginning notably with Sauer's proof in that every finite graph has finite big Ramsey degree in the Rado graph, which is the Fraı̈ssé limit of the class of all the finite graphs, and the immediately following result of Laflamme, Sauer and Vuksanovic in characterizing the exact big Ramsey degrees of the Rado graph. Other recent work on big Ramsey degrees of countable structures include ultrametric spaces (Nguyen Van Thé, ), the dense local order (Laflamme, Nguyen Van Thé and Sauer, ), the ultrahomogeneous \(k\)-clique free graphs (Dobrinen, ), and, very recently, the following:, ,, , , ,. For more background in this area, we refer the reader to the excellent Habilitation of Nguyen Van Thé and a more recent expository paper of the first author. Results on big Ramsey degrees for uncountable structures are even more sparse than for countable structures. Ramsey theorems for perfect sets mark a beginning of this line of inquiry, and most of these theorems have at their core either the Milliken theorem (), or the Halpern-Läuchli theorem ([@JH66]) on which Milliken's theorem is based. For example, Blass proved in the following partition theorem for perfect sets of \(\mathbb{R}\), which was conjectured by Galvin (see ), who proved it for \(n\leq 3\).
In the proof of this theorem, Blass defined patterns for finite subsets of a perfect tree \(T\) such that for every finite continuous coloring of finite subsets of the nodes in \(T\), one can make all subsets with a fixed pattern monochromatic by going to a perfect subtree. Todorčević (see, Corollary 6.47) provided a simpler proof of Blass' theorem using the Milliken space, as the perfect trees in Blass' argument can be replaced by strong subtrees. Given a set \(X\), a subset \(Y\) is called an \(n\)-subset of \(X\) if \(Y\) is a subset of \(X\) of size \(n\). Let \([X]^n=\{Y\subseteq X: |Y|=n\}\) be the set of all \(n\)-subsets of \(X\). For a graph \(G\), let \(V(G)\) denote its vertex set and \(E(G)\subseteq [V(G)]^2\) denote its edge relation, that is, \(E(G)\) is an irreflexive and symmetric binary relation. An inverse limit of finite ordered graphs is called *universal* if every inverse limit of finite ordered graphs order-embeds continuously into it. Geschke (see ) proved the existence of a universal inverse limit graph. Moreover, Huber-Geschke-Kojman (see ) gave the definition of a universal inverse limit graph with no mention of an inverse system.
Based on the way Blass proved Theorem [\[thm.Blass\]](#thm.Blass){reference-type="ref" reference="thm.Blass"} by partitioning finite subsets into patterns in, Huber, Geschke and Kojman proved in the following partition theorem for universal inverse limits of finite ordered graphs by partitioning the isomorphism class of finite ordered graph \(H\) into \(T(H)\) many strong isomorphism classes, called types. This theorem tells us that the universal inverse limit graphs have finite big Ramsey degrees under finite Baire-measurable colorings.
The following notation will be used throughout. The set of natural numbers, \(\{0,1,2,3,\dots\}\), will be denoted by \(\omega\). Let \(\omega^{<\omega}\) be the set of all finite sequences of natural numbers. Let \(\subseteq\) denote the initial segment relation. For an element \(s\in \omega^{<\omega}\), let \(|s|\) denote the length of \(s\). We call a downward closed subset \(T\) of \(\omega^{<\omega}\) a tree, ordered by \(\subseteq\). Every element \(t\) of a tree \(T\) is called a node. Given a tree \(T\), let \([T]\) be the set of all infinite branches of \(T\), i.e., \([T]=\{x\in \omega^{\omega}: (\forall \ n< \omega) \ x\upharpoonright n\in T\}\), where \(x\upharpoonright n\) is its initial segment of length \(n\). \(T^\prime\) is called a subtree of \(T\) if \(T^\prime\subseteq T\) and \(T^\prime\) is a tree. For a tree \(T\) and \(t\in T\), \(s\) is called an immediate successor of \(t\) if \(s\) is a minimal element of \(T\) above \(t\). The set of immediate successors of \(t\) in \(T\) is denoted by \(\mbox{succ}_T(t)\). Let \(T_t\) be the set of all nodes in \(T\) comparable to \(t\), i.e., \(T_t =\{s\in T: t\subseteq s \vee s\subseteq t\}\). For \(n\in \omega\), we let \(T(n)=\{t\in T: |t|=n\}\). In order to state the results of Huber-Geschke-Kojman and of Zheng, we need to introduce the following notation and structures. Let \(\mathrm{R}\) denote the Rado graph, i.e., the unique (up to isomorphism) countable universal homogeneous graph. We assume that the set of vertices of \(\mathrm{R}\) is just the set \(\omega\) of natural numbers. For \(n\in \omega\), let \(\mathrm{R}_n\) be the induced subgraph of \(\mathrm{R}\) on \(\{0,\dots,n\}\).
Note that \([T_{\max}]\) is a subset of \(\omega^{\omega}\). Given \(x, y\in [T_{\max}]\) with \(x\neq y\), let \(x\cap y\in \omega^{<\omega}\) be the common initial segment of \(x\) and \(y\), i.e. \(x\cap y= x\upharpoonright \min\{n: x(n)\neq y(n)\}\). The tree \(T_{\max}\) and the ordered graphs \(G_t \ (t\in T_{\max})\) induce an ordered graph \(G_{\max}\) on the vertex set \([T_{\max}]\), ordered lexicographically, with the edge relation defined as follows. For \(x, y\in [T_{\max}], (x, y)\in E(G_{\max})\) if and only if \((x\upharpoonright (|x\cap y|+1), y\upharpoonright (|x\cap y|+1))\in E(G_{x\cap y})\). Suppose that \(T\) is a subtree of \(T_{\max}\) and \(t\in T\). Let \(G^T_t\) denote the induced subgraph of \(G_t\) on the vertex set \(\mbox{succ}_{T}(t)\). We define \(G(T)\) to be the induced subgraph of \(G_{\max}\) on \([T]\). A subtree \(T\) of \(T_{\max}\) is called a *\(G_{\max}\)-tree* if for every finite ordered graph \(H\) and every \(t\in T\), there is \(s\in T\) with \(t\subseteq s\) such that \(H\) embeds into \(G^T_s\). In particular, \(T_{\max}\) is a \(G_{\max}\)-tree. Let \((\mathcal{R}, \leq, r)\) be a triple satisfying the following: \(\mathcal{R}\) is a nonempty set, \(\leq\) is a quasi-ordering on \(\mathcal{R}\), and \(r: \mathcal{R}\times \omega\longrightarrow \mathcal{AR}\) is a mapping giving us the sequence (\(r_n(\cdot)=r(\cdot,n)\)) of approximation mappings, where \[\mathcal{AR}=\{r_n(A):A\in\mathcal{R}\mathrm{\ and\ } n\in\omega\}.\] For \(a\in \mathcal{AR}\) and \(A\in \mathcal{R}\), \[[a, A]=\{B\in \mathcal{R}: (B\leq A)\wedge (\exists n)(r_n(A)=a)\}.\] The topology on \(\mathcal{R}\) is given by the basic open sets \([a, A]\). This topology is called the *Ellentuck topology* on \(\mathcal{R}\). Given the Ellentuck topology on \(\mathcal{R}\), the notions of nowhere dense, and hence of meager are defined in the natural way. Thus, we may say that a subset \(\mathcal{X}\) of \(\mathcal{R}\) has the *property of Baire* iff \(\mathcal{X}=\mathcal{O}\triangle \mathcal{M}\) for some Ellentuck open set \(\mathcal{O}\subseteq \mathcal{R}\) and Ellentuck meager set \(\mathcal{M }\subseteq \mathcal{R}\).
In, Zheng constructed a collection of topological Ramsey spaces of trees. For each type \(\tau\) of finite ordered graphs, the space \((\mathcal{G}_\infty(\tau), \leq, r)\) consists of \(G_{\max}\)-trees of a particular shape. The new spaces \(\mathcal{G}_\infty(\tau)\) not only depend on the fact that the class of finite ordered graphs is the Ramsey class, but also, similarly to the Milliken space, are based on the Halpern-Läuchli theorem. Moreover, she presented an application of the topological Ramsey spaces \(\mathcal{G}_\infty(\tau)\) to inverse limit graph theory. Similarly to how Todorčević proved Blass' Theorem [\[thm.Blass\]](#thm.Blass){reference-type="ref" reference="thm.Blass"}, Zheng used the new spaces \(\mathcal{G}_\infty(\tau)\) to prove the following Theorem [\[thm.Zheng3.1\]](#thm.Zheng3.1){reference-type="ref" reference="thm.Zheng3.1"} (Theorem 3.1 in ), which is a key step to show the above Theorem [\[thm.HGK\]](#thm.HGK){reference-type="ref" reference="thm.HGK"} in.
In this paper, we extend Zheng's methods to build a collection of topological Ramsey spaces of trees in the setting of Fraı̈ssé classes of finite ordered structures with finitely many binary relations satisfying the Ramsey property. Based on these topological Ramsey spaces and the work of Huber-Geschke-Kojman on inverse limits of finite ordered graphs, we prove the following theorem. Here, \(\pmb{F_{\max}}\) is a universal limit structure encoded in a particular way on the set of infinite branches of a certain finitely branching tree \(T_{\max}\) (see Definitions [\[defn.T_max\]](#defn.T_max){reference-type="ref" reference="defn.T_max"} and [\[defn.F_max\]](#defn.F_max){reference-type="ref" reference="defn.F_max"}).
This means that for each such Fraı̈ssé class, its universal inverse limit structures have finite big Ramsey degrees under finite Baire-measurable colorings. For the following classes, we characterize the big Ramsey degrees in terms of types.
# Ordered binary relational Fraı̈ssé classes and \(\pmb{F_{\max}}\)-trees
Let us first review some basic facts of the Fraı̈ssé theory for finite ordered binary relational structures which are necessary to this paper. More general background on Fraı̈ssé theory can be found in. We shall call \(L=\{<, R_0,\dots,R_{k-1}\}\) an *ordered binary relational signature* if it consists of the order relation symbol \(<\) and finitely many binary relation symbols \(R_{\ell}\), \(\ell<k\) for some \(k<\omega\). A structure for \(L\) is of the form \(\pmb{A}=\langle A, <^{\pmb{A}}, R_0^{\pmb{A}},\dots,R_{k-1}^{\pmb{A}}\rangle\), where \(A\neq \emptyset\) is the universe of \(\pmb{A},\ <^{\pmb{A}}\) is a linear ordering of \(A\), and each \(R_{\ell}^{\pmb{A}}\subseteq A\times A\). An embedding between structures \(\pmb{A}, \pmb{B}\) for \(L\) is an injection \(\pi: A\longrightarrow B\) such that for any two \(a, a^\prime\in A,\ a<^{\pmb{A}} a^\prime\Longleftrightarrow \pi(a)<^{\pmb{B}} \pi(a^\prime)\) and for each \(\ell<k\), \((a_1, a_2)\in R_\ell^{\pmb{A}}\Longleftrightarrow (\pi(a_1),\pi(a_2))\in R_\ell^{\pmb{B}}\). If \(\pi\) is the identity, we say that \(\pmb{A}\) is a substructure of \(\pmb{B}\). An isomorphism is an onto embedding. We write \(\pmb{A}\leq \pmb{B}\) if \(\pmb{A}\) can be embedded in \(\pmb{B}\) and \(\pmb{A}\cong \pmb{B}\) if \(\pmb{A}\) is isomorphic to \(\pmb{B}\). A class \(\mathcal{K}\) of finite structures is called *hereditary* if \(\pmb{A}\leq \pmb{B}\in \mathcal{K}\) implies \(\pmb{A}\in \mathcal{K}\). It satisfies the *joint embedding property* if for any \(\pmb{A},\ \pmb{B}\in \mathcal{K}\), there is \(\pmb{C}\in \mathcal{K}\) with \(\pmb{A}\leq \pmb{C}\) and \(\pmb{B}\leq \pmb{C}\). We say that \(\mathcal{K}\) satisfies the *amalgamation property* if for any embeddings \(f: \pmb{A}\longrightarrow \pmb{B},\ g: \pmb{A}\longrightarrow \pmb{C}\) with \(\pmb{A},\ \pmb{B},\ \pmb{C}\in \mathcal{K}\), there is \(\pmb{D}\in \mathcal{K}\) and embeddings \(r: \pmb{B}\longrightarrow \pmb{D}\) and \(s: \pmb{C}\longrightarrow \pmb{D}\), such that \(r\circ f= s\circ g\). A class of finite structures \(\mathcal{K}\) is called a *Fraı̈ssé class* if it is hereditary, satisfies joint embedding and amalgamation, contains only countably many structures, up to isomorphism, and contains structures of arbitrarily large (finite) cardinality. A Fraı̈ssé class satisfies the *free amalgamation property* (or *has free amalgamation*) if \(\pmb{D}\), \(r\), and \(s\) in the amalgamation property can be chosen so that \(r[B]\cap s[C]=r\circ f[A]=s\circ g[A]\), and \(\pmb{D}\) has no additional relations on its universe other than those inherited from \(\pmb{B}\) and \(\pmb{C}\). Let \(\pmb{A}\) be a structure for \(L\). For each \(X\subseteq A\), there is a smallest substructure containing \(X\), called the substructure generated by \(X\). A substructure is called finitely generated if it is generated by a finite set. A structure is locally finite if all its finitely generated substructures are finite. The age of \(\pmb{A}\), Age\((\pmb{A})\) is the class of all finitely generated structures in \(L\) which can be embedded in \(\pmb{A}\). We call \(\pmb{A}\) *ultrahomogeneous* if every isomorphism between finitely generated substructures of \(\pmb{A}\) can be extended to an automorphism of \(\pmb{A}\). A locally finite, countably infinite, ultrahomogeneous structure is called a *Fraı̈ssé structure*. There is a canonical one-to-one correspondence between Fraı̈ssé classes of finite structures and Fraı̈ssé structures, discovered by Fraı̈ssé. If \(\pmb{A}\) is a Fraı̈ssé structure, then Age\((\pmb{A})\) is a Fraı̈ssé class of finite structures. Conversely, if \(\mathcal{K}\) is a Fraı̈ssé class of relational structures, then there is a unique Fraı̈ssé structure, called the Fraı̈ssé limit of \(\mathcal{K}\), denoted by Flim\((\mathcal{K})\), whose age is exactly \(\mathcal{K}\).
Given an ordered binary relational signature \(L=\{<,R_0,\dots, R_{k-1}\}\), let \(L^-\) denote \(\{R_0,\dots, R_{k-1}\}\). An \(L^-\)-structure \(\pmb{A}\) is called *irreducible* if for any two elements \(x,y \in A\), there is some relation \(R\in L^-\) such that either \(R^{\pmb{A}}(x,y)\) or \(R^{\pmb{A}}(y,x)\) holds. Given a set \(\mathcal{F}\) of finite \(L^-\)-structures, let Forb\((\mathcal{F})\) denote the class of finite \(L^-\)-structures \(\pmb{A}\) such that no member of \(\mathcal{F}\) embeds into \(\pmb{A}\). It is well-known that a class in signature \(L^-\) has free amalgamation if and only if it is of the form Forb\((\mathcal{F})\) for some set \(\mathcal{F}\) of finite irreducible \(L^-\)-structures. It follows from results of Nešetřil and Rödl in that all classes in signature \(L\) for which the \(L^-\)-reduct has free amalgamation has the Ramsey property. For \(k\geq 3\), a graph \(G\) is called *\(k\)-clique free* if for any \(k\) vertices in \(G\), there is at least one pair with no edge between them; in other words, no \(k\)-clique embeds into \(G\) as an induced subgraph. An oriented graph \(G=\langle V(G), E(G)\rangle\) is a relational structure, where \(V(G)\) denotes its vertex set and \(E(G)\subseteq V(G)\times V(G)\) denotes its directed edge relation, that is, \(E(G)\subseteq V(G)\times V(G)\) is an irreflexive binary relation such that for all \(x, y\in V(G)\), \((x, y)\in E(G)\) implies \((y, x)\notin E(G)\). A tournament \(G\) is an oriented graph such that for all \(x\neq y\), either \((x, y)\in E(G)\) or \((y, x)\in E(G)\). A partial order with a linear extension is a structure \(\pmb{P}=\langle P,<^{\pmb{P}},R^{\pmb{P}}\rangle\) where \(R^{\pmb{P}}\) is a partial ordering on \(P\), \(<^{\pmb{P}}\) is a linear ordering on \(P\), and whenever \(x\ne y\) and \(R^{\pmb{P}}(x,y)\) holds, then also \(x<^{\pmb{P}}y\) holds.
Let \(\mathcal{K}\) be a Fraı̈ssé class of finite ordered binary relational structures with the Ramsey property. We may assume the universe of Flim\((\mathcal{K})\) is \(\omega\), so that the universe is well-ordered. For \(n\in \omega\), let Flim\((\mathcal{K})_n\) be the initial segment of Flim\((\mathcal{K})\) on \(\{0,\dots,n\}\).
One can check that if \((T_j)_{j\in \omega}\) is a fusion sequence witnessed by \((m_j)_{j\in \omega}\), then the fusion \(\bigcap_{j\in \omega} T_j= \bigcup_{j\in \omega} (T_j\cap \omega^{\leq m_j})\) is an \(\pmb{F_{\max}}\)-tree.
# Types
Clearly, strong isomorphism is an equivalence relation. By a *type* we mean a strong isomorphism equivalence class. In particular, there are only finitely many types inside an isomorphism class. Suppose that \(\pmb{F}\) and \(\pmb{H}\) are structures. Let \(\big(\mathop{}_{\pmb{H}}^{\pmb{F}}\big)\) be the set of all induced substructures \(\pmb{H^{\prime}}\) of \(\pmb{F}\) isomorphic to \(\pmb{H}\). If \(\pmb{F}\) is a induced substructure of \(\pmb{F_{\max}}\) and \(\tau\) is a type, we let \(\big(\mathop{}_{\tau}^{\pmb{F}}\big)\) be the set of all induced substructures of \(\pmb{F}\) of type \(\tau\).
Then there are 3 types for \(\pmb{H}\) as in Figure 3.
Let \(\pmb{H}\in \mathcal{K}\) be as in Figure 4. Then there are 2 types for \(\pmb{H}\) as in Figure 5.
Let \(\pmb{H}\in \mathcal{K}\) be as in Figure 6. Then there is only 1 type for \(\pmb{H}\) as in Figure 7.
Then there are 3 types for \(\pmb{F}\) as in Figure 9.
If \(\pmb{F}\in \mathcal{K}\) is as in Figure 10, then there are 2 types for \(\pmb{F}\) as in Figure 11.
Let \(\pmb{F}\in \mathcal{K}\) be as in Figure 12.
Then there is only 1 type for \(\pmb{F}\) as in Figure 13.
denotes that \(R(v_i, v_j)\), where \(R\) is a partial order. Then there are 3 types for \(\pmb{H}\) as in Figure 15.
Let \(\pmb{H}\in \mathcal{K}\) be as in Figure 16. Then there are 2 types for \(\pmb{H}\) as in Figure 17.
Let \(\pmb{H}\in \mathcal{K}\) be as in Figure 18. Then there is only 1 type for \(\pmb{H}\) as in Figure 19.
When we say that \(\{s_i\}_{i<\omega}\) is the set of splitting nodes in \(S\), we tacitly assume that the length \(|s_i|\) is strictly increasing in \(i\). For \(S, U\in \mathcal{F}_\infty\), we write \(S\leq U\) if and only if \(S\subseteq U\). For \(l< \omega\) and \(S\in \mathcal{F}_\infty\) with the set of splitting nodes \(\{s_i\}_{i<\omega}\), we define the finite approximation \(r_l(S)\) as follows: let \[r_0(S)= \emptyset \ \mbox{and} \ r_{l+1}(S) = S\cap \omega^{\leq |s_l|+1}.\] We specify a few more definitions that are often used in topological Ramsey spaces. Let \(\mathcal{F}_{< \infty}\) denote the set of all finite approximations, i.e. \[\mathcal{F}_{< \infty}=\{r_l(S): S\in \mathcal{F}_{\infty}\wedge l\in \omega\}.\] For \(a, b\in \mathcal{F}_{< \infty}\), let \(a \leq_{\small\mbox{fin}} b\) if \(a\subseteq b\). Let \(|a|=n\) if there is \(S\in \mathcal{F}_{\infty}\) with \(r_n(S)=a\). For \(a, b\in \mathcal{F}_{< \infty}\), we write \(a\sqsubseteq b\) if there are \(l< p<\omega\) and \(S\in \mathcal{F}_{\infty}\) such that \(a=r_l(S)\) and \(b=r_p(S)\). For \(a\in \mathcal{F}_{< \infty}\) and \(S\in \mathcal{F}_{\infty}\), depth\(_S(a)=\min\{n: a\leq_{\small\mbox{fin}}r_n(S)\}\), where by convention, \(\min \emptyset=\infty\). We equip the space \(\mathcal{F}_{\infty}\) with the Ellentuck topology, with basic open sets of the form \[[a, S]=\{X\in \mathcal{F}_{\infty}: (X\leq S)\wedge (\exists l)(r_l(X)=a)\},\] for \(a\in \mathcal{F}_{< \infty}\) and \(S\in \mathcal{F}_{\infty}\). For \(l< \omega\), let \[\mathcal{F}_l=\{r_l(X): X\in \mathcal{F}_{\infty}\},\] \[[l, S]=[r_l(S), S], \mbox{and}\] \[r_l[a, S]=\{r_l(X): X\in [a, S]\}.\] The height of an element \(a\in \mathcal{F}_{< \infty}\) is height\((a)=\max_{s\in a} |s|\). In general, \(|a|\leq\mbox{height}(a)\). Now we show that \((\mathcal{F}_{\infty}, \leq, r)\) is a topological Ramsey space by proving that \(\mathcal{F}_{\infty}\) is closed as a subspace of \((\mathcal{F}_{< \infty})^\omega\), and satisfies the axioms **(A1)-(A4)** as defined in pages 93--94 of . It is straightforward to check **(A1)-(A3)**. Moreover, \(\mathcal{F}_{\infty}\) is a closed subset of \((\mathcal{F}_{< \infty})^\omega\) when we identify \(S\in \mathcal{F}_{\infty}\) with \((r_n(S))_{n< \omega}\in (\mathcal{F}_{< \infty})^\omega\) and equip \(\mathcal{F}_{< \infty}\) with the discrete topology and \((\mathcal{F}_{< \infty})^\omega\) with the product topology.
We observe that every \(S\in \mathcal{F}_{\infty}\) is an \(\pmb{F_{\max}}\)-tree and every \(\pmb{F_{\max}}\)-tree contains some \(S\in \mathcal{F}_{\infty}\) as a subtree. This is because for all \(n< \omega\), we can find infinitely many \(m\in \omega\) such that \(\pmb{F_n}\) embeds into \(\pmb{F_m}\) (in fact, this holds for all but finitely many \(m\in \omega\).) We define \((\pmb{A_n})_{n<\omega}\) to be a sequence of finite structures in \(\mathcal{K}\) such that for each \(n< \omega\), the finite structures \(\pmb{F_0},\dots, \pmb{F_n}\) embed into \(\pmb{A_n}\). Now we will prove **(A4)** in Lemma 4.4. For \(\mathcal{K}=\mathcal{OG}\), Zheng proved in that \((\mathcal{F}_{\infty}, \leq, r)\) is a topological Ramsey space. So the axiom **(A4)** holds for finite ordered graphs. It should be pointed out that the proof of Lemma [\[lem.4.4\]](#lem.4.4){reference-type="ref" reference="lem.4.4"} follows from Zheng's proof for finite ordered graphs. However, for the convenience of the reader, we also present the proof here.
Then it is straightforward to check that \(T\) is an \(\pmb{F_{\max}}\)-tree such that the set \(\{b\in \mathcal{F}_{|a|+1}: b\subseteq T\}\) is either included in or disjoint from \(\mathcal{O}\). By the observation before this lemma, we can further shrink \(T\) to \(U\in \mathcal{F}_{\infty}\) satisfying the conclusion of the lemma. ◻
# Finite big Ramsey degrees for ordered binary relational universal inverse limit structures
Let \(\mathcal{K}\) be a Fraı̈ssé class of finite ordered binary relational structures satisfying the Ramsey property, with signature \(L=\{<,R_0,\dots, R_{k-1}\}\) where each \(R_i\), \(i<k\), is a binary relation. In this section, we prove that for each such \(\mathcal{K}\), the universal inverse limit structure has finite big Ramsey degrees under finite Baire-measurable colorings. The proofs in this section are straightforward via the topological Ramsey spaces from Theorem [\[thm.FclasstRs\]](#thm.FclasstRs){reference-type="ref" reference="thm.FclasstRs"} (which is based on work of Zheng in ) and the work of Huber-Geschke-Kojman on inverse limits of finite ordered graphs in.
For every \(\pmb{F_{\max}}\)-tree \(T\), it can be seen from Definition [\[defn.2.6\]](#defn.2.6){reference-type="ref" reference="defn.2.6"} that \(\pmb{F(T)}\) is a universal inverse limit structure. So it follows from the universality that we can consider colourings of finite induced substructures of \(\pmb{F(T)}\).
We equip \(\omega^{\omega}\) with the first-difference metric topology, which has basic open sets of the form \([s]=\{x\in \omega^{\omega}: s\subseteq x\}\) for \(s\in \omega^{<\omega}\). For \(n\in \omega\), let \([\pmb{F_{\max}}]^n\) denote the set of all induced substructures of \(\pmb{F_{\max}}\) of size \(n\).
The next lemma is a straightforward extension of Lemma 3.8 in.
# Exact big Ramsey degrees for some ordered binary relational inverse limit structures
In this section, we find the exact big Ramsey degrees in the inverse limit structures \(\pmb{F_{\max}}\) of the following Fraı̈ssé classes in an ordered binary relational signature: Free amalgamation classes, the class of finite ordered tournaments \(\mathcal{OT}\), and the class of finite partial orders with a linear extension \(\mathcal{OPO}\). We shall do so by first showing in Lemmas [\[lem.6.1\]](#lem.6.1){reference-type="ref" reference="lem.6.1"}, [\[lem.6.4\]](#lem.6.4){reference-type="ref" reference="lem.6.4"}, and [\[lem.6.7\]](#lem.6.7){reference-type="ref" reference="lem.6.7"} that for any finite substructure \(\pmb{H}\) of \(\pmb{F_{\max}}\), there is a larger finite structure \(\pmb{\overline{H}}\) containing \(\pmb{H}\) as an induced substructure such that any copy of \(\pmb{\overline{H}}\) in the inverse limit structure \(\pmb{F_{\max}}\) must have exactly one meet in the tree \(T_{\max}\). Then in Theorem [\[thm.main\]](#thm.main){reference-type="ref" reference="thm.main"}, we shall prove by induction on number of splitting nodes that each type persists in any subcopy of \(\pmb{F_{\max}}\). This proves that the exact big Ramsey degree for a given finite substructure \(\pmb{H}\) of \(\pmb{F_{\max}}\) is exactly the number of types \(\tau\) representing \(\pmb{H}\) in the tree \(T_{\max}\). Given a structure \(\pmb{G}\le \pmb{F_{\max}}\), let \(T_{\pmb{G}}=\{x\upharpoonright n: x\in \pmb{G}, n\in \omega\}\). Then \(T_{\pmb{G}}\) is a subtree of \(T_{\max}\). Given a tree \(T\), its *stem*, denoted stem\((T)\), is the minimal splitting node in \(T\).
By Claim [\[claim.6.3\]](#claim.6.3){reference-type="ref" reference="claim.6.3"}, the induced subtree \(T_{\pmb{\overline{I}}}\) of \(T_{\pmb{G}}\) has exactly one splitting node, namely its stem. It follows from the definition of the relations on \(\pmb{F_{\max}}\) that the immediate successors of stem\((T_{\pmb{\overline{I}}})\) in \(T_{\pmb{\overline{I}}}\) is isomorphic to \(\pmb{\overline{H}}\). ◻
By Claim [\[claim.6.6\]](#claim.6.6){reference-type="ref" reference="claim.6.6"}, \(\pmb{\overline{H}}\) satisfies the property in this lemma. ◻
Now we check that \(\pmb{\overline{H}}\) satisfies the property in this lemma. Let \(\pmb{\overline{I}}\) be any copy of \(\pmb{\overline{H}}\) in \(\pmb{G}\), say with universe \(\overline{I}=\{u_0,u_1,u_2, \dots, u_{2m+2}\}\).
By Claim [\[claim.6.9\]](#claim.6.9){reference-type="ref" reference="claim.6.9"}, \(\pmb{\overline{H}}\) satisfies the property in this lemma. ◻
**Acknowledgements** The authors would like to thank the anonymous referee for carefully checking the original draft and giving us many helpful suggestions for improvements. | {'timestamp': '2022-05-20T02:16:39', 'yymm': '2012', 'arxiv_id': '2012.08736', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.08736'} |
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# Introduction
Galaxies are usually classified into ellipticals and spirals according to their morphology. Elliptical galaxies, by definition, have regular elliptical shapes of stellar distribution. They have very little ongoing star formation, and thus they are red in color and old in stellar age. In contrast, spiral galaxies have disk shapes of stellar distribution, though a significant fraction of them possess bulges at the centers. There is usually ongoing star formation in spiral galaxies, so they look blue in color and have young stellar populations. These properties of galaxies can be well understood in the standard paradigm of hierarchical structure formation . In the theory, cosmic structures grow by gravitational instability from the initial tiny quantum fluctuations generated during the inflationary epoch. Dark Matter (DM) halos, which are defined as the dark matter objects with density about \(200\) times of the mean density of the Universe, are formed through accreting surrounding smaller DM halos and diffuse matter including DM and gas. The gas, when accreted into a halo, is heated by shocks. The hot gas cools by radiating its energy, and the cold gas spirals into the halo center to form a disk (spiral) galaxy. With the growth of a halo, surrounding galaxies can also be accreted into the halo and become its satellites. Because of dynamical friction, some satellite galaxies, especially relatively massive ones, spiral into the center and coalesce with the centra galaxy . A merger of a central disk galaxy with a satellite of comparable mass (say, a mass ratio \(\geq 0.2\)) may significantly change its internal structure, either producing an elliptical galaxy or a disk galaxy with a significant bulge. Based on the observed relation between black hole mass and bulge mass, we expect there are supermassive black holes (SMBHs) within elliptical galaxies or bulges. The strong energy output and/or material outflow produced by an SMBH can heat and/or blow out the surrounding cold gas, thus suppressing the reservoir from which stars form and making the host galaxy look red. Current hydrodynamical simulations of galaxies that have incorporated these (and other) physical processes have successfully reproduced a wide range of observed properties of galaxies including the stellar mass, morphology, color, and stellar age . Massive galaxies with stellar mass larger than \(10^{11.0}M_{\odot}\) are expected to form in DM halos of group and cluster mass . Because of frequent mergers happening in such rich environments, one expects that most such massive galaxies are red ellipticals with significant amounts of bulge. Only in a rare case with little merger happened in the past, because no bulge has formed, thus no SMBH has formed. The central galaxy may keep forming stars, thus becoming a blue disk galaxy. In any case, one would not expect to form a central red disk galaxy in a massive DM halo, as there is no mechanism to stop gas cooling and star formation if no bulge (thus no SMBH) has formed.
[\[tab:t1\]]{#tab:t1 label="tab:t1"}
# Properties of the galaxy
In this paper, we report a massive red central disk galaxy SDSS J022248.95-045914.9 with stellar mass reaching \(10^{11.6}M_{\odot}\). The details of the galaxy are shown in Table [1](#tab:t1){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:t1"}. The \(z\)-band image from Deep field of HyperSuprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program (HSC-SSP), \(u^{*}\)-band image from CFHT Large Area U-band Deep Survey (CLAUDS), and \(u^{*}-z\) color map of the galaxy are shown in Figure [\[fig:f1\]](#fig:f1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:f1"}. The galaxy was discovered during our study of physical properties of massive galaxies in the CMASS sample of the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS) survey in the XMM-LSS region. We perform Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) fitting on multi-band data of the galaxy from \(FUV\) to \(K_s\) collected by Moutard et al. using [Le PHARE]{.smallcaps}. We use the stellar population synthesis models of BC03 with the Chabrier Initial Mass Function (IMF) and a delayed star formation history. We get the stellar mass \(M_{\ast}=10^{11.64}M_{\odot}\) and the specific star formation rate (sSFR) \(10^{-11.38}\ {\rm yr^{-1}}\) and the rest-frame \(NUV-r\) color is \(5.3\) based on the SED fitting. As the BOSS survey has taken a spectrum for the galaxy, we show it in Figure [\[fig:f2\]](#fig:f2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:f2"}. From the figure, we can easily see the best fitting spectrum is typical for an old stellar population: there is no visible emission line and the \(D4000\) break is about \(1.9\). The stellar mass released by the Wisconsin group using Principal Component Analysis method based on the spectrum is \(10^{11.67\pm 0.17}M_{\odot}\), which is well consistent with the stellar mass obtained by our SED fitting. From both the photometry and the spectrum, we can conclude that the galaxy is very massive and its star formation has been quenched. These are the typical features of a massive elliptical galaxy. However, our analysis of the morphology for the galaxy surprisingly shows that it is a disk galaxy. The radial luminosity distribution of a galaxy can be described by the Sérsic form: \[\label{eq:1} I(R) = I_e\exp\bigg\{-b_n\bigg[\bigg(\frac{R}{R_e}\bigg)^{1/n}-1\bigg]\bigg\},\] where \(b_n\) satisfies: \[\label{eq:2} \gamma(2n; b_n)=\frac{1}{2}\Gamma(2n).\] \(I_e\) is the intensity at the half-light radius \(R_e\), and \(n\), called the Sérsic index, describes the compactness of a luminosity profile. \(\Gamma\) and \(\gamma\) are respectively the Gamma function and lower incomplete Gamma function. Generally speaking, disk galaxies have exponential profiles with \(n = 1\), and ellipticals follow the de Vaucouleurs profiles with \(n = 4\). We take the \(z\) band photometric image from the public data release \(2\) of HyperSuprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program (HSC-SSP). We fit the image with the Sérsic form in 2D using [galfit]{.smallcaps} with the point spread function (PSF) taken into account. The best-fitting Sérsic profile of the galaxy is shown in Figure [\[fig:f3\]](#fig:f3){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:f3"}, which describes the observed radial luminosity profile very well. The Sérsic index is \(n = 1.22 \pm 0.06\), which indicates the galaxy is a disk galaxy. This is consistent with the visual appearance, which does not show any significant bulge component. To directly measure the bulge/disk ratio, we also performed two component fitting on the galaxy, using an exponential plus de Vaucouleurs profile. The fitting results do not indicate any bulge component, and we can set an upper limit that the bulge contains less than \(1/15\) of the stellar light of the galaxy. In fact, the luminosity profile is indeed well described by the exponential profile with \(n=1\) (Green dot line in Figure [\[fig:f3\]](#fig:f3){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:f3"}). As we will discuss below, the environment effects, such as the ram pressure and/or tidal stripping may help disk galaxies quench their star formation. It is therefore vital to check whether the galaxy is a central or satellite galaxy. We use the photometric catalog of the second public data release (PDR-2) of the VIMOS Public Extragalactic Redshift Survey (VIPERS). This catalog contains all sources brighter than \(22.5\) \(mag\) in the \(i\) band in the W1 field which covers the galaxy we study. The \(K_s\) band magnitudes from the VIDEO observation are also available in the region around the galaxy. We consider a field of view of comoving radius \(1\ {\rm Mpc}\) around the galaxy, which corresponds to \(\theta=0.02081\ deg\) in the sky using the cosmological parameters from the Planck satellite. We use the photometric redshifts \(z_{ph}\) to search for the neighbors. Since the error of \(z_{ph}\) is typically about \(0.05\) for galaxies with \(i<22.5\) \(mag\) and \(K_s<22.0\) \(mag\), we plot all the galaxies of \(K_s\leq 21.0\) \(mag\) within a cylinder of radius \(\theta\) and length \(\Delta z_{ph} =0.4\) centered on redshift \(z_s=0.76\) of the red disk galaxy. As shown in Figure [\[fig:f4\]](#fig:f4){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:f4"}, there are \(8\) neighbor galaxies, all of which are at least \(1.2\) mag fainter than our red disk (\(K_s=18.4\) \(mag\)), which confirms that the red disk galaxy is a central galaxy. Since the \(K_s\) luminosity is approximately proportional to the stellar mass, we also find that the existence of \(8\) satellites with the stellar mass larger than \(1/10\) of the central red disk??s stellar mass is fully consistent with the observed conditional stellar mass function. Thus, the galaxy we find is very likely a massive central red disk. But it is very challenging to explain its formation in current theories of galaxy formation. According to the halo mass and stellar mass relation, we expect the galaxy is at the center of the host halo of mass about \(5\times 10^{14}M_{\odot}\). As described in the beginning, such a galaxy should find it hard to maintain its disk structure since frequent merging is inevitable with other spiraling-in galaxies in the rich environment (cluster of galaxies). Even in very rare of a galaxy with very little merging in its recent past, one would expect ongoing star formation activities unless there is enough feedback from the central SMBH. However, as we have not detected the bulge component at the center of the red disk, we would expect that the feedback from the SMBH is not an efficient way to quench the whole galaxy. This qualitative reasoning is verified by state-of-the-art hydrodynamical simulations that implement the physical processes we have described. We have searched for massive red disks (\(NUV-r>4.5\) or sSFR \(<10^{-11}\ {\rm yr^{-1}}\)) of \(M_{\ast} >10^{11.3}M_{\odot}\) and \(n<1.5\) (in rest-frame \(r\) band) in the Illustris-1 simulation at \(z_s=0.5\), but we found a null result. To test the sensitivity to the details of simulations, we have also inspected the Illustris TNG100-1 simulation at \(z_s = 0\) [^1], and no massive red disk is found either.
# Discussion and conclusion
It is interesting to point out that a few studies of red spiral galaxies have appeared recently in the literature. Red disks with smaller mass (\(\sim10^{10.0}M_{\odot}\)) are found at intermediate local densities such as the infall regions of clusters . The tidal force and/or gas ram pressure in such intermediate density environments could be strong enough to destroy the cold gas reservoir, but still too weak to affect the disk structures. Statistical studies of nearby massive red disks (\(10^{10.5}\sim10^{11.0}M_{\odot}\)) show larger bulge/total mass ratios than their blue counterparts . Various quenching mechanisms have been theoretically proposed to quench a massive galaxy without AGN feedback such as halo quenching and angular-momentum quenching, which should be investigated further. In other studies, relations beyond the standard scaling rules are proposed to explain the existence of massive red disks. For example, some studies show that massive disks may exist in smaller halos comparing to other galaxies with the same stellar mass. Gas is exhausted by star formation in these galaxies and no quenching mechanism is needed to explain their red color. Moreover, deviations from the BH-bulge mass and the DM-baryon mass relations have also been proposed. Compared to the red galaxies found in the above studies, the galaxy reported in this paper has the highest redshift and, more importantly, the largest mass, making it much harder to explain its quenching. In conclusion, we find a giant red central disk. The existence of this galaxy challenges current theories of galaxy formation, as there is no known physical mechanism to stop its star formation. Since there are some rare cases whereby mergers, which may cause very low Sérsic indices, can not be distinguished from imaging data, we plan to confirm the galaxy's disk morphology with kinematic data from Integral Field Unit (IFU) observations. Meanwhile, we will search the whole HSC wide field for massive red disks and employ statistical analysis to check whether their properties deviate from standard scaling rules or not.
[^1]: Because the color of galaxies is redder and the merging is less frequent in a fixed time period at \(z_s=0\) than \(z_s=0.7\), we would expect to form more red disk galaxies at \(z_s=0\) than at an earlier epoch. | {'timestamp': '2021-02-11T02:11:31', 'yymm': '2012', 'arxiv_id': '2012.08798', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.08798'} |
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# Contribution from the \(e_g\)-orbitals
We quickly discuss the nonnegligible contribution from the \(e_g\)-orbitals. In this section, we ignore a spin index for simplicity. In the basis set for the \(d\)-orbitals with \[\bm{d}^\dagger = \left(d_{yz}^\dagger, d_{xz}^\dagger, d_{xy}^\dagger, d_{3z^2-r^2}^\dagger, d_{x^2-y^2}^\dagger \right),\] the angular momentum operator \(\bm{L}\) can be written as follows: \[L^x = \bm{d}^\dagger \begin{pmatrix} 0 & 0 & 0 &-\sqrt{3}i &-i \\ 0 & 0 & i & 0 & 0 \\ 0 &-i & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ \sqrt{3}i & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ i & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \end{pmatrix}\bm{d},\quad L^y = \bm{d}^\dagger \begin{pmatrix} 0 & 0 &-i & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & \sqrt{3}i &-i \\ i & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 &-\sqrt{3}i & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & i & 0 & 0 & 0 \end{pmatrix}\bm{d},\quad L^z = \bm{d}^\dagger \begin{pmatrix} 0 & i & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ -i & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 2i \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 &-2i & 0 & 0 \end{pmatrix}\bm{d}.\] Though the up-left \(3 \times 3\) part coincides with \(-\bm{l}_\textrm{eff}\), there are offdiagonal elements in \(\bm{L}\) . Thus, the product of the two has a nontrivial contribution from the \(e_g\)-orbitals.
# Computation of the anisotropy parameter
In a nematic Kitaev spin liquid (NKSL), the anisotropy parameter \(\eta\) can be computed as follows. First, we consider the case without a magnetic field. In this case, the Hamiltonian is \(\mathcal{H}_\textrm{NKSL}\) in the main text and the ground state is exactly solvable by introducing Majorana fermions . \[\ket{\Psi_\textrm{GS}}=P_\textrm{phys}\ket{\Psi},\] where \(P_\textrm{phys}\) is a projection onto the physical subspace, and \(\ket{\Psi}\) is the ground state of the itinerant Majorana fermions \(c_i\). Thus, \[\langle ic_i c_j \rangle = \braket{\Psi_\textrm{GS}|ic_i c_j|\Psi_\textrm{GS}} = \braket{\Psi|P_\textrm{phys} ic_i c_j P_\textrm{phys}|\Psi}\] Meanwhile, \(\mathcal{H}_\textrm{NKSL}\) obeys \[\braket{\Psi_\textrm{GS}|\mathcal{H}_\textrm{NKSL}|\Psi_\textrm{GS}} =\sum_{\langle ij\rangle \in \gamma} \frac{K^\gamma}{4} \braket{\Psi|P_\textrm{phys} ic_i c_j P_\textrm{phys}|\Psi},\] assuming that the ground state is in the 0-flux sector. Thus, from the Hellmann-Feynman theorem \(\langle ic_i c_j \rangle\) for the \(\gamma\)-direction can be computed by \[\langle ic_i c_j \rangle_\gamma = \frac{4}{N_\textrm{unit}} \frac{\partial}{\partial K^\gamma} \braket{\Psi_\textrm{GS}|\mathcal{H}_\textrm{NKSL}|\Psi_\textrm{GS}},\] where \(N_\textrm{unit}\) is the number of unit cells . We here note that in the thermodynamic limit physical states and unphysical states have the same energy and the same expectation value for physical observables . Thus, we can ignore \(P_\textrm{phys}\) and use \(\ket{\Psi}\) directly to calculate observables, as long as the thermodynamic limit can be taken analytically. The direct computation gives \[E = \braket{\Psi|\mathcal{H}_\textrm{NKSL}|\Psi} =-\frac{1}{16\pi^2}\int_0^{2\pi}dk_1 \int_0^{2\pi}dk_2 \varepsilon_k,\] where \(\varepsilon_k = |K^x e^{ik_1} + K^y e^{ik_2} + K^z|\). Thus, \[\begin{aligned}
\langle ic_i c_j \rangle_x &=-\frac{1}{4\pi^2}\int_\textrm{BZ} d^2k \frac{(K^x \cos k_1 + K^y \cos k_2 + K^z)\cos k_1 + (K^x \sin k_1 + K^y \sin k_2)\sin k_1}{\varepsilon_k},\\ \langle ic_i c_j \rangle_y &=-\frac{1}{4\pi^2}\int_\textrm{BZ} d^2k \frac{(K^x \cos k_1 + K^y \cos k_2 + K^z)\cos k_2 + (K^x \sin k_1 + K^y \sin k_2)\sin k_2}{\varepsilon_k},\\ \langle ic_i c_j \rangle_z &=-\frac{1}{4\pi^2}\int_\textrm{BZ} d^2k \frac{K^x \cos k_1 + K^y \cos k_2 + K^z}{\varepsilon_k}, \end{aligned}\] where the numerical integration is done in the whole Brillouin zone (\(\textrm{BZ}\)), \(0 \leq k_1 \leq 2\pi\) and \(0 \leq k_2 \leq 2\pi\). The expectation values of \(ic_i c_j\) are plotted in Fig. [\[icicj\]](#icicj){reference-type="ref" reference="icicj"}(a). We also plot the derivative of \(\eta\) in the same strategy as shown in Fig. [\[derivative\]](#derivative){reference-type="ref" reference="derivative"}. The same strategy applies to the case without a time-reversal symmetry. For simplicity, we only consider the case where \(K^x=K^y=K^z=K\). The Hamiltonian considered here is \[\mathcal{H}_\textrm{mag} =-K\sum_{\langle ij\rangle \in \gamma} S_i^\gamma S_j^\gamma-\kappa \sum_{\langle ijk \rangle_{\alpha\beta\gamma}} S_i^\alpha S_j^\beta S_k^\gamma,\] where \(\kappa\) is a real time-reversal breaking parameter. \(\langle ijk \rangle_{\alpha\beta\gamma}\) means nearest-neighbor (NN) pairs, where \(\langle ij \rangle\) and \(\langle jk \rangle\) are on the \(\alpha\)-and \(\gamma\)-directions, respectively, and \(\beta\) is the component which is neither \(\alpha\) nor \(\gamma\). As is well-known, the \(\kappa\) term is nothing but a next-nearest-neighbor (NNN) hopping term for Majorana fermions. Thus, we can compute the expectation value of NNN hopping terms from the derivative about \(\kappa\). The final expression becomes \[\begin{aligned}
\langle ic_i c_j \rangle_\textrm{NN} &=-\frac{1}{12\pi^2}\int_\textrm{BZ} d^2k \frac{K|e^{ik_1}+e^{ik_2}+1|^2}{\epsilon_k}, \\ \langle ic_i c_j \rangle_\textrm{NNN} &=-\frac{1}{12\pi^2}\int_\textrm{BZ} d^2k \frac{\kappa[\sin k_1-\sin k_2 + \sin(k_2-k_1)]^2}{\epsilon_k}, \end{aligned}\] where \(\langle ic_i c_j \rangle_\textrm{NN}\) is a bond expectation value for NN bonds, \(\langle ic_i c_j \rangle_\textrm{NNN}\) is a bond expectation value for NNN bonds, and \(\epsilon_k = \sqrt{K^2|e^{ik_1}+e^{ik_2}+1|^2 + \kappa^2[\sin k_1-\sin k_2 + \sin(k_2-k_1)]^2}\). As for NNN bonds, the bond direction is defined as illustrated in Fig. [\[icicj\]](#icicj){reference-type="ref" reference="icicj"}(b), where the arrow points from \(j\) to \(i\). These formulae will be used in the next section.
# Magnetic field effect
. In the main text, we have assumed the existence of a time-reversal symmetry, but in real NMR or MS experiments an external magnetic field is usually applied. First, we modify the ansatz Hamiltonian as follows: \[\mathcal{H}_\textrm{Zeeman}=-\sum_{\langle ij\rangle \in \gamma} K^\gamma S_i^\gamma S_j^\gamma-\bm{h}\cdot\sum_i\bm{S}_i,\] where \(\bm{h}=(h^x, h^y, h^z)\) represents the normalized external field. In the first-order in \(\bm{h}\), the wavefunction can be approximated as \[\ket{\Psi^{(1)}}\sim\ket{\Psi_\textrm{GS}}-\frac{1-P_0}{-\Delta_\textrm{flux}}\bm{h}\cdot\sum_i\bm{S}_i\ket{\Psi_\textrm{GS}},\] where \(\Delta_\textrm{flux}\sim 0.26K/4\) is a flux gap energy for two neighboring vortices. In the first order, only the contribution that creates or annihilates two neighboring vortices survives. This condition holds for \(S_i^x S_{i_z}^z\) and \(S_i^y S_{i_z}^z\) in Eq. (12) in the main text, for example, which results in the following NNN hopping operators, after summing up three surrounding bonds around the \(i\)th site: \[\begin{aligned}
&P_0 q_{i} P_0 = \nonumber \\ &\begin{pmatrix} \frac{3it_2^2}{(U + \frac{3}{2}\lambda)^2}c_i c_{i_x} &-\frac{4\Delta}{3\lambda} + \frac{4it_2^2 h^z}{3(U + \frac{3}{2}\lambda)^2\Delta_\textrm{flux}}(c_{i_z}c_{i_x} + c_{i_y}c_{i_z}) &-\frac{4\Delta}{3\lambda} + \frac{4it_2^2 h^y}{3(U + \frac{3}{2}\lambda)^2\Delta_\textrm{flux}}(c_{i_y}c_{i_z} + c_{i_x}c_{i_y}) \\-\frac{4\Delta}{3\lambda} + \frac{4it_2^2 h^z}{3(U + \frac{3}{2}\lambda)^2\Delta_\textrm{flux}}(c_{i_z}c_{i_x} + c_{i_y}c_{i_z}) & \frac{3it_2^2}{(U + \frac{3}{2}\lambda)^2}c_i c_{i_y} &-\frac{4\Delta}{3\lambda} + \frac{4it_2^2 h^x}{3(U + \frac{3}{2}\lambda)^2\Delta_\textrm{flux}}(c_{i_z}c_{i_x} + c_{i_x}c_{i_y}) \\-\frac{4\Delta}{3\lambda} + \frac{4it_2^2 h^y}{3(U + \frac{3}{2}\lambda)^2\Delta_\textrm{flux}}(c_{i_y}c_{i_z} + c_{i_x}c_{i_y}) &-\frac{4\Delta}{3\lambda} + \frac{4it_2^2 h^x}{3(U + \frac{3}{2}\lambda)^2\Delta_\textrm{flux}}(c_{i_z}c_{i_x} + c_{i_x}c_{i_y}) & \frac{3it_2^2}{(U + \frac{3}{2}\lambda)^2}c_i c_{i_z} \end{pmatrix} \nonumber \\ &-\frac{t_2^2}{(U + \frac{3}{2}\lambda)^2}(ic_i c_{i_x}+ic_i c_{i_y}+ic_i c_{i_z})\openone_3. \end{aligned}\] All new terms are NNN hopping operators breaking the time-reversal symmetry, so their contribution vanishes in the computation of \(\braket{\Psi_\textrm{GS}|q_{i}|\Psi_\textrm{GS}}=\braket{\Psi_\textrm{GS}|P_0 q_{i} P_0|\Psi_\textrm{GS}}\), as long as \(\ket{\Psi_\textrm{GS}}\) is time-reversal symmetric. Thus, the magnetic field effect is negligible in the first order. Though we have shown that the time-reversal breaking effect is negligible in the first-order perturbation, there could be another effect which produces a nonzero expectation value for NNN bonds. For example, if the \(\Gamma^\prime\) term coming from the trigonal distortion is included in the magnetic Hamiltonian, the gap opening by the time-reversal breaking can occur in the first-order in \(\bm{h}\) . This type of effects can be included by adding a so-called \(\kappa\) term to the Hamiltonian by hand. \[\mathcal{H}_\textrm{eff}=-\sum_{\langle ij\rangle \in \gamma} K^\gamma S_i^\gamma S_j^\gamma-\kappa \sum_{\langle ijk \rangle_{\alpha\beta\gamma}} S_i^\alpha S_j^\beta S_k^\gamma-\bm{h}\cdot\sum_i\bm{S}_i.\] The \(\kappa\) term explicitly breaks the time-reversal symmetry and \(\langle ic_i c_j \rangle\) for NNN bonds no longer vanish [^1]. Again we use the first-order perturbation in \(\bm{h}\) and now the magnetic field effect becomes nontrivial. Even in the case where \(K^x=K^y=K^z\) without a nematic order, \(\eta\) does not always vanish unless the magnetic field is perpendicular to the (111) plane. A careful treatment is necessary to detect a nematic order through \(\eta\). Fortunately, however, this effect is very small when we apply an in-plane magnetic field. This is because the first-order contribution of \(\bm{h}\) for \(\kappa(h^x, h^y, h^z)\) vanishes when \(h^x+h^y+h^z=0\), assuming the complete \(C_3\) symmetry of the original electronic Hamiltonian. \(\kappa\) is effectively expanded from the third order in \(\bm{h}\), and we can assume that \(\kappa\) to be \(O(h^3)\), which is consistent with experiments . We plot the angle dependence of \(\eta\) with respect to an azimuth angle \(\phi\) of the applied magnetic field in Fig. [\[phi\]](#phi){reference-type="ref" reference="phi"} in the isotropic case \(K^x=K^y=K^z=K\). As is clearly seen, a small but nonzero \(\eta\) appears due to the applied magnetic field. It has a tiny angle dependence with a period of \(120\degree\). Thus, we can say that experiments should be done by comparing \(\phi = 0\degree\) with \(120\degree\) to avoid this field effect. To sum up, in reality \(\eta\) is not exactly 0 even in the isotropic case, so we should be careful about the actual experimental setup to determine the critical point of the nematic transition. Experiments should be combined with a measurement of an anisotropy of the relaxation rate \(1/T_1 T\), which is compared between \(\phi = 0\degree\) and \(120\degree\), for example.
[^1]: It is not trivial to show that \(\kappa\) does not depend on the bond direction even if \(K^\gamma\) are not equal. See *e.g.* Eq. (9) in Ref. . | {'timestamp': '2021-06-28T02:09:34', 'yymm': '2012', 'arxiv_id': '2012.08825', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.08825'} |
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# Introduction
Many important real-world problems involve optimizing a submodular function. Such problems include maximum coverage, maximum cut, maximum influence, sensor placement problem, as well as many problems in the machine learning domain. Much work has been done in the area of submodular optimization under static constraints. A particularly well-studied class of algorithms in this line of research is greedy algorithms, which have been shown to be efficient in exploiting submodularity. Important recent results on the use of evolutionary algorithms for submodular optimization are summarized in . Real-world problems are seldom solved once, but rather many times over some period of time, during which they change. Such changes demand adapting the solutions that would otherwise become poor or infeasible. The dynamic nature of these problems presents many interesting optimization challenges, which have long been embraced by many researchers. A lot of research in the evolutionary computation literature has addressed these types of problems from an applied perspective. Theoretical investigations have been carried out for evolutionary algorithms on some example functions and classical combinatorial optimization problems such as shortest paths, but in general the theoretical understand on complex dynamic problems is rather limited . In this paper, we follow the approach of carrying out theoretical runtime analysis of evolutionary algorithms with respect to their runtime and approximation behavior. This well established area of research has significantly increased the theoretical understanding of evolutionary computation methods . Many recent studies on submodular and near-submodular optimization have investigated Pareto optimization approaches based on evolutionary computation. derive an approximation guarantee for the POMC algorithm for maximizing monotone function under a monotone constraint. They show that POMC achieves an \((\alpha_f/2)(1-1/e^{\alpha_f})\)-approximation within at most cubic expected run time. The recent study of extends the results to a variant of the GSEMO algorithm (which inspired POMC) to the problem of maximizing general submodular functions, but under a cardinality constraint. It results reveal that non-monotonicity in objective functions worsens approximation guarantees. In our work, we extend existing results for POMC to partition matroid constraints with dynamic thresholds. We show that the proven adaptation efficiency facilitated by maintaining dominating populations can be extended for multiple constraints with appropriately defined dominance relations. In particular, we prove that POMC can achieve new approximation guarantees quickly whether the constraints thresholds are tightened or relaxed. Additionally, we study POMC experimentally on the dynamic max cut problem and compare its results against the results of greedy algorithms for underlying static problems. Our study evaluates the efficiency in change adaptation, thus assuming immaculate change detection. Our results show that POMC is competitive to GREEDY during unfavorable changes, and outperforming GREEDY otherwise. In the next section, we formulate the problem and introduce the Pareto optimization approach that is subject to our investigations. Then we analyze the algorithm in terms of runtime and approximation behaviour when dealing with dynamic changes. Finally, we present the results of our experimental investigations and finish with some conclusions.
# Problem Formulation and Algorithm
In this study, we consider optimization problems where the objective functions are either submodular or monotone. We use the following definition of submodularity.
As in many relevant works, we are interested in the submodularity ratio which quantifies how close a function is to being modular. In particular, we use a simplified version of the definition in.
It can be seen that \(\gamma_{i,j}\) is non-negative, non-increasing with increasing \(i\) and \(j\), and \(f\) is submodular iff \(\gamma_{i,j}\geq1\) for all \((i,j)\). This ratio also indicates the intensity of the function's diminishing return effect. Additionally, non-monotonicity is also known to affect worst-case performance of algorithms. As such, we also use the objective function's monotonicity approximation term defined similarly to, but only for subsets of a certain size.
It is the case that \(\epsilon_j\) is non-negative, non-decreasing with increasing \(j\), and \(f\) is monotone iff \(\epsilon_{n+1}=0\). We find that adding the size parameter can provide extra insight into the analysis results. Consider the static optimization problem with partition matroid constraints.
We define notations \(d=\sum_{i=1}^kd_i\), \(\bar{d}=\min_i\{d_i\}\), and \(OPT\subseteq V\) the feasible optimal solution. A solution \(X\subseteq V\) is feasible iff it satisfies all constraints. It can be shown that \(\bar{d}\leq d/k\), \(|OPT|\leq d\), and any solution \(X\) where \(|X|\leq\bar{d}\) is feasible. Each instance is then uniquely defined by the triplet \((f,B,D)\). Without loss of generality, we assume \(1\leq d_i\leq |B_i|\) for all \(i\). We study the dynamic version of the problem in Definition [\[def_static\]](#def_static){reference-type="ref" reference="def_static"}. This dynamic problem demands adapting the solutions to changing constraints whenever such changes occur.
Such problems involve changing constraint thresholds over time. Using the oracle model, we assume time progresses whenever a solution is evaluated. We define notations \(d^*=\sum_{i=1}^kd^*_i\), \(\bar{d}^*=\min_i\{d^*_i\}\), and the new optimal solution \(OPT^*\). Similarly, we assume \(1\leq d^*_i\leq |B^*_i|\) for all \(i\). Lastly, while restarting from scratch for each new thresholds is a viable tactic for any static problems solver, we focus on the capability of the algorithm to adapt to such changes.
## POMC algorithm
The POMC algorithm is a Pareto Optimization approach for constrained optimization. It is also known as GSEMO algorithm in the evolutionary computation literature . As with many other evolutionary algorithms, the binary representation of a set solutions is used. For this algorithm, we reformulate the problem as a bi-objective optimization problem given as \[\text{maximize }(f_1(X),f_2(X)),\] where \[f_1(X)=\begin{cases*} f(X),&if \(X\) is feasible\\-\infty,&otherwise \end{cases*},\text{ }f_2(x)=-|X|.\] POMC optimizes two objectives simultaneously, using the dominance relation between solutions, which is common in Pareto optimization approaches. Recall that solution \(X_1\) dominates \(X_2\) (\(X_1\succeq X_2\)) iff \(f_1(X_1)\geq f_1(X_2)\) and \(f_2(X_1)\geq f_2(X_2)\). The dominance relation is strict (\(X_1\succ X_2\)) iff \(X_1\succeq X_2\) and \(f_i(X_1)>f_i(X_2)\) for at least one \(i \in \{1,2\}\). Intuitively, dominance relation formalizes the notion of "better" solution in multi-objective contexts. Solutions that don't dominate any other present a trade-off between objectives to be optimized. The second objective in POMC is typically formulated to promote solutions that are "further" from being infeasible. The intuition is that for those solutions, there is more room for feasible modification, thus having more potential of becoming very good solutions. For the problem of interest, one way of measuring "distance to infeasibility" for some solution \(X\) is counting the number of elements in \(V\setminus X\) that can be added to \(X\) before it is infeasible. The value then would be \(d-|X|\), which is the same as \(f_2(X)\) in practice. Another way is counting the minimum number of elements in \(V\setminus X\) that need to be added to \(X\) before it is infeasible. The value would then be \(\min_i\{d_i-|B_i\cap X|\}\). The former approach is chosen for simplicity and viability under weaker assumptions about the considered problem. On the other hand, the first objective aims to present the canonical evolutionary pressure based on objective values. Additionally, \(f_1\) also discourages all infeasible solutions, which is different from the formulation in that allows some degree of infeasibility. This is because for \(k>1\), there can be some infeasible solution \(Y\) where \(|Y|\leq d\). If \(f_1(Y)\) is very high, it can dominate many good feasible solutions, and may prevent acceptance of global optimal solutions into the population. Furthermore, restricting to only feasible solutions decreases the maximum population size, which can improve convergence performance. As a consequence, the population size of POMC for our formulation is at most \(d+1\). Our formulation of the two objective functions is identical to the ones in when \(k=1\).
The result carries over due to satisfied assumption \(|X|<\bar{d}^*\). Using these inequalities, we can construct a proof, following a similar strategy as the one for Theorem 5 in which leads to the following theorem.
The statement [\[eq:gsemo_submodular_dyn\]](#eq:gsemo_submodular_dyn){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:gsemo_submodular_dyn"} implies the following results. \[\begin{aligned}
&\forall m\in[0,\bar{d}],\exists X\in P,|X|\leq m\\&\wedge f(X)\geq\left(1-e^{m/d}\right)\left[f(OPT)-(m-1)\epsilon_{d+m}\right]\\&\wedge f(X)\geq\left(1-e^{m/d^*}\right)\left[f(OPT^*)-(m-1)\epsilon_{d^*+m}\right]. \end{aligned}\] We did not put this more elegant form directly in Theorem [\[gsemo_submodular_dyn\]](#gsemo_submodular_dyn){reference-type="ref" reference="gsemo_submodular_dyn"} since it cannot be used in the subsequent proof; only Expression [\[eq:gsemo_submodular_dyn\]](#eq:gsemo_submodular_dyn){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:gsemo_submodular_dyn"} is applicable. Note that the result also holds for \(\bar{d}^*\leq\bar{d}\) if we change the quantifier to \(\forall m\in[0,\bar{d}^*]\). It implies that when a change such that \(\bar{d}^*\leq\bar{d}\) occurs after cubic run time, POMC is likely to instantly satisfy the new approximation ratio bound, which would have taken it extra cubic run time to achieve if restarted. Therefore, it adapts well in such cases, assuming sufficient run time is allowed between changes. On the other hand, if \(\bar{d}^*>\bar{d}\), the magnitude of the increase affects the difficulty with which the ratio can be maintained. The result also states a ratio bound w.r.t. the new optimum corresponding to the new constraint thresholds. As we will show using this statement, by keeping the current population (while discarding infeasible solutions), POMC can adapt to the new optimum quicker than it can with the restart strategy.
The degree with which \(\bar{d}\) increases only contributes linearly to the run time bound, which shows efficient adaptation to the new search space. For the monotone objective functions cases, without loss of generality, we assume that \(f\) is normalized (\(f(\emptyset)=0\)). We make use of the following inequalities, derived from Lemma 1 in, and Lemma 2 in, using the same insight as before.
This leads to the following result which show POMC's capability in adapting to changes where \(\bar{d}^*<\bar{d}\).
Similar to Expression [\[eq:gsemo_submodular_dyn\]](#eq:gsemo_submodular_dyn){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:gsemo_submodular_dyn"}, Expression [\[eq:gsemo_monotone_dyn\]](#eq:gsemo_monotone_dyn){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:gsemo_monotone_dyn"} gives a more elegant form. \[\begin{aligned}
&\forall m\in[0,\bar{d}],\exists X\in P,|X|\leq m\\&\wedge f(X)\geq\left(1-e^{-\gamma_{m,d}m/d}\right)f(OPT)\\&\wedge f(X)\geq\left(1-e^{-\gamma_{m,d^*}m/d^*}\right)f(OPT^*). \end{aligned}\] Just like Theorem [\[gsemo_submodular_dyn\]](#gsemo_submodular_dyn){reference-type="ref" reference="gsemo_submodular_dyn"}, this result holds for \(\bar{d}^*\leq\bar{d}\) when the quantifier is \(\forall m\in[0,\bar{d}^*]\). It is implied that if such a population is made, the new approximation ratio bound is immediately satisfied when the thresholds decrease. Once again, we can derive the result on POMC's adapting performance to \(\bar{d}^*\geq\bar{d}\) by using Theorem [\[gsemo_monotone_dyn\]](#gsemo_monotone_dyn){reference-type="ref" reference="gsemo_monotone_dyn"}.
Theorem [\[gsemo_submodular_dyn2\]](#gsemo_submodular_dyn2){reference-type="ref" reference="gsemo_submodular_dyn2"} and Theorem [\[gsemo_monotone_dyn2\]](#gsemo_monotone_dyn2){reference-type="ref" reference="gsemo_monotone_dyn2"} state that there is at least one solution in the population that satisfies the respective approximation ratio bounds in each case, after POMC is run for at least some expected number of iterations. However, the proofs for Theorem [\[gsemo_submodular_dyn\]](#gsemo_submodular_dyn){reference-type="ref" reference="gsemo_submodular_dyn"} and Theorem [\[gsemo_monotone_dyn\]](#gsemo_monotone_dyn){reference-type="ref" reference="gsemo_monotone_dyn"} also imply that the same process generates, for each cardinality level from \(0\) to \(\bar{d}^*\), a solution that also satisfies the respective approximation bound ratio, adjusted to the appropriate cardinality term. These results imply that instead of restarting, maintaining the non-dominated population provides a better starting point to recover relative approximation quality in any case. This suggests that the inherent diversity in Pareto-optimal fronts is suitable as preparation for changes in constraint thresholds.
# Experimental Investigations
We compare the POMC algorithm against GREEDY with the restart approach, on undirected max cut problems with random graphs. Given a graph \(G=(V,E,c)\) where \(c\) is a non-negative edge weight function, the goal is to find, while subjected to changing partition matroid constraints, \[X^*=\argmax_X\left\lbrace\sum_{a\in X,b\in V\setminus X}c(a,b)\right\rbrace.\] Weighted graphs are generated for the experiments based on two parameters: number of vertices (\(n\)) and edge density. Here, we consider \(n=200\), and 5 density values: 0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2. For each \(n\)-\(density\) pair, a different weighted graph is randomly generated with the following procedure:
1. Randomly sample \(E\) from \(V\times V\) without replacement, until \(|E|=\lfloor density\times n^2\rfloor\).
2. Assign to \(c(a,b)\) a uniformly random value in \([0,1]\) for each \((a,b)\in E\).
3. Assign \(c(a,b)=0\) for all \((a,b)\notin E\).
To limit the variable dimensions so that the results are easier to interpret, we only use one randomly chosen graph for each \(n\)-density pair. We also consider different numbers of partitions \(k\): 1, 2, 5, 10. For \(k>1\), each element is assigned to a partition randomly. Also, the sizes of the partitions are equal, as with the corresponding constraint thresholds. The dynamic component is the thresholds \(d_i\). We use the approach outlined in to generate threshold changes in the form of a sequence of \(m\) values \(\{b_i\}_{i=1}^m\). In particular, these values range in \([0,1]\) and are applied to each instance: \(d_i=\max\{b_j|B_i|,1\}\) at the \(j^{th}\) change, rounded to the nearest integer. The generating formulas are as follow: \[b_1=\mathcal{U}(0,1),\quad b_{i+1}=\max\{\min\{b_i+\mathcal{N}(0,0.05^2),1\},0\}.\] The values \(b_i\) used in the experiments are displayed in Figure [\[fig:thres_changes\]](#fig:thres_changes){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:thres_changes"} where the number of changes is \(m=200\). For each change, the output of GREEDY is obtained by running without restriction on evaluations. These values are used as baselines to compare against POMC's outputs. POMC is run with three different settings for the number of evaluations between changes: \(5000\), \(10000\), \(20000\). Smaller numbers imply a higher change frequency leading to a higher difficulty in adapting to changes. Furthermore, POMC is run 30 times for each setting, and means and standard deviations of results are shown in POMC\(_{5000}\), POMC\(_{10000}\), POMC\(_{20000}\), corresponding to different change frequency settings.
We show the aggregated results in Table [\[table:experimentsd\]](#table:experimentsd){reference-type="ref" reference="table:experimentsd"} where a U-test with 95% confidence interval is used to determine statistical significance in each change. The results show that outputs from both algorithms are very closely matched most of the time, with the greatest differences observed in low graph densities. Furthermore, we expect that GREEDY fairs better against POMC when the search space is small (low threshold levels). While this is observable, the opposite phenomenon when the threshold level is high can be seen more easily. We see that during consecutive periods of high constraint thresholds, POMC's outputs initially fall behind GREEDY's, only to overtake them at later changes. This suggests that POMC rarely compromises its best solutions during those periods as the consequence of the symmetric submodular objective function. It also implies that restarting POMC from scratch upon a change would have resulted in significantly poorer results. On the other hand, POMC's best solutions follow GREEDY's closely during low constraint thresholds periods. This indicates that by maintaining feasible solutions upon changes, POMC keeps up with GREEDY in best objectives well within quadratic run time. Comparing outputs from POMC with different interval settings, we see that those from runs with higher number of evaluations between changes are always better. However, the differences are minimal during the low constraint thresholds periods. This aligns with our theoretical results in the sense that the expected number of evaluations needed to guarantee good approximations depends on the constraint thresholds. As such, additional evaluations won't yield significant improvements within such small feasible spaces. Comparing between different \(k\) values, POMC seems to be at a disadvantage against GREEDY's best at increased \(k\). This is expected since more partitions leads to more restrictive feasible search spaces, given everything else is unchanged, and small feasible spaces amplify the benefit of each greedy step. Nevertheless, POMC does not seem to fall behind GREEDY significantly for any long period, even when given few resources.
# Conclusions
In this study, we have considered combinatorial problems with dynamic constraint thresholds, particularly the important classes of problems where the objective functions are submodular or monotone. We have contributed to the theoretical run time analysis of a Pareto optimization approach on such problems. Our results indicate POMC's capability of maintaining populations to efficiently adapt to changes and preserve good approximations. In our experiments, we have shown that POMC is able to maintain at least the greedy level of quality and often even obtains better solutions. | {'timestamp': '2020-12-17T02:09:09', 'yymm': '2012', 'arxiv_id': '2012.08738', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.08738'} |
# Introduction
In recent years, much attention has been paid to studies of low-dimensional structures in which new physical phenomena that have no analogues in bulk materials have been discovered. Due to these new functional properties, these materials are considered as very promising for their use in electronics. Ferroelectric superlattices (SLs)---quasi-two-dimensional artificial periodic structures whose properties can be tailored to obtain the necessary functionality---belong to this interesting class of materials. Most of the earlier experimental [@JApplPhys.72.2840; @JapJApplPhys.33.5192; @ApplPhysLett.65.1970; @ApplPhysLett.70.321; @ApplPhysLett.72.1394; @PhysRevLett.80.4317; @ApplPhysLett.77.1520; @ApplPhysLett.77.3257; @JapplPhys.91.2290; @PhysRevLett.88.097601; @ApplPhysLett.80.3581; @ApplPhysLett.82.2118; @JApplPhys.93.1180; @PhysRevLett.95.177601; @ApplPhysLett.89.092905; @Science.313.1614; @AdvMater.19.4153; @PhysRevLett.104.187601; @PhysSolidState.54.1026; @PhysRevLett.109.167601; @PhysSolidState.57.486; @Nature.568.368; @SciRep.9.18948] and theoretical [@PhysRevB.59.12771; @PhysRevLett.84.5636; @ApplPhysLett.82.1586; @PhysRevB.69.184101; @Nature.433.395; @PhysRevB.71.100103; @ApplPhysLett.87.052903; @ApplPhysLett.87.102906; @HandbookChap134; @PhysRevB.76.020102; @ApplPhysLett.91.112914; @Nature.452.732; @PhysRevLett.101.087601; @PhysRevB.79.024101; @PhysSolidState.51.2324; @PhysSolidState.52.1448; @PhysRevB.83.020104; @PhysRevLett.107.217601; @PhysStatusSolidiB.249.789; @PhysRevB.85.184105; @PhysSolidState.55.1198; @ComputMaterSci.91.310; @Nature.534.524; @NanoLett.17.2246; @ActaMater.152.155] studies of ferroelectric superlattices with the perovskite structure were performed on II-IV/II-IV or I-V/I-V type superlattices (here, the numbers indicate the valence of atoms entering the \(A\) and \(B\) sites of the \(AB\)O\(_3\) perovskite structure). In such superlattices, there are no double electric layers at the interface between two dielectric materials, and therefore both the bulk and interfaces of these superlattices remain macroscopically electrically neutral. Studies of the SrTiO\(_3\)/LaAlO\(_3\) heterostructures have revealed new interesting phenomena that appear in these structures as a result of so-called polar discontinuity---of a polarization jump induced by effective \(\pm e/2\) charges per unit cell which appear at the interface between SrTiO\(_3\) and LaAlO\(_3\) because the charged character of LaO\(^+\) and AlO\(_2^-\) layers . These phenomena include the appearance of a conducting layer near the interface (a two-dimensional electron gas), its magnetism, and even superconductivity . These phenomena can be controlled using an external electric field . The divergence of the electrostatic potential in such heterostructures, which can result in the appearance of conductive layers at the interface between two dielectrics, is called a polar catastrophe. The possibility of the appearance of the two-dimensional electron gas at the interface between a ferroelectric and a nonpolar dielectric in perovskites was systematically studied in. Later it was realized that conductive layers can also be obtained in ferroelectric structures without the polar discontinuity . This made it possible to create new types of electronic devices---ferroelectric structures with switchable giant tunneling conductivity [@ApplPhysLett.107.232902; @PhysRevB.94.155420]; the idea of such devices was proposed earlier in. Note that the appearance of similar phenomena can also be anticipated in epitaxial films of II-IV and I-V perovskites, which are grown on DyScO\(_3\), GdScO\(_3\), NdScO\(_3\), NdGaO\(_3\), and LaGaO\(_3\) substrates to create a biaxial strain in them, since the polar discontinuity is possible in these structures . Until now, theoretical studies of superlattices with the polar discontinuity have focused on studying the distribution of polarization and electric field in these structures and on finding the conditions for the appearance of a two-dimensional electron gas at the interface [@PhysRevB.79.100102; @PhysRevLett.103.016804; @PhysRevB.80.045425; @PhysRevB.80.165130; @PhysRevB.80.241103; @PhysRevB.81.235112; @PhysRevB.85.235109; @PhysRevB.87.085305; @SciRep.8.467; @RCSAdv.9.35499; @ChinPhysB.28.047101; @PhysChemChemPhys.21.8046]. The questions of the stability of the high-symmetry polar structure in such SLs, possible phase transitions in them, and the physical properties of low-symmetry phases were not analyzed. At the same time, the ferroelectric and antiferrodistortive (AFD) instabilities characteristic of many perovskites can result in strong distortions of the structure of SLs. This means that the earlier predictions of their physical properties obtained without taking these distortions into account may be incorrect. One of the questions that remains insufficiently studied is the question about the piezoelectric properties of superlattices with the polar discontinuity. The calculations of these properties are limited to the calculations for the high-symmetry tetragonal \(P4mm\) phase of such SLs [@JApplPhys.109.066107; @ChinPhysB.27.027701]. It is known that the record-high piezoelectric properties of PbTiO\(_3\)-based solid solutions near the morphotropic boundary are due to the ease of inclination of the polarization vector from the \[100\] direction to the \[111\] one under the influence of the electric field or mechanical stress. The polar discontinuity in SLs allows, under certain conditions, to obtain high values of irreversible polarization in their structures. This is why it was interesting to check whether it is possible to get high piezoelectric coefficients in superlattices with the polar discontinuity using the strain-induced inclination of the polarization vector. In Ref. , SLs with the polar discontinuity were already considered as a way to obtain stable, weakly temperature-dependent piezoelectric properties.
# Calculation technique
In this work, the properties of seventeen free-standing \[001\]-oriented short-period II-IV/I-V, II-IV/III-III, and I-V/III-III superlattices with the polar discontinuity and a thickness of individual layers of one unit cell are studied from first principles. For comparison, similar calculations are performed for several superlattices with broken symmetry. The latter SLs have no the polar discontinuity, but their high-symmetry polar structure is formed by a sequence of layers with no mirror symmetry. In addition, the obtained results are compared with the results for ordinary superlattices with the mirror symmetry of the layer sequence. The geometry of the superlattices is shown in Fig. [\[fig1\]](#fig1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig1"}. The choice of free-standing superlattices for our study stems from the fact that, when any coherently strained short-period superlattice is grown on a substrate, a transition layer containing misfit dislocations and other defects with a thickness of \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}100 Å appears at the interface as a result of a mismatch between the equilibrium in-plane lattice parameter of the SL and that of the substrate. In the defect-free part of the superlattice, the in-plane lattice parameter relaxes to the lattice parameter of the free-standing superlattice. This is why in the majority of rather thick experimentally grown superlattices, the in-plane lattice parameter is close to that of free-standing superlattices. First-principles calculations were performed within the density functional theory using the `ABINIT` program and norm-conserving pseudopotentials constructed according to the RRKJ scheme in the local density approximation (LDA), like in . The cutoff energy was 30 Ha (816 eV) with the exception of Ta-containing systems in which it was 40 Ha (1088 eV). Integration over the Brillouin zone was carried out using a 8\(\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}8\(\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}4 Monkhorst--Pack mesh for high-symmetry structures and meshes with equivalent density of \({\bf k}\)-points for low-symmetry phases. The equilibrium lattice parameters and atomic positions were calculated by relaxing forces acting on the atoms to values less than \(2 \cdot 10^{-6}\) Ha/Bohr (0.1 meV/Å). The phonon spectra, the tensors of piezoelectric stress coefficients \(e_{i\mu}\), and the elastic compliance tensors \(S_{\mu\nu}\) were calculated using the density-functional perturbation theory. The \(e_{i \mu}\) values were then converted to the piezoelectric strain coefficients \(d_{i\nu}\) using the formula \(d_{i\nu} = e_{i\mu} S_{\mu\nu}\), and for monoclinic structures the tensor components were transformed to the standard setting of the monoclinic unit cell, in which the polarization vector lies in the \(xz\) plane.
# Results and discussion
### Search for the ground-state structure
It is known that the electrical conductivity of materials is usually a factor that prevents the practical use of their ferroelectric properties. Since the experiments on structures with the polar discontinuity often revealed metallic conductivity at the interface, it was necessary first to ensure that the superlattices under study are insulating. The calculations confirmed that in all superlattices studied in the work, the conduction band is separated from the valence band by a sufficiently large energy gap (see Table S1 in the Supplementary data), and therefore all studied SLs are dielectrics. Since the layer sequence in considered superlattices does not admit the reversal of \(z \to-z\) (Fig. [\[fig1\]](#fig1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig1"}), the superlattices are always polar and their high-symmetry phase is described by the \(P4mm\) space group. However, this structure can exhibit various instabilities characteristic of crystals with the perovskite structure: either the ferroelectric instability or the antiferrodistortive one, or both of them simultaneously. In this work, the ground state of superlattices was searched in the traditional way [@PhysSolidState.51.2324; @PhysSolidState.52.1448]. First, the structures resulting from the condensation of all unstable phonons found in the phonon spectrum of the \(P4mm\) phase were calculated taking into account a possible degeneracy of phonon modes. Then, by calculating the phonon frequencies at all high-symmetry points of the Brillouin zone and the elastic tensor for these distorted structures, the stability of the obtained solutions was checked. In the case when an instability was found in any of these structures, the search for the ground state was continued until a structure whose phonon spectrum has no unstable modes and whose matrix composed of the elastic tensor components in the Voigt notation is positive definite is found. In this case, the conclusion that a *stable* phase which can be a possible ground-state structure can be made. The problem here is that in chains of phases generated by different octahedra rotations, several stable states can be found, as was recently demonstrated for SrTiO\(_3\) . In this case, the ground state is the stable phase with the lowest total energy; other stable phases should be considered as metastable. If the energy of such metastable solutions differs little from the energy of the ground state, then these solutions should be considered as phases that can be observed in experiment. For them, as well as for the ground state, an analysis of their physical properties should also be carried out. Calculations of the phonon spectra show that in most studied superlattices with the polar discontinuity (except for BaTiO\(_3\)/LaAlO\(_3\), SrTiO\(_3\)/LaAlO\(_3\), PbTiO\(_3\)/KTaO\(_3\), PbTiO\(_3\)/LaAlO\(_3\), and KTaO\(_3\)/LaAlO\(_3\)) the high-symmetry \(P4mm\) phase exhibits the ferroelectric instability with respect to the in-plane distortion of the structure or, in other words, to the inclination of the polarization vector. The phonon spectrum of one of such superlattices, KNbO\(_3\)/BaTiO\(_3\), is shown in Fig. [\[fig2\]](#fig2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig2"}. It is seen that in addition to the instability at the \(\Gamma\) point, the instabilities also appear at the \(X\), \(R\), and \(Z\) points of the Brillouin zone. We have already encountered a similar situation in KNbO\(_3\)/KTaO\(_3\) and BaTiO\(_3\)/BaZrO\(_3\) SLs. An instability zone, which is observed as a band of imaginary phonon frequencies on the \(\Gamma\)--\(Z\)--\(R\)--\(X\)--\(\Gamma\) line (imaginary frequencies are represented in the figure by negative values), is a consequence of the ferroelectric instability in the\...--Ti--O--\... chains propagating in the plane of the SL---the so-called chain instability . Indeed, an analysis of the eigenvectors of these modes shows that at all the above-mentioned points of the Brillouin zone the out-of-phase, transverse, \(xy\)-polarized displacements of Ti and O atoms in chains propagating in the \[100\] and \[010\] directions dominate in the atomic motion. In Ba(Sr)TiO\(_3\)/KNb(Ta)O\(_3\) superlattices, the displacements of the Nb(Ta) atoms are small, whereas in superlattices containing no Ti atoms as well as in the PbTiO\(_3\)/KNbO\(_3\) SL the chain instability is observed mainly in\...--Nb--O--\... chains. In BiScO\(_3\)/LaAlO\(_3\) and PbTiO\(_3\)/BiScO\(_3\) superlattices, additional out-of-phase, \(xy\)-polarized displacements of Bi and oxygen atoms lying in the same \(xy\) plane are stronger; this displacement pattern is characteristic of BiScO\(_3\). A similar displacement pattern is also typical for unstable modes at the \(Z\) point in these superlattices. At the \(\Gamma\) point, the described displacement pattern corresponds to a doubly degenerate ferroelectric \(E\) mode (\(\Gamma_5\)). | {'timestamp': '2020-12-17T02:13:12', 'yymm': '2012', 'arxiv_id': '2012.08817', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.08817'} |
# Introduction
Converting heat into useful work, heat engine lies at the core of thermodynamics, both in classical and quantum regime. Absorbing heat from a hot thermal bath with the temperature \(T_{\mathrm{h}}\), the engine outputs work and releases part of the heat to the cold bath with the temperature \(T_{\mathrm{c}}\). The upper limit of the heat engine working between two heat baths is given by the Carnot efficiency \(\eta_{\mathrm{C}}=1-T_{\mathrm{c}}/T_{\mathrm{h}}\). Due to the limitation of the quasi-static cycle with infinite-long operation time, the heat engine with Carnot efficiency generally has vanishing output power and in turn is of no practical use. To design the heat engine cycles operating in finite time, several practical heat engine models have been proposed , such as the endo-reversible model , the linear irreversible model , the stochastic model , and the low-dissipation model. The efficiency at maximum power (EMP), is proposed as an important parameter to evaluate the performance of these heat engines in the finite-time cycles. The utilization of the low-dissipation model simplifies the optimization of the finite-time Carnot-like heat engines. As the model assumption, the heat transfer between the engine and the bath in the finite-time quasi-isothermal process is divided into two parts as follow \[Q_{\mathrm{h,c}}(\tau_{\mathrm{h}})=T_{\mathrm{h,c}}(\Delta S_{\mathrm{h,c}}-S_{\mathrm{h,c}}^{(\mathrm{ir})}),\label{eq:Qhc}\] where \(\Delta S_{\mathrm{h}}=-\Delta S_{\mathrm{c}}=\Delta S\) is the reversible entropy change of the working substance and \(S_{\mathrm{h,c}}^{(\mathrm{ir})}=\Sigma_{\mathrm{h,c}}/\tau_{\mathrm{h,c}}\) is the irreversible entropy generation which is inversely proportional to the process time \(\tau_{\mathrm{\alpha}}\). Optimizing the output power \(P(\tau_{\mathrm{h}},\tau_{\mathrm{c}})=[Q_{\mathrm{h}}(\tau_{\mathrm{h}})+Q_{\mathrm{c}}(\tau_{\mathrm{c}})]/(\tau_{\mathrm{h}}+\tau_{\mathrm{c}})\) with respect to the operation time \(\tau_{\mathrm{h}}\) and \(\tau_{\mathrm{c}}\), one gets the optimal operation times as \[\begin{aligned}
\tau_{\mathrm{h}}^{*} & =\frac{2T_{\mathrm{h}}\Sigma_{\mathrm{h}}}{(T_{\mathrm{h}}-T_{\mathrm{c}})\Delta S}\left(1+\sqrt{\frac{T_{\mathrm{c}}\Sigma_{\mathrm{c}}}{T_{\mathrm{h}}\Sigma_{\mathrm{h}}}}\right),\label{eq:th}\\ \tau_{\mathrm{c}}^{*} & =\frac{2T_{\mathrm{c}}\Sigma_{\mathrm{c}}}{(T_{\mathrm{h}}-T_{\mathrm{c}})\Delta S}\left(1+\sqrt{\frac{T_{\mathrm{h}}\Sigma_{\mathrm{h}}}{T_{\mathrm{c}}\Sigma_{\mathrm{c}}}}\right),\label{eq:tc} \end{aligned}\] and the efficiency at the maximum power \(\eta^{*}\) bounded by the following inequality as \[\eta_{\mathrm{-}}\equiv\frac{\eta_{\mathrm{C}}}{2}\leq\eta^{*}\leq\frac{\eta_{\mathrm{C}}}{2-\eta_{\mathrm{C}}}\equiv\eta_{\mathrm{+}}.\label{eq:inequality}\] Due to the simplicity of the model assumption and the universality of the obtained EMP, the low-dissipation model becomes one of the most studied finite-time heat engine models in recent years. It is currently cleared that the low-dissipation assumption is valid in the long-time regime of \(\tau_{\mathrm{h(c)}}/t_{\mathrm{r}}\gg1\), where \(t_{\mathrm{r}}\) is the relaxation time for the work substance to reach its equilibrium with the heat bath. And the dissipation coefficient \(\Sigma_{\mathrm{h(c)}}\) of the \(1/\tau\)-scaling is determined by both the coupling strength \(\gamma_{\mathrm{h(c)}}\sim1/t_{\mathrm{r}}\) to the bath and the control scheme. Such a relation implies that the condition \(\tau_{\mathrm{h(c)}}^{*}/t_{\mathrm{r}}\gg1\) is not fulfilled simply and should be justified to reveal the regime of validity. We check the consistency of the obtained EMP with a minimal heat engine model consisting of a single two-level system. In Sec. [\[sec:Self-consistency-of-low-dissipat\]](#sec:Self-consistency-of-low-dissipat){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:Self-consistency-of-low-dissipat"}, we analytically obtain the regime, where the optimal operation time to achieve EMP is consistent with the low-dissipation assumption. And we further show the possibility of the exact EMP of the engine to surpass the upper bound of EMP, i.e., \(\eta_{\mathrm{+}}\), obtained with the low-dissipation model in the large-\(\eta_{\mathrm{C}}\) regime in Sec. [\[sec:Efficiency-at-maximum\]](#sec:Efficiency-at-maximum){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:Efficiency-at-maximum"}.
# [\[sec:Self-consistency-of-low-dissipat\]]{#sec:Self-consistency-of-low-dissipat label="sec:Self-consistency-of-low-dissipat"}Self-consistency of the low-dissipation model in deriving efficiency at maximum power
The two-level atomic heat engine is the simplest quantum engine to demonstrate the relevant physical mechanisms. The energy spacing of the excited state \(\left|e\right\rangle\) and ground state \(\left|g\right\rangle\) is tuned by an outside agent to extract work with the Hamiltonian \(H=\frac{1}{2}\hbar\omega\left(t\right)\sigma_{z},\) where \(\sigma_{z}=\left|e\right\rangle \left\langle e\right|-\left|g\right\rangle \left\langle g\right|\) is the Pauli matrix in the z-direction. The Planck's constant is taken as \(\hbar=1\) in the following discussion for convenience. For the finite-time quasi-isothermal process with the duration \(\tau\) of the two-level system, the low-dissipation assumption of the \(1/\tau\) scaling is valid in the regime \(\widetilde{\gamma}\tau\gg1\) , where \(\widetilde{\gamma}=2\gamma T/\omega_{0}\). Here \(\gamma\) is the coupling strength between the system and the bath with the temperature \(T\) and \(\omega_{0}\) is the initial energy spacing of the system during the process. The finite-time Carnot-like cycle for the two-level atomic heat engine of interest consists of four strokes, two isothermal and two adiabatic processes. The schematic diagram of the cycle is shown in Fig. [\[fig:Schematic-diagram-of\]](#fig:Schematic-diagram-of){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Schematic-diagram-of"}. In the figure, \(\omega_{\mathrm{h}}^{\mathrm{i}}\) and \(\omega_{\mathrm{h}}^{\mathrm{f}}\) (\(\omega_{\mathrm{c}}^{\mathrm{i}}\) and \(\omega_{\mathrm{c}}^{\mathrm{f}}\) ) are respectively the initial and finial energy spacing of the working substance in the high (low) temperature finite-time quasi-isothermal process with duration \(\tau_{\mathrm{h}}\) (\(\tau_{\mathrm{c}}\)), which is shown with the red (blue) solid curve. The total operating time per cycle is \(t=\tau_{\mathrm{h}}+\tau_{\mathrm{c}}\). The interval of the adiabatic processes (the black solid lines) are ignored in comparison with \(\tau_{\mathrm{h}}\) and \(\tau_{\mathrm{c}}\). We assume the two-level system has no energy level crossing during the whole cycle to ensure no coherence of the system is induced by non-adiabatic transition. The quasi-isothermal process retains the normal isothermal process at the quasi-static limit of \(\tau_{\mathrm{h(c)}}\rightarrow\infty\). For simplicity, we focus on the high-temperature regime, where the reversible entropy change \(\Delta S_{\alpha}\) and the irreversible entropy generation coefficient \(\Sigma_{\alpha}\) in Eq. ([\[eq:Qhc\]](#eq:Qhc){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:Qhc"}) are analytically written as \[\Delta S=\frac{\left[\left(\omega_{\mathrm{\alpha}}^{\mathrm{i}}\right)^{2}-\left(\omega_{\mathrm{\alpha}}^{\mathrm{f}}\right)^{2}\right]}{8T_{\mathrm{\alpha}}^{2}},\Sigma_{\alpha}=\frac{2\Delta S}{\widetilde{\gamma}_{\alpha}},\label{eq:deltaS-sigma}\] with \(\alpha=\mathrm{h,c}\), and \(\widetilde{\gamma}_{\alpha}=2\gamma_{\alpha}T_{\alpha}/\omega_{\mathrm{\alpha}}^{\mathrm{i}}\). Here and after, the Boltzmann's constant \(k_{\mathrm{B}}=1\) is chosen. To obtain the above equations, the relations \(\omega_{\mathrm{h}}^{\mathrm{i}}/T_{\mathrm{h}}=\omega_{\mathrm{c}}^{\mathrm{f}}/T_{\mathrm{c}}\), \(\omega_{\mathrm{h}}^{\mathrm{f}}/T_{\mathrm{h}}=\omega_{\mathrm{c}}^{\mathrm{i}}/T_{\mathrm{c}}\) have been used in the quantum adiabatic processes. Substituting Eq. ([\[eq:deltaS-sigma\]](#eq:deltaS-sigma){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:deltaS-sigma"}) into Eqs. ([\[eq:th\]](#eq:th){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:th"}) and ([\[eq:tc\]](#eq:tc){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:tc"}), we obtain the corresponding optimal operation time \(\tau_{\mathrm{\alpha}}^{*}\) for achieving the maximum power with the dimensionless time \(\widetilde{\tau}_{\alpha}^{*}\equiv\tau_{\mathrm{\alpha}}^{*}\widetilde{\gamma}_{\alpha}\) as \[\widetilde{\tau}_{\mathrm{h}}^{*}=\frac{2}{\eta_{\mathrm{C}}}\frac{\omega_{\mathrm{h}}^{\mathrm{i}}-\omega_{\mathrm{h}}^{\mathrm{f}}}{\omega_{\mathrm{h}}^{\mathrm{i}}+\omega_{\mathrm{h}}^{\mathrm{f}}}\left[1+\sqrt{\left(1-\eta_{\mathrm{C}}\right)\frac{\gamma_{\mathrm{h}}}{\gamma_{\mathrm{c}}}}\right],\label{eq:th-1}\] \[\widetilde{\tau}_{\mathrm{c}}^{*}=\frac{2}{\eta_{\mathrm{C}}}\frac{\omega_{\mathrm{h}}^{\mathrm{i}}-\omega_{\mathrm{h}}^{\mathrm{f}}}{\omega_{\mathrm{h}}^{\mathrm{i}}+\omega_{\mathrm{h}}^{\mathrm{f}}}\left[\sqrt{\left(1-\eta_{\mathrm{C}}\right)\frac{\gamma_{\mathrm{c}}}{\gamma_{\mathrm{h}}}}+1-\eta_{\mathrm{C}}\right].\label{eq:tc-1}\] The low-dissipation assumption is valid in the regime \(\widetilde{\tau}_{\mathrm{h}}^{*}\gg1\) and \(\widetilde{\tau}_{\mathrm{c}}^{*}\gg1\), namely, \[1+\sqrt{\left(1-\eta_{\mathrm{C}}\right)\frac{\gamma_{\mathrm{h}}}{\gamma_{\mathrm{c}}}}\gg\frac{\eta_{\mathrm{C}}}{2}\frac{\omega_{\mathrm{h}}^{\mathrm{i}}+\omega_{\mathrm{h}}^{\mathrm{f}}}{\omega_{\mathrm{h}}^{\mathrm{i}}-\omega_{\mathrm{h}}^{\mathrm{f}}}\label{eq:condition1}\] \[\sqrt{\left(1-\eta_{\mathrm{C}}\right)\frac{\gamma_{\mathrm{c}}}{\gamma_{\mathrm{h}}}}+1-\eta_{\mathrm{C}}\gg\frac{\eta_{\mathrm{C}}}{2}\frac{\omega_{\mathrm{h}}^{\mathrm{i}}+\omega_{\mathrm{h}}^{\mathrm{f}}}{\omega_{\mathrm{h}}^{\mathrm{i}}-\omega_{\mathrm{h}}^{\mathrm{f}}}\label{eq:condition2}\] The above two inequalities are fulfilled when \[\eta_{\mathrm{C}}\ll2\frac{1-\delta}{1+\delta},\label{eq:regime-1}\] where \(\delta\equiv\omega_{\mathrm{h}}^{\mathrm{f}}/\omega_{\mathrm{h}}^{\mathrm{i}}\) is the compression ratio of the heat engine cycle in the quasi-isothermal process. The above relation is one of the main results of the current work and reveals the range of \(\eta_{\mathrm{C}}\) in which the low-dissipation model is applicable for finding EMP. The bound for EMP obtained in the low-dissipation regime, as given by Eq. ([\[eq:inequality\]](#eq:inequality){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:inequality"}), thus may be not unconditionally applicable to such two-level atomic engine. Indeed, we will show the EMP out of the regime is larger than the upper bound \(\eta_{+}\) predicted by the low-dissipation model in the next section.
# [\[sec:Efficiency-at-maximum\]]{#sec:Efficiency-at-maximum label="sec:Efficiency-at-maximum"}Efficiency at maximum power: beyond the low dissipation model
With the analytical discussion above, we find the EMP obtain with the low-dissipation model is only consistent with the assumption of the low-dissipation model in the low-\(\eta_{\mathrm{C}}\) regime for the two-level system. The question is whether the bound provided by the low-dissipation model, i.e. \(\eta_{+}\), is still the upper bound for the achievable efficiency of the system out of the low-\(\eta_{\mathrm{C}}\) regime. Unfortunately, the answer is no. In this section, we will focus the efficiency at the maximum power in the regime with large \(\eta_{\mathrm{C}}\). By numerically simulating the dynamics of the two-level system engine with different cycle time, we obtain the exact power and efficiency to find the EMP. The results in the large-\(\eta_{\mathrm{C}}\) regime show that: (i) the optimal operation time corresponding to the maximum power of the heat engine does not meet the low-dissipation assumption; (ii) the EMP surpass the upper bound obtained with the low-dissipation model, namely, \(\eta_{\mathrm{MP}}>\eta_{+}\). The dynamics of the two-level atom in the finite-time quasi-isothermal process is given by the master equation as follow \[\frac{dp_{\mathrm{e}}(t)}{dt}=-\kappa(t)p_{\mathrm{e}}(t)+C(t),\label{eq:master equation-1}\] where \(p_{\mathrm{e}}(t)\) is the excited state population and \(C(t)=\gamma n[\omega(t)]\). \(\kappa(t)=\gamma\left(2n[\omega(t)]+1\right)\) is the effective dissipation rate with the mean occupation number \(n[\omega(t)]=1/\left(\exp[\beta\omega(t)]-1\right)\) for the bath mode \(\omega(t)\). The dissipation rate \(\gamma\) equals to \(\gamma_{\mathrm{h}}\) (\(\gamma_{\mathrm{c}}\)) in the high (low) temperature quasi-isothermal process with the inverse temperature \(\beta=1/(k_{\mathrm{B}}T_{\mathrm{h}})\) (\(\beta=1/(k_{\mathrm{B}}T_{\mathrm{c}})\)). The energy spacing of the two-level atom is tuned linearly as \(\omega(t)=\omega_{\mathrm{h}}^{\mathrm{i}}+(\omega_{\mathrm{h}}^{\mathrm{f}}-\omega_{\mathrm{h}}^{\mathrm{i}})t/\tau_{\mathrm{h}},\:t\in[0,\tau_{\mathrm{h}}]\) in the high-temperature finite-time quasi-isothermal process and as \(\omega(t)=\omega_{\mathrm{c}}^{\mathrm{i}}+(\omega_{\mathrm{c}}^{\mathrm{f}}-\omega_{\mathrm{c}}^{\mathrm{i}})t/\tau_{\mathrm{c}},\:t\in[\tau_{\mathrm{c}},\tau_{\mathrm{c}}+\tau_{\mathrm{h}}]\) in the low-temperature finite-time quasi-isothermal process. The population of the two-level system keeps unchanged during the adiabatic processes whose operation time is ignored in comparison with \(\tau_{\mathrm{h}}\) and \(\tau_{\mathrm{c}}\). In the following simulation, we set \(\gamma_{\mathrm{h}}=1\) and focus on the regime of \(\gamma_{\mathrm{c}}/\gamma_{\mathrm{h}}\rightarrow\infty\), i.e., \(\Sigma_{\mathrm{c}}/\Sigma_{\mathrm{h}}\rightarrow0\), where the upper bound \(\eta_{+}=\eta_{\mathrm{C}}/(2-\eta_{\mathrm{C}})\) of EMP of the engine is achieved according to the prediction with the low-dissipation model. In this regime, the low-temperature quasi-isothermal process approaches the isothermal process fastly enough that the operation time \(\tau_{\mathrm{c}}\) is further ignored for the optimization of the cycle's output power. The optimization is simplified as a single parameter optimization problem: find the maximum value \(P_{\mathrm{max}}\) of the cycle's output power with respect to \(\tau_{\mathrm{h}}\), and obtain the EMP of the engine, \(\eta_{\mathrm{MP}}\equiv\eta(P=P_{\mathrm{max}})\). The cycles with different \(\tau_{\mathrm{h}}\) are illustrated in Fig. [\[fig:The-finite-time-Carnot-like\]](#fig:The-finite-time-Carnot-like){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:The-finite-time-Carnot-like"}, where \(\omega_{\mathrm{h}}^{\mathrm{i}}=1\) and \(\omega_{\mathrm{h}}^{\mathrm{f}}=0.9\) are fixed. The temperatures for the hot and cold bath are chosen as \(T_{\mathrm{h}}=10\) and \(T_{\mathrm{c}}=9\) as an example. The relaxation time is \(t_{\mathrm{r}}=\omega_{\mathrm{h}}^{\mathrm{i}}/\left(2\gamma_{\mathrm{h}}T_{\mathrm{h}}\right)=0.05\). The quasi-static cycles with \(\tau_{\mathrm{h}}=200t_{\mathrm{r}}\), \(10t_{\mathrm{r}}\) and \(2t_{\mathrm{r}}\) are represented by the dash-dotted line, dashed line, and solid line, respectively. The figure shows that the output work represented by the cycle area decreases with \(\tau_{\mathrm{h}}\). In Fig. [\[fig:The-normalized-power\]](#fig:The-normalized-power){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:The-normalized-power"}, we show the normalized power of the engine \(\widetilde{P}\equiv P/P_{\mathrm{max}}\) as the function of \(\tau_{\mathrm{h}}/t_{\mathrm{r}}\) with \(\eta_{\mathrm{C}}=0.1\) (blue solid line), \(\eta_{\mathrm{C}}=0.12\) (orange dash-dotted line), and \(\eta_{\mathrm{C}}=0.15\) (purple dashed line). In the simulation, the parameters are set as \(\omega_{\mathrm{h}}^{i}=1\), \(\omega_{\mathrm{h}}^{\mathrm{f}}=0.9\), and \(T_{\mathrm{h}}=10\) with changing \(T_{\mathrm{c}}=9\), \(8.8\) and \(8.5\). The relaxation time is \(t_{\mathrm{r}}=0.05\). The maximum output power \(P_{\mathrm{max}}\) is obtained numerically for different \(\eta_{\mathrm{C}}\). It is observed from the figure that the dependence of \(\widetilde{P}\) on operation time \(\tau_{\mathrm{h}}\) changes with \(\eta_{\mathrm{C}}\). In the figure, the optimal \(\tau_{\mathrm{h}}^{*}\) decreases with \(\eta_{\mathrm{C}}\) and is away from the low-dissipation regime of \(\tau_{\mathrm{h}}/t_{\mathrm{r}}\gg1\), illustrated with the orange dash-dotted line (\(\eta_{\mathrm{C}}=0.12\), \(\tau_{\mathrm{h}}^{*}/t_{\mathrm{r}}\approx0.5\)) and the blue solid line (\(\eta_{\mathrm{C}}=0.1\), \(\tau_{\mathrm{h}}^{*}/t_{\mathrm{r}}\approx1\)). As shown clearly by the purple dashed line with \(\eta_{\mathrm{C}}=0.15\), the maximum power \(\widetilde{P}=1\) is achieved in the short-time regime of \(\tau_{\mathrm{h}}/t_{\mathrm{r}}\ll1\), where the \(1/\tau\)-scaling of irreversible entropy generation is invalid. We show the obtained efficiency \(\eta_{\mathrm{MP}}\) at the maximum power of the engine as the function of \(\eta_{\mathrm{C}}\) in Fig. [\[fig:Efficiency-at-maximum\]](#fig:Efficiency-at-maximum){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Efficiency-at-maximum"}(a) and (b), and plot the corresponding optimal operation time \(\tau_{\mathrm{h}}^{*}\) in Fig. [\[fig:Efficiency-at-maximum\]](#fig:Efficiency-at-maximum){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Efficiency-at-maximum"}(c). We choose the final energy spacing of the two level system as \(\omega_{\mathrm{h}}^{\mathrm{f}}=0.6\) and \(\omega_{\mathrm{h}}^{\mathrm{f}}=0.9\) respectively for (a) and (b), and other parameters are set as \(\omega_{\mathrm{h}}^{\mathrm{i}}=1\), \(\gamma_{\mathrm{h}}=1\), \(T_{\mathrm{h}}=10\). As shown in Fig. [\[fig:Efficiency-at-maximum\]](#fig:Efficiency-at-maximum){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Efficiency-at-maximum"}(a) and (b), the EMP of the engine \(\eta_{\mathrm{MP}}\)(orange solid line) in the large-\(\eta_{\mathrm{C}}\) regime surpasses the upper bound of EMP, \(\eta_{+}=\eta_{\mathrm{C}}/(2-\eta_{\mathrm{C}})\) (black dashed line) obtained with the low-dissipation model. The lower bound of EMP, \(\eta_{-}=\eta_{\mathrm{C}}/2\), obtained with the low-dissipation model is plotted with the black dash-dotted line. The gray area represents the consistent regime as demonstrated by Eq. ([\[eq:regime-1\]](#eq:regime-1){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:regime-1"}).The figure shows that \(\eta_{\mathrm{MP}}\) is bounded by \(\eta_{+}\) and \(\eta_{-}\) of Eq. ([\[eq:inequality\]](#eq:inequality){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:inequality"}) in the gray area with relatively small \(\eta_{\mathrm{C}}\). Additionally, by comparing (b) and (a) of Fig. [\[fig:Efficiency-at-maximum\]](#fig:Efficiency-at-maximum){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Efficiency-at-maximum"}, with the larger the compression rate \(\delta=\omega_{\mathrm{h}}^{\mathrm{f}}/\omega_{\mathrm{h}}^{\mathrm{i}}\) (\(\delta=0.9\) for (a) and \(\delta=0.6\) for (b)), we illustrate the narrower the range of \(\eta_{\mathrm{C}}\) in which \(\eta_{\mathrm{MP}}\) is bounded by \(\eta_{+}\). With the increasing of the compression ratio \(\delta\), the valid regime of optimization of the engine with the low-dissipation model becomes smaller. And it is consistent with the theoretical analysis of Eq. ([\[eq:regime-1\]](#eq:regime-1){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:regime-1"}). In Fig. [\[fig:Efficiency-at-maximum\]](#fig:Efficiency-at-maximum){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Efficiency-at-maximum"}(c), the optimal operation time \(\tau_{\mathrm{h}}^{*}\) at the maximum power (blue solid curve for \(\omega_{\mathrm{h}}^{\mathrm{f}}=0.6\) and red dash-dotted curve for \(\omega_{\mathrm{h}}^{\mathrm{f}}=0.9\)) decreases monotonically with increasing \(\eta_{\mathrm{C}}\). The operation time at maximum power \(\tau_{\mathrm{h}}^{*}\) of the engine is not in the low-dissipation regime of \(\tau_{\mathrm{h}}/t_{\mathrm{r}}\gg1\) for the relatively large \(\eta_{\mathrm{C}}\). This explains why \(\eta_{\mathrm{MP}}\) is no longer satisfies the bound provided by the low-dissipation model in large-\(\eta_{\mathrm{C}}\) regime, and verifies our analytical analysis in Sec. [\[sec:Self-consistency-of-low-dissipat\]](#sec:Self-consistency-of-low-dissipat){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:Self-consistency-of-low-dissipat"}. In addition, one can find in Fig. [\[fig:Efficiency-at-maximum\]](#fig:Efficiency-at-maximum){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Efficiency-at-maximum"}(c) that the red dash-dotted curve is lower than the blue solid curve. This leads to a narrower parameter range of \(\eta_{\mathrm{C}}\), in which the optimal operation time \(\tau_{\mathrm{h}}^{*}\) satisfies the low-dissipation assumption, for the heat engine with \(\omega_{\mathrm{h}}^{\mathrm{f}}=0.9\) than that with \(\omega_{\mathrm{h}}^{\mathrm{f}}=0.6\). Therefore, the phenomenon that the gray area in Fig. [\[fig:Efficiency-at-maximum\]](#fig:Efficiency-at-maximum){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Efficiency-at-maximum"}(a) is wider than that in Fig. [\[fig:Efficiency-at-maximum\]](#fig:Efficiency-at-maximum){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Efficiency-at-maximum"}(b) is explained from the perspective of the operation time.
# Conclusions and discussion
In summary, we checked whether the optimal operation time for achieving the maximum power is consistent with the requirement of the low-dissipation model for the finite-time Carnot-like heat engines in this paper. The low-dissipation model, widely used in the finite-time thermodynamics to study EMP, relies on the assumption that the irreversible entropy generation in the finite-time quasi-isothermal process of duration \(\tau\) follows the \(1/\tau\) scaling in the long-time regime. The operation time for the maximum power obtained from the model should fulfill the requirement of the low-dissipation model assumption. Due to the unknown coefficient of the \(1/\tau\) scaling, the consistency of the model in optimizing finite-time Carnot engines had not been tested before. In this paper, we proved that the optimal operation time for a two-level finite-time Carnot engine achieving EMP satisfy the low-dissipation assumption only in the low Carnot efficiency regime of \(\eta_{\mathrm{C}}\ll1\). This observation motivated us to check the EMP in the regime with large \(\eta_{\mathrm{C}}\). We calculated the EMP of the two-level atomic heat engine in the full parameter space of \(\eta_{\mathrm{C}}\). It is found that, in the large-\(\eta_{\mathrm{C}}\) regime, the true EMP of the heat engine can surpass the upper bound for EMP, i.e., \(\eta_{+}=\eta_{\mathrm{C}}/(2-\eta_{\mathrm{C}})\) obtained with the low-dissipation model. Our study on EMP in the large-\(\eta_{\mathrm{C}}\) regime shall provide a new insight for designing heat engines with better performance working between two heat baths with large temperature difference. In addition to affecting the EMP of the heat engine, the short-time effects caused by fast driving may also influence the trade-off between power and efficiency , which needs further exploration. The predictions of this paper can be tested on some experimental platforms in the short-time regime. | {'timestamp': '2020-12-17T02:09:31', 'yymm': '2012', 'arxiv_id': '2012.08748', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.08748'} |
# Introduction
In recent years, there are more and more big data based deep learning tasks, such as ImageNet classification, natural language processing, and face recognition. The datasets often include tens of millions of images, texts, voices or other data, and the related neural networks (NNs) also contain multiple millions of parameters. For such complex tasks, how to improve the training efficiency has attracted mounting attention. It is natural to use multiple Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) as the parallel computing power, which can feed a very large batch size of data into the network at each training iteration. Unfortunately, this large batch size training deteriorates the model performance in respect of accuracy, convergence time, and more. This generalization difficulty has been reported previously, and widely known as a 'generalization gap'. We reimplement this problem using AlexNet on Cifar10 dataset (Figure [\[fig_1\]](#fig_1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig_1"}). Many efforts have been devoted to understanding the 'generalization gap'. Keskar et al. and Jastrzebski et al. found that large batch size training is more likely to converge to sharp minima compared to small batch size training. In this vein, Wen et al. and Haruki et al. proposed noise injecting methods to eliminate sharp minima. Jastrzebski et al. reported that higher values of the ratio of learning rate (LR) to batch size can lead to flatter minima. Hoffer et al. put forward a new hypothesis, 'random walk on a random landscape', and experimentally demonstrated that the 'generalization gap' can be primarily attributed to the reduced number of parameter updates. This hypothesis suggests that longer training time helps to achieve better generalization. LR scheduling is a class of methods that could alleviate the 'generalization gap'. Goyal et al. tested a 'learning rate warm-up' scheme, in which a small 'safe' LR was initialized and linearly scaled to a target 'base' LR. Using this method, they successfully compress the training time of ImageNet to less than 1 hour. MegDet, an object detector, obtained the state of the art performance using a combined policy: warmup LR and Cross-GPU batch normalization. You et al. proposed an improved approach of warm-up, linear-epoch gradual-warmup (LEGW), which gains better generalization. Smith & Topin described a phenomenon named 'super-convergence' with periodic LR modulation. Li et al. demonstrated that NN models with small LR first generalize to low-noise and hard-to-fit patterns, and Jastrzebski et al. explained the ratio of LR to batch size is a key determinant of statistical gradient descent (SGD) dynamics. Batch size scheduling is regarded as the counterpart of LR scheduling. The largest useful batch size can be predicted by the gradient noise scale. Increasing batch size helps find flatter minima. Mikami & Suganuma have trained ImageNet in 224 seconds using a predetermined batch size scheduling. The discovery of the unbalance distribution of both parameters and gradients across layers in a network is an important breakthrough for large batch size training. The generalization is markedly enhanced in case of setting a layer-wise LR, which is determined by some form of statistical values of the inlayer parameters and gradients. You et al. firstly built an algorithm, 'Layer-wise Adaptive Rate Scaling (LARS)', to extend ImageNet training batch size to 32 K. In their sequential work, they showed that using LARS, the ImageNet can be even trained in a few minutes. Two relatives of LARS, 'PercentDelta' and 'LAMB', have achieved better generalization. Using 'LAMB' optimizer, You et al. have reduced the pre-training time of BERT to 76 minutes. In parallel with the above-mentioned approach, new methods such as adding noise to gradients, applying second-order information, using local SGD instead of large batch size, and batch augmentation have also attracted a lot of interest. In this study, we explore the evolution of the basic geometry properties of NNs with varying batch sizes. Such geometrical properties include parameter, gradient, and loss. Our main work include:
- First, we make a theoretical and experimental analysis on the geometry limit of large batch size training.
- Based on the work above, the authors propose a guidance to improve 'generalization gap'.
- Then we design a parameter update algorithm based on the approximated loss curve curvature.
- In the last part, we provide theoretical backbones for the major part of the existing research results of 'generalization gap', and investigate the geometry picture of large batch size training.
# Theoretical and Experimental Analysis
Figure [\[fig_1\]](#fig_1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig_1"} raises a highly concerned problem that large batch size deteriorates the training performance. To avoid subjective bias and search for an in-depth insight, we focus on inspecting of some fundamental network properties, including gradient, parameter update step length and loss update step length with varying batch sizes. If there's no special specifications, all the experiments in this paper are carried out on Pytorch, using AlexNet and Cifar10 dataset, with SGD as the default optimizer.
## Gradient
We probe the impact of batch size on gradient by combining theory and experiments. The curvature of loss determines the parameter update amplitude in terms of LR, and in a update step, the related parameter will inch closer to a nearby minima of the loss curve, with a update step length given by the product of gradient and LR. We find that curvature across layers in a network varies remarkably (Figure [\[fig_2\]](#fig_2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig_2"}), and thus it is reasonable to treat gradient in a manner of layer independent. Theoretically, the gradient of each parameter is the average value of the samples in a whole batch size, and we suppose here that the distribution of gradient on a layer is Gaussian especially in the initial training epochs: \[\label{eqn_1} g^k_i\sim N(\mu,\sigma)\] where \(g_i^k\) is the \(i\)th gradient corresponding to the \(k\)th sample in a given layer; \(\mu\) and \(\sigma\) denote the mean and standard deviation of the distribution, respectively. \(\mu=0\) is another assumption considering the parameters evenly distributed near the minima. \(\sigma\) is treated as a constant, which relates to both the average curvature of the layer and the structure of the network. The mean gradient over a batch of sample is \[\label{eqn_2} g_i=\frac{1}{n}\sum_{k=0}^n g^k_i\sim N(0,\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}})\] where \(n\) is the batch size. The probability density function is \[\label{eqn_3} f(g_i)=\frac{\sqrt{n}}{\sigma \sqrt{2\pi}}e^{-\frac{1}{2}(\frac{g_i}{\sigma \sqrt{n}})^2}\] The expectation of the absolute value of \(g_i\) on all gradients in a layer is \[\label{eqn_4} E(\left|g_i \right|)=\int_{-\infty}^\infty f(g_i)\left|g_i \right|d g_i=\frac{2\sigma}{\sqrt{\pi}}\frac{1}{\sqrt{n}}\] This function predicts that the mean gradient will decrease when batch size increases. To verify this prediction, in the first update step, we compute \(E(\left|g_i \right|)\) of the first fully connected layer of AlexNet on Cifar10 dataset from batch size 32 to 60000, and Figure [\[fig_3\]](#fig_3){reference-type="ref" reference="fig_3"} shows the expected result. The consistence between theoretical and experimental results indicates that gradients falling to zero with large batch size is immutable, and it is doomed very large batch size training will result in a poor model performance, if there is no adaption on the network architecture.
## Parameter
The gradient vanishing effect of large batch size will definitely lower the parameter update step length. The common parameter update rule is \[\label{eqn_5} \Delta w_i=lr(n) g_i\] where \(\Delta w_i\) and \(lr(n)\) are the parameter update step length and the LR with respect to batch size \(n\), respectively. Combining eqn. [\[eqn_4\]](#eqn_4){reference-type="ref" reference="eqn_4"}, the average parameter update step length across a specific layer is \[\label{eqn_6} E(\left| \Delta w_i \right|)=lr(n) E(\left| g_i \right|)=\frac{2\sigma}{\sqrt{\pi}}\frac{lr(n)}{\sqrt{n}}\] To validate this finding, we compute the first epoch value of the 'Normalized parameter stride', \(E(\left| \Delta w_i \right|) \verb|/| lr(n)\), with varying batch sizes. As shown in Figure [\[fig_4\]](#fig_4){reference-type="ref" reference="fig_4"}, we observe a significant shrink of this value with large batch size. The parameter searching space accumulated from each update step is a key point for network optimization. It is obvious that the probability to find a better minima is bigger with larger searching space. We record the 'Parameter update stride', \(E(\left| \Delta w_i \right|)\), of each epoch during multiple AlexNet training tasks (Cifar10 dataset). As shown in Figure [\[fig_5\]](#fig_5){reference-type="ref" reference="fig_5"}, the area under a single result curve represents the total parameter searching space for a specific batch size. For small batch sizes, the parameter searching space is big enough to obtain an optimal minima for each parameter, while for large batch sizes, it is more likely a small-area minima will be found and thus less likely a good-performance model will be trained.
## Loss
The vanishing of both gradient and parameter update step length will definitely affect the loss update process. We commit a brief theoretical derivation to study the rule change. Referring the geometry relations of \(\Delta L\) and \(\Delta w_i\) in Figure [\[fig_6\]](#fig_6){reference-type="ref" reference="fig_6"}, the loss decrement induced by a single parameter update step is \[\label{eqn_7} \Delta L_i=\Delta w_i g_i=lr(n) (g_i)^2\] Then the average loss update step length across the batch of samples is \[\label{eqn_8} E(\Delta L_i )=lr(n)E((g_i)^2 )=\sigma^2 \frac{lr(n)}{n}\] This equation gives the theoretical results of the average loss decrement in a single update step. To check the impact of large batch size training on loss changing, we compute the 'First epoch loss stride', \(E(\Delta L_i ) / lr(n)\), in the first epoch of training process, and the results shown in Figure [\[fig_7\]](#fig_7){reference-type="ref" reference="fig_7"} are consistent with our theoretical predictions. In addition to this experiment, we also compare the whole training process with varying batch sizes in Figure [\[fig_8\]](#fig_8){reference-type="ref" reference="fig_8"}. Besides the loss curves changing as expected, we observe a phenomenon that for both small and large batch sizes, the fluctuation amplitude of the loss curves are big, while for medium batch size, the amplitude are relatively small. We preliminary judge that there are two factors that can lead to network instability: the small parameter update step length in large batch-size training and the big randomness in small batch-size training.
# Methods to Enlarge the Gradient
In Section 2, we demonstrate the disadvantages of large batch size training originate from gradient vanishing effect. Thus, on the other hand, it also provides a clue to improve the performance of NN training. We have tried a lot of methods to enlarge the gradient, including discarding small-loss samples, real time tuning of batch size in a training process, discarding small value gradients, setting larger dropout ratio, and selecting sharper loss function. Two methods will be described in the following.
## Discarding Small-loss Samples
We conjecture that the input samples with higher losses will produce larger gradients, and we design an experiment to compute the average gradients of the second fully connected layer of AlexNet. In the first step, a set of tests are finished, with each one discards p% of small-loss samples. The loss defined here is computed using a single input sample in a batch size, and the discarding ratio, p%, changes equally from 10% to 90%. Figure [\[fig_9\]](#fig_9){reference-type="ref" reference="fig_9"} shows the average gradients with varying discarding ratios, which illustrates discarding small-loss samples will enlarge the gradient. The next step is to test the actual model training. We compare the baseline to our model for both batch-size 2000 and 8000. The training parameters in our model are the same as the baseline except discarding 30% small-loss samples in the first 100 epochs. The result shows an observable improvements for both batch-size 2000 and 8000. A point to note here is that for batch size larger than 8000, the effect of discarding small-loss samples is not significant, which needs further research.
## Real Time Tuning of Batch Size in a Training Process
As shown in Figure [\[fig_3\]](#fig_3){reference-type="ref" reference="fig_3"}, a smaller batch size produces larger gradients, so it is worth trying to introduce a different batch size in some steps of a training process. Mikami & Suganuma already used this method to achieve better generalization. In this part, we show some simple comparative experiments as a preliminary exploration. We use the same training parameters as baseline except in the first epoch, the batch-size and LR are tuned down to 512 and 0.005, respectively, which will be reset to 8192 and 0.05 from the second epoch. We have recorded a group of test results for both baseline model and our model (Figure [\[fig_11\]](#fig_11){reference-type="ref" reference="fig_11"}, [\[fig_12\]](#fig_12){reference-type="ref" reference="fig_12"}, [\[fig_13\]](#fig_13){reference-type="ref" reference="fig_13"}, [\[fig_14\]](#fig_14){reference-type="ref" reference="fig_14"}). For the baseline model, the small update step makes the training process more stumble. The big fluctuation in the first 80 epochs of both loss and accuracy curves hinder the subsequent training and results in models with big performance dispersion. The intrinsic reason is related to the small parameter update step length. While for our model, the training performance is clearly improved, as shown in Figure [\[fig_13\]](#fig_13){reference-type="ref" reference="fig_13"} and [\[fig_14\]](#fig_14){reference-type="ref" reference="fig_14"}. By decreasing the batch size in the first epoch, the update step length is amplified, which enables searching a broader space for a better loss curve minima.
# Parameter Update Rules Based on Curvature of Loss Curve
Besides the gradient vanishing effect, the non-uniform distribution of loss curve curvature across layers in a network is another important factor affecting the performance of large batch size training. As shown in Figure [\[fig_2\]](#fig_2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig_2"}, the curvature heterogeneity is significant, and needs pay more attention to. From a geometric point of view, the LR of a specific parameter should be consistent with the loss curve curvature where the parameter located. In case of small batch size, due to the large parameter searching space (Figure [\[fig_5\]](#fig_5){reference-type="ref" reference="fig_5"}), it is applicable to set a global LR, while for large batch size, the decreasing parameter update step length (Figure [\[fig_4\]](#fig_4){reference-type="ref" reference="fig_4"}) makes the training highly sensitive to LR, and thereby, a customized LR setting method is necessary.
## Curvature-based LR Setting Method and its Approximation
The best way to update parameters is to set a specific LR for each parameter based on its curvature. The radius of curvature of parameter \(w_i\) is \[\label{eqn_9} R_i = \left| \frac{(1+(\frac{d L}{d w_i})^2)^{\frac{3}{2}}}{\frac{d^2 L}{d w_i^2}} \right|\] where \(R_i\) is the radius of curvature, \(dL/dw_i)\) is the first order gradient and \(dL/dw_i=g_i\), and \(d^2 L/d w_i^2\) is the second order gradient. Here the LR for \(w_i\) is \[\label{eqn_10} \eta_i=\gamma R_i\] where \(\eta_i\) is the LR, and \(\gamma\) is a global hyper parameter. Then follow the rule below to update the parameter, \[\label{eqn_11} \Delta w_i=\eta_i\frac{d L}{d w_i}\] The above steps are the backbone of curvature-based parameter update rule. Though it is a vanilla method, the huge computation work needed to obtain curvature radius in a big NN limits its applications. The main difficulty results from the lack of high efficiency methods to compute second order gradient in almost all deep learning platforms. In this section we develop a method to approximate the curvature radius. Referring to Figure [\[fig_15\]](#fig_15){reference-type="ref" reference="fig_15"}, Morse theory states that in the vicinity of a local critical point of a smooth curve, the geometry is equivalent to a second-order curve, such that \[\label{eqn_12} L=a_i(w_i-b_i)^2+c_i\] where \(a_i\), \(b_i\), and \(c_i\) are the characteristic coefficients of the specific parabola. From this equation we derive the first order gradient: \[\label{eqn_13} \frac{d L}{d w_i}=2a_i(w_i-b_i)\] and second order gradient: \[\label{eqn_14} \frac{d^2 L}{d w_i^2}=2a_i\] Substituting eqn. [\[eqn_13\]](#eqn_13){reference-type="ref" reference="eqn_13"} into eqn. [\[eqn_14\]](#eqn_14){reference-type="ref" reference="eqn_14"}, we get \[\label{eqn_15} \frac{d^2 L}{d w_i^2}=\frac{\frac{d L}{d w_i}}{(w_i-b_i)}\] Using this gradient expression, the curvature radius of parameter \(w_i\) becomes \[\label{eqn_16} R_i = \left| \frac{(w_i-b_i)(1+(\frac{d L}{d w_i})^2)^{\frac{3}{2}}}{\frac{d L}{d w_i}} \right|\] where \(w_i\) and \(d L/d w_i\) are detectable quantities, and \(b_i\) is an undetectable coefficients. We propose a simplification here that \(b_i\) can be set to 0, which is reasonable in statistical meanings, especially when weight decay method is used. The \((d L/d w_i )^2\) item is also eliminated considering that its value is far less than 1. Then we get \[\label{eqn_17} R_i\approx \left| \frac{w_i}{\frac{d L}{d w_i}} \right|\] This equation is a rough estimate of curvature radius, and it will totally fail in either below cases: \[\label{eqn_18} w_i\rightarrow 0\] and \[\label{eqn_19} \frac{d L}{d w_i}\rightarrow 0\] Though the majority of \(R_i\) are not accurate enough for parameter updating, we estimate some kinds of statistics in a certain group of \(R_i\) are still usable, for example some forms of layer-wise average curvature radius can be used to set the LR.
## Parameter Optimization Rule Based on the Median of Curvature Radius
We propose a simple statistical approximation of eqn. [\[eqn_17\]](#eqn_17){reference-type="ref" reference="eqn_17"} to compute the median value of a group of \(R_i\) \[\label{eqn_20} R_m\approx \left| \frac{w_m}{\frac{d L}{d w_m}} \right|\] where \(w_m\), \(d L/d w_m\) and \(R_m\) are the median values of parameter, gradient and curvature radius in a group (a layer in a NN for example), respectively. Now the LR can be set as \[\label{eqn_21} \eta_g = \gamma R_m\] where \(g\) is the group index. If weight decay is considered, instead of eqn. [\[eqn_20\]](#eqn_20){reference-type="ref" reference="eqn_20"}, we use \[\label{eqn_22} R_m\approx \left| \frac{w_m}{\frac{d L}{d w_m}+\beta w_m} \right|\] where \(\beta\) is the weight decay coefficient. Following the above parameter optimization rule, we have trained ResNet18 on Cifar10 dataset for a series of batch sizes, and find it works well for batch size less than 8192. Figure [\[fig_16\]](#fig_16){reference-type="ref" reference="fig_16"} illustrates the comparation of our method to LARS, and the discrepancy is negligibly small. We also notice that the training performance falls faster than LARS for large batch size. The reason is the decreasing average gradient (Figure [\[fig_3\]](#fig_3){reference-type="ref" reference="fig_3"}) degrades the validation of \(R_m\) (eqn. [\[eqn_18\]](#eqn_18){reference-type="ref" reference="eqn_18"}, [\[eqn_19\]](#eqn_19){reference-type="ref" reference="eqn_19"}, [\[eqn_20\]](#eqn_20){reference-type="ref" reference="eqn_20"}). Thus, this method can be regarded as a verification of curvature-based parameter update principle, and we do not recommend extending it to large batch size training.
## Interpretation of Layer-wise Parameter Update Algorithms
In order to solve large batch size training problem, researchers have proposed one specific class of algorithms, the common point of which is setting a layer-wise LR. These algorithms are based on the experimental results, without convincing theoretical foundations. Three typical methods are the so-called LARS, PercentDelt and LAMB. The definition of the former two algorithms are LARS, \[\label{ean_23} \eta_g=\gamma \frac{\|w_i\|_2}{\|\frac{d L}{d w_i}\|_2}\] and PercentDelta, \[\label{eqn_24} \eta_g=\gamma \frac{size(w_i)}{\| \frac{d L}{d w_i}/w_i \|_1}\] where \(size(w_i)\) is the number of parameters in \(g\)th layer. These two algorithms are conjectural solutions to the curvature heterogeneity problem (Figure [\[fig_2\]](#fig_2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig_2"}). Comparing both eqn. [\[ean_23\]](#ean_23){reference-type="ref" reference="ean_23"} and [\[eqn_24\]](#eqn_24){reference-type="ref" reference="eqn_24"} to eqn. [\[eqn_17\]](#eqn_17){reference-type="ref" reference="eqn_17"}, it is clear that the main part of LARS and PercentDelta are two transformers of curvature radius (eqn. [\[eqn_17\]](#eqn_17){reference-type="ref" reference="eqn_17"}). By calculating the norms of the numerator and denominator, two specific statistical mean curvatures are obtained, which can avoid the minimum and maximum problems in the original curvature formula (eqn. [\[eqn_20\]](#eqn_20){reference-type="ref" reference="eqn_20"}). What the researchers usually ignore is that the algorithms have the same failure conditions, eqn. [\[eqn_18\]](#eqn_18){reference-type="ref" reference="eqn_18"} and [\[eqn_19\]](#eqn_19){reference-type="ref" reference="eqn_19"}, which need to be dealt with by careful parameter initialization.
# Discussion
## Where Does Parameter Stay in the Loss Curve?
In this section, we will discuss the geometry meanings of gradient vanishing induced by large batch size training, and will provide a novel insight into how large batch size training degrades the model performance. Referring to Figure [\[fig_15\]](#fig_15){reference-type="ref" reference="fig_15"}, the distance of \(w_i\) from its nearest minima, \(b_i\), is \[\label{eqn_25} d_i=w_i-b_i\] Considering eqn. [\[eqn_13\]](#eqn_13){reference-type="ref" reference="eqn_13"}, we get \[\label{eqn_26} d_i=\frac{1}{2a_i} \frac{d L}{d w_i} = \frac{1}{2a_i} g_i\] For simplification, we suppose \(a_i\) to be a constant, such that \(a_i=a\). Then, we get \[\label{eqn_27} d_i\sim N(0,\frac{\sigma}{2a\sqrt{n}})\] The expectation of the absolute value of \(d_i\) on all parameters in a layer is \[\label{eqn_28} E(\left| d_i \right|)=\frac{\sigma}{a\sqrt{\pi}}\frac{1}{\sqrt{n}}\] If batch size, \(n\), inflates to an infinity value, this equation predicts that the average distance between a parameter and its nearest minima, \(\left| d_i \right|\), will move to 0. In other words, all the parameters, \(w_i\), in the network will center on a local minimum point of the loss curve, a consequence that makes the parameters optimizing stop and the network training stuck. Making things worse, it happens at the beginning of the training, and the random initialized loss curve strays far from the perfect model that we expect. One more thing to note is that the vanishing of \(\left| d_i \right|\) also illustrates adopting Morse theory in Subsection 4.1 is valid.
## How Does Current Methods Work?
In Introduction section, the main research on 'generalization gap' are discussed, and in this section, we try to give a simpler understanding to the main part of these work. Method 1: LR scheduling. This class of methods alleviates the uneven distribution of curvature in different layers (Figure [\[fig_1\]](#fig_1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig_1"}). Taking warm-up training for example, the parameters in a sharp minima (small curvature radius) are given the priority to update, and will find a flatter minima. After warm-up, the curvatures in different layers incline to converge, which is very helpful for the follow-up training. Method 2: Batch size scheduling. Following the conclusion of Subsection 3.2, Figure [\[fig_4\]](#fig_4){reference-type="ref" reference="fig_4"}, and eqn. [\[eqn_6\]](#eqn_6){reference-type="ref" reference="eqn_6"}, the nature of batch size scheduling is to adjust the parameter update step length, which is an effective way to jump out of sharp minima or noise. Method 3: Training longer. According to Figure [\[fig_5\]](#fig_5){reference-type="ref" reference="fig_5"} and eqn. [\[eqn_6\]](#eqn_6){reference-type="ref" reference="eqn_6"}, increasing the iteration steps will enlarge the parameter searching space, which results in a higher probability of finding a better minima. Method 4: eliminating sharp minima. Parameter update step length and curvature of minima are the 'two faces of the same coin'. For large batch size training, with the vanishing of parameter update step length, big curvature of minima (sharp minima) will play a greater role. Hence, it is evident that eliminating sharp minima will improve the generalization.
# Conclusion
In this work, we have derived the theoretical limits of large batch size training, and predict that 'generalization gap' will be worsen with larger batch size. We reveal that the vanishing of gradient and parameter update step length are the key reasons to result in generalization difficulty. We propose a curvature-based optimizer, a second order LR rule to better fit the curvature variations across layers in a network. We also show that one approximation of this optimizer, median curvature, is almost as good as LARS in small batch size training. According to our theoretical findings, we suggest a new guidance to reduce 'generalization gap' by increasing the gradients in a network. Two algorithms, discarding small-loss samples and scheduling batch size, are provided for example. Our results demonstrate that the generalization is effectively enhanced. The recent research work on 'generalization gap' mentioned in Introduction section have made great experiment advances, but unified theories to rule all the discrete explanations are still inadequate. Our work offers simple theories to support the major parts of current researches. The widely-known LARS and PercentDelta optimizers are proved to be approximations of our curvature-based algorithm. Many other methods are well explained based on the relation between parameter update step length and batch size. For larger batch size, we find theoretically that the parameters are more likely to center on the bottom of minima, which makes parameter update step length reduced, and finally makes the training to stuck by small minima or noise at a higher probability. | {'timestamp': '2020-12-17T02:12:29', 'yymm': '2012', 'arxiv_id': '2012.08795', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.08795'} |
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# Introduction
The problem of recovering an unknown low-rank tensor from a small fraction of its entries is known as the tensor completion problem, and comes up in a wide range of applications, e.g., image processing, computer vision, and machine learning. The goal of low-rank tensor completion is to recover a tensor with the lowest rank based on observable entries of a given tensor. Given a third-order tensor \(\mathcal{M}\in\mathbb{C}^{n_1\times n_2\times n_3}\), the low rank tensor completion problem can be expressed as follows: \[\label{n1} \begin{split} \min_{\mathcal{Z}}& ~ \operatorname{rank}(\mathcal{Z})\\ \text{s.t.}&~ \mathcal{P}_{\Omega}(\mathcal{Z})=\mathcal{P}_{\Omega}(\mathcal{M}), \end{split}\] where \(\textup{rank}(\mathcal{Z})\) denotes the rank of the tensor \(\mathcal{Z}\), \(\Omega\) is a subset of \(\{1,\ldots, n_1\}\times\{1,\dots,n_2\}\times\{1,\dots,n_3\}\), and \(\mathcal{P}_\Omega\) is the projection operator such that the entries in \(\Omega\) are given while the remaining entries are missing, i.e., \[\begin{aligned}
\label{p1} (\mathcal{P}_\Omega(\mathcal{Z}))_{ijk}= \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \mathcal{Z}_{ijk}, & \mbox{if}\ (i,j,k)\in\Omega, \\ 0, &\mbox{otherwise}. \end{array} \right. \end{aligned}\] In particular, if \(n_{3}=1\), the tensor completion problem in ([\[n1\]](#n1){reference-type="ref" reference="n1"}) reduces to the well-known matrix completion problem, which has received a considerable amount of attention in the past decades, see, e.g., and references therein. In the matrix completion problem, a given incoherent \(n\times n\) matrix could be recovered with high probability if the uniformly random sample size is of order \(O(r n \log (n)),\) where \(r\) is the rank of the given matrix. This bound has been shown to be optimal, see for detailed discussions. The main aim of this paper is to study the incoherence conditions of low-rank tensors based on the transformed tensor singular value decomposition (SVD) and provide a lower bound on the number of random sample entries required for exact tensor recovery. Different kinds of tensor ranks setting in model [\[n1\]](#n1){reference-type="eqref" reference="n1"} lead to different convex relaxation models and different sample sizes required to exactly recover the original tensor. When the rank in the model [\[n1\]](#n1){reference-type="eqref" reference="n1"} is chosen as the Tucker rank , Liu et al. proposed to use the sum of the nuclear norms (SNN) of unfolding matrices of a tensor to recover a low Tucker rank tensor. Within the SNN framework, Tomioka et al. proved that a given \(d\)-order tensor \(\mathcal{X}\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times\cdots\times n}\) with Tucker rank \((r,\ldots,r)\) can be exactly recovered with high probability if the Gaussian measurements size is of order \(O(rn^{d-1})\). Afterwards, Mu et al. showed that \(O(rn^{d-1})\) Gaussian measurements are necessary for a reliable recovery by the SNN method. In fact, the degree of freedoms of a tensor \(\mathcal{X}\in \mathbb{R}^{n \times\cdots\times n}\) with Tucker rank \((r_{1},\ldots,r_{d})\) is \(\prod_{i=1}^dr_i+\sum_{i=1}^{d}(r_{i}n-r_{i}^{2})\), which is much smaller than \(O(rn^{d-1})\). Recently, Yuan et al. showed that an \(n\times n\times n\) tensor with Tucker rank \((r,r,r)\) can be exactly recovered with high probability by \(O((r^{\frac{1}{2}}n^{\frac{3}{2}}+r^2n)\log^2(n))\) entries, which have a great improvement compared with the number of sampled sizes required in when \(n\) is relatively large. Later, based on a gradient descent algorithm designed on some product smooth manifolds, Xia et al. showed that an \(n\times n\times n\) tensor with multi-linear rank \((r,r,r)\) can be reconstructed with high probability by \(O(r^{\frac{7}{2}}n^{\frac{3}{2}}\log^{\frac{3}{2}}(n)+r^7n\log^6 (n))\) entries. When the rank in the model [\[n1\]](#n1){reference-type="eqref" reference="n1"} is chosen as the CANDECOMP/PARAFAC (CP) rank , Mu et.al introduced a square deal method which only uses an individual nuclear norm of a balanced matrix instead of using a combination of all \(d\) nuclear norms of unfolding matrices of the tensor. Moreover, they showed that \(O(r^{\lfloor\frac{d}{2}\rfloor}n^{\lceil \frac{d}{2}\rceil })\) samples are sufficient to recover a CP rank \(r\) tensor with high probability. Besides, some tensor estimation and recovery problems for the observations with Gaussian measurements were proposed and studied in the literature . For example, Ahmed et al. proposed and studied the tensor regression problem by using low-rank and sparse Tucker decomposition, where a tensor variant of projected gradient descent was proposed and the sample complexity of this algorithm for a \(d\)-order tensor \(n_1\times \cdots\times n_d\) with Tucker rank \((r_1,\ldots, r_d)\) is \(O(\bar{r}^d+\bar{s}\bar{r}d\log^2(3\bar{n}d))\) under the restricted isometry property for sub-Gaussian linear maps. Here \(\bar{r}=\max\{r_1,\ldots,r_d\}\) and \(\bar{n}=\max\{n_1,\ldots, n_d\}\) and \(\bar{s}=\max\{s_1,\ldots, s_d\}\), where \(s_i\) is the upper bound of the number of nonzero entries of each column of the \(i\)-th factor matrix in the Tucker decomposition. Moreover, Cai et al. showed that the Riemannian gradient algorithm can reconstruct a \(d\)-order tensor of size \(n\times \cdots \times n\) and Tucker rank \((r, \ldots, r)\) with high probability from only \(O(nr^2 + r^{d+1})\) measurements under the tensor restricted isometry property for Gaussian measurements, where one step of iterative hard thresholding was used for the initialization. The tubal rank of a third-order tensor was first proposed by Kilmer et al., which is based on tensor-tensor product (t-product). Within the associated algebraic framework of t-product, the tensor SVD was proposed and studied similarly to matrix SVD . For tensor tubal rank minimization, Zhang et al. proved that the tensor tubal nuclear norm (TNN) can be used as a convex relaxation of the tensor tubal rank. Then they showed that an \(n\times n\times n\) tensor with tubal rank \(r\) can be exactly recovered by \(O(rn^{2}\log(n^2))\) uniformly sampled entries. However, the TNN is not the convex envelope of the tubal rank of a tensor, which may lead to more sample entries needed to exactly recover the original tensor. In Table [1](#table1){reference-type="ref" reference="table1"}, we summarize existing results and our contribution for the \(n\times n\times n\) tensor completion problem. It is interesting that there are other factors that affect sample sizes requirement such as sampling methods and incoherence conditions. For detailed discussions, the interested readers are referred to.
In addition, \(\mathcal{A}\) is a diagonal tensor if and only if each frontal slice \(\mathcal{A}^{(i)}\) of \(\mathcal{A}\) is a diagonal matrix. By above definitions, the transformed tensor SVD with respect to \({\bf \Phi}\) can be given as follows.
Based on the transformed tensor SVD given in Theorem [\[them1\]](#them1){reference-type="ref" reference="them1"}, the transformed multi-rank and tubal rank of a tensor can be defined as follows.
The inner product of two tensors \(\mathcal{A},\mathcal{B}\in\mathbb{C}^{n_1\times n_2\times n_3}\) related to the unitary transformation \({\bf \Phi}\) is defined as \[\label{tprod} \langle\mathcal{A}, \mathcal{B} \rangle = \sum_{i=1}^{n_{3}}\langle \mathcal{A}^{(i)}, \mathcal{B}^{(i)} \rangle =\langle \overline{\mathcal{A}}_{\bf \Phi}, \overline{\mathcal{B}}_{\bf \Phi} \rangle,\] where \(\langle \mathcal{A}^{(i)}, \mathcal{B}^{(i)} \rangle\) is the usual inner product of two matrices and \(\overline{\mathcal{A}}_{\bf \Phi}=\textrm{blockdiag}(\mathcal{A}_{\bf \Phi})\). The following fact will be used throughout the paper: For any tensor \(\mathcal{A}\in \mathbb{C}^{n_{1}\times n_{2}\times n_3}\) and \(\mathcal{B}\in \mathbb{C}^{n_{2}\times n_{4}\times n_3},\) one can get that \(\mathcal{A}\diamond_{\bf \Phi}\mathcal{B}=\mathcal{C}\Leftrightarrow \overline{\mathcal{A}}_{\bf \Phi}\cdot\overline{\mathcal{B}}_{\bf \Phi}=\overline{\mathcal{C}}_{\bf \Phi}.\) The tensor spectral norm of an arbitrary tensor \(\mathcal{A}\in \mathbb{C}^{n_1 \times n_2 \times n_3}\) related to \({\bf \Phi}\), denoted by \(\|\mathcal{A}\|\), can be defined as \(\|\mathcal{A}\| = \|\overline{\mathcal{A}}_{\bf \Phi}\|\), i.e., the spectral norm of its block diagonal matrix \(\overline{\mathcal{A}}_{\bf \Phi}\) in the transformed domain. Suppose that \({\tt L}\) is a tensor operator, its operator norm is defined as \(\|{\tt L}\|_{\textup{op}} = \sup_{\|\mathcal{A}\|_F \leq 1} \|{\tt L}(\mathcal{A})\|_F,\) where the tensor Frobenius norm of \(\mathcal{A}\) is defined as \(\|\mathcal{A}\|_{F} = \sqrt{\sum_{i,j,k}|\mathcal{A}_{ijk}|^2}\). Specifically, if the operator norm can be represented as a tensor \(\mathcal{L}\) via \({\bf \Phi}\)-product with \(\mathcal{A}\), we have \(\| {\tt L}\|_{\textup{op}} = \|\mathcal {L}\|\). The tensor infinity norm and the tensor \(l_{\infty,2}\) and are defined as \[\begin{split} &\|\mathcal{A}\|_{\infty} = \max_{i,j,k}|\mathcal{A}_{ijk}| ~ \textup{and} ~ \|\mathcal{A}\|_{\infty,2}=\max\left\{\max_{i}\sqrt{\sum_{b,k}|\mathcal{A}_{ibk}|^2},\max_{j}\sqrt{\sum_{a,k}|\mathcal{A}_{ajk}|^2} \right\}. \end{split}\] Moreover, the weighted tensor \(l_{\infty,w}\) norm with respect to a weighted vector \(w=(\alpha_1,\ldots,\alpha_{n_3})^H\in\mathbb{R}^{n_3}\) is defined as \[\label{norm1} \|\mathcal{A}\|_{\infty, w}=\max\left\{\max_{i}\sqrt{\sum_{b,k}\alpha^2_{k}|\mathcal{A}_{ibk}|^2},\max_{j}\sqrt{\sum_{a,k} \alpha^2_{k}|\mathcal{A}_{ajk}|^2} \right\},\] where \(\sum_{k=1}^{n_3}\alpha^2_{k}=1\). The aim of this paper is to recover a low transformed multi-rank tensor, which motivates us to introduce the following definition of TTNN.
Recently, Song et al. showed that the TTNN of a tensor is the convex envelope of the sum of the entries of the transformed multi-rank of a tensor, which is stated in the following.
Lemma [\[lemm1\]](#lemm1){reference-type="ref" reference="lemm1"} shows that the TTNN is the tightest convex relaxation of the sum of the entries of the transformed multi-rank of the tensor over a unit ball of the tensor spectral norm. That is why the TTNN is effective in studying the tensor recovery theory with transformed multi-rank minimization. Next we introduce two kinds of tensor basis which will be exploited to derive our main result.
# Main Results {#mainresults}
In this section, we consider the third-order tensor completion problem, which aims to recover a low transformed multi-rank tensor under some limited observations. Mathematically, the problem can be described as follows: \[\label{nj1} \begin{split} \min_{\mathcal{Z}}& ~ \sum_{i=1}^{n_3}\operatorname{rank}(\hat{\mathcal{Z}}_{\bf \Phi}^{(i)}) \\ \text{s.t.}&~ \mathcal{P}_{\Omega}(\mathcal{Z})=\mathcal{P}_{\Omega}(\mathcal{M}), \end{split}\] where \(\operatorname{rank}(\hat{\mathcal{Z}}_{\bf \Phi}^{(i)})\) is the rank of \(\hat{\mathcal{Z}}_{\bf \Phi}^{(i)}\), i.e., the \(i\)-th element of the transformed multi-rank of \(\mathcal{Z}, i=1,\ldots, n_3\), \(\Omega\) and \(\mathcal{P}_{\Omega}(\mathcal{Z})\) are defined in model [\[n1\]](#n1){reference-type="eqref" reference="n1"}. Note that the rank minimization problem is NP-hard and the TTNN is the convex envelope of the sum of the entries of the transformed multi-rank of a tensor. Therefore, we propose to utilize the TTNN as a convex relaxation of the sum of the entries of the transformed multi-rank of a tensor. More precisely speaking, the convex relaxation model is given by \[\label{ObjFT} \begin{split} \min_{\mathcal{Z}} & \ \|\mathcal{Z}\|_{\textup{TTNN}} \\ \textup{s.t.} & \ \mathcal{P}_\Omega(\mathcal{Z}) = \mathcal{P}_\Omega(\mathcal{M}). \end{split}\] In the following, we need to introduce the tensor incoherence conditions between the underlying tensor \(\mathcal{Z}\) and the column basis given in Definition [\[defn\]](#defn){reference-type="ref" reference="defn"}.
Denote by \(T\) the linear space of tensors \[T = \big\{\mathcal{U}\diamond_{\bf \Phi}\mathcal{Y}^{H} + \mathcal{W}\diamond_{\bf \Phi} \mathcal{V}^{H} ~|~ \mathcal{Y} \in \mathbb{C}^{n_2 \times r \times n_3},~\mathcal{W} \in \mathbb{C}^{n_1 \times r \times n_3} \big\}, \label{e1}\] and by \(T^{\perp}\) its orthogonal complement, where \(\mathcal{U}\in \mathbb{C}^{n_{1}\times r\times n_{3}}\) and \(\mathcal{V}\in \mathbb{C}^{n_{2}\times r\times n_{3}}\) are column unitary tensors, respectively, i.e., \(\mathcal{U}^H\diamond_{\bf \Phi}\mathcal{U}=\mathcal{I}_{\bf \Phi}, \mathcal{V}^H\diamond_{\bf \Phi}\mathcal{V}=\mathcal{I}_{\bf \Phi}\). In the light of, for any \(\mathcal{Z}\in\mathbb{C}^{n_1\times n_2\times n_3}\), the orthogonal projections onto \(T\) and its complementary are given as follows: \[\begin{split} &\mathcal{P}_{T}(\mathcal{Z}) = \mathcal{U}\diamond_{\bf \Phi} \mathcal{U}^{H}\diamond_{\bf \Phi} \mathcal{Z} +\mathcal{Z}\diamond_{\bf \Phi} \mathcal{V}\diamond_{\bf \Phi} \mathcal{V}^{H}-\mathcal{U}\diamond_{\bf \Phi} \mathcal{U}^{H}\diamond_{\bf \Phi} \mathcal{Z}\diamond_{\bf \Phi} \mathcal{V}\diamond_{\bf \Phi} \mathcal{V}^{H}, \\ &\mathcal{P}_{T^{\perp}}(\mathcal{Z}) = (\mathcal{I}_{\bf \Phi}-\mathcal{U}\diamond_{\bf \Phi} \mathcal{U}^{H})\diamond_{\bf \Phi} \mathcal{Z}\diamond_{\bf \Phi} (\mathcal{I}_{\bf \Phi}-\mathcal{V}\diamond_{\bf \Phi} \mathcal{V}^{H}). \end{split}\] Denote \(n_{(1)}=\max\{n_{1},n_{2}\},n_{(2)}=\min\{n_{1},n_{2}\}.\) We can improve the low bound on the number of sampling sizes for tensor completion by using transformed multi-rank instead of using tubal rank, which is stated in the following theorem.
Next we compare the number of sample sizes requirement for exact recovery in. Note that the tensor incoherence conditions in are given by \[\begin{aligned}
&\max_{i=1, \dots, n_1} \|\mathcal{U}^{H} \diamond_{\bf \Phi} \tc{e}_{i1}\|_F \leq \sqrt{\frac{\mu_{old} r}{n_1}},\\ & \max_{j=1, \dots, n_2} \|\mathcal{V}^{H} \diamond_{\bf \Phi} \tc{e}_{j1}\|_F\leq \sqrt{\frac{\mu_{old} r}{n_2}}, \end{aligned}\] where \(r\) is the tubal rank of the underlying tensor, \(\mu_{old}>0\) is a parameter, \({\bf \Phi}\) is FFT, \(\tc{e}_{i1}\) and \(\tc{e}_{j1}\) are defined in Definition [\[defn\]](#defn){reference-type="ref" reference="defn"}. When the number of samples is larger than or equal to \(\widetilde{c}rn_{(1)}n_3\log(n_{(1)}n_3)\), the underlying tensor can be recovered exactly, where \(\widetilde{c}>0\) is a given constant. Neglecting the constants, we know that the bound of sample sizes requirement in Theorem [\[Theorem1\]](#Theorem1){reference-type="ref" reference="Theorem1"} is smaller than that of since \(\sum_{i=1}^{n_3}r_i\) is smaller than \(rn_3\) in general. Especially, when the the vector of the transformed multi-rank \({\bf r}\) is sparse, the number of sample sizes requirement given in [\[new1\]](#new1){reference-type="eqref" reference="new1"} is much smaller than that in for exact recovery. Moreover, the exact recovery theory in Theorem [\[Theorem1\]](#Theorem1){reference-type="ref" reference="Theorem1"} not only holds for FFT but also for any unitary transformation, which is very meaningful in practical applications. Based on Theorem [\[Theorem1\]](#Theorem1){reference-type="ref" reference="Theorem1"}, for a given data tensor, we can choose a suitable unitary transformation such that the sum of elements of the transformed multi-rank of the underlying tensor is small, which can guarantee to derive better results than that by using FFT directly. To facilitate our proof of the main theorem, we will consider the independent and identically distributed *(i.i.d.) Bernoulli-Rademacher model*. More precisely, we assume \(\Omega = \{(i, j, k) \ | \ \delta_{ijk} = 1\}\), where \(\delta_{ijk}\) are i.i.d. Bernoulli variables taking value one with probability \(\rho = \frac{m}{n_1n_2n_3}\) and zero with probability \(1-\rho\). Such a Bernoulli sampling is denoted by \(\Omega \sim \textup{Ber}(\rho)\) for short. As a proxy for uniform sampling, the probability of failure under Bernoulli sampling closely approximates the probability of failure under uniform sampling. Recall the definitions of tensor Frobenius norm and the tensor incoherence conditions given in ([\[eq16\]](#eq16){reference-type="ref" reference="eq16"})-([\[eq17\]](#eq17){reference-type="ref" reference="eq17"}), we can get the following result easily.
Proposition [\[pro1\]](#pro1){reference-type="ref" reference="pro1"} plays an important role in the proofs of Lemmas [\[le1\]](#le1){reference-type="ref" reference="le1"}, [\[lemma2\]](#lemma2){reference-type="ref" reference="lemma2"} and [\[le3\]](#le3){reference-type="ref" reference="le3"}, which can be found in the Appendix.
The proofs of the three lemmas are left to the appendix. Lemma [\[lemma2\]](#lemma2){reference-type="ref" reference="lemma2"} establishes an upper bound of the tensor spectral norm of \((\rho^{-1}\mathcal{P}_{\Omega}-\mathcal{I})\mathcal{Z}\) in terms of \(\|\mathcal{Z}\|_{\infty}\) and \(\|\mathcal{Z}\|_{\infty,w},\) which is tighter than the existing result given by \(\|\mathcal{Z}\|_{\infty}\) and \(\|\mathcal{Z}\|_{\infty,2}\). The weights in \(\|\mathcal{Z}\|_{\infty,w}\) are determined by the unitary transformation, which guarantee the upper bound of \(\|(\rho^{-1}\mathcal{P}_{\Omega}-\mathcal{I})\mathcal{Z}\|\) to be smaller. Lemma [\[le3\]](#le3){reference-type="ref" reference="le3"} shows that the \(l_{{\infty,w}}\) norm of \((\rho^{-1}\mathcal{P}_{T}\mathcal{P}_{\Omega}-\mathcal{P}_{T})\mathcal{Z}\) can be dominated by \(\|\mathcal{Z}\|_{\infty,w}\) and \(\|\mathcal{Z}\|_{\infty}\). Moreover, Lemmas C1 and C2 in can be seen as special cases of Lemmas [\[lemma2\]](#lemma2){reference-type="ref" reference="lemma2"} and [\[le3\]](#le3){reference-type="ref" reference="le3"}, respectively, if the transformation is chosen as FFT.
With the tools in hand we can list the proof of Theorem [\[Theorem1\]](#Theorem1){reference-type="ref" reference="Theorem1"} in detail. . The high level road map of the proof is a standard one just as shown in: by convex analysis, to show \(\mathcal{Z}\) is the unique optimal solution to the problem \(\eqref{ObjFT}\), it is sufficient to find a dual certificate \(\mathcal{Y}\) satisfying several subgradient type conditions. In our case, we need to find a tensor \(\mathcal{Y}=\mathcal{P}_{\Omega}(\mathcal{Y})\) such that \[\begin{aligned}
& \|\mathcal{P}_{T}(\mathcal{Y})-\mathcal{U}\diamond_{\bf \Phi}\mathcal{V}^{H}\|_{F}\leq \frac{1}{4n_{(1)}n_{3}^{2}}, \label{cd1}\\ & \|\mathcal{P}_{T^{\bot}}(\mathcal{Y})\|\leq\frac{1}{2}.\label{cd2} \end{aligned}\] It follows from [\[cd2\]](#cd2){reference-type="eqref" reference="cd2"} that we need to estimate the tensor spectral norm \(\|\mathcal{P}_{T^{\bot}}(\mathcal{Y})\|\). Similar to matrix cases, we can use the tensor infinite norm to establish the upper bound of \(\|\mathcal{P}_{T^{\bot}}(\mathcal{Y})\|\). However, if \(\|\mathcal{Y}\|_{\infty}\) is applied, then it will ultimately link to \(\|\mathcal{U}\diamond_{\bf \Phi}\mathcal{V}^H\|_{\infty}\) and lead to the joint incoherence condition. In order to avoid applying the joint incoherence condition, \(\|\mathcal{Y}\|_{\infty,2}\) is used in and to compute the upper bound of \(\|\mathcal{Y}\|\) for the matrix and tensor cases, respectively. It follows from and that a lower upper bound can be derived by using \(\|\mathcal{Y}\|_{\infty,2}\). However, the upper bound derived by \(\|\mathcal{Y}\|_{\infty,2}\) can be relaxed further for an arbitrary unitary transformation. Here, we derive a new upper bound of \(\|\mathcal{P}_{T^{\bot}}(\mathcal{Y})\|\) by using the \(l_{\infty,w}\) norm \(\|\mathcal{Y}\|_{\infty,w}\) as defined in [\[norm1\]](#norm1){reference-type="eqref" reference="norm1"}. Note that \(\|\mathcal{Y}\|_{\infty,w}\) is not larger than \(\|\mathcal{Y}\|_{\infty,2}\) for any tensor \(\mathcal{Y},\) which leads to a tighter upper bound of \(\|\mathcal{Y}\|\). We now return to the proof Theorem [\[Theorem1\]](#Theorem1){reference-type="ref" reference="Theorem1"} in detail. We apply the Golfing Scheme method introduced by Gross and modified by Candès et al. to construct a dual tensor \(\mathcal{Y}\) supported by \(\Omega^c\) iteratively. Similar to the proof of, we consider the set \(\Omega^c\sim \textup{Ber}(1-\rho)\) as a union of sets of support \(\Omega_j\), i.e., \(\Omega^c = \bigcup_{j=1}^p \Omega_j\), where \(\Omega_j \sim \textup{Ber}(q),\) which implies \(q \geq C_0\rho/\log(n_{(1)}n_3)\). Hence we have \(\rho = (1-q)^{p},\) where \(p = \lfloor 5\log(n_{(1)}n_3) + 1\rfloor\). Denote \[\label{s1} \mathcal{Y}= \sum_{j=1}^p \frac{1}{q}\mathcal{P}_{\Omega_j}(\mathcal{Z}_{j-1}), ~\text{with}~\mathcal{Z}_{j} = \Big(\mathcal{P}_{T}-\frac{1}{q}\mathcal{P}_{T} \mathcal{P}_{\Omega_j}\mathcal{P}_{T}\Big)\mathcal{Z}_{j-1},~ \mathcal{Z}_0 = \mathcal{P}_{T}(\mathcal{U} \diamond_{\bf \Phi} \mathcal{V}^{H} ).\] In the following we will show that \(\mathcal{Y}\) defined in [\[s1\]](#s1){reference-type="eqref" reference="s1"} satisfies the conditions [\[cd1\]](#cd1){reference-type="eqref" reference="cd1"} and [\[cd2\]](#cd2){reference-type="eqref" reference="cd2"}. For [\[cd1\]](#cd1){reference-type="eqref" reference="cd1"}. Set \(\mathcal{D}_{k}:=\mathcal{U}\diamond_{\bf \Phi}\mathcal{V}^{H}-\mathcal{P}_{T}(\mathcal{Z}_{k})\) for \(k=0,\ldots,p\). By the definition of \(\mathcal{Z}_{k}\), we have \(\mathcal{D}_{0}=\mathcal{U}\diamond_{\bf \Phi}\mathcal{V}^{H}\) and \[\label{eqn1} \mathcal{D}_{k}=(\mathcal{P}_{T}-\mathcal{P}_{T}\mathcal{P}_{\Omega}\mathcal{P}_{T})\mathcal{D}_{k-1}, \ k=1,\ldots, p.\] Note that \(\Omega_{k}\) is independent of \(\mathcal{D}_{k-1}\) and \(q\geq c_{0}\mu\sum r_{i}\log(n_{(1)}n_{3})/(n_{(1)}n_{3}).\) For each \(k,\) replacing \(\Omega\) by \(\Omega_{k},\) then by Lemma [\[le1\]](#le1){reference-type="ref" reference="le1"}, we have \[\|\mathcal{D}_{k}\|_{{F}}\leq \|\mathcal{P}_{T}-\mathcal{P}_{T}\mathcal{P}_{\Omega_{k}}\mathcal{P}_{T}\|\|\mathcal{D}_{k-1}\|_{{F}}\leq \frac{1}{2}\|\mathcal{D}_{k-1}\|_{F}.\] As a consequence, one can obtain that \[\begin{aligned}
\|\mathcal{P}_{T}(\mathcal{Y})-\mathcal{U}\diamond_{\bf \Phi} \mathcal{V}^{H}\|_{{F}}=\|\mathcal{D}_{p}\|_{{F}}\leq \left(\frac{1}{2}\right) ^{p}\|\mathcal{U}\diamond_{\bf \Phi} \mathcal{V}^{H}\|_{{F}}\leq\frac{1}{4(n_{(1)}n_{3})^{2}}\sqrt{r} \leq \frac{1}{4n_{(1)}n_{3}^2}. \end{aligned}\] For [\[cd2\]](#cd2){reference-type="eqref" reference="cd2"}. Note that \(\mathcal{Y}=\sum_{k=1}^{p}\mathcal{P}_{\Omega_{k}}\mathcal{P}_{T}(\mathcal{D}_{k-1}),\) thus \[\begin{aligned}
\label{17py} \|\mathcal{P}_{T^{\bot}}(\mathcal{Y})\|\leq \sum_{k=1}^{p}\|\mathcal{P}_{T^{\bot}}(\mathcal{P}_{\Omega_{k}}\mathcal{P}_{T}-\mathcal{P}_{T})(\mathcal{D}_{k-1})\| \leq \sum_{k=1}^{p}\|(\mathcal{P}_{\Omega_{k}}-\mathcal{I})\mathcal{P}_{T}(\mathcal{D}_{k-1})\|. \end{aligned}\] Applying Lemma [\[lemma2\]](#lemma2){reference-type="ref" reference="lemma2"} with \(\Omega\) replaced by \(\Omega_{k}\) to each summand of ([\[17py\]](#17py){reference-type="ref" reference="17py"}) yields \[\begin{aligned}
\|\mathcal{P}_{T^{\bot}}(\mathcal{Y})\|&\leq c \sum_{k=1}^{p}\Biggl(\frac{\log (n_{(1)}n_{3})}{q}\|\mathcal{D}_{k-1}\|_{\infty}+\sqrt{\frac{\log (n_{(1)}n_{3})}{q}}\|\mathcal{D}_{k-1}\|_{\infty,w}\Biggl)\nonumber\\ &\leq \frac{c}{\sqrt{c_{0}}} \sum_{k=1}^{p}\Biggl(\frac{ n_{(1)}n_{3}}{\mu\sum r_{i}}\|\mathcal{D}_{k-1}\|_{\infty}+\sqrt{\frac{ n_{(1)}n_{3}}{\mu\sum r_{i}}}\|\mathcal{D}_{k-1}\|_{\infty,w}\Biggl).\label{eq4} \end{aligned}\] Using [\[eqn1\]](#eqn1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eqn1"}, and applying Lemma [\[le1\]](#le1){reference-type="ref" reference="le1"} with \(\Omega\) replaced by \(\Omega_{k},\) we can get \[\begin{aligned}
\|\mathcal{D}_{k-1}\|_{\infty}=\|(\mathcal{P}_{T^{\bot}}(\mathcal{P}_{\Omega_{k-1}}\mathcal{P}_{T}-\mathcal{P}_{T})\cdots \mathcal{P}_{T^{\bot}}(\mathcal{P}_{\Omega_{1}}\mathcal{P}_{T}-\mathcal{P}_{T}))\mathcal{D}_{0}\|_{\infty}\leq \frac{1}{2^{k}}\|\mathcal{U}\diamond_{\bf \Phi} \mathcal{V}^{H}\|_{\infty}. \end{aligned}\] It follows from Lemma [\[le3\]](#le3){reference-type="ref" reference="le3"} that \[\begin{aligned}
\|\mathcal{D}_{k-1}\|_{\infty,w}=\|(\mathcal{P}_{T}-\mathcal{P}_{T}\mathcal{P}_{\Omega_{k-1}}\mathcal{P}_{T})\mathcal{D}_{k-2}\|_{\infty,w} \leq\frac{1}{2}\sqrt{\frac{n_{(1)}n_{3}}{\mu\sum r_{i}}}\|\mathcal{D}_{k-2}\|_{\infty}+\frac{1}{2}\|D_{k-2}\|_{\infty,w} \end{aligned}\] holds with high probability. Moreover, it follows from [\[eqn1\]](#eqn1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eqn1"} that \[\begin{aligned}
\|\mathcal{D}_{k-1}\|_{\infty,w}\leq\frac{ k}{2^{k-1}}\sqrt{\frac{n_{(1)}n_{3}}{\mu\sum r_{i}}}\|\mathcal{U}\diamond_{\bf \Phi} \mathcal{V}^{H}\|_{\infty}+\frac{1}{2^{k-1}}\|\mathcal{U}\diamond_{\bf \Phi} \mathcal{V}^{H}\|_{\infty,w}. \end{aligned}\] Taking them back to [\[eq4\]](#eq4){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq4"} yields \[\begin{aligned}
&~\|\mathcal{P}_{T^{\bot}}(\mathcal{Y})\|\nonumber\\ \leq &~\frac{c}{\sqrt{c_{0}}}\frac{n_{(1)}n_{3}}{\mu\sum r_{i}}\|\mathcal{U}\diamond_{\bf \Phi} \mathcal{V}^{H}\|_{\infty}\sum_{k=1}^{p}(k+1)\left(\frac{1}{2}\right)^{k-1} \\ &~~ +\frac{c}{\sqrt{c_{0}}}\sqrt{\frac{n_{(1)}n_{3}}{\mu\sum r_{i}}}\|\mathcal{U}\diamond_{\bf \Phi} \mathcal{V}^{H}\|_{\infty,w}\sum_{k=1}^{p}\left(\frac{1}{2}\right)^{k-1}\nonumber\\ \leq &~\frac{6c}{\sqrt{c_{0}}}\frac{n_{(1)}n_{3}}{\mu\sum r_{i}}\|\mathcal{U}\diamond_{\bf \Phi} \mathcal{V}^{H}\|_{\infty}+ \frac{2c}{\sqrt{c_{0}}}\sqrt{\frac{n_{(1)}n_{3}}{\mu\sum r_{i}}}\|\mathcal{U}\diamond_{\bf \Phi}\mathcal{V}^{H}\|_{\infty,w}.\label{e7} \end{aligned}\] By the incoherence conditions given in [\[eq16\]](#eq16){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq16"}-[\[eq17\]](#eq17){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq17"}, we can get \[\begin{aligned}
&\|\mathcal{U}\diamond_{\bf \Phi} \mathcal{V}^{H}\|_{\infty}\leq \max_{i,j,k}\|\mathcal{U}\diamond_{\bf \Phi}\tc{e}_{ik}\|_{F}\|\mathcal{V}^{H}\diamond_{\bf \Phi}\tc{e}_{ik}\|_{{F}}\leq \frac{\mu\sum r_{i}}{n_{(1)}n_{3}},\label{e10}\\ &\|\mathcal{U}\diamond_{\bf \Phi} \mathcal{V}^{H}\|_{\infty,w}\leq \max\left\{\max_{i,k}\| \mathcal{U}\diamond_{\bf \Phi} \mathcal{V}^{H}\diamond_{\bf \Phi}\tc{e}_{ik}\|_{{F}},\max_{j,k}\| \tc{e}_{jk}^{H}\diamond_{\bf \Phi}\mathcal{U}\diamond_{\bf \Phi} \mathcal{V}^{H}\|_{{F}}\right\}\leq \sqrt{\frac{\mu\sum r_{i}}{n_{(1)}n_{3}}}.\label{e11} \end{aligned}\] Plugging [\[e10\]](#e10){reference-type="eqref" reference="e10"} and [\[e11\]](#e11){reference-type="eqref" reference="e11"} into [\[e7\]](#e7){reference-type="eqref" reference="e7"}, we obtain that \[\begin{aligned}
\|\mathcal{P}_{T^{\bot}}(\mathcal{Y})\|\leq\frac{6c}{\sqrt{c_{0}}}+\frac{2c}{\sqrt{c_{0}}}\leq \frac{1}{2} \end{aligned}\] provided \(c_{0}\) is sufficiently large. Moreover, for any tensor \(\mathcal{W}\in \{\mathcal{W} \in \mathbb{C}^{n_{1}\times n_{1}\times n_{3}}|\mathcal{P}_{\Omega}(\mathcal{W})=0\},\) denote the skinny transformed tensor SVD of \(\mathcal{P}_{T^\bot}(\mathcal{W})\) by \[\mathcal{P}_{T^\bot}(\mathcal{W}) = \mathcal{U}_\perp \diamond_{\bf \Phi}\mathcal{S}_\perp \diamond_{\bf \Phi} \mathcal{V}^{H}_\perp.\] Since \(\mathcal{\overline{U}}_{\bf \Phi}^{H}\cdot(\mathcal{\overline{U}}_{\perp})_{\bf \Phi}=\mathbf{0}\) and \(\mathcal{\overline{V}}_{\bf \Phi}^{H}\cdot(\mathcal{\overline{V}}_{\perp})_{\bf \Phi}=\mathbf{0},\) we have \[\|\mathcal{U} \diamond_{\bf \Phi} \mathcal{V}^{H} + \mathcal{U}_\perp \diamond_{\bf \Phi} \mathcal{V}^{H}_\perp\| = \|\mathcal{\overline{U}}_{\bf \Phi}\cdot \mathcal{\overline{V}}_{\bf \Phi}^{H} + (\mathcal{\overline{U}}_\perp)_{\bf \Phi}\cdot ((\mathcal{\overline{V}}_\perp)_{\bf \Phi})^{H}\|=1.\] Thus, we get that \[\begin{aligned}
\|\mathcal{Z} + \mathcal{W}\|_{\textup{TTNN}} \geq & ~ \langle \mathcal{U} \diamond_{\bf \Phi} \mathcal{V}^{H} + \mathcal{U}_\perp \diamond_{\bf \Phi} \mathcal{V}^{H}, \mathcal{Z} + \mathcal{W}\rangle \nonumber \\ = &~ \langle\mathcal{U} \diamond_{\bf \Phi} \mathcal{V}^{H},\mathcal{Z}\rangle + \langle\mathcal{U}_\perp \diamond_{\bf \Phi} \mathcal{V}^{H}_\perp, \mathcal{P}_{T^{\bot}}(\mathcal{W})\rangle + \langle\mathcal{U} \diamond_{\bf \Phi} \mathcal{V}^{H}, \mathcal{W}\rangle \nonumber\\ = &~ \|\mathcal{Z}\|_{\textup{TTNN}} + \|\mathcal{P}_{T^{\bot}}(\mathcal{W})\|_{\textup{TTNN}} +\langle \mathcal{U} \diamond_{\bf \Phi} \mathcal{V}^{H}, \mathcal{W}\rangle \nonumber \\ \geq &~ \|\mathcal{Z}\|_{\textup{TTNN}}+\mathcal{P}_{T^{\bot}}(\mathcal{W})\|_{\textup{TTNN}} -|\langle\mathcal{Y}-\mathcal{U}\diamond_{\bf \Phi} \mathcal{V}^{H}, \mathcal{W}\rangle-\langle\mathcal{Y}, \mathcal{W}\rangle| \nonumber\\ \geq & ~ \|\mathcal{Z}\|_{\textup{TTNN}}+ \|\mathcal{P}_{T^{\bot}}(\mathcal{W})\|_{\textup{TTNN}}-\|\mathcal{P}_{T^{\bot}}(\mathcal{Y})\| \|\mathcal{P}_{T^{\bot}}(\mathcal{W})\|_{\textup{TTNN}} \nonumber\\ &~-\|\mathcal{P}_{T}(\mathcal{Y})-\mathcal{U} \diamond_{\bf \Phi} \mathcal{V}^{H}\|_{{F}} \|\mathcal{P}_{T}(\mathcal{W})\|_{{F}} \nonumber\\ \geq &~ \|\mathcal{Z}\|_{\textup{TTNN}}+ \frac{1}{2}\|\mathcal{P}_{T^{\bot}}(\mathcal{W})\|_{\textup{TTNN}}-\frac{1}{4n_{(1)}n_3} \|\mathcal{P}_T(\mathcal{W})\|_{{F}}. \label{eq21} \end{aligned}\] Thus, it follows from Lemma [\[4.7\]](#4.7){reference-type="ref" reference="4.7"} that \(\|\mathcal{Z} + \mathcal{W}\|_{\textup{TTNN}}>\|\mathcal{Z}\|_{\textup{TTNN}}\) holds for any \(\mathcal{W}\) with \(\mathcal{P}_{\Omega}(\mathcal{W}) = 0.\) As a consequence, \(\mathcal{Z}\) is the unique minimizer to \(\eqref{ObjFT}.\) This completes the proof. 0◻In the next section, we demonstrate that the theoretical results can be obtained under valid incoherence conditions and the tensor completion performance of the proposed method is better than that of other testing methods.
# Experimental Results {#Sect4}
In this section, numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed model. All numerical experiments are obtained from a desktop computer running on 64-bit Windows Operating System having 8 cores with Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700 CPU at 3.40GHz and 20 GB memory. Firstly, we employ an alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) to solve problem ([\[ObjFT\]](#ObjFT){reference-type="ref" reference="ObjFT"}). Let \(\mathcal{Z}=\mathcal{Y}\). Then problem ([\[ObjFT\]](#ObjFT){reference-type="ref" reference="ObjFT"}) can be rewritten as \[\label{ObjLg} \begin{split} \min_{\mathcal{Z}} & \ \|\mathcal{Z}\|_{\textup{TTNN}} \\ \textup{s.t.} & \ \mathcal{Z}=\mathcal{Y}, \ \mathcal{P}_\Omega(\mathcal{Y}) = \mathcal{P}_\Omega(\mathcal{M}). \end{split}\] The augmented Lagrangian function associated with ([\[ObjLg\]](#ObjLg){reference-type="ref" reference="ObjLg"}) is defined as \[L(\mathcal{Z},\mathcal{Y},\mathcal{X}):=\|\mathcal{Z}\|_{\textup{TTNN}}-\langle \mathcal{X},\mathcal{Z}-\mathcal{Y}\rangle+\frac{\beta}{2}\|\mathcal{Z}-\mathcal{Y}\|_F^2,\] where \(\mathcal{X}\in \mathbb{C}^{n_{1}\times n_{2}\times n_3}\) is the Lagrangian multiplier and \(\beta>0\) is the penalty parameter. The ADMM iteration system is given as follows: \[\begin{aligned}
\label{u1211} &&\mathcal{Z}^{k+1}=\arg\min_{\mathcal{Z}}\Big\{L(\mathcal{Z},\mathcal{Y}^k,\mathcal{X}^k)\Big\},\\\label{w1} &&\mathcal{Y}^{k+1}=\arg\min_{\mathcal{Y}}\Big\{L(\mathcal{Z}^{k+1},\mathcal{Y},\mathcal{X}^k): \mathcal{P}_\Omega(\mathcal{Y}) = \mathcal{P}_\Omega(\mathcal{M})\Big\},\\ \label{u1} &&\mathcal{X}^{k+1}=\mathcal{X}^k-\gamma\beta\left(\mathcal{Z}^{k+1}-\mathcal{Y}^{k+1}\right), \end{aligned}\] where \(\gamma\in(0,\frac{1+\sqrt{5}}{2})\) is the dual steplength. It follows from that the optimal solution with respect to \(\mathcal{Z}\) in ([\[u1211\]](#u1211){reference-type="ref" reference="u1211"}) is given by \[\label{XS} \mathcal{Z}^{k+1}=\mathcal{U} \diamond_{\bf \Phi} \mathcal{S}_{\beta} \diamond_{\bf \Phi} \mathcal{V}^{H},\] where \(\mathcal{Y}^k+\frac{1}{\beta}\mathcal{X}^k=\mathcal{U} \diamond_{\bf \Phi} \mathcal{S} \diamond_{\bf \Phi} \mathcal{V}^{H}\), \(\mathcal{S}_{\beta}=\mathbf{\Phi}^{H}[\hat{\mathcal{S}}_{\beta}]\), and \(\hat{\mathcal{S}}_{\beta}=\max\{\hat{\mathcal{S}}_{\bf \Phi}-\frac{1}{\beta},0\}\). The optimal solution with respect to \(\mathcal{Y}\) in ([\[w1\]](#w1){reference-type="ref" reference="w1"}) is given by \[\label{YS} \mathcal{Y}^{k+1}=\mathcal{P}_{\overline{\Omega}}\left(\mathcal{Z}^{k+1}-\frac{1}{\beta}\mathcal{X}^k\right)+\mathcal{P}_\Omega(\mathcal{M}),\] where \(\overline{\Omega}\) denotes the complementary set of \(\Omega\) on \(\{1,\ldots,n_1\}\times\{1,\ldots,n_2\}\times\{1,\ldots,n_3\}\). The detailed description of ADMM for solving ([\[ObjLg\]](#ObjLg){reference-type="ref" reference="ObjLg"}) is given in Algorithm [\[alg1\]](#alg1){reference-type="ref" reference="alg1"}.
The convergence of a two-block ADMM for solving convex optimization problems has been established in and the convergence of Algorithm [\[alg1\]](#alg1){reference-type="ref" reference="alg1"} can be derived from this theorem easily. We omit the details here for the sake of brevity. The Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions associated with problem ([\[ObjLg\]](#ObjLg){reference-type="ref" reference="ObjLg"}) are given as follows: \[\label{KKT} \left\{\begin{array}{lll} 0\in\partial \|\mathcal{Z}\|_{\textup{TTNN}}-\mathcal{X}, \\ \mathcal{Z} =\mathcal{Y}, \ \mathcal{P}_\Omega(\mathcal{Y}) = \mathcal{P}_\Omega(\mathcal{M}), \end{array}\right.\] where \(\partial \|\mathcal{Z}\|_{\textup{TTNN}}\) denotes the subdifferential of TTNN at \(\mathcal{Z}\). Based on the KKT conditions in ([\[KKT\]](#KKT){reference-type="ref" reference="KKT"}), we adopt the following relative residual to measure the accuracy of a computed solution in the numerical experiments: \[\eta:=\max\{\eta_x,\eta_y\},\] where \[\eta_x=\frac{\|\mathcal{Z}-\mbox{Prox}_{\|\cdot\|_{\textup{TTNN}}}(\mathcal{X}+\mathcal{Z})\|_F}{1+\|\mathcal{Z}\|_F+\|\mathcal{X}\|_F}, \ \ \eta_y=\frac{\|\mathcal{Z}-\mathcal{Y}\|_F}{1+\|\mathcal{Z}\|_F+\|\mathcal{Y}\|_F}.\] Here \(\mbox{Prox}_f(y):=\arg\min_x\{f(x)+\frac{1}{2}\|x-y\|^2\}\). In the practical implementation, Algorithm [\[alg1\]](#alg1){reference-type="ref" reference="alg1"} will be terminated if \(\eta\leq 10^{-3}\) or the maximum number of iterations exceeds \(600\). We set \(\gamma=1.618\) for the convergence of ADMM in all experiments. Since the penalty parameter \(\beta\) is not too sensitive to the recovered results, we set \(\beta=0.05\) in the following experiments. The relative error (Rel) is defined by \[\mbox{Rel}:=\frac{\|\mathcal{Z}_{est}-\mathcal{Z}\|_F}{\|\mathcal{Z}\|_F},\] where \(\mathcal{Z}_{est}\) is the estimated tensor and \(\mathcal{Z}\) is the ground-truth tensor. To evaluate the performance of the proposed method for real-world tensors, the peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) is used to measure the quality of the estimated tensor, which is defined as follows: \[\mbox{PSNR}:=10\log_{10} \frac{n_1n_2n_3({\mathcal{Z}}_{\max}-{\mathcal{Z}}_{\min})^2}{\|\mathcal{Z}_{est}-{\mathcal{Z}}\|_F^2},\] where \({\mathcal{Z}}_{\max}\) and \({\mathcal{Z}}_{\min}\) denote the maximum and minimum entries of \(\mathcal{Z}\), respectively. The structural similarity (SSIM) index is used to measure the quality of the recovered images: \[\mbox{SSIM}:=\frac{(2\mu_x\mu_y+c_1)(2\sigma_{xy}+c_2)}{(\mu_x^2+\mu_y^2+c_1)(\sigma_x^2+\sigma_y^2+c_2)},\] where \(\mu_x, \sigma_x\) are the mean intensities and standard deviation of the original image, respectively, \(\mu_y, \sigma_y\) denote the mean intensities and standard deviation of the recovered images, respectively, \(\sigma_{xy}\) denotes the covariance of the original and recovered images, and \(c_1,c_2>0\) are constants. For the real-world tensor data, the SSIM is used to denote the average SSIM values of all images.
## Transformations of tensor SVD {#trans3}
In this subsection, we use three kinds of transformations in the \({\bf \Phi}\)-product and transformed tensor SVD. The first two transformations are FFT (t-SVD (FFT)) and discrete cosine transform (t-SVD (DCT)). The third one is based on given data to construct a unitary transform matrix. Note that we unfold \(\mathcal{Z}\) into a matrix \(Z\) along the third-dimension (called t-SVD (data)) and take the SVD of the unfolding matrix \(Z=U {\Sigma}{V}^H\). Suppose that \(\text{rank}(Z)=r\). It is interesting to observe that \(U^H\) is the optimal transformation to obtain a low rank approximation of \(Z\): \[\min_{\mathbf{\Phi},B}\ \|\mathbf{\Phi} Z-B\|_F^2 \quad \mbox{s.t.} \quad \text{rank}(B)=r, \ \mathbf{\Phi}^H\mathbf{\Phi} = \mathbf{\Phi}\mathbf{\Phi}^H=I.\] It has been demonstrated that the chosen unitary transformation \(U^H\) is very effective for the tensor completion problems in the literature, e.g.,. In practice, the estimator of \(\mathcal{Z}\) obtained by t-SVD (DCT) can be used to generate \(\mathbf{\Phi}\) for tensor completion. Now we give the computational cost of TTNN based on the three transformations for any \(n_1 \times n_2 \times n_3\) tensor, which is the main cost of Algorithm [\[alg1\]](#alg1){reference-type="ref" reference="alg1"}. Suppose that \(n_2 \leq n_1\). The computational cost of TTNN is given as follows:
- The application of FFT or DCT to a tube (\(n_3\)-vector) is of \(O(n_3 \log(n_3))\) operations. There are \(n_1n_2\) tubes in an \(n_1 \times n_2 \times n_3\) tensor. In the transformed tensor SVD based on FFT or DCT, we need to compute \(n_3\) \(n_1\)-by-\(n_2\) SVDs in the transformed domain and then the cost is \(O(n_1n_2^2n_3)\) for these matrices. Hence, the total cost of TTNN based on FFT or DCT is of \(O(n_1n_2n_3 \log(n_3)+n_1n_2^2n_3)\) operations.
- The application of a unitary transformation (\(n_3\)-by-\(n_3\)) to an \(n_3\)-vector is of \(O(n_3^2)\) operations. And there are still \(n_3\) \(n_1\)-by-\(n_2\) SVDs to be calculated in the transformed domain. Therefore, the total cost of computing the TTNN based on the given data is of \(O(n_1n_2n_3^2+n_1n_2^2n_3)\) operations.
## Recovery Results
In this subsection, we show the recovery results to demonstrate the performance of our analysis for synthetic data and real imaging data sets.
### Synthetic Data
For the synthetic data, the random tensors are generated as follows: \(\mathcal{Z}=\mathcal{A} \diamond_{\bf \Phi} \mathcal{B}\in\mathbb{C}^{n_1\times n_2\times n_3}\) with different transformed multi-rank \(\mathbf{r}\), where \(\hat{\mathcal{A}}_{{\bf\Phi}}^{(i)}\) and \(\hat{\mathcal{B}}_{{\bf\Phi}}^{(i)}\) are generated by MATLAB commands \(\mbox{randn}(n_1,r_i)\) and \(\mbox{randn}(n_2,r_i)\), and \(r_i\) is the \(i\)-th element of the transformed multi-rank \(\mathbf{r}\). Here \({\bf \Phi}\) denotes FFT, DCT, and an orthogonal matrix generated by the SVD of the unfolding matrix of \({\cal Z}\) along the third-dimension, see Section [4.1](#trans3){reference-type="ref" reference="trans3"}. In Figures [\[fixsum200\]](#fixsum200){reference-type="ref" reference="fixsum200"} and [\[fixsum300\]](#fixsum300){reference-type="ref" reference="fixsum300"}, we show the actual number of sample sizes for exact recovery and the theoretical bounds of sample sizes requirements in Theorem [\[Theorem1\]](#Theorem1){reference-type="ref" reference="Theorem1"}: \[\label{con1} m \ge \ {\rm constant}_1 \ \sum_{i=1}^{n}r_i n \log(n^2)\] and the results in: \[\label{con2} m \ge \ {\rm constant}_2 \ r n^2 \log(n^2)\] for the \(n\times n\times n\) tensor with the fixed sum of the transformed multi-rank and fixed transformed tubal rank by using t-SVD (FFT), t-SVD (DCT), and t-SVD (data). In the randomly generated tensor, we set (i) \(\max_{1 \le i \le n} r_i =10\) (the transformed tubal rank is 10) and \(\sum_{i=1}^nr_i=200\); and (ii) \(\max_{1 \le i \le n} r_i =20\) (the transformed tubal rank is 20) and \(\sum_{i=1}^nr_i=300\). In Figures [\[fixsum200\]](#fixsum200){reference-type="ref" reference="fixsum200"} and [\[fixsum300\]](#fixsum300){reference-type="ref" reference="fixsum300"}, we test different values of \(n\) (from 60 to 200 with the increment size being 20). The exact recovery means that five trials are tested and all of the relative errors are less than or equal to \(10^{-2}\) in the experiments. We test constant\(_1\), constant\(_2\) = 0.5 or 1 in the right hand sides of ([\[con1\]](#con1){reference-type="ref" reference="con1"}) and ([\[con2\]](#con2){reference-type="ref" reference="con2"}) respectively to check how the theoretical bounds of sample sizes match with the actual number of samples for different values of \(n\). It can be seen from Figures [\[fixsum200\]](#fixsum200){reference-type="ref" reference="fixsum200"} and [\[fixsum300\]](#fixsum300){reference-type="ref" reference="fixsum300"} that the curve \(\sum_{i=1}^{n}r_in\log(n^2)\) based on the proposed bound with constant\(_1=1\) is close to the curve for the number of samples required by using t-SVD (FFT), and the curves \(0.5 \sum_{i=1}^{n}r_i n\log(n^2)\) based on the proposed bound with constant\(_1=0.5\) is close to the curves for the number of samples required by using t-SVD (DCT) and t-SVD (data). Note that the corresponding slope of these lines in Figures [\[fixsum200\]](#fixsum200){reference-type="ref" reference="fixsum200"} and [\[fixsum300\]](#fixsum300){reference-type="ref" reference="fixsum300"} is equal to 1 derived by the \(n\) term. In contrast, the curves constant\(_2 r n^2 \log(n^2)\) based on the results in do not fit the curves for the number of samples required by using t-SVD (FFT), t-SVD (DCT) and t-SVD (data), see the curves with constant\(_2 = 0.5, 1\) in Figures [\[fixsum200\]](#fixsum200){reference-type="ref" reference="fixsum200"} and [\[fixsum300\]](#fixsum300){reference-type="ref" reference="fixsum300"}. The main reason is that the corresponding slope of the lines in Figures [\[fixsum200\]](#fixsum200){reference-type="ref" reference="fixsum200"} and [\[fixsum300\]](#fixsum300){reference-type="ref" reference="fixsum300"} is equal to 2 derived by the \(n^2\) term. According to Figures [\[fixsum200\]](#fixsum200){reference-type="ref" reference="fixsum200"} and [\[fixsum300\]](#fixsum300){reference-type="ref" reference="fixsum300"}, we find that the theoretical bounds of sample sizes requirements in Theorem [\[Theorem1\]](#Theorem1){reference-type="ref" reference="Theorem1"} match with the actual number of sample sizes for recovery.
### Hyperspectral Images {#HPDS}
In this subsection, two hyperspectral data sets (Samson (\(95\times95\times156\)) and Japser Ridge (\(100\times100\times198\)) ) are used to demonstrate the required number of samples for tensor recovery by the proposed bound. For Samson data, \(n_1\) and \(n_2\) are equal to 95 and \(n_3\) is equal to 156. For Japser Ridge data, \(n_1\) and \(n_2\) are equal to 100 and \(n_3\) is equal to 198. Here we compare our method with the low-rank tensor completion method using the sum of nuclear norms of unfolding matrices of a tensor (LRTC)[^1], tensor factorization method (TF)[^2], Square Deal, gradient descent algorithm on Grassmannians (GoG). These testing hyperspectral data is normalized on \([0, 1]\). Their theoretical estimation of samples required are presented in Table [1](#table1){reference-type="ref" reference="table1"}. We remark that these hyperspectral images are not exactly low multi-rank tensors, the multi-rank (\(\sum_{i=1}^{n_3} r_i\)) is not available. A truncated tensor is used to compute the transformed multi-rank and tubal rank by using the threshold \(\varpi\). Here for a given tensor \(\mathcal{Z}\) with transformed tensor SVD in ([\[equ12\]](#equ12){reference-type="ref" reference="equ12"}) of Theorem [\[them1\]](#them1){reference-type="ref" reference="them1"} and \(\varpi\), we determine the smallest value \(k\) such that \[\frac{ \sum_{i=1}^{k} \varrho_i } { \sum_{i=1}^{n_{(2)} n_3} \varrho_i } \ge \varpi,\] where \(\{ \varrho_i \}\) is the sorted value in ascending order of the numbers \(\{ (\hat{{\cal S}}_{\bf \Phi})_{jj\ell} \}_{1 \le j \le n_{(2)},1 \le \ell \le n_3}\) appearing in the diagonal tensor \({\cal S}\) in ([\[equ12\]](#equ12){reference-type="ref" reference="equ12"}). The ratio is used to determine the significant numbers are kept in the truncated tensor based on the threshold \(\varpi\). Now we can define the transformed multi-rank \(\mathbf{r}(\varpi)\) of the truncated tensor as follows: \[\mathbf{r}(\varpi):=(r_1(\varpi),\ldots, r_{n_{3}}(\varpi)), \ \mbox{with}\ r_{\ell}(\varpi):=\# \{ (\hat{{\cal S}}_{\bf \Phi})_{jj\ell} \geq \varrho_k, 1 \le j \le n_{(2)} \}, \ \ell=1,\ldots, n_{3},\] Accordingly, the transformed tubal rank of the truncated tensor is defined as \(r(\varpi):=\max\{r_1(\varpi),\ldots, r_{n_{3}}(\varpi)\}\). The distributions of the transformed multi-ranks of the two hyperspectral data sets with different \(\varpi\) are shown in Figure [\[rankhyp\]](#rankhyp){reference-type="ref" reference="rankhyp"}. It can be seen that the \(\sum_{i=1}^{n_3} r_i(\varpi)\) obtained by t-SVD (data) is much smaller than that obtained by t-SVD (FFT) and t-SVD (DCT) for different truncations \(\varpi=70\%, 80\%, 90\%, 95\%\), which implies that the t-SVD (data) needs lower number of samples for successful recovery than t-SVD (FFT) and t-SVD (DCT). The distributions of the transformed multi-ranks of the truncated tensor obtained by t-SVD (FFT) are symmetric due to symmetry of FFT.
## Proof of Lemma [\[le1\]](#le1){reference-type="ref" reference="le1"} {#proof-of-lemma-le1 .unnumbered}
Let \(\mathcal{E}_{ijk}\) be a unit tensor whose \((i,j,k)\)-th entry is 1 and others are 0. Then for an arbitrary tensor \(\mathcal{Z}\in \mathbb{C}^{n_1 \times n_2 \times n_3}\), we have \(\mathcal{Z} = \sum_{i,j,k} \<\mathcal{E}_{ijk}, \mathcal{Z}\>\mathcal{E}_{ijk}.\) Recall Definition [\[defn\]](#defn){reference-type="ref" reference="defn"}, \(\mathcal{E}_{ijk}\) can be expressed as \(\mathcal{E}_{ijk}= \tc{e}_{ik}\diamond_{\bf \Phi} \ddot{\bm{e}}_k \diamond_{\bf \Phi} \tc{e}_{jk}^H,\) then \({\cal P}_T(\mathcal{Z})\) can also be decomposed as \[\begin{aligned}
{\cal P}_T(\mathcal{Z}) = \sum_{i,j,k} \<{\cal P}_T(\mathcal{Z}), \tc{e}_{ik} \diamond_{\bf \Phi} \ddot{\bm{e}}_k \diamond_{\bf \Phi} \tc{e}^{H}_{jk}\> \tc{e}_{ik} \diamond_{\bf \Phi} \ddot{\bm{e}}_k \diamond_{\bf \Phi} \tc{e}^{H}_{jk}, \end{aligned}\] where \(T\) is defined as [\[e1\]](#e1){reference-type="eqref" reference="e1"}. Similarly, \[\begin{aligned}
\rho^{-1}{\cal P}_T{\cal P}_{\Omega}{\cal P}_T(\mathcal{Z}) = \sum_{i,j,k} \rho^{-1}\delta_{ijk}\<\mathcal{Z}, {\cal P}_T(\tc{e}_{ik} \diamond_{\bf \Phi} \ddot{\bm{e}}_k \diamond_{\bf \Phi} \tc{e}^{H}_{jk})\>{\cal P}_T(\tc{e}_{ik} \diamond_{\bf \Phi} \ddot{\bm{e}}_k \diamond_{\bf \Phi} \tc{e}^{H}_{jk}). \nonumber \end{aligned}\] Define the operator \(\mathcal{T}^{ijk}\) as: \[\begin{aligned}
\mathcal{T}^{ijk}(\mathcal{Z})=\rho^{-1}\delta_{ijk}\<\mathcal{Z}, {\cal P}_T(\tc{e}_{ik} \diamond_{\bf \Phi} \ddot{\bm{e}}_k \diamond_{\bf \Phi} \tc{e}^{H}_{jk})\>{\cal P}_T(\tc{e}_{ik} \diamond_{\bf \Phi} \ddot{\bm{e}}_k \diamond_{\bf \Phi} \tc{e}^{H}_{jk}). \end{aligned}\] Then by the definition of tensor operator norm, we can get \[\begin{aligned}
\|\mathcal{T}^{ijk}\|_{\textup{op}} =\frac{1}{\rho}\|{\cal P}_T(\tc{e}_{ik} \diamond_{\bf \Phi} \ddot{\bm{e}}_k \diamond_{\bf \Phi} \tc{e}^{H}_{jk})\|^2_F, ~\text{and}~\|{\cal P}_T\|_{\textup{op}} \leq 1. \end{aligned}\] Note the fact that for any two positive semidefinite matrices \({A},{B}\in\mathbb{C}^{n\times n}\), we have \(\|{A}-{B}\| \leq \max\{\|{A}\|, \|{B}\|\}.\) Therefore, by the inequality given in Proposition [\[pro1\]](#pro1){reference-type="ref" reference="pro1"}, we have \[\Big\|\mathcal{T}^{ijk}-\frac{1}{n_1n_2n_3}{\cal P}_T\Big\|_{\textup{op}} \leq \max\left\{\frac{1}{\rho}\|{\cal P}_T(\tc{e}_{ik} \diamond_{\bf \Phi} \ddot{\bm{e}}_k \diamond_{\bf \Phi} \tc{e}^{H}_{jk})\|^2_F, \frac{1}{n_1n_2n_3}\right\} \leq \frac{2\mu \sum{r_{i}}}{n_{(2)}n_{3}\rho}. \nonumber\] In addition, one has \[\begin{aligned}
&~\Big\|\mathbb{E}\Big(\mathcal{T}^{ijk}-\frac{1}{n_1 n_2 n_3}{\cal P}_T\Big)^2\Big\|_\textup{op}\nonumber\\ \leq &~\left\|\mathbb{E}\left(\frac{1}{\rho}\|{\cal P}_T(\tc{e}_{ik} \diamond_{\bf \Phi} \ddot{\bm{e}}_k \diamond_{\bf \Phi} \tc{e}^{H}_{jk})\|^2_F\mathcal{T}^{ijk}\right)-\frac{2}{n_1 n_2 n_3}{\cal P}_T\mathbb{E}(\mathcal{T}^{ijk}) + \frac{1}{n^2_1n^2_2n^2_3}{\cal P}_T\right\| \nonumber\\ =& ~ \left\|\frac{1}{\rho}\|{\cal P}_T(\tc{e}_{ik} \diamond_{\bf \Phi} \ddot{\bm{e}}_k \diamond_{\bf \Phi} \tc{e}^{H}_{jk})\|^2_F\frac{1}{n_1n_2n_3}{\cal P}_T-\frac{1}{n^2_1 n^2_2 n^2_3}{\cal P}_T\right\| \leq \frac{2\mu \sum{r_{i}}}{n_{(1)}n^2_{(2)}n^2_3\rho}. \nonumber \end{aligned}\] Setting \(\tau = \sqrt{\frac{14 \mu \beta \sum{r_{i}} \log(n_{(1)}n_3)}{3n_{(2)}n_{3}\rho}} \leq \frac{1}{2}\) with any \(\beta>1\) and using Lemma [\[lem5\]](#lem5){reference-type="ref" reference="lem5"}, we have \[\begin{aligned}
&\mathbb{P}[\|\rho^{-1}{\cal P}_T{\cal P}_{\Omega}{\cal P}_T-{\cal P}_T\|_\textup{op} > \tau] = \mathbb{P}\left[\left\|\sum_{i,j,k} \left(\mathcal{T}^{ijk}-\frac{1}{n_1n_2n_3}{\cal P}_T\right)\right\|_{\textup{op}}> \tau \right] \nonumber\\ \leq~ & 2n_{(1)}n_3\exp\Bigg(\frac{\frac{-7 \mu \beta\sum{r_{i}} \log(n_{(1)}n_3)}{3n_{(2)}n_{3}\rho}}{\frac{2\mu \sum{r_{i}}}{n_{(2)}n_{3}\rho} + \frac{2\mu \sum{r_{i}}}{6n_{(2)}n_{3}\rho}}\Bigg) = 2n_{(1)}n_3\exp({-\beta \log n_{(1)}n_{3}})= 2(n_{(1)}n_3)^{1-\beta}, \nonumber \end{aligned}\] which implies that \[\begin{aligned}
\mathbb{P}\left[\|\rho^{-1}{\cal P}_T{\cal P}_{\Omega}{\cal P}_T-{\cal P}_T\|_\textup{op} \leq \epsilon\right] \geq 1-2(n_{(1)} n_3)^{1-\beta}.\nonumber \end{aligned}\] This completes the proof.
# Appendix B. Proof of Lemma [\[lemma2\]](#lemma2){reference-type="ref" reference="lemma2"} {#appendix-b.-proof-of-lemma-lemma2 .unnumbered}
Denote \[\rho^{-1}\mathcal{P}_{\Omega}(\mathcal{Z})-\mathcal{Z}= \sum_{i,j,k}\mathcal{G}^{ijk}=\sum_{i,j,k}\Big(\frac{1}{\rho}\delta_{ijk}-1\Big)\mathcal{Z}_{ijk}\tc{e}_{ik} \diamond_{\bf \Phi} \ddot{\bm{e}}_k \diamond_{\bf \Phi} \tc{e}^{H}_{jk}.\] Then by the independence of \(\delta_{ijk}\), we have \(\mathbb{E}[\mathcal{G}^{ijk}]=\bf{0}\) and \(\|\mathcal{G}^{ijk}\|\leq \frac{1}{\rho}\|\mathcal{Z}\|_{\infty}.\) Moreover, \[\begin{aligned}
\left\|\mathbb{E}\left[\sum_{i,j,k}(\mathcal{G}^{ijk})^H\diamond_{\bf \Phi}\mathcal{G}^{ijk}\right]\right\| & =\left\|\sum_{i,j,k}|\mathcal{Z}_{ijk}|^2\tc{e}_{jk}\diamond_{\bf \Phi}\tc{e}_{jk}^H\mathbb{E}\left(\frac{1}{\rho}\delta_{ijk}-1\right)^2\right\| \\ & =\left\|\frac{1-\rho}{\rho}\sum_{i,j,k}|\mathcal{Z}_{ijk}|^2\tc{e}_{ik}\diamond_{\bf \Phi}\tc{e}_{ik}^H\right\|. \end{aligned}\] Recall the definition of tensor basis, we can get that \({\bf \Phi}[\tc{e}_{jk}\diamond_{\bf \Phi}\tc{e}_{jk}^H]\) is a tensor except the \((j,j,t)\)-th tube entries equaling to \(({\bf \Phi}[\tub{e}_{k}])_{t}^2=\alpha^2_{t}, t=1,\ldots,n_3\) with \(\sum_{t=1}^{n_{3}}\alpha_{t}^2=1,\) and 0 otherwise. Hence, we get that \[\begin{aligned}
\left\|\mathbb{E}\left[\sum_{i,j,k}(\mathcal{G}^{ijk})^H\diamond_{\bf \Phi}\mathcal{G}^{ijk}\right]\right\| &=\frac{1-\rho}{\rho}\left\|\sum_{i,j,k}|\mathcal{Z}_{ijk}|^2\tc{e}_{jk}\diamond_{\bf \Phi}\tc{e}_{jk}^H\right\| \\ & =\frac{1-\rho}{\rho}\max_{j}\left\|\sum_{i,j,k}|\mathcal{Z}_{ijk}|^2\tc{e}_{jk}\diamond_{\bf \Phi}\tc{e}_{jk}^H\right\|\\ &=\frac{1-\rho}{\rho}\max_{j}\left\|\sum_{i,k}|\mathcal{Z}_{ijk}|^2(\overline{\tc{e}}_{jk})_{\bf \Phi}\cdot(\overline{\tc{e}}_{jk})_{\bf \Phi}^H\right\| \leq \frac{1}{\rho}\|\mathcal{Z}\|^2_{\infty,w}. \end{aligned}\] Moreover, \(\left\|\mathbb{E}\left[\sum_{i,j,k}\mathcal{G}^{ijk}\diamond_{\bf \Phi}(\mathcal{G}^{ijk})^H\right]\right\|\) can be also bounded similarly. Then by Lemma [\[lem5\]](#lem5){reference-type="ref" reference="lem5"}, we can get that \[\begin{aligned}
\|\rho^{-1}\mathcal{P}_{\Omega}(\mathcal{Z})-\mathcal{Z}\|_\textup{op}\leq c\left(\frac{\log(n_{(1)}n_{3})}{\rho}\|\mathcal{Z}\|_{\infty}+\sqrt{\frac{\log (n_{(1)}n_{3})}{\rho}}\|\mathcal{Z}\|_{\infty,w}\right) \end{aligned}\] holds with high probability provided that \(m\geq C_0 \epsilon^{-2} \mu \sum{r_{i}}n_{(1)}\log(n_{(1)}n_3).\)
# Appendix C. Proof of Lemma [\[le3\]](#le3){reference-type="ref" reference="le3"} {#appendix-c.-proof-of-lemma-le3 .unnumbered}
Denote the weighted \(b\)-th lateral slice of \((\rho^{-1}\mathcal{P}_{T}\mathcal{P}_{\Omega}-\mathcal{P}_{T})\mathcal{Z}\) as \[\begin{aligned}
\sum_{i,j,k}\mathcal{F}^{ijk}:&=(\rho^{-1}\mathcal{P}_{T}\mathcal{P}_{\Omega}-\mathcal{P}_{T})\mathcal{Z}\diamond_{\bf \Phi}\tc{e}_{bk} \\ &=\sum_{i,j,k}\Big(\frac{1}{\rho}\delta_{ijk}-1\Big)\mathcal{Z}_{ijk}\mathcal{P}_{T}(\tc{e}_{ik} \diamond_{\bf \Phi} \ddot{\bm{e}}_k \diamond_{\bf \Phi} \tc{e}^{H}_{jk})\diamond_{\bf \Phi}\tc{e}_{bk}, \end{aligned}\] where \(\mathcal{F}^{ijk}\in \mathbb{C}^{n_1 \times 1 \times n_3}\) are zero-mean independent lateral slices. By the incoherence conditions given in Proposition [\[pro1\]](#pro1){reference-type="ref" reference="pro1"}, we have \[\begin{aligned}
\|\mathcal{F}^{ijk}\|_{{F}}=\left\|\left(\frac{1}{\rho}\delta_{ijk}-1\right)\mathcal{Z}_{ijk}\mathcal{P}_{T}(\tc{e}_{ik} \diamond_{\bf \Phi} \ddot{\bm{e}}_k \diamond_{\bf \Phi} \tc{e}^{H}_{jk})\diamond_{\bf \Phi}\tc{e}_{bk}\right\|_{{F}} \leq \frac{1}{\rho}\sqrt{\frac{2\mu \sum_{i=1}^{n_{3}}r_{i}}{n_{1}n_3}}\|\mathcal{Z}\|_{\infty}. \end{aligned}\] Furthermore, \[\begin{aligned}
\left\|\mathbb{E}\left[\sum_{i,j,k}(\mathcal{F}^{ijk})^H\diamond_{\bf\Phi}\mathcal{F}^{ijk}\right]\right\|_{{F}} =\frac{1-\rho}{\rho}\sum_{i,j,k}|\mathcal{Z}_{ijk}|^2\|\mathcal{P}_{T}(\tc{e}_{ik} \diamond_{\bf \Phi} \ddot{\bm{e}}_k \diamond_{\bf \Phi} \tc{e}^{H}_{jk})\diamond_{\bf\Phi}\tc{e}_{bk}\|^2_{{F}}. \end{aligned}\] Then by the definition of \(\mathcal{P}_{T}\), we can get \[\begin{aligned}
&~\|\mathcal{P}_{T}(\tc{e}_{ik} \diamond_{\bf \Phi} \ddot{\bm{e}}_k \diamond_{\bf \Phi} \tc{e}^{H}_{jk})\diamond_{\bf \Phi}\tc{e}_{bk}\|^2_{F}\\ =&~\|\mathcal{U}\diamond_{\bf \Phi}\mathcal{U}^H\diamond_{\bf\Phi}\tc{e}_{ik} \diamond_{\bf \Phi} \ddot{\bm{e}}_k \diamond_{\bf \Phi} \tc{e}^{H}_{jk}\diamond_{\bf \Phi}\tc{e}_{bk} \\ &~~~~+(\mathcal{I}_{\bf \Phi}-\mathcal{U}\diamond_{\bf\Phi}\mathcal{U}^H)\diamond_{\bf\Phi}\tc{e}_{ik} \diamond_{\bf \Phi} \ddot{\bm{e}}_k \diamond_{\bf \Phi} \tc{e}^{H}_{jk}\diamond_{\bf\Phi}\mathcal{V}\diamond_{\bf\Phi} \mathcal{V}^H\diamond_{\bf \Phi}\tc{e}_{bk}\|^2_{{F}}\\ \leq&~\frac{\mu \sum_{i=1}^{n_{3}}r_{i}}{n_{1}n_3}\|\ddot{\bm{e}}_k\diamond_{\bf \Phi}\tc{e}_{jk}\diamond_{\bf \Phi}\tc{e}_{bk}\|^2_{{F}} +\|\tc{e}_{jk}^H\diamond_{\bf\Phi}\mathcal{V}\diamond_{\bf\Phi} \mathcal{V}^H\diamond_{\bf \Phi}\tc{e}_{bk}\|^2_{{F}}. \end{aligned}\] Therefore, we obtain \[\begin{aligned}
~& \left\|\mathbb{E}\left[\sum_{i,j,k}(\mathcal{F}^{ijk})^H\diamond_{\bf\Phi}\mathcal{F}^{ijk}\right]\right\|_{F} \\ \leq ~& \frac{1}{\rho}\sum_{i,j,k}|\mathcal{Z}_{ijk}|^2\|\mathcal{P}_{T}(\tc{e}_{ik} \diamond_{\bf \Phi} \ddot{\bm{e}}_k \diamond_{\bf \Phi} \tc{e}^{H}_{jk})\diamond_{\bf\Phi}\tc{e}_{bk}\|^2_{{F}}\\ \leq ~& \frac{1}{\rho}\sum_{i,j,k}|\mathcal{Z}_{ijk}|^2\frac{\mu \sum_{i=1}^{n_{3}}r_{i}}{n_{1}n_3}\|\ddot{\bm{e}}_k\diamond_{\bf \Phi}\tc{e}_{jk}\diamond_{\bf \Phi}\tc{e}_{bk}\|^2_{{F}} +\frac{1}{\rho}\sum_{i,j,k}|\mathcal{Z}_{ijk}|^2\|\tc{e}_{jk}^H\diamond_{\bf\Phi}\mathcal{V}\diamond_{\bf\Phi} \mathcal{V}^H\diamond_{\bf \Phi}\tc{e}_{bk}\|^2_{{F}}\\ \leq ~& \frac{\mu \sum_{i=1}^{n_{3}}r_{i}}{\rho n_{1}n_3}\|\mathcal{Z}\|^2_{\infty,w}+\frac{1}{\rho}\sum_{i,k}|\mathcal{Z}_{ijk}|^2\|\tc{e}_{jk}^H\diamond_{\bf\Phi}\mathcal{V}\diamond_{\bf\Phi} \mathcal{V}^H\diamond_{\bf \Phi}\tc{e}_{jk}\|^2_{{F}}\\ \leq ~& \frac{2\mu \sum_{i=1}^{n_{3}}r_{i}}{\rho n_{(2)}n_3}\|\mathcal{Z}\|_{\infty,w}^2, \end{aligned}\] where the third inequality can be derived by \(\tc{e}_{jk}^H\diamond_{\bf\Phi}\tc{e}_{bk}=\bf{0}\) if \(j\neq b.\) By the same argument, \(\left\|\mathbb{E}[\sum_{ijk}\mathcal{F}^{ijk}\diamond_{\bf\Phi}(\mathcal{F}^{ijk})^H]\right\|_{F}\) can be bounded by the same quantity. Therefore, by Lemma [\[lem5\]](#lem5){reference-type="ref" reference="lem5"}, we get that \[\begin{aligned}
\|(\rho^{-1}\mathcal{P}_{T}\mathcal{P}_{\Omega}-\mathcal{P}_{T})\mathcal{Z}\diamond_{\bf \Phi}\tc{e}_{bk}\|_{{F}}\leq \frac{1}{2}\|\mathcal{Z}\|_{\infty,w}+\frac{1}{2}\sqrt{\frac{n_{(1)}n_{3}}{\mu \sum_{i=1}^{n_{3}}r_{i}}}\|\mathcal{Z}\|_{\infty} \end{aligned}\] holds with high probability. We can also get the same results with respect to \(\tc{e}^H_{ak}\diamond_{\bf \Phi}(\rho^{-1}\mathcal{P}_{T}\mathcal{P}_{\Omega}-\mathcal{P}_{T})\mathcal{Z}.\) Then Lemma [\[le3\]](#le3){reference-type="ref" reference="le3"} follows from using a union bound over all the tensor columns and rows, and the desired results hold with high probability.
[^1]: http://www.cs.rochester.edu/\(\sim\)jliu/
[^2]: https://homes.cs.washington.edu/\(\sim\)sewoong/papers.html
[^3]: https://media.xiph.org/video/derf/ | {'timestamp': '2022-01-25T02:33:42', 'yymm': '2012', 'arxiv_id': '2012.08784', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.08784'} |
# Introduction
The Schur functions \(s_\lambda\) are an important family of symmetric functions. They form a linear basis of the space of symmetric functions and have connections to different areas of mathematics including combinatorics and representation theory. Schur functions have been extensively studied and there are numerous generalizations and variations of them in the literature. In particular, Macdonald introduced nine variations of Schur functions. Macdonald's 9th variation of Schur functions generalize Schur functions and many of their variations. The main focus of this paper is to find determinant identities for Macdonald's 9th variation of Schur functions. We briefly review several known determinant formulas for Schur functions. The classical Jacobi--Trudi formula and its dual formula express a Schur function \(s_\lambda\) as a determinant in terms of complete homogeneous symmetric functions \(h_k\) and elementary symmetric functions \(e_k\): \[s_\lambda = \det \left( h_{\lambda_i+j-i} \right)_{i,j=1}^{\ell(\lambda)}, \qquad s_\lambda = \det \left( e_{\lambda'_i+j-i} \right)_{i,j=1}^{\ell(\lambda')},\] where \(\ell(\lambda)\) is the number of parts in the partition \(\lambda\) and \(\lambda'\) is the transpose of \(\lambda\). Observe that \(h_k\) and \(e_k\) are also Schur functions whose shapes are partitions with one row and one column, respectively. The Giambelli formula and the Lascoux--Pragacz formula express a Schur function as a determinant of Schur functions whose shapes are hooks and border strips, respectively. Using so-called outside decompositions, Hamel and Goulden found a determinant formula for a Schur function, which generalizes all of the aforementioned formulas. Chen, Yan, and Yang restated the Hamel--Goulden formula using certain border strips called cutting strips, and showed that all these formulas are equivalent up to simple matrix operations. Recently, Jin generalized the Hamel--Goulden formula by considering more general border strips called thickened border strips. In this paper, inspired by the original proof of the Lascoux--Pragacz formula in, we find determinant identities for Macdonald's 9th variation of Schur functions using the Bazin identity. Our results restricted to Schur functions are also new and include the Hamel--Goulden formula and its generalization due to Jin. As an application we prove a determinant identity (after some correction) for factorial Schur functions conjectured by Morales, Pak, and Panova. Another special case of our results is the Hamel--Goulden formula for Macdonald's 9th variation of Schur functions. We note that recently Bachmann and Charlton, and Foley and King also proved this using the Lindström--Gessel--Viennot lemma. To illustrate, we compare one of our results with the Lascoux--Pragacz formula.
In the theorem above, the shape \(\lambda^0[p_j,q_i]\) in each entry is a border strip. See Sections [2](#sec:definitions){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:definitions"} and [4](#sec:lasc-prag-kreim){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:lasc-prag-kreim"} for the undefined terms. The following theorem will be proved in Section [4](#sec:lasc-prag-kreim){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:lasc-prag-kreim"}.
Here \(\ts_{\lm}\) is Macdonald's 9th variation of Schur functions and \(\lambda(q_i,p_j-1)\) is a partition obtained from \(\lambda\) by either adding or deleting a border strip. See Section [2](#sec:definitions){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:definitions"} for their precise definitions. If \(\nu=\lambda\) in [\[eq:main2intro\]](#eq:main2intro){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:main2intro"} we obtain the Lascoux--Pragacz formula for \(\ts_{\lm}\), thus Theorem [\[thm:LP\]](#thm:LP){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:LP"} follows. If \(\nu=\emptyset\) and Macdonald's 9th variation is specialized to the factorial Schur functions in [\[eq:main1intro\]](#eq:main1intro){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:main1intro"}, then we obtain a corrected version of the conjecture of Morales, Pak, and Panova. Now we recall the reformulation of the Hamel--Goulden formula due to Chen, Yan, and Yang.
In Theorem [\[thm:HG\]](#thm:HG){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:HG"}, \(\gamma[p_j,q_i]\) is the set of cells in \(\gamma\) whose contents are in the closed interval \([p_j,q_i]\). See Sections [2](#sec:definitions){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:definitions"} and [4](#sec:lasc-prag-kreim){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:lasc-prag-kreim"} for the undefined terms. Observe that in Theorem [\[thm:HG\]](#thm:HG){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:HG"} the \(p_i\)'s and \(q_i\)'s are particular integers determined by \(\lambda\), \(\mu\), and \(\gamma\). A natural question is whether the determinant in this theorem can represent a skew Schur function for arbitrary \(p_i\)'s and \(q_i\)'s. We show that this is indeed true up to sign. This may be considered as a converse of the Hamel--Goulden theorem. More generally, we can take \(\gamma\) to be any connected skew shape, not necessarily a border strip.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section [2](#sec:definitions){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:definitions"} we give basic definitions. In Section [3](#sec:bazin-sylv-ident){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:bazin-sylv-ident"} we derive a determinant identity involving \(\ts_{\lm}\) using the Bazin identity. In Section [4](#sec:lasc-prag-kreim){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:lasc-prag-kreim"} we restate the result in the previous section using border strip decompositions. As an application we prove a conjecture of Morales, Pak, and Panova. In Section [5](#sec:gener-hamel-gould){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:gener-hamel-gould"} we prove a generalization of the Hamel--Goulden formula. In Section [6](#sec:conv-hamel-gould){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:conv-hamel-gould"} we prove Theorem [\[thm:HG3\]](#thm:HG3){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:HG3"}.
# Definitions {#sec:definitions}
In this section we give basic definitions which will be used throughout this paper. A *partition* is a weakly decreasing sequence \(\lambda=(\lambda_1,\dots,\lambda_k)\) of positive integers. Each \(\lambda_i>0\) is called a *part* of \(\lambda\). The *length* \(\ell(\lambda)\) of \(\lambda\) is the number of parts in \(\lambda\). For integers \(r>\ell(\lambda)\), we use the convention \(\lambda_r=0\). The set of partitions with at most \(n\) parts is denoted by \(\Par_n\). By appending zeros at the end if necessary we will write each element \(\lambda\in \Par_n\) as \(\lambda=(\lambda_1,\dots,\lambda_n)\). A pair \((i,j)\) of integers is called a *cell*. The *Young diagram* of a partition \(\lambda\) is the set of cells \((i,j)\) with \(1\le i\le \ell(\lambda)\) and \(1\le j\le \lambda_i\). We will often identity a partition \(\lambda\) with its Young diagram. The Young diagram \(\lambda\) is visualized as an array of squares so that there is a square in row \(i\) and column \(j\) for each \(\lambda\in (i,j)\), according to the matrix coordinates. See Figure [\[fig:yd\]](#fig:yd){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:yd"}. For two partitions \(\lambda\) and \(\mu\), we write \(\mu\subseteq\lambda\) to mean that the Young diagram of \(\mu\) is contained in that of \(\lambda\). A *skew shape*, denoted by \(\lm\), is a pair \((\lambda,\mu)\) of partitions satisfying \(\mu\subseteq\lambda\). We also consider the skew shape \(\lm\) as the set-theoretic difference \(\lambda\setminus\mu\) of their Young diagrams. Note, however, that when we consider a skew shape \(\lm\) we have the information on the partitions \(\lambda\) and \(\mu\) as well as the difference \(\lambda-\mu\) of their Young diagrams. For example, the two skew shapes in Figure [\[fig:yd\]](#fig:yd){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:yd"} have the same set of cells but are considered as different skew shapes. For a cell \(x=(i,j)\), the *content* \(c(x)\) of \(x\) is defined by \(c(x)=j-i\). For a skew shape \(\alpha\), we define \[\Cont(\alpha) = \{c(x):x\in \alpha\}.\] For a skew shape \(\alpha\) we define \(\alpha+(r,s)\) to be the skew shape obtained by shifting \(\alpha\) by \((r,s)\), i.e., \[\alpha + (r,s) = \{x+(r,s): x\in \alpha\}.\] In this paper "connected" means edgewise connected. A *connected component* of a skew shape \(\alpha\) is a maximal connected subset of \(\alpha\), see Figure [\[fig:connected\]](#fig:connected){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:connected"}. A *border strip* is a connected skew shape that contains no \(2\times 2\) block of squares. For a border strip \(\gamma\), the contents of the starting and ending cells of \(\gamma\) are denoted by \(p(\gamma)\) and \(q(\gamma)\), respectively: \[p(\gamma)=\min(\Cont(\gamma)),\qquad q(\gamma)=\max(\Cont(\gamma)).\] For a border strip \(\gamma\) and integers \(a\) and \(b\), we define \[\gamma[a,b] = \begin{cases} \{x\in \gamma: a\le c(x)\le b\} & \mbox{if \(a\le b\)},\\ \emptyset & \mbox{if \(a=b+1\)}, \\ \mbox{undefined} & \mbox{if \(a>b+1\)}. \end{cases}\] See Figure [\[fig:gamma\]](#fig:gamma){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:gamma"}. If \(\gamma[a,b]\) is undefined, then we define \(\ts_{\gamma[a,b]}\) to be \(0\). Consider a skew shape \(\alpha\) and a border strip \(\gamma\) such that \(\Cont(\alpha)\subseteq\Cont(\gamma)\). Consider the diagonal shifts \(\gamma+(i,i)\) of \(\gamma\), for \(i\in\ZZ\), that cover \(\alpha\). The intersection of each diagonal shift of \(\gamma\) with \(\alpha\) is a union of border strips. Let \(\theta\) be the collection of the border strips obtained in this way. Then \(\theta\) is a decomposition of \(\alpha\). In this case we say that \(\gamma\) is the *cutting strip* of \(\theta\). See Figure [\[fig:cutting\]](#fig:cutting){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:cutting"} for an example. For a partition \(\lambda\) with at most \(n\) parts, let \[C_n(\lambda)=\{\lambda_i-i: 1\le i\le n\}.\] See Figure [\[fig:C\]](#fig:C){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:C"}. Note that for any partition \(\lambda\in\Par_n\), we have \(|C_n(\lambda)|=n\) and \(\min(C_n(\lambda))\ge-n\). Conversely, one can easily see that for any set \(C\) of integers with \(|C|=n\) and \(\min(C)\ge-n\), there is a unique partition \(\lambda\in\Par_n\) with \(C_n(\lambda)=C\).
Note that by definition, for \(p\le q\), we always have \(\lambda^0[p,q]\subseteq\lambda\), but \(\lambda^+[p,q]\not\subseteq\lambda\).
See Figure [\[fig:la(a,b)\]](#fig:la(a,b)){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:la(a,b)"}. It is easy to check that under the above conditions on \(a\) and \(b\), the partition \(\lambda(a,b)\) is well defined and \[\label{eq:la(a,b)} \lambda(a,b) = \begin{cases} \lambda & \mbox{if \(a=b\)},\\ \lambda\setminus\lambda^0[b+1,a] & \mbox{if \(a>b\)}, \\ \lambda\cup\lambda^+[a+1,b] & \mbox{if \(a<b\)}. \end{cases}\]
Finally, we define Macdonald's 9th variation of Schur functions.
If \(h_{r,s}\) is set to be equal to the complete homogeneous symmetric function \(h_r\) for all \(r\) and \(s\), then \(\ts_{\lm}\) reduces to the Schur function \(s_{\lm}\). Note that the Schur functions have the property that \(s_{\alpha}=s_{\alpha+(r,s)}\) for any skew shape \(\alpha\) and integers \(r,s\) such that \(\alpha+(r,s)\) is a skew shape. However, \(\ts_{\alpha}\ne\ts_{\alpha+(r,s)}\) unless \(r=s\).
# The Bazin identity {#sec:bazin-sylv-ident}
In this section we recall the Bazin identity and derive a determinant identity for Macdonald's 9th variation of Schur functions from it.
For sequences \(\vec a = (a_1,\dots,a_r)\) and \(\vec b = (b_1,\dots,b_s)\) of integers, let \[\begin{aligned}
\vec a \sqcup \vec b &= (a_1,\dots,a_r,b_1,\dots,b_s),\\ \vec a \setminus a_i &= (a_1,\dots,a_{i-1},a_{i+1},\dots,a_r). \end{aligned}\] An integer \(b\) is also considered as the sequence \((b)\) consisting of only one element. For example, \[b \sqcup \vec a= (b)\sqcup \vec a = (b,a_1,\dots,a_r).\] The key lemma in this paper is the following result proved by Bazin in 1851, see also.
For a permutation \(\pi\) of \(\{1,2,\dots,n\}\) we denote by \(\inv(\pi)\) the number of pairs \((i,j)\) of integers \(1\le i<j\le n\) satisfying \(\pi(i)>\pi(j)\). For two sequences \(\vec x = (x_1,\dots, x_r)\) and \(\vec y = (y_1,\dots,y_s)\) of integers, let \(\inv(\vec x, \vec y)\) denote the number of pairs \((i,j)\) of integers \(1\le i\le r\) and \(1\le j\le s\) satisfying \(x_i>y_j\). For a statement \(p\) we define \(\chi(p)=1\) if \(p\) is true and \(\chi(p)=0\) otherwise. Now we derive a determinant identity for Macdonald's 9th variation of Schur functions using the Bazin identity. In later sections we will give some applications of this identity.
# Lascoux--Pragacz and Kreiman decompositions {#sec:lasc-prag-kreim}
In this section we restate Theorem [\[thm:main\]](#thm:main){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:main"} using the Lascoux--Pragacz and Kreiman decompositions for the case \(\mu\subseteq\lambda\). As a corollary we prove (a corrected version of) a conjecture of Morales, Pak, and Panova. Recall that for a border strip \(\gamma\), we denote by \(p(\gamma)\) (resp. \(q(\gamma)\)) the content of the starting (resp. ending) cell of \(\gamma\).
Recall that the outer strip of a partition \(\lambda\) is the set of cells \(x\in\lambda\) satisfying \(x+(-1,-1)\not\in\lambda\). For a skew shape \(\lm\), the *outer strip* of \(\lm\) is defined to be the outer strip of \(\lambda\). Let \(\gamma\) be the outer strip of \(\lm\) and let \(\rho\) be the set of cells \(x\in \lm\) with \(x+(-1,-1)\not\in\lm\). We define the *inner strip* of \(\lm\) to be the set \[\rho \cup \{x\in \gamma: c(x)\notin \Cont(\rho) \}.\] See Figure [\[fig:inner\]](#fig:inner){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:inner"}.
By Lemma [\[lem:C/C\]](#lem:C/C){reference-type="ref" reference="lem:C/C"}, if \(\mu\subseteq\lambda\), then we can restate Theorem [\[thm:main\]](#thm:main){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:main"} using the Lascoux--Pragacz or Kreiman decompositions as follows.
If \(\nu=\lambda\), then the \((i,j)\)-entry of the matrix in [\[eq:main_LP2\]](#eq:main_LP2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:main_LP2"} is \[(-1)^{\chi(p_j>q_i)} \ts_{\nu/\lambda(q_i,p_j-1)} = \begin{cases} \ts_{\lambda^0[p_j,q_i]} & \mbox{if \(p_j\le q_i\)},\\ \ts_{\lambda} & \mbox{if \(p_j-1 = q_i\)},\\ 0 & \mbox{if \(p_j-1\ge q_i\)}, \end{cases}\] where the right hand side is exactly the same as the definition of \(\ts_{\lambda^0[p_j,q_i]}\). Therefore we obtain the following Lascoux--Pragacz identity for \(\ts_\lm\), in which the case \(\mu=\emptyset\) is proved by Macdonald.
By setting \(\nu=\emptyset\) in [\[eq:main_LP1\]](#eq:main_LP1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:main_LP1"} and [\[eq:main_K1\]](#eq:main_K1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:main_K1"}, we obtain the following two corollaries.
We now show that Corollary [\[cor:main_LP\]](#cor:main_LP){reference-type="ref" reference="cor:main_LP"} implies (a corrected version of) a conjecture of Morales, Pak, and Panova. Macdonald's 6th variation \(s_\lambda(\vec x|\vec a)\) of Schur functions, also known as *factorial Schur functions*, are defined by \[s_\lambda(\vec x|\vec a) = \frac{\det \left( (x_i-a_1)(x_i-a_2)\cdots(x_i-a_{\lambda_j+d-j})\right)_{i,j=1}^d}{\prod_{1\le i<j\le d}(x_i-x_j)},\] where \(\vec x = (x_1,\dots,x_d)\) is a sequence of variables and \(\vec a = (a_1,a_2,\dots)\) is a sequence of parameters. Note that \(s_\lambda(\vec x|\vec a)\) is a symmetric polynomial in the variables \(\vec x\) with parameters \(\vec a\). If \(a_i=0\) for all \(i\), then \(s_\lambda(\vec x|\vec a)\) becomes the Schur polynomial \(s_\lambda(\vec x)\). The factorial Schur functions \(s_\lambda(\vec x|\vec a)\) are a special case of Macdonald's 9th variation \(\ts_\lambda\) of Schur functions. By specializing the Macdonald's 9th variation to the factorial Schur functions in Corollary [\[cor:main_LP\]](#cor:main_LP){reference-type="ref" reference="cor:main_LP"}, we obtain the following result, which is a corrected version of a conjecture proposed by Morales, Pak, and Panova.
# A generalized Hamel--Goulden formula {#sec:gener-hamel-gould}
In this section we give a generalization of the Hamel--Goulden formula. Our result involves generalizations of cutting strips as well as Schur functions. As corollaries we obtain Jin's result and a generalized Giambelli formula. We first introduce some definitions.
In Definitions [\[defn:compatible\]](#defn:compatible){reference-type="ref" reference="defn:compatible"} and [\[defn:comp2\]](#defn:comp2){reference-type="ref" reference="defn:comp2"} one can use \(\lambda^+\) instead of \(\lambda^0\); if \(\alpha\) is a connected component of \(\nl\), then since \(\Cont(\alpha)\subseteq\Cont(\lambda)\), we have \[\lambda^0[a-1,b+1] = \lambda^+[a-1,b+1],\] where \(a=\min(\Cont(\alpha))\) and \(b=\max(\Cont(\alpha))\). Note that if \(\nu=\lambda\), then by definition every border strip \(\gamma\) and every partition \(\mu\subseteq\lambda\) are \(\nu/\lambda\)-compatible. Recall that we have defined \(\gamma[a,b]=\{x\in \gamma: c(x)\in [a,b]\}\) for a border strip \(\gamma\). We extend this definition to any connected skew shape \(\alpha\), that is, \[\alpha[a,b]=\{x\in \alpha: c(x)\in [a,b]\}.\]
Observe that if \(\gamma\) is a \(\nl\)-compatible border strip and \[\label{eq:a,b} a,b\in (\Cont(\lambda)\setminus\Cont(\nl)) \cup\{\min(\Cont(\lambda)), \max(\Cont(\lambda))\},\] then \((\gamma\oplus\nl)[a,b]\) is a connected skew shape. See Figure [\[fig:gamma+nl\[a,b\]\]](#fig:gamma+nl[a,b]){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:gamma+nl[a,b]"}. We now state the generalized Hamel--Goulden formula.
Before proving Theorem [\[thm:main_HG\]](#thm:main_HG){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:main_HG"} we give an example and some of its applications.
If \(\nu=\lambda\) in Theorem [\[thm:main_HG\]](#thm:main_HG){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:main_HG"}, then we obtain the following Hamel--Goulden formula for Macdonald's 9th variation of Schur functions, which was also proved by Bachmann and Charlton, and Foley and King using the Lindström--Gessel--Viennot lemma.
If \(\nu/\lambda\) is a disjoint union of single cells and if we restrict Theorem [\[thm:main_HG\]](#thm:main_HG){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:main_HG"} to Schur functions, then we obtain Jin's result for the cases when the "enriched diagrams" are not necessary. For sequences \(\vec a = (a_1,\dots,a_r)\) and \(\vec b = (b_1,\dots,b_r)\) with \(a_1>\dots>a_r\ge0\) and \(b_1>\dots>b_r\ge0\), the *Frobenius notation* \((\vec a|\vec b)\) denotes the partition \[\{(i,i): 1\le i\le r\} \cup \{(i,j): 1\le i\le r, i<j\le a_i\} \cup \{(i,j): 1\le j\le r, j<i\le b_i\}.\] See Figure [\[fig:Frobenius_ex\]](#fig:Frobenius_ex){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Frobenius_ex"}. If we take \(\nu=(\vec a\sqcup \vec c| \vec b\sqcup \vec d)\), \(\lambda=(\vec a| \vec b)\), \(\mu=(\vec c|\vec d)\), and \(\theta\) to be the Kreiman decomposition of \(\lm\) in Theorem [\[thm:main_HG\]](#thm:main_HG){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:main_HG"}, then we obtain the following generalized Giambelli formula.
If \(\vec c = \vec d=\emptyset\), then Corollary [\[cor:Giam\]](#cor:Giam){reference-type="ref" reference="cor:Giam"} reduces to the Giambelli formula. If \(\vec c = \vec d=(0)\) in Corollary [\[cor:Giam\]](#cor:Giam){reference-type="ref" reference="cor:Giam"}, we obtain \[\ts_{(1)}^{r-1} \ts_{(\vec a\sqcup 0|\vec b\sqcup 0)} =\det\left( \ts_{((a_i,0)| (b_j,0))} \right) _{1\le i,j\le r},\] where each entry has a *near hook shape* \(((a_i,0)| (b_j,0))\). For the rest of this section we give a proof of Theorem [\[thm:main_HG\]](#thm:main_HG){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:main_HG"}. We first recall a known property of \(\ts_{\lm}\). Let \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) be skew shapes and let \(a\) and \(b\) be, respectively, the top-right corner of \(\alpha\) and the bottom-left corner of \(\beta\). We define \(\alpha\rightarrow \beta\) (resp. \(\alpha\uparrow \beta\)) to be the skew shape obtained from \(\alpha\) by attaching \(\beta\) so that \(b\) is to the right of \(a\) (resp. above \(a\)).
Chen, Yan, and Yang showed that the Hamel--Goulden formula can be obtained from the Lascoux--Pragacz formula using simple matrix operations. Their proof uses only the fact that the Schur functions satisfy \[s_\alpha s_\beta = s_{\alpha\rightarrow \beta} + s_{\alpha\uparrow \beta}.\] Hence, by Lemma [\[lem:combine\]](#lem:combine){reference-type="ref" reference="lem:combine"}, their proof extends to the identity in Theorem [\[thm:main_HG\]](#thm:main_HG){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:main_HG"}. This implies that it is sufficient to prove this theorem for the case when \(\theta\) is the Lascoux--Pragacz decomposition of \(\lm\). To this end we need three lemmas.
Now we are ready to prove Theorem [\[thm:main_HG\]](#thm:main_HG){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:main_HG"}.
# A generalization of a converse of Hamel--Goulden's theorem {#sec:conv-hamel-gould}
In this section we prove Theorem [\[thm:HG3\]](#thm:HG3){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:HG3"}, which is a generalization of a converse of Hamel--Goulden's theorem. We restate Theorem [\[thm:HG3\]](#thm:HG3){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:HG3"} as follows.
To prove this theorem we need the following lemma.
For an illustration of the construction in the proof of Lemma [\[lem:gamma_to_la\]](#lem:gamma_to_la){reference-type="ref" reference="lem:gamma_to_la"}, consider the border strip \(\gamma\) and the two sequences \((a_1,a_2,a_3)\) and \((b_1,b_2,b_3)\) in Figure [\[fig:to_skew\]](#fig:to_skew){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:to_skew"}. Since \(\gamma[b_1,b_1+1]\) is a horizontal domino, we construct the border strip \(\gamma[a_1,b_1]\) as in Figure [\[fig:to_skew1\]](#fig:to_skew1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:to_skew1"} (a). Since \(\gamma[b_2,b_2+1]\) is a vertical domino, we construct the border strip \(\gamma[a_3,b_2]\) as in Figure [\[fig:to_skew1\]](#fig:to_skew1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:to_skew1"} (b). Finally we construct the border strip \(\gamma[a_2,b_3]\) as in Figure [\[fig:to_skew1\]](#fig:to_skew1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:to_skew1"} (c). By combining these border strips after appropriate diagonal shifts we obtain the skew shape shown in Figure [\[fig:to_skew\]](#fig:to_skew){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:to_skew"}. We now prove Theorem [\[thm:HG_conv\]](#thm:HG_conv){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:HG_conv"}. | {'timestamp': '2020-12-17T02:09:16', 'yymm': '2012', 'arxiv_id': '2012.08741', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.08741'} |
# Introduction
The use of neural networks (NNs) as universal approximators has recently attracted great attention in various problems in physical sciences. Despite the recent enthusiasm, there are limited studies of interpretable NN methods, which have led to the characterization of neural networks as "black-boxes\" which do not provide feedback from a modeling strategy. A decisive reason for this is the specification of modeling tasks from the deterministic regression point-of-view: \(L_2\) norms are well-understood and widely utilized in linear least-squares applications. However, this limits the amount of information one can extract from a modeling effort. In contrast, Bayesian models, for e.g., variational inference and Gaussian process approximations offer significant flexibility, and may be utilized to assess model and data quality as well as quantify uncertainty under one umbrella. In the present paper, we introduce the use of probabilistic neural network (PNN) that assumes a generative distribution for the target data. The PNN is able to estimate the expected value of the targets while also predicting a confidence interval for each estimation. For our presentation, we consider the construction of reduced-order models for fluid dynamics.
# Methods
## Probabilistic neural network (PNN)
Neural networks \(\cal F\), which output \({\bm y}\) from inputs \(\bm x\), are generally trained to obtain optimized weights \({\bm w}\) by minimizing a cost function \(E\) such that \({\bm w}={\rm argmin}_{\bm w}[E({\bm y},{\cal F}({\bm x};{\bm w}))]\). The output obtained through this process has no information about the estimation uncertainty. To obtain the probability distribution of estimations \(p({\bm y}_p|{\bm x})\), we consider the use of a PNN. Instead of the general map for an NN, \(\mathcal{F}: {\bm x} \rightarrow {\bm y}({\bm x})\), the mapping of a PNN can be written as \(\mathcal{F}: {\bm x} \rightarrow (\pi_1, \mu_1, \sigma_1, \pi_2, \mu_2, \sigma_2,..., \pi_N, \mu_N, \sigma_N)\), where \(\pi_i\) is the mixing probability for each Gaussian component satisfying the condition \(\sum_{i=1}^{m}\pi_i = 1\), the mean \(\mu\) and standard deviation \(\sigma\) parametrize a Gaussian probability distribution function \(\mathcal{N}(\mu,\sigma)\). Therefore, the distribution function in this model is a linear combination of several Gaussian components, \[\label{eq:GMM} p({\bm y} | {\bm x}) = \sum_{i=1}^{m}\pi_i ({\bm x}) \mathcal{N}(\mu_i ({\bm x}),\sigma_i ({\bm x})).\] The value of \(m\) is generally pre-specified based on the expectation of posterior distribution. Utilizing the mixture of Gaussians in the manner above, we can expect to be able to handle a complex probability distribution for the output of PNN \(p({\bm y}_p|{\bm x})\). Because our PNN attempts to output a distribution of the estimation \(p({\bm y}_p|{\bm x})\) instead of a target variable of \({\bm y}\) directly, care should be taken to choose the loss function so that the full distribution of the estimation can be utilized. In the present study, the cost function \(E\) for the PNN \({\mathcal F}({\bm x};{\bm w})\) is given in terms of average log-likelihood \(\mathcal{L}\) such that \[\begin{aligned}
\label{eq:negloglike} \begin{gathered} {\bm w}={\rm argmin}_{\bm w}[\mathcal{E}],\quad \text{where} \quad \mathcal{E} \equiv-\log \mathcal{L} =-\sum_{k=1}^{K} p({y}_{k,p}|{x_k}) \log p({y}_{k,t}) \end{gathered} \end{aligned}\] with \(k\) indicates each data point in the training data and \(K\) denotes a number of training samples. The term \(p({y}_{p,k}|{x_k})\) in the error function is evaluated for each data point using the output of the network given in equation [\[eq:GMM\]](#eq:GMM){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:GMM"}. Note that the likelihood maximizing model such as the present model is equivalent to minimizing the cross entropy \(H(p({\bm y}_p|{\bm x}), p({\bm y}_t) )\), which encourages us to apply the model to a wide variety of problems.
## PNN-based reduced-order model with proper orthogonal decomposition
In the present study, we demonstrate the capability of the PNN for predicting the temporal evolution of coefficients for proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) from the state at the first instantaneous field, as shown in figure [\[fig1\]](#fig1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig1"}. Using the POD basis \(\bm \varphi\) and the POD coefficients, the state \(\bm q\) can be decomposed as \({\bm q}={\bm q}_0+\sum_{i=1}^{M}{a_i}{\bm \varphi}_i\), where \({\bm q}_0\) is the temporal average of the state and \(M\) denotes the number of POD modes. The present PNN attempts to predict the POD coefficients over \(n\) time steps \({\bm a}_t=[{\bm a}^1,{\bm a}^2...,{\bm a}^{n}]\), where \({\bm a}^{\iota}=[a^{\iota}_1,a^{\iota}_2...,a^{\iota}_{M}]\), from the state (e.g., sensor information) at the first instantaneous field \({\bm s}^1\), \[\begin{aligned}
\begin{gathered} \{\pi({\bm s}^1),\mu({\bm s}^1),\sigma({\bm s}^1)\}={\cal F}({\bm s}^1),~~~p({\bm a}_t | {\bm s}^1) = \sum_{i=1}^{m}\pi_i ({\bm s}^1) \mathcal{N}(\mu_i ({\bm s}^1),\sigma_i ({\bm s}^1)). \end{gathered} \end{aligned}\] The present problem setting can be regarded as a reduced-order surrogate for high-dimensional systems since the original dynamics can be approximated in both space and time by combining the estimated POD coefficients and the POD basis. In this study, we will assess the proposed modeling framework for the wake estimation of a NACA0012 airfoil with a Gurney flap and the flow reconstruction of the sea surface temperature (from the NOAA Optimum Interpolation dataset).
# Results
## Comparison with benchmark linear method
Let us first consider the estimation of POD coefficients \({\bm a}\) from local sensor measurements \({\bm s}\) at a given instant in time, by using the two-dimensional inviscid shallow water equations which are a prototypical system for geophysical flows. The problem setting can be mathematically expressed as \[\begin{aligned}
\begin{gathered} \{\pi({[{\bm s},{q_t}]}),\mu([{\bm s},{q_t}]),\sigma([{\bm s},{q_t}])\}={\cal F}([{\bm s},{q_t}]),~~~p({\bm a} | [{\bm s},{q_t}]) = \sum_{i=1}^{m}\pi_i ([{\bm s},{q_t}]) \mathcal{N}(\mu_i ([{\bm s},{q_t}]),\sigma_i ([{\bm s},{q_t}])). \end{gathered} \end{aligned}\] As shown, the time stamp, \(q_t\), which indicates the progress to the final time of the evolution is also utilized as an input attribute in addition to the sensor measurements. We here compare the PNN and a well-known linear reconstruction method---Gappy POD for flow reconstruction, as presented in figure [\[fig0\]](#fig0){reference-type="ref" reference="fig0"}. The present model outperforms Gappy POD at the same number of sensors \(n_{\rm sensor}=30\). Even at \(n_{\rm sensor}=3800\), the PNN exhibits a significant advantage, as observed through an \(L_1\) norm comparison. Note that the present model can provide confidence intervals for coefficient estimation as well (demonstrated in the following sections), in comparison to Gappy POD which is determinstic.
## NACA0012 airfoil with a Gurney flap
Next, let us consider the wake behind a NACA0012 airfoil with a Gurney flap. The training data set is prepared using two-dimensional direct numerical simulation at a chord based Reynolds number of \({\rm Re}_c =1000\). We use 100 snapshots collected over approximately 4 periods for the training of PNN. For the example of NACA0012 wake, the PNN tries to predict the temporal evolution of fifty POD coefficients for the vorticity field \({\bm a}^{\iota}=[a^{\iota}_1,a^{\iota}_2, a^{\iota}_{3}...,a^{\iota}_{50}]\) over 12 time steps \({\bm a}_t=[{\bm a}^1,{\bm a}^2...,{\bm a}^{100}]\) corresponding to approximately a half of vortex shedding period, from the five vorticity sensor measurements on surface of an airfoil at the first instantaneous field \({\bm s}^1\). Hence, the dimensions of input and output are 5 and 600, respectively. Our investigation for the NACA0012 with a Gurney flap is summarized in Figure [\[fig2\]](#fig2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig2"}. The PNN can accurately estimate the temporal evolution for the POD coefficients while showing its confidence interval as shown in figure [\[fig2\]](#fig2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig2"}\((a)\), which corresponds to the normalized \(L_2\) error norm for the POD coefficients \(\epsilon_c=||{\bm a}_{\rm Ref}-{\bm a}_{\rm PNN}||_2/||{\bm a}_{\rm Ref}||_2\) of 0.145. By combining to the POD basis, the high-dimensional flow can also represented well with the normalized \(L_2\) error norm for the reconstructed fields \(\epsilon_f=||{\omega}_{\rm Ref}-{\omega}_{\rm PNN}||_2/||{\omega}_{\rm Ref}||_2\) of 0.0267, as presented in figure [\[fig2\]](#fig2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig2"}\((b)\).
## NOAA sea surface temperature
We also consider the NOAA sea surface temperature data set for field reconstruction from limited sensor measurements. The spatial resolution of data set is \(360\times180\) based on a one degree grid and is obtained from satellite and ship observations. Training data set is prepared from 20 years of data (1040 snapshots spanning 1981 to 2001), while the test data set is obtained from 874 snapshots from years 2001 to 2018. The problem setting here is inspired by Callaham et al. who capitalized on sparse representations to reconstruct fluid flow fields from local sensors. For the task with the sea surface temperature, the PNN predicts the temporal evolution of 4 POD coefficients \({\bm a}^{\iota}=[a^{\iota}_1,a^{\iota}_2, a^{\iota}_{3},a^{\iota}_{4}]\) over 100 weeks \({\bm a}_t=[{\bm a}^1,{\bm a}^2...,{\bm a}^{100}]\) from the local 30 sensor measurements on the first week snapshot \({\bm s}^1\). Following Callaham et al., the input sensors are chosen randomly from the region between \(50{^\circ}\) S and \(50{^\circ}\) N. The results for NOAA sea surface temperature are presented in figure [\[fig3\]](#fig3){reference-type="ref" reference="fig3"}. As shown, the temporal trend of POD coefficients can be captured well using PNN. What is striking here is that the estimated uncertainty is larger than that of NACA0012 example, which is likely caused by the noisy nature of real-world data. This drives home an important point about the quality of training data for neural network optimization---probabilistic methods offer insight into the nature of an experimentally generated data set as well. Since estimation of POD coefficients works well, the reconstruction for the temperature field is also in good agreement with the reference data.
# Concluding remarks
This article introduced the use of probabilistic neural networks (PNN) to quantify uncertainties within a surrogate model for fluid flow reconstruction and forecasting applications. The advantage against the conventional linear method was first demonstrated with a shallow water equation. We then assessed the framework on the wake estimation of a NACA0012 airfoil with a Gurney flap and the NOAA sea surface temperature data set. The present PNN showed promising potential as a reduced-order surrogate with uncertainty estimates of the targets conditioned on the inputs and the training data. Although not shown here, the confidence intervals obtained by the present modeling strategy may also be utilized additional sensor placements in fluid flow data recovery tasks. These observations enable us to expect various extensions of PNN to a wide spread of engineering applications.
# Introduction
The use of neural networks (NNs) as universal approximators has recently attracted great attention in various problems in physical sciences. Despite the recent enthusiasm, there are limited studies of interpretable NN methods, which have led to the characterization of neural networks as "black-boxes\" which do not provide feedback from a modeling strategy. A decisive reason for this is the specification of modeling tasks from the deterministic regression point-of-view: \(L_2\) norms are well-understood and widely utilized in linear least-squares applications. However, this limits the amount of information one can extract from a modeling effort. In contrast, Bayesian models, for e.g., variational inference and Gaussian process approximations offer significant flexibility, and may be utilized to assess model and data quality as well as quantify uncertainty under one umbrella. In the present paper, we introduce the use of probabilistic neural network (PNN) that assumes a generative distribution for the target data. The PNN is able to estimate the expected value of the targets while also predicting a confidence interval for each estimation. For our presentation, we consider the construction of reduced-order models for fluid dynamics.
# Methods
## Probabilistic neural network (PNN)
Neural networks \(\cal F\), which output \({\bm y}\) from inputs \(\bm x\), are generally trained to obtain optimized weights \({\bm w}\) by minimizing a cost function \(E\) such that \({\bm w}={\rm argmin}_{\bm w}[E({\bm y},{\cal F}({\bm x};{\bm w}))]\). The output obtained through this process has no information about the estimation uncertainty. To obtain the probability distribution of estimations \(p({\bm y}_p|{\bm x})\), we consider the use of a PNN. Instead of the general map for an NN, \(\mathcal{F}: {\bm x} \rightarrow {\bm y}({\bm x})\), the mapping of a PNN can be written as \(\mathcal{F}: {\bm x} \rightarrow (\pi_1, \mu_1, \sigma_1, \pi_2, \mu_2, \sigma_2,..., \pi_N, \mu_N, \sigma_N)\), where \(\pi_i\) is the mixing probability for each Gaussian component satisfying the condition \(\sum_{i=1}^{m}\pi_i = 1\), the mean \(\mu\) and standard deviation \(\sigma\) parametrize a Gaussian probability distribution function \(\mathcal{N}(\mu,\sigma)\). Therefore, the distribution function in this model is a linear combination of several Gaussian components, \[\label{eq:GMM} p({\bm y} | {\bm x}) = \sum_{i=1}^{m}\pi_i ({\bm x}) \mathcal{N}(\mu_i ({\bm x}),\sigma_i ({\bm x})).\] The value of \(m\) is generally pre-specified based on the expectation of posterior distribution. Utilizing the mixture of Gaussians in the manner above, we can expect to be able to handle a complex probability distribution for the output of PNN \(p({\bm y}_p|{\bm x})\). Because our PNN attempts to output a distribution of the estimation \(p({\bm y}_p|{\bm x})\) instead of a target variable of \({\bm y}\) directly, care should be taken to choose the loss function so that the full distribution of the estimation can be utilized. In the present study, the cost function \(E\) for the PNN \({\mathcal F}({\bm x};{\bm w})\) is given in terms of average log-likelihood \(\mathcal{L}\) such that \[\begin{aligned}
\label{eq:negloglike} \begin{gathered} {\bm w}={\rm argmin}_{\bm w}[\mathcal{E}],\quad \text{where} \quad \mathcal{E} \equiv-\log \mathcal{L} =-\sum_{k=1}^{K} p({y}_{k,p}|{x_k}) \log p({y}_{k,t}) \end{gathered} \end{aligned}\] with \(k\) indicates each data point in the training data and \(K\) denotes a number of training samples. The term \(p({y}_{p,k}|{x_k})\) in the error function is evaluated for each data point using the output of the network given in equation [\[eq:GMM\]](#eq:GMM){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:GMM"}. Note that the likelihood maximizing model such as the present model is equivalent to minimizing the cross entropy \(H(p({\bm y}_p|{\bm x}), p({\bm y}_t) )\), which encourages us to apply the model to a wide variety of problems.
## PNN-based reduced-order model with proper orthogonal decomposition
In the present study, we demonstrate the capability of the PNN for predicting the temporal evolution of coefficients for proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) from the state at the first instantaneous field, as shown in figure [\[fig1\]](#fig1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig1"}. Using the POD basis \(\bm \varphi\) and the POD coefficients, the state \(\bm q\) can be decomposed as \({\bm q}={\bm q}_0+\sum_{i=1}^{M}{a_i}{\bm \varphi}_i\), where \({\bm q}_0\) is the temporal average of the state and \(M\) denotes the number of POD modes. The present PNN attempts to predict the POD coefficients over \(n\) time steps \({\bm a}_t=[{\bm a}^1,{\bm a}^2...,{\bm a}^{n}]\), where \({\bm a}^{\iota}=[a^{\iota}_1,a^{\iota}_2...,a^{\iota}_{M}]\), from the state (e.g., sensor information) at the first instantaneous field \({\bm s}^1\), \[\begin{aligned}
\begin{gathered} \{\pi({\bm s}^1),\mu({\bm s}^1),\sigma({\bm s}^1)\}={\cal F}({\bm s}^1),~~~p({\bm a}_t | {\bm s}^1) = \sum_{i=1}^{m}\pi_i ({\bm s}^1) \mathcal{N}(\mu_i ({\bm s}^1),\sigma_i ({\bm s}^1)). \end{gathered} \end{aligned}\] The present problem setting can be regarded as a reduced-order surrogate for high-dimensional systems since the original dynamics can be approximated in both space and time by combining the estimated POD coefficients and the POD basis. In this study, we will assess the proposed modeling framework for the wake estimation of a NACA0012 airfoil with a Gurney flap and the flow reconstruction of the sea surface temperature (from the NOAA Optimum Interpolation dataset).
# Results
## Comparison with benchmark linear method
Let us first consider the estimation of POD coefficients \({\bm a}\) from local sensor measurements \({\bm s}\) at a given instant in time, by using the two-dimensional inviscid shallow water equations which are a prototypical system for geophysical flows. The problem setting can be mathematically expressed as \[\begin{aligned}
\begin{gathered} \{\pi({[{\bm s},{q_t}]}),\mu([{\bm s},{q_t}]),\sigma([{\bm s},{q_t}])\}={\cal F}([{\bm s},{q_t}]),~~~p({\bm a} | [{\bm s},{q_t}]) = \sum_{i=1}^{m}\pi_i ([{\bm s},{q_t}]) \mathcal{N}(\mu_i ([{\bm s},{q_t}]),\sigma_i ([{\bm s},{q_t}])). \end{gathered} \end{aligned}\] As shown, the time stamp, \(q_t\), which indicates the progress to the final time of the evolution is also utilized as an input attribute in addition to the sensor measurements. We here compare the PNN and a well-known linear reconstruction method---Gappy POD for flow reconstruction, as presented in figure [\[fig0\]](#fig0){reference-type="ref" reference="fig0"}. The present model outperforms Gappy POD at the same number of sensors \(n_{\rm sensor}=30\). Even at \(n_{\rm sensor}=3800\), the PNN exhibits a significant advantage, as observed through an \(L_1\) norm comparison. Note that the present model can provide confidence intervals for coefficient estimation as well (demonstrated in the following sections), in comparison to Gappy POD which is determinstic.
## NACA0012 airfoil with a Gurney flap
Next, let us consider the wake behind a NACA0012 airfoil with a Gurney flap. The training data set is prepared using two-dimensional direct numerical simulation at a chord based Reynolds number of \({\rm Re}_c =1000\). We use 100 snapshots collected over approximately 4 periods for the training of PNN. For the example of NACA0012 wake, the PNN tries to predict the temporal evolution of fifty POD coefficients for the vorticity field \({\bm a}^{\iota}=[a^{\iota}_1,a^{\iota}_2, a^{\iota}_{3}...,a^{\iota}_{50}]\) over 12 time steps \({\bm a}_t=[{\bm a}^1,{\bm a}^2...,{\bm a}^{100}]\) corresponding to approximately a half of vortex shedding period, from the five vorticity sensor measurements on surface of an airfoil at the first instantaneous field \({\bm s}^1\). Hence, the dimensions of input and output are 5 and 600, respectively. Our investigation for the NACA0012 with a Gurney flap is summarized in Figure [\[fig2\]](#fig2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig2"}. The PNN can accurately estimate the temporal evolution for the POD coefficients while showing its confidence interval as shown in figure [\[fig2\]](#fig2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig2"}\((a)\), which corresponds to the normalized \(L_2\) error norm for the POD coefficients \(\epsilon_c=||{\bm a}_{\rm Ref}-{\bm a}_{\rm PNN}||_2/||{\bm a}_{\rm Ref}||_2\) of 0.145. By combining to the POD basis, the high-dimensional flow can also represented well with the normalized \(L_2\) error norm for the reconstructed fields \(\epsilon_f=||{\omega}_{\rm Ref}-{\omega}_{\rm PNN}||_2/||{\omega}_{\rm Ref}||_2\) of 0.0267, as presented in figure [\[fig2\]](#fig2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig2"}\((b)\).
## NOAA sea surface temperature
We also consider the NOAA sea surface temperature data set for field reconstruction from limited sensor measurements. The spatial resolution of data set is \(360\times180\) based on a one degree grid and is obtained from satellite and ship observations. Training data set is prepared from 20 years of data (1040 snapshots spanning 1981 to 2001), while the test data set is obtained from 874 snapshots from years 2001 to 2018. The problem setting here is inspired by Callaham et al. who capitalized on sparse representations to reconstruct fluid flow fields from local sensors. For the task with the sea surface temperature, the PNN predicts the temporal evolution of 4 POD coefficients \({\bm a}^{\iota}=[a^{\iota}_1,a^{\iota}_2, a^{\iota}_{3},a^{\iota}_{4}]\) over 100 weeks \({\bm a}_t=[{\bm a}^1,{\bm a}^2...,{\bm a}^{100}]\) from the local 30 sensor measurements on the first week snapshot \({\bm s}^1\). Following Callaham et al., the input sensors are chosen randomly from the region between \(50{^\circ}\) S and \(50{^\circ}\) N. The results for NOAA sea surface temperature are presented in figure [\[fig3\]](#fig3){reference-type="ref" reference="fig3"}. As shown, the temporal trend of POD coefficients can be captured well using PNN. What is striking here is that the estimated uncertainty is larger than that of NACA0012 example, which is likely caused by the noisy nature of real-world data. This drives home an important point about the quality of training data for neural network optimization---probabilistic methods offer insight into the nature of an experimentally generated data set as well. Since estimation of POD coefficients works well, the reconstruction for the temperature field is also in good agreement with the reference data.
# Concluding remarks
This article introduced the use of probabilistic neural networks (PNN) to quantify uncertainties within a surrogate model for fluid flow reconstruction and forecasting applications. The advantage against the conventional linear method was first demonstrated with a shallow water equation. We then assessed the framework on the wake estimation of a NACA0012 airfoil with a Gurney flap and the NOAA sea surface temperature data set. The present PNN showed promising potential as a reduced-order surrogate with uncertainty estimates of the targets conditioned on the inputs and the training data. Although not shown here, the confidence intervals obtained by the present modeling strategy may also be utilized additional sensor placements in fluid flow data recovery tasks. These observations enable us to expect various extensions of PNN to a wide spread of engineering applications. | {'timestamp': '2020-12-17T02:08:18', 'yymm': '2012', 'arxiv_id': '2012.08719', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.08719'} |
# Dark Stars
The Nobel prize this year has been awarded for research that demonstrated that black holes can form in realistic astrophysical situations, and observational evidence for a supermassive compact object at the centre of our Galaxy. Black holes are exotic objects. These have been in popular imagination and these have also been used in movies. Black holes are thought of as objects from where nothing can escape. The first speculation about such objects, then named as *dark stars* was the result of combining an increasing confidence in Newtonian gravity and the speed of light as determined by Ole Römer. The speed of light is many orders of magnitude larger than the speeds one encounters in day to day life. In 18th century, John Michel and Pierre-Simon de Laplace speculated about existence of stars so massive that light emitted cannot escape to infinity. A simple calculation shows that the mass and the radius of such stars satisfies the relation based on the standard formula for escape velocity: \[R \leq \frac{2 G M}{c^2}\] Here, \(G\) is the universal constant of gravitation, \(M\) is the mass of the star, \(c\) is the speed of light and \(R\) is the radius. It is to be noted though that in this scenario, any observer at a finite distance from the star will still see the light from the star. Michel even speculated that *the only way to discover the presence of such a dark star may be to study motion of luminous objects in its vicinity.* Laplace conjectured that a significant fraction of objects in the Universe may be dark stars.
# General Relativity and Black Holes
Albert Einstein introduced the special theory of relativity in 1905 and this elevated the speed of light from a very high speed to the maximum speed possible in nature. General theory of relativity, introduced by Einstein in 1915, connected the curvature of space-time with the notion of gravity while retaining aspects of the special theory. Karl Schwarzschild presented the first exact solution for the equations of the general theory of relativity. He presented the solution for gravitational field of a point mass. Two aspects of this solution are noteworthy: the gravitational field is singular with a singularity at the position of the point mass, and, nothing can escape from a sphere of radius given by Eqn.(1). This sphere acts as a one way membrane and is referred to as the horizon. The radius of this sphere is referred to as the Schwarzschild radius. This was the first relativistic expression of what we now call a black hole. It was found that at large distances from the black hole, the gravitational field and orbits deduced from Schwarzschild metric are well approximated by Newtonian gravity with small corrections. These corrections lead to precession of bound orbits: precession of Mercury's orbit was one of the first verifications of the general theory of relativity. Close to the black hole the differences between the two are very significant. There are no stable bound orbits possible with an approach radius smaller than three times the Schwarzschild radius. Thus any massive particle approaching the black hole closer than this distance is expected to fall into the black hole. Photons can orbit around such a black hole with an orbital radius equal to \(1.5\) times the Schwarzschild radius. Photons coming in from larger radii and approaching closer than this distance fall into the black hole. At large distances, photons get deflected from straight line by a small amount. This was observationally verified for the first time by Dyson, Eddington and Davidson (1920) during the total solar eclipse on May 29, 1919. This observational verification was critical in making general theory of relativity as the accepted theory of gravitation and international fame for Einstein. Schwarzschild also presented a solution for space-time due to a star and he showed that this is not singular and there is no horizon in such a case. He assumed the star to have a finite radius and uniform density. In light of this, the point mass solution remained a curiosity for some time. Chandrasekhar limit for white dwarf stars raised the question of what happens if such a star goes beyond the mass limit. In a star like the Sun, gravitational pull is finely balanced by a combination of gas pressure and radiation pressure. Thus one requires a time dependent study in order to address the question raised by Chandrasekhar's computation of the mass limit for white dwarf stars.
# Collapse and Singularities
Bishveshwar Datt from Presidency College, Kolkata solved for time dependent evolution of spherically symmetric density distributions. His interest was in cosmological expansion of inhomogeneous regions. He published his solutions for the cosmological scenario and an expanding universe in 1938. He passed away in the same year during a surgery. His paper from 1938 was republished in 1997 as a golden oldie in the journal *General Relativity and Gravitation*. The same solution was discovered independently by Oppenheimer and Snyder in 1939 and applied to a collapsing star. They showed that in absence of pressure the star collapses and continues to collapse. However, the collapse slows down from the perspective of a distant observer as the radius of the star approaches the Schwarzschild radius. A very important link in the development of ideas about time dependent space-times was provided by Professor Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri. Working in Ashutosh College in Kolkata, he developed a general equation for describing local evolution of such space-times without imposing any restrictions of symmetry or constraining the type of matter that drives the evolution of space-time. The equation describes how matter moves in such a space time and how the space time evolves with it. The equation, named the Raychaudhuri equation in his honour describes space-time in terms of an overall expansion or contraction, rotation, and shear. However, the assumption of zero pressure raised doubts about the relevance of the solution for real stars. We have discussed above that the Schwarzschild solution has a singularity at the centre and it has a horizon enclosing the singularity. The development of this understanding came through the work of Roger Penrose. If we consider the view of a distant observer, gravitational time dilation implies that it takes an infinite time for any object to fall into the horizon. Penrose introduced a set of coordinates that demonstrate that in the frame of a particle falling into the black hole, fall towards the singularity is inevitable once it crosses the horizon and it happens in finite time. More interestingly, if this particle is emitting light then all light falls into the black hole once the particle crosses the horizon. Penrose attributed the idea to Eddington and Finkelstein and these coordinates are known as Eddington-Finkelstein coordinates. Thus Penrose was able demonstrate that in a Schwarzschild black hole infalling objects reach the singularity at the centre in a finite time, and this fall is inevitable if the infalling object crosses the horizon. Penrose terms such surfaces that act as one way membranes as a trapped surface. Penrose proceeded further and was able to prove that if a trapped surface forms during collapse of a star then the formation of a singularity at the centre is inevitable. This is the singularity theorem that he proved. The proof required application of topological methods in general relativity. The implication of this theorem is that a star can collapse and form a black hole, this astrophysical phenomena can lead to the formation of a black hole. Given that the known black hole solutions are stationary, this is a significant step that connects these idealized solutions with complex reality. This proof was timely as there were doubts about whether black holes can form in astrophysical processes or not. Measurement of redshift of quasars like 3C273 already implied that the total emission from these was very large and accretion around black holes appeared to be the only feasible explanation at the time. The proof also brings out an internal limitation of the general theory of relativity. Existence of singularities implies that the theory breaks down at some points and hence the theory has limitations. It is expected that as and when the quantum theory of gravity is found, the singularities will be replaced by something more tractable. Roy Kerr provided solution for a rotating black hole in 1963. This is the black hole solution that is clearly relevant in astrophysics as all stars have a non-zero angular momentum and we expect black holes that form due to collapse to have some angular momentum as well. Roger Penrose proposed a process that can lead to extraction of energy from a rotating black hole. This is also a very significant contribution. The singularity theorems were generalized by Hawking and Penrose to prove that the Universe had a singularity in the past. However, what remains unproven is the so called *cosmic censorship conjecture*. The conjecture states that a space-time singularity is always surrounded by a horizon and hence cannot be seen by a distant observer.
# Super Massive Black Holes
Evidence has grown over the last five decades for presence of super massive black holes at the centre of each galaxies. This evidence has come from a variety of observations of velocities in the vicinity of the black hole. These observations are of stars or hot gas orbiting the black hole. It is interesting that we had much better evidence for existence of a super massive compact objects in other galaxies well before such observations were attempted in our own galaxy. A major obstacle in such observations in the Galaxy is scattering and absorption by the intervening gas and dust, this effect is given the name *extinction* in astronomy. One half of the Nobel prize for physics has been given to Reinhard Genzel and Andrea Mia Ghez for their work that has established the presence of a super massive compact object at the centre of the Galaxy. The program to observe the central region of the Galaxy was started by Reinhard Genzel nearly three decades ago. Andrea Ghez started her own program a few years later. He identified a near infra-red band (K band, \(\lambda \sim 2.2\) \(\mu\)m) as a suitable band for observations of the galactic centre. Extinction reduces the flux by nearly three orders of magnitudes in the K band, the situation is much worse in the optical. The first challenge that came up was the effect of the atmosphere. Variations of density and temperature in the atmosphere lead to distortion of the incoming wave front: astronomers refer to this effect as *seeing*. We are familiar with this effect in terms of twinkling of stars: the image of the star shifts around by a small amount and its intensity fluctuates. In images of stars taken over a long period, we get the sum of all the shifted positions and hence image of each star becomes a bit blurry. The number of stars in the direction of the galactic centre is very large and therefore images of stars start to overlap. The first technique used to get images without this problem was to take many short images, align them and obtain a deep image of the region without blurring of images. These early studies allowed astronomers to get first estimates of the speeds of stars in the central region and therefore constrain the mass contained near the centre. Shift to larger telescopes permitted astronomers to take deeper images and observe fainter stars. The most significant development was the use of adaptive optics.
## Active Optics and Adaptive Optics
Active optics was developed three decades ago to overcome problems that prevented construction of large telescopes. Astronomers use reflector telescopes as mirrors can be supported from the base and these do not suffer from chromatic aberrations. As telescopes are reoriented to look at sources in different parts of the sky, the shape of the mirror changes under its own weight. In order to prevent this from causing distortion of images, thick glass was used to make mirrors with the typical thickness being about \(1/5\) of the diameter of the mirror. For large mirrors this causes two problems: the mirrors become very heavy, and, the response of the material to changing temperature causes distortion in shape as the temperature is not constant through the body of the mirror. Active optics was an attempt to work with thin mirrors of large diameter where the shape is adjusted with the help of a computer model that takes the orientation and temperature into account. It is this technology that has allowed construction of telescopes with large diameters in the last three decades and the same technology will be used for making even larger telescopes with composite mirrors, e.g., the thirty meter telescope (TMT) that India is also involved in. Adaptive optics makes use of the technology developed for active optics to adjust the shape of the mirror for distortion of the incoming wave front by the atmosphere. This requires a measurement of the incoming wavefront and a rapid adjustment of the shape of the mirror. Several approaches have been developed for this. If we have a bright point source in the field then we can sense the wavefront by an array of lenses/mirrors: if the wavefront did not have any distortions then all images will form at the same relative location, whereas there will be small shifts if the wavefront cannot be described as a plane wave. The amount of shift can be used to sense the level of distortion and an appropriate correction can be applied. Bright stars are not present in all directions and astronomers use laser guide stars to overcome this problem. Adaptive optics permits astronomers to obtain diffraction limited images and hence observe much fainter sources while improving localization on the sky.
## Zooming in
Observations with large telescopes: Keck telescopes in Hawaii and the Very Large Telescopes (VLT) in Chile have allowed astronomers to observe stars and track these in their orbits. The orbital parameters of these stars constrain the mass contained inside the orbit. A key step was the discovery of a few stars with time periods short enough for them to be tracked for more than one complete orbit. This enables reliable determination of orbital parameters for these stars. The orbital parameters (semi-major axis and time period) can be used to deduce the enclosed mass. A very important inference from these studies has been that the mass contained within the orbit reaches a constant value, indicating that the contribution in the innermost regions is from a single source and individual stars do not contribute any significant mass. Indeed, the contribution of stars to the total mass up to a radius that is twenty thousand times the orbit of the Earth around the Sun is insignificant, i.e., the mass of the compact object dominates in this region. This, in essence is the observational evidence of the presence of an object with a mass of about \(4 \times 10^6\) times the mass of the Sun in a region that is at most twenty times larger than the orbit of the Earth around the Sun. This is only about 200 times larger than the Schwarzschild radius. The mass remains almost constant to a scale that is a thousand times larger than this.
## Recent Developments
Astronomers are now starting to use interferometry for observations of the galactic centre. This will improve the resolving power by an order of magnitude and improve determination of orbital parameters. This will also permit discovery of fainter objects. Improved sensitivity is expected to permit testing general theory of relativity via observations of stars in orbits around the compact object.
# Summary
The Nobel prize for Physics in this year has recognized the theoretical work that proved that it is possible for black holes to form through astrophysical processes. The work by Roger Penrose is built on foundations laid by a number of scientists, most importantly Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri. The Raychaudhuri equation was critical to the proof of the singularity theorem given by Roger Penrose. Recognition of the work by Reinhard Genzel and Andrea Mia Ghez in establishing the presence of a super massive compact object at the centre of the Galaxy stops short of calling it a black hole. Observations using other means have established a stronger constraint on supermassive compact objects in other galaxies. Perhaps the observational discovery of black holes will be recognized later in another Nobel. Roy Kerr, who found the solution for a black hole with angular momentum has also contributed significantly in this journey. Without the Kerr solution, there would have been many concerns about realistic models of black holes. Readers can study more details at the Nobel foundation website[^1] and other reviews. I would like to thank Professor Rajaram Nityananda for useful comments on an earlier draft of the manuscript.
[^1]: https://www.nobelprize.org/uploads/2020/10/advanced-physicsprize2020.pdf | {'timestamp': '2020-12-17T02:11:11', 'yymm': '2012', 'arxiv_id': '2012.08774', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.08774'} |
# Introduction
Online experimentation (also known as A/B testing) has become the gold standard for measuring product impact and making business decisions in the tech industry. Companies such as Google, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft and LinkedIn have all embraced this paradigm and built in-house platforms to enable large-scale online experimentation, commercial platforms have also emerged to provide online experimentation as a service to the broader audience. Because of the crucial role online experimentation plays in decision making and the scale at which it impacts the business, it is of utmost importance to ensure the unbiasedness and power of experiments. When an experiment is biased, the impact estimate is systematically incorrect and the quality of business decisions is compromised. This is especially detrimental if the bias is systematic. When the experiments do not have enough power, even large impacts are not statistically significant and are incorrectly neglected as \"neutral\", and when impacts do get detected, the throughput of experiments, therefore speed of innovation, is limited. These considerations are precisely why the majority of online experimentation literature is devoted to either designing unbiased experiments under an interference structure, or to increasing the power of an unbiased experiment. The optimal strategy for designing unbiased and powerful experiments is highly dependent on the underlying interference structure. The most studied example of interference in the tech industry is that of the online social network, where each unit is the same type of entity (for example, a member of a social network). Each unit can connect with other units and interact with her connections. Another important interference structure in online platforms, yet received little coverage, is that of online marketplaces. Unlike in a social network, the marketplace population consists of at least two types of units, sellers who offer goods, services or attention and buyers who purchase them with some currency. Marketplaces are an important part of the online economy, and usually are the products responsible for revenue generation in a tech companies. Therefore, it is important for both tech companies and the health of the online economy that we are able to experiment in online marketplaces unbiasedly and with high power. Some examples of online marketplaces are ads marketplace, where advertisers purchase the attention of platform members in the form of ads impressions; hiring marketplace, where employers purchase the attention of job seekers in the form of job postings; and education platforms, where buyers purchase courses from educators that offer them. The interference and network structure in online marketplaces present experimentation challenges to both unbiasedness and power. Bernoulli randomized experiments on either the seller-side or buyer-side violate the "stable unit treatment value assumption"(SUTVA) and are biased. To illustrate why SUTVA is violated, we use seller-side Bernoulli randomized experiments as an example. When a treatment increases the competitiveness of sellers, unless all buyers still have enough budget reserve to purchase more, the increased attractiveness of treatment sellers translates to relatively less attractiveness of control sellers, and the control sales decreases as treatment sales increases. Such interference in marketplaces violates the SUTVA assumption, which states a unit's potential outcome should depend only on the treatment it receives and not on treatments other units receive. Analogous argument explains why buyer-side Bernoulli randomized experiments also violate SUTVA and are biased. In the marketing sphere, this bias is termed the "cannibalization bias\", to highlight the fact that treatment sales is higher than control sales not because total sales grows, but because treatment sales "cannibalizes\" on control sales. Making a decision based on Bernoulli randomized experiments when cannibalization is present results in systematic overestimation of treatment effects. In any real-world marketplace, there are always limits to buyers' budgets and sellers' inventory, therefore both seller-side and buyer-side Bernoulli randomized experiments are subject to the cannibalization bias. Beyond the cannibalization bias, marketplace experimentation is also plagued with insufficient experimental power. This happens because the two sides of the market usually consist of different types of entities, and are drastically disparate in numbers. For example, in an Ads marketplace, where buyers are enterprise advertisers or agencies, and sellers are consumer users, the number of buyers can be three orders of magnitude smaller than the number of sellers. Similarly, in a physical goods marketplace, where buyers are consumers and sellers are more likely to be small businesses, the number of buyers is 60 times larger than the number of sellers. This disparity in sample size naturally leads to disparity in experimental power, and the insufficient power will be further exacerbated if the side with smaller sample size also has longer tails in metric distributions. This power disparity, or relative insufficiency on one side of the marketplace is undesirable because the marketplace business is only sustainable if both sides continues to be optimized, and one side of the marketplace having significantly lower experimental power means the speed of innovation and optimization is throttled on this side. Solutions to marketplace experimentation in existing literature roughly follow two approaches: the analysis approach which first models the interference structure and cannibalization bias, and then apply model-based adjustments to the biased Bernoulli randomized experiments; the design approach, which explore alternative designs that are unbiased under weak and verifiable assumptions on the marketplace. The analysis approach typically requires first simplifying the marketplace to a parametric model, when the modeling assumptions themselves are often untestable. In fact, if the model could accurately capture the marketplace, experimentation is not necessary and treatment effects can be measured through simulations. Some design approaches are successful in achieving low bias under reasonable assumption, but the low bias comes at the cost of even lower power. Our paper contributes to the marketplace experimentation literature by proposing the budget-split design which overcomes both the bias and power challenges. The unbiasedness of the budget-split design requires one easy-to-validate assumption only, which is the buyers have a continuous budget (the budget can be finite or infinite). It is up to 30 times more powerful than alternative designs when deployed in the real-world marketplaces. The implementation and deployment of this design does not require an overhaul of the existing online marketplace infrastructure or the experimentation platform. Rather, only incremental changes to modules of the infrastructure. We note that our design shares some similarities with the budget allocation design in. Although both designs split the "budgets" in some ways, they are fundamentally different: in, an indirect, artificial "budget" (quota) is given to each buyer while the budget-split design considers the direct, natural budget that the buyers define. We also notice a recent blogpost in that outlines an inventory-split counterpart of the budget-split design. Our formal analysis of the budget-split design can be directly applied to the inventory-split settings with little modification. The impact of the budget-split design is significant. It has enabled marketplace experimentation free of cannibalization bias; boosted experimental power to detect treatment effects that previously would have been dominated by noise. As a result, marketplace innovation and optimizations are carried out with much higher confidence and velocity. In this paper, we use the ads marketplace as a running example to present the budget-split design. The methodology, system architecture and empirical results can be readily extend to any marketplace where the buyer has a well-defined budget, such as the hiring marketplace. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, the causal inference problem in marketplaces is formally defined using the potential outcome framework. Section 3 introduces the budget-split design contrasts it with alternative designs such as cluster-based randomization and alternating-day design. Section 4 highlights the key considerations in system architecture and deployment of the budget-split design to online marketplaces. The empirical results on unbiasedness and power of the budget-split design are reported in Section 5. Finally, Section 6 concludes the paper with discussions and future research.
# Experimentation in online ads marketplace {#sec:oam}
Experiments in an online ads marketplace (OAM) falls into the family of bipartite experiments where experimentation takes place in a bipartite graph, linking two types of entities--the buyers and the sellers. *Sellers* are consumer members who visit the website, offer their attention and create requests for ads impressions, while *buyers* are advertisers that fulfill these requests with ads impressions. Each member visit can result in multiple ads requests to "sell" (i.e., the webpage can have multiple slots to show ads impressions during one visit). Each advertiser can create multiple *campaigns* that serve difference purposes, have different budgets, and target different member segments. Without loss of generality, we set our experimental units on the two sides as members and campaigns. Our framework can be applied to units at other granularity levels though. For example, it is common to set member sessions as the seller side units (finer) and advertisers as the buyer side units (coarser). Suppose the marketplace contains \(N\) members and \(M\) campaigns, denoted by \(i\in [N]=\{1,2,\ldots, N\}\) and \(\cC_j, j\in [M]=\{ 1,2,\ldots, M\}\), respectively. For the \(j\)-th campaign \(\cC_j\), let \(B_j \geq 0\) be its budget and the member set \(I_j \subset [N]\) be its target population. Let \(\bm{B}=\{B_1,B_2,\ldots,B_M \}\) denote the budgets of all campaigns. We note that targeting is at the member level. Thus if a member is targeted by a campaign, all requests created by this member are targeted. In addition, the campaigns can have different strategy and behavior, such as the bidding strategy and the pacing strategy. We do not model these details and instead simply represent these nuisances with parameter \(\bThe_j\). With these notations, we write the entire OAM as \(\mathcal{M} = \{ (\cC_j, I_j, B_j, \bThe_j)^M_{j=1}\}\). Figure [\[fig:illustration\]](#fig:illustration){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:illustration"} gives an illustration of an OAM. There are two types of experiments in an OAM classified by the side of the market where the new feature is to be launched. When this feature acts on the seller-side, for example changing the placement of ads from top of the page to right rail of the page, a *member-level experiment* (ME) or a seller-side experiment needs to be performed to test its effect where the randomization units are members. Similarly, when the feature acts on the buyer-side, such as adjusting the bid price of a campaign, we need to conduct a *campaign-level experiment* (CE) or a buyer-side experiment where the randomization units are campaigns. In this paper, we use ME to introduce the ideas. The budget-split design we propose also applies to CE. To simplify the demonstration, we defer the discussion of CE to Section [4.1](#sec:bs_campaign_level){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:bs_campaign_level"} and focus on ME for now. In an ME, let \(W_i\in\{0,1\}\) be the treatment received by member \(i\), \(\bW = (W_1,\ldots, W_N)\) the treatment assignment vector of all members. Classical designs, such as the completely randomized design, can be directly applied to the seller side:
Unfortunately, as we show in Section [3.2](#sec:cannibalization_bias){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:cannibalization_bias"} and Section [6.2](#sec:6.2){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:6.2"}, applying this design in OAM without modification and ignoring the buyer side can severely bias the treatment estimation. Similar bias is entailed when applying classical designs on the buyer side and ignoring the seller side.
## Potential outcomes and causal estimands {#sec:po}
We adopt the potential outcomes framework for causal inference. For each \(i\in[N]\) and \(j\in[M]\), let \(Y_{ij}(\bW;\bB)\) be the scalar potential outcome of member \(i\) and campaign \(\cC_j\) given the treatment assignment vector and the budgets. Note that the potential outcomes are specified for each \((member, campaign)\) pair, which is the finest level in our design. A similar setup is also considered in. This general setup allows outcomes measured at coarser levels to be written as aggregations. For example, for situations in and where the potential outcomes are specified in terms of only one side of the market, they can be defined by summing over indexes in \(Y_{ij}(\bW;\bB)\) of the other side. Let \(\bW_{-i}\) be the \((N-1)\) vector by removing the \(i\)-th element from \(\bW\), we also consider an alternative parametrization of the potential outcomes as suggested by: \(Y_{ij}(\bW;\bB)= Y_{ij}(W_i, \bW_{-i}; \bB)\). We focus on two metrics of special interests in an OAM: the value delivered to an advertiser and the revenue received by the marketplace operator. Specifically, let \(Y_{ij}(\bW;\bB) \geq 0\) be the value delivered to campaign \(\cC_j\) (in fact, to the underlying advertiser) by the ads requests created by member \(i\). If \(i\not\in I_j\), member \(i\) is not in the target population of \(\cC_j\) and \(Y_{ij}(\bW;\bB)=0\) by definition. If \(i\in I_j\), \(\cC_j\) competes for the ads slots from member \(i\)'s visits with all other campaigns \(\cC_{j^\prime}\) such that \(i\in I_{j^\prime}\) by participating in an auction, such as the firce price auction or the generalized second price auction. Note that the potential outcomes depend on the campaign budgets. In an OAM, \(\cC_j\)'s own budget \(B_j\) is used by the system to guide its pacing and bidding strategy, affecting its own bid underlying each \(Y_{ij}\). At the same time, the resulting \(Y_{ij}\) also depends on bids from other campaigns, which are themselves determined by their own budgets and actual spending. Unlike in, we directly focus on the outcomes of the auction, ignoring the underlying bids as well as the auction mechanism for generality. Aside from the value delivered to the advertisers, another crucial metric is the corresponding revenue received by the marketplace operator, denoted as \(Y^*_{ij}(\bW;\bB)\). It is worth noting that \(Y^*_{ij}(\bW;\bB)\) may or may not equal \(Y_{ij}(\bW;\bB)\). Due to the complex optimization procedure under the hood, \(Y_{ij}\) depends on \(\bm{B}\) in a "not exact\" manner, meaning that it is possible for \(\sum_{i\in I_j}Y_{ij}(\bW;\bB) > B_j\), a phenomenon referred to as "over-delivery\". On the other hand, the platform cannot charge a campaign more than its budget. Therefore, we have for each \(j\), \[\begin{aligned} 0 \leq Y^*_{ij}(\bW;\bB) & \leq Y_{ij}(\bW;\bB) \\ \sum\limits_{i\in I_j} Y^*_{ij}(\bW;\bB) &\leq B_j. \end{aligned}\] In this work, we conduct inference conditioning on the potential outcomes and take treatment assignment as the only source of randomness. This randomization based inference strategy has the advantage of not entailing any modeling assumptions on \(Y_{ij}(\bW;\bB)\). Due to the complex and evolving ecosystem in an OAM, modeling these potential outcomes can be extremely challenging. We would like to estimate the treatment effect in terms of the total delivered value and the total received revenue conditioning on the budgets: \[\begin{aligned} \tau(\bB) & =\sum\limits_{j\in[M]} \sum\limits_{i\in I_j} [Y_{ij}(\bm{1};\bB)-Y_{ij}(\bm{0};\bB)] = \sum\limits_{j\in[M]} \tau_j(\bB) \\ \tau^*(\bB) & = \sum\limits_{j\in[M]} \sum\limits_{i\in I_j} [Y^*_{ij}(\bm{1};\bB)-Y^*_{ij}(\bm{0};\bB)] = \sum\limits_{j\in[M]} \tau^*_j(\bB), \end{aligned}\] where \(\bm{1} = (1,1,\ldots,1)_N\) and \(\bm{0} = (0,0,\ldots,0)_N\) denote the all treatment and all control treatment assignment. The validity of vanilla A/B testing hinges critically on the stable unit treatment value assumption (SUTVA), which states that (i) there is only a single form of each treatment variant and (ii) a unit's potential outcome is unaffected by the treatment assignment of other units. The no interference assumption, however, is usually violated in marketplace experiments due to the limited campaign budgets. One special scenario where SUTVA at can be justified is in an imaginary world without budget constraints, so that the campaigns are free to bid on any of their targeted members based on their own evaluation of that member's value. This is essentially the SUTVA for bids assumption made by. Formally, we have
In this case, the following simple plug-in estimator is unbiased: \[\begin{aligned} \hat\tau_j(\bm{\infty}) &= \sum\limits_{i\in I_j} \frac{W_i\cdot Y_{ij}(\bW; \bm{\infty})}{N_1/N}-\sum\limits_{i\in I_j} \frac{(1-W_i)\cdot Y_{ij}(\bW; \bm{\infty})}{N_0/N}, \end{aligned} \label{eq:naive}\] where \(N_1 = \sum^{N}_{i=1}w_i\), \(N_0 = N-N_1\). Moreover, since there is no budget constraint, \(Y_{ij}^*(\bW) = Y_{ij}(\bW) = Y_{ij}(W_i)\) and the corresponding plug-in estimator \(\hat\tau_j^*(\bm{\infty})\) for \(\tau_j^*(\bm{\infty})\) is also unbiased.
## Finite budget and the cannibalization bias {#sec:cannibalization_bias}
In reality, it is very unlikely that ads campaigns have unlimited budgets. As a result, Assumption [\[assmp:sutva\]](#assmp:sutva){reference-type="ref" reference="assmp:sutva"} no longer holds and the potential outcomes are affected. With a finite budget, each campaign now needs to take a more "global\" view over all its target members when planning its bid such that the total budget is split to different members wisely. For example, if the treatment has an edge over the control, a wise campaign should take this advantage and allocate more budget to members in the treatment group, resulting in interference between the potential outcomes. Due to this interference, the naive estimator for \(\tau_j(\bB)\) and \(\tau^*_j(\bB)\) as in ([\[eq:naive\]](#eq:naive){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:naive"}) is no longer unbiased. To further illustrate this, we consider two examples. The first example illustrate that the naive estimator \(\hat\tau_j^*(\bB)\) of \(\tau_j^*(\bB)\) is biased in a very common scenario that can happen in a real OAM due to the strict budget constraints. The second example considers a more fundamental case, where even \(\hat\tau_j(\bB)\) is biased. From now on, we assume that \(0 < B_j < \infty\) for campaign \(j\in [M]\).
Note that in ([\[eq:canni\]](#eq:canni){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:canni"}), \(\sum_{i=1}^NY_{ij}(1,\bm{1}; \bB)\) is overestimated while \(\sum_{i=1}^NY_{ij}(0,\bm{0}; \bB)\) is underestimated. We thus refer to the bias of this naive estimator as the *cannibalization bias* as the new version of the product appears to be having an edge over the old one in an experiment, not only because it drives extra values of members in treatment, but also because it "cannibalises\" the members' values in control.
## Switchback design {#sec:alternating}
One popular strategy to get rid of this cannibalization bias is to treat the entire OAM at different times as the experimental units and adopt the switchback design. Let \(t=1,2,\ldots, T\) be \(T\) ordered time points. The switchback design assigns random treatment to each \(\mathcal{M}_t\). Thus for each fixed \(t\), all units (members or campaigns depending on whether the experiment is ME or CE) are assigned to the control or the treatment simultaneously. Since only one treatment is active at any time, there is no cannibalization bias due to cross treatment group intervention. In practice, applying a switchback design to an OAM can be challenging. Firstly, although the design prevents any cross treatment interventions at any time point, it allows interventions across time points, often referred to as a carryover effect. In an OAM, the level of the carryover effect depends on the features being tested as well as other factors in the ecosystem. In general, it is hard to understand these carryover effects and analysis the switchback experiment properly. Secondly, a switchback experiment can be highly inefficient when it takes sometime for the effect of the feature to become measurable. For example, some features target at improving the performance of a campaign over a week. In this case, the time gap between different assignments has to be at least a week and the overall experimental period can stretch over weeks or even months. Thirdly, there is a conflict between the validity and the efficiency of a switchback experiment. On the one hand, a switchback experiment needs to run long enough to collect enough samples; on the other hand, it implicitly assumes that the OAM does not change much during the experimentation period, which is likely to be unrealistic when this period is long.
# Budget-split design
In this section, we introduce a novel design that removes the cannibalization bias in both the member-level experiment and the campaign-level experiment in an OAM while bypassing the challenges in the switchback design. Our key motivation is that the cannibalization bias comes from interactions between units in different treatment groups. If these interactions are blocked, the cannibalization bias will not exist. Similar to the idea in, our goal is to simulate the two "counterfactuals" of the ads marketplace---one under the control and another under the treatment---with a design, such that a causal relationship can be established by directly comparing these two simulated marketplaces. The success of our strategy depends on two factors: (i) how similar the two simulated marketplaces are before the treatment, and (ii) how similar these simulated marketplaces are to the original marketplace before the treatment. As we shall see, our design automatically ensures (i), that is, the two marketplaces have exactly the same campaigns, very similar members, and the same underlying mechanism (i.e., auction mechanism, bidding strategy, etc.) We state (ii) formally in Assumption [\[assmp:average\]](#assmp:average){reference-type="ref" reference="assmp:average"} and validate this assumption with real examples in Section [6.2](#sec:6.2){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:6.2"}. Without loss of generality, we assume \(I_j=[N]\) for all \(\cC_j, j\in[M]\) in this section. Recall that the original OAM is \(\mathcal{M} = \{ (\cC_j, I_j, B_j, \bThe_j)^M_{j=1}\}\). We create two independent marketplaces \(\mathcal{M}^{(0)}\) and \(\mathcal{M}^{(1)}\) out of \(\mathcal{M}\) with the following steps:
1. perform a random split of the members into two buckets of size \(N^{(0)}\) and \(N^{(1)} = N-N^{(0)}\). Let \(d_i \in \{0, 1\}\) be the bucket indicator of member \(i\) and \(\bd = (d_1,d_2,\ldots, d_N)\);
2. split the budget of each campaign \(j\) accordingly: \[\begin{aligned} B_j^{(0)} = \frac{N^{(0)}}{N}\cdot B_j &, \quad B_j^{(1)} = \frac{N^{(1)}}{N}\cdot B_j; \end{aligned}\]
3. create a campaign \(\cC_{j_0}\) with a budget \(B_j^{(0)}\) and a target population \(I_{j_0} = \{i: d_i = 0\}\). Let this campaign inherit all features (summarized by \(\bThe_j\)) from campaign \(\cC_j\). Similarly, create a campaign \(\cC_{j_1}\);
4. replace \(\mathcal{M}\) with two independent marketplaces: \[\begin{aligned} \mathcal{M}^{(0)} & = \{ (\cC_{j_0}, I_{j_0}, B^{(0)}_j, \bThe_j)^M_{j_0=1}\}\\ \mathcal{M}^{(1)} & = \{ (\cC_{j_1}, I_{j_1}, B^{(1)}_j, \bThe_j)^M_{j_1=1}\}. \end{aligned}\]
Recall that the treatment effect of interests is \[\begin{aligned} \tau_j(\bB) = \sum\limits^{N}_{i=1} [Y_{ij}(\bm{1};\bB)-Y_{ij}(\bm{0};\bB)]. \end{aligned}\] Intuitively, under the budget split setup, we use one of the \(\mathcal{M}^{(l)}\)'s to estimate \(\sum^{N}_{i=1}Y_{ij}(\bm{1};\bB)\), and use another to estimate \(\sum^{N}_{i=1}Y_{ij}(\bm{0};\bB)\). To this end, let \(\tilde W_l\in\{0,1\}\) be the treatment indicator of OAM \(\mathcal{M}^{l}\), where \(\tilde W_1 \sim \text{Bernoulli}(p)\) and \(\tilde W_0 = 1-\tilde W_1\). If \(\tilde W_l = 1\), we apply the treatment to members in bucket \(l\); if \(\tilde W_l = 0\), these members will receive the control. Let \(\bB^{(l)} = \{ B_1^{(l)}, B_2^{(l)}, \ldots, B_M^{(l)} \}\) and \(\bW^{(l)} = \{W_i: i\in I_{j_l} \}\) for \(l=0,1\). Similar to the definition of \(Y_{ij}(\bW;\bB)\), we define the potential outcomes associated with campaign \(\cC_{j_l}\) as \(Y_{ij}^{(l)}(\bW^{(l)}; \bB^{(l)}\mid \bm{d})\) for \(l=0, 1\) and \(i\in I_{j_l}\). Note that these potential outcomes also depend on \(\bd\). (When defining these potential outcomes, we are actually making a no interference assumption, which is formally stated in Assumption [\[assmp:bucket\]](#assmp:bucket){reference-type="ref" reference="assmp:bucket"}.) Given a split \(\bd\), we consider the following estimator: \[\begin{aligned} \hat\tau_j^{BS}(\bB) & = \sum\limits_{l=0,1} \tilde{W}_l\sum\limits_{i=1}^N\frac{\mathbbm{1}(d_i = l)Y_{ij}^{(l)}(\bm{1}_{N^{(l)}}; \bB^{(l)} \mid \bd)}{N^{(l)}/N} \\ &-\sum\limits_{l=0,1} (1-\tilde{W}_l) \sum\limits_{i = 1}^N \frac{\mathbbm{1}(d_i = l)Y_{ij}^{(l)}(\bm{0}_{N^{(l)}}; \bB^{(l)} \mid \bd)}{N^{(l)}/N}. \end{aligned} \label{eq:bs}\] To study the properties of \(\hat\tau_j^{BS}(\bB)\), we first introduce the following definition:
In practice, this definition is relevant to the throttling procedure that can be applied before the auctions take place. For example, due to resource constraint, the system could not afford to allow each campaign to bid for all its targeting members. We next state two assumptions on the potential outcomes of proportionally restricted campaigns. Assumption [\[assmp:bucket\]](#assmp:bucket){reference-type="ref" reference="assmp:bucket"} limits the interference to members within the restricted target population. Assumption [\[assmp:average\]](#assmp:average){reference-type="ref" reference="assmp:average"} ensures that the restricted campaigns are on average "similar enough\" to the unrestricted ones such that they can be used to perform inference about the original campaigns.
Assumption [\[assmp:average\]](#assmp:average){reference-type="ref" reference="assmp:average"} characterizes a degree of stability of the system. It requires that a proportionally restricted campaign behaves in a similar manner to its original campaign so that the two created OAMs are similar to the original one. In practice, this assumption is more likely to hold when (i) \(K\) is large and (ii) \(N\) is large. When \(K\) is close to \(N\), the \(\cC_j(K)\) is essentially \(\cC_j\). When \(K\) decreases, the ecosystem underlying \(\cC_j(K)\) becomes less similar to that of \(\cC_j\) and the reliability of this assumption decreases accordingly. In the extreme case when \(K\) is close to \(1\), \(\cC_j(K)\) essentially loses all its flexibility in participating in auctions. As a result, the potential outcomes of \(\cC_j(K)\) can be totally distorted from those of \(\cC_j\). In reality, there is usually some burn-in threshold \(K_0\) such that the system (i.e., the bidding strategies of the campaigns) stabilizes with \(K_0\) members. In this case, if \(N\) is very large such that \(K > K_0\), \(\cC_j(K)\) would behave very similarly to \(\cC_j\). Fortunately, in OAM, \(N\) is usually at least at the scale of millions, in which case \(K > K_0\) can be easily satisfied with \(K = O(N)\). We note that \(K_0\) depends on the level of homogeneity of members. \(K_0\) of a market where the members are very similar to each other is generally smaller than \(K_0\) in a more heterogeneous market.
The proof is standard and can be found in Appendix B.
## Campaign-level experiments {#sec:bs_campaign_level}
So far, we have been focusing on ME. Since the budget split framework creates two complete OAM with both the buyer side and the seller side, it can also be used for CE. A CE is involved when the features to be tested act on the buyer-side. Examples of such features include UI changes at the campaign management portal and adjustments to the underlying campaign bidding strategy. Similar to the setup in Section [3](#sec:oam){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:oam"}, let \(W^c_j \in \{0, 1\}\) be the treatment received by campaign \(\cC_j\), \(j\in[M]\) and let \(Y^c_{ij}(\bW^c; \bB)\) be the corresponding potential outcomes. Again, we consider the treatment effect in terms of the total delivered value: \[\begin{aligned} \tau^c(\bB) & =\sum\limits_{j\in[M]} \sum\limits_{i\in I_j} [Y^c_{ij}(\bm{1}^c;\bB)-Y^c_{ij}(\bm{0}^c;\bB)] = \sum\limits_{j\in[M]} \tau^c_j(\bB). \end{aligned}\] Under the budget split framework, the setup for CE is essentially the same as for ME. In this case, \(\tau^c_j(\bB)\) is estimated directly by comparing the two campaigns \(\cC_{j_0}\) and \(\cC_{j_1}\) with an estimator similar to ([\[eq:bs\]](#eq:bs){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:bs"}). Although the same budget-split framework is used for both ME and CE, the resulting experiments have very different nature. In ME, the budget split design essentially performs a completely randomized experiment at the 50-50 split, where the treatment assignments coincide with the budget allocations. Here we adopt the budget split design to remove the cannibalization bias. In CE, the budget split design has a more direct motivation. Namely, we create two (approximately) identical replicates for each experimental units before the experiment and solve the "fundamental problem of causal inference\" by making the two potential outcomes of each unit directly observable. Instead of estimated or imputed, the potential outcomes are *observed* under the budget split design. Therefore, the causal estimands are also observed directly. For CE, both the switchback design (SB) and the budget split design (BS) aim at creating "counterfactuals\" of any experimental unit (campaign) and making the potential outcomes observable under both treatments. In SB, campaign \(\cC_j\) at different time points serve as its "counterfactuals\". In the BS, the "counterfactuals\" are represented by the two half-sized campaigns \(\cC_{j_0}\) and \(\cC_{j_1}\) that are active simultaneously. When making causal comparisons, SB keeps the size of the campaigns unchanged while BS controls for the time factor.
# System Architecture {#sec:sys}
Having presented the budget-split design and highlighted its advantages over member-level experiments, campaign-level experiments and switchback experiments, we now give guidelines for the system architecture changes for deploying this design onto the online ads marketplace. Note that the modules in the ads marketplace are also ubiquitous in other types of marketplaces such as hiring marketplaces and physical goods marketplaces. To set the context, we introduce the important components in the infrastructure of an online ads marketplace:
1. At the core of an online ads marketplace, is an **ad server** that receives incoming ads requests and responds with ads impressions in real time. Within the ads server, a pacing/bidding module controls the spending speed of each campaign, and eventually when to stop serving impressions. The pacing/bidding module makes serving decisions based on auction signals such as bid price, targeting and auction participation rate.
2. The **tracker service** supports the ad server by keeping track of ads events such as impressions, clicks and tallying the campaign-level cumulative spending, along with other performance metrics, such as the click-through rate. Combined with the core ad server, it forms a feedback loop for ads serving, enabling the pacing/bidding module to be built as a feedback controller.
3. Finally, the marketplace interfaces with advertisers through the **campaign management system**, where advertiers create and manage their ads campaigns, as well as get billed and reported on campaign performance.
To implement the budget-split design, the components marked as blue in figure [\[fig:arch\]](#fig:arch){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:arch"} are modified, in the following ways:
1. In the request receiving and responding tier of the ad server, all requests from a member is randomized into either treatment or control depending on the member ID. This is the member-level randomization as described in Section 3.
2. In the tracker service, treatment assignment in step 1 together with ads campaign ID are recorded in the tracking information of the request.
3. In the pacing/bidding module of the ad server, all the originally campaign-level controller inputs are now replaced with their campaign-treatment-level counterparts. As an example, budget is now set at campaign-treatment-level as described in Section 3 rather than at campaign-level. Furthermore, feedback signals are provided at per-treatment level. Consequently, the pacing/bidding controller outputs auction signals at the campaign-treatment-level. Then, the real time auctions, along with any other serving decisions such as whether an ad should stop or resume serving, are carried out using the campaign-treatment-level signals in lieu of campaign-level ones.
With these changes in place, the feedback data and control paths for each treatment become entirely independent of other treatments, for each campaign and across all campaigns. Effectively every treatment now owns a standalone marketplace. This is exactly an implementation of the budget-split design as defined in Section 3.
# Empirical Results
The budget-split experimentation has since been deployed to two online marketplaces. Similar to what was proven in Section 3, it was shown to be much more powerful than alternative designs such as campaign-level experiments or switchback experiments; and not susceptible to cannibalization bias as campaign-level and member-level experiments are.
## Power Gain
In the two marketplaces where budget-split was deployed, we compared the power curves of budget-split experiments versus campaign-level and switchback experiments. Switchback experiments were analyzed with paired permutation tests to boost the power; all other designs are analyzed with two-sample t-tests. As shown in Figure [\[fig1\]](#fig1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig1"} and Figure [\[fig2\]](#fig2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig2"}, for the effect size that budget-split has 80% power to detect, campaign-level experiments have power 5.2% (Marketplace 1) and 12% (Marketplace 2), while switchback experiments have only 5.1% (Marketplace 1) and 5.2% (Marketplace 2) power to detect the effect. Even though switchback experiments are expected to be unbiased when no carry-over effect exists in the marketplace, they practically have such low power that detecting treatment effects becomes challenging. It is worth noting that 5% power is actually the lowest power possible for a 5% level test. Campaign-level experiments are not only biased, but also just barely more powerful than switchback experiments. In practice, budget-split experiments have enabled detection of negative product impacts on the order of millions of dollars (in terms of annual revenue) that previously went undetected in a campaign-level experiment because of insufficient power.
## Robustness against Cannibalization Bias {#sec:6.2}
As discussed in Section 3, the budget-split design effectively removes interference between treatment units and control units through splitting the campaign budgets, and is not susceptible to the cannibalization bias even in place of market competition. In comparison, switchback experiments are unbiased when no carry-over effect is present; cluster-based randomization is unbiased when there is no interference among clusters, which often is not practically feasible; member-level and campaign-level experiments are biased because they do not account for the interference from market competition at all. In this section, we compare the impacts measured in budget-split design versus in member-level experiments to showcase the amount of cannibalization bias. It is worth noting that budget-split design was not compared against campaign-level experiments, switchback experiments or cluster-based experiments because these designs are too insufficiently powered for comparison. The presence of cannibalization bias in marketplace experiment when interference are not accounted for is confirmed in Figure [\[fig3\]](#fig3){reference-type="ref" reference="fig3"}. The exact amount of bias depends on the nature of the treatment, but not accounting for interference typically results in one to two times overestimation of the treatment effect. We have not yet encountered a treatment where cannibalization bias changes the sign of the treatment effect, but this is not impossible if, for example, the treatment positively impacts budget-constraint campaigns and negatively impacts non budget-constraint campaigns.
# Discussions
In this paper, we presented the budget-split design as the solution to cannibalization bias and insufficient power in marketplace experimentation. Rather than relying on modeling assumptions that are often impossible to validate, the budget-split design only requires one side of the marketplace having a defined and splittable budget, and no additional assumptions. We formulated the marketplace experimentation problem under the potential outcome framework, defined the estimand, derived an unbiased estimator for the estimand under budget-split design. We showed the bias and variance reduction nature of budget-split design relative to alternative designs with empirical results. This work, however, is only the start of experimentation in online marketplaces. Future work is need to accurately compute the variance estimators under the budget-split design; extend the budget-split design to marketplaces where the budget is discrete; and increase throughput of budget-split experiments by enabling multiple simultaneous orthogonal budget-split experiments in the marketplace. | {'timestamp': '2020-12-17T02:08:32', 'yymm': '2012', 'arxiv_id': '2012.08724', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.08724'} |
# [\[sec:introduction\]]{#sec:introduction label="sec:introduction"}Introduction
The exactly solvable Kitaev honeycomb model has evoked considerable research interest in recent years, as it offers a distinct route to quantum spin liquids (QSLs). Realizing the model in real materials requires specific crystal structures and magnetic interactions. Former studies showed that bond-dependent Ising interactions, also known as Kitaev interactions, can arise from spin-orbit entangled pseudospin-1/2 degrees of freedom of \(d^5\) transition metal ions situated in edge-shared octahedral crystal fields, and that a honeycomb lattice of such ions might approximate the Kitaev model, as is believed to be the case for and \(\alpha\)-. More recent studies showed that \(d^7\) ions Co\(^{2+}\) with a high-spin \(t_{2g}^5e_g^2\) configuration can also provide pseudospin-1/2 degrees of freedom with Kitaev interactions, as long as non-octahedral crystal fields are weak enough to leave the spin-orbit entanglement intact. But since Co has weaker spin-orbit coupling than Ir and Ru, this last hypothesis requires close scrutiny. Two layered cobaltates, and , in which oxygen ligands of Co\(^{2+}\) form a nearly regular octahedron with small trigonal distortions, have been proposed to potentially realize the Kitaev model. The Co-O sublattice of is displayed in Fig. [\[fig:1\]](#fig:1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:1"}(a). In most candidate Kitaev magnets, the systems develop long-range magnetic orders at low temperatures, instead of having a QSL ground state. Nevertheless, for understanding the materials and assessing their likelihood of realizing QSLs, such order may be instrumental because the symmetry of the order, as well as the associated magnon spectrum, may be used to determine the magnetic interactions. The information can be used to estimate whether and how the ground state can be tuned towards QSLs, and it provides the base for understanding exotic excitations. The most commonly found long-range order is the so-called zigzag antiferromagnetic order, which is believed to be shared by the aforementioned Ir-, Ru-, and Co-based compounds. Historically, observation of zigzag order had been considered promising for finding a nearby QSL phase, because the two phases are adjacent in the parameter space of the Kitaev-Heisenberg model. However, this notion only applies to antiferromagnetic Kitaev interactions (\(K>0\)), yet all of the above systems are considered to have \(K<0\) [@KatukuriNJP2014; @YamajiPRL2014; @SizyukPRB2014; @HuPRL2015; @WinterPRB2016; @KimPRB2016; @RanPRL2017; @Liu18; @Sano18], even though the Co-based cases are less certain according to recent studies. When additional interactions (further-neighbor ones in particular) are included to rationalize the observation of zigzag order, theoretical phase diagrams become complicated, and it depends on model details whether a QSL phase remains accessible nearby. In this regard, the Co-based systems are likely dominated by nearest-neighbor interactions because their \(3d\) orbitals are more localized than \(4d\) and \(5d\). While this may help simplify theories, it also raises the question about the stability of the zigzag order, which becomes particularly important for shaping our understanding of these \(3d\) systems. Here we present a systematic study of high-quality single crystals of , bringing insight to the above two fronts. We show that the system's first thermal transition, out of the paramagnetic phase, is towards a hitherto unnoticed two-dimensional (2D) long-range magnetic order, which precedes the formation of the 3D order that is commonly considered of zigzag nature. As the Mermin-Wagner theorem precludes spontaneous breaking of continuous symmetry at finite temperature in 2D systems, the 2D order must hence break discrete symmetry, which would be natural if the order is driven by strongly anisotropic interactions such as \(K\). We furthermore find a surprising result about the 3D order: magnons deeply in the ordered state are *not* described by Brillouin zones (BZs) of zigzag order; instead, they seem to arise from a triple-\(\mathbf{q}\) ground state, which may be indistinguishable from zigzag order in diffraction experiments performed on powder or multi-domain samples. We see experimental signs that the 3D order is strongly frustrated upon its initial formation, and that it affects the high-energy orbital degrees of freedom. These results indicate that spin-orbit physics and frustration are at the heart of magnetism in . Figure [\[fig:1\]](#fig:1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:1"}(b) displays an overview of our neutron diffraction result in momentum (\(\mathbf{q}\)) space. Long-range magnetic correlations manifest themselves as sharp peaks in the 2D (\(H\), \(K\)) plane, at the \(M\)-points of the structural BZ. In the view of zigzag order, the six peaks come from domains in which the orientations of zigzag chains differ by 120\(^\circ\), as each domain contributes signal at a pair of opposite \(\mathbf{q}\). Later we will show that a more suitable view of the data is that the order is of triple-\(\mathbf{q}\) nature, producing diffraction signals at all the \(M\)-points. Turning our attention to the 3D structure of the diffraction, it is seen that the signal has a nearly \(L\)-independent part ("rods" of scattering running along \(L\)), plus extra peaks at integer \(L\). This result is presented in detail in Fig. [\[fig:2\]](#fig:2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:2"}(a-b), which also shows the temperature (\(T\)) dependence. While the integer-\(L\) signal (at \(H=0.5\)) is much greater in amplitude at \(T=5\) K, the total intensity of the rod-like signal is weaker but within an order of magnitude comparable to it. Thus there is a coexistence of 2D and 3D magnetic orders at \(T=5\) K. As \(T\) increases, the 3D integer-\(L\) signal disappears above 26.7 K, yet the 2D rod-like signal clearly survives up to higher \(T\). At 28 K we only see the 2D order \[Fig. [\[fig:2\]](#fig:2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:2"}(a)\]. We consider the (lack of) inter-layer correlation in the 2D order not merely limited by stacking faults manifested by the diffractions at \(H=1\), since the latter are actually more structured in \(L\) and with nearly no dependence on \(T\). The 2D signal \[at \(\mathbf{q_\mathrm{b}}\) in Fig. [\[fig:2\]](#fig:2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:2"}(b)\] has rich structures in its \(T\) dependence: (1) a local maximum at 26.7 K, presumably due to critical correlations associated with the 3D transition; (2) a slight decrease below 18 K, possibly due to subtle changes in the magnetic structure, which we will revisit later; (3) a smeared transition around 30 K. The smearing could be due to the limited \(\mathbf{q}\) and energy resolution of neutron scattering on our large array of crystals. Figure [\[fig:2\]](#fig:2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:2"}(c-d) displays our resonant X-ray diffraction (RXD) results from a small crystal, which beautifully complements the neutron diffraction result. An intense signal, with resolution-limited width in \(H\) and perfect rod-like shape along \(L\), sharply sets in below nominal \(T=30\) K (the sample's actual temperature may be slightly higher, due to limited thermal shielding). Critical scattering is observed as a peak at the same \(T\) near the 2D ordering \(\mathbf{q}\), which unequivocally shows that the transition is of 2nd-order nature and marks spontaneous symmetry breaking. This result is significant, because if a 2D system undergoes spontaneous symmetry breaking at finite temperature, the broken symmetry must be discrete according to the Mermin-Wagner theorem. For our magnetic system, it strongly suggests that the underlying model is not Heisenberg-like or anisotropic only with a global easy-plane, and would be consistent with the prominence of Kitaev interactions in driving the transition. We now turn to presenting a few aspects about the excitation spectra, which shed light on the nature of the orders and represent another main finding of this work. Analysis of the full excitation spectra will be reported elsewhere. We begin by showing low-energy magnons measured by inelastic neutron scattering (INS), deep in the 3D ordered state at \(T=5\) K, along an in-plane momentum cut connecting two neighboring structural BZ centers \[Fig. [\[fig:3\]](#fig:3){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:3"}(a), the lack of dispersion along \(L\) (inset) shows negligible inter-layer coupling\]. As illustrated in Fig. [\[fig:1\]](#fig:1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:1"}(b), the cut passes through an \(M\)-point at (0.5, 0). Had the magnetic order been zigzag, this \(M\)-point would be a magnetic BZ center for one of the domains \["blue" in Fig. [\[fig:1\]](#fig:1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:1"}(b)\]; meanwhile, it would be a BZ *corner* for the other two domains. Since (0, 0) and (1, 0) are always BZ centers regardless of domain, and because our coaligned sample must have (statistically) equal domain population, the chosen cut should manifest *two inequivalent* magnon dispersions superposed on each other, but the data in Fig. [\[fig:3\]](#fig:3){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:3"}(a) clearly disprove this. The data instead show a single magnon branch without any sign of domain superposition. Given the previous neutron diffraction evidence for zigzag order, we interpret our result as strong evidence for a triple-\(\mathbf{q}\) order, the BZ of which \[Fig. [\[fig:1\]](#fig:1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:1"}(b)\] would be fully consistent with Fig. [\[fig:3\]](#fig:3){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:3"}(a). Indeed, a triple-\(\mathbf{q}\) order can be understood as a vector sum of three 120\(^\circ\)-different zigzag orders (Fig. S3 in ); because each zigzag order, when existing alone, would produce diffraction signals at a different \(M\)-point, diffraction from the triple-\(\mathbf{q}\) order would be *in principle* indistinguishable from the zigzag order with equal domain population. Additional indirect evidence against interpreting the order as zigzag can be found in. In recent studies of powder, INS spectra of magnons have been simulated based on an assumed zigzag ground state. In light of our results, conclusions based on those analyses might need reevaluation. Our INS spectra are consistent with those of: we see a gap below \(\sim1\) meV, a lowest magnon branch up to \(\sim3\) meV, and additional branches at higher energies. Figure [\[fig:3\]](#fig:3){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:3"}(b) presents spectra at selected \(\mathbf{q}\) and their \(T\) dependence. We find that the high-energy branches start to form below 26.7 K, as a pile-up of intensities above 6 meV is seen at \(T = 21\) K (but not at 28 K), meanwhile the low-energy intensities are depleted. Using \(\mathbf{q}\)-integrated INS intensities as a measure of the thermally populated boson number, we can estimate the magnons' total energy, the \(T\)-derivative of which provides an estimate of their heat capacity \[Fig. [\[fig:3\]](#fig:3){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:3"}(c)\]. The calculated heat capacity shows a prominent peak at 26.7 K, consistent with direct measurement results \[Fig. [\[fig:3\]](#fig:3){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:3"}(d)\]. It therefore seems that the order below 26.7 K satisfies a considerable portion of the leading interactions, whereas the 2D order does not. This result, in conjunction with the lack of inter-layer coupling \[Fig. [\[fig:3\]](#fig:3){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:3"}(a) inset\], indicates that the 2D order is *not* simply the 3D order without inter-layer correlation, and must be something fundamentally different. This understanding is consistent with our \(^{23}\)Na nuclear magnetic resonant (NMR) experiment, which shows a pronounced peak in the spin-lattice relaxation rate \(1/T_1\) at 26.7 K \[Fig. [\[fig:3\]](#fig:3){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:3"}(e)\], but no pronounced anomaly upon the formation of the 2D order. The lack of 2D order's clear signature in \(1/T_1\) might be because the order is not strictly static, such that the slow dynamics wipes out its NMR signal (Fig. S4 in ). We emphasize that the 2D ordering is still a genuine phase transition, as supported both by the RXD data in Fig. [\[fig:2\]](#fig:2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:2"}(d) and by our high-resolution heat capacity measurement, which does show a tiny yet well-defined peak at \(T=30.97\) K \[zoom-in panel of Fig. [\[fig:3\]](#fig:3){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:3"}(d)\]. The 3D order's impact goes well beyond the magnons. At much higher energies, probed by Raman spectroscopy above 100 meV (Fig. [\[fig:4\]](#fig:4){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:4"}), we still find a pronounced spectral change related to the order's formation. The high energies cannot be attributed to the pseudospin-1/2 magnetism, and although they could be related to multi-phonon scattering, we do not find any magnetoelastic effects across the 3D transition in the single-phonon spectra (Fig. S5 in ). We therefore attribute the features to spin-orbit excitons and/or multi-phonon scattering assisted by electronic excitations. In either case, the excitations likely involve the orbital degrees of freedom, which further signifies the role of spin-orbit physics in driving the 3D order. In the opposite energy limit, in contrast, the 3D order is unable to immediately open up the 1 meV gap at the \(M\)-point \[Fig. [\[fig:3\]](#fig:3){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:3"}(b)\], as the first clear indication of such a gap is not seen until \(T=14\) K (detailed \(T\) dependence is presented in Fig. S6 of ). The persistence of gapless excitations, down to the subtle transition temperature 15-18 K shown in Fig. [\[fig:2\]](#fig:2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:2"}(b) and in Refs., suggests that the 3D order manifests substantial frustration upon its initial formation, until the system is cooled much more deeply to freeze out the nearly degenerate configurations. Our view of the thermal phases is summarized in Fig. [\[fig:4\]](#fig:4){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:4"}(c). On a final note, we discuss possible implications of our discovery of the 3D triple-\(\mathbf{q}\) order in conjunction with the other phases. Similar to other multiple-\(\mathbf{q}\) magnetic orders, we expect the 3D triple-\(\mathbf{q}\) order here to give rise to a charge (orbital) order (Fig. S3 in ) that might exist on its own as a "vestigial" order. An intriguing possibility is that the 2D order is of this type--the spin-orbit entangled pseudospin-1/2 degree of freedom might further enrich such orders by intermixing the magnetic and charge order parameters. Moreover, the triple-\(\mathbf{q}\) order, formed by the superposition of three zigzag components, possesses non-zero pseudospin vorticity (Fig. S3 in ) that is shared by previously proposed "vortex" and "cubic" orders, albeit the latter orders are characterized by the \(K\)-rather than the \(M\)-points of the BZ. We are not aware of previous reports of the triple-\(\mathbf{q}\) order that we propose. The vorticity might leave distinct signatures in experiments sensitive to time-reversal symmetry breaking, *e.g.*, optical Kerr rotation. In fact, the emergent vorticity may couple to external magnetic fields in a fashion similar to ferro-and/or ferrimagnetism, which has been observed. The self-organization of vorticity might be related to the transition near 15-18 K, hence explaining the freezing of the gapless excitations below this temperature. To summarize, our work calls for a revision of the magnetic ground state of , highlighting the importance of triple-\(\mathbf{q}\) rather than zigzag order for navigating our determination of the microscopic model. We present systematic evidence that spin-orbit physics, highly anisotropic interactions, and magnetic frustrations are prominent characteristics of the model, which are in line with proposals related to realizing the Kitaev model. The system clearly manifests intriguingly rich physics. | {'timestamp': '2020-12-17T02:11:38', 'yymm': '2012', 'arxiv_id': '2012.08781', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.08781'} |
# Introduction
In the IR traditional setting, a user expresses his information needs with the help of a query. Yet, it is sometimes difficult to match the query with the documents, for instance because of the query vocabulary may differ from the documents. Especially when the query is short, the performance of the system is usually poor, as it is difficult to detect the precise focus of the information need, and the relative importance of the query terms. Query expansion aims at tackling these problems by transforming the short query into a larger text (or set of words) that make it easier to match documents from the collection. The main difficulty of query expansion is obviously to add only relevant terms to the initial query. Several techniques have been proposed in the literature, based on linguistic resources (e.g. synonym lists) or based on the documents themselves (e.g. pseudo-relevance feedback). In this paper, we explore the use of recent text generation models to expand queries. We experimentally demonstrate that the recent advances in neural generation can dramatically improve ad-hoc retrieval, even when dealing with specialized domains. More precisely, through different experiments, we show that:
1. texts artificially generated from the query can be used for query expansion;
2. this approach does not only provide new terms to the query, but also a better estimate of their relative weights;
3. in addition, it also provides a better estimate of the importance (i.e. weight) of original query words;
4. this approach can also be used on specialized domains.
The paper is structured as follows. After a presentation of the related work, Section [3](#sec:approach){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:approach"} details the different components of our approach. Several experiments are then detailed in Section [4](#sec:expes){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:expes"}. Last, some concluding remarks are given in Section [5](#sec:concl){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:concl"}.
# Related work
Query expansion is a well-established technique to try to improve the performance of an IR system. Adding new terms to the query is expected to specifically improve recall, yet, since the query is, hopefully, better formulated, it may also improve the top rank results and be beneficial to precision. One might classify the existing automatic approaches based on the origins of resource used to expand the query.
#### External resources.
One obvious way to expand a query is to add semantically related terms to it (synonyms or sharing other semantic relations like hyponyms, quasi-synonyms, meronyms\...). Existing lexical resources can be used to add, for each query term, a list of semantically related terms; yet, one has to deal with different problems: existence of lexical resources for the collection language, or for the specific domain of the collection, choice of the appropriateness of certain relations, need of sense disambiguation for polysemous words\... WordNet is among the best-known resources for English (general language) and have been used with mitigated results at first, but later shown to be effective.
#### Collection-based resources.
Distributional thesauri have also been exploited to enrich queries. Since they can be built from the document collection (or from a large corpus with similar characteristics), they are suited to the domain, the vocabulary\... Traditional techniques to build these thesauri have obtained good results for query expansion. Neural approaches, that is, word embedding approaches are now widely used to build such semantic resources. In the recent years, static embeddings (word2vec, Glove or FastText to name a few) were also used in IR, in particular to enrich the query. Indeed, these trainable dense representations make it easy to find new words that are semantically close to query words. Even more recently, dynamic word representations obtained with transformer-based architectures, such as BERT or GPT, have been proposed. They build a representation for each word according to its context, and this ability have been exploited to obtain competitive results in IR tasks. Bert has been also used for query expansion in the framework of a neural IR system based on reranking
#### Pseudo-relevance feedback
A last category of studies considers only a small set of document to help to expand or reformulate the query. To be automatic, they replace the user feedback by the hypothesis that the best ranked documents retrieved with the original query are relevant and may contain useful semantic information. It is interesting to note that in this case, not only semantically relevant terms are extracted, but also distributional/statistical information on them and on the original query terms. In this category, Rocchio, developed in the 60's for vector space model was among the first one popularized. One of the current best known approach is RM3, which was developed in the framework of language model based IR systems. It is often reported to yield the best results in ad-hoc retrieval tasks, even compared with recent neural models. Neural approaches have also been proposed to integrate pseudo-relevance feedback information, yet, as it is reported by the authors, the results are still lower than traditional models with query expansion. In this paper, we propose to use constrained text generation to expand queries. In this approach, the original query is used as a seed for a generative model which will output texts that are, hopefully, related to the query. While text generation with language model is not new, the performance of neural models based on transformers makes this task realistic. In this paper, we use the Generative Pre-Trained Transformers (GPT). They are built from stacked transformers (precisely, decoders) trained on a large corpus by auto-regression, i.e. unsupervisedly trained to predict the next token given the previous ones. The second version, GPT-2, contains 1.5 billion parameters for its largest pre-trained model, trained on more than 8M documents from Reddit (i.e. mostly English and general language such as discussion on press articles). A newer version, GPT-3, has been released in July 2020; it is much more larger (175 billion parameters) and outperforms GPT-2 on any tested task. Yet, the experiments reported below were done before this release, thus with GPT-2.
# Generated query expansion {#sec:approach}
## Overview of our approach
As it was previously explained, our approach is very simple as it relies on existing tools and techniques. From a query, multiple texts are generated by a GPT-2 model using the query as the seed. Note that the generation process is not deterministic, and thus, even with the same seed, the texts are different. In the experiments reported below, 100 texts per query are generated (unless specified otherwise). These texts are concatenated and considered as the new query. In our experiments, this new, very large, query is then fed to a simple BM25+ IR system, but it could obviously be used in any other IR system. An example of a text generated from a query is presented in Fig. [\[fig:example_701\]](#fig:example_701){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:example_701"}. As one can see, the generated text, while completely invented (note the barrel prices), is relevant for the query. It contains many terms, absent from the original query, that are more or less closely related to the information need, such as orthographic variants (United States vs. U.S.), meronyms-metonyms (barrel vs. oil), hypernyms (energy vs. oil) and more generally any paradigmatic (consumer, producer vs. industry) or syntagmatic (production for oil) relations. It is worth noting that such texts also give a valuable information about the relative frequency of each terms (contrary to thesauri or embeddings).
## Pre-trained models, fine-tuning and parameters {#sec:fine_tuning}
GPT-2 comes with several pre-trained models, having different size in terms of parameters (from 124M to 1.5B). As it was previously said, their training data was news-oriented general language. The largest model was used for two of the tested collections (see below). While these all-purpose models are fine for IR collections whose documents are also general language, it may not be appropriate for domain-specific IR collections. In the experiment reported in the next section, we use the [ohsumed]{.smallcaps} collection, made of medical documents. For this collection, we have fine-tuned the GPT-2 355M model on the documents of the collection in order to adapt the language model to the specific medical syntax and vocabulary. The fine-tuning was stopped after 250,000 samples were processed (this number of sample process indirectly controls the under/over-fitting to the specialized corpus) was set to and other parameters (batch size, optimizer, learning rate\...) let to their defaults. Although a larger set of medical documents could be used (from Pubmed for instance), this small fine-tuned model is expected to be more suited to generate useful documents to enrich the query. Concerning the generation of documents, for reproducibity purposes, here are the main GPT-2 parameters used (please refer to GPT-2 documentation[^1]): length=512, temperature=0.5, top_p=0.95, top_k = 40.
## IR Systems
In the experiments reported in the next section, we use two IR models. The first one is BM25+, a variant of BM25. The parameters \(k_1\), \(k_3\), \(b\) and \(\delta\) were kept at their default value (resp. 1.2, 1000, 0.75, 1). It is implemented as a custom modification of the [gensim]{.smallcaps} toolkit. The second IR model is Language modeling with Dirichlet smoothing as implemented in Indri. The smoothing parameter \(\mu\) is set to 2 500. Both models are regarded as yielding state-of-the-art performance for bag-of-words representation. Their RSV function can be written: \[RSV(q,d) =\sum_{t \in q} w_q(t) \cdot w_d(t)\] with \(w_q(t)\) the weight of term \(t\) in query \(q\) and \(w_d(t)\) the weight in document \(d\), as illustrated in Tab. [1](#tab:weight){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:weight"} (from ).
These two experiments demonstrate the usefulness of dealing with full texts and not only word-to-word similarity.
## Number of generated documents
Since text generation can be costly, it is interesting to see how many generated texts are necessary. In Fig. [\[fig:exp_nb_doc\]](#fig:exp_nb_doc){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:exp_nb_doc"}, the MAP obtained for up to 100 documents is presented. One can observe that a plateau is rapidly reached (at around 20 documents per query). Of course, the size of the generated documents (can be set as a parameter of the generation process) is also to be considered.
# Conclusive remarks and foreseen work {#sec:concl}
Neural approaches are increasingly used in IR, with mitigated results, especially when compared with \"traditional\" bag-of-word approaches. Here, the neural part is successfully used outside of a \"traditional\" IR system (but note that it could be used with any IR systems, since it simply enriches the query). The expansion approach presented in this paper is simple and easy to implement (thanks to the availability of the GPT models and code) while offering impressive gains. Lot of parameters could be further optimized, especially on the GPT model side (to influence the \"creativity\" of the text generation), and the fine-tuning capabilities should also be explored more thoroughly (influence of bigger specialized corpus if available, precise mix between pre-trained and fine-tuning, etc.). The recent availability of GPT-3[^2] makes it possible to even get greater gains thanks to the alleged high quality of its outputs. This whole approach also offers many research avenues: in this work, we have used text generation as a way to perform data augmentation on the query side, but it could also be used to augment the representation of the documents (even if in practice, the cost is still prohibitive on large collection). All machine-learning (neural or not) approaches based on pseudo-relevance feedback to train their model could instead use similar text generation with the advantage that they would not be limited by the number of potential relevant documents in the shortlist. And of course, similar data-augmentation strategy could be used for other tasks than document retrieval. More fundamentally, the recent improvements of text generation also question the relevance of the document retrieval task. Indeed, it is possible to envision systems that will be able to generate one unique document answering the user's information need, similarly to question-answering. If the generative model is trained on the document collection, the generated document will serve as a summary (which is one of the popular applications of GPT-x models) of the relevant documents. Yet, the current limitations of the models tested in this paper make them far from being suited for this ultimate task: the generated documents do deal with the subject of the query, and thus use a relevant vocabulary, but do not provide accurate, factual information (as seen in the Example in Fig. [\[fig:example_701\]](#fig:example_701){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:example_701"} about the price of oil barrels).
[^1]: <https://github.com/openai/gpt-2>
[^2]: <https://github.com/openai/gpt-3> | {'timestamp': '2020-12-17T02:11:54', 'yymm': '2012', 'arxiv_id': '2012.08787', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.08787'} |
# Introduction
Algebraic cobordism is supposed to be the universal oriented cohomology theory in algebraic geometry. While still largely hypothetical, it promises to be a valuable invariant in algebraic geometry: Voevodsky's original approach to proving Milnor conjecture was based on the algebraic cobordism spectrum \(MGL\), Levine and Pandharipande used in the classification of varieties up to cobordism over a field of characteristic 0 in their proof of degree 0 Donaldson--Thomas conjectures, and Sechin and Sechin--Semenov have found applications of algebraic Morava K-theories (defined using algebraic cobordism) to approximating torsion in Chow groups and to arithmetic questions about algebraic groups. Moreover, finding the correct definition of algebraic cobordism is intimately connected with fundamental questions in algebraic geometry, such as the existence of a good Chow cohomology theory (and more generally a good bivariant intersection theory). After the foundational treatise by Levine and Morel, algebraic cobordism has attracted a lot of attention. The groups have gone through several redefinitions and generalizations in, ,, ,, which, starting from make serious use of derived algebraic geometry. In the most recent work it was shown that given a Noetherian ring \(A\) of finite Krull dimension, one can construct bivariant \(A\)-cobordism groups \(\Omega^*_A(X \to Y)\) for all morphisms \(X \to Y\) of quasi-projective derived \(A\)-schemes, and that these groups generalize all the previous geometric models of algebraic cobordism on quasi-projective derived schemes. This still leaves a lot to hope for: first of all, it is not clear how these groups depend on the base ring \(A\), neither is it clear how the corresponding homology theory---algebraic bordism---fits into this picture as the algebraic \(A\)-bordism groups \(\Omega^A_*(X) := \Omega^{-*}_A\big(X \to \mathrm{Spec}(A) \big)\) are not expected to model algebraic bordism unless \(A\) is regular. Moreover, it is conceivable that one would like to study the cobordism of schemes that are not quasi-projective over a base. The work presented in this article deals with these issues, among others.
## Summary of results
Let us then summarize the contributions of this paper. Our first main result is the following base independence result.
In order to prove this result, we have to study the bivariant ideal of snc relations \(\langle \mathcal{R}^\mathrm{snc}_A \rangle \subset {\underline\Omega}^*_A\) as \(\Omega^*_A := {\underline\Omega}^*_A/\langle \mathcal{R}^\mathrm{snc}_A \rangle\), where \({\underline\Omega}^*_A\) is the universal precobordism theory over \(A\). In Definition [\[SNCIdealAltDef\]](#SNCIdealAltDef){reference-type="ref" reference="SNCIdealAltDef"} and Theorem [\[BivACobAltConsThm\]](#BivACobAltConsThm){reference-type="ref" reference="BivACobAltConsThm"} we find explicit descriptions of the groups \(\langle \mathcal{R}^\mathrm{snc}_A \rangle(X \to Y)\) and Corollary [\[BivACobIndFromACor\]](#BivACobIndFromACor){reference-type="ref" reference="BivACobIndFromACor"} is an immediate consequence of this description. Besides helping us to prove the desired base independence, and being interesting for its own sake, the simplified construction of bivariant algebraic cobordism also generalizes easily to give rise to bivariant algebraic cobordism \(\Omega^\bullet\), which is bivariant theory defined on the \(\infty\)-category of finite dimensional Noetherian derived schemes admitting an ample family of line bundles (also called divisorial derived schemes, see Definition [\[AmpleFamDef\]](#AmpleFamDef){reference-type="ref" reference="AmpleFamDef"}). Note that the groups \({\underline\Omega}^\bullet(X \to Y)\) do not admit a grading in general, which is why we have adopted the notation \({\underline\Omega}^\bullet\) instead of \({\underline\Omega}^*\). We also state pleasant universal properties for the bivariant theories \({\underline\Omega}^\bullet\) and \(\Omega^\bullet\) (Theorem [\[UnivPropOfPCobThm\]](#UnivPropOfPCobThm){reference-type="ref" reference="UnivPropOfPCobThm"} and Corollary [\[UnivPropOfCobCor\]](#UnivPropOfCobCor){reference-type="ref" reference="UnivPropOfCobCor"}) analogous to the universal properties of \({\underline\Omega}^*_A\) and \(\Omega^*_A\) proved in. The second main result of this article is the definition of algebraic bordism in general, which is the oriented Borel--Moore homology version of algebraic cobordism, and the generalization of Levine--Morel's algebraic bordism outside the realm of characteristic 0 geometry. Since the bivariant theory \(\Omega^\bullet\) is defined so generally, we can simply use the following definition.
Of course, as hinted by the above definition, we could have defined \(\Omega_\bullet(X)\) directly by itself, but realizing it as a part of a stably oriented bivariant theory automatically verifies that it has good formal properties and that it interacts well with the algebraic cobordism ring \(\Omega^\bullet(X)\). Note that the above definition uses in crucial way the fact that the bivariant groups \(\Omega^\bullet(X \to Y)\) are defined even when \(X \to Y\) is not a morphism of finite type. If \(A\) is a regular Noetherian ring and \(X\) is quasi-projective over \(A\), then \(\Omega_\bullet(X)\) is isomorphic to \(\Omega_*^A(X)\), but this not true in general. We note that it might be more correct to consider the modified bordism group \(\Omega'_\bullet(X)\) (see the next paragraph) whenever \(X\) fails to have an ample line bundle. The third main result of this paper is the generalization of the results of to divisorial derived schemes. The first obstacle is that the old proof of nilpotence of Euler classes of vector bundles does not seem to generalize to derived schemes without an ample line bundle, leading us in Section [3.3](#NilpEulerClassSubSect){reference-type="ref" reference="NilpEulerClassSubSect"} to define the modified bivariant theories \({\underline\Omega}'^\bullet\) and \(\Omega'^\bullet\), for which the desired nilpotence can be proven. Most of Section [4](#GeneralPBFSect){reference-type="ref" reference="GeneralPBFSect"} is then dedicated to proving the projective bundle theorem.
Even though the statement of the theorem is a straightforward generalization of the corresponding result in, the result itself does not come for free: the basic idea of the proof is still the same, but the details have to be considerably altered for derived schemes without an ample line bundle. Moreover, our modified proof has the advantage that we do not have to define and study Chern classes before proving the projective bundle formula; rather, we construct a good theory of Chern classes in \({\underline\Omega}'^\bullet\) (see Definition [\[GeneralChernClassDefn\]](#GeneralChernClassDefn){reference-type="ref" reference="GeneralChernClassDefn"} and Theorem [\[GeneralChernClassThm\]](#GeneralChernClassThm){reference-type="ref" reference="GeneralChernClassThm"}) using the argument of Grothendieck based on the projective bundle formula. The following result is a standard consequence of a good theory of Chern classes.
We also generalize the Grothendieck--Riemann--Roch theorem in Theorem [\[GeneralGRRThm\]](#GeneralGRRThm){reference-type="ref" reference="GeneralGRRThm"}. Since having an ample family of line bundles is a much weaker condition that being quasi-projective over an affine base (for instance, all regular schemes are divisorial), the results of Section [4](#GeneralPBFSect){reference-type="ref" reference="GeneralPBFSect"} of this paper considerably generalize those of. Note that this is not just abstract nonsense either: if \(X\) is a divisorial (e.g. regular) non-quasi-projective variety over a field \(k\) of positive characteristic, then none of the previous work on algebraic cobordism proves such a Conner--Floyd theorem above for \(X\). We also note that divisorial derived schemes is almost as far as one could conceivably generalize the current proof of Conner--Floyd theorem: it might be possible to generalize everything to a derived scheme \(X\) having the resolution property, but without this assumption, \(K^0(X)\) is no longer generated by vector bundles on \(X\), completely breaking down the construction of the Chern character. Finally, in order to define our bivariant theories in this generality, we had to carefully define and study ample line bundles an quasi-projective morphisms of derived schemes (see Sections [2.1.1](#AmpleSubSect){reference-type="ref" reference="AmpleSubSect"} and [2.1.2](#QProjSubSect){reference-type="ref" reference="QProjSubSect"}). The results obtained are of course very similar to the classical story, but generalizing them to derived geometry proved to be very useful for us, and hopefully will prove to be useful for others as well. Such results for derived schemes, as far as the author is aware, have not appeared anywhere else (except weaker versions in the unpublished note ).
## Conventions
We will freely use the language of \(\infty\)-categories and derived schemes whenever necessary. Given an additive sheaf \(\mathcal{F}\) on a derived scheme \(X\), we will denote its *global sections* by \(\Gamma(X; \mathcal{F})\): this is naturally regarded as a spectrum object in simplicial Abelian groups or equivalently as a chain complex of Abelian groups. We will denote by \(\abs{\Gamma(X; \mathcal{F})}\) the underlying (connective) simplicial set of \(\Gamma(X; \mathcal{F})\). The cohomology groups are defined as \[H^i(X; \mathcal{F}) := \pi_{-i} \big( \Gamma(X; \mathcal{F})\big);\] if \(\mathcal{F}\) is a discrete sheaf, then these recover the usual cohomology groups of sheaves, while in general they are more closely related to hypercohomology. If \(\mathcal{F}\) is discrete, we denote by \(\Gamma_\mathrm{cl}(X; \mathcal{F})\) the classical global sections of \(\mathcal{F}\). A derived scheme \(X\) has an underlying classical scheme \(X_\mathrm{cl}\) which is also called the *truncation*. A morphism \(f: X \to Y\) of derived schemes is *of finite type* (*proper*) if \(f_\mathrm{cl}\) is of finite type (proper) in the classical sense. Given a vector bundle \(E\) on a derived scheme \(X\), the projective bundle \(\mathbb{P}(E) \to X\) classifies all the subbundles of \(E\) of rank \(1\), while, if \(\mathcal{F}\) is a connective quasi-coherent sheaf on \(X\), \(\mathbf{P}(\mathcal{F}) := \mathcal{P} roj(\mathrm{LSym}^*_X(\mathcal{F}))\) classifies all surjections (maps inducing a surjection of sheaves on \(\pi_0\)) from \(\mathcal{F}\) to line bundles. If \(A\) is a Noetherian ring of finite Krull dimension, then a quasi-projective derived \(A\)-scheme \(X\) is implicitly assumed to be Noetherian. All derived schemes are assumed to be separated, and to have finite Krull-dimensional Noetherian underlying space. Given a morphism \(X \to Y\) of derived schemes, we will denote by \(\mathbb{L}_{X/Y}\) its *relative cotangent complex*. In the case where \(Y \simeq \mathrm{Spec}(\mathbb{Z})\) this is denoted by \(\mathbb{L}_{X}\) and called the *absolute cotangent complex*. Given an object \(X\) in an \(\infty\)-category \(\mathcal{C}\) with a distinguished final object \(pt\), we will use the shorthand notation \(\pi_X\) to denote the essentially unique morphism \(X \to pt\). Bivariant orientations are denoted by \(1_{X/Y}\) instead of \(\theta(X \to Y)\) used in previous work. We will denote by \(\mathbb{L}\) the Lazard ring. Given a formal group law \(F(x,y)\), we will denote by \(\mathrm{inv}_F(x)\) the formal inverse power series.
# Background
## Derived algebraic geometry
The construction of our cohomology theories makes use of derived algebraic geometry. The main references for the basic results in derived algebraic geometry are the work of Toën--Vezzosi and the work of Lurie, but the reader can also consult the background section of where a concise summary of useful results is presented. Derived schemes are Zariski locally modeled by homotopy types of simplicial commutative algebras. Since we only consider derived schemes whose underlying topological space is Noetherian and of finite Krull dimension, we can use the following vanishing result.
Moreover, for technical reasons it is often useful to restrict our attention to Noetherian schemes:
### Ample line bundles and ample families {#AmpleSubSect}
The purpose of this section to define and to study ample line bundles and schemes admitting an ample family of line bundles in the context of derived algebraic geometry. The results in this section generalize the well known classical results as well as the (weaker) results of the unpublished note. Let us start with the fundamental definitions.
The following Lemma will be important when analyzing the ramifications of the above definitions.
We can now prove the following useful characterization of ampleness.
Admitting an ample family of line bundles has an alternative characterization as well.
Next we consider the relative version of ampleness.
if \(Y\) is affine, then a line bundle \(\mathscr{L}\) on \(X\) is relatively ample over \(Y\) if and only if \(\mathscr{L}\) is ample. Combining this observation with the following lemma allows us to check relative ampleness on an affine cover of \(Y\).
As a consequence, we prove that relatively ample line bundles behave well in compositions and in derived pullbacks.
We also record the following useful fact.
For completeness' sake, we also prove that relative ampleness can be checked on the truncation, at least for proper morphisms.
### Quasi-projective morphisms {#QProjSubSect}
In this section, we define and study the basic properties of quasi-projective morphisms. Like in the previous section, the results generalize some of those in the unpublished note. Let us begin with explaining what we mean by a quasi-projective morphism.
We have chosen to use the above definition for quasi-projectivity as it has the following good properties.
Besides the good properties verified by the above result, projective morphisms have at least one additional benefit over the general proper morphisms: they often admit nice global factorizations.
### Derived regular embeddings and quasi-smooth morphisms
The following differential characterization is essentially just Proposition 2.3.8 of.
The following alternative characterization of smooth morphisms will be useful for us.
The following result is then an easy consequence of Proposition [\[ModifiedKhanRydh\]](#ModifiedKhanRydh){reference-type="ref" reference="ModifiedKhanRydh"}.
If \(f: X \to Y\) is quasi-smooth and \(\mathbb{L}_{X/Y}\) has constant virtual rank \(d\) at the points of \(x\), then we say that \(f\) has *relative virtual dimension \(d\)*. It is then easy to prove the following basic result.
### Derived complete intersection rings {#DerComplIntSubSect}
The purpose of this section is to introduce an absolute version of quasi-smoothness, and verify it has desirable properties. A simplicial commutative ring is called *local* if its truncation is local.
The following result explains what we want to capture with this definition.
The following alternative characterization of derived complete intersection schemes is also useful.
Finally we need to be able to talk about the dimension of a derived complete intersection scheme.
### Derived blow ups
One of the main technical tools we are going to need in this article is the construction of derived blow ups and derived deformation to normal cone from. Let us recall the definitions and the results we are going to use:
such that
1. \(i_D\) is a quasi-smooth closed embedding of codimension 1;
2. the truncation is a Cartesian square;
3. the canonical morphism \[g^* \mathcal{N}^\vee_{Z/X} \to \mathcal{N}^\vee_{D/S}\] induces a surjection on \(\pi_0\).
We will also make use of the following results.
## Bivariant algebraic cobordism over \(A\)
Let \(A\) be a Noetherian ring of finite Krull dimension. The purpose of this section is to recall the bivariant algebraic \(A\)-cobordism from. Let us recall the following definition.
and is closed under vertical and horizontal compositions in the obvious sense as well as equivalences of Cartesian squares
4. \(\mathscr{S}\) is a class of morphisms in \(\mathcal{C}\) called *specialized morphisms* which contains all equivalences and is closed under compositions and homotopy equivalences of morphisms.
Recall that given a line bundle \(\mathscr{L}\) on \(X \in \mathcal{C}_A\), we define the *Euler class* (usually called the *first Chern class*, but we refrain from using this terminology until we have constructed Chern classes in Section [4.3](#GenChernClassSubSect){reference-type="ref" reference="GenChernClassSubSect"}) of \(\mathscr{L}\) as \[e(\mathscr{L}) := [Z_s \hookrightarrow X] \in {\underline\Omega}^*_A(X),\] where \(s\) is a global section of \(\mathscr{L}\), and \(Z_s\) is the derived vanishing locus of \(s\). We recall that by Theorem 3.4 there is a formal group law \[F_A(x,y) \in {\underline\Omega}^*_A(pt)[[x,y]]\] such that for all line bundles \(\mathscr{L}_1\) and \(\mathscr{L}_2\) on \(X \in \mathcal{C}_A\), the equality \[e(\mathscr{L}_1 \otimes \mathscr{L}_2) = F_A\big(e(\mathscr{L}_1), e(\mathscr{L}_2)\big) \in {\underline\Omega}^*(X)\] holds. Following, we will define bivariant algebraic \(A\)-cobordism as a quotient of \({\underline\Omega}^*_A\). However, before doing so, we have to recall some terminology. Suppose we are given the data of a virtual Cartier divisor \(D \hookrightarrow W\), and an equivalence \[D \simeq n_1 D_1 + \cdots + n_r D_r\] of virtual Cartier divisors on \(W\) with \(n_i > 0\). Then, denoting by \(+_{F_A}\) the formal addition given by the formal group law \(F_A\) and by \([n]_{F_A} \cdot\) the formal multiplication (iterated formal addition), the formal power series \[[n_1]_{F_A} \cdot x_1 +_{F_A} \cdots +_{F_A} [n_r]_{F_A} \cdot x_r\] in \(r\) variables has a unique expression of form \[\sum_{I \subset \{1,2...,r \}} \textbf{x}^I F^{n_1...,n_r}_{A,I}(x_1...,x_r),\] where \[\textbf{x}^I = \prod_{i \in I} x_i\] and \(F_{A, I}^{n_1...,n_r}(x_1...,x_r)\) contains only variables \(x_i\) such that \(i \in I\). Note that \(F_{A, \emptyset}^{n_1...,n_r}(x_1...,x_r) = 0\). Using this notation, we make the following definition.
In the most important special case, the composition is provided by the data of an \(A\)-snc divisor.
We are now ready to recall the definition of bivariant algebraic cobordism over \(A\).
We recall that \({\underline\Omega}^*_A\) and \(\Omega^*_A\) were proven to have many good properties in: if \(k\) is a field of characteristic 0, the associated homology theory of \(\Omega^*_k\) recovers Levine--Morel's algebraic bordism, the Grothendieck ring of vector bundles can be recovered from \({\underline\Omega}^*_A\) analogously to Conner--Floyd theorem, projective bundle formula holds for \({\underline\Omega}^*_A\), and \({\underline\Omega}^*_A\) can be used to construct a candidate for Chow-cohomology theory satisfying a generalization of Grothendieck--Riemann--Roch theorem. We will not recall the statements here, as we are going to give more general versions in Section [4.3](#GenChernClassSubSect){reference-type="ref" reference="GenChernClassSubSect"}.
# Bivariant algebraic cobordism {#BivAlgCobSect}
The purpose of this section is to prove that bivariant algebraic \(A\)-cobordism groups are independent from the base ring \(A\), and to define these groups more generally for morphisms of finite dimensional divisorial Noetherian derived schemes. In particular, we will not need to assume quasi-projectivity over a Noetherian base ring \(A\) anymore. The structure of this section is as follows: in Section [3.1](#BaseIndSubSect){reference-type="ref" reference="BaseIndSubSect"} we prove that \(\Omega^*_A(X \to Y)\) is independent from the base ring \(A\) by giving an alternative characterization for the bivariant ideal of \({\underline\Omega}^*_A\) generated by the snc relations. Using a slightly modified version of this alternative characterization, we define in Section [3.2](#BivCobConsSubsect){reference-type="ref" reference="BivCobConsSubsect"} bivariant theories \({\underline\Omega}^\bullet\) and \(\Omega^\bullet\) on the \(\infty\)-category of divisorial and finite dimensional Noetherian derived schemes which generalize the theories \({\underline\Omega}^*_A\) and \(\Omega^*_A\) respectively. In Section [3.3](#NilpEulerClassSubSect){reference-type="ref" reference="NilpEulerClassSubSect"} we analyze the potential failure of nilpotence for Euler classes of vector bundles on \(X \in \mathcal{C}_a\), and define modified theories \({\underline\Omega}'^\bullet\) and \(\Omega'^\bullet\) where Euler classes of vector bundles are provably nilpotent. Note that nilpotence of Euler classes is a fundamental ingredient in the proofs of Section [4](#GeneralPBFSect){reference-type="ref" reference="GeneralPBFSect"}, explaining why we go to such lengths to make sure that this property holds.
## Base independence of bivariant algebraic \(A\)-cobordism {#BaseIndSubSect}
The purpose of this section is to prove that if \(X \to Y\) is a morphism of derived schemes with \(X\) and \(Y\) quasi-projective over Noetherian rings \(A\) and \(B\) of finite Krull dimension, then \(\Omega^*_A(X \to Y)\) and \(\Omega^*_B(X \to Y)\) are canonically isomorphic. While proving this, we also obtain an explicit construction of \(\Omega^*_A(X \to Y)\) as a quotient of \({\underline\Omega}^*_A(X \to Y)\), without the need of considering either of these groups as parts of a bivariant theory. We begin with the following trivial observation.
In order to obtain the desired result, we need to analyze the bivariant ideal \(\langle \mathcal{R}^\mathrm{snc}_A \rangle\) used in Definition [\[BivACobDef\]](#BivACobDef){reference-type="ref" reference="BivACobDef"}. The main tool we are going to use are the following schemes.
Before moving on, let us record the following easy observation.
We then consider the following bivariant ideal.
Our goal is to prove that \(\mathcal{I}_A = \langle \mathcal{R}^\mathrm{snc}_A \rangle\). The following lemma shows that \(\langle \mathcal{R}^\mathrm{snc}_A \rangle \subset \mathcal{I}_A\).
The following lemma shows that \(\mathcal{I}_A \subset \langle \mathcal{R}^\mathrm{snc}_A \rangle\).
Combining Lemmas [\[LSRelationsContainedInILem\]](#LSRelationsContainedInILem){reference-type="ref" reference="LSRelationsContainedInILem"} and [\[IContainedInLSRelationsLem\]](#IContainedInLSRelationsLem){reference-type="ref" reference="IContainedInLSRelationsLem"}, we obtain the following result.
As a corollary, we get the desired independence of bivariant algebraic cobordism groups from the base ring.
## Algebraic cobordism for divisorial derived schemes {#BivCobConsSubsect}
In this section, we define bivariant algebraic cobordism in great generality. We will denote by \(\mathscr{F}_a\) the functoriality \((\mathcal{C}_a, \mathscr{C}_a, \mathscr{I}_a, \mathscr{S}_a)\), where \(\mathcal{C}_a\) is the full subcategory of the \(\infty\)-category derived schemes consisting of finite dimensional Noetherian derived schemes having an ample family of line bundles, \(\mathscr{C}_a\) consists of projective morphisms in \(\mathcal{C}_a\), \(\mathscr{I}_a\) consists of all derived Cartesian squares in \(\mathcal{C}_a\) and \(\mathscr{S}_a\) consists of all morphisms in \(\mathcal{C}_a\) whose relative cotangent complex has Tor-dimension 1. Consider the following universal theory defined by Yokura in (see also Section 2.2 and the beginning of Section 3).
Let us recall the following universal property from.
We can then define the universal precobordism theory.
Recall that the *Euler class* \(e(\mathscr{L})\) of a line bundle \(\mathscr{L}\) on \(X \in \mathcal{C}_a\) is defined as \([Z_s \hookrightarrow X] \in {\underline\Omega}^1(X)\), where \(s\) is any global section of \(\mathscr{L}\) and \(Z_s\) is the derived vanishing locus of \(s\). Before going further, we need to make the following observation.
Now that we know that the Euler classes of line bundles are nilpotent, we may prove the following result using the arguments of Section 3.
Moreover, following Section 3.2 and Section 3.2 one proves the following universal property for \({\underline\Omega}\).
Before constructing the bivariant theory \(\Omega^\bullet\) as a quotient of \({\underline\Omega}^\bullet\), we consider the following stacky version of Construction [\[VSchemeCons\]](#VSchemeCons){reference-type="ref" reference="VSchemeCons"}.
Armed with these stacks, we can make the following definition.
Before continuing, we have to make sure that \(\Omega^\bullet\) as defined above really extends \(\Omega^*_A\) defined earlier.
As in, the following result is an immediate consequence of Theorem [\[UnivPropOfPCobThm\]](#UnivPropOfPCobThm){reference-type="ref" reference="UnivPropOfPCobThm"}.
Bivariant algebraic cobordism in this generality allows us to define the corresponding absolute homology theory.
The following results are proven exactly as in.
Armed with a good theory of Chern classes, one can proof the Conner--Floyd theorem.
One can also prove the projective bundle formula.
Let then \(\mathbb{Z}_a\) be the integers considered as an \(\mathbb{L}\)-algebra via the additive formal group law \(x + y\), and let \({\underline\Omega}^\bullet_a\) and \(\Omega^\bullet_a\) be the bivariant theories defined as \(\mathbb{Z}_a \otimes_\mathbb{L} {\underline\Omega}^\bullet\) and \(\mathbb{Z}_a \otimes_\mathbb{L} \Omega^\bullet\) respectively. These give candidates for bivariant intersection theory, satisfying the following cohomological Grothendieck--Riemann--Roch theorem.
## Nilpotency of Euler classes on divisorial schemes and applications {#NilpEulerClassSubSect}
The purpose of this section is to analyze the potential failure of Euler classes of vector bundles to be nilpotent in \({\underline\Omega}^\bullet\), and to construct theories \({\underline\Omega}'^\bullet\) and \(\Omega'^\bullet\) where the desired nilpotence is provably true. Note that nilpotence of Euler classes is of crucial importance in Section [4](#GeneralPBFSect){reference-type="ref" reference="GeneralPBFSect"}, and most of the proofs fail without it. Let us start by recalling that given \(X \in \mathcal{C}_a\) and a vector bundle \(E\) of rank \(r\) on \(X\), then the *Euler class* of \(E\) is defined as \[e(E) := [Z_s \hookrightarrow X] \in {\underline\Omega}^r(X),\] where \(s\) is an arbitrary global section of \(E\), and \(Z_s\) is the derived vanishing locus of \(s\). We also recall that these classes are multiplicative in exact sequences of vector bundles by Lemma 4.1. Note that by Lemma [\[NilpChernLem\]](#NilpChernLem){reference-type="ref" reference="NilpChernLem"}, Euler classes of line bundles are nilpotent, but the proof does not seem to generalize to higher rank bundles. Moreover, the proof of the nilpotence of Euler classes given in Lemma 4.2 does not seem to generalize either, unless we restrict our attention to derived schemes admitting an ample line bundle. Hence we we need to come up with another argument. Suppose \(E\) is a rank \(r > 1\) vector bundle. Then, as there exists an exact sequence \[0 \to \mathcal{O}(-1) \to E \to Q \to 0\] of vector bundles on \(\mathbb{P}(E)\), the nilpotency of \[e(E) \in {\underline\Omega}^*(\mathbb{P}(E))\] follows from the nilpotency of Euler classes of line bundles. We would be done if we could show that the pullback \({\underline\Omega}^*(X) \to {\underline\Omega}^*(\mathbb{P}(E))\) is injective, which we will try to prove by constructing a class \(\eta \in {\underline\Omega}^*(\mathbb{P}(E))\) pushing forward to \(1_X\). We fail to achieve this, but instead we find a family of bivariant classes in \({\underline\Omega}^\bullet\) which have to be killed. We will set up the following notation: \(Z\) is the derived vanishing locus of a global section of \(E\), \(\widetilde X\) is the derived bow up \(\mathrm{Bl}_Z(X)\), and \(\mathcal{E} \hookrightarrow \widetilde X\) is the exceptional divisor. We begin by recalling the following formula, which is easy to prove using the double point cobordism formula.
Since we do not know that \(e(E) \in {\underline\Omega}^*(X)\) is nilpotent, the argument of Lemma 4.5 gives us only the following truncated version.
Let us define \[\eta_n := \sum_{i=0}^n e(E)^i \bullet [\mathbb{P}_{\mathbb{P}(E)}(E \oplus \mathcal{O}) \to \mathbb{P}(E)]^i \bullet \big( [\widetilde X \to \mathbb{P}(E)]-[\mathbb{P}_\mathcal{E}(\mathcal{O}(\mathcal{E}) \oplus \mathcal{O}) \to \mathbb{P}(E)] \big)\] in \({\underline\Omega}^*(\mathbb{P}(E))\). Since \(e(E) \in {\underline\Omega}^*(\mathbb{P}(E))\) is nilpotent, \(\eta_n\) stabilize for \(n \gg 0\), and as \[1_X-\pi_!(\eta_n) = e(E)^{n+1} \bullet [\mathbb{P}(E \oplus \mathcal{O}) \to X]^{n+1} \in {\underline\Omega}^*(X),\] we conclude that also the right hand side stabilizes when \(n\) tends to infinity. We can therefore make the following definition.
We record the following expression of \(\mathcal{I}_\epsilon(X \to Y)\), which might be useful.
Note that by construction \({\underline\Omega}'^\bullet\) satisfies the following.
We constructed \({\underline\Omega}'^\bullet\) so that the following result would be true.
We also record the following useful observation, which also leads to universal properties for \({\underline\Omega}'^\bullet\) and \(\Omega'^\bullet\).
We can then prove the following universal properties (compare this to Theorem [\[UnivPropOfPCobThm\]](#UnivPropOfPCobThm){reference-type="ref" reference="UnivPropOfPCobThm"} and Corollary [\[UnivPropOfCobCor\]](#UnivPropOfCobCor){reference-type="ref" reference="UnivPropOfCobCor"}).
In particular both \({\underline\Omega}'^\bullet\) and \(\Omega'^\bullet\) admit a unique orientation preserving Grothendieck transformation to the bivariant algebraic K-theory of derived schemes restricted to \(\mathscr{F}_a\). We end with the following natural question.
### Chern classes of vector bundles and projective bundle formula on divisorial schemes
The purpose of this section is to prove the following theorem modifying the arguments of Section 4.
Since Euler classes of vector bundles are nilpotent in \({\underline\Omega}'^\bullet\), all the proofs of Sections 4.1 and 4.2 go through immediately; in particular, we can construct Chern classes \(c_i(E) \in {\underline\Omega}'^i(X)\) which are natural in pullbacks and satisfy normalization. In order to prove that these Chern classes satisfy Whitney sum formula, we need to find a new proof for the following result, which is Lemma 4.12 from.
The above lemma is a consequence of a stronger result, which will be useful also later when proving the projective bundle formula.
### Conner--Floyd theorem for divisorial schemes and applications
We are left to justify the following claims. We note that everything below is stated for the bivariant theory \({\underline\Omega}^\bullet\) instead of \({\underline\Omega}'^\bullet\) in order to give a more general statement.
We also needed the following result, which is originally Lemma 4.2.2 of. The original argument goes through in our context without essential changes.
### Projective bundle formula for divisorial schemes
# Projective bundle formula and applications {#GeneralPBFSect}
In this section we prove the projective bundle formula (Theorem [\[GeneralPBFThm\]](#GeneralPBFThm){reference-type="ref" reference="GeneralPBFThm"}) for \({\underline\Omega}'^\bullet\) (in fact for all bivariant theories that are quotients of \({\underline\Omega}'^\bullet\)) and use this to define Chern classes of vector bundles in \({\underline\Omega}'^*\) satisfying good properties by Theorem [\[GeneralChernClassThm\]](#GeneralChernClassThm){reference-type="ref" reference="GeneralChernClassThm"}. As a standard corollary, we obtain a generalized version of the cohomological Conner--Floyd theorem (Theorem [\[GeneralCFThm\]](#GeneralCFThm){reference-type="ref" reference="GeneralCFThm"}) and the cohomological Grothendieck--Riemann--Roch theorem (Theorem [\[GeneralGRRThm\]](#GeneralGRRThm){reference-type="ref" reference="GeneralGRRThm"}). The proofs use similar ideas as the proofs of the corresponding claims in. The two main differences are as follows
1. since we can no longer assume the existence of an ample line bundle, many of the old proofs had to be modified;
2. we have restructured the arguments from so that we first prove the projective bundle formula, and only after that construct Chern classes and prove their properties.
The structure of this section is as follows: in Section [4.1](#FundEmbSubSect){reference-type="ref" reference="FundEmbSubSect"} we construct the fundamental embedding, which realizes the bivariant group of \(\mathbb{P}(E) \to Y\) as a subgroup of the bivariant group of \(\mathbb{P}^\infty \times X \to Y\). In Section [4.2](#GenPBFSubSect){reference-type="ref" reference="GenPBFSubSect"} we prove the projective bundle formula by first proving it for trivial projective bundles, and then use the fundamental embedding to prove the general case. Finally, in Section [4.3](#GenChernClassSubSect){reference-type="ref" reference="GenChernClassSubSect"} we use the projective buldne formula to define and study Chern classes of vector bundles, and prove the standard corollaries (Conner--Floyd, Grothendieck--Riemann--Roch).
## The fundamental embedding {#FundEmbSubSect}
The purpose of this section is to construct an injective homomorphism \[\iota_E: \mathbb{B}^\bullet (\mathbb{P}(E) \to Y) \to \mathbb{B}^\bullet (\mathbb{P}^\infty \times X \to Y) := \mathrm{colim}_{n \geq 0} \mathbb{B}^\bullet (\mathbb{P}^n \times X \to Y),\] called the *fundamental embedding*, where \(\mathbb{B}^\bullet\) is a quotient of \({\underline\Omega}^\bullet\), \(X \to Y\) is a morphism in \(\mathcal{C}_a\), \(E\) is a vector bundle on \(X\), and the colimit on the right hand side is given by bivariant pushforwards along the evident sequence of inclusions \[\mathbb{B}^\bullet(X \to Y) \hookrightarrow \mathbb{B}^\bullet(\mathbb{P}^1 \times X \to Y) \hookrightarrow \mathbb{B}^\bullet(\mathbb{P}^2 \times X \to Y) \to \cdots\] Note that the structure morphisms are injections by Proposition 2.14. To do so, we consider the diagram \[\begin{tikzcd} & \mathbb{B}^\bullet\big( \mathbb{P}^{\infty} \times X \to Y\big) \arrow[hook]{d}{j_E} \\ \mathbb{B}^\bullet\big(\mathbb{P}(E) \to Y\big) \arrow[hook]{r}{i_E} & \mathrm{colim}_{n \geq 0} \mathbb{B}^\bullet\big( \mathbb{P}(\mathcal{O}^{\oplus n} \oplus E) \to Y\big) \end{tikzcd}\] where all the morphisms (the structure morphisms included) are given by pushing forward along the obvious inclusions, and injectivity of the transformations follows from Proposition 2.14. The main step of the construction is the following result.
Assuming this result for now, we can make the following definition.
This construction has many good properties, of which we are going to record only a fraction below. Recall that for any vector bundle \(E\) on \(X\), the bivariant group \(\mathbb{B}^\bullet(\mathbb{P}(E) \to Y)\) has a natural structure of a \(\mathbb{B}^*(X)\)-module by \[\alpha. \beta := \pi_E^*(\alpha) \bullet \beta,\] where \(\pi_E\) is the natural morphism \(\mathbb{P}(E) \to X\).
Our next goal is to prove Lemma [\[JSurjLem\]](#JSurjLem){reference-type="ref" reference="JSurjLem"}. However, we need some preliminary results and definitions before giving the proof. The following observation shows how the hyperplane bundle \(\mathcal{O}(1)\) on \(\mathbb{P}(E)\) controls the bivariant cobordism classes.
The following notation will be useful in the proof.
## Proof of the projective bundle formula {#GenPBFSubSect}
The goal of this section is to prove the following result.
Throughout the section, \(\mathbb{B}^\bullet\) is a quotient of \({\underline\Omega}'^\bullet\), \(X \to Y\) is a morphism in \(\mathcal{C}_a\), and \(E\) is a rank \(r\) vector bundle on \(X\), unless otherwise mentioned. We start by proving the result for trivial vector bundles, which follows from the next result.
Combining this with the fundamental embedding constructed in the previous section, we see that \[\iota_E(\alpha) = \sum_{i = 0}^\infty [\mathbb{P}^i \times X \hookrightarrow \mathbb{P}^\infty \times X] \bullet u_i(\alpha) \in \mathbb{B}^\bullet(\mathbb{P}^\infty \times X \to Y)\] for some uniquely determined \(u_i(\alpha) \in \mathbb{B}^\bullet(X \to Y)\).
Our first goal is to show that the first \(r\) coefficients completely determine an element of \(\mathbb{B}^\bullet(\mathbb{P}(E) \to Y)\). To do so, we start with the following observation.
It is then easy to prove that the first \(r\) coefficients of \(\alpha \in \mathbb{B}^\bullet(\mathbb{P}(E) \to Y)\) completely determine \(\alpha\).
In order to finish the proof of the projective bundle formula, we need to show that given \(u_0...,u_r \in \mathbb{B}^\bullet(X \to Y)\), there exists \[\alpha := \sum_{i=0}^{r-1} e(\mathcal{O}(1))^i \bullet 1_{\mathbb{P}(E)/X} \bullet \alpha_i \in \mathbb{B}^\bullet(\mathbb{P}(E) \to Y)\] so that \(u_i(\alpha) = u_i\) for all \(i < r\). To achieve this, we start by investigating the image of the fundamental class under \(\iota_E\).
We still need to prove the following simple lemma used in the above proof.
Next step is to make the following observation.
Finally, we can prove the result we are after.
We are then finally ready to prove the projective bundle formula.
## Chern classes and applications {#GenChernClassSubSect}
The purpose of this section is to define Chern classes of vector bundles, and to apply them to generalizing Conner--Floyd theorem and Grothendieck--Riemann--Roch theorem to all divisorial Noetherian derived schemes. We start with the fundamental definition.
These Chern classes satisfy the expected properties, as the following result shows.
Our next goal is to prove the Conner--Floyd theorem.
We end by the following formal corollary of Theorem [\[GeneralCFThm\]](#GeneralCFThm){reference-type="ref" reference="GeneralCFThm"}. We will denote by \(\mathbb{Z}_a\) (\(\mathbb{Q}_a\)) the integers (rationals) considered as an \(\mathbb{L}\)-algebra via the additive formal group law \(x + y\). | {'timestamp': '2021-01-11T02:12:47', 'yymm': '2012', 'arxiv_id': '2012.08814', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.08814'} |
# Introduction {#sec:intro}
The present work proposes a novel smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) formulation for general thermo-capillary phase change problems involving solid, liquid and gaseous phases. A special focus lies on the mesoscale melt pool modeling in metal powder bed fusion additive manufacturing (PBFAM) processes, e.g. selective laser melting (SLM) or electron beam melting (EBM), requiring some additional model constituents that are specific for this application. Since the governing physics are similar, also the melt pool dynamics in laser beam welding (LBW) or electron beam welding (EBW) processes lie in the scope of application of the proposed model. Basically, two main modeling approaches for surface tension effects can be distinguished in the context of SPH: formulations considering the microscale origin of surface tension in form of discrete, phase-dependent inter-particle potentials as well as macroscale surface tension models relying on the continuum surface force (CSF) method proposed by Brackbill and Kothe and widely used also in combination with other spatial discretization schemes such as finite differences, finite volumes or finite elements. The CSF approaches can be further subdivided into formulations that directly discretize the surface tension stress tensor and subsequently determine its divergence as contribution to the discrete momentum equation and formulations that rely on the divergence of the continuous surface tension stress tensor resulting in the well-known curvature-proportional surface tension forces in interface normal direction and tangential interface forces proportional to surface tension gradients. The present work will focus on the second category for which the first SPH discretization has been proposed by Morris . Subsequently, this formulation has been extended by density-weighted color field gradients as well as different interface reconstruction and smoothing techniques . There are only very few approaches to incoorporate wetting effects into this type of SPH formulation as e.g. proposed by Breinlinger et al. or by Das and Das . One of the first SPH formulations for thermo-capillary flow, i.e. surface tension effects coupled with a thermal field, has been proposed by Tong and Browne and extented by Hopp-Hirschler et al. . Recently, also several SPH formulations for thermo-capillary phase change problems in the context of PBFAM melt pool modeling have been proposed . To the best of the authors' knowledge non of the aforementioned thermo-capillary SPH formulations has incorporated wetting effects so far, which are expected, however, to play an important role on the length scales relevant for metal PBFAM. In metal PBFAM, a focused laser beam, typically within an inert gas atmosphere, melts pre-defined contours into thin layers of pre-applied metal powder to create the cross-section of a final solid part in a repeated layer-wise buildup procedure. Under typical processing conditions the peak temperatures on the melt pool surface exceed the boiling temperature of the liquid metal. The density jump and accompanied recoil pressure in the phase transition from liquid metal to metal vapor results in a considerable distortion and highly dynamic topology changes of the liquid-gas interface at the melt pool surface giving rise to defects such as spatter, i.e. ejection of melt drops, or pores, i.e. gas bubble inclusions . Pioneering modeling approaches in this field are e.g. given by the thermo-hydrodynamics finite element model proposed by Khairallah et al. , who considered temperature-dependent surface tension and evaporation-induced recoil pressure forces, based on a phenomenological recoil pressure model , as primary driving forces of the process. Comparable models based on finite difference, finite volume, finite element, Lattice Boltzmann or meshfree discretizations are e.g. given by . A more refined model has been proposed by , where the gas / vapor phase is explicitly resolved. Typically, the aforementioned models do not account for wetting effects at the triple line solid-liquid-gas. On the contrary, the works specifically focus on the interplay between wetting effects and different power particle configurations, without considering however evaporation-induced recoil pressure. The present work proposes a weakly compressible SPH formulation for thermo-capillary phase change problems involving solid, liquid and gaseous phases. Specifically, evaporation-induced recoil pressure, temperature-dependent surface tension and wetting forces are considered as liquid-gas interface fluxes in the Navier Stokes equation. In the thermal problem, a Gaussian laser beam heat source as well as evaporation-induced heat losses are considered as liquid-gas interface fluxes, while convection boundary conditions are obsolete due to the explicit modeling of the atmospheric gas phase. All mechanical and thermal interface fluxes are modeled in a diffuse sense in analogy to the CSF approach. The following original contributions of the present work can be identified: The first SPH formulation for thermo-capillary problems is proposed that also considers wetting effects. A novel interface stabilization scheme based on viscous interface forces is proposed, which is shown to allow for a stable and smooth liquid-gas interface by effectively damping spurious interface flows well-known for the CSF approach. Moreover, different SPH discretizations for the tangential projection of the temperature gradient, as required for the discrete Marangoni forces, are reviewed. Based on a thorough analysis it is shown that standard *two-sided* gradient approximations are sufficient for this purpose as long as zero-order consistency is satisfied, e.g. by anti-symmetric gradient construction. In the context of metal AM melt pool modeling, the present approach is-to the best of the authors' knowledge-the first model that i) considers the full range of relevant interface forces consisting of evaporation-induced recoil pressure, temperature-dependent surface tension and wetting forces, and ii) resolves the atmospheric gas phase and, thus, can consistently account for defects such as gas inclusions. The remainder of this work is organized as follows: Section [2](#sec:goveq){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:goveq"} presents the governing equations, i.e. continuity equation, momentum equation, energy equation and equation of state, in space-continuous form. Discretization in space, based on SPH, and in time, based on an explicit velocity-Verlet scheme, is presented in Sections [3](#sec:nummeth_sph){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:nummeth_sph"} and [4](#sec:nummeth_sph_timint){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:nummeth_sph_timint"}. In Section [5](#sec:numex_tantempgrad){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:numex_tantempgrad"} different SPH approximations for the tangential temperature gradient are thoroughly analyzed and compared. Finally, in Section [6](#sec:numex){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:numex"}, the accuracy of the individual model and method components is verified by means of selected benchmark examples with analytical/numerical reference solutions. Eventually, the suitability of the proposed melt pool model for typical metal AM application scenarios is verified by means of point and line melting examples with and without resolved powder particles. Here, a special focus lies on the robustness of the computational model, i.e. the ability to represent challenging and practically relevant scenarios of dynamically changing interface topologies (e.g. generation of melt spatter or gas inclusions) without inducing spurious interface flows or instabilities of the discretization scheme.
# Governing Equations {#sec:goveq}
Throughout this work two-phase flow problems of a liquid phase \(\Omega^{l}\) and a gas phase \(\Omega^{g}\) are considered that interact with a solid phase \(\Omega^{s}\) and allow for reversible phase transition between liquid and solid phase. The overall problem domain splits according to \(\Omega = \Omega^{l} \cup \Omega^{g} \cup \Omega^{s}\) and the two-phase fluid domain is given by \(\Omega^{f} = \Omega^{l} \cup \Omega^{g}\). In the context of metal AM melt pool modeling the solid, liquid and gas phase correspond to the solid metal, the molten metal and the atmospheric gas in the build chamber of an AM device.
## Fluid phases {#subsec:goveq_fluid}
The liquid and gas phase are governed by the *weakly compressible*, instationary and anisothermal Navier-Stokes equations in the domain \(\Omega^{f}=\Omega^{l} \cup \Omega^{g}\). The problem shall be described by the continuity equation \[\label{eq:fluid_conti} \dv{\rho}{t} =-\rho \div \vectorbold{u} \qin \Omega^{f},\] the Navier-Stokes momentum equation \[\label{eq:fluid_momentum} \dv{\vectorbold{u}}{t} = \frac{1}{\rho} \left(-\grad{p} + \vectorbold{f}_{\nu} + \tilde{\vectorbold{f}}^{{lg}}_{s} + \tilde{\vectorbold{f}}^{{slg}}_{w} + \tilde{\vectorbold{f}}^{{lg}}_{v} \right) + \vectorbold{g} \qin \Omega^{f},\] as well as the energy equation: \[\label{eq:fluid_energy} c _p\dv{T}{t} = \frac{1}{\rho} \left(-\div \vectorbold{q} + \tilde{s}^{lg}_v + \tilde{s}^{lg}_l \right) \qin \Omega.\] Following a weakly compressible approach, density \(\rho\) and pressure \(p\) are linked via the equation of state \[\label{eq:fluid_eos} p\qty(\rho) = c^{2} \qty(\rho-\rho_{0}) = p_{0} \qty(\frac{\rho}{\rho_{0}}-1) \qin \Omega^{f},\] which closes the system of equations for the six unknowns velocity \(\vectorbold{u}\) (three components), density \(\rho\), pressure \(p\) and temperature \(T\). The individual contributions to these equations will be discussed in the following.
### Momentum equation {#subsec:goveq_fluid_momentum}
In equation [\[eq:fluid_momentum\]](#eq:fluid_momentum){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:fluid_momentum"}, contributions from viscous forces \(\vectorbold{f}_{\nu}\), surface tension forces \(\tilde{\vectorbold{f}}^{{lg}}_{s}\), wetting forces \(\tilde{\vectorbold{f}}^{{slg}}_{w}\) and evaporation-induced recoil pressure forces \(\tilde{\vectorbold{f}}^{{lg}}_{v}\), each per unit volume, as well as body forces \(\vectorbold{g}\) per unit mass, can be identified. For incompressible Newtonian fluids the viscous forces read \[\vectorbold{f}_{\nu} = \eta \laplacian{\vectorbold{u}},\] with dynamic viscosity \(\eta\). Following the continuum surface force (CSF) approach by Brackbill and Kothe we consider surface tension and wetting effects in the momentum equation [\[eq:fluid_momentum\]](#eq:fluid_momentum){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:fluid_momentum"} as volumetric forces distributed across an interfacial volume of finite width instead of additional boundary conditions at the liquid-gas interface area and the triple line solid-liquid-gas. In the following, these interface forces are marked by a tilde symbol and by a superscript indicating the relevant interface, e.g. \(\tilde{\vectorbold{f}}^{{lg}}\) for forces on the 2D liquid-gas interface or \(\tilde{\vectorbold{f}}^{{slg}}\) for forces on the 1D solid-liquid-gas interface (triple line). Specifically, the distributed surface tension forces consist of the following two contributions in interface normal and tangential direction \[\label{eq:fluid_surfacetension} \tilde{\vectorbold{f}}^{{lg}}_{s} =-\alpha \kappa \vectorbold{n}^{lg} \delta^{lg} + \left(\vectorbold{I}-\vectorbold{n}^{lg} \otimes \vectorbold{n}^{lg} \right) \grad{\alpha} \delta^{lg},\] with the surface tension coefficient \(\alpha\), the interface curvature \(\kappa:=\div \vectorbold{n}^{lg}\), the liquid-gas interface normal \(\vectorbold{n}^{lg}:= \grad{c^{lg}}/||\grad{c^{lg}}||\), the phase-specific color field \(c^{lg}\) between the liquid and gas phase, to be defined in Section [3.4.1](#subsec:nummeth_sph_colorfield){reference-type="ref" reference="subsec:nummeth_sph_colorfield"}, as well as the surface delta function \(\delta^{lg}:=||\grad{c^{lg}}||\) between liquid and gas phase. The surface delta function is employed to distribute interface surface forces across interface domains of finite thickness. It is non-zero only on these interface domains and its integral over the interface thickness direction is normalized to one (see also Section [3.4.1](#subsec:nummeth_sph_colorfield){reference-type="ref" reference="subsec:nummeth_sph_colorfield"}). Throughout this work a purely temperature-dependent surface tension coefficient, i.e. \(\grad{\alpha}= \alpha'(T) \grad{T}\) with \(\alpha'(T)=d \alpha(T) / d T\), is considered. Specifically, a linear temperature-dependence of the surface tension is considered in the examples in Section [6](#sec:numex){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:numex"} according to \[\label{eq:fluid_surfacetension_tempdepend} \alpha(T) = \alpha_0-\alpha'_0 (T-T_{\alpha_0}),\] where \(\alpha_0\) is the surface tension at reference temperature \(T_{\alpha_0}\). Moreover, the wetting forces are given by \[\label{eq:fluid_wetting} \tilde{\vectorbold{f}}^{{slg}}_{w} = \alpha \left( \cos \theta-\cos \theta_0 \right) \vectorbold{t}^{sf} \delta^{lg} \delta^{sf},\] with the equilibrium wetting angle \(\theta_0\) and the current wetting angle \(\theta\) defined via \(\cos \theta := \vectorbold{n}^{lg} \cdot \vectorbold{n}^{sf}\). Here, the solid-fluid interface normal vector between the domains \(\Omega^{s}\) and \(\Omega^{f}\) is defined as \(\vectorbold{n}^{sf}:= \grad{c^{sf}}/||\grad{c^{sf}}||\) on the basis of a phase-specific color field \(c^{sf}\) between the solid and fluid phase to be defined in Section [3.4.1](#subsec:nummeth_sph_colorfield){reference-type="ref" reference="subsec:nummeth_sph_colorfield"}. Similar to the liquid-gas interface, also the surface delta function of the solid-fluid interface follows the relation \(\delta^{sf}:=||\grad{c^{sf}}||\). Moreover, the tangent vector \(\vectorbold{t}^{sf}\) is defined as the projection of the liquid-gas interface normal vector \(\vectorbold{n}^{lg}\) onto the solid-fluid interface surface, defined by its normal vector \(\vectorbold{n}^{sf}\) : \[\label{eq:fluid_wetting2} \vectorbold{t}^{sf} = \frac{\vectorbold{n}^{lg}-(\vectorbold{n}^{lg} \cdot \vectorbold{n}^{sf}) \vectorbold{n}^{sf}}{|| \vectorbold{n}^{lg}-(\vectorbold{n}^{lg} \cdot \vectorbold{n}^{sf}) \vectorbold{n}^{sf} ||}.\] Besides these standard capillary force contributions, the high peak temperatures at the melt pool surface at typical metal AM process conditions give rise to considerable evaporation effects. As common in the modeling of these processes, a phenomenological model for the evaporation-induced recoil pressure forces acting on the melt pool surface according to the work by Anisimov is employed: \[\label{eq:fluid_recoil} \tilde{\vectorbold{f}}^{{lg}}_{v} =-p_v(T) \vectorbold{n}^{lg} \delta^{lg} \quad \text{with} \quad p_v(T) = C_P \exp \left[-C_T \left( \frac{1}{T}-\frac{1}{T_v} \right)\right],\] where the constants \(C_P = 0.54 p_a\) and \(C_T=\bar{h}_v/R\) contain the atmospheric pressure \(p_a\), the molar latent heat of evaporation \(\bar{h}_v\) and the molar gas constant \(R\). Moreover, \(T_v\) is the boiling temperature.
### Energy equation {#subsec:goveq_fluid_energy}
The energy equation [\[eq:fluid_energy\]](#eq:fluid_energy){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:fluid_energy"} contains the mass-specific heat capacity \(c_p\), the heat flux \(\vectorbold{q}:=-k \grad{T}\) according to Fourier's law with thermal conductivity \(k\) as well as heat fluxes stemming from the laser beam heat source \(\tilde{s}^{lg}_l\) and from evaporation-induced heat losses \(\tilde{s}^{lg}_v\), each per unit volume. The former is given by \[\label{eq:fluid_heatsource} \tilde{s}^{lg}_l = \chi_l <\!-\vectorbold{n}^{lg} \! \cdot \! \vectorbold{e}_{l} \! > \, s^{lg}_l(\vectorbold{x}) \, \delta^{lg} \quad \text{with} \quad s^{lg}_l(\vectorbold{x})=s^{lg}_{l0} \, \exp \! \left[-2 \left( \frac{||\vectorbold{x}-\vectorbold{x}_0||}{r_w} \right)^2 \right],\] where the Macauley bracket \(<...>\) returns the value of its argument if the argument is positive and zero otherwise. The irradiance \(s^{lg}_l(\vectorbold{x})\) describes the incident laser power per unit area at position \(\vectorbold{x}\) as a function of the laser beam center position \(\vectorbold{x}_0\) and has the form of a Gauss distribution, from which \(s^{lg}_{l0}\) is the peak value and \(r_{w}=2 \sigma\) represents two times the standard deviation \(\sigma\). The corresponding diameter \(d_w=2 r_{w}\) is a frequently used measure for the effective laser beam diameter. In addition, \(\vectorbold{e}_{l}\) is the unit vector representing the laser beam direction and \(\chi_l\) the laser energy absorptivity. Eventually, following the same phenomenological model as for the recoil pressure [\[eq:fluid_recoil\]](#eq:fluid_recoil){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:fluid_recoil"}, the evaporation-induced heat loss reads \[\label{eq:fluid_evaporation} \tilde{s}^{lg}_v = s^{lg}_v \, \delta^{lg} \quad \text{with} \quad s^{lg}_v =-\dot{m}^{lg}_v [h_v+ h(T)], \quad \dot{m}^{lg}_v = 0.82 \, c_s \, p_v(T) \, \sqrt{\frac{C_M}{T}}, \quad h(T)=\int \limits_{T_{h,0}}^T c_p \, \, d\bar{T},\] where the enthalpy rate per unit area \(s^{lg}_v\) results from the vapor mass flow per unit area \(\dot{{m}}^{lg}_v\) at the melt pool surface and the sum of the specific enthalpy \(h(T)\) and the latent heat of evaporation \(h_v\), both per unit mass. Moreover, \(T_{h,0}\) is a reference temperature of the specific enthalpy and the constant \(C_M=M/(2\pi R)\) contains the molar mass \(M\) and the molar gas constant \(R\). Finally, \(p_v(T)\) is the recoil pressure defined in [\[eq:fluid_recoil\]](#eq:fluid_recoil){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:fluid_recoil"} and \(c_s\) the so-called sticking constant which takes on a value close to one, i.e. \(c_s \approx 1\) for metals .
### Equation of state {#subsec:goveq_fluid_eos}
In the equation of state [\[eq:fluid_eos\]](#eq:fluid_eos){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:fluid_eos"} the reference density \(\rho_{0}\), which equals the initial density throughout this work, the reference pressure \(p_{0} = \rho_{0} c^{2}\) and the artificial speed of sound \(c\) can be indentified. Note that the commonly applied weakly compressible approach only represents deviations from the reference pressure, i.e., \(p\qty(\rho_{0}) = 0\), and not the total pressure. In order to limit density fluctuations to an acceptable level, while still avoiding too severe time step restrictions, Morris et al. discussed strategies on how to determine an appropriate value of the artificial speed of sound.
## Solid phase {#subsec:goveq_solid}
Since the focus of this work lies on melt pool thermo-hydrodynamics, the assumption of a rigid and immobile solid phase (substrate and powder grains in the context of PBFAM processes), which is typical for mesoscale PBFAM models, is made. Thus, only the energy equation [\[eq:fluid_energy\]](#eq:fluid_energy){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:fluid_energy"} is solved for the solid phase.
## Phase transition {#subsec:goveq_phase_transition}
As presented in Section [3](#sec:nummeth_sph){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:nummeth_sph"}, the spatial discretization will be based on smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH). Due the Lagrangian nature of this scheme, each (material) particle directly carries its phase information. Based on this information, the corresponding field equations with phase-specific parameter values are evaluated for each particle. Material particles undergo the phase transition *solid* \(\leftrightarrow\) *liquid* when passing the melt temperature \(T_m\). Since the vapor phase is not modeled explicitly, the phase transition *liquid* \(\leftrightarrow\) *vapor* is only considered implicitly in terms of evaporation-induced recoil pressure forces [\[eq:fluid_recoil\]](#eq:fluid_recoil){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:fluid_recoil"} and heat losses [\[eq:fluid_evaporation\]](#eq:fluid_evaporation){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:fluid_evaporation"}. While the latent heat of evaporation is already contained [\[eq:fluid_evaporation\]](#eq:fluid_evaporation){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:fluid_evaporation"}, the latent heat of melting could be considered in a straightforward manner as well by employing e.g. an apparent capacity scheme relying on an increased heat capacity \(c_p\) within a finite temperature interval . However, for simplicity temperature-independent parameter values are considered in the present work (except for the surface tension coefficient).
## Initial and boundary conditions
In general, the system of partial differential equations [\[eq:fluid_conti\]](#eq:fluid_conti){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:fluid_conti"}-[\[eq:fluid_energy\]](#eq:fluid_energy){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:fluid_energy"} is subject to the following initial conditions \[\rho = \rho_0, \quad \vectorbold{u} = \vectorbold{u}_{0}, \quad T=T_0 \qin \Omega \qq{at} t = 0.\] Throughout this work, only systems that are initially in static equilibrium, i.e. \(\vectorbold{u}_{0}=\vectorbold{0}\), are considered. In addition, Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions are required on the domain boundary \(\Gamma = \partial\Omega\): \[\vectorbold{u} = \hat{\vectorbold{u}} \qq{on} \Gamma^{\vectorbold{u}}_{D}, \quad \quad \vectorbold{t} = \hat{\vectorbold{t}} \qq{on} \Gamma^{\vectorbold{u}}_{N}, \quad \quad T = \hat{T} \qq{on} \Gamma^T_{D}, \quad \quad \vectorbold{q} = \hat{\vectorbold{q}} \qq{on} \Gamma^T_{N} \,,\] with boundary velocity \(\hat{\vectorbold{u}}\), boundary traction \(\hat{\vectorbold{t}}\), boundary temperature \(T\) and boundary heat flux \(\hat{\vectorbold{q}}\) on the Dirichlet and Neumann boundaries \(\Gamma = \Gamma^{\vectorbold{u}}_{D} \cup \Gamma^{\vectorbold{u}}_{N}\) and \(\Gamma^{\vectorbold{u}}_{D} \cap \Gamma^{\vectorbold{u}}_{N} = \emptyset\) as well as \(\Gamma = \Gamma^T_{D} \cup \Gamma^T_{N}\) and \(\Gamma^T_{D} \cap \Gamma^T_{N} = \emptyset\).
# Spatial discretization via smoothed particle hydrodynamics {#sec:nummeth_sph}
## Approximation of field quantities via smoothing kernel {#subsec:nummeth_sph_kernel}
The fundamental concept of SPH is based on the approximation of a field quantity \(f\) via a smoothing operation and on the discretization of the domain \(\Omega\) with discretization points following the fluid motion and therefore being denoted as particles. Introducing a smoothing kernel \(W\qty(r,h)\) (see e.g. ) leads to the following sequence of approximations of an arbitrary field quantity \(f\): \[\label{eq:sph_approximation} f\qty(\vectorbold{r}) \approx \int_{\Omega} f\qty(\vectorbold{r}') W\qty(\qty| \vectorbold{r}-\vectorbold{r}' |, h) \dd{\vectorbold{r}'} \approx \sum_{j} V_{j} f\qty(\vectorbold{r}_{j}) W\qty(\qty| \vectorbold{r}-\vectorbold{r}_{j} |, h),\] commiting a *smoothing error* in the first and an *integration error* in the second approximation step . The smoothing kernel \(W\qty(r,h)\) is a monotonically decreasing, smooth function that dependents on the distance \(r\) from the kernel center and a smoothing length \(h\). The smoothing length \(h\) together with a scaling factor \(\kappa\) define the support radius of the smoothing kernel \(r_{c} = \kappa h\). The Dirac delta function property \(\lim_{h \rightarrow 0}{ W\qty(r, h) } = \delta\qty(r)\) ensures an exact representation of a field quantity \(f\) in the limit \(h \rightarrow 0\). Compact support, i.e., \(W\qty(r, h) = 0\) for \(r > r_{c}\), as well as positivity, i.e., \(W\qty(r, h) \geq 0\) for \(r \leq r_{c}\), are typical properties of standard smoothing kernels \(W\qty(r,h)\). In addition, the normalization property requires that \(\int_{\Omega} W\qty(\qty| \vectorbold{r}-\vectorbold{r}' |, h) \dd{\vectorbold{r}'} = 1\). In the second approximation step, the domain integral is replaced by a summation over discrete volumes \(V_{j}\) located at the positions of the material discretization points (particles) \(j\). A straightforward approximation for the gradient of quantity \(f\) follows directly by differentiation of [\[eq:sph_approximation\]](#eq:sph_approximation){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:sph_approximation"}: \[\label{sph_general_gradient} \grad{f}\qty(\vectorbold{r}) \approx \int_{\Omega} f\qty(\vectorbold{r}') \grad{W \qty(\qty| \vectorbold{r}-\vectorbold{r}' |, h)} \dd{\vectorbold{r}'} \approx \sum_{j} V_{j} f\qty(\vectorbold{r}_{j}) \grad{W \qty(\qty| \vectorbold{r}-\vectorbold{r}_{j} |, h)},\] Note that this (simple) gradient approximation shows some particular disadvantages, hence, more advanced approximations for gradients are given in the literature and will also be applied in the following. Applying these gradient approximations reduces the partial differential equations [\[eq:fluid_conti\]](#eq:fluid_conti){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:fluid_conti"} and [\[eq:fluid_energy\]](#eq:fluid_energy){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:fluid_energy"} to ordinary differential equations that are solved, i.e., evaluated and integrated in time, for all particles \(i\) in the domain \(\Omega\) (cf. Sections [3.4](#subsec:nummeth_sph_momentum){reference-type="ref" reference="subsec:nummeth_sph_momentum"}-[4](#sec:nummeth_sph_timint){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:nummeth_sph_timint"}). As a result, all fluid quantities are evaluated at and associated with particle positions, meaning each particle carries its corresponding fluid quantities.
## Initial particle spacing {#subsec:nummeth_sph_spacing}
Within this contribution, the domain \(\Omega\) is initially filled with particles located on a regular grid with particle spacing \(\Delta{}x\), thus in \(d\) dimensional space each particle initially occupies an effective volume of \(\qty(\Delta{}x)^{d}\). The mass of a particle \(i\) is then set using the reference density according to \(m_{i} = \rho_{0} \qty(\Delta{}x)^{d}\) and remains constant throughout the simulation. In general, the initial particle spacing \(\Delta{}x\) can be freely chosen, however, within this work the initial particle spacing \(\Delta{}x\) is set equal to the smoothing length \(h = \flatfrac{r_{c}}{\kappa}\).
## Density summation {#subsec:nummeth_sph_summation}
The density of a particle \(i\) is determined via summation of the respective smoothing kernel contributions of all neighboring particles \(j\) within the support radius \(r_{c}\) \[\label{eq:sph_densum} \rho_{i} = m_{i} \sum_{j} W_{ij} \,.\] This approach is typically denoted as density summation and results in an exact conservation of mass in the fluid domain, which can be shown in a straight-forward manner considering the commonly applied normalization of the smoothing kernel to unity. It shall be noted that the density field may alternatively be obtained via SPH discretization and time integration of the continuity equation [\[eq:fluid_conti\]](#eq:fluid_conti){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:fluid_conti"}, cf. Liu and Liu .
## Momentum equation {#subsec:nummeth_sph_momentum}
Following the standard SPH discretization procedure the discrete version of [\[eq:fluid_momentum\]](#eq:fluid_momentum){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:fluid_momentum"} can be formulated as \[\label{eq:sph_momentum} \vectorbold{a}_{i} = \frac{1}{m_{i}} \left[ \vectorbold{F}_{p,i} + \vectorbold{F}_{\nu,i} + \vectorbold{F}_{s,i} + \vectorbold{F}_{w,i} + \vectorbold{F}_{v,i} + \vectorbold{F}_{d,i} \right] + \vectorbold{b}_{i} \,,\] where \(\vectorbold{a}_{i} = \dv*{\vectorbold{u}_{i}}{t}\) represents the total acceleration of particle \(i\) whereas the pressure force \(\vectorbold{F}_{p,i}\), viscous force \(\vectorbold{F}_{\nu,i}\), surface tension force \(\vectorbold{F}_{s,i}\), wetting force \(\vectorbold{F}_{w,i}\) as well as vapor-induced recoil pressure force \(\vectorbold{F}_{v,i}\) acting on particle \(i\) result from summation of all particle-to-particle interaction contributions with neighboring particles \(j\). Optionally, additional viscous dissipation forces \(\vectorbold{F}_{d,i}\) are applied at the interfaces solid-liquid and liquid-gas, which will motivated and further detailled in Section [3.4.5](#subsec:nummeth_sph_dissipation){reference-type="ref" reference="subsec:nummeth_sph_dissipation"}. The pressure and viscous forces in the momentum equation [\[eq:sph_momentum\]](#eq:sph_momentum){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:sph_momentum"} are discretized following a formulation proposed by Adami et al. : \[\label{eq:sph_momentum_pressure_and_viscous} \vectorbold{F}_{p,i} + \vectorbold{F}_{\nu,i} = \sum_{j} \qty(V_{i}^{2}+V_{j}^{2}) \qty[-\bar{p}_{ij} \pdv{W}{r_{ij}} \vectorbold{e}_{ij} + \bar{\eta}_{ij} \frac{\vectorbold{u}_{ij}}{r_{ij}} \pdv{W}{r_{ij}} ]\,,\] with volume \(V_{i} = m_{i}/\rho_{i}\) of particle \(i\), unit vector \(\vectorbold{e}_{ij} = \flatfrac{\vectorbold{r}_{i}-\vectorbold{r}_{j}}{\qty|\vectorbold{r}_{i}-\vectorbold{r}_{j}|} = \flatfrac{\vectorbold{r}_{ij}}{r_{ij}}\), relative velocity \(\vectorbold{u}_{ij} = \vectorbold{u}_{i}-\vectorbold{u}_{j}\) as well as inter-particle averaged pressure and dynamic viscosity: \[\label{eq:sph_mom_wght_press_and_visc} \bar{p}_{ij} = \frac{\rho_{j}p_{i}+\rho_{i}p_{j}}{\rho_{i} + \rho_{j}} \,, \quad \quad \bar{\eta}_{ij} = \frac{2\eta_{i}\eta_{j}}{\eta_{i}+\eta_{j}} \,.\] Also the transport velocity formulation proposed in , which utilizes a constant background pressure \(p_b\) to suppress the problem of tensile instability, is employed in the present work. For the sake of briefity, the definition of the modified advection velocity and the additional terms in the momentum equation stemming from the aforementioned transport velocity contribution are not further delineated and the reader is kindly referred to the original publication . The accuracy and stability of this formulation has readily been demonstrated on the basis of well-known benchmark tests in the context of computational fluid dynamics and fluid-structure interaction . The remaining force contributions will be discussed in the following.
### Discretization of phase interfaces {#subsec:nummeth_sph_colorfield}
The interface forces to be defined in the following rely on a representation of the different phase domains and interfaces via a color field function. Here, we define the color field according to \[\label{eq:sph_colorfield} c_i^j = \left\{\begin{array}{ll} 1, & \text{if particles i and j belong to different phases}\\ 0, & \text{else} \end{array}\right.\] as well as the density-weighted color field gradient according to \[\label{eq:sph_colorfieldgradient} \grad{c}_i = \frac{1}{V_{i}} \sum_{j} \qty(V_{i}^{2}+V_{j}^{2}) \bar{c}_{ij} \pdv{W}{r_{ij}} \vectorbold{e}_{ij} \quad \text{with} \quad \bar{c}_{ij} = \frac{\rho_j}{\rho_i+\rho_j} c_i^i + \frac{\rho_i}{\rho_i+\rho_j} c_j^i\] following the approach proposed by Adami et al. . Note that \(c_i^i \equiv 0\) according to [\[eq:sph_colorfield\]](#eq:sph_colorfield){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:sph_colorfield"}. Based on the definition of the color field gradient the interface normal and the surface delta function of particle \(i\) read \[\label{eq:sph_normalanddelta} \vectorbold{n}_{i} = \frac{\grad{c}_i}{|| \grad{c}_i ||} \quad \text{and} \quad \delta_i = || \grad{c}_i ||.\] Note that this procedure leads to an *outward-pointing* interface normal vector with respect to the phase of particle \(i\). Moreover, it has to be emphasized that these metrics are exclusively used to define the interface between two phases. Consequently, in the calculations according to [\[eq:sph_colorfield\]](#eq:sph_colorfield){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:sph_colorfield"}-[\[eq:sph_normalanddelta\]](#eq:sph_normalanddelta){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:sph_normalanddelta"} only two different phases are distinguished (and *not* three independent phases which might occur at the triple line solid-liquid-gas). Specifically, the liquid-gas interface (superscript \("lg"\)) is defined by only considering particles of the liquid and the gas phase (i.e. no contribution of solid particles). The solid-gas interface (superscript \("sg"\)) is defined by only considering particles of the solid and the gas phase. The solid-fluid interface (superscript \("sf"\)) is defined by considering all particles but only distinguishing between either particles of the solid phase or the (combined) fluid phase (sum of particles from the liquid and gas phase).
### Surface tension forces {#subsec:nummeth_sph_surface tension}
In the following, the surface tension forces are split into two contributions \(\vectorbold{F}_{s,i}=\vectorbold{F}_{s \kappa,i}+\vectorbold{F}_{s m,i}\), with \(\vectorbold{F}_{s \kappa,i}\) representing the curvature-proportional surface tension normal forces and \(\vectorbold{F}_{s m,i}\) representing the tangential Marangoni forces due to surface tension gradients. The first contribution is given by \[\label{eq:sph_surfacetension1} \vectorbold{F}_{s \kappa,i} =-V_i \alpha_i \kappa_i \vectorbold{n}_i^{lg} \delta_i^{lg}.\] As proposed by Morris , the curvature \(\kappa_i\) is discretized according to \[\label{eq:sph_curvature} \kappa_i = (\div{\vectorbold{n}^{lg}})_i =-\frac{\sum_{j} N_i N_j V_{j} \vectorbold{n}^{lg}_{ij} \pdv{W}{r_{ij}} \vectorbold{e}_{ij}}{\sum_{j} N_i N_j V_{j} W_{ij}} \quad \text{with} \quad N_k = \left\{\begin{array}{ll} 1, & \text{if} || \grad{c}^{lg}_k || > \epsilon\\ 0, & \text{else} \end{array}\right.\] with \(\vectorbold{n}^{lg}_{ij}=\vectorbold{n}^{lg}_{i}-\vectorbold{n}^{lg}_{j}\). Here, \(\epsilon \ll 1\) is a user-defined tolerance applied to avoid contributions from particles far away from the interface with erroneous normal vectors . The discrete Marangoni forces read \[\label{eq:sph_surfacetension2} \vectorbold{F}_{s m,i} = V_i \underbrace{\left(\vectorbold{I}-\vectorbold{n}^{lg}_i \otimes \vectorbold{n}^{lg}_i \right) (\grad{T})_i}_{\nabla_T {T}_i} \, \alpha_i' \delta^{lg}_i\] where the operator \(\nabla_T\) represents the projection of the nabla operator into the interface tangential plane. Liquid-gas interfaces typically go along with considerably jumps in the mechanical and thermal constitutive parameters. It will be demonstrated in Section [5](#sec:numex_tantempgrad){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:numex_tantempgrad"} that a proper discretization of the temperature gradient \((\grad{T})_i\) is of upmost importance to represent the temperature field, and its inherent kink across the interface, with sufficient accuracy. Thereto, three different SPH gradient approximations typically applied in the literature (see also in the context of tangential (Marangoni) surface tension forces) shall be considered in the following. The first variant is given by the standard SPH gradient approximation according to [\[sph_general_gradient\]](#sph_general_gradient){reference-type="eqref" reference="sph_general_gradient"}: \[\label{eq:sph_tempgrad1} (\grad{ T})_i \approx \sum_{j} V_{j} T_{j} \pdv{W}{r_{ij}} \vectorbold{e}_{ij} \.\] The second variant is given by a symmetric gradient approximation as typically applied to gradients (e.g. of the pressure field) in the momentum equation to guarantee for conservation of momentum : \[\label{eq:sph_tempgrad2} (\grad{ T})_i \approx \frac{1}{V_{i}} \sum_{j} (V_{i}^2+V_{j}^2) \frac{T_{i}+T_{j}}{2} \pdv{W}{r_{ij}} \vectorbold{e}_{ij} \.\] The third variant is given by an anti-symmetric gradient approximation as typically applied to velocity gradients in the continuity equation to guarantee for zero-order consistency : \[\label{eq:sph_tempgrad3} (\grad{ T})_i \approx \sum_{j} V_{j} (T_{j}-T_{i}) \pdv{W}{r_{ij}} \vectorbold{e}_{ij} \.\] In Section [5](#sec:numex_tantempgrad){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:numex_tantempgrad"} it will be demonstrated that only the third variant [\[eq:sph_tempgrad3\]](#eq:sph_tempgrad3){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:sph_tempgrad3"} leads to reasonable approximations and small discretization errors for the tangential projection of the temperature gradient. Consequently, this variant is applied in all the remaining examples in Section [6](#sec:numex){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:numex"}. Moreover, it will be derived why this formulation results in a good approximation quality for the tangential projection of the temperature gradient-as required in [\[eq:sph_surfacetension2\]](#eq:sph_surfacetension2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:sph_surfacetension2"}-even though it is not suitable to represent the total temperature gradient.
### Wetting forces {#subsec:nummeth_sph_wetting}
As indicated by Breinlinger et al. , a direct SPH discretization of [\[eq:fluid_wetting\]](#eq:fluid_wetting){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:fluid_wetting"} is typically not preferable due to the erroneous representation of the liquid-gas interface normal vector \(\vectorbold{n}^{lg}\) close to the triple line solid-liquid-gas, which can be traced back to a lack of liquid and gas particle support in this region. Therefore, we follow an alternative strategy proposed in prescribing this normal vector in the triple line region on the basis of the equilibrium wetting angle \(\theta_0\) according to: \[\label{sph:fluid_wetting1} \hat{\vectorbold{n}}^{lg}_i = \vectorbold{t}^{sf}_i \sin \theta_0-\vectorbold{n}^{sf}_i \cos \theta_0,\] where \(\vectorbold{n}^{sf}_i\) is the normal vector of the solid-fluid interface according to [\[eq:sph_colorfield\]](#eq:sph_colorfield){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:sph_colorfield"}-[\[eq:sph_normalanddelta\]](#eq:sph_normalanddelta){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:sph_normalanddelta"} and \(\vectorbold{t}^{sf}_i\) is given by [\[eq:fluid_wetting2\]](#eq:fluid_wetting2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:fluid_wetting2"} evaluated for particle \(i\). In order to prescribe the value \(\hat{\vectorbold{n}}^{lg}_i\) for the liquid-gas interface normal vector \(\vectorbold{n}^{lg}_i\) in the triple point region and to have a smooth transition from the interface region (with prescribed normal) to the interior domain (with solution-dependent normal), the following correction scheme is employed: \[\label{sph:fluid_wetting3} \vectorbold{n}^{lg}_i = \frac{f_{\vectorbold{n},i} (\grad{c^{lg}}_i / || \grad{c^{lg}}_i ||) + (1-f_{\vectorbold{n},i}) \hat{\vectorbold{n}}^{lg}_i }{|| f_{\vectorbold{n},i} (\grad{c^{lg}}_i / || \grad{c^{lg}}_i ||) + (1-f_{\vectorbold{n},i}) \hat{\vectorbold{n}}^{lg}_i ||} \quad \text{with} \quad f_{\vectorbold{n},i} = \left\{\begin{array}{ll} 0, & \text{if} \,\, d_{w,i} < 0\\ \frac{d_{w,i}}{d_{max}}, & \text{if} \,\, 0 \leq d_{w,i} \leq d_{max}\\ 1, & \text{if} \,\, d_{w,i} > d_{max}. \end{array}\right.\] In the present work, \(d_{max}=h\) has been chosen as the kernel smoothing length (which differs from , where the kernel support radius has been chosen) and the distance function \(d_{w,i}\) is defined as the distance of fluid particle \(i\) from the closest wall particle \(j\) minus the initial particle spacing \(h\) according to \(d_{w,i} = \min ( (\vectorbold{r}_i-\vectorbold{r}_j) \cdot \vectorbold{n}^{sf}_i)-h\). From [\[sph:fluid_wetting3\]](#sph:fluid_wetting3){reference-type="eqref" reference="sph:fluid_wetting3"} it becomes clear that for particles closer to the wall than \(h\) the interface normal is prescribed as \(\hat{\vectorbold{n}}^{lg}_i\), while for particles with wall distance larger than \(2h\) the conventional (solution-dependent) calculation of the interface normal via the color field gradient is applied.
### Recoil pressure forces {#subsec:nummeth_sph_recoil}
The discrete version of the evaporation-induced recoil pressure forces occurring in [\[eq:sph_momentum\]](#eq:sph_momentum){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:sph_momentum"} is given by \[\label{eq:sph_recoil} \vectorbold{F}_{v,i} =-V_i p_{v,i} \vectorbold{n}_i^{lg} \delta_i^{lg},\] where \(p_{v,i}\) is the recoil pressure according to [\[eq:fluid_recoil\]](#eq:fluid_recoil){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:fluid_recoil"} evaluated for particle \(i\).
### Viscous interface forces {#subsec:nummeth_sph_dissipation}
Monaghan and Gingold proposed a stabilization term, denoted as artificial viscosity, as additional contribution to the momentum equation to reduce spurious flow oscillations in the numerical solution. In this work we propose to employ this stabilization term selectively only at the solid-liquid and liquid-gas interface to avoid oscillations originating from the phase transition solid-liquid and from the high liquid-gas interface forces typical for metal AM melt pool hydrodynamics. Moreover, it will be shown that the resulting interface viscosity contributions can also be motivated from a physical point of view. In its general form the discrete version of these dissipative interface forces is given by \[\label{eq:sph_dissipation} \vectorbold{F}_{d,i} =-m_i {\zeta_i} \sum_{j} m_j \bar{h}_{ij} \bar{c}_{ij} \frac{{\vectorbold{u}_{ij}} \cdot \vectorbold{r}_{ij}}{\bar{\rho}_{ij} (r_{ij}^2 + \epsilon h_{ij}^2 )} \pdv{W}{r_{ij}},\] with the inter-particle averaged particle spacing \(\bar{h}_{ij}=(h_i+h_j)/2\), speed of sound \(\bar{c}_{ij}=(c_i+c_j)/2\) and density \(\bar{\rho}_{ij}=(\rho_{i}+\rho_{j})/2\) as well as relative velocity \(\vectorbold{u}_{ij}=\vectorbold{u}_{i}-\vectorbold{u}_{j}\) and distance \({r}_{ij}=||\vectorbold{r}_{i}-\vectorbold{r}_{j}||\). The constant \(\epsilon \ll 1\) is introduced to ensure a non-zero denominator. The viscosity factor is split into two contributions \({\zeta_i}={\zeta}^{lg}_i+{\zeta}^{sl}_i\). The first one, acting on (the liquid side of) the liquid-gas interface is given by: \[\label{eq:sph_dissipation_lg} {\zeta}^{lg}_i = {\zeta}^{lg}_0 \delta^{lg}_i.\] Spurious interface flows are a well-known problem of continuum surface force (CSF) formulations . Due to the high magnitude of surface tension and recoil pressure forces this undesirable effect is in particular critical for metal AM melt pool problems. As demonstrated in Section [6.2](#sec:numex_droplet_oscillation){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:numex_droplet_oscillation"}, the introduction of an additional viscous term acting exactly (and only) at the origin of these spurious interface flows, i.e. selectively at the liquid-gas interface, enables to effectively reduce this numerical artifact without introducing additional dissipation of physically relevant flow characteristics in the interior fluid domain. Since these spurious interface flows are known to decrease with increasing discretization resolution , we recommend to scale the viscosity factor \({\zeta}^{lg}_0\) with the smoothing length \(h_i\). With this strategy the maximal viscous forces acting on interface particles is discretization-independent (as the maximal magnitude of \(\delta^{lg}_i\) scales with \(1/h_i\)), while the overall influence of the viscous interface forces on the global system behavior decreases (as the interface thickness decreases with \(h_i\)). Similar to slope limiting techniques , the numerical scheme could be further refined by applying this interface stabilization term only at locations with extremely high (or fast changing) velocity gradients or in case of metal AM melt pool simulations only at locations with very high temperatures (and thus very high recoil pressure forces). The viscosity factor on the solid-liquid interface is defined as: \[\label{eq:sph_dissipation_sl} {\zeta}^{sl}_i = {\zeta}^{sl}_0 f_{{\zeta}^{sl}}(T_i) \quad \text{with} \quad f_{{\zeta}^{sl}}(T_i) = \left\{\begin{array}{ll} 0, & \text{if} \,\, T_i > T_{max}\\ \frac{T_i-T_{max}}{T_m-T_{max}}, & \text{if} \,\, T_{max} \geq T_i \geq T_{m}\\ 1, & \text{if} \,\, T_i < T_{m}, \end{array}\right.\] where \(T_{m}\) is the melt temperature and \(T_{max}\) a temperature chosen slightly above the melt temperature. Thus, the viscous force [\[eq:sph_dissipation_sl\]](#eq:sph_dissipation_sl){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:sph_dissipation_sl"} only acts on particles with temperatures close to the melting point and thus effectively damps potential instabilities arising from the jump of material parameters and state variables of a particle when undergoing the phase change solid-liquid. Due to the no-slip condition already applied to the fluid velocity field at this interface, the influence of this additional viscous force on the global system behavior is small as long as \(T_{max}\) is chosen sufficiently close to \(T_{m}\). As demonstrated in , the action of the viscous force [\[eq:sph_dissipation\]](#eq:sph_dissipation){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:sph_dissipation"} can be associated with an equivalent physical viscous force with effective kinematic viscosity \(\nu_i = 0.5 {{\zeta}_i} \bar{h}_{ij} \bar{c}_{ij} / (d+2)\), where \(d=2,3\) is the spatial dimension. Thus, besides their stabilizing effect, the contributions [\[eq:sph_dissipation_lg\]](#eq:sph_dissipation_lg){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:sph_dissipation_lg"} and [\[eq:sph_dissipation_sl\]](#eq:sph_dissipation_sl){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:sph_dissipation_sl"} can also be interpreted from a physical point of view. For example, [\[eq:sph_dissipation_lg\]](#eq:sph_dissipation_lg){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:sph_dissipation_lg"} can be thought of as part of a non-conservative surface tension formulation with interface viscosity . In particular, [\[eq:sph_dissipation_sl\]](#eq:sph_dissipation_sl){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:sph_dissipation_sl"} can be interpreted as a physical model for the gradual phase transition of alloys between solidus and liquidus temperature such that the viscosity decreases with increasing temperature during melting.
## Energy equation {#subsec:nummeth_sph_energy}
The discrete version of the energy equation [\[eq:fluid_energy\]](#eq:fluid_energy){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:fluid_energy"} has the following general form: \[\label{eq:sph_energy} \dv{T_i}{t} = \frac{1}{c_{p,i} \rho_i} [-(\div \vectorbold{q})_i + \tilde{s}^{lg}_{v,i} + \tilde{s}^{lg}_{l,i}]\] For the discretization of the conductive term, we follow a formulation proposed by Cleary and Monaghan , which is especially suited for problems involving a jump of the thermal conductivity \(k\) across an interface: \[\label{eq:sph_divq} (\div \vectorbold{q})_i = \sum_{j} \frac{m_{j} 4k_ik_j (T_j-T_i)}{\rho_j (k_i+k_j) r_{ij}} \pdv{W}{r_{ij}}\] The discrete versions of the laser beam source term \(\tilde{s}^{lg}_{l,i}\) and the evaporation-induced heat loss term \(\tilde{s}^{lg}_{v,i}\) result directly from evaluating [\[eq:fluid_heatsource\]](#eq:fluid_heatsource){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:fluid_heatsource"} and [\[eq:fluid_evaporation\]](#eq:fluid_evaporation){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:fluid_evaporation"} for the discrete particle \(i\).
## Equation of state {#subsec:nummeth_sph_eos}
The discrete version of the equation of state results from evaluating [\[eq:fluid_eos\]](#eq:fluid_eos){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:fluid_eos"} for the discrete particle \(i\).
## Boundary conditions {#subsec:nummeth_sph_bdrycond}
#### Rigid wall boundary conditions
Following the approach of Adami et al. rigid wall boundary conditions are modeled using fixed boundary particles with quantities extrapolated from the fluid field based on a local force balance. The same approach is used to model the mechanical interaction between fluid particles and the solid phase. For more details the interested reader is referred to the aforementioned literature.
#### Periodic boundary conditions
Imposing a periodic boundary condition in a specific spatial direction allows for particle interaction evaluation across the lower and upper domain border. Moreover, particles leaving the domain on one side are re-injecting on the opposite side.
# Time integration scheme {#sec:nummeth_sph_timint}
The momentum equation [\[eq:sph_momentum\]](#eq:sph_momentum){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:sph_momentum"} is integrated in time applying an explicit velocity-Verlet time integration scheme in kick-drift-kick form, also denoted as leapfrog scheme, as proposed by Monaghan . In the absence of dissipative effects the velocity-Verlet scheme is of second order accuracy and reversible in time . In a first kick-step the particle accelerations \(\vectorbold{a}_{i}^{n} = \qty(\dv*{\vectorbold{u}_{i}}{t})^{n}\) determined in the previous time step \(n\) are used to compute intermediate particle velocities at \(n+1/2\) \[\vectorbold{u}_{i}^{n+1/2} = \vectorbold{u}_{i}^{n} + \frac{\Delta{}t}{2} \, \vectorbold{a}_{i}^{n} \,,\] where \(\Delta{}t\) is the time step size, before the particle positions at \(n+1\) are updated in a drift-step \[\vectorbold{r}_{i}^{n+1} = \vectorbold{r}_{i}^{n} + \Delta{}t\vectorbold{u}_{i}^{n+1/2} \,.\] With the particle positions \(\vectorbold{r}_{i}^{n+1}\) the densities \(\rho_{i}^{n+1}\) are determined on the basis of [\[eq:sph_densum\]](#eq:sph_densum){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:sph_densum"}. Based on the temperatures \({T}_{i}^{n}\) as well as the updated particle positions \(\vectorbold{r}_{i}^{n+1}\) and densities \(\rho_{i}^{n+1}\) the temperature rate \(\left(d T_i / d t\right)^{n+1}\) is calculated on the basis of [\[eq:sph_energy\]](#eq:sph_energy){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:sph_energy"} and the temperature is updated according to: \[{T}_{i}^{n+1} = {T}_{i}^{n} + \Delta{}t \left(\frac{d T_i}{d t}\right)^{n+1} \,.\] Using the updated particle temperatures \({T}_{i}^{n+1}\), positions \(\vectorbold{r}_{i}^{n+1}\) and densities \(\rho_{i}^{n+1}\) as well as the intermediate velocities \(\vectorbold{u}_{i}^{n+1/2}\) the accelerations \(\vectorbold{a}_{i}^{n+1}\) are calculated from [\[eq:sph_momentum\]](#eq:sph_momentum){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:sph_momentum"}. In a final kick-step the particle velocities at time step \(n+1\) are determined via \[\vectorbold{u}_{i}^{n+1} = \vectorbold{u}_{i}^{n+1/2} + \frac{\Delta{}t}{2} \, \vectorbold{a}_{i}^{n+1} \,.\] To maintain stability of the time integration scheme the time step size \(\Delta{}t\) is restricted by the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) condition, the viscous condition, the body force condition, the surface tension condition, and the conductivity-condition refer to for more details, \[\label{eq:sph_timestepcond} \Delta{}t \leq \min\qty{ 0.25\frac{h}{c+\qty|\vectorbold{u}_{max}|}, \quad 0.125\frac{h^{2}}{\nu}, \quad 0.25\sqrt{\frac{h}{\qty|\vectorbold{b}_{max}|}}, \quad 0.25\sqrt{\frac{\rho h^3}{2 \pi \alpha}}, \quad 0.125 \frac{\rho c_p h^2}{k} } \,,\] with kinematic viscosity \(\nu=\eta/\rho\), maximum fluid velocity \(\vectorbold{u}_{max}\) and maximum body force \(\vectorbold{b}_{max}\).\
# Comparison of different temperature gradient approximations {#sec:numex_tantempgrad}
In this section, the approximation quality of the different temperature gradient discretizations [\[eq:sph_tempgrad1\]](#eq:sph_tempgrad1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:sph_tempgrad1"}-[\[eq:sph_tempgrad3\]](#eq:sph_tempgrad3){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:sph_tempgrad3"} will be investigated. For this purpose the temperature field in the liquid and gas phase of a liquid drop resting on a solid substrate and surrounded by a gas atmosphere will be considered at a representative time step (see Figure [\[fig:example1_tempandcolorfield_a\]](#fig:example1_tempandcolorfield_a){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:example1_tempandcolorfield_a"}). A detailed description of the problem setup is given in Section [6.3.1](#sec:numex_heateddrop){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:numex_heateddrop"}, where the full thermo-hydrodynamic interaction within this problem is studied. In Figure [\[fig:example1_tempandcolorfield_b\]](#fig:example1_tempandcolorfield_b){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:example1_tempandcolorfield_b"}, the total color field \(\hat{c}_i:=\sum_{j} V_{j} W_{ij}\), which considers contributions from all possible types (i.e. gas, liquid and solid phase) of neighbor particles \(j\), is displayed for the considered droplet example. The fact that the color field is close to one throughout the entire domain suggests that all particles have full support and, thus, *two-sided* gradient approximations such as [\[eq:sph_tempgrad1\]](#eq:sph_tempgrad1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:sph_tempgrad1"}-[\[eq:sph_tempgrad3\]](#eq:sph_tempgrad3){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:sph_tempgrad3"} might be applicable in general. It is typically argued that *one-sided* SPH gradient approximations such as the corrective smoothed particle method (CSPM) by Chen et al. or the Corrected SPH (CSPH) scheme by Bonet and Lok , which allow for exact representation of first-order gradients even in boundary or interface regions with incomplete particle support, are required to accurately capture a kink in the temperature field resulting from the jump in the thermal conductivity \(k\) at fluid-gas interfaces . Therefore, the first-order consistent schemes *CSPM* as well as *CSPH* will be considered as reference solutions in this section and compared to the temperature gradient discretizations according to [\[eq:sph_tempgrad1\]](#eq:sph_tempgrad1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:sph_tempgrad1"} (variant *Standard*), [\[eq:sph_tempgrad2\]](#eq:sph_tempgrad2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:sph_tempgrad2"} (variant *Symmetric*) and [\[eq:sph_tempgrad3\]](#eq:sph_tempgrad3){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:sph_tempgrad3"} (variant *Asymmetric*). In Figure [\[fig:example1_tempgrad\]](#fig:example1_tempgrad){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:example1_tempgrad"}, the temperature gradients associated with the temperature field [\[fig:example1_tempandcolorfield_a\]](#fig:example1_tempandcolorfield_a){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:example1_tempandcolorfield_a"} are displayed for the variants *CSPM*, *Standard*, *Symmetric* and *Asymmetric* and compared to the variant *CSPH* (shaded). As expected, there is no visual difference of the two *one-sided* gradient approximations (variants *CSPM* and *CSPH* in Figure [\[fig:example1_tempgrad_a\]](#fig:example1_tempgrad_a){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:example1_tempgrad_a"}). Indeed, the results of these two formulations are identical up to machine precision. However, the non-smooth temperature field across the interface leads to deviations for the other three variants in this region (Figures [\[fig:example1_tempgrad_b\]](#fig:example1_tempgrad_b){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:example1_tempgrad_b"}- [\[fig:example1_tempgrad_d\]](#fig:example1_tempgrad_d){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:example1_tempgrad_d"}). While these visible deviations vanish in the interior of the drop for the variant *Asymmetric*, the variants *Standard* and *Symmetric* show large deviations also in this domain, which seems to contradict first intuition. However, this observation can be explained by the fact that the asymmetric formulation exactly filters out constant temperature contributions (exactly vanishing gradient for constant fields), while large constant temperature contributions lead to considerable discretization errors for the variants *Standard* and *Symmetric* due to the lack of zero-order consistency, i.e. \(\int_{\Omega} \nabla W\qty(\qty| \vectorbold{r}-\vectorbold{r}' |, h) \dd{\vectorbold{r}'} = 0\) but \(\sum_{j} V_{j} \pdv{W}{r_{ij}} \vectorbold{e}_{ij}\neq 0\). The avoidance of large constant contributions is also the reason why the reference pressure is typically set to zero in SPH formulations where the pressure gradient is approximated by the momentum-conserving variant *Symmetric* . When considering the tangential projection of the temperature gradient \(\nabla_T {T}_i\) as defined in [\[eq:sph_surfacetension2\]](#eq:sph_surfacetension2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:sph_surfacetension2"} and displayed in Figure [\[fig:example1_fig:example1_tempgradtan\]](#fig:example1_fig:example1_tempgradtan){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:example1_fig:example1_tempgradtan"}, the observations made above for the variants *CSPH*, *CSPM*, *Standard*, and *Symmetric* can be confirmed. Specifically the latter two variants are not suitable to represent the tangential temperature gradient. In contrast, the variant *Asymmetric* represents the tangential temperature gradient very well without visual difference to the variants *CSPH* and *CSPM*-except for a small deviation at the triple point, which can be expected due to the non-smooth interface line in this region. Therefore, the variant *Asymmetric* according to [\[eq:sph_tempgrad3\]](#eq:sph_tempgrad3){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:sph_tempgrad3"} will be employed-and favored over the computationally more involved *CSPH* and *CSPM* schemes-in all the remaining numerical examples in this work. In the remainder of this section, a brief analytical explanation will be given on why the *two-sided* gradient approximation [\[eq:sph_tempgrad3\]](#eq:sph_tempgrad3){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:sph_tempgrad3"} is capable of correctly representing the tangential gradient projection of a temperature field with a kink at the interface. Let's assume a particle \(i\) close to the liquid-gas interface with closest / orthogonal projection point \(c\) onto this interface. Furthermore, a coordinate system with axes \(\vectorbold{t}_1\) and \(\vectorbold{t}_2\) tangential to the interface and axis \(\vectorbold{n}\) normal to the interface is defined in point \(c\). The position of a material particle expressed in this system shall be denoted as \(\tilde{\vectorbold{x}}\), and a quantity evaluated at position \(c\) shall be marked by a subscript \((...)_c\). Moreover, subscripts \((...)_n\) and \((...)_t\) represent projections of vectors in interface normal and tangential direction. The first-order Taylor series expansion of the temperature field in the neighborhood of point \(c\) is given as: \[\label{eq:examp1_tempfield} T(\tilde{\vectorbold{x}}) \approx T_c + \grad{T}_c \cdot \tilde{\vectorbold{x}} = T_c + \boldsymbol{\nabla}_t T_c \cdot \tilde{\vectorbold{x}}_t + \boldsymbol{\nabla}_n T_c \cdot \tilde{\vectorbold{x}}_n \quad \text{with} \quad \boldsymbol{\nabla}_n T_c = \left\{\begin{array}{ll} \boldsymbol{\nabla}_n T_c^+, & \text{if} \,\, \tilde{\vectorbold{x}}_n \cdot \vectorbold{n} > 0\\ \boldsymbol{\nabla}_n T_c^-, & \text{else}. \end{array}\right.\] Note that [\[eq:examp1_tempfield\]](#eq:examp1_tempfield){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:examp1_tempfield"} accounts for a jump of the temperature gradient in normal direction as typical for liquid-gas interfaces. According to [\[sph_general_gradient\]](#sph_general_gradient){reference-type="eqref" reference="sph_general_gradient"} the projection of the temperature gradient in the tangential directions \(\vectorbold{t}_k\) reads: \[\label{eq:examp1_gradient1} \vectorbold{t}_k \cdot \grad{T}\qty(\vectorbold{r}_i) \approx \vectorbold{t}_k \cdot \int_{\Omega_i} [T_c + \boldsymbol{\nabla}_t T_c \cdot \tilde{\vectorbold{x}}_t + \boldsymbol{\nabla}_n T_c \cdot \tilde{\vectorbold{x}}_n] \, \grad{W} \dd{\tilde{\vectorbold{x}}} \quad \text{for} \quad k=1,2.\] In the following, only the third of the three summands will be considered. For simplicity, the integral is reformulated in spherical coordinates \((r,\alpha, \beta)\) using \(\tilde{\vectorbold{x}}= r \vectorbold{e}\) with \(\vectorbold{e}=\sin \beta \cos \alpha \vectorbold{t}_1 + \sin \beta \sin \alpha \vectorbold{t}_2 + \cos \beta \vectorbold{n}\): \[\label{eq:examp1_gradient2} \begin{split} & \vectorbold{t}_k \cdot \int_{\Omega_i} \boldsymbol{\nabla}_n T_c \cdot \tilde{\vectorbold{x}}_n \, \grad{W} \dd{\tilde{\vectorbold{x}}} \\ = & \boldsymbol{\nabla}_n T_c \cdot \int_{r=0}^{r_c} \int_{\beta=0}^{\pi} \int_{\alpha=0}^{2\pi} \underbrace{r \cos \beta \vectorbold{n}}_{\tilde{\vectorbold{x}}_n} \underbrace{\pdv*{W}{r} \vectorbold{e}}_{\grad{W}} \cdot \vectorbold{t}_k \underbrace{r^2 \sin \beta \dd{\alpha} \dd{\beta} \dd{r}}_{\dd{\tilde{\vectorbold{x}}}} \\ = & \boldsymbol{\nabla}_n T_c \! \cdot \! \vectorbold{n} \int_{r=0}^{r_c} r^3 \pdv*{W}{r} \int_{\beta=0}^{\pi} \cos \beta \sin^2 \beta \underbrace{\int_{\alpha=0}^{2\pi} [\cos \alpha \vectorbold{t}_1 \! \cdot \! \vectorbold{t}_k + \sin \alpha \vectorbold{t}_2 \! \cdot \! \vectorbold{t}_k] \dd{\alpha}}_{=0} \dd{\beta} \dd{r} = 0. \end{split}\] From the second to the third line in [\[eq:examp1_gradient2\]](#eq:examp1_gradient2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:examp1_gradient2"} use have been made of the spherical symmetry of the kernel \(W\), i.e. \(\pdv*{W}{r}\) is independent of \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\). It is emphasized that only for spherically symmetric kernels the tangential projection of the SPH discretization of a gradient contains only information of the tangential component of the space-continuous gradient, i.e. it is independent of the evolution of the underlying field in normal direction and the third summand in [\[eq:examp1_gradient1\]](#eq:examp1_gradient1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:examp1_gradient1"} vanishes. Thus, it can be concluded that standard (two-sided) gradient discretization approaches can be applied since the gradient jump in normal direction does not enter the SPH formulation for the tangential gradient discretization. While this derivation has been made for the *standard* temperature gradient approximation [\[eq:sph_tempgrad1\]](#eq:sph_tempgrad1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:sph_tempgrad1"}, the results are equally valid for the *symmetric* [\[eq:sph_tempgrad2\]](#eq:sph_tempgrad2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:sph_tempgrad2"} and *asymmetric* [\[eq:sph_tempgrad3\]](#eq:sph_tempgrad3){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:sph_tempgrad3"} gradient approximation since the main difference is a constant temperature value \(T_i\) added to or subtracted from the standard gradient approximation.
# Numerical examples {#sec:numex}
## Liquid droplet in surrounding fluid {#sec:numex_migratingbubble}
To verify the proposed formulation for temperature-dependent surface tension, cf. Section [3.4.2](#subsec:nummeth_sph_surface tension){reference-type="ref" reference="subsec:nummeth_sph_surface tension"}, the migration of a liquid droplet as proposed by Ma and Bothe is considered. While a finite volume scheme is employed in , the same problem has been studied by Tong and Browne using an incompressible SPH formulation. The problem consists of a circular droplet (radius \(a = 1.44\)) of fluid 1 (density \(\rho^1=0.25\), dynamic viscosity \(\mu^1 = 12.0\), thermal conductivity \(k^1=1.2 \times 10^{3}\), heat capacity \(c_p^{1} = 50.0\)) that is initially resting at the center of a quadratic domain (side length \(4a\)) filled with fluid 2 (\(\rho^2=2\rho^1\), \(\mu^2 = 2 \mu^1\), \(k^2=2 k^1\), \(c_p^{2} = 2 c^{1}\)). The temperature-dependent surface tension is defined via \(\alpha_0=1.0 \cdot 10^{4}\), \(\alpha'_0=2.0 \cdot 10^{3}\) and \(T_{\alpha_0}=290\). All properties are given in the units \(mm\), \(mg\), \(s\), and \(K\). On the left and right side of the quadratic domain periodic boundary conditions are applied. At the top and bottom of the quadratic domain no-slip boundary conditions for the fluid field as well as prescribed temperatures \(\hat{T}^{1}\) (bottom) and \(\hat{T}^{2}\) (top) are applied via three layers of boundary particles according to . The 2D domain is discretized by a total of 4096 particles (812 particles for fluid 1, 3284 particle for fluid 2) resulting in an initial particle spacing of \(\Delta x = 0.09\). Initially, the particles are at rest, i.e. \(\boldsymbol{u}_0^1=\boldsymbol{u}_0^2=\boldsymbol{0}\). Like in the original works, the surface tension acts with its full magnitude during the entire simulation time, i.e. no initial ramp function is used. Moreover, the initial temperature profile \(T_0\) is chosen as linear interpolation between \(\hat{T}^{1}\) and \(\hat{T}^{2}\) leading to an initial gradient of \(||\grad{T_0}||=(\hat{T}_{2}-\hat{T}_{1})/(4a)\).
### Static equilibrium of droplet
As a first test case the pressure jump across the interface of the bubble in a static equilibrium configuration shall be investigated. Thereto the temperatures at the bottom and top wall are prescribed to \(\hat{T}_{1}=\hat{T}_{2}=290\). The weakly compressible approach is realized with bulk moduli \(K^{1} = 78.125 \cdot 10^{3}\) and \(K_{2} = 156.25 \cdot 10^{3}\) (artificial speed of sound \(c^1=c^2 \approx 562.5\)). The time step size has been chosen to \(\Delta t = 4.0 \cdot 10^{-5}\). The analytical solution for this problem setup is a constant temperature field at \(T=290\) with the circular droplet of radius \(a\) resting at the center of the quadratic domain. While the Marangoni forces vanish for this test case, due to the constant surface tension contribution of \(\alpha=\alpha_0=1.0 \cdot 10^{4}\) a pressure jump of \(\Delta p = \frac{\alpha_0}{a} \approx 6944\) is expected at the interface of the circular droplet. In Figure [\[fig:label_subfig_1\]](#fig:label_subfig_1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:label_subfig_1"} the pressure jump \(\Delta p := p-p_{\infty}\), with \(p_{\infty}\) representing the pressure in fluid 2 at sufficient distance from the droplet interface, is displayed over the distance \(r\) from the droplet center for a horizontal (black) as well as a diagonal (45 degrees) section (blue) through the droplet center. Besides slight oscillations at the inner and outer fringe of the interface region, the numerical results show very good agreement with the analytical prediction of the maximal pressure jump at the droplet center given by \(\Delta p \approx 6944\).
### Thermo-capillary migration of droplet
As a second test case the thermo-capillary migration of the droplet will be considered. Thereto the temperatures at the bottom and top wall are prescribed to \(\hat{T}_{1}=290\) and \(\hat{T}_{2}=T_{1} + 4 a \qty|\nabla T| = 291.152\) such that the stationary initial temperature field is characterized by a constant gradient \(||\grad{T_0}|| = 0.2\). For the simulation of this problem the bulk moduli \(K^{1} = 5.0 \cdot 10^{6}\) and \(K^{2} = 1.0 \cdot 10^{7}\) (artificial speed of sound \(c^1=c^2 \approx 4472.1\)) as well as a time step size of \(\Delta t = 4.0 \cdot 10^{-5}\) have been chosen. In this test case, temperature-dependent surface tension in combination with the prescribed temperature gradient results in shear stresses (second term in [\[eq:fluid_surfacetension\]](#eq:fluid_surfacetension){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:fluid_surfacetension"}) and consequently a shear flow (Marangoni convection) at the droplet interface (see Figure [\[fig:example_migrating_droplet\]](#fig:example_migrating_droplet){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:example_migrating_droplet"}). On the one hand, this shear flow induces an upwards migration of the droplet. On the other hand, the shear flow induced in the surrounding fluid 2 redistributes the initially linear temperature profile. In terms of dimensionless numbers the considered choice of parameters leads to a Reynolds number of \(Re = \frac{\rho a U_{r}}{\mu} = 0.72\), a Marangoni number of \(Ma = \frac{\rho c_{p} a U_{r}}{\lambda} = 0.72\) and a capillary number of \(Ca = \frac{\mu U_{r}}{\sigma_{0}} = 0.0576\), where the characteristic velocity \(U_{r} = \sigma_{t} \qty|\nabla T| \frac{a}{\mu} = 24\) has been employed. In Figure [\[fig:label_subfig_2\]](#fig:label_subfig_2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:label_subfig_2"} the dimensionless velocity \(U/U_{r}\), with \(U\) calculated via numerical differentiation of the droplet centroid position with respect to time, is plotted over the dimensionless time \(t/t_{r}\) with \(t_{r}= \frac{a}{U_{r}} = 0.06\). The resulting velocity evolution shows good agreement with the reference solution . The slight fluctuations in the steady state regime can be traced back to the employed weakly compressible formulation, while the reference solution in has been calculated on the basis of an incompressible formulation.
## Oscillation of liquid dropled surrounded by gas atmosphere {#sec:numex_droplet_oscillation}
This example aims to investigate the influences of the viscous interface force introduced in Section [3.4.5](#subsec:nummeth_sph_dissipation){reference-type="ref" reference="subsec:nummeth_sph_dissipation"} as well as of approximated material properties of the gas phase on the solution accuracy of surface tension-dominated problems with parameter values as typical for metal AM. For this purpose the well-known example of surface tension-driven oscillations of a liquid droplet in gas atmosphere is considered . The droplet is initially resting at the center of a quadratic gas domain with side length \(400 \mu m\) and has an elliptic initial shape (larger semiaxis \(a=3/2R\), smaller semiaxis \(b=2/3R\), where \(R=100 \mu m\) is the droplet radius in the static equilibrium configuration; see Figure [\[fig:example2b_tempandcolorfield_a\]](#fig:example2b_tempandcolorfield_a){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:example2b_tempandcolorfield_a"}). The reference pressure of the weakly compressible model is set to \(p_0=1.0 \cdot 10^7 N m^{-2}\) and the background pressure of the transport velocity formulation to \(p_b=5p_0\) for both phases. Moreover, a time step size of \(\Delta t = 10^{-6} ms\) and an initial particle spacing of \(\Delta x = 5/3 \mu m\) is applied. Again, the temperature field is kept constant such that Marangoni forces vanish. The material properties of the liquid phase inside the droplet are identical to the ones used for the subsequent melt pool simulations and are given in Table [1](#tab:material_params){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:material_params"}. Moreover, different material properties of the gas phase will be investigated in the following. As reference parameter set the gas phase is modeled such that the density and dynamic viscosity are by a factor of \(1000\) smaller as compared to the values of the liquid phase. Driven by the surface tension forces the droplet executes oscillations with period T. Figure [\[fig:example2b_tempandcolorfield\]](#fig:example2b_tempandcolorfield){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:example2b_tempandcolorfield"} illustrates the droplet shapes resulting from the reference parameter set at times \(t=0\), \(t=T/2\) and \(t=T\). For the case of small amplitude oscillations there is an analytical solution for the resulting oscillation period given by \(T_a=2\pi \sqrt{R^3 \rho_0^l / (6 \alpha)}\), where \(\rho_0^l\) the initial density of the liquid phase. For the given set of parameters the analytical solution for the oscillation period takes on a value of \(T_a=0165ms\). For the numerical solution based on the reference parameter set as illustrated in Figure [\[fig:example2b_tempandcolorfield\]](#fig:example2b_tempandcolorfield){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:example2b_tempandcolorfield"} an oscillation period of \(T_{ref}=0.179ms\) can be determined. The deviation can be explained by the fact that in the present problem setup, which is considered more representative for melt pool hydrodynamics, *large* amplitude oscillations occur and the damping of the oscillation amplitude resulting from the viscosity of the liquid metal is not negligible in this scenario. Specifically, after one oscillation (i.e. at \(t=T\)) the initial droplet length \(l(t=0)=300 \mu m\) has already decreased to \(l(t=T)=280 \mu m\). To increase the computational efficiency (in terms of larger critical time step sizes) and robustness of the numerical formulation the density and dynamic viscosity of the gas phase shall be increased. This procedure is considered reasonable since the focus of this work lies on the thermo-hydrodynamics in the melt phase while an exact representation of detailed flow patterns in the gas phase is not of primary interest. When decreasing the density ratio between liquid and gas phase to \(100\) and the dynamic viscosity ratio to \(10\) the droplet length after one oscillation is \(l(t=T)=274 \mu m\), representing a relative error of \(\approx 2 \%\) with respect to the reference parameter set (density and dynamic viscosity ratio of \(1000\)). Since an error of \(\approx 2 \%\) seems reasonable for the intended melt pool simulations, this parameter set (\(\rho_0^l/\rho_0^g=100\), \(\eta^l/\eta^g=10\)) is taken as default value for the subsequent melt pool simulations. Finally, the influence of the viscous interface forces (Section [3.4.5](#subsec:nummeth_sph_dissipation){reference-type="ref" reference="subsec:nummeth_sph_dissipation"}), which should stabilize the numerical scheme without significantly changing the physical system behavior, will be investigated. For the discretization resolutions and recoil pressure magnitudes considered in the subsequent numerical examples values of the viscosity constant in the range of \({\zeta}_0^{lg} \sim 10^{-4}\) turned out to effectively stabilize the scheme. Considering the default parameter set (\(\rho_0^l/\rho_0^g=100\), \(\eta^l/\eta^g=10\)) and adding additional viscous interface forces with \({\zeta}_0^{lg}=2.5 \cdot 10^{-4}\) and \({\zeta}_0^{lg}=1.0 \cdot 10^{-4}\) results in relative errors of \(\approx 6 \%\) and \(\approx 2 \%\) in the droplet length \(l(T)\) with respect to the solution resulting from the default parameter set (\(\rho_0^l/\rho_0^g=100\), \(\eta^l/\eta^g=10\)) with \({\zeta}_0^{lg}=0\). Again, this accuracy is considered reasonable for the intended melt pool simulations.
## Representative test cases for metal additive manufacturing applications {#sec:numex_am}
The remaining test cases are designed to verify the proposed formulation with respect to specific effects, conditions and material properties as typical for metal additive manufacturing processes. As representative material properties values close to the parameters for stainless steel at the melting point (\(T_m=1700K\)) according to and are considered. Table [1](#tab:material_params){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:material_params"} represents the corresponding material parameters considered for the liquid metal phase, i.e. for the melt phase. While the solid phase is modeled as rigid and immobile in this work, the thermal problem in the solid phase is solved in the same manner as for the liquid metal phase employing the same thermal material parameters.
Note that the enthalpy reference temperature \(T_{h,0}\) has been chosen such that the specific enthalpy at the melting point yields \(h(T=T_m)=1 \cdot 10^6 J \, kg^{-1}\) according to [\[eq:fluid_evaporation\]](#eq:fluid_evaporation){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:fluid_evaporation"}. In order to increase the effect of recoil pressure and to make the numerical examples more challenging with respect to the robustness of the proposed formulation, the constants \(C_P\) and \(C_T\) of the recoil pressure model as well as the laser powers employed in Sections [6.3.3](#sec:numex_2Dmelt_rec){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:numex_2Dmelt_rec"} and [6.3.4](#sec:numex_3Dmelt){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:numex_3Dmelt"} have been adapted compared to typical values for SLM processes. Thus, the following examples are intended to demonstrate the robustness of the proposed SPH formulation and its general suitability for challenging application scenarios in metal AM, but not to represent the system behavior of a specific AM experiment with given process and material parameters. In our continued research work additional modeling aspects such as temperature-dependent material parameters or laser beam absorption via ray tracing, capturing e.g. multiple reflection and shading effects, will be incorporated. While these aspects are crucial to resemble detailed characteristics of experimental measurements, they are expected to not significantly influence the general accuracy and robustness of the numerical formulation, which is in the focus of the present study. For reasons of numerical efficiency, the gas phase is approximated by an reduced density and dynamic viscosity ratio of \(\rho_0^l/\rho_0^g=100\) and \(\eta^l/\eta^g=10\) as analyzed in the last section. As thermal properties \(c_p=10 J \, kg^{-1} \, K^{-1}\), \(k=0.026 W\, m^{-1} \, K^{-1}\) and \(\chi_l=0\) are chosen for the gas phase. Unless stated otherwise, the following standard discretization and regularization strategy is applied: The reference pressure of the weakly compressible model is set to \(p_0=1.0 \cdot 10^7 N m^{-2}\) and the background pressure of the transport velocity formulation to \(p_b=5p_0\) for both phases. Moreover, a standard time step size of \(\Delta t = 10^{-6} ms\) and an initial particle spacing of \(\Delta x = 5/3 \mu m\) is typically applied. Finally, the considered computational domains are surrounded by three layers of boundary particles with prescribed temperature \(\hat{T}\) as well as free-slip boundary conditions for the fluid field.
### Laser heating of melt drop on solid substrate {#sec:numex_heateddrop}
In this example, the effects already considered in Section [6.1](#sec:numex_migratingbubble){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:numex_migratingbubble"} shall be extended by wetting forces and a laser beam heat source. Thereto, a rectangular domain with dimensions \(x \in [-100;100], \, y \in [-40;40]\) (all length dimensions given in \(\mu m\)) is considered. The sub-domain \(x \in [-50;50], \, y \in [-40;-10]\) is initially covered with liquid melt, representing a droplet of initially rectangular shape, the remaining domain with gas. The overall domain is surrounded by three layers of boundary particles. In this example, the initial as well as the wall temperature (Dirichlet boundary conditions) have been chosen to \(T_0=\hat{T}=1700K\). Note that this choice for the temperature initial and boundary conditions ensures that the melt drop remains liquid at all times and no phase change problem has to be considered in this example. The surface tension coefficient \(\alpha_0\) is linearly increased from zero to \(1.8 N \, m^{\!-1}\) in the time interval \(t \in [0;0.05]\) (all time units in \(ms\)) and then kept constant throughout the rest of the simulation. Moreover, a static wetting angle of \(\theta_0=60^o\) is considered. In the time interval \(t \in [0;0.3]\), the laser heat source is set to zero such that the system can reach a static equilibrium configuration under the action of surface tension and wetting forces (see Figure [\[fig:example3_1\]](#fig:example3_1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:example3_1"}). In order to enable a fast transition into the equilibrium state, the dynamic viscosity of the melt phase is increased by a factor of ten compared to its standard value (only) in this first time interval \(t \in [0;0.3]\). In the remaining simulation time \(t \in [0.3;0.6]\), the surface tension, the dynamic viscosity as well as all the other material parameters are kept constant at their standard values according to Table [1](#tab:material_params){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:material_params"}. Additionally, the laser beam heat source is (instantaneously) switched on at \(t=0.3\). The laser beam points into negative \(y-\)direction and its center is located at \(x=0\). The irradiance is set to \(s^{lg}_{l0} \approx 5.94 \cdot 10^{-3} W \, \mu m^{-2}\) (\(s^{lg}_{l0}/\rho_0 = 8 \cdot 10^5 W \, m \, kg^{-1}\)) and the characteristic radius to \(r_w=40 \mu m\). The reference pressure of the weakly compressible model is set to \(p_0= 1.0 \cdot 10^7 N m^{-2}\) for the melt and to \(p_0=1.0 \cdot 10^6 N m^{-2}\) for the gas phase. The background pressure of the transport velocity formulation is set to \(p_b=p_0\) for both phases. Moreover, a time step size of \(\Delta t = 5.0 \cdot 10^{-7} ms\) and an initial particle spacing of \(\Delta x = 5/12 \mu m\) is applied.\
The analytical solution for the shape of the melt domain at the equilibrium state \(t=0.3 ms\) is given by a circular segment as illustrated in Figure [\[fig:example3_1\]](#fig:example3_1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:example3_1"} in grey color. The numerical solution to this problem is characterized by a highly regular particle distribution and interface normal vector field, which represent the analytical solution with high accuracy (see also Figure [\[fig:example3_1\]](#fig:example3_1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:example3_1"}). Figures [\[fig:example3_2\]](#fig:example3_2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:example3_2"}-[\[fig:example3_4\]](#fig:example3_4){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:example3_4"} represent the steady state solutions resulting from the laser heating at \(t \approx 0.6 ms\) for different choices of the surface tension gradient coefficient \(\alpha'_0\) according to [\[eq:fluid_surfacetension_tempdepend\]](#eq:fluid_surfacetension_tempdepend){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:fluid_surfacetension_tempdepend"}. For simplicity, the ratio \(\alpha'_0 / \rho_0\) has been prescribed in the simulations, where the four different variants \(\alpha'_0 / \rho_0 = \{0.0, 2.0 \cdot 10^{-8}, 5.0 \cdot 10^{-8}, 10.0 \cdot 10^{-8}\}\) in \([(N \, m^{-1} \, K^{-1})/(kg \, m^{-3})]\) (corresponding to \(\alpha'_0 = \{0.0, 1.486 \cdot 10^{-4}, 3.715 \cdot 10^{-4}, 7.43 \cdot 10^{-4}\}\) in \([N \, m^{-1} \, K^{-1}]\)) have been analyzed. It can be observed that an increasing surface tension gradient coefficient (from Figure [\[fig:example3_2\]](#fig:example3_2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:example3_2"} to [\[fig:example3_4\]](#fig:example3_4){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:example3_4"}) leads to increased Marangoni convection characterized by higher velocity magnitudes and flatter droplet shapes. The combination of very flat droplet shapes and the static wetting angle constraint at the triple points even induces local regions with concave interface curvature for the highest surface tension gradient coefficient \(\alpha'_0\) under consideration (Figure [\[fig:example3_4\]](#fig:example3_4){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:example3_4"}). Besides the flatter droplet shape a higher Marangoni convection also results in a more homogeneous temperature distributions with lower peak temperature values. Both effects, i.e. flat droplets with homogeneous temperature distribution, can be considered as beneficial for typical additive manufacturing processes since problems related to non-smooth surface patterns (e.g. the balling effect due to surface tension-driven Plateau-Rayleigh instabilities ) and overheating (e.g. excessive evaporation and keyhole instabilities ) are expected to be less pronounced.
### 2D laser melting with wetting and Marangoni forces {#sec:numex_2Dmelt_wetmar}
In a next step, the system considered in the last example is extended by the phase change problem. Thereto, the problem setup will be changed such that a solid domain exists initially instead of a melt phase domain. Specifically, a rectangular domain with dimensions \(x \in [-100;100], \, y \in [-60;60]\) (all length dimensions given in \(\mu m\)) is considered. The lower half of the domain, i.e. \(x \in [-100;100], \, y \in [-60; 0]\) is initially covered with a solid phase, the remaining domain with gas. The overall domain is surrounded by three layers of boundary particles. The initial as well as the wall temperature (Dirichlet boundary conditions) have been chosen to \(T_0=\hat{T}=500K\). In the time interval \(t \in [0;0.5]\) (all time units given in \(ms\)), a laser heat source (\(s^{lg}_{l0} \approx 7.43 \cdot 10^{9} W \, m^{-2}\), i.e. \(s^{lg}_{l0}/\rho_0 = 1.0 \cdot 10^6 W \, m \, kg^{-1}\); \(r_w=60 \mu m\); located at \(x_0=0\); pointing in negative \(y-direction\)) is acting onto the surface of the melt and solid material. In the time interval \(t \in [0.5;1.0]\) the laser beam is switched off to study the subsequent solidification problem. Since melting is relevant in this test case, an additional viscous force contribution at the solid-liquid interface according to [\[eq:sph_dissipation_sl\]](#eq:sph_dissipation_sl){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:sph_dissipation_sl"} with the dimensionless viscosity parameter \({\zeta}^{sl}_0=10\) as well as \(T_{max}=3500K\) applied. Note that for this specific example an untypically high value of \(T_{max}\) has been chosen to increase the overall viscosity within a large portion of the melt pool, which in turn yields a laminar flow and a smooth velocity profile. This parameter setting has proven beneficial to analyze and isolate the influence of the static wetting angle and of the surface tension gradient coefficient on the resulting flow patterns. All remaining material parameters are chosen according to Table [1](#tab:material_params){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:material_params"}. The reference pressure of the weakly compressible model is set to \(p_0=1.0 \cdot 10^7 N m^{-2}\) for the melt and to \(p_0=1.0 \cdot 10^6 N m^{-2}\) for the gas phase. The background pressure of the transport velocity formulation is set to \(p_b=p_0\) for both phases. Moreover, a time step size of \(\Delta t = 2.5 \cdot 10^{-6} ms\) and an initial particle spacing of \(\Delta x = 5/6 \mu m\) is applied. In Figure [\[fig:example4_0\]](#fig:example4_0){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:example4_0"}, the melting and solidification process is displayed at different time instances and for different values of the surface tension gradient coefficient \(\alpha'_0\) dictating the strength of the Marangoni convection. As already observed in the last example, the Marangoni convection fosters material transport from the melt pool center (high temperatures) to the edge of the melt pool (lower temperatures) leading to a depression at the melt pool center. Moreover, Marangoni convection (from first to fourth row of Figure [\[fig:example4_0\]](#fig:example4_0){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:example4_0"}) is an effective means of heat transfer and reduces temperature gradients with increasing surface tension gradient coefficient \(\alpha'_0\). During the solidification process (third and fourth column of Figure [\[fig:example4_0\]](#fig:example4_0){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:example4_0"}) the triple point solid-liquid-gas moves with the solidification front towards the center of the melt pool. The wetting forces, tending to enforce the static wetting angle at the current triple point position, induce an upward warping of the liquid-gas interface while the triple point moves towards the melt pool center. As expected, the resulting peak at the center of the solidified melt pool is less pronounced for the higher values of \(\alpha'_0\), since the initial depression of the liquid melt pool due to the Marangoni convection (partly) compensates this warping effect.\
Similarly, in Figure [\[fig:example4_1\]](#fig:example4_1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:example4_1"}, the melting and solidification process is displayed at different time instances and for different values of the static wetting angle \(\theta_0\). When comparing the different rows in the first and second column of Figure [\[fig:example4_1\]](#fig:example4_1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:example4_1"}, only minor differences can be observed in the resulting melt pool shapes. This observation can be explained by the fact that in all considered cases the triple point lies on (or is very close to) a sharp edge of the solid domain for which no unique normal vector \(\vectorbold{n}^{sf}\) can be defined. On the other hand, during the solidification of the melt pool the same warping effect of the liquid-gas interface as in Figure [\[fig:example4_0\]](#fig:example4_0){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:example4_0"} can be observed. As expected the dimension of the resulting peak at the center of the solidified melt pool increases with increasing values of the static wetting angle \(\theta_0\).\
Eventually, in Figure [\[fig:example4_2\]](#fig:example4_2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:example4_2"} also the resulting velocity profiles at \(t=0.5ms\) are illustrated for the three different values of the surface tension gradient coefficient \(\alpha'_0\) as considered above. The resulting velocity profiles are similar to the ones already observed in Section [6.3.1](#sec:numex_heateddrop){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:numex_heateddrop"} with increasing velocity magnitudes for increasing values of the surface tension gradient coefficient \(\alpha'_0\). While the accuracy of the wetting as well as normal and tangential surface tension force contributions has already been verified individually in Sections [6.1](#sec:numex_migratingbubble){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:numex_migratingbubble"} and [6.2](#sec:numex_droplet_oscillation){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:numex_droplet_oscillation"} (and Figure [\[fig:example3_1\]](#fig:example3_1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:example3_1"} of the last section), the remaining examples in this and the last section mainly demonstrate the robustness of the numerical scheme when all these interface forces occur simultaneously. Specifically, the example of this section considers melting and solidification, i.e. a dynamic change of the size/shape of the liquid domain, as additional complexity. While the observed influence of wetting and Marangoni effects on the melt pool shape and dynamics is plausible (see discussion above), a comparison with experimentally observed behavior will be considered in our ongoing research work as additional means of validation.
### 2D laser melting with recoil pressure {#sec:numex_2Dmelt_rec}
The effects studied in Section [6.3.2](#sec:numex_2Dmelt_wetmar){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:numex_2Dmelt_wetmar"} will now be extended by evaporation-induced recoil pressure forces according to [\[eq:fluid_recoil\]](#eq:fluid_recoil){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:fluid_recoil"}. In order to study deep keyhole dynamics in the range of high recoil pressure magnitudes, a larger domain with dimensions \(x \in [-200;200], \, y \in [-200;200]\) (length dimensions given in \(\mu m\)) is considered. The lower region with \(x \in [-200;200], \, y \in [-200; 40]\) is initially covered with a solid phase, the remaining domain with gas. The overall domain is surrounded by three layers of boundary particles. The initial as well as the wall temperature (Dirichlet boundary conditions) have been chosen to \(T_0=\hat{T}=500K\). A laser heat source (\(s^{lg}_{l0} \approx 16.0 W \, \mu m^{-2}\); \(r_w=30 \mu m\); located at \(x_0=0\); pointing in negative \(y-\)direction) is acting onto the surface of the melt and solid material. Again, an additional viscous force contribution at the solid-liquid interface according to [\[eq:sph_dissipation_sl\]](#eq:sph_dissipation_sl){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:sph_dissipation_sl"} with the dimensionless viscosity parameter \({\zeta}^{sl}_0=5\) as well as \(T_{max}=2000K\) is applied. Moreover, to reduce numerical instabilities at the liquid-gas interface due to the high recoil pressure forces acting in this example, at this interface an additional viscous force according to [\[eq:sph_dissipation_lg\]](#eq:sph_dissipation_lg){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:sph_dissipation_lg"} with \({\zeta}^{lg}_0=2.5 \cdot 10^{-4}\) is applied. To isolate the effect of surface tension-recoil pressure interaction, no wetting and Marangoni forces are considered. All remaining material parameters are chosen according to Table [1](#tab:material_params){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:material_params"}. The reference pressure of the weakly compressible model is set to \(p_0=1.0 \cdot 10^7 N m^{-2}\) for the melt and gas phase. The background pressure of the transport velocity formulation is set to \(p_b=5p_0\) for both phases. Moreover, a time step size of \(\Delta t = 1.0 \cdot 10^{-6} ms\) and an initial particle spacing of \(\Delta x = 5/3 \mu m\) is applied. The problem setup described by these parameters is denoted as *variant 1* in the following. In order to study the influence of the evaporative mass loss [\[eq:fluid_evaporation\]](#eq:fluid_evaporation){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:fluid_evaporation"} a second variant (*variant 2*) of this problem is considered where this term is neglected (while the recoil pressure is still considered). In order to end up with comparable thermal characteristics the laser irradiance has been decreased to a value of \(s^{lg}_{l0} \approx 0.08 W \, \mu m^{-2}\) for *variant 2*, which turned out to result in comparable peak temperatures in the melt pool center. Due to the higher interface dynamics in *variant 2* the viscosity factor in [\[eq:sph_dissipation_lg\]](#eq:sph_dissipation_lg){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:sph_dissipation_lg"} is increased to \({\zeta}^{lg}_0=1.0 \cdot 10^{-3}\). Moreover, for *variant 2* a smaller domain with dimensions \(x \in [-200;200], \, y \in [-150; 150]\) is considered.\
To study the influence of the viscous interface force, simulations with and without this additional stabilization term shall be compared. In Figure [\[fig:example5_0a\]](#fig:example5_0a){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:example5_0a"} the resulting melt pool shape at \(t=0.072ms\) is displayed for these two cases and problem *variant 1*. Without interface stabilization term (Figure [\[fig:example5_0a2\]](#fig:example5_0a2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:example5_0a2"}) the spurious interface flows lead to a non-smooth, strongly distorted interface topology fostering nonphysical interface dynamics and eventually instability of the numerical scheme. In contrast, the additional interface stabilization term (Figure [\[fig:example5_0a1\]](#fig:example5_0a1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:example5_0a1"}) results in a smooth and physically reasonable interface topology by damping out the spurious interface flows and thus effectively stabilizing the numerical scheme. The high recoil pressure forces form a deep depression at the center of the melt pool, typically denoted as keyhole. Note that the configuration displayed in Figure [\[fig:example5_0a1\]](#fig:example5_0a1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:example5_0a1"} is no stationary configuration of the melt pool but rather characterized by high-frequency fluctuations of the liquid-gas interface especially at the bottom of the keyhole. Qualitatively, Figure [\[fig:example5_0a1\]](#fig:example5_0a1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:example5_0a1"} shows good agreement with representative experimental results (see Figure [\[fig:example5_0a0\]](#fig:example5_0a0){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:example5_0a0"}, taken from ; note that the specific process parameters from experiment and simulation don't match.)\
In Figure [\[fig:example5_0b\]](#fig:example5_0b){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:example5_0b"} the melt pool shape resulting from simulations with and without additional stabilization term is displayed for problem *variant 2* at \(t=0.0255ms\). The neglect of evaporative heat losses in problem *variant 2* leads to stronger recoil pressure dynamics and, consequently, the spurious interface flows are even more pronounced. The result is a strongly distorted interface topology and velocity field as illustrated in Figures [\[fig:example5_0b2\]](#fig:example5_0b2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:example5_0b2"} and [\[fig:example5_0b4\]](#fig:example5_0b4){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:example5_0b4"}. Again, the additional interface stabilization term results in a smooth and physically reasonable interface topology and velocity field as shown in Figures [\[fig:example5_0b1\]](#fig:example5_0b1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:example5_0b1"} and [\[fig:example5_0b3\]](#fig:example5_0b3){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:example5_0b3"}. Eventually, the melt pool thermo-hydrodynamics resulting from the two considered problem variants shall be studied for longer physical time spans. Figure [\[fig:example5_2\]](#fig:example5_2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:example5_2"} displays the system behavior of *variant 1*. Accordingly, the interaction of surface tension and recoil pressure forces leads to oscillations of the liquid-gas interface with maximal amplitudes slightly above the bottom of the keyhole. Once, the amplitudes of these oscillations are large enough such that the opposite keyhole walls gets into touch a liquid bridge forms, which effectively encloses the gas material at the keyhole base-a gas inclusion is formed. Note that this example mainly aims at demonstrating the robustness of the proposed formulation in representing the highly dynamic surface tension-recoil pressure interaction and eventually the formation of a gas bubble. Of course, the employed phenomenological recoil pressure model does not explicitly resolve the high-velocity vapor jet that would arise from the keyhole base in the real physical system. The latter might considerably influence the described creation mechanism of a liquid bridge eventually resulting in a gas inclusion. Moreover, the present formulation does not apply any form of ray tracing for the laser heat source. Specifically, once the gas bubble has formed, the present model applies a heat source term not only on the upper interface of the arising liquid bridge but also at the bottom interface of the gas inclusion (which is visible in Figure [\[fig:example5_2\_4\]](#fig:example5_2_4){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:example5_2_4"} through the high peak temperatures at these locations). While an elimination of this deficiency (e.g. via ray tracing) can be considered as rather straight-forward process, the present formulation is still deemed suitable to demonstrate the robustness and general working principle of the proposed model and to study the problem-specific physical phenomena except for the subsequent motion of the closed gas bubble. Figure [\[fig:example5_1\]](#fig:example5_1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:example5_1"} displays the melt pool dynamics resulting from problem *variant 2*. The high recoil pressure magnitudes in this variant result in periodic flow patterns consisting of recoil pressure-driven high-velocity waves from the center to the edges of the melt pool and surface tension-driven back flow from the edges to the center. The continued energy input by the laser beam heat sources results in increasing amplitudes of these flow oscillations until eventually melt droplets are ejected at the melt pool edges (Figures [\[fig:example5_2\_3\]](#fig:example5_2_3){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:example5_2_3"} and [\[fig:example5_2\_4\]](#fig:example5_2_4){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:example5_2_4"}). This example demonstrates that also the highly dynamic evolution of the interface topology during melt drop ejection can be captured by the proposed formulation in a robust manner.
### 3D laser melting problem with explicitly resolved powder particle geometry {#sec:numex_3Dmelt}
In this last example, the problem considered in the last section shall be extended to 3D as well as more complex and realistic geometries by resolving individual particles of the metal powder in PBFAM as illustrated in Figure [\[fig:example6_1a\]](#fig:example6_1a){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:example6_1a"}. The problem domain is confined by \(x \in [-100;100], \, y \in [-100;100 ], \, z \in [-50;50]\) (length dimensions given in \(\mu m\)). The lower half with \(x \in [-100;100], \, y \in [-100;100], \, z \in [-50;0],\) is initially covered with a solid phase, the remaining domain with gas. In addition, (spatially fixed) powder particles with diameters between \(160 \mu m\) and \(320 \mu m\) are randomly placed on top of the solid substrate. The overall domain is surrounded by three layers of boundary particles. The initial as well as the wall temperature (Dirichlet boundary conditions) have been chosen to \(T_0=\hat{T}=500K\). A laser heat source (\(s^{lg}_{l0} \approx 1.5 W \, \mu m^{-2}\); \(r_w=60 \mu m\); located at \(x_0=0\); pointing in negative \(z-\)direction) is acting onto the surface of the melt and solid material. The material parameters are chosen according to Table [1](#tab:material_params){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:material_params"}. The reference pressure of the weakly compressible model is set to \(p_0=1.0 \cdot 10^7 N m^{-2}\) for the melt and gas phase. The background pressure of the transport velocity formulation is set to \(p_b=5p_0\) for both phases. Moreover, a time step size of \(\Delta t = 1.0 \cdot 10^{-6} ms\) and an initial particle spacing of \(\Delta x = 5/3 \mu m\) is applied. The laser beam is switched on only for the time interval \(t \in [0;0.5]\) and the cooling / solidification process is considered in the remaining time interval \(t \in [0.5;1]\). Thus, in total the discrete problem consists of one million time steps and approximately one million SPH particles. Figure [\[fig:example6_1\]](#fig:example6_1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:example6_1"} illustrates the melting and solidification process at different time steps. Surface tension forces dominate volumetric forces such as gravity at the considered length scales and smoothen out the original particle contours almost immediately after melting (see Figures [\[fig:example6_1b\]](#fig:example6_1b){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:example6_1b"} and [\[fig:example6_1c\]](#fig:example6_1c){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:example6_1c"}). The peak temperatures at the melt pool center exceed the boiling temperature of the liquid metal with ongoing exposure time. The resulting recoil pressure forces foster an increasingly deep depression at the melt pool center as illustrated in Figures [\[fig:example6_1c\]](#fig:example6_1c){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:example6_1c"} and [\[fig:example6_1d\]](#fig:example6_1d){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:example6_1d"}. For the chosen set of parameters the time scales governing the surface tension forces dominate the time scales of (conductive) heat transfer. Thus, once the laser is switched off, the surface tension forces close the melt pool depression before the liquid metal solidifies again resulting in a smooth and rather plain surface topology at the former melt pool center (see Figure [\[fig:example6_1f\]](#fig:example6_1f){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:example6_1f"}). Eventually, the example is extended to line scanning by increasing the total length of the domain by a factor of four in \(x-\)direction, increasing the laser energy density by a factor of two and moving the laser with a constant velocity of \(v_x=1m/s\) in \(x-\)direction. The results are displayed in Figure [\[fig:example6_2\]](#fig:example6_2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:example6_2"}. All in all, both variants of this example, i.e. point and line scanning, demonstrate the robustness and general suitability of the proposed SPH formulation for 3D thermo-capillary phase change problems with geometrically complex features as occurring in PBFAM.
# Conclusion and Outlook {#sec:concl}
In the present work, a weakly compressible SPH formulation for thermo-capillary phase change problems involving solid, liquid and gaseous phases has been proposed with special focus on laser melting processes such as metal additive manufacturing. Evaporation-induced recoil pressure, temperature-dependent surface tension and wetting forces have been considered as mechanical interface fluxes, while a Gaussian laser beam heat source and evaporation-induced heat losses have been considered as thermal interface fluxes.\
Specifically, a novel interface stabilization scheme based on viscous interface forces has been proposed, which was shown to effectively damp spurious interface flows well-known for continuum surface force approaches. It was demonstrated that only by this means recoil pressure-dominated problems, which typically arise in metal AM processes in the range of high laser powers, can be represented in a stable and physically accurate manner. Moreover, different SPH discretizations for the tangential projection of the temperature gradient, as required for the discrete Marangoni forces, have been reviewed. It was demonstrated analytically and numerically that standard *two-sided* gradient approximations are sufficient for this purpose as long as zero-order consistency is satisfied, e.g. by anti-symmetric gradient construction.\
In the context of metal AM melt pool modeling, the proposed formulation has been employed to study the influence of wetting forces and Marangoni convection of different strength on the resulting melt pool dynamics and shape as well as on the topology of the final solidified metal surface. Moreover, the robustness of the proposed scheme has been demonstrated by representing highly dynamic recoil-pressure-induced fluctuations and significant topology changes of the liquid-gas interface, e.g. during the ejection of liquid droplets from the melt pool or the inclusion of gas bubbles into the melt pool. Finally, the robustness, efficiency and general suitability of the proposed SPH formulation for 3D thermo-capillary phase change problems with geometrically complex features has been indicated by means of a 3D laser melting problem with explicit resolution of individual metal powder particles. | {'timestamp': '2021-04-20T02:33:37', 'yymm': '2012', 'arxiv_id': '2012.08788', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.08788'} |
# Introduction {#S:Introduction}
Let \(G=(V,E)\) be a simple connected graph. The *Wiener index* of a graph \(G\) is defined as the sum of distances between all pairs of vertices of \(G\): \[W(G)=\frac{1}{2}\sum_{v,u\in V, v\neq u}{d_G(u,v)},\] where \(d_G(x,y)\) is a usual graph distance, i.e. the length of a shortest path from \(x\) to \(y\) in \(G\). This index was introduced in \(1947\) by Wiener for applications in chemistry, where he used similar expression to determine the boiling point of the paraffin. In \(1971\), Hosoya first defined this index in terms of graph theory. After that, the index for different families of graphs was investigated because of pure mathematical interest. Very recently, Egorov and Vesnin investigated correlation of hyperbolic volumes of fullerenes (fullerene is a molecule consisting entirely of carbon atoms) with Wiener index and other related indexes. We also refer an interested reader to survey papers by Dobrynin, Entringer and Gutman and Knor, Škrekovski and Tepeh. Let us define the *transmission* of a vertex \(v\in V\) in \(G\) as \[t_G(v)=\sum_{u\in V\setminus{\{v\}}}{d_G(v,u)}.\] Clearly, the Wiener index of a graph \(G\) may be expressed in terms of vertices transmissions: \[W(G)=\frac{1}{2}\sum_{v\in V}{t_G(v)}.\] Let us denote by \(G-v\) the graph obtained by removing the vertex \(v\) from \(G\). A vertex \(v\in V\) is called *good* if \(G-v\) is connected and \(W(G) = W(G-v)\). In 1991, Šoltés posed the following problem.\
Today the only known graph with this property is \(C_{11}\). In other words, Šoltés asked about graphs such that all their vertices are good. After thirty years of study of this problem, which led to lots of elegant ideas, the problem is far from being solved. However, there are some partial results. In \(2018\), Knor, Majstorović and Škrekovski in constructed an infinite series of graphs with one good vertex. The same authors also showed that for \(k\geq 3\) there are infinitely many graphs with one good vertex of degree \(k\). In, for any \(k\in \mathbb{N}\), Bok, Jedličková and Maxová found an infinite series of graphs with exactly \(k\) good vertices. For a graph \(G=(V,E)\) and vertices \(v,u,w\in V\), let us define functions \(\Delta_v(G)=W(G)-W(G-v)\) and \(\delta_G^v(u,w)=d_G(u,w)-d_{G-v}(u,w)\). From the definitions we directly have the following
Instead of finding graphs with a fixed number of good vertices, one may try to find graphs with a fixed proportion of such vertices. So we denote a *proportion of good vertices* in \(G\) as \(\frac{|\{v\in V|\Delta_v(G)=0\}|}{|V|}.\) Now we are ready to formulate the following relaxation of Problem [\[Prob:1\]](#Prob:1){reference-type="ref" reference="Prob:1"}.
Clearly, a solution to this problem for \(\alpha=1\) would give an infinite series of solutions to the Problem [\[Prob:1\]](#Prob:1){reference-type="ref" reference="Prob:1"}. Let us note that the construction from after a slight modification yields an infinite series of graphs with the proportion of good vertices tending to \(\frac{1}{3}\) (we will discuss it in more details in Section [3](#S:Lily){reference-type="ref" reference="S:Lily"}). In this work, we provide two constructions based on different ideas in order to improve this constant. In Section 2, we find an infinite series of graphs with the proportion of good vertices tending to \(\frac{2}{5}\) as the number of vertices tends to infinity. In Section 3, we find one more series with the proportion tending to \(\frac{1}{2}\). In Section 4, we discuss results and open problems.
# Bunch of \(11\)-cycles {#S:Bunch}
As it was mentioned in Section [1](#S:Introduction){reference-type="ref" reference="S:Introduction"}, \(C_{11}\) is the only one known graph where all vertices are good. Now we provide an intriguing construction of graphs with many \(C_{11}\) as induced subgraphs.
[\[Tab:bunch\]]{#Tab:bunch label="Tab:bunch"}
Consequently, \[\frac{1}{2}\sum_{u,w \in V\setminus \{v\}}{\delta^{v}_G(u,w)}=-(7+5+3+1+5+3+1+3+1+1)-(k-1)(6+4+2+4+2+2)=-20k-10.\] By Proposition [\[Prop:1\]](#Prop:1){reference-type="ref" reference="Prop:1"} we have that \(\Delta_{v}(G)=0\). Based on the symmetry of \(B(k)\) we conclude that for all \(z\in \{v_{11}, v_{21}, \dots, v_{k1}, v_{15}, v_{25}, \dots, v_{k5}\}\) we have \(\Delta_{z}(G)=0\). By similar calculations it is easy to check, that for other vertices \(z\in V\) we have \(\Delta_{z}(G)\neq 0\). Therefore, \(B(k)\) has exactly \(2k\) good vertices among its \(5k+6\) ones. ◻
From Construction [\[C:bunch\]](#C:bunch){reference-type="ref" reference="C:bunch"} one may see that the graph \(B(k)\) is \(2\)-connected, so the value \(\Delta_v(B(k))\) is defined for any vertex \(v\). In the next Section, we let a vertex-connectivity be \(1\). It allows us to present one more construction with a proportion of good vertices tending to \(\frac{1}{2}\).
# Lily-shaped construction {#S:Lily}
In this Section, we find one more series of graphs with a proportion of good vertices tending to \(\frac{1}{2}\).
[\[Tab:lily\]]{#Tab:lily label="Tab:lily"}
Consequently, \[\frac{1}{2}\sum_{u,w \in V\setminus \{v\}}{\delta^v_{\tilde{G}}(u,w)}=-2\Big(|V'|+k(m-1)+k(m-1)+(m-1)\Big)=-2|V'|-4km+4k-2m+2.\] By Proposition [\[Prop:1\]](#Prop:1){reference-type="ref" reference="Prop:1"} we have that \(\Delta_{v}(\tilde{G})=t_{G'}(u_0)-|V'|-km+6k+m-3\). Evidently, \(\Delta_{v}(\tilde{G})\) depends on \(t_{G'}(u_0)-|V'|\), but not on the structure of a graph \(G'\). Therefore, we are free to take arbitrary graph \(G'\) such that the following equation holds \[\label{eq:lily} t_{G'}(u_0)-|V'|=km-6k-m+3.\] According to steps \(4\) and \(5\) of Construction [\[C:lily\]](#C:lily){reference-type="ref" reference="C:lily"}, we take a path \((u_0, u_1, u_2, \dots, u_d)\), with one additional vertex \(u'_t\) and edge \((u_t,u'_t)\) and finally construct the graph \(L(k,m)\), where \[d=\Big\lfloor{\frac{\sqrt{8km-48k-8m+33}+1}{2}}\Big\rfloor ,\, t=km-6k-m+3-\frac{(d+1)(d-2)}{2}.\] In other words, \(d\) is a floor of solution to the equation ([\[eq:lily\]](#eq:lily){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:lily"}) for the path \((u_0, u_1, u_2, \dots, u_d)\): \[(1+2+\dots+d)-(d+1)\leq km-6k-m+3 < (1+2+\dots+d+(d+1))-(d+2).\] By the assumption of the theorem we know that \(m\geq 7\) and \(k\geq \frac{m-3}{m-6}\). Hence, \(t\) is a non-negative integer and \(t<d+1\), so \(t\) is defined correctly. Note that if \(t=0\) then one does not need to add a vertex \(u'_t\) (equation ([\[eq:lily\]](#eq:lily){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:lily"}) holds). However, in this case we add \(u'_0\) as a neighbour of \(u_0\) to obtain the resulting graph on the same number of vertices. Finally, we conclude that \(\Delta_{v_{11}}(L(k,m))=0\). Based on symmetry of \(L(k,m)\), we conclude that for all \(z\in \{v^i_{1j}|i\in \{1,2\dots m\}, j\in \{1,2,\dots k \}\}\) the equation \(\Delta_{z}(G)=0\) holds. One may notice that \(v_{11}\) and other neighbours of \(u_0\) (except \(u_1\)) are good because its deletion makes a lot of shortest paths longer. It is easy to see from the construction, that other vertices of the graph do not have this property, so either a corresponding transmission is always greater than possible changes of lengths of the shortest paths or the graph with deleted vertex is disconnected. Thus, other vertices can not be good and the theorem is proved. ◻
As one could notice from the proof of the last theorem, values of \(t\) and \(d\) in steps \(4\) and \(5\) respectively are chosen in order to have \(W(L(k,m))-W(L(k,m)-v)=0\). In a similar way for any fixed \(z\in \mathbb{Z}\), one can choose \(t'\) and \(d'\) (denote the resulting graph \(W(L'(k,m,z))\)) in order to obtain the following equation \[W(L'(k,m,z))-W(L'(k,m,z)-v)=z.\] Since the value \(-km+6k+m-3\) for fixed \(m\geq 7\) is a decreasing function on \(k\) this choice is always possible for \(k\) big enough. These arguments allow us to prove the following
Construction [\[C:lily\]](#C:lily){reference-type="ref" reference="C:lily"} is conceptually close to the one from. Actually, steps \(1\), \(2\) and \(4\) are similar. The authors also used a number of *blocks* (cycles of length at least \(7\)) having one common vertex and a tree of special structure outgoing from this vertex. Authors were solving a different problem, so they were not interested in analysing and minimizing the size of this tree depending on the number of blocks. In fact, if one uses the cycle \(C_7\) as a block and a tree of the same structure as it is used in Construction [\[C:lily\]](#C:lily){reference-type="ref" reference="C:lily"} then in every block of the graph there are two vertices that would be good and the whole construction would give a proportion tending to \(\frac{1}{3}\) as the number of blocks tends to infinity. Thus, the better choice of a structure of a block and step \(3\) in Construction [\[C:lily\]](#C:lily){reference-type="ref" reference="C:lily"} play a crucial role in Theorem [\[T:lily\]](#T:lily){reference-type="ref" reference="T:lily"}. After numerous attempts to improve presented constructions in order to increase \(\alpha\), we tend to think that \(\frac{1}{2}\) is the best possible value for constructions of this type.
# Conclusion {#S:Conclusion}
In this paper, we consider a problem of constructing graphs \(G\) with the given proportion of good vertices, i.e. vertices \(v\) such that the following equality takes place \[W(G)=W(G-v).\] As the main result we built a series of graphs with a proportion tending to \(\frac{1}{2}\) with the number of vertices tending to infinity. Beside that, we present one intriguing example of a graph with the proportion of good vertices \(\frac{2}{3}\).
Despite the fact that we have not generalized this example for a bigger number of vertices, we expect that there exist an infinite series of graphs with a proportion \(\alpha>\frac{1}{2}\), or perhaps even \(\alpha\) tending to \(1\). Corollary [\[Cor:lilyz\]](#Cor:lilyz){reference-type="ref" reference="Cor:lilyz"} shows that instead of solving Problems [\[Prob:1\]](#Prob:1){reference-type="ref" reference="Prob:1"} and [\[Prob:2\]](#Prob:2){reference-type="ref" reference="Prob:2"} it is reasonable to consider the following more general problem statements.
If there are arguments that allow to solve Problems [\[Prob:1\]](#Prob:1){reference-type="ref" reference="Prob:1"} and [\[Prob:2\]](#Prob:2){reference-type="ref" reference="Prob:2"} then they would probably work for these ones too. | {'timestamp': '2021-08-17T02:19:08', 'yymm': '2012', 'arxiv_id': '2012.08786', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.08786'} |
# Introduction {#section:intro}
Let \(X\) be a smooth projective genus \(g\) curve over a field \(k\) of characteristic \(p\). The Torelli map associates \(X\) with its Jacobian \(J_X\), a principally polarized abelian variety of dimension \(g\). The map embeds the moduli space \(\mathcal{M}_g\) of curves of genus \(g\) into \(\mathcal{A}_g\), the moduli space of principally polarized abelian varieties of dimension \(g\) over \(k\). In consequence, it allows us to study the stratification of \(\mathcal{M}_g\) by looking at the group scheme structure of \(J_X[p]\), the \(p\)-torsion part of the Jacobian. This is called the Ekedahl--Oort stratification. For \(g=2,3\), the Torelli locus is open and dense in \(\mathcal{A}_g\). For \(p\ge 3\) and \(g\leq 3\) this can be used to show that all Ekedahl--Oort types occur for the Jacobians of smooth curves \(X/\overline{\mathbb{F}}_p\) (). The same is not known for \(g\geq 4\). Motivated by this and other similar open questions related to the \(p\)-torsion part of the Jacobian, we study smooth irreducible curves with \(g=4\). We focus on the non-hyperelliptic kind. In particular, we look at the \(a\)-number and the \(p\)-rank, which are two invariants of \(J_X[p]\). In order to obtain a database of smooth, irreducible, genus \(4\) non-hyperelliptic curves, we restrict our analysis to what we define as curves in *standard form*. Recall that if \(X\) is a curve with the above properties, then it has a model given by the zero locus of a quadratic and a cubic homogeneous polynomials in \(k[x,y,z,w]\). Kudo and Harashita show in that under some assumptions, the defining equations can be simplified to reduce the number of cases. The curves given by these simplified equations are *curves in standard form*. We gather a statistical sample of curves in standard form defined over \(\mathbb{F}_p\) for \(p\in \{3,5,7,11\}\). For each of them we find the Hasse--Witt matrix \(H\) and use it to compute the \(a\)-number and \(p\)-rank: the \(a\)-number is \(g-\text{rank}(H)\) and the \(p\)-rank is \(f=\text{rank} \left(HH^{(p)}\cdots H^{\left(p^{g-1}\right)}\right)\). As one should expect, the majority of curves appear in the sample are ordinary, and the percentages decrease as the \(a\)-number increases (or similarly, as the \(p\)-rank decreases). We also explore in this paper the concept of Cartier point. We say that \(P\in X(\overline{k})\) is a Cartier point if the hyperplane of regular differentials of \(X\) vanishing at \(P\) is stable under the Cartier operator. Baker introduces the definition in and remarks that they are related to the \(p\)-torsion points of the Jacobian. If \(X\) has \(a\)-number \(0\leq a<g\) then there is an upper bound on the number of Cartier points of \(X\) given by Baker. When \(a\ne 0\), we classify Cartier points in Type 1 and Type 2 (see Definition [\[def:T1andT2\]](#def:T1andT2){reference-type="ref" reference="def:T1andT2"}). The maximum number of Type 1 points depends on the \(a\)-number and the maximum number of Type 2 points depends on the \(p\)-rank. We are interested in determining the conditions under which these bounds are attained when \(X\) is non-ordinary. Therefore, we develop algorithms to find all of the Cartier points on curves in standard form and apply them to our database. The Cartier points are particularly interesting when \(a=g-1\), because we can assign multiplicity to each of them. This is why we later focus on curves with \(a=3\). We find all of the curves in standard form with \(a=3\), defined over \(\mathbb{F}_p\) for \(p=3,5\) and a subset of them over \(\mathbb{F}_7\). We explore the possible degrees and multiplicity distributions of these points. Here are some of the most relevant conclusions from our work, concerning non-hyperelliptic genus \(4\) curves in standard form:
1. In our smooth sample, the are no curves with \((a,f)=(1,0)\) over \(\mathbb{F}_p\) for \(p\in \{3,5,7,11\}\). (Corollary [\[cor:no_a1_f0_curves\]](#cor:no_a1_f0_curves){reference-type="ref" reference="cor:no_a1_f0_curves"}).
2. There are, up to \(\mathbb{F}_3\)-isomorphism, exactly 27 curves with \(a\)-number \(3\) over \(\mathbb{F}_3\) in standard form. All of them have \(p\)-rank \(1\). (Corollaries [\[cor:exhaustive_search_p3\]](#cor:exhaustive_search_p3){reference-type="ref" reference="cor:exhaustive_search_p3"} and [\[cor:no_prank0_p3_curves\]](#cor:no_prank0_p3_curves){reference-type="ref" reference="cor:no_prank0_p3_curves"}).
3. There are, up to \(\mathbb{F}_5\)-isomorphism, exactly \(134\) curves with \(a=3\) over \(\mathbb{F}_5\). (Corollary [\[cor:exhaustive_search_p5\]](#cor:exhaustive_search_p5){reference-type="ref" reference="cor:exhaustive_search_p5"}).
4. In our smooth sample, no curve with \(a\)-number \(2\) reaches the bound of \(6\) Type \(1\) Cartier points. Moreover, the maximum number of Type \(1\) points attained on curves with \(a\)-number \(2\) is \(3\) for \(p\in \{5,7,11\}\) and \(2\) for \(p=3\). (Corollary [\[cor:no_a2_curves_reach_UB_of_T1\]](#cor:no_a2_curves_reach_UB_of_T1){reference-type="ref" reference="cor:no_a2_curves_reach_UB_of_T1"}).
5. In our smooth sample no curve with \(p\)-rank \(2\) or \(3\) reaches the bound of \(6\) Type \(2\) Cartier points. The maximum number of points that occurs is \(3\) and \(4\), respectively. (Corollary [\[cor:no_f2_curves_reach_UB_of_T2\]](#cor:no_f2_curves_reach_UB_of_T2){reference-type="ref" reference="cor:no_f2_curves_reach_UB_of_T2"}).
6. When \(a=3\), the bound on Type 1 points is sharp for \(p\in \{5,7,11\}\) and the total bound for both Types is sharp for \(p=7\). (Corollaries [\[cor:summary_T1_bounds\]](#cor:summary_T1_bounds){reference-type="ref" reference="cor:summary_T1_bounds"} and [\[cor:bounds_reached_p7\]](#cor:bounds_reached_p7){reference-type="ref" reference="cor:bounds_reached_p7"}).
7. There are no curves in standard form over \(\mathbb{F}_3\) with \(a=3\) that attain either of the upper bounds for Cartier points. (Lemma [\[lem:T1_points_in_a3_p3_curves\]](#lem:T1_points_in_a3_p3_curves){reference-type="ref" reference="lem:T1_points_in_a3_p3_curves"}).
# Preliminaries {#sec:preliminaries}
This section includes the background information related to the Cartier operator, Hasse--Witt matrix, \(p\)-rank and \(a\)-number of a curve. Unless otherwise stated, \(p\) will be an odd prime number and \(k\) a perfect field of characteristic \(p\).
## The \(p\)-rank {#subsec:anumber_prank}
Let \(X\) be a smooth irreducible genus \(g\) curve over \(k\). Denote by \(J_X\) the Jacobian variety associated to \(X\). Then \(J_X\) is an abelian variety of dimension \(g\) isomorphic to \(\text{Pic}^0_{X/k}\), equipped with a principal polarization. The \(p\)-torsion part of the Jacobian, denoted by \(J_X[p]\), is a group scheme and here we will study two invariants associated to it. The first one is the \(p\)-rank, defined as the integer \(f\) such that \(\# J_X[p](k)=p^f\). The \(p\)-torsion subgroup of an abelian variety of dimension \(g\) has order at most \(g\), hence \(0\leq f\leq g\).
## Cartier and Frobenius operators and the \(a\)-number {#subsec:CartierFrob}
Suppose that \(x\) is a separating variable of \(k(X)/k\), then every \(t \in k(X)\) can be written as \[\begin{aligned}
\label{eq:f_inK(X)} t=t_0^p+t_1^px+\ldots +t_{p-1}^px^{p-1}, \end{aligned}\] with \(t_i \in k(X)\).
The Cartier operator is \(1/p\)-linear, meaning that \(\mathcal{C}(a^p\omega_1+b^p\omega_2)=a\mathcal{C}(\omega_1)+b\mathcal{C}(\omega_2)\), for \(a,b\) in \(k(X)\) and \(\omega_1, \omega_2 \in \Omega_X^1\). It induces a well defined map \(\mathcal{C}\) on the \(k\)-vector space of regular differentials \(H^0(X,\Omega_X^1)\). | {'timestamp': '2020-12-21T02:03:07', 'yymm': '2012', 'arxiv_id': '2012.08705', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.08705'} |
# Introduction
Lasers are nowadays well-established as the workhorse of modern telecommunication, metrology, as well as developing quantum technologies. However, as has been already realized by Schawlow and Townes, the phase noise of a laser is finite and fundamentally limited. Practically, many more effects, such as thermal or acoustical noise of laser cavities, contribute to the total phase noise. Many techniques are employed to reduce phase noise, and thus the linewidth of lasers. To great success, external ultra-stable cavities have been employed as references , achieving linewidths well below 1 Hz, but broadband phase noise remains a problem in many applications. In contrast to intensity noise, which usually exhibits localized peaks due to relaxation-oscillation, phase noise in lasers tends to exhibit both a broadband noise floor and technical noise peaks. The broadband noise can be either suppressed passively via filtration through a narrow cavity, or using an active feedback signal. As an alternative method to reference cavities, an unbalanced Mach-Zehnder interferometer with an optical fiber delay line in one of its arms can be used. Such setups are routinely employed to characterize laser linewidths . One can then use the signal of such a delay-line setup to feedback on the laser light's phase, thereby reducing its noise. All previous approaches operated in a relatively low-frequency range, starting from very low infrasonic frequencies up to maximally around 100 kHz. This has so far satisfied most needs of spectroscopy experiments, and implementing feedback at higher frequencies becomes challenging. For a delay-line setup, fiber noise becomes an important matter to consider. At low frequencies, acoustic isolation of fibers has been successfully implemented, but at higher frequencies the thermomechanical and thermoconductive noises are unavoidable. Fiber noise also poses limitations on transfer of optical frequency standards, and thus a reverse approach is often employed in which the fiber is stabilized to a narrowband stable laser. Several works have also studied fundamental limits to fiber noise and related fiber strain sensing. Here we employ a 50-meter-long fiber delay line combined with a balanced detection scheme to measure laser phase noise and subsequently use active feedback to reduce it at high frequencies. In particular we are interested in reducing phase noise at frequencies in the vicinity of 1.5 MHz that correspond to the resonance frequency of a membrane mechanical oscillator. Using a feedback loop, with the gain concentrated around the frequency of interest, we achieve phase noise of −164 dB(rad^2^/Hz) at 1.5 MHz frequency offset of a Titanium-Sapphire laser (M-Squared SolsTiS), providing noise reduction in a previously untackled frequency regime with a very high absolute bandwidth of around 300 kHz, compared with hitherto approaches that target up to 100 kHz bandwidth at baseband. The results are enabled by low-noise detection at high light powers, combined with an optimized fiber length and properly engineered feedback. Noise at such high frequency offsets is an essential limitation in quantum optomechanics, where the sideband at the resonance frequency of the oscillator leads to significant classical drive forces. We envisage that using this light for feedback cooling of membrane resonators in a sideband-resolved cavity quantum optomechanics regime will allow to break an important barrier of 0.1 residual occupation of phonons of a membrane resonator mode at liquid helium temperatures (\(\sim \SI{4}{\kelvin}\)). The paper is organized as follows. We first introduce the experimental setup, which involves two similar unbalanced interferometers, for feedback and characterization. Next, we introduce the model for detection of the laser's phase noise, including a treatment of spurious fiber noise and photon shot noise, as well as a model for feedback. Finally, we show results for noise suppression in several MHz-level bands and compare them with our model prediction.
# Setup {#sec:setup}
As presented in Fig. [\[fig:exp_schematic\]](#fig:exp_schematic){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:exp_schematic"}, our test experiment consists of two unbalanced Mach-Zehnder interferometers with the short arm being \(~\SI{1}{\meter}\)-long and the long arm being 50 m-long. All fiber in our setup is polarization maintaining (PM), single-mode fiber (PM-780HP), which allows us to maintain good interferometric visibility and polarization stability. We inject equal amounts of light into both arms using a 50:50 fiber beamsplitter. In each interferometer we place an additional piezo-actuated mirror in one of the arms for stabilization of low-frequency phase drifts in order to lock the interferometer at the optimal (balanced) point for sensing phase noise. The beams are combined on a polarizing beamsplitter (PBS), and then sent through an additional half-wave plate and another PBS onto a balanced detector. Our custom detectors are based on two Hamamatsu S5971 silicon photodiodes connected in series in a differential configuration. The photodiodes themselves feature a high quantum efficiency of \(\eta\approx0.9\), which is combined with separate amplification paths for DC and AC (\(> \SI{150}{\kHz}\)) components of the signal. The overall transimpedance gains are 130 kV/A and 30 kV/A for AC/DC respectively. The low-frequency DC output is used to actively stabilize the interferometer with the piezo-actuated mirror. This ensures that the detector always operates in the balanced regime, rejecting the amplitude quadrature of the incoming light to better than 20 dB and preventing the amplifiers from saturating. Due to large optical powers used, we maximize the size of the beam at the photodiodes to prevent temporary \"bleaching\" of the photodiodes by excessive intensity. In setup 1, the high-frequency AC output is sent to a STEMlab Red Pitaya 125-14 board equipped with PyRPL software, which implements the feedback filter in a field-programmable gate array (FPGA), and drives a free-space EOM (electro-optic modulator) through an additional 20 dB attenuator to minimize electronic and quantization noises. The signal is also sent to an FFT spectrum analyzer in order to measure in-loop noise. The feedback is achieved using an I/Q modulator/demodulator module in the RedPitaya/PyRPL FPGA architecture. We first demodulate the error signal with a carrier wave at a desired frequency \(f_\mathrm{c}\). Subsequently, we apply a lowpass filter with a bandwidth \(\gamma\) independently to both quadratures and multiply both signals by gain factor \(g\). Finally, the signal is modulated with the same carrier wave \(f_\mathrm{c}\) shifted in phase by \(\vartheta\). Using the same carrier wave at demodulation and modulation leads to cancellation of unwanted carrier phase noise. Stability is guaranteed since the entire scheme is implemented digitally in the FPGA. The phase difference of the carrier wave between demodulator and modulator determines the phase \(\vartheta\) of our feedback, which is empirically optimized. Overall, the filter is shaped like a Lorentzian centered around \(f_\mathrm{c}\) with a bandwidth \(\gamma\). Importantly, it allows us to continuously tune the phase of the feedback at \(f_c\), thus compensating the phase lag introduced due to a delay. In setup 2, we send the AC signal to a spectrum analyzer for out-of-loop noise measurement. It uses an additional fiber EOM which can be used for absolute phase-noise calibration as it features a flat, calibrated response to phase modulation. Our laser operates at \(\lambda=\SI{852}{\nano\meter}\) and outputs approximately 200 mW of light power. We send 120 mW through the free-space EOM for the entire experiment, part of which is sent to both fiber delay line setups. In setup 1, we obtain \(\bar{P}=\SI{11}{\mW}\) of total power impinging on the balanced detector, which allows for fiber-noise limited measurement of laser phase noise, increasing the signal-to-shot-noise ratio. This allows for the fiber noise to be larger than shot noise until up to 2 MHz. Furthermore, we minimize the beam path between setup 1 and the laser, which is less than 3 meters and includes only two mirrors. For setup 2, we use \(\bar{P}=\SI{5}{\mW}\) of total power at the detector. Setup 2 is connected using 5 meters of additional fiber. Any noise added in propagation will be treated as an additional detection noise.
# Model {#sec:model}
## Detection
We consider input laser light with a fluctuating phase given by \(\varphi(t)\). The phase of the field at the output of the long delay is given by \(\varphi(t-\tau) + \varphi_f(t)\), where \(\varphi(t-\tau)\) is the laser phase noise signal delayed due to propagation in the long arm by a constant time \(\tau\) and \(\varphi_f(t)\) is the noise introduced by the fiber. At the output of the short arm we simply have \(\varphi(t)\). At the output of the interferometer we will measure the phase difference given by \(\varphi(t)-\varphi(t-\tau)-\varphi_f(t)\). The (frequency-domain) transfer function for the laser phase noise is therefore given by: \[G(f)=1-e^{-2\pi i \tau f},\] with delay \(\tau=nL/c\), introduced by the fiber of length \(L\) with refractive index \(n\) and the speed of light in vacuum \(c\). The fiber noise \(\varphi_f(t)\) is added independently as a detector noise term, together with shot noise. Active stabilization of the interferometer arms' relative phase preserves power balance, such that we can assume a total power \(\bar{P}\) impinging on the balanced differential photodetector to be equally split between the individual diodes. In this configuration, the total power spectral density (PSD) of the registered optical signal is: \[S=\eta \bar{P}^2 |G(f)|^2 S_{\varphi\varphi} + \eta \bar{P}^2 S_{\varphi_f\varphi_f} + 2 h \nu \bar{P},\] where \(\eta\) is the quantum efficiency of the detector. The first term represents the laser phase noise and the second term represents fiber noise. Finally, photon shot noise PSD is given by \(2h\nu\bar{P}\) with \(\nu=c/\lambda\) and \(h\) being the Planck's constant. Taking the transduction to/from phase noise into account, we may express the noise in terms of equivalent laser phase noise: \[S_{\varphi\varphi}^\mathrm{meas} = \eta^{-1} \bar{P}^{-2} |G(f)|^{-2} S = S_{\varphi\varphi} + |G(f)|^{-2} S_{\varphi_f\varphi_f} + |G(f)|^{-2} \frac{2 h \nu}{\eta\bar{P}} \label{eq:phimeas}\] From this, we quite clearly observe that using a high optical power \(\bar{P}\) diminishes the shot-noise contribution. The signal to noise ratio will indeed scale as \(\sim1/(1+2h\nu/\eta\bar{P})\), therefore it is clearly beneficial to use as high power as realistically available. For the sake of this model, let us assume that the two delay line setups (in-loop and out-of-loop) have identical powers and efficiencies. Conveniently, we can observe the laser phase noise directly in the cross spectral density (CSD) between the two setups: \[S^{12} = \eta \bar{P}^2 |G(f)|^2 S_{\varphi\varphi}. \label{eq:csd}\] This is possible as the laser phase noise is the only correlated noise shared between the two setups. In practice, we use this method to identify the laser phase noise contribution to total measured noise.
## Fiber noise
In order to estimate the noise of the fiber, we use the theory of Duan from Ref.. The theoretical model leads to a conclusion that at our frequencies of interest the noise is heavily dominated by the thermoconductive noise, i.e. fluctuations of temperature transduced to phase fluctuations via thermal expansion and temperature dependence of the refractive index. The expected fiber noise is: \[S_{\varphi_\mathrm{f}\varphi_\mathrm{f}} = \frac{2 k_B T^2 L }{\lambda^2 \kappa} \left(\frac{\mathrm{d}n}{\mathrm{d}T} + n \alpha\right) \frac{}{} \mathrm{Re}\left[\exp(2\pi i f r_0^2/2D) E_1(2\pi i f r_0^2/2D)\right], \label{eq:fn}\] where \(k_B\) is the Boltzmann constant, \(T\) is temperature, \(\kappa\) is thermal conductivity, \(\frac{\mathrm{d}n}{\mathrm{d}T}\) is thermo-optic coefficient, \(\alpha\) is coefficient of linear expansion, \(D\) is thermal diffusivity, \(r_0\) is mode power profile radius and \(E_1\) represents the exponential integral.
## Feedback
We now introduce feedback, such that in the Fourier domain: \[\check{\varphi} \rightarrow \check{\varphi}-H(f) G(f) \check{\varphi}-H(f) \check{\varphi}_f-H(f) \eta^{-1/2} \bar{P}^{-1} \check{\zeta},\] where \(\check{\zeta}\) represents shot noise with PSD of \(2h\nu\bar{P}\), while \(\check{\varphi}\) and \(\check{\varphi}_\mathrm{f}\) represent stochastic laser and fiber noises. The feedback transfer function \(H(f)\) shall include both our desired feedback, as well as an undesired but unavoidable delay given by a prefactor \(e^{-2\pi i \tau_\mathrm{D} f}\), mostly coming from the electronic processing delay (\(\tau_\mathrm{D}\approx\SI{250}{\nano\second}\)). The feedback acts on light \"shared\" by both interferometers. In this case, setup 1 is the in-loop setup used for feedback, while setup 2 serves for independent out-of-loop characterization. As a result of the feedback, the actual laser phase noise becomes: \[S_{\varphi\varphi}^{\mathrm{fb}} = \frac{S_{\varphi\varphi} + |H(f)|^2 \left(S_{\varphi_f\varphi_f}^1 + \frac{2h\nu}{\eta \bar{P}}\right)}{|1+G(f)H(f)|^2}\] We see that the original phase noise is suppressed, but new noise is added due to detection and fiber noise in setup 1 (\(S_{\varphi_f\varphi_f}^1\)). This directly allows us to identify the out-of-loop detector (setup 2) noise \(S_{\varphi\varphi}^{\mathrm{fb,meas}}\) by substituting \(S_{\varphi\varphi}^{\mathrm{fb}}\) into Eq. [\[eq:phimeas\]](#eq:phimeas){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:phimeas"} with uncorrelated fiber and shot noise. For the in-loop detector (setup 1), however, the same detection noise becomes present in the feedback, which leads to interference. We obtain the following measured noise: \[\begin{gathered}
S_{\varphi\varphi}^\mathrm{1,fb,meas} = \frac{S_{\varphi\varphi}}{|1+G(f)H(f)|^2} + \\ + \left[\frac{|H(f)|^2}{|1+G(f)H(f)|^2} + \frac{1}{|G(f)|^2} \left(1-2 \mathrm{Re} \frac{G(f)H(f)}{1+G(f)H(f)}\right)\right]\left( S_{\varphi_f\varphi_f}^1 + \frac{2h\nu}{\eta \bar{P}} \right), \end{gathered}\] where the first term is the expected reduced laser noise, while the second term represents the detection noise itself as well as its self-interference. In particular, the measured noise in this case may fall well below the original detection noise. In practice, for feedback we employ the I/Q modulation/demodulation technique as described in Sec. [2](#sec:setup){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:setup"}. We can then use the following controller gain model: \[H(f) = g e^{-2\pi i \tau_\mathrm{D} f + i \vartheta} \frac{\gamma f}{f_\mathrm{c}^2-f^2+i \gamma f},\] where we control the following parameters: gain \(g\), phase \(\vartheta\), central frequency \(f_\mathrm{c}\) and bandwidth \(\gamma\).
# Experimental results
In the experiment we use an additional fiber EOM with \(V_\pi=\SI{4.65}{\volt}\) to recover an experimental profile of phase sensitivity curve of setup 2. Simultaneously, we may apply a calibration signal to the free-space EOM, which will be detected by both setups, and obtain a relative calibration of setup 1 with respect to calibrated setup 2. For the calibration we apply a low-frequency square-wave pattern and compare amplitudes of its Fourier components as registered by both setups. Using such calibration, we can determine the cross-spectral density (CSD) which only contains the common-mode laser phase noise (Eq. [\[eq:csd\]](#eq:csd){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:csd"}). After expressing all PSDs and the CSD in equivalent laser phase noise units (using calibrated phase-modulation responses), we identify the incoherent (uncorrelated) parts of noise in both setups. Finally, we also measure the photon shot noise by subsequently blocking arms of the interferometer and adding resulting registered noise. Figure [\[fig:master_noise\]](#fig:master_noise){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:master_noise"} presents the raw measured detector noise (expressed in shot-noise units) and equivalent laser phase noise for setup 1. We decompose the noise into the *coherent* (correlated) laser phase noise and the *incoherent* detection noise part, which is itself composed of shot noise, fiber noise, and other detection noise. While we expect that the incoherent noise is heavily dominated by fiber noise, our analysis does not require this assumption. With \(\tau=\SI{250}{\nano\second}\) (\(n=1.5\), \(L=\SI{50}{\meter}\)) we observe maximum sensitivity to phase noise at a 2 MHz offset, and minima of sensitivity at 0 MHz and 4 MHz. In terms of equivalent laser phase noise, this means that in the range above 3.5 MHz, where laser phase noise is becoming smaller, we are heavily dominated by detection noise. Below this frequency, however, our detection setup exhibits a signal-to-noise ratio of at least 1. By using an optical power of \(\bar{P}=\SI{11}{\milli\watt}\), we make sure that at our main frequency of interest at 1.5 MHz, detection noise is dominated by fiber noise and not shot noise. In particular, fiber noise constitutes around 70% of detection noise under these conditions at 1.5 MHz. Large laser phase noise peaks around 2.3 MHz make the subtraction procedure sensitive to uncertainties, and thus in order to avoid imprecision we interpolate the detection noise by a second order polynomial in the 2 MHz--2.5 MHz region. We have verified that this additional noise is internal to the laser, and most likely originates in the green pump. With the extracted incoherent noise of setup 1, we may also compare it with a prediction for fiber noise from Eq. [\[eq:fn\]](#eq:fn){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:fn"}. The following parameters are assumed: \(T=\SI{298}{\kelvin}\), \(\kappa=\SI{1.37}{\watt\per\meter\per\kelvin}\), \(\frac{\mathrm{d}n}{\mathrm{d}T}=\SI{1e-5}{\per\kelvin}\), \(\alpha=\SI{5e-7}{\per\kelvin}\), \(D=\SI{0.82e-6}{\meter^2\per\second}\) and \(r_0=\SI{1.5}{\micro\meter}\). In Fig. [\[fig:fnoise\]](#fig:fnoise){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:fnoise"} observe that while the general behavior is well reproduced, the predicted fiber noise lies slightly below our measured incoherent detection noise (with shot noise subtracted). We attribute this discrepancy either to additional noise, or more likely to inaccuracy in used parameters, which are not directly available for the PM-780HP fiber we use, but are rather extracted from general material properties. In particular, some critical parameters of the model, such as for instance the coefficient of linear expansion vary appreciably across literature references and may also vary depending on the exact fiber material. Furthermore, a strong dependence of the model on fiber core radius as well as temperature call for a more systematic and precise study of fiber noise at MHz frequencies, which to the best of our knowledge has not been performed so far. Next, we proceed to apply feedback and observe the noise registered in both setups. With other parameters optimized, we use a filter with \(f_\mathrm{c}=\SI{1.5}{\mega\hertz}\) and bandwidth \(\gamma=\SI{78}{\kilo\hertz}\) while changing the loop gain from \(g=1.2\) through \(g=6\) to \(g=12\). In the top panel of figure [\[fig:red15\]](#fig:red15){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:red15"} we show the laser phase noise as measured with the out-of-loop setup 2. Here we subtract the uncorrelated incoherent noise. We observe that with our feedback we register significantly less noise with up to 10 dB of reduction for the highest gain (see the bottom row). A phase noise peak at 1.54 MHz is suppressed to an even greater degree. Simultaneously, we observe increased noise away from the central frequency, which becomes more pronounced at higher gains. This is due to sub-optimal phase of the feedback controller at those frequencies. For the purpose of noise reduction at the specific frequencies of our optomechanical experiment, this does not pose a problem, as long as no oscillation or feedback instability is observed. In the middle row we show the simultaneously registered noise of the in-loop setup 1. This noise is the raw noise of the detector, converted into equivalent laser phase noise units. Here we observe that the noise, particularly for the highest gain, reaches well below the detection noise. This noise squashing behavior is expected as the result of noise self-interference. Our experimental results are accompanied by theory curves that use the model from Sec. [3](#sec:model){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:model"} along with measured responses and detection noise. We observe particularly good agreement for the most important phase noise measured by the out-of-loop detector. A slightly higher noise than expected is registered in the in-loop detector, which may be a result of additional electronic detection noise. Finally, we apply the feedback at different central frequencies, as shown in Figs. [\[fig:red08\]](#fig:red08){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:red08"} and [\[fig:red11\]](#fig:red11){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:red11"}. We observe up to 12 dB of noise reduction and bandwidths of at least 300 kHz in all cases.
# Conclusions and prospects
We have demonstrated a setup that combines a measurement of laser phase noise via a delay line with an electro-optic feedback to actively reduce laser phase noise in the MHz frequency range, which lies outside of previously explored frequency domains. We have demonstrated phase noise reduction of at least 10 dB and broadband operation, achieving relatively low phase noise densities at the level of approximately −160 dB(rad^2^/Hz), or equivalently −20 dB((rad/s)^2^/Hz) in terms of frequency noise. We have also demonstrated an effective model for predicting the performance of our method, as well as a convenient way to identify noise components in the system based on cross-spectral density evaluation. Our results also include measurements of the fiber noise at high frequencies, which show reasonable agreement with predicted thermoconductive noise. Our results can find particular applications in optomechanics, where reduction of noise around a specific offset frequency is desired. This applies to both sideband and feedback (cold-damping) cooling of trapped particle oscillators, room-temperature integrated resonators, membrane-in-the-middle systems and others. Other applications sensitive to noise at a particular offset frequency include the driving of Raman transitions or hybrid electro-opto-mechanical converters. Our main prospective application is generation of low-phase-noise light for optomechanical sideband cooling. As estimated by Kippenberg *et al.*, the limit for the expected final phonon occupation (i.e. with intracavity power and detuning optimized) for an optomechanical resonator in the sideband-resolved regime due to phase noise is given approximately by: \[\bar{n}\approx\sqrt{\frac{\bar{n}_\mathrm{th} \Gamma_\mathrm{m}}{g_0^2} \Omega_\mathrm{m}^2 \bar{S}_{\varphi\varphi}(\Omega_\mathrm{m})}\] Assuming a set of parameters consistent with recent experiments (\(g_0/2\pi=\SI{8}{\hertz}\), \(\bar{n}_\mathrm{th}/2\pi=1.5\times10^5\), \(\Gamma_\mathrm{m}/2\pi=\SI{2}{\milli\hertz}\) and \(\Omega_\mathrm{m}/2\pi=\SI{1.5}{\mega\hertz}\)), we obtain \(\bar{n}=0.16\) without our noise cancellation device (\(\bar{S}_{\varphi\varphi}=\SI{-154}{\deci\bel(\radian^2/\hertz)}\)) which is improved to \(\bar{n}=0.05\) with reduced laser phase noise (\(\bar{S}_{\varphi\varphi}=\SI{-164}{\deci\bel(\radian^2/\hertz)}\)). Even more remarkably, at around \(\Omega_\mathrm{m}/2\pi=\SI{1}{\mega\hertz}\) we may decrease residual occupation from \(\bar{n}=0.24\) to \(\bar{n}=0.05\) as well. It is also worth mentioning an alternative approach to reduce noise at MHz frequencies. This approach makes use of a filtering cavity, which has been also demonstrated as a method to measure laser phase noise. In such setup, one uses light directly transmitted through a narrowband cavity. However, special treatment would be required to make sure that mirror thermal noise, which is widely considered an important limitation of optomechanical setups, remains well below the input laser phase noise. We estimate that such cavity would either have to be sufficiently long (we estimate at least 30 cm) to reduce mirror noise transduction, or cryogenically cooled to suppress thermal motion. Therefore, a fiber delay line seems to be a more practical solution in several matters. Another advantage over a filtering cavity is that it requires only a constant power, and does not produce a loss for main experimental light. Finally, we envisage that the delay line approach can be further improved by reducing fiber thermal noise. One approach would be to embed the delay line in a cryogenic environment. We estimate that due to simultaneous reduction of thermal noise and the thermorefractive coefficient, the fiber noise could be reduced by more than 20 dB at moderate liquid-nitrogen temperatures. Furthermore, the noise can be greatly reduced with an increased mode field diameter. For a given wavelength, this could be possibly achieved in large-mode-area fibers. | {'timestamp': '2021-03-31T02:33:51', 'yymm': '2012', 'arxiv_id': '2012.08806', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.08806'} |
# [\[sec:intro\]]{#sec:intro label="sec:intro"}Introduction
The electron momentum distribution, through its dependence on the ground state wavefunctions, is a powerful quantity for understanding many-body effects in solids. Compton scattering experiments, which involve measuring the energy distribution of inelastically scattered photons which have impinged on electrons within the sample being studied, are able to measure a projection (integration over two momentum components) of the underlying electron momentum distribution. Since the photons scatter from the occupied momentum states, Compton scattering is sensitive to the Fermi surfaces of metals. While other experimental techniques such as photoemission spectroscopy (PES, and its angle-resolved counterpart, ARPES) give excellent insight into the many-body interactions present, it is important to remember that the photoemission process is a complex excitation of the whole system. Indeed, any interaction of the photo-hole with the electron quasiparticle would invalidate a claim to be a measurement of the ground-state. Thus Compton scattering is a uniquely powerful probe of the ground state many-body wavefunction. In recent years, Compton scattering has been used to reveal the electronic structure and Fermi surfaces in electronically complex materials such as substitutionally disordered alloys and compounds with high vacancy concentrations. Most relevantly, Compton scattering is able to probe the electron correlations within many complex materials . Therefore, Compton scattering offers a valuable and complementary perspective on electronic structure and, in particular, a window onto electron correlations in different regimes of composition, temperature and magnetic field from those which other probes can reach. When X-rays are inelastically scattered by the electrons in solids, the scattered photon energy distribution is Doppler broadened because of the electrons' momentum distribution \(\rho(\mathbf{p})\) . In practice this is measured through the double differential scattering cross-section \({\mathrm{d}^2\sigma/ \mathrm{d}\Omega \mathrm{d}\omega}\) for a given infinitesimal solid angle \(\mathrm{d}\Omega\) and energy \(\mathrm{d}\omega\) of the scattered photon, respectively. The incident energy of the monochromatic X-rays and the scattering angle are fixed during the experiment, and the scattering cross-section is measured as a function of the photon energy. If the scattering event is described within the impulse approximation , the scattering cross-section is proportional to the Compton profile, \({\mathrm{d}^2\sigma/\mathrm{d}\Omega \mathrm{d}\omega \propto J(p_z)}\), which is the 1D projection of the electron momentum distribution, \(\rho(\mathbf{p})\), along the scattering vector \(p_z\): \[\label{eq:J} J(p_z) = \iint \rho(\mathbf{p}) \mathrm{d}p_x\mathrm{d}p_y\.\] If the incident photon beam has a component of circular polarization, the scattering cross-section contains a term which is spin dependent. This term may be isolated from the charge scattering by either flipping the direction of the sample magnetization or the photon helicity parallel and antiparallel with respect to the scattering vector, resulting in a magnetic Compton profile (MCP), \(J_{\mathrm{mag}}(p_z)\). In analogy to the Compton profile, the MCP is defined as the 1D projection of the spin-polarized electron momentum density: \[\label{eq:J_mag} J_{\mathrm{mag}}(p_z)= \iint \left[ \rho^\uparrow(\mathbf{p})-\rho^\downarrow(\mathbf{p}) \right] \mathrm{d}p_x \mathrm{d}p_y\.\] Electronic structure calculations are particularly useful for the interpretation of MCPs and these can be calculated from the spin-dependent momentum distributions. Density functional theory (DFT) is by far the most widely used method with its immense success in predicting properties of the solid state. However, treating electron correlation in an effective one-particle framework results in notable discrepancies with experiment even with the best available functionals. Over the last decade, it has been demonstrated that within the combined DFT and dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) , the so called DFT+DMFT approach , many of the electronic ground state properties of \(d\)-metal elements, their alloys and compounds can be well described . Early developments of DFT+DMFT were of the one-shot type of calculation in which a DFT computation is first converged and the subsequent DFT Hamiltonian is supplemented with a local Coulomb interaction for the correlated orbitals . Then, in a separate step, the interacting problem is solved self-consistently within DMFT. Fully charge self-consistent approaches have been implemented as well, in which both DFT and DMFT are converged simultaneously. For some materials the correlation-induced modification in the charge density can be significant, while in others this was shown not to be the case. However, to be consistent with the DFT concepts, charge densities (\(\rho(\mathbf{r})\)), should be potential (\(V(\mathbf{r})\)) representable (\({\rho \rightleftarrows V}\)), which is only achieved by full self consistency . One of the most studied simple metallic system that presents signatures of electronic correlations is the fcc itinerant ferromagnetic Ni. It is known that the DFT alone cannot reproduce the dispersionless feature at a binding energy of about \(6\) eV which is known as the "\(6\) eV satellite" . The valence band photoemission spectrum of Ni shows a \(3d\)-band width that is about \(30\%\) narrower than the value obtained from the DFT calculations. Similarly, the exchange splitting in both the local spin-density approximation (LSDA) and the generalized gradient approximations (GGA) overestimates the experimental splitting by approximately \(50\%\) . The combined DFT+DMFT describes the occupied \(3d\) bandwidth of Ni, reproduces the exchange splitting and the \(6\) eV satellite structure in the valence band . In addition to this, DFT+DMFT has shown the consequences of the local moment in ambient and Earth-core-like conditions. Further information about the electronic structure of Ni can be extracted by using Compton scattering. The MCPs of Ni have been calculated by using various DFT implementations and their extensions. Features associated with the Fermi surface (as a consequence of bands crossing the Fermi energy) seen in experiment were generally reproduced with good agreement, notwithstanding the distinct discrepancy at low momenta which points towards some inaccuracies in the position of the spin-polarized bands with respect to the Fermi level. It has been also shown that the negative polarization of the itinerant \(s\)-and \(p\)-like band electrons can be observed and the discrepancy with respect to the theoretical predictions were attributed to the insufficient treatment of correlations present in the standard DFT exchange-correlation functionals at low momentum . The directional Compton and magnetic Compton profiles have also been computed in combination with DMFT which facilitated a discussion of the anisotropy of the electronic correlations of Ni as a function of the on-site Coulomb interaction strength, \(U\). Those theoretical comparisons with the experimental data led to the conclusion that the theoretical MCPs improved when the local correlations are taken into account, which also extends to the total Compton profiles. In this work, we focus on the calculation of the momentum distribution and related quantities within the framework of many-body theory. We have used two approaches on the DFT side, namely KKR which is a spin-polarized relativistic multiple-scattering theory implementation, and ELK which is a full potential linear augmented planewave (FP LAPW) implementation. For the many-body solvers we used the perturbative SPT-FLEX in combination with KKR and the numerically exact continuous-time quantum Monte Carlo (CT-QMC) in combination with the ELK . We show that while the experimental magnetic moment can be obtained by varying \(U\), the Ni MCP shapes have a weak dependence on \(U\). These results further indicate the importance of the effects beyond the local approximation of DMFT.
# Compton and Magnetic Compton profiles with DFT+DMFT
Over the last few decades, substantial progress has been made in the development of computational tools and libraries that combine DMFT with electronic structure methods in the framework of DFT+DMFT . All these implementations can be divided into two sub-groups according to the employed schemes for constructing the local orbitals and the definition of the so-called correlation subspace in which the DMFT equations are solved. One of the sub-groups utilizes the local atomic orbitals constructed from the atomic solutions which cover a wide energy window of the DFT (Kohn-Sham) wavefunctions, and is implemented in almost all existing electron codes with different flavors such as LMTO , EMTO , KKR . The other popular choice is the set of localized Wannier wavefunctions, which is currently realized as an independent interface in various codes, including VASP , QUANTUM ESPRESSO , SIESTA , ABINIT , WIEN2k , and ELK. The ELK code has been interfaced with the TRIQS/DFTTools application to enable DFT+DMFT calculations with ELK and the TRIQS library (we refer to this as the ELK-TRIQS package). Prior to the description of the computational procedure for the (magnetic) Compton profiles, we briefly present the steps of the fully charge-self consistent DFT+DMFT calculation.
## DFT(+DMFT) using KKR
The calculation scheme within the Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker (KKR) method is based on the Green's function formalism of multiple-scattering theory . The details of the DFT+DMFT implementation within the fully relativistic multiple-scattering KKR method have been reported previously . It is important to note that the flexibility of KKR lies in utilizing the Dyson equation to relate the Green's function of a perturbed system to the Green's function of a suitable unperturbed reference system. In KKR, the central quantity is the multiple scattering path-operator, \(\hat{\tau}\), which is used to compute the real-space Green function. In the most general relativistic form, the scattering path-operator is represented in the site basis with site-index \(R\), and the total angular momentum with combined index \({\Lambda(\kappa,\mu)}\), with spin-orbit, \(\kappa\), and magnetic, \(\mu\), quantum numbers. Electronic correlations can be included by supplementing the scalar real-valued local single-particle potential provided by the DFT with a self-energy that is energy-dependent, complex-valued, and non-local. The Dyson equation allows for the computation of the single-particle Green's function \({G({\bf r},{\bf r^\prime},E)}\) with respect to a reference system. The \({\bf r}\) and \({\bf r^\prime}\) are defined relative to the center of an atomic cell corresponding to a specific site, and the reference system is described by a one-electron Hamiltonian containing the DFT potentials located on the regular lattice sites . The single-site Dirac equation is solved and the wavefunction is matched to the free-electron solution at the boundary of the atomic cell. Subsequently, the single-site scattering matrix, \({t^{R}_{\Lambda\Lambda^\prime}(E)}\) is obtained, which in turn provides the expression for the scattering path operator, \({\tau^{R R^\prime}_{\Lambda\Lambda^\prime}(E)}\), connecting the sites \(R\) and \(R^\prime\). Within this basis, employing the four-component wave functions of the regular (\({Z^{R(\times)}_\Lambda({\bf r},E)}\)) and irregular (\({J^{R(\times)}_\Lambda({\bf r},E)}\)) solutions of the Dirac equation , the Green's function can be written as \[\begin{aligned}
\begin{split} G({\bf r},{\bf r^\prime},E) &= \sum_{\Lambda \Lambda^\prime} Z^{R}_{\Lambda}({\bf r},E) \tau^{R R^\prime}_{\Lambda\Lambda^\prime}(E) Z^{R^\prime\times}_{\Lambda^\prime}({\bf r^\prime},E) \\ &-\sum_{\Lambda}\!\left[Z^R_{\Lambda}({\bf r},E)J^{R\times}_{\Lambda}({\bf r^\prime},E)\theta(r^\prime-r) \right. \\ &\quad\ \ + \left.J^R_{\Lambda}({\bf r},E) Z^{R\times}_{\Lambda}({\bf r^\prime},E)\theta(r-r^\prime)\right]\!\delta_{RR^\prime}, \end{split} \end{aligned}\] where \(\theta(r)\) is the step function. Note that in the case of a complex non-Hermitian self-energy, \({\Sigma({\bf r},{\bf r^\prime},E)}\), one has to distinguish between the left-and right-hand side solutions of the single-site Dirac equation . The left-hand side solutions are denoted by the "\(\times\)"-symbol as an upper index. The DMFT solver used in the current implementation is the relativistic version of the so-called Spin-Polarized T-Matrix (SPT-) Fluctuation Exchange approximation (FLEX) which is formulated on the complex (Matsubara) axis. In contrast to the original formulation of FLEX , the particle-particle and the particle-hole channels are treated differently . The particle-particle processes renormalize the effective interaction, which is added into the particle-hole channel. The particle-hole channel itself describes the interaction of electrons with the spin-fluctuations, which represents one of the most relevant correlation effects in Ni. Here we employed the SPT-FLEX solver which uses a rotationally invariant formulation for the interaction and is self-consist in charge and self-energy . Once the self-energy is computed within the many-body solver it is returned directly into the Dirac equation . In order to compute the electron momentum density, the momentum operator is diagonalized in the crystal basis set, and its eigenfunctions are used to construct the Green function in the momentum representation, \({G_{\sigma}(\mathbf{p}, E)}\) . The spin-projected momentum density \({\rho^{\sigma}(\mathbf{p})}\) can then be directly computed as : \[\label{eq:rho_KKR} \rho^{\sigma}(\mathbf{p}) = {-\frac{1}{\pi} \int\limits_0^{E_F}\Im G_{\sigma}(\mathbf{p},E)dE}\,,\] where \({\sigma=\,\uparrow\!(\downarrow)}\) represents the spin projections. The energy integration in Eq. [\[eq:rho_KKR\]](#eq:rho_KKR){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:rho_KKR"} is performed in the complex plane along the contour that encloses the poles of the one-particle Green's function. The corresponding Compton and magnetic Compton profiles are computed using Eqs. [\[eq:J\]](#eq:J){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:J"} and [\[eq:J_mag\]](#eq:J_mag){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:J_mag"}.
The DFT+DMFT framework within the ELK-TRIQS package (which will be referred to as ELK+DMFT throughout) starts with a self-consistent calculation at the DFT level. The DFT density of states (DOS) is then used to identify an appropriate "correlated" energy window that contains the desired orbitals. For this selected energy window, the so-called Wannier projectors are constructed, which are used to project the lattice Green's function onto the localized Wannier-orbitals representation. The resulting local Green's function serves as an input to the DMFT. Here we employ the CT-QMC solver to obtain the self-consistent solution of the DMFT equations. The self-consistently obtained self-energy (with the double-counting removed) is then upfolded back to the Bloch basis so that it is suitable to update the lattice Green's function. The charge density matrix is obtained from the lattice Green's function by summing over the Matsubara frequencies. This is then used to generate the total DFT+DMFT density matrix which is generally non-diagonal in the Kohn-Sham basis. However, this total density matrix can be diagonalized into the orthonormal Löwdin-type basis with a new set of diagonal DFT+DMFT occupations \(N_{\zeta}^{\mathbf{k},\sigma}\) and wavefunctions \({\phi^\sigma_{\mathbf{k}, \zeta}(\mathbf{r})}\), as described in Ref. , which are then used to update the electron density by \[\rho(\mathbf{r})=\text{Tr}_\sigma \sum_{\zeta,\mathbf{k}} N_{\zeta}^{\mathbf{k},\sigma} \phi^\sigma_{\mathbf{k}, \zeta}(\mathbf{r}) \left(\phi^{\sigma}_{\mathbf{k}, \zeta}(\mathbf{r})\right)^\dagger.\] Here \(\sigma\) is the spin index, and \(\zeta\) is the eigenstate index. The DFT+DMFT results presented in this work are obtained by the fully charge self-consistent method with spin-polarized DFT inputs. Fully charge self-consistency is achieved by updating \(\rho(\mathbf{r})\) from the DFT+DMFT occupations and wavefunctions. Subsequently, the Kohn-Sham equations are solved once, and the new Wannier projectors are generated for the next fully charge self-consistent cycle. In the current implementation of the DMFT framework, the effective Anderson impurity problem corresponding to the correlated many-body system is solved by the CT-QMC method using the TRIQS/CTHYB application . The CT-QMC methods have different formulations, namely the interaction expansion (CT-INT) , the auxiliary-field (CT-AUX) , and the hybridization expansion (CT-HYB) . We use the CT-HYB formulation for all finite temperatures. CT-HYB operates on an imaginary time and frequency (Matsubara) axis. Therefore, analytical continuation is necessary to produce spectral functions on the real-frequency axis. The latter suffers from the finite-precision arithmetic, which tends to amplify numerical noise, and produce unphysical artefacts. These issues may be especially severe for multi-orbital problems with complicated spectral lines. The computation of the electron momentum density, \(\rho(\mathbf{p})\), however, does not involve analytical continuation. It is formally derived from the Fourier transformed real space wavefunctions \(\psi^\sigma_{\mathbf{k}, \eta}(\mathbf{r})\), and in practice is determined by using the tetrahedron interpolation method for the discrete \(\mathbf{k}\)-mesh . The calculated electron momentum density has the form \[\rho^\sigma(\mathbf{p})= \sum_{\mathbf{k}, \eta}n^{\sigma}_{\mathbf{k}, \eta}\left|\int\limits_{V} \exp (-i \mathbf{p} \cdot \mathbf{r}) \psi^\sigma_{\mathbf{k}, \eta}(\mathbf{r}) \mathrm{d} \mathbf{r}\right|^{2}, \label{EMD}\] where \(n_{\mathbf{k}, \eta}\) are occupation functions with eigenstate index \(\eta\). The electron momentum density within the DFT formalism is computed using the Kohn-Sham wavefunctions and occupation functions. Eq. [\[EMD\]](#EMD){reference-type="eqref" reference="EMD"} can also be used in the DFT+DMFT formalism but now with the corresponding DFT+DMFT wavefunctions and occupation functions. By doing so, the direct impact of the non-physical artifacts of the analytical continuation on the electron momentum density can be circumvented. The occupations, as well as other observables, are implicitly dependent on the wavefunctions. The changes in these quantities are coupled to those in the wavefunctions and are hard to disassociate. Once the electron momentum density has been calculated, \(J(p_{z})\) and/or \(J_{\mathrm{mag}}(p_z)\) can be determined by Eqs. [\[eq:J\]](#eq:J){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:J"} and [\[eq:J_mag\]](#eq:J_mag){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:J_mag"}.
# Computational Details and Results {#sec:comp}
Both KKR and ELK self-consistent computations were performed with the same parameters for the crystal structure (\(a=3.52\) Å) and the same parametrization for the DFT exchange-correlation potential, LSDA . The ELK DFT calculations used a 20\(\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}20\(\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}20 \(k\)-mesh, which proved to be sufficient for the k-point convergence of the self-consistent calculation. The KKR calculations within atomic sphere approximation were performed on a 57\(\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}57\(\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}57 \(k\)-mesh, and a semicircular complex contour was used with \(40\) energy points enclosing the one-particle poles of the Green's function. The minor differences in density of states and spectral functions can be attributed to the different approaches within ELK and KKR. Sightly more significant differences are expected to appear at the DFT+DMFT level. Both approaches use a rotationally invariant form for the interacting Hamiltonian. The multi-orbital interaction has been parameterized by the average screened Coulomb interaction \(U\) and the Hund's exchange coupling \(J\). The values of \(U\) and \(J\) are sometimes used as fitting parameters, although recent developments allow the computation of the dynamic electron-electron interaction matrix elements exactly . It was shown that the static limit of the screened energy-dependent Coulomb interaction led to the \(U\) parameter being in the energy range of \(2\) and \(4\) eV for all \(3d\) transition metals. Previous DMFT calculations showed that these \(U\) and \(J\) parameters provide the best description of the ground state properties related to the structure and different spectroscopic measurements for many of the \(3d\) metals . In a considerable number of studies of bulk fcc Ni the excellent agreement with the experimental results were obtained by setting \({J = 0.9}\) eV , the value which we also use here. Besides, these \(U\) and \(J\) parameters are in line with constrained random-phase approximation (cRPA) calculations of \(3d\) transition metals . Note, however, that the multi-orbital interacting Hamiltonian is formulated in different basis sets. In KKR+DMFT, the local atomic basis set is used , and consequently, the many-body problem is formulated within the \(d\)-block. Correlation effects are felt by other orbitals only through the self-consistency cycle. In contrast, with the ELK+DMFT, the Wannier projectors are constructed such that the Ni-\(d\) states, which are completely within the used correlated energy window of \({[-10, 3]}\) eV, are captured. Further essential parameters for the CT-QMC computation ) are the number of 4.2\(\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}10\(^{8}\) sweeps and the inverse temperature \(\beta\) of \(40\) eV\(^{-1}\). In both methods the spin-polarized around-mean-field double-counting term (AMF) was employed. The ELK+DMFT spectral function presented in Sec. [3.3](#sec:sf){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:sf"} was calculated by analytically continuing the DMFT self-energy using the *LineFitAnalyzer* technique of the maximum entropy analytic continuation method implemented within the TRIQS/Maxent application. The different descriptions of the potentials, full potential in ELK and the atomic sphere approximation (ASA) in KKR, also lead to the difference in the calculated chemical potentials. Within the KKR+DMFT method, the self-energy is added into the Kohn-Sham-Dirac equation , and the chemical potential is updated to conserve the number of valence electrons similarly as in the DFT loop. The ELK+DMFT, using the Wannier projectors instead, updates the electron density from which a new set of Kohn-Sham eigenvalues and eigenvectors are generated and the corresponding chemical potential is obtained. The difference in the DFT+DMFT chemical potential with respect to the DFT values is at most a few tenths of an eV. The different solvers produce slightly different values for the real parts of the self-energies at the chemical potential. An important point here is the double counting and even though the functional form is the same for both KKR+DMFT and ELK+DMFT, the slightly different values in the occupation matrix produce slightly different double counting values.
## \(U\)-dependent spin and orbital magnetic moments {#sec:spin_mag}
To identify the optimal value of \(U\), or at least to narrow the *ab-initio* interval, we first analyzed the behavior of the Ni ferromagnetic spin magnetic moment with respect to the on-site Coulomb interaction, \(U\) and fixed Hund's rule coupling, \({J=0.9}\) eV. The ferromagnetic spin (\(m_s\)) and orbital (\(m_\ell\)) magnetic moment as a function of the on-site Coulomb interaction \(U\) are shown in Fig. [\[fig:mag\]](#fig:mag){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:mag"}. Both the ELK+DMFT and KKR+DMFT results show a similarly decreasing spin magnetic moment with increasing \(U\), in quite close correspondence to each other. Contrary to the decreasing spin moment over the entire \(U\) range, the orbital moment \(m_\ell\) obtained in relativistic KKR+DMFT calculations, increases with the \(U\) values, passing the maximum value at \({U\approx2.3}\) eV, and decreases upon further increasing the value of \(U\). Even for the largest value of \(U\) (\({U=3.0}\) eV in the presented calculations), the KKR+DMFT orbital magnetic moment is larger than the corresponding DFT value by about \(30\%\). Similar results have also been reported previously in Ref. and were interpreted as a correlation-induced orbital moment enhancement. Despite the different descriptions, it is satisfying to see the good agreement between the results obtained with both methods. For \({U=2.0}\) eV, the calculated spin moment matches best with experiment \(\approx 0.56~\mu_{\mathrm{B}}\) for both DFT+DMFT methods and is within the *ab-initio* predictions for the \(3d\) transition elements. These \({U=2.0}\) eV and \({J=0.9}\) eV values are in agreement with that used in the previous spin-polarized Ni ACAR study . The experimental spin moment originates from the polarized neutron diffraction measurements by Ref. . The total (spin + orbital) measured magnetic moment, which the analysis relied on, was subsequently revised by Ref. to \({0.616\,\mu_B}\), and with which our KKR+DMFT \({U=2.0}\) eV calculation has excellent agreement. Our chosen \(U\) and \(J\) values for ferromagnetic fcc Ni have a higher \(J\)/\(U\) ratio compared to previous (DFT+)DMFT studies in the paramagnetic phase . For other values of \({J}\) two different values of \(U\) are required to match either spin or orbital moments, where as for \({J=0.9}\) eV and \({U=2.0}\) eV we obtain an excellent agreement of both. Magnetic Compton scattering, however, does not directly provide information concerning the orbital moments, but when combined with a SQUID measurement of the total magnetic moment, the orbital contribution can be inferred.
## Magnetic Compton profiles {#sec:mcp}
In the KKR(+DMFT), the magnetic Compton profiles are calculated from the spin-resolved momentum density \({\rho^{\sigma}(\mathbf{p})}\) which in turn is obtained as a contour integral of the Green's function in the momentum representation, Eq. [\[eq:rho_KKR\]](#eq:rho_KKR){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:rho_KKR"}. In the ELK+DMFT the electron momentum densities (and the MCPs) are computed through the wavefunctions and occupation functions across the Brillouin zone on the imaginary frequency axis. The method of obtaining the wavefunctions and occupation functions in ELK-TRIQS are described in Ref. . In both methods, the MCPs were calculated within a sphere of radius \({16}\) a.u. (\({|\mathbf p| \leqslant 16}\) a.u.), and then renormalized such that their areas were equal to the corresponding spin magnetic moment. To analyze the effects of correlation on the MCPs, we calculated MCPs with the DFT+DMFT method for a series of on-site interaction values \(U\) and Hund's rule coupling \({J=0.9}\) eV by employing both KKR+DMFT and ELK+DMFT. Fig. [\[fig:elk_kkr\]](#fig:elk_kkr){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:elk_kkr"} shows the Ni MCPs along the cubic high symmetry directions, obtained using the KKR(+DMFT) (Figs. [\[fig:elk_kkr\]](#fig:elk_kkr){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:elk_kkr"} (a)-(c)), and the ELK(+DMFT) (Figs. [\[fig:elk_kkr\]](#fig:elk_kkr){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:elk_kkr"} (d)-(f)) in the momentum range \({0 \leqslant p_z \leqslant 8}\) a.u.. The theoretical MCPs have been convoluted with a Gaussian with a full-width-at-half-maximum (FWHM) of \(0.43\) a.u. to represent the experimental resolution. Starting with the presented DFT results, the MCPs show good agreement with the experiment for \({p_z > 2}\) a.u. but these MCPs do not match the low-momentum region for any of these high symmetry directions. Our DFT results are in good agreement with those previously presented in Ref. . The MCP peak structures within the first Brillouin zone are due to the exchange splitting, which in turn causes the majority and minority spin bands to cross the Fermi level at different \(\mathbf{k}_F\) values (see Fig. [\[fig:comp_unconv\]](#fig:comp_unconv){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:comp_unconv"} and Fig. [\[fig:Akw\]](#fig:Akw){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Akw"}). These peaks are periodically repeated in the MCPs as these are the umklapp contributions from higher zones (i.e., \({\mathbf{k}+\mathbf{G}}\) where \(\mathbf{G}\) is the reciprocal lattice vector). One of the advantages of the effective one-particle framework of DFT calculations is the possibility to decompose the total MCP into the contributions originating from individual bands . The dip in this low-momentum region has been attributed partly to the contribution of the so-called negative polarization of the \(s\)-and \(p\)-like bands with respect to the positive contribution of the \(d\)-bands. At the same time, Refs. note that another source of discrepancy may be due to the \(d\)-like fifth band (band numbering according to Ref. ), where Ref. attributes the shape of the contribution of this band to the inconsistencies between the theoretical and the true Fermi surface. These interpretations, based on the DFT band structures, raise some interesting unsolved questions about the origin of the discrepancy at low momentum. From the DFT results, the predicted negative polarization contributions are not sufficient to explain the low momentum dip seen in the experimental results. Dixon *et al.*, Ref. , suggested that it was the deficient representation of the \(d\)-electron correlations in LSDA (and GGA), not just the negative polarization from the \(s\)-and \(p\)-electrons, which was the potential cause for the low momentum experiment-theory disagreement . Artificial shifts of the bands around the Fermi level showed improved agreement with the low momentum MCP region. As correlation effects lead to the shift of those bands naturally, improved theoretical description of the Ni MCPs can be obtained by taking them into account. Recent studies also demonstrated that including the local correlations through the DMFT framework reduces the discrepancy between theoretical and experimental MCPs of Ni. Moving onto the DFT+DMFT results, the large dips near \({p_z= 0}\) a.u. in the high symmetry directions are better reproduced by the DFT+DMFT MCP for \({U>2.3}\) eV. On the other hand, for high-momentum, \({p_z>2}\) a.u., region \({U<2.3}\) eV is a better choice. Although we are able to produce improved agreement (with respect to the DFT MCPs) with the experiment at low momentum, \({p_z < 1}\) a.u., DFT+DMFT fails to reproduce the experimental MCP for the \([100]\) and \([110]\) directions (see Fig. [\[fig:elk_kkr\]](#fig:elk_kkr){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:elk_kkr"} (a),(d) and (b),(e)). Along the nearest-neighbor direction \([110]\), no \(U\) value was found to suppress the peak at around \({p_z = 0.6}\) a.u.. Although the general low momentum disagreement is the case for both implementations, there are some notable differences between the ELK+DMFT and KKR+DMFT results. Along \([100]\) direction, \({J_{\mathrm{mag}}(p_z)}\) for \({p_z<1}\) a.u calculated with ELK+DMFT for increasing values of \(U\) matches the experimental MCP better than those obtained with KKR+DMFT. The latter visibly overestimates the \({J_{\mathrm{mag}}(p_z)}\) (by almost the same amount) for all \(U\) values considered. The opposite happens for the \([111]\) direction. In this case, \({J_{\mathrm{mag}}(p_z)}\) obtained with KKR+DMFT matches the experimental values in \({p_z\lesssim 2}\) a.u. region for \({U\geqslant 2.3}\) eV, while ELK+DMFT results overestimate the experimental values for \({p_z\lesssim 1}\) a.u for all considered values of \(U\). Although in general the low momentum is better described with higher \(U\) values (see Fig. [\[fig:elk_kkr\]](#fig:elk_kkr){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:elk_kkr"}), the costs of this is the poorer agreement with the experiment from \(1\) a.u. to about \(5\) a.u.. This is because the area under the MCP, which is equal to the corresponding spin moment for each \(U\) value in Fig. [\[fig:mag\]](#fig:mag){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:mag"}, reduces with increasing \(U\) and is less than the experimental value for about \({U>2.0}\) eV. Therefore, for the different \(U\) values, an improvement in one momentum region of the MCP causes another region to worsen in order to conserve the area. We did not find a single \(U\) value, within the *ab-initio* range of \(U\) values, which would simultaneously match both, low-and high-momentum regions of experimental profile within its error. On the other hand, in the previous section, we identified that the DFT+DMFT calculation with \({U=2.0}\) eV and \({J=0.9}\) eV produces the best match between the calculated and experimental magnetic moment. To see how well the DFT+DMFT MCPs for \({U=2.0}\) eV match the experimental MCPs from Ref. , and also to compare the results obtained by two different packages and two distinct frameworks in Fig. [\[fig:Exp_comp\]](#fig:Exp_comp){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Exp_comp"}, we show the corresponding MCPs. Although the MCPs calculated in the DFT+DMFT framework for \({U=2.0}\) eV deviate from the experimental results in the momentum range \({0< p_z < 1}\) a.u., extending DFT with the DMFT framework significantly improves the description of the experiment in the range \({1< p_z< 2}\) a.u.. For \({U=2.0}\) eV, the structure of the MCPs is well reproduced in all three high symmetry directions in this region where the dominant contributions are made. DFT+DMFT results also stay in reasonably good agreement with the experiment for higher values of \(p_z\), from \({p_z=2}\) a.u. onwards, but they tend to slightly underestimate the tails, although they are within the experimental error. This is also a consequence of the calculations overestimating the low momentum region. Overall, dynamic correlations improve the agreement with the experimental data beyond the LSDA results. The results including dynamic correlations also show the correct trend for low momentum region \({p_z \lesssim 2}\) a.u. where better MCPs are obtained in comparison to the LSDA. LSDA overestimates MCP values almost in the entire region. As mentioned earlier, since the areas under the MCPs directly equal the spin moment (\(m_s\)), the areas reduce with increasing \(U\) as per Fig. [\[fig:mag\]](#fig:mag){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:mag"}. Nevertheless, since DFT+DMFT also overestimates the experimental MCP values in the \({p_z \lesssim 1}\) a.u. region, the consequence is that the tails (high-momentum region) are underestimated---after all, the areas beneath the MCP and \({U=2.0}\) eV DFT+DMFT curves are almost equal. The current results, however, do not allow us to infer the optimal value for the on-site Coulomb interaction necessary to obtain the best agreement with the experimental measurements. Nevertheless, we see that \(U\) values in the range \([1.7,2.3]\) eV describe the on-site Coulomb interaction reasonably well (almost exactly within experiment error bars in the \({1\lesssim p_z \lesssim 2}\) a.u. range), in agreement with positron annihilation measurements . Similar conclusions have been drawn in previous papers reporting the correlation effects upon the MCP of Ni . A direct comparison between the methods can be seen in Fig. [\[fig:comp_unconv\]](#fig:comp_unconv){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:comp_unconv"}, where we plot the theoretical MCPs which have not been convoluted with the experimental resolution. The results produced with the two DFT+DMFT implementations are in excellent agreement. Therefore, we are confident that the effect of the resolution on the MCPs does not hide any glaring disagreements between the implementations. Finally, we conclude that neither implementation produces results (for all \(U\) values) that have a better overall agreement with the experimental data than the other (within the experimental error). The level of experiment-theory agreement between the MCPs from both implementations varies in different regions of momentum. Overall, the results from the two implementations are in good agreement with minor discrepancies due to the aforementioned differences discussed at the beginning of Sec. [3](#sec:comp){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:comp"}.
## Spectral function {#sec:sf}
Features in the MCPs can be traced back to the form of the spectral function which, for the non-interacting case, is represented by the band structure. Fig. [\[fig:Akw\]](#fig:Akw){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Akw"} shows the DFT band structure together with the DFT+DMFT \(\mathbf{k}\)-resolved spectral function along the high symmetry direction in the Brillouin zone from the ELK and ELK+DMFT calculations. In the present DFT calculation, we confirm that the bands \(5\) and \(6\) of Fig. [\[fig:Akw\]](#fig:Akw){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Akw"} only give a positive contribution to the MCPs whereas bands \(1\)-\(4\) have negative contributions to the MCPs at low momentum. In a many-body picture, however, such a band-resolved interpretation is not possible. The spectral function in Fig. [\[fig:Akw\]](#fig:Akw){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Akw"} shows the quasi-particle dispersion. The self-energy affects the two spin channel spectral functions differently. A significant part of the energy dependence of the self-energy is related to the different occupations of the spin-polarized \(d\)-states, on which the MCPs are also dependent. Scattering processes involving \(s\)-electrons may be neglected as the corresponding orbitals are almost completely filled . Within the DMFT approximation, the self-energy matrix is diagonal in the angular momentum representation and is independent of \({\mathbf{k}}\). It is the orbital dependence of the self-energy that produces a coupling between the terms of the \(d^8\)-multiplets , where the neglected \(k\)-dependence of the self-energy amounts to disregarding the hopping processes of the two holes bound to the same Ni-site. The CT-HYB impurity solver captures the self-energy contributions relevant for the strong ferromagnetic state such as repeated scattering of paired holes, hole-hole and hole-electron interactions as these processes enter in the fully rotationally invariant formulation of the Hubbard model and parameterized by the \(U\) and \(J\) parameters . As Ni has a relatively large band width, the atomic multiplet structure is extended in the energy range around \({-6}\) eV. Therefore, the expected satellite in our treatment is a broad feature instead. The prominent correlation effect of the DFT+DMFT \(\mathbf{k}\)-resolved spectral function is to renormalize the position and width of the \(d\)-bands and significantly reduce the exchange splitting to about \(0.3\) eV at the L-point (which we measured as the difference between the majority and minority band centers). These are direct consequences of the presence of the real part of the DMFT self-energy having a negative slope at \(E_F\). These features are in good agreement with experiments and are in line with previous studies. We observe that the crossing of the bands at the Fermi level hardly changes for the majority spin channel (see the left panel in Fig. [\[fig:Akw\]](#fig:Akw){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Akw"}). In the minority bands, however, there are subtle changes around the X-point, where two X-hole pockets reside (see the inset in the right panel in Fig. [\[fig:Akw\]](#fig:Akw){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Akw"}). These changes are less significant for the MCPs but are relevant in other experiments such as de Haas-van Alphen and ARPES . Previous experiment-theory comparisons have shown that DFT predicts a second shallow minority hole pocket around X. This is referred to as the minority X\(_2\) hole pocket (related to minority band \(3\) in Fig. [\[fig:Akw\]](#fig:Akw){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Akw"}) but there is no strong evidence of its presence in the experiments. The present DFT+DMFT calculation with \({U=2.0}\) eV shows that the size of the minority X\(_2\) hole pocket shrinks and also becomes shallower as compared to DFT results, but it does not vanish. These may indicate that other correlation effects are required to suppress this band below the Fermi level, or that the large effective mass of X\(_2\) hole pocket due to the shallowness of the corresponding band around X (see the inset in the right panel in Fig. [\[fig:Akw\]](#fig:Akw){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Akw"}) might have made its observation more challenging. Contrary to previous interpretations based on the one-particle description it is not obvious that the negative polarization contributions to the MCP (by the \(s\)-and \(p\)-electrons) is the cause for the disagreement between the experiment and the DFT and DFT+DMFT computations. The low momentum disagreement is likely the consequence of the other missing correlation effects beyond DFT+DMFT, such as screening. As screening is a genuine many-body effect, it requires methods like quasiparticle GW (QSGW). Such a calculation for Ni has been performed recently by L. Sponza *et al.* . The QSGW calculations produce an enhanced value for the magnetic moment and exchange splittings. Nonetheless, in supplementing the computations with DMFT in the combined QSGW+DMFT, the values for the magnetic moment and exchange splitting are in good agreement with the experiment. We expect that a QSGW+DMFT calculations would likely improve the MCPs, as these incorporate non-local and screening effects.
# Conclusion and Outlook
To conclude, we have presented results of two different DFT+DMFT implementations to calculate the spin-resolved momentum distributions \({\rho^\sigma({\bf p})}\), and the magnetic Compton profile \({J_\mathrm{mag}(p_z)}\). Both of these implementations show excellent agreement with each other considering the differences in their approaches to applying both DFT and DMFT and the different challenges that these contribute to the calculations. The DFT+DMFT spin moment calculations have the same \(U\) dependence in both setups, the slight difference in magnitude likely being due to the details of the implementations. Although the spin moment improves to be comparable with the experimental value, the shape of the MCP has a weak \(U\) dependence, features in the profile such as umklapp peaks, remain relatively unchanged and only the MCP contributions are redistributed compared to the calculated DFT profiles. For the \({U=2.0}\) eV calculation, which reproduces the experimental spin (and total) magnetic moments, the corresponding spectral function reveals that the minority X\(_2\) pocket shrinks and gets shallower with respect to the DFT calculations, but nevertheless still survives. This small X\(_2\) pocket is likely to have a large effective mass and this may explain why it was not observed in the de Haas-van Alphen experiment. According to our combined DFT+DMFT approaches, some arguments in previous DFT studies built upon the existence of negative polarization description are not sufficient to explain the discrepancy between the theoretical and experimental MCP and low-momentum region. Instead, theories including a non-local description of interaction and retardation effects (i.e., energy-dependent screening) such as cluster-DMFT, GW (QSGW) and beyond might be more suitable to deliver a better description of the MCP in ferromagnetic metals such as Ni. To truly resolve the intricacies which may arise between the aforementioned theoretical frameworks, it would be essential to remeasure the Ni MCPs with a higher resolution. This will lead to further valuable understanding of the many-body groundstate properties probed in momentum space. | {'timestamp': '2021-05-14T02:14:10', 'yymm': '2012', 'arxiv_id': '2012.08812', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.08812'} |
# Introduction
To study the knots and links occurring in flows on \(S^3\), Birman and Williams introduced the template (they called it the knot holder) as a geometric model. Roughly speaking, a template is a compact branched surface with an associated semi-flow on it, whose periodic orbits are in bijective correspondence with the periodic orbits of the original \(3\)-dimensional flow. As in knot theory, the embedded template is studied by the template diagram with planar moves. Two template diagrams correspond to isotopic templates if and only if one can be obtained from the other by a finite sequence of plane isotopies and planar moves. However, from the point of view of dynamics, two embedded templates are identified if they are isotopic in ambient space with additional switch move and splitting move. These two template moves may change the homeomorphism type of a template, thus bring an obstruction to define topological invariant of embedded templates. In this paper, we fix the homeomorphism type of an embedded template. Then the boundary of the embedded template is a trivalent spatial graph, which is in fact a complete invariant of the original template with specifical homeomorphism type (Theorem [\[crit\]](#crit){reference-type="ref" reference="crit"}). Furthermore, we use Kauffman's invariant of spatial graphs to make it easy for comparing template boundaries. It leads an isotopic invariant which is a set of knots and links (Theorem [\[taut\]](#taut){reference-type="ref" reference="taut"}). Another advantage of this link-set invariant is the veracity of describing the template with twisted and knotted bands. Knots as invariants of dynamics are not unusual such as in. The isotopy of flows is also under consideration. Particularly for simple Smale flows, we construct a spatial graph invariant and a generalization of Kauffman's invariant involving the unique attractor (Theorem [\[lemg\]](#lemg){reference-type="ref" reference="lemg"}). They can classify the simple Smale flows on \(S^3\) with Lorenz-like templates and the universal template with its analogues, and the former is a complete isotopic invariant for general case (Theorem [\[flowg\]](#flowg){reference-type="ref" reference="flowg"}) while the completeness of the later is unknown. This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we give a brief account of template theory, and fix some notions. The boundary spatial graph of a template is discussed in Section 3. Our main result lies in Section 4. We show that the isotopy class of a template is totally determined by that of its boundary spatial graph. Section 5 devotes an application of our results into simple Smale flow on \(S^3\).
# Templates and ambient isotopy {#secBCHD}
In this section, we concentrate on \(3\)-dimensional manifolds. We state the template theory briefly and discuss ambient isotopy acting on embedded templates.
Here a semi-flow is the same as a flow except that one cannot go backward in time uniquely, and in a template one cannot back up uniquely at a branch line. The semi-flows are usually indicated by arrows on charts.
If two templates \((\fT,\varphi_t)\) and \((\fT' ,\varphi_t ')\) are ambient isotopic, then they are homeomorphic as branched surfaces and topologically equivalent as dynamical systems, as well as have the same embedding properties. Next we consider the effect of an ambient isotopy acting on a template of a flow.
Besides the ambient isotopy, there are two additional template moves adopted for defining equivalence among embedded templates, the splitting move and the switch move.
From the viewpoint of topology, the spatial graph is a bit more complex object than the knot or link. Now we use Kauffman's invariant of trivalent spatial graphs to dispose the boundary of a template, and get a collection of knots and links as our isotopic invariant of embedded templates. Let us recall the definition of Kauffman's invariant in. For a trivalent spatial graph \(G\) in a \(3\)-space, there are three types of local replacement at a vertex \(v\) of \(G\) as follows.
Here \"topological\" means embedding.
Combining Proposition [\[isog\]](#isog){reference-type="ref" reference="isog"} and Kauffman's theorem [\[tau\]](#tau){reference-type="ref" reference="tau"}, we get the following consequence immediately.
In Section 5, we will apply this invariant to study the isotopic classification of simple Smale flows on \(S^3\).
# A complete invariant of templates
Proposition [\[isog\]](#isog){reference-type="ref" reference="isog"} states that ambient isotopic templates have isotopic boundaries. Conversely, we have the following criterion on determining if two templates in \(3\)-sphere are ambient isotopic. Therefore, it is equivalent to say that the template boundary, as a spatial graph, is a complete invariant of embedded templates with a fixed homeomorphism type.
The construction of ambient isotopies relies on the Isotopy Extension Theorem, which states that an isotopy of a compact submanifold of \(S^3\) always extends to an ambient isotopy having compact support. To prove Theorem [\[crit\]](#crit){reference-type="ref" reference="crit"}, we need the following two lemmas on embedded discs, annuli, and Möbius strips.
We can now prove Theorem [\[crit\]](#crit){reference-type="ref" reference="crit"}.
The proof of the previous two lemmas works as well as for ambient manifolds with trivial \(\pi_2\). This implies that the conclusion of Theorem [\[crit\]](#crit){reference-type="ref" reference="crit"} holds in those cases. We have the following corollary.
# Isotopy of simple Smale flows {#secMldCalc}
In dynamics, topologically equivalent flows have the same orbit structure hence the same dynamical properties, but their corresponding orbits may be embedded in the underlying manifold in different ways, or in other words by physicists, they may have different orbit organizations. Embedding of objects in the ambient space is usually under consideration in topology up to isotopy. In this section, we define the isotopy of flows, which is more subtle than the topological equivalence in the viewpoint of classifying. It is naturally related to the ambient isotopy and is useful to describe the embedding of orbits into the underlying manifold. Then we concentrate on the classification of simple Smale flows on \(S^3\) up to isotopy by using the induced spatial graph and its generalized Kauffman's invariant. Let \(M\) be a connected compact smooth manifold. All the flows we consider here are supposed to be smooth.
The isotopy of two flows is an equivalent relation (for the transitivity, see p. 111 of ). There is a close relationship between isotopy of flows and ambient isotopy. If \(\phi_t\) is a flow on \(M\), \(\{ h_\la \}_{\la \in I}\) is an ambient isotopy, then \(\phi_t = h_0 \circ \phi_t\) and \(h_1 \circ \phi_t\) are isotopic by defining \[H_\la (t, x)= h_\la \circ \phi_t(x), \quad (t, x)\in \R \times M\] for \(\la \in I\). Conversely, we have the following proposition.
Next we consider the relationship between topological equivalence and isotopy of flows in dynamics. For a flow \(\phi_t\col M\to M\), denote the orbit of \(x\in M\) by \[O_{\phi} (x)=\{ \phi_t (x): t\in \R\}.\]
Now we focus on simple Smale flows. First we give the general definition of the Smale flow.
Next we consider SSFs on \(3\)-sphere by using spatial graphs they induces and the generalized Kauffman's invariant.
As for Proposition [\[isog\]](#isog){reference-type="ref" reference="isog"}, we can ask the inverse questions of Theorem [\[lemg\]](#lemg){reference-type="ref" reference="lemg"} that (1) wether or not the spatial graph \(G= a\cup \pa \fT\) is a complete isotopic invariant of SSFs on \(S^3\); and (2) wether or not the generalized Kauffman's invariant \(\tau_a (G)\) is complete. For the first question, we give a general discussion on the structure of SSFs, which is fundamental for the classification problem. Let \(\phi_t\) be a SSF on a \(3\)-manifold \(M\) with attractor \(a\), repeller \(r\), and saddle set \(\Om\). For the saddle set \(\Om\), choose a template \(\fT\). As a topological space, \(\fT\) is a connected compact branched \(2\)-manifold. The thicken template \(\bar{\fT}\) is an isolated neighborhood of \(\Om\), which is generally a knotted handlebody embedded in \(M\). Assume the genus of \(\bar{\fT}\) is \(g\), then \(\pa \bar{\fT}\) is a connected orientable closed surface of genus \(g\). It is composed of two compact subsurfaces-the exit set \(\pa_-\bar{\fT}\) and the entrance set \(\pa_+ \bar{\fT}\), which are in fact homeomorphic \[\pa_-\bar{\fT} \cong \pa_+ \bar{\fT}\] and intersect at a finite number of disjoint circles as their common boundary. That is, \[\pa (\pa_-\bar{\fT})= \pa (\pa_+ \bar{\fT})\] is a disjoint union of finite circles. The core of the exit set \(\pa_-\bar{\fT}\) is exactly \(\pa \fT\), the boundary of the template. Let \(A\) and \(R\) be the tubular neighborhoods of the attractor \(a\) and the repeller \(r\) in the underlying \(3\)-manifold \(M\) respectively. Since \(a\) and \(r\) are generally knotted, \(A\) and \(R\) are knotted solid tori in \(M\) with knotted tori \(\pa A\) and \(\pa R\) as their boundaries. The original flow \((M, \phi_t)\) can be reconstructed by attaching \(A, \bar{\fT}\) and \(R\) along their boundaries in the way that gluing \(\pa_-\bar{\fT}\) to \(\pa A\), \(\pa_+ \bar{\fT}\) to \(\pa R\), and the remainder part of \(\pa A\) to the remainder part of \(\pa R\). Both the manifold and flow obtained from the attaching can be smooth by a modification such as in. Let \[N\defeq A\cup \bar{\fT}\] be the result of attaching \(\bar{\fT}\) to \(A\). The following theorem gives a partial answer of the first question in the case of SSFs on \(3\)-sphere. It essentially relies on Theorem [\[crit\]](#crit){reference-type="ref" reference="crit"} and the fact that the knot complement in \(S^3\) is a complete invariant.
For the second question that wether or not the generalized Kauffman's invariant \(\tau_a (G)\) is a complete invariant for SSFs on \(S^3\), the answer seems to be no. A reason is that the Kauffman's invariant is not powerful enough to distinguish spatial graphs. In fact, even for \(\theta\)-curves, non-isotopic spatial graphs may have the same Kauffman's invariant. Thus it is quite a question. | {'timestamp': '2020-12-17T02:09:09', 'yymm': '2012', 'arxiv_id': '2012.08739', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.08739'} |
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# Introduction {#sect:intro}
Exoplanet transit depths in multiple bands in the light curve of a star provide clues into understanding the atmospheric composition of the exoplanet. The transmission spectrum leads to the detection of certain atomic and molecular species, as well as haze and clouds in the planet atmosphere. For instance, the transit spectrum of HD 209458b and XO-1b provides evidence for water and sodium absorption, while found evidence for water vapor in hot Jupiters. Similarly, WASP-12b has been characterized as a prototypical hot Jupiter with a high C/O ratio and significant presence of aerosols in its atmosphere. However, many of these analyses rely on *Hubble* Space Telescope spectroscopy. *Hubble* due to its 90 min orbit, and passage through the South Atlantic Anomaly does not provide a good sampling of the light curve during ingress and egress. Those data are crucial for constraining the inclination of the orbit and thereby the relative transit depths in different bands. The recently commissioned Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite offers high precision photometric measurements in a broad optical band (\(0.6-1\) \(\mu\)m) that is redward of the band used by *Kepler*. TESS aims to discover transiting exoplanets around the brightest stars in the vicinity of the Sun. It has four cameras with a total field of view 24\(\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}96 degrees. The 50\(\%\) ensquared-energy (within a square) half-width is 1 detector pixel or 21 arcseconds. The 90\(\%\) ensquared-energy half-width is 2x2 pixels. TESS produces multi-frame images at a cadence of 30 minutes with a baseline of at least 27 days and thus does not suffer from gaps in the light curve like *Hubble*. The photometric precision is about 1\(\%\) sensitivity at 16th mag. Here we present a re-analysis of the exoplanets KELT-19Ab, WASP-156b, and WASP-121b by combining TESS with other past observations. This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the generation of TESS light curves, derivation of planet parameters from the TESS data using a Monte-Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) method, transit parameters bias caused by binning and a comparison between our values of inclination and \(R_{p}/R_{\ast}\) with previous estimates. Constraints on the exoplanet atmosphere and the predictions of \(R_{p}/R_{\ast}\) in the Kepler band and a \(z-\)band, which is sensitive to water vapor is presented in Section 3. In Section 4, we present a summary of our results.
# Data reduction
## TESS Photometry
The exposure time of TESS for each frame is 2 seconds. Due to data downlink limitations, two images products are released; the individual frames in a few pixels around certain sources are integrated to 2 minute cadence, and are called Target Pixel Files (TPF). The frames are also integrated to 30 minute cadence for all the sources in the field of view, to generate a Full Frame Image (FFI). We use 2 minute cadence frames to derive the light curves and 30 minute cadence frames to calibrate and remove the blending flux from surrounding sources. The FFI shows an offset in astrometry relative to the nominal position of the exoplanet host star, as measured by Gaia. However, the astrometric offset is similar across all the frames. So for each source, we checked the astrometry in a few frames and applied a-few-pixel-level offset if it is present. A smaller fractional offset is determined from a 2-dimensional Gaussian fit of the target. Example images after correcting for astrometric offsets are as shown in Figure 1. The numbers of frames for KELT-19Ab, WASP-156b, WASP-121b are 17612, 17612, and 15973, respectively. The median offsets for KELT-19Ab, WASP-156b, WASP-121b are 0.10, 0.27, 0.07 in pixels. The standard deviations are 0.04, 0.09, 0.04 in pixels. We apply the same astrometry correction when we analyze the 2 minute cadence image. The Target Pixel File (TPF) is a 11 pixels \(\times\) 11 pixels cutout of the image around the TESS Input Catalog (TIC). The pipeline versions are spoc-3.3.57-20190215 for KELT-19Ab, spoc-3.3.51-20181221 for WASP-156b, spoc-3.3.57-20190215 for WASP-121b. We measured the photometry of the host star in a circular aperture with TPF. The aperture radius was chosen to be 3 pixels, corresponding to 63\(\arcsec\). The flux from pixels whose fractional area falls within the aperture is correctly accounted for. The sky background per image was estimated as the median of the pixels which constitute the lowest fifth percentile in flux and subtracted from the photometry in the aperture. The standard deviation of these pixels yields the background noise in the photometry. The quadrature sum of this noise and the Poisson noise of the source itself is the photometric uncertainty of the data point. The contribution to the photometry from nearby unresolved stars was then removed based on the relationship between flux brightness profile and the distance to the Gaia centroid of the unresolved stars (details in the next section).
## Correction for Blending Sources
We then corrected the photometry to remove the contamination from surrounding unresolved sources. We used external information from the Gaia database, including position, brightness in Gaia G and Rp bands. The Gaia Rp band is similar to the bandpass of TESS. However, it is less sensitive than the Gaia G band. For stars which have Rp band photometry from Gaia, we used its brightness information directly. For faint stars with no Gaia Rp band detection, we used their G band flux density and applied a median color correction which is the median flux density ratio between the Rp band and G band of stars in the vicinity. In order to estimate the flux from these contaminating sources inside the aperture centered on the exoplanet host star, we used the TESS FFI data to derive the relationship between flux contamination and the distance between the center of the photometric aperture and a source. We chose 5 bright (brighter than 13 mag in Gaia G-band) and isolated sources from the TESS Input Catalog. It is difficult to guarantee complete isolation to within 6 TESS pixels but the bright stars were chosen to have no detectable companions in the image and the Gaia catalog showed an absence of sources within 5 mags of the bright stars. We divided the 6 pixel radius circle into a set of annuli, each of 0.25 pixel width. We then chose a set of positions that traverse the annulus circumference in 0.1 pixel steps. With each of these positions as center, we performed aperture photometry by measuring the flux density within a circular aperture of radius 3 pixels as for the exoplanet host star. Sky subtraction was performed as described in the previous section. The maximum separation between the center of the aperture and from the bright star position was allowed to be 6 pixels where the contamination is negligible. This is because TESS has a 90% ensquared energy within a half-width of 2 pixels. Finally, we normalized the set of sky subtracted flux density measurements by the flux measured at zero separation. We repeated this for 5 targets and for each target we used 10 frames. The median and standard deviation of the normalized brightness profile for all these measurements is shown in Figure 2. The relationship between distance and brightness profile was then estimated by the polynomial fitting of the data pairs (see in Figure 2). We then apply this relation to every contaminating source whose brightness has been estimated as described above, to derive the flux density contributed by the blending source to the photometry of the exoplanet host star. This contaminating flux density, which is constant for a particular exoplanet host star, was then removed from our photometry values[^1]. The total contaminating flux percentage and uncertainty for the three stars is 6.22\(\%\[\pm\)`<!-- -->`{=html}0.42\(\%\), 0.64\(\%\]\pm\)`<!-- -->`{=html}0.03\(\%\) and 31.49\(\%\[\pm\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1.79\(\%\) for KELT-19Ab, WASP-156b and WASP-121b respectively. In addition, there is a possibility of blending from an unresolved binary companion. In the case of WASP-156b and WASP-121b, there is no evidence of a binary companion in past work. In the case of KELT-19Ab, a nearby stellar companion was detected with the Palomar/Hale 200\(''\) telescope using the near-infrared adaptive optics (AO) system. The stars have a measured magnitude difference of \(\Delta J=2.50\pm0.06\) and \(\Delta K_{s}=2.045\pm0.03\). report a flux ratio of 0.0270\(\pm\)`<!-- -->`{=html}0.0034 at a wavelength of 5200\(\pm\)`<!-- -->`{=html}150\(\AA\), effective temperatures of 7500\(\pm\)`<!-- -->`{=html}200K for the primary component, and 5200\(\pm\)`<!-- -->`{=html}100K for the secondary component. We search the ATLAS library grid based on the flux ratio and effective temperatures. The best fit stellar templates are multiplied by the TESS filter response to estimate the brightness of the companion star and its contamination to the TESS photometry. The derived contaminating flux fraction is 0.059\(\pm\)`<!-- -->`{=html}0.006 which we remove.
## Detrending of the Light Curve And Comparison with TESS-PDC Light Curve
Measuring an accurate transit depth of an exoplanet requires a high precision light curve. This requires detrending to remove the long term trends in the photometry outside of transit events. Since we already know the existence of an exoplanet around these stars, we can use prior knowledge of the transit mid-point time, period and transit duration to perform a simple detrending. To do this, we predicted the transit time in the TESS light curve and extract the parts of the light curve spanning 0.6 days centered at the transit mid-point. The data points of the light curve during the planetary transit were first masked out. We fitted a linear function to the signal in the masked, cut-off, light curve. The fit is used to estimate and remove the trending in the light curve within a day. We applied this correction for every single data point of the extracted light curve and fold the light curve around the transit midpoint to get the transit events shown in Figure 3. We also tried higher order polynomial functions, including orders of 2, 3, 5 and 10. The difference in the detrended light curve is negligible for these choices of polynomials. The photometric data reduction could be influenced by factors already corrected in our pipeline, or by some factors beyond the consideration of our work, e.g., point spread function (PSF) variation, focus changes, bad pixels, and thermal variations. In order to make sure these factors do not dominate the precision of transit depth measurements, we compare our results with light curves derived using the TESS Pre-Search Data Conditioning (PDC) modules. PDC light curve is produced by TESS collaboration with consideration of factors above. The comparison covers three targets in this work, as well as HD-219666, an isolated exoplanet host star identified by TESS which is bright compared to its surrounding stars. The deblending correction for HD-219666 is 0.212\(\%\pm0.006\%\). We compare the median flux of our light curve with the G-band flux reported by Gaia. The flux density ratio of our decontaminated flux to Gaia flux for KELT-19Ab, WASP-156b, WASP-121b and HD-219666 is 97, 71, 90, and 80, respectively (in arbitrary units). The standard deviation is 9.7. The flux ratio of PDC flux to Gaia flux is 95, 66, 86, 75, respectively. The standard deviation is 11.0. This indicates that the two techniques are perfectly consistent with each other. Furthermore, we find that the derived planetary transit depths from the two sets of light curves of these sources are within 1 \(\sigma\) of each other.
## Planet Parameters Derived from TESS-Detected Transits
### Fitting with Free Inclination and Semi-major Axis
We used an MCMC fitting technique to derive the parameters of the exoplanets from the TESS transit curves. We adopted a circular orbit as in previous articles that confirmed the corresponding exoplanets with orbital periods derived therein. The value of T\(_{eff}\), log \(g\), and \[Fe/H\] was taken from the discovery articles as well. The free parameters in our fit are the radius ratio of the planet to the host star (\(R_{p}/R_{\ast}\)), the inclination of the planets orbit (i), the semi-major axis in unit of stellar radii ( \(a/R_{\ast}\)), time offset of transit center (T0) and the limb darkening parameters (a1 for linear limb-darkening coefficient, a2 for quadratic limb-darkening coefficient), as shown in table 1. Except for limb darkening, the other parameters have uniform priors. We adopted the common inclination prior of \(\mathcal{U}\)\[70,90\] but changed it to be \(\mathcal{U}\)\[70,110\] when the posterior of inclination is within a degree of 90 degrees. This is because the distribution of inclination performs differently when the real inclination is close to 90. A prior cut-off at 90 degree severely distorts the posterior distribution to be non-Gaussian. A prior with no 90-degree cut-off yields a more reasonable posterior distribution. The difference in inclination posterior between these two scenarios of priors is systematic, but consistent within 1 \(\sigma\). The limb darkening model is the same as that adopted in the exoplanet discovery articles. The coefficients for limb darkening have a Gaussian prior centered on the prediction for TESS data with an uncertainty of 0.05. In the case of KELT-19Ab, we adopted T\(_{eff}\), log *g*, and \[Fe/H\] of 7500\(\pm\)`<!-- -->`{=html}110 K, 4.127\(\pm\)`<!-- -->`{=html}0.029 cgs,-0.12\(\pm0.51\). As in, a quadratic limb darkening model is applied. The priors for the limb darkening coefficient are 0.27\(\pm\)`<!-- -->`{=html}0.05, 0.23\(\pm\)`<!-- -->`{=html}0.05, for the linear (linLimb) and quadratic coefficients (quadLimb), respectively. In the case of WASP-156b, the T\(_{eff}\), log *g*, and \[Fe/H\] values are 5871\(\pm\)`<!-- -->`{=html}57 K, 4.35\(\pm\)`<!-- -->`{=html}0.03 cgs, 0.10\(\pm0.10\). A quadratic limb darkening model is used. The priors for limb darkening coefficients are 0.36\(\pm\)`<!-- -->`{=html}0.05 and 0.22\(\pm\)`<!-- -->`{=html}0.05 for linLimb and quadLimb respectively. In the case of WASP-121b, the T\(_{eff}\), log *g*, and \[Fe/H\] values are 6460\(\pm\)`<!-- -->`{=html}140 K, 4.2\(\pm\)`<!-- -->`{=html}0.2 cgs, 0.13\(\pm0.09\). The limb darkening model used is the quadratic limb darkening model. The limb darkening coefficients that we applied to our MCMC fits are 0.33\(\pm\)`<!-- -->`{=html}0.05, 0.21\(\pm\)`<!-- -->`{=html}0.05, respectively. For each fitting, the parameters' probability distributions are derived using Python MCMC tool, PYMC. We applied 200000 iterations for the whole chain, and ignore the first 100000 steps to ensure the chain is stable. The best-fitting light curves are shown in Figure 3, respectively. The distribution of \(R_{p}/R_{\ast}\), \(a/R_{\ast}\), inclination and limb darkening parameters are shown in Figure 4. The best fit results are shown in Table 1. The inclinations derived from TESS TPF data for KELT-19Ab, WASP-156b, and WASP-121b are 3.3, 1.0 and 2.3 degrees larger than the results based on identification paper, respectively. Specifically, in case of WASP-121b, the inclination derived is more consistent with the follow-up work value 89.1 by. Due to TESS's continuous sampling with 2 minutes and high precision photometry, the ingress and egress of transit are well monitored. These short phases in the transit duration are extremely sensitive to the inclination and semi-major axis. We, thereforebelieve that the TESS result as well as result from on inclination for WASP-121b are robust.
### Fitting with Fixed Inclination and Semi-major Axis
Although our best fits are similar to other work, there are clear signs of differences, particularly in our derived inclination and transit depths. In order to focus on differences in the radius ratio caused by wavelength dependent properties, we refit the TESS light curves, by fixing the inclination and semi-major axis to the referenced work. The fitting followed the same procedure as section 2.4.1. The fitting results, as well as the derived parameters from previous work, are listed in Table 1. The differences between our fits and the result from the former work are shown in Figure 5. The reduced chi-square in the fits are slightly larger than the best fit from previous section (Table 1). The small difference in the chi-square values indicate that the value of inclination and semi-major axis preferred in other work, is reasonably consistent with the TESS data but is not the preferred solution. The fixed parameter MCMC fits have reduced uncertainties due to the strong priors on inclination and semi-major axis. These constraints on inclination and semi-major disturb the Gaussian distribution of other parameters. The revision for the three sigma rules for the parameters is beyond this work. We cited the 1\(\sigma\) uncertainty from the MCMC derived standard deviation for each parameter. Our fits to the TESS data gives us a consistent planet to star radius ratio for WASP-121b and WASP-156b at the \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}2\(\sigma\) level (Table 1). However, the planet to star radius ratio for KELT-19Ab is 7.5\(\sigma\) smaller than previous work. The TESS radius ratio for WASP-121b is deeper than the median value including all the bands with the TESS wavelength range from. For WASP-156b, the radius ratio is smaller than past work.
## Transit Parameters Bias Caused by Binning
Sampling cadence results in morphological distortions to the transit light curve due to sampling of transit ingress and egress. For the TESS cadence, an assessment of the parameter bias is necessary for assessing the differences in transit depths for different bands. We firstly investigate if our derived parameters from the TESS 2 minute data are consistent with that from the 30 minute data by repeating the whole data reduction and fitting with 30 minute cadence image. In case of free inclination fitting, the inclinations derived for KELT-19Ab, WASP-156b, and WASP-121b are 4.6, 5.1 and 13.6 degrees smaller than the results based on 2 minutes binning data, respectively. Furthermore, the residuals from the light curve for WASP-121b when fixing the inclination shows obvious structure during the phase of ingress and egress (seen in Figure 6). The radius ratio when fixed inclination and semi-major axis is 0.1195\(\pm\)`<!-- -->`{=html}0.0004, about 7\(\sigma\) smaller than 2 minutes result, with substantially worse chi-square values. The inconsistency, especially for WASP-121b, motivates a simulation for a more detailed assessment of the differences. We simulated 1000 light curves for each source. The input parameters were set to that in the discovery papers. We note that for WASP-121b, the newest reported inclination is 1.5 degrees larger than initially assessed. The result from is also well matched to the TESS TPF derived result as shown in Table 1. But for the purpose of the simulations, we chose the value from the discovery paper. The time sampling for the simulated light curve is 1 second and is binned to 2 minutes and 30 minutes. The numbers of transit events are set to be the same as the event numbers observed by TESS. We add a Gaussian error to the light curves. The adopted 1\(\sigma\) scatter is the standard deviation of the residuals from fitting the TESS light curves scaled by a factor of the square root of time scale. These simulated light curves are then fit as described earlier. Figure 7 and 8 show the distribution of derived parameters compared to the input values. We find that the magnitude of bias in the derived parameters especially inclination and semi-major axis, depends on the duration time of the transit, especially ingress and egress. We take WASP-121b as an illustrative example which gives the largest inclination difference. The derived median inclination value with the 30 minute cadence data is 76.4\(\deg\) with a standard deviation of 0.7, 11.2 degrees smaller than the input value. The inclination decrease is because the binning smooths the rapid change of the flux decrease during ingress and egress. The planet to star radius ratio when fixing the inclination and semi-major axis is 0.1201\(\pm\)`<!-- -->`{=html}0.00035, also smaller than the input value at the level of \(\sim5\sigma\) (seen in Figure 7). provide a numerical solution to compensate for biases caused by binning, using Kepler's equations. We investigate the derived correction through a simulation. 1000 simulated light curves of 30 minute cadence are generated with input parameters the same as described before. Using the batman routine, we resample and integrate the simulated light curves to 2 min cadence. The derived fit inclination is 86.4\(\pm\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1.3 deg, indicating that resampling corrects the inclination bias to within 1\(\sigma\). However, the derived R\(_{p}\)/R\(_{\ast}\) from the resampled light curve has a median and scatter of 0.1231\(\pm\)`<!-- -->`{=html}0.00068. The bias in R\(_{p}\)/R\(_{\ast}\) is 0.0011\(\pm\)`<!-- -->`{=html}0.00068, while the bias without resampling is-0.0019\(\pm\)`<!-- -->`{=html}0.00035. Such differences of \(\sim 0.8\%\) are negligible for most transit applications but need to be considered carefully for atmospheric characterization. We use further simulations to assess if any R\(_{p}\)/R\(_{\ast}\) bias after oversampling still exists. The resampling cadence is changed from 1 minute to 10 minutes with a step of 1 minute. The resampling cadence below 1 minute is also tested from 10 seconds to 50 seconds with a step of 10 seconds. The R\(_{p}\)/R\(_{\ast}\) reveals an offset at the level of 0.001 with an uncertainty \(\sim\) 0.0006 when the resampling cadence is below 5 minutes. The offset is larger and increases with resampling cadence when the resampling cadence is larger than 5 minutes. In addition, we apply simulations to check if the bias still exists when the initial sampling rate is 2 minutes. The resampling cadence is set to be 30 seconds, 1 minute, and 2 minutes. The derived R\(_{p}\)/R\(_{\ast}\) does not reveal any evidence of offset suggesting that the batman routine itself does not induce any systematic bias. We thus conclude that the resampling technique significantly reduces the systematic bias caused by undersampling. However, we conclude that the very high precision (R\(_{p}\)/R\(_{\ast}\) \(\sim\) 0.5\(\%\)) needed for atmospheric analysis needs careful correction for sampling-induced systematics. In the case of light curves with 2 minute sampling, the bias is assessed in the same way. The best fit inclination for WASP-121b is found to be 87.7\(\pm\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1.3\(\deg\). The planet to star radius ratio with a fixed inclination and semi-major axis is 0.1219\(\pm\)`<!-- -->`{=html}0.0004. We find the difference between the derived values and the input values to be negligible with the 2 minute data. For all three sources, we find that the simulations with 2 minute sampling yield similar parameters as the input value. Meanwhile, with 30 minutes cadence, the result is significantly biased when we do not correct for the undersampling. Also, the differences in the inclination and planet-to-star radius ratio between 2 and 30 minutes cadence matches the difference between them from real TESS data. From these simulation, we therefore conclude that the biases in parameters from fitting TESS data of different cadence comes from binning, and that the fit parameters from the 2 minute cadence data for our three targets are robust. Finally, we undertake a simulation to investigate the dependence of inclination and semi-major axis upon sampling time interval when not applying the oversampling technique (Figure 8). The sampling time interval in the simulation ranges from 1 minute to 50 minutes. For each interval, the light curve is generated as described above and fit. We duplicate 10 simulations for each sampling interval. The median fit values and standard deviations of the derived parameters are shown in Figure 8 for each sampling interval. It is clear that the inclination and semi-major axis are not significantly biased when the sampling time is less than 5 minutes. Also, the result indicates that the inclination and semi-major axis derived are distorted to be smaller when applying a larger sampling interval (as shown in Figure 8). This suggests that great care must be taken when comparing transit depths in different bands, especially when the light curve sampling intervals are likely to be quite different. The simulations were conducted without the oversampling correction which can mitigate the bias of inclination and semi-major axis as previously discussed.
## A difference in stellar activity level?
As explained in, differences in the number of starspots between past observations and the TESS observations could account for differences in the measured transit depth. It was estimated that when the flux density of the star changes by 1% because of stellar spots, the influence on the radius ratio is of the order of 10\(^{-3}\)R\(_{p}\)/R\(_{\ast}\), comparable to the uncertainty of our TESS derived value. None of the three sources studied in this paper have shown any past evidence of stellar activity. Furthermore, if starspots were significant, the standard deviation of the light curve outside the transit should be different from that during transit. So we conclude that the impact of starspots on our transit depth measurement is negligible.
# Atmospheric Constraints
Our primary scientific motivation for undertaking this work was to compare \(R_{p}/R_{\ast}\) in the TESS band with the value from previous work to constrain the atmospheres of the exoplanets. In particular, the TESS bandpass is significantly redder than the *Kepler* band and encompasses the 0.95 \(\mu\)m water feature. The presence of these features in the planets' atmosphere would result in a larger value of \(R_{p}/R_{\ast}\) in the TESS band. For instance, the \(R_{p}/R_{\ast}\) of KELT-19Ab in TESS data is significantly smaller, at the level of 7.5\(\sigma\), indicating the possible existence of atmospheric features. Our fixed inclination fits (Table 1) allow for a more direct comparison with past work. The significance level of differences in \(R_{p}/R_{\ast}\) are 7.5, 1.5, 1.8 \(\sigma\) for KELT-19Ab, WASP-156b and WASP-121b, respectively. We discuss the implications of this difference for each of the exoplanets.
## KELT-19Ab
KELT-19Ab is a giant planet transiting a moderately bright (V \(\sim\) 9.9 mag) A8V star with a orbital period of 4.61 days. The host stars has \(M_{\ast}=1.62^{+0.25}_{-0.20}M_{\odot}\), \(R_{\ast}=1.83\pm0.10R_{\odot}\). The planet has a radius of \(R_{P}=1.91\pm0.11R_{J}\). The ground-based light curves from in each band (\(B\), \(g\), \(r\), \(i(7519\AA)\), \(I(8317\AA)\) and \(z(8992\AA)\)) were obtained. They are re-fit, to compare the variation in \(R_{p}/R_{\ast}\) values between the different bands to that presented for the combined band. The light curves are performed with binary component deblending and linear detrending, using the same method as described previously. The flux contamination fraction adopted is the same as. The ground-based light curve does not have a long and stable baseline as TESS data. The long-term trend is therefore very difficult to estimate and dominates the \(R_{p}/R_{\ast}\) uncertainty. We masked the transit phase in the light curve as described previously, and fit the baseline, using different baseline lengths. This is repeated 5 times with the baseline length reduced by a factor of 10\(\%\) each time. Three detrended light curves with the best residual are used for transit fitting. The \(R_{p}/R_{\ast}\) and uncertainty are taken as the median value and the standard deviation of three fitted values. We do not fit the \(B\) and \(r\)-band data because of the short baseline and partial coverage of the transit. The \(i-\)band values from the different telescopes are combined. KELT-19Ab has \(R_{p}/R_{\ast}\) of 0.10713 derived from a joint fit to ground-based (B, g, r, i, I, z) data. The refit of our result presents smaller values of \(R_{p}/R_{\ast}\) in each band compared to what has previously been published . This indicates the \(R_{p}/R_{\ast}\) differences might partially come from a different process choice. We fitted the multi-band transit data with the grid of atmospheric transmission spectra from which are developed for hot, H\(_{2}\)/He dominated Jupiters. This model is a 1D radiative-convective-equilibrium solution based on the ATMO code. ATMO solves the radiative transfer for isothermal pressure-temperature (P-T) profiles, with opacity and chemical abundance being other parameters. The grid model has a parameter space of two chemical scenarios, 22 temperatures, 4 planetary gravities, 5 atmospheric metallicities, 4 C/O ratios, 4 scattering haze, 4 cloud parameters and a scaling factor to the specific planetary radius. Modifying specific chemical abundance will lead to different chemical equilibrium which is avoided in the use of the forward grid model. In order to fit the model, we minimized the chi-square value between the observations and model predictions at all the bands. The model prediction at each band is derived by the following equation where \(S_{\lambda}\) is the filter response. \]\frac{R_{p}}{R_{\ast}}=\frac{\int \frac{R_{p}}{R_{\ast}}_{\lambda}S_{\lambda}d{\lambda} }{\int S_{\lambda}d{\lambda}}\[ We find that the haze dominated model at 1500K has the least \(\chi\]^{2}\) of 2.80 (Figure [\[plot:keltindi\]](#plot:keltindi){reference-type="ref" reference="plot:keltindi"}). A clear model showing weak water vapor with rainout condensation at 1500K gives the second best \(\chi^{2}\) of 3.05, while a clear model showing strong water vapor at 1000K has the third best \(\chi^{2}\) of 3.26. A flat model with opaque featureless is also shown with a \(\chi^{2}=3.14\). Other models resulted in much larger chi-square values (more than 6) and are not consistent with the data. We also obtain the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) for evaluating the model evidence. BIC theory is effective when the data points are much more than the free parameters. This might not be the case for KELT-19Ab but we still present the BIC here for reference. The BIC is 4.41, 9.49, 9.69 for haze, weak water, and strong water models. The BIC is 4.74 for an opaque featureless model. The free parameter numbers of the opaque featureless model, haze, weak water, and strong water models are 1, 1, 4, and 4 respectively. The smaller \(\chi^{2}\) and BIC of the haze model suggest that it is possibly the best interpretation given the current data. However, given the relatively narrow range in \(\chi^{2}\) values and small difference in BIC, the opaque featureless model would also be a reasonable explanation. Based on our fits, we predicted the possible \(R_{p}/R_{\ast}\) value in the *Kepler* band and \(z-\) band based on these templates (Figure [\[plot:keltindi\]](#plot:keltindi){reference-type="ref" reference="plot:keltindi"}). The *Kepler* band would show \(R_{p}/R_{\ast}\) of 0.1003 for a haze dominated atmosphere and 0.0997 for a clear model. In the \(z-\)band, the presence of water would introduce a significant difference in the ratio. We estimate that a clear atmosphere model with strong water contribution would show \(R_{p}/R_{\ast}\)=0.1002. The value is smaller, 0.0990, from a clear model with faint water, as well as from a haze dominant model. We find that a difference of 1.2\(\%\) in \(R_{p}/R_{\ast}\) arises between strong water contribution and faint water contribution models. If we scale from our TESS measurements, and assume that the signal to noise ratio depends on the square root of the number of points in the transit, we find that with 500ppm precision for 200 data points around the transit event in the \(z-\)band, one can distinguish between these two scenarios. This is of course a minimum since additional systematic effects can affect the measurements. Alternately, instead of using our derived values of \(R_{p}/R_{\ast}\) in each of the optical bands, we can use the value of which is derived from a joint fit to all the bands. We treated their joint value of \(R_{p}/R_{\ast}\) as the value in each band. The uncertainty follows the equation: \(\sigma_{joint}=\sigma_{i}/\sqrt{N}\), according to the error propagation law. \(\sigma_{joint}\) is the joint band uncertainty, N is the number of bandpasses, \(\sigma_{i}\) is the uncertainty in the band \(i\). We assume the uncertainty in each band is the same. Fitting \(R_{p}/R_{\ast}\), the \(\chi^{2}\) values for the different atmospheric models discussed-haze, strong water, weak water, and opaque featureless model-are 47.52, 50.68, 53.24, and 55.07, respectively. The BIC is 49.47, 58.46, 61.02, and 57.02 for the same models, respectively. Other models resulted in much larger chi-square values (more than 60) and are also not consistent with the data. Again, we find that a haze dominant atmosphere is preferred, as before.
## WASP-156b
The discovery of WASP-156b was reported in. It is a super-Neptune orbiting a K type star (V=11.6 mag, \(M_{\ast}=0.842\pm0.052M_{\odot}\), \(R_{\ast}=0.76\pm0.03R_{\odot}\)) with a period of 3.84 days. It has a mass of \(0.128^{+0.010}_{-0.009}M_{J}\), a radius of \(0.51^{+0.02}_{-0.02}R_{J}\). We followed the same procedure as for KELT-19Ab, to analyze the differences in \(R_{p}/R_{\ast}\) in different bands. The published value of \(R_{p}/R_{\ast}\) for comparison with our TESS analysis, is taken from at Johnson R, Gunn r, Johnson I and Gunn z (Figure [\[plot:156\]](#plot:156){reference-type="ref" reference="plot:156"}). We find that a clear atmosphere at 1500K with strong water contribution (best fit model) has a \(\chi^{2}\) of 2.35, and a BIC of 8.80. The faint water model at the same temperature follows with a worse \(\chi^{2}\) of \(\sim\) 2.44, and a BIC of 8.87. The haze model has a \(\chi^{2}\) of 2.44 and a BIC of 4.04. An opaque featureless model has the same \(\chi^{2}\) of 2.35 as the best fit model. The smallest BIC value of 3.96 indicates that the data might prefer the opaque featureless atmosphere model. The strong water contribution causes a shift of 0.9\(\%\) in \(z-\)band prediction of \(R_{p}/R_{\ast}\) compared to the faint water model. In the Kepler band, the haze dominant model has a larger \(R_{p}/R_{\ast}\) of 1.3\(\%\) than the no atmosphere model. We conclude that the current measurements are consistent with an opaque featureless model.
## WASP-121b
WASP-121b was discovered by. It is a hot Jupiter around a main sequence star (V=10.4 mag, \(1.353^{+0.080}_{-0.079}M_{\odot}\), \(1.458\pm0.030R_{\odot}\)) with a period of 1.28 days. The planets has a mass of \(1.183^{+0.064}_{-0.062}M_{J}\) and a radius of \(1.865\pm0.044R_{J}\). We used external observations from in conjunction with our analysis of the TESS data (Figure [\[plot:121\]](#plot:121){reference-type="ref" reference="plot:121"}). These measurements utilized the standard ground-based filter, STIS, and WFC3 instruments on *Hubble* and span 0.3 to 1.65\(\mu\)m. As outlined in, a global fit for the whole spectrum is challenging due to the complex problem of non-equilibrium chemistry. Our fits with the inclination fixed to past work however, yield a value of \(R_{p}/R_{\ast}\) which is in very good agreement with. The median value of the radius ratio is 0.1225 at the wavelength arrange of TESS. To fit the spectrum, we again use the general grid model from. The best-fit model from is still the best fit model when we add the TESS constraints. The fitting has a reduced chi-square of 4.91, a BIC of 449.74, with 92 data points, 4 fixed, and 4 free parameters (in Figure [\[plot:121\]](#plot:121){reference-type="ref" reference="plot:121"}). The fixed parameters are local condensation, atmospheric metallicities at 20x, haze parameters of 1.0, and no cloud. The fitted free parameters are temperature of 1500K, gravity at 10ms\(^{-2}\), C/O ratio of 0.7, and planet radius (without atmosphere). An opaque featureless model has a reduced chi-square of 5.19, a BIC of 477.39. The haze dominant model is with a chi-square of 5.87, a BIC of 538.76. A transmission model at 1500K with features of potassium, sodium, and water vapor has a much larger reduced chi-square of 27.40, a BIC of 2429.51, and seems to be ruled out. According to BIC theory, any model having a BIC smaller than 10 is favored.
We have analyzed the TESS data for KELT-19Ab, WASP-156b, WASP-121b to measure \(R_{p}/R_{\ast}\) in a broadband spanning 600nm to 1000nm. We identify the significant role of contamination by unresolved background stars in the TESS data and use Gaia data to subtract their contribution to the transit light curves. We provide general-purpose software to address this issue for all TESS data. We detrend the light curves through a linear fit to the photometry near the transit events. To derive the exoplanet transit parameters, we performed two ways of MCMC model fitting: with and without inclination and semi-major axis fixed. The former in particular helps with the comparison with past work on these stars. Using simulations, we demonstrate the systematic biases in inclination and radius ratio with 30 minutes cadence data when no correction for undersampling is undertaken. We also find the inclination and semi-major axis are distorted to be smaller with larger sampling times. However, we find that 2 minute sampling does not cause any bias for transit parameters. The atmosphere of these three exoplanets was then constrained based on \(R_{p}/R_{\ast}\) in different bands. In the case of KELT-19Ab, we find that the TESS-measured \(R_{p}/R_{\ast}\) is \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}7.5\(\sigma\) smaller than past work. The \(R_{p}/R_{\ast}\) could be due to the choice of analysis or due to the presence of atmospheric features which further observations in narrower bands can reveal. The model fitting possibly favors a haze dominant atmosphere. In the case of WASP-156b, we find that the TESS transit depths agree with previous work and prefer a no atmosphere model fit to the measurements. In the case of WASP-121b, the fits to the TESS light curve prefer the newest reported inclination. We find that the atmospheric transmission spectrum is best fitted with a 1500K model with water vapor as reported before. Our work shows that exoplanet atmospheric model constraints benefit from high precision continuous photometry which provides strong constraints on key parameters such as inclination. Adding one high precision observation at certain bands improves the constraints on atmospheric composition. Since TESS has now observed the Northern Hemisphere, we now have Kepler and TESS constraints on a few bright stars, which will help assess the role of haze in exoplanet atmospheres. Finally, we show that precision photometry with \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}500ppm to 1000ppm in the \(z-\)band can help directly constrain the presence of water vapor in the exoplanet atmosphere, when combined with precise TESS photometry. We are very grateful to the thoughtful comments by a referee which greatly improved the quality of results presented in this manuscript. This work made use of PyAstronomy[^5] and the NASA Exoplanet Archive. We would like to thank Jayesh M. Goyal for useful inputs and discussion and Caltech Optical Observatories for supporting the visit by the lead author. We also thank Hilke Schlichting for useful feedback on the manuscript. We sincerely thank Karen A. Collins for providing KELT-19Ab ground-based light curves. Fan Yang and Ji-Feng Liu acknowledge funding from National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC.11988101), National Key Research and Development Program of China (No.2016YFA0400800) and National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (No.11425313).
*Research Notes of the [American Astronomical Society](https://aas.org)* ([RNAAS](http://rnaas.aas.org)) is a publication in the AAS portfolio (alongside ApJ, AJ, ApJ Supplements, and ApJ Letters) through which authors can promptly and briefly share materials of interest with the astronomical community in a form that will be searchable via ADS and permanently archived. The astronomical community has long faced a challenge in disseminating information that may not meet the criteria for a traditional journal article. There have generally been few options available for sharing works in progress, comments and clarifications, null results, and timely reports of observations (such as the spectrum of a supernova), as well as results that wouldn't traditionally merit a full paper (such as the discovery of a single exoplanet or contributions to the monitoring of variable sources). Launched in 2017, RNAAS was developed as a supported and long-term communication channel for results such as these that would otherwise be difficult to broadly disseminate to the professional community and persistently archive for future reference. Submissions to RNAAS should be brief communications-1,000 words or fewer [^6], and no more than a single figure (e.g. Figure [\[fig:1\]](#fig:1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:1"}) or table (but not both)-and should be written in a style similar to that of a traditional journal article, including references, where appropriate, but not including an abstract. Unlike the other journals in the AAS portfolio, RNAAS publications are not peer reviewed; they are, however, reviewed by an editor for appropriateness and format before publication. If accepted, RNAAS submissions are typically published within 72 hours of manuscript receipt. Each RNAAS article is issued a DOI and indexed by ADS to create a long-term, citable record of work. Articles can be submitted in (preferably with the new \"RNAAS\" style option in AASTeX v6.2), MS/Word, or via the direct submission in the [Authorea](http://www.authorea.com) or [Overleaf](http://www.overleaf.com) online collaborative editors. Authors are expected to follow the AAS's ethics, including guidance on plagiarism. Acknowledge people, facilities, and software here but remember that this counts against your 1000 word limit.
[^1]: The code to apply this correction is available at [https://github.com/sailoryf/TESS_Deblending/ ](https://github.com/sailoryf/TESS_Deblending/ )
[^2]: https://github.com/sczesla/PyAstronomy
[^3]: An easy way to count the number of words in a Research Note is to use the `texcount` utility installed with most installations. The call `texcount-incbib-v3 rnaas.tex`) gives 57 words in the front matter and 493 words in the text/references/captions of this template. Another option is by copying the words into MS/Word, and using "Word Count" under the Tool tab.
[^4]: The code to apply this correction is available at [https://github.com/sailoryf/TESS_Deblending/ ](https://github.com/sailoryf/TESS_Deblending/ )
[^5]: https://github.com/sczesla/PyAstronomy
[^6]: An easy way to count the number of words in a Research Note is to use the `texcount` utility installed with most installations. The call `texcount-incbib-v3 rnaas.tex`) gives 57 words in the front matter and 493 words in the text/references/captions of this template. Another option is by copying the words into MS/Word, and using "Word Count" under the Tool tab. | {'timestamp': '2021-11-19T02:06:55', 'yymm': '2012', 'arxiv_id': '2012.08744', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.08744'} |
# Introduction {#intro}
The pelvis is an important structure connecting the spine and lower limbs and plays a vital role in maintaining the stability of the body and protecting the internal organs of the abdomen. The abnormality of the pelvis, like hip dysplasia and pelvic fractures , can have a serious impact on our physical health. For example, as the most severe and life-threatening bone injuries, pelvic fractures can wound other organs at the fracture site, and the mortality rate can reach 45% at the most severe situation, the open pelvic fractures. Medical imaging plays an important role in the whole process of diagnosis and treatment of patients with pelvic injuries. Compared with X-Ray images, CT preserves the actual anatomic structure including depth information, providing more details about the damaged site to surgeons, so it is often used for 3D reconstruction to make follow-up **surgery planning** and evaluation of postoperative effects. In these applications, **accurate pelvic bone segmentation** is crucial for assessing the severity of pelvic injuries and helping surgeons to make correct judgments and choose the appropriate surgical approaches. In the past, surgeons segmented pelvis manually from CT using software like Mimics[^1], which is time-consuming and non-reproducible. To address these clinical needs, we here present an automatic algorithm that can accurately and quickly segment pelvic bones from CT. Existing methods for pelvic bone segmentation from CT mostly use simple thresholding , region growing , and handcrafted models, which include deformable models , statistical shape models , watershed and others . These methods focus on local gray information and have limited accuracy due to the density differences between cortical and trabecular bones. And trabecular bone is similar to that of the surrounding tissues in terms of texture and intensity. Bone fractures, if present, further lead to weak edges. Recently, deep learning-based methods have achieved great success in image segmentation; however, their effectiveness for CT pelvic bone segmentation is not fully known. Although there are some datasets related to pelvic bone , only a few of them are open-sourced and with small size (less than 5 images or 200 slices), far less than other organs . Although conducted experiments based on deep learning, the result was not very good (Dice=0.92) with the dataset only having 200 CT slices. For the robustness of the deep learning method, it is essential to have a comprehensive dataset that includes as many real scenes as possible. In this paper, we bridge this gap by curating a large-scale CT dataset and explore the use of deep learning in this task, which marks, to the best of our knowledge, **the first real attempt** in this area, with more statistical significance and reference value. To build a comprehensive dataset, we have to deal with diverse image appearance variations due to differences in imaging resolution and field-of-view (FOV), domain shift arising from different sites, the presence of contrasted vessels, coprolith and chyme, bone fractures, low dose, metal artifacts, etc. Fig. [\[fig-pic-3\]](#fig-pic-3){reference-type="ref" reference="fig-pic-3"} gives some examples about these various conditions. Among the above-mentioned appearance variations, the challenge of the metal artifacts is the most difficult to handle. Further, we aim at a multi-class segmentation problem that separates the pelvis into multiple bones, including *lumbar spine*, *sacrum*, *left hip*, and *right hip*, instead of simply segmenting out the whole pelvis from CT. The contributions of this paper are summarized as follows:
- A *pelvic CT dataset* pooled from multiple domains and different manufacturers, including \(1,184\) CT volumes (over 320K CT slices) of diverse appearance variations (including 75 CTs with metal artifacts). Their multi-bone labels are carefully annotated by experts. We open source it to benefit the whole community;
- Learning a *deep multi-class segmentation network* to obtain more effective representations for joint lumbar spine, sacrum, left hip, and right hip segmentation from multi-domain labeled images, thereby yielding desired accuracy and robustness;
- A *fully automatic analysis pipeline* that achieves high accuracy, efficiency, and robustness, thereby enabling its potential use in clinical practices.
# Our Dataset {#sec:1}
**Generalization across sub-datasets.** Secondly, we train six deep networks, one network per single sub-dataset (\(\Phi_{ABDOMEN}\), etc.). Then we test them on each sub-dataset. Quantitative and qualitative results are shown in Table [2](#tab_subdataset){reference-type="ref" reference="tab_subdataset"} and Fig. [\[fig-pic-6\]](#fig-pic-6){reference-type="ref" reference="fig-pic-6"}, respectively. We also calculate the performance of \(\Phi_{ALL}\) on each sub-dataset. For a fair comparison, cross-testing of sub-dataset networks is also conducted on each sub-dataset's testing set. We observe that the evaluation metrics of model \(\Phi_{ALL}\) are generally better than those for the model trained on a single sub-dataset. These models trained on a single sub-dataset are difficult to consistently perform well in other domains, except \(\Phi_{COLONOG}\), which contains the largest amount of data from various sources, originally. This observation implies that the domain gap problem does exist and the solution of collecting data directly from multi-source is effective. More intuitively, we show the 'Average' values in heat map format in Fig. [\[table2fig\]](#table2fig){reference-type="ref" reference="table2fig"}. Furthermore, we implement *leave-one-out* cross-validation of these six metal-free sub-datasets to verify the generalization ability of this solution. Models are marked as \(\Phi_{ex\ ABDOMEN}\), etc. The results of \(\Phi_{ex\ COLONOG}\) can fully explain that training with data from multi-sources can achieve good results on data that has not been seen before. When the models trained separately on the other five sub-datasets cannot achieve good results on COLONOG, aggregating these five sub-datasets can get a comparable result compared with \(\Phi_{ALL}\), using only one third of the amount of data. More data from multi-sources can be seen as additional constraints on model learning, prompting the network to learn better feature representations of the pelvic bones and the background. In Fig. [\[fig-pic-6\]](#fig-pic-6){reference-type="ref" reference="fig-pic-6"}, the above discussions can be seen intuitively through qualitative results. **Others.** For more experimental results and discussions, e.g. 'Generalization across manufacturers', 'Limitations of the dataset', please refer to Online Resource 1^[\[em1\]](#em1){reference-type="ref" reference="em1"}^.
### SDF post-processor {#sdfpostprocessor}
The Exp (b) in Table [\[tab_basic\]](#tab_basic){reference-type="ref" reference="tab_basic"} shows the effect of the post-processing module. SDF post-processor yields a decrease of 80.7% and 15.1% in HD compared with no post-processor and MCR post-processor. Details please refer to Online Resource 1^[\[em1\]](#em1){reference-type="ref" reference="em1"}^. The visual effects of two cases are displayed in Fig. [\[fig-pic-8\]](#fig-pic-8){reference-type="ref" reference="fig-pic-8"}. Large fragments near the anatomical structure are kept with SDF post-processing but are removed by the MCR method.
# Conclusion
To benefit the pelvic surgery and diagnosis community, we curate and open source^[\[opensource\]](#opensource){reference-type="ref" reference="opensource"}^ a large-scale pelvic CT dataset pooled from multiple domains, including \(1,184\) CT volumes (over 320K CT slices) of various appearance variations, and present a pelvic segmentation system based on deep learning, which, to the best of our knowledge, marks the first attempt in the literature. We train a multi-class network for segmentation of lumbar spine, sacrum, left hip, and right hip using the multiple-domain images to obtain more effective and robust features. SDF filtering further improves the robustness of the system. This system lays a solid foundation for our future work. We plan to test the significance of our system in real clinical practices, and explore more options based on our dataset, e.g. devising a module for metal-affected CTs and domain-independent pelvic bones segmentation algorithm.
#### Code availability
Please refer to URL^[\[opensource\]](#opensource){reference-type="ref" reference="opensource"}^.
#### Ethical approval
We have obtained the approval from the Ethics Committee of clinical hospital.
#### Informed consent
Not applicable.
[^1]: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mimics>
[^2]: <https://drive.google.com/file/d/115kLXfdSHS9eWxQmxhMmZJBRiSfI8_4_/view>[\[em1\]]{#em1 label="em1"}
[^3]: <https://github.com/mic-dkfz/nnunet>
[^4]: <https://monai.io/> | {'timestamp': '2021-04-02T02:13:17', 'yymm': '2012', 'arxiv_id': '2012.08721', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.08721'} |
# INTRODUCTION {#sec:intro}
Polarimetry is a technique used in many areas of astronomy to study physical characteristics of a wide range of astronomical sources. In a number of researches, polarimetry plays a vital role in deriving interesting inferences which could not be revealed with any other technique. Understanding these advantages of the polarimetric techniques in astronomy, the Astronomy and Astrophysics Division of Physical Research Laboratory (PRL), India, has developed and been using an Optical Photo-polarimeter since the mid 1980s. In the mid 1990s an effort was initiated to build an experimental instrument for infrared photo-polarimetry using a single element InSb detector. The lack of a sensitive detector effectively limited the use of this infrared instrument to bright sources. Later, with the availability of fast optical imagers with compact electronics, the opto-mechanical components were reused in a new instrument for optical imaging polarimetry by replacing the single element infrared detector Dewar with an EMCCD. This EMCCD based optical imaging polarimeter (EMPOL) has been in use since several years at the Mount Abu IR Observatory (MIRO). The polarization optics consists of a rotating half-wave plate (modulator) followed by a Foster prism (analyzer). The instrument has been used for various observations ranging such as some regions of the lunar surface, near-Earth asteroids, comets, open clusters, stars surrounding Lynds dark nebulae and active galactic nuclei such as blazars. Here we discuss the development of the instrument and present the details of the implementation with a few results from the characterisation observing runs. Many observations have been completed with this instrument and the results will be presented elsewhere. In the first section we list the science cases of interest for observations with EMPOL. In the next section the instrument development and implementation is described and the following section presents a few results from the calibration observations. We conclude with a summary.
# Science cases for EMPOL linear polarimetric observations
Study of many astronomical sources would benefit from an examination of their linear polarimetric properties. Here we list a few of the science cases of interest for observations with EMPOL.
## Minor bodies of the solar system
Comets and asteroids (including near-Earth asteroids) exhibit strong linearly polarised light arising from the scattering of sunlight by dust present in them. Study of the polarisation properties as a function of wavelength helps to understand the characteristics of the dust grains.
## Open clusters
The light from the stars get partially polarized after passing through the dusty interstellar medium. The polarization provides the information about the line of sight dust distribution and the physical properties of the dust grains. The open clusters are spread out over the sky so the evolution of the physical parameters of the dust can be analysed over the region. Linear Polarization is an excellent tool for determining the cluster membership. The procedure to identify memberships is based on the idea that the member stars are located behind common dust clouds which polarize the light, while most non-members maybe more randomly distributed in space and so their polarisation properties would be quite distinct.
## Dark molecular clouds
Dark clouds in the Milky Way are places where new stars may be forming in deeply embedded regions. They are usually regions of dense molecular gas and dust. Observations of the linear polarisation of starlight passing through these dense clouds are used to trace the magnetic fields in the region. This can be used to trace the role of the magnetic fields in the star formation process.
## Active Galactic Nuclei
Active galactic nuclei have supermassive black holes at their centres. These manifest their presence by emitting non-thermal highly polarised radiation. The polarisation is also found to be variable and the timescale of variability provides an indication of the size of the emitting regions. Oftentimes the energy emitted from an AGN emanates from a volume the size of the solar system and this energy is far larger than that from a whole normal galaxy. Thus optical polarisation is a very important property to be monitored for AGN in order to understand their energy generation mechanisms.
# Instrument design and implementation
The principle of the rapid modulation photo-polarimetric method is adopted in the current instrument. Normally, in instruments with rapid modulation requirement, photomultiplier tubes(PMT) are used as detectors in photon-counting mode. Rapid modulation allows to minimise or alleviate the atmospheric transmission variability affecting the polarisation measurement. In the case of integrating detectors like conventional CCDs, such a fast modulation rate is not possible. With the advent of electron multiplying CCD (EMCCD), near photon counting mode of detection has become available, with very high frame rates. The characteristics of the EMPOL instrument, further discussed in the following sections, are shown in Fig. [\[fig:pars\]](#fig:pars){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:pars"}.
## Polarisation optics
Imaging (linear) polarimetry requires array detectors with images taken through an analyser at 3 or more orientations. In our implementation of the linear imaging polarimeter, we employ a rotating half wave plate as modulator followed by a Foster prism as an analyser (see Fig. [\[fig:opticslayout\]](#fig:opticslayout){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:opticslayout"}). A Glan prism is used to generate a 100% linearly polarised beam for calibration purpose. All the 3 polarisation optics are kept in the f/13 converging beam of the telescope just before the filter and EMCCD focal plane array detector. Fig. [\[fig:empolontel\]](#fig:empolontel){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:empolontel"} (left panel) shows the EMPOL instrument mounted at the Cassegrain focus of the 1.2 m telescope. The different parts of the instrument are shown in the annotated right panel of the same figure.
## Modulation and acquisition trigger electronics
The first version of the electronics used in this setup was shared with the optical photopolarimeter described earlier. A PC104 CPU board had been used for driving the stepper motor with the help of an additional 8254 timer/counter based PC104 board to generate the three square waves of different frequencies required for rotating the stepper motor and triggering the image acquisition. However, in a recent upgrade the entire PC104 stack was replaced with an Arduino board generating the square waves (shown in the right panel of Fig. [\[fig:pcblayout\]](#fig:pcblayout){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:pcblayout"}). We still retain the interface board (PCB layout in the left panel of Fig. [\[fig:pcblayout\]](#fig:pcblayout){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:pcblayout"}) to drive the stepper motor as well as to trigger the image acquisition. A 74LS164 serial-to-parallel shift register is used to generate the 8 square waves shifted by one clock pulse each. The clock pulse has a frequency 8 times the stepper pulse frequency. These 8 square waves are input to the ULN2803A current driver IC to drive the stepper motor.
## Zero point of position angle
In order to define a reference position angle location for all observations, the image acquisition sequence is started at a fixed orientation of the half-wave plate. This position is sensed using an led + photo-resistor combination across the driving gear wheel fixed to the shaft of the stepper motor. A tiny hole in the disc of the gear wheel allows the light from the led to fall on the photo-resistor once per rotation. The resistance is monitored by a transistor amplifier and pulse shaping circuit (upper part of the interface PCB in the left panel of Fig. [\[fig:pcblayout\]](#fig:pcblayout){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:pcblayout"}). This 'index' pulse is provided as an input to the Andor SOLIS software via the auxiliary digital input available on the Andor PCI interface card which drives the EMCCD.
## EMCCD and image acquisition scheme
EMCCD detectors have the possibility of generating several frames per second (based on the array size and on-chip binning employed). The Andor iXon EMCCD used in EMPOL has 1K \(\times\) 1K pixels of 13 \(\mu\)m each. With 4 \(\times\) 4 binning over the full frame, we can achieve one frame per second with seeing limited nyquist sampling of the PSF. Images are taken in synchronisation with every step of the half-wave plate. The rotation of the half-wave plate is achieved with an 8-phase low power stepper motor. 48 steps complete one full rotation of the half-wave plate. The Andor EMCCD has several modes of image acquisition. In EMPOL, we use the external trigger mode for the image acquisition where the start of each image exposure is triggered externally using a square wave derived from the clock frequency described above. This trigger pulse is applied as input from the Arduino to the external trigger input pin available on the EMCCD camera. The AndorBASIC scripting facility available in the SOLIS software is used to complete the data acquisition. This script takes input from the user for the total effective exposure time required (per position of the half-wave plate). It then calculates the number of frames required to achieve the effective exposure time. The script monitors the auxiliary digital input for the 'index' pulse and then initiates the exposures once the 'index' pulse has been detected. Exposure times are set depending on the magnitude of the source being observed. For faint sources, the exposures are built up by stacking the images taken at the corresponding positions of the half-wave plate to obtain the required effective exposure time. Since this is currently completed offline, the observing procedure is quite data storage intensive. A CFW-12 filter wheel with 12 slots, manufactured by Finger Lakes Instruments, is used in the light path after the Foster prism and just before the EMCCD detector. This allows to use standard UBVRI or Sloan filters for the polarimetric measurements. We also have the Hale-Bopp comet set of narrow-band filters for use with this instrument.
# Observations of astronomical targets
## Standard star observations
Polarisation standard stars are observed to calibrate the zero point of the polarisation position angle and to confirm proper operation of the instrument. Fig. [\[fig:9gem\]](#fig:9gem){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:9gem"} (Left panel) shows the modulation curve obtained for polarisation standard 9 Gem, with 3% polarisation. To confirm that the instrument is behaving linearly over the entire range of modulation we also observe a star with a Glan prism in the light path. The resulting polarisation due to the presence of the Glan is 100%. The observed modulation curve is shown in the right panel of Fig. [\[fig:9gem\]](#fig:9gem){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:9gem"}. The value derived is 97% showing that the instrument is working in an acceptable manner.
## Blazar OJ 287
The well known blazar OJ 287 shows rapid variability in flux as well as polarisation within a night with very strong variations in linear polarisation. This blazar was observed with EMPOL for linear polarisation over nearly 2 hours of observations. During the observations presented here (Fig. [\[fig:oj287\]](#fig:oj287){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:oj287"}), the polarisation has decreased from nearly 6% to 3% within two hours, while the observations of a comparison star in the same field remained stable below 1% level.
# Summary
- An EMCCD based imaging polarimeter developed at PRL has been in use at the 1.2m telescope for several years with a variety of objects being observed.
- Linear polarisation is measured using a rotating half-wave plate as modulator and a Foster prism as analyser.
- Polarisation measurement is linear over the entire range as demonstrated by the observations using a Glan prism to measure 100% polarisation.
- A 12 position filter wheel is used to obtain polarimetry in the standard UBVRI or Sloan filter set as well as with the Hale-Bopp comet filter set. | {'timestamp': '2020-12-17T02:10:42', 'yymm': '2012', 'arxiv_id': '2012.08768', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.08768'} |
# Introduction {#sc:introduction}
The stylish Chinese font generation has attracted rising attention within recent years, since it has a wide range of applications including but not limited to the automatic generation of artistic Chinese calligraphy, art font design and personalized style generation of Chinese characters. The existing Chinese font generation methods can be generally divided into two categories. The first category is firstly to extract some explicit features such as strokes and radicals of Chinese characters and then utilize some traditional machine learning methods to generate new characters. The quality of feature extraction plays a central role in the first category of Chinese font generation methods. However, such feature extraction procedure is usually hand-crafted, and thus time and effort consuming. The second category of Chinese font generation methods has been recently studied in with the development of deep learning, particularly the generative adversarial networks (GAN). Due to the powerful expressivity and approximation ability of deep neural networks, feature extraction and generation procedures can be combined into one procedure, and thus, Chinese font generation methods in the second category can be usually realized in an end-to-end training way. Instead of using the stroke or radical features of Chinese characters, the methods in the second category usually regard Chinese characters directly as images, and then translate the Chinese font generation problem into certain image style translation problem, for which GAN and its variants are the principal techniques. However, it is well-known that GAN usually suffers from the issue of mode collapse , that is, producing the same patterns for different inputs by generator. Such issue will significantly degrade the diversity and quality of the generated results (see, Figure [\[fig:mode-collapse\]](#fig:mode-collapse){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:mode-collapse"} below). When adapted to Chinese font generation problem, the mode collapse issue will happen more frequently due to there are many Chinese characters with very similar strokes. Due to the artificial nature of Chinese characters, the explicit stroke information contains amount of mode information of Chinese characters (see Figure [\[fig:32 basic strokes\]](#fig:32 basic strokes){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:32 basic strokes"}). This is very different from natural images, which are usually regarded to be generated according to some probability distributions at some latent spaces. Inspired by this observation, in this paper, we at first introduce a one-bit stroke encoding to preserve the key mode information of a Chinese character, and then suggest certain stroke-encoding reconstruction loss to reconstruct the stroke encoding of the generated character such that the key mode information can be well preserved, and finally incorporate them into CycleGAN for Chinese font generation. Thus, our suggested model is called *StrokeGAN*. The contributions of this paper can be summarized as follows:
1. We propose an effective method called *StrokeGAN* for the generation of Chinese fonts with unpaired data. Our main idea is firstly to introduce a one-bit stroke encoding to capture the mode information of Chinese characters and then incorporate it into the training of CycleGAN, in the purpose of alleviating the mode collapse issue of CycleGAN and thus improving the diversity of its generated characters. In order to preserve the stroke encoding, we introduce a stroke-encoding reconstruction loss to the training of CycleGAN. By the use of such one-bit stroke encoding and the associated reconstruction loss, StrokeGAN can effectively alleviate the mode collapse issue for Chinese font generation, as shown by Figure [\[fig:mode-collapse\]](#fig:mode-collapse){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:mode-collapse"}.
2. The effectiveness of StrokeGAN is verified over a set of Chinese character datasets with 9 different fonts (see Figure [\[fig:stgan-results\]](#fig:stgan-results){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:stgan-results"}), that is, a handwriting font, 3 standard printing fonts and 5 pseudo-handwriting fonts. Compared to CycleGAN for Chinese font generation, StrokeGAN can generate Chinese characters with higher quality and better diversity, particularly, the strokes are better preserved. Besides CycleGAN, our method also outperforms the other state-of-the-art methods including zi2zi and Chinese typography transfer (CTT) method using paired data, in terms of generating Chinese characters with higher quality and accuracy. Some generated characters by our method with 9 different fonts can be found in Figure [\[fig:stgan-results\]](#fig:stgan-results){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:stgan-results"}. It can be observed that these generated characters of StrokeGAN are very realistic.
## Related work
In recent years, many generation methods of stylish Chinese fonts have been suggested in the literature with the development of deep learning. In, the authors adapted *pix2pix* model developed in for the image style translation problem to Chinese font generation and then suggested *zi2zi* method with paired training data, that is, there is a one-to-one correspondence between the characters in the source (input) style domain and target (output) style domain. Similar idea was extended to realize the Chinese character generation from one font to multiple fonts in. Besides and, some other paired data based Chinese font generation methods were suggested in. However, it is usually human-intensive to build up the paired training data. In order to overcome this challenge, adapted CycleGAN developed in for the image style translation to Chinese font generation based on unpaired training data. Yet, the CycleGAN based method suggested in (called *CCG-CycleGAN*) may suffer from the mode collapse issue. When mode collapse occurs, the generator produces fewer patterns for different inputs, and thus significantly degrades the diversity and quality of generated results. Motivated by the observation from traditional Chinese character generation and recognition methods (see ) that the explicit stroke feature can provide much mode information for a Chinese character, in this paper, we incorporate such stroke information into the training of CycleGAN for Chinese font generation to tackle the issue of mode collapse, via introducing a one-bit stroke encoding and certain stroke-encoding reconstruction loss. The very recent papers also incorporated some stroke or radical information of Chinese characters into Chinese font generation. Their main idea is firstly to utilize a deep neural network to extract the strokes or radicals of Chinese characters and then merge them by another deep neural network, which is very different to our idea of the use of a very simple one-bit stroke encoding. According to our later numerical experiments, our introduced one-bit stroke encoding is very effective. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2[2](#sc:preliminary work){reference-type="ref" reference="sc:preliminary work"}, we present some preliminary work. In Section 3[3](#sc:Stroke GAN){reference-type="ref" reference="sc:Stroke GAN"}, we introduce the proposed method in detail. In Section 4[4](#sc:experiments){reference-type="ref" reference="sc:experiments"}, we provide a series of experiments to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. We conclude this paper in Section 5[5](#sc:conclusion){reference-type="ref" reference="sc:conclusion"}.
# Preliminary Work {#sc:preliminary work}
In this section, we introduce some preliminary work, which serves as the basis of this paper.
## Generative Adversarial Networks {#sc:Generative adversarial networks}
Generative adversarial networks (GAN) have achieved great achievements in the task of high-quality image synthesis. The classic GAN model consists of two parts: a generator \(G\) and a discriminator \(D\). The generator \(G\) generates fake images, and the discriminator \(D\) judges whether the images generated by \(G\) are fake or real. Mathematically, GAN can be formulated as the following two-player minimax game between \(G\) and \(D\), \[\begin{aligned}
\min_G \max_D \ \mathbb{E}_{x\sim \mathbb{P}_{data}} [\log D(x)] + \mathbb{E}_{z\sim \mathbb{P}_{z}} [\log(1-D(G(z)))] \end{aligned}\] where \(\mathbb{P}_{data}\) and \(\mathbb{P}_{z}\) are the distributions of data \(x\) and the input noise variable \(z\) for the generator, respectively. In practice, the generator \(G\) and discriminator \(D\) are generally represented by some deep neural networks.
## Conditional GAN {#sc:Conditional-GAN-(cGAN)-and-Cycle-GAN-(CycleGAN)}
The conditional GAN (cGAN) was suggested in mainly to embed some conditional information such as the category information of samples. Such idea was later exploited in for the image style translation. For cGAN, besides the original input \(z\), the conditional information \(c\) is also a part of input for \(G\). Thus, the objective for GAN should be slightly modified for cGAN, shown as follows: \[\begin{aligned}
{\cal L}_{adv}(D,G) &=\mathbb{E}_{x\sim \mathbb{P}_{data}} [\log D(x)] \\ &+ \mathbb{E}_{z\sim \mathbb{P}_{z}, c\sim \mathbb{P}_c} [\log(1-D(G(z,c)))], \nonumber \end{aligned}\] where \(\mathbb{P}_c\) represents the distribution of the referred conditional information \(c\).
## CycleGAN
The training of cGAN is based on the paired data, of which the collection is usually time-consuming and laborious. In order to overcome this challenge, CycleGAN was proposed in for the image style translation based on the unpaired data. The main idea of CycleGAN is to preserve key attributes between the source and target domains by utilizing a cycle consistency loss. Specifically, let \(x\in {\cal X}\) and \(x'\in {\cal X}'\) be two images from two different style domains conditioned on respectively some conditional information domains \(c\in {\cal C}\) and \(c' \in {\cal C}'\). In order to realize the bidirectional translation between them, two generators \(G:{\cal X} \times {\cal C} \rightarrow {\cal X}'\) and \(G':{\cal X}' \times {\cal C}' \rightarrow {\cal X}\) are exploited. With these, the cycle consistency loss can be defined as follows: \[\begin{aligned}
{\cal L}_{cyc}(G,G') &= \mathbb{E}_{x\sim \mathbb{P}_x, c \sim \mathbb{P}_c, c' \sim \mathbb{P}_{c'}}[\|x-G'(G(x,c),c')\|_1]\\ &+\mathbb{E}_{x'\sim \mathbb{P}_{x'}, c' \sim \mathbb{P}_{c'}, c \sim \mathbb{P}_c}[\|x'-G(G'(x',c'),c)\|_1], \end{aligned}\] where \(x\in {\cal X}\), \(x'\in {\cal X}'\), \(c\in {\cal C}\), \(c'\in {\cal C}'\), and \(\mathbb{P}_*\) represents the distribution of the associated domain \(*\). The generators \(G\) and \(G'\) are trained to make the cycle consistency loss \({\cal L}_{cyc}(G,G')\) small.
# StrokeGAN for Chinese Font Generation {#sc:Stroke GAN}
In this section, we describe the proposed *StrokeGAN* for automatic generation of stylish Chinese font. The core idea of StrokeGAN is to incorporate some one-bit stroke encodings of Chinese characters into CycleGAN to alleviate the issue of mode collapse, as presented in Figure [\[fig:stgan-model\]](#fig:stgan-model){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:stgan-model"}, mainly motivated by the basic observation that the stroke information embodies amount of mode information of Chinese characters. Recent studies suggested that mode collapse in GANs might be a by-product of removing sparse outlying modes toward robust estimation. So a natural strategy to alleviate mode collapse is to enforce faithful conditional distribution reconstruction, conditioning on important modes represented by stroke encoding here. From Figure [\[fig:stgan-model\]](#fig:stgan-model){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:stgan-model"}, we at first yield the stroke encodings of Chinese characters via certain one-bit encoding way, and then take the characters in the source font domain as the inputs of generator \(G\). After \(G\), we yield a fake character in the target domain, then send such fake character to both generator and discriminator, where generator tries to reconstruct the character in the source font domain, and discriminator attempts to distinguish whether the generated character is real or fake and also reconstruct its stroke encoding. Thus, distinguished with the original CycleGAN for Chinese font generation in, there are two parts in the discriminator \(D\), i.e., \[D: x \rightarrow (D_{src}(x), D_{st}(x)),\] where \(D_{src}(x)\) and \(D_{st}(x)\) represent respectively the probability distribution over the source font domain and its stroke encoding for a given character \(x\).
## Stroke Encoding {#sc:structure loss}
From Figure [\[fig:stgan-model\]](#fig:stgan-model){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:stgan-model"}, the stroke encoding of character is taken as a part of input of CycleGAN. To realize this, we introduce a simple one-bit encoding way to yield the associated stroke encoding for a given Chinese character. Specifically, according to Figure [\[fig:32 basic strokes\]](#fig:32 basic strokes){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:32 basic strokes"}, there are in total 32 kinds of strokes to make up Chinese characters. Thus, for any given Chinese character \(x\), we define its stroke encoding as a 32-dimensional vector \(c \in \{0,1\}^{32}\) with the \(i\)-th entry being \(1\) if the \(i\)-th kind of stroke is included in \(x\) and otherwise \(0\) for all \(i\) from \(1\) to \(32\). In this paper, we only use the indicator function of such kind of stroke instead of its exact number for a given Chinese character mainly in consideration of the robustness of StrokeGAN. This is in general sufficient according to our later experiments (see, Figure [\[fig:comp-similar-character\]](#fig:comp-similar-character){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:comp-similar-character"}).
## Training Loss for StrokGAN {#sc:Structure GAN for CCG}
The training loss for StrokeGAN consists of three parts, that is, the general adversarial loss, cycle consistency loss and stroke-encoding reconstruction loss, where the *stroke-encoding reconstruction loss* is firstly introduced in this paper for the generation of stylish Chinese fonts.
**A. Adversarial loss.** The first part of loss is the adversarial loss defined commonly as follows, \[\begin{aligned}
\label{Eq:ad-loss} {\cal L}_{adv}(D,G) &= \mathbb{E}_{x}[\log D_{src}(x)] \\ &+ \mathbb{E}_{x}[\log(1-D_{src}(G(x)))], \nonumber \end{aligned}\] where the generator \(G\) generates the fake character \(G(x)\) conditional over the input character \(x\), and the first part of discriminator \(D_{src}\) attempts to distinguish the generated character is real or fake. **B. Cycle consistency loss.** The second part of loss is the cycle consistency loss, which is introduced to let the generator reconstruct the character in the source font domain from the generated fake character, and thus avoid using the paired data. Specifically, such part of loss can be defined as follows: \[\begin{aligned}
\label{Eq:cycle-consistency-loss} {\cal L}_{cyc}(G) =\mathbb{E}_{x}[\|x-G(G(x))\|_1], \end{aligned}\] where \(G(x)\) represents the generated fake character according to the input pair \(x\) and \(G(G(x))\) represents the reconstructed character from the character \(G(x)\) generated by \(G\). **C. Stroke-encoding reconstruction loss.** Notice that in both adversarial loss and cycle consistency loss, the characters are regarded as images during the training, while the stroke information is not paid much attention. Actually, as discussed before, the stroke information embodies amount of mode information of a Chinese character, and thus is some kind of very important information that should be preserved during the training. Also, the stroke information is very special for Chinese characters and makes the generation of Chinese characters very different from the style translation of natural images. Specifically, the *stroke-encoding reconstruction loss* can be defined as follows: \[\begin{aligned}
\label{Eq:structural-information-loss} {\cal L}_{st}(D) = \mathbb{E}_{x,c} \left[{\|D_{st}(G(x))-c\|_2} \right]. \end{aligned}\] where \(D_{st}(G(x))\) is the stroke encoding yielded by discriminator for the generated fake character \(G(x)\). Such stroke-encoding reconstruction loss is used to guide the networks to reconstruct the stroke encodings as accurately as possible so that the modes of characters can be preserved much better. **D. Total training loss.** Combining the above three parts of loss, i.e., [\[Eq:ad-loss\]](#Eq:ad-loss){reference-type="eqref" reference="Eq:ad-loss"}-[\[Eq:structural-information-loss\]](#Eq:structural-information-loss){reference-type="eqref" reference="Eq:structural-information-loss"}, the total training loss of StrokeGAN is presented as follows: \[\begin{aligned}
\label{Eq:total-loss} {\cal L}_{strokegan}(D,G) &= {\cal L}_{adv}(D,G) +\lambda_{cyc} {\cal L}_{cyc}(G) \\ &+ \lambda_{st}{\cal L}_{st}(D),\nonumber \end{aligned}\] where \(\lambda_{cyc}\) and \(\lambda_{st}\) are two penalty parameters. Based on the above defined loss \({\cal L}_{strokegan}(D,G)\), the discriminator \(D\) attempts to maximize it while the generator \(G\) tries to minimize it, shown as follows: \[\begin{aligned}
\label{Eq:stgan-training} \min_G \max_D \ {\cal L}_{strokegan}(D,G). \end{aligned}\]
# Numerical Experiments {#sc:experiments}
In this section, we provide a series of experiments to demonstrate the effectiveness of the suggested StrokeGAN. All experiments were carried out in Pytorch environment running Linux, AMD(R) Ryzen 7 2700x eight-core processor \(\times16\) CPU, GeForce RTX 2080 GPU. Our codes are available in <https://github.com/JinshanZeng/StrokeGAN>.
## Experiment Settings {#sc:exp-settings}
**A. Collection of datasets.** The dataset used in this paper consists of 9 sub-datasets with different fonts divided into three categories, i.e., a handwriting font, three standard printing fonts \(\{\)*Black*, *Regular Script*, *Imitated Song*\(\}\), and five pseudo-handwriting fonts \(\{\)*Huawen Amber*, *Shu*, *Hanyi Lingbo*, *Hanyi Doll*, *Hanyi Thin Round*\(\}\), where the pseudo-handwriting fonts are personalized fonts designed by artistic font designers. The first kind of dataset related to the handwriting Chinese characters is built up from *CASIA-HWDB1.1* [^1], which was collected by 300 people. There are in total 3755 different commonly used Chinese characters written by everyone, and thus there are \(3755 \times 300\) handwriting characters in this dataset. To build up our handwriting dataset, for each character, we randomly selected one sample from these 300 samples. Therefore, the size of the handwriting font dataset used in this paper is 3755. Except the handwriting Chinese characters, the other font datasets were collected by ourselves from the internet [^2] and made automatically via TTF. Specifically, the second kind of datasets contain three printing font datasets, of which the sizes are 2560, 3757 and 2506 respectively for the *Black*, *Regular Script* and *Imitated Song* fonts. The third kind of datasets consist of five pseudo-handwriting fonts, of which the sizes are 3596, 2595, 3673, 3213 and 2840 respectively for the *Huawen Amber*, *Shu*, *Hanyi Lingbo*, *Hanyi Doll* and *Hanyi Thin Round* fonts. The size of each character was resized to \(128 \times 128 \times 3\). In our experiments, we used 90% and 10% of the samples respectively as the training and test sets. **B. Network architectures and optimizer.** The network structure of the generator in StrokeGAN is the same as CycleGAN, including 2 convolutional layers in the down-sampling module, 9 residual modules with 2 convolutional layers of residual networks for each residual module and 2 deconvolutional layers in the up-sampling module, as presented in Table [\[tab:generator-structure\]](#tab:generator-structure){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:generator-structure"} in Appendix. The network structure of the discriminator in StrokeGAN is similar to PatchGAN with 6 hidden convolutional layers and 2 convolutional layers in the output module, as presented in Table [\[tab:discriminator-structure\]](#tab:discriminator-structure){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:discriminator-structure"} in Appendix. Moreover, the batch normalization was used in all layers. In our experiments, we used the popular Adam algorithm as the optimizer with the associated parameters \((0.5, 0.999)\) in both the generator and discriminator optimization subproblems. The penalty parameters of the cycle consistency loss and stroke reconstruction loss were fine-tuned at 10 and 0.18, respectively. **C. Evaluation metrics.** To evaluate the performance of StrokeGAN, we introduced three evaluation metrics. The first one is the commonly used *content accuracy*, which was suggested to justify the quality of the contents of generated characters. Specifically, a pre-trained HCCG-GoogLeNet was exploited to calculate the content accuracy. Besides the *content accuracy*, we also suggested the *recognition accuracy* and *stroke error* particularly for the Chinese character generation task. The *recognition accuracy* is defined as the ratio of those generated characters that can be correctly recognized by people to all the generated characters for testing, via a crowdsourcing way. Specifically, we randomly invited five Chinese adults to recognize the generated Chinese characters, and then took their average as the *recognition accuracy*. The *stroke error* is defined as the ratio of the number of missing and redundant strokes in the generated Chinese characters to its true total number of strokes. Thus, the smaller stroke error means the strokes are preserved better.
## Experiment Results {#sc:exp-results}
Our experiments consist of three parts, where the first two parts were conducted to respectively show the effectiveness and sufficiency of the introduced one-bit stroke encoding, and the third part was conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of StrokeGAN via comparing with the state-of-the-art methods including CycleGAN, zi2zi and Chinese typography transfer (CTT) method, where the latter two methods are based on paired training data. **A. Effectiveness of one-bit stroke encoding.** In these experiments, we verified the feasibility and effectiveness of our idea that incorporating the stroke information into CycleGAN can preserve the modes of Chinese characters better and thus alleviate the issue of mode collapse. In order to verify this, we implemented nine one-to-one Chinese character style translation experiments as listed in Table [\[tab:result-number\]](#tab:result-number){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:result-number"}. For each experiment, we selected one font domain (say *Regular Script*) from these nine different font styles as the source font domain and another font domain (say *Shu*) as the target font domain, and then trained StrokeGAN as well as CycleGAN as the baseline. The performance of the suggested StrokeGAN is presented in Table [\[tab:result-number\]](#tab:result-number){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:result-number"}. Some examples of the generated Chinese characters by StrokeGAN are shown in the previous Figure [\[fig:stgan-results\]](#fig:stgan-results){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:stgan-results"} and Figure [\[fig:results-4styles\]](#fig:results-4styles){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:results-4styles"}, which demonstrate that StrokeGAN can generate very realistic Chinese characters for all these nine fonts. From Table [\[tab:result-number\]](#tab:result-number){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:result-number"}, StrokeGAN outperforms CycleGAN (without using the stroke encoding) in most of the tasks except the style translation task from *Imitated Song* to *Regular Script*. In terms of the stroke error presented in the last two columns, StrokeGAN consistently improves the performance of CycleGAN. This shows the feasibility and effectiveness of the suggested StrokeGAN. Moreover, as demonstrated in the previous Figure [\[fig:mode-collapse\]](#fig:mode-collapse){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:mode-collapse"}, CycleGAN sometimes suffers from the issue of mode collapse (particularly, when applied to the generation task from *Black* font to *Shu* font), while the suggested StrokeGAN can significantly alleviate this issue. Besides the issue of mode collapse, as shown in Figure [\[fig:st-cycle\]](#fig:st-cycle){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:st-cycle"}, CycleGAN also sometimes suffers from another issue, that is, missing some key strokes of Chinese characters generated, which may result in the recognition issues of these characters, while the suggested StrokeGAN can preserve these strokes much better. **B. Sufficiency of one-bit stroke encoding.** Notice that there are many very similar Chinese characters having the same stroke encodings. In order to show the sufficiency of the introduced one-bit encoding, we tested the performance of StrokeGAN on some very similar Chinese characters, as shown in Figure [\[fig:comp-similar-character\]](#fig:comp-similar-character){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:comp-similar-character"}, which shows that the generated characters can be well distinguished with well preserved strokes. This demonstrates that such one-bit encoding way is in general enough to preserve the key modes of Chinese characters. **C. Comparison with the state-of-the-art methods.** In this part of experiments, besides CycleGAN, we compared StrokeGAN with two paired data based methods, i.e., *zi2zi* and CTT method. In order to implement both zi2zi and CTT methods, we manually built up two paired datasets based on the *Regular Script* font and *Shu* font datasets. Since the collection of paired training data is very costly, in these experiments, we only considered the generation task from the *Regular Script* font to *Shu* font for all these four methods, while for the other generation tasks, it can be implemented similarly. The performance of these four methods is presented in Table [1](#4-model-result){reference-type="ref" reference="4-model-result"}, and some examples of generated characters are shown in Figure [\[fig:four-model-result\]](#fig:four-model-result){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:four-model-result"}. From Table [1](#4-model-result){reference-type="ref" reference="4-model-result"}, the suggested StrokeGAN outperforms all these existing methods in terms of the suggested three evaluation metrics, and also generates the Chinese characters with the highest quality among all these methods. These experiment results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed StrokeGAN.
# Conclusion {#sc:conclusion}
This paper proposes an effective Chinese font generation method called *StrokeGAN* by incorporating a one-bit stroke encoding into CycleGAN to tackle the mode collapse issue. The key intuition of our idea is that the stroke encodings of Chinese characters contain amount of mode information of Chinese characters, unlike the natural images. A new stroke-encoding reconstruction loss was introduced to enforce a faithful reconstruction of the stroke encoding as accurately as possible and thus preserve the mode information of Chinese characters. Besides the commonly used content accuracy, the crowdsourcing recognition accuracy and stroke error are also introduced to evaluate the performance of our method. The effectiveness of StrokeGAN is demonstrated by a series of Chinese font generation tasks over 9 datasets with different fonts, comparing with CycleGAN and other two existing methods based on the paired data. The experiment results show that StrokeGAN helps preserve the stroke modes of Chinese characters in a better way and generates very realistic characters with higher quality. Besides Chinese font generation, our idea of the one-bit stroke encoding can be easily adapted to other deep generative models and applied to the font generation related to other languages such as Korean and Japanese. | {'timestamp': '2021-01-12T02:22:49', 'yymm': '2012', 'arxiv_id': '2012.08687', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.08687'} |
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# Introduction {#sec:intro}
## Overview
This article presents a method for using computations with quaternion algebras over totally real fields to determine explicit upper bounds for the systolic lengths of certain Riemann surfaces, namely the Galois-Belyi curves constructed by Clark and Voight . These are also referred to as triangular modular curves. The most celebrated members of this family are the congruence Hurwitz curves. We generalize the treatment in of a family of Riemann surfaces related to the Bolza surface and extend the methods of to some non-arithmetic surfaces. Let \(X\) be a compact Riemann surface. Our main object of interest, the systolic length of \(X\), is denoted \(\mathrm{sys}(X)\) and is the minimal length of a non-contractible closed geodesic, or systole, of \(X\). Let \(\mathcal{H}\) be the upper half plane with the usual hyperbolic metric. The group \(\mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb{R})\), via its quotient \(\mathrm{PSL}_2(\mathbb{R})\), acts on \(\mathcal{H}\) by Möbius transformations. Every hyperbolic Riemann surface arises as a quotient \(X_\Gamma = \Gamma \backslash \mathcal{H}\), where \(\Gamma \leq \mathrm{PSL}_2(\mathbb{R})\) is a discrete subgroup (i.e. a Fuchsian group) acting on \(\mathcal{H}\) without fixed points. As we will see in Section [1.2](#sec:traces){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:traces"} below, bounding the systolic length \(\mathrm{sys}(X_\Gamma)\) amounts to finding an upper bound for the minimal trace of a non-trivial element of \(\Gamma\). If \(\Gamma\) is a non-arithmetic Fuchsian group, there is generally no natural construction of congruence subgroups of \(\Gamma\). However, if \(\Gamma = \overline{\Delta}(a,b,c) = \langle x, y \rangle / (x^a = y^b = (xy)^c = 1)\) is a hyperbolic triangle group, then Clark and Voight define congruence subgroups \(\Gamma(I) \trianglelefteq \Gamma\) of finite index, where \(I\) runs over ideals of a Dedekind domain associated to \(\Gamma\), and describe the quotient \(\Gamma / \Gamma(I)\). If \(\Gamma = \overline{\Delta}(2,3,7)\), then the Riemann surfaces \(X_{\Gamma(I)}\) are congruence Hurwitz curves. For all but finitely many triples \((a,b,c)\), the group \(\overline{\Delta}(a,b,c)\) is non-arithmetic. To estimate \(\mathrm{sys}(X_{\Gamma(I)})\), where \(\Gamma\) is a hyperbolic triangle group, we compute a finite set of Schreier generators of \(\Gamma(I)\). We then embed \(\Gamma(I)\) into \(\mathrm{PSL}_2(\mathbb{R})\) explicitly and consider the minimum among the traces of the images of the Schreier generators. A brief overview of the paper follows. Section [1.2](#sec:traces){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:traces"} describes the connection between the systolic length of \(X_\Gamma\) and the traces of elements of \(\Gamma\). Section [2](#sec:triangle.groups){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:triangle.groups"} is an exposition of work by previous authors, whose aim is to present the necessary background material in a form useful for our applications. Some properties of triangle groups and of their congruence subgroups are recalled. Proposition [\[pro:alpha.beta.fulldelta\]](#pro:alpha.beta.fulldelta){reference-type="ref" reference="pro:alpha.beta.fulldelta"}, which restates a result of Takeuchi , provides an embedding \(\Gamma \hookrightarrow \mathcal{O}^1 / \{ \pm 1 \}\), where \(\mathcal{O}^1\) is the group of elements of reduced norm one in an explicit order \(\mathcal{O}\) of an explicit quaternion algebra over a totally real field. The explicit quaternion order of Proposition [\[pro:presentation.a\]](#pro:presentation.a){reference-type="ref" reference="pro:presentation.a"} realizes \(\Gamma\) as a Fuchsian group when it is arithmetic. This construction generalizes ones used, in special cases, in and is useful to us in non-arithmetic cases as well. Proposition [\[pro:counting.normal.subgroups\]](#pro:counting.normal.subgroups){reference-type="ref" reference="pro:counting.normal.subgroups"}, using Macbeath's classification of subgroups of \(\mathrm{PSL}_2(\mathbb{F}_q)\) and work of Clark and Voight , bounds the number of normal subgroups of \(\Gamma\) admitting certain finite quotients. These bounds simplify the computations of Section [4](#sec:computations){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:computations"} in some cases. Section [3](#sec:semiarithmetic){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:semiarithmetic"} uses recent work of Cosac and Dória to prove (Theorem [\[thm:semiarithmetic\]](#thm:semiarithmetic){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:semiarithmetic"}) that \(\mathrm{sys}(X_{\Gamma(I)})\) grows at least logarithmically with respect to the genus of \(X_{\Gamma(I)}\) when at least two of \(a,b,c\) are odd. Section [4](#sec:computations){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:computations"} presents our method of computation and some examples. Directions to a Github repository of our code are provided. In particular, we bound the systolic lengths of curves associated to congruence subgroups for ideals of small norm in the arithmetic triangle groups \(\overline{\Delta}(2,3,7)\), \(\overline{\Delta}(2,3,8)\), \(\overline{\Delta}(2,3,12)\), \(\overline{\Delta}(2,7,7)\), as well as in the non-arithmetic \(\overline{\Delta}(3,3,10)\). The first two of these examples were previously considered by Katz, Schaps, and Vishne and by Katz, Katz, the first author, and Vishne , respectively; we recover constructions from those papers. Our upper bound is equal to the exact value of \(\mathrm{sys}(X_{\Gamma(I)})\) in all cases, among the examples considered, where this value is known.
## Traces and geodesic lengths {#sec:traces}
If \(\gamma \in \mathrm{PSL}_2 (\mathbb{R})\), then the trace \(\tr \gamma\) is defined up to sign, so the absolute value \(| \tr \gamma |\) makes sense; the same is true for the eigenvalues of \(\gamma\). If \(| \tr \gamma | > 2\), then \(\gamma\) is called hyperbolic; in this case, a simple calculation shows that \(\gamma\) has no fixed points in the interior of \(\mathcal{H}\) and two distinct fixed points on the boundary of \(\mathcal{H}\). If the Fuchsian group \(\Gamma \leq \mathrm{PSL}_2(\mathbb{R})\) is torsion-free, then there is a bijection between conjugacy classes of hyperbolic elements of \(\Gamma\) and closed geodesics of \(X_\Gamma\). Indeed, if \(\gamma \in \Gamma\) is hyperbolic, the unique geodesic of \(\mathcal{H}\) connecting the two fixed points of \(\gamma\) is called the axis of \(\gamma\); clearly it is preserved by the action of \(\gamma\). Fix a point \(P\) on the axis of \(\gamma\). The geodesic of \(\mathcal{H}\) passing through \(P\) and \(\gamma P\) descends to a closed geodesic \(\delta_\gamma\) of \(X_\Gamma\). One checks that this construction is independent of the choice of \(P\) and depends only on the conjugacy class of \(\gamma\). Clearly, any closed geodesic of \(X_\Gamma\) arises in this way. Moreover, the length \(\ell(\delta_\gamma)\) of the geodesic \(\delta_\gamma\) satisfies \(e^{\ell(\delta_\gamma)/2} = | \lambda_\gamma |\), where \(\lambda_\gamma\) is the unique eigenvalue of \(\gamma\) such that \(| \lambda_\gamma | > 1\). It follows that \[2 \cosh \frac{\ell(\delta_\gamma)}{2} = e^{\ell(\delta_\gamma)/2} + e^{-\ell (\delta_\gamma)/2} = | \lambda_\gamma | + | \lambda_\gamma |^{-1} = | \tr \gamma |.\] Hence, letting \(\mathrm{Hyp}(\Gamma)\) denote the set of hyperbolic elements of \(\Gamma\), we have \[\mathrm{sys}(X_\Gamma) = \min_{\gamma \in \mathrm{Hyp}(\Gamma)} \ell(\delta_\gamma) = \min_{\gamma \in \mathrm{Hyp}(\Gamma)} 2 \arcosh \frac{| \tr \gamma |}{2}.\] Bounding the systolic length of \(X_\Gamma\) thus amounts to bounding the traces of hyperbolic elements of the Fuchsian group \(\Gamma\). In particular, if \(\Gamma^\prime \leq \Gamma\), then \(\mathrm{sys}(X_{\Gamma^\prime}) \geq \mathrm{sys}(X_\Gamma)\).
# Triangle groups {#sec:triangle.groups}
## Definition
Suppose that \(a,b,c \in \mathbb{Z} \cup \{ \infty \}\) satisfy \(2 \leq a,b,c\). The triangle group \(\overline{\Delta}(a,b,c)\) is given by the presentation \[\label{equ:triangle.group} \overline{\Delta}(a,b,c) = \langle x, y \rangle / (x^a = y^b = (xy)^c = 1).\] The extended triangle group \(\Delta(a,b,c)\) is defined as \[\label{equ:delta.presentation} \Delta(a,b,c) = \langle x, y, z,-1 \rangle / \left({x^a = y^b = z^c = xyz =-1, (-1)^2 = 1 \atop-1 \in Z(\Delta(a,b,c))}\right).\] Any permutation of \(a,b,c\) in either presentation gives rise to an isomorphic group, so we make the convention that \(2 \leq a \leq b \leq c\). The triple \((a,b,c)\) is classified as spherical, Euclidean, or hyperbolic if the quantity \(\frac{1}{a} + \frac{1}{b} + \frac{1}{c}\) is greater than, equal to, or less than \(1\), respectively. If \((a,b,c)\) is a hyperbolic triple, then it has been known at least since the 1930's that there is an embedding \(\iota: \Delta(a,b,c) \hookrightarrow \mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb{R})\) determined by \[\begin{aligned}
\label{equ:iota.embedding} \iota (x) & = & \left( \begin{array}{cc} \cos \frac{\pi}{a} & \sin \frac{\pi}{a} \\-\sin \frac{\pi}{a} & \cos \frac{\pi}{a} \end{array} \right), \\ \nonumber \iota (y) & = & \left( \begin{array}{cc} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & t \end{array} \right)^{-1} \left( \begin{array}{cc} \cos \frac{\pi}{b} & \sin \frac{\pi}{b} \\-\sin \frac{\pi}{b} & \cos \frac{\pi}{b} \end{array} \right) \left( \begin{array}{cc} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & t \end{array} \right), \end{aligned}\] where \(t\) is a root of the quadratic equation \[t^2-2 \left( \frac{\cos \frac{\pi}{a} \cos \frac{\pi}{b} + \cos \frac{\pi}{c}}{\sin \frac{\pi}{a} \sin \frac{\pi}{b}} \right) t + 1 = 0;\] the roots are real when \((a,b,c)\) is hyperbolic. The induced embedding \(\overline{\Delta}(a,b,c) \hookrightarrow \mathrm{PSL}_2(\mathbb{R})\) realizes \(\overline{\Delta}(a,b,c)\) as a Fuchsian group. If \(b < \infty\), then Takeuchi showed that any embedding of \(\Delta(a,b,c)\) into \(\mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb{R})\) is conjugate to \(\iota\). In particular, if \(\Gamma \leq \mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb{R})\) satisfies \(\Gamma \simeq \Delta(a,b,c)\), then \(\mathrm{sys}(X_\Gamma)\) depends only on the triple \((a,b,c)\). Consider the full triangle group \(\widetilde{\Delta}(a,b,c)\) generated by reflections across the sides of a triangle with angles \(\frac{\pi}{a}\), \(\frac{\pi}{b}\), \(\frac{\pi}{c}\). It is well-known to have the presentation \[\label{equ:full.triangle.group} \widetilde{\Delta}(a,b,c) = \langle \widetilde{x}, \widetilde{y}, \widetilde{z} \rangle / (\widetilde{x}^2 = \widetilde{y}^2 = \widetilde{z}^2 = (\widetilde{x} \widetilde{y})^a = (\widetilde{y} \widetilde{z})^b = (\widetilde{z} \widetilde{x})^c = 1 ).\] It is easy to see that \(\overline{\Delta}(a,b,c)\) embeds in \(\widetilde{\Delta}(a,b,c)\) as the subgroup of index two of orientation-preserving transformations. An embedding is given by \((x,y) \mapsto (\widetilde{x} \widetilde{y}, \widetilde{y} \widetilde{z}, \widetilde{z} \widetilde{x})\).
## Quaternion algebras
In a series of papers in the 1970's , Takeuchi determined with computer assistance that there are precisely \(85\) triples \((a,b,c)\) for which \(\overline{\Delta}(a,b,c)\) is arithmetic. Moreover, he provided an explicit construction of orders in quaternion algebras that realize this arithmeticity. In this section, we give a brief overview of Takeuchi's work, stated in the explicit form needed for our computations. As is standard, for a field \(F\) we denote by \(\left\langle \frac{x,y}{F} \right\rangle\) the \(F\)-algebra spanned by \(\{1, i, j, ij \}\), with multiplication determined by the relations \(i^2 = x, j^2 = y, ij =-ji\). If \(F\) is a totally real number field, then this algebra ramifies at an embedding \(v: F \hookrightarrow \mathbb{R}\) if and only if \(v(x) < 0\) and \(v(y) < 0\). Let \(\Gamma \leq \mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb{R})\) be any discrete subgroup whose image in \(\mathrm{PSL}_2(\mathbb{R})\) has finite covolume. Let \(F_\Gamma\) be the field generated over \(\mathbb{Q}\) by the traces of the elements of \(\Gamma\). Under the hypotheses above, \(F_\Gamma\) is a number field; by construction, it is equipped with a distinguished embedding \(v_0: F_\tau \hookrightarrow \mathbb{R}\). By Propositions 2 and 3 of , the \(F_\Gamma\)-vector subspace \(F_\Gamma[\Gamma] \subseteq M_2(\mathbb{R})\) is a quaternion algebra over \(F_\Gamma\); if the traces of all elements of \(\Gamma\) are algebraic integers, then \(\mathcal{O}_{F_\Gamma} [\Gamma]\) is an order of \(F_\Gamma[\Gamma]\). We assume henceforth that \(\tau = (a,b,c)\) is a hyperbolic triple with \(c < \infty\), since this hypothesis is needed for the explicit presentations of Propositions [\[pro:alpha.beta.fulldelta\]](#pro:alpha.beta.fulldelta){reference-type="ref" reference="pro:alpha.beta.fulldelta"} and [\[pro:presentation.a\]](#pro:presentation.a){reference-type="ref" reference="pro:presentation.a"} below. See for some treatment of the case \(c = \infty\). If we take \(\Gamma = \iota(\Delta(\tau)) \leq \mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb{R})\), where \(\iota\) is the embedding of [\[equ:iota.embedding\]](#equ:iota.embedding){reference-type="eqref" reference="equ:iota.embedding"}, then \[F_\Gamma = F_{\iota(\Delta(\tau))} = \mathbb{Q} \left( \cos \frac{\pi}{a}, \cos \frac{\pi}{b}, \cos \frac{\pi}{c} \right).\] We denote this field by \(F_\tau\). It is clear from that the quaternion algebra \(B_\tau = F_\Gamma [\Gamma] = F_{\iota(\Delta(\tau))}[\iota(\Delta(\tau))]\) has the presentations \[\label{equ:b.presentation} B_\tau = \left\langle \frac{4 \cos^2 \left( \frac{\pi}{s} \right)-4, \delta}{F_\tau} \right\rangle,\] where \(s\) is any element of \(\{a,b,c \}\) and \[\delta = 4 \left( \cos^2 \frac{\pi}{a} + \cos^2 \frac{\pi}{b} + \cos^2 \frac{\pi}{c} + 2 \cos \frac{\pi}{a} \cos \frac{\pi}{b} \cos \frac{\pi}{c}-1 \right).\]
Since the reduced traces of \(\alpha\), \(\beta\), and \(\alpha \beta\) are \(2 \cos \frac{\pi}{a}\), \(2 \cos \frac{\pi}{b}\), and \(-2 \cos \frac{\pi}{c}\), respectively, we verify that \(\mathcal{O}_\tau\) is integral. Indeed, \[\alpha \beta =-\cos \frac{\pi}{c}-\frac{\cos \frac{\pi}{b} + \cos \frac{\pi}{a} \cos \frac{\pi}{c}}{2 \left( \cos^2 \frac{\pi}{a}-1 \right)} i + \frac{1}{2} j + \frac{\cos \frac{\pi}{a}}{4 \left( \cos^2 \frac{\pi}{a}-1 \right)} ij.\] We collect some facts about the order \(\mathcal{O}_{\tau}\).
Even if \(\overline{\Delta}(\tau)\) is arithmetic, the quaternion algebra \(B_\tau\) need not be split at exactly one infinite place of the totally real field \(F_\tau\). Define the subgroup \(\Delta^{(2)}(\tau) \leq \Delta(\tau)\) generated by \(-1\) and by the set \(\{ \gamma^2: \gamma \in \Delta(\tau) \}\). This is a normal subgroup satisfying \[\Delta(\tau) / \Delta^{(2)}(\tau) \simeq \begin{cases} 1 &: \, \text{at least two of} \, a,b,c \, \text{are odd,} \\ \mathbb{Z} / 2\mathbb{Z} &: \text{one of} \, a,b,c \, \text{is odd,} \\ \mathbb{Z} / 2\mathbb{Z} \times \mathbb{Z} / 2\mathbb{Z} &: a,b,c \, \text{are all even or \(\infty\).} \end{cases}\] Now repeat the previous construction for the group \(\Gamma = \iota(\Delta^{(2)}(\tau)) \leq \mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb{R})\). By the union of and , the trace field is then \[\label{equ:def.etau} E_\tau := \mathbb{Q} \left( \cos^2 \frac{\pi}{a}, \cos^2 \frac{\pi}{b}, \cos^2 \frac{\pi}{c}, \cos \frac{\pi}{a} \cos \frac{\pi}{b} \cos \frac{\pi}{c} \right),\] which we view as a subfield of \(\mathbb{R}\). Let \(A_\tau\) denote the quaternion algebra \(E_\tau[\iota(\Delta^{(2)}(\tau))]\). Write \(\mathcal{Q}_\tau\) for the quaternion order \(\mathcal{O}_{E_\tau}[\iota(\Delta^{(2)}(\tau))] \subset A_\tau\). An explicit description of \(A_\tau\) and \(\mathcal{Q}_\tau\) is given by the following analogue of Proposition [\[pro:alpha.beta.fulldelta\]](#pro:alpha.beta.fulldelta){reference-type="ref" reference="pro:alpha.beta.fulldelta"}.
It is immediate that \(\mathrm{tr}(\mathcal{Q}_\tau) \subseteq \mathcal{O}_{E_\tau}\). Therefore, \(\overline{\Delta}(\tau)\) is *semi-arithmetic* . Takeuchi shows that \(\overline{\Delta}(\tau)\) is arithmetic if and only if the finite-index subgroup \(\overline{\Delta}^{(2)}(\tau)\) is isomorphic to a finite-index subgroup of \(G(A_\tau, \mathcal{Q}_\tau)\), if and only if \(A_\tau\) ramifies at all infinite places of \(E_\tau\) other than the distinguished one.
## Congruence subgroups of triangle groups {#sec:congruence.subgroups}
As before, let \(\tau = (a,b,c)\) be a hyperbolic triple with \(c < \infty\). Let \(J \vartriangleleft \mathcal{O}_{E_\tau}\) be an ideal, and let \(\mathfrak{J} \vartriangleleft \mathcal{O}_{F_\tau}\) be an ideal such that \(\mathfrak{J} \cap \mathcal{O}_{E_\tau} = J\). Suppose that \(J\) is coprime to \(abc\). Moreover suppose that \(\mathfrak{J}\) is coprime to the discriminant of \(\mathcal{O}_\tau\); by Proposition [\[pro:discriminant\]](#pro:discriminant){reference-type="ref" reference="pro:discriminant"}, this is only an additional assumption if \((a,b,c) = (mk, m(k+1), mk(k+1)\) for some \(n,k \in \mathbb{N}\). In this setup, Clark and Voight define a finite-index congruence subgroup \(\overline{\Delta}(\tau;J) \trianglelefteq \overline{\Delta}(\tau)\) as the kernel of an explicit homomorphism \(\Psi_J: \overline{\Delta}(\tau) \to \mathrm{PSL}_2(\mathcal{O}_{F_\tau} / \mathfrak{J})\) constructed in . If \(\overline{\Delta}(\tau) \simeq G(B_\tau, \mathcal{O}_\tau)\), then \(\Psi_J\) is surjective. The significance of these groups is that if \(J = \ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}}\) is a prime of \(E_\tau\) dividing a rational prime \(p\), then the Riemann surface \(X_{\overline{\Delta}(\tau;\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}})}\) admits a Belyi map \(X_{\overline{\Delta}(\tau;\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}})} \to \mathbb{P}^1(\mathbb{C})\), namely a non-constant morphism ramified at exactly three points, which is also a Galois cover. If \(k\) is a finite field and \(k^\prime / k\) is the extension of degree two, then the homomorphism \(\mathrm{GL}_2(k) \to \mathrm{PSL}_2(k^\prime)\) given by \(g \mapsto \pm g / \sqrt{\det g}\) induces an embedding \(\mathrm{PGL}_2(k) \hookrightarrow \mathrm{PSL}_2(k^\prime)\); note that every element of \(k\) is a square in \(k^\prime\). The finite quotient \(\overline{\Delta}(\tau) / \overline{\Delta}(\tau;\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}})\) is described explicitly in :
It is easy to see that \(F_\tau\) is contained in the cyclotomic field \(\mathbb{Q}(\zeta_{2abc})\), where \(\zeta_{2abc}\) is a primitive \(2abc\)-th root of unity. Hence \(F_\tau / \mathbb{Q}\) is an abelian Galois extension. Therefore \(E_\tau / \mathbb{Q}\) is also Galois, and the quotient \(\overline{\Delta}(\tau) / \overline{\Delta}(\tau;\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}})\) is independent, up to isomorphism, of the choice of prime ideal \(\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}} \vartriangleleft \mathcal{O}_{E_\tau}\) dividing a rational prime \(p\). Set \(K(\tau;p) = \overline{\Delta}(\tau) / \overline{\Delta}(\tau;\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}})\). The area of a fundamental domain of \(\overline{\Delta}(\tau;J)\) is \(2\pi \left( 1-\frac{1}{a}-\frac{1}{b}-\frac{1}{c} \right) [\overline{\Delta}(\tau): \overline{\Delta}(\tau;J)]\). By the Gauss-Bonnet theorem, the genus of the Riemann surface \(X_{\overline{\Delta}(\tau;J)}\) is thus \[\label{equ:genus} g(X_{\overline{\Delta}(\tau;J)}) = \frac{[\overline{\Delta}(\tau): \overline{\Delta}(\tau;J)]}{2} \left( 1-\frac{1}{a}-\frac{1}{b}-\frac{1}{c} \right) + 1.\]
## Normal subgroups of \(\overline{\Delta}(\tau)\) {#sec:normal.subgroups}
Let \(\tau = (a,b,c)\) as before. We will be interested below in classifying the normal subgroups \(H \trianglelefteq \overline{\Delta}(\tau)\) satisfying \[\label{equ:right.quotient} \overline{\Delta}(\tau)/H \simeq K(\tau;p).\] Let \(T(\tau; p)\) be the set of triples \((\gamma_1, \gamma_2, \gamma_3) \in K(\tau; p)^3\) such that \(\gamma_1^a = \gamma_2^b = \gamma_3^c = \gamma_1 \gamma_2 \gamma_3 = e\) and such that \(\langle \gamma_1, \gamma_2, \gamma_3 \rangle = K(\tau;p)\). The automorphism group \(\mathrm{Aut}(K(\tau;p))\) acts on \(T(\tau;p)\) in the obvious way. Each element \((\gamma_1,\gamma_2,\gamma_3) \in T(\tau;p)\) gives rise to a normal subgroup \(H \trianglelefteq \overline{\Delta}(\tau)\) satisfying [\[equ:right.quotient\]](#equ:right.quotient){reference-type="eqref" reference="equ:right.quotient"}, namely the kernel of the epimorphism \(\psi: \overline{\Delta}(\tau) \twoheadrightarrow K(\tau;p)\) determined by \(\psi(x) = \gamma_1, \psi(y) = \gamma_2\), where \(x,y \in \overline{\Delta}(\tau)\) are generators as in [\[equ:triangle.group\]](#equ:triangle.group){reference-type="eqref" reference="equ:triangle.group"}. Clearly two elements in the same orbit of the \(\mathrm{Aut}(K(\tau;p))\)-action produce the same normal subgroup, and every normal subgroup satisfying [\[equ:right.quotient\]](#equ:right.quotient){reference-type="eqref" reference="equ:right.quotient"} arises in this way. Thus the number of normal subgroups satisfying [\[equ:right.quotient\]](#equ:right.quotient){reference-type="eqref" reference="equ:right.quotient"} is bounded by \(| T(\tau;p) / \mathrm{Aut}(K(\tau;p))|\). This quantity can be studied by means of the theory of Macbeath , as extended by Clark and Voight . We present here just enough to state the results we will use and refer the reader to and for details. For any field \(k\), let \(\pi: \mathrm{SL}_2(k) \to \mathrm{PSL}_2(k)\) denote the natural projection. For any \(n \in \mathbb{N}\) and any prime power \(q\), define \(\kappa(n,q)\) to be the number of conjugacy classes of \(\mathrm{PSL}_2(\mathbb{F}_q)\) whose elements have order \(n\).
Consider a triple \(\underline{t} = (t_1, t_2, t_3) \in \mathbb{F}_q^3\). We will refer to such objects as trace triples. Let \(T(\underline{t})\) be the set of triples \((g_1, g_2, g_3) \in \mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb{F}_q)\) such that \(g_1 g_2 g_3 = e\) and \(\tr g_i = t_i\) for all \(i \in \{1,2,3 \}\); note that we do not make any hypothesis here about the orders of the \(g_i\) or the subgroup of \(\mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb{F}_q)\) generated by them. A fundamental result of Macbeath is that \(T(\underline{t}) \neq \varnothing\) for all trace triples \(\underline{t}\). Moreover, Macbeath classified trace triples as follows. We say that \(\underline{t}\) is commutative if there exists \((g_1, g_2, g_3) \in T(\underline{t})\) such that \(\pi(\langle g_1, g_2, g_3 \rangle)\) is an abelian subgroup of \(\mathrm{PSL}_2(\mathbb{F}_q)\). Commutative trace triples are easily identified in practice thanks to the following consequence of .
Let \(\underline{g} = (g_1, g_2, g_3) \in \mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb{F}_q)^3\). We associate to it the order triple \(o(\underline{g}) \in \mathbb{N}^3\) consisting of the orders of the elements \(\pi(g_1), \pi(g_2), \pi(g_3) \in \mathrm{PSL}_2(\mathbb{F}_q)\), arranged in non-descending order. A trace triple \(\underline{t}\) is called exceptional if there exists \(\underline{g} \in T(\underline{t})\) such that \[\begin{gathered}
o(\underline{g}) \in \{ (2,2,c): c \geq 2 \} \cup \\ \{ (2,3,3),(2,3,4),(2,3,5),(2,5,5),(3,3,3),(3,3,5),(3,4,4),(3,5,5),(5,5,5) \}. \end{gathered}\] If \(\underline{t}\) is not commutative, then \(o(\underline{g})\) is constant on all \(\underline{g} \in T(\underline{t})\). We say that \(\underline{t}\) is projective if, for all \(\underline{g} \in T(\underline{t})\), the subgroup \(\pi(\langle g_1, g_2, g_3 \rangle) \leq \mathrm{PSL}_2(\mathbb{F}_q)\) is isomorphic to \(\mathrm{PSL}_2(k)\) or \(\mathrm{PGL}_2(k)\) for some subfield \(k \subseteq \mathbb{F}_q\). Macbeath proved that every trace triple \(\underline{t}\) is commutative, exceptional, or projective. Recall that the trace of an element of \(\mathrm{PSL}_2(\mathbb{F}_q)\) is only defined up to sign. Reflecting this and following , we define a trace triple up to sign to be a triple \(\pm \underline{t} = (\pm t_1, \pm t_2, \pm t_3)\), where \(t_1, t_2, t_3 \in \mathbb{F}_q\). A triple \((t_1^\prime, t_2^\prime, t_3^\prime) \in \mathbb{F}_q^3\) is called a lift of \(\pm \underline{t}\) if \(t_i^\prime = \pm t_i\) for all \(i \in \{ 1, 2, 3 \}\), where the signs in each component may be taken independently. We say that a trace triple up to sign is commutative or exceptional if it has a lift with the corresponding property. Following the terminology of , we say that \(\pm \underline{t}\) is partly projective if it has a lift which is projective. Every trace triple up to signs is commutative, exceptional, or partly projective . Let \(\underline{C} = (C_1, C_2, C_3)\) be a triple of conjugacy classes of \(\mathrm{PSL}_2(\mathbb{F}_q)\). Again following , define \(\Sigma(\underline{C})\) to be the set of triples \(\underline{\gamma} = (\gamma_1, \gamma_2, \gamma_3) \in \mathrm{PSL}_2(\mathbb{F}_q)^3\) such that \(\gamma_1 \gamma_2 \gamma_3 = e\), that \(\gamma_i \in C_i\) for all \(i \in \{ 1,2,3 \}\), and that \(\langle \gamma_1, \gamma_2, \gamma_3 \rangle = K(\tau;\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}})\). The natural action of \(\mathrm{Aut}(K(\tau;p))\) on triples of elements need not preserve \(\Sigma(\underline{C})\). However, we may still define an equivalence relation on \(\Sigma(\underline{C})\) by \(\underline{\gamma} \sim \underline{\gamma}^\prime\) if there exists \(\sigma \in \mathrm{Aut}(K(\tau; p))\) such that \(\sigma(\gamma_i) = \gamma_i^\prime\) for all \(i\). Denote the set of equivalence classes by \(\Sigma(\underline{C})/\mathrm{Aut}(K(\tau;p))\). Let \(o(\underline{C})\) be the triple of the common orders of the elements of \(C_1\), \(C_2\), and \(C_3\), arranged in non-descending order, and let \(\tr \underline{C}\) be the trace triple up to signs associated to \(\underline{C}\). Let \(\mathbb{F}_p(\tr \underline{C})\) be the subextension of \(\mathbb{F}_q / \mathbb{F}_p\) generated by the components of \(\tr \underline{C}\). We are now ready to state a bound for the number of normal subgroups \(H \trianglelefteq \overline{\Delta}(\tau)\) such that \(\overline{\Delta}(\tau) / H \simeq K(\tau;p)\); see for an overlapping result. Suppose that \(K(\tau;p) \leq \mathrm{PSL}_2(\mathbb{F}_q)\) as in Remark [\[rmk:pgl.psl\]](#rmk:pgl.psl){reference-type="ref" reference="rmk:pgl.psl"}. Let \(\mathcal{C}(\tau;p)\) be the set of triples \(\underline{C} = (C_1,C_2,C_3)\) of conjugacy classes of \(\mathrm{PSL}_2(\mathbb{F}_q)\) such that \(\Sigma(\underline{C}) \cap T(\tau;p) \neq \varnothing\).
# Semi-arithmeticity {#sec:semiarithmetic}
As mentioned above, only finitely many of the hyperbolic triangle groups \(\overline{\Delta}(\tau)\) are arithmetic. However, \(\overline{\Delta}(\tau)\) is semi-arithmetic for all hyperbolic triples \(\tau\) in the sense of . In this section we apply a recent argument of Cosac and Dória to obtain, in some cases, a lower bound on \(\mathrm{sys}(X_{\overline{\Delta}(\tau;J)})\) in terms of the genus \(g(X_{\overline{\Delta}(\tau;J)})\), which is given explicitly by [\[equ:genus\]](#equ:genus){reference-type="eqref" reference="equ:genus"}, and an invariant of an explicit quaternion algebra. We then discuss earlier work in the arithmetic case, where more precise bounds are sometimes available. Recall the quaternion algebra \(A_\tau\) of Proposition [\[pro:presentation.a\]](#pro:presentation.a){reference-type="ref" reference="pro:presentation.a"}. It is defined over the totally real field \(E_\tau\) of [\[equ:def.etau\]](#equ:def.etau){reference-type="eqref" reference="equ:def.etau"}, which is the invariant trace field of \(\overline{\Delta}(\tau)\). Let \(r_\tau\) be the number of infinite places of \(E_\tau\) at which \(A_\tau\) splits. Takeuchi proved that \(\overline{\Delta}(\tau)\) is arithmetic if and only if \(r_\tau = 1\) and that this condition holds for exactly \(85\) triples \(\tau\). Nugent and Voight later showed that there are finitely many hyperbolic triples \(\tau\) satisfying \(r_\tau = N\) for any \(N \in \mathbb{N}\) and provided an algorithm for computing them. Cohen and Wolfart observed that the triangle group \(\overline{\Delta}(\tau)\) admits a modular embedding. This means (cf. ) that there is an arithmetic lattice \(\Lambda < \mathrm{PSL}_2(\mathbb{R})^{r_\tau}\), defined over \(E_\tau\), a holomorphic map \(F: \mathcal{H} \to \mathcal{H}^{r_\tau}\), and embeddings \(\Phi_1, \dots, \Phi_{r_\tau}: \overline{\Delta}(\tau) \hookrightarrow \mathrm{PSL}_2(\mathbb{R})\), extending each of the embeddings \(E_\tau \hookrightarrow \mathbb{R}\) at which \(A_\tau\) splits, such that the map \(\Phi = (\Phi_1, \dots, \Phi_{r_\tau}): \overline{\Delta}(\tau) \to \mathrm{PSL}_2(\mathbb{R})^{r_\tau}\) satisfies \(\Phi(\overline{\Delta}(\tau)) \subseteq \Lambda\) and \(F(\gamma(z)) = \Phi(\gamma)(F(z))\) for all \(\gamma \in \overline{\Delta}(\tau)\) and \(z \in \mathcal{H}\). The lattice \(\Lambda\) is commensurate with a subgroup of an arithmetic lattice arising from a quaternion algebra, but it need not in general be contained in such a lattice. More explicitly, Clark and Voight construct an embedding \(\overline{\Delta}(\tau) \hookrightarrow N_{A_\tau}(\mathcal{Q}_\tau)/E_\tau^\times\), where \(\mathcal{Q}_\tau \subset A_\tau\) is the order defined in Proposition [\[pro:presentation.a\]](#pro:presentation.a){reference-type="ref" reference="pro:presentation.a"} and \(N_{A_\tau}(\mathcal{Q}_\tau)\) is its normalizer in \(A_\tau\); see also . However, if at least two of the components of the triple \(\tau\) are odd, then the fields \(E_\tau = F_\tau\) coincide, as do the quaternion algebras \(A_\tau = B_\tau\) and the orders \(\mathcal{Q}_\tau = \mathcal{O}_\tau\); see [\[equ:b.presentation\]](#equ:b.presentation){reference-type="eqref" reference="equ:b.presentation"} and Proposition [\[pro:alpha.beta.fulldelta\]](#pro:alpha.beta.fulldelta){reference-type="ref" reference="pro:alpha.beta.fulldelta"} for the definitions. In this case there is an embedding \(\overline{\Delta}(\tau) \hookrightarrow \mathcal{Q}^1_\tau / \{ \pm 1 \}\) as in Remark [\[rmk:embedding\]](#rmk:embedding){reference-type="ref" reference="rmk:embedding"}, and the congruence subgroups are \(\overline{\Delta}(\tau;J) = \overline{\Delta}(\tau) \cap \mathcal{Q}_\tau^1 (J)\) for all ideals \(J \vartriangleleft \mathcal{O}_{E_\tau}\) coprime to \(2abc\), where \(\mathcal{Q}_\tau^1 (J) = \{ x \in \mathcal{Q}_\tau^1: x \equiv 1 \, \mathrm{mod} \, J \mathcal{Q}_\tau \}\). Note that \(\mathcal{Q}_\tau^1 (J)\) embeds in \(\mathcal{Q}_\tau^1 / \{ \pm 1 \}\) by our assumptions on \(J\). Then an argument of Cosac and Dória obtains the following systolic bound.
In general Theorem [\[thm:semiarithmetic\]](#thm:semiarithmetic){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:semiarithmetic"} does not provide an effective lower bound on \(\mathrm{sys}(X_{\overline{\Delta}(\tau;J)})\), since no effective constraint on the constant \(c_\tau\) is known. In some arithmetic cases, it is known that one may take \(c_\tau = 0\); see and for sufficient conditions. These results rely on the trace bounds of and do not readily extend to non-arithmetic situations. The upper bounds on \(\mathrm{sys}(X_{\overline{\Delta}(\tau;J)})\) obtained by the method of Section [4.1](#sec:procedure){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:procedure"} below show that one may *not* take \(c_\tau = 0\) for some specific triples \(\tau\). Finally, we note that the bounds given by Theorem [\[thm:semiarithmetic\]](#thm:semiarithmetic){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:semiarithmetic"} are, in general, transcendental. However, it follows from Remark [\[rmk:embedding\]](#rmk:embedding){reference-type="ref" reference="rmk:embedding"} that traces of elements of \(\overline{\Delta}(\tau;J)\), and hence \(\mathrm{sys}(X_{\overline{\Delta}(\tau;J)})\) and our upper bound, are contained in the totally real field \(F_\tau\) and are thus algebraic numbers. Hence one cannot expect to determine the exact values of the systolic lengths of triangular modular curves by matching the upper bounds of Section [4.1](#sec:procedure){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:procedure"} with lower bounds arising from Theorem [\[thm:semiarithmetic\]](#thm:semiarithmetic){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:semiarithmetic"}.
# Computations {#sec:computations}
## Procedure {#sec:procedure}
Let \(\tau = (a,b,c)\) be a hyperbolic triple, let \(\overline{\Delta} = \overline{\Delta}(\tau)\), and let \(\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}} \vartriangleleft \mathcal{O}_{E_\tau}\) be a prime ideal such that the congruence subgroup \(\overline{\Delta}(\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}})\) is defined. Our aim is to bound the systolic length of the compact Riemann surface \(X_{\overline{\Delta}(\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}})}\). In fact, for any finite real number \(M > 0\), the set of numbers at most \(M\) that occur as lengths of closed geodesics of \(X_{\overline{\Delta}(\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}})}\) could likely be computed by adapting the method used by Vogeler in the Hurwitz case \(\tau = (2,3,7)\); see also earlier work by undergraduate participants of an REU at Rose-Hulman directed by S. A. Broughton. We take a simpler but less precise approach that was introduced in in the case of \(\tau = (3,3,4)\). Recall from Section [1.2](#sec:traces){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:traces"} that determining \(\mathrm{sys}(X_{\overline{\Delta}(\tau;\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}})})\) amounts to finding \[\min \left\{ \left\{ | \mathrm{tr} \, \varepsilon(\tilde{\gamma}) |: \gamma \in \overline{\Delta}(\tau;\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}}) \right\} \cap (2, \infty) \right\},\] where \(\gamma\) runs over all elements of the infinite group \(\overline{\Delta}(\tau;\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}})\), where \(\tilde{\gamma} \in \Delta(\tau)\) is a lift of \(\gamma\), and \(\varepsilon: \Delta(\tau) \hookrightarrow \mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb{R})\) is some embedding; by work of Takeuchi mentioned above, the result is independent of the choice of \(\varepsilon\). We restrict to a set of Schreier generators of \(\overline{\Delta}(\tau;\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}})\). This is a *finite* generating set with some pleasant properties; details may be found in classical references on combinatorial group theory such as . Among the generating sets of a subgroup of a finitely presented group obtainable by available algorithms, the elements of a set of Schreier generators are expressible as relatively short words in the generators \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) of \(\overline{\Delta}(\tau)\). Thus we may hope that the hyperbolic Schreier generators will have relatively low traces. The minimal trace of a hyperbolic Schreier generator is our upper bound on \(\mathrm{sys}(X_{\overline{\Delta}(\tau;\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}})})\). Of course, it is possible that some other hyperbolic element of \(\overline{\Delta}(\tau)\) has a lower trace than that of any of our Schreier generators. However, as mentioned in the introduction, in all the examples that we have computed where \(\mathrm{sys}(X_{\overline{\Delta}(\tau;\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}})})\) is known, it matches our bound. The procedure behind our computations is presented below. We assume that \(\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}} \vartriangleleft \mathcal{O}_{E_\tau}\) is prime as this streamlines the discussion of possible simplifications of the various steps of the computation. However, the same procedure may be used to find upper bounds on \(\mathrm{sys}(X_{\overline{\Delta}(\tau;J)})\) for composite ideals \(J\); in this case the description of the quotient \(\overline{\Delta}(\tau)/ \overline{\Delta}(\tau;J)\) given in [\[equ:general.quotient\]](#equ:general.quotient){reference-type="eqref" reference="equ:general.quotient"} should be used in Step 1 instead of Proposition [\[pro:CV.congruence.quotient\]](#pro:CV.congruence.quotient){reference-type="ref" reference="pro:CV.congruence.quotient"}. Our code is available at `github.com/mmschein/systole`. **Step 1:** *Identify subgroups \(H \trianglelefteq \overline{\Delta}(\tau)\) such that \(\overline{\Delta}(\tau)/H \simeq K(\tau;p)\).* If \(|K(\tau;p)|\) is reasonably small, then Magma's `LowIndexNormalSubgroups` routine may be used. When \(K(\tau;p) = \mathrm{PSL}_2(\mathbb{F}_q)\) with \(q > 3\), it follows from the classification of finite simple groups that \(K(\tau;p)\) is the unique simple group of order \(\frac{q}{(2,q-1)} (q^2-1)\) and so it is particularly easy to identify relevant subgroups \(H \trianglelefteq \overline{\Delta}(\tau)\) from the output of `LowIndexNormalSubgroups`. If \(|K(\tau;p)|\) is large, it is more efficient to generate random pairs of elements \((z_1, z_2) \in K(\tau;p)^2\) and select those for which \((z_1, z_2, (z_1 z_2)^{-1}) \in T(\tau;p)\); recall that \(T(\tau;p)\) was defined in Section [2.4](#sec:normal.subgroups){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:normal.subgroups"}. Such a pair gives rise to an epimorphism \(\psi: \overline{\Delta}(\tau) \twoheadrightarrow K(\tau;p)\) determined by \(\psi(x) = z_1\) and \(\psi(y) = z_2\). Then we consider the kernel \(H = \ker \psi\). **Step 2:** *Compute a set of Schreier generators for \(H\).* See and for algorithms computing Schreier generators. We have used the implementation in Magma. This is by far the most time-consuming step of our computations. **Step 3:** *Determine whether there is an ideal \(\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}} \vartriangleleft \mathcal{O}_{E_\tau}\) dividing \(p\) such that \(H = \overline{\Delta}(\tau;\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}})\), and identify \(\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}}\) if so.* The most general method for doing this is as follows. Recall from Remark [\[rmk:embedding\]](#rmk:embedding){reference-type="ref" reference="rmk:embedding"} that we have an explicit embedding \(\varepsilon_0: {\Delta}(\tau) \hookrightarrow \mathcal{O}_\tau^1\). Let \(S_H\) be the set of Schreier generators of \(H\) computed in the previous step. For every \(s \in S_H\), we compute \(\varepsilon_0(s) = u_0 + u_1 i + u_2 j + u_3 ij\), in terms of the presentation of \(B_\tau\) given in Proposition [\[pro:alpha.beta.fulldelta\]](#pro:alpha.beta.fulldelta){reference-type="ref" reference="pro:alpha.beta.fulldelta"}. Set \[\left( \begin{array}{c} v_0 \\ v_1 \\ v_2 \\ v_3 \end{array} \right) = \left( \begin{array}{cccc} 1 & \cos \frac{\pi}{a} & \cos \frac{\pi}{b} &-\cos \frac{\pi}{c} \\ 0 & \frac{1}{2} &-\frac{\cos \frac{\pi}{a} \cos \frac{\pi}{b} + \cos \frac{\pi}{c}}{2 \left( \cos^2 \frac{\pi}{a}-1 \right)} &-\frac{\cos \frac{\pi}{b} + \cos \frac{\pi}{a} \cos \frac{\pi}{c}}{2 \left( \cos^2 \frac{\pi}{a}-1 \right)} \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & \frac{1}{2} \\ 0 & 0 & \frac{1}{4 \left( \cos^2 \frac{\pi}{a}-1 \right)} & \frac{\cos \frac{\pi}{a}}{4 \left( \cos^2 \frac{\pi}{a}-1 \right)} \end{array} \right)^{-1} \left( \begin{array}{c} u_0 \\ u_1 \\ u_2 \\ u_3 \end{array} \right).\] Then the \(v_i\) are the coefficients of \(\varepsilon_0(s)\) with respect to the \(F_\tau\)-basis \((1, \alpha, \beta, \alpha \beta)\) of \(B_\tau\). If, for all \(s \in S_H\), we have \(v_0 \equiv \pm 1 \, \mathrm{mod} \, \mathfrak{P}\) and \(v_1, v_2, v_3 \in \mathfrak{P}\) for a prime ideal \(\mathfrak{P} \vartriangleleft \mathcal{O}_{F_\tau}\) dividing \(\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}}\), then \(H \leq \overline{\Delta}(\tau;\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}})\) and hence \(H = \overline{\Delta}(\tau;\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}})\) as they are subgroups of \(\overline{\Delta}(\tau)\) of the same index. This step of the computation can often be simplified. For instance, the upper bound on \(\mathcal{N}(\tau;p) = \left\{ H \trianglelefteq \overline{\Delta}(\tau): \overline{\Delta}(\tau) / H \simeq K(\tau;p) \right\}\) obtained from Proposition [\[pro:counting.normal.subgroups\]](#pro:counting.normal.subgroups){reference-type="ref" reference="pro:counting.normal.subgroups"} is sometimes equal to the number of prime ideals of \(\mathcal{O}_{E_\tau}\) dividing \(p\). In this case, any subgroup \(H\) obtained in Step 1 is necessarily a congruence subgroup, and testing just a few Schreier generators will suffice to eliminate all \(\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}} | p\) but one. If, futhermore, \(\mathcal{O}_{F_\tau} / \mathfrak{P} = \mathcal{O}_{E_\tau} / \ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}}\) (or, equivalently, \(K(\tau;p) = \mathrm{PSL}_2(k_\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}})\)), then we may dispense with Schreier generators entirely in this step. Indeed, the explicit homomorphism \(\Psi_\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}}: \overline{\Delta}(\tau) \to \mathrm{PSL}_2(\mathcal{O}_{F_\tau} / \mathfrak{P})\), whose kernel is \(\overline{\Delta}(\tau;\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}})\), is given in . Here \(\mathfrak{P}\) is a prime of \(F_\tau\) dividing \(\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}}\). We know by that \(\Psi_\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}}(x)\), \(\Psi_\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}}(y)\), and \(\Psi_\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}}((xy)^{-1})\) have traces \(\pm (2 \cos \frac{\pi}{a}) \, \mathrm{mod} \, \mathfrak{P}\), \(\pm (2 \cos \frac{\pi}{b}) \, \mathrm{mod} \, \mathfrak{P}\), and \(\pm (2 \cos \frac{\pi}{c}) \, \mathrm{mod} \, \mathfrak{P}\), respectively. Then in Step 1 we search for an epimorphism \(\psi: \overline{\Delta}(\tau) \twoheadrightarrow \mathrm{PSL}_2(k_\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}})\) satisfying these trace conditions and can conclude immediately that \(\ker \psi = \overline{\Delta}(\tau;\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}})\). It is still necessary to determine the Schreier generators of \(\overline{\Delta}(\tau;\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}})\) for the following step. **Step 4:** *Determine the minimal trace of a Schreier generator.* For every Schreier generator \(s \in S_H\), we compute \(| \mathrm{tr} \, \varepsilon(\tilde{s}) |\), where \(\tilde{s} \in \Delta(\tau)\) is a lifting of \(s\) and \(\epsilon: \Delta(\tau) \hookrightarrow \mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb{R})\) is some embedding. It is usually convenient to take \(\varepsilon\) to be the explicit embedding of Remark [\[rmk:embedding\]](#rmk:embedding){reference-type="ref" reference="rmk:embedding"}. Our upper bound on \(\mathrm{sys}(X_{\overline{\Delta}(\tau;\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}})})\) is then \[\min \left\{ \left\{ | \mathrm{tr} \, \varepsilon(\tilde{s}) |: s \in S_{\overline{\Delta}(\tau;\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}})} \right\} \cap (2, \infty) \right\}.\]
In the remainder of this section we consider some specific examples of the computations outlined above.
## Hurwitz surfaces {#sec:hurwitz}
A Hurwitz surface is a compact Riemann surface \(X\) of genus \(g(X)\) with exactly \(84(g(X)-1)\) automorphisms, which is the maximal number possible by a classical theorem of Hurwitz. These have been studied since 1879, when Klein discovered his celebrated quadric of genus three, with \(168\) automorphisms. Together with the theorem mentioned above, Hurwitz showed that a group of order \(84(g-1)\) is the automorphism group of some Riemann surface of genus \(g\) if and only if it is a homomorphic image of the triangle group \(\overline{\Delta}(2,3,7)\). Thus the new Hurwitz surfaces that have been discovered over the past century have amounted to constructions of normal subgroups of \(\overline{\Delta}(2,3,7)\) of finite index; as a very incomplete sample of these results, we mention the work of Sinkov , Macbeath , Leech , Lehner and Newman , and Cohen . The construction of congruence subgroups of \(\overline{\Delta}(\tau)\) discussed above, in the special case \(\tau = (2,3,7)\), recovers some, but not all, of this previous work. Set \(\mu = 2 \cos \frac{\pi}{7}\) for brevity. If \(\tau = (2,3,7)\), then \(F_\tau = E_\tau = \mathbb{Q}(\mu)\). This is a cubic field, where \(\mu\) has minimal polynomial \(x^3-x^2-2x + 1\) over \(\mathbb{Q}\). Let \(\zeta_7\) be a primitive seventh root of unity such that \(-(\zeta_7 + \zeta_7^{-1}) = \mu\). Then \(\mathbb{Q}(\mu)\) is contained in the cyclotomic field \(\mathbb{Q}(\zeta_7)\). In particular, \(\mathcal{O}_{F_\tau} = \mathbb{Z} [\mu]\). We determine the decomposition of primes in \(\mathbb{Q}(\mu)\).
Since \(\overline{\Delta}(2,3,7) = \overline{\Delta}^{(2)} (2,3,7)\), we have \(\overline{\Delta}(2,3,7) \leq \mathcal{O}_\tau^1 / \{ \pm 1 \}\) as a subgroup of finite index, where by Proposition [\[pro:alpha.beta.fulldelta\]](#pro:alpha.beta.fulldelta){reference-type="ref" reference="pro:alpha.beta.fulldelta"} the order \(\mathcal{O}_\tau \subset B_\tau\) of the quaternion algebra \(B_\tau = \left \langle \frac{-4, \mu^2-3}{F_\tau} \right \rangle\) has \(\mathcal{O}_{F_\tau}\)-basis \(\{ 1, \alpha, \beta, \alpha \beta \}\), with \(\alpha = \frac{i}{2}\) and \(\beta = \frac{1}{2} + \frac{\mu}{4} i-\frac{1}{4}ij\). In fact, \(\overline{\Delta}(2,3,7)\) is arithmetic , so \(B_\tau\) splits only at the distinguished infinite place of \(F_\tau\).
We have \(\mathcal{O}_\tau^1 / \{ \pm 1 \} = \simeq \overline{\Delta} = \overline{\Delta}(2,3,7)\) . The order \(\mathcal{O}_\tau \subset B_\tau\) is maximal and splits at all finite places of \(\mathbb{Q}(\mu)\) since the quaternion algebra \(B_\tau\) does so. Hence for any ideal \(I \vartriangleleft \mathcal{O}_{F_{\tau}} = \mathbb{Z} [\mu]\) we get a congruence subgroup \(\overline{\Delta}(I) \vartriangleleft \overline{\Delta}\) such that \(\overline{\Delta} / \overline{\Delta}(I) \simeq \mathrm{PSL}_2 (\mathcal{O}_{F_\tau} / I)\). By we conclude that \(\mathrm{sys} ( X_{\overline{\Delta}(I)}) > \frac{4}{3} g(X_{\overline{\Delta}(I)})\) for all but finitely many ideals \(I \vartriangleleft \mathbb{Z} [\mu]\); indeed, \(T_1 = T_2 = \varnothing\) in the notation of and \(2^6 = 64 < 84 = \frac{4 \pi}{2\pi \left( 1-\frac{1}{2}-\frac{1}{3}-\frac{1}{7} \right)}\). By this inequality holds for all \(I\) such that \(g(X_{\overline{\Delta}(I)}) \geq 85\).
We tabulate below our bounds on \(\mathrm{sys}(X_{\overline{\Delta}(I)})\) for all proper ideals \(I \vartriangleleft \mathcal{O}_{F_\tau}\) of norm \(N(I) \leq 100\), to an accuracy of three decimal places. For all the prime ideals in this table, Vogeler has computed length spectra of the corresponding Riemann surfaces. In all cases, the lowest trace identified by us corresponds to the smallest geodesic length found by Vogeler. His tables are complete for lengths smaller than \(14.49\), so they determine the systolic length for surfaces \(X\) with \(\mathrm{sys}(X) < 14.49\). This is evidence that our method provides a reasonable estimate for the systolic length \(\mathrm{sys}(X_\Gamma)\). We see as in [\[equ:genus\]](#equ:genus){reference-type="eqref" reference="equ:genus"} that \(g(X_{\overline{\Delta}(I)}) = \frac{| \mathrm{PSL}_2(\mathbb{Z}[\mu]/I) |}{84} + 1\) for all \(I \vartriangleleft \mathbb{Z}[\mu]\). The Riemann surface \(X_{\overline{\Delta}(I)}\) of genus \(3\) corresponding to the ideal \(I\) of norm \(7\) in the first line of the table is, of course, none other than the Klein quadric. The surface \(X_{\overline{\Delta}((2))}\) of genus \(7\) was studied by Fricke and more than sixty years later by Macbeath , who was apparently unaware of Fricke's work; see Serre's letter to Abhyankar for a more modern perspective on this curve. If \(N\) is a natural number with a unique prime factor \(p\) such that \(p\) splits or ramifies in \(\mathbb{Q}(\mu)\) (i.e. \(p \equiv 0, \pm 1 \, \mathrm{mod} \, 7\)) and if \((p^\prime)^3 | N\) for all prime factors \(p^\prime \neq p\) of \(N\), then there exist three ideals \(I \vartriangleleft \mathbb{Z}[\mu]\) of norm \(N(I) = N\), giving rise to three Hurwitz surfaces of the same genus; these are the Hurwitz triplets. Not all normal subgroups of \(\overline{\Delta}\) arise as \(\overline{\Delta}(I)\) for some ideal \(I \vartriangleleft \mathbb{Z}[\mu]\). The example of lowest index is a pair of normal subgroups of index \(1344\) found by Sinkov . They are conjugate in the full triangle group \(\widetilde{\Delta}(2,3,7)\) of [\[equ:full.triangle.group\]](#equ:full.triangle.group){reference-type="eqref" reference="equ:full.triangle.group"} and correspond to a single chiral Riemann surface of genus \(\frac{1344}{84} + 1 = 17\). In this case, the lowest trace we obtain is \(11 \mu^2 + 9 \mu-7\), corresponding to the systolic length found by Vogeler. Cohen described an infinite family of normal subgroups of \(\overline{\Delta}\) whose quotients are not isomorphic to \(\mathrm{PSL}_2(\mathbb{Z}[\mu] / I)\) for any ideal \(I \vartriangleleft \mathbb{Z}[\mu]\).
## \((2,3,12)\) triangle surfaces {#sec:2312}
We next consider the case \(\tau = (a,b,c) = (2,3,12)\). A Riemann surface \(X\) of genus \(g\) is called maximal if it is a local maximum for the function \(\mathrm{sys}(X)\) on the Teichmüller space \(T_g\). The \((2,3,12)\) triangle surfaces of genus \(3\) and \(4\) were shown to be maximal by Schmutz Schaller , so this is a natural family in which to search for surfaces with large systolic length. In this section, write \(\overline{\Delta}\) for \(\overline{\Delta}(2,3,12)\). Observe that \(E_\tau = \mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{3})\) and \(F_\tau = \mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{2}, \sqrt{3})\). The complication of this case, in comparison with the Hurwitz case considered in the previous section, is that now \(\overline{\Delta}\) is not contained in \(\mathcal{O}^1 / \{ \pm 1 \}\) for any quaternion order \(\mathcal{O}\) defined over the invariant trace field \(E_\tau\); only the subgroup \(\overline{\Delta}^{(2)}\) is.
Observe that \(\Delta(2,3,12)^{(2)} \simeq \Delta(3,3,6)\). We read off from Proposition [\[pro:presentation.a\]](#pro:presentation.a){reference-type="ref" reference="pro:presentation.a"} that \(A_\tau \simeq \left \langle \frac{-3, 1 + \sqrt{3}}{\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{3})} \right \rangle\) and that a \(\mathbb{Z}[\sqrt{3}]\)-basis of the order \(\mathcal{Q}_\tau\) is given by \(\{ 1, \gamma_1, \gamma_2, \gamma_1 \gamma_2 \}\), where \[\begin{aligned}
\gamma_1 & = & \frac{-1 + i}{2} \\ \gamma_2 & = & \frac{\sqrt{3}}{2} + \frac{2 + \sqrt{3}}{6} i + \frac{ij}{3}. \end{aligned}\] Moreover, \(\mathcal{Q}_\tau^1 / \{ \pm 1 \} \simeq \overline{\Delta}(3,3,6)\); see the table on p. 208 of . However, \(\overline{\Delta}(2,3,12)\) is isomorphic to the larger group \(\mathcal{Q}_\tau^+ / (E_\tau^\times \cap \mathcal{Q}_\tau^+)\), where \(\mathcal{Q}_\tau^+ \leq \mathcal{Q}_\tau^\times\) is the subgroup of elements with totally positive reduced norm. Then \(\mathcal{Q}_\tau^+ / (E_\tau^\times \cap \mathcal{Q}_\tau^+)\) naturally contains \(\mathcal{Q}_\tau^1 / \{ \pm 1 \}\) as a subgroup of index two. We tabulate the results of our computations for all prime ideals \(\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}} \vartriangleleft \mathbb{Z}[\sqrt{3}]\) such that \(N(\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}}) < 60\). Note that if \(p \in \{ 2, 3 \}\), then \(p\) ramifies in \(\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{3})\) and also satisfies \(p | abc\), so that Proposition [\[pro:2312.normal.subgroups\]](#pro:2312.normal.subgroups){reference-type="ref" reference="pro:2312.normal.subgroups"} is inapplicable to primes dividing \(p\). However, it is still possible to define congruence subgroups; see . If \(\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}}_2\) is the prime ideal dividing \(2\), one finds explicitly that \(\{ g \in \mathcal{Q}_\tau^+: g \equiv 1 \, \mathrm{mod} \, \ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}}_2 \mathcal{Q}_\tau \} \trianglelefteq \mathcal{Q}_\tau^+\) corresponds to a normal subgroup \(H_2 \trianglelefteq \overline{\Delta}\) such that the quotient \(\overline{\Delta}/H_2\) is a group of order \(48\) isomorphic to the unique non-trivial extension of \(A_4\) by \(\mathbb{Z} / 4\mathbb{Z}\). This \(H\) is isomorphic to a surface group of genus \(3\). Similarly, for the prime ideal dividing \(3\) one obtains a normal subgroup \(H_3 \trianglelefteq \overline{\Delta}\) such that \(\overline{\Delta} / H_3 \simeq S_4 \times \mathbb{Z} / 3\mathbb{Z}\) and \(H_3\) is isomorphic to a surface group of genus \(4\). The resulting Riemann surfaces of genera \(3\) and \(4\) are the maximal surfaces mentioned at the beginning of this section. Their systolic lengths were computed by Schmutz Schaller and match our estimates. One sees by explicit computation that \(\mathcal{Q}_\tau\) is a maximal order in \(A_\tau\), and that the only finite place at which \(A_\tau\) ramifies is \(\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}}_2\). It follows that both sides of the inequality in the hypotheses of are equal to \(12\), and we are unable to conclude that \(\mathrm{sys}(X_{\overline{\Delta}(\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}})}) > \frac{4}{3} g(X_{\overline{\Delta}(\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}})})\) for any \(\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}}\); this depends on the coefficient of the second-order term of the series appearing in the proof of . Nevertheless, from our computational data this appears plausible.
## Bolza twins {#sec:bolza}
Consider \(\tau = (2,3,8)\). Then \(F_\tau = \mathbb{Q} \left( \cos \frac{\pi}{8} \right)\) and \(E_\tau = \mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{2})\). From Proposition [\[pro:presentation.a\]](#pro:presentation.a){reference-type="ref" reference="pro:presentation.a"} we find that \(A_\tau = \left\langle \frac{-3, \sqrt{2}}{\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{2})} \right\rangle\) and that the order \(\mathcal{Q}_\tau \subset A_\tau\) is spanned over \(\mathbb{Z}[\sqrt{2}]\) by \(\{1, \gamma_1, \gamma_2, \gamma_1 \gamma_2 \}\), where \(\gamma_1 = \frac{1}{2} (-1 + i)\) and \(\gamma_2 = \frac{\sqrt{2}}{2} + \frac{2 + \sqrt{2}}{6} i + \frac{1}{3} ij\). It is easy to see that \(\mathcal{Q}_\tau\) is the "Bolza order" defined in ; this follows from noting that \(\gamma_1 = \alpha-1\) and \(\gamma_2 = (1 + \sqrt{2})\alpha-\beta\), where \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) are as in . Moreover \(\mathcal{Q}_\tau^1 / \{ \pm 1 \} \simeq \overline{\Delta}^{(2)}(\tau) \simeq \overline{\Delta}(3,3,4)\) . Katz, Katz, the first author, and Vishne previously computed bounds on \(\mathrm{sys}(X_{\overline{\Delta}(\tau^{(2)};\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}})})\), using the method of Section [4.1](#sec:procedure){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:procedure"}, for prime ideals \(\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}} \vartriangleleft \mathbb{Z}[\sqrt{2}]\) dividing a rational prime \(p\) that splits in \(\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{2})\). It is an exercise in algebraic number theory to deduce the following from Proposition [\[pro:CV.congruence.quotient\]](#pro:CV.congruence.quotient){reference-type="ref" reference="pro:CV.congruence.quotient"}.
Let \(\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}} \vartriangleleft \mathbb{Z}[\sqrt{2}]\) be a prime ideal dividing \(p \geq 5\). Since \(\overline{\Delta}(\tau^{(2)}; \ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}}) = \overline{\Delta}(\tau;\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}}) \cap \overline{\Delta}^{(2)}(\tau)\), it follows by Proposition [\[pro:bolza\]](#pro:bolza){reference-type="ref" reference="pro:bolza"} that \(\overline{\Delta}(\tau^{(2)}; \ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}}) = \overline{\Delta}(\tau;\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}})\) exactly when \(p \not\equiv \pm 1 \, \mathrm{mod} \, 16\). Thus for half of the primes \(p\) splitting in \(\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{2})\) we have \(X_{\overline{\Delta}(\tau;\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}})} = X_{\overline{\Delta}(\tau^{(2)};\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}})}\), whereas for half of them \(X_{\overline{\Delta}(\tau^{(2)};\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}})}\) is a non-trivial cover of \(X_{\overline{\Delta}(\tau;\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}})}\) and may have larger systolic length. The prime \(\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}}_2 = (\sqrt{2})\) does not fit into the framework of this paper. However, analogously to the previous section, it gives rise to a normal subgroup \(H_2 \trianglelefteq \overline{\Delta}(\tau^{(2)})\) of index \(24\) such that \(\overline{\Delta}(\tau^{(2)}) / H_2 \simeq \mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb{F}_3)\) and such that \(H_2\) is isomorphic to a surface group of genus two. The Riemann surface \(X_{H_2}\) is the Bolza surface, which is known to be maximal. The four generators in our presentation of \(H_2\) all correspond to elements of \(\mathcal{Q}_\tau^1 / \{ \pm 1 \}\) of trace \(\pm 2 (1 + \sqrt{2})\), which give the true systolic length of the Bolza surface . We observe in passing two other interesting normal subgroups \(H_3, H_5 \trianglelefteq \overline{\Delta}(\tau^{(2)})\) of indices \(48\) and \(96\). They are isomorphic to surface groups of genera \(3\) and \(5\), respectively, and neither appears to be a congruence subgroup. We have \(\overline{\Delta}(\tau^{(2)})/H_3 \simeq (\mathbb{Z} / 4\mathbb{Z})^2 \rtimes \mathbb{Z} / 3\mathbb{Z}\), with \(\mathbb{Z} / 3\mathbb{Z}\) acting faithfully, and the generators of \(H_3\) correspond to traces \(\pm 2 (2 + \sqrt{2})\). Finally, \(\overline{\Delta}(\tau^{(2)})/H_5 \simeq (\mathbb{Z} / 2\mathbb{Z})^3 \rtimes A_4\), with \(A_4\) acting via its quotient \(\mathbb{Z} / 3\mathbb{Z}\). The generators of \(H_5\) correspond to traces \(\pm 2(3 + 2 \sqrt{2})\). Note that Schmutz Schaller discusses a maximal surface of genus \(5\) and systolic length \(2 \arcosh (3 + 2 \sqrt{2})\).
## \((2,7,7)\) triangle surfaces {#sec:277}
The case of \(\tau = (2,7,7)\) is interesting for at least two reasons. First of all, the analogue of Propositions [\[pro:hurwitz.normal.subgroups\]](#pro:hurwitz.normal.subgroups){reference-type="ref" reference="pro:hurwitz.normal.subgroups"} and [\[pro:2312.normal.subgroups\]](#pro:2312.normal.subgroups){reference-type="ref" reference="pro:2312.normal.subgroups"} fails. Secondly, \(\overline{\Delta}(2,7,7)\) is not maximal among triangle groups, since it embeds in \(\overline{\Delta}(2,3,7)\) as a self-normalizing subgroup of index nine . An explicit embedding is given by \[\begin{aligned}
f: \overline{\Delta}(2,7,7) = \langle x^\prime ,y^\prime \rangle / \langle (x^\prime)^2, (y^\prime)^7, (x^\prime y^\prime)^7 = 1 \rangle & \to & \langle x, y \rangle / \langle x^2, y^3, (xy)^7 \rangle = \overline{\Delta}(2,3,7)\\ x^\prime & \mapsto & x \\ y^\prime & \mapsto & (xy)^4 y, \end{aligned}\] and its image is unique up to conjugation. In this situation, \(E_\tau = F_\tau = \mathbb{Q}(\cos \frac{\pi}{7})\) is the same field as in Section [4.2](#sec:hurwitz){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:hurwitz"}. Recall that we set \(\mu = 2 \cos \frac{\pi}{7}\). The presentation of the quaternion algebra \(B_\tau = A_\tau\) given by Proposition [\[pro:alpha.beta.fulldelta\]](#pro:alpha.beta.fulldelta){reference-type="ref" reference="pro:alpha.beta.fulldelta"} is \(\left \langle \frac{-4, 2 \mu^2-4}{\mathbb{Q}(\mu)} \right\rangle\). This is actually the same algebra as in Section [4.2](#sec:hurwitz){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:hurwitz"}, as evidenced by the isomorphism \[\begin{aligned}
\varphi: \left \langle \frac{-4, 2 \mu^2-4}{\mathbb{Q}(\mu)} \right\rangle & \to & \left \langle \frac{-4, \mu^2-3}{\mathbb{Q}(\mu)} \right\rangle \\ \varphi(i) & = & i \\ \varphi(j) & = & (\mu^2-1) \left(-j + \frac{ij}{2} \right). \end{aligned}\] We work with the presentation of Section [4.2](#sec:hurwitz){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:hurwitz"}. The (image under \(\varphi\) of) the order \(\mathcal{O}_{(2,7,7)}\) is the \(\mathbb{Z}[\mu]\)-span of \(\{1, \alpha, \beta^\prime, \alpha \beta^\prime \}\), for \(\alpha = \frac{i}{2}\) and \(\beta^\prime = \frac{1}{4} \left( 2 \mu + \mu i + 2(\mu^2-1)j + (\mu^2-1)ij \right)\). It is easy to check that \(\mathcal{O}_{(2,7,7)} \subset \mathcal{O}_{(2,3,7)}\) and that \(\mathcal{O}_{(2,7,7)}\) has discriminant \((8)\). We have \(\mathcal{O}^1_{(2,7,7)} / \{ \pm 1 \} \simeq \overline{\Delta}(2,7,7)\). If \(\tau\) is either \((2,3,7)\) or \((2,7,7)\), it follows from the construction in that \(\overline{\Delta}(\tau;\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}}) = \{ g \in \mathcal{O}_\tau^1: g \equiv \pm 1 \, \mathrm{mod} \, \ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}} \mathcal{O}_\tau \} / \{ \pm 1 \}\). Hence \[\overline{\Delta}(2,7,7;\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}}) = \overline{\Delta}(2,3,7;\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}}) \cap \overline{\Delta}(2,7,7)\] for all prime ideals \(\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}} \vartriangleleft \mathbb{Z}[\mu]\) not dividing \(2\). In this case, \(X_{\overline{\Delta}(2,7,7;\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}})}\) is a cover of degree nine of \(X_{\overline{\Delta}(2,3,7,\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}})}\), and thus the length spectrum of \(X_{\overline{\Delta}(2,7,7;\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}})}\) is a subset of that of \(X_{\overline{\Delta}(2,3,7;\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}})}\). The following table collects our estimates for \(\mathrm{sys}(X_{\overline{\Delta}(2,7,7;\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}})})\) for some primes \(\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}}\). The last column gives the rank of our candidate for \(\mathrm{sys}(X_{\overline{\Delta}(2,7,7;\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}})})\) in the length spectrum of \(X_{\overline{\Delta}(2,3,7;\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}})}\), as computed by Vogeler . Where the entry in this column is \(1\), we have certainly obtained the true value of \(\mathrm{sys}(X_{\overline{\Delta}(2,7,7;\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}})})\).
The case of \(\ensuremath{\mathfrak{p}} = (2)\), which divides the discriminant of \(\mathcal{O}_{(2,7,7)}\), is exceptional. The congruence subgroup \(\overline{\Delta}(2,3,7;(2))\) corresponding to the Fricke-Macbeath curve of genus \(7\) is contained in (any embedding of) \(\overline{\Delta}(2,7,7)\) into \(\overline{\Delta}(2,3,7)\). Thus the Fricke-Macbeath curve is a \((2,7,7)\)-triangle surface. However, \[\overline{\Delta}(2,7,7;(2)) = \{ g \in \mathcal{O}^1_{(2,7,7)}: g \equiv \pm 1 \, \mathrm{mod} \, 2 \mathcal{O}_{(2,7,7)} \}\] is a subgroup of index eight in \(\overline{\Delta}(2,3,7;(2))\). Thus \(X_{\overline{\Delta}(2,7,7;(2))}\) is a cover of degree \(8\) of the Fricke-Macbeath curve, although it has the same systolic length. It follows from Proposition [\[pro:counting.normal.subgroups\]](#pro:counting.normal.subgroups){reference-type="ref" reference="pro:counting.normal.subgroups"}, by an argument that we have already seen in several previous examples, that \(| \mathcal{N}(\tau;p) | \leq 9\) for all primes \(p \not\in \{ 2, 7 \}\). The smallest primes that split in \(\mathbb{Q}(\mu)\) are \(13\) and \(29\). For either \(p \in \{13, 29 \}\), we find nine normal subgroups \(H \trianglelefteq \overline{\Delta}(2,7,7)\) such that \(\overline{\Delta}(2,7,7)/H \simeq \mathrm{PSL}_2(\mathbb{F}_p)\), corresponding to the nine triples \(\underline{C} = (C_1, C_2, C_3)\) of conjugacy classes of \(\mathrm{PSL}_2(\mathbb{F}_p)\) with \(o(\underline{C}) = (2,7,7)\); note that there is only one possibility for \(C_1\), but three for \(C_2\) and \(C_3\). In each case, the three subgroups associated to triples \(\underline{C}\) with \(C_2 = C_3\) are the congruence subgroups arising from prime ideals dividing \(p\). The six remaining normal subgroups in each case are also isomorphic to surface groups of genera \(118\) or \(1306\). They are not all conjugate in \(\mathrm{PSL}_2(\mathbb{R})\); note that Theorems 5 and 6 of tell us where to look for conjugating elements. However, for all twelve of these groups, the lowest observed trace is \(11 \mu^2 + 9 \mu-7\), corresponding to a systolic length of \(7.609\dots\) This is precisely \(\mathrm{sys}(X_S)\), where \(S \trianglelefteq \overline{\Delta}(2,3,7)\) is either of Sinkov's non-congruence normal subgroups of index \(1344\). Similarly, there are three normal subgroups of \(\overline{\Delta}(2,7,7)\) with quotient isomorphic to \(\mathrm{PSL}_2(\mathbb{F}_{27})\). One of them is the congruence subgroup \(\overline{\Delta}(2,7,7;(3))\). The other two are surface groups of genus \(1054\), and the lowest observed trace is again \(11 \mu^2 + 9 \mu-7\). There are two non-congruence normal subgroups \(H \trianglelefteq \overline{\Delta}(2,7,7)\) with \(\overline{\Delta}(2,7,7)/H \simeq \mathrm{PSL}(\mathbb{F}_8)\), whose lowest observed trace is the same mysterious \(11 \mu^2 + 9 \mu-7\). While the pairwise intersections of all these groups with the same lowest observed trace are small, a very disproportionate number of the generators we use lie in these intersections. This may account for our computations. We hope to return to this interesting phenomenon in future work.
## \((3,3,10)\) triangle surfaces {#triangle-surfaces}
Finally, consider the triple \(\tau = (3,3,10)\). By , the triangle group \(\overline{\Delta} = \overline{\Delta}(\tau)\) is not arithmetic. We have \(F_\tau = E_\tau = \mathbb{Q} (\nu)\), where \(\nu = 2 \cos \frac{\pi}{10}\) has minimal polynomial \(x^4-5x^2 + 5\) over \(\mathbb{Q}\). This number field has class number \(1\). The quaternion algebra \(B_\tau = A_\tau = \left\langle \frac{-3, \nu^2 + \nu-2}{F_\tau} \right\rangle\) splits at two of the four infinite places of \(F_\tau\) and by Proposition [\[pro:alpha.beta.fulldelta\]](#pro:alpha.beta.fulldelta){reference-type="ref" reference="pro:alpha.beta.fulldelta"} the order \(\mathcal{O}_\tau \subset B_\tau\) is spanned over \(\mathcal{O}_{F_\tau}\) by \(\{ 1, \alpha, \beta, \alpha \beta \}\), where \(\alpha = \frac{1}{2} + \frac{i}{2}\) and \(\beta = \frac{1}{2} + \frac{1 + 2 \nu}{6} i-\frac{1}{3} ij\). By Theorem [\[thm:semiarithmetic\]](#thm:semiarithmetic){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:semiarithmetic"} we have \(\mathrm{sys}(X_{\overline{\Delta}(I)}) > \frac{2}{3} \log g(X_{\overline{\Delta}(I)})-c\) for all ideals \(I \triangleleft \mathcal{O}_{F_\tau}\) coprime to \(30\).
We tabulate our bounds on \(\mathrm{sys}(X_{\overline{\Delta}(I)})\) for some prime ideals of \(\mathcal{O}_{F_\tau}\). It is evident from the table that there exist ideals for which \(\mathrm{sys}(X_{\overline{\Delta}(I)}) < \frac{4}{3} \log g(X_{\overline{\Delta}(I)})\). | {'timestamp': '2022-02-23T02:20:55', 'yymm': '2012', 'arxiv_id': '2012.08796', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.08796'} |
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# Introduction
Gluons are Bosons. Can gluons be stacked in a same quantum state like Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC)? How to observe this gluon condensation (GC) phenomenon? Gluons, confined in proton/neutron, are the fundamental components of the Universe. Previous works concerning the gluon distribution in proton based on QCD have shown the possible existence of GC \[1-3\]. The correlations among gluons at very high energy (VHE) may excite chaos in proton, which arises strong shadowing and antishadowing effects, resulting in the squeeze of gluons to a state with critical momentum. Accordingly, we found a series of likely GC signals in the VHE cosmic ray (gamma-ray, electron/positron, proton and nuclei) spectra, the sources include supernova remnants (SNRs), active galactic nuclei (AGN) and gamma ray bursts (GRBs) \[4-7\]. The present work focuses on the GC effect in gamma-ray spectra from pulsars. Pulsars as rapidly rotating and magnetized neutron stars, can generate bubbles of relativistic particles when their ultra-relativistic winds interact with the surrounding medium, and the particles can be accelerated by pulsar wind nebulae (PWNe) up to PeV and beyond. It is widely accepted that the electromagnetic spectrum of pulsars originates from leptons. Although protons (or ions more generally) may exist in pulsars and further be accelerated, the hadronic scenario in pulsars is negligible since their fluxes are very weak in the pulsar surroundings \[8\]. However, the GC effect may largely increase the \(pp\) cross section by several orders of magnitude \[3\], which may compensate for the weak proton flux and produce the observed gamma rays. Therefore, we try to look for the GC signature in the gamma-rays from pulsars. In section 2, we give a brief introduction of the GC model and present a complete VHE gamma-ray spectrum predicted by this model in figure 2, which shows the typical power law on both sides of the sharp turning point at \(E_{\pi}^{GC}\). On the right side of this spectrum there is an exponential cutoff from \(E>E_{\pi}^{cut}\). In sections 3, we try to identify the GC-signature in the gamma-ray spectra of pulsars, and some examples are discussed. Due to the complex structure of the source, the recorded spectrum may come from different emission mechanisms, we will only focus on the part that related to the GC-spectrum. Several VHE sources are tagged as unidentified and located near other bright ones. Although many works have speculated the possible origins of their spectra, the nature of them is still unknown. The simple GC-spectrum with a few free parameters allows us to infer the GC signals hidden in other mixed spectra. We give such examples in section 4. After the analysis of the above examples, the discussions and summary are presented in section 5.
# The GC model
The flux of high energy gamma ray in hadronic processes \(p+p\rightarrow \pi^0\rightarrow 2\gamma\) in the laboratory frame reads \[4-7\] \[\Phi_{\gamma}(E)=C_{\gamma}\left(\frac{E}{1GeV}\right)^{-\beta_{\gamma}} \int_{E_{\pi}^{min}}^{E_{\pi}^{max}}dE_{\pi} \left(\frac{E_p}{1GeV}\right)^{-\beta_p}\] \[\times N_{\pi}(E_p,E_{\pi}) \frac{d\omega_{\pi-\gamma}(E_{\pi},E)}{dE}, \eqno(2.1)\] where the spectral index \(\beta_{\gamma}\) denotes the propagating loss of gamma-rays near the source. The accelerated protons obey a power law \(N_p\sim E_p^{-\beta_p}\) with the index \(\beta_p\). \(C_{\gamma}\) incorporates the kinematic factor with the flux dimension and percentage of \(\pi^0\rightarrow 2\gamma\). The normalized spectrum for \(\pi^0\rightarrow 2\gamma\) is \[\frac{d\omega_{\pi-\gamma}(E_{\pi},E)}{dE} =\frac{2}{\beta_{\pi} E_{\pi}}H[E;\frac{1}{2}E_{\pi}(1-\beta_{\pi}), \frac{1}{2}E_{\pi}(1+\beta_{\pi})], \eqno(2.2)\]where \(\beta_{\pi}\sim 1\), and \(H(x;a,b)=1\) ( \(a\leq x\leq b\)) or \(H(x;a,b)=0\) (otherwise). Usually, the relations among \(N_{\pi}, E_{\pi}\) and \(E_p\) are very complicated and determined by using the limited experimental data. However, we show that the GC effect simplifies the above relations and gives a special energy spectrum. Since the more gluons, the more secondary pions in the inelastic \(pp\) collision, we assume that a huge number of gluons at the central region due to the GC effect may create the maximum number \(N_{\pi}\) of pions, which take up all available kinetic energy if we neglect the other secondary particles. One can get the following characteristic distributions in the GeV-unit \[\ln N_{\pi}=0.5\ln E_p+a, ~~\ln N_{\pi}=\ln E_{\pi}+b, \eqno(2.3)\] \[~~ where~E_{\pi} \in [E_{\pi}^{GC},E_{\pi}^{max}],\]and \[a\equiv 0.5\ln (2m_p)-\ln m_{\pi}+\ln K, ~~b\equiv \ln (2m_p)-2\ln m_{\pi}+\ln K, \eqno(2.4)\] \(K\simeq 0.5\) is the inelasticity. Substituting equations (2.2)-(2.4) into equation (2.1), we directly get the gamma ray spectrum, \[E^2\Phi^{GC}_{\gamma}(E)=\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \frac{2e^bC_{\gamma}}{2\beta_p-1}(E_{\pi}^{GC})^3\left(\frac{E}{E_{\pi}^{GC}}\right)^{-\beta_{\gamma}+2} \\ {\rm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~if~}E\leq E_{\pi}^{GC},\\\\ \frac{2e^bC_{\gamma}}{2\beta_p-1}(E_{\pi}^{GC})^3\left(\frac{E}{E_{\pi}^{GC}}\right)^{-\beta_{\gamma}-2\beta_p+3} \\ {\rm~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if~} E>E_{\pi}^{GC}. \end{array} \right..\eqno(2.5)\]Surprisingly, it shows a typical broken power law. Figure 1 is a schematic diagram for the gluon rapidity distribution with the GC effect at the \(pp\) collision, which is taken from \[3\]. One can find that the GC effect begins to work if it's peak locates at \(y_{max}=\ln(\sqrt{s_{p-p}^{GC}}/\underline{k}_c)\), thus \[x_c=\frac{\underline{k}_c}{\sqrt{s_{p-p}^{GC}}}e^{-y_{max}}\simeq \frac{\underline{k}_c^2} {s_{p-p}^{GC}}.\eqno(2.6)\]Applying \(\sqrt{s_{p-p}}=\sqrt{2m_pE_p}\) into equation (2.3), one gets \[E_{\pi}^{GC}=\exp\left(0.5\ln\frac{\underline{k}^2_c}{2m_px_c}-(b-a)\right).\eqno(2.7)\] On the other hand, the cross section of the \(pp\) collision disappears if the peak of gluon distribution moves to the rapidity center \(y=0\), i.e., at \[x_c=\frac{\underline{k}_c}{\sqrt{s_{p-p}^{max}}}e^{y=0}, \eqno(2.8)\]or at \[E_{\pi}^{max}=\exp\left(0.5\ln\frac{\underline{k}^2_c}{2m_px_c^2}-(b-a)\right)= \frac{E_{\pi}^{GC}}{\sqrt{x_c}}\] \[=e^{b-a}\sqrt{\frac{2m_p}{\underline{k}_c^2}}(E_{\pi}^{GC})^2= 14(E_{\pi}^{GC})^2.\eqno(2.9)\] However, figure 1 shows that the plateau is shrinking as energy increasing rather than expanding, since lots of soft gluons enter the interaction range early due to the condensation, which implying that the suppression of \(\Phi_{\gamma}\) occurs before \(E_{\pi}^{max}\). Therefore we add a cut-off factor in equation (2.5), i.e., \[E^2\Phi^{GC}_{\gamma}(E)=\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \frac{2e^bC_{\gamma}}{2\beta_p-1}(E_{\pi}^{GC})^3\left(\frac{E}{E_{\pi}^{GC}}\right)^{-\beta_{\gamma}+2} \\ {\rm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~if~}E\leq E_{\pi}^{GC},\\\\ \frac{2e^bC_{\gamma}}{2\beta_p-1}(E_{\pi}^{GC})^3\left(\frac{E}{E_{\pi}^{GC}}\right)^{-\beta_{\gamma}-2\beta_p+3} \\ {\rm~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if~} E_{\pi}^{GC}<E<E_{\pi}^{cut},\\\\ \frac{2e^bC_{\gamma}}{2\beta_p-1}(E_{\pi}^{GC})^3\left(\frac{E}{E_{\pi}^{GC}}\right)^{-\beta_{\gamma}-2\beta_p+3} \exp\left(-\frac{E}{E_{\pi}^{cut}}+1\right). \\ {\rm~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if~} E\geq E_{\pi}^{cut}, \end{array} \right. \eqno(2.10)\]or \[\Phi^{GC}_{\gamma}(E)\equiv\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \Phi_0\left(\frac{E}{E_{\pi}^{GC}}\right)^{-\Gamma_1} \\ {\rm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~if~}E_{\gamma}\leq E_{\pi}^{GC},\\\\ \Phi_0\left(\frac{E}{E_{\pi}^{GC}}\right)^{-\Gamma_2} \\ {\rm~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if~} E_{\pi}^{GC}<E_{\gamma}<E_{\pi}^{cut},\\\\ \Phi_0\left(\frac{E}{E_{\pi}^{GC}}\right)^{-\Gamma_2} \exp\left(-\frac{E}{E_{\pi}^{cut}}+1\right),\\ \\ {\rm~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if~} E\geq E_{\pi}^{cut}, \end{array} \right. \eqno(2.11)\] where \[E_{\pi}^{cut}=\alpha E_{\pi}^{max}, \eqno(2.12)\] we assume \(\alpha=0.1\) in this work. Note that the energy is the GeV-unit. A schematic GC-spectrum is presented in figure 2. Although the breaks in spectrum with an exponential cutoff are ubiquitous either for the leptonic or hadronic scenarios, the GC-spectrum (2.11) has its own features. (i) The shape of gamma-ray spectra in leptonic and traditional (without the GC effect) hadronic models sensitively depend on the distribution of parent particles (electrons or protons), while the GC-spectrum is characterized by a few free parameters (\(\Phi_0, \Gamma_1, \Gamma_2, \alpha\) and \(E_{\pi}^{GC}\)), where the incalculable \(pp\) interactions are simplified by the saturation condition in equation (2.3). (ii) On both sides of the sharp breaking point \(E_{\pi}^{GC}\) the spectrum appears as the single power-law. (iii) The GC-threshold \(E_{\pi}^{GC}\) in equation (2.10) is nuclear target-dependent, which may be from \(100~GeV\) to \(TeV\) and beyond (see discussions in section 5). (iv) Equation (2.10) is an analytical solution of the GC model, where the parameters have their physical meaning and we will use them to predict the undetected spectra in section 4.
# HESSs J1825-137, J1640-465, J1809-193, J1813-178 and PSR J0205+6449/3C 58
Although a lot of data about the VHE gamma ray spectra of pulsars have been reported, however, leptonic emission scenarios are usually favored over hadronic emission scenarios. Besides, astronomical radiations are complex and different emission mechanisms may exist in a same source simultaneously. We found the following five examples in the existing data showing a complete power-law as shown in figure 2. HESS J1825-137 is one of the most efficient TeV gamma ray emitting PWNes \[9\]. It was detected by the Fermi Large Area Telescope(Fermi-LAT) in the GeV energy band, and usually discussed in connection with leptonic acceleration scenarios \[10\] since it is not a prime candidate for pion decay according to the traditional hadronic scenario. We found that HESS J1825-137 with the Fermi-LAT data in \(10 ~GeV-10 ~TeV\) can also be fitted using the GC-spectrum (see figure 3), where the \(E_{\pi}^{cut}=14~TeV\) is fixed by equation (2.12). For comparison, we present a leptonic spectrum in figure 3 (dashed curve). HESS J1640-465 is one of the TeV sources discovered by the HESS survey in inner Galaxy \[11\]. It's spectrum, explained in the traditional hadronic model \[12,13\], is connected to a hard Fermi-LAT gamma-ray spectrum and it forms a long flat spectrum from \(100~MeV\) to \(1~TeV\). However, Y.L. Xin et al have suspected that there could not be such a strong proton flux in pulsars \[14\]. They reanalyzed the relating Fermi-LAT data and found that an extended GeV gamma-ray source was coincident with J1640-465. Its photon spectrum was described by a power-law with an index of 1.42\(\pm\)`<!-- -->`{=html}0.19 in the energy range of \(10-500~GeV\), and smoothly connected with the TeV spectrum of HESS J1640-465. Using the same Fermi-LAT data we describe the expanded spectrum of HESS J1640-465 in the GC model, and the result is presented in figure 4 (solid curve). HESS J1809-193 was initially discovered during the systematic search for VHE emission from pulsars in the Galactic Plane Survey performed with HESS \[15\]. The environment of HESS J1809-193 is complicated, containing several different sources. Combining with the Fermi LAT data, the spectrum presents a broad energy plateau in \(300~GeV-30~TeV\), the nature of which with such a shape has been regarded as the traditional hadronic model but with a harder proton index. We take an alternate way, i.e, assuming this broadly extended gamma-ray spectrum might be produced by the leptonic radiation and the hadronic model with the GC effect. To begin with, we use the precise data for \(dN/dE\sim E^{-\Gamma_2}\) \[8\] and equation (2.11) to obtain \(\Gamma_2=2.22\) (see figure 5). Figure 6 is our result using the GC spectrum (2.11), the data are taken from \[14\]. A high energy pulsar PSR J1813-178 is classified as a PWN candidate, which has a similar spectrum of figure 2. A new detection of extended emission in the range \(0.5-500~ GeV\) finds that it is difficult to explain the spectrum with inverse Compton (IC) emission from high-energy electrons alone \[16\]. Our predictions of GC (mixing with leptonic models) are presented in figure 7. 3C 58, classified as a pulsar wind nebula \[17\], is a complex radio source with an extended flat spectrum. PSR J0205+6449 is a pulsar near 3C 58, it's flux is divided into two parts: off-peak and on-peak. We connect the off-peak part of PSR J0205+6449 with the flux of 3C 58, the result can be fitted by the GC model as shown in figure 8, and the on-peak part can be described by other leptonic model.
# HESSs J1826-130, J1641-463 and J1741-302
There are several VHE sources presenting a typical power law with the hard photon index \(\Gamma_{\gamma}\sim 2\) in a broad energy range from hundreds of GeV to beyond 10 TeV. Besides, all of them are tagged as unidentified and located near other bright VHE sources. Although many works have speculated the possible origins of these VHE gamma-ray spectra, their nature is still open. Especially, where and how cosmic rays are accelerated to reach the necessary PeV energies and beyond in our Galaxy, and in which mechanism the kinetic energy of the initial particles (protons or electrons) converts into photons are still unknown. An important obstacle is that we lack the extension of the above spectra in the GeV-energy region, and an incomplete spectrum cannot provide the correct information of these sources. The GC-model predicts the typical broken power law, it reduces the number of free parameters and accordingly the uncertainty. We will use the GC-model to predict the incomplete spectra of the following three examples. J1826-130 is an unidentified hard spectrum source discovered by HESS along the Galactic plane \[18\], and was previously hidden in the extended tail of emission from the nearby bright source HESS J1825-137. HESS J1826-130 shows a relatively hard gamma-ray spectrum, which obviously incomplete. However we can perfect it by using the GC model. Our logical reasoning is: (i) Using equation (2.11) at \(E_{\gamma}>E_{\pi}^{GC}\) to fit the HESS J1826-130 data, one can find that a single power law with \(\Gamma_{\gamma}\sim 2\) extends up to \(14~TeV\), and then appears a cut-off factor (see figure 9). According to equations (2.9) and (2.12), the breaking energy is \(E_{\pi}^{GC}=100~GeV\). (ii) We turn to HESS J1825-137 for information related to HESS J1826-130. Note that the parameter \(\beta_p\) in the GC model is determined by the accelerate mechanism of protons. Therefore, we assume that the two sources are close to each other and have a same value \(\beta_p\). Thus, we have \(\Gamma_2=-\beta_{\gamma}+2\times 0.91-1=2\) for HESS J1826-130. As a result a complete spectrum of J1826-130 can be shown in figure 10 since we already know \(\beta_{\gamma}=1.18\). Why there is no recorded spectrum of HESS J1826-130 at \(E_{\gamma}<100~GeV\)? We noticed that a gamma-ray pulsar J1826-1256 was discovered by Fermi-LAT \[19\], and it's spectrum at the GeV energies is shown in figure 10, which may shadow the spectrum of HESS J1826-130 in the observation and leads to an incomplete spectrum. A similar example is HESS J1641-463 \[20\], whose spectrum is also unclear due to the confusion with the bright nearby source HESS J1640-465 \[11\]. No \(X\)-ray candidate stands out as a clear association. Usually it's spectrum is explained by hadronic mechanism, where the emission is produced by cosmic ray protons colliding with the ambient gas \[21\]. The data in figure 11 tells us that \(\Gamma_2=2.07\), \(E_{\pi}^{cut}=14~TeV\) in the GC model, and accordingly \(E_{\pi}^{GC}=0.1~TeV\) by equation (2.9). We take \(\beta_p=1.02\) in HESS J1641-463 as in HESS J1640-465 assuming their proton flux are originated from a same accelerator, consequently \(\beta_{\gamma}=0.99\). Similarly, a complete spectrum of J1641-463 is presented in figure 12. The hollow points are the detected pulsed emission of SNR G338.5+0.1 by Fermi-LAT \[22\], we add it in figure 12 for they may cover the extension of the HESS spectrum in the GeV energies. A preliminary detection of HESS J1741-302 was early announced by HESS \[23\] and thanks to the increased amount of high quality VHE data and improved analysis techniques, the spectrum of it can now be analyzed in detail \[21\]. HESS J1741-302 is not only unidentified but also has no plausible counterpart at the high-energy (\(0.1 ~GeV-100~ GeV\)) range, the region around it is rather complex, as a compact radio source and a variable star are spatially coincident with the position of HESS J1741-302. There is only one incomplete spectrum as shown in figure 13, again using the GC model we try to unveil its nature. From the gamma ray distribution in figure 13, one can find that \(\beta_{\gamma}+2\beta_p-1=\Gamma_2=2.3\), and \(E_{\pi}^{cut}\simeq 14~TeV\) corresponds to \(E_{\pi}^{GC}=0.1~TeV\). Thus, we have got \(\beta_p=0.91\) and \(1.02\) for J1826-130 and J1641-463, differed by 0.11. Besides, the measured value of \(\Gamma_2\) for these two sources has an error of \(0.11\pm 0.20\). Therefore, we assume that the above three VHE gamma rays originate from the same proton accelerate mechanism in our Galaxy and we take \(\beta_p\simeq 1\) for J1741-302. Thus, a complete VHE gamma ray spectrum can be predicted in figure 14. An investigation of Fermi LAT data has revealed a new high energy source Fermi J1740.1-3013 \[24\], which is \(\sim 0.3^o\) offset from the best fit position of HESS J1741-302. We presented it in figure 14 considering that the spectrum of HESS J1741-302 at GeV energies may be covered or mixed by this new source.
# Discussions and Summary
It is generally believed that the gamma rays in pulsar environment are mainly generated by leptonic mechanism since the proton flux is weak. However, with the GC model, the above point of view could be modified. The increment of the \(pp\) cross section due to the GC effect may compensate for the lack of proton flux and emit gamma-rays with the GC-characteristics. On the other hand, not all the hadronic accelerators in the Galaxy can generate the GC effect, because comparing with the traditional hadronic model, the GC effect needs higher energy of parent protons to convert into more mesons. Therefore, the hadronic scenario with the GC effect is not as common as leptonic scenario in pulsars. The inverse Compton emission (or curvature radiation) accompanied by synchrotron X-ray spectrum is an important feature of leptonic model for VHE gamma-ray radiation. The GC model has no such correlation but has a much deeper connection with other processes. In fact, the GC spectrum (2.11) can be used to explain the VHE gamma ray spectra in supernova remnant (SNR) \[5\], active galactic nuclei (AGN) \[6\] and gamma ray burst(GRB) \[6\]. Besides, adding the process \(\gamma \rightarrow e^-+e^+\) or a hadronization mechanism, the same GC model can investigate anomalous excess in electron-positron spectra \[5\] or hadronic fluxes \[7\]. A question needs to be explained is that different processes may give different parameters in equation (2.11), which are related to the structure and nature of the source, especially, the important parameter \(E_{\pi}^{GC}\simeq 400~GeV\) for Tycho's SNR while \(E_{\pi}^{GC}\simeq 100~GeV\) for the sources in this work. Why these \(E_{\pi}^{GC}\) are different is because that they are target nuclei number \(A\)-dependent: \(E_{\pi}^{GC}(p-A)>E_{\pi}^{GC}(p-A')\) (if \(A<A'\)) since the nonlinear corrections enhance as \(A\) increases. A roughly simulation of the GC model shows that GC-threshold \(E_{\pi}^{GC}\) drops rapidly from \(A=1\) and then decrease slowly from the intermediate nucleus \[3,4\]. We divide the targets into a few of categories and assume that on average, target nuclei near pulsar is heavier than that in Tycho's SNR. As discussed above, the broken points \(E_{\pi}^{GC}\) in the GC model are concentrated around a few different values. A detailed estimation requires more precise examples to be collected. The spectrum of the investigated pulsars is compatible with being produced through the GC effect, compensating for a weak flux of hadrons. Therefore, as shown in figures 4, 6-8, 10, 12 and 14, the GC-spectrum is always accompanied by a leptonic spectrum, although the leptonic fit is beyond the scope of this work. The parameters used/fitted for each source are presented in table 1. An exception in our examples is HESS J1825-137, it extends to a long distance from the central pulsar PSR J1826-1334, where the electrons may escape from the nebula and diffuse in the interstellar medium \[25\]. In summary, the gluon condensation originating from a nonlinear QCD evolution equation may greatly increase the cross sections of proton-target interactions and arise a characteristic broken power law in the gamma-ray spectra. The result is used to explore the gluon condensation signature in the observed gamma-ray spectra from pulsars. *Acknowledgments:* We thank Zhiyi Cui and Lihong Wan for useful comments. This work is supported by the National Natural Science of China (No.11851303).\
\ | {'timestamp': '2021-07-27T02:17:45', 'yymm': '2012', 'arxiv_id': '2012.08767', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.08767'} |
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# Introduction
Recently, it has been very popular to utilize cloud servers to carry out machine learning algorithms instead of using local servers. However, since cloud servers are semi-trusted, private data, such as personal information and medical records, may be revealed in cloud computing. For the reason, privacy-preserving machine learning has become an urgent challenge. In this paper, we focus on dimensionality reduction methods in terms of two issues: difficulty in estimating visual information on original images from dimensionally reduced ones, and performance that reduced data can maintain in an image classification experiment. In machine learning, dimensionality reduction is used for not only reducing the number of random variables, but also protecting visual information for privacy-preserving machine learning. However, dimensionality reduction methods have never been evaluated in terms of above the two issues at same time. For such a reason, difficulty in estimating visual information is discussed. In particular, the random sampling method that was proposed for privacy-preserving machine learning, is compared with typical dimensionality reduction methods such as random projection and PCA. In an image classification experiment, the random sampling method is demonstrated not only to maintain high difficulty, but also to have close machine learning performance to that of the random projection method.
# Linear Dimensionality Reductions
Let us consider a projection from a vector \(x\in\mathbb{R}^D\) to a low-dimensional vector \(y\in\mathbb{R}^K (K<D)\). If the projection can be represented by using a matrix \(P\in\mathbb{R}^{K\times D}\) as \[\begin{aligned}
y=Px\quad, \label{linear dim reduction} \end{aligned}\] it is a linear dimensionality reduction and \(P\) is called a projection matrix. In machine learning, \(P\) is used for reducing the number of random variables for avoiding negative effects of high-dimensional data. The random projection method and principal component analysis (PCA) are typical linear dimensionality reduction methods. The random projection is a method that does not use any statistics of dataset, but PCA is not. For the random projection, elements of \(P\) have a normal distribution with an average value of 0 and a variance of \(\sqrt{1/K}\). Therefore, the random projection is not required to calculate any statistics of dataset for designing a projection matrix \(P\).
# Random Sampling
The random sampling method was proposed as a dimensionality reduction method for privacy preserving machine learning. It is also expected to be applied to deep convolutional neural network, due to the property of spatial information invariant. Let us consicer applying the random sampling method to a pixel vector \(x\in\mathbb{R}^D\) of an image to create \(y\in\mathbb{R}^K (K<D)\). Next, let \(\{\phi(i)\, |\, i=1,\ldots,K\}\) denote \(K\) indexes selected from \(D\) pixel indexes, where \(\phi(i)\neq\phi(i^\prime)\) if \(i\neq i^\prime\), randomly generated with a seed. By using \(\phi(i)\), the random sampling operation can be written as \[\begin{aligned}
\label{random sampling} y=(x_{\phi(1)},x_{\phi(2)},\ldots,x_{\phi(K)})^{\rm T}\quad, \end{aligned}\] where \(x_{\phi(i)}\) is the \(\phi(i)\)-th element of \(x\). Here, if we define a matrix \(P\in\mathbb{R}^{K\times D}\) with elements \(p_{ij} (i=1,\ldots,K,j=1,\ldots,D)\) defined by \[\begin{aligned}
& p_{i,j}=\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 1 & (j=\phi(i)) \\ 0 & ({\rm otherwise}) \end{array} \right. \quad, \label{random sampling 2} \end{aligned}\] the random sampling is reduced to the form of Eq.([\[linear dim reduction\]](#linear dim reduction){reference-type="ref" reference="linear dim reduction"}). That is, the random sampling is a linear dimensionality reduction, and is a method that does not use the statistics of dataset as well as the random projection.
# Visual Information Estimation {#attacks}
Assuming that an attacker knows a projection matrix \(P\) used in dimensionality reduction, difficulty in estimating visual information on plain images is discussed. The attacker's goal is to create \(Q\) to approximatelly reconstruct the target image \(x\) from the low dimensional vector \(y\) as \[\begin{aligned}
x^\prime=Qy\quad. \label{reconstruction} \end{aligned}\] In this paper, two attacks are considered to estimate \(Q\).
## Attack With Pseudo-Inverse Matrix
An attacker can use a pseudo-inverse matrix (\(Q_{\rm pinv}\)) of projection matrix \(P\) to estimate visual information on original images, where \(Q_{\rm pinv}\) is designed by using an algorithm with the singular-value decomposition of \(P\).
## Regression Attack With Attacker's Dataset {#regression attack}
An attacker first prepares his own dataset (\(X_{\rm attack}\)) and a dataset (\(Y_{\rm attack}\)) projected from \(X_{\rm attack}\) by using \(P\), and then designs a linear reconstruction matrix (\(Q_{\rm reg}\)) that regresses \(X_{\rm attack}\) from \(Y_{\rm attack}\) in accordance with the least squares method. In general, the effectiveness of this attack depends on the relation between the distribution of \(X_{\rm attack}\) and that of target images. Therefore, in this paper, we classify \(X_{\rm attack}\) into two types in accordance with the distribution of \(X_{\rm attack}\).
- type 1: \(X_{\rm attack}\) consists of images with the same class-labels and distribution as those of the target images.
- type 2: \(X_{\rm attack}\) consists of images with class-labels and a distribution that are different from those of the target images.
# Experiment
Face-image classification experiments were carried out for evaluating the random sampling method in terms of both classification accuracy and difficulty in estimating visual information. The dataset was Extended Yale Database B, which contains 38 individuals and 64 frontal facial images with 168\(\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}192 pixels per each person. Each image was normalized to a size of 28\(\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}28, so it had \(D=784\) dimension as a vector, we splitted the dataset into two datasets: \(X_{\rm main}\) and \(X_{\rm sub}\), each of which had 19 classes and 1216 images, without duplication of classes. Moreover, \(X_{\rm main}\) was divided into \(X_{\rm train}\) (912 images) for training and \(X_{\rm test}\) (304 images) for testing. We also used the CIFAR-10 dataset: \(X_{\rm CIFAR-10}\) for evaluating difficulty in estimating visual information on \(X_{\rm test}\). This dataset consists of 60k images with 10 classes such as dogs and ships, whose distribution is different from \(X_{\rm train}\), \(X_{\rm test}\) and \(X_{\rm sub}\). Finally, each vector \(x\in\{X_{\rm train}\), \(X_{\rm test}\), \(X_{\rm sub}\), \(X_{\rm CIFAR-10}\}\) was projected to \(y\in\{Y_{\rm train}\), \(Y_{\rm test}\), \(Y_{\rm sub}\), \(Y_{\rm CIFAR-10}\}\) with a target dimension (\(K\)) by using the random sampling and three dimensionality reduction methods: the random projection, PCA, and a feature selection algorithm proposed by Ono. PCA and Ono's method require calculating the statistics of \(X_{\rm train}\), but the random sampling and random projection do not.
## Machine Learning Performance
We trained a random forest classifier and SVM with the linear kernel by using \(Y_{\rm train}\), and tested by using \(Y_{\rm test}\). Figures [\[accs linsvm\]](#accs linsvm){reference-type="ref" reference="accs linsvm"} and [\[accs rf\]](#accs rf){reference-type="ref" reference="accs rf"} show the comparison of the dimensionality reduction methods in term of classification accuracy. Under the use of SVM, the random sampling had a similar performance to Ono's method. For the random forest, the random sampling also has almost the same accuracy as that of Ono's method. As a result, the random sampling was demonstrated to be comparable with other dimensionality reduction methods, while maintaining the property of spatial-information invariant.
## Robustness Against Visual Information Estimation
Assuming that an attacker knows only projection matrix \(P\) used in dimensionality reduction, difficulty in estimating visual information on \(X_{\rm test}\) was evaluated. We assumed the following four attacks to estimate \(X_{\rm test}\) from \(Y_{\rm test}\).
- Attack 1: Attack using a pseudo-inverse matrix of \(P\).
- Attack 2: Regression attack with \(X_{\rm train}\) (type 1 in section [4.2](#regression attack){reference-type="ref" reference="regression attack"}).
- Attack 3: Regression attack with \(X_{\rm CIFAR-10}\) (type 2 in section [4.2](#regression attack){reference-type="ref" reference="regression attack"}).
- Attack 4: Regression attack with \(X_{\rm sub}\).
In attack 4, the attacker does not have facial images of the people included in \(X_{\rm test}\), but knows the conditions under which \(X_{\rm test}\) was taken. Figure [\[mse\]](#mse){reference-type="ref" reference="mse"} shows MSE values between \(X_{\rm test}\) and \(X_{\rm test}^\prime\). From the figure, the random sampling was relatively robust compared with the other dimensionality reduction methods. The absolute values of MSE of the random sampling were large for attacks 1 and 3, but were small for attacks 2 and 4 as well as the other methods. We defined accuracy reduction ratio (ARR) as another criterion. First, we trained a logistic regression classifier (\(\theta\)) by using \(X_{\rm train}\), and then the ARR is defined as \[\begin{aligned}
{\rm ARR}=\frac{{\rm ACC}_\theta(X_{\rm test})-{\rm ACC}_\theta(X_{\rm test}^\prime)}{{\rm ACC}_\theta(X_{\rm test})}\quad, \label{definied arr} \end{aligned}\] where \({\rm ACC}_\theta(X)\) is the function which returns the accuracy when dataset \(X\) is applied to \(\theta\). A high ARR value indicates that \(X_{\rm test}^\prime\) has low class-specific visual information, i.e., the dimensionality reduction is robust against the attack. Figure [\[arr\]](#arr){reference-type="ref" reference="arr"} shows the comparison of ARR values. From the figure, the random sampling was demonstrated to be robust against attack 4. It indicates that attack 4 did not effectively recover the class-specific information of the target images. Figure [\[reconst images\]](#reconst images){reference-type="ref" reference="reconst images"} shows an original images and examples of reconstructed images. Although the images reconstructed by attack 4 can be easily interpreted as human faces, the facial features were different from the original person.
# conclusion
In this paper, we compared the random sampling method with typical linear dimensionality reduction methods in terms of both machine learning performance and difficulty in estimating visual information in face classification experiments. The random sampling was demonstrated not only to have the property of spatial position invariant which is useful for privacy-preserving learning, but also to maintain comparable performance to other dimensionality reduction methods and difficulty in visual information estimation under practical conditions. | {'timestamp': '2020-12-17T02:09:52', 'yymm': '2012', 'arxiv_id': '2012.08751', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.08751'} |
# 1. Introduction
Deep learning is developing rapidly in many areas of Natural Language Understanding. While the deep learning requires a large amount of data to ensure the generalization of the model. For example, in the famous pre-trained language model "BERT" where Google provides 400 million data to train Bert model, which requires a huge amount of data to guarantee the model performance. However, in many cases we cannot obtain a large amount of data. For example, training data is scarce in the task of word emotional classification.\
Previous research tried to get the \"semantic orientation\" of the sentence. For example, positive and negative tendencies. through obtaining the predictions of emotion tendencies and comparing the predictions with the real sentences, the accuracy of the prediction is obtained.\
Further, the researchers found that, based on psychological research, multiple factors will lead to different emotions rather than solely determined by emotional polarity. For example, in the study of Bradley and Lang's research, Valence-Arousal-Dominance model to determine the emotional tendency from three different factors.\
Word embedding is an effective way to represent language features, such as similarity, emotional orientation, and sentiment. Word embedding is the method to victories strings, different dimensions of vectors may contain different information, but embedding representation is \"black box\", it is hard to know what exactly mean the dimension present.\
In this paper, we proposed that emotional information can be compressed as a one dimension embedding called ultradense subspace, we hypotheses the ultradence subspace as the space where the sentiment be quantified as numerical values and be classified by trained ultradense word embedding. For Chinese and English, we predict that the emotional words of two languages can correctly classify but not restricted by language types and grammars.\
The advantage of this method is that even if the data is lacking, the model has good performance. And the data does not need to be labeled, so there is a large amount of data that can be used to train. Another advantage is that, compared to the origin word embedding, the ultradense subspace has higher performance and quality. For example, in classification tasks, unrelated information is considered as noise, which is filtered through orthogonal transformation. As a result, the model has fewer parameters, which means that the training speed is improved and the possibility of overfitting is reduced.\
In this paper, our goal is to produce a decent word embedding in Chinese. The output of model will be a lexicon, which is converted from the original embedding, the embedding of lexicon presented as one-dimensional ultradense embedding table, this table produce a clearer, easier-to-explain word representation for word emotions.
# 2. motivation
In most of the previous studies, the models were trained using English datasets, and rarely use Chinese datasets, especially web review data, the web review contain stronger emotional tendencies than the written context. I would like to do Chinese emotional classification by using this method, which transforms embedding into a low-dimensional, interpretable embedding. Based on the output of the embedding, we can know whether the model is well in Chinese emotion classification. At the same time, I am also looking for factors that decrease the performance of the model. For example, according to research, they find that some factors of embedding such as embedding size, stop words, embedding dimensions, and seed words may effect performance of model. Thus, we decide to evaluate what kind of factors influence the mode results.\
# 3. Background
In this section, I will introduce some relevant background about emotional expression and word embedding, and some of techniques will use in our methodological work.
## 3.1 emotion representation
Emotional expression is not only distinguished by positive and negative, but also by multiple factors. The VAD model (Figure 1) considers that emotions to be composed of three different dimensions, named Valence (positive-negative), Arousal (clam-excited), and Dominance (perceived degree of control situation). There are also studies which suggest that Dominance does not affect the expression of emotion (only VA model works). As the most common system for assessing emotional tendencies, the VAD model quantifies Valence, Arousal and Dominance, and then evaluates them.
## 3.2 emotion lexicon
In some psychological studies, words with emotional tendencies illustrated as specific numerical values. For example, if the value of a word is greater than a certain threshold, the word is considered to be a positive emotional word, whereas if a word is less than the threshold, it is Negative emotion word. In this paper, the emotion lexicon that we build only use positive and negative emotions as a one-dimensional evaluation. For illustration, we will visualize the result as a 2d figures to build the lexicon that the emotional values of word distributed on the figures.\
## 3.3 word embedding
Word embedding is a vector representation, which encodes word into a vector form. In this way, word is converted to the numeric values, it can use into unsupervised learning. Here are some very popular embedding algorithms today: WORD2VEC is a popular embedding algorithm, which provides a trimmed down neural network. FASTTEXT is based on WORD2VEC, which is a derivative of WORD2VEC and combining the n-gram of characters. Unlike the previous embedding algorithms, GLOVE directly trains word vectors on the word co-occurrence matrix, which improves the training efficiency.
## 3.4 word-level prediction
In previous research, researchers distinguished the emotional tendency of words by using the polarity of words. The specific approach is to divide words into two kind of training data, the original word embedding and the seed words. The seed words are usually positive or negative The word, the distance between the pair of seed words is obtained point-wise, so as to obtain the emotional tendencies of words. Afterwards, Rothe proposed to transform the word embedding from the original space to ultradense subspace by training the orthogonal matrix, which will get embedding of word's emotion.\
# 4. Research Method
In order to analyze the sentiment of TikTok comment data and build TikTok sentiment lexicon, I need to collect and process reviews from the TikTok app. My plan is to use web crawlers to crawl data from the TikTok app and preprocess and victories the data, which need to implement a web crawler framework to collect data for the TikTok app, then use python data analysis tool Pandas to pre-process review data and use WORD2VEC training tool Gensim to victories review sentences, the processed word embedding table saved as the VEC files. For seed words, I labeled 5, 10, 15 for seed word groups. In the end, After trained model, I visualized and analysed results.\
# 5. Research Questions
First, \"Is there a relationship between the seed words and the emotions?\" When the size of word reaches a certain amount, the generalization ability of the model improved, that is, the model may learn more prior information. While the model learned the distance between seed words, we can verify that whether the distinguishing ability of model be affected when the size of seed words change. One hypothesis is that the model's ability to distinguish emotions grows if we expands the size of the seed word. To verify the hypothesis, I set the size of seeds to 5, 10, 15 respectively, and each seed word group join the training processes. Finally, 3 results will be visualized to verify the hypothesis.\
The second question is \"Does a specific video guide the commentator's emotions?\" When we collected data, we found that the commentator's emotional inclination would be consistent with the emotional tendencies that the video wanted to express. For example, most Comments are sad in videos of funerals, but most of the comments are pleasing in funny videos. Therefore, we made a hypothesis that the sentiment of a particular video will guide the comments emotional tendencies. To verify the hypothesis, we collected two different data, comment data from random videos and comment data from special videos, I use different datasets to train the model, and finally compare the distribution of words.\
The third question is \"Compared with the previous method, is there any improvement in compressing embedding to ultra dense subspace?\" In the previous research, the commonly used approach of feature extraction is Principle Compose Analysis, PCA is the feature selection method, which is a commonly used tool in data analysis and model prediction. It is used to visualize the distance and relationship between data. PCA uses Singular Value Decomposition to select appropriate dimensions to achieve the goal of dimensionality reduction of data. In this paper, after processing data by PCA and the ultradense compression, we will compare the results to find that which method can better show the emotion of words. One hypothesis is than the data processed by ultradense compression has the better performance on emotional classification task, because ultradense compression uses seed words, which reduces the distance between the same emotion words and increases the distance between different emotion words. To verify this hypothesis, we will use the same training data to get results from PCA and ultradense compression, and then we will visualize and analyze the results to verify hypothesis.
# 6. Data Collection
## 6.1 collection
The data we need to collect are user's comments from TikTok random videos and user's comments from particular videos. The comment data from random videos can analyse the user's sentiment for making sentiment lexicon, and the comment data of specific videos can analyze the user's sentiment expression under specific videos. People's sentiment often be reflected in words, and words with sentiment appeal are often commented by people. As a result, after the vectorization of comment data in vector space, the vector that have same sentiment are often collected together. Through research on RQ1 We can get the distribution of the vector of random video comments in vector space, which will tell us what sentiments expression will show what vector distribution.\
We randomly crawl TikTok comments data through the web crawler, and crawl specific comment data under some very high like videos. These comment data can be found at <https://github.com/h2222/douyin_comment_dataset> the data contains 3 type of files. The dataset.csv file represents the original data crawled from TikTok where data preprocessing is required. The fixdata.py file is a data processing file for processing raw data. The processed file saved in dataupdate.xlsx file For further use, the data collects the user's age, gender, nickname, comments, number of comments liked, etc.
## 6.2 preprocess
The data will be saved as a csv file, and a new repository will be created to save the data on GitHub. The data set to two categories: random video comment data and specific video comment data. For the dataset, the related heads includes the user's nickname, age, gender, number of likes, and comment details, where gender head can be binarized, such as 0 for female and 1 for male. In addition, comments can be grouped with users of different ages to research if age affects sentiment expression. The Python Pandas module use to analyse and preprocess the data and Gensim module use to train a original embedding table by pre-processed comment data, we will also labeled emotional words as seed words.
# 7. Data Analysis
First of all, I want to evaluate the performance of the model When using a different number of seed words. I decided to plot the distribution of a word in the case of using different seed words. the figure 2 is the Chinese TikTok words distribution, which is based on the training results of the model, the emotional distribution can be shown as the distance between words.\
According to the word distribution, the X axis is the number of all words, which comes from the TikTok comment data after the word segmentation. The Y axis is a random number between 100 and-100, the reason we add the Y axis is that the word distribution is 1D distribution, which means that the experiment only obtains positive and negative emotions, and the distribution results will be \"crowded\" on a line. In order to better visualize the distribution results, we add a random number as the second dimension, so The words are mapped on the 2D plane.\
Looking at the image, we find that the model's ability to distinguish positive emotions is stronger than that of negative emotions. For example, if we think that the position where index equals 0 is the distribution of neutral words, the minimum value of negative words are close to-600. Instead, The maximum value of positive words are close to +2000. Evaluating from the semantics, the model are also better distinguishes positive sentiment words. I think the reason for that is because there are more positive words in the TikTok dataset than negative words, so it will Let the model produce better training results to positive words.\
Further, we found that the size of the seed words may affects the ability of emotional classification. For example, under the condition of training the model with same dataset, we found that when the seed word is 15 (green distribution in the figure), the positive word The maximum value is +1000 and the minimum value of the negative word is-250, and the span is approximately 1250. When the seed word is 5 (the red part in the figure), the maximum value of the word is +2000 and the minimum value is-600, and the span is 2600. Therefore, the smaller the seed words, the stronger the model's ability to distinguish sentiment words. In my opinion, during the training process, the model distinguishes word sentiment by optimizing the distance between seed words and embedding words. Excessive addition of seed words may increase the model's Parameters, which leads to overfitting of the model. Based on the experiments, when the size of the seed words equal to 5, the model's result is the best.\
Next, we draw a line graph to show the model's distinction between sentiment words. As shown in figure.3, the X axis is the number of all words, and the Y axis represents the output value of each words. According to the figure, we found that the model can be more distinguish the first 2000 words to a large extent of which 1 to 2000 words have a larger interval on the Y axis. When the word is after 2000, the model gradually loses its ability to distinguish the emotion of the words.\
Next, we sort the results. The model converts words embedding table (shape is \[vocabulary size, embedding size\]) in the original space to words representation (shape is \[vocabulary size, 1\]) in ultradense subspace. Therefore, we sort all the words according to the values in the new 1D space. The result of sorting is shown in figure 4.\
We found two obvious upward and downward trends on both sides of Figure 4, which shows that the word representation can distinguish the sentiment of the word in the ultradense subspace. When the seed words are 15 (the green part in the figure), the turning point is more obvious, I guess the increase of seed words may increase the model's ability to classify fuzzy words. For example, some nouns words with emotional tendencies such as 'cake', 'firework' can be correctly classified.\
In order to prove that the emotion can be better represented by using the ultradense compression method, we use PCA for comparative experiments. The original word embedding table (shape is \[vocabulary size, embedding size\]) is compressed into a new embedding ( shape is \[vocabulary size, 1\], shape is consistent with that of result of ultradense compression), as shown in Figure 5.\
As shown in Figure 5, the index of the sorted words on the X axis is based on the word embedding value of PCA, and the Y axis is the word embedding value. Compared with the orthogonal transformation method (Figure 4), the curve of the PCA-based method is more gentle, This shows that PCA cannot distinguish the emotion of words well. Moreover, the PCA method has insufficient predictive ability for negative emotion words.
# 8. Findings and discussion
## 8.1 Is there a relationship between the seed words and the emotion?
A result shows that there is indeed a relationship between seed words and emotional tendencies, but the word emotion may more related with training data. An obvious conclusion is that most of the comments use positive words but negative words have not been widely appeared in the comments, which can be verified by figure 6, The interesting result is that words with a large ultradense embedding value appear very frequently in comments. These words usually have a positive meaning. table 1 are some of the most frequent words and the number of occurrences.\
[\[tab:table1\]]{#tab:table1 label="tab:table1"}
In the comment dataset, the most of high frequent words have positive meanings, even when we set the seed words, we found that 30% of the seed word appeared in the top 200 words of comment dataset. Combined with the previous model result, we guess that if words with certain type appear frequently, the word is easier to be distinguished by the model. In addition, we found that in the dataset, in the comments that contain high-frequency words, the comment with 2 or more The high-frequency words are 44%. In other words, nearly half of the high-frequency words appear in pairs in the comments, which will cause the associated relationship when the word is converted into embedding. As the result, the model is affected.\
## 8.2 Does a specific video guide the commentator's emotions?
Special model videos will impact on the comments. the five different categories of video comment are collected and the categories are health, star, funny, news and entertainment. Through model training to get emotional lexicon, we found that the emotional tendency is biased to positive in funny videos, but the emotional tendencies of comments are more neutral in news videos.\
I guess the reason for this result is that the content of the video will guide the emotional tendency of the comment, so that the frequency of the words that match the emotional tendency of the video will increase, and the model can better learn the emotional information of those words, thereby improving the model The ability to discern specific emotions. For example, when processing the comment data of funny videos, we found that some words with a clear positive tendency have a high Term Frequency (other words divided by the most frequent words), such as Awesome, funny, happy face, the Term Frequency of these words can be close to 0.9. Finally, we use the model to classify the emotions of the words, and find that the model has a more obvious effect on the classification of words with high frequency.
## 8.3 Compared with the previous method, is there any improvement in compressing embedding to ultra dense subspace?
After testing, we found that the performance of ultra dense word embedding is better than that of PCA method in sentiment classification tasks. Comparing Figure 5 and Figure 6, we observed a clear distinction between words using the ultra dense embedding method (the turning point in Figure 5). On the contrary, although the PCA method can distinguish words (the curve in Figure 6), it cannot clearly distinguish words, and the curve is relatively smooth, so PCA cannot distinguish the emotion of words well.\
I think that ultra dense word embedding performs better because the model learns emotional information from seed words. The model reduces the distance of the same emotional words in the seed word and increases the distance of the opposite emotional words, so that the transformed representation of the model learns the emotion Information, which improves the word emotional representation. The PCA method does not analyze the emotion of the word, so ultra dense word embedding is better in the emotion classification.\
# 9 Threats to Validity
My paper may still have some disadvantages. First, my data collection volume is small and limited. Since English review data cannot be collected, we only build sentiment dictionaries on Chinese data, because both Chinese and English are different in grammar and expression, I expect differences in different language data sets, so a comparative test is necessary To evaluate the performance difference of the model when dealing with different languages.\
secondly, the amount of data we collected did not meet expectations. We spent a long time on collecting TikTok's review data. As a very popular application, TikTok's company designed a complex encryption algorithm to protect user privacy, This is a very good thing, but for researchers who want to perform data analysis, they have to spend a lot of time users cracking the anti-crawl mechanism of TikTok. When collecting data with comments, it took us a long time to crack TikTok 's x-gergon encryption algorithm, which is a hexadecimal encryption based on MD5, and it is difficult to crack. As a result, the data I collected did not reach the expected amount. In the future research, we will strengthen the data collect.\
Finally, I think that in the experimental stage, the performance of the model can be further optimized. In the training process of the model, because we need to reduce the distance between the same emotion words and increase the distance between different emotion words, we need to optimize the same and different emotions at the same time. The loss of the word. Therefore, we use a loss function with hyper-parameter alpha, which can combine the two losses in a certain proportion, so that the global loss can be optimized. The formula is as follows:\
Loss = (1-\alpha) \times SLoss + \alpha \times DLoss \end{aligned}\] where \(\alpha\) is the hyperparameter of the model, SLoss is the loss of the same sentiment words, and DLoss is the loss of different sentiment words.\
During training, we found that when the iteration of the model reaches the 4th epoch (we set the model to iterate 10epoch), the loss of the model hardly drops. Regarding the cause of this problem, we guess that it is caused by the bias of the model data. In find and In the discussion section, we mentioned that positive emotion words have a higher frequency and higher in the data set, which leads to uneven distribution of positive emotion words and negative emotion words in the data set. Therefore, in the training stage of the model, the positive words are better optimized by the model compared to negative words, so the classification ability of the model for positive words is better than the classification ability of negative words.
# 10 Related Work
Faruqui use word post-processing based on word similarity, so Faruqui does not use processing based on orthogonal transformation and does not need to consider word distance, which makes it worse for other applications such as syntax detection.The method of Faruqui does not benefit that ultra-dense embedding is more efficient.\
In the tensor framework, Rothe and SchUtz converts word embedding to perceptual (synonym) embedding. In their work, all the embeddings exist in the same subspace. However, we want to keep only specific information embedded in the subspace to create ultra-dense subspaces with a specific role (sentiment embedding).\
The method we used is also related to directed PCA. However, compared to PCA, the directional PCA solution is not orthogonal.\
The creation of the sentiment lexicon usually needs to label the training corpus. For example, people manually label the sentiment tendency of the words in the training set or form words with the same meaning into the training set, or add words with similar meanings to the seed set ( and ). Heerschop team used wordNet and pageRank-based algorithms to propagate the emotional information of seed words into unknown words. Scheible team proposed a semi-automatic method for machine translation Based on sentiment lexicon. Hamdan team evaluated the sentiment level based on the average of six sentiment lexicons. Those method cannot apply less-resource languages. Our experiments show that the orthogonal transformation method can train the sentiment lexicon with a small amount of training resources, and has better performance than the lexicon created by other semi-automatic methods.\
# 11 Conclusions
We use the web crawler method to collect TikTok's Chinese comment data, and apply the method that can embed the original vector of data into the ultra-dense subspace. In this study, two experiments were used to verify that the ultra-dense subspace can classify the emotion of words. 1. By setting the number of different seed words, we get that the model can distinguish emotions through model training. 2. By comparing with the PCA method, ultra-dense word embedding can better distinguish the emotion of words. we only need to use 5-15 seed words as a training example to learn the subspace, and get the emotional information about the words through the subspace.
# 12 Future Work
In future work, we will find the probabilities that other information embedded in one or more orthogonal subspaces rather than just emotional embedding. This decomposition will not change the content of the information embedding, but it will make them more compact, meaningful and easier to interpret for any given application. In addition, we will use the larger dataset for training, because the size of the data determines the improvement of the model's generalization ability. | {'timestamp': '2020-12-17T02:11:02', 'yymm': '2012', 'arxiv_id': '2012.08773', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.08773'} |
null | null |
# Introduction
Graph, as a complex data structure, consists of nodes (or vertices) and edges (or links). It can be used to model lots of complex systems in real world, e.g. social networks, protein-protein interaction networks, brain networks, road networks, physical interaction networks and knowledge graph etc. Thus, Analyzing the complex networks becomes an intriguing research frontier. With the rapid development of deep learning techniques, many scholars employ the deep learning architectures to tackle the graphs. Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) emerge under these circumstances. Up to now, the GNNs have evolved into a prevalent and powerful computational framework for tackling irregular data such as graphs and manifolds. The GNNs can learn task-specific node/edge/graph representations via hierarchical iterative operators so that the traditional machine learning methods can be employed to perform graph-related learning tasks, e.g. node classification, graph classification, link prediction and clustering etc. Although the GNNs has attained substantial success over the graph-related learning tasks, they still face great challenges. Firstly, the structural complexity of graphs incurs expensive computational cost on large graphs. Secondly, perturbing the graph structure and/or initial features incurs sharp performance decay. Thirdly, the Wesfeiler-Leman (WL) graph isomorphism test impedes the performance improvement of the GNNs. At last, the blackbox work mechanism of the GNNs hinders safely deploying them to real-world applications. In this paper, we generalize the conventional deep architectures to the non-Euclidean domains, and summarize the architectures, extensions and applications, benchmarks and evaluation pitfalls and future research directions of the graph neural networks. Up to now, there have been several surveys on the GNNs. However, they usually discuss the GNN models from different angles and with different emphasises. To the best of our knowledge, the first survey on the GNNs was conducted by Michael M. Bronstein et al. Peng Cui et al reviewed different kinds of deep learning models applied to graphs from three aspects: semi-supervised learning methods including graph convolutional neural networks, unsupervised learning methods including graph auto-encoders, and recent advancements including graph recurrent neural networks and graph reinforcement learning. This survey laid emphasis on semi-supervised learning models, i.e. the spatial and spectral graph convolutional neural networks, yet comparatively less emphasis on the other two aspects. Due to the space limit, this survey only listed a few of key applications of the GNNs, but ignored the diversity of the applications. Maosong Sun et al provided a detailed review of the spectral and spatial graph convolutional neural networks from three aspects: graph types, propagation step and training method, and divided its applications into three scenarios: structural scenarios, non-structural scenarios and other scenarios. However, this article did not involve the other GNN architectures such as graph auto-encoders, graph recurrent neural networks and graph generative networks. Philip S. Yu et al conducted a comprehensive survey on the graph neural networks, and investigated available datasets, open-source implementations and practical applications. However, they only listed a few of core literatures on each research topic. Davide Bacciu et al gives a gentle introduction to the field of deep learning for graph data. The goal of this article is to introduce the main concepts and building blocks to construct neural networks for graph data, and therefore it falls short of an exposition of recent works on graph neural networks. It is noted that all of the aforementioned surveys do not concern capability and interpretability of GNNs, combinations of the probabilistic inference and GNNs, and adversarial attacks on graphs. In this article, we provide a panorama of GNNs for readers from 4 perspectives: architectures, extensions and applications, benchmarks and evaluations pitfalls, future research directions, as shown in Fig. [\[GNN Panorama\]](#GNN Panorama){reference-type="ref" reference="GNN Panorama"}. For the architectures of GNNs, we investigate the studies on graph convolutional neural networks (GCNNs), graph pooling operators, graph attention mechanisms and graph recurrent neural networks (GRNNs). The extensions and applications demonstrate some notable research topics on the GNNs through integrating the above architectures. Specifically, this perspective includes the capabilities and interpretability, deep graph representation learning, deep graph generative models, combinations of the Probabilistic Inference (PI) and the GNNs, adversarial attacks for GNNs, Graph Neural Architecture Search and graph reinforcement learning and applications. In summary, our article provides a complete taxonomy for GNNs, and comprehensively review the current advances and trends of the GNNs. These are our main differences from the aforementioned surveys. **Contributions.** Our main contributions boils down to the following three-fold aspects.
1. We propose a novel taxonomy for the GNNs, which has three levels. The first includes architectures, benchmarks and evaluation pitfalls, and applications. The architectures are classified into 9 categories, the benchmarks and evaluation pitfalls into 2 categories, and the applications into 10 categories. Furthermore, the graph convolutional neural networks, as a classic GNN architecture, are again classified into 6 categories.
2. We provide a comprehensive review of the GNNs. All of the literatures fall into the corresponding categories. It is expected that the readers not only understand the panorama of the GNNs, but also comprehend the basic principles and various computation modules of the GNNs through reading this survey.
3. We summarize four future research directions for the GNNs according to the current facing challenges, most of which are not mentioned the other surveys. It is expected that the research on the GNNs can progress into a new stage by overcoming these challenges.
**Roadmap.** The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. First of all, we provide some basic notations and definitions that will be often used in the following sections. Then, we start reviewing the GNNs from 4 aspects: architectures in section 3, extensions and applications in section 4, benchmarks and evaluation pitfalls in section 5 and future research directions in section 6. Finally, we conclude our paper.
# Preliminaries
In this section, we introduce relevant notations so as to conveniently describe the graph neural network models. A simple graph can be denoted by \(G=(V,E)\) where \(V\) and \(E\) respectively denote the set of \(N\) nodes (or vertices) and \(M\) edges. Without loss of generality, let \(V=\left\{v_1,\cdots,v_N\right\}\) and \(E=\left\{e_1,\cdots,e_M\right\}\). Each edge \(e_j\in E\) can be denoted by \(e_j=\left(v_{s_j},v_{r_j}\right)\) where \(v_{s_j}, v_{r_j}\in V\). Let \(A_G\) denote the adjacency matrix of \(G\) where \(A_G(s,r)=1\) iff there is an edge between \(v_s\) and \(v_r\). If \(G\) is edge-weighted, \(A_G(s,r)\) equals the weight value of the edge \(\left(v_s,v_r\right)\). If \(G\) is directed, \(\left(v_{s_j},v_{r_j}\right)\neq\left(v_{r_j}, v_{s_j}\right)\) and therefore \(A_G\) is asymmetric. A directed edge \(e_j=\left(v_{s_j},v_{r_j}\right)\) is also called an arch, i.e. \(e_j=\left\langle v_{s_j},v_{s_j}\right\rangle\). Otherwise \(\left(v_{s_j},v_{r_j}\right)=\left(v_{r_j}, v_{s_j}\right)\) and \(A_G\) is symmetric. For a node \(v_s\in V\), let \(N_G(v_s)\) denote the set of neighbors of \(v_s\), and \(d_G(v_s)\) denote the degree of \(v_s\). If \(G\) is directed, let \(N_G^+(v_s)\) and \(N_G^-(v_s)\) respectively denote the incoming and outgoing neighbors of \(v_s\), and \(d_G^+(v_s)\) and \(d_G^-(v_s)\) respectively denote the incoming and outgoing degree of \(v_s\). Given a vector \(a=(a_1,\cdots,a_N)\in\mathbb{R}^N\), \(\text{diag}(a)\) (or \(\text{diag}(a_1,\cdots,a_N)\)) denotes a diagonal matrix consisting of the elements \(a_n, n=1,\cdots,N\). A vector \(x\in\mathbb{R}^{N}\) is called a 1-dimensional graph signal on \(G\). Similarly, \(X\in\mathbb{R}^{N\times d}\) is called a \(d\text{-dimensiaonl}\) graph signal on \(G\). In fact, \(X\) is also called a feature matrix of nodes on \(G\). Without loss of generality, let \(X[j,k]\) denote the \((j,k)\text{-th}\) entry of the matrix \(X\in\mathbb{R}^{N\times d}\), \(X[j,:]\in\mathbb{R}^d\) denote the feature vector of the node \(v_j\) and \(X[:,j]\) denote the \(1\text{-dimensional}\) graph signal on \(G\). Let \(\mathbb{I}_N\) denote a \(N\times N\) identity matrix. For undirected graphs, \(L_G=D_G-A_G\) is called the Laplacian matrix of \(G\), where \(D_G[r,r]=\sum_{c=1}^N A_G[r,c]\). For a 1-dimensional graph signal \(x\), its smoothness \(s(x)\) is defined as \[\label{SmoothnessOfGraphSignal} s(x)=x^TL_Gx=\frac{1}{2}\sum_{r,c=1}^NA_G(r,c)\left(x[r]-x[c]\right)^2.\] The normalization of \(L_G\) is defined by \(\overline{L}_G=\mathbb{I}_N-D_G^{-\frac{1}{2}}A_GD_G^{-\frac{1}{2}}\). \(\overline{L}_G\) is a real symmetric semi-positive definite matrix. So, it has \(N\) ordered real non-negative eigenvalues \(\left\{\lambda_n:n=1,\cdots,N\right\}\) and corresponding orthonormal eigenvectors \(\left\{u_n:n=1,\cdots,N\right\}\), namely \(\overline{L}_G=U\Lambda U^T\) where \(\Lambda=\text{diag}(\lambda_1,\cdots,\lambda_N)\) and \(U=\left(u_1,\cdots,u_N\right)\) denotes a orthonormomal matrix. Without loss of generality, \(0=\lambda_1\leq\lambda_2\leq\cdots\leq\lambda_N=\lambda_{\text{max}}\). The eigenvectors \(u_n, n=1,\cdots,N\) are also called the graph Fourier bases of \(G\). Obviously, the graph Fourier basis are also the 1-dimensional graph signal on \(G\). The graph Fourier transform for a given graph signal \(x\) can be denoted by \[\label{GraphFourierTransform} \hat{x}\triangleq\mathcal{F}(x)=U^Tx.\] The inverse graph Fourier transform can be correspondingly denoted by \[\label{InverseGraphFourierTransform} x\triangleq\mathcal{F}^{-1}(\hat{x})=U\hat{x}.\] Note that the eigenvalue \(\lambda_n\) actually measures the smoothness of the graph Fourier mode \(u_n\). Throughout this paper, let \(\rho(\cdot)\) denote an activation function, \(\bowtie\) denote the concatenation of at least two vectors, and \(\left<\right>\) denote the inner product of two vectors/matrices. We somewhere use the function \(\text{Concat}(\cdot)\) to denote the concatenation of two vectors as well.
# Architectures
## Graph Convolutional Neural Networks (GCNNs)
The GCNNs play pivotal roles on tackling the irregular data (e.g. graph and manifold). They are motivated by the Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) to learn hierarchical representations of irregular data. There have been some efforts to generalize the CNN to graphs. However, they are usually computationally expensive and cannot capture spectral or spatial features. Below, we introduce the GCNNs from the next 6 aspects: spectral GCNNs, spatial GCNNs, Graph wavelet neural networks and GCNNs on special graphs.
### Spectral Graph Convolution Operators
The spectral graph convolution operator is defined via the graph Fourier transform. For two graph signals \(x\) and \(y\) on \(G\), their spectral graph convolution \(x\ast_Gy\) is defined by \[\label{Spectral Graph Convolution} \begin{array}{rcl} x\ast_G y & = & \mathcal{F}^{-1}(\mathcal{F}(x)\circledast\mathcal{F}(y)) \\ [2mm] & = & U\left(U^Tx\circledast U^Ty\right) \\[2mm] & = & U\text{diag}(U^Ty)U^Tx, \end{array}\] where \(\circledast\) denotes the element-wise Hadamard product. The spectral graph convolution can be rewritten as \[x\ast_G f_{\theta}=Uf_{\theta}U^Tx,\] where \(f_{\theta}\) is a diagonal matrix consisting of the learnable parameters. That is, the signal \(x\) is filtered by the spectral graph filter (or graph convolution kernel) \(f_{\theta}\). For a \(d^{(l)}\text{-dimensional}\) graph signal \(X^{(l)}\) on \(G\), the output \(X^{(l+1)}\) yielded by a graph convolution layer, namely \(d^{(l+1)}\text{-dimensional}\) graph signal on \(G\), can be written as \[\label{Spectral GCNN Formula} X^{(l+1)}[:,k]=\rho\left(\sum_{j=1}^{d^{(l)}}Uf_{\theta,j,k}^{(l)}U^TX^{(l)}[:,j]\right),\] where \(f_{\theta,j,k}^{(l)}\) is a spectral graph filter, i.e. a \(N\times N\) diagonal matrix consisting of learnable parameters corresponding to the \(j\text{-th}\) graph signal at \(l\text{-th}\) layer and the \(k\text{-th}\) graph signal at \((l+1)\text{-th}\) layer. The computational framework of the spectral GCNN in Eq. ([\[Spectral GCNN Formula\]](#Spectral GCNN Formula){reference-type="ref" reference="Spectral GCNN Formula"}) is demonstrated in Fig. [\[Spectral GCNN\]](#Spectral GCNN){reference-type="ref" reference="Spectral GCNN"}. It is worth noting that the calculation of the above graph convolution layer takes \(O(N^3)\) time and \(O(N^2)\) space to perform the eigendecomposition of \(\overline{L}_G\) especially for large graphs. The article proposes a regularization technique, namely GraphMix, to augment the vanilla GCNN with a parameter-sharing Fully Connected Network (FCN). **Spectral Graph Filter.** Many studies focus on designing different spectral graph filters. In order to circumvent the eigendecomposition, the spectral graph filter \(f_{\theta}\) can formulated as a \(K\text{-localized}\) polynomial of the eigenvalues of the normalized graph Laplacian \(\overline{L}_G\), i.e. \[\label{Chebyshev Spectral Filter} f_{\theta}=f_{\theta}(\Lambda)\triangleq\sum_{k=0}^{K-1}\theta_k\Lambda^k.\] In practice, the \(K\text{-localized}\) Chebyshev polynomial is a favorable choice of formulating the spectral graph filter, i.e. \[f_{\theta}(\Lambda)=\sum_{k=0}^{K-1}\theta_kT_k(\widetilde{\Lambda}),\] where the Chebyshev polynomial is defined as \[\label{Chebeshev Polynomial} T_0(x)=1,\quad T_1(x)=x,\quad T_k(x)=2xT_{k-1}(x)-T_{k-2}(x)\] and \(\widetilde{\Lambda}=\frac{2}{\lambda_{\text{max}}}\Lambda-\mathbb{I}_N\). The reason why \(\widetilde{\Lambda}=\frac{2}{\lambda_{\text{max}}}\Lambda-\mathbb{I}_N\) is because it can map eigenvalues \(\lambda\in\left[0,\lambda_{\text{max}}\right]\) into \([-1,1]\). This filter is \(K\text{-localized}\) in the sense that it leverages information from nodes which are at most \(K\text{-hops}\) away. In order to further decrease the computational cost, the \(1\text{st-order}\) Chebyshev polynomial is used to define the spectral graph filter. Specifically, it lets \(\lambda_{\text{max}}\approx 2\) (because the largest eigenvalue of \(\overline{L}_G\) is less than or equal to 2 ) and \(\theta=\theta_0=-\theta_1\). Moreover, the renormalization trick is used here to mitigate the limitations of the vanishing/exploding gradient, namely substituting \(\widetilde{D}_G^{-\frac{1}{2}}\widetilde{A}_G\widetilde{D}_G^{-\frac{1}{2}}\) for \(\mathbb{I}_N+D_G^{-\frac{1}{2}}A_GD_G^{-\frac{1}{2}}\) where \(\widetilde{A}_G=A_G+\mathbb{I}_N\) and \(\widetilde{D}_G=\text{diag}\left(\sum_{k=1}^{N}\widetilde{A}[1,k],\cdots,\sum_{k=1}^{N}\widetilde{A}[N,k]\right)\). As a result, the Graph Convolutional Network (GCN) can be defined as \[\label{GCN-Layer} X^{(l+1)}=\rho\left(\widetilde{D}_G^{-\frac{1}{2}}\widetilde{A}_G\widetilde{D}_G^{-\frac{1}{2}}X^{(l)}\Theta^{(l)}\right).\] The Chebyshev spectral graph filter suffers from a drawback that the spectrum of \(\overline{L}_G\) is linearly mapped into \(\left[-1,1\right]\). This drawback makes it hard to specialize in the low frequency bands. In order to mitigate this problem, Michael M. Bronstein et al proposes the Cayley spectral graph filter via the \(\text{order-}r\) Cayley polynomial \(f_{c,h}(\lambda)=c_0+2\text{Re}\left(\sum_{j=0}^{r}c_h\mathcal{C}(\lambda)^j\right)\) with the Cayley transform \(\mathcal{C}(\lambda)=\frac{\lambda-i}{\lambda+i}\). Moreover, there are many other spectral graph filters, e.g.. In addition, some studies employ the capsule network to construct capsule-inspired GNNs. **Overcoming Time and Memory Challenges.** A chief challenge for GCNNs is that their training cost is strikingly expensive, especially on huge and sparse graphs. The reason is that the GCNNs require full expansion of neighborhoods for the feed-forward computation of each node, and large memory space for storing intermediate results and outputs. In general, two approaches, namely sampling and decomposition, can be employed to mitigate the time and memory challenges for the spectral GCNNs. **Depth Trap of Spectral GCNNs.** A bottleneck of GCNNs is that their performance maybe decease with ever-increasing number of layer. This decay is often attributed to three factors: (1) overfitting resulting from the ever-increasing number of parameters; (2) gradient vanishing/explosion during training; (3) oversmoothing making vertices from different clusters more and more indistinguishable. The reason for oversmoothing is that performing the Laplacian smoothing many times forces the features of vertices within the same connected component to stuck in stationary points. There are some available approaches, e.g., to circumvent the depth trap of the spectral GCNNs.
### Spatial Graph Convolution Operators
Original spatial GCNNs constitutes a transition function, which must be a contraction map in order to ensure the uniqueness of states, and an update function. In the following, we firstly introduce a generic framework of the spatial GCNN, and then investigate its variants. Graph networks (GNs) as generic architectures with relational inductive bias provide an elegant interface for learning entities, relations and structured knowledge. Specifically, GNs are composed of GN blocks in a sequential, encode-process-decode or recurrent manner. GN blocks contain three kinds of update functions, namely \(\phi^{e}(\cdot),\phi^{v}(\cdot),\phi^{u}(\cdot)\), and three kinds of aggregation functions, namely \(\psi^{e\rightarrow v}(\cdot), \psi^{e\rightarrow u}(\cdot), \psi^{v\rightarrow u}(\cdot)\). The iterations are described as follows. \[\label{GN-BLOCK} \begin{array}{lll} e'_k=\phi^{e}\left(e_k,v_{r_k},v_{s_k},u\right), & \bar{e}'_i=\psi^{e\rightarrow v}\left(E'_i\right), & v'_i=\phi^{v}\left(v_i,\bar{e}'_i,u\right), \\[2mm] \bar{e}'=\psi^{e\rightarrow u}\left(E'\right), & u'=\phi^{u}\left(u,\bar{e}',\bar{v}'\right), & \bar{v}'=\psi^{v\rightarrow u}\left(V'\right) \end{array}\] where \(e_k\) is an arch from \(v_{s_k}\) to \(v_{r_k}\), \(E'_i=\left\{(e'_k,s_k,r_k):r_k=i,k=1,\cdots,M\right\}\), \(V'=\left\{v'_i:i=1,\cdots,N\right\}\) and \(E'=\left\{(e'_k,s_k,r_k):k=1,\cdots,M\right\}\), see Fig. [\[Spatial GCNN\]](#Spatial GCNN){reference-type="ref" reference="Spatial GCNN"}. It is noted that the aggregation functions should be invariant to any permutations of nodes or edges. In practice, the GN framework can be used to implement a wide variety of architectures in accordance with three key design principles, namely flexible representations, configuable within-block structure and flexible multi-block architectures. Below, we introduce three prevalent variants of the GNs, namely Message Passing Neural Networks (MPNNs), Non-local Neural Networks (NLNNs) and GraphSAGE. **Variants of GNs------MPNNs.** MPNNs have two phases, a message passing phase and a readout phase. The message passing phase is defined by a message function \(M_l\) (playing the role of the composition of the update function \(\psi^{e\rightarrow v}(\cdot)\) and the update function \(\phi^{e}(\cdot)\)) and a vertex update function \(U_l\) (playing the role of the update function \(\phi^{v}(\cdot)\)). Specifically, \[m_v^{(l+1)}=\displaystyle\sum_{u\in N_G(v)}M_l\left(x_v^{(l)},x_u^{(l)},e_{v,u}\right),\quad x_v^{(l+1)}=U_l\left(x_v^{(l)},m_v^{(l+1)}\right)\] where \(e_{v,u}\) denotes the feature vector of the edge with two endpoints \(v\) and \(u\). The readout phase computes a universal feature vector for the whole graph using a readout function \(R(\cdot)\), i.e. \(u=R\left(\left\{x_v^{(L)}:v\in V\right\}\right)\). The readout function \(R(\cdot)\) should be invariant to permutations of nodes. A lot of GCNNs can be regarded as special forms of the MPNN, e.g.. **Variants of GNs------NLNNs.** NLNNs give a general definition of non-local operations which is a flexible building block and can be easily integrated into convolutional/recurrent layers. Specifically, the generic non-local operation is defined as \[\label{NLNN} y_s=\frac{1}{\mathcal{C}(x_s)}\sum_{t}f(x_s,x_t)g(x_t),\] where \(f(\cdot,\cdot)\) denotes the affinity between \(x_s\) and \(x_t\), and \(\mathcal{C}(x_s)=\sum_{t}f(x_s,x_t)\) is a normalization factor. The affinity function \(f(\cdot,\cdot)\) is of the following form
1. Gaussian: \(f(x_s,x_t)=e^{x_s^Tx_t}\);
2. Embedded Gaussian: \(f(x_s,x_t)=e^{\theta(x_s)^T\eta(x_t)}\), where \(\theta(x_s)=W_{\theta}x_s\) and \(\eta(x_t)=W_{\eta}x_t\);
3. Dot Product: \(f(x_s,x_t)=\theta(x_s)^T\eta(x_t)\);
4. Concatenation: \(f(x_s,x_t)=\text{ReLU}(w_f^T\left[\theta(x_s),\eta(x_t)\right])\).
The non-local building block is defined as \(z_s=W_zy_s+x_s\) where \"\(+x_s\)\" denotes a residual connection. It is noted that \(f(\cdot,\cdot)\) and \(g(\cdot)\) play the role of \(\phi^e(e_k,v_{r_k},v_{s_k},u)\), and the summation in Eq. ([\[NLNN\]](#NLNN){reference-type="ref" reference="NLNN"}) plays the role of \(\psi^{e\rightarrow v}(E'_i)\). **Variants of GNs------GraphSAGE.** GraphSAGE ([SAmple]{.smallcaps} and [aggreGatE]{.smallcaps}) is a general inductive framework capitalizing on node feature information to efficiently generate node embedding vectors for previously unseen nodes. Specifically, GraphSAGE is composed of an aggregation function \(\text{\textsc{Aggregate}}^{(l)}(\cdot)\) and an update function \(\text{\textsc{Update}}^{(l)}\), i.e. \[\begin{array}{l} x_{N_G(v)}^{(l)}=\text{\textsc{Aggregate}}^{(l)}\left(\left\{x_u^{(l-1)}: u\in N_G(v)\right\}\right) \\[5mm] x_v^{(l)}=\text{\textsc{Update}}^{(l)}\left(\left\{x_v^{(l-1)},x_{N_G(v)}^{(l)}\right\}\right) \end{array}\] where \(N_G(v)\) denotes a fixed-size set of neighbors of \(v\) uniformly sampling from its whole neighbors. The aggregation function is of the following form
1. Mean Aggregator: \(x_v^{(l)}=\sigma\left(W\cdot\text{\textsc{Mean}}\left(\left\{x_v^{(l-1)}\right\}\cup\left\{x_u^{(l-1)}:u\in N_G(v)\right\}\right)\right)\);
2. LSTM Aggregator: applying the LSTM to aggregate the neighbors of \(v\);
3. Pooling Aggregator: \(\text{\textsc{Aggregate}}^{(l)}=\max\left(\left\{\sigma\left(Wx_u^{(l)}+b\right): u\in N_G(v)\right\}\right)\).
Note that the aggregation function and update function play the role of \(\psi^{e\rightarrow v}(E'_i)\) and \(\phi^{v}(v_i,\overline{e}'_i,u)\) in formula ([\[GN-BLOCK\]](#GN-BLOCK){reference-type="ref" reference="GN-BLOCK"}) respectively. **Variants of GNs------Hyperbolic GCNNs.** The Euclidean GCNNs aim to embed nodes in a graph into a Euclidean space. This will incur a large distortion especially when embedding real-world graphs with scale-free and hierarchical structure. Hyperbolic GCNNs pave an alternative way of embedding with little distortion. The \(n\text{-dimensional}\) hyperbolic space, denoted as \(\mathbb{H}_K^n\), is a unique, complete, simply connected \(d\text{-dimensional}\) Riemannian manifold with constant negative sectional curvature \(-\frac{1}{K}\), i.e. \[\mathbb{H}_K^n=\left\{x\in\mathbb{R}^{n+1}:\langle x,x\rangle_{\mathcal{M}}=-K,x_0>0\right\},\] where the Minkowski inner produce \(\langle x,y\rangle_{\mathcal{M}}=-x_0y_0+\sum_{j=1}^dx_jy_j,\forall x,y\in\mathbb{R}^{n+1}\). Its tangent space centered at point \(x\) is denoted as \(\mathcal{T}_x\mathbb{H}_K^n=\left\{v\in\mathbb{R}^{n+1}:\langle x,v\rangle_{\mathcal{M}}=0\right\}\). Given \(x\in\mathbb{H}_K^n\), let \(u\in\mathcal{T}_x\mathbb{H}_K^n\) be unit-speed. The unique unit-speed geodesic \(\gamma_{x\rightarrow u}(\cdot)\) such that \(\gamma_{x\rightarrow u}(0)=x\) and \(\dot{\gamma}_{x\rightarrow u}(0)=u\) is denoted as \(\gamma_{x\rightarrow u}(t)=\cosh\left(\frac{t}{\sqrt{K}}\right)x+\sqrt{K}\sinh\left(\frac{t}{\sqrt{K}}\right), u, t>0.\) The intrinsic distance between two points \(x,y\in\mathbb{H}_K^n\) is then equal to \[d_{\mathcal{M}}^K\left(x,y\right)=\sqrt{K}\text{arcosh}\left(-\frac{\langle x,y\rangle_{\mathcal{M}}}{K}\right).\] Therefore, the above \(n\text{-dimensional}\) hyperbolic space with constant negative sectional curvature \(-\frac{1}{K}\) is usually denoted as \(\left(\mathbb{H}_K^n,d_{\mathcal{M}}^K(\cdot,\cdot)\right)\). In particular, \(\mathbb{H}_1^n\), i.e. \(K=1\), is called the hyperboloid model of the hyperbolic space. Hyperbolic Graph Convolutional Networks (HGCN) benefit from the expressiveness of both GCNNs and hyperbolic embedding. It employs the exponential and logarithmic maps of the hyperboloid model, respectively denoted as \(\exp_x^K(\cdot)\) and \(\log_x^K(\cdot)\), to realize the mutual transformation between Euclidean features and hyperbolic ones. Let \(\|v\|_{\mathcal{M}}=\langle v,v\rangle_{\mathcal{M}},v\in\mathcal{T}_x\mathbb{H}_K^n\). The \(\exp_x^K(\cdot)\) and \(\log_x^K(\cdot)\) are respectively defined to be \[\begin{array}{l} \exp_x^K(v)=\cosh\left(\frac{\|v\|_{\mathcal{M}}}{\sqrt{K}}\right)x+\sqrt{K}\sinh\left(\frac{\|v\|_{\mathcal{M}}}{\sqrt{K}}\right)\frac{v}{\|v\|_{\mathcal{M}}} \\[2mm] \log_x^{K}(y)=d_{\mathcal{M}}^K(x,y)\dfrac{y+\frac{1}{K}\langle x,y\rangle_{\mathcal{M}}x}{\left\|y+\frac{1}{K}\langle x,y\rangle_{\mathcal{M}}x\right\|_{\mathcal{M}}}, \end{array}\] where \(x\in\mathbb{H}_K^n\), \(v\in\mathcal{T}_x\mathbb{H}_K^n\) and \(y\in\mathbb{H}_K^n\) such that \(y\neq 0\) and \(y\neq x\). The HGCN architecture is composed of three components: a Hyperbolic Feature Transform (HFT), an Attention-Based Aggregation (ABA) and a Non-Linear Activation with Different Curvatures (NLADC). They are respectively defined as \[\begin{array}{lr} h_j^{H,l}=\left(W^{(l)}\otimes^{K_{l-1}}x_j^{H,l-1}\right)\oplus^{K_{l-1}}b^{(l)} &\quad \text{(HFT)}, \\[2mm] y_j^{H,l}=\text{\textsc{Aggregate}}^{K_{l-1}}(h^{H,l})_j &\quad \text{(ABA)}, \\[2mm] x_j^{H,l}=\exp_o^{K_l}\left(\rho\left(\log_o^{K_{l-1}}\left(y_j^{H,l}\right)\right)\right) &\quad \text{(NLADC)}, \end{array}\] where \(o=\left(\sqrt{K},0,\cdots,0\right)\in\mathbb{H}_K^n\), the subscript \(j\) denotes the indices of nodes, the superscript \(l\) denotes the layer of the HGCN. The linear transform in hyperboloid manifold is defined to be \(W\otimes^K x^H=\exp_o^K\left(W\log_o^K(x^H)\right)\) and \(x^H\oplus^K b=\exp_{x^H}^K\left(P_{o\rightarrow x^H}^K(b)\right)\), where \(P_{o\rightarrow x^H}^K(b)\) is the parallel transport from \(\mathcal{T}_o\mathbb{H}_K^n\) to \(\mathcal{T}_{x^H}\mathbb{H}_K^{n}\). The attention-based aggregation is defined to be \(\text{\textsc{Aggregate}}^K(x^H)_j=\exp_{x_j^H}^K\left(\sum_{k\in N_G(j)}\omega_{j,k}\log_{x_j^H}^K\left(x_k^H\right)\right)\), where the attention weight \(\omega_{j,k}=\text{Softmax}_{k\in N_G(j)}\left(\text{MLP}\left(\log_o^K\left(x_j^H\right)\bowtie\log_o^K\left(x_k^H\right)\right)\right)\). **Higher-Order Spatial GCNNs.** the aforementioned GCNN architectures are constructed from the microscopic perspective. They only consider nodes and edges, yet overlook the higher-order substructures and their connections, i.e subgraphs consisting of at least 3 nodes. Here, we introduce the studies on the \(k\text{-dimensional}\) GCNNs. Specifically, they take higher-order graph structures at multiple scales into consideration by leveraging the \(k\text{-Weisfeiler-Leman}\) (\(k\text{-WL}\)) graph isomorphism test so that the message passing is performed directly between subgraph structures rather than individual nodes. Let \(\{\hspace{-1.2mm}\{\cdots\}\hspace{-1.2mm}\}\) denote a multiset, \(\text{\textsc{Hash}}(\cdot)\) a hashing function and \(C_{l,k}^{(l)}(s)\) the node coloring (label) of \(s=(s_1,\cdots,s_k)\in V^k\) at the \(l\text{-th}\) time. Moreover, let \(N_G^j(s)=\left\{(s_1,\cdots,s_{j-1},r,s_{j+1},\cdots,s_k):r\in V\right\}\). The \(k\text{-WL}\) is computed by \[C_{l,k}^{(l+1)}(s)=\text{\textsc{Hash}}\left(C_{l,k}^{(l)}(s),\left(c_1^{(l+1)}(s),\cdots,c_k^{(l+1)}(s)\right)\right),\] where \(c_{j}^{(l+1)}=\text{\textsc{Hash}}\left(\left\{\hspace{-1.2mm}\left\{C_{l,k}^{(l)}(s'):s'\in N_G^j(s)\right\}\hspace{-1.2mm}\right\}\right)\). The \(k\text{-GCNN}\) computes new features of \(s\in V^k\) by multiple computational layers. Each layer is computed by \[X_k^{(l+1)}[s,:]=\rho\left(X_k^{(l)}[s,:]W_1^{(l)}+\sum_{t\in N_G(s)}X_k^{(l)}[t,:]W_2^{(l)}\right).\] In practice, the local \(k\text{-GCNNs}\) is often employed to learn the hierarchical representations of nodes in order to scale to larger graphs and mitigate the overfitting problem. **Other Variants of GNs.** In addition to the aforementioned GNs and its variants, there are still many other spatial GCNNs which is defined from other perspectives, e.g. Diffusion-Convolutional Neural Network (DCNN), Position-aware Graph Neural Network (P-GNN), Memory-based Graph Neural Network (MemGNN) and Graph Memory Network (GMN), Graph Partition Neural Network (GPNN), Edge-Conditioned Convolution (ECC), DEMO-Net, Column network, Graph-CNN. **Invariance and Equivariance.** Permutation-invariance refers to that a function \(f:\mathbb{R}^{n^k}\rightarrow\mathbb{R}\) (e.g. the aggregation function) is independent of any permutations of node/edge indices, i.e. \(f(P^TA_GP)=f(A_G)\) where \(P\) is a permutation matrix and \(A_G\in\mathbb{R}^{n^k}\) is a \(k\text{-order}\) tensor of edges or multi-edges in the (hyper-)graph \(G\). Permutation-equivariance refers to that a function \(f:\mathbb{R}^{n^k}\rightarrow\mathbb{R}^{n^l}\) coincides with permutations of node/edge indices, i.e. \(f(P^TA_GP)=P^Tf(A_G)P\) where \(P\) and \(A_G\) are defined as similarly as the permutation-invariance. For permutation-invariant aggregation functions, a straightforward choice is to take \(\text{sum}/\max/\text{average}/\text{concatenation}\) as heuristic aggregation schemes. Nevertheless, these aggregation functions treat all the neighbors of a vertex equivalently so that they cannot precisely distinguish the structural effects of different neighbors to the target vertex. That is, the aggregation functions should extract and filter graph signals aggregated from neighbors of different hops away and different importance. GeniePath proposes a scalable approach for learning adaptive receptive fields of GCNNs. It is composed of two complementary functions, namely adaptive breadth function and adaptive depth function. The former learns the importance of different sized neighborhoods, whereas the latter extracts and filters graph signals aggregated from neighbors of different hops away. More specifically, the adaptive breadth function is defined as follows. \[h_{v_j}^{\text{temp}}=\tanh\left((W^{(t)})^T\sum_{v_k\in N_G(v_j)\cup\{v_j\}}\alpha(h_{v_j}^{(t)},h_{v_k}^{(t)})\cdot h_{v_k}^{(t)}\right),\] where \(\alpha(x,y)=\text{Softmax}_y\left(\alpha^T\tanh\left(W_x^Tx+W_y^Ty\right)\right)\). The adaptive depth function is defined as a LSTM, i.e. \[\label{LSTM Formulation} \begin{array}{ll} i_{v_j}=\sigma\left(\left(W_i^{(t)}\right)^Th_{v_j}^{\text{temp}}\right) & \qquad f_{v_j}=\sigma\left(\left(W_f^{(t)}\right)^Th_{v_j}^{\text{temp}}\right) \\ o_{v_j}=\sigma\left(\left(W_o^{(t)}\right)^Th_{v_j}^{temp}\right) & \qquad \widetilde{C}_{v_j}=\tanh\left(\left(W_c^{(t)}\right)^Th_{v_j}^{(temp)}\right) \\ C_{v_j}^{(t+1)}=f_{v_j}\circledast C_{v_j}^{(t)}+i_{v_j}\circledast\widetilde{C}_{v_j} & \qquad h_{v_j}^{(t+1)}=o_{v_j}\circledast\tanh\left(C_{v_j}^{(t+1)}\right). \end{array}\] [Geom-GCN]{.smallcaps} proposes a novel permutation-invariant geometric aggregation scheme consisting of three modules, namely node embedding, structural neighborhood, and bi-level aggregation. This aggregation scheme does not lose structural information of nodes and fail to capture long-range dependencies in disassortative graphs. For the permutation-invariant graph representations, PiNet proposes an end-to-end spatial GCNN architecture that utilizes the permutation equivariance of graph convolutions. It is composed of a pair of double-stacked message passing layers, namely attention-oriented message passing layers and feature-oriented message passing layers. **Depth Trap of Spatial GCNNs.** Similar to the spectral GCNNs, the spatial GCNNs is also confronted with the depth trap. As stated previously, the depth trap results from oversmoothing, overfitting and gradient vanishing/explosion. In order to escape from the depth trap, some studies propose some available strategies, e.g. DeepGCN and Jumping Knowledge Network. The jumping knowledge networks adopt neighborhood aggregation with skip connections to integrate information from different layers. The DeepGCN apply the residual/dense connections and dilated aggreagation in the CNNs to construct the spatial GCNN architecture. They has three instantiations, namely ResGCN, DenseGCN and dilated graph convolution. ResGCN is inspired by the ResNet, which is defined to be \[\begin{array}{lcl} G^{(l+1)} & \triangleq & \mathcal{H}(G^{(l)},\Theta^{(l)}) \\ [2mm] & = & \mathcal{F}(G^{(l)},\Theta^{(l)})+G^{(l)}, \end{array}\] where \(\mathcal{F}(\cdot,\cdot)\) can be computed by spectral or spatial GCNNs. DenseGCN collectively exploit information from different GCNN layers like the DenseNet, which is defined to be \[\begin{array}{lcl} G^{(l+1)} & \triangleq & \mathcal{H}(G^{(l)},\Theta^{(l)}) \\ [2mm] & = & \text{Concat}\left(\mathcal{F}(G^{(l)},\Theta^{(l)}),G^{(l)}\right) \\ [2mm] & = & \text{Concat}\left(\mathcal{F}(G^{(l)},\Theta^{(l)}),\cdots,\mathcal{F}(G^{(0)},\Theta^{(0)}),G^{(0)}\right). \end{array}\] The dilated aggregation can magnify the receptive field of spatial GCNNs by a dilation rate \(d\). More specifically, let \(N_G^{(k,d)}(v)\) denote the set of \(k\) \(d\text{-dilated}\) neighbors of vertex \(v\) in \(G\). If \(\left(u_1,u_2,\cdots,u_{k\times d}\right)\) are the first sorted \(k\times d\) nearest neighbors, then \(N_G^{(k,d)}(v)=\left\{u_1,u_{1+d},\cdots,u_{1+(k-1)d}\right\}\). Thereby, we can construct a new graph \(G^{(k,d)}=\left(V^{(k,d)},E^{(k,d)}\right)\) where \(V^{(k,d)}=V\) and \(E^{(k,d)}=\left\{\left\langle v,u\right\rangle:v\in V,u\in N_G^{(k,d)}\right\}\). The dilated graph convolution layer can be obtained by running the spatial GCNNs over \(G^{(k,d)}\).
### Graph Wavelet Neural Networks
As stated previously, the spectral and spatial GCNNs are respectively inspired by the graph Fourier transform and message-passing mechanism. Here, we introduce a new GCNN architecture from the perspective of the Spectral Graph Wavelet Transform (SGWT). First of all, the SGWT is determined by a graph wavelet generating kernel \(g:\mathbb{R}^+\rightarrow\mathbb{R}^+\) with the property \(g(0)=0,g(+\infty)=\lim_{x\rightarrow\infty}g(x)=0\). A feasible instance of \(g(\cdot)\) is parameterized by two integers \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\), and two positive real numbers \(x_1\) and \(x_2\) determining the transition regions, i.e. \[g(x;\alpha,\beta,x_1,x_2)=\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} x_1^{-\alpha}x^{\alpha} & x<x_1 \\ s(x) & x_1\leq x\leq x_2 \\ x^{-\beta}x_2^{\beta} & x>x_2, \end{array} \right.\] where \(s(x)\) is a cubic polynomial whose coefficients can be determined by the continuity constraints \(s(x_1)=s(x_2)=1\), \(s'(x_1)=\frac{\alpha}{x_1}\) and \(s'(x_2)=-\frac{\beta}{x_2}\). Given the graph wavelet generating kernel \(g(\cdot)\) and a scaling parameter \(s\in\mathbb{R}^+\), the spectral graph wavelet operator \(\Psi_g^s\) is defined to be \(\Psi_g^s=Ug(s\Lambda)U^T\) where \(g(s\Lambda)=g\left(\text{diag}\left(s\lambda_1,\cdots,s\lambda_N\right)\right)\). A graph signal \(x\in\mathbb{R}^N\) on \(G\) can thereby be filtered by the spectral graph wavelet operator, i.e. \(\mathcal{W}_{g,s}^x=\Psi_g^sx\in\mathbb{R}^N\). The literature utilizes a special instance of the graph wavelet operator \(\Psi_g^s\) to construct a graph scattering network, and proves its covariance and approximate invariance to permutations and stability to graph operations. **Graph Wavelet Neural Networks.** The above spectral graph wavelet operator \(\Psi_g^s\) can be employed to construct a Graph Wavelet Neural Network (GWNN). Let \(\Psi_g^{-s}\triangleq\left(\Psi_g^s\right)^{-1}\). The graph wavelet based convolution is defined to be \[x*_Gy=\Psi_g^{-s}\left(\Psi_g^sx\circledast\Psi_g^sy\right).\] The GWNN is composed of multiple layers of the graph wavelet based convolution. The structure of the \(l\text{-th}\) layer is defined as \[\label{Graph Wavelet based Convolution in vector form} X^{(l+1)}[:,j]=\rho\left(\sum_{k=1}^{d^{(l)}}\Psi_g^{-s}\Theta_{j,k}^{(l)}\Psi_g^sX^{(l)}[:,k]\right),\] where \(\Theta_{j,k}^{(l)}\) is a diagonal filter matrix learned in spectral domain. Eq. ([\[Graph Wavelet based Convolution in vector form\]](#Graph Wavelet based Convolution in vector form){reference-type="ref" reference="Graph Wavelet based Convolution in vector form"}) can be rewritten as a matrix form, i.e. \(X^{(l+1)}=\rho\left(\Psi_g^{-s}\Theta\Psi_g^{s}X^{(l)}W^{(l)}\right)\). The learnable filter matrix \(\Theta\) can be replaced with the \(K\text{-localized}\) Chebyshev Polynomial so as to eschew the time-consuming eigendecomposition of \(\overline{L}_G\).
### Summary
The aforementioned GCNN architectures provide available ingredients of constructing the GNNs. In practice, we can construct our own GCNNs by assembling different modules introduced above. Additionally, some scholars also study the GCNNs from some novel perspectives, e.g. the parallel computing framework of the GCNNs, the hierarchical covariant compositional networks, the transfer active learning for GCNNs and quantum walk based subgraph convolutional neural network. They are closely related to the GCNNs, yet fairly different from the ones introduced above.
## Graph Pooling Operators
Graph pooling operators are very important and useful modules of the GCNNs, especially for graph-level tasks such as the graph classification. There are two kinds of graph pooling operators, namely global graph pooling operators and hierarchical graph pooling operators. The former aims to obtain the universal representations of input graphs, and the latter aims to capture adequate structural information for node representations.
### Global Graph Pooling Operators.
Global graph pooling operators pool all of representations of nodes into a universal graph representation. Many literatures apply some simple global graph pooling operators, e.g. max/average/concatenate graph pooling, to performing graph-level classification tasks. Here, we introduce some more sophisticated global graph pooling operators in contrast to the simple ones. Relational pooling (RP) provides a novel framework for graph representation with maximal representation power. Specifically, all node embeddings can be aggregated via a learnable function to form a global embedding of \(G\). Let \(X^{(v)}\in\mathbb{R}^{N\times d_v}\) and \(\underline{X}^{(e)}\in\mathbb{N}^{N\times N\times d_e}\) respectively denote node feature matrix and edge feature tensor. Tensor \(\underline{A}_G\in\mathbb{R}^{N\times N\times (1+d_e)}\) combines the adjacency matrix \(A_G\) of \(G\) with its edge feature tensor \(\underline{X}^{(e)}\), i.e. \(\underline{A}_G[u,v,:]=\mathbb{I}_{(u,v)\in E_G}\bowtie\underline{X}^{(e)}[u,v,:]\). After performing a permutation on \(V_G\), the edge feature tensor \(\underline{A}_G^{(\pi,\pi)}\left[\pi(r),\pi(c),d\right]=\underline{A}_G[r,c,d]\) and the node feature matrix \(X_{\pi}^{(v)}[\pi(r),c]=X^{(v)}[r,c]\). The joint RP permutation-invariant function for directed or undirected graphs is defined as \[\bar{\bar{f}}(G)=\frac{1}{N!}\sum_{\pi\in\Pi_{|V|}}\overrightarrow{f}(\underline{A}_G^{\pi,\pi},X_{\pi}^{(v)}),\] where \(\Pi_{|V|}\) is the set of all distinct permutations on \(V_G\) and \(\overrightarrow{f}(\cdot,\cdot)\) is an arbitrary (possibly permutation-sensitive) vector-valued function. Specifically, \(\overrightarrow{f}(\cdot,\cdot)\) can be denoted as Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLPs), Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) or Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). The literature proves that \(\bar{\bar{f}}(G)\) has the most expressive representation of \(G\) under some mild conditions, and provides approximation approaches to making RP computationally tractable. In addition, there are some other available global graph pooling operators, e.g. SortPooling and function space pooling.
### Hierarchical Graph Pooling Operators.
Hierarchical graph pooling operators group a set of proximal nodes into a super-node via graph clustering methods. Consequently, the original graph is coarsened to a new graph with coarse granularity. In practice, the hierarchical graph pooling operators are interleaved with the vanilla GCNN layers. In general, there are three kinds of approaches to performing the graph coarsening operations, namely invoking the existing graph clustering algorithms (e.g. spectral clustering and Graclus ), learning a soft cluster assignment and selecting the first \(k\) top-rank nodes. **Invoking existing graph clustering algorithms.** The graph clustering aims to assign proximal nodes to the same cluster and in-proximal nodes to different clusters. The coarsened graph regards the resulting clusters as super-nodes and connections between two clusters as super-edges. The hierarchical graph pooling operators aggregate the representations of nodes in super-nodes via aggregation functions such as max pooling and average pooling to compute the representations of the super-nodes. The literature proposes the EigenPooling method and presents the relationship between the original and coarsened graph. In order to construct a coarsened graph of \(G\), a graph clustering method is employed to partition \(G\) into \(K\) disjoint clusters, namely \(\left\{G_k:k=1,\cdots,K\right\}\). Suppose each cluster \(G_k\) has \(N_k\) nodes, namely \(\left\{v_{k,1},\cdots,v_{k,N_k}\right\}\), and its adjacency matrix is denoted as \(A_{G_k}\). The coarsened graph \(G_{\text{coar}}\) of \(G\) can be constructed by regarding the clusters \(G_k,k=1,\cdots,K\) as super-nodes and connections between two super-nodes as edges. For \(G_k\), its sampling matrix \(C_k\) of size \(\left(N\times N_k\right)\) is defined by \[C_k(s,t)=\left\{ \begin{array}{lll} 1 && \text{if node \(v_{k,s}\) in \(G_k\) is identical to vertex \(v_{t}\) in \(G\)} \\ [2mm] 0 && \text{otherwise} \end{array} \right.\] On one hand, \(C_k\) can be used to down-sample a \(1\text{-dimensional}\) graph signal \(x\) on \(G\) to obtain an contracted graph signal \(x_{G_k}\) on \(G_k\), i.e. \(x_{G_k}=C_k^Tx\). On the other hand, \(C_k\) can also be used to up-sample a graph signal \(x_{G_k}\) on \(G_k\) to obtain a dilated graph \(G\), i.e. \(x=C_kx_{G_k}\). Furthermore, the adjacency matrix \(A_{G_k}\) of \(G_k\) can be computed by \[A_{G_k}=C_k^TA_GC_k.\] The intra-subgraph adjacency matrix of \(G\) is computed by \(A_{\text{intra}}=\sum_{k=1}^KC_kA_{G_k}C_k^T\). Thereby, the inter-subgraph adjacency matrix of \(G\) can be computed by \(A_{\text{inter}}=A_G-A_{\text{intra}}\). Let \(M_{\text{coar}}\in\mathbb{R}^{N\times K}\) denote the assignment matrix from \(G\) to \(G_{\text{coar}}\). Its \((j,k)\text{-th}\) entry is defined as \[M_{\text{coar}}[j,k]=\left\{ \begin{array}{lll} 1 && \text{if \(v_j\) in \(G\) is grouped into \(G_k\) in \(G_{\text{coar}}\)} \\ [2mm] 0 && \text{otherwise} \\ \end{array} \right.\] As a result, the adjacency matrix \(A_{\text{coar}}\) of the coarsened graph \(G_{\text{coar}}\) is computed by \(A_{\text{coar}}=M_{\text{coar}}^TA_{\text{inter}}M_{\text{coar}}\). In fact, \(A_{\text{coar}}\) can be written as \(A_{\text{coar}}=f\left(M_{\text{coar}}^TA_GM_{\text{coar}}\right)\) as well, where \(f(\widetilde{a}_{i,j})=1\) if \(\widetilde{a}_{i,j}>0\) and \(f(\widetilde{a}_{i,j})=0\) otherwise. As stated previously, \(X\) is a \(d\text{-dimensional}\) graph signal on \(G\). Then, a \(d\text{-dimensional}\) graph signal \(X_{\text{coar}}\) on \(G_{\text{coar}}\) can be computed by \(X_{\text{coar}}=M_{\text{coar}}^TX\). EigenPooling employs spectral clustering to obtain the coarsened graph, and then up-sample the Fourier basis of subgraphs \(G_k,k=1,\cdots,K\). These Fourier basis are then organized into pooling operators with regard to ascending eigenvalues. Consequently, the pooled node feature matrix is obtained via concatenating the pooled results. The literature proposes a novel Hierarchical Graph Convolutional Network (H-GCN) consisting of graph coarsening layers and graph refining layers. The former employs structural equivalence grouping and structural similarity grouping to construct the coarsened graph, and the latter restores the original topological structure of the corresponding graph. **Learning a soft cluster assignment.** [StructPool]{.smallcaps}, as a structured graph pooling technique, regards the graph pooling as a graph clustering problem so as to learn a cluster assignment matrix via the feature matrix \(X\) and adjacency matrix \(A_G\). Learning the cluster assignment matrix can formulated as a Conditional Random Field (CRF) based probabilistic inference. Specifically, the input feature matrix \(X\) is treated as global observation, and \(Y=\left\{Y_1,\cdots,Y_N\right\}\) is a random field where \(Y_i\in\{1,\cdots,K\}\) is a random variable indicating which clusters the node \(v_i\) is assigned to. As a result, \(\left(Y,X\right)\) can be characterized by a CRF model, i.e. \[\begin{array}{lll} \mathbb{P}(Y|X) & = & \dfrac{1}{Z(X)}\exp\left(-\mathcal{E}(Y|X)\right) \\[2mm] & = & \dfrac{1}{Z(X)}\exp\left(\displaystyle\sum_{C\in\mathcal{C}_G}\psi_C(Y_C|X)\right) \end{array}\] where \(\mathcal{E}(Y|X)=-\sum_{C\in\mathcal{C}_G}\psi_C(Y_C|X)\) is called an energy function, \(\mathcal{C}_G\) is a set of cliques, \(\psi_C(Y_C|X)\) is a potential function and \(Z(X)\) is a partition function. The energy function \(\mathcal{E}(Y|X)\) can be characterized by an unary energy \(\psi_u(\cdot)\) and a pairwise energy \(\psi_p(\cdot,\cdot)\), i.e. \[\mathcal{E}(Y|X)=\sum_{s=1}^N\psi_u(y_s|X)+\sum_{s\neq t}\psi_p(y_s,y_t|X)a_{s,t}^l,\] where \(a_{s,t}^l\) denotes the \((s,t)\text{-th}\) entry of the \(l\text{-hop}\) adjacency matrix \(A_G^l\). The unary energy matrix \(\Psi_u=\left(\psi_u(y_s|X)\right)_{N\times K}\) can be obtained by a GCNN taking the global observation \(X\) and the adjacency \(A_G\) as input. The pairwise energy matrix \(\Psi_p=\left(\psi_p(y_s,y_t|X)\right)_{K\times K}\) can be obtained by \[\psi_p(y_s,y_t|X)=\mu(y_s,y_t)\frac{x_s^Tx_t}{\sum_{j\neq s}x_s^Ts_j},\] where \(\mu(y_s,y_t)\) is a learnable compatibility function. Minimizing the energy function \(\mathcal{E}(Y|X)\) via mean-field approximation results in the most probable cluster assignment matrix \(M\) for a give graph \(G\). As a result, we obtain a new graph \(A_{\text{coar}}=f\left(M^TA_GM\right)\) and \(X_{\text{coar}}=M^TX\). [DiffPool]{.smallcaps} is a differentiable graph pooling operator which can generate hierarchical representations of graphs and can be incorporated into various GCNNs in an end-to-end fashion. It maps an adjacency matrix \(A_{G^{(l)}}\) and embedding matrix \(Z^{(l)}\) at the \(l\text{-th}\) layer to a new adjacency matrix \(A_{G^{(l+1)}}\) and a coarsened feature matrix \(X^{(l+1)}\), i.e. \(\left(A_{G^{(l+1)}},X^{(l+1)}\right)=\text{\textsc{DiffPool}}\left(A_{G^{(l)}},Z^{(l)}\right)\). More specifically, \(X^{(l+1)}=\left(M^{(l)}\right)^TZ^{(l)}\), \(A_{G^{(l+1)}}=\left(M^{(l)}\right)^TA_{G^{(l)}}M^{(l)}\). Note that the assignment matrix \(M^{(l)}\) and embedding matrix \(Z^{(l)}\) are respectively computed by two separate GCNNs, namely embedding GCNN and pooling GCNN, i.e. \(Z^{(l)}=\text{GCNN}_{\text{embed}}\left(A_{G^{(l)}},X^{(l)}\right)\), \(M^{(l)}=\text{Softmax}\left(\text{GCNN}_{\text{pool}}\left(A_{G^{(l)}},X^{(l)}\right)\right)\). **Selecting the first \(k\) top-rank nodes.** The literature proposes a novel Self-Attention Graph Pooling operator (abbreviated as SAGPool). Specifically, SAGPool firstly employs the GCN to calculate the self-attention scores, and then invokes the top-rank function to select the top \(\lceil kN\rceil\) node indices, i.e. \[\begin{array}{lll} Z=\rho\left(\widetilde{D}_G^{-\frac{1}{2}}\widetilde{A}_G\widetilde{D}_G^{-\frac{1}{2}}X\Theta\right), & \text{idx}=\text{top-rank}\left(Z,\lceil kN\rceil\right), & Z_{\text{mask}}=Z_{\text{idx}} \\ X'=X_{\text{idx}}, & X_{\text{out}}=X'\circledast Z_{\text{mask}}, & A_{\text{out}}=A_{\text{idx},\text{idx}}. \end{array}\] As a result, the selected \(\text{top-}\lceil kN\rceil\) node indices are employed to extract the output adjacency matrix \(A_{\text{out}}\) and feature matrix \(X_{\text{out}}\). In order to exploit the expressive power of an encoder-decoder architecture like U-Net, the literature proposes a novel graph pooling (gPool) layer and a graph unpooling (gUnpool) layer. The gPool adaptively selects \(\text{top-}k\) ranked node indices by the down-sampling technique to form a coarsened graph (\(A_{\text{coar}}\in\mathbb{R}^{N\times N}\) and \(X_{\text{coar}}\in\mathbb{R}^{N\times d}\)) based on scalar projection values on a learnable projection vector, i.e. \[\begin{array}{lll} y=\frac{Xp}{\|p\|}, & \text{idx}=\text{top-rank}(y,k), & \widetilde{y}=\tanh(y_{\text{idx}}) \\ \widetilde{X}_{\text{coar}}=X_{\text{idx},:}, & A_{\text{coar}}=A_{\text{idx},\text{idx}}, & X_{\text{coar}}=\widetilde{X}_{\text{coar}}\circledast(\widetilde{y}\mathbf{1}_C^T), \end{array}\] where \(y\in\mathbb{R}^{d}\). The gUnpool performs the inverse operation of the gPool layer so as to restore the coarsened graph into its original structure. To this end, gUnpool records the locations of nodes selected in the corresponding gPool layer, and then restores the selected nodes to their original positions in the graph. Specifically, let \(X_{\text{refine}}=\text{Distribute}(0_{N\times d},X_{\text{coar}},\text{idx})\), where the function \(\text{Distribute}(\cdot,\cdot,\cdot)\) distributes row vectors in \(X_{\text{coar}}\) into \(0_{N\times d}\) feature matrix according to the indices \(\text{idx}\). Note that row vectors of \(X_{\text{refine}}\) with indices in \(idx\) are updated by the ones in \(X_{\text{coar}}\), whereas other row vectors remain zero. It is worth noting that the literature adopts the similar pooling strategy as gPool to learn the hierarchical representations of nodes.
## Graph Attention Mechanisms
Attention mechanisms, firstly introduced in the deep learning community, guide deep learning models to focus on the task-relevant part of its inputs so as to make precise predictions or inferences. Recently, applying the attention mechanisms to GCNNs has gained considerable attentions so that various attention techniques have been proposed. Below, we summarize the graph attention mechanisms on graphs from the next 4 perspectives, namely softmax-based graph attention, similarity-based graph attention, spectral graph attention and attention-guided walk. Without loss of generality, the neighbors of a given node \(v_0\) in \(G\) are denoted as \(v_1,\cdots,v_{d_0}\), and their current feature vectors are respectively denoted as \(x_0,x_1,\cdots,x_{d_0}\), where \(d_0=d_{G}(v_0)\).
### Concatenation-based Graph Attention.
The softmax-based graph attention is typically implemented by employing a softmax with learnable weights to measure the relevance of \(v_j,j=1,\cdots,d_G(v_0)\) to \(v_0\). More specifically, the softmax-based attention weights between \(v_0\) and \(v_j\) can be defined as \[\label{Softmax-based Attention} \begin{array}{lll} \omega_{0,j} & = & \text{Softmax}\left(\left[e_{0,1},\cdots,e_{0,d_G(v_0)}\right]\right) \\[2mm] & = & \dfrac{\exp\left(\rho\left(a^T(Wx_0\bowtie Wx_j)\right)\right)}{\sum_{k=1}^{d_G(v_0)}\exp\left(\rho\left(a^T(Wx_0\bowtie W_k)\right)\right)}, \end{array}\] where \(e_{0,j}=\exp\left(\rho\left(a^T(Wx_0\bowtie Wx_j)\right)\right)\), \(a\) is a learnable attention vector and \(W\) is a learnable weight matrix, see Fig. [\[GAT\]](#GAT){reference-type="ref" reference="GAT"}(a). As a result, the new feature vector of \(v_0\) can be updated by \[\label{Single_Graph_Attention} x'_{0}=\rho\left(\sum_{j=1}^{d_G(v_0)}\omega_{0,j}Wx_j\right).\] In practice, multi-head attention mechanisms are usually employed to stabilize the learning process of the single-head attention. For the multi-head attention, assume that the feature vector of each head is \(x_0^{(h)}=\rho\left(\sum_{j=1}^{d_G(v_0)}\omega_{0,j}^{(h)}W^{(h)}x_j\right)\). The concatenation based multi-head attention is computed by \(x'_0=\bowtie_{h=1}^H x_0^{(h)}=\bowtie_{h=1}^H \rho\left(\sum_{j=1}^{d_G(v_0)}\omega_{0,j}^{(h)}W^{(h)}x_j\right)\). The average based multi-head attention is computed by \(x'_0=\rho\left(\frac{1}{H}\sum_{h=1}^H\sum_{j=1}^{d_G(v_0)}\omega_{0,j}^{(h)}W^{(h)}x_j\right)\). The conventional multi-head attention mechanism treats all the attention heads equally so that feeding the output of an attention that captures a useless representation maybe mislead the final prediction of the model. The literature computes an additional soft gate to assign different weights to heads, and gets the formulation of the gated multi-head attention mechanism. The Graph Transformer (GTR) can capture long-range dependencies of dynamic graphs with softmax-based attention mechanism by propagating features within the same graph structure via an intra-graph message passing. The Graph-BERT is essentially a pre-training method only based on the graph attention mechanism without any graph convolution or aggregation operators. Its key component is called a graph transformer based encoder, i.e. \(X^{(l+1)}=\text{Softmax}\left(\frac{QK^T}{\sqrt{d_h}}\right)V\), where \(Q=X^{(l)}W_Q^{(l+1)}\), \(K=X^{(l)}W_K^{(l+1)}\) and \(V=X^{(l)}W_V^{(l+1)}\). The Graph2Seq is a general end-to-end graph-to-sequence neural encoder-decoder model converting an input graph to a sequence of vectors with the attention based LSTM model. It is composed of a graph encoder, a sequence decoder and a node attention mechanism. The sequence decoder takes outputs (node and graph representations) of the graph encoder as input, and employs the softmax-based attention to compute the context vector sequence.
### Similarity-based Graph Attention.
The similarity-based graph attention depends on the cosine similarities of the given node \(v_0\) and its neighbors \(v_j,j=1,\cdots,d_G(v_0)\). More specifically, the similarity-based attention weights are computed by \[\label{Similarity-based Attention} \omega_{0,j}=\dfrac{\exp\left(\beta\cdot\cos\left(Wx_0,Wx_j\right)\right)}{\sum_{k=1}^{d_G(v_0)}\exp\left(\beta\cdot\cos\left(Wx_0,Wx_k\right)\right)},\] where \(\beta\) is learnable bias and \(W\) is a learnable weight matrix, see Fig. [\[GAT\]](#GAT){reference-type="ref" reference="GAT"}(b). It is well known that \(\cos\left(x,y\right)=\frac{\langle x,y\rangle}{\|x\|_2\|y\|_2}\). Attention-based Graph Neural Network (AGNN) adopts the similarity-based attention to construct the propagation matrix \(P^{(l)}\) capturing the relevance of \(v_j\) to \(v_i\). As a result, the output hidden representation \(X^{(l+1)}\) at the \((l+1)\text{-th}\) layer is computed by \[X^{(l+1)}=\rho\left(P^{(l)}X^{(l)}W^{(l)}\right),\] where \(P^{(l)}(i,j)\triangleq\omega_{i,j}\) is defined in formula ([\[Similarity-based Attention\]](#Similarity-based Attention){reference-type="ref" reference="Similarity-based Attention"}).
### Spectral Graph Attention.
The Spectral Graph Attention Networks (SpGAT) aims to learn representations for different frequency components. The eigenvalues of the normalized graph Laplacian \(\overline{L}_G\) can be treated as frequencies on the graph \(G\). As stated in the Preliminary section, \(0=\lambda_1\leq\lambda_2\leq\cdots\leq\lambda_N=\lambda_{\max}\). The SpGAT firstly extracts the low-frequency component \(B_L=\left\{u_1,\cdots,u_{n}\right\}\) and the high-frequency component \(B_H=\left\{u_{N-n+1},\cdots,u_N\right\}\) from the graph Fourier bases \(\left\{u_1,u_2,\cdots,u_N\right\}\). So, we have \[\label{Spectral Graph Attention Networks} \begin{array}{l} X_L=X^{(l)}\Theta_L,\quad X_H=X^{(l)}\Theta_H \\ X^{(l+1)}=\rho\left(\text{\textsc{Aggregate}}\left(B_LF_LB_L^TX_L,B_HF_HB_H^TX_H\right)\right), \end{array}\] where \(F_L\) and \(F_H\) respectively measure the importance of the low-and high-frequency. In practice, we exploit a re-parameterization trick to accelerate the training. More specifically, we replace \(F_L\) and \(F_H\) respectively with the learnable attention weights \(\Omega_L=\text{diag}\left(\omega_L,\cdots,\omega_L\right)\) and \(\Omega_H=\text{diag}\left(\omega_H,\cdots,\omega_H\right)\) so as to reduce the number of learnable parameters. To ensure that \(\omega_L\) and \(\omega_H\) are positive and comparable, we normalize them by the softmax function, i.e. \(\omega_L=\frac{\exp\left(\omega_L\right)}{\exp\left(\omega_L\right)+\exp\left(\omega_H\right)},\quad \omega_H=\frac{\exp\left(\omega_H\right)}{\exp\left(\omega_L\right)+\exp\left(\omega_H\right)}\). In addition to the attention weights, another important issue is how to choose the low-and high-frequency components \(B_L\) and \(B_H\). A natural choice is to use the graph Fourier bases, yet the literatures conclude that utilizing the spectral graph wavelet operators can achieve better embedding results than the graph Fourier bases. Therefore, we substitute \(B_L\) and \(B_H\) in Eq. ([\[Spectral Graph Attention Networks\]](#Spectral Graph Attention Networks){reference-type="ref" reference="Spectral Graph Attention Networks"}) for the spectral graph wavelet operator \(\Psi_{L,g}^s\) and \(\Psi_{H,g}^s\), i.e. \[X^{(l+1)}=\rho\left(\text{\textsc{Aggregate}}\left(\left(\Psi_{L,g}^s\right)F_L\left(\Psi_{L,g}^s\right)^{-1}X_L,\left(\Psi_{H,g}^s\right)F_H\left(\Psi_{H,g}^s\right)^{-1}X_H\right)\right).\]
### Attention-guided Walk.
The two aforementioned kinds of attention mechanisms focus on incorporating task-relevant information from the neighbors of a given node into the updated representations of the pivot. Here, we introduce a new attention mechanism, namely attention-guided walk, which has different purpose from the softmax-and similarity-based attention mechanisms. Suppose a walker walks along the edges of the graph \(G\) and he currently locates at the node \(v_t\). The hidden representation \(x^{(t)}\) of \(v_t\) is computed by a recurrent neural network \(f_x\left(\cdot\right)\) taking the step embedding \(s^{(t)}\) and internal representation of the historical information from the previous step \(x^{(t-1)}\) as input, i.e. \[x^{(t)}=f_x\left(s^{(t)},x^{(t-1)};\Theta_x\right).\] The step embedding \(s^{(t)}\) is computed by a step network \(f_s\left(r^{(t-1)},x_{v_t};\Theta_s\right)\) taking the ranking vector \(r^{(t-1)}\) and the input feature vector \(x_{v_t}\) of the top-priority node \(v_t\) as input, i.e. \[s^{(t)}=f_s\left(r^{(t-1)},x_{v_t};\Theta_s\right).\] The hidden representation \(x^{(t)}\) is then feeded into a ranking network \(f_r\left(x^{(t)};\Theta_r\right)\) and a predicting network \(f_p\left(x^{(t)};\Theta_p\right)\), i.e. \[r^{(t)}=f_r\left(x^{(t)};\Theta_r\right), \quad\hat{l}^{(t)}=f_p\left(x^{(t)};\Theta_p\right).\] The ranking network \(f_r\left(x^{(t)};\Theta_r\right)\) determines which neighbors of \(v_t\) should be prioritized in the next step, and the predicting network \(f_p\left(x^{(t)};\Theta_p\right)\) makes a prediction on graph labels. Now, \(x^{(t)}\) and \(r^{(t)}\) are feeded into the next node to compute its hidden representations. Fig. [\[attention-guided-walk\]](#attention-guided-walk){reference-type="ref" reference="attention-guided-walk"} shows the computational framework of the attention-guided walk.
## Graph Recurrent Neural Networks
The Graph Recurrent Neural Networks (GRNNs) generalize the Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) to process the graph-structured data. In general, the GRNN can be formulated as \(h_{v_j}^{(l+1)}=\text{GRNN}\left(x_{v_j}^{(l)},\left\{h_{v_k}^{(l)}:v_k\in N_G(v_j)\cup\left\{v_j\right\}\right\}\right)\). Below, we introduce some available GRNN architectures.
### Graph LSTM
The Graph Long Short Term Memroy (Graph LSTM) generalizes the vanilla LSTM for the sequential data to the ones for general graph-structured data. Specifically, the graph LSTM updates the hidden states and cell states of nodes by the following formula, \[\begin{array}{ll} i_{v_j}^{(l+1)}=\sigma\left(W_ix_{v_j}^{(l)}+\sum_{v_k\in N_G(v_j)\cup\left\{v_j\right\}}U_ih_{v_k}^{(l)}+b_i\right), \\ [2mm] o_{v_j}^{(l+1)}=\sigma\left(W_ox_{v_j}^{(l)}+\sum_{v_k\in N_G(v_j)\cup\left\{v_j\right\}}U_oh_{v_k}^{(l)}+b_o\right) \\ [2mm] \widetilde{c}_{v_j}^{(l+1)}=\tanh\left(W_cx_{v_j}^{(l)}+\sum_{v_k\in N_G(v_j)\cup\left\{v_j\right\}}U_ch_{v_k}^{(l)}+b_c\right), \\ [2mm] f_{v_j,v_k}^{(l+1)}=\sigma\left(W_fx_{v_j}^{(l)}+U_fh_{v_k}^{(l)}+b_f\right) \\ [2mm] c_{v_j}^{(l+1)}=i_{v_j}^{(l+1)}\circledast\widetilde{c}_{v_j}^{(l+1)}+\sum_{v_k\in N_G{v_j}\cup\left\{v_j\right\}}f_{v_j,v_k}^{(l+1)}\circledast c_{v_k}^{(l)}, \\ [2mm] h_{v_j}^{(l+1)}=o_{v_j}^{(l+1)}\circledast\tanh(c_{v_j}^{(l+1)}). \end{array}\] see the Fig. [\[Graph LSTM\]](#Graph LSTM){reference-type="ref" reference="Graph LSTM"}. The literature develops a general framework, named structure-evolving LSTM, for learning interpretable data representations via the graph LSTM. It progressively evolves the multi-level node representations by stochastically merging two adjacent nodes with high compatibilities estimated by the adaptive forget gate of the graph LSTM. As a result, the new graph is produced with a Metropolis-Hastings sampling method. The Gated Graph Sequence Neural Networks (GGS-NNs) employs the Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) to modify the vanilla GCNNs so that it can be extended to process the sequential data.
### GRNNs for Dynamic Graphs
A dynamic graph is the one whose structure (i.e. adding a node, removing a node, adding an edge, removing an edge) or features on nodes/edges evolve over time. The GRNNs are a straightforward approach to tackling dynamic graphs. Below, we introduce some studies on the GRNNs for dynamic graphs. The literature proposes a Dynamic Graph Neural Network (DGNN) concerning the dynamic graph only with nodes or edges adding. More specifically, the DGNN is composed of two key components: an update component and a propagation component. Suppose an edge \((v_s,v_g,t)\) is added to the input dynamic graph at time \(t\). Let \(t-\) denotes a time before the time \(t\). The update component consists of three sequential units: the interacting unit, the S-or G-update unit and the merging unit. The interacting unit takes the source and target representations before the time \(t\) as input, and outputs the joint representation of the interaction, i.e. \(x_e^{(t)}=\rho\left(W_sx_s^{(t-)}+W_gx_g^{(t-)}+b_e\right)\). The S-and G-update units employ the LSTM to respectively update the cell states and hidden states of the source and target, i.e. \[\begin{array}{l} \left(C_{v_s}^{(t)},h_{v_s}^{(t)}\right)=\text{LSTM}_s\left(C_{v_s}^{(t-)},h_{v_s}^{(t-)},\Delta t_s\right),\quad \left(C_{v_g}^{(t)},h_{v_g}^{(t)}\right)=\text{LSTM}_g\left(C_{v_g}^{(t-)},h_{v_g}^{(t-)},\Delta t_g\right). \end{array}\] The merging unit adopts the similar functions to the interacting unit to respectively merge \(h_{v_s}^{(t)}\) and \(h_{v_s}^{t-}\), and \(h_{v_g}^{(t)}\) and \(h_{v_g}^{t-}\). The propagation component can propagate information from two interacting nodes (\(v_s\) and \(v_g\)) to influenced nodes (i.e. their neighbors). It also consists of three units: the interacting unit, the propagation unit and the merge unit, which are defined similarly to the update component except that they have different learnable parameters. The literature addresses the vertex-and graph-focused prediction tasks on dynamic graphs with a fixed node set by combining GCNs, LSTMs and fully connected layers. The Variational Graph Recurrent Neural Networks (VGRNNs) is essentially a variational graph auto-encoder whose encoder integrates the GCN and RNN into a graph RNN (GRNN) framework and decoder is a joint probability distribution of a multi-variate Gaussian distribution and Bernoulli Distribution. The semi-implicit variational inference is employed to approximate the posterior so as to generate the node embedding.
### GRNNs based on Vanilla RNNs
The GRNNs based on vanilla RNNs firstly employ random walk techniques or traversal methods, e.g. Breadth-First Search (BFS) and Depth-First Search (DFS), to obtain a collection of node sequences, and then leverage a RNN, e.g. LSTM and GRU, to capture long short-term dependencies. The literature performs joint random walks on attributed networks, and utilizes them to boost the deep node representation learning. The proposed GraphRNA in consists of two key components, namely a collaborative walking mechanism AttriWalk and a tailored deep embedding architecture for joint random walks GRN. Suppose \(\mathcal{A}_G\) denotes the node-attribute matrix of size \(N\times M\). The AtriWalk admits the transition matrix of size \(\mathbb{R}_+^{(N+M)\times(N+M)}\) which is written as \[\mathcal{T}= \left[ \begin{array}{cc} \alpha A_G & (1-\alpha)\mathcal{A}_G \\ (1-\alpha)\mathcal{A}_G^T & 0 \end{array} \right].\] After obtaining the sequences via the collaborative random walk, the bi-directional GRU and pooling operator are employed to learn the global representations of sequences. The literature leverages the BFS node ordering and truncation strategy to obtain a collection of node representation sequences, and then uses the GRU model and variational auto-regression regularization to perform the graph classification.
# Extensions and Applications
The aforementioned architectures essentially provide ingredients of constructing the GNNs for us. Below, we investigate the extensions of the GNNs from the next 8 aspects: GCNNs on spectral graphs, capability and interpretability, deep graph representation learning, deep graph generative models, combinations of the PI and GNNs, adversarial attacks for the GNNs, graph neural architecture search and graph reinforcement learning, and briefly summarize the applications of the GNNs at last.
## GCNNs on Special Graphs
The vanilla GCNNs aims at learning the representations of input graphs (directed or undirected, weighted or unweighted). The real-world graphs may have more additional characteristics, e.g. spatial-temporal graphs, heterogeneous graphs, hyper-graphs, signed graphs and so all. The GCNN for signed graphs leverage the balance theory to aggregate and propagate information through positive and negative links.
### Heterogeneous Graphs.
Heterogeneous Graphs are composed of nodes and edges of different types, and each type of edges is called a relation between two types of nodes. For example, a bibliographic information network contains at least 4 types of nodes, namely Author, Paper, Venue and Term, and at least 3 types of edges, namely Author-Paper, Term-Paper and Venue-Paper. The heterogeneity and rich semantic information brings great challenges for designing heterogeneous graph convolutional neural networks. In general, a heterogeneous graph can be denoted as \(H=(V,E,\nu,\zeta)\), where \(\nu(v)\) denotes the type of node \(v\in V\) and \(\zeta(e)\) denotes the type of edge \(e\in E\). Let \(\mathcal{T}^v\) and \(\mathcal{T}^e\) respectively denote the set of node types and edge types. Below, we summarize the vanilla heterogeneous GCNNs, namely HetGNNs. **Vanilla Heterogeneous GCNNs.** The Heterogeneous Graph Neural Networks (HetGNNs) aims to resolve the issue of jointly considering heterogeneous structural information as well as heterogeneous content information of nodes. It firstly samples a fixed size of strongly correlated heterogeneous neighbors for each node via a Random Walk with Restart (RWR) and groups them into different node types. Then, it aggregates feature information of those sampled neighboring nodes via a bi-directional Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) and attention mechanism. Running RWR with a restart probability \(p\) from node \(v\) will yield a collection of a fixed number of nodes, denoted as \(\text{RWR}(v)\). For each node type \(t\), the \(t\text{-type}\) neighbors \(N_G^t(v)\) of node \(v\) denotes the set of \(\text{top-}k_t\) nodes from \(\text{RWR}(v)\) with regard to frequency. Let \(\mathcal{C}_v\) denote the heterogeneous contents of node \(v\), which can be encoded as a fixed size embedding via a function \(f_1(v)\), i.e. \[f_1(v)=\dfrac{\sum_{j\in\mathcal{C}_v}\left[\overrightarrow{\text{LSTM}}\left(\mathcal{FC}_{\theta_x}(x_j)\right)\bowtie\overleftarrow{\text{LSTM}}\left(\mathcal{FC}_{\theta_x}(x_j)\right)\right]}{|\mathcal{C}_v|},\] where \(\mathcal{FC}_{\theta_x}(\cdot)\) denotes feature transformer, e.g. identity or fully connected neural networks with parameter \(\theta_x\), and \(\overrightarrow{\text{LSTM}}\left(\cdot\right)\) and \(\overleftarrow{\text{LSTM}}\left(.\right)\) is defined by the Eq. ([\[LSTM Formulation\]](#LSTM Formulation){reference-type="ref" reference="LSTM Formulation"}). The content embedding of the \(t\text{-type}\) neighbors of node \(v\) can be aggregated as follows, \[\begin{array}{lcl} f_2^t(v) & = & \text{\textsc{Aggregate}}^T\left(\left\{f_1(v'):v'\in N_G^t(v)\right\}\right) \\[2mm] & = & \dfrac{\sum_{v'\in N_G^t(v)}\left[\overrightarrow{\text{LSTM}}(f_1(v'))\bowtie\overleftarrow{\text{LSTM}}(f_1(v'))\right]}{|N_G^t(v)|}. \end{array}\] Let \(\mathcal{F}(v)=\{f_1(v)\}\cup\{f_2^t(v):t\in\mathcal{T}^v\}\). As a result, the output embedding of node \(v\) can be obtained via the attention mechanism, i.e. \(\mathcal{E}_v=\sum_{f_j(v)\in\mathcal{F}(v)}\omega_{v,j}f_j(v)\), where the attention weights is computed by \(\omega_{v,j}=\dfrac{\exp\left(\rho\left(u^t\left[f_j(v)\bowtie f_1(v)\right]\right)\right)}{\sum_{f_j(v)\in\mathcal{F}(v)}\exp\left(\rho\left(u^t\left[f_j(v)\bowtie f_1(v)\right]\right)\right)}\). In addition, the GraphInception can be employed to learn the hierarchical relational features on heterogeneous graphs by converting the input graph into a multi-channel graph (each meta path as a channel). **Heterogeneous Graph Attention Mechanism.** The literature firstly proposes a hierarchical attention based heterogeneous GCNNs consisting of node-level and semantic-level attentions. The node-level attention aims to learn the attention weights of a node and its meta-path-based neighbors, and the semantic-level attention aims to learn the importance of different meta-paths. More specifically, given a meta path \(\Phi\), the node-level attention weight of a node \(v_i\) and its meta-path-based neighbors \(v_j\in N_G^{\Phi}(v_i)\) is defined to be \[\omega_{j,k}^{\Phi}=\dfrac{\exp\left(\rho\left(a_{\Phi}^T(M_{\nu(v_j)}x_j\bowtie M_{\nu(v_k)}x_k)\right)\right)}{\sum_{v_k\in N_G^{\Phi}(v_j)}\exp\left(\rho\left(a_{\Phi}^T(M_{\nu(v_j)}x_j\bowtie M_{\nu(v_k)}x_k)\right)\right)},\] where \(M_{\nu(v_j)}\) transforms the feature vectors of nodes of type \(\nu(v_j)\) in different vector spaces into a unified vector space. The embedding of node \(v_i\) under the meta path \(\Phi\) can be computed by \[x_j^{\Phi,l+1}=\bowtie_{k=1}^K\rho\left(\sum_{k\in N_G^{\Phi}(v_j)}\omega_{j,k}^{\Phi}M_{\nu(v_k)}x_k^{\Phi,l}\right).\] Given a meta-path set \(\left\{\Phi_0,\cdots,\Phi_P\right\}\), performing the node-level attention layers under each meta path will yield a set of semantic-specific node representations, namely \(\left\{X^{\Phi_0},\cdots,X^{\Phi_P}\right\}\). The semantic-level attention weight of the meta path \(\Phi_j\) is defined as \[\beta^{\Phi_j}=\dfrac{\exp\left(\omega^{\Phi_j}\right)}{\sum_{p=1}^P\exp\left(\omega^{\Phi_p}\right)},\] where \(\omega^{\Phi_p}=\frac{1}{|V|}\sum_{v_k\in V}q^T\tanh\left(Wx_k^{\Phi_p}+b\right)\). As a result, the embedding matrix \(X=\sum_{p=1}^P\beta^{\Phi_p}X^{\Phi_p}\). In addition, there are some available studies on the GCNNs for multi-relational graphs and the transformer for dynamic heterogeneous graphs.
### Spatio-Temporal Graphs.
Spatio-temporal graphs can be used to model traffic networks and skeleton networks. In general, a spatio-temporal graph is denoted as \(G_{ST}=(V_{ST},E_{ST})\) where \(V_{ST}=\{v_{t,j}:t=1,\cdots,T,j=1,\cdots,N_{ST}\}\). The edge set \(E_{ST}\) is composed of two types of edges, namely spatial edges and temporal edges. All spatial edges \((v_{t,j},v_{t,k})\in E_{ST}\) are collected in the intra-frame edge set \(E_S\), and all temporal edges \((v_{t,j},v_{t+1,j})\in E_{ST}\) are collected in the inter-frame edge set \(E_T\). The literature proposes a novel deep learning framework, namely Spatio-Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks (STGCN), to tackle the traffic forecasting problem. Specifically, STGCN consists of several layers of spatio-temporal convolutional blocks, each of which has a \"sandwich\" structure with two temporal gated convolution layers (abbreviated as Temporal Gated-Conv) and a spatial graph convolution layer in between (abbreviated as Spatial Graph-Conv). The Spatial Graph-Conv exploits the conventional GCNNs to extract the spatial features, whereas the Temporal Gated-Conv the temporal gated convolution operator to extract temporal features. Suppose that the input of the temporal gated convolution for each node is a \(\text{length-}M\) sequence with \(C_{\text{in}}\) channels, i.e. \(X\in\mathbb{R}^{M\times C_{\text{in}}}\). The temporal gated convolution kernel \(\Gamma\in\mathbb{R}^{K\times C_{\text{in}}\times 2C_{\text{out}}}\) is used to filter the input \(Y\), i.e. \[\Gamma\ast_T Y=P\circledast\sigma(Q)\in\mathbb{R}^{(M-K+1)\times C_{\text{out}}},\] to yield an output \(P\bowtie Q\in\mathbb{R}^{(M-K+1)\times(2C_{\text{out}})}\). The Spatial Graph-Conv takes a tensor \(\underline{X}^{(l)}\in\mathbb{R}^{M\times N_{ST}\times C^{(l)}}\) as input, and outputs a tensor \(\underline{X}^{(l+1)}\in\mathbb{R}^{(M-2(K-1))\times N_{ST}\times C^{(l+1)}}\), i.e. \[\underline{X}^{(l+1)}=\Gamma_1^{(l)}\ast_T\rho\left(\Theta^{(l)}\ast_G\left(\Gamma_0^{(l)}\ast_T X^{(l)}\right)\right),\] where \(\Gamma_{0}^{(l)},\Gamma_1^{(l)}\) are the upper and lower temporal kernel and \(\Theta^{(l)}\) is the spectral kernel of the graph convolution. In addition, some other studies pay attention to the GCNNs on the spatio-temporal graphs from other perspectives, e.g. Structural-RNN via a factor graph representation of the spatio-temporal graph and GCRNN combining the vanilla GCNN and RNN.
### Hypergraphs.
The aforementioned GCNN architectures are concerned with the conventional graphs consisting of pairwise connectivity between two nodes. However, there could be even more complicated connections between nodes beyond the pairwise connectivity, e.g. co-authorship networks. Under such circumstances, a hypergraph, as a generalization to the convectional graph, provides a flexible and elegant modeling tools to represent these complicated connections between nodes. A hypergraph is usually denoted as \(\mathcal{G}=(\mathcal{V},\mathcal{E},\omega)\), where \(\mathcal{V}=\{v_1,\cdots,v_N\}\) like the conventional graph, \(\mathcal{E}=\{e_1,\cdots,e_M\}\) is a set of \(M\) hyperedges. \(\omega(e_k)\) denote weights of hyperedges \(e_k\in\mathcal{E}\). A non-trivial hyperedge is a subset of \(\mathcal{V}\) with at least 2 nodes. In particular, a trivial hyperedge, called a self-loop, is composed of a single node. The hypergraph \(\mathcal{G}\) can also be denoted by an incidence matrix \(\mathcal{H}_{\mathcal{G}}\in\mathbb{R}^{N\times M}\), i.e. \[\mathcal{H}_{\mathcal{G}}[j,k]= \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 0, & v_j\notin e_k \\ 1, & v_j\in e_k. \end{array} \right.\] For a node \(v_j\in\mathcal{V}\), its degree \(\text{deg}_{\mathcal{V}}(v_j)=\sum_{e_k\in\mathcal{E}}\omega(e_k)\mathcal{H}_{\mathcal{G}}[j,k]\). For a hyperedge \(e_k\in\mathcal{E}\), its degree \(\text{deg}_{\mathcal{E}}(e_k)=\sum_{v_j\in e_k}\mathcal{H}_{\mathcal{G}}[j,k]\). Let \(\mathcal{D}_{\mathcal{V}}=\text{diag}\left(\text{deg}_{\mathcal{V}}(v_1),\cdots,\text{deg}_{\mathcal{V}}(v_N)\right)\), \(\mathcal{D}_{\mathcal{E}}=\text{diag}\left(\text{deg}_{\mathcal{E}}(e_1),\cdots,\text{deg}_{\mathcal{E}}(e_M)\right)\), and \(\mathcal{W}_{\mathcal{G}}=\text{diag}\left(\omega(e_1),\cdots,\omega(e_M)\right)\). The hypergraph Laplacian \(\mathcal{L}_{\mathcal{G}}\) of \(\mathcal{G}\) is defined to be \[\mathcal{L}_{\mathcal{G}}=\mathcal{I}_N-\mathcal{D}_{\mathcal{V}}^{-\frac{1}{2}}\mathcal{H}_{\mathcal{G}}\mathcal{W}_{\mathcal{G}}\mathcal{D}_{\mathcal{E}}^{-1}\mathcal{H}_{\mathcal{G}}^T\mathcal{D}_{\mathcal{V}}^{-\frac{1}{2}}.\] It can also be factorized by the eigendecomposition, i.e. \(\mathcal{L}_{\mathcal{G}}=\mathcal{U}\Lambda\mathcal{U}^T\). The spectral hypergraph convolution operator, the Chebyshev hypergraph convolutional neural network and the hypergraph convolutional network can be defined in analogy to the Eqs ([\[Spectral Graph Convolution\]](#Spectral Graph Convolution){reference-type="ref" reference="Spectral Graph Convolution"},[\[Chebyshev Spectral Filter\]](#Chebyshev Spectral Filter){reference-type="ref" reference="Chebyshev Spectral Filter"},[\[GCN-Layer\]](#GCN-Layer){reference-type="ref" reference="GCN-Layer"}). The HyperGraph Neural Network (HGNN) architecture proposed in the literature is composed of multiple layers of the hyperedge convolution, and each layer is defined as \[X^{(l+1)}=\rho\left(\mathcal{D}_{\mathcal{V}}^{-\frac{1}{2}}\mathcal{H}_{\mathcal{G}}\mathcal{W}_{\mathcal{G}}\mathcal{D}_{\mathcal{E}}^{-1}\mathcal{H}_{\mathcal{G}}^T\mathcal{D}_{\mathcal{V}}^{-\frac{1}{2}}X^{(l)}\Theta^{(l)}\right).\] In essence, the HGNN essentially views each hyperedge as a complete graph so that the hypergraph is converted into a conventional graph. Treating each hyperedge as a complete graph obviously incurs expensive computational cost. Hence, some studies propose various approaches to approximate the hyperedges. The HNHN interleaves updating the node representations with the hyperedge representations by the following formulas, \[\mathcal{X}_{\mathcal{V}}^{(l+1)}=\rho\left(\mathcal{D}_{\mathcal{V}}^{-1}\mathcal{H}_{\mathcal{G}}\mathcal{X}_{\mathcal{E}}^{(l)}\Theta_{\mathcal{V}}^{(l)}\right),\quad \mathcal{X}_{\mathcal{E}}^{(l+1)}=\rho\left(\mathcal{D}_{\mathcal{E}}^{-1}\mathcal{H}_{\mathcal{G}}^{T}\mathcal{X}_{\mathcal{V}}^{(l)}\Theta_{\mathcal{E}}^{(l)}\right).\]
## Capability and Interpretability
The GCNNs have achieved tremendous empirical successes over the supervised, semi-supervised and unsupervised learning on graphs. Recently, many studies start to put their eyes on the capability and interpretability of the GCNNs.
### Capability
The capability of the GCNNs refers to their expressive power. If two graphs are isomorphic, they will obviously output the same representations of nodes/edges/graph. Otherwise, they should output different representations. However, two non-isomorphic graphs maybe output the same representations in practice. This is the theoretical limitations of the GCNNs. As described in the literatures, The \(1\text{-hop}\) spatial GCNNs (1-GCNNs) have the same expressive power as the \(1\text{-dimensional}\) Weisfeiler-Leman (1-WL) graph isomorphism test in terms of distinguishing non-isomorphic graphs. The 1-WL iteratively update the colors of nodes according to the following formula \[C_{l}^{(l+1)}(v)=\text{\textsc{Hash}}\left(C_{l}^{(l)}(v),\left\{\hspace{-1.5mm}\left\{C_{l}^{(l)}(u):u\in N_G(v)\right\}\hspace{-1.5mm}\right\}\right).\] According to the literatures, we have that the 1-GCNN architectures do not have more power in terms of distinguishing two non-isomorphic graphs than the 1-WL heuristic. Nevertheless, they have equivalent power if the aggregation and update functions are injective. In order to overcome the theoretical limitations of the GCNNs, the literature proposes a Graph Isomorphism Network (GIN) architecture, i.e. \[\begin{array}{rl} A_v^{(l+1)}& =\text{\textsc{Aggregate}}^{(l+1)}\left(\left\{\left\{X^{(l)}[u,:]:u\in N_G(v)\right\}\right\}\right) \\[2mm] & \triangleq\sum_{u\in N_G(v)}X^{(l)}[u,:] \\[2mm] X^{(l+1)}[v,:] & =\text{\textsc{Update}}^{(l+1)}\left(X^{(l)}[v,:],A_v^{(l+1)}\right) \\ [2mm] & \triangleq\text{MLP}\left((1+\epsilon^{(l+1)})X^{(l)}[v,:]+A_v^{(l+1)}\right), \end{array}\] where \(\epsilon^{(l)}\) is a scalar parameter. The literature studies the expressive power of the spatial GCNNs, and presents two results: (1) The spatial GCNNs are shown to be a universal approximator under sufficient conditions on their depth, width, initial node features and layer expressiveness; (2) The power of the spatial GCNNs is limited when their depth and width is restricted. In addition, there are some other studies on the capability of the GCNNs from different perspectives, e.g. the first order logic, \(p\text{-order}\) graph moments, algorithmic alignment with the dynamic programming, generalization and representational limits of the GNNs.
### Interpretability
Interpretability plays a vital role in constructing a reliable and intelligent learning systems. Although some studies have started to explore the interpretability of the conventional deep learning models, few of studies put their eyes on the interpretability of the GNs. The literature bridges the gap between the empirical success of the GNs and lack of theoretical interpretations. More specifically, it considers two classes of techniques: (1) gradient based explanations, e.g. sensitivity analysis and guided back-propagation; (2) decomposition based explanations, e.g. layer-wise relevance propagation and Taylor decomposition. The GNNExplainer is a general and model-agnostic approach for providing interpretable explanations for any spatial GCNN based model in terms of graph machine learning tasks. Given a trained spatial GCNN model \(\Phi\) and a set of predictions, the GNNExplainer will generate a single-instance explanation by identifying a subgraph of the computation graph and a subset of initial node features, which are the most vital for the prediction of the model \(\Phi\). In general, the GNNExplainer can be formulated as an optimization problem \[\label{GNNExplainer optimization framework} \max_{G_S,X_S^F} I\left(Y,(G_S,X_S^F)\right)=H\left(Y\right)-H\left(Y|G=G_S,X=X_S^F\right),\] where \(I(\cdot,\cdot)\) denotes the mutual information of two random variables, \(G_S\) is a small subgraph of the computation graph and \(X_S^F\) is a small subset of node features \(\left\{X^F[j,:]:v_j\in G_S\right\}\). The entropy term \(H(Y)\) is constant because the spatial GCNN model \(\Phi\) is fixed. In order to improve the tractability and computational efficiency of the GNNExplainer, the final optimization framework is reformulated as \[\min_{M,F}-\sum_{c=1}^C\mathbb{I}[y=c]\log P_{\Phi}\left(Y=y|G=A_G\circledast\sigma(M),X=X_S^F\right).\] In addition, the GNNExplainer also provides multi-instances explanations based on graph alignments and prototypes so as to answer questions like \"How did a GCNN predict that a given set of nodes all have label \(c\)?\".
## Deep Graph Representation Learning
Graph representation learning (or called network embedding) is a paradigm of unsupervised learning on graphs. It gains a large amount of popularity since the DeepWalk. Subsequently, many studies exploit deep learning techniques to learn low-dimensional representations of nodes. In general, the network embedding via the vanilla deep learning techniques learn low-dimensional feature vectors of nodes by utilizing either stacked auto-encoders to reconstruct the adjacent or positive point-wise mutual information features or RNNs to capture long and short-term dependencies of node sequences yielded by random walks. In the following, we introduce the network embedding approaches based on GNNs.
### Network Embedding based on GNNs
In essence, the GNNs provides an elegant and powerful framework for learning node/edge/graph representations. The majority of the GCNNs and GRNNs are concerned with semi-supervised learning (i.e. node-focused tasks) or supervised learning (i.e. graph-focused) tasks. Here, we review the GNN based unsupervised learning on graphs. In general, the network embedding based on GNNs firstly utilize the GCNNs and variational auto-encoder to generate gaussian-distributed hidden states of nodes, and then reconstruct the adjacency matrix and/or the feature matrix of the input graph. A representative approach among these ones is the Variational Graph Auto-Encoder (VGAE) consisting of a GCN based encoder and an inner product decoder. The GCN based encoder is defined to be \[q(Z|X,A_G)=\prod_{j=1}^Nq(Z[j,:]|X,A_G)=\prod_{j=1}^N\mathcal{N}\left(Z[j,:]|\mu_j,\text{diag}(\sigma_j^2)\right),\] where \(\mu_j=\text{GCN}_{\mu}\left(X,A_G\right)\) and \(\log\sigma_j=\text{GCN}_{\sigma}(X,A_G)\). The inner product decoder is defined to be \[p(A_G|Z)=\prod_{j=1}^N\prod_{k=1}^Np\left(A_G[j,k]|Z[j,:],Z[k,:]\right)=\prod_{j=1}^N\prod_{k=1}^N\sigma\left(Z[j,:]Z[k,:]^T\right).\] They adopt the evidence lower bound as their objective function. The adversarially regularized (variational) graph autoencoder extends the VGAE by adding an adversarial regularization term to the evidence lower bound. The literature proposes a symmetric graph convolutional autoencoder which produces a low-dimensional latent nodes representations. Its encoder employs the Laplacian smoothing to jointly encode the structural and attributed information, and its decoder is designed based on Laplacian sharpening as the counterpart of the Laplacian smoothing of the encoder. The Laplacian sharpening is defined to be \(X^{(l+1)}=(1+\gamma)X^{(l)}-\gamma D^{-1}AX^{(l)}=X^{(l)}+\gamma(\mathbb{I}_N-D^{-1}A)X^{(l)}\), which allows utilizing the graph structure in the whole processes of the proposed autoencoder architecture. In addition, there are some other methods to perform the unsupervised learning on graphs, which do not rely on the reconstruction of the adjacency and/or feature matrix, e.g. the graph auto-encoder on directed acyclic graphs, pre-training GNNs via context prediction and attribute masking strategies, and deep graph Infomax using a noise-contrastive type objective with a standard binary cross-entropy loss between positive examples and negative examples.
## Deep Graph Generative Models
The aforementioned work concentrates on embedding an input graph into a low-dimensional vector space so as to perform semi-supervised/supervised/unsupervised learning tasks on graphs. This subsection introduces deep graph generative models aiming to mimic real-world complex graphs. Generating complex graphs from latent representations is confronted with great challenges due to high nonlinearity and arbitrary connectivity of graphs. Note that graph translation is akin to graph generation. However, their difference lies in that the former takes two graphs, i.e. input graph and target graph, as input, and the latter only takes a single graph as input. The NetGAN utilizes the generative adversarial network to mimic the input real-world graphs. More specifically, it is composed of two components, i.e. a generator \(G\) and a discriminator \(D\), as well. The discriminator \(D\) is modeled as a LSTM in order to distinguish real node sequences, which are yielded by the second-order random walks scheme node2vec, from faked ones. The generator \(G\) aims to generate faked node sequences via another LSTM, whose generating process is as follows. \[\begin{array}{l} v_0=0, \quad z\sim N_m(0,\mathbb{I}_m), \quad (C_0,h_0)=g_{\theta'}(z), \\ [2mm] (C_j,h_j,o_j)=\text{LSTM}_G(C_{j-1},h_{j-1},v_{j-1}),\quad v_j\sim\text{Cat}\left(\text{Softmax}(o_j)\right). \end{array}\] The motif-targeted GAN generalizes random walk based architecture of the NetGAN to characterize mesoscopic context of nodes. Different from, the GraphVAE adopts a probabilistic graph decoder to generate a probabilistic fully-connected graph, and then employs approximate graph matching to reconstruct the input graph. Its reconstruction loss is the cross entropy between the input and reconstructed graphs. The literature defines a sequential decision-making process to add a node/edge via the graph network, readout operator and softmax function. The GraphRNN is a deep autoregressive model, which generates graphs by training on a representative set of graphs and decomposes the graph generation process into a sequence of node and edge formations conditioned on the current generated graph.
## Combinations of the PI and GNNs
The GNNs and PI are two different learning paradigms for complicated real-world data. The former specializes in learning hierarchical representations based on local and global structural information, and the latter learning the dependencies between random variables. This subsection provides a summarization of studies of combining these two paradigms.
### Conditional Random Field Layer Preserving Similarities between Nodes
The literature proposes a CRF layer for the GCNNs to enforce hidden layers to preserve similarities between nodes. Specifically, the input \(X^{(l)}\) to \((l+1)\text{-th}\) layer is a random vector around the output \(B^{(l)}=\text{GCNN}(X^{(l-1)},A_G, X)\) of the \((l-1)\text{-th}\) layer. The objective function for the GCNN with a CRF layer can be reformulated as \[\begin{array}{l} J\left(W;X,A_G,Y\right) =\mathcal{L}\left(Y;B^{(L)}\right)+\displaystyle\sum_{l=1}^{L-1}\left(\frac{\gamma}{2}\|X^{(l)}-B^{(l)}\|_F^2+\mathcal{R}(X^{(l)})\right), \end{array}\] where the first term after \"=\" is the conventional loss function for semi-supervised node classification problem, and the last term is a regularization one implementing similarity constraint. The similarity constraint \(\mathcal{R}(X^{(l)})\) is modeled as a CRF, i.e. \(p\left(X^{(l)}|B^{(l)}\right)=\frac{1}{Z(B^{(l)})}\exp\left(-E\left(X^{(l)}|B^{(l)}\right)\right)\) where the energy function \(E\left(X^{(l)}|B^{(l)}\right)\) is formulated as \[\begin{array}{ll} & E\left(X^{(l)}|B^{(l)}\right) \\ = & \displaystyle\sum_{v\in V}\varphi_v(X^{(l)}[v,:],B^{(l)}[v,:])+\displaystyle\sum_{(u,v)\in E}\varphi_{u,v}\left(X^{(l)}[u,:],X^{(l)}[v,:],B^{(l)}[u,:],B^{(l)}[v,:]\right). \end{array}\] Let \(s_{u,v}\) denote the similarity between \(u\) and \(v\). The unary energy component \(\varphi_v\left(\cdot,\cdot\right)\) and pairwise energy component \(\varphi_{u,v}\left(\cdot,\cdot,\cdot,\cdot\right)\) for implementing the similarity constraint are respectively formulated as \[\begin{array}{l} \varphi_v\left(X^{(l)}[v,:],B^{(l)}[v,:]\right)=\|X^{(l)}[v,:]-B^{(l)}[v,:]\|_2^2, \\[1.5mm] \varphi_{u,v}\left(X^{(l)}[u,:],X^{(l)}[v,:],B^{(l)}[u,:],B^{(l)}[v,:]\right)=s_{u,v}\|X^{(l)}[u,:]-X^{(l)}[v,:]\|_2^2. \end{array}\] The mean-field variational Bayesian inference is employed to approximate the posterior \(p(B^{(l)}|X^{(l)})\). Consequently, the CRF layer is defined as \[\left(X^{(l)}[v,:]\right)^{(k+1)}=\frac{\alpha B^{(l)}[v,:]+\beta\sum_{u\in N_G(v)}s_{u,v}\left(X^{(l)}[u,:]\right)^{(k)}}{\alpha+\beta\sum_{u\in N_G(v)}s_{u,v}}.\]
### Conditional GCNNs for Semi-supervised Node Classification
The conditional GCNNs incorporate the Conditional Random Field (CRF) into the conventional GCNNs so that the semi-supervised node classification can be enhanced by both the powerful node representations and the dependencies of node labels. The GMNN performs the semi-supervised node classification by incorporating the GCNN into the Statistical Relational Learning (SRL). Specifically, the SRL usually models the conditional probability \(p(Y_V|X_V)\) with the CRF, i.e. \(p(Y_V|X_V)=\frac{1}{Z(X_V)}\prod_{(i,j)\in E}\varphi_{i,j}\left(y_i,y_j,X_V\right)\), where \(y_*=Y_V[*,:], *=i,j\). Note that \(Y_V\) is composed of the observed node labels \(Y_L\) and hidden node labels \(Y_U\). The variational Bayesian inference is employed to estimate the posterior \(p(Y_U|Y_L,X_V)\). The objective function is defined as \[\text{ELBO}\left(q_{\theta_v}(Y_U|X_V)\right)=\mathbb{E}_{q_{\theta_v}(Y_U|X_V)}\left[\log\left(p_{\theta_l}(Y_L,Y_U|X_V)\right)-\log\left(q_{\theta_v}(Y_U|X_V)\right)\right].\] This objective can be optimized by the variational Bayesian EM algorithm, which iteratively updates the variational distribution \(q_{\theta_v}(Y_U|X_V)\) and the likelihood \(p_{\theta_l}(Y_U|Y_L,X_V)\). In the VBE stage, \(q_{\theta_v}(Y_U|X_V)=\prod_{v\in U}q_{\theta_v}(y_v|X_V)\), and \(q_{\theta_v}(y_v|X_V)\) is approximated by a GCNN. In the VBM stage, the pseudo-likelihood is employed to approximate \[\mathbb{E}_{q_{\theta_v}(Y_U|X_V)}\left[\sum_{v\in V}\log p_{\theta_l}\left(y_n|Y_{V\backslash v},X_V\right)\right] =\mathbb{E}_{q_{\theta_v}(Y_U|X_V)}\left[\sum_{v\in V}\log p_{\theta_l}\left(y_n|Y_{N_G(v)},X_V\right)\right],\] and \(p_{\theta_l}\left(y_n|Y_{N_G(v)},X_V\right)\) is approximated by another GCNN. The literature adopts the similar idea to the GMNN. Its posterior is modeled as a CRF with unary energy components and pairwise energy components whose condition is the outputs of the prescribed GCNN. The maximum likelihood estimation employed to estimate the model parameters.
### GCNN-based Gaussian Process Inference
A Gaussian Process (GP) defines a distribution over a function space and assumes any finite collection of marginal distributions follows a multivariate Gaussian distribution. A function \(f:\mathbb{R}^d\rightarrow\mathbb{R}\) follows a Gaussian Process \(\text{GP}(m(\cdot),\kappa(\cdot,\cdot))\) iff \(\left(f(X_1),\cdots,f(X_N)\right)^T\) for any \(N\) \(d\text{-dimensional}\) random vectors. follows a \(N\text{-dimensional}\) Gaussian distribution \(\mathcal{N}_N\left(\mu,\Sigma\right)\), where \(\mu=\left(m(X_1),\cdots,m(X_N)\right)^T\) and \(\Sigma=\left[\kappa(X_j,X_k)\right]_{N\times N}\), For two \(d\text{-dimensional}\) random vectors \(X\) and \(X'\), we have \(\mathbb{E}\left[f(X)\right]=m(X)\) and \(\text{Cov}(f(X),f(X'))=\kappa(X,X')\). Given a collection of \(N\) samples \(\mathcal{D}=\left\{(X_j,y_j):j=1,\cdots N\right\}\), the GP inference aims to calculate the probability \(p(y|X)\) for predictions, i.e. \[f\sim\text{GP}(0(\cdot),\kappa(\cdot,\cdot)), y_j\sim\text{DIST}(\lambda(f(X_j))),\] where \(\lambda(\cdot)\) is a link function and \(\text{DIST}(\cdot)\) denotes an arbitrary feasible noise distribution. To this end, the posterior \(p(f|\mathcal{D})\) needs to be calculated out firstly. The literature employs amortized variational Bayesian inference to approximate \(p(f|\mathcal{D})\), i.e. \(f=\mu+L\epsilon\), and the GCNNs to estimate \(\mu\) and \(L\).
### Other GCNN-based Probabilistic Inference
The literature combines the GCNNs and variational Bayesian inference to infer the input graph structure. The literature infers marginal probabilities in probabilistic graphical models by incorporating the GCNNs to the conventional message-passing inference algorithm. The literature approximates the posterior in Markov logic networks with the GCNN-enhanced variational Bayesian inference.
## Adversarial Attacks for the GNNs
In many circumstances where classifiers are deployed, adversaries deliberately contaminate data in order to fake the classifiers. This is the so-called adversarial attacks for the classification problems. As stated previously, the GNNs can solve semi-supervised node classification problems and supervised graph classification tasks. Therefore, it is inevitable to study the adversarial attacks for GNNs and defense.
### Adversarial Attacks on Graphs
The literature firstly proposes a reinforcement learning based attack method, which can learn a generalizable attack policy, on graphs. This paper provides a definition for a graph adversarial attacker. Given a sample \((G,c,y)\in\{(G_j,c_j,y_j):j=1,\cdots,M\}\) and a classifier \(f\in\mathcal{F}\), the graph adversarial attacker \(g:\mathcal{F}\times\mathcal{G}\rightarrow\mathcal{G}\) attempts to modify a graph \(G=(V,E)\) into \(\widetilde{G}=(\widetilde{V},\widetilde{E})\), such that \[\begin{array}{ll} \max_{g} & \mathbb{I}(f(\widetilde{G},c)\neq y) \\ [1.5mm] \text{s.t.} & \widetilde{G}=g(f,(G,c,y)), \\ [1.5mm] & \mathcal{I}(G,\widetilde{G},c)=1, \end{array}\] where \(\mathcal{I}: \mathcal{G}\times\mathcal{G}\times V\rightarrow\{0,1\}\), named an equivalence indicator, checks whether two graph \(G\) and \(\widetilde{G}\) are equivalent under the classification semantics. The equivalence indicator are usually defined in two fashions, namely explicit semantics and small modifications. The explicit semantics are defined as \(\mathcal{I}\left(G,\widetilde{G},c\right)=\mathbb{I}\left(f^*(G,c)=f^*(\widetilde{G},c)\right)\) where \(f^*\) is a gold standard classifier, and the small modifications are defined as \(\mathcal{I}\left(G,\widetilde{G},c\right)=\mathbb{I}\left(|(E-\widetilde{E})\cup(\widetilde{E}-E)|<m\right)\cdot\mathbb{I}\left(\widetilde{E}\subseteq N(G,b)\right)\) where \(N(G,b)=\left\{(u,v):u,v\in V,d_G(u,v)<=b\right\}\). In order to learn an attack policy, the attack procedure is modeled as a finite horizon Markov Decision Process (MDP) \(\mathcal{M}_m(f,G,c,y)\) and is therefore optimized by Q-learning with a hierarchical Q-function. For the MDP \(\mathcal{M}_m(f,G,c,y)\), its action \(a_t\in\mathcal{A}\subseteq V\times V\) at time step \(t\) is defined to add or delete edges in the graph, its state \((\widehat{G}_t,c)\) at time step \(t\) is a partially modified graph with some of the edges added/deleted from \(G\), and the reward function is defined as \[R\left(\widetilde{G},c\right)=\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 1 & f(\widetilde{G},c)\neq y \\ [2mm]-1 & f(\widetilde{G},c)=y. \end{array} \right.\] Note that the GCNNs are employed to parameterize the Q-function. The [Nettack]{.smallcaps} considers attacker nodes in \(\mathcal{A}\) to satisfy a feature attack constraint \(X'_{u,j}\neq X_{u,j}^{(0)}\Longrightarrow u\in\mathcal{A}\), a structure attack constraint \(A'_{u,v}\neq A_{u,v}^{(0)}\Longrightarrow u\in\mathcal{A}\vee v\in\mathcal{A}\) and an equivalence indicator constraint \(\sum_{u}\sum_{j}|X_{u,j}^{(0)}-X'_{u,j}|+\sum_{u<v}|A_{u,v}^{(0)}-A'_{u,v}|\leq\Delta\), where \(G'\) is derived by perturbing \(G^{(0)}\). Let \(\mathcal{P}_{\Delta,\mathcal{A}}^{G0}\) denote the set of all perturbed graphs \(G'\) satisfying these three constraints. The goal is to find a perturbed graph \(G'=(A',X')\) that classifies a target node \(v_0\) as \(c_{\text{new}}\) and maximizes the log-probability/logit to \(c_{\text{old}}\), i.e. \(\max_{(A',X')\in\mathcal{P}_{\delta,\mathcal{A}}^{G0}}\max_{c_{\text{new}}\neq c_{\text{old}}}\log Z_{v_0,c_{\text{new}}}^*-\log Z_{v_0,c_{\text{old}}}^*\) where \(Z^*=f_{\theta^*}(A',X')\) with \(\theta^*=\arg\min_{\theta}\mathcal{L}(\theta;A',X')\). The [Nettack]{.smallcaps} employs the GCNNs to model the classifier. The literature adopts the similar equivalence indicator, and poisoning attacks are mathematically formulated as a bilevel optimization problem, i.e. \[\label{bilevel optimization} \begin{array}{ll} \min_{\widetilde{G}} & \mathcal{L}_{\text{attack}}\left(f_{\theta^*}\left(\widetilde{G}\right)\right) \\ [2mm] s.t. & \widetilde{G}\in\mathcal{P}_{\Delta,\mathcal{A}}^{G0} \\ [2mm] & \theta^*=\arg\min_{\theta}\mathcal{L}_{\text{train}}\left(f_{\theta}\left(\widetilde{G}\right)\right). \end{array}\] This bilevel optimization problem in formula ([\[bilevel optimization\]](#bilevel optimization){reference-type="ref" reference="bilevel optimization"}) is then tackled using meta-gradients, whose core idea is to treat the adjacency matrix of the input graph as a hyperparameter.
### Defense against the Adversarial Attacks
A robust GCNN requires that it is invulnerable to perturbations of the input graph. The robust GCN (RGCN) can fortify the GCNs against adversarial attacks. More specifically, it adopts Gaussian distributions as the hidden representations of nodes, i.e. \[X^{(l+1)}[j,:]\sim N\left(\mu_j^{(l+1)},\text{diag}(\sigma_j^{(l+1)})\right),\] in each graph convolution layer so that the effects of adversarial attacks can be absorbed into the variances of the Gaussian distributions. The Gaussian based graph convolution is defined as \[\mu_j^{(l+1)}=\rho\left(\displaystyle\sum_{v_k\in N_G(v_j)}\frac{\mu_k^{(l)}\circledast\alpha_k^{(l)}}{\sqrt{\widetilde{D}_{j,j}\widetilde{D}_{k,k}}}W_{\mu}^{(l)}\right), \sigma_j^{(l+1)}=\rho\left(\displaystyle\sum_{v_k\in N_G(v_j)}\frac{\sigma_k^{(l)}\circledast\alpha_k^{(l)}\circledast\alpha_k^{(l)}}{\widetilde{D}_{j,j}\widetilde{D}_{k,k}}W_{\sigma}^{(l)}\right),\] where \(\alpha_j^{(k)}\) are attention weights. Finally, the overall loss function is defined as regularized cross-entropy. The literature presents a batch virtual adversarial training method which appends a novel regularization term to the conventional objective function of the GCNNs, i.e. \[\mathcal{L}=\mathcal{L}_0+\alpha\cdot\frac{1}{N}\sum_{u\in V}E(p(y|X_u,W))+\beta\cdot\mathcal{R}_{vadv}(V,W),\] where \(\mathcal{L}_0\) is an average cross-entropy loss of all labelled nodes, \(E(\cdot)\) is the conditional entropy of a distribution, and \(\mathcal{R}_{\text{vadv}}(V,W)\) is the average Local Distributional Smoothness (LDS) loss for all nodes. Specifically, \(\mathcal{R}_{\text{vadv}}(V,W)=\frac{1}{N}\sum_{u\in V}\text{LDS}(X[u,:],W,r_{\text{vadv},u})\) where \(\text{LDS}(x,w,r_{\text{vadv}})=D_{KL}\left(p(y|x,\widehat{W})||p(y|x+r_{\text{vadv}},W)\right)\) and \(r_{\text{vadv}}\) is the virtual adversarial perturbation. Additionally, there are some other studies aiming at verifying certifiable (non-)robustness to structure and feature perturbations for the GCNNs and developing robust training algorithm. The literature proposes to improve GCN generalization by minimizing the expected loss under small perturbations of the input graph. Its basic assumption is that the adjacency matrix \(A_G\) is perturbed by some random noises. Under this assumption, the objective function is defined as \(\min_{W}\int q(\epsilon|\alpha)\mathcal{L}(X,Y,A_G(\epsilon),W)d\epsilon\), where \(A_G(\epsilon)\) denotes the perturbed adjacency matrix of \(G\) and \(q(\epsilon|\alpha)\) is a zero-centered density of the noise \(\epsilon\) so that the learned GCN is robust to these noises and generalizes well.
## Graph Neural Architecture Search
Neural Architecture Search (NAS) has achieved tremendous success in discovering the optimal neural network architecture for image and language learning tasks. However, existing NAS algorithms cannot be directly generalized to find the optimal GNN architecture. Fortunately, there have been some studies to bridge this gap. The graph neural architecture search aims to search for an optimal GNN architecture within a designed search space. It usually exploits a reinforcement learning based controller, which is a RNN, to greedily validate the generated architecture, and then the validation results are fed back to the controller. The literature proposes a Graph HyperNetwork (GHN) to amortize the search cost of training thousands of different networks, which is trained to minimize the training loss of the sampled network with the weights generated by a GCNN.
## Graph Reinforcement Learning
The GNNs can also be combined with the reinforcement learning so as to solve sequential decision-making problems on graphs. The literature learns to walk over a graph from a source node towards a target node for a given query via reinforcement learning. The proposed agent M-Walk is composed of a deep RNN and Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS). The former maps a hidden vector representation \(h_t\), yielded by a special RNN encoding the state \(s_t\) at time \(t\), to a policy and Q-values, and the latter is employed to generate trajectories yielding more positive rewards. The NerveNet propagates information over the underlying graph of an agent via a GCNN, and then predicts actions for different parts of the agent. The literature combines the GNNs and Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL), named DRL+GNN, to learn, operate and generalize over arbitrary network topologies. The DRL+GNN agent employs a GCNN to model the Q-value function.
## Applications
In this subsection, we introduce the applications of the GNNs. Due to the space limitation, we only list the application fields, including complex network analysis, combinatorial optimization, knowledge graph, bioinformatics, chemistry, brain network analysis, physical system, source code analysis, intelligent traffic, recommender systems, computer vision and natural language processing.
# Benchmarks and Evaluation Pitfalls
In this section, we briefly introduce benchmarks and evaluation Pitfalls. The benchmarks provide ground truth for various GNN architectures so that different GNNs can be compared fairly, the evaluation pitfalls empirically show that the existing evaluation criterion have potential pitfalls.
### Benchmarks
Graph neural networks have become a powerful toolkit for mining complex graphs. It becomes more and more critical to evaluate the effectiveness of new GNN architectures and compare different GNN models under a standardized benchmark with consistent experimental settings and large datasets. A feasible benchmark for the GNNs should include appropriate graph datasets, robust coding interfaces and experimental settings so that different GNN architectures can be compared in the same settings. The literature makes a pioneering effort to construct a reproducible GNN benchmarking framework in order to facilitate researchers to gauge the effectiveness of different GNN architectures. Specifically, it releases an open-source benchmark infrastructures for GNNs, hosted on GitHub based on PyTorch and DGL libraries, introduces medium-scale graph datasets with 12k-70k graphs of variable sizes 9-500 nodes, and identifies important building blocks of GNNs (graph convolutions, anistropic diffusion, residual connections and normalization layers) with the proposed benchmark infrastructures. The literature presents an Open Graph Benchmark (OGB) including challenging, real-world and large-scale benchmark graph datasets, encompassing multiple important graph deep learning tasks ranging from social and information networks to biological networks, molecular graphs and knowledge graphs, to facilitate scalable, robust and reproducible deep learning research on graphs. The OGB datasets, which provide a unified evaluation protocol using application-specific train/validation/test dataset splits and evaluation metrics, releases an end-to-end graph processing pipeline including graph data loading, experimental settings and model evaluations.
### Evaluation Pitfalls
The literature compares four typical GCNN architectures: GCN, MoNet, GAT and GraphSAGE using three aggregation strategies against 4 baseline models: logistic regression, multi-layer perceptron, label propagation and normalized laplacian label propagation, and uses a standardized training and hyper-parameter tuning procedure for all these models so as to perform a more fair comparison. The experimental results show that different train/validation/test splits of datasets lead to dramatically different rankings of models. In addition, their findings also demonstrate that simpler GCNN architectures can outperform more sophisticated ones only if the hyper-parameters and training procedures are tuned fairly for all models.
# Future Research Directions
Although the GNNs have achieved tremendous success in many fields, there still exists some open problems. This section summarizes the future research directions of the GNNs.
### Highly Scalable GNNs
The real-world graphs usually contain hundreds of millions of nodes and edges, and have dynamically evolving characteristics. It turns out that it is difficult for the existing GNN architectures to scale up to the huge real-world graphs. This motivates us to design highly scalable GNN architectures which can efficiently and effectively learn node/edge/graph representations for the huge dynamically-evolving graphs.
### Robust GNNs
The existing GNN architectures are vulnerable to adversarial attacks. That is, the performance of the GNN models will sharply drop once the structure and/or initial features of the input graph are attacked by adversaries. Therefore, we should incorporate the attack-and-defense mechanism into the GNN architectures, i.e. constructing robust GNN architecture, so as to reinforce them against adversarial attacks.
### GNNs Going Beyond WL Test
The capabilities of the spatial GCNNs are limited by the 1-WL test, and the higher-order WL test is computationally expensive. Consequently, two non-isomorphic graphs will produce the same node/edge/graph representations under appropriate conditions. This motivates us to develop a novel GNN framework going beyond WL test, or design an elegant higher-order GNN architectures corresponding to the higher-order WL test.
### Interpretable GNNs
The existing GNNs work in a black box. We do not understand why they achieve state-of-the-art performance in terms of the node classification task, graph classification task and graph embedding task etc. Interpretability has become a major obstacle to apply the GNNs to real-world issues. Although there have been some studies to interpret some specific GNN models, they cannot interpret general GNN models. This motivates us to construct a unified interpretable framework for the GNNs.
# Conclusions
This paper aims to provide a taxonomy, advances and trends for the GNNs. We expand the content of this paper from 4 dimensions: architectures, extensions and applications, benchmarks and evaluation pitfalls, and future research directions. The GNN architectures are expanded from 4 perspectives: graph convolutional neural networks, graph pooling operators, graph attention mechanisms and graph recurrent neural networks. The extensions are expanded from 8 perspectives: GCNNS on special graphs, capability and interpretability, deep graph representation learning, deep graph generative models, combinations of the PI and GNNs adversarial attachks for the GNNs, graph neural architecture search and graph reinforcement. In the future directions, we propose 4 prospective topics on the GNNs: highly scalable GNNs, robust GNNs, GNNs going beyond WL test and interpretable GNNs. We expect that the relevant scholars can understand the computational principles of the GNNs, consolidate the foundations of the GNNs and apply them to more and more real-world issues, through reading this review. | {'timestamp': '2022-02-28T02:24:12', 'yymm': '2012', 'arxiv_id': '2012.08752', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.08752'} |
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# Introduction
Spin is a fundamental quantum mechanical property of electrons and other particles. The spin states can be used as the basis of quantum bits in quantum information science (QIS), in addition to being used in spintronics analogous to electrical charge in conventional electronics. The key property for spintronics and spin-based QIS is the lifetime of spin states. Stable manipulations of spin states in practical applications require lifetimes on the order of hundreds of nanoseconds or even milliseconds. Determining the underlying mechanisms and controlling spin relaxation are vital to reach long spin lifetimes at room temperature. Experimentally spin relaxation can be studied through ultrafast magneto-optical pump-probe and spin transport measurements, allowing the direct observations of dynamical processes and quantitative determination of spin relaxation time, \(\tau_{s}\). Despite significant experimental progresses and several proposed systems in the past decades, materials with properties required for practical QIS and spintronics applications such as long \(\tau_{s}\) at room temperature remain to be found. Theoretical predictions of materials properties have been mostly focused on electronic excitations and electron-hole recombinations of potential spin defects for QIS applications. Reliable prediction of spin lifetime and dominant relaxation mechanism will allow rational design of materials in order to accelerate the identification of ideal materials for quantum technologies, while forgoing the need of experimental search over a large number of materials. Until recently, most state-of-the-art theoretical methods to study spin dynamics of solid-state materials are limited to simplified and system-specific models that require prior input parameters. These methods laid important theoretical foundation for spin dynamics, such as the spin-Bloch kinetic equations developed from Non-equilibrium Green's Function theory (NEGFT). Ref. derived a closed equation of motion for the electronic single-particle density matrix, including different scattering matrices, which may be applicable to spin dynamics. However, because of the simplified electronic structure and electron-phonon coupling matrices, quantitative prediction of spin relaxation remains out of reach. Occasionally, even trends in \(\tau_{s}\) predicted by such models may be incorrect as shown recently for graphene. Furthermore, these models are unable to provide predictive values for new materials where prior inputs are not available. Prior to our work, the existing first-principles methodology for spin lifetime has been mostly based on spin-flip matrix elements in a specialized Fermi's Golden rule, which is only applicable to systems with Kramers' degeneracy or spatial inversion symmetry, not suitable to lots of materials promising for quantum computing and spintronics applications . Other first-principles techniques like real-time Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory (TDDFT) are challenging for crystalline systems due to high computational cost for describing phonon relaxations that require large supercells. More importantly, long simulation time over nanoseconds often required by spin relaxation is a major difficulty for TDDFT, which is only practical for tens to a few hundred femtoseconds. While spin dynamics based on TDDFT has been recently performed for ultrafast demagnetization of magnetic systems within tens of fs, the intrinsic time scale and supercell limitations mentioned above remain. We recently derived a generalized rate equation based on first-principles density matrix (DM) Lindblad dynamics framework, which provides accurate spin relaxation time due to spin-orbit and electron-phonon couplings for a broad range of materials, with arbitrary symmetry. However, our previous work requires the system is already at a quasi-equilibrium state when the dynamics can be described by a single-exponential decay, which can not describe coupled spin and carrier dynamics at an out-of-equilibrium state in ultrafast pump-probe experiments. In this work, we develop a real-time *ab initio* DM dynamics method based on this theoretical framework, with complete descriptions of scattering processes including electron-phonon (e-ph), electron-impurity (e-i), and electron-electron (e-e), being adequate for over ns to ms simulation time. Specifically, compared to the generalized rate equation in our previous work, DM dynamics with explicit real-time evolutions allow coupled carrier and spin relaxation away from quasi-equilibrium with all decoherence pathways simultaneously. This will facilitate direct prediction of experimental signatures in ultrafast magneto-optical spectroscopy to unambiguously interpret experimental probes of spin and electron dynamics. We will demonstrate the generality of our approach by considering two prototypical and disparate systems-GaAs and few-layer WSe\(_2\), which have very different spin relaxation mechanisms. We will first apply our DM dynamics methodology to investigate ultrafast spin dynamics of GaAs, which has broad interest in spintronics over past decades and more recently, partly due to its long spin lifetime especially in the n-doped material at relatively low temperature. Despite various experimental and theoretical (mostly using parameterized model Hamiltonian) studies previously, the dominant spin relaxation mechanism of bulk GaAs under various temperatures and doping levels remains unclear. For example, Refs. and claimed e-i and e-ph scatterings dominate spin relaxation at low and room temperatures, respectively; however, Refs. and conclude that e-e may be more important at room temperature and even more at lower temperatures. Moreover, electron-phonon scattering matrices which can be accurately obtained from first-principles, are very difficult to be precisely described in parameterized models used previously. Most importantly, the applicability of empirical D'yakonov-Perel' (DP) relation, which is widely used for describing inversion-asymmetric systems including GaAs, needs to be carefully examined. Throughout this work, we provide complete and unambiguous insights on the underlying mechanism of spin relaxation and applicability of the DP relation for GaAs from first-principles DM dynamics. Due to broken inversion symmetry and strong SOC, monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) exhibit exciting physical properties including valley-specific optical excitation and spin-valley locking effects. In Ref. , it has been shown that by introducing doping in monolayer TMDs, ultraslow decays of Kerr rotations, which correspond to ultralong spin/valley lifetimes of resident carriers especially resident holes can be observed at low temperatures. Those features make monolayer TMDs advantageous for spin-valleytronics and (quantum) information processing. Besides monolayers, bilayer TMDs recovering inversion symmetry have also attracted significant interests because of the new "layer" degree of freedom or layer pseudospin in addition to spin and valley pseudospin. Previous studies already concluded that electronic states at \(K\)/\(K'\) valleys of a bilayer TMD are approximately a superposition of those of two monolayers. This allows us to tune which layer carriers/spins are localized by a perpendicular electric field \(E_{z}\), and make use of the spin-valley-layer locking effects for spin-valleytronic applications. Although spin/valley relaxation of resident carriers in monolayer TMDs, which is most relevant to spin-valleytronic applications, have been extensively examined, the underlying dynamics especially the effects of different types of impurities have not been investigated through predictive *ab initio* simulations. Furthermore, for bilayer TMDs, the study on spin/valley dynamics is still in infancy with few ultrafast measurements which however do not exhibit long spin relaxation time and are lack of spin-valley-layer locking property. There is a lack of knowledge of the role of scattering processes and the scattering pathways for spin/valley dynamics of free carriers in bilayers, which prevents researchers to realize and manipulate spin-valley-layer locking effects for designing spin-valleytronic devices. In this work, we will answer the above questions by performing *ab initio* real-time dynamics simulations with a circularly polarized pump pulse and relevant scattering mechanisms. We focus on WSe\(_{2}\) due to its larger valence band SOC splitting and focus on dynamics of holes since \(\tau_{s}\) of holes seem longer than electrons. In the following, we first introduce our theoretical formalism of real-time density-matrix approach with various scattering processes and pump-probe spectroscopy. In particular, we focus on spin-orbit mediated spin relaxation and decoherence processes under the existences of electron scatterings, which are rather common in semiconductors and metals. We use this method to simulate pump-probe Kerr rotation and real-time spin dynamics, by using GaAs as a prototypical example and comparing with experiments. Next, we study spin lifetime dependence on the temperature and doping level, where the dominant mechanisms can vary significantly. We then discuss the roles of different scattering mechanisms and phonon modes in carrier and spin relaxations, respectively, in order to resolve related long-standing controversies. We further simulate ultrafast dynamics in monolayer and bilayer WSe\(_{2}\) and extract useful dynamical properties. Our work provides predictive theory and computational platform for open quantum dynamics, and offers new and critical insights for spin relaxation and decoherence in general solid-state systems.
# Theory
## Real-time density-matrix dynamics and spin relaxation time[\[subsec:theory_dynamics\]]{#subsec:theory_dynamics label="subsec:theory_dynamics"}
To provide a general formulation of quantum dynamics in solid-state materials, we start from the Liouville-von Neumann equation in the interaction picture, \[\begin{aligned}
\frac{d\rho\left(t\right)}{dt} & =-i[H'\left(t\right),\rho\left(t\right)],\label{eq:Liouville}\\ H'\left(t\right) & =H\left(t\right)-H_{0}\left(t\right), \end{aligned}\] where \(H\), \(H_{0}\) and \(H'\) are total, unperturbed and perturbed Hamiltonian, respectively. In this work, the total Hamiltonian is \[\begin{aligned}
H= & H_{0}+H\sub{pump}+H\sub{e-i}+H\sub{e-ph}+H\sub{e-e},\label{eq:H}\\ H_{0}= & H_{e,0}+H\sub{efield}+H_{z}+H\sub{ph}, \end{aligned}\] where \(H_{e,0}\) is electronic Hamiltonian under zero external field. In this work, \(H\sub{efield}\) is Hamiltonian induced by a perpendicular electric field \(E_z\) along the vacuum direction. \(H_{z}\) is the Zeeman Hamiltonian corresponding to an external magnetic field \(\vec{B}\), \(H_{z}=g_{s}\mu_{B}\vec{B}\cdot\vec{s}\), where \(\vec{s}=\left(s_{x},s_{y},s_{z}\right)\) and \(s_{i}\) is spin matrix in Bloch basis under zero field. \(g_{s}\) is \(g\) factor and \(\mu_{B}\) is the Bohr magneton. \(H\sub{pump}\) is the Hamiltonian of the pump pulse and will be described below. \(H\sub{ph}\) is the phonon Hamiltonian, while \(H\sub{e-i}\), \(H\sub{e-ph}\) and \(H\sub{e-e}\) describe the electron-impurity, electron-phonon and electron-electron interactions respectively. The detailed forms of the interaction Hamiltonians are given in Appendix A. In practice, the many-body density matrix master equation in Eq. [\[eq:Liouville\]](#eq:Liouville){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:Liouville"} is reduced to a single-particle one and the environmental degrees of freedom are traced out. The total rate of change of the density matrix is separated into terms related to different parts of Hamiltonian, \[\begin{aligned}
\frac{d\rho}{dt}= & \frac{d\rho}{dt}|\sub{coh}+\frac{d\rho}{dt}|\sub{scatt},\label{eq:dynamics} \end{aligned}\] where \(\rho\) is the density matrix of electrons. Above, \(\frac{d\rho}{dt}|\sub{coh}\) describes the coherent dynamics of electrons under potentials or fields, e.g. the applied pump pulse, while \(\frac{d\rho}{dt}|\sub{scatt}\) captures the scattering between electrons and other particles. To obtain Eq. [\[eq:dynamics\]](#eq:dynamics){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:dynamics"} which involves only the dynamics of electrons or the electronic subsystem, we have assumed the environmental subsystem is not perturbed by the change of the electronic subsystem, which in this work means there is no dynamics of phonons. This assumption is valid when the system is not far from equilibrium, e.g., when excitation is weak. In most spin dynamics experiments, it is desirable to work in the low excitation density limit to avoid additional complexities and focus on the physics of spin dynamics. Indeed in many experiments, e.g., in Refs. and , pump fluence and excitation density are controlled to be low, e.g., excitation density 2\(\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}10\(^{14}\) cm\(^{-2}\) for GaAs. Therefore, phonon dynamics can be safely excluded in the current stage. The inclusion of phonon degrees of freedom in the density-matrix dynamics has been discussed in detail in Refs. with model Hamiltonian, which can be our future work to implement from first-principles. To define spin lifetime, we follow the time evolution of the observable \[\begin{aligned}
S_{i} & =\mathrm{Tr}\left(s_{i}\rho\right),\label{eq:spin_observable} \end{aligned}\] where \(s_{i}\) is the spin operator (\(i=x,y,z\)). This time evolution must start at an initial state (at \(t=t_{0}\)) with a net spin i.e. \(\delta\rho(t_{0})=\rho(t_{0})-\rho\super{eq}\neq0\) such that \(\delta S_{i}(t_{0})=S_{i}\left(t_{0}\right)-S_{i}\super{eq}\neq0\), where "eq" corresponds to the final equilibrium state. We evolve the density matrix through Eq. [\[eq:dynamics\]](#eq:dynamics){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:dynamics"} using an adaptive Runge-Kutta fourth-order method for a long enough simulation time, typically from tens of ps to several ns, until the evolution of \(S_{i}\left(t\right)\) can be reliably fitted by \[\begin{aligned}
S_{i}\left(t\right)-S_{i}\super{eq}= & \left[S_{i}\left(t_{0}\right)-S_{i}\super{eq}\right]exp\left[-\frac{t-t_{0}}{\tau_{s,i}}\right]\nonumber \\ & \times\mathrm{cos}\left[\omega_{B}\left(t-t_{0}\right)+\phi\right]. \end{aligned}\] to extract the relaxation time, \(\tau_{s,i}\). Above, \(\omega_{B}\) is oscillation frequency due to energy splitting in general, which under an applied magnetic field \(\vec{B}\) would include a contribution \(\approx0.5g_{s}\mu_{B}\left(\vec{B}\times\hat{\vec{S_{i}}}\right)\). In order to examine whether the spin relaxation time depends on how the spin imbalance is generated, we implement two general ways to initialize \(\delta\rho(t_{0})\). First, for simulating pump-probe experiments, we choose \(\delta\rho(t_{0})\) corresponding to interaction with a pump pulse. Second, we use the technique proposed previously in Ref. by applying a test magnetic field at \(t=-\infty\), allowing the system to equilibrate with a net spin and then turning it off suddenly at \(t_{0}\).
## Scattering terms
The scattering part of the master equation can be separated into contributions from several scattering channels, \[\begin{aligned}
\frac{d\rho}{dt}|\sub{scatt}= & \sum_{c}\frac{d\rho}{dt}|_{c}, \end{aligned}\] where \(c\) labels a scattering channel. Under Born-Markov approximation, in general we have \[\begin{aligned}
\frac{d\rho_{12}}{dt}|_{c}= & \frac{1}{2}\sum_{345}\left[\begin{array}{c} \left(I-\rho\right)_{13}P_{32,45}^{c}\rho_{45}\\-\left(I-\rho\right)_{45}P_{45,13}^{c,*}\rho_{32} \end{array}\right]+H.C.,\label{eq:scattering} \end{aligned}\] where \(P^{c}\) is the generalized scattering-rate matrix and H.C. is Hermitian conjugate. The subindex, e.g., "1", is the combined index of k-point and band. The weights of k points must be considered when doing sum over k points. Note that \(P^{c}\) in the interaction picture is related to its value \(P^{S,c}\) in the Schrodinger picture as \[\begin{aligned}
P_{1234}^{c}\left(t\right)= & P_{1234}^{S,c}\mathrm{exp}\left[i\left(\epsilon_{1}-\epsilon_{2}-\epsilon_{3}+\epsilon_{4}\right)t\right], \end{aligned}\] where \(\epsilon_{i}\) are single-particle eigenvalues of \(H_{0}\). Below, we consider three separate scattering mechanisms-electron-impurity (e-i), electron-phonon (e-ph) and electron-electron (e-e), and describe the matrix elements for each. For electron-phonon scattering, the scattering matrix is given by \[\begin{aligned}
P_{1234}\super{S,e\text{-}ph}= & \sum_{q\lambda\pm}A_{13}^{q\lambda\pm}A_{24}^{q\lambda\pm,*},\\ A_{13}^{q\lambda\pm}= & \sqrt{\frac{2\pi}{\hbar}}g_{12}^{q\lambda\pm}\sqrt{\delta_{\sigma}^{G}\left(\epsilon_{1}-\epsilon_{2}\pm\omega_{q\lambda}\right)}\sqrt{n_{q\lambda}^{\pm}}, \end{aligned}\] where \(q\) and \(\lambda\) are phonon wavevector and mode, \(g^{q\lambda\pm}\) is the electron-phonon matrix element, resulting from the absorption (\(-\)) or emission (\(+\)) of a phonon, computed with self-consistent spin-orbit coupling from first-principles, \(n_{q\lambda}^{\pm}=n_{q\lambda}+0.5\pm0.5\) in terms of phonon Bose factors \(n_{q\lambda}\), and \(\delta_{\sigma}^{G}\) represents an energy conserving \(\delta\)-function broadened to a Gaussian of width \(\sigma\). Next, for electron-impurity scattering, the scattering matrix is given by \[\begin{aligned}
P_{1234}\super{S,e\text{-}i}= & A_{13}^{i}A_{24}^{i,*},\\ A_{13}^{i}= & \sqrt{\frac{2\pi}{\hbar}}g_{13}^{i}\sqrt{\delta_{\sigma}^{G}\left(\epsilon_{1}-\epsilon_{3}\right)}\sqrt{n_{i}V\sub{cell}},\\ g_{13}^{i}= & \left\langle 1\right|V^{i}\left|3\right\rangle, \end{aligned}\] where \(n_{i}\) and \(V\sub{cell}\) are impurity density and unit cell volume, respectively, and \(V^{i}\) is the impurity potential. In this work, we deal with ionized and neutral impurities differently. For ionized impurities, \(V^{i}\) is proportional to screened Coulomb potential; for neutral impurities, we compute impurity potentials with supercell methods from DFT. (See Appendix A for further details). Finally, for electron-electron scattering, the scattering matrix is given by \[\begin{aligned}
P_{12,34}\super{S,e\text{-}e}= & 2\sum_{56,78}\left(I-\rho\right)_{65}\mathscr{A}_{15,37}\mathscr{A}_{26,48}^{*}\rho_{78},\\ \mathscr{A}_{1234}= & \frac{1}{2}\left(A_{1234}-A_{1243}\right),\\ A_{1234}= & \frac{1}{2}\sqrt{\frac{2\pi}{\hbar}}\left[g_{1234}^{e-e}(\delta_{\sigma,1234}^{G})^{1/2}+g_{2143}^{e-e}(\delta_{\sigma,2143}^{G})^{1/2}\right],\\ g_{1234}\super{e\text{-}e}= & \left\langle 1\left(r\right)\right|\left\langle 2\left(r'\right)\right|V\left(r-r'\right)\left|3\left(r\right)\right\rangle \left|4\left(r'\right)\right\rangle, \end{aligned}\] where \(V\left(r-r'\right)\) is the screened Coulomb potential and \(\delta_{\sigma,1234}^{G}=\delta_{\sigma}^{G}\left(\epsilon_{1}+\epsilon_{2}-\epsilon_{3}-\epsilon_{4}\right)\) is a Gaussian-broadened energy conservation function. The screening is described by Random-Phase-Approximation (RPA) dielectric function (details in Appendix A). Although the above equations describe all possible scattering processes between electrons and holes, we only consider those between conduction electrons here, which are appropriate for n-type Group III-V semiconductors. The electron-hole scattering can be important for intrinsic and p-type material. We note that unlike the e-ph and e-i channels, \(P\super{S,e\text{-}e}\) (as well as the dielectric screening in \(V\)) is a function of \(\rho\) and needs to be updated during time evolution of \(\rho\). This is a clear consequence of the two-particle nature of e-e scattering. \(P\super{S,e\text{-}e}\) can be written as the difference between a direct term and an exchange term, \[\begin{aligned}
P\super{S,e\text{-}e}= & P\super{S,e\text{-}e,d}-P\super{S,e\text{-}e,x},\\ P\super{S,e\text{-}e,d}= & \sum_{56,78}\left(I-\rho\right)_{65}A_{15,37}A_{26,48}^{*}\rho_{78},\\ P\super{S,e\text{-}e,x}= & \sum_{56,78}\left(I-\rho\right)_{65}A_{15,37}A_{26,84}^{*}\rho_{78}. \end{aligned}\] According to Ref. , the direct term is expected to dominate the dynamical scattering processes between conduction or valence electrons, allowing us to neglect the exchange term here.
## Pump-probe simulation
In nonrelativistic limit, the light-matter interaction Hamiltonian operator (\(\widehat{H}_{e-p}\)) reads \[\begin{aligned}
\widehat{H}_{e-p}= & \frac{e}{m_{e}}\vec{A}\left(t\right)\cdot\widehat{\vec{p}}\\ & +\frac{e}{2m_{e}}\vec{A}\left(t\right)\cdot\vec{A}\left(t\right)+g_{e}\mu_{B}\widehat{\vec{s}}\cdot\left(\bigtriangledown\times\vec{A}\left(t\right)\right), \end{aligned}\] where \(\vec{A}\left(t\right)\) is the vector potential and \(\vec{A}\left(t\right)=\vec{A}_{0}\left(t\right)e^{-i\omega t}+\vec{A}_{0}^{*}\left(t\right)e^{i\omega t}\) with \(\vec{A}_{0}\left(t\right)\) being the complex amplitude and \(\omega\) being photon frequency. \(\widehat{\vec{p}}\) is momentum operator. \(g_{e}\approx2.0023192\) is anomalous gyromagnetic ratio. The second quadratic term plays a role only when pump fluence is higher by several orders of magnitude than that in usual spin dynamics experiments and can be safely neglected. Since \(\bigtriangledown\times\vec{A}\left(t\right)=-i\vec{q}_{\mathrm{photon}}\times\vec{A}\left(t\right)\) and the photon wavevector \(\vec{q}_{\mathrm{photon}}\) is quite small (the photon wavelength is much longer than the scale of unit cells), the third term is also negligible. Therefore, we will only keep the first \(\vec{A}\left(t\right)\cdot\widehat{\vec{p}}\) term. The interaction with a pump pulse of frequency \(\omega\sub{pump}\) in the interaction picture is given by \[\begin{aligned}
H_{\mathrm{pump},k,mn}\left(\omega\sub{pump},t\right)= & \frac{e}{m_{e}}\vec{A}_{0}\left(t\right)\cdot\vec{p}_{k,mn}e^{it\left(\epsilon_{m}-\epsilon_{n}-\omega\sub{pump}\right)}\nonumber \\ & +H.C., \end{aligned}\] where \(m,n\) represent the band indices and \(k\) represents the k point sampling in the first Brillouin zone. For a Gaussian pulse centered at time \(t\sub{center}\) with width \(\tau\sub{pump}\), \[\begin{aligned}
\vec{A}_{0}\left(t\right) & =\vec{A}_{0}\frac{\mathrm{1}}{\sqrt{\sqrt{\pi}\tau\sub{pump}}}\mathrm{exp}\left[-\left(t-t\sub{center}\right)^{2}/\left(2\tau\sub{pump}^{2}\right)\right]. \end{aligned}\] Note that the corresponding pump fluence is \(I\sub{pump}=\omega\sub{pump}^{2}|A_{0}|^{2}/\left(8\pi\alpha\right)\), where \(\alpha\) is fine structure constant. As a part of the coherent portion of the time evolution, the dynamics due to this term are captured directly in the Liouville form, \[\begin{aligned}
\frac{d\rho}{dt}|\sub{pump}= &-i[H\sub{pump},\rho]. \end{aligned}\] The probe pulse interacts with the material similarly to the pump pulse, and could be described in exactly the same way in principle. However, this would require repeating the simulation for several values of the pump-probe delay. Instead, since the probe is typically chosen to be of sufficiently low intensity, we use second-order time-dependent perturbation theory to capture its interaction with the system, \[\begin{aligned}
\Delta\rho\super{probe}= & \frac{1}{2}\sum_{345}\left\{ \begin{array}{c} \left[I-\rho\left(t\right)\right]_{13}P_{32,45}\super{probe}\rho\left(t\right)_{45}\\-\left[I-\rho\left(t\right)\right]_{45}P_{45,13}\super{probe,*}\rho\left(t\right)_{32} \end{array}\right\} +H.C.,\label{eq:drho_probe} \end{aligned}\] where \(P\super{probe}\) is the generalized scattering-rate matrix for the probe in the interaction picture. Its corresponding Schrodinger-picture quantity is \[\begin{aligned}
P_{1234}\super{S,probe}= & \sum_{\pm}A_{13}\super{probe,\pm}A_{24}\super{probe,\pm,*},\\ A_{13}\super{probe,\pm}= & \sqrt{\frac{2\pi}{\hbar}}\frac{e}{m_{e}}\left(\vec{A}_{0}\super{probe}\cdot\vec{p}\right)\sqrt{\delta_{\sigma}^{G}\left(\epsilon_{1}-\epsilon_{3}\pm\omega\sub{probe}\right)}. \end{aligned}\] The dielectric function change \(\Delta\epsilon\) between the excited state and ground state absorption detected by the probe is then \[\begin{aligned}
\mathrm{Im}\Delta\epsilon= & \frac{2\pi}{\left(\omega\sub{probe}\right)^{3}|A_{0}\super{probe}|^{2}}\mathrm{Tr}\left(H_{0}\Delta\rho\super{probe}\right). \end{aligned}\] Note that \(\Delta\rho\super{probe}\) contains \(|A_{0}\super{probe}|^{2}\) so that \(\mathrm{Im}\Delta\epsilon\) is independent of \(A_{0}\super{probe}\). The above \(\mathrm{Im}\Delta\epsilon\) is a functional of the density matrix according to Eq. [\[eq:drho_probe\]](#eq:drho_probe){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:drho_probe"} and is an extension of the usual independent-particle \(\mathrm{Im}\epsilon\) depending on just occupation numbers. After computing \(\mathrm{Im}\Delta\epsilon\) above, the real part \(\mathrm{Re}\Delta\epsilon\) can be obtained from the Krames-Kronig relation. By summing up the dielectric function change \(\Delta\epsilon\) computed above with the dielectric function for ground state absorption, we can obtain the excited-state \(\epsilon\) as inputs for Kerr and Faraday rotation calculations. These correspond to the rotations of the polarization plane of a linearly polarized light, reflected by (Kerr) and transmitted through (Faraday) the material, after a pump excitation with a circularly-polarized light. Time-Resolved Kerr/Faraday Rotation (TRKR/TRFR) has been widely used to study spin dynamics of materials. In a TRKR experiment, a circularly-polarized pump pulse is used to excite valence electrons of the sample to conduction bands. The transitions approximately satisfy the selection rule of \(\Delta m_{j}=\pm1\) for left and right circularly-polarized pulses, respectively, where \(m_{j}\) is secondary total angular momentum. TRKR works by measuring the changes of polarization of reflected light, which qualitatively is proportional to the small population imbalance of electronic states with different \(m_{j}\). Specifically, the Kerr rotation angle \(\theta_{K}\) is computed with dielectric functions by \[\begin{aligned}
\theta_{K}= & \mathrm{Im\frac{\sqrt{\epsilon_{+}}-\sqrt{\epsilon_{-}}}{1-\sqrt{\epsilon_{+}}\sqrt{\epsilon_{-}}}},\label{eq:kerr} \end{aligned}\] where \(\pm\) denotes the left and right circular polarization, respectively.
# Computational details
The ground-state electronic structure, phonon, and e-ph matrix element calculations of GaAs and few-layer WSe\(_{2}\) are first calculated using Density Functional Theory (DFT) with relatively coarse \(k\) and \(q\) meshes in the JDFTx plane-wave DFT code. For GaAs, we use the experimental lattice constant of 5.653 \(\text{Å}\), and select the SCAN exchange-correlation functional for an accurate description of the electron effective mass (see section II in Supplemental Materials). We also apply a scissor operator to the DFT values to reach experimental band gap 1.43 eV. For WSe\(_{2}\), we used PBE exchange correlation functional along with the DFT-D2 pair potential dispersion corrections. The resulting lattice constant is 3.32 \(\text{Å}\) and distance between two W-atom planes is 6.419 \(\text{Å}\) close to experimental values of bulk WSe\(_2\), 3.297 and 6.491 \(\text{Å}\). The phonon calculations of GaAs and WSe\(_{2}\) employ a \(4\times4\times4\) and \(6\times6\) supercell, respectively. We use Optimized Norm-Conserving Vanderbilt (ONCV) pseudopotentials with self-consistent spin-orbit coupling throughout, which we find converged at a plane-wave kinetic energy cutoff of 34 and 62 Ry for GaAs and WSe\(_{2}\), respectively. With these computational parameters, we find the effective mass of conduction electrons of GaAs to be 0.054\(m_{e}\), close to the experimental value of 0.067\(m_{e}\). (More convergence tests can be found in Supporting Information (SI)). We then transform all quantities from plane wave basis to maximally localized Wannier function basis, and interpolate them to substantially finer k and q meshes. The Wannier interpolation approach fully accounts for polar terms in the e-ph matrix elements and phonon dispersion relations, using the approach developed by Verdi and Giustino for 3D and using the methods in Ref. and Ref. for 2D systems. The Born effective charges and dielectric constants are calculated from open-source code QuantumESPRESSO. For GaAs, the fine \(k\) and \(q\) meshes are \(288\times288\times288\) for simulations at 300 K and are finer at lower temperature, e.g., \(792\times792\times792\) for simulations at 30 K. This is necessary to sample enough electronic states around band edges and for spin lifetime convergence within 20\(\%\). The \(k\) and \(q\) convergence are easier for WSe\(_{2}\) due to much larger effective masses and we used \(168\times168\) and \(600\times600\) meshes at 50 and 10 K, respectively. The computation of e-i and e-e matrix elements and the real-time dynamics simulations are done with a new custom code interfaced to JDFTx. The energy-conservation smearing parameter \(\sigma\) is chosen to be comparable or smaller than \(k_{B}T\) for each calculation. Detailed convergence tests of number of k points and energy window for electronic states at various smearing parameters can be found in Supplemental Materials.
# Results and discussions[\[sec:results\]]{#sec:results label="sec:results"}
## Applications to n-doped GaAs
### Spin dynamics and its relation to TRKR[\[subsec:GaAs_ultrafast\]]{#subsec:GaAs_ultrafast label="subsec:GaAs_ultrafast"}
In general, time evolution of Kerr rotation angle \(\theta_{K}\) (see Eq. [\[eq:kerr\]](#eq:kerr){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:kerr"}) is not equivalent to that of spin along the direction of reflected light, and in fact, they can be quite different in some cases. There are few first-principles studies of TRKR considering scattering processes in a form of semiclassical Boltzmann equation. A full quantum description of scatterings with non-diagonal density matrix in TRKR has not been presented in previous first-principles studies, to the best of our knowledge. And the relation between dynamics of \(\theta_{K}\) and spin observable for general systems including GaAs has not yet been well examined. Using our density-matrix approach, we are able to directly simulate the nonequilibrium ultrafast dynamics of optically excited systems during which the dynamics of different electronic quantities such as spin and carriers can be strongly coupled. We include all scattering terms in a full quantum description as shown in the theory section II.B and Appendix A. We perform the real-time dynamics simulations of n-type GaAs for tens of ps at room temperature and several ns at low temperature until the fitted spin lifetime does not change any more. Having temporal density matrix, we can further analyze the dynamics of various observables, including occupation, spin and Kerr rotation angle easily. We then examine the relation between \(\theta_{K}\) and spin in the dynamics. Figure [\[fig:energy-resolved-dynamics\]](#fig:energy-resolved-dynamics){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:energy-resolved-dynamics"} shows the energy-resolved dynamics of carriers \(\Delta n\left(\epsilon,t\right)\,=\,n\left(\epsilon,t\right)-n\left(\epsilon,0\right)\) and spins \(S_{z}\left(\epsilon,t\right)\). The energy-resolved observable \(O\left(\epsilon\right)\) is defined as \(\mathrm{Re}\left[\sum_{k,mn}o_{k,mn}\rho_{k,nm}\delta\left(\epsilon-\epsilon_{km}\right)\right]\), where \(o\) is operator matrix. We can see that during the first ps (region I in Fig. [\[fig:energy-resolved-dynamics\]](#fig:energy-resolved-dynamics){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:energy-resolved-dynamics"}), both observables vary quickly due to the existence of the pump processes and both have their maximum at an energy slightly lower than the pump energy, 1.47 eV (slightly larger than the band gap 1.43 eV), at a time shortly after the time center of the pump pulse-0.5 ps. Interestingly, after pump being not active or after 0.8-1 ps, carriers and spins simultaneously relax until 2-3 ps (region II in Fig. [\[fig:energy-resolved-dynamics\]](#fig:energy-resolved-dynamics){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:energy-resolved-dynamics"}a and [\[fig:energy-resolved-dynamics\]](#fig:energy-resolved-dynamics){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:energy-resolved-dynamics"}b). Afterward (region III in Fig. [\[fig:energy-resolved-dynamics\]](#fig:energy-resolved-dynamics){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:energy-resolved-dynamics"}a and [\[fig:energy-resolved-dynamics\]](#fig:energy-resolved-dynamics){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:energy-resolved-dynamics"}b), carriers stay unchanged but spins \(S_{z}\left(\epsilon,t\right)\) decay exponentially as shown in the insets of Fig. [\[fig:energy-resolved-dynamics\]](#fig:energy-resolved-dynamics){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:energy-resolved-dynamics"}a and [\[fig:energy-resolved-dynamics\]](#fig:energy-resolved-dynamics){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:energy-resolved-dynamics"}b. We have further analyzed the dynamics of Kerr rotation angle \(\theta_{K}\) and compared it with spin dynamics. From Fig. [\[fig:spin_generators_and_observables\]](#fig:spin_generators_and_observables){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:spin_generators_and_observables"}a, we can see that during pump processes and shortly after them (from 0 to 2 ps), \(\theta_{K}\left(t\right)\) has strong oscillations and sensitive to the probe energy \(\omega\sub{probe}\). The \(\omega\sub{probe}\)-sensitivity may be partly attributed to the energy dependence of carrier and spin dynamics. From Fig. [\[fig:spin_generators_and_observables\]](#fig:spin_generators_and_observables){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:spin_generators_and_observables"}a and [\[fig:spin_generators_and_observables\]](#fig:spin_generators_and_observables){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:spin_generators_and_observables"}b, it can be seen that after 3 ps (or in time region III defined in Fig. [\[fig:energy-resolved-dynamics\]](#fig:energy-resolved-dynamics){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:energy-resolved-dynamics"}), \(\theta_{K}\) with different \(\omega\sub{probe}\) decay exactly the same. We can also find that with a pump pulse, relaxation time of the Kerr rotation is the same as that of \(S_{z}\), i.e. \(\tau_{s,z}\). Moreover, it turns out that \(\tau_{s,z}\) does not depend on how spin imbalance is generated-by a circularly polarized pump pulse or by turning off a test magnetic field along \(z\) direction (see Sec. [\[subsec:theory_dynamics\]](#subsec:theory_dynamics){reference-type="ref" reference="subsec:theory_dynamics"}). This may indicate that if the system is not extremely far from equilibrium, spin relaxation along direction \(i\) is not sensitive to the way of generating spin imbalance, as long as the degrees of freedom other than \(S_{i}\) are not relevant or disappear in a short time. According to these observations, hereinafter, we will do real-time dynamics starting from a \(\delta\rho\) generated by turning off a test magnetic field and fit \(\tau_{s,z}\) from time evolution of \(S_{z}\). We have also studied the effects of \(\omega\sub{pump}\) and pump fluence \(I\sub{pump}\) on spin relaxation of \(n\)-GaAs at 300 K. We find that \(\omega\sub{pump}\) has very weak effects on spin relaxation but \(\tau_{s,z}\) decreases with pump fluence. See more details in Appendix C.
### Temperature-dependence of spin lifetime and its dominant relaxation mechanism[\[subsec:temperature\]]{#subsec:temperature label="subsec:temperature"}
As discussed earlier, long-standing controversies remain for the dominant spin relaxation mechanism of GaAs at different temperature and doping level , which will be resolved in the following sections. We start from study \(\tau_{s,z}\) of \(n\)-GaAs as a function of temperature at a moderate doping level (\(2\times10^{16}\) cm\(^{-3}\)). For simplicity, we assume all impurities are fully ionized, so that the impurity density \(n_{i}\) is equal to the free carrier density \(n\sub{free}\). We first compared our calculated spin lifetime with experimental results in Fig. [\[fig:compare_exp\]](#fig:compare_exp){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:compare_exp"}. Our results of \(\tau_{s,z}\) of \(n\)-GaAs give good agreement with experiments at various temperatures. Different experiments have slight variations between each other due to sample preparation conditions and specific measurement techniques. The spin lifetime increases from tens of ps at room temperature to tens of ns at low temperature. Note that e-e scattering plays an essential role at low temperatures, i.e. by comparing with (black solid square) and without (black empty square) in Fig. [\[fig:compare_exp\]](#fig:compare_exp){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:compare_exp"}. The correct temperature dependence of \(\tau_{s,z}\) can be reproduced only if e-e scattering is included. We further examine the contributions of different scattering mechanisms to carrier and spin lifetime respectively, as a function of temperature. Different from spin lifetime obtained from real-time DM dynamics including all scattering processes simultaneously, the carrier lifetime (\(\overline{\tau}_{p}\)) is defined through the inverse of the averaged carrier scattering rate(\(\tau_{p}^{-1}\)): \(\overline{\tau}_{p}=1/\left\langle \tau_{p}^{-1}\right\rangle\). Various scattering processes (e-e, e-i and e-ph) contribute to the total carrier scattering rates through \(\tau_{p}^{-1}=(\tau_{p}\super{e-e})^{-1}+(\tau_{p}\super{e-i})^{-1}+(\tau_{p}\super{e-ph})^{-1}\). \(\langle\rangle\) means taking average around chemical potential \(\mu\). For a state-resolved quantity \(A_{kn}\), its average is defined as \(\left\langle A\right\rangle =\sum_{kn}A_{kn}\left[f^{\mathrm{eq}}\right]'\left(\epsilon_{kn}\right)/\sum_{kn}\left[f^{\mathrm{eq}}\right]'\left(\epsilon_{kn}\right)\), where \(\left[f^{\mathrm{eq}}\right]'\) is the derivative of Fermi-Dirac function. For both carrier and spin lifetime, the lifetime due to the most dominant scattering channel is the closest to the one including all processes (black squares in both Fig. [\[fig:compare_spin_carrier_relaxation\]](#fig:compare_spin_carrier_relaxation){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:compare_spin_carrier_relaxation"}a and b). For spin relaxation in Fig. [\[fig:compare_spin_carrier_relaxation\]](#fig:compare_spin_carrier_relaxation){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:compare_spin_carrier_relaxation"}a, at low temperature below 50 K, e-e scattering is the most dominant process as discussed above. However, the e-ph process becomes more dominant above 100K. On the other hand, for carrier relaxation in Fig. [\[fig:compare_spin_carrier_relaxation\]](#fig:compare_spin_carrier_relaxation){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:compare_spin_carrier_relaxation"}b, the e-i process is dominant over a wide temperature range from low to right below room temperature. At room temperature, for both spin and carrier lifetimes, the e-ph scattering is the most important process (closest to the total lifetime with all scattering processes). Our observations differ from those in Refs. and , where the authors also found that e-e scattering dominates spin relaxation at lower temperatures, e.g. 77 K, but their results showed that at room temperature e-e scattering can be more important than other scatterings and enhances \(\tau_{s,z}\) of \(n\)-GaAs by about 100\(\%\) with moderate doping concentrations. The overestimate of the effects of e-e scattering at room temperature is most likely a limitation of the semiclassical method employed therein. Similarly, we also find that different phonon modes can play different roles in carrier and spin relaxations as shown in Fig. [\[fig:compare_spin_carrier_relaxation\]](#fig:compare_spin_carrier_relaxation){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:compare_spin_carrier_relaxation"}c and [\[fig:compare_spin_carrier_relaxation\]](#fig:compare_spin_carrier_relaxation){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:compare_spin_carrier_relaxation"}d. For example, at room temperature, LO (longitudinal optical) mode is most important for carrier relaxation but seems less important than TA (transverse acoustic) modes for spin relaxation. The situation is the opposite at 100 K where TA/LO is most important for carrier/spin relaxation. Our finding that TA modes are slightly more important than LO mode in spin relaxation at room temperature is different from what have been believed in previous model studies, where they declared that the electron-LO-phonon scattering dominates spin relaxation at high temperatures especially at room temperature. This disparity is most likely due to differences in the e-ph matrix elements and electronic quantities, where we used fully first-principles approaches instead of parameterized models in previous work. In addition, we find the total spin lifetime is the longest when considering all scattering processes in Fig. [\[fig:compare_spin_carrier_relaxation\]](#fig:compare_spin_carrier_relaxation){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:compare_spin_carrier_relaxation"}a; in contrast, the carrier lifetime is the shortest including all scattering mechanism in Fig. [\[fig:compare_spin_carrier_relaxation\]](#fig:compare_spin_carrier_relaxation){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:compare_spin_carrier_relaxation"}b. This follows the inverse relation between spin and carrier lifetime in the empirical D'yakonov--Perel' (DP) mechanism for systems without inversion symmetry, as will be discussed in more details in next section.
### Doping-level-dependence of spin lifetime and its dominant relaxation mechanism[\[subsec:doping\]]{#subsec:doping label="subsec:doping"}
Figure [\[fig:doping\]](#fig:doping){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:doping"} shows the carrier and spin lifetimes with different doping density \(n_{i}\) at 30 K with individual and total scattering pathways, respectively. Similar to temperature dependence and phonon contributions, it is also found that the roles of different scattering mechanism differ considerably between spin and carrier relaxation processes. Specifically, for the carrier relaxation in Fig. [\[fig:doping\]](#fig:doping){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:doping"}b, except when \(n_{i}\) is very low (e.g. at \(10^{14}\) cm\(^{-3}\)), the electron-impurity scattering (e-i) dominates, similar to the case of carrier lifetime over a large range of temperature at a moderate doping in Fig. [\[fig:compare_spin_carrier_relaxation\]](#fig:compare_spin_carrier_relaxation){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:compare_spin_carrier_relaxation"}b. On the other hand, for the spin relaxation in Fig. [\[fig:doping\]](#fig:doping){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:doping"}a, the e-e scattering dominates except at very high concentration (above \(10^{17}\) cm\(^{-3}\)), while e-i scattering is only important in the very high doping region (close to or above \(10^{17}\) cm\(^{-3}\)). Figure [\[fig:doping\]](#fig:doping){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:doping"} shows the calculated \(\tau_{s}\) has a maximum at \(n_{i}\,=\,1\text{-}2\times10^{16}\) cm\(^{-3}\), and \(\tau_{s}\) decreases fast with \(n_{i}\) going away from its peak position. This is in good agreement with the experimental finding in Ref. , which also reported \(\tau_{s}\) at \(n_{i}=10^{16}\) cm\(^{-3}\) is longer than \(\tau_{s}\) at other lower and higher \(n_{i}\) at a low temperature (a few Kelvin). The \(n_{i}\) dependence of \(\tau_{s}\) may be qualitatively interpreted from the commonly used empirical DP relation for inversion-asymmetric systems, \(\tau_{s,i}\sim\tau_{s,i}\super{DP}=1/\left[\overline{\tau}_{p}\cdot\left(\left\langle \vec{\Omega}^{2}\right\rangle-\left\langle \Omega_{i}^{2}\right\rangle \right)\right]\), where \(\overline{\tau}_{p}\) is the carrier lifetime, and \(\vec{\Omega}\) is the Larmor frequency due to the "internal" magnetic field, which describes the SOC term induced by inversion asymmetry. For spin 1/2 systems, the internal magnetic field at \({\bf k}\) (\(\vec{\Omega}_{{\bf k}}\)) will induce an energy splitting \(\Delta_{{\bf k}}\) and polarize the spin along the direction of \(\vec{\Omega}_{{\bf k}}\). Previously, \(\vec{\Omega}_{{\bf k}}\) was mostly obtained with model Hamiltonian with Dresselhaus SOC field, which is rather qualitative. Instead, we obtained k-dependent internal magnetic field \(\vec{\Omega}_{{\bf k}}\) from first-principles calculations, by using \(\Omega_{{\bf k},i}=2\Delta_{{\bf k}}\cdot s_{{\bf k},i}\super{exp}/\hbar\), where \(s_{{\bf k},i}\super{exp}\) is the spin expectation value. From Fig. [\[fig:doping\]](#fig:doping){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:doping"}, we find that with \(n_{i}\) from \(10^{14}\) cm\(^{-3}\) to \(5\times10^{15}\) cm\(^{-3}\), carrier lifetime \(\overline{\tau}_{p}\) decreases rapidly (black curve in Fig. [\[fig:doping\]](#fig:doping){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:doping"}b) and \(\left\langle \vec{\Omega}^{2}\right\rangle-\left\langle \Omega_{i}^{2}\right\rangle\) remains flat in Fig. [\[fig:doping\]](#fig:doping){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:doping"}c, which may explain why spin lifetime (\(\tau_{s}\)) increases in Fig. [\[fig:doping\]](#fig:doping){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:doping"}a based on the DP relation; however, when \(n_{i}>10^{16}\) cm\(^{-3}\), \(\overline{\tau}_{p}\) decreases with a similar speed but \(\left\langle \vec{\Omega}^{2}\right\rangle-\left\langle \Omega_{i}^{2}\right\rangle\) experiences a sharp increase, which may explain why spin lifetime decreases in Fig. [\[fig:doping\]](#fig:doping){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:doping"}b and owns a maximum at \(10^{16}\) cm\(^{-3}\). Note that although the above empirical DP relation is intuitive to understand the cause of doping-level dependence of spin lifetime, it may break down when we evaluate individual scattering processes. For example, when \(n_{i}\) increases from \(10^{14}\) cm\(^{-3}\) to \(10^{15}\) cm\(^{-3}\), both carrier lifetime \(\overline{\tau}_{p}\) and spin lifetime \(\tau_{s,z}\) due to e-i scattering decrease while the internal magnetic field remains unchanged. Moreover, the simple empirical relation cannot possibly explain our first-principles results that the e-e and e-i scatterings have largely different contributions in carrier and spin relaxation. First-principles calculations are critical to provide unbiased mechanistic insights to spin and carrier relaxation of general systems.
## Applications to few-layer WSe\(_{2}\)
### Spin/valley relaxation of resident holes of monolayer WSe\(_{2}\)
For holes of monolayer WSe\(_2\), spin/valley relaxation is mostly determined by intervalley spin-flip scattering processes between \(K\) and \(K'\) valleys because of the spin-valley locking. Previously, we reported spin/valley lifetimes of resident holes of monolayer TMDs at T\(\geq\)`<!-- -->`{=html}50 K with e-ph scattering. At very low temperatures, e.g., 10 K, intervalley e-ph scattering is however not activated as the corresponding phonon occupation is negligible; therefore, other scattering mechanisms are necessary to be included. Note that e-e scattering should not play an important role in spin relaxation of holes of TMDs. The reason is: The e-e scattering is a two-particle process where a transition is accompanied by another transition with energy and momentum being conserved. Considering the fact that only the highest occupied band is involved (see band structure in Fig. S5) in dynamics of TMD holes, for an e-e process, a \(K\[\rightarrow\]K'\) (\(K'\[\rightarrow\]K\)) spin-flip transition must be accompanied by an opposite \(K'\[\rightarrow\]K\) (\(K\[\rightarrow\]K'\)) spin-flip transition. Overall, e-e scattering processes have negligible contributions to spin relaxation of TMD semiconductors. As a result, we will include only e-ph and e-i scatterings for WSe\(_2\). We use the supercell method to compute e-i scattering matrix elements for neutral defects with self-consistent SOC and more details can be found in Appendix A. Experimentally several types of impurities/defects exist in TMD samples. Here we pick four types of impurities with different symmetries and chemical bonds (see Fig. [\[fig:monolayer\]](#fig:monolayer){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:monolayer"}(a))-Se vacancy (\(\mathrm{V_{Se}}\)), two neighboring Se vacancies (\(\mathrm{V_{2Se-N}}\)), W vacancy (\(\mathrm{V_{W}}\)) and two Se vacancies with the same in-plane position (\(\mathrm{V_{2Se-S}}\)). As most point defects are relatively deep with large ionization energies in semiconducting TMDs, we mostly consider neutral defects here. According to Refs. , the impurity concentration \(n_{i}\) ranges from 8\(\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}10\(^{10}\) to 10\(^{14}\) cm\(^{-2}\) depending on samples. Considering that \(\mathrm{V_{Se}}\) is often regarded as the most abundant impurity, we choose a reasonable impurity density \(n_{i}\) of \(\mathrm{V_{Se}}\)-7\(\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}10\(^{11}\) cm\(^{-2}\), within the experimental range and for better comparison with experimental \(\tau_{s}\) at T\(\geq\)`<!-- -->`{=html}20 K shown in Fig. [\[fig:monolayer\]](#fig:monolayer){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:monolayer"}(b). \(n_{i}\) of \(\mathrm{V_{2Se-N}}\) is chosen as 8\(\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}10\(^{9}\) cm\(^{-2}\), two order of magnitude lower than \(\mathrm{V_{Se}}\) because of its larger formation energy and better comparison with experimental \(\tau_{s}\). \(n_{i}\) of \(\mathrm{V_{W}}\) and \(\mathrm{V_{2Se-S}}\) are chosen arbitrarily as we find they have rather weak effects on spin relaxation and are 7\(\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}10\(^{11}\) and 3.5\(\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}10\(^{11}\) cm\(^{-2}\), respectively. From Fig. [\[fig:monolayer\]](#fig:monolayer){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:monolayer"}, we first find that at T\>20 K, spin relaxation is almost driven by e-ph scattering and impurities can only affect spin relaxation at T\(\leq\)`<!-- -->`{=html}20 K. For the effects of different impurities on spin relaxation, we have \(\mathrm{V_{2Se-N}}\) \(\gg\) \(\mathrm{V_{Se}}\) \(\gg\) \(\mathrm{V_{W}}\) \(\sim\) \(\mathrm{V_{2Se-S}}\). Such differences are directly related to the large differences among various impurities in electron-impurity matrix elements for the intervalley processes (scattering between \(K\) and \(K'\) valley), i.e. much larger matrix elements \(|g_i|\) for intervalley scattering at \(\mathrm{V_{2Se-N}}\) and \(\mathrm{V_{Se}}\) compared to the ones at \(\mathrm{V_{W}}\) and \(\mathrm{V_{2Se-S}}\) as shown in SI Fig. S9. Moreover, the temperature dependence of \(\tau_{s}\) with \(\mathrm{V_{2Se-N}}\) is much weaker and in better agreement with experiments than that with \(\mathrm{V_{Se}}\). Therefore, the observed weak temperature dependence in some experiments is probably related to the existence of larger size impurities with lower symmetries (e.g. \(\mathrm{V_{2Se-N}}\)). Our observations suggest that the local symmetry and chemical bonds surrounding an impurity have large impact on spin relaxation. Additionally, we have simulated spin lifetimes of monolayer WSe\(_{2}\) at 15 K with different hole densities and find a strong hole density dependence. The related results are shown in SI Fig. S12.
### Ultrafast dynamics of holes of bilayer WSe\(_{2}\)
Understanding detailed dynamical processes and related scattering mechanism can help develop strategy of controlling and manipulating spin/valley relaxation through tuning external fields, materials composition, and strain. In the following, we will first identify the scattering pathways of excited holes and spins in bilayer WSe\(_2\) (AB stacking as shown in Fig. [\[fig:bilayer_dynamics\]](#fig:bilayer_dynamics){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:bilayer_dynamics"}a). Next through real-time simulations, we determine dynamical quantities like spin lifetimes and valley polarization at different external fields and strain. Finally, we show the carrier occupation on each layer is fully spin polarized and can be switched by an external electric field. According to previous studies and our calculations, for valence bands of unstrained bilayer WSe\(_{2}\), \(\Gamma\) valley is slightly higher than \(K\)/\(K'\) valley, which is usually undesirable. The \(K\)/\(K'\) valley can be pushed higher than \(\Gamma\) valley by applying slight in-plane compressive strain (corresponding band structures can be found in SI Fig. S6). Moreover, under zero \(E_{z}\), the bilayer WSe\(_2\) has inversion symmetry, leading to carriers being equally populated at \(K\) and \(K'\) valleys and at two layers, with spin up and down degeneracy. A finite \(E_z\) can break inversion symmetry (thus break Kramers degeneracy) and induce non-zero layer polarization or layer population difference. For example, two top valence bands from layer A with \(\Uparrow\) (up spin) and layer B with \(\Downarrow\) (down spin) are degenerate at \(K\) without electric field but split under electric field. Thus each band is associated with a particular spin channel, valley and layer, i.e. spin-valley-layer locking effect. Also by tuning the sign and magnitude of \(E_z\), we are able to control various physical quantities like layer pseudospin, band splitting energy, etc. Therefore, to ensure spin-valley-layer locking effects being observed, we will study slightly compressed inversion-symmetric bilayer WSe\(_{2}\) under finite \(E_{z}\). Figure [\[fig:bilayer_dynamics\]](#fig:bilayer_dynamics){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:bilayer_dynamics"}(a) shows the scattering pathway schematics for hole bands (half circles) during the first few ps of slightly compressed (1\(\%\)) bilayer WSe\(_{2}\) excited by a circularly polarized pump pulse under finite \(E_{z}\) at 50 K, before exciton recombination processes happen typically at tens of ps timescale at this temperature. Similar to the GaAs case (see Sec. [\[subsec:GaAs_ultrafast\]](#subsec:GaAs_ultrafast){reference-type="ref" reference="subsec:GaAs_ultrafast"}), the hole spins will undergo the following processes: optical generation, decay to band edges and at the end slow relaxation. Initially, holes with the same spin polarization are excited at both \(K\) and \(K'\) valleys and two layers equally (e.g. down spin holes generated at \(K\) valley and layer B and \(K'\) valley and layer A as shown in Fig. [\[fig:bilayer_dynamics\]](#fig:bilayer_dynamics){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:bilayer_dynamics"}(a)). During and after the excitations, lower-energy holes at \(K\) (\(K'\)) valley will decay to the band edge through two possible scattering pathways: (i) Direct pathway through interlayer spin-conserving scattering (solid blue line); (ii) Indirect pathway through \(\Gamma\)-valley-related scattering (dashed lines for both spin conserving and flip processes). After all holes decay to the band edge, most of their carried spins are "locked" at a certain layer and valley (e.g., "A\(\Downarrow\)" at \(K'\) in Fig. [\[fig:bilayer_dynamics\]](#fig:bilayer_dynamics){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:bilayer_dynamics"}) due to weak intervalley spin-flip scattering (green arrow in Fig. [\[fig:bilayer_dynamics\]](#fig:bilayer_dynamics){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:bilayer_dynamics"}(a)), which is the so-called "spin-valley-layer locking". In Fig. [\[fig:bilayer_dynamics\]](#fig:bilayer_dynamics){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:bilayer_dynamics"}(b), we show time evolutions of valley-and band-resolved (excited or excess) hole densities under two \(E_{z}\). It can be seen that under a low \(E_{z}\) (0.5 V/nm, Fig. [\[fig:bilayer_dynamics\]](#fig:bilayer_dynamics){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:bilayer_dynamics"}(b) left panel), the main scattering pathway is the direct one mentioned above, i.e. the spin down holes scattered from B \(\Downarrow\) at \(K\) in dashed blue line with decreasing population to A \(\Downarrow\) at \(K'\) in solid blue line with increasing population. Under a higher \(E_{z}\) (2 V/nm, Fig. [\[fig:bilayer_dynamics\]](#fig:bilayer_dynamics){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:bilayer_dynamics"}(b) right panel), although the direct scattering pathway still exists, the indirect one through the \(\Gamma\) valley also becomes important because the band energy at \(\Gamma\) is pushed higher than the second valence band at \(K\) and \(K'\) under this electric field (see inset of Fig. [\[fig:bilayer_dynamics\]](#fig:bilayer_dynamics){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:bilayer_dynamics"}(b) right panel). Here occupation at B \(\Downarrow\) at \(K\) in dashed blue line rapidly decreased while occupation at \(\Gamma\) with both up and down spins in solid black temporarily increased through indirect scattering, and most importantly the A \(\Uparrow\) at \(K\) in solid red also increased due to the scattering through \(\Gamma\) valley. Increased population at A \(\Uparrow\) at \(K\) represents weakening the spin-valley-locking effect. Therefore, the indirect scattering pathway will lead to the reduction of spin density and valley polarization. We then show two key dynamical quantities-spin lifetime \(\tau_{s}\) in Fig. [\[fig:spin_lifetime_and_valley_pol\]](#fig:spin_lifetime_and_valley_pol){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:spin_lifetime_and_valley_pol"}(a) and maximum valley polarization of bilayer WSe\(_{2}\) in Fig. [\[fig:spin_lifetime_and_valley_pol\]](#fig:spin_lifetime_and_valley_pol){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:spin_lifetime_and_valley_pol"}(b) as a function of \(E_{z}\) with different percentages of strain. Valley polarization is defined as \(P_{V}=|n_{K}-n_{K'}|/n_{tot}\), where \(n_{K(K')}\) is excess hole density at \(K\left(K'\right)\) valley and \(n_{tot}\) is total excess hole density. A high maximum of \(P_{V}\) is necessary to ensure a high \(P_{V}\) for extended time. This is because: when \(P_{V}\) reaches its maximum, since most carriers/spins have already decayed to the band edge at the same time, \(P_{V}\) will decay very slowly through intervalley spin-flip scattering. Obviously, unstrained system is not suitable to utilize spin-valley-layer locking considering its short spin lifetimes and low maximum \(P_{V}\) under a relatively low electric field. As we discussed above, a slight strain is helpful to ensure \(K/K'\) valleys are sufficiently higher than \(\Gamma\) valley. Moreover, from Fig. [\[fig:spin_lifetime_and_valley_pol\]](#fig:spin_lifetime_and_valley_pol){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:spin_lifetime_and_valley_pol"}, an optimized range of \(E_{z}\) is from \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}0.2 to \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}2 V/nm, where the system shows long \(\tau_{s}\) and high maximum \(P_{V}\), consistent with the fact mentioned above: indirect scattering pathway, which becomes important under high \(E_{z}\), will cause loss of spin and valley polarization. Finally, in a bilayer, the percentage of carriers/spins localized in top/bottom layer at equilibrium can be controlled by a static \(E_{z}\). For device applications, it may be desirable to dynamically and spatially tune the locations of holes/spins by controlling \(E_{z}\). For this purpose, a knowledge of the speed of carriers/spins transferring between two layers can be useful. To extract the time scale of such transfer, we first generate holes/spins by applying a circularly polarized pump pulse centered at \(-9.5\) ps and let the system evolves until \(t=0\) under \(E_{z}=0.5\) V/nm to ensure almost all holes/spins being localized in bottom layer, then by switching \(E_{z}\) suddenly to \(-0.5\) V/nm at \(t=0\), holes/spins will start to transfer to top layer. In Fig. [\[fig:switching\]](#fig:switching){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:switching"}, we show time evolution of top layer hole occupation \(f_{h}^{\mathrm{top}}\) and spin \(s_{z}^{\mathrm{top}}\) (see their definitions in Appendix D) normalized by corresponding total quantities of 2% compressed bilayer after the sign of \(E_{z}\) is switched. From Fig. [\[fig:switching\]](#fig:switching){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:switching"}, at 50 K, 90% switching of \(f_{h}^{\mathrm{top}}\) and \(s_{z}^{\mathrm{top}}\) takes \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}6 ps. This time constant is much shorter than \(\tau_{s}\), which means such tuning is fast enough to use an electric field as a \"switch\" in spintronic devices.
# Conclusions
In this article, we present a first-principles real-time density-matrix approach to simulate ultrafast spin-orbit-mediated spin dynamics in solids with arbitrary crystal symmetry. The complete *ab initio* descriptions of pump, probe and three scattering processes-the electron-phonon, electron-impurity and electron-electron scattering in the density-matrix master equation, allows us to directly simulate the nonequilibrium ultrafast pump-probe measurements and makes our method applicable to any temperatures and doping levels. This method has been applied to simulate spin relaxation of \(n\)-GaAs. We confirm that relaxation time of Kerr rotation and that of spin observables are almost identical and find that relaxation time of spin polarization is relatively robust, i.e. insensitive to how spin imbalance is initialized. Furthermore, we have studied the temperature and doping-level dependencies of spin lifetime and examined the roles of various scattering mechanisms. Overall our theoretical results are in good agreement with experiments. Importantly, our first-principles simulations provide rich mechanistic insights of spin relaxation of \(n\)-GaAs: we point out that although at low temperatures and moderate doping concentrations e-i scattering dominates carrier relaxation, e-e scattering is the most dominant process in spin relaxation. The relative contributions of phonon modes also vary considerably between spin and carrier relaxation. We have further examined ultrafast dynamics in few-layer WSe\(_{2}\) with realistic impurities. We find that spin relaxation can highly depend on local symmetry and chemical bonds surrounding impurities. For the bilayer, we identify the scattering pathways of holes in ultrafast dynamics and determine relevant dynamical properties, including \(\tau_{s}\), maximum valley polarization and layer population/spin switch time, which are essential to utilize its unique spin-valley-layer locking effects. Our method opens up the pathway to predict spin relaxation and decoherence for general materials and provide unbiased insights and guidelines to experimental materials design, which have the potential to revolutionize the field of spintronics and quantum information technologies.
# Appendix A: Interaction Hamiltonian terms and matrix elements {#appendix-a-interaction-hamiltonian-terms-and-matrix-elements .unnumbered}
Three interaction Hamiltonian terms in Eq. [\[eq:H\]](#eq:H){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:H"} read \[\begin{aligned}
H\sub{e\text{-}ph}= & \sum_{12q\lambda}c_{1}^{\dagger}c_{2}\left(g_{12}^{q\lambda-}b_{q\lambda}+g_{12}^{q\lambda+}b_{q\lambda}^{\dagger}\right),\\ H\sub{e\text{-}i}= & n_{i}V\sub{cell}\sum_{12}c_{1}^{\dagger}c_{2}g_{12}^{i},\\ H\sub{e\text{-}e}= & \sum_{1234}c_{1}^{\dagger}c_{2}^{\dagger}c_{3}c_{4}g_{1234}\super{e\text{-}e}. \end{aligned}\] The e-ph matrix \(g^{q\lambda\pm}\) are computed with self-consistent spin-orbit coupling and Wannier interpolation by the supercell method. Here we assume impurity density is sufficiently low and the average distance between neighboring impurities is sufficiently long so that the interactions between impurities are negligible. The e-i matrix \(g^{i}\) is \[\begin{aligned}
g_{13}^{i}= & \left\langle 1\right|\Delta V^{i}\left|3\right\rangle ,\\ \Delta V^{i}= & V^{i}-V^{0}, \end{aligned}\] where \(V^{i}\) is the potential of the impurity system and \(V^{0}\) is the potential of the pristine system. In this work, \(g^{i}\) for neutral and ionized impurities are computed differently as follows. For neutral impurities, \(V^{i}\) is computed using a large supercell including an impurity with self-consistent SOC at DFT. This is important for including the detailed potential profile and chemical bonding environment for different impurities. To speed up the supercell convergence, we used the potential alignment method developed in Ref. . We checked the supercell size convergence of \(g^{i}\) for neutral \(\mathrm{V_{Se}}\) in monolayer WSe\(_{2}\) and found that the corresponding spin lifetime with 6\(\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}6 and 8\(\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}8 supercells differs by only a few percent. Thus 6\(\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}6 supercell is enough for \(g^{i}\) of neutral impurities in monolayer WSe\(_{2}\). For ionized impurities, we use approximate impurity potentials as detailed below. In general, \(\Delta V^{i}\) may be separated into two terms \(\Delta V^{i}=\Delta V_{\mathrm{ns}}^{i}+\Delta V_{\mathrm{soc}}^{i},\) where \(\Delta V_{\mathrm{ns}}^{i}\) is the spin-independent part and \(\Delta V_{\mathrm{soc}}^{i}=\left[\hbar/\left(4m^{2}c^{2}\right)\right]\nabla\left(\Delta V_{\mathrm{ns}}^{i}\right)\times\vec{p}\cdot\vec{\sigma}\) is the SOC correction. For ionized impurities, we approximate \(\Delta V_{\mathrm{ns}}^{i}\) as the potential of point charge and is simply the product of the impurity charge \(Z\) and the screened Coulomb potential, i.e., \(\Delta V_{\mathrm{ns}}^{i}=ZV^{\mathrm{scr}}\). Such approximate describes the long-range part of spin-independent differential impurity potential \(\Delta V_{\mathrm{ns}}^{i}\) accurately, which is often the most important contribution from ionized impurities. Considering that \(\Delta V_{\mathrm{soc}}^{i}\) is commonly neglected in previous theoretical studies on spin relaxation whenever screened Coulomb potential \(V^{\mathrm{scr}}\) is used, we will not include \(\Delta V_{\mathrm{soc}}^{i}\) for ionized impurities either. Note that such potential for ionized impurities still relaxes spin through spin-mixing and spin-precession.
The e-e matrix \(g\super{e\text{-}e}\) is \[\begin{aligned}
g_{1234}\super{e\text{-}e}= & \left\langle 1\left(r\right)\right|\left\langle 2\left(r'\right)\right|V\left(r-r'\right)\left|3\left(r\right)\right\rangle \left|4\left(r'\right)\right\rangle, \end{aligned}\] where \(V\left(r-r'\right)\) is the screened electron-electron interaction. The SOC corrections on \(V\left(r-r'\right)\) will not be included similar to the ionized impurity case. Thus, \(V\left(r-r'\right)\) is simply the screened Coulomb potential \(V^{scr}\). Therefore, in both calculations of \(g^{i}\) and \(g\super{e\text{-}e}\), the computation of the screened Coulomb potential \(V^{scr}\) is of key importance. Currently, we use the static RPA (Random Phase Approximation) dielectric function for the screening and neglect local-field effects. We then show the e-e self-energy (\(\mathrm{Im\Sigma}\)) obtained with such dielectric function well reproduces the one obtained with dynamically screened Coulomb interaction with full RPA dielectric matrix in the relevant energy range as shown in Fig. [\[fig:ImSigma_benchmark\]](#fig:ImSigma_benchmark){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:ImSigma_benchmark"}. The dielectric function has the form \[\begin{aligned}
\epsilon\left(\vec{q}\right)= & \epsilon_{s}\epsilon\super{intra}\left(\vec{q}\right), \end{aligned}\] where \(\epsilon_{s}\) is the static background dielectric constant and can be calculated by Density Functional Perturbation Theory (DFPT). \(\epsilon\super{intra}\left(\vec{q}\right)\) is the intraband contribution which involves only states with free carriers and is critical for doped semiconductors. It is computed using Random Phase Approximation (RPA), \[\begin{aligned}
\epsilon\super{intra}\left(\vec{q}\right)= & 1-V\super{bare}\left(\vec{q}\right)\sum_{\vec{k}mn}\left(\begin{array}{c} \frac{f_{\vec{k}-\vec{q},m}-f_{\vec{k}n}}{\epsilon_{\vec{k}-\vec{q},m}-\epsilon_{\vec{k},n}}\times\\ |\left\langle u_{\vec{k}-\vec{q},m}|u_{\vec{k}n}\right\rangle |^{2} \end{array}\right), \end{aligned}\] where the sum runs over only states having free carriers, e.g., for a n-doped semiconductor, \(m\) and \(n\) are conduction band indices. In the above formula, \(f\) is time-dependent non-equilibrium occupation instead of the equilibrium one \(f^{\mathrm{eq}}\). Therefore, if pump is activated or optical field \(\vec{A}_{0}\left(t\right)\) of the pump pulse is not negligible, \(\epsilon\super{intra}\left(\vec{q}\right)\) will be updated in every time step, as \(f\) will differ from \(f^{\mathrm{eq}}\) and the magnitude of difference depends on the excitation density. \(V\super{bare}\left(\vec{q}\right)=e^{2}/\left(V\sub{cell}\varepsilon_{0}|q|^{2}\right)\) is the bare Coulomb potential with \(V\sub{cell}\) the unit cell volume and \(\varepsilon_{0}\) vacuum permittivity. \(u_{\vec{k}n}\) is the periodic part of the Bloch wave function. We then have the matrix elements in reciprocal space, \[\begin{aligned}
g_{13}^{i}= & ZV\super{scr}\left(\vec{q}_{13}\right)\left\langle u_{1}|u_{3}\right\rangle ,\\ g_{1234}\super{e\text{-}e}= & V\super{scr}\left(\vec{q}_{13}\right)\delta_{\vec{k}_{1}+\vec{k}_{2},\vec{k}_{3}+\vec{k}_{4}}\left\langle u_{1}|u_{3}\right\rangle \left\langle u_{2}|u_{4}\right\rangle ,\\ V\super{scr}\left(\vec{q}_{13}\right)= & V\super{bare}\left(\vec{q}_{13}\right)/\epsilon\left(\vec{q}_{13}\right),\label{eq:scr} \end{aligned}\] where \(V\super{scr}\left(\vec{q}\right)\) is the screened Coulomb potential and \(\vec{q}_{13}=\vec{k}_{1}-\vec{k}_{3}\). \(\delta_{\vec{k}_{1}+\vec{k}_{2},\vec{k}_{3}+\vec{k}_{4}}\) is Kronecker delta function and means \(\vec{k}_{1}+\vec{k}_{2}=\vec{k}_{3}+\vec{k}_{4}\). \(\left\langle u_{1}|u_{3}\right\rangle\) is the overlap matrix element between two periodic parts of the Bloch wave functions.
# Appendix B: Carrier scattering rate and Im\(\Sigma\) from the density-matrix approach {#appendix-b-carrier-scattering-rate-and-imsigma-from-the-density-matrix-approach .unnumbered}
At the semiclassical limit, density matrix \(\rho\) is replaced by (non-equilibrium) occupation \(f\), then the scattering term originally with a full quantum description in Eq. [\[eq:scattering\]](#eq:scattering){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:scattering"} required by DM dynamics becomes: \[\begin{aligned}
\frac{df_{1}}{dt}|_{c}= & \mathop{\sum_{2\neq1}}\left[\left(1-f_{1}\right)P_{11,22}^{c}f_{2}-\left(1-f_{2}\right)P_{22,11}^{c}f_{1}\right],\label{Eq.f1} \end{aligned}\] using the facts that \(P_{11,22}\) is real and "2=1" term is zero. "c" represent a scattering channel. Note that the weights of k points must be considered when doing sum over k points. Suppose \(f\) is perturbed from its equilibrium value by \(\delta f\), i.e., \(f=f\super{eq}+\delta f\), then insert \(f\) after perturbation into Eq. [\[Eq.f1\]](#Eq.f1){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq.f1"} and linearize it, \[\begin{aligned}
\frac{df_{1}}{dt}|_{c}= &-\mathop{\sum_{2\neq1}}\left[P_{11,22}^{c}f_{2}^{\mathrm{eq}}+\left(1-f_{2}^{\mathrm{eq}}\right)P_{22,11}^{c}\right]\delta f_{1}, \end{aligned}\] using the fact that \(\delta P_{11,22}\) is always zero, even for the e-e scattering. Define carrier relaxation time of state "1" \(\tau_{p,1}^{c}\) by \(\frac{df_{1}}{dt}|_{c}=-\frac{\delta f_{1}}{\tau_{p,1}^{c}}\), we have \[\begin{aligned}
\frac{1}{\tau_{p,1}^{c}}= & \mathop{\sum_{2\neq1}}\left[P_{11,22}^{c}f_{2}^{\mathrm{eq}}+\left(1-f_{2}^{\mathrm{eq}}\right)P_{22,11}^{c}\right].\label{eq:carrier_lifetime} \end{aligned}\] The linewidth or the imaginary part of the self-energy for the scattering channel \(c\) is related to the carrier relaxation time by \(\mathrm{Im}\Sigma_{1}^{c}=\hbar/\left(2\tau_{p,1}^{c}\right)\). Using Eq. [\[eq:carrier_lifetime\]](#eq:carrier_lifetime){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:carrier_lifetime"}, we have calculated the e-ph scattering rates and they are in good agreement with previous theoretical results. For e-ph scattering, Eq. [\[eq:carrier_lifetime\]](#eq:carrier_lifetime){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:carrier_lifetime"} will reproduce the imaginary part of the well-known Fan-Migdal self-energy. For e-i scattering, we have \[\begin{aligned}
\frac{1}{\tau_{p,1}\super{e\text{-}i}}= & \frac{2\pi}{\hbar}n_{i}V\sub{cell}\sum_{2}|g_{12}^{i}|^{2}\delta_{\sigma}^{G}\left(\epsilon_{1}-\epsilon_{2}\right).\label{tau-e-i} \end{aligned}\] The above equation (Eq. [\[tau-e-i\]](#tau-e-i){reference-type="ref" reference="tau-e-i"}) is consistent with Ref. . For e-e scattering, neglecting the exchange contribution, which is a commonly-used approximation, \[\begin{aligned}
\frac{1}{\tau_{p,1}\super{e\text{-}e}}= & \frac{2\pi}{\hbar}\sum_{2\neq1,34}|A_{1324}|^{2}\left[\begin{array}{c} f_{2}^{\mathrm{eq}}f_{4}^{\mathrm{eq}}\left(1-f_{3}^{\mathrm{eq}}\right)+\\ \left(1-f_{2}^{\mathrm{eq}}\right)f_{3}^{\mathrm{eq}}\left(1-f_{4}^{\mathrm{eq}}\right) \end{array}\right].\label{eq:ee_lifetime} \end{aligned}\] To verify our implementation of e-e scattering term, we have calculated \(\mathrm{Im\Sigma}\) due to e-e scattering of valence electrons of p-type silicon based on the above equation and compare it with those calculated by the finite-temperature GW method from first-principles, as implemented in JDFTx. The JDFTx implementation, in turn, has been benchmarked to reproduce the expected dependence with temperature and carrier energy, Im\(\Sigma\super{e\text{-}e}\propto(\varepsilon-\varepsilon_{F})^{2}+(\pi k_{B}T)^{2}\), as expected for metals. From Fig. [\[fig:ImSigma_benchmark\]](#fig:ImSigma_benchmark){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:ImSigma_benchmark"}, we can see the results by two methods agree well for the energy range close to the Fermi level which is relevant to e-e scatterings due to energy conservation. This verifies our implementation of e-e scattering part.
# Appendix C: The effects of \(\omega\sub{pump}\) and pump fluence on spin relaxation of GaAs at 300 K {#appendix-c-the-effects-of-omegasubpump-and-pump-fluence-on-spin-relaxation-of-gaas-at-300-k .unnumbered}
In Fig. [\[fig:pumpE\]](#fig:pumpE){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:pumpE"}, we study the \(S_{z}\) relaxation dependence on pump-pulse energy changes with several \(k_{B}T\). We can see that variation of \(\omega\sub{pump}\) has very weak effects on spin dynamics of \(n\)-GaAs at 300 K. In Fig. [\[fig:pumpfluence\]](#fig:pumpfluence){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:pumpfluence"}a, we study the effects of the pump fluence \(I\sub{pump}\) on spin relaxation. Firstly, we can see that in the low pump fluence region or when \(I\sub{pump}<1\) \(\mu\)J/cm\(^{-2}\), the excitation density increases linearly with \(I\sub{pump}\) but when \(I\sub{pump}>1\) \(\mu\)J/cm\(^{-2}\), the excitation density increases slower. This is because in high fluence cases, during the excitation by a pump pulse, a significant amount of conduction states have been already filled, which reduce the probability of the transitions from valence bands to conduction bands. From Fig. [\[fig:pumpfluence\]](#fig:pumpfluence){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:pumpfluence"}b, we find that spin lifetime of \(n\)-GaAs decreases with the excitation density. This dependence may be explained based on the empirical DP relation \(\tau_{s,i}\sim\tau_{s,i}^{DP}=1/\left[\overline{\tau}_{p}\cdot\left(\left\langle \vec{\Omega}^{2}\right\rangle-\left\langle \Omega_{i}^{2}\right\rangle \right)\right]\) as we discussed in Sec. [\[subsec:temperature\]](#subsec:temperature){reference-type="ref" reference="subsec:temperature"}. At 300 K, generally \(\left\langle \vec{\Omega}^{2}\right\rangle-\left\langle \Omega_{i}^{2}\right\rangle\) will increase with increasing free carrier density (through an increase of excitation density here), similar to what we find at 30 K shown in Fig. [\[fig:doping\]](#fig:doping){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:doping"}c. On the other hand, \(\overline{\tau}_{p}\) due to the electron-phonon scattering, which dominates carrier relaxation at 300 K, is less sensitive to the variation of excitation density. Therefore, it is the increase of \(\left\langle \vec{\Omega}^{2}\right\rangle-\left\langle \Omega_{i}^{2}\right\rangle\) causing the decrease of spin lifetime when increasing excitation density.
# Appendix D: Layer-resolved quantities of bilayer WSe\(_{2}\) {#appendix-d-layer-resolved-quantities-of-bilayer-wse_2 .unnumbered}
For a bilayer with one layer above \(z=0\) and another below, the operator \(\hat{l}^{\mathrm{top}}\) projecting any local quantity \(A(\vec{r})\) to the top layer can be defined through the relation \[\begin{aligned}
\hat{l}^{\mathrm{top}}A(\vec{r})= & H\left(z\right)A(\vec{r}), \end{aligned}\] where \(z\) is the third component of \(\vec{r}\) and \(H\left(z\right)\) is Heaviside step function \[\begin{aligned}
H\left(z\right)= & \{\begin{array}{c} 1,z>0\\ 0,z\leq0 \end{array}. \end{aligned}\] Therefore, top layer hole occupation \(f_{h}^{\mathrm{top}}\) is \[\begin{aligned}
f_{h}^{\mathrm{top}}= & \mathrm{Tr}\left(\hat{l}^{\mathrm{top}}\left(1-f\right)\right)\\ = & \sum_{kn}l_{k,nn}^{\mathrm{top}}\left(1-f_{kn}\right), \end{aligned}\] where \(f\) is occupation and \(l_{k,mn}^{\mathrm{top}}=\left\langle km\right|\hat{l}^{\mathrm{top}}\left|kn\right\rangle =\left\langle km\right|H\left(z\right)\left|kn\right\rangle\). \(\mathrm{Tr}\) means taking trace. \(k\) is k-point index. \(n\) and \(m\) are band indices. Moreover, top layer spin \(s_{z}^{\mathrm{top}}\) can be defined using the operator \(\hat{l}^{\mathrm{top}}\hat{s}_{z}\), \[\begin{aligned}
s_{z}^{\mathrm{top}}= & \mathrm{Tr}\left(\hat{l}^{\mathrm{top}}\hat{s}_{z}\hat{\rho}\right)\\ = & \sum_{k,lmn}l_{k,lm}^{\mathrm{top}}s_{z,k,mn}\rho_{k,nl}. \end{aligned}\] Note that the commutator \(\left[l^{\mathrm{top}},s_{z}\right]\) is found numerically close to zero for bilayer WSe\(_2\). This indicates that we can safely define \(s_{z}^{\mathrm{top}}\) as an observable using the above equations. | {'timestamp': '2021-10-01T02:28:00', 'yymm': '2012', 'arxiv_id': '2012.08711', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.08711'} |
# Introduction
For a number \(h\in \mathbb{N}\), a red-blue coloring of a finite set \(A\) is said to be *\(h\)-balanced* if the numbers of red and blue elements in \(A\) differ by at most \(h\). If \(h=1\), then we call it *perfectly balanced*. For positive integers \(s,k\in \mathbb N\), we denote by \(A_{s,k}=\{s,2s,\dots,ks\}\) the homogeneous arithmetic progression of length \(k\) and step \(s\). In 1932 Erdős asked if there exists a constant \(h\) and a red-blue coloring of \(\mathbb{N}\) such that *every* homogeneous arithmetic progression is \(h\)-balanced. The property in question seems unbelievable, and in fact, he expressed a guess that there is no such constant. This was confirmed only recently by Tao, with a support of collective efforts in a Polymath Project. We prove in this note that for every fixed \(k\in \mathbb{N}\) there is a red-blue coloring of \(\mathbb N\) which is perfectly balanced on all sets \(A_{s,k}\).
The proof uses completely multiplicative functions with values in the set \(\{+1,-1\}\) and some estimates for primes in arithmetic progressions. We give it in Section 2. In Section 3 we present another approach that did not appear to be successful, but leads to an intriguing open problem. In Section 4 we propose a new variant of the Erdős Discrepancy Problem, motivated by the *majority* coloring of graphs. This leads in turn to a question concerning completely multipliactive functions, resembling the famous conjecture of Pólya, concerning partial sums of the *Liouville function* \(\lambda(n)\). Finally, in Section 5, we briefly describe our initial motivation that led us to Theorem [\[Theorem Main\]](#Theorem Main){reference-type="ref" reference="Theorem Main"}, and discuss the related problem concerning *rainbow* homogeneous arithmetic progressions of fixed length \(k\).
# The proof
Recall that an arithmetic function \(f\) is *completely multiplicative* if it satisfies \(f(ab)=f(a)f(b)\) for every pair of positive integers \(a,b\in \mathbb{N}\). Notice that this implies that \(f(1)=1\). Since we will consider only functions with two values \(\{+1,-1\}\) (corresponding to colors red and blue), we will call them shortly *multiplicative colorings*. We start with the following simple lemma.
The next lemma comes from the paper by Borwein, Choi, and Coons.
We will also need some estimates on the number of primes of the form \(3m+1\) in the interval \((N,2N)\). Recall that the Chebyshev function \(\theta(x;3,1)\) is defined by \[\theta(x;3,1)=\sum_{p\equiv1(\modulo3),p\leqslant x}\log p.\] We will use the following result of McCurley.
Using this lemma we get a useful lower bound for the number of primes of the form \(3m+1\) between \(x\) and \(2x\).
Now we are ready to prove Theorem [\[Theorem Main\]](#Theorem Main){reference-type="ref" reference="Theorem Main"}
# Greedy muliplicative coloring
To prove Theorem [\[Theorem Main\]](#Theorem Main){reference-type="ref" reference="Theorem Main"} we firstly considered a different approach proposed by Rejmer (personal communication). It is a simple algorithm producing a perfectly balanced multiplicative coloring of the set \(\{1,2,\dots,k\}\) in a *greedy* way. Let \(k\) be a fixed positive integer. We start with putting \(c(1)=+1\). In each consecutive step we color the next integer so that the new coloring is perfectly balanced and multiplicative. So, in the second step we put \(c(2)=-1\). For a more precise description, suppose that after \(j-1\) steps, \(j\geqslant 2\), we obtained a perfectly balanced multiplicative coloring \((c(1),c(2),\dots, c(j-1))\). In the next step we distinguish two cases.
Notice that by Bertrand's Postulate, there is always a prime between \(\frac{j}{2}\) and \(j\). However, it is not clear that there will always be a prime whose sign-switching would improve balance. For instance, in the \(16\)th step of the algorithm we get the following coloring: \[\begin{array}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline 1&2&3&4&5&6&7&8&9&10&11&12&13&14&15&16 \\ \hline +&-&-&+&-&+&-&-&+&+&+&-&-&+&+&+\\ \hline \end{array}\] with \(9\) pluses and \(7\) minuses. To fix this imbalance, we go back to the first prime to the left, which is \(p=13\). However, \(c(13)=-1\), so switching this color into \(c(13)=+1\) would only increase imbalance. Fortunately, for the next prime \(p=11\) we have \(c(11)=+1\), so we may switch it to \(c(11)=-1\) and get in this way a perfectly balanced multiplicative coloring. We do not known if this algorithm ever stops.
Rejmer made some computational experiments with his algorithm. In particular, he run it up to \(10^9\) steps producing in this way perfectly balanced multiplicative colorings of \(A_{1,k}\) for all \(k\leqslant 10^9\). Notice that the first half terms of the last coloring will not be changed in the future. Thus, assuming validity of Conjecture [\[Conjecture Rejmer\]](#Conjecture Rejmer){reference-type="ref" reference="Conjecture Rejmer"}, the algorithm defines an intriguing recursive binary sequence \(R(n)\) over \(\{-1,+1\}\). Up to \(n=40\) Rejmer's sequence coincides with the Liouville function \(\lambda(n)\) (defined by \(\lambda(p)=-1\) for all primes \(p\)), but \(R(41)=+1\). The same happens for many other primes, in particular \(R(97)=R(101)=+1\). One may suspect that there will be infinitely many primes \(p\) with \(R(p)=+1\).
# Majority version of the Erdős Discrepancy Problem
Let \(h\) be a positive integer and let \(c\) be a red-blue coloring of the set \(A_{s,k}\). We say that \(c\) is a *majority* coloring if more than a half of the elements of \(A_{s,k}-\{s\}\) have color different than the element \(s\). Notice that a perfectly balanced coloring of \(A_{s,k}\) satisfies the majority condition, while a majority coloring of \(A_{s,k}\) can have all elements, except one, in the same color. Is it possible that there is a red-blue coloring of \(\mathbb{N}\) which satisfies the majority condition on *every* homogeneous arithmetic progression \(A_{s,k}\)? Interpreting colors as numbers \(\{+1,-1\}\), we may express the majority coloring of \(A_{s,k}\) via the inequality: \[c(a)\sum_{j=1}^{k}c(ja)\leqslant 0.\] So, the answer to the above question would be positive if we could find a completely multiplicative function \(c\) satisfying the inequality \[\sum_{j=1}^{k}c(j)\leqslant 0,\] for every \(k\geqslant2\). A natural candidate for such negativity property is the Liouville function \(\lambda(n)\). Actually in 1919 Pólya conjectured that \(\sum_{i=1}^{n}\lambda(i)\leqslant 0\) for all \(n\geqslant 2\), and proved that this would imply the Riemann Hypothesis (see ). Unfortunately, this supposition occurred to be far from the truth, but the smallest counter-example is \(n=906150257\). As in the original Erdős Discrepancy Problem, one may consider a relaxed version of majority coloring with some parameter \(h\). Let us call a coloring \(c\) of \(A_{s,k}\) an *\(h\)-majority* coloring if it satisfies: \[c(s)\sum_{j=1}^{k}c(js)\leqslant h.\] This leads to the following conjecture.
A natural first attempt is to look for an appropriate multiplicative coloring, which leads to the following problem.
We made some computer experiments with functions that are close to the Liouville function \(\lambda(n)\) in the sense that only a few small primes have sign \(+1\). For instance, switching only the sign of one small prime gives usually a function with much smaller partial sums. However, a standard argument using the Riemann Zeta function shows that in order to get a function satisfying Conjecture [\[Conjecture Merdos Multiplicative\]](#Conjecture Merdos Multiplicative){reference-type="ref" reference="Conjecture Merdos Multiplicative"} one has to switch signs of infinitely many primes.
# Final remarks
Curiously, our initial impulse for Theorem [\[Theorem Main\]](#Theorem Main){reference-type="ref" reference="Theorem Main"} came from a different direction and was related to the following problem posed independently by Pach and Pálvölgyi (see ).
Notice that the above statement easily implies the assertion of Theorem [\[Theorem Main\]](#Theorem Main){reference-type="ref" reference="Theorem Main"}. Indeed, a desired red-blue coloring can be obtained by splitting the set of \(k\) colors into two subsets of (almost) the same cardinality. Another consequence of Conjecture [\[Conjecture Rainbow\]](#Conjecture Rainbow){reference-type="ref" reference="Conjecture Rainbow"} is a positive answer to the following question of Graham: Is it true that among any \(n\) distinct positive integers \(a_1,a_2,\dots,a_n\) there is always a pair \(a_i,a_j\) satisfying \(\frac{a_i}{\gcd (a_i,a_j)}\geqslant n\)? The problem was solved in the affirmative for sufficiently large \(n\) by Szegedy and independently by Zaharescu. Then Balasubramanian and Soundararajan gave a complete solution by using methods of Analytic Number Theory. To see a connection between these two problems, consider a graph \(G_k\) on positive integers in which two numbers \(r,s\) are joined by an edge if and only if \(\frac{r}{\gcd(r,s)}\leqslant k\) and \(\frac{s}{\gcd(r,s)}\leqslant k\). Let \(\omega(G_k)\) and \(\chi(G_k)\) denote the clique number and the chromatic number of the graph \(G_k\), respectively. Then Graham's problem is equivalent to \(\omega(G_k)=k\), while Conjecture [\[Conjecture Rainbow\]](#Conjecture Rainbow){reference-type="ref" reference="Conjecture Rainbow"} is equivalent to a much stronger statement that \(\chi(G_k)=k\) (see, ). Going back to the Erdős Discrepancy Problem, it is natural to wonder to what extent the original question can have a positive answer. Let us call a pair of sets \((S,K)\) *cute* if there is a constant \(h\) and a red-blue coloring of \(\mathbb N\) such that every set \(A_{s,k}\) is \(h\)-balanced, for all \(s\in S\) and \(k\in K\). So, the result of Tao says that the pair \((\mathbb{N},\mathbb{N})\) is not cute, while Theorem [\[Theorem Main\]](#Theorem Main){reference-type="ref" reference="Theorem Main"} asserts that \((\mathbb{N},K)\) is cute for every singleton \(K=\{k\}\). It is not hard to prove that there are infinite sets \(K\) for which \((\mathbb{N},K)\) is still cute. For instance, one may use the multiplicative coloring \(b\) from Lemma [\[Lemma Borwein\]](#Lemma Borwein){reference-type="ref" reference="Lemma Borwein"} to infer that \((\mathbb{N},K)\) is cute if \(K\) is the set of positive integers avoiding \(1\)'s in their base \(3\) expansion. Notice however, that this set \(K\) has density zero. Is there a cute pair \((\mathbb{N},K)\) with \(K\) of positive density? On the other hand, there exist dense sets \(S\) for which the pair \((S,\mathbb N)\) is cute. For instance, the alternating red-blue coloring of \(\mathbb{N}\) is perfectly balanced on all sets \(A_{s,k}\) with \(s\) odd (see ). Is there a cute pair \((S,K)\) with both sets of density one? | {'timestamp': '2020-06-01T02:03:08', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14283', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14283'} |
# Introduction {#sec:intro}
.sectionequationsectionsection.sectionequation The effective chiral Lagrangian formalism has become a well-established methodology to study the interactions of the Goldstone bosons with or without other particle species, like e.g. pions and nucleons, respectively. The most significant example is Chiral Perturbation Theory (ChPT), which is the low-energy effective field theory (EFT) of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). For introduction and reviews, see e.g.. The use of perturbative calculations within ChPT as input for non-perturbative \(S\)-matrix based methods is a general procedure several decades old. Due to the fact that ChPT results are perturbative, given in terms of an expansion organized in increasing powers of the external four-momenta and light pseudoscalar masses, unitarity is only satisfied in the perturbative sense, similarly as in a standard Born series (perturbative unitarity is discussed in Sec. [\[sec.200525.1\]](#sec.200525.1){reference-type="ref" reference="sec.200525.1"}). A well-known example in this regard is the calculations in Quantum Electrodynamics with Feynman diagrams, where the expansion is done in powers of \(\alpha\) (the fine structure constant), so that if the leading-order calculation is \({\cal O}(\alpha)\) then unitarity contributions start at \({\cal O}(\alpha^2)\) from one-loop diagrams. However, the fulfillment of unitarity implies to square the calculated amplitudes, and not to expand the latter only up to the order in which the scattering amplitude is calculated (for an explicit example the reader can consult e.g. Sec. 7.3 of Ref. .) It is somewhat astonishing that already in 1970 one can read about motivations for unitarizing phenomenological chiral Lagrangians, introduced to construct realizations of the current algebra approach. Rephrasing the original remarks by Schnitzer, the ideas he put forward are still the main reasons to advocate the unitarization of ChPT amplitudes:
Although the interest in the present writing is on ChPT and the associated chiral expansion, among those early papers of Schnitzer we also quote Ref. . This paper builds a particular realization of the current-algebra, which satisfies the associated Ward-Takahashi identities and two-body unitarity is implemented by means of an effective-range-type parameterization (a unitarization method discussed in Sec. [3.1](#sec.200523.1){reference-type="ref" reference="sec.200523.1"}). One possibility to improve the agreement with data of the perturbative calculations within ChPT is to apply the chiral series expansion to an interaction element of the amplitude, which is afterwards implemented within non-perturbative techniques. This is one of the basic ideas behind unitarization methods for the chiral series of scattering amplitudes. The first works along these lines considered the application of an effective-range-type parameterization to unitarize \(\pi\pi\) scattering, once the \(\pi\pi\) scattering amplitude was calculated at leading order in ChPT by the application of the current-algebra techniques and the partial conservation of the axial-vector current (PCAC). A similar unitarization method was later applied to the first calculation at next-to-leading order (NLO) in the chiral counting of the \(\pi\pi\) PWAs in the chiral limit (\(m_\pi=0\)). The calculation of the latter ones, as well as their unitarization by applying a generalized effective-range expansion (ERE), were undertaken in Ref. , as discussed in more detail in Sec. [3](#sec.200511.1){reference-type="ref" reference="sec.200511.1"}. This calculation explicitly shows that the \(\pi\pi\) scattering in the chiral limit is finite. The pioneering works by Truong and collaborators deserve special mention, in which the role of the isoscalar \(S\)-wave \(\pi\pi\) final-state interactions (FSI) are stressed, having significant effects on several physical processes. In a first instance , the authors correct the current-algebra result for \(\eta\to 3\pi\) by the \(S\)-wave \(\pi\pi\) rescattering, a reaction which is also discussed by the application of the Khuri-Treiman (KT) formalism in Sec. [4.3](#sec.200522.1){reference-type="ref" reference="sec.200522.1"}. For that Ref. multiplies the current-algebra transition amplitude by an Omnès function, in which the isoscalar scalar \(\pi\pi\) phase shifts were, however, taken from experiment. As a result, the Watson final-state theorem is fulfilled. In another work of the saga, the input phase shifts were generated consistently by the theoretical scheme followed after taking the one-loop ChPT result for the scalar and vector pion form factors and imposing the fulfillment of unitarity, as discussed in Sec. [4.2](#sec.200515.1){reference-type="ref" reference="sec.200515.1"}. It is also stressed that in this form a resummation of the ChPT series is achieved that may also give rise to resonant effects. It is also remarkable the confirmation by unitarization methods of the existence of the \(\sigma\) resonance in pion-pion interactions at low energies. This resonance is nowadays called \(f_0(500)\) in the PDG and its pole position is given there at \((400-550)-i(200-350)\) MeV. The standard view of ChPT, based on the spontaneous symmetry breaking of \(SU(2)\times SU(2)\) chiral symmetry, considered as highly unlikely that such a low-mass resonance could happen in \(\pi\pi\) scattering, where the small expansion parameter is claimed to be \(m_\pi^2/m_\rho^2\simeq 0.03\), with \(m_\rho\) the mass of the \(\rho(770)\) meson. However, for the isoscalar scalar \(\pi\pi\) scattering the unitarity corrections are affected by a large numerical factor that could actually make the expansion parameter in the momentum-squared dependence of these PWAs to be much larger. This was explicitly shown in Ref. by performing the exercise of determining the value of the renormalization scale \(\mu\) needed in order to generate the \(\rho(770)\) pole by unitarizing the leading-order (LO) ChPT amplitude. It was obtained that a huge unnatural value for the realm of QCD was needed, with \(\mu \simeq 1\) TeV, while the same value for generating the \(\sigma\) resonance had the natural value in QCD of \(\mu\simeq 1\) GeV. It is instructive to also show the main equations for the completion of this exercise. For the isovector vector \(\pi\pi\) interactions, where the \(\rho(770)\) resonance appears, one has the unitarized expression of the LO ChPT PWA \(T_{11}(s)\), which reads (as also discussed in Sec. [\[sec.200517.1\]](#sec.200517.1){reference-type="ref" reference="sec.200517.1"}) \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200508.1} T_{11}(s)&=\left[\frac{6f_\pi^2}{s-4m_\pi^2}+g(s)\right]^{-1}~. \end{aligned}\] Here, \(T_{IJ}\) is the PWA of the two-pion system with isospin \(I\), \(J\) is the angular momentum and the LO ChPT amplitude is \((s-4m_\pi^2)/6f_\pi^2\), with \(f_\pi=92.4\) MeV the pion weak decay constant. The function \(g(s)\) corresponds to the two-pion unitarity loop function, given by \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200508.2} g(s)&=\frac{1}{(4\pi)^2}\left[\log\frac{m_\pi^2}{\mu^2}+\sigma(s)\log\frac{\sigma(s)+1}{\sigma(s)-1}\right]~,\\ \sigma(s)&=\sqrt{1-4m_\pi^2/s}~.\nonumber \end{aligned}\] In turn, the unitarized expression for the \(I=J=0\) PWA, which contains the \(f_0(500)\) pole, is \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200509.3} T_{00}(s)&=\left[\frac{f_\pi^2}{s-m_\pi^2/2}+g(s)\right]^{-1}~, \end{aligned}\] where the LO ChPT PWA is \((s-m_\pi^2/2)/f_\pi^2\). The main difference between Eqs. [\[200508.1\]](#200508.1){reference-type="eqref" reference="200508.1"} and [\[200509.3\]](#200509.3){reference-type="eqref" reference="200509.3"} is the factor 6 dividing the LO ChPT \(T_{11}(s)\) compared to \(T_{00}(s)\), because \(s\gg m_\pi^2\) in the region where the \(\sigma\) or \(\rho\) poles lie. Indeed, in order to get a resonance of mass \(m_\rho\) in the \(I=J=0\) PWA one needs a \(\mu\) of around 1.8 GeV, in comparison with \(\mu\) around 1 TeV that is needed in the \(I=J=1\) case. The reason for this dramatic change in the needed values of \(\mu\) is because \(g(s)\) only depends logarithmically on this parameter. This fact reflects that the unitarity corrections for the scalar isoscalar sector are numerically enhanced. This enhancement is enough to generate resonant effects that strongly impact the phenomenology and make fallacious to think in the possibility to reach accuracy by a straightforward application of ChPT for many reactions. As a result, the infinite set of unitarity bubble diagrams should be resummed in order to account for this numerical enhancement. This phenomenon is also seen in the strong corrections affecting the \(I=J=0\) \(\pi\pi\) scattering length originally calculated by Weinberg at LO with current algebra methods. The expressions for the \(a_{IJ}\) scattering lengths up to NLO or \({\cal O}(p^4)\) in ChPT from Ref. contain chiral loops which are the dominant NLO contributions in the limit \(M_\pi\to 0\). They read: \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200509.1} a_{00}&=\frac{7m_\pi^2}{32\pi f_\pi^2}\left\{1-\frac{9m_\pi^2}{32\pi^2 f_\pi^2}\log\frac{m_\pi^2}{\mu^2}+\ldots\right\}~,\\ a_{20}&=-\frac{m_\pi^2}{16\pi f_\pi^2}\left\{1-\frac{5m_\pi^2}{32\pi^2 f_\pi^2}\log\frac{m_\pi^2}{\mu^2}\ldots\right\}~,\nonumber\\ a_{11}&=\frac{1}{24\pi f_\pi^2}\left\{1-\frac{m_\pi^2}{8\pi^2f_\pi^2}\log\frac{m_\pi^2}{\mu^2}+\ldots\right\}~.\nonumber \end{aligned}\] It follows then that \(a_{00}\) has the largest NLO contribution in the limit \(m_\pi\to 0\). In order to appreciate better the relatively large size of this correction, it is worth comparing it with the pion mass calculated in ChPT up to NLO, \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200509.2} m_\pi^2&=\bar{m}_\pi^2\left\{1+\frac{m_\pi^2}{32\pi^2 f_\pi^2}\log\frac{m_\pi^2}{\mu^2}+\ldots\right\}~, \end{aligned}\] with \(\bar{m}_\pi^2\) the bare mass squared. The NLO term here is a factor 9 smaller in absolute value than that for \(a_{00}\). Indeed, this was one of the reasons for developing a non-perturbative dispersive approach that could provide an improvement in the prediction of the \(\pi\pi\) scattering lengths. The idea is to make use of the Roy equations and to match with ChPT in the subthreshold region, where the ChPT expansion is better behaved, since it is away from the threshold cusps. In this way, the two subtraction constants needed for solving the Roy equations can be predicted by ChPT, applied at different orders. The resulting convergence properties of the prediction for the \(\pi\pi\) scattering lengths is much improved and a reliable estimate of the uncertainties can be also provided. Another more recent advance was the development of a new set of Roy-like equations in Refs. , the so-called GKPY equations. The difference is that these equations have only one subtraction instead of two and, e.g., they have given rise to an accurate determination of the \(f_0(500)\) pole from experimental data, without relaying on the ChPT expansion. These unitarity techniques have also other interesting fields of application beyond meson physics. Indeed, the 90's of the past century experienced a boost in the interest of applying chiral EFTs for the study of nuclear interactions. To large extent this was triggered by the seminal articles of Weinberg, in which the systematic application of ChPT order by order to calculate the nuclear potentials \(V\) is established. As the chiral order increases, however, extra derivatives with respect to \(r\) act on the potential, so that it becomes more singular for \(r\to 0\). Because of this complication the application of ChPT for the calculation of the low-energy \(NN\) PWAs by implementing the chiral potentials in quantum-scattering integral equations is not yet fully satisfactory. In atomic and molecular physics the scattering by a singular potential is of great importance too, a well-known example being the Van der Waals force among atoms or molecules. This is a problem in which recent advances giving rise to the exact \(N/D\) method in non-relativistic scattering are showing themselves as very powerful and promising. This new method is briefly reviewed in Sec. [5.3](#sec.200517.4){reference-type="ref" reference="sec.200517.4"}. The application of ChPT with barons to \(NN\) scattering also triggered the use of this EFT to the study of the non-perturbative \(\bar{K}N\) scattering in coupled channels, particularly in connection with the \(\Lambda(1405)\). The non-perturbative character of the \(NN\) interactions, which requires the full iteration of the potential, is due to two basic aspects. (i) One of them is a quantum effect of kinematical origin within the typical scales of the problem. The typical distance of propagation of two nucleons as virtual particles is \(l_{NN} \sim 1/ E_{\text{kinetic}} \sim m/p^2 \sim (m/m_\pi) b_\pi\), where \(m\) and \(m_\pi\) are the nucleon and pion masses, respectively. The range of the \(NN\) interactions is given by the Compton wavelength of the pion \(b_\pi=m_\pi^{-1}\) (in our units \(\hbar=c=1\)). As \(m/m_\pi\gg 1\) this travel distance for virtual particles is large enough for having several repetitive collisions between the propagating two nucleons. The same conclusion is reached if one focuses on the propagation of real nucleons. For a typical three-momentum \(m_\pi\) they have a velocity of order \(m_\pi/m\). Thus, the time for crossing a distance \(b_\pi\) is \(\sim m/ m_\pi^2\gg b_\pi\). (ii) Nonetheless, if the coupling between two nucleons were small enough the scattering would be perturbative despite (i). This does not happen since the coupling due to one-pion exchange between two nucleons is of the order \(g_A^2 m_\pi^3/f_\pi^2\), where \(g_A\simeq 1.26\) is the axial coupling of the nucleon. This factor times \(l_{NN}\) implies the dimensionless number \[\begin{aligned}
\label{180507.2} \frac{l_{NN}}{16\pi}\frac{g_A^2 m_\pi^3}{f_\pi^2}=\frac{m g_A^2}{16\pi f_\pi^2} m_\pi~, \end{aligned}\] which is about 0.5. Therefore, the \(NN\) interactions should be treated non-perturbatively as a general rule. In this equation the phase-space factor \(1/16\pi\) is included, which accounts for the two-nucleon propagation in all directions. We also distinguish in Eq. [\[180507.2\]](#180507.2){reference-type="eqref" reference="180507.2"} the scale \[\begin{aligned}
\label{180613.1} \Lambda_{NN}= \frac{16\pi f_\pi^2}{m g_A^2}\simeq 2 m_\pi~, \end{aligned}\] which has a striking small size despite it is not proportional to \(m_\pi\). This is another consequence of the non-perturbative character of the \(NN\) interactions. The unnaturally large size of the \(NN\) \(S\)-wave scattering lengths (\(a_s\)), so that they are much bigger in absolute value than the Compton wavelength of the pion, \(|a_s|\gg b_\pi\), introduces a new scale at low energies. For instance, the scattering length for the isovector \(^1S_0\) \(NN\) PWA is \(a_s \simeq-25\) fm. As a result, the dimensionless number in Eq. [\[180507.2\]](#180507.2){reference-type="eqref" reference="180507.2"} becomes even larger by a factor \(|a_s|m_\pi \gg 1\). Therefore, when the center of mass (CM) three-momentum is smaller than \(m_\pi\), in which case the ERE applies, the \(NN\) interactions are manifestly non-perturbative and the \(NN\) potential has to be iterated. Precisely, in this energy region one finds the bound state of the Deuteron in the coupled \({^3S}_1-{^3D}_1\) PWAs and an antibound state for the \(^1S_0\). One close field is infinite nuclear matter, where resummation techniques based on the \(N/D\) method, discussed in Sec. [\[sec.200517.1\]](#sec.200517.1){reference-type="ref" reference="sec.200517.1"}, were applied in Refs. to work out the \(NN\) scattering amplitude in the nuclear medium. From this result, equations of state for neutron and symmetric nuclear matter were derived each containing only a free parameter, and showing themselves as very successful from the phenomenological point of view. See Ref. for a recent review on these and other connected works. Related resummations were achieved in Refs. to address the unitary limit in normal nuclear matter for a Fermi Gas. This issue concerns both nuclear physics, condensed matter and atomic, molecular, and optical physics. At higher energies, one also finds examples of the application of unitarization techniques, some of them, like the \(N/D\) method or the Inverse-Amplitude Method (IAM), discussed here. Regarding this point, there have been recently a series of works applying these two methods to study the scattering and spectrum of the longitudinal components of the electroweak gauge vector bosons \(W\) and \(Z\) by taking advantage of the equivalence theorem, which is applicable to energies much larger than the masses of the \(W\) and \(Z\) bosons. These studies are very timely due to the experimental program at the LHC, which reinforces their interest. Quantum gravity is another field in which unitarization techniques have been applied in the last years to study the \(2\to 2\) scattering, due to one-graviton exchange in the \(s\) channel, of \(N_S\) scalars, \(N_V\) vector and \(N_f\) fermions. Notice that this set of fields comprises all the particles in the standard model as a particular case. The two particles making up an initial or final two-body state are selected so as to avoid the graviton \(t\)-and/or \(u\)-channel exchanges. The reason is because these exchanges drive to infrared divergences (gravity is a force of infinite range) that invalidate a standard partial-wave amplitude expansion. The quantum corrections are implementing within the low-energy EFT of Quantum Gravity. The interested reader can consult Refs. . These works employ the one-loop vacuum polarization due to matter fields (gravitons are excluded), and resum its iteration plus the tree-level contribution. Of course, a similar situation also arises in the electromagnetic case by the exchange of a photon in the \(t\)-and \(u\)-channels. A prominent example of it being the Coulomb scattering. An interesting future prospect is to develop unitarization methods appropriate for infinite-range interactions. It could then handle crossed one-graviton exchanges and allow to study those \(2\to 2\) scattering processes disregarded in Refs. . In this work we review a set of unitarization methods and we always follow the order of first discussing scattering, mostly in PWAs, and then FSI. We also develop links between the different methods discussed. The unitarization techniques selected are popular ones within the hadron physics community. One of the reasons for their popularity is because they have proven to be very powerful in phenomenological applications, so that they are certainly of interest. It was not the aim of this work to be exhaustive and give a comprehensive review discussing every unitarization method used in the literature. Historical reasons are behind the inclusion of the (generalized) ERE unitarization, widely used in the earlier papers of the 60's and 70's, since later on this method was replaced by the IAM, \(K\)-matrix parameterizations, \(N/D\) method, etc, in relativistic hadron-hadron scattering (not so for non-relativistic applications). The contents of this work are organized as follows. After a brief review on the \(S\)-matrix and unitarity in Sec. [\[sec.200525.1\]](#sec.200525.1){reference-type="ref" reference="sec.200525.1"} we then move to discuss several unitarization methods in Sec. [3](#sec.200511.1){reference-type="ref" reference="sec.200511.1"}. The generalized ERE, the \(K\)-matrix approach, the IAM and the Padé resummation are then considered. The Sec. [\[sec.200523.4\]](#sec.200523.4){reference-type="ref" reference="sec.200523.4"} is dedicated to the implementation of re-scattering effects in probes and several methods are presented, with some of them clearly related to the already presented ones in Sec. [3](#sec.200511.1){reference-type="ref" reference="sec.200511.1"} dedicated to scattering. Subsequently, other methods are introduced that could be applied to any given set of PWAs. We discuss in Sec. [\[sec.200517.1\]](#sec.200517.1){reference-type="ref" reference="sec.200517.1"} the \(N/D\) method for PWAs and FSI. This section ends with a brief account of the exact \(N/D\) method recently developed for non-relativistic scattering. The last section contains our conclusions with extra discussions included.
# Unitarity
[\[sec.200525.1\]]{#sec.200525.1 label="sec.200525.1"} The \(S\)-matrix operator \(S\) gathers the transition probability amplitudes between in and out states in a scattering process. Let us denote by \(|\alpha\rangle_{\rm in}\) and \(|\beta\rangle_{\rm out}\) an 'in' and an 'out' state in the Heisenberg picture, respectively. Then, the matrix elements of the \(S\) matrix, \(S_{\beta\alpha}\), correspond to the scalar products \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200608.1} S_{\beta\alpha}&={_{\rm out}\langle}\beta|\alpha{\rangle_{\rm in}}~. \end{aligned}\] The \(S\) matrix plays a central role in Quantum Field Theory (QFT). One is typically concerned with the matrix elements of the \(S\)-matrix so as to extract scattering observables out of a QFT. A crucial property in this regard is that the (on-shell) matrix elements of the \(S\)-matrix are invariant under reparameterization of the quantum fields in QFT. The analytical continuation of the \(S\) matrix in the complex-energy plane allows to determine the spectrum of the theory. Its continuum part corresponds to branch cuts and the bound states, virtual states and resonances are poles of the \(S\) matrix. Furthermore it is very suitable to implement a relativistic formalism since the \(S\)-matrix elements are covariant under the Poincaré group. In the Dirac or interacting picture of QFT the \(S\) matrix is given by \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200608.3} S_{\beta\alpha}& =\frac{\langle \beta|e^{i\int d^4 x {\cal L}_{\rm int}} |\alpha\rangle}{\langle 0|e^{i\int d^4 x {\cal L}_{\rm int}}|0\rangle} ~, \end{aligned}\] where \({\cal L}_{\rm int}\) is the interacting Lagrangian, \(|\alpha\rangle\) and \(|\beta\rangle\) are free particles states and \(|0\rangle\) is the \(0_{\rm th}\)-order perturbative vacuum. In Eq. [\[200608.3\]](#200608.3){reference-type="eqref" reference="200608.3"} \(U(+\infty,-\infty)=\exp i\int d^4 x {\cal L}_{\rm int}(x)\) is the evolution operator in the Dirac picture from/to asymptotic times. The denominator is a normalization factor that cancels the disconnected contributions without involving any external particle in the matrix elements of \(U(+\infty,-\infty)\). A crucial point is that the \(S\) matrix is unitary because of the completeness relation of either the 'in' or 'out' states. However, it is important to emphasize that in the case of the \(S\) matrix its unitarity refers to the subset of states that are open for a given energy. This is different to the typical sum over intermediate states covering a resolution of the identity for the whole Fock space. E.g. within ordinary Quantum Mechanics (conserving the number of particles) one can insert a resolution of the identity by plane waves within the product \(A B\) of two one-particle operators as \[\begin{aligned}
\langle \beta|AB|\alpha\rangle &=\int\frac{d^3p}{(2\pi)^3}\langle \beta| A|{\mathbf{p}}\rangle\langle {\mathbf{p}}|B|\alpha\rangle~. \end{aligned}\] Here \({\mathbf{p}}\) takes any value, so that its kinetic energy is arbitrary large and not constrained by the available energy fixed by the external states \(|\alpha\rangle\) and \(|\beta\rangle\). After this qualification, we can show that \(S^\dagger S\) is unitary by employing the completeness relation associated with the 'out' states, so that \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200608.2} \int d\beta S_{\beta\gamma}^* S_{\beta\alpha}= \int d\beta \, {{_{\rm out}\langle}\beta|\gamma{\rangle_{\rm in}}\!\!\!\!\!^*} \,\,\, {_{\rm out}\langle}\beta|\alpha{\rangle_{\rm in}} ={_{\rm in}\langle}\gamma|\alpha{\rangle_{\rm in}}=\delta_{\gamma\alpha}~. \end{aligned}\] Analogously, we can also derive \(S S^\dagger=I\) by attending to the completeness relation of the 'in' states. Therefore, \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200220.1} SS^\dagger=S^\dagger S=I~. \end{aligned}\] The scattering operator \(T\), also called the \(T\) matrix, is introduced such that in terms of it the \(S\) matrix reads \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200220.2} S&=I+iT~. \end{aligned}\] The unitarity of the \(S\) matrix implies in turn that \(T\) fulfills that \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200304.1} T-T^\dagger&=iT^\dagger T=iTT^\dagger~, \end{aligned}\] which is the unitarity relation for the \(T\) matrix. The last expression on the right-hand side (rhs) of the previous equation allows to derive the Boltzmann \(H\)-theorem in Statistical Mechanics, which is one of the most fundamental theorem in physics. It drives to the increase of entropy with time until the equilibrium is reached. It is also well-known that unitarity implies the optical theorem and the existence of the diffraction peak at high energies. For derivations of these points the reader can consult Sec. 3.6 of Ref. . The unitarity relation satisfied by the \(T\) matrix is central in the \(S\)-matrix theory in which the scattering amplitudes are analytically continued in their kinematical arguments. In the development of this program one also employs the property of hermitian analyticity, so that the matrix elements of \(T^\dagger\) can be also expressed in terms of those of \(T\) by an analytical continuation in the complex \(s\) plane of the (sub)process in question. This fact allows an extension of the standard unitarity relation of Eq. [\[200304.1\]](#200304.1){reference-type="eqref" reference="200304.1"}, such that its left-hand side (lhs) provides the discontinuity of the analytical scattering amplitudes across the normal cuts due to intermediate states. This discontinuity implies the existence of the so-called right-hand cut (RHC), or unitarity cut, in the scattering amplitudes. Due to the hermitian analyticity the unitarity relation could also involve on-shell intermediate states, because the total energy is above their thresholds, but with some other kinematical variables taking non-physical values (e.g. the Mandelstam variable \(t\) could be away from the physical process). For more details the reader can consult Sec. 4.6 of Ref. . An explicit example is developed in Sec. [4.3](#sec.200522.1){reference-type="ref" reference="sec.200522.1"}, where an analytical extrapolation in the mass of the \(\eta\) squared is used for the KT formalism. Multiplying both sides of Eq. [\[200304.1\]](#200304.1){reference-type="eqref" reference="200304.1"} to the left by \(T^{-1}\) and to the right by \({T^\dagger}^{-1}\) we have the interesting equation \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200304.2b} {T^\dagger}^{-1}-T^{-1}&=i I~. \end{aligned}\] The unitarity constraints are more easily expressed in terms of partial-wave amplitudes (PWAs), in which the matrix elements of the \(T\)-matrix are taking between asymptotic states having well-defined angular momentum. For instance, for two particles without spin, like in \(\pi\pi\) scattering, the PWAs \(T_\ell(s)\) are giving by the standard expression \[\begin{aligned}
T_\ell(s)&=\frac{1}{2}\int_{-1}^{+1}d\!\cos\theta\, P_\ell(\cos\theta)T({\mathbf{p}}',{\mathbf{p}})~, \end{aligned}\] where \(\ell\) is the angular momentum, \({\mathbf{p}}'\) and \({\mathbf{p}}\) are the final and initial three-momenta, \(\theta\) is their relative angle and \(P_\ell(\cos\theta)\) is a Legendre polynomial. The general formulas relating the PWAs and the scattering amplitudes can be found in Refs. , to which we refer for further details. Ref. offers a rather thorough treatment on PWAs within the helicity formalism. Because of time-reversal symmetry the \(T\) matrix is symmetric in partial waves. If we write this matrix in brief as \(T_L\), and denote its matrix elements by \(T_{L,ij}\), by its symmetric character we mean that \(T_{L,ij}(s)=T_{L,ji}(s)\). Eq. [\[200304.2b\]](#200304.2b){reference-type="eqref" reference="200304.2b"} then implies that the imaginary part of the inverse of the PWA matrix is fixed by unitarity. In the region of energy in which the resolution of the identity is saturated by two-body intermediate states, the rhs of Eq. [\[200304.2b\]](#200304.2b){reference-type="eqref" reference="200304.2b"} can be written as \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200304.3b} \Im T_L^{-1}&=-\frac{q}{8\pi\sqrt{s}}\theta(s)~. \end{aligned}\] In this equation, \(q\) is the diagonal matrix of the CM three-momentum for every two-body intermediate state and \(\theta(s)\) is also another diagonal matrix whose matrix elements are 1 for \(\sqrt{s}\) larger than the threshold and 0 otherwise. Eq. [\[200304.3b\]](#200304.3b){reference-type="eqref" reference="200304.3b"} is equivalent to the probably more familiar unitarity equation for PWAs \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200304.3c} \Im T_L&=T_L^* \frac{q}{8\pi\sqrt{s}}\theta(s) T_L~. \end{aligned}\] The phase-space diagonal matrix \(q(s) \theta(s)/(8\pi\sqrt{s})\) is sometimes denoted for short by \(\rho(s)\). The previous relation is not linear because its rhs is quadratic. This fact drives to the concept of perturbative unitarity, which applies when perturbation theory is employed to calculate the PWAs up to some order in a dimensionless parameter, let us call it \(\varepsilon\). Therefore, if the PWA is calculated up to \({\cal O}(\varepsilon^n)\), Eq. [\[200304.3c\]](#200304.3c){reference-type="eqref" reference="200304.3c"} indeed implies that \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200611.1} \Im T_L^{(n)}&\neq T_L^{(n)*} \frac{q}{8\pi\sqrt{s}}\theta(s) T_L^{(n)}~, \end{aligned}\] because the rhs contains contributions of \({\cal O}(\varepsilon^{2n})\), while the lhs only does so up to \({\cal O}(\varepsilon^n)\). The consistent procedure is to expand the rhs in powers of \(\varepsilon\) and keep only terms up to \({\cal O}(\varepsilon^n)\). For instance, up to second order in \(\varepsilon\) one has that \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200611.2} \Im T_L^{(2)}&=T_L^{(1)*} \frac{q}{8\pi\sqrt{s}}\theta(s) T_L^{(1)}~. \end{aligned}\] The discontinuity across intermediate states in the crossed channels gives rise to the crossed-channel cuts in the PWAs after the angular projection required to calculate them. We denote this kind of cuts generically as left-hand cuts (LHCs). The interested reader could consult the Sec. 2 of Ref. for a handy pedagogical introduction to the notions of RHC, LHC and crossing. Now, if we consider simultaneously stronger and weaker interactions,[^1] the unitarity relation, at leading order in the weaker interaction, reads \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200220.3} F-F^\dagger=iT^\dagger F~. \end{aligned}\] In this equation \(F\) represents the matrix elements of the \(T\) matrix involving the weaker interactions, so that they vanish if these interactions are neglected altogether, while still the stronger ones would be acting. In the latter equation we have taken that the weaker interactions act in the initial state, otherwise write \(iF^\dagger T\) on the rhs of Eq. [\[200220.3\]](#200220.3){reference-type="eqref" reference="200220.3"}. In PWAs the unitarity relation of Eq. [\[200220.3\]](#200220.3){reference-type="eqref" reference="200220.3"} gets its simplest form. In the physical region for the reactions to occur it reads \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200220.4} \Im F_i(s)&=\sum_jF_j(s)\rho_j(s)T_{L,ij}(s)^*=\sum_jF_j(s)^*\rho_j(s)T_{L,ij}(s)~, \end{aligned}\] where \(\rho_j(s)\) corresponds to the phase space of the intermediate hadronic states (integrations could also be involved for multiparticle states) and \(s\) is the standard Mandelstam variable corresponding to the total CM energy squared. The opening of the threshold for the channel \(j\), \(s_{{\rm th},j}\), is accounted for by a Heaviside function \(\theta(s-s_{{\rm th},j})\) included as part of \(\rho_j(s)\). For the one-channel case the sum on the rhs of the Eq. [\[200220.4\]](#200220.4){reference-type="eqref" reference="200220.4"} collapses to just one term, \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200220.5} \Im F(s)&=F(s)\rho(s)T_\ell(s)^*=F(s)^*\rho T_\ell(s)~, \end{aligned}\] where \(T_\ell(s)\) is the corresponding uncoupled PWA. Since the lhs of the equation is real then it follows that the phase of the form factor \(F(s)\) and the phase shift of \(T_\ell(s)\) are the same modulo \(\pi\). This is the well-known Watson final-state theorem.
# ERE, \(K\)-matrix, IAM and Padé approximants {#sec.200511.1}
Along this section we follow a multifaceted discussion relating different unitarization approaches, like the (generalized) ERE, \(K\)-matrix parameterizations, the IAM and the Padé approximants.
## ERE and \(K\)-matrix approaches {#sec.200523.1}
In the early days of PCAC, soft pions theorems and realizations based on chiral Lagrangians, it was customary to refer as (generalized) ERE to a unitarization method based on the identification of a remnant in the inverse of a PWA free of RHC which was expanded in powers of \(p^2\). The standard ERE was originally derived in Ref. for \(NN\) interactions which, for an uncoupled PWA, has the form \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200512.1} T_\ell&=\frac{p^{2\ell}}{p^{2\ell+1} \cot\delta_\ell-ip^{2\ell+1} }~. \end{aligned}\] The remaining part is identified with \(p^{2\ell+1}\cot\delta_\ell\) as it is well known, because of the relation between the \(T\) and \(S\) matrices in the normalization used typically for the ERE, which is the one in Eq. [\[200512.1\]](#200512.1){reference-type="eqref" reference="200512.1"}. Namely, the steps are \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200512.2} S&=e^{2i\delta_\ell}=1+i2 p T_\ell \rightarrow T_\ell=\frac{e^{2i\delta_\ell}-1}{2ip}~,\\ T_\ell^{-1}& ip\frac{e^{2i\delta_\ell}+1}{e^{2i\delta_\ell}-1}-ip=p\cot\delta_\ell-ip~.\nonumber \end{aligned}\] The \(NN\) scattering is non-relativistic (NR), with \(m^2\gg p^2\) at low energies, so that the expansion of \(p^{2\ell+1}\cot \delta_{\ell}\) is a Taylor series in \(p^2\). However, for pion-pion interactions, where \(p^2\sim m_\pi^2\) in the region of interest both theoretical and experimentally speaking, the series expansion in \(p^2\) is a Laurent series for the \(S\) waves. The reason is because the Adler zeroes required by chiral symmetry in the \(S\)-wave PWAs, despite there is no centrifugal barrier. The latter is present for the higher partial waves, \(\ell\geq 1\), which implies the standard zero at threshold so that \(T_\ell\) vanishes as \(p^{2\ell}\) for \(p\to 0\). The phase space factor for relativistic systems changes in comparison with the NR expression of Eq. [\[200512.1\]](#200512.1){reference-type="eqref" reference="200512.1"}. The steps are the same as in Eqs. [\[200512.1\]](#200512.1){reference-type="eqref" reference="200512.1"} and [\[200512.2\]](#200512.2){reference-type="eqref" reference="200512.2"}, but now instead of \(T_\ell\) one should use \(T_\ell/\sqrt{s}\) so that \(S_\ell=1+2ipT_\ell/\sqrt{s}\). Then, \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200512.2b} T_\ell&=\left[\frac{p}{\sqrt{s}}\cot\delta_\ell-i\frac{p}{\sqrt{s}}\right]^{-1}~. \end{aligned}\] In more recent times, the remaining part of \(T_\ell^{-1}\) after discounting the factor \(-ip/\sqrt{s}\), required by unitarity, cf. Eq. [\[200304.3b\]](#200304.3b){reference-type="eqref" reference="200304.3b"}, is called the inverse of the \(K\)-matrix, \(K_\ell\), instead of \(p\cot\delta_\ell\). In this notation, \(T_\ell\) is written as \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200513.1} T_\ell&=\left[K_\ell^{-1}-i\frac{p}{\sqrt{s}}\right]^{-1}~. \end{aligned}\] Of course, Eqs. [\[200512.2\]](#200512.2){reference-type="eqref" reference="200512.2"}, [\[200512.2b\]](#200512.2b){reference-type="eqref" reference="200512.2b"} and [\[200513.1\]](#200513.1){reference-type="eqref" reference="200513.1"} can be generalized straightforwardly to a matrix notation for coupled-channel scattering, with \(T_\ell\) and \(K_\ell\) replaced by the matrices \(T_L\) and \(K_L\), respectively. The inverse of the later is usually referred as the \(M_L\) matrix, \(M_L=K_L^{-1}\). We are surprised that in these first works, e.g., it was common to refer to the (generalized) ERE without any mention at all to the \(K\)-matrix approach, a notion much more common in later times and, in particular, for more recent papers based on the unitarization of ChPT. Probably this is related to the fact that the \(K\)-matrix parameterizations have been used in many instances in the literature over large energy intervals in order to fit experimental data. As a result, it does not really make sense to keep any memory of a particular threshold, as it is the case for the ERE. Indeed, in those earlier papers referred the basic object of study was \(\pi\pi\) scattering or the \(\pi\) vector form factor. Another fact worth stressing is that in those earlier references the expressions finally used for \(T_L^{-1}\) had better analytical properties than the ones typically found later in papers using the \(K\)-matrix approach, as in Refs. among many others phenomenological studies. The reason is because the later ones keep only the term \(-ip/\sqrt{s}\) in \(T_L^{-1}\) while, in the first papers referred, the non-trivial analytical function \(h(s)\), which is \(8\pi g(s)\) modulo a constant, cf. Eq. [\[200508.2\]](#200508.2){reference-type="eqref" reference="200508.2"}, was used by performing a dispersion relation (DR) along the RHC. Namely, \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200514.1} h(s)&=8\pi g(s)-\frac{1}{\pi}\log\frac{m_\pi}{\mu}=\sigma(s)\log\frac{\sigma(s)+1}{\sigma(s)-1}~. \end{aligned}\] The function \(g(s)\) is an analytical function of \(s\) in the cut complex \(s\) plane, having the RHC along the real \(s\) axis for \(s>4m_\pi^2\). As a trivial byproduct, the zero at \(s=0\) that occurs in the phase space factor \(-ip/\sqrt{s}\) in the simplest \(K\)-matrix parameterizations is absent when using the function \(g(s)\), which is the correct analytical extrapolation of the two-body unitarity requirement above threshold. Indeed, the removal of this spurious singularity at \(s=0\) was the argument used in Ref. to construct the function \(h(s)\) without using any DR. This reference also notices the presence of the Adler zeros in the \(I=0,\) 2 S-wave \(\pi\pi\) PWAs and similar expressions to Eq. [\[200509.3\]](#200509.3){reference-type="eqref" reference="200509.3"} are proposed for these PWAs. The main difference, an important one indeed, between Eq. [\[200509.3\]](#200509.3){reference-type="eqref" reference="200509.3"} and Ref. is that the function \(g(s)\), contrary to \(h(s)\), contains a subtraction constant \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200513.2} \frac{1}{16\pi^2}\log\frac{m_\pi^2}{\mu^2}~, \end{aligned}\] which is absent in the function \(h(s)\) of Brown and Gobble. This is a crucial fact for the right reproduction of important features in low-energy \(\pi\pi\) scattering, like the generation of the \(f_0(500)\) resonance pole in good agreement with the latest and more sophisticated determinations. As a matter of fact, the predicted \(I=J=0\) \(\pi\pi\) phase shifts in Ref. are around a factor 2 smaller than data for the energies in between \(500-700\) MeV, while the \(I=2\) S-wave \(\pi\pi\) phase shifts are too large in modulus by the same factor. These deficiencies in the approach of Ref. are cured once the subtraction constant of Eq. [\[200513.2\]](#200513.2){reference-type="eqref" reference="200513.2"}, with a natural value for \(\mu\simeq 1\) GeV, is taken into account. For the \(I=J=1\) \(\pi\pi\) PWA Ref. performs a generalized ERE up to and including the effective range, \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200513.3} T_{11}^{-1}-h(s)&=\frac{1}{a_1p^2}+\frac{r_1}{2}~. \end{aligned}\] The parameter \(a_1\) is fixed from the current algebra prediction, \(a_1=1/12\pi f_\pi^2\), while \(r_1\) is determined by the vanishing of the real part of \(T_{11}(s)^{-1}\) at \(s=m_\rho^2\). The resulting equation is therefore, \[\begin{aligned}
\frac{1/a_1}{m_\rho^2/4-m_\pi^2}+\frac{r_1}{2}+\Re h(m_\rho^2)=0~. \end{aligned}\] Let us notice that \(r_1/2\) in Eq. [\[200513.3\]](#200513.3){reference-type="eqref" reference="200513.3"} can be also considered as a subtraction constant of \(g(s)\). Attending to Eq. [\[200514.1\]](#200514.1){reference-type="eqref" reference="200514.1"} the relation is \[\begin{aligned}
\label{140514.2} \log\frac{m_\pi^2}{\mu^2}=\pi r\simeq-\frac{96\pi^2f_\pi^2}{m_\rho^2-4m_\pi^2}+\delta r~, \end{aligned}\] with \(\delta r\) a correction of around a 20% of the term explicitly shown. This simple calculation illustrates the discussion at the Introduction regarding the huge unnatural value \(\mu\simeq 1.7~\)TeV that results by the matching in Eq. [\[140514.2\]](#140514.2){reference-type="eqref" reference="140514.2"}, while the expected value is around 1 GeV. As a result of this analysis the authors of Ref. predicted the width of the \(\rho(770)\) to be 130 MeV and the \(I=J=1\) phase shifts up to 1000 MeV, in good shape compared with later experimental determinations. They also gave an expression for the coupling of the \(\rho\to\pi\pi\) (\(g_{\rho\pi\pi}\)) in terms of \(f_\pi\) and \(m_\rho\), which drives to the KSFR relation, \(f_\rho^2=m_\rho^2/2f_\pi^2\), if one assumes vector-meson dominance (VMD). Here \(f_\rho\) is the coupling of the \(\rho\)-photon transition which is equal to \(g_{\rho\pi\pi}\) within VMD. The authors summarize their research by stating that the fulfillment of the low-energy current-algebra constraints together with the inclusion of extra energy dependence as required by general principles, such as it follows by implementing two-body unitarity and the correct analytical properties of PWAs, are able to provide good results in a large energy range, much larger than the one naively expected for current-algebra results. This is a conclusion that has been strengthened along the years, at the same time that the chiral calculations have been improved going to higher orders and the unitarization methods have become more sophisticated.
## ERE and IAM {#sec.200523.2}
Already at 1972 the calculation of the NLO ChPT amplitude was worked by Lehmann in the chiral limit (\(m_\pi\to 0\)), much earlier than the seminal paper by Gasser and Leutwyler, which established the general framework for ChPT at \({\cal O}(p^4)\). The author did not need to work out the chiral Lagrangians at NLO order because he only used unitarity, crossing symmetry and analyticity to work out the chiral loops. The point is that because of unitarity a PWA satisfies Eq. [\[200304.3c\]](#200304.3c){reference-type="eqref" reference="200304.3c"}. However, unitarity is only satisfied perturbatively in the chiral expansion, so that if we denote by \(T_4(s)\) a one-loop ChPT PWA and \(T_2(s)\) its LO, then perturbative unitarity requires that \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200514.6a} \Im T_4(s)&=T_2(s)^2 \frac{p}{8\pi\sqrt{s}}\theta(s-4m_\pi^2) ~, \end{aligned}\] a particular example of Eq. [\[200611.2\]](#200611.2){reference-type="eqref" reference="200611.2"}. The PWA \(T_4(s)\) has LHC and RHC. The discontinuity along the RHC is twice \(i\Im T_4(s)\), because of the Schwarz reflection principle. A DR that results by considering a closed circuit engulfing the RHC, implies the following contribution to \(T_4(s)\), \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200514.6} a+bs+cs^2 +\frac{s^3}{8\pi^2}\int_{4m_\pi^2}^\infty ds'\frac{T_2(s')^2\sqrt{s'/4-m_\pi^2}/\sqrt{s'}}{(s')^3(s'-s)}~. \end{aligned}\] Three subtractions have been taken because \(T_2(s)\) at most diverges like \(s\) in the limit \(s\to \infty\). By invoking crossing one can build up the one-loop contributions from the \(t\)-and \(u\)-channels for a given process. As usual the Mandelstam variables are indicated by \(s\), \(t\) and \(u\) (\(s+t+u=0\) for massless pions). In Cartesian coordinates for the pions and treating all of them on equal footing, so that they are all e.g. incoming, one can write for the scattering amplitude \(\pi_1(k_1)\pi(k_2)\pi_{i_3}(k_3)\pi_{i_4}(k_4)\to 0\), where the \(k_i\) are the on-shell four-momenta (\(k_i^2=0\), \(\sum_i k_i=0\)), the expression \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200515.1} T(s,t,u)&=\delta_{i_1i_2}\delta_{i_3i_4}A(s,t,u)+\delta_{i_1i_3}\delta_{i_2i_4}A(t,s,u)+\delta_{i_1i_4}\delta_{i_2i_3}A(u,t,s)~. \end{aligned}\] Here crossing has also been used to properly exchange the arguments of the \(A(s,t,u)\) function. The previous expression is manifestly symmetric in the indices \(i_3\) and \(i_4\) which also implies that, because the pions are bosons, \(A(s,t,u)\) is symmetric under the exchange \(t\leftrightarrow u\). Since the isospin coordinates run only from 1 to 3, two out of the four pions have the same coordinates necessarily. In the calculation of Ref. the resulting expression for \(A(s,t,u)\) has two parts. One of them corresponds to DR integrals of the type in Eq. [\[200514.6\]](#200514.6){reference-type="eqref" reference="200514.6"}, in all the \(s\)-, \(t\)-and \(u\)-channels, which can be evaluated in an algebraic close form. The other contribution is a second-order polynomial in the Mandelstam variables, whose general expression can be written as \(a+bs+cs^2+c'(t^2+u^2)\), which can also be extra constrained. In this respect, \(a=0\) because Goldstone particles do not interact in the limit in which masses and four-momenta vanish. The term \(b s\) is order \(p^2\) and it is already accounted for in \(T_2(s)\). As a result, the one-loop calculation of Lehmann only involves two unknown parameters, nowadays typically called counterterms because they are associated to bare parameters appearing at the NLO ChPT Lagrangian. In terms of the \(A(s,t,u)\) amplitude one can calculate the different \(\pi\pi\) isospin PWAs, \(T_{IJ}\). An interesting point of Ref. is the perturbative matching in the chiral expansion of the calculated PWAs at \({\cal O}(p^4)\) with the ERE expression for a PWA, cf. Eq. [\[200512.2\]](#200512.2){reference-type="eqref" reference="200512.2"}. The subtle point is that the former only satisfies unitarity in a perturbative way, as discussed above. Therefore, writing in the massless case that \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200515.2} \frac{\Re T_{IJ}}{\Im T_{IJ}}&=\cot\delta_{IJ}~, \end{aligned}\] is not right. The correct procedure is to write a chiral expansion of \(1/T_{IJ}\) up to NLO and from there to identify \(\cot\delta_{IJ}\), \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200515.3} \frac{1}{T_{IJ}}&=\frac{1}{T_2+T_4}+{\cal O}(p^6)=\frac{1}{T_2}-\frac{T_4}{T_2^2}+{\cal O}(p^6)~. \end{aligned}\] Taking into account the perturbative unitarity satisfied by \(T_4\), one can extract from here the NLO expression for \(\cot\delta_{IJ}\) (with a numerical normalization factor properly chosen) as, cf. Eq. [\[200512.2b\]](#200512.2b){reference-type="eqref" reference="200512.2b"}, \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200515.4} \frac{p}{\sqrt{s}}\cot\delta_{IJ}&=\frac{1}{T_2}-\frac{\Re T_4}{T_2^2}+{\cal O}(p^6)~. \end{aligned}\] This is indeed the first example that we know of a paper in the literature deriving the expression of a PWA as \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200515.5} T_{IJ}&=\frac{T_2^2}{T_2-T_4}~. \end{aligned}\] This formula, generalized to any other two-body PWA and also to coupled channels, is the basic one for the so-called IAM. It also illustrates the connection between these earlier treatments based on the ERE and this more modern method, which was named IAM after the general framework for the one-loop calculations in ChPT was established in Ref. . The approach of Ref. has the advantage over the previous ERE of Refs. that chiral one-loop contributions in the crossed channels are also kept, so that the LHC is reproduced up to NLO in the inverse of the PWA. The extension of Eq. [\[200515.5\]](#200515.5){reference-type="eqref" reference="200515.5"} up to two-loop ChPT can be done straightforwardly by expanding the inverse of \((T_2+T_4+T_6)^{-1}\) up to next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO), or \({\cal O}(p^2)\). The result is, \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200515.5b} T_{IJ}&=\frac{T_2^3}{T_2^2-T_4 T_2+T_4^2-T_2 T_6}~. \end{aligned}\] Taking into account that perturbative unitarity requires that \(\Im t_6=2 T_2\rho \Re T_4\), it follows that \(T_{IJ}\) given by Eq. [\[200515.5b\]](#200515.5b){reference-type="eqref" reference="200515.5b"} fulfills exact unitarity, \(\Im T_{IJ}^{-1}=-\rho\). The Eq. [\[200515.5b\]](#200515.5b){reference-type="eqref" reference="200515.5b"} is the IAM at the two-loop order.
## IAM and Padé approximants {#sec.200523.3}
Another non-perturbative method used with the aim of improving the convergence of the QFT calculations in perturbation theory is the Padé resummation technique. It is also a unitarization method that was applied since the early days of current algebra calculations by Refs. , in which the linear \(\sigma\) model was considered too. An interesting *qualitative* agreement with data for the \(\pi\pi\) \(S\)-, \(P\)-and \(D\)-waves was reported, despite the limitations of the theoretical input. Given a function \(f(z)\) that is analytic at \(z=0\), its Taylor series expansion around this point converges within the circle of radius \(R\), which is the distance to the nearest singularity. However, it is also known that the value of \(f(z)\) at a point \(z_1\) within its domain of analyticity, but beyond the radius of convergence of the Taylor series around \(z=0\), is fixed by the coefficients in the later expansion. The idea of the Padé method is to provide a resummation of the Taylor series and build an approximation of \(f(z)\) beyond the radius of convergence of its Taylor series around \(z=0\). The Padé approximant \([n,m]\) is given by the ratio of two polynomial functions \(P_n(z)\) and \(Q_m(z)\) of degrees \(n\) and \(m\), respectively, which has the same \(n+m\) first derivatives as \(f(z)\) at \(z=0\). Namely, \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200516.1} f^{[n,m]}(z)&=\frac{P_n(z)}{Q_m(z)}=f(z)+{\cal O}(z^{n+m+1})~,~|z|<R~. \end{aligned}\] Notice that in particular the approximant \([n,0]\) is identical up to \({\cal O}(z^n)\) with the Taylor series of \(f(z)\) at \(z=0\). It is also typically the case that the Padé approximants usually provide an acceleration in the rate of convergence of the Taylor series itself. For instance, one can write that \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200516.2} \sqrt{1+z}&=1+\frac{z}{1+\sqrt{1+z}}~. \end{aligned}\] By iteration it can be expressed as a continued fraction, which are particular cases of Padé approximants, \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200516.3} f^{[1,0]}&=\frac{2+z}{2}~,\\ f^{[1,1]}&=\frac{4+3z}{4+z}~,\nonumber\\ f^{[2,1]}&=\frac{8+8z+z^2}{8+4z}~,\nonumber\\ f^{[2,2]}&=\frac{16+20z+5z^2}{16+12z+z^2}~,\nonumber \end{aligned}\] etc. Let us compare the first four Padé approximants with the first four terms in the Taylor series, \(\sqrt{1+z}=1+\frac{z}{2}-\frac{z^2}{8}+\frac{z^3}{16}+\ldots\) by calculating \(\sqrt{2}=1.4142\). We then obtain the sequence of approximate results from the Padé approach \(\{1.5,1.4,1.4167,1.4138\}\), and the Taylor series \(\{1,1.5,1.375,1.4375\}\). It is clear the improvement in the convergence properties achieved by the Padé method in this case. The formulas for the IAM at one-and two-loop ChPT, Eqs. [\[200515.5\]](#200515.5){reference-type="eqref" reference="200515.5"} and [\[200515.5b\]](#200515.5b){reference-type="eqref" reference="200515.5b"}, respectively, can also be obtained as Padé approximants, where a generic small parameter \(\varepsilon\) accounts for the chiral order. Formally, we then write \(T_2\to \varepsilon^2 t_2\), \(T_4\to \varepsilon^4 t_4\) and \(T_6\to \varepsilon^6 t_6\). The one-loop IAM is a \([1,1]\) Padé approximant: \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200517.1} t^{[1,1]}(s)&=\frac{a_0+\varepsilon^2 a_2}{1+\varepsilon^2 b_2}=\varepsilon^2 t_2+\varepsilon^4 t_4+{\cal O}(\varepsilon^6)~. \end{aligned}\] To solve this type of equation, typically found in Padé approximants, it is convenient to rewrite Eq. [\[200517.1\]](#200517.1){reference-type="eqref" reference="200517.1"} as \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200517.2a} a_0+\varepsilon^2 a_2&=(1+\varepsilon^2 b_2)(\varepsilon^2 t_2+\varepsilon^4 t_4)+{\cal O}(\varepsilon^6)~. \end{aligned}\] By matching the different powers of \(\varepsilon^2\) one has that \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200517.2} a_0&=0~,\\ a_2&=t_2~,\nonumber\\ b_2&=-t_4/t_2~.\nonumber \end{aligned}\] From which it follows that \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200517.3} t^{[1,1]}&=\frac{T_2}{1-T_4/T_2}=\frac{T_2^2}{T_2-T_4}~. \end{aligned}\] For the approximant \([1,2]\) \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200517.4} t^{[1,2]}(s)&=\frac{a_0+\varepsilon^2 a_2}{1+\varepsilon^2 b_2+\varepsilon^4 b_4} =\varepsilon^2 t_2+\varepsilon^4 t_4+\varepsilon^6 t_6+{\cal O}(\varepsilon^8)~. \end{aligned}\] The result of the matching is the same as in Eq. [\[200517.2\]](#200517.2){reference-type="eqref" reference="200517.2"} for \(a_0\), \(a_2\) and \(b_2\), and the extra new parameter \(b_4\) is \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200517.5} b_4&=(t_4^2-t_2 t_6)/t_2^2 ~. \end{aligned}\] Therefore, \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200517.6} t^{[1,2]}&=\frac{T_2}{1-\frac{T_4}{T_2}+\frac{T_4^2-T_2 T_6}{T_2^2}} =\frac{T_2^3}{T_2^2-T_2 T_4+T_4^2-T_2 T_6}~, \end{aligned}\] as Eq. [\[200515.5b\]](#200515.5b){reference-type="eqref" reference="200515.5b"}.
# Final-State Interactions
[\[sec.200523.4\]]{#sec.200523.4 label="sec.200523.4"} As a canonical example of taking into account the FSI that correct the production processes due to weaker probes because of the rescattering by the stronger interactions, we start with the unitarization of the vector pion form factor, \(F_V(s)\), within the ERE approach of Ref. . We next move to the Omnès solution for a form factor and also consider the scalar pion form factor, \(F_S(s)\), paying attention to a caveat in the use of an Omnès function that one should properly consider. Along the discussion we introduce the way FSI are treated in Ref. , as it is probably the first paper in which NLO ChPT is unitarized to account for FSI following the basic notions of unitarity, Watson final-state theorem and use of an Omnès function, which are the basic elements usually employed in the different modern approaches to resum FSI. We end this section with a basic account of the Khuri-Treiman approach for \(\eta\to 3\pi\) decays.
## ERE, the Omnès solution and coupled channels {#sec.200514.1}
The application of the ERE for implementing the FSI of the pion vector form factor was pioneered in Ref. . The main aim of this paper concerns the corrections because of the finite width of the \(\rho\) to the VMD dominance relation between \(\Gamma(\rho\to e^+e^-)\) and \(\Gamma(\rho\to\pi^+\pi^-)\), as well as to characterize the energy shape of \(\Gamma(e^+e^-\to \pi^+\pi^-)\). Ref. implemented the relationship between the \(I=J=1\) \(\pi\pi\) PWA and the pion form factor \(F_V(s)\) by writing \(F_V(s)=T_1(s)/t_2(s)\), with \(t_2(s)\) the LO ChPT amplitude. This relation is a consequence of the Omnès representation in the approximation in which: i) One assumes that the only zero in \(T_1(s)\) in the region of interest is the one at threshold, \(s=4m_\pi^2\), because of the \(\ell=1\) centrifugal barrier; ii) one also assumes the dominance of the \(\rho(770)\) exchange so that it is a good approximation to consider that \(T_1(s)\) is dominated by \(s\)-channel dynamics [^2] Thus, \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200514.3} F_V(s)&=\frac{48\pi f_\pi^2 T_1(s)}{s-4m_\pi^2}=\frac{T_1(s) a_1}{p^2}~, \end{aligned}\] guaranteeing that \(F_V(0)=1\) because of conservation of total charge. Next, Ref. performs the same ERE of Ref. , which we have already discussed, cf. Eq. [\[200513.3\]](#200513.3){reference-type="eqref" reference="200513.3"}, which allows to finally write the form factor in a successful manner as \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200514.4} F_V(s)=\frac{1}{1+\frac{r_1p^2}{2a_1}+\frac{p^2}{a_1}h(s)}~. \end{aligned}\] The authors of Ref. simplify further this expression by removing those terms involving the expansion of the real part of \(h(s)\) around \(s=m_\rho^2\) that are at least of \({\cal O}(s-m_\rho^2)\). They finally write \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200514.5} F_V(s)&=\frac{m_\rho^2[1+d_1 m_\rho/\Gamma_\rho]}{m_\rho^2-s-im_\rho \Gamma_\rho (p/p_\rho)^3(m_\rho/\sqrt{s})}~,\\ d_1&=\frac{3}{\pi}\frac{m_\pi^2}{p_\rho^2}\log\left(\frac{m_\rho+2p_\rho}{2m_\pi}\right) +\frac{m_\rho}{2\pi p_\rho}-\frac{m_\pi^2m_\rho}{\pi p_\rho^3}~,\nonumber\\ p_\rho&=\sqrt{m_\rho^2/4-m_\pi^2}~.\nonumber \end{aligned}\] Again, one concludes that the extrapolation of the current-algebra results plus the extra energy dependence that arises by implementing the basic principles of two-body unitarity and analyticity allows one to reach much higher energies than expected, even above the 1 GeV frontier. Writing a form factor proportional to a given PWA is usually employed in many cases in the literature. The basic reason is to provide an expression for the coupled form factors \(F_i(s)\) that automatically satisfies the constraint imposed by the two-body unitarity, cf. Eq. [\[200220.4\]](#200220.4){reference-type="eqref" reference="200220.4"}. Following Ref. one then writes \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200515.6} F_i&=\sum_j \widetilde{\alpha}_j T_{ji}~, \end{aligned}\] where the sum is over the strongly-coupled channels. The functions \(\widetilde{\alpha}_i\) are real and they are also expected to be smooth because all the RHC features in \(F_i(s)\) are included in the PWAs \(T_{ij}(s)\). As a result, the \(\widetilde{\alpha}_i\) should not have nearby singularities, if any. They could involve crossed-channel cuts which could be mimicked typically by parameterizing these functions by low-degree polynomials. Nonetheless, in the case of the low-energy interactions of the lightest pseudoscalars, like pions, an extra feature is the presence of the Adler zeroes in the \(S\) waves. In particular, for \(I=J=0\) we have already discussed that this Adler zero is around \(s_A=m_\pi^2/2\), cf. Eq. [\[200509.3\]](#200509.3){reference-type="eqref" reference="200509.3"}. The existence of Adler zeros is a characteristic feature of the interactions of the Goldstone bosons, as said, but not necessarily for their production through external currents. To handle with such cases Ref. proposes to explicitly remove the Adler zeroes in the \(T_{ij}(s)\), when they are present, and any necessary zero in the production process is then explicitly included in the prefactors. Denoting by \({\cal T}_{ij}(s)=T_{ij}(s)/(s-s_{A_{ij}})\), with \(s_{A_{ij}}\) the Adler zero in \(T_{ij}(s)\), the final expression proposed is \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200515.7} F_i&=\sum_j \alpha_j {\cal T}_{ji}~. \end{aligned}\] For the case of only one coupled channel, the form factor can be expressed in terms of an Omnès function \(\Omega(s)\). Due to the Watson final-state theorem the continuous phase of the form factor \(\varphi(s)\) is the same as the phase shift \(\delta(s)\) for the PWA \(T(s)\). The Omnès function results by performing a DR for the logarithm of the function \(f(s)=F(s)Q(s)/P(s)\), where \(P(s)\) and \(Q(s)\) are the polynomials whose only roots are the possible zeros and poles of \(F(s)\), respectively, which are assumed to be finite in number. The discontinuity of \(\log f(s)\) along the RHC is the discontinuity of its imaginary part, and it is given by \(2i\varphi(s)\). We can then write the following expression for the DR of \(\omega(s)\equiv \log f(s)\),[^3] \[\begin{aligned}
\label{181120.8} \omega(s)&=\sum_{i=0}^{n-1}a_i s^i+\frac{s^n}{\pi}\int_{s_{\rm th}}^\infty \frac{\varphi(s')ds'}{(s')^n(s'-s)}~, \end{aligned}\] where we have taken \(n\) subtractions assuming that \(\varphi(s)\) does not diverge stronger than \(s^{n-1}\) when \(s\to\infty\). The Omnès function \(\Omega(s)\) is defined in terms of \(\omega(s)\) as \[\begin{aligned}
\label{181120.9} \Omega(s)=\exp{\omega(s)}~. \end{aligned}\] One can always normalize the Omnès function such that \(\Omega(0)=1\), which fixes \(a_0=1\). In this manner we always take at least one subtraction. It is also clear that the ratio \[\begin{aligned}
\label{181120.10} R(s)&=\frac{F(s)}{\Omega(s)}~, \end{aligned}\] is a meromorphic function of \(s\) in the first RS of the cut complex \(s\) plane, being analytic in this whole plane if \(F(s)\) has no bound states. As it is well known, any analytical function in the whole complex plane is either a constant or it is unbounded, which is then the case for \(R(s)\) too under the stated assumptions. Therefore, \[\begin{aligned}
\label{181120.11} F(s)&=R(s)\Omega(s)~, \end{aligned}\] diverges as much as or stronger than \(\Omega(s)\) for \(s\to \infty\). The function \(\omega(s)\) would have severe divergences for \(s\to\infty\) if its DR required for convergence more than one subtraction. The reason is that if \(\varphi(s)/s^{n-1}\) (\(n \geq 2\)) has no zero limit for \(s\to \infty\), the DR for \(\omega(s)\) would be affected by logarithmic divergences like \(s^{n-1} \log s\) which could not be cancelled by the subtractive polynomial. In such circumstances it would be required that \(R(s)\) is a non-trivial analytical function in order to cancel such divergences and guarantee that \(F(s)\) can be represented as a DR. If the conditions are met for a DR of \(\log F(s)Q(s)/P(s)\), cf. Eq. [\[181120.8\]](#181120.8){reference-type="eqref" reference="181120.8"}, then \(R(s)=Q(s)/P(s)\) is a rational function. Thus, from the previous analysis, we conclude that the DR of \(\omega(s)\) in Eq. [\[181120.8\]](#181120.8){reference-type="eqref" reference="181120.8"} involves only one subtraction and it is then necessary that \(|\varphi(s)/s|<s^{-\gamma}\) for some \(\gamma>0\) in the limit \(s\to \infty\). We can then write the following representation for \(F(s)\), \[\begin{aligned}
\label{181121.1} F(s)&=\frac{P(s)}{Q(s)}\Omega(s)~,\\ \label{181121.2} \Omega(s)&=\exp\omega(s)~,\\ \label{181121.3} \omega(s)&=\frac{s}{\pi}\int_{s_{\rm th}}^\infty \frac{\varphi(s')ds'}{s'(s'-s)}~. \end{aligned}\] The presence of \(P(s)\) makes clear that one can fix de normalization of the Omnès function, \(\Omega(0)=1\), without any loss of generality. The asymptotic behavior of \(\Omega(s)\) in the limit \(s\to \infty\) can be calculated as follows. Let us rewrite \(\omega(s)\) in Eq. [\[181121.3\]](#181121.3){reference-type="eqref" reference="181121.3"} as \[\begin{aligned}
\label{181122.1} \omega(s)&=\varphi(\infty)\frac{s}{\pi}\int_{s_{\rm th}}^\infty \frac{ds'}{s'(s'-s)} +\frac{s}{\pi}\int_{s_{\rm th}}^\infty \frac{\varphi(s')-\varphi(\infty)}{s'(s'-s)}ds'~, \end{aligned}\] with \(\varphi(\infty)=\lim_{s\to\infty}\varphi(s+i\epsilon)\). Then, \[\begin{aligned}
\label{181122.2} \omega(s+i\varepsilon)&-\frac{1}{\pi}\int_{s_{\rm th}}^\infty\frac{\varphi(s')-\varphi(\infty)}{s'}ds'~, \end{aligned}\] being the limit \(s\to\infty\) dominated by the logarithmic divergence, as the other two terms in this equation are constants. It follows from here the limit behavior \[\begin{aligned}
\label{181122.3} \Omega(s)& \left(\frac{s_{\rm th}}{s}\right)^\frac{\varphi(\infty)}{\pi}~. \end{aligned}\] This result, together with Eq. [\[181121.1\]](#181121.1){reference-type="eqref" reference="181121.1"}, implies that the asymptotic behavior for \(F(s)\) is \[\begin{aligned}
\label{181122.4} F(s)& \end{aligned}\] where \(C_{\Omega}\) and \(C_{F}\) are constants, and \(p\) and \(q\) are the number of zeros and poles of \(F(s)\), respectively (or equivalently, the degrees of \(P(s)\) and \(Q(s)\), in this order). Two interesting consequences follow from Eq. [\[181122.4\]](#181122.4){reference-type="eqref" reference="181122.4"}: i) If the asymptotic high-energy behavior of \(F(s)\) is known to be proportional to \(s^\nu\), then \[\begin{aligned}
\label{181122.5} p-q-\frac{\varphi(\infty)}{\pi}=\nu~. \end{aligned}\] ii) Under changes of the parameters when modeling strong interactions one should keep Eq. [\[181122.5\]](#181122.5){reference-type="eqref" reference="181122.5"} unchanged. As \(\nu\) is a known constant, then \[\begin{aligned}
\label{181122.6} p-q-\frac{\varphi(\infty)}{\pi}={\rm fixed}~. \end{aligned}\] For instance, if \(\varphi(\infty)/\pi\) increases by one and there are no bound states then an extra zero should be introduced in the form factor to satisfy Eq. [\[181122.6\]](#181122.6){reference-type="eqref" reference="181122.6"}. A similar procedure would be applied for other scenarios. It is worth stressing that by using Eq. [\[181121.1\]](#181121.1){reference-type="eqref" reference="181121.1"} one can guarantee that Eq. [\[181122.6\]](#181122.6){reference-type="eqref" reference="181122.6"} is fulfilled, while this is not the case for \(\Omega(s)\). The use of this function without taking proper care of the rational function \(P(s)/Q(s)\), included in the expression for \(F(s)\) in Eq. [\[181121.1\]](#181121.1){reference-type="eqref" reference="181121.1"}, could drive to an unstable behavior under changes of the parameters, e.g. in a fit to data. This problem was originally discussed in Ref. in connection with the scalar form factor of the pion \(F_S(s)\), to which we refer for further details in the discussion that follows. This form factor is associated with the light-quark scalar source, \(\bar{u}u+\bar{d}d\), and is defined as \[\begin{aligned}
\label{181122.7} F(s)&=\hat{m}\int d^4 x e^{i(p+p')x}\langle0|\bar{u}(x)u(x)+\bar{d}(x)d(x)|0\rangle~, \end{aligned}\] where \(u\) and \(d\) are the up and down quarks, \(\hat{m}\) is their masses, and \(s=(p+p')^2\). Because of the quantum numbers of the non-strange scalar source, the FSI occur in the isoscalar scalar meson-meson scattering, introduced in Sec. [3](#sec.200511.1){reference-type="ref" reference="sec.200511.1"}. There, we discuss the Adler zero required by chiral symmetry and the pole of the \(\sigma\) or \(f_0(500)\) resonance, being both of them related by unitarity, analyticity and chiral symmetry. At around the two-kaon threshold, \(\sqrt{s}=991.4\) MeV, the \(K\bar{K}\) channel makes a big impact. This energy almost coincides with the sharp emergence of the \(f_0(980)\) resonance, which gives rise to a rapid increase of the \(\pi\pi\) isoscalar scalar phase shifts \(\delta_{00}(s)\), since it is a relatively narrow resonance, cf. Fig. [\[fig.200524.1\]](#fig.200524.1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig.200524.1"}. The elasticity parameter \(\eta_{00}\) also experiences a sharp reduction as soon as the \(K\bar{K}\) channel open, since the \(f_0(980)\) couples much more to \(K\bar{K}\) than to \(\pi\pi\). This phenomenon causes an active conversion of the pionic flux into the kaonic one. The rapid rise of the isoscalar scalar \(\pi\pi\) phase shifts, also implies the corresponding rise of the phase of the isoscalar scalar PWA \(T(s)\), \(\varphi(s)\), because they coincide below the \(K\bar{K}\) threshold, i.e. for \(\sqrt{s}<2m_K\). However, above this energy the rise of \(\varphi(s)\) is interrupted abruptly if \(\delta_{00}(s_K)<\pi\), with \(s_K=4m_K^2\), while in the opposite case \(\varphi(s)\) keeps increasing. Quite interestingly, the two situations can be connected by tiny variations in the values of the parameters in the hadronic model, while keeping compatibility with the experimental phase shifts at around the \(f_0(980)\) mass. As a result, there is a jump in the limiting value of \(\Omega(s)\) because \(\varphi(\infty)\) changes by \(\pi\). Thus, in order to keep constant Eq. [\[181122.6\]](#181122.6){reference-type="eqref" reference="181122.6"} under an increase by \(\pi\) in \(\varphi(\infty)\) for \(\delta_{00}(s_K)>\pi\), it is necessary to increase \(p\) by one unit, so that a zero is necessary in \(F_S(s)\) that is not present when \(\delta_{00}(s_K)<\pi\). For completeness, we also mention that had we required the continuity from \(\delta_{00}(s_K)>\pi\) to \(\delta_{00}(s_K)<\pi\) then an extra pole (in the first RS) should be added. This latter scenario can be disregarded in \(\pi\pi\) scattering because of the absence of bound states.[^4] Let \(s_1\) be the value of \(s\) at which the pion scalar form factor has a zero for \(\delta(s_K)>\pi\). Then, we can write an Omnès representation of the pion scalar form factor in terms of a modified Omnès function \[\begin{aligned}
\label{181123.5} \Omega(s)&=\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \exp\omega(s)& ~,~\delta(s_K)<\pi~,\\ \frac{s_1-s}{s_1}\exp\omega(s) & ~,~\delta(s_K)>\pi~, \end{array} \right. \end{aligned}\] such that \(F_S(s)=F_S(0)\Omega(s)\). From here it is clear that \(s_1\) can be fixed by the requirement that \(\Im F(s_1)=0\). Because of the Watson final-state theorem in the elastic region we can write that \(\Im F(s)=|F(s)|\sin \delta_{00}(s)|/\rho(s)\) and it vanishes when \(\delta_{00}(s_1)=\pi\), which allows to determine \(s_1\) from the knowledge of \(\delta_{00}(s)\). The context clarifies whether the same symbol \(\Omega(s)\) actually refers to Eq. [\[181120.9\]](#181120.9){reference-type="eqref" reference="181120.9"} or Eq. [\[181123.5\]](#181123.5){reference-type="eqref" reference="181123.5"}. A clear lesson from the discussion here is that possible troubles could occur when using an Omnès function in fitting the free parameters because an unstable behavior could arise due to a jump in \(\varphi(\infty)\). These regions of dramatic differences in \(\exp\omega(s)\) are separated by a discontinuity of \(\varphi(s)\) in the parametric space. As a consequence, it is important in the fitting process to satisfy the condition Eq. [\[181122.6\]](#181122.6){reference-type="eqref" reference="181122.6"}. In particular, for the \(I=J=0\) \(\pi\pi\) PWA the more elaborated function in Eq. [\[181123.5\]](#181123.5){reference-type="eqref" reference="181123.5"} should be used, instead of just the standard Omnès \(\exp\omega(s)\) given in Eq. [\[181121.2\]](#181121.2){reference-type="eqref" reference="181121.2"}. This fact also affects studies of two-photon fusion into two pions, like Ref. , as discussed in Ref. .
## The IAM for FSI {#sec.200515.1}
The first step of Ref. is to write down twice subtracted DR expressions for the scalar and vector pion form factors, \(F_S(s)\) and \(F_V(s)\), respectively, as \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200216.1} F_S(s)&=1+\frac{\langle r_S^2\rangle s}{6}+\frac{s^2}{\pi} \int_{4m_\pi^2}^\infty \frac{F_S(s')e^{-i\delta_{00}}\sin\delta_{00}(s')ds'}{s^{'2}(s'-s-i\epsilon)}~,\\ \label{200216.2} F_V(s)&=1+\frac{\langle r_V^2\rangle s}{6}+\frac{s^2}{\pi} \int_{4m_\pi^2}^\infty \frac{F_V(s')e^{-i\delta_{11}}\sin\delta_{11}(s')ds'}{s^{'2}(s'-s-i\epsilon)}~. \end{aligned}\] Here, \(\delta_{00}(s)\) and \(\delta_{11}(s)\) are the \(J=0\) and 1 isoscalar and isovector \(\pi\pi\) phase shifts, in this order. These DRs can be interpreted as singular integral equations (IEs) for the form factors \(F_S(s)\) and \(F_V(s)\). Let us remark, as in Ref. , that the solutions of the IEs of Eqs. [\[200216.1\]](#200216.1){reference-type="eqref" reference="200216.1"} and [\[200216.2\]](#200216.2){reference-type="eqref" reference="200216.2"} for \(F_S(s)\) and \(F_V(s)\), respectively, can be expressed in terms of the associated Omnès functions. In the approximation of identifying the phases of the form factors with the phase shifts, strictly valid only for the elastic region, one has the approximate expressions \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200216.3} F_S(s)&=P_S(s)\exp\left[\frac{s}{\pi}\int_{4m_\pi^2}^\infty \frac{\delta_{00}(s')ds'}{s'(s'-s-i\epsilon)}\right]~,\\ \label{200216.4} F_V(s)&=P_V(s)\exp\left[\frac{s}{\pi}\int_{4m_\pi^2}^\infty \frac{\delta_{11}(s')ds'}{s'(s'-s-i\epsilon)}\right]~, \end{aligned}\] where \(P_S(s)\) and \(P_V(s)\) are polynomials that take into account the zeros (if any) of the form factors in the first or physical RS. At the one-loop order in ChPT or, equivalently, at next-to-leading order NLO or \({\cal O}(p^4)\), we can replace inside the dispersive integrals of Eq. [\[200216.1\]](#200216.1){reference-type="eqref" reference="200216.1"} the \(\pi\pi\) scattering PWAs at leading order, \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200219.1} f_0(s)&=\sin\delta_{00}e^{i\delta_{00}}=\delta_{00}(s)+{\cal O}(p^4)=\frac{\sigma(s)}{16\pi}\frac{s-m_\pi^2/2}{f^2}+{\cal O}(p^4)~,\\ \label{200304.2} f_1(s)&=\sin\delta_{11} e^{i\delta_{11}}=\delta_{11}(s)+{\cal O}(p^4)=\frac{\sigma(s)}{16\pi}\frac{s-4m_\pi^2}{6f^2}+{\cal O}(p^4)~. \end{aligned}\] The phase space function \(\sigma(s)\) is defined in Eq. [\[200508.2\]](#200508.2){reference-type="eqref" reference="200508.2"}. Evaluating the dispersive integral in Eq. [\[200216.1\]](#200216.1){reference-type="eqref" reference="200216.1"} with the approximation for \(f_0(s)\) of Eq. [\[200219.1\]](#200219.1){reference-type="eqref" reference="200219.1"}, Ref. of course ends with the same expression for \(F_S(s)\) as the NLO ChPT result, \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200219.3} F_S(s)&=1+\frac{s}{6}\langle r_S^2\rangle-\frac{1}{16\pi^2 f^2}\left[(s-m_\pi^2/2)[h(s)-h(0)]+\frac{m_\pi^2}{2}h'(0)s\right]+{\cal O}(p^6)~. \end{aligned}\] The function \(h(s)\) is defined in Eq. [\[200514.1\]](#200514.1){reference-type="eqref" reference="200514.1"}. By proceeding in an analogous way, a similar expression holds for the vector form factor at this level of accuracy, \({\cal O}(p^4)\), \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200219.3b} F_V(s)&=1+\frac{s}{6}\langle r_V^2\rangle-\frac{1}{96\pi^2 f^2}\left[(s-4m_\pi^2)[h(s)-h(0)]+ 4 m_\pi^2 h'(0)s\right]+{\cal O}(p^6)~. \end{aligned}\] There is an important difference between the scalar and vector form factors. The unitarity corrections are enhanced by around a factor 6 for the former compared to the latter, because the leading order ChPT amplitude is around a factor 6 larger, compared Eqs. [\[200219.1\]](#200219.1){reference-type="eqref" reference="200219.1"} and [\[200304.2\]](#200304.2){reference-type="eqref" reference="200304.2"}, as first noticed in Ref. and already discussed above in detail. By invoking the Watson final-state theorem, one can calculate from the perturbative expressions of \(F_S(s)\) and \(F_V(s)\) in Eqs. [\[200219.3\]](#200219.3){reference-type="eqref" reference="200219.3"} and [\[200219.3b\]](#200219.3b){reference-type="eqref" reference="200219.3b"} the \(\pi\pi\) phase shifts for \(J=0\) and 1, respectively. Nonetheless, since the form factors are calculated perturbatively one should proceed consistently in order to extract from this perturbative information the corresponding phase shifts. In this way, denoting by \(F_2(s)\) the LO form factors and by \(F_4(s)=F_4^r(s)+iF_4^i(s)\) their NLO contributions, with the superscripts indicating the real (\(r\)) and imaginary (\(i\)) parts, we then have for the Watson final-state theorem: \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200304.3} F(s)&= |F(s)|e^{i\phi}=\sqrt{(F_2+F_4^r)^2+(F_4^i)^2}e^{i\phi}= F_2\sqrt{ \left( 1 + \frac{F_4^r}{F_2} \right) ^2 + \left( \frac{F_4^i}{F_2} \right) ^2} e^{i\phi}\\ &=F_2+F_4^r+i\phi F_2+{\cal O}(p^6)~,\nonumber \end{aligned}\] from where the phase \(\phi\) can be extracted. Let us notice that Ref. compared directly the phase of the perturbative form factors in Eqs. [\[200219.3\]](#200219.3){reference-type="eqref" reference="200219.3"} and [\[200219.3b\]](#200219.3b){reference-type="eqref" reference="200219.3b"} with the phase shifts of the \(\pi\pi\) PWAs in its Fig. 1 and 2. In this respect, it did no take account that this is not meaningful because the Watson final-state theorem only holds perturbatively in ChPT, as explained. We show in Fig. [\[fig.200220.1\]](#fig.200220.1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig.200220.1"} the resulting form factors, so that the top line is dedicated to \(F_S(s)\) and the bottom one to \(F_V(s)\). The panels on the left correspond to the phases of these form factors and the panels on the right to their module squared. It is clear that there is a strong departure between the calculated phase shifts from the NLO ChPT form factors (magenta dashed lines) and the experimental values even at low values of \(s\). This is also clearly true for the modulus squared of \(F_V(s)\), for which the perturbative calculation again departures strongly from the experimental points. It is particularly visible there the emergence of the resonance \(\rho(770)\), which dominates the phase shifts and \(|F_V(s)|^2\), with tails extending up to threshold and affecting the low-energy results. This phenomenon can only be captured approximately in \(SU(2)\) ChPT by the large size of the counterterm \(\bar{\ell}_6\), \[\begin{aligned}
\bar{\ell}_6&=(4\pi f_\pi)^2\langle r_V^2\rangle= 16.5\pm 1.1~, \end{aligned}\] as estimated in Ref. . For the vector case, the cause of the large higher-order contributions is clearly associated with the prominent role played by the \(\rho(770)\) resonance. In turn, for the scalar sector the enhanced RHC is the one blamed for such effects. Indeed, these strong contributions from unitarity and analyticity even drive to the emergence of a pole in the complex \(s\) plane, the \(\sigma\) or \(f_0(500)\) resonance, as already discussed, cf. Eq. [\[200509.3\]](#200509.3){reference-type="eqref" reference="200509.3"}. Ref. discusses that the application of the chiral series expansion should be performed on the inverse of the form factor rather than on the form factor itself. The main reason lies on sound and general grounds, as provided by unitarity and analyticity. Let us consider a DR representation of \(F^{-1}(s)\), analogous to Eq. [\[200216.1\]](#200216.1){reference-type="eqref" reference="200216.1"}. The point to be stressed is that the imaginary part of \(F^{-1}(s)\) is expected to be much smoother than the imaginary part of \(F(s)\) itself in the elastic region. The reason is that the imaginary part of the inverse of the form factor satisfies, because of unitarity in PWAs, that \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200220.6} \Im F^{-1}(s)=-\frac{\Im F(s)}{|F(s)|^2}=-\rho(s)\left(\frac{T(s)}{F(s)}\right) =-\rho(s)\left(\frac{T(s)}{F(s)}\right)^*~. \end{aligned}\] As \(F(s)\) and \(T(s)\) share the same resonances, their propagators cancel in the ratio \(T(s)/F(s)\) that gives \(\Im F^{-1}(s)\). Then, this ratio is expected to be smoother than \(\Im F(s)=\rho(s)F(s)^*T(s)\), where this cancellation does not occur but rather the resonance effects in \(F(s)\) and \(T(s)\) mutually enhance each other because of the product involved. Then, let us write down a twice-subtracted DR for the inverses of the form factors \(F_S(s)\) and \(F_V(s)\). First, we neglect by now the possible presence of zeroes in the form factors in the 1st Riemann sheet (RS), which give rise to poles in the inverse of the form factors. The issue of a zero in \(F_S(s)\) for certain types of \(T\) matrices was already discussed in Sec. [4.1](#sec.200514.1){reference-type="ref" reference="sec.200514.1"}, as first shown to happen in Ref. . This is not an issue here because we are considering the one-channel elastic scattering in the isoscalar scalar \(\pi\pi\) PWAs. As a result we write, \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200220.7} F_S^{-1}(s)&=1-s\frac{\langle r_S^2\rangle}{6}-\frac{s^2}{\pi}\int_{4m_\pi^2}^\infty \frac{\rho(s')e^{i\delta_{00}}\sin\delta_{00}(s)\,F_S^{-1}(s')ds'}{(s')^2(s'-s-i\epsilon)}~,\\ \label{200220.8} F_V^{-1}(s)&=1-s\frac{\langle r_V^2\rangle}{6}-\frac{s^2}{\pi}\int_{4m_\pi^2}^\infty \frac{\rho(s')e^{i\delta_{11}}\sin\delta_{11}(s)\,F_V^{-1}(s')ds'}{(s')^2(s'-s-i\epsilon)}~. \end{aligned}\] Then, up to \({\cal O}(p^4)\), in the integrand of these integrals one takes the leading order expressions in the chiral expansion of \(f_\ell(s)\), cf. Eqs. [\[200219.1\]](#200219.1){reference-type="eqref" reference="200219.1"} and [\[200304.2\]](#200304.2){reference-type="eqref" reference="200304.2"}, and \(F_{S,V}(s)=1\). In this way, except for a global sign the same result as above is obtained for the dispersive integral as in the DR for \(F_{S,V}(s)\). Namely, the only difference is a flip of sign in the NLO contributions in Eqs. [\[200219.3\]](#200219.3){reference-type="eqref" reference="200219.3"} and [\[200219.3b\]](#200219.3b){reference-type="eqref" reference="200219.3b"}. Then, the results for the form factors can be written as \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200220.9} F(s)&=\frac{1}{1-F_4(s)}~, \end{aligned}\] with \(F(s)\) representing either \(F_S(s)\) or \(F_V(s)\) and \(F_{4}(s)\) is the \({\cal O}(p^4)\) ChPT result. Similarly \(F_2(s)=1\) is the LO ChPT calculation. Being more specific, Eq. [\[200220.9\]](#200220.9){reference-type="eqref" reference="200220.9"} results after performing the DR integrals, compare with Eqs. [\[200216.1\]](#200216.1){reference-type="eqref" reference="200216.1"} and [\[200216.2\]](#200216.2){reference-type="eqref" reference="200216.2"}, \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200220.10} F_S(s)&=\frac{1}{1-\frac{\langle r_S^2\rangle s}{6}-\frac{s^2}{(4\pi f_\pi)^2} \int_{4m_\pi^2}^\infty \frac{\sigma(s')(s'-m_\pi^2)ds'}{s^{'2}(s'-s-i\epsilon)}}~,\\ \label{200220.11} F_V(s)&=\frac{1}{1-\frac{\langle r_V^2\rangle s}{6}-\frac{s^2}{6(4\pi f_\pi)^2} \int_{4m_\pi^2}^\infty \frac{\sigma(s')(s'-4m_\pi^2)ds'}{s^{'2}(s'-s-i\epsilon)}}~. \end{aligned}\] The resulting phase and modulus squared of \(F_S(s)\) from Eq. [\[200220.10\]](#200220.10){reference-type="eqref" reference="200220.10"} is shown by the (black) solid lines in the top panels of Fig. [\[fig.200220.1\]](#fig.200220.1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig.200220.1"}. The resummed expression of \(F_V(s)\) in Eq. [\[200220.11\]](#200220.11){reference-type="eqref" reference="200220.11"} gives rise to the results shown by the (black) solid and the (red) dashed lines in the bottom panels of Fig. [\[fig.200220.1\]](#fig.200220.1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig.200220.1"}. They differ in the value of \(\langle r_V^2\rangle\) employed, so that the former uses 0.42 fm\(^2\) (as Ref. ), and the latter takes the slightly lower value 0.41 fm\(^2\), so as to agree better with the data on the isovector vector \(\pi\pi\) phase shifts. We also use the updated value \(f=92.4\) MeV, instead of 94 MeV used in Ref. .[^5] It is clear that now, the resulting phase shifts calculated from the phases of the form factors in Eqs. [\[200220.10\]](#200220.10){reference-type="eqref" reference="200220.10"} and [\[200220.11\]](#200220.11){reference-type="eqref" reference="200220.11"} are much closer to the experimental points than the perturbative ones form Eqs. [\[200219.3\]](#200219.3){reference-type="eqref" reference="200219.3"} and [\[200219.3b\]](#200219.3b){reference-type="eqref" reference="200219.3b"}. The same dramatic improvement also happens for the modulus squared of \(F_V(s)\) calculated from Eq. [\[200220.11\]](#200220.11){reference-type="eqref" reference="200220.11"}, as compared with the data points given by the empty circles. In the peak of \(|F_V(s)|^2\) it is clear the effect due to the \(\rho-\omega\) mixing, which is not treated here, see e.g. Ref. for its implementation. Notice that this improvement is achieved by employing the same perturbative input, namely the NLO ChPT results. It is a matter of properly reshuffling the chiral expansion in a way clearly motivated by unitarity and analyticity. We also show \(|F_S(s)|^2\) in the right top panel of Fig. [\[fig.200220.1\]](#fig.200220.1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig.200220.1"}, in which the resonance shape due to the \(f_0(500)\) is clearly visible. These resonance effects are not so evident in the case of the isoscalar scalar phase shifts because of the Adler zero in this \(\pi\pi\) PWA, which interferes strongly with the pole contribution from the resonance itself.
## KT formalism {#sec.200522.1}
The KT formalism was originally developed by Ref. to study the \(K\to 3\pi\) decays and, up to including two-body intermediate states, it allows to implement unitarity and crossing symmetry. Later on, this approach has been applied to study extensively the \(\eta\to 3\pi\) decays, among others. These decays violate isospin because the \(G\) parity of the \(\eta\) is \(+1\) and that of the pion in \(-1\), so that it is proportional to \(m_u-m_d\) in pure QCD. The application of ChPT to the \(\eta\to 3\pi\) decays has been controversial, until accepting that FSI are so strong that a non-perturbative unitarization method is needed to be implemented in order to be able to confront well with experimental data. The earliest calculations using current-algebra techniques obtained a value for the \(\eta\to\pi^+\pi^-\pi^0\) of around 65 eV, too small compared with the experimental result \(\Gamma(\eta\to \pi^+\pi^+\pi^0)=(300 \pm 12)\) eV. Roiesnel and Truong stressed that a non-perturbative calculation taking care of the isoscalar-scalar \(\pi\pi\) FSI, by employing an Omnès function on top of the current-algebra result, increases the decay width up to 200 eV. A few years later, the NLO ChPT calculation gives \((160\pm 50)~\)eV, which implies a large correction by a factor 2.4 over the LO calculation in the right direction, but still too small by around a factor of 2. In addition, the parameter \(\alpha\), typically employed in the parameterization of the Dalitz plot for the decay \(\eta\to 3\pi^0\), is positive at NLO ChPT while experimentally it is negative, \(\alpha=-0.0318\pm 0.0015\). The calculation at NNLO in ChPT of the \(\eta\to 3\pi\) decays was performed in Ref. but the proliferation of new counterterms prevented a sharp result. If resonance saturation is assumed to estimate the NNLO ChPT counterterms then the Dalitz plot parameters are not well reproduced. One then concludes that the \(\eta\to 3\pi\) decays are sensitive to the detailed values of the \({\cal O}(p^6)\) counterterms, so that an accurate calculation requires a precise knowledge of their values. This controversial situation stimulated the interest in developing sophisticated calculations combining ChPT and non-perturbative methods, within unitarized ChPT and the KT formalism. We now describe the basic points of the one-channel KT formalism for \(\eta\to 3\pi\) decays and refer the reader to Refs. and the recent review for further details. In particular, the generalization to coupled channels was worked out in Ref. , given in a more compact matrix notation in Ref. . Let us consider the decay \(\eta(p_0)\to\pi^+(p_1)\pi^-(p_2)\pi^0(p_3)\), which is related by crossing symmetry to the scattering reactions \(\eta(p_0)\pi^0(-p_3)\to\pi^+(p_1)\pi^-(p_ 2)\) in the \(s\)-channel, \(\eta(p_0)\pi^-(-p_1)\to\pi^0(p_3)\pi^-(p_ 2)\) in the \(t\)-channel, and \(\eta(p_0)\pi^+(-p_2)\to\pi^+(p_2)\pi^0(p_ 3)\) in the \(u\)-channel. The Mandelstam variables \(s\), \(t\) and \(u\) are given by \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200522.1} s&=(p_0-p_3)^2=(p_1+p_2)^2~,\\ t&=(p_0-p_1)^2=(p_2+p_3)^2~,\nonumber\\ u&=(p_0-p_2)^2=(p_1+p-3)^2~.\nonumber \end{aligned}\] The crossing-symmetry relations are \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200522.2} T(\eta\pi^0\to \pi^+\pi^-)&=A(s,t,u)~,\\ T(\eta \pi^-\to \pi^0\pi^-)&=A(t,s,u)~,\nonumber\\ T(\eta \pi^+\to \pi^+\pi^0)&=A(u,t,s)~.\nonumber \end{aligned}\] These amplitudes in turn can be decomposed in scattering amplitudes with well defined isospin, \(M^I(s,t,u)\), as \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200522.3} A(\eta\pi^0\to \pi^+\pi^-)=A(s,t,u)&=-\frac{1}{3}M^2(s,t,u)+\frac{1}{3}M^0(s,t,u)~,\\ A(\eta\pi^+\to \pi^+\pi^0)=A(u,t,s)&=+\frac{1}{2}M^2(s,t,u)+\frac{1}{2}M^1(s,t,u)~,\nonumber\\ A(\eta\pi^-\to \pi^0\pi^-)=A(t,s,u)&=+\frac{1}{2}M^2(s,t,u)-\frac{1}{2}M^1(s,t,u)~.\nonumber \end{aligned}\] The inversion of these relations gives us the \(M^I(s,t,u)\), \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200522.4} M^0(s,t,u)&=3A(s,t,u)+A(u,t,s)+A(t,s,u)~,\\ M^1(s,t,u)&=A(u,t,s)-A(t,s,u)~,\nonumber\\ M^2(s,t,u)&=A(u,t,s)+A(t,s,u)~.\nonumber \end{aligned}\] The PWA amplitudes are denoted by \(M^{(IJ)}(s)\), and one has the standard relations \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200522.5c} M^{(IJ)}(s)&=\frac{1}{2}\int_{-1}^{+1}d\cos\theta\,P_J(\cos\theta)M^I(s,t,u)~,\\ M^I(s,t,u)&=\sum_{J=0}^\infty (2J+1)P_J(\cos\theta)M^{(IJ)}(\cos\theta)~.\nonumber \end{aligned}\] In the KT formalism the \(S\) and \(P\) waves are the ones that are subject to a non-perturbative treatment. The PWAs have a RHC above the two-pion threshold \(s>4m_\pi^2\). Instead of writing the unitarity constraint as in Eq. [\[200304.3c\]](#200304.3c){reference-type="eqref" reference="200304.3c"}, one should consider it as giving the discontinuity along the RHC because of the two on-shell intermediate pions. We then write[^6] \[\begin{aligned}
\Im M^{(IJ)}&\to \frac{M^{(IJ)}(s+i\epsilon)-M^{(IJ)}(s-i\epsilon)}{2i}=\rho M^{(IJ)}(s+i\epsilon)M^{(IJ)}(s-i\epsilon)~,\nonumber \\ \label{200522.5a} M^{(IJ)}(s+i\epsilon)&=\underbrace{\left(1+2i\rho M(s+i\epsilon)\right)}_{{\text{\(S\)-matrix~in~PWAs}}}M(s-i\epsilon)=e^{2i\delta^{(IJ)}(s)}M(s-i\epsilon)~. \end{aligned}\] From this last line we can write more conveniently the discontinuity of \(M^{(IJ)}(s)\) along the RHC, \(\Delta M^{(IJ)}(s)\), as \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200522.5} \Delta M^{(IJ)}(s)&=M^{(IJ)}(s+i\epsilon)-M^{(IJ)}(s-i\epsilon)=2i\sin\delta^{(IJ)}e^{-i\delta^{(IJ)}}M^{(IJ)}(s+i\epsilon)~, \end{aligned}\] which is the relation finally used. A crucial feature of the KT formalism is to write down \(A(s,t,u)\) as the sum of three functions of only one Mandelstam variable, \(M_0(s)\), \(M_1(s)\) and \(M_2(t)\) \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200522.6} A(s,t,u)&=M_0(s)-\frac{2}{3}M_2(s)+(s-u)M_1(t)+(s-t)M_1(u)+M_2(t)+M_2(u)~, \end{aligned}\] which is invariant under the exchange \(t\leftrightarrow u\), a feature that can be seen as a consequence of charge-conjugate invariance. This representation is valid up to \({\cal O}(p^8)\) in ChPT because then the \(\pi\pi\) \(D\) waves also contribute and higher polynomials in \((s-t)\) and \((s-u)\) would be required. The derivation of Eq. [\[200522.6\]](#200522.6){reference-type="eqref" reference="200522.6"} can be understood by considering only \(J\leq 1\) PWAs in the \(s\)-channel and taking into account the isospin decomposition for the process \(\eta\pi^0\to \pi^+\pi^-\) and the crossed-channel ones, cf. Eq. [\[200522.3\]](#200522.3){reference-type="eqref" reference="200522.3"}. In this way, for the \(s\)-channel process there is no \(I=1\) contribution, which only happens in the crossed ones, cf. Eq. [\[200522.3\]](#200522.3){reference-type="eqref" reference="200522.3"}. As this is a \(P\)-wave we then write it as \(M_1(t)(s-u)+M_1(u)(s-t)\), that also keeps explicitly the symmetry under the exchange \(t\leftrightarrow u\). The \(I=0\) contribution can only happen in the \(s\)-channel, because for the other channels the third component of isospin is not zero. This is the \(M_0(s)\) contribution in Eq. [\[200522.6\]](#200522.6){reference-type="eqref" reference="200522.6"}. Finally, regarding the \(I=2\) it is clear from Eq. [\[200522.3\]](#200522.3){reference-type="eqref" reference="200522.3"} that it appears in the combination \(-2 M_2(s)/3+M_2(t)+M_2(u)\). Taking the expression for \(A(s,t,u)\) in the ones of \(M^{I}(s,t,u)\), as given in Eq. [\[200522.4\]](#200522.4){reference-type="eqref" reference="200522.4"}, it follows that \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200522.7} M^0(s,t,u)&=3M_0(s)+M_0(t)+M_0(u)+\frac{10}{3}\big[M_2(t)+M_2(u)\big]+2(s-u)M_1(t)+2(s-t)M_1(u)~,\nonumber\\ M^1(s,t,u)&=2(u-t)M_1(s)+(u-s)M_1(t)-(t-s)M_1(u)+M_0(u)-M_0(t)+\frac{5}{3}\big[M_2(t)-M_2(u)\big]~,\nonumber\\ M^2(s,t,u)&=2M_2(s)+\frac{1}{3}\big[M_2(t)+M_2(u)\big]+M_0(t)+M_0(u)-(s-u)M_1(t)-(s-t)M_1(u)~. \end{aligned}\] Writing down the PWAs for \(IJ=00,20\) and 11 we have \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200522.8} M^{00}(s)&\equiv 3\big[M_0(s)+\hat{M}_0(s)\big]\\ M^{11}(s)&\equiv-\frac{2}{3}\kappa\big[ M_1(s)+\hat{M}_1(s)\big]~, \nonumber\\ M^{20}(s)&\equiv 2\big[M_2(s)+\hat{M}_2(s)\big]~,\nonumber \end{aligned}\] where \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200522.9} \kappa(s)=\sqrt{\sigma(s)\lambda(s)} \end{aligned}\] with \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200522.10} \lambda(s)&=\lambda(s,m_1^2,m_2^2)=s^2+m_\eta^4+m_\pi^4-2s(m_\pi^2+m_\eta^2)-2m_\pi^2m_\eta^2~,\\ \sigma(s)&=1-\frac{4m_\pi^2}{s}~.\nonumber \end{aligned}\] We have also introduced in Eq. [\[200522.8\]](#200522.8){reference-type="eqref" reference="200522.8"} the angular averages \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200522.11} \langle M_I\rangle_n&=\frac{1}{2}\int_{-1}^{+1}d\cos\theta\, \cos\theta^n M^I(s,t(s,\cos\theta),u(s,\cos\theta))~,\\ \hat{M}_0(s)&= \frac{2}{3}\langle M_0\rangle_0+\frac{20}{9}\langle M_2\rangle_0+2(s-s_0)\langle M_1\rangle_0 +\frac{2}{3}\kappa \langle M_1\rangle_0~,\nonumber\\ \kappa(s)\hat{M}_1(s)&= \frac{9}{2}(s-s_0)\langle M_1\rangle_1 +\frac{3\kappa}{2}\langle M_1\rangle_2 +3\langle M_0\rangle_1-5\langle M_2\rangle_1 ~,\nonumber\\ \hat{M}_2(s)&= \frac{1}{3}\langle M_2\rangle_0+ \langle M_0\rangle_0-\frac{3}{2}(s-s_0)\langle M_1\rangle_0-\frac{\kappa}{2}\langle M_1\rangle_1~,\nonumber \end{aligned}\] and \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200522.12} 3s_0&=m_\eta^2+3m_\pi^2~. \end{aligned}\] The function \(\hat{M}_I(s)\) has no discontinuity across the RHC so that the discontinuities of the PWAs \(M^{(IJ)}(s)\) can be expressed as, \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200522.13} \Delta M_0(s)&=2i e^{-i\delta^{(00)}(s)}\sin\delta^{(00)}(s) \big[M_0(s)+\hat{M}_0(s)\big]~,\\ \Delta M_1(s)&=2i e^{-i\delta^{(11)}(s)}\sin\delta^{(11)}(s) \big[M_1(s)+\hat{M}_1(s)\big]~,\nonumber\\ \Delta M_2(s)&=2i e^{-i\delta^{(20)}(s)}\sin\delta^{(20)}(s) \big[M_2(s)+\hat{M}_2(s)\big]~.\nonumber \end{aligned}\] Following the same steps as above in Eq. [\[200522.5\]](#200522.5){reference-type="eqref" reference="200522.5"} we can then also write that \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200522.14} M_I(s+i\epsilon)&=M_I(s-i\epsilon)e^{2i \delta_{IJ}}+2i\hat{M}_I(s)e^{i\delta^{(IJ)}}sin\delta^{(IJ)}~, \end{aligned}\] with \(J=I\) except for \(I=2\) for which \(J=0\) (as it should be clear from the context in this section). Dividing this expression by the corresponding Omnès function \(\Omega^{(IJ)}(s)\), which fulfills that along the RHC \(\Omega^{(IJ)}(s+i\epsilon)=e^{i2\delta^{(IJ)}}\Omega^{(IJ)}(s-i\epsilon)\), \(\Omega^{(IJ)}(s+i\epsilon)=|\Omega^{(IJ)}(s)|e^{i\delta^{(IJ)}}\), we then obtain from Eq. [\[200522.14\]](#200522.14){reference-type="eqref" reference="200522.14"} the discontinuity of \(M_I/\Omega^{(JI)}\) as \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200522.15b} \frac{M_I(s+i\epsilon)}{\Omega^{(IJ)}(s+i\epsilon)}-\frac{M_I(s-i\epsilon)}{\Omega^{(IJ)}(s-i\epsilon)}& =2i\frac{\hat{M}_I(s)\sin\delta^{(IJ)}}{|\Omega^{(IJ)}(s)|}~. \end{aligned}\] The final step is to obtain IEs for \(M_I(s)\) by writing down DRs for \(M_I(s)/\Omega^{(IJ)}\) as \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200522.15} M_I(s)&=\Omega^{(IJ)}(s)\Big[ P_I^{(m)}(s)+\frac{s^n}{\pi}\int_{4m_\pi^2}^{\infty}ds'\frac{\hat{M}_I(s') \sin\delta^{(IJ)}(s')}{|\Omega^{(IJ)}(s')|(s')^n(s'-s)}\Big]~, \end{aligned}\] where \(P_I^{(m)}(s)\) is a subtractive polynomial with \(m\geq n-1\). Requiring that \(A(s,t,u)\) diverges linearly at most at infinity in the Mandelstam variables, then \(M_1(s)\) should be bounded by a constant and \(M_0(s)\), \(M_2(s)\) would diverge linearly at most in the limit \(s\to\infty\). Furthermore, we also know the asymptotic behavior in the same limit for the Omnès functions, cf. Eq. [\[181122.3\]](#181122.3){reference-type="eqref" reference="181122.3"}, with \(|\Omega^{(IJ)}(s)|\to s^{-\delta^{(IJ)}(\infty)/\pi}\). Depending on \(\delta^{(IJ)}(\infty)\) the value of \(m\) should be adjusted to the required asymptotic behavior of \(M_I(s)\). For instance, Ref. assumes that \(\delta^{(00)}(\infty)=\pi\), \(\delta^{(11)}(\infty)=\pi\) and \(\delta^{(20)}=0\), so that \(m=2\) for \(I=0\) and \(m=1\) for \(I=1,\) and 2. The DRs in Eq. [\[200522.15\]](#200522.15){reference-type="eqref" reference="200522.15"} constitute a set of coupled linear IEs because the angular averages \(\langle \hat{M}_I\rangle_n\) are also expressed in terms of the \(M_I(s)\) functions. A standard way for solving these equations is by iteration. The subtraction constants can be determined by matching with the NLO ChPT calculation of \(A(s,t,u)\) and/or fitted to data, as done in Refs. . A clear improvement is obtained in the calculated decay width for the \(\eta\to\pi^+\pi^-\pi^0\) in Ref. , where the value \(\Gamma_{\eta\to\pi^+\pi}=283\pm 28\) eV was obtained. Other improvements concern the parameter \(\alpha\) for characterizing the amplitude for \(\eta\to 3\pi^0\) in its Dalitz plot. NLO ChPT gives a value \(\alpha=0.0142\) while the KT treatment of Ref. gives \(\alpha=-0.0337(12)\), to be compared with the PDG average value of \(\alpha=-0.0318(15)\).
# The \(N/D\) method
[\[sec.200517.1\]]{#sec.200517.1 label="sec.200517.1"} In this section we elaborate on different aspects of the \(N/D\) method, first introduced in Ref. to study uncoupled \(\pi\pi\) PWAs. We first review on this method, discuss in more detail the limit in which the crossed-channel dynamics is neglected, and afterwards elaborate on how the latter can be treated perturbatively within the \(N/D\) method. These results can also be used to take into account FSI in production processes. For the case of NR scattering, thanks to recent developments, it is possible to know the exact discontinuity of a PWA along the LHC for a given potential. In this way, one can generate the same solutions as in the Lippmann-Schwinger (LS) equation, together with other ones that cannot be obtained in a LS equation when mimicking the short-distance interactions by contact terms in the potential.
## Scattering {#sec.200517.2}
For the scattering of particles with equal masses there is only a LHC for \(s<s_{\rm Left}\) because of crossing. However, when the particles involved have different masses there are also other types of cuts in the complex \(s\) plane due to crossing. For instance, for the scattering of particles \(a+b\rightarrow a+b\), in addition to a LHC there is also a circular cut for \(|s|=m_b^2-m_a^2\) where, for definiteness, we have considered that \(m_b>m_a\). Nonetheless, when we refer in the following to the LHC we actually mean all the crossed-channel cuts. Indeed, had we taken instead the complex \(p^2\) plane all the cuts would be linear and only a LHC would be present. We introduce the \(N/D\) method following Ref. . The uncoupled case is discussed first and afterwards we move to coupled-channel scattering. The discussion is restricted to two-body intermediate states. The discontinuity of the inverse of a PWA \(T_\ell(s)\) along the RHC is \(2i\) times its imaginary part, being the latter fixed by phase space because of unitarity, cf. Eq. [\[200304.3b\]](#200304.3b){reference-type="eqref" reference="200304.3b"}. In the \(N/D\) method \(T_\ell(s)\) is expressed as the quotient of two functions, \[\begin{aligned}
\label{n/d} T_\ell(s)=\frac{N_\ell(s)}{D_\ell(s)}~, \end{aligned}\] where \(N_\ell(s)\) stands for the numerator function and \(D_\ell(s)\) for the denominator one. The former has only LHC and the later RHC. To enforce the right kinematical threshold behavior of a PWA, vanishing as \(p^{2\ell}\), Ref. divides \(T_\ell(s)\) by \(p^{2\ell}\), \[\begin{aligned}
\label{T'} T'_\ell(s)=\frac{T_\ell(s)}{p^{2\ell}}~. \end{aligned}\] The \(N/D\) method is then applied to this function, \[\begin{aligned}
\label{n/d'} T'_\ell(s)=\frac{N'_\ell(s)}{{D}'_\ell(s)}~. \end{aligned}\] It follows then that the discontinuities of \({N}'_\ell(s)\) and \({D}'_\ell(s)\) along the LHC and RHC, respectively, are \[\begin{aligned}
\label{eqs1} {\Im D}'_\ell &=\Im T'^{-1}_\ell \; {N}'_\ell=-\rho(s) {N}'_\ell p^{2\ell}~, &s>s_{\rm th}~, \\ {\Im D}'_\ell&=0~, &s<s_{\rm th}~,\nonumber\\ \label{eqs2} {\Im N}'_\ell&=\Im T'_\ell \; {D}'_\ell=\Delta_\ell D'_\ell {p^{2\ell}}~, &s<s_{\rm Left} ~, \\ {\Im N}'_\ell&=0~, &s>s_{\rm Left}~,\nonumber \end{aligned}\] with \(\Delta_\ell(s)=\Im T_\ell(s)\) along the LHC. Let us discuss the DRs for \({D}'_\ell(s)\) and \({N}'_\ell(s)\) that result by taking into account these discontinuities. For \(D'_\ell(s)\) one has, \[\begin{aligned}
\label{d'} {D}'_\ell(s)=\sum_{m=0}^{n-1}\overline a _m s^m-\frac{(s-s_0)^n}{\pi}\int^\infty_{s_{\rm th}} ds' \frac{p(s')^{2\ell} \rho(s') {N}'_\ell(s')}{(s'-s)(s'-s_0)^n}~. \end{aligned}\] Here \(n\) is, at least, the minimum number of subtractions required to guarantee the convergence of the integral in the DR, \[\begin{aligned}
\label{n} \displaystyle \lim_{s \to \infty} \frac{{N}'_\ell(s)}{s^{n-\ell}}= 0~. \end{aligned}\] Consistently with Eq. ([\[n\]](#n){reference-type="ref" reference="n"}), the DR for \(N'_\ell(s)\) can be written as \[\begin{aligned}
\label{n2} {N}'_\ell(s)=\sum_{m=0}^{n-\ell-1} \overline b_m s^m+\frac{(s-s_0)^{n-\ell}}{\pi}\int_{-\infty}^{s_{\rm Left}} ds' \frac{\Delta_\ell(s') {D}'_\ell(s')}{p(s')^{2\ell} (s'-s_0)^{n-\ell} (s'-s)}~. \end{aligned}\] The Eqs. ([\[d\'\]](#d'){reference-type="ref" reference="d'"}) and ([\[n2\]](#n2){reference-type="ref" reference="n2"}) are a system of coupled linear IEs whose input is \(\Delta_\ell(s)\). It is customary to substitute the expression for \(N'_\ell(s)\) in \(D'_\ell(s)\) and end with a linear IE for \(D'_\ell(s)\) along the LHC. Namely, \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200519.5} D'_\ell(s)&=\sum_{m=0}^{n-1}\overline{a}_m s^m-\sum_{m=0}^{n-\ell-1}\overline b_m\frac{(s-s_0)^n}{\pi}\int_{s_{\rm th}}^\infty ds'\frac{p(s')^{2\ell}\rho(s'){s'}^m}{(s'-s)(s'-s_0)^n}\\ &+\frac{(s-s_0)^n}{\pi^2}\int_{-\infty}^{s_{\rm Left}}ds''\frac{\Delta_\ell(s'')D_\ell'(s'')}{(s''-s_0)^{n-\ell}p(s'')^{2\ell}} \int_{s_{\rm th}}^\infty ds'\frac{p(s')^{2\ell}\rho(s')}{(s'-s)(s'-s'')(s'-s_0)^\ell }~,\nonumber \end{aligned}\] and the last integral can indeed be performed algebraically. This is a linear IE for \(D'_\ell(s)\) with \(s\) along the LHC. Once this solved one can calculate \(D_\ell(s)\) for \(s\in \mathbb{C}\) and, in particular, along the physical region, \(s+i\epsilon\). Other types of IEs could be deduced by taking more subtractions independently in \(D_\ell(s)\) and \(N_\ell(s)\). Fore more details on this respect the reader can consult. The expression in Eq. [\[200519.5\]](#200519.5){reference-type="eqref" reference="200519.5"} can be shortened and simplified for equal mass scattering with mass \(m\) by taking \(s_0=4m^2\), because then \(p(s')^2=(s-4m^2)/4\). It follows that, \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200519.6} D'_\ell(s)&=\sum_{m=0}^{n-1}\overline{a}_m s^m-\sum_{m=0}^{n-\ell-1}\overline b_m\frac{(s-s_0)^n}{4^\ell \pi}\int_{s_{\rm th}}^\infty ds'\frac{\rho(s'){s'}^m}{(s'-s)(s'-s_0)^{n-\ell}}\\ &+\frac{(s-s_0)^n}{\pi^2}\int_{-\infty}^{s_{\rm Left}}ds''\frac{\Delta_\ell(s'')D_\ell'(s'')}{(s''-s_0)^{n}} \int_{s_{\rm th}}^\infty ds'\frac{\rho(s')}{(s'-s) (s'-s'')}~.\nonumber \end{aligned}\] The last integral in the previous expression can be written in terms of \(g(s)\), Eq. [\[200508.2\]](#200508.2){reference-type="eqref" reference="200508.2"}. One of the subtraction constants can be fixed because we can freely choose the normalization of \(D'_\ell(s)\), since their ratio and analytical properties are invariant under a change in normalization. The standard choice is to take \(D'_\ell(0)=1\). However, given \(\Delta'_\ell(s)\) along the LHC, the solution is not unique because of the addition of extra subtraction constants in \(D'_\ell(s)\) and \(N'_\ell(s)\). Historically, the possible addition of Castillejo-Dalitz-Dyson (CDD) poles was the clear indication that extra solutions could be obtained even if \(\Delta_\ell(s)\) is assumed to be known along the LHC. They give rise to zeros of \(T_\ell(s)\) along the RHC and each zero comprises two real parameters, its residue and position. Phenomenologically the CDD poles correspond to the short-distance dynamics underneath the scattering process and might also be related to the addition of bare states. Let us notice that \(T_\ell(s)^{-1}\) does not exist at a zero of \(T_\ell(s)\) and, therefore, Eq. [\[200304.3b\]](#200304.3b){reference-type="eqref" reference="200304.3b"} is not defined there. As in Ref. let us introduce the auxiliary function \(\lambda(s)\) such that \[\begin{aligned}
\label{dl1} {\Im D}'_\ell(s)=\frac{d \lambda (s)}{ds}~, \end{aligned}\] and rewrite Eq. ([\[eqs1\]](#eqs1){reference-type="ref" reference="eqs1"}) as, \[\begin{aligned}
\label{dl2} {\displaystyle \frac{d\lambda}{ds}}&=-\rho(s) p^{2\ell}{N}'_\ell~, & s>s_{\rm th}~, \\ {\displaystyle \frac{d\lambda}{ds}}&=0~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ & s<s_{\rm th}~. \nonumber \end{aligned}\] Denoting by \(s_i\) the zeros of \(T_\ell(s)\) along the real axis above threshold, we can write \(\lambda(s)\) from Eq. [\[dl2\]](#dl2){reference-type="eqref" reference="dl2"} as \[\begin{aligned}
\label{l2} \lambda(s)=-\int_{s_{\rm th}}^s p(s')^{2\ell} \rho(s') {N}'_\ell(s') ds'+ \sum_i \lambda(s_i)\theta(s-s_i)~, \end{aligned}\] where the \(\lambda(s_i)\) are a priori unknown. Thus, Eqs. ([\[dl1\]](#dl1){reference-type="ref" reference="dl1"}) and ([\[l2\]](#l2){reference-type="ref" reference="l2"}) allow us to write \[\begin{aligned}
\label{tower1} {D}'_\ell(s) &= \sum_{m=0}^{n-1} \overline a_m s^m + \frac{(s-s_0)^n}{\pi}\int_{s_{\rm th}}^\infty \frac{ {\Im D}'_\ell(s') ds'}{(s'-s)(s'-s_0)^n} \\ & =\sum_{m=0}^{n-1} \overline a_m s^m-\frac{(s-s_0)^n}{\pi}\int_{s_{\rm th}}^\infty \frac{p(s')^{2\ell} \rho(s') {N}'_\ell(s')}{(s'-s)(s'-s_0)^n}ds' + \frac{(s-s_0)^n}{\pi} \int_{s_{\rm th}}^\infty \frac{\sum_i \lambda(s_i) \delta(s'-s_i)}{(s'-s)(s'-s_0)^n}ds'\nonumber\\ &=\sum_{m=0}^{n-1} \overline a_m s^m-\frac{(s-s_0)^n}{\pi}\int_{s_{\rm th}}^\infty \frac{p(s')^{2\ell} \rho(s') {N}'_\ell(s')}{(s'-s)(s'-s_0)^n}ds'+\sum_i \frac{\lambda(s_i)}{\pi(s_i-s) }\frac{(s-s_0)^n}{(s_i-s_0)^n}~.\nonumber \end{aligned}\] The last term in the previous equation can be rewritten as \[\begin{aligned}
\label{cano} \frac{(s-s_0)^n}{s-s_i}&=\sum_{i=0}^{n-1}(s-s_0)^{n-1-i}(s_i-s_0)^i+\frac{(s_i-s_0)^n}{s-s_i}~. \end{aligned}\] The contribution \(\displaystyle{\sum_{i=0}^{n-1}(s-s_0)^{n-1-i}(s_i-s_0)^i}\) can be reabsorbed in \(\displaystyle{\sum_{m=0}^{n-1} \overline a _m s^m}\) and Eq. [\[tower1\]](#tower1){reference-type="eqref" reference="tower1"} can be rewritten as \[\begin{aligned}
\label{d'2} {D}'_\ell(s)&=\sum_{m=0}^{n-1} \widetilde{a}_m s^m + \sum_i \frac{\widetilde{\gamma}_i}{s-s_i}-\frac{(s-s_0)^n}{\pi}\int_{s_{\rm th}}^\infty \frac{p(s')^{2\ell} \rho(s') {N}'_\ell(s')}{(s'-s)(s'-s_0)^n}ds' ~, \end{aligned}\] where \(\widetilde{a}_m\), \(\widetilde{\gamma}_i\) and \(s_i\) are constants not fixed by the knowledge of \(\Delta_\ell(s)\), and the CDD poles give rise to the last term. Interesting results can be deduced under the approximation of neglecting the LHC, \(\Delta_\ell(s)\to 0\). Eq. ([\[n2\]](#n2){reference-type="ref" reference="n2"}) then becomes \[\begin{aligned}
\label{naprox} {N}'_\ell(s)=\sum_{m=0}^{n-\ell-1} \overline{b}_m s^m=\overline b_{n-\ell-1} \prod_{j=1}^{n-\ell-1}(s-s_j)~, \end{aligned}\] and \(N'_\ell(s)\) is just a polynomial, which can be reabsorbed in \(D'_\ell(s)\) by dividing simultaneously both functions by \(N'_\ell(s)\) itself. The expression for \(T'_\ell(s)\) then becomes \[\begin{aligned}
\label{fin/d} {T}'_\ell(s)&=&\frac{1}{{D}'_\ell(s)}~,\\ {N}'_\ell(s)&=&1~,\nonumber\\ {D}'_\ell(s)&=&-\frac{(s-s_0)^{L+1}}{\pi}\int_{s_{\rm th}}^\infty \frac{p(s')^{2\ell} \rho (s')}{(s'-s)(s'-s_0)^{L+1}}ds'+\sum_{m=0}^L a_m s^m+ \sum_i^{M_\ell} \frac{R_i}{s-s_i}~.\nonumber \end{aligned}\] The number of real free parameters in the previous equation is \(\ell+1+2M_\ell\), with \(M_\ell\) the number of CDD poles. A priori there is nothing to prevent the generalization of Eq. [\[fin/d\]](#fin/d){reference-type="eqref" reference="fin/d"} such that some \(s_i\) could also lie below threshold. We could adjust the position and residue of a CDD pole such that the real part of \(D'_\ell(s)\) vanishes at the desired position. This would give rise to typical resonance behavior above threshold, or to a bound-state pole if this happens below threshold. This is why the parameters of the CDD poles are typically associated with the coupling constants and masses of the poles in the \(S\) matrix. In other instances, the CDD poles are needed because the presence of a zero cannot be related to \(\Delta_\ell(s)\), but they respond to fundamental constraints in the theory. This is the case of the Adler zeroes in QCD, which already occur at LO in the chiral expansion, while \(\Delta_\ell(s)\neq 0\) only at NLO and higher orders. It is therefore necessary to account for them by including CDD poles, such that the derivative of the PWA at the zero corresponds to the inverse of the residue of the CDD pole, \(R_i\). For the \(\pi\pi\) Adler zeroes the latter could be fixed in good approximation by the LO ChPT result. The other \(\ell+1\) parameters emerge by having enforced the correct behavior of a PWA near threshold, which should vanish as \(p^{2\ell}\). Let us stress that Eq. ([\[fin/d\]](#fin/d){reference-type="ref" reference="fin/d"}) gives the general form of an elastic PWA when the LHC contributions are neglected. Phenomenologically this assumption could be suited if the LHC is far away and/or if it is suppressed for some reason. The free parameters in Eq. [\[fin/d\]](#fin/d){reference-type="eqref" reference="fin/d"} can be fixed by fitting experimental data and/or by reproducing the Lattice QCD (LQCD) results at finite volume or when varying some of the QCD parameters, like \(N_c\) or the quark masses. Ref. focuses on meson-meson scattering, whose basic theory is QCD. It studied the \(S\)-and \(P\)-wave two-body scattering between the lightest pseudoscalars (\(\pi\), \(K\) and \(\eta\)), as well as the related spectroscopy. It was found that the full nonet of scalar resonances \(f_0(500)\), \(f_0(980)\), \(a_0(980)\) and \(K^*_0(800)\) arose from the self-interactions among the lightest pseudoscalars, while the more massive resonances \(f_0(1370)\), \(f_0(1500)\), \(a_0(1450)\) and \(K^*_0(1430)\) stem from a nonet of bare resonances with a mass around 1.4 GeV. In addition, Ref. included a bare scalar singlet with a mass around 1 GeV which gives also a contribution to the \(f_0(980)\) . Later on, Ref. extended this model by including more channels and could determine a glueball state affecting mainly the \(f_0(1700)\) with a reflection (because of the \(\eta\eta'\) threshold) on the \(f_0(1500)\) as well. Of course, the same Eq. [\[fin/d\]](#fin/d){reference-type="eqref" reference="fin/d"} can be applied to other interactions, e.g. Ref. studied \(W_LW_L\) scattering in the electroweak symmetry breaking sector. The generalization of Eq. [\[fin/d\]](#fin/d){reference-type="eqref" reference="fin/d"} to coupled channels is rather straightforward by employing a matrix notation, where the \(T\) matrix in coupled channels is a matrix denoted by \(T_L(s)\). As in Eq. [\[fin/d\]](#fin/d){reference-type="eqref" reference="fin/d"} we take from the onset that crossed-channel dynamics can be neglected in a first approximation. Thus, the matrix element \({T}_{L,ij}(s)\) is proportional to \(p_i^{\ell_i} p_j^{\ell_j}\), which gives rise for odd orbital angular momentum (unless \(i=j\)) to another cut between \(s_{{\rm th}; i}\) and \(s_{{\rm th}; j}\) due to the square roots in the expressions of \(p_i\) and \(p_j\) as a function of \(s\). To avoid this cut we define the matrix \(T'_L\), analogously to Eq. [\[T\'\]](#T'){reference-type="eqref" reference="T'"}, as \[\begin{aligned}
\label{A.1} {T}'_L(s)=p^{-L} {T}_L(s) p^{-L}~. \end{aligned}\] In this equation, the symbol \(p^L\) corresponds to a diagonal matrix with matrix elements \[\begin{aligned}
p^L_{ij}&=p_i^{\ell_i} \delta_{ij}~,\\ p_i&=\frac{\lambda^{1/2}(s,m_{1i}^2,m_{2i}^2)}{2\sqrt{s}}~,\nonumber \end{aligned}\] and \(m_{1i}\) and \(m_{2i}\) are the masses of the two particles in the same channel \(i\). The matrix unitarity relation along the RHC then reads \[\begin{aligned}
\label{A.2} {\Im T}'^{-1}_L(s)=-p^L \rho(s) p^L=-\rho(s) p^{2L}~, \end{aligned}\] where \(\rho(s)\) is another diagonal matrix whose elements are \(\rho_i(s)\). The next step proceeds with the generalization to coupled channel of Eq. [\[n/d\]](#n/d){reference-type="eqref" reference="n/d"} by writing \({T}'_L\) as \[\begin{aligned}
\label{A.4} {T}'_L={D}'^{-1}_L {N}'_L~, \end{aligned}\] with \({N}'_L\) and \({D}'_L\) two matrices, the former only involves LHC and the later RHC, respectively. In our present case without LHC, the matrix elements of \(N'_L\) are polynomials functions. Multiplying \(N'_L\) and \(D'_L\) in Eq. [\[A.4\]](#A.4){reference-type="eqref" reference="A.4"} to the left by \({N'_L}^{-1}\) we can always make that \({N}'_L=I\) and write, \[\begin{aligned}
\label{A.8} {T}'_L&=&\widetilde{{D}}'^{-1}_L~, \\ \widetilde{{N}}'_L&=&I~, \nonumber\\ \widetilde{{D}}_L'&=&-\frac{(s-s_0)^{L+1}}{\pi}\int_0^\infty ds' \frac{\rho(s')p^{2L}(s')}{(s'-s)(s'-s_0)^{L+1}}+{R}(s)~,\nonumber \end{aligned}\] with \({R}(s)\) a matrix of rational functions which poles produce the CDD poles in \(\widetilde{{D}}_L'\). Let us notice that all the zeros in \({\rm det}{T}'_L\) correspond to CDD poles in the \({\rm det}\widetilde{{D}}_L'(s)\). This is the generalization of the CDD poles for the coupled-channel case. The resulting expression for \(T_L(s)\) in Eq. [\[A.8\]](#A.8){reference-type="eqref" reference="A.8"} can be also recast as \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200518.1} T_L(s)&=\left[V_L^{-1}+g(s)\right]^{-1}~, \end{aligned}\] with \(g(s)\) the diagonal matrix with matrix elements \(g_i(s)\) defined as \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200518.2} g_i(s)&=a_i(s_0)-\frac{s-s_0}{\pi}\int_{s_{{\rm th};i}}^\infty \frac{\rho_i(s')ds'}{(s'-s_0)(s'-s)}~, \end{aligned}\] where \(a_i(s_0)\) is a subtraction constant and \(s_0\) the subtraction point. The result of this integration can also be written as \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200518.3} g_i(s &=\frac{1}{16\pi^2}\left[ a_i(\mu)+\log\frac{m_{1i}^2}{\mu^2}-x_+\log\frac{x_+-1}{x_+}-x_-\log\frac{x_--1}{x_-}\right]~,\nonumber\\ x_\pm&=\frac{s+m_{2i}^2-m_{1i}^2}{2s}\pm\frac{1}{2s}\sqrt{(s+m_{2i}^2-m_{1i}^2)^2-4s(m_{2i}^2-i0^+)}~. \end{aligned}\] The parameter \(\mu\) is a renormalization scale, such that a change in the value of \(\mu\) can always be reabsorbed in a corresponding variation of \(a_i(\mu)\), while the combination \(a_i(\mu)-2\log\mu\) is independent of \(\mu\). The unitarity loop function \(g_i(s)\) corresponds to the one-loop two-point function \[\begin{aligned}
\label{181106.5} g_i(s)&=i\int\frac{d^4p}{(2\pi)^4}\frac{1}{[(P/2-p)^2-m_{1i}^2+i\varepsilon][(P/2+p)^2-m_{2i}^2+i\varepsilon]}\\ &=\int_0^\infty \frac{p^2 dp}{(2\pi)^2}\frac{\omega_1+\omega_2}{\omega_1\omega_2[s-(\omega_1+\omega_2)^2+i\varepsilon]}~,\nonumber \end{aligned}\] where \(\omega_j=\sqrt{m_{ji}^2+{\mathbf{p}}^2}\) and the total four-momentum \(p_1+p_2\) is indicated by \(P\). The integral in Eq. [\[181106.5\]](#181106.5){reference-type="eqref" reference="181106.5"} diverges logarithmically, which is the reason why a subtraction has been taken in Eq. [\[200518.2\]](#200518.2){reference-type="eqref" reference="200518.2"}. The Eq. [\[200518.3\]](#200518.3){reference-type="eqref" reference="200518.3"} also results by employing dimensional regularization and reabsorbing the diverging term in \(a_i(\mu)\). Let us elaborate on the so-called natural value for the subtraction constants. The function \(g_i(s)\) given by Eq. [\[200518.3\]](#200518.3){reference-type="eqref" reference="200518.3"} has the value at threshold, \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200518.4} g_i(s_{\rm th})&=\frac{a_i(\mu)}{16\pi^2}+\frac{1}{8\pi^2(m_{1i}+m_{2i})}(m_{1i}\log\frac{m_{1i}}{\mu}+m_{2i}\log\frac{m_{2i}}{\mu})~. \end{aligned}\] This expression is compared with the one that results by evaluating \(g_i(s)\) in terms of a three-momentum cutoff \(\Lambda\). The resulting expression for the function \(g_i(s)\), and denoted by \(g_{\Lambda i}(s)\), can be found in Ref. . The natural size of a three-momentum cutoff in hadron physics is the inverse of the typical size of a compact hadron, which is generated by the strong dynamics binding quarks and gluons. Thus, according to this estimate we take \(\Lambda \simeq 1\) GeV. For NR scattering \(g_i(s)\) and \(g_{\Lambda i}(s)\) (\(m_{1i},\,m_{2i} \gg |{\mathbf{p}}|\)) are given by the value at threshold of every function plus \(-ip/(8\pi(m_1+m_2))+{\cal O}({\mathbf{p}}^2)\). The value at threshold of \(g_{\Lambda i}(s_{\rm th})\) can be worked out explicitly with the result \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200518.5} g_{\Lambda i}(s_{\rm th})&=-\frac{1}{8\pi^2(m_{1i}+m_{2i})}\left[ m_{1i}\log\left(1+\sqrt{1+m_{1i}^2/\Lambda^2}\right)\right.\\ &\left. +m_{2i}\log\left(1+\sqrt{1+m_{2i}^2/\Lambda^2}\right)-m_{1i}\log\frac{m_{1i}}{\Lambda}-m_{2i}\log\frac{m_{2i}}{\Lambda} \right]~.\nonumber \end{aligned}\] By equating Eqs. [\[200518.4\]](#200518.4){reference-type="eqref" reference="200518.4"} and [\[200518.5\]](#200518.5){reference-type="eqref" reference="200518.5"} the following matching value for \(a_i(\mu)\) results, \[\begin{aligned}
\label{181106.8} a_i(\mu)&=-\frac{2}{m_{1i}+m_{2i}}\left[m_{1i}\log\left(1+\sqrt{1+m_{1i}^2/\Lambda^2}\right) +m_{2i}\log\left(1+\sqrt{1+m_{2i}^2/\Lambda^2}\right) \right]+\log\frac{\mu^2}{\Lambda^2}~. \end{aligned}\] One should employ \(\mu\simeq \Lambda\simeq 1\) GeV in Eq. [\[181106.8\]](#181106.8){reference-type="eqref" reference="181106.8"} to estimate the natural value for the subtraction constants, a procedure originally established in Ref. . In this way, both the renormalization scale \(\mu\) and the cut off \(\Lambda\) are used with values suitable to the transition from the low-energy EFT to the shorter-range QCD degrees of freedom. As an example, let us take \(\pi\pi\) scattering and \(\Lambda=1\) GeV. Then, from Eq. [\[181106.8\]](#181106.8){reference-type="eqref" reference="181106.8"} \[\begin{aligned}
\label{181106.9} a(\mu)&=-1.40+\log\frac{\mu^2}{\Lambda^2}~,~\Lambda=1~{\rm GeV}~. \end{aligned}\] The Eq. [\[200518.1\]](#200518.1){reference-type="eqref" reference="200518.1"} is adequate for including perturbatively the LHC contributions in the \(T\)-matrix \(T_L\). This can be achieved by matching order by order with a calculation within an EFT. For instance, this has been used many times taking as input one-loop calculations in ChPT. The procedure is as follows. Let us take a meson-meson scattering amplitude calculated in ChPT up to one-loop or \({\cal O}(p^4)\), \(T_L= T_2+T_4+{\cal O}(p^6)\). Then the chiral expansion of Eq. [\[200518.1\]](#200518.1){reference-type="eqref" reference="200518.1"}, with \(V=V_2+V_4+{\cal O}(p^6)\), \(g={\cal O}(p^0)\), reads at LO, \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200519.1} T_2&=V_2+{\cal O}(p^4)~, \end{aligned}\] and at NLO, \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200519.2} T_4=V_4-V_2 g V_2+{\cal O}(p^6)~, \end{aligned}\] and similarly for higher orders. Thus, up to NLO the matching equations fix \(V_2\) and \(V_4\) to \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200519.3} V_2&=T_2~,\\ V_4&=T_4+V_2 gV_2~.\nonumber \end{aligned}\] The LHC contributions arise because crossed-channel loops are calculated order by order in the ChPT results for \(T_L\). At NLO in the calculation of \(V_L\) we then have the expression \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200613.1} T_L(s)&=\left[(T_2+T_4+T_2 g T_2)^{-1}+g\right]^{-1}~. \end{aligned}\] If \((T_2+T_4+T_2 g T_2)^{-1}\) is further expanded we then recover the IAM result of Eq. [\[200515.5\]](#200515.5){reference-type="eqref" reference="200515.5"} because \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200613.2} (T_2+T_4+T_2 g T_2)^{-1}+g=T_2^{-1}-T_2^{-1}T_4T_2^{-1}+{\cal O}(p^2)~, \end{aligned}\] so that \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200613.3} T_L(s)\to \left[T_2^{-1}-T_2^{-1}T_4T_2^{-1}\right]^{-1}=T_2^{-1}\left[T_2-T_4\right]^{-1} T_2~. \end{aligned}\] This is the formula for the IAM in coupled channels at NLO. In order to appreciate the power of the method for some reactions we consider the LO matching, that is, with \(V=V_2\), applied in Ref. to study the meson-meson \(S\)-waves with \(I=0\) and 1. This is a coupled-channel study with \(\pi\pi\) and \(K\bar{K}\) for \(I=0\) and \(\pi\eta\) and \(K\bar{K}\) for \(I=1\). It is certainly remarkable that only one free parameter entered in the successful calculation of the PWAs from the \(\pi\pi\) threshold up to around 1.2 GeV. This is shown in Fig. [\[fig.200524.1\]](#fig.200524.1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig.200524.1"} by the \(\pi\pi\to \pi\pi\), \(K\bar{K}\to\pi\pi\) phase shifts, the inelastic \(\pi\pi\) reaction and a \(\pi^0\eta\) event distribution around the \(a_0(980)\), from top to bottom and left to right, respectively. The resonances \(f_0(500)\), \(f_0(980)\) and \(a_0(980)\), clearly visible in Fig. [\[fig.200524.1\]](#fig.200524.1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig.200524.1"}, are generated dynamically from the interactions between the pseudoscalars. The free parameter is the three-momentum cut-off with natural size \(\Lambda\simeq 1~\)GeV used in the evaluation of the unitarity-loop functions \(g_{\Lambda i}(s)\) employed in this study. It is also the case in some instances that the ChPT expansion is complemented with the exchange of bare resonance fields, so that the tree-level amplitude is crossing symmetric. One typically improves the convergence properties of the chiral expansion by including bare resonance fields because of the (partial) saturation of the chiral counterterms by the resonance exchanges. Then, the matching process is undertaken up to \({\cal O}(\hbar p^4,\hbar^2)\), which means to neglect any two-loop contribution and any one-loop contribution beyond \({\cal O}(p^4)\). In this way, one could consider one-loop contributions involving higher orders because of the explicit inclusion of the resonance fields. The matching proceeds as in Eqs. [\[200519.1\]](#200519.1){reference-type="eqref" reference="200519.1"} and [\[200519.2\]](#200519.2){reference-type="eqref" reference="200519.2"}, with the difference that now the LO amplitudes include also the tree-level exchange of resonances and \(T_4\) involves the one-loop contributions up to \({\cal O}(p^4)\). Then, the Eq. [\[200519.3\]](#200519.3){reference-type="eqref" reference="200519.3"} still holds and one has again Eq. [\[200518.1\]](#200518.1){reference-type="eqref" reference="200518.1"} for \(T_L\). This equation is in appearance analogous to the \(N/D\)-method form of Eq. [\[A.4\]](#A.4){reference-type="eqref" reference="A.4"}. Indeed, if we identify \(N_L\) with \(V_L\) and \(D_L\) with \(I+V_L g(s)\), it can be shown that up to \({\cal O}(\hbar p^4,\hbar^2)\) the resulting functions satisfy the \(N/D\)-method equations, cf. Eq. [\[eqs1\]](#eqs1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eqs1"}. The perturbative solution of the \(N/D\) equations with respect to the LHC contributions can also be organized as an iterative solution in increasing number of insertions of \(\Delta_\ell\). The first-iterated \(N/D\) method consists on taking only one power of \(\Delta_\ell\) in the integrand of the DRs for \(D_\ell(s)\) and \(N_\ell(s)\). The approximation is obtained by settling \(D'_\ell(s)=1\) into the integrand for the DR of \(N'_\ell(s)\), Eq. [\[n2\]](#n2){reference-type="eqref" reference="n2"}, which is then denoted as \(N'_{\ell;1st}\). Then, \[\begin{aligned}
\label{n2b} {N}'_{\ell;1st}(s)=\sum_{m=0}^{n-\ell-1} \overline b_m s^m+\frac{(s-s_0)^{n-\ell}}{\pi}\int_{-\infty}^{s_{\rm Left}} ds' \frac{\Delta_\ell(s') }{p(s')^{2\ell} (s'-s_0)^{n-\ell} (s'-s)}~. \end{aligned}\] Since \(\Delta_\ell(s)\) is known the DR integral could in principle be calculated. This is usually a tree-level amplitude that can also be calculated in QFT, from which indeed \(\Delta_\ell(s)\) is actually derived. Therefore, we assume that in the first iterated \(N/D\) method \(N'_{\ell;1st}\) is also given. As a result, the calculation of \(D'_\ell(s)\) in this approximation, denoted by \(D'_{\ell:1st}(s)\), just reduces to perform the integration \[\begin{aligned}
\label{d'b} {D}'_\ell(s)=\sum_{m=0}^{n-1}\overline a _m s^m-\frac{(s-s_0)^n}{\pi}\int^\infty_{s_{\rm th}} ds' \frac{p(s')^{2L} \rho(s') {N}'_{\ell;1st}(s')}{(s'-s)(s'-s_0)^n}~. \end{aligned}\] The first-iterated \(N/D\) method was used in Ref. to discuss \(\pi\pi\) scattering within linear realizations of chiral symmetry, taking into account the exchanges of a \(\sigma\) and \(\rho\) resonances. More recently, it has been employed to study \(\rho\rho\) scattering in Ref. by taking the pure gauge-boson part of the non-linear chiral Lagrangian with hidden-local symmetry. Its generalization to the \(SU(3)\)-related vector-vector scattering was undertaken in Ref. . These studies were motivated by the earlier ones in Refs. , with still an on-going productive discussion in interpreting the results.
## FSI {#sec.200517.3}
Let us consider the unitarity relation for a form factor, Eq. [\[200220.5\]](#200220.5){reference-type="eqref" reference="200220.5"}, with the expression of the \(T\) matrix in PWAs \(T_L\) as given in Eq. [\[200518.1\]](#200518.1){reference-type="eqref" reference="200518.1"}. It then results that \[\begin{aligned}
\label{181119.2} F(s)&=\left(V_L^{-1}+g\right)^{-1}\left(V_L^{-1}+g+2i\rho(s)\theta \right)F^*~. \end{aligned}\] Since \(\Im g(s)=-\rho(s)\) it is clear that \(g(s)+2i\rho(s)\theta(s)=g(s)^*\), so that from Eq. [\[181119.2\]](#181119.2){reference-type="eqref" reference="181119.2"} we have that along the RHC it is fulfilled that \[\begin{aligned}
\label{181119.3} \left(V_L^{-1}+g\right)F&=\left(V_L^{-1}+g^* \right)F^*~. \end{aligned}\] The cancellation of \(V_L\) from both sides leads to \[\begin{aligned}
\label{181119.4} \left[I+V_L(s) g(s)\right]F(s)&=\left[I+V_L(s) g(s)^* \right]F(s)^*~. \end{aligned}\] From this equation it is clear that the combination \[\begin{aligned}
\label{181119.5} \left[I+V_L g(s)\right]F(s) \end{aligned}\] has no RHC. Then \(F(s)\) can be expressed as \[\begin{aligned}
\label{181119.6} F(s)&= \left[I+V_L(s) g(s)\right]^{-1}L(s)~, \end{aligned}\] with \(L(s)\) a column vector of \(n\) functions without RHC, being \(n\) the number of PWAs. An analogous relation can be obtained if we write \(T_L(s)\) as in the \(N/D\) method in coupled channels, \(T_L(s)=D_L^{-1}(s)N_L(s)\). Following the same steps as in Eqs. [\[181119.2\]](#181119.2){reference-type="eqref" reference="181119.2"}--[\[181119.6\]](#181119.6){reference-type="eqref" reference="181119.6"}, taking into account that \(\Im D(s)=-N(s)\rho\), one ends with the relations \[\begin{aligned}
\label{181120.1b} D(s)F(s)&=D(s)^*F(s)^*~, \\ F(s)&=D(s)^{-1}L(s)~,\nonumber \end{aligned}\] and \(L(s)\) is free of RHC. We can then write \(F(s)\) as the product of two matrices, the inverse of \(D_L(s)\), which only has RHC, and \(L(s)\), which could have LHC. As a result, Eq. [\[181120.1b\]](#181120.1b){reference-type="eqref" reference="181120.1b"} is the generalization of the \(N/D\) method to production processes. Coming back to Eq. [\[181119.6\]](#181119.6){reference-type="eqref" reference="181119.6"}, let us remark that \(I+V_L(s) g(s)\) could have the two types of cuts (since \(V_L(s)\) in general has LHC). For instance, for the case of the pion form factor if this is expressed as in Eq. [\[181120.1b\]](#181120.1b){reference-type="eqref" reference="181120.1b"} then \(L(s)\) has no LHC, while if expressed as in Eq.[\[181119.6\]](#181119.6){reference-type="eqref" reference="181119.6"} it would typically have one, if \(V_L(s)\) has it. However, for the relevant case for phenomenological applications in which \(V_L(s)\) is driven by the \(s\)-channel dynamics and it does not comprise explicit LHC, then \(L(s)\) has no either LHC. In this case, the matrix \(D_L(s)\) and \(I+V_l(s) g\) can be identified. This formalism has been employed by Ref. to study the \(\gamma\gamma\to\)meson-meson fusion reactions. Refs. used it to study the scalar form factor of the pion (and of other pseudoscalar mesons) in connection with \(J/\psi\) and \(D\) decays, and Ref. analyzed the vector form factor of the pion. This formalism was also very important to unveil the two-pole structure of the \(\Lambda(1405)\) in Ref. , because in previous studies the \(\pi\Sigma\) event distribution for this resonance was always taken to be proportional to the modulus squared of the \(\pi\Sigma\to\pi\Sigma\) \(I=0\) \(S\)-wave.
## The exact \(N/D\) method in NR scattering {#sec.200517.4}
For non-relativistic scattering one can calculate for a given potential the exact discontinuity of a PWA along the LHC. This has been a recent advance in \(S\)-matrix theory achieved by Ref. , to which we refer the reader for further details. The key point was to extrapolate analytically the LS equation to complex three-momenta for off-shell scattering. The solution of the LS equation for half-off-shell scattering is an analytical function in the off-shell three-momentum complex \(q\) plane with vertical cuts which extend along the lines \((\pm) p\pm i\lambda\), with \(|\lambda|\geq \mu_0\). Here the \(\pm\) symbols are unrelated, \(\mu_0\) is the lightest particle exchanged, and \(p\) is the on-shell three-momentum (fixed by the energy \(E\) of the process, \(E=p^2/2\mu\), with \(\mu\) the reduced mass). E.g. for \(NN\) scattering the lightest particle exchange is the pion and \(\mu_0=m_\pi\). We denote in the following a PWA for half-off-shell scattering as \(T_\ell(q,p)\), where \(q\) is the off-shell three-momentum and \(p\) the on-shell one. The discontinuity we are interested in, e.g. for its later application to the \(N/D\) method, is \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200520.1} \Delta_\ell(p^2)&=\frac{1}{2i}\left[T_\ell(p+i\epsilon,p+i\epsilon)-T(p-i\epsilon,p-i\epsilon)\right]=\Im T_\ell(p+i\epsilon,p+i\epsilon)~. \end{aligned}\] After some mathematical derivations that can be consulted in Ref. , this discontinuity can be obtained by solving an ordinary linear IE. This IE is written in terms of the discontinuity of the potential in momentum space \(v_\ell(q,p)\). Its writing gets simplified by using \(\hat{v}_\ell\) defined by \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200520.2} \hat{v}_\ell(q',q)&={q'}^{\ell+1}v_\ell(q,q)q^{\ell+1}~. \end{aligned}\] The discontinuity of the potential entering into the IE is \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200520.3} \Delta \hat{v}_\ell(\nu,\nu_1)&= \Im \hat{v}_\ell(i\nu+\epsilon^-,i\nu_1+\epsilon)-\Im \hat{v}_\ell(i\nu+\epsilon^+,i\nu_1+\epsilon)~, \end{aligned}\] with \(\epsilon^-<\epsilon<\epsilon^+\) and \(\epsilon^+\to 0\) at the end of the calculation. After this preamble, the sought IE is (\(p=ik\), \(k\geq \mu_0\) and \(n=2\ell+2\)) \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200520.4} f(\nu)&=\Delta \hat{v}_\ell(\nu,k)+\frac{\theta(p-2\mu_0-\nu)\mu}{2\pi^2}\int_{\mu_0+\nu}^{k-\mu_0}\frac{d\nu_1\nu_1^2}{k^2-\nu_1^2} \left\{\frac{1}{(i\nu_1+0^+)^n}+\frac{1}{(i\nu_1-0^+)^n}\right\} \Delta\hat{v}_\ell(\nu,\nu_1)f(\nu_1)~. \end{aligned}\] In terms of \(f(\nu)\) the discontinuity \(\Delta_\ell(p^2)\) is given by \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200520.5} \Delta_\ell(p^2)&=(-1)^\ell \frac{f(-k)}{2k^{2\ell+2}}~. \end{aligned}\] Thus, we need to solve the IE for \(\nu\in[-k+\mu_0,k-\mu_0]\), and the range of the integration in the IE for \(f(\nu)\) is finite for a given \(p\), contrary to the LS equation. This IE can be solved without ambiguity because \(\Delta\hat{v}(\nu,\nu_1)\) can be determined for a given potential and with it \(f(\nu)\) by solving Eq. [\[200520.4\]](#200520.4){reference-type="eqref" reference="200520.4"}. For a general potential it is convenient to employ its spectral decomposition, \[\begin{aligned}
v({\mathbf{q}},{\mathbf{p}})&=\int_{\mu_0}^\infty d\bar{\mu}^2\frac{\eta(\bar \mu^2)}{({\mathbf{q}}-{\mathbf{p}})^2+\bar{\mu}^2}+\ldots \end{aligned}\] where \(\eta(\bar{\mu}^2)\) is the spectral function, and the ellipsis indicates possible subtractions that due to its polynomial nature do not give contribution to the discontinuity of the potential. In terms of the spectral decomposition we can write that \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200520.7} \Delta \hat{v}_\ell(\nu,\nu_1)&=-\frac{2}{\pi}\int_{\mu_0}^\infty d\bar{\mu}^2 \eta(\bar \mu^2)\rho(\nu^2,\nu_1^2;\bar{\mu}^2) \theta(\nu_1-\nu-\bar{\mu})~. \end{aligned}\] The function \(\rho(\nu^2,\nu^2;\bar{\mu}^2)\) is a polynomial in its argument and its fixed by the partial-wave projection involved in the case of interest. For brevity in the presentation offered here we have just referred to the uncoupled case, but the formalism can also be generalized easily to evaluate the LHC discontinuity for coupled PWAs. A potential is said to be singular if for \(r\to 0\) it diverges stronger than \(1/r^2\) or as \(\alpha/r^2\) for \(\alpha+\ell(\ell+1)<-1/4\). In the opposite case the potential is said to be regular. In the ChPT calculation of nuclear potentials the increase in the order of the calculation implies typically an increase in the degree of divergence of the potential for \(r\to 0\), because off-shell momentum factors give rise to spatial derivatives. This fact is the main reason why the original Weinberg's program for solving nuclear properties once the chiral potentials are calculated order by order has not been taken to full completion. The resulting \(\Delta_\ell(p^2)\) obtained by solving the master Eq. [\[200520.4\]](#200520.4){reference-type="eqref" reference="200520.4"} has a different qualitative behavior depending on whether the potential is regular, attractive singular or repulsive singular. General arguments, based on the scaling properties of the function \(\rho(\nu^2,\nu_1^2;\bar{\mu}^2)\), were given in Ref. to explain such differences in the behavior of \(\Delta_\ell(p^2)\). Explicit examples were also worked out in Ref. corresponding to actual PWAs in \(NN\) scattering, with the chiral potential calculated at different chiral orders, from LO up to NNLO. The function \(\rho(\nu^2,\nu_1^2;\bar{\mu}^2)\) is a polynomial in \(\nu\) and \(\nu_1\) of degree \(m\). Then, the argument of Ref. follows by considering a re-scaling by a parameter \(\tau\) of the variables \(k\), \(\nu\) and \(\nu_1\) in the limit \(k\gg\mu_0\). It follows from Eq. [\[200520.4\]](#200520.4){reference-type="eqref" reference="200520.4"} that the \(n_{th}\) iterated solution for \(f(\nu)\) is subject to a re-scaling by \[\begin{aligned}
\label{200520.8} \tau^{(n+1)m-(2\ell+1)n}=\tau^{(m-2\ell-1)n+m}~. \end{aligned}\] The point is whether \(m-2\ell-1\) is smaller or larger than zero. In the former case we have the behavior corresponding to a regular potential, so that each extra iteration implies at least an extra factor of \(1/k\) and for \(k\to\infty\) the discontinuity \(\Delta_\ell(-k^2)\) tends to its Born approximation. However, when \(m-2\ell-1>0\) each iteration increases the power of \(k\) in the asymptotic behavior of \(\Delta_\ell(-k^2)\), becoming more and more divergent as \(n\) increases. This is the situation for a singular potential. For the regular potentials \(\Delta_\ell(p^2)\) tends to its Born term contribution which vanishes at least as \(1/p^2\) for \(p^2=-k^2\) and \(k^2\to \infty\). For such type of \(\Delta_\ell(p^2)\) it was shown in Ref. that any \(N/D\) IE, irrespectively of the number of subtractions taken, has solution. However, for singular potentials the resulting \(|\Delta_\ell(p^2)|\) grows faster than any polynomial in the same limit. This is clearly shown in Ref. by log-log plots in which the slop of \(|\Delta(-k^2)|\) continuously grows with increasing \(k^2\). As a dramatic consequence of this result is that it is not possible to write down a DR representation for a NR PWA if the potential is singular. However, it is still possible to use the \(N/D\) method because what matters for the \(N/D\) IEs is the product \(\Delta_\ell(-k^2)D_\ell(-k^2)\). The denominator function is known to behave asymptotically as \(s^{-\delta(\infty)/\pi}\), cf. Eq. [\[181122.3\]](#181122.3){reference-type="eqref" reference="181122.3"}, and \(\delta(\infty)=N\pi\), with \(N\) the number of bound states, because of the Levinson theorem. It turns out that the number of such stats is infinite for attractive singular potentials and, in this case, \(D_\ell(-k^2)\) vanishes also faster than any power law. The exact \(N/D\) method is defined in Ref. as the \(N/D\) method but using \(\Delta_\ell(p^2)\) stemming from Eqs. [\[200520.4\]](#200520.4){reference-type="eqref" reference="200520.4"} and [\[200520.5\]](#200520.5){reference-type="eqref" reference="200520.5"}, which is the exact LHC discontinuity of the full PWA for a given potential. In this way, we showed in Ref. that one reproduces exactly the LS-equation solutions for regular potentials. This is also true for the singular potentials when the potential is used in the whole range of integration in the LS equation, that is, for \(q\in[0,\infty]\) (the cut-off is sent to infinity). For the singular-potential case we refer to the standard kind of solutions, so that for a repulsive singular potential the solution has no free parameters and is determined, while for the attractive singular case the solution involves one free parameter that could be fixed e.g. by imposing a given value for the scattering length. Several potentials were studied in Ref. , both for uncoupled and coupled PWAs. Within the latter group the \(^3S_1\)--\(^3D_1\) coupled PWAs were studied and the \(^3S_1\) scattering length was taken as input. Needless to say, in all cases the LS equation with infinite cutoff and the \(N/D\) method agree perfectly in our numerical study. The fact of having none or only one free parameter is a very constrained situation in practical applications, and it is the reason why it has not been possible to achieve yet a good agreement with data in \(NN\) scattering in terms of regulator-independent solutions (i.e. in which the three-momentum cut-off is taken to infinity). Notice that the number of free parameters in the solution of the LS equation for singular potentials is then not linked with the chiral order in the calculation of the chiral potential. However, in terms of the \(N/D\) method one can in principle add an arbitrary number of subtractions, which allows one to look for extra solutions. We have already discussed this point in connection with the ambiguity associated with the CDD poles in Sec. [5.1](#sec.200517.2){reference-type="ref" reference="sec.200517.2"}. This possibility was explored in detail in Ref. for the \(^1S_0\) \(NN\) PWA. The NLO and NNLO ChPT potentials for this PWA are actually attractive and singular. The standard solutions of the LS equation were reproduced, and a detailed numerical analysis was performed in order to show the agreement between the LS equation and the exact \(N/D\) method. But we also showed in this reference that one can generate new solutions that cannot be achieved by the LS equation when the three-momentum cut-off is taken to infinity with contact interactions included in the potential to aim renormalization (in the form of polynomial counterterms in its momentum expression). In this way, a new solution was discussed that can reproduce the \(^1S_0\) scattering length, effective range and shape parameter \(v_2\). For this solution the DRs for \(N_\ell(s)\) and \(D_\ell(s)\) converge separately. It is also interesting to indicate that a solution within the exact \(N/D\) method for this PWA fixing only two parameters, the scattering length and the effective range were taken, could not be found. Last but not least, a very attractive feature of the exact \(N/D\) method is that it allows to evaluate the PWAs in the whole complex \(p^2\) plane. Then, it is very convenient to look for resonance and (anti)bound states. In the case of the \(^1S_0\) PWA there is an antibound state which is found at \(p=-i0.066\) MeV both at NLO and NNLO when all the first three ERE parameters are reproduced.
# Conclusions {#sec:conclu}
.sectionequationsectionsection.sectionequation We have elaborated on several unitarization methods of perturbative calculations in Chiral Perturbation Theory (ChPT) that can be employed to study scattering and the re-scattering corrections to an external probe. Special attention has been given to the \(N/D\) method both for scattering and for implementing the final-state interactions (FSI). The unitarization methods, since the earlier papers on current algebra techniques, have been able to extend to much larger energies the expected region of utility of ChPT calculations. This has been accomplished thanks to the extra energy and momentum dependence generated by using a non-perturbative theoretical framework which satisfies key properties of \(S\)-matrix theory, which stem from two-body unitarity and analyticity. Some of the most striking and important applications of the unitarization methods of input perturbative calculations have occurred in the field of spectroscopy. In this way, it has been possible to study resonances and bound states, and even predict some of them, while unexpected properties have been unveiled too, as e.g. the two-pole nature of some resonances, as first shown for the \(\Lambda(1405)\) in Ref. . Along this review we have paid attention to establish links between different unitarization methods. Thereby, by starting with the (generalized) relativistic effective-range expansion (ERE) we have connected it with the \(K\)-matrix approach and then obtained from the former the Inverse Amplitude Method (IAM) unitarization formula. The IAM has been also connected with the Paddé approximation. In the last part of the manuscript we have introduced and discussed the \(N/D\) method. A link between the \(N/D\) and the IAM can also be established by employing the solution to the \(N/D\) method based on treating perturbatively the left-hand cut discontinuity. This allows one to derive the IAM as a particular case of this method too. The associated methods to take care of the FSI corresponding to the unitarization techniques of scattering have been introduced as well. In addition, we have discussed the (Muskhelishvili-)Omnés solution and the Khuri-Treiman approach. An advantage of the unitarization technique based on the \(N/D\) method is that it can be applied to deliver the unitarized partial-wave amplitudes (PWAs) even if only the leading-order scattering amplitudes are employed. A subtraction constant is then required, but it could be estimated making use of naturalness arguments. In this way, one can study important resonances in hadron physics in a very constrained manner, essentially without any free parameter. Good examples are the \(f_0(500)\), \(f_0(980)\), \(a_0(980)\), and \(\kappa(800)\) in the scalar light mesonic sector, the \(\Lambda(1405)\) in the strangeness \(-1\) \(S\)-wave meson-baryon scattering, etc. Of course, one could also use as input higher-order scattering amplitudes provided by the effective field theory of interest and perform a higher-order analysis in the input taken. Regarding the \(N/D\) method, we would like to stress that thanks to recent advances (in which the author has been involved), it can be considered for non-relativistic scattering as an alternative formulation of scattering theory. The qualitative leap forward has been the derivation of the exact discontinuity of a PWA along the left-hand cut, which can then be employed to solve the \(N/D\) integral equations. In this way, one can solve standard regular potentials and reproduce the solutions obtained with the Lippmann-Schwinger equation for PWAs. But it also allows to obtain extra solutions for singular potentials without dependence on cutoff, which can be sent to infinity. This method has the advantage that, in terms of the solution found, it is straightforward to evaluate the on-shell scattering amplitudes in the complex energy plane too. In this way, e.g. one could look for poles and their residues (which give the resonance or bound-state couplings). This is a very promising and exciting field of current research, and first applications are being explored for \(NN\) scattering.
[^1]: Where the weaker interactions, which are supposed to be proportional to some small dimensionless parameter, could correspond e.g. to actually electromagnetic or weak probes, while the stronger ones typically refer to the strong interactions among hadrons.
[^2]: Under these assumptions \(T_1(s)\) is given by the Omnès function on the rhs of Eq. [\[200216.4\]](#200216.4){reference-type="eqref" reference="200216.4"} times \((s-4m_\pi^2)/48\pi f_\pi^2\).
[^3]: For a more extensive discussion on the Muskhelishvili-Omnès problem the reader can consult Refs. .
[^4]: With respect to the difference between \(\varphi(s)\) and \(\delta_{00}(s)\), as indicated above, the \(f_0(980)\) dominates the behavior of the isoscalar scalar meson-meson scattering around 1 GeV, and couples much more strongly to kaons than to pions. For instance, Ref. calculates that its coupling to kaons is a factor 3 larger than that to pions. This makes that the mixing between the pion and kaon scalar form factors is suppressed, following each of them its own eigenchannel of the \(I=J=0\) PWAs.
[^5]: This reference indeed employs the normalization \(f=133\) MeV=\(94 \sqrt{2}\).
[^6]: Due to the fact that in the decay channel all the three pions are on-shell in the region \((m_\eta-m_\pi)^2\geq s \geq 4m_\pi^2\) this is another source of imaginary part from the crossed-channel cuts that are also on-shell. For \(s=(m_\eta^2-m_\pi^2)/2\) the branch point singularity at \(t,u=4m_\pi^2\) happens for \(\cos\theta=\mp 1\). These crossed-channel cuts can be separated from the RHC one by giving a vanishing positive imaginary part to \(m_\eta^2\) and then proceed by analytical continuation in \(m_\eta^2\). | {'timestamp': '2020-07-02T02:02:52', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14417', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14417'} |
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# Introduction {#secintro}
Supervised machine-learning algorithms allow one to train sophisticated statistical models to associate the different instances of a quantum system to the corresponding physical properties . These algorithms have already been used to boost some of the most important computational tasks in quantum chemistry and in material science, including: molecular dynamics simulations , electronic-structure calculations based on density-functional theory , and molecular-property predictions from structural information . They have also been used in drug-design research to predict binding affinities of protein-molecule complexes . Several statistical models have been adopted, including kernel-ridge regression, support vector machines, random forest, and artificial neural networks. Like in many other fields of science and engineering, deep neural networks are emerging as the most promising candidates. This is mostly due to their ability to automatically extract the relevant features out of many system descriptors ---thus avoiding hand-crafted features---and to systematically improve in accuracy as the amount of training data increases . However, for small training sets the deep networks are plagued by the overfitting problem, meaning that they fail to accurately generalize to previously unseen instances. This is a critical problem, given that producing copious training sets for large quantum systems is computationally unfeasible, unless one accepts crude approximations. In this article, we investigate the scalability of various neural networks in the supervised learning of quantum systems. For scalability, we mean their ability to address arbitrary system sizes--without changing the network structure, namely, the number of neurons and of connecting weights--while maintaining satisfactory performance as the system size increases. One of our main goals is to develop statistical models that provide accurate predictions for large quantum systems, even when the training set is sparse. In previous studies performed in the field of molecular dynamics, approximately scalable models have been implemented by computing potential energies as the sum of single-atom contributions . These contributions take into account the atomic environment, but only up to a finite cut-off distance. This approach could lead to uncontrolled approximations in the presence of long-range interactions or correlations . In quantum chemistry, a limited form of scalability has been achieved by representing instances of different sizes using the same number of descriptors (usually extending with zeros the descriptor vectors of the small instances). These descriptors are fed to intrinsically non-scalable models (i.e., models accepting a fixed-number of input descriptors) as, e.g., kernel ridge regression. This approach becomes impractical for large systems, and it does do not allow extrapolating beyond the sizes included in the training set. Very recently, a scalable neural network designed to learn the extensive properties of solids has been introduced . It is based on partitioning the systems into partially overlapping tiles and computing the (extensive) target value as the sum of single-tile contributions. The overlap regions ought to take into account boundary effects. The possible drawback of this model is that it appears not to be suitable for intensive properties. The statistical models mentioned above have been trained and tested against approximate predictions based on density functional theory and, for small chemical systems, on the coupled-cluster method. Therefore, it has not been verified whether they can actually learn the exact properties of large quantum many-body systems, or merely the simplification implied by the adopted approximate theories. In this article, we introduce a novel architecture based on a deep convolutional neural network complemented by a global pooling layer. This layer allows the network addressing arbitrary system sizes, without necessarily retraining on each size. Furthermore, it allows us to adopt a transfer learning technique , whereby the learning of large systems is accelerated by a pre-training performed on smaller sizes . As we demonstrate, scalability also allows us to perform extrapolations to sizes larger than the ones included in the training set . This novel scalable model is compared to the extensive architecture of Ref. , and also to (non-scalable) dense networks with all-to-all interlayer connectivity. To rigorously quantify the performances of these networks, we benchmark their predictions against the exact ground-state energies of disordered quantum Hamiltonians. In fact, synthetic disordered systems have emerged as suitable stringent testbeds for deep neural networks in the quantum-physics domain. The first testbed system we consider is a one-dimensional continuous-space Hamiltonian for a single particle in a disordered potential. This model describes early cold-atom experiments on Anderson localization . In this case, the ground-state energy is not extensive, meaning that it does not increase when the size of the optical field increases. The second testbed is an (extensive) quantum Ising chain with disordered couplings. We consider a setup with only nearest-neighbor interactions, and also one augmented with far-neighbor interactions and one with frustrated couplings. The ferromagnetic quantum critical point is also addressed. The ground-state energies are exactly computed via the Jordan-Wigner transformation, via exact diagonalization, and via unbiased quantum Monte Carlo simulations, depending on the specific setup. Our findings indicate that the scalable model with the global pooling layer retains high accuracy for increasing system size, both for the single-particle Hamiltonian and for the quantum Ising chain. The extensive network performs well only in the latter testbed. Transfer learning drastically accelerates the learning of large systems, allowing reaching high accuracy with training sets two orders of magnitude smaller than the ones needed without pre-training. Remarkably, the global pooling network is able to accurately extrapolate the ground-state energies of large Ising chains, including sizes that can be addressed only via computationally expensive quantum Monte Carlo simulations. The rest of the article is organized as follows: the testbed systems, namely the continuous-space Hamiltonian and the different setups of the quantum Ising chain, are described in Section [2](#secmodels){reference-type="ref" reference="secmodels"}. The networks and the training algorithm are described in Section [\[secnetworks\]](#secnetworks){reference-type="ref" reference="secnetworks"}. Our results on the supervised learning are reported in Section [\[secresults\]](#secresults){reference-type="ref" reference="secresults"}. Section [\[secconclusions\]](#secconclusions){reference-type="ref" reference="secconclusions"} summarizes the main findings, with our conclusions and some future perspectives.
# Testbed models {#secmodels}
The first testbed system we consider is a one-dimensional continuous-space Hamiltonian for a single quantum particle. This Hamiltonian is defined as: \[\hat{H}=-\frac{\hbar^2}{2m} \frac{\mathrm{d}^2}{\mathrm{d}x^2} + V(x), \label{H}\] | {'timestamp': '2020-06-01T02:03:22', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14290', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14290'} |
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# Introduction
Inflation in the early universe (see e.g. for a review) practically realizes isotropic universe even if we start from high degree of anisotropy. This is guaranteed by Wald's cosmic no hair theorem of the universe with a positive cosmological constant which applies under several conditions such as the strong and dominant energy conditions . To realize anisotropic inflation, one must therefore introduce anisotropic matter content breaking the strong energy condition such as a vector field . The above is the case of general relativity, and the story is totally different in generalized scalar-field theories with nonminimal derivative coupling to the metric which is provided by the generalized Galileon or the Horndeski theory . Their higher-order curvature term allows the system to approach a nontrivial attractor and to have anisotropic expansion rates . The universe can be spontaneously anisotropized in the presence of such a higher-order curvature term. Expansion rates of two spatial dimensions vanish in the limit of large coefficient of the higher-order curvature term. The purpose of this letter is to show that such an anisotropic attractor also exists in higher dimensional models and it can be used to stabilize the extra dimensions. Higher dimensions may play an important role in the unification of fundamental forces. A pioneering attempt using a higher dimension has been given by Kaluza and Klein . Superstring theory also requires ten-dimensional spacetime to provide a consistent theory of quantum gravity . Observationally the dynamics of extra dimensionas would manifest itself in time variation of fundamental constants such as Newton's gravitaional constant and the fine structure constant, which have been severely constrained . Hence the extra dimensions must be stabilized in sensible higher-dimensional theories. In superstring theories, flux compactification is used for this purpose (*e.g.* ). Here we will propose a different way to *freeze* the extra dimensions with higher-order curvature term in the Lovelock theory , which is a special case of the Horndeski or generalized Galileon theories. The Lovelock theory is the most general gravity theory which consists only of metric degrees of freedom. Its evolution equations contain up to the second derivative but it is not always linear. In four dimensions, the Lovelock theory is reduced to general relativity with a cosmological constant. There have been several studies on the cosmological dynamics in higher dimensions in the Lovelock theory [@MuellerHoissen:1985mm; @Deruelle:1989fj; @MenaMarugan:1992ig; @Maeda:2004hu; @Akune:2006dg; @Canfora:2008iu; @Chirkov:2014nua; @Chirkov:2015kja; @Kastor:2015sxa; @Canfora:2016umq; @Chirkov:2019qbe], and they have not manifestly pointed out the presense of nontrivial attractors.
# Anisotropic attractor
## Lovelock theory
We start with the Lovelock action up to the cubic order with matter Lagrangian \(\mathcal{L}_\textrm{mat}\) &S + S\_ = d\^(D+1)x ( + \_ ) [\[LovelockAction\]]{#LovelockAction label="LovelockAction"}\
& -+ \_m=1\^3 \_m\^-1 \_m \
&\_m \^-m \^\_1 \_2 ...\_2m\_\_1 \_2 ...\_2m \_i=1\^m R\_\_2i-1 \_2i\^\_2i-1 \_2i where \(R_{\mu_{2i-1} \mu_{2i}}^{\nu_{2i-1} \nu_{2i}}\) is the Riemann curvature tensor and \(\delta^{\mu_1 \cdots \mu_{N} }_{\nu_1 \cdots \nu_{N} }\) is the generalized Kronecker delta. We have defined \(\kappa_m\) as constants with mass dimension \(2m-D-1\). We assume that the space is flat and use the Kasner metric \[\begin{aligned}
ds^2=-dt^2 + a_{(i)}^2 \delta_{ij} dx^i dx^j, \label{metricinhigherdim} \end{aligned}\] where \(a_{(i)}=a_{(i)}(t)\) is the scale factor in the direction of \(x^i\). This leads to \(\mathcal{L}=-\Lambda-\sum_{m} \kappa_m^{-1} s_{2m}\), where \(s_{2m}\) is the \(2m\)-th order symmetric polynomial of \(H_{(i)}\)'s. From Eqs. [\[LovelockAction\]](#LovelockAction){reference-type="eqref" reference="LovelockAction"} to [\[metricinhigherdim\]](#metricinhigherdim){reference-type="eqref" reference="metricinhigherdim"}, we obtain the Hamiltonian constraint and evolution equations &+ -\_m=1\^3 (2m-1) \_m\^-1 s\_2m = 0, [\[Hamiltonianeqwithmatter\]]{#Hamiltonianeqwithmatter label="Hamiltonianeqwithmatter"} + + { V \_m=1\^3 \_m\^-1 } = 0\
[ for ]{.roman} i=1,...,D, [\[evolutioneqwithmatter\]]{#evolutioneqwithmatter label="evolutioneqwithmatter"} where \(V\equiv\prod_{i} a_{(i)}\) is the volume factor, \(H_{(i)} \equiv {\dot a_{(i)}}/{a_{(i)}}\) is the expansion rate along \(x^i\)-axis, and \(\rho\) and \(p_{(i)}\) are defined by , p\_(i) . The \((2m)\)-th symmetric polynomial \(s_{2m}\) is explicitly defined as \[\begin{aligned}
&s_2 = \sum_{1 \le i < j \le D} H_{(i)} H_{(j)}, \\ &s_4 = \sum_{1 \le i < j < k < l \le D} H_{(i)} H_{(j)} H_{(k)} H_{(l)}, \\ &s_6 = \sum_{1 \le i < j < k < l < m < n \le D} H_{(i)} H_{(j)} H_{(k)} H_{(l)} H_{(m)} H_{(n)}. \end{aligned}\]
## Attractors under isotropic pressure
We will show that there exist attractors if the spacetime is filled with energy contents with isotropic pressure, which means \(p_{(i)} = p\) for all \(i\). Subtracting different components of Eqs. [\[evolutioneqwithmatter\]](#evolutioneqwithmatter){reference-type="eqref" reference="evolutioneqwithmatter"}, we yield \[\begin{aligned}
\frac{d}{dt} \left\{ V \left( H_{(j)}-H_{(k)} \right) \sum_{m=1}^{3} \kappa_{m}^{-1} \frac{\partial^2 s_{2m}}{\partial H_{(j)} \partial H_{(k)}} \right\} = 0 \nonumber \\ \textrm{~~~~for \(1 \le j < k \le D\)}. \label{subeq} \end{aligned}\] We integrate these and get their solutions \[\begin{aligned}
\left( H_{(j)}-H_{(k)} \right) \sum_{m=1}^{3} \kappa_{m}^{-1} \frac{\partial^2 s_{2m}}{\partial H_{(j)} \partial H_{(k)}} = \frac{ \mathcal{A}_{jk} }{V} \nonumber\\ \textrm{~~~~for \(1 \le j < k \le D\)}, \label{subeq2} \end{aligned}\] where \(\mathcal{A}_{jk}'s\) are integration constants. In principle, full set of Eqs. [\[Hamiltonianeqwithmatter\]](#Hamiltonianeqwithmatter){reference-type="eqref" reference="Hamiltonianeqwithmatter"} and [\[evolutioneqwithmatter\]](#evolutioneqwithmatter){reference-type="eqref" reference="evolutioneqwithmatter"} describes evolution of the system in the phase space \(\{ a_{(i)}, H_{(i)} \}\), but we try to see what the subset [\[subeq\]](#subeq){reference-type="eqref" reference="subeq"} or [\[subeq2\]](#subeq2){reference-type="eqref" reference="subeq2"} indicates. The left-hand-side of Eq. [\[subeq2\]](#subeq2){reference-type="eqref" reference="subeq2"} is a function of only \(H_{(i)}\)'s, and if we know how \(V\) evolves, we can track the evolution of the system in a phase space \(\{ H_{(i)} \}\). When \(V\) is an increasing function of time, the system approaches the regions where the following equations are satisfied. \[\begin{aligned}
\left( H_{(j)}-H_{(k)} \right) & \sum_{m=1}^{3} \kappa_{m}^{-1} \frac{\partial^2 s_{2m}}{\partial H_{(j)} \partial H_{(k)}} = 0. \label{fixedpointeq} \end{aligned}\] A similar equation has been derived in under the assumption that all \(H_{(i)}\)'s are constant. In deriving Eq. [\[fixedpointeq\]](#fixedpointeq){reference-type="eqref" reference="fixedpointeq"}, however, we do not need to restrict \(H_{(i)}\)'s to be constant, so that we can trace the entire evolution of the universe as we will see below. We name those regions "(an)isotropic attractors", although we must carefully analyze the system to see whether they really act as an attractor.
## Classification of attractors
Here we classify the roots of Eq. [\[fixedpointeq\]](#fixedpointeq){reference-type="eqref" reference="fixedpointeq"} into several types. On these roots, some of \(H_{(i)}\)'s have the same value, and thus we label the attractors with \({N}_\textrm{diff}\), which denotes the number of different values of \(H_{(i)}\)'s.
#### Isotropic case \((N_{\rm diff}=1)\)
When all of \(H_{(i)}\)'s are the same, all of the equations [\[fixedpointeq\]](#fixedpointeq){reference-type="eqref" reference="fixedpointeq"} are trivially satisfied. The universe exhibits isotropic expansion and we just call it isotropic attractor.
#### Anisotropic case \((N_{\rm diff} \ge 2)\)
For the simplest departure from isotropy, we consider the case in which \(H_{(i)}\)'s take two different values, \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\). \[\begin{aligned}
H_{(i)} &= \alpha \textrm{~~~~for~} 1\le i \le d, \label{subalpha} \\ H_{(i)} &= \beta \textrm{~~~~for~} d+1 \le i \le D, \label{subbeta} \end{aligned}\] where \(d\) is any integer satisfying \(2 \le d \le D-1\). This corresponds to the case for \(N_{\rm diff} = 2\). Then Eq. [\[fixedpointeq\]](#fixedpointeq){reference-type="eqref" reference="fixedpointeq"} gives the relation between \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) \[\begin{aligned}
\sum_{m=1}^{3} \kappa_{m}^{-1} {Q}_{m}(\alpha,\beta) = 0, \label{alphabeta} \end{aligned}\] where \[\begin{aligned}
{Q}_{m}(\alpha,\beta) &\equiv \left. \frac{\partial^2 s_{2m}}{\partial H_{(j)} \partial H_{(k)}} \right|_{H_{(1\le j \le d)}=\alpha, H_{(d+1 \le k \le D)}=\beta } \nonumber \\ &= \sum_{l=0}^{2m-2} \left(\begin{array}{@{}c@{}} d-1 \\ l \end{array} \right) \left(\begin{array}{@{}c@{}} D-d-1 \\ 2m-2-l \end{array} \right) \alpha^l \beta^{2m-2-l}. \end{aligned}\] The discussion above can be generalized straightforwardly to the cases with larger \(N_\textrm{diff}<D\). In this letter, we focus on the case for \(N_\textrm{diff}=2\) for simplicity.
# Large universe and frozen extra dimensions {#secFreezing}
## Evolution scenario
In order to compactify the extra dimensions successfully, we have to explain both why they are small and stable. Otherwise, we could observe Kaluza-Klein particle in a particle accelerator or varying Newton's constant . We try to explain those properties by realizing \(\beta \ll \alpha\) in the whole cosmic history from inflation, where we regard \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) as the expansion rate of \((d+1)\)-dimensional universe and the extra \((D-d)\) dimensions. We consider the standard history of inflationary cosmology. That is, we set the initial condition at the beginning of inflation, followed by reheating regime dominated by coherent field oscillation of the inflaton in the case of standard potential-driven models or by kinetic energy in the case of k-or G-inflation models . Then the universe turns to be radiation dominant with a reheating temperature \(T_R\) to trace the standard thermal history of the universe in Big Bang cosmology toward matter domination and dark energy domination. We set the topology of space as \(D\)-dimensional tori and assume that the size or period of each dimension is of the same order of magnitude given by \(\ell\), simply from democratic viewpoint, at the beginning of inflation of \(d\)-dimensional space with the Hubble parameter \(\alpha\). We assume that inflation and subsequent reheating are realized by an appropriate scalar-field model which has a practically homogeneous configuration over \(T^D\) initially and anisotropic inflation is realized in a similar manner as in the previous paper . This initial condition is no less natural than required in conventional three dimensional inflation models if \(\ell\) is of the order of \(\alpha^{-1}\) or smaller. With \(\beta \ll \alpha\) for a sufficiently long time \(\tau \gg \alpha^{-1}\), the \(d\)-dimensional space becomes exponentially large while freezing the extra dimensions practically. After inflation the universe will be eventually dominated by radiation through reheating process intrinsic to each inflation model. For simplicity, we consider the case that reheating temperature \(T_R\) is much smaller than the inverse size of the extra dimension, \(\ell^{-1}\), so that equation-of-state parameter \(w\) is anisotropic in this regime, namely, \(p_{(i)}/\rho=1/d\) in large \(d\) dimensions, and \(p_{(i)}=0\) in the small extra dimensions. As the universe becomes matter (\(w=0\)) or dark-energy (\(w\approx-1\)) dominant, the equation of state becomes isotropic again. We will concentrate on the case for ten-dimensional spacetime with \(D=9\) and \(d=3\), since it is of our most interest. First, we consider condition for freezing extra dimensions \(\beta \ll \alpha\) when pressure is isotropic. We need other treatment in the radiation-dominated era and we will find that the radiation also makes expansion rate of the extra dimensions be strongly suppressed.
## Under isotropic pressure {#subsecIsotropic}
First we consider an anisotropic attractor under isotropic pressure. The anisotropic attractor is allowed to exist when the pressure is isotropic. Let us investigate the roots of Eq. [\[alphabeta\]](#alphabeta){reference-type="eqref" reference="alphabeta"} for \(\beta\) and show some of them can satisfy \(\beta \ll \alpha\). When the root \(\beta=\beta(\alpha)\) is much smaller than \(\alpha\), \(\beta(\alpha)\) is given by solving \_1\^-1 + \_2\^-1 \^2 + 10 \_3\^-1 \^2 \^2 = 0, [\[alphabetaAsymptotic\]]{#alphabetaAsymptotic label="alphabetaAsymptotic"} which we get by neglecting higher-order terms of \(\beta\) from Eq. [\[alphabeta\]](#alphabeta){reference-type="eqref" reference="alphabeta"}. We immediately obtain () = , [\[BetaOfAlpha\]]{#BetaOfAlpha label="BetaOfAlpha"} where \(\kappa_3 < 0\) is assumed. We now define lower bound of \(\alpha\) as \(\alpha_\textrm{min}\), since our Universe seems to expand exponentially today. We require \(\beta(\alpha) \ll \alpha\) to be satisfied for any \(\alpha \ge \alpha_\textrm{min}\) for consistency. From Eq. [\[BetaOfAlpha\]](#BetaOfAlpha){reference-type="eqref" reference="BetaOfAlpha"}, we get -\_3/\_1 \_[min]{.roman}\^4, -\_3/\_2 \_[min]{.roman}\^2. [\[ConsistencyCondition\]]{#ConsistencyCondition label="ConsistencyCondition"} Substituting \(\beta=\beta(\alpha)\) into the Hamiltonian constraint [\[Hamiltonianeqwithmatter\]](#Hamiltonianeqwithmatter){reference-type="eqref" reference="Hamiltonianeqwithmatter"}, we get the effective constraint at the leading order + \_1\^-1 \^2 -8 \_2\^-1 \^3 () = 0. [\[EffectiveConstraint\]]{#EffectiveConstraint label="EffectiveConstraint"} This corresponds to the Friedmann equation with an additional term. It brings us a new effect, which may matter in the very early universe unless \(\kappa_2^{-1} = 0\). When \(\kappa_1^{-1}\) and \(\kappa_2^{-1} \alpha \beta(\alpha)\) are comparable and \(\rho + \Lambda\) is negligible, the universe expands with almost constant rate = (\_1 \_2). If we can neglect the additional term for any \(\alpha\) of interest, the observed universe always obeys the same Friedmann equation as in general relativity. In this case, since \(\beta \ll \alpha\), only \(\alpha\) affects the evolution of density of energy contents and nothing feels extra dimensions. In the limit \(\kappa_ 3\to 0\), we have \(\beta(\alpha) \to 0\) for fixed \(\alpha\). This means that it is possible to realize arbitrarily small \(\beta\). In the limit \(\alpha \to \infty\), \(\beta(\alpha)\) converges to a finite value, and thus we do not suffer from divergent behavior for larger \(\alpha\). Therefore, we can slow down the extra dimensions arbitrarily even during inflation, as long as isotropic pressure dominates the higher-dimensional spacetime.
## Radiation-dominated universe {#sectionExtraFreezeAnisotropic}
Next, we consider a radiation-dominated universe, where we no longer use the roots [\[BetaOfAlpha\]](#BetaOfAlpha){reference-type="eqref" reference="BetaOfAlpha"}. We continue using \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) instead of \(H_{(i)}\), since the expantion rates tend to take two values as in Eqs. [\[subalpha\]](#subalpha){reference-type="eqref" reference="subalpha"} and [\[subbeta\]](#subbeta){reference-type="eqref" reference="subbeta"} even after entering the radiation-dominated era. For \(D=9\) and \(d=3\), if \(\kappa_2^{-1}=0\) then radiation allows \(\beta=\dot \beta=0\) to be a solution, that is, Eqs. [\[Hamiltonianeqwithmatter\]](#Hamiltonianeqwithmatter){reference-type="eqref" reference="Hamiltonianeqwithmatter"} and [\[evolutioneqwithmatter\]](#evolutioneqwithmatter){reference-type="eqref" reference="evolutioneqwithmatter"} yield (,)\|\_ = 0, . (,) \|\_ =-3. The minus sign of the first derivative shows this solution is stable as long as the universe is expanding. If \(\kappa_2^{-1} \ne 0\), the solution shifts like (\(\beta=\beta_0(\alpha)\), \(\dot \beta=0\)). In general, it is difficult to find an analytic form of \(\beta_0\), but its approximate value can be estimated as \_0() &- .(,)/ (,) \|\_\
&=- 16_1\^-4 + 56_1\^-3\_2\^-1\^2-9_1\^-2\_2\^-2\^4 + 18 \_1\^-1\_2\^-3\^6 + 27 \_2\^-4\^8 + 20 \_1\^-2\_2\^-1\_3\^-1 \^6. This expression typically leads to \(\beta_0(\alpha) = \mathcal{O} (\beta(\alpha)^2/\alpha)\), where \(\beta(\alpha)\) is the function defined in Eq. [\[BetaOfAlpha\]](#BetaOfAlpha){reference-type="eqref" reference="BetaOfAlpha"}. This means that in the radiation-dominated era, the expansion rate of the extra dimensions is suppressed more strongly than in the isotropic-pressure-dominated case with the same value of \(\rho\). Taking this suppression into account, we now succeed in freezing the extra dimensions for the whole standard history.
# Discussion {#secDiscussion}
As we have seen in the case under isotroic pressure, small \(\kappa_3\) plays a key role to freeze extra dimensions. On the other hand, nonvanishing \(\kappa_2^{-1}\) yields the additional term in Eq. [\[EffectiveConstraint\]](#EffectiveConstraint){reference-type="eqref" reference="EffectiveConstraint"}. It can cause exponential expansion in the very early universe where the propagation speed of gravitational waves can be varied. This is worth considering but it is beyond the scope of this letter and we avoid this exponential expansion by taking \(\kappa_2 \gg \kappa_1 \alpha_\textrm{max}^2\) in the following discussion, where \(\alpha_\textrm{max}\) is the maximum of \(\alpha\) of interest. The \(d\)-dimensional effective gravitational constant depends on \(\beta\) as \(\dot G/G = (d-D) \beta\). From the constraint \(|\dot G/G| = (4\pm 9) \times 10^{-13} ~\textrm{yr}^{-1}\) given by the Lunar laser ranging experiment implies that we have to require that in the late universe \| \| \^-13 [yr]{.roman}\^-1 \~10\^-3 H_0, where \(H_0\) is the present Hubble constant. From Eq. [\[BetaOfAlpha\]](#BetaOfAlpha){reference-type="eqref" reference="BetaOfAlpha"}, we set \(\alpha=H_0\) and get -\_3/\_1 \^-5 H_0\^4. Note that although the effective gravitational constant in the Friedmann equation is different in principle from Newton's gravitational constant in the Poisson equation of the gravitational potential which is constrained in , those constants are approximately the same if the extra dimensions are frozen \(\beta \ll \alpha\) and if their size is much smaller than the scale of observation. When \(\kappa_3\) is small, one might think that such a large higher-order term could decrease the energy scale of the unitarity bound of the model. To show that it is not the case around the anisotropic attractor, we give a simple estimation of interaction of gravitons \(h_{ij}\) on the unperturbed metric \(\bar{g}_{\mu\nu}\) which is equal to the metric in Eq. [\[metricinhigherdim\]](#metricinhigherdim){reference-type="eqref" reference="metricinhigherdim"}. We compare the following coefficients of the perturbed Riemann tensor \(\delta {R}_{\mu_1\mu_2}^{ \nu_1\nu_2}\) in the Lagrangian \_1\^-1 \^\_1_2\_\_1_2 , \_3\^-1 \^\_1_2 \_6\_ \_1_2 \_6 \|R\_\_3_4\^ \_3_4 \|R\_\_5_6\^ \_5_6, where \(\bar{R}_{\mu_1\mu_2}^{ \nu_1\nu_2}\) is the unperturbed Riemann tensor. The former are just of the order of \(\kappa_1^{-1}\). Since \(h_{ij}\) appears in \(\delta R_{i_1 i_2}^{j_1 j_2}\) and \(\delta R_{0i}^{0j}\), \(\kappa_3^{\!-1} \! \delta^{0 i i_1 i_2 M_1 M_2}_{0 j j_1j_2 N_1 N_2} \bar{R}_{i_1 i_2}^{j_1 j_2} \bar{R}_{M_1 M_2}^{ N_1 N_2}\) and \(\kappa_3^{\!-1} \! \delta^{0 i i_1 i_2 M_1 M_2}_{0 j j_1j_2 N_1 N_2} \bar{R}_{0 i}^{0 j} \bar{R}_{M_1 M_2}^{ N_1 N_2}\) are largest of all possibilities, where \(M,N,\ldots\) denote the indices for the extra dimensions. These are of the order of \(\kappa_3^{-1} \alpha^2 \beta^2\), which is of the same order of \(\kappa_1^{-1}\) as long as \(\kappa_2 \gg \kappa_1 \alpha^2\). Therefore the self-couplings of gravitons is not so larger than in the general relativity. Perturbation theory does not break down until around the Planck scale. We have also checked that propagation speed of gravitons is almost the same as speed of light, and we can avoid inconsistency with observations by taking small \(\kappa_3\). Small extra dimensions let the Kaluza-Klein modes obtain large masses in both our compactification and the flux compactification. In the latter case, the zero modes called moduli also obtain large mass, while in our case they are still massless. In our calculation, we notice that the coefficient of their kinetic term is much larger if inequalities [\[ConsistencyCondition\]](#ConsistencyCondition){reference-type="eqref" reference="ConsistencyCondition"} are satisfied. This fact leads to their strongly supressed coupling to matters via canonicalization of variables. For this reasons, we expect that small coupling constant \(\kappa_3\) suppresses production of those massless degrees of freedom and astrophysical and cosmological observation is consistent with prediction of general relativity.
# Conclusion {#secConclusion}
We have investigated the spatially flat homogeneous model in the Lovelock theory up to the cubic order. Under isotropic pressure, subtractions of the evolution equations yield the conservation law [\[subeq\]](#subeq){reference-type="eqref" reference="subeq"}. It implies that as the total volume expands, the system converge on the roots of Eq. [\[fixedpointeq\]](#fixedpointeq){reference-type="eqref" reference="fixedpointeq"}, which we call (an)isotropic attractors. We have focused especially on the anisotropic attractor with two different expansion rates. We have considered the possibility to apply the anisotropic attractor to freeze extra dimensions. According to the standard cosmology, the universe is dominated by two kinds of energy contents. One is energy contents having isotropic pressure, e.g., potential and kinetic energy of a scalar field, cold matter, and the cosmological constant. In this isotropic case, we can use the ansiotropic attractor to suppress growth of the extra dimensions compared to the lower-dimensional universe if inequalities [\[ConsistencyCondition\]](#ConsistencyCondition){reference-type="eqref" reference="ConsistencyCondition"} are satisfied. The other has anisotropic pressure, such as radiation of sufficiently low energy scale. Even though we cannot use the anisotropic attractor, radiation allows the expansion rate of extra dimensions to become smaller than in the isotropic case. Therefore, we conclude that in the whole of standard cosmic history, extra dimensions are frozen by using the Lovelock theory. We can straightforwardly extend this mechanism to the Lovelock theory or generalized Galileon up to an arbitrary higher order. In the generalized Galileon, odd-power terms of expansion rate appears in the Hamiltonian constraint, whereas the Lovelock theory contains only even-power terms. The details will be studied in our forthcoming paper. | {'timestamp': '2020-06-01T02:09:46', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14481', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14481'} |
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# Introduction {#secintro}
A central goal of modern cosmology is to discover whether the dark energy that appears to fill the Universe is associated with its matter-energy content, laws of gravity, or some alternative physics. A compelling means of distinguishing between these scenarios is to analyse the different observational signatures that are present in the clumpy, inhomogeneous Universe, which powerfully complements measurements of the expansion history of the smooth, homogeneous Universe. Two important observational probes of the inhomogeneous Universe are the peculiar velocities induced in galaxies by the gravitational collapse of large-scale structure, which are statistically imprinted in galaxy redshift surveys as redshift-space distortions, and the gravitational lensing of light by the cosmic web, which may be measured using cosmic shear surveys. These probes are complementary because they allow for the differentiation between the two space-time metric potentials which govern the motion of non-relativistic particles, such as galaxy tracers, and the gravitational deflection of light. The difference or 'gravitational slip' between these potentials is predicted to be zero in general relativity, but it may be significant in modified gravity scenarios. Recent advances in weak gravitational lensing datasets, including the Kilo-Degree Survey, the Dark Energy Survey and the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam Survey, have led to dramatic improvements in the quality of these observational tests. Gravitational lensing now permits the accurate determination of, and combinations of, important cosmological parameters such as the matter density of the Universe and normalisation of the matter power spectrum, and thereby detailed comparisons with other cosmological probes such as galaxy clustering and the cosmic microwave background radiation. Some of these comparisons have yielded intriguing evidence of 'tension' on both small and large scales, which are currently unresolved. In this paper we perform a new study regarding this question using the latest weak gravitational lensing dataset from the Kilo-Degree Survey, KiDS-1000, in conjunction with overlapping galaxy spectroscopic redshift survey data from the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey and the 2-degree Field Lensing Survey. In particular, we focus on a simple implementation of the lensing-clustering test which compares the amplitude of gravitational lensing around foreground galaxies (commonly known as galaxy-galaxy lensing), tracing low-redshift overdensities, with the amplitude of galaxy velocities induced by these overdensities and measured by redshift-space distortions, which constitutes an amplitude-ratio test. This diagnostic was first proposed by as the \(E_{\mathrm{G}}\) statistic and implemented in its current form by using data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. These measurements have subsequently been refined by a series of studies which have used new datasets to increase the accuracy of the amplitude-ratio determination, albeit showing some evidence of internal disagreement. The availability of the KiDS-1000 dataset and associated calibration samples has allowed us to perform the most accurate existing amplitude-ratio test, on projected scales up to \(100 \, h^{-1}\) Mpc, including rigorous systematic-error control. As part of this analysis, we use these datasets and representative simulations to study the efficacy of different corrections for the effects of source photometric redshift errors, comparing different galaxy-galaxy lensing estimators and the relative performance of angular and projected statistics. Our analysis sets the stage for future per-cent level implementations of these tests using new datasets from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument, the 4-metre Multi-Object Spectrograph Telescope, the Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time, and the *Euclid* satellite. This paper is structured as follows: in Sect. [2](#sectheory){reference-type="ref" reference="sectheory"} we review the theoretical correlations between weak lensing and overdensity observables, on which galaxy-galaxy lensing studies are based. In Sect. [3](#secest){reference-type="ref" reference="secest"} we summarise the angular and projected galaxy-galaxy lensing estimators derived from these correlations, with particular attention to the effect of source photometric redshift errors. In Sect. [4](#secamp){reference-type="ref" reference="secamp"} we introduce the amplitude-ratio test between galaxy-galaxy lensing and clustering observables, constructed from annular differential surface density statistics, and in Sect. [\[seccov\]](#seccov){reference-type="ref" reference="seccov"} we derive the analytical covariances of these estimators in the Gaussian approximation, including the effects of the survey window function. We introduce the KiDS-1000 weak lensing and overlapping Luminous Red Galaxy (LRG) spectroscopic datasets in Sect. [5](#secdata){reference-type="ref" reference="secdata"}. We create representative survey mock catalogues in Sect. [6](#secmocks){reference-type="ref" reference="secmocks"}, which we use to verify our cosmological analysis in Sect. [7](#secmocktests){reference-type="ref" reference="secmocktests"}. Finally, we describe the results of our cosmological tests applied to the KiDS-LRG datasets in Sect. [8](#secdatatests){reference-type="ref" reference="secdatatests"}. We summarise our investigation in Sect. [9](#secsummary){reference-type="ref" reference="secsummary"}.
# Theory {#sectheory}
In this section we briefly review the theoretical expressions for the auto-and cross-correlations between weak gravitational lensing and galaxy overdensity observables, which form the basis of galaxy-galaxy lensing studies.
## Lensing convergence and tangential shear
The observable effects of weak gravitational lensing, on a source located at co-moving co-ordinate \(\chi_{\mathrm{s}}\) in sky direction \(\ho\), can be expressed in terms of the lensing convergence \(\kappa\). The convergence is a weighted integral over co-moving distance \(\chi\) of the matter overdensity \(\delta_{\mathrm{m}}\) along the line-of-sight, which we can write as \[\kappa(\chi_{\mathrm{s}},\ho) = \frac{3 \Omega_{\mathrm{m}} H_0^2}{2 c^2} \int_0^{\chi_{\mathrm{s}}} d\chi \, \frac{\chi \, (\chi_{\mathrm{s}}-\chi)}{\chi_{\mathrm{s}}} \, \frac{\delta_{\mathrm{m}}(\chi,\ho)}{a(\chi)}, \label{eqkappa1}\] assuming (throughout this paper) a spatially-flat Universe, where \(\Omega_{\mathrm{m}}\) is the matter density as a fraction of the critical density, \(H_0\) is the Hubble parameter, \(c\) is the speed of light, and \(a = 1/(1+z)\) is the cosmic scale factor at redshift \(z\). We can conveniently write Eq. [\[eqkappa1\]](#eqkappa1){reference-type="ref" reference="eqkappa1"} in terms of the critical surface mass density at a lens plane at co-moving distance \(\chi_{\mathrm{l}}\), \[\Sigma_{\mathrm{c}}(\chi_{\mathrm{l}},\chi_{\mathrm{s}}) = \frac{c^2}{4 \mathrm{\pi} G} \frac{\chi_{\mathrm{s}}}{(1+z_{\mathrm{l}}) \, \chi_{\mathrm{l}} \, (\chi_{\mathrm{s}}-\chi_{\mathrm{l}})},\] where \(G\) is the gravitational constant, and \(\chi_{\mathrm{s}} > \chi_{\mathrm{l}}\). Hence, \[\kappa(\chi_{\mathrm{s}},\ho) = \overline{\rho_{\mathrm{m}}} \int_0^{\chi_{\mathrm{s}}} d\chi \, \Sigma_{\mathrm{c}}^{-1}(\chi,\chi_{\mathrm{s}}) \, \delta_{\mathrm{m}}(\chi,\ho), \label{eqkappa2}\] where \(\overline{\rho_{\mathrm{m}}}\) is the mean matter density.[^1] Suppose that the overdensity is associated with an isolated lens galaxy at distance \(\chi_{\mathrm{l}}\) in an otherwise homogeneous Universe. In this case, Eq. [\[eqkappa2\]](#eqkappa2){reference-type="ref" reference="eqkappa2"} may be written in the form \[\kappa(\chi_{\mathrm{l}},\chi_{\mathrm{s}},\ho) \approx \overline{\rho_{\mathrm{m}}} \, \Sigma_{\mathrm{c}}^{-1}(\chi_{\mathrm{l}},\chi_{\mathrm{s}}) \, \int_0^{\chi_{\mathrm{s}}} d\chi \, \delta_{\mathrm{m}}(\chi,\ho). \label{eqkappa3}\] Eq. [\[eqkappa3\]](#eqkappa3){reference-type="ref" reference="eqkappa3"} motivates that the weak lensing observable can be related to the projected mass density around the lens, \(\Sigma = \int \rho_{\mathrm{m}} \, d\chi\), where \(\delta_{\mathrm{m}} = \rho_{\mathrm{m}}/\overline{\rho_{\mathrm{m}}}-1\). The convergence may be written in terms of this quantity as \[\kappa(\chi_{\mathrm{l}},\chi_{\mathrm{s}},\ho) \approx \Sigma_{\mathrm{c}}^{-1}(\chi_{\mathrm{l}},\chi_{\mathrm{s}}) \left( \Sigma-\overline{\Sigma} \right),\] where \(\overline{\Sigma} = \int \overline{\rho} \, d\chi\) represents the average background, emphasising that gravitational lensing traces the increment between the mass density and the background. The average tangential shear \(\gamma_{\mathrm{t}}\) at angular separation \(\theta\) from an axisymmetric lens is related to the convergence as \[\langle \gamma_{\mathrm{t}}(\theta) \rangle = \langle \overline{\kappa}(<\theta) \rangle-\langle \kappa(\theta) \rangle , \label{eqgt}\] where \(\overline{\kappa}(<\theta)\) is the mean convergence within separation \(\theta\). At the location of the lens, angular separations are related to projected separations as \(R = \chi(z_{\mathrm{l}}) \, \theta\). Defining the differential projected surface mass density around the lens as a function of projected separation, \[\Delta \Sigma(R) = \overline{\Sigma}(<R)-\Sigma(R), \label{eqdsigdef}\] where, \[\overline{\Sigma}(<R) = \frac{2}{R^2} \int_0^R R' \, \Sigma(R') \, dR',\] we find that for a single source-lens pair at distances \(\chi_{\mathrm{l}}\) and \(\chi_{\mathrm{s}}\) (omitting the angled brackets), \[\gamma_{\mathrm{t}}(\theta) = \Sigma_{\mathrm{c}}^{-1}(\chi_{\mathrm{l}},\chi_{\mathrm{s}}) \, \Delta\Sigma(R). \label{eqgtdsig}\]
## Galaxy-convergence cross-correlation
For an ensemble of sources with distance probability distribution \(p_{\mathrm{s}}(\chi)\) (normalised such that \(\int p_{\mathrm{s}}(\chi) \, d\chi = 1\)), the total convergence in a given sky direction is \[\begin{split} \kappa(\ho) &= \int d\chi_{\mathrm{s}} \, p_{\mathrm{s}}(\chi_{\mathrm{s}}) \, \kappa(\chi_{\mathrm{s}},\ho) \\ &= \overline{\rho_{\mathrm{m}}} \int_0^\infty d\chi \, \overline{\Sigma_{\mathrm{c}}^{-1}}(\chi) \, \delta_{\mathrm{m}}(\chi,\ho), \end{split}\] where, \[\overline{\Sigma_{\mathrm{c}}^{-1}}(\chi) = \int_\chi^\infty d\chi_{\mathrm{s}} \, p_{\mathrm{s}}(\chi_{\mathrm{s}}) \, \Sigma_{\mathrm{c}}^{-1}(\chi,\chi_{\mathrm{s}}), \label{eqavesigc}\] with the lower limit of the integral applying because \(\Sigma_{\mathrm{c}}^{-1}(\chi_{\mathrm{l}},\chi_{\mathrm{s}}) = 0\) for \(\chi_{\mathrm{s}} < \chi_{\mathrm{l}}\). We consider forming the angular cross-correlation function of this convergence field with the projected number overdensity of an ensemble of lenses with distance probability distribution \(p_{\mathrm{l}}(\chi)\), \[\delta_{\mathrm{g,2D}}(\ho) = \int d\chi \, p_{\mathrm{l}}(\chi) \, \delta_{\mathrm{g}}(\chi,\ho).\] The galaxy-convergence cross-correlation function at angular separation \(\vt\) is, \[\omega_{\mathrm{g\kappa}}(\vt) = \langle \kappa(\ho) \, \delta_{\mathrm{g,2D}}(\ho + \vt) \rangle.\] Expressing the overdensity fields in terms of their Fourier components we find, after some algebra, \[\omega_{\mathrm{g\kappa}}(\vt) = \int \frac{d^2\vl}{(2\mathrm{\pi})^2} \, C_{\mathrm{g\kappa}}(\vl) \, \mathrm{e}^{-\mathrm{i}\vl\cdot\vt}, \label{eqwgk}\] where \(\vl\) is a 2D Fourier wavevector, and the corresponding angular cross-power spectrum \(C_{\mathrm{g\kappa}}(\ell)\) is given by, \[C_{\mathrm{g\kappa}}(\ell) = \overline{\rho_{\mathrm{m}}} \int d\chi \, p_{\mathrm{l}}(\chi) \, \frac{\overline{\Sigma_{\mathrm{c}}^{-1}}(\chi)}{\chi^2} \, P_{\mathrm{gm}} \left( \frac{\ell}{\chi},\chi \right), \label{eqclgk}\] where \(P_{\mathrm{gm}}(k,\chi)\) is the 3D galaxy-matter cross-power spectrum at wavenumber \(k\) and distance \(\chi\). Taking the azimuthal average of Eq. [\[eqwgk\]](#eqwgk){reference-type="ref" reference="eqwgk"} over all directions \(\vt\), the complex exponential integrates to a Bessel function of the first kind, \(J_0(x)\), such that, \[\omega_{\mathrm{g\kappa}}(\theta) = \int \frac{d^2\vl}{(2\mathrm{\pi})^2} \, C_{\mathrm{g\kappa}}(\vl) \, J_0(\ell \theta) = \int \frac{d\ell \, \ell}{2\mathrm{\pi}} \, C_{\mathrm{g\kappa}}(\ell) \, J_0(\ell \theta).\] Using Eq. [\[eqgt\]](#eqgt){reference-type="ref" reference="eqgt"} and Bessel function identities, we can then obtain an expression for the statistical average tangential shear around an ensemble of lenses, \[\gamma_{\mathrm{t}}(\theta) = \overline{\omega_{\mathrm{g\kappa}}}(<\theta)-\omega_{\mathrm{g\kappa}}(\theta) = \int \frac{d\ell \, \ell}{2\mathrm{\pi}} \, C_{\mathrm{g\kappa}}(\ell) \, J_2(\ell \theta). \label{eqgtmod}\] Likewise, we can generalise Eq. [\[eqgtdsig\]](#eqgtdsig){reference-type="ref" reference="eqgtdsig"} to apply to broad source and lens distributions: \[\gamma_{\mathrm{t}}(\theta) = \int d\chi \, p_{\mathrm{l}}(\chi) \, \overline{\Sigma_{\mathrm{c}}^{-1}}(\chi) \, \Delta\Sigma(R,\chi). \label{eqgtdsigbroad}\] Comparing the formulations of Eqs. [\[eqgtmod\]](#eqgtmod){reference-type="ref" reference="eqgtmod"} and [\[eqgtdsigbroad\]](#eqgtdsigbroad){reference-type="ref" reference="eqgtdsigbroad"} allows us to demonstrate that, \[\Sigma(R) = \overline{\rho_{\mathrm{m}}} \int_{-\infty}^\infty d\Pi \, \left[ 1 + \label{eqsig}\] in terms of the 3D galaxy-matter cross-correlation function \(line-of-sight separation\[, where the constant term `\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1+\(' cancels out in the evaluation of the observable\]. After some algebra we find, \begin{equation} \Delta \Sigma(R) = \overline{\rho_{\mathrm{m}}} \int_0^\infty dr \, W(r,R) \, \end{equation} where, \begin{equation} W(r,R) = \frac{4r^2}{R^2}-\left[ \frac{4r \sqrt{r^2-R^2}}{R^2} + \frac{2r}{\sqrt{r^2-R^2}} \right] \, H(r-R), \end{equation} where\)H(x) = 0\(if\)x\<0\(and\)H(x) = 1\(if\)x\>0\(is the Heaviside step function. The relations in this section make the approximations of using the Limber equation and neglecting additional effects such as cosmic magnification and intrinsic alignments. \subsection{Auto-correlation functions} In order to determine the analytical covariance in Sect.\ \ref{seccov}, we also need expressions for the auto-correlation functions of the convergence,\)\_() = C\_() \^-\(, and the galaxy overdensity,\)\_() = C\_() \^-\(. Given two source populations with distance probability distributions\)p\_,1()\(and\)p\_,2()\(, and associated integrated critical density functions\[and\], the angular power spectrum of the convergence is given by, \begin{equation} C_{\mathrm{\kappa\kappa}}(\ell) = \overline{\rho_{\mathrm{m}}}^2 \int d\chi \, \frac{\overline{\Sigma_{\mathrm{c},1}^{-1}}(\chi) \, \overline{\Sigma_{\mathrm{c},2}^{-1}}(\chi)}{\chi^2} \, P_{\mathrm{mm}}\left( \frac{\ell}{\chi},\chi \right), \end{equation} where\)P\_(k,)\(is the 3D (non-linear) matter power spectrum at wavenumber\)k\(and distance\[. Likewise, for two projected galaxy overdensity fields with distance probability distributions\)p\_,1()\(and\)p\_,2()\(, the angular power spectrum is, \begin{equation} C_{\mathrm{gg}}(\ell) = \int d\chi \, \frac{p_{\mathrm{l},1}(\chi) \, p_{\mathrm{l},2}(\chi)}{\chi^2} \, P_{\mathrm{gg}}\left( \frac{\ell}{\chi},\chi \right), \label{eqclgg} \end{equation} where\)P\_(k,)\(is the 3D galaxy power spectrum. \subsection{Bias model} \label{secbias} We computed the linear matter power spectrum\)P\_(k)\(in our models using the CAMB software package, and evaluated the non-linear matter power spectrum\)P\_(k)\(including the `halofit' corrections \citep[][we define the fiducial cosmological parameters used for the simulation and data analysis in subsequent sections]{Smith03,Takahashi12}. We adopted a model for the non-linear galaxy-galaxy and galaxy-matter 2-point functions, appearing in Eqs.\ \ref{eqclgk} and \ref{eqclgg}, following and. This model assumes a local, non-linear galaxy bias relation via a Taylor expansion of the galaxy density field in terms of the matter overdensity,\)\_ = b\_ \_ + b\_ \_\^2 +\...\(, defining a linear bias parameter\)b\_\(and non-linear bias parameter\)b\_\(. The auto-and cross-correlation statistics in this model can be written in the form, \begin{equation} \begin{split} b_{\mathrm{L}} \, b_{\mathrm{NL}} \, \frac{1}{2} \, b_{\mathrm{NL}}^2 \, \\ b_{\mathrm{NL}} \, \end{split} \end{equation} where\) \(P_{\mathrm{mm}}(k)\), and \(are obtained by computing the Fourier transforms of, \begin{equation} \begin{split} A(k) &= \int \frac{d^3\vq}{(2\mathrm{\pi})^3} \, F_2(\vq,\vk-\vq) \, P_{\mathrm{L}}(q) \, P_{\mathrm{L}}(|\vk-\vq|), \\ B(k) &= \int \frac{d^3\vq}{(2\mathrm{\pi})^3} \, P_{\mathrm{L}}(q) \, P_{\mathrm{L}}(|\vk-\vq|), \end{split} \end{equation} which depend on the mode-coupling kernel in standard perturbation theory, \begin{equation} F_2(\vq_1,\vq_2) = \frac{5}{7} + \frac{1}{2} \frac{\vq_1 . \vq_2}{q_1 q_2} \left( \frac{q_1}{q_2} + \frac{q_2}{q_1} \right) + \frac{2}{7} \left( \frac{\vq_1. \vq_2}{q_1 q_2} \right)^2. \end{equation} We evaluated these integrals using the {\tt FAST} software package and note that\) function corresponding to \(P_{\mathrm{L}}(k)\). This model is only expected to be valid on scales exceeding the virial radius of dark matter haloes, since it does not address halo exclusion, the distribution of galaxies within haloes, or other forms of stochastic or non-local effects. However, this 2-parameter bias model is adequate for our large-scale analysis, which we verify using representative mock catalogues in Sect. [7](#secmocktests){reference-type="ref" reference="secmocktests"}.
# Estimators {#secest}
In this section we specify estimators that may be used to measure \(\gamma_{\mathrm{t}}(\theta)\) and \(\Delta \Sigma(R)\) from ensembles of sources and lenses, and discuss how estimates of \(\Delta \Sigma(R)\) are affected by uncertainties in source distances.
## Average tangential shear \(\gamma_{\mathrm{t}}(\theta)\)
We can estimate the average tangential shear of a set of sources (s) around lenses (l) by evaluating the following expression, which also utilises an unclustered random lens catalogue (r) with the same selection function as the lenses: \]\hgt(\theta) = \frac{\sum\limits_{\mathrm{ls}} w_{\mathrm{l}} \, w_{\mathrm{s}} \, e_{\mathrm{t,ls}}-\sum\limits_{\mathrm{rs}} w_{\mathrm{r}} \, w_{\mathrm{s}} \, e_{\mathrm{t,rs}}}{\sum\limits_{\mathrm{rs}} w_{\mathrm{r}} \, w_{\mathrm{s}}}. \label{eqgtest}\[ The sums in Eq. [\[eqgtest\]](#eqgtest){reference-type="ref" reference="eqgtest"} are taken over pairs of sources and lenses with angular separations within a bin around \(\theta\), \(w_i\) are weights applied to the different samples (normalised such that \(\sum_{\mathrm{l}} w_{\mathrm{l}} = \sum_{\mathrm{r}} w_{\mathrm{r}}\)), and \(e_{\mathrm{t}}\) indicates the tangential ellipticity of the source, projected onto an axis normal to the line joining the source and lens (or random lens). Eq. [\[eqgtest\]](#eqgtest){reference-type="ref" reference="eqgtest"} involves the random lens catalogue in two places. First, the tangential shear of sources around random lenses is subtracted from the data signal. The subtracted term has an expectation value of zero, but significantly decreases the variance of the estimator at large separations. Second, the estimator is normalised by a sum over pairs of sources and random lenses, rather than data lenses. This ensures that the estimator is unbiased: the alternative estimator, \(\hgt = \sum_{\mathrm{ls}} w_{\mathrm{l}} \, w_{\mathrm{s}} \, e_{\mathrm{t,ls}} / \sum_{\mathrm{ls}} w_{\mathrm{l}} \, w_{\mathrm{s}}\), is biased by any source-lens clustering (if the angular cross-correlation function \(\omega_{\mathrm{ls}}(\theta) \ne 0\)), which would modify the denominator of the expression but not the numerator. The magnitude of this effect is sometimes known as the 'boost' factor, \]B(\theta) = \frac{\sum\limits_{\mathrm{ls}} w_{\mathrm{l}} \, w_{\mathrm{s}}}{\sum\limits_{\mathrm{rs}} w_{\mathrm{r}} \, w_{\mathrm{s}}},\[ where the sums are again taken over source-lens pairs with angular separations within a given bin. We note that \(\langle B(\theta) \rangle = 1 + \omega_{\mathrm{ls}}(\theta)\) for unity weights.
## Projected mass density \(\Delta\Sigma(R)\)
Assuming the source and lens distances are known, each source-lens pair may be used to estimate the projected mass density around the lenses by inverting Eq. [\[eqgtdsig\]](#eqgtdsig){reference-type="ref" reference="eqgtdsig"}: \]\hds(R) = e_{\mathrm{t}}(R/\chi_{\mathrm{l}}) \, \Sigma_{\mathrm{c}}(\chi_{\mathrm{l}},\chi_{\mathrm{s}}).\[ For an ensemble of sources and lenses, the mean projected mass density may then be estimated by an expression analogous to Eq. [\[eqgtest\]](#eqgtest){reference-type="ref" reference="eqgtest"}, \]\begin{split} \hds(R) = \frac{\sum\limits_{\mathrm{ls}} w_{\mathrm{l}} \, w_{\mathrm{s}} \, w_{\mathrm{ls}} \, e_{\mathrm{t,ls}}(R/\chi_{\mathrm{l}}) \, \Sigma_{\mathrm{c}}(\chi_{\mathrm{l}},\chi_{\mathrm{s}})}{\sum\limits_{\mathrm{rs}} w_{\mathrm{r}} \, w_{\mathrm{s}} \, w_{\mathrm{rs}}} \\- \frac{\sum\limits_{\mathrm{rs}} w_{\mathrm{r}} \, w_{\mathrm{s}} \, w_{\mathrm{rs}} \, e_{\mathrm{t,rs}}(R/\chi_{\mathrm{r}}) \, \Sigma_{\mathrm{c}}(\chi_{\mathrm{r}},\chi_{\mathrm{s}})}{\sum\limits_{\mathrm{rs}} w_{\mathrm{r}} \, w_{\mathrm{s}} \, w_{\mathrm{rs}}}, \end{split} \label{eqdsigest1}\[ where we have allowed for an additional pair weight between sources and lenses, \(w_{\mathrm{ls}}\), and random lenses, \(w_{\mathrm{rs}}\). Assuming a constant shape noise in \(e_{\mathrm{t}}\), the noise in the estimate of \(\Delta \Sigma(R) = e_{\mathrm{t}} \, \Sigma_{\mathrm{c}}\) from each source-lens pair is proportional to \(\Sigma_{\mathrm{c}}\), hence the optimal inverse-variance weight is \(w_{\mathrm{ls}} \propto \Sigma_{\mathrm{c}}^{-2}\), and the weighted estimator may be written, \]\begin{split} \hds(R) = \frac{\sum\limits_{\mathrm{ls}} w_{\mathrm{l}} \, w_{\mathrm{s}} \, e_{\mathrm{t,ls}}(R/\chi_{\mathrm{l}}) \, \Sigma^{-1}_{\mathrm{c,ls}}}{\sum\limits_{\mathrm{rs}} w_{\mathrm{r}} \, w_{\mathrm{s}} \, \Sigma^{-2}_{\mathrm{c,rs}}} \\- \frac{\sum\limits_{\mathrm{rs}} w_{\mathrm{r}} \, w_{\mathrm{s}} \, e_{\mathrm{t,rs}}(R/\chi_{\mathrm{r}}) \, \Sigma^{-1}_{\mathrm{c,rs}}}{\sum\limits_{\mathrm{rs}} w_{\mathrm{r}} \, w_{\mathrm{s}} \, \Sigma^{-2}_{\mathrm{c,rs}}}. \end{split} \label{eqdsigest2}\[
## Photo-\(z\) dilution correction for \(\Delta\Sigma(R)\) {#secphotoz}
The difficulty faced when determining \(\Delta \Sigma\) is that source distances are typically only accessible through photometric redshifts and may contain significant errors, leading to a bias in the estimate through incorrect scaling factors \(\Sigma_{\mathrm{c}}\) (we assume in this discussion that spectroscopic lens distances are available). For example, sources may apparently lie behind lenses according to their photometric redshift, whilst in fact being positioned in front of the lenses and contributing no galaxy-galaxy lensing signal, creating a downward bias in the measurement. For a single source-lens pair, the estimated value of \(\Sigma_{\mathrm{c}}\) for the pair based on the source photometric redshift, \(\Sigma_{\mathrm{c,lp}}\), may differ from its true value based on the source spectroscopic redshift, \(\Sigma_{\mathrm{c,ls}}\), \]\hds = e_{\mathrm{t}} \, \Sigma_{\mathrm{c,lp}} = \left( \frac{\Delta \Sigma^{\mathrm{true}}}{\Sigma_{\mathrm{c,ls}}} \right) \Sigma_{\mathrm{c,lp}} = \left( \frac{\Sigma_{\mathrm{c,lp}}}{\Sigma_{\mathrm{c,ls}}} \right) \Delta \Sigma^{\mathrm{true}}.\[ Combining many source-lens pairs allowing for a pair weight \(w_{\mathrm{ls}}\) we find, \]\hds = \frac{\sum\limits_{\mathrm{ls}} w_{\mathrm{ls}} \left( \frac{\Sigma_{\mathrm{c,lp}}}{\Sigma_{\mathrm{c,ls}}} \right) \Delta \Sigma^{\mathrm{true}}}{\sum\limits_{\mathrm{ls}} w_{\mathrm{ls}}} .\[ Using the optimal weight \(w_{\mathrm{ls}} \propto \Sigma^{-2}_{\mathrm{c,lp}}\) this expression may be written, \]\hds = \frac{\sum\limits_{\mathrm{ls}} \Sigma^{-1}_{\mathrm{c,lp}} \, \Sigma^{-1}_{\mathrm{c,ls}} \, \Delta \Sigma^{\mathrm{true}}}{\sum\limits_{\mathrm{ls}} \Sigma^{-2}_{\mathrm{c,lp}}}.\[ The estimated value of \(\Delta \Sigma\) hence contains a multiplicative bias, \(\Delta \Sigma^{\mathrm{true}} = f_{\mathrm{bias}} \, \langle \hds \rangle\) where, \]f_{\mathrm{bias}} = \frac{\sum\limits_{\mathrm{ls}} \Sigma^{-2}_{\mathrm{c,lp}}}{\sum\limits_{\mathrm{ls}} \Sigma^{-1}_{\mathrm{c,lp}} \, \Sigma^{-1}_{\mathrm{c,ls}}} = \frac{\sum\limits_{\mathrm{ls}} w_{\mathrm{ls}}}{\sum\limits_{\mathrm{ls}} w_{\mathrm{ls}} \, \Sigma_{\mathrm{c,lp}} \, \Sigma^{-1}_{\mathrm{c,ls}}}. \label{eqfbias}\[ This multiplicative correction factor may be estimated at each lens redshift from a representative subset of sources with complete spectroscopic and photometric redshift information, by evaluating the sums in the numerator and denominator of Eq. [\[eqfbias\]](#eqfbias){reference-type="ref" reference="eqfbias"}. An alternative formulation of the photo-\(z\) dilution correction may be derived from the statistical distance distribution of the sources. Provided that the lens distribution is sufficiently narrow, Eq. [\[eqgtdsigbroad\]](#eqgtdsigbroad){reference-type="ref" reference="eqgtdsigbroad"} indicates that an unbiased estimate of \(\Delta\Sigma\) from each lens-source pair is, \]\hds(R) = e_{\mathrm{t}}(R/\chi_{\mathrm{l}}) \, \left[ \overline{\Sigma_{\mathrm{c}}^{-1}}(\chi_{\mathrm{l}}) \right]^{-1},\[ where \(\overline{\Sigma_{\mathrm{c}}^{-1}}\) is evaluated from Eq. [\[eqavesigc\]](#eqavesigc){reference-type="ref" reference="eqavesigc"} using the source distribution \(p_{\mathrm{s}}(\chi)\). This motivates an alternative estimator mirroring Eq. [\[eqdsigest2\]](#eqdsigest2){reference-type="ref" reference="eqdsigest2"}, \]\begin{split} \hds(R) = \frac{\sum\limits_{\mathrm{ls}} w_{\mathrm{l}} \, w_{\mathrm{s}} \, e_{\mathrm{t,ls}}(R/\chi_{\mathrm{l}}) \, \overline{\Sigma^{-1}_{\mathrm{c,ls}}}}{\sum\limits_{\mathrm{rs}} w_{\mathrm{r}} \, w_{\mathrm{s}} \, \left( \overline{\Sigma^{-1}_{\mathrm{c,rs}}} \right)^2} \\- \frac{\sum\limits_{\mathrm{rs}} w_{\mathrm{r}} \, w_{\mathrm{s}} \, e_{\mathrm{t,rs}}(R/\chi_{\mathrm{r}}) \, \overline{\Sigma^{-1}_{\mathrm{c,rs}}}}{\sum\limits_{\mathrm{rs}} w_{\mathrm{r}} \, w_{\mathrm{s}} \, \left( \overline{\Sigma^{-1}_{\mathrm{c,rs}}} \right)^2}. \end{split} \label{eqdsigest3}\[ The accuracy of these potential photo-\(z\) dilution corrections must be assessed via simulations, which we consider in Sect. [7](#secmocktests){reference-type="ref" reference="secmocktests"}. We trialled both point-based and distribution-based correction methods in our analysis.
# Amplitude-ratio test {#secamp}
In this section we construct test statistics which utilise the relative amplitudes of galaxy clustering and galaxy-galaxy lensing to test cosmological models. We first define the input statistics for these tests.
## Projected clustering \(w_{\mathrm{p}}(R)\)
The amplitude of galaxy-galaxy lensing is sensitive to the distribution of matter around lens galaxies, projected along the line-of-sight. We can obtain an analogous projected quantity for lens galaxy clustering by integrating the 3D galaxy auto-correlation function, \(\begin{equation} w_{\mathrm{p}}(R) = \int_{-\infty}^\infty d\Pi \, \end{equation} where\]is the line-of-sight separation. This formulation has the additional feature of reducing sensitivity of the clustering statistics to redshift-space distortions, which modulate the apparent radial separations\[between galaxy pairs. We can estimate\)w\_(R)\(for a galaxy sample by measuring the galaxy correlation function in\)(R,)\(separation bins, and summing over the\]direction in the range\)`<!-- -->`{=html}0 \< \< \_\(: \begin{equation} \hwp(R) = 2 \sum_{{\mathrm{bins}} \; i} \Delta \Pi_i \, \hxi_{\mathrm{gg}}(R,\Pi). \label{eqwpest} \end{equation} \subsection{The Upsilon statistics, \)\Upsilon_{\mathrm{gm}}(R)\( and \)\Upsilon_{\mathrm{gg}}(R)\(} Eq.\ \ref{eqdsigdef} demonstrates that the amplitude of\)(R)\(around lens galaxies depends on the surface density of matter across a range of smaller scales from zero to\)R\(, and hence on the galaxy-matter cross-correlation coefficient at these scales. Given that this cross-correlation is a complex function which is difficult to model from first principles, it is beneficial to reduce this sensitivity to small-scale information using the annular differential surface density statistic, \begin{equation} \begin{split} \Upsilon_{\mathrm{gm}}(R,R_0) &= \Delta\Sigma(R)-\frac{R_0^2}{R^2} \Delta\Sigma(R_0) \\ &= \frac{2}{R^2} \int_{R_0}^R dR' \, R' \, \Sigma(R')-\Sigma(R) + \frac{R_0^2}{R^2} \Sigma(R_0), \end{split} \label{equpsgm} \end{equation} which is defined such that\)\_ = 0\(at some small-scale limit\)R = R_0\(, chosen to be large enough to reduce the main systematic effects (typically,\)R_0\(is somewhat larger than the size scale of dark matter haloes). In this sense, the cumulative effect from the cross-correlation function at scales\)R \< R_0\(is cancelled, although it is not the case that this small-scale suppression translates to Fourier space. In any case, the efficacy of these statistics and choice of the\)R_0\(value must be validated using simulations, as we consider below. The corresponding quantity suppressing the small-scale contribution to the galaxy auto-correlations is, \begin{equation} \begin{split} & \Upsilon_{\mathrm{gg}}(R,R_0) = \rho_{\mathrm{c}} \\ & \left[ \frac{2}{R^2} \int_{R_0}^R dR' \, R' \, w_{\mathrm{p}}(R')- w_{\mathrm{p}}(R) + \frac{R_0^2}{R^2} \, w_{\mathrm{p}}(R_0) \right], \end{split} \label{equpsgg} \end{equation} where\)\_\(is the critical matter density. We note that if\)w\_\(is defined as a step-wise function in bins\)R_i\((with bin limits\)R\_i,\(and\)R\_i,\() then Eq.\ \ref{equpsgg} may be written in the useful form, \begin{equation} \Upsilon_{\mathrm{gg}}(R,R_0) = \frac{\rho_{\mathrm{c}}}{R^2} \sum_{i=j}^k C_i \, w_{\mathrm{p}}(R_i), \label{equpsgg2} \end{equation} where\)(k,j)\(are the bins containing\)(R,R_0)\(, and \begin{equation} C_i = \begin{cases} R_{i,\mathrm{max}}^2 & i = j \\ R_{i,\mathrm{max}}^2-R_{i,\mathrm{min}}^2 & j < i < k \\-R_{i,\mathrm{min}}^2 & i = k \end{cases} \end{equation} For convenience we chose\)R_0\(to coincide with the centre of a separation bin, such that we could use the direct measurements of\)(R_0)\(and\)w\_(R_0)\(in Eqs.\ \ref{equpsgm} and \ref{equpsgg} without interpolation between bins (we will show below that our results are not sensitive to the choice of\)R_0\(). \subsection{The \)E_{\mathrm{G}}\( test statistic} \label{seceg} The relative amplitudes of weak gravitational lensing and the rate of assembly of large-scale structure depend on the `gravitational slip' or difference between the two space-time metric potentials. This signature is absent in general relativity but may be significant in modified gravity scenarios. proposed that these amplitudes might be compared by connecting the velocity field and lensing signal generated by a given set of matter overdensities, probed via redshift-space distortions and galaxy-galaxy lensing, respectively. implemented this consistency test by constructing the statistic, \begin{equation} E_{\mathrm{G}}(R) = \frac{1}{\beta} \, \frac{\Upsilon_{\mathrm{gm}}(R,R_0)}{\Upsilon_{\mathrm{gg}}(R,R_0)} , \label{eqeg} \end{equation} where\)= f/b\_\(is the redshift-space distortion parameter which governs the observed dependence of the strength of galaxy clustering on the angle to the line-of-sight, in terms of the linear growth rate of a perturbation,\)f = d/d\(. Eq.\ \ref{eqeg} is independent of the linear galaxy bias\)b\_\(and the amplitude of matter clustering\)\_8\(, given that\)/b\_\(,\)\_ b\_ \_8\^2\(and\)\_ b\_\^2 \_8\^2\(. The prediction of linear perturbation theory for general relativity in a\[CDM Universe is a scale-independent value\)E\_(z) = \_(z=0)/f(z)\(, although see for a detailed discussion of this approxmation. \section{Covariance of estimators} \label{seccov} In this section we present analytical formulations in the Gaussian approximation for the covariance of estimates of\)\_()\(and\)(R)\(, and model how this covariance is modulated by the presence of a survey mask (that is, by edge effects). Our covariance determination hence neglects non-Gaussian and super-sample variance components. This is a reasonable approximation in the context of the current analysis as these terms are subdominant (we refer the reader to Joachimi et al.\ (in prep.) for more details on the relative amplitude of the different covariance terms in the context of KiDS-1000). \subsection{Covariance of average tangential shear} \label{seccovgt} In Appendix \ref{seccovgtap} we derive the covariance of\)\_\(averaged within angular bins\)\_m\(and\)\_n\(: \begin{equation} \mathrm{Cov}[\gamma_{\mathrm{t}}^{ij}(\theta_m),\gamma_{\mathrm{t}}^{kl}(\theta_n)] = \frac{1}{\Omega} \int \frac{d\ell \, \ell}{2\mathrm{\pi}} \, \sigma^2(\ell) \, \overline{J_{2,m}}(\ell) \, \overline{J_{2,n}}(\ell), \label{eqgtcov} \end{equation} where\)\_\^ij\(denotes the average tangential shear of source sample\)j\(around lens sample\)i\(,\]is the total survey angular area in steradians, and\)() = \_\_1,n\^\_2,n J_2()\(, where the integral is between the bin limits\)\_1\(and\)\_2\(and\)\_n\(is angular area of bin\)n\((i.e.\ the area of the annulus between the bin limits). The variance\)\^2()\(is given by the expression for Gaussian random fields, \begin{equation} \sigma^2(\ell) = C_{\mathrm{g\kappa}}^{il}(\ell) \, C_{\mathrm{g\kappa}}^{kj}(\ell) + \left[ C_{\mathrm{\kappa\kappa}}^{jl}(\ell) + N_{\mathrm{\kappa\kappa}}^j \delta^{\mathrm{K}}_{jl} \right] \, \left[ C_{\mathrm{gg}}^{ik}(\ell) + N_{\mathrm{gg}}^i \delta^{\mathrm{K}}_{ik} \right], \label{eqgtvar} \end{equation} where\)\^\_ij\(is the Kronecker delta. The angular auto-and cross-power spectra appearing in Eq.\ \ref{eqgtvar} may be evaluated using the expressions in Sect.\ \ref{sectheory}, and the noise terms are\)N\_\^i = \_\^2/\_\^i\(and\)N\_\^i = 1/\_\^i\(, where\)\_\(is the shape noise and\)\_\^i\(and\)\_\^i\(are the angular lens and source densities of sample\)i\(in units of per steradian. \subsection{Covariance of projected mass density} \label{seccovdsig} The covariance of\[may be deduced from the covariance of\)\_\(using\)(R) = \_() / \(, and by scaling angular separations to projected separations at an effective lens distance\)\_\(using\)= R/\_\(. We can map multipoles\]to the projected wavevector\)k = /\_\(such that, \begin{equation} \mathrm{Cov}[\Delta \Sigma^{ij}(R), \Delta \Sigma^{kl}(R')] = \frac{1}{\Omega} \int \frac{dk \, k}{2\mathrm{\pi}} \, \sigma^2(k) \, \overline{J_2}(k R) \, \overline{J_2}(k R'), \label{eqdsigcov} \end{equation} where we now express the variance in terms of projected power spectra, \begin{equation} \sigma^2(k) = P^{il}_{\mathrm{g\kappa}}(k) \, P^{kj}_{\mathrm{g\kappa}}(k) + \left[ P^{jl}_{\mathrm{\kappa\kappa}}(k) + N^j_{\mathrm{\kappa\kappa}} \delta^{\mathrm{K}}_{jl} \right] \left[ P^{ik}_{\mathrm{gg}}(k) + N^i_{\mathrm{gg}} \delta^{\mathrm{K}}_{ik} \right]. \end{equation} The power spectra are given by the following relations: \begin{equation} P_{\mathrm{g\kappa}}(k) = \frac{\chi_{\mathrm{l}}^2 \, C_{\mathrm{g\kappa}}(k\chi_{\mathrm{l}})}{\left[\overline{\Sigma_{\mathrm{c}}^{-1}}(\chi_{\mathrm{l}})\right]^2} \approx \overline{\rho_{\mathrm{m}}} \int d\chi \, p_{\mathrm{l}}(\chi) \, P_{\mathrm{gm}}(k,\chi), \end{equation} \begin{equation} \begin{split} & P_{\mathrm{\kappa\kappa}}(k) = \chi_{\mathrm{l}}^2 \, C_{\mathrm{\kappa\kappa}}(k\chi_{\mathrm{l}}) \\ & = \chi_{\mathrm{l}}^2 \, \overline{\rho_{\mathrm{m}}}^2 \int d\chi \, \left[ \frac{\overline{\Sigma_{\mathrm{c},1}^{-1}}(\chi) \, \overline{\Sigma_{\mathrm{c},2}^{-1}}(\chi)}{\overline{\Sigma_{\mathrm{c},1}^{-1}}(\chi_{\mathrm{l}}) \, \overline{\Sigma_{\mathrm{c},2}^{-1}}(\chi_{\mathrm{l}})} \right] \left( \frac{\chi_{\mathrm{l}}^2}{\chi^2} \right) \, P_{\mathrm{mm}} \left( \frac{k \, \chi_{\mathrm{l}}}{\chi},\chi \right), \end{split} \end{equation} \begin{equation} P_{\mathrm{gg}}(k) = \chi_{\mathrm{l}}^2 C_{\mathrm{gg}}(k\chi_{\mathrm{l}}) \approx \int d\chi \, p_1(\chi) \, p_2(\chi) \, P_{\mathrm{gg}}(k,\chi), \end{equation} and the noise terms are, \begin{equation} N_{\mathrm{\kappa\kappa}} = \frac{\sigma_{\mathrm{e}}^2 \, \chi_{\mathrm{l}}^2}{\overline{n}_{\mathrm{s}} \, \left[ \overline{\Sigma_{\mathrm{c}}^{-1}}(\chi_{\mathrm{l}}) \right]^2}, \; \; \; N_{\mathrm{gg}} = \frac{\chi_{\mathrm{l}}^2}{\overline{n}_{\mathrm{l}}}. \end{equation} \subsection{Covariance of remaining statistics} The expression for the analytical covariance of\)w\_(R)\(may be derived as, \begin{equation} \begin{split} &\mathrm{Cov}[w_{\mathrm{p}}(R), w_{\mathrm{p}}(R')] = \\ &\frac{2 L_\parallel \Pi_{\mathrm{max}}}{\Omega} \int \frac{dk \, k}{2\mathrm{\pi}} \, \sigma^2(k) \, J_0(k R) \, J_0(k R'), \end{split} \end{equation} where\)L\_\(is the total co-moving depth of the lens redshift slice and the expression for the variance is, \begin{equation} \sigma^2(k) = \left[ P_{\mathrm{gg}}(k) + N_{\mathrm{gg}} \right]^2, \end{equation} where\)P\_(k)\(and\)N\_\(are the 2D projected power spectra and noise as defined in Sect.\ \ref{seccovdsig}. We determined the analytical covariance of\)\_(R,R_0)\(from the covariance of\)(R)\(: \begin{equation} \begin{split} & \mathrm{Cov}[\Upsilon_{\mathrm{gm}}(R,R_0), \Upsilon_{\mathrm{gm}}(R',R_0)] = \mathrm{Cov}[\Delta\Sigma(R), \Delta\Sigma(R')] \\ &-\frac{R_0^2}{R'^2} \mathrm{Cov}[\Delta\Sigma(R), \Delta\Sigma(R_0) ]- \frac{R_0^2}{R^2} \mathrm{Cov}[\Delta\Sigma(R'), \Delta\Sigma(R_0) ] \\ &+ \frac{R_0^4}{R^2 R'^2} \mathrm{Var}[\Delta\Sigma(R_0)]. \end{split} \label{equpsgmcov} \end{equation} For the case of\)\_(R,R_0)\(, we propagated the covariance using Eq.\ \ref{equpsgg2}: \begin{equation} \begin{split} &\mathrm{Cov}[\Upsilon_{\mathrm{gg}}(R,R_0), \Upsilon_{\mathrm{gg}}(R',R_0)] = \\ &\frac{\rho_{\mathrm{c}}^2}{R^2 \, R'^2} \sum_i \sum_j C_i \, C_j \, \mathrm{Cov}[w_{\mathrm{p}}(R_i), w_{\mathrm{p}}(R_j)]. \end{split} \label{equpsggcov} \end{equation} We evaluated the covariance of the\)E\_\(statistic, where required, by assuming small fluctuations in the variables in Eq.\ \ref{eqeg} with respect to their mean, neglecting any correlations between the measurements: \begin{equation} \begin{split} &\frac{\mathrm{Cov}[E_{\mathrm{G}}(R) \, E_{\mathrm{G}}(R')]}{E_{\mathrm{G}}(R) \, E_{\mathrm{G}}(R')} = \frac{\mathrm{Cov}[\Upsilon_{\mathrm{gm}}(R,R_0),\Upsilon_{\mathrm{gm}}(R',R_0)]}{\Upsilon_{\mathrm{gm}}(R,R_0) \, \Upsilon_{\mathrm{gm}}(R',R_0)} \\ &+ \frac{\mathrm{Cov}[\Upsilon_{\mathrm{gg}}(R,R_0), \Upsilon_{\mathrm{gg}}(R',R_0)]}{\Upsilon_{\mathrm{gg}}(R,R_0) \, \Upsilon_{\mathrm{gg}}(R',R_0)} + \frac{\sigma_\beta^2}{\beta^2}, \end{split} \label{eqegcov} \end{equation} where\)\_\(is the error in the measurement of\[. This neglect of correlations is an approximation, justified in the case of our dataset by the fact that the sky area used for the galaxy clustering measurement is substantially different to the sub-sample used for galaxy-galaxy lensing (see Joachimi et al.\ (in prep.) for a detailed justification of this approximation), and that the projected lens clustering measurement (\)\_\() is largely insensitive to redshift-space distortions (\]) owing to the projection over the line-of-sight separations. We note that in our fiducial fitting approach, we determined the scale-independent statistic\)E_G \(through direct fits to\)\_\(and\)\_\(as discussed in Sect.\ \ref{secdatatests}, without requiring the covariance of\)E_G(R)\(. \subsection{Modification of noise term} We can replace the noise terms in Sects.\ \ref{seccovgt} and \ref{seccovdsig} with a more accurate computation using the survey source and lens distributions. Neglecting the random lens term (which is not important on the small scales for which the noise term is significant), we find that the variance associated with the\)\_\(estimator in Eq.\ \ref{eqgtest} is, \begin{equation} \mathrm{Var}[\gamma_{\mathrm{t}}(\theta)] = \frac{\sum\limits_{\mathrm{ls}} w_{\mathrm{l}}^2 \, w_{\mathrm{s}}^2 \, \sigma_{\mathrm{e}}^2}{\left( \sum\limits_{\mathrm{rs}} w_{\mathrm{r}} \, w_{\mathrm{s}} \right)^2}. \end{equation} Likewise, the variance associated with the\[estimator in Eq.\ \ref{eqdsigest1} is, \begin{equation} \mathrm{Var}[\Delta\Sigma(R)] = \frac{\sum\limits_{\mathrm{ls}} w_{\mathrm{l}}^2 \, w_{\mathrm{s}}^2 \, w_{\mathrm{ls}}^2 \, \sigma_{\mathrm{e}}^2 \left( \Sigma_{\mathrm{c,ls}} \right)^2}{\left( \sum\limits_{\mathrm{rs}} w_{\mathrm{r}} \, w_{\mathrm{s}} \, w_{\mathrm{rs}} \right)^2}. \end{equation} We adopted these noise terms in our covariance model. \subsection{Modification for survey window} Eqs.\ \ref{eqgtcov} and \ref{eqdsigcov} for the analytical covariance are modified by the survey window function. We can intuitively understand the need for this modification by considering that, whilst Fourier transforms assume periodic boundary conditions, the boundaries of the survey restrict the number of source-lens pairs on scales that are a significant fraction of the survey dimensions. In Appendix \ref{seccovwinap} we derive how the covariance of a cross-correlation function\) modified by the window function of the fields, \(W_1(\vx)\) and \(W_2(\vx)\). We find, \]\begin{split} & \mathrm{Cov}[ A_2(s)} \\ & \frac{1}{2\mathrm{\pi}} \int dk \, k \, \left[ P_{11}(k) \, P_{22}(k) + P^2_{12}(k) \right] \, J_0(kr) \, J_0(ks) , \end{split}\[ where \(P_{11}\), \(P_{22}\) and \(P_{12}\) are the auto-and cross-power spectra of the fields and the pre-factors are given by, \]\begin{split} A_2(r) &= \int_{\mathrm{bin} \, r} d^3\vr \int d^2\vx \, W_1(\vx) \, W_2(\vx+\vr) \\ A_3(r,s) &= \int_{\mathrm{bin} \, r} d^3\vr \int_{\mathrm{bin} \, s} d^3\vs \int d^2\vx \, A_{12}(\vx,\vr) \, A_{12}(\vx,\vs), \end{split}\[ where the integrals over \(\vr\) and \(\vs\) are performed within the separation bin, and we have written \(A_{12}(\vx,\vr) = W_1(\vx) \, W_2(\vx+\vr)\). We hence approximated the dependence of the covariance on the survey window by replacing the survey area in Eqs. [\[eqgtcov\]](#eqgtcov){reference-type="ref" reference="eqgtcov"} and [\[eqdsigcov\]](#eqdsigcov){reference-type="ref" reference="eqdsigcov"} by the expression \(A_2(r) \, A_2(s) / A_3(r,s)\). We calculated the terms \(A_2\) and \(A_3\) using the mean and covariance of the pair count \(R_{\mathrm{s}}R_{\mathrm{l}}(r)\) between random source and lens realisations, which have respective densities \(\overline{n}_{\mathrm{s}}\) and \(\overline{n}_{\mathrm{l}}\). The mean pair count in a separation bin at scale \(r\) (between \(r_1\) and \(r_2\)), containing bin area \(A_{\mathrm{bin}}(r) = \mathrm{\pi} (r_2^2-r_1^2)\), is \]\langle R_{\mathrm{s}}R_{\mathrm{l}}(r) \rangle = \overline{n}_{\mathrm{s}} \, \overline{n}_{\mathrm{l}} \, A_{\mathrm{bin}}(r) \, A_2(r),\[ which allows us to find \(A_2(r)\), given that the other variables are known. The covariance of the pair count between separation bins \(r\) and \(s\) is, \]\begin{split} & \mathrm{Cov}[ R_{\mathrm{s}}R_{\mathrm{l}}(r), R_{\mathrm{s}}R_{\mathrm{l}}(s) ] = \\ & \overline{n}_{\mathrm{s}} \, \overline{n}_{\mathrm{l}} \, A_{\mathrm{bin}}(r) \left[ A_2(r) \, \delta^K_{rs} + \left( \overline{n}_{\mathrm{s}} + \overline{n}_{\mathrm{l}} \right) A_{\mathrm{bin}}(s) \, A_3(r,s) \right], \end{split}\[ which allows us to determine \(A_3(r,s)\). For all the source-lens configurations and separation bins considered in this study, we find that the area correction factor differs from 1.0 by less than \(10\%\).
## Propagation of errors in multiplicative corrections {#seccovprop}
Galaxy-galaxy lensing measurements are subject to multiplicative correction factors arising from shape measurement calibration (see Sect. [5.1](#secdatakids){reference-type="ref" reference="secdatakids"}) and, in the case of \(\Delta\Sigma\), owing to photometric redshift dilution (see Sect. [3.3](#secphotoz){reference-type="ref" reference="secphotoz"}). We propagated the uncertainties in these correction factors, which are correlated between different source and lens samples, into the analytical covariance of the measurements. Taking \(\Delta\Sigma\) as an example and writing a general amplitude correction factor as \(\alpha\), the relation between the corrected and analytical statistics (denoted by the superscripts 'corr' and 'ana', respectively) is, \]\Delta\Sigma^{\mathrm{corr}}_{ijk} = \frac{\alpha_{ij} \, \Delta\Sigma^{\mathrm{ana}}_{ijk}}{\langle \alpha_{ij} \rangle},\[ which is normalised such that \(\langle \Delta\Sigma^{\mathrm{corr}}_{ijk} \rangle = \Delta\Sigma^{\mathrm{ana}}_{ijk}\), where \(i\) denotes the lens sample, \(j\) the source sample and \(k\) the separation bin. We hence find, \]\begin{split} \mathrm{Cov}[ \Delta\Sigma^{\mathrm{corr}}_{ijk}, \Delta\Sigma^{\mathrm{corr}}_{lmn} ] &= \mathrm{Cov}[ \Delta\Sigma^{\mathrm{ana}}_{ijk}, \Delta\Sigma^{\mathrm{ana}}_{lmn} ] \left( 1 + C_{ij,lm} \right) \\ &+ \langle \Delta\Sigma^{\mathrm{ana}}_{ijk} \rangle \langle \Delta\Sigma^{\mathrm{ana}}_{lmn} \rangle \, C_{ij,lm}, \end{split} \label{eqcovprop}\[ where, \]C_{ij,lm} = \frac{\langle \alpha_{ij} \alpha_{lm} \rangle-\langle \alpha_{ij} \rangle \langle \alpha_{lm} \rangle}{\langle \alpha_{ij} \rangle \langle \alpha_{lm} \rangle} = \frac{\mathrm{Cov}[ \alpha_{ij}, \alpha_{lm}]}{\langle \alpha_{ij} \rangle \langle \alpha_{lm} \rangle}. \label{eqcovprop2}\[ We describe our specific implementation of these equations in the case of the KiDS dataset in Sect. [8](#secdatatests){reference-type="ref" reference="secdatatests"}.
# Data {#secdata}
## KiDS-1000 {#secdatakids}
The Kilo-Degree Survey is a large optical wide-field imaging survey optimised for weak gravitational lensing analysis, performed with the OmegaCAM camera on the VLT Survey Telescope at the European Southern Observatory's Paranal Observatory. The survey covers two regions of sky each containing several hundred square degrees, KiDS-North and KiDS-South, in four filters \((u,g,r,i)\). The companion VISTA-VIKING survey has provided complementary imaging in near-infrared bands \((Z,Y,J,H,K_{\mathrm{s}})\), resulting in a deep, wide, nine-band imaging dataset. Our study is based on the fourth public data release of the project, KiDS-1000, which comprises \(1 \, 006\) deg\(^2\) of multi-band data, more than doubling the previously-available coverage. We used an early-science release of the KiDS-1000 shear catalogues, which was created using the exact pipeline version and PSF modelling strategy implemented in for the KiDS-450 release. We note that these catalogues have not undergone any rigorous assessment for the presence of cosmic shear systematics, but they are sufficient for the galaxy-galaxy lensing science presented in this paper, as this is less susceptible to systematic errors in the lensing catalogues. The raw pixel data was processed by the `THELI` and `ASTRO_WISE` pipelines, and source ellipticities were measured using `lensfit`, assigning an optimal weight for each source, and calibrated by a large suite of image simulations. Photometric redshifts \(z_{\mathrm{B}}\) were determined from the nine-band imaging for each source using the Bayesian code `BPZ`, calibrated using spectroscopic sub-samples, and used to divide the sources into tomographic bins according to the value of \(z_{\mathrm{B}}\).
The Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey is the largest existing galaxy redshift survey, which was performed using the Sloan Telescope between 2009 and 2014. BOSS mapped the distribution of \(1.5\) million Luminous Red Galaxies (LRGs) and quasars across \(\sim 10 \, 000\) deg\(^2\), inspiring a series of cosmological analyses including the most accurate existing measurements of baryon acoustic oscillations and redshift-space distortions in the galaxy clustering pattern. The final (Data Release 12) large-scale structure catalogues are described by; we used the combined LOWZ and CMASS LRG samples in our study.[^2]
## 2dFLenS
The 2-degree Field Lensing Survey is a galaxy redshift survey performed at the Australian Astronomical Observatory in 2014-2015 using the 2-degree Field spectroscopic instrument, with the goal of extending spectroscopic-redshift coverage of gravitational lensing surveys in the southern sky, particularly the KiDS-South region. The 2dFLenS sample covers an area of 731 deg\(^2\) and includes redshifts for \(40 \, 531\) LRGs in the redshift range \(z < 0.9\), selected by applying BOSS-inspired colour-magnitude cuts to the VST-ATLAS imaging data.[^3] The 2dFLenS dataset has already been utilised in conjunction with the KiDS-450 lensing catalogues to perform a previous implementation of the amplitude-ratio test, a combined cosmological analysis of cosmic shear tomography, galaxy-galaxy lensing and galaxy multipole power spectra and to determine photometric redshift calibration by cross-correlation. In our study we utilised the 2dFLenS LRG sample which overlapped with the KiDS-1000 pointings in the southern region. Fig. [\[figoverlap\]](#figoverlap){reference-type="ref" reference="figoverlap"} illustrates the overlaps of the KiDS-1000 source catalogues in the north and south survey regions with the BOSS and 2dFLenS LRG catalogues.
# Mocks {#secmocks}
We used the `MICECATv2.0` simulation to produce representative KiDS lensing source catalogues and LRG lens catalogues for testing the estimators, models and covariances described above. The Marenostrum Institut de Ciencias de l'Espai (MICE) catalogues cover an octant of the sky (\(0 < \mathrm{RA} < 90^\circ\), \(0 < \mathrm{Dec} < 90^\circ\)) for redshift range \(z < 1.4\). We used boundaries at constant RA and Dec to divide this area into 10 sub-samples, each of area 516 deg\(^2\). The fiducial set of cosmological parameters for the mock is \(\Omega_{\mathrm{m}} = 0.25\), \(h = 0.7\), \(\Omega_{\mathrm{b}} = 0.044\), \(\sigma_8 = 0.8\) and \(n_{\mathrm{s}} = 0.95\).
## Mock source catalogue
We constructed the representative mock source catalogue by applying the following steps (see van den Busch et al. (in prep.) for a full description of the MICE KiDS source mocks). The MICE catalogue is non-uniform across the octant: the region \(\mathrm{Dec} < 30^\circ\) AND \[(\(\mathrm{RA} < 30^\circ\)) OR (\(\mathrm{RA} > 60^\circ\))\] has a shallower redshift distribution than the remainder. Firstly, we homogenised the catalogue with the cut \({\tt des\_asahi\_full\_i\_true} < 24\), such that we could construct mocks using the complete octant. The MICE catalogue shears \((\gamma_1, \gamma_2)\) are defined by the position angle relative to the declination axis. Given the MICE system for mapping 3D positions to (RA, Dec) co-ordinates, the KiDS conventions can be recovered by the following transformations: \(\mathrm{RA} \rightarrow 90^\circ-\mathrm{RA}\), \(\gamma_1 \rightarrow-\gamma_1\) (\(\gamma_2\) is effectively negated twice and therefore unchanged). We constructed a KiDS-like photometric realisation based on the galaxy sizes and shapes, median KiDS seeing and limiting magnitudes, including photometric noise (see van den Busch et al. in prep.). We ran BPZ photometric redshift estimation on the mock source magnitudes and sizes, assigning \(z_{\mathrm{B}}\) values for each object. We used a KDTree algorithm to assign weights to the mock sources on the basis of a nearest-neighbour match to the data catalogue in magnitude space, and randomly sub-sampled the catalogue to match the KV450 effective source density. We produced noisy shear components \((e_1, e_2)\) as \(e = (\gamma + n)/(1 + n \gamma^*)\) where \(\gamma = \gamma_1 + \gamma_2 \, \mathrm{i}\), \(e = e_1 + e_2 \, \mathrm{i}\) and \(n = n_1 + n_2 \, \mathrm{i}\), where \(n_1\) and \(n_2\) are drawn from Gaussian distributions with standard deviation \(\sigma_{\mathrm{e}} = 0.288\). The redshift distribution estimates of the KiDS data and MICE mock source tomographic samples are displayed in the left panel of Fig. [\[fignzmock\]](#fignzmock){reference-type="ref" reference="fignzmock"}, illustrating the reasonable match between the two catalogues.
## Mock lens catalogue
We constructed the representative mock LRG lens catalogue from the MICE simulation as follows. We used the galaxy magnitudes `sdss_g_true`, `sdss_r_true`, `sdss_i_true` and first applied the MICE evolution correction to these magnitudes as a function of redshift, \(m \rightarrow m-0.8*[\mathrm{arctan}(1.5*z)- 0.1489]\). We then constructed the LRG lens catalogues using the BOSS LOWZ and CMASS colour cuts in terms of the variables, \]\begin{split} & c_\parallel = 0.7 \, (g-r) + 1.2 \, (r-i-0.18), \\ & c_\perp = (r-i)-(g-r)/4-0.18, \\ & d_\perp = (r-i)-(g-r)/8. \end{split}\[ Applying the original BOSS colour-magnitude selection cuts to the MICE mock did not reproduce the BOSS redshift distribution (which is unsurprising, since this mock has not been tuned to do so; the BOSS data is also selected from noisy observed magnitudes). Our approach to resolve this issue, following, was to vary the colour and magnitude selection cuts to minimise the deviation between the mock and data redshift distributions. We applied the following LOWZ selection cuts (where we indicate our changed values in bold font, and the previous values immediately following in square brackets): \]\begin{split} & 16.0 < r < \mathbf{20.0} [19.6], \\ & r < \mathbf{13.35} [13.5] + c_\parallel/0.3, \\ & |c_\perp| < 0.2. \end{split}\[ We applied the following CMASS selection cuts: \]\begin{split} & 17.5 < i < \mathbf{20.06} [19.9], \\ & r-i < 2, \\ & d_\perp > 0.55, \\ & i < \mathbf{19.98} [19.86] + 1.6 \, (d_\perp-0.8). \end{split}\[ The resulting redshift distributions of the MICE lens mock (original, and after adjustment of the colour selection cuts) and the BOSS data are shown in the right panel of Fig. [\[fignzmock\]](#fignzmock){reference-type="ref" reference="fignzmock"}, illustrating that our modified selection produced a much-improved representation of the BOSS dataset. The clustering amplitude of the MICE LRG mock catalogues was consistent with a galaxy bias factor \(b \approx 2\), although did not precisely match the clustering of the BOSS dataset, since it was not tuned to do so. However, these representative catalogues nonetheless allowed us to test our analysis procedures.
# Simulation tests {#secmocktests}
In this section we analyse the representative source and lens catalogues constructed from the MICE mocks described in Sect. [6](#secmocks){reference-type="ref" reference="secmocks"}. Our specific goals are to:
- Test that the non-linear galaxy bias model specified in Sect. [\[secbias\]](#secbias){reference-type="ref" reference="secbias"} is adequate for modelling the galaxy-galaxy lensing and clustering statistics across the relevant scales.
- Test that the approaches to the photo-\(z\) dilution correction of \(\Delta\Sigma\) described in Sect. [3.3](#secphotoz){reference-type="ref" reference="secphotoz"} recovered results consistent with those obtained using source spectroscopic redshifts.
- Use the multiple mock realisations and jack-knife techniques to test that the covariance of the estimated statistics is consistent with the analytical Gaussian covariance specified in Sect. [\[seccov\]](#seccov){reference-type="ref" reference="seccov"}.
- Test that the \(E_{\mathrm{G}}\) test statistics constructed from the mock as described in Sect. [\[seceg\]](#seceg){reference-type="ref" reference="seceg"} are consistent with the theoretical expectation, and determine the degree to which this result depends on the choice of the small-scale cut-off parameter \(R_0\) (see Eq. [\[equpsgm\]](#equpsgm){reference-type="ref" reference="equpsgm"}).
- Test that, given our galaxy bias model, the galaxy-galaxy lensing and clustering statistics may be jointly described by a normalisation parameter \(\sigma_8\) that is consistent with the mock fiducial cosmology, and use this test to assess the relative precision of angular and projected estimators.
Consistent with our subsequent data analysis, we divided the source catalogues into five different tomographic samples by the value of the BPZ photometric redshift, with divisions \(z_{\mathrm{B}} = [0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9, 1.2]\). We divided the lens catalogue into five slices of spectroscopic redshift \(z_{\mathrm{l}}\) of width \(\Delta z_{\mathrm{l}} = 0.1\) in the range \(0.2 < z_{\mathrm{l}} < 0.7\). This narrow spectroscopic slicing minimises systematic effects due to redshift evolution across the lens slice.
## Measurements {#secmicemeas}
We measured the following three statistics, which form the fundamental set of measurements from which the associated statistics are derived. Firstly, we measured the average tangential shear \(\gamma_{\mathrm{t}}(\theta)\) between all tomographic pairs of source and lens samples, in 15 logarithmically-spaced angular bins in the range \(0.005^\circ < \theta < 5^\circ\), using the estimator of Eq. [\[eqgtest\]](#eqgtest){reference-type="ref" reference="eqgtest"}. This measurement is displayed in Fig. [\[figgttom\]](#figgttom){reference-type="ref" reference="figgttom"} as the mean of the 10 individual mock realisations (which each have area 516 deg\(^2\)), for each of the five source samples against the five lens redshift slices. Secondly, we measured the projected mass density \(\Delta\Sigma(R)\) between all tomographic pairs of source and lens samples, in 15 logarithmically-spaced projected separation bins in the range \(0.1 < R < 100 \, h^{-1}\) Mpc. The mock mean measurement is displayed in Fig. [\[figdsigtom\]](#figdsigtom){reference-type="ref" reference="figdsigtom"} in units of \(h \, M_\odot\) pc\(^{-2}\), for each of the five source samples against the five lens redshift slices. When performing a \(\Delta\Sigma\) measurement between source and lens samples we only included individual source-lens galaxy pairs with \(z_{\mathrm{B}} > z_{\mathrm{l}}\), for which the source photometric redshift lies behind the lens spectroscopic redshift (adopting an alternative cut \(z_{\mathrm{B}} > z_{\mathrm{l}} + 0.1\) did not change the results significantly). We applied the photo-\(z\) dilution correction \(f_{\mathrm{bias}}\) computed using Eq. [\[eqfbias\]](#eqfbias){reference-type="ref" reference="eqfbias"} based on the point photo-\(z\) values, and we study the efficacy of this correction in Sect. [7.2](#secmicephotoz){reference-type="ref" reference="secmicephotoz"} below. Thirdly, we measured the projected clustering \(w_{\mathrm{p}}(R)\) of the lens samples in the same projected separation bins as above, using the estimator of Eq. [\[eqwpest\]](#eqwpest){reference-type="ref" reference="eqwpest"} with \(\Pi_{\mathrm{max}} = 100 \, h^{-1}\) Mpc. The mock mean measurement of \(w_{\mathrm{p}}(R)\) is displayed as the third row of Fig. [\[figstatmice\]](#figstatmice){reference-type="ref" reference="figstatmice"}, for each of the five redshift slices. Each of these measurements will be compared with cosmological model predictions as described in the subsections below. We computed the covariance matrix for each statistic using the analytical Gaussian covariance specified in Sect. [\[seccov\]](#seccov){reference-type="ref" reference="seccov"}, where we initially used a fiducial lens linear bias factor \(b_{\mathrm{L}} = 1.8\), and iterated this value following a preliminary fit to the projected lens clustering. Fig. [\[figdelsigerrmice\]](#figdelsigerrmice){reference-type="ref" reference="figdelsigerrmice"} compares three different determinations of the error in \(\Delta\Sigma(R)\) for each individual 516 deg\(^2\) realisation of the MICE mocks: using the analytical covariance, using a jack-knife analysis, and derived from the standard deviation of the 10 realisations. For the jack-knife analysis, we divided the sample into \(7 \times 7\) angular regions using constant boundaries in \(\mathrm{RA}\) and \(\mathrm{Dec}\), such that each region contained the same angular area \(10.5\) deg\(^2\). In Fig. [\[figdelsigerrmice\]](#figdelsigerrmice){reference-type="ref" reference="figdelsigerrmice"} we display the comparison as a ratio between the jack-knife or realisations error, and the analytical error. We find that in the range \(R > 1 \, h^{-1}\) Mpc, where the model provides a reasonable description of the measurements, the average (fractional) absolute difference between the analytical and jack-knife errors is \(15\%\), and between the analytical and realisation scatter is \(21\%\) (which is the expected level of difference given the error in the variance for 10 realisations). Small differences between these error estimates may arise due to the Gaussian approximation in the analytical covariance, the exact details of the survey modelling, or the scale of the jack-knife regions. Fig. [\[figdelsigcovfullmice\]](#figdelsigcovfullmice){reference-type="ref" reference="figdelsigcovfullmice"} displays the full analytical covariance matrix of \(\Delta\Sigma(R)\)--spanning five lens redshift slices, five source tomographic samples and 15 bins of scale--as a correlation matrix with \(375 \times 375\) entries. We note that there are significant off-diagonal correlations between measurements utilising the same lens or source sample, and between different scales. The covariance matrix is reduced in dimension if source-lens sample pairs with \(z_{\mathrm{B}} < z_{\mathrm{l}}\) are excluded, as illustrated by the missing panels in Figs. [\[figdsigtom\]](#figdsigtom){reference-type="ref" reference="figdsigtom"}. We combined the correlated \(\Delta\Sigma\) measurements for each individual lens redshift slice, averaging over the five different source tomographic samples, using the procedure described in Appendix [\[seccombap\]](#seccombap){reference-type="ref" reference="seccombap"}. The resulting combined \(\Delta\Sigma\) measurement for each lens redshift sample (again corresponding to a mock mean) is shown as the first row in Fig. [\[figstatmice\]](#figstatmice){reference-type="ref" reference="figstatmice"}. We then used the \(\Delta\Sigma(R)\) and \(w_{\mathrm{p}}(R)\) measurements to infer the Upsilon statistics, \(\Upsilon_{\mathrm{gm}}(R,R_0)\) and \(\Upsilon_{\mathrm{gg}}(R,R_0)\), using Eqs. [\[equpsgm\]](#equpsgm){reference-type="ref" reference="equpsgm"} and [\[equpsgg\]](#equpsgg){reference-type="ref" reference="equpsgg"} respectively, adopting a fiducial value \(R_0 = 2 \, h^{-1}\) Mpc (we consider the effect of varying this choice below). These measurements are shown in the second and fourth rows of Fig. [\[figstatmice\]](#figstatmice){reference-type="ref" reference="figstatmice"}. We determined the covariance of \(\Upsilon_{\mathrm{gm}}(R,R_0)\) and \(\Upsilon_{\mathrm{gg}}(R,R_0)\) using error propagation following Eqs. [\[equpsgmcov\]](#equpsgmcov){reference-type="ref" reference="equpsgmcov"} and [\[equpsggcov\]](#equpsggcov){reference-type="ref" reference="equpsggcov"}, respectively. Finally, we determined the \(E_{\mathrm{G}}(R)\) statistic for each lens redshift slice using Eq. [\[eqeg\]](#eqeg){reference-type="ref" reference="eqeg"} where, for the purposes of these tests focussed on galaxy-galaxy lensing, we assumed a fixed input value for the redshift-space distortion parameter \(\beta = f(z)/b_{\mathrm{L}}(z)\), where we evaluated \(f(z) = \Omega_{\mathrm{m}}(z)^{0.55}\) using the fiducial cosmology of the MICE simulation--we note that the exponent \(0.55\) is an excellent approximation to the solution of the differential growth equation in \(\Lambda\)CDM cosmologies --and \(b_{\mathrm{L}}(z)\) is the best-fitting linear bias parameter to the \(\Upsilon_{\mathrm{gg}}\) measurements for each lens redshift slice \(z\). Hence, systematic errors associated with redshift-space distortions lie beyond the scope of this study, and in our subsequent data analysis we will infer the required \(\beta\) values from existing literature. We propagated errors in \(E_{\mathrm{G}}\) using Eq. [\[eqegcov\]](#eqegcov){reference-type="ref" reference="eqegcov"} (and assuming no error in \(\beta\) in the case of the mocks). Our \(E_{\mathrm{G}}\) measurements are shown as the fifth row in Fig. [\[figstatmice\]](#figstatmice){reference-type="ref" reference="figstatmice"}. We generated fiducial cosmological models for these statistics using a non-linear matter power spectrum \(P(k,z)\) corresponding to the fiducial cosmological parameters of the MICE simulation listed in Sect. [6](#secmocks){reference-type="ref" reference="secmocks"}. We determined the best-fitting linear and non-linear galaxy bias parameters \((b_{\mathrm{L}}, b_{\mathrm{NL}})\) by fitting to the \(\Upsilon_{\mathrm{gg}}\) measurements for each lens redshift slice for scales \(R > 5 \, h^{-1}\) Mpc, and applied these same bias parameters to the galaxy-galaxy lensing models. The models plotted in Figs. [\[figgttom\]](#figgttom){reference-type="ref" reference="figgttom"}, [\[figdsigtom\]](#figdsigtom){reference-type="ref" reference="figdsigtom"} and [\[figstatmice\]](#figstatmice){reference-type="ref" reference="figstatmice"} do not otherwise contain any free parameters. In Fig. [\[figstatmice\]](#figstatmice){reference-type="ref" reference="figstatmice"} we display corresponding \(\chi^2\) statistics between the models and mock mean data, demonstrating a satisfactory goodness-of-fit in general. We evaluated the \(\chi^2\) statistics for \(R > 5 \, h^{-1}\) Mpc for \(\Delta\Sigma\), \(w_{\mathrm{p}}\) and \(\Upsilon_{\mathrm{gg}}\), and using all scales for \(\Upsilon_{\mathrm{gm}}\) and \(E_{\mathrm{G}}\). We conclude that our lensing and clustering measurements from the MICE mocks generally agree with the underlying \(\Lambda\)CDM cosmology, which we further explore via cosmological parameter fitting in Sect. [7.3](#secmicecosmo){reference-type="ref" reference="secmicecosmo"}.
## Photo-\(z\) dilution correction {#secmicephotoz}
Within our mock analysis we considered three different implementations of the photo-\(z\) dilution correction necessary for the \(\Delta\Sigma(R)\) measurements, as described in Sect. [3.3](#secphotoz){reference-type="ref" reference="secphotoz"}. Firstly, we used the source spectroscopic redshift values (which are available given that this is a simulation) to produce a baseline \(\Delta\Sigma\) measurement free of photo-\(z\) dilution. Secondly, for our fiducial analysis choice, we used the source photometric redshift point values in the estimator of Eq. [\[eqdsigest2\]](#eqdsigest2){reference-type="ref" reference="eqdsigest2"}, adopting a source-lens pair cut \(z_{\mathrm{B}} > z_{\mathrm{l}}\) and correcting for the photo-\(z\) dilution using the \(f_{\mathrm{bias}}\) factor of Eq. [\[eqfbias\]](#eqfbias){reference-type="ref" reference="eqfbias"}. We also considered the same case, excluding the \(f_{\mathrm{bias}}\) correction factor. Thirdly, we used the redshift probability distributions for each source tomographic sample to determine \(\overline{\Sigma_{\mathrm{c}}^{-1}}\) relative to each lens redshift using Eq. [\[eqavesigc\]](#eqavesigc){reference-type="ref" reference="eqavesigc"}, and then estimated \(\Delta\Sigma\) using Eq. [\[eqdsigest3\]](#eqdsigest3){reference-type="ref" reference="eqdsigest3"}. We refer to this as the \(P(z)\) distribution-based method. The results of these \(\Delta\Sigma\) analyses are compared in Fig. [\[figmicephotoz\]](#figmicephotoz){reference-type="ref" reference="figmicephotoz"} for each lens redshift slice, where measurements corresponding to the different source tomographic samples have been optimally combined. We find that, other than in the case where the \(f_{\mathrm{bias}}\) correction is excluded, both the point-based and distribution-based photo-\(z\) dilution corrections produce \(\Delta\Sigma\) measurements which are statistically consistent with the baseline measurements using the source spectroscopic redshifts. We further verify in Sect. [7.3](#secmicecosmo){reference-type="ref" reference="secmicecosmo"} that these analysis choices do not create significant differences in cosmological parameter fits.
## Recovery of cosmological parameters {#secmicecosmo}
Finally, we verified that our analysis methodology recovered the fiducial cosmological parameters of the MICE simulation within an acceptable statistical accuracy. In this study we focus only on the amplitudes of the clustering and lensing statistics, keeping all other cosmological parameters fixed. In particular we test the recovery of the \(E_{\mathrm{G}}\) statistics, and the recovery of the \(\sigma_8\) normalisation, marginalising over galaxy bias parameters. First, we determined a scale-independent \(E_{\mathrm{G}}\) value (which we denote \(\langle E_{\mathrm{G}} \rangle\)) for each lens redshift slice from the MICE mock mean statistics displayed in Fig. [\[figstatmice\]](#figstatmice){reference-type="ref" reference="figstatmice"}. We considered two approaches to this determination. In one approach, we fitted a constant value to the \(E_{\mathrm{G}}(R)\) measurements shown in the fifth row of Fig. [\[figstatmice\]](#figstatmice){reference-type="ref" reference="figstatmice"} using the corresponding analytical covariance matrix, that is, varying a vector of five parameters, \]\vec{p} = \left[ E_G(z_1), E_G(z_2), E_G(z_3), E_G(z_4), E_G(z_5) \right].\[ This approach has the disadvantage that it is based on the ratio of two noisy quantities \(\Upsilon_{\mathrm{gm}}/\Upsilon_{\mathrm{gg}}\), which may result in a biased or non-Gaussian result. Our second approach avoided this issue by including \(\langle E_{\mathrm{G}} \rangle\) as an additional parameter in a joint fit to the \(\Upsilon_{\mathrm{gm}}\) and \(\Upsilon_{\mathrm{gg}}\) statistics for each lens redshift slice, where \(\langle E_{\mathrm{G}} \rangle\) changed the amplitude of \(\Upsilon_{\mathrm{gm}}\) relative to \(\Upsilon_{\mathrm{gg}}\). Specifically, we fitted the model, \]\begin{split} \Upsilon_{\mathrm{gm}}(R) &= A_{\mathrm{E}} \, b_{\mathrm{L}} \, \Upsilon_{\mathrm{gm}}(R,\sigma_8=0.8,b_{\mathrm{L}},b_{\mathrm{NL}}) \\ \Upsilon_{\mathrm{gg}}(R) &= \Upsilon_{\mathrm{gg}}(R,\sigma_8=0.8,b_{\mathrm{L}},b_{\mathrm{NL}}), \end{split} \label{eqaefit}\[ in terms of an amplitude parameter \(A_{\mathrm{E}}\) and galaxy bias parameters \(b_{\mathrm{L}}\) and \(b_{\mathrm{NL}}\), and then determined \(\langle E_{\mathrm{G}} \rangle = A_{\mathrm{E}} \, b_{\mathrm{L}} \, E_{G,\mathrm{fid}}\) for each lens redshift slice, where \(E_{G,\mathrm{fid}}(z) = \Omega_{\mathrm{m}}/f(z)\) in terms of the fiducial matter density parameter of the MICE mocks, \(\Omega_{\mathrm{m}}\), and the theoretical growth rate of structure based on this matter density, \(f(z)\). Hence we vary a vector of 15 parameters, \]\vec{p} = \left[ A_{\mathrm{E},1}, b_{\mathrm{L,1}}, b_{\mathrm{NL,1}},..., A_{\mathrm{E},5}, b_{\mathrm{L,5}}, b_{\mathrm{NL,5}} \right].\[ We note that the \(b_{\mathrm{L}}\) factor in Eq. [\[eqaefit\]](#eqaefit){reference-type="ref" reference="eqaefit"} for \(\Upsilon_{\mathrm{gm}}\) arises as a consequence of our treatment of \(\beta\) as a fixed input parameter as described in Sect. [7.1](#secmicemeas){reference-type="ref" reference="secmicemeas"}, and ensures that \(A_{\mathrm{E}}\) is constrained only by the relative ratio \(\Upsilon_{\mathrm{gm}}/\Upsilon_{\mathrm{gg}}\), and not the absolute amplitude of these functions. Fig. [\[figmiceegvsz\]](#figmiceegvsz){reference-type="ref" reference="figmiceegvsz"} displays the different determinations of \(\langle E_{\mathrm{G}} \rangle\) in each lens redshift slice. The left panel compares measurements using the four different treatments of photo-\(z\) dilution shown in Fig. [\[figmicephotoz\]](#figmicephotoz){reference-type="ref" reference="figmicephotoz"}, confirming that these methods produce consistent \(E_{\mathrm{G}}\) determinations (other than the case in which \(f_{\mathrm{bias}}\) is excluded; our fiducial choice is the direct photo-\(z\) pair counts with \(z_{\mathrm{B}} > z_{\mathrm{l}}\)). The middle panel compares \(\langle E_{\mathrm{G}} \rangle\) fits varying the small-scale parameter \(R_0\) (where our fiducial choice is \(R_0 = 2.0 \, h^{-1}\) Mpc, and we also considered choices corresponding to the adjacent separation bins \(1.2\) and \(3.1 \, h^{-1}\) Mpc). The right panel alters the method used to determine \(\langle E_{\mathrm{G}} \rangle\), comparing the default choice using the non-linear bias model, a linear model where we fix \(b_{\mathrm{NL}} = 0\), and a direct fit to the scale-dependent \(E_{\mathrm{G}}(R)\) values. Reassuringly, all these methods yielded very similar results. We compared these determinations to the model prediction \(E_{\mathrm{G}}(z) = \Omega_{\mathrm{m}}/f(z)\) shown in Fig. [\[figmiceegvsz\]](#figmiceegvsz){reference-type="ref" reference="figmiceegvsz"}. Other than for the case where the \(f_{\mathrm{bias}}\) correction is excluded, both the point-based and distribution-based photo-\(z\) dilution corrections produce determinations of \(\langle E_{\mathrm{G}} \rangle\) which recover the fiducial value. This conclusion holds independently of the chosen value of \(R_0\), although higher \(R_0\) values produce slightly increased error ranges. The different modelling approaches also produce consistent results. Next, we utilised our mock dataset to perform a fit of the cosmological parameter \(\sigma_8\) to the joint lensing and clustering statistics, marginalising over different bias parameters \((b_{\mathrm{L}}, b_{\mathrm{NL}})\) for each redshift slice such that we vary a vector of 11 parameters, \]\vec{p} = \left[ \sigma_8, b_{\mathrm{L},1}, b_{\mathrm{NL},1},..., b_{\mathrm{L},5}, b_{\mathrm{NL},5} \right].\[ We fixed the remaining cosmological parameters, and performed our parameter fit using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo method implemented using the `emcee` package. We used wide, uniform priors for each fitted parameter. As above, we adopted for our fiducial analysis the point photo-\(z\) dilution correction using \(f_{\mathrm{bias}}\), and we performed fits to the \(\Upsilon_{\mathrm{gm}}(R)\) and \(\Upsilon_{\mathrm{gg}}(R)\) statistics with \(R_0 = 2 \, h^{-1}\) Mpc, considering the same analysis variations as above. Following the scale cuts mentioned above, the data vector contains eight scales for \(\Upsilon_{\mathrm{gm}}(R)\) and seven scales for \(\Upsilon_{\mathrm{gg}}(R)\) for each of the five lens redshift slices, comprising a total of 75 data points. For this fiducial case, we obtained a measurement \(\sigma_8 = 0.779 \pm 0.019\), consistent with the MICE simulation cosmology \(\sigma_8 = 0.8\). The \(\chi^2\) statistic of the best-fitting model is \(69.9\) for 64 degrees of freedom (d.o.f.), that is, 75 data points minus the 11 fitted parameters. Fig. [\[figmicesig8\]](#figmicesig8){reference-type="ref" reference="figmicesig8"} displays the dependence of the \(\sigma_8\) measurements on the analysis choices. All methodologies using the non-linear bias model recovered the fiducial \(\sigma_8\) value, with the exception of excluding the \(f_{\mathrm{bias}}\) correction. Adopting a linear bias model instead produced a significantly poorer recovery. We also considered fitting to different pairs of lensing-clustering statistics: \(\Delta\Sigma(R)\) and \(w_{\mathrm{p}}(R)\) for \(R > R_{\mathrm{min}} = 5 \, h^{-1}\) Mpc, compared to \(\gamma_{\mathrm{t}}(\theta)\) and \(w_{\mathrm{p}}(R)\), where we applied a minimum-scale cut in \(\theta\) which matches \(R_{\mathrm{min}}\) in each lens redshift slice. These alternative statistics also successfully recovered the fiducial value of \(\sigma_8\), with errors of \(0.018\) (for \(\Delta\Sigma\)) and \(0.022\) (for \(\gamma_{\mathrm{t}}\)). According to this analysis, the projected statistics produced a \(\sim 20\%\) more accurate \(\sigma_8\) value than the angular statistics, in agreement with the results of. We conclude this section by noting that the application of our analysis pipeline to the MICE lens and source mocks successfully recovered the fiducial \(E_{\mathrm{G}}\) and \(\sigma_8\) parameters of the simulation, and is robust against differences in photo-\(z\) dilution correction, choice of the small-scale parameter \(R_0\), and choice of statistic included in the analysis \[\(\gamma_{\mathrm{t}}(\theta)\), \(\Delta \Sigma(R)\) or \(\Upsilon_{\mathrm{gm}}(R)\)\].
# Results {#secdatatests}
## Measurements {#measurements}
We now summarise the galaxy-galaxy lensing and clustering measurements we generated from the KiDS-1000 and overlapping LRG datasets. We cut these catalogues to produce overlapping subsets for our galaxy-galaxy lensing analysis, by only retaining sources and lenses within the set of KiDS pointings which contain BOSS or 2dFLenS galaxies. The resulting KiDS-N sample comprised \(15 \, 150 \, 250\) KiDS shapes and \(47 \, 332\) BOSS lenses within 474 KiDS pointings with total unmasked area \(366.0\) deg\(^2\), and the KiDS-S sample consisted of \(16 \, 994 \, 252\) KiDS shapes and \(18 \, 903\) 2dFLenS lenses within 478 KiDS pointings with total unmasked area \(382.1\) deg\(^2\). We also utilised BOSS and 2dFLenS random catalogues in our analysis, with the same selection cuts and size 50 times bigger than the datasets, sub-sampled from the master random catalogues provided by and, respectively. We split the KiDS-1000 source catalogue into five different tomographic samples by the value of the BPZ photometric redshift, using the same bin divisions \(z_{\mathrm{B}} = [0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9, 1.2]\) adopted in Sect. [7](#secmocktests){reference-type="ref" reference="secmocktests"}. The effective source density of each tomographic sample is \(n_{\mathrm{eff}} = [0.88, 1.33, 2.04, 1.49, 1.26]\) arcmin\(^{-2}\), estimated using the method of. We divided the BOSS and 2dFLenS LRG catalogues into five spectroscopic redshift slices of width \(\Delta z_{\mathrm{l}} = 0.1\) in the range \(0.2 < z_{\mathrm{l}} < 0.7\). We measured the average tangential shear \(\gamma_{\mathrm{t}}(\theta)\) and projected mass density \(\Delta\Sigma(R)\) between all pairs of KiDS-1000 tomographic source samples and LRG redshift slices in the north and south regions, using the same estimators and binning as utilised for the MICE mocks in Sect. [7.1](#secmicemeas){reference-type="ref" reference="secmicemeas"} and applying a multiplicative shear bias correction for each tomographic sample. For the \(\Delta\Sigma\) measurement, we again restricted the source-lens pairs such that \(z_{\mathrm{B}} > z_{\mathrm{l}}\), and (in our fiducial analysis) applied a point-based photo-\(z\) dilution correction. We generated an analytical covariance matrix for each measurement, initially using a fiducial lens linear bias factor \(b_{\mathrm{L}} = 2\), and iterating this value following a preliminary fit to the projected lens clustering. We tested that the analytical error determination agreed sufficiently well with a jack-knife error analysis where the regions were defined as the KiDS pointings; the results of this test and the overall analytical covariance are visually similar to their equivalents for the MICE mocks shown in Figs. [\[figdelsigerrmice\]](#figdelsigerrmice){reference-type="ref" reference="figdelsigerrmice"} and [\[figdelsigcovfullmice\]](#figdelsigcovfullmice){reference-type="ref" reference="figdelsigcovfullmice"}, and we do not repeat these figures. We used the KV450 spectroscopic calibration sample with DIR weights to estimate the redshift distribution of each tomographic source sample for use in the analytical covariance matrix, in the modelling of \(\gamma_{\mathrm{t}}(\theta)\) and in the distribution-based correction to \(\Delta\Sigma(R)\) for photo-\(z\) dilution, and to determine the \(f_{\mathrm{bias}}\) values for the point-based photo-\(z\) dilution correction. We propagated the uncertainties in the multiplicative correction factors due to the shear calibration bias and photometric redshift dilution using the method described in Sect. [4.2](#seccovprop){reference-type="ref" reference="seccovprop"}. Regarding the multiplicative shear calibration, we followed in adopting an error \(\sigma_{\mathrm{m}} = 0.02\) that is fully correlated across all samples, such that \(\mathrm{Cov}[ \alpha_{ij}, \alpha_{lm} ] = \sigma_{\mathrm{m}}^2\) in Eq. [\[eqcovprop2\]](#eqcovprop2){reference-type="ref" reference="eqcovprop2"}. The sample variance in the spectroscopic training set can be characterised by an uncertainty in mean spectroscopic redshift which varies for each tomographic sample in the range \(\sigma_{\mathrm{z}} = 0.011 \rightarrow 0.039\). We propagated these errors into the determination of \(f_{\mathrm{bias}}\) by re-evaluating Eq. [\[eqfbias\]](#eqfbias){reference-type="ref" reference="eqfbias"} shifting all the spectroscopic redshifts by a small amount to determine the derivatives \(\partial f_{\mathrm{bias},ij}/\partial z_j\), where \(i\) denotes the lens sample and \(j\) the source sample. Using error propagation, we then scaled the derivatives by the errors \(\sigma_{\mathrm{z},j}\) to find the covariance matrix of the uncertainties, \]\mathrm{Cov}[ f_{\mathrm{bias},ij} \, f_{\mathrm{bias},lm} ] = \frac{\partial f_{\mathrm{bias},ij}}{\partial z_j} \, \frac{\partial f_{\mathrm{bias},lm}}{\partial z_m} \, \sigma^2_{\mathrm{z},j} \, \delta^{\mathrm{K}}_{jm},\(\) where the final Kronecker delta \(\delta^{\mathrm{K}}_{jm}\) indicates that these uncertainities are correlated for different lens samples corresponding to the same source sample, but uncorrelated between source samples (we refer the reader to Joachimi et al. (in prep.) for further investigation of this point). This uncertainty can be propagated into the analytical covariance matrix using Eqs. [\[eqcovprop\]](#eqcovprop){reference-type="ref" reference="eqcovprop"} and [\[eqcovprop2\]](#eqcovprop2){reference-type="ref" reference="eqcovprop2"} with \(\mathrm{Cov}[ \alpha_{ij}, \alpha_{lm} ] = \mathrm{Cov}[ f_{\mathrm{bias},ij} \, f_{\mathrm{bias},lm} ]\). We used the analytical covariance matrices to combine the separate KiDS-N and KiDS-S measurements into a single joint estimate of the galaxy-galaxy lensing statistics and associated covariance, which we utilised in the remainder of this study (we test the consistency of the individual BOSS and 2dFLenS results in Sect. [8.4](#seckidssys){reference-type="ref" reference="seckidssys"}). We display the KiDS \(\gamma_{\mathrm{t}}(\theta)\) and \(\Delta\Sigma(R)\) galaxy-galaxy lensing measurements in the different tomographic combinations in Figs. [\[figgttom\]](#figgttom){reference-type="ref" reference="figgttom"} and [\[figdsigtom\]](#figdsigtom){reference-type="ref" reference="figdsigtom"}. We note again that there are some differences between the galaxy-galaxy lensing signals measured in the mocks and data, given that the mocks have not been tuned to reproduce the BOSS and 2dFLenS clustering properties. These differences are particularly evident on the smallest scales, owing to an inconsistent halo occupation. Our study does not require the mocks to precisely replicate the data in order to test our analysis framework. We obtained the most accurate measurement of the projected correlation function \(w_{\mathrm{p}}(R)\) of each lens redshift slice using the full BOSS DR12 dataset, combining the LOWZ and CMASS selections and spanning \(9 \, 376\) deg\(^2\). We adopted the same spatial separation bins as for the MICE mocks, again assuming \(\Pi_{\mathrm{max}} = 100 \, h^{-1}\) Mpc. When analysing the BOSS sample we included completeness weights but excluded 'FKP' weights, which are designed to optimise the clustering signal-to-noise ratio but may not be appropriate in the case of galaxy-galaxy lensing. The full 2dFLenS dataset is too small to offer a competitive measurement of \(w_{\mathrm{p}}(R)\), although given that it was selected using BOSS-inspired colour-magnitude cuts, we assumed that the BOSS clustering is representative of the combined LRG sample (and we test this approximation in Sect. [8.4](#seckidssys){reference-type="ref" reference="seckidssys"}). Since the overlap of the KiDS-N source catalogue and full BOSS sample is small (\(4\%\) of BOSS), we also assumed that the galaxy-galaxy lensing and clustering measurements are uncorrelated. We combined the correlated \(\Delta\Sigma\) measurements for each lens redshift slice, averaging over the different source samples. Fig. [\[figstatkids\]](#figstatkids){reference-type="ref" reference="figstatkids"} displays these measurements, together with the projected clustering \(w_{\mathrm{p}}(R)\) of the full BOSS sample, the corresponding \(\Upsilon_{\mathrm{gm}}(R,R_0)\) and \(\Upsilon_{\mathrm{gg}}(R,R_0)\) statistics assuming a fiducial choice \(R_0 = 2 \, h^{-1}\) Mpc (we consider the impact of varying this choice in Sect. [8.4](#seckidssys){reference-type="ref" reference="seckidssys"}), and the direct \(E_{\mathrm{G}}(R)\) estimate using Eq. [\[eqeg\]](#eqeg){reference-type="ref" reference="eqeg"}. We generated fiducial cosmological models for these statistics using a non-linear matter power spectrum corresponding to the best-fitting 'TTTEEE+lowE+lensing' *Planck* cosmological parameters. When producing the models overplotted in Figs. [\[figgttom\]](#figgttom){reference-type="ref" reference="figgttom"}, [\[figdsigtom\]](#figdsigtom){reference-type="ref" reference="figdsigtom"} and [\[figstatkids\]](#figstatkids){reference-type="ref" reference="figstatkids"}, we determined best-fitting linear and non-linear galaxy bias parameters by fitting to the \(\Upsilon_{\mathrm{gg}}\) measurements for each lens redshift slice for the separation range \(R > 5 \, h^{-1}\) Mpc, and applied these same bias parameters to the galaxy-galaxy lensing models. Values of the \(\chi^2\) statistic for each statistic and lens redshift slice, produced using these models and the analytical covariance, are displayed in each panel of Fig. [\[figstatkids\]](#figstatkids){reference-type="ref" reference="figstatkids"}, and indicate that the measurements are consistent with the model.
## Redshift-space distortion inputs
We adopted values of the redshift-space distortion parameters \(\beta\) for the BOSS sample as a function of redshift by interpolating the literature analysis of, who provide RSD measurements in narrow redshift slices [which also agree with the compilation of results in @Alam17b]. In order to interpolate these measurements to our redshift locations, which slightly differ from the bin centres of, we created a Gaussian process model for \(\beta(z)\) and its errors, which lie in the range \(12-20\%\) as a function of redshift, using the sum of a Matern kernel and white noise kernel. We note that the error in \(\beta\) makes up roughly half the variance budget for \(E_{\mathrm{G}}\) in the lowest lens redshift slice (i.e. increases the total error by \(\sim \sqrt{2}\)), but is subdominant for the other redshift slices.
## Amplitude-ratio test \(E_{\mathrm{G}}\) {#secegkids}
We used the KiDS-1000 and LRG clustering and galaxy-galaxy lensing measurements, with the previously-published values of \(\beta\), to determine a scale-independent value of the amplitude ratio, \(\langle E_{\mathrm{G}} \rangle\). We adopted the same fiducial analysis method as for the MICE mocks: we performed a joint fit to the \(\Upsilon_{\mathrm{gm}}\) and \(\Upsilon_{\mathrm{gg}}\) measurements for each redshift slice, varying \(A_{\mathrm{E}}\) and the bias parameters \(b_{\mathrm{L}}\) and \(b_{\mathrm{NL}}\) as in Eq. [\[eqaefit\]](#eqaefit){reference-type="ref" reference="eqaefit"}, treating \(A_{\mathrm{E}}\) as an additional amplitude parameter for \(\Upsilon_{\mathrm{gm}}\). We then deduced \(\langle E_{\mathrm{G}} \rangle = A_{\mathrm{E}}/\beta\), propagating the errors in \(\beta\) assuming all these statistics are independent (please see Sect. [\[seceg\]](#seceg){reference-type="ref" reference="seceg"} for a note on this approximation). We used the analytical covariance matrices for these statistics, assumed \(R_0 = 2 \, h^{-1}\) Mpc, and fitted the model to \(R > 5 \, h^{-1}\) Mpc for \(\Upsilon_{\mathrm{gg}}\) and to all scales for \(\Upsilon_{\mathrm{gm}}\). We consider the effect of varying these analysis choices in Sect. [8.4](#seckidssys){reference-type="ref" reference="seckidssys"}. In particular, we note that fitting the directly-determined \(E_{\mathrm{G}}(R)\) values (shown in the fifth row of Fig. [\[figstatkids\]](#figstatkids){reference-type="ref" reference="figstatkids"}) produced results which were entirely consistent with our fiducial analysis. Our resulting fits for \(\langle E_{\mathrm{G}} \rangle\) were \([0.43 \pm 0.09, 0.45 \pm 0.07, 0.33 \pm 0.06, 0.38 \pm 0.07, 0.34 \pm 0.08]\) for redshifts \(z = [0.25, 0.35, 0.45, 0.55, 0.65]\). The measurements have a small degree of correlation, owing to sharing a common source sample, and the analytical covariance matrix is listed in Table [1](#tabegcov){reference-type="ref" reference="tabegcov"}. We plot these measurements in Fig. [\[figegall\]](#figegall){reference-type="ref" reference="figegall"}, together with a literature compilation. The thickness of the purple shaded stripe in Figs. [\[figegall\]](#figegall){reference-type="ref" reference="figegall"} and [\[figegscale\]](#figegscale){reference-type="ref" reference="figegscale"} illustrates the \(68\%\) confidence range of the prediction of the *Planck* 'TTTEEE+lowE+lensing' parameter chain at each redshift, assuming a flat \(\Lambda\)CDM Universe.
Our measurements provide the best existing determination of the lensing-clustering amplitude ratio (noting that previous measurements displayed in Figure [\[figegall\]](#figegall){reference-type="ref" reference="figegall"} typically correspond to significantly wider lens redshift ranges than our study), which is consistent with matter density values \(\Omega_{\mathrm{m}} \sim 0.3\). Varying the \(\Omega_{\mathrm{m}}\) parameter within a flat \(\Lambda\)CDM cosmological model, assuming \(E_{\mathrm{G}} = \Omega_{\mathrm{m}}/f = \Omega_{\mathrm{m}}(0)/\Omega_{\mathrm{m}}(z)^{0.55}\), we find \(\Omega_{\mathrm{m}} = 0.27 \pm 0.04\) (with a minimum \(\chi^2 = 1.2\) for four d.o.f.). In principle in linear theory, this measurement is insensitive to the other cosmological parameters in a flat \(\Lambda\)CDM scenario. The resulting error in \(\Omega_{\mathrm{m}}\) is, naturally, somewhat larger than that provided by analyses utilising the full shape of the cosmic shear and clustering functions, albeit requiring fewer model assumptions. We tested for the scale dependence of the \(E_{\mathrm{G}}(R)\) measurements (in the fifth row of Fig. [\[figstatkids\]](#figstatkids){reference-type="ref" reference="figstatkids"}) by jointly fitting an empirical six-parameter model \(E_{\mathrm{G}}(R,z_i) = A_i \left[ 1 + \alpha \, \log_{10}(R) \right]\) to all the redshift slices, where \(\alpha\) quantifies the fractional variation in \(E_{\mathrm{G}}\) per decade in projected scale \(R\) (in \(h^{-1}\) Mpc) and \(A_i\) is a free amplitude for each of the five lens redshift slices. We obtained a \(68\%\) confidence region \(\alpha = 0.17 \pm 0.26\) (with a minimum \(\chi^2 = 35.9\) for 34 d.o.f.), which is consistent with no scale dependence, as predicted in the standard gravity scenario. These fits are displayed in Fig. [\[figegscale\]](#figegscale){reference-type="ref" reference="figegscale"}.
## Systematics tests {#seckidssys}
We now consider the effect on our cosmological fits of varying our fiducial analysis choices. Fig. [\[figkidsegvsz\]](#figkidsegvsz){reference-type="ref" reference="figkidsegvsz"} is a compilation of different determinations of \(\langle E_{\mathrm{G}} \rangle\) in each lens redshift slice. The upper-left panel compares the fits varying the photo-\(z\) dilution correction for \(\Delta\Sigma\) between the point-based and distribution-based approaches, and the upper-right panel shows measurements varying the small-scale parameter \(R_0\). The lower-left panel considers separate determinations based on the BOSS and 2dFLenS samples (using the BOSS clustering measurements in both cases). The lower-right panel alters the fitting method to only use a linear-bias model (set \(b_{\mathrm{NL}} = 0\)), and to use a direct fit to the \(E_{\mathrm{G}}(R)\) measurements presented in the fifth row of Fig. [\[figstatkids\]](#figstatkids){reference-type="ref" reference="figstatkids"}, as opposed to our fiducial fits to \(\Upsilon_{\mathrm{gm}}\) and \(\Upsilon_{\mathrm{gg}}\). In all cases, the systematic variation of the recovered \(E_{\mathrm{G}}\) values is negligible compared to the statistical errors (noting that the BOSS and 2dFLenS comparison is also subject to sample variance error). We find that varying the photo-\(z\) dilution correction, choice of \(R_0\) and fitting method produce a systematic variation of \(0.08\)-\(\sigma\), \(0.24\)-\(\sigma\) and \(0.38\)-\(\sigma\) respectively, when expressed as a fraction of the statistical error \(\sigma\).
# Summary {#secsummary}
We have used the latest weak gravitational lensing data release from the Kilo-Degree Survey, KiDS-1000, together with overlapping galaxy redshift survey data from BOSS and 2dFLenS, to perform cosmological tests associated with the relative amplitude of galaxy-galaxy lensing and galaxy clustering statistics. We quantified our results using the \(E_{\mathrm{G}}(R)\) statistic, which we were able to measure up to projected separations of \(100 \, h^{-1}\) Mpc, recovering a scale-independent value of \(\langle E_{\mathrm{G}} \rangle\) with accuracies in the range 15-20% in five lens redshift slices of width \(\Delta z = 0.1\). The scale-dependence and redshift-dependence of these measurements are consistent with the theoretical expectation of general relativity in a Universe with matter density \(\Omega_{\mathrm{m}} \sim 0.3\). The measurements are consistent with a scale-independent model for \(E_{\mathrm{G}}\), and constrain allowed variation within \(25\%\) (1-\(\sigma\)) error per decade in projected scale. Fitting our \(E_{\mathrm{G}}\) dataset with a flat \(\Lambda\)CDM model, we find \(\Omega_{\mathrm{m}} = 0.27 \pm 0.04\). We demonstrated that our results are robust against different analysis methodologies. In particular, we showed that:
- Source photometric redshift errors cause a significant dilution of the inferred projected mass density \(\Delta\Sigma\), by causing unlensed foreground sources to appear in the background of lenses. We demonstrated that this dilution may be corrected either by modifying the estimator for \(\Delta\Sigma\) to include the redshift probability distribution of the sources, or by using a source spectroscopic calibration sample to compute the multiplicative bias, producing consistent results. When applied to the mock catalogue, these estimation methods recovered the \(\Delta\Sigma\) measurement obtained using source spectroscopic redshifts.
- A Gaussian analytical covariance for the galaxy-galaxy lensing statistics, with suitable modifications for the survey selection function and small-scale noise terms, predicted errors which agreed within \(20\%\) with estimates from a jack-knife procedure and from the variation across mock realisations.
- Our amplitude-ratio test, based on the annular differential density statistics \(\Upsilon_{\mathrm{gm}}\) and \(\Upsilon_{\mathrm{gg}}\), is insensitive to the small-scale parameter \(R_0\) adopted in these statistics, producing consistent results for choices in the range \(1 < R_0 < 3 \, h^{-1}\) Mpc. We also obtained consistent results analysing BOSS and 2dFLenS separately.
We performed an additional series of tests jointly fitting an overall amplitude \(\sigma_8\) to the galaxy-galaxy lensing and clustering statistics in our mocks, marginalising over linear and non-linear bias parameters. For our scenario, the projected galaxy-galaxy lensing measurements produced a slightly more accurate determination of \(\sigma_8\) than the angular statistics after matching of scales, although the results are fully consistent. Our analysis sets the stage for upcoming, increasingly accurate, cosmological tests using amplitude-ratio statistics, as gravitational lensing and galaxy redshift samples continue to grow. These datasets will continue to offer rich possibilities for placing tighter constraints on allowed gravitational physics.
[^1]: We refer the reader to Appendix C for a full discussion of the different definitions of \(\Sigma_{\mathrm{c}}\) that have been adopted in the literature.
[^2]: The BOSS large-scale structure samples are available for download at the link <https://data.sdss.org/sas/dr12/boss/lss/>.
[^3]: The 2dFLenS dataset is publicly available at the link <http://2dflens.swin.edu.au>. | {'timestamp': '2020-08-31T02:05:23', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14351', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14351'} |
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# Introduction
The dangerous dynamics of the coronavirus spread throughout the world gives rise to numerous studies in a wide scientific spectrum. Improving known epidemic models and developing new models are complicated tasks because the lack of verified statistics on the infection spread and disease dynamics. Unstable predictability of infection, ambiguity with drugs, uncertainty regarding the immunity of disease, and other factors (such as a viral mutation) make it difficult to predict the dynamics of pandemic. This may relay to some mathematical models, which depend on a significant number of free (statistically-driven) parameters. The known models of the SIR family give solutions in a form of smooth functions (solutions of differential equations) that only indirectly include important random factors. Naturally, that in such a situation, most statistically reliable forecasts are obtained by methods based on the direct application of the central limit theorem with a predicted error of \(1/\sqrt N\), see ,, and references therein. In this paper, we propose the use of the dynamic Monte Carlo (DMC) method that self-consistently includes various dynamic random factors. Such a technique was previously used to study the processes associated with aggregation, viscous flow properties, the formation of biological structures, and allows to scale the associated geometric and dynamic quantities that characterize these phenomena ,. In our study, as a control (free) parameter, we use the generalized risk factor \(\beta\), which includes some of the factors mentioned above in an integral form. In our 2D toy model, the transmission of infection occurs due to contacts of randomly moving individuals, that determines the complex dynamics of the infection spread and various critical aspects of such a dynamics. The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we formulate our approach and examine the behavior of infected individuals (order parameter \(A(t,\beta)\)), which, as it turns out latter, critically depends on the value \(\beta\). It also is discussed the similarity of the asymptotic behavior of the infection dynamics with the critical phase transition in a two-dimensional (2D) percolation system. In the next Section, we analyze the dynamic properties of the extended system, where we deal with two additional parameters which allow to on/off the quarantine state. The next Section, contains the study of dynamics of the infection spreading and the formation of immunity for infected individuals. The last Section summarizes our conclusions.
# Dynamic Monte Carlo simulations
First we explain which the properties of dynamic Monte Carlo (DMC) approach we deal with. In order to study the infection dynamic in epidemiological system (that is far from equilibrium) the DMC method is used, that allows investigation both temporal and spatial properties by the numerical simulations. As a toy model, we choose a 2D \(L\times L\) (where \(L\) is size) bounded system that contains a disordered population of \(N\) individuals. Following the classifications commonly known from SIR model in our DMC model we divide the host population into a set of distinct categories, according to its epidemiological status, that are susceptible (S), currently infectious (I ), and recovered (R). The total size of the host population is then \(N = S + I + R\) and all the individuals are born in the susceptible category. Following the actual situations we assume that initially the maternally derived immunity is clear. (The effect of immunity is studied in the following sections). Upon contact with infectious individuals, the susceptibles may get infected and move into the infectious category. To apply the DMC approach it is constructed the Person class (individual, alias object) that encapsulates properties of a randomly placed and moving individual and contains the following significant attribute \[\{x,y,v_{x},v_{y},I,M\},\label{attrib\] where \(x,y\) are the components of position, \(v_{x},v_{y}\) are the components of velocity, the parameters \(I,M\) describe the states: infected/uninfected and immunized/non-immunized, respectively. The list of Persons that represents a total host population is used in our DMC simulations. One of the underlying reasons why epidemiological systems exhibit variation is due to a different way that the individuals in a population have contact with each other. In our DMC simulation we assume that the spreading (transmission) of the infection occurs because of random contacts for moving individuals. To do that in DMC simulations we use the following strategy. (i) Any contact can occur only between two nearest individuals. (ii) At any contact, the state of an infected transmits to the other contact person. But the infected one can still be recovered with probability \(1-\beta\) (recall that \(\beta \in [0,1]\) is a risk factor). This means that if \(\beta \lesssim 1\), the probability to a recovery is small. To take an advantage of the visualizations at applying the DMC technique, we allow each object to have a visual representation, which is a yellow circle (non-immunized individual), a green circle (immunized but not infected individual) and a red circle (infected individual), see Fig.[\[Pic_Fig1a\]](#Pic_Fig1a){reference-type="ref" reference="Pic_Fig1a"}. We used the interaction radius \(r\) as the unit scale to measure distances (used \(r = 6\), see Fig.[\[Pic_Fig1a\]](#Pic_Fig1a){reference-type="ref" reference="Pic_Fig1a"}) between the individuals, while the time unit \(\Delta t = 1\) was the time interval between two updatings of the directions and positions. In our simulations we used the simplest initial conditions: at time \(t=0\) the positions and velocities for all the \(N\) individuals are randomly distributed. We use the velocity scale such that random \(v_x, v_y \in [2,10]\) for which the individuals always interact with their actual neighbors and move fast enough to change the configuration after a few updates. According to our simulations, the variation of actual interval of values of \(v_x, v_y\) does not affect the results. We also investigated the cases when the basic parameter of the model, the density \(\rho = N/L^2\) is slightly varied. When the simulation time runs a lot contacts occur between nearest randomly moving persons that leads to fast and uncontrollable transfer of infection between many individuals, see Fig. [\[Pic_Fig1a\]](#Pic_Fig1a){reference-type="ref" reference="Pic_Fig1a"}. It is of great interest to investigate the temporal infection dynamics at various risk factors \(\beta\). Such a dynamics of the infections spreading (coefficient \(A(t)=I(t)/N\)) as function of time \(t\) is displayed in Fig.[\[Pic_Fig2a\]](#Pic_Fig2a){reference-type="ref" reference="Pic_Fig2a"}. Since \(A(t)\) is a random-valued function we will fit (see ) \(A(t)\) by a suitable fitting function that is chosen as \[f(t)=a_{0}t^{a_{1}}\tanh(t^{a_{2}}),\label{fitting\] where \(a_{0,1,2}\) are the fitting coefficients. We found that \(a_{1}\) is very small \(\sim 10^{-5}\) and \(a_{2}\simeq2\) for all the cases, but the amplitude \(a_{0}\) changes considerably at the \(\beta\) variation. In Fig.[\[Pic_Fig2a\]](#Pic_Fig2a){reference-type="ref" reference="Pic_Fig2a"} the blue lines show the numerical simulations (DMC) data, while the red lines display the fitting function \(f(t)\). Fig.[\[Pic_Fig2a\]](#Pic_Fig2a){reference-type="ref" reference="Pic_Fig2a"} (a) shows the case \(\beta=0.99\), (b) \(\beta=0.90\), (c) \(\beta=0.80\), (d) \(\beta=0.60\). We indicate a *remarkable* observation that for \(\beta<0.60\) the system asymptotically converges to a trivial solution with \(A\simeq a_0=0\) already for \(t\simeq 6\) Such observation leads to an interesting assumption that the studied dynamics of the infection spread can (asymptotically) be associated with a critical transition in the two-dimensional (2D) percolation system, that occurs when the occupation probability of defects is \(p_{c}=0.594\) ,,,, see Fig.[\[Pic_Fig3a\]](#Pic_Fig3a){reference-type="ref" reference="Pic_Fig3a"}. Such an assumption is studied in the following Section.
# Critical value of the risk factor
Fig. [\[Pic_Fig3a\]](#Pic_Fig3a){reference-type="ref" reference="Pic_Fig3a"} displays a comparison of above mentioned dependencies. In Fig. [\[Pic_Fig3a\]](#Pic_Fig3a){reference-type="ref" reference="Pic_Fig3a"} the red line shows the dependence \(a_0(\beta)\) (see Fig.[\[Pic_Fig2a\]](#Pic_Fig2a){reference-type="ref" reference="Pic_Fig2a"}) associated with the infecting parameter \(A(\beta)=I/N\), and the blue line shows the percolating order parameters \(P(p)\) as function of the occupation defect probability \(p\). We observe that both dependencies are in excellent agreement and at \(\beta_{c}\simeq p_{c}\simeq0.6\) the phase transition to infected/percolating state occurs. From Fig. [\[Pic_Fig3a\]](#Pic_Fig3a){reference-type="ref" reference="Pic_Fig3a"} we can assume that the parameter \(A(\beta)\) can be mentioned further as an order parameter (similarly \(P(p)\)). This results that the formalism of the percolation critical percolating phase transition ,, can be applied to investigation the asymptotic of infection spreading at various \(\beta\). On the other hand, good agreement between the results of DMC modeling and the critical transition in 2D percolation system shows the general applicability of DMC approach to analyze the dynamics of infection spread in the epidemiological system.
# The extension of model
## Quarantine regime
Mass infection shown in Fig. [\[Pic_Fig1a\]](#Pic_Fig1a){reference-type="ref" reference="Pic_Fig1a"} is an extremely dangerous and highly undesirable scenario for the development of epidemiological situation. This Section discusses the extension of the model, which in principle allows suspending this trend. One of the simple solutions proposed recently is introducing the quarantine by localizing of infected individuals in order to significantly reduce the number of contacts that leads to the transmission of infection. This can be modeled by setting \(v_x=v_y=0\) for infected individuals and ignoring all the contacts with them in our approach. We call such a regime of simulation as a quarantine mode. In order to do this we introduce two new parameters into the model, \(A_{\max}\) (the infection level when the quarantine is automatically turned on), and \(A_{\min}\) (the infection level when the quarantine is turned off). Fig. [\[Pic_Fig4a\]](#Pic_Fig4a){reference-type="ref" reference="Pic_Fig4a"} shows the dynamics of infections \(A(t)\) in quarantine mode with \(A_{\max}=0.7\), \(A_{\min}=0.36\) at moderate values \(\beta\), (a) \(\beta=0.78\), (b) \(\beta=0.80\), and (c) \(\beta=0.82\); panel (d) shows the typical dynamics \(A\) at initial times. For such parameters from Fig.[\[Pic_Fig4a\]](#Pic_Fig4a){reference-type="ref" reference="Pic_Fig4a"} we observe that the system transmits to unexpected dynamic state: the generation of irregular oscillations of \(A\) with large amplitudes between \(A_{\max}\) and \(A_{\min}\). We have calculated (by the method ) that the Lyapunov exponent for such irregular oscillations is about \(0.3\). This means that if quarantine is turned off too early, the growth of infections suppressed, but the system goes into dynamic mode with irregular oscillations. In this case, a significant number of infected and recovered individuals can be re-infected, therefore, a full recovery does not occur. Fig.[\[Pic_Fig5a\]](#Pic_Fig5a){reference-type="ref" reference="Pic_Fig5a"} shows the infections dynamics \(A(t)\) in the quarantine mode but for large the risk factors \(\beta\): (a) \(\beta=0.88\), (b) \(\beta=0.90\), (c) \(\beta=0.92\), (d) \(\beta=0.88\). We observe that for large \(\beta\) the evolution of the infections has monotonic shape (with small random variations) but without the oscillations as in Fig.[\[Pic_Fig4a\]](#Pic_Fig4a){reference-type="ref" reference="Pic_Fig4a"}. However the dynamics \(A(t)\) in (b) for \(\beta=0.90\) is already suppressed and strongly differs with respect to a case without the quarantine shown in Fig.[\[Pic_Fig2a\]](#Pic_Fig2a){reference-type="ref" reference="Pic_Fig2a"} (b).
## The immunity
Although actually there are no reliable statistics for the congenital or acquired immunity for persons (for animals see Ref.), in this Section we analyze this aspect in framework of our model. Following the Ref., we assume that in the host population there is no innate immunity to the virus. But we suppose that the persons (at least a large majority) will acquire this immunity, as is usually the case. To this end, in our model we use the parameter \(M\), see Eq. ([\[attrib\]](#attrib){reference-type="ref" reference="attrib"}). Following, we assume that this parameter acquires a non-zero value (the presence of immunity) only after first infection and recovery. Re-infection no longer occurs even at contacts with infected persons. Fig. [\[Pic_Fig6a\]](#Pic_Fig6a){reference-type="ref" reference="Pic_Fig6a"} shows the dynamics of recovery at presence of immunity in the quarantine mode for fixed parameters \(\beta=0.94\) and \(A_{\max}=0.24\) and different \(A_{\min}=0.17, 0.1, 0.05, 0.02, 0.01\). One can see that now the oscillations shown in Fig.[\[Pic_Fig6a\]](#Pic_Fig6a){reference-type="ref" reference="Pic_Fig6a"} acquire shape of strongly damped picks that results the number of infected (order parameter \(A\)) to rapidly decrease. This allows to predicts that after the first high pick of infection (that has nearly fixed amplitude for all the cases) may occur a second pick but with lesser amplitude and then the complete recover may become Now we compare the effects of quarantine and immunity factors for recovery. Fig.[\[Pic_Fig7a\]](#Pic_Fig7a){reference-type="ref" reference="Pic_Fig7a"} shows the dynamics of infections (order parameter \(A\)) for different values of the risk factor \(\beta=0.99, 0.94, 0.9, 0.8\) at situation without the quarantine when only the personal immunity \(M>0\) presents (see Eq.([\[attrib\]](#attrib){reference-type="ref" reference="attrib"})). This simulation shows that in such case the complete recover can occur even for a lesser time comparing to Fig.[\[Pic_Fig6a\]](#Pic_Fig6a){reference-type="ref" reference="Pic_Fig6a"}.
# Discussion and Conclusion
We studied the dynamics of the infection spread at various values of the risk factors \(\beta\) (control parameter) using the dynamic Monte Carlo method (DMC). In our model, it is accepted that the infection is transmitted through the contacts of randomly moving individuals. We show that the behavior of recovered individuals critically dependents on the value \(\beta\). For sub-critical values \(\beta<\beta_{c}\sim 0.6\), the number of infected cases (the order parameters \(A(t)\)) asymptotically converges to zero, so that at moderate risk factor, the infection can quickly disappear. However such a nontrivial behavior has to be confirmed by direct calculation. Fig. [\[Pic_Fig8a\]](#Pic_Fig8a){reference-type="ref" reference="Pic_Fig8a"} shows the dynamics of infections fraction \(A(t,\beta)\) with time for different risk factors \(\beta\) near the critical transition \(\beta \sim \beta_{c}=0.6\) for \(N=1000\) and rather large the initial number of infections \(I_0=100\). We observe that really for \(\beta \lesssim 0.58\) the number of infections rapidly reach zero. We also analyzed the extended system, which currently is widely used to prevent the spread of the virus. In our approach such a system includes two additional parameters on/off the quarantine state. It was revealed that early exit from the quarantine leads to irregular oscillating dynamics (with positive Lyapunov exponent) of the infection. However when the lower limit of the quarantine off is sufficiently small, the infection dynamics acquires a characteristic nonmonotonic shape with several damped peaks. The dynamics of the infection spread in case of individuals with immunity was studied too. Our comparison of the quarantine and the immunity factors on a recovery shows that in case of stable immunity a complete recovery occurs faster than in a quarantine mode. | {'timestamp': '2020-06-01T02:04:02', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14320', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14320'} |
# Introduction
At least 1.5 million preventable adverse drug events (ADE) occur each year in the U.S. . Medication errors related to ADEs can occur while writing or filling prescriptions, or even when taking or managing medications . For example, pharmacists must verify thousands of pills dispensed daily in the pharmacy, a process that is largely manual and prone to error. Chronically-ill and elderly patients often separate pills from their original prescription bottles, which can lead to confusion and misadministration. | {'timestamp': '2020-09-09T02:04:58', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14288', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14288'} |
# Introduction
The chemically peculiar (CP) stars of the upper main sequence (spectral types early B to early F) are traditionally characterised by the presence of certain absorption lines of abnormal strength or weakness that indicate peculiar surface abundances. For most groups of CP stars, current theories ascribe the observed chemical peculiarities to the interplay between radiative levitation and gravitational settling (atomic diffusion): whereas most elements sink under the force of gravity, those with numerous absorption lines near the local flux maximum are radiatively accelerated towards the surface. Because CP stars are generally slow rotators and boast calm radiative atmospheres, atomic diffusion processes are able to significantly influence the chemical composition of the outer stellar layers. Following, CP stars are traditionally divided into the following four main groups: CP1 stars (the metallic-line or Am/Fm stars), CP2 stars (the magnetic Bp/Ap stars), CP3 stars (the Mercury-Manganese or HgMn stars), and CP4 stars (the He-weak stars). Although the chemical composition within a group may vary considerably, each group is characterised by a distinct set of peculiarities. The CP1 stars show underabundances of Ca and Sc and overabundances of the iron-peak and heavier elements. CP2 stars exhibit excesses of elements such as Si, Sr, Eu, or the rare-earth elements. The CP3 stars are characterised by enhanced lines of Hg and Mn and other heavy elements, whereas the main characteristic of the CP4 stars is anomalously weak He lines. Further classes of CP stars have been described, such as the He strong stars--early B stars with anomalously strong He lines--, the \(\lambda\) Bootis stars, which boast unusually low surface abundances of iron-peak elements, or the barium stars, which are characterised by enhancements of the *s*-process elements Ba, Sr, Y, and C. Generally, with regard to the strength of chemical peculiarities, a continuous transition from normal to peculiar stars is observed. Most of the CP2 and He-peculiar stars possess stable and globally organised magnetic fields with strengths of up to several tens of kG, the origin of which is still a matter of some controversy. However, a body of evidence has been built up that strongly favours the fossil field theory, which states that the magnetic field is a relic of the 'frozen-in' interstellar magnetic field (e.g. @braithwaite04). These stars are often referred to as magnetic chemically peculiar (mCP) stars in the literature--a convention which we will adhere to throughout this paper. The magnetic field affects the diffusion processes in such a way that mCP stars show a non-uniform distribution of chemical elements (chemical spots or belts) on their surfaces, which can be studied in detail via the technique of Doppler imaging. As the magnetic axis is oblique to the rotation axis (oblique rotator model; @stibbs50), mCP stars show strictly periodic light, spectral, and magnetic variations with the rotation period. The photometric variability arises because flux is redistributed in the abundance patches (e.g. @wolff71 [@molnar73; @krticka13]). The mCP stars show vastly differing abundance patterns. Some of the most peculiar objects belong to this group, such as the extreme lanthanide star HD 51418 or Przybylski's star HD 101065 (@przybylski66), which is widely regarded as the most peculiar star known. Excesses of several orders of magnitude are commonly observed in these objects. already recognised a relationship between a CP2 star's temperature and the predominant spectral peculiarities and showed that the CP2 stars can thus be sorted into subgroups. Since then, many authors have proposed corresponding classification schemes with varying levels of detail (cf. the discussions in @wolff83 and @gray09). It is generally useful to at least differentiate between the 'cool' CP2 stars mostly characterised by Sr, Cr and Eu peculiarities and the 'hot' CP2 stars that generally show Si overabundances, although considerable overlap exists. The mCP stars are important to astrophysics in several respects. Their complex atmospheres lend themselves perfectly to the investigation of such diverse phenomena as atomic diffusion, magnetic fields, stellar rotation and their interplay. They furthermore provide important testing grounds for the evaluation of model atmospheres and, through their characteristic light variability, allow the derivation of rotational periods with great accuracy and comparatively little effort. The most up-to-date collection of CP stars--the most recent version of the General Catalogue of CP Stars--was published a decade ago. It contains about 3500 mCP stars or candidates (\(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}2000 confirmed mCP stars and \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1500 candidate mCP stars). Since then, several studies have identified new mCP stars on a minor scale (e.g. @huemmerich18 [@Scholz2019; @sikora19]) but no large scale spectroscopic surveys have been conducted during the past recent decades that aim specifically at the identification of new mCP stars 'en masse'. The works of and warrant special mention as they exploited spectra collected by the Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST) of the Chinese Academy of Science. presented a list of 3537 candidate CP1 stars from LAMOST Data Release (DR) 1. Building on this work, investigated pulsational properties versus metallicism in this subgroup of CP stars. searched for CP1 stars in the low-resolution spectra of LAMOST DR5 and compiled a catalogue of 9372 CP1 stars. They identified CP2 stars as a contaminant and searched for corresponding candidates in their sample of CP1 candidates, identifying 1131 candidate CP2 stars in this process. Here we present our efforts aimed at identifying new mCP stars using spectra from the publicly available LAMOST DR4, which have led to the discovery of 1002 mCP stars. With this work, we significantly increase the sample size of known Galactic mCP stars, paving the way for future in-depth statistical studies. Spectroscopic data and target selection process are discussed in Section [2](#dataanalysis){reference-type="ref" reference="dataanalysis"}. Spectral classification workflow and results are detailed in Section [3](#spectral_classification){reference-type="ref" reference="spectral_classification"} and discussed, together with other interesting information on our sample of stars, in Section [4](#discussion){reference-type="ref" reference="discussion"}. We conclude our findings in Section [5](#conclusion){reference-type="ref" reference="conclusion"}.
# Spectroscopic data and target selection {#dataanalysis}
This section contains a description of the employed spectral archive and the MKCLASS code and details the process of target selection.
## The Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST) {#LAMOST}
The LAMOST telescope, also called the Guo Shou Jing[^1] Telescope, is a reflecting Schmidt telescope located at the Xinglong Observatory in Beijing, China. It boasts an effective aperture of 3.6\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}4.9 m and a field of view of 5\(\degr\). Thanks to its unique design, LAMOST is able to take 4000 spectra in a single exposure with spectral resolution R \(\sim\) 1800, limiting magnitude r \(\sim\) 19 mag and wavelength coverage from 3700 to 9000 Å. LAMOST is therefore particularly suited to survey large portions of the sky and is dedicated to a spectral survey of the entire available northern sky. LAMOST data products are released to the public in consecutive data releases and can be accessed via the LAMOST spectral archive.[^2] With about 10 million stellar spectra contained in DR6, the LAMOST archive constitutes a real treasure trove for researchers.
## The MKCLASS code {#MKCLASS}
MKCLASS is a computer program written to classify stellar spectra on the Morgan-Keenan-Kellman (MKK) system. It has been designed to emulate the process of classifying by a human classifier. First, a rough spectral type is assigned, which is then refined by direct comparison with spectra from standard star libraries. Currently, MKCLASS is able to classify spectra in the violet-green region (3800-5600 Å) in either rectified or flux-calibrated format. Several studies (e.g. @gray14 [@gray16; @huemmerich18]) have shown that, providing input spectra of sufficient signal-to-noise (S/N), the results of MKCLASS compare well with the results of manual classification (precision of 0.6 spectral subclass and half a luminosity class according to @gray14). MKCLASS comes with two libraries of MKK standard spectra, which have been acquired with the Gray/Miller (GM) spectrograph on the 0.8 m reflector of the Dark Sky Observatory in North Carolina, USA. *libr18* contains rectified spectra in the spectral range from 3800--4600 Å and a resolution of 1.8 Å that were obtained with a 1200 g mm\(^{-1}\) grating. *libnor36* boasts flux-calibrated and normalised spectra in the spectral range from 3800--5600 Å and a resolution of 3.6 Å obtained with a 600 g mm\(^{-1}\) grating. MKCLASS allows for the use of additional spectral libraries tailored to the specific needs of the researcher. An interesting feature of the MKCLASS code is its ability to identify a set of spectral peculiarities, such as found in CP1 and CP2 stars, barium stars, carbon-rich giants etc. For more information on the MKCLASS code, we refer the reader to and the corresponding website.[^3]
## Target selection criteria {#target}
To select suitable mCP star candidates, we specifically searched for the presence of the tell-tale 5200 Å depression in the LAMOST DR4 spectra of early-type stars. In the following, we provide background information and detail our selection criteria and the methods employed in the construction of the present sample of stars.
### The flux depressions in mCP stars {#5200A_depression}
The first to notice significant flux depressions at 4100 Å, 5200 Å, and 6300 Å in the spectrum of the mCP star HD 221568 was. Similar features in the ultraviolet region at 1400 Å, 1750 Å, and 2750 Å were later identified and investigated. It was found that these spectral features solely occur in mCP stars. showed that Fe is the principal contributor to the 5200 Å depression for the whole range of \(T_{\rm eff}\) of mCP stars, while Cr and Si play a role primarily in the low \(T_{\rm eff}\) region. Figure [\[fig_5200A_depression\]](#fig_5200A_depression){reference-type="ref" reference="fig_5200A_depression"} shows the 4800 Å to 5700 Å region of the spectra of a non-CP star, a corresponding synthetic spectrum and the newly-identified mCP star LAMOST J025951.09+540337.5 (\#78[^4]; TYC 3701-157-1), illustrating the 5200 Å depression in the latter object. To investigate the flux depression at 5200 Å, introduced the narrow-band three-filter \(\Delta a\) system, which samples the depth of this depression by comparing the flux at the center (5220 Å, \(g_{\rm 2}\)) with the adjacent regions (5000 Å, \(g_{\rm 1}\) and 5500 Å, \(y\)) using a band-width of 130 Å for \(g_{\rm 1}\) and \(g_{\rm 2}\) and 230 Å for the Strömgren \(y\) filter. The index was introduced as: \[a = g_{\rm 2}-(g_{\rm 1} + y)/2.\] This quantity is slightly dependent on temperature in the sense that it increases towards lower temperatures. Therefore, the intrinsic peculiarity index had to be defined as: \[\Delta a = a-a_{\rm 0}(g_{\rm 1}-y),\] that is, the difference between the individual \(a\) value and the \(a\) value of non-peculiar stars of the same colour. The locus of the \(a_{\rm 0}\) values for non-peculiar objects was termed the normality line. Virtually all mCP stars have positive \(\Delta a\) values up to \(+75\) mmag. Only extreme cases of CP1 and CP3 stars can exhibit marginally positive \(\Delta a\) values. Be/Ae, B\[e\] and \(\lambda\) Bootis stars exhibit significant negative values. In summary, it has been shown that the \(\Delta a\) system is an efficient and reliable means of identifying mCP stars.
### Sample selection {#sample_selection}
In the present study, we concentrated on the publicly-available spectra from LAMOST DR4. As first step, the complete catalogue was cross-matched with the \(Gaia\) DR2 catalogue. To identify suitable targets, we exploited the \(G\) versus \((BP-RP)\) diagram to set a corresponding limit on the investigated spectral type range (hotter than mid F, i.e. \((BP-RP)\) \(<\) 0.45 mag). From the remaining objects, apparent supergiants were excluded. As this approach is bound to miss highly-reddened hot objects, we searched the spectral types listed in the DR4 VizieR online catalogue[^5] for additional early-type (B-, A-, and F-type) targets, which were also included into the analysis. Only spectra with a S/N of more than 50 in the Sloan \(g\) band were considered for further analysis. This cut was deemed necessary because a lower S/N renders the detection of mCP star features difficult. If more than one spectrum was available for a single object, only the spectrum with the highest Sloan \(g\) band S/N was included into the analysis. From the remaining spectra, suitable candidates were selected by the presence of the tell-tale 5200 Å depression. To calculate synthetic \(\Delta a\) values, all spectra were normalised to the flux at 4030 Å. This guarantees that the large absolute flux differences introduced by the apparent visual magnitude do not cause any numerical biases in the final magnitudes. The filter curves of \(g_1\), \(g_2\), and \(y\) as defined in were then folded with the spectra and the corresponding magnitudes calculated. All objects with a significant positive \(\Delta a\) index were visually inspected for the presence of a 5200 Å depression in order to sort out glitches in the spectra or contamination by other objects such as cool stars with strong features in the 5200 Å range. Figure [\[fig_5200A_depression2\]](#fig_5200A_depression2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig_5200A_depression2"} illustrates this process by providing sample LAMOST DR4 spectra of mCP stars showing 5200 Å flux depressions of various strengths. Also shown is the 'impostor' LAMOST J001159.88+435908.5 (GSC 02794-00977). This object is actually a mid to late K star whose 5200 Å region is dominated by absorption lines of the triplet at 5167 Å, 5173 Å, and 5184 Å, which leads to a significantly positive \(\Delta a\) value and highlights the need for setting a limit on the investigated spectral type range via the above described colour-colour cut. In this way, a list of 1002 mCP star candidates was compiled. This collection of stars is referred to in the following as the 'final sample'. We here emphasise that our sample is obviously biased towards mCP stars with conspicuous flux depressions at 5200 Å. However, not all mCP stars show significant 5200 Å depressions, in particular in low-resolution spectra, and such objects will have been missed by the imposed selection criteria. On the other hand, early-type stars with significant 5200 Å depressions are nearly always mCP stars; therefore, the chosen approach should be well suited to collecting a pure sample of mCP stars.
# Spectral classification {#spectral_classification}
Spectral classification is an important tool in astrophysics, which allows for the easy identification of astrophysically interesting objects. Furthermore, it enables to place stars in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, thus enabling the derivation of physical parameters. However, in the era of large survey projects such as LAMOST, RAVE, or SDSS/SEGUE, which produce a multitude of stellar spectra, human manual classification is no longer able to cope with the amount of data and the need for automatic classification has arisen. For the present study, we chose to employ a modified version of the MKCLASS code (cf. Section [2.2](#MKCLASS){reference-type="ref" reference="MKCLASS"}) that has been specifically tailored to the needs of our project. More details are provided in this section, which details the spectral classification workflow.
## Spectral classification with the MKCLASS code {#spectral_classification_MKCLASS}
As deduced from an investigation of the program code, the current version of the MKCLASS code (v1.07) is able to identify the following spectral features, which are important in the detection of CP2 stars: the blend at 4077 Å (which may contain contributions from 4076 Å, 4077 Å, and 4077 Å), the blend at 4130 Å (due to enhanced 4128/30 Å and/or 4130 Å), and the 4205 Å line. On a significant detection of these features, the following output is created: 'Sr' (4077 Å), 'Si' (4130 Å), 'Eu' (4205 Å). As other elements besides Sr and Si contribute to the blends at 4077 Å and 4130 Å, the output may be misleading in some cases. Nevertheless, this allows a robust detection of mCP stars (e.g. @huemmerich18) and is a good starting point for further investigations. To suit the special needs of our project, which is solely concerned with the identification and classification of mCP stars among a sample of early-type candidate stars, we opted to refine the MKCLASS peculiarity identification routine. The code was therefore altered to probe several additional lines, with the advantage that the new version is now able to more robustly identify traditional mCP star peculiarities. In addition, we enabled the identification of Cr peculiarities and, to some extent, He peculiarities, which are relevant to the classification of mCP stars. The choice of lines was dictated by the resolution and quality of the input material (i.e. LAMOST DR4 spectra), in particular concerning the availability of neighbouring continuum flux to probe a certain line and the numerous line blends due to the low resolution. We therefore stress that the resulting version of the MKCLASS code, which is referred to hereafter as MKCLASS_mCP, has been created specifically for identifying and classifying mCP stars in LAMOST low-resolution spectra. Applying the code to spectra of other resolutions will require a corresponding update of the peculiarity classification routine and, perhaps, an update and enlargement of the employed standard star libraries (see below). Table [1](#table_lines){reference-type="ref" reference="table_lines"} lists the lines and blends identified by MKCLASS_mCP, as well as the spectral range in which the corresponding features are searched for. We note that at the resolution of the employed LAMOST spectra, all these lines are, to some extent, blended with other absorption lines. Nevertheless, the listed ions generally constitute the main contributors to these blends in mCP stars. A sample output of MKCLASS_mCP is provided in column five of Table [\[table_MKCLASS_manual\]](#table_MKCLASS_manual){reference-type="ref" reference="table_MKCLASS_manual"}. Further information on the interpretation of this output is provided below; a discussion of the accuracy of the derived classifications is provided in Section [3.2](#evaluation){reference-type="ref" reference="evaluation"}.
## Evaluation
As a test of the validity of our approach, we manually classified a sample of ten randomly chosen stars and compared our results with the final spectral types derived in the described manner from the MKCLASS_mCP output, which, for convenience, are termed hereafter the 'MKCLASS final types'. In addition, we visually inspected the spectra of about 100 further stars to check for the presence of peculiarly strong lines and evaluate the reliability of the classifications. The results from the manual classification are shown in Table [\[table_MKCLASS_manual\]](#table_MKCLASS_manual){reference-type="ref" reference="table_MKCLASS_manual"} and highlight the good agreement between the manually-and automatically-derived (hydrogen-line) temperature types. In general, we estimate the uncertainty of the derived temperature types to be \(\pm\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1 subclass. This, however, increases to about \(\pm\)`<!-- -->`{=html}2 subclasses towards later and more peculiar mCP stars for which the classification is notoriously difficult and, for the most extreme objects, unreliable. Figures [\[spectra_early_types\]](#spectra_early_types){reference-type="ref" reference="spectra_early_types"} and [\[spectra_late_types\]](#spectra_late_types){reference-type="ref" reference="spectra_late_types"} showcase, respectively, three 'hot' mCP stars and three 'cool' mCP stars, which have been newly identified as such in the present study. MKCLASS final types and, where available, manual types from Table [\[table_MKCLASS_manual\]](#table_MKCLASS_manual){reference-type="ref" reference="table_MKCLASS_manual"} are indicated. There is also a generally good agreement in regard to the derived peculiarity types. However, with our approach, we obviously missed the presence of peculiarities in several objects (Table [\[table_MKCLASS_manual\]](#table_MKCLASS_manual){reference-type="ref" reference="table_MKCLASS_manual"}). A further investigation of these stars shows that this has been mostly due to either the imposed significance criteria, weak or complicated peculiarities, or the absence of continuum flux to probe certain lines (or a combination thereof). A good case in point is LAMOST J065647.94+242958.8 (\#732; TYC 1898-1408-1), whose blue-violet spectrum is shown in the upper panel of Figure [\[spectra_comparison\]](#spectra_comparison){reference-type="ref" reference="spectra_comparison"}. It shows enhanced lines at 3856/62 Å, 4128/31 Å, and 4200 Å. Furthermore, strong lines are present at 3866 Å, 4111 Å, 4172 Å, 4559 Å, and 4588 Å. The blend at around 4077 Å is notoriously difficult to interpret and can contain contributions from , , and . The strong line at 4216 Å, however, indicates the presence of a Sr peculiarity. Consequently, we have classified this star as A0 V SiSrCr. The MKCLASS_mCP code missed the rather subtle Si and Cr peculiarities (MKCLASS final type: B9.5 V Sr). The bottom panel of Figure [\[spectra_comparison\]](#spectra_comparison){reference-type="ref" reference="spectra_comparison"} illustrates the case of LAMOST J052816.11-063820.1 (\#344; TYC 4765-708-1; also shown in Figure [\[spectra_late_types\]](#spectra_late_types){reference-type="ref" reference="spectra_late_types"}), a cool CP2 star that may serve as a warning and an example illustrating the difficulty of classifying the more extreme mCP stars, which may possess peculiarities that render their spectra difficult to match to any standard star. The star exhibits a weak K line with a peculiar profile. While the hydrogen-line profile points to a late A-type star, the broad K line is that of an early A-type star and reasonably matched by that of an A1 V standard. As CP2 stars are prone to exhibiting marked Ca deficiencies (e.g. @gray09 [@ghazaryan18]), the hydrogen-line profile is a better indicator of the actual effective temperature than the K line strength, hence LAMOST J052816.11-063820.1 is obviously a late-type mCP star. However, while the H\(\gamma\), H\(\delta\), H8, and H9 lines are reasonably well matched by that of an A9 V star, the H\(\epsilon\) line exhibits an unusual profile, which makes it difficult to match the hydrogen-line profile to that of any standard star. We also note the unusually weak Mg II line at 4481 Å. The MKCLASS_mCP code duly assigned final k/h/m-types of A1, A8, and A9; we prefer k/h/m-types of A1, A9, and A9. The spectrum of LAMOST J052816.11-063820.1 shows strong blends at 4077 Å and 4130 Å, which--judging from the strong lines at 4216 Å (), 4205 Å (), and 4435 Å ()--are mainly caused by overabundances of Sr and Eu. The strong lines at 3866 Å and 4111 Å (the bump in the red wing of H\(\delta\)) indicate a Cr overabundance; a corresponding enhanced line at 4172 Å, however, is notably absent. We have classified this star as kA1hA9mA9 V SrCrEu. The MKCLASS_mCP code duly identified the main peculiarities (MKCLASS final type: kA1hA8mA9 SrEu). The examples show that the peculiarity types derived in the present investigation are in many cases not exhaustive but rather denote the main peculiarities present. They are still very useful for first orientation and an excellent starting point for more detailed investigations; they are furthermore suited to statistical studies (cf. Section [4.4](#peculiarity_types){reference-type="ref" reference="peculiarity_types"}). Some cautionary words are necessary in regard to luminosity classification. It is well known that problems with the luminosity classification may arise by the confusion of luminosity criteria and mCP star characteristica or peculiarities. In the early A-type stars, luminosity classification is primarily based on hydrogen-line profiles. The mCP stars, in general, are slow rotators that display narrow lines and hydrogen-line profiles that are easily misinterpreted as belonging to stars of higher luminosity. Indeed, the hydrogen-line profiles of many late B-and early A-type Si stars of our sample are best matched by standards of luminosity class III although there is no further indication that these star are in fact giant stars. Additional confusion may arise due to peculiarly strong lines that are also used in luminosity classification. lines, for example, are enhanced in giants and supergiants as well as in several types of mCP stars, which might lead to corresponding misclassifications. This holds especially true for classifications based on photographic plates or low S/N spectra. In regard to CP1 stars, the term 'anomalous luminosity effect' has been coined, which describes the perplexing situation that luminosity criteria from different regions of the spectrum indicate different luminosities. This also applies at least partly to mCP stars, which may show strong general enhancements of metal-lines in their spectra that are reminiscent of much cooler stars. Furthermore, while obtaining the hydrogen-line type is fairly straightforward for most mCP stars, the more peculiar objects show distorted atmospheres and unusual and peculiar hydrogen-line profiles that may not match any standard star, which may result in classification errors. Abnormal hydrogen-line profiles are especially observed in cool mCP stars. These issues also impact automatic classification routines such as the MKCLASS code and will surely be at the root of the high luminosity classification of many of our sample stars, which should be regarded with caution. It has been well confirmed that mCP stars are generally main-sequence objects (e.g. @netopil17 and references therein) and the results from the colour-magnitude diagram (CMD) (Section [4.2](#evolutionary_status){reference-type="ref" reference="evolutionary_status"}) fully support this finding. A detailed analysis of this issue is necessary but beyond the scope of the present investigation. At this point, we would like to also recall that at least half of the mCP stars are spectroscopic variables, that is, the observed line strengths may vary considerably over the rotation period, which should always be kept in mind when working with mCP star spectra. Table [\[table_master1\]](#table_master1){reference-type="ref" reference="table_master1"} in the Appendix presents the MKCLASS final types along with essential data for our sample stars.
# Discussion
This section discusses properties of our final sample such as magnitude distribution, distances from the Sun, evolutionary status, and their distribution in space, and discusses interesting objects such as the eclipsing binary system LAMOST J034306.74+495240.7.
## Magnitudes and distances from the Sun {#magnitudes_and_distances}
In Figure [\[histograms\]](#histograms){reference-type="ref" reference="histograms"}, we present the histograms of the \(G\) magnitudes and the distances from the Sun of our sample stars. The magnitude distribution peaks between 11th and 12th magnitude, which corresponds to a distance of about 1 kpc for the investigated range of spectral types. While our sample contains only a few new mCP stars within 500 pc around the Sun, there is a significant number of objects beyond 2 kpc, which might help to shed more light on the Galactic radial metallicity gradient and its influence on the formation and evolution of CP stars. In summary, our sample is a perfect extension to the mCP stars listed in the catalogue of, which are on the average closer and brighter, peaking at 9th magnitude.
## Evolutionary status {#evolutionary_status}
In the following sections, we investigate the evolutionary status of our sample stars in the \((BP-RP)_0\) versus \(M_{\mathrm{G,0}}\) and mass versus fractional age on the main sequence spaces. We caution that, due to the imposed selection criteria (cf. Section [2.3.2](#sample_selection){reference-type="ref" reference="sample_selection"}), our sample is biased towards stars showing a conspicuous 5200 Å flux depression in the low-resolution LAMOST spectra. Therefore, our results, while being based on a statistically significant sample size, have to be viewed with caution and their general validity needs to be tested by a more extended sample selected via different methodological approaches.
### Colour-magnitude diagram {#evolutionary_status_CMD}
To investigate the astrophysical properties of our sample stars in a CMD, we employed the homogeneous Gaia DR2 photometry from. Most of our sample stars are situated within the Galactic disk farther than 500 pc from the Sun; therefore, interstellar reddening (absorption) cannot be neglected. Because hardly any objects have Strömgren-Crawford indices available, we relied on the published reddening map by. To interpolate within this map, parallaxes were directly converted to distances. To limit the error of the absorption values to 0.1 mag, only objects with relative parallax errors of at most 25 % (942 in total) were used. The transformation of the reddening values was performed using the relations: \[E(B-V) = 0.76E(BP-RP) = 0.40A_G.\] These relations already take into account the conversion to extinction in different bands using the coefficients as listed in. In Figure [\[CMD\]](#CMD){reference-type="ref" reference="CMD"}, we present the CMD of our sample stars together with PARSEC isochrones for solar metallicity \[Z\] = 0.020. We favour this value because it has been shown to be consistent with recent results of Helioseismology. Also included is the reddening vector according to an uncertainty of 0.1 mag for \(E(B-V)\). About 20 stars are situated below the zero-age main sequence (ZAMS) to such an extent that it cannot be explained by errors in the reddening estimation. Inconsistent photometry or binarity might possibly have led to the observed positions but, with the available data, we are unable to shed more light on this matter. The stars LAMOST J061609.42+265703.2 (\#537; \(M_{\mathrm{G,0}}\) = +7.78 mag, \((BP-RP)_0\) = +0.840 mag), LAMOST J064757.48+105648.2 (\#678; \(M_{\mathrm{G,0}}\) = +7.75 mag, \((BP-RP)_0\) = +1.721 mag), and LAMOST J202943.73+384756.6 (\#943; \(M_{\mathrm{G,0}}\) = +3.61 mag, \((BP-RP)_0\) = +1.180 mag) are not plotted in the CMD because they lie outside the chosen boundaries. The available spectra clearly confirm that they are mCP stars. We double-checked the identifications in the Gaia DR2 and LAMOST catalogues and searched for nearby objects on the sky that might have influenced the photometry, albeit with negative results. In the case of LAMOST J202943.73+384756.6, we strongly suspect that binarity might be at the root of the observed outlying position. Its spectrum has an unusual black-body curve, and its spectral energy distribution (SED) looks like the superposition of two objects, with a clearly visible infrared excess. However, we are unable to explain the reasons behind the observed inconsistent photometry for the other two stars. From the distribution of stars in Figure [\[CMD\]](#CMD){reference-type="ref" reference="CMD"}, we conclude that the majority of our sample stars is between 100 Myr and 1 Gyr old. There are only a few very young stars and an accumulation of objects older than 300 Myr. The here employed isochrones have been calculated for stars of standard composition, that is, chemically normal stars, assuming solar metallicity \[Z\] = 0.020. As the chemical bulk composition of mCP stars is unknown, however, the choice of the right chemical composition for the theoretical tracks remains an open question (cf. e.g. the discussion in @bagnulo06). The main question is whether the apparent overabundances encountered at the surface are representative for the whole stellar interior. If diffusion is assumed as the main mechanism (in line with most theoretical studies), the overall abundance will be close to solar because corresponding underabundances are expected in the stellar interior. All current isochrone calculations are based on assuming a \[Z\] value for the whole star; it is currently not possible to consider different \[Z\] values for different layers of the stellar atmosphere. A detailed discussion of the influence of \[Z\] on the determination of age on the main sequence is provided in the following section.
### Mass versus age on the main sequence {#evolutionary_status_mass_age}
To examine the evolutionary status of our sample stars in more detail, we investigated the distribution of mass (\(M\)) versus age on the main sequence. Age on the main sequence (\(\tau\)) is here defined as the fraction of life spent on the main sequence, with the ZAMS corresponding to \(\tau\) = 0 % and the terminal-age main sequence (TAMS) to \(\tau\) = 100 %. Only objects with absolute parallax errors less than 25 % were considered in this process. We again used PARSEC isochrones for solar metallicity \[Z\] = 0.020 and 7.0 \(<\) log \(t\) \(<\) 10.0 (step size: 0.025). Bearing in mind the observational errors, the chosen step size is sufficient not to run into numerical inaccuracies due to the grid being too coarse. We did not interpolate within the grid but always selected the point with minimal Euclidean distance to the observed value in the \((BP-RP){_0}\) versus \(M_{\mathrm{G,0}}\) space. Only grid points representing the main sequence (flagged "1" in the corresponding isochrones) were used. As next step, we discarded all data points with a distance of more than 0.05 mag between observed value and theoretical grid point, which guarantees the exclusion of points below the ZAMS and above the TAMS. In this way, masses and ages were derived for 903 sample stars fulfilling the imposed accuracy criteria. As final step, the lifetime on the main sequence was calculated for a given mass using the upper envelope of the isochrone grid. With this parameter, the fractional lifetime of a star on the main sequence can be easily calculated. To compute upper and lower limits for \(\tau\) and \(M\), the full error ellipse was taken into account. This procedure is described in more detail in. Table [\[table_age_mass\]](#table_age_mass){reference-type="ref" reference="table_age_mass"} lists the derived masses and fractional ages on the main sequence for solar metallicity \[Z\] = 0.020, which are graphically represented in Figure [\[plot_age_mass\]](#plot_age_mass){reference-type="ref" reference="plot_age_mass"}. The density plot in the upper panel clearly shows that there are only very few stars in our sample younger than \(\tau\) \< 20 %. Most stars have a relative age of \(\tau\) \(\ge\) 60 %. To check the reliability of our results, we have investigated the error distribution of the age and mass estimates in detail. This analysis was done for solar metallicity. We have investigated the influence of the assumed metallicity in a second step. For this, masses were binned in 0.2 M\(_\odot\) and ages in 10 % intervals. Sizes have been chosen to guarantee the availability of a significant number of data points in each bin. Figure [\[plot_age_mass_errors\]](#plot_age_mass_errors){reference-type="ref" reference="plot_age_mass_errors"} illustrates the corresponding histograms. The absolute errors of the masses increase linearly until \(M\) = 3.4 M\(_\odot\) and then flatten out, which means that the relative error stays constant over the whole investigated mass range. The situation is different for the derived ages; up to \(\tau\) \(\le\) 90 %, absolute errors remain almost constant. Relative errors obtained for younger stars, therefore, are significantly larger than for old ones. This, however, does not impact our conclusions (see below). The significant increase of the errors for the last age bin is due to the higher density of isochrones in this region; furthermore, taking the error ellipse into account, some stars may be located above the TAMS. In order to evaluate the effect of the chosen metallicity on our results, we have investigated the \[Z\] distribution for CP2 stars from the catalogue with a least three measurements of C, N, O, and S. These light elements were chosen because they contribute the most to the derived \[Z\] values. They appear significantly underabundant in most CP2 stars, which therefore show lower \[Z\] values than chemically normal stars (Figure [\[plot_Z\]](#plot_Z){reference-type="ref" reference="plot_Z"}). For most objects, we find \[Z\] values in the range from about 0.008 to 0.060. From the reference source, we were not able to estimate the errors of the derived \[Z\] values, which mainly depend on the errors of the individual abundance determinations; these, however, are mostly not available. We emphasise that all available isochrones use scaled abundances according to the abundance pattern of the Sun. Whether this approximation can also be applied to CP stars remains at the present time unknown (cf. Figure 1 of @ghazaryan18). On the basis of open cluster members, investigated the influence of the overall metallicity on the error of the age determination for CP2 stars, using metallicities of \[Z\] = 0.020 (solar) and \[Z\] = 0.008, as derived from the corresponding host clusters. As clusters with \[Z\] \> 0.020 are very rare in the Milky Way, no isochrones for metallicities exceeding solar metallicity were considered in their study. When estimating \(\tau\), we have to consider two effects, which are illustrated in Figure [\[plots_sequences_Zs\]](#plots_sequences_Zs){reference-type="ref" reference="plots_sequences_Zs"}. As is well known, lines of constant \(\tau\) are not distributed equally across the main sequence (Figure [\[plots_sequences_Zs\]](#plots_sequences_Zs){reference-type="ref" reference="plots_sequences_Zs"}, upper panel). For a constant value of \((BP-RP){_0}\), they are much tighter in terms of \(M_{\mathrm{G,0}}\) for the first \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}70 % of the main-sequence lifetime. The total interval of \(M_{\mathrm{G,0}}\) from ZAMS to TAMS spans about 2.6 mag, whereas the intervals covered to \(\tau\) = 25 % and \(\tau\) = 50 % amount to only 0.3 mag and 0.7 mag, respectively. The lower panel of Figure [\[plots_sequences_Zs\]](#plots_sequences_Zs){reference-type="ref" reference="plots_sequences_Zs"} explores the impact of isochrones of different metallicity on the positions of the ZAMS and TAMS. The magnitude differences between the positions of the ZAMS are nearly constant and amount to 0.4 mag, which corresponds to an age difference of about 30 % at the ZAMS. This means that a ZAMS star of solar metallicity (\[Z\] = 0.020) would have already spent 30 % of its main-sequence lifetime for \[Z\] = 0.008 but would be situated 0.4 mag below the ZAMS for \[Z\] = 0.060. This illustrates the dilemma ellicited by the lack of knowledge of the overall metallicity of mCP stars and the resulting loss of accuracy, as clearly demonstrated by. The uncertainty is largest for stars near the ZAMS and has to be considered together with the distribution of errors for a given distinct metallicity (Figure [\[plot_age_mass_errors\]](#plot_age_mass_errors){reference-type="ref" reference="plot_age_mass_errors"}). However, because individual \[Z\] values and their errors are unavailable for our sample stars, we are not able to provide reliable estimations of the contribution to the computed errors. Figure [\[plot_different_metallicities\]](#plot_different_metallicities){reference-type="ref" reference="plot_different_metallicities"} illustrates the mass versus \(\tau\) distributions for all three investigated isochrones. The majority of our sample stars is situated in the rather narrow spectral range from B8 to A0 (cf. Section [4.4](#peculiarity_types){reference-type="ref" reference="peculiarity_types"}). However, there is also a lesser but significant amount of stars with spectral types between A5 and F0. Any calibrated mass distribution should represent these results to some extent. The lower-metallicity isochrone (\[Z\] = 0.008) yields mainly old (\(\tau\) \(>\)`<!-- -->`{=html}75%) and cooler (later than spectral type A0) stars; no young stars are present. On the other hand, adopting the isochrone for \[Z\] = 0.060 results in a quite homogeneous age and mass distribution. However, there is a lack of stars cooler than A5, in conflict with the observations. Overall, as expected, none of the employed isochrones is suitable to reproduce the observed distribution of spectral types. Nevertheless, assuming solar metallicity offers the best compromise, with most stars situated in the late B-type realm and a tail of objects extending down to spectral type F0. To further tackle this important problem, a modern and detailed abundance analysis of the light elements is needed. The current available data are rare and mainly based on the assumption of local thermodynamical equilibrium. For the relevant spectral type domain, almost all suitable spectral lines (i.e. lines of sufficient strength) are situated in the spectral region redwards of 6000 Å. Unfortunately, the medium-resolution spectra of the LAMOST survey, which should be sufficient in terms of resolution, do not cover a significant amount of the specified spectral region. Finally, diffusion calculations for light elements are needed to estimate the influence of the magnetic field and to what extent the observed surface abundances are representative of the stellar composition. Until now, however, because of the lack of corresponding observations, such calculations are not available. Therefore, in the following, we have adopted the results for solar metallicity (\[Z\] = 0.020) as best approximation. Assuming isochrones for lower \[Z\] values would lead to the derivation of older fractional ages (cf. Figure [\[plot_different_metallicities\]](#plot_different_metallicities){reference-type="ref" reference="plot_different_metallicities"}). put forth the hypotheses that mCP stars with masses \(M\) \(<\) 3 M\(_\odot\) are concentrated towards the centre of the main-sequence band and that magnetic fields only appear in stars that have completed about 30 % of their lifetime on the main sequence. In their investigation of the evolutionary status of mCP stars, demonstrated that mCP stars with \(M\) \(>\) 3 \(M_\odot\) are distributed homogeneously among the main sequence. They further identified 22 young (\(\tau\) \(<\) 30 %) mCP stars among their sample stars with \(M\) \(\le\) 3 \(M_\odot\), thereby rejecting the proposal of that all observably magnetic low-mass CP stars have completed a significant fraction of their main-sequence lifetime. That very young (ZAMS to 25% on the main sequence) mCP stars do exist has been unambiguously demonstrated by several studies on the basis of members of open clusters (cf. e.g. @bagnulo03, @poehnl03, @landstreet07, and @landstreet08). Nevertheless, also find an uneven distribution for mCP stars with masses of \(M\) \(<\) 3 M\(_\odot\), in particular for stars with \(M\) \(\le\) 2 \(M_\odot\), which tend to cluster in the centre of the main-sequence band. Confirming their previous results, again found that mCP stars with \(M\) \(<\) 3 M\(_\odot\) are concentrated towards the centre of the main-sequence band. As is obvious from Figure [\[plot_age_mass\]](#plot_age_mass){reference-type="ref" reference="plot_age_mass"}, most of our sample stars are situated in the 2 \(\le\) \(M_\odot\) \(\le\)`<!-- -->`{=html}3 bin. In agreement with the results of the aformentioned studies, we also find an uneven distribution of the fractional lifetime; however, our sample stars boast a mean fractional age of \(\tau\) = 63 % (standard deviation of 23 %; cf. Figure [\[plots_age\]](#plots_age){reference-type="ref" reference="plots_age"}). Young mCP stars, while undoubtedly present, are conspicuously underrepresented in our sample. In summary, our results strongly suggest an inhomogeneous age distribution among low-mass (\(M\) \(<\) 3 M\(_\odot\)) mCP stars as hinted at by previous studies. However, we stress that our sample is biased towards mCP stars showing a conspicuous 5200 Å flux depression in the low-resolution LAMOST spectra and has not been selected on the basis of an unbiased, direct detection of a magnetic field. Therefore, our results have to be viewed with caution and their general validity needs to be tested by a more extended sample selected via different methodological approaches. It remains to be sorted out in what way the occurrence of the 5200 Å depression is connected with this result, in particular why this feature is apparently much more prominent in older stars. Several studies have shown that the 5200 Å depression increases with magnetic field strength and the atmospheric metal content (e.g. @2005A&A...433..671K; @2006A&A...448.1153K). Our analysis has been based on a statistically significant sample of mCP stars. Furthermore, due to the applied methods, it is not impacted by potential error sources that have been proposed to influence the results of former studies, such as a displacement of stars from the ZAMS by the application of negative Lutz-Kelker corrections or incorrect \({T}_{\rm eff}\) values caused by the anomalous flux distributions of mCP stars (cf. e.g. the discussions in @kochukhov06 and @netopil08). Even if the here derived error margins had been significantly underestimated, which we see no reason to believe, the general conclusion would hold. However, we caution that individual \[Z\] values and their errors are not available for our sample stars and that the influence of \[Z\] on the derived fractional ages is large.
## Space distribution {#space_distribution}
To investigate the location of our sample stars in the Galactic \[XYZ\] plane, the corresponding coordinates were obtained from a conversion of spherical Galactic coordinates (latitude and longitude) to Cartesian coordinates using the distance \(d\) from. In this work, the positive X-axis points towards the Galactic centre, the Y-axis is positive in the direction of Galactic rotation and the positive Z-axis points towards the north Galactic pole. Only objects with absolute parallax errors less than 25 % were considered in this process. 942 stars satisfied this criterion. We divided our sample in candidate members of the thin disk (scale height of 350 pc) and the thick disk (1200 pc). The scale heights were taken from and. Our results are shown in Figure [\[map_3D\]](#map_3D){reference-type="ref" reference="map_3D"}. From the sample of 942 stars, 797 objects likely belong to the thin disk and 135 objects to the thick disk. The remaining ten stars qualify for being members of the halo population and are thus worth a closer look. As a first step, we checked the spectra of the halo star candidates and confirmed that all objects exhibit the typical spectral features of mCP stars and a clearly visible flux depression. For the calculation of the total spatial velocity \(v_{\mathrm{tot}}\), the radial velocity (RV) is needed. Data from the LAMOST survey include automatically measured RV information of the spectra. We checked the reliability of these values for mCP stars, that is, the spectral range from late B-to early F-type objects, by searching for common entries with the RV catalogue of. In total, 11 stars were found that are common to both our sample and this catalogue. Some of these objects boast more than one spectrum in LAMOST DR4; in these cases, mean RV values were calculated. Comparing the RV values from both sources, we find a mean difference of +2.4 km s\(^{-1}\), which lends confidence that the LAMOST RVs are useful in a statistical sense. However, we caution that an external uncertainty we cannot account for is introduced by the spot-induced RV variations of mCP stars that can reach up to \(\pm\)`<!-- -->`{=html}50 km s\(^{-1}\). The space velocities were calculated following the formulae of. The final values are listed in Table [\[space_3D\]](#space_3D){reference-type="ref" reference="space_3D"}. Stars of the halo population show \(v_{\mathrm{tot}}\) \> 180 km s\(^{-1}\) as compared to the local standard of rest. We therefore conclude that the stars LAMOST J122746.05+113635.3 (\#876; Gaia DR2 3907547639444408064) and LAMOST J150331.87+093125.4 (\#880; Gaia DR2 1167894108493926016) are kinematically true halo objects, which is of considerable interest as no halo CP2 stars have been discovered so far. Considering the error, the star LAMOST J140422.54+044357.9 (\#879) does not satisfy this criterion. identified LAMOST J122746.05+113635.3 as candidate field horizontal-branch star. Its spectrum, however, is that of a Si CP2 star (Figure [\[comparison_halo\]](#comparison_halo){reference-type="ref" reference="comparison_halo"}). There are very strong lines at 3856/62 Å, 4128/31 Å, 4200 Å, 5041/56 Å, and 6347/71 Å. In addition, the lines are weak, which is commonly observed in CP2 stars. It has consequently been classified as B8 IV Si (He-wk) by the MKCLASS_mCP code. Almost all blue horizontal-branch stars, on the other hand, are metal-weak and their spectra rather resemble that of \(\lambda\) Bootis stars. We feel therefore safe in rejecting the proposed horizontal-branch classification. In summary, according to the available evidence, LAMOST J122746.05+113635.3 and LAMOST J150331.87+093125.4 are bona-fide CP2 stars whose distances and kinematical properties are in agreement with halo stars. If confirmed, they would be the first CP2 halo objects known and therefore of great interest. LAMOST J155549.85+401144.4 (\#881; Gaia DR2 1382933122321062912) is another interesting object because it is listed in the catalogue of hot subdwarfs by. The location in the \((BP-RP)_0\) versus \(M_{\mathrm{G,0}}\) diagram (Figure [\[CMD\]](#CMD){reference-type="ref" reference="CMD"}), however, does not support this classification. The same is true for the spectrum, which is that of a classical Si CP2 star (MKCLASS final type: B8 IV Si). We note that the occurrence of abundance anomalies in hot subdwarfs has been well established; for example, identified two hot subdwarfs with effective temperatures of about 37 000 K and enrichments of 1.5 to 3 dex in heavy metals. This, however, is very different from what we see in LAMOST J155549.85+401144.4, which is significantly cooler than that (\(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}14 000 K) and shows the abundance pattern of a CP2 star. The current evidence, therefore, points to it being no subdwarf but a Si CP2 star. Although the LAMOST survey is avoiding dense regions such as star clusters, we searched for possible cluster members among our sample stars. To this end, the positions, diameter, proper motions, distances and their errors of star clusters from and were employed and we searched for matches within 3 \(\sigma\) of these parameters. In total, seven matches in six open clusters were found, which are listed in Table [3](#OCs){reference-type="ref" reference="OCs"}. Judging from a comparison of the ages derived from Figure [\[CMD\]](#CMD){reference-type="ref" reference="CMD"} and the cluster ages, all objects seem to be true cluster members.
## The mid-B type mCP stars-He-peculiar objects? {#Hepec}
23 stars of our sample have MKCLASS final types earlier than B7. More than half of these objects were classified as showing peculiarly weak lines ('He-wk'). Interestingly, three stars were identified as showing both weak and strong ('He-st') lines, which strongly suggests He peculiarity. Besides that, only Si overabundances and strong 4130 Å blends were identified in several of these objects. As He-rich stars are generally hotter than spectral type B4 and therefore not expected to contribute to our sample, we consider these objects good candidates for He-weak (CP4) stars. Figure [\[spectra_hepec\]](#spectra_hepec){reference-type="ref" reference="spectra_hepec"} showcases the spectra of five mid-B type stars. The hydrogen-line profiles and the prominent 4267 Å lines corroborate the classifications, although we manually derived slightly different temperature types in two cases. LAMOST J014940.99+534134.2 (\#37; TYC 3684-1139-1) and LAMOST J062348.46+034201.1 (\#567; HD 256582) are He-weak stars with Si overabundances. LAMOST J062307.91+264642.0 (\#565; Gaia DR2 3432273606513132544) is also certainly He-weak but does not fit any of the standard subclasses of the He-weak stars (the 'hot' Si stars, i.e. Si stars with hotter temperatures than the classical Si CP2 stars; the P Ga stars; the Sr Ti stars; cf. @gray09). It is here classified as B4 V HeB7 (R. O. Gray, personal communication). LAMOST J055023.89+261330.2 (\#421; TYC 1866-861-1) boasts a rather noisy spectrum (\(g\) band S/N of 79) that is, apart from the hydrogen lines, basically a 'smattering' of metal-lines, without any particularly outstanding features--except for the strong C II 4267 Å and the weak Mg II 4481 Å lines that support its classification as a mid B-type object. This is also supported by the colour index \((BP-RP){_0}\) = \(-0.182\) mag. The He I lines, then, seem to be curiously absent from its spectrum, so the star may be related to the CP4 stars, although the metal-lines seem way too strong to support this interpretation. We here tentatively classify it as B4: V HeB9. The star shows a strong flux depression at 5200 Å, and, according to data from the SuperWASP archive, is a periodic photometric variable with a period of about 11.5 d. It certainly merits a closer look--this, however, is beyond the scope of the present investigation. The He lines of LAMOST J052118.97+320805.7 (\#318; HD 242764) do not look weak for its temperature type but have broad profiles suggesting rapid rotation. This, however, is not supported by the hydrogen-line profile, which almost exactly matches that of the B4 V standard. The presence of a number of unidentified metal-lines (which do show evidence for rotational broadening, but not to the extent the He I lines imply) and the conspicuous 5200 Å depression suggest that this star is indeed chemically peculiar, although it also does not fit into any of the standard mid-B peculiarity subtypes. It has been classified as B4 Vpn in the present study (R. O. Gray, personal communication). Additional proof that this star is indeed chemically peculiar comes from its periodic photometric variability with a period of about 5.1 d in SuperWASP data and the conspicuous 5200 Å flux depression in its spectrum. Incidentally, the star is listed with a spectral type of B8 Si Sr in the catalogue, which is not supported by the available LAMOST spectrum. We were unable to get at the root of this classification; however, the star is listed as B9 in the Henry Draper extension and was classified as B5p by. Further He-peculiar objects and candidates can be gleaned from Table [\[table_master1\]](#table_master1){reference-type="ref" reference="table_master1"}.
## The eclipsing binary system LAMOST J034306.74+495240.7 {#eclipser}
The star LAMOST J034306.74+495240.7 (\#135; TYC 3321-881-1) was identified as an eclipsing binary system in ASAS-SN data. It is listed in the International Variable Star Index of the AAVSO (VSX; @VSX) under the designation ASASSN-V J034306.74+495240.8 and with a period of 5.1431 d. We have analyzed the available ASAS-SN data for this star and derive a period of 5.1435\(\pm\)`<!-- -->`{=html}0.0012 d and an epoch of primary minimum at HJD 2457715.846\(\pm\)`<!-- -->`{=html}0.002. The light curve is shown in Figure [\[eclipser_lightcurve\]](#eclipser_lightcurve){reference-type="ref" reference="eclipser_lightcurve"} and illustrates that the orbit is slightly eccentric, the secondary minimum occurs at an orbital phase of \(\varphi\) = 0.46. In addition, there is evidence for out-of-eclipse variability in agreement with rotational modulation on one component of the system. Two spectra are available for this star in LAMOST DR4. The first spectrum ('spectrum1') was obtained on 23 October 2015 (MJD 57318; observation median UTC 17:33:00; \(g\) band S/N: 258), which corresponds to an orbital phase of \(\varphi\) = 0.890. The second spectrum ('spectrum2') was taken on 19 January 2016 (MJD 57406; observation median UTC 11:46:00; \(g\) band S/N: 207), which corresponds to an orbital phase of \(\varphi\) = 0.952. Therefore, both spectra were taking during maximum light, and we find no significant difference between them. Both show a strong flux depression at 5200 Å and enhanced lines at 3856/62 Å, 4128/31 Å, 4200 Å, 5041/56 Å, and 6347/71 Å. We have analyzed the spectrum with the highest S/N (spectrum1) and derive a spectral type of B9 III Si. Figure [\[eclipser_spectra\]](#eclipser_spectra){reference-type="ref" reference="eclipser_spectra"} compares the blue-violet part of both spectra to the liblamost B9 III standard, whose hydrogen-line profile provides a good fit to the observed ones. In summary, we conclude that at least one component of the LAMOST J034306.74+495240.7 system is a Si CP2 star. It is, therefore, of great interest because mCP stars in eclipsing binaries are exceedingly rare and accurate parameters for the components can be derived via an orbital solution of the system. We strongly encourage further studies of this interesting object.
## The SB2 system LAMOST J050146.85+383500.8 {#SB2_system}
Figure [\[SB2\]](#SB2){reference-type="ref" reference="SB2"} illustrates the peculiar spectrum of LAMOST J050146.85+383500.8 (\#272; HD 280281), which we suspect to be a blend of two different stars. This becomes especially obvious in the profile of the H\(\gamma\) line (Figure [\[SB2_Hgam\]](#SB2_Hgam){reference-type="ref" reference="SB2_Hgam"}). To further investigate this matter, we employed the VO Sed Analyzer tool VOSA[^8] v6.0 to fit the SED to the available photometry. For comparison, we used a Kurucz ODFNEW/NOVER model with \(T_\mathrm{eff}\) = 12 500 K, which corresponds to a spectral type of B8. We emphasise that a change of \(T_\mathrm{eff}\) of about 2000 K in either direction will not impact our conclusions. Figure [\[fig_SED\]](#fig_SED){reference-type="ref" reference="fig_SED"} illustrates the results of the fitting process. The flux model was fitted to either match the ultraviolet or the optical wavelength region. In any case, the discrepancies are readily visible and it is obvious that the observed flux distribution of LAMOST J050146.85+383500.8 cannot be fitted with a single star flux model. We note that it is well known that CP2 stars show a 'blueing' effect, which leads to observed flux discrepancies due to stronger absorption in the ultraviolet than in chemically normal stars. However, a slight shift in the ultraviolet region will not alter our conclusions. Because the features of the companion star are readily visible in the available LAMOST spectrum, we conclude that its absolute magnitude must be similar to the B-type main-sequence component. We therefore assume that it is a supergiant star with a progenitor of higher mass. Such a combination of components is quite unusual among mCP stars; in order to put further constraints on this spectroscopic binary system, orbital elements or the analysis of light-travel time effects are needed. LAMOST J050146.85+383500.8, therefore, is an interesting target for follow-up studies.
# Conclusions {#conclusion}
We carried out a search for mCP stars in the publicly available spectra of LAMOST DR4. Suitable candidates were selected by searching for the presence of the characteristic 5200 Å flux depression. In consequence, our sample is biased towards mCP stars with conspicuous flux depressions at 5200 Å. Spectral classification was carried out with a modified version of the MKCLASS code (MKCLASS_mCP) and, for a subsample of stars, by manual classification. We evaluated our results by spot-checking with manually derived spectral types and comparison to samples from the literature. The main findings of the present investigation are summarised in the following:
- We identified 1002 mCP stars, most of which are new discoveries. There are only 59 common entries with the catalogue of @RM09. With our work, we significantly increase the sample size of known Galactic mCP stars, paving the way for future in-depth statistical studies.
- To suit the special needs of our project, we updated the current version (v1.07) of the MKCLASS code to probe several additional lines, with the advantage that the new version (here termed MKCLASS_mCP) is now able to more robustly identify traditional mCP star peculiarities, including Cr peculiarities and, to some extent, He peculiarities.
- mCP star peculiarities (Si, Cr, Sr, Eu, strong blends at 4077 Å and/or 4130 Å) were identified in all but 36 stars of our sample, highlighting the efficiency of the chosen approach and the peculiarity identification routine. The remaining objects (mostly mCP stars with weak or complicated peculiarities and He-peculiar objects) were manually searched to locate the presence of peculiarities.
- Comparisons between manually derived spectral types and the MKCLASS_mCP final types indicate a good agreement between the derived temperature and peculiarity types. This is further corroborated by a comparison with spectral types from the and catalogues and the good agreement of the peculiarity type versus spectral type distribution between this study and the literature. However, with our approach, we missed the presence of certain peculiarities in several objects. The peculiarity types presented here are therefore not exhaustive. They nevertheless form a sound basis for statistical and further studies.
- Our sample stars are between 100 Myr and 1 Gyr old, with the majority having masses between 2 \(M_\odot\) and 3 \(M_\odot\). We investigated the evolutionary status of 903 mCP stars, deriving a mean fractional age on the main sequence of \(\tau\) = 63 % (standard deviation of 23 %). Young mCP stars, while undoubtedly present, are conspicuously underrepresented in our sample. Our results could be considered as strong evidence for an inhomogeneous age distribution among low-mass (\(M\) \(<\) 3 M\(_\odot\)) mCP stars, as hinted at by previous studies. However, we caution that our sample has not been selected on the basis of an unbiased, direct detection of a magnetic field. Therefore, our results have to be viewed with caution and their general validity needs to be tested by a more extended sample selected via different methodological approaches.
- The mCP stars LAMOST J122746.05+113635.3 (\#876) and LAMOST J150331.87+093125.4 (\#880) boast distances and kinematical properties in agreement with halo stars. If confirmed, they would be the first CP2 halo objects known and therefore of special interest.
- We identified LAMOST J034306.74+495240.7 (\#135; TYC 3321-881-1) as an eclipsing binary system (\(P\)~orb~ = 5.1435\(\pm\)`<!-- -->`{=html}0.0012 d) hosting a Si CP2 star component (spectral type B9 III Si). This is of great interest because mCP stars in eclipsing binaries are exceedingly rare.
- The star LAMOST J050146.85+383500.8 was identified as an SB2 system likely comprising of a Si CP2 star and a supergiant.
Future investigations will be concerned with an in-depth study of the new mCP stars identified in this work, particularly with regard to their photometric variability, along with further development and refinement of the approach for identifying and classifying mCP stars in large spectroscopic databases using the MKCLASS code.
[^1]: Guo Shou Jing (1231--1316) was a Chinese astronomer, hydraulic engineer, mathematician, and politician of the Yuan Dynasty.
[^2]: <http://www.lamost.org>
[^3]: <http://www.appstate.edu/~grayro/mkclass/>
[^4]: The numbers given behind the identifiers refer to the internal identification number and facilitate easy identification in the tables.
[^5]: <http://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr/viz-bin/cat/V/153>
[^6]: <http://www.appstate.edu/~grayro/spectrum/spectrum.html>
[^7]: Although not statistically significant, it is interesting to note that all stars from the candidate sample we were able to confirm as CP2 stars were indeed late-type CP2 stars.
[^8]: <http://svo2.cab.inta-csic.es/theory/vosa/> | {'timestamp': '2020-10-22T02:02:54', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14444', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14444'} |
# Introduction
Measurements of heavy quark bound states in hadronic collisions provide unique tools for testing quantum chromodynamics (QCD). Charmonium, the bound state of a charm and anticharm quark, is produced predominantly via gluon fusion at Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) kinematics. The \(J/\psi\) is a colorless neutral meson with spin 1 and decays with considerable branching ratio into lepton pairs (\(\approx 6\%\) each for dielectrons and dimuons). Various theoretical models have been developed to describe the \(J/\psi\) production cross section and polarization as a function of transverse momentum, but none can describe both simultaneously. All approaches assume a factorization between the production of the heavy-quark pair, \(Q\bar{Q}\), and its hadronization into a meson. Different approaches differ in the treatment of the hadronization. The color-evaporation model that is based on quark-hadron duality and the color-singlet model (CSM) that only allows hadronization without gluon emissions are the most popular earlier approaches; see Refs. and for recent reviews of theoretical developments and phenomenological work. One theoretical approach to \(J/\psi\) production is within the rigorous framework of nonrelativistic QCD (NRQCD), which is an effective theory that describes the dynamics of heavy quark bound states at nonrelativistic scales (\(\nu=v/c\,{\ll}1\)) . The large heavy-quark mass scale relative to the hadronization scale, \(m_{Q} \gg \Lambda_{QCD}\), factorizes the \(J/\psi\) production process into the quark-antiquark (\(Q\bar{Q}\)) pair production at short-distance and subsequent formation of the heavy quark meson at long-distance. In the former regime, process-dependent short-distance coefficients are calculated perturbatively, and in the latter nonperturbative regime, the behavior is encoded in long-distance matrix elements (LDMEs). The \(Q\bar{Q}\) intermediate states are allowed to have quantum numbers different from those of the final-state meson. The leading-order relativistic corrections, for instance, put the \(Q\bar{Q}\) either in the color-singlet (CS) state \(^{3}S^{[1]}_{1}\) or one of the color-octet (CO) states, \(^{1}S^{[8]}_{0}\), \(^{3}S^{[8]}_{1}\) or \(^{3}P^{[8]}_{J}\) (J=0,1,2). The relative importance of states with different color and angular momentum quantum numbers is estimated by \(\nu\)-scaling rules . Including CO states is found to be crucial as their leading-power contributions \(\approx \mathcal{O}(\frac{1}{p_T})^4\) show up at leading order (LO), in contrast to the CS terms that only appear at next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO). The LDMEs can only be determined from experimental data by fitting them via a global analysis. Several groups who performed global analyses successfully described world data for transverse momentum (\(p_T\)) spectra, while consistent predictions of the spin alignment measurements for quarkonia remain a challenge. The spin alignment of a positively charged lepton from a \(J/\psi\) decay, commonly known as "polarization,\" has been measured at the Tevatron , RHIC , and the Large Hadron Collider . Measuring spin alignment provides additional tests for the theory and understanding dominant quarkonium production mechanisms in different kinematic regimes. The \(J/\psi\) polarization is measured by fitting the angular distribution of a positively charged lepton, shown in Eq. ([\[eq:angdist\]](#eq:angdist){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:angdist"}), to data and extracting decay angular coefficients. \[\label{eq:angdist} \frac{dN}{d\Omega} \approx 1+\lambda_{\theta} \cos^{2}{\theta} + \lambda_{\theta\phi}\sin^2{\theta}\cos{2\phi}+\lambda_{\phi}\sin{2\theta}\cos{\phi}, \quad\] where the coefficients \(\lambda_{\theta}\), \(\lambda_{\theta\phi}\), and \(\lambda_{\phi}\) are determined most commonly in the helicity (HX) frame , Collins-Soper (C-S) frame and Gottfried-Jackson (G-J) frame defined in the \(J/\psi\) production plane. Invariant variables are constructed using SO(2) symmetry in choosing the \(z\)-axis in the production plane. Physical interpretation is straightforward only with these invariant quantities, making direct comparison possible between experimental results in different kinematic regimes. Equation ([\[eq:rotinvvar\]](#eq:rotinvvar){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:rotinvvar"}) shows the two frame-invariant variables defined in Refs. to characterize the decay angular distribution. \[\label{eq:rotinvvar} \tilde{\lambda} = \frac{\lambda_{\theta} + 3 \lambda_{\phi}}{1-\lambda_{\phi}}, \quad F = \frac{1 + \lambda_{\theta} + 2 \lambda_{\phi}}{3 + \lambda_{\theta}}\] Recently, general methods have been developed for finding all independent invariants under rotations for particles with various spin quantum numbers . There are also new theoretical developments for less inclusive observables that include looking at the polarization of quarkonia produced in jets .\
Previously a PHENIX \(J/\psi\) measurement at \(\sqrt{s}\) = 510 GeV in \(p\[+\]p\) at forward rapidity showed largely longitudinal net polarization (negative angular coefficients) , while a prior midrapidity PHENIX measurement at \(\sqrt{s}\) = 200 GeV was consistent with no strong polarization . The present analysis for midrapidity \(J/\psi\) production in \(\sqrt{s}\) = 510 GeV collisions is complementary to both previous measurements.
# Experimental setup
In 2013, the PHENIX experiment at RHIC collected data from longitudinally polarized \(p\[+\]p\) collisions at \(\sqrt{s}\) = 510 GeV. An integrated luminosity of 136 pb\(^{-1}\) was used for J/\(\psi\) polarization measurements at midrapidity. The PHENIX detector is described in detail in Ref. . The PHENIX central arms comprise the east and west arms and cover a pseudorapidity range \(|\eta| <0.35\) and an azimuthal coverage of \(\Delta{\phi} = \frac{\pi}{2}\) for each arm. The PHENIX detector elements used in this analysis include the drift chamber (DC), pad chambers (PC), ring-imaging Čerenkov (RICH) detector and electromagnetic calorimeter (EMCal). Charged particle tracks are reconstructed with the DC and PC tracking system. These detectors also provide the momentum information of the tracks. The data sample used for this analysis is the sum of events triggered with three different energy deposit thresholds applied in the EMCal. Triggers used in this study are described in more detail in Section [3](#sec:analysis){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:analysis"} and in Ref. . The RICH was used for electron identification. Two sets of 64 quartz-crystal radiators attached to photomultipliers at \(z\) positions of \(\pm\) 144 cm and pseudorapidity \(3.1<|\eta|<3.9\) were used to trigger hard collision events and to evaluate the collision vertex position. These beam-beam-counters (BBCs) and zero-degree calorimeters were used together to evaluate and compare the luminosities seen by PHENIX. In addition, the silicon vertex detector (VTX) was placed in the west arm around the beam pipe at nominal radii of 2.6, 5.1, 11.8, 16.7 cm with an acceptance of \(|\eta| <1\) and \(\Delta{\phi} = 0.8\pi\). The total material budget expressed as a percentage of a radiation length is 13.42%. As the VTX was not in operation in 2013, this created a large source of electron background from conversions of direct and decay photons.
# Analysis procedure {#sec:analysis}
## Event Selection
Events were triggered by a minimum energy in any 2\(\times\) 2-tower group of the EMCal and associated hits in the RICH, in coincidence with the minimum-bias trigger condition. The various EMCal-RICH trigger (ERT) thresholds for energy deposited in the EMCal were 2.2, 3.7, and 4.7 GeV. Detailed description of the PHENIX ERT system can be found in Ref. . Different scale-down factors were used for each threshold, that is, different fractions of triggered events were written to tape. An OR of all these triggers was used for polarization measurements and only the lowest threshold trigger was required for cross section measurements. The \(J/\psi\) candidates are triggered by either or both members of the electron-positron pair. The transverse momentum of electrons is determined by the bending of the track in the magnetic field before the DC. For electron identification, information from both the RICH and the EMCal was used. At least one photomultiplier tube in the RICH, associated with the track, is required to have fired. The energy \(E\) deposited in the EMCal was used for electron identification by requiring an expected \((E-p)/p\) ratio within 3 sigma, where the measured uncertainty is parameterized as a function of \(E/p\). The electron identification efficiency is approximately 90--95%. Hadrons misidentified as electrons and conversion electrons are subtracted statistically as combinatorial background. Due to the presence of nonoperational silicon vertex detector material located very close to the beam pipe, conversion electrons mimic prompt electrons and thus direct tagging of conversion electrons would have a very limited efficiency; therefore, tagging is not used. Due to the partial azimuthal coverage on each side of the PHENIX Central Arm detector, different arm combinations in the measurements of decay pair products give access to different pair \(p_T\) regions. For instance, high-\(p_T\) enhancement is achieved in the sample of \(J/\psi\) mesons whose decay dielectrons are detected in the same arm due to their small opening angle in the lab frame. The dielectrons detected in the east arm offer a relatively clean high-\(p_T\)-enhanced \(J/\psi\) sample. The pairs within the west arm were not used in this analysis due to excessive background consisting of \(\gamma\) to \(e^+e^-\) conversion caused by presence of the VTX that was not operational. The pairs with one lepton in each arm were used to obtain \(J/\psi\) mesons with lower \(p_T\). The number of \(J/\psi\) events is determined by fitting the invariant mass of lepton pairs in the data and counting within the mass range between 2.8 and 3.3 GeV/\(c^2\). Combinatorial background attributed to decay electrons from hadrons is eliminated statistically before performing the fit using the like-sign method established in PHENIX. To describe the combinatorial background in the data, the ratio of like-sign mass distributions between the data in the same event and the mixed-event data is used in normalizing the like-sign mass distribution in the mixed-event data. Unlike-sign pairs cannot be used for normalization because their mass distributions contain correlated background, as described below. For this reason, the like-sign method is also referred to as the mixed event method. The sum of the signal and residual background components, described by a crystal ball function and an exponential function, respectively, is used to further subtract correlated electron background coming from open-heavy-flavor and Drell-Yan decay processes. Invariant mass distributions for dielectrons measured in the same arm and opposite arms are shown in Fig. [\[fig:invmass\]](#fig:invmass){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:invmass"} along with fit results.
## Efficiency and acceptance corrections {#effacccorr}
The MC pseudodata were generated to estimate the effects of detector acceptance and efficiency. Events containing a single \(J/\psi\) per event were generated with zero polarization, a flat \(p_{T}\) distribution, and a flat \(z\)-vertex distribution along the beam direction, using Monte Carlo techniques. The \(J/\psi\)'s subsequently were forced to decay into dielectrons within the detector acceptance. The yields were then reweighted, as described in more detail below, to emulate effects that are present in the data such as smeared vertex distribution along the beam axis, the shape of the \(J/\psi\) \(p_T\) distribution and the ERT trigger efficiencies. Polarization measurements are particularly susceptible to inconsistency between the simulation and data as the acceptance corrections accounting for the zero polarization baseline are solely dependent on the simulation. A comparison of the polar and azimuthal angular distributions between the data and MC simulation, after the effects of dead areas, shows good agreement, as seen in Fig. [\[fig:simdatacomp\]](#fig:simdatacomp){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:simdatacomp"}. The shape of \(\frac{dN (J/\psi)}{dp_T}\) can affect the polarization extraction in a nontrivial manner due to the limited azimuthal acceptance of the PHENIX Central Arms. Opposite-sign pairs bending toward each other into the detector populate different phase space than the ones bending away from each other. For this reason, the \(p_T\) differential \(J/\psi\) cross section has been measured in data. The measured cross section was fit with a Kaplan function, defined in Eq. [\[eq:kaplan\]](#eq:kaplan){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:kaplan"}, and the fit results were then used to reweight the MC pseudodata for the acceptance correction. \[\label{eq:kaplan} \frac{d\sigma}{dp_T} = \frac{A \cdot p_T}{\left[1+\left(p_T/b\right)^2\right]^{n}}\] As the data were sampled from an OR of three triggers with different energy thresholds, a method was developed to emulate the trigger efficiency effect on the \(p_T\) shape of the data. The efficiency of triggering on \(J/\psi\) events for each type of ERT was determined from the minimum-bias dataset by checking the trigger condition. The acceptance-corrected pseudodata were then processed by randomly sampling the distributions of ERT-measured efficiencies and prescale factors. The detector area masked due to being ineffective or suffering from excessive electron background was taken into account in this method. The shape of the raw \(J/\psi\) yield as a function of \(p_T\) in data before corrections is in excellent agreement with the efficiency corrected normalized yield in simulation for each trigger type as well as for all possible trigger combinations (see Fig. [\[fig:pttrigs\]](#fig:pttrigs){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:pttrigs"}).
## Cross Sections
For cross section measurements, the raw \(J/\psi\) yield is corrected for trigger efficiencies as well as track reconstruction efficiencies and acceptance. The EMCal trigger efficiencies were measured using data and the electron reconstruction efficiencies and acceptance corrections were obtained from MC simulation as described in the previous section. An integrated luminosity of 136 pb\(^{-1}\) was sampled in the analysis and the global normalization of the cross section was determined by the \(p\)+\(p\) cross section sampled by the BBC trigger, which is found to be 32.5 \(\pm\) 3.0 (stat) \(\pm\) 1.2 (syst) mb, based on van-der-Meer scan results. The effects of multiple collisions per beam crossing due to high luminosity at \(\sqrt{s}\) = 510 GeV, which were estimated to be of order of 20%, were also taken into account in counting \(J/\psi\) yields.
## Angular coefficients
To account for acceptance and efficiency effects, the raw angular distribution in data is divided by the reweighted single \(J/\psi\) MC pseudodata generated under an assumption of no polarization as described in Section [3.2](#effacccorr){reference-type="ref" reference="effacccorr"}. This procedure closely follows methods described in Ref. and additionally adopts the trigger emulator described in Section [3.2](#effacccorr){reference-type="ref" reference="effacccorr"}. The \(\cos{\theta}-\phi\) distributions of the decay positron in three different polarization frames in MC pseudodata are shown in Fig. [\[fig:angdist\]](#fig:angdist){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:angdist"}. Angular coefficients were extracted with three different methods; the \(\chi^2\) method, the maximum log-likelihood (MLL) method and the parametric bootstrap method . The \(\chi^2\) fitting results are displayed in contours at 68.3%, 95.4% and 99.7% confidence level (CL) in Fig. [\[fig:fitcontours\]](#fig:fitcontours){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:fitcontours"}. One can see that some of the coefficients are correlated in one frame and uncorrelated in other frames. The helicity frame is known to be orthogonal to the C-S frame and similar to the G-J frame at midrapidity. This is also seen in our results, i.e. the correlation pattern between \(\lambda_{\theta}\) and \(\lambda_{\phi}\), represented by the orientation of elliptic fit contours, in the helicity frame appears to be better aligned with the ones in the G-J frame. The MLL method treats low statistics bins more properly than the \(\chi^2\) method, while it is prone to underestimating uncertainties as the signal-to-background ratio becomes smaller. In fitting methods, the uncertainties on the invariants that are a function of primary angular coefficients are propagated from the ones on coefficients, taking into account the correlation matrix. The parametric bootstrap method properly estimates uncertainties on the invariant variables. In this method, a Gaussian noise term is added to each measurement point at each sampling trial with a standard deviation of the corresponding measured uncertainty. After a large number of sampling procedures, the uncertainties are defined at a 68% CL. The results are consistent among different methods within 0.5\(\sigma\) in all frames and the central measured values and statistical uncertainties from the best-fit results were taken as the final results. At lower \(p_T\) (\(<\)`<!-- -->`{=html}3.0 GeV/\(c\)), the decay electron and positron are detected in opposite PHENIX central arms. A silicon vertex detector (VTX) was installed in the PHENIX west arm, but was not operational during the data taking. This resulted in a high level of irreducible electron background originating from photon conversion in the VTX material. These random combinations of background electrons were subtracted using an event mixing technique, but resulted in higher statistical and additional systematic uncertainty for the low \(p_T\) measurement. The PHENIX acceptance in \(\cos{\theta}-\phi\) space is very different for decay electrons and positrons detected in opposite PHENIX Central Arms compared to the case when both the electron and positron are detected in the same arm. As a result, the acceptance for the C-S frame turned out to be very limited, and a polarization measurement in this frame was not done at low \(p_T\). The polarization coefficients at low \(p_T\) were determined using only the \(\chi^2\) fitting method.
## Systematic uncertainties
Sources of systematic uncertainties on the polarization and cross section measurement include uncertainties on acceptance, tracking and electron identification efficiency, trigger efficiencies, uncertainties on the global normalization derived from the cross section seen by the BBC, and the trigger rate dependence of \(J/\psi\) yield counting. The two latter sources do not affect the polarization measurements at all, but they are the main sources of systematic uncertainty for \(J/\psi\) cross section determination. During RHIC run 2013, the proton beam luminosity was very high, which resulted in a nonnegligible probability of multiple collisions per beam crossing at high trigger rates. The correction to the \(J/\psi\) cross section due to multiple collisions per crossing was calculated by dividing the whole data set into five run groups with different trigger rates, calculating the cross section for each group, and extrapolating to zero trigger rate. The correction was estimated to be \(0.80 \pm 0.20\). The large uncertainty of this estimate is due to extrapolating from very high trigger rates to zero and lack of statistics. This is the largest systematic uncertainty of the \(J/\psi\) cross section. The primary source of systematic uncertainties on the polarization measurements in the central-arm detectors is the shape of the \(J/\psi\) \(p_T\) spectra. The \(p_T\) shape is affected by statistical uncertainties on the raw measured yields as well as uncertainties on the ERT efficiencies. The uncertainties on the ERT efficiencies were estimated using a sampling method. In each sampling trial, parameters were extracted from fitting the efficiency curve for each trigger type, and the analysis was repeated with those parameters to estimate the combined ERT efficiencies. The quadratic sum of the statistical and systematic uncertainties was assigned as a total uncertainty at each measurement point. The systematic uncertainties on angular coefficients that are attributed to \(p_T\) shape were estimated using the parametric bootstrap method with a Gaussian noise term corresponding to the aforementioned uncertainties. Uncertainties estimated in this method depend on the \(p_T\) of \(J/\psi\), the type of \(\lambda\) coefficient and the polarization frame. Resulting uncertainties from this source are larger (as high as \(\approx\)`<!-- -->`{=html}0.5 on \(\lambda_{\theta}\)) at \(p_T <\) 3.0 GeV/\(c\) and \(<\)`<!-- -->`{=html}0.1 in most cases at \(p_T \geq\) 3.0 GeV/\(c\). In addition, the differences between fitting methods, estimated to be less than 0.5 times the statistical uncertainties in all angular coefficients, were added as systematic uncertainties at high \(p_T\). At low \(p_T\) (below \(\approx\)`<!-- -->`{=html}3.0 GeV/\(c\)), the PHENIX acceptance in \(\cos{\theta}-\phi\) space is very different from that at higher \(p_T\). Relative contributions from different sources of systematic uncertainties also change, while the dependence on exact \(p_T\) shape remains a dominant factor. An additional systematic uncertainty at low \(p_T\) is caused by the much larger combinatorial background, which had to be subtracted using a mixed-event method. This uncertainty was estimated by varying the mixed-event background normalization by \(\pm\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1\(\sigma\) and was found smaller than the two uncertainties mentioned above. Systematic uncertainties of this measurement are shown in Table [\[table:polresults\]](#table:polresults){reference-type="ref" reference="table:polresults"}.
# Results {#result}
The measured \(p_T\)-differential \(J/\psi\) cross section is shown in Fig. [\[fig:jpsixsection\]](#fig:jpsixsection){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:jpsixsection"} with a fit to a Kaplan function. Due to the higher collision energy the \(p_T\) spectrum is harder than previously published PHENIX results for \(\sqrt{s}\) = 200 GeV, where the fit parameter \(b\) that determines the hardness of the spectrum for a given \(n\) was estimated to be smaller at 3.41 \(\pm\) 0.21 and the parameter \(n\) was comparable at 4.6 \(\pm\) 0.4. Figure [\[fig:jpsixsection\]](#fig:jpsixsection){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:jpsixsection"} also shows a comparison of the measured \(J/\psi\) differential cross section with a theory prediction based on full NRQCD at NLO with leading relativistic corrections that includes CS and CO states, provided by Butenschön et al. . The sources of theory uncertainties include variations of theory scale and LDMEs. Within its uncertainties, the theory calculation is in agreement with the experimental results within its valid range of \(p_T \gtrsim 2\) GeV/\(c\), justifying use of the theory model for predictions of polarization measurements in this kinematic range. The \(p_T\)-integrated cross section times branching ratio is shown in Fig. [\[fig:xsecworld\]](#fig:xsecworld){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:xsecworld"} along with the previous PHENIX results at \(\sqrt{s}\) = 200 GeV and the world results from the Large Hadron Collider and Tevatron . A simple logarithmic dependence on the collision energy is seen for \(J/\psi\) production at midrapidity, making estimates of \(J/\psi\) yield at any \(\sqrt{s}\) easy, and inviting the theory community to model the trend. The \(p_T\)-integrated cross section times branching ratio was found to be 97.6 \(\pm\) 3.6 (stat) \(\pm\) 5.1 (syst) \(\pm\) 9.8 (global) \(\pm\) 19.5 (multiple collision) nb. The final results of the three primary angular coefficients are shown in Fig. [\[fig:lamthe\]](#fig:lamthe){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:lamthe"}, Fig. [\[fig:lamphi\]](#fig:lamphi){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:lamphi"}, and Fig. [\[fig:lamthephi\]](#fig:lamthephi){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:lamthephi"}. Uncertainties on measurements in different frames are correlated. Due to limited detector acceptance in \(\eta\) at midrapidity, \(\lambda_{\theta}\) (Fig. [\[fig:lamthe\]](#fig:lamthe){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:lamthe"}) is poorly constrained compared to \(\lambda_{\phi}\) (Fig. [\[fig:lamphi\]](#fig:lamphi){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:lamphi"}). Theory predictions based on full NRQCD at NLO with leading relativistic corrections that includes CS and CO states, provided by Butenschön et al. , are overlaid with the measurements. The uncertainty bands on the NRQCD predictions account for the scale uncertainties and uncertainties on the LDMEs. The LDMEs were obtained in a global analysis of unpolarized data that excludes measurements from hadroproduction with \(p_T<\)`<!-- -->`{=html}3.0 GeV/\(c\). To improve consistency with the data, the feed-down from heavier charmonium states was subtracted in the theory prediction. The fraction of \(J/\psi\) events from \(b\)-flavored hadron decays is negligible at RHIC. In PHENIX, the unpolarized yield measurements are well described down to 1 GeV/\(c\), justifying the comparison to the polarized measurements. In Figs. [\[fig:lamtil\]](#fig:lamtil){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:lamtil"} and [\[fig:invf\]](#fig:invf){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:invf"}, the results are also shown in terms of frame-invariant observables \(\tilde{\lambda}\) and F, defined in Eq. [\[eq:rotinvvar\]](#eq:rotinvvar){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:rotinvvar"}. Measuring these invariant variables provides a direct test for the underlying production mechanisms. Comparing results in different frames can additionally serve as robust tools to address systematic uncertainties. Consistency between different frames shown for \(\tilde{\lambda}\) in Fig. [\[fig:lamtil\]](#fig:lamtil){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:lamtil"} and for F in Fig. [\[fig:invf\]](#fig:invf){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:invf"} indicates that systematic effects are under good control. Frame-invariant variables are interpreted as the total net polarization summed over all production mechanisms. Different production mechanisms can lead to natural polarization in different frames. In the case of \(\tilde{\lambda}\), transverse polarization corresponds to the value of 1 and longitudinal polarization to the value of-1. The zero value seen in \(\tilde{\lambda}\) is interpreted as no net polarization. The other variable F also carries similar meaning. Unlike \(\tilde{\lambda}\), F is mathematically bounded between 0 and 1. The zero polarization corresponds to \(\frac{1}{3}\) and transverse and longitudinal polarization to \(\frac{2}{3}\) and 0, respectively. Two scenarios were considered for these frame-invariant results, NRQCD and the Color Singlet Model, which is equivalent to the \(v\rightarrow 0\) limit of NRQCD. The uncertainties on CSM predictions include the scale uncertainty. The CSM prediction is qualitatively opposite to the NRQCD predictions . NRQCD predicts transverse polarization while the CSM predicts longitudinal polarization, as is shown in Fig. [\[fig:lamtil\]](#fig:lamtil){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:lamtil"} and Fig. [\[fig:invf\]](#fig:invf){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:invf"}. The data does not conclusively exclude either strong transverse or longitudinal polarization. | {'timestamp': '2020-10-28T01:29:00', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14273', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14273'} |
null | null |
# Introduction
Scoliosis is an abnormal condition characterized by lateral spinal curvature. Early assessment and treatment planning is critical. Conventionally, the assessment of scoliosis is performed manually by clinicians through the identification and localization of vertebral structures in spinal X-ray images. However, large inter-patient anatomical variation and poor image quality challenge clinicians to assess the severity of scoliosis accurately and reliably. Automated measurement promises to enable the reliable quantitative assessment of scoliosis. Several spinal landmark detection methods are available in the literature: Conventional hand-crafted feature engineering is a semi-automatic method involving several sub-tasks. Our approach is automatic convolutional neural network (CNN) models. The CNN model of Wu et al. requires cropped images and tedious data augmentation. Landmarks can also be detected by segmenting the relevant vertebrae. Our proposed model is totally end-to-end, requiring no pre-processing, and is fully automatic, eschewing any hand-crafted feature extractions.
# Method
Given an X-ray image, we formulate the landmark detection problem as identifying \(n\) landmarks localizing the relevant vertebrae. Each training image \(x_i\), for \(i=1,\dots, m\), is annotated by an associated \(2n\)-dimensional landmark vector \(y_i\). Through supervised learning, a CNN can be trained to extract landmarks automatically, by minimizing the standard mean squared error (MSE) loss \[\text{MSE} = \frac{1}{m}\sum_{i=1}^m (y_i-\hat{y}_i)^2,\] where \(y_i\) are the ground-truth landmarks and \(\hat y_i\) are the predicted landmarks. However, the MSE loss ignores inter-landmark relationships. To guide a CNN in the detection of landmark coordinates while learning spinal shape, we propose a novel distance measure---bipartite distance. Referring to Figure [\[fig:model\]](#fig:model){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:model"}a, we regard the ground-truth (green) landmarks \(A_y\) on the left and \(B_y\) on the right of the spine as the two disjoint sets of vertices of a complete bipartite graph whose edges connect every landmark in \(A_y\) with all landmarks in \(B_y\). The same holds for the predicted (red) landmarks, \(A_{\hat{y}}\) and \(B_{\hat{y}}\). This leads to a shape-aware loss, which penalizes the CNN model when the pairwise distances between the predicted landmarks deviate from those between the ground truth landmarks. Letting \(d^e\) denote the Euclidean distance between ground-truth landmarks connected by edge \(e\) of the graph and \(\hat d^e\) denote the Euclidean distance between the corresponding predicted landmarks, the bipartite distance (BPD) is \[\label{eqn:bpd} \text{BPD} = \frac{1}{m}\sum_{i=1}^{m} \sum_e\left|d_i^e-\hat d_i^e\right|.\] We employ the loss function \[\label{eqn:loss} L = \text{MSE} + \alpha\,\text{BPD},\] where \(\alpha\) weighs the BPD term against the MSE.
# Implementation Details
Our dataset consists of 100 high-resolution anterior-posterior spinal X-ray images with signs of mild to severe scoliosis. Since the cervical vertebrae are seldom involved in spinal deformity and the identification of the bottom cervical vertebra could be important, we selected 18 vertebrae: C7 (cervical), T1--T12 (thoracic), and L1--L5 (lumbar). Medical experts provided binary segmentation annotation by labeling the \(n/4=18\) vertebrae in the X-ray images. The 4 corners of each vertebral region serve as landmarks. They were automatically extracted by applying FAST to the expert-segmented labels. Therefore, associated with each spinal image are 72 landmarks to be estimated. As shown in Figure [\[fig:model\]](#fig:model){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:model"}b, our model is a CNN comprising five convolutional layers and three fully-connected (FC) layers. Leaky-ReLU is used as the activation function in each layer. The convolutional layers have feature sizes 16, 32, 64, 128, and 256. In each layer, two \(3\times 3\) convolution operations are followed by a \(2\times 2\) maxpooling layer. After every convolutional layer, we use a batch-normalization layer and a dropout layer with the rate of 0.25. After two FC layers with 512 neurons, a final FC layer of \(2n=144\) neurons is used to produce the image-plane coordinates of the landmarks. The model is implemented in Tensorflow with Python 3 and runs on a Tesla P40 GPU on a 64-bit Intel(R) Xeon(R) 440G CPU. The dataset was split into training (80 images), testing (15 images), and validation (5 images) sets. All the images were resized to \(1024\times 512\times 1\) and normalized to \([0, 1]\) before feeding them to the network. When the model is trained using our MSE-BPD loss, we used \(\alpha=0.01\) in ([\[eqn:loss\]](#eqn:loss){reference-type="ref" reference="eqn:loss"}). As a baseline, we trained the same architecture using only the MSE loss; i.e., \(\alpha=0\). The models were trained with a minibatch size of 4. We used the Adam optimizer with a learning rate of 0.0001 and momentum 0.9.
# Experimental Results
We compared the performance of the proposed model (MSE-BPD) against the baseline (MSE) both qualitatively and quantitatively. Qualitative comparisons (e.g., Figure [\[fig:bpd\]](#fig:bpd){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:bpd"}), show better agreement of our model over the baseline model. The irregular spinal shapes in the baseline model are mitigated by our model. Moreover, the landmark detection performance is also improved in our model, which achieves a correlation score of 0.95 compared to the baseline model's score of 0.92 (Pearson correlation coefficient). Moreover, one-way ANOVA analysis confirms that the landmarks predicted by our model have no significant difference with the ground truth landmarks (\(\textit{p-value} <0.05\)).
# Conclusions
The detection of vertebral landmarks is crucial for the accurate measurement of scoliosis in spinal X-ray images. To this end, we proposed a new loss function which guides the training of a CNN vertebral (corner) landmark detection model to perform reliable shape-aware predictions. | {'timestamp': '2020-06-01T02:04:16', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14330', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14330'} |
# Abstract {#abstract .unnumbered}
Perceptual illusions based on the spatial correspondence between objects and displayed images have been pursued by artists and scientists since the 15th century, mastering optics to create crucial techniques as the linear perspective and devices as the *Magic Lantern*. Contemporary video projection mapping inherits and further extends this drive to produce perceptual illusions in space by incorporating the required real time capabilities for dynamically superposing the imaginary onto physical objects under fluid real world conditions. A critical milestone has been reached in the creation of the technical possibilities for all encompassing, untethered synthetic reality experiences available to the plain senses, where every surface may act as a screen and the relation to everyday objects is open to perceptual alterations.
# Introduction {#introduction .unnumbered}
The advancement and popularization of computer technologies over the past three decades has had a significant effect not only on the way images are created, but also on the techniques and technologies which enable their presentation. One of the most popular emerging practices is video projection mapping, also referred as video mapping or 3D mapping, a terminology which stands for a set of imaging techniques in service of the spatially coherent projection of bi dimensional images onto physical three dimensional objects . Despite its seemingly novelty in its use in the fields of communication, advertising and visual arts in the recent years, the current practice of video projection mapping is the result of several centuries of development and perfecting of a vast set of techniques derived from optics and the sciences of human perception, as well as mathematical operations for image transformations, and the evolution projection devices. Across all these periods in history, the production of perceptual illusions remains as the fundamental shared goal, of which important milestones are the invention of linear perspective techniques and its application in *Trompe l'oeil* and *Quadratura* installations during the Renassaince, the immersive theatrical qualities of *Panorama* and *Phantasmagoria* in the 18th century, the development of real time 3D computer rendering capabilities and the popularization of video projection mapping during the last part of the 20th century. The present article analyzes the evolution of video projection mapping in relation to the history of perceptual illusion practices, considering common design methodologies, tools, and implemented techniques, in a transversal selection of scientific and artistic practices, spreading from static compositions on a canvas, to dynamic substitutions in three dimensional space. A commentary on the emerging perceptual and cognitive phenomena as a result of the spatial distribution of synthetic contents is provided, presenting the notion that the current stance of real time dynamic forms of video projection mapping constitutes a turning point in the quest for replacing the real world with synthetic versions that would offer unprecedented means for visual identity and meaning transformations beyond material constraints.
# Spatial illusion in the Renassaince {#spatial-illusion-in-the-renassaince .unnumbered}
Before the 14th Century few attempts were made to create the illusion of three dimensional space and to realistically depict the spatial world in art. The Italian masters Giotto and Duccio during the late thirteenth and early fourteenth centuries, began to explore the idea of depth and volume in their artwork, and may be credited with introducing an early form of three dimensional painting, using shadows and contrasts in colors to create the perceived illusion of depth . Although it was still very far from the accurate and robust three dimensional representations popular in imagery today, this technique known as *Chiaroscuro* helped artists to create the illusion of volume and depth. Popularized during the beginning of the fifteenth century, Chiaroscuro was mastered especially for the processes of modeling and representing the human body and was extensively used during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in the Mannerism and Baroque eras as one of the standards for approximating three dimensional representation. Not satisfied with the state of the art, Florentine painters of the early fifteenth century, wanted to develop painting as a science derived from Euclidean geometry influenced by the Neoplatonic intellectual postulates. In this sense, they did not conform with the intuitive Chiaroscuro technique, but sought scientific methods of representing reality based on mathematical laws, thus giving birth to the knowledge that ultimately led to the devise of the linear perspective system. The linear perspective system projected the illusion of depth onto a two dimensional plane by use of vanishing points to which all lines converged at eye level on the horizon, accurately reproducing the way that objects appear smaller when they are further away, and the way parallel lines appear to meet each other at a point in the distance. Between 1415 and 1420, the Italian architect Filippo Brunelleschi, considered one of the founding figures of the Renassaince, conducted and documented a series of experiments which helped him develop the correct perspective techniques for accurately representing three dimensional volumes on a flat canvas. One of its results portrayed in accurate spatial proportion and organization, the Florence Baptistery and the Palazzo Vecchio building seen from the front gate of the unfinished cathedral, affording to the spectator the full illusion of being present in the scene. These technical advancements where later systematized by Leon Battista Alberti in his 1436 work *De Pictura*, one of the most important treatises on painting of the Renaissance, enabling artists for the first time to paint imaginary scenes with perfectly accurate three dimensional realism by following the set of rules of perspective studied by Brunelleschi . Gradually, a standardized model of human visual perception was consolidated, from which a set of mathematical rules was derived and applied to govern the disposition of pictorial elements in order to produce a credible illusion of three dimensionality.\
For the next five centuries, Brunelleschi's system of perspective and its derived techniques were used to create the illusion of depth on the picture plane, and served as the basis of some of the great art of Western culture . Among the earliest of those, The Brera Madonna created between 1472 and 1474 by the Italian artist Piero della Francesca. It is a large painting depicting a group of religious figures and icons at a fictitious apse of the church, meticulously rendered using the innovations of linear perspective techniques. But not only did perspective techniques allowed to produce a coherent illusion of space on a flat surface, but perspective was also used to organize and highlight particular elements of the composition, thus allocating meaning in relation to specific spatial positions in the canvas . For example, the geometric center of the face of the main character coincides with the vanishing point of the perspective system used in the scene, as well as the egg which hangs from a shell-shaped element below the apse, is perfectly aligned with the scene's vanishing point and marks a perpendicular line to the scene's horizon. Tommaso di Ser Giovanni di Simone, best known as *Masaccio* and regarded as the first great Italian painter of the *Quattrocento* period of the Italian Renaissance, painted *The Holy Trinity* in 1425 in the dominican church of Santa Maria Novella in Florence. This pioneering mural painting not only accurately presented the illusion of three dimensions using linear perspective techniques, but also engaged in a coherent composition with the pre existing architectural elements that surrounded the mural, mixing three dimensional painted and architectural elements to enhance the illusory effect. This specific type of illusion supported by the coherent merger between painting techniques and architectural elements was known as Quadratura . Artist Andrea Mantegna further experimented developing illusionistic ceiling paintings using perspective techniques to create the perceptual illusions and was responsible in 1465 for one of the most significant examples of Quadratura. Located in the Camera degli Sposi in the Ducal Palace of Mantua, this Trompe l'oeil was applied to ceiling paintings to be seen by spectators from below and upward and presented the illusionistic painting of an oculus that opens to the sky and a number of fictional characters who look down towards the spectators . Performed by Andrea Pozzo in 1688, *The Apotheosis of St Ignatius* in Sant Ignazio in Rome is another remarkable example of Quadratura, presenting in a 55 feet wide ceiling a composition combining fictional characters and architectural elements. A new type of site specific art form began maturing, unifying architecture, painting and sculpture, and being conveyed to spectators by means of a full body spatial experience. In a sense, this almost theatrical experience was prescient of the aesthetic ideals of *Gesamtkunstwerk*, postulated years later in mid nineteenth century by the German opera composer Richard Wagner.
# Panorama and Phantasmagoria {#panorama-and-phantasmagoria .unnumbered}
Baroque painters from seventeenth century, notably Caravaggio, Bernini, Rubens, Rembrandt, Velazquez and Vermeer, used the now long established three dimensional representation system in hundreds of varied approaches, as did the painters from the Neoclassicist movement, of whom a notable example is the work of Giovanni Batista Piranesi. *Carceri d'invenzione*, a series prints produced between 1745 and 1761 by Piranesi depicting somber fictional scenes full of mysterious characters, bridges, stairs and mechanisms, trough meticulous utilization of the perspective technique. However, few artists during these decades shared the interest for the experimentation and development of perceptual illusions via spatial experience. In this sense, a major referent is the work of Robert Barker, an Irish painter that developed the idea of erecting a circular plan building to house near real scale paintings featuring panoramic landscapes. In 1792 the Panorama was born, supported on the knowledge on perspective and color contrast practiced during the last two centuries, its paintings covered 360 degrees around the spectator in the horizontal plane and reached 15 meter of height. Soon, Barker's Panorama grew in size and complexity, and the circular plan installation incorporated topographies and architectural and elements intended to match the painted scene thus increasing its illusory effect in a similar way as Quadratura incorporated architectural elements to its composition. This way, flooring, stairs, railings, water fountains or other urban furniture, not only to regulate the displacements of spectators inside the building, but more importantly, to serve as immersive cues, formal and semantic links between the depicted scenes and the notion of what was accountable as real world experience . The Panorama continued its popularization in most of Western Europe and North America as an entertainment form, successfully hosting the representation of famous historical battles for the great public. In a time when few people could afford to travel, the Panorama allowed to walk through distant landscapes and contemplate historical events from privileged points of view, pioneering in a primitive form of narrative distributed in space and time, in a sense similar as it is now possible to explore in a virtual reality experience or a video game . During the precedent decades, the rapid increase of knowledge in optics was not only useful for development and use of perspective related techniques, but also supported a number of relevant inventions regarding optical instruments, among those, light reflection and projection devices. The Jesuit Athanasius Kircher in his book *Ars Magna Lucis et Umbrae* from 1645, described a primitive projection system with a focusing lens and a concave mirror reflecting sunlight that served as canvas to display text or pictures known as the *Steganographic Mirror*. Further elaborating, dutch scientist Christiaan Huygens in 1659 documented the invention of the *Magic Lantern*, an early type of image projector that used semi transparent, hand painted glass plates, one or more lenses, and a light source . The Magic Lantern was then consolidated, and increasingly used for education and entertainment purposes during the 18th century . In this period, although the basic design of the Magic Lantern suffered various modifications in relation to the light source capabilities and the characteristics of lenses in use, its main fundamental concept remain unchanged as well as its basic operation. By the end of 18th century, Belgian Physicist and cleric Ettiene Gaspar Robert, and one of the first lanternists of all time Paul Philidor, created a new form of illusion performance in the form of a Magic Lantern show known as Phantasmagoria, a theatrical show that consisted of a mixture of frontal and retro projection of images, from simultaneous magic lanterns, on canvases and solid elements in front of the sitting public . During the 19th century, the invention was further sophisticated, with more powerful light sources, incorporation of photographic impressions onto glass plates, improvements in optics, and mechanisms that allow the projection of sequences of images, helping consolidate the expressive maturity of a new type visual spectacle still greatly influenced by the use of perspective and contrast in colors to achieve volumetric realism . Following this theatrical illusory tradition, Louis Daguerre in 1822 developed the *Diorama* for a light based type of scene representation device, that featured two immense paintings and various interchangeable moving elements, such as human figures, animals or fictional characters, lit from the front and through the back inside an otherwise pitch black, rotating auditorium. The Diorama combined techniques of opaque and translucent painting and manipulating light in a live spectacle, with color contrast and perspective techniques, to produce a plausible scene with accurate spatial representation. In a large scale version, the Diorama frame could reach 10 meter wide and feature interposing translucent elements of different opacities and colors, actuated by means of ropes that affect the color tone of selective parts of the frame, for example, to simulate intense fog or the shining sun . A few decades later, the German theater director and producer Erwin Piscator developed the most consistent scenography experiments using the technological possibilities of the early 20th century to support epic theater works emphasizing the socio political content of drama. Notably, his early production *Stürmflut* from 1926 the stage was composed by a translucent background screen in a solid black frame with variable aperture serving as background displaying supporting images from four retro projectors for performing artists.
# Performatic spacetime {#performatic-spacetime .unnumbered}
Although most of the works of Impressionist painters such as Renoir, Sisley, Monet and Pissarro and Post Impressionists such as Van Gogh, Gauguin and Seurat also depended on these mimetic spatial representation techniques, a significant transformation took place in the broad scientific and artistic domains at the end of the nineteenth century. It challenged the absolute centralized perspective standard, in which the images orbited around the static spectator's eye, increasingly giving way to the development of the multiple viewpoints systems, which aimed to capture time lapses in which the scene should be considered not as static but in motion. The idea of multiplicity in viewpoints was mainly developed in the arts by the Cubist movement, fundamentally Picasso and Braque in their invention of techniques such as faceting, passage and multiple perspective. This type of representations of multiple viewpoints in space and time, fused in one single image, consolidated as one of the movement's most acclaimed traits. Importantly, these innovations may be interpreted as the movements' critical philosophical stance regarding perspective and the capacity of human beings to faithfully grasp and represent reality. For the Cubists, art would not serve to be a mimesis of reality, as an objective mirror snapshot of *what is there*, but would serve to represent things as experienced in space and time, a subjective snapshot of *what is sensed*. This new method aimed to account for change and flux in a scene, and create a performative situation in which the interpretative role of the spectator becomes central to the evocative power of the Cubist's images . Following these lines, Albert Gleizes and Jean Metzinger in the 1912 book *Du \"Cubisme\"*, the first major text on Cubism, explicitly related the pursue of multiple perspective to an attempt to understand time as a continuum. This may be interpreted as giving symbolic expression to the notion of duration proposed by the philosopher Henri Bergson, according to which, life is subjectively experienced as a continuum, with the past flowing into the present and the present merging into the future . Early Futurist paintings by Umberto Boccioni, Giacomo Balla or Gino Severini where also highly influenced by this search for multiple perspective and simultaneity. This technique of representing multiple viewpoints in space and time is advanced in complexity and scale in Gleizes' *Le Dépiquage des Moissons*, displayed at the 1912 *Salon de la Section d'Or*, and Robert Delaunay's City of Paris, exhibited at the *Indépendants* in 1912. As the invention of linear perspective in fifteenth century Renaissance was a major manifestation of the establishment of the strong anthropocentric interpretation of the world, in which the whole of its Science and Philosophy was founded upon, the multiple perspective paradigm that arrived at the dawn of the 20th century marked the ultimate disenchantment of human as the measure of all things, welcoming novel ideas from Physics regarding the nature of space and time, as well as the atom and atomic dynamics, which ultimately favored many of the ideas that shaped the following decades: The relative over the absolute, multiplicity over centralization, dynamic co creation over pre determination . Whereas Renaissance artists strove to represent the real by offering viewers an archetypical perceptual illusion, Cubist illusionism subverts this kind of realistic representation by calling attention to its own artifice, to its own perspectival manipulations, and thus to the problematic nature of representation and illusion.
# Expanded cinema {#expanded-cinema .unnumbered}
During the 1950's The Czech artist Josef Svoboda pursued a type of non verbal theatrical format where actors perform in harmony along with moving images projected by a set of Magic Lanterns and elements of the scenography that supported the performative meaning production. This poetic synthesis of traditional methods with technical innovation including architecture, dance, cinema and theater, that in a sense revived Richard Wagner's *Gesamtkunstwerk*, secured Czechoslovakia's best score in the Brussels World Exhibition of 1958. Svoboda not only mastered the classical perspective and color contrast techniques to put adequate spatial illusion in action on the stage, but also multiplied its evocative power by profiting from the emerging interactions between the characteristics of the selected physical elements, the performing actors and the content of the projected images in the composition . Moreover, part of this new theatrical format was Svoboda's *Polyekran*, a multi projection system, consisting of screens of various shapes and dimensions suspended with steel cables in arbitrary angulations on a black background. Eight projectors of slides and seven movie projectors, along with synchronized stereo helped completing this instrument in service of the total work of art.\
The immersive quality of spatially distributed images was also among the interests of the experimental filmmaker Stan VanDerBeek, who between 1963 and 1965 developed his *Movie Drome*, a type of semi spherical theater where people would lie down and experience movies all around them. Notably, influenced by Buckminster Fuller's dome constructions and Robert Barker's Panorama public installations, VanDerBeek envisioned the Movie Drome as a prototype for a global two way communication system consisting of a network of Movie Dromes linked to orbiting satellites that would store and transmit images between them. Although far from fully accomplishing it vision, Movie Dromes did put in place a new set of challenges for the traditional use of perspective and linear narratives to represent reality. Instead, VanDerBeek presented a multiple perspective design, that achieved multiple gazes over multiple simultaneous events, resulting in a fragmented non linear narrative, a spatially distributed moving image collage . Distinct from traditional cinema, this new type of experience sometimes characterized as *Expanded Cinema* had a clear emphases on breaking the cinematography from its linear and concentrated constraints to give way to a non linear, distributed in space, multi sensory experience, aimed at a type of audience engagement that anticipates contemporary art's interactivity and participatory practices. Audience engagement produced by carefully controlled perceptual illusions was also researched for popular entertainment purposes. As a proof, on 9 august 1969 the doors to the *Haunted Mansion* spectacle at Disneyland opened to the public, featuring a number of light based perceptual illusions placed inside a three story Victorian house structure built in the New Orleans Square in Disney's Adventure Park in California. The project gathered the works of artists and storytellers Yale Gracey, Marc Davis, Claude Coats, Xavier Atencio and among those, Rolly Crump's innovative *Singing Busts* installation . This work consisted of five singing busts, brougth to life by the *Grim Grinning Ghosts* actors, pre recorded in 16mm film singing the theme song of the ride, and then projected onto the plaster busts modeled after each character. By controlling the lighting and contrast of the scene, together with the predetermined path and vantage point of user's, the designers could obtain an unprecedented multi sensory illusion that may be considered as direct precursor of current virtual and augmented reality paradigms.\
Since the mid 1980s, numerous examples exist of re enactment of cinematographic scenes by the use of video sequences in combination with immersive objects and architectures. Among those the works of Tony Oursler who as one of the key figures in the development of video art experimented early on with the moving image that extended beyond the borders of the TV monitor . Oursler used projections on sculptures and specially crafted scenographic installations. His early 1990s dolls and dummy works or *Troubler* from 1996, rely entirely in the spatial and semantic correspondence between projected film and dolls which are strongly anthropomorphized . Using centuries old knowledge on optics and perception, controlling light and shadow and the spectator's point of view Oursler mastered a unique type of cinematographic composition based on the combination of found objects, life-like moving faces and archetypal elements coming into life by virtue of the superimposed projected narratives .\
Michael Naimark, is one key multimedia artist and researcher who has also explored spatialized representation. His *Displacements* intallation, developed from 1980 to 1984, further advanced the spatial and semantic interactions between images and surfaces, and is considered among the most important seminal works in this domain. An immersive installation that projected a pre recorded 16mm film on an archetypal living room completely covered in white paint, matching the spatial location of the projected images with selected objects of the living room. The projector located on a rotating turntable at the room's center slowly directed the spectators' gaze towards the unwrapping narrative, with the appearance of the characters and objects as three dimensional. Artist Jeffrey Shaw has also undertaken since the late 1960s, research on types of Expanded Cinema and the development of various innovative spatial illusion strategies. For example *Corpocinema* from 1967, involved projection into a dome, and the Diadrama from 1974 was projected onto a 180 degree screen surrounding the audience. In its theatrical form, an example of the combination of ancient perspective and contrast techniques with contemporary spatialized narratives to bring three dimensional realism to life is the opera *Le Grande Macabre* by Fura dels Baus. Premiered in Brussels in March 2009, the company made use of the correspondence of projected images and physical objects, profiting from the emerging frictions between the projected images and a large scale anthropomorphic figure that mutates in identity and function within the play. The proposal of Fura dels Baus intends to avoid mimesis, and rather than repeat reality, aims at constructing a type of illusory live experience . Several remarkable examples are found in the works of Robert Lepage, and among them, *Needles and Opium*, which narratively relies on an strong engagement with the space, thus the need for a careful representation of location and context within a semi cubic structure that serves as a group of screens that mutate according to the needs of each scene . The use of these types of neutral spatial cavities that serve as immersive screens has grown in popularity during the last decade. In 2012, as part of a marketing campaign for the Sony Playstation products, the agency Marshmallow Laser Feast presented the video mapping of an entire living room using choreographed live puppetry, controlling every element in the scene and performed in front of a non stop recording camera. The resulting recorded performances offered a high degree of illusion while consolidating the archetypical centralized and predetermined viewpoint, in this case, the viewpoint of the non stop recording camera.
## Interactive virtuality {#interactive-virtuality .unnumbered}
The advent and popularization of the interactive computing technologies, a variety of spatialized works of art speculate in the direction of producing full body perceptual illusions no longer tied to the spectator's spatial positions and viewpoints predetermined beforehand, but affording contents that interact with the user, whose three dimensional representations are dynamically adjusted to the view point of the user in real time . From this point on, a significant part of research from academic and industry related fields, coincided in the aim for developing techniques and devices for visually compositing virtual objects within real environments, with ever increasing interactive faculties for spectators to become co participants. A significant advance was made in this regard by Carolina Cruz Neira, Daniel J. Sandin, and Thomas A. DeFanti at the University of Illinois, Chicago Electronic Visualization Laboratory in 1992. They presented the notion of *CAVE* acronym for *Cave automatic virtual environment*, a semi cubic installation made up of rear high resolution projection screen walls and floor, and a motion capture system that allowed users to interact by physical movements . In 1995 a team of researchers from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, including Ramesh Raskar, Greg Welch, and Henry Fuchs presented The office of the future a type of CAVE application not supported on retro projected surfaces but projection on real office surfaces and objects, moreover incorporated real time computer vision techniques to dynamically extract per pixel depth and reflectance information for the visible surfaces in the office including walls, furniture, objects, and people, and then to either project images on the surfaces, render images of the surfaces, or interpret changes in the surfaces . In 2006 Shaw initiated research into a fully 360 degree 3D projection system at the UNSW iCinema Research Centre, a centre directed by Shaw and co founded with Dennis Del Favero. AVIE *Advanced Visualisation and Interaction Environment* was first installed in the UNSW Scientia building in 2003 and presented a paradigm that allowed the exploration of 360 degree panoramic projected images, within an architectural framework that correlated the design of the virtual landscape with that of the installation itself, thus simultaneously co activating the virtual representations and the real materials of the projection space. This installation also introduced a fundamental level of user control, allowing the viewer to control the rotation of a projected window. The design of AVIE follows the traditions of the Panorama, as well as the search for embodied impact of the Baroque Tromp l'oeil fresco painting techniques . One remarkable implementation example is *The Pure Land: Inside the Mogao Grottoes*, a project by Sarah Kenderdine and Jeffrey Shaw working in the University City Honk Kong in 2012. Using digitization data from the Mogao Grottoes in China this installation emphasizes the spatial illusion via panoramic immersion and coherent image display techniques . The contents are staged in a 10 meter diameter by 4 meter high cylindrical AVIE theater, while a handheld interface provides interaction with the rendered images, allowing the user to volitionally reveal key parts of the mural paintings on its walls. These real scale interactive visual display systems allowed the research on the domain of the spatial illusion of reality and helped set the foundations for projector based *Augmented Reality* in the following decades. As defined, Augmented reality aims at building systems that enhances the real world by superimposing computer generated information on top of it, in one or more sensory modalities . In its projector based form, Augmented Reality shares the aim to generate perceptual illusion untethered and available to the plain senses, by using synthetic information displayed on real world locations, but distinguishing from mere spatialized motion image in the strong interactive component of the experience .
# Living virtuality {#living-virtuality .unnumbered}
In the last decades one of the most interesting objects for projector based synthetic augmentation has been the human body. In a collaboration between 1998 and 2002 choreographer Chris Haring and Vienna based director and composer Klaus Obermaier, created two multimedia dance performances, D.A.V.E and Vivisector, that have used the dancer's body as the primary projection surface pre choreographed projections on performers skins that led spectators to believe that the bodies of performers were dramatically reshaped and altered in real time . In 2004 together with Ars Electronica Futurelab, Obermaier developed and premiered Apparition, an interactive dance and media performance featuring Desirée Kongerød and Rob Tannion whose movements on stage are captured using an infrared camera and suited with adequate images generated in realtime.\
At the 8th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality ISMAR in 2009, a team of researchers including Greg Welch, Henry Fuchs from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, introduced Shader Lamps Avatars as a new approach for creating a video projected three dimensional avatar using faces of real people. Based on cameras and projectors to capture and map the dynamic motion and appearance of a real person onto a humanoid life sized styrofoam head mounted on an animatronic device, the system delivers a dynamic, real time representation of a person to multiple viewers . In a similar quest, a collaboration between Japanese media artist Nobumichi Asai, make up artist Hiroto Kuwahara and digital image engineer Paul Lacroix resulted in the Omote project in 2014, using projection mapping techniques to put make up and effects onto a model's face in real time. By using a set of infrared markers painted on the model's face, the team was able to capture and process marker position, estimating face position and orientation, rendering face CG model with animated texture upon, and finally send the image through the projector. This face changing system brings to life a fluid stance of identity in a way similar to the ancient Bian Lian techniques that allow Sichuan Opera's performers to unperceivably change masks in front of spectators. Further advancing these achievements, The Ichikawa Senoo Laboratory from the University of Tokio aimed in 2015 at overcoming the limited static or quasi static conditions required for video projection mapping. A dynamic projection mapping system was developed, capable of adjusting images in real time onto deforming non rigid surfaces. To this end, the team led by Gaku Narita, Yoshihiro Watanabe, and Masatoshi Ishikawa developed two set of technologies addressing the system's main challenges . First, *Deformable Dot Cluster Marker*, a robust infrared acquisition method for capturing deformations from the surface, even capable of handling large deformation and occlusions. Second, a high speed projector system was developed, *DynaFlash*, capable of displaying 8 bit images in frame rates up to 1,000fps with unprecedented 3 milliseconds latencies. These two innovations mark a breakpoint in the quest for spatially distributed illusion, achieving the perceptual effect as if the projected images were printed onto the target surface. The Ichikawa Senoo Laboratory further demonstrated in 2016 their dynamic projection mapping systems actuating onto a deformed sheet of paper and T shirt on one or multiple targets. Considering the possibility for embedding active or passive markers in clothing and everyday objects , these advancements could represent the novel technical feasibility for most surfaces in the real world to become screens, displaying perceptual illusions coherently and seamlessly .
# Conclusions {#conclusions .unnumbered}
Video projection mapping has been an important step in the evolution of spatially based perceptual illusionism, and on the base of the evolution of its associated techniques and idiosyncrasies a great variety of research lines have been developed, as well as entertainment and artistic applications. Having mastered linear perspective, color contrast, and vantage point control in order to produce static realistic spatial three dimensional representations, in recent years video projection mapping systems paired with computer vision systems have acquired the capability of user interaction and of dynamically adjusting the spatial characteristics of the images in order to achieve almost perfect correspondence between projected contents and physical space. Considering video projection mapping as an intermediate stance in the reality-virtuality continuum , it has been shown to produce at least two types of observable results that occur almost simultaneously . The first occurs at a sensory level, in which the shape, color and texture properties of the physical surfaces are incorporated by the superimposed images or wane in its benefit. For example the visitors of the Camera degli Sposi are deceived into believing that a two dimensional solid surface such as a brick wall disappears to give way to a different landscape in perfect harmony with the existing architecture. The face in the Omote's models can be suddenly full of make up, and the performers in Obermaier's works may seem to be suddenly in raw flesh. The second observable phenomena concerns the semantic level of interaction between imaginary contents and physical objects. Depending on the semantic load of each of the interacting elements, the merger between superimposed images and material supports may yield a varying degree of identity transference, as such, physical objects may contrast with projected images or completely assume its identity and its network of semantic associations. In these semantic agreement and opposition relationships, the visitors of the Camera degli Sposi may fall under the impression of being at the residence of a powerful dynasty whose decorated oculus attracts angels from the skies. The models in Omote project can suddenly appear to be skeletons or android humanoids, or it may result unimaginable to think on the bodies in Obermaier's Vivisector as human due to their unprecedented flexibility. Many steps have been taken in making the real world wane in favor of synthetic superpositions that increasingly become more present, in that every surface acts as a screen and every object contains potential of fluid identity and meaning hosted in the domain of virtual representations. As the production of perceptual illusions appear to be in full effect, new possibilities arise for new entertainment paradigms, spatially distributed learning applications, or massive dataset exploration tools that profit from the embodied cognition that results from spatial interaction with digital contents . Importantly, the relentless idea that fueled the quest for perceptual illusion and pervaded across centuries of artistic and scientific experimentation, seems to gain momentum at the current juncture in history: reality does not satisfy desire. | {'timestamp': '2020-06-01T02:03:58', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14317', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14317'} |
# Introduction
Newton and Wigner defined three physical criteria that must be satisfied by the point-localized state vectors of a massive or massless particle. The first is that a nonzero spatial translation of a localized state vector must produce another localized state vector that is orthogonal to the original. Then a rotation of a state vector localized at the spatial origin at any time, \(t,\) must produce another state vector localized at the origin. Such a state vector can be labelled by another quantum number that must carry an irreducible representation of rotations, with state vectors for different values of this quantum number being mutually orthogonal. Lastly, the scalar product of a localized state vector and any boost of this state vector must be a continuous function of the boost velocity. It is not possible to satisfy all three criteria for the photon. The reason is not the masslessness of the photon but because of its limited helicity spectrum, as we will confirm below. This point was noted by Wightman. Within this limitation, it is possible to define measures of partial (not point) localization for the photon. Given the impossibility result, it was surprising to learn that some authors claim to have constructed point-localized states for the photon. Perhaps the result was not derived in suffficient detail, so we remedy that situation in Section [\[sec:Impossibility-of-point-localized\]](#sec:Impossibility-of-point-localized){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:Impossibility-of-point-localized"}. Then, in Section [\[sec:Analysis-of-claimed\]](#sec:Analysis-of-claimed){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:Analysis-of-claimed"}, we closely examine some of the claims of point-localized photons and attempt to reproduce their results. Conclusions follow in Section [\[sec:Conclusions\]](#sec:Conclusions){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:Conclusions"}.
# [\[sec:Impossibility-of-point-localized\]]{#sec:Impossibility-of-point-localized label="sec:Impossibility-of-point-localized"}Impossibility of point-localized photon state vectors
As stated above, the helicity spectrum of a massless particle determines whether it can be point-localized. A hypothetical particle of zero mass and zero helicity could be localized at a point, with state vectors \[|\,x,0\,\rangle=\frac{1}{(2\pi)^{\frac{3}{2}}}\int\frac{d^{3}k}{\sqrt{\omega}}\,|\,k,0\,\rangle\,e^{ik\cdot x},\label{eq:1}\] where \(\omega=|\boldsymbol{k}|\) and the covariant normalization of the momentum-helicity eigenvectors (for general helicity, \(\lambda\)), \[\langle\,k_{1},\lambda_{1}\,|\,k_{2},\lambda_{2}\,\rangle=\delta_{\lambda_{1}\lambda_{2}}\omega_{1}\delta^{3}(\boldsymbol{k}_{1}-\boldsymbol{k}_{2}),\label{eq:2}\] will be used throughout this paper. Also, in this paper, we use Heaviside-Lorentz units, in which \(\hbar=c=\epsilon_{0}=\mu_{0}=1.\) Only positive energies are used in this superposition. These state vectors have the equal-time scalar product \[\langle\,(t,\boldsymbol{x}_{1}),0\,|\,(t,\boldsymbol{x}_{2}),0\,\rangle=\delta^{3}(\boldsymbol{x}_{1}-\boldsymbol{x}_{2})\label{eq:3}\] and rotate and translate as expected for localized state vectors. They boost continuously. The photon has only two physical helicities, \(\lambda=\pm1\). If there were a \(\lambda=0\) photon in addition to these two, we could construct three state vectors (for \(\sigma=-1,0,1\)) \[|\,x,\sigma,3\,\rangle=\frac{1}{(2\pi)^{\frac{3}{2}}}\int\frac{d^{3}k}{\sqrt{\omega}}\sum_{\lambda=-1,0,1}|\,k,\lambda\,\rangle\,\mathcal{R}_{\lambda\sigma}^{(1)-1}[\hat{\boldsymbol{k}}]\,e^{ik\cdot x}.\label{eq:4}\] Here \(\mathcal{R}_{\lambda\mu}^{(1)-1}(\hat{\boldsymbol{k}})\) are \(j=1\) matrix elements of the inverse of the standard rotation \[R_{0}[\hat{\boldsymbol{k}}]=R_{z}(\varphi)R_{y}(\theta)R_{z}(-\varphi)\label{eq:5}\] that takes \(\hat{\boldsymbol{z}}\) into the momentum direction \(\hat{\boldsymbol{k}}=(\theta,\varphi).\) The basis vectors rotate as \[U(R)\,|\,k,\lambda\rangle=|\,R\,k,\lambda\,\rangle\,e^{-i\lambda w(R,\hat{\boldsymbol{k}})},\label{eq:6}\] with a Wigner rotation, a rotation about the momentum direction, \(\hat{\boldsymbol{k}},\) specified by \[R(w(R,\hat{\boldsymbol{k}})\,\hat{\boldsymbol{k}})=R_{0}^{-1}[R\hat{\boldsymbol{k}}]\,R\,R_{0}[\hat{\boldsymbol{k}}].\label{eq:7}\] Then we have (no sum over \(\lambda\)) \[U(R)\,|\,k,\lambda\,\rangle\,\mathcal{R}_{\lambda\sigma}^{(1)-1}(\hat{\boldsymbol{k}})=\sum_{\sigma^{\prime}=-1}^{1}|\,R\,k,\lambda\,\rangle\,\mathcal{R}_{\lambda\sigma^{\prime}}^{(1)-1}[R\hat{\boldsymbol{k}}]\,\mathcal{D}_{\sigma^{\prime}\sigma}^{(1)}(R).\label{eq:8}\] This is an important result, as it shows that each helicity rotates with the same transformation matrix. This leads to the required rotation behaviour \[U(R)\,|\,(t,\boldsymbol{x}),\sigma,3\,\rangle=\sum_{\mu^{\prime}=-1}^{1}|\,(t,R\,\boldsymbol{x}),\sigma^{\prime},3\,\rangle\,\mathcal{D}_{\sigma^{\prime}\sigma}^{(1)}(R),\label{eq:9}\] according to the unitary irreducible rotation representation with angular momentum quantum number \(j=1.\) It is clear that this construction (Eq. ([\[eq:4\]](#eq:4){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:4"})) is the unique solution (up to phase changes dependent on helicity) of the requirement in Eq. ([\[eq:9\]](#eq:9){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:9"}). The unitary transformation \[\langle\,\sigma\,|\,i\,\rangle=\sqrt{\frac{4\pi}{3}}\,Y_{1\sigma}^{*}(\hat{\boldsymbol{i}})\quad\mathrm{for}\ i=1,2,3,\label{eq:10}\] produces three state vectors for every \(x,\) \[|\,x,i,3\,\rangle=\sum_{\sigma=-1}^{1}|\,x,\sigma,3\,\rangle\,\langle\,\sigma\,|\,i\,\rangle\quad\mathrm{for}\ i=1,2,3.\label{eq:11}\] We note that the coefficients in the superposition can be identified as the components of complex conjugate polarization vectors in a particular gauge, \[\epsilon_{i}^{*}(\hat{\boldsymbol{k}},\lambda)=\sum_{\sigma=-1}^{1}\mathcal{R}_{\lambda\sigma}^{(1)-1}[\hat{\boldsymbol{k}}]\,\langle\,\sigma\,|\,i\,\rangle=\sum_{\sigma=-1}^{1}\sum_{j=1}^{3}\sum_{k=1}^{3}\langle\,\lambda\,|\,j\,\rangle\,R_{0jk}^{-1}[\hat{\boldsymbol{k}}]\,\langle\,k\,|\,\sigma\,\rangle\langle\,\sigma\,|\,i\,\rangle=\sum_{j=1}^{3}R_{0ij}[\hat{\boldsymbol{k}}]\,\langle\,\lambda\,|\,j\,\rangle.\label{eq:12}\] They are obtained by a rotation from their \(\hat{\boldsymbol{k}}=\hat{\boldsymbol{z}}\) values \[\boldsymbol{\epsilon}^{*}(\hat{\boldsymbol{z}},+1)=-\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\begin{pmatrix}1\\-i\\ 0 \end{pmatrix},\quad\epsilon^{*}(\hat{\boldsymbol{z}},0)=\begin{pmatrix}0\\ 0\\ 1 \end{pmatrix},\quad\epsilon^{*}(\hat{\boldsymbol{z}},-1)=+\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\begin{pmatrix}1\\ +i\\ 0 \end{pmatrix}.\label{eq:13}\] So we can write \[|\,x,i,3\,\rangle=\frac{1}{(2\pi)^{\frac{3}{2}}}\int\frac{d^{3}k}{\sqrt{\omega}}\sum_{\lambda=-1,0,1}|\,k,\lambda\,\rangle\,\epsilon_{i}^{*}(\hat{\boldsymbol{k}},\lambda)\,e^{ik\cdot x}.\label{eq:14}\] The three state vectors in Eq. ([\[eq:14\]](#eq:14){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:14"}) rotate according to the three-vector representation of rotations \[U(R)\,|\,(t,\boldsymbol{x}),i,3\,\rangle=\sum_{i^{\prime}=-1}^{1}|\,(t,R\,\boldsymbol{x}),i^{\prime},3\,\rangle\sum_{\sigma^{\prime},\sigma=-1}^{1}\langle\,i^{\prime}\,|\,\sigma^{\prime}\,\rangle\mathcal{D}_{\sigma^{\prime}\sigma}^{(1)}(R)\,\langle\,\sigma\,|\,i\,\rangle=\sum_{i^{\prime}=-1}^{1}|\,(t,R\,\boldsymbol{x}),i^{\prime},3\,\rangle\,R_{i^{\prime}i}.\label{eq:15}\] Both sets of state vectors translate correctly and satisfy the equal-time orthonormality relations \[\langle\,(t,\boldsymbol{x}_{1}),\sigma_{1},3\,|\,(t,\boldsymbol{x}_{2}),\sigma_{2},3\,\rangle=\frac{1}{(2\pi)^{3}}\int d^{3}k\,\sum_{\lambda=-1,0,1}\mathcal{R}_{\sigma_{1}\lambda}^{(1)}[\hat{\boldsymbol{k}}]\mathcal{R}_{\lambda\sigma_{2}}^{(1)-1}(\hat{\boldsymbol{k}})\,e^{i\boldsymbol{k}\cdot(\boldsymbol{x}_{1}-\boldsymbol{x}_{2})}=\delta_{\sigma_{1}\sigma_{2}}\delta^{3}(\boldsymbol{x}_{1}-\boldsymbol{x}_{2})\label{eq:16}\] and \[\langle\,(t,\boldsymbol{x}_{1}),i_{1},3\,|\,(t,\boldsymbol{x}_{2}),i_{2},3\,\rangle=\delta_{i_{1}i_{2}}\delta^{3}(\boldsymbol{x}_{1}-\boldsymbol{x}_{2}),\label{eq:17}\] as required for sets of three point-localized state vectors. Now, for the physical photon, we must remove the zero helicity in the new definition \[|\,x,\sigma,\gamma\,\rangle=\frac{1}{(2\pi)^{\frac{3}{2}}}\int\frac{d^{3}k}{\sqrt{\omega}}\sum_{\lambda=-1,1}|\,k,\lambda\,\rangle\,\mathcal{R}_{\lambda\sigma}^{(1)-1}(\hat{\boldsymbol{k}})\,e^{ik\cdot x}\quad\mathrm{for}\ \sigma=-1,0,1.\label{eq:18}\] We continue to use the \(j=1\) rotation representation, as it is expected to come closest to the desired result. From the result of Eq. ([\[eq:8\]](#eq:8){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:8"}), we see that these three still rotate in the desired way. However, the equal-time overlap becomes \[\langle\,(t,\boldsymbol{x}_{1}),\sigma_{1},\gamma\,|\,(t,\boldsymbol{x}_{2}),\sigma_{2},\gamma\,\rangle=\frac{1}{(2\pi)^{3}}\int d^{3}k\,\sum_{\lambda=-1,1}\mathcal{R}_{\sigma_{1}\lambda}^{(1)}[\hat{\boldsymbol{k}}]\mathcal{R}_{\lambda\sigma_{2}}^{(1)-1}(\hat{\boldsymbol{k}})\,e^{i\boldsymbol{k}\cdot(\boldsymbol{x}_{1}-\boldsymbol{x}_{2})}.\label{eq:19}\] The sum over helicities is \[\begin{aligned}
\sum_{\lambda=-1,1}\mathcal{R}_{\sigma_{1}\lambda}^{(1)}[\hat{\boldsymbol{k}}]\mathcal{R}_{\lambda\sigma_{2}}^{(1)-1}(\hat{\boldsymbol{k}}) & =\delta_{\sigma_{1}\sigma_{2}}-\mathcal{R}_{\sigma_{1}0}^{(1)}[\hat{\boldsymbol{k}}]\mathcal{R}_{0\sigma_{2}}^{(1)-1}(\hat{\boldsymbol{k}})\nonumber \\ & =\delta_{\sigma_{1}\sigma_{2}}-\begin{pmatrix}\frac{1}{2}\sin^{2}\theta &-\frac{e^{-i\varphi}}{\sqrt{2}}\sin\theta\cos\theta &-\frac{1}{2}e^{-i2\varphi}\sin^{2}\theta\\-\frac{e^{+i\varphi}}{\sqrt{2}}\sin\theta\cos\theta & \cos^{2}\theta & +\frac{e^{-i\varphi}}{\sqrt{2}}\sin\theta\cos\theta\\-\frac{1}{2}e^{+i2\varphi}\sin^{2}\theta & +\frac{e^{+i\varphi}}{\sqrt{2}}\sin\theta\cos\theta & \frac{1}{2}\sin^{2}\theta \end{pmatrix}_{\sigma_{1}\sigma_{2}}.\label{eq:20} \end{aligned}\] So \[\langle\,(t,\boldsymbol{x}_{1}),\sigma_{1},\gamma\,|\,(t,\boldsymbol{x}_{2}),\sigma_{2},\gamma\,\rangle=\delta_{\sigma_{1}\sigma_{2}}\delta^{3}(\boldsymbol{x}_{1}-\boldsymbol{x}_{2})-\frac{1}{(2\pi)^{3}}\int d^{3}k\,M_{\sigma_{1}\sigma_{2}}(\hat{\boldsymbol{k}})\,e^{i\boldsymbol{k}\cdot(\boldsymbol{x}_{1}-\boldsymbol{x}_{2})},\label{eq:21}\] where \(M_{\sigma_{1}\sigma_{2}}(\hat{\boldsymbol{k}})\) is the matrix appearing in the second term of Eq. ([\[eq:20\]](#eq:20){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:20"}). For the three-vector states \[\begin{aligned}
\langle\,(t,\boldsymbol{x}_{1}),i_{1},\gamma\,|\,(t,\boldsymbol{x}_{2}),i_{2},\gamma\,\rangle & =\frac{1}{(2\pi)^{3}}\int d^{3}k\,(\delta_{i_{1}i_{2}}-\sum_{\lambda=-1,1}\langle\,i_{1}\,|\,\sigma_{1}\,\rangle\mathcal{R}_{\sigma_{1}0}^{(1)}[\hat{\boldsymbol{k}}]\mathcal{R}_{0\sigma_{2}}^{(1)-1}(\hat{\boldsymbol{k}})\langle\,\sigma_{2}\,|\,i_{2}\,\rangle)\,e^{i\boldsymbol{k}\cdot(\boldsymbol{x}_{1}-\boldsymbol{x}_{2})}.\label{eq:22} \end{aligned}\] with summation over \(\mu_{1}\) and \(\mu_{2}\) implied. We find the result \[\langle\,(t,\boldsymbol{x}_{1}),i_{1},\gamma\,|\,(t,\boldsymbol{x}_{2}),i_{2},\gamma\,\rangle=\delta_{i_{1}i_{2}}\delta^{3}(\boldsymbol{x}_{1}-\boldsymbol{x}_{2})-\frac{1}{(2\pi)^{3}}\int d^{3}k\,\hat{\boldsymbol{i}}_{1}\cdot\hat{\boldsymbol{k}}\hat{\boldsymbol{k}}\cdot\hat{\boldsymbol{i}}_{2}\,e^{i\boldsymbol{k}\cdot(\boldsymbol{x}_{1}-\boldsymbol{x}_{2})},\label{eq:23}\] illustrating the impossibility of point-localized photon state vectors, at least using the \(j=1\) rotation representation. Clearly using \(j=0\) gives the wrong rotation properties for the state vectors. Using \(j\geq2,\) there will be unwanted terms inside the momentum integral for the scalar products, given by \[T_{\sigma_{1}\sigma_{2}}^{(j)}(\hat{\boldsymbol{k}})=-\sum_{\{\lambda\}}\mathcal{R}_{\sigma_{1}0}^{(j)}[\hat{\boldsymbol{k}}]\mathcal{R}_{0\sigma_{2}}^{(j)-1}(\hat{\boldsymbol{k}}),\label{eq:24}\] a sum over all helicities other than \(\lambda=\pm1.\)
# [\[sec:Analysis-of-claimed\]]{#sec:Analysis-of-claimed label="sec:Analysis-of-claimed"}Analysis of claimed point-localized states
Hawton (her Eq. (34), summed over \(\epsilon\) (the sign of the energy) and \(\lambda\)) constructs state vectors (using our normalization conventions) \[|\,A^{\mu}(x)\,\rangle=\frac{1}{(2\pi)^{\frac{3}{2}}}\,\int\frac{d^{3}k}{\omega}\sum_{\lambda=\pm1}|\,k,\lambda\,\rangle\,\epsilon^{*\mu}(\hat{\boldsymbol{k}},\lambda)\,e^{+ik\cdot x}.\label{eq:25}\] Here \(\epsilon^{*\mu}(\hat{\boldsymbol{k}},\lambda)\) is now a four-component polarization vector, with \(\mu=0,1,2,3.\) Negative frequency contributions, \(|\,A^{(-)\mu}(x)\,\rangle,\) with the phase factor \(\exp(-ik\cdot x),\) are also included, but they don't translate correctly: \[U(T(a))\,|\,A^{(-)\mu}(x)\,\rangle=|\,A^{(-)\mu}(x-a)\,\rangle\label{eq:26}\] instead of \[U(T(a))\,|\,A^{(-)\mu}(x)\,\rangle=|\,A^{(-)\mu}(x+a)\,\rangle.\label{eq:27}\] It seems that these negative frequencies are not essential to their result, so we omit them here. The first issue is gauge variation. The four-component polarization vectors appear in the electromagnetic field strength operators, \(\hat{F}^{\mu\nu}(x),\) and in the four-component gauge field operator, \(\hat{A}^{\mu}(x).\) A gauge transformation, \[\epsilon^{\mu}(\hat{\boldsymbol{k}},\lambda)\rightarrow\epsilon^{\mu}(\hat{\boldsymbol{k}},\lambda)+g(|\boldsymbol{k}|)\,k^{\mu},\label{eq:28}\] for arbitrary \(g,\) leaves the observable electromagnetic field strengths unchanged, but changes the gauge field components. We note that such a gauge transformation preserves the Lorentz condition, \[k\cdot\epsilon(\hat{\boldsymbol{k}},\lambda)\equiv0,\label{eq:29}\] which is essential for the gauge fields to satisfy the Maxwell equations. Unless a particular gauge is chosen, Eq. ([\[eq:25\]](#eq:25){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:25"}) does not give a unique definition. We choose to consider the radiation gauge, with polarization vectors \(\epsilon_{R}^{\mu}(\hat{\boldsymbol{k}},\lambda),\) in which \(\epsilon_{R}^{0}(\hat{\boldsymbol{k}},\lambda)\equiv0\) and the spatial parts are given by Eqs. ([\[eq:12\]](#eq:12){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:12"},[\[eq:13\]](#eq:13){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:13"}). This is part of the Lorentz family of gauges since \(\boldsymbol{k}\cdot\boldsymbol{\epsilon}_{R}(\hat{\boldsymbol{k}},\lambda)=\hat{\boldsymbol{z}}\cdot\boldsymbol{\epsilon}_{R}(\hat{\boldsymbol{z}},\lambda)\equiv0.\) Then we arrive at three state vectors for every \(x,\) \[|\,x,i,\mathrm{H}\,\rangle=\frac{1}{(2\pi)^{\frac{3}{2}}}\,\int\frac{d^{3}k}{\omega}\sum_{\lambda=\pm1}|\,k,\lambda\,\rangle\,\epsilon_{R}^{*i}(\hat{\boldsymbol{k}},\lambda)\,e^{+ik\cdot x}\quad\mathrm{for}\ i=1,2,3.\label{eq:30}\] Since a different factor of the rotational invariant, \(\omega,\) in the superposition will not change the rotation properties, we see that these state vectors rotate according to the irreducible representation. Their equal-time quantum-mechanical scalar products are \[\begin{gathered}
\langle\,(t,\boldsymbol{x}_{1}),i_{1},\mathrm{H}\,|\,(t,\boldsymbol{x}_{2}),i_{2},\mathrm{H}\,\rangle=\frac{1}{(2\pi)^{3}}\int\frac{d^{3}k}{\omega}\sum_{\lambda=\pm1}\epsilon_{R}^{i_{1}}(\hat{\boldsymbol{k}},\lambda)\epsilon_{R}^{*i_{2}}(\hat{\boldsymbol{k}},\lambda)\,e^{i\boldsymbol{k}\cdot(\boldsymbol{x}_{1}-\boldsymbol{x}_{2})}\\ =\frac{1}{(2\pi)^{3}}\int\frac{d^{3}k}{\omega}(\delta_{i_{1}i_{2}}-\hat{\boldsymbol{i}}_{1}\cdot\hat{\boldsymbol{k}}\hat{\boldsymbol{k}}\cdot\hat{\boldsymbol{i}}_{2})\,e^{i\boldsymbol{k}\cdot(\boldsymbol{x}_{1}-\boldsymbol{x}_{2})}, \end{gathered}\] clearly not giving the required orthogonality result. It is remarkable that these authors define an *alternative* scalar product, not equal to the quantum-mechanical scalar product. If a state vector is defined as a superposition of basis vectors with known scalar products, then the quantum-mechanical scalar product of two such state vectors is completely defined and not subject to arbitrary redefinition. The orthogonality properties of the basis vectors, in this case, follow from the fact that they are eigenvectors of Hermitian observables. State vectors can be defined in different ways, but then their scalar products are fixed. The alternative scalar product is defined by \[(\,A_{1}(t,\boldsymbol{x}_{1}),A_{2}(t,\boldsymbol{x}_{2})\,)=\frac{1}{(2\pi)^{3}}\int\frac{d^{3}k}{\omega}\sum_{\lambda=\pm1}\sum_{i=1}^{3}\epsilon_{R}^{i}(\hat{\boldsymbol{k}},\lambda)\epsilon_{R}^{*i}(\hat{\boldsymbol{k}},\lambda)\,e^{i\boldsymbol{k}\cdot(\boldsymbol{x}_{1}-\boldsymbol{x}_{2})}.\label{eq:32}\] To verify the rotation criterion of Newton and Wigner, nine scalar products for each \(t,x_{1},x_{2}\) are needed, one for each pair \(i_{1},i_{2}\). But only one is given here, with the index \(i\) summed over. If there were no sum over \(i,\) we would again have \[\sum_{\lambda=\pm1}\epsilon_{R}^{i_{1}}(\hat{\boldsymbol{k}},\lambda)\epsilon_{R}^{*i_{2}}(\hat{\boldsymbol{k}},\lambda)=\delta_{i_{1}i_{2}}-\hat{\boldsymbol{i}}_{1}\cdot\hat{\boldsymbol{k}}\hat{\boldsymbol{k}}\cdot\hat{\boldsymbol{i}}_{2}.\label{eq:32.1}\] Using \[\boldsymbol{\epsilon}_{R}(\hat{\boldsymbol{k}},\lambda)\cdot\boldsymbol{\epsilon}_{R}^{*}(\hat{\boldsymbol{k}},\lambda)=\boldsymbol{\epsilon}_{R}(\hat{\boldsymbol{z}},\lambda)\cdot\boldsymbol{\epsilon}_{R}^{*}(\hat{\boldsymbol{z}},\lambda)=1\label{eq:33}\] gives their result \[(\,A_{1}(t,\boldsymbol{x}_{1}),A_{2}(t,\boldsymbol{x}_{2})\,)=2\,\delta^{3}(\boldsymbol{x}_{1}-\boldsymbol{x}_{2}).\label{eq:34}\] This result does not, as claimed, prove that localized photon state vectors have been constructed.
# [\[sec:Conclusions\]]{#sec:Conclusions label="sec:Conclusions"}Conclusions
We have confirmed that no point-localized state vectors can be constructed for the photon that satisfy all three of the criteria of Newton and Wigner. The reason is the limited helicity spectrum of the photon. If there were a zero helicity state in addition to \(\lambda=\pm1,\) such localized states, three for every position and time, could be constructed. We considered the claims of other authors that they could construct point-localized photon states satisfying the three criteria of Newton and Wigner. It was found that they employ an alternative definition of scalar product, not equal to the well-defined quantum-mechanical one. It is only by using this alternative scalar product that they are able to find a Dirac delta function in position. But the argument is incomplete. The rotation of their state vectors involves a subspace of dimension 3. Orthogonality of state vectors with different values of the index would be required to complete the proof, but no such result is given and would clearly not be possible. We note that these authors also claim to have constructed a positive-definite position probability density for the photon (the zero component of a locally conserved four-current). If this were the case, it would have to take the form \[\hat{\rho}(x)=\sum_{\sigma}|\,x,\sigma\,\rangle\langle\,x,\sigma\,|.\] The basis vectors would have to rotate according to an irreducible representation and satisfy mutual orthogonality between different values of the index, \(\sigma\). Since we know this is not possible, the claim is baseless. | {'timestamp': '2020-06-01T02:06:26', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14378', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14378'} |
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# Introduction
We saw in Chapter 1 that underlying every inverse semigroup is a groupoid, but this groupoid is not enough on its own to recover the original inverse semigroup multiplication. This raises the question of what else is needed, and we answer this question in Section 2. The underlying groupoid of an inverse semigroup combined with the natural partial order lead to a structure called an inductive groupoid and inverse semigroups and inductive groupoids are two ways of looking at the same thing. In fact, Ehresmann worked with inductive groupoids rather than inverse semigroups. Our second categorical description takes its cue from how substructures are represented in a category. This leads to left (or right) cancellative categories and their actions on principal groupoids as a way of constructing arbitrary inverse semigroups. This is described in Section 4. Section 3 forms a bridge between Sections 2 and 4. In it, we describe the extent to which ordered groupoids are related to left cancellative categories. In the case of inverse monoids, this leads to a complete description in terms of categories.
# Ordered groupoids
The motivation for this construction is described in Section 2.1 and the main theorem, the Ehresmann-Schein-Nambooripad theorem, is proved in Section 2.3.
## Motivation
The following result shows how the usual product in an inverse semigroup can be reconstructed from the restricted product and the natural partial order.
A function \(\theta \colon \: S \rightarrow T\) between inverse semigroups is said to be a *prehomomorphism* if \(\theta (st) \leq \theta (s)\theta (t)\) for all \(s,t \in S\).[^1] Inverse semigroups and prehomomorphisms form a category that contains the usual category of inverse semigroups and homomorphisms. We can easily construct examples of prehomomorphisms which are not homomorphisms. Let \(L\) and \(M\) be meet semilattices and let \(\theta \colon \: L \rightarrow M\) be an order-preserving function. Let \(e,f \in L\). Then \(e \wedge f \leq e,f\) and so \(\theta (e \wedge f) \leq \theta (e),\theta (f)\) since \(\theta\) is order-preserving. Thus \[\theta (e \wedge f) \leq \theta (e) \wedge \theta (f)\] since \(M\) is a meet semilattice. It follows that \(\theta\) is a prehomomorphism from the inverse semigroup \((L,\wedge)\) to the inverse semigroup \((M,\wedge)\), but not in general a homomorphism.
Lemma 2.2 implies that every prehomomorphism between inverse semigroups induces a functor between their associated groupoids.
## Inductive groupoids
Let \((G,\cdot)\) be a groupoid, and let \(\leq\) be a partial order defined on \(G\). Then \((G,\cdot,\leq )\) is an *ordered groupoid* if the following axioms hold:
: \(x \leq y\) implies \(x^{-1} \leq y^{-1}\) for all \(x,y \in G\).
: For all \(x,y,u,v \in G\), if \(x \leq y, u \leq v, \exists xu\) and \(\exists yv\) then \(xu \leq yv\).
: Let \(x \in G\) and let \(e\) be an identity such that \(e \leq {\bf d}(x)\). Then there exists a unique element \((x\, | \,e)\), called the *restriction of* \(x\) *to* \(e\), such that \((x\, | \,e) \leq x\) and \({\bf d}(x\,|\,e) = e\).
: Let \(x \in G\) and let \(e\) be an identity such that \(e \leq {\bf r}(x)\). Then there exists a unique element \((e \, | \, x)\), called the *corestriction of* \(x\) *to* \(e\), such that \((e \, | \, x) \leq x\) and \({\bf r}(e\, | \,x) = e\).
An ordered groupoid is said to be *inductive* if the partially ordered set of identities forms a meet-semilattice. This term was used by Ehresmann to refer to a more restricted class of ordered groupoids than we have defined, but the terminology is now well-established. As we shall see, if the groupoid is actually a group the order degenerates to equality and so ordered groupoids do not generalize ordered groups. A functor between two ordered groupoids is said to be *ordered* if it is order-preserving. An ordered functor between two inductive groupoids is said to be *inductive* if it preserves the meet operation on the set of identities. An *isomorphism* of ordered groupoids is a bijective ordered functor whose inverse is an ordered functor.
We now establish some of the basic properties of ordered groupoids.
Let \(G\) be an ordered groupoid and \(H\) a subset of \(G\). Then we say that \(H\) is an *ordered subgroupoid* if it is a subgroupoid of \(G\) and an ordered groupoid with respect to the induced order. This is equivalent to the condition that \(H\) be a subgroupoid of \(G\) and that if \(x \in H\) and \(e \in H_{o}\) and \(e \leq {\bf d}(x)\) then \((x \, | \, e) \in H\). Let \(\theta \colon \: G \rightarrow K\) be an injective ordered functor. The image of \(\theta\) is a subgroupoid of \(K\), because if \(\theta (x)\theta(y)\) is defined in \(K\) then \(\theta ({\bf d}(x)) = \theta ({\bf r}(y))\) and so \(xy\) is defined in \(G\); this gives \(\theta (x)\theta (y) = \theta (xy)\). However, the image of \(\theta\) need not be an ordered subgroupoid of \(K\). A stronger notion than an injective ordered functor is what we term an *ordered embedding*; this is an ordered functor \(\theta \colon \:G \rightarrow K\) such that for all \(g,h \in G\) \[g \leq h \Leftrightarrow \theta (g) \leq \theta (h).\] The image of \(\theta\) is an ordered subgroupoid of \(K\) which is isomorphic to \(G\). In verifying that a structure is an ordered groupoid, it is sometimes more convenient to use the following characterization. We shall need the following two axioms. Let \(G\) be a groupoid and \(\leq\) a partial order defined on \(G\). The axioms (OI) and (OG4) are defined as follows:
: \(G_{o}\) is an order ideal of \(G\).
: For all \(x \in G\) and \(e \in G_{o}\), if \(e \leq {\bf d}(x)\) then there exists \(y \in G\) such that \(y \leq x\) and \({\bf d}(y) = e\).
## The Ehresmann-Schein-Nambooripad theorem
From our results in Chapter 1 and by Lemma 2.1, we have the following.
The inductive groupoid associated with \(S\) is denoted by \({\bf G}(S)\). We now show how to construct an inverse semigroup from an inductive groupoid. Let \(G\) be an ordered groupoid and let \(x,y \in G\) be such that \(e = {\bf d}(x) \wedge {\bf r}(y)\) exists. Put \[x \otimes y = (x\, | \, e)(e \, | \, y),\] and call \(x \otimes y\) the *pseudoproduct* of \(x\) and \(y\). It is immediate from the definition that the pseudoproduct is everywhere defined in an inductive groupoid. The next result provides a neat, order-theoretic way of viewing the pseudoproduct.
It will be an immediate consequence of the following result that the pseudoproduct on an inductive groupoid is associative.
If \((G,\cdot,\leq)\) is an inductive groupoid, then \((G,\otimes)\) will be denoted by \({\bf S}(G)\). We can now show how to construct an inverse semigroup from an inductive groupoid.
The above theorem can be viewed as a wide-ranging generalization of the result that a commutative idempotent semigroup can also be regarded as a meet semilattice. One of its uses is in proving that a structure suspected of being an inverse semigroup actually is. As usual in semigroup theory we have the slight annoyance of having to deal with the case of semigroups with and without zero separately. An ordered groupoid is said to be *\(\ast\)-inductive* if the following condition holds for each pair of identities: if they have a lower bound, they have a greatest lower bound. A \(\ast\)-inductive groupoid gives rise to an inverse semigroup with zero \((G^{0},\otimes)\): adjoin a zero to the set \(G\), and extend the pseudoproduct on \(G\) to \(G^{0}\) in such a way that if \(s,t \in G\) and \(s \otimes t\) is not defined then put \(s \otimes t = 0\), and define all products with \(0\) to be \(0\). Every inverse semigroup with zero arises in this way.
## Applications
Ordered groupoids can be viewed as wide-ranging generalizations of inverse semigroups. 'Wide-ranging' because both groupoids and partially ordered sets are examples of ordered groupoids. The category of ordered groupoids provides much more space for working with inverse semigroups. In particular, constructions that lead out of the category of inverse semigroups may actually be possible in the larger category of ordered groupoids. In this section, I shall illustrate this idea. Let \(G\) be an ordered subgroupoid of the ordered groupoid \(H\). We say that \(H\) is an *enlargement* of \(G\) if the following three axioms hold:
: \(G_{o}\) is an order ideal of \(H_{o}\).
: If \(x \in H\) and \({\bf d}(x),{\bf r}(x) \in G\) then \(x \in G\).
: If \(e \in H_{o}\) then there exists \(x \in H\) such that \({\bf r}(x) = e\) and \({\bf d}(x) \in G\).
The following is proved in Section 8.3 of.
The key point of the above theorem is that every star injective ordered functor can be factorized as an enlargement followed by a star bijective ordered functor, and that this can be done in essentially one way. Star bijective or covering functors have pleasant properties, and if an ordered groupoid is an enlargement of another ordered groupoid then it is similar to it in structure. We shall apply the above theorem to determine the structure of the \(E\)-unitary inverse semigroups introduced in Chapter 1. It hinges on two observations. First, in Theorem 2.26, we proved that an inverse semigroup is \(E\)-unitary if and only if the natural homomorphism to its maximum group image is star injective; second, in Theorem 3.6 an inverse semigroup is a semidirect product of a semilattice by a group if and only if that selfsame natural map is star bijective. We begin by defining semidirect products of partially ordered sets by groups. Let \(G\) be a group and \(X\) a partially ordered set. We suppose that \(G\) acts on \(X\) by order automorphisms on the left. Define a partial multiplication on \(X \times G\) by \((x,g)(y,h) = (x,gh)\) if \(x = g \cdot y\) and undefined otherwise and define a partial order on \(X \times G\) by \[(x,g) \leq (y,h) \Leftrightarrow x \leq y \mbox{ and } g = h.\] The set \(X \times G\) equipped with this partial multiplication and partial order is denoted by \(P(G,X)\). The following is proved as Theorem 1 of Section 8.1 of.
We say that the ordered groupoid \(P(G,X)\) is a *semidirect product of a partially ordered set by a group*. Such semidirect product ordered groupoids can be characterized abstractly. The proof of the following is Theorem 3 of Section 8.1 of.
The key point of Lemma 2.12 and Proposition 2.13 is that we can recognize when an ordered groupoid is a semidirect product of a partially ordererd set by a group by checking to see if it admits an ordered covering functor onto as group. This is the ordered groupoid version of Theorem 3.6 of Chapter 1. Now let \(S\) be an \(E\)-unitary inverse semigroup. Then the natural map from \(S\) to its maximum group image is star injective. This can be factorized using the maximum enlargment theorem into an enlargement followed by a covering map to a group. It follows that every \(E\)-unitary inverse semigroup has an enlargement which is a semidirect product of a partially ordered set and a group. For the full proof of the following see Theorem 4 of Section 8.1 of.
The above result characterizes \(E\)-unitary inverse semigroups in terms of semidirect products, but not of semilattices by groups as might be expected but of partially ordered sets by groups. The disadvantage of the above result is that the structure of \(E\)-unitary inverse semigroups is described using ordered groupoids. However, the information contained in the theorem can be couched in purely semigroup-theoretic language. To do this we need the following classical definition. Let \(G\) be a group and \(X\) a partially ordered set. We shall suppose that \(G\) acts on \(X\) on the left by order automorphisms. We denote the action of \(g \in G\) on \(x \in X\) by \(g \cdot x\). Let \(Y\) be a subset of \(X\) partially ordered by the induced ordering. We say that \((G,X,Y)\) is a *McAlister triple* if the following three axioms hold:
: \(Y\) is an order ideal of \(X\) and a meet semilattice under the induced ordering.
: \(G \cdot Y = X\).
: \(g \cdot Y \cap Y \neq \emptyset\) for every \(g \in G\).
Let \((G,X,Y)\) be a McAlister triple. Put \[P(G,X,Y) = \{(y,g) \in Y \times G \colon \: g^{-1} \cdot y \in Y \}.\]
Define a product on \(P(G,X,Y)\) by \[(e,g)(f,h) = (e \wedge g \cdot f,gh).\] It is well-defined by the above lemma. A proof of the following is Theorem 9 of Section 7.2 of.
If we combine Theorem 2.4 with Proposition 2.16, we get the following first proved by Don McAlister.
# Ordered groupoids and left/right cancellative categories
This section is a bridge between the inductive groupoid approach to studying inverse semigroups described in Section 2 and the category action approach that we describe in Section 4. Our goal is to show the extent to which ordered groupoids are related to left (respectively, right) cancellative categories. The motivation for this section comes from the category-theoretic definition of a subobject.
## From left cancellative categories to ordered groupoids
A *left cancellative* category is a category in which \(xy = xz\) implies \(y = z\). It is therefore precisely a category of monomorphisms. We define a *right cancellative* category dually, and a *cancellative* category is one which is both left and right cancellative. A left (respectively, right) cancellative category with one identity is a left (respectively, right) cancellative monoid. If \(C\) is a subcategory of \(D\), we say that it is *isomorphism-dense* in \(D\) if for each identity \(e \in D_{o}\) there exists an identity \(f \in C_{o}\) and an isomorphism \(x \in D\) such that \(e \stackrel{x}{\longrightarrow} f\). If \(C\) is a subcategory of \(D\), we say it is *full* if \(x \in D\) such that \(\mathbf{d} (x), \mathbf{r} (x) \in C\) then \(x \in C\). A functor \(F \colon C \rightarrow D\) is an *equivalence* if it is full, faithful and essentially surjective; the first two conditions mean that the restriction \(F \colon \mbox{hom}(e,f) \rightarrow \mbox{hom}(F(e),F(f))\) is surjective and injective respectively for all identities \(e,f \in C_{o}\), and the last condition means that each identity in \(D\) is isomorphic to the image of an identity under \(F\). We now define two categories of structures, the relationship between them being the subject of this section.
: The category of left cancellative categories and their functors.
: The category of ordered groupoids and ordered functors.
We shall construct functors \[{\bf G} \colon \: \mathcal{LC} \rightarrow \mathcal{OG} \text{ and } {\bf L} \colon \: \mathcal{OG} \rightarrow \mathcal{LC},\] and describe their composites \({\bf G} {\bf L}\) and \({\bf L} {\bf G}\). Let \(C\) be a left cancellative category. We shall construct an ordered groupoid \({\bf G} (C)\) from \(C\). Put \[U = \{(a,b) \in C \times C \colon \: \mathbf{d} (a) = \mathbf{d} (b)\}.\] Define a relation \(\sim\) on \(U\) as follows: \[(a,b) \sim (a',b') \Leftrightarrow (a,b) = (a',b')u \mbox{ for some isomorphism } u\] where \((a',b')u = (a'u,b'u)\). Then \(\sim\) is an equivalence relation on \(U\). Denote the equivalence class containing \((a,b)\) by \([a,b]\), and the set of equivalence classes by \({\bf G}(C)\). Define \[\mathbf{d} [a,b] = [b,b], \quad \mathbf{r} [a,b] = [a,a] \mbox{ and } [a,b]^{-1} = [b,a].\] These are all well-defined. Suppose \(\mathbf{d} [a,b] = \mathbf{r} [c,d]\). Then there exists an isomorphism \(u\) in \(C\) such that \(b = cu\). In this case, define the partial product \[[a,b] \cdot [c,d] = [a,du].\] The picture below illustrates why: \[\diagram & & & \\ & & &\uto^{d} \lto_{c} \\ & &\lto_{a} \uto^{b} \urto_{u} & \enddiagram\] We shall usually denote the partial product by concatenation. Define a relation \(\leq\) on \({\bf G}(C)\) by \[[a,b] \leq [c,d] \Leftrightarrow (a,b) = (c,d)p \mbox{ for some }p \in C.\] This is well-defined and is a partial order. If \(\theta \colon \: C \rightarrow D\) is a functor between two left cancellative categories, define the function \({\bf G}(\theta) \colon \: {\bf G}(C) \rightarrow {\bf G}(D)\) by \({\bf G}(\theta)([a,b]) = [\theta (a),\theta (b)]\).
It is useful to know when the pseudoproduct of two elements of \({\bf G}(C)\) exists.
Ordered groupoids of the form \({\bf G} (C)\) have extra properties. Let \(G\) be an ordered groupoid. We say that \(G\) has *maximal identities* if there is a function \(G_{o} \rightarrow G_{o}\), denoted by \(e \mapsto e^{\circ}\), that has the following two properties:
: \(e \leq e^{\circ}\).
: If \(e \leq i^{\circ},j^{\circ}\) then \(i^{\circ} = j^{\circ}\).
Observe that \(e^{\circ}\) really is a maximal identity, for if \(e^{\circ} \leq f\), where \(f\) is an identity, then \(e^{\circ} \leq f \leq f^{\circ}\) by (MI1). But then by (MI2), we have that \(e^{\circ} = f^{\circ}\), and so \(e^{\circ} = f\). We define the relation \(\mathcal{D}\) on an ordered groupoid \(G\) by \(g \,\mathcal{D}\, h\) iff they are in the same connected component of the groupoid \(G\). It is immediate that \(\mathcal{D}\) is an equivalence relation on \(G\).
We have shown how to construct an ordered groupoid \({\bf G} (C)\) from a left cancellative category. It is likewise possible to construct an ordered groupoid \({\bf G}' (C)\) from a *right* cancellative category \(C\). Just as the construction of \({\bf G} (C)\) is a generalization of the construction of subobjects, so the construction of \({\bf G}' (C)\) is a generalization of quotient objects. The set \(U'\) is defined to consist of those pairs of elements \((a,b)\) of \(C\) such that \({\bf r}(a) = {\bf r}(b)\). The equivalence relation \(\sim\) is defined by \[(a,b) \sim (a',b') \Leftrightarrow (a,b) = u(a',b')\] for some isomorphism \(u\). We define \({\bf G}' (C)\) to consist of \(\sim\)-equivalence classes. The following is immediate
## From ordered groupoids to left cancellative categories
Let \(G\) be an ordered groupoid. Define \[{\bf L} (G) = \{(e,x) \in G_{o} \times G \colon \: {\bf r}(x) \leq e\}\] and \[\mathbf{d} (e,x) = (\mathbf{d} (x),\mathbf{d} (x)) \mbox{ and } \mathbf{r} (e,x) = (e,e)\] and define a partial product on \({\bf L} (G)\) as follows: if \(\mathbf{d} (e,x) = \mathbf{r} (f,y)\) then \[(e,x)(f,y) = (e,x \otimes y),\] otherwise it is undefined. If \(\theta \colon \: G \rightarrow H\) is an ordered functor between two ordered groupoids, define \({\bf L}(\theta) \colon \: {\bf L}(G) \rightarrow {\bf L}(H)\) by \({\bf L}(\theta)(e,x) = (\theta (e),\theta (x))\). Since \(\mathbf{r} (x) \leq e\) and \(\theta\) is an order-preserving functor, we have that \(\theta (\mathbf{r} (x)) = \mathbf{r} ( \theta (x))\) and \(\mathbf{r} (\theta (x)) \leq \theta (e)\). Thus \({\bf L} (\theta)(e,x)\) is an element of \({\bf L} (G)\), and so \({\bf L} (\theta)\) is a well-defined function.
We may also construct a *right* cancellative category from an ordered groupoid. Let \[{\bf R} (G) = \{(x,e) \in G \times G_{o} \colon \: {\bf d}(x) \leq e\}.\] Define \[{\bf d}(x,e) = (e,e) \mbox{ and } {\bf r}(x,e) = ({\bf r}(x),{\bf r}(x))\] and define a partial product on \({\bf R} (G)\) as follows: if \({\bf d}(x,e) = {\bf r}(y,f)\) then \((x,e)(y,f) = (x \otimes y,f)\), else it is undefined.
## Forward and back
We shall now describe the relationship between \({\bf L} {\bf G} (C)\) and \(C\), and between \({\bf G} {\bf L} (G)\) and \(G\). Our first theorem tells us that up to equivalence *every* left cancellative category can be constructed from an ordered groupoid.
We shall now describe the relationship between \(G\) and \({\bf G} {\bf L} (G)\). This is not as satisfactory and explains why we cannot put ordered groupoids and left cancellative categories on a par. The ordered groupoid \({\bf G} {\bf L} (G)\) is a somewhat complicated object, so to help us see what is going on, we construct an isomorphic copy that is easier to understand. Let \(G\) be an ordered groupoid. Define \(\overline{G}\) as follows: \[\overline{G} = \{\langle e,x,f \rangle \in G_{o} \times G \times G_{o} \colon \: \mathbf{d} (x) \leq f, \mathbf{r} (x) \leq e \}.\] Define \[\mathbf{d} (\langle e,x,f \rangle) = \, \langle f, \mathbf{d} (x), f \rangle \mbox{ and } \mathbf{r} (\langle e,x,f \rangle) = \, \langle e, \mathbf{r} (x), e \rangle,\] and \[\langle e,x,f \rangle^{-1} = \, \langle f,x^{-1},e \rangle.\] These are all elements of \(\overline{G}\). If \(\mathbf{d} \langle e,x,f \rangle = \mathbf{r} \langle i,y,j \rangle\), define \[\langle e,x,f \rangle \langle i,y,j \rangle = \langle e,xy,j \rangle.\] Then \(\overline{G}\) is easily seen to be a groupoid in which the identities are the elements of the form \(\langle e,f,e \rangle\). Define \[\langle e,x,f \rangle \, \leq \, \langle e',x',f' \rangle\] iff \(e = e'\), \(f = f'\) and \(x \leq x'\). Finally, define \[\langle e,f,e \rangle^{\circ} = \langle e,e,e \rangle.\] Observe that if \(f \leq e\) where \(e,f \in G_{o}\), then \(\mathbf{d} (\langle e,f,f \rangle) = \langle f,f,f \rangle\) and \(\mathbf{r} (\langle e,f,f \rangle) = \langle e,f,e \rangle\).
The connection with \({\bf G} {\bf L} (G)\) is described in the following result.
To get a sharper connection betweeen \(G\) and \(\overline{G}\) we need to assume more about \(G\).
## Rooted categories
The results we have obtained so far on ordered groupoids and left cancellative categories show that we almost have a correspondence between them. But to get sharper results, we need to restrict the class of left cancellative categories we consider and correspondingly the class of ordered groupoids. In both cases, we need an 'anchor'. A *weak terminal identity* in a category is an identity \(1\) with the property that for each identity \(e\) there is an arrow from \(e\) to \(1\).
Let \(C\) be a left cancellative category. The set \([a,a] \otimes {\bf G} (C) \otimes [a,a]\) is the set of all products \([a,a] \otimes [x,y] \otimes [a,a]\) where they are defined and forms an ordered subgroupoid of \({\bf G} (C)\).
Let \(C\) be a left cancellative category with weak terminal identity \(1\). Put \({\bf G}_{1}(C) = [1,1] \otimes {\bf G}(C) \otimes [1,1]\).
We now cast the above results into a more usable form. A left cancellative category \(C\) with a weak terminal identity 1 is called a *left rooted category*. Put \[U = \{(a,b) \in C \times C \colon \: \mathbf{d} (a) = \mathbf{d} (b), \mathbf{r} (a) = 1 = \mathbf{r} (b)\}.\] Observe that both \(a\) and \(b\) have codomain 1. Define a relation \(\sim\) on \(U\) by \[(a,b) \sim (a',b') \Leftrightarrow (a,b) = (a',b')u \mbox{ for some isomorphism } u\] where \((a',b')u = (a'u,b'u)\). Then \(\sim\) is an equivalence relation on \(U\). Denote the equivalence class containing \((a,b)\) by \([a,b]\), and the set of equivalence classes by \({\bf G}^{l}(C)\). We may think of \([a,b]\) as modelling a partial bijection with domain of definition described by \([b,b]\) and with range described by \([a,a]\) both of these being subobjects of 1. Define \[\mathbf{d} [a,b] = [b,b], \quad \mathbf{r} [a,b] = [a,a] \mbox{ and } [a,b]^{-1} = [b,a].\] If \(\mathbf{d} [a,b] = \mathbf{r} [c,d]\). Then there exists an isomorphism \(u\) in \(C\) such that \(b = cu\). In this case, define the partial product \[[a,b] \cdot [c,d] = [a,du].\] Define a relation \(\leq\) on \({\bf G}^{l}(C)\) by \[[a,b] \leq [c,d] \Leftrightarrow (a,b) = (c,d)p \mbox{ for some }p \in C.\] This is well-defined and is a partial order. In this way, \({\bf G}^{l}(C)\) is an ordered groupoid with a maximum identity. Let \(C\) and \(D\) be two left rooted categories with weak terminal identities \(1_{C}\) and \(1_{D}\) respectively. Let \(\theta \colon \: C \rightarrow D\) be an equivalence of categories such that \(F(1_{C}) = 1_{D}\). Then the function \({\bf G}^{l}(\theta) \colon \: {\bf G}^{l}(C) \rightarrow {\bf G}^{l}(D)\) defined by \({\bf G}^{l}(\theta)([a,b]) = [\theta (a),\theta (b)]\) is an isomorphism of ordered groupoids with maximum identities. We shall say that a left rooted category has *all allowable pullbacks* if whenever \(a\) and \(b\) are elements of \(C\) such that \(\mathbf{r} (a) = \mathbf{r} (b)\) and that can be completed to a commutative square \(aa' = bb'\) for some elements \(a'\) and \(b'\), then \(a\) and \(b\) have a pullback. It is worth noting that it is enough to assume this condition for those pairs \(a\) and \(b\) where in addition \(\mathbf{r} (a) = \mathbf{r} (b)\). In this case, \({\bf G}^{l} (C)\) is \(\ast\)-inductive and so when we adjoin a zero we get an inverse monoid with zero. The ordered groupoid \({\bf G}^{l} (C)\) is inductive when \(C\) has *all pullbacks*. If \(S\) is an inverse monoid with zero, we denote by \(\mathcal{L}(S)\) the left rooted category of the ordered groupoid of non-zero elements of \(S\), its right rooted category, denoted by \(\mathcal{R}(S)\), is defined similarly. We therefore have the following theorem with which is associated an evident dual theorem referring to right Leech categories.
There is now an obvious question which has a familiar answer.
It is interesting to consider what happens in the case when the inverse monoid is \(0\)-bisimple because we can then replace categories by monoids. Let \(S\) be \(0\)-bisimple. Put \(L_{1} = \{s \in S \colon s^{-1}s = 1 \}\). Then \(L_{1}\) is a left cancellative monoid. It is isomorphic to the local monoid at the identity \((1,1)\) in the left rooted category \(\mathcal{L}(S)\) and under our assumption on \(S\) is actually equivalent to it. We therefore have the following.
# Affine systems
Inverse monoids and, more generally, ordered groupoids with maximum identities can be described by means of suitable left cancellative categories equipped with weak terminal identities or by means of suitable right cancellative categories equipped with weak initial identities. The problem now is describing arbitrary inverse semigroups or, more generally, arbitrary ordered groupoids. The solution is similar to what happens when we want to replace vector spaces, which have a distinguished origin, with affine spaces which don't: we have to work with actions. In our case, and choosing sides, we work with (right cancellative) categories acting on the left on principal groupoids, the groupoids arising from equivalence relations. We shall see that our earlier description of inverse monoids or ordered groupoids with maximum identities is a special case. In outline, we do the following
- A category \(C\) acts on a principal groupoid \(H\) on the left.
- This action induces a preorder \(\preceq\) on \(H\) whose associated equivalence relation is \(\equiv\).
- The quotient structure \(H/\equiv\) is a groupoid on which the preorder induces an order.
- The groupoid \(H/\equiv\) is ordered and every ordered groupoid is isomorphic to one constructed in this way.
## From category actions to ordered groupoids
Before I give the formal definition, I want to motivate it by reconsidering how we defined an ordered groupoid with identity from a *right* cancellative category \(C\) with a weak *initial* identity 1. Incidently, the shift from left to right rooted categories is simply a consequence of the fact that I shall work with *left* actions below. Form the set of ordered pairs \[U = \{(a,b) \in C \times C \colon \mathbf{r} (a) = \mathbf{r} (b), \mathbf{d} (a) = 1 = \mathbf{d} (b) \}.\] We may define a partial action of \(C\) on \(U\) by defining \(c \cdot (a,b) = (ca,cb)\) only when \(\mathbf{d} (c) = \mathbf{r} (a)\). If we define \(\pi (a,b) = \mathbf{r} (a)\) then we can rewrite the condition for the action of \(c\) on \((a,b)\) to be defined by \(\mathbf{d} (a) = \pi (a,b)\). What is \(U\)? It is the groupoid corresponding to an equivalence relation defined on the set \(C1\): namely \(a\) and \(b\) are related if and only if \(\mathbf{r} (a) = \mathbf{r} (b)\). Suppose that \((a,b) = c(a',b')\) and \((a',b') = d(a,b)\). Then because \(C\) is right cancellative, the elements \(c\) and \(d\) are mutually invertible. It follows that \((a,b) \sim (a',b')\). Thus the action of \(C\) on \(U\) can be used to construct the elements of the ordered groupoid \({\bf G}^{r}(C)\). In order to define \(U\) in this case we needed a weak initial identity, but the same construction would go through if we started with the pair \((G,U)\). By axiomatizing the properties of such pairs leads to the construction of ordered groupoids from categories acting on principal groupoids which we now describe. Let \(C\) be a category and \(G\) a groupoid. Let \(\pi \colon \: G \rightarrow C_{o}\) be a function to the set of identities of \(C\). Define \[C \ast G = \{(a,x) \in C \times G \colon \: \mathbf{d} (a) = \pi (x) \}.\] We say that \(C\) *acts on* \(G\) if there is a function from \(C \ast G\) to \(G\), denoted by \((a,x) \mapsto a \cdot x\), which satisfies the axioms (A1)--(A6) below. Note that I write \(\exists a \cdot x\) to mean that \((a,x) \in C \ast G\). I shall also use \(\exists\) to denote the existence of products in the categories \(C\) and \(G\).
: \(\exists \pi (x) \cdot x\) and \(\pi (x) \cdot x = x\).
: \(\exists a \cdot x\) implies that \(\pi (a \cdot x) = \mathbf{r} (a)\).
: \(\exists a \cdot (b \cdot x)\) iff \(\exists (ab) \cdot x\), and if they exist they are equal.
: \(\exists a \cdot x\) iff \(\exists a \cdot \mathbf{d} (x)\), and if they exist then \(\mathbf{d} (a \cdot x) = a \cdot \mathbf{d} (x)\); \(\exists a \cdot x\) iff \(\exists a \cdot \mathbf{r} (x)\), and if they exist then \(\mathbf{r} (a \cdot x) = a \cdot \mathbf{r} (x)\).
: If \(\pi (x) = \pi (y)\) and \(\exists xy\) then \(\pi (xy) = \pi (x)\).
: If \(\exists a \cdot (xy)\) then \(\exists (a \cdot x)(a \cdot y)\) and \(a \cdot (xy) = (a \cdot x)(a \cdot y)\).
We write \((C,G)\) to indicate the fact that \(C\) acts on \(G\). If \(C\) acts on \(G\) and \(x \in G\) define \[C \cdot x = \{a \cdot x \colon \: \exists a \cdot x \}.\] Define \(x \preceq y\) in \(G\) iff there exists \(a \in C\) such that \(x = a \cdot y\). The relation \(\preceq\) is a preorder on \(G\). Let \(\equiv\) be the associated equivalence: \(x \equiv y\) iff \(x \preceq y\) and \(y \preceq x\). Observe that \(x \preceq y\) iff \(C \cdot x \subseteq C \cdot y\). Thus \(x \equiv y\) iff \(C \cdot x = C \cdot y\). Denote the \(\equiv\)-equivalence class containing \(x\) by \([x]\), and denote the set of \(\equiv\)-equivalence classes by \(J(C,G)\). The set \(J(C,G)\) is ordered by \([x] \leq [y]\) iff \(x \preceq y\).
We shall be interested in actions of categories \(C\) on groupoids \(G\) that satisfy two further conditions:
: \(G\) is principal.
: \(\mathbf{d} (a \cdot x) = \mathbf{d} (b \cdot x)\) iff \(\mathbf{r} (a \cdot x) = \mathbf{r} (b \cdot x)\).
Condition (A7) is to be expected; condition (A8) will make everything work, as will soon become clear. The axioms (A7) and (A8) together imply that if \(\mathbf{d} (a \cdot x) = \mathbf{d} (b \cdot x)\) then \(a \cdot x = b \cdot x\).
otherwise the partial product is not defined. To show that it is well-defined we shall use (A7) and (A8). Let \(x'' \in [x]\) and \(y'' \in [y]\) be such that \(\exists x''y''\). We show that \(x'y' \equiv x''y''\). By definition there exist \(a,b,c,d \in C\) such that \[x' = a \cdot x, \quad x = b \cdot x', \quad x'' = c \cdot x, \quad x = d \cdot x''\] and there exist \(s,t,u,v \in C\) such that \[y' = s \cdot y, \quad y = t \cdot y', \quad y'' = u \cdot y, \quad y = v \cdot y''.\] Now \(x = b \cdot x'\) and \(x'' = c \cdot x\). Thus \(x'' = (cb) \cdot x'\) by (A3). Now \(\exists x'y'\) and so \(\pi (x'y') = \pi (x')\) by (A5). Thus \(\exists (cb) \cdot (x'y')\). Hence \((cb) \cdot (x'y') = [(cb) \cdot x'][(cb) \cdot y']\) by (A6) which is \(x''[(cb) \cdot y']\). We shall show that \((cb) \cdot y' = y''\), which proves that \(x''y'' \preceq x'y'\); the fact that \(x'y' \preceq x''y''\) holds by a similar argument so that \(x'y' \equiv x''y''\) as required. It therefore only remains to prove that \((cb) \cdot y' = y''\). We have that \(y'' = (ut) \cdot y'\) and \(\mathbf{d} (x'') = \mathbf{r} (y'')\). Thus \(\mathbf{d} (x'') = \mathbf{r} (y'') = (ut) \cdot \mathbf{r} (y')\) by (A4). But \(\mathbf{d} (x'') = (cb) \cdot \mathbf{r} (y')\). Thus \((ut) \cdot \mathbf{r} (y') = (cb) \cdot \mathbf{r} (y')\). Hence \[\mathbf{r} ((ut) \cdot y') = \mathbf{r} ((cb) \cdot y')\] by (A4). By axioms (A7) and (A8), it follows that \((cb) \cdot y' = (ut) \cdot y' = y''\) and so the partial product is well-defined. Thus \(J(C,G)\) is a groupoid in which \([x]^{-1} = [x^{-1}]\), and the identities are the elements of the form \([x]\) where \(x \in G_{o}\). The order on \(J(C,G)\) is defined by \([x] \leq [y]\) iff \(x = a \cdot y\) for some \(a \in C\). It remains to show that \(J(C,G)\) is an ordered groupoid with respect to this order. (OG1) holds: let \([x] \leq [y]\). Then \(x = a \cdot y\). By axiom (A4), we have that \(\mathbf{d} (x) = a \cdot \mathbf{d} (y)\). Thus \(x^{-1}x = a \cdot (y^{-1}y)\). By axiom (A6), \(x^{-1}x = (a \cdot y^{-1})(a \cdot y)\). Similarly \(xx^{-1} = (a \cdot y)(a \cdot y^{-1})\). But \(G\) is a principal groupoid and so \(x^{-1 } = (a \cdot y^{-1})\) and so \([x^{-1}] \leq [y^{-1}]\), as required. (OG2) holds: let \([x] \leq [y]\) and \([u] \leq [v]\) and suppose that the partial products \([x][u]\) and \([y][v]\) exist. Then there exist \(x' \in [x]\), \(u' \in [u]\), \(y' \in [y]\) and \(v' \in [v]\) such that \([x][u] = [x'u']\) and \([y][v] = [y'v']\). By assumption, \([x'] \leq [y']\) and \([u'] \leq [v']\) so that there exist \(a,b \in C\) such that \(x' = a \cdot y'\) and \(u' = b \cdot v'\). We need to show that \(x'u' \preceq y'v'\). Now \(\mathbf{d} (x') = \mathbf{r} (u')\) and so \(a \cdot \mathbf{d} (y') = b \cdot \mathbf{r} (v')\). But \(\mathbf{d} (y') = \mathbf{r} (v')\). Thus \(a \cdot \mathbf{d} (y') = b \cdot \mathbf{d} (y')\). Hence \[\mathbf{d} (a \cdot y') = \mathbf{d} (b \cdot y').\] By (A8), we therefore have that \[\mathbf{r} (a \cdot y') = \mathbf{r} (b \cdot y'),\] and so \(a \cdot y' = b \cdot y'\) by (A7). Thus \(x'u' = (a \cdot y')(b \cdot v') = (b \cdot y')(b \cdot v')\). Now \(\exists y'v'\) and so by (A5) and (A6) we have that \((b \cdot y')(b \cdot v') = b \cdot (y'v')\). Thus \(x'u' = b \cdot (y'v')\) and so \(x'u' \preceq y'v'\), as required. (OG3) holds: let \([e] \leq \mathbf{d} [x]\) where \(e \in G_{o}\). Then \(e \preceq \mathbf{d} (x)\) and so \(e = a \cdot \mathbf{d} (x)\) for some \(a \in C\). Now \(\exists a \cdot x\) by (A4). Define \[([x]\,|\,[e]) = [a \cdot x].\] Clearly \([a \cdot x] \leq [a]\), and \(\mathbf{d} [a \cdot x] = [a \cdot \mathbf{d} (x)] = [e]\). It is also unique with these properties as we now show. Let \([y] \leq [x]\) such that \(\mathbf{d} [y] = [e]\). Then \(y = b \cdot x\) for some \(b \in C\) and \(\mathbf{d} (y) \equiv e\). Because of the latter, there exists \(c \in C\) such that \(e = c \cdot \mathbf{d} (y)\). Thus \(e = (cb) \cdot \mathbf{d} (x)\). But \(e = a \cdot \mathbf{d} (x)\) and so \((cb) \cdot \mathbf{d} (x) = a \cdot \mathbf{d} (x)\). By (A7) and (A8), we therefore have that \(c \cdot y = a \cdot x\). It follows that we have shown that \(a \cdot x \preceq y\). From \(\mathbf{d} (y) \equiv e\), there exists \(d \in C\) such that \(\mathbf{d} (y) = d \cdot e\). Using (A7) and (A8), we can show that \(y = d \cdot (a \cdot x)\), and so \(y \preceq a \cdot x\). We have therefore proved that \(y \equiv a \cdot x\). Hence \([y] = [a \cdot x]\), as required. (OG3)\(^{\ast}\) holds: although this axiom follows from the others, we shall need an explicit description of the corestriction. Let \([e] \leq \mathbf{r} [x]\) where \(e \in G_{o}\). Then \(e \preceq \mathbf{r} (x)\) and so \(e = b \cdot \mathbf{r} (x)\) for some \(b \in C\). Now \(\exists b \cdot x\) by (A4). Define \[([e]\,|\,[x]) = [b \cdot x].\] The proof that this has the required properties is similar to the one above. (2) We now turn to the properties of the pseudoproduct in \(J(C,G)\). Let \([e],[f]\) be a pair of identities in \(J(C,G)\). It is immediate from the definition of the partial order that \([e]\) and \([f]\) have a lower bound iff \(C \cdot e \cap C \cdot f \neq \emptyset\). Next, a simple calculation shows that \([i] \leq [e],[f]\) iff \(C \cdot i \subseteq C \cdot e \cap C \cdot f\). It is now easy to deduce that \([i] = [e] \wedge [f]\) iff \(C \cdot i = C \cdot e \cap C \cdot f\). It will be useful to have a description of the pseudoproduct itself. If \(C \cdot i = C \cdot e \cap C \cdot f\) then denote by
elements of \(C\), not necessarily unique, such that \[i = (e \ast f) \cdot f = (f \ast e) \cdot e.\] Suppose that \([x],[y]\) are such that the pseudoproduct \([x]\otimes [y]\) exists. Then by definition \([\mathbf{d} (x)] \wedge [\mathbf{r} (y)]\) exists. Thus \(C \cdot \mathbf{d} (x) \cap C \cdot \mathbf{r} (y) = C \cdot e\) for some \(e \in G_{o}\). It follows that \[[x] \otimes [y] = ([x]\,|\,[e])([e]\,|\,[y]).\] Now \[([x]\,|\,[e]) = [(\mathbf{r} (y) \ast \mathbf{d} (x)) \cdot x]\] and \[([e]\,|\,[y]) = [(\mathbf{d} (x) \ast \mathbf{r} (y))\cdot y].\] Hence \[[x] \otimes [y] = [((\mathbf{r} (y) \ast \mathbf{d} (x)) \cdot x) ((\mathbf{d} (x) \ast \mathbf{r} (y))\cdot y) ].\] ◻
The next theorem establishes what we would hope to be true is true.
Theorem 4.4 tells us that ordered groupoids can be constructed from pairs \((C,G)\) satisfying some additional conditions. First, we may assume that \(C\) is right cancellative. Second, \(\pi \colon G \rightarrow C_{o}\) is a surjective map. Third if \(a \cdot x = b \cdot x\) then \(a = b\); we call this the *right cancellation condition*. A pair satisfying these three additional condition is called an *affine system* and are the big sisters to the RP-systems of classical semigroup theory. In an affine system, the equivalence relation \(\equiv\) is determined by the isomorphisms in \(C\); for suppose that \(y = a \cdot x\) and \(x = b \cdot y\) then \(y = (ab) \cdot y\) and \(x = (ba) \cdot x\) and so by the right cancellation condition \(a\) is invertible with inverse \(b\).
## Morphisms between affine systems
Let \((C,G)\) and \((D,H)\) be affine systems. A *morphism* from \((C,G)\) to \((D,H)\) is a pair \(\alpha = (\alpha_{1},\alpha_{2})\) where \(\alpha_{1} \colon C \rightarrow D\) and \(\alpha_{2} \colon G \rightarrow H\) are functors such that if \(a \cdot x\) is defined then \(\alpha_{1} (a) \cdot \alpha_{2} (x)\) is defined and \(\alpha_{2} (a \cdot x) = \alpha_{1} (a) \cdot \alpha_{2} (x)\).
A *morphism* \(\alpha = (\alpha_{1},\alpha_{2})\) from \((C,G)\) to \((D,H)\) is said to be an *equivalence* if the following three conditions hold:
: \(\alpha_{1}\) is an equivalence of categories.
: \(\alpha_{2} (x) \preceq \alpha_{2}(y)\) implies \(x \preceq y\).
: For each \(y \in H\) there exists \(x \in G\) such that \(y \equiv \alpha_{2} (x)\).
## Special cases and examples
We sketch out a few special cases of the above theory and touch on some interesting examples. We show first that the theory of ordered groupoids with a maximum identity, described in Section 3.4, is a special case of this new theory. The proof of the following is immediate from the definitions. It is not surprising given the motivation described at the beginning of Section 4.1.
An affine system \((C,G)\) is said to be *cyclic* if the following two conditions hold:
: There exists \(x_{0} \in G_{o}\) such that \(G_{o} = C \cdot x_{0}\).
: If \(a,b \in C\) such that \(\mathbf{r} (a) = \mathbf{r} (b)\) and \(\mathbf{d} (a) = \mathbf{d} (b) = \pi (x_{0})\) then there exists \(g \in G\) such that \(\mathbf{r} (g) = a \cdot x_{0}\) and \(\mathbf{d} (g) = b \cdot x_{0}\).
Ordered groupoids with maximum identity correspond to cyclic affine systems. Our second special case deals with the situation where our ordered groupoid is connected. We consider an affine system \((C,G)\) where \(C\) is a right cancellative monoid and \(G = X \times X\) is a universal principal groupoid. It follows that in fact we have a left monoid action of \(C\) on \(X\) which satisfies the right cancellation condition. We call \((C,X)\) an *affine monoid system*.
Affine systems lead to a natural description of arbitrary inverse semigroups with zero. Let \(S\) be an inverse semigroup with zero and let \(\mathbf{R} = \mathbf{R}(S^{\ast})\), the right cancellative category associated with the non-zero elements of \(S\). The principal groupoid \(R = R(S^{\ast})\) consists of those pairs \((s,t)\) such that \(s\) and \(t\) are both non-zero and \(ss^{-1} = tt^{-1}\). By Theorem 4.4, the ordered groupoid \(S^{\ast}\) is isomorphic to \(J(\mathbf{R},R)\). Thus the inverse semigroup \(S\) is isomorphic to \(J(\mathbf{R},R)^{0}\) equipped with the pseudoproduct. We may summarize these results as follows.
One obvious question is how categories acting on principal groupoids arise. We now describe one example. Let \((C,X)\) be a pair consisting of a category \(C\) acting on a set \(X\) where we denote by \(\pi \colon \: X \rightarrow C_{o}\) the function used in defining the action. Define the relation \(\mathcal{R}^{\ast}\) on the set \(X\) as follows: \(x \,\mathcal{R}^{\ast}\, y\) iff \(\pi (x) = \pi (y)\) and for all \(a,b \in C\) we have that, when defined, \[a \cdot x = b \cdot x \Leftrightarrow a \cdot y = b \cdot y.\] Observe that \(\mathcal{R}^{\ast}\) is an equivalence relation on the set \(X\). In addition, \(x \,\mathcal{R}^{\ast}\, y\) implies that \(c \cdot x \,\mathcal{R}^{\ast}\, c \cdot y\) for all \(c \in C\) where \(c \cdot x\) and \(c \cdot y\) are defined. Consequently, we get a principal groupoid \[G(C,X) = \{(x,y) \colon \: x \,\mathcal{R}^{\ast}\, y \}.\] Define \(\pi' \colon \: G(C,X) \rightarrow C_{o}\) by \(\pi' (x,y) = \pi (x)\), and define an action of \(C\) on \(G(C,X)\) by \(a \cdot (x,y) = (a \cdot x, a \cdot y)\) when \({\bf d}(a) = \pi' (x,y)\). It is easy to check that axioms (A1)--(A8) hold. We may therefore construct an ordered groupoid from the pair \((C,G(C,X))\). This is identical to the ordered groupoid constructed in directly from the pair \((C,X)\). Constructing inverse semigroups from rooted categories and affine systems has practical applications. One can try to relate the categorical properties of the rooted category to the algebraic properties of the inverse monoid. It also leads to the perspective that inverse semigroup theory can be viewed not just as the abstract theory of partial bijections but also the abstract theory of bijections between quotients. The theory restricted to a class of \(0\)-bisimple inverse monoids allows self-similar group actions to be described in terms of a class of inverse semigroups. Graph inverse semigroups can be constructed from free categories. Such inverse semigroups are important in the theory of \(C^{\ast}\)-algebras. Finally, general affine systems can be used to better understand the nature of the inverse semigroups that Dehornoy first constructed. | {'timestamp': '2020-06-01T02:10:01', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14492', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14492'} |
# [\[sec:NewNuclearData\]]{#sec:NewNuclearData label="sec:NewNuclearData"}New Nuclear Data
# [\[sec:Introduction\]]{#sec:Introduction label="sec:Introduction"}Introduction
The \({^{22}}\)Ne(\(\alpha\),\(n\))\({^{25}}\)Mg is the main neutron source in evolved massive stars (M\(>\)`<!-- -->`{=html}10M\(_\odot\)) for the weak \(s\)-process (see Ref. ), producing most of the s-elements between iron and strontium (60\(<\)A\(<\)`<!-- -->`{=html}90). In low-mass AGB stars between 1M\(_\odot\) and 4M\(_\odot\) the reaction is activated during He-flash events, leaving its fingerprint in the final abundance of specific isotopes like \({^{87}}\)Rb and \({^{96}}\)Zr, which are directly observable through spectroscopy or laboratory measurements of meteoritic material. In both astrophysical scenarios, the ratio of the reaction rates of the two competing reactions \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,n\))\(^{25}\)Mg and \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,\gamma\))\(^{26}\)Mg has the largest impact on the nucleosynthesis, determining the total neutron budget. Since the last evaluation of the \(^{22}\)Ne\(+\alpha\) reaction rates in 2012 by Longland and collaborators, there have been a number of experimental investigations of nuclear states in \(^{26}\)Mg with associated re-evaluations of the \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,\gamma\))\(^{26}\)Mg and \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,n\))\(^{25}\)Mg reaction rates. The various reaction rates resulting from these studies vary by up to a factor of 500 in the astrophysically relevant region. An evaluation of the nuclear data culminating in newly calculated rates is required in order to resolve or identify the main sources of these discrepancies in the \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,\gamma\))\(^{26}\)Mg and \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,n\))\(^{25}\)Mg reaction rates. In performing the present evaluation we have chosen to use the [RatesMC]{.smallcaps} Monte-Carlo calculation code used previously by Longland *et al.*. In addition we adopt as a starting point the nuclear-data evaluation of Longland *et al.*. This ensures that any change in the reaction rates between the current evaluation and that of Longland *et al.* is the result of changes in the input nuclear data rather than in the method used to evaluate the reaction rates. This is the same approach used by Talwar *et al.* who also adopted the [RatesMC]{.smallcaps} code to evaluate the reaction rates. In Sec [\[sec:NewNuclearData\]](#sec:NewNuclearData){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:NewNuclearData"} the various new sources of nuclear data are introduced along with properties about \(^{26}\)Mg states that may be extracted from each experimental method. The available information about \(^{26}\)Mg are then discussed in Section [4](#sec:SynthesisOfTheData){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:SynthesisOfTheData"}. Particular focus was given to spin and parity assignments of observed \(^{26}\)Mg levels. Since both \(^{22}\)Ne and \(\alpha\) particle have spin-parity \(J^\pi=0^+\), the \(^{22}\)Ne\(+\alpha\) reaction can populate only natural-parity states, *i. e.* \(0^+\), \(1^-\), \(2^+...\), and so only a subset of observed nuclear levels in \(^{26}\)Mg can contribute to the \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha\),\(n\))\(^{25}\)Mg and \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha\),\(\gamma\))\(^{26}\)Mg reaction rates. The resulting level assignments and nuclear data on levels in \(^{26}\)Mg are summarised in Section [\[sec:LevelAssignments\]](#sec:LevelAssignments){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:LevelAssignments"}. The present characterisation of level structure in \(^{26}\)Mg was used for the evaluation of the reaction rates, discussed in Section [6](#ReactionRateEvaluationSTARLIB){reference-type="ref" reference="ReactionRateEvaluationSTARLIB"}. Comparisons with previous reaction-rate evaluations together with the study of the contribution of individual \(^{26}\)Mg nuclear levels to the reaction rates are presented in Section [7](#RateComparisons){reference-type="ref" reference="RateComparisons"}. Section [\[sec:SuggestedFutureExperiments\]](#sec:SuggestedFutureExperiments){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:SuggestedFutureExperiments"} presents priorities for future measurements, noting whence the major uncertainties in the reaction rates arise, and suggesting mitigating studies. In Section [9](#sec:impact){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:impact"} the suggested reaction rate is used in stellar models to see the effect on AGB stars.
# [\[sec:NewNuclearData\]]{#sec:NewNuclearData label="sec:NewNuclearData"}New Nuclear Data
In the following section we briefly report recent measurements performed to study the \(^{26}\)Mg levels. In particular, we discuss recent experiments using neutron-induced reactions on \(^{25}\)Mg; proton, deuteron and \(\alpha\)-particle inelastic-scattering reactions; the \(\alpha\)-particle transfer reaction \(^{22}\)Ne(\(^6\)Li,\(d\))\(^{26}\)Mg and \(\gamma\)-ray spectroscopy following fusion-evaporation reactions. We present and compare the different experimental work, and we discuss the nuclear data that may be extracted from each technique. Updated resonance parameters used in the present study are listed in Tables [\[tab:KnownResonances\]](#tab:KnownResonances){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:KnownResonances"} and [\[tab:ULResonances\]](#tab:ULResonances){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:ULResonances"} including the resonance strength, defined by: \[\label{eq:strength_alpha_gamma} \omega\gamma_{(\alpha,\gamma)}=\omega\frac{\Gamma_\alpha\Gamma_\gamma}{\Gamma}\] and \[\label{eq:strength_alpha_n} \omega\gamma_{(\alpha,n)}=\omega\frac{\Gamma_\alpha\Gamma_n}{\Gamma},\] where \(\Gamma\) is the total width, \(\Gamma_{\alpha,n,\gamma}\) are the \(\alpha\)-particle, neutron and \(\gamma\)-ray partial widths, respectively, and \(\omega=(2J+1)/[(2I+1)(2i+1)]\) the statistical spin factor, where \(J\), \(I\) and \(i\) are the spins of the resonant level, target and projectile, respectively. Since \(I=i=0\), in this case \(\omega = 2J+1\).
## \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,\gamma\))\(^{26}\)Mg direct measurement
Recently, the \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,\gamma\))\(^{26}\)Mg resonance strength for the \(E_r = 706\)-keV resonance has been studied in direct kinematics at TUNL. This experiment used blister-resistant \(^{22}\)Ne-implanted targets, reducing the problems encountered when using an extended gas target. This experiment confirmed the resonance in \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,\gamma\))\(^{26}\)Mg and provided a new measurement of the resonance energy (\(E_{\alpha,\mathrm{lab}} = 835.2(30)\) keV) and the resonance strength (\(\omega\gamma = 0.046(12)\) meV). No corresponding \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,n\))\(^{25}\)Mg data have been reported.
## \(^{25}\)Mg\(+n\) transmission and capture reactions
The \(^{25}\)Mg(\(n,\gamma\))\(^{26}\)Mg reaction cross section was studied at the neutron time-of-flight (TOF) facility n_TOF at CERN, whilst the neutron total cross section was measured at the GELINA TOF facility at JRC-GEEL. These data provide useful information on nuclear levels above the neutron threshold. These recent measurements aimed at solving some inconsistencies related to neutron data in the literature . No information about levels of \(^{26}\)Mg below the neutron threshold are available from these experiments. The n_TOF facility at CERN generates neutrons using an high-energy proton beam incident upon a lead target. Neutrons pass down a 185-m flight path. At the end of the flight path, a detector system consisting of two C\(_6\)D\(_6\) scintillation detectors placed on either side of the neutron beam is present. The scintillator detectors identify \(\gamma\) rays resulting from \(^{25}\)Mg(\(n,\gamma\))\(^{26}\)Mg capture reactions. The time between the proton pulse hitting the lead target and the \(\gamma\)-ray detection in the scintillator detectors provides a measurement of the time of flight of the neutrons and thus the neutron energy. The total \(n+^{25}\)Mg cross section was measured on the 50-m station at the GELINA facility. At GELINA, electrons from a linear accelerator are directed onto an uranium target producing Bremsstrahlung. Photoneutrons are generated from reactions of the Bremsstrahlung \(\gamma\) rays with the uranium. Neutrons are detected in a \(^6\)Li-glass detector. The observable in this case is the proportion of neutrons transmitted through the target to the neutron detector as a function of neutron energy. The energy-dependent cross sections obtained with the TOF technique have sub-keV energy resolution. Resonant neutron scattering from \(^{25}\)Mg can be used to simultaneously obtain the excitation energies, spin-parities, and neutron and \(\gamma\)-ray partial widths of \(^{26}\)Mg levels above the neutron threshold. This is done using an R-matrix fit to the data. For the experiments described in Ref., there is a combination of neutron-transmission data (data from GELINA) and neutron-capture data (data from n_TOF); the R-matrix analysis is performed simultaneously on both data.
## \(^{26}\)Mg(\(\alpha,\alpha^\prime\))\(^{26}\)Mg
Two studies of the \(^{26}\)Mg(\(\alpha,\alpha^\prime\))\(^{26}\)Mg reaction have been carried out, one by Talwar *et al.* using the Grand Raiden magnetic spectrometer at RCNP Osaka and the other with the K600 magnetic spectrometer at iThemba LABS by Adsley *et al.*. Alpha-particle inelastic scattering from even-even targets is selective to isoscalar states with natural parity. Therefore, it is well suited to probe levels in \(^{26}\)Mg that contribute to the \(^{22}\)Ne\(+\alpha\) reactions, which must also be isoscalar and of natural parity. The differential cross sections of these reactions allow the spin and parity of the populated states to be determined. In both experiments, dispersion-matched beams of \(E_\alpha = 200\) MeV were incident upon metallic enriched \(^{26}\)Mg targets. The scattered \(\alpha\) particles were momentum analysed in the spectrometers. The focal-plane detection systems of both spectrometers consisted of drift chambers which provide information on the horizontal and vertical positions and trajectories of the particles detected at the focal plane. Paddle detectors made from plastic scintillator allow the time-of-flight through the spectrometer and the total residual energy to be measured; from these quantities the particles detected at the focal plane may be identified. In both experiments, the energy resolution was around 65 keV. Talwar *et al.* measured up to scattering angles of approximately 12 degrees but the number of points in the differential cross sections is only 4, making it difficult to distinguish between different spin-parities. Adsley *et al.* only measured up to a scattering angle of 6 degrees, and assignments are therefore limited to \(J=0\) and \(J=1\). Some discrepancies were observed between the results the two \(^{26}\)Mg(\(\alpha,\alpha^\prime\))\(^{26}\)Mg experiments. These will be discussed in Section [4](#sec:SynthesisOfTheData){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:SynthesisOfTheData"}.
## \(^{22}\)Ne(\(^6\)Li,\(d\))\(^{26}\)Mg
In addition to studying the \(^{26}\)Mg(\(\alpha,\alpha^\prime\))\(^{26}\)Mg reaction, Talwar *et al.* also measured the \(^{22}\)Ne(\(^6\)Li,\(d\))\(^{26}\)Mg reaction with the Grand Raiden spectrometer at RCNP Osaka. This reaction was performed with \(E_{^6\mathrm{Li}} = 82.3\) MeV. The resolution of this experiment was around 100 keV due to the use of a gas-cell target. The \(^{22}\)Ne(\(^6\)Li,\(d\))\(^{26}\)Mg differential cross sections are only available at one or two angles for many of the states in the region of interest. The difficulties in these types of measurements are due to the interplay between the poor energy resolution and the high level density in the region of interest. This, in turn, makes clear identification of the resonant levels difficult, limiting the possibility of linking them to other measurements available in the literature. In addition, as discussed in Section [4](#sec:SynthesisOfTheData){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:SynthesisOfTheData"} there are inconsistencies between this measurement and a previous \(^{22}\)Ne(\(^6\)Li,\(d\))\(^{26}\)Mg measurement which introduce considerable uncertainty into the reaction rates. Two additional \(^{22}\)Ne(\(^6\)Li,\(d\))\(^{26}\)Mg datasets are also available. One of these experiments used sub-Coulomb barrier \(\alpha\)-particle transfer with a 1 MeV/u \(^{22}\)Ne beam. This method allows for less model-dependence in the extraction of the \(\alpha\)-particle partial width compared to traditional, higher-energy transfer reactions. The other experimental study used the \(^{22}\)Ne(\(^6\)Li,\(d\))\(^{26}\)Mg transfer reaction in inverse kinematics at a beam energy of 7 MeV/u. In this case the deuteron ejectiles were detected in an array of silicon detectors and the \(^{25}\)Mg and \(^{26}\)Mg recoils were detected at the focal plane of the MDM magnetic spectrograph. This allowed the decay branching of the populated states in \(^{26}\)Mg to be determined by comparing the number of deuterons associated with \(^{25}\)Mg and \(^{26}\)Mg recoils.
## \(^{26}\)Mg(\(p,p^\prime\))\(^{26}\)Mg and \(^{26}\)Mg(\(d,d^\prime\))\(^{26}\)Mg
A study of the \(^{26}\)Mg(\(p,p^\prime\))\(^{26}\)Mg and \(^{26}\)Mg(\(d,d^\prime\))\(^{26}\)Mg reactions using 18-MeV proton and deuteron beams impinging on an enriched \(^{26}\)MgO target was performed using the Munich Q3D magnetic spectrograph. The proton inelastic-scattering reaction at these energies is highly unselective to the structure of the states of interest, whilst the deuteron inelastic-scattering reaction is selective to isoscalar transitions, i.e., transitions to states with the same isospin as the ground state. Due to the low incident energies these inelastic scattering processes are unable to give any information on the spin and parity of the resonance. New states were observed in this experiment both above and below the neutron threshold, the existence of the states and their origin from \(^{26}\)Mg could be confirmed by ensuring that the kinematic shifts between angles were consistent with those expected for the \(^{26}\)Mg(\(p,p^\prime\))\(^{26}\)Mg reaction.
## \(^{11}\)B(\(^{16}\)O,\(p\))\(^{26}\)Mg
Gamma-ray spectroscopy data using the Gammasphere array of high-purity germanium detectors located at Argonne National Laboratory following the \(^{11}\)B(\(^{16}\)O,\(p\))\(^{26}\)Mg reaction are available . Spin and parity assignments of levels are made using the branching ratios and angular correlations of the observed \(\gamma\) rays. Due to the relatively high angular momentum imparted to the system in this fusion-evaporation reaction no \(J=0\) or \(J=1\) states are observed.
# Combining the experimental data {#sec:SynthesisOfTheData}
Having briefly introduced the updated nuclear data collected since the last evaluation of the rates, it is now necessary to build as consistent as possible a picture of all the nuclear data. In this way we are able to constrain some of the properties of possible resonances by combining data from multiple experiments. In making new assignments updated with respect to those from Longland *et al.*, we adopt the following rules:
1. The excitation energies of \(^{26}\)Mg are preferentially taken from the resonant neutron-scattering measurements of Massimi *et al.* and the photon-scattering measurements of Longland *et al.* as these data have better energy resolution.
2. For levels below the neutron threshold or for levels which were not observed in the resonant neutron-scattering data, the energies are preferentially taken from the high-resolution proton inelastic-scattering measurement of Adsley *et al.* or the \(\gamma\)-ray spectroscopy data.
3. Due to the poor energy resolutions of the experiments using \(\alpha\)-particle inelastic scattering and \(\alpha\)-particle transfer, we do not use the excitation energies resulting from these experiments.
4. Spin-parity assignments above the neutron threshold are preferentially taken from Massimi *et al.*.
5. Other spin-parity assignments are taken from the \(^{26}\)Mg(\(\alpha,\alpha^\prime\))\(^{26}\)Mg data of Adsley *et al.*, Talwar *et al.* and the Gammasphere data of Ref..
6. Due to the limited number of angles for the \(\alpha\)-particle transfer reaction of Talwar *et al.*, we approach the spin parities and spectroscopic factors derived from those data with some caution and, were possible, seek confirmation from another source.
7. Levels which have not been observed in the neutron resonant-scattering data of Massimi *et al.* but have been observed in the proton and deuteron inelastic-scattering measurements of Adsley *et al.* have been assigned upper limits on neutron widths based on the sensitivity of the neutron-scattering experiments.
8. Resonance strengths for higher-lying resonances are taken from Longland *et al.* except for the \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,\gamma\))\(^{26}\)Mg resonance strength for the \(E_{r}^{CM} = 706\)-keV resonance, which has been recalculated using the results of a recently published direct measurement.
9. For lower-lying resonances in \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,\gamma\))\(^{26}\)Mg and the recalculation of the \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,n\))\(^{25}\)Mg resonance strength for the \(E_r = 706\)-keV resonance, the results of the experiments at Texas A&M by Jayatissa *et al.* and Ota *et al.* have been used for the calculations. When partial widths or resonance strengths are adopted from these studies is noted in the text.
The states in \(^{26}\)Mg for which some re-determination must be made or some uncertainty exists are discussed below. We do not discuss levels for which no assignment is made or changed. Table [\[tab:LevelInformationForDiscussion\]](#tab:LevelInformationForDiscussion){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:LevelInformationForDiscussion"} gives detailed information on the sources of excitation energies, and spins and parities for some of the levels being discussed for ease of reference.
[\[tab:Ne22_alphagamma_rate\]]{#tab:Ne22_alphagamma_rate label="tab:Ne22_alphagamma_rate"}
[\[tab:Ne22_alphagamma_rate_no_TAMU\]]{#tab:Ne22_alphagamma_rate_no_TAMU label="tab:Ne22_alphagamma_rate_no_TAMU"}
[\[tab:Ne22_alphan_rate\]]{#tab:Ne22_alphan_rate label="tab:Ne22_alphan_rate"}
[\[tab:Ne22_alphan_rate_no_TAMU\]]{#tab:Ne22_alphan_rate_no_TAMU label="tab:Ne22_alphan_rate_no_TAMU"}
Figure [\[fig:FractionalRateContributions\]](#fig:FractionalRateContributions){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:FractionalRateContributions"} shows the fractional contributions of individual resonances to the recommended reaction rates for the \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,\gamma\))\(^{26}\)Mg and \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,n\))\(^{25}\)Mg reactions. Above 0.2 GK, both reaction rates are dominated by the \(E_r = 706\)-keV resonance and other higher-lying directly measured resonances. In this region, we expect little deviations from the \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,\gamma\))\(^{26}\)Mg rate of Longland *et al.* as both evaluations are based on the similar nuclear data, with only the updated (and consistent) measurement of Hunt *et al.*. The updated, reduced, \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,n\))\(^{25}\)Mg resonance strength for this state is expected to cause a concomitant reduction in the reaction rate above 0.2 GK. Below 0.2 GK, lower-energy resonances in \(^{26}\)Mg are predicted to dominate the reaction rate. Some of these resonances have been observed in the \(^{25}\)Mg\(+n\) reactions of Massimi *et al.* and neutron and \(\gamma\)-ray partial widths have been determined. No \(\alpha\)-particle partial widths have been directly measured for the resonances below \(E_{cm} = 706\) keV but an estimate of the partial width for the \(E_r = 469\)-keV resonance is available from the transfer data of Jayatissa *et al.*. Evaluations of the reaction rates are based on the potential upper limits for the other resonances resulting in larger uncertainties for the rates. The states below the \(E_r = 706\)-keV resonance which have been identified as potentially strongly contributing to the \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,\gamma\))\(^{26}\)Mg reaction rate are those at \(E_r = 191\), \(203\), \(211\), \(278\), \(334\), and \(469\) keV (\(E_x = 10.806\), \(10.818\), \(10.826\), \(10.893\), \(10.949\), and \(11.084\) MeV. The states at around \(E_x = 11.17\) MeV are predicted to have negligible impact due to the weak cross section observed in the sub-barrier transfer reaction of Jayatissa *et al.*. The states below the \(E_r = 706\)-keV resonance which have been identified as potentially strongly contributing to the \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,n\))\(^{25}\)Mg reaction rate are those at \(E_r = 497\) and \(548\) keV (\(E_x = 11.112\) and \(11.163\) MeV).
# Comparison to previous reaction-rate evaluations {#RateComparisons}
We now compare the presently computed reaction rates with those of Longland *et al.*, Talwar *et al.* and Massimi *et al.*. The Longland and Talwar evaluations both use the [RatesMC]{.smallcaps} code whereas the Massimi evaluation was differently performed and reported upper limits rather than median reaction rates. The ratios of the \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,\gamma\))\(^{26}\)Mg and \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,n\))\(^{25}\)Mg reaction rates calculated in the present study and the reaction rates from Longland *et al.* and Talwar *et al.* are shown in Figure [\[fig:RatioToHistorics\]](#fig:RatioToHistorics){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:RatioToHistorics"}. Above 0.2 GK, the \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,\gamma\))\(^{26}\)Mg and \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,n\))\(^{25}\)Mg reaction rates are dominated by resonances for which direct measurements exist, in particular by the \(706\)-keV resonance discussed in Section [4.0.13](#statesec12){reference-type="ref" reference="statesec12"}. The consistency in the \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,\gamma\))\(^{26}\)Mg reaction rate (upper panel of Figure [\[fig:RatioToHistorics\]](#fig:RatioToHistorics){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:RatioToHistorics"}) above 0.2 GK is due to the fact that the \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,\gamma\))\(^{26}\)Mg resonance strength for the \(E_r = 706\)-keV resonance is unchanged between the different evaluations. There is a reduction in the recommended \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,n\))\(^{25}\)Mg reaction rate relative to the Longland and Talwar rates due to the results from the two transfer reactions carried out at Texas A&M.. A small reduction in the \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,\gamma\))\(^{26}\)Mg reaction rate is observed due to the conclusion that the resonances observed in \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,\gamma\))\(^{26}\)Mg and \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,n\))\(^{25}\)Mg reactions are the same and the subsequent shift in the resonance energy. This reduction is within the uncertainty on the reaction rate computed by Longland *et al.*. There is a small increase in the recommended \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,\gamma\))\(^{26}\)Mg reaction rate relative to the Longland rate below 0.1 GK. This is due to the additional contributions from the \(J^\pi = 0^+\) state at \(E_x = 10.818\) MeV from the \(^{26}\)Mg(\(\alpha,\alpha^\prime\))\(^{26}\)Mg data of Adsley *et al.*. The increase in the \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,\gamma\))\(^{26}\)Mg reaction rate between 0.1 and 0.2 GK seen when comparing the recommended rate to the rate computed without the Texas A& M results and the Longland evaluation is due to there now being an estimated resonance strength rather than an upper limit for the the \(J^\pi = 2^+\) state at \(E_x = 11.084\) MeV (\(E_r = 469\) keV). The present \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,\gamma\))\(^{26}\)Mg reaction rate is much smaller than that of Talwar *et al.* between 0.1 and 0.4 GK due to the increased contribution from the \(E_x = 11.171\)-MeV state in the Talwar evaluation. As discussed in Section [\[sec:11167keVState\]](#sec:11167keVState){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:11167keVState"}, there is some uncertainty about the existence and properties of the states around \(E_x = 11.17\) MeV; for this reason it has not been included in the present evaluation. At the lowest temperatures, the significant increase in the reaction rate with respect to that of Talwar *et al.* is due to the treatment of the low-lying resonances at \(E_r = 191\) and \(E_r = 211\) keV for which the limits on the spectroscopic factors have been relaxed. However, these resonances are at low energy and are unlikely to have any astrophysical impact. At temperatures above 0.2 GK, Massimi *et al.* calculated an upper limit for the \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,\gamma\))\(^{26}\)Mg reaction rate which is much smaller than the rate of Longland *et al.* and the current rate. This is because the methodology used to calculate the reaction rates is based on the ratio of the rates which are inferred from the ratios of the neutron and \(\gamma\)-ray partial widths for the observed resonances. As a consequence, the \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,\gamma\))\(^{26}\)Mg reaction rate is underestimated by Massimi *et al.*.
## Reaction-rate ratio
The neutron yield depends on the \(^{22}\)Ne abundance and on the competition between the \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,\gamma\))\(^{26}\)Mg and \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,n\))\(^{25}\)Mg reactions at various temperatures. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate both the \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,\gamma\))\(^{26}\)Mg and the \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,n\))\(^{25}\)Mg reaction rates, and their ratio. The ratio of the two rates as a function of temperature is shown in Figure [\[fig:RRRs\]](#fig:RRRs){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:RRRs"}. At lower temperatures the \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,\gamma\))\(^{26}\)Mg reaction rate is expected to dominate as the \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,n\))\(^{25}\)Mg reaction is endothermic. As the temperature increases, the \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,n\))\(^{25}\)Mg reaction rate becomes stronger relative to the \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,\gamma\))\(^{26}\)Mg until it eventually exceeds the \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,\gamma\))\(^{26}\)Mg reaction rate at around 0.2 GK. The dominant states in the temperature region around 0.2 GK for \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,\gamma\))\(^{26}\)Mg reaction are those at \(E_x = 10.949\) and \(11.084\) MeV, while the dominant states for the \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,n\))\(^{25}\)Mg reaction are those at \(E_x = 11.112\) and \(11.163\) MeV. It is likely that the strengths of these resonances determine at which temperature the \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,n\))\(^{25}\)Mg reaction becomes stronger than the \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,\gamma\))\(^{26}\)Mg one. The Monte-Carlo calculations performed in this evaluation and in the evaluations of e.g. Refs. are independent calculations of the \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,\gamma\))\(^{26}\)Mg and \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,n\))\(^{25}\)Mg reaction rates. However, the properties of resonances in the \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,\gamma\))\(^{26}\)Mg and \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,n\))\(^{25}\)Mg reactions are correlated which can lead to overestimation of the uncertainties in the ratio of the reaction rates. This is not a problem for the reaction rate calculated without the inclusion of the Texas A&M results as all of these measurements are independent. Combining the \(\Gamma_n/\Gamma_\gamma\) ratio determined from the measurement of Ota *et al.* with the weighted average of the the direct \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,\gamma\))\(^{26}\)Mg measurements means that the \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,\gamma\))\(^{26}\)Mg and \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,n\))\(^{25}\)Mg resonance strengths are no longer independent. However, in the present case the uncertainty is dominated by the uncertainty in the ratio of \(\Gamma_n\) and \(\Gamma_\gamma\) (23%) not the uncertainty in the \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,\gamma\))\(^{26}\)Mg resonance strength (11%). This means that the overestimation in the uncertainty from the correlations arising from the \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,\gamma\))\(^{26}\)Mg resonance strength are a small contribution to the total uncertainty and, therefore, that the uncertainty in the ratio is not significantly overestimated. Bearing in mind the above arguments, the 68% and 95% confidence limits on the reaction-rate ratio have been computed from the Monte-Carlo samples for each rate at each temperature. The probability distribution function of the ratio of the reaction rates has been constructed from these samples and the confidence limits extracted.
# Priorities for future measurements[\[sec:SuggestedFutureExperiments\]]{#sec:SuggestedFutureExperiments label="sec:SuggestedFutureExperiments"}
As discussed in the previous section, the comparison to previous reaction-rate estimations shows sizeable uncertainties at low temperatures and significant disagreement with the rates of Talwar *et al.*. The fair agreement between our results and those of Longland *et al.* for the \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,\gamma\))\(^{26}\)Mg reaction rate may also be attributable to the common method (i.e. the [RatesMC]{.smallcaps} Monte-Carlo code ) adopted for the evaluation of the \(\alpha+^{22}\)Ne reaction rates. Although a full R-Matrix evaluation of the reaction rate would be preferable, the lack of experimental information on several \(^{26}\)Mg states as well as on the interference patterns between distant levels prevented this kind of approach. As a consequence, future measurements should aim at determining the (\(\alpha\),\(n\)), (\(\alpha,\gamma\)) and elastic scattering cross sections as well as characterising \(^{26}\)Mg levels in terms of spin and parity, eventually leading to an estimation of the reaction rate based on a full R-matrix analysis of available experimental data, including the effect of interference also due to sub-threshold resonances. Hereafter we report a high-priority request list based on the impact on the reaction rate and astrophysical implications.
### \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,\gamma\))\(^{26}\)Mg
The \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,\gamma\))\(^{26}\)Mg reaction rate at temperature of interest to the \(s\)-process is linked to a few resonances. These levels could be studied in inverse kinematics using a recoil separator, as well as with direct measurements. In particular:
- The resonance at \(E_x=11.321\) MeV (\(E_r=706\) keV) is crucial at temperatures relevant to massive stars (see Figure [\[fig:FractionalRateContributions\]](#fig:FractionalRateContributions){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:FractionalRateContributions"}). Two consistent direct measurements of the \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,\gamma\))\(^{26}\)Mg resonance strength are reported in the literature . Further direct measurements of this resonance with high beam intensities and improved resonance-energy resolution are required in order to determine any possible interference effects. The blister-proof neon-implanted targets of Hunt *et al.* would appear to be a productive approach.
- The tentative \(E_r = 557\)-keV resonance reported by Talwar *et al.* is a source of great uncertainty in the \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,\gamma\))\(^{26}\)Mg reaction rate, increasing it by up to a factor of 100 relative to our evaluation. Based on the estimate of Talwar *et al.*, should this resonance exist (which we consider an open question) then it should be within reach of direct measurements. Confirmation or refutation of this state with additional measurements of the \(^{22}\)Ne(\(^6\)Li,\(d\))\(^{26}\)Mg and \(^{22}\)Ne(\(^7\)Li,\(t\))\(^{26}\)Mg reactions would help to reduce the uncertainties in the rate considerably. The results of the Texas A&M experiments appear to suggest that this state does not exist but higher-resolution measurements would be preferred in order to render a definitive verdict.
- An associated important piece of experimental data would be the confirmation of the \(E_x = 11.44\)-MeV state observed by Giesen *et al.* in \(^{22}\)Ne(\(^6\)Li,\(d\))\(^{26}\)Mg and Jaeger *et al.* in \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,n\))\(^{25}\)Mg reactions. This state falls at the edge of the focal-plane acceptance of the experiment of Talwar *et al.*, being around 140 keV above the \(E_x = 11.31\)-MeV state.
- A re-examination of the focal-plane spectra of Refs. and re-measurements of the \(^{22}\)Ne(\(^6\)Li,\(d\))\(^{26}\)Mg reaction or a measurement of the \(^{22}\)Ne(\(^7\)Li,\(t\))\(^{26}\)Mg reaction may help to clarify which and how many \(\alpha\)-cluster states are populated in this region. As explained in Section [4](#sec:SynthesisOfTheData){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:SynthesisOfTheData"}, both Giesen *et al.* and Talwar *et al.* observed two \(\alpha\)-particle cluster states separated by \(\sim150\) keV using the \(^{22}\)Ne(\(^6\)Li,\(d\))\(^{26}\)Mg reaction. This may be coincidental but one possible cause is that the energy calibration in one of the experiments is shifted. A valuable step which may take place without requiring any further experiments is the re-analysis of the data of Talwar *et al.*, confirming that the two states observed in Talwar *et al.* at \(E_x = 11.17\) and \(11.31\) MeV are not, in fact, the \(E_x = 11.31\)-and \(11.44\)-MeV levels observed by Giesen *et al.* and Jaeger *et al.*. Re-analyses of the data of Giesen *et al.* and Jaeger *et al.* would also be valuable but those data may no longer be available. This reconsideration of the results of the transfer reactions is supported by the non-observation of the \(E_x = 11.17\)-MeV state of Talwar *et al.* in the results from the Texas A&M measurements of Jayatissa *et al.*. We note that the low-energy transfer reaction of Jayatissa *et al.* cannot populate high-spin states which may support the argument of Ota *et al.* that this state has high spin, as it was observed in that experiment. Additionally, the relative population of states of different spins in the various transfer measurements (Refs. ) could also be considered as this would provide a practical method of testing the high-spin hypothesis of Ota *et al.*.
- Resonances at \(E_x=10.949\) MeV (\(E_r=334\) keV) and \(E_x=11.084\) MeV (\(E_r=469\) keV) dominate the \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,\gamma\))\(^{26}\)Mg reaction rate at temperature between 0.1 and 0.2 GK. No direct measurement of the \(E_x = 10.949\)-MeV state are available yet though some progress has been made but improved estimates with transfer reactions would also help to reduce uncertainties.
### \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha\),\(n\))\(^{25}\)Mg
For an accurate determination of the \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha\),\(n\))\(^{26}\)Mg reaction rate and its uncertainty, several new experimental data are required. In particular:
- The partial widths or resonance strengths of the \(E_x=11.112\) MeV (\(E_r=497\) keV), \(E_x=11.163\) MeV (\(E_r=548\) keV), \(E_x=11.321\) MeV (\(E_r=706\) keV) and \(E_x=11.911\) MeV (\(E_r=1297\) keV) levels in \(^{26}\)Mg. Estimates of some of these quantities are available from the decay branching measurements of Ota *et al.* but higher-resolution data obtained with a less selective reaction may help in quantifying the branching of these states.
- As for the \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,\gamma\))\(^{26}\)Mg reaction, a firm spin and parity assignment of the potential cluster state observed in the vicinity of \(E_x = 11.167\) MeV and a clear connection between this state and the states observed in the \(n+^{25}\)Mg experiments are required. Confirmation of the \(E_x = 11.44\)-MeV state would also be useful in clarifying the properties of the levels in this region.
- The interference pattern between distant levels, including sub-threshold states. The implanted targets of Hunt *et al.* provide an excellent opportunity to constrain the interference pattern.
# Impact for \(s\)-process calculations {#sec:impact}
## Main s-process from low-mass AGB star
We re-computed the \(s\)-process nucleosynthesis for stellar models of 2 and 3M\(_\odot\) adopting our new evaluations for \({^{22}}\)Ne(\(\alpha\),\(n\))\({^{25}}\)Mg and \({^{22}}\)Ne(\(\alpha\),\(\gamma\))\({^{26}}\)Mg reaction rates using two different codes: the stellar models computed with the MESA code presented by Battino *et al.* and the NEWTON code presented by Trippella *et al.*. In both cases, we include the results obtained adopting the reaction rates of Longland *et al.* and the rates evaluated in the present work with and without the Texas A&M results. In Figures [\[fig:rb_cstars\]](#fig:rb_cstars){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:rb_cstars"} and [\[fig:Rb_cstars_sara\]](#fig:Rb_cstars_sara){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Rb_cstars_sara"} we compare our calculated Rb abundances as a function of the total \(s\)-process abundances observed through the spectroscopy of carbon stars of initial metal content similar to our models (Z = 0.02 and Z=0.03). The M3.z3m2-hCBM model computed by Battino *et al.* are reported in Figure [\[fig:rb_cstars\]](#fig:rb_cstars){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:rb_cstars"} while Figure [\[fig:Rb_cstars_sara\]](#fig:Rb_cstars_sara){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Rb_cstars_sara"} reports the comparison of the NEWTON code output with observations. The variations in the predictions from the models using the Longland rates and the rates in the current paper without the Texas A&M results included is small. However, the variations when including the Texas A&M results is much more significant due to the reduced \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,n\))\(^{25}\)Mg reaction rate. The \({^{22}}\)Ne(\(\alpha,n\))\(^{25}\)Mg reaction does not dominate the bulk of \(s\)-process production in low-mass AGB stars but it still leaves its fingerprint on isotopic ratios involving branching-points and neutron-magic nuclei. Figures [\[fig:Ba_isoratios\]](#fig:Ba_isoratios){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Ba_isoratios"} shows the MESA prediction of barium isotopic ratios compared to laboratory measurement of Silicon-Carbide (SiC) grains , which condensed in the ejected atmosphere of AGB stars, polluting the pristine solar nebula. The impact of the rate evaluated without the Texas A&M results is visible but is smaller than the observational uncertainties. In the rate using the Texas A&M results a small yet visible impact is present shifting the theoretical tracks towards the observational data, favouring a better agreement. In Figure [\[fig:Ba_isoratios_sara\]](#fig:Ba_isoratios_sara){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Ba_isoratios_sara"} the NEWTON theoretical predictions reach similar values for the \({^{138}}\)Ba/\({^{136}}\)Ba ratio even adopting a lower metallicity (Z=0.02) because the \({^{13}}\)C-pocket of the NEWTON code, which is assumed to form because of the stellar magnetic field, is larger (4.8\(\times 10^{-3}\)M\(_{\odot}\)) and poor in \({^{14}}\)N (see Ref. for more details). The main differences between the results shown in Figures [\[fig:rb_cstars\]](#fig:rb_cstars){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:rb_cstars"}/[\[fig:Rb_cstars_sara\]](#fig:Rb_cstars_sara){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Rb_cstars_sara"} and [\[fig:Ba_isoratios\]](#fig:Ba_isoratios){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Ba_isoratios"}/[\[fig:Ba_isoratios_sara\]](#fig:Ba_isoratios_sara){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Ba_isoratios_sara"} are due to the stellar nucleosynthesis models employed for calculation and to the different initial metal content. The theoretical tracks in Figure [\[fig:Ba_isoratios\]](#fig:Ba_isoratios){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Ba_isoratios"} cover a good fraction of the values in \({^{138}}\)Ba/\({^{136}}\)Ba because of the high metallicity adopted (Z=0.03), which favour the production of first-peak elements (Sr,Y and Zr) over second peak ones (Ba and La) due to the higher neutrons over Fe seeds ratio. Figure [\[fig:Zr_isoratios\]](#fig:Zr_isoratios){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Zr_isoratios"} shows the impact on the zirconium isotopic ratios of our newly evaluated rates for \({^{22}}\)Ne(\(\alpha\),\(n\))\({^{25}}\)Mg and \({^{22}}\)Ne(\(\alpha\),\(\gamma\))\({^{26}}\)Mg with MESA code. Including the Texas A&M results, the difference between the theoretical predictions is much larger, mainly due to a factor three reduction in the \({^{22}}\)Ne(\(\alpha\),\(n\))\({^{25}}\)Mg rate at \(T=0.3\) GK when our rate is compared to that of Longland *et al.*, in particular bringing the theoretical predictions in agreement with measured barium isotopic ratio from presolar grains. The lower \({^{22}}\)Ne(\(\alpha\),\(n\))\({^{25}}\)Mg rate directly affects the \(s\)-process branching at \({^{95}}\)Zr, impacting the production of \({^{96}}\)Zr and lowering the predicted \({^{96}}\)Zr/\({^{94}}\)Zr ratio; the comparison with measured ratios is greatly improved. In Figure [\[fig:Zr_isoratios_sara\]](#fig:Zr_isoratios_sara){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Zr_isoratios_sara"} the Zr isotopic mixture of the sample of grains in Figure [\[fig:Zr_isoratios\]](#fig:Zr_isoratios){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Zr_isoratios"} is compared with the predictions of the \(s\)-process using the NEWTON code for a 3\(M_{\odot}\) star, this model shows a reduction on the \({^{96}}\)Zr\(/{^{94}}\)Zr ratio too, but the sensitivity to the \(^{22}\)Ne\(+\alpha\) reaction rates is less pronounced, as the \({^{96}}\)Zr/\({^{94}}\)Zr ratio is more efficiently reduced because of the extended \(^{13}\)C pocket. The results of the MESA and NEWTON calculations are consistent in showing that the \({^{96}}\)Zr/\({^{94}}\)Zr ratio is a factor of two lower when computed by using the recent nuclear data inputs of the Texas A&M measurements. The shift between the model curves is less visible in Figure [\[fig:Zr_isoratios_sara\]](#fig:Zr_isoratios_sara){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Zr_isoratios_sara"} because the values of the \({^{96}}\)Zr/\({^{94}}\)Zr ratio are smaller than in Figure [\[fig:Zr_isoratios\]](#fig:Zr_isoratios){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Zr_isoratios"} and the \(\delta\) notation reduces the visible size of this effect: the \(\delta_i = 1000(\frac{(^iX/^jX)_\mathrm{grain}}{(^iX/^jX)_\mathrm{standard}}-1)\). An expanded plot of the \(\delta(^{96}\)Zr/\(^{94}\)Zr\()\) values is shown in the lower panel of Figure [\[fig:Zr_isoratios_sara\]](#fig:Zr_isoratios_sara){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Zr_isoratios_sara"}. The differing predictions of the zirconium isotopic ratios from MESA and NEWTON are a consequence of considering two different mixing processes at the convective boundaries, resulting in greater \(^{94}\)Zr production in the NEWTON models compared to the MESA models, and a concomitant lower \(^{96}\)Zr/\(^{94}\)Zr ratio. The nuclear reaction rates can be a source of uncertainty comparable to the model uncertainties (see Figs. [\[fig:Zr_isoratios\]](#fig:Zr_isoratios){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Zr_isoratios"} and [\[fig:Zr_isoratios_sara\]](#fig:Zr_isoratios_sara){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Zr_isoratios_sara"}), and minimising the nuclear-physics uncertainties is a necessary step before the impact of the convective boundary mixing schemes on \(s\)-process nucleosynthesis in evolved stars may be understood.
## Weak \(s\)-process from massive star
The weak \(s\)-process component (producing solar system \(s\)-process abundances between iron and zirconium; e.g. ) is produced during convective core helium burning and convective shell carbon-burning stages in massive stars (M\(>\)`<!-- -->`{=html}10M\(_\odot\)). The \({^{22}}\)Ne(\(\alpha\),\(n\))\({^{25}}\)Mg reaction is the principal neutron source for the weak \(s\)-process component. An important role is also played by the \({^{22}}\)Ne(\(\alpha\),\(\gamma\))\({^{26}}\)Mg reaction, which competes with the \({^{22}}\)Ne(\(\alpha\),\(n\))\({^{25}}\)Mg reaction in typical weak \(s\)-process conditions, lowering the number of neutrons available for the \(s\)-process. In the following section, we first discuss the \(s\)-process production without the inclusion of the Texas A&M results, and then with those results. In Figure [\[fig:MS_pf\]](#fig:MS_pf){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:MS_pf"} we present the impact on the weak \(s\)-process nucleosynthesis of our new rates computed using the MESA code without the inclusion of the Texas A&M results. We post-processed the stellar structure model of a 25 M\(_{\odot}\) star with initial metal content Z=0.006 from Ref.. The Top and bottom panels of Figure [\[fig:MS_pf\]](#fig:MS_pf){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:MS_pf"} show the isotopic distribution at the end of core helium burning and shell carbon-burning respectively, extracted at Lagrangian mass and time coordinate specified in Figure [\[fig:MS_kippe\]](#fig:MS_kippe){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:MS_kippe"}. Overall, the impact is not large. Elements between the first-peak elements (Sr, Y and Zr) and A=130 are all overproduced by two order of magnitudes compared to their initial abundances, and they are all reduced when our rates are adopted instead of the rates from Ref., but always by less than a factor of two. In Figure [\[fig:MS_pf2\]](#fig:MS_pf2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:MS_pf2"}, we repeat the same test in a massive rotating star model (25 M\(_{\odot}\) star, Z=0.0001) from. Rotation has indeed an important role in the weak \(s\)-process in massive star, as it allows the primary production of \({^{14}}\)N, which is later converted into \({^{22}}\)Ne by \(\alpha\)-particle captures. As a consequence, a larger quantity of neutrons are released by \({^{22}}\)Ne(\(\alpha,n\))\({^{25}}\)Mg reactions, globally increasing the \(s\)-process efficiency. In this case, we again confirm the low impact of the new rates without the Texas A&M results compared to Longland *et al.*, as the variations we obtained are all smaller than a factor of two. In the same manner, in Figure [\[fig:MS_pf_tamu\]](#fig:MS_pf_tamu){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:MS_pf_tamu"} we show the impact of our new recommended reaction rates for \({^{22}}\)Ne(\(\alpha\),\(n\))\({^{25}}\)Mg and \({^{22}}\)Ne(\(\alpha\),\(\gamma\))\({^{26}}\)Mg using the input nuclear data from the Texas A&M experiments. As already seen for the main \(s\)-process from AGB stars, the difference from the theoretical predictions adopting the Longland *et al.* reaction rates is large. In particular, the production of Sr, Y and Zr drops by about a factor of five, and by one order of magnitude for A\(>\)`<!-- -->`{=html}100, or even two if the lower limit of the \({^{22}}\)Ne(\(\alpha,n\))\({^{25}}\)Mg reaction rate is adopted.
# Conclusions
The \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,\gamma\))\(^{26}\)Mg and \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,n\))\(^{25}\)Mg reactions control the production of neutrons for the weak \(s\)-process in evolved massive stars and in the helium-flash in low-mass AGB stars. In this paper we have critically re-evaluated the available nuclear data on the states in \(^{26}\)Mg which govern these reaction rates and have re-analysed these rates. We find that the rates are approximately unchanged from the evaluation of Longland *et al.*, in contrast to the evaluation of Talwar *et al.* which found a greatly increased \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,\gamma\))\(^{26}\)Mg reaction rate, and the evaluation of Massimi *et al.* which found a greatly reduced \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,\gamma\))\(^{26}\)Mg reaction rate. Our disagreement with the results of Massimi *et al.* may be attributed to the different methodologies for calculating the reaction rates as the inclusion of their nuclear data has only a small impact on the current evaluation. The primary source of uncertainty in the \(^{22}\)Ne(\(\alpha,\gamma\))\(^{26}\)Mg reaction rate is whether a strong \(\alpha\)-cluster state exists at around \(E_x = 11.17\) MeV. Evidence from two different measurements of the \(^{22}\)Ne(\(^6\)Li,\(d\))\(^{26}\)Mg \(\alpha\)-particle transfer reaction is contradictory, with experiments which have approximately the same excitation-energy resolution both observing two strong \(\alpha\)-cluster resonances separated by a similar energy gap but with inconsistent excitation energies. Resolution of this disagreement is an high priority for future experimental studies. Additional information, in particular estimates of resonance strengths and/or \(\alpha\)-particle partial widths of the states at \(E_x = 10.949\), \(11.112\), \(11.163\) and \(11.171\) MeV which are expected to control the behaviour of the reaction rates below the \(E_r = 706\)-keV resonance, and on the interference pattern between higher-energy resonances are also required. In this work we have evaluated the reaction rates twice, once without the inclusion of the new results from two experiments performed at Texas A&M and once with the inclusion of those results. This latter evaluation, with the inclusion of the Texas A&M results, is our recommended rate. The evaluations of the rates without the inclusion of the new Texas A&M results produces no substantial change in the predictions of \(s\)-process nucleosynthesis. The inclusion of the new resonance strength for the \(E_r = 706\)-keV resonance derived from the Texas A&M measurements results in predicted barium and zirconium isotopic ratios which better match the measured ratios from presolar SiC grains. | {'timestamp': '2021-03-23T01:19:08', 'yymm': '2005', 'arxiv_id': '2005.14482', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14482'} |
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