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# Introduction {#SEC:intro}
We consider the following Cauchy problem for the quadratic nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLS) on the two-dimensional torus \(\mathbb{T}^2 = (\mathbb{R} / \mathbb{Z})^2\): \[\begin{cases} i \partial_t u + \Delta u = |u|^2 \\ u|_{t = 0} = u_0. \end{cases} \label{qNLS}\] Our main goal is to prove local well-posedness of [\[qNLS\]](#qNLS){reference-type="eqref" reference="qNLS"} in the low regularity setting. Over the last forty years, the Cauchy problems of NLS with various types of nonlinearities have been studied extensively. The following NLS with a gauge-invariant nonlinearity: \[i \partial_t u + \Delta u = \pm |u|^{p-1} u \label{NLS}\] is the most well-known and well-studied example. In the case of the \(d\)-dimensional torus \(\mathbb{T}^d = (\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z})^d\), Bourgain introduced the Fourier restriction norm method (via the \(X^{s, b}\)-spaces) and proved local well-posedness of [\[NLS\]](#NLS){reference-type="eqref" reference="NLS"} in the low regularity setting. In particular, when \(d = 2\), he proved the following \(L^4\)-Strichartz estimate (with a derivative loss): \[\begin{aligned}
\| e^{it \Delta} f\|_{L^4([0, 1]; L^4(\mathbb{T}^2))} \lesssim \|f\|_{H^s} \label{Str1} \end{aligned}\] for any \(s> 0\), which allowed him to prove local well-posedness of the cubic NLS, [\[NLS\]](#NLS){reference-type="eqref" reference="NLS"} with \(p = 3\), in \(H^s(\mathbb{T}^2)\), for any \(s> 0\). We point out that the estimate [\[Str1\]](#Str1){reference-type="eqref" reference="Str1"} fails when \(s = 0\) and the well-posedness issue of the cubic NLS in the critical space \(L^2(\mathbb{T}^2)\) remains a challenging open problem; see. Let us now turn to the quadratic NLS [\[qNLS\]](#qNLS){reference-type="eqref" reference="qNLS"}. By interpolating [\[Str1\]](#Str1){reference-type="eqref" reference="Str1"} with the trivial \(L^2\)-bound, we obtain the \(L^3\)-Strichartz estimate with a derivative loss. Then by proceeding as in , we immediately obtain local well-posedness of [\[qNLS\]](#qNLS){reference-type="eqref" reference="qNLS"} in \(H^s(\mathbb{T}^2)\) for any \(s > 0\). Due to the derivative loss in the Strichartz estimate, however, its well-posedness in \(L^2(\mathbb{T}^2)\) has remained open for the last thirty years. In this paper, we prove that [\[qNLS\]](#qNLS){reference-type="eqref" reference="qNLS"} is indeed locally well-posed in \(L^2(\mathbb{T}^2)\).
Our proof is based on the Fourier restriction norm method and, as such, the uniqueness holds only in (the local-in-time version of) the relevant \(X^{s,b}\)-space. A few remarks are in order. In, Kishimoto proved ill-posedness of [\[qNLS\]](#qNLS){reference-type="eqref" reference="qNLS"} in \(H^s(\mathbb{T}^2)\) for \(s < 0\) and thus Theorem [\[THM:LWP\]](#THM:LWP){reference-type="ref" reference="THM:LWP"} is sharp. See Remark [\[REM:1\]](#REM:1){reference-type="ref" reference="REM:1"} below. Theorem [\[THM:LWP\]](#THM:LWP){reference-type="ref" reference="THM:LWP"} is also sharp in the sense that local-in-time solutions constructed in Theorem [\[THM:LWP\]](#THM:LWP){reference-type="ref" reference="THM:LWP"} can not be in general extended globally in time. Indeed, the second author proved a finite-time blowup result for [\[qNLS\]](#qNLS){reference-type="eqref" reference="qNLS"}. See also . This argument can be easily extended to \(L^2(\mathbb{T}^2)\), yielding the following proposition.
See on the lifespan of solutions to [\[qNLS\]](#qNLS){reference-type="eqref" reference="qNLS"}. We point out that, in the one-dimensional case, Fujiwara and Georgiev recently proved the criterion for global existence. Consider the quadratic NLS [\[qNLS\]](#qNLS){reference-type="eqref" reference="qNLS"} on the one-dimensional torus \(\mathbb{T}\). Then, there exists a global \(L^2\)-solution \(u\) to [\[qNLS\]](#qNLS){reference-type="eqref" reference="qNLS"} on \(\mathbb{T}\) if and only if \(\Re u_0 = 0\) and \(\Im u_0 = \mu\) for some \(\mu \geq 0\). In particular, any global \(L^2\)-solution is necessarily constant in space. It would be of interest to investigate this issue in the two-dimensional case. As mentioned above, our proof of Theorem [\[THM:LWP\]](#THM:LWP){reference-type="ref" reference="THM:LWP"} is based on the Fourier restriction norm method. More precisely, Theorem [\[THM:LWP\]](#THM:LWP){reference-type="ref" reference="THM:LWP"} follows from a standard contraction argument, once we proof the following bilinear estimate.
Here, \(X^{s, b}_T\) denotes the local-in-time version of the \(X^{s, b}\)-space. See Section [2](#SEC:2){reference-type="ref" reference="SEC:2"} for the definition. As mentioned above, the \(L^3\)-Strichartz comes with a derivative loss and hence can not be used directly to prove [\[bilin1\]](#bilin1){reference-type="eqref" reference="bilin1"}. We instead separate the proof into two cases: (i) non-resonant interaction and (ii) nearly resonant interaction. In the non-resonant case, thanks to the gain of derivative via multilinear dispersion, we can make up for the loss of the derivative in the \(L^3\)-Strichartz estimate. In the nearly resonant case, we notice that the angle between the second incoming wave and the outgoing wave is almost perpendicular. This angular restriction allows us to prove the estimate without any derivative loss. See also. See Section [3](#SEC:bilin){reference-type="ref" reference="SEC:bilin"} for details. We conclude this introduction by several remarks.
# Notations and preliminary lemmas {#SEC:2}
## Notations
For a spacetime function \(u\) defined on \(\mathbb{R} \times \mathbb{T}^2\), we write \(\mathcal{F}_{t,x} u\) or \(\widehat u\) to denote the spacetime Fourier transform of \(u\). In the following, we drop the inessential factor of \(2\pi\). We also set \(\jb{\,\cdot\,} = (1 + |\cdot|^2)^\frac{1}{2}\). Given a dyadic number \(N \ge 1\), we let \(P_N\) be the spatial frequency projector onto the frequencies \[\mathfrak{P}_N := \big\{ (\tau, n)\in \mathbb{R}\times \mathbb{Z}^2: \tfrac{N}{2} < |n| \leq N \big\}.\] Also, given a dyadic number \(L \geq 1\), we define \(Q_L\) to be the modulation projector onto the space-time frequencies \[\mathfrak{S}_L :=\big \{ (\tau, n)\in \mathbb{R}\times\mathbb{Z}^2: \tfrac{L}{2} < \big| \tau + |n|^2 \big| \leq L \big\}.\] For brevity, we also set \(P_{N,L} = P_N Q_L\). In what follows, \(N\) and \(L\) (possibly with subscripts) always denote dyadic numbers \(\geq 1\). We write \(\overline{N}_{ij\cdots} := \max(N_i, N_j, \dots )\) and \(\underline{N}_{ij\cdots} := \min ( N_i, N_j, \dots )\). We also write \(N_{\text{max}} := \overline{N}_{012}\), \(N_{\text{min}} := \underline{N}_{012}\), \(L_{\text{max}} := \overline{L}_{012}\), \(L_{\text{min}} := \underline{L}_{012}\), and \(L_{\text{med}} := L_0 L_1 L_2 / L_{\text{min}} L_{\text{max}}\). We use \(A \lesssim B\) to denote \(A \leq CB\) for some constant \(C > 0\), and we write \(A \sim B\) to denote \(A \lesssim B\) and \(B \lesssim A\). We also write \(A \ll B\) if \(A \leq cB\) for some sufficiently small \(c > 0\). We may use subscripts to denote dependence on external parameters; for example, \(A\lesssim_{p, q} B\) means \(A\le C(p, q) B\), where the constant \(C(p, q)\) depends on parameters \(p\) and \(q\). In addition, we use \(a+\) (and \(a-\), respectively) to denote \(a+\varepsilon\) (and \(a-\varepsilon\), respectively) for arbitrarily small \(\varepsilon > 0\).
## Preliminary lemmas
In this subsection, we recall some useful lemmas. We first recall the following bilinear Strichartz estimate. For the proof, see Lemma 2.5 in .
We also recall the following counting lemma. For the proof, see Lemma 2.9 (ii) in, which was stated in general dimension \(d \geq 2\) but we only need the \(d = 2\) case.
## Fourier restriction norm method
In studying well-posedness of NLS on \(\mathbb{T}^d\), Bourgain introduced the Fourier restriction norm method (see also ), utilizing the following \(X^{s, b}\)-spaces. Given \(s, b \in \mathbb{R}\), we define the space \(X^{s,b}(\mathbb{R} \times \mathbb{T}^2)\) to be the completion of functions that are \(C^\infty\) in space and Schwartz in time with respect to the following norm: \[\begin{aligned}
\| u \|_{X^{s,b}(\mathbb{R} \times \mathbb{T}^2)} := \big\| \jb{n}^s \jb{\tau + |n|^2}^b \widehat u(\tau, n) \big\|_{ L_\tau^2 \ell_n^2(\mathbb{R} \times \mathbb{Z}^2) }. \label{Xsb} \end{aligned}\] For \(T > 0\), we define the space \(X_T^{s,b}\) to be the restriction of the \(X^{s, b}\)-space onto the time interval \([-T, T]\) via the norm: \[\| u \|_{X_T^{s,b}} := \inf \big\{ \| v \|_{X^{s,b}}: v|_{[-T, T]} = u \big\}. \label{XT}\] Note that \(X^{s, b}_T\) is complete. Given any \(s \in \mathbb{R}\) and \(b > \frac 12\), we have \(X_T^{s,b} \subset C([-T, T]; H^s(\mathbb{T}^2))\). We now recall the following linear estimates. See.
Lastly, we record the following \(L^4\)-Strichartz estimate on \(\mathbb{T}^2\).
For the proof, see. We point out that the \(L^4\)-Strichartz estimate [\[L42\]](#L42){reference-type="eqref" reference="L42"} does not hold when \(s=0\). See. As mentioned in the introduction, the \(L^4\)-Strichartz estimate [\[Str1\]](#Str1){reference-type="eqref" reference="Str1"} with an \(\varepsilon\)-loss of derivative holds on a general flat torus \(\mathbb{T}^2_{\pmb{\alpha}} = (\mathbb{R}/\alpha_1 \mathbb{Z}) \times (\mathbb{R}/\alpha_2 \mathbb{Z})\) for any ratio \(\pmb{\alpha} = (\alpha_1, \alpha_2)\) with \(\alpha_1, \alpha_2 > 0\); see Theorem 2.4 in. Then, the estimate [\[L42\]](#L42){reference-type="eqref" reference="L42"} on a general flat torus \(\mathbb{T}^2_{\pmb{\alpha}}\) follows from a standard transference principle (see Lemma 2.9 in ).
# Proof of Proposition [\[PROP:bilin\]](#PROP:bilin){reference-type="ref" reference="PROP:bilin"} {#SEC:bilin}
In this section, we present the proof of Proposition [\[PROP:bilin\]](#PROP:bilin){reference-type="ref" reference="PROP:bilin"}. By the triangle inequality \(\jb{n}^s \lesssim \jb{n_1}^s \jb{n_2}^s\) under \(n = n_1 + n_2\) for \(s \ge 0\), our goal is to prove the following bilinear estimate (with \(s = 0\)): \[\begin{aligned}
\| u \overline{v} \|_{X_T^{0,-\frac 12 + \delta_1}} \lesssim \| u \|_{X_T^{0, \frac 12 + \delta_2}} \| v \|_{X_T^{0, \frac 12 + \delta_2}}, \label{bilin1a} \end{aligned}\] where \(0 < T \leq 1\) and \(\delta_1, \delta_2 > 0\) are sufficiently small, satisfying \(\delta_2 < \delta_1 < 2\delta_2\). In view of the definitions [\[Xsb\]](#Xsb){reference-type="eqref" reference="Xsb"} and [\[XT\]](#XT){reference-type="eqref" reference="XT"} of the \(X^{s, b}\)-spaces, the bilinear estimate [\[bilin1a\]](#bilin1a){reference-type="eqref" reference="bilin1a"} follows once we prove \[\begin{split} \bigg\| & \sum_{\substack{n_1\in \mathbb{Z}^2\\ n = n_1-n_2}} \intt_{\tau = \tau_1-\tau_2} \frac{\widehat u(\tau_1, n_1) \overline{\widehat v(\tau_2, n_2)}}{\jb{\tau_1 + |n_1|^2}^{\frac 12 + \delta_2} \jb{\tau_2 + |n_2|^2}^{\frac 12 + \delta_2} \jb{\tau + |n|^2}^{\frac 12-\delta_1}} d\tau_1 \bigg\|_{L_\tau^2 \ell_n^2} \\ & \lesssim \| u \|_{L_{t,x}^2} \| v \|_{L_{t,x}^2}. \end{split} \label{bilin2}\] By duality, the estimate [\[bilin2\]](#bilin2){reference-type="eqref" reference="bilin2"} follows once we prove the following estimate: \[\begin{split} \bigg| &\sum_{\substack{n, n_1\in \mathbb{Z}^2\\ n = n_1-n_2}} \iintt_{\tau = \tau_1-\tau_2} \frac{\widehat u (\tau_1, n_1) \overline{\widehat v (\tau_2, n_2) }\overline{\widehat w (\tau, n)}}{\jb{\tau_1 + |n_1|^2}^{\frac 12 + \delta_2} \jb{\tau_2 + |n_2|^2}^{\frac 12 + \delta_2} \jb{\tau + |n|^2}^{\frac 12-\delta_1}} d\tau_1 d\tau \bigg| \\ & \lesssim \| u \|_{L_{t,x}^2} \| v \|_{L_{t,x}^2} \| w \|_{L_{t,x}^2}. \end{split} \label{bilin3}\] We first note that if \(n = 0\), \(n_1 = 0\), or \(n_2 = 0\), then the estimate [\[bilin3\]](#bilin3){reference-type="eqref" reference="bilin3"} follows easily from the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, provided that \(\delta_1 > 0\) is sufficiently small. Hence, for the remaining of this section, we assume that \(n \neq 0\), \(n_1 \neq 0\), and \(n_2 \neq 0\). Before proceeding further, we recall the following key algebraic relation: \[(\tau + |n|^2)-(\tau_1 + |n_1|^2) + (\tau_2 + |n_2|^2) =-2 n \cdot n_2, \label{phase}\] where \(n = n_1-n_2\) and \(\tau = \tau_1-\tau_2\). The main difficulty in proving [\[bilin3\]](#bilin3){reference-type="eqref" reference="bilin3"} (namely, the bilinear estimate [\[bilin1\]](#bilin1){reference-type="eqref" reference="bilin1"} with \(s = 0\)) comes from the failure of the \(L^4\)-Strichartz estimate (without a derivative loss). In order to overcome this difficulty, we separately estimate the contributions coming from (i) non-resonant case: \(|n \cdot n_2| \gtrsim |n|^\varepsilon |n_2|^\varepsilon\) and (ii) nearly resonant case: \(|n \cdot n_2| \ll |n|^\varepsilon |n_2|^\varepsilon\) for some small \(\varepsilon > 0\). In the non-resonant case, we can use the multilinear dispersion to make up for the derivative loss in the \(L^4\)-Strichartz estimate (Lemma [\[LEM:L4\]](#LEM:L4){reference-type="ref" reference="LEM:L4"}). In the nearly resonant case, by noting that the frequencies \(n\) and \(n_2\) are almost perpendicular, we make use of this angular restriction to prove a multilinear estimate without a derivative loss in the spirit of.
## Non-resonant interaction
In this subsection, we consider the non-resonant case: \[\begin{aligned}
|n \cdot n_2| \gtrsim |n|^\varepsilon |n_2|^\varepsilon \label{nr1} \end{aligned}\] for some small \(\varepsilon > 0\) sufficiently small. From [\[phase\]](#phase){reference-type="eqref" reference="phase"} and [\[nr1\]](#nr1){reference-type="eqref" reference="nr1"}, we have \[\begin{aligned}
\begin{split} \MAX :\! & = \max \big( \jb{\tau + |n|^2}, \jb{\tau_1 + |n_1|^2}, \jb{\tau_2 + |n_2|^2} \big)\\ & \gtrsim \jb{n \cdot n_2} \gtrsim \jb{n}^\varepsilon \jb{n_2}^\varepsilon. \end{split} \label{nr2} \end{aligned}\] We then consider the following three cases. In the following, we set \(0 < \delta_1 < \frac 12\). \(\bullet\) **Case 1:** \(\text{MAX} = \jb{\tau + |n|^2}\). In this case, we directly prove [\[bilin2\]](#bilin2){reference-type="eqref" reference="bilin2"}. Then, with \(\varepsilon_1 = \frac \varepsilon 2(\frac 12-\delta_1)> 0\), it follows from [\[nr2\]](#nr2){reference-type="eqref" reference="nr2"} that \[\jb{n_1}^{\varepsilon_1} \jb{n_2}^{\varepsilon_1} = \jb{n+n_2}^{\varepsilon_1} \jb{n_2}^{\varepsilon_1} \lesssim \jb{n}^{2\varepsilon_1} \jb{n_2}^{2\varepsilon_1} \lesssim \jb{\tau + |n|^2}^{\frac 12-\delta_1}. \label{tn0}\] Let \(\widehat U(\tau_1, n_1) = \jb{n_1}^{-\varepsilon_1} \jb{\tau_1 + |n_1|^2}^{-\frac 12-\delta_2} \widehat u(\tau_1, n_1)\) and \(\widehat V(\tau_2, n_2) = \jb{n_2}^{-\varepsilon_1} \jb{\tau_2 + |n_2|^2}^{-\frac 12-\delta_2} \widehat v(\tau_2, n_2)\). Then, by [\[tn0\]](#tn0){reference-type="eqref" reference="tn0"}, Plancherel's theorem, Hölder's inequality, and the \(L^4\)-Strichartz estimate (Lemma [\[LEM:L4\]](#LEM:L4){reference-type="ref" reference="LEM:L4"}), we have \[\begin{aligned}
\text{LHS of \eqref{bilin2}} &\lesssim \| U \overline V\|_{L^2_{t, x}} \leq \| U \|_{L^4_{t, x}}\| V\|_{L^4_{t, x}} \lesssim \|U\|_{X^{\varepsilon_1, \frac 12 + \delta_2}} \|V\|_{X^{\varepsilon_1, \frac 12 + \delta_2}}\\ &= \| u \|_{L_{t,x}^2} \| v \|_{L_{t,x}^2} \end{aligned}\] for any \(\delta_2 > 0\). \(\bullet\) **Case 2:** \(\text{MAX} = \jb{\tau_1 + |n_1|^2}\). In this case, we prove [\[bilin3\]](#bilin3){reference-type="eqref" reference="bilin3"}. With \(\varepsilon_2 = \varepsilon(\frac 12-\delta_1)> 0\), it follows from [\[nr2\]](#nr2){reference-type="eqref" reference="nr2"} that \[\jb{n}^{\varepsilon_2} \jb{n_2}^{\varepsilon_2} \lesssim \jb{\tau_1 + |n_1|^2}^{\frac 12-\delta_1}. \label{tn1}\] Then, letting \(\widehat V(\tau_2, n_2) = \jb{n_2}^{-\varepsilon_2} \jb{\tau_2 + |n_2|^2}^{-\frac 12-\delta_2} \widehat v(\tau_2, n_2)\) and \(\widehat W(\tau, n) = \jb{n}^{-\varepsilon_2} \jb{\tau + |n|^2}^{-\frac 12-\delta_2} \widehat w(\tau, n)\), it follows from the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality in \(\tau_1\) and \(n_1\), [\[tn1\]](#tn1){reference-type="eqref" reference="tn1"}, Plancherel's theorem, Hölder's inequality, and the \(L^4\)-Strichartz estimate (Lemma [\[LEM:L4\]](#LEM:L4){reference-type="ref" reference="LEM:L4"}) that \[\begin{aligned}
\text{LHS of \eqref{bilin3}} &\lesssim \|u\|_{L^2_{t, x}} \| V \|_{L^4_{t, x}}\|W\|_{L^4_{t, x}}\\ &\lesssim \|u\|_{L^2_{t, x}} \| V \|_{X^{\varepsilon_2, \frac 12 +\delta_2}} \|W\|_{X^{\varepsilon_2, \frac 12 +\delta_2}} \\ &= \| u \|_{L_{t,x}^2} \| v \|_{L_{t,x}^2} \| w \|_{L_{t,x}^2} \end{aligned}\] for any \(\delta_2 > 0\). \(\bullet\) **Case 3:** \(\text{MAX} = \jb{\tau_2 + |n_2|^2}\). This case follows from proceeding as in Case 2 and thus we omit details.
## Resonant interaction {#SUBSEC:res}
We now consider the resonant case \(|n \cdot n_2| \ll |n|^\varepsilon |n_2|^\varepsilon\). With \(\theta = \theta (n, n_2) = \frac{1}{|n|^{1-\varepsilon} |n_2|^{1-\varepsilon}}\), we rewrite this condition as \[\begin{aligned}
|n \cdot n_2| \ll \theta |n| |n_2|. \end{aligned}\] In the following, we divide the argument into three subcases, depending on the sizes of \(n\) and \(n_2\). \(\bullet\) **Case 1:** \(|n|^{\frac 12} \lesssim |n_2| \lesssim |n|^2\). In this case, we follow the idea from the proof of Proposition 10.1 in (see also ). \(\circ\) **Subcase 1.a:** \(|n| \sim |n_2|\). By applying the dyadic decompositions to the frequencies \(n\) and \(n_2\), we have \[\begin{split} \text{LHS of } \eqref{bilin3} &\lesssim \sum_{\substack{N \sim N_2 \geq 1\\\text{dyadic}} } \bigg| \sum_{\substack{n, n_1\in \mathbb{Z}^2\\ n = n_1-n_2}} \iintt_{\tau = \tau_1-\tau_2} \mathbf 1_{|\cos \angle(n, n_2)| \ll \theta} \\ &\quad \times \frac{\widehat u (\tau_1, n_1) \overline{\widehat{P_{N_2}v} (\tau_2, n_2)} \overline{\widehat{P_N w} (\tau, n)}}{\jb{\tau_1 + |n_1|^2}^{\frac 12 + \delta_2} \jb{\tau_2 + |n_2|^2}^{\frac 12 + \delta_2} \jb{\tau + |n|^2}^{\frac 12-\delta_1}} d\tau_1 d\tau \bigg|. \end{split} \label{bilin_a1}\] Note that when \(|n| \sim |n_2| \sim N\), we have \(\theta = \frac{1}{|n|^{1-\varepsilon} |n_2|^{1-\varepsilon}} \sim N^{-2 + 2 \varepsilon}\). We now restrict \(n\) and \(n_2\) to the following angular sectors: \[\begin{aligned}
\begin{split} A_\ell: \!& = \big\{ n \in \mathbb{Z}^2: |n| \sim N, \, \arg(n) = \ell N^{-2 + 2 \varepsilon} + O(N^{-2 + 2 \varepsilon}) \big\}, \\ A_{\ell_2} :\!&= \big\{ n_2 \in \mathbb{Z}^2: |n_2| \sim N_2, \, \arg(n_2) = \ell_2 N^{-2 + 2 \varepsilon} + O(N^{-2 + 2 \varepsilon}) \big\}, \end{split} \label{A0} \end{aligned}\] where \(\ell, \ell_2 \in I_N: = [1, 2\pi N^{2-\varepsilon}] \cap \mathbb{Z}\). Since \(|\cos \angle (n, n_2)| \ll \theta \sim N^{-2 + 2\varepsilon}\), we have \(|\arg(n)-\arg(n_2)| = \frac{\pi}{2} + O(N^{-2 + 2\varepsilon})\) or \(|\arg(n)-\arg(n_2)| = \frac{3\pi}{2} + O(N^{-2 + 2\varepsilon})\). This means that for each fixed \(\ell\), there exists a set \(L_2(\l)\) of size \(O(1)\) such that \(\mathbf 1_{A_\ell} (n)\cdot \mathbf 1_{A_{\ell_2}}(n_2)= 0\) unless \(\l_2 \in L_2(\l)\). Continuing with the right-hand side of [\[bilin_a1\]](#bilin_a1){reference-type="eqref" reference="bilin_a1"}, we insert the angular restrictions [\[A0\]](#A0){reference-type="eqref" reference="A0"} and set \[\widehat v_{N_2, \l_2}(\tau_2, n_2) = \mathbf 1_{A_{\ell_2}}(n_2) \cdot \widehat{P_{N_2}v} (\tau_2, n_2) \quad \text{and}\quad \widehat w_{N, \l} (\tau, n) = \mathbf 1_{A_\ell}(n) \cdot \widehat{P_N w} (\tau, n).\] Then, by applying the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality in \(\tau_1\) and \(n_1\), then in \(\tau\) and \(n\), and Hölder's inequality in \(\tau_1\) and \(n_1\), we obtain \[\begin{split} \text{LHS of } \eqref{bilin3} &\lesssim \sum_{\substack{N \sim N_2 \ge 1\\\text{dyadic}}} \sum_{\ell \in I_N} \sum_{ \ell_2 \in L_2(\ell)} \bigg| \sum_{\substack{n, n_1\in \mathbb{Z}^2\\ n = n_1-n_2}} \iintt_{\tau = \tau_1-\tau_2} \mathbf 1_{|\cos \angle (n, n_2)| \ll N^{-2 + 2\varepsilon}} \\ &\quad \times \frac{ \widehat u (\tau_1, n_1) \overline{\widehat v_{N_2, \l_2} (\tau_2, n_2) } \overline{\widehat w_{N, \l} (\tau, n) }} {\jb{\tau_1 + |n_1|^2}^{\frac 12 + \delta_2} \jb{\tau_2 + |n_2|^2}^{\frac 12 + \delta_2} \jb{\tau + |n|^2}^{\frac 12-\delta_1}} d\tau_1 d\tau \bigg| \\ &\leq \sum_{\substack{N \sim N_2 \ge 1\\\text{dyadic}}} \sum_{\ell \in I_N} \sum_{ \ell_2 \in L_2(\ell)} \| \widehat u \|_{L_{\tau_1}^2 \ell_{n_1}^2} \bigg\| \sum_{n\in \mathbb{Z}^2} \int \mathbf 1_{|\cos \angle (n, n_1-n)| \ll N^{-2 + 2\varepsilon}} \\ &\quad \times \frac{ \widehat v_{N_2, \l_2} (\tau_1-\tau, n_1-n) \widehat w_{N, \l} (\tau, n) }{ \jb{\tau_1-\tau + |n_1-n|^2}^{\frac 12 + \delta_2} } d\tau \bigg\|_{L_{\tau_1}^2 \ell_{n_1}^2} \\ &\leq \| u \|_{L_{t, x}^2} \sum_{\substack{N \sim N_2 \ge 1\\\text{dyadic}}} \sum_{\ell \in I_N} \sum_{ \ell_2 \in L_2(\ell)} \| \widehat v_{N_2, \l_2} \|_{L_{\tau_2}^2 \ell_{n_2}^2} \| \widehat w_{N, \l}\|_{L_\tau^2 \ell_n^2} \\ &\quad \times \sup_{\tau_1, n_1} \bigg( \sum_n \int \frac{ \mathbf 1_{|\cos \angle (n, n_1-n)| \ll N^{-2 + 2\varepsilon}} \mathbf 1_{A_{\ell_2}}(n_1-n) \cdot \mathbf 1_{A_\ell}(n)}{\jb{\tau_1-\tau + |n_1-n|^2}^{1 + 2 \delta_2}} d\tau \bigg)^{\frac 12} \\ &\lesssim \| u \|_{L_{t, x}^2 } \sum_{\substack{N \sim N_2 \ge 1\\\text{dyadic}}} \sum_{\ell \in I_N} \sum_{ \ell_2 \in L_2(\ell)} \| \widehat v_{N_2, \l_2} \|_{L_{\tau_2}^2 \ell_{n_2}^2} \| \widehat w_{N, \l}\|_{L_\tau^2 \ell_n^2}\\ & \quad \times \sup_{n_1, \l, \l_2} |\mathcal{A}_{N, \l, \l_2}(n_1)|^\frac 12, \end{split} \label{bilin_a2}\] where \(\mathcal{A}_{N, \l, \l_2}(n_1)\) is defined by \[\mathcal{A}_{N, \l, \l_2}(n_1) = \big\{ n \in \mathbb{Z}^2: |\cos \angle (n, n_1-n)| \ll N^{-2 + 2\varepsilon}, \, n \in A_\ell, \, n_1-n \in A_{\ell_2}\big \}.\] In view of [\[A0\]](#A0){reference-type="eqref" reference="A0"}, for fixed \(n_1 \in \mathbb{Z}^2\) and fixed \(\ell, \ell_2\in I_N\), we note that any \(n\in \mathcal{A}_{N, \l. \l_2}\) is contained in a rectangle with sides of length \(\sim\) \[|n| N^{-2 + 2\varepsilon} \sim N^{-1 + 2\varepsilon} \quad \text{and} \quad |n_1-n| N^{-2 + 2\varepsilon} \sim N^{-1 + 2\varepsilon}.\] Hence, for \(0 < \varepsilon < \frac 12\), we have \[\begin{aligned}
\sup_{n_1, \l, \l_2} |\mathcal{A}_{N, \l, \l_2}(n_1)|\lesssim 1. \label{A2} \end{aligned}\] Therefore, by estimating [\[bilin_a2\]](#bilin_a2){reference-type="eqref" reference="bilin_a2"} with [\[A2\]](#A2){reference-type="eqref" reference="A2"}, the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality in \(\ell\), and then in \(N \sim N_2\) we obtain the desired inequality [\[bilin3\]](#bilin3){reference-type="eqref" reference="bilin3"}. \(\circ\) **Subcase 1.b:** \(|n_2| \ll |n| \lesssim |n_2|^2\). Since \(|n| \gg |n_2|\) and \(n_1 = n + n_2\), we have \(|n_1| \sim |n|\). Note that when \(|n| \sim N \lesssim |n_2|^2\), we have \(\theta = \frac{1}{|n|^{1-\varepsilon} |n_2|^{1-\varepsilon}} \lesssim N^{-\frac 32 + \frac 32 \varepsilon}\). We proceed as in Subcase 1.a by restricting \(n\) and \(n_2\) to the following angular sectors: \[\begin{aligned}
\begin{split} B_\l: \! & = \big\{ n \in \mathbb{Z}^2: |n| \sim N, \arg(n) = \ell N^{-\frac 32 + \frac 32 \varepsilon} + O(N^{-\frac 32 + \frac 32 \varepsilon}) \big\}, \\ B_{\l_2} :\! & = \big\{ n_2 \in \mathbb{Z}^2: N^{\frac 12} \lesssim |n_2| \ll N, \arg(n_2) = \ell_2 N^{-\frac 32 + \frac 32 \varepsilon} + O(N^{-\frac 32 + \frac 32 \varepsilon}) \big\}, \end{split} \label{B0} \end{aligned}\] where \(\ell, \ell_2 \in I_N': = [1, 2\pi N^{\frac 32-\frac 32\varepsilon}] \cap \mathbb{Z}\). Under \(|\cos \angle (n, n_2)| \ll N^{-\frac 32 + \frac 32 \varepsilon}\), we have \(|\arg(n)-\arg(n_2)| = \frac{\pi}{2} + O(N^{-\frac 32 + \frac 32 \varepsilon})\) or \(|\arg(n)-\arg(n_2)| = \frac{3\pi}{2} + O(N^{-\frac 32 + \frac 32 \varepsilon})\). Hence, for each fixed \(\ell\), there exists a set \(L_2'(\l)\) of size \(O(1)\) such that \(\mathbf 1_{B_\ell} (n)\cdot \mathbf 1_{B_{\ell_2}}(n_2)= 0\) unless \(\l_2 \in L_2'(\l)\). With a slight abuse of notation, set \[\widehat v_{N, \l_2}(\tau_2, n_2) = \mathbf 1_{B_{\ell_2}}(n_2) \cdot \widehat{v} (\tau_2, n_2) \quad \text{and}\quad \widehat w_{N, \l} (\tau, n) = \mathbf 1_{B_\ell}(n) \cdot \widehat{P_N w} (\tau, n).\] Then, by proceeding as in [\[bilin_a2\]](#bilin_a2){reference-type="eqref" reference="bilin_a2"}, i.e. by applying the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality in \(\tau_1\) and \(n_1\), then in \(\tau\) and \(n\), and Hölder's inequality in \(\tau_1\) and \(n_1\), we obtain \[\begin{aligned}
\text{LHS of } \eqref{bilin3} &\lesssim \sum_{\substack{N \sim N_1\ge 1\\\text{dyadic}}} \sum_{\ell \in I_N'} \sum_{ \ell_2 \in L_2'(\ell)} \bigg| \sum_{\substack{n, n_1\in \mathbb{Z}^2\\ n = n_1-n_2}} \iintt_{\tau = \tau_1-\tau_2} \mathbf 1_{|\cos \angle (n, n_2)| \ll N^{-\frac 32 + \frac 32 \varepsilon}} \\ &\quad \times \frac{\widehat{P_{N_1} u} (\tau_1, n_1) \overline{\widehat v_{N, \l_2} (\tau_2, n_2)} \overline{\widehat w_{N, \l} (\tau, n)}}{\jb{\tau_1 + |n_1|^2}^{\frac 12 + \delta_2} \jb{\tau_2 + |n_2|^2}^{\frac 12 + \delta_2} \jb{\tau + |n|^2}^{\frac 12-\delta_1}} d\tau_1 d\tau \bigg| \\ &\leq \sum_{\substack{N \sim N_1 \ge 1\\\text{dyadic}}} \sum_{\ell \in I_N'} \sum_{ \ell_2 \in L_2'(\ell)} \big\| \widehat{P_{N_1} u} \big\|_{L_{\tau_1}^2 \ell_{n_1}^2} \bigg\| \sum_{n \in \mathbb{Z}^2} \int \mathbf 1_{|\cos \angle (n, n_1-n)| \ll N^{-\frac 32 + \frac 32 \varepsilon}} \\ &\quad \times \frac{\widehat v_{N, \l_2} (\tau_1-\tau, n_1-n)\widehat w_{N, \l}(\tau, n) }{\jb{\tau_1-\tau + |n_1-n|^2}^{\frac 12 + \delta_2}} d\tau \bigg\|_{L_{\tau_1}^2 \ell_{n_1}^2} \\ &\leq \sum_{\substack{N \sim N_1 \ge 1\\\text{dyadic}}} \sum_{\ell \in I_N'} \sum_{ \ell_2 \in L_2'(\ell)} \| \widehat{P_{N_1} u} \|_{L_{\tau_1}^2 \ell_{n_1}^2} \| \widehat v \_{N, \l_2} \|_{L_{\tau_2}^2 \ell_{n_2}^2} \| w_{N, \l} \|_{L_\tau^2 \ell_n^2} \\ &\quad \times \sup_{\tau_1, n_1} \bigg( \sum_n \int \frac{\mathbf 1_{|\cos \angle (n, n_1-n)| \ll N^{-\frac 32 + \frac 32 \varepsilon}} \mathbf 1_{B_{\ell_2}} (n_1-n)\cdot \mathbf 1_{B_\ell} (n)}{\jb{\tau_1-\tau + |n_1-n|^2}^{1 + 2 \delta_2}} d\tau \bigg)^{1/2} \\ &\lesssim \sum_{\substack{N \sim N_1 \ge 1\\\text{dyadic}}} \sum_{\ell \in I_N'} \sum_{ \ell_2 \in L_2'(\ell)} \| \widehat{P_{N_1} u} \|_{L_{\tau_1}^2 \ell_{n_1}^2} \| \widehat v_{N, \l_2} \|_{L_{\tau_2}^2 \ell_{n_2}^2} \| \widehat w_{N, \l_2} \|_{L_\tau^2 \ell_n^2} \\ & \quad \times \sup_{n_1} |\mathcal{B}_{N, \l, \l_2}(n_1)|^\frac 12, \end{aligned}\] where \(\mathcal{B}_{N, \l, \l_2}(n_1)\) is defined by \[\mathcal{B}_{N, \l, \l_2}(n_1) = \big \{ n \in \mathbb{Z}^2: |\cos \angle (n, n_1-n)| \ll N^{-\frac 32 + \frac 32 \varepsilon},, n \in B_\ell,, n_1-n \in B_{\ell_2} \big\}.\] Then, the desired bound [\[bilin3\]](#bilin3){reference-type="eqref" reference="bilin3"} follows from the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality in \(\ell\) and then in the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality in \(N \sim N_1\), once we prove \[\begin{aligned}
\sup_{n_1, \l, \l_2} |\mathcal{B}_{N, \l, \l_2}(n_1)|\lesssim 1. \label{B2} \end{aligned}\] In view of [\[B0\]](#B0){reference-type="eqref" reference="B0"}, for fixed \(n_1 \in \mathbb{Z}^2\) and fixed \(\ell, \ell_2\in I_N'\), we note that any \(n\in \mathcal{B}_{N, \l. \l_2}\) is contained in a rectangle with sides of length \(\sim\) \[|n| N^{-\frac 32 + \frac 32 \varepsilon} \sim N^{-\frac 12 + \frac 32 \varepsilon} \quad \text{and} \quad |n_1-n| N^{-\frac 32 + \frac 32 \varepsilon} \ll N^{-\frac 12 + \frac 32 \varepsilon}.\] Therefore, as long as \(0 < \varepsilon < \frac 13\), there are at most \(O(1)\) many \(n'\)s in \(\mathcal{B}_{N, \l. \l_2}\), yielding [\[B2\]](#B2){reference-type="eqref" reference="B2"}. \(\circ\) **Subcase 1.c:** \(|n| \ll |n_2|\lesssim |n|^2\).\
This subcase follows from Subcase 1.b by switching the roles of \((\tau, n)\) and \((\tau_2, n_2)\) and thus we omit details. \(\bullet\) **Case 2:** \(|n|^2 \ll |n_2|\). We divide the argument into two subcases, depending on the sizes of \(N_2\) and the largest modulation \(L_{\textup{max}} = \max (L_0, L_1, L_2)\). \(\circ\) **Subcase 2.a:** \(L_{\textup{max}} \gtrsim N_2\) (high-modulation case). In this subcase, recalling the notations in Section [2](#SEC:2){reference-type="ref" reference="SEC:2"}, we dyadically decompose the spatial frequencies and modulations of \(u\), \(v\), and \(w\) so that \(\textup{supp } \widehat {P_{N_1, L_1} u} \subset \mathfrak{P}_{N_1} \cap \mathfrak{S}_{L_1}\), \(\textup{supp } \widehat {P_{N_2, L_2} v } \subset \mathfrak{P}_{N_2} \cap \mathfrak{S}_{L_2}\), and \(\textup{supp } \widehat{P_{N_0, L_0} w} \subset \mathfrak{P}_{N_0} \cap \mathfrak{S}_{L_0}\) for dyadic \(N_j, L_j \geq 1\), \(j = 0,1,2\). Note that we have \(N_0^2 \ll N_2 \sim N_1\). Our main goal is to show the following lemma.
We first present the proof of [\[bilin3\]](#bilin3){reference-type="eqref" reference="bilin3"} in this case by assuming Lemma [\[LEM:high\]](#LEM:high){reference-type="ref" reference="LEM:high"}. Under \(N_0^2 \ll N_2 \sim N_1\) and \(L_{\textup{max}} \gtrsim N_2\), by applying Lemma [\[LEM:high\]](#LEM:high){reference-type="ref" reference="LEM:high"}, we have \[\begin{aligned}
\text{LHS of \eqref{bilin3}} &\lesssim \sum_{\substack{ N_1, N_2, N_0\ge 1\\\text{dyadic}}} \sum_{\substack{L_1, L_2, L_0 \ge 1\\\text{dyadic}}} L_1^{-\frac 12-\delta_2} L_2^{-\frac 12-\delta_2} L_0^{-\frac 12 + \delta_1} \\ &\qquad \times L_1^{\frac 12 +} L_2^{\frac 12 +} L_0^{\frac 14 +} N_2^{0-} \| P_{N_1, L_1} u \|_{L_{t,x}^2} \| P_{N_2, L_2} v \|_{L_{t,x}^2} \| P_{N_0, L_0} w \|_{L_{t,x}^2} \\ &\leq \sum_{\substack{N_1, N_2, N_0\ge 1\\\text{dyadic}}} \sum_{\substack{ L_1, L_2, L_0\ge 1\\\text{dyadic}}} L_1^{0-} L_2^{0-} L_0^{0-} N_2^{0-} \| u \|_{L_{t,x}^2} \| v \|_{L_{t,x}^2} \| w \|_{L_{t,x}^2} \\ &\lesssim \| u \|_{L_{t,x}^2} \| v \|_{L_{t,x}^2} \| w \|_{L_{t,x}^2}, \end{aligned}\] as desired. We now present the proof of Lemma [\[LEM:high\]](#LEM:high){reference-type="ref" reference="LEM:high"}.
\(\circ\) **Subcase 2.b:** \(L_{\textup{max}} \ll N_2\) (low-modulation case). Our goal in this subcase is to show the following lemma.
We first assume Lemma [\[LEM:low\]](#LEM:low){reference-type="ref" reference="LEM:low"} and prove [\[bilin3\]](#bilin3){reference-type="eqref" reference="bilin3"}. Recall that \(|n|^2 \ll |n_2|\sim |n_1|\) in this case. Then, by Lemma [\[LEM:low\]](#LEM:low){reference-type="ref" reference="LEM:low"} (with \(\theta\) as above) and the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality in \(N_1 \sim N_2\), we have \[\begin{aligned}
& \text{LHS of } \eqref{bilin3}\\ &\hphantom{X} \lesssim \sum_{\substack{N_1 \sim N_2\ge 1\\\text{dyadic}}} \sum_{\substack{ L_1, L_2, L_0\ge 1\\\text{dyadic}}} L_1^{-\frac 12-\delta_2} L_2^{-\frac 12-\delta_2} L_0^{-\frac 12 + \delta_1} \bigg| \sum_{\substack{n, n_1\in \mathbb{Z}^2\\ n = n_1-n_2}} \iintt_{\tau = \tau_1-\tau_2} \mathbf 1_{|\cos \angle (n, n_2)| \ll \theta} \\ &\hphantom{XXX} \times \mathbf 1_{|n|^2 \ll N_2} \widehat{P_{N_1, L_1} u} (\tau_1, n_1) \overline{\widehat{P_{N_2, L_2} v}} (\tau_2, n_2) \overline{\widehat{Q_{L_0} w}} (\tau, n) d\tau_1 d\tau \bigg| \\ &\hphantom{X} \lesssim \sum_{\substack{N_1 \sim N_2\ge 1\\\text{dyadic}}} \sum_{\substack{ L_1, L_, L_0\ge 1\\\text{dyadic}}} L_1^{0-} L_2^{0-} L_0^{0-} \big\| \widehat{P_{N_1, L_1} u} \big\|_{L_{\tau_1}^2 \ell_{n_1}^2} \big\| \widehat{P_{N_2, L_2} v} \big\|_{L_{\tau_2}^2 \ell_{n_2}^2} \big\| \widehat{Q_{L_0} w} \big\|_{L_\tau^2 \ell_n^2} \\ &\hphantom{X} \lesssim \| \widehat u \|_{L_{\tau_1}^2 \ell_{n_1}^2} \| \widehat v \|_{L_{\tau_2}^2 \ell_{n_2}^2} \| \widehat w \|_{L_\tau^2 \ell_n^2}, \end{aligned}\] as desired. We now present the proof of Lemma [\[LEM:low\]](#LEM:low){reference-type="ref" reference="LEM:low"}, where we use the idea from the proofs of of Propositions 3.6 and 3.9 in.
\(\bullet\) **Case 3:** \(|n_2|^2 \ll |n|\). This case is similar to Case 2, so we will be brief here. For the low-modulation case (i.e. \(L_{\text{max}} \ll N_0\)), the same argument works by switching the roles of \((\tau, n)\) and \((\tau_2, n_2)\). For the high-modulation case (i.e. \(L_{\text{max}} \gtrsim N_0\)), we need to ensure that on the right-hand side of [\[high\]](#high){reference-type="eqref" reference="high"} in Lemma [\[LEM:high\]](#LEM:high){reference-type="ref" reference="LEM:high"}, the power of \(L_0\) is less than \(\frac 12\) (so that simply switching the roles of \((\tau, n)\) and \((\tau_2, n_2)\) does not work). With \(f\), \(g\), and \(h\) as in the statement of Lemma [\[LEM:high\]](#LEM:high){reference-type="ref" reference="LEM:high"}, when \(N_2^2 \ll N_0 \sim N_1\) and \(L_{\text{max}} \gtrsim N_0\), we use the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality in \(\tau\) and \(n\) and apply Lemma [\[LEM:bilin\]](#LEM:bilin){reference-type="ref" reference="LEM:bilin"} to obtain \[\begin{aligned}
\text{LHS of } \eqref{high} &\lesssim \| h \|_{L_\tau^2 \ell_n^2} \underline{L}_{12}^{\frac 12} \bigg( \frac{\overline{L}_{12}}{N_0} + 1 \bigg)^{\frac 12 } N_2^{\frac 12} \| f \|_{L_{\tau_1}^2 \ell_{n_1}^2} \| g \|_{L_{\tau_2}^2 \ell_{n_2}^2} \\ &\lesssim \big( L_1^{\frac 12} L_2^{\frac 12} + \underline{L}_{12}^{\frac 12} N_0^{\frac 14} \big) \| f \|_{L_{\tau_1}^2 \ell_{n_1}^2} \| g \|_{L_{\tau_2}^2 \ell_{n_2}^2} \| h \|_{L_\tau^2 \ell_n^2} \\ &\lesssim \big( L_1^{\frac 12} L_2^{\frac 12} L_{\text{max}}^{0+} + \underline{L}_{12}^{\frac 12} L_{\text{max}}^{\frac 14 +} \big) N_0^{0-} \| f \|_{L_{\tau_1}^2 \ell_{n_1}^2} \| g \|_{L_{\tau_2}^2 \ell_{n_2}^2} \| h \|_{L_\tau^2 \ell_n^2}, \end{aligned}\] which suffices for our purpose.
# Local well-posedness of the quadratic NLS {#SEC:LWP}
In this section, we present the proof of Theorem [\[THM:LWP\]](#THM:LWP){reference-type="ref" reference="THM:LWP"}, i.e. local well-posedness of the quadratic NLS [\[qNLS\]](#qNLS){reference-type="eqref" reference="qNLS"} in \(L^2(\mathbb{T}^2)\). By writing [\[qNLS\]](#qNLS){reference-type="eqref" reference="qNLS"} in the following Duhamel formulation, we have \[u(t) = \Gamma(u) := e^{it\Delta} u_0-i \int_0^t e^{i(t-t')\Delta} |u|^2(t') dt'. \label{Duh}\] Let \(\varepsilon > 0\) be sufficiently small. Then, by [\[Duh\]](#Duh){reference-type="eqref" reference="Duh"}, Lemma [\[LEM:Xlin\]](#LEM:Xlin){reference-type="ref" reference="LEM:Xlin"}, and Proposition [\[PROP:bilin\]](#PROP:bilin){reference-type="ref" reference="PROP:bilin"}, we have \[\begin{aligned}
\| \Gamma(u) \|_{X_T^{0, \frac 12 + \varepsilon}} &\leq \| e^{it\Delta} u_0 \|_{X_T^{0, \frac 12 + \varepsilon}} + \bigg\| \int_0^t e^{i(t-t')\Delta} u(t') \overline{u}(t') dt' \bigg\|_{X_T^{0, \frac 12 + \varepsilon}} \\ &\lesssim \| u_0 \|_{L^2} + T^{\varepsilon }\| u \overline{u} \|_{X^{0,-\frac 12 + 2 \varepsilon}} \\ &\lesssim \| u_0 \|_{L^2} + T^{\varepsilon } \| u \|_{X_T^{0, \frac 12 + \varepsilon}}^2. \end{aligned}\] Similarly, we obtain the following difference estimate: \[\begin{aligned}
\| \Gamma(u)-\Gamma(v) \|_{X_T^{0, \frac 12 + \varepsilon}} \lesssim T^{ \varepsilon}\Big( \| u \|_{X_T^{0, \frac 12 + \varepsilon}} + \| v \|_{X_T^{0, \frac 12 + \varepsilon}} \Big) \| u-v \|_{X_T^{0, \frac 12 + \varepsilon}}. \end{aligned}\] Therefore, by choosing \(T = T(\| u_0 \|_{L^2}) > 0\) sufficiently small, we conclude that \(\Gamma\) is a contraction on the ball \(B_R \subset X^{0, \frac 12 + \varepsilon}_T\) of radius \(R \sim \| u_0 \|_{L^2}\). This proves Theorem [\[THM:LWP\]](#THM:LWP){reference-type="ref" reference="THM:LWP"}. | {'timestamp': '2022-08-09T02:14:09', 'yymm': '2203', 'arxiv_id': '2203.15389', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15389'} |
{'timestamp': '2022-08-08T02:13:53', 'yymm': '2203', 'arxiv_id': '2203.15475', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15475'} |
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# Evaluation {#sec:evaluation}
This section introduces our simulation setup and then explains results of our empirical evaluations.
## Simulation Setup
We use the MNIST dataset to evaluate Algorithms [\[alg:KD\]](#alg:KD){reference-type="ref" reference="alg:KD"} and [\[alg:minmax\]](#alg:minmax){reference-type="ref" reference="alg:minmax"}. This dataset contains \(60000\) images of hand-written digits (\(\{0,1,\cdots,,9\}\)), of which \(50k\) are used for training and \(10k\) for testing, and each image is of size \(28 \times 28\). A square of size \(4\times4\) at an arbitrary location in the image is used as the trigger (shown in Figure [\[fig:mnist\]](#fig:mnist){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:mnist"}). In order to learn a multi-target backdoor, we select a random subset of images from the training data that have been stamped with the trigger. Let \(i\) denote the true class of the input that is stamped with the trigger, and \(C\) denote the total number of classes (\(C=10\) for MNIST). Then, these inputs are labeled according to \(g(i):=(i+1) \mod C\). We use the recently proposed MTND defense as a benchmark. MTND learns a discriminator that takes the output of a target model to return a 'score'. If this score exceeds a pre-defined threshold, the model is identified as Trojaned, and is identified as non-Trojaned otherwise. The DNNs used to learn a classifier for the MNIST dataset consists of two convolutional layers, each constaining \(5\) kernels, and channel sizes of \(16\) and \(32\) respectively. This is followed by maxpooling and fully connected layers of size \(512\). For learning the discriminator, similar to , we use a network with one (fully connected) hidden layer of size \(20\).
## Experiment Results
To demonstrate the limitations of existing defense mechanisms against backdoor attacks, we train the following models: (i) Trojaned, with multi-target backdoor using knowledge distillation and min-max optimization (**Our Trojaned Model**), (ii) Trojaned, with multi-target backdoor using only hard labels (**Traditional Trojaned Model**), and (iii) non-Trojaned, (**Non-Trojaned Model**). Table [1](#tab:accuracy){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:accuracy"} indicates the accuracy of these three models on clean inputs (i.e., images that are not stamped with a trigger), success rates of a multi-target backdoor attack, and detection rates of a discriminator. The non-Trojaned model has the highest accuracy on clean inputs, since backdoor attacks decrease the accuracy of the models. Knowledge distillation is seen to improve the accuracy of Trojaned models on clean samples and success rates of a backdoor attack, but a Trojaned model trained using knowledge distillation alone can be detected by a discriminator with \(99.4\%\) accuracy. When knowledge distillation is combined with min-max optimization, we see that the accuracy on clean inputs is reduced, but the success rate of the backdoor attack is higher. At the same time, the discriminator is not able to distinguish between outputs from a Trojaned and a non-Trojaned model (\(0.0 \%\) in righmost column of last row). This demonstrates that the state-of-the-art MTND defense can be bypassed. Figure [\[fig:detectionrate\]](#fig:detectionrate){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:detectionrate"} shows detection rates of the discriminator during different rounds of Algorithm [\[alg:minmax\]](#alg:minmax){reference-type="ref" reference="alg:minmax"}. The discriminator was not able to achieve a high detection rate on both Trojaned and non-Trojaned models when min-max optimization was deployed for more than 20 rounds. To evaluate the impact of the (pre-defined) threshold values associated with the discriminator on the detection rate, we plot and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve that compares the true positive rate (TPR) versus false positive rate (FPR) at different classification thresholds: \[TPR:= \frac{TP}{TP+FN}, \:\:\: FPR:= \frac{TP}{TP+FN}\] where \(TP\) denotes the number of Trojaned models that are correctly identified as Trojaned and \(FN\) is the number of non-Trojaned models that are incorrectly identified as Trojaned by the discriminator. The discriminator returns a score for each input. Inputs with a score exceeding a pre-defined threshold will be assigned to class \(s=1\) (Trojaned). Figure [\[fig:auc\]](#fig:auc){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:auc"} demonstrates that for any value of the threshold, the discriminator is not able to simultaneously return low \(FPR\) and high \(TPR\) for Trojaned models trained using our approach. However, for a traditional Trojaned model, the discriminator is able to simultaneously return a low \(FPR\) and high \(TPR\) for small threshold values. We also computed the area under the ROC curve (AUC) to measure the quality of the discriminator's predictions, independent of the chosen threshold value. The AUC is a number in the range \([0,1]\), and a model with an accuracy of \(100 \%\) has \(AUC=1\). We determined that our Trojaned model had \(AUC = 0.495\), while the traditional Trojaned model had \(AUC = 0.994\). These AUC values indicate that our two-step approach results in a discriminator performance in distinguishing between outputs from a Trojaned and non-Trojaned model that is as good as a 'coin-toss' guess (i.e., selecting one of two possibilities, with probability \(0.5\)).
# Introduction
The recent advances in cost-effective storage and computing has resulted in the wide use of deep neural networks (DNN) across multiple data-intensive applications such as face-recognition , mobile networks , computer games , and healthcare . The large amounts of data and extensive computing resources required to train these deep networks has made online machine learning (ML) platforms increasingly popular. However, these platforms only provide access to input-output information from the models, and not parameters of the models themselves. This is termed *black-box access*. Recent research has demonstrated that online ML models can be trained in a manner so that the presence of a specific perturbation, called a *trigger*, in the input will result in an output that is different from the correct or desired output. At the same time, outputs of the model for clean inputs-i.e., inputs without trigger-is not affected. This can result in severe consequences when such platforms are used in safety-critical cyber and cyber-physical systems . The insertion of a trigger into inputs to a model is called a *backdoor attack* and the model that misclassifies such inputs is termed *Trojaned*. Backdoor attacks can have severe implications in safety-critical cyber and cyber-physical systems where only the outputs of a model are available. For example, autonomous navigation systems that depend on DNNs for decision making using reinforcement learning models have been shown to be vulnerable to backdoor attacks . DNN models have also been used for traffic sign detection, and these models can be trained to identify the signs correctly, but results in an incorrect output when the sign has a trigger (e.g., a 'stop' sign with a small sticker on it is identified as a 'speed-limit' sign). Such threats necessitate the development of defense mechanisms. However, most defenses assume that hyper-parameters of the model are available or that a pre-processing module can be added to the target model . These may not be practical for applications where only outputs of the model are available and users cannot control inputs provided to the model. A defense mechanism against backdoor attacks called meta-neural Trojan detection (MTND) was proposed in . This method leverages an insight that the distribution of outputs from a Trojaned model might be different to those from a non-Trojaned model, even though both models have similar accuracies. MTND learns a discriminator (a classifier with two outputs, YES or NO) using outputs from a Trojaned and a non-Trojaned model as training data, in order to distinguish between the models. This approach was shown to identify Trojaned models with \(>96\%\) accuracy, when only black-box access to them was available . Despite the current success of MTND, examples can be constructed that demonstrate some of its limitations | {'timestamp': '2022-03-30T02:33:06', 'yymm': '2203', 'arxiv_id': '2203.15506', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15506'} |
# Introduction
Interdisciplinary approaches are common in science and technology, and their importance in pedagogy cannot be overstated. Williams et al. analyse the reasons why many high school students do not find physics interesting and suggest that an interdisciplinary approach might enhance students' interests in physics. A new idea can be better appreciated by the students when they interpret it in terms of the known concepts bearing no apparent connections with the new topic. Apart from understanding concepts in a new light, it often leads to important milestones. For example, the discovery of the double helix structure of DNA required the knowledge of chemistry, molecular biology, and crystallography. This trend has been adopted in the pedagogy of physics curricula at the undergraduate level in recent decades. An example of this is 'F=ma optics' where many elements of geometrical optics were interpreted in terms of the concepts learned from Newtonian mechanics. This analogy was a glimpse of the deeper connection between classical mechanics and ray optics through the principle of stationary action . Whereas in classical mechanics, this principle helps in understanding the dynamical evolution of a system, in geometrical optics it is used to analyse the spatial evolution of the light ray in a medium with a known refractive index. This approach culminated in a new discipline called Hamiltonian optics and is not usually taught in undergraduate-level physics courses. The present author thinks that concrete examples of such interdisciplinary approaches could be very useful for the students. The analytical formulation of geometrical optics raises the question of whether it is possible to rediscover the quantum nature of light in an appropriate limit starting from this alternative approach to optics. In fact, the answer is affirmative: Gloge and Marcuse developed a quantum theory of light rays based on Hamiltonian optics. This work finds the emergence of the quantum effects in the limit where the wavelength of light rays cannot be neglected and eventually derives the reduced wave equation (which they called the Klein Gordon equation of the quantum theory of light rays) whose solutions could represent the probability wave amplitudes of the light rays In the introductory level courses on optics, students learn about Huygen's principle , to understand the propagation of light rays in a medium and Snell's law of light refraction between media with different refractive indices without any reference to the quantum description of light. With higher courses on electromagnetic theory, they also learn about the coefficient of reflection and transmission when light, an electromagnetic wave, falls at the interface of two media . A few unconventional approaches to refraction were illustrated in the pedagogical works, by (a) Drosdoff et al. who treated photons as entities with well-defined energy and momenta, to prove Snell's law, (b) Evans et al. who argued that the tangential component of the optical equivalent of mechanical velocity must be the same in two media. Another method has been demonstrated by Ghatak who set the derivative of total optical path length to zero to arrive at Snell's law. The last example made use of Hamilton's principle of stationary action. It is not clear if these methods could develop to the point where one can obtain the coefficients of reflection and transmission. These different approaches do not use the quantum description of light rays, but we believe that the use of this description may bring pedagogic insight to these topics. In particular, we did not find any instance where the reduced wave equation of the light rays introduced in the formal quantum theory of light rays was utilised to prove Snell's law or to obtain the coefficients of the light reflection or refraction. However, such a development would be pedagogically very appealing, because the solutions of this equation are very similar to the Huygen's wavelets. In this article, we will present an algebraic method to fill in this gap. The students do not need prior knowledge of Hamiltonian optics, but some familiarity with analytical mechanics and Schr\(\rm{\ddot o}\)dinger's equation is helpful. It is hoped that the present manuscript could be a valuable addition to the existing literature of physics pedagogy. We will start our discussion with a discussion on the known concepts and published materials in next section [2](#Sec2){reference-type="ref" reference="Sec2"} which provides a summary of Hamilton's formulation of geometrical optics and leads to the differential equation describing the spatial evolution of the light rays. Evans et al. presented a clever parametrization that significantly reduces the degree of complexity of this ray equation. In the next section [3](#ScWvEq){reference-type="ref" reference="ScWvEq"}, we shall find that the reduced wave equation which was developed by Gloge et al. nicely reflects the elements of the formulation . Later in that section, the main results of this paper will be presented. It will be observed that this equation can be interpreted as a Schr\(\rm{\ddot{o}}\)dinger's equation with zero energy wavefunctions. Using a model of incidence of the light rays (represented by such wavefunctions) on a potential barrier in two dimensions, we will obtain Snell's law of refraction. We will see that this approach also leads to Fresnel's equations for the \(s\)-polarized light. We shall conclude with some discussion on the implication of this study.
# Analytical formulation of optics {#Sec2}
## Lagrangian formulation
Hamilton's principle of stationary action is introduced to the students in analytical mechanics courses. Action \(S\) of a dynamical system is defined as the time integral of Lagrangian density \(\mathcal{L}=\mathcal{L}(q,\dot{q},t)\):\
\[\label{Eq1} S=\int_{t_1}^{t_2}\mathcal{L}(q,\dot{q},t)\ dt\] Sticking to the usual convention, we shall call \(\mathcal L\) the Lagrangian for its subsequent appearances. For the fixed time instants \(t_1\) and \(t_2\), the principle says that the system will dynamically evolve along a path, for which the action will be stationary to the first order. That is, the action will not change due to a slight variation of the path. This statement is mathematically expressed as: \[\label{Eq2} \delta S=\delta \int_{t_1}^{t_2}\mathcal{L}(q,\dot{q},t)\ dt=0\] The above principle leads to the Euler-Lagrange equation that governs the dynamical evolution of the system: \[\label{Eq3} \frac{\partial\mathcal{L}}{\partial q} =\frac{d}{dt}\left(\frac{\partial\mathcal{L}}{\partial\dot{q}}\right)\]
## Fermat's principle
In case of geometrical optics, the equivalent physical principle is the Fermat's principle which states that for fixed end points a ray of light will propagate along a trajectory along which the optical path length \(\mathbb{L}=\int n\ ds\) is stationary. That means the variation in optical path length will not change to the first order: \[\label{Eq4} \delta\mathbb{L}=\delta\int_{P_1}^{P_2} n\ ds=0\] Euler-Lagrange variation of the principle (Eq.[\[Eq4\]](#Eq4){reference-type="eqref" reference="Eq4"}) leads to the differential ray equation governing the spatial evolution of the light rays: \[\label{Eq5} \frac{\partial{n}}{\partial{\bf r}} =\frac{d}{ds}\left(n\frac{d{\bf r}}{ds}\right)\] This equation is non-linear and is difficult to solve when the refractive index \(n\) varies spatially.
## F=ma optics
Evans showed that if Fermat's principle is expressed in terms of an independent variable \(a\), defined by \(n=\left|\frac {d{\bf r}}{da}\right|\), where \(n\) denotes the refractive index and \({\bf r}\) denotes the position vector, then Eq.[\[Eq5\]](#Eq5){reference-type="eqref" reference="Eq5"} can be expressed as: \[\label{Eq6} \frac{d^2{\bf r}}{da^2}=-\nabla^2\left(\frac{n^2}{2}\right)\]-where \(a\) is a parameter. This equation has the well-known form of Newton's second law of motion, in terms of the parameter \(a\). In this formulation, the quantity that is equivalent to force is proportional to the gradient of the square of the refractive index. This specialized coordinate is applicable to geometrical optics, in which mass, velocity, kinetic and potential energies do not have their standard units. This correspondence is shown below in table [1](#T1){reference-type="ref" reference="T1"}.
From table [1](#T1){reference-type="ref" reference="T1"}, we find that the optical equivalent of potential energy is a quadratic function of refractive index and the equivalent of total energy (Hamiltonian) is 0.
## Hamiltonian optics
A similar formulation of the problem is possible in terms of the optical Hamiltonian, expressed as a function of \((x, y, z)\), and their conjugate momenta \(p_x\), \(p_y\) and \(p_z\). Here we take \(b\) as a stepping parameter along the ray. Then, the expression for optical Lagrangian becomes: \[\label{Eq7} L(x,y,z,x',y',z',b)=n(x,y,z)\sqrt{x'^2+y'^2+z'^2}\]-where \(x'=\frac{dx}{db}\) etc. The conjugate momenta are defined as: \[\begin{aligned}
\label{Eq8} p_x=\frac{\partial L}{\partial x'}=n\frac{x'}{\sqrt{x'^2+y'^2+z'^2}}=n\frac{dx}{ds}=n_x\nonumber\\ p_y=\frac{\partial L}{\partial y'}=n\frac{y'}{\sqrt{x'^2+y'^2+z'^2}}=n\frac{dy}{ds}=n_y\nonumber\\ p_z=\frac{\partial L}{\partial z'}=n\frac{z'}{\sqrt{x'^2+y'^2+z'^2}}=n\frac{dz}{ds}=n_z, \end{aligned}\] where \((n_x,n_y,n_z)\) denote the components of refractive index vector \({\bf n}=(n_x,n_y,n_z)\). The Hamiltonian, constructed by Legendre transformation, can be evaluated to be equal to zero: \[\label{Eq9} H(x,y,z,p_x,p_y,p_z,b)=x' p_x+y' p_y +z' p_z-L=0\] .
### Quantum description of light rays
From the ray view of light, one can make the transition to the quantum description of light by treating momenta by appropriate linear differential operators: \(p_x\rightarrow\hat{p}_x\equiv{-i\frac {\lambda}{2\pi}\frac{\partial}{\partial x}}\) etc. These act upon wavefunctions \(\psi\) that represent light rays via the eigenvalue equations: \[\label{Eq9a} \hat{p}_x\psi=n_x\psi{\hspace{1.0cm}}\implies{\hspace{1.0cm}\hat{p}^2_x\psi=n_x^2\psi}\] Repeating this exercise for all three components, and summing up the squared equations, we find the reduced wave equation: \[\label{Eq9b} {\mkern0.75mu\mathchar '26\mkern-9.75mu\lambda}^2\nabla^2\psi+n^2\psi=0\] Quantum effect manifests in the limit \({\mkern0.75mu\mathchar '26\mkern-9.75mu\lambda}\not\rightarrow 0\), and geometrical optics emerges in the limit when \({\mkern0.75mu\mathchar '26\mkern-9.75mu\lambda} \rightarrow 0\). Gloge et al. used \(z\) as the stepping parameter to arrive at this equation. On the other hand, we chose \(b\) as the stepping parameter to show the internal consistency with the formulation presented in 'F=ma' optics. We note that the so-called 'quantum' description of light rays is equivalent to the scalar wave description of light, usually taught at the undergraduate level as wave optics.
## Scalar wave description
The electromagnetic theory asserts that light is a travelling transverse electromagnetic wave in which the electric field \({ \vec E}({\bf r},t)\) and the magnetic field \({\vec B}({\bf r},t)\) are coupled in the form of a pulse (see section 3.2 of ). The spatio-temporal variation of the electric field in a region devoid of source electric charge and current can be expressed by the vector wave equation: \[\label{Eq9c} \nabla^2{\vec E}-\frac{1}{v^2}\frac{\partial^2\vec{E}}{\partial t^2}=0,\] where \(v\) denotes the speed of light in the medium of propagation. Each component of the electric field vector \(E_i\equiv(E_x, E_y, E_z)\) denotes a pulse that satisfies the scalar wave equation: \[\label{Eq9d} \nabla^2{E_i}-\frac{1}{v^2}\frac{\partial^2{E_i}}{\partial t^2}=0\] If we assume that the electric pulse \(E_i({\bf r},t)\) can be expressed as a product of spatial part \(u(\bf r)\) and temporal part \(T(t)\), then using the separation of the variables technique, we can deduce the differential equation for the spatial part of the light wave: \[\label{Eq9e} \nabla^2 u({\bf r})+k^2u({\bf r})=0\]-where \(k\) is a constant representing the wavenumber. This equation is called the reduced wave equation or the Helmholtz equation. One can also express this equation in the form: \[\label{Eq10} {\mkern0.75mu\mathchar '26\mkern-9.75mu\lambda}^2\nabla^2 u({\bf r})+n^2u({\bf r})=0,\] where \(n\) represents the refractive index of the medium and \({\mkern0.75mu\mathchar '26\mkern-9.75mu\lambda}=\frac{\lambda}{2\pi}\) is the reduced wavelength of light waves in this medium. Clearly, Eq.[\[Eq9b\]](#Eq9b){reference-type="eqref" reference="Eq9b"} and Eq.[\[Eq10\]](#Eq10){reference-type="eqref" reference="Eq10"} are identical, and thus \(\psi\)-representing a ray of light, and \(u\)-representing a pulse of the electric field, must be intimately related.
# Reduced wave equation as Schr\(\rm{\ddot{o}}\)dinger's equation {#ScWvEq}
We note that Eq.[\[Eq9b\]](#Eq9b){reference-type="eqref" reference="Eq9b"} can also be expressed as: \[\label{Eq11} -\frac{{\mkern0.75mu\mathchar '26\mkern-9.75mu\lambda}^2}{2\times 1}\nabla^2 \psi-\frac{n^2}{2} \psi = 0\cdot \psi\] Comparing Eq.[\[Eq11\]](#Eq11){reference-type="eqref" reference="Eq11"} with the generic form of the time independent Schr\(\rm{\ddot{o}}\)dinger's equation and with the terms in table [1](#T1){reference-type="ref" reference="T1"}, we observe that the optical equivalent of the Hamiltonian for light rays is \(0\) and the optical equivalent of the potential energy is \(-\frac{n^2}{2}\). Of course, the dimension of the Hamiltonian (in Eq.[\[Eq9\]](#Eq9){reference-type="eqref" reference="Eq9"}) is not of energy. Gloge et al. (1969) could not identify Eq.[\[Eq10\]](#Eq10){reference-type="eqref" reference="Eq10"} as a Schr\(\rm{\ddot{o}}\)dinger's equation for the light rays, since they could not identify the 'mass term' for light rays as 1, 'total energy' as \(0\) and the 'potential energy term' as \(-\frac{n^2}{2}\), that were accomplished by the authors of 'F=ma optics' in 1986.
## Connection with Huygen's wavelets and phasors
The elementary eigensolutionsof Eq.[\[Eq9b\]](#Eq9b){reference-type="eqref" reference="Eq9b"} in a homogeneous medium are given by (a) plane waves \(\left(e^{i{\bf k}\cdot{\bf r}}\right)\), and (b) spherical waves \(\left(\frac{\lambda}{r}e^{i{\bf k}\cdot{\bf r}}\right)\), for \(r>\lambda\). In a typical wave optics experiment taught in the undergraduate physics curriculum, one shines an aperture (or a slit) of dimension \(a\) with monochromatic light of wavelength \(\lambda\), and a screen is placed on the opposite side, at a distance \(L\) from the aperture, to observe possible diffraction patterns. Assuming that the monochromatic light incident on the aperture can be assumed to be plane waves, the Fresnel number of the optical setup can be defined as : \[\mathcal{F}=\frac{1}{L}\left(\frac{a^2}{\lambda}\right)\] If the observation screen is close enough to the aperture, in a way such that \(\mathcal F\gtrsim1\), then one is working in the near field limit. In this case, it is convenient to use the spherical wave basis to describe the near field diffraction. However, if it is far away, such that \(\mathcal{F}<<1\), then one is working in the far field limit. In this limit, one can use the plane wave solution, as locally spherical wavefronts behave as plane waves. These wavefronts may indeed be considered as the envelopes of Huygen's wavelets, generated from the wavefront at a previous step of light propagation. In the far field limit, these wavelets are just the plane waves and can be expressed as: \(\psi =Ae^{i{\bf k}\cdot{\bf r}}\) where \(A\) is a complex constant (the initial phase for the monochromatic wave is assumed to have been absorbed within \(A\)). As such, there is no problem with the complex wavefunction, but this cannot represent a real-valued pulse of the electric field. The electric field pulse can be written as \(u=Re\left[Ae^{i{\bf k} \cdot{\bf r}}\right]\). These pulses are referred to as phasors, due to the phase contained in the exponent (note that \({\bf k} \cdot{\bf r}\) is a phase). This observation can also be taken as a justification for taking the electric field pulse \(u\) of Eq.[\[Eq10\]](#Eq10){reference-type="eqref" reference="Eq10"} as a complex quantity, commonly practised to simplify calculations. The phasor addition of the waves is utilised in the derivation of the intensity patterns of many interference and diffraction experiments .
## Particle (or light ray) incident on potential barrier {#Sec3}
The discussion in the previous section [3](#ScWvEq){reference-type="ref" reference="ScWvEq"} throws light on the scalar wave nature of the optical field. Specifically, we found that the zero energy wavefunctions of light rays satisfy Schr\(\rm{\ddot o}\)dinger's equation. Therefore, it might be possible to derive Snell's law of geometrical optics. To check this, we begin with the problem of a particle or a ray of light of energy \(E\), in the region with potential \(V_0\) at \(x<0\), incident obliquely on a potential barrier \(V_1\) at \(x\ge0\). We represent this particle (or ray of light) by the wavefunction \(\psi\). In the context of geometrical optics, such a potential barrier arises due to the difference of the refractive indices of the two media, as shown in the following figure [\[fig1\]](#fig1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig1"}. Due to the presence of the potential \(V_0\) at \(x<0\), the momentum of the particle (or a ray of light) represented by the wavefunction \(\psi\) is: \(k_0=\sqrt{\frac{2m(E-V_0 )}{\hbar^2}}\). At \(x>0\), the momentum of the transmitted particle (or the light ray) is: \(k_1=\sqrt{\frac{2m(E-V_1)}{\hbar^2}}\). The reflected component of the original wavefunction continues to be in the region of potential \(V_0\), and has a momentum eigenvalue \(k_0\) (with the sign of the \(x\) component is reversed).
## Understanding of reflection and refraction
Since \(|{k_0}_x|\) and \({k_0}_y\) for the incident and reflected wavefunctions are the same, the angle of incidence must be equal to the angle of reflection. The translation invariance of the problem in the \(Y\) direction demands: \[\label{Eq12} {k_0}_y={k_1}_y\\ \implies k_0\sin\theta_0=k_1\sin\theta_1\] Using the above expressions of momenta, we find: \[\label{Eq13} \sqrt{E-V_0}\sin\theta_0=\sqrt{E-V_1}\sin\theta_1\] At this point, we exploit the identifications made in the context of 'F=ma Optics' and Eq.[\[Eq11\]](#Eq11){reference-type="eqref" reference="Eq11"}, that the total 'energy' of the light rays is \(0\), and the 'potential energy' of light rays in a medium with refractive index \(n\) is \(-\frac{n^2}{2}\). Replacing these in Eq.[\[Eq13\]](#Eq13){reference-type="eqref" reference="Eq13"}, we find that it reduces to \[\label{Eq14} n_0\sin\theta_0=n_1\sin\theta_1\] which is Snell's law, established from the scalar wave description of light in a purely algebraic manner. Students who are unfamiliar with Hamiltonian optics, but have a basic idea of Schr\(\rm{\ddot o}\)dinger's equation, can fathom this derivation.
## Estimation of coefficient of reflection {#REFL}
From figure [\[fig1\]](#fig1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig1"}, the total wavefunction at \(x<0\) is given as: \[\label{Eq15} \psi_0(x,y)=e^{i{k_0}_xx+i{k_0}_yy}+\includegraphics{scriptr} e^{-i{k_0}_xx+i{k_0}_yy}\] Where \(\includegraphics{scriptr}\) denotes the amplitude of reflection back into the region of space with potential \(V_0\). On the other hand, the wavefunction at \(x>0\) can be written as: \[\label{Eq16} \psi_1(x,y)=\mathcalligra{t}\, e^{i{k_1}_xx+i{k_1}_yy}=\mathcalligra{t}\, e^{i{k_1}_xx+i{k_0}_yy}\]-where \(\mathcalligra{t}\,\) denotes the transmission amplitude and \({k_0}_y={k_1}_y\). The boundary conditions at \(x=0\) are given by:\
(a) \(\psi_0(x=0)=\psi_1(x=0)\) and\
(b) \(\left(\frac{\partial\psi_0}{\partial x}\right)_{x=0}=\left(\frac{\partial\psi_1}{\partial x}\right)_{x=0}\).\
The first condition yields: \[\begin{aligned}
\label{Eq17} e^{i{k_0}_yy}+\includegraphics{scriptr}\cdot e^{i{k_0}_yy} &= \mathcalligra{t}\, e^{i{k_0}_yy}\nonumber\\ \implies1+\includegraphics{scriptr} &= \mathcalligra{t}\, \end{aligned}\] The second condition implies: \[\begin{aligned}
\label{Eq18} i{k_0}_xe^{i{k_0}_yy}-\includegraphics{scriptr}\cdot i{k_0}_xe^{i{k_0}_yy} &= \mathcalligra{t}\, i{k_1}_xe^{i{k_0}_yy}\nonumber\\ \implies{{k_0}_x-\includegraphics{scriptr}\cdot{k_0}_x = \mathcalligra{t}\,{k_1}_x} \end{aligned}\] From Eq.[\[Eq17\]](#Eq17){reference-type="eqref" reference="Eq17"} and Eq.[\[Eq18\]](#Eq18){reference-type="eqref" reference="Eq18"}, we can show that the reflection coefficient (\(R=||\includegraphics{scriptr}||^2\)) can be expressed as: \[\begin{aligned}
\label{Eq19} R = \left|\left|\frac{{k_0}_x-{k_1}_x}{{k_0}_x+{k_1}_x}\right|\right|^2 \end{aligned}\] In Eq.[\[Eq19\]](#Eq19){reference-type="eqref" reference="Eq19"}, \({k_0}_x=k_0\cos\theta_0=\sqrt{E-V}\cos \theta_0\) etc. Hence, \[\begin{aligned}
\label{Eq20} R &= \left|\left|\frac{k_0\cos\theta_0-k_1\cos\theta_1}{k_0\cos\theta_0 + k_1\cos\theta_1}\right|\right|^2 =\left|\left|\frac{\sqrt{E-V_0}\cos\theta_0-\sqrt{E-V_1}\cos\theta_1}{\sqrt{E-V_0}\cos\theta_0 + \sqrt{E-V_1}\cos\theta_1}\right|\right|^2 \end{aligned}\] Let us now see the implication of this discussion in the context of geometrical optics. If we take \(E=0\) and \(V_j=-\frac{n_j^2}{2}\) in accordance with our understanding of refraction, the quantity \(R\) can be written as: \[\label{Eq21} R =\left|\left|\frac{n_0\cos\theta_0-n_1\cos\theta_1} {n_0\cos\theta_0 + n_1\cos\theta_1}\right|\right|^2 =\left|\left|\frac{n_0\cos\theta_0-\sqrt{n_1^2-n_0^2\sin^2\theta_0}}{n_0\cos\theta_0 + \sqrt{n_1^2-n_0^2\sin^2\theta_0}}\right|\right|^2\] As expected, \(R\rightarrow1\), when the incident angle \(\theta_0\rightarrow90^o\), or if the condition for the total internal reflection \(n_0\sin\theta_0= n_1\) is satisfied. We notice that Eq.[\[Eq21\]](#Eq21){reference-type="eqref" reference="Eq21"} is the same as Fresnel's equation of the coefficient of reflection for \(s\)-polarized light. The polarization of light in terms of electromagnetic theory is depicted in the following figure [\[fig2\]](#fig2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig2"}. This is expected, of course; but a curious student may wonder if there is a way to find the corresponding expression for \(p\)-polarized light. In fact, this formulation does not seem to lead to that expression. This must be the result of an incomplete description of the polarization of the light that is inherent in the ray picture. Gloge et al. write "we cannot expect that the total content of Maxwell's equations can be restored by our quantization concept, since the ray picture does not contain any information about the photon spin".
# Implication for physics pedagogy
Commonly, the physics curriculum at the undergraduate level does not have significant interdisciplinary elements. However, this approach often brings out useful pedagogical insights. In this paper, we showed this using an example of a very well-known concept of optics. Along this journey, we used preliminary concepts of analytical mechanics, quantum mechanics, physical optics, and the electromagnetic theory; and it was rewarding in identifying the connection between the classical and quantum description of the light rays; in finding the relation between the plane wave solutions of the reduced wave equation, and the phasors; and in deducing the reflection coefficient. Even the inability to derive the reflection coefficient for the \(p\)-polarized light was pedagogically insightful because the ray picture does not have the connotation of polarization of light. This exercise hints towards the notion that the different topics are connected within themselves in a unique way. It is hoped that this article will help in the instruction of physics. | {'timestamp': '2022-03-30T02:32:53', 'yymm': '2203', 'arxiv_id': '2203.15497', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15497'} |
# Introduction
Attention is a technique for selecting a focused location and enhancing different representations of objects at that location. Inspired by the major success of transformer architectures in the field of natural language processing, researchers have recently applied attention techniques to computer vision tasks, such as image classification, object detection, semantic segmentation, video understanding, image generation, and pose estimation. Currently, attention technique is showing it is a potential alternative to CNNs. This study explores the attention technique in the context of image change detection for robotics applications. Image change detection in 2D perspective views from an on-board front-facing camera is a fundamental task in robotics and has important applications such as novelty detection and map maintenance. The problem of image change detection becomes challenging when changes are semantically *non-distinctive* and visually *small*. In these cases, an image change detection model (e.g., semantic segmentation , object detection, anomaly detection, and differencing ), which is trained in a past domain to discriminate between the foreground and the background, may fail to classify an unseen object into the correct foreground or background class. Intuitively, such a small non-distinctive change may be better handled by the recent paradigm of self-attention mechanism, which is the goal of our study. Incorporating a self-attention mechanism into an image change detection model is not straightforward owing to the unavailability of labeled training data. Existing attention models have primarily been studied in such application domains where rich training data are available. They are typically pre-trained on big data and further fine-tuned in the target domain. This training process is very expensive for robotics applications, where robots need to adapt on-the-fly to a new test domain and detect change objects. Therefore, a new unsupervised domain-adaptive attention model is required. We propose a new technique called domain-invariant attention mask that can adapt an image change detection model on-the-fly to a new target domain, without modifying the input or output layers, but by introducing an attention mechanism to the intermediate layer (Fig. [\[fig:tobirae\]](#fig:tobirae){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:tobirae"}). A major advantage of our proposed approach, owing to its reliance on high-level contextual attention information rather than low-level visual features, is its potential to operate effectively in test domains with unseen complex backgrounds. In this sense, our approach combines the advantages of two major research directions in the change detection community: pixel-wise differencing and context-based novelty detection , by incorporating all available information into the attention mechanism. Our contributions can be summarized as follows: (1) We explore a new approach, called domain-adaptive attention model, to image change detection for robotics applications, with an ability of unsupervised on-the-fly domain adaptation. (2) Instead of considering pixel-wise differencing and context-based novelty detection , as two independent approaches, our framework combines the advantages of both approaches by incorporating all available information into the attention mechanism. (3) We present a practical system for image change detection using state-of-the-art techniques such as image registration , pixel warping , and Siamese ConvNet. Experiments, in which an indoor robot aims to detect visually small changes in everyday navigation, demonstrate that our attention technique significantly boosts the state-of-the-art image change detection model.
# Related Work
## Image Change Detection
Image change detection is a long standing issue of computer vision and it has various applications such as satellite image, and autonomous driving. Existing studies are divided into 2D or 3D, according to the sensor modality, and we focus on image change detection in 2D perspective views from an on-board front-facing camera in this study. Since the camera is a simple and inexpensive sensor, our 2D approach can be expected to have an extremely wide range of applications. Pixel-wise differencing techniques for image change detection rely on the assumption of precise image registration between live and reference images. This method is effective for classical applications such as satellite imagery , in which precise registration is available in the form of 2D rotation-translation. However, this is not the case for our perspective view applications , in which precise pixel-wise registration itself is a challenging ill-posed problem. This problem may be alleviated to some extent by introducing an image warping technique, as we will discuss in Section [3.2](#sec:pixel_warping){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:pixel_warping"}. However, such pixel warping is far from perfect, and may yield false alarms in image change detection. Novelty detection is a major alternative approach to image change detection. In that, novelties are detected as deviations from a nominal image model that is pre-trained from unlabeled images in a past training domain. Unlike pixel-wise differencing, this technique can naturally capture the contextual information of the entire image to determine whether there are any changes in the image. However, on the downside, the change regions cannot be localized within the image even if the existence of the change is correctly predicted. Therefore, existing researches of novelty detection in the literature have focused on applications such as intruder detection , in which the presence or absence of change, not the position of the changing object, is the most important outcome information. Several new architectures targeting small object change detection have recently been presented. For example, Klomp et al. proposed to use Siamese CNN to detect markers for improvised explosive devices (IEDs) , where they tackled the resolution problem by removing the output-side layer of ResNet-18 to improve the detection performance of small objects. Our approach differs from these existing approaches in that (1) it does not require to modify the input and output layers of the architecture, and (2) it is able to utilize contextual information.
## Attention
Inspired by the major success of transformer architectures in the field of natural language processing, researchers have recently applied attention techniques to computer vision tasks, such as image classification, object detection, semantic segmentation, video understanding, image generation, and pose estimation. Because self-attention captures long-range relationships with low computational complexity, it is considered a potential alternative to convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Recently, several studies have reported the effectiveness of attention in change detection tasks. HPCFNet represents attention as a correlation between feature maps, DR-TA Net evaluates temporal attention by computing the similarity and dependency between a feature map pair, to realize attention-based change detection. CSCDNet employs a correlation filter to compensate for the uncertainty in the non-linear transformation between live and reference images. From the perspective of robotic applications, one of major limitations of the current self-attention techniques is that they require a large training set to reduce domain dependency. In our contribution, we introduce a novel domain-adaptive attention technique that is specifically tailored for unsupervised on-the-fly domain adaptation.
# Approach
Our goal is to incorporate an unsupervised attention model into the image change detection model without modifying the input and output layers of the model (Fig. [\[fig:full\]](#fig:full){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:full"}). In this section, we implement this idea on a prototype robotic SLAM system. First, we perform a preprocessing to compensate for the viewpoint error and the resulting uncertainty in non-linear mapping from the 3D real environment to a 2D image plane of the on-board camera. This preprocessing consists of LRF-SLAM based viewpoint estimation (Section [3.1](#sec:lrfslam){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:lrfslam"}) followed by pixel-wise warping (Section [3.2](#sec:pixel_warping){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:pixel_warping"}). However, even with such a preprocessing, the images are often affected by unpredictable nonlinear mapping errors. To address this, we introduce a novel attention mask to direct the robot's attention to differentiate the foreground from the background (Section [3.3](#sec:attention_mask_gen){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:attention_mask_gen"}). As an advantage, our approach can insert this attention mask into the intermediate layer, without modifying the input or output layers (Section [3.4](#sec:attention_layer){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:attention_layer"}). Furthermore, we make use of the pixel-wise confidence to further improve the image change detection performance (Section [3.5](#sec:post_processing){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:post_processing"}). The individual modules are detailed as followings.
## Dataset Collection {#sec:lrfslam}
Figure [\[fig:mobile_robot\]](#fig:mobile_robot){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:mobile_robot"} shows the indoor robot experimental platform. We employ LRF-SLAM in as a method for aligning live images with the reference images. An input live image is paired with a reference image if its angle deviation from the live image is less than the threshold of 1 degree. If no such reference image exists, it is paired with the nearest neighbor viewpoint to the live image's viewpoint, without considering the angle information.
## Pixel Warping {#sec:pixel_warping}
We further compensate for the viewpoint misalignment in LRF-SLAM by introducing an image warping technique. A warp is a 2D function, \(u(x, y)\), which maps a position \((x, y)\) in the reference image to a position \(u=(x', y')\) in the live image. Dense image alignment, which is recently proposed in, is employed to find an appropriate warp, by minimizing an energy function in the form: \[-\log p(Y | \Phi(X;\theta))= \sum_{ij}\log p(y_{ij}|\varphi_{ij}(X;\theta))\] where \(X\) is input image pair \(X = (I^q, I^r)\), \(Y\) is ground-truth flow, \(\Phi\) and \(\varphi\) are predicted parameters. An example of pixel warping is shown in Fig. [\[fig:pixel_warp\]](#fig:pixel_warp){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:pixel_warp"}.
## Attention Mask Generation {#sec:attention_mask_gen}
We here introduce a novel domain-invariant attention mask (Fig. [\[fig:attention_mask\]](#fig:attention_mask){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:attention_mask"}), inspired by self-attention mechanism. Recall that in standard self-attention , the interrelationships of the elements in the sequence are obtained by computing a weighted sum over all values \({\bf v}\) in the sequence for each element in an input sequence \({\bf z} \in R^{N \times D}\). The attention weights are based on the pairwise similarity between two elements of the sequence and their respective query \({\bf q}\) and key \({\bf k}\) representations: \[= {\bf zU}_{qkv} \hspace{2cm} {\bf U}_{qkv} \in \mathbb{R}^{D \times 3D_h}\] \[\label{eq:sa} SA({\bf z}) = softmax({\bf qk}^T / \sqrt{D_h}){\bf v}\] In the proposed method, this *SA* term is replaced with: \[Proposed({\bf q_{p}},{\bf k_{p}},{\bf m_{cnn}}) = PatchMatch({\bf q_{p}},{\bf k_{p}}) \odot {\bf m_{cnn}}.\] Here, \({\bf q_{p}} \in \mathbb{R}^{h_{np} \times w_{np} \times D_p}\) and \({\bf k_{p}} \in \mathbb{R}^{h_{np} \times w_{np} \times D_p}\) are patches extracted from live and reference images, respectively. \({\bf m_{cnn}} \in \mathbb{R}^{h_{cnn} \times w_{cnn} \times D_{cnn}}\) is an intermediate feature of the Siamese CNN. The \(PatchMatch\) is the function that predicts whether or not a pair of \(D_p\)-dim vectors of \({\bf q_{p}}\) and \({\bf k_{p}}\) match. We generate a binary attention mask by incorporating the attention mechanism. First, the image is reshaped into a sequence of 2D patches, each of which is described by a local feature vector. We employ the 128-dim deep PatchNetVLAD descriptor as the local feature vector. The attention score is then computed for each region of interest. We then evaluate the attention score as the patch-wise dissimilarity (i.e., L2 distance) between live and reference image pairs. Then, RANSAC geometric verification is performed to filter out false alarms that are originated from change patches. Finally, we obtain the attention regions as scattered discrete regions of live patches with positive attention score, which makes a binary attention mask. Algorithm [\[alg-attention-mask_gen\]](#alg-attention-mask_gen){reference-type="ref" reference="alg-attention-mask_gen"} presents the algorithm for creating the attention mask. It aims to compute a binary attention mask \(Mask\) for an array of \(W_p\times H_p\) patches at time instance \(t\) from a sequence of live images within the time interval \([t-T, t+T]\). The algorithm begins with the initialization of the mask variable \(Mask\), and iterates for each live image, the following steps: First, it extracts from an input image a set of PatchNetVLAD feature vectors ("\(ExtractPF\)"), each of which belongs to one of reference patches. Then, for each live feature, it searches for its mutual nearest neighbor ("\(MNN\)\") reference patch in terms of the L2 norm of their PatchNetVLAD features. Here, the mutual nearest neighbor search is defined as the process of searching for pairs of matching live and reference elements that are closest to each other. Only feature pairs that have passed the mutual nearest neighbor search are sent to the next RANSAC process. Then, it performs geometric verification by RANSAC ("\(RANSAC\)\"). Finally, it outputs pixel with values greater than or equal to threshold, in the form of the binary attention mask: \[\label{eq:binary_elem} \mathbf{b}[i,j] = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 1 & \mbox{If \(inliers[i,j]\) passed RANSAC}\\ 0 & \mbox{Otherwise} \end{array} \right..\]
## Attention Mask Layer {#sec:attention_layer}
We now insert the attention mask into the standard image change detection model of the Siamese CNN (Section [3.3](#sec:attention_mask_gen){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:attention_mask_gen"}). For the Siamese CNN, we use the state-of-the-art architecture of CSCDNet. The attention mask layer takes the CNN feature map and attention mask as inputs and outputs the CNN features masked in the channel direction. We inserted the attention mask before correlation operation (i.e., before concatenating decoded feature). We perform the process of masking the CNN Siamese feature map in the channel direction. Let \(\mathbf{fmap_{new}} \in \mathbf{R}^{W \times H}\) denote the feature map after attention is applied. Let \(\mathbf{fmap_{old}} \in {R}^{W \times H \times C}\) denote the feature map obtained from Siamese CNN. Here, \(W\) denote the tensor width, \(H\) denote the tensor height, and \(C\) denote the tensor channel. Let \(\mathbf{mask} \in \mathbf{R}^{W \times H}\) denote the attention mask. Then, the attention mask element at the \(i\)-th row, \(j\)-th column and \(k\)-th channel is: \[\label{eq:merge} \mathbf{fmap_{new}}[i,j,k] = \mathbf{fmap_{old}}[i,j,k] \cdot \mathbf{mask}[i,j].\] This operation is applied to the both branches of the Siamese CNN.
## Post Processing {#sec:post_processing}
Post-processing is introduced to eliminate false alarms in the detection results. We evaluate the uncertainty in the output layer of the dense image alignment model and use it to evaluate the confidence of prediction at each pixel. Intuitively, a high probability of pixel warping uncertainty indicates that no corresponding pixel exists; therefore is a high possibility of change. Conversely, low probability indicates that the corresponding pixel exists; therefore is a low possibility of change. This masking process can be simply expressed as an Hadamard product operation, in the following form: \[\label{eq:unc_merge} \mathbf{output_{new}}[i,j] = \mathbf{output_{old}}[i,j] \cdot \mathbf{uncertainty}[i,j].\] Here, \(\mathbf{output_{old}} \in \mathbf{R}^{W \times H}\) represents the change probability value map of the output of the Siamese CNN. \(\mathbf{uncertainty} \in \mathbf{R}^{W \times H}\) represents the uncertainty of each pixel warp of a live image. \(\mathbf{output_{new}} \in \mathbf{R}^{W \times H}\) represents the probability of change for each pixel after the merging process.
# Evaluation Experiments
## Dataset
We collected four datasets, "convenience store," "flooring," "office room," and "hallway," in four distinctive environments. Eight independent image sequences are collected from the four different environments. The number of images are 534, 491, 378, and 395, respectively for "flooring,\" "convenience store,\" "office,\" and "hallway\". Examples of these images are shown in Fig. [\[fig:dataset\]](#fig:dataset){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:dataset"}. The image size was \(640\times 480\). The ground-truth change object regions in each live image are manually annotated using PaddleSeg as the annotation tool.
## Settings
The state-of-the-art model, CSCDNet , is used as our base architecture, which we aim to boost in this study. It is also used as a comparing method to verify whether the proposed method can actually boost the CSCDNet. The network is initialized with the weight pre-trained on ImageNet. The pixel-wise binary cross-entropy loss is used as loss function as in the original work of CSCDNet. PDCNet is used to align reference images. Adam optimizer is used for the network training. Learning rate is 0.0001. The number of iterations is 20,000. The batch size is 32. A nearest neighbor interpolation is used to resize the attention mask to fit into the attention mask layer. The length of reference image sequence is set to \(T=10\) in default. A single NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 GPU with PyTorch framework is used. Pixel-wise precision, recall, and F1 score are used as performance index.
## Quantitative Results
Figure [\[fig:Performance\]](#fig:Performance){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Performance"} shows performance results. As can be seen, the proposed method outperformed the comparing method for almost all combinations of training and test sets considered here. Notably, the proposed method extremely outperformed the comparing method when it was trained on the "flooring" dataset. The "flooring" is the simplest background scene. Therefore, the image change detection model trained on that could be generalized to other complex domains as well. However, the proposed method performed almost the same as the comparing method when it was trained on the other complex background scenes. As an example, for the convenience store dataset, the robot navigates through a narrow and messy passage that makes its visual appearance very different from that of the other two datasets. This makes the proposed training algorithm less effective for the training set. It is noteworthy that such an effect of visual appearance might be mitigated by introducing view synthesis technique such as , which is a direction of future research.
## Qualitative Results
Figure [\[fig:examples\]](#fig:examples){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:examples"} shows example results in which the proposed attention mechanism was often successful in improving the performance of the CSCDNet. Especially, the proposed method was effective for complex background scenes, owing to the ability of the proposed attention mechanism to make use of contextual information.
## Ablation Study
Table [\[Table:ablation_warp_unc\]](#Table:ablation_warp_unc){reference-type="ref" reference="Table:ablation_warp_unc"} presents the results of a series of ablation studies by turning off some of the modules in the proposed framework. For all ablations, the flooring dataset is used as the training data. For the "convenience store" dataset, the performance is significantly higher with than without the post-processing technique in Section [3.5](#sec:post_processing){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:post_processing"}. Because of the complex background of this dataset, pixel warping often fails, and the proposed method was effective in suppressing such effects that are originated from complex backgrounds. For the "office" and "hallway" datasets, the performance is almost the same between with and without the technique. Since the background was less complex in these datasets, pixel warp failures were less common, therefore the effect of estimating uncertainty was small. Next, another ablation with different settings of the length of reference image sequences are conducted. As can be seen, the performance is best at \(T\)=10. As expected, higher performance was obtained with longer reference sequences. From the above results, it could be concluded that both of PDCNet and pixel warping play important roles and can actually improve the performance of image change detection.
# Conclusions
In this research, we tackled the challenging problem of small object change detection via everyday indoor robot navigation. We proposed a new self-attention technique with unsupervised on-the-fly domain adaptation, by introducing an attention mask into the intermediate layer of an image change detection model, without modifying the input and output layers of the model. Experiments using a novel dataset on small object change detection verified that the proposed method significantly boosted the state-of-the-art model for image change detection. | {'timestamp': '2022-04-26T02:32:40', 'yymm': '2203', 'arxiv_id': '2203.15362', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15362'} |
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Shipping containers revolutionized the transportation of goods across the globe. Before its introduction, the process of loading and unloading a ship was extremely slow and they had to stay for weeks in the port at a time. Thanks to containerization, the productivity and efficiency of ports have been remarkably enhanced. Moreover, an important performance indicator of a port is the speed at which a ship is unloaded and loaded again. With this in mind, the efficiency of port operations deeply depends on the performance of the ship-to-shore (STS) cranes. They are responsible for the critical task of loading and safely unloading the ship. See . Thus making their operations faster is crucial for the performance indicators of the port. Because of this, various approaches have been proposed to address the faster loading and unloading of containers. Some authors have focused on minimizing the swing and other oscillations to minimize the time of the loading and unloading process. For instance, in the works done by Kreuzer *et. al.,* and Kim *et. al.,*, where the main idea is that a good estimation of the sway angle will make it easier to be mitigated and thus lead to faster operations. In the former, an unscented Kalman filter is designed to provide an accurate estimation of the payload swing. Then, it is validated by applying it in different control techniques. In the latter, an anti-sway controller is designed without the use of a vision system, thus making its implementation cheaper. Following this, optimal control has also been used in crane operations as a combination of both anti-sway and trolley motion control. Sakawa and Shindo divide the payload motion into five sections and derive an optimal speed reference trajectory, and the swing of the payload is then minimized. Furthermore, Maghsoudi *et al.,* have used a three-dimensional model of the crane and tuned a PID controller by using a cost function with the aim of fast payload positioning and minimum sway. Moreover, time-optimal control has been used as a natural approach when one aims to make the loading and unloading as fast as possible. In such approaches, the objective is to minimize the final time \(t_f\). That is, the total time for the payload to go from an initial position at rest to a desired final position at rest again. With this in mind, Auernig and Troger use the Pontryagin maximum principle and obtain the minimum-time solution for moving the payload. Also, based on differential flatness Chen *et al.,* propose a time-optimal offline trajectory planning method and a tracking controller. Furthermore, time-optimal control has also been combined with anti-sway. Al-Garni *et al.,* use a nonlinear dynamic model and constructs a cost function according to a performance index. This performance index is measured under the condition of making the process of loading or unloading in a minimum time as well as reducing the payload sway. Da Cruz and Leonardi use linear programming to solve the minimum-time anti-sway motion problem. The solution is obtained by solving a sequence of fixed-time maximum-range problems. Those all are, without doubt, valuable contributions to the field of control of overhead cranes. However, a problem with much of the literature is that they do not address the different heights that the container stacks can have along the path from the shore to a specific position on the ship. As mentioned before, some works focus on estimating the sway in order to reduce it and consequently the transferring time e.g., and. Thus, hoisting movements are naturally not addressed. Furthermore, some works that explicitly deal with minimum time do not address hoisting at all. A constant length of the rope is used in and, and it is considered given in. Moreover, works dealing with hoisting do not take stack heights into account e.g.,, and. In this paper, we propose a time-optimal control approach to address the problem of loading and unloading a ship in the minimum time. Additionally, the different and arbitrary heights that the container stacks can have are taken into account here. Moreover, the novelty of this work is an easy and intuitive way to represent the stack heights into the optimization problem. This is made possible through a change of variable and reformulation of the optimal control problem. After the variable change, time \(t\) becomes a state variable and the payload coordinate along the horizontal axis \(x_p\) becomes the free variable. Now with the payload position as the free variable instead of time, the container avoidance constraints will turn into bound constraints when the problem is discretized for the numerical solver. This means that no functional representation of the stack heights is required. This paper is organized as follows: presents the nonlinear model used to describe the crane movements and the original problem formulation, with time as the free variable. Which has been the standard way to solve this problem. brings the variable change and the optimal control problem reformulation. shows how the stack heights are now represented along the horizontal axis, leading to a form that is suitable for numerical optimization. depicts an example to illustrate the proposed idea and subsequently discuss it. Lastly, brings the conclusion of the work.
In order to control an STS-crane and make the process of loading and unloading the ship as fast as possible, a model description of its dynamics is obtained and a time-optimal control problem solved. In this section, we first present a lumped mass model, following the single-rope hoisting mechanism. Subsequently, the standard formulation for time-optimal control of this system is presented.
## Modelling {#sec:modelling}
A simplified representation of the dynamics of overhead cranes can be made by considering the problem as cart-pendulum with hoisting. To this end, consider the position of the trolley \(x(t)\), the sway \(\theta(t)\), the length of the hoisting rope \(l(t)\) and, the payload coordinates \(x_p(t)\) and \(y_p(t)\) as generalized coordinates. The forces \(F_t(t)\) and \(F_h(t)\) are the control inputs applied to the trolley and for hoisting the payload, respectively. A two-dimensional schematic of this representation showing the general coordinates and the forces involved in the problem is depicted in . Similarly to the model obtained in and, and additionally including the position of the payload in general coordinates, the following equations of motion are obtained \[\begin{gathered}
\label{eq:dynamics-bridge} (m_1+m_2)\ddot{x}(t) + m_2l(t)(\ddot{\theta}(t)\cos(\theta(t))-\dot{\theta}^2(t)\sin(\theta(t))) +\\ m_2\ddot{l}(t)\sin(\theta(t))+2m_2\dot{l}(t)\dot{\theta}(t)\cos(\theta(t)) = F_t(t) \end{gathered}\] \[\begin{gathered}
\label{eq:dynamics-hoist} m_2\ddot{l}(t)-m_2l(t)\dot{\theta}^2(t)-m_2g\cos(\theta(t)) +\\ m_2\ddot{x}(t)\sin(\theta(t)) =-F_h(t) \end{gathered}\] \[\label{eq:dynamics-sway} l(t)\ddot{\theta}(t) + 2\dot{l}(t)\dot{\theta}(t)+g\sin(\theta(t)) + \ddot{x}(t)\cos(\theta(t)) = 0\] \[\label{eq:dynamics-xp} x_p(t) = \sin(\theta(t))l(t) + x(t)\] \[\label{eq:dynamics-yp} y_p(t) = \cos(\theta(t))l(t).\] Here \(g\) is the acceleration of gravity, and \(m_1\) and \(m_2\) are the trolley and payload masses, respectively. The dynamics of the bridge along the \(i\text{-axis}\) is represented in ([\[eq:dynamics-bridge\]](#eq:dynamics-bridge){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:dynamics-bridge"}), the hoist motion of the payload in ([\[eq:dynamics-hoist\]](#eq:dynamics-hoist){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:dynamics-hoist"}), the sway motion of the payload in ([\[eq:dynamics-sway\]](#eq:dynamics-sway){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:dynamics-sway"}), and finally the payload position along \(i\text{ and }j\text{-axis}\) are represented in ([\[eq:dynamics-xp\]](#eq:dynamics-xp){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:dynamics-xp"}) and ([\[eq:dynamics-yp\]](#eq:dynamics-yp){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:dynamics-yp"}), respectively. Note that the dynamics of the actuators themselves are not considered, and this model is formulated considering the dynamics of an overhead crane with a single hoisting rope mechanism. Moreover, the payload is treated as a point mass. Now, choosing the state variables as \(x_1 = x_p\), \(x_2 = \dot{x}_p\), \(x_3 = y_p\), \(x_4 = \dot{y}_p\), \(x_5 = l\), \(x_6 = \dot{l}\), \(x_7 = \theta\) and \(x_8 = \dot{\theta}\), the nonlinear state-space representation is derived and can be written as: \[\label{eq:original-state-eq} \begin{aligned} \dot{x}_{1} &= x_{2}\\ \dot{x}_{2} &=-(u_{2}\sin(x_{7}))/m_{2} \\ \dot{x}_{3} &= x_{4}\\ \dot{x}_{4} &=-(u_{2}\cos(x_{7}))/m_{2}+g\\ \dot{x}_{5} &= x_{6}\\ \dot{x}_{6} &= x_{5}x_{8}^{2}+g\cos(x_{7})-u_{2}/m_{2}-\sin(x_{7})(u_{1}+u_{2}\sin(x_{7}))/m_{1}\\ \dot{x}_{7} &= x_{8}\\ \dot{x}_{8} &=-(2x_{6}x_{8}+g\sin(x_{7})+\cos(x_{7})(u_{1}+u_{2}\sin(x_{7}))/m_{1})/x_{5}\\ \end{aligned}\] with the control inputs \(u_{1} = F_{t}\) and \(u_{2}=F_{h}\). With the equations of the motion of the crane written in the state-space form, the time-optimal control problem can be formulated.
## Original problem formulation {#sec:orignal_prob}
The problem of moving the payload from the initial to the final position in the minimum time can be expressed as a time-optimal control problem. This way, we need to minimize a cost function that accounts for the total time spent transporting the payload. This is done by obtaining a control law that satisfies the lower and upper bounds of the decision variables and control inputs. \[\label{eq:original-formulation} \begin{aligned} & \underset{}{\text{minimize}} & & T = \int_{0}^{t_f} \, dt \\ & \text{subject to} & & \dot{x}(t) = f(t,x(t),u(t))\\ &&& x(0) = x_{0}\\ &&& x(t_f) = x_{t_f}\\ &&& g(x(t)) \le x(t) \le f(x(t))\\ &&& u_{min}(t) \le u(t) \le u_{max}(t). \end{aligned}\] However, as mentioned before, STS-crane operations are usually subject to geometric constraints, corresponding to the height of the container stacks. Such constraints are usually nonlinear and non-smooth functions of space. Because of this, issues arise in formulating and solving the numerical optimization problem starting from ([\[eq:original-formulation\]](#eq:original-formulation){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:original-formulation"}). The most immediate comes from our necessity of constructing the constraints on the container heights. This means that the geometric constraints in the numerical model need to be constructed from a function \(g(x_p(t))\). Due to the discretization of the problem, the required height that the payload needs to be at a certain time instance \(t^{k}\) is a function \(g(x_p(t^{k}))\). Please note that in this paper we use superscript \(k\) to indicate discretization. In this way, the function \(g(x_p(t))\) needs to be defined from the current configuration using either continuous approximation or exact integer programming representation. Moreover, any nontrivial configuration of container heights will lead to non-convex constraints. Furthermore, though the objective function looks simple, it cannot be directly used in a numerical optimization scheme. Once again, the problem here comes due to the discretization. Since the free variable is also the one being optimized, the solution will be influenced by the fixed time sampling rate, or fixed number of control intervals. Thus, it requires a strategy to be used, for instance, time-elastic bands, presented in. In order to circumvent these problems, we reformulate the optimization problem through a change of variable.
# PROBLEM REFORMULATION {#sec:reformulation}
As mentioned in the previous section, container avoidance constraints are problematic when the independent variable is time \(t\). That is, the stack heights are difficult to be represented when using time as the variable to be discretized. However, they can be easily described in the position along the \(i\text{-axis}\). With this in mind, the optimization problem is reformulated in an attempt to alleviate the above-mentioned issues. This is done by reparametrizing it in a spatial coordinate. Thus, we redefine the optimization problem with the position of the payload along the \(i\text{-axis}\) \(x_{p}\) as the variable that we discretize the dynamics along with. In other words, this means that we perform a change of variable and now the system's dynamics are described using \(dx/dx_{p}\).
## The variable change {#sec:variable-change}
A change of the integration variable is now performed and the time-optimal problem is reformulated in the same fashion as in and. First, consider the total time \(T\) that the payload takes to go from the initial to the final position i.e., the cost function in ([\[eq:original-formulation\]](#eq:original-formulation){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:original-formulation"}) is \[T = \int_{0}^{t_f} dt.\] Now, note that the first dynamic equation, used to describe the payload position along the \(i\text{-axis}\), in ([\[eq:original-state-eq\]](#eq:original-state-eq){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:original-state-eq"}) is \[\label{eq:change_state} \dot{x}_1=\frac{dx_1}{dt} = x_2 \implies \frac{dt}{dx_1} = \frac{1}{x_2}.\] In this way, the cost function to be minimized is rewritten as \[\label{eq:obj-reformulation} T = \int_{0}^{t_f} dt = \int_{x_{1_0}}^{x_{1_f}} \frac{dx_1}{x_2} = \int_{x_{p_0}}^{x_{p_f}} \frac{dx_p}{x_2}.\] The variable change implies that the optimization problem is now parametrized in the payload position along the \(i\text{-axis}\) (\(x_{1}=x_{p}\)) and consists of minimizing the integral on the right-hand side of ([\[eq:obj-reformulation\]](#eq:obj-reformulation){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:obj-reformulation"}). The main benefit of this will be discussed in the next section. Nevertheless, an immediate consequence of ([\[eq:obj-reformulation\]](#eq:obj-reformulation){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:obj-reformulation"}) is that a new state vector \(x=[t,\dot{x}_p,y_p,\dot{y}_p,l,\dot{l},\theta, \dot{\theta}]^T\) is defined for the problem. *Remark:* With the variable change, time \(t\) is no longer the free variable. Now, all the derivatives will be with respect to \(x_p\) and thus, with different notation, \(x^\prime=dx/dx_p\). Additionally, since time \(t\) is now a state variable, we make the following identification \[\label{eq:identifications} \setlength{\arraycolsep}{1pt} x_{1}\leftarrow{t},~x^\prime_{j}\leftarrow{\frac{dx_{j}}{dx_{p}}},~ j = 1, \ldots, n,\] and the state equations in ([\[eq:original-state-eq\]](#eq:original-state-eq){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:original-state-eq"}) become a system of differential algebraic equations \[\label{eq:reformulated-state-eq} \begin{aligned} x_{2}x^\prime_{1} &= 1\\ x_{2}x^\prime_{2} &=-(u_{2}\sin(x_{7}))/m_{2}\\ x_{2}x^\prime_{3} &= x_{4}\\ x_{2}x^\prime_{4} &=-(u_{2}\cos(x_{7}))/m_{2}+g\\ x_{2}x^\prime_{5} &= x_{6}\\ x_{2}x^\prime_{6} &= \resizebox{0.85\hsize}{!}{\(x_{5}x_{8}^{2}+g\cos(x_{7})-u_{2}/m_{2}-\sin(x_{7})(u_{1}+u_{2}\sin(x_{7}))/m_{1}\)}\\ x_{2}x^\prime_{7} &= x_{8}\\ x_{2}x^\prime_{8} &= \resizebox{0.85\hsize}{!}{\(-(2x_{6}x_{8}+g\sin(x_{7})+\cos(x_{7})(u_{1}+u_{2}\sin(x_{7}))/m_{1})/x_{5},\)} \end{aligned}\] where \(j\) indices the state variables in the new state vector and \(n\) is the system's dimension. It is worth noting that in performing the coordinate change, we implicitly make an assumption that the payload is moving monotonically, in one direction along \(i\text{-axis}\). This is a natural limitation that implicitly implies a no-sway condition in the solution. Subsequently to the change of variable made in ([\[eq:obj-reformulation\]](#eq:obj-reformulation){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:obj-reformulation"}), a natural choice of the cost function \(J\) would be \[J = \int_{x_{p_{0}}}^{x_{p_{f}}} \frac{1}{x_2(x_p)} dx_p,\] which leads to convergence issues since \(x_{2}(x_{p})=0\) at \(x_{2}(0)\) and \(x_{2}(x_{2_f})\). However, an interesting property of the reformulation is that the variable \(x_1\) in ([\[eq:reformulated-state-eq\]](#eq:reformulated-state-eq){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:reformulated-state-eq"}) corresponds to time \(x_{1}(x_{p})=t\). Thus, the optimization problem can now be written as \[\label{eq:opt-reformulated} \begin{aligned} & \underset{}{\text{minimize}} & & J = t(x_{p_{f}}) \\ & \text{subject to} & & x_{2}x^\prime(x_p) = f(x_p,x(x_p),u(x_p))\\ &&& x(0) = x_{0}\\ &&& x(x_{p_{f}}) = x_{f}\\ &&& 0 \le t(x_p)\\ &&& 0 \le x_2(x_p)\\ &&& g(x_p) \le x(x_p) \le f(x_p)\\ &&& u_{min}(x_p) \le u(x_p) \le u_{max}(x_p). \end{aligned}\] As mentioned before and more evident now, the positions, velocities and accelerations are related to one another through the parametrization of path. This is an interesting feature for representing the geometric constraints as we will see in the next section. Furthermore, though the general dynamics remain nonlinear and non-convex, the cost function is nevertheless still convex, which is an additional outcome of the reformulation.
# GEOMETRIC CONSTRAINTS {#sec:geometric-constraints}
When dealing with the constraints that the different heights of the stacks impose on the payload height \(y_p(x_p)\), a function \(s(x_p)\) that represents the stack profile along the loading site is implicitly required. This way, the constraints on \(y_p(x_p)\) are \[0 \le y_{p}(x_{p}) \le h-s(x_{p}), \label{eq:height_constraint_general}\] where \(h\) is the maximum height, e.g., the distance from the ground to the trolley. With the optimization problem in the original formulation as in ([\[eq:original-formulation\]](#eq:original-formulation){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:original-formulation"}), after the time discretization, the constraints imposed on \(y_p(x_p)\) in ([\[eq:height_constraint_general\]](#eq:height_constraint_general){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:height_constraint_general"}) would be \[0 \le y_{p}(x_{p}(t^k)) \le h-s(x_{p}(t^k)). \label{eq:height_constraint_time}\] Moreover, the required explicit function representation \(s(x_{p}(t^k))\) will generally be discontinuous, nonlinear and non-convex. However, with the optimization problem ([\[eq:opt-reformulated\]](#eq:opt-reformulated){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:opt-reformulated"}) now parametrized in \(x_{p}\), the geometric constraints can be easily represented. The height of the stacks and their positions along the trajectory are represented by the function \(s(x_{p})\), which now addresses the stack height at each position \(x_{p}\). This way, when discretizing \(x_{p}\), the function \(s(x_{p})\) determines the upper bound constraints for \(y_{p}(x_{p})\) in ([\[eq:opt-reformulated\]](#eq:opt-reformulated){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:opt-reformulated"}) as \[0 \le y_{p}(x_{p}^{k}) \le h-s(x_{p}^{k}). \label{eq:height_constraint_space}\] Note that we no longer need an explicit function \(s(x_p)\), but simply function values that can be computed when setting up the numerical model. See . This way of representing the stack heights and their positions is attractive since it is easier and more intuitive to be constructed and manipulated, after the discretization. This is the main benefit of the variable change in ([\[eq:change_state\]](#eq:change_state){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:change_state"})-([\[eq:obj-reformulation\]](#eq:obj-reformulation){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:obj-reformulation"}) and constitutes the main contribution of this paper.
In order to illustrate and validate the idea, a scenario of stack configuration was simulated. For simplicity, a small-scale example was used, where the integration goes from position \(x_{p_{0}} = 0\) to \(x_{p_{f}} = 1\). In this scenario, the container stacks are particularly high at the end of the loading site. The software used to obtain the results was MATLAB. Additionally, CasADi software tool and Yop toolbox were used for modeling the optimization problem, and IPOPT was used to solve it. Now, it is important to note that all the distances and lengths used in the results are in *meters* and the angles in *radian*. With ([\[eq:opt-reformulated\]](#eq:opt-reformulated){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:opt-reformulated"}) in mind, the initial and final conditions were set to \[\label{eq:initial-final} \begin{aligned} &t(0) = 0,~ &&\\ &x_{p}(0) = 0, &&x_{p}(x_{p_{f}}) = 1,\\ &\dot{x}_p(0) = 0,~ &&\dot{x}_p(x_{p_f}) = 0,\\ &y_p(0) = 3,~ &&y_p(x_{p_f}) = 3,\\ &\dot{y}_p(0) = 0,~ &&\dot{y}_p(x_{p_f}) = 0,\\ &l(0) = 3,~ &&l(x_{p_f}) = 3,\\ &\dot{l}(0) = 0,~ &&\dot{l}(x_{p_f}) = 0,\\ &\theta(0) = 0,~ &&\theta(x_{p_f}) = 0,\\ &\dot{\theta}(0) = 0,~ &&\dot{\theta}(x_{p_f}) = 0, \end{aligned}\] the constraints regarding the minimum and maximum height that the payload can be, given its position \(x_p\) along the \(i\text{-axis}\), were defined as \[0.15 \le y_p(x_p) \le h-s(x_p),\] and the other box constraints were \[\begin{aligned} 0 \le &t(x_p) \\ 0 \le &\dot{x}_p(x_p)\\ 0 \le &l(x_p) \le 4.5\\ -0.1 \le &\theta(x_p) \le 0.1\\ -1 \le &F_t(x_p) \le 1\\ 0 \le &F_h(x_p) \le 8. \end{aligned}\] Additionally, a first-order polynomial degree was used for the collocation method in the solver, the problem was solved in \(100\) control intervals, and the trolley and payload masses were respectively set to \(m_1=1.2kg\) and \(m_2=0.6kg\). Finally, the position of each stack was assigned as in ([\[eq:position\]](#eq:position){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:position"}), where \(c \in \mathbb{R}^{m}\) represents the positions where the stacks are along the \(i\text{-axis}\). In this example, \(9\) stack positions were assigned, separated by \(10cm\) from each other. \[\label{eq:position} c = \begin{bmatrix} 0.1 & 0.2 & 0.3 & 0.4 & 0.5 & 0.6 & 0.7 & 0.8 & 0.9 \end{bmatrix}.\] Moreover, the height of each stack was represented as in ([\[eq:height\]](#eq:height){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:height"}) \[\label{eq:height} \begin{aligned} \rho = \begin{bmatrix} 0.5 & 1.0 & 1.0 & 1.0 & 2.0 & 2.0 & 2.4 & 2.5 & 1.0 \end{bmatrix}, \end{aligned}\] where \(\rho \in \mathbb{R}^{m}\) represents the height of each of the stacks, corresponding to the assigned position in ([\[eq:position\]](#eq:position){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:position"}). Also, the width of the stacks was considered, here \(0.08m\). From these, the function values in the bound constraints ([\[eq:height_constraint_space\]](#eq:height_constraint_space){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:height_constraint_space"}) can be constructed.
## Results
shows the path followed by the payload, given the stack heights ([\[eq:height\]](#eq:height){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:height"}) at the positions ([\[eq:position\]](#eq:position){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:position"}). Figures [\[fig:ex1-states1\]](#fig:ex1-states1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:ex1-states1"} and [\[fig:ex1-states2\]](#fig:ex1-states2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:ex1-states2"} show how the payload positions, hoisting and sway evolve with time. Note that though they correspond to the decision variables in ([\[eq:original-state-eq\]](#eq:original-state-eq){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:original-state-eq"}), they are the result of problem solved as in ([\[eq:opt-reformulated\]](#eq:opt-reformulated){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:opt-reformulated"}). Lastly, shows the velocity \(\dot{x}_p\), time (which now is a decision variable), and control inputs \(F_{t}\) and \(F_{h}\) evolving along \(x_{p}\).
## Discussion {#sec:discussion}
The presented numerical example shows the simulation results for the optimization control problem, solved off-line after a change of variable. The aim was to illustrate that with the variable change, the description of the stack heights becomes trivial and easier to represent numerically. This is done by defining their positions and corresponding heights in \(c\) and \(\rho\), respectively. These are then implicitly defining a function \(s(x_p)\), which addresses the stacks' height in each discretization interval. Moreover, Figs. [\[fig:ex1-trajectory\]](#fig:ex1-trajectory){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:ex1-trajectory"} to [\[fig:ex1-extra\]](#fig:ex1-extra){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:ex1-extra"} show that the payload was transferred from the initial to the final position avoiding the stacks and not violating the predefined constraints. Hence, we believe that the results have further strengthened our idea that this problem becomes trivial with the discretization of \(x_p\). We are aware that our work still has some limitations. As mentioned before, a natural one is that the solution enforces no sway condition since the payload is moving monotonically in one direction. Furthermore, the distance traveled by the payload in each discretization interval varies along the loading and unloading process. For instance, as seen in , they were particularly long in the end, after a tall stack. Thus, since the problem is uniformly discretized, most of the dynamics that are not captured might be in those parts. This can be easily addressed by non-uniform discretization. Notice that these regions, where more time is spent, are strongly influenced by the stacks' disposition. Perhaps the biggest limitation of this work is that, though the objective function and the constraints on the container heights are now convex, the dynamics of the system remain non-convex. This might lead to a solution at a local minimum. However, it is important to note that circumventing these limitations is not in the scope of this work. Moreover, non-convexity is simply a consequence of the high-fidelity model of the system. Additionally, the problem may be extended to 3D, however, we believe that this is not necessary, given the nature of ship-to-shore crane operations.
We have proposed a new approach to deal with the different heights that the container stacks can assume during the process of loading and unloading container ships. With this in mind, a variable change has been performed and the representation of the stack heights became trivial in the optimization problem. Subsequently, a small-scale example has led us to confirm it. Thus, this approach has the potential to be successfully applied to real crane operations and enhance their automation. Future work will focus on going beyond the point-mass assumption and incorporate more physical and geometric constraints to the setup. Moreover, we will investigate how to deal with it when the initial or final position is in between stacks. Additionally, different densities of discretization will be addressed. | {'timestamp': '2022-11-21T02:14:24', 'yymm': '2203', 'arxiv_id': '2203.15360', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15360'} |
# Introduction
The Potts model is a statistical model, originally invented to study ferromagnetism ; it also plays a central role in probability theory, combinatorics and computer science, see e.g. for background. Let \(G = (V,E)\) be a finite graph. The anti-ferromagnetic Potts model on the graph \(G\) has two parameters, a number of *states, or colors,* \(q\in \mathbb{Z}_{\geq 2}\) and an edge interaction parameter \(w=e^{kJ/T}\), with \(J<0\) being a coupling constant, \(k\) the Boltzmann constant and \(T\) the temperature. The case \(q=2\) is also known as the zero-field Ising model. A *configuration* is a map \(\sigma:V \to [q]:=\{1,\dots,q\}\). Associated with such a configuration is the *weight* \(w^{m(\sigma)}\), where \(m(\sigma)\) is the number of edges \(e=\{u,v\}\in E\) for which \(\sigma(u)=\sigma(v)\). There is a natural probability measure, the *Gibbs measure* \(\text{Pr}_{G;q,w}[\cdot]\), on the collection of configurations \(\Omega=\{\sigma:V \to [q]\}\) in which a configuration is sampled proportionally to its weight. Formally, for a given configuration \(\phi:V\to [q]\) the probability that a random configuration \({\bf \Phi}\)[^1] is equal to \(\phi\), is given by \[\label{eq:gibbs finite} \text{Pr}_{G;q,w}[{\mathbf \Phi}=\phi] = \frac{w^{m(\phi)}}{ \sum_{ \sigma:V \rightarrow [q]} w^{m(\sigma)}},\] here the denominator is called *partition function* of the model and we denote it by \(Z(G;q,w)\) (or just \(Z(G)\) if \(q\) and \(w\) are clear form the context). In statistical physics the Potts model is most frequently studied on infinite lattices, such as \(\mathbb{Z}^2\). At the cost of introducing some measure theory, the notion of a Gibbs measure can be extended to such infinite graphs, see e.g.. While at any temperature the Gibbs measure on a finite graph is unique, this is no longer the case for all infinite lattices. The transition from having a unique Gibbs measure to multiple Gibbs measures in terms of the temperature is referred to as a *phase transition* in statistical physics and it is an important problem to determine the exact temperature, the *critical temperature, \(P_c\)*, at which this happens. There exist predictions for the critical temperature on several lattices in the physics literature by Baxter (see also for more details and further references), but it turns out to be hard to prove these rigorously cf. . In the present paper we consider the anti-ferromagnetic Potts model on the infinite \(\Delta\)-regular tree, \(\mathbb{T}_\Delta=(V,E)\), also known as the *Bethe lattice*, or *Cayley tree*. We briefly recall the formal definition of a Gibbs measure in this situation. See for a survey on this topic in general. The sigma algebra is generated by sets of the form \(U_{\sigma}:=\{\phi:V\to [q]\mid \phi\!\restriction_U=\sigma\}\), where \(U\subset V\) is a finite set and \(\sigma:U\to [q]\). Let \(w\in (0,1)\). A probability measure \(\mu\) on this sigma algebra is then called a Gibbs measure for the \(q\)-state anti-ferromagnetic Potts model on \(\mathbb{T}_\Delta\) at \(w\), if for all finite \(U\subset V\) and all \(\phi:V\to [q]\) the following holds \[\text{Pr}_\mu[\mathbf{\Phi}\!\restriction_U=\phi\!\restriction_U\mid \mathbf{\Phi}\!\restriction_{V\setminus U^\circ}=\phi\!\restriction_{V\setminus U^\circ}] =\text{Pr}_{G[U];q,w}[\mathbf{\Phi}\!\restriction_U=\phi|_U\mid \mathbf{\Phi}\!\restriction_{\partial U}=\phi|_{\partial U}],\] where \(\partial U\) denotes the collection of vertices in \(U\) that have a neighbor in \(V\setminus U\) and \(U^\circ:=U\setminus \partial U\). Note that for any \(w\in (0,1)\) there is at least one such Gibbs measure. For a number of states \(q\geq 3\) define \(w_c:=\max\{0,1-\frac{q}{\Delta}\}\). It is a longstanding folklore conjecture (cf.) that the Gibbs measure is unique if and only if \(w\geq w_c\) (where the inequality should be read as strict if \(q=\Delta\).) This was confirmed by Jonasson for the case \(w=0\) , by Srivastava, Sinclair and Thurley for \(q=2\) (see also ), by Galanis, Goldberg and Yang for \(q=3\) and by three of the authors of the present paper for \(q=4\) and \(\Delta\geq 5\) . Our main result is a confirmation of this conjecture for all \(q\geq 5\) provided the degree of the tree is large enough.
It has long been known that there are multiple Gibbs measures when \(w<w_c\) , see also ) and . So our main results pinpoints the critical temperature for the anti-ferromagnetic Potts model on the infinite regular tree for large enough degree. For later reference we will refer to \(w_c\) as the *uniqueness threshold*. In Theorem [\[thm:main\]](#thm:main){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:main"} below, we will reformulate our main theorem in terms of the conditional distribution of the color of the root vertex of \(\mathbb{T}_{\Delta}\) conditioned on a fixed coloring of the vertices at a certain distance from the root, showing that this distribution converges to the uniform distribution as the distance tends to infinity. We in fact show that this convergence is exponentially fast for subcritical \(w\) (i.e. \(w>w_c\)).
## Motivation from computer science
There is a surprising connection between phase transitions on the infinite regular tree and transitions in the computational complexity of approximately computing partition function of \(2\)-state models (not necessarily the Potts model) on bounded degree graphs. For parameters inside the uniqueness region there is an efficient algorithm for this task , while for parameters for which there are multiple Gibbs measures on the infinite regular tree, the problem is NP-hard . It is conjectured that a similar phenomenon holds for a larger number of states. While the picture for \(q\)-state models for \(q\geq 3\) is far from clear, some progress has been made on this problem for the anti-ferromagnetic Potts model. On the hardness side, Galanis, Štefankvovič and Vigoda showed that for even numbers \(\Delta\geq 4\) and any integer \(q\geq 3\), approximating the partition function of the Potts model \(Z(G;q,w)\) is NP-hard on the family of graphs of maximum degree \(\Delta\) for any \(0\leq w< q/\Delta=w_c\), which we now know to be the uniqueness threshold (for \(\Delta\) large enough). On the other side, much less is known about the existence of efficient algorithms for approximating \(Z(G;q,w)\) or sampling from the measure \(\text{Pr}_{G;q,w}\) for the class of bounded degree graphs when \(w>w_c\). Implicit in there is an efficient algorithm for this problem whenever \(1\geq w>1-\alpha q/\Delta\), with \(\alpha=1/e\), which has been improved to \(\alpha=1/2\) in . For random regular graphs of large enough degree, our main result implies an efficient randomized algorithm to approximately sample from the Gibbs measure \(\text{Pr}_{G;q,w}\) for any \(w_c<w\leq 1\) by a result of Blanca, Galanis, Goldberg, Štefankovič, Vigoda and Yang . In , Efthymiou proved a similar result for Erdős-Rényi random graphs without the assumption that \(w_c\) is equal to the uniqueness threshold on the tree. At the very least this indicates that the uniqueness threshold on the infinite regular tree plays an important role in the study of the complexity of approximating the partition function of and sampling from the Potts model on bounded degree graphs.
## Approach
Our approach to prove the main theorem is based on the approach from for the cases \(q=3,4\). As is well known, to prove uniqueness it suffices to show that for a given root vertex, say \(v\), the probability that \(v\) receives a color \(i\in [q]\), conditioned on the event that the vertices at distance \(n\) from \(v\) receive a fixed coloring, converges to \(1/q\) as \(n\to \infty\) regardless of the fixed coloring of the vertices at distance \(n\). Instead of looking at these probabilities, we look at ratios of these probabilities. It then suffices to show that these converge to \(1\). The ratios at the root vertex \(v\) can be expressed as a rational function of the ratios at the neighbors of \(v\). See Lemma [\[lem:treerecursion\]](#lem:treerecursion){reference-type="ref" reference="lem:treerecursion"} below. This function is rather difficult to analyze directly and as in we analyze a simpler function coupled with a geometric approach. A key new ingredient of our approach is to take the limit of \(\Delta\), the degree of the tree, to infinity and analyze the resulting function. This function turns out be even simpler and behaves much better in a geometric sense. With some work we translate the results for the limit case back to the finite case and therefore obtain results for \(\Delta\) large enough. This is inspired by a recent paper in which this idea was used to give a precise description of the location of the zeros of the independence polynomial for bounded degree graphs of large degree.
## Organization {#organization .unnumbered}
In the next section we give a more technical overview of our approach. In particular we recall some results from that we will use and set up some terminology. We also gather two results that will be used to prove our main theorem, leaving the proofs of these results to Section [3](#sec:convex){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:convex"} and Section [4](#sec:forward){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:forward"} respectively. Assuming these results, the main theorem will be proved in Subsection [2.4](#ssec:proof){reference-type="ref" reference="ssec:proof"}.
# Preliminaries, setup and proof outline {#sec:technial outline}
## Reformulation of the main result
We will reformulate our main theorem here in terms of the conditional distribution of the color of the root vertex of \(\mathbb{T}_{\Delta}\) conditioned on a fixed coloring of the vertices at a certain distance from the root. Let \(\Delta\geq 2\) be an integer. In what follows it will be convenient to write \(d=\Delta-1\). For a positive integer \(n\) we denote by \(\mathbb{T}^n_{d+1}\) the finite tree obtained from \(\mathbb{T}_{d+1}\) by fixing a root vertex \(r\), deleting all vertices at distance more than \(n\) from the root, deleting one of the neighbors of \(r\) and keeping the connected component containing \(r\). We denote the set of leaves of \(\mathbb{T}^n_{d+1}\) by \(\Lambda_{n}\), except when \(n=0\), in which case we let \(\Lambda_{0}=\{r\}\). For a positive integer \(q\) we call a map \(\tau:\Lambda_{n}\to [q]\) a *boundary condition at level \(n\)*. The following theorem may be seen as a more precise form of our main result.
As is well known (see e.g. [^2]) Theorem [\[thm:main\]](#thm:main){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:main"} directly implies our main theorem. Therefore the remainder of the paper is devoted to proving Theorem [\[thm:main\]](#thm:main){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:main"}. In the next subsections we outline how we do this.
## Log-ratios of probabilities
Theorem [\[thm:main\]](#thm:main){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:main"} is formulated in terms of certain conditional probabilities. For our purposes it turns out to be convenient to reformulate this into *log-ratios* of these probabilities. To introduce these, we recall some relevant definitions from . Throughout we fix an integer \(q\geq 3\). Given a (finite) graph \(G=(V,E)\) and a subset \(U \subseteq V\) of vertices, we call \(\tau:U \to [q]\) a *boundary condition* on \(G\). We say vertices in \(U\) are *fixed* and vertices in \(V\setminus U\) are *free*. The *partition function restricted to* \(\tau\) is defined as \[Z_{U,\tau}(G;q,w) = \sum_{\substack{ \sigma:V \rightarrow [q]\\ \sigma\restriction_{\!U} = \tau}} w^{m(\sigma)}.\] We just write \(Z(G)\) if \(U,\tau\) and \(q,w\) are clear from the context. Given a boundary condition \(\tau:U \to [q]\), a free vertex \(v \in V \setminus U\) and a state \(i \in [q]\) we define \(\tau_{v,i}\) as the unique boundary condition on \(U\cup\{v\}\) that extends \(\tau\) and associates \(i\) to \(v\). When \(U\) and \(\tau\) are clear from the context, we will denote \(Z_{U \cup \{v\},\tau_{v,i}}(G)\) as \(Z^{v}_{i}(G)\). Let \(\tau:U\to [q]\) be a boundary condition and \(v \in V\) be a free vertex. For any \(i \in [q]\) we define the *log-ratio* \(\tilde{R}_{G,v,i}\) as \[\tilde{R}_{G,v,i}: = \log(Z^{v}_{i}(G))-\log(Z^{v}_{q}(G)),\] where \(\log\) denotes the natural logarithm. Note that \(\tilde{R}_{G,v,q}=0\). We moreover remark that \(\tilde{R}_{G,v,i}\) can be interpreted as the logarithm of the ratio of the probabilities that the root gets color \(i\) (resp. \(q\)) conditioned on the event that \(U\) is colored according to \(\tau\). For trees the log-ratios at the root vertex can be recursively computed from the log-ratios of its neighbors. To describe this compactly we introduce some notation that will be used extensively throughout the paper. Fix \(d \in \mathbb{R}_{>1}\) and let \(\avar\in (0,1]\). Define the maps \(G_{d,\avar;i},F_{d,\avar;i}:\mathbb{R}^{q-1} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\) for \(i \in \{1,\ldots,q-1\}\) as \[\label{eq:define Gd coordinate} G_{d,\avar;i}(x_1,\ldots,x_{q-1}) = \frac{1-x_i}{\sum_{j=1}^{q-1}x_j + 1- \frac{\avar \cdot q}{d+1}}\] and \[\label{eq:define Fd coordinate} F_{d,\avar;i}(x_1,\ldots,x_q) = d \log\left(1+\frac{\avar \cdot q}{d+1} \cdot G_{d,\avar;i}(\exp(x_1),\ldots,\exp(x_{q-1}))\right).\] Define the map \(F_{d,\avar}: \mathbb{R}^{q-1} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{q-1}\) whose \(i\)th coordinate function is given by \(F_{d,\avar;i}(x_1,\ldots,x_{q-1})\) and define \(G_{d,\avar}\) similarly. To suppress notation we write \(F_d=F_{d,1}\) and \(G_d = G_{d,1}\). We also define \(\exp(x_1, \ldots, x_{q-1}) = (\exp(x_1), \ldots, \exp(x_{q-1}))\) and \(\log(x_1, \ldots, x_{q-1}) = (\log(x_1), \ldots, \log(x_{q-1}))\). We note that \(G_{d,\alpha}\) and \(F_{d,\alpha}\) are analytic in \(1/d\) when viewing \(d\) as a variable. We will now use the map \(F_{d,\alpha}\) to give a compact description of the tree recurrence for log-ratios.
Denote \(\mathbf{0}\) for the zero vector in \(\mathbb{R}^{q-1}\). (Throughout we will denote vectors in boldface.) We define for any \(n \geq 1\) the set of possible log-ratio vectors \[\mathcal{R}_n := \{(\tilde{R}_{\mathbb{T}_{d+1}^n,r_n,1}, \ldots, \tilde{R}_{\mathbb{T}_{d+1}^n,r_n,q-1}) \in \mathbb{R}^{q-1}| \tau:\Lambda_n \rightarrow [q] \}.\] The following lemma shows how the recursion from Lemma [\[lem:treerecursion\]](#lem:treerecursion){reference-type="ref" reference="lem:treerecursion"} will be used.
In the next section we construct a family of convex sets that allows us to form a sequence \(\{\mathcal{T}_n\}_{n\geq 1}\) with the properties required by the lemma.
## Construction of suitable convex sets
We need the standard \(q-2\)-simplex, which we denote as \[\Delta=\left\{(t_1,\ldots,t_{q-2},1-\sum_{i=1}^{q-2}t_i)\mid t_i\geq 0 \text{ for all \(i\), }\sum_{i=1}^{q-2}t_i\leq 1\right\}.\] The symmetric group \(S_q\) acts on \(\mathbb{R}^q\) by permuting entries of vectors. Consider \(\mathbb{R}^{q-1}\subset \mathbb{R}^q\) as the subspace spanned by \(\{\mathbf{e}_1-\mathbf{e}_q, \ldots, \mathbf{e}_{q-1}-\mathbf{e}_q\)}, where \(\mathbf{e}_i\) denotes the \(i\)th standard base vector in \(\mathbb{R}^q\). This induces a linear action of \(S_q\) on \(\mathbb{R}^{q-1}\), also known as the the standard representation of \(S_q\) and denoted by \(\mathbf{x}\mapsto \pi\cdot \mathbf{x}\) for \(\mathbf{x}\in \mathbb{R}^{q-1}\) and \(\pi\in S_q\). The following lemma shows that the map \(F_{d,\avar}\) is \(S_q\)-equivariant for any \(\avar \in (0,1]\), essentially because the action permutes the \(q\) colors of the Potts model and no color plays a special role.
Define for \(\cvar\geq 0\) the half space \[H_{\geq-\cvar}:=\left\{\mathbf{x}\in \mathbb{R}^{q-1}\mid \sum_{i=1}^{q-1} x_i\geq-\cvar\right\}.\] Define the set \[\label{eq:def P_c} P_\cvar = \bigcap_{\pi \in S_q} \pi \cdot H_{\geq-\cvar}.\] Note that for each \(\cvar \geq 0\) the set \(P_\cvar\) equals the convex polytope \[\text{conv} \big(\{(-\cvar,0,\ldots, 0), \ldots (0,\ldots,0,-\cvar),(\cvar,\ldots,\cvar)\} \big).\] Denote \(D_\cvar:= \text{conv} \big(\{(-\cvar,0,\ldots, 0), \ldots (0,\ldots,0,-\cvar),(0,\ldots,0)\} \big)\). Then we have \[\label{eq:fund domain} P_\cvar = \bigcup_{\pi \in S_q}\pi \cdot D_\cvar.\] We refer to \(D_\cvar\) as the fundamental domain of the action of \(S_q\) on \(\mathbb{R}^{q-1}\). The following two propositions capture the image of \(P_c\) under applications of the map \(F_d\).
We postpone the proofs of the two results above to the subsequent sections. A crucial ingredient in both proofs will be to analyze the limit \(\lim_{d\to \infty} F_d\). We first utilize the two propositions to give a proof of Theorem [\[thm:main\]](#thm:main){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:main"}.
## A proof of Theorem [\[thm:main\]](#thm:main){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:main"} {#ssec:proof}
Fix an integer \(q\geq 3\). Let \(d_1,d_2\) be the constants from Proposition [\[prop:convex\]](#prop:convex){reference-type="ref" reference="prop:convex"} and [\[prop:2stepforward\]](#prop:2stepforward){reference-type="ref" reference="prop:2stepforward"} respectively. Let \(d_0\geq \max\{d_1,d_2\}\) large enough to be determined below. Note that the log-ratios at depth \(0\) are of the form \(\infty \cdot \mathbf{e}_i\) and \(-\infty\cdot\mathbf{1}\), where \(\mathbf{1}\) denotes the all ones vector. This comes from the fact that the probabilities at level \(0\) are either \(1\) or \(0\) and so the ratios are of the form \(\mathbf{1}+\infty\mathbf{e}_i\) or \(\mathbf{0}\). This implies that the log-ratios at depth \(1\) are convex combinations of \(F_d(\infty\cdot \mathbf{e}_i)=d\log(1+\tfrac{-q}{d+1})\mathbf{e}_i\) and \(F_d(-\infty\cdot \mathbf{1})=d\log(1+\tfrac{q}{d+1-q})\mathbf{1}.\) So for \(d\geq d_0\) and \(d_0\) large enough they are certainly contained in \(P_{q+1}\). We start with the proof of [\[equation:uniqueness critical\]](#equation:uniqueness critical){reference-type="eqref" reference="equation:uniqueness critical"}. We construct a decreasing sequence \(\{c_n\}_{n\in \mathbb N}\) and let \(\mathcal{T}_{2n-1}=P_{c_n}\). For even \(n>0\) we set \(\mathcal{T}_n=F_d(P_{c_{n-1}})\), which is convex by Proposition [\[prop:convex\]](#prop:convex){reference-type="ref" reference="prop:convex"}. We set \(c_1=q+1\) and for \(n\geq 1\), given \(c_n\), we can choose, by Proposition [\[prop:2stepforward\]](#prop:2stepforward){reference-type="ref" reference="prop:2stepforward"}, \(c_{n+1}<c_n\) so that \(F_d^{\circ 2}(P_{c_n})\subseteq P_{c_{n+1}}\). Choose such a \(c_{n+1}\) as small as possible. We claim that the sequence \(\{c_n\}_{n\in \mathbb{N}}\) converges to \(0\). Suppose not then it must have a limit \(c>0\). Choose \(c'<c\) such that \(F^{\circ 2}_d(P_c)\subseteq P_{c'}.\) Then for \(n\) large enough we must have \(F^{\circ 2}_{d}(P_{c_n})\subseteq P_{c/2+c'/2}\), contradicting the choice of \(c_{n+1}\). Since \(\{c_n\}_{n\in \mathbb{N}}\) converges to \(0\), it follows that the sequence \(\mathcal{T}_n\) converges to \(\{0\}\). With Lemma [\[lem: Tab sequence\]](#lem: Tab sequence){reference-type="ref" reference="lem: Tab sequence"} this implies [\[equation:uniqueness critical\]](#equation:uniqueness critical){reference-type="eqref" reference="equation:uniqueness critical"}. To prove the second part let \(\avar\in (0,1)\). Consider the decreasing sequence \(\{\cvar_n\}_{n\in \mathbb N}\) with \(\cvar_n=(q+1)\alpha^{n-1}\). Set \(\mathcal{T}_{2n-1}=P_{\cvar_n}\) and \(\mathcal{T}_{2n}=F_{d,\avar}(P_{\cvar_{n-1}})\). We use the following observation.
The lemma above implies that \(F_{d,\alpha}(P_{\cvar_n})=\tfrac{d}{d'}\cdot F_{d'}(P_{\cvar_n})\) and hence is convex for each \(c_n.\) It moreover implies that \[F^{\circ 2}_{d,\alpha}(P_{\cvar_n})\subset \alpha F_{d'}(\alpha F_{d'}( P_{\cvar_n})))\subset\alpha P_{\cvar_{n}}=P_{\cvar_{n+1}}.\] By basic properties of the logarithm, [\[equation:uniqueness subcritical\]](#equation:uniqueness subcritical){reference-type="eqref" reference="equation:uniqueness subcritical"} now quickly follows. This finishes the proof of Theorem [\[thm:main\]](#thm:main){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:main"}. The strengthening mentioned in Remark [\[rem:strengthen\]](#rem:strengthen){reference-type="ref" reference="rem:strengthen"} can be derived from the fact that the derivative of \(F_{d,\alpha}\) at \(\mathbf{0}\) is equal to \(\frac{-\alpha d}{d+1-\alpha}\text{Id}\). Note that \(\frac{\alpha d}{d+1-\alpha}<\alpha\) for all \(\alpha\in (0,1)\) and \(d\). Therefore on a small enough open ball \(B\) around \(\mathbf{0}\) the operator norm of the derivative of \(F_{d,\alpha}\) can be bounded by \(\hat{\alpha}\) for all \(d\geq d_0\) (and by \(\alpha\) for fixed \(d\geq d_0\)). Then for any integer \(n\geq 0\), \(F^{\circ n}_{d,\alpha}(B)\subset \hat{\alpha}^n B\) (\(\alpha^n B\) respectively). For \(n_0\) large enough \(P_{\cvar_{n_0}}\) is contained in this ball \(B\). For \(n>2n_0\) we then set \(\mathcal{T}_n=\hat{\alpha}^{n-2n_0} B\) (\(\alpha^{n-2n_0} B\) respectively). The statements in the remark now follow quickly.
## The \(d\rightarrow \infty\) limit map
As mentioned above, an important tool in our approach is to analyze the maps \(F_d\) as \(d\to \infty.\) Since \(F_d(\mathbb{R}^{q-1})\) is bounded, it follows that as \(d\to \infty\), \(F_{d}(x_1,\ldots,x_{q-1})\) converges uniformly to the limit map \[\label{eq:define F infty} F_{\infty}(x_1,\ldots,x_{q-1}),\] with coordinate functions \[\label{eq:def F infty coordinate} F_{\infty;i}(x_1,\ldots,x_{q-1}):=q\frac{1-e^{x_i}}{\sum_{j=1}^{q-1}e^{x_i}+1}.\] We write \(G_{\infty;i}(x_1,\ldots,x_{q-1}) = q\frac{1-x_i}{\sum_{j=1}^{q-1}x_j+1}\) for the \(i\)th coordinate function of the fractional linear map \(G_{\infty}\). Note that \(F_{\infty} = G_{\infty} \circ \exp\). By Lemma [\[lem:symmetry\]](#lem:symmetry){reference-type="ref" reference="lem:symmetry"} for any \(\pi \in S_q\), any \(\mathbf{x} \in \mathbb{R}^{q-1}\) and any \(d\) we have \(\pi \cdot F_{d}(\mathbf{x}) = F_{d}(\pi \cdot \mathbf{x})\). As the action of \(\pi\) on \(\mathbb{R}^{q-1}\) does not depend on \(d\), we immediately see \(\pi \cdot F_{\infty}(\mathbf{x}) = F_{\infty}(\pi \cdot \mathbf{x})\) follows. In the next two sections we will prove Propositions [\[prop:convex\]](#prop:convex){reference-type="ref" reference="prop:convex"} and [\[prop:2stepforward\]](#prop:2stepforward){reference-type="ref" reference="prop:2stepforward"}. The idea is to first prove a variant of these propositions for the map \(F_\infty\) and then use that \(F_d\to F_\infty\) uniformly to finally prove the actual statements. We use the description of \(P_\cvar\) as intersection of half spaces \(\pi\cdot H_{\geq-\cvar}\) in Section [3](#sec:convex){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:convex"} and the description as the union of the \(\pi \cdot D_\cvar\) in Section [4](#sec:forward){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:forward"}.
# Convexity of the forward image of \(P_c\) {#sec:convex}
This section is dedicated to proving Proposition [\[prop:convex\]](#prop:convex){reference-type="ref" reference="prop:convex"}. Fix an integer \(q\geq 3\). Recall for \(\mu\in \mathbb{R}\) the definition of the half space \[H_{\geq \mu}=\left\{\mathbf{x}\in \mathbb{R}^{q-1}\mid \sum_{i=1}^{q-1} x_i\geq\mu\right\}.\] The half space \(H_{\leq \mu}\) is defined similarly. We denote by \(H_{\mu}\) the affine space which is the boundary of \(H_{\leq \mu}\). In what follows we will often use that the map \(G_\infty\) is a fractional linear transformation and thus preserves lines and hence maps convex sets to convex sets, see e.g. .
In what follows we need the *angle* between the tangent space of \(G_\infty(\exp(H_{-c}))\) for \(c>0\) at \(G_\infty(\mathbf{x})\) for any \(\mathbf{x}\in \exp(H_{-\cvar})\) and the space \(H_0\). This angle is defined as the angle of a normal vector of the tangent space pointing towards the interior of \(G_\infty(\exp(H_{\geq-c}))\) and the vector \(-\mathbf{1}\) (which is a normal vector of \(H_0\)).
We next continue with the finite case. We will need the following definition. The *hypograph* of a function \(f:D\to \mathbb{R}\) is the region \(\{(x,y)\mid x\in D, y\leq f(x)\}\). Below we will consider a hypersurface contained in \(\mathbb{R}^{q-1}\) that we view as the graph of a function with domain contained in \(H_0\). In this context the hypograph of such a function is again contained in \(\mathbb{R}^{q-1}\), but the 'positive \(y\)-axis' points in the direction of \(\mathbf{1}\) as seen from \(\mathbf{0} \in H_0\).
We can now finally prove Proposition [\[prop:convex\]](#prop:convex){reference-type="ref" reference="prop:convex"}, which we restate here for convenience.
# Forward invariance of \(P_c\) in two iterations {#sec:forward}
This section is dedicated to proving Proposition [\[prop:2stepforward\]](#prop:2stepforward){reference-type="ref" reference="prop:2stepforward"}. We start with a version of the proposition for \(d=\infty\) and after that consider finite \(d\).
## Two iterations of \(F_\infty\)
Let \(\Phi:\mathbb{R}^{q-1}\to \mathbb{R}^{q-1}\) be defined by \[\Phi(x_1,\dots,x_{q-1})=F_\infty^{\circ 2}(x_1,\dots,x_{q-1})\] and its 'restriction' to the half line \(\mathbb{R}_{\leq/0}\cdot \mathbf{1}\), \(\phi:\mathbb{R}_{\geq 0}\to\mathbb{R}_{\geq 0}\), by \[\phi(t)=-\langle\Phi(-t/(q-1)\cdot \mathbf{1}),\mathbf{1}\rangle,\] where we use \(\langle \cdot,\cdot\rangle\) to denote the standard inner product on \(\mathbb{R}^{q-1}.\) This subsection is devoted to proving the following result.
By the definition of \(P_c\) in terms of \(D_c\), [\[eq:fund domain\]](#eq:fund domain){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:fund domain"}, and the \(S_q\)-equivariance of the map \(F_\infty\) and hence of the map \(\Phi\), it suffices to prove this for \(P_c\) replaced by \(D_c\). This can be derived from the following two statements:
1. For any \(\cvar\ge 0\) the minimum of \(\langle\Phi(\mathbf{x}),\mathbf{1}\rangle\) on \(-\cvar\Delta\) is attained at \(-\cvar/(q-1)\cdot \mathbf{1}\).
2. For any \(\cvar> 0\) we have \(\phi(\cvar)<\cvar\).
Indeed, these statements imply that for any \(\cvar> 0\) we have that \(\Phi(-\cvar\Delta)\subseteq D_{\phi(\cvar)}\subsetneq D_\cvar\). Clearly this is sufficient, since \(D_\cvar=\cup_{0\le \cvar'\le \cvar}-\cvar'\Delta\) and therefore \[\Phi(D_\cvar)=\cup_{0\le \cvar'\le \cvar}\Phi(-\cvar'\Delta)\subseteq \cup_{0\le \cvar'\le \cvar}D_{\phi(\cvar')}\subseteq D_{\phi(\cvar)}\subsetneq D_{\cvar}.\] We next prove both statements, starting with the first one.
### Statement (i)
Before giving a proof, let us fix some further notation. By definition we have \[\langle \Phi(\mathbf{x}),\mathbf{1}\rangle =\sum_{i=1}^{q-1}q\frac{1-e^{F_{\infty;i}(\mathbf{x})}}{\sum_{j=1}^{q-1}e^{F_{\infty;j}(\mathbf{x})}+1}=\frac{q^2}{{\sum_{j=1}^{q-1}e^{F_{\infty;j}(\mathbf{x})}+1}}-q,\] where we recall that \(F_{\infty;j}\) denotes the \(j\)th coordinate function of \(F_\infty\). Thus the \(i\)th coordinate of the gradient of \(\langle \Phi(\mathbf{x}),\mathbf{1}\rangle\) is given by \[\begin{aligned}
\psi_i(\mathbf{x})&:=\frac{-q^2}{\left({\sum_{j=1}^{q-1}e^{F_{\infty;j}(\mathbf{x})}+1}\right)^2}\left(\sum_{j=1}^{q-1}e^{F_{\infty;j}(\mathbf{x})}\cdot \frac{\partial F_{\infty;j}}{\partial x_i}(\mathbf{x})\right)\\ &=\frac{q^3e^{x_i}\left(e^{F_{\infty;i}(\mathbf{x})}(1+\sum_{j=1}^{q-1}e^{x_j})+\sum_{j=1}^{q-1}e^{F_{\infty;j}(\mathbf{x})}(1-e^{x_j})\right)}{\left({\sum_{j=1}^{q-1}e^{F_{\infty;j}(\mathbf{x})}+1}\right)^2\left(\sum_{j=1}^{q-1}e^{x_j}+1\right)^2} \end{aligned}\] Let us define the following functions \(v_i:\mathbb{R}^{q-1}\to\mathbb{R}\) for \(i=1,\dots,q-1\) as \[v_i(\mathbf{x}):=x_i \left(e^{G_{i}} (1+ \sum_{\substack{j=1}}^{q-1} x_j) + \sum_{\substack{j=1}}^{q-1} e^{G_{j}} (1-x_j) \right),\] where we write \[G_i:=G_{\infty;i}(\mathbf{x}) = \frac{q (1-x_i)}{1 + x_1 + \cdots + x_{q-1}}.\] Then we see that \[\psi_i(\mathbf{x})=\frac{q^3}{\left({\sum_{j=1}^{q-1}e^{F_{\infty;j}(\mathbf{x})}+1}\right)^2\left(\sum_{j=1}^{q-1}e^{x_j}+1\right)^2}\cdot v_i(e^{x_1},\dots,e^{x_{q-1}}),\] and \(\psi_1(\mathbf{x})=\dots =\psi_{q-1}(\mathbf{x})\) if and only if \(v_1(\exp(\mathbf{x}))=\dots=v_{q-1}(\exp(\mathbf{x}))\).
We now continue with the second statement.
### Statement (ii)
## Two iterations of \(F_d\)
As before, we view \(\yvar=1/d\) as a continuous variable. Let us define \(\Phi: \mathbb{R}^{q-1} \times [0,\frac{1}{2}] \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{q-1}\) by \[\Phi(x_1,\ldots,x_{q-1},\yvar) = F_{1/\yvar}^{\circ 2} (x_1,\ldots,x_{q-1}).\] Note that this map is analytic in all its variables. For simplicity, if \(\yvar^*\) is fixed, then we use the notation \(\Phi_{\yvar^*}(x_1,\ldots,x_{q-1})\) for \(\Phi(x_1,\ldots,x_{q-1},\yvar)|_{\yvar=\yvar^*}\), and if \(\yvar=0\), then \(\Phi(x_1,\ldots,x_{q-1}):=\Phi_0(x_1,\ldots,x_{q-1})\).
The next proposition implies forward invariance of \(P_c\) under \(F_d^{\circ 2}\) for \(c\) small enough and \(d\) large enough.
## Proof of Proposition [\[prop:2stepforward\]](#prop:2stepforward){reference-type="ref" reference="prop:2stepforward"}
We are now ready to prove Proposition [\[prop:2stepforward\]](#prop:2stepforward){reference-type="ref" reference="prop:2stepforward"}, which we restate here for convenience.
# Concluding remarks
Although we have only proved uniqueness of the Gibbs measure on the infinite regular tree for a sufficiently large degree \(d\), our method could conceivably be extended to smaller values of \(d\). With the aid of a computer we managed to check that for \(q=3\) and \(q=4\) and all \(d\geq 2\) the map \(F_d^{\circ 2}\) maps \(P_c\) into \(P_{\phi_d(-c)}\), where \(\phi_d\) is the restriction of \(-F_d^{\circ 2}\) to the line \(\mathbb{R}\cdot \mathbf{1}\). It seems reasonable to expect that for other small values of \(q\) a similar statement could be proved. A general approach is elusive so far. It is moreover also not clear that \(F_d(P_c)\) is convex, not even for \(q=3\). In fact, for \(q=3\) and \(c\) large enough \(F_3(P_c)\) is **not** convex. But for reasonable values of \(c\) it does appear to be convex. For larger values of \(q\) this is even less clear. Knowing that there is a unique Gibbs measure on the infinite regular tree is by itself not sufficient to design efficient algorithms to approximately compute the partition function/sample from the associated distribution on all bounded degree graphs. One needs a stronger notion of decay of correlations, often called *strong spatial mixing* or absence of complex zeros for the partition function near the real interval \([w,1]\) . It is not clear whether our current approach is capable of proving such statements (these certainly do not follow automatically), but we hope that it may serve as a building block in determining the threshold(s) for strong spatial mixing and absence of complex zeros. We note that even for the case \(w=0\), corresponding to proper colorings, the best known bounds for strong spatial mixing on the infinite tree are still far from the uniqueness threshold.
[^1]: We use the convention to denote random variables with capitals in boldface.
[^2]: The proof of that lemma in the published version of that paper contains an error; this is corrected in a more recent arXiv version: `arXiv:2011.05638 v3`.
[^3]: Recall that the *Hessian* of a function \(f:U\to \mathbb{R}\) for an open set \(U\subseteq\mathbb{R}^n\) at a point \(u\in U\) is defined as the \(n\times n\) matrix \(H_f(u)\) with \((H_f(u))_{i,j}=\tfrac{\partial^2 f}{\partial x_i\partial x_j}(u)\). When these partial derivatives are continuous and the domain \(U\) is convex, \(f\) is concave if and only if its Hessian is negative definite at each point of the domain \(U\) . | {'timestamp': '2023-01-30T02:12:36', 'yymm': '2203', 'arxiv_id': '2203.15457', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15457'} |
# Introduction {#sec:intro}
High-mass stars are preferentially found in binary and multiple systems and a significant fraction have short orbital periods. They are also bright so are over-represented in magnitude-limited samples. As a result, a relatively large number of high-mass stars have been found to be members of eclipsing binaries (EBs). Of particular interest are high-mass stars in EBs with orbital periods long enough for them to have evolved as single stars. For these objects it is possible to measure their masses and radii directly and use these properties to compare with or to calibrate theoretical models of evolution of single stars. A prominent recent trend is the finding that the properties of high-mass EBs need stronger internal mixing processes than predicted by standard evolutionary models. Subsequent evolution of high-mass short-period binaries leads to a wide variety of exotic objects that are important for many areas of stellar astrophysics, such as X-ray binaries, supernovae and gamma-ray bursts. Many high-mass stars also show pulsations. Among early-type main-sequence stars of spectral type types O and B, there are three main classes of pulsating variable. The slowly pulsating B (SPB) stars are mid-to-late B stars that pulsate in high-radial order gravity (g) modes with periods of order days. The \(\beta\) Cephei stars span spectral types from O9 to B3 on the main sequence but can reach B5 during the giant phase. They pulsate in low-radial order pressure (p) and g modes with periods of order a few hours. The pulsation modes of SPB and \(\beta\) Cephei stars are driven by a heat-engine mechanism operating in the partial ionisation zones of iron and nickel at 200 000 K. This opacity-based driving mechanism produces periodic standing waves (i.e. coherent pulsation modes), from which forward asteroseismic modelling can reveal a star's interior physics. See for a recent review of forward asteroseismic results of SPB and \(\beta\) Cephei stars. In particular, the combination of dynamical masses and radii from binary modelling with asteroseismic modelling of pulsations in eclipsing systems has shown great promise in being able to precisely constrain stellar structure and evolution theory (see e.g. @SchmidAerts16aa [@Johnston+19mn]). But such studies are so far lacking among massive stars. The third type of pulsator among early-type stars are those which exhibit stochastic low-frequency (SLF) variability. Such stars have quasi-periodic and time-dependent variability spanning a broad range of periods from several days to of order minutes, which has been inferred to be caused by stochastically excited gravity waves driven by turbulent (core) convection. These gravity waves are an efficient mixing mechanism inside massive stars, and are seemingly ubiquitous in massive stars with precise enough photometry. Gravity waves are excited at the interface of convective and radiative regions inside massive stars, which include the core as predicted by two-and three-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations. Another explanation for SLF variabilty in massive stars is caused by the dynamics of their turbulent envelopes, which also gives rise to temperature and velocity variations. A comparison of recent high-cadence TESS photometry and high-resolution spectroscopy allowed to demonstrate that the SLF variability in massive stars probes the mass and age of a star, and offers further support to the conclusion that gravity waves are responsible for macroturbulence in massive stars. Therefore the continued study of SLF variability, especially in binary systems that have so far been neglected, is an exciting prospect for constraining the interior mixing of massive stars as so far their study has been mainly based on single stars. To do so, a well-characterised sample of massive binary systems is needed, which is one of the motivations of this work. we present the discovery and preliminary analysis of a set of pulsating high-mass stars in EBs. A detailed study of these systems in most cases will require extensive spectroscopy and sophisticated analysis, which we leave to future work. We have also determined the physical properties of targets for which suitable data were available.
# Target selection {#sec:targ}
Only a few EBs containing high-mass pulsators were known until recently. The main reason for this is that the amount of data needed to securely detect pulsations photometrically is much higher compared to their single-star counterparts. Furthermore, disentangling the photometric signals of binarity, rotation and pulsations of massive stars require ultra-high photometric precision, which is difficult to achieve from the ground. SPB and \(\beta\) Cephei stars are observationally difficult to detect because of their low pulsation amplitudes (certainly compared to eclipse depths); SPB stars also have pulsation periods longer than a single night so are difficult to study using ground-based observations. We note that some high-mass pulsators in EBs have been identified spectroscopically (e.g. V2107 Cyg; @Bakis+14aj) through line-profile variations (LPVs). The *Kepler* space mission brought a huge improvement in the quality and quantity of time-series photometry for pulsating stars, but its small sky coverage meant few high-mass stars were observed and even fewer high-mass pulsators in EBs were identified. The prime example of this is the discovery of SLF variability in the B1.5 III + B2 V system V380 Cyg. The appearance of TESS has changed this picture completely as it is in the process of obtaining time-series high-precision photometry of a large fraction of the sky. In contrast to *Kepler*, the TESS mission has observed a large number of high-mass EBs, of which many have an extensive observational history and in some cases a detailed characterisation of the physical properties of the component stars. See the recent study by for a census of EBs with g-mode pulsations predominantly focussed on intermediate-mass stars, for a catalogue of 4500 EBs detected using TESS, and for a detailed review of the impact of space-based telescopes on binary star science. We therefore searched the TESS database to find EBs containing high-mass pulsating stars. The starting list was taken to be a bibliography of objects gradually accumulated by the first author since the year 2001, and therefore includes only those EBs identified as such in a past publication. Each one was entered in the data visualisation portal at the Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes (MAST) archive[^1] and any available short-cadence light curves were visually inspected for relevant features. This target selection was performed manually in summer 2020--many more of these objects will be detectable using automated methods and subsequent TESS data. recently presented the discovery of five new \(\beta\) Cephei EBs using photometry from the KELT project. The TESS light curves of these objects confirm the nature in three cases (V447 Cep, HD 339003 and HD 344880). A fourth object, HD 227977, shows \(\beta\) Cephei pulsations but not eclipses in the TESS light curve so is unlikely to be a \(\beta\) Cephei EB. The fifth star, HD 254346, has no TESS light curve but was considered to be a probable blend rather than a \(\beta\) Cephei EB. We have not considered these objects further in the current work, as state they are already following them up.
# Observations {#sec:obs}
TESS was launched by NASA on 2018/04/08 into an eccentric orbit around the Earth resonant with the orbit of the Moon. It is currently performing a photometric survey of 85% of the celestial sphere with the aim of identifying extrasolar planets through the transit method. The observational equipment comprises four cameras with 10.5 cm apertures, each with four CCDs, that together image a contiguous 24\(^\circ\[\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}96\(^\circ\) strip of sky. The pixel size on the sky is 21\(^{\prime\prime}\]\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}21\(^{\prime\prime}\), so contamination occurs for many stars. TESS observes through a wide-band filter that covers approximately 600 nm to 1000 nm. Each strip of sky is observed by TESS for two orbits (27.4 d), with a break near the midpoint for downlink of data to Earth. Each set of observations is called a sector, and some sky areas are observed in multiple sectors. A total of 200 000 stars were pre-selected for high-cadence observations (summed into a 120 s sampling rate on board the satellite). Full-frame images are also captured at a cadence of 1800 s (again summed on board), and subsequently clipped into an effective integration time of 1425 s by a cosmic-ray rejection algorithm. The data are processed and released as light curves by the TESS Science Processing Operations Center (SPOC) for stars observed at high cadence. The standard data product is simple aperture photometry (SAP). An additional data product, pre-search data conditioning (PDC) light curves, is available which has been processed to make it more suitable for detecting shallow transits of extrasolar planets in front of their host stars. The PDC data are not intended for stars which show large variability amplitudes, such as many EBs, and in our experience often contain strong systematics introduced by the conditioning process. We therefore used in the current work. These were downloaded from the MAST, extracted from the fits files, and converted into magnitude units. We rejected any datapoints having a nonzero flag for the QUALITY parameter, with the exception of a few cases noted below. We also ignored the errorbars provided as these are usually far too small and the data are relatively homogeneous, preferring instead to determine the quality of our modelling from the scatter of the data around the best fits. Light curves for each of our targets are shown in Figs. [\[fig:time:1\]](#fig:time:1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:time:1"}, [\[fig:time:2\]](#fig:time:2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:time:2"} and [\[fig:time:3\]](#fig:time:3){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:time:3"}.
# Analysis methods {#sec:anal}
## Analysis of eclipses {#sec:anal:ecl}
The first analysis step was to attempt to model the effects of binarity in the TESS light curve. This served dual aims: to measure the radii and orbital inclination of the component stars, and to subtract the signatures of binarity from the light curve prior to investigation of the pulsations. For this step we used version 42 of the jktebop[^2] code. This code treats the stars as spheres for the calculation of eclipse shapes and as ellipsoids for the simulation of the ellipsoidal effect. Such an approximation is suitable for systems where the stars are not very tidally deformed, and in the case of well-detached systems jktebop has been shown to agree very well with other codes. For close binaries where the components are significantly aspherical, jktebop still provides a good fit to the data but the parameters of the fit become unreliable. In some cases we have continued to use jktebop in preference to more sophisticated codes because we find that it is orders of magnitude faster both for the user and the computer; we give the approximate parameters of the system for reference but leave detailed modelling to the future. Throughout this paper we refer to the primary star (the one obscured at the deeper eclipse) as star A. The secondary star is star B and any tertiary star (if present) is called star C. In jktebop the radii of the stars are parameterised in terms of the fractional radii, defined by \(r_{\rm A} = \frac{R_{\rm A}}{a}\) and \(r_{\rm B} = \frac{R_{\rm B}}{a}\) where \(R_{\rm A}\) and \(R_{\rm B}\) are the true radii of the stars, and \(a\) is the semimajor axis of the relative orbit. The fitted parameters are the sum (\(r_{\rm A}+r_{\rm B}\)) and ratio (\(k = \frac{r_{\rm B}}{r_{\rm A}}\)) of the radii, as these are more closely related to the eclipse shapes. We also fitted for the orbital inclination (\(i\)), the ratio of the central surface brightnesses of the stars (\(J\)), the orbital period (\(P\)) and the time of midpoint of a primary eclipse (\(T_0\)). Limb darkening was included using the quadratic law with theoretical coefficients for the TESS passband from; we typically fitted for the linear coefficients of the two stars (\(u_{\rm A}\) and \(u_{\rm B}\)) and fixed the quadratic coefficients (\(v_{\rm A}\) and \(v_{\rm B}\)) because of the strong correlations between \(u\) and \(v\). In cases where the orbit was eccentric we additionally fitted the quantities \(e\cos\omega\) and \(e\sin\omega\), where \(e\) is the orbital eccentricity and \(\omega\) is the argument of periastron. Some systems required the inclusion of third light (\(\ell_3\)) as a fitted parameter. Finally, we fitted for the coefficients of low-order polynomials applied to the out-of-eclipse brightness of the systems as a function of time in order to remove any slow variations in brightness due to either astrophysical or instrumental effects.
### Wilson-Devinney code
Some of the systems studied in this work have stars sufficiently close to each other to be significantly tidally distorted. In these cases a spherical-star approximation (as used in jktebop) is not suitable and full Roche geometry is needed. Where the prospect of extracting useful information was large, we fitted the light curve with the Wilson-Devinney (WD) code in its 2004 version (wd2004), driven by the jktwd wrapper. Prior to this, we converted each light curve to orbital phase and then binned it into 400 datapoints in order to save computing time. These data were fitted in mode 0 or 2, assuming (pseudo)synchronous rotation, logarithmic limb darkening using coefficients from, gravity darkening exponents of 1.0 as suitable for hot stars and albedos of 1.0. Mass ratios and effective temperature () values were taken from previous work and the Cousins \(R\) band was adopted as a reasonable approximation to the TESS passband for hot stars. The fitted parameters in each case were the potentials of both stars, the orbital inclination, a phase shift, the light contributions of the two stars, the amount of third light in the system, and where necessary \(e\) and \(\omega\). Third light is expressed in terms of the fractional contribution to the total light of the system at a phase of 0.25, so is not directly comparable to the light contributions from the two stars individually. Error analysis with the WD code is non-trivial because the formal errors from the covariance matrix are usually too small, especially for data of space-based quality. We therefore perturbed the fit by changing the rotation rates, albedo and gravity darkening exponents by \(\pm\)`<!-- -->`{=html}0.1, using a different limb darkening law, changing the mass ratio by its uncertainty, and trying different numerical resolutions (see @Pavlovski++18mn and @Me20obs). The uncertainties were obtained from the variations between the different models and the final adopted parameter values and in all cases are larger than the formal errors calculated by wd2004.
## Physical properties {#sec:anal:phys}
Some objects have previously been studied spectroscopically, so their full physical properties can be calculated using the parameters measured from the light curve and published spectroscopic orbits. To do this we used the jktabsdim code , which implements standard equations and propagates errorbars using a perturbation analysis. We used the IAU nominal solar properties and physical constants for compatibility with other work. We calculated the masses of the stars (\(M_{\rm A}\) and \(M_{\rm B}\)), their radii (\(R_{\rm A}\) and \(R_{\rm B}\)), surface gravities (\(\log g_{\rm A}\) and \(\log g_{\rm B}\)), light ratio in the TESS passband (\(\ell_{\rm B}/\ell_{\rm A}\)) and the semimajor axis (\(a\)). Where possible we adopted published values for the values of the stars in order to calculate their luminosities (\(L_{\rm A}\) and \(L_{\rm B}\)). Distances to the systems were not considered as this is beyond the scope of the current work. are given in Tables [\[tab:lc:1\]](#tab:lc:1){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:lc:1"}, [\[tab:lc:2\]](#tab:lc:2){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:lc:2"} and [\[tab:lc:wd\]](#tab:lc:wd){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:lc:wd"}.
## Pulsations {#sec:anal:puls}
For the majority of systems, we used the residual light curve after subtracting the binary model to calculate an amplitude spectrum using a discrete Fourier Transform. Similarly to, we identified significant to the residual light curve. We used a signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) \(\geqslant\) 5 as our significance criterion following previous studies of *Kepler* and TESS data that advocate using values larger than the canonical S/N \(\geqslant\) 4 limit of (see e.g. @Burssens+20aa [@BaranKoen21aca; @BowmanMichielsen21aa]). However, some stars had large pulsation amplitudes relative to their eclipse depths. This made binary modelling difficult without first identifying the dominant pulsation mode frequencies. Therefore for such stars we manually clipped the eclipses out of the light curve before performing frequency analysis. These systems were: 16 Lac, \(\lambda\) Sco and \(\mu\) Eri. It is common that in the case of an imperfect binary model, residual power is found at integer multiples of the orbital frequency (i.e. harmonics) in the amplitude spectrum of a residual light curve. If a significant frequency is extracted at the location of an orbital harmonic we do not consider it an independent pulsation frequency. This is because our goal is to identify stars with coherent heat-driven pulsations for future asteroseismic modelling. However, it is certainly plausible that at least some of the significant frequencies that coincide with orbital harmonics are tidally-excited oscillation (TEO) modes if the binary system is sufficiently eccentric (see e.g. @Welsh+11apjs [@Thompson+12apj]). However, differentiating TEO modes from residual amplitude from an imperfect binary model is beyond the scope of this work, as this requires more extensive spectroscopic monitoring and modelling. We are currently gathering spectroscopy of the most promising systems but leave the analysis for future work. For each analysis, we produced a summary figure in the supplementary material, in which the top panel shows the residual light curve (i.e. after subtraction of the binary model) and the bottom panel shows the amplitude spectrum of the residual light curve with labelled significant pulsation mode frequencies. In the systems that had their eclipses removed prior to their frequency analysis, the significant frequencies are labelled in purple and are shown in Fig. A1. The summaries of other stars are shown in Figs. A2 and A3, and have their significant independent frequencies labelled in green. For each star, we also provide the pulsation mode frequencies, amplitudes and phases with uncertainties from the non-linear least-squares fit in Table A1. In Table [\[tab:targ\]](#tab:targ){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:targ"} we also provide a pulsator classification for each target based on visual inspection
# Discussion of individual objects
References: \(^{(a)}\); \(^{(b)}\); \(^{(c)}\); \(^{(d)}\) Taken from. The errorbars for \(K_{\rm A}\) and \(K_{\rm B}\) have been doubled. No errorbars were given for the values so errorbars of 1000 K have been assumed.\
\(^{(e)}\); \(^{(f)}\); \(^{(g)}\);
References: \(^{(a)}\); \(^{(b)}\); \(^{(c)}\); \(^{(d)}\).
References: \(^{(a)}\); \(^{(b)}\); \(^{(c)}\); \(^{(d)}\); \(^{(e)}\).
## 16 Lacertae \(=\) EN Lacertae
16 Lac is a very bright early-B-type EB showing shallow eclipses and gorgeous \(\beta\) Cephei pulsations. It was discovered to be a spectroscopic binary by, to be pulsating by, and to be eclipsing by. Star B has not been detected either photometrically or spectroscopically. Spectroscopic observations have been used to investigate the pulsations and to determine the spectroscopic orbit of the primary component. Extensive photometry was obtained by, who performed a frequency analysis and a fit to the eclipses. found multiple frequencies attributable to \(\beta\) Cephei pulsations. 16 Lac has since been observed by TESS in Sector 16, but is not scheduled to be observed again by this satellite. The TESS data from Sector 16 show clear multi-periodic pulsations with a maximum amplitude of approximately 0.01 mag, plus two consecutive eclipses of depth 0.04 mag (Fig. [\[fig:time:1\]](#fig:time:1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:time:1"}). We had to remove the requirement of QUALITY \(=\) 0 in order to avoid losing datapoints in the second half of the first eclipse; the flagged data appear to be as reliable as the data with QUALITY \(=\) 0. The eclipses are grazing and strongly distorted by the pulsations, so we elected to remove the pulsations before fitting the eclipses. The secondary eclipse is shallow and smaller than the pulsations. It was not detected by, who attributed this to it being very shallow due to the low of star B. After removal of the pulsations the secondary eclipse is identifiable at the correct orbital phase (0.511 based on the \(e\) and \(\omega\) from @Lehmann+01aa), representing the first direct detection of light from star B and confirming the interpretation of. We removed the pulsations in two different ways and modelled both light curves with jktebop, finding good consistency between the parameters. The orbital shape parameters (\(e\) and \(\omega\)) were fixed at the values for the spectroscopic orbit of star A from. Agreement is good for all parameters except \(J\), for which we find 0.133 and 0.230 for the two light curves. Adopting \(J=0.18 \pm 0.05\) and \(T_{\rm eff,1} = 22\,500\) K gives \(T_{\rm eff,2} = 14700 \pm 1200\) K. The current TESS data (Fig. [\[fig:time:1\]](#fig:time:1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:time:1"}) are not definitive but do at least provide the first detection of the secondary eclipse. From the \(r_{\rm B}\), \(i\), \(K_{\rm A}\) and \(P\) in Table [\[tab:lc:1\]](#tab:lc:1){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:lc:1"} we can determine the surface gravity of star B. We find \(\log g_{\rm B} = 3.50 \pm 0.04\) which is lower than that of the primary. One explanation for this would be if star B is still in the pre-main-sequence evolutionary phase. Owing to the large pulsation amplitude amplitudes of 16 Lac relative to the eclipse depths, the eclipse profiles are significantly affected by the pulsations which limits our binary modelling. We manually removed the primary eclipses from the TESS light curve of 16 Lac prior to our pulsation frequency analysis. The summary figure of 16 Lac is shown in Fig. A1, including its pre-and post-clipped light curve and labelled amplitude spectrum. Star A is known to be a multi-periodic \(\beta\) Cephei star, and our analysis of TESS data reveals a dominant pulsation mode frequency of \(5.9105 \pm 0.0001\) d\(^{-1}\) with an amplitude of \(5.65 \pm 0.03\) mmag. We detected a total of eight significant independent pulsation mode frequencies which span the frequency range of \(1.5 < \nu < 11.5\) d\(^{-1}\), which is a typical range for such stars.
## \(\delta\) Circinus
\(\delta\) Cir is an O-type eclipsing binary that shows SLF variability in its TESS light curve similar to other O-type stars. No intrinsic variability in either star has been previously reported, likely due to the difficulty of obtaining high-quality photometry of such a bright star. It has a small eccentricity, apsidal motion, and a third component on a wider orbit. discovered the third star in IUE spectra (see also @Stickland+93obs) and inferred spectral types of O7 III-V, O9.5 V and B0.5 V for the three components. Their preferred values were \(37500 \pm 1500\) K, \(33000 \pm 1000\) K and \(29000 \pm 2000\) K, respectively. The most recent study was by, in which references to earlier work can be found. favoured a spectral type of O8 IV for star A. They also interferometrically resolved star C using the VLTI, finding a magnitude difference of \(\Delta H = 1.75\) mag (no uncertainty quoted) which corresponds to a fractional contribution of approximately 17% in the \(H\)-band. \(\delta\) Cir was observed by TESS in Sector 12 and the light curve shows eclipses of depth 0.17 mag (primary) and 0.13 mag (secondary) onto which a much lower-amplitude variability is superimposed (Fig. [\[fig:time:1\]](#fig:time:1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:time:1"}). Our fits require an orbital eccentricity that is small but highly significant and in good agreement with previous studies of this system. Star A has a large fractional radius so we produced a preliminary fit of the light curve with jktebop, phase-folded it, and performed a detailed analysis with wd2004 (Table [\[tab:lc:wd\]](#tab:lc:wd){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:lc:wd"} and Fig. [\[fig:phase\]](#fig:phase){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:phase"}). Due to the presence of a known third component we included \(\ell_3\) as a fitted parameter, obtaining a value of \(0.277 \pm 0.023\). This is much larger than the 0.17 expected from the interferometrically-determined \(H\)-band magnitude difference, suggesting the presence of a fourth component, contaminating light in the large TESS aperture, or imperfect subtraction of background light during the data reduction process. @Mayer+14aj noted that some of the observed spectral line profiles were better fitted by four components, although its hierarchical position within the system is unclear, which supports the larger third light value we find. Future analyses would benefit from additional constraints on \(\ell_3\) in the TESS passband, perhaps through further optical or near-IR interferometry. We determined the physical properties of the system from the results of our WD analysis and the velocity amplitudes from. The velocity amplitude of star B found by is significantly larger, but was not supplied with an errorbar so we were do not use it. We find masses in good agreement with those from but not, and radii in good agreement with those from. Although the mass measurements have precisions of 2--3% their true uncertainty is larger than this; the radius measurements should be reliable. We detected no significant independent pulsation modes in the residual amplitude spectrum of \(\delta\) Cir, as shown in Fig. A2. The light curve is dominated by SLF variability, which is typical for stars of spectral type of mid-to-late O. Furthermore, we note that since the system contains more than a single O-type star, the light curve (and amplitude spectrum) dominated by SLF variability has contributions for stars of different mass and age. Hence the flux dilution of each star's variability based on their relative light contributions is an important factor when interpreting SLF variability in multiple systems.
## \(\eta\) Orionis
\(\eta\) Ori is a system of at least five early-type stars showing multiple types of photometric variability. Components A and B form a visual double separated by 1.8, and component C is distant by 114Ċomponent A is itself a spectroscopic triple system comprising an EB with a period of 7.99 d (\(\eta\) Ori Aa,b) orbited by a tertiary with a 9 yr period (\(\eta\) Ori Ac). A photometric variability with a period of 0.301 d has been found to occur in the AB system, possibly arising from star Ab. This periodicity was corrected to 0.432 d by. obtained spectroscopic observations and detected LPVs with a period of 0.13 d that could be ascribed to a non-radial pulsation mode of angular degree \(\ell=4\) and azimuthal order \(m=-3\). The Aa,b and Ac system has also been spatially resolved using lucky spectroscopy. These authors found spectral types of B0.7 V for Aa and B1.5 V for B, but were unable to identify Ab in their spectrum. also found that component B consists of two stars with high rotational velocities and a large radial velocity (RV) separation. This is consistent with the idea suggested by that component B is a 0.864 d contact binary and the shorter-period variation is actually due to the effects of binarity in this object. \(\eta\) Ori was observed by TESS in sectors 6 and 32 (Fig. [\[fig:time:1\]](#fig:time:1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:time:1"}), and is not scheduled to be observed again. Both light curves show eclipses with a period of 7.988 d and a sinusoidal variability with a 0.43 d period. The features in the data from sector 32 have a much lower amplitude, implying difficulties in extracting reliable light curves for a star this bright, so we restricted our analysis of the data from sector 6. Here the eclipses are of depth 0.23 and 0.21 mag, and the sinusoidal variability has a period of 0.43207 d and an amplitude of 0.021 mag. Our initial fits to the eclipses in the TESS data showed large residuals due to the shorter-period variation, so we proceeded with fits including a sine term to account for it. This yields a much better result (Table [\[tab:lc:1\]](#tab:lc:1){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:lc:1"}), but a more detailed analysis is needed for this object. The ratio of the variability periods is \(18.4869 \pm 0.0001\), which is not consistent with any orbital commensurabilities. The shorter-period variability appears to be strictly periodic and also not exactly sinusoidal in shape, consistent with the ellipsoidal effect arising from a close binary. We conclude that the available data are plausibly as arising from a quintuple star system containing two binary systems: a detached EB with a period of 7.988 d and one component showing g-mode pulsations, and a non-eclipsing binary with a period of 0.8641 d and strong ellipsoidal variations.
## \(\lambda\) Scorpii
\(\lambda\) Sco is a very bright system that has been studied extensively in the past. The inner binary is eclipsing and is composed of a B-star (\(10.4 \pm 1.3\)) showing \(\beta\) Cephei pulsations and a 1.6--2.0 unevolved MS star; it has an orbital period of 5.953 d and eccentricity of 0.26. The tertiary component is a B-star (\(8.1 \pm 1.0\)) on a much wider orbit of period 2.96 yr that has been interferometrically resolved. Extensive information and analysis of this system can be found in, and, and a more recent study can be found in. \(\lambda\) Sco was observed by TESS in Sectors 12 (Fig. [\[fig:time:1\]](#fig:time:1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:time:1"}) and 39, but only the first was available at the time of our analysis. We accepted all measurements with finite SAP flux values, irrespective of their QUALITY flag, giving 16 088 brightness measurements. The TESS light curve exhibits shallow eclipses and strong \(\beta\) Cephei variability. However, the eclipse depths (0.015 and 0.005 mag) are in poor agreement with those in an unpublished light curve (0.04 and 0.01 mag) from the WIRE satellite so these data may not be reliable. We nevertheless proceeded to fit the TESS data with jktebop (Table [\[tab:lc:2\]](#tab:lc:2){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:lc:2"}). We fixed the third light at 0.54 based on the interferometric measurement at 700 nm from. Our solution has a much lower eccentricity than in previous studies, and we recommend that a detailed analysis using more extensive data is performed when possible. The results are given in Table [\[tab:lc:1\]](#tab:lc:1){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:lc:1"} to only a small number of significant figures. With the \(K_{\rm A}\) from we were able to calculate the surface gravity of star B to be 4.44 (log cgs), which is appropriate for a low-mass MS star. This conclusively rules out the possibility that star B is a white dwarf and also disfavours the idea that it is a pre-MS star. Similar to 16 Lac, \(\lambda\) Sco is a system for which the eclipse profiles are significantly affected by the pulsations which limits our binary modelling. We manually removed the eclipses from the TESS light curve prior to our frequency analysis, with its summary figure shown in Fig. A1. The primary of \(\lambda\) Sco is a known multi-periodic \(\beta\) Cephei star, and our analysis of the clipped TESS light curve reveals a dominant pulsation mode frequency of \(4.6790 \pm 0.0001\) d\(^{-1}\) and amplitude of \(4.02 \pm 0.02\) mmag, which is consistent in frequency to that detected by using spectroscopy. We detected a total of five significant independent pulsation mode frequencies which span the frequency range of \(4 < \nu < 10\) d\(^{-1}\). \(\lambda\) Sco was also recently identified as a candidate high-priority target for the upcoming ESA/KU Leuven CubeSpec space mission, which will assemble high-cadence and high resolution optical spectroscopy of massive stars, because of its high amplitude \(\beta\) Cephei pulsations.
## \(\mu\) Eridani
\(\mu\) Eri is another bright system with an extensive observational history, composed of an SPB star and a much smaller and less massive star in a 7.359 d orbit with an eccentricity of 0.34. It has been known to be a spectroscopic binary for over a century, and was discovered to be a pulsating variable by and eclipsing by. presented a detailed analysis of the system based on extensive spectroscopy and 12 d of observations from the MOST satellite. They extracted pulsation frequencies, fitted the eclipses, and derived a new single-lined spectroscopic orbit. \(\mu\) Eri was observed by TESS in Sectors 5 and 32, totalling 52 d of coverage including observations of seven eclipses (Fig. [\[fig:time:1\]](#fig:time:1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:time:1"}). The pulsations strongly affect the eclipse shapes but unfortunately are not easy to remove. We therefore modelled the two sectors of data with jktebop with the pulsations still present, and give only indicative parameters in Table [\[tab:lc:2\]](#tab:lc:2){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:lc:2"}. We fixed \(e\) and \(\omega\) at the values given by and chose an indicative surface brightness ratio of 0.15. We expect that a more detailed analysis of these data could lead to a more robust model of the system. Owing to the significant gap between the two available short-cadence sectors of \(\mu\) Eri, we analysed the pulsational variability of both sectors independently. After manually removing the eclipses from the light curves, we did not find any significant frequencies following our S/N \(\geqslant\) 5 significance criterion, despite \(\mu\) Eri being a known g-mode pulsator. This is not surprising since in our analysis we restricted ourselves to S/N \(\geqslant\) 5 whilst previous studies have pushed down to as low as S/N \(\geqslant\) 3. The low-frequency g-mode regime of \(\mu\) Eri, as can been seen in Fig. A1, is dense and contains multiple unresolved frequencies. These unresolved frequencies together increase the local noise level resulting in the highest amplitude peaks having S/N \(<\) 5. The analysis of both pulsations and eclipses in \(\mu\) Eri will greatly benefit from further spectroscopic monitoring.
## AN Doradus
AN Dor shows total eclipses with the secondary (0.05 mag) much shallower than the primary (0.16 mag), plus a strong reflection effect and clear \(\beta\) Cephei pulsations. Little is known about this object: it was discovered to be eclipsing using *Hipparcos* satellite data and given its designation in the General Catalogue of Variable Stars by. gave its spectral type as B2/3 V. included it in a short list of variable B-stars in EBs, with the comment that "the short-term variability is ...uncertain". No other study of it has been published, to our knowledge. AN Dor has been observed extensively by TESS. It was observed in short cadence in two sets of five consecutive sectors (2--6 and 29--33), in long cadence in sectors 9, 12 and 13, and again in short cadence in sectors 36 and 39. To obtain a preliminary characterisation of the system we have analysed the light curve from sectors 29--33 (see Fig. [\[fig:time:1\]](#fig:time:1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:time:1"}) as these are sufficient for our purposes and of better quality that that from sectors 2--6. We find a good fit using jktebop (Fig. [\[fig:phase\]](#fig:phase){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:phase"}) although star A is formally too deformed for this code to be reliable (see Table [\[tab:lc:2\]](#tab:lc:2){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:lc:2"}). Despite the short orbital period of 2.03 d the system has an eccentric orbit. Star B is smaller and much fainter than star A; the light ratio of 0.7% means extensive effort will be needed to obtain RVs for it. For the analysis we again restricted ourselves to analysing sectors 29--33, as these data cover a long time interval and are of high quality. There are many significant frequencies in the residual amplitude spectrum of AN Dor that coincide with integer multiples of the orbital frequency. These are shown as dashed red lines in the summary figure of AN Dor in Fig. A2. We interpret the majority of these frequencies to be the result of an imperfect binary model. On the other hand, we also detect many significant independent frequencies which are indicated by green lines in Fig. A2. Given the frequency range of its variability, spanning between 1 and 16 d\(^{-1}\) with its dominant frequency range between 1 and 4 d\(^{-1}\), and spectral type, we conclude that AN Dor is a \(\beta\) Cephei
## CC Cassiopeiae
CC Cas is an EB containing two close but detached stars of masses 23 and 10 on a 3.37 d orbit. It was discovered to be an SB2 by, to be eclipsing by, and to show night-to-night variability by. The most detailed study of the system was published by, who measured the masses, radii, values and spectral types of the component stars. A more recent spectroscopic analysis by returned significantly larger masses for the two stars than in previous works, suggesting that more extensive study of this spectroscopically difficult system is needed. CC Cas was observed by TESS in Sectors 18 and 19 (Fig. [\[fig:time:2\]](#fig:time:2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:time:2"}) and the appearance of the light curve in the two sectors is very similar. The large fractional radii of star A meant we had to perform an initial jktebop analysis to obtain the orbital ephemeris, phase-bin the data, and then fit it with wd2004 (Fig. [\[fig:phase\]](#fig:phase){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:phase"}). The results of this work are given in Table [\[tab:lc:wd\]](#tab:lc:wd){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:lc:wd"}. The fractional radii are measured to precisions of 1.2% and 2.5%. The orbital inclination, \(65.44 \pm 0.21^\circ\), is one of the lowest known for an EB and is possible because of the large sizes of the stars relative to the orbit. It is also significantly lower than found in previous work (e.g. @Hill+94aa found \(i = 69.6 \pm 0.4^\circ\))--this may have occurred due to the low quality of the photometry available before TESS or alternatively it might indicate presence of dynamical effects such as those as seen in VV Ori by. The light curve solution requires a small but highly significant orbital eccentricity of \(e = 0.0099 \pm 0.0013\); solutions assuming a circular orbit cannot correctly reproduce the shapes of the ingress and egress of the eclipses. Previous studies of CC Cas (e.g. @Hill+94aa and @Gorda13astbu) have assumed a circular orbit due to lack of evidence for eccentricity, but the TESS light curve is inconsistent with that assumption. We determined the physical properties of the system using our photometric analysis and the spectroscopic results from, which appear to be based on the highest-quality spectra. The masses are measured to better than 4% precision and the radii to better than 2%. This system is therefore a good candidate for measuring the properties of a 23 star to high precision, although extensive high-quality spectroscopy and a sophisticated analysis will be needed. We detect no significant independent pulsation modes in the residual amplitude spectrum of CC Cas, as shown in Fig. A2. The light curve is dominated by SLF variability, which is consistent with the recent result that main-sequence O-type stars have predominantly SLF variability rather than multiple high-amplitude heat-driven modes.
## EO Aurigae
EO Aur is an EB containing two early-B stars in a 4.07 d orbit. The system was discovered to be a spectroscopic binary by and to be eclipsing by. It has proved to be spectroscopically intractable due to the large line broadening of the components so the masses are not known with any certainty; future analysis using methods such as spectral disentangling may meet with more success. Light curves and radius measurements have been presented by and. EO Aur was observed in TESS Sector 19 (Fig. [\[fig:time:2\]](#fig:time:2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:time:2"}). Our jktebop fit to these data is shown in Fig. [\[fig:phase\]](#fig:phase){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:phase"}. We get a reasonable but not a good fit, failing in particular to match the data around the times of first and fourth contact for the primary eclipse. Star A has a fractional radius too large for jktebop (Table [\[tab:lc:2\]](#tab:lc:2){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:lc:2"}) and this is likely the reason for our imperfect fit. The system is in need of extensive new observations and analysis for its properties to be established reliably. The residual amplitude spectrum of EO Aur contains four significant frequencies which coincide with integer multiples of the orbital frequency, but also a single additional independent frequency at \(12.1466 \pm 0.0005\) d\(^{-1}\). Therefore we classify EO Aur as containing a \(\beta\) Cephei pulsator. The summary figure of EO Aur is shown in Fig. A2. We surmise, similarly to many stars in our sample, that EO Aur is a multi-periodic \(\beta\) Cephei pulsator, but the analysis of only a single available TESS sector does not reveal low amplitude pulsation modes.
## FZ Canis Majoris
FZ CMa was discovered to show double spectral lines with variable RV by and to be eclipsing on a 1.27 d period by. A detailed analysis of the system was presented by. They found excess scatter in their light curves and attributed this to intrinsic variability of the system. They also found a large third light and a light-time effect indicative of the presence of a tertiary component of large mass and an orbit with a period of 1.47 yr. The system has been spectrally classified as B2 Vn by, as B2.5 IV-V by, and as B2 IVn by. obtained eight spectra which showed lines of the eclipsing stars and used these to determine preliminary masses for them. They did not spectroscopically detect the tertiary despite its large mass, which suggests it is either rotating very quickly or instead could itself be binary. A detailed spectroscopic study of this system is needed in order to characterise it properly. FZ CMa was observed by TESS in sectors 7 and 33, and both light curves show clear eclipses and intrinsic variability (Fig. [\[fig:time:2\]](#fig:time:2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:time:2"}). Due to the known light-time effect we modelled these separately using wd2004. The eclipses are shallow and V-shaped, and can only be fitted with a large amount of third light, as already found by. The amount of third light is very well determined as \(\ell_3 = 0.467 \pm 0.007\), i.e. it is almost half of the total light of the system. We are able to obtain a good but not perfect fit to the TESS data (Fig. [\[fig:phase\]](#fig:phase){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:phase"}), and determine the fractional radii to precisions of 0.2% for the primary and 1.0% for the secondary (Table [\[tab:lc:wd\]](#tab:lc:wd){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:lc:wd"}). To obtain our solution we adopted a for star A of 22 000 K and arbitrarily assigned an uncertainty of 2000 K to this value. The physical properties are given in Table [\[tab:lc:wd\]](#tab:lc:wd){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:lc:wd"} and suffer from large uncertainties in the measured velocity amplitudes. We analysed the sector 7 and 33 data for FZ CMa separately, finding that they ultimately yield similar pulsation mode frequencies. FZ CMa shows a total of four significant pulsation mode frequencies between \(2 < \nu < 8\) d\(^{-1}\) in sector 7, classifying it as a \(\beta\) Cephei star. The summary figures for both sectors are shown in Fig. A2.
## HD 217919
HD 217919 is unique in this work as it was not previously known to be an EB, but was instead picked up by a colleague (Dr. P. Maxted) whilst browsing the TESS database. It is a known spectroscopic binary, for which presented a single-lined orbit with a period of 17.04 d and an eccentricity of 0.26; he also noted that the lines appeared doubled on three of the plates. The TESS light curve shows lovely \(\beta\) Cephei pulsations overlaid on obvious but shallow eclipses of depth 0.09 mag (primary) and 0.03 mag (secondary) HD 217919 has been observed by TESS in three sectors: 17, 18 and 24 (Fig. [\[fig:time:2\]](#fig:time:2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:time:2"}). The phasing of the observations is such that six secondary but only three primary eclipses were observed. The stars are well-detached so are suitable for analysis with jktebop. The time interval covered by the TESS data is long enough to get a precise linear ephemeris. In Fig. [\[fig:phase\]](#fig:phase){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:phase"} we show the best fit and in Table [\[tab:lc:2\]](#tab:lc:2){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:lc:2"} we give the fitted parameters from our eclipse analysis. We find a solution with a period of 16.2 d, a small eccentricity, and a significant third light. It is therefore possible that there is a tertiary component that is responsible for the pulsations, rather than one of the eclipsing components. The presence of a bright third star will also make spectroscopic analysis of this system difficult. The solution is unstable in that separate fits of individual sectors give very different results, so we give only an indicative solution: the best fit to all data but to only a few significant figures. We performed a frequency analysis of the two segments of TESS data available for HD 217919 separately, although they differ somewhat in quality and the resultant frequency lists. This revealed a rather dense spectrum of significant pulsation modes that span between \(1.5 < \nu < 10.5\) d\(^{-1}\). The apparent groups of the frequencies is reminiscent of high-radial order gravity modes seens in non-linear SPB pulsators (see e.g. @Kurtz+15mn), which can be explained at least in part by combination frequencies. However, such a phenomenon has not been seen for low-radial order p-modes in \(\beta\) Cephei stars, assuming that these pulsation modes are intrinsic to the primary. If they are intrinsic to the secondary or , then the companions could be SPB stars. Given the frequency range and spectral types of the system, we tentatively classify these as \(\beta\) Cephei pulsations. They may plausibly arise in any of the three components of the system.
## HQ Canis Majoris
HQ CMa was found to show variable RV by and to be eclipsing by. presented the only known dedicated analysis of this object, establishing its orbital period as 24.6033 d. although they were not able to observe a single eclipse in its entirety. HQ CMa has been observed by TESS in three sectors: 7, 34 and 35 (Fig. [\[fig:time:2\]](#fig:time:2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:time:2"}). Only one eclipse is visible in these data, in sector 34 and of depth 0.022 mag, but variability consistent with SPB and/or \(\beta\) Cephei pulsations is clearly discernable. Upon analysis with jktebop we immediately discovered the period from is incorrect because the data 24.6 d after the observed eclipse does not have an eclipse. A nearby gap in the data allows periods of 21.2 to 22.6 d; values of 34.5 d or longer would also be consistent with the TESS light curve. Faced with a system showing a single shallow partial eclipse and an unknown orbital period, it is a thankless task to deduce its properties so we have not attempted to do so. The shallowness of the eclipse can easily be matched using a grazing eclipse configuration, but it is also possible that there is a strong third light in the system in which case it is possible that the pulsations do not arise from either of the stars in the EB. We analysed sectors 33 and 34 of the TESS data of HQ CMa in search for significant pulsations, blind to in which star they may originate. As shown in the summary figures in Fig. A1, there is evidence of both low-frequency g-modes indicative of an SPB star and high-frequency p-modes indicative of a \(\beta\) Cephei star. The amplitudes of the \(\beta\) Cephei pulsations are quite small and not all frequencies are significant in both sectors. Similarly, the presence of multiple unresolved frequencies in the low-frequency g-mode regime means that only a single g-mode frequency has S/N \(\geq\) 5 in sector 33. Since the primary has a spectral type of B3 V, it is in the mass regime that allows for both p-and g-mode frequencies to be excited by the \(\kappa\) mechanism during the main sequence. We conclude that HQ CMa contains either a candidate SPB/\(\beta\) Cephei pulsator, or the \(\beta\) Cephei pulsations originate in a contaminating source given that the secondary likely has a later spectral type that the primary, and hence is not massive enough to host \(\beta\) Cephei pulsations.
## LS Canis Majoris
Despite its brightness, almost nothing was previously known for LS CMa. Its variability was found using the *Hipparcos* satellite and it was attributed this name and the "E:" designation in the General Catalogue of Variable Stars. Its RV is listed as 6 in the General Catalogue of Stellar Radial Velocities and a rotational velocity of 17 was given by. LS CMa was observed with TESS in two sets of two consecutive sectors: 6 and 7, and 33 and 34 (Fig. [\[fig:time:2\]](#fig:time:2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:time:2"}). The light curve shows clear variability aside from the eclipses. Four eclipses were observed: a secondary then part of the next primary in sectors 6 and 7, and a primary and immediately following secondary in sectors 33 and 34. The primary eclipse is annular and the secondary eclipse is total, indicating that the primary star is significantly hotter and larger than the secondary. Due to the order the eclipses were observed in, and despite the 730 d time interval between the two observed primaries (and also secondaries) it is straightforward to establish the orbital period of the system as 70 d. Using jktebop we refined this and the remaining photometric parameters to the values given in Table [\[tab:lc:1\]](#tab:lc:1){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:lc:1"}. The best fit to the eclipses is shown in Fig. [\[fig:ecl\]](#fig:ecl){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:ecl"}. Frequency analysis of sectors 33 and 34 of LS CMa reveals a few significant frequencies that coincide with integer multiples of the orbital frequency. We also detect a single independent frequency in sector 33, of frequency \(\nu = 1.61381 \pm 0.00006\) d\(^{-1}\) and amplitude of \(0.768 \pm 0.004\) mmag. This frequency is not significantly detected in sector 34. LS CMa is therefore not a convincing pulsating EB system based on the data currently available. The summary figures for the frequency analysis of LS CMa are shown in Fig. A3.
## SZ Camelopardalis
SZ Cam is a triple system with an inner orbital period of 2.70 d and a long observational history, having been discovered to be a spectroscopic binary by and to be eclipsing by. Extensive investigations have been published by and. There is a tertiary star that orbits the EB every approximately 55 yr. found that the third component is itself an SB1 with a period of 2.80 d, meaning that SZ Cam is a quadruple system. They also detected \(\beta\) Cephei pulsations in the system with a period of 0.333 d and tentatively attributed it to one of the non-eclipsing stars. SZ Cam was observed by TESS in sector 19 (Fig. [\[fig:time:3\]](#fig:time:3){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:time:3"}). We fitted these data with wd2004 assuming a circular orbit and allowing for third light (Fig. [\[fig:phase\]](#fig:phase){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:phase"}). The amount of third light we obtain is much greater than found by, which can be explained by the large size of the apertures used to extract the light curve from the TESS data. However, many other parameters show a significant difference between our values (Table [\[tab:lc:wd\]](#tab:lc:wd){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:lc:wd"}) and those found by. This includes the orbital inclination, which might have changed due to dynamical effects, and the of star B which is inconsistent with the spectroscopic value from. We deduced a value of the mass ratio from the TESS light curve: it is somewhat smaller than that obtained by from the spectroscopic orbits, and better matches values from earlier studies. In calculating the physical properties of the system we favoured the spectroscopic mass ratio and valus from over our own determinations. The measured radii are much less certain than the values from despite the use of the TESS data. Based on these issues, we conclude that the properties of SZ Cam are not as well established as suggested by previous work. A new analysis of this spectroscopically-difficult system is needed. We detect no significant independent pulsation modes in the residual amplitude spectrum of SZ Cam, as shown in Fig. A3. The light curve is dominated by SLF variability. This is not surprising given that the majority of the light contribution will be from the O9 IV primary and O-type stars are known to be dominated by SLF variability. We do not detect the \(\beta\) Cephei pulsation mode frequency of at significant amplitude in the TESS data. This is probably because of flux dilution of the pulsating star by the O-type primary, and the high fraction of contamination from nearby stars for SZ Cam given that it is a member of a young cluster and TESS pixels subtend a large angular size.
## V379 Cephei
V379 Cep was found to exhibit variable RV by and to be eclipsing by; its orbital period of 99 d took some effort to establish. found it to be a hierarchical quadrule system composed of two binary systems (the non-eclipsing one having a period of 158.7 d) orbiting each other every 7900 d. V379 Cep was observed by TESS in sectors 15--17 and will be observed again in sector 55. Two eclipses are visible, one in sector 15 and one in sector 17, separated by 49.9 d (Fig. [\[fig:time:3\]](#fig:time:3){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:time:3"}). Under the assumption that these are one primary and one secondary eclipse, we fitted the light curve with jktebop using a fixed orbital period of 99.7658 d. Our solution (Fig. [\[fig:ecl\]](#fig:ecl){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:ecl"}) is surprisingly consistent with a circular orbit, and unsurprisingly requires a large and poorly-constrained amount of third light to match the data. We adopted \(\ell_3 = 0.50\) to produce an indicative solution of the TESS data, which is given in Table [\[tab:lc:2\]](#tab:lc:2){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:lc:2"}. This is lower than the value of \(\ell_3 = 0.7\) adopted by, but returns (slightly) more plausible system properties from the TESS light curve. Further work on this object is needed for its properties to be reliably established. We detect no significant independent pulsation modes in the residual amplitude spectrum of V379 Cep, as shown in Fig. A3. The light curve is dominated by SLF variability.
## V436 Persei
V436 Per was found to be a spectroscopic binary by and to be eclipsing by. have summarised the observational history of the system, and also detected LPVs in their high-resolution spectra. These authors subsequently revisited the system, were unable to confirm the LPVs, and established the orbital elements to high precision using spectral disentangling. Observations of V436 Per were obtained by TESS in sector 18 (Fig. [\[fig:time:3\]](#fig:time:3){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:time:3"}), and the light curve fortuitously contains one primary and one secondary eclipse (Fig. [\[fig:phase\]](#fig:phase){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:phase"}). To constrain the orbital period of the system we adopted a time of minimum of HJD \(2443562.861 \pm 0.020\) where the value comes from and the errorbar from. The \(e\) and \(\omega\) of the system are of such a value that there exists three regions in parameter space that provide a similar fit. This is illustrated in Fig. [\[fig:v436per:mc\]](#fig:v436per:mc){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:v436per:mc"}. We can reject the local minimum with \(k = 0.69 \pm 0.03\) on statistical grounds, as it corresponds to a significantly worse fit (higher reduced \(\chi^2\)). On closer inspection this result occurs only for unphysical values of the limb darkening coefficients. We can also reject the local minimum with \(k = 0.84 \pm 0.02\) on astrophysical grounds, as it corresponds to an inverted mass--radius relationship for this binary system composed of two main-sequence stars. We therefore base our results on the third minimum (\(k = 1.10 \pm 0.03\)), which also is fully consistent with the \(e\), \(\omega\) and values from the extensive spectroscopic analysis of this system by. With our results plus the velocity amplitudes from we establish physical properties of the system to high precision for the first time (Table [\[tab:lc:1\]](#tab:lc:1){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:lc:1"}). A confirmation of these results could come from a direct measurement of a spectroscopic light ratio, as this differs significantly between the three local minima. We detect no significant independent pulsation modes in the residual amplitude spectrum of V436 Per, as shown in Fig. A3. The light curve is dominated by SLF variability, but additional photometry would be useful in distinguishing SLF variability from independent pulsation modes that are possibly present but insignificant in the current data.
## V446 Cephei
V446 Cep was discovered to be eclipsing based on data from the *Hipparcos* satellite, with a period of 3.81 d. published the only dedicated analysis of the system, based on the *Hipparcos* light curve and 15 medium-resolution spectra. They assigned spectral types of B1 V and B9 V, and determined the masses (18 and 2.6) and radii (8.3 and 2.1) of the stars. TESS observed V446 Cep in sectors 16, 17 and 24. The light curve shows annular primary eclipses of depth 0.08 mag, total secondary eclipses of depth 0.03 mag, and multiperiodic pulsations of a few mmag amplitude (Fig. [\[fig:time:3\]](#fig:time:3){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:time:3"}). Our jktebop analysis required a small orbital eccentricity to fit the data properly, but no third light was needed. We were able to get a good fit to the data (Fig. [\[fig:phase\]](#fig:phase){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:phase"}) and evaluated the uncertainties of the resulting parameters using Monte Carlo and residual-permutation algorithms. The surface brightness ratio of the two stars is 0.48 so their ratio should be approximately \(0.48^{1/4}=0.83\). This does not agree with the determinations by, \(26600 \pm 1000\) K and \(11900 \pm 1050\) K, which have a ratio of \(0.45 \pm 0.05\). Given this discrepancy, and the preliminary nature of the published analysis, their spectroscopic results are questionable. We have therefore not determined the physical properties of the system, in favour of deferring this until more extensive spectroscopy becomes available. If the of star A from is reliable, then our \(J\) gives a of star B of approximately 22 000 K (Table [\[tab:lc:1\]](#tab:lc:1){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:lc:1"}). We performed a analysis of sectors 16--17 and 24 of V446 Cep separately owing to their temporal separation and difference in data quality. Most noteworthy is the presence of a high-amplitude frequency in both residual amplitude spectra which coincides with an orbital harmonic, as shown in the summary figures in Fig. A3. Specifically, \(10.24372 \pm 0.00006\) d\(^{-1}\) with an amplitude of \(1.262 \pm 0.007\) mmag in sectors 16--17 and \(10.2437 \pm 0.0002\) d\(^{-1}\) with an amplitude of \(1.28 \pm 0.01\) mmag in sector 24. There are also several independent pulsation modes spanning \(2 < \nu < 12\) d\(^{-1}\). Therefore, we conclude that V446 Cep is a candidate system for showing TEOs in addition to \(\beta\) Cephei pulsations. On the other hand, if the secondary is sufficiently evolved it could be a \(\delta\) Scuti pulsator, but we deem this a less favourable solution given the known properties of the system.
## V539 Arae
V539 Ara consists of B3 V and B4 V stars in a 3.17 d orbit. found it to be SB2 and discovered eclipses. The most detailed work on this object comes from the Copenhagen group: determined a spectroscopic orbit based on extensive photographic spectroscopy, presented extensive \(uvby\) photometry, and measured the masses and radii of the component stars to high precision. The system shows intrinsic variability, which ascribed to SPB pulsations in the secondary star and identified three possible frequencies. V539 Ara also undergoes apsidal motion with an apsidal period of \(162 \pm 8\) yr. There is a tertiary companion with a period of \(42.3 \pm 0.8\) yr and a wider companion at 12.3 arcsec that is fainter than the EB by approximately 3.6 mag in the *Gaia* \(G\), BP and RP passbands. V539 Ara was observed by TESS in sectors 13 and 39 (Fig. [\[fig:time:3\]](#fig:time:3){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:time:3"}). For our jktebop analysis we analysed these separately and did not consider photometry from other sources, in order to avoid issues with the apsidal motion. We allowed for an eccentric orbit and third light, and calculated uncertainties using the Monte Carlo and residual-permutation algorithms (Fig. [\[fig:phase\]](#fig:phase){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:phase"}). The results from the two sectors are in very good agreement so were combined according to their weighted means. The residual-permutation errorbars are larger than the Monte Carlo errorbars, which can be attributed to the variability in the light curve. Our results establish the radii of the stars to precisions of 0.4% (star A) and 1% (star B; Table [\[tab:lc:1\]](#tab:lc:1){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:lc:1"}), and are in good agreement with those from. We detect no significant independent pulsation modes in the residual amplitude spectrum of V539 Ara, as shown in Fig. A3, hence it is dominated by SLF variability. Similarly to SZ Cam, the difference in our classification of SLF variability and the SPB classification of is likely because of flux dilution of the pulsating star by the non-pulsating star, and possible contamination from the large TESS pixels. If additional light curve data become available, it is likely that the independent g-mode frequencies of would become extractable and significant.
## V2107 Cygni
V2107 Cyg was observed spectroscopically by, who found it to be SB1 with a small eccentricity. It was subsequently detected to be eclipsing from *Hipparcos* observations. The only detailed study published so far is that of, who presented medium-resolution spectroscopy and extensive \(BVR\) photometry. They established the physical properties of the stars and detected LPVs, attributing this to \(\beta\) Cephei pulsations in the primary star. V2107 Cyg has been observed by TESS in sectors 14, 15 and 41 (Fig. [\[fig:time:3\]](#fig:time:3){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:time:3"}), and will also be observed in sectors 54 and 55. These show clear \(\beta\) Cephei pulsations superimposed on total and annular eclipses. Our jktebop fit (Fig. [\[fig:phase\]](#fig:phase){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:phase"}) included an eccentric orbit but not third light, as this is not well determined by the data. The primary star is tidally deformed beyond the limits of applicability of jktebop , and the velocity amplitude of the secondary star is uncertain so we give only approximate values for the properties of the components (Table [\[tab:lc:2\]](#tab:lc:2){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:lc:2"}). Our frequency analysis of the residual light curve of V2107 Cyg reveals a multiperiodic pulsator with a frequency range spanning \(0.37 < \nu < 9.21\) d\(^{-1}\). Combined with the spectral type of B1 III, this confirms the pulsator class identification of \(\beta\) Cephei. We find no regular structure or patterns in the frequency spectrum of observed pulsations indicative of rotational splittings or tidally perturbed modes, which is interesting given its significantly distorted structure. We conclude that the V2107 Cyg is a valuable system for follow-up study. We are in the process of obtaining new high-quality spectroscopy and will perform a detailed analysis of the system in due course.
# Summary and discussion
We present the analysis of TESS data for 18 eclipsing binary systems containing pulsating high-mass stars. Of these, \(\beta\) Cephei pulsators, SPB pulsators and have light curves and amplitude spectra dominated by SLF variability. Most of the pulsation detections are new, and significantly increase the number of EBs known to contain stars with these types of pulsations. We fitted the light curves with two EB models to determine the properties of the systems and remove the effects of binarity from the TESS data. These residual light curves were then subjected to frequency analysis to classify the pulsations and measure pulsation frequencies and amplitudes. Future work, guided by additional spectroscopy and TESS photometry, will aid in identifying the geometries of the identified pulsation mode frequencies, which is typically a prerequisite for forward asteroseismic modelling. Spectroscopic orbits are available in the literature for several of these EBs, and in these cases the full physical properties of the system were calculated based on the literature spectroscopy and the TESS data. We determined precise physical properties for five systems (\(\delta\) Cir, CC Cas, SZ Cam V436 Per and V539 Ara) and preliminary physical properties for four more. Many of the objects studied in this work show lovely eclipses and pulsations and are promising candidates for detailed study. We have already begun a spectroscopic survey of the best candidates and will present results once we have them. The study of pulsating high-mass stars in EBs is an important new avenue for constraining the physics of these objects. In particular, the amount and shape of the interior mixing profiles of massive stars are unconstrained and there is ever-growing evidence that current stellar structure models underpredict the mixing in massive EBs. When coupled with asteroseismology, the conclusion of needing extra mixing is strengthened further. Another important constraint that pulsations within massive binaries can provide are on the impact of tides on stellar structure. In the case of short-period, near-circular binaries, the effect of tides can modify the equilibrium structure such that this is detected in the pulsation frequency spectrum. There are few such detections of so-called tidally-perturbed pulsation modes in massive binaries. Therefore, a larger survey of constraining the impact of tides on binary star evolution theory probed by pulsations is needed. Finally, an important constraint that pulsating massive binaries may provide is on the excitation mechanism(s) of pulsation modes. It is known that the heat-engine mechanism is strongly dependent on the opacity and rotation of a star. However, it is often difficult to determine an accurate mass and age of a massive star from spectroscopy or evolutionary models alone. The dynamical masses of EBs provide model-independent masses that can be used to more accurately constrain the parameter space of pulsations in the HR diagram. Thus the impact of binary interaction and the excitation physics of pulsations among early-type stars is now possible to study thanks to high-precision TESS data for a large sample of massive stars. | {'timestamp': '2022-03-30T02:26:50', 'yymm': '2203', 'arxiv_id': '2203.15365', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15365'} |
# Introduction
Imitation learning (IL) empowers non-experts to train robotic systems for arbitrary tasks. Improvements in IL would support more widespread adoption of robotic technologies in the home and workplace, but IL methods often require large amounts of supervised training data and/or employ unintuitive data collection approaches, creating a bottleneck in the adoption of these technologies. A more natural approach to training of robotic agents is through supervisor *interventions*, in which the supervisor (human operator) only intervenes in the agent's activity to provide corrections when it is approaching or has reached an undesirable state. The intervention approach is natural, because over time, it incrementally reduces the need for the supervisor to take over as the agent improves its performance, and it also reflects the way humans learn motor tasks such as driving a car with a coach. Furthermore, as opposed to imitation learning with supervisor-generated data only, intervention-based learning produces vast amounts of agent-generated data that could support it in further optimizing the agent's policy. Reinforcement learning (RL) methods are designed specifically to optimize agents based on such agent-generated data. Advances in RL have recently led to several breakthroughs in creating superhuman agents for games such as Atari, Go, and Chess as well as new successes in controlling complex physical characters within simulated environments. However, the main disadvantage of RL methods for real environments is that they require vast amounts of agent-generated trial-and-error data as they explore the environments. Another factor that may obstruct widespread adoption of robots is the task-specific feature engineering required in most robotic systems. This has been mitigated somewhat by the aforementioned advances in deep reinforcement learning, which have broadened the generality of neural network models for policies, value estimators, and planning, but because RL tasks often require a certain amount of past experience along with the current observation for agents to perform tasks effectively, different tasks may still require different model architectures, which may be difficult for non-experts to design. In this paper, we propose a framework aimed at facilitating users in training real-world robot agents on multiple tasks with very little supervision and fine tuning using the following components.
- A new intervention-based imitation learning (IIL) algorithm that combines IL (BC ) and RL (TD3 ) techniques to train agents on both supervisor-generated and agent-generated data concurrently.
- A general multi-task model capable of simultaneously processing demonstrations, supervisor corrections, past experience, and the current observation sequence.
In the rest of this paper, we provide an overview of related work, formulate the IIL problem, describe our solution, describe experiments to validate the approach, then conclude with perspectives on the future potential of ReIL.
# Related Work
We build upon and address some of the limitations present in other proposed IIL algorithms such as HG-DAgger, "Learning to Drive in a Day\" (which we abbreviate L2D), EIL, EGPO, IWR, and IARL. An IIL environment generates two types of data, namely supervisor-generated data and agent-generated data. Some IIL algorithms train agents with only supervisor-generated or only agent-generated data. For instance, L2D utilizes RL to optimize a lane keeping agent by rewarding total distance traveled before supervisor intervention. The authors were remarkably able to train a functional lane keeping agent in a real driving environment in just 30 minutes. However, in our experiments, we have found that adding IL on top of the L2D approach greatly improves the rate at which it learns a task. On the other hand, HG-DAgger has been shown to greatly improve the performance of agents in terms of the amount of supervisor corrections required, compared to standard behavior cloning (BC) and DAgger. HG-DAgger works by simply imitating supervisor corrections with BC. However, because HG-DAgger relies solely on supervisor-generated data, the agent would not continue to learn when it is performing well enough to execute without supervisor corrections. Furthermore, any IIL method that only utilizes supervised learning, including HG-DAgger and IWR, may require agents to be pre-trained with BC to produce an initial state visitation distribution sufficient for further intervention-based training, as the agent would not learn to avoid the actions that lead to interventions directly. Besides not using all available data for learning, another specific limitation of several current state of art methods is that they either do not use or misuse estimates of cumulative discounted future reward. For example, EGPO and IARL are intervention-based RL approaches that successfully optimize an agent for navigation tasks. However, unlike L2D, these methods lack episode termination upon supervisor intervention, breaking the critical assumption that the value of a particular state-action pair is the expected cumulative future reward that would be obtained by the agent on executing that action. This introduces the possibility of a value overestimation bias for actions that lead to supervisor corrections. To make this clear, consider the case where the same reward function is applied to both supervisor-generated data and agent-generated data. Under such conditions, the supervisor may initially obtain much higher rewards than the agent, thereby creating a scenario where agent actions that lead to supervisor corrections have overestimated values. This would generally incentivize agents to "cheat\" by purposely generating undesirable actions that induce corrections. IARL avoids this problem by introducing a heuristic of differentiating the reward \(r_t\) applied to the supervisor and the agent: \(r_t^{mix} = r_t-g_t\beta\), where \(\beta\) is a positive constant and \(g_t = 1\) during supervisor corrections and \(0\) otherwise. This differentiation prevents training on a single value function for both types of data. On the other hand, EGPO does permit the use of the same reward function for both supervisor and agent actions, but this permission leads to a requirement for an additional constrained optimization to minimize supervisor interventions. Although methods such as IARL and EGPO utilize cumulative discounted future reward in ways that require additional heuristics to avoid undesirable behavior, eliminating value estimators entirely, as some other methods do, is also undesirable, as it delegates responsibility for comparing the relative quality of actions to the user. EIL is an IIL method that outperforms BC, DAgger, and also HG-DAgger. However, these methods do not utilize expected cumulative future reward, instead introducing a manually determined hyperparameter that determines the quality of each data-point for the process of optimization.
# Problem Formulation
In this section, we describe the IIL problem in terms of two objectives, a formal IIL objective and an informal system design objective.
## Intervention-based Imitation Learning Objective
The agent \(\pi_{\theta}\) is assumed to operate within an environment given as a tuple \((S,A,P,R^{task},\pi_s)\), where \(S\) and \(A\) are the sets of possible states and actions, \(P\) and \(R^{task}\) denote the transition probability function and the task-specific reward function, and \(\pi_s\) denotes the policy of the supervisor. An IIL trajectory is a sequence of tuples \((s_t, a_t, f^{demo}_t) \in S\times A\times \{0,1\}\) for \(t \in 1..T\). We assume that \(a_t = (1-f^{demo}_t)\pi_{\theta^{t}}(s_t) + f^{demo}_t\pi_s(s_t)\), where \(f^{demo}_t = 0\) for agent-generated data and \(f^{demo}_t = 1\) for supervisor-generated data. Moreover, the supervisor is assumed to have a set of acceptable state-action pairs for a task \(\mathcal{D}_{good} \subseteq S \times A\) and that when \((s_t, \pi_{\theta^{t}}(s_t)) \not\in \mathcal{D}_{good}\), the supervisor intervenes and corrects the agent. In such situations, would like an agent capable of performing arbitrary tasks optimally in the sense of the following objective. \[\label{eq:objective} \begin{gathered} \mathop{\text{max}}_{\theta}\Big(\mathop{\mathbb{E}}_{s_{k+1} \sim P(s_k, \pi_\theta(s_k))}[\sum_{k=0}^{T-1}{\gamma^{k}R^{task}(s_{k+1}, \pi_{\theta}(s_{k+1}))]\Big)},\\ \text{subject to}\; s_k \in \mathcal{D}_{good}, \end{gathered}\] where \(\gamma\) \([0, 1)\) is the discount factor. We also note the assumption of IIL that only \(A\) is known to the agent; information about \(S\), \(\mathcal{D}_{good}\), \(P\), \(R^{task}\), and \(\pi_{s}\) must be gathered through exploration. Although an optimal agent would not require supervisor interventions at all, explicitly optimizing to prevent such interventions does restrict the agent's state visitation to \(s \in \mathcal{D}_{good}\). This restriction, by limiting the scope of exploration for the agent, actually eases its optimization. Hence, we define the IIL objective to be the maximization of the agent's task-specific performance simultaneous with preventing supervisor interventions. Furthermore, the supervisor corrections are assumed to bring the agent's state to \(s \in \mathcal{D}_{good}\) as soon as feasible. Therefore, we additionally add an objective to imitate the supervisor corrections where \(s \not\in \mathcal{D}_{good}\), as this may further support the satisfaction of Equation ([\[eq:objective\]](#eq:objective){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:objective"}).
## System Design Objective
Finding an agent satisfying Equation ([\[eq:objective\]](#eq:objective){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:objective"}) requires a training algorithm and a policy model. For IIL problem settings in the real world, it is important that both of these components facilitate users in training agents. Because training robots in real environments can be labor intensive and/or expensive, we focus on maximizing the sample efficiency of the framework by developing an algorithm that can be trained offline. Furthermore, so that different policy models are not needed for different tasks, we develop a multi--task model that can reduce or eliminate task-specific feature engineering.
# Approach
## Intervention-based Imitation Learning Algorithm
Given \((S,A,P,R^{task},\pi_s)\), we aim to define a corresponding Markov decision process (MDP) \((S,A,P,R)\) that can be solved using RL techniques. That is to say, we reduce IIL to RL by designing a reward function \(R\) that, when optimized by a RL agent, will ultimately satisfy Equation ([\[eq:objective\]](#eq:objective){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:objective"}). First, we tackle the aforementioned problem of possible value overestimation bias in IIL by defining a surrogate IIL objective function that is the expected cumulative discounted future reward up to the point of supervisor intervention or task termination as follows. \[\label{eq:surrogate_objective} \begin{gathered} Q(s_t,a_t) = \mathop{\mathbb{E}}_{s_{t+1} \sim P(s_t, \pi_\theta(s_t))}[\sum_{k=0}^{K-t}{\gamma^{k}R(s_{t+k},a_{t+k})].} \end{gathered}\] We define \(K = \text{min}(T, \text{min}(\{t^{int} \in t..T \mid f^{demo}_{t^{int}+1} = 1\}))\). Besides preventing value overestimation bias that may incentivize the agent to purposely "cheat", as in EGPO, this formulation also allows the value estimator to be trained on both agent and supervisor generated data, as the only possible value estimation bias would be underestimation of the values of supervisor actions. To find \(\pi_\theta\), we will utilize the actor-critic RL formulation in which a critic with parameters \(\phi\) estimates the value in Equation ([\[eq:surrogate_objective\]](#eq:surrogate_objective){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:surrogate_objective"}) utilizing the Bellman equation \[Q_{\phi}(s_t,a_t) = R(s_t,a_t) + \gamma\big(1-\Omega^{mix}_{t}\big)Q_{\phi}\big(s_{t+1}, \pi_{\theta}(s_{t+1})\big),\] where \[\begin{gathered} \Omega^{mix}_t = \text{max}(\Omega^{int}_t, \Omega^{task}_t), \\ \Omega^{int}_t = \text{max}(f^{demo}_{t+1}-f^{demo}_t, 0). \end{gathered}\] \(\Omega^{mix}_t\), \(\Omega^{int}_t\), and \(\Omega^{task}_t \in \{0,1\}\) are all binary flags raised to effectively terminate the episode by restricting the value at \(t\) to only \(R(s_t,a_t)\). Next, in order to encourage the agent to minimize supervisor interventions, we design reward function \(R\) as \[\label{eq:reward_func} R(s_t,a_t) = (1-\Omega^{int}_t)R^{task}(s_t,a_t) + \Omega^{int}_tr^{int},\] where \(r^{int}\) is a constant satisfying \[\label{eq:reward_constraint} r^{int} < \mathop{\text{min}}_{s\in S,a \in A}(R^{task}(s,a))/(1-\gamma).\] \(r^{int}\) is the reward given upon supervisor intervention, and \(R^{task}\) is any arbitrary reward function for the given task. For example, \(R^{task}\) could be the magnitude of the velocity given by \(a_t\), as it is in L2D. Note that \(r^{int}\) must be lower than the minimum value attainable from \(R^{task}\); which we assume to be the value of an action leading to an infinite sequence of \(\text{min}(R^{task})\) reward. This means that the proposed MDP will lead to an agent that minimizes supervisor interventions, as the value of any action leading to an intervention now becomes strictly lower than an action that does not. Furthermore, we claim that optimizing the proposed MDP is strictly equivalent to optimizing Equation ([\[eq:objective\]](#eq:objective){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:objective"}) for any sub-trajectory that does not lead to supervisor intervention. This means that as long as intervention is avoided, our proposed MDP is a standard MDP, making our approach compatible with maximization of performance against any \(R^{task}\). In order to solve this MDP, we utilize TD3, a RL algorithm for deterministic policies in continuous action spaces. However, as mentioned earlier, solely utilizing RL has several disadvantages in real environments, as it requires random exploration of the environment. We therefore introduce BC to augment the exploratory learning with imitation of supervisor corrections. We modify the TD3 objective function as follows. \[\begin{gathered}
J(\theta) = \mathop{\sum}_{(s,a,f^{demo}) \sim \mathcal{D}_{mem}}\Big[\alpha \underbrace{Q_{\phi}\big(s,\pi_{\theta}(s)\big)}_\text{TD3 objective}-\\ f^{demo}\underbrace{||\pi_{\theta}(s)-a||^2}_{\text{BC objective}}\Big], \end{gathered}\] where \(\mathcal{D}_{mem}\) is a set of state-action-controller tuples collected from training rollouts and \(\alpha\) is a hyperparameter that can be tuned to balance the influence of the RL and BC objectives functions. Previous work on offline RL that we abbreviate TD3+BC utilizes a similar objective function combining TD3 and BC allowing the off-policy RL algorithm to be trained offline. Offline RL is convenient in that it enables training of agents without the online feedback required for other RL algorithms. This is especially advantageous when training on real environments that make online training labor intensive and/or expensive. In TD3+BC, the BC term is applied at every timestep and helps regularize TD3, pushing the agent towards actions taken in the dataset without incentivizing unexplored actions whose values may be overestimated. However, naively utilizing the TD3+BC objective function for the task of IIL hinders the early trainability of the agent, as the agent initially produces poor actions that should not be imitated with BC. Therefore, we further modify the objective function by adding a hyperparameter \(\beta < 1\) to allow BC for agent-generated actions with less weight than supervisor-generated ones as follows. \[\begin{gathered}
\label{eq:obj-final} J(\theta) = \mathop{\sum}_{s,a,f^{demo} \sim \mathcal{D}_{mem}} \Big[\alpha Q_{\phi}\big(s,\pi_{\theta}(s)\big)-\\ \big(f^{demo} +\beta(1-f^{demo})\big)||\pi_{\theta}(s)-a||^2\Big]. \end{gathered}\] Fig. [\[fig:ReIL-Overview\]](#fig:ReIL-Overview){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:ReIL-Overview"} illustrates the intuition behind Equation ([\[eq:obj-final\]](#eq:obj-final){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:obj-final"}).
## Multi-Task Imitation Learning Model
The techniques developed in the previous section ensure that our IIL agents make effective use of both supervisor and agent generated actions. In this section, in order to ensure the best possible sample efficiency and generality of the framework, we develop a model capable of being conditioned on demonstrations, past experience, and current observations. This provides several theoretical advantages:
- The model can be utilized for memory-dependent tasks, such as in obstacle avoidance, in which it is critical to remember the location of the obstacle currently being avoided, reducing task-specific feature engineering.
- The model has the capacity to take appropriate actions learned from past supervisor corrections.
- The same model can be trained on multiple tasks by conditioning with different user demonstrations, raising the possibility of generalizing and capturing similarities across different tasks.
In order to develop such a model, we adapt an existing meta-learning model to the task of imitation learning. Meta-learning is a field that focuses on creating agents that rapidly learn from new information. Effective meta-learning models are therefore capable of rapidly adapting to past experience to infer appropriate actions. SNAIL is a meta-learning model that combines the advantages of both convolutional neural networks and attention mechanisms by stacking these types of layers on top of one another. Moreover, SNAIL employs dense connections across these layers, allowing the gradient to efficiently propagate throughout the entire stack of layers. These architectural choices make SNAIL suitable for temporal data such as the past experience of an agent. The SNAIL authors created an agent capable of efficiently navigating through complex mazes on second attempts by directly referencing the past experience of states and actions executed in the first attempt. We note that demonstrations in IL and past experience in RL are qualitatively similar, making it sensible to adapt SNAIL to the problem of imitation. Fig. [\[fig:MimeticSNAIL\]](#fig:MimeticSNAIL){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:MimeticSNAIL"} illustrates our proposed SNAIL IL model, which we call MimeticSNAIL. Two modifications were made to the original model architecture, as follows.
1. Append the previous demonstration flag \(f^{demo}_{t-1}\) to the latent vector fed to SNAIL.
2. Augment the attention mechanism with a linear bias in the form of ALiBi as follows.
\[\text{Attention} = \text{softmax}\Big(\frac{\boldsymbol{QK}^T}{\sqrt{l_k}}-m|\boldsymbol{t}^T-\boldsymbol{t}| + \boldsymbol{M}\Big)\boldsymbol{V}.\] Here \(\boldsymbol{Q}\), \(\boldsymbol{V}\), \(\boldsymbol{K}\), \(\boldsymbol{M}\) are the query, value, key, and the causal mask matrices. The key matrix is \((T^{demo}+t) \times l_K\), \(\boldsymbol{t}\) is a column vector of time frames, e.g. \([1...,T^{demo},1...,t]^T\), \(m\) is a parameter included in \(\phi\) or \(\theta\), and \(T^{demo}\) is the final timestep of the demonstration. This modification introduces a recency bias to the attention mechanism, and also increases the relative attention placed on demonstration time frames \(t^{demo}\) in proximity to the queried time frame \(\boldsymbol{t}\). Additionally, the actor model's output contains a task-termination flag denoted as \(f^{tf}_\theta = \pi^{tf}_{\theta}(s)\), which, when raised, can be used to begin the next task automatically. This allow users to train the model on arbitrarily long tasks by queing a list of shorter sub-tasks. This sequencing can be learned by copying the supervisor's task termination signal \(f^{s}\) provided during training and additionally including the following objective function in the overall objective for \(\theta\). \[\begin{gathered}
J^{tf}(\theta) = \mathop{\sum}_{(s,a,f^{demo}) \sim \mathcal{D}_{mem}}\big(1-f^{tf}_s\big)\log\big(1-\pi^{tf}_{\theta}(s)\big) + \\ f^{tf}_s\log\big(\pi^{tf}_{\theta}(s)\big). \end{gathered}\]
# Experiments {#experiment}
We conducted experiments in simulation and real environments, aiming to compare the performance of different IIL algorithms with respect to supervisor burden.
## Experimental Setup
Batch = Mini-batch size, U/S = Updates per env. step, \(\text{LR}_\theta\) = Actor learning rate, Decay = Actor weight decay, \(\text{LR}_\phi\) = Critic learning rate, \(\gamma\) = Discount factor, Delay = TD3 policy update delay parameter, Noise = TD3 target actor noise, U/P = TD3 actor update period [\[table:cartpole_algorithm\]]{#table:cartpole_algorithm label="table:cartpole_algorithm"}
Epoch = Epochs per episode, \(\text{LR}_\theta\) = Actor learning rate, Decay = Actor weight decay, \(\text{LR}_\phi\) = Critic learning rate, \(\gamma\) = Discount factor, Delay = TD3 policy update delay, Noise = TD3 target actor noise, U/P = TD3 Actor update period [\[table:mobile_robot_algorithm\]]{#table:mobile_robot_algorithm label="table:mobile_robot_algorithm"}
We set up two environments: the OpenAI CartPole-V1 simulation and a real mobile robot equipped with a front facing monocular camera aimed at different indoor visual navigation tasks.
### Simulated Cart-pole
The OpenAI CartPole-V1 environment was modified to support a continuous action space \(A=[-1,1]\), and we utilized the original constant reward function \(R^{task} = r^{int} = 1\), which satisfies Equation ([\[eq:reward_constraint\]](#eq:reward_constraint){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:reward_constraint"}). To simulate the supervisor in the simulation, we trained an agent to expert level with the standard TD3 algorithm in a non-IIL environment, and set the space of acceptable state-action pairs to \(\mathcal{D}_{good} = \big\{(s, a) \in \mathbb{R}^4 \times A \mid |s_1|<2.0, |s_3| < 12\pi/180\big\}\). In the cartpole simulation, \(s\) contains the cartpole's linear position, linear velocity, angle, and angular velocity, respectively. For this simple environment, we utilized a fully connected neural network for both the actor and the critic. We then compared ReIL, IARL,[^1] HG-DAgger, and ReIL with RL (TD3) only, which we denote as ReIL (Only RL). Note that ReIL (Only RL) is essentially the L2D algorithm with the cartpole reward function. The reward function for IARL is \(R(s_t,a_t) = 1-f^{demo}_t\). Additional algorithm-specific details are listed in TABLE [\[table:cartpole_algorithm\]](#table:cartpole_algorithm){reference-type="ref" reference="table:cartpole_algorithm"}. The goal of the agent was to balance the cartpole for 3000 consecutive timesteps. As metrics, we measured the success rate and the total number of supervised steps required for the successful runs of each algorithm across multiple runs.
### Real World Mobile Robot Navigation
To test and compare our algorithm in the real world, we developed a ROS2-enabled mobile robot equipped with a front facing monocular camera as shown in Fig. [\[fig:mobile_robot\]](#fig:mobile_robot){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:mobile_robot"}. The agent was set up as a high-level controller that outputs a vector of desired linear and angular velocities \(a = \{ (v, \omega) \in \mathbb{R}^2 \mid |v| \leq 0.1 \; \text{m/s}, |\omega| \leq 0.4\;\text{rad/s}\}\) at 2Hz based on its visual input. The low-level controller converts the desired body velocities to the necessary wheel velocities and controls the wheels using an independent PI controller for each wheel and an outer-loop P controller for the wheel differential, all running at 100Hz. We lowered the image resolution to \(40\times30\) RGB pixels to keep computational requirements modest. We formulated a universal reward function usable for any episodic IIL task as follows. \[\begin{gathered} R^{task}(s_t, a_t) = 1, t \in [1..T-1], \\ R^{task}(s_T, a_T) = 2/(1-\gamma), r^{int} = 0. \end{gathered}\] We tested this reward function with tasks including obstacle avoidance and target hitting, with sample observations as shown in Fig. [\[fig:observations\]](#fig:observations){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:observations"}. We train the agents both online and offline; the agents trained offline utilized all of the data collected during the online training experiments. Each online training experiment was conducted in either one or two runs of 100 episodes. For these difficult navigation tasks, we utilize two separate MimeticSNAIL models, one for the actor and one for the critic. Both models process the \(40\times30\) pixel observations with a 16-channel then a 32-channel convolutional layer, both with \(4\times4\) kernels and \(\text{stride} = 2\), followed by two fully-connected layers with 100 units, outputting a 100-dimensional latent vector that is then fed into the SNAIL portion of the model. The SNAIL model uses a TCBlock(L, 30), an AttentionBlock(16, 16), and a TCBlock(L, 30) with L = 75.[^2] The output of the SNAIL portion of the model is fed to an additional fully-connected layer to finally output either \((a, f^{tf})\) for the actor or \(Q_\phi\) for the critic. The agent did not receive any demonstration before RL began, and on every episode, it faced a new obstacle or target configuration. We mainly compare ReIL, ReIL (Only BC) and algorithms pre-trained with BC, including HG-DAgger and ReIL (Pre-trained). Further algorithm-specific details are listed in TABLE [\[table:mobile_robot_algorithm\]](#table:mobile_robot_algorithm){reference-type="ref" reference="table:mobile_robot_algorithm"}. Because performance is more difficult to assess in noisy real world environments than in simulation, we measured the following four separate metrics.
1. *Average episode length*: The time it takes the agent to complete the task, which is a rough estimate of the agent's efficiency at completing the task.
2. *Average absolute angular acceleration*: An estimate of the smoothness of the agent-generated trajectory, which can highlight undesirable oscillatory behavior. Computed as \(\frac{1}{T}\sum_{t=1}^T|\omega_{t}-\omega_{t-1}|\).
3. *Number of supervised steps*: An estimate of the supervisor's burden during online training or offline execution.
4. *Action error*: An estimate of the agent's performance in imitating the supervisor. The data are collected by having the supervisor provide DAgger-like off-policy desired actions during times that the agent is controlling the robot. Computed as the normalized RMSE between supervisor and agent actions \({\sqrt{\frac{1}{T}\sum_{t = 1}^{T}||\frac{\pi_\theta(s_t)-\pi_s(s_t)}{2a_{\text{max}}}||^2}}\) where \(a_{\text{max}} = (0.1, 0.4)\).
We note here that comparisons with other algorithms reflect contrasts with specific details of these algorithms, not a complete implementation of the algorithm.
[\[table:cartpole_result\]]{#table:cartpole_result label="table:cartpole_result"}
OA = Obstacle avoidance, TH = Target hitting, Mode = Online/Offline, Error = Average action error, Supervised = Average supervised steps per episode, Steps = Average steps per episode, Angular Acc. = Average absolute angular acceleration. Results significantly better than others according to a two-tailed t-test are highlighted in **bold** for each task and mode of training.
# Results {#result}
Results for the simulated cartpole environment are shown in TABLE [1](#table:cartpole_result){reference-type="ref" reference="table:cartpole_result"} and Fig. [\[fig:cartpole-result\]](#fig:cartpole-result){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:cartpole-result"}, and the results for the real world visual navigation tasks are shown in TABLE [\[table:mobile_robot_result\]](#table:mobile_robot_result){reference-type="ref" reference="table:mobile_robot_result"} and Fig. [\[fig:mobile-robot-result\]](#fig:mobile-robot-result){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:mobile-robot-result"}. We note that for a simple simulated environment such as CartPole-V1, HG-DAgger performs very effectively, despite not being trained on agent-generated data. ReIL was also successful in reaching the goal of 3000 consecutive steps in 20/20 runs and used approximately the same amount of supervised steps as did HG-DAgger. IARL was only 80% successful in reaching the goal and also required more supervised steps compared to ReIL and HG-DAgger for those successful runs. Finally, ReIL (Only RL), which is essentially L2D, was only successful in 3/4 runs and required a considerably larger amount of supervisor corrections. These simple simulation results might lead us to the simple conclusion that methods using BC are more effective than methods using RL; however, in the more complex visual navigation tasks, we find that the performance of methods solely relying on BC deteriorates as the amount of data increases. For ReIL (Only BC), this phenomenon can be seen in Fig. [\[fig:mobile-robot-result\]](#fig:mobile-robot-result){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:mobile-robot-result"} (a)---the episode length grows over time as a result of imitating sub-optimal agent-generated data with BC. We note that IWR may also experience this deterioration, as it similarly utilizes BC on both supervisor and agent actions. As for HG-DAgger, Fig. [\[fig:mobile-robot-result\]](#fig:mobile-robot-result){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:mobile-robot-result"} (b) indicates that the path generated by the agent is increasingly oscillatory as the number of supervisor corrections increases. This behavior is expected, as HG-DAgger does not learn to avoid supervisor interventions, but only learns to make corrections from undesirable states. Users utilizing HG-Dagger may therefore have to balance the amount of BC pre-training, in which the supervisor demonstrates the whole task without the agent, and the amount of IIL supervisor corrections in order to minimize these oscillations. In contrast, the reinforced method ReIL does not experience deterioration in performance over time (as shown in Fig. [\[fig:mobile-robot-result\]](#fig:mobile-robot-result){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:mobile-robot-result"} (a) and (b)), as the critic takes into account both agent-generated and supervisor-generated data and assesses the relative quality of each data point according to a reward function. Comparing ReIL and HG-DAgger in the offline training setting (see TABLE [\[table:mobile_robot_result\]](#table:mobile_robot_result){reference-type="ref" reference="table:mobile_robot_result"}), in which they shared the same dataset, we see again the superior performance of ReIL and the viability of training it offline. On a final note, the MimeticSNAIL model utilized in the visual navigation tasks did not require any manual fine tuning, making it simple to train agents on multiple tasks.
# Conclusion
In this paper, we describe the design and empirical evaluation of ReIL, a framework for intervention-based imitation learning that combines the advantages of imitation learning and reinforcement learning approaches. Our experimental results on real world navigation tasks indicate that the combination of these two components enhances both the performance and the trainability of the agent in comparison with current work that utilizes only one or the other of these components. Furthermore, we also hypothesize an advantage of ReIL over other similar algorithms such as IARL and find empirical support for that hypothesis in ReIL's performance in the simulated cartpole balancing task. In future work, we hope to create an IIL algorithm that utilizes ReIL's value estimator (critic) to predict and propose supervisor interventions *before* the agent makes a mistake. This could simplify training of the actor, as it will no longer need to explore the environment with RL to learn desirable actions that help avoid interventions.
[^1]: Instead of the PPO algorithm used in IARL, we used TD3 to isolate the differences between our implementation of IARL and ReIL to only the reward function and objective function.
[^2]: Due to space limitations, we refer readers to SNAIL for details on the TCBlock and the AttentionBlock. | {'timestamp': '2022-03-30T02:27:39', 'yymm': '2203', 'arxiv_id': '2203.15390', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15390'} |
# Introduction {#sec_theory}
Pulsar-timing arrays (PTA) offer a promising tool for detecting gravitational waves (GW) in the nano-Hertz regime. The concept was first proposed in, and much developed thereafter --see e.g. for a review. Recently, the NANOGrav collaboration detected a signal compatible with a stochastic gravitational wave background (SGWB) . Subsequently, the PPTA, EPTA and IPTA collaborations obtained preliminary results going in the same direction. A natural astrophysical source for such a SGWB is constituted by unresolved GW signals from super-massive black hole mergers. However, PTA GW detections can also be explained by cosmological sources as GW echoes from primordial black hole formation, cosmic strings, phase transitions, or primordial magnetic field production. A puzzling feature of PTA measurements so far is that the constraints on spatial correlations seem to show some deviations from the Hellings-Downs (HD) quadrupolar angular distribution , which is a consequence of Einstein General Relativity. See e.g. Fig 7 in for NANOGrav; Fig 3 in for PPTA; Fig 2 in for EPTA. In case anomalous angular correlations are present after more data are collected, | {'timestamp': '2022-03-30T02:30:29', 'yymm': '2203', 'arxiv_id': '2203.15440', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15440'} |
# Introduction {#s:introduction}
As cybersecurity skills require higher-order thinking, the best way to develop and ameliorate these abilities is through hands-on training . In many learning areas, hands-on training produces a tangible output, e.g., a code that can be checked, analyzed, and evaluated. However, this is not the case of cybersecurity, where learning goals consist of process-oriented tasks related to attack or defense skills, e.g., scanning the network for vulnerable servers or protecting the server by a firewall. Modern cyber ranges, in which practical cybersecurity training is often organized , provide only limited data about these tasks in the form of event logs, which makes it hard to answer questions like "Where did the trainees get in trouble and why?" without deep insight into their behavior. Process mining (PM) methods have great potential in answering analytical questions in process-oriented application domains . Our goal is to utilize them for cybersecurity training analysis. However, the quality and practical usability of models produced by existing PM algorithms are influenced by many factors, as schematically depicted in Figure [\[fig:teaser\]](#fig:teaser){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:teaser"}. This paper addresses open questions that affect the usability of existing PM techniques for scalable post-training analysis of hands-on cybersecurity exercises, aiming to provide guidelines for their usage. Specifically, we formulated the following research questions. **RQ1: Data Abstraction--how to convert cyber training data to the format suitable for process mining?** The PM workflow is used to find a descriptive model of the process. The idea lies in transferring event logs captured during training sessions into behavioral graphs that would provide better cognitive features for understanding users' behavior than the raw data. As the data collected from hands-on training environments are highly variable, the suitable mapping to the input of PM algorithms is unclear. Our goal is to propose a unified data abstraction that can serve as a generic approach to data preprocessing in different cyber ranges with various data sources. **RQ2: Process Discovery--what are the key obstacles in the process discovery phase and how to overcome them?** Having the data in the format suitable for process discovery algorithms does not guarantee that generated process models are reasonable. Many input data characteristics affect the process discovery and its practical usability for educational process mining. We aim to identify key features of cyber training data and discuss the limits and obstacles of the process discovery phase. **RQ3: Exploratory Analysis--how to deal with the complexity of process graphs during analysis?** Even a relevant process graph obtained by process discovery can become too big and complex for practical learning analytics. Their cognitive features can decrease and become similar to searching for answers in the raw data. Therefore, we research exploratory tactics that can help to tackle the graph complexity problem. We combine specific features of the cybersecurity training data with well-established visual analysis approaches to discuss and demonstrate their usability for interactive learning analytics. In this paper, we restrict ourselves to the in-class (i.e., supervised) *Capture The Flag* (CTF) cybersecurity games . They follow puzzle-based gamification principles, where puzzles are used as a metaphor for getting students to think about how to frame and solve unstructured problems . This training type is very popular in the education of beginners, e.g., students of cybersecurity courses.
# Related Work
The idea of using process mining methods for learning analytics is not new. The term educational process mining (EPM) is often used for the application of PM to raw educational data . Bogarin et al. provide a comprehensive overview of EPM techniques and challenges. We use their classification of event log challenges to clarify features of cybersecurity CTF games and then to address key hurdles, especially the data complexity. PM has already been applied in numerous specific educational situations. Macak et al. used process mining to understand student coding-behavior patterns from the Git log of their projects. Mukala et al. use process mining to obtain and analyze students' learning habits from Coursera. It is also used to detect students' learning difficulties by Bannert et al. . Multiple other approaches use process mining to gain a better understanding of the educational process from Moodle logs . Our work shares some ideas and principles with these approaches. Still, it addresses a different application domain---puzzle-based cybersecurity training, aiming to utilize the specific data properties to deal with process mining challenges. Some papers also directly address the utilization of process mining for the analysis of hands-on cybersecurity exercises . These approaches demonstrate that directed graphs carefully constructed from command history can provide useful information about trainees' behavior. The graphs are built on restricted data samples to deal with the complexity---only commands identified as significant are selected. Our research is more generic, covering a wider variety of training events and enabling to extent process modeling with new data types. Another difference is in the conceptual approach. The previous approaches are based on conformance checking, i.e., monitoring and checking whether the real execution of the process corresponds to the reference process model. Our solution focuses on exploratory learning analytics based on general process discovery methods where no process model of expected behavior is assumed. Mirkovic et al. use terminal histories and exercise milestones to enable automated assessment of hands-on cybersecurity training. In contrast, our work aims to introduce a human into the analytical loop when process models are reconstructed from logs automatically but then interactively analyzed by domain experts so that they are able to reveal hidden relationships in the data.
# RQ1: Data Abstraction {#sec:data-abstraction}
In this section, we classify cybersecurity training data and provide their unified mapping into the input of process discovery algorithms to address the research question *RQ1*. The proposed solution builds on our long-term experience in developing *KYPO Cyber Range*[^1] . that we are operating since 2013 and which serves as a platform for regular practical training of students of our university. We also closely collaborate with domain experts (cybersecurity educators) from our university who represent target users of post-training analysis tools.
## Principles of CFT games
Cybersecurity CTF games consist of well-described cybersecurity goals divided into consecutive tasks (puzzles). Completing each task yields a text string called the *flag* that must be inserted into the system to proceed to the subsequent task. Moreover, trainees can take hints or skip the entire task. Points are awarded or deducted for these actions so that the final scores of individual trainees are mutually comparable and can be used for their basic evaluation. Trainees perform cybersecurity tasks on remote hosts located inside isolated computer networks. Modern cyber ranges provide a virtualized implementation of such networks, where each trainee has its own copy of the network and is able to access hosts via remote command lines or desktops, likewise in the physical world.
## Data Types {#sec:data-description}
Cyber ranges provide telemetry data in the form of events. They are captured from multiple sources and can provide different levels of granularity . This paper discusses three distinct data categories, but other data types or levels can be included if available.
**Game events** are produced by the gaming interface of KYPO Cyber Range. Its goal is to provide instructions and guide trainees through the whole training session. User interaction with the interface produces events that capture the gameplay state in the training scenario. Events summarized in Table [1](#tab:gameEvents){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:gameEvents"} reflect the puzzle-based principles, and they are typical for all games regardless of the content. **Bash commands** are produced inside computer networks in which the cybersecurity tasks are solved. Currently, commands executed on the UNIX command line (shell) are available. **Metasploit tool** capture the usage of the Metasploit framework--a popular command-line application used for penetration testing. These events are also captured at hosts of the computer network, likewise the bash history, but represent even a finer-grained type of data. Each event, regardless of its type or granularity, is extended with additional pieces of information, such as the trainee's identifier, timestamp, and the task (puzzle) in which the event appeared. Moreover, individual event types can have specific mandatory or optional data. For example, the submission of the flag always includes also the flag value, and commands may include their parameters.
## Unified Data Mapping
All process mining techniques require the presence of data with specific semantics : (a) Each event in the log file needs to refer to a single process instance, named *case*, (b) each event needs to refer to a step in the process, named *activity*, and (c) events within the case have to be ordered, either sequentially or by including *timestamp*. These minimal requirements ensure that each case represented by the sequence of activities can be treated as a *trace* of user actions, enabling the process discovery algorithms to produce graph models capturing all the traces compactly. Unfortunately, CFT data are highly variable. They can differ in abstraction and semantics, as shown by the three aforementioned data types---game events, bash commands, and the Metasploit tool. To deal with variability, we introduce a generic data abstraction layer that makes the mapping smooth and transparent regardless of the specific training content. The proposed classification scheme serves as a mediator between heterogeneous event logs of the cyber range and the data format required by process mining techniques. Table [\[tab:abstraction\]](#tab:abstraction){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:abstraction"} provides a mapping example, where a snippet of CTF data (four events) is mapped into the abstraction layer.
**[Event type:]{.smallcaps}** A rough classification defining different types of events. We can distinguish player actions in the game from reactions of the system on the player's actions, or assessment events, for instance . The exact classification used for process mining depends on available data and analytical goals. Usually, each event type has its specific structure (required or optional data), and they affect how the pieces of information are spread across the other elements of the data abstraction. This paper deals with three aforementioned event types: `game` events capturing the players' progress, `bash` commands used on network hosts, and `msf` for Metasploit commands also used on hosts. Additional types can be easily defined. **[Event:]{.smallcaps}** Finer classification of [event types]{.smallcaps}. Events represent a primary subject of behavioral analysis. They should capture significant steps in the development of training sessions. Therefore, they represent the *activities* of the process models. In CTF games, events are either game events defined in Table [1](#tab:gameEvents){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:gameEvents"} or any shell or Metasploit commands. **[Event parameters:]{.smallcaps}** Optional data associated with [events]{.smallcaps}. Additional information that extend [events]{.smallcaps} and enable the analyst to distinguish finely between them. For example, shell or Metasploit commands can have additional arguments, or the *HintTaken* game event can be equipped with a short hint description. **[Timestamp:]{.smallcaps}** A timestamp of the [event]{.smallcaps}. This is required because of the aggregation of multiple [event types]{.smallcaps}. **[Trainee:]{.smallcaps}** An anonymized unique identifier of the trainee who produced the [event]{.smallcaps}. Using the [trainee]{.smallcaps} identifier as the *caseID* ensures that the process discovery reconstructs the walkthroughs of individual trainees. The walkthrough perspective presents a primary subject of learning analytics. It enables analysts to compare trainees' behavior mutually as well as to analyze the expected versus anomalous behavior with respect to the training definition.
## Usability
We conducted practical experiments with PM4Py library to check the utilization of CTF data mapping for process discovery. The experiments proved that the proposed workflow is able to generate meaningful process models from our raw data at runtime. Our initial research revealed that heuristic nets especially fit the analytical goals of educators the best. Even though the goal of these experiments was not to study the impact of obtained models on learning analytics, we were able to notice several interesting facts from process graphs. For example, the game task captured in Figure [\[fig:flow\]](#fig:flow){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:flow"} can be considered tough for the trainees because they all took two hints, then two gave up (they looped at the solution with the correct flag). One trainee found and submitted the correct flag on the second try. Using the same model, we also have discovered a flaw in the implementation of KYPO Cyber Range. If trainees submitted the correct flag after displaying a task solution, they were redirected to the solution page instead of being moved to the next puzzle.
# RQ2: Process Discovery {#s:rq2}
The proposed data abstraction enables us to use cyber-training data transparently in process mining algorithms. However, the practical usability of process discovery for learning analytics is affected by many factors. The most significant challenges that appear when using event logs for educational process mining are addressed in the previous research . Using their classification, we analyzed raw data of multiple training sessions to identify the most significant features that affect the utilization of cyber training logs in post-training process discovery. Fifteen training sessions of six different CTF games were analyzed for statistical properties like training duration or the number of log events of different types. In what follows, we summarize our observations and lessons learned. Each data characteristic is introduced by the problem statement followed by our findings.
## Data Size
The number of cases or events in event logs may become so high that they exceed the time or memory requirements of process discovery algorithms. Moreover, as we aim at providing interactive data exploration, the speed of PM generation should be close to real-time. The real amount of collected data depends on the number of participants, the difficulty of the training content (i.e., the amount of potentially recorded activities), and training duration. CTF games are intended primarily for beginners and then relatively small--consisting of 4-6 cybersecurity tasks (puzzles) solvable in roughly 120 minutes (observed minimum was 65, maximum 210, average 119). Moreover, in-class training sessions considered in this paper restrict the data even more. It is because also the number of trainees is limited. In our datasets, the number of trainees varied between 4 and 20, 10 on average. The number of logged events (and then potential nodes of the process graphs) in our datasets varied between 370--3000 per the whole training session (average 1100, median 814) and between 53--150 per participant (average 108, median 111). The data amount does not pose any problems to current process discovery algorithms that can treat such an amount of data very quickly . On the other hand, our experiments revealed that the problem could be with the comprehensibility of produced models, even for limited in-class CTF data. Obtained graphs consisting of tens or hundreds of nodes are usually too complex to be cognitively treated by analysts. Employment of data filtering and interactive exploration is, therefore, necessary.
## Distribution of Data Sources
Data for educational process mining may be distributed over a variety of sources, e.g., theory and practice classroom or online learning environments. These sources provide event logs with different structures and meanings, which makes their unification and aggregation for process discovery challenging. We focus on only the data collected from cyber ranges. Considering other supporting sources of information is out of the scope of this paper. However, the problem with data distribution occurs as well because modern cyber ranges produce data from at least two data sources: (a) the gaming environment responsible for the training tasks and learning milestones and (b) sandboxes (computer networks) where the tasks are performed. Nevertheless, the data abstraction discussed in Section [3](#sec:data-abstraction){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:data-abstraction"} solves this problem by unifying the way the data from multiple data sources is handled and used transparently for process discovery.
## Granularity
Events in event logs may have a different level of detail. The data presented in Section [3](#sec:data-abstraction){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:data-abstraction"} demonstrates that this problem also occurs in the cyber training logs. Thanks to the unified data abstraction, the granularity poses no technical problem for the process discovery of cyber training logs because the data can be mapped transparently. Moreover, this unified approach brings significant advantages when data with different granularity are put together. Multiple levels of granularity can define multiple levels of abstraction that can drive data exploration strategies, as discussed in Section [5](#s:rq3){reference-type="ref" reference="s:rq3"}.
## Noise in the Data
Noise is defined as exceptional behavior which is not representative of the typical behavior of the process. We observed that many students leave the training unfinished due to the lack of time or the loss of motivation. Normally, this kind of noise could pose troubles for educational PM analysis. However, the puzzle-based structure of CTF games provides clear milestones---correct flags that explicitly delimit borders of training phases. Therefore, it is easy to spot this situation in process graphs and further investigate the reason. In general, the puzzle-based structure can be considered a template of expected behavior, and any difference revealed by PM models can indicate flows in the game design or the training organization worth further investigation.
## Incompleteness
Possible data incompleteness is tightly connected to the measurement infrastructure and techniques. Although the individual cyber ranges can differ in these aspects, they are often complex, distributed with asynchronous computation, based on underlying virtualization, and then unreliable. Our long-term experience with organizing cyber training sessions of many types reveals that many things can go wrong due to failures in low-level virtualization services, network connectivity, or improper usage. These failures then cause missing data. The experiments have shown that keeping this incomplete data in the dataset can produce biased process models. Unfortunately, it is usually very difficult to notice from process graphs that there is something wrong with the raw event logs. Data cleansing and completeness checking have to be usually done in the preprocessing phase of the analytical workflow.
## Timestamps {#s:timestamps}
Events need to be ordered per case to be used for process discovery. Our experiments revealed three significant issues in the collected cyber training data. Distributed environments like cyber ranges can produce timestamps that are not sufficiently synchronized. Only a small shift in times can re-order events and then produce significantly different process models. Therefore, precise synchronization at the level of the underlying infrastructure is required. Trainees can start the exercise at different times, even if they sit in the same classroom. This aspect becomes even more significant if the training is not organized as a fixed-time group session, but the training content is available online at any time. Fortunately, the puzzle-based structure of CTF games enables us to identify the exact start of the gameplay of individual trainees and then compute relative times instead of using absolute times, obtaining meaningful process models. An even worse situation can appear if the trainees can "pause the training". It does not happen on session-based training courses with a tight schedule. However, loosely conceived training programs would enable participants to stop playing for a while and continue with tasks later, even the next day. Therefore, datasets from the loosely organized training events require much more attention and expertise to be paid by the analyst, who has to take care of time corrections and interpretation of obtained models.
# RQ3: Exploratory Analysis {#s:rq3}
Despite the limited size of event logs produced by in-class CTF games, the experiments turned out that obtained process graphs can be too complex and incomprehensible for effective analysis. As the complexity of process graphs can pose a critical aspect for practical usability, we discuss possible strategies for tackling this problem in this section.
## Filtering Driven by Data Abstraction
The granularity of training logs discussed in Section [4](#s:rq2){reference-type="ref" reference="s:rq2"} can be used to control the level of detail and then the size of obtained process graphs. This kind of semantic classification can be used for efficient data filtering and implementing the well-known Shneiderman's visual information-seeking principle: Overview first, zoom and filter, then details-on-demand . The granularity is encoded in the *Event types* data abstraction parameter that defines different semantic views of the data. CTF *game events* delimit boundaries of individual puzzles in which other events appear. On the other hand, *bash commands* represent a detailed view of solving tasks within a puzzle. *Metasploit commands* also provide a similar view but at an even more fine-grained level of detail--the usage of a specific hacking tool. Based on this observation, filtering of the process model to only a specific [event type]{.smallcaps} could provide the desired level of detail and then reduce information complexity. Figure [\[fig:teaser\]](#fig:teaser){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:teaser"} depicts the model limited to the Metasploit only, while in Figure [\[fig:flow\]](#fig:flow){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:flow"}, only game events are selected, entirely omitting bash and Metasploit commands. Another graph complexity reduction technique utilizes the distribution of the raw data between *event* and *event parameter*. Consider the situation when a trainee takes a hint 41-1 and then a hint 41-2. If these events are mapped into the data abstraction like in Table [\[tab:abstraction\]](#tab:abstraction){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:abstraction"}, then the process discovery algorithm distinguishes between hints 41-1 and 41-2, creates separate nodes for them and produces a model like that in Figure [\[fig:flow\]](#fig:flow){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:flow"}. On the contrary, if we change the mapping so that [event]{.smallcaps} = "*HintTaken*" and hint numbers 41-1 and 41-2 are provided only as [event parameters]{.smallcaps}, then a simplified model is produced with only a single joint "41-HintTaken" node covering all hints taken in the task. This filtering principle is even more important for Bash and Metasploit commands than game events because trainees have big freedom of what to type on the command line. Mapping only command names without parameters to [events]{.smallcaps} seems to be a reasonable strategy for initial analysis. On the other hand, an `ssh` command, for instance, says nothing about the remote connection that has been made. In this case, the analyst should rather map the connection argument to the [event]{.smallcaps} and then produce separate nodes like `“ssh [email protected]”` and `“ssh [email protected]”` in the process graph. Only then, the analyst is able to explicitly see different attempts (traces) and evaluate their correctness. Therefore, the mapping has to be used carefully and iteratively during the analytical process to balance information hiding with graph complexity.
## Puzzle-based Fragmentation and Drill Down
While the unified data abstraction can serve as a fine-grained filtering mechanism of the entire process model across multiple puzzles, the puzzle-based structure of the training content provides a vertical fragmentation of the data usable for drill-down exploration. Process graphs can be logically split into loosely coupled coherent parts that correspond to individual puzzles, as shown in Figure [\[fig:fragmentation\]](#fig:fragmentation){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:fragmentation"}, where the puzzles of tasks 43, 44, and an info puzzle are visually recognizable. Based on this observation, we can tackle the complexity of multi-puzzle graphs by allocating puzzles' boundaries and using obtained graph fragments for coarse-grained filtering and data aggregation. Statistical data of each fragment (puzzle) can be distilled into an overview of the whole training session, while smaller detail process graphs of individual puzzles can be used for detail-on-demand exploration. Figure [\[fig:fragmentation\]](#fig:fragmentation){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:fragmentation"} illustrates this multi-layer approach. A high-level overview of the training session consists of a series of circles whose size and color can encode interesting metrics. For example, spheres' size can be calculated from the number of activities--nodes of the puzzle's process graph. In this case, the size of task 44 would indicate that it is the most complicated part of the training with a lot of recorded activities (note that Bash and Metasploit commands are omitted from the graph view in Figure [\[fig:fragmentation\]](#fig:fragmentation){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:fragmentation"}, but they can be calculated in the complexity metric and reflected in the sphere's size). Then the analyst can interactively drill down into selected puzzles to analyze the reason that could be either the task complexity (it requires many commands to be used) or difficulty (trainees struggled with the task completion and then generated many events). The number of activities discussed in the previous example is not the only possible metric. Alternate metrics can provide a different perspective on the training results. For example, the number of displayed solutions can indicate how many trainees gave up the puzzle due to the task's difficulty, demotivation, or lack of time.
# Discussion and Future Work
This section summarizes our results, putting emphasis on simplifications that we put on the training data.
## Limitations
Results of this study are limited by two key constraints put on hands-on training: puzzle-based gamification and in-class education. Considering only well-structured puzzle-based CTF games enables us to better classify data and fragment complex process models for drill-down exploration. We omit other training concepts, e.g., complex Cyber Defense Exercises that are intended for experienced professionals. They use wide network topologies, provide freedom in the exercise scenarios to simulate reality, and participants collaborate in teams, which may produce higher amounts of less-structured data and then violate prerequisites of our observations. In-class training is limited to time and number of participants, which helps us keep data size within reasonable limits. However, cybersecurity training programs can also have the form of online courses accessible at any time by an unlimited number of participants. These courses can produce a significantly larger amount of data and pose some troubles with time dependencies that are crucial for correct process discovery, as discussed in Section [4.6](#s:timestamps){reference-type="ref" reference="s:timestamps"}. Therefore, extending our approach beyond in-class teaching requires further research. We are also aware that data sets used in this paper were collected from CTF games organized by a single team in a single cyber range, which could affect our observations and limit generalization. On the other hand, to the best of our knowledge, other modern cyber ranges supporting CTF training style, e.g., Cyris, CyTrONE, or Ares , share the same concepts and principles that are discussed in this paper. Therefore, the training content and collected data may differ in detail, but the key aspects like size or types of events are very similar.
## Implications for Teaching Practice
It is tough to identify flows in training design or analyze trainees' behavior without transforming events into models with better cognitive features. The proposed unified data abstraction can be directly used to map the data from cyber ranges into the input of exiting process mining tools and algorithms. On the other hand, the practical usability of these generic tools can be limited. Their usability depends on the support of discussed data filtering and exploration techniques that are often domain-specific. Therefore, we are currently working on integrating these techniques into the analytical interface of KYPO Cyber Range so that the process mining analysis becomes an integral part of the training life cycle.
## Alternate Views to Process Graphs
Using puzzle-based fragmentation together with the filtering driven by data abstraction can provide a powerful combination enabling analysts to maintain the complexity of process graphs interactively. However, the graph representation of process models is not the only one possible. Process models can be considered so-called *multivariate graphs* that appear in many application domains. Dealing with the complexity of multivariate graphs by complementary visualizations is a broadly researched field within the visual analytics discipline . According to the classification , process graphs of CTF games are of medium or large size, k-partite, they have heterogeneous nodes with few attributes and homogeneous edges. Based on these observations, the best alternate visualization techniques should combine an *attribute-driven faceting* with *quilts* and *integrated* or *juxtaposed* view operations. However, the design of concrete analytical visualizations remains a challenging task requiring further research.
# Conclusion
This paper explores the practical usability of existing process mining algorithms to analyze cybersecurity training sessions and provides observations that support this direction. Despite the variability of data collected from cyber ranges, we proposed a unified data abstraction for using the data as the input required by process mining algorithms. We tested the usability with data captured in a cyber range that we operate. The practical experiments proved the usefulness of our approach for answering questions related to learning analytics and evaluating corresponding hypotheses but also revealed limits caused by concrete features of the raw data. We analyzed data from 15 training sessions to reveal significant features that affect the practical usability of process discovery algorithms. The main problem we faced was the complexity of the obtained graphs. Therefore, we introduced several strategies of data filtering and interactive data exploration that are built on the features of puzzle-based in-class form of exercises.
[^1]: KYPO is a Czech acronym for Cybersecurity Polygon. | {'timestamp': '2022-03-30T02:29:59', 'yymm': '2203', 'arxiv_id': '2203.15425', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15425'} |
null | null |
# Methods {#sec:methods}
Our aim was to build a flexible and manipulative style space. In particular, we considered the following objectives. (i) Visual similarity should be considered. For example, visually similar pairs, such as a wolf and a dog, should be placed in similar places in the style space. (ii) There should be a representative value, such as a discrete label, providing a good starting point when the user wants to fine-tune the result.
## Framework
The framework overview is shown in Fig. [\[fig:framework\]](#fig:framework){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:framework"}, which shows the sampling strategies for the style code and the training procedures of the entire model. **Style-aware discriminator**Given an image \(\textbf{x} \in \mathcal{X}\), discriminator \(D\) returns a vector as output. The discrimination head \(h_D\) determines whether \(\textbf{x}\) is a real or fake image, and the style head outputs the latent code \(\textbf{z}_s = h_s(D(\textbf{x}))\). We formulate the traditional discriminator \(f_D(\textbf{x})\) and the style encoder \(f_s(\textbf{x})\) as \(h_D(D(\textbf{x}))\) and \(h_s(D(\textbf{x}))\), respectively. **Prototypes**We represent the style space using a set of L2-normalized vectors \(\textbf{C} \in \mathbb{R}^{K\times D}\) rather than predefined labels or pseudo-labels, where \(K\) and \(D\) denote the number of prototypes and style code dimension, respectively. We denote \(\textbf{c}_k\) as an element of \(\textbf{C}\). **Generator**The generator comprises an encoder and a decoder, similar to typical current I2I translation generators. The encoder \(G_{enc}(\textbf{x})\) extracts style-agnostic content code \(\textbf{z}_c \in \mathbb{R}^{D\times W \times H}\) from input \(\textbf{x}\), and decoder \(G_{dec}(\textbf{z}_c,\textbf{z}_s)\) synthesizes a new image reflecting content code and style code. Similar to Karras , we use a 2-layer multi-layer perceptron (MLP) to transform the normalized style code \(\textbf{z}_s\) into valid features. The generator uses weight modulation or AdaIN for latent injection.
## Modeling the style space
Intuitively, an ideal style encoder would output the same code even though the input image was geometrically transformed. This idea is the fundamental concept underlying contrastive learning, which has been actively studied in recent years. We adopted self-supervised learning in our framework to learn the style space. **Data augmentation**The goal of existing contrastive learning is to classify object instances other than the style in images. Chen proposed a specific augmentation pipeline (, random crop, color distortion) which has become the preferred approach. However, distorting the color does not serve our purpose since style is deeply related to color. Hence we use geometric transforms (, scale, rotation) to learn content invariant representation, and cutout to learn styles such as gender and facial expressions for human faces. We also use random crop and resize following the work of. **SwAV**We used the SwAV framework, online clustering based self-supervised learning, because it aligns with our goals in terms of updating prototypes and achieving better performance for small batch sizes. The basic concept is that encoded representations from both views (, augmented images) for the same image predict each other's assignments \(\textbf{q}\). The objective for learning style space is expressed as: \[\mathcal{L}_{swap} = l(\textbf{q}^{(2)}, \textbf{z}_s^{(1)}) + l(\textbf{q}^{(1)}, \textbf{z}_s^{(2)}),\] where \(l(\textbf{q}, \textbf{z}_s) =-\sum_{k}^{K} \textbf{q}_k (\exp(\frac{\textbf{z}_s\cdot \textbf{c}_k}{\tau})/\sum_{k'}^K\exp(\frac{\textbf{z}_s\cdot \textbf{c}_{k'}}{\tau}))\), \(\tau\) is a temperature parameter, and \(\textbf{q}\) is a code computed using the Sinkhorn algorithm. Note that swapped prediction loss can be replaced by other self-supervised learning objectives, such as InfoNCE, by sacrificing the advantages of the prototype.
## Learning to synthesize
During training, we sample a target style code \(\tilde{\textbf{z}_s}\) from the prototype or dataset \(\mathcal{X}\). When sampling from the prototype, we use perturbed prototypes or samples that are linearly interpolated between two prototypes (see Appendix [2.3](#appx:a3){reference-type="ref" reference="appx:a3"} for more details). Then, we apply a stop-gradient to prevent the style space from being affected by other objectives. As shown in Fig. [\[fig:framework\]](#fig:framework){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:framework"} (c), the generator \(G\) synthesizes a fake image \(G(\textbf{x}, \tilde{\textbf{z}_s})\). To enforce synthesized image be realistic, we adopted a non-saturating adversarial loss: \[\mathcal{L}_{adv} = \mathbb{E}_{\textbf{x}} \left[ \log(f_D(\textbf{x})) \right] + \mathbb{E}_{\textbf{x},\tilde{\textbf{z}_s}} \left[ \log(1-f_D(G(\textbf{x}, \tilde{\textbf{z}_s}))) \right].\] We also employed R1 regularization following previous works. We adopted a *style reconstruction loss* to ensure the generator \(G\) utilize the style code: \[\mathcal{L}_{style} = \mathbb{E}_{\textbf{x},\tilde{\textbf{z}_s}}[||\tilde{\textbf{z}_s}-f_{s}(G(\textbf{x}, \tilde{\textbf{z}_s})) ||_2^2],\] Previous multi-domain and multi-modal I2I translation methods introduced similar objectives, the difference between the current and previous approaches is that we do not update a style encoder using this objective.
## Disentanglement of style and content
An ideal image manipulation network should be able to separate an image into two mutually exclusive representations and synthesize them back into the original image without information loss. Thus, the framework must satisfy the following: \[\phi(\textbf{x}, G(f_c(\textbf{x}), f_s(\textbf{x}))) = 0,\] where \(\phi(\cdot)\) is a distance measure in pixel space; and \(f_c(\textbf{x})\), \(f_s(\textbf{x})\) are encoding functions for content and style, respectively. To achieve this, we employ a *reconstruction loss*: \[\mathcal{L}_{recon} = \mathbb{E}_{\textbf{x}} \left[ \phi(\textbf{x}, G(\textbf{x}, \texttt{sg}(f_s(\textbf{x})))) \right],\] where `sg` denotes a stop-gradient operation. This objective encourages \(G_{enc}\) to encode mutually exclusive features with the style code since \(f_s(\textbf{x})\) is not updated. Although any distance measure in pixel space can be used, we used learned perceptual image patch similarity (LPIPS) since we empirically found this works better than Euclidean or Manhattan distance. In order to learn content space through the reconstruction loss above, it is necessary to condition that the generator should not ignore input latents code. For example, the generator may ignore the content code and perform reconstruction with only style code. To prevent this, we enforce the generator to preserve input content code using a *content reconstruction loss*: \[\mathcal{L}_{content} = \mathbb{E}_{\textbf{x},\tilde{\textbf{z}_s}}\left[\frac{1}{WH}\sum_{i,j}^{W,H} ||\textbf{z}_{c,i,j}-\tilde{\textbf{z}}_{c,i,j}||_2^2 \right],\] where \(\textbf{z}_c\), \(\tilde{\textbf{z}_c}\) are \(G_{enc}(\textbf{x})\), \(G_{enc}(G(\textbf{z}_c,\tilde{\textbf{z}_s}))\), respectively. This objective enforces patch-level similarity between inputs and outputs, similar to PatchNCE. However, our proposed objective is simpler since we only compare the last layer features, and our objective does not contrast features between patches. In practice, we found that there was no need to apply this loss every step, and hence we apply the objective every 16th step. We assume that this is because similar results can be obtained through a *reconstruction loss*. **Overall objectives**Our final objective function for the discriminator is \(\mathcal{L}_{StyleD} = \mathcal{L}_{adv} + \lambda_{swap} \mathcal{L}_{swap}\), and for the generator is \(\mathcal{L}_{G} = \mathcal{L}_{adv} + \lambda_{sty} \mathcal{L}_{style} + \lambda_{rec} \mathcal{L}_{recon}\), where \(\lambda_{sty}, \lambda_{rec}\) are hyperparameters for each term, and we use for all \(\lambda = 1.0\) except \(\lambda_{rec} = 0.3\) for AdaIN-based models. We set \(K\) as 32 and 64 for AFHQ and CelebA-HQ, respectively. Please refer to Appendix [2](#appx:a){reference-type="ref" reference="appx:a"} for more details.
## Local image translation
One advantage of factored representations is having a higher degree of freedom when editing an image. The content of an image can easily be copied or moved by editing in the content space. To progress further, we propose a simple method of patch-level image translation. Kim proposed mixing spatial information in the latent space to enable local editing. Similarly, we mix spatial information in the feature space. \[\textbf{f}_{o} = \textbf{m} \otimes \textrm{\texttt{mod}}(\textbf{f}_i, \textbf{z}_s^{(i)}) + (1-\textbf{m}) \otimes \textrm{\texttt{mod}}(\textbf{f}_i, \textbf{z}_s^{(j)}),\] where \(\textbf{f}\) and \(\textbf{m}\) are feature map and mask, and `mod` is modulated convolution or AdaIN. For patch-level image translation, we simply replace the entire modulated convolution layer with above. To ensure content is maintained even when several styles are mixed, we mixed two styles with a random mask when calculating a content preserving loss.
# Implementation {#appx:a}
## Architecture {#appx:a1}
The overall architecture of our method follows StarGAN v2. We normalized the output content code in each pixel to the unit length following Park . When using the StyleGAN2-based generator, we replaced the instance normalization of the content encoder with pixel normalization. We did not use an equalized learning rate. The style-aware discriminator consists of \(M = 0.25 * \log_2(\textrm{resolution})\) residual blocks followed by an average pooling. The style head and the discrimination head are two-layer MLPs. We used the same discriminator for the StyleGAN2-based and AdaIN-based models. We set dimension of prototypes to 256. We set \(K\) to 32 for AFHQ, 64 for CelebA-HQ, and 128 for LSUN churches and FFHQ.
## Augmentation {#appx:a2}
**Geometric transform**We used the `RandomRation` and `RandomScaleAdjustment` augmentations. We applied reflection padding to avoid empty areas in the image before applying the geometric transform. We chose the rotation angle to be between-30 and 30 and the scale parameter between 0.8 and 1.2. Each transform was applied with a probability of 0.8. **Cutout**The style of the human face domain is integral to characteristics other than color and texture, including gender, expression, and accessories. We can read such information (, the style) from an image even when part of a human face is occluded. Accordingly, we employed cutout augmentation. In practice, we used the `RandomErasing` method from the `torchvision` library with the following probability and scale parameters: `p=0.8` and `scale=(0.1, 0.33)`. **Color distortion**We observed that when the variation of the dataset is significant (, FFHQ) or when the batch size is small, it was not possible to manipulate short hair into long hair. In that case, we employed weak color jittering. More specifically, we applied the `ColorJitter` method with the following parameters with a probability of 0.8: `brightness=0.2`, `contrast=0.2`, `saturation=0.2`, `hue=0.01`. Note that, we applied this augmentation only with the CelebA-HQ dataset using AdaIN and the FFHQ experiments.
## Style code sampling {#appx:a3}
We sampled the style code from the dataset \(\mathcal{X}\) with a probability \(p\). Otherwise, we sampled from the prototypes. When sampling from a dataset, we used a randomly shuffled minibatch \(\textbf{x}^{\prime}\) to create a style code \(\tilde{\textbf{z}_s} = f_s(\textbf{x}^{\prime})\). In the case of sampling from the prototypes, we used the following pseudocode. In practice, we set \(p\) to 0.8 except in the case of for longer training (25 M), where we used 0.5.
``` {.python language="Python"}
# C: prototypes (K x D) # N: batch size # K: number of prototypes # D: prototype dimension @torch.no_grad() def sample_from_prototypes(C, N, eps=0.01): K, D = C.shape samples = C[torch.randint(0, K, (N,))] if torch.rand(1) < 0.5: # perturbation eps = eps * torch.randn_like(samples) samples = samples + eps else: # interpolation targets = C[torch.randint(0, K, (N,))] t = torch.rand((N, 1)) samples = torch.lerp(samples, targets, t) return F.normalize(samples, p=2, dim=1)
## Training details {#appx:a4}
In every iterations, we sampled a minibatch \(\textbf{x}\) of \(N\) images from the dataset. To calculate the *swapped prediction loss*, we created two different views \(\textbf{x}_1 = \mathcal{T}_1(\textbf{x}), \textbf{x}_2 = \mathcal{T}_2(\textbf{x})\), where \(\mathcal{T}\) is an augmentation. We reused the \(\textbf{x}_1\) as the input of the generator. We obtained style codes by sampling the prototype with probability \(p\) or encoding reference images \(\textbf{x}^{\prime} = \textrm{\texttt{shuffle}}(\textbf{x}_1)\) with probability (\(1-p\)). In practice, we usually set \(p\) as 0.8, but 0.5 when training is long enough (longer than 5 M). When sampling from the prototype, the first two of Eq. 2 was selected uniformly. The adversarial loss for updating the discriminator \(D\) was calculated for \(G(\textbf{x}_1, \textbf{s})\), and the adversarial loss for updating the generator \(G\) was calculated for \(G(\textbf{x}_1, \textbf{x})\) and the reconstructed image. We applied the lazy R1 regularization following. To stabilize the SwAV training, we adopted training details from the original paper. In more detail, we fixed the prototype for the first 500 iterations and used the queue after the 20,000th iteration if \(K < N\). We linearly ramped up learning rate for the first 3000 iterations. We initialized all of the networks using Kaiming initialization. Following Choi , we used ADAM with a learning rate of 0.0001, \(\beta_1 = 0.0\) and \(\beta_2 = 0.99\). We scaled the learning rate of the mapping network by 0.01, similar to previous studies. By default, we used a batch size of 16 for the AdaIN-based model and 32 for the StyleGAN2-based model. We used a larger batch size (64) and longer training (25 M) for the FFHQ and LSUN churches datasets. We observed that the performance improves as the batch size and the number of training images increase.
# Additional results {#appx:b}
## Quantitative results for the unlabeled datasets
We measured the quality of the latent-guided and reference-guided synthesis on the unlabeled datasets in Table [\[tab:unlabel\]](#tab:unlabel){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:unlabel"}. The proposed method significantly outperforms the Swapping Autoencoder on the LSUN churches validation set. For reference, we also report the results of unconditionally generated StyleGAN2 images. Even though the proposed method is inferior to unconditional GANs (, StyleGAN2 ), note that unconditional GANs are unsuitable for image editing.
## Quality of the style interpolation
To evaluate the quantitative results of the style interpolation, we calculated FID between the training set and images synthesized using interpolated styles (\(\textrm{FID}_{lerp}\)). We sampled images from two different domains and generated ten style codes by interpolating their corresponding style code. Then, we synthesized ten images using those style codes (we used the first sample as a source image). We created 30,000 fake images for the AFHQ and a total of 20,000 fake images for CelebA-HQ. As shown in Table [\[tab:lerp\]](#tab:lerp){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:lerp"}, the proposed method outperforms the supervised approaches in terms of FID. Fig. [\[fig:lerp\]](#fig:lerp){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:lerp"} shows the qualitative comparison between the proposed model and baselines. The proposed approach was the only model that produced smooth interpolation results while maintaining the content such as backgrounds.
## Additional qualitative results
Here, we include qualitative results for various datasets. Fig. [\[fig:afhqv2\]](#fig:afhqv2){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:afhqv2"} shows the results of the model trained at 512\(\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}512 resolution on the AFHQ v2 dataset. Fig. [\[fig:ffhq\]](#fig:ffhq){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:ffhq"} and [\[fig:church\]](#fig:church){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:church"} show the reference-guided image synthesis results on unlabeled datasets (FFHQ and LSUN churches). Fig. [\[fig:flower\]](#fig:flower){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:flower"} shows the reference-guided image synthesis results for the Oxford-102 dataset. Finally, we visualize all prototypes learned with the AFHQ and CelebA-HQ datasets in Fig. [\[fig:proto\]](#fig:proto){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:proto"}.
# Additional analyses {#appx:c}
## Effect of the style-aware discriminator {#appx:c1}
The low k-NN metric of the `separated` method implies that the style space is not highly correlated with the species. This is further supported by the qualitative results. As shown in Fig. [\[fig:sep\]](#fig:sep){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:sep"}, the `separated` method learns to translate the tone of the image rather than desired style (, the species), which explains the very high mFID[^1].
## Ablation based on the number of prototypes
In Table [\[tab:abalk\]](#tab:abalk){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:abalk"}, we evaluate the effect of the number of prototypes (\(K\)) on the proposed method. We trained the AdaIN-based model with varying \(K\) using the AFHQ dataset. We observed that the appropriate number of prototypes was critical to the synthesis quality. However, even when the value of \(K\) was large, the mFID value did not deviate from a certain range. We did not conduct experiments to determine the optimal value of \(K\) for the other datasets; instead, we set the value of k based on the number of images in the dataset.
# Experiments {#sec:exp}
## Experimental setup
We not only employed a StyleGAN2-based generator but also considered models using AdaIN to enable a fair comparison with I2I translation models that use AdaIN. **Datasets**We trained the proposed and various comparator models on AFHQ, AFHQ v2, CelebA-HQ, FFHQ, Oxford-102, and LSUN churches. Since high resolution models requires considerable training time, the proposed and comparison models were trained and evaluated at 256\(\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}256 resolution. For AFHQ and CelebA-HQ, we used the splits provided by Choi . **Baselines**Our primary goal is to synthesize an image with a reference image or a latent sampled from a learned space (, I2I translation). We compared the proposed approach with recent supervised and unsupervised methods. In contrast with most I2I translation methods, the proposed approach has further applications such as image editing. To compare real-time image editing capability, we compared our approach with Swapping Autoencoder (SwapAE) and StyleMapGAN. We used pre-trained networks provided by the authors whenever possible. Otherwise, we trained the models from scratch using the official implementation, except for CLUIT, where we employed our implementation because the authors have not yet published their code. We showed 1.6 and 5 M images to the AdaIN-and StyleGAN2-based models, respectively. For StyleMapGAN, we used pre-trained networks trained for 5 M images.
## Main results
We quantitatively and qualitatively evaluated the proposed approach and the baselines on two datasets: AFHQ and CelebA-HQ. **Latent-guided image synthesis**We report Fréchet Inception Distance (FID) and Kernel Inception Distance (KID) to evaluate the latent-guided image synthesis quality, calculating FID and KID between 50,000 synthesized images and training samples. Parmer recently demonstrated that values of these metrics depend on the resizing method; therefore, we calculated FID and KID for all methods using Pillow-bicubic. To synthesize images, we used a style code sampled using the strategy used in the training. To evaluate supervised methods, we created a style code using randomly sampled domain and noise. We performed style mixing with randomly sampled latent with StyleMapGAN. In Table [\[tab:results\]](#tab:results){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:results"}, the proposed model showed better results than the existing unsupervised methods and comparable results to the supervised methods. Although the result of the proposed approach is slightly worse than StarGAN v2 in AFHQ, our approach allows users to choose one of several prototypes, whereas StarGAN v2 only allows users to choose from three classes. In Fig. [\[fig:latent\]](#fig:latent){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:latent"}, we show the prototype-guided synthesis results of our methods trained on unlabeled datasets. Note that we directly used prototypes obtained during the training without additional processing. **Reference-guided image synthesis**Although FID/KID protocol can estimate the manipulated image quality, it provides good performance scores even if the generator ignores the given latent (, reconstruction). Therefore, we evaluated reference-guided image synthesis to evaluate whether the generator reflects the latent corresponding to each domain. Following, we synthesize images using a source-reference pair from each task (, cat\(\rightarrow\)dog, male\(\rightarrow\)female) and calculate FID and KID with a training set of a target domain. We report average values of all tasks (mFID and mKID). As shown in the first two rows of Fig. [\[fig:reference\]](#fig:reference){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:reference"}, supervised approaches often misrecognized the style of reference images within the same classes. However, the proposed method successfully captures the styles of reference images. Furthermore, while other methods failed to preserve the details of the source image, the proposed method was the only method that preserved details such as pose and background. **User study**To investigate the human preferences, we conducted a survey using the Amazon MTurk platform. We randomly generated 100 source-reference pairs per dataset and asked the respondents to answer three questions: (Q1) Which one best reflects the style of the reference while preserving the content of the source? (Q2) Which one is the most realistic? (Q3) Which one would you use for manipulating an image? Each set was answered by 10 respondents. As shown in Table [\[tab:userstudy\]](#tab:userstudy){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:userstudy"}, the respondents obviously preferred our method in the AFHQ. In the CelebA-HQ, our model was not preferred over the supervised models (which use attribute labels and a pre-trained face alignment network); nevertheless, our model was still the most preferred among the unsupervised methods. See Appendix [3](#appx:b){reference-type="ref" reference="appx:b"} for additional results including experiments on AFHQ v2 and Oxford-102.
## Controllable image translation
**Real image projection**To edit an image in the latent space, we first need to project the image into the latent space. What matters here is how quickly and accurately the image can be reconstructed. We measured the runtime and LPIPS between the input and reconstructed images. As shown in Table [\[tab:projection\]](#tab:projection){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:projection"}, our model can embed an image into the latent space faster and more accurately than other real-time image editing methods. **Style interpolation**With the proposed method, it is possible to control only the style of the image as desired. In Fig. [\[fig:control\]](#fig:control){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:control"} (a), we first projected images into content and style space, then interpolated style code with randomly selected prototypes. The results show that the proposed approach is suitable for controlling the results of synthesized images. **Content transplantation**Although we did not specifically target content transplantation, the proposed method supports this application. We achieved this by copying the content code from another content code. After manipulating the content code, we synthesized the image using a style code of the source image. As shown in Fig. [\[fig:control\]](#fig:control){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:control"} (b), our model shows qualitatively similar results to the StyleMapGAN, which specifically targeting the local editing. Since our model separated the content and style, it is also possible to transplant only the content (, a big smile) without changing the style (, a beard) (bottom). **Local image translation**Fig. [\[fig:control\]](#fig:control){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:control"} (c) shows the results of local image translation. The first two rows are the result of using vertically split masks. The red box in the bottom row indicates the mask for reference 1. The proposed method can synthesize the content using multiple styles.
## Analysis
**Effect of the style-aware discriminator**We trained the model with a separated discriminator and style encoder to analyze the effect of integrating the discriminator and style encoder. The difference is that we used the hard-assigned prototypes as pseudo-label for the multi-task discriminator. To evaluate the alignment between learned style representation and domain labels, we measured the k-NN accuracy used for self-supervised learning. In Table [\[tab:combine\]](#tab:combine){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:combine"}, `separated` achieved significantly lower k-NN accuracy, and failed to relfect the style of the target images (high mFID). See Appendix [4.1](#appx:c1){reference-type="ref" reference="appx:c1"} for a further discussion. **Effect of data augmentation**We employed random resized crop, rotation, and scale for augmentation, along with random erasing for facial datasets (, CelebA-HQ, FFHQ). Among them, we analyzed the effect of color distortion and cutout, which are major differences compared with other methods. As shown in Fig. [\[fig:search\]](#fig:search){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:search"}, different augmentation choice leads to different style space. This result further leads to incorrect or unwanted synthesis results (Fig. [\[fig:ablation\]](#fig:ablation){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:ablation"}). For example, when the color distortion is used, the style space ignores the color. On the other hand, if the cutout is not applied in the human face domain, learned style space failed to capture the attribute information such as gender. **Speed and memory**Table [\[tab:memory\]](#tab:memory){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:memory"} shows the trainable parameter counts and the training time of each method. The proposed approach is more efficient and faster than conventional I2I translation methods because it requires one less module for training and has fewer modules than SwapAE, which uses two discriminators. Nevertheless, the proposed method achieved comparable or better performance, which shows the efficiency of our method.
# Related work {#sec:related}
**Multi-domain I2I translation**StarGAN enabled many-to-many translation using a given attribute label, but this and similar approaches have the disadvantage of being deterministic for a given input and domain. Subsequent studies suggested using reference images rather than labels, enabling translation based on an image from unseen classes in the same domain. StarGAN v2 introduced a noise-to-latent mapping network to synthesize diverse results for the same domain, but since all of these methods depend on labels defined for classification, representations for image manipulation cannot be learned. Therefore, we developed a new multi-domain I2I approach from two perspectives. The proposed method learns a style-specific representation suitable for image manipulation without relying on labels; and then provides more user-controllability while supporting various applications. To overcome the problem of label dependency, Bahng clustered the feature space for pre-trained networks to create pseudo-labels and corresponding latent code. Similarly, TUNIT trained a guiding network using contrastive learning and clustering directly in target data. These methods obtain pseudo-labels that can be substituted for class labels; however, the proposed approach models a continuous style space rather than discrete pseudo-labels. Thus the proposed model is significantly more efficient than previous approaches. CLUIT recently proposed using contrastive learning through a discriminator, but used contrastive learning to replace the multi-task discriminator. Therefore, the style encoder exists independently, in contrast with the proposed model. Furthermore, CLUIT requires additional process (, clustering), to obtain a style code without a reference image. **Learning-based image editing**Recently, Karras discovered that GANs naturally learn to disentangle pre-defined latent space. Several subsequent sutides proposed image editing methods using StyleGANs. However, these methods suffered from the long time it takes to find a corresponding latent. Recently, StyleMapGAN and Swapping Autoencoder (SwapAE) proposed directly encoding an image into the latent, enabling real-time and various image editing applications. Our study is different in that content and style can be manipulated separately because of disentangled latent space. SwapAE has a separate latent space called texture and structure, similar to the proposed method, but is challenging to operate without a reference image. In addition, its texture-focused representation does not work well for tasks that require dramatic changes, such as the interspecies variation of animal faces (Fig. [\[fig:reference\]](#fig:reference){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:reference"}). On the other hand, since the proposed method learns the style space and the prototype, manipulating an image without a reference image is possible. Furthermore, because our method is designed for I2I translation, more challenging manipulations are possible. **Discriminator and self-supervised learning**GANs have always suggested that discriminators could be feature extractors, and many previous studies have demonstrated that GANs benefit from representation learning through a discriminator. We also utilize self-supervised learning via the discriminator, but differ from previous approaches in that the primary purpose of the self-supervised learning is to function as an encoder, not just to improve the quality. Hence, our discriminator continues to work as an encoder after training; as opposed to most current GANs, which abandon discriminators after training.
# Introduction {#sec:intro}
Image-to-image (I2I) translation aims to manipulate the style of an existing image, where style refers to generic attributes that can be applied to any image in a dataset (, texture or domain). Content generally refers to the remaining information, such as the pose and structure. This task has shown significant progress with generative adversarial network (GAN) developments. Recent studies have expanded the functionality to multi-modal and multi-domains using domain-specific discriminators and latent injection, enabling the direct manipulation of existing images using domain labels or reference images. However, despite promising functionality advances, there remains considerable room for development in terms of controllability. For example, users can only control the classes used for training. Although a reference image can be used to control output but this can often lead to erroneous results, particularly for misrecognition within the same class; and another common problem is inability to fine-tune the output. Since the label space does not consider the semantic distance between classes, the learned style space cannot reflect these semantic distances, which leads to unrealistic images when controlling the results by manipulating the style code. This study investigates I2I translation controllability, , to be able to edit the result as desired using the style code, without being limited to the previously defined label space. The proposed model learns the style space using prototype-based self-supervised learning with carefully chosen augmentations. Although the current domain-specific discriminators are not designed for an external continuous space, this is possible if the discriminator knows the style internally. Therefore, we propose a *Style-aware Discriminator*, combining a style encoder and a discriminator into a single module. Thus, the proposed model is somewhat lighter by reducing one module and achieves better performance because of to the better representation space of the discriminator. We used the style code sampled from prototypes during training to improve the controllability; and feature-level and pixel-level reconstructions to improve the consistency. Thus, the proposed model goes beyond image translation to support various applications, including style interpolation and content transplantation. Finally, we propose feedforward local image translation by exploiting spatial properties of the GAN feature space. We evaluated the model on several challenging datasets: Animal Faces HQ (AFHQ), CelebA-HQ, LSUN churches, Oxford-102, and FlickrFaces-HQ (FFHQ). Extensive experiments confirm that the proposed method outperforms current state-of-the-art models in terms of both performance and efficiency without semantic annotations. The proposed model can also project an image into the latent space faster than baselines while achieving comparable reconstruction results. The contributions from this study are summarized as follows: (i) We propose an integrated module for style encoding and adversarial losses for I2I translation, as well as a data augmentation strategy for the style space. The proposed method reduces the parameter count significantly and does not require semantic annotations. (ii) We achieve state-of-the-art results in *truly* unsupervised I2I translation in terms of the Fréchet Inception Distance (FID). The proposed method shows similar or better performance compared with supervised methods. (iii) We extend image translation functionality to various applications, including style interpolation, content transplantation, and local image translation.
# Discussion and limitation {#sec:discuss}
In this study, we proposed a *style-aware discriminator*, which learns a style space in a self-supervised manner and guides the generator. Here, we discuss reasons why the proposed approach can be successfully trained. First, representation learning using human-defined labels cannot be a representation for style space. In contrast, the proposed method learns latent space specifically designed for style. Second, in the existing I2I translation, both the generator and the style encoder are updated together by the signal from the discriminator. In this case, the separation between content and style is ambiguous. Conversely, the proposed model can have a separate content space with the style encoder being updated completely separately from the generator, which results in better disentanglement. Finally, a style-aware discriminator can provide a better signal to the generator since it has a better understanding of the style space. Yet still, the proposed method cannot preserve the face identity of the source image, unlike. One can therefore consider using a pre-trained network for identity or landmark following previous works. However, preserving the identity may increase risks of misuse or abuse. Therefore, we did not force the proposed method to preserve the facial identity of a source image. Though, preserving the facial identity without using additional information (, face landmark or id) will be a valuable future work.
[^1]: In the AFHQ dataset, the models that cannot change species result in high mFID, since the FID between different species can be rather large. For example, the FID between a real cat and real dog is 170.4. | {'timestamp': '2022-03-30T02:27:10', 'yymm': '2203', 'arxiv_id': '2203.15375', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15375'} |
# Introduction
Cardinality estimation, or the distinct counting problem, is a fundamental data analysis task. Typical applications are found in network traffic monitoring, query optimization, and counting unique search engine queries. A key challenge is to perform this estimation in small space while processing each data item quickly. Typical approaches for solving this problem at scale involve data sketches such as the [fm]{acronym-label="fm" acronym-form="singular+full"} sketch, [hll]{acronym-label="hll" acronym-form="singular+full"}, Bottom-\(k\) . All these provide approximate cardinality estimates but use bounded space. While research has historically focused on the accuracy, speed, and space usage of these sketches, recent work examines their privacy guarantees. These privacy-preserving properties have grown in importance as companies have built tools that can grant an appropriate level of privacy to different people and scenarios. The tools aid in satisfying users' demand for better data stewardship, while also ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements. We show that *all* cardinality estimators in a class of hash-based, order-invariant sketches with bounded size are \(\epsilon\)-differentially private (DP) so long as the algorithm is combined with a simple down-sampling procedure and the true cardinality satisfies a mild lower bound. This lower bound requirement can be guaranteed to hold by inserting sufficiently many "phantom elements" into the stream when initializing the sketch. We also show that, even with no modification, algorithms in our class satisfy \((\epsilon, \delta)\)-differential privacy, where \(\delta\) falls exponentially with the stream cardinality. Our novel analysis has significant benefits. First, prior works on differentially private cardinality estimation have analyzed only specific sketches. Moreover, many of the sketches analyzed (e.g., ), while reminiscent of sketches used in practice, in fact differ from practical sketches in important ways. For example, Smith et al. analyze a *variant* of [hll]{acronym-label="hll" acronym-form="singular+abbrv"} that Section [\[s:hlls\]](#s:hlls){reference-type="ref" reference="s:hlls"} shows has an update time that can be \(k\) times slower than an [hll]{acronym-label="hll" acronym-form="singular+abbrv"} sketch with \(k\) buckets. While our analysis covers an entire class of sketches at once, our error analysis improves upon prior work in many cases when specialized to specific sketches. For example, our analysis yields tighter privacy bounds for HLL than the one given in, yielding both an \(\epsilon\)-DP guarantee, rather than an \((\epsilon, \delta)\)-DP guarantee, as well as tighter bounds on the failure probability \(\delta\)---see Section [\[s:hlls\]](#s:hlls){reference-type="ref" reference="s:hlls"} for details. Crucially, the class of sketches we analyze captures many (in fact, almost all to our knowledge) of the sketches that are actually used in practice. This means that existing systems can be used in contexts requiring privacy, either without modification if streams are guaranteed to satisfy the mild cardinality lower bound we require, or with a simple pre-processing step described if such cardinality lower bounds may not hold. Thus, existing data infrastructure can be easily modified to provide DP guarantees, and in fact existing sketches can be easily migrated to DP summaries.
## Related work {#sec:related-work}
One perspective is that cardinality estimators cannot simultaneously preserve privacy and offer good utility. However, this impossibility result applies only when an adversary However, this impossibility result applies only when an adversary can create and merge an arbitrary number of sketches, effectively observing an item's value many times. It does not address the privacy of one sketch itself. Other works have studied more realistic models where either the hashes are public, but private noise is added to the sketch, or the hashes are secret (i.e., not known to the adversary who is trying to "break" privacy). This latter setting turns out to permit less noisy cardinality estimates. Past works study specific sketches or a variant of a sketch. For example, Smith et al. show that an [hll]{acronym-label="hll" acronym-form="singular+abbrv"}-type sketch is \(\epsilon\)-DP while modifies the [fm]{acronym-label="fm" acronym-form="singular+abbrv"} sketch using coordinated sampling, which is also based on a private hash. Variants of both models are analyzed by Choi et al., and they show (amongst other contributions) a similar result to, establishing that an [fm]{acronym-label="fm" acronym-form="singular+abbrv"}-type sketch is differentially private. Like these prior works, we focus on the setting when *the hash functions are kept secret* from the adversary. A related problem of differentially private estimation of cardinalities under set operations is studied by, but they assume the inputs to each sketch are already de-duplicated. There is one standard caveat: following prior works our privacy analysis assumes a perfectly random hash function. One can remove this assumption both in theory and practice by using a cryptographic hash function. This will yield a sketch that satisfies either a computational variant of differential privacy called SIM-CDP, or standard information-theoretic notions of differential privacy under the assumption that the hash function fools space-bounded computations. Other works also consider the privacy-preserving properties of common \(L_p\) functions over data streams. For \(p=2\), these include fast dimensionality reduction and least squares regression. Meanwhile, for \(0 < p \le 1\), frequency-moment estimation has also been studied. Our focus is solely the cardinality estimation problem when \(p=0\).
## Preliminaries
More formally, we consider the following problem.
#### Problem Definition
Let \(\ensuremath{\mathcal D} = \{x_1, \ldots, x_n\}\) denote a stream of samples with each identifier \(x_i\) coming from a large universe \(U\), e.g., of size \(2^{64}\). The objective is to estimate the cardinality, or number of distinct identifiers, of \(\ensuremath{\mathcal D}\) using an algorithm \(S\) which is given privacy parameters \(\epsilon, \delta \ge 0\) and a space bound \(b\), measured in bits.
Rather than analyzing any specific sketching algorithm, we analyze a natural class of randomized distinct counting sketches. Algorithms in this class operate in the following manner: each time a new stream item \(i\) arrives, \(i\) is hashed using some uniform random hash function \(h\), and then \(h(i)\) is used to update the sketch, i.e., the update procedure depends only on \(h(i)\), and is otherwise independent of \(i\). Our analysis applies to any such algorithm that depends only on the *set* of observed hash values. Equivalently, the sketch state is invariant both to the order in which stream items arrive, and to item duplication.[^1] We call this class of algorithms *hash-based, order-invariant* cardinality estimators. Note that for any hash-based, order-invariant cardinality estimator, the distribution of the sketch depends only on the cardinality of the stream. All distinct counting sketches of which we are aware that are invariant to permutations of the input data are included in this class. This includes [fm]{acronym-label="fm" acronym-form="singular+abbrv"}, LPCA, Bottom-\(k\), Adaptive Sampling, and HLL as shown in Section [4](#sec:example-sketches){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:example-sketches"}.
We denote a sketching algorithm with internal randomness \(r\) by \(S_r\) (for hash-based algorithms, \(r\) specifies the random hash function used). The algorithm takes a data set \(\ensuremath{\mathcal D}\) and generates a data structure \(S_r(\ensuremath{\mathcal D})\) that is used to estimate the cardinality. We refer to this structure as the *state of the sketch*, or simply the *sketch*, and the values it can take by \(s \in \Omega\). Sketches are first initialized and then items are inserted into the sketch with an `add` operation that may or may not change the sketch state. The size of the sketch is a crucial constraint, and we denote the space consumption in bits by \(b\). For example, [fm]{acronym-label="fm" acronym-form="singular+abbrv"} consists of \(k\) bitmaps of length \(\ell\). Thus, its state \(s \in \Omega = \{0, 1\}^{k \times \ell}.\) Typically, \(\ell = 32\), so that \(b = 32 k\). Further examples are given in Section [4](#sec:example-sketches){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:example-sketches"}. Our goal is to prove such sketches are differentially private. [\[s:fmdeets\]]{#s:fmdeets label="s:fmdeets"}
# Hash-Based Order-Invariant Estimators are Private {#sec:sketches are private}
The distribution of any hash-based, order-invariant cardinality estimator depends only on the cardinality of the input stream, so without loss of generality we assume the input is \(\ensuremath{\mathcal D}=\{1, \dots, n\}\). Denote the set \(\ensuremath{\mathcal D} \backslash \{i\}\) by \(\ensuremath{\mathcal D}_{-i}\) for \(i \in \ensuremath{\mathcal D}\) and a sketching algorithm with internal randomness \(r\) by \(S_r(\ensuremath{\mathcal D})\). By definition, for an \(\epsilon\)-differential privacy guarantee, we must show that the Bayes factor comparing the hypothesis \(i \in \ensuremath{\mathcal D}\) versus \(i \notin \ensuremath{\mathcal D}\) is appropriately bounded: \[\begin{aligned}
\label{eqn:DP inequality} e^{-\epsilon} < \frac{\Pr_r(S_r(\ensuremath{\mathcal D}) = s)}{\Pr_r(S_r(\ensuremath{\mathcal D}_{-i}) = s)} < e^{\epsilon} \quad \forall s \in \Omega, i\in \ensuremath{\mathcal D}. \end{aligned}\] **Overview of privacy results.** The main result in our analysis bounds the privacy loss of a hash-based, order-invariant sketch in terms of just two sketch-specific quantities. Both quantities intuitively capture how sensitive the sketch is to the removal or insertion of a single item from the data stream. The first quantity is a bound \(k_{max}\) on the number of items that would change the sketch if *removed* from the stream. Denote the items whose removal from the data set changes the sketch by \[\begin{aligned}
\label{eq:krdef} \ensuremath{\mathcal K}_r &:= \{i \in \ensuremath{\mathcal D}: S_r(\ensuremath{\mathcal D}_{-i}) \neq S_r(\ensuremath{\mathcal D}) \}. \end{aligned}\] Denote its cardinality by \(K_r := \left| \ensuremath{\mathcal K}_r \right|\) and the upper bound by \(k_{max} = \sup_r K_r\). The second quantity is a bound on a \"sampling\" probability. Let \(\pi(s)\) be the probability that a newly *inserted* item would change a sketch in state \(s\), \[\label{eq:pi-defn} \pi(s) \coloneqq \Pr_r(S_r(\ensuremath{\mathcal D}) \neq S_r(\ensuremath{\mathcal D}_{-i})\, |\, S_r(\ensuremath{\mathcal D}_{-i}) = s).\] Although a sketch generally does not store explicit samples, conceptually, it can be helpful to think of \(\pi(s)\) as the probability that an as-yet-unseen item \(i\) gets "sampled" by a sketch in state \(s\). We upper bound \(\pi^* \coloneqq \sup_{s \in \Omega} \pi(s)\) to limit the influence of items added to the stream. The main sub-result in our analysis (Theorem [\[thm:main result\]](#thm:main result){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:main result"}) roughly states that the sketch is \(\epsilon\)-DP so long as (a) the sampling probability \(\pi^* < 1-e^{-\epsilon}\) is small enough, and (b) the stream cardinality \(n > \frac{k_{max}}{e^{\epsilon}-1} = \Theta(k_{max}/\epsilon)\) is large enough. We show Property (a) is a *necessary* condition for any \(\epsilon\)-DP algorithm if the algorithm works over data universes of unbounded size. Unfortunately, Property (a) does *not* directly hold for natural sketching algorithms. But we show (Section [\[s:actualdpalgs\]](#s:actualdpalgs){reference-type="ref" reference="s:actualdpalgs"}) by applying a simple down-sampling procedure, any hash-based, order-invariant algorithm can be modified to satisfy (a). Furthermore, Section [4](#sec:example-sketches){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:example-sketches"} shows common sketches satisfy Property (a) with high probability, thus providing \((\epsilon, \delta)\)-DP guarantees for sufficiently large cardinalities. Compared to, these guarantees are tighter, more precise, and more general as they establish the failure probability \(\delta\) decays exponentially with \(n\), provide explicit formulas for \(\delta\), and apply to a range of sketches rather than just HLL.
#### Overview of the analysis.
The definition of \(\epsilon\)-DP requires bounding the Bayes factor in equation [\[eqn:DP inequality\]](#eqn:DP inequality){reference-type="ref" reference="eqn:DP inequality"}. The challenge is that the numerator and denominator may not be easy to compute by themselves. However, it is similar to the form of a conditional probability involving only one insertion. Our main trick re-expresses this Bayes factor as a sum of conditional probabilities involving a single insertion. Since the denominator \(\Pr_r(S_r(\ensuremath{\mathcal D}_{-i})=s)\) involves a specific item \(i\) which may change the sketch, we instead consider the smallest item \(J_r\) whose removal does not change the sketch. This allows us to re-express the numerator in terms of a conditional probability \(\Pr_r(S(\ensuremath{\mathcal D}) = s \land J_r=j) = \Pr_r(J_r = j | S(\ensuremath{\mathcal D}_{-j})=s) \Pr_r( S(\ensuremath{\mathcal D}_{-j})=s)\) involving only a single insertion plus a nuisance term \(\Pr_r( S(\ensuremath{\mathcal D}_{-j})=s)\). The symmetry of items gives that the nuisance term is equal to denominator \(\Pr_r( S(\ensuremath{\mathcal D}_{-j})=s) = \Pr_r( S(\ensuremath{\mathcal D}_{-i})=s)\), thus allowing us to eliminate it.
By further conditioning on the total number of items that, when removed, can change the sketch, we obtain conditional probabilities that are simple to calculate. A combinatorial argument simplifies the resulting expression and gives us two factors in Lemma [\[lem:sum-sampling-prob\]](#lem:sum-sampling-prob){reference-type="ref" reference="lem:sum-sampling-prob"}, one involving the sampling probability for new items \(\pi(s)\) given a sketch in state \(s\) and the other being an expectation involving \(K_r\). This identifies the two quantities that must be controlled in order for a sketch to be \(\epsilon\)-DP.
To show that all hash-based, order invariant sketching algorithms can be made \(\epsilon\)-DP, we show that \(K_r\) can always be bounded by the maximum size of the sketch in bits. Thus, if a sketch is combined with a downsampling procedure to ensure \(\pi(s)\) is sufficiently small, one satisfies both of the properties that are sufficient for an \(\epsilon\)-DP guarantee. Having established [\[eq:sum-sampling-prob-main\]](#eq:sum-sampling-prob-main){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:sum-sampling-prob-main"}, we can derive a result showing that a hash-based, order-invariant sketch is \(\epsilon\)-DP so long as the stream cardinality is large enough and \(\sup_{s \in \Omega} \pi(s)\) is not too close to \(1\).
The above corollary may be difficult to apply directly since the expectation in Condition [\[eq:raw cardinality condition\]](#eq:raw cardinality condition){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:raw cardinality condition"} is often difficult to compute and depends on the unknown cardinality \(n\). Our main result provides sufficient criteria to ensure that Condition [\[eq:raw cardinality condition\]](#eq:raw cardinality condition){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:raw cardinality condition"} holds. The criteria is expressed in terms of a minimum cardinality \(n_0\) and sketch-dependent constant \(k_{max}\). This constant \(k_{max}\) is a bound on the maximum number of items which change the sketch when removed. That is, for all input streams \(\ensuremath{\mathcal D}\) and all \(r\), \(k_{max} \geq |\ensuremath{\mathcal K}_r|\). We derive \(k_{max}\) for a number of popular sketch algorithms in Section [4](#sec:example-sketches){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:example-sketches"}.
Later, we explain how to modify existing sketching algorithms in a black-box way to satisfy these conditions. If left unmodified, most sketching algorithms used in practice allow for some sketch values \(s \in \Omega\) which violate Condition [\[eq:downsampling probability2\]](#eq:downsampling probability2){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:downsampling probability2"}, i.e \(\pi(s) > 1-e^{-\epsilon}\). We call such sketch values "privacy-violating". Fortunately, such values turn out to arise with only tiny probability. The next theorem states that, so long as this probability is smaller than \(\delta\), the sketch satisfies \((\epsilon, \delta)\)-DP without modification. The proof of Theorem [\[thm:approxdp\]](#thm:approxdp){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:approxdp"} follows immediately from Theorem [\[thm:main result\]](#thm:main result){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:main result"}.
## Constructing Sketches Satisfying Approximate Differential Privacy: Algorithm [\[alg:basic\]](#alg:basic){reference-type="ref" reference="alg:basic"} {#sec:approx-dp-results}
Theorem [\[thm:approxdp\]](#thm:approxdp){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:approxdp"} states that, when run on a stream with \(n \geq n_0\) distinct items, any hash-based order-invariant algorithm (see Algorithm [\[alg:basic\]](#alg:basic){reference-type="ref" reference="alg:basic"}) automatically satisfies \((\epsilon, \delta)\)-differential privacy where \(\delta\) denotes the probability that the final sketch state \(s\) is "privacy-violating", i.e., \(\pi(s) > \pi_0 = 1-e^{-\epsilon}\). In Section [4](#sec:example-sketches){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:example-sketches"}, we provide concrete bounds of \(\delta\) for specific algorithms. In all cases considered, \(\delta\) falls exponentially with respect to the cardinality \(n\). Thus, high privacy is achieved with high probability so long as the stream is large. We now outline how to derive a bound for a specific sketch. We can prove the desired bound on \(\delta\) by analyzing sketches in a manner similar to the coupon collector problem. Assuming a perfect, random hash function, the hash values of a universe of items defines a probability space. We can identify \(v \le k_{max}\) events or coupons, \(C_1, \ldots, C_{v}\), such that \(\pi(s)\) is guaranteed to be less than \(\pi_0\) after all events have occurred. Thus, if all coupons are collected, the sketch satisfies the requirement to be \(\epsilon\)-DP. As the cardinality \(n\) grows, the probability that a particular coupons remains missing decreases exponentially. A simple union bound shows that the probability \(\delta\) that *any* coupon is missing decreases exponentially with \(n\). For more intuition as to why unmodified sketches satisfy an \((\epsilon, \delta)\)-DP guarantee when the cardinality is large, we note that the inclusion probability \(\pi(s)\) is closely tied to the cardinality estimate in most sketching algorithms. For example, the cardinality estimators used in HLL and KMV are inversely proportional to the sampling probability \(\pi(s)\), i.e., \(\hat{N}(s) \propto 1/\pi(s)\), while for LPCA and Adaptive Sampling, the cardinality estimators are monotonically decreasing with respect to \(\pi(s)\). Thus, for most sketching algorithms, when run on a stream of sufficiently large cardinality, the resulting sketch is privacy-violating only when the cardinality estimate is also inaccurate. Theorem [\[thm:privacy violation\]](#thm:privacy violation){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:privacy violation"} is useful when analyzing the privacy of such algorithms, as it characterizes the probability \(\delta\) of a "privacy violation" in terms of the probability the returned estimate, \(\hat{N}(S_r(\ensuremath{\mathcal D}))\), is lower than some threshold \(\tilde{N}(\pi_0)\).
## Constructing Sketches Satisfying Pure Differential Privacy: Algorithm [\[alg:dp-large-set\]](#alg:dp-large-set){reference-type="ref" reference="alg:dp-large-set"}-[\[alg:dp-any-set\]](#alg:dp-any-set){reference-type="ref" reference="alg:dp-any-set"}
Theorem [\[thm:main result\]](#thm:main result){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:main result"} guarantees an \(\epsilon\)-DP sketch if [\[eq:downsampling probability2\]](#eq:downsampling probability2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:downsampling probability2"}, [\[eq:artificial items bound\]](#eq:artificial items bound){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:artificial items bound"} hold. Condition [\[eq:downsampling probability2\]](#eq:downsampling probability2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:downsampling probability2"} requires that \(\sup_{s \in \Omega}\pi(s) < 1-e^{-\epsilon}\), i.e., the "sampling probability" of the sketching algorithm is sufficiently small regardless of the sketch's state \(s\). Meanwhile, [\[eq:artificial items bound\]](#eq:artificial items bound){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:artificial items bound"} requires that the input cardinality is sufficiently large. We show that *any* hash-based, order-invariant distinct counting sketching algorithm can satisfy these two conditions by adding a simple pre-processing step which does two things. First, it "downsamples" the input stream by hashing each input, interpreting the hash values as numbers in \([0, 1]\), and simply ignoring numbers whose hashes are larger than \(\pi_0\). The downsampling hash must be independent to that used by the sketching algorithm itself. This ensures that Condition [\[eq:downsampling probability2\]](#eq:downsampling probability2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:downsampling probability2"} is satisfied, as each input item has maximum sampling probability \(\pi_0\). If there is an a priori guarantee that the number of distinct items \(n\) is greater than \(n_0 = \frac{k_{max}}{1-e^{-\epsilon}}\), then [\[eq:artificial items bound\]](#eq:artificial items bound){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:artificial items bound"} is trivially satisfied. Pseudocode for the resulting \(\epsilon\)-DP algorithm is given in Algorithm [\[alg:dp-large-set\]](#alg:dp-large-set){reference-type="ref" reference="alg:dp-large-set"}. If there is no such guarantee, then the preprocessing step adds \(n_0\) items to the input stream to satisfy [\[eq:artificial items bound\]](#eq:artificial items bound){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:artificial items bound"}. To ensure unbiasedness, these \(n_0\) items must (i) be distinct from any items in the "real" stream, and (ii) be downsampled as per the first modification. An unbiased estimate of the cardinality of the unmodified stream can then be easily recovered from the sketch via a post-processing correction. Pseudocode for the modified algorithm, which is guaranteed to satisfy \(\epsilon\)-DP, is given in Algorithm [\[alg:dp-any-set\]](#alg:dp-any-set){reference-type="ref" reference="alg:dp-any-set"}. [\[s:actualdpalgs\]]{#s:actualdpalgs label="s:actualdpalgs"}
## Constructing \(\epsilon\)-DP Sketches from Existing Sketches: Algorithm [\[alg:make dp\]](#alg:make dp){reference-type="ref" reference="alg:make dp"}, Appendix [\[app: algos\]](#app: algos){reference-type="ref" reference="app: algos"} {#sec:existing sketches post processing}
As regulations change and new ones are added, existing data may need to be appropriately anonymized. However, if the data has already been sketched, the underlying data may no longer be available, and even if it is retained, it may be too costly to reprocess it all. Our theory allows these sketches to be directly converted into differentially private sketches when the sketch has a merge procedure. Using the merge procedure to achieve \(\epsilon\)-differential privacy yields more useful estimates than the naive approach of simply adding Laplace noise to cardinality estimates in proportion to the global sensitivity. The algorithm assumes it is possible to take a sketch \(S_r(\ensuremath{\mathcal D}_1)\) of a stream \(\ensuremath{\mathcal D}_1\) and a sketch \(S_r(\ensuremath{\mathcal D}_2)\) of a stream \(\ensuremath{\mathcal D}_2\), and "merge" them to get a sketch of the concatenation of the two streams \(\ensuremath{\mathcal D}_1 \circ \ensuremath{\mathcal D}_2\). This is the case for most practical hash-based order-invariant distinct count sketches. Denote the merge of sketches \(S_r(\ensuremath{\mathcal D}_1)\) and \(S_r(\ensuremath{\mathcal D}_2)\) by \(S_r(\ensuremath{\mathcal D}_1) \cup S_r(\ensuremath{\mathcal D}_2)\). In this setting, we think of the existing non-private sketch \(S_r(\ensuremath{\mathcal D}_1)\) being converted to a sketch that satisfies \(\epsilon\)-DP by Algorithm [\[alg:make dp\]](#alg:make dp){reference-type="ref" reference="alg:make dp"} (see pseudocode in Appendix [\[app: algos\]](#app: algos){reference-type="ref" reference="app: algos"}). Since sketch \(S_r(\ensuremath{\mathcal D}_1)\) is already constructed, items cannot be first downsampled in the build phase the way they are in Algorithms [\[alg:dp-large-set\]](#alg:dp-large-set){reference-type="ref" reference="alg:dp-large-set"}-[\[alg:dp-any-set\]](#alg:dp-any-set){reference-type="ref" reference="alg:dp-any-set"}. To achieve \(\epsilon\)-DP, Algorithm [\[alg:make dp\]](#alg:make dp){reference-type="ref" reference="alg:make dp"} constructs a noisily initialized sketch, \(S_r(\ensuremath{\mathcal D}_2)\), which satisfies both the downsampling condition (Condition [\[eq:downsampling probability2\]](#eq:downsampling probability2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:downsampling probability2"}) and the minimum stream cardinality requirement (Condition [\[eq:artificial items bound\]](#eq:artificial items bound){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:artificial items bound"}) and returns the merged sketch \(S_r(\ensuremath{\mathcal D}_1) \cup S_r(\ensuremath{\mathcal D}_2)\). Hence, the sketch will satisfy both conditions for \(\epsilon\)-DP, as shown in Corollary [\[cor:makedp\]](#cor:makedp){reference-type="ref" reference="cor:makedp"} This merge based procedure typically adds no additional error to the estimates for large cardinalities. In contrast, the naive approach of adding Laplace noise can add significant noise since the sensitivity can be very large. For example, HLL's estimator is of the form \(\hat{N}_{HLL}(s) = \alpha / \pi(s)\) where \(\alpha\) is a constant and \(s\) is the sketch. One item can update a bin to the maximum value, so that the updated sketch \(s'\) has sampling probability \(\pi(s') < \pi(s)(1-1/k)\). The sensitivity of cardinality estimate is thus at least \(\hat{N}_{HLL}(s) / k\). Given that the cardinality estimate, and hence sensitivity, can be arbitrarily large when \(n \geq k\), the naive approach is unworkable to achieve \(\epsilon\)-DP.
# The Utility of Private Sketches {#sec:utility analysis}
When processing a data set with \(n\) unique items, denote the expectation and variance of a sketch and its estimator by \({\ensuremath{\mathbb E}}_n(\hat{N})\) and \(\mathsf{Var}_n(\hat{N})\) respectively. We show that our algorithms all yield unbiased estimates. Furthermore, we show that for Algorithms [\[alg:basic\]](#alg:basic){reference-type="ref" reference="alg:basic"}-[\[alg:dp-any-set\]](#alg:dp-any-set){reference-type="ref" reference="alg:dp-any-set"}, if the base sketch satisfies a *relative error guarantee* (defined below), the DP sketches add no additional error asymptotically. **Establishing unbiasedness.** To analyze the expectation and variance of each algorithm's estimator, \(\hat{N}(S(\ensuremath{\mathcal D}))\), note that each estimator uses a 'base estimate' \(\hat{N}_{base}\) from the base sketch \(S\) and has the form \(\hat{N}(S(\ensuremath{\mathcal D})) = \frac{\hat{N}_{base}}{p}-V\); \(p\) is the downsampling probability and \(V\) is the number of artificial items added. This allows us to express expectations and variance via the variance of the base estimator.
#### Bounding the variance.
Theorem [\[thm:unbiased\]](#thm:unbiased){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:unbiased"} yields a clean expression for the variance of our private algorithms. Namely, \(\mathsf{Var} [ \hat{N}(S_r(\ensuremath{\mathcal D})) ] = {\ensuremath{\mathbb E}} [ \mathsf{Var} (\frac{\hat{N}_{base}}{p} | V ) ]\) which is shown in Corollary [\[cor:var\]](#cor:var){reference-type="ref" reference="cor:var"}. The expression is a consequence of the law of total variance and that the estimators are unbiased. We say that the base sketch satisfies a **relative-error guarantee** if with high probability, the estimate returned by the sketching algorithm when run on a stream of cardinality \(n\) is \((1 \pm 1/\sqrt{c}) n\) for some constant \(c>0\). Let \(\hat{N}_{base,n}\) denote the cardinality estimate when the base algorithm is run on a stream of cardinality \(n\), as opposed to \(\hat{N}_{base}\) denoting the cardinality estimate produced by the base sketch on the sub-sampled stream used in our private sketches `DPSketchLargeSet` (Algorithm [\[alg:dp-large-set\]](#alg:dp-large-set){reference-type="ref" reference="alg:dp-large-set"}) and `DPSketchAnySet` (Algorithm [\[alg:dp-any-set\]](#alg:dp-any-set){reference-type="ref" reference="alg:dp-any-set"}). The relative error guarantee is satisfied when \(\mathsf{Var}_n(\hat{N}_{base,n}) < n^2 / c\); this is an immediate consequence of Chebyshev's inequality. When the number of artificially added items \(V\) is constant as in Algorithms [\[alg:dp-large-set\]](#alg:dp-large-set){reference-type="ref" reference="alg:dp-large-set"} and [\[alg:dp-any-set\]](#alg:dp-any-set){reference-type="ref" reference="alg:dp-any-set"}, Corollary [\[cor:var\]](#cor:var){reference-type="ref" reference="cor:var"} provides a precise expression for the variance of the differentially private sketch. In Theorem [\[thm:utility given relative error\]](#thm:utility given relative error){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:utility given relative error"} below, we use this expression to establish that the modification of the base algorithm to an \(\epsilon\)-DP sketch as per Algorithms [\[alg:dp-large-set\]](#alg:dp-large-set){reference-type="ref" reference="alg:dp-large-set"} and [\[alg:dp-any-set\]](#alg:dp-any-set){reference-type="ref" reference="alg:dp-any-set"} satisfy the exact same relative error guarantee asymptotically. In other words, the additional error due to any pre-processing (down-sampling and possibly adding artificial items) is insignificant for large cardinalities \(n\).
In Corollary [\[cor: variance-ratios\]](#cor: variance-ratios){reference-type="ref" reference="cor: variance-ratios"} we prove an analagous result for Algorithm [\[alg:make dp\]](#alg:make dp){reference-type="ref" reference="alg:make dp"}, which merges non-private and noisy sketches to produce a private sketch. Informally, the result is comparable to [\[eq: variance result\]](#eq: variance result){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: variance result"}, albeit with \(v \ge n_0\). This is because, in Algorithm [\[alg:make dp\]](#alg:make dp){reference-type="ref" reference="alg:make dp"}, the number of artificial items added \(V\) is a random variable. We ensure that the algorithm satisfies a utility guarantee by bounding \(V\) with high probability. This is equivalent to showing that the base sketching algorithm satisfies an \((\epsilon, \delta)\)-DP guarantee as for any \(n^* \geq n_0\) and dataset \(\ensuremath{\mathcal D}^*\) with \(|\ensuremath{\mathcal D}^*| = n^*\), \((\epsilon, \delta_{n^*})\)-DP ensures \(\delta_{n^*} > \Pr_r(\pi(\ensuremath{S}_r(\ensuremath{\mathcal D}^*)) > \pi_0) = \Pr_r(V > n^*)\) which follows from the definition of \(V\) in Algorithm [\[alg:DPInitSketchForMerge\]](#alg:DPInitSketchForMerge){reference-type="ref" reference="alg:DPInitSketchForMerge"}.
# Examples of Hash-based, Order-Invariant Cardinality Estimators {#sec:example-sketches}
We now provide \((\epsilon, \delta)\)-DP results for a select group of samples: [fm]{acronym-label="fm" acronym-form="singular+abbrv"}, LPCA, Bottom-\(k\), Adaptive Sampling, and HLL. The \((\epsilon, \delta)\)-DP results in this section operate in the Algorithm [\[alg:basic\]](#alg:basic){reference-type="ref" reference="alg:basic"} setting with no modification to the base sketching algorithm. Recall that the quantities of interest are the number of bins used in the sketch \(k\), the size of the sketch in bits \(b\) and the number of items whose absence changes the sketch \(k_{max}\). From Section [2](#sec:sketches are private){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:sketches are private"} and Lemma [\[lem:k bound\]](#lem:k bound){reference-type="ref" reference="lem:k bound"} we know that \(k_{max} \le b\) but for several common sketches we show a stronger bound of \(k_{max} = k\). The relationship between these parameters for various sketching algorithms is summarized in Table [1](#tab:sketch comparison){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:sketch comparison"}. Table [\[tab: related-work-bounds\]](#tab: related-work-bounds){reference-type="ref" reference="tab: related-work-bounds"}, Appendix [\[app: sketch examples\]](#app: sketch examples){reference-type="ref" reference="app: sketch examples"}, details our improvements over in both privacy and utility. We remind the reader that, per [\[eq:downsampling probability\]](#eq:downsampling probability){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:downsampling probability"}, \(\pi_0 = 1-e^{-\epsilon},\) and [\[eq:artificial items bound\]](#eq:artificial items bound){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:artificial items bound"} \(n_0 = \frac{k_{max}}{1-e^{-\epsilon}}.\) Furthermore, recall that once we bound the parameter \(k_{max}\) for any given hash-based order-invariant sketching algorithm, Corollary [\[maincor\]](#maincor){reference-type="ref" reference="maincor"} states that the derived algorithms [\[alg:dp-large-set\]](#alg:dp-large-set){reference-type="ref" reference="alg:dp-large-set"}-[\[alg:dp-any-set\]](#alg:dp-any-set){reference-type="ref" reference="alg:dp-any-set"} satisfy \(\epsilon\)-DP provided that \(n \ge n_0\) and \(n \ge 1\), respectively. Accordingly, in the rest of this section, we bound \(k_{max}\) for each example sketch of interest, which has the consequences for pure \(\epsilon\)-differential privacy delineated above.
[\[s:allthesketches\]]{#s:allthesketches label="s:allthesketches"}
#### Flajolet-Martin '85
The FM85 sketch, often called *Probabilistic Counting with Stochastic Averaging (PCSA)*, consists of \(k\) bitmaps \(B_i\) of length \(\ell\). Each item is hashed into a bitmap and index \((B_i,G_i)\) and sets the indexed bit in the bitmap to 1. The chosen bitmap is uniform amongst the \(k\) bitmaps and the index \(G_i \sim Geometric(1/2)\). If \(\ell\) is the length of each bitmap, then the total number of bits used by the sketch is \(b = k \ell\) and \(k_{max} = k \ell\) for all seeds \(r\). A typical value for \(\ell\) is 32 bits, as used in Table [1](#tab:sketch comparison){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:sketch comparison"}. Past work proposed an \(\epsilon\)-DP version of [fm]{acronym-label="fm" acronym-form="singular+abbrv"} using a similar subsampling idea combined with random bit flips.
For any \(k\), [fm]{acronym-label="fm" acronym-form="singular+abbrv"} has \(k_{max} \in \{32k, 64k\}\). This is worse than all other sketches we study which have \(k_{max} = k\), so [fm]{acronym-label="fm" acronym-form="singular+abbrv"} needs a larger number of minimum items \(n_0\) to ensure the sketch is \((\epsilon, \delta)\)-DP.
#### LPCA
The Linear Probabilistic Counting Algorithm (LPCA) consists of a length-\(k\) bitmap. Each item is hashed to an index and sets its bit to \(1\). If \(B\) is the number of \(1\) bits, the LPCA cardinality estimate is \(\hat{N}_{\mathtt{LPCA}} =-k \log (1-B/k) = k \log \pi(\ensuremath{S}_r(\ensuremath{\mathcal D}))\). Trivially, \(k_{max} = k\). Since all bits are expected to be \(1\) after processing roughly \(k \log k\) distinct items, the capacity of the sketch is bounded. To estimate larger cardinalities, one first downsamples the distinct items with some sampling probability \(p\). To ensure the sketch satisfies an \(\epsilon\)-DP guarantee, one simply ensures \(p \geq \pi_0\). In this case, our analysis shows that LPCA is differentially private with no modifications if the cardinality is sufficiently large. Otherwise, since the estimator \(\hat{N}(s)\) is a function of the sampling probability \(\pi(s)\), Theorem [\[thm:eps-delta using Nhat\]](#thm:eps-delta using Nhat){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:eps-delta using Nhat"} provides an \((\epsilon, \delta)\) guarantee in terms of \(\hat{N}\).
**Bottom-\(k\) (also known as MinCount or KMV)** sketches store the \(k\) smallest hash values. Removing an item changes the sketch if and only if 1) the item's hash value is one of these \(k\) and 2) it does not collide with another item's hash value. Thus, \(k_{max} = k\). Typically, the output size of the hash function is large enough to ensure that the collision probability is negligible, so for practical purposes \(k_{max}=k\) exactly. Since the Bottom-\(k\) estimator \(\hat{N}(s) = \sfrac{(k-1)}{\pi(s)}\) is a function of the update probability \(\pi(s)\), Theorem [\[thm:eps-delta using Nhat\]](#thm:eps-delta using Nhat){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:eps-delta using Nhat"} gives an \((\epsilon, \delta)\)-DP guarantee in terms of the cardinality estimate by coupon collecting; Theorem [\[thm:kmv-dp\]](#thm:kmv-dp){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:kmv-dp"} tightens this bound on \(\delta\) for a stronger \((\epsilon, \delta)\)-DP guarantee.
The closely related **Adaptive Sampling** sketch has the same privacy behavior as a bottom-\(k\) sketch. Rather than storing exactly \(k\) hashes, the algorithm maintains a threshold \(p\) and stores up to \(k\) hash values beneath \(p\). Once the sketch size exceeds \(k\), the threshold is halved and only hashes less than \(p/2\) are kept. Since at most \(k\) hashes are stored, and the sketch is modified only if one of these hashes is removed the maximum number of items that can modify the sketch by removal is \(k_{max} = k\).
#### HyperLogLog (HLL) {#s:hllparagraph}
hashes each item to a bin and value \((B_i, G_i)\). Within each bin, it takes the maximum value so each bin is a form of Bottom-1 sketch. If there are \(k\) bins, then \(k_{max} = k\). Our results uniformly improve upon existing DP results on the HLL sketch and its variants. One variation of the HLL sketch achieves \(\epsilon\)-DP but is far slower than HLL, as it requires every item to be independently hashed once for each of the \(k\) bins, rather than just one time. In other words, needs \(O(k)\) update time compared to \(O(1)\) for our algorithms. Another provides an \((\epsilon, \delta)\) guarantee for streams of cardinality \(n \geq n_0'\), for an \(n_0'\) that is larger than our \(n_0\) by a factor of roughly (at least) \(8\), with \(\delta\) falling exponentially with \(n\). In contrast, for streams with cardinality \(n \geq n_0\), we provide a *pure* \(\epsilon\)-DP guarantee using Algorithms [\[alg:dp-large-set\]](#alg:dp-large-set){reference-type="ref" reference="alg:dp-large-set"}-[\[alg:dp-any-set\]](#alg:dp-any-set){reference-type="ref" reference="alg:dp-any-set"}. HLL also has the following \((\epsilon, \delta)\) guarantee.
HLL's estimator is only a function of \(\pi(s)\) for medium to large cardinalities as it has the form \(\hat{N}(s) = \tilde{N}(\pi(s))\) when \(\tilde{N}(\pi(s)) > 5 k / 2\). Thus, if \(\pi_0\) is sufficiently small so that \(\tilde{N}(\pi_0(s)) > 5 k / 2\), then Theorem [\[thm:eps-delta using Nhat\]](#thm:eps-delta using Nhat){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:eps-delta using Nhat"} can still be applied, and HLL satisfies \((\epsilon, \delta)\)-DP with \(\delta = P(\hat{N}(\ensuremath{S}_r(\ensuremath{\mathcal D})) < \tilde{N}(\pi_0))\). [\[s:hlls\]]{#s:hlls label="s:hlls"}
# Empirical Evaluation
We provide two experiments highlighting the practical benefits of our approach. Of past works, only are comparable and both differ from our approach in significant ways. We empirically compare only to since is simply an analysis of HLL. Our improvement over for HLL consists of providing significantly tighter privacy bounds in Section [](#s:hllparagraph){reference-type="ref" reference="s:hllparagraph"} and providing a fully \(\epsilon\)-DP sketch in the secret hash setting. We denote our \(\epsilon\)-DP version of HLL using Algorithm [\[alg:dp-large-set\]](#alg:dp-large-set){reference-type="ref" reference="alg:dp-large-set"} by PHLL (private-HLL) and that of by QLL. Details of the experimental setup are in Appendix [\[app:exptdetails\]](#app:exptdetails){reference-type="ref" reference="app:exptdetails"}. **Experiment 1: Update Time (Figure [\[fig:timing-comparison\]](#fig:timing-comparison){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:timing-comparison"}).** We implemented regular, non-private HLL, our PHLL, and QLL and recorded the time to populate every sketch over \(2^{10}\) updates with \(k \in \{2^7, 2^8, \dots 2^{12} \}\) buckets. For HLL, these bucket sizes correspond to relative standard errors ranging from \(\approx 9\%\) down to \(\approx 1.6\%\). Each marker represents the mean update time over all updates and the curves are the evaluated mean update time over \(10\) trials. As expected from theory, the update time of grows as \(O(k)\). In contrast, our method PHLL has a constant update time and is similar in magnitude to HLL. Both are roughly \(500\times\) faster than when \(k=2^{12}\). Thus, figure [\[fig:timing-comparison\]](#fig:timing-comparison){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:timing-comparison"} shows that is not a scalable solution and the speedup by achieving \(O(1)\) updates is substantial. **Experiment 2: Space Comparison (Figure [\[fig:space-ratio\]](#fig:space-ratio){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:space-ratio"}).** In addition to having a worse update time, we also show that QLL has lower utility in the sense that it requires more space than PHLL to achieve the same error. Fixing the input cardinality at \(n=2^{20}\) and the privacy budget at \(\epsilon = \ln(2)\), we vary the number of buckets \(k \in \{2^7, 2^8, \dots 2^{12} \}\) and simulate the \(\epsilon\)-DP methods, PHLL and QLL. The number of buckets controls the error and we found that both methods obtained very similar mean relative error for a given number of bins[^2] so we plot the space usage against the expected relative error for a given number of buckets. For QLL, since the error guarantees tie the parameter \(\gamma\) to the number of buckets, we modify \(\gamma\) accordingly as well. We compare the sizes of each sketch as the error varies. Since the number of bits required for each bin depends on the range of values the bin can take, we record the simulated \(\textbf{total sketch size} := k \cdot \log_2 \max_i s_i\), by using the space required for the largest bin value over \(k\) buckets. Although QLL achieves similar utility, it does so using a sketch that is larger: when \(k = 2^7\), we expect an error of roughly \(9\%\), QLL is roughly \(1.1\times\) larger. This increases to about \(1.6\times\) larger than our PHLL sketch when \(k=2^{12}\), achieving error of roughly \(1.6\%\). We see that the average increase in space when using QLL compared to PHLL *grows exponentially in the desired accuracy of the sketch*; when lower relative error is necessary, we obtain a greater space improvement over QLL than at higher relative errors. This supports the behavior expected by comparing with space bounds of with (P)HLL.
# Conclusion
We have studied the (differential) privacy of a class of cardinality estimation sketches that includes most popular algorithms. Two examples are the [hll]{acronym-label="hll" acronym-form="singular+abbrv"} and KMV (bottom-\(k\)) sketches that have been deployed in large systems . We have shown that the sketches returned by these algorithms are \(\epsilon\)-differentially private when run on streams of cardinality greater than \(n_0 = \frac{k_{max}}{1-e^{-\epsilon}}\) and when combined with a simple downsampling procedure. Moreover, even without downsampling, these algorithms satisfy \((\epsilon, \delta)\)-differential privacy where \(\delta\) falls exponentially with the stream cardinality \(n\) once \(n\) is larger than the threshold \(n_0\). Our results are more general and yield better privacy guarantees than prior work for small space cardinality estimators that preserve differential privacy. Our empirical validations show that our approach is practical and scalable, being much faster than previous state-of-the-art while consuming much less space.
[^1]: A sketch is *duplication-invariant* if and only if its state when run on any stream \(\sigma\) is identical to its state when run on the stream \(\sigma'\), in which all elements of the stream \(\sigma\) appear exactly once.
[^2]: This is shown in Figure [\[fig:utility-space\]](#fig:utility-space){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:utility-space"}, Appendix [\[app:exptdetails\]](#app:exptdetails){reference-type="ref" reference="app:exptdetails"}. | {'timestamp': '2023-02-06T02:15:51', 'yymm': '2203', 'arxiv_id': '2203.15400', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15400'} |
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# Introduction
[ISAC]{acronym-label="ISAC" acronym-form="singular+short"} has emerged as a key enabler for 5G and beyond wireless systems to deal with the challenging requirement in terms of spectral efficiency, localization, as well as power consumption. In particular, the waveform design for [ISAC]{acronym-label="ISAC" acronym-form="singular+short"}, sharing common hardware and spectrum, has been extensively studied in the literature (see e.g. and references therein). In this context, [OFDM]{acronym-label="OFDM" acronym-form="singular+short"} has been widely investigated as an [ISAC]{acronym-label="ISAC" acronym-form="singular+short"} waveform, in virtue of its availability in wireless communication systems and the capability to achieve accurate radar estimation performance. Most of the envisioned [ISAC]{acronym-label="ISAC" acronym-form="singular+short"} applications are expected to operate in [mmWave]{acronym-label="mmWave" acronym-form="singular+short"}. A key feature of the [mmWave]{acronym-label="mmWave" acronym-form="singular+short"} channel that motivates this design is its sparsity in the beamspace domain, which connects the scattering conditions with the geometry of the environment. Due to this property, accurate channel state information is needed in order to efficiently operate in the [mmWave]{acronym-label="mmWave" acronym-form="singular+short"} channel. Since acquiring this information leads to overhead, methods for dynamically inferring the channel state given past observations are currently an active area of research, often under the name of beam tracking . Another key issue in [mmWave]{acronym-label="mmWave" acronym-form="singular+short"} are the large bandwidths involved, resulting in the need for very high sampling rates and a subsequent raise in receiver complexity and energy consumption. This problem is exacerbated when large antenna arrays are considered and the received signal is sampled and demodulated at each antenna output. Most of the previous approaches to beam tracking consider channel sounding strategies, where pilot signals are necessary to track the channel, therefore experiencing overhead. [ISAC]{acronym-label="ISAC" acronym-form="singular+short"} systems eliminate this problem by considering a radar receiver co-located with the transmitter, such that the transmitted waveform can carry information while being perfectly known upon reception. However, many of the current works in this framework suffer from some practical limitations. These include (i) the use of fully digital receiver architectures incurring high energy consumption, (ii) the restriction to very simple trajectories such as straight roads, and (iii) the assumption of perfect matched filtering, thus neglecting the effect of discrete sampling in time and frequency. In this paper, we extend our previous work on beam refinement with [HDA]{acronym-label="HDA" acronym-form="singular+short"} architectures to a tracking scenario by combining it with recent ideas from the literature. Our method outperforms other existing approaches by showing that well designed low dimensional observations are sufficient to achieve almost optimal tracking performance, therefore alleviating the hardware complexities in [mmWave]{acronym-label="mmWave" acronym-form="singular+short"}. Furthermore, we evaluate the proposed method in highly non-linear environments without the commonly used assumption of perfect matched filtering. Our simulation results demonstrate that it yields excellent performance when accurate mobility models are not available.
# System Model {#sec:sys_model}
We consider an [ISAC]{acronym-label="ISAC" acronym-form="singular+short"} scenario where a [BS]{acronym-label="BS" acronym-form="singular+short"} with \(N_{\rm tx}\) antennas and \(N_{\rm tx}^{\rm rf}\) RF chains, co-located with a radar receiver equipped with \(N_{\rm rx}\) antennas and \(N_{\rm rx}^{\rm rf}\) RF chains, tries to communicate with \(K\) users, while simultaneously tracking their positions over time. We let the system operate in the [mmWave]{acronym-label="mmWave" acronym-form="singular+short"} band. Our model assumes that the [BS]{acronym-label="BS" acronym-form="singular+short"} has coarse knowledge of the angular locations of the \(K\) users at each measurement epoch. Such knowledge can be acquired by a beam alignment method (see e.g. ) if a new user enters the coverage region of the [BS]{acronym-label="BS" acronym-form="singular+short"}, or predicted from previous observations for tracked users, as explained in Section [3](#sec:tracking){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:tracking"}. This section focuses on a single measurement step, therefore we drop the measurement index to simplify notation.
## Channel model
Assuming the \(K\) users are well separated in space, we adopt the widely used mmWave radar channel model (see e.g. ) where where the received echoes arrive from the [LoS]{acronym-label="LoS" acronym-form="singular+short"} direction corresponding to each user, i.e. \[\begin{aligned}
\label{eq:channel} {\bf H} (t, \tau) = \sum_{k=1}^{K}h_{k} {\bf b}(\phi_{k}) {\bf a}^{\scriptscriptstyle\mathsf{H}}(\phi_{k})\delta(\tau-\tau_{k}) e^{j2\pi \nu_{k} t}\,, \end{aligned}\] where \(h_{k}\), \(\tau_{k}\), \(\nu_{k}\) and \(\phi_{k}\) are respectively the complex channel coefficient, delay, Doppler and angle of arrival (AoA) of the \(k\)-th user. Notice that, due to the co-location of [BS]{acronym-label="BS" acronym-form="singular+short"} and radar receiver, the angles of departure and arrival coincide. For simplicity, we focus on uniform linear arrays (ULA), such that their array response vectors have elements given by \[\begin{aligned}
&[{\bf a}(\phi_{k})]_{i} = e^{j\pi(i-1)\sin(\phi_{k})},\quad i\in0,\dots,N_{\rm tx}-1\\ &[{\bf b}(\phi_{k})]_{i} = e^{j\pi(i-1)\sin(\phi_{k})},\quad i\in0,\dots,N_{\rm rx}-1 \end{aligned}\] According to the radar equation, the channel coefficient \(h_{k}\) satisfies \[\begin{aligned}
\abs{h_{k}}^{2} = \frac{\lambda^{2}\sigma_{{\rm rcs}, k}}{(4\pi)^{3}d^{4}_{k}}, \end{aligned}\] where \(\lambda\) is the wavelength at the central (carrier) frequency, and \(\sigma_{{\rm rcs}, k}\) and \(d_{k}\) are respectively the radar cross section (RCS) and range of the \(k\)-th user at a given epoch.
## Signal model
We consider [OFDM]{acronym-label="OFDM" acronym-form="singular+short"} as our modulation scheme since it is one of the standardized waveforms for mmWave systems and due to its good applicability as an ISAC waveform. In particular, we use the OFDM pulse shape \[\begin{aligned}
p_{n, m}(t) = {\sf rect}\left(\frac{t-nT_{\rm 0}}{T_{\rm 0}}\right)e^{j 2\pi m \Delta f (t-T_{\rm cp}-nT_{\rm 0})}\,, \end{aligned}\] where \({\sf rect}(x)\) is a function taking value \(1\) when \(0 \leq x \leq 1\) and \(0\) elsewhere, \(\Delta f\) is the subcarrier spacing, \(T_{\rm cp}\) is the cyclic prefix duration, and \(T_{\rm 0} \stackrel{\Delta}{=} 1/\Delta f + T_{\rm cp}\) is the total symbol duration including cyclic prefix. Considering \(N\) symbols and \(M\) subcarriers, the transmitted [OFDM]{acronym-label="OFDM" acronym-form="singular+short"} frame is given by \[\begin{aligned}
\label{eq:OFDM_tx} {\bf s}(t) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{K}}\sum_{k=1}^{K}{\bf f}(\hat{\phi}_{k})\sum_{n=0}^{N-1}\sum_{m=0}^{M-1}\zeta_{k}[n, m]p_{n, m}(t) \end{aligned}\] where \(\{\hat{\phi}_{k}\}\) is a set of predicted AoAs, \({\bf f}:[-\pi/2, \pi,2]\mapsto \mbox{\bb C}^{N_{\rm tx}}\) is a beamforming function that generates a unit norm beam pointing towards the intended user, and \(\zeta_{k}[n, m]\) is the \(n\)-th information symbol intended to user \(k\) sent over subcarrier \(m\). For simplicity, we considered \(K \leq N_{\rm tx}^{\rm rf}\) in [\[eq:OFDM_tx\]](#eq:OFDM_tx){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:OFDM_tx"}. As it is common in the literature, we will make the assumption \[\begin{aligned}
\Delta f \gg \nu_{\rm max}, \end{aligned}\] where \(\nu_{\rm max}\) is the maximum Doppler frequency to be expected in the channel. The received backscattered signal in the antenna plane and in the absence of noise is given by \[\begin{aligned}
\label{eq:rx_sig_time_domain} {\bf y}(t) &= \frac{1}{\sqrt{K}}\sum_{k=1}^{K}h_{k}{\bf b}(\phi_{k}){\bf a}^{\scriptscriptstyle\mathsf{H}}(\phi_{k}){\bf s}(t-\tau_{k})e^{j2\pi\nu_{k}t} \\ &= \frac{1}{\sqrt{K}}\sum_{k=1}^{K}h_{k}{\bf b}(\phi_{k})\sum_{k'=1}^{K}{\bf a}^{\scriptscriptstyle\mathsf{H}}(\phi_{k}){\bf f}(\hat{\phi}_{k'})\nonumber\\ &\qquad\qquad\sum_{n=0}^{N-1}\sum_{m=0}^{M-1} \zeta_{k'}[n, m]p_{n, m}(t-\tau_{k})e^{j2\pi\nu_{k}t}\\ &\approx\frac{1}{\sqrt{K}}\sum_{k=1}^{K}h_{k}{\bf b}(\phi_{k}){\bf a}^{\scriptscriptstyle\mathsf{H}}(\phi_{k}){\bf f}(\hat{\phi}_{k})\nonumber\\ &\qquad\qquad\sum_{n=0}^{N-1}\sum_{m=0}^{M-1} \zeta_{k}[n, m]p_{n,m}(t-\tau_{k})e^{j2\pi\nu_{k}t}, \end{aligned}\] where the last step follows from the approximation \(\abs{{\bf a}^{\scriptscriptstyle\mathsf{H}}(\phi_{k}){\bf f}(\hat{\phi}_{k'})} \approx 0\) for \(k' \neq k\), which is accurate in massive MIMO systems when the users are spatially separated and the predictions are close to the true value. Aiming to reduce hardware complexity and energy consumption at the radar receiver, we process the received signal \({\bf y}(t)\) by a reduction matrix before sampling. In order to be able to produce super-resolution angle estimates, we let the radar receiver focus on a single user \(k^*\) for each OFDM frame, and estimate different users sequentially in time. We achieve this by tuning the reduction matrix \({\bf U}_{k^*} \in \mbox{\bb C}^{N_{\rm rx}\timesN_{\rm rx}^{\rm rf}}\) as will be described later. Then, after standard OFDM processing (see e.g. ) and including noise, the sampled signal when focusing on user \(k^*\) is given by \[\begin{aligned}
{\bf y}_{k^*}[n, m] &= {\bf U}_{k^*}^{\scriptscriptstyle\mathsf{H}}\bigg(\frac{1}{\sqrt{K}}\sum_{k=1}^{K}h_{k}e^{j2\pi(nT_{\rm 0}\nu_{k}-m\Delta f\tau_{k})}{\bf b}(\phi_{k})\nonumber\\ &\qquad\qquad\;\;{\bf a}^{\scriptscriptstyle\mathsf{H}}(\phi_{k}){\bf f}(\hat{\phi}_{k})\zeta_{k}[n, m] + {\bf w}[n, m]\bigg)\\ &= {\bf U}_{k^*}^{\scriptscriptstyle\mathsf{H}}\left(\sum_{k=1}^{K}h_{k}g_{t, k}{\bf b}(\phi_{k})\tilde{\zeta}_{k}[n, m] + {\bf w}[n, m]\right) \label{eq:rx_sampled_inter}\\ &\approx {\bf U}_{k^*}^{\scriptscriptstyle\mathsf{H}} h_{k^*}g_{t, k^*}{\bf b}(\phi_{k^*})\tilde{\zeta}_{k^*}[n, m] + {\bf U}_{k^*}^{\scriptscriptstyle\mathsf{H}}{\bf w}[n, m] \label{eq:rx_sampled}, \end{aligned}\] where in [\[eq:rx_sampled_inter\]](#eq:rx_sampled_inter){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:rx_sampled_inter"} we defined \(g_{{\rm tx}, k} \stackrel{\Delta}{=} \frac{1}{\sqrt{K}}{\bf a}^{\scriptscriptstyle\mathsf{H}}(\phi_{k}){\bf f}(\hat{\phi}_{k})\) and \(\tilde{\zeta}_{k}[n, m] \stackrel{\Delta}{=} \zeta_{k}[n, m]e^{j2\pi(nT_{\rm 0}\nu_{k}-m\Delta f\tau_{k})}\), \({\bf w}[n, m] \in \mbox{\bb C}^{N_{\rm rx}}\) is white Gaussian noise with variance \(\sigma_{n}^{2}\), and the approximation in [\[eq:rx_sampled\]](#eq:rx_sampled){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:rx_sampled"} follows from designing \({\bf U}_{k^*}\) such that \(\|{\bf U}_{k^*}^{\scriptscriptstyle\mathsf{H}}{\bf b}(\phi_{k})\| \approx 0\) for \(k \neq k^*\).
# Proposed Tracking Scheme {#sec:tracking}
In this section, we describe the two main components of our tracking scheme. First, we estimate parameters of interest from the sampled signal \({\bf y}_{k^*}[n,m]\). For our tracking scheme, we are interested in the ranges \(\{d_{l, k}\}\) and angles of arrival \(\{\phi_{l, k}\}\) of the different users, where \(l\) indexes measurements sequentially in time. However, due to the nature of our estimator, we also produce estimates of the Doppler frequencies \(\{\nu_{l, k}\}\), which could be used for other purposes outside of the scope of this paper. Then, we update the set of predicted angles \(\{\phi_{l, k}\}\) based on the history of estimations. The overall procedure is summarized in Algorithm [\[alg:beam_tracking\]](#alg:beam_tracking){reference-type="ref" reference="alg:beam_tracking"}.
[\[alg:beam_tracking\]]{#alg:beam_tracking label="alg:beam_tracking"}
[\[tab:System-Parameters\]]{#tab:System-Parameters label="tab:System-Parameters"}
To verify our results in arbitrary road geometries, we consider the road structure shown in Figure[\[fig:trajectory\]](#fig:trajectory){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:trajectory"}. In particular, for our first result, we fix the path shown in blue and study the performance of the two trackers in terms of achievable spectral efficiency as a function of the time step, averaged over 500 Monte Carlo simulations. The achievable spectral efficiency assumes a single antenna user, and is computed as \[\begin{aligned}
\label{eq:AverageSE} \eta_{l} \approx \mbox{\bb E}\left[\log_{2}\left(1 + \left( \frac{\lambda}{4\pi d_{l}}\right)^{2}\frac{P_{\rm tx}\vert g_{{\rm tx}, l}\vert^{2}}{N_{0}(M\Delta f)}\right)\right], \end{aligned}\] where the approximation follows from using an empirical estimation of the expectation and \(N_{0}\) is the noise power spectral density at the user. The results are presented in Figure[\[fig:SE_Single_Traj\]](#fig:SE_Single_Traj){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:SE_Single_Traj"}, and show how our method is able to quickly recover from the non-smooth changes of direction while the approach in loses track of the user and is not able to find it again. In order to average results over different mobility patterns, we generate trajectories where a user moves within the road structure defined in Figure[\[fig:trajectory\]](#fig:trajectory){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:trajectory"}, but now is able to take any of the paths, and where the speed at each time step is sampled from a random process. Since now there is no association between time step and kinematic state, we illustrate performance as a function of the position by means of a heat map. This is shown in Figure[\[fig:Heatmaps\]](#fig:Heatmaps){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Heatmaps"}, where our method clearly outperforms the baseline in when averaging over an ensemble of different trajectories. In particular, it can be observed that the approach in fails most of the time to track the user in the locations closest to the [BS]{acronym-label="BS" acronym-form="singular+short"}, where the angles change at a faster rate, even though the path loss there is small. On the other hand, the performance of our proposed method depends only on the distance (or equivalently the path loss) to the user, but is robust to fast changes in the trajectory. Finally, we study the effect of the number of RF chains in the tracking performance. To do so, we generate multiple trajectories and average the beamforming gain obtained at each point of each path for different antenna front end configurations. This is presented in Figure[\[fig:Perf_per_NRF\]](#fig:Perf_per_NRF){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:Perf_per_NRF"}, where it can be seen that as few as 4 RF chains are enough to achieve close to optimal performance. This result suggests that projecting the high dimensional signal at the antenna plane onto a much lower dimensional space preserves most of the information necessary for estimation, provided that the considered subspace is adequately selected. The figure also shows how the gap between the achieved results and the upper bound becomes larger when the number of antennas increases. This can be explained by the fact that larger arrays generate narrower beams, resulting on a higher sensitivity to small pointing errors.
# Conclusions
In this paper, we have shown an efficient method to perform beam tracking in OFDM [ISAC]{acronym-label="ISAC" acronym-form="singular+short"} systems, based on the combination of an advanced [HDA]{acronym-label="HDA" acronym-form="singular+short"} receiver and a simple tracking equation. Our close to optimal results indicate that large savings in computation and hardware complexity can be obtained without sacrificing performance. Moreover, the validation of our results in complicated road geometries suggests that our method is general enough to perform well in realistic mobility scenarios.
[^1]: Notice that estimates of \(x\) and \(y\) can be directly obtained from estimates of \(d\) and \(\phi\) using basic trigonometry. | {'timestamp': '2022-03-30T02:29:52', 'yymm': '2203', 'arxiv_id': '2203.15420', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15420'} |
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# 1. Introduction
Hand pose estimation plays a key role in many applications to support human computer interaction, such as autonomous driving, AR/VR, and robotics. Given an input image, the goal of hand pose estimation is to estimate the location of hand skeleton joints. While many works take color images as input, methods built upon depth images usually exhibit superior performance. Prior arts often use depth image and 2D CNN networks to regress 3D hand joints, or apply point-net based models on point clouds converted from the depth using camera intrinsic parameters. Although great progress on hand pose estimation from depth has been made in the past decade, the existing methods still can not achieve satisfactory hand pose estimation results due to the severe viewpoint variations and occlusions caused by articulated hand pose. To address the occlusion and viewpoint variation challenges, existing methods often rely on data alignment that transforms the input depth input into a canonical space. However, this process is either done in 2D space that do not fully respect the 3D nature of the depth image, or in hand-crafted canonical space, e.g. via PCA or axis-aligned bounding box, that are not engaged in a joint optimization with the full model and thus the performance may not be at its best. In contrast, learning based data alignment is more optimal as demonstrated in many previous work, and back to the domain of pose estimation, this is mostly achieved in automated best viewpoint selection in multiple camera system via reinforcement learning. However, in the scenario when only one single depth is available, reinforcement learning does not typically perform well due to the limited inputs, and there is limited research study if viewpoint selection is necessary and possible with a single input depth. We claim that viewpoint selection is very important for 3D hand pose estimation even from just a single depth. As a perspective projection of the 3D geometry, a depth image can be projected into the 3D space as a point cloud and rendered into depth maps from another viewpoints for 3D hand pose estimation. On one hand, the same amount of error on 2D perspective views may correspond to dramatically different errors in 3D space. One the other hand, machine learning models may favor some typical viewpoints than the others (See Fig. [\[fig:view_selected\]](#fig:view_selected){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:view_selected"} for an example). Therefore, finding the proper virtual viewpoint to re-project the given single input depth could be critical to further improve hand pose estimation, which has been well-studied in terms of architecture. In this paper, we propose a novel virtual view selection and fusion module for 3D hand pose estimation methods from single depth, which can be easily integrated into the existing hand pose estimation models to enhance the performance. Instead of selecting just one best viewpoint, we propose to automatically select virtual viewpoints for pose estimation and fuse the results of all views, and find this empirically delivers accurate and robust pose estimation. To achieve this, we re-render the input depth into all candidate viewpoints, and train a viewpoint selection network to evaluate the confidence of each virtual viewpoint for pose estimation. We find this empirically works well but slows down the run-time speed when the viewpoint candidate pool is large. To alleviate the computation issue, we adopt network distillation and show that it is possible to predict the view confidence without explicitly re-project the input depth. The contributions of our method can be summarized as follows: We propose a novel deep learning network to predict 3D hand pose estimation from single depth, which renders the point cloud of the input depth to virtual multi-view, and get 3D hand pose by fusing the 3D pose of each view. We then show that the view selection can be done efficiently without sacrificing run-time via network distillation. Extensive experiments on hand pose benchmarks demonstrate that our method achieves the state-of-the-art performance. The code is available in project webpage [<https://github.com/iscas3dv/handpose-virtualview>]{style="color: blue"}.
# 2. Related Work
The 3D hand pose estimation methods take depth images as input and estimate the locations of hand skeleton joints. Prior arts include., and use 3D representation of depth to estimate the hand pose, and, and use 2D representation of depth to get the hand pose. Anchor-to-Joint Regression Network (A2J) can predict accurate pose with efficiency, which sets up dense anchor points on the image and obtains the final joint locations by weighted joint voting of all anchor points. Although impressive results are obtained with these prior arts, these networks perform worse under occlusion or severe viewpoint variation. The most related work to us is Ge et al., which shares the same thoughts with us that the input viewpoint may not be ideal and projects the input depth into the front, side and top view for pose estimation. However, the number of the selected virtual views is fixed (i.e. 3), and the view selection strategy is hand-crafted but not trained in an end-to-end manner. Different to them, we proposed a learnable virtual view selection and fusion module for 3D hand pose estimation, which can adaptively select informative virtual viewpoints for point cloud rendering, and fuse the estimated 3D poses of these views. In the realm of pose estimation, viewpoint selection is also achieved in multiple camera system using reinforcement learning. These works use reinforcement learning methods to select a view sequence suitable for 3D pose estimation. However, they all require a multi-view capture setup, and cannot be used for a single input depth image. Moreover, these methods are time-consuming, because views are selected in sequence, and thus reduce the inference efficiency.
# 3. Approach
## 3.1 Overview
In this section, we introduce our virtual view selection and fusion approach for 3D hand pose estimation from a single depth image (Fig. [\[fig:pipeline\]](#fig:pipeline){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:pipeline"}). We first convert a depth image into 3D point clouds, and uniformly set up candidate virtual views on the spherical surface centered in the hand point clouds. The point cloud is then rendered into candidate views as depth maps, which are then fed into a network to predict the confidence. A 3D pose estimation network then predicts the 3D hand pose from view with top-\(N\) confidence [^1], and finally fuses the pose with regard to the confidence to achieve accurate 3D hand pose results. To reduce the computational cost, we also design an efficient lightweight network by model distillation to predict the view confidence from the input depth itself, which saves the computation cost of point cloud rendering if the pool of candidate view is large.
## 3.2 Virtual Multi-View Hand Pose Estimation
We first explain the idea of virtual multi-view hand pose estimation. Inspired by Ge et al. that the original camera view may not be optimal for hand pose estimation, we hypothesize that denser virtual view sampling should be more beneficial and propose to exploit rendered depth on multiple virtual views to estimate 3D hand pose (Fig. [\[fig:baseline\]](#fig:baseline){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:baseline"}).
### Candidate Virtual Views
We first define a set of virtual camera views to re-render the input depth map. Specifically, we first convert the depth map of the hand into point clouds, and uniformly sample a series of virtual cameras on the spherical surface centered in the hand point clouds. Note that large camera rotation may cause severe occlusion issue for depth rendering, and thus we only keep the cameras close to the input camera view. In practice, we keep 25 virtual cameras uniformly sampled from the zenith angle in \([-\pi/3,\pi/3]\) and the azimuth angle in \([-\pi/3,\pi/3]\) on the sphere. Refer to Fig. [\[fig:uniformly_sample\]](#fig:uniformly_sample){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:uniformly_sample"} in Sec. 4.3 for illustration.
### Virtual View Depth Map Rendering
The point cloud from the input depth image can now be re-projected to each of the virtual cameras. Note that since the depth images does not provide a complete hand shape, the rendered depth may be partially incomplete or contain wrong occlusion. However, we found empirically that these does not confuse the pose estimation network when the virtual camera is not too far from the input. Therefore, we did not complete the rendered image as the face rendering methods. We also implemented a parallel rendering process using CUDA to speed up the rendering process.
### 3D Hand Pose Estimation from Single Depth
For each rendered depth image, we use the Anchor-to-Joint regression network (A2J) as the backbone for 3D hand pose estimation for its great run-time efficiency and competitive accuracy. In practice, any other 3D hand pose estimation models from depth can be taken as the backbone. We use the loss function from A2J and briefly explain here for self-contain. The loss function \(L_{\textit{A2J}}\) of A2J consists of the objective loss \(L_{\textit{obj}}\) and the informative anchor point surrounding loss \(L_{\textit{info}}\). The objective loss \(L_{\textit{obj}}\) aims to minimizing the error between the predicted hand joints with the anchor points and the ground truth hand joints, and the informative anchor point surrounding loss \(L_{\textit{info}}\) aims to selecting informative anchor points located around the joints to enhance the generalization ability. The loss function \(L_{\textit{A2J}}\) can be formulated as follows \[\label{eq:a2j_loss} L_{\textit{A2J}}=\lambda L_{\textit{obj}} + L_{\textit{info}}\] where \(\lambda\) is the loss weight to balance \(L_{\textit{obj}}\) and \(L_{\textit{info}}\), and it is set to \(\lambda=3\).
### Multi-View Pose Fusion
In the end, we run a fusion stage to combine the predicted 3D hand poses from virtual camera views. In the very basic version, we transform the 3D joints of each view to the original camera coordinate system with the camera extrinsic parameters, and get the final hand pose prediction by averaging the transformed hand poses.
## 3.3 Virtual View Selection {#sec3.3}
The method proposed in the previous section indeed significantly improves the hand pose estimation accuracy, however suffers from run-time efficiency issue. Essentially, the virtual multi-view baseline runs single view pose estimation network multiple times, thus needs linearly proportional computation power w.r.t the size of virtual camera pool size (e.g. 25 in our case). In another perspective, the pose prediction on some virtual views may not be great, e.g. due to sparsity or wrong occlusion, and may further hurt the overall performance when fused with an average. Therefore, we propose a view selection algorithm that can choose a small number of high impacting camera views without the necessity of running all of them into the pose estimation network.
### Confidence Prediction
The key of our view selection algorithm is a confidence network that evaluates the importance of each candidate virtual view (Fig. [\[fig:confidence\]](#fig:confidence){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:confidence"}). To save the computation cost, the confidence network takes the high-level feature from A2J as input. It then extracts features using convolutional neural network, and then uses the multi-head attention in to fuse multi-view features. The multi-head attention mechanism can direct the network to focus on the views which play more important role, e.g. provide more accurate pose or complementary information for fusion. Finally, we use a fully connected layer to map the feature of each view to a scalar, i.e. the confidence of each view.
### Virtual View Selection and Fusion
With the predicted confidence for each virtual camera viewpoint, we can perform view selection by picking the views with top-\(N\) confidence from all \(M\) candidate views (\(N<M\)). Empirically, larger \(N\) tends to produce more accurate pose (See Sec. 4.3) but needs more computation. In practice, we found that picking \(N=3\) in \(M=25\) virtual views can already beat most of the SoTA methods. With the pose estimated from selected views, we can fuse hand poses and get final output \(\hat{\mathbf{J}}\) as: \[\label{eq:weight_average} \hat{\mathbf{J}} = \sum_{i=1}^{N} c_i (\mathbf{R}_i\hat{\mathbf{J}}_i+\mathbf{t}_i)\] where \(\hat{\mathbf{J}}_i\) is the predicted hand joints of the \(i\)-th selected view, \(c_i\) is the confidence of the \(i\)-th selected view after softmax, and \([\mathbf{R}_i,\mathbf{t}_i]\) is the known camera extrinsic parameters of the \(i\)-th selected view.
### Joint Training
During the training stage, we do not give direct supervision to the confidence of each view since they are simply unknown. Instead, we jointly train confidence network with the pose estimation network, which is supervised only on the final pose accuracy. The joint loss \(L_{J}\) is formulated as: \[\label{eq:conf_loss} L_{J}=\sum_{i=1}^K L_{\tau}( \Vert \mathbf{J}_i-\hat{\mathbf{J}}_i \Vert)\] where \(\hat{\mathbf{J}}_i\) is the estimated \(i\)-th joint by multi-view pose fusion (See Eq. ([\[eq:weight_average\]](#eq:weight_average){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:weight_average"})), \(\mathbf{J}_i\) is the ground truth location of the \(i\)-th joint, \(K\) is the number of hand joint, and \(L_{\tau}(\cdot)\) is the smooth\(_{L1}\) loss function. Note that the behavior of confidence network might be different with varying \(N\) since the predicted confidences have been used at both selection and fusion stage. For the selection stage, only the ranking of the confidence matters; and for the fusion stage, the precise value of confidences of the chosen views also matters. Therefore, for ideal performance, the confidence network should be trained for each specific \(N\). In practice, however, a single model trained with \(N=M\) can still work for most of the varying \(N\), with slightly worse but still reasonable performance.
### Distillation for Efficient Confidence Prediction
With view selection, we are able to reduce the number of forward pass of the pose estimation network from the total number of virtual views \(M\) to a much smaller number of selected views \(N\). This reduces enormous computation, but we still observe noticeable frame per second (FPS) drops mostly due to two reasons: 1) The input depth still needs to be rendered to all candidate camera views for confidence estimation. 2) The confidence network still needs to process all the rendered depth, though designed to be light-weighted but still costly to run the multi-head attention. We resort to network distillation to alleviate this run-time issue. Specifically, we take our confidence network as the teacher network, and train an even more light-weighted student network (a ResNet-18 followed by a fully connected layer). More importantly, the student network takes only the original depth as the input and directly outputs confidence for all \(M=25\) views. This effectively removes the necessity of re-rendering the input depth to all virtual cameras. To train the student network, we directly take the confidence predicted by teacher network as the ground truth. The loss is defined as \[\label{eq:light_loss} L_{\textit{light}} = \sum_{i = 1}^M L_{\tau}(\beta (c_{i}-{\hat{c}}_{i} ) )\] where \(\beta\) is the scaling factor set to \(100\), \({\hat{c}}_{i}\) is the confidence ground truth from teacher network, i.e. the multi-head attention network from \(M\) views, and \(c_{i}\) is the student network output. Once the training is done, the teacher network is no longer needed during the inference, and student network can support the view selection and fusion in an efficient way.
## 3.4 Implementation Details
We train and evaluate our models on a workstation with two Intel Xeon Silver 4210R, 512GB of RAM and an Nvidia RTX3090 GPU. Our models are implemented within PyTorch. Adam optimizer is used; the initial learning rate is set to 0.001 and is decayed by 0.9 per epoch. In order to conduct data augmentation, we randomly scale the cropped depth map, jitter the centroid of the point cloud, and randomly rotate the camera when rendering multi-view depth. For all smooth\(_{L1}\) loss, the switch point between quadratic and linear is set to 1.0. Our network consists of the 3D pose estimation network (i.e. A2J), the teacher confidence network and the lightweight student confidence network. The network input is \(176 \times 176\) hand region cropped from the input depth, and we use ResNet-50 as the backbone of A2J. We first train the 3D pose estimation network and the teacher confidence network together, the loss can be formulated as: \[\label{eq:final_loss} L_{\textit{viewsel}} = L_{\textit{A2J}} + \gamma L_J\] where \(\gamma = 0.1\) is the factor to balance the loss terms. Then we fix the parameters of the two networks and train the lightweight student confidence network with \(L_{light}\).
# 4. Experiments
## 4.1 Datasets and Evaluation Metric
#### NYU Hand Pose Dataset (NYU)
contains 72,757 frames for training and 8,252 frames for testing. 36 hand joints are annotated, but we use only a subset of 14 hand joints for evaluations following the same evaluation protocol in.
#### ICVL Hand Pose Dataset (ICVL)
contains 331,006 frames for training and 1,596 frames for testing. 16 hand joints are annotated.
#### Task 1 of Hands19 Challenge Dataset (Hands19-Task1)
contains 175,951 training depth images from 5 subjects and 124,999 testing depth images from 10 subjects, in which 5 subjects overlap with the training set. This dataset is very challenging because of its exhaustive coverage of viewpoints and articulations.
#### Evaluation Metric
We evaluate the hand pose estimation performance using standard metrics proposed in, i.e. mean joint error and the percentage of test examples that have all predicted joints within a given maximum distance from the ground truth.
## 4.2 Comparison with State-of-the-art Methods
In this experiment, we use our "student" lightweight confidence network for view selection and pose fusion. We first compare our method with the state-of-the-art methods on NYU dataset and ICVL dataset. DenseReg, A2J and AWR directly use the depth map for pose estimation. HandPointNet, P2P and V2V use the 3D representation of the depth map for pose estimation. Table [\[NYU\]](#NYU){reference-type="ref" reference="NYU"} shows the mean joint error. Fig. [\[fig:nyu_error\]](#fig:nyu_error){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:nyu_error"} shows the percentage of success frames over different error thresholds and the error of each joint. We do not show AWR in Fig. [\[fig:nyu_error\]](#fig:nyu_error){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:nyu_error"} because the best prediction results on NYU dataset are not released by AWR. Note that with just 1 view selected, we already outperform all the other methods. And when more view selected, the performance keeps improving. This clearly indicates that our view selection is effective in finding a better virtual view for pose estimation, and more views are benefical through the confidence based fusion. Fig. [\[fig:comp_STOA\]](#fig:comp_STOA){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:comp_STOA"} shows the qualitative comparison to other methods on a few testing examples of NYU dataset. Our method performs especially better on views with heavy occlusion and missing depth, e.g. the 3rd row. It is as expected since the re-render in a perpendicular virtual camera looking at the palm might be better to interpret the input depth. We also compare our method with the state-of-the-art 3D hand pose estimation methods on Hands19-Task1. The details and results of state-of-the-art methods are cited from. Rokid trains 2D CNN to regress joints with additional synthetic data. Compared to the used A2J backbone in our method, A2J reports results using higher resolution depth as input (\(384 \times 384\)), deeper backbone (ResNet-152), and 10 backbone model ensemble. AWR also provides results with model ensemble. Table [\[HANDS2019\]](#HANDS2019){reference-type="ref" reference="HANDS2019"} shows the performance comparison. we can observe that our method with 3 selected views outperform other methods. Our method with 1 selected view performs slightly worse than AWR, A2J and Rokid, which can be due to using model ensemble in AWR and A2J and using additional synthetic training data in Rokid. More experimental results can be found in the supplementary document.
## 4.3 Ablation Study
#### Effect of View Number
In order to investigate the effect of the number of virtual views with our method, we compare the hand pose performance on NYU dataset, ICVL dataset and Hands19-Task1 dataset by generating 3, 9, 15, 25 uniformly sampled virtual views ("UNIFOMR\" column of Table [\[error_view_select\]](#error_view_select){reference-type="ref" reference="error_view_select"}). We also visualize the results of our method using different numbers of views on NYU dataset in Fig. [\[fig:comp_views\]](#fig:comp_views){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:comp_views"} We observe that the hand pose estimation error decreases as the number of virtual views increases. Therefore, the virtual multi-view can boost the hand pose performance. The visualization results show that when using 25 views, the estimated wrist joints and joints in the missing depth value area are more accurate than using 3 views.
#### Effect of View Selection
In this section, we investigate if the confidences are effective for view selection. We use our method to select 3, 9, 15 views from 25 candidate views and compare to uniform sampling as illustrated in Fig. [\[fig:uniformly_sample\]](#fig:uniformly_sample){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:uniformly_sample"}. Though simple, the uniform sampling is actually a very strong strategy since it roughly guarantee at least 1 views close to some good candidate. The results on NYU dataset, ICVL dataset and Hands19-Task1 dataset are shown in Table [\[error_view_select\]](#error_view_select){reference-type="ref" reference="error_view_select"}. For each experiment, we show the performance using teacher and student confidence network ("SELECT": teacher network, "LIGHT": student network). Our view selection consistently outperforms uniform selection in all the settings, which indicates that the predicted confidence is effective for view selection. Though using student network results in slightly worse performance than the teacher network, the overall computation cost is significantly reduced. As shown in Table [\[fps_view_select\]](#fps_view_select){reference-type="ref" reference="fps_view_select"}, using student network almost doubles FPS. On ICVL dataset, the student network performs better than the teacher network, which may be due to low annotation quality and small scale of ICVL. More comparisons to random sampled views can be found in the supplementary document.
#### Comparison of Different Multi-View Fusion
We now evaluate the confidence based fusion. In Table [\[confidence\]](#confidence){reference-type="ref" reference="confidence"}, we compare to direct average without the confidence on NYU dataset, ICVL dataset and Hands2019-Task1 dataset. The confidence based fusion achieves better performance on 3 datasets than direct average, which shows that the confidence is also beneficial to guide the fusion stage.
# 5. Conclusion
In this paper, we propose a deep learning network to learn 3D hand pose estimation from single depth, which renders the point cloud to virtual multi-view, and get more accuracy 3D hand pose by fusing the 3D pose of each view. Meanwhile, the confidence network we built uses multi-head attention to calculate the confidence of each virtual view. The confidence is used to improve the accuracy of 3D reconstruction during fusion and view selection. In order to obtain the confidence of each view efficiently, we obtain a lightweight confidence network using network distillation. Experiments on the main benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method. Our method can also inspire several related researches such as scene parsing and reconstruction from depth, etc. **Acknowledgments** This work was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61473276), Beijing Natural Science Foundation (L182052), and Distinguished Young Researcher Program, ISCAS.
# 1. Network Details of Confidence Network
In this section, we elaborate on the network architecture of the "teacher" confidence network in Section 3.3 and Fig. 4 of our main submission. In order to obtain the confidence of each view, our method first uses a convolutional neural network to extract features, then uses multi-head attention to fuse multi-view features, and finally converts the fused multi-view visual features into the confidence of each view using a fully connected layer. Fig. [\[fig:cnn\]](#fig:cnn){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:cnn"} shows the details of network architecture of convolutional neural network for feature extraction. The network takes the low-level feature from A2J as input, and adopts 3 convolutional layers for feature encoder. The network extracts a 256-dimensional feature for each view, and then feeds the extracted features of multiple views to a multi-head attention module for feature fusion. In the multi-head attention module, we set the number of heads \(n_{\textit{head}}\) to 1, \(d_q, d_k, d_v\) are the dimensions of \(Q\), \(K\) and \(V\) (defined as ), and they are all set to 64.
# 2. More Experiments
## 2.1 Comparison between Uniform Sampled Views and Random Sampled Views
In our paper, we use uniform sampling on a sphere to obtain the candidate virtual views. In order to investigate the effect of random sampled views on hand pose estimation, we compare the hand pose estimation performance with randomly sampled virtual views and uniformly sampled views on a sphere. For the experiments of randomly sampled views, the views are randomly sampled from the zenith angle in \([-\pi/3,\pi/3]\) and the azimuth angle in \([-\pi/3,\pi/3]\) on the sphere, and we adopt the same number of virtual cameras as uniformly sampled views. Table [\[error_uniform_random\]](#error_uniform_random){reference-type="ref" reference="error_uniform_random"} compares the mean joint error of uniform sampling and random sampling on NYU, ICVL and Hands2019-Task1. We can observe that the performance with random sampled views is inferior to the performance with uniform sampled views. Conceptually, the patterns of random sampled views are more complex than those of uniform sampling, and make the confidence prediction of random sampled views very hard. Therefore, we choose to use uniform sampling to obtain the candidate virtual views.
## 2.2 Detailed Results on the ICVL Dataset
### More Comparisons with State-of-the-art Methods
Fig. [\[fig:icvl_error\]](#fig:icvl_error){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:icvl_error"} shows the error of each joint and the percentage of success frames over different error thresholds. Since the best prediction results by AWR on ICVL dataset are not released, we do not show AWR in Fig. [\[fig:icvl_error\]](#fig:icvl_error){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:icvl_error"}. We can observe that our proposed method outperforms the other methods by a large margin on the ICVL dataset. Fig. [\[fig:comp_STOA\]](#fig:comp_STOA){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:comp_STOA"} shows the qualitative comparison to the SoTA methods on the ICVL dataset. Especially, our method performs better at the fingertips than the other methods, e.g. the 1st row, and also performs well under severe occlusions, e.g. the 2nd row.
### Effect of View Number
Fig. [\[fig:comp_views\]](#fig:comp_views){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:comp_views"} shows the results of our method using different numbers of views on the ICVL dataset. We can observe that using 25 uniformly sampled views can achieve better hand pose estimation performance than using 3 uniformly sampled views. Especially, the estimated fingertip joints using 25 uniformly sampled views are better.
[^1]: N is a hyper-parameter that controls the run-time efficiency and pose accuracy. | {'timestamp': '2022-03-30T02:30:58', 'yymm': '2203', 'arxiv_id': '2203.15458', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15458'} |
# Introduction
Until \(4\) years ago only a couple of examples of minimal hereditary classes of unbounded clique-width had been identified, see Lozin . However, more recently many more such classes have been identified, in Atminas, Brignall, Lozin and Stacho , Collins, Foniok, Korpelainen, Lozin and Zamaraev , and most recently the current authors demonstrated an uncountably infinite family of minimal hereditary classes of unbounded clique-width in. This paper brings together all these examples into a single consistent framework. The framework consists of hereditary graph classes constructed by taking the finite induced subgraphs of an infinite graph \(\mathcal{P}^\delta\) whose vertices form a two-dimensional array and whose edges are defined by three objects, collectively denoted as a triple \(\delta=(\alpha,\beta,\gamma)\). Though we defer full definitions until Section [2](#prelim){reference-type="ref" reference="prelim"}, the components of the triple define edges between consecutive columns (\(\alpha\)), between non-consecutive columns (\(\beta\) 'bonds'), and within columns (\(\gamma\)) as follows.
1. \(\alpha\) is an infinite word from the alphabet \(\{0,1,2,3\}\). The four types of \(\alpha\)-edge set between consecutive columns can be described as a matching (\(0\)), the complement of a matching (\(1\)), a chain (\(2\)) and the complement of a chain (\(3\)).
2. \(\beta\) is a symmetric subset of pairs of natural numbers \((x,y)\). If \((x,y) \in \beta\) then every vertex in column \(x\) is adjacent to every vertex in column \(y\).
3. \(\gamma\) is an infinite binary word. If the \(j\)-th letter of \(\gamma\) is \(0\) then vertices in column \(j\) form an independent set and if it is \(1\) they form a clique.
We show that these hereditary graph classes \(\mathcal{G}^\delta\) have unbounded clique-width if and only if a parameter \(\mathcal{N}^\delta\) measuring the number of distinct neighbourhoods between any two rows of the grid, is unbounded--see Theorem [\[thm-0123unbound\]](#thm-0123unbound){reference-type="ref" reference="thm-0123unbound"}. We denote \(\Delta\) as the set of \(\delta\)-triples for which \(\mathcal{G}^\delta\) has unbounded clique-width. Furthermore, we define a subset \(\Delta_{min} \subset \Delta\) such that if \(\delta \in \Delta_{min}\) the hereditary graph class \(\mathcal{G}^\delta\) is minimal both of unbounded clique-width and of unbounded *linear* clique-width--see Theorem [\[thm-0123minim\]](#thm-0123minim){reference-type="ref" reference="thm-0123minim"}. These 'minimal' \(\delta\)-triples are characterised by
1. \(\delta\) is recurrent (i.e. any factor \(\delta^*\) of \(\delta\) repeats an infinite number of times),
2. for any factor \(\delta^*\) of \(\delta\), the subgraphs induced on the columns between two consecutive copies of \(\delta^*\) (the \(\delta\)-factor 'gap') have bounded clique-width (always true for almost periodic \(\delta\)), and
3. a bound on a parameter \(\mathcal{M}^\beta\) defined by the bond set \(\beta\) which is a measure of the number of distinct neighbourhoods between intervals of a single row.
All hereditary graph classes previously shown to be minimal of unbounded clique-width fit this framework i.e. they are defined by a \(\delta\)-triple in \(\Delta_{min}\). This is demonstrated in Table [1](#table-classes){reference-type="ref" reference="table-classes"} which shows their corresponding \(\delta=(\alpha,\beta,\gamma)\) values from the framework.
The unified viewpoint provided by our framework offers a fuller understanding of the landscape of (the uncountably many known) minimal hereditary classes of unbounded clique-width. This landscape is in stark contrast to the situation for downwards-closed sets of graphs under different orderings and with respect to other parameters. For example, planar graphs are the unique minimal minor-closed class of graphs of unbounded treewidth (see Robertson and Seymour ), and circle graphs are the unique minimal vertex-minor-closed class of unbounded rank-width (or, equivalently, clique-width)--see Geelen, Kwon, McCarty and Wollan . Nevertheless, clique-width is more compatible with hereditary classes of graphs than treewidth: if \(H\) is an induced subgraph of \(G\), then the clique-width of \(H\) is at most the clique-width of \(G\), but the same does not hold in general for treewidth. Our focus on the minimal classes of unbounded clique-width is due to the following fact: any graph property expressible in MSO\(_1\) logic has a linear time algorithm on graphs with bounded clique-width, see Courcelle, Makowsky and Rotics . As it happens, any proper subclass of a minimal class from our framework also has bounded *linear* clique-width. However, beyond our framework there do exist classes that have bounded clique-width but unbounded linear clique-width, see and . After introducing the necessary definitions in Section [2](#prelim){reference-type="ref" reference="prelim"}, the rest of this paper is organised as follows. We set out in Section [3](#Sect:Unbounded){reference-type="ref" reference="Sect:Unbounded"} our proof determining which hereditary classes \(\mathcal{G}^\delta\) have unbounded clique-width. Proving a class has unbounded clique-width is done from first principles, using a new method, by identifying a lower bound for the number of labels required for a clique-width expression for an \(n \times n\) square graph, using distinguished coloured vertex sets and showing such sets always exist for big enough \(n\) using Ramsey theory. For those classes which have bounded clique-width we prove this by providing a general clique-width expression for any graph in the class, using a bounded number of labels. In Section [4](#Sect:Minimal){reference-type="ref" reference="Sect:Minimal"} we prove that the class \(\mathcal{G}^\delta\) is minimal of unbounded clique-width if \(\delta \in \Delta_{min}\). To do this we introduce an entirely new method of 'veins and slices', partitioning the vertices of an arbitrary graph in a proper subclass of \(\mathcal{G}^\delta\) into sections we call 'panels' using vertex colouring. We then create a recursive linear clique-width expression to construct these panels in sequence, allowing recycling of labels each time a new panel is constructed, so that an arbitrary graph can be constructed with a bounded number of labels. Previous papers on minimal hereditary graph classes of unbounded clique-width have focused mainly on bipartite graphs. The introduction of \(\beta\)-bonds and \(\gamma\)-cliques has significantly broadened the scope of proven minimal classes. In Section [5](#Sect:examples){reference-type="ref" reference="Sect:examples"} we provide some examples of new hereditary graph classes that are minimal of unbounded clique-width revealed by this approach. Finally, in Section [6](#Sect-Conclude){reference-type="ref" reference="Sect-Conclude"}, we discuss where the investigation of minimal classes of unbounded clique-width might go next.
# Preliminaries {#prelim}
## Graphs-General
A graph \(G=(V,E)\) is a pair of sets, vertices \(V=V(G)\) and edges \(E=E(G)\subseteq V(G)\times V(G)\). Unless otherwise stated, all graphs in this paper are simple, i.e. undirected, without loops or multiple edges. If vertex \(u\) is adjacent to vertex \(v\) we write \(u \sim v\) and if \(u\) is not adjacent to \(v\) we write \(u \not\sim v\). We denote \(N(v)\) as the neighbourhood of a vertex \(v\), that is, the set of vertices adjacent to \(v\). A set of vertices is *independent* if no two of its elements are adjacent and is a *clique* if all the vertices are pairwise adjacent. We denote a clique with \(r\) vertices as \(K^r\) and an independent set of \(r\) vertices as \(\overline{K^r}\). A graph is *bipartite* if its vertices can be partitioned into two independent sets, \(V_1\) and \(V_2\), and is *complete bipartite* if, in addition, each vertex of \(V_1\) is adjacent to each vertex of \(V_2\). We will use the notation \(H \le G\) to denote graph \(H\) is an *induced subgraph* of graph \(G\), meaning \(V(H) \subseteq V(G)\) and two vertices of \(V(H)\) are adjacent in \(H\) if and only if they are adjacent in \(G\). We will denote the subgraph of \(G=(V,E)\) induced by the set of vertices \(U \subseteq V\) by \(G[U]\). If graph \(G\) does not contain an induced subgraph isomorphic to \(H\) we say that \(G\) is *\(H\)-free*. A class of graphs \(\mathcal{C}\) is *hereditary* if it is closed under taking induced subgraphs, that is \(G \in \mathcal{C}\) implies \(H \in \mathcal{C}\) for every induced subgraph \(H\) of \(G\). It is well known that for any hereditary class \(\mathcal{C}\) there exists a unique (but not necessarily finite) set of minimal forbidden graphs \(\{H_1, H_2, \dots\}\) such that \(\mathcal{C}= \operatorname{Free}(H_1, H_2, \dots)\) (i.e. any graph \(G \in \mathcal{C}\) is \(H_i\)-free for \(i=1,2,\dots\)). We will use the notation \(\mathcal{C} \subseteq \mathcal{G}\) to denote that \(\mathcal{C}\) is a *hereditary subclass* of hereditary graph class \(\mathcal{G}\) (\(\mathcal{C} \subsetneq \mathcal{G}\) for a proper subclass). An *embedding* of graph \(H\) in graph \(G\) is an injective map \(\phi:V(H) \rightarrow V(G)\) such that the subgraph of \(G\) induced by the vertices \(\phi(V(H))\) is isomorphic to \(H\). In other words, \(vw \in E(H)\) if and only if \(\phi(v) \phi(w) \in E(G)\). If \(H\) is an induced subgraph of \(G\) then this can be witnessed by one or more embeddings. Given a graph \(G=(V,E)\) and a subset of vertices \(U \subseteq V\), two vertices of \(U\) will be called *\(V\setminus U\)-similar* if they have the same neighbourhood in \(V\setminus U\). Thus \(V\setminus U\)-similarity is an equivalence relation. The number of such equivalence classes of \(U\) in \(G\) will be denoted \(\mu(G,U)\). A special case is when all the equivalence classes are singletons when we call \(U\) a *distinguished vertex set*. A *distinguished pairing* \(\{U,W\}\) of size \(r\) of a graph \(G=(V,E)\) is a pair of vertex subsets \(U=\{u_i\} \subseteq V\) and \(W=\{w_i\} \subseteq V\setminus U\) with \(|U|=|W|=r\) such that the vertices in \(U\) have pairwise different neighbourhoods in \(W\) (but not necessarily vice-versa). A distinguished pairing is *matched* if the vertices of \(U\) and \(W\) can be paired \((u_i, w_i)\) so that \(u_i \sim w_i\) for each \(i\), and is *unmatched* if the vertices of \(U\) and \(W\) can be paired \((u_i, w_i)\) so that \(u_i \not\sim w_i\) for each \(i\). Clearly the set \(U\) of a distinguished pairing \(\{U,W\}\) is a distinguished vertex set of \(G[U \cup W]\) which gives us the following:
## \(\mathcal{G}^\delta\) hereditary graph classes
The graph classes we consider are all formed by taking the set of finite induced subgraphs of an infinite graph defined on a grid of vertices. We start by defining an infinite empty graph \(\mathcal{P}\) with vertices \[V(\mathcal{P}) = \{v_{i,j}: i, j \in \mathbb{N}\}.\] We use Cartesian coordinates throughout this paper. Hence, we think of \(\mathcal{P}\) as an infinite two-dimensional array in which \(v_{i,j}\) represents the vertex in the \(i\)-th column (counting from the left) and the \(j\)-th row (counting from the bottom). Hence vertex \(v_{1,1}\) is in the bottom left corner of the grid and the grid extends infinitely upwards and to the right. The \(i\)-th column of \(\mathcal{P}\) is the set \(C_i = \{ v_{i,j}: j \in \mathbb{N}\}\), and the \(j\)-th row of \(\mathcal{P}\) is the set \(R_j = \{ v_{i,j}: i \in \mathbb{N}\}\). Likewise, the collection of vertices in columns \(i\) to \(j\) is denoted \(C_{[i,j]}\). We will add edges to \(\mathcal{P}\) using a triple \(\delta\) of objects that define the edges between consecutive columns, edges between non-consecutive columns and edges within each column. We refer to a (finite or infinite) sequence of letters chosen from a finite alphabet as a *word*. We denote by \(\omega_i\) the \(i\)-th letter of the word \(\omega\). A *factor* of \(\omega\) is a contiguous subword \(\omega_{[i,j]}\) being the sequence of letters from the \(i\)-th to the \(j\)-th letter of \(\omega\). If \(a\) is a letter from the alphabet we will denote \(a^\infty\) as the infinite word \(aaa\dots\), and if \(a_1\dots a_n\) is a finite sequence of letters from the alphabet then we will denote \((a_1\dots a_n)^\infty\) as the infinite word consisting of the infinite repetition of this factor. The *length* of a word (or factor) is the number of letters the word contains. An infinite word \(\omega\) is *recurrent* if each of its factors occurs in it infinitely many times. We say that \(\omega\) is *almost periodic* (sometimes called *uniformly recurrent* or *minimal*) if for each factor \(\omega_{[i,j]}\) of \(\omega\) there exists a constant \(\mathcal{L}(\omega_{[i,j]})\) such that every factor of \(\omega\) of length at least \(\mathcal{L}(\omega_{[i,j]})\) contains \(\omega_{[i,j]}\) as a factor. Finally, \(\omega\) is *periodic* if there is a positive integer \(p\) such that \(\omega_k=\omega_{k+p}\) for all \(k\). Clearly, every periodic word is almost periodic, and every almost periodic word is recurrent. A *bond-set* \(\beta\) is a symmetric subset of \(\{(x,y) \in \mathbb{N}^2, |x-y| > 1\}\). For a set \(Q \subseteq \mathbb{N}\) we write \(\beta_Q\) to mean the subset of \(\beta\)-bonds \(\{(x,y) \in \beta: x,y \in Q\}\). For instance, \(\beta_{[i,j]}=\{(x,y) \in \beta: i \le x,y \le j\}\). Let \(\alpha\) be an infinite word over the alphabet \(\{0,1,2,3\}\), \(\beta\) be a bond set and \(\gamma\) be an infinite binary word. We denote the triple \(\delta=(\alpha,\beta,\gamma)\). We define an infinite graph \(\mathcal{P}^\delta\) with vertices \(V(\mathcal{P})\) and with edges defined by \(\delta\) as follows:
1. *\(\alpha\)-edges* between consecutive columns determined by the letters of the word \(\alpha\). For each \(i=1,2,\dots\), the edges between \(C_i\) and \(C_{i+1}\) are:
1. \(\{(v_{i,j}, v_{i+1,j}): j \in \mathbb{N}\}\) if \(\alpha_i=0\) (i.e. a matching);
2. \(\{(v_{i,j}, v_{i+1,k}): j \neq k; j,k \in \mathbb{N}\}\) if \(\alpha_i=1\) (i.e. the bipartite complement [^1] of a matching);
3. \(\{(v_{i,j}, v_{i+1,k}): j \ge k; j,k \in \mathbb{N}\}\) if \(\alpha_i=2\);
4. \(\{(v_{i,j}, v_{i+1,k}): j < k; j,k \in \mathbb{N}\}\) if \(\alpha_i=3\) (i.e. the bipartite complement of a \(2\)).
2. *\(\beta\)-edges* defined by the bond-set \(\beta\) such that \(v_{i,x} \sim v_{j,y}\) for all \(x,y \in \mathbb{N}\) when \((i,j) \in \beta\) (i.e. a complete bipartite graph between \(C_i\) and \(C_j\)), and
3. *\(\gamma\)-edges* defined by the letters of the binary word \(\gamma\) such that for any \(j,k \in \mathbb{N}\) we have \(v_{i,j} \sim v_{i,k}\) if and only if \(\gamma_i=1\) (i.e. \(C_i\) forms a clique if \(\gamma_i=1\) and an independent set if \(\gamma_i=0\)).
The hereditary graph class \(\mathcal{G}^\delta\) is the set of all finite induced subgraphs of \(\mathcal{P}^\delta\). Any graph \(G \in \mathcal{G}^\delta\) can be witnessed by an embedding \(\phi(G)\) into the infinite graph \(\mathcal{P}^\delta\). To simplify the presentation we will associate \(G\) with a particular embedding in \(\mathcal{P}^\delta\) depending on the context. We will be especially interested in the induced subgraphs of \(G\) that occur in consecutive columns: in particular, an *\(\alpha_j\)-link* is the induced subgraph of \(G\) on the vertices of \(G\cap C_{[j,j+1]}\), and will be denoted by \(G_{[j,j+1]}\). More generally, an induced subgraph of \(G\) on the vertices of \(G\cap C_{[j,k]}\) will be denoted \(G_{[j,k]}\). For \(k \ge 2\) we denote the triple \(\delta_{[j,j+k-1]}=(\alpha_{[j,j+k-2]}; \beta_{[j,j+k-1]}; \gamma_{[j,j+k-1]})\) as a *\(k\)-factor* of \(\delta\). Thus for a graph \(G \in \mathcal{G}^\delta\) with a particular embedding in \(\mathcal{P}^\delta\), the induced subgraph \(G_{[j,j+k-1]}\) has edges defined by the \(k\)-factor \(\delta_{[j,j+k-1]}\). We say that two \(k\)-factors \(\delta_{[x,x+k]}\) and \(\delta_{[y,y+k]}\) are the same if
1. for all \(i \in [0,k-1]\), \(\alpha_{x+i}=\alpha_{y+i}\), and
2. for all \(i,j \in [0,k], (x+i,x+j) \in \beta\) if and only if \((y+i,y+j) \in \beta\), and
3. for all \(i \in [0,k]\), \(\gamma_{x+i}=\gamma_{y+i}\).
We say that a \(\delta\)-triple is *recurrent* if every \(k\)-factor occurs in it infinitely many times. We say that \(\delta\) is *almost periodic* if for each \(k\)-factor \(\delta_{[j,k]}\) of \(\delta\) there exists a constant \(\mathcal{L}(\delta_{[j,k]})\) such that every factor of \(\delta\) of length \(\mathcal{L}(\delta_{[j,k]})\) contains \(\delta_{[j,k]}\) as a factor. A *couple set* \(P\) is a subset of \(\mathbb{N}\) such that if \(x,y \in P\) then \(|x-y|>2\). Such a set is used to identify sets of links that have no \(\alpha\)-edges between them. We say that two elements \(x, y \in P\) are *\(\beta\)-dense* if both \((x,y+1)\) and \((x+1,y)\) are in \(\beta\) and they are *\(\beta\)-sparse* when neither of these bonds is in \(\beta\).[\[dense-sparse\]]{#dense-sparse label="dense-sparse"} We say the bond-set \(\beta\) is *sparse* in \(P\) if every pair in \(P\) is \(\beta\)-sparse and is *not sparse* in \(P\) if there are no \(\beta\)-sparse pairs in \(P\). Likewise, \(\beta\) is *dense* in \(P\) if every pair in \(P\) is \(\beta\)-dense and is *not dense* in \(P\) if there are no \(\beta\)-dense pairs in \(P\). Clearly it is possible for two elements in \(P\) to be neither \(\beta\)-sparse nor \(\beta\)-dense (i.e. when only one of the required bonds is in \(\beta\)). These ideas are used to identify matched and unmatched distinguished pairings (see Lemmas [\[lem:beta-not-dense\]](#lem:beta-not-dense){reference-type="ref" reference="lem:beta-not-dense"} and [\[lem:beta-not-sparse\]](#lem:beta-not-sparse){reference-type="ref" reference="lem:beta-not-sparse"}).
## Clique-width and linear clique-width
*Clique-width* is a graph width parameter introduced by Courcelle, Engelfriet and Rozenberg in the 1990s . The clique-width of a graph is denoted \(\operatorname{cwd}(G)\) and is defined as the minimum number of labels needed to construct \(G\) by means of the following four graph operations:
1. creation of a new vertex \(v\) with label \(i\) (denoted \(i(v)\)),
2. adding an edge between every vertex labelled \(i\) and every vertex labelled \(j\) for distinct \(i\) and \(j\) (denoted \(\eta_{i,j}\)),
3. giving all vertices labelled \(i\) the label \(j\) (denoted \(\rho_{i \rightarrow j}\)), and
4. taking the disjoint union of two previously-constructed labelled graphs \(G\) and \(H\) (denoted \(G \oplus H\)).
The *linear clique-width* of a graph \(G\) denoted \(lcw(G)\) is the minimum number of labels required to construct \(G\) by means of only the first three of the operations described above. Every graph can be defined by an algebraic expression \(\tau\) using the four (or three for the linear version) operations above, which we will refer to as a *(linear) clique-width expression*. This expression is called a \(k\)-expression if it uses \(k\) different labels. Alternatively, any clique-width expression \(\tau\) defining \(G\) can be represented as a rooted tree, \(\operatorname{tree}(\tau)\), whose leaves correspond to the operations of vertex creation, the internal nodes correspond to the \(\oplus\)-operation, and the root is associated with \(G\). The operations \(\eta\) and \(\rho\) are assigned to the respective edges of \(\operatorname{tree}(\tau)\). In the case of a linear clique-width expression the tree becomes a *caterpillar tree*, that is, a tree that becomes a path after the removal of the leaves. Clearly from the definition, \(lcw(G) \ge cwd(G)\). Hence, a graph class of unbounded clique-width is also a class of unbounded linear clique-width. Likewise, a class with bounded linear clique-width is also a class of bounded clique-width.
# \(\mathcal{G}^\delta\) graph classes with unbounded clique-width {#Sect:Unbounded}
This section identifies which hereditary classes \(\mathcal{G}^\delta\) have unbounded clique-width. We prove this is determined by a neighbourhood parameter \(\mathcal{N}^\delta\) derived from a graph induced on any two rows of the graph \(\mathcal{P}^\delta\). We show that \(\mathcal{G}^\delta\) has unbounded clique-width if and only if \(\mathcal{N}^\delta\) is unbounded (Theorem [\[thm-0123unbound\]](#thm-0123unbound){reference-type="ref" reference="thm-0123unbound"}).
## The two-row graph and \(\mathcal{N}^\delta\) {#two-row}
We will show that the boundedness of clique-width for a graph class \(\mathcal{G}^\delta\) is determined by the adjacencies between the first two rows of \(\mathcal{P}^\delta\) (it could, in fact, be any two rows). Hence, the following graph is useful. A *two-row graph* \(T^{\delta}(Q)=(V,E)\) is the subgraph of \(\mathcal{P}^\delta\) induced on the vertices \(V=R_1(Q) \cup R_2(Q)\) where \(R_1(Q)=\{v_{i,1}: i \in Q\}\) and \(R_2(Q)=\{v_{j,2}: j \in Q \}\) for finite subset \(Q \subseteq\mathbb{N}\). We define the parameter \(\mathcal{N}^\delta(Q)= \mu(T^\delta(Q),(R_1(Q))\).
We will say *\(\mathcal{N}^\delta\) is unbounded* if \(\mathcal{N}^\delta([j,n])\) is unbounded as \(n \rightarrow \infty\) for some fixed \(j \in \mathbb{N}\). In many cases it is simple to check that \(\mathcal{N}^\delta\) is unbounded--e.g. the following \(\delta\)-triples have unbounded \(\mathcal{N}^\delta\): \[(1^\infty, \emptyset, 0^\infty), (2^\infty, \emptyset, 0^\infty), (3^\infty, \emptyset, 0^\infty), (0^\infty, \emptyset, 1^\infty)\] In Lemma [\[23-N-unbound\]](#23-N-unbound){reference-type="ref" reference="23-N-unbound"} we show that \(\mathcal{N}^\delta\) is unbounded whenever \(\alpha\) contains an infinite number of \(2\)s or \(3\)s.
## Clique-width expression and colour partition for an \(n\times n\) square graph
We will denote \(H^\delta_{i,j}(m,n)\) as the \(m (cols) \times n (rows)\) induced subgraph of \(\mathcal{P}^\delta\) formed from the rectangular grid of vertices \(\{v_{x,y}: x \in [i,i+m-1], y \in [j,j+n-1]\}\). See Figure [\[Hgraph\]](#Hgraph){reference-type="ref" reference="Hgraph"}. We can calculate a lower bound for the clique-width of the \(n \times n\) square graph \(H^\delta_{j,1}(n,n)\) (shortened to \(H(n,n)\) when \(\delta\), \(j\) and \(1\) are clearly implied), by demonstrating a minimum number of labels needed to construct it using the allowed four graph operations, as follows. Let \(\tau\) be a clique-width expression defining \(H(n,n)\) and \(\operatorname{tree}(\tau)\) the rooted tree representing \(\tau\). The subtree of \(\operatorname{tree}(\tau)\) rooted at a node \(\oplus_a\) corresponds to a subgraph of \(H(n,n)\) we will call \(H_a\). We denote by \(\oplus_{red}\) and \(\oplus_{blue}\) the two children of \(\oplus_a\) in \(\operatorname{tree}(\tau)\). Let us colour the vertices of \(H_{red}\) and \(H_{blue}\) red and blue, respectively, and all the other vertices in \(H(n,n)\) white. Let \(\operatorname{colour}(v)\) denote the colour of a vertex \(v \in H(n,n)\) as described above, and \(\operatorname{label}(v)\) denote the label of vertex \(v\) (if any) at node \(\oplus_a\) (If \(v\) has no label we say \(\operatorname{label}(v)=\epsilon\)). Our identification of a minimum number of labels needed to construct \(H(n,n)\) relies on the following observation regarding this vertex colour partition.
This is true because the edge \(u_1w\) still needs to be created, whilst respecting the non-adjacency of \(u_2\) and \(w\). We now focus on sets of blue and sets of nonblue vertices (Equally, we could have chosen red-nonred). Observation [\[obs1\]](#obs1){reference-type="ref" reference="obs1"} leads to the following key lemma which is the basis of much which follows.
Note that from Proposition [\[prop-pair\]](#prop-pair){reference-type="ref" reference="prop-pair"} a distinguished pairing gives us the sets \(U\) and \(W\) required for Lemma [\[labels\]](#labels){reference-type="ref" reference="labels"}. The following lemmas identify structures in \(H(n,n)\) that give us these distinguished pairings. We denote by \(H_{[y,y+1]}\) the \(\alpha_y\)-link \(H(n,n) \cap C_{[y,y+1]}\) where \(y \in [j,j+n-2]\). We will refer to a (adjacent or non-adjacent) *blue-nonblue pair* to mean two vertices, one of which is coloured blue and one non-blue, such that they are in consecutive columns, where the blue vertex could be to the left or the right of the nonblue vertex. If we have a set of such pairs with the blue vertex on the same side (i.e. on the left or right) then we say the pairs in the set have the same *polarity*.
In Lemmas [\[lem-blue-blue\]](#lem-blue-blue){reference-type="ref" reference="lem-blue-blue"}, [\[lem-blue-nonblue\]](#lem-blue-nonblue){reference-type="ref" reference="lem-blue-nonblue"} and [\[lem-blue-nonblue2\]](#lem-blue-nonblue2){reference-type="ref" reference="lem-blue-nonblue2"} we identified blue-nonblue pairs within a particular link \(H_{[y,y+1]}\). The next two lemmas identify distinguished pairings across link-sets. Let \(P \subset [j,j+n-2]\) be a couple set (see definition on page ) of size \(r\) with corresponding \(\alpha_y\)-links \(H_{[y,y+1]} \le H(n,n)\) for each \(y \in P\).
## Two colour partition cases to consider {#two_cases}
Having identified structures that give us a lower bound on labels required for a clique-width expression for \(H(n,n)\), we now apply this knowledge to the following subtree of \(\operatorname{tree}(\tau)\). Let \(\oplus_a\) be the lowest node in \(\operatorname{tree}(\tau)\) such that \(H_a\) contains all the vertices in rows \(2\) to \((n-1)\) in a column of \(H(n,n)\). We reserve rows \(1\) and \(n\) so that we may apply Lemmas [\[lem-blue-blue\]](#lem-blue-blue){reference-type="ref" reference="lem-blue-blue"} and [\[lem-blue-nonblue2\]](#lem-blue-nonblue2){reference-type="ref" reference="lem-blue-nonblue2"}. Thus \(H(n,n)\) contains at least one column where vertices in rows \(2\) to \((n-1)\) are non-white but no column has entirely blue or red vertices in rows \(2\) to \((n-1)\). Let \(C_b\) be a non-white column. Without loss of generality we can assume that the number of blue vertices in column \(C_b\) between rows \(2\) and \((n-1)\) is at least \((n/2)-1\) otherwise we could swap red for blue. Now consider rows \(2\) to \((n-1)\). We have two possible cases:
Case 1
: Either none of the rows with a blue vertex in column \(C_b\) has blue vertices in every column to the right of \(C_b\), or none of the rows with a blue vertex in column \(C_b\) has blue vertices in every column to the left of \(C_b\). Hence, we have at least \(\lceil n/2 \rceil-1\) rows that have a horizontal blue-nonblue pair with the same polarity.
Case 2
: One row \(R_r\) has a blue vertex in column \(C_b\) and blue vertices in every column to the right of \(C_b\) and one row \(R_l\) has a blue vertex in column \(C_b\) and blue vertices in every column to the left of \(C_b\). Hence, either on row \(R_r\) or row \(R_l\), we must have a horizontal set of consecutive blue vertices of size at least \(\lceil n/2 \rceil +1\).
To prove unboundedness of clique-width we will show that for any \(r \in \mathbb{N}\) we can find an \(n \in \mathbb{N}\) so that any clique-width expression \(\tau\) for \(H(n,n)\) requires at least \(r\) labels in \(\operatorname{tree}(\tau)\), whether this is a 'Case 1' or 'Case 2' scenario. To address both cases we will need the following classic result:
We handle first Case 1, for all values of \(\delta=(\alpha,\beta,\gamma)\).
## When \(\alpha\) has an infinite number of \(2\)s or \(3\)s
For Case 2 we must consider different values for \(\alpha\) separately. We denote \(m_{23}(n)\) to be the total number of \(2\)s and \(3\)s in \(\alpha_{[1,n-1]}\).
We are aiming to state our result in terms of unbounded \(\mathcal{N}^\delta\) so we also require the following.
## When \(\alpha\) has a finite number of \(2\)s and \(3\)s
If \(\alpha\) contains only a finite number of \(2\)s and \(3\)s then there exists \(J \in \mathbb{N}\) such that \(\alpha_j \in \{0,1\}\) for \(j > J\). In Case 2 we are interested in the adjacencies of the blue vertices to the non-blue vertices in each column. Although the nonblue vertices could be in any row, in fact, if \(\alpha\) is over the alphabet \(\{0,1\}\), the row index of the non-blue vertices does not alter the blue-nonblue adjacencies. In Case \(2\), let \(Q\) be the set of column indices of the horizontal set of consecutive blue vertices in row \(R_r\) of \(H(n,n)\) and let \(U_1=\{v_{i,r}: i \in Q\}\) be this horizontal set of blue vertices. Let \(U_2=\{u_j: j \in Q\}\) be the corresponding set of nonblue vertices such that \(u_j \in C_j\). We have the following:
Corollary [\[23-cor\]](#23-cor){reference-type="ref" reference="23-cor"}, Lemma [\[23-N-unbound\]](#23-N-unbound){reference-type="ref" reference="23-N-unbound"} and Lemma [\[lem-finite23\]](#lem-finite23){reference-type="ref" reference="lem-finite23"} give us the following:
We will denote \(\Delta\) as the set of all \(\delta\)-triples for which the class \(\mathcal{G}^\delta\) has unbounded clique-width.
# \(\mathcal{G}^\delta\) graph classes that are minimal of unbounded clique-width {#Sect:Minimal}
To show that some given \(\mathcal{G}^\delta\) is a minimal class of unbounded clique-width we must show that any proper hereditary subclass \(\mathcal{C}\) has bounded clique-width. If \(\mathcal{C}\) is a hereditary graph class such that \(\mathcal{C} \subsetneq \mathcal{G}^\delta\) then there must exist a non-trivial finite forbidden graph \(F\) that is in \(\mathcal{G}^\delta\) but not in \(\mathcal{C}\). In turn, this graph \(F\) must be an induced subgraph of some \(H^\delta_{j,1}(k,k)\) for some \(j\) and \(k\in \mathbb{N}\), and thus \(\mathcal{C} \subseteq \operatorname{Free}(H^\delta_{j,1}(k,k))\). We know that for a minimal class, \(\delta\) must be recurrent, because if it contains a \(k\)-factor \(\delta_{[j,j+k-1]}\) that either does not repeat, or repeats only a finite number of times, then \(\mathcal{G}^\delta\) cannot be minimal, as forbidding the induced subgraph \(H^\delta_{j,1}(k,k)\) would leave a proper subclass that still has unbounded clique-width. Therefore, we will only consider recurrent \(\delta\) for the remainder of the paper.
## The bond-graph {#bond-graph}
To study minimality we will use the following graph class. A *bond-graph* \(B^\beta(Q)=(V,E)\) for finite \(Q \subseteq\mathbb{N}\) has vertices \(V=Q\) and edges \(E=\beta_Q\). Let \(\mathcal{B}^\beta= \{B^\beta(Q): Q \subseteq \mathbb{N} \text{ finite}\}\). Note that \(\mathcal{B}^\beta\) is a hereditary subclass of \(\mathcal{G}^\delta\) because
1. if \(Q^\prime \subseteq Q\) then \(B^\beta(Q^\prime)\) is also a bond-graph, and
2. \(B^\beta(Q)\) is an induced subgraph of \(\mathcal{P}^\delta\) since if \(Q=\{y_1, y_2, \dots ,y_n\}\) with \(y_1<y_2< \dots <y_n\) then it can be constructed from \(\mathcal{P}^\delta\) by taking one vertex from each column \(y_j\) in turn such that there is no \(\alpha\) or \(\gamma\) edge to previously constructed vertices.
We define a parameter (for \(n \ge 2\)) \[\mathcal{M}^\beta(n)= \sup_{m<n} \mu(B^\beta([1,n]),[1,m]).\] The bond-graphs can be characterised as the sub-class of graphs on a single row (although missing the \(\alpha\)-edges) with the parameter \(\mathcal{M}^\beta\) measuring the number of distinct neighbourhoods between intervals of a single row. We will say that the bond-set \(\beta\) has *bounded \(\mathcal{M}^\beta\)* if there exists \(M\) such that \(\mathcal{M}^\beta(n) < M\) for all \(n \in \mathbb{N}\). The following proposition will prove useful later in creating linear clique-width expressions.
## Veins and Slices
We will start by considering only graph classes \(\mathcal{G}^\delta\) for \(\delta=(\alpha,\beta,\gamma)\) in which \(\alpha\) is an infinite word from the alphabet \(\{0,2\}\) and then extend to the case where \(\alpha\) is an infinite word from the alphabet \(\{0,1,2,3\}\). Consider a specific embedding of a graph \(G=(V,E) \in \mathcal{C}\) in \(\mathcal{P}^\delta\), and recall that the induced subgraph of \(G\) on the vertices \(V\cap C_{[j,j+k-1]}\) is denoted \(G_{[j,j+k-1]}\). Let \(\alpha\) be an infinite word over the alphabet \(\{0,2\}\). A *vein* \(\mathcal{V}\) of \(G_{[j,j+k-1]}\) is a set of \(t \le k\) vertices \(\{v_s,\dots, v_{s+t-1}\}\) in consecutive columns such that \(v_y \in V \cap C_y\) for each \(y \in \{s, \dots, s+t-1 \}\) and for which \(v_y \sim v_{y+1}\) for all \(y \in \{s, \dots, s+t-2 \}\). We will call a vein of length \(k\) a *full* vein and a vein of length \(<k\) a *part* vein. Note that as \(\alpha\) comes from the alphabet \(\{0,2\}\), for a vein \(\{v_s,\dots, v_{s+t-1}\}\), \(v_{y+1}\) is no higher than \(v_y\) for each \(y \in \{s, \dots, s+t-2 \}\). A horizontal row of \(k\) vertices in \(G_{[j,j+k-1]}\) is a full vein. As \(G\) is \(\operatorname{Free}(H^\delta_{j,1}(k,k))\) we know that no set of vertices of \(G\) induces \(H^\delta_{j,1}(k,k)\). We consider this in terms of disjoint full veins of \(G_{[j,j+k-1]}\). Note that \(k\) rows of vertices between column \(j\) and column \(j+k-1\) are a set of \(k\) disjoint full veins and are isomorphic to \(H^\delta_{j,1}(k,k)\). There are other sets of \(k\) disjoint full veins that form a graph isomorphic to \(H^\delta_{j,1}(k,k)\), but some sets of \(k\) full veins do not. Our first task is to clarify when a set of \(k\) full veins has this property. Let \(\{v_j,\dots, v_{j+k-1}\}\) be a full vein such that each vertex \(v_x\) has coordinates \((x,u_x)\) in \(\mathcal{P}\), observing that \(u_{x+1}\le u_x\) for \(x \in [j,j+k-2]\). We construct an *upper border* to be a set of vertical coordinates \(\{w_j,\dots, w_{j+k-1}\}\) using the following procedure:
1. Set \(w_j=u_j\),
2. Set \(x=j+1\),
3. if \(\alpha_{x-1}=2\) set \(w_x=u_{x-1}\),
4. if \(\alpha_{x-1}=0\) set \(w_x=w_{x-1}\),
5. set \(x=x+1\),
6. if \(x=j+k\) terminate the procedure, otherwise return to step \((3)\).
Given a full vein \(\mathcal{V}=\{v_j,\dots, v_{j+k-1}\}\), define the *fat vein* \(\mathcal{V}^f=\{v_{x,y} \in V(G_{[j,j+k-1]}):x \in [j,j+k-1],y \in [u_x,w_x]\}\) (See examples shown in Figure [\[fig-col1\]](#fig-col1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig-col1"}). Let \(\mathcal{V}_1\) and \(\mathcal{V}_2\) be two full veins. Then we say they are *independent* if \(\mathcal{V}^f_1 \cap \mathcal{V}^f_2 = \emptyset\) i.e. their corresponding fat veins are disjoint.
## Vertex colouring {#sect:vert_col}
Our objective is to identify conditions on (recurrent) \(\delta\) that make \(\mathcal{G}^\delta\) a minimal class of unbounded linear clique-width. For such a \(\delta\) we must show that any graph \(G\) in a proper hereditary subclass \(\mathcal{C}\) has bounded linear clique-width. In order to do this we will partition \(G\) into manageable sections (which we will call \"panels\"), the divisions between the panels chosen so that they can be built separately and then 'stuck' back together again, using a linear clique-width expression requiring only a bounded number of labels. In this section we describe a vertex colouring that will lead (in Section [4.5](#Sect:panels){reference-type="ref" reference="Sect:panels"}) to the construction of these panels. As previously observed, for any subclass \(\mathcal{C}\) there exist \(j\) and \(k\) such that \(\mathcal{C} \subseteq \operatorname{Free}(H^\delta_{j,1}(k,k))\). As \(\delta\) is recurrent, if we let \(\delta^*=\delta_{[j,j+k-1]}\) be the \(k\)-factor that defines the forbidden graph \(H^\delta_{j,1}(k,k)\), we can find \(\delta^*\) in \(\delta\) infinitely often, and we will use these instances of \(\delta^*\) to divide our embedded graph \(G\) into the required panels. Firstly, we will construct a maximal set \(\mathbb{B}\) of independent full veins for \(G_{[j,j+k-1]}\), a section of \(G\) that by Proposition [\[prop:full_veins\]](#prop:full_veins){reference-type="ref" reference="prop:full_veins"} cannot have more than \((k-1)\) independent full veins. We start with the lowest full vein (remembering that the rows of the grid \(\mathcal{P}\) are indexed from the bottom) and then keep adding the next lowest independent full vein until the process is exhausted. Note that the next lowest independent full vein is unique because if we have two full veins \(\mathcal{V}_1, \mathcal{V}_2\) with vertices \(\{v_j,\dots, v_{j+k-1}\}\) and \(\{v^{\prime}_j,\dots, v^{\prime}_{j+k-1}\}\) respectively then they can be combined to give \(\{min(v_j,v^{\prime}_j),\dots,min(v_{j+k-1},v^{\prime}_{j+k-1})\}\) which is a full vein with a vertex in each column at least as low as the vertices of \(\mathcal{V}_1\) and \(\mathcal{V}_2\). Let \(\mathbb{B}\) contain \(b<k\) independent full veins, numbered from the bottom as \(\mathcal{V}_1, \cdots, \mathcal{V}_b\) such that any other full vein not in \(\mathbb{B}\) must have a vertex in common with a fat vein \(\mathcal{V}^f_y\) corresponding to one of the veins \(\mathcal{V}_y\) of \(\mathbb{B}\). Let \(u_{x,y}\) be the lowest vertical coordinate and \(w_{x,y}\) the highest vertical coordinate of vertices in \(\mathcal{V}^f_y \cap C_x\). We define \(\mathcal{S}_0 = \{v_{x,y}\in V(G_{[j,j+k-1]}): x \in [j,j+k-1], y < u_{x,1} \}\), \(\mathcal{S}_b = \{v_{x,y}\in V(G_{[j,j+k-1]}): x \in [j,j+k-1], y > w_{x,b} \}\), and for \(y=1,\dots,b-1\) we define: \[\mathcal{S}_i = \{v_{x,y}\in V(G_{[j,j+k-1]}): x \in [j,j+k-1], w_{x,i} < y < u_{x,i+1} \}\] This gives us \(b+1\) *slices* \(\{\mathcal{S}_0, \mathcal{S}_1, \cdots, \mathcal{S}_b \}\). We partition the vertices in the fat veins and the slices into sets which have similar neighbourhoods, which will facilitate the division of \(G\) into panels. We colour the vertices of \(G_{[j,j+k-1]}\) so that each slice has green/pink vertices to the left and red vertices to the right of the partition, and each fat vein has blue vertices (if any) to the left and yellow vertices to the right. Examples of vertex colourings are shown in Figure [\[fig-col1\]](#fig-col1){reference-type="ref" reference="fig-col1"}. Colour the vertices of each slice \(\mathcal{S}_i\) as follows:
- Colour any vertices in the left-hand column green. Now colour green any remaining vertices in the slice that are connected to one of the green left-hand column vertices by a part vein that does not have a vertex in common with any of the fat veins corresponding to the full veins in \(\mathbb{B}\).
- Locate the column \(t\) of the right-most green vertex in the slice. If there are no green vertices set \(t=s=j\). If \(t>j\) then choose \(s\) in the range \(j \le s < t\) such that \(s\) is the highest column index for which \(\alpha_{s}=2\). If there are no columns before \(t\) for which \(\alpha_{s}=2\) then set \(s=j\). Colour pink any vertices in the slice (not already coloured) in columns \(j\) to \(s\) which are below a vertex already coloured green.
- Colour any remaining vertices in the slice red.
Note that no vertex in the right-hand column can be green because if there was such a vertex then this would contradict the fact that there can be no full veins other than those which have a vertex in common with one of the fat veins corresponding to the full veins in \(\mathbb{B}\). Furthermore, no vertex in the right hand column can be pink as this would contradict the fact that every pink vertex must lie below a green vertex in the same slice. Colour the vertices of each fat vein \(\mathcal{V}^f_i\) as follows:
- Let \(s\) be the column as defined above for the slice immediately above the fat vein. If \(s=j\) colour the whole fat vein yellow. If \(s>j\) colour vertices of the fat vein in columns \(j\) to \(s\) blue and the rest of the vertices in the fat vein yellow.
When we create a clique-width expression we will be particularly interested in the edges between the blue and green/pink vertices to the left and the red and yellow vertices to the right.
Having established these propositions, as the pink and green vertices in a particular slice and column have the same adjacencies to the red and yellow vertices, we now combine the green and pink sets and simply refer to them all as *green*.
## Extending \(\alpha\) to the \(4\)-letter alphabet
Our analysis so far has been based on \(\alpha\) being a word from the alphabet \(\{0,2\}\). We now use the following lemma to extend our colouring to the case where \(\alpha\) is a word over the \(4\)-letter alphabet \(\{0,1,2,3\}\). Let \(\alpha\) be an infinite word over the alphabet \(\{0,1,2,3\}\) and \(\alpha^+\) be the infinite word over the alphabet \(\{0,2\}\) such that for each \(x \in \mathbb{N}\), \[\alpha^+_x= \begin{cases} 0&\text{ if } \alpha_x=0 \text{ or } 1,\\ 2&\text{ if } \alpha_x=2 \text{ or } 3, \end{cases}\] Denoting \(\delta=(\alpha,\beta,\gamma)\) and \(\delta^+=(\alpha^+,\beta,\gamma)\), let \(G=(V,E)\) be a graph in the class \(\mathcal{G}^\delta\) with a particular embedding in the vertex grid \(V(\mathcal{P})\). We will refer to \(G^+=(V,E^+)\) as the graph with the same vertex set \(V\) as \(G\) from the class \(\mathcal{G}^{\delta^+}\).
## Panel construction {#Sect:panels}
We now construct the panels of \(G\) based on our embedding of \(G\) in \(\mathcal{P}^{\delta}\). To recap, \(\delta^*=\delta_{[j,j+k-1]}\) is the \(k\)-factor that defines the forbidden graph \(H^\delta_{j,1}(k,k)\) and we will use the repeated instances of \(\delta^*\) to divide our embedded graph \(G\) into panels. Define \(t_0, t_1, \dots, t_{\omega}\) where \(t_0\) is the index of the column before the first column of the embedding of \(G\), \(t_{\omega}\) is the index of the last column of the embedding of \(G\) and \(t_i\) (\(0<i<\omega\)) represents the rightmost letter index of the \(i\)-th copy of \(\delta^*\) in \(\delta\), such that \(t_i>k+t_{i-1}\) to ensure the copies are disjoint. Hence, the \(i\)-th copy of \(\delta^*\) in \(\delta\) corresponds to columns \(C_{[t_i-k+1,t_i]}\) of \(\mathcal{P}^\delta\) and we denote the induced graph on these columns \(G^*_i=G_{[t_i-k+1,t_i]}\). Colour the vertices of \(G^*_i\) blue, yellow, green or red as described in Section [4.3](#sect:vert_col){reference-type="ref" reference="sect:vert_col"}. Call these vertex sets \(U^b_i\), \(U^y_i\), \(U^g_i\) and \(U^r_i\) respectively. Denote \(U^w_1\) as the vertices in \(G_{[t_0+1,t_1-k]}\), and for \(1<i< \omega\) denote \(U^w_i\) the set of vertices in \(G_{[t_i+1,t_{i+1}-k]}\) and colour the vertices in each \(U^w_i\) white. We now create a sequence of *panels*, the first panel is \(P_1=U^w_1 \cup U^g_1 \cup U^b_1\), and subsequent panels given by \[P_i=U^y_{i-1}\cup U^r_{i-1}\cup U^w_i\cup U^g_i\cup U^b_i.\] These panels create a disjoint partition of the vertices of our embedding of \(G\). The following lemma will be used to put a bound on the number of labels required in a linear clique-width expression to create edges between panels. We denote \(\mathbb{P}_i=\cup_{s=1}^i P_s\), and \(\mathcal{V}^f_{i,x}\) and \(\mathcal{S}_{i,x}\) as the \(x\)-th fat vein and \(x\)-th slice respectively of \(G^*_i\).
## When \(\mathcal{G}^\delta\) is a minimal class of unbounded clique-width {#minimalproof}
Our strategy for proving that an arbitrary graph \(G\) in a proper hereditary subclass of \(\mathcal{G}^\delta\) has bounded linear clique-width (and hence bounded clique-width) is to define an algorithm to create a linear clique-width expression that allows us to recycle labels so that we can put a bound on the total number of labels required, however many vertices there are in \(G\). We do this by constructing a linear clique-width expression for each panel \(P_i\) in \(G\) in a linear sequence, leaving the labels on each vertex of previously constructed panels \(\mathbb{P}_{i-1}\) with an appropriate label to allow edges to be constructed between the current panel/vertex and previous panels. To be able to achieve this we require the following ingredients:
1. \(\delta\) to be recurrent so we can create the panels,
2. a bound on the number of labels required to create each new panel,
3. a process of relabelling so that we can leave appropriate labels on each vertex of the current panel to enable connecting to previous panels, before moving on to the next panel, and
4. a bound on the number of labels required to create edges to previously constructed panels.
We have \((a)\) by assumption and we will deal with \((c)\) and \((d)\) in the proof of Theorem [\[thm-0123minim\]](#thm-0123minim){reference-type="ref" reference="thm-0123minim"}. The next two lemmas show how we can restrict \(\delta\) further, using a new concept of 'gap factors', to ensure \((b)\) is achieved.
As a consequence of Lemma [\[lem-lcw-rectangular-block\]](#lem-lcw-rectangular-block){reference-type="ref" reference="lem-lcw-rectangular-block"}, if \(\delta\) is almost periodic, so that for any factor \(\delta^*\) of \(\delta\) every factor of \(\delta\) of length at least \(\mathcal{L}(\delta^*)\) contains \(\delta^*\), then each panel \(P_i\) covers a maximum of \(\mathcal{L}(\delta^*)+k\) columns and \(G[P_i]\) can be constructed with at most \(2\mathcal{L}(\delta^*)+2k\) labels. So (b) is satisfied for \(\delta\) almost periodic, but we wish to go further. We will call the factors between, and including, any consecutive pair of occurrences of a \(k\)-factor \(\delta^*\) the *\(\delta^*\)-gap factors*. If \(\delta\) is recurrent but not almost periodic then there exists a \(k\)-factor \(\delta^*=\delta_{[j,j+k-1]}\), say, such that the \(\delta^*\)-gap factors can be arbitrarily long and Lemma [\[lem-lcw-rectangular-block\]](#lem-lcw-rectangular-block){reference-type="ref" reference="lem-lcw-rectangular-block"} will not be sufficient to demonstrate a bound on the number of labels required to construct \(P_i\). Using the same column indices \(\{t_i\}\) used for panel construction in Section [4.5](#Sect:panels){reference-type="ref" reference="Sect:panels"}, let the \(i\)-th \(\delta^*\)-gap factor be denoted \(\delta_{q_i}\) where \(q_1=[t_{0}+1,t_1]\) and \(q_i=[t_{i-1}-k+1,t_i]\) for \(1<i<\omega\). Note that for every \(i\), \(P_i\subseteq C_{q_i}\). We define a two-row graph \(T^\delta(q_i)\) (see Section [3.1](#two-row){reference-type="ref" reference="two-row"}) corresponding to each \(q_i\), with vertex partition \(R_1(q_i) \cup R_2(q_i)\) and with related parameter \(\mathcal{N}^\delta(q_i)= \mu(T^\delta(q_i),R_1(q_i))\). We will define \(\mathcal{N}^\delta_*(n) = \sup_{1 \le i \le n}\mathcal{N}^\delta(q_i)\) and will say \(\mathcal{N}^\delta_*\) is bounded if \(\mathcal{N}^\delta_*(n)\) is bounded as \(n \rightarrow \infty\).
An example of a recurrent but *not* almost periodic triple \(\delta=(\alpha, \emptyset, 0^\infty)\) for which \(\mathcal{N}^\delta\) is unbounded, but where for any factor \(\delta^*\) of \(\delta\) the parameter \(\mathcal{N}^\delta_*\) is bounded, was given in , where \(\alpha\) is a recurrent but not almost periodic binary word constructed by a process of substitution. We are now in a position to define a set of hereditary graph classes \(\mathcal{G}^\delta\) that are minimal of unbounded clique-width. We will denote \(\Delta_{min} \subseteq \Delta\) as the set of all \(\delta\)-triples in \(\Delta\) with the characteristics:
1. \(\delta\) is recurrent,
2. for any factor \(\delta^*\) of \(\delta\), the parameter \(\mathcal{N}^\delta_*\) is bounded (includes all almost periodic \(\delta\) in \(\Delta\)), and
3. the bond set \(\beta\) has bounded \(\mathcal{M}^\beta\).
The conditions for \(\delta\) to be in \(\Delta_{min}\) are sufficient for the class \(\mathcal{G}^\delta\) to be minimal. It is fairly easy to see that the first two conditions (recurrence and bounded clique-width for gap factors) are also necessary. However, there remains a question regarding the necessity of the bond set \(\beta\) to have bounded \(\mathcal{M}^\beta\). We have been unable to identify any \(\delta \not\in \Delta_{min}\) such that \(\mathcal{G}^\delta\) is a minimal class of unbounded clique-width, hence:
# Examples of new minimal classes {#Sect:examples}
It has already been shown in that there are uncountably many minimal hereditary classes of graphs of unbounded clique-width. However, armed with the new framework we can now identify many other types of minimal classes. Some examples of \(\delta=(\alpha,\beta,\gamma\)) values that yield a minimal class are shown in Table [2](#table-examples){reference-type="ref" reference="table-examples"}.
# Concluding remarks {#Sect-Conclude}
The ideas of periodicity and recurrence are well established concepts when applied to symbolic sequences (i.e. words). Application to \(\delta\)-triples and in particular \(\beta\)-bonds is rather different and needs further investigation. The \(\beta\)-bonds have been defined as generally as possible, allowing a bond between any two non-consecutive columns. The purpose of this was to capture as many minimal classes in the framework as possible. However, it may be observed that the definition is so general that for any finite graph \(G\) it is possible to define \(\beta\) so that \(G\) is isomorphic to an induced subgraph of \(B^\beta(Q)\) and hence \(\mathcal{G}^\delta\). In these \(\mathcal{G}^\delta\) graph classes we have seen that unboundedness of clique-width is determined by the unboundedness of a parameter measuring the number of distinct neighbourhoods between two-rows. The minimal classes are those which satisfy defined recurrence characteristics and for which there is a bound on a parameter measuring the number of distinct neighbourhoods between vertices in one row. Hence, whilst we have created a framework for many types of minimal classes, there may be further classes 'hidden' in the \(\beta\)-bonds. Indeed, we believe other types of minimal hereditary classes of unbounded clique-width exist and this is still an open area for research.
[^1]: The *bipartite complement* \(\hat{G}\) of a bipartite graph \(G\) has the same independent vertex sets \(V_1\) and \(V_2\) as \(G\) where vertices \(v_1 \in V_1\) and \(v_2 \in V_2\) are adjacent in \(\hat{G}\) if and only if they are not adjacent in \(G\). | {'timestamp': '2022-03-30T02:30:36', 'yymm': '2203', 'arxiv_id': '2203.15446', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15446'} |
# Introduction
Quantum metrology studies the employment of quantum resources (such as entanglement and discord ) on the enhancement of measurement accuracy. The problem of quantum metrology can be reduced to find optimal scheme for the estimation of parameters that are encoded in a probe system undergoing parameter-dependent evolutions. Taking into account the laws of quantum mechanics, quantum resources are capable to improve the precision of the gravitational wave detection, distributed quantum sensing , quantum imaging, and clock synchronization . In recent years, quantum metrological technique has been employed to enhance the accuracy of estimation for relativistic effects and spacetime parameters, which gives birth to relativistic quantum metrology. These studies are nontrivial because the estimated parameters govern some key phenomena in which both quantum and spacetime effects are relevant. Previous researches on the relativistic quantum metrology include the estimation of Unruh-Hawking effect for free modes, moving cavities , and accelerated detectors, the metrology of cosmological parameters, and precise measurement of spacetime parameters of the Earth , among others. The advantage of optical quantum metrological settings has been experimentally verified by the detection of gravitational via squeezed light and the quantum-enhanced clock synchronization. For a customary optical quantum metrology, the generator of parameter is known as a priori, then tailored quantum resources such as squeezed and entangled states can be exploited to improve the precision of phase estimation. In 2014, Girolami *et al.* proposed a framework for the black-box quantum parameter estimation, which can be applied to the case where the probe state undergoes a priori unknown evolution. That isthe generator of the estimated parameter in the probe state is *not known a priori*. The interferometric power was introduced to quantify the precision for the estimation of encoded parameters in a worst-case scenario, and has been proved that it is equivalent to a computable measure of discord-type quantum correlations for the probe state. Adesso generalized the research on interferometric power to continuous-variable and proposed a closed formula of the Gaussian interferometric power (GIP) for continuous-variable quantum systems. A complete quantum parameter estimation process of the black-box parameter estimation can also be divided into four steps: the preparation of the probe state, the evolution of the probe state in the measuring system, the measurement of the output probe state after evolution, and the estimation of parameters according to the measurement results. In the black-box paradigm, the output state contains information of the parameters after interacting with the quantum system with unknown parameters, and then the unknown parameters of the system to be measured indirectly by measuring the change of the output state of the probe.In this paper, we suggest a black-box parameter estimating strategy for the spacetime parameters and study the dynamics of the GIP for the de Sitter space. The black-box estimation strategy is required because the spacetime effect of the de Sitter space is a two-mode squeezing transformation acting on the causally disconnected regions. Therefore, it is impossible to perform a customary metrological process where the generator of parameter is known as a priori. In the present work, an optical Mach-Zender interferometer is involved to estimate the expanding parameter for the de Sitter space. Such a setup can be theoretically modeled as a dual-arm channel, where the estimated parameter is encoded to one arm only, and the identity operation is applied to the other arm. We assume that a subsystem of the initial state is observed by the global observer Alice who moves along geodesics, the other subsystem is described by the observer Bob who is restricted to one region in the de Sitter space, which is causally disconnected from the other region. Under the spacetime effect of the de Sitter space, the parameters of the two-mode squeezing transformation are encoded into the black-box device. The information of the spacetime is obtained when the measurements are completed at the output side of the interferometer. We find that the role of the probe state between different open charts is quite distinct for the black-box parameter estimation. In addition, the quantum discord of probe states serves as a promising resource for the black-box quantum parameter estimation when there is no entanglement between the initially uncorrelated probe states in the de Sitter space. The organization of the paper is as follows. In Sec. II we review the solutions of mode functions and Bogoliubov transformations in the de Sitter space. In Sec. III we introduce the scheme of the black-box optical interferometer and the role of the GIP. In Sec. IV we study the black-box estimation of spacetime parameters and the behavior of the GIP in the de Sitter space. In the final section, we summarize our results.
# The behavior of scalar field in the de Sitter space [\[model\]]{#model label="model"}
We consider a free scalar field \(\phi\) with mass \(m\) which is initially described by two experimenters, Alice and Bob, in the Bunch-Davies vacuum of the de Sitter space. The coordinate frames of the open charts in the de Sitter space can be obtained by analytic continuation from the Euclidean metric. As shown in Fig.1, the spacetime geometry of the de Sitter space is divided into three open charts, which are denoted by \(R\), \(L\) and \(C\), respectively. We assume that a subsystem of the initial state is observed by the global observer Alice moving along geodesics, the other subsystem is described by the observer Bob restricted to the region \(R\) in the de Sitter space, and the region \(R\) is causally disconnected from the region \(L\). The metrics for the two causally disconnected open charts \(R\) and \(L\) in the de Sitter space are given by \[\begin{aligned}
ds^2_R&=&H^{-2}\left[-dt^2_R+\sinh^2t_R\left(dr^2_R+\sinh^2r_R\,d\Omega^2\right) \right]\,,\nonumber\\ ds^2_L&=&H^{-2}\left[-dt^2_L+\sinh^2t_L\left(dr^2_L+\sinh^2r_L\,d\Omega^2\right) \right]\,, \end{aligned}\] where \(d\Omega^2\) is the metric on the two-sphere and \(H^{-1}\) is the Hubble radius. The solutions of the Klein-Gordon equation in different regions are found to be \[\begin{aligned}
\label{solutions1} u_{\sigma p\ell m}(t_{R(L)},r_{R(L)},\Omega)&\sim&\frac{H}{\sinh t_{R(L)}}\, \chi_{p,\sigma}(t_{R(L)})\,Y_{p\ell m} (r_{R(L)},\Omega)\,,\qquad \nonumber\\-{\rm\bf L^2}Y_{p\ell m}&=&\left(1+p^2\right)Y_{p\ell m}\,, \end{aligned}\] where \(Y_{p\ell m}\) are harmonic functions on the three-dimensional hyperbolic space. In Eq. ([\[solutions1\]](#solutions1){reference-type="ref" reference="solutions1"}), \(\chi_{p,\sigma}(t_{R(L)})\) are positive frequency mode functions supporting on the \(R\) and \(L\) regions \[\begin{aligned}
\chi_{p,\sigma}(t_{R(L)})=\left\{ \begin{array}{l} \frac{e^{\pi p}-i\sigma e^{-i\pi\nu}}{\Gamma(\nu+ip+\frac{1}{2})}P_{\nu-\frac{1}{2}}^{ip}(\cosh t_R)-\frac{e^{-\pi p}-i\sigma e^{-i\pi\nu}}{\Gamma(\nu-ip+\frac{1}{2})}P_{\nu-\frac{1}{2}}^{-ip}(\cosh t_R) \,,\\ \\ \frac{\sigma e^{\pi p}-i\,e^{-i\pi\nu}}{\Gamma(\nu+ip+\frac{1}{2})}P_{\nu-\frac{1}{2}}^{ip}(\cosh t_L)-\frac{\sigma e^{-\pi p}-i\,e^{-i\pi\nu}}{\Gamma(\nu-ip+\frac{1}{2})}P_{\nu-\frac{1}{2}}^{-ip}(\cosh t_L) \,, \label{solutions} \end{array} \right. \end{aligned}\] where \(\sigma=\pm 1\) distinguish the independent solutions for each open chart and \(P^{\pm ip}_{\nu-\frac{1}{2}}\) are the associated Legendre functions. The above solutions can be normalized by the factor \(N_{p}=\frac{4\sinh\pi p\,\sqrt{\cosh\pi p-\sigma\sin\pi\nu}}{\sqrt{\pi}\,|\Gamma(\nu+ip+\frac{1}{2})|}\,,\) where \(p\) is a positive real parameter normalized by \(H\). The mass parameter \(\nu\) is defined by \(\nu=\sqrt{\frac{9}{4}-\frac{m^2}{H^2}}\,\). Here and below in the text, we focus on the case \(m^2/H^2<9/4\) to save space and make the discussion clear. The extension to the case \(m^2/H^2>9/4\) is straightforward, and the result we present will include both mass ranges. For \(1/2<\nu<3/2\), it is known that there exists a super-curvature mode \(p=ik\) where \(0<k<1\), which may be regarded as a bound-state mode. The role of supercurvature modes in quantum entanglement is ambiguous.Note that the curvature effect starts to appear around \(p\sim 1\) in three-dimensional hyperbolic space , and the effect of the curvature becomes stronger when \(p\) is less than \(1\). Therefore, \(p\) can be considered as the curvature parameter of the de Sitter space. The mass parameter \(\nu\) has two special values: \(\nu=1/2\) (\(m^2=2H^2\)) for the conformally coupled massless scalar field, and \(\nu=3/2\) for the minimally coupled massless scalar field. The scalar field can be expanded in accordance with the creation and annihilation operators \[\begin{aligned}
\hat\phi(t,r,\Omega) =\frac{H}{\sinh t}\int dp \sum_{\ell,m}\phi_{p\ell m}(t)Y_{p\ell m}(r,\Omega) \,, \end{aligned}\] where \(a_{\sigma p\ell m}|0\rangle_{\rm BD}=0\) is the annihilation operator of the Bunch-Davies vacuum, and the Fourier mode field operator \(\phi_{p\ell m}(t)\equiv \sum_\sigma\left[\,a_{\sigma p\ell m}\,\chi_{p,\sigma}(t) +a_{\sigma p\ell-m}^\dagger\,\chi^*_{p,\sigma}(t)\right]\) has been introduced. For brevity, the indices \(p\), \(\ell\), \(m\) of \(\phi_{p\ell m}\) of the operators and mode functions will be omitted below. Since the Fourier mode field operator should be the same under the change of mode functions, we can relate the operators \((a_\sigma,a_\sigma^\dag)\) and \((b_q,b_q^\dag)\) by a Bogoliubov transformation \[\begin{aligned}
\phi(t)=a_\sigma\,\chi^\sigma+a_\sigma^\dag\,\chi^\sigma{}^* =b_q\,\varphi^q+b_q^\dag\,\varphi^q{}^*\,, \label{fo} \end{aligned}\] where the creation and annihilation operators (\(b_q,b_q^\dag\)) in different regions are introduced to ensure \(b_q|0\rangle_{q}=0\). To facilitate the calculation of degrees of freedom in \(L\) space, the Bunch-Davies vacuum is expressed as \[\begin{aligned}
|0\rangle_{\rm BD} = N_{\gamma_p}^{-1} \exp\left(\gamma_p\,c_R^\dagger\,c_L^\dagger\,\right)|0\rangle_{R'}|0\rangle_{L'}\. \label{bogoliubov3} \end{aligned}\] In Eq. ([\[bogoliubov3\]](#bogoliubov3){reference-type="ref" reference="bogoliubov3"}) we have introduced new operators \(c_q=(c_R,c_L)\) that satisfy \[\begin{aligned}
c_R = u\,b_R + v\,b_R^\dagger \,,\qquad c_L = u^*\,b_L + v^*\,b_L^\dagger\. \label{bc} \end{aligned}\] The normalization factor \(N_{\gamma_p}\) in Eq. ([\[bogoliubov3\]](#bogoliubov3){reference-type="ref" reference="bogoliubov3"}) is given by \[\begin{aligned}
N_{\gamma_p}^2 =\left|\exp\left(\gamma_p\,c_R^\dagger\,c_L^\dagger\,\right)|0\rangle_{R'}|0\rangle_{L'} \right|^2 =\frac{1}{1-|\gamma_p|^2}\. \label{norm2} \end{aligned}\] Considering the definition of \(c_R\) and \(c_L\) in Eq. ([\[bc\]](#bc){reference-type="ref" reference="bc"}) and the consistency relations from Eq. ([\[bogoliubov3\]](#bogoliubov3){reference-type="ref" reference="bogoliubov3"}), it is demanded that \(c_R|0\rangle_{\rm BD}=\gamma_p\,c_L^\dag|0\rangle_{\rm BD}\), \(c_L|0\rangle_{\rm BD}=\gamma_p\,c_R^\dag|0\rangle_{\rm BD}\). Then we obtain \[\begin{aligned}
\gamma_p = i\frac{\sqrt{2}}{\sqrt{\cosh 2\pi p + \cos 2\pi \nu} + \sqrt{\cosh 2\pi p + \cos 2\pi \nu +2 }}\. \label{gammap2} \end{aligned}\] For the conformally coupled massless scalar field (\(\nu=1/2\)) and the minimally coupled massless scalar (\(\nu=3/2\)), \(\gamma_p\) simplifies to \(|\gamma_p|=e^{-\pi p}\).
# Black-box optical parameter estimation and the GIP {#sec2}
Our black-box parameter estimation setup is modeled as a dual-arm channel, where the estimated parameter \(\gamma_p\) is encoded to the upper arm. As shown in Fig. 1, the proposal of black-box quantum parameter estimation includes the following steps. Initially, Alice and Bob share a two-mode squeezed state \(\rho_{AB}\) in the Bunch-Davies vacuum, which plays as the probe state at the "in\" side. Then the mode \(B\) in the upper arm of the channel passes through the de Sitter space region, which acts as the black-box device. The parameters of the de Sitter space is encoded into the black box device to obtain the estimator of the parameter \(\gamma_p\). As shown in, under the influence of the de Sitter spacetime, the mode \(B\) undergoes a two-mode squeezing transformation \(S_{B,\bar B}(\gamma_p)\), which encodes the expanding parameter \(\gamma_p\) that we want to estimate. The other mode \(A\) in the lower arm of the channel is not subjected to the spacetime. Finally, we get the output state \(\rho_{AB}^{\gamma_p,S_{B,\bar B}(\gamma_p)}\) at the "out\" side by tracing over the mode \(\bar B\), and one can perform a measurement on the output state \(\rho_{AB}^{\gamma_p,S_{B,\bar B}(\gamma_p)}\) to construct an estimator \({\gamma_p}_{\rm est}\) for the parameter \({\gamma_p}\). If the measurements are performed independently on the transformed state \(N\) times, the uncertainty of the parameter will be constrained by the Cramér-Rao bound \[\label{cramerrao} N\Delta\gamma_p^2 \geq \frac{1}{{\cal F}(\rho_{AB}^{\gamma_p,S_{B,\bar B}(\gamma_p)})}\,,\] where the variance of the parameter \(\gamma_p\) is defined as \(\Delta\gamma_p^2 \equiv \langle ({\gamma_p}_{\rm est}-\gamma_p)^2\rangle\). The quantity \(\cal F\) at the denominator is known as the quantum Fisher information. On the other hand, one can define the vector of field quadratures (position and momentum) operators as \(\hat{R}=(\hat{x}_{A},\hat{p}_{A},\hat{x}_{B},\hat{p}_{B})\) for a two-mode continuous-variable quantum system, which are related to the annihilation \(\hat{a}_{i}\) and creation \(\hat{a}_{i}^{\dag}\) operators for each mode, by the relations \(\hat{x}_{i}=\frac{(\hat{a}_{i}+\hat{a}_{i}^{\dag})}{\sqrt{2}}\) and \(\hat{p}_{i}=\frac{(\hat{a}_{i}-\hat{a}_{i}^{\dag})}{\sqrt{2}i}\). The vector operator satisfies the commutation relationship: \([{{{\hat R}_i},{{\hat R}_j}} ] = i{\Omega _{ij}}\), with \(\Omega = \bigoplus_1^{n+m} {{\ 0\ \ 1}\choose{-1\ 0}}\) being symplectic form. It is known that, the first and second moments of a two-mode Gaussian state \({\rho _{AB}}\) can completely describe all of the properties. For the bipartite state \(\rho_{AB}\), its covariance matrix (second moments) has the form \[\label{cm} \boldsymbol{\sigma}_{AB}=\left(\begin{array}{cc} \mathcal{A}& \mathcal{C} \\ \mathcal{C}^{\sf T} & \mathcal{B} \end{array}\right),\] which can be transformed to a standard form with all diagonal \(2 \times 2\) subblocks, \(\mathcal{A}=\text{diag}(a,a)\), \(\mathcal{B}=\text{diag}(b,b)\), \(\mathcal{C}=\text{diag}(c,d)\), where \(a,b \geq 1, c \geq |d| \geq 0\). The GIP of a two-mode Gaussian probe state with the covariance matrix \(\boldsymbol{\sigma}_{AB}\) is defined as \[\label{ipcv} {\cal P}^B(\boldsymbol{\sigma}_{AB}) = \frac14 \inf_{S_{B,\bar B}(\gamma_p)}{\cal F}(\boldsymbol{\sigma}_{AB}^{\gamma_p,S_{B,\bar B}(\gamma_p)})\,,\] where \(\frac14\) is the normalization factor. The GIP \({\cal P}^B(\boldsymbol{\sigma}_{AB})\) represents the worst-case precision that can be obtained among all possible local dynamic choices if \(\rho_{AB}\) is used as a probe state. It is a precision index that can be applied to any two-mode Gaussian state. In practice, a probe state \(\rho_{AB}\) with the higher GIP reflects a more reliable metering resource, which ensures that the variance for the estimation of \(\gamma_p\) smaller. A closed formula for the GIP of two-mode Gaussian states can be obtained by introducing Eq. ([\[cm\]](#cm){reference-type="ref" reference="cm"}) into Eq. ([\[ipcv\]](#ipcv){reference-type="ref" reference="ipcv"}) \[\label{ipgg} {\cal P}^B_G(\boldsymbol{\sigma}_{AB})=\frac{X+\sqrt{X^2+Y Z}}{2Y}\,,\] where \[\begin{aligned}
X&=&(I_{\mathcal{A}}+I_{\mathcal{C}})(1+I_{\mathcal{B}}+I_{\mathcal{C}}-I)-I^2\,, \\ Y&=&(I-1)(1+I_{\mathcal{A}}+I_{\mathcal{B}}+2I_{\mathcal{C}}+I)\,, \\ Z&=&(I_{\mathcal{A}}+I)(I_{\mathcal{A}}I_{\mathcal{B}}-I)+I_{\mathcal{C}}(2I_{\mathcal{A}}+I_{\mathcal{C}})(1+I_{\mathcal{B}})\. \end{aligned}\] In Eq. ([\[ipgg\]](#ipgg){reference-type="ref" reference="ipgg"}), we have employed \(I_{\mathcal{A}}=\det\mathcal{A}\), \(I_{\mathcal{B}}=\det\mathcal{B}\), \(I_{\mathcal{C}}=\det\mathcal{C}\), and \(I=\det\boldsymbol{\sigma}_{AB}\). Here the symplectic eigenvalues are given by \(2\nu_{\pm}^2 = \Delta \pm \sqrt{\Delta^2-4I}\) with \(\Delta = I_{\mathcal{A}}+I_{\mathcal{B}}+2I_{\mathcal{C}}\). As one of the most important resources in quantum information tasks, quantum entanglement plays a significant role in quantum metrology. To better explore how to obtain higher parameter estimation accuracy, we calculate the logarithmic negativity to measure entanglement \[\label{lone} \mathbf{E}_{\cal N}(\boldsymbol{\sigma}_{AB}) = \max\{0,\,-\ln {\tilde{\nu}_{-}}\}\,,\] and explore the relationship between entanglement and the GIP. In Eq. ([\[lone\]](#lone){reference-type="ref" reference="lone"}), the logarithmic negativity is defined in terms of the minimum symplectic eigenvalue of the partially transposed state. Under the partial transposition, the invariant \(\Delta\) is changed into \(\tilde{\Delta}=I_{\mathcal{A}}+I_{\mathcal{B}}-2I_{\mathcal{C}}\) for a bipartite quantum state. The symplectic eigenvalues are given by \(2\tilde{\nu}_{\pm}^2 = \tilde{\Delta}\pm \sqrt{\tilde{\Delta}^2-4I}\).
# Black-box estimation of spacetime parameters and the GIP [\[tools\]]{#tools label="tools"}
## The worst-case precision for Black-box metrology for the initially correlated probe state
We assume that the mode in the black-box is observed by Bob who resides in the open chart region R. Initially, Bob and the global observer Alice share a two-mode squeezed state in the Bunch-Davies vacuum, which can be described by the covariance matrix \[\begin{aligned}
\label{inAR} \sigma^{\rm (G)}_{AB}(s)= \left(\!\!\begin{array}{cccc} \cosh (2s)I_2&\sinh (2s)Z_2\\ \sinh (2s)Z_2&\cosh (2s)I_2\\ \end{array}\!\!\right), \end{aligned}\] where \(s\) is the squeezing of the initial state and \(I_2= {{\ 1\ \ 0}\choose{\ 0\ \ 1}},\) \(Z_2= {{\ 1\ \ 0}\choose{\ 0 \ -1}}\). As showed in, the Bunch-Davies vacuum for a global observer can be expressed as the squeezed state of the \(R\) and \(L\) vacua \[\begin{aligned}
\nonumber|0\rangle_{\rm BD}=\sqrt{1-|\gamma_p|^2}\,\sum_{n=0}^\infty\gamma_p ^n|n\rangle_L|n\rangle_R\,, \label{bogoliubov2} \end{aligned}\] where \(\gamma_B\) is the squeezing parameter given in Eq. ([\[gammap2\]](#gammap2){reference-type="ref" reference="gammap2"}). In the phase space, we use a symplectic operator \(S_{B,\bar B}(\gamma_p)\) to express such transformation, which is \[\begin{aligned}
\label{cmtwomode} S_{B,\bar B}(\gamma_p)= \frac{1}{\sqrt{1-|\gamma_p|^2}}\left(\!\!\begin{array}{cccc} 1&0&|\gamma_p|&0\\ 0&1&0&-|\gamma_p|\\ |\gamma_p|&0&1&0\\ 0&-|\gamma_p|&0&1 \end{array}\!\!\right), \end{aligned}\] where \(S_{B,\bar B}(\gamma_p)\) denotes that the squeezing transformation is performed to the bipartite state shared between Bob and anti-Bob (\(\bar B\)). Bob's observed mode is mapped into two open charts under this transformation. That is to say, an extra set of modes \(\bar{B}\) is relevant from the perspective of a observer in the open charts. Then we can calculate the covariance matrix of the entire state, which is \[\begin{aligned}
\label{All3} \sigma^{\rm }_{AB \bar B}(s,\gamma_p) &=& \left( \begin{array}{ccc} \mathcal{\sigma}_{A} & \mathcal{E}_{AB} & \mathcal{E}_{A\bar B} \\ \mathcal{E}^{\sf T}_{AB} & \mathcal{\sigma}_{B} & \mathcal{E}_{B\bar B} \\ \mathcal{E}^{\sf T}_{A\bar B} & \mathcal{E}^{\sf T}_{B\bar B} & \mathcal{\sigma}_{\bar B} \\ \end{array} \right) \,, \end{aligned}\] where \(\sigma^{\rm (G)}_{AB}(s) \oplus I_{\bar B}\) is the initial covariance matrix for the entire system. In the above expression, the diagonal elements are given by \[\mathcal{\sigma}_{A}=\cosh(2s)I_2,\] \[\mathcal{\sigma}_{B}=\frac{|\gamma_p|^2+\cosh(2s)}{1-|\gamma_p|^2}I_2,\] and \[\mathcal{\sigma}_{\bar B}=\frac{1+|\gamma_p|^2\cosh(2s)}{1-|\gamma_p|^2}I_2.\] Similarly, we find that the non-diagonal elements are \(\mathcal{E}_{AB}=\frac{\sinh(2s)}{\sqrt{1-|\gamma_p|^2}}Z_2\), \(\mathcal{E}_{B\bar B}=\frac{|\gamma_p|(\cosh(2s)+1)}{1-|\gamma_p|^2}Z_2\) and \(\mathcal{E}_{A\bar B}=\frac{|\gamma_p|\sinh(2s)}{\sqrt{1-|\gamma_p|^2}}I_2\). Because Bob in chart \(R\) has no access to the modes in the causally disconnected region \(L\), we must trace over the inaccessible modes. Then one obtains covariance matrix \(\sigma_{AB}\) for Alice and Bob \[\begin{aligned}
\label{AB} \boldsymbol{\sigma}_{AB}(s,\gamma_p)= \left(\!\!\begin{array}{cccc} \cosh(2s)&0&\frac{\sinh(2s)}{\sqrt{1-|\gamma_p|^2}}&0\\ 0&\cosh(2s)&0&-\frac{\sinh(2s)}{\sqrt{1-|\gamma_p|^2}}\\ \frac{\sinh(2s)}{\sqrt{1-|\gamma_p|^2}}&0&\frac{|\gamma_p|^2+\cosh(2s)}{1-|\gamma_p|^2}&0\\ 0&-\frac{\sinh(2s)}{\sqrt{1-|\gamma_p|^2}}&0&-\frac{|\gamma_p|^2+\cosh(2s)}{-1+|\gamma_p|^2} \end{array}\!\!\right). \end{aligned}\] From Eq. ([\[AB\]](#AB){reference-type="ref" reference="AB"}), we obtain \(\Delta^{(AB)}=1+\frac{(1+|\gamma_p|^2\cosh(2s))^2}{(1-|\gamma_p|^2)^2}\). The GIP and entanglement of this state can be calculated via Eq. ([\[ipgg\]](#ipgg){reference-type="ref" reference="ipgg"}) and Eq. ([\[lone\]](#lone){reference-type="ref" reference="lone"}). In Fig. 2(a) and Fig. 2(b), we demonstrate the function images of the GIP and quantum entanglement for the state \(\boldsymbol{\sigma}_{AB}(s,\gamma_p)\) as a function of the mass parameter \(\nu\) and the space curvature parameter \(p\), respectively. It can be seen in Fig. 2 (a) that the variation trend of the GIP and entanglement is basically the same, which verifies the fact that quantum entanglement is the resource of parameter estimation. As mentioned above, the GIP quantifies the precision for the estimation of encoded parameters in a worst-case scenario. A probe state with the higher GIP reflects more reliable metering resources, which ensures the variance for the estimated parameter is smaller. Therefore, we can conclude that the precision of the black-box quantum metrology depends on the abundance of the quantum entanglement in the de Sitter space. It is interesting to find that, either the precision of the black-box parameter estimation or the resource of entanglement is unaffected by the mass parameter \(\nu\) in the flat space limit (\(p=1\)). However, the mass parameter of the field has remarkable effects on the GIP as well as the accuracy of black-box metrology in the curved de Sitter space. In particular, both of them reach non-zero minimum values in the conformal scalar limit (\(\nu=1/2\)) and massless scalar limit (\(\nu=3/2\)). In Fig. 2 (b), we can see that both the GIP and entanglement are monotone increasing functions of the curvature parameter \(p\). Considering that the effect of the curvature becomes stronger when \(p\) becomes less and less from \(1\) to \(0\) , this in fact demonstrates that the lower the space curvature, the higher the accuracy of parameter estimation. It is worth noting that the values of the GIP and entanglement are more sensitive to the spacetime curvature in the massless scalar limit \(\nu=3/2\). Conversely, more quantum entanglement is reserved and higher precision can be attained for the case \(\nu=0\).
## The dynamics of GIP between initially unrelated modes
We also interested in whether the bipartite state between the initially uncorrelated modes can be employed as probe state for the black-box estimation. To this end we study the behavior of the quantum parameter estimation between all the bipartite pairs in the de Sitter spacetime. The covariance matrix \(\sigma_{A\bar B}\) between the observer Alice and the other observer anti-Bob in the region \(L\) is obtained by tracing over the modes \(B\) \[\begin{aligned}
\label{CM2} \sigma_{A\bar B}(s,\gamma_p)= \left(\!\!\begin{array}{cccc} \cosh(2s)&0&\frac{|\gamma_p| \sinh(2s)}{\sqrt{1-|\gamma_p|^2}}&0\\ 0&\cosh(2s)&0&\frac{|\gamma_p| \sinh(2s)}{\sqrt{1-|\gamma_p|^2}}\\ \frac{|\gamma_p|\sinh(2s)}{\sqrt{1-|\gamma_p|^2}}&0&\frac{1+|\gamma_p|^2\cosh(2s)}{1-|\gamma_p|^2}&0\\ 0&\frac{|\gamma_p|\sinh(2s)}{\sqrt{1-|\gamma_p|^2}}&0&\frac{1+|\gamma_p|^2\cosh(2s)}{1-|\gamma_p|^2} \end{array}\!\!\right). \end{aligned}\] The GIP and entanglement of state \(\sigma_{A\bar B}\) can be obtained by using this covariance matrix and have been plotted in Fig. 3. In Fig. 3, we can see that the quantum entanglement between Alice and anti-Bob is zero for any different mass and curvature parameters. That is to say, the curvature of the de Sitter spacetime dose not generate quantum entanglement between Alice and anti-Bob. It is shown from Fig. 3(a) that the mass of the scalar field remarkably affects the accuracy of the black-box parameter estimation in the de Sitter space, which is quite different from the flat space case (\(p=1\)) where the mass parameter does not influence the precision of estimation. If the space curvature parameter is less than \(1\), the GIP is generated by the curvature effect of the de Sitter space. This means the advantage of quantum metrology is ensured in the curved spacetime even the entanglement is zero. In addition, the GIP reaches its maximum when the mass parameters are \(\nu=1/2\) (conformal scalar limit) and \(\nu=3/2\) (massless scalar limit). In Fig. 3(b), it is shown that for the probe state \(\rho_{A\bar B}\), the GIP increases with the increase of curvature effect. Again, we find that the GIP always maintains a non-zero value if the space curvature parameter is less than \(1\). This means the precision of the black-box estimation is enhanced under the influence of the de Sitter curvature. It is also find that the GIP between Alice and anti-Bob for the massless scalar field is much better than the massive fields. That is to say, the probe state is prepared by massless fields has a significant advantage for the quantum metrology in the de Sitter spacetime.In other words, the role of quantum resources for the black-box estimation is played by a non-entanglement quantum correlation. The spacetime effect of the expanding universe may generate some non-entanglement quantum resources between Alice and Bob. The discord-type quantum correlation is believed to be more practical than entanglement to describe the quantum resources in certain quantum systems. As seen in Refs., although there is no entanglement, quantum information processing tasks can also be done efficiently. We wonder if quantum discord is generated by spacetime effects of the de Sitter space. To this end, we introduce the Gaussian quantum discord to explore the relationship between the GIP and discord-type quantum correlation. For the two-mode Gaussian state \(\rho_{AB}\), the Rényi-\(2\) measure of quantum discord \({\cal D}_2(\rho_{A|B})\) admits the following expression if the covariance matrix \(\boldsymbol{\sigma}_{AB}\) is in standard form\[\begin{aligned}
\label{eq} {\cal D}_2(\rho_{A|B}) &=& \ln b-\frac12 \ln \big(\det{\boldsymbol{\sigma}_{AB}}\big) + \frac12 \ln \left(\inf_{\lambda,\varphi}{\det\tilde{\gr\sigma}^{\Pi_{\lambda,\varphi}}_A}\right)\. \label{eq:D2AB} \end{aligned}\] In particular, for the form covariance matrix given in Eq. ([\[cm\]](#cm){reference-type="ref" reference="cm"}), one obtains \[\begin{aligned}
\label{eq:optdetcond} &\inf_{\lambda,\varphi}\det\tilde{\gr\sigma}^{\Pi_{\lambda,\varphi}}_A = \left\{ \begin{array}{l} a \left(a-\frac{c_+^2}{b}\right)\,, \\ \text{if}{\scriptstyle{\left(a b^2 c_-^2-c_+^2 \left(a+b c_-^2\right)\right) \left(a b^2 c_+^2-c_-^2 \left(a+b c_+^2\right)\right)<0}}\, \mbox{;} \\ \quad \\ \scriptscriptstyle{\frac{2 \left|c_-c_+\right| \sqrt{\left(a \left(b^2-1\right)-b c_-^2\right) \left(a \left(b^2-1\right)-b c_+^2\right)}+\left(a \left(b^2-1\right)-b c_-^2\right) \left(a \left(b^2-1\right)-b c_+^2\right)+c_-^2 c_+^2}{\left(b^2-1\right)^2}} \,, \\ \text{otherwise.} \end{array} \right. \end{aligned}\] Inserting Eq. ([\[eq:optdetcond\]](#eq:optdetcond){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:optdetcond"}) into Eq. ([\[eq\]](#eq){reference-type="ref" reference="eq"}), we can compute the discord of the two-mode Gaussian state. For the covariance matrix \(\sigma_{A\bar B}\) is in standard form, now \(a=cosh(2s)\), \(b=\frac{1+|\gamma_p|^2\cosh(2s)}{1-|\gamma_p|^2}\) and \(c_+=c_-=\frac{|\gamma_p|\sinh(2s)}{\sqrt{1-|\gamma_p|^2}}\) can be inserted into Eq. ([\[eq:optdetcond\]](#eq:optdetcond){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:optdetcond"}). The probe state \(\sigma_{A\bar B}\) is not satisfied the condition \(\scriptstyle{\left(a b^2 c_-^2-c_+^2 \left(a+b c_-^2\right)\right) \left(a b^2 c_+^2-c_-^2 \left(a+b c_+^2\right)\right)<0}\) of formula Eq. ([\[eq:optdetcond\]](#eq:optdetcond){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:optdetcond"}) through calculation. Then we can apply it to Eq. ([\[eq\]](#eq){reference-type="ref" reference="eq"}) to calculate the Gaussian quantum discord of \(\sigma_{A\bar B}\).In Fig. 4, we plot the quantum discord, the GIP as well as the entanglement between Alice and anti-Bob as a function of the mass parameter. It is shown that the quantum-enhance parameter is ensured for the probe state \(\rho_{A\bar B}\) because the GIP is always nonzero. The variation trend of the GIP is in accord with the quantum discord. This means the quantum discord in the probe state provides quantum resources for the black-box quantum parameter estimation. It is interesting to note that the bipartite state between Alice and anti-Bob can also be employed as the probe state for the black-box estimation in the expanding de Sitter spacetime even if there is no entanglement generated between them. Therefore, discord-type quantum correlation for the input probe is the key resource for black-box estimation in the de Sitter space, which ensures the advantage of quantum metrology. We are also interested in the behavior of the GIP between Bob and anti-Bob, which are separated by the event horizon of the de Sitter space. We get the covariance matrix \(\sigma_{B\bar B}\) by tracing off the mode \(A\) \[\begin{aligned}
\label{AbarB} \sigma_{B\bar B}(s,\gamma_p)= \left(\!\!\begin{array}{cccc} \frac{|\gamma_p|^2+\cosh(2s)}{1-|\gamma_p|^2}&0&\frac{2|\gamma_p|\cosh^2(s)}{1-|\gamma_p|^2}&0\\ 0&\frac{|\gamma_p|^2+\cosh(2s)}{1-|\gamma_p|^2}&0&-\frac{2|\gamma_p|\cosh^2(s)}{1-|\gamma_p|^2}\\ \frac{2|\gamma_p|\cosh^2(s)}{1-|\gamma_p|^2} &0&\frac{1+|\gamma_p|^2\cosh(2s)}{1-|\gamma_p|^2}&0\\ 0&-\frac{2|\gamma_p|\cosh^2(s)}{1-|\gamma_p|^2} &0&\frac{1+|\gamma_p|^2\cosh(2s)}{1-|\gamma_p|^2} \end{array}\!\!\right). \end{aligned}\] Similarly, the entanglement and the GIP of Bob and anti-Bob can be calculated by employing the measurement introduced above. In Fig. 5, we plot the behavior of the GIP and the entanglement between Bob and anti-Bob. It is shown that the GIP increases significantly when the curvature parameter \(p\to0\), i.e., the effect of curvature gets stronger. In fact, this indicates space curvature in the de Sitter space enhances the precision of quantum parameter estimation if \(\rho_{B\bar B}\) is employed as the probe state. This is nontrivial because the open charts \(R\) and \(L\) are causally disconnected in the de Sitter spacetime and classical information can not be exchanged between the causally disconnected regions according to the general relativity. Here we find that quantum precision measurements are achieved between causally disconnected areas in the de Sitter space, and a more accurate experimental result can be performed in a more curved spacetime. Unlike the initial correlation system Alice and Bob, the GIP and entanglement are maximized for the mass parameters \(\nu=1/2\) (conformal) and \(\nu=3/2\) (massless). This is because the curvature effect of the de Sitter space damages the entanglement and the GIP for the probe state \(\rho_{AB}\), while it generates entanglement for the probe state \(\rho_{B\bar B}\).
# Conclusions
We have proposed a black-box quantum parameter estimation scheme for the expanding parameter and discussed the behavior of the GIP for the de Sitter space. It is found that under the curvature effect of the de Sitter space, the changes of the GIP for the probe states \(\rho_{AB}\) and \(\rho_{B \bar B}\) are consistent with the changes of entanglement. This verifies the fact that quantum resources provide a guarantee for obtaining the higher GIP, and the probe state with the higher GIP ensures a smaller variance for the estimation of expanding parameter. It is demonstrated that the change of the mass parameter does not affect the minimum accuracy of black-box parameter estimation in flat space, but has remarkable effects on the GIP of the black-box parameter estimation in the curved space. Interestingly, the state between separated open charts can be employed as the probe state for the black-box quantum metrology. It is worth noting that the quantum discord of probe states serves as a promising resource for the black-box quantum parameter estimation when there is no entanglement between the initially uncorrelated open charts. The Gaussian quantum discord between Alice and anti-Bob can ensure quantum-enhanced scheme for precise measurement when the entanglement is damaged under the influence of the de Sitter curvature.The behavior of the probe state for the black-box estimation is quite different because the curvature effect of the de Sitter space damages the entanglement and the GIP for the initially correlated probe state, while it generates quantum resources for initially uncorrelated probe states. | {'timestamp': '2022-05-25T02:09:07', 'yymm': '2203', 'arxiv_id': '2203.15417', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15417'} |
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# Introduction
In all the engineering areas of development, multi-physics analysis appears highly difficult to be carried out because of the interactions between more than one physics involved. During the achievement and the analysis of coupled systems, the way in which the shape of the object influences its performances is required to be carefully taken into account. In the biomedical engineering field for example, the design and the evaluation of the behaviour of prosthetic valves, stent-grafts and ventricular assist devices are related to both the structural and fluid mechanics physics. Generally speaking, numerical meshes need to be created for the specific kind of analysis and, in a multi-physics context, two or more meshes have to be realised. In this environment, each geometric change is applied to all the numerical models involved in the analysis: such update has to be performed in a rapid way and as easy as possible. This task, usually carried out through remeshing methods, may be also may also be obtained faster with the use of mesh morphing techniques. This approach allows the changing of the shape of a meshed surface so that the topology is preserved while nodal positions are updated: modifications are applied on a baseline grid by moving the surface nodes and propagating displacements inside the surrounding volume mesh nodes. Concerning biomedical applications, morphing methods have been applied in both bone and cardiovascular fields. Recently, in , an interactive sculpting and RBF mesh morphing approach has been proposed to address geometry modifications using a force-feedback device, while in RBF have been applied to improve cranioplasty applications. In the cardiovascular field, morphing approaches were employed in for the registration procedures of the cardiac muscle and to model an aorta aneurysm carrying by exploiting a one-way FSI. In literature RBF have been extensively employed to tackle FSI problems, using the modal method for both static and transient simulations, as well as the two-way approach with RBF-based mapping methods. In this work the state of the art regarding biomedical one-way FSI applications, as shown in, is further improved for a transient simulation by taking into account the non-linear deformations of the wet wetted surfaces during motion. An ad-hoc workflow was developed to transfer and to update, using an RBF-based morphing technique, the CFD mesh, incrementally adjusting the geometry according to the non-linear evolution predicted by the FEM solver. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, it was applied to a tailor-made Polymeric-Prosthetic Heart Valve (P-PHV); these devices proved to significantly reduce blood coagulation problems, maintaining excellent properties in term of strength, efficient function and long-term durability. This work is arranged as follows: at first, an introduction on FSI coupling is given, comparing remeshing and morphing workflows. The proposed procedure is implemented in the following paragraph, in which the incremental approach is shown in the P-PHV case. Results are finally discussed and compared to with those obtained by remeshing.
# FSI coupling: known-imposed motion of the walls
One of the most sensitive processes in a Fluid-Structure Interaction analysis concerns the management of the fluid-solid interfaces; at the boundary surfaces between these two domains, solution data is shared between the fluid solver and the structural one. In the most rigorous FSI approach, a bidirectional coupling between structural and fluid dynamic solutions is involved in an iterative process. Such so called 2-way coupling introduces both the complexity related to the proper mapping of loads between the common boundaries of the two numerical domains (which are discretized by non-conformal meshes), and the requirement of an efficient procedure able to adapt the fluid dynamic domain to the structural solution in terms of boundaries displacement. When the target displacement is known, or the deformation is poorly weakly affected by the aerodynamic loads, the procedure can progress in a single direction consisting in of matching the CFD domain boundaries according to the target geometry. This one-way coupling does not guarantee energy conservation at the fluid-solid interface but holds the benefit of lower computational time in comparison to with the bidirectional one, in which a continuous data exchange between Computational Structural Mechanics (CSM) and CFD solvers is required. The uncertainties introduced by the mapping procedure are avoided, as well as the development of procedures governing the computations and the communications between different numerical environments. Several strategies are possible to link the computational domain to target shapes. A useful technique consists in describing the geometry adopting CAD based mathematical representations of surfaces, as Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS). The aim is to provide a parametric formulation of the model that, adopting opportune mapping procedures, is able to reconstruct complex shapes derived from images as medical CTA data. This approach, introduced in 2005, is called *Isogeometric Analysis* (IgA). In, such parametric design platform is coupled with the concept of immersed boundary referring to the so called *Immersogeometric* FSI analysis. Immersed boundary approach, in combination of with a rigid dynamic solution of a bi-leaflets mechanical heart valve, is considered in. An example of a dynamic Immersogeometric analysis applied to the FSI analysis of a bio-prosthetic heart valves is reported in. The implementation of overset meshes (also called *Chimera* grids) to face perform aeroelastic analyses offers several advantages. It allows to decompose the mesh generation problem to limited portions of domain and simplifies the adoption of structured meshes which allow, with respect to unstructured/hybrid meshes, a better control of the cells clustering, the generation of high quality domains and the provision of more accurate solutions of boundary layers. An example of the application of overset grid methodologies in fluid-structure interaction (FSI) problems is reported in. As introduced, a common strategy to face tackle the geometric adaptation problem consists in implementing this action directly in the numerical domain by mesh morphing techniques. Some of the most important advantages offered by this approach are: it does not require a remeshing procedure, it allows to preserve the robustness of the computation and it can be performed within the progress of the computation. The quality of the morphing action depends on the algorithm adopted to smooth the volume. One of the most efficient mathematical framework to perform this task is recognized to be based on Radial Basis Functions. In this work two Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) methods for moving meshes are employed: the first based on remeshing algorithms, called in this paper ''standard''approach and the novel one using RBF mesh morphing procedures.
## FSI analysis based on remeshing
In this first kind of analysis, as shown in Fig. [\[standard\]](#standard){reference-type="ref" reference="standard"}, a specific component is responsible to transfer the deformation of the CSM mesh to the grid of the CFD solver. In fact, one of the most applied strategies to manage body meshes in FSI applications is simply to move the grid for as long as possible and, when the quality of the mesh becomes critical poor, to enable the remeshing tools updating the low-quality cells generated by high displacements in the fluid domain. Larger are The larger the displacements of the grid, wider the greater the distortions of the cells; remeshing method agglomerates cells that violate the initially defined Skewness or size criteria and remeshes them. If the new cells or faces satisfy the Skewness criterion, the mesh is locally updated with the new cells, interpolating the solution from the old cells. Otherwise, the new cells are discarded and another remeshing step is required. Obviously, when small displacements are involved and just few remeshing steps are necessary, this approach may be considered efficient. However, for larger displacements, the number of remeshing steps increases to avoid the presence of negative and invalid elements; as a result, the simulation is slowed down because a new mesh with different numbers and positions of nodes and cells has to be generated more frequently.
## A novel FSI workflow using RBF mesh morphing
The high fidelity method here proposed tries to overcome the problems related to remeshing tools. It is based on the deformation of the computational grid using mesh morphing, a method to gradually change a source shape into a target one. It aims at moving meshes with large displacements of the geometry without adopting the regeneration of the cells, typical of remeshing. To overcome the problems related to remeshing, a procedure based on mesh morphing to adapt the shape according to a target one is here described. Among the morphing methods available in the literature, RBF are well known for their interpolation quality also on very large meshes [@Biancolini; @Yu; @Kansa]. RBF allow to interpolate everywhere in the space a scalar functions known at discrete points, called Source points (Sp). By interpolating three scalar values it is possible, solving a linear system of order equal to the number of Sp employed, to describe a displacement of the Sp in the three directions in space. The interpolation function is defined as follows: \[\label{eq:RBF_eq_1} s(x)=\sum_{i=1}^{N}\gamma_i \varphi \left (\left \| x-x_{s_{i}} \right \|\right) + h(x)\] where \(\mathit{x}\) is a generic position in the space, \(x_{s_{i}}\) the Sp position, \(s(\cdot)\) the scalar function which represents a transformation \(\mathbb{R}^n\) \(\rightarrow\) \(\mathbb{R}\), \(\varphi\) \((\cdot)\) the radial function of order \(m\), \(\gamma_i\) the weight and \(h(x)\) a polynomial term with degree \(m-1\) added to improve the fit assuring uniqueness of the problem and polynomial precision. that can be omitted, but in this case is added in order to improve the fit, assuring uniqueness of the problem and an exact interpolation of fields of the same form of \(h(x)\). RBF can be used as an effective method for enabling mesh morphing on very large meshes that are typically used in advanced industrial applications [@Biancolini; @Yu]. They consist of a very powerful tool to interpolate everywhere in the space a scalar function which defines an exact displacement of cloud of points called Source points (Sp) towards a new cloud of points named Target points (Tp). A linear system needs to be solved for sought coefficients calculation. The scalar function at an arbitrary location inside or outside the domain (interpolation/extrapolation) results to be expressed by the summation of the radial contribution of each Sp and a polynomial term, added to improve the condition number of the problem and assure polynomial precision. The interpolation function is defined as follows: \[\label{eq:RBF_eq_1} s(x)=\sum_{i=1}^{N}\gamma_i \varphi \left (\left \| x-x_{s_{i}} \right \|\right) + h(x)\] where x is a generic position in the space, \(x_{s_{i}}\) the Sp position, \(s(\cdot)\) the scalar function which represents a transformation \(\mathbb{R}^n\) \(\rightarrow\) \(\mathbb{R}\), \(\varphi\) \((\cdot)\) the radial function, \(\gamma_i\) the weight and \(h(x)\) a polynomial. The unknowns of the system, namely the polynomial coefficients and the weights \(\gamma_i\) of the radial functions, are retrieved by imposing the passage of the function on the given values and an orthogonality condition on the polinomials. If the RBF is conditionally positive definite, it can be demonstrated that a unique interpolant exists and in 3D, if the order is equal or less than 2, a linear polynomial in the form \(h(x)=\beta_1+\beta_2x+\beta_3y+\beta_4z\) can be used. The linear problem can be also written in matrix form: \[\label{rbf_matrix_form} \begin{bmatrix} \textbf{M} & \textbf{P}\\ \textbf{P}^T & \textbf{0} \end{bmatrix} \left\lbrace \begin{matrix} \boldsymbol{\gamma}\\ \boldsymbol{\beta} \end{matrix} \right\rbrace = \left\lbrace \begin{matrix} \textbf{g}\\ \textbf{0} \end{matrix} \right\rbrace\] in which \(\textbf{M}\) is the interpolation matrix containing all the distances between RBF centres \(\textbf{M}_{ij} = \varphi \left (\left \| x_i-x_j \right \|\right)\), \(\textbf{P}\) the matrix containing the polynomial terms that has for each row \(j\) the form \(\textbf{P}_j = [ \begin{matrix} 1 & x_{1j} & x_{2j} &... & x_{nj} \end{matrix} ]\) and \(\textbf{g}\) the known values at Sp. The new nodal positions, if interpolating the displacements, can be retrieved for each node as: \[\label{eq:RBF_eq_4} \boldsymbol{x_{{node}_{new}}}=\boldsymbol{x_{node}} + \begin{bmatrix} s_x(\boldsymbol{x_{node}})\\ s_y(\boldsymbol{x_{node}})\\ s_z(\boldsymbol{x_{node}}) \end{bmatrix}\] where \(\boldsymbol{x_{{node}_{new}}}\) and \(\boldsymbol{x_{node}}\) are the vectors containing respectively the updated and original positions of the given node. If a deformation vector field has to be fitted in 3D (space morphing), considering \(h(x)\) as a linear polynomial made up of known \(\beta\) coefficients: \[\label{eq:RBF_eq_2} h(x)=\beta_1+\beta_2x+\beta_3y+\beta_4z\] each component of the displacement prescribed at the Source points can be interpolated as follows: \[\label{eq:RBF_eq_3} \left\{\begin{matrix} s_x(x)=\sum_{i=1}^{N}\gamma_i^x\varphi\left (\left \| x-x_{s_i} \right \|\right)+ \beta_1^x + \beta_2^xx+\beta_3^xy+\beta_4^xz\\ s_y(x)=\sum_{i=1}^{N}\gamma_i^y\varphi\left (\left \| x-x_{s_i} \right \|\right)+ \beta_1^y + \beta_2^yx+\beta_3^yy+\beta_4^yz\\ s_z(x)=\sum_{i=1}^{N}\gamma_i^z\varphi\left (\left \| x-x_{s_i} \right \|\right)+ \beta_1^z + \beta_2^zx+\beta_3^zy+\beta_4^zz \end{matrix}\right.\] The field of system ([\[eq:RBF_eq_3\]](#eq:RBF_eq_3){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:RBF_eq_3"}) is applied to process all the nodal positions to be updated according to the following condition: \[\label{eq:RBF_eq_4} x_{node_{new}}=x_{node} \begin{bmatrix} s_x(x_{nodes})\\ s_y(x_{nodes})\\ s_z(x_{nodes}) \end{bmatrix}\] each component of the displacement prescribed at the Source points can be interpolated by means of a linear system, that can be applied to process all the nodal positions to be updated according to the following condition: \[\label{eq:RBF_eq_4} \textbf{x_{node_{new}}}=\textbf{x_{node}} \begin{bmatrix} s_x(\textbf{x_{nodes}})\\ s_y(\textbf{x_{nodes}})\\ s_z(\textbf{x_{nodes})} \end{bmatrix}\] Being the problem solved As the problem is solved pointwise, the approach is meshless and able to manage every kind element (tetrahedral, hexahedral, polyhedral and others), both for surface and volume mesh smoothing ensuring the preservation of their topology. Previous equations show the meshless nature of the approach because the deformed position only depends on the original position to be moved; this means that RBF are able to manage every kind of mesh element type (tetrahedral, hexahedral and polyhedral) and the RBF fit can be efficiently used for surface and volume mesh smoothing, ensuring the preservation of their topology, namely the same number of nodes and cells with the same typology. In general, a morphing operation can introduce a reduction of the mesh quality but a good morpher has to minimize this effect and to maximize the possible shape modifications. If mesh quality is well preserved, morphing has a clear benefit over remeshing because it avoids introducing noise. This procedure provides for the sampling of the displacements of the structural model. In this way, the surface nodes of the FE model are used as Sp to apply RBF mesh morphing in the space. The detailed workflow shown in Fig. [\[New\]](#New){reference-type="ref" reference="New"}, in addition to the realization of the geometric model, provides for three main steps:
1. CSM settings
2. RBF Morph application
3. CFD set-up
### CSM settings.
Given that in this kind of FSI analysis the deformations of the fluid grid are imposed by the motion of the walls of the CSM domain, a structural simulation has to be conducted to obtain the deformed positions in the space during time. During the structural simulation, Source points (\(S_p\)) and Target points (\(T_p\)), that are the surface nodal positions of the grid in this case, are recursively extracted and stored in files. These files are structured as a list of nodes and the related displacements to obtain the nodes in the following sampled configuration.
### RBF Morph application.
To apply the shape deformation without remeshing, the morpher RBF Morph is in this study employed. To delimit the morphing action, an encapsulation technique has to be implemented, defining in this way sub-domains or parts of the fluid domain within which the morpher action is applied. According to, \(S_p\) effectively used are a random subgroup which includes a percentage close to 2% of the total extracted surface nodes of the structural model. A Radial Basis Function is selected and, when the settings of the procedure are completed, morphing solutions are calculated, each per morphing transitions, from the starting configuration to the final position of the model. Every transition, a new deformed mesh is generated and the solution files are stored.
### CFD set-up.
Once all the morphed meshes are obtained, the CFD analysis is carried out every time step on a new deformed mesh, by using a specific script containing the RBF functions to update the nodal positions. in Scheme Programming Language. This script is recalled The script is run before the starting of the CFD simulation and it allows the automatization of the MultiSol tool of RBF Morph software in order to guarantee the synchronous implementation of the deformed shape in fluid environment. The nodal displacement inside two subsequent morphed positions is simply handled inside the Scheme script by means of a parameter called amplification A(t) which varies over time from 0 to \(A_0\) (usually equal to +1 or-1). Because of the samplings Due to the sampling data available at different times, an accurate and effective solution can be obviously achieved, handling all the morphing deformations separately and linearly modulating the amplification within each of the sampled grids: calling \(i\) the index that concerns all the mesh conformations \(P_0\)\...\(P_{n}\), the amplification \(A_i(t)\) inside each time step can be evaluated as: \[\medskip \label{eq:lin_amplification} \centering A_{i}(t) = \begin{cases} 0, & \mbox{if } t\leq t_{i}\\ \frac{t-t_{i}}{t_{i+1}-t_{i}}, & \mbox{if } t_i<t<t_{i+1}\\ 1, & \mbox{if } t\geq t_{i+1}\end{cases} \medskip\] In this way, the fluid grid is able to follow the displacements of the CSM mesh and solution can be quickly calculated every time step on a new deformed grid. In other situations, not only linear amplifications but also quadratic and sinusuoidal ones can be used to manage motion through morphing, to replicate more correctly the studied dynamics.
# Implementation of the workflows to study the opening phase of a polymeric aortic valve
In this paper, both the presented FSI solution approaches are applied to study the opening phase of a P-PHV. This kind of analysis is conducted on a prosthetic valve to study its haemodynamic behaviour during the opening phase in which the leaflets or cusps are pushed open to allow the ejection of the blood flow and to investigate the effects of the solid domain (P-PHV) towards on the fluid domain (blood flow). The design of a prosthetic aortic valve is realised using the software SpaceClaim, following the geometry proposed in, and then imported inside ANSYS Workbench (v193). Fig. [\[CAD_T\]](#CAD_T){reference-type="ref" reference="CAD_T"} depicts the CAD model of the polymeric valve here investigated and the fluid domain of the blood in which also the Valsalva sinuses are represented. This fluid domain is obtained by a boolean intersection between the solid domain of the valve and a vessel made up of an inlet and outlet tube. The computational grid of this structural model is made up of 300,000 tetrahedral elements and it is obtained inside ANSYS Meshing. The material chosen to model the valve is isotropic linear elastic with a Young's modulus of 3 MPa, and a Poisson's ratio of 0.4. The mesh of the fluid domain is obtained inside Ansa (v20.0.1) and made up of million tetra-hexaedral elements with a maximum starting Skewness (Sk) of 0.694. A velocity inlet and a systolic aortic pressure outlet varying over time boundary conditions have been provided. The flow model selected is Viscous-Laminar and the fluid is considered as incompressible and Newtonian with a viscosity of 4 cP.
## Study of the valve using the remeshing workflow
The workflow of the first approach based on remeshing and implemented inside ANSYS Workbench is proposed in Fig. [\[standard_valve\]](#standard_valve){reference-type="ref" reference="standard_valve"}. In this case, the displacements of a transient CSM in ANSYS Mechanical (v193) are transferred to the fluid domain inside ANSYS Fluent (v193) by means of System Coupling. The body of the prosthetic device is fixed in at its bottom surface. , i.e. the circular ring in the ground.Concerning the loads, a physiological time-varying pressure is uniformly applied to the ventricular portion of the valve to simulate the opening pressure. Fluent was used as the CFD solver, activating the Dynamic Mesh the Dynamic Mesh option was activated to deform and regenerate the computational grid: the Spring-Laplace Spring-based Smoothing Method and the Remeshing Method, two tools to solve the analysis of deformed domains due to boundary movement over time, are applied. Inside the System Coupling component, all the surfaces of the valve in contact with the blood are set as fluid-solid interfaces and a time step of 1e-5 × 10^−5^ s is selected. For the run, 48 cores of *Intel(R) Xeon(4) Gold 6152 \@2.10 GHz* and a 256 Gb RAM are used.
## Study of the valve using the morphing approach
The novel workflow, based on a RBF mesh morphing, also in this case developed into the ANSYS Workbench environment is shown in Fig. [\[New_valve\]](#New_valve){reference-type="ref" reference="New_valve"} which depicts the overall incremental procedure; in particular, the System Coupling component, fundamental in the previously shown approach, here is not employed here. Results obtained with the use of RBF Morph software are compared to with those achieved using Fluent remeshing tools. They are reported in terms of pressure map, velocity streamlines, 2D velocity contours on a section plane A-A (Fig. [\[section-p\]](#section-p){reference-type="ref" reference="section-p"}) and computational time.
### Structural simulations.
The same CSM analysis implemented in the remeshing approach with the same time-varying physiological pressure is conducted. A specific Application Customization Toolkit (ACT) Extension, i.e. a method to achieve custom applications inside ANSYS Mechanical, is developed to extract the deformed configurations of the leaflets and collect Sp and Tp according to a sampling time chosen by the user: in this first case, ten different surface nodal positions (\(P_0\)\...\(P_9\)) are collected sampling every 2 ms (0-18 ms).
### RBF Morph set-up.
The RBF Morph Fluent (v193) Add-On is adopted: the RBF are used to step by step project the \(S_p\) to the \(T_p\) and interpolate the displacements of the volume nodes inside the blood domain over time. RBF Morph tools may impose a blood domain adaptation in the CFD analysis following the deformed shapes of the valvular domain, extracted from the previous CSM simulation. In the case of the valve, to control the morphing action in the space, no encapsulation volumes are generated but a fixed Surf Set (with null displacement during the movement of the leaflets) on the wall of the Sinotubular Junction (STJ) is preferred (Fig. [\[SP-TP\]](#SP-TP){reference-type="ref" reference="SP-TP"}). In this way, since the distortion of the mesh is extremely high, such deformations can be distributed also in the other zones of the fluid domain and not only in proximity to the valve. To prevent mesh quality reduction, in this work the bi-harmonic kernel \(\varphi(r)=r\) is used: it is the RBF that guarantees to keep the mesh quality degradation at minimum. The nine solutions are calculated using the Solve Panel of the software, each per morphing action. Two different strategies are evaluated:
- *Forwards*: from \(P_0\) (initial position) directly to \(P_9\) (totally open position).
- *Backwards/Forwards* (Fig. [\[morphate\]](#morphate){reference-type="ref" reference="morphate"}): extracting a new already deformed valve in position \(P_2\) of which a new mesh is achieved, from \(P_2\) going back to \(P_0\) (backwards-step 1) and then from \(P_0\) moving on to \(P_9\) (forwards-step 2).
The first strategy produced an excessive mesh distortion with negative cells volume in particular at the centre of the leaflets. No mesh problems are detected with the adopted second approach as it started from a robust mesh in intermediate configuration that was modified partly to return to the initial position and partly to reach the full opening phase.
### Fluent setting.
The same time step of the standard approach ( × 10^−5^ s) is selected. The flow is initialized with the valve in position \(P_0\) and the Scheme file with the amplification of each of the nine different transitions is recalled inside Fluent. The amplification used for the displacements between \(P_1\) and \(P_9\) is linear as shown in ([\[eq:lin_amplification\]](#eq:lin_amplification){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:lin_amplification"}). Instead, the use of a quadratic amplification \(A_0(t)\) between \(P_0\) and \(P_1\) is preferred in order to more realistically replicate the rapid opening of the prosthesis: \[\medskip \label{eq:quad_amplification} \centering A_{0}(t) = \begin{cases} 0, & \mbox{if } t = 0\\ (\frac{t}{t_{1}})^2, & \mbox{if } 0<t<t_{1}\\ 1, & \mbox{if } t\geq t_{1}\end{cases} \medskip\] Using Thanks to this workflow, the FSI simulation can be conducted only by means of this CFD analysis in which the mesh is updated every time step.
## Full systolic movement using RBF mesh morphing
Given that morphing is found to be several times faster than remeshing tools, a complete opening cycle of the valve for a total of 130 ms is simulated, allowing the valve not only to open but also to provide for all the cardiac ejection and return to a position close to the initial one. For these reasons, a new structural simulation is carried out on the same 130 ms to allow the extraction of further surface nodes during time: ten additional valvular positions are sampled after the systolic peak, corresponding to the descending portion of the inlet velocity curve reported in Fig. [\[total_morphing\]](#total_morphing){reference-type="ref" reference="total_morphing"}, in which the valve begins closing and it comes back in a position similar to the initial one. In Fig. [\[table_pos\]](#table_pos){reference-type="ref" reference="table_pos"}, the time in which the morphing positions are sampled is reported in detail. Once opened, the P-PHV starts weakly swinging; all these small vibrations can be neglected in term of variation of Geometric Orifice Area (GOA), as shown in. This means that the conformation of the valve between \(P_{9}\) and \(P_{10}\) remains quite similar, that's why no samples are taken in this interval (18 ms-58 ms). Moreover, since the movement of the valve is slower in the section between the systolic peak and the beginning of the diastole than the more abrupt opening at the beginning of the systole, as reported in, positions samplings may take place every 8 milliseconds and not every 2, thus saving computational time for morphing transformations. Time step selected for this simulation is 5e-4 5 × 10^−4^ s.
# Results and Discussions
## Remeshing and morphing results
The first important parameter to check in the implementation of both the approaches is the Skewness: no negative cells are detected and maximum Sk values are 0.858 and 0.961 respectively for the procedure implemented through remeshing and morphing. No convergence issues due to mesh degradation are recorded. In this work, pressure and velocity results of the 3D-model at a specific and significant time step are shown using the CFD-Post software. In addition, a case comparison between the velocity contours on the A-A section plane at 4 different time instants is carried out to evaluate the differences between the two techniques presented. *Pressure map-* A 3D-pressure rendering at the time in which the valve is for the first time open (7 ms) is represented in Fig. [\[pressure\]](#pressure){reference-type="ref" reference="pressure"}; as it can be observed, no significant differences in terms of pressure values are recorded between the two approaches: the mean pressure are 69.64 mmHg and 70.31 mmHg respectively for the simulation based on remeshing and the analysis using mesh morphing (difference of less than 1%). *Velocity streamlines-* Streamlines of both the solution methods are reported in Fig. [\[Streamlines\]](#Streamlines){reference-type="ref" reference="Streamlines"}. It is possible to observe how in this 3D-representation the local maximum values are placed in the same zones. Maximum local fluid velocities are reached right at t=7 ms because the fast movement of the leaflets pushes away the blood: maximum value for the FSI implemented with the novel approach is 3.011 m/s, about 5.6% less than the value detected in the analysis based on remeshing, that is 3.189 m/s. *Velocity contours-* To investigate in more depth the differences between remeshing and morphing, velocity contours on the plane passing through the centre of the valve, shown in Fig. [\[section-p\]](#section-p){reference-type="ref" reference="section-p"}, are evaluated. Four different evenly spaced time steps are here reported (Fig. [\[contour-p\]](#contour-p){reference-type="ref" reference="contour-p"}): 3 ms, 7 ms, 11 ms, 15 ms. To better identify these differences, in the same picture the case comparison by exploiting the subtraction in absolute value between the velocity of remeshing and morphing is also evaluated. The numerical results of interest are reported in Table [2](#tab:table_res){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:table_res"}. Here, maximum and average velocity values on the section plane A-A for both the approaches are evaluated. The local maxima in both cases are significantly above the physiological values normally found. This is due to the motion imposed on the valve which pushes strongly fluid close to the leaflets during opening. Moreover, the high difference that emerges from the image with the case comparison is mainly attributable to the difference between local maxima moved slightly in the 2-D space. The maximum difference detected between the maximum values occurs after 11 milliseconds when the morphing value is 6.4\(\%\) lower than that of remeshing. In the case of the average value, the highest gap is at t=15 ms: in this case, the FSI carried out by means of morphing returns a value 0.063 times lower than the simulation with remeshing. However, despite a very high stretching of the elements, there are no marked irregularities in the case of mesh morphing.
[\[tab:table_res\]]{#tab:table_res label="tab:table_res"}
*Computational time-* The time required to run the simulation calculate the solution is the most interesting difference between these two solution methods: with the same number of elements and to parity of time step ( × 10^−5^ s), the standard workflow requires 6283 minutes to solve the problem while the CFD analysis with the morphing application only 396 minutes, approximately 16 times faster. Furthermore, if time step is increased, Fluent solver using remeshing starts having troubles and the obvious consequence is the non convergence of the model. This phenomenon does not happen with morphing by for which the time step can be highly increased significantly without problems and solution time can be reduced up to 60 times compared to with that of remeshing.
## Global systolic phase simulated through mesh morphing
The simulation with the motion of the walls imposed on the entire systolic phase is correctly completed by means of mesh morphing. The velocity contours computed on plane A-A (Fig. [\[section-p\]](#section-p){reference-type="ref" reference="section-p"}) and the 3D representations of the P-PHV are shown in Fig. [\[tot_morphing\]](#tot_morphing){reference-type="ref" reference="tot_morphing"}. As it can be seen, after 20 ms, the propagation of the blood flow is still strongly affected by the abrupt opening of the valve itself and the local maxima of velocity are located exclusively in proximity of the leaflet. Near the systolic peak instead, the highest velocity region is more evenly distributed in the central orifice area of the valve as the leaflets have now completed their opening and no longer push fluid against the sinuses of Valsalva. At t=80 ms, passed the flow peak, the valve is already starting to close reducing its orifice area while after 110 ms the prosthesis is very close to achieving the final configuration: in this case, as it can be seen, the 2D velocity contour distribution is very similar to the one shown after 3 ms in Fig. [\[contour-p\]](#contour-p){reference-type="ref" reference="contour-p"}. By means of the new time step and through mesh morphing, 311 minutes are required to run the simulation.
# Conclusions
In this work, a fast high fidelity workflow for a multi-physics Fluid-Structure Interaction analysis exploiting ANSYS Workbench and RBF Morph is presented. In particular, this powerful system has proved to be useful and accurate in all those applications in for which the movement of the fluid domain is strongly controlled by the deformation of the solid one as in the case of valves or bodies, in contact with a fluid, whose motion is known or imposed. The possibility to replicate the non-linear analysis in which the motion of a solid model is transferred to a fluid domain carefully handling the interfaces is demonstrated. In a specific application case, the attempt to transfer aortic valve opening kinematics to the CFD analysis through a mesh morphing technique results to be is successful and the effectiveness of the FSI simulation implemented through mesh morphing to reproduce the fluid dynamic field of the aortic valve is here shown and validated. Morphing has turned out to be very consistent in comparison to with remeshing. Further research is needed to asses in more detail the differences between these two distinct approaches. It is clear that in order to reproduce the dynamics of the blood flow even more faithfully, a 2-way FSI should be set up. However, further studies are in progress to propose this 1-way approach to realise a 2-way Fluid-Structure Interaction where the exchange of information between the two different physics occurs at the end of each cardiac cycle and not time step by time step. In this way, the cost of the 1-way solution would be preserved and repeated over several cycles with the appropriate update of the boundary conditions. The key point is that this novel workflow on a 1-FSI analysis about the study of the opening of a polymeric aortic valve has shown a reduction of the simulation time up to 16 times in comparison to with that required by remeshing methods using the same time step. Furthermore, this important saving in computational time and the possibility of increasing the time step have made it possible to study the whole systole, managing the full movement of the valve during this phase. Until now, numerical FSI simulations in medical field have been used in a restricted manner precisely because of the long time required to solve them, as in the case of heart valve computational analyses. Dealing with clinical trials, this approach could ensure a considerable time saving with a decrease of the final mesh quality which results acceptable for the numerical solver here adopted. This new workflow has definitely broken down this limit, granting in this case the possibility to test several models of P-PHV in a lot of flow conditions. In addition, a parametric design of P-PHV combined with this method could finally make a strong contribution to the patient-specific aortic valve replacement. | {'timestamp': '2022-03-30T02:30:50', 'yymm': '2203', 'arxiv_id': '2203.15450', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15450'} |
# Introduction
In recent years, the introduction of deep learning has dramatically improved the recognition accuracy of automatic speech recognition systems (ASR). However, most research on ASR often focuses only on a single language speech. Therefore, for ASR systems that support multiple languages, it has been proposed to use a language-specific ASR system after a language identifier has been performed. However, since this approach requires sophisticated language identifiers and language identification becomes difficult when short utterances or certain phrases or words are frequently code-switched to be replaced by another language, multilingual ASR methods that do not use language identifiers have also been studied. For example, a multilingual ASR system that performs language identification at the beginning of an utterance is being studied as a multilingual speech recognition system that does not use a language identifier. There is also an increasing amount of research dealing with code-switching, in which an utterance contains words in more than one language. However, training these neural network-based ASR models requires large amounts of multilingual speech data, which may make it impossible to build highly accurate speech recognition systems when the amount of training data is small. Therefore, we have studied deep learning-based ASR that can handle multiple languages simultaneously with a single speech recognition model. For example, in our previous study, we proposed a Hidden Markov Model (HMM)-Deep Neural Network (DNN) model using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) model as a common language phoneme. However, the hybrid ASR model had many language identification errors and was often misrecognized as phonemes of other languages. In recent years, ASR has been shifting from a hybrid HMM-DNN approach to an end-to-end (E2E) approach, and the E2E framework is more favorable for multilingual simultaneous ASR models. Hayakawa et al. proposed a method that attempts to extract language and speaker-universal acoustic features suitable for language and speaker-independent speech recognition in the E2E framework. This E2E model is a multitasking model that simultaneously performs language identification and speaker recognition in addition to speech recognition. By applying a gradient reversal layer (GRL) to the language identification and speaker recognition tasks, they have shown that the proposed method achieves language and speaker-independent acoustic feature extraction, improving simultaneous multilingual ASR accuracy. Here, examples of spectrograms of spoken utterances in the six languages treated in the previous study are shown in Fig. [\[fig:spectrogram\]](#fig:spectrogram){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:spectrogram"}. These examples of spectrograms also show that different frequency bands are used depending on the phoneme system of each language. In the case of Japanese, the energy is concentrated in a relatively low-frequency band, while in French, the energy is distributed over a wide band. Assuming that the acoustic characteristics of the speech of each language are represented in the spectrogram, we can suppose that it is necessary to take into account such characteristics of the spectrogram in order to construct a multilingual ASR system with higher accuracy. In other words, if a framework that considers the characteristics of frequency bands can be introduced into a multilingual simultaneous ASR system, we believe that multilingual ASR using the characteristic information of each language can be realized. Therefore, this paper proposes a multilingual ASR model that uses a frequency-directional attention mechanism as a framework for successfully capturing frequency features in spectrograms. We show that the E2E model with the frequency-directional attention mechanism improves the accuracy of multilingual ASR. Although no study has been proposed to consider the frequency-directional attention mechanism in multilingual speech recognition, frequency-focused ASR models have been proposed for monolingual ASR. For example, Li et al., proposed to input the features of the frequency bins at each time point into the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) layer in the frequency direction before inputting the speech features into the LSTM layer in the time direction. Segbroeck et al. modified this method to analyze speech under different speech analysis conditions and input the acoustic features extracted in each condition into the multi-stream frequency-axis LSTM layer. Although E2E ASR focusing on feature extraction in the frequency direction has been proposed, there are few examples of research on ASR models that apply an attention mechanism in the frequency direction. However, simultaneous temporal and frequency-directional attention mechanisms have been proposed in voice activity detection (VAD) and speech enhancement processing. We propose the use of the Transformer, which has been introduced in E2E speech recognition in recent years with great success, as an attention mechanism in the frequency direction. A Transformer model has been introduced in ASR tools such as ESPnet, but most ASR models use them as an attention mechanism in the temporal direction, and no ASR system uses them as an attention mechanism in the frequency direction. In this study, each frame of the 40-dimensional logarithmic Mel filter bank (Mel-fbank) output is input to the Transformer-encoder, which performs a language-specific acoustic feature transformation and thus is expected to improve ASR accuracy. Our E2E ASR model with the frequency-directional Transformer is trained and evaluated on six different languages in the multilingual ASR experiment. The experimental result showed that using the frequency-directional Transformer improved the average phoneme error rate of the six languages by 5.3 points (relatively 20%) compared to the case without the frequency-directional Transformer. The result demonstrated the effectiveness of using the frequency-directional attention model in multiple ASR. In consideration of the above, the contributions of this paper are as follows:
- The first adaptation of a Transformer-based attention to the frequency direction in an E2E ASR model, and showing its effectiveness in improving the accuracy of multilingual ASR.
# Frequency-Directional Attention Model {#sec:model}
In this study, we propose a multilingual ASR E2E model based on speech feature transformation focusing on frequency bands in order to build a single speech recognition system for multiple languages. Specifically, the E2E ASR model is based on a neural network that takes log Mel-fbank features as input, where the Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) is used as the loss function. A feature converter with an attention mechanism that characterizes each frequency bin of the log Mel-fbank features is connected to the ASR model. Figure [\[fig:model\]](#fig:model){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:model"} shows the architecture of the baseline model and proposed model. In the baseline model, the input features are transformed by four CNN layers. This is a very common method. After that, the CTC loss is computed through a Bidirectional LSTM (BiLSTM) layer and a fully-connected (FC) layer. Figure [\[fig:model\]](#fig:model){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:model"}(b) shows the proposed model. Although the baseline model uses only CNN layers for feature conversion, the proposed model applies a Transformer-encoder-based frequency-directional attention mechanism to the output of the second CNN layers. The Transformer-encoder introduced in this study has the following two characteristics.
- Acoustic features at a certain time (\(x_1, x_2,..., x_n\), where \(n\) is number of frequency bins) are transformed into an embedding vector (\(z_1, z_2,..., z_n\)) by a multi-head self-attention mechanism.
- The self-attention mechanism refers to all frequency bins in the feature vector.
Using these characteristics, the Transformer-encoder directs attention to each frequency band of input acoustic features and perform an acoustic feature transformation. The 40-dimensional log Mel-fbank outputs are used as acoustic features. Acoustic features based on the log Mel-fbank outputs have specific frequency band information in each dimension because of the way the features are extracted. Feature transformation is performed by directing attention to each frequency band with the Transformer-encoder. We assume that this will improve the language discrimination capability and improve the performance of the multilingual ASR model. The proposed method needs to maintain temporal information of acoustic features in addition to frequency information, because the goal of this research is to improve the performance of the multilingual ASR task. However, using the Transformer-encoder in an E2E ASR model, an attention mechanism is usually directed only in the temporal direction. Therefore, the input features are transformed, as shown in Fig. [\[fig:transformer\]](#fig:transformer){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:transformer"}. The mini-batch data is represented by the tensor shown in the lower left in Fig. 3. It is first input to the convolutional layer and then compressed in half in the time direction by the pooling layer behind the convolutional layer. Decomposing this with respect to the batch dimension, we can get the transformed feature represented by a 3-dimensional tensor of (\(T/2, F, units\)). In this study, \(F\) and \(units\) are 40 and 16, respectively. By passing this through a Transformer-encoder layer, we can finally convert the feature with attention to the frequency direction. This process is repeated for the number of batch sizes and finally returned to the original tensor format, as shown in the upper left of Fig 3. This makes it possible to adapt the attention mechanism to the frequency band of all the data and still maintain temporal information.
# Experiments
## Experimental Setup
Table [\[tbl:experiment_data\]](#tbl:experiment_data){reference-type="ref" reference="tbl:experiment_data"} shows the statistics of datasets used in this paper. We prepared six different languages speech corpora as follows:
- Spanish, Czech, German and French from the GlobalPhone
- English from the TED-LIUM corpus
- Japanese from Corpus of Spontaneous Japanese
In practice, the duration of training data differs for each speech corpus. In this study, the duration of training data for each language was standardized to 17 hours for German, which has the smallest amount of data. By unifying the duration of training data, we can confirm the effectiveness of the proposed method by removing the influence of the deterioration of ASR performance caused by the variation in the amount of training data. The CTC-based E2E model has 240 output dimensions, including `<blank>`, `<unk>`, and 238 phonemes, as shown in Table [\[tbl:experiment_data\]](#tbl:experiment_data){reference-type="ref" reference="tbl:experiment_data"}. In other words, a phoneme recognition model is trained in this study. The reason for using the phoneme-based ASR model is to reduce the difference in the number of output symbol types for each language and evaluate whether the model can accurately capture differences in phonemes while identifying languages. For example, in Japanese, which includes Kanji characters, the number of output nodes is large (several thousand or more) due to a large number of character types, but by using phonemes, the conditions are almost the same for all languages. Therefore, the phoneme error rate (PER) is used as the evaluation measure. The output of the model is decoded into a sequence of phonemes using beam search and rescored using a phoneme-based 3-gram language model for all languages. The beam width was set to 20, and the probability weight of the language model was set to 1.0.
## Training models
To confirm whether the frequency-directional attention mechanism is an effective method in multilingual ASR models, we conduct a comparison experiment with a model that does not use the frequency-directional attention mechanism. The models to be compared are as described in Section [2](#sec:model){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:model"}, the Transformer Encoder has four layers and four multi-heads, the size of the d model is 16, and the dimension of the feed-forward network is 64. The parameter size of each model is smaller, about 4M for the proposed model compared to about 13M for the baseline model. The hyper-parameters used for training are shown in Table [1](#tbl:parameter){reference-type="ref" reference="tbl:parameter"}. The learning rate was set to 0.0001 for the baseline model, and the proposed method used warm-up scheduling according to the following equation. Since the warm-up step was set to 5000, the learning rate follows equation ([\[learning_rate_1\]](#learning_rate_1){reference-type="ref" reference="learning_rate_1"}) when the warm-up step is less than 5000 steps and changes according to equation ([\[learning_rate_2\]](#learning_rate_2){reference-type="ref" reference="learning_rate_2"}) when the warm-up step is greater than 5000 steps. \[\label{learning_rate_1} lrate = 256^{-0.5} \times step\_num \times 5000^{-1.5}\] \[\label{learning_rate_2} lrate = 256^{-0.5} \times step\_num^{-0.5}\]
## Results
Table [\[tbl:result\]](#tbl:result){reference-type="ref" reference="tbl:result"} shows the PERs of the evaluation set. The proposed method outperforms the baseline model without the frequency-directional attention mechanism by 5.3 points (relatively 20%) in PER for all languages. The language-specific PERs also show improvement compared to the baseline. This shows that adding the Transformer attention mechanism in the frequency direction improves the performance in multilingual ASR. Figure [\[fig:attention\]](#fig:attention){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:attention"} is a heat map visualizing the weights of the attention mechanisms in a certain section of speech data for each language (two sections for each language). The vertical axis shows the input features (40-dimensional log Mel-fbank output), and the horizontal axis shows the Transformer-encoder output (40 dimensions). For example, we can see that Japanese, which uses many vowels, pays more attention to the low-frequency band, while the Latin languages, which use many consonants, pay more attention to the high-frequency band. Thus, the Transformer-encoder for the frequency direction is used to perform feature conversion that captures the characteristics of the language. This is considered to contribute to the improvement of multilingual ASR performance.
# Conclusions
This paper proposed a novel method to introduce a frequency-directional attention mechanism into the CTC loss-based E2E model for multilingual ASR. Transformer-encoder is used as the attention mechanism, which converts log Mel-fbank features, and it achieved an ASR model that takes advantage of the characteristics of each language. The results of multilingual ASR experiments showed that the proposed model significantly outperformed the ASR accuracy of the baseline model. In addition, by visualizing the weights of the attention mechanism, we confirmed that the feature transformation was performed based on the characteristics of each language. These results indicate that the frequency-directional attention mechanism is useful in multilingual ASR. In the future, we are going to evaluate an improved ASR model that simultaneously applies an attention mechanism for both the temporal direction and the frequency direction to the attention mechanism. In addition, it is possible that this method can also make good use of the characteristics of each speaker's speech, instead of using multilingual speech recognition. For example, we would like to evaluate this method for the elderly speech that is difficult to recognize. | {'timestamp': '2022-03-30T02:31:41', 'yymm': '2203', 'arxiv_id': '2203.15473', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15473'} |
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# Proposed Method
In this work, we define the problem of shadow removal as the translation of images from the shadow domain \(\mathcal{S} \subset {\mathbb{R}^{H \times W \times C}}\) to shadow-free domain \(\mathcal{F} \subset {\mathbb{R}^{H \times W \times C}}\) by utilising only the shadow image and its mask and alleviating the use of its shadow-free counterpart. The proposed architecture *UnShadowNet* is illustrated in Figure [\[fig:self_sup_shadow_arch\]](#fig:self_sup_shadow_arch){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:self_sup_shadow_arch"}. We briefly summarize the high level characteristics here and discuss each part in more detail in the following subsections. In this section, we present the overall architecture of our proposed end-to-end shadow removal network, namely *UnShadowNet*. The architecture can be divided into \(three\) parts: DeShadower Network (\(\mathcal{D}\)), Illumination Network (\(\mathcal{I}\)) and Refinement Network (\(\mathcal{R}\)). These three networks are jointly trained in a weakly-supervised manner. Let us consider a shadow image \(S\in\mathcal{S}\) and its corresponding shadow mask \(S_M\). We obtain the shadow region \(S_s\) by cropping the masked area from \(S_M\) in the shadow image \(S\). The DeShadower Network learns to remove the shadow from the region using a contrastive learning setup. It is aided by the Illumination Network which generates bright samples for \(\mathcal{D}\) to learn from. The Refinement Network finally combines the shadow-free region \(S_f\) with the real image and refines it to form the shadow-free image \(\hat{S}\).
## DeShadower Network (\(\mathcal{D}\))
The DeShadower Network is designed as an encoder-decoder based architecture to generate shadow-removed region (\(S_r\)) from the shadow region (\(S_s\)). The shadow-removed regions generated by this network \(S_r\) should *associate* more with the bright samples and *dissociate* itself from the shadow samples. We employ a contrastive learning approach to help the DeShadower network achieve this and learn to generate shadow-free regions. In a contrastive learning framework, a *"query\"* maximizes the mutual information with a *"positive\"* sample in contrast to other samples that are referred to as *"negatives\"*. In this work, we use a "noise contrastive estimation\" framework to maximise mutual information between \(S_f\) and the bright sample \(B\). We treat the bright samples generated by the Illumination Network as the "positive\" and the shadow regions as the "negatives\" in this contrastive learning setup. Thus, the objective function for maximising (and minimising) the mutual information can be formulated with the InfoNCELoss , a criterion derived from both statistics and metric learning . Its formulation bears similarities with the cross-entropy loss: \[\begin{gathered}
\ell(x, x^+, x^-) = \\-log \left[ \frac{exp(x\cdot x^+/ \tau)}{exp(x\cdot x^+ / \tau) + \sum_{i=1}^N exp(x\cdot x^-_i/ \tau)} \right] \end{gathered}\] where \(x, x^+, x^-\) are the *query*, *positive* and *negatives* respectively. \(\tau\) is the temperature parameter that controls the sharpness of the similarity distribution. We set it to the default value from prior work : \(\tau {=} 0.07\). The feature stack in the encoder of the DeShadower Network, represented as \(\mathcal{D}_{enc}\), already contains latent information about the input shadow region \(S_s\). From \(\mathcal{D}_{enc}\), \(L\) layers are selected, and following practices from prior works , we pass these features through a projection head, an MLP (\(M_l\)) with two hidden layers. Subsequently, we obtain features: \[s_l = M_l(\mathcal{D}^l_{enc}(S_s)); \quad l \in \{1,2...,L\}\] where \(\mathcal{D}^l_{enc}\) is the \(l\)-th chosen layer in \(\mathcal{D}^l_{enc}\). Similarly the output or the 'unshadowed' region \(S_f\) and the bright region \(B\) are encoded respectively as: \[f_l = M_l(\mathcal{D}^l_{enc}(S_f)); b_l = M_l(\mathcal{D}^l_{enc}(B))\] We adjust the InfoNCE loss into a layer-wise NCE loss: \[\mathcal{L}_{NCE}(f_l, b_l, s_l) = \mathbb{E}_{S_f \sim \mathcal{F}, S_s \sim \mathcal{S}, B \sim \mathcal{B}} \quad \ell(f_l, b_l, s_l)\] The generator should not change the contents of an image when there is no need to. In other words, given a shadow free sample as input, it is expected to generate the same as output without any change. To enforce such a regularization, we employ an identity loss. It is formulated using an \(L1\) loss as: \[\mathcal{L}_{iden} = \mathbb{E}_{S_f \sim \mathcal{F}} ||\mathcal{D}(S_f), S_f||_1\] Additionally, as described further in following sections, the Illumination Critic \(\mathcal{I}_\mathcal{C}\) is trained on real non-shadow samples and augmented bright samples. Therefore, we can additionally use the cues provided by the Illumination Critic to distill its knowledge of illumination to the DeShadower Network. This is achieved by the computing the loss: \[\label{eqn:critic} \mathcal{L}_{\textit{critic}} = \left[ 1-\mathcal{I}_\mathcal{C}(\mathcal{D}(S_s)) \right]^2\]
## Illumination Network (\(\mathcal{I}\))
Shadow regions have a lower level illumination compared to its surroundings and the exact illumination level can vary according to scene lighting conditions as illustrated in Fig. [\[fig:varying_shadow\]](#fig:varying_shadow){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:varying_shadow"}. To show that a real shadow image and an image with a region where brightness is reduced are similar even semantically, we designed a small experimental setup. We fine-tune a ResNet with samples containing real shadows and no shadows for a Shadow/Non-shadow classification task and then test the images where we reduce the brightness in the shadow region. In the majority of the cases, the network classifies it to be 'Shadow' image. Using this heuristic, the Illumination Network (\(\mathcal{I}\)) is designed as a Generative Adversarial Network to serve as a complementary augmentation setup to generate synthetic images where the illumination level is increased in a shadow region. The shadow region \(S_s\) is passed through the generator \(\mathcal{I}_\mathcal{G}\) to produce brighter samples \(B\) of the shadow region. The illumination critic (\(\mathcal{I}_\mathcal{C}\)) learns to classify these samples generated by \(\mathcal{I}_\mathcal{G}\) as 'fake'. The motivation of this discriminator is detailed in the following section. The generator \(\mathcal{I}_\mathcal{G}\) and the discriminator \(\mathcal{I}_\mathcal{C}\) thus learns from the adversarial loss as: \[\label{eqn:adversarial} \begin{aligned} \mathcal{L}_{\textit{adv}} = {} & \mathbb{E}_{S_s \sim \mathcal{S}} \left[ (1-\mathcal{I}_\mathcal{C}(\mathcal{I}_\mathcal{G}(S_s)))^2 \right] + \\ & \mathbb{E}_{S_s \sim \mathcal{S}} \left[ \mathcal{I}_\mathcal{C}(\mathcal{I}_\mathcal{G}(S_s))^2 \right] + \\ & \mathbb{E}_{B' \sim \mathcal{B}} \left[ (1-\mathcal{I}_\mathcal{D}(B'))^2 \right] \end{aligned}\] We observe that the more optimal samples Illumination Network generates leads to aid \(\mathcal{D}\) to create more realistic shadow-removed samples. Therefore, to improve \(\mathcal{I}\) to create well-illuminated samples we employ the illumination loss as an \(L1\) loss between the \(\mathcal{I}_\mathcal{G}\) generated bright sample \(B\) and the shadow-removed sample \(S_f\) as: \[\mathcal{L}_{illum} = \frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=0}^{N}||S_f-B||_1\] The adversarial loss with the help of the discriminator and the illumination loss together play a role in generating well-illuminated samples, which in turn helps \(\mathcal{D}\) to create better shadow-removed samples. In this regard, both \(\mathcal{D}\) and \(\mathcal{I}\) complement each other for the task. The Illumination Network supervises \(\mathcal{D}\) to generate shadow-removed regions and likewise, \(\mathcal{D}\) encourages \(\mathcal{I}\) to create well-illuminated samples by learning from it. The choice of using \(\mathcal{I}\) is experimentally justified in the ablation study section, as it helps to generate better results rather than relying solely on a pre-determined illumination level increase.
## Illumination Critic (\(\mathcal{I}_\mathcal{C}\)) {#critic}
The role of the the Illumination Critic (\(\mathcal{I}_\mathcal{C}\)) is two-fold. Firstly, in the Illumination Network which generates well-illuminated variations of the shadow region \(S_s\), the \(\mathcal{I}_\mathcal{C}\) is designed as a discriminator to the \(\mathcal{I}_\mathcal{G}\). The knowledge \(\mathcal{I}_\mathcal{C}\) learns from representations of shadow-free regions allows it to encourage \(\mathcal{I}_\mathcal{G}\) to create well-illuminated variations of the shadow region \(S_s\) which is later used as *positive* pair to contrastively train \(\mathcal{D}\). Additionally, the DeShadower Network utilizes the knowledge of the \(\mathcal{I}_\mathcal{C}\) to create realistic shadow-removed regions from the \(S_s\). Having learnt the representations of shadow-free regions and augmented samples with varying illumination, \(\mathcal{I}_\mathcal{C}\) is able to influence \(\mathcal{D}\) to "remove\" shadows from shadow regions using the \(\mathcal{L}_{critic}\) in Eqn. [\[eqn:critic\]](#eqn:critic){reference-type="ref" reference="eqn:critic"}. This two-fold characteristic of \(\mathcal{I}_\mathcal{C}\) facilitates the complimentary nature of \(\mathcal{D}\) and \(\mathcal{I}\) where they mutually improve each other. To train \(\mathcal{I}_\mathcal{C}\), we crop randomly masked non-shadow areas from \(S\) as well as other samples in the dataset similar to. Additionally, \(\mathcal{I}_\mathcal{C}\) is trained by augmented samples where each shadow region \(S_s\) is converted to \(3\) different samples by varying the illumination levels. The illumination levels are increased by a factor \(\mu-5, \mu, \mu+5\) where \(\mu\) is fixed empirically as presented in Table [\[tab:mu_table\]](#tab:mu_table){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:mu_table"}. It is trained using the same adversarial loss as the Illumination Network.
## Refinement Network (\(\mathcal{R}\))
After obtaining the shadow-removed region \(S_r\), it is embedded with the original shadow image \(S\). The embedding operation can be defined as: \[\hat{S}_r = S-S * S_M + S_r * S_M\] Following the embedding operation, there remains additional artifacts around the inpainted area due to improper blending. The Refinement Network \(\mathcal{R}\) is designed to get rid of such artifacts by making use of the global context in the image. The absence of explicit ground truths in this setting motivated us to design a contrastive setup to train \(\mathcal{R}\). To generate the *positive* samples, we follow to augment the generated shadow-removed image (\(\hat{S}_r\)) by using random cropping of non-shadow regions. It is followed by additional transformations like resizing the cropped region back to the original size, random cutout, Gaussian blur and Gaussian noise, represented as \(\hat{S}_{aug}\). The objective is to maximise the information between the *query* image and the *positive* image pairs and reduce the same with the *negative* ones. In this phase, we reuse the existing encoder of \(\mathcal{R}\) represented as \(\mathcal{R}_{enc}\) as a feature extractor. We extract the layer-wise features of the *query* \({F}_{l}\), *positive* \(F^+_l\) and *negative* \(F^-_l\) images and pass them through an MLP with two-hidden layers, similar to \(\mathcal{D}\). Thus, we obtain the feature representations of \({F}_{l}\), \(F^+_l\) and \(F^-_l\) respectively as follows: \[\begin{split} {F}_{l} = \hat{M}_l(\mathcal{R}^l_{enc}(\hat{S})); F^+_l = \hat{M}_l(\mathcal{R}^l_{enc}(\hat{S}_{aug})); \\ F^-_l = \hat{M}_l(\mathcal{R}^l_{enc}(S)) \end{split}\] Therefore the objective function for the contrastive learning setup can be represented as: \[\mathcal{L}_{NCE}(F_l, F^+_l, F^-_l) = \mathbb{E}_{\hat{S} \sim \mathcal{F}, S \sim \mathcal{S}} \quad \ell(F_l, F^+_l, F^-_l)\] Additionally we find that following, using a "layer-selective\" perceptual loss along with the contrastive loss helps to preserve the integrity of the overall spatial details present in the input and output images. It is computed based on the features extracted by relu_5\_1 and relu_5\_3 of a VGG-16 feature extractor as: \[\mathcal{L}_{ref} = \frac{1}{2}\sum_{i=0}^{2}||VGG_i(\hat{S})-VGG_i(S)||^2_2\]
## Supervised setup
Paired data is difficult to obtain for large scale real-world datasets, however it can be collected for a controlled smaller dataset. Here we demonstrate that *UnShadowNet* can easily extend to exploit when paired shadow-free ground-truths (\(G\)) are available. Since the optimal level of illumination in the regions are available from \(G\) itself, we remove \(\mathcal{I}\) in the fully-supervised setup and use different augmented versions of the \(G\) directly. Additionally, we make use of different losses that help to generate more realistic shadow-free images. To avoid loss of details in terms of content, we employ the pixel-wise *L1*-norm: \[\mathcal{L}_{p} = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=0}^{N} ||\hat{S}_i-G_i||\]
Colour plays an important role in preserving the realism of the generated image and maintaining the consistency with the real image. To this end, we follow a recent study in the literature to formulate the colour loss as: \[\mathcal{L}_{c} = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=0}^{N}\sum_{j=0}^{P} \angle (\hat{S}_i, G_i)\] where \(\angle(,)\) computes an angle between two colors regarding the RGB color as a \(3\)D vector, and \(P\) represents the number of pixel-pairs. In addition, style plays an important role in an image that corresponds to the texture information. We follow to define a Gram matrix as the inner product between the vectorised feature maps \(i\) and \(j\) in layer \(l\): \[\gamma_{i,j}^l = \sum_k V_{i,k}^l \cdot V_{j,k}^l\] The Gram matrix is the style for the feature set extracted by the \(l\)-th layer of VGG-\(16\) net for an input image. Subsequently, the style loss can be defined as: \[\mathcal{L}_{s} = \frac{1}{N_l} \sum_{i = 0}^{N_l} ||\hat{S}_i-\gamma_i||^2\] where \(S_i\) and \(\gamma_i\) are the gram matrices for the generated shadow-free image and ground truth image respectively using VGG-\(16\). Therefore, the complete supervised loss can be formulated as a weighted sum (\(\mathcal{L}_{sup}\)) of the pixel (\(\mathcal{L}_{p}\)), colour (\(\mathcal{L}_{c}\)) and style (\(\mathcal{L}_{s}\)) losses: \[\mathcal{L}_{sup} = \lambda_1 \cdot \mathcal{L}_{p} + \lambda_2 \cdot \mathcal{L}_{c} + \lambda_3 \cdot \mathcal{L}_{s}\] where \(\lambda_1,\lambda_2\) and \(\lambda_3\) are the weights corresponding to the pixel, colour and style losses respectively and are set empirically to \(1.0\), \(1.0\) and \(1.0 \times 10^{4}\) following, and respectively in our experiments.
# Conclusion {#sec:conc}
In this work, we have developed a novel end-to-end framework consisting of a deep learning architecture for image shadow removal in unconstrained settings. The proposed model can be trained with full or weak supervision. We achieve state-of-the-art results in all the major shadow removal datasets. Although weak supervision has slightly lesser performance, it eliminates the need for shadowless ground truth which is difficult to obtain. To enable the weakly supervised training, we have introduced a novel illumination network which comprises of a generative model used to brighten the shadow region and a discriminator trained using shadow-free patches of the image. It acts as a guide (called illumination critic) for producing illuminated samples by the generator. DeShadower, another component of the proposed framework is trained in a contrastive way with the help of illuminated samples which are generated by the preceding part of the network. Finally, we propose a refinement network which is trained in a contrastive way and it is used for fine tuning of the shadow removed image obtained as an output of the DeShadower. We perform ablation studies to show that the three components of our proposed framework, namely illuminator, Deshadower and refinement network work effectively together. To evaluate the generalization capacity of the proposed approach, we tested a few novel samples of shadow affected images from a generic automotive dataset and obtained promising results of shadow removal. Shadow removal continues to be a challenging problem in dynamic automotive scenes and we hope this work encourages further dataset creation and research in this area
# Introduction
Shadows are a common phenomenon that exist in most natural scenes. It occurs due to the inadequate illumination that makes part of the image darker than the other region of the same image. It causes a significant negative impact to performance of various computer vision tasks as object detection, semantic segmentation and object tracking. Image editing using shadow matting is one of the common ways to remove shadows. Shadow detection and correction can improve the efficiency of the machine learning model for a broad spectrum of vision based problems such as image restoration, satellite image analysis, information recovery in urban high-resolution panchromatic satellite images, face recognition, and object detection. Shadows are prevalent in almost all images in automotive scenes. The complex interaction of shadow segments with the objects of interest such as pedestrians, roads, lanes, vehicles and riders makes the scene understanding challenging. Additionally, it does not have any distinct geometrical shape or size similar to soiling. Thus, they commonly lead to poor performance in road segmentation and pedestrian segmentation. Moving shadows can be incorrectly detected as a dynamic object in background subtraction, motion segmentation , depth estimation and SLAM algorithms. The difficulty of shadows is further exacerbated in strong sun glare scenes where the dynamic range is very high across shadow and glare regions. These issues lead to incomplete or partial understanding of \(360\degree\) surrounding region of the vehicle and bring major safety concerns for the passengers and Vulnerable Road Users (VRU) while performing automated driving. Alternate sensor technologies like thermal camera are resistant to shadow issues and can be used to augment cameras. In recent times, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) based approaches have significantly surpassed classical computer vision based shadow removal techniques. Majority of the recent deep-learning based shadow removal approaches are fully-supervised in nature. However, such an end-to-end training setup requires *paired data*, namely shadow images and their shadow-free versions of the same images. These paired data are used to train CNNs. Practically, the paired data is difficult to obtain particularly when the vehicle is moving fast. Some of the challenges include highly controlled lighting sources, object interactions, occlusions and static scene. Data acquisition through such controlled setting suffers from diversity and often reports color inconsistencies between shadow and shadow-free reference of the same image. Additionally, it is very difficult to capture any High Dynamic Range (HDR) natural scene without any presence of shadow for a shadow-free reference sample. Some of the recent studies address the above mentioned challenges and solve the shadow removal problem using *unpaired* data. They studied the physical properties of shadows such as illumination, color and texture extensively. Motivated by these recent works, we propose an end-to-end trained weakly-supervised architecture for shadow removal as illustrated in Figure [\[fig:high_level_shadow\]](#fig:high_level_shadow){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:high_level_shadow"}. In brief, we pass the shadow region of an input image to the DeShadower network that is aided by the Illumination network to contrastively learn to "remove\" shadow from the region by exploiting the illumination properties. It is followed by the Refinement network that helps to remove any artifacts and maintain the overall spatial consistency with the input image and finally generate the shadow-free image. We summarize our contributions below:
1. We develop a novel weakly-supervised training scheme namely *UnShadowNet* using contrastive learning to build a shadow remover in unconstrained settings where the network can be trained even without any shadow-free samples.
2. We propose a contrastive loss guided DeShadower network to remove the shadow effects and a refinement network for efficient blending of the artifacts from shadow removed area.
3. We achieved state-of-the-art results on three public datasets namely ISTD, adjusted ISTD and SRD in both constrained and unconstrained setup.
4. We perform extensive ablation studies with different proposed network components, diverse augmentation techniques, shadow inpainting and tuning of several hyper-parameters.
# Related Work
Removing shadow from images has received a significant thrust due to the availability of large-scale datasets. In this section, first we briefly discuss the classical computer vision methods reported in the literature. Then we discuss the more recent deep learning based approaches. Finally, we summarize the details of contrastive learning and its applications since it is a key component in our framework.
## Classical approaches
**Illumination based shadow removal:** Initial work on removing shadows were primarily motivated by the illumination and color properties of shadow region. In one of the earliest research, Barrow *et al.* proposed an image based algorithm that decomposes the image into a few predefined intrinsic parts based on shape, texture, illumination and shading. Later Guo *et al.* reported the simplified version of the same intrinsic parts by establishing a relation between the shadow pixels and the shadow-free region using a linear system. Likewise, Shor *et al.* designed a model based on illumination properties of shadows that makes hard association between shadow and shadow-free pixels. In another study, Finlayson *et al.* proposed a model that generates illumination invariant image for shadow detection followed by removal. The main idea of this work is that the pixels with similar chromaticity tend to have similar albedo. Further, histogram equalization based models performed quite well for shadow removal, where color of the shadow-free area was transferred to the shadowed area as reported by Vicente *et al.*. **Shadow matting:** Porter & Duff introduced matting based technique that became effective while handling shadows that are less distinct and fuzzy around the edges. Matting was only helpful to some extent as computing shadow matte from a single image is difficult. To overcome this problem, Chuang *et al.* applied matting for shadow editing and then transferred the shadow regions to the different scenes. Later shadow matte was computed from a sequence of video frames captured using a static camera. Shadow matte was adopted by Guo *et al.* and Zhang *et al.* in their framework for shadow removal.
## Deep learning based approaches
**Shadow removal using paired data:** Deep neural networks have been able to learn the properties of a shadow region efficiently when the network is trained in a fully supervised manner. Such setup requires paired data that means the shadow and shadow-free version of the same image are fed as input to the network. Qu *et al.* proposed an end-to-end learning framework called Deshadownet for removing shadow where they extract multi-scale contextual information from different layers. This information containing density and color offset of the shadows finally helped to predict the shadow matte. The method ST-CGAN, a two-stage approach was proposed by Wang *et al.*, presents an end-to-end network that jointly learns to detect and remove shadow. This framework was designed based on conditional GAN. In SP+M-Net, physics based priors were used as inductive bias. The networks were trained to obtain the shadow parameters and matte information to remove shadows. However, these parameters and matte details were pre-computed using the paired samples and the same were regressed in the network. Further Hu *et al.* designed a shadow detection and removal technique by analyzing the contextual information in image space in a direction aware manner. These features were then aggregated and fed into an RNN model. In ARGAN, an attentive recurrent generative adversarial network was reported. The generator contained multiple steps where shadow regions were progressively detected. A negative residual based encoder was employed to recover the shadow-free area and then a discriminator was setup to classify the final output as real or fake. In another recent framework RIS-GAN, using adversarial learning shadow removal was performed using three distinct discriminators negative residual images. Subsequently shadow removed images and the inverse illumination maps were jointly validated. **Shadow removal using unpaired data:** Mask-ShadowGAN is the first deep learning based method that learn to remove shadow from unpaired training samples. Their approach was conceptualized on CycleGAN where a mapping was learnt from a source (shadow area) to target (shadow-free area) domain. Le and Samaras presented a learning strategy that crops the shadow area from an input image to learn the physical properties of shadow in an unpaired setting. CANet handles the shadow removal problem in two stages. First, contextual information were extracted from non-shadow area and then transferred the same to shadow region in the feature space. Finally, an encoder-decoder setup was used to fine tune the final results. LG-ShadowNet explored the lightness and color properties of shadow images and put them through multiplicative connections in a deep neural network using unpaired data. Cun *et al.* handled the issues of color inconsistency and artifacts at the boundaries of the shadow removed area using Dual Hierarchically Aggregation Network (DHAN) and Shadow Matting Generative Adversarial Network (SMGAN). Weakly-supervised method G2R-ShadowNet designed three sub-networks dedicated for shadow generation, shadow removal and image refinement. Fu *et al.* modelled the shadow removal problem from a different perspective that is auto-exposure fusion. They proposed shadow-aware FusionNet and boundary-aware RefineNet to obtain final shadow removed image. Further in a weakly-supervised approach was proposed that can be trained even without any shadow-free samples. **Miscellaneous:** Apart from shadow removal, shadow detection is also a well-studied area, some of the recent works include . Inoue *et al.* highlighted the problem of preparing a large scale shadow dataset. They proposed a pipeline to synthetically generate shadow/shadow-free/matte image triplets.
## Contrastive learning
Learning the underlying representations by contrasting the positive and the negative pairs have been studied earlier in the community. This line of thought has inspired several works that attempt to learn visual representations without human supervision. While one family of works uses the concept of memory bank to store the class representations, another set of works develop on the idea of maximization of mutual information. Recently, Park *et al.* presented an approach for unsupervised image-to-image translation by maximizing the mutual information between the two domains using contrastive learning. In our work, we adopt the problem of shadow removal to solve it without using shadow-free ground truth samples with the help of contrastive learning.
# Experimentation Details {#sec:performance}
## Dataset and evaluation metrics
**Datasets:** In this work, we train and evaluate our proposed method on three publicly available datasets discussed below. **ISTD:** ISTD contains image triplets: shadow image, shadow-mask and shadow-free image captured at different lightning condition that makes the dataset significantly diverse. A total of \(1,870\) image triplets were generated from \(135\) scenes for the training set, whereas testing set contains \(540\) triplets obtained from \(45\) scenes. **ISTD+:** The samples of ISTD dataset were found to have color inconsistency issue between the shadow and shadow-free images as mentioned in the original work. The reason being, shadow and shadow-free image pairs were collected at different times of the day that led to the effect of different lightning appearance in the images. This color irregularity issue was fixed by Le *et al.* and an adjusted ISTD (ISTD+) dataset was published. **SRD:** There are total \(408\) pairs of shadow and shadow-free images in SRD dataset without the shadow-mask. For the training and evaluation of our both constrained and unconstrained setup, we use the shadow masks publicly provided by Cun *et al.*.\
**Evaluation metrics:** For all the experiments conducted in this work, we use Root Mean-Square Error (RMSE), Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Structural Similarity (SSIM) respectively as metrics to evaluate and compare the proposed approach with other state-of-the-art methods. Following the prior-art, we compute the RMSE on the recovered shadow-free area, non-shadow area and the entire image in LAB color space. In addition to RMSE, we also compute PSNR and SSIM scores in RGB color-space. RMSE is interpreted as better when it is lower, while PSNR and SSIM are better when they are higher.
## Implementation Details
The configuration of the generator is adopted from the DenseUNet architecture. Unlike the conventional UNet architecture, it uses skip connections to facilitate better information sharing among the symmetric layers. For the discriminator, we employ the architecture of the PatchGAN discriminator that penalizes generated image structure at the scale of patches instead of at the image level. We develop and train all our models using PyTorch framework. The proposals are trained using Momentum Optimizer with \(1\times10^{-4}\) as base learning rate for the first \(75\) epochs, then we apply linear decay for the rest epochs and train the whole model for total \(200\) epochs. Momentum was set to \(0.9\). All the models were trained on a system comprising one NVIDIA GeForce GTX \(2080\)Ti GPU and the batch size was set to \(1\) for all experiments. In the testing phase, shadow removed outputs are re-sized to \(256\times256\) to compare with the ground truth images, as followed in. We used the shadow detector by Ding *et al.* to extract the shadow-masks during the testing phase.
## Ablation study
We considered adjusted ISTD dataset to perform our ablation studies due to its large volume and common usage in most of the recent shadow removal literature. We design an extensive range of experiments on this dataset in both *weakly-supervised* and *fully-supervised* settings to evaluate the efficacy of the proposed several network components of *UnShadowNet* and find out the best configuration of our model. **Network components:** DeShadower network (\(\mathcal{D}\)) is the basic unit that acts as the overall shadow remover in the proposal. In the weakly-supervised setup, first, we experiment with only \(\mathcal{D}\) for shadow removal (D-Net). We then add Illumination network (\(\mathcal{I}\)) to include diverse illumination level on the non-shadow regions in the image. We couple \(\mathcal{I}\) with \(\mathcal{D}\) in contrastive learning setup (D+I-Net). After shadow removal, the shadow-free region needs refinement for efficient blending with the non-shadow area. Hence we add a Refinement network (\(\mathcal{R}\)) with \(\mathcal{D}\) where L1 loss guides to preserve the structural details (D+R-Net). Next we consider illumination guided contrastive learned refinement (D+R-Net) network where we add \(\mathcal{I}\) and that becomes D+I+R-Net. Further improvement is achieved when we add contrastive loss in \(\mathcal{R}\) which completes the UnShadowNet framework. In the fully-supervised setup, as described earlier, \(\mathcal{I}\) is not used. As a result, we present the study of D-Net, D+R-Net and UnShadowNet respectively. Table [\[tab:shadow_network_ablation\]](#tab:shadow_network_ablation){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:shadow_network_ablation"} summarizes the ablation study of various proposed network components. Improvement on accuracy is observed due to the addition of \(\mathcal{I}\) in contrastive learning setup. \(\mathcal{R}\) adds further significant benefit when L1 loss is replaced with contrastive loss. The improvements of the proposed components are consistent in both self-supervised and fully-supervised learning as reported in the same table. All further experiments are performed based on the configuration marked as UnShadowNet. **Curriculum learning:** Curriculum Learning is a type of a learning strategy that allows to feed easy examples to the neural network first and then gradually increases the complexity of the data. This helps to achieve stable convergence of the global optimum. As per Table [\[tab:ablation_data_aug\]](#tab:ablation_data_aug){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:ablation_data_aug"}, it is observed that curriculum learning technique provides considerable improvement while applying along with shadow inpainting and data augmentation.
**Shadow inpainting:** Appearance of shadow is a natural phenomena and yet it is not an easy task to define the strong properties of shadow. This is because it does not have distinguishable shape, size, texture etc. Hence it becomes important to augment the available shadow samples extensively so that it can be effectively learnt by the network. In this work, we estimate the mean intensity values of the existing shadow region of an image (\({I_P}\)). Then we randomly select shadow mask (\({S_M}\)) from the existing set of shadow samples. The mask (\({S_M}\)) is inpainted on the shadow-free region of the image (\({I_P}\)). The pixels that belong to the \({S_M}\) in \({I_P}\) will have brightness adjusted as the earlier computed mean. We do not apply the same mean every time, in order to generate diverse shadow regions, the estimated mean value is adjusted by \(\pm 5\%\). The main motivations of this inpainting are two-fold: 1) It is difficult to learn complex shadows when it interacts with diverse light sources and other objects in the scene. The inpainted shadows are standalone and will provide an easier reference sample to another shadow segment in \({I_P}\). 2) It also increases the robustness of the network towards shadow removal by inpainting shadows with more diverse variations. Figure [\[fig:shadow_inpainting\]](#fig:shadow_inpainting){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:shadow_inpainting"} shows the proposed shadow inpainting with random shadow mask and different shadow intensities. Table [\[tab:ablation_data_aug\]](#tab:ablation_data_aug){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:ablation_data_aug"} indicates the significant benefits of inpainting complementing the standard data augmentation. **Data augmentation:** Data augmentation is an essential constituent to regularize any deep neural network based model. We make use of some of the standard augmentation techniques such as image flipping with a probability of \(0.3\), random scaling of images in range \(0.8\) to \(1.2\), adding Gaussian noise, blur effect and enhancing contrast. Table [\[tab:ablation_data_aug\]](#tab:ablation_data_aug){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:ablation_data_aug"} sums up the role of curriculum learning, shadow inpainting and data augmentation individually and the various combinations. This ablation study is performed on both weakly-supervised and fully-supervised setups indicating that both these training strategies are beneficial to learn shadow removal task. **Illuminance factor (\(\bm{\mu}\)):** The DeShadower Network maximises the information with "bright\" synthetic augmentations generated by the Illumination Network. The effectiveness of the Illumination Network is verified from the results in Fig. [\[fig:shadow_removal_ablation\]](#fig:shadow_removal_ablation){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:shadow_removal_ablation"}. To train the Illumination Network, we sample shadow regions from the dataset and vary their brightness by \(\mu-5, \mu, \mu+5\). The different values experimented for the Illuminance factor (\(\mu\)) is presented in Table [\[tab:mu_table\]](#tab:mu_table){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:mu_table"}. We find that setting the value of \(\mu\) at \(50\) gives the most optimal results in shadow removal performance. For the fully-supervised setup, since the ground-truth images are available, the optimal level of brightness is obtained from those samples itself, consequently, \(\mu = 0\) gives the best performance.
## Quantitative study
We evaluate our proposals and compare quantitatively with the state-of-the-art shadow removal techniques on ISTD, Adjusted ISTD and SRD benchmark datasets. **ISTD:** Table [\[tab:shadow_main_table\]](#tab:shadow_main_table){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:shadow_main_table"} compares the proposed method with the state-of-the-art shadow removal approaches using RMSE, PSNR and SSIM metrics for shadow, shadow-free and all region. We achieve state-of-the-art results and the improvement with respect to all metrics for shadow area in both training setup namely weakly-supervised (UnshadowNet) and fully-supervised (UnshadowNet *Sup.*) are quite significant. There are few other fully-supervised shadow removal methods evaluated on ISTD dataset and we compared with our proposed fully-supervised setup. In this setup as well, as per Table [\[tab:istd_full_sup\]](#tab:istd_full_sup){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:istd_full_sup"}, our proposed method outperforms other state-of-the-art approaches. **ISTD+:** Table [\[tab:istdp_full_sup\]](#tab:istdp_full_sup){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:istdp_full_sup"} shows the performance of our proposed shadow remover on the adjusted ISTD dataset using RMSE metric. The comparison of our method in fully-supervised setup with other techniques trained in same fashion demonstrates the robustness of our framework as it shows incremental improvement over the most recent state-of-the-art methods. In addition, we have performed experiment using weakly-supervised setup where the metrics are comparable and only slightly behind the fully-supervised model. **SRD:** We report and compare our shadow removal results in both-constrained and unconstrained setup with existing fully-supervised methods on SRD using RMSE metric. Table [\[tab:srtd_full_sup\]](#tab:srtd_full_sup){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:srtd_full_sup"} indicates that our proposal trained in fully-supervised fashion obtains the lowest RMSE in all regions and outperforms the most recent state-of-the-art methods.
## Qualitative study
Figure [\[fig:globfig\]](#fig:globfig){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:globfig"} shows qualitative results of the proposed model trained in weakly-supervised format on total three challenging samples from ISTD dataset. We also visually compare with two existing and most recently published weakly-supervised shadow removal methods by Le *et al.* and G2R-ShadowNet respectively. It is clearly observed that UnShadowNet performs accurately to remove shadow in complex background. In addition to the unconstrained setup, Figure [\[fig:results_fully_supervised\]](#fig:results_fully_supervised){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:results_fully_supervised"} shows the results of our UnshadowNet *Sup.* model on ISTD dataset. It is to be noted that the visual results are not shown on adjusted ISTD dataset because the test samples are same as in ISTD dataset, the only difference is in the color in ground truth. In addition, we consider SRD dataset and this is the first work where visual results are presented on the samples from same dataset. Figure [\[fig:results_srd_self_supervised\]](#fig:results_srd_self_supervised){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:results_srd_self_supervised"} and [\[fig:results_srd_fully_supervised\]](#fig:results_srd_fully_supervised){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:results_srd_fully_supervised"} demonstrate the results of UnShadowNet in weakly-supervised and fully-supervised setup.
## Evaluation of generalization in an unconstrained automotive dataset
Automotive object detection and segmentation datasets do not provide shadow labels and thus it is not possible to quantitatively evaluate extensively on these datasets. We sampled a few shadow scenes from the challenging IDD dataset which contains varied lighting condition scenes on Indian roads. It was not possible to train our model as shadow masks were not available. Thus we used this dataset to evaluate the robustness and generalization of our pre-trained model on novel scenes. The qualitative results are illustrated in Figure [\[fig:results_automotive\]](#fig:results_automotive){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:results_automotive"}. Although the performance of the proposed shadow removal framework is either comparable to the state-of-the-art or superior but it is still not robust to be used in real-world autonomous driving systems. We feel that more extensive datasets have to be built for shadow to perform more detailed studies and we hope this work encourages creation of these datasets or annotations of shadows in existing datasets. | {'timestamp': '2022-03-30T02:30:33', 'yymm': '2203', 'arxiv_id': '2203.15441', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15441'} |
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# Introduction {#Sec:Intro}
Active matter represents biological systems and their artificial analogues that are composed of large numbers of active "agents\" such as creatures and self-propelling particles moving in fluids or more complex environments . These constituent agents are said to be *active* in the sense that they convert chemical energy continuously at the microscopic level into motion or mechanical forces. In biology, active matter includes systems at multiple scales, ranging from cell nuclei and actomyosin cytoskeletal networks at subcellular scales, to individual contractile adherent cells that are embedded in biopolymer gels, to confluent cell monolayers, to cell aggregates (or tissues) with active cell contractility, division/apoptosis, migration, and mechanical homeostasis *etc* , and even to groups of animals and pedestrian crowds . The presence of active agents in active matter breaks the detailed balance and time-reversal symmetry (TRS) , resulting in a wealth of intriguing macroscopic structures and behaviors, such as coherent intracellular flows , motility-induced phase separation , defect turbulence in living liquid crystals, unusual mechanical and rheological properties , wave propagation and sustained oscillations even in the absence of inertia , flocking in animal groups *etc*. Theoretically, there have been two major paradigms intensively explored to the study of active matter: agent-based models and continuum phenomenological models . The two theoretical approaches are complementary. The agent-based approach involves only a small number of parameters for each active agent, and therefore the theoretical predictions can be readily compared with experiments for some model active systems such as self-propelled colloids . However, the model for interacting self-propelled particles sometimes oversimplifies the problem, hence may lose some generality and applicability of its conclusions when applied to real systems, especially *in vivo* biological systems . By contrast, the formulation of phenomenological models is based upon symmetry consideration, conservation laws of mass, momentum, and angular momentum, and laws of thermodynamics. This gives the continuum approach a much larger range of applicability and generality when applied to real biological processes . Here we focus on the continuum phenomenological models, in which active matter is represented by fields of agent density and the orientational polarization or nematic order, *etc*. A continuum model for active matter is usually constructed by modifying the continuum model of a proper reference soft matter system such as micropolar fluids, liquid crystals, and gels . In general, active matter flows at large time scales and can be modelled phenomenologically by active fluids with orientational (polar or nematic) order. However, at time scales that are smaller than the structural relaxation time (such as unbinding time of crosslinkers in cytoskeleton and characteristic time of cell migration/division/apoptosis in connective tissues), active matter is more rigid and behaves as an elastic solid . Whereas active fluids have been studied extensively , active solids have received much less attention . In this work, we consider static elasticity problems in active solids. Active solids, consisting of elastically coupled active agents, combine the central properties of passive elastic solids and active fluids. On the one hand, the positional degrees of freedom of constituent active agents have a well-defined reference state. On the other hand, activity endows these agents with an additional degree of freedom in the form of polar or nematic, active (contractile) forces. In active fluids, active agent and the environmental viscous fluids form a nonlinear hydro-active feedback loop. Active forces shear the fluids and induce flow fields, which depend on the force distribution. These flows, in turn, facilitate aligning interactions between active forces, leading to abundant collective emergent behaviors. By contrast, in active solids, active agent and the environmental elastic matrix form a nonlinear elasto-active feedback loop. Active forces deform their environmental elastic matrix and induce a strain field, which depends on the distribution of active forces. This strain field in turn reorient the agent and active forces. Here, we propose that variational methods based on the principle of minimum (restricted) free energy (MFEVP) provide powerful tools for the modeling and analysis of the elasto-active feedback behaviors in active solids. In Sec. [2](#Sec:VarMeth){reference-type="ref" reference="Sec:VarMeth"}, we first introduce the general variational methods and the deep Ritz method that are based on MFEVP for static problems in active matter. Next in Sec. [3](#Sec:ActSolid){reference-type="ref" reference="Sec:ActSolid"}, we use MFEVP to formulate the continuum theory of active solids and discuss the constitutive relations for both elastic and active stresses. In Sec. [4](#Sec:App1){reference-type="ref" reference="Sec:App1"}, we then apply the variational methods and the deep Ritz method to study the spontaneous bending and contraction of active circular plates. These studies are relevant to biological processes at multiple scales, for example, morphogenesis and gravitaxis of confluent cell monolayer, *etc*. In Sec. [5](#Sec:Conclude){reference-type="ref" reference="Sec:Conclude"}, we summarize our major results and make some general remarks.
# Variational methods for active matter statics {#Sec:VarMeth}
Variational principles have been proposed in various fields of physics. Here we are particularly interested in the physics of soft and biological matter, in which two variational principles are mostly relevant: the principle of minimum free energy for static problems and Onsager's variational principle (or similar principles that extend Lagrangian variational mechanics to dissipative systems ) for dynamic problems . The former principle is of our particular interests in this work and is most relevant to active elastic solids.
## The variational principle of minimum (restricted) free energy (MFEVP) {#Sec:VarMeth-MFEVP}
In soft and biological systems, there are usually several modes of motion with well-separated time scales, in which we can define slow and fast variables. The relaxation time of slow variables is distinctively longer than that of fast variables. In this case, the so-called restricted free energy \({\cal F}(\bm{\alpha},T)\) is introduced as an effective Hamiltonian function of a set of slow variables \(\bm{\alpha}=\left(\alpha_{1}, \alpha_{2}, \ldots, \alpha_{\rm N}\right)\). In statistical mechanics, \({\cal F}(\bm{\alpha},T)\) is obtained by integrating over the fast microscopic degrees of freedom (coarse-graining) that are not far from their equilibrium state, while constraining their average to be \(\bm{\alpha}\). Then the free energy is given as a functional of the probability distribution function \(P(\bm{\alpha})\) as \[\label{Eq:VarMeth-F} {\cal F}(T) =\int d \bm{\alpha} \left[\beta^{-1} P(\bm{\alpha}) \ln P(\bm{\alpha}) + {\cal F}(\bm{\alpha},T)P(\bm{\alpha}) \right].\] Minimization of \({\cal F}(T)\) with respect to \(P(\alpha)\) yields the probability distribution function: \[\label{Eq:VarMeth-Peq} P(\bm{\alpha})=Z^{-1} e^{-\beta {\cal F}(\bm{\alpha},T)}\] with partition function \(Z=\int d\alpha e^{-\beta {\cal F}(\bm{\alpha},T)}\), \(\beta=1/k_{\rm B} T\) (here \(T\) is the temperature and \(k_{\rm B}\) is the Boltzmann constant), and the free energy of the system at equilibrium is given by \({\cal F}_{\rm eq}(T)=-\beta^{-1} \ln Z\). Actually, it is because of Eq. ([\[Eq:VarMeth-Peq\]](#Eq:VarMeth-Peq){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:VarMeth-Peq"}) that \({\cal F}(\bm{\alpha},T)\) is regarded as the Hamiltonian in the new coarse-grained phase space specified by \(\bm{\alpha}\). We then obtain the thermodynamic variational principle of minimum (restricted) free energy (MFEVP): the most probable equilibrium state is the state \(\bm{\alpha}\) which minimizes the restricted free energy \({\cal F}(\bm{\alpha},T)\), that is, \({\partial{{\cal F}}}/{\partial\bm{\alpha}}=0\). In active soft matter, however, the *generalized thermodynamic force* \(\tilde{f}_{i}\) includes not only the conservative force \(\tilde{f}_{c i}(\bm{\alpha})=-{\partial {\cal F}(\bm{\alpha})}/{\partial \alpha_{i}}\) but also the *active force* \(\tilde{f}_{ai}(\bm{\alpha})\), which is a non-conservative force that cannot be derived from any energy function. Physically, the active forces arise from the persistent consumption of chemical energy and they continuously drive the system out of equilibrium locally at the small scale of individual active unit. For example, the active forces can be generated by biochemical reactions such as ATP hydrolysis in animal cells/tissues . In this case, the total (restricted) free energy is given by \[\label{Eq:VarMeth-Ft} {\cal F}_{\rm t}(\bm{\alpha})={\cal F}(\bm{\alpha})-{\cal W}(\bm{\alpha})\] in which \({\cal W}=\int_{\bm{\alpha}_0}^{\bm{\alpha}}\bm{\tilde{f}}(\tilde{\bm{\alpha}}) d\tilde{\bm{\alpha}}\) is the work done by "external\" forces, \(\bm{\tilde{f}}\), such as active forces \(\bm{\tilde{f}}_{\rm a}\) and other external forces \(\bm{\tilde{f}}_{\rm ex}\), which generally depend on the state of the system specified by slow variables \(\bm{\alpha}\). Minimization of \({\cal F}_{\rm t}\) with respect to \(\bm{\alpha}\) gives the governing equilibrium (Euler-Lagrange) equations \[\label{Eq:VarMeth-EquilEqn}-{\partial{{\cal F}}}/{\partial\alpha_i}+\tilde{f}_{i}=0.\] That is, the variational principle of minimum free energy (MFEVP) is equivalent to the balance equation of generalized forces. To be more specific, we consider the applications of MFEVP to elastic continuum solids where the total free energy functional is given by \[\label{Eq:VarMeth-Ftot} {\cal F}_{\rm t}[\bm{u}({\bm{r}})] = {\cal F}_{\rm e}[\bm{u}({\bm{r}})]-\int d\bm{r} f_{i} u_{i}-\oint dA \sigma_{{\rm s} i} u_{i}.\] Here \(\bm{u}({\bm{r}})\) is the displacement field, \({\cal F}_{\rm e} [\bm{u}({\bm{r}})]= \int d\bm{r} F_{\rm e}(\bm{u}({\bm{r}}))\) is the deformation energy functional of the elastic solid with \(F_{\rm e}(\bm{u}({\bm{r}}))\) being the energy density to be discussed in Sec. [3.2](#Sec:ActSolid-Elast){reference-type="ref" reference="Sec:ActSolid-Elast"}. \(\bm{f}\) and \(\bm{\sigma}_{\rm s}\) are the force densities applied in the bulk and at the surfaces, respectively. Minimization of \({\cal F}_{\rm t}\) with respect to \(\bm{u}({\bm{r}})\) gives the bulk equilibrium (or force balance) equations and boundary conditions:
respectively, with \(u_{{\rm s}i}\) being some given displacements at the surfaces. Here \(\sigma^{\rm e}_{ij}\) is the elastic stress, generally satisfying \(\delta {\cal F}_{\rm e}=\int_{\Omega} d\bm{r}\sigma^{\rm e}_{ij} \delta \epsilon_{ij}\) for both linear and nonlinear materials , which will be discussed further in Sec. [3.2](#Sec:ActSolid-Elast){reference-type="ref" reference="Sec:ActSolid-Elast"}. Note that the boundary conditions in Eq. ([\[Eq:VarMeth-EquilEqn2\]](#Eq:VarMeth-EquilEqn2){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:VarMeth-EquilEqn2"}) are classified into two types: *essential* boundary conditions, which require the variation of \(\bm{u}\) and possibly its derivatives to vanish at the boundary, and *natural* boundary conditions, which require the specification of the coefficients of the variations of \(\bm{u}\) and its derivatives. Natural boundary conditions can be derived directly from the minimization of energy functional, but essential boundary conditions have to be included into the energy functional as constraints, for example, by the Lagrange multiplier methods.
## Variational methods of approximation: Ritz-type method {#Sec:VarMeth-Ritz}
Variational principles provide not only an equivalent substitute for the applications of governing (force balance or Euler-Lagrange) equations, but also some powerful variational methods of finding approximate solutions to these equations, *e.g.*, Ritz method and the least-squares method . In these variational methods, some simple trial functions to the problem are assumed where the state variables \(\bm{\alpha}=\left(\alpha_{1}, \, \alpha_{2}, \ldots \right)\) are taken as combinations of some simple functions with a much smaller number of adjustable parameters, \(\bm{c}=\left(c_{1}, \, c_{2}, \ldots \right)\), *i.e.*, \(\bm{\alpha}=\bm{\alpha}(\bm{c})\). Then the total free energy \(\mathcal{F}_{\rm t}(\bm{\alpha})\) can be written as a function of these parameters \(\mathcal{F}_{\rm t}(\bm{c})\) and its minimization with respect to \({\bm{c}}\) gives approximate solutions of the static problem and determines the equilibrium state of the system. Such methods simplify the problem significantly: they bypass the derivation and solution of the complex governing Euler-Lagrange equations, and go directly from the variational statement to an approximate solution of the problem. These simplified solution methods are, therefore, called direct variational methods or variational methods of approximation . Note that in the variational method of approximation, the trial functions can be either *completely empirical* arising from experiences gained from systematic numerical analysis or experimental measurements , or assumed to *linear combinations of a finite set of basis functions* such as algebraic and trigonometric polynomials . The latter choice of trial functions is known as Ritz method, in which the trial function can be approximated to arbitrary accuracy by a suitable linear combination of a sufficiently large set of basis functions. However, we would like to emphasize that no matter what forms the trial functions are assumed to be, they have to satisfy the specified essential boundary conditions (not need to satisfy the natural boundary conditions explicitly, because they are included intrinsically in the variational statement). To be more specific and to fully demonstrate the idea of the variational methods of approximation described above, we consider the continuum elastic theory of solids , in which the state variables are only the displacement field \(\bm{u}(\bm{r})\) and the total free energy is a functional of \(\bm{u}(\bm{r})\), *i.e.*, \({\cal F}_{\rm t}={\cal F}_{\rm t}[\bm{u}(\bm{r})]\). As mentioned above, the trial approximate solution of \(\bm{u}(\bm{r})\) can be completely empirical, denoted by \(\bm{U}_{\rm N}(\bm{r};\bm{c})\), which satisfies the specified essential boundary conditions and is parameterized by \(N\) as yet unknown independent constant parameters \(\bm{c}=(c_{1}, c_{2}, \ldots, c_{N})\). For example, we have used a one-parameter empirical (power-law) trial function in a recent work to explain the slow decay of cell-induced displacements measured experimentally for fibroblast spheroids in three-dimensional fibrin gels. Besides, in the Ritz method, we seek a more explicit approximation \(\bm{U}_{\rm N}(\bm{r};\bm{c})\), for a fixed and pre-selected \(N\), in the finite series form of \[\label{Eq:VarMeth-Trial} \bm{u}(\bm{r})\approx \bm{U}_{\rm N}(\bm{r};\bm{c}) =\sum_{i=1}^{N} c_{i} \bm{\phi}_{i}(\bm{r})+\bm{\phi}_{0}(\bm{r}),\] in which \(\bm{\phi}_{i}(\bm{r})\) are basis functions and \(c_{i}\) are the unknown independent parameters. Here in order for \(\bm{U}_{\rm N}(\bm{r};\bm{c})\) to satisfy the essential boundary conditions for any \(c_{i}\), we take the convenient approximation form of Eq. ([\[Eq:VarMeth-Trial\]](#Eq:VarMeth-Trial){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:VarMeth-Trial"}), requiring that \(\phi_{0}(x)\) satisfies the specified essential boundary conditions of the problem, and that \(\phi_{i}\, (i=1,2, \ldots, N)\) must be continuous, linearly independent, and satisfy the homogeneous form of the specified essential boundary conditions. In either form of the approximate trial function \(\bm{U}_{\rm N}(\bm{r};\bm{c})\), substituting it into the total free energy functional \({\cal F}_{\rm t}[\bm{u}(\bm{r})]\), we obtain (after carrying out the indicated integration with respect to \(\bm{r}\)): \({\cal F}_{\rm t}={\cal F}_{\rm t}(\bm{c})\). Then the independent parameters \(\bm{c}\) are determined by minimizing \({\cal F}_{\rm t}\) with respect to \(\bm{c}\): \[\label{Eq:VarMeth-FtMin} \frac{\partial {\cal F}_{\rm t}}{\partial c_{i}}=0 \quad \text { for } i=1,2, \ldots, N\] which represents a set of \(N\) linear equations among \(c_{1}, c_{2}, \ldots, c_{N}\). The solution of Eq. ([\[Eq:VarMeth-FtMin\]](#Eq:VarMeth-FtMin){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:VarMeth-FtMin"}) together with Eq. ([\[Eq:VarMeth-Trial\]](#Eq:VarMeth-Trial){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:VarMeth-Trial"}) or the empirical form of \(\bm{U}_{\rm N}(\bm{r};\bm{c})\) yields the approximate solution \(\bm{u}(\bm{r})\). This completes the description of Ritz-type variational methods of approximation.
## Deep Ritz method (DRM): Deep learning-based methods of solving variational problems {#Sec:VarMeth-DeepRitz}
For typical variational problems in solid elastostatics, we minimize the total free energy functional \({\cal F}_{\rm t}[\bm{u}(\bm{r})]\) with respect to the displacement field \(\bm{u}(\bm{r})\). The above Ritz-type method proposes an approximate way of minimizing \({\cal F}_{\rm t}\) by taking some specific forms of admissible functions (also called trial functions) \(\bm{u}(\bm{r})\approx \bm{U}(\bm{r};\bm{c})\) with some unknown adjustable parameters \(\bm{c}\) (see Eq. ([\[Eq:VarMeth-Trial\]](#Eq:VarMeth-Trial){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:VarMeth-Trial"})). Using the idea of Ritz-type method, a "deep Ritz method (DRM)" based on deep learning has been proposed to numerically solve the above variational problems of energy-minimization. In the DRM, we use deep neural networks to construct approximate trial functions: varying the weights (or the undetermined parameters) within the network allows us to explore a rich and complex set of trial functions. The minimization of the free energy functional can then be carried out during the "training" phase of the network. The resulting, trained neural network is then a mapping between the spatial coordinates of the observation point (input) and the components of the state variable functions (output; here, the displacement fields). Recently, based on similar ideas, an alternative deep-learning method called "deep energy method (DEM)" has been proposed to solve problems of hyperelastic deformations in solid mechanics . In this work, we use DRM to solve some simple problems in active solids and employ the architecture of neural networks proposed originally by E and Yu , which will be explained here from the following two aspects: (1) the construction of trial functions and (2) the definition and numerical treatment of the loss function (including the total free energy functional and some additional constraints or penalties). Firstly, the trial functions are approximated by the following composite-function form \[\label{Eq:VarMeth-MLTrial} \bm{u}(\bm{r})\approx \bm{U}_{\rm N}(\bm{r}; \bm{c})=\bm{a} \cdot [\phi_{N_{\rm n}} \circ \ldots \circ \phi_{1}(\bm{r};\tilde{c}_1)]+ \bm{b}\] for a neural network with \(N_{\rm n}\) hidden layers (\(N_{\rm n}\) is also called the depth of the neural network, as schematically shown in Fig. [\[Fig:DeepRitz\]](#Fig:DeepRitz){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig:DeepRitz"}(a)), in which \(\phi_{i}(\bm{r};\tilde{c}_i)\) represents the \(i\)-th hidden layer of the neural network, typically taking the form of: \[\label{Eq:VarMeth-MLNet} \phi_{i}(s;\tilde{c}_i)=\varphi(s)\left(W_{i} s+b_{i}\right)+s.\] Here, \(\bm{a} \in \mathbb R^{n\times m}\) and \(\bm{b} \in \mathbb R^{n}\) define a linear transformation that reduces the dimension (width) \(m\) of the network output to the smaller dimension \(n\) of the trial functions, \(\bm{U}_{\rm N}(\bm{r}; \bm{c})\). In Eq. ([\[Eq:VarMeth-MLNet\]](#Eq:VarMeth-MLNet){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:VarMeth-MLNet"}), \(\tilde{c}_i=\{W_{i} \in \mathbb{R}^{m \times m}, \, b_{i} \in \mathbb{R}^{m}\}\) denotes the parameters associated with the linear transformations in \(i\)-th hidden layer, \(\varphi(s)\) denotes an activation function (*e.g.*, ReLU, Sigmoid, and Tanh), and the last term (called residual connection, or skip connection) helps to avoid the problem of vanishing gradients, making the network much easier to be trained. Note that in this work the dimension \(d\) of input spatial coordinates, \(\bm r\), is smaller than the network dimension \(m\). To resolve this discrepancy , we pad zeros (so no undetermined parameters are introduced) to raise the input dimension from \(d\) to \(m\). Therefore, the full set of undetermined parameters in the trial functions is \(\bm{c}=\{\tilde{c}_1...,\tilde{c}_{N_{\rm n}},\bm{a},\bm{b}\}\) including \(N=N_{\rm n}(m^2+m)+n(m+1)\) elements, as denoted in the subscript of the trial functions \(\bm{U}_{\rm N}(\bm{r}; \bm{c})\). Secondly, the loss function includes two major contributions: the total free energy functional, \({\cal F}_{\rm t}[\bm{u}(\bm{r})]\), and the terms taking into account of boundary conditions. For the functional, \({\cal F}_{\rm t}[\bm{u}(\bm{r})]\), we integrate it numerically over physical space using the Monte Carlo algorithm. More specifically, in each step of the training process, a number \(N_{s}\) of spatial coordinates (the observation input points) are randomly generated from a uniform distribution and shuffled after several training steps. The energy is then calculated by summing up their values at each of the \(N_{s}\) (randomly chosen) spatial coordinates. Empirically, such numerical (mesh-free) treatment for the integration of the loss function over the coordinate space is believed to be able to avoid the curse of dimensionality (*i.e.*, the amount of data needed grows exponentially with the dimensionality of input coordinates), the problem of being trapped into local minimum states, and the over-fitting problems that may occur when the energy functional is discretized by any fixed spatial-grid points (for example, the Trapezoidal discretization proposed in the deep energy method, DEM ). As to the contributions in the loss function from boundary conditions, since natural boundary conditions have been included intrinsically from the variational minimization of the energy functional, we only need to introduce terms (for example, by the penalty method) in the loss function to take into account of essential boundary conditions. Note that the spatial derivatives of trial functions in the loss function are computed by `autograd` in `pytorch` and the loss function is minimized by the `Adam` optimizer with the stochastic gradient descent method. We refer more details to the work by Kingma and Ba . We would like to point out that the DRM is based on the combination of variational principles in physics and the deep learning method that has the capacity of mining high-dimensional information from deep neural networks. In comparison to other machine learning methods proposed particularly for active matter physics , the DRM has several advantages as follows. (1) The DRM is naturally nonlinear, naturally adaptive, and relatively insensitive to the complexity of the energy functional. (2) In comparison to traditional numerical methods such as finite difference or finite element methods, the DRM is mesh-free and relatively insensitive to the order of the differential equation system. Moreover, the efficiency of DRM shows a much slower increase with the increasing number, \(N_{\rm s}\), of spatial coordinate (input) points. In Sec. [4.3](#Sec:App1-DeepRitz){reference-type="ref" reference="Sec:App1-DeepRitz"}, we find from our DRM studies that the training time shows linear or even sublinear increase behaviors with increasing \(N_{\rm s}\). This advantage is particularly important and promising in the physics of soft matter and active matter, in which most problems involve multiple well-separated length scales and the numerical solution usually requires to cover length scales over several decades. In this case, even in a low (one to three) dimensional physical space, traditional numerical methods may become very expensive or fails completely. (3) A representation of trial functions using deep neural networks can provide a rich and complex set of trial functions, which outperforms the representation using the Ritz-type method where one has to impose carefully-chosen trial functions. (4) The DRM as an equation solver can also be nested with another optimization algorithm or simply another deep neural network to learn the material parameters in the model free energy functional directly from experimental data (as shown in Fig. [\[Fig:DeepRitz\]](#Fig:DeepRitz){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig:DeepRitz"}(b)). Therefore, we believe that the DRM may have the potential to solve rather complex problems in active matter that involves multiple physics with multiple slow variables and multiple scales. This work of showing the validity of using DRM to solve simple problems in active solids will be the first indispensable step toward this final goal. Before ending this subsection, we would like to emphasize that variational principles/methods should not be regarded only as an equivalent substitute for local applications of governing (equilibrium or force balance) equations. Particularly, the variational methods and the DRM presented above have many other advantages and practical importance in investigating the statics and stability of active matter as follows .
- *Scalar formulation*. Variational principles such as MFEVP considered here involve only physical quantities that can be defined without reference to a particular set of generalized coordinates, namely the restricted free energy and external (including active) work. This formulation is therefore automatically invariant with respect to the choice of coordinates for the system, which allows us a great flexibility in choosing state variables and in fully taking into account of symmetry requirements and constraints.
- *Thermodynamic consistency*. The MFEVP incorporate the intrinsic structure of thermodynamics clearly. They provide compact invariant ways of obtaining thermodynamically-consistent governing equilibrium equations. Particularly in continuum field theory of elastic solids, the MFEVP provides alternate methods to the applications of local governing (equilibrium or force balance) equations in the bulk as well as matching natural boundary conditions (see Sec. [3](#Sec:ActSolid){reference-type="ref" reference="Sec:ActSolid"} for details).
- *Direct variational methods of approximation*. The direct Ritz-type variational method of finding approximation solutions for the system statics bypasses the derivation and solution of the complex Euler-Lagrange equations and goes directly from a variational statement to the solution of the problem. This approximation method helps to pick up the most important static behaviors and to simplify the calculations significantly from complicated partial differential equation systems to simple ordinary differential equations.
- *Fits well with deep-learning methods*. The Ritz-type variational problems for approximating system statics can be solved numerically using deep-learning methods. Such methods are naturally adaptive, fit well with fast stochastic gradient descent algorithms, and are relatively insensitive to the complexity of the energy functional. Particularly, mesh-free deep learning methods are known to be relatively insensitive to the order of the differential equation system and be able to avoid the problem of being trapped into local minimum states and the over-fitting problems. Moreover, their computational efficiency shows much slower increase with increasing number of spatial coordinate (input) points, which is highly promising in solving multiscale problems in soft matter and active matter physics.
The variational methods mentioned above have been applied successfully to many problems of elastic solids that are drawn from the problems of bars, beams, torsion, and membranes . In this work, we will show that these variational methods and the DRM can also be used to study the static problems in active elastic solids that are mostly motivated by cell and tissue mechanobiology .
# Active elastic solids: continuum theory {#Sec:ActSolid}
In this section, we consider active elastic solids consisting of elastically coupled active agents that apply active forces (regarded non-conservative external forces herein). We show how to apply the above variational methods developed in the continuum theory of elasticity to active solids.
## Total free energy and equilibrium equations {#Sec:ActSolid-Energy}
In active elastic solids, locally applied active forces deform their environmental elastic matrix and induce a strain field, which depends on the distribution of active forces. In general, active agents and the environmental elastic matrix form a nonlinear elasto-active feedback loop, that is, the strain field induced by active agent forces will in turn reorient the agent and active forces. However, in this work, we neglect for simplicity the backward effects of strain field on the change of active forces and only consider local active forces with a fixed and given distribution. In this case, the total free energy functional is, similarly as Eq. ([\[Eq:VarMeth-Ftot\]](#Eq:VarMeth-Ftot){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:VarMeth-Ftot"}), given by \[\label{Eq:ActSolid-Ftot} {\cal F}_{\rm t}[\bm{u}({\bm{r}})] = {\cal F}_{\rm e}[\bm{u}({\bm{r}})]-\sum_{n=1}^{N} \int_{\Omega_n} d{\bm r}f_{{\rm a}i}^{(n)}(\bm{r}) u_i(\bm{r})-\oint_{\partial \Omega}dA \sigma_{{\rm s} i} u_{i}.\] Here again the first term \({\cal F}_{\rm e}\) is the deformation energy to be discussed in Sec. [3.2](#Sec:ActSolid-Elast){reference-type="ref" reference="Sec:ActSolid-Elast"}. In the second term, \[\label{Eq:ActSolid-Wadef} {\cal W}_{\rm a}\equiv \sum_{n=1}^{N} \int_{\Omega_n} d{\bm r}f_{{\rm a}i}^{(n)}(\bm{r}) u_i(\bm{r})\] is the active work done by a *discrete* distribution of active forces, originating mainly from ATP-consuming molecular motors, with volume density \(\bm{f}_{\rm a}^{(n)}\) and \(n=1,2,\ldots, N\). The third term is the work done by external forces with surface force density \(\bm{\sigma}_{\rm s}\) acting as a Lagrange multiplier that enforces the boundary conditions at the system surfaces. As shown schematically in Fig. [\[Fig:ActSolid-Volume\]](#Fig:ActSolid-Volume){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig:ActSolid-Volume"}, we consider the active force density \(\bm{f}_{\rm a}^{(n)}\) distributed in a microscopic region \(\omega_{\rm n}\) of dimension \(a\) (a microscopic characteristic length such as the size of myosin motors) around \(\bm{r}_{\rm n}\). The displacement vector \(\bm{u}(\bm{r})\) around \(\bm{r}_{\rm n}\) can be expanded in the microscopic region \(\Omega_{\rm n}\) as \(u_i(\bm{r}=\bm{r}_{\rm n}+\bm{a})=u_i(\bm{r}_n)+\sum_{m=1}^{\infty}\frac{1}{m!}a_{k_1}...a_{k_m}u_{i,k_1...,k_m}(\bm{r}_n)\) with comma denoting the partial derivatives over spatial coordinates, and the active work \({\cal W}_{\rm a}\) in Eq. ([\[Eq:ActSolid-Wadef\]](#Eq:ActSolid-Wadef){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:ActSolid-Wadef"}) can then expanded to be \[\label{Eq:ActSolid-Wa} {\cal W}_{\rm a}=\int_{\Omega} d{\bm r} \sum_{m=1}^{\infty}\frac{1}{m!} \sum_{n=1}^{N} P_{k_1...k_mi}^{(n)} u_{i,k_1...,k_m}(\bm{r})\delta(\bm{r}-\bm{r}_n).\] Here we have assumed the total (or net) active force is zero (since active forces are internal forces generated by molecular motors in biological systems): \(\int_{\Omega_n} d{\bm r}f_{{\rm a}i}^{(n)}(\bm{r})=0\), and the multipole moment is defined as \(P_{k_1...k_mi}^{(n)}=\int_{\Omega_n} d{\bm a}a_{k_1}...a_{k_m}f_{{\rm a}i}^{(n)}\) and particularly the active (contractile or extensile) force dipole moment tensor is \[\label{Eq:ActSolid-ForceDipole} P_{ij}^{(n)}\equiv \int_{\Omega_n} d{\bm a}a_if_{{\rm a}j}^{(n)}.\] To the first (dipole) order, the total free energy is given by \[\label{Eq:ActSolid-Ft} {\cal F}_{\rm t} = {\cal F}_{\rm e}+ \int_{\Omega} d{\bm r}{\sigma_{ij}^{\rm a}}\epsilon_{ij}-\oint_{\partial \Omega}dA \sigma_{{\rm s} i} u_{i},\] in which the active stress tensor \[\label{Eq:ActSolid-SigmaA0} {\sigma_{ij}^{\rm a}}(\bm{r})=-\sum_{n=1}^{N} P_{ji}^{(n)} \delta(\bm{r}-\bm{r}_n),\] is introduced to physically represent the average density of active force dipoles applied on the elastic matrix. Minimization of \({\cal F}_{\rm t}\) with respect to \(\bm{u}\) gives the equilibrium force balance equations and boundary conditions:
Note that the derivation is very similar to that in general elastic solids as shown in Eq. ([\[Eq:VarMeth-EquilEqn12\]](#Eq:VarMeth-EquilEqn12){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:VarMeth-EquilEqn12"}). The two conditions in Eq. ([\[Eq:ActSolid-EquilEqns2\]](#Eq:ActSolid-EquilEqns2){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:ActSolid-EquilEqns2"}) are denoted as natural and essential boundary conditions, respectively. Here \(\sigma_{{\rm s}i}\) and \(u_{{\rm s}i}\) are some constant stress and displacement at the boundary, respectively. The equation system in Eq. ([\[Eq:ActSolid-EquilEqns12\]](#Eq:ActSolid-EquilEqns12){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:ActSolid-EquilEqns12"}) should be supplemented by the constitutive relations for the stresses, \(\bm{\sigma}^{\rm e}\) and \(\bm{\sigma}^{\rm a}\), as functions of state variables of the active elastic solids. These constitutive relations will be discussed in the next two subsections. To summarize the continuum theory of active elastic solids, it is interesting to note that there is a formal analogy between elastostatics in elastic solids in the presence of active force dipoles and electrostatics in dielectric media with permanent electric dipoles (or "frozen-in\" polarization of polar molecules) . As shown in Fig. [\[Fig:ActSolid-Analogy\]](#Fig:ActSolid-Analogy){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig:ActSolid-Analogy"}, the analogy is \(u_{i} \leftrightarrow \phi\), \(\epsilon_{ij} \leftrightarrow E_{i}\), \(\sigma_{ij} \leftrightarrow D_{i}\), \(\sigma_{ij}^{\rm a} \leftrightarrow p_{i}\), \(f_{{\rm ex},i} \leftrightarrow-\rho_{\rm {f}}\), and \(f_{{\rm a},i} \leftrightarrow-\rho_{\rm {b}}\). Here, \(\phi\) is the total electric potential; \(\phi_{\rm{f}}\) and \(\phi_{\rm{b}}\) are the electric potentials induced by the free charges of density, \(\rho_{\rm{f}}\), and the bound charges of density, \(\rho_{\rm{b}}\), respectively. \(E_i\) is the electric field and \(D_{i}\) is the dielectric displacement with \(\epsilon_{0}\) being the vacuum permittivity. The density of electric dipole, \(p_{i}=\sum_{n} P_{i}^{(n)} \delta (\bm{r}-\bm{r}_{n})\) is the polarization.
## Elastic stress: force dipole density of the matrix {#Sec:ActSolid-Elast}
We here summarize the constitutive relations of linear elastic materials that are represented by deformation energy . Firstly, in linear isotropic elastic materials, the deformation energy density \(F_{\rm e}\) is given by \[\label{Eq:ActSolid-LinIsoFe} F_{\rm e}=\frac{E_0}{2(1+\nu_0)} \left(\epsilon_{ij}^2 +\frac{\nu_0}{1-2 \nu_0} \epsilon_{kk}^2 \right)\] with \(\epsilon_{ij}=\frac{1}{2}(\partial_i u_j+\partial_j u_i)\) being the strain components. Here, the elastic constants, \(E_0\) and \(\nu_0\), are Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio, respectively. From the deformation energy in Eq. ([\[Eq:ActSolid-LinIsoFe\]](#Eq:ActSolid-LinIsoFe){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:ActSolid-LinIsoFe"}) and using \(\sigma_{ik}^{\rm e}=\partial F_{\rm e}/\partial \epsilon_{ik}\) (applicable also for nonlinear materials), we obtain the stress-strain relation or constitutive relation (Hooke's law) : \[\label{Eq:ActSolid-LinIsoSigmaE} {\sigma}_{ij}^{\rm e}= \frac{E_0}{1+\nu_0} \left(\epsilon_{ij} +\frac{\nu_0}{1-2\nu_0} \epsilon_{kk} \delta_{ij} \right).\] Next, we consider a typical linear anisotropic material--transversely isotropic (or briefly *transtropic*) material . A transtropic material is one with physical properties that are symmetric about an axis that is normal to a plane of isotropy, for example, hexagonal close-packed crystals and nematic elastomers . In this case, the deformation energy density is given, based on symmetry considerations, by \[\begin{aligned}
\label{Eq:ActSolid-LinAnisoFe} F_{\rm e}= &\frac{1}{2}C_{1}\epsilon_{11}^2 + 2C_{2}(\epsilon_{22}+\epsilon_{33})^2 +C_{3}[(\epsilon_{22}-\epsilon_{33})^2+4\epsilon_{23}^2]\\ \nonumber &+2C_{4}\epsilon_{11}(\epsilon_{22}+\epsilon_{33}) +2C_{5}(\epsilon_{12}^2+\epsilon_{13}^2), \end{aligned}\] where we have taken \(\hat{\bm{r}}_1\) as the axis of symmetry, \(\hat{\bm{r}}_2\) and \(\hat{\bm{r}}_3\) span the plane of isotropy. Note that for transtropic materials, there are *five* independent elastic constants, \(C_i\) (\(i=1...,5\)), which relate to Young's moduli and Poisson's ratios in the form \[\label{Eq:ActSolid-LinAnisoC} \begin{aligned} C_{1}&=\frac{E_{1}}{m}(1-\nu_{23}), \quad C_{2}=\frac{E_{2}}{8m}, \quad C_{3}=\frac{1}{2}\mu_{23}, \\ C_{4}&=\frac{E_{2}\nu_{12}}{2m}, \quad\quad C_{5}=\mu_{12}, \end{aligned}\] with \(m\equiv 1-\nu_{23}-2\nu_{12}^2E_2/E_1\). Here \(E_1\) and \(E_2\) are the Young's moduli along the \(\hat{\mathbf{x}}_1\)-axis of symmetry and in the isotropic (\(\hat{\mathbf{x}}_2\)--\(\hat{\mathbf{x}}_3\)) plane, respectively. \(\nu_{ij} \equiv-{\partial \epsilon_j}/{\partial \epsilon_i}\) (with \(i\neq j\) and \(i,j=1,2,3\)) are the differential Poisson's ratios for tensile stress applied along \(i\)-direction and contraction in \(j\)-direction, following the general notation in anisotropic materials. \(\mu_{12}\), \(\mu_{23}\) are the shear moduli in the \(\hat{\mathbf{x}}_1\)--\(\hat{\mathbf{x}}_2\) plane and the isotropic \(\hat{\mathbf{x}}_2\)--\(\hat{\mathbf{x}}_3\) plane, respectively. From the free energy in Eq. ([\[Eq:ActSolid-LinAnisoFe\]](#Eq:ActSolid-LinAnisoFe){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:ActSolid-LinAnisoFe"}), we obtain the stress-strain relations
## Active stress: force dipole density applied by active units {#Sec:ActSolid-Act}
Active stress is a key feature distinguishing active matter from inert or passive matter. In the biological context, active stress originate from molecular processes that are often mediated by molecular motors. These motors are fueled by the hydrolysis reaction of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and inorganic phosphate (\(\mathrm{P_i}\)) , as shown in Fig. [\[Fig:ActSolid-Act\]](#Fig:ActSolid-Act){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig:ActSolid-Act"}. This hydrolysis reaction is therefore the dominant chemical reaction that couples via the coefficient \(\zeta\) to active stress. Because of Onsager symmetries of the coupling coefficients, the coefficients \(\zeta\) also enter the chemical reaction rates, which effectively become mechanosensitive. Here we calculate the active stress in two specific biological scenarios at different length scales: (i) active point force dipoles, related to actomyosin cytoskeleton at sub-cellular scales; (ii) active spherical force dipoles, related to cell-matrix composites at cellular scales. *Active point force dipoles.* Consider the cytoskeleton of adherent animal cells, in which a small assembly of myosin motors bind transiently to the cross-linked actin network, consume ATP and locally contract the network, generating pairs of equal and opposite forces \(\pm \bm{F}^{(n)}=\pm F^{(n)} \hat{\bm{p}}^{(n)}\) (see Fig. [\[Fig:ActSolid-Act\]](#Fig:ActSolid-Act){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig:ActSolid-Act"}(a)). Here \(\hat{\bm{p}}^{(n)}\) are unit vectors, characterizing the opposite orientations of the two aligned filaments and \(n\) is an index over such pairs of aligned filaments that are cross-linked by active motors. These force pairs correspond to active force dipoles with force density per volume \[\label{Eq:ActSolid-SigmaAfa1} f_{\rm{a}i}^{(n)}=F^{(n)} \hat{p}_{i}^{(n)}\left[\delta\left(\bm{r}-\bm{r}_{n}+\frac{1}{2} \bm{a}^{(n)}\right)-\delta\left(\bm{r}-\bm{r}_{n}-\frac{1}{2} \bm{a}^{(n)}\right)\right]\] at position \(\bm{r}_{n}\) in the network. Here \(a\) is a microscopic length (as mentioned previously), here representing the size of myosin motors (or myosin filaments), or specifically the distance at which the pair forces act. On large length scales or in a continuum limit, this can be expanded in the microscopic length \(a\). To first order it corresponds to the point force dipole \[\label{Eq:ActSolid-SigmaAfa2} f_{\rm{a}i}^{(n)} \simeq-\partial_{j} P_{ji}^{(n)} \delta\left(\bm{r}-\bm{r}_{n}\right)\] with the dipole moment \(P_{ij}^{(n)}\equiv-aF^{(n)} \hat{p}_{i}^{(n)} \hat{p}_{j}^{(n)}=P_{ji}^{(n)}\). In a continuum description, the density of these active point force dipoles in a local volume elements \(V\) is the active stress \[\label{Eq:ActSolid-SigmaA1} \sigma_{ij}^{\rm{a}}=-\frac{1}{V} \sum_{n} P_{ij}^{(n)}=\frac{1}{V} \sum_{n} aF \hat{p}_{i}^{(n)} \hat{p}_{j}^{(n)}=-\rho P \hat{p}_{i}\hat{p}_{j}\] where the sum is over motor-induced force dipoles in the volume \(V\) and the local averaged polarization vector is given by \(\hat{p}_{i}=\frac{1}{N_{\rm P}}\sum_{n=1}^{N_{\rm P}} \hat{p}_{i}^{(n)}\) with \(N_{\rm P}\) being the total number of force dipoles in the volume \(V\). It is important to note that for contractile force dipoles, \(F\) is positive and hence the principal \(\hat{\bm{p}}^{(n)}\hat{\bm{p}}^{(n)}\) component of the active force dipole moment is negative. *Active spherical force dipoles.* Now let's consider adherent cells that are embedded and contracting in elastic extracellular matrix. If the cells are contracting in a needle-like manner, the above discussions using point force dipoles still apply. However, here we examine a special cell-matrix composite with spherically contracting cells as shown in Fig. [\[Fig:ActSolid-Act\]](#Fig:ActSolid-Act){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig:ActSolid-Act"}(b). In a spherical unit cell or bounding volume of radius \(R\), a single spherical cell of radius \(R_{\rm c}\) is contracting the elastic matrix by applying a stress \(\sigma_{\rm c}\) on its boundary, \(r=R_{\rm{c}}\). In this specific simple case with spherical symmetry, the active stress can be calculated explicitly as follows . The dipole moment tensor (defined in Eq. ([\[Eq:ActSolid-ForceDipole\]](#Eq:ActSolid-ForceDipole){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:ActSolid-ForceDipole"})) of the spherically symmetric force dipole is isotropic and reads \(P_{i j}=P\delta_{i j}\) with \(P=-\frac{4}{3}\pi \sigma_{\rm c} R_{\rm c}^3\). To calculate the active stress, we further assume that a constant external stress \(\sigma_{r r}(R)=\sigma\) is applied at the outer boundary (\(r=R\)) of the bounding volume where \(\sigma\) may be positive or negative. If the matrix is linear and generally we assume it to be anisotropic, the total free energy is given by \[\label{Eq:ActSolid-SigmaAFt} {\cal F}_{\rm t}= \int_0^R [F_{\rm e}+ \sigma_{\rm c}\delta(r-R_{\rm c})]4\pi r^2dr-\sigma4\pi R^2 u(R),\] in which the elastic energy density is given by \(F_{\rm e}= \frac{1}{2}C_{1}u'^2 + 8C_{2}\frac{u^2}{r^2}+4C_{4}\frac{uu'}{r}\). Minimizing \({\cal F}_{\rm t}\) in Eq. ([\[Eq:ActSolid-SigmaAFt\]](#Eq:ActSolid-SigmaAFt){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:ActSolid-SigmaAFt"}) with respect to \(u(r)\) gives the equilibrium equations and boundary conditions:
Here the dimensionless parameter is \[\label{Eq:ActSolid-B} {\cal B}\equiv (8C_2-2C_4)/C_1,\] and using Eq. ([\[Eq:ActSolid-LinAnisoC\]](#Eq:ActSolid-LinAnisoC){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:ActSolid-LinAnisoC"}) we get \({\cal B}= {E_{2}(1-\nu_{12})}/{E_{1}(1-\nu_{23})}\) with \(\nu_{12}\) and \(\nu_{23}\) being the Poisson ratios in the radial and transverse planes, respectively, The stress component \(\sigma_{\rm rr}\) is \(\sigma_{\rm rr}=C_1 u' + 4C_4 {u}/{r}\). Solving this 1D boundary value problem, we obtain the displacement field:
with \(n\) given by \[\label{Eq:ActSolid-SigmaAn} n=\frac{1}{2}\left(1+\sqrt{1+8{\cal B}}\right).\] Particularly at \(r=R\), we have \[\label{Eq:ActSolid-SigmaASoluR} u(R)= \frac{R}{(n-1)C_1+4 C_4}\left[\sigma-\sigma_{\rm c} \left(\frac{R_{\rm c}}{R}\right)^{n+1}\right],\] which describes the deformation (or the total displacement) of the bounding volume that is induced by both external stress and internal active stress. The external stress \(\sigma\) applied at the boundary of the elastic matrix is balanced by two contributions: a passive elastic response of the network, and an active stress specifically due to the presence of these active units \[\label{Eq:ActSolid-SigmaEA} \sigma=\sigma^{\rm{e}}+\sigma^{\rm{a}}.\] The elastic stress \(\sigma^{\rm{e}}\) can be determined as the stress required at the outer boundary \(r=R\) to produce the same deformation (as given in Eq. ([\[Eq:ActSolid-SigmaASoluR\]](#Eq:ActSolid-SigmaASoluR){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:ActSolid-SigmaASoluR"})) of a purely passive bounding volume (with \(\sigma_{\rm{c}}=0\)): \[\label{Eq:ActSolid-SigmaAE} \sigma^{\rm{e}}=\left[(n-1)C_1+4 C_4)\right] \frac{u(R)}{R}.\] Thus, the active stress is proportional to the force dipole and density of active units through \[\label{Eq:ActSolid-SigmaA2} \sigma_{ij}^{\rm{a}}=\sigma_{\rm{c}}\left(\frac{R_{\rm{c}}}{R}\right)^{n+1}\delta_{ij}=-\rho P\phi^{(n-2)/3}\delta_{ij}.\] in which \(\rho=({4\pi R^3}/{3})^{-1}\) and \(\phi=R_{\rm{c}}^3/{R}^3\) are the number density and the volume fraction of the contractile cells or force dipoles, respectively. Particularly, if the matrix is linear isotropic, then \({\cal B}=1\) and hence \(n=2\), the active stress reads \(\sigma_{ij}^{\rm{a}}=-\rho P\delta_{ij}\). If \(E_2 \ll E_1\) and hence \(n=1\) from Eq. ([\[Eq:ActSolid-SigmaAn\]](#Eq:ActSolid-SigmaAn){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:ActSolid-SigmaAn"}), the active stress is given by \(\sigma_{ij}^{\rm{a}}=-\rho P \phi^{-1/3}\delta_{ij}\), which is denoted as the "density-controlled\" regime corresponding to the fully buckled networks . Moreover, it has also been shown that the active stresses can be amplified significantly by the nonlinear elasticity of the biopolymer matrix. In summary, the active stress \(\sigma_{\alpha \beta}^{\text {a}}\) emerges from a large number of force generating events that occur generally in the anisotropic material. In a coarse-grained continuum description, the active stress in linear elastic solids can be generally decomposed into the following form \[\label{Eq:ActSolid-SigmaA} \sigma_{i j}^{\rm a}=-\tilde{\zeta} q_{i j}-\bar{\zeta} \delta_{i j},\] in which \(q_{i j}=(\hat{p}_{i} \hat{p}_{j}-\frac{1}{3} \delta_{i j})\) is the nematic order parameter with \(\hat{p}_{i}\) being a unit vector in the direction of the filaments. The first term is traceless and anisotropic, while the second term is isotropic. The coefficients \(\tilde{\zeta}\) and \(\bar{\zeta}\) depend on motor and filament densities, and vanish when the difference \(\Delta \mu\) between the chemical potential of the fuel (ATP) and that of the reaction products vanishes. The active stress is contractile (extensile) along the nematic or polar axis if \(\tilde{\zeta}\) and \(\bar{\zeta}\) are negative (positive). In experiments on the cell cortex and lamellipodia , the active stress is found to be the order of \(0.1\) to a few \(\rm kPa\), depending on biochemical regulation. In addition, we would like to point out that although the above discussions on active stresses are made in the context of active elastic solids, most of them also apply to active fluids, for example, active stress as density of force dipoles and equilibrium or steady states determined by the balance between active stresses and passive stresses, *etc*.
# Spontaneous bending and contraction of active circular plates {#Sec:App1}
Now we use the above variational methods and the deep Ritz method to study the bending and contraction of a circular plate that is induced by asymmetric active contractile stresses with and without gravitational effects. This simple model problem is related to the morphology of several biology systems at multiple length scales such as *in vitro* reconstituted actomyosin gels, individual contractile adherent cells, and a solid-like monolayer or bilayer of confluent adherent cells.
## General equilibrium equations in cylindrical coordinates {#Sec:App1-Eqns}
Consider a circular elastic plate of thickness \(h\) and lateral radius \(R\) in the presence of active stresses and suspended by its center (see Fig. [\[Fig:App1-Bending\]](#Fig:App1-Bending){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig:App1-Bending"}(a)). We assume that the distribution of active stresses has axial rotational symmetry, hence the resulted deformation has cylindrical symmetry. In this case, we therefore take cylindrical polar coordinates (\(r,\theta,z\)) as schematically shown in Fig. [\[Fig:App1-Bending\]](#Fig:App1-Bending){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig:App1-Bending"}(a), in which the displacement vector is given by \(\bm{u}=\left(u_r(r,z), u_\theta =0, u_z(r,z) \right)\) and the non-zero components of the strain tensor \(\epsilon_{ij}\) at small deformations are \[\label{Eq:App1-Strain} \begin{aligned} &\epsilon_{\rm rr} = \partial_{\rm r} u_{\rm r}, \quad \epsilon_{\rm \theta \theta} = u_{\rm r}/r, \quad \epsilon_{\rm zz} = \partial_{\rm z} u_{\rm z}\\ &\epsilon_{\rm rz} = \epsilon_{\rm zr}=\frac{1}{2}\left(\partial_{\rm z} u_{\rm r}+\partial_{\rm r} u_{\rm z}\right). \end{aligned}\] Furthermore, we assume the active stresses apply only on the \(r-\theta\) plane and take the following in-plane isotropic form : \[\label{Eq:App1-SigmaA} \bm{\sigma}^{\rm a}=-\zeta(\hat{\bm{r}}\hat{\bm{r}}+\hat{\bm{\theta}}\hat{\bm{\theta}}).\] In general, \(\bm{\sigma}^{\rm a}\) is non-uniform along the radial direction and asymmetric through the plate thickness, that is, \(\zeta=\zeta(r, z)\) (\(<0\) for contraction), and here we consider the following simple step-wise form (as schematically shown in Fig. [\[Fig:App1-Bending\]](#Fig:App1-Bending){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig:App1-Bending"}(a,b)) \[\begin{aligned}
\label{Eq:App1-Zeta} \zeta = \zeta_{\rm a} \Theta(z-(1-2 \alpha)\frac{h}{2}), \end{aligned}\] with \(\zeta_{\rm a}=\zeta_0<0\) and \(\zeta_{\rm a}=\zeta_0 r/R<0\) for uniform and non-uniform contraction, respectively, and \(\Theta\) being Heaviside step function. Here \(\alpha=h_{\rm a}/h \in [0,1]\) measures the fraction of active layer (with thickness \(h_{\rm a}\)): \(\alpha=0\) representing a purely passive plate, and \(\alpha=1\) representing a symmetric active plate with uniform active stresses along the thickness direction. For linear isotropic materials with non-zero strain components given in Eq. ([\[Eq:App1-Strain\]](#Eq:App1-Strain){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:App1-Strain"}), the total energy is obtained from Eq. ([\[Eq:ActSolid-Ft\]](#Eq:ActSolid-Ft){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:ActSolid-Ft"}) and Eq. ([\[Eq:ActSolid-LinIsoFe\]](#Eq:ActSolid-LinIsoFe){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:ActSolid-LinIsoFe"}) as \[\label{Eq:App1-Ft} \begin{aligned} {\cal F}_{\rm t} = & \int_{-h/2}^{h/2} dz \int_0^R dr 2 \pi r \left\{\frac{E_0}{2(1+\nu_0)}\left[ \left(\epsilon_{\rm rr}^2+\epsilon_{\rm \theta\theta}^2 +\epsilon_{\rm zz}^2+2 \epsilon_{\rm rz}^2\right) \right.\right.\\ &\left.\left. +\frac{\nu_0}{1-2\nu_0}\left(\epsilon_{\rm rr} +\epsilon_{\rm \theta\theta} +\epsilon_{\rm zz}\right)^2\right]+\rho g u_{\rm z}-\zeta (\epsilon_{\rm rr}+\epsilon_{\rm \theta\theta})\right\}. \end{aligned}\] Here the body force \(\rho g\) corresponds to the direct effect of gravity plus Archimedes buoyancy force . Substituting the strain components in Eq. ([\[Eq:App1-Strain\]](#Eq:App1-Strain){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:App1-Strain"}) and minimizing \({\cal F}_{\rm t}\) with respect to \(u_{\rm r}\) and \(u_{\rm z}\) (the same as how we have obtained Eq. ([\[Eq:VarMeth-EquilEqn12\]](#Eq:VarMeth-EquilEqn12){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:VarMeth-EquilEqn12"})) give the bulk equilibrium conditions
which are supplemented with conditions at \(r=0\): \(u_{\rm r}(r=0,z)=0\) and \(u_{\rm z}(r=0,z=0)=0\). Here the total stress tensor is \(\bm{\sigma}=\bm{\sigma}^{\rm e} + \bm{\sigma}^{\rm a}\) with the active stress \(\bm{\sigma}^{\rm a}\) given in Eq. ([\[Eq:App1-SigmaA\]](#Eq:App1-SigmaA){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:App1-SigmaA"}) and the elastic stress \(\bm{\sigma}^{\rm e}\) given in Eq. ([\[Eq:ActSolid-LinIsoSigmaE\]](#Eq:ActSolid-LinIsoSigmaE){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:ActSolid-LinIsoSigmaE"}) and \(\sigma_{\rm r \theta}^{\rm e}=\sigma_{\rm \theta r}^{\rm e}=\sigma_{\rm z \theta}^{\rm e}=\sigma_{\rm \theta z}^{\rm e}=0\). Note that the complete equation system in Eq. ([\[Eq:App1-EquilEqns12\]](#Eq:App1-EquilEqns12){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:App1-EquilEqns12"}) applies generally for the small deformations of linear elastic materials with isotropic in-plane active stresses in any cylindrical geometry with rotational axial symmetry. Their analytical solutions are available only in some simplest cases , but they can be easily solved numerically using some commercial finite element software. Here we will not pursue these solutions in general complex situations, but we instead focus on their solutions in thin-plate limits. For a thin circular plate, its thickness \(h\) is much smaller than their lateral radius \(R\). The normal stresses at the surfaces \(z=\pm h/2\) are zero : \(\sigma_{i{\rm z}}=\sigma_{i{\rm z}}^{\rm e}=0\), where \(\sigma_{i{\rm z}}^{\rm a}=0\) because the active stress has been assumed to be present only in the \(r-\theta\) plane as shown in Eq. ([\[Eq:App1-SigmaA\]](#Eq:App1-SigmaA){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:App1-SigmaA"}). Then from the stress-strain relation in Eq. ([\[Eq:ActSolid-LinIsoSigmaE\]](#Eq:ActSolid-LinIsoSigmaE){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:ActSolid-LinIsoSigmaE"}), we have \(\epsilon_{\rm rz}=0\) and \(\epsilon_{\rm zz} =-\frac{\nu_0}{1-\nu_0} (\epsilon_{\rm rr}+\epsilon_{\rm \theta\theta})\). Therefore, the deformation energy in Eq. ([\[Eq:App1-Ft\]](#Eq:App1-Ft){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:App1-Ft"}) reduces to \[\label{Eq:App1-ThinFt} \begin{aligned} {\cal F}_{\rm t} = &\int_{-h/2}^{h/2} dz \int_0^R dr 2 \pi r \left[\frac{E_0}{2(1-\nu_0^2)} \left(\epsilon_{\rm rr}^2+\epsilon_{\rm \theta\theta}^2 +2\nu_0 \epsilon_{\rm rr}\epsilon_{\rm \theta\theta}\right)\right.\\ &\left.+\rho g u_{\rm z}-\zeta (\epsilon_{\rm rr}+\epsilon_{\rm \theta\theta})\right]. \end{aligned}\] In this case, the in-plane and out-plane deformation can be considered by using the classical Kirchhoff's plate theory and assuming the displacement components to be the simple form of \[\label{Eq:App1-Displacements} u_{\rm r} = u(r)-zw', \quad u_{\rm z} \approx w(r),\] with the prime hereafter denoting the ordinary derivatives, in which \(u(r)\) and \(w(r)\) represent the in-plane displacement and the out-plane deflection of the neutral surface, respectively.
## Variational formulations and Ritz method of approximation {#Sec:App1-Thin}
### Spontaneous bending at small deflections {#Sec:App1-Thin-Eqns}
We first consider the case of small deflections with \(w\ll h\) and no gravity \(\rho g=0\). In this case, we substitute the displacement components in Eq. ([\[Eq:App1-Displacements\]](#Eq:App1-Displacements){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:App1-Displacements"}) into Eq. ([\[Eq:App1-Strain\]](#Eq:App1-Strain){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:App1-Strain"}) and obtain the strain components: \[\label{Eq:App1-ThinStrains} \epsilon_{\rm rr}=u'-zw'', \quad \epsilon_{\rm \theta\theta}=u/r-zw'/r.\] Substituting them into Eq. ([\[Eq:App1-ThinFt\]](#Eq:App1-ThinFt){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:App1-ThinFt"}) and integrating over thickness \(z\)-direction, we obtain the total energy as a functional of \(u(r)\) and \(w(r)\): \[\begin{aligned}
\label{Eq:App1-ThinFtuw} {\cal F}_{\rm t}[u(r),w(r)] &= \int_0^R dr 2\pi r \left[\frac{Y}{2} \left(u'^2 +u^2/r^2+2\nu_0 uu'/r\right)\right. \nonumber \\ &\left.-\tau_{\rm a}(u'+u/r)+ \frac{D}{2}\left(w''^2 +w'^2/r^2+2\nu_0 w'w''/r\right)\right. \nonumber \\ &\left.-M_{\rm a}(w''+w'/r)\right]. \end{aligned}\] in which \(Y=E_{0}h/(1-\nu_{0}^2)\) is the compression modulus, \(\tau_{\rm a}=\alpha \zeta_{\rm a} h\), \(D=E_0h^3/12(1-\nu_0^2)\) is the flexural stiffness or rigidity of the thin plate , and \(M_{\rm a}=-\alpha(1-\alpha) \zeta_{\rm a}h^2/2\) is the bending moment applied by isotropic active stress \(\bm{\sigma}^{\rm a}\) in Eq. ([\[Eq:App1-SigmaA\]](#Eq:App1-SigmaA){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:App1-SigmaA"}). The first variation of \({\cal F}_{\rm t}\) is then given by \[\label{Eq:App1-DeltaFt} \begin{aligned} \delta{\cal F}_{\rm t}=& \int_0^R dr 2\pi r \left[-h\overline{(\nabla \cdot \bm{\sigma})_{\rm r}} \delta u+(\rho gh-\nabla \cdot (\nabla \cdot \bm{M}))\delta w \right] \\ &+ \left[2\pi r h\overline{\sigma}_{\rm rr} \delta u +2\pi r \hat{\bm r}\cdot (\nabla \cdot \bm{M})\delta w-2 \pi r M_{\rm rr} \delta w' \right]_0^R. \end{aligned}\] Here the upper bar \(\overline{(\ldots)}\) denotes the average over the plate thickness (\(z\)-direction). The internal bending moment tensor \(\bm{M}\) is given by \(\bm{M}=[-D(w''+\nu_0 w'/r)+M_{\rm a}]\hat{\bm{r}}\hat{\bm{r}}+[-D(\nu_0 w'' +w'/r)+M_{\rm a}]\hat{\bm{\theta}}\hat{\bm{\theta}}\) in which \(M_{\alpha\beta}\) denotes the bending moment generated by stress \(\sigma_{\alpha\beta}\). The term \(\hat{\bm r}\cdot (\nabla \cdot \bm{M})=-\left(D\Delta w-M_{\rm a}\right)'\) is the Kirchhoff's effective shear force per unit length of the plate applied at the plate edge. \(\Delta\) is the Laplace operator given in cylindrical coordinates by \(\Delta=\frac{1}{r}\frac{d}{dr}\left(r\frac{d}{dr}\right)\). For free plate edges, Kirchhoff's edge conditions apply, consisting of a vanishing normal moment and a vanishing Kirchhoff's effective shear force. Then from the minimization of \({\cal F}_{\rm t}\) with respect to \(u(r)\) and \(w(r)\) gives the equilibrium equations (*i.e.*, the Euler-Lagrange equations) in the bulk (for \(0\leq r\leq R\)) as
which are supplemented with conditions at \(r=0\): \(u=w=0\) and \(w'=0\). Here \(M_{\rm a}=-\alpha(1-\alpha) \zeta_{\rm a}h^2/2\) that \(\zeta_{\rm a}\) defined in Eq. ([\[Eq:App1-Zeta\]](#Eq:App1-Zeta){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:App1-Zeta"}) is the component of the active stress. Note that the equation system in Eq. ([\[Eq:App1-ThinEqns12345\]](#Eq:App1-ThinEqns12345){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:App1-ThinEqns12345"}) can also be derived directly from the general equation system in Eq. ([\[Eq:App1-EquilEqns12\]](#Eq:App1-EquilEqns12){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:App1-EquilEqns12"}) obtained in the previous subsection. For uniform and the simple non-uniform active stresses discussed in Eq. ([\[Eq:App1-Zeta\]](#Eq:App1-Zeta){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:App1-Zeta"}), the above equation system can be solved analytically as follows.
- *Uniform active contraction with \(\zeta_{\rm a}=\zeta_0\).* The exact analytical solution is \[\label{Eq:App1-ThinSol1} u(r)=-\frac{1}{6}\alpha{\cal Z}_{\rm b}\frac{h^2}{R^2}r, \quad w(r)=\frac{1}{2} \alpha(1-\alpha) {\cal Z}_{\rm b}\frac{h}{R^2} r^2,\] in which the normalized parameter \[\label{Eq:App1-Zcb} {\cal Z}_{\rm b}\equiv-{\zeta_0 h R^2}/{2D(1+\nu_0)}\] measure the strength of active contractility in contracting (in-plane) and bending (out-of-plane) the plate, respectively. For active contraction with \(\zeta_0<0\) and hence \({\cal Z}_{\rm b}>0\). From Eq. ([\[Eq:App1-ThinSol1\]](#Eq:App1-ThinSol1){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:App1-ThinSol1"}), we obtain that the two principal bending curvatures are equal and take the dimensionless form of \(w''h=w'h/r=\alpha(1-\alpha) {\cal Z}_{\rm b}h^2/R^2\), which is a uniform constant through the whole circular plate. Therefore, the bending curvatures are positive constants, which means the plate is bent up (toward the direction of active contracting layer) to be a spherical cap as schematic in Fig. [\[Fig:App1-Bending\]](#Fig:App1-Bending){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig:App1-Bending"}(a).
- *Non-uniform active contraction with \(\zeta_{\rm a}=\zeta_0 r/R\).* The exact analytical solution is \[\label{Eq:App1-ThinSol2} \begin{aligned} u(r)&=-\frac{1}{18}\alpha{\cal Z}_{\rm b} \frac{h^2}{R^2}\left[(1-\nu_0)r+ (1+\nu_0) \frac{r^2}{R}\right], \\ w(r)&=\frac{1}{6}\alpha(1-\alpha){\cal Z}_{\rm b}\frac{h}{R^2}\left[(1-\nu_0) r^2+\frac{2}{3}(1+\nu_0) \frac{r^3}{R}\right]. \end{aligned}\] From Eq. ([\[Eq:App1-ThinSol2\]](#Eq:App1-ThinSol2){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:App1-ThinSol2"}), we obtain the two principal bending curvatures are not equal any more and take the dimensionless form of \(w''h=\frac{1}{3}\alpha(1-\alpha){\cal Z}_{\rm b}\frac{h^2}{R^2}\left[1-\nu_0 + 2(1+\nu_0) \frac{r}{R}\right]\) and \(w'h/r=\frac{1}{3}\alpha(1-\alpha){\cal Z}_{\rm b}\frac{h^2}{R^2}\left[1-\nu_0 +(1+\nu_0) \frac{r}{R}\right]\), which are non-uniform through the circular plate and the sign depends on the position and Poisson's ratio as shown in Fig. [\[Fig:App1-Bending\]](#Fig:App1-Bending){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig:App1-Bending"}(b).
We now show that the above elastostatic problem of active circular plates can also be solved by Ritz's variational method of approximation as follows. Note that the trial functions we take have to satisfy the essential boundary conditions in the problem, *i.e.*, \(u(r=0)=w(r=0)=0\) and \(w'(r=0)=0\).
- *Uniform active contraction with \(\zeta_{\rm a}=\zeta_0\).* We assume (from physical intuitions) that, as a reasonable guess, the circular plate is contracted uniformly in-plane and bent with uniform curvature out-of-plane, that is, \[\label{Eq:App1-RitzSol1} u(r)=\epsilon_1 r, \quad w(r)=\frac{1}{2} \kappa r^2,\] in which \(\epsilon_1\) and \(\kappa\) are two constant parameters to be determined from energy minimization. Substituting them into Eq. ([\[Eq:App1-ThinFtuw\]](#Eq:App1-ThinFtuw){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:App1-ThinFtuw"}), we obtain the total energy as a function of \(\epsilon_1\) and \(\kappa\) as \[\label{Eq:App1-RitzFt1} \begin{aligned} {\cal F}_{\rm t}(\epsilon_1,\kappa) = &2\pi R^2 \left[ \left(1+\nu_{0}\right)\left(\frac{Y}{2} \epsilon_1^2 + \frac{D}{2} \kappa^2 \right)-\alpha \zeta_0h\epsilon_1 \right. \\ &\left.+\frac{1}{2}\alpha(1-\alpha) \zeta_0 h^2\kappa \right]. \end{aligned}\] Minimization of \({\cal F}_{\rm t}\) with respect to \(\epsilon_1\) and \(\kappa\) gives \(\epsilon_1=-\frac{1}{6}\alpha{\cal Z}_{\rm b}\frac{h^2}{R^2}\) and the normalized curvature \({\cal K}=\kappa R^2/h=\alpha(1-\alpha) {\cal Z}_{\rm b}\). That is, we have used an alternative variational method to reproduce the exact solution as discussed near Eq. ([\[Eq:App1-ThinSol1\]](#Eq:App1-ThinSol1){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:App1-ThinSol1"}).
- *Non-uniform active contraction with \(\zeta_{\rm a}=\zeta_0 r/R\).* We follow Ritz's method to take two different forms of trial functions. Firstly, we choose the same trial function as Eq. ([\[Eq:App1-RitzSol1\]](#Eq:App1-RitzSol1){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:App1-RitzSol1"}) and then the total energy is given by \[\label{Eq:App1-RitzFt2} \begin{aligned} {\cal F}_{\rm t}(\epsilon_1,\kappa) = & 2\pi R^2 \left[\left(1+\nu_{0}\right)\left(\frac{Y}{2} \epsilon_1^2 + \frac{D}{2} \kappa^2 \right)-\frac{2}{3}\alpha \zeta_0h\epsilon_1 \right. \\ &\left. + \frac{1}{3}\alpha(1-\alpha) \zeta_0 h^2\kappa \right]. \end{aligned}\] Minimization of \({\cal F}_{\rm t}\) with respect to \(\epsilon_1\) and \(\kappa\) gives \(\epsilon_1=-\frac{1}{9}\alpha{\cal Z}_{\rm b}\frac{h^2}{R^2}\) and the normalized curvature \({\cal K}=\kappa R^2/h=2\alpha(1-\alpha){\cal Z}_{\rm b}/3\). Next, to get a better approximation, we try a trial function of higher order polynomials: \[\label{Eq:App1-RitzSol2} u(r)=\epsilon_1 r+\frac{1}{2} \epsilon_2 \frac{r^2}{R}, \quad w(r)=\frac{1}{2} \kappa_1 r^2+\frac{1}{3} \kappa_2 \frac{r^3}{R},\] from which we obtain \({\cal F}_{\rm t}\) as a function of four parameters, \(\epsilon_1\), \(\epsilon_2\), \(\kappa_1\), and \(\kappa_2\). Minimization of \({\cal F}_{\rm t}\) then reproduces the exact solution as given near Eq. ([\[Eq:App1-ThinSol2\]](#Eq:App1-ThinSol2){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:App1-ThinSol2"}) in the previous subsection.
### Spontaneous bending at large deflections {#Sec:App1-Thin-Ritz}
We now consider the case of relatively large deflections compared with the plate thickness (\(h\)) but still small compared with the lateral radius \(R\) of the plate, *i.e.*, \(h\ll w\ll R\). We still neglect the effects of gravitational forces with \(\rho g=0\). In this case, we can't use Kirchhoff's plate theory but have to use von-kármán's plate theory : the nonlinear terms involving \(w\) in the definitions of neutral-surface strain can not be neglected, while the nonlinear terms involving in-plane displacements are still assumed negligible. Hence, the displacement vector can still take the form of Eq. ([\[Eq:App1-Displacements\]](#Eq:App1-Displacements){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:App1-Displacements"}), but the neutral-surface strains are given by \[\label{Eq:App1-DeepRitzStrains} \epsilon_{\rm rr}=u'+\frac{1}{2}w'^2-zw'', \quad \epsilon_{\rm \theta\theta}=u/r-zw'/r.\] which include nonlinear term \(\frac{1}{2}w'^2\) and are different from Eq. ([\[Eq:App1-ThinStrains\]](#Eq:App1-ThinStrains){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:App1-ThinStrains"}) for small deflections. Substituting them into Eq. ([\[Eq:App1-ThinFt\]](#Eq:App1-ThinFt){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:App1-ThinFt"}) and integrating over thickness \(z\)-direction, we obtain the total energy as a functional of \(u(r)\) and \(w(r)\): \[\label{Eq:App2-ThinFtuw} \begin{aligned} &{\cal F}_{\rm t}[u(r),w(r)]= \\ & \int_0^R dr 2\pi r \left\{\frac{Y}{2}\left[\left(u'+\frac{1}{2}w'^2 \right)^2 +\frac{u^2}{r^2}+2\nu_0 \frac{u}{r} \left(u'+\frac{1}{2}w'^2 \right)\right] \right.\\ &-\tau_{\rm a}\left(u'+\frac{1}{2}w'^2+\frac{u}{r}\right) +\frac{D}{2}\left(w''^2 +\frac{w'^2}{r^2}+2\nu_0 \frac{w'w''}{r}\right)\\ &\left.-M_{\rm a}\left(w''+\frac{w'}{r}\right) \right\}. \end{aligned}\] Here we only consider uniform active contraction with \(\zeta_{\rm a}=\zeta_0<0\). Using Ritz method, we take the trial function as \[\label{Eq:App1-DeepRitzSol1} u(r)=\epsilon_1 r+\epsilon_2 \frac{r^3}{R^2}, \quad w(r)=\frac{1}{2} \kappa r^2,\] in which \(\epsilon_1\), \(\epsilon_2\), and \(\kappa\) are three undetermined parameters. Substituting them into Eq. ([\[Eq:App2-ThinFtuw\]](#Eq:App2-ThinFtuw){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:App2-ThinFtuw"}), we obtain the total energy as a function of the three parameters as \[\label{Eq:App1-DeepRitzFt1} \begin{aligned} &{\cal F}_{\rm t}(\epsilon_1,\epsilon_2,\kappa) = 2\pi R^2 \left[(1+\nu_{0})\frac{Y}{2} \left(\epsilon_1^2+2\epsilon_1\epsilon_2+\frac{5+3\nu_0}{3+3\nu_0}\epsilon_2^2\right) \right. \\ & + \frac{D}{2}(1+\nu_0) \left(1+3 \epsilon_1 \frac{R^2}{h^2} + 2\epsilon_2\frac{3+\nu_0}{1+\nu_0} \frac{R^2}{h^2} \right) \kappa^2 + \frac{D}{4h^2}\kappa^4 R^4 \\ & \left.-\alpha \zeta_0h\left(\epsilon_1 +\epsilon_2-\frac{1}{2}(1-\alpha)\kappa h+\frac{1}{8}\kappa^2R^2 \right) \right]. \end{aligned}\] Minimization of \({\cal F}_{\rm t}\) with respect to \(\epsilon_1\), \(\epsilon_2\), and \(\kappa\) gives \[\label{Eq:App1-DeepRitzPara} \begin{aligned} \epsilon_1 =-\frac{1}{6}\alpha{\cal Z}_{\rm b} \frac{h^2}{R^2} &+\frac{1-\nu_0}{16}\frac{h^2}{R^2}{\cal K}^2, \qquad \epsilon_2 =-\frac{3-\nu_0}{16}\frac{h^2}{R^2}{\cal K}^2, \\ & {\cal K}+\frac{1-\nu_0}{16}{\cal K}^3-\alpha(1-\alpha){\cal Z}_{\rm b}=0. \end{aligned}\] with \({\cal Z}_{\rm b}\) defined in Eq. ([\[Eq:App1-Zcb\]](#Eq:App1-Zcb){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:App1-Zcb"}) and the normalized curvature \({\cal K}=\kappa R^2/h\).
## Deep Ritz method (DRM) {#Sec:App1-DeepRitz}
In this subsection, we use the deep Ritz method to study the spontaneous bending of thin active circular plates. Firstly for small deflections, we de-dimensionalize the free energy in Eq. ([\[Eq:App1-ThinFtuw\]](#Eq:App1-ThinFtuw){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:App1-ThinFtuw"}) by taking \(\tilde{r}=r/R\), \(\tilde{u}=u R/h^2\). The dimensionless total free energy is then given by \[\label{Eq:App1-ThinFtuw-ML1} \begin{aligned} &\frac{{\cal F}_{\rm t}[\tilde{u}(\tilde{r}),\tilde{w}(\tilde{r})]}{E_0\pi h^5/R^2(1-\nu_0^2)} = \int_0^1 d\tilde{r} \tilde{r} \left[\left(\tilde{u}'^2 +\tilde{u}^2/\tilde{r}^2+2\nu_0 \tilde{u}\tilde{u}'/\tilde{r}\right) \right.\\ & +\frac{1}{3}\alpha{\cal Z}_{\rm b} (1+\nu_0)(\tilde{u}'+\tilde{u}/\tilde{r})+ \frac{1}{12}\left(\tilde{w}''^2 +\tilde{w}'^2/\tilde{r}^2+2\nu_0 \tilde{w}'\tilde{w}''/\tilde{r}\right) \\ &\left.-\frac{1}{6}\alpha(1-\alpha){\cal Z}_{\rm b} (1+\nu_0)(\tilde{w}''+\tilde{w}'/\tilde{r})\right] \end{aligned}\] with \(\tilde{u}'=d\tilde{u}/d\tilde{r}\), \(\tilde{w}=w/h\), \(\tilde{w}'=d\tilde{w}/d\tilde{r}\). We would like to point out that proper de-dimensionalization is important technically for fast convergence in DRM. Following the DRM explained in Sec. [2.3](#Sec:VarMeth-DeepRitz){reference-type="ref" reference="Sec:VarMeth-DeepRitz"}, we first check the performance of the neural network with different parameter settings. As shown in Table [1](#table:eg1){reference-type="ref" reference="table:eg1"}, one can observe that the \(L_\infty\) error and the mean square errors away from the exact solution are all very small when width \(m\), depth \(N_{\rm n}\), and \(N_s\) are relatively large. Particularly, the small \(L_\infty\) error about \(10^{-5}\) implies a high accuracy of the predicted solution from the neural network. Moreover, we note that the errors are not exactly monotonically decreasing but oscillating in a very small region as \(m\), \(N_{\rm n}\), or \(N_s\) increases, which is reasonable because of the random generation of spatial (input observation) points and the application of stochastic gradient descent algorithms. Furthermore, we find that for a given setting of the network, there seems to exist a minimal training steps (or training time, say \(T_{\rm s}\)) to obtain a relatively small and stable training error (*i.e.*, the value of the error oscillates around a very small value). Importantly, we find that as \(m\), \(N_{\rm n}\), or \(N_s\) increase, the minimal training time \(T_{\rm s}\) seems to increase linearly or even sublinearly, and the training results will not get "worse" (for example, no larger errors or over-fitting) as long as the training iterates over the corresponding minimal \(T_{\rm s}\) steps. In addition, we have also varied the activation functions, for example, we have tried ReLU, ReLU\(^2\), ReLU\(^3\), Tanh, Tanh\(^3\), and Sigmoid functions. We found that ReLU\(^3\) and Tanh\(^3\) outperform others and hence we use ReLU\(^3\) to carry out all the training studies as shown in this section. In Fig. [\[Fig:App1-ML1\]](#Fig:App1-ML1){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig:App1-ML1"}, we plotted the temporal evolution of training errors during the training process and the predicted results from the neural network after \(100, 000\) training steps with \(m\), \(N_{\rm n}\), \(N_{s}\) chosen to be \(10\), \(4\), \(1000\), respectively, and \(l_{\rm r}=0.001\) (decreased to be half at some milestone training steps). The predicted results agree very well with the exact solution in Eq. ([\[Eq:App1-ThinSol1\]](#Eq:App1-ThinSol1){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:App1-ThinSol1"}) as shown in Fig. [\[Fig:App1-ML1\]](#Fig:App1-ML1){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig:App1-ML1"}(b).
For relatively large deflections with \(h\ll w\ll R\), we use the same dimensionless methods and the dimensionless form of the total free energy in Eq. ([\[Eq:App2-ThinFtuw\]](#Eq:App2-ThinFtuw){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:App2-ThinFtuw"}) is then given by \[\label{Eq:App1-ThinFtuw-ML2} \small{ \begin{aligned} &\frac{{\cal F}_{\rm t}[\tilde{u}(\tilde{r}),\tilde{w}(\tilde{r})]}{E_0\pi h^5/R^2(1-\nu_0^2)}\\ &=\int_0^1 d\tilde{r} \tilde{r} \left\{\left[\left(\tilde{u}'+\frac{1}{2}\tilde{w}'^2 \right)^2 +\frac{\tilde{u}^2}{\tilde{r}^2} +2\nu_0 \frac{\tilde{u}}{\tilde{r}} \left(\tilde{u}'+\frac{1}{2}\tilde{w}'^2 \right)\right]\right.\\ & + \frac{1}{3}\alpha{\cal Z}_{\rm b} (1+\nu_0)\left(\tilde{u}'+\frac{1}{2}\tilde{w}'^2+\frac{\tilde{u}}{\tilde{r}}\right) + \frac{1}{12}\left(\tilde{w}''^2 +\frac{\tilde{w}'^2}{\tilde{r}^2}+2\nu_0 \frac{\tilde{w}'\tilde{w}''}{\tilde{r}}\right) \\ &\left.-\frac{1}{6}\alpha(1-\alpha){\cal Z}_{\rm b} (1+\nu_0)\left(\tilde{w}''+\frac{\tilde{w}'}{\tilde{r}}\right) \right\}. \end{aligned}}\] In this case, the deformation of the active circular plate is more complicated and the exact solution is not available. But in Sec. [4.2.2](#Sec:App1-Thin-Ritz){reference-type="ref" reference="Sec:App1-Thin-Ritz"}, we have used the classical Ritz method to derive the first-order approximate solution as those in Eq. ([\[Eq:App1-DeepRitzPara\]](#Eq:App1-DeepRitzPara){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:App1-DeepRitzPara"}) by taking the simple polynomial trial function in Eq. ([\[Eq:App1-DeepRitzSol1\]](#Eq:App1-DeepRitzSol1){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:App1-DeepRitzSol1"}). Here we use the deep Ritz method to numerically solve the variational problem by using the same neural network structure as above, in which the network parameters are now optimized by minimizing the total free energy in Eq. ([\[Eq:App1-ThinFtuw-ML2\]](#Eq:App1-ThinFtuw-ML2){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:App1-ThinFtuw-ML2"}) as the loss function for several different values of \({\cal Z}_{\rm b}=-{\zeta_0 h R^2}/{2D(1+\nu_0)}\) defined in Eq. ([\[Eq:App1-Zcb\]](#Eq:App1-Zcb){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:App1-Zcb"}). In Fig. [\[Fig:App1-ML2\]](#Fig:App1-ML2){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig:App1-ML2"}, we plot the normalized curvature \({\cal K}=\kappa R^2/h\) as a function of the normalized torque \(\alpha(1-\alpha)\cal Z_{\rm b}\) and its contours in the plane of normalized radius \(\tilde{r}=r/R\) and normalized torque \(\alpha(1-\alpha)\cal Z_{\rm b}\). In Fig. [\[Fig:App1-ML2\]](#Fig:App1-ML2){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig:App1-ML2"}(a), the predicted normalized curvature is obtained from a least-square fitting of the predict solution \(w(r)\) by \(\frac{1}{2}\kappa r^2\). We can see that when \(\cal Z_{\rm b}\) is relatively small, the solution agrees well with the Ritz approximation because the exact solution would be closer to a quadratic function as assumed in Ritz approximation in Eq. ([\[Eq:App1-DeepRitzSol1\]](#Eq:App1-DeepRitzSol1){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:App1-DeepRitzSol1"}). For larger \(\cal Z_{\rm b}\), the predict solution from the deep Ritz method becomes more complicated and deviates from Ritz's approximate solution in Eq. ([\[Eq:App1-DeepRitzSol1\]](#Eq:App1-DeepRitzSol1){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:App1-DeepRitzSol1"}). In Fig. [\[Fig:App1-ML2\]](#Fig:App1-ML2){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig:App1-ML2"}(b), we plot the predicted solutions at several different training steps, implying the convergence of the predicted solution. Indeed, one can observe in Fig. [\[Fig:App1-ML2\]](#Fig:App1-ML2){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig:App1-ML2"}(c) that, for a large fixed \(\cal Z_{\rm b}\), the normalized curvature is not a constant anymore but changes with the normalized radius. The self-consistency of the predicted results justifies the ability of deep Ritz method to explore high dimensional information or more complicated behaviors. However, the accuracy of these results should be further checked and compared quantitatively with finite element simulations or a direct numerical solutions of the equilibrium equations at large deflections. We leave this to our future work.
## Gravitaxis of thin active circular plates {#Sec:App1-Gravi}
Gravitaxis is a form of cell taxis characterized by the directional movement of cells in response to gravitational forces . There are many different biological and physical mechanisms causing the gravitaxis of individual cells. For example, some cells have receptors like statocysts that allow them to sense the gravitational force and to adjust their body orientation or migrating directions accordingly . Some other cells do not have gravisensory structures, in which case gravitaxis can result from a purely physical mechanism such as asymmetric mass distribution in the cell body. Here, however, we consider non-motile adherent animal cells and propose theoretically a possible way of sensing gravitational forces in cell aggregates or tissue scales. For this purpose, we study a toy system: a thin active circular plate with supported edges placed horizontally in a gravitational field. The active circular plate can be regarded as a minimal model of cell monolayer. In order to better show the competition between active cellular forces and gravitational forces, we consider the circular plate shown in Fig. [\[Fig:App1-Gravi\]](#Fig:App1-Gravi){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig:App1-Gravi"} where the internal active contraction tends to bend the plate upward (see Fig. [\[Fig:App1-Gravi\]](#Fig:App1-Gravi){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig:App1-Gravi"}(a)), while the gravitational force tends to bend it downward (see Fig. [\[Fig:App1-Gravi\]](#Fig:App1-Gravi){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig:App1-Gravi"}(b)). In this case, the active stress component is given (in a slightly different form from Eq. ([\[Eq:App1-Zeta\]](#Eq:App1-Zeta){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:App1-Zeta"})) by \[\begin{aligned}
\label{Eq:App3-Zeta} \zeta = \zeta_{\rm a} \Theta(-z-(1-2 \alpha)\frac{h}{2}), \end{aligned}\] with \(\zeta_{\rm a}=\zeta_0<0\) and \(\zeta_{\rm a}=\zeta_0 r/R<0\) for uniform and non-uniform contraction, respectively. Furthermore, to focus on the physical mechanisms, we only consider small deflections with \(w<<h\), in which the components of displacement vector and strain tensor are given by Eqs. ([\[Eq:App1-Displacements\]](#Eq:App1-Displacements){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:App1-Displacements"}) and ([\[Eq:App1-ThinStrains\]](#Eq:App1-ThinStrains){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:App1-ThinStrains"}). Substituting them into Eq. ([\[Eq:App1-ThinFt\]](#Eq:App1-ThinFt){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:App1-ThinFt"}) for \(\rho g\neq 0\) and integrating over thickness \(z\)-direction, we obtain the total energy functional: \[\label{Eq:App3-ThinFtuw} \begin{aligned} &{\cal F}_{\rm t}[u(r),w(r)] = \int_0^R dr 2\pi r \left[\frac{Y}{2} \left(u'^2 +u^2/r^2+2\nu_0 uu'/r\right)\right. \\ &-\tau_{\rm a} (u'+u/r) + \frac{D}{2}\left(w''^2 +w'^2/r^2+2\nu_0 w'w''/r\right) \left.-M_{\rm a} (w''+w'/r)+\rho g w\right]. \end{aligned}\] Then from the minimization of \({\cal F}_{\rm t}\) with respect to \(u(r)\) and \(w(r)\) gives the equilibrium equations (*i.e.*, the Euler-Lagrange equations) in the bulk (for \(0\leq r\leq R\)) as Eq. ([\[Eq:App1-ThinEqns1\]](#Eq:App1-ThinEqns1){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:App1-ThinEqns1"}) and
at the supported edges at \(r=R\), which are supplemented with conditions at \(r=0\): \(u=0\), \(w={\rm finite}\), and \(w'=0\). Particularly for both uniform and non-uniform active stresses discussed in Eq. ([\[Eq:App1-Zeta\]](#Eq:App1-Zeta){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:App1-Zeta"}), the above equation system can be both solved analytically as follows. *(1) Uniform active contraction with \(\zeta_{\rm a}=\zeta_0<0\).* The exact analytical solution is \[\label{Eq:App1-GraviSol1} \begin{aligned} w(r) &=\frac{{\cal Z}_{\rm b}h }{2}\left[\frac{{\cal G}(1+\nu_0)}{16} \left(1-\frac{r^4}{R^4}\right) \right.\\ & \left. +\left(\alpha (1-\alpha)-\frac{3+\nu_0}{8}{\cal G}\right) \left(1-\frac{r^2}{R^2}\right)\right], \end{aligned}\] *(2) Non-uniform active contraction with \(\zeta_{\rm a}=\zeta_0 r/R<0\).* The exact analytical solution is \[\label{Eq:App1-GraviSol2} \begin{aligned} &w(r)=\frac{{\cal Z}_{\rm b}h }{2} \left[\frac{{\cal G}(1+\nu_0)}{16}\left(1-\frac{r^4}{R^4}\right)+ \frac{2}{9}\alpha (1-\alpha)(1+\nu_0) \right. \\ &\left(1-\frac{r^3}{R^3}\right) \left.+ \left(\frac{1}{3}\alpha (1-\alpha)(1-\nu_0)-\frac{3+\nu_0}{8}{\cal G}\right) \left(1-\frac{r^2}{R^2}\right)\right]. \end{aligned}\] Here the dimensionless parameter \[\label{Eq:App1-GraviNo} {\cal G} \equiv \frac{\rho g hR^2}{|\zeta_0| h^2} = \left( \frac{R}{R_{\rm g}} \right)^2,\] is denoted as *activo-gravity number*, which measures the strength of gravitational force in bending the plate relative to the asymmetric active contractile forces inside the cell. An *activo-gravity length* \(R_{\rm g} \equiv (|\zeta_0| h/\rho g)^{1/2}\) is introduced, which tells that the bending of the plate can be significantly varied by the gravitational force when its lateral dimension \(R\) is larger than \(R_{\rm g}\), or equivalently \({\cal G} >1\) as shown in Fig. [\[Fig:App1-Gravi\]](#Fig:App1-Gravi){reference-type="ref" reference="Fig:App1-Gravi"}. If we assume the active stress \(|\zeta_0|\sim 1 {\rm kPa}\) and take \(\rho\sim 1.0 {kg/m^3}\), \(g\sim 10 \, {\rm m/s^2}\), and \(h\sim 100 \, {\rm nm}\), then we get \(R_{\rm g} \sim 100 \, {\rm \mu m}\), about several cell diameters. Biologically, this indicates that gravitaxis may be negligible at the length scale of individual cells, but gravitaxis becomes non-negligible and important at larger length scale, for example, during tissue development the gravitational forces may play important roles in guiding the tissue morphogenesis and in breaking the up-down symmetry. In addition, it is interesting to note that the activogravity length takes similar form as the capillary length \(\lambda_{\rm c} = (\gamma/\rho g)^{1/2}\) with \(\gamma\) being the surface tension and the activogravity number \({\cal G}\) takes similar form as Bond number or Eötvös number that represents the ratio between the buoyancy forces and surface tension of the liquid.
# Conclusion and remarks {#Sec:Conclude}
Variational methods have been widely used in the physical modeling of soft matter. These methods are mostly based on two variational principles of statistical thermodynamics: the variational principle of minimum free energy (MFEVP) for static problems and Onsager's variational principle (OVP) for dynamic problems . In our former work , we have explored the variational methods that are based on OVP for the modeling of active matter dynamics. Here in this work, we have focused on the variational methods that are based on MFEVP and can be used for the modeling of static problems in active solids. Active solids, consisting of elastically coupled active agents, combine the central properties of passive elastic solids and active fluids. We showed that MFEVP can be used, on the one hand, to derive thermodynamically consistent continuum models for active solids, including both equilibrium equations and matching boundary conditions. On the other hand, direct variational methods such as the Ritz method can be developed to approximate the state of mechanical equilibrium where active stresses are balanced by elastic stresses. Interestingly, we showed that the idea of Ritz method for active solids can be further powered by the deep learning method if we use deep neural networks to construct the trial functions of the variational problems. These variational methods are then applied to study the spontaneous bending and contraction of active circular plates, which can be regarded as a minimal model of a solid-like confluent cell monolayer. We found that circular plates can be bent by asymmetric active contraction inside the plate. We proposed that the importance of gravitational force relative to active cellular force is characterized by an activogravity length, \(R_{\rm g}\) (about 100 micron), analogous to capillary length. When the lateral dimension of the plate is larger than \(R_{\rm g}\), gravitational forces become important in bending the plate. We therefore propose that such gravitaxis may play significant roles in the morphogenesis and in breaking the up-down symmetry during tissue development. Below we make a few general remarks and outlook. (i) *Applications to tissue morphogenesis dynamics.* The calculations of single-layer circular plates give some implications on the spontaneous bending and contraction of cell monolayer. These calculations can be further extended to study the dynamics of tissue morphogenesis by considering dissipative processes and multilayered composite plates that mimic tissue structure . (ii) *Taking into account of the elasto-active feedback.* In this work, we have only considered active stresses with frozen, given distributions. In biology, the system activity usually couples closely with mechanics. For example, the orientation of cytoskeleton and the density of cells also change with local deformation, forces, and torques. Cell activity shows mechanochemical couplings with biochemical molecules such as morphogens . Cells divisions and apoptosis also induce active forces and changes in space and time . Tensional homeostatic behaviors are observed at both single cell and tissue levels . These new physics can be included either by considering nonlinear elasticity , biological penalty , or by introducing more slow variables , such as polarization or nematic order, and chemical compositions. More physical couplings can be incorporated either in the free energy (for reversible or energetic couplings) by using MFEVP or in dissipation functions (for irreversible or dissipative couplings) by using OVP. (iii) *Deep learning-based numerical methods for solving variational problems in active matter physics.* The deep Ritz method mentioned above for the statics of active matter is developed by combining Ritz's variational method of approximation with deep learning methods that are based on deep neural networks and stochastic gradient descent algorithms. Similar deep learning methods can also be developed for the dynamics of soft matter and active matter by combining the variational method of approximation based on Onsager's variational principle (OVP) with deep learning methods . Furthermore, the input of the neural networks should generally include both spatial and temporal coordinates; the output can be not only displacement fields, but also other slow variables such as polarization, concentration, *etc*. In addition, we should also use and compare with the physics informed neural network (PINN) to solve the complicated Euler-Lagrange partial differential equations derived from variational principles. | {'timestamp': '2022-06-28T02:14:37', 'yymm': '2203', 'arxiv_id': '2203.15376', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15376'} |
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# [\[sec:level1\]]{#sec:level1 label="sec:level1"}Introduction
As a wave propagates through a heterogeneous medium, it undergoes scattering: one part of its energy is diverted from the initial direction, and gives rise to secondary waves which in turn can be scattered again. Multiple scattering can be encountered with all kinds of waves, and has been a very active subject of research for several decades as well in quantum physics as in optics or acoustics . Imaging devices working in reflection as for radar echolocation or medical ultrasound, take advantage of single scattering in order to detect, locate, and possibly characterize the individual heterogeneities. Yet, in ultrasonic imaging, multiple scattering can be far from negligible, for instance in breast or liver tissues and can be even largely predominant in complex structures such as bones or lungs . In the context of non-destructive evaluation, polycrystalline media like titanium alloys are intrinsically scattering media for ultrasonic waves due to the random orientations of crystallytes which generate a structural noise. Defects can be detected by ultrasound, provided that the amount of multiple scattering between the grains is sufficiently low. If not, spikes on an ultrasound image might result in false alarms or, on the contrary, a defect might remain hidden in the clutter. Multiple scattering is thus a key issue since it causes conventional imaging techniques to fail. Therefore, whether it be for medical or non-destructive testing applications, there is a need for a depth-dependent indicator of the single scattering weight in the reflected wavefield. In order to account for multiple scattering in a randomly disordered medium, the scattering mean-free path \(\ell_s\) is a key parameter. In the case of an incoming plane wave propagating along the \(z\)-axis, the intensity of the ensemble-averaged wavefield \(\left|\left\langle \psi\right\rangle \right| ^2\) decays as \(\exp(-z/\ell_s )\). Therefore the scattering mean-free path may be roughly thought of as a typical length scale to determine whether scattering has affected the incoming wave. If the path length is very large compared to \(\ell_s\), the incoming wave loses its initial coherence while its energy is transferred to scattered waves; ultimately, the propagation of the average energy density can be described as that of classical particles undergoing a random walk, ruled by a diffusion equation. Working at frequencies for which \(\ell_s\) is large, for instance by lowering the frequency, is a classical way to diminish multiple scattering, usually at the cost of a poorer spatial resolution. In the case of ultrasonic waves though, the advent of controllable multi-element arrays gave rise to alternative imaging methods involving a matrix approach. A matrix formalism is particularly appropriate since all the information available on the probed medium can be stored in the array response matrix or the so-called reflection matrix, which contains the set of impulse responses between each array element. Interestingly, single and multiple scattering were shown to exhibit different correlation properties in the reflection matrix measured on a random medium. Building on this difference, an algorithm was proposed to separate the single and multiple-scattering contributions to the reflection matrices. A first estimator of a multiple-to-single scattering ratio was built by Aubry *et al.* from the mean intensity of the reflection matrix diagonal elements; then, Baelde *et al.* proposed a single scattering estimator \(\hat{\rho}\) using the Frobenius norms of the matrices. More recently, Lambert *et al.* and Velichko built other local multiple-to-single scattering ratio estimators calculated from the projection of the reflection matrix in a focused basis. In the aforementioned references, it is noticed that a residual multiple scattering term is not well separated from single scattering and thus remains in the single scattering estimated matrix. All these estimators are thus biased. The aim of this paper is to estimate and elucidate such bias by providing a physical analysis of the back-scattered echoes. In particular, we will show how part of the multiple scattering contributions, known as *recurrent scattering*, share common features with single scattering. In multiple scattering theory, a scattering sequence is said to be recurrent if the first and last scattering events occur at the same point. However, for receivers placed outside the medium, paths whose first and last scattering events take place in the same resolution cell also give rise to a long-range memory effect analogous to single scattering , the former being just time delayed compared to the latter. In this paper, we will thus consider this last definition for recurrent scattering. Recurrent scattering has been the object of several studies, in particular, it was shown that recurrent scattering events do not contribute to the coherent backscattering enhancement ; the role of recurrent scattering loops was also studied in the context of Anderson localization in a strong scattering regime (\(k_0\ell_s \sim 1\), with \(k_0\) the wavenumber). In this work, we investigate the impact of recurrent scattering on the reflection matrix properties in a much weaker scattering regime (\(k_0\ell_s\gg1\)). Recurrent scattering is shown to account for a bias made on the estimation of the single scattering component. The original single scattering estimator \(\hat{\rho}\) can thus be re-interpreted as a confocal scattering ratio that quantifies the weight of single plus recurrent scattering in the reflection matrix. Given the extreme variety and complexity of elastic wave propagation in biological or polycrystalline media, in this paper we choose to model much simpler media made of random distributions of isotropic scatterers with a numerical scheme based on the Born expansion. The advantage is that the total reflection matrix can be decomposed as a series of matrices \(\Knf\), \(n\) indicating the scattering orders, that can be isolated and separately investigated. The chosen numerical scheme also enables the discrimination of recurrent scattering paths among all possible multiple scattering paths. The paper is divided into four parts. The first section recalls the fundamentals of multiple scattering theory under Green's formalism. The second one explains the computation of the single scattering estimator \(\hat{\rho}\); then, our analysis is applied to a proof-of-concept experiment that entails an assembly of parallel nylon wires embedded in water insonified by an ultrasonic linear array. The third section consists in translating the theory into a matrix formalism in order to predict the reflection matrix associated with a random distribution of scatterers, and compare the weight of both single and recurrent scattering to the experimental estimator \(\hat{\rho}\). The dependence of the single plus recurrent scattering weight with respect to \(\ell_s\) will be discussed. The last part shows the manifestation of recurrent scattering on the reflection matrix projected onto a focused basis in a generalized image space . The impact of recurrent scattering on a local confocal scattering estimator is also discussed.
# [\[sec:level2\]]{#sec:level2 label="sec:level2"}Born series and T-matrices
In this section, we recall some basics of wave propagation in random media (more details can be found for instance in ). In a homogeneous medium characterized by a wave velocity \(c_0\), the scalar wave equation for the wave-field \(\psi(\vec{r},t)\) writes \[\left(\Delta-\frac{1}{c_0^2} \frac{\partial^2 }{\partial t^2} \right) \psi(\vec{r},t) = s(\vec{r},t),\] with \(s(\vec{r},t)\) the source distribution in the medium. In the case of a harmonic wave with angular frequency \(\omega\), the associated Green's equation is \[\Delta G_0(\vec{r},\vec{r'},\omega) +k_0^2 G_0(\vec{r},\vec{r'},\omega) = \delta(\vec{r}-\vec{r'}),\] where \(\delta\) is the Dirac distribution and \(k_0=\omega/c_0\), the wave number. The homogeneous Green's function \(G_0\) accounts for the propagation of a monochromatic wave between two points \(\vec{r'}\) and \(\vec{r}\) and reads: \[G_0 (\vec{r},\vec{r'},\omega) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} -\frac{\imath}{4} \mathcal{H}_0^{(1)}(k_0 \left| \vec{r}-\vec{r'} \right|) & \mbox{in 2D,}\\[6 pt] -\frac{\exp(\imath k_0 \left| \vec{r}-\vec{r'} \right|)}{4 \pi \left| \vec{r}-\vec{r'} \right|} & \mbox{in 3D,} \end{array} \right. \label{eq:chap2_solutionGreen}\] with \(\mathcal{H}_0^{(1)}\) the Hankel function of the first kind. In the far-field, the 2D Green's function can be approximated by: \[G_0(\vec{r},\vec{r'},\omega) \approx \frac{-e^{\imath \pi / 4}}{\sqrt{8 \pi k_0 \left| \vec{r}-\vec{r'} \right| }} \exp \left( \imath k_0 \left| \vec{r}-\vec{r'} \right| \right). \label{eq:G0champlointain}\] In a heterogeneous medium where the wave speed varies randomly as a function of spatial coordinates, the Green's equation may be written as: \[\begin{aligned}
\Delta G (\vec{r},\vec{r'},\omega) +k_0^2 \left(1-\mu(\vec{r})\right)G (\vec{r},\vec{r'},\omega) = \delta(\vec{r}-\vec{r'}). \label{eq:GreenEqHetero} \end{aligned}\] The non-dimensional quantity \(\mu\) accounts for the medium heterogeneity. In the most common cases, it is a simple scalar: for instance, in optics, \(1-\mu\) is the squared refractive index \(\left( c_0/c(\vec{r})\right) ^2\), \(c_0\) being the speed of light in vacuum; in acoustics, \(\psi\) being the pressure field, it is the same expression provided that the fluctuations of mass density at rest are ignored. With no loss of generality, Eq. [\[eq:GreenEqHetero\]](#eq:GreenEqHetero){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:GreenEqHetero"} also applies to less common cases: \(\mu\) is then an operator and not a simple scalar . The solution of Eq. [\[eq:GreenEqHetero\]](#eq:GreenEqHetero){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:GreenEqHetero"} may be written recursively using the homogeneous space Green's function \(G_0\): \[\begin{split} G(\vec{r},\vec{r'},\omega)&= G_0(\vec{r},\vec{r'},\omega) \\ &+ k_0^2 \int G_0(\vec{r},\vec{r_1},\omega) \mu(\vec{r_1}) G(\vec{r_1},\vec{r'},\omega) \dd\vec{r_1}. \end{split} \label{born_rec}\] Using the definition of the Green's function, the wavefield \(\psi(\vec{r})\) is shown to follow the Lippman-Schwinger equation: \[\psi(\vec{r})= \psi_0(\vec{r}) + k_0^2 \int G_0(\vec{r},\vec{r_1},\omega) \mu(\vec{r_1}) \psi(\vec{r_1}) \dd\vec{r_1}, \label{lipp}\] with \(\psi_0(\vec{r})\) the incident wavefield generated in the homogeneous medium by an arbitrary source distribution. Both equations [\[born_rec\]](#born_rec){reference-type="eqref" reference="born_rec"} and [\[lipp\]](#lipp){reference-type="eqref" reference="lipp"} are recursive, and can be iterated to obtain the Born expansion, for the Green's function as well as for the wavefield: \[\begin{split} G(\vec{r},\vec{r'},\omega) &= G_0(\vec{r},\vec{r'},\omega) \\ &+ k_0^2 \int G_0(\vec{r},\vec{r_1},\omega) \mu(\vec{r_1}) G_0(\vec{r_1},\vec{r'},\omega) \dd\vec{r_1} \\ &+ k_0^4 \iint G_0(\vec{r},\vec{r_2},\omega) \mu(\vec{r_2}) G_0(\vec{r_2},\vec{r_1},\omega) \mu(\vec{r_1}) \\ & \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad G_0(\vec{r_1},\vec{r'},\omega) \dd\vec{r_1} \dd\vec{r_2} \\ &+ \dots \label{born} \end{split}\] and, \[\begin{split} \psi(\vec{r}) &= \psi_0(\vec{r}) \\ &+ k_0^2 \int G_0(\vec{r},\vec{r_1},\omega) \mu(\vec{r_1}) \psi_0(\vec{r_1}) \dd \vec{r_1} \\ &+ k_0^4 \iint G_0(\vec{r},\vec{r_2},\omega) \mu(\vec{r_2}) G_0(\vec{r_2},\vec{r_1},\omega) \mu(\vec{r_1}) \\ & \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \psi_0(\vec{r_1}) \dd \vec{r_2} \dd\vec{r_1} \\ &+ \dots \label{bornPsi} \end{split}\] Neither [\[born_rec\]](#born_rec){reference-type="eqref" reference="born_rec"} nor [\[lipp\]](#lipp){reference-type="eqref" reference="lipp"} are explicit solutions of the scattering problem, they are just a recursive expression of the solution. The Born development is an actual expression of the solution, but it contains an infinite number of terms, corresponding to various scattering orders. Let \(V\) be such that \(V\left(\vec{r}_2,\vec{r}_1 \right) =k_0^2\mu(\vec{r}_1)\delta(\vec{r}_2-\vec{r}_1)\). Then for the sake of brevity, matrix products can be used instead of multiple integrals, for instance: \[\mathbf{V G_0 V} \leftrightarrow \iint V(\vec{r_2},\vec{x}) G_0(\vec{x},\vec{y})V(\vec{y},\vec{r_1}) \dd\vec{x} \dd\vec{y}.\] Defining the \(\mathbf{T}\)-matrix (or scattering matrix) as \(\mathbf{T}= \mathbf{V}+\mathbf{VG_0V}+\mathbf{VG_0VG_0V}+\dots\) yields an explicit expression for the total wavefield (incident + scattered): \[\label{eq:defT} \psi(\vec{r})= \psi_0(\vec{r}) + \iint G_0 (\vec{r},\vec{r_2},\omega) T(\vec{r_2},\vec{r_1},\omega) \psi_0(\vec{r_1}) \dd\vec{r_2} \dd \vec{r_1}.\] In Eq. [\[eq:defT\]](#eq:defT){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:defT"}, the entire complexity of the medium is wrapped up in \(\mathbf{T}\). Eq. [\[eq:defT\]](#eq:defT){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:defT"} can be interpreted as the following series of events: the incident wave \(\psi_0\) impinges at \(\vec{r_1}\), is affected by \(\mathbf{T}\), exits at \(\vec{r_2}\), then the resulting wave propagates freely to the receiver at \(\vec{r}\). In Eq. [\[eq:defT\]](#eq:defT){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:defT"}, \(\mathbf{T}\) is the scattering matrix of the entire medium, as if it was one single large scatterer: intrinsically there is no "multiple scattering between two points", unlike in the Born development (Eq. [\[bornPsi\]](#bornPsi){reference-type="eqref" reference="bornPsi"}).\
For a medium composed of \(N_s\) discrete objects embedded in a homogeneous fluid, it is common to adopt an intermediate scale, and consider each object, even if it is not point-like, as the unit scattering cell. Let \(\mathbf{T}_i\) denote the \(\mathbf{T}\)-matrix of the \(i^{th}\) object; then, Eq. [\[eq:defT\]](#eq:defT){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:defT"} can be developed into a series of scattering sequences: \[\begin{split} \mathbf{\psi} &= \mathbf{\psi}_0 + \sum_{i=1}^{N_s} \mathbf{G}_0 \mathbf{T}_i \mathbf{\psi}_0 + \sum_{i=1}^{N_s} \sum_{\substack{j=1 \\ j\ne i}}^{N_s} \mathbf{G}_0 \mathbf{T}_i \mathbf{G}_0 \mathbf{T}_j \mathbf{\psi}_0 + \dots \end{split} \label{tmatrix}\] The terms on the right-hand side of Eq. [\[tmatrix\]](#tmatrix){reference-type="eqref" reference="tmatrix"} correspond respectively to the incident field, the single-scattering contribution, the double-scattering contribution, etc. The total wavefield \(\psi\) may be decomposed in that manner whatever the chosen unit scattering cell. In the following, Eq. [\[tmatrix\]](#tmatrix){reference-type="eqref" reference="tmatrix"} is the fundamental relation that will be used to compute recursively the reflection matrix, considering one cylindrical scatterer as the unit scattering cell
# [\[sec:level2b\]]{#sec:level2b label="sec:level2b"} The single scattering ratio estimation
Let us consider the experimental setup in Fig. [\[fig:milieu\]](#fig:milieu){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:milieu"}. An array of \(N\) emitter-receivers at positions \(\vec{u_i}=(u_i,0)\), (\(i=1,\dots,N\)) is placed in front of the scattering medium under investigation. The \(N\times N\) inter-element impulse responses between all possible transducers are measured. A Fourier transform yields the reflection matrix \(\Ktf=[K(u_i,u_j,\omega)]\) at each angular frequency \(\omega\). In actual experiments, the various scattering orders described by Eq. [\[tmatrix\]](#tmatrix){reference-type="eqref" reference="tmatrix"} cannot be discriminated in \(\Ktf\). Nevertheless, one can try to isolate the single scattering contribution from the other terms. To that aim, Aubry *et al.* proposed to apply a matrix manipulation based on the peculiar correlation of the single scattering matrix \(\mathbf{K}^{(1)}\). We first recall the principle of this method, which will be referred to as the matrix filter in the following, we then define the single scattering estimator and apply it on a model experiment.
## [\[sec:level2b_1\]]{#sec:level2b_1 label="sec:level2b_1"}Theoretical derivation {#sec:filter}
The expression of the single scattering matrix \(\Kf\) is the second term of Eq. [\[tmatrix\]](#tmatrix){reference-type="eqref" reference="tmatrix"}. For scatterers smaller than the wavelength, the \(\mathbf{T}\)-matrix of the s\(^{th}\) scatterer located at position \(r_s=(x_s,z_s)\) can be written \(T_s(\vec{r},\vec{r^\prime},\omega) = \mathcal{T}_s(\omega) \delta(\vec{r}-\vec{r_s}) \delta(\vec{r^\prime}-\vec{r_s})\), with \(\mathcal{T}_s(\omega)\), the scatterer frequency response. Moreover, when considering the emitter and receiver sizes also much smaller than the wavelength, \(\mathbf{\psi}_0\) can be replaced by the Green's matrix \(\mathbf{G}_0\) that contains the \(N \times N_s\) free space Green's functions between the transducers and the scatterers. Thus, the coefficients of \(\Kf\) can be expressed as follows \[K^{(1)}(u_i,u_j,\omega = \sum\limits_{s=1}^{N_s}G_0(\vec{u_i},\vec{r_s},\omega) \mathcal{T}_s(\omega) G_0(\vec{r_s},\vec{u_j},\omega). \label{eq:K1int}\] In a time-resolved experiment, the received waves within a given time-window \([T-\Delta T/2;T+\Delta T/2]\) come from a specific region, called the isochronous volume \(\Gamma(T,\Delta T)\) . In the single scattering regime, \(\Gamma(T,\Delta T)\) is the locus of points \(\vec{r}\) such that \(\left| \vec{u_i}-\vec{r}\right|+\left| \vec{r}-\vec{u_j}\right|\in[2z-2\Delta z;2z+2\Delta z]\), with \(z=c_0T/2\) and \(\Delta z=c_0 \Delta T/2\), which describes a skein of ellipses. In the far-field, \(\Gamma(T,\Delta T)\) can be approximated by a slice parallel to the transducers array, between depths \(z\pm \Delta z/2\). It is therefore a common procedure in ultrasound imaging to time-gate the reflected signals, then analyze their properties as a function of the central time \(T\) (or the equivalent depth \(z=c_0T/2\)). It should be noted that as long as \(2z\) is larger than the transverse size of the array, the direct path between the emitter and the receiver is eliminated by time-gating. And in the expression \(\Kf\), only the scatterers contained in the isochronous volume \(\Gamma\) are considered. Injecting Eq. [\[eq:G0champlointain\]](#eq:G0champlointain){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:G0champlointain"} into Eq. [\[eq:K1int\]](#eq:K1int){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:K1int"} and considering the isochronous volume \(\Gamma\) as a thin slice of scattering medium around depth \(z\), the elements of \(\Kf\) can be written as follows: \[\begin{split} K^{(1)}(u_i,u_j,\omega) \propto \sum\limits_{(x_s,z_s)\in\Gamma} \mathcal{T}_s(\omega) &\exp \left(\imath k_0 \sqrt{z_s^2+(x_s-u_i)^2} \right) \\ &\exp \left(\imath k_0 \sqrt{z_s^2+(x_s-u_j)^2} \right). \end{split}\] Under the hypothesis of the paraxial approximation \(k_0(x_s-u_i)^4/(8z_s^3)<<\pi\), this expression can be rewritten as follows \[\begin{split} K^{(1)}(u_i,u_j,\omega) \propto & \exp \left( \imath k_0 \frac{(u_i-u_j)^2}{4z} \right) \\ \sum\limits_{(x_s,z_s)\in\Gamma}e^{\imath k_0(z_s-z)}\mathcal{T}_s(\omega)&\exp \left(\imath k_0 \frac{(u_i+u_j-2x_s)^2}{4z} \right). \end{split} \label{parax}\] The first phase term is deterministic and is the same for all emitter-receiver pairs \((i,j)\) such that \(u_i-u_j\) is constant i.e., along the diagonals of \(\Kf\). The second term depends on the scatterers configuration, therefore it is random and changes from one realization to the next. However it is a function of \((u_i+u_j)\) hence it is constant along a given anti-diagonal of \(\Kf\). As a consequence, the single scattering matrix \(\Kf\) exhibits a deterministic coherence along its anti-diagonals, also known as the memory effect, which can be expressed in the following manner: \[K^{(1)}(u_{i-d},u_{i+d},\omega)=K^{(1)}(u_i,u_i,\omega)\exp \left(\imath k_0 \frac{(u_{i-d}-u_{i+d})^2}{4z} \right). \label{eq:coherence}\] There are \(N \times N\) matrix elements \(K^{(1)}(i,j)\), hence \(2N-1\) anti-diagonals than can be labelled from \(l=1\) to \(l=2N-1\). Following , we define: \[E_l(i,j, \omega,T)= \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 0 \text{ if } i+j \neq l+1, \\ \\ \dfrac{\exp \left(\imath k_0 \dfrac{(u_i-u_j)^2)}{4z} \right)}{\sqrt{\text{min}(l,2N-l)}} \text{ if } i+j = l+1. \end{array} \right. \label{ds}\] The next operation consists in projecting the reflection matrix \(\Ktf\) onto the "single scattering space" generated by the set of matrices \(\left\{ \En \right\}_{1 \leq l \leq 2N-1}\). At each depth and each frequency, we obtain a \(N \times N\) "filtered" matrix denoted \(\Kfilt\): \[\Kfilt = \sum_{l=1}^{2N-1} \left\langle \En | \Ktf \right\rangle \En. \label{eq:proj}\] By doing so, we select the part of \(\Ktf\) that follows coherence along anti-diagonals as stated in Eq. [\[eq:coherence\]](#eq:coherence){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:coherence"}. Next, we introduce the following estimator: \[\hat{\rho} = \frac{\norme{\Kfilt}^2 }{\norme{\Ktf}^2 }. \label{eq:rhof}\] This estimator can be studied as a function of time (or equivalent depth \(z=c_0T/2\)) as well as angular frequency \(\omega\). It can be averaged over the frequency band, or over realizations of disorder, which can be achieved by randomly drawing a large number of configurations. If the matrix filter worked ideally, we should have \(\Kfilt = \Kf\), hence \(\hat{\rho}\) could be interpreted as the proportion of single scattering within the reflected wave field; that would be a valuable quantity which could be studied as as function of depth \(z\) and angular frequency \(\omega\). Before going deeper into the theory, we provide an experimental illustration of this estimator.
## [\[sec:level2b_2\]]{#sec:level2b_2 label="sec:level2b_2"}Experimental results
The single scattering estimator is now applied to ultrasonic measurements carried out in a water tank. The scattering medium consists of a collection of randomly distributed parallel nylon wires of radius \(a\)= 0.1 mm. The wire sample is of dimensions 150\(\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}135 mm, with a concentration of 4 wires.cm\(^{-2}\), so that the fractional density is approximately 0,125%. Longitudinal and transverse wave speeds in nylon are 2500 m.s\(^{-1}\) and 1100 m.s\(^{-1}\) respectively. The density of nylon being close to the one of water, the density contrast can be neglected and the scattering considered as isotropic at low frequencies. This was confirmed in a previous study by Minonzio *et al.* who calculated and measured the reflection matrix of a single wire and derived its decomposition onto the cylindrical normal modes of vibration. Measurements were done with a linear array (Imasonic, Besançon, France) composed of \(N=\) 64 piezoelectric transducers with pitch \(p=\) 0.5 mm and 1.5 MHz central frequency. The distance \(z_0\) between the probe and the front face of the sample is 140 mm. To acquire the reflection matrix, each element is excited by a chirp of 30 µs duration and 0.5-2.5 MHz bandwidth with a von Hann window apodization. The experimental setup is sketched in Fig. [\[fig:milieu\]](#fig:milieu){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:milieu"}. As a typical example, Fig. [\[fig:propDS_exp\]](#fig:propDS_exp){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:propDS_exp"} displays the reflection matrices before (\(\Ktf\)) and after (\(\Kfilt\)) applying the matrix filtering process described in Sec. [3.1](#sec:filter){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:filter"}. \(\Ktf\) and \(\Kfilt\) are very different, which indicates the existence of multiple scattering. The estimator of the single scattering ratio is plotted on Fig. [\[fig:propDS_exp\]](#fig:propDS_exp){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:propDS_exp"}(c), as a function of depth \(z\), at 1.3, 1.5 and 1.7 MHz. As expected, the slopes of the curves increase with frequency, which means that the medium exhibits stronger multiple scattering with increasing frequency (smaller scattering mean-free path). One purpose of this article is to analyze and use the information contained in the filtered matrix, and in particular, to understand how \(\Kfilt\) differs from the theoretical single scattering matrix \(\Kf\). In the next section, we present a numerical calculation of the successive scattering terms \(\Knf\) (\(n=1, \dots,\infty\)) contributing to the total reflection matrix \(\Ktf\). Then, the true single scattering ratio \(\rho=\norme{\Kf}^2/\norme{\Ktf}^2\) can be computed and compared to its estimator \(\hat{\rho}\).
# [\[sec:level3\]]{#sec:level3 label="sec:level3"}Born expansion of the reflection matrix
In this section, we describe the theoretical computation of the reflection matrix for a random distribution of scatterers using Born expansion. A similar approach was used by Minonzio *et al.* and then by Fan *et al.* to investigate the effect of multiple scattering of two scatterers in a homogeneous medium on imaging algorithms. The analytical expression of double scattering by a random distribution of scatterers was then analytically derived by Hu and Turner. In this article, for each realisation of disorder, all scattering orders are taken into account.\
## [\[sec:level3_1\]]{#sec:level3_1 label="sec:level3_1"}The scattering medium
The numerical scheme is two-dimensional. The scattering medium is a cloud of \(N_s\) identical non-overlapping cylinders of radius \(a\), embedded in a fluid of sound velocity \(c_0\) and randomly distributed on a rectangular area of surface \(A\). It is assumed that the density contrast between the cylinders and surrounding medium is negligible, so that heterogeneity comes from the compressibility contrast; only longitudinal (pressure) waves are taken into account. Denoting \(c_s\) the velocity inside the cylinder, the random term \(\mu\) in the wave equation [\[eq:GreenEqHetero\]](#eq:GreenEqHetero){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:GreenEqHetero"} is \(\mu=1-(c_s/c_0)^2\) inside the scatterers and \(\mu=0\) outside. The radius \(a\) is smaller than the wavelength, so the differential scattering cross section of a cylinder is isotropic. Under these conditions, the frequency response \(\mathcal{T}_0(\omega)\) of each scatterer derived in Appendix [\[appendix:tmatrix\]](#appendix:tmatrix){reference-type="ref" reference="appendix:tmatrix"} is given b \[\mathcal{T}_0(\omega) = k_0^2 \frac{\pi a^2 \mu}{1 + \frac{\imath k_0^2}{4}\pi a^2 \mu}.\] and the scattering cross-section of a single scatterer is given by \[\sigma (\omega) = \frac{k_0^3}{4}\left| \frac{\pi a^2 \mu}{1 + \frac{\imath k_0^2}{4}\pi a^2 \mu} \right|^2. \label{eq:sigma}\] Under the independent scattering approximation, the scattering mean-free path is: \[\ell_s (\omega) = \frac{1}{n_s \sigma (\omega)}, \label{eq:ls}\] with \(n_s=N_s/A\) the number of scatterers per unit surface.
## [\[sec:level3_2\]]{#sec:level3_2 label="sec:level3_2"}Reflection matrices
At each angular frequency \(\omega\), the \(N\times N\) reflection matrix \(\Ktf=[K(u_i,u_j,\omega)]\) may be decomposed as a Born expansion, with all scattering orders from \(n=1\) to infinity: \[\Ktf=\sum_{n=1}^\infty \Knf , \label{eq:somme}\] with \(\Knf\), the n\(^{th}\) scattering order of the reflection matrix. The single scattering matrix \(\Kf\) can be expressed by rewriting Eq. [\[eq:K1int\]](#eq:K1int){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:K1int"} under a matrix formalism: \[\Kf(\omega) = \mathbf{G}_0(\omega) \times \mathcal{T}_0(\omega) \times \mathbf{G}_0^\top(\omega). \label{eq:K1}\] \(\mathbf{G}_0\) denotes the \(N \times N_s\) matrix whose elements are the Green's function \(G_0(\vec{u_i},\vec{r_s})\) between each array element and each scatterer. To avoid dimensional confusion, \(\G\) denotes the \(N_s \times N_s\) matrix whose elements are the Green's function \(G_0(\vec{r_s},\vec{r_p})\) between two scatterers. Accordingly, higher scattering orders \(\Knf\) (\(n>1\)) can be deduced from Eq. [\[tmatrix\]](#tmatrix){reference-type="eqref" reference="tmatrix"}: \[\Knf(\omega) =\mathbf{G}_0(\omega)\times \mathcal{T}_0(\omega) \times (\G(\omega)\mathcal{T}_0(\omega))^{n-1} \times \mathbf{G}_0^\top(\omega). \label{eq:Kn}\] Injecting Eq. [\[eq:K1\]](#eq:K1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:K1"} and Eq. [\[eq:Kn\]](#eq:Kn){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:Kn"} into Eq. [\[eq:somme\]](#eq:somme){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:somme"} leads to the following expression of the reflection matrix: \[\Ktf(\omega) = \mathbf{G}_0(\omega)\times \mathcal{T}_0(\omega) \times \left( \Id-\mathcal{T}_0(\omega)\G(\omega) \right)^{-1} \times \mathbf{G}_0^\top(\omega), \label{eq:Ktot}\] where the exponent \(^{-1}\) denotes matrix inversion and \(\Id\) the identity matrix.\
The condition of convergence of the geometrical series \(\sum \Knf\) is \({\left| \nu\right| < 1}\), with \(\nu\) any eigenvalue of \(\G \mathcal{T}_0\) . Note that if \({\left| \nu \right| \geqslant 1}\), only the expression of \(\Ktf\) given by Eq. [\[eq:Ktot\]](#eq:Ktot){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:Ktot"} has a physical meaning. In this paper, as we are interested in the different scattering orders, we will only consider converging cases.\
## [\[sec:level3_3\]]{#sec:level3_3 label="sec:level3_3"}Numerical results
Simulation parameters are chosen to be as close as possible to the experimental configuration described in Sec. [\[sec:level2b\]](#sec:level2b){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:level2b"}. We considered an array of \(N=\) 64 transducers with central frequency 1.5 MHz, 1 MHz bandwidth with a von Hann apodisation and pitch \(p\) = 0.5 mm. \(N_s\) = 810 scatterers with velocity \(c_s\) = 2500 m.s\(^{-1}\) are placed in a rectangular area delimited by depths between 140 mm and 275 mm and off-axis distances below 75 mm. The density is 4 scatterers/cm\(^2\); the radius is \(a=0.1\) mm. The ambient fluid is water (\(c_0\) = 1480 m.s\(^{-1}\)). The scattering mean-free path \(\ell_s\) derived from Eq. [\[eq:ls\]](#eq:ls){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:ls"} is 970 mm at 1.5 MHz which is much larger than the sample thickness \(L=135\) mm. This medium is thus weakly scattering.\
A 1-D inverse Fourier Transform of \(\Ktf(\omega)\), \(\Kf(\omega)\) and \(\Knf(\omega)\) defined by equations [\[eq:K1\]](#eq:K1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:K1"} to [\[eq:Ktot\]](#eq:Ktot){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:Ktot"} provide the reflected signals in the time domain. Examples of impulse responses \(K^{(n)}(u_i,u_j,t)\) corresponding to different scattering orders are shown in Fig. [\[fig:ascan\]](#fig:ascan){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:ascan"}. As expected, the multiple scattering contributions slowly increase after the first arrivals and persist after the end of single scattering signal, resulting in a coda whose duration increases with the scattering order. The shortest distance between a scatterer and the array elements is 140 mm, and the largest is 294 mm; as a result the single scattering contributions occurs between 190 µs and 390 µs (\(t=0\) is the emission time). The scattering mean-free time is \(\ell_s/c_0=650\) µs at 1.5 MHz; this order of magnitude is consistent with the fact that the double scattering contribution increases with time and its amplitude becomes comparable to that of single scattering a few tenths of microseconds after the arrival of the front face echo. A short-time Fourier analysis is applied to impulse responses, which yields one complex-valued \(N \times N\) matrix at each time \(T\) and frequency \(\omega\). 10-µs time-windows (6 to 7 periods) are used, so that if the single scattering and far-field approximations were valid, the isochronous area \(\Gamma\) would correspond to a 7.5 mm-thick slice of the scattering medium. To avoid heavy notations, the time or frequency dependence of matrices will be omitted in the following. Examples of time-gated matrices for different scattering orders are presented in Fig. [\[fig:matrices\]](#fig:matrices){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:matrices"}. As expected, the single scattering matrix \(\Kf\) displays a long-range coherence along its antidiagonals Fig. [\[fig:matrices\]](#fig:matrices){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:matrices"}(b). More surprisingly, this coherence seems to persist, at least partially, for the second and third scattering order matrices, \(\Kdf\) (Fig. [\[fig:matrices\]](#fig:matrices){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:matrices"}(d)) and \(\Ktrf\) (Fig. [\[fig:matrices\]](#fig:matrices){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:matrices"}(e)). It results in a multiple scattering matrix \(\Kmult=\Ktf-\Kf\) (Fig. [\[fig:matrices\]](#fig:matrices){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:matrices"}(c)) that is far from having uncorrelated elements contrary to the assertions given in previous works. Consider matrix elements \((u,u)\) and \((u-\Delta u, u+\Delta u)\): the former is on the main diagonal, the latter is on the same anti-diagonal. The persistence of memory effect (cf. property Eq. [\[eq:coherence\]](#eq:coherence){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:coherence"}) in the n\(^{th}\) multiple scattering matrix can be measured by the correlation coefficient: \[C^{(n)}(\Delta u) \nonumber = \langle K^{(n)}(u,u)K^{(n)*}(u-\Delta u,u+\Delta u)\rangle_u, \label{eq:correlation}\] and its normalized version, \[\begin{aligned}
& & \hat{C}^{(n)}(\Delta u) \nonumber \\ &=& \frac{ C^{(n)}(\Delta u) }{\sqrt{\langle |K^{(n)}(u,u)|^2\rangle_u \langle |K^{(n)}(u-\Delta u,u+\Delta u)|^2\rangle_u}}, \label{eq:correlation_norm} \end{aligned}\] where the symbol \(\langle \cdots \rangle_u\) denotes an average over each diagonal. \(\hat{C}^{(n)}(\Delta u)\) evaluates the degree of correlation between anti-diagonal elements \((u-\Delta u, u+\Delta u)\) of matrices \(\Knf\).\
Figure [\[fig:matrices\]](#fig:matrices){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:matrices"}(f) shows the correlation coefficient associated with matrices \(\Kf\), \(\Kdf\) and \(\Ktrf\). A constant correlation coefficient \(\hat{C}^{(1)}(\Delta u)\) is found for the single scattering component: this is the manifestation of the long-range memory effect highlighted by Eq. [\[parax\]](#parax){reference-type="eqref" reference="parax"}. Interestingly, the correlation coefficients \(\hat{C}^{(2)}(\Delta u)\) and \(\hat{C}^{(3)}(\Delta u)\) display the following shape: a narrow peak characteristic of a multiply-scattered (*i.e* spatially-incoherent) wave-field and of shape equal to the coherent back-scattering peak (see Appendix [\[appC\]](#appC){reference-type="ref" reference="appC"}), on top of a constant background characteristic of a long-range correlation, similar to the memory effect exhibited by \(\Kf\). In other words, the correlation described by Eq. [\[eq:coherence\]](#eq:coherence){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:coherence"} that was typical of single scattering also appears in the double-scattering contribution \(\Kdf\), and also (yet to a lesser level) in the triple-scattering contribution \(\Ktrf\). In the light of this surprising result, the validity of \(\hat{\rho}\) as an indicator of single scattering ratio is investigated in the next paragraph.
## [\[sec:level3_4\]]{#sec:level3_4 label="sec:level3_4"}Single scattering ratio estimator and first order Born approximation.
The single scattering ratio estimator \(\hat{\rho}\) averaged over 50 realizations of disorder is plotted in Fig. [\[fig:propDS\]](#fig:propDS){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:propDS"} as a function of time (blue line). As observed experimentally in Fig. [\[fig:propDS_exp\]](#fig:propDS_exp){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:propDS_exp"}, \(\hat{\rho}\) decreases with time. The orders of magnitude for the decay length of \(\hat{\rho}\) are in reasonable agreement with the experimental results: at depth 260 mm, \(\hat{\rho} \approx\) 0.85 in the experiment while \(\hat{\rho} \approx 0.9\) in the simulation. The discrepancies between simulated and experimental curves computed at the same frequency (1.5 MHz, blue curve on Fig. [\[fig:propDS_exp\]](#fig:propDS_exp){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:propDS_exp"}) can be explained by the simplified model used in the simulation. First, the diffraction in the third dimension that occurs in the experiment is not taken into account by the model; second, the simulated \(\mathbf{T}\)-matrix does not take into account shear velocity and density contrast and considers monopolar scattering only. As a consequence, the numerical scattering cross-section of the scatterers does not precisely agree with the experimental one. The numerical scheme yields a straightforward definition of the true single scattering ratio as the ratio between the norms of the single and total scattering matrices: \[\rho= \frac{\norme{\Kf}^2}{\norme{\Ktf}^2}. \label{eq:rho1}\] The single scattering ratio \({\rho}\) averaged over 50 realizations of disorder is plotted in Fig. [\[fig:propDS\]](#fig:propDS){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:propDS"} as a function of time (red circles). Surprisingly, unlike the estimator \(\hat{\rho}\), the single scattering ratio \(\rho\) is found to be larger than 1 and even increasing with time. The fact that \(\norme{\Kf} > \norme{\Ktf}\) may seem counter-intuitive; going back to the definition of \(\Ktf\) as the sum of the scattering orders, this is possible only if \(\Kf\) and higher scattering order matrices are correlated in such a way that the norm of their sum is not equal to the sum of their individual norms. To investigate this, we proposed to compute the normalized scalar product \(\Pi_1\left (\Knf \right )\) between the single and the \(n^{th}\) order scattering matrices, \(\Kf\) and \(\Knf\). At each frequency and time, \(\Pi_1\left (\Knf \right )\) is computed as follows: \[\Pi_1\left (\Knf \right ) = \frac{|\left\langle \Knf | \Kf \right\rangle|}{\norme{\Knf}\norme{\Kf}}. \label{eq:pi}\] Fig. [\[fig:ps\]](#fig:ps){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:ps"} displays \(\Pi_1(\Knf)\) as a function of depth for \(2 \leq n \leq 4\). We observe that the correlation between \(\Knf\) and \(\Kf\) increases with depth and decreases with the scattering order, however this correlation remains strong up to the fourth scattering order. This is consistent with the observation made on the multiple scattering matrices (Fig. [\[fig:matrices\]](#fig:matrices){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:matrices"}(c) to Fig. [\[fig:matrices\]](#fig:matrices){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:matrices"}(e)) and the correlation coefficient of Eq. [\[eq:correlation\]](#eq:correlation){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:correlation"} (Fig. [\[fig:matrices\]](#fig:matrices){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:matrices"}(f)). It explains why \(\Kfilt\) cannot always be a perfect estimator of \(\Kf\): the "matrix filter" does not extract single scattering in the sense of the first order Born approximation. Indeed it extracts all contributions (including some of multiple scattering) which entail the memory effect of Eq. [\[eq:coherence\]](#eq:coherence){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:coherence"}. In the next section, we will show how to build new matrices with less correlation between the scattering orders and emphasize the weight of recurrent scattering on \(\hat{\rho}\).
# [\[sec:level4\]]{#sec:level4 label="sec:level4"}Recurrent scattering
As explained in Sec. [\[sec:level2b\]](#sec:level2b){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:level2b"}, the single scattering matrix \(\Kf\) (Fig [\[fig:matrices\]](#fig:matrices){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:matrices"}(b)) exhibits a spatial coherence along the anti-diagonals, known as the memory effect in optics , which can be taken advantage of to discriminate single from multiple scattering contributions . Surprisingly, the multiple scattering contribution \(\Kmult\) exhibits the same kind of anti-diagonal correlation, though to a lesser degree. In this section, we provide a theoretical analysis of this phenomenon which we explain as a consequence of the combined effects of recurrent scattering and diffraction-limited resolution. Then, to confirm this analysis, we use the numerical scheme to discriminate recurrent and non-recurrent multiple scattering contributions.
## [\[sec:level4_1\]]{#sec:level4_1 label="sec:level4_1"} Antidiagonal coherence in \(\Kmult\)
A multiple scattering sequence involves at least two distinct scatterers. Let us denote \(\vec{r_1}\) and \(\vec{r_2}\) their positions. Taking the individual scatterer as the unit scattering cell, we sum all over possible entry and exit scatterer pairs whose positions are compatible with the time-gating condition. Using the properties of the \(\mathbf{T}\)-matrices, the \((i,j)\) element of \(\Kmult\) may be written as: \[\begin{split} \label{Km} K_m(u_i,u_j) = k_0^2 \iint\limits G_0(\vec{u_i},\vec{r_1}) & \mu(\vec{r_1}) G(\vec{r_1},\vec{r_2}) \mu(\vec{r_2})\\ &G_0(\vec{r_2},\vec{u_j}) \dd\vec{r_1}\dd\vec{r_2}. \end{split}\] Only the multiple scattering sequences whose path lengths are comprised between \(c_0(T-\Delta T/2)\) and \(c_0(T+\Delta T/2)\) are considered; this affects the possible entry and exit scatterers and limits the heterogeneous Green's function to a domain that depends on the entry and exit scatterer pairs. Next, we investigate the correlation function \(C_m(\Delta u)\) along the antidiagonals of \(\Kmult\) as defined in Eq. [\[eq:correlation\]](#eq:correlation){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:correlation"}, assuming that the medium is statistically invariant under translation.. Using Eq. [\[Km\]](#Km){reference-type="eqref" reference="Km"} and considering that the average over transducer position is equivalent to an ensemble average, \(C_m(\Delta u)\) can be expressed as follows: \[\begin{split} \label{Cm} C_m(\Delta u)= & \\ k_0^4 &\left \langle \iiiint G_0(\vec{u},\vec{r_1}) G_0^*(\vec{u}-\Delta \vec{u},\mathbf{r}^\prime_1) G(\vec{r_1},\vec{r_2}) \right.\\ & G^*(\mathbf{r}^\prime_1,\mathbf{r}^\prime_2) G_0(\vec{r_2},\vec{u}) G_0^*(\mathbf{r}^\prime_2,\vec{u}+\Delta \vec{u}) \\ & \left. \vphantom{\int} \mu(\vec{r_1}) \mu^*(\mathbf{r}^\prime_1) \mu(\vec{r_2}) \mu^*(\mathbf{r}^\prime_2) \dd\vec{r_1} \dd\vec{r_2} \dd \mathbf{r}^\prime_1 \dd \mathbf{r}^\prime_2 \right \rangle. \end{split}\] The full calculation of \(C_m(\Delta u)\) is derived in Appendix [\[appB\]](#appB){reference-type="ref" reference="appB"}. The conclusion is the following: if the first and the last reflectors of a scattering sequence are located in the same *resolution cell*, the corresponding wave-field is strongly correlated along the antidiagonals of the reflection matrix, as in a single scattering situation (cf. section [\[sec:level2b\]](#sec:level2b){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:level2b"}). The resolution cell corresponds to the focal area that would be obtained if the array was used to focus at point \(\vec{r_i}\). In our experimental configuration, the resolution cell is an ellipse centered on \(\vec{r_i}\) and oriented towards the array central element. According to diffraction theory , its typical transverse and axial dimensions are given by \(\Delta x = \lambda z/A\) and \(\Delta z = 7 \lambda z^2/A^2\), respectively, \(A\) being the array width.
## [\[sec:level4_2\]]{#sec:level4_2 label="sec:level4_2"} The confocal scattering ratio
We take advantage of the numerical scheme to study the impact of recurrent scattering on the statistical properties of the reflection matrix. The diffraction-limited recurrent contribution \(\Krec\) is extracted from the total scattering matrix by selecting the paths whose first and last scatterer, \(\vec{r_1}\) and \(\vec{r_2}\) have overlapping resolution cells (see Fig. [\[fig:milieu\]](#fig:milieu){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:milieu"}). As expected, \(\Krec\) displays the long-range memory effect (see Fig. [\[fig:matrices\]](#fig:matrices){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:matrices"}(g)), similarly to \(\Kf\). In the following, we will refer to \(\Kc=\Kf+\Krec\) as the *confocal matrix* since it corresponds to scattering paths that start and end within the same resolution cell. \(\Kc\) is particularly relevant in view of imaging applications based on focused beamforming at emission and reception. An example of \(\Kc\) is displayed in Fig. [\[fig:matrices\]](#fig:matrices){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:matrices"}(h). Similarly, one can define a "conventional" (i.e., non-recurrent) multiple scattering matrix, \(\Kpmult=\Kmult-\Krec\), that only contains the multiple scattering paths whose first and last scattering events do not occur in the same resolution cell. One example of the simulated matrix \(\Kpmult\) is shown Fig. [\[fig:matrices\]](#fig:matrices){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:matrices"}(i). It displays a random feature with short-range correlations along its antidiagonals. In the previous section, it was shown that various orders of multiple scattering where correlated with each other; this resulted in a single-scattering ratio which could be larger than 1. We reconsider this issue: \(\Kpmult\) is written as a sum of different scattering orders \(\Kpn\) obtained by removing the contribution of recurrent scattering paths from each of them. The following scalar product is calculated: \[\Pi_c \left (\Kpn \right ) = \frac{\left |\left\langle \Kpn | \Kc \right\rangle \right |}{\norme{\Kpn}\norme{\Kc}}. \label{eq:pir}\] Fig. [\[fig:ps\]](#fig:ps){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:ps"} shows the normalized scalar product \(\Pi_c\) between the confocal contribution \(\Kc\) and the different scattering orders \(\Kpn\) of the conventional multiple scattering contribution. \(\Pi_c\) would actually tend to 0 if the matrices where of infinite dimensions (\(N \rightarrow \infty\)). With \(N=64\), the scalar product \(\Pi_c\) is found to be much smaller than the initial indicator based on \(\Kf\) and \(\Knf\) (Eq. [\[eq:pi\]](#eq:pi){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:pi"}). This confirms that the high degree of correlation observed between \(\Kf\) and \(\Knf\) (simulated data) was due to recurrent scattering. As to experimental data, since the matrix filter (Eq. [\[ds\]](#ds){reference-type="eqref" reference="ds"}) is based on the memory effect, it is more relevant to interpret the reflection matrix as an addition of confocal+non-recurrent contributions rather than single+multiple scattering contributions. Then, like for the single scattering rate (Eq. [\[eq:rho1\]](#eq:rho1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:rho1"}), a confocal scattering ratio can be defined as follows: \[\rho_c =\frac{ \norme{\Kc}^2}{\norme{\Ktf}^2 }. \label{eq:rhoc}\] The ratio \(\rho_c\) is calculated with the numerical simulation and plotted in Fig. [\[fig:propDS\]](#fig:propDS){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:propDS"}. It is consistent with the estimator \(\hat{\rho}\) that can be obtained from experimental data. This highlights the fact that matrix \(\Kc\) is meaningful and corresponds to the filtered matrix \(\Kfilt\). We observe that \(\rho_c\) as well as \(\hat{\rho}\) decrease linearly with depth. As shown experimentally by Fig. [\[fig:propDS_exp\]](#fig:propDS_exp){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:propDS_exp"}, the slope of \(\hat{\rho}(z)\) increases with frequency, which means that the multiple scattering weight appears to increase with frequency. To investigate this effect numerically, we compute the scattering mean-free path \(\ell_s(\omega)\) at several frequencies in the array bandwidth (using Eq. [\[eq:ls\]](#eq:ls){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:ls"}). We then compute the average slope of \(\rho_c(z)\) for each frequency. Figure [\[fig:pente_ls\]](#fig:pente_ls){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:pente_ls"} displays this slope as a function of \(1/\ell_s\). We find that \(\rho_c\) roughly scales as \(-z/\ell_s\), which suggests that the scattering mean-free path is qualitatively linked to the decay of the confocal scattering ratio in the weak scattering regime considered in this work. However, this observation is not yet supported by a theoretical demonstration and would require further investigation. Finally, note that the confocal scattering ratio only weakly depends on the finite width of the medium. Indeed, because of time gating, a major part of the recurrent scattering contribution corresponds to paths exploring a very few number of resolution cells. Therefore, the recurrent scattering component strongly depends on the dimensions of the resolution cells but not on the lateral size of the medium. This property also holds for the conventional multiple scattering contribution provided that the diffuse halo extension is smaller than the medium width.
# [\[sec:level4_3\]]{#sec:level4_3 label="sec:level4_3"} Link with the reflection matrix in the focused basis
In recent studies, the reflection matrix has been investigated in a focused basis in order to get a local information about the scattering properties of the medium. In this section, we use our numerical simulation to: (*i*) highlight the properties of this focused reflection matrix; (*ii*) build a new confocal scattering estimator in this basis; (*iii*) compare the confocal scattering weights in the transducer and focused bases.
## Reflection matrices in the focused basis
The focused reflection matrix \(\Rrr\) is obtained by a beamforming applied in emission and in reception to a set of \(N_i\) points located at depth \(z\) in the scattering medium. In practice, this operation can be experimentally achieved by applying appropriate time delays to the probe elements . This focusing can also be obtained by a linear projection of the original reflection matrix \(\mathbf{K}\) in the frequency domain : \[\label{project} \Rrr = \Hpp^* \times \Ktf \times \Hpp^\dagger,\] where the symbol \(\dagger\) stands for transpose conjugate. \(\Hpp = [G_0^{\prime \prime}(\vec{r},\vec{u_i},\omega)]\) is the \(N_i \times N\) Green's matrix between the array elements \(\vec{u_i}\) and the focal points \(\mathbf{r}=(x,z)\). Each element \(R(\rin,\rout,\omega)\) of \(\Rrr\) is the signal that would be recorded by a virtual transducer located at \(\rout=(x_\text{out},z)\) for a virtual source located at \(\rin=(x_\text{in},z)\). A ballistic time gating is then performed by integrating \(\Rrr\) over the signal bandwidth \(\Delta \omega\) : \[\label{time_gating} \Rz(\rin,\rout) = \int_{\Delta \omega} \Rrr(\rin,\rout,\omega) \dd \omega.\] The diagonal elements of each matrix \(\Rz(z)\), which obey \(\rin=\rout\), correspond to the confocal image that would be obtained at the corresponding depth \(z\). It was also shown that the coefficients away from the diagonal carry information about aberrations or multiple scattering. In particular, as the information contained in the matrix \(\Rrr\) is local, 2D maps of aberration or multiple scattering estimators have been proposed in biological tissues as well as in metallic media. By linearity of the matrix product, the different matrices introduced in the canonical basis \(\Ktf\), \(\Kf\), \(\Kc\), \(\Kmult\), \(\Kpmult\) can also be represented in the focused basis and are denoted \(\Rz\), \(\mathbf{\overline{R}}^{(1)}\), \(\mathbf{\overline{R}}_{\mathbf{c}}\), \(\Rmult\) and \(\Rpmult\) respectively. The total, single and multiple scattering focused matrices are displayed in Fig. [\[fig:matricesFoc\]](#fig:matricesFoc){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:matricesFoc"} at depth \(z=242\) mm. As expected, the single scattering contribution mainly emerges along the diagonal of \(\Rz^{(1)}\) (Fig. [\[fig:matricesFoc\]](#fig:matricesFoc){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:matricesFoc"}(b)). A significant part of the multiple scattering component is also found along the diagonal of \(\Rz_m\) (Fig. [\[fig:matricesFoc\]](#fig:matricesFoc){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:matricesFoc"}(c)). Based on our previous observation, this result is actually not so surprising and can be accounted by the predominance of recurrent scattering paths whose contribution emerges along the diagonal of \(\Rz_m\) To be more quantitative and investigate the relative part of single, recurrent and multiple scattering in the back-scattered wave-field, the mean intensity along each antidiagonal of \(\Rz\) can be computed as: \[\label{IrDr_fromRrDr} I(\Delta x )=\left \langle \left | \bar{R}(x +\Delta x /2,x-\Delta x /2,z) \right |^2 \right \rangle,\] where \(\langle\cdots\rangle\) denotes an average over the pairs of points \(\rin=(x_\text{in},z)\) and \(\rout=(x_\text{out},z)\) which are separated by the same distance \(\Delta x=|x_\text{out}-x_\text{in}|\). This intensity can be calculated for each focused matrix. The corresponding intensity profiles \(I(\Delta x )\) are shown in Fig. [\[fig:matricesFoc\]](#fig:matricesFoc){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:matricesFoc"}(e). The value of \(I_m\) at \(\Delta x=0\) yields the recurrent scattering intensity. The latter quantity is thus about one fourth of the single scattering intensity at the corresponding depth. As observed previously in the transducer basis, the single and recurrent scattering intensities are not additive: the total intensity is not equal to their sum along the diagonal. By removing recurrent scattering paths from the multiple scattering matrix \(\Rz_m\), the resulting non-recurrent scattering matrix \(\Rz_{m \backslash r}\) displays a random feature without any intensity peak along its diagonal (cf. Fig. [\[fig:matricesFoc\]](#fig:matricesFoc){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:matricesFoc"}(d)). As before, the single and recurrent scattering paths can be rearranged in a so-called confocal matrix \(\Rz_{c}\). The corresponding confocal intensity is shown to be very close to the overall intensity \(I(\Delta x=0)\) along the diagonal of \(\Rz\) (Fig. [\[fig:matricesFoc\]](#fig:matricesFoc){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:matricesFoc"}(e)).
## Confocal scattering estimator in the focused basis
The single and confocal scattering rates, defined by Eqs. [\[eq:rho1\]](#eq:rho1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:rho1"} and [\[eq:rhoc\]](#eq:rhoc){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:rhoc"} in the transducer basis, can also be built in the focused basis: \[\rho_{\it f}= \frac{ \norme{\mathbf{\overline{R}}^{(1)}}^2}{ \norme{\Rz}^2}, \label{eq:rhof1}\] \[\rho_{\it fc}= \frac{ \norme{\mathbf{\overline{R}}_{\mathbf{c}}}^2}{\norme{\Rz}^2}. \label{eq:rhofc}\] The evolution of \(\rho_{\it f}\) and \(\rho_{\it fc}\) as a function of depth is displayed in Fig. [\[fig:propDSfoc\]](#fig:propDSfoc){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:propDSfoc"} for the numerical simulation described above. Because the beamforming operation of Eq. [\[project\]](#project){reference-type="eqref" reference="project"} is nearly unitary, the values of \(\rho_{\it f}\) and \(\rho_{\it fc}\) are close to their counterparts, \(\rho\) and \(\rho_{c}\), in the transducer basis (Fig. [\[fig:propDS\]](#fig:propDS){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:propDS"}). To find an estimator of these parameters, a single scattering filter has to be defined in the focused basis. Previous works considered a confocal gaussian filter applied to matrix \(\Rz\) in order to eliminate multiply-scattered echoes emerging far from the main diagonal. However, the shape of this filter has not been precisely linked to the intensity distribution of the single scattering matrix \(\mathbf{\overline{R}}^{(1)}\). To be more quantitative, an accurate single scattering space should be built in the focused basis, as previously done in the transducer basis (Eq. [\[ds\]](#ds){reference-type="eqref" reference="ds"}). In the focused basis, an element of the single scattering space is the scattering matrix for a unique scatterer located at a position \((x_l,z)\), noted \(\Rl\). To span the whole single scattering space, \(N_l\) points \(x_l\) have to be spread along the medium width with at least two points per unit cell. An adequate number of points must be used to avoid oversampling. The set of matrices \(\Rl\) is orthogonalized using a Gram-Schmidt process in order to get an orthonormal basis of the single scattering space that is denoted \(\Rll\). Two examples of single scattering space matrices are shown in Fig. [\[fig:chap3_matricesGénératricesBaseFocOrthonormee\]](#fig:chap3_matricesGénératricesBaseFocOrthonormee){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:chap3_matricesGénératricesBaseFocOrthonormee"}. The filtered matrix is then obtained by a projection of the focused total scattering matrix onto the set of matrices \(\left\{ \Rll \right\}_{1 \leq l \leq N_l}\) at each frequency: \[\Rfiltf = \sum_{l=1}^{N_l} \left\langle \Rll | \Rrr \right\rangle \Rll. \label{eq:projfoc}\] \(\Rfiltf\) is then integrated over a bandwidth \(\Delta \omega\) to give \(\Rfilt\) (Eq. [\[time_gating\]](#time_gating){reference-type="eqref" reference="time_gating"}). An experimentally available single scattering weight estimator in the focused basis writes: \[\hat{\rho}_{\it f}= \frac{ \norme{\Rfilt}^2}{ \norme{\Rz}^2}. \label{eq:rhoff}\] \(\hat{\rho}_{\it f}\) is compared to \(\rho_{\it f}\) (Eq. [\[eq:rhof1\]](#eq:rhof1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:rhof1"}) and \(\rho_{\it fc}\) (Eq. [\[eq:rhofc\]](#eq:rhofc){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:rhofc"}) in Fig. [\[fig:propDSfoc\]](#fig:propDSfoc){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:propDSfoc"}. As in the transducer basis, \(\hat{\rho}_{\it f}\) is found to be a satisfying estimator of the confocal scattering ratio \({\rho}_{\it fc}\). Interestingly, the focused basis appears more flexible compared to the canonical basis. Indeed, the time-gating operation of Eq. [\[time_gating\]](#time_gating){reference-type="eqref" reference="time_gating"} enables an optimal selection of singly-scattered echoes associated with reflectors located at a given depth \(z\). It is thus more adapted for imaging purposes than the abrupt time window originally applied to impulse responses in the transducer basis. Furthermore, the estimator \(\hat{\rho}_{f}\) does not require any paraxial approximation. To illustrate this superiority of the focused basis, a numerical simulation is performed with a smaller distance, \(z_0=80\) mm, between the probe and the front face of the sample. The single and confocal scattering weights and their estimators calculated in both bases are displayed on Fig. [\[fig:8cmFromProbe\]](#fig:8cmFromProbe){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:8cmFromProbe"}. At the front face of the sample, the paraxial approximation is not valid. \(\hat{\rho}\) is then not a good estimator of the confocal scattering weight \(\rho_c\) since the long-range correlation along the anti-diagonals of \(\Kf\) is not verified (Eq. [\[eq:coherence\]](#eq:coherence){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:coherence"}). Beyond the center of the medium (\(z>150\) mm), the far-field approximation becomes valid and the parameters \(\hat{\rho}\) and \(\rho_c\) tend towards each other. On the contrary, the estimator \(\hat{\rho}_{\it f}\) in the focused basis is consistent with \(\rho_{\it fc}\) over the whole range of depths. This numerical simulation thus illustrates the robustness of the estimator \(\hat{\rho}_{\it f}\) defined in the focused basis.
# [\[sec:level6\]]{#sec:level6 label="sec:level6"}Conclusion
This paper conveys an improved understanding on the "single scattering rate\" of backscattered waves captured by a finite-size array with elements acting both as emitters and receivers. A numerical calculation of the acoustic response of a random medium made of isotropic fluid scatterers is performed. Each term of the Born series is calculated, as well as the sum of the series providing the full reflection matrix in the frequency domain. By means of an inverse Fourier transform, the impulse responses for each scattering order can be obtained, which would not be feasible experimentally. Simple as it is, the numerical scheme sheds new light on the relative importance of single and multiple scattering contributions in the total field. Particularly, the existence of correlations between the elements of the Born series is made clear, and interpreted as a result of recurrent scattering combined with finite axial and lateral resolutions. Accordingly, the single scattering weight \(\rho\) as defined by the Born series, is shown to differ from \(\rho_c\), the confocal scattering weight that includes both single and recurrent scattering. Unlike \(\rho\), \(\rho_c\) can be estimated from experimental data. In addition to numerical computations, experiments were carried out with ultrasound waves around 1.5 MHz in a weakly scattering forest of nylon rods. Interestingly, our results indicate that the decay of \(\rho_c\) with depth could be used as a characterization tool, giving access to the scattering mean-free path \(\ell_s\) in a backscattering configuration. Besides, this measurement is independent of the intrinsic absorption, as long as the duration of the time-windows \(\Delta T\) is smaller than the absorption time. In this paper, for simplicity the study has been restricted to two-dimensional weakly scattering media for which the Born series is convergent. In order to broaden the analysis to more complex media, the numerical computation can be extended to 3D; stronger scattering regimes could also be investigated, if necessary by considering absorption in order to prevent the Born series from diverging. Although an acoustic, thus scalar, formalism is considered in this paper, the underlying physical argument is identical for other types of waves e.g, elastic or electromagnetic waves; the Born decomposition can also be applied, though in a less tractable manner, to vector waves by considering wave polarization and Green's tensors. The issue of how much single scattering is present is essential for imaging with waves, whatever their nature: an imaging device has a finite spatial resolution, hence an elementary voxel whose dimensions depend on wavelength, depth and aperture. From the receiver's point of view, two scatterers within the same voxel are unresolved hence behave as one single super-scatterer. As a consequence, reflectivity maps obtained with an imaging device do not result only from single scattering echoes (in the sense of the Born series) but also from recurrent scattering events. Whatever the kind of wave and the kind of media, we hope this paper brings some new insight in that respect.
# [\[sec:level7\]]{#sec:level7 label="sec:level7"}Acknowledgments
The authors wish to thank R. Pierrat for fruitful discussions and advice, and W. Lambert for his help on the matrix analysis algorithms. The authors are grateful for funding provided by LABEX WIFI (Laboratory of Excellence within the French Program Investments for the Future, ANR-10-LABX24 and ANR-10-IDEX-0001-02 PSL\*). C.B. acknowledges financial support from Safran. A.A. acknowledges financial support from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 819261). | {'timestamp': '2022-08-23T02:17:45', 'yymm': '2203', 'arxiv_id': '2203.15411', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15411'} |
# Introduction {#sec:org7d983f2}
Grifo proposed the following stable version of the Harbourne conjecture.
[\[sec:orgcb6a6d9\]]{#sec:orgcb6a6d9 label="sec:orgcb6a6d9"} The next theorem gives a sufficient condition to satisfy the stable Harbourne conjecture.
[\[sec:orga057243\]]{#sec:orga057243 label="sec:orga057243"} The purpose of this paper is to prove [\[equ:thm-ghm\]](#equ:thm-ghm){reference-type="eqref" reference="equ:thm-ghm"} for space monomial curves.[^1] Let \(\cck\) be a field. For positive integers \(n_1\), \(n_2\), and \(n_3\), consider the ring homomorphism from \(\cck[\ccx, \ccy, \ccz]\) to \(k[t]\) defined by \(x \mapsto t^{n_1}\), \(y \mapsto t^{n_2}\), and \(z \mapsto t^{n_3}\), where \(\cck[\ccx, \ccy, \ccz]\) and \(k[t]\) are polynomial rings over \(\cck\). The kernel of this map is called the *ideal defining the space monomial curve* \(k[t^{n_1}, t^{n_2}, t^{n_3}]\), and is denoted by \(\clp(n_1, n_2, n_3)\). Let \(\clp = \clp(\ccn_1, \ccn_2, \ccn_3)\). If \(\clp\) is a complete intersection, then \(\clp^{(n)} = \clp^n\) for all \(\ccn\). Throughout this paper, \(\clp\) is assumed to be not a complete intersection. Since the (big) height of \(\clp\) equals 2, our goal is to prove that \[\label{equ:ghm-condition} \clp^{(2 \ccn-1)} \subseteq \clm \clp^{\ccn} \tforsome \ccn,\] where \(\clm\) is the maximal ideal \((\ccx, \ccy, \ccz)\). Note that it follows from a theorem due to Huneke and Hochster that \(\clp^{(2 \ccn)} \subseteq \clp^{\ccn}\) for all \(\ccn\). To prove [\[equ:ghm-condition\]](#equ:ghm-condition){reference-type="eqref" reference="equ:ghm-condition"}, we first characterize \(\clp\) satisfying [\[equ:ghm-condition\]](#equ:ghm-condition){reference-type="eqref" reference="equ:ghm-condition"} for \(\ccn = 2\) (Theorem [\[orgeb6e5b6\]](#orgeb6e5b6){reference-type="ref" reference="orgeb6e5b6"}). When \(\clp^{(3)} \not \subseteq \clm \clp^2\), we show [\[equ:ghm-condition\]](#equ:ghm-condition){reference-type="eqref" reference="equ:ghm-condition"} by calculating some higher symbolic powers of \(\clp\) (Theorem [\[org319617b\]](#org319617b){reference-type="ref" reference="org319617b"}). To state our main results precisely, we introduce some notation. Let \(\ccR = \cck[\ccx, \ccy, \ccz]\) and \[M =\begin{bmatrix} x^{\cca_1} & y^{\ccb_1} & z^{\ccc_1} \\ z^{\ccc_2} & x^{\cca_2} & y^{\ccb_2} \\ \end{bmatrix},\] where \(a_1\), \(a_2\), \(b_1\), \(b_2\), \(c_1\), and \(c_2\) are positive integers. Let \(\clp_{\ccM}\) or \(\ccI_2(\ccM)\) denote the ideal in \(\ccR\) generated by the maximal minors of \(\ccM\); we write \(\clp\) instead of \(\clp_{\ccM}\) when no confusion can arise. Then \(\idealA = (\ccF, \ccG, \ccH)\), where \[\begin{aligned}
\ccF &= y^{\ccb_1 + \ccb_2}-x^{\cca_2} z^{\ccc_1},\\ \ccG &= z^{\ccc_1 + \ccc_2}-y^{\ccb_2} x^{\cca_1},\\ \ccH &= x^{\cca_1 + \cca_2}-z^{\ccc_2} y^{\ccb_1}. \end{aligned}\] Herzog showed that \(\clp(n_1, n_2, n_3) = \ccI_2(\ccM)\) for some \(2 \times 3\) matrix \(\ccM\). Without loss of generality, we may assume that one of the following two conditions holds.
1. \(\cca_1 \le \cca_2\), \(\ccb_1 \ge \ccb_2\), and \(\ccc_1 \ge \ccc_2\).
2. \(\cca_1 > \cca_2\), \(\ccb_1 > \ccb_2\), and \(\ccc_1 > \ccc_2\).
Suppose that \(\ccI_2(\ccM)\) is prime. Then \(\ccM\) is said to be of *type \(1\)* and *type \(2\)* if it satisfies (1) and (2), respectively.
[\[sec:orgd2900d2\]]{#sec:orgd2900d2 label="sec:orgd2900d2"} By Theorem [\[orgeb6e5b6\]](#orgeb6e5b6){reference-type="ref" reference="orgeb6e5b6"}, we need only show [\[equ:ghm-condition\]](#equ:ghm-condition){reference-type="eqref" reference="equ:ghm-condition"} for \(\ccM\) with \(\alpha_3 = \beta_3 = \ccb_1-\ccb_2 = 0\). Note that such \(\ccM\) is of type \(1\). Let \(\ccM\) be a matrix of type \(1\). For a positive integer \(\ccn\), let \[\label{org643446c} \ccD_{\ccn} = \ccx^{\alpha_{\ccn}} \ccz^{\gamma_{\ccn}-\ccc_2} (\ccH \ccD_{\ccn-1}-\ccx^{\cca_2-(\ccn-1) \cca_1} \ccy^{(\ccn-1)(\ccb_1-\ccb_2)} \ccG^{\ccn}),\] where \(\ccD_0 =-\ccy^{\ccb_2}\) and \[\alpha_{\ccn} = \max \set{0, (\ccn-1) \cca_1-\cca_2},\ \gamma_{\ccn} = \max \set{0, (\ccn-1) \ccc_2-\ccc_1}.\] Since \(\ccz^{\ccc_2} \ccF =-\ccy^{\ccb_2} \ccH-\ccx^{\cca_2} \ccG\), we see that \(\ccD_1 = \ccF\). Suppose that \(\ccM\) is a matrix of type \(1\) satisfying \(\ccb_1 = \ccb_2\). Without loss of generality, we may assume that \[\label{equ:type-1-p} \frac{\cca_2}{\cca_1} \le \frac{\ccc_1}{\ccc_2}.\] If a matrix \(\ccM\) of type \(1\) satisfies \(\ccb_1 = \ccb_2\) and [\[equ:type-1-p\]](#equ:type-1-p){reference-type="eqref" reference="equ:type-1-p"}, then it is said to be of *type \(1'\)*. Define \[\mres[\ccM] = \left \lfloor \frac{\cca_2 }{\cca_1 } \right \rfloor + 1,\] where \(\lfloor \cca_2 / \cca_1 \rfloor\) is the greatest integer less than or equal to \(\cca_2 / \cca_1\). Note that \[\label{equ:inequality-r} (\mres[\ccM]-1) \cca_1 \le \cca_2 < \mres[\ccM] \cca_1.\]
[\[sec:org12e8e0e\]]{#sec:org12e8e0e label="sec:org12e8e0e"} From Theorems [\[org34085be\]](#org34085be){reference-type="ref" reference="org34085be"}, [\[orgeb6e5b6\]](#orgeb6e5b6){reference-type="ref" reference="orgeb6e5b6"}, and [\[org204a6ab\]](#org204a6ab){reference-type="ref" reference="org204a6ab"}, we obtain the following corollary.
[\[sec:orgacd3ec7\]]{#sec:orgacd3ec7 label="sec:orgacd3ec7"} This paper is organized as follows. In Section [\[org6477ab4\]](#org6477ab4){reference-type="ref" reference="org6477ab4"}, we recall some known results about the second and third symbolic powers of \(\idealA\), and prove Theorem [\[orgeb6e5b6\]](#orgeb6e5b6){reference-type="ref" reference="orgeb6e5b6"}. In Section [\[org75e5b10\]](#org75e5b10){reference-type="ref" reference="org75e5b10"}, we calculate up to the \(\mres[\ccM] + 2\)nd symbolic power of \(\idealA\) when \(\ccM\) is of type \(1'\), and show Theorem [\[org319617b\]](#org319617b){reference-type="ref" reference="org319617b"}. Finally, we prove Theorem [\[org204a6ab\]](#org204a6ab){reference-type="ref" reference="org204a6ab"} in Section [\[org87a2868\]](#org87a2868){reference-type="ref" reference="org87a2868"}.
# The second and third symbolic powers {#sec:org5dd7544}
[\[org6477ab4\]]{#org6477ab4 label="org6477ab4"} In this section, we prove Theorem [\[orgeb6e5b6\]](#orgeb6e5b6){reference-type="ref" reference="orgeb6e5b6"}.
## The second symbolic power {#sec:org509d62e}
## The third symbolic power of type \(1\) {#sec:org161a838}
[\[org0850df7\]]{#org0850df7 label="org0850df7"} Let \(\ccM\) be a matrix of type 1. Then \(\cca_1 \le \cca_2\), \(\ccb_1 \ge \ccb_2\), and \(\ccc_1 \ge \ccc_2\). Let \(\alpha = \alpha_3 = \max \set{0, 2 \cca_1-\cca_2}\), \(\beta = \beta_3 = \max \set{0, 2 \ccb_2-\ccb_1}\), and \(\gamma = \gamma_3 = \max \set{0, 2 \ccc_2-\ccc_1}\). Let \[\ccD'_3 = \ccy^{\beta} \ccz^{\gamma-\ccc_2} (\ccH \ccD_2 + \ccx^{\cca_2-\cca_1} \ccy^{\ccb_1-2 \ccb_2} \ccF \ccG^2).\]
## The third symbolic power of type \(2\) {#sec:orgd9ef487}
[\[org0f88f4e\]]{#org0f88f4e label="org0f88f4e"} Let \(\ccM\) be a matrix of type 2. Then \(\cca_1 > \cca_2\), \(\ccb_1 > \ccb_2\), and \(\ccc_1 > \ccc_2\). Let \(\alpha = \max \set{0, 2 \cca_2-\cca_1}\), \(\beta = \max \set{0, 2 \ccb_2-\ccb_1}\), and \(\gamma = \max \set{0, 2 \ccc_2-\ccc_1}\). Note that the definition of \(\alpha\) is different from that of in Section [\[org0850df7\]](#org0850df7){reference-type="ref" reference="org0850df7"}. Let \(\sigma\) be the permutation \((x, y, z)(a_1, b_1, c_1)(a_2, b_2, c_2)(\alpha, \beta, \gamma)\). Note that \(\ccF^\sigma = \ccG\) and \(\ccF^{\sigma^2} = \ccH\). Let \[\begin{aligned}
\ccD_3 &= \ccz^{-\ccc_2} \ccy^{\beta} \ccx^{\alpha}(\ccx^{\cca_1-2 \cca_2} \ccH^2 \ccF + \ccy^{\ccb_1-2 \ccb_2} \ccG^3 ), \\ \ccD_3' = \ccD_3^{\sigma} &= \ccx^{-\cca_2} \ccz^{\gamma} \ccy^{\beta}(\ccy^{\ccb_1-2 \ccb_2} \ccF^2 \ccG + \ccz^{\ccc_1-2 \ccc_2} \ccH^3),\\ \ccD_3''= \ccD_3^{\sigma^2} &= \ccy^{-\ccb_2} \ccx^{\alpha} \ccz^{\gamma}(\ccz^{\ccc_1-2 \ccc_2} \ccG^2 \ccH + \ccx^{\cca_1-2 \cca_2} \ccF^3 ). \end{aligned}\]
# Up to the \(r + 2\)nd symbolic power of type \(1'\) {#sec:orgbfd5a1f}
[\[org75e5b10\]]{#org75e5b10 label="org75e5b10"} Let \(\ccM\) be a matrix of type \(1'\). Then \(\cca_1 \le \cca_2\), \(\ccb_1 = \ccb_2\), \(\ccc_1 \ge \ccc_2\), and \(\cca_2/\cca_1 \le \ccc_1/\ccc_2\). Let \(\mres = \mres[\ccM] = \lfloor \cca_2/\cca_1 \rfloor + 1\). In this section, we calculate up to the \(\mres + 2\)nd symbolic power of \(\idealA\). Let \(\ccb = \ccb_1\) and \(\myy = \ccy^{\ccb}\). Note that \[\length{\ccR}(\ccR/\idealA + (\ccx)) = (\ccc_1 + 2 \ccc_2) \ccb \tand \length{\ccR}(\ccR/\idealA + (\ccz)) = (2 \cca_1 + \cca_2) \ccb,\] where \(\ccR = \cck[\ccx, \ccy, \ccz]\) and \(\length{\ccR}(\ccR/\idealA + (\ccx))\) is the length of the \(\ccR\)-module \(\ccR/\idealA + (\ccx)\). By, we obtain the following result.
[\[sec:org19ba373\]]{#sec:org19ba373 label="sec:org19ba373"} The next lemma enables us to calculate the lengths of certain modules.
[\[sec:org6d2f579\]]{#sec:org6d2f579 label="sec:org6d2f579"} To apply Lemma [\[orgcc5bc69\]](#orgcc5bc69){reference-type="ref" reference="orgcc5bc69"}, we calculate \(\ccD_{\ccl} + (\ccx)\) and \(\ccD_{\ccl} + (\ccz)\) in the next two lemmas.
[\[sec:orgd048b50\]]{#sec:orgd048b50 label="sec:orgd048b50"} *Proof of Theorem [\[org319617b\]](#org319617b){reference-type="ref" reference="org319617b"}*. We divide the proof into two cases. [\[sec:org968a681\]]{#sec:org968a681 label="sec:org968a681"}
#### Case 1 \((\mres-1) \cca_1 < \cca_2\). {#case-1-mres-1-cca_1-cca_2. .unnumbered}
By Lemmas [\[org2a0af15\]](#org2a0af15){reference-type="ref" reference="org2a0af15"} and [\[org5b49321\]](#org5b49321){reference-type="ref" reference="org5b49321"}, \[\begin{aligned}
{3} \ccD_{\ccl} &\equiv (-\ccY)^{\ccl + 1} && \pmod{\ccx} \tfor 1 \le \ccl \le \mres, \\ \ccD_{\mres + 1} &\equiv-\ccz^{(\mres + 1) \ccc_1 + \mres \ccc_2 + \gamma} && \pmod{\ccx}. \end{aligned}\] [\[sec:orgfb3becf\]]{#sec:orgfb3becf label="sec:orgfb3becf"}
#### [(i)]{.upright} {#i .unnumbered}
Let \[\idealB = (\ccD_{\ccl}) + (\ccG^{\cci} \ccH^{\ccj}: \cci + \ccj = \ccl,\ 0 \le \ccj \le \ccl).\] Then \(\idealB \subseteq (\ccD_{\ccl}) + \idealA^{\ccl} \subseteq \idealA^{(\ccl)}\). We show that \(\length{\ccR}(\ccR/\idealB + (\ccx)) = \binom{\ccl + 1}{2} \ccb (\ccc_1 + 2 \ccc_2)\). Since \[\begin{aligned}
{3} \ccD_{\ccl} &\equiv (-\ccY)^{\ccl + 1} && \pmod{\ccx}, \\ \ccG^{\cci} \ccH^{\ccj} &\equiv (-\myy)^\ccj \ccz^{(\ccl-\ccj) \ccc_1 + \ccl \ccc_2} && \pmod{\ccx} \tfor 0 \le \ccj \le \ccl, \end{aligned}\] it follows from Lemma [\[orgcc5bc69\]](#orgcc5bc69){reference-type="ref" reference="orgcc5bc69"} that \[\frac{\length{\ccR}(\ccR/\idealB + (\ccx))}{\ccb} = (\ccl + 1) \ccl \ccc_2 + \sum_{\ccj = 1}^{\ccl} \ccj \ccc_1 = \binom{\ccl + 1}{2} (\ccc_1 + 2 \ccc_2).\] Therefore \(\idealB = \idealA^{(\ccl)}\) by Lemma [\[org9fefb4d\]](#org9fefb4d){reference-type="ref" reference="org9fefb4d"}. [\[sec:org26fdf84\]]{#sec:org26fdf84 label="sec:org26fdf84"}
#### [(ii)]{.upright} {#ii .unnumbered}
Let \[\idealB = (\ccF \ccD_{\mres}, \ccH \ccD_{\mres}, \ccG \ccD_{\mres}, \ccD_{\mres + 1}) + (\ccG^{\cci} \ccH^{\ccj}: \cci + \ccj = \mres + 1,\ 1 \le \ccj \le \mres + 1).\] Then \(\idealB \subseteq (\ccD_{\mres + 1}) + \idealA^{(\mres)} \idealA \subseteq \idealA^{(\mres + 1)}\). We show that \(\length{\ccR}(\ccR/\idealB + (\ccx)) = \binom{\mres + 2}{2} \ccb (\ccc_1 + 2 \ccc_2)\). Let \(\gamma = \gamma_{\mres + 1} = \max \set{0, \mres \ccc_2-\ccc_1}\). Then \[\begin{aligned}
{3} \ccF \ccD_{\mres} &\equiv (-\myy)^{\mres + 3} && \pmod{\ccx},\\ \ccH \ccD_{\mres} &\equiv (-\myy)^{\mres + 2} z^{\ccc_2} && \pmod{\ccx},\\ \ccG \ccD_{\mres} &\equiv (-\myy)^{\mres + 1} z^{\ccc_1 + \ccc_2} && \pmod{\ccx},\\ \ccH^{\mres + 1} &\equiv (-\myy)^{\mres + 1} \ccz^{(\mres + 1) \ccc_2} && \pmod{\ccx},\\ \ccG^{\cci} \ccH^{\ccj} &\equiv (-\myy)^\ccj \ccz^{(\mres + 1-\ccj) \ccc_1 + (\mres + 1) \ccc_2} && \pmod{\ccx} \tfor 1 \le \ccj \le \mres, \\ \ccD_{\mres + 1} &\equiv-\ccz^{(\mres + 1) \ccc_1 + \mres \ccc_2 + \gamma} && \pmod{\ccx}. \end{aligned}\] Note that \[\min \set{\ccc_1 + \ccc_2, (\mres + 1) \ccc_2} = (\mres + 1)\ccc_2-\gamma.\] It follows that \[\begin{aligned}
\frac{\length{\ccR}(\ccR/\idealB + (\ccx))}{\ccb} &= (\mres + 3) \ccc_2 + (\mres + 2) (\mres \ccc_2-\gamma) + (\mres + 1) (\ccc_1 + \gamma) \\ &\phantom{=} + \Bigl(\sum_{\ccj = 2}^{\mres} \ccj \ccc_1 \Bigr) + (\ccc_1-\ccc_2 + \gamma) \\ &= (\mres^2 + 3 \mres + 2) \ccc_2 + \binom{\mres + 2}{2} \ccc_1 = \binom{\mres + 2}{2} (\ccc_1 + 2 \ccc_2). \end{aligned}\] Therefore \(\idealB = \idealA^{(\mres + 1)}\). [\[sec:org0334679\]]{#sec:org0334679 label="sec:org0334679"}
#### [(iii)]{.upright} {#iii .unnumbered}
Let \[\idealB = (\ccD_2 \ccD_{\mres}, \ccH^2 \ccD_{\mres}, \ccG \ccH \ccD_{\mres}, \ccG^2 \ccD_{\mres}, \ccH \ccD_{\mres + 1}, \ccG \ccD_{\mres + 1}) + (\ccG^{\cci} \ccH^{\ccj}: \cci + \ccj = \mres + 2,\ 2 \le \ccj \le \mres + 2).\] Then \(\idealB \subseteq \idealA^{(\mres + 1)} \idealA + \idealA^{(\mres)} \idealA^{(2)} \subseteq \idealA^{(\mres + 2)}\). We see that \[\begin{aligned}
{5} \ccD_2 \ccD_{\mres} &\equiv (-\myy)^{\mres + 4} && \pmod{\ccx}, \\ \ccH^2 \ccD_{\mres} &\equiv (-\myy)^{\mres + 3} z^{2\ccc_2} && \pmod{\ccx}, \\ \ccG \ccH \ccD_{\mres} &\equiv (-\myy)^{\mres + 2} z^{\ccc_1 + 2\ccc_2} && \pmod{\ccx}, \\ \ccH^{\mres + 2} &\equiv (-\myy)^{\mres + 2} \ccz^{(\mres + 2) \ccc_2} && \pmod{\ccx}, \\ \ccG^2 \ccD_{\mres} &\equiv (-\myy)^{\mres + 1} z^{2 \ccc_1 + 2 \ccc_2} && \pmod{\ccx}, \\ \ccG \ccH^{\mres + 1} &\equiv (-\myy)^{\mres + 1} \ccz^{\ccc_1 + (\mres + 2) \ccc_2} && \pmod{\ccx}, \\ \ccG^{\cci} \ccH^{\ccj} &\equiv (-\myy)^\ccj \ccz^{(\mres + 2-\ccj) \ccc_1 + (\mres + 2) \ccc_2} && \pmod{\ccx} \tfor 2 \le \ccj \le \mres, \\ \ccH \ccD_{\mres + 1} &\equiv \myy \ccz^{(\mres + 1) \ccc_1 + (\mres + 1) \ccc_2 + \gamma} && \pmod{\ccx}, \\ \ccG \ccD_{\mres + 1} &\equiv-\ccz^{(\mres + 2) \ccc_1 + (\mres + 1) \ccc_2 + \gamma} && \pmod{\ccx}. \end{aligned}\] Note that \[\min \set{\ccc_1 + 2\ccc_2, (\mres + 2) \ccc_2} = (\mres + 2) \ccc_2-\gamma\] and \[\min \set{2 \ccc_1 + 2 \ccc_2, \ccc_1 + (\mres + 2) \ccc_2} = \ccc_1 + (\mres + 2) \ccc_2-\gamma.\] Hence \[\begin{aligned}
\frac{\length{\ccR}(\ccR/\idealB + (\ccx))}{\ccb} &= (\mres + 4) 2 \ccc_2 + (\mres + 3) (\mres \ccc_2-\gamma) \\ &\phantom{=} + (\mres + 2) \ccc_1 + (\mres + 1)(\ccc_1 + \gamma) + \Bigl(\sum_{\ccj = 3}^{\mres} \ccj \ccc_1 \Bigr) + 2 (\ccc_1-\ccc_2 + \gamma) + \ccc_1 \\ &= (2 (\mres + 4) + \mres (\mres + 3)-2) \ccc_2 + \binom{\mres + 3}{2} \ccc_1 \\ &= \binom{\mres + 3}{2} (\ccc_1 + 2 \ccc_2). \end{aligned}\] Therefore \(\idealB = \idealA^{(\mres + 2)}\). [\[sec:org40c83ae\]]{#sec:org40c83ae label="sec:org40c83ae"}
#### Case 2 \((\mres-1) \cca_1 = \cca_2\). {#case-2-mres-1-cca_1-cca_2. .unnumbered}
By Lemma [\[org2a0af15\]](#org2a0af15){reference-type="ref" reference="org2a0af15"}, \[\ccD_{\ccl} \equiv (-\ccY)^{\ccl + 1} \pmod{\ccz} \tfor 1 \le \ccl \le \mres.\] [\[sec:org0314c23\]]{#sec:org0314c23 label="sec:org0314c23"}
#### [(i)]{.upright} {#i-1 .unnumbered}
Let \[\idealB = (\ccD_{\ccl}) + (\ccG^{\cci} \ccH^{\ccj}: \cci + \ccj = \ccl,\ 0 \le \cci \le \ccl).\] We show that \(\length{\ccR}(\ccR/\idealB + (\ccz)) = \binom{\ccl + 1}{2} (2 \cca_1 + \cca_2) \ccb = \binom{\ccl + 1}{2} (\mres + 1) \cca_1 \ccb\). Since \[\begin{aligned}
{2} \ccD_{\ccl} & \equiv (-\myy)^{\ccl + 1} & & \pmod{\ccz}, \\ \ccG^{\cci} \ccH^{\ccj} & \equiv (-\myy)^{\cci} \ccx^{(\ccl \mres-(\mres-1) \cci) \cca_1} & & \pmod{\ccz} \tfor 0 \le \cci \le \ccl, \end{aligned}\] it follows that \[\begin{aligned}
\frac{\length{\ccR}(\ccR/\idealB + (\ccz))}{\cca_1 \ccb} &= (\ccl + 1) \ccl + \sum_{\cci = 1}^{\ccl} \cci (\mres-1) \\ &= \binom{\ccl + 1}{2} (\mres + 1). \end{aligned}\] Therefore \(\idealB = \idealA^{(\ccl)}\). [\[sec:org000fcaa\]]{#sec:org000fcaa label="sec:org000fcaa"}
#### [(ii)]{.upright} {#ii-1 .unnumbered}
Let \[\idealB = (\ccF \ccD_{\mres}, \ccH \ccD_{\mres}, \ccG \ccD_{\mres}) + (\ccG^{\cci} \ccH^{\ccj}: \cci + \ccj = \mres + 1,\ 0 \le \cci \le \mres).\] Since \[\begin{aligned}
{3} \ccF \ccD_{\mres} &\equiv (-\myy)^{\mres + 3} && \pmod{\ccz},\\ \ccG \ccD_{\mres} &\equiv (-\myy)^{\mres + 2} \ccx^{\cca_1} && \pmod{\ccz},\\ \ccH \ccD_{\mres} &\equiv (-\myy)^{\mres + 1} \ccx^{\mres \cca_1} && \pmod{\ccz},\\ \ccG^{\cci} \ccH^{\ccj} &\equiv (-\myy)^\cci \ccx^{(\mres(\mres + 1)-(\mres-1) \cci) \cca_1} && \pmod{\ccz} \tfor 0 \le \cci \le \mres, \end{aligned}\] it follows that \[\begin{aligned}
\frac{\length{\ccR}(\ccR/\idealB + (\ccz))}{\cca_1 \ccb} &= (\mres + 3) + (\mres + 2) (\mres-1) + (\mres + 1) \mres + \sum_{\cci = 1}^{\mres} \cci (\mres-1) \\ &= 2 \mres^2 + 3 \mres + 1 + (\mres-1) \frac{(\mres + 1) \mres}{2} \\ &= (\mres + 1) \Bigl( 2 \mres + 1 + \frac{\mres (\mres-1)}{2} \Bigr) \\ &= (\mres + 1) \binom{\mres + 2}{2}. \end{aligned}\] Therefore \(\idealB = \idealA^{(\mres + 1)}\). [\[sec:org219f8f9\]]{#sec:org219f8f9 label="sec:org219f8f9"}
#### [(iii)]{.upright} {#iii-1 .unnumbered}
Let \[\idealB = (\ccD_{2} \ccD_{\mres}, \ccG^2 \ccD_{\mres}, \ccG \ccH \ccD_{\mres}, \ccH^2 \ccD_{\mres}) + (\ccG^{\cci} \ccH^{\ccj}: \cci + \ccj = \mres + 2,\ 0 \le \cci \le \mres).\] Since \[\begin{aligned}
{3} \ccD_2 \ccD_{\mres} &\equiv (-\myy)^{\mres + 4} && \pmod{\ccz},\\ \ccG^2 \ccD_{\mres} &\equiv (-\myy)^{\mres + 3} \ccx^{2\cca_1} && \pmod{\ccz},\\ \ccG \ccH \ccD_{\mres} &\equiv (-\myy)^{\mres + 2} \ccx^{(\mres + 1) \cca_1} && \pmod{\ccz}, \\ \ccH^2 \ccD_{\mres} &\equiv (-\myy)^{\mres + 1} \ccx^{2 \mres \cca_1} && \pmod{\ccz}, \\ \ccG^{\cci} \ccH^{\ccj} &\equiv (-\myy)^{\cci} \ccx^{(\mres(\mres + 2)-(\mres-1) \cci) \cca_1} && \pmod{\ccz} \tfor 0 \le \cci \le \mres, \end{aligned}\] it follows that \[\begin{aligned}
\frac{\length{\ccR}(\ccR/\idealB + (\ccz))}{\cca_1 \ccb} &= (\mres + 4) \cdot 2 + (\mres + 3) (\mres-1) + (\mres + 2) (\mres-1) + (\mres + 1) \mres + \sum_{\cci = 1}^{\mres} \cci (\mres-1) \\ &= 2 \mres + 8 + \mres^2 + 2 \mres-3 + \mres^2 + \mres-2 + \mres^2 + \mres + (\mres-1) \frac{(\mres + 1) \mres}{2}\\ &= 3 \mres^2 + 6 \mres + 3 + (\mres-1) \frac{(\mres + 1) \mres}{2}\\ &= (\mres + 1) \Bigl(3 \mres + 3 + \frac{\mres^2-\mres}{2} \Bigr)\\ &= (\mres + 1)\binom{\mres + 3}{2}. \end{aligned}\] Therefore \(\idealB = \idealA^{(\mres + 2)}\). 0◻
# The stable Harbourne conjecture {#sec:org443784f}
[\[org87a2868\]]{#org87a2868 label="org87a2868"} To prove Theorem [\[org204a6ab\]](#org204a6ab){reference-type="ref" reference="org204a6ab"}, we show the following two lemmas.
[\[sec:org099269b\]]{#sec:org099269b label="sec:org099269b"} *Proof of Theorem [\[org204a6ab\]](#org204a6ab){reference-type="ref" reference="org204a6ab"}*. We first show that \(\idealA^{(2 \ccl-1)} \not \subseteq \clm \idealA^{\ccl}\) for \(1 \le \ccl \le \ccn-1\). Since \(\ccn = \lfloor (\mres[\ccM] + 1)/2 \rfloor + 1 \le (\mres[\ccM] + 1)/2 + 1\), we see that \(2 \ccl-1 \le 2 \ccn-3 \le \mres[\ccM]\). By Lemma [\[org2a0af15\]](#org2a0af15){reference-type="ref" reference="org2a0af15"}, \(\ccD_{2\ccl-1} \equiv (-\myy)^{2\ccl} \pmod{\ccx}\) or \(\ccD_{2\ccl-1} \equiv (-\myy)^{2\ccl} \pmod{\ccz}\), so \(\ccD_{2 \ccl-1} \not \in \clm \idealA^{\ccl}\). Therefore \(\idealA^{(2 \ccl-1)} \not \subseteq \clm \idealA^{\ccl}\) by Theorem [\[org319617b\]](#org319617b){reference-type="ref" reference="org319617b"}. We next show that \(\idealA^{(2 \ccn-1)} \subseteq \clm \idealA^{\ccn}\). First, suppose that \(\mres[\ccM]\) is odd; then \(\mres[\ccM] = 2 \ccn-3\). Note that \(\ccn \ge 2\). By Theorem [\[org319617b\]](#org319617b){reference-type="ref" reference="org319617b"}, \[\begin{aligned}
\idealA^{(2 \ccn-3)} &= \idealA^{2 \ccn-3} + (\ccD_{2 \ccn-3}),\\ \idealA^{(2 \ccn-2)} &= \idealA^{(2 \ccn-3)} \idealA + (\ccD_{2 \ccn-2}),\\ \idealA^{(2 \ccn-1)} &= \idealA^{(2 \ccn-2)} \idealA + \idealA^{(2 \ccn-3)} \idealA^{(2)}. \end{aligned}\] It follows from Lemmas [\[orgce83638\]](#orgce83638){reference-type="ref" reference="orgce83638"} and [\[org9a2d553\]](#org9a2d553){reference-type="ref" reference="org9a2d553"} that \(\idealA^{(2)} \subseteq \clm \idealA\), \[\begin{aligned}
\idealA^{(2 \ccn-3)} &= \idealA^{2 \ccn-3} + (\ccD_{2 \ccn-3}) \subseteq \idealA^{2 \ccn-3} + \idealA^{\ccn-1} = \idealA^{\ccn-1}, \end{aligned}\] and \[\begin{aligned}
\idealA^{(2 \ccn-2)} &= \idealA^{(2 \ccn-3)} \idealA + (\ccD_{2 \ccn-2}) \subseteq \idealA^{\ccn} + \clm \idealA^{\ccn-1} = \clm \idealA^{\ccn-1}. \end{aligned}\] Therefore \[\begin{aligned}
\idealA^{(2 \ccn-1)} &= \idealA^{(2 \ccn-2)} \idealA + \idealA^{(2 \ccn-3)} \idealA^{(2)} \subseteq \clm \idealA^{\ccn-1} \idealA + \idealA^{\ccn-1} \clm \idealA = \clm \idealA^{\ccn}. \end{aligned}\] Next, suppose that \(\mres[\ccM]\) is even; then \(\mres[\ccM] = 2 \ccn-2\). By Theorem [\[org319617b\]](#org319617b){reference-type="ref" reference="org319617b"}, \[\begin{aligned}
\idealA^{(2 \ccn-2)} &= \idealA^{2 \ccn-2} + (\ccD_{2 \ccn-2}),\\ \idealA^{(2 \ccn-1)} &= \idealA^{(2 \ccn-2)} \idealA + (\ccD_{2 \ccn-1}). \end{aligned}\] By Lemma [\[org9a2d553\]](#org9a2d553){reference-type="ref" reference="org9a2d553"}, \[\idealA^{(2 \ccn-2)} = \idealA^{2 \ccn-2} + (\ccD_{2 \ccn-2}) \subseteq \idealA^{2 \ccn-2} + \clm \idealA^{\ccn-1} = \clm \idealA^{\ccn-1}\] and \[\idealA^{(2 \ccn-1)} = \idealA^{(2 \ccn-2)} \idealA + (\ccD_{2 \ccn-1}) \subseteq \clm \idealA^{\ccn-1} \idealA + \clm \idealA^{\ccn} = \clm \idealA^{\ccn}.\] This completes the proof. 0◻ [\[sec:org4596dc1\]]{#sec:org4596dc1 label="sec:org4596dc1"}
[^1]: In, the stable Harbourne conjecture was claimed to be true for the ideal \(\clp\) defining a space monomial curve; in the proof, the following claim was assumed: \(\clp^{(3)} \subseteq \clm \clp^2\). However, as we will see in Example [\[orgd5c7733\]](#orgd5c7733){reference-type="ref" reference="orgd5c7733"}, there is a counterexample to this claim. | {'timestamp': '2022-03-30T02:32:49', 'yymm': '2203', 'arxiv_id': '2203.15493', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15493'} |
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# Introduction
As it is well-known (see ), a Hamiltonian system is called *completely integrable* if and only if it possesses the maximal number of independent Poisson-commuting first integrals of motion. In the present article we shall work in the holomorphic category and associate to a complex surface endowed with a holomorphic symplectic form and a Hamiltonian function a holomorphic completely integrable system of complex dimension \(2d\). Our aim is to describe such a construction and provide a full characterization of the completely integrable systems that arise from it.\
We will proceed according to the following plan.\
In section 2 we start from a complex surface \(S\) holomorphically projecting onto \(\mathbb{C}\) via a map \(p\) and recall from the definition of Hilbert scheme of \(d\) points transverse to \(p\), which we denote by \(S^{[d]}_p\). We also recall from and, that \(S^{[d]}_p\) is an open subset of the full Hilbert scheme \(S^{[d]}\) of length \(d\) \(0\)-dimensional subschemes of \(S\), which is smooth and is of complex dimension \(2d\) hence so is \(S^{[d]}_p\). Next, we show how \(p\) induces a natural endomorphism \(A\) of the tangent bundle \(TS^{[d]}_p\) such that at every point of \(S^{[d]}_p\) its characteristic polynomial is the square of its minimal polynomial and its eigenspaces all have complex dimension \(2\).\
In section 3 (Proposition [\[prop: endom inverse construction\]](#prop: endom inverse construction){reference-type="ref" reference="prop: endom inverse construction"}) we show how the eigenvalues and eigenspaces of \(A\) determine the geometry of \(S\) and \(S^{[d]}_p\), meaning that, starting from a \(2d\)-\(\dim_{\mathbb{C}}\) manifold \(\mathcal{W}\) endowed with an endomorphism \(A\) of \(T\mathcal{W}\) with the above properties, \(S\) is recovered as the leaf space of a foliation induced by \(A\) and \(\mathcal{W}\) is identified with \(S^{[d]}_p\).\
Section 4 is finally devoted to the characterization of \(S^{[d]}_p\) as a holomorphic completely integrable system. Assuming that the surface \(S\) carries a holomorphic symplectic \(2\)-form \(\omega\) we recover Beauville's result () and show that \(\omega\) induces a symplectic structure on \(S^{[d]}_p\), for which we point out the existence of \(d\) independent Poisson-commuting Hamiltonians, thus giving \(S^{[d]}_p\) the structure of a completely integrable system. The remainder of the section is then focused on reversing the construction: we start from a complex \(2d\)-dimensional completely integrable system, endowed with the extra feature of an endomorphism \(A\) of its tangent bundle with the aforementioned properties and show how, under some compatibility assumptions between the symplectic form and \(A\), \(\mathcal{W}\) is recovered as the integrable system constructed as the transverse Hilbert scheme of \(d\) points of a surface \(S\) with a projection \(p \colon S \rightarrow \mathbb{C}\).
# An Endomorphism of the Tangent Space
Let \(S\) be a complex surface (for the moment being we do not assume it to be symplectic) with a surjective holomorphic projection \(p \colon S \rightarrow \mathbb{C}\) which is a submersion outside a discrete subset \(B \subset S\). We recall from the following definition of *transverse Hilbert scheme of \(S\) of \(d\) points* with respect to the projection \(p\).
On the tangent space to \(S^{[d]}_p\) a natural endomorphism is defined as follows. Let \(q(z)\) be the monic polynomial of degree \(d\) defining the image \(p(Z)\) of \(Z\) via \(p\) and observe that \(H^0(Z,\mathbb{C}) \cong \mathbb{C}[z]/(q(z))\), where the generator \(z\) stands as a preferred element. Recall now that, for every \(Z \in S^{[d]}_p\), one has \(T_ZS^{[d]}_p \cong H^0(Z, TS\vert_Z)\) due to a well-known theorem of Kodaira (). Then we set \(A_Z\) to be the map \[\begin{aligned}
\begin{split} H^0(Z, TS\vert_Z) &\longrightarrow H^0(Z,TS\vert_Z) \\[6pt] \sigma(z) & \mapsto f(z)\sigma(z), \end{split} \end{aligned}\] where we take \(f \colon X \rightarrow \mathbb{C}\) to be the function \(z \in H^0(Z,\mathbb{C})\).
We now define the manifold \(\tilde{S}^{[d]}_p\)as the set of all \((z, Z) \in \mathbb{C} \times S^{[d]}_p\) such that \(z \text{ is eigenvalue of } A_Z\) and observe that it comes with a double projection \[&\tilde{S}^{[d]}_p \ar[d]_{\rho} \ar[dr]^{\pi}\\ &\mathbb{C} &S^{[d]}_p }\] where \(\pi\) is a branched \(d:1\) covering of \(S^{[d]}_p\). Also, for every \(X \in S^{[d]}_p\), one can lift \(A_Z\) to an endomorphism \(\pi^*T_ZS^{[d]}_p \longrightarrow \pi^*T_ZS^{[d]}_p.\) Hence we draw the following diagram \[\label{eq: two sequences} \footnotesize \begin{tikzpicture} \matrix (m) [matrix of math nodes, row sep=3em, column sep=3em, text height=1.5ex, text depth=0.25ex] {& & &0 &\\ & & &T^V_pS\vert_Z &\\ 0 & \pi^*T_ZS^{[d]}_p & \pi^*T_ZS^{[d]}_p &TS\vert_Z & 0 \\ & & & T\mathbb{C} & \\ && &0&\\}; \path[->] (m-1-4) edge (m-2-4); \path[->] (m-2-4) edge (m-3-4); \path[->](m-3-1) edge (m-3-2); \path[->] (m-3-2) edge node[auto]{\(z-A_Z\)} (m-3-3); \path[->] (m-3-3) edge (m-3-4); \path[->](m-3-4) edge (m-3-5); \path[->](m-3-4) edge (m-4-4); \path[->](m-4-4) edge (m-5-4); \path[->] (m-3-3) edge[dotted] (m-4-4); \end{tikzpicture}\] Let \(\beta\) be the function defined by the dotted arrow. We see that \(Im(z-A_Z)\) lies in the kernel of \(\beta\). Also, one has that elements of \(\pi^*T_ZS^{[d]}_p\) correspond to deformations of \(S^{[d]}_p\) at \(Z\) and elements in \(T^V_{\rho}\tilde{S}^{[d]}_p\) correspond to deformations fixing the eigenvalue. From this we get that \(\ker \beta=T^V_{\rho} \tilde{S}^{[d]}_p\) and \(Im(z-A) \subset T^V_{\rho}\tilde{S}^{[d]}_p\).
Construct now the double fibration \[&\mathcal{Y} \ar[d] \ar[dr]\\ &S &S^{[d]}_p }\] the manifold \(\mathcal{Y}\) being defined as \(\mathcal{Y}=\left\{(s,Z) \in S \times S^{[d]}_p \vert~ s\in Z \right\}\). So far we notice that \[\begin{aligned}
\tilde{S}^{[d]}_p &= \left\{ (z,Z) \in \mathbb{C} \times S^{[d]}_p \vert~z \text{ is eigenvalue of } A_Z \right\}\\[6pt] &=\left\{ (z,Z) \in \mathbb{C} \times S^{[d]}_p \vert~z=p(x) \text{ for some } x \in Z\right\}\\[6pt] &\cong \left\{(x,Z) \in S \times S^{[d]}_p \vert ~ x \in Z \right\}. \end{aligned}\] Hence we recover our initial surface as the space of leaves \(S=\mathcal{Y}/D \cong \tilde{S}^{[d]}_p/D\).\
This suggests us the following *inverse construction*.
# The Inverse Construction
Let us start with a complex manifold \(\mathcal{W}\) of complex dimension \(2d\) endowed with an endomorphism \(A: T\mathcal{W} \rightarrow T\mathcal{W}\) of its holomorphic tangent bundle \(T\mathcal{W}\) with eigenvalues of even multiplicity and such that its characteristic polynomial is the square of its minimal polynomial. Set now \(X \coloneqq \mathbb{C}^{[d]}\) Hilbert scheme of \(d\) points of \(\mathbb{C}\) and define a map \(\mu \colon \mathcal{W} \longrightarrow X\) which assigns to each point \(w \in \mathcal{W}\) the minimal polynomial of \(A\) at \(w\) which we denote \(q_w(\lambda)\). Assume now \(\mu\) to be a surjective submersion and define a vector field \(\b{V} \in \mathfrak{X}(\mathcal{W})\) to be projectable for \(\mu\) if, for every \(x \in X\), \(d\mu_w(\b{V}_w)\) does not depend of the choice of \(w\) in \(\mu^{-1}(x)\). If we suppose that \(A\) preserves the vertical vectors and the projectable vector fields for the projection \(\mu\), then it descends to a map \(\bar{A} \colon TX \longrightarrow TX\) which makes the following diagram commute \[\label{diag: A Abar} &T\mathcal{W} \ar[d]_{d\mu} \ar[r]^{A} &T\mathcal{W} \ar[d]^{d\mu}\\ &TX \ar[r]_{\bar{A}} &TX. }\]
For \(q(\lambda) \in X\) let us identify \(T_{q(\lambda)}X \cong \mathbb{C}[\lambda]/ (q(\lambda))\) and assume that \(A\) is compatible with \(\mu\). Then \(\bar{A}\) is naturally given by multiplication by \(\lambda\) modulo \(q(\lambda)\). Set also \(\mathcal{W}_z=\left\{ w \in \mathcal{W} \vert~ z \in \Spec A_w\right\}\), i.e. \(\mathcal{W}= \pi^{-1}(X_z)\) where \(X_z\) is the set of all monic polynomials of degree \(d\) for which \(z\) is a root. With these definitions we see for a tangent vector \(\b{V}\) that \(\b{V} \in T\mathcal{W}_z \Longleftrightarrow d\mu(\b{V}) \in T X_z\), where the tangent space to \(X_z\) at \(q(\lambda)\) can be described as \[T_qX_z=\left\{p(\lambda) \vert ~ \deg p(\lambda)=d-1 \text{ and } p(z)=0 \right\}.\] Take now a polynomial \(q'(\lambda) \in T_{q(\lambda)}X\) and \(z \in C\): the definition of \(\bar{A}\) implies that \((z\mathds{1}-\bar{A})(q'(\lambda))\) is a polynomial of \(T_{q(\lambda)}X\) that vanishes at \(z\) that is, by the commutativity of the diagram, \(Im(z\mathds{1}-A) \subset T\mathcal{W}_z\).\
Define now \(\tilde{\mathcal{W}}=\left\{(z,w) \in \mathbb{C} \times \mathcal{W} \vert~ z \text{ is an eigenvalue of }A_w \right\}\), which is a \(d \colon 1\) covering of \(\mathcal{W}\), with two projections \[\label{diag: pi rho} &\tilde{\mathcal{W}} \ar[d]_{\rho} \ar[dr]^{\pi}\\ &\mathbb{C} &\mathcal{W}. }\] Then \(A\) can be lifted to an endomorphism of \(T(\mathbb{C} \times \mathcal{W})\), which we will still denote by \(A\), preserving the vertical subbundles of \(\rho\) and \(\pi\). The previous observations imply that, at every point \((z,w)\), \(A\) acts on the vertical subbundle of \(\pi\) as multiplication by \(z\) and that it descends to \(T\tilde{\mathcal{W}}\). Assuming now that the distribution \(Im\left(z\mathds{1}-A\right)\) is integrable, we see that it defines a subdistribution of the integral distribution \(\ker d\rho\). We can therefore recover our initial surface \(S\) as the leaf space \[S \coloneqq \frs{\tilde{\mathcal{W}}}{Im\left(z\mathds{1}-A\right)}\] The surface \(S\) comes with a natural projection \(p \colon S \longrightarrow \mathbb{C}\) defined as \(p([(z,w)])=z\), which makes the following diagram commute \[&S \ar[d]_p & \tilde{\mathcal{W}} \ar[l]_{proj} \ar[dl]^{\rho}\\ &\mathbb{C} }\] It is now sufficient to define \(\mathcal{U} \subset S^{[d]}\) as \(\mathcal{U}=\left\{proj(\pi^{-1}(w)) \vert ~ w \in \mathcal{W} \right\}\) and \(Z=Z(w)=proj(\pi^{-1}(w)) \in \mathcal{U}\) in order to apply the previously exposed construction for getting \(A_X \colon T_X\mathcal{U} \longrightarrow T_X\mathcal{U}\) i.e. once more our endomorphism \(A_w \colon T_w\mathcal{W} \longrightarrow T_w\mathcal{W}\) for every point \(w\) of \(\mathcal{W}\).\
Hence, keeping the conventions that we have introduced so far, we have proven the following.
# A Symplectic Form
This section will be devoted to revising, in both directions, the previously exposed construction when we assume our surface \(S\) to carry a symplectic form \(\omega\) on its tangent bundle. From now on we shall also assume that the projection \(p \colon S \rightarrow \mathbb{C}\) is submersion outside at most a discrete subset \(B \subset S\).\
As we have already pointed out in the Introduction, the results of Sections \(3\) and \(4\) show that the transverse Hilbert scheme of points \(S^{[d]}_p\) gets the structure of a holomorphic completely integrable system. The importance of \(A\) in distinguished whether a given holomorphic integrable system arises as the Hilbert scheme of points of a holomorphic symplectic surface is well motivated by the following example.
In Beauville proves that the full Hilbert scheme \(S^{[d]}\) of a complex symplectic surface \((S,\omega)\) has a symplectic form induced by \(\omega\). In the following Lemma we will explicitly recover his result on the transverse Hilbert scheme of \(d\) points \(S^{[d]}_p\), which we know to be an open subset of the full Hilbert scheme. We remark that the existence of a symplectic form on the Hilbert scheme of \(d\) points in \(\mathbb{C} \times \mathbb{C}^*\) transverse for the projection \(p \colon \mathbb{C} \times \mathbb{C}^* \rightarrow \mathbb{C}\) onto the first coordinate was pointed out by Atiyah-Hitchin in, where an explicit formula is only given on the subset \(\mathcal{V} \subset (\mathbb{C} \times \mathbb{C}^*)^{[d]}_p\) of \(d\)-tuples consisting of all distinct points.
In the following proposition we work out the inverse construction in order to recover the holomorphic \(2\)-form initially given on the surface \(S\) starting from the induced completely integrable system. | {'timestamp': '2017-06-07T02:07:22', 'yymm': '1706', 'arxiv_id': '1706.01801', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.01801'} |
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# Introduction {#sec:1}
Impressive achievements in investigations and applications of optical vortex beams and optical angular momentum (AM) motivated the prediction and generation of free-electron vortex states carrying orbital angular momentum. These electron vortices are currently attracting considerable attention in several areas of physics, including electron microscopy, quantum theory, and high-energy physics (see for reviews). Free-electron vortex states were first described using a simplified model of a scalar non-relativistic electron. Soon after the generation of electron vortex beams in transmission electron microscopes, we provided a fully relativistic description of vortex electrons with spin by constructing exact Bessel-beam solutions of the Dirac equation (Dirac-Bessel beams). Using a covariant position operator for the Dirac electron, we also introduced the corresponding separately-conserved spin and orbital AM of a relativistic electron, and described observable spin-orbit interaction (SOI) effects. Later, Dirac-Bessel electron beams were employed in the contexts of high-energy physics, scattering, and radiation problems. In fact, the scalar-model description is still the most suitable for electron-microscopy applications. First, electron beams in TEMs are *unpolarized*. Second, these are strongly *paraxial*, and SOI effects become negligible under such conditions. Nevertheless, there is still theoretical interest in relativistic electron vortex states, and two recent works revisited vortex solutions and AM properties of the Dirac equation, in slightly different contexts to. First, Bialynicki-Birula and Bialynicka-Birula suggested an elegant way to construct Dirac-Bessel beams and other vortex solutions of the Dirac equation. In particular, the authors introduced vortex "wave packet" solutions, which are actually localized only in *time* but unbounded along the longitudinal \(z\) coordinate. Therefore, such solutions cannot model longitudinally-localized electron wave packets in typical experimental conditions, but they could be useful in problems where the finite width of the electron energy spectrum is crucial. Note that usually electron beams in electron microscopes are modeled via an integral of Bessel beams over different transverse *momenta* rather than *energies*. In any case, Dirac-Bessel beams still represent the main building blocks for relativistic electrons, and superpositions of such states with different momenta or/and energies provide properly localized solutions. The authors of also emphasized the non-singular character of the vorticity based on the Dirac probability current, i.e., the absence of a well-defined vortex core in Dirac vortex beams. Here we should note that Dirac vortex beams represent *vector* beams (or, more accurately, spinor beams), which should be characterized via *polarization singularities* rather than the simple vorticity used for scalar wave fields, and there is no natural analogue to the polarization singularities of spin-1 waves like light for spin 1/2 particles. Nonetheless, such vector beams clearly exhibit vortices in each component of the spinor wavefunction and they carry well-defined (but non-integer) orbital AM. Finally, the Dirac current is naturally decomposed into the orbital and spin parts via the Gordon decomposition, although we emphasize a crucial difference with the analogous decomposition for optical fields (photons): while the orbital (canonical) current is observable in monochromatic optical fields (because it is directly coupled to dipole particles or atoms), only the total Dirac (kinetic) current is observable in experiments with electrons (because it corresponds to the electric current coupled to electromagnetic fields). Second, Barnett used approximate *paraxial* Laguerre-Gaussian beam solutions of the Dirac equation to characterize relativistic electron vortex states. In the regime considered, the transverse momenta are assumed to be negligible compared to the mass and longitudinal momentum. However, SOI effects appear in non-paraxial corrections to the paraxial regime, and their accurate analysis requires full non-paraxial solutions, just as for solutions of Maxwell's equations. In this manner, a typical non-paraxial vortex solution of the Dirac equation with vortex charge \(\ell\) in the main component (surviving in the paraxial limit) acquires extra components with vortices of charge \(\ell + 2s_z\), where \(s_z = \pm 1/2\) corresponds to the two states of the longitudinal projection of the rest-frame spin of the electron. However, only one of these components is present in, and, furthermore, calculations of the expectation value of the operator \((\mathbf{r} \times \boldsymbol{\alpha})_z\) (where \(\boldsymbol{\alpha}\) is the usual matrix operator characterizing the Dirac probability current) yielded \(\ell / E\) (where \(E\) is the electron energy). However, this quantity describes the \(z\)-component of the *magnetic moment* of the electron, and in the paraxial regime in it was found to be \((\ell + 2 s_z)/ E\), where \(s_z\) is the expectation value of the longitudinal spin component. This latter expression correctly incorporates the expected g-factor of 2 for the electron spin. Most importantly, alternative separately-conserved spin and orbital AM operators were suggested in Ref. , which do not exhibit any signature of SOI and yield expectation values different from those obtained in Ref. . The nontrivial differences between these treatments, and particularly the two apparently conflicting descriptions of the spin and orbital AM of the Dirac electron in Refs. and motivated the present study. Here we show that the choice of the spin and orbital AM operators for the Dirac electron is uniquely determined by the choice of the *position operator* for a relativistic electron. This is a long-standing problem analyzed in detail in a number of earlier works, starting with the seminal paper by Pryce in 1948. It is not surprising that the position operator is not completely straightforward in relativistic quantum mechanics: as position does not commute with the Dirac Hamiltonian, its action mixes positive and negative energy Fourier components of the Dirac equation, giving rise to *zitterbewegung*. In short, there are two main approaches, each of which was used in and, respectively: (i) The operators under discussion, including position, spin, and orbital AM, are *projected* onto the direct sum of positive-energy (electron) and negative-energy (positron) subspaces. This does not change observable expectation values for pure electron states but "corrects" the time evolution of observables by removing *zitterbewegung* effects. Such an approach results in the Berry-phase formalism commonly used for the description of various SOI phenomena for both relativistic spinning particles, including photons, and quasiparticles in solids. (ii) Alternative operators are obtained via the "*Newton-Wigner-Foldy-Wouthuysen*" (NWFW) approach, which is based on the inverse Foldy-Wouthusen (FW) transformation of the canonical operators. The Dirac Hamiltonian is diagonal in the FW representation, and so it might seem natural to define the position and other operators to have canonical forms in this representation, giving rise to the NWFW operators introduced in. It is worth noting, however, that the FW representation is problematic in full quantum electrodynamics, where the electromagnetic field is minimally-coupled to the electron characteristics in the standard (Dirac) representation. In this work, we present an overview of various position and AM operators in different representations, emphasizing their properties, physical meaning, and observable manifestations. We argue that the NWFW approach has drawbacks compared to the "projection" formalism. Namely, it changes the observable expectation values of the quantities and also has a singular massless limit \(m \to 0\), i.e., cannot be used for massless particles (e.g., photons). We show that this approach is essentially related to the *rest-frame* characteristics of the electron, and therefore lacks the observable relativistic SOI phenomena. Throughout the paper, our treatment is based on the first-quantized (wave) approach to the Dirac equation.
# Basic equations {#sec:2}
We work with the standard representation of the Dirac equation in units with \(\hbar = c = 1\): \[i \frac{\partial \psi}{\partial t} = H \psi, \qquad H = \boldsymbol{\alpha}\cdot\mathbf{p} + \beta m, \label{eq:1}\] where \(\psi(\mathbf{r},t)\) is the bispinor wavefunction, \(H\) is the Dirac Hamiltonian, and \[\boldsymbol{\alpha} = \left(\begin{array}{cc} 0 & \boldsymbol{\sigma} \\ \boldsymbol{\sigma} & 0 \end{array}\right), \qquad \beta = \left(\begin{array}{cc} 1 & 0 \\ 0 &-1 \end{array}\right)\] are the \(4\times 4\) Dirac matrices. The four-component Dirac wavefunction implies four independent bispinor "polarizations", which correspond to two spin states with *positive* energy (describing electrons) and two spin states with *negative* energies (corresponding to positrons in the first-quantization approach we use). The positive-energy (electron) plane-wave solutions of Eq. ([\[eq:1\]](#eq:1){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:1"}) are \(\psi_{\bf p}^{e} = W({\bf p}) \exp(i {\bf p}\cdot {\bf r}-i E t )\), with the bispinor \[W = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2E}} \left( \begin{array}{c} \sqrt{E+m}\, w \\ \sqrt{E-m}\, \boldsymbol{\sigma}\cdot\bar{\bf p}\, w \end{array}\right). \label{eq:2}\] Here, \(E = \sqrt{m^2 +p^2} >0\), \(\boldsymbol{\sigma}\) is the 3-vector of Pauli matrices, \(\bar{\bf p} = {\bf p}/p\) is the unit vector along the momentum direction, and \(w = (a,b)^T\) is the two-component polarization spinor, \(w^{\dagger}w = 1\), describing the spin state of the electron. The fact that the bispinor ([\[eq:2\]](#eq:2){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:2"}) has non-zero lower components for \(\mathbf{p} \neq 0\) means that the standard representation is not diagonal with respect to the electron and positron subspaces, and describing pure *electron* properties requires some care. The positive-and negative-energy subspaces can be separated in the momentum representation using the unitary Foldy-Wouthuysen (FW) transformation which diagonalizes the Dirac Hamiltonian: \[\begin{aligned}
\psi_{\mathrm{FW}} & = & U_{\mathrm{FW}}(\mathbf{p})\psi, \quad H_{\mathrm{FW}} = U_{\mathrm{FW}} H U_{\mathrm{FW}}^{\dagger} =\beta E, \nonumber \\ U_{\mathrm{FW}} & = & \frac{E+m+\beta \boldsymbol{\alpha}\cdot\mathbf{p}}{\sqrt{2E(E+m)}}. \label{eq:3} \end{aligned}\] The bispinor ([\[eq:2\]](#eq:2){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:2"}) of the electron (positive-energy) plane wave has only upper components in this representation: \(W_{\mathrm{FW}} \propto (w,0)^T\). Although the FW transformation is momentum-dependent and hence is nonlocal in real space, it is often convenient for the analysis of operators and calculations of their expectation values. We focus on the angular momentum (AM) properties of a relativistic electron. The total AM operator \(\mathbf{J}\) is well-defined for the Dirac equation: \[\mathbf{J} = \mathbf{r} \times \mathbf{p} + \mathbf{S} \equiv \mathbf{L} + \mathbf{S}, \qquad \mathbf{S} = \frac{1}{2}\left( \begin{array}{cc} \boldsymbol{\sigma} & 0 \\ 0 & \boldsymbol{\sigma} \end{array}\right), \label{eq:4}\] where \(\mathbf{L}\) and \(\mathbf{S}\) are canonical operators of the orbital and spin AM. It is well-known that the total AM \(\mathbf{J}\) commutes with the Hamiltonian and thus is conserved, while \(\mathbf{L}\) and \(\mathbf{S}\) do not: \[= 0, \quad [H,\mathbf{L}] \neq 0, \quad [H,\mathbf{S}] \neq 0. \label{eq:5}\] This has led to considerable discussion and various suggestions on how to describe the spin and orbital AM of the Dirac electron. As first realized by Pryce, since the operators \(\mathbf{J}\) and \(\mathbf{p}\) are uniquely defined and conserved for the free-space Dirac equation, the spin-orbital separation is intimately related to the choice of the *position operator*. Indeed, choosing some position operator \(\tilde{\mathbf{r}}\) determines the corresponding orbital AM \(\tilde{\mathbf{L}} = \tilde{\mathbf{r}} \times \mathbf{p}\) and spin \(\tilde{\mathbf{S}} = \mathbf{J}-\tilde{\mathbf{L}}\). Most significantly, the canonical position operator \(\mathbf{r}\) is somewhat problematic for relativistic electrons as it corresponds to the velocity \[\frac{d \mathbf{r}}{d t} = i[H,\mathbf{r}]= \boldsymbol{\alpha}. \label{eq:6}\] This velocity operator has eigenvalues \(\pm 1\) and is in sharp contrast to the equation of motion of a *classical* relativistic electron: \(d\mathbf{r} / d t = \mathbf{p} / E\). This discrepancy is interpreted as *zitterbewegung* oscillations produced by the interference in mixed electron-positron solutions. At the same time, the expectation value \(\langle \mathbf{r} \rangle\) for a *pure electron* (positive-energy) wavefunction \(\psi^{e}({\bf r}, t)\) is meaningful and does obey the proper equation of motion: \(d \langle \mathbf{r} \rangle / dt = \langle {\bf p} H^{-1} \rangle\). Similarly, the commutators ([\[eq:5\]](#eq:5){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:5"}) are non-zero due to *zitterbewegung* effects, whereas the expectation values \(\langle \mathbf{S}\rangle\) and \(\langle \mathbf{L}\rangle\) for an electron wavefunction are meaningful observable quantities.
# Spin-orbit interaction {#sec:3}
Relativistic wave equations (including the Dirac and Maxwell equations) have inherent spin-orbit interaction (SOI) properties. In the Dirac equation, the SOI appears *not* because of non-zero commutators ([\[eq:5\]](#eq:5){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:5"}), (i.e., not due to *zitterbewegung*) since SOI is clearly manifest in the *expectation values* of observable quantities for pure electron states. Below we show a few important examples. 1. Consider the expectation value of the canonical spin operator \(\mathbf{S}\), Eq. ([\[eq:4\]](#eq:4){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:4"}), for an electron plane-wave state ([\[eq:2\]](#eq:2){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:2"}). For a motionless electron, \(\mathbf{p} = 0\), and the bispinor \(W\) has only the two upper components, given by the spinor \(w\), which describes the *non-relativistic* (in other words, rest-frame) electron spin: \(\langle \mathbf{S} \rangle = W^{\dagger}\mathbf{S}W = w^{\dagger}\boldsymbol{\sigma}w / 2 \equiv \langle \mathbf{s} \rangle\). In particular, \(w^+ = (1,0)^T\) and \(w^-= (0,1)^T\) correspond to \(\langle s_z \rangle = \pm 1 / 2\), respectively. For a *relativistic* electron with \(\mathbf{p} \neq 0\), the expectation value of the spin becomes: \[\langle \mathbf{S} \rangle = \frac{m }{E}\langle \mathbf{s}\rangle + \frac{(\mathbf{p}\cdot\langle \mathbf{s}\rangle) \mathbf{p}}{E(E+m)}. \label{eq:7}\] Up to the additional \(m / E\) factor in the first summand, this equation coincides with a Lorentz boost of the spatial components of the four-vector \((0,\langle\mathbf{s}\rangle)\) from the electron rest frame to the laboratory frame. Thus, the expectation value of the relativistic electron spin is *momentum-dependent*, which signals the SOI caused by relativistic transformations of the dynamical properties of the electron. This effect grows in significance in the ultrarelativistic (or massless) limit, when the momentum is large compared to the mass. 2. Only momentum and spin can be determined for a single plane wave. Calculating other characteristics requires structured Dirac-electron solutions, such as *electron vortex beams*. A monochromatic beam with well-defined energy \(E > 0\), propagating along the \(z\)-axis, can be constructed as a Fourier superposition of multiple plane waves with momenta \(\mathbf{p}\) distributed around the propagation direction: \[\psi({\bf r},t) \propto \int d^2\mathbf{p}_{\bot} W(\mathbf{p})f(\mathbf{p}_{\bot})e^{i\mathbf{p}\cdot {\bf r}-iEt}. \label{eq:8}\] Here, \(\mathbf{p}_{\bot} = (p_x, p_y)\) are the transverse momentum components describing deflections of the plane waves from the \(z\)-axis, while \(f(\mathbf{p}_{\bot})\) is a scalar function describing Fourier amplitudes of the plane-wave components. For the simplest case of Bessel beams, the momenta are distributed on a circle in \(\mathbf{p}\)-space (lying on the appropriate mass shell), \[f_{\kappa,\ell}(\mathbf{p}_{\bot}) \propto \delta(p_{\bot}-\kappa) e^{i\ell \phi}, \label{eq:9}\] where \((p_{\bot},\phi)\) are polar coordinates in the \(\mathbf{p}_{\bot}\)-plane, \(\kappa\) determines the aperture angle \(\theta_0\) of the beam (\(\sin\theta_0 = \kappa / p < 1\)), and \(\ell\) is the integer azimuthal quantum number (vortex charge) of the beam. Although Bessel beams are not properly localized (square-integrable) with respect to the radial coordinate, they are very convenient for mathematical analysis. If radial localization is crucial, one can consider some appropriate Hankel integral of Bessel beams over \(\kappa\), \(\int_{\kappa_1}^{\kappa_2} d\kappa\), whilst keeping the energy fixed (for \(\kappa_1 \ll \kappa_2\) this corresponds to the physical electron vortex beams generated in transmission electron microscopes ). The polarization (spin) state of the beam ([\[eq:8\]](#eq:8){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:8"}) is specified by setting the spinor \(w(\mathbf{p})\) for each plane wave in the spectrum. Assuming uniform polarization for all plane waves, i.e., \(w\) independent of \(\mathbf{p}\), our earlier calculations showed that the expectation value of spin and orbital AM in such electron vortex states become \[\langle S_z \rangle =(1-\Delta) \langle s_z \rangle, \quad \langle L_z \rangle = \ell + \Delta \langle s_z \rangle, \label{eq:10}\] where \(\Delta = (1-m / E) \sin^2 \theta_0\) is the SOI parameter involving the beam aperture angle \(\theta_0\). Equations ([\[eq:10\]](#eq:10){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:10"}) describe the SOI effect known as "spin-to-orbital AM conversion", which is well studied for non-paraxial light beams, both theoretically and experimentally. This shows that the orbital AM (and other observable orbital characteristics ) of relativistic particles become *spin-dependent*. Note that the expectation value \(\langle S_z \rangle\) in Eq. ([\[eq:10\]](#eq:10){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:10"}) follows from the plane-wave equation ([\[eq:7\]](#eq:7){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:7"}) after the substitutions \(\langle {\bf s} \rangle = \langle s_z \rangle\, \bar{\bf z}\) and \({\bf p}\cdot\bar{\bf z} = p\, \cos\theta_0\), where \(\bar{\bf z}\) is the unit vector along the \(z\)-axis. We also note that the SOI vanishes in the paraxial limit \(\theta_0 \to 0\). 3. Finally, the expectation value of the *position operator*, \(\langle \mathbf{r} \rangle\), can also reveal SOI effects. First, the spin-Hall effect, well studied for electrons and photons in external potentials, appears as a semiclassical spin-dependent correction in the equation of motion for \(d \langle \mathbf{r}\rangle / dt\). Second, we explicitly calculate the expectation value \(\langle \mathbf{r}_{\bot}\rangle\) for the transverse coordinates in the electron vortex beam. Obviously, \(\langle \mathbf{r}_{\bot} \rangle = 0\) for any cylindrically-symmetric probability density distribution. For the same beam in a reference frame moving perpendicular to the beam axis with a relativistic velocity \({\bf v} \bot \bar{\bf z}\), the beam centroid drifts back as \(-{\bf v} t'\), where primes denote quantities in the moving reference frame. Importantly, relativistic transformations of the angular-momentum tensor also require the centroid of the electron carrying intrinsic AM to be shifted in the direction orthogonal to both \(\mathbf{v}\) and \(\bar{\mathbf{z}}\). As a result, the expectation value of the electron coordinate in the moving frame becomes \[\langle\mathbf{r}^{\prime}_{\bot}\rangle =-\mathbf{v} t'-\frac{\mathbf{v} \times \langle {\bf J} \rangle}{2E}, \label{eq:11}\] where \(\langle \mathbf{J} \rangle = (\ell + \langle s_z \rangle)\bar{\bf z}\) for the vortex beams considered above. This AM-dependent tranverse shift induced by the transverse Lorentz boost can be called the *relativistic Hall effect*, and it is closely related to the phenomena of Thomas precession, SOI, and AM conservation.
# Projected and "Newton-Wigner-Foldy-Wouthuysen" operators {#sec:4}
Having meaningful expectation values, one might wish to construct more meaningful position, spin, and orbital AM operators, free of zitterbewegung effects. As mentioned above, there are two main ways of doing this.
## Projected operators {#sub:4.1}
The most natural way to provide electron position, spin and orbital AM operators is to *project* these onto positive-and negative-energy subspaces, eliminating the cross-terms corresponding to the electron-positron transitions. This idea was first suggested by Schrödinger and can be written as \[\boldsymbol{\mathcal{R}} = \Pi^+\mathbf{r}\Pi^+ + \Pi^-\mathbf{r}\Pi^-, \label{eq:12}\] where \[\Pi^{\pm} = \frac{1}{2} U_{\mathrm{FW}}^{\dagger} (1 \pm \beta) U_{\mathrm{FW}} = \frac{1}{2}\left(1 \pm \frac{m}{E} \beta\right) \pm \frac{\boldsymbol{\alpha}\cdot\mathbf{p}}{2E}\] are the projectors onto the corresponding subspaces, and only the "+" subspace contributes to the expectation values for pure-electron states. Equation ([\[eq:12\]](#eq:12){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:12"}) yields the following projected position operator in the standard and FW representations, \[\boldsymbol{\mathcal{R}} = \mathbf{r} + \frac{\mathbf{p}\times \mathbf{S}}{E^2} + i \frac{m \beta \boldsymbol{\alpha}}{2E^2}, \quad \boldsymbol{\mathcal{R}}_{\mathrm{FW}} = \mathbf{r} + \frac{\mathbf{p}\times \mathbf{S}}{E(E+m)}. \label{eq:13}\] The same projection procedure ([\[eq:12\]](#eq:12){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:12"}) can be applied to other operators. While it does not affect \({\bf p}\) and \({\bf J}\), the modified orbital and spin AM operators become \[\boldsymbol{\mathcal{L}}= \boldsymbol{\mathcal{R}} \times \mathbf{p}, \quad \boldsymbol{\mathcal{S}} = \mathbf{J}-\boldsymbol{\mathcal{L}}. \label{eq:14}\] Explicitly, the projected spin operator is \[\begin{aligned}
\boldsymbol{\mathcal{S}} & = \frac{m^2}{E^2} \mathbf{S} + \frac{(\mathbf{p}\cdot\mathbf{S})\mathbf{p}}{E^2}-i \frac{m \beta(\boldsymbol{\alpha}\times\mathbf{p})}{2E^2}, \nonumber \\ \boldsymbol{\mathcal{S}}_{\mathrm{FW}} & = \frac{m}{E} \mathbf{S} + \frac{(\mathbf{p}\cdot\mathbf{S})\mathbf{p}}{E(E+m)}. \label{eq:15} \end{aligned}\] Importantly, the projected spin ([\[eq:15\]](#eq:15){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:15"}) corresponds to the spatial part of the *Pauli-Lubanski 4-vector* \(\mathcal{W}^{\mu}\), which correctly describes the spin states of moving relativistic particles (i.e., generating the little group of the Poincaré group): \[\boldsymbol{\mathcal{S}} = \boldsymbol{\mathcal W}H^{-1},~~ \mathcal{W}^{\mu} \equiv (\mathcal{W}^0 ,\boldsymbol{\mathcal W}) = \left(\mathbf{p}\cdot\mathbf{S},\tfrac{1}{2}(\mathbf{S}H+H\mathbf{S})\right). \label{eq:16}\] We also note that the operator \(\boldsymbol{\mathcal{S}}_{\mathrm{FW}}\) explicitly reflects the structure of the expectation value of the relativistic electron spin \(\langle \mathbf{S} \rangle\), Eq. ([\[eq:7\]](#eq:7){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:7"}). Furthermore, since the electron wavefunction in the FW representation is reduced to the upper two components corresponding to the spinor \(w\), the projected operators ([\[eq:13\]](#eq:13){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:13"})--([\[eq:15\]](#eq:15){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:15"}) in the FW representation can be reduced to the \(2 \times 2\) operators acting on the "+" subspace: \(\mathbf{S} \to \mathbf{s} = \boldsymbol{\sigma}/2\). The projected operators have two important properties. First, they obey *proper time evolution* with conserved spin and orbital AM, \[\frac{d \boldsymbol{\mathcal{R}}}{d t} = i [H,\boldsymbol{\mathcal{R}}]= \mathbf{p}H^{-1}, \quad [H,\boldsymbol{\mathcal{S}}]=[H,\boldsymbol{\mathcal{L}}] = 0. \label{eq:17}\] Second, for any localized electron state they have the *same expectation values* as the corresponding canonical operators, \[\langle \boldsymbol{\mathcal{R}} \rangle = \langle \mathbf{r} \rangle, \quad \langle \boldsymbol{\mathcal{S}} \rangle = \langle \mathbf{S} \rangle, \quad \langle \boldsymbol{\mathcal{L}} \rangle = \langle \mathbf{L} \rangle. \label{eq:18}\] These follow automatically from the definition ([\[eq:12\]](#eq:12){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:12"}) assuming the states averaged over are pure electron states \(\psi^{e}\) (i.e., already in the "+" subspace). Thus, *the projection ([\[eq:12\]](#eq:12){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:12"}) affects the zitterbewegung phenomena for mixed electron-positron states but does not change observable quantities for pure electron states.* Projection onto the "\(+\)" and "\(-\)" subspaces plays the role of a constraint, and it modifies commutation relations of the operators (cf. for the photon analogs), \[\begin{aligned}
& =-i \varepsilon_{ijk} \frac{S_k}{E^2}, \label{eq:19} \\ [ \mathcal{S}_i, \mathcal{S}_j ] & = i \varepsilon_{ijk} \left( \mathcal S_k-\frac{(\mathbf{p}\cdot\boldsymbol{\mathcal{S}})p_k}{E^2}\right),\nonumber \\ [\mathcal{L}_i,\mathcal{L}_j] & = i \varepsilon_{ijk} \left( \mathcal L_k-\frac{(\mathbf{p}\cdot\boldsymbol{\mathcal{S}})p_k}{E^2}\right). \label{eq:20} \end{aligned}\] In modern terms, one says that the projection generates a nontrivial *Berry connection* \(\mathbf{A}_{B}(\mathbf{p})\) and *curvature* \(\mathbf{F}_{B} =-\boldsymbol{\mathcal S} / E^2\) in momentum space, resulting in covariant non-commutative coordinates (13) and (19): \(\boldsymbol{\mathcal{R}} = \mathbf{r} + \mathbf{A}_{B}, [\mathcal{R}_i, \mathcal{R}_j ] = i \varepsilon_{ijk} F_{B k}\). The above covariant (projected) operators underpin the modern theory of quasiparticles in solids (e.g., Bloch electrons) and relativistic spinning particles in external fields (including photons). This approach has two great advantages. First, it describes *observable Berry-phase and SOI phenomena*, from SOI Hamiltonians to Hall effects and topological states of matter. Second, the above approach *can be equally applied to massive and massless particles*, i.e., it is not singular in the \(m \to 0\) limit. In particular, for \(m = 0\), Eqs. ([\[eq:13\]](#eq:13){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:13"})--([\[eq:20\]](#eq:20){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:20"}) become equivalent to the analogous equations for photons or classical light. The only difference is that in the photon case there is no negative-energy subspace, and the so-called *transversality constraint* (\(\mathbf{p}\cdot\mathbf{E} = \mathbf{p}\cdot\mathbf{H} = 0\), where \(\mathbf{E}\) and \(\mathbf{H}\) are complex electric and magnetic field amplitudes) corresponds to the projection onto the transversal subspace (where Fourier components of the fields are orthogonal to the wave vectors). The drawback of this approach to the Dirac equation is that it allows one to deal with only purely-electron (or positron) states, excluding the *zitterbewegung* effects in mixed states. But in all cases where the type of particles is fixed, and the interband transitions (e.g., via scattering on external potentials) are negligible, this formalism perfectly describes the observable dynamics. The covariant (projected) operators, defined via the Berry connection and curvature, are now routinely used in a variety of wave systems. Moreover, in the relativistic-electron context, such operators were introduced long before the discovery of the Berry phase. First of all, in 1948 Pryce published a comprehensive study of various possible position and AM operators for relativistic particles. There, his "case (c)" with the position operator "\(\mathbf{q}\)" and the corresponding spin "\(\mathbf{S}\)" exactly correspond to the projected operators \(\boldsymbol{\mathcal{R}}\) and \(\boldsymbol{\mathcal{S}}\) considered here. In terms of the classical many-particle analogue of a quantum distributed wavefunction, Pryce introduced this position as follows: "*the coordinates of the mass-centre in a particular frame of reference is defined as the mean of the co-ordinates of the several particles weighted with their dynamical masses (energies)*". One might think that this corresponds to the *center of energy* of the electron state. However this is not the case. Pryce calculated his operator using the center-of-energy operator \(\mathbf{N} = \tfrac{1}{2}(\mathbf{r}H + H\mathbf{r})\) as \(\mathbf{q} = \tfrac{1}{2}(H^{-1} {\bf N} + {\bf N} H^{-1})\). In fact, \(\mathbf{q} = \boldsymbol{\mathcal{R}}\), and its expectation value for a single-electron state corresponds to the *center of the probability density* (center of charge), while the center of energy is defined as \(\mathbf{r}_E = \langle {\bf N} \rangle / \langle H \rangle \neq \langle \mathbf{q} \rangle\). The difference is important, e.g., for the "relativistic Hall effect" ([\[eq:11\]](#eq:11){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:11"}), where the center of energy \(\mathbf{r}_E\) undergoes the transverse shift twice as large as the center of the probability density. Second, the projected position operator \(\boldsymbol{\mathcal{R}}\) and the spin-Hall effect corresponding to it appeared in 1959 in the work of Adams and Blount (up to some arithmetic inaccuracies therein). There, the Dirac-equation calculations are given in Appendix A as an example of application of the generic formalism describing electrons in solids. This approach anticipated the modern Berry-phase formalism. Third, a detailed analysis of the projected position operators for electrons and photons was provided in the papers by Fleming in 1965, in the book by Bacry in 1988, and also in a comprehensive monograph by Thaller in 1992. The connection of the projected spin operator with the Pauli-Lubanski vector was revealed by Czachor in 1997. Finally, accurate Berry-phase descriptions with analyses of observable SOI effects in free space and in external fields was given by Berard and Mohrbach (2006), Bliokh (2005), Chang and Niu (2008), and Bliokh *et al.* (2011). The main equations and properties of the projected electron operators are summarized in Table [\[table\]](#table){reference-type="ref" reference="table"}.
## "Newton-Wigner-Foldy-Wouthuysen" operators {#sub:4.2}
An alternative way to construct relativistic-electron operators with proper time evolution is to use the *inverse FW transformation* instead of the projection ([\[eq:12\]](#eq:12){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:12"}): \]\begin{aligned}
\tilde{\mathbf{r}} = U_{\mathrm{FW}}^{\dagger} \mathbf{r} U_{\mathrm{FW}}, \nonumber \\ \tilde{\mathbf{L}} = U_{\mathrm{FW}}^{\dagger} \mathbf{L} U_{\mathrm{FW}} = \tilde{\mathbf{r}} \times \mathbf{p}, ~~ \tilde{\mathbf{S}} & = U_{\mathrm{FW}}^{\dagger} \mathbf{S} U_{\mathrm{FW}} = \mathbf{J}-\tilde{\mathbf{L}}. \label{eq:21} \end{aligned}\[ Obviously, in the FW representation these operators acquire the canonical forms \]\tilde{\mathbf{r}}_{\mathrm{FW}} = \mathbf{r}, \quad \tilde{\mathbf{L}}_{\mathrm{FW}} = \mathbf{L} = \mathbf{r}\times\mathbf{p}, \quad \tilde{\mathbf{S}}_{\mathrm{FW}} = \mathbf{S}. \label{eq:22}\[ From here, using \(H_{\mathrm{FW}} = \beta E\), one can readily see that these operators obey the proper time evolution similar to Eqs. ([\[eq:17\]](#eq:17){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:17"}), \]\frac{d\tilde{\mathbf{r}}}{dt} = i[H,\tilde{\mathbf{r}}] = \mathbf{p}H^{-1}, \quad [H,\tilde{\mathbf{S}}] = [H,\tilde{\mathbf{L}}] =0. \label{eq:23}\[ One can also see that these operators obey canonical commutation relations \[cf. Eqs. ([\[eq:19\]](#eq:19){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:19"}) and ([\[eq:20\]](#eq:20){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:20"})\] \]= 0,\quad [\tilde{S}_i,\tilde{S}_j] = i \varepsilon_{ijk} \tilde{S}_k,\quad [\tilde{L}_i,\tilde{L}_j] = i \varepsilon_{ijk} \tilde{L}_k. \label{eq:24}\[ In the standard representation, the position and spin operators ([\[eq:21\]](#eq:21){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:21"}) read: \]\begin{aligned}
\tilde{\mathbf{r}} & = \mathbf{r} + \frac{\mathbf{p}\times \mathbf{S}}{E(E+m)} + i \frac{\beta\boldsymbol{\alpha}}{2E}-i \frac{\beta (\boldsymbol{\alpha}\cdot \mathbf{p})\mathbf{p}}{2E^2 (E+m)}, \nonumber\\ \tilde{\mathbf{S}} & = \frac{m}{E}\mathbf{S} + \frac{(\mathbf{p}\cdot \mathbf{S})\mathbf{p}}{E(E+m)}-i \frac{\beta(\boldsymbol{\alpha}\times \mathbf{p})}{2E}. \label{eq:25} \end{aligned}\[ The operator \(\tilde{\mathbf{r}}\) is well known as the Newton-Wigner position operator, while the general approach ([\[eq:21\]](#eq:21){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:21"})--([\[eq:25\]](#eq:25){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:25"}) was described by Foldy and Wouthuysen. Therefore we refer to the operators ([\[eq:21\]](#eq:21){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:21"})--([\[eq:25\]](#eq:25){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:25"}) as the *Newton-Wigner-Foldy-Wouthuysen (NWFW)* operators. Despite the proper time evolution ([\[eq:23\]](#eq:23){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:23"}), these operators have a serious drawback, namely, their *expectation values differ from the canonical ones* \[cf. Eqs. ([\[eq:18\]](#eq:18){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:18"})\]: \]\langle \tilde{\mathbf{r}} \rangle \neq \langle \mathbf{r} \rangle, \quad \langle \tilde{\mathbf{S}} \rangle \neq \langle \mathbf{S} \rangle, \quad \langle \tilde{\mathbf{L}} \rangle \neq \langle \mathbf{L} \rangle, \label{eq:26}\[ For example, using the FW representation \(\tilde{\mathbf{S}}_{\mathrm{FW}} = \mathbf{S}\), we easily see that the expectation value of the NWFW spin for a plane electron wave ([\[eq:2\]](#eq:2){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:2"}) yields \]\langle \tilde{\mathbf{S}} \rangle = \langle \mathbf{s} \rangle. \label{eq:27}\[ Evidently, this is the *non-relativistic spin in the electron rest frame* instead of the relativistic momentum-dependent spin ([\[eq:7\]](#eq:7){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:7"}). Similarly, the spin-to-orbital AM conversion ([\[eq:10\]](#eq:10){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:10"}) in nonparaxial electron vortex beams is missing for the NWFW operators: \]\langle \tilde{S}_z \rangle = \langle s_z \rangle, \quad \langle \tilde{L}_z \rangle = \ell. \label{eq:28}\[ Thus, *relativistic transformations of the dynamical properties of the electron and the SOI phenomena are missing for these operators*. This contradicts numerous observable SOI effects (spin-dependent orbital characteristics), known for both electron and optical (photon) fields. Note that the most standard textbook example of the SOI energy responsible for the fine structure of atomic levels is naturally derived from the projected coordinate operator \(\boldsymbol{\mathcal{R}}\) using the non-relativistic limit (\(p \ll m\)) in the FW representation, where the electron wavefunction is two-component. Considering a spherically-symmetric potential \(V(r)\), we obtain, in the FW representation \]\begin{aligned}
\boldsymbol{\mathcal{R}}_{\mathrm{FW}}^2 & \simeq \mathbf{r}^2 + \frac{\mathbf{r}\cdot(\mathbf{p} \times \mathbf{S})}{m^2} = \mathbf{r}^2 + \frac{\mathbf{L}\cdot\mathbf{S}}{m^2}, \nonumber \\ V(|\boldsymbol{\mathcal{R}}_{\mathrm{FW}}|) & \simeq V(r) + \frac{d V(r)}{dr} \frac{\mathbf{L}\cdot\mathbf{S}}{2 m^2 r}. \label{eq:29} \end{aligned}\(\) Here the correction term (with the trivial reduction \(\mathbf{S} \to \mathbf{s}\)) is the well-known SOI energy. Equation ([\[eq:29\]](#eq:29){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:29"}) shows that the NWFW position operator \(\tilde{\mathbf{r}}_{\mathrm{FW}} = \mathbf{r}\) corresponds to the *canonical* coordinates in the Pauli Hamiltonian with a separate SOI term (absent in the full Dirac equation!), while the projected position \(\boldsymbol{\mathcal{R}}_{\mathrm{FW}}\) describes the *covariant* coordinates, and the SOI is *intrinsically* present in the potential-energy term \(V(r)\). Importantly, it is the covariant (i.e., projected) coordinates that correspond to the actual centroid of a localized electron state. Moreover, the covariant coordinates determine the equations of motions of the electron in smooth external potentials, while canonical coordinates can produce erroneous results, as shown in. Another important drawback of the NWFW operators is that they *cannot be extended to the case of massless particles* (e.g., Weyl particles or photons). Therefore, this approach is *singular* in the \(m \to 0\) limit. This is explained by the fact that such operators are associated with the rest-frame properties of the electron, while there is no rest frame for massless particles. This feature makes the NWFW approach not suitable for condensed matter systems. There, effective masses (gaps in the spectra) can vary, passing via zeros (Dirac or Weyl points), depending on tunable parameters of the system. Therefore, the description of solid-state electrons requires a formalism depending smoothly on \(m\). Moreover, solid-state electrons exhibit numerous observable SOI effects, which underlie the field of spintronics. Historically, the NWFW operators first appeared in 1948 in the same work by Pryce. They correspond to the "case (e)" and position "\(\tilde{\mathbf{q}}\)" and spin "\(\tilde{\mathbf{S}}\)". Pryce derived these operators to "improve" the non-canonical commutation relations ([\[eq:19\]](#eq:19){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:19"}) and ([\[eq:20\]](#eq:20){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:20"}). He also explicitly mentioned the close relation of the position operator \(\tilde{\mathbf{q}} = \tilde{\mathbf{r}}\) to the rest frame and impossibility to use it for photons. One year later, Newton and Wigner suggested the operator \(\tilde{\mathbf{r}}\) again using arguments related to the localizability of massive quantum particles. Finally, the whole approach, including spin and orbital AM \(\tilde{\mathbf{S}}\) and \(\tilde{\mathbf{L}}\), was described in 1950 by Foldy and Wouthuysen (up to an arithmetic inaccuracy in \(\tilde{\mathbf{r}}\)). This approach was criticized by Bacry in favor of the projected-operators formalism. Finally, very recently Barnett revisited this formalism in suggesting the same spin and orbital AM \(\tilde{\mathbf{S}}\) and \(\tilde{\mathbf{L}}\) (up to a missing factor of \(1/2\) in the \(\beta(\boldsymbol{\alpha}\times \mathbf{p})\)-terms), which are free of the SOI. The main equations and properties of the NWFW electron operators are summarized in Table I.
# Discussion {#sec:5}
In conclusion, we have reviewed and compared two approaches to the description of the position, spin, and angular momentum (AM) of a relativistic electron. The first one is based on the projection of canonical Dirac operators onto the positive-energy (electron) subspace, whereas the second one assumes canonical form of operators in the Foldy-Wouthuysen (FW) representation. We have shown that the "projected" formalism results in the same observable phenomena and expectation values as the canonical Dirac approach, while elucidating the spin-orbit interaction (SOI) effects via the Berry-phase formalism. In turn, the second formalism produces the "Newton-Wigner-Foldy-Wouthuysen" (NWFW) operators with essentially different physical properties. Most importantly, because of the close relation of the NWFW operators to the rest-frame properties of the electron, this approach lacks SOI phenomena (in the full Dirac treatment) and has a singular zero-mass limit. The following qualitative arguments could shed some light on the peculiarities of the NWFW operators. First, the FW transformation ([\[eq:3\]](#eq:3){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:3"}) is defined in the momentum representation, and it transforms the electron plane-wave bispinor ([\[eq:2\]](#eq:2){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:2"}) to the spinor \(W_{\mathrm{FW}} =(w,0)^T\). Consider now the *Lorentz boost* of an electron plane wave to the rest frame. It is given by the non-unitary Hermitian operator \(\Lambda = \frac{E+m-\boldsymbol{\alpha}\cdot \mathbf{p}}{\sqrt{2E(E+m)}},\) resembling \(U_{\mathrm{FW}}\) and transforming the bispinor ([\[eq:2\]](#eq:2){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:2"}) to \(W' = \Lambda W = \sqrt{m/E} (w,0)^T\). Thus, one can regard the FW transformation as a "unitary counterpart of the Lorentz boost to the rest frame". This explains why the NWFW operators, chosen as "canonical in the FW representation" describe some rest-frame properties of the electron, such as the rest-frame spin ([\[eq:27\]](#eq:27){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:27"}). Second, we consider the transition from the Dirac equation to the non-relativistic Schrödinger equation with Pauli Hamiltonian (including the SOI term) and two-component wavefunction \(\varphi_{\mathrm{Pauli}}\). Writing the Dirac bispinor wavefunction as \(\psi = (\varphi,\chi)^T,\) the Pauli wavefunction is given by \(\varphi_{\mathrm{Pauli}} \simeq \left(1+\frac{p^2}{8m^2}\right)\varphi\), where we used \(p \ll m\) and omitted the phase factor \(\exp(imt/\hbar)\). In the same approximation, using \(\chi \simeq \frac{\boldsymbol{\sigma}\cdot\mathbf{p}}{2m}\varphi\) and \(U_{\mathrm{FW}} \simeq 1 + \frac{\beta \boldsymbol{\alpha}\cdot\mathbf{p}}{2m}-\frac{p^2}{8m^2}\), the FW wavefunction \(\psi_{\mathrm{FW}} = (\varphi_{\mathrm{FW}},0)\) reduces to the *same Pauli spinor*: \(\varphi_{\mathrm{FW}} \simeq \varphi_{\mathrm{Pauli}}\). Thus, one can say that the non-relativistic two-component Pauli wavefunction corresponds to the relativistic *FW wavefunction*. Therefore, the NWFW position operator \(\tilde{\mathbf{r}}\), having canonical form in the FW representation, appears as the *canonical* coordinates \(\mathbf{r}\) in the Pauli Hamiltonian, and an additional SOI term arises there. However, one should remember that the FW transformation is *nonlocal* in real space, and this nonlocality is hidden in the Pauli Hamiltonian and wavefunction. Using the canonical Dirac position and projecting it onto the electron subspace results in the position operator \(\boldsymbol{\mathcal{R}}_{\mathrm{FW}}\) (with the trivial reduction \(\mathbf{S} \to \mathbf{s}\)) in the Pauli formalism. This operator corresponds to *covariant* coordinates, which describe the electron centroid and determine the covariant equations of motion. Moreover, this position operator reveals the intrinsic nonlocality of the Pauli formalism via anomalous commutation relations ([\[eq:19\]](#eq:19){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:19"}) and unveils the geometric Berry-phase origin of the SOI term ([\[eq:29\]](#eq:29){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:29"}) in the Pauli Hamiltonian. In terms of covariant operators, the SOI does not require additional terms in the Hamiltonian but appears as an inherent electron feature, as in the full Dirac equation. In this work we mostly considered properties of the Dirac electron in *free space*, i.e., without external potentials. In the presence of potentials, the problem is complicated considerably. Indeed, in this case the notion of a pure *electron* does not make sense, and the combined *electron-positron* description becomes necessary. Therefore, rigorously speaking, the projected operators are applicable in external potentials only in the adiabatic (semiclassical) approximation, when the electron-positron transitions are negligible. Nonetheless, even in scattering problems with electron-positron transitions, the incoming and outgoing states of relativistic electrons and positrons can be described using projected operators (e.g., the Pauli-Lubanski spin vector). A detailed comparison of various spin definitions in the presence of external potentials was recently provided in. We finally note that, rigorously speaking, the domains of applicability of the operators under discussion imply square-integrable electron wavefunctions localized in three spatial dimensions. In this manner, all of the explicit examples mentioned in and in the present work should be considered as simplified illustrations, while a more accurate wavepacket treatment may reveal additional fine features. We acknowledge helpful discussions with Michael Berry, Iwo Bialynicki-Birula, Michael Stone, and Heiko Bauke. This work was supported by the RIKEN iTHES Project, MURI Center for Dynamic Magneto-Optics via the AFOSR Award No. FA9550-14-1-0040, the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (KAKENHI), the IMPACT program of JST, CREST grant No. JPMJCR1676, the John Templeton Foundation, and the Australian Research Council. | {'timestamp': '2017-08-04T02:09:11', 'yymm': '1706', 'arxiv_id': '1706.01658', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.01658'} |
# Introduction
Magnetic skyrmions are nanoscale whirling spin configurations. Their small size, topological protection and the fact that they can be manipulated by small in-plane current densities have opened a new paradigm to manipulate the magnetization at the nanoscale. This has led to proposals for novel memory and logic devices in which the magnetic skyrmions are the information carriers. They were first observed in B20 chiral magnets thin films within confined geometries, and in ultrathin epitaxial films at low temperature. The recent observation of room-temperature magnetic skyrmions and their current-induced manipulation in sputtered magnetic films have lifted an important bottleneck toward the practical realization of such devices. However, these experiments have also underlined the sensitivity of the skyrmions dynamics to the defects in the materials as well as the edges which can impede reliable motion. This raises the question of stability-nucleation and annihilation-in these sputtered ultrathin magnetic films. More recently, the influence of the granular structure and the inherent disorder of these films on the skyrmions stability have begun to be addressed. Here we report on the observation of the effect of the lateral confinement, a perpendicular magnetic field and the local pinning sites on the magnetic texture in sputtered Pt/Co/MgO ultrathin nanostructures with isolated room-temperature magnetic skyrmions. In particular, the evolution of the mean skyrmion diameter in sub-micrometers nanotracks and nanodots is followed by high resolution magnetic imaging. These experimental results are supported by micromagnetic simulations which reproduce well the magnetic field dependence of the skyrmion size in the different geometries. Notably, we show that the granular structure of the sputtered materials leads to local pinning of the skyrmion which can strongly affect its shape and size. Our results underline that the local pinning and the sample's geometry play an important role in the field dependence of the skyrmion size and its stability in ultrathin films.
# Methods
We used X-ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism combined with Photo-Emission Electron Microscopy (XMCD-PEEM) at room-temperature to obtain a direct image of the magnetization pattern with a high lateral spatial resolution (down to \(\sim\) 30 nm). The observed contrast is proportional to the projection of the magnetization on the incident X-ray beam direction, which is impinging on the sample under a grazing angle of 16. As a result, the magnetic contrast is about 3.5 times larger for the magnetization in the sample plane as compared to the magnetization perpendicular to it. As shown in our previous work, this allows the direct observation of the internal spin structure of magnetic domain walls (DWs) or magnetic skyrmions. The XMCD-PEEM experiments were carried out with the SPELEEM III microscope (Elmitec GmbH) at the Nanospectroscopy beamline at the Elettra synchrotron in Basovizza, Trieste, Italy, at the CIRCE beamline at the Alba synchrotron, Barcelona, Spain and at the IO6 beamline at the Diamond synchrotron, Didcot, UK. The Ta(3)/Pt(3)/Co(0.5-1.1)/MgO\(_x\)/Ta(2) (thickness in nm) film was deposited by magnetron sputtering on a 100 mm high-resistivity Si wafer, then annealed for 1.5 h at 250 C under vacuum and an in-plane magnetic field of 240 mT. The Co layer was deposited as a wedge. The magnetic domains in the thin film are perpendicularly magnetized. All the images presented correspond to a nominal Co thickness of about 1.0 nm, an area close to the reorientation transition and were obtained at room temperature. The micromagnetic simulations were performed using the Mumax3 code. We used the following micromagnetic parameters extracted from our previous experiments : the Co layer thickness t = 1.06 nm, the exchange constant A = 2.75\(\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}10\(^{-11}\) J.m\(^{-1}\), the uniaxial anisotropy constant K\(_u\) = 1.45\(\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}10\(^{6}\) J.m\(^{-3}\), the interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction constant D = 2.05\(\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}10\(^{-3}\) J.m\(^{-2}\), and the saturation magnetization M\(_s\) = 1.44\(\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}10\(^{6}\) A.m\(^{-1}\). For all the geometries considered hereafter, the cells size is 1 nm \(\times\) 1 nm \(\times\) 1.06 nm with only one cell across the film thickness, so that the magnetization is supposed to be uniform along this direction. For convenience, all the simulations were performed at T = 0 K, although temperature should play a significant role on the skyrmion stabilization and interaction with the local disorder. Finally, we define \(d_s\) as the mean skyrmion diameter, namely the diameter that would have a perfectly circular bubble with the same area as the distorted one.
# Results and discussion
## Observation of room-temperature magnetic skyrmions in nanotracks
At remanence or in the presence of a small magnetic field (\(<\) 2 mT), worm-like domains are observed in the tracks (Fig.[\[tracks images\]](#tracks images){reference-type="ref" reference="tracks images"}.a), a configuration which minimizes the dipolar energy. These worms tend to align with the tracks, while they are randomly oriented in the largest areas of the nanostructures. Moreover, they seem to be repelled from the edges, which is reproduced well by the simulations. Interestingly, a strong white (black) contrast is observed on the upper (bottom) DWs delimiting the worm-like domains (see inset of Fig.[\[tracks images\]](#tracks images){reference-type="ref" reference="tracks images"}.a). As the contrast is proportional to the projection of the magnetization along the X-ray propagation direction, and the DWs are perpendicular to this direction, the contrast is consistent with DWs having a left-handed homochiral Néel structure. This internal DW structure is reproduced well by the micromagnetic simulations. When applying a larger magnetic field (typically B\(_z>\) 2 mT) the initial worm-like domains shrink and lead to the formation of isolated skyrmions (Fig.[\[tracks images\]](#tracks images){reference-type="ref" reference="tracks images"}.b-c). Again, the white/black contrast at the top/bottom edge of the skyrmion demonstrates that the homochiral Néel structure is conserved (see inset of Fig.[\[tracks images\]](#tracks images){reference-type="ref" reference="tracks images"}.b).\
The average skyrmion diameter is plotted as a function of \(B_z\) in Fig.[\[tracks graph\]](#tracks graph){reference-type="ref" reference="tracks graph"} for tracks of two different widths (300 nm and 500 nm) along with the results of the simulations. For both wire widths, a large decrease of the skyrmions size is observed when small fields (\(\sim\) 5 mT) are applied. In the 300 nm tracks, the average diameter changes from 140 nm down to 80 nm, showing a large susceptibility of the skyrmions size to B\(_z\). In addition, we observe that the track width affects the skyrmions size in particular at low magnetic field: the narrower the track the smaller the skyrmions, as suggested by previous numerical studies. This geometrical confinement effect can be explained by the dipolar interactions of the DWs delimiting the skyrmion with the magnetic charges on the tracks edges. These results thus show that the skyrmion size can be easily tuned by playing both on the lateral confinement and the magnetic field [^1]. As the magnetic field increases and the skyrmion diameter decreases, the influence of the track width on the skyrmion becomes smaller, indicating that the skyrmion equilibrium size is governed by the Zeeman energy term and that the dipolar interaction with the track edges plays a less important role. However, we also see experimentally that, for B\(_z=\) 6.7 mT, some of the skyrmions are not visible anymore and even more have disappeared at B\(_z=\) 8.5 mT. In fact they are too small to be observed, since by decreasing the magnetic field down to \(\sim\) 1 mT (not shown), the skyrmions expand and turn into worm-like domains at the same position as they were initially. Interestingly, we observed in 540 nm-wide tracks, that magnetic skyrmions can be stabilized also at zero external magnetic field (see Fig.[\[tracks images\]](#tracks images){reference-type="ref" reference="tracks images"}.d); this can be attributed to the presence of local pinning sites.\
In the following section, we present the results of the observation of magnetic skyrmions in a Pt/Co/MgO circular nanodot and we discuss the role played by the local disorder on the field dependence of the skyrmion size.
## Magnetic skyrmion in a circular nanodot
The images presented in Fig.[\[dot\]](#dot){reference-type="ref" reference="dot"}.a. show a magnetic skyrmion in a 630 nm-diameter circular dot at zero external magnetic field with a diameter of about 190 nm. We first observe that the skyrmion is positionned near the edge of the dot, whereas the dipolar repulsion from the edges favor a skyrmion position in the center of the dot. This suggests that the skyrmion is pinned by local defects near the edge of the dot. The application of a small perpendicular magnetic field does not change substantially the skyrmion structure and its size (Fig.[\[dot\]](#dot){reference-type="ref" reference="dot"}.b, B\(_z\) = 1.5 mT) up to a critical field B\(_z\) = 2.8 mT where a sudden decrease of the skyrmion diameter to 90 nm is observed (see Fig.[\[dot\]](#dot){reference-type="ref" reference="dot"}.c-d and stars in Fig.[\[dot\]](#dot){reference-type="ref" reference="dot"}.e). Moreover, the skyrmion appears slightly distorted for B\(_z<\) 2.4 mT while it is circularly shaped for B\(_z>\) 2.4 mT.\
To better understand these experimental results, we performed micromagnetic simulations in the case of a perfect disorder-free film. The initial state is a 200 nm-diameter circular bubble placed at the center of the 630 nm-diameter circular dot; this configuration is then relaxed to the minimum energy state at zero field. When the magnetic field increases, the skyrmion diameter decreases continuously and covers a wider range of sizes than the one observed (see Fig.[\[dot\]](#dot){reference-type="ref" reference="dot"}.e, red dots). Moreover, the contraction of the core is isotropic and the skyrmion stays in the center of the dot (not shown), as expected notably from the symmetry of the demagnetizing field.\
Is it well known that the polycrystalline grain structure of magnetic ultrathin films is a source of local pinning for magnetic DWs. To model it, we introduce a grain distribution with a fixed average grain size \(g\). From grain to grain, we assume that the uniaxial anisotropy constant fluctuates randomly following a Gaussian distribution with a mean value K\(_{u,0}\) (the measured macroscopic value) and a standard deviation \(\delta\)K\(_uK_{u,0}\), where \(\delta\)K\(_u\) quantifies the pinning strength. The grain size and the anisotropy were varied respectively within the ranges 10 nm \(\leq{}g\leq\) 100 nm and 2.5 % \(\leq\delta\)K\(_u\leq\) 10 % with multiple realizations for each set of parameters. Our simulations reveal a very similar behavior to the experimental one for several realizations of grains distributions (*i.e.* for given sets of parameters {g, \(\delta\)K\(_u\)}). We show in Fig.[\[dot\]](#dot){reference-type="ref" reference="dot"}.e. (green squares) the dependence of the skyrmion diameter on the perpendicular magnetic field for a specific realization, shown in Fig.[\[dot\]](#dot){reference-type="ref" reference="dot"}.f-h, with \(g=\) 70 nm and \(\delta\)K\(_u\) = 2.5 %. As it is observed experimentally, the skyrmion diameter decreases in a step-like fashion when the magnetic field reaches a certain critical value. On the images presented in Fig.[\[dot\]](#dot){reference-type="ref" reference="dot"}.f-h, the center of the DW delimiting the skyrmion is represented on the grain structure at zero field, before (B\(_z\) = 2.25 mT) and after the jump (B\(_z\)= 2.5 mT) respectively; with m\(_z<\) 0 inside the white border and m\(_z>\) 0 outside. The color scale indicates the amplitude of the anisotropy constant in each grain. The case of relatively large grains (\(g=\) 70 nm) has been chosen for clarity but other grain configurations allow to reproduce this step-like behavior. For B\(_z\leq\) 2.25 mT, the equilibrium position and shape of the skyrmion is determined by the grains of weakest anisotropy (darkest regions) so that, in order to lower the DW energy, the skyrmion core is stretched away from its initial circular shape and its initial position in the center of the dot. In this field range, the skyrmion is trapped in its initial position by the local grain structure and the magnetic field affects little its shape and position. When the depinning field (B\(_z\) = 2.5 mT) is reached, the skyrmion prefers to jump in a neighboring region where the anisotropy is smaller leading to smaller DW energy despite the additional cost in dipolar energy away for the dot center. Thus, the polycrystalline grain structure of the sputtered material allows to reproduce the experimentally observed step-like behavior when applying an external magnetic field, as well as the local pinning near the edge.
## Statistical study: influence of the grain size g and the pinning strength \(\delta\)K\(_u\)
In the previous section, we discussed one particular example and showed that one can find configurations which reproduce well the behavior of the skyrmion in a nanodot under an out-of-plane magnetic field. Here we investigate the influence of the characteristic parameters of the disorder: the grain size \(g\) and the pinning strength \(\delta\)K\(_u\). For each set of parameters {\(g\), \(\delta\)K\(_u\)}, the diameter is averaged over multiple realizations and \(<d_s>\) will refer to the skyrmion diameter averaged over 50 different realizations (\(g\) and \(\delta\)K\(_u\) being fixed).\
In Fig.[\[Ku2.5, ds vs g, slope\]](#Ku2.5, ds vs g, slope){reference-type="ref" reference="Ku2.5, ds vs g, slope"}.a, \(<d_s>\) is plotted as a function of the applied magnetic field for grain sizes between 10 nm and 100 nm and for \(\delta\)K\(_u\) = 2.5%. For comparison, the case of an ideal, disorder-free film (red dots) and the experimental measurements (black stars) are also represented. It appears that, on average, the skyrmion size and its field dependence are little affected by the grain size, except for the smallest one considered (\(g=\) 10 nm) where skyrmions are less sensitive to the pinning at high field. In fact, this behavior is observed for larger values of \(\delta\)K\(_u\) (up to 10 % in this study), meaning that the skyrmion is more sensitive to the applied field for \(g=\) 10 nm than for all the other grain sizes considered here. However, for \(g\) ranging between 20 nm and 100 nm, there is no monotonic variation of the diameter with the grain size. We note that this seems in contrast with previous numerical reports where a maximum in the DW depinning field was observed when the mean grain size equals the DW width \(\pi\Delta\). We do not observe such a maximum in our simulations when \(g\) = \(\pi{}\Delta{}\) = 40 nm.\
To complete the picture, the graph of Fig.[\[Ku2.5, ds vs g, slope\]](#Ku2.5, ds vs g, slope){reference-type="ref" reference="Ku2.5, ds vs g, slope"}.b shows \(<d_s>\) as a function of \(g\) at zero applied field and for two different pinning strengths: \(\delta\)K\(_u\) = 2.5 % and \(\delta\)K\(_u\) = 10 %. We observe that at low pinning strength, the skyrmion diameter is approximately constant with the grain size, whereas it increases on average for larger pinning strength, but this is negligible for \(g\leq\) 50 nm. Note that this remains true at higher fields. In fact, at high pinning, the initial state is stretched out after relaxation and this effect is all the more important as the grain size increases and it very often turns skyrmions into worm-like domains. This results in a small shift (along the y-axis) of the curves \(<d_s(\)B\(_z)>\) for \(\delta\)K\(_u\) = 10 % and \(g\geq\) 50 nm (not shown). However, it does not affect the field dependence, as it is discussed hereafter. On the contrary, for relatively weak pinning strengths (\(\delta\)K\(_u\) = 2.5 % and \(\delta\)K\(_u\) = 5 %), the skyrmion recovers its initial circular symmetry at high field, as shown in Fig.[\[dot\]](#dot){reference-type="ref" reference="dot"}.h. When starting from a large magnetic field and decreasing its amplitude, the quasi-circular skyrmion very often expands into an irregularly-shaped domain, a behavior observed in other systems and attributed to structural defects. An additional interesting feature is that the standard deviation (error bars) increases with the grain size for both pinning strengths, suggesting that for a strong anisotropy disorder and for a large film surface, for instance a one-dimensional track, one will be more likely to observe an important dispersion in terms of sizes and shapes for large grains.\
We now discuss the influence of the pinning strength on the magnetic field susceptibility of the skyrmion size. We define \(\eta\) as the slope (absolute value) obtained from a linear fit of the curves \(<d_s(\)B\(_z)>\) within the field range 2 mT \(\leq\) B\(_z\) \(\leq\) 5 mT and at fixed g and \(\delta\)K\(_u\), consistently with our experimental results (Fig.[\[tracks graph\]](#tracks graph){reference-type="ref" reference="tracks graph"}). Since, for a given pinning strength, no significant change in this slope with the mean grain size is observed (see Fig.[\[Ku2.5, ds vs g, slope\]](#Ku2.5, ds vs g, slope){reference-type="ref" reference="Ku2.5, ds vs g, slope"}.a for the case \(\delta\)K\(_u=\) 2.5 %), we plot the average value \(<\eta>_g\) of the slope \(\eta\) over the grain size \(g\) as a function of \(\delta\)K\(_u\) in Fig [\[Ku2.5, ds vs g, slope\]](#Ku2.5, ds vs g, slope){reference-type="ref" reference="Ku2.5, ds vs g, slope"}.c. We see that \(<\eta{}>_g\), which quantifies the sensitivity of the skyrmion to the applied magnetic field, decreases rapidly for \(\delta\)K\(_u\) between 2.5 % and 7.5 % and then seems to saturate. When the disorder is too important, in this case \(\delta\)K\(_u\geq\) 7.5 %, the skyrmion shape and size is fully determined by the grains and the anisotropy mapping and the small external magnetic field has little influence on the final state. This is also confirmed by the small standard deviation observed for \(\delta\)K\(_u=\) 10 %: whatever the grain size, when the anisotropy disorder is strong, the effect of the magnetic field becomes negligible. Actually, the probability for a step-like decrease of the diameter falls to zero within this field range as soon as \(\delta\)K\(_u\geq\) 7.5 %. The field sensitivity of the skyrmion diameter thus provides an indirect way to assess the disorder in the thin film and our experimental value of \(\eta=\) 17 nm.mT\(^{-1}\) in the 500 nm-wide tracks indicates a disorder \(\delta\)K\(_u\) typically lower than 5 %.
# Conclusion
In conclusion, we have observed that the skyrmion size in Pt/Co(1 nm)/MgO can be easily tuned by reducing the dimensions of the nanostructures and that magnetic field amplitudes of a few mT allow to reach sub-100 nm diameters. These observations also highlight the important role of the pinning on the skyrmion size and stability under an out-of-plane magnetic field. Micromagnetic simulations reveal that the effect of local pinning can be well accounted for by considering the thin film grain structure with local anisotropy variations and reproduce well the dependence of the skyrmion diameter on the magnetic field and the geometry. Our simulation suggests a relatively small anisotropy disorder in our thin films (typically, \(\delta\)K\(_u\leq\) 5 %). These results also reflect that the Pt/Co/MgO system, due to its simple structure, can be efficiently modeled, which paves the way for further experimental and micromagnetic investigations.
[^1]: A similar field dependence of the skyrmions size has been observed in larger structures, as reported by S. Woo *et al.* in 2 m-diameter Pt/Co/Ta disks (see, Supplementary Information). Nevertheless, in our case, the skyrmions number and their size are limited by the track width at small fields. | {'timestamp': '2017-06-14T02:08:52', 'yymm': '1706', 'arxiv_id': '1706.01726', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.01726'} |
# Introduction
Random fields governed by systems of stochastic partial differential equations (SPDEs) have been used to model many physical phenomena in random environments such as the motion of a random string, stochastic fluid mechanic, the precessional motion of magnetisation with random perturbations, and so on; specific models can be founded in and references therein. This paper concerns the smoothness properties of the random field \[{\bm{u}}=(u^{1},\dots,u^{N})':\R^{d}\times[0,\infty)\times\PS\to\R^{N}\] described by the following linear system of SPDEs: \[\md u^{\alpha}=\big(a_{\alpha\beta}^{ij}\partial_{ij}u^{\beta}+b_{\alpha\beta}^{i}\partial_{i}u^{\beta}+c_{\alpha\beta}u^{\beta}+f_{\alpha}\big)\,\md t+\bigl(\sigma_{\alpha\beta}^{ik}\partial_{i}u^{\beta}+\nu_{\alpha\beta}^{k}u^{\beta}+g_{\alpha}^{k}\bigr)\,\md\BM_{t}^{k},\label{eq:main}\] where \(\{\BM^{k}\}\) are countable independent Wiener processes defined on a filtered complete probability space \((\Omega,\mathcal{F},(\mathcal{F}_{t})_{t\ge 0},\Prob)\), and Einstein's summation convention is used with \[i,j=1,2,\dots,d;\text{\quad}\alpha,\beta=1,2,\dots,N;\quad k=1,2,\dots,\] and the coefficients and free terms are all random fields. Considering infinitely many Wiener processes enables us to treat systems driven by space-time white noise (see ). Regularity theory for system [\[eq:main\]](#eq:main){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:main"} can not only directly apply to some concrete models, see for example, but also provide with important estimates for solutions of suitable approximation to nonlinear systems in the literature such as and references therein. The literature dedicated to SPDEs (not systems) is quite extensive and fruitful. In the framework of Sobolev spaces, a complete \(L^{p}\)-theory (\(p\ge2\)) has been developed, see and references therein. However, the \(L^{p}\)-theory for systems of SPDEs is far from complete, though it has been fully solved for \(p=2\) by, and for \(p>2\) some specific results were obtained by, where the matrices \(\sigma^{ik}=[\sigma_{\alpha\beta}^{ik}]_{N\times N}\) were diagonal or nearly diagonal. The smoothness properties of random fields follow from Sobolev's embedding theorem in this framework. The present paper investigates the regularity of random fields from another aspect prompted by Kolmogorov's continuity theorem. This theorem gives mild conditions under which a random fields has a continuous modification, and the point is to derive appropriate estimates on \(L^{p}\)-moments of increments of the random field. This boosts an idea that considers a random field to be a function of \((x,t)\) taking values in the space \(L_{\omega}^{p}:=L^{p}(\Omega)\) and introduces appropriate \(L_{\omega}^{p}\)-valued Hölder classes as the working spaces, for instance, the basic space used in and also in the present paper defined to be the set of all jointly measurable random fields \(u\) such that \[\|u\|_{\mathcal{C}_{p}^{\delta}}:=\bigg[\sup_{t,\,x}\E|u(x,t)|^{p}+\sup_{t,\,x\neq y}\frac{\E|u(x,t)-u(y,t)|^{p}}{|x-y|^{\delta p}}\bigg]^{\frac{1}{p}}<\infty\] with some constants \(\delta\in(0,1)\) and \(p\in[2,\infty)\). Each random field in this space \(\mathcal{C}_{p}^{\delta}\) is stochastically continuous in space, and if \(\delta p>d\) it has a modification Hölder continuous in space by Kolmogorov's theorem. For the Cauchy problem for parabolic SPDEs (not systems), a \(C^{2+\delta}\)-theory was once an open problem proposed by; based on the Hölder class \(\mathcal{C}_{p}^{\delta}\) it was partially addressed by and generally solved by very recently. They proved that, *under natural conditions on the coefficients, the solution \(u\) and its derivatives \(\partial u\) and \(\partial^{2}u\) belong to the class \(\mathcal{C}_{p}^{\delta}\) if \(f\), \(g\) and \(\pd g\) belong to this space*; further obtained the Hölder continuity in time of \(\partial^{2}u\). The main results of the theory are sharp in that they could not be improved under the same assumptions. Extensions to the CauchyDirichlet problem of SPDEs can be found in, and for more related results, we refer the reader to, for instance,. Nevertheless, \(C^{2+\delta}\)-theory for systems of SPDEs is not known in the literature. The purpose of this paper is to construct such a \(C^{2+\delta}\)-theory for systems of type [\[eq:main\]](#eq:main){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:main"} under mild conditions. Like the situation in the \(L^p\) framework this extension is also nontrivial as some new features emerge in the system of SPDEs comparing with single equations. It is well-known that the well-posedness of a second order SPDE is usually guaranteed by certain coercivity conditions. For system [\[eq:main\]](#eq:main){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:main"}, recently obtained \(W_{2}^{n}\)-solutions under the following algebraic condition: there is a constant \(\kappa>0\) such that \[\big(2a_{\alpha\beta}^{ij}-\sigma_{\gamma\alpha}^{ik}\sigma_{\gamma\beta}^{jk}\big)\] Although it is a natural extension of the strong ellipticity condition for PDE systems (\(\sigma\equiv0\), see for example ) and of the stochastic parabolicity condition for SPDEs (\(N=1\), see for example ), the following example constructed by reveals that condition [\[eq:parabolic\]](#eq:parabolic){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:parabolic"} is not sufficient to ensure the finiteness of \(L_{\omega}^{p}\)-norm of the solution of some system even the given data are smooth, and some structure condition stronger than [\[eq:parabolic\]](#eq:parabolic){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:parabolic"} is indispensable to establish a general \(L^{p}\) or \(C^{2+\delta}\) theory for systems of type [\[eq:main\]](#eq:main){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:main"}.
A major contribution of this paper is the finding of a general coercivity condition that ensures us to construct a general \(C^{2+\delta}\)-theory for system [\[eq:main\]](#eq:main){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:main"}. The basic idea is to impose an appropriate correction term involving \(p\) to the left-hand side of [\[eq:parabolic\]](#eq:parabolic){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:parabolic"}. More specifically, we introduce
In particular, the following criteria for the MSP condition, simplified by taking \(\lambda_{\alpha\beta}^{ik}=0\) and \(\lambda_{\alpha\beta}^{ik}=(\sigma_{\alpha\beta}^{ik}+\sigma_{\beta\alpha}^{ik})/2\) respectively in [\[eq:Aij\]](#eq:Aij){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:Aij"}, could be very convenient in applications.
Evidently, the MSP condition is *invariant* under change of basis of \(\R^{d}\) or under orthogonal transformation of \(\R^{N}\). Also the LegendreHadamard condition (see for example ) is more general than the strong ellipticity condition. The MSP condition coincides with the LegendreHadamard condition for PDE systems and the stochastic parabolicity condition for SPDEs. Besides when \(p=2\) it becomes \[\big(2a_{\alpha\beta}^{ij}-\sigma_{\gamma\alpha}^{ik}\sigma_{\gamma\beta}^{jk}\big)\] which is weaker than [\[eq:parabolic\]](#eq:parabolic){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:parabolic"} used in. Moreover, the case (ii) in Lemma [\[lem1\]](#lem1){reference-type="ref" reference="lem1"} shows that the MSP condition is also reduced to [\[eq:p2\]](#eq:p2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:p2"} if the matrices \(B^{ik}=[\sigma_{\alpha\beta}^{ik}]_{N\times N}\) are close to be symmetric. Nevertheless, the generality of the MSP condition cannot be covered by these cases in Lemma [\[lem1\]](#lem1){reference-type="ref" reference="lem1"}, which is illustrated by Example [\[lem:last\]](#lem:last){reference-type="ref" reference="lem:last"} in the final section. Example [\[exa:counterexam\]](#exa:counterexam){reference-type="ref" reference="exa:counterexam"} illustrates that in [\[eq:Aij\]](#eq:Aij){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:Aij"} the coefficient of the correction term \(p-2\) is *optimal* to guarantee the Schauder regularity for the SPDEs [\[eq:main\]](#eq:main){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:main"}. Indeed, if \(p>2\) is fixed and the coefficient \(p-2\) in [\[eq:Aij\]](#eq:Aij){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:Aij"} drops down a bit to \(p-2-\eps>0\), we can choose the value of \(\mu\) satisfying \[\frac{2}{p-1}<\mu^{2}<\frac{2}{p-1-\eps},\] then it is easily verified that system [\[eq:ceg\]](#eq:ceg){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:ceg"} satisfies [\[eq:lp-condition\]](#eq:lp-condition){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:lp-condition"} in this setting by taking \(\lambda_{\alpha\beta}^{ik}=0\) and \(p-2\) replaced by \(p-2-\eps\). However, Example [\[exa:counterexam\]](#exa:counterexam){reference-type="ref" reference="exa:counterexam"} has showed that when \(t\) is large enough \(\E|\bm{u}(x,t)|^{p}\) becomes infinite for such a choice of \(\mu\), let alone the \(\mathcal{C}_{p}^{\delta}\)-norm of the solution. More examples in this respect are discussed in the final section. Technically speaking, the MSP condition is explicitly used to derive a class of mixed norm estimates for the model system in the space \(L^{p}(\PS;W_{2}^{n})\). A similar issue was addressed in for a nonlocal SPDE. Owing to Sobolev's embedding the mixed norm estimates lead to the local boundedness of \(\E|\pd^{m}\bm{u}(x,t)|^{p}\), which plays a key role in the derivation of the foundamental interior estimate of Schauder-type for system [\[eq:main\]](#eq:main){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:main"}. The paper is organised as follows. In the next section we introduce some notations and state our main results. In Sections [\[sec:Integral-estimates-for\]](#sec:Integral-estimates-for){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:Integral-estimates-for"} and [\[sec:Interior-H=0000F6lder-estimates\]](#sec:Interior-H=0000F6lder-estimates){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:Interior-H=0000F6lder-estimates"} we consider the model system \[\md u^{\alpha}=\big(a_{\alpha\beta}^{ij}\partial_{ij}u^{\beta}+f_{\alpha}\big)\md t+\big(\sigma_{\alpha\beta}^{ik}\partial_{i}u^{\beta}+g_{\alpha}^{k}\big)\,\md\BM_{t}^{k},\] where the coefficients \(a\) and \(\sigma\) are *random* but independent of \(x\). We prove the crucial mixed norm estimates in Section [\[sec:Integral-estimates-for\]](#sec:Integral-estimates-for){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:Integral-estimates-for"}, and then establish the interior Hölder estimate in Section [\[sec:Interior-H=0000F6lder-estimates\]](#sec:Interior-H=0000F6lder-estimates){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:Interior-H=0000F6lder-estimates"}. In Section [\[sec:H=0000F6lder-estimates-for\]](#sec:H=0000F6lder-estimates-for){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:H=0000F6lder-estimates-for"} we complete the proofs of our main results. The final section is devoted to more comments and examples on the sharpness and flexibility of the MSP condition.
# [\[sec:Main-results\]]{#sec:Main-results label="sec:Main-results"}Main results
Let us first introduce our working spaces and associated notation. A Banach-space valued Hölder continuous function is defined analogously to the classical Hölder continuous function. Let \(E\) be a Banach space, \(\mathcal{O}\) a domain in \(\R^{d}\) and \(I\) an interval. We define the parabolic modulus \[|X|_{{\rm p}}=|x|+\sqrt{|t|}\quad\text{for}\ X=(x,t)\in Q:=\mathcal{O}\times I.\] For a space-time function \(\bm{u}:Q\to E\), we define \[\begin{aligned}
_{m;Q}^{E} & :=\sup \{\|\pd^{\mathfrak{s}}\bm{u}(X)\|_{E}: X=(x,t)\in Q,\, |\mathfrak{s}| = m\},\\ |\bm{u}|_{m;Q}^{E} & :=\max\{[\bm{u}]_{k;Q}^{E}: k\le m \},\\ [\bm{u}]_{m+\delta;Q}^{E} & :=\sup_{|\mathfrak{s}|=m}\sup_{t\in I}\sup_{x,y\in\mathcal{O}}\frac{\|\pd^{\mathfrak{s}}\bm{u}(x,t)-\pd^{\mathfrak{s}}\bm{u}(y,t)\|_{E}}{|x-y|^{\delta}},\\ |\bm{u}|_{m+\delta;Q}^{E} & :=|\bm{u}|_{m;Q}^{E}+[\bm{u}]_{m+\delta;Q}^{E},\\{} [\bm{u}]_{(m+\delta,\delta/2);Q}^{E} & :=\sup_{|\mathfrak{s}|=m}\sup_{X,Y\in Q}\frac{\|\pd^{\mathfrak{s}}\bm{u}(X)-\pd^{\mathfrak{s}}\bm{u}(Y)\|_{E}}{|X-Y|_{{\rm p}}^{\delta}},\\ |\bm{u}|_{(m+\delta,\delta/2);Q}^{E} & :=|\bm{u}|_{m;Q}^{E}+[\bm{u}]_{(m+\delta,\delta/2);Q}^{E} \end{aligned}\] with \(m\in\mathbf{N}:=\{0,1,2,\dots\}\) and \(\delta\in(0,1)\), where \(\mathfrak{s}=(\mathfrak{s}_1,\cdots,\mathfrak{s}_d)\in\mathbf{N}^{d}\) with \(|\mathfrak{s}|=\sum_{i=1}^{d}\mathfrak{s}_i\), and all the derivatives of an \(E\)-valued function are defined with respect to the *spatial variable* in the strong sense, see. In the following context, the space \(E\) is either i) an Euclidean space, ii) the space \(\ell^2\), or iii) \(L_{\omega}^{p}:=L^{p}(\PS)\) (abbreviation for \(L^p_\omega\) for both \(L^{p}(\PS;\R^N)\) or \(L^{p}(\PS;\ell^2)\)). We omit the superscript in cases (i) and (ii), and in case (iii), we introduce some new notation: \[\begin{aligned}
\hspace{-0.33ex}]_{m+\delta,p;Q} & :=[\bm{u}]_{m+\delta;Q}^{L_{\omega}^{p}}\ ,\quad[\hspace{-0.33ex}[\bm{u}]\hspace{-0.33ex}]_{(m+\delta,\delta/2),p;Q}:=[\bm{u}]_{(m+\delta,\delta/2);Q}^{L_{\omega}^{p}},\\ |\hspace{-0.3ex}|\hspace{-0.3ex}|\bm{u}|\hspace{-0.3ex}|\hspace{-0.3ex}|_{m+\delta,p;Q} & :=|\bm{u}|_{m+\delta;Q}^{L_{\omega}^{p}}\ ,\quad\!\!|\hspace{-0.3ex}|\hspace{-0.3ex}|\bm{u}|\hspace{-0.3ex}|\hspace{-0.3ex}|_{(m+\delta,\delta/2),p;Q}:=|\bm{u}|_{(m+\delta,\delta/2);Q}^{L_{\omega}^{p}}. \end{aligned}\] As the random fields in this paper take values in different spaces like \(\R^N\) (say, \({\bm u}\) and \({\bm f}\)) or \(\ell^2\) (say, \({\bm g}\)), we shall use \(|\cdot|\) uniformly for the standard norms in Euclidean spaces and in \(\ell^2\), and \(L^p_\omega\) for both \(L^{p}(\PS;\R^N)\) and \(L^{p}(\PS;\ell^2)\); the specific meaning of the notation can be easily understood in context.
The following notation for special domains are frequently used: \[B_{r}(x)=\big\{ y\in\R^{d}:|y-x|<r\big\},\quad Q_{r}(x,t)=B_{r}(x)\times(t-r^{2},t],\] and \(B_{r}=B_{r}(0)\), \(Q_{r}=Q_{r}(0,0)\), and also \[\mathcal{Q}_{r,T}(x):=B_{r}(x)\times(0,T],\quad\mathcal{Q}_{r,T}=\mathcal{Q}_{r,T}(0)\quad\text{and}\quad\mathcal{Q}_{T}:=\R^{d}\times(0,T].\]
We are ready to state the main results of the paper. The first result is the a priori *interior Hölder estimates* for system [\[eq:main\]](#eq:main){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:main"}.
By rescaling one can obtain the local estimate arround any point \(X\in \R^d\times(0,\infty)\). The second theorem is regarding the global Hölder estimate and solvability for the Cauchy problem for system [\[eq:main\]](#eq:main){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:main"} with zero initial condition.
# [\[sec:Integral-estimates-for\]]{#sec:Integral-estimates-for label="sec:Integral-estimates-for"}Integral estimates for the model system
Throughout this section we assume that \(a_{\alpha\beta}^{ij}\) and \(\sigma_{\alpha\beta}^{ik}\) depend only on \((t,\omega)\), but *independent of \(x\)*, satisfying the MSP condition (in this case *\(\lambda_{\alpha\beta}^{ik}\) is chosen to be independent of \(x\)*) and \[|a_{\alpha\beta}^{ij}|,\;|\sigma_{\alpha\beta}^{ij}|\leq K,\quad\forall t,\omega,\label{eq:modeq-coe-bound}\] and we consider the following model system \[\md u^{\alpha}=\big(a_{\alpha\beta}^{ij}\partial_{ij}u^{\beta}+f_{\alpha}\big)\md t+\big(\sigma_{\alpha\beta}^{ik}\partial_{i}u^{\beta}+g_{\alpha}^{k}\big)\,\md\BM_{t}^{k}.\label{eq:model}\] The aim of this section is to derive several auxiliary estimates for the model system which are used to prove the interior Hölder estimate in the next section. In this section and the next, *we may consider [\[eq:model\]](#eq:model){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:model"} in the entire space \(\R^n\times\R\).* On the one hand, we can always extend [\[eq:main\]](#eq:main){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:main"} and [\[eq:model\]](#eq:model){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:model"} to the entire space if we require \(u(x,0)=0\). Indeed, the zero extensions of \(\bm{u}\), \(\bm{f}\) and \(\bm{g}\) (i.e., these functions are defined to be zero for \(t<0\)) satisfy the equations in the entire space, where the extension of coefficients and Wiener processes are quite easy; for example, we can define \(a_{\alpha\beta}^{ij}(t) = \delta^{ij}\) and \(\sigma_{\alpha\beta}^{ik}=0\) for \(t<0\), and \(\BM_t := \tilde{\BM}_{-t}\) for \(t<0\) with \(\tilde{\BM}\) being an independent copy of \(\BM\). On the other hand, we mainly concern the local estimates for the equation [\[eq:model\]](#eq:model){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:model"} in the following two sections, so we can only focus on the estimates around the origin on account of a translation. Indeed, we can reduce the estimates around a point \((x_0,t_0)\) to the estimates around the origin by use of the change of variables \((x,t)\mapsto (x-x_0,t-t_0)\). Let \(\mathcal{O}\in\R^{d}\) and \(H^{m}(\mathcal{O})=W_{2}^{m}(\mathcal{O})\) be the usual Sobolev spaces. Let \(I\subset\R\) be an interval and \(Q=\mathcal{O}\times I\). For \(p,q\in[1,\infty]\), define \[L_{\omega}^{p}L_{t}^{q}H_{x}^{m}(Q):=L^{p}(\PS;L^{q}(I;H^{m}(\mathcal{O};\R^{N}))).\] In what follows, we denote \(\partial^m \bm{u}\) the set of all \(m\)-order derivatives of a function \(\bm{u}\). These \(\partial^m \bm{u}(x)\) for each \(x\) and \((\omega,t)\) are regarded as elements of a Euclidean space of proper dimension. Our \(\mathcal{C}^{2+\delta}\)-theory is grounded in the following mixed norm estimates for model system [\[eq:model\]](#eq:model){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:model"}, in which the modified stochastic parabolicity condition [\[eq:lp-condition\]](#eq:lp-condition){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:lp-condition"} plays a key role.
The proof of Theorem [\[thm:globe-lpl2\]](#thm:globe-lpl2){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:globe-lpl2"} is postponed to the end of this section. A quick consequence of this theorem is the following local estimates for model equations with smooth free terms.
Another consequence of Theorem [\[thm:globe-lpl2\]](#thm:globe-lpl2){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:globe-lpl2"} is the following lemma concerning the estimates for equation [\[eq:model\]](#eq:model){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:model"} with the CauchyDirichlet boundary conditions: \[\bigg\{\begin{aligned}\bm{u}(x,0) & =0,\quad\forall\,x\in B_{r};\\ \bm{u}(x,t) & =0,\quad\forall\,(x,t)\in\partial B_{r}\times(0,T]. \end{aligned} \label{eq:dirich}\]
The following lemma is standard (cf. ).
The rest of this section is devoted to the proof of Theorem [\[thm:globe-lpl2\]](#thm:globe-lpl2){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:globe-lpl2"}.
# [\[sec:Interior-H=0000F6lder-estimates\]]{#sec:Interior-H=0000F6lder-estimates label="sec:Interior-H=0000F6lder-estimates"}Interior Hölder estimates for the model system
The aim of this section is to prove the interior Hölder estimates for the model equation [\[eq:model\]](#eq:model){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:model"}. The conditions [\[eq:lp-condition\]](#eq:lp-condition){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:lp-condition"} and [\[eq:modeq-coe-bound\]](#eq:modeq-coe-bound){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:modeq-coe-bound"} are also assumed throughout this section. Take \(\bm{f}\in C_{x}^{0}(\R^{d}\times\R;L_{\omega}^{p})\) and \(\bm{g}\in C_{x}^{1}(\R^{d}\times\R;L_{\omega}^{p})\) such that the modulus of continuity \[\varpi(r):=\mathop{\mathrm{ess}\sup}_{t\in\R,\,|x-y|\le r}(\|\bm{f}(x,t)-\bm{f}(y,t)\|_{L_{\omega}^{p}}+\|\pd\bm{g}(x,t)-\pd\bm{g}(y,t)\|_{L_{\omega}^{p}})\] satisfies the Dini condition: \[\int_{0}^{1}\frac{\varpi(r)}{r}\,\md r<\infty.\]
Then the interior Hölder estimate are straightforward:
Combining [\[eq:decomp\]](#eq:decomp){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:decomp"} and Claims [\[lem:5-3\]](#lem:5-3){reference-type="ref" reference="lem:5-3"} and [\[claim:5-4\]](#claim:5-4){reference-type="ref" reference="claim:5-4"}, we conclude Theorem [\[thm:basic\]](#thm:basic){reference-type="ref" reference="thm:basic"}. ◻
Now we prove the a priori *interior Hölder estimates* for system [\[eq:main\]](#eq:main){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:main"}.
# More comments on the MSP condition
In this section we discuss more examples on the sharpness and flexibility of the MSP condition (Definition [\[cond:msp\]](#cond:msp){reference-type="ref" reference="cond:msp"}). We always let \(d=1\) and assume that the coefficient matrices \(A=[a_{\alpha\beta}]\) and \(B=[\sigma_{\alpha\beta}]\) are *constant*. We write \(M\gg0\) if the matrix \(M\) is positive definite. Under the above setting the MSP condition can be written into the following form if we set \[\(\lambda_{\alpha\beta}^{ik}]=(B+B')/2-\Lambda\) in [\[eq:Aij\]](#eq:Aij){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:Aij"}.
Therefore, if [\[eq:6-2\]](#eq:6-2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:6-2"} is satisfied, then \(\sup_{x\in\mathbf{T}}\E\|\bm{u}(x,t)\|^{p}<\infty\) for any \(t\ge0\); if it is not, even some weaker norm of \(\bm{u}(\cdot,t)\) is infinite for large \(t\) as showed in the following lemma. | {'timestamp': '2018-06-18T02:05:28', 'yymm': '1706', 'arxiv_id': '1706.01588', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.01588'} |
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# Introduction
Astrophysical and cosmological evidences suggest that non-baryonic cold dark matter (DM) constitutes \(84\%\) of the matter density of the Universe. Many well-motivated DM candidates are predicted to annihilate or decay into Standard Model (SM) particles and to produce secondary cosmic rays, such as gamma rays. Galaxy clusters, dwarf spheroidal (dSph) galaxies as well as the Galactic Center are principal astrophysical targets for indirect DM searches. Among other targets, the Milky Way dSph galaxies are considered to be especially promising objects due to their relatively close position and their appearance as point-like or marginally extended sources in gamma-ray telescopes. Moreover, the contamination from intrinsic astrophysical sources is negligible in these objects. In fact, they host an old stellar population of low-luminosity and do not possess gas. However, the high uncertainties in the kinematics of these pressure-supported galaxies and the total absence of gas in the periphery do not allow us to well constrain their DM profiles . The effective determination of the latter is very crucial for the estimation of the astrophysical factor (or J-factor), that depends on the DM density distribution profile. Besides, due to the uncertainty on the geometry of dSphs, the astrophysical factor is affected by the errors up to six orders of magnitude. In spite of that, the study of dSph galaxies sets the most stringent constraints on the particle DM mass and the annihilation cross-section so far. In particular, the stacked analysis of several dSphs allows to exclude the thermal DM particle of the mass below 100 GeV.\
In this paper, driven by the intent of reducing the uncertainty on the astrophysical J-factor for DM indirect searches, we investigate a sample of 36 dwarf irregular (dIrr) galaxies of the Local Volume catalog, that is within a sphere of \(\sim 11\) Mpc centred on our Galaxy and within redshift \(z\lsim 10^{-3}\). Their distances obtained by means of primary distance indicators, are comparable with that of many dSph galaxies. Unlike pressure supported dSph galaxies, dIrrs are rotationally supported star-forming dwarf galaxies, that are considered to be DM dominated objects at all radii. Their kinematics is rather simple and points to the existence of cored DM density profiles with halos much larger than the enclosed star-forming regions. These relevant properties and the increasing number of dIrr galaxies that has been recently detected and studied in their kinematics, make them interesting targets for DM searches.\
Nonetheless and unlike dSphs, an astrophysical gamma-ray contamination is expected due to the star-forming activity of these objects. Assuming that the main contribution is enclosed in the optical regions of these galaxies, in this paper we study the possibility of considering the big halos of dIrr galaxies as targets of interest, in the framework of point-like analysis for DM indirect searches with gamma-ray telescopes.\
The paper is organized as follows. In Section [2](#Irr){reference-type="ref" reference="Irr"} we briefly review the DM density distribution profiles of our sample of dIrr galaxies. Details on gamma-ray detectors are given in Section [3](#telescopessection){reference-type="ref" reference="telescopessection"}. In Section [4](#gammarayDMsection){reference-type="ref" reference="gammarayDMsection"}, we briefly review the fundamentals of DM searches with gamma rays. We discuss and calculate the astrophysical J-factors of the dIrr galaxies in our sample and the associated uncertainties in Section [5](#Jfactor){reference-type="ref" reference="Jfactor"}, including details on the baryon and DM distribution in dIrrs. In Section [6](#gammarayBg){reference-type="ref" reference="gammarayBg"} we theoretically estimate two contributions to the gamma-ray emission in dIrr, both from astrophysics and DM. As a result of the sensitivity study, we present the constraints on the DM particle mass and annihilation cross-section by means of both the individual and combined analysis of galaxies in the sample in Section [7](#analysissecVII){reference-type="ref" reference="analysissecVII"}. In Sections [8](#discussion){reference-type="ref" reference="discussion"} and [9](#conclusions){reference-type="ref" reference="conclusions"} we discuss the results and summarise the main conclusions of this work. Further information about the rotation curves of our galaxy sample, details on the astrophysical J-factor and the sensitivity study for each individual galaxy are given in Appendices [\[AppA\]](#AppA){reference-type="ref" reference="AppA"}, [\[AppB\]](#AppB){reference-type="ref" reference="AppB"} and [\[AppC\]](#AppC){reference-type="ref" reference="AppC"}, respectively.
# Dwarf Irregular Galaxies and Burkert profile {#Irr}
The sample of 36 dIrr galaxies was presented and analysed in, where the concept of rotation curve universality is applied. This concept is based on the systematic study of the rotation curves of more than 1100 spiral galaxies . The Universal Rotation Curve (URC) allows to describe the structural parameters of luminous and dark components in galaxies without individual mass modelling, and at the same time reduces the uncertainties on the estimation of the DM density distribution profile. As shown in and in Appendix [\[AppA\]](#AppA){reference-type="ref" reference="AppA"} of this paper, the URC model allows to well fit the rotation curve for this class of objects, for which the few kinematical data do not allow an individual mass modelling. The DM distribution in these galaxies is well described by the Burkert profile: \[\rho_{\mathrm{Burkert}}(r)=\frac{\rho_0r_0^3}{(r+r_0)(r^2+r_0^2)}, \label{Burkert}\] where \(\rho_0\) is the central density and \(r_0\) is the core radius. Let us notice, that the cuspy NFW profile does not fit well the kinematics of dIrr galaxies. Instead, the URC model and the Burkert profile are able to well recover the observed kinematics of most of the galaxies in the sample. The uncertainties on the estimated inclinations or disk length scales of the objects could justify the three cases (NGC6822, AndIV and UGC8508) in which the URC model does not reproduce the outer kinematics. For this reason, we do not apply any selection to the sample, but we keep in mind that their observed kinematics should be farther checked. In Fig. [\[v12\]](#v12){reference-type="ref" reference="v12"} of Appendix [\[AppA\]](#AppA){reference-type="ref" reference="AppA"}, we show the observed and modelled rotation curves of the full sample of 36 dIrrs galaxies. The DM halo parameters for the galaxies in the sample are listed in Table [\[Tab:Irr\]](#Tab:Irr){reference-type="ref" reference="Tab:Irr"}[^1]. We then use the definition of the virial radius at redshift z=0 in the spherically symmetric halo: \[R_\mathrm{vir}=\left(\frac{3 M_\mathrm{halo}}{4 \pi \Delta_\mathrm{cr} \rho_\mathrm{cr}}\right)^{\frac{1}{3}},\] where \(\mathrm{\rho_{cr}}\) is the critical mean density of the Universe, \(\Delta_\mathrm{cr}\) is a factor that defines over-densities and \(M_\mathrm{vir}\) is the halo mass. Common values for \(\Delta_\mathrm{cr}\) range from 100 to 500 (or even higher). If we assume that \(\rho_\mathrm{cr}=137 \hspace{0.1cm} \mathrm{M_{\odot}/kpc}\) and \(\Delta_\mathrm{cr}=100\), then we have: \[R_\mathrm{vir}=259\left(\frac{M_\mathrm{halo}}{10^{12}\mathrm{M}_\odot}\right)^{1/3}, \label{Rvir}\] where the masses of the DM halos \(M_\mathrm{halo}\) of galaxies in our sample are given in Table [\[Tab:Irr\]](#Tab:Irr){reference-type="ref" reference="Tab:Irr"}. In this table and in Fig. [\[Selection4P\]](#Selection4P){reference-type="ref" reference="Selection4P"} we also report the distance \(d\), its error \(\Delta d\), the optical radius \(R_\mathrm{opt}\), structural parameters of the DM halo (\(r_\mathrm{0}\), \(\rho_\mathrm{0}\), \(R_\mathrm{vir}\)), the inclination, the stellar disk mass \(M_\mathrm{disk}\) and the morphological classification (MC).
[\[Tab:Irr\]]{#Tab:Irr label="Tab:Irr"}
Detectors on satellites as well as ground-based air and water Cherenkov arrays are dedicated to the detection and study of gamma-ray sources. Different instruments cover different regions of the sky, energy range, resolution angle and field-of-view. We consider a selection of gamma-ray telescopes and we report their main characteristics in Table [\[telescopes\]](#telescopes){reference-type="ref" reference="telescopes"}. In Fig. [\[skymap\]](#skymap){reference-type="ref" reference="skymap"} we show the position of our sample of galaxies (as given in Table [2](#Irr){reference-type="ref" reference="Irr"}) with respect to the sky coverage of several instruments. Both the Fermi Large Area Telescope (Fermi-LAT) and the combination of the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) South and North are expected to cover the whole sky. The Major Atmospheric Gamma Imaging Cherenkov Telescopes (MAGIC), The High Energy Stereoscopic System (HESS) and the High-Altitude Water Cherenkov Observatory (HAWC) instruments have limited sky coverage. Most of the galaxies of our sample are in the sky region covered by Fermi-LAT, HAWC, MAGIC and future CTA-North telescope. A minority of them are also observable with the HESS or the future CTA-South telescope, but not by MAGIC (see Fig. [\[skymap\]](#skymap){reference-type="ref" reference="skymap"}).
# Gamma-ray flux from dark matter annihilation {#gammarayDMsection}
Gamma-ray astronomy represents one of the most promising methods to search for the DM indirectly. Since the properties of large scale structures observed in our Universe imply that DM is fairly cold and its particles are relatively slow moving, the Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) are one plausible DM candidates so far. In the generic WIMP scenario, two massive DM particles can annihilate producing two lighter SM particles. In this framework, the differential gamma-ray flux from two annihilating DM particles in galactic sources is: \[\frac{\mathrm{d}\,\phi_{\gamma}^{\mathrm{DM}}}{\mathrm{d}\,E_{\gamma}} = \frac{dP}{dE}\, <J>_{\Delta\Omega}. \label{flux}\] The first term on the r.h.s. is the particle physics dependent part: \[\frac{dP}{dE}=\frac{1}{8\pi \mathrm{m}_\mathrm{DM}^2}\sum_i\langle\sigma_i v\rangle \frac{\mathrm{d}\,N_\gamma^i(\mathrm{m}_\mathrm{DM})}{\mathrm{d}\,E_{\gamma}}\,, \label{Eq:P}\] that depends on the DM particle mass \(\mathrm{m}_\mathrm{DM}\) and the averaged annihilation cross-section \(\langle\sigma_i v\rangle\) of two DM particles into two SM particles (labeled by the subindex \(i\)). After the main DM annihilation event, the chain of subsequent hadronization and decay events of SM particles, such as quarks and leptons, produce secondary fluxes of cosmic rays, such as gamma rays, neutrinos, antimatter etc. Due to the non-perturbative quantum chromodynamic effects, the analytical calculation of these decay chains is a hard task to be accomplished and therefore it requires Monte Carlo events generators such as PYTHIA or HERWIG particle physics software. Here, we use Cirelli's code and we include electro weak corrections. The uncertainty related to the choice of the Monte Carlo events generator software that produces the simulated gamma-ray flux was studied, among others, in. We assume here that the DM particle is a Majorana fermion. An extra factor of 1/2 would appear in Eq. [\[Eq:P\]](#Eq:P){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:P"} in the case of symmetric Dirac fermion dark matter.\
The second term on the r.h.s. of Eq. [\[flux\]](#flux){reference-type="ref" reference="flux"} represents the astrophysical factor: \[<J>_{\Delta\Omega}=\frac{1}{\Delta\Omega}\int_{\Delta\Omega}\mathrm{d}\Omega\int_{l.o.s.} \rho^2(s) \mathrm{d}s \label{Eq:J}\] i.e, the integral of the DM mass density profile, \(\rho(r)\), along the path (line of sight, \(l.o.s.\)) between the gamma-ray detector and the source divided by the solid angle \(\Delta\Omega=2\pi(1-\cos{\theta})\). The allowed range of values for \(\theta\) in the framework of point-like analysis is given by the Point Spread Function (PSF) of the instrument, as we will discuss in the following.
In Table [\[L\]](#L){reference-type="ref" reference="L"} we also provide the values of \(L_\gamma\) calculated by using Eq. [\[Lg\]](#Lg){reference-type="ref" reference="Lg"} and the gamma-ray fluxes of each dIrr galaxy calculated as: \[\phi_\mathrm{SFG}^\gamma=\frac{L_\gamma}{4\pi d^2}\,\,, \label{gammaflux}\] where \(d\) is the distance to the target, given in Table [\[Tab:Irr\]](#Tab:Irr){reference-type="ref" reference="Tab:Irr"}.\
In Fig. [\[Lumphi\]](#Lumphi){reference-type="ref" reference="Lumphi"} we show the astrophysical gamma-ray emission and the Fermi-LAT detection threshold. The gamma-ray fluxes \(\phi^\gamma_{SFG}\) associated with the star-forming regions of dIrrs in our sample are smaller than \(10^{-17}\mathrm{ph}\,\mathrm{cm}^{-2}\,\mathrm{s}^{-1}\) resulting largely compatible with the zero background hypothesis. Their uncertainties are obtained as a combination of both the uncertainties on the distance of the target and of the \(\alpha\), \(\beta\) parameters in Eq. [\[Lg\]](#Lg){reference-type="ref" reference="Lg"}.
## The dark matter gamma-ray luminosity
In this section we will focus on the particle physics P-part of Eq. [\[flux\]](#flux){reference-type="ref" reference="flux"}. Within the hypothesis of a thermal WIMP candidate (\(<\sigma v>=3\times10^{-26}\mathrm{cm}^{3}\mathrm{s}^{-1}\)), the P-part only depends on the DM particle mass and the annihilation channel. Therefore, we calculate the P-part in Eq. [\[Eq:P\]](#Eq:P){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:P"} for three different annihilation channels (\(\tau^+\tau^-, b\bar b\) and \(W^+W^-\)) and five values of DM mass (\(10,100,10^3,10^4,10^5\) GeV) integrated on the energy range of interest (1-100 GeV). This energy range is in agreement with the estimated astrophysical gamma-ray flux \(\phi^\gamma_{SFG}\) of the star-forming region, as discussed above. The P-part is given in Table [\[Pfactor\]](#Pfactor){reference-type="ref" reference="Pfactor"}. We adopt the J-factors for the Fermi-LAT PSF, that is \(\theta\approx0.5^\circ\), given in Table [\[angles\]](#angles){reference-type="ref" reference="angles"}. For each dIrrs, the maximum (minimum) value of the DM-related integrated flux is given by the \(\tau^+\tau^-\) annihilation channel and the \(10\) GeV (\(100\) TeV) DM particle mass. On Fig. [\[Lumphi\]](#Lumphi){reference-type="ref" reference="Lumphi"} we compare the expected gamma-ray fluxes that originate from the star-forming regions of dIrrs with that expected from the annihilation of thermal WIMP particles for a given channel and a DM particle mass. The uncertainty on \(\phi^\gamma_{DM}\) includes the \(75\%\) error on the J-factor. The Fermi-LAT detection threshold in Fig. [\[Lumphi\]](#Lumphi){reference-type="ref" reference="Lumphi"} is given by. We can then conclude: (i) the estimated emission of the DM-related gamma-ray flux \(\phi^\gamma_{DM}\) enclosed in Fermi-LAT PSF can be up to 8 orders of magnitude higher, depending on the DM mass, than the astrophysical gamma-ray flux \(\phi^\gamma_{SFG}\) associated with the star-forming region of the same dIrr. Therefore, the *extra* astrophysical gamma-ray background is negligible in these objects, and we can apply to dIrrs the same analysis used to study *classical* dSphs galaxies; (ii) the secondary \(\phi^\gamma_{DM}\) emitted by the annihilation events of the thermal DM particles in dIrrs remain below the Fermi-LAT detector sensitivity threshold. In the following section we will set upper limits on the DM particle mass and annihilation cross-section via the first analysis of dIrr galaxies.\
We conclude that the astrophysical gamma-ray emission in dIrr galaxies can be considered negligible similar to what is assumed in dSphs. The latter statement is valid for, at least, a DM particle mass of \(10-10^4\) GeV and the energy range studied in this work. For this limited energy range, the expected signal from a DM particle candidate of 10-100 TeV would in fact be contaminated by the astrophysical gamma-ray contribution.
# Sensitivity analysis {#analysissecVII}
In the previous sections we have theoretically demonstrated that dIrrs could be considered as objects with approximately zero astrophysical gamma-ray background and with the DM halo that appears as a point-like or a marginally extended source for gamma-ray telescopes. As a first application of such a theoretical rationale, we are going to place constraints on the DM particle mass and annihilation cross-section with our sample of galaxies and by means of the sensitivity study of the Fermi-LAT detector. We ask for detection of secondary gamma rays produced in the DM halo of dIrr galaxies with statistical significance of \(5\sigma, 3\sigma\) and \(1\sigma\): \[\chi=\frac{\phi_\gamma^\mathrm{DM}\sqrt{\Delta\Omega_\mathrm{PSF} A_\mathrm{eff} t_\mathrm{exp}}}{\sqrt{\phi_\gamma^\mathrm{DM}+\phi_\mathrm{Bg}}}> 5,\,3,\,1. \label{X}\] The effective area \(A_\mathrm{eff}\) and exposition time \(t_\mathrm{exp}\) for the Fermi-LAT detector used in this analysis are given in Table [\[telescopes\]](#telescopes){reference-type="ref" reference="telescopes"}. We fix the exposition time \(t_\text{exp}\) and, as first approximation, we keep constant the effective area \(A_\text{eff}\), although the latter also depends on the energy range, the incidence angle and the azimuthal angle. These dependences would affect a proper data analysis with respect to these first results. Notice that, the solid angle \(\Delta\Omega_\mathrm{PSF}=2.4\times10^{-4}\mathrm{sr}\) corresponding to the Fermi-LAT PSF of \(0.5^\circ\), allows to include the biggest parts of galaxies' DM halos in more than 70% of galaxies in the sample. In fact, the J-factors calculated on the Fermi-LAT PSF are identical to those calculated on the whole virial angular dimensions of the associated DM haloes. However, we will show that assuming \(\Delta\Omega_\mathrm{PSF}=10^{-5}\mathrm{sr}\) (PSF of \(0.1^\circ\)) we get an improvement in the results by almost a factor of 8, depending on the particular source (see next subsection and Appendix [\[AppC\]](#AppC){reference-type="ref" reference="AppC"} for details).\
Showing that the astrophysical gamma-ray contamination in dIrr is negligible, we estimate the gamma-ray background \(\phi_\mathrm{Bg}\) in Eq. [\[X\]](#X){reference-type="ref" reference="X"} taking into account both the galactic interstellar diffuse emission model designed to be used for point source analysis (\(gll\_iem\_v06.fits\)) and the isotropic spectral template (\(ISO\_P8R2\_SOURCE\_V6\_v06.txt\)). The latter includes both extragalactic diffuse gamma rays and the remaining residual (misclassified) cosmic-ray emission from a fit to the all-sky emission with \|b\|\>30 deg, that are not represented in the Galactic diffuse model. In particular the SOURCE class provides good sensitivity for analysing the point sources and moderately extended sources. Therefore, for each k-dIrr galaxy in the sample we assume: \[\phi^k_\mathrm{Bg}=\phi^k_\mathrm{diff}+\phi_\mathrm{iso},\] although the diffuse emission above \(10\) GeV is considered to be sub-dominant with respect to the isotropic contribution. We then calculate the diffuse emission background contribution between \(1-100\) GeV for the position of each dIrr in the sky. These values are given in Table [\[L\]](#L){reference-type="ref" reference="L"} and the integrated isotropic contribution is estimated to be \(\phi_\mathrm{iso}=5.0\times10^{-7}\mathrm{cm}^{-2}\mathrm{s}^{-1}\mathrm{sr}^{-1}\) between \(1-100\) GeV. We also check the Fermi-LAT 3FGL Catalog and we exclude Haro36 dIrr that is spatially coincident with the 3FGLJ1248.0+5130 BL LAC object within \(0.5^\circ\) degrees in the Fermi-LAT sky. In what follows we show the results of a single galaxy study as well as of the stacked analysis.
## Individual limits
In Fig. [\[Bests\]](#Bests){reference-type="ref" reference="Bests"} we show the best results obtained within our sample of galaxies, that are given by the study of NGC6822, IC10 and WLM dIrrs. Notice that NGC6822 galaxy group is excluded in because of its location that is less than \(2^\circ\) from the center of another galaxy group. Here, instead, we keep it since we are only considering the central galaxy which does not overlap with any source in the \(0.1/0.5\) degrees of interest in our analysis. Whereas the Fermi-LAT PSF is strongly energy dependent, we show, as shadowed regions, the improvement on the upper limits when we switch the point-like analysis from an angular resolution of \(0.5^\circ\) to \(0.1^\circ\) with the statistical significance of \(3\sigma\), in both cases. This can help to graphically visualize the possible inaccuracy that could affect the sensitivity study with respect to a proper data analysis. In the same Fig. [\[Bests\]](#Bests){reference-type="ref" reference="Bests"} we also show the upper limit within \(95\%\) of confidence level (hereafter denoted as CL) (gray region) obtained for the SEGUE1 dSph galaxy with the combined analysis of 6-years of Fermi-LAT and 158 hours of MAGIC observations. Let us notice that the most stringent upper limits we get are in the case of IC10 dIrr galaxy. Although, these limits are still weaker, by a factor of a few, than that of SEGUE1 dSph galaxy, the assumed value for the SEGUE1 J-factor (\(\sim 10^{19.5\pm0.29}\,\mathrm{GeV}^2\mathrm{cm}^{-5}\) on \(0.5^\circ\)) is largely higher than the lower limit (\(\sim10^{15}\,\mathrm{GeV}^2\mathrm{cm}^{-5}\)) when accounting for the systematical uncertainties on its triaxiality, as shown in Fig. [\[thetaEXPJ\]](#thetaEXPJ){reference-type="ref" reference="thetaEXPJ"}-[\[thetavirJ\]](#thetavirJ){reference-type="ref" reference="thetavirJ"}. In other words, the SEGUE1 constraints based on the lower bound of the J-factor value would be comparable with the limits of this work. On the contrary, the 3\(\sigma\) uncertainties of the dIrrs' upper limits do include \(43\%\) of uncertainties related with the corresponding uncertainties on the J-factors (see Eq. ([\[X\]](#X){reference-type="ref" reference="X"})). In Appendix [\[AppC\]](#AppC){reference-type="ref" reference="AppC"} we show the upper limits on the DM particle mass and annihilation cross-section for each galaxy in our sample.
## Stacked limits
In this Section we illustrate the predictions for the upper limits on the DM annihilation cross-section from the combined/stacked analysis of sub-sample of galaxies. We notice that the most promising combination is given by a sub-sample of 7 targets, that are: DD0168, IC10, NGC2366, WLM, NGC1560, NGC6822, UGC7232. Then we define: \[\phi_\gamma^\mathrm{stack-DM}=\sum_{k=1}^{7}<J>_{\Delta\Omega}^k {\Delta\Omega^\mathrm{PSF}} P\] where \(P\) is the particle physics factor defined in Eq. ([\[Eq:P\]](#Eq:P){reference-type="ref" reference="Eq:P"}). The backgrounds are defined as: \[\phi_\mathrm{Bg}^\mathrm{stack}=\sum_{k=1}^{7}\phi^k_\mathrm{Bg}.\] The resulting exclusion limits are shown in Fig. [\[stacked\]](#stacked){reference-type="ref" reference="stacked"}. In order to take into account the PSF variability with the energy, we show the results of the point-like analysis for both a PSF of \(0.5^\circ\) (green band (\(5\sigma-1\sigma\) region) and line (\(3\sigma\))) and \(0.1^\circ\) (orange band (\(5\sigma-1\sigma\) region) and line (\(3\sigma\))). In the same figure, we also show the \(2\sigma\) significance limits within the \(95\%\) of CL obtained by the analysis of 15 dSph galaxies by the Fermi-LAT collaboration. We note that although our upper limits are not necessary better than that obtained by the analysis of dSph galaxies, they could be improved by the discovery of promising dIrr targets.
# Discussion
The purpose of this paper is to analyze dIrr galaxies as new targets for indirect DM searches and estimate the constraints that can be set on the DM particle mass and annihilation cross-section by new prospective experimental data analysis for such class of objects. Although our results show that dIrr are of one order of magnitude less competitive with respect to dSph galaxies, we would like to stress that the number of detected dIrr galaxies in the Local Volume is greatly increasing with time. In Fig. [\[N\]](#N){reference-type="ref" reference="N"} we plot histograms that show the distribution of dSphs and dIrrs according to their absolute K-band magnitude for 3 distance bins. The well-studied Milky Way dSph galaxies are enclosed in a radius of \(\lsim 300\) kpc, and within \(d < 1\) Mpc the number of dSphs is almost \(20\%\) bigger than that of dIrrs (upper panel in Fig. [\[N\]](#N){reference-type="ref" reference="N"}). Starting from the distance of \(\sim4\) Mpc (middle panel in Fig[\[N\]](#N){reference-type="ref" reference="N"}) dIrrs start to outnumber dSphs. The 7 dIrrs included in the selected sub-sample for the combined study reach a distance of \(\sim5\) Mpc, but the sample only includes galaxies of a particular region of the sky (see the sky map in Fig. [\[skymap\]](#skymap){reference-type="ref" reference="skymap"}). Therefore, the increasing number of dIrr detected and studied in their kinematics may result in placing competitive bounds with respect to those derived from the stacked analysis of the limited number of dSph galaxies. In fact, the total number of dIrrs in the Local Volume is expected to be \(\sim200\%\) of that of dSphs (bottom panel in Fig.[\[N\]](#N){reference-type="ref" reference="N"}). Moreover, the kinematics of closer and fainter rotationally-supported galaxies, such as Low Surface Brightness (LSB) galaxies have been recently studied and they are also expected to occupy massive DM halos.
# Conclusions
In this paper, we analyze a sample of 36 dIrr galaxies as new point-like targets for indirect DM searches with gamma-ray telescopes. These DM dominated rotationally supported galaxies, differently from pressure supported dSphs, allow us to well constrain their DM density distribution profiles by means of the accurate kinematics and the universality in the DM distribution. The kinematics of these galaxies points to the existence of the DM core profiles with DM halos extending far beyond their optical star-forming regions. Although a gamma-ray background contribution of astrophysical origins is expected in these regions, it is assumed to be localized in a very inner region that stays unresolved by the current generation of gamma-ray telescopes. First of all, we calculate the astrophysical factors for a sample of 36 dIrr galaxies in the Local Volume (\(<11\) Mpc) and we show that the uncertainties on the J-factors, although estimated to be bigger than \(75\%\), are, in most cases, better than that of the *classical* dSph galaxies. Two galaxies in the sample (NGC6822 and IC10) have J-factors \(\gsim \mathrm{few}\times10^{17}\hspace{0.1cm}\mathrm{GeV}^2\mathrm{cm}^{-5}\) and five more (DD0168, NGC2366, WLM, NGC1560 and NGC7232) bigger than \(\mathrm{few}\times10^{16}\hspace{0.1cm}\mathrm{GeV}^2\mathrm{cm}^{-5}\). Secondly, we show that the spatially localized astrophysical background contribution is expected to remain unresolved, therefore negligible with respect to the diffuse and isotropic gamma-ray background in the 1-100 GeV energy range. On the other hand, the DM halo in dIrrs could appear as point-like or marginally extended for gamma-ray telescopes (Fig. [\[angularres\]](#angularres){reference-type="ref" reference="angularres"}). We study the possibility to set competitive constraints on the DM particle mass and annihilation cross-section via the study of this category of galaxies. The upper limits for each individual galaxy are less stringent than that of the analysis of the SEGUE1 dSph performed by the Fermi-LAT and MAGIC collaborations. However, notice that the last statement is true within a certain assumption on the value of the SEGUE1 J-factor, where its lower J-factor bound can be up to 4 orders of magnitude smaller than the commonly assumed value. Additionally, let us notice that the claim for a \(2\sigma\) detection of the DM signal in ultra-faint dwarf Indus II (\(\mathrm{m}_\mathrm{DM}\approx 100\) GeV, \(<\sigma v>\approx10^{-23}\), 6 years, \(2.4\sigma\)) should be confirmed by the analysis of at least three galaxies in our sample, that are NGC6822, IC10, and the WLM galaxy. On the other hand, the claim for the DM detection in Tucana III (\(\mathrm{m}_\mathrm{DM}\approx 100\) GeV, \(<\sigma v>\approx10^{-26}\), 7 years, \(2.4\sigma\)) cannot be confirmed, following our results. We also show the upper limits for the stacked analysis of a selection of 7 dIrr galaxies and a PSF of \(0.5^\circ\) and \(0.1^\circ\), that starts to approach the constraints given by the analysis of 15 dSphs with Fermi-LAT. Considering that this analysis makes use only of the Fermi-LAT background models, the comparison with the constraints obtained through the proper data analysis of the *classical* dSphs is not straightforward and further investigation is needed.\
Altogether, in this paper, by means of a theoretical approach, we reconsider dIrr galaxies as new point-like targets for DM searches. This proof of concept could open new avenues concerning the data analysis of promising dIrrs. These galaxies could potentially represent complementary targets for DM searches because of their different kinematics, morphology and cosmological evolution, that result in density profiles that are different from that of dSphs. We would like to mention that the next generation large-area HI surveys, including SKA, will help to increase the number of the detected late-type galaxies in the Local Universe, as well as it will improve the kinematical measurements of their HI content (see e.g. ). Therefore, the increasing number of dIrr galaxies with measured kinematics could improve the significance of the results. Moreover, further investigation will be addressed to the study of this class of galaxies at higher energy scale. In fact, because AGN are not observed in dIrr galaxies, the astrophysical gamma-ray background is expected to be negligible even at very high energy. Preliminary results for these objects with two-years data of the HAWC observatory have been already obtained for the TeV energy scale.\
[^1]: The DM parameters listed in Table [\[Tab:Irr\]](#Tab:Irr){reference-type="ref" reference="Tab:Irr"} are slightly different from the ones in due to the fact that for some of the galaxies the values of the inclination were updated. Additionally, distances are also slightly different from the ones cited in due to the recent updates in the catalog http://www.sao.ru/lv/lvgdb | {'timestamp': '2018-09-19T02:12:10', 'yymm': '1706', 'arxiv_id': '1706.01843', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.01843'} |
# Motivation and outlook {#sec:intro}
The study and characterisation of supersymmetric and asymptotically AdS\(_{4}\) black holes in four-dimensional \(\,\mathcal{N}=2\,\) gauged supergravity has recently received new attention in light of the gravity/gauge correspondence. Of special interest are the \(\,\mathcal{N}=2\,\) gauged supergravities with a known embedding in string/M-theory due to the holographic description of their asymptotically AdS\(_{4}\) black hole solutions in terms of RG-flows across dimensions. Especially striking results have been obtained in the context of BPS black holes from M-theory, providing non-trivial precision tests of the gravity/gauge correspondence beyond anti-de Sitter backgrounds. Eleven-dimensional supergravity, the low-energy limit of M-theory, can be consistently reduced on a seven-sphere to a maximal SO(8)-gauged supergravity in four dimensions. Within this theory, the so-called STU-model has played a central role for black holes. The model describes the \(\,\textrm{U}(1)^4\,\) invariant subsector of the SO(8)-gauged supergravity which is an \(\,\mathcal{N}=2\,\) gauged supergravity coupled to three vector multiplets in presence of \(\,\textrm{U}(1)\,\) Fayet--Iliopoulos (FI) gaugings where the four FI parameters are identified. The black hole solutions studied in describe BPS flows interpolating between a maximally supersymmetric AdS\(_{4}\) solution in the ultraviolet (UV) dual to ABJM, the superconformal field theory on a stack of M2-branes, and an \(\,\textrm{AdS}_{2} \times \Sigma_{2}\,\) geometry in the near-horizon region. The classification of horizon configurations can be performed by virtue of the attractor mechanism which fixes the values of the scalars at the horizon in terms of the vector charges. At leading order, the gravitational entropy density associated with the horizons is obtained in terms of the charges using the Bekenstein--Hawking formula. Such a gravitational entropy density has been shown to nicely match the expression for the topologically twisted index computed in the (large \(N\)) dual field theory (see also ). Upon compactification on a circle, eleven-dimensional supergravity reduces to massless IIA supergravity in ten dimensions. However, unlike the former, the latter is known to admit a deformation in terms of a mass parameter \(\,m\,\). When \(\,m \neq 0\,\) the connection to eleven-dimensional supergravity is lost rendering the massive IIA supergravity an independent theory.[^1] Similarly to the eleven-dimensional theory, massive IIA supergravity can be consistently reduced on a six-sphere to a maximal ISO(7)-gauged supergravity in four dimensions of the class investigated in. In this theory, various types of BPS black holes have recently been found within the SU(3) invariant subsector. This subsector describes \(\,\mathcal{N}=2\,\) gauged supergravity coupled to one vector multiplet and the universal hypermultiplet[^2], and the gauging, specified by the gauge coupling \(\,g\,\) and the mass parameter \(\,m\), is identified with a group \(\,\textrm{G}=\mathbb{R} \times \textrm{U}(1)_{\mathbb{U}}\,\) of abelian isometries of the hypermultiplet moduli space. The presence of the universal hypermultiplet in four dimensions is mandatory in order to accommodate the non-trivial ten-dimensional dilaton upon reduction on the six-sphere. The black hole solutions found in describe BPS flows interpolating between an \(\,{\textrm{AdS}_{2} \times \textrm{H}^{2}}\,\) geometry in the near-horizon region and various UV asymptotic behaviours: charged \(\textrm{AdS}_{4}\), non-relativistic scaling behaviours and the domain-wall DW\(_{4}\) (four-dimensional) description of the D2-brane in massive IIA. The horizon configurations, namely the scalar fields and the vector charges at the horizon, turned out to be uniquely specified in terms of the gauging parameters \(\,(g,m)\,\) related to the inverse radius of the six-sphere and the Romans mass parameter, modulo a \(\mathbb{Z}_{2}\) reflection of the charges. In this note we make some progress in the classification of BPS black hole horizon configurations in \(\,\mathcal{N}=2\,\) supergravity models that arise from the reduction of massive IIA on the six-sphere. To this end, we extend the canonical setup with one vector multiplet and the universal hypermultiplet studied in by adding extra matter multiplets. Two cases are investigated:
- One vector multiplet and two hypermultiplets in the image of a c-map.
- Three vector multiplets and the universal hypermultiplet.
In the former case the attractor equations force the scalars in the extra hypermultiplet to vanish at the horizon, thus reducing this case to the one investigated in. In the latter case the extension of the vector sector proves more interesting. The massive IIA model with three vector multiplets and the universal hypermultiplet is the analogue of the STU-model from M-theory, although there are some fundamental differences. For instance, while the STU-model from M-theory has a maximally symmetric AdS\(_{4}\) vacuum dual to the superconformal ABJM theory on the M2-brane, the (massive) IIA counterpart is a DW\(_{4}\) solution with a non-trivial profile for the dilaton in the universal hypermultiplet reflecting the non-conformality of the dual SYM(-CS) theory on the D2-brane. The interplay between the scalars in the vector multiplets and the non-trivial dilaton in the universal hypermultiplet complicates the analysis of BPS flows. However, as we show in this note, the attractor equations governing the BPS horizon configurations can still be solved in full generality. The resulting horizon configurations are specified in terms of the gauging parameters \(\,(g,m)\,\) together with four continuous parameters, and can have hyperbolic or spherical symmetry. The gravitational entropy density associated with these horizons may play an important role in precision tests of the massive IIA on S\(^{6}\)/SYM-CS duality beyond anti-de Sitter backgrounds.
# \(\mathcal{N}=2\,\) gaugings and attractor mechanism from massive IIA {#sec:N=2&BH}
Massive IIA ten-dimensional supergravity can be consistently reduced on S\(^6\) down to a four-dimensional maximal supergravity with a dyonic ISO(7) gauging. This maximal supergravity admits various further truncations to \(\,\mathcal{N}=2\,\) subsectors characterised by a compact subgroup \(\,\textrm{G}_{0} \subset \textrm{ISO}(7)\,\) under which the fields retained in the truncation do not transform (singlets). The subsector with \(\textrm{G}_{0}=\textrm{SU}(3)\) invariance has proved very successful in the study of AdS\(_{4}\), domain-wall and black hole solutions that can systematically be uplifted to ten dimensions[^3] by using the uplifting formulas of (see *e.g.* ). However there are other \(\,\mathcal{N}=2\,\) truncations based on different subgroups \(\,\textrm{G}_{0}\,\) that are yet to be explored. This is what we set up to do in this note.
## Abelian hypermultiplet gaugings {#sec:N=2}
With the aim of gaining new insights into the general structure of BPS black hole horizon configurations from massive IIA, we investigate various \(\,\mathcal{N}=2\,\) truncations of the dyonically-gauged ISO(7) supergravity. They have an abelian gauge group \(\,{\textrm{G}=\mathbb{R} \times \textrm{U}(1)_{\mathbb{U}}} \,\) and are described by a Lagrangian of the form \[\label{Lagrangian_N2} \begin{array}{lll} L_{\textrm{mIIA}} &=& \left( \frac{R}{2}-V \right) * 1-K_{i \bar{j}} \, dz^{i} \wedge * \, d\bar{z}^{\bar{j}}-h_{uv} \, Dq^{u} \wedge * \, Dq^{v} \\[2mm] &+& \frac{1}{2} \, {\cal I}_{\Lambda \Sigma} \, \mathcal{H}^\Lambda \wedge * \, \mathcal{H}^\Sigma + \frac{1}{2} \, {\cal R}_{\Lambda \Sigma} \, \mathcal{H}^\Lambda \wedge \mathcal{H}^\Sigma \\[2mm] &-& \frac{1}{2} m\, \mathcal{B}^{0} \wedge d \tilde{\mathcal{A}}_0-\frac{1}{8} \, g \, m\, \mathcal{B}^{0} \wedge \mathcal{B}^{0} \. \end{array}\] The (dynamical) field content of the various models studied in this note consists of the supergravity multiplet coupled to \(\,n_{v}\,\) vector multiplets and \(\,n_{h}\,\) hypermultiplets. The complex scalars \(\,z^{i}\,\) in the vector multiplets, with \(\,i=1...,n_{v}\,\), serve as coordinates in a special Kähler (SK) manifold \(\,\mathcal{M}_{\textrm{SK}}\,\). As the gauging is abelian, they must be neutral \[\label{Dz} D z^{i}=d z^{i} \.\] In order to describe the dynamics of the vector multiplets, namely the kinetic terms for scalars and vectors as well as the generalised theta angles in ([\[Lagrangian_N2\]](#Lagrangian_N2){reference-type="ref" reference="Lagrangian_N2"}), we adopt the same conventions as in. Introducing a symplectic product of the form \[\left\langle U, V \right\rangle \equiv U^{M} \Omega_{MN}V^{N} = U_{\Lambda} V^{\Lambda}-U^{\Lambda} V_{\Lambda} \,\] where \(\,\Omega_{MN}\,\) is the (antisymmetric) invariant matrix of \(\,\textrm{Sp}(2 \, n_{v}+2)\,\) and \(\,\Lambda=0...,n_{v}\,\), the kinetic terms for the scalars \(\,z^{i}\,\) are determined by a Kähler potential \[\label{K_pot} K=-\log(i \left\langle X, \bar{X} \right\rangle) \.\] This is in turn expressed in terms of holomorphic sections \(\,X^{M}(z^{i})=(X^{\Lambda},F_{\Lambda})\,\) satisfying \(\,F_{\Lambda} = \partial \mathcal{F}/\partial X^{\Lambda}\,\) for a prepotential \(\,\mathcal{F}(X^{\Lambda})\,\) that is a homogeneous function of degree two. In terms of the Kähler potential ([\[K_pot\]](#K_pot){reference-type="ref" reference="K_pot"}), the metric in \(\,\mathcal{M}_{\textrm{SK}}\,\) is given by \[\label{dsSK_N2} ds_{\textrm{SK}}^2 = K_{i \bar{j}} \, dz^{i} \, d\bar{z}^{\bar{j}} \hspace{8mm} \textrm{ with } \hspace{8mm} K_{i \bar{j}} = \partial_{z^{i}} \partial_{\bar{z}^{\bar{j}}} K \.\] The kinetic terms and generalised theta angles for the (dynamical) vectors \(\,\mathcal{A}^{\Lambda}\,\) are encoded in the matrix \[\label{N_matrixN2} \mathcal{N}_{\Lambda \Sigma} = \bar{F}_{\Lambda \Sigma}+ 2 \, i \, \frac{\textrm{Im}(F_{\Lambda \Gamma})X^{\Gamma}\,\,\textrm{Im}(F_{\Sigma \Delta})X^{\Delta}}{\textrm{Im}(F_{\Omega \Phi})X^{\Omega}X^{\Phi}} \hspace{5mm} \textrm{ where } \hspace{5mm} F_{\Lambda \Sigma}=\partial_{\Lambda}\partial_{\Sigma} \mathcal{F} \.\] More concretely, the relevant functions entering ([\[Lagrangian_N2\]](#Lagrangian_N2){reference-type="ref" reference="Lagrangian_N2"}) are obtained as \(\,\mathcal{R}_{\Lambda \Sigma}\equiv \textrm{Re}(\mathcal{N}_{\Lambda \Sigma})\,\) and \(\,\mathcal{I}_{\Lambda \Sigma}\equiv \textrm{Im}(\mathcal{N}_{\Lambda \Sigma})\,\), and can be used to define a symmetric, real and negative-definite scalar matrix \[\label{M_scalar_matrix} \mathcal{M}(z^{i}) = \left( \begin{array}{cc} \mathcal{I} + \mathcal{R} \mathcal{I}^{-1} \mathcal{R} &-\mathcal{R} \mathcal{I}^{-1} \\-\mathcal{I}^{-1} \mathcal{R} & \mathcal{I}^{-1} \end{array} \right) \.\] The real scalars \(\,q^{u}\,\) in the hypermultiplets, with \(\,u=1...,4 \, n_{h}\,\), parameterise a quaternionic Kähler (QK) manifold \(\,\mathcal{M}_{\textrm{QK}}\,\) with metric \[ds_{\textrm{QK}}^2 = h_{uv} \, dq^{u} dq^{v} \.\] In this work we focus on QK manifolds that lie in the image of a c-map. The metric in this class of QK manifolds takes the form \[\label{dsQK_c-map} \begin{array}{lll} ds_{\textrm{QK}}^2 &=& \widetilde{K}_{a \bar{b}} \, d\tilde{z}^{a} \, d\bar{\tilde{z}}^{\bar{b}} + \, d \phi \, d \phi-\frac{1}{4} \, e^{2\phi} \, ( d\vec{\zeta}\,)^{T} \mathbb{C}\mathbb{M}_{4} \, d \vec{\zeta} \\[2mm] &+& \frac{1}{4} e^{4 \phi} \left[ d \sigma +\frac{1}{2}\, (\vec{\zeta}\,)^{T} \, \mathbb{C} \, d \vec{\zeta} \, \right] \, \left[ d \sigma +\frac{1}{2}\, (\vec{\zeta}\,)^{T} \, \mathbb{C} \, d \vec{\zeta} \, \right] \, \end{array}\] with \(\,\mathbb{C}=-\Omega\,\). The matrix \(\,\mathbb{M}_{4}\,\) entering the first line in ([\[dsQK_c-map\]](#dsQK_c-map){reference-type="ref" reference="dsQK_c-map"}) depends on the complex scalars \(\,\tilde{z}^{a}\,\), with \(\,a = 1,..., n_{h}-1\,\), parameterising the special Kähler manifold \(\,\mathcal{M}_{\widetilde{\textrm{SK}}}\,\) of the c-map. The remaining coordinates in \(\,\mathcal{M}_{\textrm{QK}}\,\) form the set \(\,\{\phi \,,\, \sigma \,,\, \zeta^{A} \,,\, \tilde{\zeta}_{A}\}\,\) with \(\,A=0,..., n_{h}-1\,\). We have also defined \(\,\vec{\zeta}\equiv(\zeta^{A},\tilde{\zeta}_{A})\,\) in ([\[dsQK_c-map\]](#dsQK_c-map){reference-type="ref" reference="dsQK_c-map"}). It is customary in \(\,\mathcal{N}=2\,\) supergravity to arrange electric \(\,\mathcal{A}^{\Lambda}\,\) and magnetic \(\,\tilde{A}_{\Lambda}\,\) vectors into a symplectic vector \(\,\mathcal{A}^{M}=(\mathcal{A}^{\Lambda},\tilde{\mathcal{A}}_{\Lambda})\,\) with \(\,M\,\) being a fundamental index of the electric-magnetic group \(\,\textrm{Sp}(2 \, n_{v}+2)\,\). In the massive IIA models, both types of vectors participate in the gauging of the \(\,{\textrm{G}=\mathbb{R} \times \textrm{U}(1)_{\mathbb{U}}} \,\) abelian isometries of \(\,\mathcal{M}_{\textrm{QK}}\,\). As a result, the scalars \(\,q^{u}\,\) in the hypermultiplets are charged under the gauging and minimally couple to the vector fields via covariant derivatives of the form \[\label{Dq_N2} Dq^{u} = \partial q^{u}-\mathcal{A}^{M} \, \Theta_{M}{}^{\alpha} \, k^{u}_{\alpha} \.\] The Killing vectors \(\,k_{\alpha}\,\) (with \(\alpha=\mathbb{R}\) or \(\mathbb{U}\)) in ([\[Dq_N2\]](#Dq_N2){reference-type="ref" reference="Dq_N2"}) couple simultaneously to electric and magnetic vectors as dicated by a dyonic embedding tensor \(\,\Theta_{M}{}^{\alpha}=(\Theta_{\Lambda}{}^{\alpha},\Theta^{\Lambda \, \alpha})\,\) with \(\,{\Theta^{\Lambda \, \alpha} \neq 0}\,\). Consistency of the gauging requires an orthogonality constraint of the form \(\,\left\langle \Theta^{\alpha},\Theta^{\beta} \right\rangle=0\,\). This constraint is guaranteed for the dyonic embedding tensor underlying the massive IIA models, which takes the form \[\label{Theta_tensor_N2} \Theta_{M}{}^{\alpha} = \left( \begin{array}{c} \Theta_{\Lambda}{}^{\alpha} \\[2mm] \hline\\[-2mm] \Theta^{\Lambda \, \alpha} \end{array}\right) = \left( \begin{array}{cc} \Theta_{0}{}^{\mathbb{R}} & \Theta_{0}{}^{\mathbb{U}} \\[2mm] \Theta_{1}{}^{\mathbb{R}} & \Theta_{1}{}^{\mathbb{U}} \\[2mm] \vdots & \vdots \\[2mm] \Theta_{n_{v}}{}^{\mathbb{R}} & \Theta_{n_{v}}{}^{\mathbb{U}} \\[2mm] \hline\\[-2mm] \Theta^{0 \, \mathbb{R}} & \Theta^{0 \, \mathbb{U}} \\[2mm] \Theta^{1 \, \mathbb{R}} & \Theta^{1 \, \mathbb{U}} \\[2mm] \vdots & \vdots \\[2mm] \Theta^{n_{v} \, \mathbb{R}} & \Theta^{n_{v} \, \mathbb{U}} \\[2mm] \end{array}\right) = \left( \begin{array}{cc} g & 0 \\[2mm] 0 & g \\[2mm] \vdots & \vdots \\[2mm] 0 & g \\[2mm] \hline\\[-2mm]-m & 0 \\[2mm] 0 & 0 \\[2mm] \vdots & \vdots \\[2mm] 0 & 0 \end{array}\right) \.\] The dyonic nature of the four-dimensional gauging has its origin in the Romans mass parameter \(\,m\,\) of the ten-dimensional massive IIA supergravity. More specifically, it only affects the \(\,\mathbb{R}\,\) factor of the gauge group which is associated with the isometry \(\,k_{\mathbb{R}} =\partial_{\sigma}\,\) of the quaternionic manifold ([\[dsQK_c-map\]](#dsQK_c-map){reference-type="ref" reference="dsQK_c-map"}). This isometry is gauged by a linear combination of the graviphoton and its magnetic dual, as it can be seen from the covariant derivatives \[\label{Dq_N2_massive_IIA} Dq^{u} = \partial q^{u}-(g \, \mathcal{A}^{0}-m \, \tilde{\mathcal{A}}_{0}) \, k^{u}_{\mathbb{R}}-g \, \mathcal{A}_{\mathbb{U}} \, k^{u}_{\mathbb{U}} \.\] From ([\[Dq_N2_massive_IIA\]](#Dq_N2_massive_IIA){reference-type="ref" reference="Dq_N2_massive_IIA"}) one also sees that \(\,\sigma\,\) becomes a Stückelberg field. The \(\,\textrm{U}(1)_{\mathbb{U}}\,\) factor of the gauge group associated with the isometry \(\,k_{\mathbb{U}}\,\) is spanned by the electric vector \(\,\mathcal{A}_{\mathbb{U}} \equiv \sum_{i} \, \mathcal{A}^{i}\,\). The Romans mass also induces the topological term in the last line of ([\[Lagrangian_N2\]](#Lagrangian_N2){reference-type="ref" reference="Lagrangian_N2"}) which involves the magnetic graviphoton \(\,\tilde{\mathcal{A}}_{0}\,\) and an auxiliary two-form tensor field \(\,\mathcal{B}^{0}\,\). The presence of non-dynamical tensor fields in four-dimensional gauged supergravities with a dyonic gauging is a well understood phenomenon. In addition to the topological term, the auxiliary tensor field \(\,\mathcal{B}^{0}\,\) modifies the field strength of the electric graviphoton. Concretely, one has that \[\label{Field-strengthsH} \mathcal{H}^{0} = d \mathcal{A}^{0} + \tfrac{1}{2 } \, m \, \mathcal{B}^{0} \hspace{5mm}, \hspace{5mm} \mathcal{H}^{i} = d \mathcal{A}^{i} \.\] The equation of motion for the magnetic graviphoton following from the Lagrangian ([\[Lagrangian_N2\]](#Lagrangian_N2){reference-type="ref" reference="Lagrangian_N2"}) and ([\[Dq_N2_massive_IIA\]](#Dq_N2_massive_IIA){reference-type="ref" reference="Dq_N2_massive_IIA"}) gives a duality relation between the auxiliary tensor field \(\,\mathcal{B}^{0}\,\) and the covariant derivatives of the scalars \(\,\sigma\,\) and \(\,\vec{\zeta}\,\) in the hypermultiplet sector \[\label{EOM_A0tilde} \begin{split} d \mathcal{B}^0 & =-e^{4 \phi} * \! \left[ D \sigma +\frac{1}{2}\, (\vec{\zeta}\,)^{T} \, \mathbb{C} \, D \vec{\zeta} \, \right] \. \end{split}\] In addition the dual graviphoton is subject to a duality relation \[\label{EOM_B0} d \tilde{\mathcal{A}}_{0}+\tfrac{1}{2} \, g \, \mathcal{B}^{0}=\mathcal{I}_{0 \Sigma} * \mathcal{H}^\Sigma + \mathcal{R}_{0 \Sigma} \, \mathcal{H}^\Sigma \,\] arising as the equation of motion for the tensor field \(\,\mathcal{B}^0\,\). The gauging of abelian isometries in \(\,\mathcal{M}_{\textrm{QK}}\,\) induces a potential for the scalar fields in the vector multiplets and hypermultiplets. Using \(\,\mathcal{N}=2\,\) symplectically covariant notation, it is given by \[\label{VN2} V = 4 \, \mathcal{V}^{M} \, \bar{\mathcal{V}}^{N} \, \mathcal{K}_{M}{}^{u} \, h_{uv} \, \mathcal{K}_{N}{}^{v} + \mathcal{P}^{x}_{M} \, \mathcal{P}^{x}_{N} \left( K^{i\bar{j}} \, D_{i}\mathcal{V}^{M} \, D_{\bar{j}} \bar{\mathcal{V}}^{N}-3 \, \mathcal{V}^{M} \, \bar{\mathcal{V}}^{N} \right) \,\] with \(\,\mathcal{V}^{M} \equiv e^{K/2} \, X^{M}\,\) and \(\,D_{i}\mathcal{V}^{M}=\partial_{z^{i}} \mathcal{V}^{M} + \frac{1}{2} (\partial_{z^{i}} K)\mathcal{V}^{M}\,\), and where we have introduced symplectic Killing vectors \(\,\mathcal{K}_{M} \equiv \Theta_{M}{}^{\alpha} \, k_{\alpha}\,\) and moment maps \(\,\mathcal{P}_{M}^{x} \equiv \Theta_{M}{}^{\alpha} \, P_{\alpha}^{x}\,\) in order to maintain symplectic covariance. Lastly, the Einstein-Hilbert term closes the description of the supergravity Lagrangian in ([\[Lagrangian_N2\]](#Lagrangian_N2){reference-type="ref" reference="Lagrangian_N2"}).
## Static BPS black holes and attractor mechanism {#sec:attractor}
Static BPS black holes with spherical/hyperbolic symmetry have been extensively studied in the context of \(\,\mathcal{N}=2\,\) gauged supergravity. Adopting the conventions of, the most general metric compatible with the symmetry takes the form \[\label{ansatz_metric} d s^2 =-e^{2 U} d t^2 + e^{-2 U} d r^2 + e^{2 (\psi-U)} \left( d \theta^2 + \left( \frac{ \sin \sqrt{\kappa} \, \theta }{ \sqrt{ \kappa } } \right)^2 \, d \phi^2 \right) \,\] with \(\,\kappa=1\,\) (spherical horizon S\(^2\)) or \(\,\kappa=-1\,\) (hyperbolic horizon H\(^2\)). The functions \(\,e^{-2 U}\,\) and \(\,e^{2 (\psi-U)}\,\) in the metric ([\[ansatz_metric\]](#ansatz_metric){reference-type="ref" reference="ansatz_metric"}) as well as the vectors \(\,\mathcal{A}^{\Lambda}\,\) and \(\,\tilde{\mathcal{A}}_{0}\,\), the tensor \(\,\mathcal{B}^{0}\,\) and the scalars \(\,z^{i}\,\) and \(\,q^{u}\,\) are assumed to depend only on the radial coordinate \(\,r\,\). The ansatz for the vectors takes the form \[\label{ansatz_vectors} \mathcal{A}^\Lambda = \mathcal{A}_t{}^\Lambda(r) \, d t-p^\Lambda \, \frac{ \cos \sqrt{\kappa} \, \theta }{ \kappa } \, d \phi \hspace{6mm} \textrm{, } \hspace{6mm} \tilde{\mathcal{A}}_0 = \tilde{\mathcal{A}}_{t \, 0}(r) \, d t-e_{0} \, \frac{ \cos \sqrt{\kappa} \, \theta }{ \kappa } \, d \phi \,\] with constant magnetic \(\,p^{\Lambda}\,\) and electric \(\,e_{0}\,\) charges. The ansatz for the tensor field reads[^4] \[\label{ansatz_tensor} \mathcal{B}^0 = b_0(r) \, \frac{ \sin \sqrt{\kappa} \, \theta }{ \sqrt{\kappa} } \, d \theta \wedge d \phi \.\] As we will see in the next section, the scalars being charged under the vectors \(\,\mathcal{A}^{i}\,\) are forced to vanish at the horizon by virtue of the attractor mechanism. Furthermore, they can be set to zero identically at the level of the Lagrangian without causing inconsistencies with the set of equations of motion derived from ([\[Lagrangian_N2\]](#Lagrangian_N2){reference-type="ref" reference="Lagrangian_N2"}). The latter restriction implies that there is no source term in the equations of motion for the vectors \(\,\mathcal{A}^{i}\,\) which become of the form \(\,{d(\mathcal{I}_{i \Sigma} * \mathcal{H}^\Sigma + \mathcal{R}_{i \Sigma} \, \mathcal{H}^\Sigma)=0}\,\). For this reason, it is convenient to also introduce a set of auxiliary magnetic vectors \[\label{ansatz_vector_dual} \tilde{\mathcal{A}}_{i} = \tilde{\mathcal{A}}_{t \, {i}}(r) d t-e_{i} \, \frac{ \cos \sqrt{\kappa} \, \theta }{ \kappa } \, d \phi\,\] with constant electric charges \(\,e_{i}\,\), which are subject to a set of duality relations of the form \(\,{d\tilde{\mathcal{A}}_{i}=\mathcal{I}_{i \Sigma} * \mathcal{H}^\Sigma + \mathcal{R}_{i \Sigma} \, \mathcal{H}^\Sigma}\,\). The analysis of equations of motion and duality relations is the straightforward generalisation of the one performed in for the model with one vector multiplet and the universal hypermultiplet and fits into the general analysis of. In the near-horizon region the metric takes the form \(\,\textrm{AdS}_{2} \times \Sigma_{2}\,\) with \(\,\Sigma_{2}= \{\textrm{S}^{2} \,,\, \textrm{H}^{2}\}\,\). This sets the functions in ([\[ansatz_metric\]](#ansatz_metric){reference-type="ref" reference="ansatz_metric"}) to \[\label{metric_horizon} e^{2U} = \frac{r^2}{L^2_{\textrm{AdS}_{2}}} \hspace{8mm} \textrm{ and } \hspace{8mm} e^{2(\psi-U)} = L^{2}_{\Sigma_{2}} \.\] On the other hand, BPS black holes are solutions to a set of first-order flow equations: they extremise a real function \(\,2|W|\,\) defined in terms of a central charge \(\,\mathcal{Z}\,\) and a superpotential \(\,\mathcal{L}\,\). This function, that must vanish at the horizon, is given by \[\label{EqZ+L=0} W=e^{U} (\mathcal{Z} + i \, \kappa \, L_{\Sigma_{2}}^2 \, \mathcal{L})= |W| \, e^{i \beta} \,\] and solves the Hamilton--Jacobi equation for the effective action obtained upon plugging the field ansatz ([\[ansatz_metric\]](#ansatz_metric){reference-type="ref" reference="ansatz_metric"})-([\[ansatz_vector_dual\]](#ansatz_vector_dual){reference-type="ref" reference="ansatz_vector_dual"}) into the Lagrangian ([\[Lagrangian_N2\]](#Lagrangian_N2){reference-type="ref" reference="Lagrangian_N2"}). The central charge and the superpotential are obtained as \[\mathcal{Z}(z^{i})=\left\langle \mathcal{Q}, \mathcal{V} \right\rangle \hspace{10mm} \textrm{ and } \hspace{10mm} \mathcal{L}(z^{i},q^{u})=\left\langle \mathcal{Q}^{x} \mathcal{P}^{x}, \mathcal{V} \right\rangle \,\] with \(\,\mathcal{Q}^{x} \equiv \left\langle \mathcal{P}^{x}, \mathcal{Q} \right\rangle\,\), and depend on a symplectic vector of charges \[\label{Q_vector_attractor} {\mathcal{Q}^M} = \left( \,\, \mathfrak{p}^{0} \,\,, \,\, p^{i} \,\,,\,\, \mathfrak{e}_{0} \,\,,\,\, e_{i} \,\, \right)^{T} \,\] where \(\,\mathfrak{p}^{0}\equiv p^{0} + \tfrac{1}{2} \, m \, b_{0}(r)\,\) and \(\, \mathfrak{e}_{0} \equiv e_0 + \tfrac{1}{2} \, g \, b_0(r)\,\). Assuming that the scalars approach the horizon with a constant value, *i.e.* \(\,{z^{i}}'={q^{u}}'=0\,\), the first-order flow equations become algebraic and determine the so-called attractor equations. The set of attractor equations for dyonic gaugings of \(\,\mathcal{N}=2\,\) supergravity was derived in. It is given by[^5] \[\label{attrac_eqs} \begin{split} \mathcal{Q} & = \kappa \, L_{\Sigma_{2}}^{2} \, \Omega \, \mathcal{M} \, \mathcal{Q} ^{x} \, \mathcal{P}^{x}-4 \, \textrm{Im}(\bar{\mathcal{Z}} \, \mathcal{V}) \, \\ \dfrac{L_{\Sigma_{2}}^{2}}{L_{\textrm{AdS}_{2}}} & = -2 \, \mathcal{Z} \, e^{-i \beta} \, \\[2mm] \left\langle \mathcal{K}^{u}, \mathcal{V} \right\rangle & = 0 \, \end{split}\] and must be supplemented with a charge quantisation condition \[\label{quant_cond} \mathcal{Q}^{x} \, \mathcal{Q}^{x} = 1 \,\] and a set of compatibility constraints of the form \[\label{extra_constraints} \mathcal{H} \, \Omega \, \mathcal{Q} = 0 \hspace{8mm} \textrm{ and } \hspace{8mm} \mathcal{H} \, \Omega \, \mathcal{A}_{t} = 0 \,\] where \(\,\mathcal{H}=(\mathcal{K}^u)^{T} \, h_{uv} \, \mathcal{K}{}^{v}\,\). We refer the reader to the original work of for a detailed derivation of the attractor equations ([\[attrac_eqs\]](#attrac_eqs){reference-type="ref" reference="attrac_eqs"})-([\[extra_constraints\]](#extra_constraints){reference-type="ref" reference="extra_constraints"}). The values of the scalars at the horizon configurations can be alternatively obtained by extremising an effective black hole potential. Due to the presence of the gauging in the hypermultiplet sector, such an effective potential takes the form \[\label{Veff} V_{\textrm{eff}} = \frac{\kappa-\sqrt{\kappa^2-4 \, V_{\textrm{BH}} \, V}}{2 \, V} \,\] with \(\,V\,\) given in ([\[VN2\]](#VN2){reference-type="ref" reference="VN2"}) and where \(\,V_{\textrm{BH}}=-\frac{1}{2} \mathcal{Q}^{\,T} \, \mathcal{M} \, \mathcal{Q}\,\) is the black hole potential in \(\,\mathcal{N}=2\,\) ungauged supergravity that depends on the charges and on the scalar-dependent matrix ([\[M_scalar_matrix\]](#M_scalar_matrix){reference-type="ref" reference="M_scalar_matrix"}). One then has that \[\label{Veff_extremisation} \partial_{z^{i}}V_{\textrm{eff}} \big|_{z_{h}^{i},q_{h}^{u}} = 0 \hspace{5mm}, \hspace{5mm} \partial_{q^{u}}V_{\textrm{eff}} \big|_{z_{h}^{i},q_{h}^{u}} = 0 \hspace{5mm} \textrm{ and }\hspace{5mm} L^2_{\Sigma_{2}} = V_{\textrm{eff}}(z_{h}^{i},q_{h}^{u}) \,\] where we have denoted the values of the fields at the horizon with a subscript \(_{h}\,\). In the next section, we are solving the attractor equations ([\[attrac_eqs\]](#attrac_eqs){reference-type="ref" reference="attrac_eqs"})-([\[extra_constraints\]](#extra_constraints){reference-type="ref" reference="extra_constraints"}) for various \(\,\mathcal{N}=2\,\) supergravity models arising from the reduction of massive IIA on the six-sphere.
# Models from massive IIA
Here we investigate the existence of BPS horizon configurations with hyperbolic/spherical symmetry in various \(\,\mathcal{N}=2\,\) truncations of the dyonically-gauged ISO(7) supergravity. We start the section by reviewing the horizon configurations found in for the canonical model with one vector multiplet and the universal hypermultiplet, and then generalise the setup there by including additional matter multiplets.
## \(\mathcal{M}_{\textrm{SK}}=\textrm{SU(1,1)}/\textrm{U}(1)\,\) and \(\,\mathcal{M}_{\textrm{QK}}=\textrm{SU(2,1)}/(\textrm{SU}(2) \times \textrm{U}(1))\,\) {#sec:nv=1&nh=1}
Examples of four-dimensional static BPS black holes enjoying an embedding in massive IIA supergravity were presented in.[^6] The \(\,\mathcal{N}=2\,\) model studied there corresponds to the truncation preserving \(\,\textrm{G}_{0}=\textrm{SU}(3) \subset \textrm{ISO}(7)\,\). This model describes \(\,\mathcal{N}=2\,\) supergravity coupled to a vector multiplet \(\,(n_{v}=1)\,\) and the universal hypermultiplet \(\,(n_{h}=1)\,\), and has \[\mathcal{M}_{\textrm{SK}}=\frac{\textrm{SU(1,1)}}{\textrm{U}(1)} \hspace{8mm} \textrm{ and } \hspace{8mm} \mathcal{M}_{\textrm{QK}}=\frac{\textrm{SU}(2,1)}{\textrm{SU}(2) \times \textrm{U}(1)} \.\] The holomorphic sections used to describe the SK manifold are given by \[\label{Xsections_nv=1&nh=1} (X^{0}\,,\,X^{1}\,,\,F_{0}\,,\,F_{1}) = (-z^3\,,\,-z\,,\,1\,,\,3z^2) \,\] which follow from a square-root prepotential \[\label{F_prepot_nv=1&nh=1} \mathcal{F} =-2 \, \sqrt{X^{0}(X^{1})^3} \.\] Denoting \(\,z^{1}\equiv z =-\chi + i e^{-\varphi}\,\) the scalar in the vector multiplet parameterising \(\,\mathcal{M}_{\textrm{SK}}\,\) and \(\,q^{u}=(\phi \, ,\, \sigma \,,\, \zeta^{0} \equiv \zeta \,,\, \tilde{\zeta}_{0} \equiv\tilde{\zeta})\,\) the four real scalars serving as coordinates in \(\,\mathcal{M}_{\textrm{QK}}\,\), the scalar metrics entering ([\[Lagrangian_N2\]](#Lagrangian_N2){reference-type="ref" reference="Lagrangian_N2"}) take the form \[\label{dsSK_nv=1&nh=1} ds_{\textrm{SK}}^2 = \frac{3}{4} \frac{dz \, d\bar{z}}{(\textrm{Im} z)^2} \,\] and \[\label{dsQK_nv=1&nh=1} \begin{array}{lll} ds_{\textrm{QK}}^2 &=& d \phi \, d \phi + \frac{1}{4} \, e^{2\phi} \, \left( d \zeta \, d\zeta + d \tilde{\zeta} \, d \tilde{\zeta} \right) \\[2mm] &+& \frac{1}{4} e^{4 \phi} \left[ d \sigma + \tfrac{1}{2} ( \tilde{\zeta} d \zeta-\zeta d \tilde{\zeta} ) \right] \, \left[ d \sigma + \tfrac{1}{2} ( \tilde{\zeta} d \zeta-\zeta d \tilde{\zeta} ) \right] \. \end{array}\] The kinetic terms and the generalised theta angles for the vectors are determined by the scalar-dependent matrix ([\[N_matrixN2\]](#N_matrixN2){reference-type="ref" reference="N_matrixN2"}) which reads \[\label{NMat_nv=1&nh=1} \mathcal{N}_{\Lambda \Sigma} = \frac{1}{(2\, e^{\varphi } \, \chi +i )} \left( \begin{array}{cc} -\dfrac{e^{3 \varphi }}{(e^{\varphi } \, \chi-i )^2} & \dfrac{3 \, e^{2 \varphi } \, \chi }{(e^{\varphi} \, \chi-i )} \\[5mm] \dfrac{3 \, e^{2 \varphi } \, \chi }{(e^{\varphi } \, \chi-i)} & 3 \, ( e^{\varphi } \, \chi^2+e^{-\varphi}) \end{array} \right) \.\] The two abelian isometries of the quaternionic metric ([\[dsQK_nv=1&nh=1\]](#dsQK_nv=1&nh=1){reference-type="ref" reference="dsQK_nv=1&nh=1"}) that are gauged correspond to Killing vectors of the form \[\label{Killing_vectors_nv=1&nh=1} \begin{array}{lll} k_{\mathbb{R}} &=& \partial_{\sigma} \, \\[2mm] k_{\mathbb{U}} &=&-3 \, ( \tilde{\zeta} \, \partial_{\zeta}-\zeta \, \partial_{\tilde{\zeta}} ) \, \end{array}\] and have associated moment maps given by \[\label{Momentum_maps_nv=1&nh=1} \begin{array}{lll} P^{+}_{\mathbb{R}} = 0 &\hspace{8mm}, \hspace{8mm} & P^{3}_{\mathbb{R}} =-\tfrac{1}{2} e^{2 \phi} \, \\[2mm] P^{+}_{\mathbb{U}} = 3 \, e^{\phi} \, (\tilde{\zeta}-i \, \zeta) &\hspace{8mm}, \hspace{8mm}& P^{3}_{\mathbb{U}} = 3 \, \left( 1-\frac{1}{4} \, e^{2 \phi} \, (\zeta^2+\tilde{\zeta}^2)\right) \, \end{array}\] with \(P^{+}\equiv P^{1}+ i P^{2}\). These isometries are gauged using the embedding tensor in ([\[Theta_tensor_N2\]](#Theta_tensor_N2){reference-type="ref" reference="Theta_tensor_N2"}) particularised to the case \(\,n_{v}=1\,\). Plugging such an embedding tensor, together with the Killing vectors ([\[Killing_vectors_nv=1&nh=1\]](#Killing_vectors_nv=1&nh=1){reference-type="ref" reference="Killing_vectors_nv=1&nh=1"}), into the covariant derivatives ([\[Dq_N2\]](#Dq_N2){reference-type="ref" reference="Dq_N2"}) one finds \[\label{Dq_nv=1&nh=1} \begin{array}{c} D \sigma = d \sigma-g \, \mathcal{A}^0 + m \, \tilde{\mathcal{A}}_0 \hspace{5mm}, \hspace{5mm} D \zeta = d \zeta + 3 \, g \, \mathcal{A}^1 \tilde{\zeta} \hspace{5mm}, \hspace{5mm} D \tilde{\zeta} = d \tilde{\zeta}-3 \, g \, \mathcal{A}^1 \zeta \. \end{array}\] Using the above geometrical data, the algebraic set of attractor equations ([\[attrac_eqs\]](#attrac_eqs){reference-type="ref" reference="attrac_eqs"})-([\[extra_constraints\]](#extra_constraints){reference-type="ref" reference="extra_constraints"}) was solved in full generality in for a symplectic vector of charges \(\,{\mathcal{Q}^M}\,\) of the form ([\[Q_vector_attractor\]](#Q_vector_attractor){reference-type="ref" reference="Q_vector_attractor"}). The result is that two horizon configurations--related to each other by a \(\,\mathbb{Z}_{2}\,\) reflection of the charges--exist with scalar fields and vector charges being fixed to \[\label{horizon_conf_nv=1&nh=1_enhancement} \zeta_{h} = \tilde{\zeta}_{h} = \sigma_{h}= 0 \,\] and \[\label{horizon_conf_nv=1&nh=1} \begin{array}{lcll} \kappa \, m^{-1/6} \, g^{7/6} \, L_{\textrm{AdS}_{2}}=-\dfrac{1}{2\,\, 3^{1/4}} &, & \kappa \, m^{-1/3} \, g^{7/3} \, L^2_{\Sigma_{2}}=-\dfrac{1}{2\, \sqrt{3}} &, \\[4mm] m^{1/3} \, g^{-1/3} \, e^{\phi_{h}} = \sqrt{2} & \hspace{5mm}, \hspace{5mm} & m^{-1/3} \, g^{1/3} \, z_{h}= e^{i \frac{\pi}{3}} &, \\[4mm] m^{-2/3} \, g^{5/3} \, \mathfrak{p}^{0} = \pm \, \dfrac{1}{6} &, & m^{1/3} \, g^{2/3} \, \mathfrak{e}_{0} = \pm \, \dfrac{1}{6} &, \\[3mm] g \, p^{1}=\mp \, \dfrac{1}{3} &, & m^{-1/3} \, g^{4/3} \, e_{1} = \pm \, \dfrac{1}{2} &. \end{array}\] The horizon must be of hyperbolic type \(\,(\kappa=-1)\) for \(\,L_{\textrm{AdS}_{2}}>0\,\) and \(\, L^2_{\Sigma_{2}}>0\,\), and the phase \(\,\beta\,\) in ([\[attrac_eqs\]](#attrac_eqs){reference-type="ref" reference="attrac_eqs"}) gets fixed to \(\,\beta=\frac{\pi}{3} \mp \frac{\pi}{2}\,\). The requirements \(\,\zeta_{h} = \tilde{\zeta}_{h} = 0\,\) and \(\,\sigma_{h}=0\,\) respectively follow from the constraint \(\,\left\langle \mathcal{K}^{u}, \mathcal{V} \right\rangle=0\,\) in ([\[attrac_eqs\]](#attrac_eqs){reference-type="ref" reference="attrac_eqs"}) and from ([\[EOM_A0tilde\]](#EOM_A0tilde){reference-type="ref" reference="EOM_A0tilde"}). A quick inspection of the covariant derivatives in ([\[Dq_nv=1&nh=1\]](#Dq_nv=1&nh=1){reference-type="ref" reference="Dq_nv=1&nh=1"}) shows that ([\[horizon_conf_nv=1&nh=1_enhancement\]](#horizon_conf_nv=1&nh=1_enhancement){reference-type="ref" reference="horizon_conf_nv=1&nh=1_enhancement"}) decouples the vector \(\,\mathcal{A}^{1}\,\), equivalently \(\,k_{\mathbb{U}}=0\,\), and produces a \(\,\textrm{U}(1)_{\mathbb{U}}\,\) symmetry enhancement in the truncation.
## \(\mathcal{M}_{\textrm{SK}}=\textrm{SU(1,1)}/\textrm{U}(1)\,\) and \(\,\mathcal{M}_{\textrm{QK}}=\textrm{G}_{2(2)}/\textrm{SO}(4)\,\) {#sec:nv=1&nh=2}
The next model extends the setup in by adding an additional hypermultiplet and corresponds to a truncation preserving the smallest non-abelian subgroup \(\,\textrm{G}_{0}=\textrm{SO}(3) \subset \textrm{ISO}(7)\,\). In this case, the Lagrangian ([\[Lagrangian_N2\]](#Lagrangian_N2){reference-type="ref" reference="Lagrangian_N2"}) describes \(\,\mathcal{N}=2\,\) supergravity coupled to a vector multiplet \(\,(n_{v}=1)\,\) and two hypermultiplets \(\,(n_{h}=2)\,\) with \[\mathcal{M}_{\textrm{SK}}=\frac{\textrm{SU(1,1)}}{\textrm{U}(1)} \hspace{8mm} \textrm{ and } \hspace{8mm} \mathcal{M}_{\textrm{QK}}=\frac{\textrm{G}_{2(2)}}{\textrm{SO}(4)} \.\] Since the extension only involves the hypermultiplet sector, the holomorphic sections, prepotential, vector kinetic terms and generalised theta angles as well as the kinetic term for the complex scalar \(\,z\,\) are still given by ([\[Xsections_nv=1&nh=1\]](#Xsections_nv=1&nh=1){reference-type="ref" reference="Xsections_nv=1&nh=1"}), ([\[F_prepot_nv=1&nh=1\]](#F_prepot_nv=1&nh=1){reference-type="ref" reference="F_prepot_nv=1&nh=1"}), ([\[NMat_nv=1&nh=1\]](#NMat_nv=1&nh=1){reference-type="ref" reference="NMat_nv=1&nh=1"}) and ([\[dsSK_nv=1&nh=1\]](#dsSK_nv=1&nh=1){reference-type="ref" reference="dsSK_nv=1&nh=1"}). Regarding the geometrical description of \(\,{\mathcal{M}_{\textrm{QK}}=\textrm{G}_{2(2)}/\textrm{SO}(4)}\), we fetch results from (see also ). Denoting coordinates in \(\,\mathcal{M}_{\textrm{QK}}\,\) by \(\,q^{u}\,=(\tilde{\varphi} \,,\,\tilde{\chi} \,,\,\phi \,,\, \sigma \,,\,\zeta^{A} \,,\,\tilde{\zeta}_{A})\), with \(\,A=0,1\,\), the quaternionic metric is given by \[\label{dsQK_nv=1&nh=2} \hspace{-2mm} \begin{array}{lll} ds_{\textrm{QK}}^2 &=& 3 \, d \tilde{\varphi} \, d\tilde{\varphi} + \frac{3}{4} \, e^{4\tilde{\varphi}} \, d\tilde{\chi} \, d\tilde{\chi} + \, d \phi \, d \phi-\frac{1}{4} \, e^{2\phi} \, (d \vec{\zeta}\,)^{T} \, \mathbb{C}\mathbb{M}_{4} \, d\vec{\zeta} \\[2mm] &+& \frac{1}{4} e^{4 \phi} \left[ d \sigma + \frac{1}{2}\, (\vec{\zeta}\,)^{T} \, \mathbb{C} \, d \vec{\zeta} \, \right] \, \left[ d \sigma + \frac{1}{2}\, (\vec{\zeta}\,)^{T} \, \mathbb{C} \, d \vec{\zeta} \, \right] \. \end{array}\] The scalar matrix \(\,\mathbb{M}_{4}\,\) entering ([\[dsQK_nv=1&nh=2\]](#dsQK_nv=1&nh=2){reference-type="ref" reference="dsQK_nv=1&nh=2"}) depends on the complex scalar \(\,\tilde{z}^{1} \equiv \tilde{z} = \tilde{\chi} + i \, e^{-2 \tilde{\varphi}}\,\) parameterising the special Kähler submanifold \(\,\mathcal{M}_{\widetilde{\textrm{SK}}}=\textrm{SU}(1,1)/\textrm{U}(1)\,\) employed to construct \(\,\mathcal{M}_{\textrm{QK}}\,\) via the c-map, and reads \[\mathbb{M}_{4} = e^{6 \tilde{\varphi}} \left( \begin{array}{cccc}-\tilde{\chi}^3 & 3 \tilde{\chi}^2 & 1 & \tilde{\chi} \\[2mm]-\tilde{\chi}^2 \left(\tilde{\chi}^2+e^{-4 \tilde{\varphi}}\right) & \tilde{\chi} \left(3 \tilde{\chi}^2+2 e^{-4 \tilde{\varphi}} \right) & \tilde{\chi} & \tilde{\chi}^2+\frac{1}{3} e^{-4 \tilde{\varphi}} \\[2mm]-\left(\tilde{\chi}^2+e^{-4 \tilde{\varphi}}\right)^3 & 3 \tilde{\chi} \left( \tilde{\chi}^2+e^{-4 \tilde{\varphi}}\right)^2 & \tilde{\chi}^3 & \tilde{\chi}^2 \left(\tilde{\chi}^2+e^{-4 \tilde{\varphi}} \right) \\[2mm] 3 \tilde{\chi} \left(\tilde{\chi}^2+e^{-4 \tilde{\varphi}}\right)^2 &-3 \left(3 \tilde{\chi}^4+4 e^{-4 \tilde{\varphi}} \tilde{\chi}^2+e^{-8 \tilde{\varphi}}\right) &-3 \tilde{\chi}^2 &-\tilde{\chi} \left(3 \tilde{\chi}^2+2 e^{-4 \tilde{\varphi}}\right) \\ \end{array} \right) \.\] The geometrical data of the submanifold \(\,\mathcal{M}_{\widetilde{\textrm{SK}}}\,\) is specified in terms of holomorphic sections \(\,\tilde{Z} = (1 \,,\, \tilde{z} \,,\, \tilde{z}^3 \,,\,-3 \tilde{z}^2)\,\) which are compatible with a prepotential of the form \[\widetilde{\mathcal{F}} =-\frac{(\tilde{Z}^{1})^3}{\tilde{Z}^{0}} \.\] The Kähler potential for \(\,\mathcal{M}_{\widetilde{\textrm{SK}}}\,\) enters the moment maps of the \(\,\textrm{U}(1)_{\mathbb{U}}\,\) isometry being gauged. It follows the standard definition in ([\[K_pot\]](#K_pot){reference-type="ref" reference="K_pot"}) and reads \(\,{\widetilde{K}=-\log(i \, \langle \tilde{Z}, \bar{\tilde{Z}} \rangle)}\,\). The two isometries of the quaternionic metric ([\[dsQK_nv=1&nh=2\]](#dsQK_nv=1&nh=2){reference-type="ref" reference="dsQK_nv=1&nh=2"}) that are gauged in this truncation are specified by Killing vectors \[\label{Killing_vectors_nv=1&nh=2} \begin{array}{lll} k_{\mathbb{R}} &=& \partial_{\sigma} \, \\[2mm] k_{\mathbb{U}} &=& \left[ (\mathbb{U} \, \tilde{Z})^{A} \partial_{\tilde{Z}^{A}} + \textrm{c.c.}\right] + (\mathbb{U} \, \vec{\zeta} \, )^{T} \, \partial_{\vec{\zeta}} \, \end{array}\] where the \(\,\mathbb{U}\,\) matrix is given by \[\mathbb{U} = \left( \begin{array}{rrrr} 0 & 3 & 0 & 0 \\ -1 & 0 & 0 &-\frac{2}{3} \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \\ 0 & 6 &-3 & 0 \\ \end{array} \right) \.\] Following the terminology in, the isometries ([\[Killing_vectors_nv=1&nh=2\]](#Killing_vectors_nv=1&nh=2){reference-type="ref" reference="Killing_vectors_nv=1&nh=2"}) are identified with duality symmetries and have associated moment maps of the form \[\begin{array}{lll} P^{+}_{\mathbb{R}} = 0 &\hspace{8mm}, \hspace{8mm} & P^{3}_{\mathbb{R}} =-\tfrac{1}{2} e^{2 \phi} \ ,\\[2mm] P^{+}_{\mathbb{U}} =-\sqrt{2} \, e^{\frac{\widetilde{K}}{2}+\phi} \tilde{Z}^{T} \mathbb{C} \, \mathbb{U} \, \vec{\zeta} &\hspace{8mm}, \hspace{8mm}& P^{3}_{\mathbb{U}} =-\tfrac{1}{4} e^{2 \phi} (\vec{\zeta}\,)^{T} \mathbb{C} \, \mathbb{U} \, \vec{\zeta} + e^{\widetilde{K}} \tilde{Z}^{T} \mathbb{C} \, \mathbb{U} \, \bar{\tilde{Z}} \. \end{array}\] The embedding tensor in this model is still given by ([\[Theta_tensor_N2\]](#Theta_tensor_N2){reference-type="ref" reference="Theta_tensor_N2"}) with \(\,n_{v}=1\,\). After using the Killing vectors in ([\[Killing_vectors_nv=1&nh=2\]](#Killing_vectors_nv=1&nh=2){reference-type="ref" reference="Killing_vectors_nv=1&nh=2"}) one finds covariant derivatives \[\label{Dq_nv=1&nh=2} \begin{array}{c} D \tilde{\varphi} = d \tilde{\varphi}-g \, \mathcal{A}^1 \tilde{\chi} \hspace{3mm}, \hspace{3mm} D \tilde{\chi} = d \tilde{\chi} + g \, \mathcal{A}^1 (1-e^{-4 \tilde{\varphi}} + \tilde{\chi}^2) \hspace{3mm}, \hspace{3mm} D \sigma = d \sigma-g \, \mathcal{A}^0 + m \, \tilde{\mathcal{A}}_0 \, \\[3mm] \,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,D \zeta^{0} = d \zeta^{0}-3 \, g \, \mathcal{A}^1 \zeta^{1} \hspace{3mm}, \hspace{3mm} D \zeta^{1} = d \zeta^{1} + g \, \mathcal{A}^1 (\zeta^{0} + \frac{2}{3} \tilde{\zeta}_{1}) \,\,\, \\[3mm] \,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\, D \tilde{\zeta}_{0} = d \tilde{\zeta}_{0}-g \, \mathcal{A}^1 \tilde{\zeta}_{1} \,\,\,\,\hspace{3mm}, \hspace{3mm} D \tilde{\zeta}_{1} = d \tilde{\zeta}_{1} + 3 \, g \, \mathcal{A}^1 (\tilde{\zeta}_{0}-2 \zeta^{1}) \. \end{array}\] Let us now move to analyse the attractor equations ([\[attrac_eqs\]](#attrac_eqs){reference-type="ref" reference="attrac_eqs"})-([\[quant_cond\]](#quant_cond){reference-type="ref" reference="quant_cond"}) using the vector of charges \(\,\mathcal{Q}^{M}\,\) in ([\[Q_vector_attractor\]](#Q_vector_attractor){reference-type="ref" reference="Q_vector_attractor"}) and the quaternionic geometrical data presented above. By looking at the last equation in ([\[attrac_eqs\]](#attrac_eqs){reference-type="ref" reference="attrac_eqs"}), which is independent of the vector of charges, one finds that \[\label{zt=zetaA=0} \tilde{z}_{h}= i \hspace{10mm} \textrm{ and } \hspace{10mm} \zeta^{A}{}_{h} = \tilde{\zeta}_{A \, h} = 0 \.\] This renders the model with \(\,\mathcal{M}_{\widetilde{\textrm{SK}}}=\textrm{SU}(1,1)/\textrm{U}(1)\,\) equivalent to the one with trivial \(\,\mathcal{M}_{\widetilde{\textrm{SK}}}\,\) in what regards the classification of BPS horizon configurations. As a result, the only solution to the attractor mechanism is the one in ([\[horizon_conf_nv=1&nh=1\]](#horizon_conf_nv=1&nh=1){reference-type="ref" reference="horizon_conf_nv=1&nh=1"}). From the covariant derivatives in ([\[Dq_nv=1&nh=2\]](#Dq_nv=1&nh=2){reference-type="ref" reference="Dq_nv=1&nh=2"}), one sees that ([\[zt=zetaA=0\]](#zt=zetaA=0){reference-type="ref" reference="zt=zetaA=0"}) decouples the vector \(\,\mathcal{A}^{1}\,\), namely \(\,k_{\mathbb{U}}=0\,\), and the case presented in the previous section is recovered.
## \(\mathcal{M}_{\textrm{SK}}=[\textrm{SU(1,1)}/\textrm{U}(1)]^3\,\) and \(\,\mathcal{M}_{\textrm{QK}}=\textrm{SU(2,1)}/(\textrm{SU}(2) \times \textrm{U}(1))\,\) {#sec:nv=3&nh=1}
The last model extends the setup of by adding extra matter multiplets in the form of two vector multiplets. It describes \(\,\mathcal{N}=2\,\) supergravity coupled to three vector multiplets \(\,(n_{v}=3)\,\) and the universal hypermultiplet \(\,(n_{h}=1)\,\) and has \[\mathcal{M}_{\textrm{SK}}= \left[ \, \frac{\textrm{SU(1,1)}}{\textrm{U}(1)} \, \right]^3 \hspace{8mm} \textrm{ and } \hspace{8mm} \mathcal{M}_{\textrm{QK}}=\frac{\textrm{SU}(2,1)}{\textrm{SU}(2) \times \textrm{U}(1)} \.\] Despite the presence of three vector multiplets, only the combination \(\,{\mathcal{A}_{\mathbb{U}} \equiv \mathcal{A}^{1}+\mathcal{A}^{2}+\mathcal{A}^{3}}\,\) is associated with the \(\,\textrm{U}(1)_{\mathbb{U}}\,\) factor of the gauging, as it can be seen from the covariant derivatives in ([\[Dq_N2_massive_IIA\]](#Dq_N2_massive_IIA){reference-type="ref" reference="Dq_N2_massive_IIA"}). Therefore, none of the scalars in the universal hypermultiplet are charged under the vectors associated with the two orthogonal combinations of U(1)'s, which turn to consistently decouple. This model is the massive IIA analogue of the \(\,\textrm{U}(1)^4 \subset \textrm{SO(8)}\,\) invariant STU-model from M-theory. However, as discussed in the introduction, in the massive IIA case one is forced to keep the universal hypermultiplet which contains the scalars \(\,\sigma\,\) and \(\,(\zeta\,,\,\tilde{\zeta})\,\) that are charged under the gauge group \(\,\textrm{G}=\mathbb{R} \times \textrm{U}(1)_{\mathbb{U}}\,\). Therefore the model in this section corresponds to a truncation with \(\,{\textrm{G}_{0}=\textrm{U}(1)^2 \subset \textrm{U}(1)^2 \times \mathbb{R} \times \textrm{U}(1)_{\mathbb{U}} \subset \textrm{ISO}(7) }\,\). The holomorphic sections describing the SK manifold are the non-isotropic generalisation of the ones in ([\[Xsections_nv=1&nh=1\]](#Xsections_nv=1&nh=1){reference-type="ref" reference="Xsections_nv=1&nh=1"}) and take the form \[\label{Xsections_nv=3&nh=1} (X^{0},X^{1},X^{2},X^{3},F_{0},F_{1},F_{2},F_{3}) = (-z^{1} z^{2} z^{3}\,,\,-z^{1}\,,\,-z^{2}\,,\,-z^{3}\,,\,1\,,\, z^{2} z^{3}\,,\, z^{3} z^{1}\,,\, z^{1} z^{2}) \,\]
[^1]: See for holographic aspects of massive IIA on \(\mathbb{CP}^3\) and deformations of the ABJM theory.
[^2]: Supersymmetric solutions of four-dimensional \(\,\mathcal{N}=2\,\) supergravity models with vector and hypermultiplet sectors have been studied in.
[^3]: See for the uplift of the AdS\(_{4}\) vacuum preserving \(\,\mathcal{N}=3\,\) supersymmetry and \(\textrm{G}_{0} = \textrm{SO}(4)\) found in .
[^4]: The expression in ([\[ansatz_tensor\]](#ansatz_tensor){reference-type="ref" reference="ansatz_tensor"}) differs from the one in by a tensor gauge transformation.
[^5]: The charges \(\,\mathcal{Q}\,\) in ([\[attrac_eqs\]](#attrac_eqs){reference-type="ref" reference="attrac_eqs"}) are understood as evaluated at the horizon, namely, \(\,{\mathfrak{p}^{0}\equiv p^{0} + \tfrac{1}{2} \, m \, b^{h}_{0}}\,\) and \(\, \mathfrak{e}_{0} \equiv e_0 + \tfrac{1}{2} \, g \, b^{h}_0\,\). From the set of first-order BPS equations it can be shown that \(\,\mathcal{Q}'=0\,\) at the horizon.
[^6]: See also for AdS\(_{4}\) black holes from massive IIA with vanishing electromagnetic charges. | {'timestamp': '2018-05-10T02:11:33', 'yymm': '1706', 'arxiv_id': '1706.01823', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.01823'} |
# Introduction
to the World Health Organization, breast cancer is one of the most frequent cancer diseases in the world. To provide more effective treatment and reduce the death rate, early detection of breast cancer must be carried out. Despite the fact that different diagnostic tools can be used to detect breast cancer, there is a growing interest in use of ultrasound imaging. Ultrasound is known for being non-invasive, relatively non-expensive and broadly accessible. As opposed to mammography which is not sensitive in the case of women with dense breast. As it was demonstrated in several studies, ultrasound can be successfully used for breast cancer detection. However, diagnosis conducted by means of ultrasound imaging requires experienced radiologists who know how to efficiently operate ultrasound scanner and possess knowledge of breast cancer heterogeneity and its complex characteristic features appearing on ultrasound images. Therefore, many unnecessary biopsies are performed. To standardize the reporting process and diagnosis, American College of Radiology developed a quality control system called BI-RADS (Breast Imaging -- Reporting and Data System) which is now widely accepted and used by physicians. After the interpretation of the lesion ultrasound image, a specific BIRADS category is assigned which reflects the risk of malignancy. However, this assessment still depends on the ultrasonographer's experience and his ability to interpret the ultrasound image correctly. Therefore, computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) systems are investigated to improve the breast lesion classification and support physicians, especially the inexperienced ones. The main goal of CAD is to develop a computer program which would be able to differentiate breast lesions based on ultrasound images analysis. The common approach is to extract features from the image which contains the lesion and then develop a classifier using machine learning methods. Well-chosen features are the most important part of every CAD system. So far, various sets of features were proposed in the literature for the breast lesion classification. Those features are primarily divided into two categories, namely the texture and the morphological features. Nowadays, morphological features are considered to be the most effective in breast cancer classification, though good performance was also reported for other features. Morphological features assess lesion contour. Generally, more irregular contour is expected in the case of malignant lesions. Morphological features have some indisputable advantages, especially in comparison with texture features. They are less affected by image processing algorithms used for B-mode image reconstruction. Many CAD systems were developed based on B-mode images acquired with a single ultrasound machine. However, usually little is known of the image reconstruction algorithms implemented in the scanner. Most of the ultrasound image enhancing algorithms intensively process texture which may have negative impact on the classification performed with texture features. On the contrary, edge preservation and emphasis is one of the main goals of image processing algorithms what places morphological features in a far better position than texture features. Texture features depend on operator and particular machine settings, e.g. focal depth positioning. Estimation of these features can be affected additionally by the presence of calcifications or necrosis within the lesion. The aim of this work is to combine the BI-RADS with morphological features to improve the classification. CAD papers usually don't utilize BI-RADS categories which were assigned by the radiologist. This practice is understandable. While the process of features extraction is well defined mathematically, the assignation of a specific BI-RADS category depends on radiologist's experience. This subjective assessment may affect the CAD system performance and make the comparison with other CAD systems problematic. On the other hand, it is of great importance to investigate whether a CAD system can support physicians. The widely used BI-RADS has its limitations which might be overcome with the CAD. Here, we investigate whether the morphological features can improve the BI-RADS classification performance or if they are rather redundant. First, the radiologist assigned the BI-RADS category to each lesion. Next, to improve the classification morphological features were chosen and combined with the BI-RADS. The performance of the combined classifier was compared with the BI-RADS and the best performing morphological feature subset. This paper is organized in a following way. In the first section, the breast lesion database and the acquisition procedure are described. Next, we give a list of investigated morphological features including the papers in which they were originally proposed or later used. We present the scheme for feature selection. Then, we present the best performing feature subset. The same scheme is used to find which morphological features may improve the performance of BI-RADS. Finally, we discuss results and present conclusions.
# Materials and Methods
## Dataset and preprocessing
The database consists of 214 images of 107 solid lesions, 75 of which are benign and 32 malignant. For each lesion, two perpendicular scan planes were acquired during routine breast diagnostic procedures. Ultrasonix scanner (Ultrasonix Inc., Canada) equipped with a linear array probe L14-5/38 was used to collect the data. The focal depth was positioned at the center of each lesion. The imaging frequency was set to 7.5 MHz. Each lesion was biopsy proven. First, however, a specific BI-RADS category was assigned by the radiologist with 17 years' experience in ultrasonic diagnosis of breast lesions. The BI-RADS has 7 categories which reflect the likelihood of malignancy:
BI-RADS 3 4a 4b 4c 5
----------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
Benign 41 19 14 0 1
Malignant 0 1 5 6 20
: Breast lesions BI-RADS categories.
- 0: incomplete
- 1: negative
- 2: benign
- 3: probably benign
- 4: suspicious (4a-low suspicious, 4b-intermediate suspictious, 4c-moderate suspicious)
- 5: probably malignant
- 6: malignant
Number Feature
-------- -----------------------------------------------------
1 Angular characteristics
2 Area ratio
3 Aspect ratio
4 Branch pattern
5 Circularity
6 Contour roughness
7 Convexity
9 Ellipsoidal shape
10 Elliptic-normalized circumference
11 Elliptic-normalized skeleton
12 Extent
13 Lesion size
14 Lobulation index
15 Long to short axis ratio
16 Morphological closing ratio
17 Normalized residual value
18 NRL entropy
19 NRL mean
20 NRL standard deviation
21 NRL zero-crossing
22 Number of lobulations
23 Number of substantial protuberances and depressions
24 Orientation
25 Overlap ratio
26 Roundness
27 Shape class
28 Solidity
29 Spiculation
30 Undulation characteristics
: Implemented morphological features.
In our study, BI-RADS categories of the lesions varied from 3 to 5 as it is depicted in Table 1. Initial contour was indicated by the physician and subsequently improved with a computer algorithm, see Fig. 1. All calculations were performed in Matlab (The MathWorks Inc.)
## Features
We implemented 30 morphological features, which are listed in Table 2. For each feature, papers in which it was developed or used are mentioned. Here, we describe the most popular features. However, for an in-depth analysis, reader is referred to the cited works. Depth to width ratio (DWR) is perhaps the most frequently used morphological feature. It is easy to calculate and was reported to be effective in many papers. The depth and the width are the dimensions of the minimal circumscribed rectangle which contains the lesion. Some papers use the inversion of the DWR, but here it will not be treated as a separate feature. A feature similar to the DWR is the long to short axis ratio of the ellipse inscribed in the lesion contour. The normalized radial length (NRL) is defined by the following equation: \[d_n(i) = \frac{d(i)}{\text{max}[d(i)]}\] where \(d(i)\) is the distance from the lesion's center of mass to \(i\)-th point on its perimeter. The NRL is used to obtain features which measure various properties of the contour, see positions 2, 6, 18-21 in Table 2. Some features, namely 7, 17, 23, 25 and 28, are based on the convex hull of the lesion. These features were introduced to measure the level of spiculations which is reflected by the protuberance of the contour. To take into account that we possess two scans of the same lesion, each feature was calculated for both scan plane and results were averaged.
## Classification and evaluation
We explore the performance of morphological features in multiple ways. As it was shown in several papers, there is no single feature which would alone outperform the others, therefore features must be combined in order to improve the classification. However, for a large number of features it is problematic to perform an exhaustive search for the best performing subset due to a large number of all potential combinations. Here, we used a two-step approach to find the best subset for classification. The goal was to maximize the area under the curve (AUC) of the receiver operating characteristics (ROC). In the first step, the best performing feature (the highest value of AUC) was chosen. Next, the first feature was combined with the remaining features in order to select the best performing subset of two features. This forward selection procedure was repeated until the feature pool was empty. We decided to maximize the AUC because this quantity is after all usually used for classification performance assessment. To evaluate AUC we applied the leave-one-out cross-validation. Logistic regression was used to perform classification. Before the training, features were standardized. To address the class imbalance, during cost function minimization, sampling weights were inversely proportional to class frequencies in training set. For each test sample the probability of malignancy was calculated. The AUC standard deviation was calculated with the bootstrap method. Next, we performed the second step of the feature selection procedure which was the backward selection. Supposedly, different feature subsets may have similar AUC values. In this case, we selected the best performing subset, the one with the highest AUC value. Next, the ANOVA analysis along with the Tukey test were used to find a subset with a smaller number of features and likely the same mean AUC value as the best-performing subset at 95% confidence level. With the above feature selection methodology, first the best morphological feature subset was selected. Next, the BI-RADS was combined with morphological features. However, to use the BI-RADS category as a feature, some kind of transformation must be performed. In our case the BI-RADS was treated as a discrete feature which can be coded with integers. We used the following scheme: integer 1 stands for BI-RADS category 1, 2 for 2, 3 for 3, 4 for 4a, 5 for 4b, 6 for 4c, 7 for 5 and 8 for 6, respectively.
# Results
The feature selection procedure is depicted in Fig. 2. The highest value of AUC in the case of morphological features, see Fig.2 a), was obtained for a set of seven features, however the ANOVA analysis showed that there is no significant difference between this set and a subset containing six features. Therefore, the smaller subset was selected as the best performing. It consisted of six features which were the DWR, NRL entropy, normalized residual value, overlap ratio, extent and the morphological closing ratio. Similar analysis was performed to combine the BI-RADS with morphological features. The highest AUC was obtained for a 13 feature subset (including BI-RADS) which was then reduced to seven. Features which, when added to the BI-RADS, improved the classification most, were the extent, overlap ratio, NRL entropy, circularity, elliptic-normalized circumference and the normalized residual value. Main results are depicted in Table 3. The use of the best performing morphological feature subset and the BI-RADS resulted in the AUC values of 0.901 and 0.944, respectively. The classification was improved when the BI-RADS and morphological features were combined. With six features added to the BI-RADS, the AUC value increased to 0.986. Fig. 3 shows the ROC curves obtained for the developed classifiers. The optimal sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of each classifier was determined by means of the ROC curve for the point which was the closest to (0, 1).
In the case of the breast lesion classification, it is important to have as high sensitivity as possible to detect all malignant lesions. According to Table 1 in the case of the BI-RADS, 100% sensitivity could only be obtained when lesions with the BI-RADS category higher than 3 were classified as malignant. The corresponding specificity was 54.7%. Taking this into consideration, the thresholds of the classifiers were customized based on ROC curves to ensure 100% sensitivity and the corresponding accuracies and specificities were calculated. Results are depicted in Table 3. The specificity of the best performing morphological features subset was 58.7%, similarly to the BI-RADS. Moreover, with the combined classifier it was possible to obtain 100% sensitivity and specificity of 74.7%. Table 4 shows how many biopsies could be avoided in the case of benign lesions by using various classifiers with cut-offs ensuring 100% sensitivity.
# discussion
With the use of morphological features it was possible to differentiate between malignant and benign breast lesions. The best performing feature subset achieved AUC value of 0.901. However, this result was worse than in the case of the BI-RADS for which AUC value was 0.944. The classifier based on the morphological features could not outperform the radiologist who assigned the BI-RADS categories. It must be emphasized that the BI-RADS depends on the physician's experience and for a novice radiologist the BI-RADS performance could be lower than the performance of the CAD system. However, both AUC values, obtained for the BI-RADS and for the morphological features, should be considered satisfactory. The best morphological subset consisted of six features which were the DWR, NRL entropy, normalized residual value, overlap ratio, extent and the morphological closing ratio. The DWR was reported as the best feature for breast lesion classification in several papers. NRL entropy is higher for lesions which have irregular contour. The normalized residual value was indicated as the best feature for breast lesion classification in. This feature is based on the difference between the lesion convex hull area and the regular area which was normalized by convex hull perimeter. The overlap ratio is the ratio of the convex hull area and the lesion area. It measures contour irregularity and was reported as one of the best features in original work. The extent is the ratio of lesion area to the smallest rectangle inscribed in it. The morphological closing ration tends to be greater for lesions which have irregular contour.
BI-RADS 3 4a 4b 4c 5 Sum
------------------------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -----
Nr of benign lesions 41 19 14 0 1 75
Combined classifier 0 1 5 6 20 56
Best morphological 41 19 14 0 1 44
BI-RADS cat. 3 cut-off 0 1 5 6 20 41
: Number of benign lesions and biopsies that could be possible avoided in the case of each classifier.
According to the survey investigating the performance of various features, the best morphological features for the breast lesion classification are the elliptic-normalized skeleton, lesion orientation, the number of substantial protuberances and depressions, DWR and the overlap ratio. For this set, the reported AUC value was 0.94. In our case, the use of the proposed features lead to the AUC value of 0.871. This difference may be due to the dataset. However, this particular performance should also be perceived as good. The main doubt lies in the choice of the lesion orientation. This feature measures the angle of major axis of above lesion best-fit ellipse and is extremely operator dependent since the motion of the imaging probe may easily change it. In our study, the calculated AUC value for the orientation was 0.532. Similar result was reported in the original study where this feature had negligible impact on the classification and was the first one to be removed from the feature pool when applying backward remove feature selection method. A great advantage of morphological features is revealed when they are combined with the BIRADS. It was possible to increase the AUC value to 0.986 by adding six features, namely the extent, overlap ratio, NRL entropy, circularity, elliptic-normalized circumference and the normalized residual value. The circularity is the ratio of a lesion squared perimeter and the lesion area. The elliptic normalized circumference quantify the anfractuosity of a lesion contour. One of the main goals of breast lesion classification is to have 100% sensitivity and as high specificity as possible to indicate benign lesions and reduce the number of unnecessary biopsies. In our study, as all lesions were biopsy proven, therefore their evaluation must be considered problematic for the radiologist. The first advantage of the combined classifier is that it can be used directly to support the radiologist in the process of decision making. First, the radiologist assigns a specific BI-RADS category to the lesion, then the combined classifier containing the morphological features is used to indicate the level of malignancy. The decision of the radiologist is improved be means of morphological features. The morphological features are used to separate malignant and benign lesions that were assigned the same BI-RADS category. As it is shown in Fig. 3, 100% sensitivity was obtained with high specificity of 74.7%, much higher than in the case of the BI-RADS alone. According to Table 4, with the combined classifier it would be possible to correctly classify all benign lesions with the BI-RADS category 3 as in the case of the BI-RADS alone. However, in addition few examples of benign lesions with higher BI-RADS categories would be correctly classified. With the combined classifier, it would possible to avoid 56 biopsies. However, it must be stressed that there were no malignant lesions in the dataset with BI-RADS category 3, the classification performed by the radiologist was already at high level. Moreover, use of the best morphological feature subset provides higher specificity at 100% sensitivity than the BI-RADS as it is shown in Table 3, although its AUC value is lower. However in this case it was not be possible to correctly classify all lesions with the BI-RADS category 3. The main disadvantage of the combined classifier is that it was developed based on the experience of a particular physician who assigned the BI-RADS categories. Supposedly, several issues might occur. First, although the developed CAD system can serve as support for a particular radiologist, it might, however, not work when used by another radiologist. For example, a less experienced physician can have a worse performance, which translates to a different BI-RADS ROC curve and therefore affects the performance of the combined classifier. Next, the choice of morphological features chosen to improve BI-RADS may depend on the radiologist's experience. For example, features developed to assess spiculations can be selected if the radiologist does not evaluate spiculations successfully. In all these cases, the system would require separate training to support a particular radiologist. It would be interesting to utilize the combined system in the radiologists' training. Hypothetically, after the assignation of the BI-RADS categories to an exemplary dataset, the feature selection can be used to indicate which features improves the diagnosis in this particular case. For example, a "novice", inexperienced radiologist (or even an experienced one) can be told to pay more attention to spiculations. Moreover, radiologists perceive image features differently and the tumor assessment is usually descriptive. Numerical values reflecting the level of spiculation (or other contour characteristic) quantitatively could be helpful by themselves, even without a CAD system. It could enable a more objective lesion description. The majority of morphological features is easy to illustrate on the image which may help the radiologist to analyze the lesion.
# conclusion
In this work, we investigated the usefulness of morphological features for the breast lesions differentiation. The main goal was to find features that can improve the BI-RADS. This was successfully accomplished by incorporating six morphological features. The use of the developed combined classifier leads to 100% sensitivity and high specificity of 74.7%. It can be used to reduce the number of unnecessary biopsies. The combined classifier depends on the experience of a particular radiologist, however, the presented in this work approach can be used to train a classifier for a different radiologist. Besides, other features, for instance texture features can be incorporated in the future to potentially improve the classification further. The developed CAD system can also be used in the radiologists' training. After the classifier development phase, the radiologist can be informed which features improve his diagnosis accuracy. This enables the radiologist to widen his knowledge of lesion appearance in ultrasound image. With the help of artificial intelligence, the radiologist can hypothetically improve his classification performance. In our study we obtained good classification performance with particular morphological features, even without the BI-RADS system. However, in comparison with the survey paper, we determined a slightly different best performing feature subset. | {'timestamp': '2017-06-07T02:08:46', 'yymm': '1706', 'arxiv_id': '1706.01855', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.01855'} |
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# Introduction
Fix a finite field \(\mathbf{F}_{q}\) and a positive integer \(n\). In this paper we study a particular class of deformations of Delsarte hypersurfaces in \(\mathbf{P}^n_{\mathbf{F}_q}\). There has been an extensive study of the behaviour of the zeta function in families of varieties. First results were obtained by Dwork (e.g., ) and Katz . In the latter paper the author studies a pencil of hypersurface in \(\mathbf{P}^n\) and describe a differential equation, whose solution is the Frobenius matrix on the middle cohomology for a general member of this pencil. More recently, the behaviour of the zeta function acquired renewed interest because of two interesting (and very different) applications. Candelas, de la Ossa and Rodriguez--Villegas studied the behaviour of the zeta family in a particular family of quintic threefolds in \(\mathbf{P}^4\), with a particular interest in phenomena, analogous to phenomena occurring in characteristic zero related with mirror symmetry and let to many subsequent papers by various authors. Another application of Katz' differential equation can be found in algorithms to determine the zeta function of a hypersurface efficiently (see ). The main aim of this paper is to generalize and to comment on a recent result of Doran, Kelly, Salerno, Sperber, Voight and Whitcher on the zeta function of certain pencils of Calabi--Yau hypersurfaces. For a more extensive discussion on the history of this particular result we refer to the introduction of. To describe the main results from, fix a matrix \(A:=(a_{i,j})_{0\leq i,j\leq n}\) with nonnegative integral coefficients and nonzero determinant. Then with \(A\) we can associate the polynomial \[\begin{gathered}
F_A:=\sum_{i=0}^n\prod_{j=0}^n x_i^{a_{i,j}}.\end{gathered}\] Assume that the entries of \(A^{-1} (1,\dots,1)^{\rm T}\) are all positive, say \(\frac{1}{e}(w_0,\dots,w_n)\) with \(e,w_i\in \mathbf{Z}_{>0}\). Then \(F_A\) defines a hypersurface of degree \(e\) in \(\mathbf{P}_{\mathbf{F}_q}(w_0,\dots,w_n)\). Assume that we choose \(A\) such that \(\gcd(q,e)=1\). (Equivalently, we may assume that \(\gcd(\det(A),q)=1\).) If the hypersurface is geometrically irreducible then we call it a *Delsarte hypersurface*. A subvariety \(X\subset \mathbf{P}(w_0,\dots,w_n)\) is called quasismooth if the affine quasicone of \(X\) is smooth away from the vertex. If \(F_A\) defines a quasismooth hypersurface then \(F_A\) is called an *invertible polynomial*. If \(F_A=0\) defines a Calabi--Yau manifold, i.e., \(e=n+1\), then we can consider the one-parameter family \(X_{A,\psi}\) given by the vanishing of \[\begin{gathered}
F_A-(n+1)\psi \prod_{i=0}^n x_i.\end{gathered}\] The factor \(-(n+1)\) is included for historic reasons. In the sequel we will work with the parameter \(\lambda=-(n+1)\psi\) for simplicity. In a recent preprint Doran, Kelly, Salerno, Sperber, Voight and Whitcher showed the following result (using Dwork cohomology and some results on the Picard--Fuchs equation):
For a precise definition of nondegenerate we refer to the paper. The condition \((1,1,\dots,1)^{\rm T}\) is an eigenvector of \(A\) implies that \(X_{A,\psi}\subset \mathbf{P}^n\). The condition \((1,\dots,1)A^{-1}\) is proportional to \((1,\dots,1){A'}^{-1}\) is the same as the condition *dual weights being equal* from the paper , whenever the latter condition is defined. In this paper we prove a generalisation of this result. We aim to allow more matrices \(A\), more vectors \(\mathbf{a}\), to drop the Calabi--Yau assumption, to have a simpler nondegenerate assumption and to find a common factor of higher degree. Moreover, as a by-prodcut of our approach we obtain additional information on the degree of the factor found in. To be more precise, we start again with an invertible \((n+1)\times (n+1)\)-matrix \(A\) such that \(X_{A,0}\) is quasismooth, but we drop the Calabi--Yau condition. Let \(d\) be an integer such that \(B:=dA^{-1}\) has integral entries. Let \(\mathbf{w}=(w_0,\dots,w_n):=B(1,\dots,1)^{\rm T}\). If all the \(w_i\) are positive then \(F_A\) defines a hypersurface in the weighted projective space \(\mathbf{P}(\mathbf{w})\). Fix now a vector \(\mathbf{a}:=(a_0,\dots,a_n)\) such that \(a_i\in \mathbf{Z}_{>0}\), the entries of \(\mathbf{b}:=\mathbf{a} B\) are nonnegative and \(\sum\limits_{i=0}^n a_iw_i=d\). Then \(F_{A,\psi}:=F_A-(n+1)\psi \prod\limits_{i=0}^n x_i^{a_i}\) defines a family of hypersurfaces \(X_{\psi}\) in \(\mathbf{P}(\mathbf{w})\) each birational to a quotient of \(Y_\psi\subset \mathbf{P}^n\) given by \[\begin{gathered}
\sum_{i=0}^n y_i^d-(n+1)\psi \prod_{i=0}^n y_i^{b_i}.\end{gathered}\] This is a one-dimensional monomial deformation of a Fermat hypersurface. It is easy to determine for which values of \(\psi\) the hypersurface is smooth. The idea to study Delsarte hypersurface by using their Fermat cover dates back to Shioda and has then been used by many authors for to discuss solve problems concerning Delsarte hypersurfaces by considering a similar problem on Fermat surfaces. Recent applications of this idea, in contexts similar to our setup, can be found in. Take now a further \((n+1)\times(n+1)\) matrix \(A'\) and a vector \(\mathbf{a}'\) yielding a second family \(X'_{\psi}\) in a possibly different weighted projective space. It is straightforward to show that if \(\mathbf{a} A^{-1}\) and \(\mathbf{a}' (A')^{-1}\) are proportional then the families \(X_\psi\), \(X'_\psi\) have a common cover of the type \(Y_\psi\), i.e., there exist subgroup schemes \(G\) and \(G'\) of the scheme of automorphisms \(\Aut(Y_\psi)\) such that \(G\) and \(G'\) are defined over \(\mathbf{F}_q\), \(Y_\psi/G\) is birational to \(X_\psi\) and \(Y_\psi/G'\) is birational to \(X'_{\psi}\). The automorphisms in \(G\) and \(G'\) are so-called torus or diagonal automorphisms, i.e., each automorphism multiplies a coordinate with a root of unity. In particular, \(G\) and \(G'\) are finite abelian groups. We will use this observation to show that:
In the second section we will prove this result under slightly weaker, but more technical hypothesis, see Theorem [\[thmMainO\]](#thmMainO){reference-type="ref" reference="thmMainO"} and Corollary [\[corMain\]](#corMain){reference-type="ref" reference="corMain"}. Moreover, in Proposition [\[prpFactorDiv\]](#prpFactorDiv){reference-type="ref" reference="prpFactorDiv"} we will show that the factor constructed in the proof of Theorem [\[thmDKSSVW\]](#thmDKSSVW){reference-type="ref" reference="thmDKSSVW"} divides the characteristic polynomial of Frobenius acting on \(H^{n-1}(Y_\psi)^{G.G'}\). We will give examples where our factor has higher degree. Note that the quotient map \(Y_\psi\dashrightarrow X_{\psi}\) is a rational map. If it were a morphism then it is straightforward to show that the characteristic polynomial of \(H^{n-1}(Y_{\psi})^{G.G'}\) divides the characteristic polynomial of Frobenius on \(H^{n-1}(X_\psi)\). Hence, large part of the proof is dedicated to show that passing to the open where the rational map is a morphism does not kill any part of \(H^{n-1}(Y_{\psi})^{G.G'}\). In the course of the proof of Theorem [\[thmMain\]](#thmMain){reference-type="ref" reference="thmMain"} we show that we can decompose \(H^{n-1}(X_\psi)\) as a direct sum of two Frobenius stable subspaces, namely \[\begin{gathered}
H^{n-1}(X_\psi)=H^{n-1}(Y_\psi)^G \oplus C.\end{gathered}\] Similarly, we show that can decompose \(H^{n-1}(Y_{\psi})^{G}= H^{n-1}(Y_{\psi})^{G_{\max}} \oplus W_\psi\), where \(W_\psi\) is Frobenius stable, and \(G_{\max}\) is the maximal group of torus automorphisms acting on the family \(Y_\psi\). The appearance of \(C\) is related with the fact that the quotient map is only a rational map rather than a morphism. For most choices of \((a_0,\dots,a_n)\) we have that \(C\) is independent of \(\psi\) and in that case we can express \(C\) in terms of the cohomology of cones over Fermat hypersurfaces. Hence the Frobenius action on \(C\) is easy to determine. To calculate the Frobenius action on the complementary subspace \(H^{n-1}(Y_{\psi})^G\) we can use the methods from to express the zeta function in terms of generalised \(p\)-adic hypergeometric functions. This brings us to another observation from: In the authors consider five families of quartic \(K3\) surfaces which have a single common factor of the zeta function of degree 3. They show that every other zero of the characteristic polynomial of Frobenius on \(H^2\) is of the form \(q\) times a root of unity. Assuming the Tate conjecture for \(K3\) surfaces (which is proven for most \(K3\) surfaces anyway) we deduce that the (geometric) Picard number is at least 19. This result is a special case of the following phenomena: if for a lift to characteristic zero \(h^{n-1,0}\big(H^n(Y_\psi)^{G_{\max}}\big) =h^{n-1,0}\big(H^{n-1}(X_{\psi})\big)\) holds then it turns out that both \(W_\psi\) and \(C\) are Tate twists of Hodge structures of lower weight. In the \(K3\) case, \(W_\psi\) and \(C\) are Hodge structures of pure \((1,1)\)-type. By the Lefschetz' theorem on \((1,1)\)-classes, they are generated by classes of divisors. In particular, for each of the five families the lifts to characteristic zero have Picard number at least 19, and since they form a one-dimensional family the generic Picard group has rank 19. In the second half of the paper we discuss how one can find a basis for a subgroup of finite index of the generic Picard group for the five families from and for five further monomial deformations of Delsarte quartic surfaces. For all ten families we determine \(H^2(Y_\psi)^G\), \(H^2(Y_\psi)^{G_{\max}}\) and \(C\) as vector spaces with Frobenius action Moreover, we find curves generating \(C\) in each of the ten cases. For two families we have that \(W_{\psi}\) is zero-dimensional. For six of the remaining eight families we manage to find curves, whose classes in cohomology generate \(W_{\psi}\). In the next section we prove our generalisation of the result from. In the third section we discuss the quartic surface case. In Appendix [\[appBit\]](#appBit){reference-type="ref" reference="appBit"} we give explicit equations for bitangents to certain particular quartic plane curves. These equations can be used to find explicit curves, generating \(W_{\psi}\).
# Delsarte hypersurface
Fix an integer \(n\geq 2\) and fix a finite field \(\mathbf{F}_q\).
Let \((A,\mathbf{a})\) be Delsarte deformation data of length \(n\). Let \[\begin{gathered}
X_\lambda:=Z\left( \sum_{i=0}^n \prod_{j=0}^n x_j^{a_{i,j}} + \lambda \prod_{i=0}^n x_i^{a_i}\right)\end{gathered}\] be the corresponding one-parameter family of hypersurfaces of weighted degree \(d\) in the weighted projective space \(\mathbf{P}(w_0,\dots,w_n)\). Denote with \((b_0,\dots,b_n)\) the entries of \(\mathbf{a} B\). Let \(Y_{\lambda}\) be \[\begin{gathered}
Z\left(\sum_{i=0}^n y_i^d +\lambda \prod_{i=0}^n y_i^{b_i}\right) \subset \mathbf{P}^n.\end{gathered}\]
We have a \((\mathbf{Z}/d\mathbf{Z})^{n}\)-action on \(\mathbf{P}^n\) induced by \[\begin{gathered}
(g_1,\dots,g_n)(x_0:x_1:\dots:x_n):=\big(x_0:\zeta^{g_1}x_1:\zeta^{g_2}x_2:\dots:\zeta^{g_n}x_n\big),\end{gathered}\] with \(\zeta\) a fixed primitive \(d\)-th root of unity. The subgroup \(G\) defined by \(\sum\limits_{i=1}^n g_i b_i\equiv 0 \bmod d\) acts on \(Y_{\lambda}\). The rational map \(\mathbf{P}^n\dashrightarrow \mathbf{P}(\mathbf{w})\) given by \[\begin{gathered}
(y_0,y_1,\dots,y_n) \mapsto \left(\prod_{i=0}^n y_i^{b_{0,i}},\prod_{i=0}^n y_i^{b_{1,i}},\dots,\prod_{i=0}^n y_i^{b_{n,i}}\right)\end{gathered}\] induces a rational map \(Y_{\lambda}\dashrightarrow X_{\lambda}\). This rational map is Galois (i.e., the corresponding extension of function fields is Galois) and the Galois group is a subgroup of \(G\). In particular, if all the \(b_{i,j}\) are nonnegative then this rational map is a morphism. (This map was used by Shioda to give an algorithm to calculate the Picard number of a Delsarte surface in \(\mathbf{P}^3\).)
Recall that we started with a hypersurface \(X_\lambda \subset \mathbf{P}(\mathbf{w})\) and constructed a hypersurface \(Y_{\lambda}\subset \mathbf{P}^n\), such that \(X_\lambda\) is birational to a quotient of \(Y_\lambda\). Denote with \(U_{\lambda}:=\mathbf{P}(\mathbf{w})\setminus X_\lambda\) and \(V_{\lambda}:=\mathbf{P}^n\setminus Y_\lambda\) be the respective complements. Denote now with \((\mathbf{P}(\mathbf{w}))^*\), \(U_{\lambda}^*\), \(V_{\lambda}^*\), \(X_{\lambda}^*\), \(Y_\lambda^*\), etc. the original variety minus the intersection with \(Z(x_0\dots x_n)\) or \(Z(y_0 \dots y_n)\), the union of the coordinate hyperplanes. We have that the quotient map \(\mathbf{P}^n \dashrightarrow \mathbf{P}(\mathbf{w})\) defines surjective morphisms \((\mathbf{P}^n)^*\to \mathbf{P}(\mathbf{w})^*\), \(Y_\lambda^*\to X_{\lambda}^*\), \(V_\lambda^*\to U_\lambda^*\). There is a second quotient map \(\mathbf{P}^n \to \mathbf{P}(\mathbf{w})\) given by \((z_0:\dots:z_n) \to (z_0^{w_0}:\dots:z_n^{w_n})\). This map is a morphism and is a ramified Galois covering. Denote with \(H\) the corresponding Galois group. Let \(\tilde{X}_{\lambda}\) be the pull back of \(X_\lambda\) and let \(\tilde{U}_{\lambda}\) be the pull back of \(U_{\lambda}\). Fix now a lift \(\mu\in \mathbf{Q}_q\) of \(\lambda\). Then we can define \(F_{\mu}\), \(\tilde{U}_{\mu}\), \(V_{\mu}\), \(\tilde{ X}_{\mu}\), \(Y_{\mu}\) similarly as above. If \(y_0,\dots,y_n\) are projective coordinates on \(\mathbf{P}^n\) then let \(\Omega\) be \[\begin{gathered}
\left(\prod_{i=0}^n y_i\right) \left(\sum_{i=0}^n (-1)^{i} \frac{dy_0}{y_0} \wedge \dots \wedge \widehat{\frac{dy_i}{y_i} }\wedge\dots \wedge\frac{dy_n}{y_n} \right).\end{gathered}\] We recall now some standard notation used to study the cohomology of a hypersurface complement in \(\mathbf{P}^n\).
The following result seems to be known to the experts, but we include it for the reader's convenience:
From now on we use \(H^i\) and \(H^i_c\) to indicate rigid cohomology respectively rigid cohomology with compact support. By we have canonical isomorphisms \[\begin{gathered}
H^i_c(U_\lambda^*)\cong H^i_c(V_\lambda^*)^G \qquad \text{and} \qquad H^i_c(U_\lambda^*)\cong H^i_c\big(\tilde{U}_\lambda^*\big)^H.\end{gathered}\] We want to compare the cohomology of \(H^n_c(V_\lambda)^G\) with the cohomology of \(H^n_c(U_{\lambda})\). However, \(U_\lambda\) may be singular, hence we work with \(H^n_c\big(\tilde{U}_\lambda\big)^ H\) instead. Using Poincaré duality it suffices to compare \(H^n(V_\lambda)^ G\) with \(H^n\big(\tilde{U}_\lambda\big)^H\) instead. Since both varieties are smooth and affine we can identify their rigid cohomology groups with their Monsky--Washnitzer cohomology groups. We will do this in order to prove:
Suppose now that \((A_1,\mathbf{a}_1),\dots,(A_t,\mathbf{a}_t)\) have a common cover. Let \(d\) be the smallest positive integer such that \(dA_i^{-1}\) has integral coefficients for all \(i\). The sum of the entries of \(\mathbf{b}_i=\mathbf{a}_i \big(dA_i^{-1}\big)\) equals \(d\). By assumption we have that for each \(i\) and \(j\) the vectors \(\mathbf{b}_i\) and \(\mathbf{b}_j\) are proportional, hence these vectors coincide and we denote this common vector with \(\mathbf{b}\). Denote with \(b_j\) the entries of \(\mathbf{b}\). Denote with \(X_{i,\lambda}\) the family associated with \((A_i,\mathbf{a}_i)\). Then \(X_{i,\lambda}\) is birational to a quotient of \[\begin{gathered}
Y_\lambda\colon \ \sum_{i=0}^n y_i^{d} +\lambda \prod_{i=0}^n y_i^{b_i}.\end{gathered}\] At the beginning of this section we gave an explicit description of this map. From that description it follows that \(Y_\lambda \to X_{i,\lambda}\) is defined whenever all the \(y_i\) are nonzero. We can now apply Proposition [\[prpFactor\]](#prpFactor){reference-type="ref" reference="prpFactor"} to the above setup and we find directly that:
To conclude that there is a common factor of the zeta function is more complicated in general. The zeta function is a quotient of products of characteristic polynomials of Frobenius and there may be some cancellation in this quotient. However, if we make the extra assumptions that each \(X_{i,\lambda}\) is a hypersurface in \(\mathbf{P}^n\) (i.e., for each \(i\) we have that \(\mathbf{w}=(k,\dots,k)\) for some \(k\in \mathbf{Z}_{>0}\)) and we consider only values of \(\lambda\) for which \(X_\lambda\) is smooth then we have that \[\begin{gathered}
\left(Z(X_{i,\lambda},T)\prod_{j=0}^{n-1} \big(1-q^j T\big)\right)^{(-1)^n} = \det\big(I-T \mathrm{Frob}^* \colon H^{n}_c(U_{i,\lambda})\big).\end{gathered}\] From the smoothness of \(X_{i,\lambda}\) it follows that the eigenvalues of Frobenius on \(H^{n}_c(U_{i,\lambda})\) have absolute value \(q^{{n-1}/2}\), hence there is no cancellation in this formula and we obtain:
We would like to compare our factor with the factor found in. The groups \(G\) and \(G'\) consists of torus automorphisms of \(Y_\lambda\). Let \(G_{\max}\) be the group of torus automorphism of \(Y_{\lambda}\). Then \(G_{\max}\) is an abelian group. A torus automorphism \(g\in G_{\max}\) sends \(Y^*_\lambda\) to itself, and descents to an automorphism of \(X^*_\lambda\cong Y^*_{\lambda}/G\). Hence the quotient group \(G_{\max}/G\) acts on \(X^*_\lambda\). Since the quotient map is given by \(n+1\) monomials we have that a torus automorphism descends to a torus automorphism of \(X^*_\lambda\) and \(U^*_{\lambda}\). Any torus automorphism can be extended to \(\mathbf{P}(\mathbf{w})\), leaving \(X_\lambda\) invariant. Hence we have an action of \(G_{\max}/G\) on \(H^n(U_\lambda)\) and on \(H^n_c(U_{\lambda})\). It is straightforward to check that \(G_{\max}/G\cong {\rm SL}(F_A)\), where \({\rm SL}(F_A)\) is the group introduced in , and that both groups act the same. The factor from is constructed as follows: The authors identify a subspace of the Dwork cohomology group \(H^n_{\rm Dwork}(U_{\lambda})^{{\rm SL}(F_A)}\), whose dimension equals the order of the Picard--Fuchs equation of \(X_{\lambda}\) and which is invariant under Frobenius. They show that the characteristic polynomial \(R'_{\lambda}\) of Frobenius on this subspace is in \(K[T]\) for some number field \(K\), which can be taken Galois over \(\mathbf{Q}\) and then take \(R_{\lambda}\) the be the least common multiple of the Galois conjugates of \(R'_{\lambda}\). To compare this polynomial with the factor constructed above, we will start by reconsidering \(R'_{\lambda}\), i.e., we will show that it is just the characteristic polynomial of Frobenius acting on \[\begin{gathered}
H^n_c(V_\lambda)^{G_{\max}}. \end{gathered}\] Then implies that \(R'_{\lambda}\in \mathbf{Q}[T]\) and that \(R_\lambda=R'_\lambda\). We start by calculating the dimension of \(H^n_c(V_\lambda)^{G_{\max}}\).
# Case of quartic surfaces {#secQua}
In this section we consider the case of invertible quartic polynomials. Up to permutation of the coordinates there are 10 invertible quartic polynomials in four variables. For each of these quartics we take \(\mathbf{a}=(1,1,1,1)\) as the deformation vector. In Fig. [\[tbl\]](#tbl){reference-type="ref" reference="tbl"} we list the 10 families, which we denote here with \(X^{(i)}_\lambda\). We provide the following information in the table. In the column "\(d\)" we list the minimal degree of a Fermat cover of the central fiber. When we discuss one of the examples we always assume that \(\gcd(q,d)=1\). In the next column we list the deformation vector \(\mathbf{b}:=(1,1,1,1)^{\rm T} B\). Hence the corresponding Fermat cover \(Y_\lambda^{(i)}\) is defined by \[\begin{gathered}
x_0^d+x_1^d+x_2^d+x_3^d+\lambda x_0^{b_0}x_1^{b_1}x_2^{b_2}x_3^{b_3}.\end{gathered}\] Let \(G\) be the Galois group of the function field extension corresponding to the morphism . The next two columns deal with \(H^3(V_\lambda)^G\), for \(\lambda\) such that \(Y_\lambda\) is smooth. In the column \(PF\) we list the dimension of \(H^3(V_{\lambda})^{G_{\max}}\). We calculated this entry as follows: from the results from it follows that a basis for this vector space consists of those \(\omega_{\mathbf{k}}\) such that all entries of \(\mathbf{k}\) are between \(1\) and \(d-1\) and there is a \(t\in \mathbf{Z}\) such that \(\mathbf{k} \equiv t \mathbf{b} \bmod d\). It is straight forward to determine the number of these \(\mathbf{k}\). As discussed in the previous section, this number equals the order of the Picard--Fuchs equation of \(X_{\lambda}^{i}\). The next column concerns the subspace \(W^{(i)}_\lambda \subset H^3\big(V^{(i)}_{\lambda}\big)^G\). The \(\omega_{\mathbf{k}}\) such that each of the entries of \(\mathbf{k}\) is in \(\{1,\dots,d-1\}\) and there exists a vector \(\mathbf{m} \in \mathbf{Z}^4\) such that \(\mathbf{k}\equiv \mathbf{m} A \bmod d\) form a basis for \(H^3\big(V_{\lambda}^{(i)}\big)^G\). For each of the 10 examples we checked for each \(\mathbf{k}\) if such a \(\mathbf{m}\) existed or not and used this to calculate \(\dim W_{\lambda}^{(i)}=\dim H^3\big(V_{\lambda}^{(i)}\big)^G-\dim H^3\big(V^{(i)}_{\lambda}\big)^{G_{\max}}\). For the families \(1,2,3,6,7\) we listed all these \(\mathbf{k}\) in Fig. [\[tblform\]](#tblform){reference-type="ref" reference="tblform"} (they are enlisted in the corresponding column in Fig. [\[tblform\]](#tblform){reference-type="ref" reference="tblform"}, in the first column there is a choice for a possible \(\mathbf{m}\), the forms marked with \((PF)\) are in \(H^3(V_{\lambda})^{G_{\max}}\)). For \(i=4,5,8,9,10\) we will describe \(W_{\lambda}^{(i)}\) in the examples below. Finally, the column \(c\) then equals \(21-\dim H^3(V_\lambda)^G\). As we argued in the introduction the subspace \(C\) of dimension \(c\) and \(W_\lambda^{(i)}\) are generated by classes of curves on \(X^{(i)}_\lambda\). For the families \(i=1,2,3,6,7,9,10\) we give a recipe to find linear combinations of curves on \(X^{(i)}_\lambda\), which generate \(C\) and \(W_\lambda^{(i)}\). In fact, for all \(i\) we have that \(C\) is generated by curves, each of which is contained in one of the coordinate hyperplanes. These curves are easy to find for each \(i\). For \(i=9,10\) we have that \(W_{\lambda}^{(i)}=0\). For \(i=1,2,3,6,7\) we can find various del Pezzo surfaces of degree \(2\) together with morphisms of degree 2, such that linear combinations of pull backs of curves from these del Pezzo surfaces generated \(W_\lambda^{(i)}\). For \(i=5\) we have a similar procedure using del Pezzo surfaces of degree \(5\). The first five families have a single common cover, also the sixth and seventh family have a common cover. The common factor of the first five examples has degree 3. However, the first three examples have a common factor of degree 5 and the first and the second example have a common factor of degree 7. The following proposition now shows that claim about \(W_{\lambda}^{(i)}\) for \(i=1,2,3,6,7\):
In the following examples we discuss how to find generators for the subspace \(C\). For the examples \(i=4,5,8\) we list a basis for \(H^3\big(V_\lambda^{(i)}\big)^{G_{\max}}\) and also discuss strategies to find generators for \(W_\lambda\).
We discuss now the other five examples: | {'timestamp': '2017-11-08T02:05:17', 'yymm': '1706', 'arxiv_id': '1706.01626', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.01626'} |
# Main result
Consider the Hamming cube \(\{-1,1\}^{n}\) of an arbitrary dimension \(n\geq 1\). For any \(f :\{-1,1\}^{n} \to \mathbb{R}\) define the discrete partial derivative \(\partial_{j} f(x)\) as follows \[\begin{aligned}
\partial_{j} f(x) = \frac{f(x)-f(S_{j}(x))}{2}, \quad x = (x_{1}, \ldots, x_{n}) \in \{-1,1\}^{n}, \end{aligned}\] where \(S_{j}(x)\) is obtained from \(x\) by changing the sign of \(j\)'th coordinate of \(x\). Set \(\nabla f(x) := (\partial_{1} f(x), \ldots, \partial_{n} f(x))\), and we define the norm of the discrete gradient \[\begin{aligned}
|\nabla f|^{2}(x) := \sum_{j=1}^{n} (\partial_{j} f(x))^{2} = \sum_{y \sim x} \left( \frac{f(x)-f(y)}{2}\right)^{2}, \end{aligned}\] where the summation in the last term runs over all neighbor vertices of \(x\) in \(\{-1,1\}^{n}\). Set \[\begin{aligned}
\mathbb{E} f = \frac{1}{2^{n}} \sum_{x \in \{-1,1\}^{n}} f(x). \end{aligned}\]
In Lemma [\[smalllest\]](#smalllest){reference-type="ref" reference="smalllest"} we obtain a lower bound \(s_{p'}\geq \sqrt{2/p'}\) for \(1<p\leq 2\) which is precise when \(p\to 2\). If \(p'=2k\) for \(k\in \mathbb{N}\), then \(s_{p'}\) becomes the smallest positive zero of the Hermite polynomial \(H_{2k}(x)\) where \[\begin{aligned}
H_{m}(x) = \int_{\mathbb{R}}(x+iy)^{m} \frac{e^{-y^{2}/2}}{\sqrt{2\pi}} dy. \end{aligned}\] The constant \(s_{p'}\) in ([\[nasha\]](#nasha){reference-type="ref" reference="nasha"}) is larger then all previously known bounds when \(p\) is in a neighborhood of \(2\), say \(p\in (1.26, 2)\). For example, the estimate ([\[nasha\]](#nasha){reference-type="ref" reference="nasha"}) improves the Naor--Schechtman bound for the class of real valued functions for all \(1<p<2\). Indeed, it follows from an application of Khinchin inequality with the sharp constant and ([\[nasha\]](#nasha){reference-type="ref" reference="nasha"}) that we have the following corollary
We will see in Proposition [\[comp\]](#comp){reference-type="ref" reference="comp"} that \[\begin{aligned}
s^{p}_{p'} 2^{\frac{p-2}{2}} \min\left(1,\frac{\Gamma((p+1)/2)}{\Gamma(3/2)} \right) > (p-1)^{p} \quad \text{for} \quad 1<p<2. \end{aligned}\] The latter implies that the estimate ([\[assaf1\]](#assaf1){reference-type="ref" reference="assaf1"}) improves the bound of Naor--Schechtman for \(1<p<2\) in the case of real valued functions (see Theorem 1 in where \(\beta_{p}(\mathbb{R})=1/(p-1)\)). On the other hand \(s_{p'}\) degenerates to \(0\) when \(p\to 1+\) which should not be the case for the best possible constant by a result of Talagrand (see Section [3.5](#sobolevskie){reference-type="ref" reference="sobolevskie"}). For this endpoint case, when \(p\) is close to \(1\), the result of Ben-Efraim--Lust-Piquard gives the better bounds \[\begin{aligned}
\label{piquard1} \frac{2}{\pi} (\mathbb{E}|f-\mathbb{E}f|^{p})^{1/p}\leq (\mathbb{E}|\nabla f|^{p})^{1/p} \quad 1\leq p\leq 2, \end{aligned}\] and when \(p=1\) it is widely believed that the sharp constant in the left hand side of ([\[piquard1\]](#piquard1){reference-type="ref" reference="piquard1"}) should be \(\sqrt{2/\pi}\) instead of \(2/\pi\) (see Section [3.5](#sobolevskie){reference-type="ref" reference="sobolevskie"} for more details). We think that the main contribution of the current paper is not just Theorem [\[osnovnaya\]](#osnovnaya){reference-type="ref" reference="osnovnaya"} that we obtain but rather a new *duality* approach that we develop between two different classes of extremal problems: square function estimates on the interval \([0,1]\) and gradient estimates on the Hamming cube, and Theorem [\[osnovnaya\]](#osnovnaya){reference-type="ref" reference="osnovnaya"} should be considered as an example. Roughly speaking one can take a valid estimate for a square function, dualize it by a certain double Legendre transform, and one can write its corresponding dual estimate on the Hamming cube and vice versa. To illustrate another example of our duality approach, in Section [3.4](#poo){reference-type="ref" reference="poo"} we present a short proof of the following theorem which improves a well--known inequality of Beckner
Going back to Theorem [\[osnovnaya\]](#osnovnaya){reference-type="ref" reference="osnovnaya"}, it will be explained later that \(s_{p'}\) in a "dual" sense coincides with the sharp constant found by B. Davis in the \(L^{q}\) norm estimates \[\begin{aligned}
&s_{q} \| T^{1/2}\|_{q}\leq \|B_{T}\|_{q}, \quad q\geq 2, \quad \| T^{1/2}\|_{q}<\infty; \label{Davis01}\\ & \| B_{T}\|_{p}\leq s_{p}\|T^{1/2}\|_{p}, \quad 0<p\leq 2. \label{Davis02} \end{aligned}\] Here \(B_{t}\) is the standard Brownian motion starting at zero, and \(T\) is any stopping time. It was explained in that the same sharp estimates ([\[Davis01\]](#Davis01){reference-type="ref" reference="Davis01"}) and ([\[Davis02\]](#Davis02){reference-type="ref" reference="Davis02"}) hold with \(B_{T}\) replaced by an integrable function \(g\) on \([0,1]\) with mean zero, and \(T^{1/2}\) replaced by the dyadic square function of \(g\). We notice the essential difference between the Davis estimates ([\[Davis01\]](#Davis01){reference-type="ref" reference="Davis01"}), ([\[Davis02\]](#Davis02){reference-type="ref" reference="Davis02"}) and ([\[nasha\]](#nasha){reference-type="ref" reference="nasha"}) that for a given power \(p, 1<p\leq 2\), we need the "dual" constant \(s_{p'}=s_{\frac{p}{p-1}}\) in the theorem. Besides, inequality ([\[nasha\]](#nasha){reference-type="ref" reference="nasha"}) cannot be extended to the full range of exponents \(p\) with some finite strictly positive constant \(c(p)\) unlike ([\[Davis01\]](#Davis01){reference-type="ref" reference="Davis01"}) and ([\[Davis02\]](#Davis02){reference-type="ref" reference="Davis02"}) (see and ([\[Latala\]](#Latala){reference-type="ref" reference="Latala"})).
# Proof of the main result
## An anonymous Bellman function {#anonymous}
In this section we want to define a function \(U: \mathbb{R}^{2} \to \mathbb{R}\) that satisfies some special properties. Let \(\alpha \geq 2\) and let \(\beta =\frac{\alpha}{\alpha-1}\leq 2\) be the conjugate exponent of \(\alpha\). Let \[\begin{aligned}
\label{series} N_{\alpha }(x):={}_{1}F_{1}\left(-\frac{\alpha }{2}, \frac{1}{2}, \frac{x^{2}}{2} \right) = \sum_{m=0}^{\infty}\frac{(-2x^{2})^{m}}{(2m)!}\frac{\alpha }{2}\left(\frac{\alpha }{2}-1\right)\cdots \left(\frac{\alpha }{2}-m+1 \right)=1-x^{2} \frac{\alpha}{2}+... \end{aligned}\] be the confluent hypergeometric function. \(N_{\alpha }(x)\) satisfies the Hermite differential equation \[\begin{aligned}
\label{hermit} N''_{\alpha }(x)-xN'_{\alpha }(x)+\alpha N_{\alpha}(x)=0 \quad \text{for} \quad x\in \mathbb{R} \end{aligned}\] with initial conditions \(N_{\alpha}(0)=1\) and \(N'_{\alpha}(0)=0\). Let \(s_{\alpha}\) be the smallest positive zero of \(N_{\alpha}\). Set \[\begin{aligned}
u_{\alpha}(x) := \begin{cases}-\dfrac{\alpha s_{\alpha}^{\alpha-1}}{N'_{\alpha}(s_{\alpha})} N_{\alpha}(x), & 0\leq |x|\leq s_{\alpha};\\[10pt] s_{\alpha}^{\alpha}-|x|^{\alpha}, & s_{\alpha} \leq |x|. \end{cases} \end{aligned}\] Clearly \(u_{\alpha}(x)\) is \(C^{1}(\mathbb{R}) \cap C^{2}(\mathbb{R}\setminus{\{s_{\alpha}\}})\) smooth even concave function. The concavity follows from Lemma [\[root\]](#root){reference-type="ref" reference="root"} and the fact that \(N'_{\alpha}(s_{\alpha}) <0\). Finally we define \[\begin{aligned}
\label{upq} U(p,q) := |q|^{\alpha} u_{\alpha}\left( \frac{p}{|q|}\right) \quad \text{with} \quad U(p,0)=-|p|^{\alpha}. \end{aligned}\] For the first time the function \(U(p,q)\) appeared in . Later it was also used in in the form \(\widetilde{u}(p,t)=U(p,\sqrt{t})\), \(t\geq 0\). It was explained in that \(U(p,q)\) satisfies the following properties: \[\begin{aligned}
&U(p,q) \geq |q|^{\alpha} s_{\alpha}^{\alpha}-|p|^{\alpha} \quad \text{for all} \quad \quad (p,q) \in \mathbb{R}^{2}, \quad \text{and when}\; q=0, \; \text{the equality holds}; \label{obstacle}\\ & 2U(p,q) \geq U(p+a,\sqrt{a^{2}+q^{2}}) + U(p-a, \sqrt{a^{2}+q^{2}}) \quad \text{for all} \quad (p,q,a) \in \mathbb{R}^{3}.\label{neravenstvo} \end{aligned}\] We should refer to ([\[obstacle\]](#obstacle){reference-type="ref" reference="obstacle"}) as the *obstacle condition*, and to ([\[neravenstvo\]](#neravenstvo){reference-type="ref" reference="neravenstvo"}) as the *main inequality*. We caution the reader that in one may not find ([\[neravenstvo\]](#neravenstvo){reference-type="ref" reference="neravenstvo"}) written explicitly but one will find its infinitesimal form \[\begin{aligned}
\label{infinitesimal} \widetilde{u}_{t} + \frac{\widetilde{u}_{pp}}{2} \leq 0 \quad \text{for} \quad \widetilde{u}(p,t) = U(p,\sqrt{t}), \end{aligned}\] which follows from the main inequality by expanding it into Taylor's series with respect to \(a\) near \(a=0\) and comparing the second order terms. Here \(\widetilde{u}_{pp}\) is defined everywhere except the curve \(|p/\sqrt{t}| = s_{\alpha}\) where \(\widetilde{u}\) is only differentiable once. In fact, the reverse implication also holds, i.e., one can derive ([\[neravenstvo\]](#neravenstvo){reference-type="ref" reference="neravenstvo"}) from ([\[infinitesimal\]](#infinitesimal){reference-type="ref" reference="infinitesimal"}) for this special \(U\). This was done in the PhD thesis of Wang but we will present a short proof in Section [\[heatt\]](#heatt){reference-type="ref" reference="heatt"}, which partly follows the Davis argument. Essentially the same argument also appeared later in in a slightly different setting. The function \(U(p,q)\) is essential in obtaining the result in the Davis paper, namely it is used in the proof of ([\[Davis01\]](#Davis01){reference-type="ref" reference="Davis01"}), and the argument goes as follows. First one shows that \[\begin{aligned}
X_{t} = U(B_{t},\sqrt{t}) \quad \text{for} \quad t \geq 0 \end{aligned}\] is a supermartingale which is guaranteed by ([\[infinitesimal\]](#infinitesimal){reference-type="ref" reference="infinitesimal"}). Finally, by the optional stopping theorem, \[\begin{aligned}
\mathbb{E}(T^{\frac{\alpha}{2}}s_{\alpha}^{\alpha}-|B_{T}|^{\alpha}) \stackrel{(\ref{obstacle})}{\leq} \mathbb{E}U(B_{T}, \sqrt{T}) \leq U(0,0)=0, \end{aligned}\] which yields ([\[Davis01\]](#Davis01){reference-type="ref" reference="Davis01"}). One may notice that \(U(p,q)\) is the minimal function with properties ([\[obstacle\]](#obstacle){reference-type="ref" reference="obstacle"}) and ([\[neravenstvo\]](#neravenstvo){reference-type="ref" reference="neravenstvo"}). Davis mentions that the proof presented in his paper was suggested by an anonymous referee, and this explains the title of the current section.
## Dualizing the Bellman function \(U(p,q)\) and going to the Hamming cube
Set \(\Psi(p,q,x,y):=px+qy+U(p,q)\) for \(x \in \mathbb{R}\) and \(y \geq 0\). We define \[\begin{aligned}
\label{dualbellman} M(x,y) = \min_{q \leq 0} \sup_{p \in \mathbb{R}} \Psi(p,q,x,y) \quad \text{for} \quad x \in \mathbb{R}, \; y \geq 0. \end{aligned}\]
The reader notices that dualization ([\[dualbellman\]](#dualbellman){reference-type="ref" reference="dualbellman"}) produces inequality ([\[dualinequality\]](#dualinequality){reference-type="ref" reference="dualinequality"}) that is different from ([\[neravenstvo\]](#neravenstvo){reference-type="ref" reference="neravenstvo"}).
The inequality ([\[main\]](#main){reference-type="ref" reference="main"}) gives rise to the estimate \[\begin{aligned}
\label{IV} \mathbb{E} M(f, |\nabla f|)\leq M(\mathbb{E} f, 0) \quad \text{for all} \quad f: \{-1,1\}^{n} \to \mathbb{R}. \end{aligned}\] Indeed, the reader can find in the passage from ([\[main\]](#main){reference-type="ref" reference="main"}) to ([\[IV\]](#IV){reference-type="ref" reference="IV"}). In fact, inequality ([\[main\]](#main){reference-type="ref" reference="main"}) is the same as \[\begin{aligned}
\label{inductive} \mathbb{E}_{x_{j}} M(f, |\nabla f|) \leq M(\mathbb{E}_{x_{j}}f, |\nabla \mathbb{E}_{x_{j}} f|) \quad \text{for any} \quad f :\{-1,1\}^{n} \to \mathbb{R}, \end{aligned}\] where \(\mathbb{E}_{x_{j}}\) takes the average in the coordinate \(x_{j}\), i.e., \[\begin{aligned}
\mathbb{E}_{x_{j}} f = \frac{1}{2}\left( f\underbrace{(x_{1}, \ldots, 1, \ldots, x_{n})}_{\text{set \(1\) on the \(j\)-th place}}+ f\underbrace{(x_{1}, \ldots,-1, \ldots, x_{n})}_{\text{set \(-1\) on the \(j\)-th place}}\right). \end{aligned}\] The rest follows by iterating ([\[inductive\]](#inductive){reference-type="ref" reference="inductive"}), the fact that \(\mathbb{E} = \mathbb{E}_{x_{1}}\ldots \mathbb{E}_{x_{n}}\) and \(|\nabla \mathbb{E} f | =0\).
## The proof of Theorem [\[osnovnaya\]](#osnovnaya){reference-type="ref" reference="osnovnaya"}
We have \[\begin{aligned}
\left( \frac{\alpha-1}{\alpha^{\beta}}\right) \mathbb{E} \left( |f|^{\beta}-\frac{|\nabla f| ^{\beta}}{s_{\alpha}^{\beta}} \right) \stackrel{(\ref{obs2})}{\leq} \mathbb{E} M(f, |\nabla f|)\stackrel{(\ref{IV})}{\leq} M(\mathbb{E} f, 0) \stackrel{(\ref{obs2})}{=}\left( \frac{\alpha-1}{\alpha^{\beta}}\right) |\mathbb{E} f|^{\beta}, \end{aligned}\] and this gives inequality ([\[nasha\]](#nasha){reference-type="ref" reference="nasha"}).
# Remarks and Applications
## Going from \(U\) to \(M\): from Square function to the Hamming cube
Let \(g\) be an integrable function on \([0,1]\). Let \(D([0,1])\) denote all dyadic intervals in \([0,1]\). Consider the dyadic martingale \(g_{n}\) defined as follows \[\begin{aligned}
\label{ddy} g_{n}(x) = \sum_{|I|=2^{-n},\, I \in D([0,1])} \langle g \rangle_{I} \mathbbm{1}_{I}(x), \end{aligned}\] where \(\langle g \rangle_{I} = \frac{1}{|I|} \int_{I} g\). The square function \(S(g)\) is defined as follows \[\begin{aligned}
S(g)(x) = \left(\sum_{n=0}^{\infty} (g_{n+1}(x)-g_{n}(x))^{2}\right)^{1/2}. \end{aligned}\] For convenience we always assume that the number of nonzero terms in ([\[ddy\]](#ddy){reference-type="ref" reference="ddy"}) is finite so that \(S(g)(x)\) makes sense. Let \(O(p,q)\) be a continuous real valued function, and suppose one wants to estimate the quantity \(\int_{0}^{1} O(g, S(g))\) from above in terms of \(\int_{0}^{1}g\). If one finds a function \[\begin{aligned}
&U(p,q)\geq O(p,q), \label{opa01}\\ &2U(p,q) \geq U(p+a,\sqrt{a^{2}+q^{2}}) + U(p-a, \sqrt{a^{2}+q^{2}}), \label{opa02} \end{aligned}\] then one obtains (see ) the bound \[\begin{aligned}
\int_{0}^{1} O(g,S(g)) \leq \int_{0}^{1} U(g, S(g)) \leq U\left(\int_{0}^{1} g, 0 \right). \end{aligned}\] Conversely, suppose that the inequality \[\begin{aligned}
\label{hudson} \int_{0}^{1}O(g, S(g)) \leq F\left( \int_{0}^{1} g\right) \end{aligned}\] holds for all integrable functions \(g\) on \([0,1]\) and some \(F\). Then there exists \(U(p,q)\) such that the conditions ([\[opa01\]](#opa01){reference-type="ref" reference="opa01"}), ([\[opa02\]](#opa02){reference-type="ref" reference="opa02"}) are satisfied and \(U(p,0)\leq F(p)\). Indeed, consider the extremal problem \[\begin{aligned}
\label{ex1} U(p,q) = \sup_{g} \left\{\int_{0}^{1} O(g, \sqrt{S(g)^{2}+q^{2}}), \quad \int_{0}^{1}g =p \right\}. \end{aligned}\] This \(U\) satisfies ([\[opa01\]](#opa01){reference-type="ref" reference="opa01"}) (take \(g = p\) constant), and, in fact, it satisfies ([\[opa02\]](#opa02){reference-type="ref" reference="opa02"}). The latter fact can be proved by using the standard Bellman principle (see Chapter 8,, and survey ). Besides, \[\begin{aligned}
U(p, 0) = \sup_{g} \left\{\int_{0}^{1} O(g,S(g)), \quad \int_{0}^{1}g =p \right\} \leq F(p) \end{aligned}\] because of ([\[ex1\]](#ex1){reference-type="ref" reference="ex1"}). Therefore there is one to one correspondence between the extremal problems for the square function of the form ([\[ex1\]](#ex1){reference-type="ref" reference="ex1"}) and the functions \(U(p,q)\) with the properties ([\[opa01\]](#opa01){reference-type="ref" reference="opa01"}) and ([\[opa02\]](#opa02){reference-type="ref" reference="opa02"}). The gradient estimates on the Hamming cube are more subtle. Take any real valued \(\widetilde{O}(x,y)\) and suppose that we want to estimate \(\mathbb{E} \widetilde{O}(f, |\nabla f|)\) from above in terms of \(\mathbb{E} f\) for any \(f: \{-1,1\}^{n} \to \mathbb{R}\) and for all \(n \geq 1\). If one finds \(M(x,y)\) such that \[\begin{aligned}
&M(x,y)\geq \widetilde{O}(x,y), \label{opa21}\\ &2 M(x,y) \geq M(x+a, \sqrt{a^{2}+(y+b)^{2}})+M(x-a, \sqrt{a^{2}+(y-b)^{2}}), \label{opa22} \end{aligned}\] then[^1] one can obtain the estimate (see ) \[\begin{aligned}
\label{PA} \mathbb{E} \widetilde{O}(f, |\nabla f|)\leq \mathbb{E} M(f, |\nabla f|) \leq M(\mathbb{E} f, 0)\. \end{aligned}\] Thus finding such \(M\) is sufficient to obtain the estimate but it is unclear whether conditions ([\[opa21\]](#opa21){reference-type="ref" reference="opa21"}) and ([\[opa22\]](#opa22){reference-type="ref" reference="opa22"}) are **necessary** to obtain the bound \(\mathbb{E} \widetilde{O}(f, |\nabla f|)\leq M(\mathbb{E} f, 0)\). In other words we do not know what is the corresponding extremal problem for \(M\), i.e., what is the right Bellman function \(M\). The reason lies in the fact that there is an essential difference between the Hamming cube and the dyadic intervals, i.e., test functions do not concatenate in a good way on \(\{-1,1\}^{n}\) as it happens for dyadic martingales. Now we formulate an abstract theorem that formalizes our duality principle in a general setting.
One may think that finding \(U(p,q)\) with the property ([\[opa02\]](#opa02){reference-type="ref" reference="opa02"}) is a difficult problem. Let us make a quick remark here that if it happens that \(t \mapsto U(p,\sqrt{t})\) is convex for each fixed \(p\in I\), then ([\[opa02\]](#opa02){reference-type="ref" reference="opa02"}) is automatically implied by its infinitesimal form, i.e., by \(U_{pp}+U_{q}/q\leq 0\) (see the proof of Lemma [\[barko\]](#barko){reference-type="ref" reference="barko"}).
## Going from \(M\) to \(U\): from Hamming cube to square function
Another interesting observation is that equality ([\[realdual\]](#realdual){reference-type="ref" reference="realdual"}) was lurking in a solution of a certain Monge--Ampère equation. For example, taking \(a,b \to 0\) in ([\[opa22\]](#opa22){reference-type="ref" reference="opa22"}), and using the Taylor's series expansion (assuming that \(M\) is smooth enough) one obtains \[\begin{aligned}
\label{matrica} \begin{pmatrix} M_{xx}+\frac{M_{y}}{y} & M_{xy}\\ M_{xy} & M_{yy} \end{pmatrix} \leq 0\. \end{aligned}\] When looking for the least function \(M\) with \(M \geq \widetilde{O}\) and ([\[matrica\]](#matrica){reference-type="ref" reference="matrica"}), it is reasonable to assume that condition ([\[matrica\]](#matrica){reference-type="ref" reference="matrica"}) should degenerate except, possibly, on the set where \(M\) coincides with its obstacle \(\widetilde{O}\). The degeneracy of ([\[matrica\]](#matrica){reference-type="ref" reference="matrica"}) means that the determinant of the matrix in ([\[matrica\]](#matrica){reference-type="ref" reference="matrica"}) is zero. This is a general Monge--Ampère type equation and, after an application of the exterior differential systems of Bryant--Griffiths (see ), we obtain that the solutions can be locally characterized as follows: \[\begin{aligned}
&x=-U_{p}(p,q), \nonumber\\ &y=-U_{q}(p,q), \nonumber\\ &M(x,y)=px+qy+U(p,q), \label{bryant} \end{aligned}\] where \(U\) satisfies the equation \[\begin{aligned}
\label{heat} U_{pp}+\frac{U_{q}}{q}=0. \end{aligned}\] In we used \(u(p,t)=-U(p,\sqrt{2t})\) instead of \(U(p,q)\), in which case ([\[heat\]](#heat){reference-type="ref" reference="heat"}) becomes just the backward heat equation for \(u(p,t)\). We will not formulate a formal statement but we do make a remark that such a reasoning allows us to guess the *dual* of \(M\), i.e., to find \(U\) given \(M\). The way this guess works will be illustrated in Section [3.4](#poo){reference-type="ref" reference="poo"}. Our final remark is that one may try to use \(U(p,q) :=M(p,q)\) with \(O(p,q):=\widetilde{O}(p,q)\) because ([\[opa22\]](#opa22){reference-type="ref" reference="opa22"}) clearly implies ([\[opa02\]](#opa02){reference-type="ref" reference="opa02"}). It will definitely give some estimate for the square function but not the sharp one. Indeed, for the sharp estimates, condition ([\[opa02\]](#opa02){reference-type="ref" reference="opa02"}) for \(U\) usually degenerates, namely ([\[heat\]](#heat){reference-type="ref" reference="heat"}) holds. On the other hand, if \(M_{xx}+M_{y}/y=0\) and ([\[matrica\]](#matrica){reference-type="ref" reference="matrica"}) holds, then \(M_{xy}=0\), and \[\begin{aligned}
\label{bzik} M(x,y)=C(x^{2}-y^{2})+Dx+Q \end{aligned}\] for some constants \(C, D, Q\in \mathbb{R}\). This family of functions corresponds to the trivial inequality \(\int_{0}^{1}S(g)^{2} \leq \int_{0}^{1} g^{2}\). Analogously, the best possible function \(U\) satisfying ([\[opa01\]](#opa01){reference-type="ref" reference="opa01"}) and ([\[opa02\]](#opa02){reference-type="ref" reference="opa02"}) will almost never satisfy ([\[matrica\]](#matrica){reference-type="ref" reference="matrica"}) except for a very particular case when \(U(p,q)=C(p^{2}-q^{2})+Dp+Q\).
## The dual to Log-Sobolev is Chang--Wilson--Wolff
The function \(M(x,y)=x\ln x-\frac{y^{2}}{2x}\) satisfies ([\[matrica\]](#matrica){reference-type="ref" reference="matrica"}) and, therefore, it gives the log-Sobolev inequality . Its dual in the sense of ([\[bryant\]](#bryant){reference-type="ref" reference="bryant"}) is \(U(p,q)=e^{p-q^{2}/2}\) (see Section 3.1.1 in where \(t=q^{2}/2\)). Notice that for this \(U\), inequality ([\[opa02\]](#opa02){reference-type="ref" reference="opa02"}) simplifies to \[\begin{aligned}
2e^{a^{2}/2}\geq e^{a}+e^{-a}, \end{aligned}\] which is true since \((2k)! \geq 2^{k} k!\) for \(k \geq 0\). Therefore we obtain
This corollary immediately recovers the result of Chang-Wilson-Wolf well-known to probabilists, namely for any \(g\) with \(\int_{0}^{1} g=0\) and \(\|S(g)\|_{\infty}<\infty\), we have \[\begin{aligned}
\label{suparupa} \int_{0}^{1} e^{g} \leq e^{\|S(g)\|^{2}_{\infty}/2}. \end{aligned}\] Next, repeating a standard argument, namely, considering \(tg\) and applying Chebyshev's inequality (see Theorem 3.1 in ), one obtains the superexponential bound \[\begin{aligned}
\label{Wolff} | \{ x \in [0,1]\, :\, g(x)-\int_{0}^{1}g \geq \lambda \} | \leq e^{-\frac{1}{2} \lambda^{2}/\|Sg\|_{\infty}^{2}} \end{aligned}\] for any \(\lambda \geq 0\). We should remind that the log-Sobolev inequality via the Herbst argument gives Gaussian concentration inequalities, namely, \[\begin{aligned}
\label{sup2} \gamma\left(x \in \mathbb{R}^{n}\,: f(x)-\int_{\mathbb{R}^{n}} f d\gamma \geq \lambda \right) \leq e^{-\frac{1}{2} \lambda^{2}/\|\nabla f\|_{\infty}^{2}} \end{aligned}\] for any \(\lambda \geq 0\) and any smooth \(f: \mathbb{R}^{n} \to \mathbb{R}\) with \(\|\nabla f\|_{\infty}<\infty\). Here \(\gamma\) is the standard Gaussian measure on \(\mathbb{R}^{n}\). In other words we just illustrated that estimates ([\[sup2\]](#sup2){reference-type="ref" reference="sup2"}) and ([\[Wolff\]](#Wolff){reference-type="ref" reference="Wolff"}) are dual to each other in the sense of duality between functions \(M=x\ln x-\frac{y^{2}}{2x}\) and \(U=e^{p-q^{2}/2}\).
## Poincaré inequality 3/2: a simple proof via duality {#poo}
It was proved in that for any \(f :\{-1,1\}^{n} \to \mathbb{R}\), we have \[\begin{aligned}
\label{poincare} \mathbb{E}\, \Re \, (f+i|\nabla f|)^{3/2} \leq \Re (\mathbb{E} f)^{3/2}, \end{aligned}\] where \(z^{3/2}\) is taken in the sense of the principal brunch in the upper half-plane. Inequality ([\[poincare\]](#poincare){reference-type="ref" reference="poincare"}) improves Beckner's bound for a particular exponent . Consider \[\begin{aligned}
M(x,y) = \Re (x+iy)^{3/2} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} (2x-\sqrt{x^{2}+y^{2}}) \sqrt{\sqrt{x^{2}+y^{2}}+x} \quad \text{for} \quad (x,y)\in \mathbb{R}^{2}. \end{aligned}\] It was explained in that to prove ([\[poincare\]](#poincare){reference-type="ref" reference="poincare"}) it is enough to check that \(M(x,y)\) satisfies ([\[opa22\]](#opa22){reference-type="ref" reference="opa22"}), and the latter fact involved careful investigation of the roots of several very high degree polynomials with integer coefficients. Let us give a simple proof of ([\[opa22\]](#opa22){reference-type="ref" reference="opa22"}) using our duality technique.
## Sobolev inequalities {#sobolevskie}
### The Hamming cube \(\{-1,1\}^{n}\)
For \(p \in [1,2]\), let \(c_{p}\) be the best possible constant such that \[\begin{aligned}
\label{sobham} c_{p}(\mathbb{E}|f|^{p}-|\mathbb{E} f|^{p}) \leq \mathbb{E} |\nabla f|^{p} \quad \text{for all functions} \quad f:\{-1,1\}^{n} \to \mathbb{R}. \end{aligned}\] Our theorem implies that \(c_{p} \geq s^{p}_{p'}\) for \(p\in (1,2]\). Notice that when \(p=2\), we have \(c_{2}=s_{2}^{2}=1\), and ([\[sobham\]](#sobham){reference-type="ref" reference="sobham"}) recovers the classical Poincaré inequality. When \(p \to 1+\) the constant \(s^{p}_{p'}\) tends to zero which should not be the case for \(c_{p}\). Indeed, it follows from a deep result of Talagrand that if \(T_{p}\) is the best possible constant in the following estimate \[\begin{aligned}
\label{Ramonn} T_{p}\, \mathbb{E} |f-\mathbb{E} f|^{p} \leq \mathbb{E} |\nabla f|^{p} \quad \text{for all} \quad f:\{-1,1\}^{n} \to \mathbb{R}, \end{aligned}\] then \(T_{p}>0\) for all \(p \in [1, \infty)\). Now notice that \(T_{1}=c_{1}\), \(T_{2}=c_{2}\) and \(T_{p} \geq c_{p}\) for \(p\in (1, 2)\). When \(p>2\), by example ([\[Latala\]](#Latala){reference-type="ref" reference="Latala"}), we must have \(c_{p}=0\) unlike the fact that \(T_{p}>0\) for \(p>2\). So one may wonder whether the positivity of \(T_{p}\) may not imply the positivity of \(c_{p}\) on the interval \((1,2)\). Let us mention that this is not the case, in fact \(2c_{p} \geq T_{p}\) for \(p\in (1,2)\). Indeed, it will suffice to prove that \(2\mathbb{E} |f-\mathbb{E}f|^{p} \geq \mathbb{E}|f|^{p}-|\mathbb{E} f|^{p}\). If \(\mathbb{E}f=0\) this is obvious. Assume \(\mathbb{E}f\neq 0\). Next, we show a simple inequality \[\begin{aligned}
\label{ramon} 2|x-1|^{p}-|x|^{p}+1 \geq p(1-x) \quad \text{for all} \quad1\leq p\leq 2 \quad \text{and} \quad x \in \mathbb{R}. \end{aligned}\] Plugging \(x= f/\mathbb{E} f\), and taking the expectation, we obtain \(2\mathbb{E} |f-\mathbb{E}f|^{p} \geq \mathbb{E}|f|^{p}-|\mathbb{E} f|^{p}\). To verify ([\[ramon\]](#ramon){reference-type="ref" reference="ramon"}), without loss of generality assume that \(p>1\) (otherwise the inequality is trivial). Consider \(g(x)=2|x-1|^{p}-|x|^{p}+1\). Its second derivative changes signs at points \(x\) which satisfy the equation \(|x-1|=2^{1/(2-p)}|x|\), i.e., when \(x=x_{\pm}=\frac{1}{1\pm 2^{1/(2-p)}}\). The right hand side of ([\[ramon\]](#ramon){reference-type="ref" reference="ramon"}) represents the tangent line to the graph of \(g\) at the point \(x=1\). Clearly \(g\) is convex on \([ x_{+}, \infty)\). Therefore ([\[ramon\]](#ramon){reference-type="ref" reference="ramon"}) is true on this interval. Next, \(g\) is concave on \([x_{-}, x_{+}]\) and since \(x_{-}<0\), we have \(g\geq p(1-x)\) on \([0,x_{+}]\) because \(g(0)>p(1-0)\). Thus ([\[ramon\]](#ramon){reference-type="ref" reference="ramon"}) is true for \(x\geq 0\). For \(x \leq 0\), by Bernoulli we have \[\begin{aligned}
2|x-1|^{p}-|x|^{p}+1-p(1-x) \geq |x-1|^{p}+1-p(1-x) \geq 1-px +1-p(1-x)=2-p \geq 0. \end{aligned}\] To the best of our knowledge, the constants \(c_{p}, T_{p}\) are unknown for \(p \in [1,2)\). There is a remarkable result of Ben-Efraim--Lust-Piquard that \(T_{p}\geq \frac{2}{\pi}\) for \(1\leq p\leq 2\). This, combined to our theorem, gives the lower bound \(T_{p} \geq \max\{\frac{2}{\pi}, s_{p'}\}\) for \(1\leq p \leq 2\). However, due to the inequalities of Bobkov--Götze and Maurey--Pisier (see the next section), it is widely believed that \(c_{1}=T_{1}=\sqrt{\frac{2}{\pi}}\). An elegant idea of Naor--Schechtman based on Burkholder's inequality gives an estimate \[\begin{aligned}
(p-1)^{p}\, \mathbb{E}|f-\mathbb{E} f|^{p} \leq \mathbb{E}_{x} \mathbb{E}_{x'} \left|\sum_{j=1}^{n} x'_{j} \partial_{j}f(x) \right|^{p} \quad 1<p\leq 2. \end{aligned}\] Let us show that our bound ([\[assaf1\]](#assaf1){reference-type="ref" reference="assaf1"}) obtained in Corollary [\[asebi\]](#asebi){reference-type="ref" reference="asebi"} is better.
### Gaussian measure on \(\mathbb{R}^{n}\)
The application of the Central Limit Theorem to ([\[nasha\]](#nasha){reference-type="ref" reference="nasha"}) gives a dimension independent Sobolev inequality.
The best possible constant in ([\[sobolevp\]](#sobolevp){reference-type="ref" reference="sobolevp"}), unlike \(s_{p'}^{p}\), should not degenerate when \(p \to 1+\). Indeed, (see , pp. 115) one has \[\begin{aligned}
\label{hhu} \sqrt{\frac{2}{ \pi}} \int_{\mathbb{R}^{n}} \left| f-\int_{\mathbb{R}^{n}} f d\gamma \right| d\gamma \leq \int_{\mathbb{R}^{n}} |\nabla f| d\gamma, \end{aligned}\] where the constant \(\sqrt{\frac{2}{\pi}}\) is the best possible in the left hand side of ([\[hhu\]](#hhu){reference-type="ref" reference="hhu"}). We should mention that estimate ([\[hhu\]](#hhu){reference-type="ref" reference="hhu"}) can be also easily obtained by a remarkable trick of Maurey--Pisier . Notice that ([\[sobolevp\]](#sobolevp){reference-type="ref" reference="sobolevp"}) cannot be extended for the range of exponents \(p>2\) with some positive constant \(C(p)\) instead of \(s_{p'}^{p}\). Indeed, assume the contrary. Consider \(n=1\) and take \(f(x) = 1+ax\). Using Jensen's inequality, we obtain \[\begin{aligned}
\label{Latala} (1+a^{2})^{p/2} =\left(\int_{\mathbb{R}}|1+ax|^{2} d\gamma \right)^{p/2}\leq \int_{\mathbb{R}}|1+ax|^{p}d\gamma \stackrel{(\ref{sobolevp})}{\leq} \frac{|a|^{p}}{C(p)} +1. \end{aligned}\] Therefore, taking \(a \to 0\), we obtain the contradiction with \(pa^{2}/2> \frac{|a|^{p}}{C(p)}\) for \(p>2\).
## Discrete surface measure
Let \(A \subset \{-1,1\}^{n}\) be a subset of the Hamming cube with cardinality \(|A|=2^{n-1}\). Define \(w_{A}: \{-1,1\}^{n} \to \mathbb{N} \cup \{0\}\) so that \(w_{A}(x)\) is the number of boundary edges to \(A\) containing \(x\), i.e., \(w_{A}(x)\) counts the number of edges with one endpoint in \(A\) and another one in the complement of \(A\) such that one of the endpoints is \(x\). Clearly \(w_{A}(x)=0\) if \(x\) is in the "strict interior" of \(A\), or in the "strict complement" of \(A\), and it is nonzero if and only if \(x\) is on the "boundary" of \(A\). Notice that \(w_{A}(x)\) can be nonzero for some \(x \notin A\). The function \(w_{A}\) maybe be understood as a discrete surface measure of the boundary of \(A\). Consider the following quantity \[\begin{aligned}
\label{Guillame} \sigma(p) = \inf_{A \subset \{-1,1\}^{n}, \; |A|=2^{n-1}} \mathbb{E} w_{A}^{p/2}(x). \end{aligned}\] It follows from Harper's edge-isoperimetric inequality that \(\sigma(2)=1\) and the value is attained on the halfcube. The monotonicity of \(\sigma(p)\) in \(p\) implies that \(\sigma(p)=1\) for all \(p\geq 2\). Also notice that considering Hamming balls, one can easily show that \(\sigma(p)=0\) for \(0\leq p <1\). Therefore the first nontrivial value is \(\sigma(1)\). In this case it follows from Bobkov's inequality (see and references therein) that \(\sigma(1) \geq \sqrt{\frac{2}{\pi}} \approx 0.79\), and by monotonicity we obtain that \(\sigma(p) \geq \sqrt{\frac{2}{\pi}}\) which is definitely not sharp when \(p \to 2-\). Define \(f: \{-1,1\}^{n} \to \{-1,1\}\) as follows: \(f(x)=1\) if \(x \in A\) and \(f(x)=-1\) if \(x \notin A\). Clearly \(|\nabla f(x)|^{2} = w_{A}(x)\). Applying ([\[nasha\]](#nasha){reference-type="ref" reference="nasha"}) to \(f\), we obtain \[\begin{aligned}
\label{surface} \mathbb{E} w_{A}^{p/2}(x) \geq s^{p}_{p'}. \end{aligned}\] Inequality ([\[surface\]](#surface){reference-type="ref" reference="surface"}) gives the lower bound \(\sigma(p) \geq s^{p}_{p'}\) which tends to \(1\) as \(p \to 2-\), but fails to be sharp when \(p\to 1+\). Thus combining this result with Bobkov's inequality we obtain the bound \[\begin{aligned}
\label{super} 1\geq \sigma(p) \geq \max\left\{ \sqrt{\frac{2}{\pi}},\, s^{p}_{p'}\right\} \quad \text{for} \quad 1 \leq p \leq 2. \end{aligned}\]
[^1]: We do also need to assume that \(y \mapsto M(x,y)\) is decreasing in \(y\) for each fixed \(x\) to ensure Corollary [\[selfimpr\]](#selfimpr){reference-type="ref" reference="selfimpr"}. But if \(M\) is \(C^{1}\) smooth then \(M_{y}\leq 0\) is guaranteed by ([\[opa22\]](#opa22){reference-type="ref" reference="opa22"}). Indeed, if we take \(a=0\) in ([\[opa22\]](#opa22){reference-type="ref" reference="opa22"}) we obtain that \(y \mapsto M(x,y)\) is concave for each \(x\). Next, taking \(y=b=0\) and sending \(a \to 0+\), we obtain by Taylor's formula that \(M_{y}(x,0)\leq 0\). Therefore \(M_{y}(x,y)\leq 0\). | {'timestamp': '2018-01-19T02:02:39', 'yymm': '1706', 'arxiv_id': '1706.01930', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.01930'} |
# Introduction
Relations between creation and annihilation operators determine the statistical properties of quantum systems composed by non-interacting particles. Canonical examples are the Bose-Einstein distribution for the commutation relation \([a,a^\dagger]=1\) and the Fermi-Dirac distribution for the anti-commutation relation \(\{a,a^\dagger\}=1\). Starting from the pioneer works of Gentile and Green, many different distributions have been proposed as extensions that go beyond or interpolate the statistics of bosons and fermions; see, for example,. Although, according to the Standard Model, fermions and bosons are enough to describe nature from fist principles, there are situations in which a description in terms of exotic statistics is more useful; see for several examples, and references cited therein including experimental results for some cases. The total energy is the simple sum \(E = \sum_i n_i \epsilon_i\), where \(n_i\) is the number of identical particles in energy level \(i\), and \(\epsilon_i\) is the corresponding one-particle energy. The starting point is the grand partition function written in terms of the number of different many-body states or statistical weight \(W(\{n_i\})\): \[\mathcal{Z} = \sum_{\{n_i\}} W(\{n_i\}) \exp\left[-\beta\sum_i (\epsilon_i-\mu) n_i\right], \label{zeta}\] where \(\beta=1/k_B T\) and \(\mu\) is the chemical potential. A frequent approach to obtain the statistical distribution of \(n_i\) for exotic statistics is maximizing \(\ln W\) with the constraints of constant total energy and total number of particles, and taking the thermodynamic limit to make some approximations. Since each energy level can be taken as an independent system, the total grand partition function is written in terms of the single level grand partition functions \(\mathcal{Z}_\epsilon\) as \[\mathcal{Z} = \prod_{\{\epsilon \}} \mathcal{Z}_\epsilon\] (subindex \(i\) in \(\epsilon\) is omitted to simplify the notation); the product is performed on all energy levels, taking into account a possible degeneracy by repetition of the product. Here, I focus on the grand partition function for a single level given by \[\mathcal{Z}_\epsilon = \mathrm{tr}\, e^{-\beta\,(\epsilon-\mu) \hat{n}} \label{zeps}\] where \(\hat{n}\) is the number of particles operator. An exotic statistics originated by some specific relations between creation and annihilation operators should manifest itself both in [\[zeta\]](#zeta){reference-type="eqref" reference="zeta"} and in [\[zeps\]](#zeps){reference-type="eqref" reference="zeps"}. The questions that I wish to address are: how does [\[zeps\]](#zeps){reference-type="eqref" reference="zeps"} depend on the creation and annihilation operator relations, and how this dependence, when explicitly stated, could be extended to include exotic statistics without making approximations or appealing to the thermodynamic limit. As usual, te most convenient base to evaluate the trace in [\[zeps\]](#zeps){reference-type="eqref" reference="zeps"} is the set of eigenstates of the number operator: \[\mathcal{Z}_\epsilon = \sum_n e^{-\beta\,(\epsilon-\mu) n} \label{zeps2}\] In Sect. [2](#gent){reference-type="ref" reference="gent"}, a counting operator is introduced, with eigenstates \(|n\rangle\) and eigenvalues 0 or 1, in order to restrict the sum in [\[zeps2\]](#zeps2){reference-type="eqref" reference="zeps2"} to the values of \(n\) allowed by some commutation relations. It can be seen that the only possible extension of Eq. [\[zeps2\]](#zeps2){reference-type="eqref" reference="zeps2"} beyond fermions and bosons is Gentile statistics; this is one of the main results of Ref.İn order to get other statistics, for example quantum Boltzmann statistics for \(a a^\dagger = 1\), the eigenvalues of the counting operator should be different from 0 and 1. In the next sections this situation is analyzed for several exotic statistics: quons in Sect. [3](#squons){reference-type="ref" reference="squons"}, Polychronakos statistics in Sect. [4](#spoly){reference-type="ref" reference="spoly"} and ewkons in Sect. [5](#sewkons){reference-type="ref" reference="sewkons"}. I present the conclusions in Sect. [6](#conclusions){reference-type="ref" reference="conclusions"}.
# Gentile statistics and the counting operator {#gent}
The creation and annihilation operators determine the number of elements of the Fock space and restrict the sum in Eq. [\[zeps2\]](#zeps2){reference-type="eqref" reference="zeps2"} to the allowed values of \(n\). Then, if \(n\) takes the values 0 or 1, we have fermions, if it takes any value between 0 and \(\infty\), we have bosons, and if it takes values between 0 and \(\nu\) we have an intermediate Gentile statistics. We can define \[x = e^{-\beta\,(\epsilon-\mu)}\] in order to simplify the notation. The number distribution is given by \[\bar{n} = x \frac{\partial\ln \mathcal{Z}_\epsilon}{\partial x} = \frac{1}{x^{-1}-1}-\frac{\nu + 1}{x^{-(\nu+1)}-1}.\] It reduces to the Fermi-Dirac distribution for \(\nu=1\) and to the Bose-Einstein distribution for \(\nu \rightarrow \infty\). In this and the next sections I consider creation and annihilation operators whose action on number states is written as \[\begin{aligned}
a^\dagger |n\rangle &= \lambda_{n+1}^* |n+1\rangle \nonumber \\ a |n\rangle &= \lambda_n |n-1\rangle, \label{aadaga} \end{aligned}\] with the vacuum condition \(a|0\rangle = 0\); therefore \(\lambda_0 = 0\). For Gentile statistics we have that (see, e.g., ) \[\begin{aligned}
\lambda_n &= \sqrt{n} \quad \text{for } 1 \leq n \leq \nu \nonumber \\ \lambda_{\nu+1} &=0. \end{aligned}\] The anticommutation relation for fermions that gives \(a^2=0\) is generalized to \[a^{\nu+1} = 0. \label{antic}\] If \(F_\nu\) is the Fock space represented by the set \(\{|0\rangle...,|\nu\rangle\}\), then any \(F_\nu\) is embedded into \(F_{\nu'}\) as long as \(\nu' > \nu\); and the Fock space of bosons includes all the others. Let us consider a counting operator \(\hat{\delta}\) that commutes with \(\hat{n}\) and that has the following property: \[\langle n| \hat{\delta} |n\rangle = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 1 & \text{if } 0\leq n \leq \nu \\ 0 & \text{if } n > \nu \end{array} \right. \label{condit}\] The definition of the grand partition function [\[zeps\]](#zeps){reference-type="eqref" reference="zeps"} remains unchanged if we insert this operator so that \(\mathcal{Z}_\epsilon = \mathrm{tr}\,(\hat{\delta}\, x^{\hat{n}})\). Now, the sum in [\[zeps2\]](#zeps2){reference-type="eqref" reference="zeps2"} can be extended to infinity: \[\mathcal{Z}_\epsilon = \sum_{n=0}^\infty \langle n| \hat{\delta} |n\rangle \, x^{n}. \label{zeps3}\] We now seek to express \(\hat{\delta}\) in terms of creation and annihilation operators. For this purpose it is useful to consider relation [\[antic\]](#antic){reference-type="eqref" reference="antic"}, that gives \(a^n |n\rangle =0\) for \(n>\nu\). Including \({a^\dagger}^n\) to keep \(|n\rangle\) as an eigenstate, and the normalization factor \(1/n!\), we obtain that \[\hat{\delta} = \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} \frac{1}{n!}\, {a^\dagger}^n a^n \, |n\rangle\langle n| \label{delta}\] satisfies the conditions [\[condit\]](#condit){reference-type="eqref" reference="condit"}. I briefly mention a different possible representation and interpretation of \(\hat{\delta}\). Let us call \(b^\dagger\) and \(b\) the creation and annihilation operators for bosons. Then, \[\begin{aligned}
\hat{\delta} &= \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} b^{-n} {b^\dagger}^{-n} {a^\dagger}^n a^n \, |n\rangle\langle n| \nonumber \\ &= \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} \mathcal{N} (b^{-1} {b^\dagger}^{-1} {a^\dagger} a)^n \, |n\rangle\langle n| \nonumber \\ &= \mathcal{N} (b^{-1} {b^\dagger}^{-1} {a^\dagger} a)^{\hat{n}} \end{aligned}\] where \(\mathcal{N}\) is the normal ordering operator; creation and annihilation operators should not be taken as written but in normal order. In the last step it was used that \(\hat{n}\) commutes with \(a^\dagger a\) and \(b^{-1} {b^\dagger}^{-1}\) (in this case, the normal ordering operator does not act on \(\hat{n}\)). I call \(\hat{\gamma} = b^{-1} {b^\dagger}^{-1} {a^\dagger} a\) so that the counting operator is \[\hat{\delta} = \mathcal{N} e^{(\ln \hat{\gamma}) \hat{n}},\] and including this operator in the grand partition function we have: \[\mathcal{Z}_\epsilon = \mathrm{tr}\,\left[ \mathcal{N} e^{-\beta\,(\epsilon-\mu-k_B T \ln \hat{\gamma}) \hat{n}} \right]. \label{zeps4}\] Now, we can interpret \(\hat{\gamma}\) as a quantum activity coefficient that takes into account quantum effects represented by the features of creation and annihilation operators (the description in terms of quantum operators may also be a way of introducing interaction effects ). Defined this way, this quantum activity coefficient has a reference state given by a system in which particles are bosons. For simplicity, in the rest of this paper I use the definition of \(\hat{\delta}\) given by [\[delta\]](#delta){reference-type="eqref" reference="delta"} and do not use the operator \(\hat{\gamma}\). So far, the inclusion of the counting operator has no consequence in Gentile statistics. As stated before, it is not possible for the definition of the grand partition function [\[zeps\]](#zeps){reference-type="eqref" reference="zeps"} to represent other statistics than Gentile's; as long as the counting operator has eigenvalues 0 or 1. A straightforward generalization is to consider situations in which the eigenvalues may be different from 0 or 1. For creation and annihilation operators given in general by [\[aadaga\]](#aadaga){reference-type="eqref" reference="aadaga"}, the eigenvalues are \[\langle n| \hat{\delta} |n\rangle = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 1 & \text{if } n = 0 \\ \frac{|\lambda_1 \cdots \lambda_n|^2}{1\cdots n} & \text{if } n \ge 1 \end{array} \right. \label{eigend}\] The grand partition function takes the form \[\mathcal{Z}_{\epsilon} = 1 + \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{|\lambda_1 \cdots \lambda_n|^2}{n!} x^n. \label{zeps5}\] Eq. [\[zeps5\]](#zeps5){reference-type="eqref" reference="zeps5"} represents a connection between statistics and creation and annihilation operators. It is not difficult to obtain, after a few algebraic steps, the following direct relation between the mean value of \(|\lambda_{n+1}|^2\) and the number distribution: \[\bar{n} = x \overline{|\lambda_{n+1}|^2}.\] Polychronakos introduced a related approach for exclusion statistics in which the grand partition function for a system of \(K\) states with energy \(\epsilon\) is written as \(\mathcal{Z}(K) = (\mathcal{Z}_\epsilon)^K\), with \(\mathcal{Z}_\epsilon = \sum_n P_n x^n\), where \(P_n\) are *a priori* probabilities independent of the temperature. In the present context, these probabilities correspond to the eigenvalues of \(\hat{\delta}\). In the next sections, the previous relations, mainly Eq. [\[zeps5\]](#zeps5){reference-type="eqref" reference="zeps5"}, are applied to different exotic and intermediate statistics. The first case study is the quantum Boltzmann statistics.
# Quantum Boltzmann statistics and quons {#squons}
Quons were introduced in order to study possible violations of the Pauli principle; they satisfy the generalized or \(q\)-commutation relation \[a a^\dagger-q a^\dagger a = 1, \label{qcomm}\] that interpolates between fermions and bosons when \(q\) takes values from \(-1\) to 1. First we analyze the intermediate case with \(q=0\), for which \(a a^\dagger = 1\) and \[\begin{array}{l} a^\dagger |n\rangle = |n+1\rangle \\ a |n\rangle = |n-1\rangle, \quad a|0\rangle=0 \end{array} \quad \text{(quant. Boltzmann)} \label{qboltz}\] The creation and annihilation operators commute when applied to any non-vacuum number state, this already suggests that the corresponding statistics should be the classical Maxwell-Boltzmann's: \[\bar{n}_\text{QB} = x,\] that in this context receives the name of Quantum Boltzmann statistics. A result that supports the generalization of [\[zeps5\]](#zeps5){reference-type="eqref" reference="zeps5"} beyond Gentile statistics is that it correctly reproduces the Quantum Boltzmann statistics. In this case, we have \(\lambda_n=1\) and the grand partition function is \[\mathcal{Z}_{\epsilon,\text{QB}} = \sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac{x^n}{n!} = \exp\left( x \right).\] Now, let us consider that \(q\) takes any value between \(-1\) and 1. Using the general expressions for the creation and annihilation operators [\[aadaga\]](#aadaga){reference-type="eqref" reference="aadaga"} combined with the \(q\)-commutation relation [\[qcomm\]](#qcomm){reference-type="eqref" reference="qcomm"}, the following recursion equation can be obtained: \(|\lambda_{n+1}|^2 = 1 + q |\lambda_n|^2\) (see, e.g., ). Knowing that \(\lambda_0 = 0\), we obtain \[|\lambda_n|^2 = 1 + q + \cdots + q^{n-1} = \frac{1-q^n}{1-q}.\] This result can be used to obtain the grand partition function from Eq. [\[zeps5\]](#zeps5){reference-type="eqref" reference="zeps5"}. It takes the form \[\mathcal{Z}_{\epsilon,q} = [1-q f_q(x)]^{-1/q}, \label{zfq}\] with \[f_q(x) = x + (q^3-q)\left[x^3 + (q^3+3q^2+2q-1) x^4 + \cdots \right].\] The number distribution is \[\bar{n}_q = \frac{f_q'(x)}{x^{-1}-q f_q(x)/x}. \label{nfq}\] Since for \(q=0,-1\) or 1 we have that \(f_q(x)=x\), we recover the Quantum Boltzmann, Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein statistics for that cases. Isakov proposed an ansatz for the evaluation of the number distribution for quons (see Eq. (67) in Ref. ), and obtained \[\frac{1}{x^{-1}-q},\] that also recovers the cases of fermions, bosons and classical particles for \(q=-1, 1\) and 0. But this result has the following drawback. Let us consider \(q=-1/p\), where \(p\) is a positive integer. In the limit of small energy, the number distribution tends to a maximum possible value equal to \(p\). This is correct for \(p=1\); for larger values of \(p\) this limit means that the creation operator applied to \(|p\rangle\) should be zero, but this is not actually the case, since \(a^\dagger |p\rangle = \lambda^*_{p+1}|p+1\rangle \neq 0\) for \(p \geq 2\). This simple number distribution actually corresponds to the Polychronakos statistics, that is analyzed in the next section. The commutation relation [\[qcomm\]](#qcomm){reference-type="eqref" reference="qcomm"} is actually a particular case of two-parameter quantum algebras. I consider one more example of these \(q\) (or \(qp\)) deformed algebras. The commutation relation for \(q\)-bosons is \[a a^\dagger-q a^\dagger a = q^{-\hat{n}}, \label{qcomm2}\] with \(q>0\), for which we have \[|\lambda_n|^2 = \frac{q^n-q^{-n}}{q-q^{-1}}.\] Now, the coefficients needed to evaluate the grand partition function in [\[zeps5\]](#zeps5){reference-type="eqref" reference="zeps5"}, \(|\lambda_1 \cdots \lambda_n|^2/n!\), diverge for increasing values of \(n\) faster than \(e^n\). We can not obtain a convergent series for the grand partition function in this case, unless for \(q=1\), corresponding to bosons. Starting from, several papers have analyzed statistics and thermodynamic properties of \(q\)-deformed algebras, including this last case. According to, those results are incorrect since the unjustified approximation \(\overline{n^2} \simeq \bar{n}^2\) (or \(\overline{q^n} \simeq q^{\overline{n}}\)) is generally used.
# Polychronakos statistics {#spoly}
Based on the fractional exclusion statistics introduced by Haldane, Polychronakos proposed an alternative definition that has the following advantages. When the grand partition function for a single level is written as \(\mathcal{Z}_\epsilon = \sum_n P_n x^n\), any \(P_n\) takes positive values independent of the number of states \(K\), a maximum occupancy number results for fermionic cases, and the expressions for thermodynamic quantities turn out to be analytic. Polychronakos statistics is based on a variation of the exclusion statistics for a system of \(K\) states of energy \(\epsilon\): the inclusion of the first particle leaves \(K-\alpha\) states for the second, the inclusion of the second leaves \(K-2\alpha\), and so on. The combinatorial formula for putting \(n\) particles in \(K\) states is \[W = \frac{K(K-\alpha)\cdots (K-(n-1)\alpha)}{n!}.\] The corresponding number distribution is: \[\bar{n}_\text{P} = \frac{1}{x^{-1} + \alpha}.\] The grand partition function is \[\mathcal{Z}_{\epsilon,\text{P}} = (1+\alpha x)^{1/\alpha},\] and a series expansion gives \[P_n = \frac{1}{n!}\prod_{m=0}^{n-1} (1-m\alpha)\] for \(n \geq 1\), and \(P_0=1\). For \(\alpha=0\) we have the Boltzmann distribution. For \(\alpha < 0\) we have the so-called bosonic sector, and all probabilities are positive. For positive values of \(\alpha\), only \(\alpha=1/p\), with \(p\) a positive integer, are considered, so that the probabilities are positive up to \(n=p\) and vanish for \(n\geq p+1\). The connection with creation and annihilation operators becomes immediate when comparing with Eq. [\[zeps5\]](#zeps5){reference-type="eqref" reference="zeps5"}, since the coefficients in [\[zeps5\]](#zeps5){reference-type="eqref" reference="zeps5"} are equal to \(P_n\). Assuming that \(\lambda_n\) are real, we obtain \(\lambda_n = \sqrt{1-(n-1)\alpha}\), and the creation and annihilation operators behave as \[\begin{aligned}
a^\dagger |n\rangle &= \sqrt{1-n\alpha}\, |n+1\rangle \nonumber \\ a |n\rangle &= \sqrt{1-(n-1)\alpha}\, |n-1\rangle, \end{aligned}\] including the vacuum condition \(a |0\rangle = 0\). The previous relations correspond to bosons for \(\alpha=-1\), classical particles for \(\alpha=0\), and fermions for \(\alpha=1\).
# Ewkons {#sewkons}
A nonlinear Fokker-Planck equation for the diffusion of noninteracting particles in energy space was proposed recently in Ref.Ṫhe equation was based on previous work on classical particles with effective potentials that reproduce quantum statistics. Assuming that noninteracting particles have free diffusion, then classical, Bose-Einstein, and Fermi-Dirac statistics are derived. And also an additional statistics for particles called ewkons. The ewkon statistics is given by \[\bar{n}_\text{ewk} = \sigma + x, \label{ewkonstat}\] It is equal to the Boltzmann distribution displaced a fixed quantity \(\sigma\), with \(\sigma\) a positive integer. Ewkons have a non vacuum ground state. The problem of divergent thermodynamic quantities is addressed in Subsect. [5.1](#aplew){reference-type="ref" reference="aplew"}. Before analyzing ewkons, let us consider a further generalization of the reasonings of Sect. [2](#gent){reference-type="ref" reference="gent"}, where the connection between statistics and creation and annihilation operators is presented in Eq. [\[zeps5\]](#zeps5){reference-type="eqref" reference="zeps5"}. Let us go back to the definition [\[zeps2\]](#zeps2){reference-type="eqref" reference="zeps2"} of the grand partition function. We obtain Gentile statistics by a restriction of the sum to the allowed values of \(n\). Now let us take into account that the restriction is not only on the maximum value of \(n\) but also on the minimum. I consider a non vacuum ground state with \(\sigma\) particles: \(|\sigma \rangle\). Then, considering that \(\mathcal{Z}_\epsilon = \sum_{n=\sigma}^{\nu} x^n\), with \(\nu > \sigma\), the number distribution is \[\bar{n} = \frac{1}{x^{-1}-1}-\frac{\nu+1-\sigma}{x^{-(\nu+1-\sigma)}-1} + \sigma.\] For example, for \(\nu\rightarrow \infty\), it reproduces the Bose-Einstein distribution displaced a quantity \(\sigma\). The vacuum condition has to be replaced by \(a |\sigma \rangle = 0\), or \(\lambda_\sigma=0\). The counting operator for this shifted Gentile statistics has eigenstates \(|n\rangle\) with eigenvalue 1 if \(\sigma \le n \le \nu\) and 0 if \(n \ge \nu+1\). Reproducing the steps of Sect. [2](#gent){reference-type="ref" reference="gent"}, expression [\[eigend\]](#eigend){reference-type="eqref" reference="eigend"} is modified in the following way: \[\langle n| \hat{\delta} |n\rangle = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 0 & \text{if } n \le \sigma-1 \\ 1 & \text{if } n = \sigma \\ \frac{|\lambda_{\sigma+1} \cdots \lambda_n|^2}{(\sigma+1)\cdots n} & \text{if } n \ge \sigma+1 \end{array} \right., \label{eigend2}\] This definition reduces to [\[eigend\]](#eigend){reference-type="eqref" reference="eigend"} for \(\sigma=0\). Let us note that \(\sigma\) must be non-negative in order to avoid the indeterminacy \(\lambda_0/0\) (this precludes the possibility of genkons, mentioned in Ref. ). The grand partition function takes the form \[\mathcal{Z}_{\epsilon} = x^{\sigma} + \sum_{n=\sigma+1}^{\infty} \frac{|\lambda_{\sigma+1} \cdots \lambda_n|^2}{(\sigma + 1)\cdots n} x^n. \label{zeps6}\] Now we can analyze ewkons. The corresponding grand partition function is \[\mathcal{Z}_{\epsilon,\text{ewk}} = e^x\,x^\sigma.\] Assuming that \(\lambda_n\) is real, a series expansion gives \(\lambda_n = \sqrt{n}/\sqrt{n-\sigma}\), and the creation and annihilation operators for ewkons are \[\begin{array}{l} a^\dagger |n\rangle = \sqrt{\frac{n+1}{n+1-\sigma}}\,|n+1\rangle \\ a |n\rangle = \sqrt{\frac{n}{n-\sigma}}\,|n-1\rangle, \quad a|\sigma\rangle = 0 \end{array} \quad \text{(ewkons)}\] If \(\sigma=0\), we recover the operators for the Quantum Boltzmann distribution [\[qboltz\]](#qboltz){reference-type="eqref" reference="qboltz"}. The observed accelerated expansion of the universe is accounted by the dark energy, that should have a negative relation between pressure and energy density; also, it is homogeneously distributed in whole space. Ewkons have this two properties that make them suitable to describe dark energy: since any energy level should have at least \(\sigma\) particles, they are spread in whole space (assuming a homogeneous number of states per unit volume); and, on the other hand, they have a negative relation between pressure and energy density.
## Application to dark energy {#aplew}
In order to obtain thermodynamic properties of an ideal gas of ewkons of mass \(m\), I assume that the energy gaps are small enough to consider a continuous energy spectrum and introduce a density of states \(g(\epsilon)\). Following the same procedure used for fermions and bosons, states are determined by a wavevector \(\textbf{k}\) in a volume \(V\); in a nonrelativistic gas, they have energy \(\epsilon = \hbar^2 k^2/2m + mc^2\) and the density of states is \(g(\epsilon') = g_d V 2\pi (2m)^{3/2} \epsilon'^{1/2}/h^3\), where \(\epsilon'= \epsilon-mc^2\) and \(g_d\) is a degeneracy factor; see, e.g., Ref.. In order to avoid divergences in the total energy or number of particles, it is necessary to introduce an ultraviolet cutoff. There is a maximum value for the energy, \(\epsilon_\text{max}\), such that \(g(\epsilon')=0\) for \(\epsilon' > \epsilon_\text{max}\). I assume that \(y=k_B T/ \epsilon_\text{max} \ll 1\). Using the grand partition function, the expressions for the energy density and pressure are: \[\begin{aligned}
\rho &= \frac{1}{V} \int d\epsilon\; g(\epsilon)\, \epsilon\, \bar{n}_\text{ewk} \\ P &= \frac{1}{V\beta} \int d\epsilon\; g(\epsilon) \ln \mathcal{Z}_{\epsilon,\text{ewk}}. \end{aligned}\] The results are: \[\begin{aligned}
\rho &= \epsilon_\text{max}^{5/2} \frac{\sigma g_d \sqrt{2}\, m^{3/2}}{5\pi^2 \hbar^3}\left[1 + \frac{5}{3}\frac{m c^2}{\epsilon_\text{max}} + \mathcal{O}(y^{5/2})\right], \label{endensity} \\ P &= \epsilon_\text{max}^{5/2} \frac{\sigma g_d \sqrt{2}\, m^{3/2}}{5\pi^2 \hbar^3}\left[-1 + \frac{5}{3}\frac{\mu-mc^2}{\epsilon_\text{max}} + \mathcal{O}(y^{5/2})\right]. \end{aligned}\] Le us note that, independently of the temperature, the rest energy term in the energy density, \(\frac{5}{3}m c^2/\epsilon_\text{max}\), is not dominant (as is the case for fermions) since all energy levels (up to \(\epsilon_\text{max}\)) should be occupied. The relation between pressure and energy density, \(w_\text{ewk}=P/\rho\), i.e. the cosmological equation of state for ewkons, is \[w_\text{ewk} =-1 + \frac{5}{3} \frac{\mu}{\epsilon_\text{max}} + \mathcal{O}(y^{5/2}), \label{wewk}\] where it was assumed that \(\frac{\mu-mc^2}{\epsilon_\text{max}} \ll 1\). Then, \(w_\text{ewk}\) is equal to \(-1\) plus a quantity of order \(\mu/\epsilon_\text{max}\). The main current models for dark energy, cosmological constant and quintessence, include a negative pressure. This result is in agreement with recent observations of the present value of \(w\), mainly dominated by dark energy, that establish an upper bound \(w <-0.94\) at 95% confidence level; see Table 3 in Ref.Ȧlso, Eq. [\[endensity\]](#endensity){reference-type="eqref" reference="endensity"} is in accordance with the observation that dark energy density remains almost constant as the universe expands (see, e.g., ), assuming that \(\epsilon_\text{max}\) is independent of the universe scale. Using that the dark energy density is approximately equal to \(4\; 10^9\) eV/m\(^3\), we can obtain \[m \lesssim 0.006\ \text{eV}/c^2\] assuming \(\sigma \ge 1\), \(g_d \ge 1\) and \(\epsilon_\text{max}/ mc^2>1\). This small upper bound for the mass connects the present approach with quintessence theories, where a nearly massless scalar field accounts for the dark energy density (values of the mass between \(0.00243\) and \(0.00465\) eV\(/c^2\) are used in ).
# Conclusions
Statistics of systems composed by non-interacting particles is obtained form the single level grand partition function \(\mathcal{Z}_\epsilon = \mathrm{tr}\, e^{-\beta\,(\epsilon-\mu) \hat{n}}\). The definition of \(\mathcal{Z}_\epsilon\) implies that only Gentile statistics is possible. It is interesting, however, to extend this definition in order to include other statistics, most noticeable the Boltzmann or Quantum Boltzmann statistics for \(\lambda_n=1\). Such an extension would be relevant for several exotic statistics present in the literature that, for example, transfer the effects of interactions to features of creation and annihilation operators. I introduced a counting operator \(\hat{\delta}\) that has eigenvalue 1 for the number states that are allowed, and 0 otherwise, so that its inclusion in the definition of \(\mathcal{Z}_\epsilon\) does not have any effect on Gentile statistics. The counting operator can be written in terms of creation and annihilation operators. It is a natural extension to consider situations in which the eigenvalues of \(\hat{\delta}\) are not only 0 or 1. This extension results in a number distribution that is consistent with expected features for some properties of creation and annihilation operators. For example, it reproduces the Quantum Boltzmann statistics for \(\lambda_n=1\). The number distribution has an upper bound equal to \(p\) if \(a^\dagger |p\rangle = 0\) and is not necessarily bounded if there is no \(p\) such that the previous condition holds. Besides Gentile and Quantum Boltzmann statistics, the procedure was applied to quons, \(q\)-bosons, Polychronakos statistics and ewkons; see Fig. [\[figstat\]](#figstat){reference-type="ref" reference="figstat"}. For quons, the number distribution was obtained from the commutation relation; for \(q\)-bosons, the grand partition function turns out to be divergent. For Polychronakos statistics and ewkons, the creation and annihilation operators were obtained from the grand partition function. In the case of ewkons, the statistics was deduced in Ref. from the condition of free diffusion in energy space; condition that is also fulfilled by fermions, bosons and classical particles. An ideal gas of ewkons has negative pressure and a cosmological equation of state similar to \(-1\) plus a term of order \(\mu/\epsilon_\text{max}\), see Eq. [\[wewk\]](#wewk){reference-type="eqref" reference="wewk"}; these features make them appropriate for the description of dark energy. They also provide a qualitative understanding of the fact that accelerated expansion was not always present, but started when the universe became less dense, situation that corresponds to an ewkon's chemical potential small enough to satisfy the condition imposed by the Friedmann equation to have accelerated expansion: \(w <-1/3\). | {'timestamp': '2017-06-07T02:07:19', 'yymm': '1706', 'arxiv_id': '1706.01795', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.01795'} |
# Introduction {#intro}
Brown dwarfs with masses \(\lesssim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}15 and ages \(\lesssim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}100 Myr lie at a nexus of astronomical interest. They represent the lowest-mass and youngest products of star formation, and as such offer rare empirical tests for evolutionary and atmospheric models. They are also the best field analogs to directly-imaged giant exoplanets, which are far more difficult to directly observe due to the glare of their host stars. Brown dwarfs cool continuously as they age, and the resulting mass-age-luminosity degeneracy makes their physical properties challenging to infer without constraints on at least two of those three parameters. The atmospheres of young brown dwarfs exhibit clear spectral signatures of low gravity, but the age calibration for these signatures lacks precision better than \(\approx\)`<!-- -->`{=html}100 Myr. Some of the lowest-mass objects have been identified as members of nearby young moving groups, which provide much tighter age constraints and thus more precise mass estimates from evolutionary models than for ordinary field objects. Young binaries with small separations are even more useful as benchmarks, as their orbits can yield model-independent dynamical masses, providing exacting tests for models. 2MASS J11193254\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1137466 (a.k.a. TWA 42; hereinafter 2MASS J1119\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1137) was discovered by in a search for L and T dwarfs with unusual photometry. 2MASS J1119\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1137 is an L7 dwarf with extremely red optical and near-IR colors along with spectral signatures of low gravity indicating youth. K16 identified 2MASS J1119\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1137 as a candidate member of the TW Hydrae Association, whose age implies a mass of only 4.3--7.6 for this object. 2MASS J1119\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1137 would be one of the two lowest-mass isolated members of TWA, comparable only to the L7 dwarf WISEA J114724.10\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}204021.3 [hereinafter WISEA J1147\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}2040; \(6.6\pm1.9\) ; @Schneider:2016iq; @Faherty:2016fx], and among the lowest-mass free-floating brown dwarfs known. We are conducting a high angular-resolution imaging survey of nearby brown dwarfs to identify binaries. In this Letter we show that 2MASS J1119\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1137 is a nearly equal-flux binary with component masses in the planetary regime.
# Observations {#obs}
We observed 2MASS J1119\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1137 on 2016 November 25 UT using the laser guide star adaptive optics (LGS AO) system at the Keck II Telescope. We used the facility infrared camera NIRC2 in its narrow field-of-view configuration, using the \(R=13.5\) mag field star USNO-B1.0 0783-0249513 located 35 from 2MASS J1119\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1137 for tip-tilt correction. Skies were mostly clear, with \(K\)-band seeing of \(1.6''\) measured contemporaneously at UKIRT. We obtained 3 dithered images at \(K\) band in which 2MASS J1119\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1137 appeared to be an equal-flux binary. We observed 2MASS J1119\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1137 again on 2017 March 18 UT in \(YJHK\) bands using the same configuration, under clear skies with seeing \(\approx0.5''\) as measured by the differential image motion monitor (DIMM) at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). Details are in Table [\[tbl.keck\]](#tbl.keck){reference-type="ref" reference="tbl.keck"}. In addition, we observed WISEA J1147\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}2040 on 2016 May 18 UT with a similar configuration using the \(R=17.4\) mag field star USNO-B1.0 0693-0264226 located 66 away for tip-tilt correction, under clear skies with seeing \(\approx0.5''\) from DIMM. The target appeared to be a single object at \(0.11''\) resolution. We reduced and analyzed our data using the methods described in, e.g., and. Briefly, we calibrated our images using flat fields and dark frames, performed sky subtraction, and registered and stacked images to form a final mosaic for each epoch and filter (Figure [\[fig.images\]](#fig.images){reference-type="ref" reference="fig.images"}). We measured the relative astrometry and flux ratios of the binary by fitting a PSF model to the individual images, applying the NIRC2 pixel scale, orientation, and distortion correction from. For images in which the components were well separated (all but \(Y\) band), we used the StarFinder software package to simultaneously solve for an empirical PSF and binary parameters. For \(Y\) band, we used an analytical PSF of two elliptical three-component Gaussians. We applied additional corrections for differential aberration and atmospheric refraction. We used the rms of the measurements from individual images as the uncertainties on the separation, position angle (PA), and \(\Delta\)mag of the binary components (Table [\[tbl.keck\]](#tbl.keck){reference-type="ref" reference="tbl.keck"}), adding the errors in plate scale (0.4%) and orientation (0.020 deg) from in quadrature.
The NIRC2 \(J\), \(H\), and \(K\) filters we used are from the Mauna Kea Observatories (MKO) photometric system, and the NIRC2 \(Y\)-band filter is described in. The unresolved photometry reported in K16 is from the VISTA Hemisphere Survey (VHS; PI McMahon, Cambridge, UK), which uses MKO \(J\) and \(H\) filters but a non-MKO \(K_{\rm S}\) filter. We used the IRTF/SpeX spectrum from K15 to calculate a synthetic \(\ensuremath{K_{\rm MKO}}=14.658\pm0.066\) mag for 2MASS J1119\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1137, flux-calibrated with K16's \(K_{\rm S}\) magnitude. The VISTA and NIRC2 \(Y\) filters are similar enough that no conversion was necessary. We split the unresolved 2MASS J1119\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1137 \(YJH\) photometry from K16 and our synthetic \(K\) magnitude into resolved photometry using our measured flux ratios (Table [\[tbl.prop\]](#tbl.prop){reference-type="ref" reference="tbl.prop"}). \(K\)-band flux decreases monotonically with spectral type, and the northeast component of 2MASS J1119\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1137 is slightly brighter in \(K\), so we designate this object as the "A" component. We note a \(0.098\pm0.014\) mag difference between the \(K\)-band flux ratios measured at the two epochs. This may indicate variability in one or both components, or systematic errors unaccounted in our uncertainties. We use the 2017 March \(K\)-band flux ratio for our analysis, as photometry in all other bands was measured that night, and because of the better image quality. We also identified a faint source in our \(JHK\) images from March 2017, lying \(3.79\pm0.02''\) from 2MASS J1119\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1137A at \({\rm PA}=76.47\pm0.13\) deg. It was not well detected but appears to be a point source. Images from the DSS, 2MASS, SDSS, AllWISE, and Pan-STARRS1 surveys indicate no object at this location. We measure flux ratios of 4.8 mag in \(J\), 5.0 mag in \(H\), and 5.7 mag in \(K\), relative to 2MASS J1119\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1137A. At the same distance as 2MASS J1119\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1137, this source's \(J=22.9\) mag would be consistent with known Y0 dwarfs, but its \(\ensuremath{(J-K)_{\rm MKO}}=1.8\) mag color is \(\gtrsim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}3 mag too red. It is almost certainly a background object. Its \((J-K)_{\rm MKO}\) color suggests an L dwarf, evolved star, or galaxy.
# Results
## 2MASS J1119\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1137AB is comoving {#comoving}
Our \(JHK\)-band astrometry from March 2017 has a mean separation of \(137.88\pm0.34\) mas and PA \(238.91\pm0.20\) deg, with uncertainties estimated as in Section [2](#obs){reference-type="ref" reference="obs"}. The change in separation from November 2016 is \(0.7\pm1.5\) mas, consistent with no change. Using the proper motion and photometric distance of 2MASS J1119\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1137 (Section [3.3](#distance){reference-type="ref" reference="distance"}), if 2MASS J1119\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1137B were a stationary background object the separation would have decreased by \(91.7\pm9.8\) mas in March 2017, inconsistent by \(9.4\sigma\) from our observation (Figure [\[fig.comoving\]](#fig.comoving){reference-type="ref" reference="fig.comoving"}). In addition, images from DSS, 2MASS, SDSS, and Pan-STARRS1 showed no objects that could appear as a false close companion given the proper motion. We therefore conclude that 2MASS J1119\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1137AB is a gravitationally bound binary.
## Spectral type and gravity classification {#spt}
We used the IRTF/SpeX prism spectrum for 2MASS J1119\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1137 and the method of to determine a spectral type of L7, concurring with previous work. A higher-resolution \(J\)-band spectrum (K16) shows weakened K I absorption lines having equivalent widths consistent with [vl-g]{.smallcaps} classification for L7 dwarfs. We therefore adopt L7 [vl-g]{.smallcaps} as the unresolved spectral type. The extremely red \((J-K)_{\rm MKO}\) colors of 2MASS J1119\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1137AB are consistent with other low-gravity late-L dwarfs (Figure [\[fig.cmd\]](#fig.cmd){reference-type="ref" reference="fig.cmd"}). Both the \((J-K)_{\rm MKO}\) colors and \(K_{\rm MKO}\) magnitudes for the two components are similar, and the integrated-light spectrum shows no peculiarities that would suggest a blend of two objects with different spectral types. We conclude that both 2MASS J1119\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1137A and 2MASS J1119\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1137B have spectral types L7 [vl-g]{.smallcaps}.
## Distance
We used the spectral-type-to-\(M_{K_{\rm MKO}}\) relation for [vl-g]{.smallcaps} dwarfs from and our resolved photometry to estimate photometric distances of \(26.3\pm6.8\) pc and \(26.6\pm6.9\) pc for 2MASS J1119\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1137A and 2MASS J1119\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1137B, respectively. We adopt \(26.4\pm6.9\) pc as the distance to the system, giving the binary a projected separation of \(3.6\pm0.9\) AU. Our distance is consistent with K16's kinematic distance of \(28.9\pm3.6\) pc assuming membership in TWA.
## TWA Membership {#twa}
K16 identified 2MASS J1119\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1137 as a candidate TWA member, using the BANYAN II online tool to calculate an 88% membership probability with a contamination probability of 0.003% based on 2MASS J1119\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1137's sky position, proper motion, radial velocity, and youth. analyzed moving group membership using four different tools and found \(>\)`<!-- -->`{=html}90% probabilities for TWA in three cases; LACEwING found a contrasting probability of 16%. used the full BANYAN II analysis (including photometry) to calculate a 97% probability of membership. found that objects lacking parallaxes which have full BANYAN II probabilities \(\gtrsim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}80% tend to have memberships confirmed by subsequent parallax measurements for the well-established moving groups, including TWA. We reassessed the moving group membership of 2MASS J1119\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1137 using the BANYAN II online tool. For position and proper motion, we adopted the values from, which are calculated from 2MASS and Pan-STARRS1 \(3\pi\) astrometry and calibrated to the *Gaia* DR1 reference frame. Our differs by 35.5 mas yr\(^{-1}\) (\(2\sigma\)) from K16's value but is consistent with measurements by K15 and. Using only our astrometry and the radial velocity from K16 as inputs to BANYAN II, we obtained a TWA membership probability of 73%. The decrease from K16's 88% probability is due almost entirely to the difference in . When we included our photometric distance, the probability of TWA membership increased to 82%. Based on our BANYAN II results and the [vl-g]{.smallcaps} spectrum, 2MASS J1119\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1137 is a very likely member of TWA. We note that a comparison in UVW and XYZ of 2MASS J1119\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1137 to known members of moving groups using \(\tilde\chi^2\) as a rubric [see Equation 1 of @Liu:2016co] supports membership in TWA, \(\beta\) Pictoris (0% probability from BANYAN II), and Tucana-Horologium (0%), and especially the AB Doradus (4%) moving group. A precise trigonometric distance, now underway by us at CFHT, is needed to firmly establish the membership.
## Physical Properties {#results.phys}
As a TWA member, 2MASS J1119\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1137 would share the age of \(10\pm3\) Myr derived from the stellar members. We estimated the components' masses and effective temperatures using bolometric luminosities and the Lyon/DUSTY hot-start evolutionary models. To obtain , we adjusted the integrated-light value from to our new photometric distance, and decomposed this into individual values using the binary's \(K_{\rm MKO}\) flux ratio. Using these and the assumed age, we then interpolated a mass and effective temperature from the DUSTY models for each component. We propagated the uncertainties on distance, flux ratio, and age into our calculations via Monte Carlo trials using normal distributions for each uncertainty, and we quote the resulting median and 68% confidence limits (Table [\[tbl.prop\]](#tbl.prop){reference-type="ref" reference="tbl.prop"}). We estimate masses of \(3.7^{+1.2}_{-0.9}\) for both components. We did not use the more recent BHAC15 models as they do not include masses below 0.01 . If 2MASS J1119\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1137 is not a TWA member, its [vl-g]{.smallcaps} classification still constrains its age to \(\approx\)`<!-- -->`{=html}10--100 Myr. Our estimated masses and effective temperatures for this age range (uniformly distributed for error propagation) are shown in Table [\[tbl.prop\]](#tbl.prop){reference-type="ref" reference="tbl.prop"}. Using our masses, we considered the effect of 2MASS J1119\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1137AB's orbital motion on the radial velocity measured by K16. For an edge-on circular orbit with components at quadrature, we found a difference in radial velocities of \(1.3^{+0.4}_{-0.3}\) km s\(^{-1}\) for TWA masses or \(2.0^{+0.6}_{-0.4}\) km s\(^{-1}\) for field-[vl-g]{.smallcaps} masses. The \(R\sim6000\) (50 km s\(^{-1}\)) spectrum of K16 would not resolve such orbital motion, so the radial velocity from K16 remains valid.
# Discussion
Assuming 2MASS J1119\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1137 is a member of TWA, its total mass is \(7.4^{+2.5}_{-1.9}\) , making it the lowest-mass binary discovered to date. The individual masses of 2MASS J1119\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1137A and 2MASS J1119\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1137B also place them among the lowest-mass free-floating brown dwarfs, including WISEA J1147\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}2040 and the Y dwarfs. Even if 2MASS J1119\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1137AB is actually a young field object, its total mass of \(18.2^{+4.7}_{-3.8}\) would still be among the lowest-mass binaries, surpassed only by the young binary DENIS-P J035726.9-441730 and possibly by the T9+Y0 binaries CFBDSIR J145829+101343 and WISE J014656.66+423410.0. As an extremely low-mass young binary, 2MASS J1119\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1137AB will be a crucial benchmark for tests of evolutionary and atmospheric models. The isolation of 2MASS J1119\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1137AB strongly suggests that it is a product of normal star-formation processes, which therefore must be capable of making binaries with \(\lesssim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}5 components. 2MASS J1119\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1137AB could be a fragment of a higher-order system that was ejected via dynamical interactions, although the lack of any confirmed member of TWA within 10\(^\circ\) (projected separation \(\approx5\) pc) of 2MASS J1119\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1137 makes this scenario unlikely. Formation of very low mass binaries in extended massive disks around Sun-like stars followed by ejection into the field has been proposed by, e.g.,, but disks of this type have not been observed. Binary brown dwarfs can be monitored to map their orbits, which yield dynamical masses that stringently test evolutionary models. We estimated 2MASS J1119\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1137AB's orbital period using Kepler's Third Law. We first used the projected separation and a conversion factor from @Dupuy:2011ip [Table 6, assuming moderate discovery bias for very low-mass visual binaries] to estimate a semi-major axis of \(3.9^{+1.9}_{-1.4}\) AU. Our model-derived masses assuming TWA membership give an orbital period of \(90^{+80}_{-50}\) yr. A dynamical mass can be determined once \(\approx\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1/3 of an orbit has been observed, so 2MASS J1119\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1137AB would yield a dynamical mass in \(\approx\)`<!-- -->`{=html}15--55 years. Assuming a field [vl-g]{.smallcaps} age, we estimate an orbital period of \(60^{+50}_{-30}\) yr, yielding a mass in \(\approx\)`<!-- -->`{=html}10--35 years. The integrated-light spectrum and photometry of 2MASS J1119\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1137 are notably similar to those of the young L7 dwarf WISEA J1147\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}2040, implying similar temperatures and gravity. However, using the for WISEA J1147\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}2040 from and the method from Section [3.5](#results.phys){reference-type="ref" reference="results.phys"}, we estimate a \(T_{\rm eff}\) of \(1242^{+73}_{-69}\) K, which is \(\approx\)`<!-- -->`{=html}230 K higher than our estimates for 2MASS J1119\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1137A and 2MASS J1119\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1137B. This discrepancy is particularly surprising given that both objects are very likely members of TWA and therefore should have the same age and composition. The simplest resolution is that WISEA J1147\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}2040 is also an equal-flux binary, unresolved in our images, with component temperatures very similar to those of 2MASS J1119\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1137AB. Using the method from Section [3.3](#distance){reference-type="ref" reference="distance"} we calculated \(d_{\rm phot}=27.3\pm6.9\) pc for a hypothetical equal-flux binary WISEA J1147\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}2040, leading to a maximum projected separation of \(2.9\pm0.8\) AU to remain unresolved in our images. Another possibility is that 2MASS J1119\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1137AB is not a member of TWA and is older; our [vl-g]{.smallcaps}-age temperature estimates are only \(\approx\)`<!-- -->`{=html}50 K higher, but would then agree with the WISEA J1147\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}2040 estimate within uncertainties. A third intriguing possibility is that the low-resolution spectra of young red L dwarfs are driven at least partially by factors other than temperature and gravity, allowing coeval objects with differing masses and effective temperatures to have similar spectra. Figure [\[fig.cmd\]](#fig.cmd){reference-type="ref" reference="fig.cmd"} compares the \(J_{\rm MKO}\) vs. \((J-K)_{\rm MKO}\) position of 2MASS J1119\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1137AB to the ultracool dwarf population, highlighting other low-gravity objects and substellar companions. 2MASS J1119\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1137AB lies among other planetary-mass objects at the faint red end of the L dwarf sequence. 2MASS J1119\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1137B is brighter in \(J\) band and slightly fainter in \(K\) band, making the system a probable flux-reversal binary. (The \(K\) magnitudes for the two components are formally consistent within uncertainties, but 2MASS J1119\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1137B is fainter in all nine of our individual \(K\)-band images.) The flux-reversal phenomenon is a hallmark of field-age L/T transition binaries, thought to occur when the cooler component reaches a temperature at which the clouds that suppress near-IR flux in L dwarfs begin to clear, reducing the \(J\)-band opacity relative to the warmer component. The slightly bluer \((J-K)_{\rm MKO}\) color of 2MASS J1119\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1137B implies that it is cooler than its primary. In field-age brown dwarfs this transition to bluer \(J-K\) colors is typically seen at warmer temperatures [\(\approx\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1400 K; e.g., @Dupuy:2012bp]. The potential flux-reversal of 2MASS J1119\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1137AB suggests that it is beginning the transition at \(\ensuremath{T_{\rm eff}}\approx1000\pm100\) K, an even lower temperature than the \(\approx\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1100\(-1200\) K found for other low (but somewhat higher) mass L dwarfs, implying a possible systematic correlation between mass and L/T transition temperature. Precise photometry and resolved spectroscopy of 2MASS J1119\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1137AB with the Hubble and James Webb Space Telescopes will enable differential studies of the atmospheres of young planetary-mass objects and may yield insights into the L/T transition at young ages. We thank the referee for an immediate and helpful review. The IRTF/SpeX spectrum for 2MASS J1119\(-\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1137 was retrieved from the SpeX Prism Library, maintained by Adam Burgasser at http://www.browndwarfs.org/spexprism. The Pan-STARRS1 Surveys have been made possible through contributions of the Institute for Astronomy, the University of Hawaii, the Pan-STARRS Project Office, the Max-Planck Society and its participating institutes, the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg and the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, Garching, The Johns Hopkins University, Durham University, the University of Edinburgh, Queen's University Belfast, the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, the Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network Incorporated, the National Central University of Taiwan, the Space Telescope Science Institute, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under Grant No. NNX08AR22G issued through the Planetary Science Division of the NASA Science Mission Directorate, the National Science Foundation under Grant No. AST-1238877, the University of Maryland, Eotvos Lorand University (ELTE), and the Los Alamos National Laboratory. This work has made use of data from the European Space Agency (ESA) mission *Gaia* (<http://www.cosmos.esa.int/gaia>), processed by the *Gaia* Data Processing and Analysis Consortium (DPAC, <http://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/gaia/dpac/consortium>). WMJB and MCL received support from NSF grant AST-1518339. WMBJ, MCL, and EAM received support from NSF grant AST-1313455. Finally, the authors acknowledge the significance of the summit of Maunakea for the Native Hawaiian community. We are fortunate to have the opportunity to conduct observations from this mountain. | {'timestamp': '2017-06-08T02:00:17', 'yymm': '1706', 'arxiv_id': '1706.01883', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.01883'} |
# Introduction
In 1927, van der Waerden proved his famous theorem concerning arithmetic progressions in finite colorings of \(\Z\), which asserts that any finite coloring of \(\Z\) contains arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions. Brown, Graham and Landman study variants of this result by considering other classes of sequences and whether these classes must also appear in finite colorings of \(\Z\). One such class that they study are subsets of the set of arithmetic progressions whose common differences all lie in some set \(S \subseteq \Z^+\). When any finite coloring of \(\Z\) contains arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions whose common difference is in \(S\), \(S\) was said to be "large," though such sets are now called **ladders**. Another related class of sequences are walks, defined over some set \(S\), which are sequences of integers whose consecutive differences are in \(S\). If any finite coloring of \(\Z\) contains arbitrarily long walks over \(S\), then \(S\) is said to be **accessible** (see ). Finally, when any finite coloring of \(\Z\) contains walks of infinite length over \(S\), \(S\) is said to be **infinitely walkable**. Instead of asking whether these properties hold for arbitrary finite colorings of \(\Z\), we may ask for a set \(S\) whether the above properties hold for any \(k\)-coloring of \(\Z\) for fixed \(k\). This leads to the analagous notions of **\(k\)-ladders**, **\(k\)-accessible** sets, and **\(k\)-walkable** sets. This paper is largely motivated by the work of Guerreiro, Ruzsa, and Silva in, and answers three conjectures posed in that paper as well as one conjecture from.
## Organization of Paper
Section [2.1](#Counterexamples Section){reference-type="ref" reference="Counterexamples Section"} presents a selection of known conditions that are necessary or sufficient for a set to be a ladder, and counterexamples to their converses. Some of these counterexamples were either not stated or unknown in the literature, and Counterexample [\[Countability of Polynomials\]](#Countability of Polynomials){reference-type="ref" reference="Countability of Polynomials"} in particular answers a conjecture of. Section [2.2](#Density){reference-type="ref" reference="Density"} examines density results for ladders and outlines further possibilities for research. Section [3](#Section 3){reference-type="ref" reference="Section 3"} deals with accessible and walkable sets.
# Ladders
Perhaps the most natural question to ask regarding ladders is how to determine whether a set is or is not a ladder. However, as of yet, there currently exists no easily checked condition that is necessary and sufficient for a set to be a ladder.
The proof is reasonably simple and informative.
## Known Results and New Counterexamples {#Counterexamples Section}
We begin with some known results that give necessary or sufficient conditions for sets to be ladders, and provide counterexamples to their converses, some of which (for example, the counterexample to the converse of Theorem [\[Polynomial\]](#Polynomial){reference-type="ref" reference="Polynomial"}) were not in previous literature.
It may also be tempting to hypothesize that sets with exponential growth rates are non-ladders, but this is not the case. Indeed, we will see as a consequence of Theorem [\[combinatorial cube\]](#combinatorial cube){reference-type="ref" reference="combinatorial cube"} that for any \(f: \Z\to\Z\), there exists a ladder \(S = \{s_1,s_2,\dots\}\) such that \(s_i > f(i)\) for all \(i\).
This theorem follows from an extension of Van der Waerden's theorem to such polynomials due to Bergelson and Leibman in. Again, the converse is not always true.
For the next theorem, we introduce the following notation: A **combinatorial cube** of dimension \(k\) is the set of all subset sums of a multiset of cardinality \(k\).
Theorem [\[combinatorial cube\]](#combinatorial cube){reference-type="ref" reference="combinatorial cube"} also implies that we can construct ladders that are arbitrarily sparse by taking a set of combinatorial cubes that are sufficiently far apart from each other. As such, it seems unlikely that any simple density notion can be a necessary and sufficient condition for a set to be a ladder.
## Density 1 Sets are Ladders {#Density}
This negatively resolves a question in as to whether sets of the form \(S \cap P(\Z)\) are ladders for all ladders \(S\) and any non-linear \(P\) as above. By taking \(S\) to be the complement of \(P(\Z)\) for any choice of \(P\), we see that this intersection is empty and thus not a ladder. To conclude the section, we present a conjectural density condition for a set to be a ladder. From Theorem [\[Modular Restrictions\]](#Modular Restrictions){reference-type="ref" reference="Modular Restrictions"} we see that \(\Z \setminus n\Z\) is a non-ladder, which means that we can construct ladders with density \(1-\epsilon\). The following conjecture asserts that this "modular restriction" is the only such obstacle to a density condition. Specifically,
Any partial results or weaker variants would still be quite interesting.
# Accessible and Walkable sets {#Section 3}
We now define accessible and walkable sets, which are two commonly-studied variants of ladders. For a set \(S \subset \Z^+\), define its **distance graph** \(G(S) = (V,E)\) with \(V = \Z\) and \(E = \{(v_1,v_2) \in V \times V \mid |v_1-v_2| \in S\}\). A **walk** over a set \(S\) is a sequence \(\{a_1,a_2,\dots\}\), of either finite or infinite length, such that for all \(i\), \(a_{i+1}-a_i \in S\). Equivalently, it is the set of vertices of some path in \(G(S)\). We say a set \(S \subseteq Z^+\) is **accessible** if any finite coloring of \(\Z\) admits arbitrarily long monochromatic walks over \(S\). We say a set \(S \subset \Z^+\) is **\(k\)-walkable** if for any \(k\)-coloring of \(\Z\), there are infinitely long monochromatic walks over \(S\). A set that is \(k\)-walkable for all \(k\) is called infinitely walkable. (Note the slight distinction between accessible and walkable sets.) We briefly note the connections between these types of sets and ladders. It is clear that all ladders are accessible, but Jungić provides an example of an accessible sequence that is not a ladder. It is not immediately obvious whether a ladder should be infinitely walkable, or vice-versa, however the authors of provide examples of ladders that are not infinitely walkable and of infinitely walkable sets that are not ladders. The following result parallels our earlier density result regarding ladders.
## Walkability Order
For sets that are not infinitely walkable we define the order of a set as follows. \[\ord(S) := \sup\{k \mid S \text{ is \(k\)-walkable}\}.\] We prove the following theorem concerning the order of sets whose elements grow quickly, improving on a similar result of Guerreiro, Ruzsa, and Silva in by nearly a factor of two.
For comparison, see the proof of Theorem 9 in.
As a specific useful case of this theorem, we present the following corollary.
This answers a problem of that asks for the order of the set of squares, which the authors of the conjecture showed to be at least 2. Corollary [\[Walkability Order 2\]](#Walkability Order 2){reference-type="ref" reference="Walkability Order 2"} shows that the order of this set must then equal 2. Moreover, this example shows that given only the above assumptions on \(S\), the bound given by Theorem [\[Walkability Order\]](#Walkability Order){reference-type="ref" reference="Walkability Order"} on the walkability order of \(S\) is tight.
## Accessibility of General Directed Graphs
We can also study accessibility and walkability through the distance graph \(G(S)\). Guerreiro, Ruzsa, and Silva show that a set \(S\) is accessible if and only if \(G(S)\) has infinite chromatic number, that is, any finite coloring of \(G(S)\) contains a pair of adjacent vertices of the same color. This proof extends readily to all acyclic directed graphs, but is an open question for general directed graphs. We state their result here and then extend it to arbitrary directed graphs.
We prove the following extension of this theorem.
# Further Work
This paper answers a number of questions from, but not all of them. One of the very interesting open problems is the question of whether a \(2\)-ladder is necessarily a ladder. We offer a density variant as well: Say \(S \subseteq \Z\) is \(\alpha\)-Szemerédi if any \(X \subseteq \Z^+\) with upper density \(\alpha\) contains arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions with common difference in \(S\). The conjecture states that for any \(S\), \(\inf\{\alpha: S \text{ is \)\alpha\(-Szemer\'edi}\} \in \{0,1\}\). | {'timestamp': '2017-06-07T02:02:46', 'yymm': '1706', 'arxiv_id': '1706.01579', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.01579'} |
# Introduction {#sec:intro}
A form of "stellar archaeology\" traces the formation of the Milky Way (MW) using the dense globular clusters (GCs) as test particles. However, it has become obvious that globular cluster populations are far more chemically-diverse than we assumed a few decades ago, and are not simple single-generation star clusters. The Milky Way (MW) contains at least 150 GCs, and there appears to be a difference between the inner and outer halo populations. Segue 3 was first discovered by in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) (\(\alpha =21^h 21^m 31^s\), \(\delta = +19\arcdeg 07\arcmin 02\arcsec\) J2000, \(l=69.\arcdeg4\), \(b=-21.\arcdeg27\)), and was identified as an ultra-faint star cluster with a half-light radius, \(r_h=0.065\arcmin \pm 0.1\arcmin\). The discovery paper detailed KPNO 4-m g-and r-photometry used to derive Seg 3's structure, employing an M92-like template isochrone. found \((m-M)_0=16.3\) and \(\mathrm{[Fe/H]}=-2.3\), which indicated that Seg 3 is a cluster similar to Koposov 1 & 2, and tentatively linked Seg 3 with the structure of the Hercules-Aquila Cloud. used Keck/DEIMOS spectroscopy and Magellan/IMACS g and r-band imaging of Seg 3, coupled with maximum likelihood methods, to analyze the structure of the star cluster. F11 found a smaller \(r_h\) of \(26\arcsec \pm 5\arcsec\), with an age of \(12^{+1.5}_{-0.4}\) Gyr and \(\mathrm{[Fe/H]}=-1.7^{+0.07}_{-0.27}\). F11 identified 32 member-stars from spectroscopy and photometry, and placed 11 of the stars outside three of their half-light radii, finding no evidence of dark matter. F11 support B10's conclusion that Seg 3 is an old, faint, sparse star cluster. B10 note that the evolution of a system like Seg 3 proceeds with more massive objects collecting at the core of the cluster, with less massive objects forming a halo, as it disrupts. discuss the cluster Kim 1, mentioning Seg 3; they concluded that since F11 found radial a velocity offset between Seg 3 and the Hec-Aql Cloud, they were not likely to be connected. In contrast, used deep Galileo (Telescopio Nazionale Galileo) B, V and I images of Segue 3 (\(V\leq 25\)) to determine an age of \(\sim 3.2\) Gyr and \(\mathrm{[Fe/H]}\sim-0.8\). The O13 result characterized Seg 3 as the youngest globular cluster in our Galaxy. Its likely youth may imply that Seg 3 is a captured object or a system formed during a capture of a gas-rich dwarf (O13; F11). Such gas-rich dwarf galaxies (e.g., WLM, SMC, LMC) may have donated clusters with properties similar to Palomar 1 and Seg 3 to the Milky Way (MW). With a well-defined MSTO in their \(V \; vs. \; (V-I)\) color-magnitude diagram (CMD), O13 found \((m-M)_0=17.32\), \(d_\odot= 29.1\) kpc, with Galactic coordinates of \(X =-13.0\), \(Y =-6.1\), and \(Z =-19.2\), making its Galactocentric distance \(R_{GC} = 24.0\) kpc--placing it among the unusual, outer-halo faint clusters. A study by identified Ko 1 & 2 as *open clusters (OCs) of ages 5--7 Gyr, with \(\mathrm{[Fe/H]}=-0.60\) and \([\alpha/Fe]=+0.2\), that could have been lost by the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy, and are part of the Sagittarius Stream. Their conclusion was based on evidence that these clusters' luminosity functions (LFs) did not show significant mass-loss. O13's V-band LF shows Seg 3's main-sequence is depleted above their completeness limit, indicating that it has undergone significant tidal-stripping, and should have been a more massive system in the past. O13 argued that the main difference in their results and those of F11 was caused by an offset (of unknown origin) in the latter's photometry, and the inclusion or exclusion of a few sub-giant branch (SGB) stars. No red giant branch (RGB) objects have been conclusively identified as members of Seg 3 from past studies (B10, F11, O13), and no spectroscopic metallicities have been reported. As the "youngest globular cluster\" (O13) in the MW, this is an important system, which merits further study. We attempt to reproduce the previous results in §2.1, using the archival O13 data. In this paper, we study Seg 3 with Washington (§2.2) and SDSS (§2.3) filters, both to provide more wavelength coverage and to reduce the observational uncertainties in the age and metallicity. The \((C-T_1)\) and \((u-g)\) colors are around 2--3 times more sensitive than \(V-I\) and \((g-r)\). A discussion in compared previous papers that tested the most effective color-pairs in use for age and metallicity studies, noting that the theoretical colors were tested on relatively close and dense GCs. To avoid user-bias as much as possible, we compared the results of fits to the Dartmouth models made with simple \(\chi^2\)-fitting routines for multiple colors, with more complex open-source codes that claim to simultaneously fit 7--9 parameters which are degenerate in color-magnitude diagrams or color-color plots. We also chose 2 different codes, one which has been tested on OCs and one designed for GCs. To compare directly with O13, who used the models, we employed the PARSEC. To better estimate the observational uncertainties, compared to the standard age-metallicity scale for GCs, we used BASE-9. This is another Bayesian modeling code which fits star cluster basic parameters but it requires cluster-membership be assigned to stars in the region, and Segue 3 is a sparse stellar cluster in a crowded field. An advantage of the ASteCA suite of tools is that it contains a "Bayesian field star decontamination algorithm capable of assigning membership probabilities using photometric data alone.\" BASE-9 can be used for single-age and single-metallicity clusters but can also be set to model clusters that differ internally in helium abundance, using the Y-enhanced Dartmouth isochrones (D08). For completeness in considering stellar rotation as a free parameter, we also compared our data with the Geneva model database, which allows for a wider range of stellar rotation rates than the Dartmouth models. Without medium-to high-resolution spectroscopy, we cannot confirm that Segue 3 is (or was, before it was so severely stripped: O13, F11, B10) a "standard\" GC, with the Na-O anti-correlation, denoting multiple-populations. Helium-enhancement can affect colors and might be a valid discriminator between OCs and GCs. We also searched for similarities between Seg 3 and the LMC & SMC young massive clusters. We detail our observations in §3. In §4, we discuss the spectral energy distributions and ensure all the photometry (UV--IR) can be calibrated to a uniform metallicity scale for cluster members and possible RGB stars, and one likely blue straggler. In §5, we discuss the possibility that we are observing a spread in rotation rates instead of a large age-uncertainty at the turn-off. We address the age-metallicity relationship for galactic globular clusters in §6, and place Segue 3 in a group of unusual outer-halo systems that might be extra-galactic in origin.*
# Method
## Comparison of VI-data with the Padova Models
We obtained the archival O13 data (noting that uncertainties are not available) and display the ASteCA fits in Figures 1 & 2. Figure 1 shows the source density map, the 3-parameter King model fit, and the finding chart for objects scaled by V-mag. Figure 2 shows the \(V,\; V-I\) ASteCA cleaning process, where 10 "field regions\" were defined around the cluster. For the O13 FOV, relaxing or tightening the cluster-membership criteria in the code selected \(>50\) members in those filters. We show one run for the data, setting the visual extinction range to \(0.05<E(B-V)<0.20\) mag., as we found that ASteCA can only reproduce the O13 results exactly by limiting the input interstellar extinction, and by forcing \(Z<0.005\). The lack of a well-defined RGB requires us to limit the extinction range; our tests added artificial stars to an assumed RGB to confirm this. We limited the distance modulus to 15--20 magnitudes and let all other parameters range over the usual Padova/PARSEC12 model grid: we searched a \(\log (Age)\) range from 6.0--10.13 and a metallicity range from Z=0.0001--0.015. We ran the code in manual and automatic mode to test the stability of the fit to a cluster with known members (F11 & O13) outside the apparent cluster radius. We took the extinction values from the IRAS maps, noting that the MSTO magnitude/color is very sensitive to the assumed extinction, and can change the age and metallicity considerably in fitting isochrones. For the extinction corrections we assume the relationships given in Eqns.\[1\]--\[8\]. In the Washington filters, we use standard relationships from and for Washington filters, and those listed by. GS99 use \(A_V = 3.2E(B-V)\); not setting \(R_V=3.1\) does not transform into an appreciable difference with low E(B-V), but R-values might vary in different galaxy environments. Previous studies found these relationships would return photometric metallicities which compared well to spectroscopic measurements. Both O13 and F11 results agree with the SFD/IRAS maps: \(E(B-V)\approx 0.1\), and extinction does not appear variable. \[\begin{aligned}
E(V-I)=1.24E(B-V);\\ E(C-T_1) = 1.97E(B-V);\\ E(T_1-T_2) = 0.69E(B-V);\\ M_{T_1}=T_1+ 0.58E(B-V)-(m-M)_V;\\ u_0=u-5.14E(B-V);\\ g_0=g-3.79E(B-V);\\ r_0=r-2.75E(B-V);\\ i_0=i-2.09E(B-V). \end{aligned}\] We allowed the cluster radius to vary within the limits set by B10, F11, and O13. The ASteCA "radius assignment function\" can be set to low/mid/high to determine how "aggressively\" the routine assigns the radius of the cluster. The *low option selects smaller radii, which is most useful when the FOV is heavily contaminated by field stars, and the *high option is used when to try and find every possible member belonging to the cluster. The example in Figure 2 uses the *mid-option. We set the Bayesian cleaning process to take 10 (a variable) field regions around the cluster and found the membership probability of each object (Figure 2d & 2e). The code can then find the likelihood of each synthetic star cluster generated and we show the cluster members, color-coded for probability of membership (Figure 2e) with the best-fit isochrone. There are some stars in the FOV, appearing to be on the RGB, which are not removed by the membership assignment, and one A-type star remains above the MSTO (\(^\# 26\))--possibly a blue straggler (BS) that was never rejected as a cluster member by the ASteCA-code, in any color combination. The distance modulus settled down to \(17.4\pm 0.5\) mag., when \(E(B-V)\) was limited. Again, as noted by O13, it is sensitive to the inclusion of objects close to the (supposed) SGB and includes a few RGB/AGB stars which are not statistically excluded. The limiting magnitude is calculated as \(V\sim 23.6\) mag. by the code. The single run shown in Figure 2 gives: \(Z=0.007 \pm 0.002\), \(\log(Age)=9.4 \pm 0.2\), \((m-M)_0=17.36 \pm 0.03\), and a binary fraction of \(0.3\pm 0.1\). The 3-parameter (3P) King model returns a cluster radius of \(r_{cl}=0.\degr014\pm 0.\degr001\), a core radius of \(r_{c}=0.\degr003\pm 0.\degr0003\), and a tidal radius of \(r_t=0.\degr04 \pm 0.\degr02\), yielding a total mass of \(600\pm 100 \; M_\odot\). Thus, only limiting \(E(B-V)\) reproduces the O13 results for the distance and size, but returns a more metal-rich and younger fit. These results place Seg 3 firmly in the MW's outer halo, supporting the hypothesis that the cluster is disrupting: the MS is underpopulated above the limiting magnitude, as reported in O13. There are \(V_r\)-confirmed cluster members outside both the \(r_h\) (F11, O13) and the average \(r_{cl}\), determined by the code. The range of the tidal radius is quite uncertain (F11, O13). In Figure 2c, the contamination index (CI) is defined as: \[CI={d_{field}\over{n_{cl+fi}/A_{cl}}}={n_{fi}\over{n_{fi}+n_{cl}}},\] where \(d_{field}\) is the field-star density in the cluster region, \(A_{cl}\) is the area of the cluster, \(n_{fi}\) is the number of field stars, and \(n_{cl}\) is the number of likely cluster members. For this example, the O13 FOV has a value of \(CI=0.34\); where a value \(>0.5\) would indicate an equal number of field and cluster stars. discuss the limitations of this code when dealing with a region which is heavily contaminated. The photometry is listed in O13 to \(V\sim 25\) (no uncertainties), although ASteCA's routines calculate \(V\approx 23.6\) as the completeness limit. ASteCA's analysis was tested on 400 MASSCLEAN-generated clusters by, who also modeled 20 MW OCs, where Seg 3 is at the lower-mass end of the OC-sample they used.***
## Washington Filters
In addition to studying the ASteCA error-analysis from, we tested the code ourselves on Washington photometry of several GCs, most notably NGC 6397 and 47 Tuc, which were used as cluster-standards in for comparison with the massive, unusual GC, NGC 6388. We chose these 2 clusters since they are close to the values of \[Fe/H\] reported by F11 and O13 for Seg 3. NGC 6397 was modeled as \(Z=0.0005 \pm 0.0001\), which becomes \(\mathrm{[Fe/H]}=-1.92 \pm 0.11\) translated to the \(\alpha\)-enhanced scale from \(\mathrm{[Fe/H]}=-1.6\) (solar-scaled). reports \(\mathrm{[Fe/H]}=-1.99\). Also, \(\log(Age)=10.1 \pm 0.05\), \(E(B-V)=0.14 \pm 0.02\), \((m-M)_0=12.19 \pm 0.04\), and the binary fraction is found to be \(0.30 \pm 0.09\). For 47 Tuc, the results were: \(Z=0.0027 \pm 0.0002\) which is \(\mathrm{[Fe/H]}=-0.82 \pm 0.06\) (solar-scaled), \(\log(Age)=10.1 \pm 0.05\), \(E(B-V)=0.04 \pm 0.02\), \((m-M)_0=13.33 \pm 0.07\). However, the binary fraction returned by the code was too high at \(0.50 \pm 0.06\); this GC has a broader MSTO and it is a very crowded field for ground-based telescopes, producing more blended stellar images than a sparse cluster. The ASteCA code was able to fit isochrones with a reasonable match to accepted literature-values for these GCs, which should bound the range in metallicities expected, and the OC data showed that the ages were acceptable for much younger systems. The Washington filters \(C\) and \(T_1\) have advantages over other photometric systems due to the short integration times of the broadband filters, the metallicity-sensitivity, and the wealth of previous studies of galactic and extragalactic globular clusters. A recent paper discussed the importance of the C-filter over the narrower SDSS-u, also examining F336W, for the study of multiple populations in GCs. Specifically, the paper concentrates on NGC 1851, on the RGB and SGB, and noting that the C-filter could be more effective at detecting multiple MSs. also note that C and F336W can be affected by CN/CH variations. The original metallicity indicators were \((M-T_1)\) and \((C-M)\), with the latter color used most for metal-poor stars. Most previous extra-galactic studies used the \((C-T_1)\)-color: it is very sensitive to age and metallicity on the RGB (GS99). For \(\mathrm{[Fe/H]}<-2.5\), only the Washington C-filter was found to be very sensitive to \(\alpha\)-enrichment, with its center at 3900Å and a FWHM of 1100ÅṪhe \((C-T_1)\) or C-\[Kron-Cousins R\], which is more-commonly used (GS99), does lose some metallicity resolution around \(\mathrm{[Fe/H]}\approx-2\). However, testing of artificial stars with metallicities ranging from \(-2.5<\mathrm{[Fe/H]}<-0.5\) (generated from the Dartmouth models in Hughes et al. 2014), showed that \((C-T_1)\) should have twice the sensitivity of \((V-I)\) in finding the metallicity of a star cluster with \(\mathrm{[Fe/H]}\approx-1.8\), and improves for higher-metallicity systems.
## SDSS Filters
Along with Washington \((C-T_1)\), the SDSS-color, \((u-g)\), is the most sensitive to age and metallicity for RGB stars, but it is much more sensitive at low (\(\mathrm{[Fe/H]}<-2\) metallicities. The advantage of using SDSS filters over the Washington colors is having the standards in the field for relative photometry. However, the u-band is centered at 355-nm with a width of only 57-nm, compared with a center of 398-nm and a width of 110-nm for C, making the former require much more observing time. For catalog data from SDSS DR13, the Seg 3 region is complete for \(g\approx 23.0\; mag.\) for the \((g-r)\) CMD, but only \(g\approx 18.9\; mag.\) for the \((u-g)\)-color, when using sources with uncertainties less than 0.25 in the CMD.
# APO Observations
We used the Apache Point Observatory (APO)'s new ARCTIC Imager and the camera it replaced, SPICam for our observations with the 3.5-m telescope. The ARCTIC camera has a \(4096\times 4096\) STA chip giving \(7.\arcmin5\times 7.\arcmin5\) as the FOV, when the new 5-inch diameter circular filters are used. The older Washington filters are \(3\arcsec \times 3\arcsec\) and vigniette the FOV. SPIcam had a FOV of \(4.\arcmin8 \times 4.\arcmin8\). We have several filter wheels that can handle up to ten \(3\times 3\)-inch square filters (fewer in full-field mode), where binning \(1\times 1\) yields 0.11 arcseconds/pixel. The fastest readout time in \(2\times 2\) binned mode is about 5 seconds. The blue-UV sensitivity of ARCTIC is greater than that of SPIcam, which was a backside-illuminated SITe TK2048E \(2048 \times 2048\) pixel CCD with 24 micron pixels, which we also binned (\(2 \times 2\)), giving a plate scale of 0.28 arcseconds per pixel. Where we combined the datasets, we binned ARCTIC \(2\times 2\) and slightly degraded its resolution. We found no irreducible color-terms between frames taken with both imagers, internally. From 2013 to 2015, we had 11 half-nights total, and 102 frames had seeing better than \(2\arcsec\), many of which were under photometric conditions, and several nights had sub-arcsecond seeing. Some of the observations were repeated between SPIcam and ARCTIC, which served to test the new imager.
We observed Seg 3 in \(CT_1\) and \(ugri\) filters with both SPIcam and ARCTIC. The frames used are listed in Table 1, the overlap between this paper and the \(V_r\)-data from F11 (not the g-and r-mag. values) and O13 is detailed in Table 2. Our photometry is presented in Table 3 for all 218 objects detected in our field-of-view (FOV) in \(CT_1ugri\)-filters, where we required detections in all filters in order to produce spectral-energy distributions. We include the z-filter from SDSS DR13 and any 2MASS objects detected, for completeness. We compare the FOV of O13 and the multi-wavelength data we collected in Figure 3a and the source density for our sample in Figure 3b, showing the asymmetry of Seg 3. We both reduced and analyzed each night's data separately and then median-filtered the images, weighted according to FWHM of each image, scaled appropriately, to obtain the best source-list for the FOV. The Washington photometry was calibrated to the standard system using the Washington Standard fields and absolute photometry. For the SDSS filters, we performed relative photometry with the SDSS-catalog objects in the FOV. Within IRAF we used *zerocombine with *ccdproc to correct the flats and object frames, then *flatcombine and *ccdproc to flatfield the object frames. We then rotated, aligned and matched the ARCTIC and SPIcam images (making the former fit the latter's coordinate system) for each filter. We used the *DAOPHOT program suite within IRAF, using \(\sim 30\) stars to create a point-spread function (PSF) for each image, and employed 2 runs of *allstar to find all sources. We found that this field is not as crowded as a normal GC when artificial star tests were performed, and that ASteCA's completeness limits are consistent with the manual experiments. For the Washington filters, we took the photometry measurements of 3 different nights for each star and averaged them (weighted by errors) to use in transforming magnitudes from the co-added images to the standard system. We constructed a plate solution to match with SDSS-catalog objects, and also compared these with the F11 and O13 measurements. All the results are summarized in Tables 2 & 3. Comparing our data set with those in the literature, there are 38 stars in both our observations and F11, 176 stars in both our observations and O13, and 38 stars covered by all 3 studies. In Table 2, 27 stars have \(V_r\) that indicates they are Seg 3 members, as reported by F11, with \(V_r=167\pm 30\; kms^{-1}\). In the SDSS DR13, 176 objects are cataloged, of which 35 are also in the 2MASS survey. As discussed earlier, O13 compared their data to F11's photometry, where the published data was dereddened by \(E(B-V)=0.1\) mag., and found that F11 magnitudes appear to have a zero-point offset (of \(\sim 0.09\) mag.). We concur with O13's assessment, F11's data is offset to our g-and r-magnitudes also by \(\sim 0.1\) mag., where our data was originally calibrated to SDSS Data Release 12, (DR12) but has been updated to DR13.******
Figure 4 is a final sanity check on the photometric calibrations between our SPICam, ARCTIC, SDSS DR13, and 2MASS. We show spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of the 25 brightest stars in our FOV in Figure 3 that were not saturated in SDSS DR13. The \(CT_1ugri\)-filters (red filled triangles) are displayed, where the error bars are smaller than the points. The SDSS-z and 2MASS \(JHK\)-magnitudes are shown as filled circles. All the plots shown are on the same logarithmic scale, apparent flux density vs. wavelength in microns. Since the FOV contains a sparse cluster and (we expect) numerous binaries (O13), we ensured that the stars did not have SDSS-flags from SDSS DR13 warning that the photometric quality was compromised in any manner, and no greater than \(1\%\) uncertainties. The object-number corresponds to Tables 2 & 3. The \(CT_1\)-filters, calibrated to the Washington Standard Fields did not need any additional offsets (other than the standard conversion) to convert its "Vegamag\" system to flux density, and matched well with the SDSS filters (ABmag). The SDSS-z and 2MASS \(JHK\)-magnitudes are displayed as filled circles, and have larger error bars. We first had calibrated linearly to SDSS DR12 and then re-calibrated to DR13 using the photometry for the stars shown in Figure 4, and found that the i-band had a color term. \[\begin{aligned}
i_{DR13}=i_{DR12}-0.4194*(r-i)_{DR12}+0.1221,\; \sigma_{\bar{x}}=0.010;\\ r_{DR13}=r_{DR12}+0.0151,\; \sigma_{\bar{x}}=0.003;\\ g_{DR13}=g_{DR12}+0.0144,\; \sigma_{\bar{x}}=0.003;\\ u_{DR13}=u_{DR12}-0.004, \; \sigma_{\bar{x}}= 0.010.\\ \end{aligned}\]
These uncertainties were added in quadrature with each object's photometric uncertainties from DAOPHOT; the final uncertainties are listed in Table 3. The i-band magnitudes are only used in the SEDs and not for any model-fitting, as \((r-i)\) is a temperature-sensitive color. The range of the \((u-g)\), \((g-r)\), and \((r-i)\) colors for the 25 stars was \(+1.05 \; to \; +2.11\), \(-0.12 \; to \; +0.82\), and \(0.00 \; to \; +0.29\) mag., respectively. We included star \(^\#26\) in our calibration since it is the only A-type star in the sample, noting that it is in the cluster-center and the crowded field might affect the photometry in the SDSS catalog (we gave it a C-grade, see Table 2). The uncertainties versus magnitudes for sources inside (red circles) and outside (blue circles) the cluster radius (from the ASteCA fit for O13) are shown in Figure 5, with objects too faint to be used in any fit shown as cyan crosses. We required that the objects used be detected in all the \(CT_1ugri\)-filters to allow for SED checks, but we rejected with any object with large photometric uncertainties (\(\sigma > 0.25\)) in any color in the following analyses.
## Padova Fits for Washington & SDSS Colors
In Figure 6, we show 3 of the runs for the combined data set, showing the extremes of the fit to the Padova model grid--the \((u-g)\) results indicate higher metallicities, which may mean this color is more sensitive to \(\alpha\)-abundances in general, but also the CMD below the MSTO is almost vertical, and hides the binary sequence that is much clearer in \((V-I)\) and \((C-T_1)\). The 3P King model fit for \((V-I)\) was consistent for the smaller FOV, but the tidal radius was harder to limit without more data away from the center of Seg 3. Our completeness limits are \(T_1\approx 23.1\) for the Washington CMD, and \(g\approx 21.8\) for the \((g-r)\) CMD (worse than DR13), but this was because we required at least a \(5\sigma\) detection in u-band. From 75 runs of the ASteCA code in all colors, iterating toward agreement between the O13, Washington, and SDSS CMDs, the Padova/PARSEC12 solar-scaled models show that Segue 3 has \(Z=0.006 \pm 0.002\), \(\log(Age)=9.38 \pm 0.11\), \((m-M)_0=17.33 \pm 0.08\), \(E(B-V)=0.09\pm 0.01\), and a binary fraction of \(0.36\pm 0.12\). The mass estimate from the King models was quite uncertain, \(630\pm 264 \; M_\odot\). If we only use runs where we remove the SDSS-identified galaxies, and use the information from F11 on radial-velocity members: \(Z=0.006 \pm 0.001\), \(\log(Age)=9.42 \pm 0.08\), \((m-M)_0=17.35 \pm 0.08\), \(E(B-V)=0.09\pm 0.01\), and a binary fraction of \(0.39\pm 0.05\), with a cluster mass of \(478\pm 56 \; M_\odot\) for the synthetic CMD generated with these parameters. With \(Z=0.006\) and an age of \(2.6^{+0.6}_{-0.4}\) Gyr, our estimates are younger and more metal-rich than O13, using the same set of isochrones. Converting metallicity to \(\mathrm{[Fe/H]}\approx-0.5\) if the cluster is not \(\alpha\)-enhanced, and would be \(\mathrm{[Fe/H]}\approx-0.8\), if \([\alpha/Fe]=+0.4\), which we discuss in the next section.
## Dartmouth Models
Table 4 shows a representative sample of the Dartmouth models used, and examples of how they translate to the metallicity scale, with Z, \(\alpha\)-abundances, and helium or Y-variations. For comparison, O13 quote a best-fit Padova/PARSEC isochrone of Z=0.003 and an age of 3.2 Gyr. The PARSEC12 models are solar-scaled, but the Dartmouth models (Dotter et al. 2008; hereafter D08) can be solar-scaled or have variable \(\alpha\)-abundances or Y-content, but only extend to the helium-flash. Recently, released solar-scaled models which include all evolutionary stages, which we will refer to as the MIST models (MESA Isochrones & Stellar Tracks); also see. We obtained these models in the Washington and SDSS filter-systems for this project. Figure 7 shows color-color plots for our sample, with Figure 7a \((u-r)_0 \; vs. \; (u-g)_0\), and (b) \((C-T_1)_0 \; vs. \; (u-g)_0\). According to the results reported by on AB-system color pairs: \([(u-r), (r-K_s)]\), \([(u-r), (i-J)]\), and \([(u-K_s), (z-K_s )]\) are more suitable for constraining stellar-population parameters than many others, but we do not have enough good 2MASS detections here, below the RGB. The objects with smaller photometric uncertainties cluster with the more-metal rich MIST models, but the results are not conclusive from the color-color plots alone. In Figure 8a, the \(M_r \; vs.\; (u-r)_0\) CMD with the D08 models, object \(^\#26\) is the likely BS (blue filled triangle), located in the cluster center. The objects within \(5\sigma\) in color and \(7\sigma\) in magnitude of the average of the best-fit models (\(Y=0.246, \; Z=0.005, 2-4\; Gyr, \; \mathrm{[Fe/H]}=-0.5, [\alpha/Fe]=0.0\)), above the limit for the F11 sample (red filled circles) are shown as red open triangles (49 objects), and those below that limit are shown as black open triangles (an extra 54 sources). SDSS-galaxies are shown as cyan open circles. There are a total of 103 sources enclosed by the 2.0--3.2 Gyr isochrones. When we take those 49 stars from the restricted CMD, and re-sample the models, setting the distance and extinction: \(Z=0.004\pm 0.002\), which translates to \(\mathrm{[Fe/H]}=-0.65^{+0.05}_{-0.09}\), with an age range of \(\log (Age)=9.35^{+0.10}_{-0.35}\) (from quartiles around the median) but the mean is \(\log (Age)=9.05\pm 1.09\). The most representative statistic of the MSTO stars is the median \(\pm\) the \(1^{st}\)-and \(3^{rd}\)-quartile values: \(2.2^{+0.6}_{-1.2}\) Gyr--younger than the D08 values. We can recover 19/27 of the F11 members in our MIST-sample by this selection method (Figure 8). Several of the upper-MS F11 stars were not recovered because they were more than \(5\sigma\) away from the fiducial line (cyan/black) in \((C-T_1)\) and their uncertainties were small--which may be an indication of above-average stellar rotation (see §5). This method under-counts the membership below the MSTO, but excludes the RGB stars which are \(V_r\) non-members (F11), and galaxies (cyan en circles)--giving us confidence that most of the new objects (identified from MIST-matching) above the MSTO belong to Segue 3, and we will target these with future spectroscopy. Figure 9 is the final source-map for our Seg 3 data. All the 103 objects selected as MIST-matches are shown as black open triangles, with the objects above the F11-limit over-plotted as heavy grey open triangles. All stars detected in the FOV are shown as black open circles, scaled by \(T_1\)-magnitudes; the 218 detected objects from Table 3 are plotted as open black circles scaled by \(T_1\)-mag. The 28 SDSS DR13 galaxies are circled in cyan. F11's confirmed members are shown as red filled circles and non-members are shown as blue crosses, on top of the red filled circles. Object 26, the BS-candidate, is shown as a blue filled triangle. The cluster radius is shown as a red circle (as in Figure 1); the average tidal radius is shown as a dashed red circle. Grey-blue circles show successive \(30\arcsec\) radii from the center of the cluster.
# Spectral Energy Distributions
We selected the 14 brightest stars above the MSTO from the MIST sample and plot the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) with standard ATLAS9 model fluxes (Castelli & Kurucz 2003; 2004) in Figure 10. The photometry is taken from Tables 2 & 3, using V & I from O13, and *z from SDSS DR13. The temperature and surface gravity are estimated from an average of the D08 and D16 models, allowing for either \(\mathrm{[Fe/H]}=-0.5\) or \(\mathrm{[Fe/H]}=-1.5\). All the red models are for \(\mathrm{[Fe/H]}=-0.5\) and \([\alpha/Fe]=0.0\). The blue models are for \(\mathrm{[Fe/H]}=-1.5\) and \([\alpha/Fe]=+0.4\), scaled to the same peak flux density. Stars confirmed as \(V_r\)-members have an asterisk after their identification numbers. Figure 10a shows \(0.2<\lambda < 1.0 \; \mu m\) and Figure 10b displays \(0.3<\lambda < 0.5 \; \mu m\). Star \(^\#26\), the suspected BS, is too hot for the low-resolution ATLAS9 models to show much of a difference in the metallicity-sensitive u-and C-bands. The stars between the MSTO and the base of the RGB, \(^\#205^*, \; 143^*,\; 100,\; \& \; 71^*\) are also too hot to show much of a difference in the UV-bands. However, all stars brighter than \(6^*\) on the RGB/AGB appear to favor the more metal-rich models. Object \(^\#273\) is the only source that shows variability between O13, SDSS DR13, and our photometry, and it is located near the (metal-rich) red horizontal-branch. All O13 V-& I-photometry points are surrounded by a blue square, and the z-mag. is from DR13. The three most luminous possible members, \(^\#47\), 165, and 86, are separated from the rest of the RGB/SGB MIST-sample, and could be AGB/HB stars. With \(\sim 40\%\) binaries, this cluster could very well have evolved massive BS, but an argument against this interpretation is that they are not in the core of the cluster. Their SEDs do appear to be better-fit by the metal-rich models, but these stars require radial-velocity measurements and are bright enough for higher resolution spectral analysis if they are confirmed as members of Seg 3.*
# Age Spread vs. Rotation Range
The statistical uncertainties in the photometry at the MSTO should not be large enough to mimic an age spread of \(>0.5\) Gyr. O13 compared the Padova and Yale isochrones and concluded that their final uncertainty on the age of Seg 3 was around \(\pm 0.5\) Gyr with a maximum age of 4--4.5 Gyr in the \((V-I)\) data, with a mean of 3.2 Gyr. From the Padova models, with multiple colors to consider, internal and systematic uncertainties, the best fits we can achieve only limit the MSTO age to \(2.6^{+0.6}_{-0.4}\) Gyr at \(Z=0.006\pm 0.002\). For the 49 objects in the MIST-selection, the quartile-analysis gives \(2.2^{+0.6}_{-1.2}\) Gyr for \(Z=0.004\pm 0.001\), where both the MIST and Padova models are solar-scaled. For the D08 models, with \(\alpha\)-abundances and helium content allowed to vary, the \[Fe/H\]-grid was coarser: the metallicity-distribution peaks at \(Z=0.003\pm 0.002\), \(\mathrm{[Fe/H]}=-0.8 \pm 0.4\), with the median being \(-0.99\) and the mode=\(-0.5\). For the same 49 stars, \([\alpha/Fe]=+0.14 \pm 0.15\), so we can justify using the solar-scaled models. Interestingly, \(Y=0.30\pm 0.06\) from D08.
## Helium Abundances & Stellar Ages with BASE-9
We turned to a different Bayesian-analysis code, to reduce systematic uncertainties and handle possible helium-abundance variations. BASE-9 is a Bayesian modeling code which fits cluster parameters for GCs which differ in helium abundance, using the Y-enhanced Dartmouth isochrones (D08). The BASE-9 code requires prior removal of the field star population. We would expect that, for a constant \[Fe/H\], increasing the \(\alpha\)-abundance makes the evolutionary tracks appear fainter and redder, compared to solar-scaled models (increasing Z). If a GC population exhibits differences in Y and other light elements (CNO), the effect should be detectable in UV CMDs. Among sources of the Y-variation in GCs, discuss AGB stars, fast-rotating massive stars (FRMS), or pre-main sequence disk-pollution, all of which might be expected to operate in a GC-environment. In contrast, found that the strongest effect on the isochrones was produced by Mg and Si. We can make a direct comparison by requiring the total abundance of heavy elements to be the same value. For an individual star, increasing Y would make the main-sequence lifetime shorter because the rate of H-burning increases. investigated 30 GCs from archival HST data in F275W, F336W, and F438W. Of their sample, 3 clusters have \(\mathrm{[Fe/H]}\approx-0.7\; \mathrm{to} \,-0.8\): NGC6624, NGC6637, and NGC6838, with \(\log (Age)=9.96,\; 9.98,\) and 10.01. The first 2 clusters have \(DM\approx 15.3\) and NGC6838 has \(DM=13.4\). Fixing the \[Fe/H\]-value, 2 populations differing in Y-values were found for each system: NGC6624 has \(Y_A=0.265^{+0.001}_{-0.002}\) and \(Y_B=0.343\pm {0.002}\); NGC6637 has \(Y_A=0.265\pm 0.001\) and \(Y_B=0.330\pm 0.000\); NGC6838 has \(Y_A=0.301\pm {0.003}\) and \(Y_B=0.341^{+0.004}_{-0.002}\). The proportion of Population A stars (lower Y-value) is \(\sim {2\over 3}\) for NGC6624 & NGC6637, and \(\sim 0.4\) for NGC6838. The more metal-rich clusters in 's sample tend have a smaller range in Y-values, and in these HST filters, the RGB-positions are shown to be displaced by increasing \(\Delta Y\) in their CMDs. In general, the inner-MWG GCs tend to have a higher proportion of Population A stars than the outer-MW, over the whole metallicity range of \(-2.37<\mathrm{[Fe/H]}<-0.70\) in this sample. For the Segue 3 data set, we prepared input files for the BASE-9 program, using the statistical cleaning provided by ASteCA, the F11 radial velocities, and the MIST-selection. We ran BASE-9 for the SDSS and Washington colors and found no strong evidence of a multiple population differing in Y-abundance, with the code not settling down and giving 2 distinct values. When we did not restrict the input parameters' ranges in any way, the SDSS-colors reasonably matched the Padova models output from ASteCA. The \(90\%\) confidence levels gave a range of \(9.42 < \log (Age) < 9.57\), \(-0.64 <\mathrm{[Fe/H]}< -0.45\), \(17.14 < (m-M)_0 < 17.24\), \(0.32 < A_V< 0.35\), and \(0.25 < Y < 0.29\). However, the Washington colors gave: \(9.04 < \log (Age) < 9.10\), \(-0.54 <\mathrm{[Fe/H]}< -0.47\), \(18.31 < (m-M)_0 < 18.57\), \(0.29 < A_V< 0.32\), and \(0.25 < Y < 0.28\). The Washington colors are more sensitive to metallicity, but there is also a stronger degeneracy effect between age, distance and visual extinction, so the extinction had to be set manually and not allowed to vary. However, if we set the distance modulus and \(E(B-V)\) to the O13 values the SDSS colors show an interesting effect in BASE-9: there is no abnormal double-Y population, but there seems to be a double-peak in age, with \(-0.89 <\mathrm{[Fe/H]}<-0.69\), as shown in Figure 11. The SDSS colors yield \(Y=0.27\pm 0.02\), but imply an age spread of \(\sim 0.4\) Gyr, where the 2 peaks are clearly resolved in Figure 11 and the \(\log (Age)\) resolution is better than 0.1 dex.
## Rotation at the Turn-Off
In both the Padova and Dartmouth models, with "chi-by-eye\" and Bayesian statistics, we cannot force the age-distribution uncertainty at the MSTO much below a range of \(\pm 0.5\) Gyr. The narrow SGB would normally preclude any age spread and should argue against any multiple population in Seg 3, characteristic of the ancient MW GC population. Certainly, Seg 3 shows the effect of a large proportion of binaries in the core (\(\approx 40\%\)), but the luminosity spread at the MSTO could also be the effects of rotation. The closest comparison cluster to Seg 3 in age and metallicity and the shape of the MSTO (admittedly, a much more massive system) can be found in the SMC. published a Nature article on NGC 1651, an intermediate-age, massive cluster. NGC 1651 had exhibited a supposed age-spread at the MSTO, but has explained the extended MSTO by stellar rotation variations. Later, updated their work and found that the best-fit to the observed CMD involved a period of extended star formation which resulted in population ages from 1.4--1.8 Gyr, that comprised 50% binaries and 70% stars with enhanced rotation. In Figure 12a, we show the \(V_r\) members and the MIST-selected sample's Hertzsprung-Russell diagram using the D08 and D16 models (model fits listed in Table 5), where we number the stars from Figure 10. The cyan/black track is the best fit to the MSTO and the SGB is best fit by the red track with \(Y=0.254, \; \mathrm{[Fe/H]}=-0.5, \; [\alpha/Fe]=0.0, \; 2.5\; Gyr, \; \Omega / \Omega_{crit}=0.4\) (all the MIST models are set to that average rotation here). The F11-comfirmed members at the MSTO have a mass of \(\approx 1.3M_\odot\), in agreement with O13; the unconfirmed post-SGB objects could be more massive only if they are evolved BSs, not if they are normal post-MS stars. The Dartmouth models cover Seg 3's (confirmed) mass range from the upper-MS to the SGB is \(M=0.7-1.5M_\odot\) (with a BS estimated mass of \(\sim 2.7M_\odot\)). Figure 12b is adapted from, showing Geneva models for a cluster of the same approximate age and metallicity (NGC 1651 & Seg 3) with the full range of rotation rates, mass tracks for \(M=1.7M_\odot\) are shown. Figure 12c shows a full range of models for a \(2.0 M_\odot\) star. In Figure 12b, just at the "jump\" between the MSTO and SGB, the difference of 0.04 dex in \(\log T_{eff}\) translates to about 0.5 Gyr in an apparent age difference for the stars, but that can also indicate the difference between a non-rotating star and a turn-off star which is rotating almost at breakup. This is the clearest result of a spread in rotation but not age, causing the somewhat braided appearance of the MSTO in \((C-T_1)\) (Figure 8c). We conclude that the MSTO morphology is likely to be a combination of rotational effects and the high fraction of binaries because the SGB is too narrow to allow for multiple populations, at least amongst the stars remaining in the core of Seg 3. The YMCs studied by in the LMC, NGC 1831, NGC 1868 and NGC 2249, appear to have multiple populations and could show age spreads and broader SGBs, but are all younger than 1.5 Gyr. Examining the MSTO in Figure 8c compared to Figure 12a, the isochrone-fit has rejected what would have been the slow rotators --as we can see from the models in Figures 12b and 12c. Since we recovered 19/27 F11 objects, and most of those non-recovered were bluer than the MIST \(\Omega /\Omega_{crit}=0.4\) isochrone, we surmise that \(\sim 70\%\) of the Seg 3 stars have enhanced rotation (leaving \(30\%\) with little or no rotation), in a cluster with \(\sim 40\%\) of the stars being binaries, which is similar to NGC 1651. The Geneva online database can calculate a coarse grid of models for 2 rotation rates (zero and \(\Omega /\Omega_{crit}=0.568\)) for \(Z=0.002\), which would correspond to \(\mathrm{[Fe/H]}=-0.9\) and \([\alpha/Fe]=+0.4\) on the D08 scale. When we examined the MSTO masses of the \(V_r\)-members against the Geneva models, the non-rotating case gives the TO mass as \(1.2M_\odot\) and the limit of the stars with radial velocities as about \(0.7M_\odot\). The rotating models give these limits as \(1.25M_\odot\) and \(0.8M_\odot\), which is not significantly different from the D08/D16 models. However, the BS mass is higher than in the D08/D16 system. The Geneva models for \(Z=0.002\) can fit the Seg 3 MSTO with an age difference from \(\log (Age)=9.45\)--9.5, which is 2.8--3.2 Gyr, or \(\log (Age)=9.45\) with a rotation range of \(\Omega /\Omega_{crit}=\)`<!-- -->`{=html}0--0.95, but the narrow SGB luminosity implies a younger age for the system. The D08, D16, Padova, and Geneva models generally fit Seg 3's CMD for \(Z=0.004\pm 0.002\) and ages of \(2-3\) Gyr, but the ASteCA code gives us confidence in the uncertainties, rather than a fit by-eye alone. To further test the rotation hypothesis on Seg 3, we created model clusters with "The Geneva SYnthetic CLuster Isochrones & Stellar Tracks\" (SYCLIST) code, which can produce synthetic clusters at Z=0.014 and Z=0.002. We selected the \(Z=0.002\) case and produced models shown in Figure 12d & e, for the appropriate ages. illustrates that for clusters with a metallicity \(Z=0.002-0.014\) and an age range of \(0.030-1\) Gyr, the SYCLIST models show that the largest proportion of fast rotators on the MS exist just below the turn-off. This happens because rotation extends the MS lifetime compared to non-rotating models, whereas helium enhancement reduces it, and the fraction of fast rotators one magnitude below the turnoff also increases with the age of the cluster between 30 Myr and 1 Gyr also. Our best estimates for the \((C-T_1)\) CMD (see Figure 8c) fit with the D16/MIST models, give \(Y=0.256, \; \mathrm{[Fe/H]}=-0.5, \; [\alpha/Fe]=0.0, \; 2.0-3.2\; Gyr, \; \Omega / \Omega_{crit}=0.4\). For the stars that are about 1 mag. below the MSTO, the stars to the far-red side of the MS are a clear binary sequence and the stars to the far blue could be faster rotators instead of \(Y\sim 0.3\) (D08 models). This effect is most obvious in the Washington system. also discuss MESA (which we call D16/MIST) rotating models in relation to CMDs for LMC clusters, showing examples of the broad MSTOs reaching a maximum extent for cluster-ages of 1--1.5 Gyr and tailing-off by \(\sim 2\) Gyr, where the models show this in Figure 12c for \(2M_\odot\) stars. The shape of the Seg 3 MSTO/SGB in Washington colors compared to the MIST isochrones and SYCLIST models puts a lower limit on the age of the Seg 3 cluster at 2 Gyr, but implies a range of rotation rates. The models generated in Figures 12d & 12e for \(\log (Age)= 9.5\) & 9.45 (light blue and gold, respectively) indicate that the Seg 3 SGB stars should be younger than 3.0 Gyrs.
# Age vs. Metallicity
The implied split at the MSTO is more likely due to a difference in rotation rates and binarity, not age, where this conclusion is supported by the narrow SGB. Seg 3's age and metallicity resemble a very-sparse, disrupted version of the SMC cluster, NGC 1651, and other comparisons would be the outer-LMC clusters, KMHK 1751 & 1754. It is possible, but unlikely, that \[Fe/H\] appears higher than-1 because of CN-enhancement. However, the drift towards higher Z shows up in all filters, including \((V-I)\), when we use the ASteCA code to remove user-bias. Figure 13 compares MW GC data with the clusters in some nearby dwarf galaxies. We show the age-metallicity relationship (AMR) for the MW GCs and presented models for the WLM, SMC, and LMC dwarf galaxies are shown (and extrapolated in the yellow window inset). Some newer halo clusters are denoted as black squares. A representation of the AMR of the MW bulge GCs is shown as the dashed region. We combined the data on 55 MW GCs, identified by red (\(R_C<8 \; kpc\)) and blue (\(R_C>8\; kpc\)) -- separating clusters by their distance from the galactic center (\(R_C\)). The data is more comprehensive, but the is more uniform. The newer halo globulars discussed in O13 are added to the HST GC, with Ko 1 & 2 from. The red open squares are LMC clusters and the orange open triangles are the SMC clusters used by. The F11 data point is shown as a blue square with a red border. This study's result is shown as a magenta triangle for the Padova/ASteCA fit. Our results indicate that Segue 3 resembles the LMC clusters, and we support O13's claim that it is the youngest globular-like cluster in the MW, although spectroscopy is needed to confirm its nature, if we are to rule out that it could be an old, sparse OC. In either case, its location in the outer halo and youth argue against it being a cluster native to our Galaxy. noted the \(\alpha\)--element enhancement in metal-poor stars compared to the solar value more than fifty years ago, and decisively found excesses of Mg, Si, Ca, and Ti, relative to Fe. Typically, globular cluster stars show \([\alpha/Fe]\) of around +0.4, but non-cluster halo stars show more scatter in this parameter, where gives a recent review including MW disk(s), bulge, and halo. At low-metallicity, \[Fe/H\] does not necessarily scale linearly with \([Ca/H]\) or \([Ca/Fe]\). Tests with the D08 and D16 models showed that the Seg 3 population is not significantly \(\alpha\)-enhanced. The stellar populations from the LMC and Sgr dSph have a different enrichment "knee\", the metallicity where chemical enrichment of the environment changes from SN Type II to Ia. The cluster Palomar 1 fits the AMR for the LMC in Figure 13. The AMR for GCs is quite different for the MW Halo and bulge, but Seg 3 does not even fit in with unusual clusters which were likely acquired from non-MW sources. When calculated the tidal radius of Ko 1 & 2, they used \(r_t=R_{GC}(2(M_{Cl}/M_{MW}))^{1\over 3}\), which yields \(r_t=24\pm 5\) pc considering mass and distance uncertainties. Figure 1's King model for the the highest mass for Seg 3, from the ASteCA runs, gives \(r_t\approx 20\pm 10\) pc. The uncertainty in the King model fit results from fitting a sparse-cluster radial density profile, where the cluster is not spherical.
# Summary and Conclusions
The mean position of Segue 3 center in all filters is \(R.A.=320.\degr38015\) and \(Dec.=19.\degr11753\). From cluster-cleaning and background subtraction experiments, fitting a 3-parameter King model yields a cluster radius of \(r_{cl}=0.\degr017\pm 0.\degr007\), a core radius is \(r_{c}=0.\degr003\pm 0.\degr001\), and the tidal radius is likely to be \(r_t=0.\degr04 \pm 0.\degr02\). From all runs of the ASteCA code, iterating toward agreement between the O13, Washington, and SDSS CMDs, the Padova/PARSEC12 solar-scaled models show that Segue 3 has \(Z=0.006 \pm 0.002\), \(\log(Age)=9.38 \pm 0.11\), \((m-M)_0=17.33 \pm 0.08\), \(E(B-V)=0.09\pm 0.01\), with a binary fraction of \(0.36\pm 0.12\). The mass estimate from the King models was quite uncertain, \(630\pm 264 \; M_\odot\). If we only use the runs where we remove the SDSS-identified galaxies, and use the information from F11 on radial-velocity members: \(Z=0.006 \pm 0.001\), \(\log(Age)=9.42 \pm 0.08\), \((m-M)_0=17.35 \pm 0.08\), \(E(B-V)=0.09\pm 0.01\), with a binary fraction of \(0.39\pm 0.05\), giving a cluster mass of \(478\pm 56 \; M_\odot\). With \(Z=0.006\) and an age of \(2.6^{+0.6}_{-0.4}\) Gyr, our estimates for Segue 3 are younger and more metal-rich than O13's result, using the same set of isochrones. Converting metallicity to iron abundance: \(\mathrm{[Fe/H]}\approx-0.5\) if the cluster is not \(\alpha\)-enhanced, and \(\mathrm{[Fe/H]}<-0.5\) if \([\alpha/Fe]\) is positive. Seg 3 does not follow the AMR trend of MW-native globular clusters, resembling field stars and clusters from the (gas-rich) WLM dIrr, SMC, and LMC. Comparing the GC data with models indicates that a system with Seg 3's properties could have been formed in an LMC/SMC-like system, extrapolating their "leaky box\" models. The results of this paper are summarized in Table 6. We support O13's results: Seg 3 is certainly the youngest "GC\" found in the MW to date, and it was more massive in the past. Our results favor Seg 3 being a disrupting-GC and not an OC. When we re-analyzed the O13 data using the ASteCA code, the results for the distance modulus are consistent with the Washington and SDSS analysis, but SDSS colors are less sensitive to \(E(B-V)\) than Washington colors. However, the broader C-filter allows us to go deeper than u-band. Our analysis shows the importance of comparing clusters within the same model-grid. The D16/MIST models (though solar-scaled) are more useful for estimates of the age uncertainty in Washington colors because of the finer grid and the extension of the models past the helium-flash. The D08 models include a range of \(\alpha\)-abundances and Y-values, which are used with BASE-9: for a single-population model, Seg 3 has \(Y=0.27\pm 0.02\), but this might be a rotation effect making stars bluer below the MSTO. Though unusual, Segue 3 is not unique in being a young, metal-rich cluster in the MW outer halo (see Figure 13). Others have been found in the MW, including those suspected to be associated with the Sgr dSph . Other MW clusters are similarly low mass, and fall somewhere between traditional open and globular clusters or seem to be massive, old open clusters. Indeed, Pal 12, Ter 7, and Pal 1 all show low \([\alpha/Fe]\)-abundances typical of dwarf galaxy stars, which do not follow the standard MW alpha-enhancement. Tests with D08 and D16 models suggest that Seg 3 is not significantly \(\alpha\)-enhanced, but a firm conclusion requires spectroscopic follow-up. However, there is circumstantial evidence that Seg 3 came from an accreted gas-rich system. The authors thank Julie Lutz, Jeff Brown, and the UW Astronomy "Stars\" discussion group for their input. We also acknowledge financial support from the NSF, the M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust, and the Kennilworth Fund of the New York Community Trust. We thank Gabriel Perren for modifying the ASteCA code for us (the current version is available here: http://asteca.github.io). This work has made use of BaSTI web tools. We thank the Rachel Wagner-Kaiser, TvH, DvD, DS, and ER, and the BASE-9 team for their efforts. Hughes thanks the APO 3.5-m Users Committee for input into the design of the ARCTIC imager, and for the APO staff's help with remote observing. We also thank the anonymous referee for helpful suggestions that improved the flow of the manuscript. This research has made use of the NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive, which is operated by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. We used data from the 3.5-m telescope's APIcam and ARCTIC imagers. We also made extensive use of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Funding for the Sloan Digital Sky Survey IV has been provided by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science, and the Participating Institutions. SDSS-IV acknowledges support and resources from the Center for High-Performance Computing at the University of Utah. The SDSS web site is www.sdss.org. SDSS-IV is managed by the Astrophysical Research Consortium for the Participating Institutions of the SDSS Collaboration including the Brazilian Participation Group, the Carnegie Institution for Science, Carnegie Mellon University, the Chilean Participation Group, the French Participation Group, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, The Johns Hopkins University, Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (IPMU) / University of Tokyo, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Leibniz Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP), Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie (MPIA Heidelberg), Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik (MPA Garching), Max-Planck-Institut für Extraterrestrische Physik (MPE), National Astronomical Observatories of China, New Mexico State University, New York University, University of Notre Dame, Observatário Nacional / MCTI, The Ohio State University, Pennsylvania State University, Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, United Kingdom Participation Group, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, University of Arizona, University of Colorado Boulder, University of Oxford, University of Portsmouth, University of Utah, University of Virginia, University of Washington, University of Wisconsin, Vanderbilt University, and Yale University. | {'timestamp': '2017-06-08T02:02:00', 'yymm': '1706', 'arxiv_id': '1706.01961', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.01961'} |
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# Introduction {#intro}
Hierarchies (Taxonomies) are popular for organizing large volume datasets in various application domains. Several large-scale online prediction challenges such as LSHTC[^1] (webpage classification), BioASQ[^2] (PubMed documents classification) and ILSVRC[^3] (image classification) revolve around the HC problem. Although, substantial amount of data with inter-class dependencies information are beneficial for improving HC, one of the major challenges in dealing with these datasets comprising large-number of categories (classes), high-dimensional features and large-number of training instances (examples) is scalability. Many large-scale HC approaches have been developed in past to deal with the various "big data\" challenges by: (i) training faster models, (ii) quickly predicting class-labels and (iii) minimizing memory usage. For example, Gopal et al. proposed the log-concavity bound that allows parallel training of model weight vectors across multiple computing units. This achieves significant speed-up along with added flexibility of storing model weight vectors at different units. However, the memory requirements is still large (\(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}26 GB for DMOZ-2010 dataset, refer to Table [\[table:paramsize\]](#table:paramsize){reference-type="ref" reference="table:paramsize"}) which requires complex distributed hardware for storage and implementation. Alternatively, Map-Reduce based formulation of learning model is introduced which is scalable but have software/hardware dependencies that limits the applicability of this approach. To minimize the memory requirements, one of the popular strategy is to incorporate the feature selection in conjunction with model training. The main intuition behind these approaches is to squeeze the high-dimensional features into lower dimensions. This allows the model to be trained on low-dimensional features only; significantly reducing the memory usage while retaining (or improving) the classification accuracy. This is possible because only subset of features are beneficial to discriminate between classes at each node in the hierarchy. For example, to distinguish between sub-class 'Chemistry' and 'Physics' that belongs to class 'Science' features like *chemical*, *reactions* and *acceleration* are important whereas features like *coach*, *memory* and *processor* are irrelevant. HC methods that leverage the structural relationship shows improved classification performance but are computationally expensive. In this paper, we study different filter-based feature selection methods for solving large-scale HC problem. Feature selection serves as the preprocessing step in our learning framework prior to training models. Any developed methods for solving HC problem can be integrated with the selected features, providing flexibility in choosing the HC algorithm of our choice along with computational efficiency and storage benefits. Our proposed "adaptive feature selection\" also shows an improvement of \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}2% in classification accuracy. Experiments on various real world datasets across different domains demonstrates the utility of the feature selection over full set of high-dimensional features. We also investigate the effect of feature selection in classification performance when the number of labeled instances per class is low.
# Literature Review {#sec:1}
## Hierarchical Classification
Several methods have been developed to address the hierarchical classification problem. These methods can be broadly divided into three major categories. (i) *Flat approach* is one of the simplest and straight forward method to solve the HC problem. In this method, hierarchical structure is completely ignored and an independent one-vs-rest or multi-class classifiers are trained for each of the leaf categories that can discriminate it from remaining leaf categories. For predicting the label of instances, the flat method invokes the classifiers corresponding to all leaf categories and selects the leaf category with highest prediction score. As such, flat approach have expensive training and prediction runtime for datasets with large number of classes. (ii) *Local classification* involves the use of local hierarchical relationships during the model training process. Depending on how the hierarchical relationships are leveraged, various local methods exist. In this paper, we have used the most popular "local classifier per parent node\" method as the baseline for evaluations. Specifically, we train a multi-class classifier at each of the parent node to maximize the discrimination between its children nodes. For making predictions a top-down method (discussed in Section [2.2](#topdown){reference-type="ref" reference="topdown"}) is followed. (iii) *Global classification* learns a single complex model where all relevant hierarchical relationships are explored jointly during the optimization process making these approaches expensive for training. Label predictions is done using a similar approach followed for flat or local methods.
## Top-Down Hierarchical Classification {#topdown}
One of the most efficient approach for solving large-scale HC problem is using the top-down method. In this method, local or global classification method is used for model training and the unlabeled instances are recursively classified in a top-down fashion. At each step, best node is picked based on the computed prediction score of its children nodes. The process repeats until the leaf node representing a certain category (or class-label) is reached, which is the final predicted label (refer to eq. ([\[eq:TDTest\]](#eq:TDTest){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:TDTest"})). Top-Down (TD) methods are popular for large-scale problems owing to their computational benefits where only the subset of classes in the relevant path are considered during prediction phase. For example, in order to make second level prediction provided the first level prediction is 'Sci' (shown in Figure [\[FSfigure\]](#FSfigure){reference-type="ref" reference="FSfigure"}) we only need to consider the children of 'Sci' class (\(i.e.\), electronics, med, crypt and space), thereby, avoiding the large number of second level classes such as 'Sys', 'Politics', 'Sports', 'graphics', 'autos'. In the past, top-down methods have been successfully used to solve HC problems. Liu et al. performed classification on large-scale Yahoo! dataset and analyzed the complexity of the top-down approach. In, a selective classifier top-down method is proposed where the classifier to train at particular node is chosen in a data-driven manner.
## Feature Selection
There have been several studies focused on feature selection methods for the flat classification problem. However, very few work emphasize on feature selection for HC problem that are limited to small number of categories. Figure [\[FSfigure\]](#FSfigure){reference-type="ref" reference="FSfigure"} demonstrates the importance of feature selection for hierarchical settings where only the relevant features are chosen at each of the decision (internal) nodes. More details about the figure will be discussed in Section [5](#resDiscuss){reference-type="ref" reference="resDiscuss"} (Case Study). Feature selection aims to find a subset of highly discriminant features that minimizes the error rate and improve the classifier performance. Based on the approach adapted for selecting features two broad categories of feature selection exist, namely, wrapper and filter-based methods. Wrapper approaches evaluate the fitness of the selected features using the intended classifier. Although many different wrapper-based approaches have been proposed, these methods are not suitable for large-scale problems due to the expensive evaluation needed to select the subset of features. On the contrary, filter approaches select the subset of features based on the certain measures or statistical properties that does not require the expensive evaluations. This makes the filter-based approaches a natural choice for large-scale problem. Hence, in this paper we have focused on various filter-based approaches for solving HC problem (discussed in Section [3.3](#filterFeatSelect){reference-type="ref" reference="filterFeatSelect"}). In literature, third category referred as embedded approaches have also been proposed which are a hybrid of the wrapper and filter methods. However, these approaches have not been shown to be efficient for large-scale classification and hence, we do not focus on hybrid methods. To the best of our knowledge this is the first paper that performs a broad study of filter-based feature selection methods for HC problem.
# Methods {#featMethod}
## Definitions and Notations
In this paper, we use **bold** lower-case and upper-case letters to indicate vector and matrix variables, respectively. Symbol \(\mathcal{N}\) denotes the set of internal nodes in the hierarchy where for each node \(n \in \mathcal{N}\) we learn the multi-class classifier denoted by \({\bf{W}}_n\) = \(\big[{\bf{w}}^n_c\big]_{{c \in \mathcal{C}(n)}}\) to discriminate between its children nodes \(\mathcal{C}(n)\). \({\bf{w}}^n_c\) represents the optimal model weight vectors for \(c^{th}\) child of node \(n\). \(\mathcal{L}\) denotes the set of leaf nodes (categories) to which instances are assigned. The total number of training instances are denoted by \(N\) and \(T(n) \subseteq N\) denotes the total number of training instances considered at node \(n\) which corresponds to all instances of descendant categories at node \(n\). \(\mathcal{F}\) denotes the set of total features (dimensionality) for each instance where \(i^{th}\) feature is denoted by \(f_i\). \({S}_\mathcal{F} \subseteq \mathcal{F}\) denotes the subset of relevant features selected using feature selection algorithm. \(\mathcal{D} = \big\{\big({\bf{x}}(i)\), \(y(i)\big)\big\}_{i=1}^{N}\) denotes the training dataset where \({\bf{x}}(i) \in \mathbb{R}^{\mathcal{F}}\) and \(y(i) \in \mathcal{L}\). For training optimal model corresponding to \(c^{th}\) child at node \(n\) we use the binary label \({y_c^n}{(i)} \in \{\pm1\}\) for \(i^{th}\) training instance where \(y_c^n(i)\) = 1 iff \(y(i)\) = \(c\) and \(y_c^n(i)\) =-1 otherwise. Predicted label for \(i^{th}\) test instance \(\hat{\bf{x}}(i)\) is denoted by \(\hat{y}(i) \in \mathcal{L}\).
## Hierarchical Classification {#HierClass}
Given a hierarchy \(\mathcal{H}\), we train multi-class classifiers for each of the internal nodes \(n\in\mathcal{N}\) in the hierarchy---to discriminate between its children nodes \(\mathcal{C}(n)\). In this paper, we have used Logistic Regression (LR) as the underlying base model for training. The LR objective uses logistic loss to minimize the empirical risk and \(l_1\)-norm (denoted by \(\big|\big|\cdot\big|\big|_{1}\)) or squared \(l_2\)-norm term (denoted by \(\big|\big|\cdot\big|\big|_{2}^{2}\)) to control model complexity and prevent overfitting. Usually, \(l_1\)-norm encourages sparse solution by randomly choosing single parameter amongst highly correlated parameters whereas \(l_2\)-norm jointly shrinks the correlated parameters. The objective function \(\Psi^{n}_{c}\) for training a model corresponding to \({c^{th}}\) child of node \(n\) is provided in eq. ([\[ARLR\]](#ARLR){reference-type="ref" reference="ARLR"}). \[\scriptsize \Psi^{n}_{c}=\min_{{\bf{w}}^{n}_{c}}\Bigg[\lambda\sum_{i=1}^{T(n)}\log\left(1+\exp\left(-y_{c}^{n}(i)\big({\bf{w}}^{n}_c\big)^{T}\mathbf{x}(i)\right)\right)+ \mathcal{R}\big({\bf{w}}^{n}_c\big)\Bigg]\label{ARLR}\] where \(\lambda > 0\) is a mis-classification penalty parameter and \(\mathcal{R}\big(.\big)\) denotes the regularization term given by eq. ([\[regTerm\]](#regTerm){reference-type="ref" reference="regTerm"}). \[\begin{aligned}
\mathcal{R}\big({\bf{w}}^n_c\big)=\left\{ \begin{alignedat}{1} & \big|\big|{\bf{w}}^n_c\big|\big|_1^1, \quad l_1-norm\\ & \quad \quad \quad OR\\ & \big|\big|{\bf{w}}^n_c\big|\big|_2^2, \quad l_2-norm \end{alignedat} \right\} \label{regTerm} \end{aligned}\] For each child \(c\) of node \(n\) within the hierarchy, we solve eq. ([\[ARLR\]](#ARLR){reference-type="ref" reference="ARLR"}) to obtain the optimal weight vector denoted by \({\bf{w}}^{n}_c\). The complete set of parameters for all the children nodes \({\bf{W}}_n\) = \([{\bf{w}}^{n}_c] _{c\in\mathcal{C}(n)}\) constitutes the learned multi-class classifiers at node \(n\) whereas total parameters for all internal nodes \({\bf{W}}\) = \([{\bf{W}}_n]_{n \in \mathcal{N}}\) constitutes the learned model for Top-Down (TD) classifier. For a test instance \({\hat{\bf{x}}}(i)\), the TD classifier predicts the class label \(\hat{y}(i)\in\mathcal{L}\) as shown in eq. ([\[eq:TDTest\]](#eq:TDTest){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:TDTest"}). Essentially, the algorithm starts at the root node and recursively selects the best child nodes until it reaches a terminal node belonging to the set of leaf nodes \(\mathcal{L}\). \[\begin{aligned}
\hat{y}(i)=\left\{ \begin{alignedat}{1} & \mathbf{initialize}\quad p:=root\\ & \mathbf{while}\ p\notin\mathcal{L}\\ & \quad p:=\mathbf{argmax}_{q\in\mathcal{C}(p)}\ \big({\bf{w}}^p_{q}\big)^T\hat{{\bf{x}}}(i)\\ & \mathbf{return}\ p \end{alignedat} \right\} \label{eq:TDTest} \end{aligned}\]
## Feature Selection {#filterFeatSelect}
The focus of our study in this paper is on filter-based feature selection methods which are scalable for large-scale datasets. In this section, we present four feature selection approaches that are used for evaluation purposes.\
**Gini-Index**-It is one of the most widely used method to compute the best split (ordered feature) in the decision tree induction algorithm. Realizing its importance, it was extended for the multi-class classification problem. In our case, it measure the feature's ability to distinguish between different leaf categories (classes). Gini-Index of \(i^{th}\) feature \(f_i\) with \(\mathcal{L}\) classes can be computed as shown in eq. ([\[gi\]](#gi){reference-type="ref" reference="gi"}). \[{\bf{Gini-Index}}(f_i) = 1-\sum_{k=1}^{\mathcal{L}}\Big(p(k|f_i)\Big)^2 \label{gi}\] where \(p(k|f_i)\) is the conditional probability of class \(k\) given feature \(f_i\). Smaller the value of Gini-Index, more relevant and useful is the feature for classification. For HC problem, we compute the Gini-Index corresponding to all feature's independently at each internal node and select the best subset of features (\({S}_\mathcal{F}\)) using a held-out validation dataset.\
**Minimal Redundancy Maximal Relevance (MRMR)**-This method incorporates the following two conditions for feature subset selection that are beneficial for classification.
(i) Identify features that are mutually maximally dissimilar to capture better representation of entire dataset and
(ii) Select features to maximize the discrimination between different classes.
The first criterion referred as "minimal redundancy\" selects features that carry distinct information by eliminating the redundant features. The main intuition behind this criterion is that selecting two similar features contains no new information that can assist in better classification. Redundancy information of feature set \(\mathcal{F}\) can be computed using eq. ([\[minred\]](#minred){reference-type="ref" reference="minred"}). \[{\mathfrak{R}_D} = \Bigg[ \frac{1}{|S_\mathcal{F}|^2}\sum_{f_i, f_j \in S_\mathcal{F}}I(f_i, f_j)\Bigg] \label{minred}\] where \(I(f_i, f_j)\) is the mutual information that measure the level of similarity between features \(f_i\) and \(f_j\). The second criterion referred as "maximum relevance" enforces the selected features to have maximum discriminatory power for classification between different classes. Relevance of feature set \(\mathcal{F}\) can be formulated using eq. ([\[maxrel\]](#maxrel){reference-type="ref" reference="maxrel"}). \[{\mathfrak{R}_L} = \Bigg[ \frac{1}{|S_\mathcal{F}|}\sum_{f_i\in S_\mathcal{F}}I(f_i, \mathcal{L})\Bigg] \label{maxrel}\] where \(I(f_i, \mathcal{L})\) is the mutual information between the feature \(f_i\) and leaf categories \(\mathcal{L}\) that captures how well the feature \(f_i\) can discriminate between different classes. The combined optimization of eq. ([\[minred\]](#minred){reference-type="ref" reference="minred"}) and eq. ([\[maxrel\]](#maxrel){reference-type="ref" reference="maxrel"}) leads to a feature set with maximum discriminatory power and minimum correlations among features. Depending on strategy adapted for optimization of these two objectives different flavors exist. The first one referred as "mutual information difference (MRMR-D)\" formulates the optimization problem as the difference between two objectives as shown in eq. ([\[mrmrd\]](#mrmrd){reference-type="ref" reference="mrmrd"}). The second one referred as "mutual information quotient (MRMR-Q)\" formulates the problem as the ratio between two objectives and can be computed using eq. ([\[mrmrq\]](#mrmrq){reference-type="ref" reference="mrmrq"}). \[\emph{MRMR-D} = \max_{S_\mathcal{F} \subseteq \mathcal{F}} \; ({{\mathfrak{R}_L-\mathfrak{R}_D}}) \label{mrmrd}\] \[\emph{MRMR-Q} = \max_{S_\mathcal{F} \subseteq \mathcal{F}} \; ({{\mathfrak{R}_L/\mathfrak{R}_D}}) \label{mrmrq}\] For HC problem again we select the best top \({S}_\mathcal{F}\) features (using a validation dataset) for evaluating these methods.\
**Kruskal-Wallis**-This is a non-parametric statistical test that ranks the importance of each feature. As a first step this method ranks all instances across all leaf categories \(\mathcal{L}\) and computes the feature importance metric as shown in eq. ([\[kw\]](#kw){reference-type="ref" reference="kw"}): \[KW=(N-1)\frac{\sum_{i=1}^{\mathcal{L}}{n_i(\bar{r_i}-\bar{r})^2}}{\sum_{i=1}^{\mathcal{L}}\sum_{j=1}^{n_i}n_i({r}_{ij}-\bar{r})^2} \label{kw}\] where \(n_i\) is the number of instances in \(i^{th}\) category, \(r_{ij}\) is the ranking of \(j^{th}\) instances in the \(i^{th}\) category and \(\bar{r}\) denotes the average rank across all instances. It should be noted that using different feature results in different ranking and hence feature importance. Lower the value of computed score \(KW\), more relevant is the feature for classification.
## Proposed Framework
Algorithm [\[featSelectHC\]](#featSelectHC){reference-type="ref" reference="featSelectHC"} presents our proposed method for embedding feature selection into the HC framework. It consist of two independent main subroutines: (i) a feature selection algorithm (discussed in Section [3.3](#filterFeatSelect){reference-type="ref" reference="filterFeatSelect"}) for deciding the appropriate set of features at each decision (internal) node and (ii) a supervised learning algorithm (discussed in Section [3.2](#HierClass){reference-type="ref" reference="HierClass"}) for constructing a TD hierarchical classifier using reduced feature set. Feature selection serves as the preprocessing step in our framework which provides flexibility in choosing any HC algorithm. We propose two different approaches for choosing relevant number of features at each internal node \(n \in \mathcal{N}\). The first approach which we refer as "global feature selection (Global FS)\" selects the same number of features for all internal nodes in the hierarchy where the number of features are determined based on the entire validation dataset performance. The second approach, referred as "adaptive feature selection (Adaptive FS)\" selects different number of features at each internal node to maximize the performance at that node. It should be noted that adaptive method only uses the validation dataset that exclusively belongs to the internal node \(n\) (\(i.e.\), descendant categories of node \(n\)). Computationally, both approaches are almost identical because model tuning and optimization requires similar runtime which accounts for the major fraction of computation.
# Experimental Evaluations
## Dataset Description
We have performed an extensive evaluation of various feature selection methods on a wide range of hierarchical text and image datasets. Key characteristics about the datasets that we have used in our experiments are shown in Table [\[table:finaltabledataset\]](#table:finaltabledataset){reference-type="ref" reference="table:finaltabledataset"}. All these datasets are single-labeled and the instances are assigned to the leaf nodes in the hierarchy. For text datasets, we have used the word-frequency representation and perform the tf-idf transformation with \(l_2\)-norm to the word-frequency feature vector.\
**Text Datasets**\
**NEWSGROUP (NG)**[^4]-It is a collection of approximately 20,000 news documents partitioned (nearly) evenly across twenty different topics such as 'baseball', 'electronics' and 'graphics' (refer to Figure [\[FSfigure\]](#FSfigure){reference-type="ref" reference="FSfigure"}).\
**IPC**[^5]-Collection of patent documents organized in International Patent Classification (IPC) hierarchy.\
**DMOZ-SMALL, DMOZ-2010 and DMOZ-2012**[^6]-Collection of multiple web documents organized in various classes using the hierarchical structure. Dataset has been released as the part of the LSHTC[^7] challenge in the year 2010 and 2012. For evaluating the DMOZ-2010 and DMOZ-2012 datasets we have used the provided test split and the results reported for this benchmark is blind prediction obtained from web-portal interface[^8].\
**Image Datasets**\
**CLEF**-Dataset contains medical images annotated with Information Retrieval in Medical Applications (IRMA) codes. Each image is represented by the 80 features that are extracted using local distribution of edges method.
## Evaluation Metrics
We have used the standard set based performance measures Micro-\(F_1\) and Macro-\(F_1\) for evaluating the performance of learned models.\
**Micro-\(F_1\) (\(\mu\[F_1\))**-To compute \(\mu\]F_1\), we sum up the category specific true positives \((TP_l)\), false positives \((FP_l)\) and false negatives \((FN_l)\) for different leaf categories and compute the \(\mu\[F_1\) score as follows: \]\begin{gathered}
P = \frac{\sum_{l \in \mathcal{L}}TP_l}{\sum_{l \in \mathcal{L}}(TP_l + FP_l)}, R = \frac{\sum_{l \in \mathcal{L}}TP_l}{\sum_{l \in\mathcal{L}}(TP_l + FN_l)} \nonumber\\ \mu F_1 = \frac{2PR}{P + R}\end{gathered}\[ where, P and R are the overall precision and recall values for all the classes taken together.\
**Macro-\(F_1\) (\(M\]F_1\))**-Unlike \(\mu\[F_1\), M\(F_1\) gives equal weight to all the categories so that the average score is not skewed in favor of the larger categories. It is defined as follows: \]\begin{gathered}
P_l = \frac{TP_l}{TP_l + FP_l}, R_l = \frac{TP_l}{TP_l + FN_l} \nonumber\\ MF_1 = \frac{1}{|\mathcal{L}|}\sum_{l \in \mathcal{L}}\frac{2P_lR_l}{P_l + R_l}\end{gathered}\(\)\
where \(|\mathcal{L}|\) denotes the set of leaf categories, \(P_l\) and \(R_l\) are the precision and recall values for leaf category \(l\) \(\in\) \(\mathcal{L}\).
## Experimental Details
For all the experiments, we divide the training dataset into train and small validation dataset in the ratio 90:10. The train dataset is used to train TD classifiers whereas the validation dataset is used to tune the parameter. The model is trained for a range of mis-classification penalty parameter (\(\lambda\)) values in the set {0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000} with best value selected using a validation dataset. Adopting the best parameter, we retrain the models on the entire training dataset and measure the performance on a separate held-out test dataset. For feature selection, we choose the best set of features using the validation dataset by varying the number of features between 1\(\%\) and 75\(\%\) of all the features. Our preliminary experiments showed no significant improvement after 75\(\%\) hence we bound the upper limit to this value. We performed all the experiments on ARGO cluster (http://orc.gmu.edu) with dual Intel Xeon E5-2670 8 core CPUs and 64 GB memory. Source code implementation of the proposed algorithm discussed in this paper is made available at our website[^9] for repeatability and future use.
# Results Discussion {#resDiscuss}
## Case Study
To understand the quality of features selected at different internal nodes in the hierarchy we perform case study on NG dataset. We choose this dataset because we have full access to feature information. Figure [\[FSfigure\]](#FSfigure){reference-type="ref" reference="FSfigure"} demonstrates the results of top five features that is selected using best feature selection method \(i.e.\), Gini-Index (refer to Figure [\[figaccuracyL1\]](#figaccuracyL1){reference-type="ref" reference="figaccuracyL1"} and [\[figaccuracyL2\]](#figaccuracyL2){reference-type="ref" reference="figaccuracyL2"}). We can see from the figure that selected features corresponds to the distinctive attributes which helps in better discrimination at particular node. For example, the features like *Dod (Day of defeat or Department of defense)*, *Car*, *Bike* and *Team* are important at node 'Rec' to distinguish between the sub-class 'autos', 'motorcycles' and 'Sports' whereas other features like *Windows*, *God* and *Encryption* are irrelevant. This analysis illustrates the importance of feature selection for TD HC problem. One important observation that we made in our study is that some of the features like *Windows*, *God* and *Team* are useful for discrimination at multiple nodes in the hierarchy (associated with parent-child relationships). This observation conflicts with the assumption made in the work by Xiao et al., which attempts to optimize the objective function by necessitating the child node features to be different from the features selected at the parent node.
## Classification Performance Comparison
**Global FS**-Figures [\[figaccuracyL1\]](#figaccuracyL1){reference-type="ref" reference="figaccuracyL1"} and [\[figaccuracyL2\]](#figaccuracyL2){reference-type="ref" reference="figaccuracyL2"} shows the \(\mu F_1\) and M\(F_1\) comparison of LR models with \(l_1\)-norm and \(l_2\)-norm regularization combined with various feature selection methods discussed in Section [3.3](#filterFeatSelect){reference-type="ref" reference="filterFeatSelect"} respectively. We can see that all feature selection method (except Kruskal-Wallis) show competitive performance results in comparison to the full set of features for all the datasets. Overall, Gini-Index feature selection method has slightly better performance over other methods. MRMR methods have a tendency to remove some of the important features as redundant based on the minimization objective obtained from data-sparse leaf categories which may not be optimal and negatively influences the performance. The Kruskal-Wallis method shows poor performance because of the statistical properties that is obtained from data-sparse nodes. On comparing the \(l_1\)-norm and \(l_2\)-norm regularized models of best feature selection method (Gini-Index) with all features, we can see that \(l_1\)-norm models have more performance improvement (especially for M\(F_1\) scores) for all datasets whereas for \(l_2\)-norm models performance is almost similar without any significant loss. This is because \(l_1\)-norm assigns higher weight to the important predictor variables which results in more performance gain. Since, feature selection based on Gini-Index gives the best performance, in the rest of the experiments we have used the Gini-Index as the baseline for comparison purpose. Also, we consider \(l_1\)-norm model only due to space constraint. **Adaptive FS**-Table [1](#table:AdaptiveFS){reference-type="ref" reference="table:AdaptiveFS"} shows the LR + \(l_1\)-norm models performance comparison of adaptive and global approaches for feature selection with all features. We can see from the table that adaptive approach based feature selection gives the best performance for all the datasets (except \(\mu F_1\) score of NG dataset which has very few categories). For evaluating the performance improvement of models we perform statistical significance test. Specifically, we perform sign-test for \(\mu F_1\) and non-parametric wilcoxon rank test for \(M F_1\). Results with 0.05 (0.1) significance level is denoted by \(\blacktriangle\) (\(\vartriangle\)). Tests are between models obtained using feature selection methods and all set of features. We cannot perform test on DMOZ-2010 and DMOZ-2012 datasets because true predictions and class-wise performance score are not available from online web-portal. Statistical evaluation shows that although global approach is slightly better in comparison to full set of features they are not statistically significant. On contrary, adaptive approach is much better with an improvement of \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}2% in \(\mu F_1\) and M\(F_1\) scores which are statistically significant.
## Memory Requirements
Table [\[table:paramsize\]](#table:paramsize){reference-type="ref" reference="table:paramsize"} shows the information about memory requirements for various models with full set of features and best set of features that are selected using global and adaptive feature selection. Upto 45\(\%\) reduction in memory size is observed for all datasets to store the learned models. This is a huge margin in terms of memory requirements considering the models for large-scale datasets (such as DMOZ-2010 and DMOZ-2012) are difficult to fit in memory. It should be noted that optimal set of features is different for global and adaptive methods for feature selection hence they have different memory requirements. Overall, adaptive FS is slightly better because it selects small set of features that are relevant for distinguishing data-sparse nodes present in CLEF, IPC and the DMOZ datasets. Also, we would like to point out that Table [\[table:paramsize\]](#table:paramsize){reference-type="ref" reference="table:paramsize"} represents the memory required to store the learned model parameters only. In practice, 2-4 times more memory is required for temporarily storing the gradient values of model paramaters that is obtained during the optimization process.
## Additional Results
**Effect of Varying Training Size**-Table [4](#table:PerformanveVaryingTrainSize){reference-type="ref" reference="table:PerformanveVaryingTrainSize"} shows the classification performance on NG dataset with varying training dataset distribution. We have tested the models by varying the training size (instances) per class (\(t_c\)) between 5 and 250. Each experiment is repeated five times by randomly choosing \(t_c\) instances per class. Moreover, adaptive method with Gini-Index feature selection is used for experiments. For evaluating the performance improvement of models we perform statistical significance test (sign-test for \(\mu F_1\) and wilcoxon rank test for \(M F_1\)). Results with 0.05 (0.1) significance level is denoted by \(\blacktriangle\) (\(\vartriangle\)). We can see from Table [4](#table:PerformanveVaryingTrainSize){reference-type="ref" reference="table:PerformanveVaryingTrainSize"} that for low distribution datasets, the feature selection method performs well and shows improvements of upto 2\(\%\) (statistically significant) over the baseline method. The reason behind this improvement is that with low data distribution, feature selection methods prevents the models from overfitting by selectively choosing the important features that helps in discriminating between the models of various classes. For datasets with high distribution, no significant performance gain is observed due to sufficient number of available training instances for learning models which prevents overfitting when using all the features. **Levelwise Analysis**-Figure [\[LevelwiseCLEFfigure\]](#LevelwiseCLEFfigure){reference-type="ref" reference="LevelwiseCLEFfigure"} shows the level-wise error analysis for CLEF, IPC and DMOZ-SMALL datasets with or without feature selection. We can see that at topmost level more error is committed compared to the lower level. This is because at higher levels each of the children nodes that needs to be discriminated is the combination of multiple leaf categories which cannot be modeled accurately using the linear classifiers. Another observation is that adaptive feature selection gives best results at all levels for all datasets which demonstrates its ability to extract relevant number of features at each internal node (that belongs to different levels) in the hierarchy.
# Conclusion and future work
In this paper we compared various feature selection methods for solving large-scale HC problem. Experimental evaluation shows that with feature selection we are able to achieve significant improvement in terms of runtime performance (training and prediction) without affecting the accuracy of learned classification models. We also showed that feature selection can be beneficial, especially for the larger datasets in terms of memory requirements. This paper presents the first study of various information theoretic feature selection methods for large-scale HC. In future, we plan to extend our work by learning more complex models at each of the decision nodes. Specifically, we plan to use multi-task learning methods where related tasks can be learned jointly to improve the performance on each task. Feature selection gives us the flexibility of learning complex models due to reduced dimensionality of the features, which otherwise have longer runtime and larger memory requirements. | {'timestamp': '2017-06-07T02:02:50', 'yymm': '1706', 'arxiv_id': '1706.01581', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.01581'} |
# Introduction
The chiral magnetic interaction discovered by Dzyaloshinskii and Moriya plays an important role in the formation of magnetic nanostructures lacking inversion symmetry. The broken symmetry brought on by the presence of interfaces or a chirality in the bulk crystal structure leads to a twisting of the magnetic order. Bogdanov first identified this Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interaction's unusual ability to create stable cylindrical magnetic solitons, known as *skyrmions*, that could potentially form the basis for low-energy magnetic storage devices. While a chiral interaction is a necessary ingredient to stabilize multi-dimensional solitons in magnetic materials and other condensed matter systems, additional interactions are required to make the skyrmions thermodynamically stable. The importance of various contributions to their stability remains an active area of investigation in both bulk crystals and in nanostructures. In the case of magnetic nanostructures, anisotropy and finite size effects are two key mechanisms that give the skyrmion phase its robustness over a large temperature and field range. The latter likely plays the dominant role in creating stable skyrmions in free-standing chiral magnetic nano-crystals. Studies of the thickness dependence of the magnetic structure in wedge-shaped specimens reveals the influence of confinement on the skyrmions' stability. Anisotropy is of importance for understanding the magnetic structure of chiral magnetic epilayers grown on Si(111) substrates, including MnSi, FeGe, Fe\(_x\)Co\(_{1-x}\)Si and MnGe. A hard-axis out-of-plane magnetocrystalline anisotropy exists in the case of MnSi/Si(111). Although numerical simulations show that finite size effects can lead to stable skyrmion states for small enough values of the hard-axis anisotropy and film thickness, no evidence for skyrmions are found in magnetometry or electron transport measurements in MnSi/Si(111) for film thicknesses greater than 10 nm for out-of-plane fields . A muon-spin rotation study hints at possible additional magnetic phases, and a combined Lorentz microscopy and Hall effect study claims to find evidence for in-plane helicoids and out-of-plane skyrmions. However, these microscopy results can be explained by structural artifacts and the small anomalous Hall effect is explained by non-adiabatic spin transport in the conical phase without a topological contribution from a skyrmion phase. Application of a magnetic field in the easy-plane of MnSi/Si(111) changes the situation. Even in the absence of finite size effects, micromagnetic calculations show that the magnetocrystalline anisotropy is capable of producing stable skyrmion lattices for a range of magnetic field strengths. SQUID magnetometry reveals a set of first-order magnetic phase transitions that are entirely absent in out-of-plane fields for thicknesses between 0.8 and 3.5 times the zero-field helical wavelength, \(L_D = 13.9\) nm. In Ref. , we constructed the magnetic phase diagram for a \(d = 1.9 L_D\) MnSi film in in-plane magnetic fields from the static susceptibility, \(dM/dH\). First-order magnetic phase transitions were identified by peaks in the susceptibility. Such peaks are due to energy barriers that arise, for instance, in the transition between magnetic states with different topology. However, the interpretation of these transitions, reproduced in Fig. [\[fig:PD\]](#fig:PD){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:PD"}, is controversial. At low temperatures, below approximately \(T \simeq 12\) K, two peaks are found in the field dependence of \(dM/dH\). PNR in concert with magnetometry measurements demonstrate that these peaks mark the discrete unwinding of the helicoid from a two-turn to a one-turn and finally to a twisted ferromagnetic state. Conversely, Ref. claims to find indirect evidence for skyrmions from planar Hall effect (PHE) measurements in this same low temperature region of the phase diagram. However, the author's interpretation contradicts the earlier PNR measurements that provide a direct measure of the magnetic structure. Reference interprets a drop in the PHE resistivity at low \(T\) and high \(H\) observed in the cyan colored region in Fig. [\[fig:PD\]](#fig:PD){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:PD"} as evidence of an in-plane skyrmion phase. We, however, claim the in-plane skyrmion phase is only observed in the red shaded region of Fig. [\[fig:PD\]](#fig:PD){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:PD"}. In this region--for temperatures \(12 \lesssim T \lesssim 42\) K--three critical fields, denoted as \(H_{\alpha 2}\), \(H_{\alpha 1}\), and \(H_{\beta}\), provide evidence for the appearance of a magnetic phase not observed at low temperature. This phase is purportedly a distinct class of skyrmions with their core magnetizations pointing in the plane of the film. To address the disagreement over the phase diagram, we report on a study of the magnetic structure of MnSi/Si(111) with a combination of polarized neutron reflectometry (PNR) and small angle neutron scattering (SANS).
# Model
We modeled the magnetic states of MnSi thin films explored in the neutron scattering experiments with the Bak Jensen free energy density, \(w\), | {'timestamp': '2017-06-08T02:00:55', 'yymm': '1706', 'arxiv_id': '1706.01910', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.01910'} |
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# Introduction
Several websites like Wikipedia, DMOZ and Yahoo archive documents (text data) into hierarchies with large number of classes. Several classification methods have been developed to automatically classify text documents into different classes. In this work we seek to leverage the often implicit relationships that exists between multiple archival datasets to classify documents within them in a combined manner. Further, datasets have several classes with very few samples which make it harder to learn good classification models. Specifically, we develop a Multi-Task Learning (MTL) based approach to learn the model vectors associated with several linear classifiers (one per class) in a joint fashion. Using the nearest-neighbor algorithm we identify the hidden relationships between the different document datasets and use that within the MTL framework. MTL approaches are known to achieve superior performance on unseen test examples, especially when the number of training examples is small. MTL has been successfully applied in varied applications such as medical informatics, structural classification, sequence analysis , web image and video search. In this paper our key contributions include development of a document classification method using MTL that leverages information present across dual hierarchical datasets. We focused on classifying documents within classes as categorized by Wikipedia and DMOZ dataset. In text classification, for each of the class labels we define a binary one-versus-rest classification task. We then find the related tasks corresponding to each task using \(k\)-nearest neighbor, which is then learned together to find the best suited model vector (or parameters) corresponding to each task. Based on how information from related tasks was integrated with the original classification task we developed two class of approaches: (i) Neighborhood Pooling Approach and (ii) Individual Neighborhood Approach. We evaluated the performance of our MTL approach for document classification with dual hierarchical datasets against a transfer learning approach, semi-supervised learning approach and a single task learning approach. Our empirical evaluation demonstrated merits of the MTL approach in terms of the classification performance. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II provides background related to MTL and TL. Section III discusses our developed methods. Section IV provides the experimental protocols. Section V discusses the experimental results. Finally, Section VI draws conclusion and provides several future directions.
# Background
## Multi-Task Learning
Multi-Task Learning (MTL) is a rapidly growing machine learning paradigm that involves the simultaneous training of multiple, related prediction tasks. This differs from the traditional single-task learning (STL), where for each task the model is learned independently. MTL-based models have the following advantages: (i) they leverage the training signal across related tasks, which leads to better generalization ability for the different tasks and (ii) empirically they have been shown to outperform STL models, especially when there are few examples per task and the tasks are related. The past few years has seen an tremendous growth in the development and application of MTL-based approaches. A concise review of all these approaches can be found in the survey by Zhou et. al.. For STL, we are given a training set with \(n\) examples. Given an input domain (\(\mathcal{X}\)) and output domain (\(\mathcal{Y}\)), the \(i\)-th training example is represented by a pair \((x_i, y_i)\) where \(x_i \in \mathcal{X}\) and \(y_i \in \mathcal{Y}\). Within classical machine learning, we seek to learn a mapping function \(f: \mathcal{X} \in \mathbb{R}^{d} \rightarrow \mathcal{Y}\), where \(d\) denotes the dimensionality of the input space. Assuming that \(f(x)\) is a linear discriminant function, it is defined as \(f(x) = sign (\langle \theta, x \rangle + c)\), where \(\theta \in \mathbb{R}^{d}\) denotes the weight vector or model parameters. \(f(x)\) allows us to make predictions for new and unseen examples within the \(\mathcal{X}\) domain. This model parameter \(\theta\) are learned by minimizing a loss function across all the training examples, while restricting the model to have low complexity using a regularization penalty. As such, the STL objective can be shown as: \[\min_{\theta} \sum_{i=1}^{n} \underbrace { L(\theta, x_i, y_i)}_{Loss} + \lambda \underbrace{R(\theta)}_{Regularization}\] where \(L(\cdot)\) represents the loss function being minimized, \(R(\cdot)\) represents the regularizer (e.g., \(l_1\)-norm) and \(\lambda\) is a parameter that balances the trade-off between the loss function and regularization penalty. The regularization term safeguards against model over-fitting and allows the model to generalize to the examples not encountered in the training set. Within MTL, we are given \(T\) tasks with training examples per task. For the \(t\)-th task, there are \(n_t\) number of training examples that are represented by \(\{(x_{it},y_{it}); \forall i=1\ldots n_t \}\). We seek to learn \(T\) linear discriminant functions, each represented by weight vector \(\theta_{t}\). We denote the combination of all task-related weight vectors as a matrix that stacks all the weight vectors as columns, \(\Theta = [\theta_1,\ldots,\theta_T]\) of dimensions \(d \times T\), where \(d\) is the number of input dimensions. The MTL objective is given by \[\min_{\Theta} \sum_{t=1}^{T} \sum_{i=1}^{n_t} \underbrace { L(\theta_t, x_{it}, y_{it})}_{loss} + \lambda \underbrace{R(\Theta)}_{Regularization}\] The regularization term \(R(\Theta)\) captures the relationships between the different tasks. Different MTL approaches vary in the way the combined regularization is performed but most methods seek to leverage the "task relationships" and enforce the constraint that the model parameters (weight vectors) for related tasks are similar. In the work of Evgeniou et. al the model for each task is constrained to be close to the average of all the tasks. In multi-task feature learning and feature selection methods, sparse learning based on lasso, is performed to select or learn a common set of features across many related tasks. However, a common assumption made by these approaches is that all tasks are equally related. This assumption does not hold in all cases, especially when there is no knowledge of task relationships. Kato et. al and Evgeniou et. al propose formulations which use an externally provided task network or graph structure. However, these relationships might not be available and may need to be determined from the data. Clustered multi-task learning approaches assume that tasks exhibit a group-wise structure, which is not known a-priori and seeks to learn the clustering of tasks that are then learned together. Another set of approaches, mostly based on Gaussian Process models, learn the task co-variance structure and are able to take advantage of both positive and negative correlations between the tasks. In this paper we have focused on the use of MTL based models for the purpose of multi-class text classification, when the documents are categorized by multiple hierarchical datasets. We use a non-parametric, lazy approach to find the related tasks within different domain datasets and use these relationships within the regularized MTL approach.
## Transfer Learning {#ref:tl:background}
Related to MTL are approaches developed for Transfer Learning (TL). Within the TL paradigm, it is assumed that there exists one/more target (or parent) tasks along with previously learned models for related tasks (referred to as children/source tasks). While learning the model parameters for the target task, TL approaches seek to transfer information from the parameters of the source tasks. The key intuition behind using TL is that the information contained in the source tasks can help in learning predictive models for the target task of interest. When transferred parameters from the source task assist in better learning the predictive models of the target task then it is referred to as positive transfer. However, in some cases if source task(s) are not related to the target task, then the TL approach leads to worse prediction performance. This type of transfer is known as negative transfer. It has been shown in the work of Pan et. al that TL improves the generalization performance of the predictive models, provided the source tasks are related to the target tasks. One of the key differences between TL and MTL approaches is that within the MTL approaches, all the task parameters are learned simultaneously, whereas in TL approaches, first the parameters of the source tasks are learned and then they are transferred during the learning of parameters for the target task. In the literature, TL has also been referred to as Asymmetric Multi-Task Learning because of the focus on one/more of the target tasks. Given a target task with \(n_t\) training examples, represented as \(\{(x_{1t},y_{1t}),\ldots,(x_{nt},y_{nt})\) we seek to learn the parameters for the target task (\(\theta_{t}\)) using the parameters from the source tasks given by (\(\Theta_{s}\)). Using a similar notation as used before the matrix \(\Theta_{s}\) represents all the parameters from the different source tasks that are learned separately beforehand. We can write the minimization function for the target task within the TL framework as: \[\min_{\theta_t} \sum_{i=1}^{n_t} \underbrace { L(\theta_t, x_{it}, y_{it})}_{loss} + \underbrace{\lambda_1 R(\theta_t) + \lambda_2 R(\theta_t, \Theta_s)}_{Regularization}\] where the regularization term \(R(\theta_t)\) controls model complexity of the target task \(t\) and the term \(R(\theta_t, \Theta_s)\) captures how the parameters from the source tasks will be transferred to the target task. The exact implementation of the regularization term is discussed in Section [3](#sec:methodology){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:methodology"}.
# Methods {#sec:methodology}
Given two different datasets that categorize/archive text documents (e.g., Wikipedia and DMOZ), our primary objective is to classify new documents into classes within these datasets. We specifically, use regularized MTL approaches to improve the document classification performance. First, we assume that each of the classes within the different datasets is associated with a binary classification task. For each of the tasks within one of the datasets we want to determine related tasks within the other database, and by performing the joint learning using MTL, we gain improvement in the classification performance. We compare the MTL approach against the standard STL approach, the TL approach that assumes the tasks in one of the datasets to be the target task and tasks from the second dataset as the source tasks. We also compare our approach to a semi-supervised learning approach (SSL).
## Finding Related Tasks
We first discuss our approach to determine task relationships across the two datasets using the non-parametric, lazy nearest neighbor approach (kNN). We use kNN to find similar classes between the two datasets i.e., Wikipedia and DMOZ. For determining the nearest neighbor(s), we represent each of the classes within the DMOZ and Wikipedia datasets by their centroidal vectors. The centroidal vector per class is computed by taking the average across all the examples within a given class. We then use Tanimoto Similarity (Jaccard index) to compute similarities between the different classes across the two datasets. Tanimoto similarity is the ratio of the size of intersection divided by the union. The similarity is known to work well for large dimensions with a lot of zeros (sparsity). Using kNN, we find for each class of interest a set of neighboring classes within the second dataset. Within the MTL approach we constrain the related classes to learn similar weight vectors when jointly learning the model parameters. In TL approach we learn the weight vectors for related classes and transfer the information over to the target task. We also use the related classes to supplement the number of positive examples for each of the classes within a baseline semi-supervised learning approach (SSL).
## MTL method
Given the two dataset sources \(S_1\) and \(S_2\), we represent the total number of classes (and hence the number of binary classification tasks) within each of them by \(T^{S_1}\) and \(T^{S_2}\), respectively. The individual parameters per classification task is represented by \(\theta\) with model parameters for \(S_1\) denoted by \(\theta^{S_1}\) and parameters for \(S_2\) denoted by \(\theta^{S_2}\). The combined model parameters for \(S_1\) and \(S_2\) are denoted by \(\Theta^{S_1}\) and \(\Theta^{S_2}\), respectively. The MTL minimization objective can then be given by: \[\begin{gathered}
\sum_{t=1}^{T^{S_1}} \sum_{i=1}^{n_t} L(\theta_t^{S_1}, x_{it}, y_{it}) + \sum_{t=1}^{T^{S_2}} \sum_{i=1}^{n_t} L(\theta_t^{S_2}, x_{it}, y_{it}) +\\ \lambda_1 \sum_{t=1}^{T^{S_1}} ||\theta_t^{S_1}||_2^2 + \lambda_2 \sum_{t=1}^{T^{S_2}} ||\theta_t^{S_2}||_2^2 + \lambda_3 R(\Theta^{S_1}, \Theta^{S_2}) \end{gathered}\] where the first two terms are loss computed for each of the two dataset-specific models. To control the model complexity we then include a \(l_2\)-norm (denoted by \(||\cdot ||_2\)), for each of the different classification tasks within \(S_1\) and \(S_2\). Finally, \(R(\Theta^{S_1}, \Theta^{S_2})\) controls the relationships between the tasks found to be related using the kNN approach across the two databases. Parameters \(\lambda_1\), \(\lambda_2\) and \(\lambda_3\) control the weights associated with each of the different regularization parameters. Based on how we constrain the related tasks, we discuss two approaches:
- Neighborhood Pooling Approach (NPA). In this approach, for each of the tasks within \(S_1\) we find the \(k\)-related neighbors from the other dataset \(S_2\). We repeat this by finding related neighbors in \(S_1\) for each class in \(S_2\). Then we pool all the training examples within the related classes and assume that there exists one pooled task for each of the original task. We then constrain the model vectors for each task to be similar to the pooled model vector. We represent this as
::: {.small}
\[R(\Theta^{S_1}, \Theta^{S_2}) = \sum_{t=1}^{T^{S_1}} ||\theta_t^{S_1}-\theta_{NPA(t)}^{S_2}||_2^2 + \sum_{t=1}^{T^{S_2}} ||\theta_t^{S_2}-\theta_{NPA(t)}^{S_1}||_2^2\]
where \(\theta_{NPA}(t)^{S_2}\) represents the pooled related neighbor model within \(S_2\). The weight vectors for the original tasks and new pooled tasks are learned simultaneously. We denote this approach as MTL-NPA.
- Individual Neighborhood Approach (INA). In this approach we consider all the \(k\) related neighbors from the second source as individual tasks. As such we constrain each task model vector to be similar to each of the \(k\) related task vectors. The regularization term can then be given by:
::: {.small}
\[R(\Theta^{S_1}, \Theta^{S_2}) = \sum_{t=1}^{T^{S_1}} \sum_{l=1}^{k}||\theta_t^{S_1}-\Theta_{I(l)}^{S_2}||_2^2 + \sum_{t=1}^{T^{S_2}} \sum_{l=1}^{k} ||\theta_t^{S_2}-\Theta_{I(l)}^{S_1}||_2^2\]
where \(I(\cdot)\) is an indicator function representing the identified nearest neighbor task vectors within the second dataset. We refer to this approach as MTL-INA.
## Transfer Learning Approach.
The TL method differs from the MTL method in the learning process. In MTL all the related task model parameters are learned simultaneously whereas in TL method learned parameters of the related task are transferred to the main task to improve model performance. Within our TL method, we use the parameters from the neighboring tasks within the regularization term for the main task. Similar to the MTL models, we implement both the pooling and individual neighborhood approaches for transfer learning.
### Neighborhood Pooling Approach (TL-NPA)
This method pools the \(k\) neighbors for each of the tasks considered to be within the primary dataset. After pooling, at first using STL the parameters for the pooled model are learned. The pooled parameters for task \(t\) from the secondary source database (S) are represented as \(\theta_{NPA(t)}^{S}\). Assuming \(S_1\) to be the main task dataset we can write the objective function for each of the \(t\) task within \(S_1\) as follows: \[\min_{\theta_t^{S_1}} \sum_{i=1}^{n_t} L(\theta_t^{S_1}, x_{it}, y_{it}) + \lambda_1 ||\theta_t^{S_1}||_2^2 + \lambda_2 || \theta_t-\theta_{NPA(t)}^{S_2}||_2^2\] We can similarly write the objective assuming \(S_2\) to be the main/primary dataset.
### Individual Neighborhood Approach (TL-INA)
In this approach, for each of the \(k\) neighborhood tasks, we learn the parameter vectors individually (using STL). After this, a transfer of information is performed from each of the related tasks to the main/parent tasks. We can represent this within the TL objective as follows: \[\min_{\theta_t^{S_1}} \sum_{i=1}^{n_t} L(\theta_t^{S_1}, x_{it}, y_{it}) + \lambda_1 ||\theta_t^{S_1}||_2^2 + \lambda_2 \sum_{l=1}^{k} || \theta_t-\Theta_{I(l)}^{S_2}||_2^2\] The last regularization term is similar to the MTL-INA approach discussed earlier, where \(I(\cdot)\) represents an indicator function to extract the \(k\)-related tasks. We can also assume \(S_2\) to be the target/parent dataset.
## Single Task Learning
Single Task Learning (STL) lies within the standard machine learning paradigm, where each classification task is treated independently of each other during the training phase. The learning objective of the regularized STL model is given by Equation 1. In this paper, logistic regression is used as the loss function for all the binary classification tasks. One advantage of using this loss function is that it is smooth and convex. Specifically, the STL objective can be rewritten as, \[\min \sb \theta \sum_{i=1}^{n}log\Big({1+exp(-y_i\theta^{T}x_i)}\Big) + \frac{\lambda}{2}{||\theta||}_2^2\] where, \(y \in {\{\pm1\}}\) is the binary class label for \(x\), \(\theta\) is the model vector/parameters. For preventing the model from over-fitting we have used the \(l_2\)-norm over the \(\theta\) and \({\lambda}\) is the regularization parameter.
## Semi-Supervised Learning Approach.
Semi-Supervised Learning (SSL) involves use of both labeled and unlabeled data for learning the parameters of the classification model. SSL approaches lie between unsupervised (no labeled training data) and supervised learning (completely labeled training data). SSL works on the principle that more the training examples leads to better generalization. However, the performance of SSL is largely dependent on how we treat the unlabeled data with the labeled data. Our SSL approach works the same way as the STL method with only difference in the increase in number of labeled examples from the related classes found using the kNN approach. Within the SSL approach, for each classification task we treat training examples from related classes as positive examples for the class under consideration. We implemented the SSL approach along with STL approach as baseline to compare against the developed MTL and TL approaches.
# Experimental Evaluations
## Dataset
To evaluate our methods, we used DMOZ and Wikipedia datasets from ECML/PKDD 2012 Large Scale Hierarchical Text Classification Challenge (LSHTC) (Track 2) [^1]. The challenge is closed for new submission and the labels of the test set are not publicly available. We used the original training set for training, validation and testing by splitting it into 3:1:1 ratios, respectively and reporting the average of five runs. To assess the performance of our method with respect to the class size, in terms of the number of training examples, we categorized the classes into Low Distribution (LD), with 25 examples per class and High Distribution (HD), with 250 examples per class. This resulted in DMOZ dataset having 75 classes within LD and 53 classes within HD. For the Wikipedia dataset we had 84 classes within LD and 62 classes within HD. More details about the dataset can be found in the Naik et. al. thesis.
## Implementation
For learning the weight vectors across all the models, we implemented gradient descent algorithm. Implementation was done in MATLAB and all runs were performed on a server workstation with a dual-core Intel Xeon CPU 2.40GHz processor and 4GB RAM.
## Metrics[\[sec:metrics\]]{#sec:metrics label="sec:metrics"}
We used three metrics for evaluating the classification performance that take into account True Positives (\(TP\)), False Positives (\(FP\)), True Negatives (\(TN\)) and False Negatives (\(FN\)) for each of the classes.
### Micro-Averaged \(F_1\)
Micro-Averaged \(F_1\) (\(\mu\)A\(F_1\)) is a conventional metric for evaluating classifiers in category assignment. To compute this metric we sum up the category specific True Positives \((TP_c)\), False Positives \((FP_c)\), True Negatives \((TN_c)\) and False Negatives \((FN_c)\) across all the categories, \(c\in C \equiv \{c_1,c_2,\ldots,c_{N_c}\}\) and compute the averaged \(F_1\) score. It is defined as follows, \[Global Precision \;P = \frac{\sum_{c=1}^{N_c}TP_c}{\sum_{c=1}^{N_c}(TP_c + FP_c)}\] \[Global Recall \;R = \frac{\sum_{c=1}^{N_c}TP_c}{\sum_{c=1}^{N_c}(TP_c + FN_c)}\] \[\mu A F_1 = \frac{2PR}{P + R}\] where, \(N_c\) is the number of categories/classes.\
### Macro-Averaged Precision, Recall and \(F_1\)
The Macro-Averaged Precision (MAP), Recall (MAR) and \(F_1\) (MA\(F_1\)) are computed by calculating the respective Precision, Recall and \(F_1\) scores for each individual category and then averaging them across all the categories. In computing these metrics all the categories are given equal weight so that the score is not skewed in favor of the larger categories, \[Category-specific \;Precision \;P_c = \frac{TP_c}{TP_c + FP_c}\] \[Category-specific \;Recall \;R_c = \frac{TP_c}{TP_c + FN_c}\] \[MAP = \frac{1}{N_c}\sum_{c=1}^{N_c}\frac{TP_c}{TP_c + FP_c}\] \[MAR = \frac{1}{N_c}\sum_{c=1}^{N_c}\frac{TP_c}{TP_c + FN_c}\] \[M A F_1 = \frac{1}{N_c}\sum_{c=1}^{N_c}\frac{2P_cR_c}{P_c + R_c}\]\
### Averaged Matthews Correlation Coefficient score
Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC) score is a balanced measure for binary classification which quantifies the correlation between the actual and predicted values. It returns a value between-1 and +1, where +1 indicates a perfect prediction, a score of 0 signifies no correlation and-1 indicate a perfect negative correlation between the actual and predicted values. The category specific MCC and averaged MCC are defined as, \[\begin{gathered}
MCC_c = \\ \frac{(TP_c*TN_c)-(FP_c*FN_c)}{\sqrt{(TP_c + FP_c)(TP_c + FN_c)(TN_c + FP_c)(TN_c + FN_c)}}\end{gathered}\] \[Avg. \; MCC \; (AMCC) = \frac{1}{N_c}\sum_{c=1}^{N_c} MCC_c\]
# Results
We have implemented different models described in Section III using DMOZ and Wikipedia as the two source datasets. Figure [\[fig:schema\]](#fig:schema){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:schema"} outlines the different models that were evaluated. We varied \(k\) (number of nearest neighbor) from 2 to 6.
# Conclusion and Future Work
In this paper we developed Multi-task Learning models for text document classification. Performance of the MTL methods was compared with Single Task Learning, Semi-supervised Learning and Transfer Learning approaches. We compared the methods in terms of accuracy and run-times. MTL methods outperformed the other methods, especially for the Low Distribution classes, where the number of positive training examples was small. For the High Distribution classes with sufficient number of positive training examples, the performance improvement was not noticeable. Datasets organize information as hierarchies. We plan to extract the parent-child relationships existing within the DMOZ and Wikipedia hierarchies to improve the classification performance. We also plan to use the accelerated/proximal gradient descent approach to improve the learning rates. Finally, we also seek to improve run-time performance by implementing our approaches using data parallelism, seen in GPUs. | {'timestamp': '2017-06-07T02:02:53', 'yymm': '1706', 'arxiv_id': '1706.01583', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.01583'} |
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# INTRODUCTION {#sec:intro}
## Vertebral Fracture
The annual incidence of osteoporotic fractures in the United States surpasses the cumulative incidence of breast cancer, heart attack and stroke. The most common osteoporotic fractures are those which result in compression of a vertebral body \[\]. In addition to being a direct source of morbidity, vertebral compression fractures (VCF's) indicate substantially elevated risk of future osteoporotic hip fractures, which represent the most consequential sequelae of osteoporosis. Within a year of suffering osteoporotic hip fracture, 30% of previously independent indiviuals will lose the ability to walk without assistance \[\], 25% will become totally dependent or require nursing home facilities \[,\] and 20% will not survive \[\]. Prophylactic treatment of at-risk osteoporotic individuals has been shown to reduce the rate of future hip fracture by 40-70%\[,,\]. Yet, despite the burden and potential to prevent hip fractures in an ageing population, osteoporosis screening remains profoundly underutilized: less than 20% of people older than 65 years undergo bone mineral density screening via Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA) evaluation, \[\] as recommended by the National Osteoporosis Foundation. VCF detection on CT examination is as predictive for future osteoporotic hip fractures as a DXA diagnosis of osteoporosis: detection of a VCF confers a relative risk ratio of 2.3 for experiencing a hip fracture and a 4.4 fold risk of incurring other additional insufficiency fractures \[,,,\]. Yet only 13%-16% of retrospectively confirmed VCF's are actually reported at the time of computed tomographic (CT) interpretation \[, ,\]. The expertise required to diagnose VCF's is far less than that required to make the vast majority of routine radiologic observations on CT imaging. In Carberry et al.'s study of VCF's, examining over 2000 CT examinations, the retrospective detection was accomplished by a medical student with one hour of dedicated compression fracture detection training \[\]. The reason why VCF's are routinely missed is more likely due to the fact that they are considered incidental findings relative to the primary clinical indication which prompted the CT study. Here we describe a method to increase identification of at-risk individuals via automatic opportunistic detection of VCF's on CT imaging.
## Convolutional Neural Networks
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN's) have proven immense utility when applied to Computer Vision tasks such as detection, segmentation and classification. Among CNN's advantages is the ability to learn a hierarchical representation from the input images and extract relevant features that generalize well across a large volume of data. This stands in contrast to conventional methods reliant on handcrafted feature design. Among the most successful CNN architectures for 2D image inputs are AlexNet, VGG, ResNet and Inception \[,, , \].
## Recurrent Neural Networks
Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN's) are a key Deep Learning tool used to model sequences and time series. RNN's are often combined with CNN's, using the CNN as a feature extractor and the RNN to model the sequence. RNN's are commonly utilized in tasks such as video classification \[\], language modeling \[\], and speech recognition \[\], among others. The algorithm proposed here comprises three main steps, once provided a CT of the chest and/or abdomen. First, a segmentation process extracts sagittal patches along the vertebral column. These patches are then binary classified using a CNN. Finally, an RNN is run on the resulting vector of probabilities. The RNN output is a prediction of the probability for the presence of a compression fracture within the input CT scan.
Previous work on spine segmentation and VCF detection focused primarily on achieving an accurate segmentation of each vertebra. Yao et al \[\] defined a novel method for segmentation of vertebrae, extracting the vertebral cortical circumference and mapping it into 2D for fracture detection. Ghosh et al \[\] describe a VCF detection method based upon a 2D sagittal reconstruction, with relatively unstable results. Kelm et al \[\] describe vertebral segmentation method using a disc-centered approach based on a probabilistic model which requires the full vertebral column to be included in the scan. Yao et al \[\] accomplishes the segmentation on axial slices -- assessing the vertebral body as compared to an axial vertebral model. Discs are detected by low similarity to the model. This method was later used for feature-extraction based classification of vertebral fractures of osteoporotic or neoplastic etiology \[\].
We assembled an initial dataset from 3701 individuals over the age of 50 years who had undergone CT scans of Chest and/or Abdomen for any clinical indication. Two expert radiologists reviewed each CT and assessed them for the presence of VCF's as defined by Genant criteria for vertebral compression. A third radiologist (EE) served to mediate in instances of non-consensus. Of the 3701 CT studies, 2681 (72%) were designated as negative for the presence of VCF and 1020 (28%) were tagged as VCF positive, including a bounding box annotation indicating the fracture position. The positive class was comprised of 61% women of an average age of 73 years (std. 12.4), and 39% men of average age 66.8 years (std. 16.8). The negative class was comprised of 47% women of average age 56.7 years (std. 17.4) and 53% men of average age 56.1 years (std. 17.9). These results are not surprising: the prevalence of VCF's is known to be substantially higher in women and elderly individuals. We determined however that such pronounced inter-group differences in demographic characteristics could introduce biases with unintended results. Training a classifier on this dataset might, for example, have resulted in an algorithm which has learned to distinguish between the spines of elderly women and younger men. Considering the above, a more demographically balanced subset of CT studies was derived including 1673 CT studies, of which 849 were VCF negative and 824 VCF positive. The VCF negative and VCF positive groups were filtered to balance age and sex. The negative class contains 43% men of average age of 64.7 years (std. 15.9) and 57% women of average age years 69.4 (std. 11.8). The positive class contains 42% men of average age 65.7 years (std. 16.0) and 58% women of average age 70.4 years (std. 11.9). All algorithmic training was performed upon this more balanced data set. Figure [\[fig:init_dataset\]](#fig:init_dataset){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:init_dataset"} and Figure [\[fig:extracted_dataset\]](#fig:extracted_dataset){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:extracted_dataset"} illustrate the initial and the extracted datasets properties respectively.
# Method
To automatically detect VCF's from a provided CT Chest or Abdomen, we constructed an algorithmic pipeline of three stages: first, we segment the portion of the spine included in the provided CT and extract sagittal patches. We then classify the patches using a CNN and employ a RNN on the resulting vector of probabilities. The training phase was performed on the patches extracted using the algorithm below.
## Spine Segmentation and Patch Extraction
The spine segmentation algorithmic goal is to enable deterministic sagittal section patches extracted along the vertebral column. These patches are used as input samples for training and inference. The use of the patches will be further explained in subsection [4.3](#cnn_classification){reference-type="ref" reference="cnn_classification"}. Several spine segmentation approaches have been described. Ghosh et al \[\] achieve spinal segmentation based upon the mid vertebral body in sagittal projection-a technique which has limited precision when applied to individuals with spinal scoliosis. To overcome limitations of variant spinal curvatures, we included a pre-processing step in generating a \"virtual sagittal section\" which first identifies and aligns the spinal cord in a straight cranial-caudal projection and then adjusts vertebral body location accordingly. We preferred this more relaxed segmentation approach for the task of VCF detection relative to several more accurate segmentation techniques for vertebrae \[,\] or discs \[, \]. The "virtual sagittal section" creation is based on localization of the spinal cord in axial view, followed by tracking the back (posterior) of the individual along the spinal cord in coronal projection and bone intensity Hounsfield Unit (HU) threshold. The "virtual sagittal section" is used for segmentation of the vertebral column and extraction of sagittal patches of vertebrae to be learned and classified. The process of the algorithm is described in Figure [\[fig:seg\]](#fig:seg){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:seg"}. This method was employed on the dataset described in section [3](#data){reference-type="ref" reference="data"} and was used to extract both positive and negative samples.
## Patch-based CNN
We applied the present algorithm to the CT data set to extract patches along the vertebral column. Figure ֿֿֿ[\[fig:vertebras\]](#fig:vertebras){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:vertebras"} demonstrates the output of the segmentation algorithm which is an input to the CNN training phase. The patches were re-scaled to 32x32. We found this size ideal-there were no significant improvements in our experiments for larger patch sizes such as 64x64 and 128x128. 15% of all CT studies were sequestered as an exclusive validation set-patches derived from any individual CT study reside in either the training or validation set but not both. The validation set held a balanced number of samples between the two classes. In contrast to other computer vision tasks where various data augmentation techniques are used in the training process, we opted not to apply any augmentation tools which might misrepresent the anatomic structure of the vertebral column. Instead applied only light rotations of-18 to 18 degrees, as the resulted transformation can naturally match the curvature and variability of the spine. The CNN architecture employed is a variant based on VGG \[\] adapted to 32x32 input. More specifically the network consists of the following layers: 32 3x3 convolutions, ReLU, 3x3 Max Pooling, 64 3x3 convolutions, ReLU, 64 3x3 convolutions, ReLU, 3x3 Max Pooling, 128 3x3 convolutions, ReLU, 128 3x3 convolutions, ReLU, 3x3 Max Pooling, a fully-connected layer of 512 dimensions, ReLU, Drop out, a fully-connected 2D layer, softmax. Figure [\[fig:cnn\]](#fig:cnn){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:cnn"} graphically demonstrates this architecture.
## Patch sequence classification {#cnn_classification}
RNN's have been a dominant tool in handling sequences for many tasks in fields such as video classification \[\], language modeling \[\]and speech recognition \[\]. A popular approach is to use LSTM based RNN's \[\] which are more robust to long sequences as they don't suffer the vanishing and exploding gradient during training, which is a disadvantage for normal RNN's. Given a CT scan, we extract the sagittal vertebral patches and apply the CNN described to obtain a vector of probabilities. Figure [\[fig:vertebras\]](#fig:vertebras){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:vertebras"} illustrates a subset of a resulting vector of probabilities which represents a CT scan of a patient. The input vector size is not fixed; this is due to variance in physical attributes such as the height and the curvature of the spine. In addition, the vector of probabilities obtained is not a regular vector of features, but rather represents a sequence of predictions for fractures along the spine, therefore justifying an RNN based approach. Specifically, we employed a single layered LSTM with 128 cells, which were connected to a 2D output trained via the cross entropy loss. Figure [\[fig:rnn\]](#fig:rnn){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:rnn"} illustrates the RNN model used.
# Results
The CNN was trained for 15 epochs and reached 92.9% accuracy over the validation set. Visualizing training samples such in Figure [\[fig:visualization\]](#fig:visualization){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:visualization"}, demonstrates that the trained CNN learned to focus on VCF's. We then applied the trained CNN to the entire training and validation data sets to generate vectors for the RNN based classifier. The RNN was trained on the training data set and evaluated upon the validation vectors, resulting in 89.1% accuracy, 83.9% sensitivity and 93.8 specificity.
# Conclusions
VCF's are clinically important findings which are readily identifiable but routinely overlooked by radiologists. Only 13%-16% of retrospectively confirmed VCF's are actually reported at the time of CT study interpretation. This is likely due to the fact that they are considered incidental findings relative to the primary reason for which a given CT study was performed. In this work we present a robust algorithm to detect VCF's in CT scans of the Chest and/or Abdomen. First, a deterministic segmentation algorithm extracts patches along the patient's vertebral column. Then these patches are classified using a CNN followed by RNN classifier on the resulting vector of probabilities. To the best of our knowledge this work is the first to address the problem of VCF detection using deep learning methodologies. This application may serve to increase the diagnostic sensitivity for VCF's in routinely acquired CT's, potentially triggering preventative measures to reduce the rate of future hip fracture. This research was supported by Zebra Medical Vision. | {'timestamp': '2017-06-07T02:04:46', 'yymm': '1706', 'arxiv_id': '1706.01671', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.01671'} |
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# Introduction {#introductionsec}
Although there have been many advances made in understanding low mass star formation over the past ten years (see, for example, @difrancesco2007, @wardthompson2007review, @andre2014), the manner in which mass assembles onto a forming star remains a crucial open question. As first demonstrated, assuming the mass accretion process onto a young star occurs at a constant rate (steady inside out collapse; @shu1987) gives rise to "The Luminosity Problem": the empirical result that the median protostellar luminosity is measured to be approximately an order of magnitude less than the expected value. In recent years, this problem has been confirmed and emphasised by *Spitzer Space Telescope* observations through which even lower luminosities have been discovered (see @dunham2008, @evans2009, @enoch2009, @dunham2013, @dunham2014). One solution to this problem is that the accretion does not proceed at a constant rate. Rather, it occurs during episodic events which may be accompanied by outbursts that can be detected at infrared, submillimetre, and sometimes optical wavelengths (see @mckee2011, @johnstone2013, and @scholz2013). There is indirect evidence that episodic accretion occurring while a protostar is still deeply embedded in its nascent gas and dust is an early phase of the more evolved FU Orionis (FUors; @herbig1977, see also @hartmann1985) sources. The physical mechanism responsible for a continuum outburst detected at the submillimetre wavelengths of interest to this survey is re-radiation from heated dust grains in the surrounding protostellar envelope. Outside of the JCMT Transient Survey, there have already been two millimetre sources (both embedded protostars) that have shown direct evidence of an active burst accretion phase accompanied by a dramatic brightening, HOPS 383 in Orion (@safron2015; using Atacama Pathfinder Experiment and SCUBA archive data), and MM1 in NGC6334I (@hunter2017; using Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array and Submillimeter Array data). The JCMT Transient Survey (Herczeg et al. in preparation) is a three year project dedicated to observing continuum variability in deeply embedded protostars at submillimetre wavelengths with the Submillimetre Common User Bolometer Array 2 (SCUBA-2; @holland2013). To this end, we are monitoring eight regions selected from the JCMT Gould Belt Survey (GBS; @wardthompson2007) that have a high density of known protostellar and disk sources (Young Stellar Object Classes 0 to II and flat spectrum; see @lada1987, @andre1993, and @greene1994) at an approximate 28 day cadence whenever they are observable in the sky. SCUBA-2 uses approximately 10,000 bolometers subdivided into two arrays to observe at both 450 \(\mu\)m and 850 \(\mu\)m simultaneously. While we expect sources undergoing an accretion burst event to show a stronger signal at 450 \(\mu\)m , in this paper we focus only on the 850 \(\mu\)m data. The noise levels in 450 \(\mu\)m maps are much more dependent on the weather than their 850 \(\mu\)m counterparts, causing the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) to fall dramatically when there is more water vapour in the atmosphere. In addition, the beam profile is less stable than at 850 \(\mu\)m (as shorter wavelengths are more susceptible to dish deformation, and focus errors. For more information, see @dempsey2013) requiring careful attention in order to make precise measurements of compact objects. We thus start here by defining the 850 \(\mu\)m calibration and we will use this knowledge to calibrate the 450 \(\mu\)m data at a later date. As the survey matures and precise 450 \(\mu\)m data calibration is achieved, these simultaneous observations will provide further confirmation of significant variations In order to track the peak brightnesses of submillimetre emission sources over each epoch, we test and employ a robust data reduction method and use multiple observations of the same regions to derive post-reduction image alignment and relative flux calibration techniques. Reducing SCUBA-2 data is a complex process with several user-defined parameters that affect the final image produced (for detailed information on SCUBA-2 data reduction procedures, see @chapin2013). A large amount of work has been invested in understanding the optimal data reduction parameters to use for differing science goals (see, for example, @mairs2015) depending on the scan pattern of the telescope and the amount of large-scale structure that needs to be robustly recovered. In all cases, the nominal JCMT pointing error is 2-6\(\arcsec\) (East Asian Observatory staff, *private communication*) and the flux calibration is uncertain to \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}5-10% (@dempsey2013; see also, Section [4.2](#fluxcal){reference-type="ref" reference="fluxcal"}). While this is sufficient for most projects which use JCMT data, both of these uncertainties can be improved upon when there are multiple observations of regions with bright sources taken in a consistent manner. In this work, we seek to improve both the spatial alignment and the flux calibration of the JCMT Transient Survey data by approaching the problem from a relative point of view. Properly matching faint, potential protostellar sources over the observed epochs and co-adding those observations with high precision for the highest SNR requires sub-pixel accuracy (\<\<3\(\arcsec\) at 850 \(\mu\)m) in the spatial alignment. Similarly, if we were to use the nominal flux calibration, where the uncertainty is taken to be \(\sigma\sim10\%\), the flux would need to vary by 30-50% for a transient event to be deemed significant (3-5\(\sigma\)). Thus, our goal is to reduce this uncertainty by a factor of 3 to 5 (i.e. sigma \(\sim 2-3\%\)) by considering relative brightness changes over time and ignoring the absolute flux calibration. We will then be able to measure flux variations of \(\sim10\%\) to be statistically significant (\>\(3\sigma\)). Several models predict smaller flux variations due to episodic accretion over few year timescales to occur much more frequently than large flux variations (see, for examples, @bae2014, @vorobyov2015, and Herczeg et al. in preparation). Observations like those performed throughout the JCMT Transient Survey will help constrain the current models. The techniques we have developed here can be applied to any JCMT data obtained in a similar manner, including archival data obtained by the GBS (follow up analysis by Mairs et al., in prep.). Thus, we are able to successfully align and relatively flux calibrate archival data such as those which were obtained by the GBS and we include these data in a follow-up analysis (Mairs et al. in preparation). This paper is organised as follows: In Section [2](#obssec){reference-type="ref" reference="obssec"} we summarise the details of our SCUBA-2 observations. In Section [3](#drsec){reference-type="ref" reference="drsec"} we outline our data reduction methods and showcase four tests we performed which altered the amount of large-scale structure recovered in a given map and the initial priors offered to the map-making pipeline in order to select the most robust techniques for our purpose of detecting transient events in deeply embedded protostars. In Section [4](#postredcal){reference-type="ref" reference="postredcal"} we detail our source extraction, post-reduction spatial alignment, and relative flux calibration methods applied to all current JCMT Transient data. In Section [5](#discusssec){reference-type="ref" reference="discusssec"}, we present an analysis on the recovered compact emission sources and highlight objects of interest including the first demonstrably variable source in our survey (Yoo et al. in preparation). Finally, we present our conclusions in Section [6](#conclusionsec){reference-type="ref" reference="conclusionsec"}.
# Observations {#obssec}
The JCMT Transient Survey observations are performed simultaneously at 450 and 850 \(\mu\)m with effective beam sizes of 9.8and 14.6, respectively, using the Submillimetre Common User Bolometer Array 2 (SCUBA-2; @holland2013). We use the *pong 1800\"* mapping mode which yields circular maps 0.5\(^{\circ}\) in diameter called "pongs". Each pixel (3\(\arcsec\) at 850 \(\mu\)m, 2\(\arcsec\) at 450 \(\mu\)m) contains the signal from several bolometers as the telescope scans across the sky, changing direction when it reaches the boundary of the circular field. This scan pattern ensures that each part of the field is observed from multiple position angles, resulting in the recovery of real astronomical structure while short timescale variations due to the atmosphere are attenuated. Eight nearby (\<500 pc) regions selected from the Gould Belt Survey (@wardthompson2007, Herczeg et al. in preparation) are each monitored at an approximate 28 day cadence whenever they are observable in the sky. Contained within these regions are a total of 1749 young stellar objects (YSOs) identified by *Spitzer Space Telescope* (@megeath2012, @dunham2015) and *Herschel Space Observatory* observations. 344 of these YSOs are identified as Class 0/I or Flat Spectrum protostars while the remaining 1405 are identified as Class II (disk) sources (Herczeg et al. in preparation). Table [\[regionlist\]](#regionlist){reference-type="ref" reference="regionlist"} shows a list of the regions and their central coordinates along with the average 850 \(\mu\)m rms noise measured in the individual maps (see Appendix [\[obsappendix\]](#obsappendix){reference-type="ref" reference="obsappendix"} for detailed information on each individual observation). Note that Serpens South has diffuse structure throughout the map even near the edges of the field and, as a result, the measured noise is slightly higher than the other regions. There are five weather grades defined for JCMT observations from Band 1 (very dry: \(\tau_{225\mathrm{\:GHz}}<0.05\), where \(\tau_{225\mathrm{\:GHz}}\) is the zenith opacity of the atmosphere at 225 GHz) to Band 5 (very wet: \(\tau_{225\mathrm{\:GHz}}>0.2\)). All of the observations performed in this survey were taken in either Band 1, Band 2, or Band 3 weather (\(\tau_{225\mathrm{\:GHz}}<0.12\)) as measured by the JCMT Water Vapour Radiometer. The observing time per observation is set to 20-40 min, depending on the weather band, to maintain a similar noise quality of \(\sim 10\mathrm{\:mJy\:beam}^{-1}\) at 850 \(\mu\)m (see Table [\[regionlist\]](#regionlist){reference-type="ref" reference="regionlist"}). Due to the higher telluric absorption (see @dempsey2013) and varying PWV (precipitable water vapour), the 450 \(\mu\)m observations have noise values 10 to 40 times higher than the 850 \(\mu\)m observations and, thus, throughout this paper we focus on the latter. Observations began in December 2015 and are expected to continue until January 2019. Here, we present results between the first observations in December, 2015 and March 1\(^\text{st}\), 2017.
# Data Reduction Methods {#drsec}
The data reduction procedure was performed using the iterative map-making technique (explained in detail by @chapin2013) in the package (@jenness2013) found within the software. Briefly, begins with the raw power detected by the telescope as a function of time throughout the duration of the observation and iteratively works to recover the astronomical signal by modeling and subtracting different sources of noise. First, general fixes (such as removing noise spikes, ensuring continuity, and apodising the edges of the bolometer time series) and a flat field correction are applied. Then, the program removes the *common mode* (COM) noise. This type of noise, the large majority of which is caused by atmospheric emission, dominates the astronomical features we seek to study by causing a significant fraction of SCUBA-2's bolometers to acquire the same signal. As SCUBA-2 scans across a region of the sky at a constant speed, the power received over a given time interval is directly correlated with a spatial scale. Thus, removing the common mode noise results in a loss of extended, faint structure in the final maps produced, while the more compact, bright structure can be more accurately recovered. For an overview of the Gould Belt Survey for their Legacy Release 1 (GBS LR1) filtering parameters as well as results from testing the completeness of this method using artificial sources, see. Next, an atmospheric extinction model is applied based on the amount of PWV which was measured during the observation and a second filtering of the data is applied to remove any residual, low frequency 1/*f* noise which was missed by the common mode subtraction. The extent of the final spatial filtering executed in this step is defined by the user. Generally, the largest recoverable scales are \(\sim600\arcsec\) before atmospheric signal becomes significant. Finally, the astronomical signal is estimated and the residual white noise is compared to the previous iteration. The iterative solution converges when the difference in individual pixels changes on average by a user-defined threshold percentage of the rms noise present in the map (we select a value of \(<0.1\%\)). The maps produced are originally in units of picowatts (pW) but are converted to mJy arcsec\(^{-2}\) using the standard 850 \(\mu\)m aperture flux conversion factor 2340 mJy pW\(^{-1}\) arcsec\(^{-2}\) and 4710 mJy pW\(^{-1}\) arcsec\(^{-2}\) at 450 \(\mu\)m. In the case of the JCMT Transient Survey, the final maps are gridded to 3\(\arcsec\) pixels for the 850 \(\mu\)m data and 2\(\arcsec\) pixels for the 450 \(\mu\)m data. To apply additional constraints to the solution derived by , the user can also supply an *external mask* which surrounds the astronomical signal deemed to be significant. To construct an external mask, the individual maps produced by the iterative mapmaker are co-added in order to achieve a higher signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). The resulting image is used to define the regions of genuine astronomical emission (pixels with a signal-to-noise ratio of at least 3 are generally deemed significant). This mask is then used in a second round of data reduction in order to recover better any faint and extended structure. has over 100 user defined parameters that allow full control over each step of the iterative process. Many parameters will cause negligible changes in the final maps produced, but some will cause significant differences, such as the extent of spatial filtering the user applies. For the JCMT Transient Survey, we begin with the robust data reduction parameters derived by the GBS LR1 dataset as described in To ensure, however, that we produced the best calibrated maps which would allow for the detection of the variability of embedded protostars, we tested the effects of altering the size of the spatial filter applied to the data to determine whether or not it was beneficial to apply additional constraints to by using an external mask. To this end, we performed four individual data reductions labeled *R1*, *R2*, *R3*, and *R4*, yielding four sets of maps exhibiting different models of the recovered, astronomical structure.
1. *R1*: An effective spatial filter of 200\(\arcsec\) was applied and no external mask was used.
2. *R2*: An effective spatial filter of 600\(\arcsec\) was applied and no external mask was used.
3. *R3*: An external mask was constructed from a co-add of the *R1* reduction and was used to constrain the solution derived by . Thus, the structure was filtered to 200\(\arcsec\).
4. *R4*: Similarly to *R3*, an external mask was constructed from a co-add of the *R2* reduction and applied to the data. Thus, the structure was filtered to 600\(\arcsec\). This reduction is the same as the GBS LR1 data release.
Figure [\[subfig\]](#subfig){reference-type="ref" reference="subfig"} shows an example of a single observation of the Ophiuchus Core region (see Table [\[regionlist\]](#regionlist){reference-type="ref" reference="regionlist"}). The top two panels show the resulting maps produced by reductions *R3* (left) and *R4* (right) while the bottom two panels show the subtraction of the *R3* image from the *R4* image (left) to highlight the effect of changing the effective spatial filter and the subtraction of the *R2* image from the *R4* image (right) to highlight the effect of the external mask. Though more extended structure is present in the *R2* and *R4* maps, the compact structure is recovered whether a 200\(\arcsec\) or a 600\(\arcsec\) filter is used. For the extended emission reconstructions, the mask returns additional flux, some of which appears pedestal-like. As discuss, the amount of extended structure which is recovered can produce slightly different results for the compact structure present in the map as the larger-scale background may add a pedestal value to the flux. We minimise the effect of the pedestal by using a localised peak extraction algorithm (described in Section [4](#postredcal){reference-type="ref" reference="postredcal"} and Appendix [\[gcappendix\]](#gcappendix){reference-type="ref" reference="gcappendix"}) that filters out the extended background. The dominant uncertainty between these different reduction methods is how the recovered extended structure and external masks alter the fit to compact emission sources. The measurement of the peak brightness of a source relies on a consistent procedure from observation to observation in conjunction with the optimal data reduction method. By fitting Gaussian profiles to compact emission sources and comparing their centroid positions and peak brightnesses (described in detail in Section [4](#postredcal){reference-type="ref" reference="postredcal"}), we determine reduction *R3* to be the most stable for our purposes (although all four reductions work reasonably well). The external mask limits the flux distribution during the map-making procedure while the harsher filter (200\(\arcsec\) as opposed to 600\(\arcsec\)) subdues large-scale structure which is not expected to vary (but is hard to recover due to signal from the atmosphere and the instrumentation). SCUBA-2's 850 \(\mu\)m filter coincides with the broad \(^{12}\)CO(J=3-2) emission line. No attempt has been made to remove this signal. This excess flux, however, will not affect our ability to measure precisely the variability of deeply embedded protostars. As and discuss, the CO(J=3-2) line contributes only low-level emission (\(\leq\) 20%) except for a few sources of stellar outflow. In addition, as show, the peak brightnesses of compact sources are not affected by the removal of the emission line.
# Post Reduction Calibrations {#postredcal}
Since the JCMT Transient Survey is interested in measuring the fluxes of individual compact sources over time, it is important to take into consideration both the pointing uncertainty of the telescope (expected to be 2 to 6 arcseconds; East Asian Observatory staff *private communication*) as well as the flux calibration uncertainty (expected to be \(\sim5-10\%\), see @dempsey2013). To this end, we perform two post-reduction calibrations: 1) We derive and apply a pointing correction to more precisely align the maps with one another and 2) We derive and apply a relative flux calibration factor for each image produced in order to consistently compare a given source from observation to observation. Since both of these calibrations are relative corrections for each region, we can use the most robust, compact emission sources present in each map to calibrate self-consistently. The first step is to identify the appropriate calibrator sources in each of the eight regions. There are many different, publicly available algorithms designed to extract structure from a given region (for examples, see @stutzki1990, @williams1994, @rosolowsky2008, @getsources2012, and @berry2015). Each method combines detected emission differently based on user supplied criteria and, thus, the use of such algorithms requires discernment and a goal-based approach. In this work, we are interested in accurately determining the brightness of localised, compact sources in dust emission convolved with the JCMT beam, which we expect to have approximately Gaussian features. The most robust (often isolated) Gaussian sources will be used for image calibration. To this end, we have selected the algorithm to identify and extract sources in each observation of a given field as this program is designed to robustly characterise Gaussian structure and subtract background structure, such as pedestals. Specifically, we use the software implementation of found within the package. For more information on , refer to Appendix [\[gcappendix\]](#gcappendix){reference-type="ref" reference="gcappendix"}.
## Image Alignment {#imagealign}
To perform the post-reduction relative image alignment, we focus on the 850 \(\mu\)m data. The noise in this dataset is measured to be more than an order of magnitude below its 450 \(\mu\)m counterpart (due to the effect of PWV in the atmosphere) and the beam profile has greater stability, allowing us to more reliably fit the compact emission sources. The 450 \(\mu\)m and 850 \(\mu\)m data are, however, taken simultaneously, so the same alignment correction is applied to both datasets. The alignment procedure we apply to the data consists of five steps:
1. We label the first observation of a given field the "reference observation". Then, we smooth the map with a 6\(\arcsec\) Gaussian kernel to mitigate noise fluctuations. We identify and fit Gaussians to all the sources brighter than 200 mJy beam\(^{-1}\) and with radii less than 10\(\arcsec\) in the reference observation using the source extraction algorithm . The radius of a source, \(r\), is defined as \(r = \sqrt{\mathrm{FWHM_{1}}\times \mathrm{FWHM}_{2}}/2\) where the FWHM\(_{N}\) terms are the full widths at half maximum of the fitted two dimensional Gaussian. Fitting Gaussians to bright sources allows us to measure the centroid location of the sources to sub-pixel accuracy. For more information on how was executed, see Appendix [\[gcappendix\]](#gcappendix){reference-type="ref" reference="gcappendix"}.
2. For later observations, we also smooth the maps and identify and fit Gaussians to all the sources brighter than 200 mJy beam\(^{-1}\) and with radii less than 10\(\arcsec\) using in the same manner as for the reference observation.
3. We next match each source identified in the reference catalogue to the nearest source in the later catalogue (the peak location sources must not differ by more than 10\(\arcsec\), given an expectation that the alignment offset is better than this value).
4. We then perform a check to ensure that we have matched the reference sources to the correct corresponding sources in the later catalogue by employing a simple test. Plotting the relative right ascension offset against the relative declination offset for all of the sources, we search for outliers by applying the condition that the resultant offset of every source must be within \(4\arcsec\) of the resultant offset of any other source (see Figure [\[offsetcull\]](#offsetcull){reference-type="ref" reference="offsetcull"}). \(4\arcsec\) was chosen after extensive testing across all eight regions revealed this threshold to consistently eliminate outliers. If this condition fails, we exclude that source from the final step. In this way, any moving sources or spurious detections will be discounted from our analysis.
5. Finally, we average the right ascension and declination offsets of the matched sources to find the difference between the position of the later observation and the reference observation. We then apply this offset by re-reducing the later observation and correcting the pointing using 's *pointing* parameter. In this way, both the reference and the later observations will be consistently aligned, processed, and gridded to the same world coordinate system grid.
Figure [\[align_fig\]](#align_fig){reference-type="ref" reference="align_fig"} shows the results of applying the post-reduction alignment to the JCMT Transient Survey observations using reduction *R3* (all four reduction methods show consistent results, see Appendix [\[obsappendix\]](#obsappendix){reference-type="ref" reference="obsappendix"}). The black histogram shows the original pointing uncertainty while the blue histogram shows the corrected pointing uncertainty. By reliably fitting bright peaks and matching their centroids from observation to observation, we have achieved a mean positional uncertainty of \(0.45\arcsec\) (less than one sixth the width of an 850 \(\mu\)m pixel) with a standard deviation of 0.3\(\arcsec\). In nearly all cases, the images are aligned to better than \(1\arcsec\). The few fields that exhibit a slightly higher uncertainty come from the NGC2024 region which contains more clustered sources mixed with larger-scale structure (see Figure [\[ngc2024cutout\]](#ngc2024cutout){reference-type="ref" reference="ngc2024cutout"} for an example of the clustered emission in NGC2024 and see Herczeg et al. in preparation for co-added images of all eight fields). Isolated, bright emission sources have less fitting uncertainties and therefore produce the best alignments. The alignment of the maps is now part of an automated routine run at the East Asian Observatory (EAO) immediately after the observations are taken at the telescope. The final, aligned images and catalogues are deposited in a shared directory which team members can access. In addition to this image alignment procedure, an independent method based on the cross-correlation of the observations was also tested and found to produce consistent results (see Appendix [\[kevinappendix\]](#kevinappendix){reference-type="ref" reference="kevinappendix"}). As the survey matures, we will be exploring this alternate technique and refining our methodology to further improve our alignment calibration.
## Relative Flux Calibration {#fluxcal}
After cataloguing the sources in the reference observation as well as the subsequent, aligned observations, we derive and apply a relative flux calibration factor to each observation in order to plot accurately the brightness variations of a given object over all epochs. The JCMT has an intrinsic absolute flux calibration of \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}5-10%, but we are focused only on the relative brightness changes from epoch to epoch. This allows us to achieve more accurate measurements of the variability in a given field. The procedure to flux calibrate our images consists of six steps:
1. Beginning with the same calibrator sources that we extracted to perform the spatial alignment of the maps (described in Section [4.1](#imagealign){reference-type="ref" reference="imagealign"}), we select the subset that have peak brightnesses over 500 mJy beam\(^{-1}\) and appear in every single observation of a given region. The choice of 500 mJy beam\(^{-1}\) is based on a desire to reach a relative brightness calibration of \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}2% and the typical noise is \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}10 mJy beam\(^{-1}\) in each image (see Table [\[regionlist\]](#regionlist){reference-type="ref" reference="regionlist"}), yielding a SNR for the minimum brightness peaks of \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}50:1. We first calculate the average peak brightness over all epochs to remove the uncertainty in flux related to individual measurements and then normalise the observed source peak brightnesses in each observation to their respective averages.
2. We then compare the brightness of each extracted source with respect to each of the others by taking the ratio of their normalised peak brightnesses and plotting the result for each epoch (for example, see Figure [\[Rfig\]](#Rfig){reference-type="ref" reference="Rfig"}). If a given pair of sources gets brighter or dimmer together from epoch to epoch, due to calibration uncertainties, we would expect the ratio of their normalised peak brightnesses over time to show little scatter.
3. We next measure the amount of scatter in the ratio between two sources by calculating the standard deviation in the ratio of normalised peak brightnesses over time. For every pair of sources, we can plot the measured standard deviation. In Figure [\[stdevplot\]](#stdevplot){reference-type="ref" reference="stdevplot"}, we show the results of a simple model of the standard deviations measured for pairs of sources by applying a Gaussian error of the value indicated to 1000 sources of peak brightness 1.0 and comparing their expected normalised peak brightness ratios over eight epochs. Overlaid on this figure are the measured standard deviations of the normalised source peak brightness ratios for all nine potential calibrator sources in all eight observations of the Ophiuchus Core region. Note that as more epochs are observed, the central part of the curve (where the majority of the data points lie) regresses to a value of \(\sqrt{2}\times\mathrm{\:error}\).
4. We next identify the largest set of sources wherein every pair has a standard deviation below a threshold set to 0.06. We call this set of stable sources a *Family*. We choose 0.06 through comparison with model curves in Figure [\[stdevplot\]](#stdevplot){reference-type="ref" reference="stdevplot"}, and as a compromise between decreasing the number of family members versus increasing the reliability of the calibration. Thus, all *Family* members satisfy the threshold when compared against each other. These sources are considered non-varying and appropriate for the relative flux calibration of each epoch. This threshold was chosen after extensive testing for the optimal number of sources contained within the *Family* across all observed regions.
5. For each epoch, the flux calibration factor by which we divide every pixel is the average normalised peak brightness over all the sources within the *Family* during that observation. These factors are plotted in the left panel of Figure [\[fcf_fig\]](#fcf_fig){reference-type="ref" reference="fcf_fig"}. In the figure, black indicates all observations taken before March 1\(^\text{st}\), 2017, while grey indicates observations taken after the filters were changed on SCUBA-2 in November, 2016. The standard deviation of a Gaussian fit to all the data is \(8\%\), as expected.
6. The uncertainty in the derived flux calibration factor is taken to be the error in a given measurement of the normalised peak brightness of an individual source which is calculated by finding the standard deviation of the normalised peak brightnesses of all the calibrator sources. This uncertainty is plotted in the right panel of Figure [\[fcf_fig\]](#fcf_fig){reference-type="ref" reference="fcf_fig"}. Note that the uncertainty peaks at approximately 2%. This is, however, the uncertainty per source while the error in the mean scales with the square root of the number of calibrator sources detected. Again, all four tested reductions show consistent results (e.g. compare the *R3* flux calibration results with *R4* in Appendix [\[obsappendix\]](#obsappendix){reference-type="ref" reference="obsappendix"}), though the *R3* reduction is most robust for the JCMT Transient Survey science goals.
The highest flux calibration factor uncertainty is found in the NGC2024 region for the same reasons the residual offset in the aligned maps is larger; the calibrator sources identified in NGC2024 are found within the extended structure where our Gaussian fitting routine encounters more uncertainty. Overall, the flux calibration uncertainties are very low (\(\sim2-3\%\)), allowing the JCMT Transient Survey team to robustly detect variations in peak brightness of the most prominent sources to the level of \(\sim10\%\). Previously, achieved this relative calibration accuracy over a 5 day monitoring campaign of Sagittarius A\* using the Atacama Pathfinder Experiment instrument at the Llano de Chajnantor Observatory. These small uncertantites, however, are unprecedented in ground-based, single dish submillimetre observations for such a wide range of consistent observations. In addition, we fit many sources in each field which allows us to detect sufficiently significant brightness variations on the first epoch they occur. Note that since we determine each epoch's flux calibration factor in a relative sense, the SCUBA-2 filter change in 2016 does not affect our results. The absolute brightness measurements, however, depend on the flux conversion factors (see Section [3](#drsec){reference-type="ref" reference="drsec"}). The filter change is expected to cause a small but detectable change in these values, but this has not yet been quantified by the observatory. Our calibration is only expected to improve as we include future epochs and refine our methods throughout the duration of the survey. With additional epochs, we will be able to co-add subsets of our observations to increase our sensitivity at the cost of a lower cadence. Presently, we are working to automate the flux calibration procedure such that it can also be run directly after an observation undergoes the data reduction and alignment procedures at the EAO. For a given observation, the aligned and flux calibrated data are presently available to team members within 24-48 hours.
# Discussion {#discusssec}
The goal of this calibration work is to extract robust, non-varying sources from SCUBA-2 maps and apply the spatial alignment and flux calibration methods. The majority of this process involves excluding sources from flux calibrator *Families* which do not meet our set of criteria. These excluded sources, however, are of particular interest to the JCMT Transient Survey as they may be transient. Figures [\[SDvspeakbright1\]](#SDvspeakbright1){reference-type="ref" reference="SDvspeakbright1"} and [\[SDvspeakbright2\]](#SDvspeakbright2){reference-type="ref" reference="SDvspeakbright2"} show the measured fractional variation in the fluxes (standard deviation) of each observed source across all epochs that it was observed, ordered by source brightness. For a source to be included on these plots, it must be detected in every epoch of the given region. Thus, there are many additional, potentially interesting, submillimetre sources which are not included in these figures as our focus is on potential calibrators. A source may not be detected in a given epoch for two reasons: 1) It has properties near enough to the detection threshold that it is too faint or too extended on some observation dates but not on others (a source in a clustered environment is difficult to fit which may cause the shape to change). 2) The peak brightness of the source may vary such that it was too faint to be detected at the time of the reference observation but it was bright enough at a later date (or vice versa). The sources in both scenarios are of little importance to the flux calibration since we only want to use the most robust sources available. Detecting the sources in the second scenario is one of the goals of the JCMT Transient Survey and follow-up studies are currently underway to quantify their number and amplitude (for example, Mairs et al. in preparation). Including all observations of all eight regions, using our source extraction methods based on detecting compact structure and fitting Gaussian profiles with as detailed in Appendix [\[gcappendix\]](#gcappendix){reference-type="ref" reference="gcappendix"}, we see a total of 265 unique areas of significant, localised emission (see Table [\[bigobstable\]](#bigobstable){reference-type="ref" reference="bigobstable"}). This number is expected to vary depending on the source identification procedure used and the amount of data received. The lower bound of the shaded regions in Figures [\[SDvspeakbright1\]](#SDvspeakbright1){reference-type="ref" reference="SDvspeakbright1"} and [\[SDvspeakbright2\]](#SDvspeakbright2){reference-type="ref" reference="SDvspeakbright2"} show the average noise in each region (see Table [\[regionlist\]](#regionlist){reference-type="ref" reference="regionlist"}) as a percentage of the mean peak brightness while the upper bound represents the noise multiplied by a factor of two to take into consideration additional uncertainties due to, for example, the source fitting procedure. In general, we expect fainter sources to approximately follow the shaded region whereas we expect *Family* members to lie further to the right and display low standard deviations dominated by the Gaussian fitting uncertainties. The vertical dotted line shows the minimum peak brightness threshold for a source to be considered a *Family* member (500 mJy beam\(^{-1}\)) and the horizontal dashed line shows the mean standard deviation of the *Family* members in that specific region. Most of the sources behave as expected for objects which do not vary with time. There are, however, a few notable exceptions. The OMC 2/3 and NGC2024 fields are where localised Gaussian profiles are extracted from particularly clustered and confused emission (see, for example, Figure [\[ngc2024cutout\]](#ngc2024cutout){reference-type="ref" reference="ngc2024cutout"}). These two regions have the highest number of relatively bright sources not included in their *Families*, most likely due to the source extraction procedure but also possibly due to intrinsic variability. is able to extract and fit well isolated, compact emission sources while sources extracted from clustered regions have more uncertainty. Depending on the morphology of the surrounding background structure, emission from multiple sources can be blended which causes some sources to deviate from Gaussian profiles, fluctuating in elongation from epoch to epoch as the algorithm attempts to separate the significant structure from the background. Examples of these sources include the two which meet the minimum brightness threshold but fail to be included in a *Family* in NGC1333 (Figure [\[SDvspeakbright1\]](#SDvspeakbright1){reference-type="ref" reference="SDvspeakbright1"}, top right), the brightest source in the Serpens Main region (Figure [\[SDvspeakbright2\]](#SDvspeakbright2){reference-type="ref" reference="SDvspeakbright2"}, bottom left), and the source on the *Family* brightness threshold in the Serpens Main region (Figure [\[SDvspeakbright2\]](#SDvspeakbright2){reference-type="ref" reference="SDvspeakbright2"}, bottom left). Since this paper is concerned with calibration, we simply ignore these more complicated sources. In future papers, however, we will adapt techniques to better identify variability in the most crowded regions in our fields. In general, sources which fail the flux calibrator criteria are lower peak brightness, as expected (see Figure [\[lowpeak-lowconc\]](#lowpeak-lowconc){reference-type="ref" reference="lowpeak-lowconc"}). Another reason a source may significantly deviate from what we expect and fail to be included in a *Family* is that it is undergoing an observable, physical variation. Our relative flux calibration algorithm has been designed to exclude sources which are varying so that their contribution would not suppress the signal we seek to study. One variable source, has been identified (see Figure [\[SDvspeakbright2\]](#SDvspeakbright2){reference-type="ref" reference="SDvspeakbright2"}, bottom left) and verified over multiple observations in our dataset (for more detail on this source, refer to Yoo et al. in preparation). A careful but cursory analysis of each source that was detected in every observation and was excluded from a *Family* has been carried out and no other clear and robust detections of significant variability have so far been identified. Investigations will continue, however, to uncover any long term trends. In addition, there are many sources present in each map which are not presented in this paper. Analyses employing different source extraction methods as well as procedures which consider the variability of faint sources are currently underway (for example, Yoo et al. in preparation, Mairs et al. in preparation).
# Conclusion {#conclusionsec}
The primary goal of the JCMT Transient Survey is to detect variability in the brightness of deeply embedded protostars. The pointing accuracy of the JCMT is nominally 2 to 6 arcseconds while the nominal flux calibration uncertainty of 850 \(\mu\)m SCUBA-2 data is \(8\%\) (see Figures [\[align_fig\]](#align_fig){reference-type="ref" reference="align_fig"} and [\[fcf_fig\]](#fcf_fig){reference-type="ref" reference="fcf_fig"}). In order to dramatically increase our sensitivity to variable signals, we have developed a calibration pipeline which further spatially aligns multiple observations of a given field and provides a relative flux calibration correction for bright, compact sources. We use the algorithm (see Section [4](#postredcal){reference-type="ref" reference="postredcal"} and Appendix [\[gcappendix\]](#gcappendix){reference-type="ref" reference="gcappendix"}) to extract locations and peak brightnesses of emission objects in the 850 \(\mu\)m SCUBA-2 maps and we apply minimum brightness (\(200\mathrm{\:mJy\:beam}^{-1}\) for the spatial alignment and \(500\mathrm{\:mJy\:beam}^{-1}\) for the relative flux calibration) and maximum radius (\(10\arcsec\)) thresholds to ensure we have the best fit objects in our sample. These methods could be applied to any submillimetre data with multiple observations of bright, compact objects. Our main results can be summarised as follows:
1. We thoroughly tested four different data reduction methods and found the most robust parameters for our scientific goals (Reduction *R3*, see Section [3](#drsec){reference-type="ref" reference="drsec"}).
2. We achieve a sub-pixel alignment uncertainty of \(\sim1\arcsec\) (see Figure [\[align_fig\]](#align_fig){reference-type="ref" reference="align_fig"} and Section [4.1](#imagealign){reference-type="ref" reference="imagealign"}), improving on the pointing error of the telescope by a factor of \(\sim4\).
3. We achieve a relative flux calibration factor uncertainty of \(2-3\%\) for bright sources (see Figure [\[align_fig\]](#align_fig){reference-type="ref" reference="align_fig"} and Section [4.1](#imagealign){reference-type="ref" reference="imagealign"}), improving on the native, absolute flux calibration uncertainty by a factor of \(\sim3\). This is unprecedented in ground-based, single dish submillimetre observations.
4. By analysing the bright sources that are not included in flux calibrator *Families*, we have noted a variable source at 850 \(\mu\)m (Yoo et al. in preparation) and identified good source extraction practices for further analysis to improve the calibration procedure.
The JCMT Transient Survey is expected to continue through at least January, 2019, increasing the number of observed epochs for each region by a factor of three to about thirty. Throughout this time, we will be working to improve the data reduction and calibration procedures (see Appendix [\[kevinappendix\]](#kevinappendix){reference-type="ref" reference="kevinappendix"}) in order to detect fainter signals and working to achieve similar results for the relative flux calibration uncertainty at 450 \(\mu\)m. By the end of the survey, we will have the deepest submillimetre maps of these eight regions which will create many opportunities for additional science, including co-adding across several epochs to uncover variability in fainter sources, but with a lower cadence. | {'timestamp': '2017-07-31T02:03:47', 'yymm': '1706', 'arxiv_id': '1706.01897', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.01897'} |
# Introduction {#sec: introduction}
Passive network synthesis has been one of the most important subjects in circuit and system theories. This field has experienced a "golden era" from the 1930s to the 1970s. The most classical transformerless realization method, the Bott-Duffin procedure, shows that any positive-real impedance (resp. admittance) is realizable with a finite number of resistors, capacitors, and inductors. However, the resulting networks typically contain a large number of redundant elements, and the minimal realization problem is far from being solved even today for the biquadratic impedance. Recently, interest in investigation on passive networks has revived, due to its connection with passive mechanical control using a new mechanical element named inerter. In parallel, there are also some new results on the negative imaginary systems. In addition to the control of mechanical systems, synthesis of passive networks can also be applied to a series of other fields, such as the microwave antenna circuit design , filter design, passivity-preserving balanced truncation, and biometric image processing. Noticeably, the need for a renewed attempt to passive network synthesis and its contribution to systems theory has been highlighted in. The realization problem of biquadratic impedances has been a focal topic in the theory of passive network synthesis, yet its minimal realization problem has not been completely solved to date. In fact, investigation on synthesis of biquadratic impedances can provide significant guidance on realization of more general functions. By the Bott-Duffin procedure and Pantell's simplification, one needs at most eight elements to realize a general positive-real biquadratic impedance. In, Ladenheim listed \(108\) configurations containing at most five elements and at most two reactive elements that can realize the biquadratic impedance. For each of them, values of the elements are explicitly expressed in terms of the coefficients of the biquadratic function, without any derivation given. Realizability conditions of series-parallel networks are listed, but those of bridge networks are not. Furthermore, the realizability problem of biquadratic impedances as five-element networks containing three reactive elements has been investigated. Recently, a new concept named regularity is introduced and applied to investigate the realization problem of the biquadratic impedances as five-element networks in, in which a necessary and sufficient condition is derived for a biquadratic impedance to be realizable as such a network. It is noted that only the realizability conditions for five-element bridge networks that are not necessarily equivalent to the corresponding series-parallel ones are investigated in. Hence, necessary and sufficient conditions for the biquadratic impedances to be realizable as five-element bridge networks are still unknown today. The present paper is concerned with the realization of biquadratic impedances as five-element bridge networks. As discussed above, this problem remains unsolved today. Pantell's simplification shows that non-series-parallel networks may often contain less redundancy. Besides, the non-series-parallel structure sometimes has its own advantages in practice. It is essential to construct a five-element bridge network, the simplest non-series-parallel network to solve the minimal realization problem of biquadratic impedances. This paper focuses on deriving some realizability conditions of biquadratic impedances as two-reactive five-element bridge networks. Based on these and some previous results in, the realization result of five-element bridge networks without limiting the number of reactive elements will follow. The discussion on realization of two-reactive five-element bridge networks is divided into two parts, based on whether the two reactive elements are of the same type or not. Through investigating realizability conditions for configurations that can cover all the possible cases, a necessary and sufficient condition is obtained for a biquadratic impedance to be realizable as a two-reactive five-element bridge network. A canonical form for biquadratic impedances is utilized to simplify and combine the conditions. Furthermore, the corresponding result of general five-element bridge networks is further obtained. Throughout, it is assumed that the given biquadratic impedance is realizable with at least five elements. A part of this paper has appeared as a conference paper in Chinese (Section V-C and a part of contents in Sections III and IV).
# Preliminaries {#sec: Preliminaries}
A real-rational function \(H(s)\) is *positive-real* if \(H(s)\) is analytic and \(\Re(H(s)) \geq 0\) for \(\Re(s) > 0\). An *impedance* \(Z(s)\) is defined as \(Z(s) = V(s)/I(s)\), and an *admittance* is \(Z^{-1}(s)\), where \(V(s)\) and \(I(s)\) denote the voltage and current, respectively. A linear one-port time-invariant network is passive if and only if its impedance (resp. admittance) is positive-real, and any positive-real function is realizable as the impedance (resp. admittance) of a one-port network consisting of a finite number of resistors, capacitors, and inductors, thus the network *realizes* (or being a *realization* of) its impedance (resp. admittance). A *regular* function \(H(s)\) is a class of positive-real functions with the smallest value of \(\Re(H(j\omega))\) or \(\Re(H^{-1}(j\omega))\) being at \(\omega = 0 \cup \infty\). The capacitors and inductors are called *reactive elements*, and resistors are called *resistive elements*. Moreover, the concept of the *network duality* is presented in.
# Problem Formulation {#sec: Problem formulation}
The general form of a *biquadratic impedance* is \[\label{eq: biquadratic impedance} Z(s) = \frac{a_2 s^2 + a_1 s + a_0}{b_2 s^2 + b_1 s + b_0},\] where \(a_2\), \(a_1\), \(a_0\), \(b_2\), \(b_1\), \(b_0\) \(\geq 0\). It is known from that its positive-realness is equivalent to \((\sqrt{a_0b_2}-\sqrt{a_2b_0})^2 \leq a_1b_1\). For brevity, the following notations are introduced: \(\mathds{A} = a_0b_1-a_1b_0\), \(\mathds{B} = a_0b_2-a_2b_0\), \(\mathds{C} = a_1b_2-a_2b_1\), \(\mathds{D}_a := a_1 \mathds{A}-a_0 \mathds{B}\), \(\mathds{D}_b :=-b_1 \mathds{A} + b_0 \mathds{B}\), \(\mathds{E}_a := a_2 \mathds{B}-a_1 \mathds{C}\), \(\mathds{E}_b :=-b_2 \mathds{B} + b_1 \mathds{C}\), \(\mathds{M} := a_0 b_2 + a_2 b_0\), \(\Delta_a := a_1^2-4a_0a_2\), \(\Delta_b := b_1^2-4b_0b_2\), \(\Delta_{ab} := a_1b_1-2\mathds{M}\), \(\mathds{R} := \mathds{A} \mathds{C}-\mathds{B}^2\), \(\Gamma_a := \mathds{R} + b_0b_2 \Delta_a\), and \(\Gamma_b := \mathds{R} + a_0a_2 \Delta_b\). As shown in, if at least one of \(a_2\), \(a_1\), \(a_0\), \(b_2\), \(b_1\), and \(b_0\) is zero, then \(Z(s)\) is realizable with at most two reactive elements and two resistors. In, a necessary and sufficient condition for a biquadratic impedance with positive coefficients to be realizable with at most four elements was established, as below.
Therefore, when investigating the realizability problem of five-element networks, it suffices to assume that \(a_2\), \(a_1\), \(a_0\), \(b_2\), \(b_1\), \(b_0\) \(> 0\) but the condition of Lemma [\[lemma: condition of at most four\]](#lemma: condition of at most four){reference-type="ref" reference="lemma: condition of at most four"} does not hold in the consideration of minimal realizations. For brevity, the set of all such biquadratic functions (with positive coefficients and with the condition of Lemma [\[lemma: condition of at most four\]](#lemma: condition of at most four){reference-type="ref" reference="lemma: condition of at most four"} not being satisfied) is denoted by \(\mathcal{Z}_b\) in this paper. The present paper aims to derive a necessary and sufficient condition for a biquadratic impedance \(Z(s) \in \mathcal{Z}_b\) to be realizable as a two-reactive five-element bridge network (Theorem [\[theorem: final condition\]](#theorem: final condition){reference-type="ref" reference="theorem: final condition"}) and the corresponding result for a general five-element bridge network (Theorem [\[theorem: final corollary\]](#theorem: final corollary){reference-type="ref" reference="theorem: final corollary"}). Figs. [\[fig: Quartet-01-same-kind\]](#fig: Quartet-01-same-kind){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: Quartet-01-same-kind"}--[\[fig: Quartet-03-different-kind\]](#fig: Quartet-03-different-kind){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: Quartet-03-different-kind"} and [\[fig: Three-Reactive-Quartet\]](#fig: Three-Reactive-Quartet){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: Three-Reactive-Quartet"} are the corresponding realizations. The configurations are assumed to be passive one-port time-invariant transformerless networks containing at most three kinds of passive elements, which are resistors, capacitors, and inductors, and the values of the elements are all positive and finite.
# A Canonical Biquadratic Form {#sec: A Canonical Biquadratic Form}
A canonical form \(Z_c(s)\) for biquadratic impedances stated in is expressed as \[\label{eq: canonical form} Z_c(s) = \frac{s^2 + 2U\sqrt{W}s + W}{s^2 + (2V/\sqrt{W})s + 1/W},\] where \[\label{eq: from Zc to Z} W = \sqrt{\frac{a_0b_2}{a_2b_0}}, ~~~ U = \frac{a_1}{2\sqrt{a_0a_2}}, ~~~ V = \frac{b_1}{2\sqrt{b_0b_2}}.\] It is not difficult to verify that \(Z_c(s)\) can be obtained from \(Z(s)\) through \(Z_c(s) = \alpha Z(\beta s)\), where \(\alpha = b_2/a_2\) and \(\beta = \sqrt[4]{a_0b_0/(a_2b_2)}\). If \(Z(s)\) is realizable as a network \(N\), then the corresponding \(Z_c(s)\) must be realizable as another network \(N_c\) with the same one-terminal-pair labeled graph by a proper transformation of the element values, and *vice versa*. Therefore, the realizability condition for \(Z_c(s)\) as a network whose one-terminal-pair labeled graph is \(\mathcal{N}\) in terms of \(U\), \(V\), \(W\) \(> 0\) can be determined from that of \(Z(s)\) in terms of \(a_2\), \(a_1\), \(a_0\), \(b_2\), \(b_1\), \(b_0\) \(> 0\), via transformation \[\label{eq: from Z to Zc} \begin{split} a_2 = 1, \ a_1 = 2U\sqrt{W}, \ a_0 = W, \\ b_2 = 1, \ b_1 = 2V/\sqrt{W}, \ b_0 = 1/W. \end{split}\] Conversely, the realizability condition for \(Z(s)\) as a network with one-terminal-pair labeled graph \(\mathcal{N}\) in terms of \(a_2\), \(a_1\), \(a_0\), \(b_2\), \(b_1\), \(b_0\) \(> 0\) can be determined from that for \(Z_c(s)\) in terms of \(U\), \(V\), \(W\) \(> 0\), via transformation [\[eq: from Zc to Z\]](#eq: from Zc to Z){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: from Zc to Z"}. Furthermore, through [\[eq: from Z to Zc\]](#eq: from Z to Zc){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: from Z to Zc"}, one concludes that \(Z_c(s)\) is positive-real if and only if \(\sigma_c := 4UV + 2-(W + W^{-1}) \geq 0\), as stated in. Notations \(\Delta_{ab}\), \(\mathds{R}\), \(\Gamma_a\), and \(\Gamma_b\), as defined in Section [3](#sec: Problem formulation){reference-type="ref" reference="sec: Problem formulation"} are respectively converted to \(\Delta_{ab_c} := 4 U V-2 (W + W^{-1})\), \(\mathds{R}_c :=-4 U^2-4 V^2 + 4 U V (W + W^{-1})-(W-W^{-1})^2\), \(\Gamma_{a_c} :=-4 V^2 + 4 U V (W + W^{-1})-(W + W^{-1})^2\), and \(\Gamma_{b_c} :=-4 U^2 + 4 U V (W + W^{-1})-(W + W^{-1})^2\). Also, \(\mathds{M} \mathds{R} + 2a_0a_2b_0b_2\Delta_{ab}\) is converted to \(-(W + W^{-1})^3 + 4 U V (W + W^{-1})^2-4(U^2 + V^2) (W + W^{-1}) + 8 U V\). Moreover, for brevity, denote \(\lambda_c := 4 U V-4 V^2 W + (W-W^{-1})\). Defining \(\rho^{\ast}(U,V,W)=\rho(U,V,W^{-1})\) and \(\rho^{\dag}(U,V,W)=\rho(V,U,W)\) for any rational function \(\rho(U,V,W)\), one can see that \(\lambda_c^{\ast\dag}W\), \(\lambda_c/W\), \(\lambda_c^{\dag}\), and \(\lambda_c^{\ast}\) correspond to \(\mathds{D}_a\), \(\mathds{D}_b\), \(\mathds{E}_a\), \(\mathds{E}_b\), respectively, through [\[eq: from Z to Zc\]](#eq: from Z to Zc){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: from Z to Zc"}. Besides, by denoting \(\eta_{c} := 4 U^2 + 4 V^2 + 4 U V (3 W-W^{-1}) + (W-W^{-1})(9W-W^{-1})\) and \(\zeta_{c} :=-4 U^2-4 V^2 + 4 U V (W + W^{-1})-(W-W^{-1})(3W-W^{-1})\), corresponding to \((-\mathds{R} + 4a_0b_2(a_1b_1+2\mathds{B}))\) and \((\mathds{R}-2a_0b_2\mathds{B})\), respectively, one has \(\eta_{c}^{\ast} = \eta_{c}^{\ast\dag}\) and \(\zeta_{c}^{\ast} = \zeta_{c}^{\ast\dag}\) corresponding to \((-\mathds{R} + 4a_2b_0(a_1b_1-2\mathds{B}))\) and \((\mathds{R} + 2a_2b_0\mathds{B})\), respectively. Denote \(\mathcal{Z}_{b_c}\) as the set of biquadratic functions in the form of [\[eq: canonical form\]](#eq: canonical form){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: canonical form"}, where the coefficients \(U\), \(V\), \(W\) \(> 0\) and they do not satisfy the condition of Lemma [\[lemma: condition of at most four\]](#lemma: condition of at most four){reference-type="ref" reference="lemma: condition of at most four"} transformed through [\[eq: from Z to Zc\]](#eq: from Z to Zc){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: from Z to Zc"}. It is clear that \(Z(s) \in \mathcal{Z}_b\) if and only if \(Z_c(s) \in \mathcal{Z}_{b_c}\). In this paper, the canonical biquadratic form as in [\[eq: canonical form\]](#eq: canonical form){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: canonical form"} is introduced so as to further simplify the realizability conditions of [\[eq: biquadratic impedance\]](#eq: biquadratic impedance){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: biquadratic impedance"} (in the proof of Theorems 2, 4, and 6).
# Main Results {#sec: main results}
Section [5.1](#subsec: Preliminaries){reference-type="ref" reference="subsec: Preliminaries"} presents some basic lemmas that will be used in the following discussions. Section [5.2](#subsec: same type){reference-type="ref" reference="subsec: same type"} investigates the realization of biquadratic impedances as a five-element bridge network containing two reactive elements of the same type. In Section [5.3](#subsec: different type){reference-type="ref" reference="subsec: different type"}, the realization problem of biquadratic impedances as a five-element bridge network containing one inductor and one capacitor is investigated. Section [5.4](#subsec: summary and notes){reference-type="ref" reference="subsec: summary and notes"} presents the final results (Theorems [\[theorem: final condition\]](#theorem: final condition){reference-type="ref" reference="theorem: final condition"} and [\[theorem: final corollary\]](#theorem: final corollary){reference-type="ref" reference="theorem: final corollary"}).
## Basic Lemmas {#subsec: Preliminaries}
Let \(\mathcal{P}(a,a')\) denote the *path* (see ) whose *terminal vertices* (see ) are \(a\) and \(a'\); let \(\mathcal{C}(a,a')\) denote the *cut-set* (see ) that separates \(\mathcal{N}\) into two connected subgraphs \(\mathcal{N}_1\) and \(\mathcal{N}_2\) containing \(a\) and \(a'\), respectively.
## Five-Element Bridge Networks with Two Reactive Elements of the Same Type {#subsec: same type}
and \(R_1\) is the positive root of the following quadratic equation: \[\label{eq: equation for the root No. 85} b_0 b_2 \Gamma_a R_1^2-(\mathds{M}\mathds{R} + 2a_0a_2b_0b_2\Delta_{ab}) R_1 + a_0a_2 \Gamma_b = 0.\]
From [\[eq: No. 85 kb0\]](#eq: No. 85 kb0){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 85 kb0"}, one obtains \[\label{eq: No. 85 k} k = \frac{1}{b_0}.\] From [\[eq: No. 85 ka2\]](#eq: No. 85 ka2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 85 ka2"} and [\[eq: No. 85 kb2\]](#eq: No. 85 kb2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 85 kb2"}, it follows that \(1/R_1 + 1/R_3 = b_2/a_2\). The assumption that \(R_1 > 0\) and \(R_3 > 0\) implies \[\label{eq: No. 85 positive restriction 02} b_2 R_1-a_2 > 0.\] Hence, \(R_3\) is solved as [\[eq: No. 85 values R3\]](#eq: No. 85 values R3){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 85 values R3"}. Based on [\[eq: No. 85 ka0\]](#eq: No. 85 ka0){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 85 ka0"} and [\[eq: No. 85 k\]](#eq: No. 85 k){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 85 k"}, \(R_2\) is solved as [\[eq: No. 85 values R2\]](#eq: No. 85 values R2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 85 values R2"}, implying \[a_0-b_0 R_1 > 0. \label{eq: No. 85 positive restriction 01}\] Substituting [\[eq: No. 85 values R2\]](#eq: No. 85 values R2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 85 values R2"}, [\[eq: No. 85 values R3\]](#eq: No. 85 values R3){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 85 values R3"}, and [\[eq: No. 85 k\]](#eq: No. 85 k){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 85 k"} into [\[eq: No. 85 ka1\]](#eq: No. 85 ka1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 85 ka1"} and [\[eq: No. 85 kb1\]](#eq: No. 85 kb1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 85 kb1"}, \(C_1\) and \(C_2\) can be solved as [\[eq: No. 85 values C1\]](#eq: No. 85 values C1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 85 values C1"} and [\[eq: No. 85 values C2\]](#eq: No. 85 values C2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 85 values C2"}, implying \[\begin{aligned}
(a_1 a_2b_0 + a_0 \mathds{C}) R_1-a_0a_1a_2 &> 0, \label{eq: No. 85 positive restriction 03} \\ (a_2b_0b_1 + b_2 \mathds{A})-b_0b_1b_2 R_1 &> 0. \label{eq: No. 85 positive restriction 04} \end{aligned}\] Substituting [\[eq: No. 85 values R2\]](#eq: No. 85 values R2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 85 values R2"}--[\[eq: No. 85 values C2\]](#eq: No. 85 values C2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 85 values C2"} and [\[eq: No. 85 k\]](#eq: No. 85 k){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 85 k"} into [\[eq: No. 85 ka2\]](#eq: No. 85 ka2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 85 ka2"} yields [\[eq: equation for the root No. 85\]](#eq: equation for the root No. 85){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: equation for the root No. 85"}. The discriminant of [\[eq: equation for the root No. 85\]](#eq: equation for the root No. 85){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: equation for the root No. 85"} in \(R_1\) is obtained as \[\label{eq: discriminant of No. 85} \begin{split} \delta &= (-\mathds{M}\mathds{R}-2a_0a_2b_0b_2\Delta_{ab})^2-4b_0b_2\Gamma_a a_0a_2\Gamma_b \\ &= \mathds{M}^2 \mathds{R} (\mathds{R}-4a_0a_2b_0b_2), \end{split}\] which must be nonnegative. Together with Lemma [\[lemma: type of elements\]](#lemma: type of elements){reference-type="ref" reference="lemma: type of elements"}, it follows that \(\mathds{R}-4a_0a_2b_0b_2 \geq 0\). Moreover, from [\[eq: No. 85 positive restriction 02\]](#eq: No. 85 positive restriction 02){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 85 positive restriction 02"} and [\[eq: No. 85 positive restriction 01\]](#eq: No. 85 positive restriction 01){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 85 positive restriction 01"}, one obtains \(\mathds{B} > 0\). Therefore, if \(Z(s) \in \mathcal{Z}_b\) is realizable as the configuration in Fig. [\[fig: Quartet-01-same-kind\]](#fig: Quartet-01-same-kind){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: Quartet-01-same-kind"}(b), then \(\mathds{R}-4a_0a_2b_0b_2 \geq 0\) and \(\mathds{B} < 0\), which are obtained through the principle of duality (\(a_2 \leftrightarrow b_2\), \(a_1 \leftrightarrow b_1\), and \(a_0 \leftrightarrow b_0\)). *Sufficiency.* By the principle of duality, it suffices to show that if \(\mathds{R}-4a_0a_2b_0b_2 \geq 0\) and \(\mathds{B} > 0\), then \(Z(s) \in \mathcal{Z}_b\) is realizable as the configuration in Fig. [\[fig: Quartet-01-same-kind\]](#fig: Quartet-01-same-kind){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: Quartet-01-same-kind"}(a). Since \(\mathds{R}-4a_0a_2b_0b_2 \geq 0\), it follows that \(\Gamma_a \geq 4a_0a_2b_0b_2 + b_0b_2 \Delta_a = a_1^2 b_0 b_2 > 0\), \(\Gamma_b \geq 4a_0a_2b_0b_2 + a_0a_2 \Delta_b = b_1^2 a_0 a_2 > 0\), \(\mathds{M}\mathds{R} + 2a_0a_2b_0b_2(a_1b_1-2 \mathds{M}) \geq 4a_0a_2b_0b_2 \mathds{M} + 2a_0a_2b_0b_2(a_1b_1-2 \mathds{M}) = 2a_0a_1a_2b_0b_1b_2 > 0\), and the discriminant of [\[eq: equation for the root No. 85\]](#eq: equation for the root No. 85){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: equation for the root No. 85"} in \(R_1\) as expressed in [\[eq: discriminant of No. 85\]](#eq: discriminant of No. 85){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: discriminant of No. 85"} is nonnegative. Hence, [\[eq: equation for the root No. 85\]](#eq: equation for the root No. 85){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: equation for the root No. 85"} in \(R_1\) has one or two nonzero real roots, which must be positive. Moreover, \(\mathds{A} \mathds{C} > 0\) since \(\mathds{R} = \mathds{A} \mathds{C}-\mathds{B}^2 > 0\). Assume that \(\mathds{A} < 0\), that is, \(a_0 b_1 < a_1 b_0\). Together with \(\mathds{B} > 0\), that is, \(a_2 b_0 < a_0 b_2\), one obtains that \((a_0 b_1) (a_2 b_0) < (a_1 b_0) (a_0 b_2)\), which is equivalent to \(\mathds{C} > 0\). This contradicts the fact that \(\mathds{A} \mathds{C} > 0\) as derived above. Therefore, it is only possible that \(\mathds{A} > 0\) and \(\mathds{C} > 0\), which implies that \(a_1 a_2 b_0 + a_0 \mathds{C} > 0\) and \(a_2b_0b_1 + b_2 \mathds{A} > 0\). Replacing \(R_1\) in [\[eq: equation for the root No. 85\]](#eq: equation for the root No. 85){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: equation for the root No. 85"} by \(a_0/b_0\) and \(a_2/b_2\) yields \(a_0^2 \mathds{C}^2 > 0\) and \(a_2^2 \mathds{A}^2 > 0\), respectively. Therefore, \(a_0-b_0R_1 \neq 0\) and \(b_2R_1-a_2 \neq 0\) provided that \(R_1\) is the positive root of [\[eq: equation for the root No. 85\]](#eq: equation for the root No. 85){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: equation for the root No. 85"}. For the configuration in Fig. [\[fig: Quartet-01-same-kind\]](#fig: Quartet-01-same-kind){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: Quartet-01-same-kind"}(a), let the values of the elements therein satisfy [\[eq: No. 85 values R2\]](#eq: No. 85 values R2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 85 values R2"}--[\[eq: No. 85 values C2\]](#eq: No. 85 values C2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 85 values C2"}, where \(R_1\) is the positive root of [\[eq: equation for the root No. 85\]](#eq: equation for the root No. 85){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: equation for the root No. 85"}. Let the value of \(k\) satisfy [\[eq: No. 85 k\]](#eq: No. 85 k){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 85 k"}. It can be verified that [\[eq: No. 85 ka2\]](#eq: No. 85 ka2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 85 ka2"}--[\[eq: No. 85 kb0\]](#eq: No. 85 kb0){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 85 kb0"} hold. Hence, it follows that \(k^4 \mathds{R} = ((R_1+R_3)R_1C_1 + (R_1+R_2)R_3C_2)^2R_2^2C_1C_2\), which implies that \(C_1\) and \(C_2\) must be simultaneously positive or negative. This means that \(((a_1a_2b_0 + a_0 \mathds{C})R_1-a_0a_1a_2)\) and \(((a_2b_0b_1 + b_2 \mathds{A})-b_0b_1b_2R_1)\) are simultaneously positive or negative. Assume that \((a_1a_2b_0 + a_0 \mathds{C})R_1-a_0a_1a_2 < 0\) and \((a_2b_0b_1 + b_2 \mathds{A})-b_0b_1b_2R_1 < 0\). Then, one obtains \((a_1a_2b_0 + a_0 \mathds{C})(a_2b_0b_1 + b_2 \mathds{A}) < a_0a_1a_2 b_0b_1b_2\), which is equivalent to \(\mathds{A} \mathds{C} < 0\). This contradicts \(\mathds{A} \mathds{C} > 0\). Therefore, conditions [\[eq: No. 85 positive restriction 03\]](#eq: No. 85 positive restriction 03){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 85 positive restriction 03"} and [\[eq: No. 85 positive restriction 04\]](#eq: No. 85 positive restriction 04){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 85 positive restriction 04"} hold, which is equivalent to \((a_0a_1a_2)/(a_1a_2b_0+a_0\mathds{C}) < R_1 < (a_2b_0b_1 + b_2 \mathds{A})/(b_0b_1b_2)\). Since \((a_0a_1a_2)/(a_1a_2b_0+a_0\mathds{C}) > a_2/b_2\) and \((a_2b_0b_1 + b_2 \mathds{A})/(b_0b_1b_2) < a_0/b_0\) because of \(\mathds{A} > 0\) and \(\mathds{C} > 0\), it follows that conditions [\[eq: No. 85 positive restriction 01\]](#eq: No. 85 positive restriction 01){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 85 positive restriction 01"} and [\[eq: No. 85 positive restriction 02\]](#eq: No. 85 positive restriction 02){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 85 positive restriction 02"} must hold. Hence, the values of elements as expressed in [\[eq: No. 85 values R2\]](#eq: No. 85 values R2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 85 values R2"}--[\[eq: equation for the root No. 85\]](#eq: equation for the root No. 85){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: equation for the root No. 85"} must be positive and finite. As a conclusion, the given impedance \(Z(s)\) is realizable as the specified network. ◻
Furthermore, if the condition is satisfied and if \(R_1 > R_2\), then the values of the elements are expressed as
where \[\Lambda = 1-\frac{4 a_2 b_0 R_3}{(b_2 R_3-a_2)(a_0-b_0R_3)},\] and \(R_3\) is the positive root of [\[eq: equation for the root No. 86\]](#eq: equation for the root No. 86){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: equation for the root No. 86"} satisfying [\[eq: No. 86 positive restriction 01\]](#eq: No. 86 positive restriction 01){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86 positive restriction 01"}--[\[eq: No. 86 positive restriction 03\]](#eq: No. 86 positive restriction 03){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86 positive restriction 03"}.
It is obvious that [\[eq: No. 86 kb0\]](#eq: No. 86 kb0){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86 kb0"} is equivalent to \[\label{eq: No. 86 k} k = \frac{1}{b_0}.\] Together with [\[eq: No. 86 ka1\]](#eq: No. 86 ka1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86 ka1"} and [\[eq: No. 86 kb1\]](#eq: No. 86 kb1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86 kb1"}, \(C_1\) and \(C_2\) are solved as [\[eq: No. 86 values C1\]](#eq: No. 86 values C1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86 values C1"} and [\[eq: No. 86 values C2\]](#eq: No. 86 values C2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86 values C2"}. From [\[eq: No. 86 ka2\]](#eq: No. 86 ka2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86 ka2"} and [\[eq: No. 86 kb2\]](#eq: No. 86 kb2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86 kb2"}, one obtains \[\label{eq: No. 86 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3} \frac{1}{R_1} + \frac{1}{R_2} + \frac{1}{R_3} = \frac{b_2}{a_2}.\] As a result, condition [\[eq: No. 86 positive restriction 01\]](#eq: No. 86 positive restriction 01){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86 positive restriction 01"} is derived. Due to the symmetry of this configuration, one can assume that \(R_1 > R_2\) without loss of generality. Therefore, from [\[eq: No. 86 ka0\]](#eq: No. 86 ka0){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86 ka0"}, [\[eq: No. 86 k\]](#eq: No. 86 k){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86 k"}, and [\[eq: No. 86 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3\]](#eq: No. 86 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3"}, \(R_1\) and \(R_2\) are solved as [\[eq: No. 86 values R1\]](#eq: No. 86 values R1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86 values R1"} and [\[eq: No. 86 values R2\]](#eq: No. 86 values R2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86 values R2"}, which implies condition [\[eq: No. 86 positive restriction 02\]](#eq: No. 86 positive restriction 02){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86 positive restriction 02"}. Substituting the expressions of [\[eq: No. 86 values R1\]](#eq: No. 86 values R1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86 values R1"}--[\[eq: No. 86 values C2\]](#eq: No. 86 values C2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86 values C2"} and [\[eq: No. 86 k\]](#eq: No. 86 k){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86 k"} into \((R_1R_2R_3C_1C_2-ka_2)\) gives \[\begin{split} &R_1R_2R_3C_1C_2-ka_2 \\ =& \frac{a_2}{b_0} \cdot \frac{b_0 \mathds{E}_b R_3^2-(\mathds{R} + 2a_2b_0\mathds{B}) R_3 + a_2 \mathds{D}_a}{\mathds{B}(b_0 b_2 R_3^2 + (2 a_2 b_0-\mathds{B}) R_3 + a_0 a_2)}. \end{split}\] Then, one obtains [\[eq: equation for the root No. 86\]](#eq: equation for the root No. 86){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: equation for the root No. 86"}. Since \(\Lambda\) must be nonnegative and \((b_0 b_2 R_3^2 + (2 a_2 b_0-\mathds{B}) R_3 + a_0 a_2)\) cannot be zero, it follows that \[\label{eq: No. 86 negative} b_0 b_2 R_3^2 + (2 a_2 b_0-\mathds{B}) R_3 + a_0 a_2 < 0.\] Substituting the expressions of the roots of [\[eq: equation for the root No. 86\]](#eq: equation for the root No. 86){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: equation for the root No. 86"} into [\[eq: No. 86 negative\]](#eq: No. 86 negative){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86 negative"} yields \(((\mathds{R} + 2a_2b_0\mathds{B}) + \sqrt{(\mathds{R} + 2a_2b_0\mathds{B})^2-4a_2b_0 \mathds{D}_a\mathds{E}_b}) (\mathds{C}-2a_2b_1)\mathds{C} + 2a_2 \mathds{E}_b (a_0a_2b_1^2-a_1^2b_0b_2) > 0\) or \(((\mathds{R} + 2a_2b_0\mathds{B})-\sqrt{(\mathds{R} + 2a_2b_0\mathds{B})^2-4a_2b_0\mathds{D}_a\mathds{E}_b}) (\mathds{C}-2a_2b_1)\mathds{C} + 2a_2 \mathds{E}_b (a_0a_2b_1^2-a_1^2b_0b_2) > 0\), which is equivalent to condition [\[eq: No. 86 positive restriction 03\]](#eq: No. 86 positive restriction 03){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86 positive restriction 03"}. *Sufficiency.* Let the values of the elements satisfy [\[eq: No. 86 values R1\]](#eq: No. 86 values R1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86 values R1"}--[\[eq: No. 86 values C2\]](#eq: No. 86 values C2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86 values C2"}, and \(R_3\) be a positive root of [\[eq: equation for the root No. 86\]](#eq: equation for the root No. 86){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: equation for the root No. 86"} satisfying [\[eq: No. 86 positive restriction 01\]](#eq: No. 86 positive restriction 01){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86 positive restriction 01"} and [\[eq: No. 86 positive restriction 02\]](#eq: No. 86 positive restriction 02){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86 positive restriction 02"}. Let \(k\) satisfy [\[eq: No. 86 k\]](#eq: No. 86 k){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86 k"}. Then, it can be verified that [\[eq: No. 86 ka2\]](#eq: No. 86 ka2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86 ka2"}--[\[eq: No. 86 kb0\]](#eq: No. 86 kb0){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86 kb0"} are satisfied. Now, it suffices to prove that values of elements must be positive and finite. From the discussion in the necessity part, it is noted that condition [\[eq: No. 86 positive restriction 03\]](#eq: No. 86 positive restriction 03){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86 positive restriction 03"} yields \(\Lambda > 0\), and conditions [\[eq: No. 86 positive restriction 01\]](#eq: No. 86 positive restriction 01){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86 positive restriction 01"} and [\[eq: No. 86 positive restriction 02\]](#eq: No. 86 positive restriction 02){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86 positive restriction 02"} imply \(R_1 > 0\) and \(R_2 > 0\). Besides, one has \[\begin{split} C_1 C_2 =& \frac{b_1^2(a_0-b_0R_3)^2\Lambda- (\mathds{A}-a_1b_0-b_0b_1R_3)^2}{(a_0-b_0R_3)^2((a_0+b_0R_3)^2-(a_0-b_0R_3)^2\Lambda)\Lambda} \\ =& \frac{(b_2 R_3-a_2)(b_0b_1\mathds{C}R_3^2- \mathds{A}\mathds{C} R_3 + a_1a_2 \mathds{A})} {(a_0-b_0R_3)(b_0b_2R_3^2 + (2a_2b_0-\mathds{B}) R_3 + a_0a_2)R_3^2\mathds{B}} \\ =& \frac{(b_2 R_3-a_2)}{(a_0-b_0R_3)R_3^2} > 0, \end{split}\] where the third equality is [\[eq: equation for the root No. 86\]](#eq: equation for the root No. 86){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: equation for the root No. 86"}. Since \(R_1 > R_2\), it follows from [\[eq: No. 86 values C1\]](#eq: No. 86 values C1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86 values C1"} and [\[eq: No. 86 values C2\]](#eq: No. 86 values C2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86 values C2"} that \(C_1 > 0\) and \(C_2 > 0\). ◻
Furthermore, if the condition is satisfied, then the values of the elements are expressed as
and \(C_2\) is a positive root of \[\label{eq: No. 86' values C2} a_1\mathds{A}(2\mathds{A}-a_1b_0) C_2^2-a_1 b_1^2 (2\mathds{A}-a_1b_0) C_2 + b_1^2b_2\mathds{A} =0.\]
It is obvious that [\[eq: No. 86\' kb0\]](#eq: No. 86' kb0){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86' kb0"} is equivalent to \[\label{eq: No. 86' k} k = \frac{1}{b_0}.\] From [\[eq: No. 86\' ka1\]](#eq: No. 86' ka1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86' ka1"} and [\[eq: No. 86\' kb1\]](#eq: No. 86' kb1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86' kb1"}, it follows that \(R_1\) satisfies [\[eq: No. 86\' values R1\]](#eq: No. 86' values R1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86' values R1"}, implying that \(R_2\) satisfies [\[eq: No. 86\' values R2\]](#eq: No. 86' values R2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86' values R2"}. Then, substituting [\[eq: No. 86\' values R1\]](#eq: No. 86' values R1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86' values R1"} and [\[eq: No. 86\' k\]](#eq: No. 86' k){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86' k"} into [\[eq: No. 86\' ka0\]](#eq: No. 86' ka0){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86' ka0"}, one concludes that \(R_3\) satisfies [\[eq: No. 86\' values R3\]](#eq: No. 86' values R3){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86' values R3"}, which implies \(\mathds{A}-a_1b_0 > 0\). Thus, it follows from [\[eq: No. 86\' kb2\]](#eq: No. 86' kb2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86' kb2"} and [\[eq: No. 86\' kb1\]](#eq: No. 86' kb1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86' kb1"} that \(C_1\) satisfies [\[eq: No. 86\' values C1\]](#eq: No. 86' values C1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86' values C1"} and \(C_2\) is a positive root of [\[eq: No. 86\' values C2\]](#eq: No. 86' values C2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86' values C2"}. Consequently, \(2\mathds{A}-a_1b_0 > 0\). Since the discriminant of [\[eq: No. 86\' values C2\]](#eq: No. 86' values C2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86' values C2"} should be nonnegative, one obtains condition [\[eq: No. 86 network condition 01 R1 = R2\]](#eq: No. 86 network condition 01 R1 = R2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86 network condition 01 R1 = R2"}. Finally, substituting [\[eq: No. 86\' values R1\]](#eq: No. 86' values R1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86' values R1"}--[\[eq: No. 86\' values C2\]](#eq: No. 86' values C2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86' values C2"} and [\[eq: No. 86\' k\]](#eq: No. 86' k){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86' k"} into [\[eq: No. 86\' ka2\]](#eq: No. 86' ka2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86' ka2"} yields \(a_1b_2(\mathds{A}-a_1b_0)-a_2b_1 (2\mathds{A}-a_1b_0) = 0\). Since \(\mathds{A}-a_1b_0 > 0\), condition [\[eq: No. 86 network condition 02 R1 = R2\]](#eq: No. 86 network condition 02 R1 = R2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86 network condition 02 R1 = R2"} is obtained. *Sufficiency.* Let the values of the elements satisfy [\[eq: No. 86\' values R1\]](#eq: No. 86' values R1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86' values R1"}--[\[eq: No. 86\' values C2\]](#eq: No. 86' values C2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86' values C2"}. Let \(k\) satisfy [\[eq: No. 86\' k\]](#eq: No. 86' k){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86' k"}. \(\mathds{A}-a_1b_0 > 0\) and condition [\[eq: No. 86 network condition 01 R1 = R2\]](#eq: No. 86 network condition 01 R1 = R2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86 network condition 01 R1 = R2"} guarantee all the elements to be positive and finite. Since condition [\[eq: No. 86 network condition 02 R1 = R2\]](#eq: No. 86 network condition 02 R1 = R2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86 network condition 02 R1 = R2"} holds, it can be verified that [\[eq: No. 86 ka2\]](#eq: No. 86 ka2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86 ka2"}--[\[eq: No. 86 kb0\]](#eq: No. 86 kb0){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 86 kb0"} hold. Therefore, [\[eq: general impedance of No. 86 network\]](#eq: general impedance of No. 86 network){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: general impedance of No. 86 network"} is equivalent to [\[eq: biquadratic impedance\]](#eq: biquadratic impedance){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: biquadratic impedance"}. ◻
## Five-Element Bridge Networks with One Inductor and One Capacitor {#subsec: different type}
The realizability condition of Fig. [\[fig: Quartet-01-different-kind\]](#fig: Quartet-01-different-kind){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: Quartet-01-different-kind"} has already been established in, as follows.
By the star-mesh transformation, it can be verified that the configuration in Fig. [\[fig: Quartet-02-different-kind\]](#fig: Quartet-02-different-kind){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: Quartet-02-different-kind"}(a) is equivalent to that in Fig. [\[fig: network of No. 104\]](#fig: network of No. 104){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: network of No. 104"}. The element values for configurations in Figs. [\[fig: Quartet-02-different-kind\]](#fig: Quartet-02-different-kind){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: Quartet-02-different-kind"}--[\[fig: network of No. 104\]](#fig: network of No. 104){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: network of No. 104"} have been listed in, without any detail of derivation.
and \(R_3\) is a positive root of \[\label{eq: equation for the root No. 104} b_0b_2 \Delta_b R_3^2-2b_0b_2\Delta_{ab} R_3 + \Gamma_a = 0,\] satisfying \[R_3 < \min\{a_2/b_2, a_0/b_0\}. \label{eq: No. 104 positive restriction}\]
From [\[eq: No. 104 kb0\]](#eq: No. 104 kb0){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 104 kb0"}, one obtains \[\label{eq: No. 104 k} k = \frac{1}{b_0}.\] Based on [\[eq: No. 104 ka2\]](#eq: No. 104 ka2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 104 ka2"} and [\[eq: No. 104 kb2\]](#eq: No. 104 kb2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 104 kb2"}, one concludes that \(R_1\) satisfies [\[eq: No. 104 values R1\]](#eq: No. 104 values R1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 104 values R1"}. From [\[eq: No. 104 ka0\]](#eq: No. 104 ka0){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 104 ka0"}, it follows that \(R_2\) satisfies [\[eq: No. 104 values R2\]](#eq: No. 104 values R2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 104 values R2"}. Therefore, condition [\[eq: No. 104 positive restriction\]](#eq: No. 104 positive restriction){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 104 positive restriction"} must hold. Substituting [\[eq: No. 104 values R1\]](#eq: No. 104 values R1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 104 values R1"}, [\[eq: No. 104 values R2\]](#eq: No. 104 values R2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 104 values R2"}, and [\[eq: No. 104 k\]](#eq: No. 104 k){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 104 k"} into [\[eq: No. 104 kb1\]](#eq: No. 104 kb1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 104 kb1"} yields the value of \(C_1\) as [\[eq: No. 104 values C1\]](#eq: No. 104 values C1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 104 values C1"}. As a result, the value of \(L_1\) is obtained from [\[eq: No. 104 kb2\]](#eq: No. 104 kb2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 104 kb2"} as [\[eq: No. 104 values L1\]](#eq: No. 104 values L1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 104 values L1"}. Finally, substituting [\[eq: No. 104 values R1\]](#eq: No. 104 values R1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 104 values R1"}--[\[eq: No. 104 values C1\]](#eq: No. 104 values C1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 104 values C1"} into [\[eq: No. 104 ka1\]](#eq: No. 104 ka1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 104 ka1"} yields [\[eq: equation for the root No. 104\]](#eq: equation for the root No. 104){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: equation for the root No. 104"}. It follows that the discriminant of [\[eq: equation for the root No. 104\]](#eq: equation for the root No. 104){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: equation for the root No. 104"} in \(R_3\) is \[\label{eq: discriminant of No. 104} \delta = (2b_0b_2\Delta_{ab})^2-4b_0b_2\Delta_b \Gamma_a =-4b_0b_1^2b_2\mathds{R}.\] Since [\[eq: equation for the root No. 104\]](#eq: equation for the root No. 104){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: equation for the root No. 104"} must have at least one positive root, one concludes that \(\mathds{R} < 0\), and at most one of \(\Delta_b\), \(\Delta_{ab}\), and \(\Gamma_a\) is zero. Substituting \(R_3 = a_0/b_0\), \(R_3 = a_2/b_2\), and \(R_3 = (a_0/b_0 + a_2/b_2)/2 = \mathds{M}/(2b_0b_2)\) into the left-hand side of [\[eq: equation for the root No. 104\]](#eq: equation for the root No. 104){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: equation for the root No. 104"}, one obtains, respectively, \[\begin{aligned}
\left.b_0b_2 \Delta_b R_3^2-2b_0b_2\Delta_{ab} R_3 + \Gamma_a \right|_{R_3 = \frac{a_0}{b_0}} &=-\frac{\mathds{B}\mathds{D}_b}{b_0}, \label{eq: subs R3 01 No. 104} \\ \left.b_0b_2 \Delta_b R_3^2-2b_0b_2\Delta_{ab} R_3 + \Gamma_a \right|_{R_3 = \frac{a_2}{b_2}} &= \frac{\mathds{B}\mathds{E}_b}{b_2}, \label{eq: subs R3 02 No. 104} \\ \left.b_0b_2 \Delta_b R_3^2-2b_0b_2\Delta_{ab} R_3 + \Gamma_a \right|_{R_3 = \frac{\mathds{M}}{2b_0b_2}} &= \frac{b_1^2 \mathds{B}^2}{4b_0b_2} > 0. \label{eq: subs R3 03 No. 104} \end{aligned}\] Since the condition of Lemma [\[lemma: condition of at most four\]](#lemma: condition of at most four){reference-type="ref" reference="lemma: condition of at most four"} does not hold, \(\Gamma_a \neq 0\). When \(\Gamma_a < 0\), based on [\[eq: subs R3 03 No. 104\]](#eq: subs R3 03 No. 104){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: subs R3 03 No. 104"} it follows that [\[eq: equation for the root No. 104\]](#eq: equation for the root No. 104){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: equation for the root No. 104"} has only one positive root in \(R_3\) such that [\[eq: No. 104 positive restriction\]](#eq: No. 104 positive restriction){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 104 positive restriction"} holds. Therefore, the signs of \(\Delta_b\), \(-\Delta_{ab}\), and \(\Gamma_a\) are not all the same (when one of them is zero, the other two are nonzero and have different signs). Moreover, if \(\mathds{B} < 0\), then \(a_0/b_0 < \mathds{M}/(2b_0b_2) < a_2/b_2\), implying that \(\mathds{D}_b > 0\) to guarantee [\[eq: subs R3 01 No. 104\]](#eq: subs R3 01 No. 104){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: subs R3 01 No. 104"} to be positive; if \(\mathds{B} > 0\), then \(a_0/b_0 > \mathds{M}/(2b_0b_2) > a_2/b_2\), implying that \(\mathds{E}_b > 0\) to guarantee [\[eq: subs R3 02 No. 104\]](#eq: subs R3 02 No. 104){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: subs R3 02 No. 104"} to be positive. When \(\Gamma_a > 0\), based on [\[eq: subs R3 03 No. 104\]](#eq: subs R3 03 No. 104){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: subs R3 03 No. 104"} it follows that \(\Delta_b > 0\) and \(-\Delta_{ab}<0\). If \(\mathds{B} < 0\), then \(a_0/b_0 < \mathds{M}/(2b_0b_2) < a_2/b_2\). Therefore, in either the case when [\[eq: subs R3 01 No. 104\]](#eq: subs R3 01 No. 104){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: subs R3 01 No. 104"} is negative or the case when [\[eq: subs R3 01 No. 104\]](#eq: subs R3 01 No. 104){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: subs R3 01 No. 104"} is nonnegative, one has \(\Delta_{ab}/\Delta_b < a_0/b_0\) holds. The above two cases correspond to \(-b_1 \mathds{A} <-b_0 \mathds{B}\) and \(-b_0 \mathds{B} \leq-b_1 \mathds{A} <-2 b_0 \mathds{B}\), respectively. Hence, combining them yields \(-b_1 \mathds{A} <-2 b_0 \mathds{B}\), which is equivalent to \(\mathds{D}_b + b_0\mathds{B} < 0\). Similarly, if \(\mathds{B} > 0\), then \(\mathds{E}_b-b_2\mathds{B} < 0\). *Sufficiency.* Let the values of the elements in Fig. [\[fig: network of No. 104\]](#fig: network of No. 104){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: network of No. 104"} satisfy [\[eq: No. 104 values R1\]](#eq: No. 104 values R1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 104 values R1"}--[\[eq: No. 104 values C1\]](#eq: No. 104 values C1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 104 values C1"}, and \(R_3\) be a positive root of [\[eq: equation for the root No. 104\]](#eq: equation for the root No. 104){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: equation for the root No. 104"} satisfying [\[eq: No. 104 positive restriction\]](#eq: No. 104 positive restriction){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 104 positive restriction"}. Then, \(a_2-b_2R_3 > 0\), \(a_0-b_0R_3 > 0\), and \(\mathds{M}-2b_0b_2R_3 > 0\). Letting \(k\) satisfy [\[eq: No. 104 k\]](#eq: No. 104 k){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 104 k"}, it can be verified that [\[eq: No. 104 ka2\]](#eq: No. 104 ka2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 104 ka2"}--[\[eq: No. 104 kb0\]](#eq: No. 104 kb0){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 104 kb0"} hold. \(\mathds{R} < 0\) implies that the discriminant of [\[eq: equation for the root No. 104\]](#eq: equation for the root No. 104){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: equation for the root No. 104"} as expressed in [\[eq: discriminant of No. 104\]](#eq: discriminant of No. 104){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: discriminant of No. 104"} is positive. If condition 1 is satisfied, then as discussed in the necessity part there exists a unique positive root of [\[eq: equation for the root No. 104\]](#eq: equation for the root No. 104){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: equation for the root No. 104"} in terms of \(R_3\) such that [\[eq: No. 104 positive restriction\]](#eq: No. 104 positive restriction){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 104 positive restriction"} holds. If condition 2 holds, and either \(-b_1 \mathds{A} <-b_0 \mathds{B}\) for \(\mathds{B} < 0\) or \(-b_2 \mathds{B} <-b_1 \mathds{C}\) for \(\mathds{B} > 0\), then it can be proved that there exists a unique positive root for [\[eq: equation for the root No. 104\]](#eq: equation for the root No. 104){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: equation for the root No. 104"} in terms of \(R_3\) such that [\[eq: No. 104 positive restriction\]](#eq: No. 104 positive restriction){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 104 positive restriction"} holds. If condition 2 holds, and either \(-b_0 \mathds{B} \leq-b_1 \mathds{A} <-2b_0 \mathds{B}\) for \(\mathds{B} < 0\) or \(-2b_2 \mathds{B} <-b_1 \mathds{C} \leq-b_2 \mathds{B}\) for \(\mathds{B} > 0\), then there are two positive roots for [\[eq: equation for the root No. 104\]](#eq: equation for the root No. 104){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: equation for the root No. 104"} in terms of \(R_3\) such that [\[eq: No. 104 positive restriction\]](#eq: No. 104 positive restriction){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 104 positive restriction"} holds. As a conclusion, the values of elements must be positive and finite. The given impedance \(Z(s)\) is realizable as the specified network. ◻
and \(R_2\) is a positive root of \[\label{eq: equation for the root QuadEq} b_0b_2\Gamma_a R_2^2 + (\mathds{M}\mathds{R} + 2a_0a_2b_0b_2\Delta_{ab}) R_2 + a_0a_2\Gamma_b = 0,\] satisfying
From [\[eq: No. 108 ka2\]](#eq: No. 108 ka2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 108 ka2"} and [\[eq: No. 108 kd2\]](#eq: No. 108 kd2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 108 kd2"}, it follows that \(R_3\) satisfies [\[eq: No. 108 R3\]](#eq: No. 108 R3){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 108 R3"}. From [\[eq: No. 108 ka0\]](#eq: No. 108 ka0){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 108 ka0"} and [\[eq: No. 108 kd0\]](#eq: No. 108 kd0){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 108 kd0"}, it follows that \(R_1\) satisfies [\[eq: No. 108 R1\]](#eq: No. 108 R1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 108 R1"}. Substituting [\[eq: No. 108 R3\]](#eq: No. 108 R3){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 108 R3"} into [\[eq: No. 108 kd0\]](#eq: No. 108 kd0){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 108 kd0"} yields \[\label{eq: k No. 108} k = \frac{b_2R_2 + a_2}{b_0b_2}.\] Therefore, \(L_1\) and \(C_1\) can be solved from [\[eq: No. 108 ka1\]](#eq: No. 108 ka1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 108 ka1"} and [\[eq: No. 108 kd1\]](#eq: No. 108 kd1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 108 kd1"} as [\[eq: No. 108 L1\]](#eq: No. 108 L1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 108 L1"} and [\[eq: No. 108 C1\]](#eq: No. 108 C1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 108 C1"}. The assumption that all the values of the elements are positive and finite implies conditions [\[eq: No. 108 positive condition 01\]](#eq: No. 108 positive condition 01){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 108 positive condition 01"} and [\[eq: No. 108 positive condition 02\]](#eq: No. 108 positive condition 02){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 108 positive condition 02"}. Substituting [\[eq: No. 108 R1\]](#eq: No. 108 R1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 108 R1"}--[\[eq: No. 108 C1\]](#eq: No. 108 C1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 108 C1"} into [\[eq: No. 108 kd2\]](#eq: No. 108 kd2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 108 kd2"} yields [\[eq: equation for the root QuadEq\]](#eq: equation for the root QuadEq){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: equation for the root QuadEq"}. The discriminant of [\[eq: equation for the root QuadEq\]](#eq: equation for the root QuadEq){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: equation for the root QuadEq"} in terms of \(R_2\) is obtained as \[\label{eq: delta positive} \begin{split} \delta = \mathds{M}^2 \mathds{R} (\mathds{R}-4a_0a_2b_0b_2). \end{split}\] Since the discriminant must be nonnegative to guarantee the existence of real roots, together with Lemma [\[lemma: type of elements\]](#lemma: type of elements){reference-type="ref" reference="lemma: type of elements"} one has \(\mathds{R} < 0\), implying that \(\delta > 0\) and at most one of \(\Gamma_a\), \(\Gamma_b\), and \((\mathds{M}\mathds{R} + 2a_0a_2b_0b_2\Delta_{ab})\) is zero. If one of them is zero, then it is only possible that \(\mathds{M}\mathds{R} + 2a_0a_2b_0b_2\Delta_{ab} = 0\) and \(\Gamma_a \Gamma_b < 0\). If none of them is zero, then it follows that the signs of them cannot be the same to guarantee the existence of the positive root. *Sufficiency.* Let the values of the elements in Fig. [\[fig: Quartet-03-different-kind\]](#fig: Quartet-03-different-kind){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: Quartet-03-different-kind"} be [\[eq: No. 108 R1\]](#eq: No. 108 R1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 108 R1"}--[\[eq: No. 108 C1\]](#eq: No. 108 C1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 108 C1"}, and \(R_2\) be a positive root of [\[eq: equation for the root QuadEq\]](#eq: equation for the root QuadEq){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: equation for the root QuadEq"} satisfying conditions [\[eq: No. 108 positive condition 01\]](#eq: No. 108 positive condition 01){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 108 positive condition 01"} and [\[eq: No. 108 positive condition 02\]](#eq: No. 108 positive condition 02){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 108 positive condition 02"}. Let \(k\) satisfy [\[eq: k No. 108\]](#eq: k No. 108){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: k No. 108"}. It can be verified that [\[eq: No. 108 ka2\]](#eq: No. 108 ka2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 108 ka2"}--[\[eq: No. 108 kd0\]](#eq: No. 108 kd0){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 108 kd0"} hold, implying that [\[eq: general impedance of No. 108 network\]](#eq: general impedance of No. 108 network){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: general impedance of No. 108 network"} is equivalent to [\[eq: biquadratic impedance\]](#eq: biquadratic impedance){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: biquadratic impedance"}. It suffices to show that [\[eq: equation for the root QuadEq\]](#eq: equation for the root QuadEq){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: equation for the root QuadEq"} always has a positive root, such that \(R_1\), \(R_3\), \(L_1\), \(C_1\) expressed as [\[eq: No. 108 R1\]](#eq: No. 108 R1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 108 R1"}--[\[eq: No. 108 C1\]](#eq: No. 108 C1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 108 C1"} are positive. Since \(R_1\) and \(R_3\) expressed as [\[eq: No. 108 R1\]](#eq: No. 108 R1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 108 R1"} and [\[eq: No. 108 R3\]](#eq: No. 108 R3){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: No. 108 R3"} are obviously positive, one only needs to discuss \(L_1\) and \(C_1\). It is not difficult to see that if the signs of \(\Gamma_a\), \(\Gamma_b\), and \((\mathds{M}\mathds{R} + 2a_0a_2b_0b_2\Delta_{ab})\) satisfy the given conditions, then [\[eq: equation for the root QuadEq\]](#eq: equation for the root QuadEq){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: equation for the root QuadEq"} must have at least one positive root, since \(\mathds{R} < 0\) implies that the discriminant of [\[eq: equation for the root QuadEq\]](#eq: equation for the root QuadEq){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: equation for the root QuadEq"} shown in [\[eq: delta positive\]](#eq: delta positive){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: delta positive"} is always positive. Furthermore, \(-k^4 \mathds{R} = (R_1+R_2)^2(R_2+R_3)^2(R_1R_3C_1-L_1)^2L_1C_1\). Together with \(\mathds{R} < 0\), it follows that \(L_1\) and \(C_1\) are both positive or negative. Hence, \(\chi_1\chi_2 > 0\), where \(\chi_1 := b_0b_1b_2R_2 + (a_0b_1b_2-b_0 \mathds{C})\) and \(\chi_2 := (a_1a_2b_0 + a_0 \mathds{C})R_2 + a_0a_1a_2\). Assume that \(\chi_1 < 0\) and \(\chi_2 < 0\). Then, by letting \(a_0a_2 \chi_1 + b_0b_2 \chi_2\), one obtains \(a_0a_2 \chi_1 + b_0b_2 \chi_2 = (a_1b_0b_2 R_2 + a_0a_2b_1) \mathds{M} < 0\). This contradicts the assumption that all the coefficients are positive. Hence, \(\chi_1 > 0\) and \(\chi_2 > 0\), suggesting that \(L_1 > 0\) and \(C_1 > 0\). ◻
## Summary and Notes {#subsec: summary and notes}
Now, a corresponding result for general five-element bridge networks directly follows.
The condition of Theorem [\[theorem: final condition\]](#theorem: final condition){reference-type="ref" reference="theorem: final condition"} can be converted into a condition in terms of the canonical form \(Z_c(s) \in \mathcal{Z}_{b_c}\) through [\[eq: from Z to Zc\]](#eq: from Z to Zc){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq: from Z to Zc"}, which is shown on the \(U\)--\(V\) plane in Fig. [\[fig: UV\]](#fig: UV){reference-type="ref" reference="fig: UV"} when \(W = 2\). If \((U,V)\) is within the shaded region (excluding the inside curves \(\Gamma_{a_c} \Gamma_{b_c} = 0\) and \(\lambda_c^{\ast} \lambda_c^{\ast\dag} = 0\)), then \(Z_c(s)\) is realizable as two-reactive five-element bridge networks. The hatched region (\(\sigma_c < 0\)) represents the non-positive-realness case, where \(Z_c(s)\) cannot be realized as a passive network. Some important notes are listed as follows.
# Numerical Examples {#sec: examples}
# Conclusion {#sec: conclusion}
This paper has investigated the realization problem of biquadratic impedances as five-element bridge networks, where the biquadratic impedance was assumed to be not realizable with fewer than five elements. Through investigating the realizability conditions of configurations covering all the possible cases, a necessary and sufficient condition was derived for a biquadratic impedance to be realizable as a two-reactive five-element bridge network, in terms of the coefficients only. Through the discussions, a canonical form for biquadratic impedances was utilized to simplify and combine the obtained conditions. Finally, a necessary and sufficient condition was obtained for the realizability of the biquadratic impedance as a general five-element bridge network. | {'timestamp': '2017-06-07T02:05:21', 'yymm': '1706', 'arxiv_id': '1706.01693', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.01693'} |
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# Introduction
Quantum machine learning (QML) has recently attracted significant interests . However, this approach is confronted with several challenges and questions, which include: is there any advantage in quantum machine learning compared to its classical counterpart? If so, what are the quantum effects and how do they contribute to this advantage? These issues were addressed theoretically in terms of learning performance, such as membership query complexity and sample complexity (see Ref. for the relevant summary). Various quantum learning scenarios have also been proposed, e.g., quantum neural networks , quantum Boltzmann machine , and quantum reinforcement learning . Recent progress has been made in several specific learning applications such as data classification , regression , topological data analysis , and anomaly detection . One of the noteworthy areas of research is quantum support vector machine, which is a method to classify big quantum data . The quantum support vector machine and its variants exploit the quantum algorithm for solving linear equations (often called HHL, named after the inventors, Harrow, Hassidim, and Lloyd ), to facilitate an exponential speed-up of quantum learning. These machines operate with the limits of restrictive stipulations . For example, the HHL algorithm requires the kernel matrix to be sparse. The condition number must also scale sub-linearly with the system size. Furthermore, the machines need to be equipped with a quantum random access memory , where big input data are rapidly converted and efficiently resourced to allow for quantum superpositioning. It is challenging to realize quantum random access memory without encountering a few well-known problems. For example, the impracticality of error correction, the requirement of uniformly distributed data over a quantum register, and the intrinsic bound of memory latency . We are thus interested in another QML method; namely, one that does not involve the conversion of (big) classical input data into quantum-superposed information . In classical machine learning, a machine learner receives a finite set of sampled inputs \(\mathbf{x}=x_1 x_2 \cdots x_N\) (\(x_j \in \{0, 1\}\) for all \(j=1,\ldots,N\)) and their labels \(c(\mathbf{x})\). Here, \(c\) is a target function that the learner is supposed to learn, which is called a concept. For the given training data \(\{\mathbf{x}, c(\mathbf{x}) \}\) and a set of hypotheses \(h\), classical machine learning is formally defined by the identification of a hypothesis \(h\) which is close to the concept \(c\) . In contrast, the QML process begins with the preparation of training data in quantum states, e.g., \(\{\ket{\mathbf{x}}, \ket{c(\mathbf{x})} \}\), and the processing of superposed states using quantum operations. However, in this instance, we consider another approach in which the input training data are not converted to a quantum state, but the operations are processed based on a quantum mechanical approach. We refer to this method as the quantum-classical hybrid scheme. This approach will be beneficial from the perspective of quantum random access memory. In this report, we consider a universal machine of binary classification with input and output, each consisting of a single classical bit and an internal working channel of a qubit, based on a hybrid approach. This is a basic machine, with classical input channels that can be extended to an arbitrary number of bits, while its internal working channel is maintained with a single qubit . We performed optical experiments to illustrate the single-bit universal machine functionality for a binary classification. Our experimental machine exhibits a quantum advantage of approximately \(36\%\) as compared to a fully classical machine. The system also exhibits strong robustness against dephasing.
# Preliminaries
## Binary classification
A simple and representative example of binary classification is the operation of an email-filter, which classifies incoming emails as spam and non-spam categories by referring to the labels of the emails. A single bit y is introduced for each label which indicates whether an email is spam, so that \(y=0\) indicates it is a spam and otherwise, it is not. An \(N\)-bit string \(\mathbf{x} = x_1 x_2 \cdots x_N\) is also introduced to denote the features of an email, e.g., name, address, date, etc. The machine is supposed to learn a map from \(\mathbf{x}\) to \(y\) so that the machine eventually classifies the emails. Candidates for such a map are \(N\)-bit Boolean functions, \[\begin{aligned}
\mathbf{x} \in \{0, 1\}^{N} \to y \in \{0, 1\}. \label{eq:Booleanf} \end{aligned}\] The candidate maps are called hypotheses in the language of machine learning. The goal of machine learning in this scenario is to find a hypothesis \(h\) that is acceptable with a small error \(E\) as for the email filter . A circuit can be introduced for realizing the entire set of hypotheses in Eq. ([\[eq:Booleanf\]](#eq:Booleanf){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:Booleanf"}). This circuit consists of an \(N\)-bit input channel to handle the input data \(\mathbf{x}\) and the one-bit working channel that processes operations to realize a hypothesis. The working channel runs \(2^{N}\) controllable gate operations: one single-bit operation and \(2^{N}-1\) operations conditioned on the bit values \(x_j\) of \(\mathbf{x} = x_1 x_2 \cdots x_N\). These gate operations are supposed to be either identity (doing nothing) or logical-not (flipping a bit). This circuit is universal since it realizes all possible (\(2^{2^N}\)) Boolean functions . It is worth mentioning that as \(N\) is increased, it will be impractical to require \(2^N\) gates for the circuit, and approximate answers with even smaller gates will suffice for practical applications. The latter can be made by excluding unlikely hypotheses based on *a priori* information .
## Universal single-bit feature circuit
We shall focus on a basic universal machine throughout the paper, which we call a universal single-bit feature circuit (USFC). The USFC receives a single-bit feature \(x\) from the input channel and operates two gates \(g_{0,1}\) in the internal working channel (see Fig. [\[fig:circuit\]](#fig:circuit){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:circuit"}**a**). The USFC thus realizes four possible deterministic tasks: \[\(\boldsymbol{\tau.1}\)\] \(x \to y=0\), \[\(\boldsymbol{\tau.2}\)\] \(x \to y=x\), \[\(\boldsymbol{\tau.3}\)\] \(x \to y=1\), and \[\(\boldsymbol{\tau.4}\)\] \(x \to y=x \oplus 1\). The USFC is crucial for its generalization, noting that the latter exhibits a quantum speed-up that is more than quadratic , that extends the classical input channels to an arbitrary number of bits and maintains the internal working channel with a single qubit. In addition, the analysis of USFC can provide some intuition to speed-up learning (see Appendix A). Since the generalization is made by increasing the classical bits and it is experimentally feasible, the realization of the USFC is central to this work. USFC learning is performed as described in this section for a given target task, which is represented by one of \[\(\boldsymbol\tau.1\)\]-\[\(\boldsymbol\tau.4\)\] if it is deterministic or by a conditional probability \(\mathrm{Pr}_\tau(y|x)\) if it is probabilistic. Input data that are transmitted through the classical channels remaining unaltered. They condition the operations to be performed in the working channel. The initial signal in the working channel is successively flipped as it passes through the two gates \(g_k\) (\(k=0,1\)) with \(g_1\) conditional on the input bit. A measurement is performed at the end of the working channel. The measurement outcome is used to evaluate how close the current circuit is to the target \(c\), and the gates \(g_k\) (\(k=0,1\)) are adjusted based on the evaluation in the interim. Here, the learning control of \(g_k\) is assumed to be made based on the probability, which we refer to as the gate-adopting preference, \[\begin{aligned}
\text{Pr}(g_k \to \openone) ~~\text{and}~~ \text{Pr}(g_k \to X) = 1-\text{Pr}(g_k \to \openone), \label{eq:probs} \end{aligned}\] which are the probabilities that the gate \(g_{k}\) operates the identity \(\openone\) and the logical-not \(X\), respectively. Such probabilistic operations can offer practical advantages in a heuristic manner . We introduce the classical and quantum machines of USFC for comparison. Noting that the input channels are classical for both types of machines , by the classical USFC (cUSFC) we mean the classical realization of the working channel; the working input \(\alpha\) is a binary number that is initially defined as \(\alpha = 0\), and the gates \(g_k\) (\(k=0,1\)) run randomly (\(\openone\) or \(X\)) with probabilities given in Eq. ([\[eq:probs\]](#eq:probs){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:probs"}). The operations \(g_k\) (\(k=0,1\)) are represented by a stochastic evolution matrix in the basis of classical bits: \[\begin{aligned}
\left( \begin{array}{cc} \text{Pr}(g_k \to \openone) & \text{Pr}(g_k \to X) \\ \text{Pr}(g_k \to X) & \text{Pr}(g_k \to \openone) \end{array} \right), \end{aligned}\] where the gate-adopting preferences are written as the transition probabilities. On the other hand, the quantum USFC (qUSFC) works with the quantum working channel and unitary gate operations. The channel is assumed to be initially in a quantum state \(\ket{\alpha} = \ket{0}\), where \(\{\ket{0}, \ket{1}\}\) is the computational basis of a qubit. The gate operations are represented in the computational basis as: \[\begin{aligned}
\left( \begin{array}{cc} \sqrt{\text{Pr}(g_k \to \openone)} & e^{i \phi_k}\sqrt{\text{Pr}(g_k \to X)} \\ e^{-i \phi_k}\sqrt{\text{Pr}(g_k \to X)} &-\sqrt{\text{Pr}(g_k \to \openone)} \end{array} \right), \end{aligned}\] which involves the intrinsic probabilistic nature. Thus, both types of cUSFC and qUSFC are treated on equal footing, disregarding the quantum phases. In this way, we single out the quantum phases \(\phi_{0,1}\) and their roles in machine learning, and expect that they are engaged in quantum interference between two operations (as depicted in Fig. [\[fig:circuit\]](#fig:circuit){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:circuit"}**b**) .
## Quantum learning speed-up
In this subsection, we briefly review the results in Ref. . The error \(E=1-F\) of the learning is analyzed with the task fidelity F that indicates how close a circuit performs the desired task. The task fidelity F is defined by: \[\begin{aligned}
F=\left( \prod_{\mathbf{x}}\sum_y \sqrt{\text{Pr}(y|\mathbf{x}) \text{Pr}_\tau (y|\mathbf{x})} \right)^{1/{2^N}}, \label{eq:fidelity} \end{aligned}\] where \(\text{Pr}(y|\mathbf{x})\) is the conditional probability that the machine learner produces \(y\) for given \(\mathbf{x}\) at a certain stage of learning, and \(\text{Pr}_\tau(y|\mathbf{x})\) are the target probabilities that a given task determines, as in Refs. . Then we obtain the difference of the quantum and classical task fidelities for \(N=1\) as \[\begin{aligned}
F_\text{Q}^4-F_\text{C}^4 = \Lambda \cos{\Delta}, \label{eq:F_cq} \end{aligned}\] where \[\begin{aligned}
\Lambda &=& 2 \text{Pr}(g_0 \to \openone) \sqrt{\prod_{k=0,1}\text{Pr}(g_k \to \openone) \text{Pr}(g_k \to X)}, \nonumber \\ \Delta &=& \abs{\phi_1-\phi_0}. \end{aligned}\] The subscripts C and Q denote classical and quantum, respectively. Here, Eq. ([\[eq:F_cq\]](#eq:F_cq){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:F_cq"}) is obtained for \[\(\boldsymbol{\tau.1}\)\] with \(\{ \text{Pr}_\tau(0|0)=1, \text{Pr}_\tau(0|1)=1 \}\), while similar results are obtained for the other tasks \[\(\boldsymbol{\tau.2}\)\]-\[\(\boldsymbol{\tau.4}\)\] . The principal implication of Eq. ([\[eq:F_cq\]](#eq:F_cq){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:F_cq"}) is the expansion of regions for the approximate hypotheses to the given target task by appropriately choosing the quantum phases \(\phi_{0,1}\). A wider region of the approximate hypotheses implies that it is easier for the machine to find one of them in the entire hypothesis space. Here, the approximate hypotheses for the target task are defined by the condition \(E = 1-F \le \epsilon_t\) where \(\epsilon_t\) is an error tolerance. Note that these implications originate from quantum superpositioning . It is thus crucial to appropriately choose the quantum phases \(\phi_{0,1}\) for the speed-up of qUSFC learning. One could offset the advantage \(\Lambda\) in Eq. ([\[eq:F_cq\]](#eq:F_cq){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:F_cq"}) with \(\cos{\Delta}=0\) and even transform it to a disadvantage with \(\cos{\Delta}=-1\). Similar behavior is found for the different phases of the tasks \[\(\boldsymbol{\tau.2}\)\]-\[\(\boldsymbol{\tau.4}\)\]. The quantum learning speed-up is more pronounced with an \(N\)-bit circuit by using the coherence of all \(2^N\) unitary gates (see Ref. for more details).
# Experiment with Heralded Single Photons
## Linear-optical settings for USFC learning
Given the classical input data \(x \in \{0,1\}\), the USFC can be realized in a linear-optical platform with single photons as the working bit \(\alpha\), as shown in Fig. [\[fig:setting\]](#fig:setting){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:setting"}. The orthogonal polarization of a single photon in free space constitute the basis for the bit; horizontally (\(H\)) or vertically (\(V\)) polarized single photon represents the bit \(0\) or \(1\) in the working channel. In our experiment, the working input \(\alpha=0\) (i.e., \(H\)-polarized single photon) is prepared by a heralded single-photon generation scheme. We pumped a periodically poled \(\text{KTiOPO}_4\) (PPKTP) crystal of a length \(10\) mm with a continuous wave pump laser at a wavelength \(401.5\) nm (MDL-III-400, CNI). Pairs of orthogonally polarized photons at \(799.2\) nm and \(803.5\) nm with a FWHM of \(6.7\) nm and \(5.0\) nm are produced in the same spatial mode via phase-matching for collinear type-II spontaneous parametric down-conversion. The photon pairs are divided using a polarization beam splitter (PBS) placed after the \(750\) nm long pass filter (LPF). The reflected \(V\)-polarized photon is directly measured in the idler mode by an avalanche photodiode (APD, SPCM-AQR-15, PerkinElmer), whereas the transmitted \(H\)-polarized photon is sent to the working channel of the USFC circuit and measured by the APDs at the end of the circuit. We post-select only the cases when coincidence detection occurs between the idler and working channel after synchronization of the arrival times of the two optical paths. This allows us to exclude the cases where the photon in the working channel is lost, e.g., loss in the optics and detectors. Coincidence detection in our experiment is analyzed using a field-programmable gate array (FPGA, PXI-7841R, National Instruments) with a clock speed of \(40\) MHz. The gate operations \(g_0\) and \(g_1\) are expected to vary the polarization of a single photon in the working channel. This is achieved in a controlled manner by choosing appropriate angles for the optic axis of birefringent crystals, e.g., half or quarter wave plates (HWP or QWP), through which the initial \(H\)-polarized photon is transmitted. Specifically, we implement the gate operation \(g_0\) using a stack of crystals, HWP(\(\vartheta_0\))-QWP(\(\varphi_0\))-QWP(\({\pi}/{4}\)). Here, \(\vartheta_0\) and \(\varphi_0\) denote the angles between the horizontal axis and the fast axes of the first two wave-plates to be controlled, and the last one is fixed with an angle of \({\pi}/{4}\). The gate \(g_1\), on the other hand, is realized using a single plate, HWP(\(\vartheta_1\)) with \(\vartheta_1\). These hands-on rotation angles handle the gate-adopting preferences such that : \[\begin{aligned}
\text{Pr}(g_0 \to \openone)&=&\cos^{2}\left(2\vartheta_{0}-\varphi_{0}-\frac{\pi}{4}\right), \nonumber \\ \text{Pr}(g_1 \to \openone) &=&\cos^{2}2\vartheta_{1}, \nonumber \\ \Delta&=&2\varphi_{0}+\frac{\pi}{2}. \end{aligned}\] The USFC is also equipped with a feedback controller, which is responsible for the learning; the feedback controller updates the angles with no *a priori* knowledge. Using such a setting, the USFC is expected to identify a set of (say, optimal) angles so that it eventually becomes a realization of the desired task. To this end, the change in polarization is measured at the end, and a number of the identical measurement for single-photon inputs are made to yield the probability distribution. Consequently, this result in the examination of the error \(E\). Over several repetitions of such an ensemble measurement, the updates of the angles are made until the measured \(E\) becomes lower than the error tolerance \(\epsilon_t\). We finally examine how many repetitions (iterations) of the ensemble measurements are required for the USFC to be optimal. This number is the key quantity in this work which determines the speed of machine learning. The setup described above also applies to cUSFC learning, but with an additional PBS inserted between the gates \(g_0\) and \(g_1\). The superposed state of the orthogonally polarized photons is collapsed to be either \(H\)-or \(V\)-polarized single-photon states, so that there is no quantum coherence involved. Apart from this, we apply the same scheme of measurement and feedback controller. Such a scheme for cUSFC learning leads to the same performance that would be obtained for the coherent state of light as the classical bit for the working channel.
## Learning algorithm
As the learning algorithm, we employ differential evolution (DE) which is known as one of the efficient global optimization methods . Our DE model considers \(M\) agents, and thus \(M\) gate-adapting preference vectors: \[\begin{aligned}
\mathbf{p}_i = \Big(\text{Pr}(g_0 \to \openone), \text{Pr}(g_1 \to \openone) \Big)_i^\text{T}~(i=1,2,\ldots,M), \end{aligned}\] each of which characterizes one USFC as a candidate, i.e., \(\mathbf{p}_i \leftrightarrow \text{USFC}_i\). Here the task fidelity \(F\) is used as a criterion that indicates how well the \(\text{USFC}_i\) performs the target task (for the detailed method, see Appendix B.1). In such settings, the vectors \(\mathbf{p}_i\) are expected to evolve by 'mating' their gate-adopting preferences. Therefore, the following aspect is commonly expected for both the classical and quantum cases; the USFC vectors \(\mathbf{p}_i\) become closer together and move towards the exact solution point \(\mathbf{p}_\text{sol}\). However, the theory predicts that the vectors \(\mathbf{p}_i\) converge faster toward the solution point for qUSFC than cUSFC. The experiments are performed using the DE algorithm. In the experiments, we assume the target is a constant function \(f(x)=0\) (\(x=0,1\)). Here, \(M=10\) and \(\epsilon_t=0.01\) are chosen for both cUSFC and qUSFC. We set \(\Delta=0\) in the case of qUSFC to maximize the contrast between cUSFC and qUSFC. Here, we define an experimental quantity \(F\), such that \[\begin{aligned}
\widetilde{F} = \sqrt[4]{\left(\frac{L_{s}(0)}{L_\text{total}}\right)\left(\frac{L_{s}(1)}{L_\text{total}}\right)}, \end{aligned}\] where \(L_{s}(x)\) denotes the number of successful measurement outputs matched to the target for a given \(x\), and \(L_\text{total}\) denotes the total number of coincidence counts. We set \(L_\text{total} = 10^5\) in our experiments. The obtained data are in a good agreement with our theoretical predictions and display the evolutionary behavior expected, as shown in Fig. [\[fig:DEprocess\]](#fig:DEprocess){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:DEprocess"}. Here, note that the pre-settable DE parameters were chosen to maximize the efficiency of the cUSFC learning. This is understood as a penalty on the qUSFC. The advantage of qUSFC is better defined with this given handicap (for details, see Appendix B.2).
## Learning probability
For statistical analysis, we repeat the experiments many times. The results are summarized in Fig. [\[grp:result_qls\]](#grp:result_qls){reference-type="ref" reference="grp:result_qls"}. Firstly, we present the learning probability \(P(n)\), which is defined as the probability of completing the learning process before a certain iteration \(n\) . The experiments are done for \(M=10\) and \(\epsilon_t=0.01\). The target is \(f(x)=0\) (\(x=0,1\)). Here, qUSFC learning is performed for different \(\Delta\) settings in order to maximize (\(\Delta=0\)) or eliminate (\(\Delta=\frac{\pi}{2}\)) the quantum advantages \[see Eq. ([\[eq:F_cq\]](#eq:F_cq){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:F_cq"})\]. In addition, by noting that the appropriate choice of \(\Delta\) depends on the target task, we consider a "target-independent" approach for the \(\Delta\)-setting, i.e., \(\Delta_{TI} = \pi \Big( \text{Pr}(g_0 \to \openone)-\text{Pr}(g_1 \to \openone) \Big)\). There is no need for *a priori* knowledge about the target and a \(\Delta\) setting is not required in advance. Choosing such a \(\Delta_{TI}\) value makes the comparison between the classical and quantum cases as fair as possible, and more importantly, it is desirable for practical implementation. After the experiments are completed, \(P(n)\) is characterized in each case with the average number of iterations, say \(n_c\), required to complete learning (see Fig. [\[grp:result_qls\]](#grp:result_qls){reference-type="ref" reference="grp:result_qls"}**a**). We find that the qUSFC shows a faster learning convergence (\(\simeq 36\%\) speed-up) as compared to cUSFC. Note that nearly the same degree of learning speed-up can be achieved for both \(\Delta=0\) and \(\Delta_{TI}\). We did not observe a speed-up for \(\Delta = \frac{\pi}{2}\) (see Fig. [\[grp:result_qls\]](#grp:result_qls){reference-type="ref" reference="grp:result_qls"}**b**). For each case, we perform the learning trials \(200\) times.
## Decoherence effect in qUSFC learning
We also investigate the effect of decoherence on qUSFC learning. For this purpose, we assume that the qubits passing through the gate operations decohere (decay of the off-diagonal elements in the density matrix, say, \(\hat{\rho}_0\)) at a rate of \(\gamma \in [0,1]\) (see Fig. [\[grp:result_decoherence\]](#grp:result_decoherence){reference-type="ref" reference="grp:result_decoherence"}**a**). The decoherence results in the damage of the quantum advantage factor \(\Lambda\) in Eq. ([\[eq:F_cq\]](#eq:F_cq){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:F_cq"}), is given by: \[\begin{aligned}
\Lambda \to \widetilde{\Lambda}=(1-\gamma)\Lambda. \end{aligned}\] This implies that the qUSFC would not be able to *fully* exploit the quantum advantage. The experiments are performed for \(\Delta=0\) by sampling \(100\) learning trials for each decay rate of \(\gamma\). The decoherence process is operated in our experiment by setting the relative phases of the states to either \(0\) or as \(\pi\) (a phase flip) randomly with a weight of \(1-\gamma/2\) or \(\gamma/2\). The results are shown in Fig. [\[grp:result_decoherence\]](#grp:result_decoherence){reference-type="ref" reference="grp:result_decoherence"}**b**, where the average number of iterations, \(n_c\), increases as (\(1-\gamma\)) tends to \(0\). However, the qUSFC maintains the learning speed-up unless the quantum superposition is completely destroyed. Note that the quantum learning speed-up persists by an arbitrary degree of the coherence. In the worst case, i.e., fully decohered case, the learning of qUSFC is identical to that of cUSFC.
# Remarks
We proposed a quantum-classical hybrid scheme for machine learning in which the classical input data are unaltered and a small quantum working channel is employed. In particular, we employed the single-bit universal circuit, which can be extended to a large \(N\)-bit circuit of learning. We experimentally demonstrated quantum speed-up of approximately \(36\%\) for learning using the single-bit universal circuit. We explained that the speed-up originates from quantum interference and the extension of the regions for approximate hypotheses; the extended region makes it easier to identify an approximate solution in the entire hypothesis space . We showed that the quantum speed-up persists even in the presence of the dephasing noise before the quantum coherence is completely destroyed. The strong robustness against the dephasing noise is understood to be a remarkable feature of our hybrid machine learning. It is expected that this hybrid method will yield practical applications that exploit conventional classical techniques. | {'timestamp': '2018-11-26T02:15:42', 'yymm': '1706', 'arxiv_id': '1706.01561', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.01561'} |
{'timestamp': '2017-10-24T02:07:19', 'yymm': '1706', 'arxiv_id': '1706.01592', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.01592'} |
# Introduction
Suspensions, namely mixtures of solid particles and a viscous liquid, can be considered as an incompressible fluid as long as the volume fraction \(\phi\) of solid particles is less than a certain value, the jamming point, above which a solid-like behaviour is observed. The behaviour of suspensions is not usually captured by simple Newtonian models. As primary example of non-Newtonian effect, the viscosity can vary with the shear rate, exhibiting shear thinning and shear thickening . Moreover, nonvanishing normal stress differences \(N_1\) and \(N_2\), another hallmark of non-Newtonian behaviour, are often observed . Discontinuous shear thickening is a particularly intriguing phenomenon of dense suspensions and the underlying mechanism raised a significant debate . Analysing the rheology of suspensions is a difficult task since forces of various nature act among particles and the system lives mostly far from thermodynamic equilibrium. Particle simulations have been used to explore the microstructure emerging among particles in various flows and to estimate the importance of different interactions. Several particle simulations recently succeeded in reproducing shear thickening by taking into account direct contact forces | {'timestamp': '2017-07-07T02:02:03', 'yymm': '1706', 'arxiv_id': '1706.01745', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.01745'} |
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# Introduction
Diophantus of Alexandria raised the problem of finding four positive rational numbers \(a_1, a_2, a_3, a_4\) such that \(a_i a_j+1\) is a square of a rational number for each \(i,j\) with \(1\leq i< j\leq4\) and gave a solution \(\{\frac{1}{16}, \frac{33}{16}, \frac{17}{4}, \frac{105}{16} \}\). The first example of such a set in the ring of integers was found by Fermat and it was the set \(\{1, 3, 8, 120\}\). Replacing "\(+1\)" by "\(+n\)" suggests the following general definition:
Let \(p\) be an odd prime and \(k\) a non-negative integer. We consider the Pellian equation [\[eq1\]]{#eq1 label="eq1"} x\^2-(p\^2k+2+1)y\^2=-p\^2l+1, l {0,1,...,k}. The existence of positive solutions of the above equation is closely related to the existence of a Diophantine quadruple in certain ring. More precisely, the entries in a Diophantine quadruple are strictly restricted in that they appear as coefficients of three generalized Pell equations that must have at least one common solution in positive integers. According to Definition [\[def_1\]](#def_1){reference-type="ref" reference="def_1"}, we will look at the case \(n =-1\). Research on \(D(-1)\)-quadruples is quite active. It is conjectured that \(D(-1)\)-quadruples do not exist in integers (see ). Dujella, Filipin and Fuchs in proved that there are at most finitely many \(D(-1)\)-quadruples, by giving an upper bound of \(10^{903}\) for their number. There is a vast literature on improving that bound (e.g., see ). Very recently, in Trudgian proved that there are at most \(3.01\cdot 10^{60}\) \(D(-1)\)-quadruples. In, it is announced that the bound can be reduced to \(2.5 \cdot 10^{60}\). Concerning the imaginary quadratic fields, Dujella (see ) and Franušić (see ) considered the problem of existence of \(D(-1)\)-quadruples in Gaussian integers. Moreover, in Franušić and Kreso showed that the Diophantine pair \(\{1,3\}\) cannot be extended to a Diophantine quintuple in the ring \(\Z[\sqrt{-2}]\). Several authors contributed to the characterization of elements \(z\) in \(\Z[\sqrt{-2}]\) for which a Diophantine quadruple with the property \(D(z)\) exists (see ). The problem of Diophantus for integers of the quadratic field \(\Q(\sqrt{-3})\) was studied in. In, Soldo studied the existence of \(D(-1)\)-quadruples of the form \(\{1,b,c,d\}, b \in \{2,5,10,17,26,37,50\}\), in the ring \(\Z[\sqrt{-t}], t>0\). The aim of the present paper is to obtain results about solvability of the equation [\[eq1\]](#eq1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq1"} in positive integers. Since we know that it is closely related to the existence of \(D(-1)\)-quadruples, we use obtained results to prove our results on the extensibility of some \(D(-1)\)-pairs to quadruples in the ring \(\Z[\sqrt{-t}], t>0\). of integers in the quadratic field \(\Q(\sqrt{-t})\).
# Pellian equations
The goal of this section is to determine all solutions in positive integers of the equation [\[eq1\]](#eq1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq1"}, which is the crucial step in proving our results in the next section. For this purpose, we need the following result on Diophantine approximations.
If \(\alpha=\frac{s+\sqrt{d}}{t}\) is a quadratic irrational, then the simple continued fraction expansion of \(\alpha\) is periodic. This expansion can be obtained by using the following algorithm. Let \(s_0 = s, t_0 = t\) and [\[c_frac\]]{#c_frac label="c_frac"} a_n= , s\_n+1=a_n t_n-s_n, t\_n+1=, for n (see ). If \((s_j, t_j)=(s_k, t_k)\) for \(j<k\), then \[\alpha=[a_0, \dots, a_{j-1}, \overline{a_j, \dots, a_{k-1}}].\] We will combine Theorem [\[WoDu\]](#WoDu){reference-type="ref" reference="WoDu"} with the following lemma:
The next lemma will be usefull, too.
The solution \((X_0, Y_0)\) is called primitive if \(\gcd(X_0, Y_0)=1\). Now we formulate the main result of this section.
In proving Theorem [\[tm1\]](#tm1){reference-type="ref" reference="tm1"}, we will apply the following technical lemma.
: From [\[eq_novak\]](#eq_novak){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq_novak"} we have [\[eeq_1\]]{#eeq_1 label="eeq_1"} = p\^2k+2-+1. Thus we have to consider when the inequality \[p^{2k+2}-\frac{p^{2k+1}}{y^2}+1 > \left(2p^{k+1}-\sqrt{p^{2k+2}+1}\right)^2\] is satisfied. This inequality is equivalent to [\[eq_novakk\]]{#eq_novakk label="eq_novakk"} \<4(-p\^k+1). For \(x>1\), the inequality \((1+\frac{1}{x})^\frac{1}{2} > 1 + \frac{1}{2x}-\frac{1}{8x^2}\) holds. Thus we have &&4(-p\^k+1)\
&&= 4p\^k+1 ( ( 1+)\^-1)\
&&\> 4p\^k+1 ( - )\
&&\> 4p\^k+1\
&&= . Since \(y\geq p^{\frac{2k+1}{2}}\), i.e. \[\frac{1}{p^{k+1}} \geq \frac{p^k}{y^2},\] we conclude that the inequality [\[eq_novakk\]](#eq_novakk){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq_novakk"} holds. \(\Box\) Case 1. Let \(2l+1\leq k+1\), i.e., \(l \leq \frac{k}{2}\). By Lemma [\[Fujita\]](#Fujita){reference-type="ref" reference="Fujita"}, we know that the equation [\[eq_nova\]](#eq_nova){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq_nova"} has no primitive solutions. Assume that there exists a non-primitive solution \((x,y)\). Then \(p|x\) and \(p|y\), so there exist \(0<i\leq l, x_1, y_1 \geq 0, \gcd(x_1,y_1)=1\) such that \(x=p^i x_1, y=p^i y_1\). After dividing by \(p^{2i}\) in [\[eq_nova\]](#eq_nova){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq_nova"}, we obtain [\[eq9\]]{#eq9 label="eq9"} x_1\^2-(p\^2k+2+1)y_1\^2=-p\^2l-2i+1, \< 2l-2i+1 k+1. But such \(x_1\), \(y_1\) do not exist according to Lemma [\[Fujita\]](#Fujita){reference-type="ref" reference="Fujita"}, so we obtained a contradiction. Case 2. Let \(2l+1= 2k+1\), i.e., \(l=k\). Let us suppose that there exists a solution \((x,y)\) of the equation [\[eq1\]](#eq1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq1"} such that \(y\geq p^{\frac{2k+1}{2}}\). Then by applying [\[eeq_1\]](#eeq_1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eeq_1"} we obtain \|-\| &=&\|p\^2k+2-+1\|\|+\|\^-1\
&=&\|+\|\^-1. Lemma [\[lema1\]](#lema1){reference-type="ref" reference="lema1"} implies [\[eqqq1\]]{#eqqq1 label="eqqq1"} \|-\| \< . Assume that \(x=p^t x_1, y=p^t y_1\), where \(t, x_1, y_1\) are non-negative integers and \(\gcd(x_1, y_1)=~1\). Now the equation [\[eq1\]](#eq1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq1"} is equivalent to [\[eqqq2\]]{#eqqq2 label="eqqq2"} x_1\^2-(p\^2k+2+1)y_1\^2=-p\^2k-2t+1. Since \(y\geq y_1\), from [\[eqqq1\]](#eqqq1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eqqq1"} we obtain \|-\| \< . Now, Theorem [\[WoDu\]](#WoDu){reference-type="ref" reference="WoDu"} implies that [\[eqqq3\]]{#eqqq3 label="eqqq3"} (x_1,y_1)= (rp\_m+1 up_m, rq\_m+1 uq_m), for some \(m \geq-1\) and non-negative integers \(r\) and \(u\) such that [\[eq2\]]{#eq2 label="eq2"} ru \< p\^k. Since \(x_1\) and \(y_1\) are coprime, we have \(\gcd(r,u)=1\). The terms \(p_m/q_m\) are convergents of the continued fraction expansion of \(\sqrt{p^{2k+2}+1}\). Since \[\sqrt{p^{2k+2}+1} = [p^{k+1}, \overline{2p^{k+1}}],\] the period of that continued fraction expansion (and also of the corresponding sequences \((s_n)\) and \((t_n)\)) is equal to 1, according to Lemma [\[lemaDB\]](#lemaDB){reference-type="ref" reference="lemaDB"}, we have to consider only the case \(m=0\). We obtain [\[eq3\]]{#eq3 label="eq3"} (p\^2k+2+1)(rq_1 uq_0)\^2-(rp_1 up_0)\^2 = u\^2 t_1 2ru s_2-r\^2 t_2, where \[s_2=p^{k+1}, \quad t_1=t_2=1, \quad p_0=p^{k+1}, p_1=2p^{2k+2}+1, \quad q_0=1, q_1=2p^{k+1}.\] Since the observation is similar in both signs, in what follows our focus will be to the positive sign. By comparing [\[eqqq2\]](#eqqq2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eqqq2"} and [\[eq3\]](#eq3){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq3"}, we obtain the equation [\[eq4\]]{#eq4 label="eq4"} u\^2-r\^2 + 2ru p\^k+1 = p\^2k-2t+1. Now, we consider the solvability of [\[eq4\]](#eq4){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq4"}. If \(r=0\), then \(u^2=p^{2k-2t+1}\), and so \(p\) has to be a square, which is not possible. If \(u=0\), we obtain \(-r^2=p^{2k-2t+1}\), and that is not possible, too. If \(r=u\), we have \(p^{k-2t}=2r^2\). Since \(p\) is an odd prime, that is not possible. Let \(r \neq u, r,u\neq 0\). If \(t<\frac{k}{2}\), then from [\[eq4\]](#eq4){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq4"} we conclude that \(p^{k+1}|u^2-r^2\). If \(p|u+r\) and \(p|u-r\), then \(p|2\gcd(r,u)\), i.e., \(p|2\) which is not possible. Therefore, \(p^{k+1}\) divides exactly one of the numbers \(u+r\) and \(u-r\). In both cases, it follows that \(u+r\geq p^{k+1}\). That implies \[ur\geq u+r-1>p^k,\] which is a contradiction with [\[eq2\]](#eq2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq2"}. Now, let us suppose that \(t\geq\frac{k}{2}\). Since the equation [\[eq1\]](#eq1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq1"} is equivalent to [\[eqqq2\]](#eqqq2){reference-type="eqref" reference="eqqq2"} and \(0<2k-2t+1\leq k+1\), by Case 1 it has no solutions. It remains to consider the case \(y<p^{\frac{2k+1}{2}}\). Assume that there exists a solution of the equation [\[eq1\]](#eq1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq1"} with this property. In that case we can generate increasing sequence of infinitely many solutions of the equation [\[eq1\]](#eq1){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq1"}. Therefore, a solution \((x,y)\) such that \(y\geq p^{\frac{2k+1}{2}}\) will appear. This contradicts with the first part of the proof of this case. Case 3. Let \(k+1 < 2l+1 < 2k+1\), i.e., \(\frac{k}{2}<l<k\). In this case, if we suppose that the equation [\[eq_nova\]](#eq_nova){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq_nova"} has a solution, then multiplying that solution by \(p^{k-l}\) we obtain the solution of the equation \[x^2-(p^{2k+2}+1)y^2=-p^{2k+1},\] which is not solvable by Case 2. That is the contradiction, and this completes the proof of Theorem [\[tm1\]](#tm1){reference-type="ref" reference="tm1"}. \(\Box\)
: i) If \(k\equiv 0\pmod 2\), then the equation [\[eq_nova\]](#eq_nova){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq_nova"} is not solvable modulo 5. ii) Let \(k\equiv 1\pmod 2\). If \(l>\frac{k}{2}\), the equation [\[eq_nova\]](#eq_nova){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq_nova"} has the solution of the form \[(x,y)=(2^{\frac{2l-k-1}{2}}(2^{k+1}-1), 2^{\frac{2l-k-1}{2}}),\] and therefore infinitely many solutions. If \(l\leq \frac{k}{2}\), then \(2l+1\leq k+1\) and we can proceed as in Case 1 of Theorem [\[tm1\]](#tm1){reference-type="ref" reference="tm1"} and conclude that the equation [\[eq_nova\]](#eq_nova){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq_nova"} has no solutions. \(\Box\)
# Application to \(D(-1)\)-triples
By using results from the previous section and known results on Diophantine \(m\)-tuples, in this section we present the results on extensibility of certain Diophantine pairs to quadruples, in the ring \(\Z[\sqrt{-t}], t>0\). The following result is proved in :
Let \(p\) be an odd prime and \(b=2p^k, k\in \mathbb{N}\). We consider the extendibility of \(D(-1)\)-triples of the form \(\{1,b,c\}\) to quadruples in the ring \(\Z[\sqrt{-t}], t>0\). How complex that problem can be, depends on the number of divisors \(t\) of \(b-1\). As \(b\) grows, we can expect the larger set of \(t\)'s, and for each \(t\) we have to consider whether there exists a solution of the equation [\[eq7\]](#eq7){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq7"}. If it is true, then the problem is reduced to solving the systems of simultaneous Pellian equations. A variety of different methods have been used to study such kind of problems, including linear forms in logarithms, elliptic curves, theory around Pell's equation, elementary methods, separating the problem into several subproblems depending on the size of parameters, etc. A sursey on that subject is given in. Therefore, since \(b-1=2p^k-1\) has to be a square, to reduce the number of \(t\)'s, we consider the equation of the form [\[eq_opca\]]{#eq_opca label="eq_opca"} 2p\^k-1=q\^2j, j\>0, where \(q\) is an odd prime. According to , if \(k>1\) the equation [\[eq_opca\]](#eq_opca){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq_opca"} has solutions only for \((k,j)\in\{(2,1),(4,1)\}\). If \((k,j)=(2,1)\), we obtain the Pellian equation in primes. So far known prime solutions are \((p,q) \in \{(5,7), (29,41),(44560482149, 63018038201),\\ (13558774610046711780701,19175002942688032928599)\}\) (see ). If \((k,j)=(4,1)\), the only solution is \((p,q)=(13,239)\). Let \(k=1\). Supose that \(j=mn\), where \(n\) is an odd number. Then we have \[2p=q^{2j}+1=q^{2mn}+1=(q^{2m}+1)((q^{2m})^{n-1}-(q^{2m})^{n-2}+\dots-q^{2m}+1).\] Since \(q\) is an odd prime, we conclude that \(q^{2m}+1=2p=q^{2mn}+1\). This implies that \(n=1\). This means that the only possibility for \(2p=q^{2j}+1\) is that \(j\) is a non-negative power of \(2\). Note that in all possible cases of \(k\), i.e. \(k=1,2,4\), the number \(2p^k\) can be written in the form \(2p^k=q^{2^l}+1, l>0\). Moreover, in the case \(k=4\), we can state the result analog to Theorem [\[tm2.2\]](#tm2.2){reference-type="ref" reference="tm2.2"}:
The proof of Theorem [\[tm2.2_s4\]](#tm2.2_s4){reference-type="ref" reference="tm2.2_s4"} follows the same steps as the proof of Theorem [\[tm2.2\]](#tm2.2){reference-type="ref" reference="tm2.2"}(ii), (iii), so we will omit it.
In proving results of this section we will use the following result of Filipin, Fujita and Mignotte from on \(D(-1)\)-quadruples in integers.
First we prove the following result.
Let \(t \equiv 0 \pmod 2\). We have that \(t\nmid 2p^k-1\). Therefore, if we suppose that \(\{1,2p^k,c,d\}\) is a \(D(-1)\)-quadruple in \(\Z[\sqrt{-t}]\), then according to Remark [\[rem_2\]](#rem_2){reference-type="ref" reference="rem_2"} and [\[rem_21\]](#rem_21){reference-type="ref" reference="rem_21"} we obtain \(c,d \in \N\). This means that there exist integers \(x_1,y_1,u_1,v_1,w_1\), such that c-1=x_1\^2, d-1=y_1\^2, 2p\^kc-1=u_1\^2, 2p\^kd-1=v_1\^2, cd-1=w_1\^2, or at least one of \(c-1, d-1, 2p^kc-1, 2p^kd-1, cd-1\) is equal to \(-tw_2^2\), for an integer \(w_2\). The first possibility leads to contradiction with Lemma [\[lema_FiFuMi\]](#lema_FiFuMi){reference-type="ref" reference="lema_FiFuMi"}, i.e., a \(D(-1)\)-pair \(\{1,2p^k\}\), cannot be extended to a \(D(-1)\)-quadruple in integers, while the second one contradicts to \(c,d \in \N\). \(\Box\) In what follows, our main goal is to obtain some results for odd \(t\)'s. Thus, let us consider the case of \(t \equiv 1 \pmod 2\). We have the following result:
Before we start with proving Theorem [\[tm(ii)\_2_novi\]](#tm(ii)_2_novi){reference-type="ref" reference="tm(ii)_2_novi"}, we recall the following result.
Moreover, \(e=l(a+b+c)+2abc-2rst\), \(x=at-rs\), \(y=bs-rt\), \(z=cr-st\). To prove the next proposition, which will be used in proving Theorem [\[tm(ii)\_2_novi\]](#tm(ii)_2_novi){reference-type="ref" reference="tm(ii)_2_novi"}, we will use Lemma [\[lemma2_cet\]](#lemma2_cet){reference-type="ref" reference="lemma2_cet"} for \(l=-1\).
: Since \(\Z[n i]\) is a subring of \(\Z[m i]\), it suffices to prove the statement for \(t=n^{2}\). Thus, suppose that there exist \(x,y\in \Z\) such that -c-1&=&-n\^2 x\^2=(n xi)\^2,\
-bc-1&=&-n\^2 y\^2=(n yi)\^2. Eliminating \(c\), we obtain Pellian equation y\^2-(n\^2+1)x\^2=-1. [\[eq_Z\[2i\]\]]{#eq_Z[2i] label="eq_Z[2i]"} All positive solutions of the equation [\[eq_Z\[2i\]\]](#eq_Z[2i]){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq_Z[2i]"} are given by x=x_j &=& ((n +)\^2j-1-(n-)\^2j-1),\
y=y_j &=& ((n +)\^2j-1 + (n-)\^2j-1), j . Therefore, for any \(j \in \N\) and \(c=c_j=n^{2} x_j^2-1,\) the set \(\{1,b,-c\}\) is a \(D(-1)\)-triple in \(\Z[\sqrt{-t}]\). If we apply Lemma [\[lemma2_cet\]](#lemma2_cet){reference-type="ref" reference="lemma2_cet"} on that triple, we obtain positive integers d\_+,-&=& n\^3 x_j y_j +(2n\^2+1)c + n\^2 + 2, such that d\_+,--1&=&(n\^2 x_j n y_j)\^2,\
b d\_+,--1 &=&(n(n\^2+1) x_j n\^2 y_j)\^2,\
-c d\_+,--1&=&(n c i n\^2 x_j y_j i)\^2. Thus the sets \(\{1,b,-c,d_+\}, \{1,b,-c,d_-\}\) are \(D(-1)\)-quadruples in \(\Z[\sqrt{-t}]\). \(\Box\) Now, we are able to prove Theorem [\[tm(ii)\_2_novi\]](#tm(ii)_2_novi){reference-type="ref" reference="tm(ii)_2_novi"}. Let \(l\geq 0\). i) Suppose that \(t \in \{1, q^2, \dots, q^{2^l-2}, q^{2^l}\}\). By Proposition [\[prop2_6\]](#prop2_6){reference-type="ref" reference="prop2_6"} there exists infinitely many \(D(-1)\)-quadruples of the form \(\{1,2p^k,-c,d\}\), \(c,d>0\) in \(\Z[\sqrt{-t}]\). ii) Let us assume that \(t\in\{q,q^3, \dots,q^{2^l-3}, q^{2^l-1}\}\). In this case, the equation [\[eq7\]](#eq7){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq7"} is equivalent to [\[eq8\]]{#eq8 label="eq8"} x\^2-(q\^2\^l+1) y\^2=-q\^s, where \(s\) is an odd integer and \(0<s\leq 2^l-1\). Theorem [\[tm1\]](#tm1){reference-type="ref" reference="tm1"} implies that the equation [\[eq8\]](#eq8){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq8"} has no integer solutions. Therefore, if \(\{1,2p^k,c,d\}\) is \(D(-1)\)-quadruple in \(\Z[\sqrt{-t}]\), then \(c,d>0\). By the same argumentation as in Theorem [\[tm(ii)\_1\]](#tm(ii)_1){reference-type="ref" reference="tm(ii)_1"} we conclude that such quadruple does not exist. \(\Box\) | {'timestamp': '2017-06-08T02:01:56', 'yymm': '1706', 'arxiv_id': '1706.01959', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.01959'} |
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# Introduction
Observations of synchrotron radiation in supernovae, \(\gamma\)-ray bursts (GRBs), and tidal disruption events provide an efficient means to probe high-energy transient phenomena. Multi-wavelength observations of these events have been successfully leveraged to determine the energy, particle density, and magnetic field strength, thereby constraining the progenitors and physical processes powering these extreme explosions. The observed radiation in these sources arises from electrons accelerated to relativistic energies in shocks. While the method of accelerating these electrons is far from understood, all proposed models predict that only a fraction \(\ensuremath{f_{\rm NT}} < 1\) of electrons are accelerated into the non-thermal distribution responsible for the observed radiation, the rest forming a relativistic Maxwellian distribution at lower energies. The precise value of \(f_{\rm NT}\) depends strongly on the shock magnetization, and is expected to range from \(\lesssim1\%\) to \(\approx15\%\) for different shock heating mechanisms. A determination of \(f_{\rm NT}\) would directly constrain the properties of the shocks generating synchrotron radiation in astrophysical sources, a vital step toward understanding this ubiquitous radiation process. Unfortunately, \(f_{\rm NT}\) is completely degenerate with the other physical parameters governing the observed spectra and light curves from astrophysical transients. Previous studies have therefore simply employed a value of unity. This degeneracy has also caused an unknown degree of uncertainty in the values of the physical parameters derived from fitting observations of these sources. first clarified this degeneracy in the context of GRB afterglows. Their pioneering work, which included a rudimentary treatment of synchrotron cooling and self-absorption, suggested the thermal population could be distinguished by an early 'pre-brightening' at radio wavelengths. Both and studied the effect of thermal electrons on the observed spectrum, the latter including the effects of pion decay and inverse Compton radiation. Both, however, ignored synchrotron self-absorption, which is expected to affect radio observations. further studied the radio polarimetry signature of a mono-energetic thermal peak in the distribution function, finding that thermal electrons may suppress Faraday rotation if the magnetic field is well ordered. In this work, we study the effect of non-shock heated electrons on the synchrotron radiation from GRB afterglows, including synchrotron cooling and self-absorption. To parameterize the uncertainty of the thermal heating by shocks in collisionless plasmas, we consider two extreme cases: 1) strong shock heating, where the post-shock electron temperature is comparable to the post-shock gas temperature, and 2) weak shock heating, where the post-shock electron temperature is much less than the post-shock gas temperature. We study the effect of inefficient acceleration as a function of the accelerated fraction \(f_{\rm NT}\), focusing on a fiducial set of parameters typical of observed GRB afterglows.
# Physical Model
Our underlying physical model is the self-similar hydrodynamic solution for a spherically symmetric point explosion. We use the framework of (hereafter, GS02) to describe synchrotron radiation from the resulting relativistic shock. We modify the distribution function of electrons downstream of the shock to include contributions from thermal (non-accelerated) particles. The parameters in our model are the explosion energy, \(E\), the external number density, \(n_{ext}\), the fraction of internal energy given to nonthermal electrons, \(\epsilon_e\), the fraction of internal energy given to the magnetic field, \(\epsilon_B\), the nonthermal power law index, \(p\), and \(f_{\rm NT}\). We describe our modifications to the distribution function in Section [2.2](#edist){reference-type="ref" reference="edist"}; for a more detailed description of the hydrodynamics, we refer the reader to GS02.
## Fluid Solution
The solution depends on the initial explosion energy, \(E\), and the ambient medium density, \(n_{ext}\). In terms of these parameters, the Lorentz factor of the shock can be expressed as a power law in the coordinate time, \(t\) as \[\Gamma = \sqrt{\frac{17 E}{8 \pi n_{ext} m_p c^5 t^3}},\] corresponding to a shock radius, \[R = c t \left(1 + \frac{1}{8\Gamma^2} \right),\] where \(m_p\) is the proton mass and \(c\) is the speed of light. Note that here and throughout we keep only the leading order terms in \(\Gamma\). The post-shock fluid is characterized by the similarity variable, \(\chi\), which is related to the coordinate time, \(t\), coordinate radius, \(r\), and the shock radius: \[\chi = 1 + 8 \Gamma^2 \left(\frac{R-r}{R}\right). \label{eq:chi_def}\] In terms of this variable, the rest frame internal energy, \(e\), Lorentz factor, \(\gamma\), and rest frame number density, \(n\), take the simple form \[\begin{aligned}
\begin{aligned} e &= 2 \Gamma^2 m_p c^2 n_{ext} \chi^{-17/12} \\ \gamma &= 2^{-1/2} \Gamma \chi^{-1/2} \\ n &= 2^{3/2} \Gamma n_{ext} \chi^{-5/4}. \end{aligned} \end{aligned}\] We assume the post-shock magnetic field is isotropic, and carries a fixed fraction, \(\epsilon_B\) of the shock energy, \[B = \sqrt{ 8 \pi \epsilon_B e},\] Finally, in order to evolve the Lorentz factor of an individual electron as it travels away from the shock (see §[2.2.3](#sec:Nevol){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:Nevol"}), we need not only the solution for each fluid element at a fixed coordinate time and radius, but also the fluid properties that it possessed at the time \(t_0\) when it initially crossed the shock. We label these quantities with a subscript '0.' These can be derived by solving for the worldline of the fluid element using the relation \(\partial r/\partial t = \beta c \approx c( 1-\gamma^{-2} / 2)\), which yields (GS02): \[\begin{aligned}
\begin{aligned} e_0 &= e \chi^{13/6} \\ \gamma_0 &= \gamma \chi^{7/8} \\ n_0 &= n \chi^{13/8} \\ B_0 &= B \chi^{13/12}. \end{aligned} \end{aligned}\]
## Electron Distribution Function {#edist}
We consider two classes of phenomenological models for the electron distribution function, in both of which a fraction \(f_{\rm NT}\) of the electrons are accelerated from a thermal distribution to a power law at the shock front. The remaining fraction, \(\ensuremath{f_{\rm T}} = 1-\ensuremath{f_{\rm NT}}\), are either efficiently shock-heated (the "Hot Electron Model") or inefficiently shock-heated (the "Cold Electron Model"). As the electrons advect away from the shock front, the distribution suffers radiative and adiabatic losses. We ignore the negligible effect of Coulomb collisions. The post-shock electron distribution can be split into a thermal and nonthermal components, written as a function of the electron Lorentz factor, \(\gamma_e\), and characterized by a power law index, \(p\), a minimum accelerated electron Lorentz factor, \(\gamma_{\rm min,0}\), and normalization constants \(K_{0,th}\) and \(K_{0,nt}\): \[N_{e,th} = K_{0,th} \frac{\gamma_e^2 \beta }{\Theta_{e,0} K_{2}\left(1/\Theta_{e,0}\right)} e^{-\gamma_e/\Theta_{e,0}} \approx K_{0,th} \frac{\gamma_e^2}{2\Theta_{e,0}^3} e^{-\gamma_e/\Theta_{e,0}} \label{eq:thermal_0}\] for \(\gamma_e<\gamma_{\rm min,0}\), and \[N_{e,nt} = K_{0,nt} \gamma_e^{-p} \label{eq:NT_0}\] for \(\gamma_e>\gamma_{\rm min,0}\), with \[\gamma_{\rm min,0} = \frac{p-2}{p-1}\frac{\epsilon_e e_0 }{ \ensuremath{f_{\rm NT}} n_0 m_e c^2}. \label{eq:gamma_min}\] Here \(m_e\) is the electron mass, \(\beta \equiv \sqrt{1-1/\gamma_e^2}\), \(K_2(1/\Theta_{e,0})\) is a modified Bessel function of the 2nd kind. For the relativistic electrons considered here, \(\Theta_{e,0} \gg 1\), \(\beta \approx 1\), and \(K_2(1/\Theta_{e,0}) \approx 2 \Theta_{e,0}^2\). The difference between the two models lies in the prescriptions for \(\Theta_{e,0}\), which we now describe.
### Cold Electron Model {#sec:cold}
In the cold electron model, inefficient shock heating of thermal electrons results in a post-shock electron temperature that is much less than the gas temperature. These thermal electrons have Lorentz factors, \(\gamma_e m_e\ll \gamma m_p\). The nonthermal particles, on the other hand, are considered to be accelerated to a minimum Lorentz factor of \(\gamma_{\rm min,0} m_e \sim \gamma m_p\), so that the two components of the distribution are clearly separated. We parameterize \(\Theta_{e,0}\) with the fractional temperature of the thermal particles, \(\eta_e \equiv T_e/T_g\): \[\Theta_{e,0} = \frac{\eta_e}{\gamma_{\rm ad}} \frac{e_0}{n_0 k_b m_e c^2}, \label{eq:theta_eta}\] where \(T_g\) is the gas temperature, \(k_b\) is the Boltzmann constant, and \(\gamma_{\rm ad}=4/3\) is the gas adiabatic index. To normalize the distribution functions, we impose: \[\int\limits_{0}^{\infty} N_{e,th} d\gamma_e = \ensuremath{f_{\rm T}} n_0 \label{eq:th_norm}\] and \[\int\limits_{\gamma_{\rm min,0}}^{\infty} N_{e,nt} d\gamma_e = \ensuremath{f_{\rm NT}} n_0, \label{eq:nt_norm}\] yielding \(K_{0,th} = \ensuremath{f_{\rm T}} n_0\) and \(K_{0,nt} = \ensuremath{f_{\rm NT}} n_0 (p-1) \gamma_{\rm min,0}^{p-1}\). For larger values of \(\eta_e\), the nonthermal and thermal distributions overlap, causing a discontinuity in the electron distribution at \(\gamma_{\rm min,0}\). To avoid this unphysical feature, we limit the use of this model to \(\eta_e < \eta_{max}\), where \(\eta_{max}\) (corresponding to some \(\Theta_{e,0,max}\)) is determined by requiring that 99% of the thermal electrons have Lorentz factors below \(\gamma_{\rm min,0}\), so that \[\int\limits_0^{\gamma_{\rm min,0}} N_{e,th}(\gamma_e,\Theta_{e,0,max}) = 0.99 \ensuremath{f_{\rm T}} n_0, \label{eq:th_max}\] giving \[\eta_{max} \approx 0.1 \left[3 \frac{p-2}{p-1} \frac{\epsilon_e}{\ensuremath{f_{\rm NT}}}\right] \Leftrightarrow \Theta_{e,0,max} \approx 0.1 \gamma_{min,0}. \label{eq:eta_max}\]
### Hot Electron Model {#sec:hot}
The hot electron model is characterized by efficient heating of thermal electrons at the shock, so that the post shock electron temperature is of order the total gas temperature, with typical Lorentz factors of \(\gamma_e m_e \sim \gamma m_p\). Since the nonthermal particles are also assumed to have Lorentz factors above \(\gamma_{\rm min,0}m_e \sim \gamma m_p\), there is significant overlap between the two components of the distribution function. To connect the two, we adopt the prescription of (similarly, @gs09). We require \(N_{e,th}(\gamma_{\rm min,0}) = N_{e,nt}(\gamma_{\rm min,0})\) which, when combined with the normalization conditions \[\int\limits_{0}^{\gamma_{\rm min,0}} N_{e,th} d\gamma_e = \ensuremath{f_{\rm T}} n_0\] and \[\int\limits_{\gamma_{\rm min,0}}^{\infty} N_{e,nt} d\gamma_e = \ensuremath{f_{\rm NT}} n_0,\] provides a set of nonlinear equations for \(y_{\rm min} \equiv \gamma_{\rm min,0}/\Theta_{e,0}\) and \(K_{0,th}\), while \(K_{0,nt} = \ensuremath{f_{\rm NT}} n_0 (p-1) \gamma_{\rm min,0}^{p-1}\). \(y_{\rm min}\) is then determined by solving the transcendental equation: \[\frac{y_{\rm min}^3 e^{-y_{\rm min}}}{2-e^{-y_{\rm min}}\left(y_{\rm min}^2 + 2y_{\rm min} + 2\right)}= \frac{\ensuremath{f_{\rm NT}}}{\ensuremath{f_{\rm T}}}\left(p-1\right), \label{eq:ymin}\] which is then directly related to the normalization constant for the thermal distribution: \[K_{0,th} = \frac{2\ensuremath{f_{\rm T}} n_0 }{2-e^{-y_{\rm min}}\left(y_{\rm min}^2 + 2y_{\rm min} + 2\right)}.\] For a fixed \(\gamma_{min,0}\), as \(f_{\rm T}\) gets smaller (\(f_{\rm NT}\) gets larger), the value of \(\Theta_{e,0}\) needed to continuously match the distribution functions gets larger. As \(\Theta_{e,0} \rightarrow \infty\), the thermal electron distribution approaches a \(\gamma_e^2\) power law distribution with only one free parameter, making the system over-determined. This happens at a finite value of \(f_{\rm NT}\), denoted \(f_{\rm max}\), which is given by the solution to equation [\[eq:ymin\]](#eq:ymin){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:ymin"} as \(y_{\rm min}\rightarrow 0\): \[\ensuremath{f_{\rm max}} = \frac{3}{p+2}. \label{eq:fmax}\] For \(\ensuremath{f_{\rm NT}}>\ensuremath{f_{\rm max}}\), the thermal distribution function cannot be continuously connected to the nonthermal distribution function while still maintaining the proper normalization. Finally, we note that in this model \(\eta_e\) as defined in [\[eq:theta_eta\]](#eq:theta_eta){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:theta_eta"} is no longer a free parameter but directly related to \(\epsilon_e\): \[\eta_e = 3 \frac{p-2}{p-1}\frac{\epsilon_e}{\ensuremath{f_{\rm NT}} y_{\rm min}}.\]
### Evolution of the Electron Distribution Function {#sec:Nevol}
The above prescriptions are applied to the electron distribution just behind the shock. As the fluid advects away from the shock, each individual electron is subject to radiative and adiabatic losses, \[\frac{d \gamma_e}{d t'} =-\frac{\sigma_{\rm T}B^2}{6 \pi m_e c} \gamma_e^2 + \frac{\gamma_e}{3n} \frac{dn}{dt'}, \label{eq:dgamdt}\] where \(t'\) is measured in the frame of the post-shock fluid. The solution to this equation gives the electron Lorentz factor as a function of its Lorentz factor at the shock, \(\gamma_{e,0}\), and the similarity variable, \(\chi\): \(\gamma_e(\gamma_{e,0},\chi)\). As the electrons lose energy, the distribution function will evolve conserving particle number: \[\frac{N_e(\gamma_e)}{n} d\gamma_e = \frac{N_e(\gamma_{e,0})}{n_0} d\gamma_{e,0},\] so that the distribution function at an arbitrary point in the flow can be written as \[N_e(\gamma_e) = \frac{n}{n_0} N_e(\gamma_{e,0}) \frac{d\gamma_{e,0}}{d\gamma_e}. \label{eq:Ne_evol}\] We use Equation [\[eq:Ne_evol\]](#eq:Ne_evol){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:Ne_evol"} to evolve both the nonthermal and the thermal distribution functions. The minimum Lorentz factor for the nonthermal particles is evolved according to equation [\[eq:dgamdt\]](#eq:dgamdt){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:dgamdt"}. Figure [\[fig:dist\]](#fig:dist){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:dist"} shows the effect of this evolution.
## Emissivities and Absorptivities
In the rest frame of the fluid, the synchrotron emissivity and absorptivity are defined with respect to the particle distribution function, \(N_e(\gamma_e)\), and the single particle power spectrum, \(P_e'\): \[j_{\nu'} = \frac{1}{4 \pi} \int d \gamma_e N(\gamma_e) P_e'(\gamma_e)\] and \[\alpha_{\nu'} = \frac{1}{8 \pi m_e \nu'^2} \int d\gamma_e \frac{N(\gamma_e)}{\gamma_e^2} \frac{d}{d\gamma_e}\left(\gamma_e^2 P_e'(\gamma_e)\right).\] For \(P_e'\), we use the single particle power spectrum averaged over pitch angles: \[P_e' = \frac{\sqrt{3}e^3 B}{m_e c^2}\int\limits^{\pi/2}_{0} d \alpha \sin(\alpha)^2 F\left[X/\sin(\alpha)\right]\] with \[X \equiv \frac{\nu'}{\nu_{synch}'(\alpha = \pi/2)} = \frac{ 4 \pi \nu' m_e c}{3 e B \gamma_e ^2}\] and \[F(y) = y \int \limits_y^{\infty} K_{5/3}(z)dz.\]
## Radiative Transfer
To determine the observed spectrum, we numerically solve the radiative transfer equation in the lab frame: \[\frac{d I_\nu}{d s } = j_\nu-I_\nu \alpha_\nu,\] which has been written in terms of the lab frame frequency, \(\nu\), and the line of sight, \(s\). We can rewrite the transfer equation in terms of fluid rest frame quantities \(\nu'\), \(j_{\nu'}\), and \(\alpha_{\nu'}\) using the invariance of \(j_\nu/\nu^2\) and \(\alpha_\nu \nu\): \[\frac{d I_\nu}{d s } = \left(\frac{\nu(1+z)}{\nu'}\right)^2 j_{\nu'}-\left(\frac{\nu'}{\nu(1+z)}\right) I_\nu \alpha_{\nu'}, \label{eq:rad_trans}\] where \(\nu'/\nu = \gamma(1-\beta \mu) \approx \left[(1-\mu) \gamma + \mu /(2\gamma)\right] (1+z)\) in terms of \(\mu \equiv \cos(\theta)\), where \(\theta\) is the polar angle, and \(z\) is the redshift. Here we approximate the distance along the line of sight as \(s = r \mu\), so that the relationship between \(r\) and \(t\) along a line of sight is given by \[t_{los} = \frac{ t_{obs}}{1+z} + \frac{r_{los} \mu(r_{los}, \theta_{obs})}{c}, \label{eq:los_def}\] for an observing time \(t_{obs}\), defined such that \(t_{obs} = 0\) corresponds to emission from photons at the origin of the blast wave at \(t=0\). Along a line of sight, \(\mu\) is function both of radius and the viewing angle \(\theta_{obs}\), defined such that \(\theta_{obs} = 0\) corresponds to the line of sight at the equator. In terms of \(x \equiv \sin(\theta_{obs}) d_L/R_{\perp,max}\), where \(d_L\) is the luminosity distance to the source and \(R_{\perp,max}\) is the maximum value of \(r \sin(\theta)\) over all lines of sight, we have \[\mu = \sqrt{1-x^2 \left(\frac{R_{\perp,max}}{r}\right)^2},\] For a spherical blast wave (as we use here) equation [\[eq:los_def\]](#eq:los_def){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:los_def"} defines an ovoidal shape for the surface of equal arrival times of photons emitted by the flow. For a detailed and useful discussion of the properties of this surface, we refer the reader to (where it is referred to as the "egg"). After solving equation [\[eq:rad_trans\]](#eq:rad_trans){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:rad_trans"}, we obtain the flux by integrating the specific intensity over solid angles: \[F_\nu = \int I_\nu d\Omega = 2 \pi (1+z)\left(\frac{R_{\perp,max}}{d_L}\right)^2\int\limits_0^1 I_\nu xdx.\] Numerically, it is convenient to tabulate the integrals over pitch angle since they depend only on the dimensionless quantity, \(X\): \[F_{iso}(X) \equiv \int\limits^{\pi/2}_{0} d \alpha \sin(\alpha)^2 F\left[X/\sin(\alpha)\right]\] and \[K_{5/3,iso}(X) \equiv \int \limits^{\pi/2}_{0} d\alpha K_{5/3}\left[X/\sin(\alpha)\right].\] Finally, it is convenient to change integration variables to \(X\), which results in the expressions: \[j_\nu = \frac{\sqrt{3} e^3 B}{2 \pi m_e c^3} \int d X \frac{\gamma_e}{X} N(\gamma_e) F_{iso}(X)\] and \[\alpha_\nu = \frac{\sqrt{3} e^3 B}{ 8\pi m_e^2 c^3 \nu^2} \int d X X N(\gamma_e) K_{5/3,iso}(X)\]
# Results
We select fiducial values of \(E' = 10^{52}\) erg, \(n_{ext}' = 1\,{\rm cm}^{-3}\), \(\epsilon_e'=0.1\), \(\epsilon_B'=0.01\), and \(p=2.5\) for our analysis. Since synchrotron radiation from nonthermal electrons with the parameter sets \[\(E'\),\(n_{ext}'\),\(\epsilon_e'\),\(\epsilon_B'\); \(\ensuremath{f_{\rm NT}} = 1\)\] and \[\(E'/\ensuremath{f_{\rm NT}}\),\(n_{ext}'/\ensuremath{f_{\rm NT}}\),\(\ensuremath{f_{\rm NT}}\epsilon_e'\), \(\ensuremath{f_{\rm NT}}\epsilon_B'\); \(\ensuremath{f_{\rm NT}} < 1\)\] is identical, we fix the properties of the nonthermal particles by scaling the parameters with \(f_{\rm NT}\) in this way to study the effect of the thermal population. For the cold electron model, we fix \(\eta_e = 10^{-3}\), corresponding to \(\Theta_{e,0} = 10^{-2} \gamma_{\rm min,0}\) (using equations [\[eq:gamma_min\]](#eq:gamma_min){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:gamma_min"} and [\[eq:theta_eta\]](#eq:theta_eta){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:theta_eta"}). We note that for these parameters, the emission at \(\sim 10^{2}\) days is dominated by photons emitted when \(\Gamma\) was \(\sim\) a few. A break in the light curves due to the finite opening angle of the outflow (\(\theta_0\)) is expected when \(\Gamma \theta_0 \sim 1\). We neglect this effect by considering a spherical blast wave, in order to particularly isolate the effect of adding thermal electrons to the framework of GS02. We test our calculations for the case of \(\ensuremath{f_{\rm NT}} = 1\) (no thermal electrons) against the basic features of the synchrotron model comprising power law spectral segments connected at spectral break frequencies: the synchrotron self absorption frequency, \(\nu_{\rm a}\), the characteristic frequency, \(\nu_{\rm m}\), and the cooling frequency, \(\nu_{\rm c}\). Our results reproduce the expected spectral segments and are consistent with the fitting formulae of GS02 (with modifications as described by @lbt+14) within \(\approx20\%\) at all frequencies (Figure [\[fig:gs_comp\]](#fig:gs_comp){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:gs_comp"}). In the cold electron model, the introduction of even a small fraction of non-accelerated particles (\(\ensuremath{f_{\rm T}}=0.01\)) significantly increases the optical depth to synchrotron self-absorption, creating a deficit in the observed radiation compared to the case with no thermal electrons (Figure [\[fig:dis_spec\]](#fig:dis_spec){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:dis_spec"}). This flux-suppression ranges from \(\sim 10^{-1}\) at \(\ensuremath{f_{\rm T}}=0.01\) to \(\sim 10^{-2}\) at \(\ensuremath{f_{\rm T}} = 0.5\) and \(0.99\), and the absorption is dominated by thermal particles. For \(\ensuremath{f_{\rm T}} = 0.01\), the thermal particles are primarily absorbing emission from nonthermal particles, while for \(\ensuremath{f_{\rm T}} = 0.5\) and \(0.99\), the thermal particles are primarily absorbing their own radiation. This increased optical depth also leads to a higher effective self-absorption frequency when \(\ensuremath{\nu_{\rm a, T}}>\ensuremath{\nu_{\rm a, NT}}\), where \(\ensuremath{\nu_{\rm a, NT}}\) (\(\nu_{\rm a, T}\)) is the self-absorption frequency considering only absorption by nonthermal (thermal) particles. While \(\nu_{\rm a}\) appears to be well approximated by \(\ensuremath{\nu_{\rm a}} \approx \max (\ensuremath{\nu_{\rm a, NT}},\ensuremath{\nu_{\rm a, T}})\), it is in general a nonlinear function of \(\nu_{\rm a, T}\) and \(\nu_{\rm a, NT}\), and we leave the precise determination of an expression for \(\nu_{\rm a, NT}\) and \(\nu_{\rm a}\) to future work. Furthermore, when \(\ensuremath{\nu_{\rm m, T}}<\nu<\ensuremath{\nu_{\rm a}}\), the rapid decline of the thermal absorptivity above \(\ensuremath{\nu_{\rm m, T}}\) leads to a steepening of the spectrum over the transition from thermal-to nonthermal-dominated absorption. Additionally, for larger values of \(\ensuremath{f_{\rm T}}\) (\(\gtrsim 0.5\)), we find excess flux between \(\nu_{\rm a, NT}\) and \(\nu_{\rm m, NT}\) from the thermal population, characterized by a \(\nu^{2}\) self-absorbed segment breaking into \(\nu^{1/3}\) at \(\nu_{\rm a}\), followed by a rapid decline above the peak at \(\nu_{\rm m, T}\). The latter is related to \(\nu_{\rm m, NT}\) by \[\ensuremath{\nu_{\rm m, T}} \approx \left(\frac{\eta_e \ensuremath{f_{\rm NT}} }{3\epsilon_e }\right)^2 \left(\frac{p-2}{p-1}\right)^2 \ensuremath{\nu_{\rm m, NT}},\] which holds for all values of \(f_{\rm T}\). This expression is derived from the relationship between \(\Theta_{e,0}\) and \(\gamma_{min,0}\) (see equations [\[eq:gamma_min\]](#eq:gamma_min){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:gamma_min"} and [\[eq:theta_eta\]](#eq:theta_eta){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:theta_eta"}), and the expected scaling of \(\ensuremath{\nu_{\rm m}}' \propto \gamma_e^2 B\). Whereas the excess emission fades with time, the increased optical depth to self-absorption persists. We find that these same effects are seen in the hot electron model, albeit to a varying extent. The observable effects of \(\ensuremath{f_{\rm T}}>0\) are smaller below \(\ensuremath{\nu_{\rm a}}\) compared to the cold electron model, whereas the excess emission (between \(\nu_{\rm a, NT}\) and \(\nu_{\rm m, NT}\)) extends to higher frequencies (Figure [\[fig:cont_spec\]](#fig:cont_spec){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:cont_spec"}). Both effects can be traced to the higher effective temperature of the thermal electrons, which results in an increased effective blackbody temperature and higher \(\nu_{\rm m, T}\). Note that requiring continuity of the distribution function results in the thermal Maxwellian being only a small correction to the nonthermal distribution for \(\ensuremath{f_{\rm T}} \lesssim 0.8\) (e.g., \(\ensuremath{f_{\rm T}} = 0.5\) in Figure [\[fig:dist\]](#fig:dist){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:dist"}), which may indicate that higher values of \(f_{\rm T}\) are more realistic. We show sample light curves in the X-ray, optical, and radio for both models with \(\ensuremath{f_{\rm T}} = 0.8\) in Figure [\[fig:lc\]](#fig:lc){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:lc"}. Synchrotron radiation from thermal electrons results in excess emission in the optical at early times (\(\lesssim 1\) d), and the effect lasts longer for the hot electron model. The additional absorption from the thermal particles causes a rapid rise in the radio light curve when \(\nu_{\rm m, T}\) passes through and the optical depth of the thermal electrons rapidly declines. This effect is more pronounced for the cold electron model and happens at an earlier time. To quantify the impact of ignoring thermal electrons in parameter estimation during afterglow modeling, we perform two sample Monte Carlo analyses of realistic X-ray, UV/optical, and radio data sets generated from the \(\ensuremath{f_{\rm T}}=0.8\) cold and hot electron models (including noise, instrumental sensitivity limits, typical cadences, and scintillation effects), which we subsequently fit with the GS02 formalism assuming \(\ensuremath{f_{\rm NT}}=1\). The resulting parameter estimates are expected to differ from their input values due to both the degeneracy arising from \(\ensuremath{f_{\rm NT}}<1\), and the spectral differences caused by the additional thermal distribution of electrons. In order to distinguish among the two, we compare the fitted parameters both to the input values ("True") and the equivalent ("expected") values for \(\ensuremath{f_{\rm NT}}=1\) in Table [\[tab:params\]](#tab:params){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:params"}. Comparison of the fitted values to the "True" values includes both sources of error, while comparison to the "expected" values includes only the errors incurred by the spectral differences. For both models, we find that ignoring the contribution of thermal particles causes errors in the determination of the physical parameters by 10%-500% relative to the true values and 10%-400% relative to the expected values. For both models, the errors relative to the expected values are highest for the density due to the increased optical depth from the thermal electrons; however, this error partially cancels the effect of the degeneracy due to \(\ensuremath{f_{\rm NT}}<1\), bringing \(n_0\) closer to the true value. Additionally, in the hot electron model we find significantly larger errors than in the cold electron model in the fits for \(\epsilon_e\) and \(E\) compared to the expected values (factors of \(\approx\) 3.5 and 33, respectively), caused by the higher temperature electrons having an effect on more of the higher frequency portion of the spectrum. The error in \(E\) relative to the true value behaves similarly to the error in \(n_0\) in that it is partially cancelled by the degeneracy uncertainty. The error in \(\epsilon_e\), on the other hand, behaves in the opposite way, and in fact increases relative to the true value when the degeneracy uncertainty is included. We conclude that both the parameter degeneracy for \(\ensuremath{f_{\rm NT}}<1\) and the spectral differences caused by \(\ensuremath{f_{\rm T}}>0\) can lead to significant sources of error that interact in complex ways. In some cases, the errors can partially cancel out, but in others they can compound; the interplay between the two will likely depend upon the burst properties, as well as the time and frequency sampling of of afterglow data. Therefore, in order to properly constrain the parameters of GRB afterglows with \(\ensuremath{f_{\rm NT}}<1\), both effects need to be taken into account using a model for the thermal electron emission and absorption.
# Discussion and Conclusions
We have expanded the standard GRB afterglow model to include the additional contribution of a thermal distribution of electrons. We have shown that this additional population of electrons generally has two effects on the spectrum. The first is an excess of flux that occurs near the peak synchrotron frequency of the thermal electrons. This additional component fades with time as the emission shifts to lower frequencies, consistent with the results of and. Secondly, the optically thick low frequency radio emission is reduced from what one would expect for a purely nonthermal electron distribution. The strength of both effects depend on the post-shock temperature of the thermal population relative to that of the nonthermal population. The detection of these features in the spectra of GRB afterglows could be an indication of inefficient electron acceleration. We have shown that neglecting the contribution of thermal electrons in modelling observational GRB afterglow sources introduces errors in parameter estimation in addition to the known degeneracy in parameters in nonthermal electron-only spectra when \(\ensuremath{f_{\rm NT}}<1\). Future detailed explorations of the effect of the acceleration efficiency and the relative temperature of the thermal and nonthermal components could be used to generate fitting functions, thereby facilitating multi-wavelength modeling of GRB afterglows. This model could then be used to break the parameter degeneracy by obtaining a direct measurement of the fraction of accelerated electrons, thus informing studies of electron acceleration in collisionless relativistic shocks. Whereas our study is focused on the two extreme cases of either strong or weak thermal shock heating (i.e., the hot and cold electron models, respectively), it is likely that shocks in GRB afterglows generally fall somewhere in between these two limiting cases. Our analysis quantitatively demonstrates the possible range of effects caused by a non-negligible fraction of non-accelerated electrons in afterglow shocks in order to better interpret observations and lay the groundwork for more detailed future modeling. | {'timestamp': '2018-11-27T02:13:43', 'yymm': '1706', 'arxiv_id': '1706.01885', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.01885'} |
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# Introduction {#introduction .unnumbered}
Quantum phase transition is one of the pillars underpinning condensed matter physics . Conventional wisdom states that different quantum phases are generally discriminated in terms of the symmetry carried by the ground state or other features that have an underlying topological interpretation . The former is described by local order parameters associated with the symmetries and the latter by topological orders, which are nowadays classified into intrinsic and symmetry-protected ones . In both cases, a continuous transition between different phases is mediated by a spectrally gapless critical point, in the vicinity of which thermodynamic quantities exhibit scaling behaviours classified into universality classes . Modern understanding of quantum phase transition has been significantly enriched by incorporating the concept of entanglement . Quantum phases are determined after all by the way how different particles or different parties in the system are mutually related. In this sense, it is natural to expect that entanglement would bear the fingerprint of the quantum phase. This perspective is especially powerful in the study of topological orders, which are a purely quantum effect. For example, states with an intrinsic topological order have a long-range entanglement and a nonzero topological entanglement entropy . Symmetry-protected topological orders are signified by a degenerate entanglement spectrum . Topological quantum phase transition would then be thought of as a rearrangement of the pattern of entanglement. While it is a common practice to study macroscopic bipartite entanglements in topological phases, they apparently reveal only a partial aspect of many-body entanglement and, on the practical side, are hardly accessible in experiments. It is thus worthwhile to carry out a more detailed inspection of the many-body entanglement for a deeper understanding of topological phases. In particular, when it comes to the aspect of phase transition, local entanglement may be enough to gain information on the critical singularities, as is suggested by earlier works on symmetry-breaking quantum phase transitions in Heisenberg spin chains . If then, an interesting question is how its singular nature differs from that of the symmetry-breaking transitions. Besides, from the viewpoint that different quantum phases are imprinted in different patterns of entanglement, to examine many-body entanglement in topological models is an interesting problem in its own right. The aim of this paper is to investigate the quantum phase transition of one-dimensional topological models in terms of the two-site entanglements, namely, the concurrences, in the ground state . As a prototypical model, we consider the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) model on a one-dimensional lattice, as shown in Figure [\[fig:model\]](#fig:model){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:model"} . The system has \(N\) unit cells, each consisting of two sites \(\{\text{a}_{n},\text{b}_{n}\}\). The model Hamiltonian is given by \[H=\sum_{n=1}^{N}\left(t_{1}a_{n}^{\dagger}b_{n}+t_{2}b_{n}^{\dagger}a_{n+1}+\text{H.c.}\right), \label{eq:model}\] where \(\{a_{n},b_{n}\}\) denote the fermion operators for the \(n\)-th unit cell and the periodic boundary condition \(\{a_{N+1},b_{N+1}\}=\{a_{1},b_{1}\}\) is taken. We take the hopping rates \[t_{1}=1-\lambda,\quad t_{2}=1+\lambda\] to have a single control parameter \(\lambda\in[-1,1]\). This model has been well studied in the context of the band topology . It is in a topological phase for \(\lambda>0\) and in a trivial phase for \(\lambda<0\) (this distinction of the phase, of course, depends on the choice of the unit cell). We first derive an analytic formula for the concurrence between any two sites and show that in the thermodynamic limit, the first derivative of the concurrence between adjacent sites with respect to \(\lambda\) diverges logarithmically at the critical point \(\lambda_{0}=0\), the exact form of which is also derived. This result is similar to the case of the symmetry-breaking quantum phase transition in the Heisenberg spin chain . However, due to the topological origin, there exists an interesting difference: for finite even \(N\), the concurrence is discontinuous at \(\lambda=\lambda_{0}\) with a gap inversely proportional to \(N\), while it remains analytic for odd \(N\). This feature contrasts with the case of symmetry-breaking quantum phase transitions wherein the nonanalyticity appears only in the thermodynamic limit. We provide a geometric interpretation of that, directly relating the singularity with the change of the band topology. This phenomenon has a universal nature in one-dimensional topological phase transitions of noninteracting fermions. As an example, we show that for the Kitaev chain , the local electron density is an analogous quantity exhibiting the identical nonanalyticity at the critical point: its first derivative, i.e., the local compressibility, diverges logarithmically in the thermodynamic limit and it is discontinuous for finite even system sizes. Another finding we present in this paper is that there exists a different type of phase transition in the SSH model whereby the many-body entanglement of the ground state undergoes a sudden change in the following sense. As a means to characterise the many-body entanglement, we represent the pairwise pattern of all the concurrences as a (simple) graph, where each edge means the existence of entanglement, i.e., a nonzero concurrence, between the two vertices (sites). We call this graph an "entangled graph", following Ref. . If two many-body states have different entangled graphs, we will regard them as having different classes of many-body entanglement and hence belonging to different phases. This kind of characterisation of many-body entanglement has a relatively long tradition . In the present work, our particular motivation is coming from the fact that at two extreme phases \(\lambda=\pm1\), the ground state is dimerised in such a way that either two sites in every unit cell form a singlet (\(\lambda=-1\)) or every adjacent pair of sites across unit cells form a singlet (\(\lambda=+1\)), the entanglement of which can be naturally represented by the entangled graphs shown in Figure [\[fig:phase\]](#fig:phase){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:phase"}. The problem now is then to figure out how the entangled graph for \(\lambda\in(-1,1)\) interpolates between the two. It turns out that at \(\lambda_{\pm}\simeq\pm0.138\), the entangled graph changes suddenly along with a nonanalyticity of the concurrence. This singularity is reminiscent of the phenomenon called the entanglement sudden death . We emphasise, however, that this transition should not be confused with conventional quantum phase transitions because it has nothing to do with a nonanalyticity of the ground-state wavefunction itself: the nonanalytic behaviour comes from the way the entanglement is defined and quantified. A further remark on this transition will be made later. In what follows, "quantum phase transition" will refer only to the transition at \(\lambda=\lambda_{0}\).
# Results {#results .unnumbered}
## Reduced density matrices in the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model {#reduced-density-matrices-in-the-su-schrieffer-heeger-model .unnumbered}
It is convenient to switch to the momentum space, in which the Hamiltonian [\[eq:model\]](#eq:model){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:model"} takes the Bogoliubov-de Gennes form: \[H=\sum_{k\in\text{BZ}}\phi_{k}^{\dagger}\left[\vec{h}(k)\cdot\vec{\sigma}\right]\phi_{k}, \label{eq:hamiltonian}\] where \(\phi_{k}=(a_{k}~b_{k})^{T}\), \(\vec{\sigma}=\sigma_{x}\hat{x}+\sigma_{y}\hat{y}+\sigma_{z}\hat{z}\) is the vector composed of Pauli matrices, and \(\vec{h}(k)\) is given by \[\vec{h}(k)=(t_{1}+t_{2}\cos k)\hat{x} +(t_{2}\sin k)\hat{y}. \label{eq:vector}\] Our aim is to obtain the concurrences between all pairs of lattice sites, which we denote by \(\mathcal{C}(\text{a}_{n},\text{b}_{m})\), \(\mathcal{C}(\text{a}_{n},\text{a}_{m})\), and \(\mathcal{C}(\text{b}_{n},\text{b}_{m})\). For this, we need to obtain the corresponding reduced density matrices \(\rho_{\text{a}_{n}\text{b}_{m}}\), \(\rho_{\text{a}_{n}\text{a}_{m}}\), and \(\rho_{\text{b}_{n}\text{b}_{m}}\). To this end, we follow the method presented in Ref. , which we also recast in Methods. The first step needed is to spectrally flatten the Hamiltonian, which means that all positive eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian are replaced by +1, while all negative ones by-1. A crucial observation is that the spectral flattening actually amounts to replacing \(\vec{h}(k)\) with a normalised one \(\hat{h}(k)=\hat{h}_{x}(k)\hat{x}+\hat{h}_{y}(k)\hat{y}=\vec{h}(k)/|\vec{h}(k)|\). We can write \[\frac{i}{4}c^{T}\bar{M}c=\sum_{k\in\text{BZ}}\phi_{k}^{\dagger}\left[\hat{h}(k)\cdot\vec{\sigma}\right]\phi_{k},\] where it is understood that the lefthand side is the conventional Majorana representation of the righthand side with \(\bar{M}\) being a real skew-symmetric matrix. The next step is to project \(c\) and \(\bar{M}\) onto the subspace under consideration. For example, in order to obtain \(\rho_{\text{a}_{n}\text{b}_{m}}\), one takes \[\frac{i}{4}c_{\text{a}_{n}\text{b}_{m}}^{T}\bar{M}_{\text{a}_{n}\text{b}_{m}}c_{\text{a}_{n}\text{b}_{m}}=\frac{1}{N}\sum_{k\in\text{BZ}}\left(\begin{matrix}a_{n}^{\dagger}e^{ikn}\\b_{m}^{\dagger}e^{ikm}\end{matrix}\right)^{T}\hat{h}(k)\cdot\vec{\sigma}\left(\begin{matrix}a_{n}e^{-ikn}\\b_{m}e^{-ikm}\end{matrix}\right)=\eta_{\text{a}_{n}\text{b}_{m}}(a_{n}^{\dagger}b_{m}+b_{m}^{\dagger}a_{n}), \label{eq:mab}\] where \[\begin{aligned}
\eta_{\text{a}_{n}\text{b}_{m}}&=\frac{1}{N}\sum_{k\in\text{BZ}}\cos\left[k(m-n)+\varphi(k)\right],\\ e^{i\varphi(k)}&=\hat{h}_{x}(k)+i\hat{h}_{y}(k). \end{aligned}\] The quantity \(\eta_{\text{a}_{n}\text{b}_{m}}\) will play a central role in our analysis. Once the \(4\times4\) matrix \(\bar{M}_{\text{a}_{n}\text{b}_{m}}\) is obtained from Eq. [\[eq:mab\]](#eq:mab){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:mab"}, one can follow the prescription in Methods to have \[\rho_{\text{a}_{n}\text{b}_{m}}=\frac{1}{4}\left(\begin{matrix} 1-\eta^{2} & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 1+\eta^{2} &-2\eta & 0 \\ 0 &-2\eta & 1+\eta^{2} & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1-\eta^{2} \end{matrix}\right) \label{eq:reduced}\] in the basis \(\{\ket{0},b_{m}^{\dagger}\ket{0},a_{n}^{\dagger}\ket{0},a_{n}^{\dagger}b_{m}^{\dagger}\ket{0}\}\), the subscript in \(\eta_{\text{a}_{n}\text{b}_{m}}\) being omitted for brevity.
## Phase diagram of many-body entanglement {#phase-diagram-of-many-body-entanglement .unnumbered}
The concurrence can be directly calculated from the reduced density matrix [\[eq:reduced\]](#eq:reduced){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:reduced"} as \[\mathcal{C}_{\text{a}_{n}\text{b}_{m}}=\max\left\{0, \frac{1}{2}(\eta_{\text{a}_{n}\text{b}_{m}}^{2}+2\eta_{\text{a}_{n}\text{b}_{m}}-1)\right\}, \label{eq:concurrence}\] which is nonzero only for \(\eta_{\text{a}_{n}\text{b}_{m}}>\sqrt{2}-1\) . It turns out that \(\eta_{\text{a}_{n}\text{a}_{m}}=\eta_{\text{b}_{n}\text{b}_{m}}=0\) for all \(\{n,m\}\), which implies that \(\rho_{\text{a}_{n}\text{a}_{m}}\) and \(\rho_{\text{b}_{n}\text{b}_{m}}\) are fully mixed states and thus \(\mathcal{C}_{\text{a}_{n}\text{a}_{m}}=\mathcal{C}_{\text{b}_{n}\text{b}_{m}}=0\). Furthermore, \(\mathcal{C}(\text{a}_{n},\text{b}_{m})\) also all vanish except for \(\mathcal{C}(\text{a}_{n},\text{b}_{n})\) and \(\mathcal{C}(\text{b}_{n},\text{a}_{n+1})\). As a result, there are only three possible entangled graphs associated with the ground state, as shown in Figure [\[fig:phase\]](#fig:phase){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:phase"}. Hereafter, for a notational simplicity, we let \(\eta_{1}\equiv\eta_{\text{a}_{n}\text{b}_{n}}\), \(\mathcal{C}_{1}\equiv\mathcal{C}_{\text{a}_{n}\text{b}_{n}}\), \(\eta_{2}\equiv\eta_{\text{b}_{n}\text{a}_{n+1}}\), and \(\mathcal{C}_{2}\equiv\mathcal{C}_{\text{b}_{n}\text{a}_{n+1}}\). The two concurrences are related as \[\mathcal{C}_{1}(\lambda)=\mathcal{C}_{2}(-\lambda). \label{eq:sym}\] In Figure [\[fig:phase\]](#fig:phase){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:phase"}, we plot \(\mathcal{C}_{1}(\lambda)\), \(\mathcal{C}_{2}(\lambda)\), and \(d\mathcal{C}_{2}(\lambda)/d\lambda\) with respect to \(\lambda\). One can distinguish four different phases \(\mathbf{P}_{\{0,1\}}\) and \(\mathbf{Q}_{\{0,1\}}\). The subscript represents the \(Z_{2}\) index for the band topology with 0 (1) representing the trivial (topological) phase. In the trivial (topological) phase, \(\mathcal{C}_{1}>\mathcal{C}_{2}\) (\(\mathcal{C}_{1}<\mathcal{C}_{2}\)). In the phase \(\mathbf{Q}\), the entangled graph is connected, while in the phase \(\mathbf{P}\), it is disconnected. The phase transition of the band topology occurs at \(\lambda_{0}=0\) and that of the entangled graph occurs at \(\lambda_{\pm}\simeq\pm0.138\).
## Quantum phase transition at \(\lambda=\lambda_{0}\) {#quantum-phase-transition-at-lambdalambda_0 .unnumbered}
The nonanalyticity of the concurrence here can be ascribed to the sudden change of the band topology. The vector \(\vec{h}(k)\) in Eq. [\[eq:hamiltonian\]](#eq:hamiltonian){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:hamiltonian"} traverses a circle on the \(x-y\) plane as \(k\) sweeps over the Brillouin zone \(0\le k<2\pi\), as in Figure [\[fig:topology\]](#fig:topology){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:topology"}. The \(Z_{2}\) topological index is then determined by whether the circle encloses the origin or not . In order to make this topological distinction more pronounced, one can take the unit vector \(\hat{h}(k)\), as in Figure [\[fig:topology\]](#fig:topology){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:topology"}. In the trivial phase (\(\lambda<0\)), \(\hat{h}(k)\) wanders on the half circle in \(x>0\). To close the loop, it traverses the same path twice. In the topological phase (\(t_{1}<t_{2}\)), on the other hand, \(\hat{h}(k)\) traverses the full circle once. Such a topological difference is in fact captured by the quantity \(\eta_{1}\): \[\eta_{1}(\lambda)=\frac{1}{N}\sum_{k\in\text{BZ}}\hat{h}_{x}(k) \label{eq:eta}\] At the phase transition, the trajectory of \(\hat{h}(k)\) should change its shape from one to the other in Figure [\[fig:topology\]](#fig:topology){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:topology"}. In the thermodynamic limit wherein the trajectory becomes *continuous*, such a change cannot be made continuously. In view of Eq. [\[eq:eta\]](#eq:eta){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:eta"}, this discontinuity should be reflected as a sudden jump of \(\eta_{1}\) in the vicinity of the critical point, rendering the derivative of \(\eta_{1}\) with respect to \(\lambda\), and hence that of \(\mathcal{C}_{1}\), diverging at the critical point. This nonanalyticity, as shown in Figure [\[fig:phase\]](#fig:phase){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:phase"}, is reminiscent of earlier results for the cases of symmetry-breaking quantum phase transitions in spin chains . However, a stark difference is found for finite systems due to the different origins of the singularity. In the present case, the behaviour of \(\eta_{1}(\lambda)\) depends on the parity of \(N\), as shown in Figure [\[fig:evenodd\]](#fig:evenodd){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:evenodd"}. For even \(N\), \(\eta_{1}(\lambda)\) is discontinuous at \(\lambda=0\) even though the system size is finite. This can be understood by re-examining Figure [\[fig:topology\]](#fig:topology){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:topology"} and Eq. [\[eq:eta\]](#eq:eta){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:eta"}. One can realise that for even \(N\), as the trajectory of \(\vec{h}(k)\) is made of \(N\) equally spaced points on the circle, the difference between \(\eta_{1}(0_{+})\) and \(\eta_{1}(0_{-})\) is made solely by the contribution of \(\hat{h}_{x}(k=\pi)\), which is either \(1\) or \(-1\) depending on the phase. We thus find that \[\delta(N)\equiv\left|\eta_{1}(0_{+})-\eta_{1}(0_{-})\right|=\frac{2}{N}.\] For odd \(N\), due to the exclusion of \(k=\pi\), the discrete nature of \(\eta_{1}(\lambda)\) disappears. We perform additional calculations taking more realistic situations into account. Figure [\[fig:evenodd\]](#fig:evenodd){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:evenodd"}(d) shows \(\mathcal{C}_{2}(\lambda)\) in the presence of disorder, which is introduced by adding \(\sum_{n}(\epsilon_{n}^{a}a_{n}^{\dagger}a_{n}+\epsilon_{n}^{b}b_{n}^{\dagger}b_{n})\) to the Hamiltonian with \(\epsilon_{n}^{\{a,b\}}\) being taken randomly and uniformly from the interval \([-0.1,0.1]\). It turns out that small disorder does not significantly alter the essential features of the entanglement including the distinction between the cases of even and odd \(N\). Figure [\[fig:evenodd\]](#fig:evenodd){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:evenodd"}(e) shows \(d\mathcal{C}_{2}/d\lambda\) obtained by taking the two sites at the centre of the chain in the case of the open boundary condition. In this case, the peak of \(d\mathcal{C}_{2}/d\lambda\) does not coincide with \(\lambda=0\) because the symmetry with respect to \(\lambda\leftrightarrow-\lambda\), as in Eq. [\[eq:sym\]](#eq:sym){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:sym"}, is broken down. Also, the difference according to the parity of \(N\) is absent because its origin---the inclusion or exclusion of \(k=\pi\) in the Brillouin zone---now loses its meaning. Here, the chemical potential is placed in the gap either below or above the two zero-energy states that appear due to the open boundary condition. Either case produces the same results. As is expected, as \(N\) increases, the singularity is more pronounced and the peak approaches \(\lambda=0\). It is worthwhile to interpret the nonanalyticity in terms of the conventional language of the phase transition. In fact, the derivative of the free energy with respect to \(\lambda\) picks up \(\eta\): \[\begin{split} \left.\frac{\partial}{\partial\lambda}F(T,\lambda)\right|_{T\rightarrow0} &=N\avr{-a_{1}^{\dagger}b_{1}+b_{1}^{\dagger}a_{2}+\text{H.c.}}_{T\rightarrow0}\\ &=N\left[\eta_{1}(\lambda)-\eta_{2}(\lambda)\right], \end{split}\] where \(F(T,\lambda)=-k_{B}T\ln\text{Tr}[e^{-H(\lambda)/(k_{B}T)}]\). As the phase transition is second order, the derivative of \(\eta\), and hence the derivative of the concurrence, diverges at the critical point. In the thermodynamic limit, \(\eta_{1}(\lambda)\) diverges logarithmically for \(|\lambda|\ll1\) as \[\frac{\partial}{\partial\lambda}\eta_{1}(\lambda)\simeq\frac{2}{\pi}\log\left[\left(\frac{e}{2}\right)^{2}|\lambda|\right], \label{eq:diverge}\] which can be derived by using the property of the elliptic integral: \(-\int_{0}^{\pi/2}(\lambda^{2}+\sin^{2}\theta)^{-1/2}d\theta\simeq\log(\lambda/4)\). The above arguments remain valid for arbitrary one-dimensional topological phase transitions governed by a two-band Hamiltonian as in Eq. [\[eq:hamiltonian\]](#eq:hamiltonian){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:hamiltonian"}. In the thermodynamic limit, there should be a local quantity corresponding to \(\eta_{1}\), which becomes nonanalytic at the critical point, reflecting the change of the winding number. For finite systems, it is discontinuous if the band-touching point belongs to the (discrete) Brillouin zone, which would be naturally related to a commensurability problem. For example, in the Kitaev chain , the reduced density matrix for a single site, say, site 1, is obtained as \[\rho_{1}=\frac{1}{N}\sum_{k\in\text{BZ}}\hat{h}_{z}(k)(a_{1}^{\dagger}a_{1}-a_{1}a_{1}^{\dagger}),\] where \(a_{1}\) is the fermion operator for site 1. Note that the coefficient is identical to Eq. [\[eq:eta\]](#eq:eta){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:eta"} except for the orientation of the vector being different. In this case, the local electron density \(\langle a_{1}^{\dagger}a_{1}\rangle\) as a function of the chemical potential is discontinuous at the critical point for finite even \(N\) and the local compressibility diverges logarithmically as Eq. [\[eq:diverge\]](#eq:diverge){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:diverge"} in the thermodynamic limit. The latter behaviour has been addressed in a recent work .
## Phase transition of entanglement at \(\lambda=\lambda_{\pm}\) {#phase-transition-of-entanglement-at-lambdalambda_pm .unnumbered}
The nonanalyticity of the concurrence here is originated from the property of entanglement, which is defined as "not being separable". In the Hilbert space of bipartite density operators, the set of all separable states forms a compact convex set . As a result, if one traces a continuous path in the Hilbert space from an entangled to a separable state, the entanglement suddenly disappears when one crosses the hyperplane separating the sets of separable and entangled states. When this occurs in a dynamical problem, the phenomenon is called an entanglement sudden death (or sudden birth in the opposite way) . The entanglement sudden death is observed occasionally when a state evolves in a dissipative environment. However, it is rare to see an analogous phenomenon in the course of a quantum phase transition (to our best efforts, we could not find out a prior example). In view of Eq. [\[eq:concurrence\]](#eq:concurrence){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:concurrence"}, the existence of this phase transition should be robust against a small perturbation to the system. As the system remains gapped, one can transform it into a dynamical problem by considering an adiabatic evolution varying \(\lambda\), making the link to the entanglement sudden death clearer. Near \(\lambda=\lambda_{+}\), \(\mathcal{C}_{1}(\lambda)\) changes linearly for \(\lambda<\lambda_{+}\) and vanished for \(\lambda>\lambda_{+}\). In the thermodynamic limit, the former behaviour is given by \[\mathcal{C}_{1}(\lambda)\simeq-1.476(\lambda-\lambda_{+}).\] For finite \(N\), \(\lambda_{+}\) changes with \(N\) as shown in Figure [\[fig:lambda\]](#fig:lambda){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:lambda"}. For \(N=2\) or \(N=4\), \(\mathcal{C}_{1}>0\) for \(\lambda<0\) and \(\mathcal{C}_{1}=0\) for \(\lambda>0\), and hence we cannot find \(\lambda_{+}\). As we have addressed in Introduction, this singularity is not originated from the nonanalyticity of the ground-state wave function and hence the transition is not a quantum phase transition in the conventional sense. Nonetheless, the transition may find meaning in the context of quantum information theory. For example, supposing two parties, say, Alice and Bob, possess each of the two sites in a unit cell, the usefulness of the state as a resource for a quantum information processing depends on the phase . Here, instead of considering entanglement of the fermion occupation number, which is somewhat impractical, one can make the scenario more practical by turning the SSH model into an equivalent \(s=1/2\) spin-chain model with nearest-neighbour interaction. That is, regarding \(a_{n}\) and \(b_{n}\) in Eq. [\[eq:model\]](#eq:model){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:model"} as \(s=1/2\) spin lowering operators, in the subspace with the half-filling \(\sum_{n}(a_{n}^{\dagger}a_{n}+b_{n}^{\dagger}b_{n})=N\), one can realise that the equivalent spin-chain Hamiltonian is \[H_{\text{spin}}=\sum_{n=1}^{N-1}(t_{1}a_{n}^{\dagger}b_{n}+t_{2}b_{n}^{\dagger}a_{n+1}+\text{H.c.})+t_{1}(a_{N}^{\dagger}b_{N}+\text{H.c.})+(-1)^{N-1}t_{2}(b_{N}^{\dagger}a_{1}+\text{H.c.}).\] Note that the last term introduces a gauge field for even \(N\), which would be responsible for the different behaviour at \(\lambda=\lambda_{0}\) for even and odd \(N\). A deeper operational meaning of the entanglement phase transition at \(\lambda=\lambda_{\pm}\) is open to question due to the lack of a relevant quantum informational protocol in the multipartite setting.
# Discussion {#discussion .unnumbered}
We have fully characterised two-site entanglements in the ground state of the SSH model and obtained the phase diagram of the entanglement. It was found out that there are two kinds of singularities in the entanglement: one due to the topological quantum phase transition and the other one due to the entanglement sudden death. Several remarks are in order. (i) The presented singularities are expected to be verifiable in optical lattices. For example, one could prepare a fermionic Mott insulator in a one-dimensional optical lattice and adiabatically change the potential shape by superimposing an additional lattice potential so that the number of sites is twice the number of atoms in the end . More detailed and rigorous analysis of its feasibility is left as a future work. (ii) As can be seen in Figure [\[fig:phase\]](#fig:phase){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:phase"}, one can detect the topological order of the SSH model simply by comparing local quantities \(\mathcal{C}_{1}\) and \(\mathcal{C}_{2}\), instead of referring to the entanglement spectrum. This might greatly facilitate the experimental detection of the topological phase. However, the validity of this idea in the presence of disorder or interaction and its generalisation to other models are unclear. (iii) While our way of characterising the many-body entanglement seems reasonable for the SSH model, one can employ a different characterisation to see a different aspect of the many-body entanglement. The phases in Figure [\[fig:phase\]](#fig:phase){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:phase"} would then be divided into subphases, enriching the phase diagram.
# Methods {#methods .unnumbered}
## Reduced density matrix for noninteracting gapped fermion systems {#reduced-density-matrix-for-noninteracting-gapped-fermion-systems .unnumbered}
We recast the formulae presented in Refs. to derive a reduced density matrix of the ground state of a gapped quadratic fermion Hamiltonian. Consider a system described by \(N\) fermion annihilation (creation) operators \(a_{j}\) (\(a_{j}^{\dagger}\)) with \(1\le j\le N\). It is convenient to introduce Majorana operators \(c_{l}\) with \(1\le l\le 2N\) such that \(a_{j}=\frac12(c_{2j-1}+ic_{2j})\). Let \(c\) be the vector with \(2N\) elements \(c_{l}\). Hereafter, we will use a similar convention for other operators as well. The Hamiltonian can be generally written as \[H=\frac{i}{4}c^{T}Mc,\] where \(M\) is a \(2N\times2N\) real skew-symmetric matrix with \(M_{jk}=-M_{kj}\). The matrix \(M\) is block diagonalised as \[WMW^{T}=\left(\begin{matrix} 0 & \epsilon_{1} & & & \\-\epsilon_{1} & 0 & & & \\ & & \ddots & & \\ & & & 0 & \epsilon_{N} \\ & & &-\epsilon_{N} & 0 \end{matrix}\right) \label{eq:blockd}\] by a \(2N\times2N\) real orthogonal matrix \(W\) with \(W^{T}W=WW^{T}=I\), where \(\epsilon_{j}>0\). The Hamiltonian is then written as \[H=\frac{i}{2}\sum_{j=1}^{N}\epsilon_{j}c'_{2j-1}c'_{2j}=\sum_{j=1}^{N}\epsilon_{j}\left({a'_{j}}^{\dagger}a'_{j}-\frac{1}{2}\right),\] where \(c'=Wc\) and \(a'_{j}=\frac12(c'_{2j-1}+ic'_{2j})\). The ground state in the density matrix form is thus \[\rho_{0}=\prod_{j=1}^{N}a'_{j}{a'_{j}}^{\dagger}=\prod_{j=1}^{N}\left(\frac{1}{2}-i\frac{1}{2}c'_{2j-1}c'_{2j}\right).\] For later use, let us define a spectral flattening of the Hamiltonian \(H\) as \[\bar{H}=\frac{i}{4}c^{T}\bar{M}c=\sum_{j=1}^{N}\left({a'_{j}}^{\dagger}a'_{j}-\frac{1}{2}\right), \label{eq:flatten}\] which amounts to replacing all \(\epsilon_{j}\) with 1. We also define a Grassmann representation \(\omega(X)\) for a polynomial \(X\) of Majorana operators, which is done by replacing all Majorana operators in \(X\) with Grassmann variables. For example, a Grassmann representation of \(\rho_{0}\) is obtained by replacing \(c_{l}\) and \(c'_{l}\) with Grassmann variables \(\theta_{l}\) and \(\theta'_{l}=\sum_{m}W_{lm}\theta_{m}\), respectively, as \[\omega(\rho_{0})=\prod_{j=1}^{N}\left(\frac{1}{2}-i\frac{1}{2}\theta'_{2j-1}\theta'_{2j}\right)=\frac{1}{2^{N}}\exp\left(-\frac{i}{2}\theta^{T}\bar{M}\theta\right). \label{eq:gaussian}\] Note that \(\bar{M}\) is obtained from the spectrally flattened Hamiltonian [\[eq:flatten\]](#eq:flatten){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:flatten"}. A state that has a Gaussian form of a Grassmann representation as in Eq. [\[eq:gaussian\]](#eq:gaussian){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:gaussian"} is called a Gaussian state. It can be checked that \(\bar{M}\) is in fact a two point correlation Matrix \[\bar{M}_{jk}=\left\{\begin{array}{ll}-i\text{Tr}(\rho_{0}c_{j}c_{k}) & \text{ for }j\not=k\\ 0 & \text{ for }j=k\end{array}\right.\] and higher order correlations are given by \[\text{Tr}(\rho_{0}c_{j_{1}}c_{j_{2}}\cdots c_{j_{2n}})=i^{n}\text{Pf}(\bar{M}|_{j_{1}j_{2}\cdots j_{2n}})\] for \(j_{1}<j_{2}<\cdots<j_{2n}\), where \(\bar{M}|_{j_{1}j_{2}\cdots j_{2n}}\) is a \(2n\times2n\) submatrix of \(\bar{M}\) restricted to the designated indices and \(\text{Pf}(\cdot)\) is the Pfaffian. All odd-order correlations vanish. Now let us divide the system into two parts \(A\) and \(B\). \(A\) is described by \(N_{A}\) pairs of fermion operators and \(B\) by the rest. Our aim is to calculate the reduced density matrix \(\rho_{A}=\text{Tr}_{B}(\rho_{0})\). One can check that if the Grassmann representation of \(\rho_{A}\) is given by \[\omega(\rho_{A})=\frac{1}{2^{N_{A}}}\exp\left(-\frac{i}{2}\theta_{A}^{T}\bar{M}_{A}\theta_{A}\right), \label{eq:grassmann}\] where \(\theta_{A}\) and \(\bar{M}_{A}\) are the corresponding submatrices restricted to the indices for the subsystem \(A\), then for an arbitrary polynomial \(X_{A}\) of the Majorana operators supported on A, \[\text{Tr}(\rho_{A}X_{A})=\text{Tr}(\rho_{0}X_{A}).\] This implies that Eq. [\[eq:grassmann\]](#eq:grassmann){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:grassmann"} is indeed correct. As \(\bar{M}_{A}\) is also skew-symmetric, it is block diagonalised as \[W_{A}\bar{M}_{A}W_{A}^{T}=\left(\begin{matrix} 0 & \eta_{1} & & & \\-\eta_{1} & 0 & & & \\ & & \ddots & & \\ & & & 0 & \eta_{N} \\ & & &-\eta_{N} & 0 \end{matrix}\right),\] where \(W_{A}\) is real orthogonal and \(0\le\eta_{j}\le1\). Taking the submatrix \(c_{A}\) of \(c\) and letting \(c'_{A}=W_{A}c_{A}\), we finally obtain \[\rho_{A}=\prod_{j=1}^{N_{A}}\left(\frac{1}{2}-i\frac{\eta_{j}}{2}c'_{A,2j-1}c'_{A,2j}\right),\] which has the Grassmann representation as in Eq. [\[eq:grassmann\]](#eq:grassmann){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:grassmann"}. | {'timestamp': '2017-06-07T02:04:09', 'yymm': '1706', 'arxiv_id': '1706.01637', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.01637'} |
# Introduction
Single photons are a key requirement for photonic implementations of quantum-enhanced technologies and quantum information processing. Scaling up the capabilities of algorithms and techniques currently under investigation requires the simultaneous delivery of larger numbers of single photons from independent sources. These photons must be completely indistinguishable to enable high-visibility Hong-Ou-Mandel interference. Single-photon sources are an area of vigorous research activity, and impressive progress has been made in developing sources based on single emitters such as quantum dots, colour centres, and dye molecules. An alternative approach that minimises technical complexity is to produce photons in pairs by parametric nonlinear processes; detection of one photon can then be used to herald the presence of its twin. By pumping the source with short pulses and managing both the dispersion and nonlinearity of the medium, heralded single photons can be delivered with very high purity. Although their technical simplicity is advantageous, this type of source has the drawback that the generation mechanism is probabilistic. Hence more than one pair of photons can be generated by a single pump pulse. Despite advanced heralding detectors with photon-number-resolving capabilities, multi-pair contributions cannot be perfectly discriminated. Hence a pragmatic approach to minimising the second-order coherence of the heralded output is to reduce the generation probability until multi-pair contributions become negligible. Furthermore there exists the fundamental limit that the probability of generating exactly one pair in two single modes cannot exceed 0.25. While increasing pump repetition rates can help limit higher-order pair generation, ultimately this restriction on single-pair generation probability is a serious bottleneck in scaling up photonic quantum processors to operate with larger numbers of single photons simultaneously. Conditionally routing the heralded output from several pair-generation modes into a single mode by active switching--known as multiplexing--provides a way of bypassing these limitations. Multiplexing techniques can be classified by the degree of freedom used to distinguish the input modes. Spatial multiplexing schemes combine two or more spatially-distinct generation modes into an output which has a greater probability of occupation. This approach has been investigated extensively and has been demonstrated to be effective. However the overhead required to yield a useful increase in delivery probability is large; for example it has been shown that even in the ideal case 17 sources must be multiplexed to give over 99% probability of delivering a single photon. Spectral multiplexing--enacting conditional frequency shifts to combine photons generated in different spectral modes--has recently been demonstrated on three modes; larger frequency shifts will enable greater numbers of modes to be combined. By noting that the parameter of interest is the probability of delivering a single photon per clock cycle, rather than the overall count rate, it becomes clear that temporal multiplexing, in which the outputs of a single source are re-timed and delivered at a lower repetition rate with higher occupation probability, can offer similar advantages without the need for many separate sources. The reduction in the number of usable bins per second is a price worth paying in experiments requiring many sources to fire simultaneously, as the success probability scales exponentially in probability per bin but only linearly in number of bins per second. While many schemes use concatenated networks of switches, it is significantly more resource-efficient to recycle photons through a single switch in a storage cavity. In this Letter we present an implementation of such a resource-efficient scheme in a fully-spliced fibre architecture using only a single source and a single multiplexing switch. The photons that we multiplex are from a source built to herald high-purity states directly, and by multiplexing over four time bins we demonstrate an improvement in the probability per bin of delivering heralded single photons.
# Temporal Loop Multiplexing Model
A general schematic of resource-efficient temporal multiplexing using a recycling loop is shown in Figure [\[fig:schematic\]](#fig:schematic){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:schematic"}. Our source operates at a low mean photon number per pulse, hence we can ignore contributions from multi-pair events. Considering a source that produces a thermal distribution of \(n\) photon pairs per pulse with probability \(p_\mathrm{th}(n)\), we define the probability that this source will successfully deliver a single heralded photon to its output as \(p_1 = p_\mathrm{th}(1) \, \eta_{d}\), where \(\eta_{d}\) is the lumped efficiency of the herald detection system and transmission of the remaining photon from source to output. We can the write down the probability of successfully delivering a single photon by temporal multiplexing over \(m\) pulses with our loop as: \[p_1^{(m)} = 1-\prod_{t=1}^{m}\left(1-p_1 \, \eta_{l}^t\right), \label{eq:temp_multi_simple}\] where \(\eta_{l}\) is the lumped efficiency for a single pass of the switch and storage loop. Eq. [\[eq:temp_multi_simple\]](#eq:temp_multi_simple){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:temp_multi_simple"} can be thought of as the probability that all of the previous pulses do not fail to deliver a photon. In order to compare the multiplexed source with a single source, we define an improvement factor, \[f_{p1}^{(m)} = \frac{p_1^{(m)}}{p_1},\] which describes the change in probability of delivering heralded photons per output time bin effected by multiplexing over \(m\) pulses relative to using only a single pump pulse. Of course, this does not take into account the reduction in the number of time bins resulting from multiplexing in the time domain. For a laser with repetition rate \(R\) the number of output bins per second is \(R/m\) and the resulting overall single-photon count rate per second is \[C_1^{(m)} = \frac{R \, p_1^{(m)}}{m}\] yielding a change in count rate relative to a non-multiplexed (simplex) source, \(C_1 = R \, p_1\) of \[f_{C1}^{(m)} = \frac{C_1^{(m)}}{C_1} = \frac{p_1^{(m)}}{m \, p_1}.\] Finally, we consider the requirement for \(N\) sources to fire simultaneously, as required in photonic quantum processors. If each source is multiplexed over \(m\) pulses, the probability of delivering \(N\) single photons from independent sources in the same output time bin is \(p_N^{(m)} = [p_1^{(m)}]^N\) at a rate of \[C_N^{(m)} = \frac{R}{m} \, p_N^{(m)}.\] Hence we find the improvement factor expected from \(m\)-pulse multiplexed sources relative to non-multiplexed sources is \[f_{N}^{(m)} = \frac{C_N^{(m)}}{C_1^{(m)}} = \frac{1}{m}\left(\frac{p_1^{(m)}}{p_1}\right)^N,\] so we see that the "speed-up" expected as a result of multiplexing increases exponentially in the number of independent sources \(N\) as long as \(p_1^{(m)} > p_1\). These quantities are plotted in Figure [\[fig:theory\]](#fig:theory){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:theory"} for values of repetition rate and loss that reflect our experiment. Figure [\[fig:theory\]](#fig:theory){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:theory"} (a) shows up to a factor of four enhancement in per-bin probability, \(f_{p1}^{(m)}\), by multiplexing over 20 pulses, but that even with \(m = 4\) the enhancement is already greater than a factor of two for our switch loss of 1 dB. Despite the reduction in overall count rate, Figure [\[fig:theory\]](#fig:theory){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:theory"} (c) demonstrates that the scheme yields orders of magnitude improvement when considering the requirement for sources to fire simultaneously. Finally, Figure [\[fig:theory\]](#fig:theory){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:theory"} (d) shows that loop multiplexing is advantageous in almost all multi-source experiments.
# Implementation
Our starting point was a source that generates pairs of photons by four-wave mixing in photonic crystal fibre (PCF). The source was pumped by \(\sim\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1 ps duration pulses at 1064 nm derived from a 10 MHz amplified modelocked fibre laser (Fianium FP-1060-PP) pulse-picked to 5 MHz. The dispersion of the PCF was designed to produce heralded single photons at 1550 nm directly in pure quantum states by minimizing frequency correlation by group-velocity matching. The PCF was spliced into a fully-integrated source that separated 810 nm signal and 1550 nm idler photons and isolated them from the pump with fibre Bragg gratings and bandgap-guiding fibres. The 810 nm photons were sent to a silicon avalanche photodiode to provide a heralding signal. Our source included a 2\(\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}1 optical switch to minimise noise in the output mode; this did not play any role in multiplexing. Using feed-forward from field-programmable gate array (FPGA) logic, the state of the switch was conditioned to be open only when the heralding detector had fired. Due to the time required for the logical operations and for the optical switch to settle into a new state, 200 ns of static fibre delay was included between the source and the switch.
## Delay loop and loss budget
To follow the source, we built a fully fibre-integrated temporal multiplexing system from a switchable loop of fibre that produces a delay similar to the pulse separation of the pump laser system (200 ns). The delay loop, shown in Figure [\[fig:optical_scheme\]](#fig:optical_scheme){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:optical_scheme"}, could be inserted or removed from the optical path by a fibre-integrated 2\(\times\)`<!-- -->`{=html}2 optical switch. In the "cross" state, photons leaving the source were stored in the loop, and any light already in the loop was directed to the output. With the switch set to "bar", light exiting the source bypassed the loop, while light in the loop made additional passes unless removed by loss. In this manner photons could be delayed by multiples of the loop transit time while experiencing commensurate delay-dependent loss. Due to the concatenated effect of consecutive passes through the loop, the performance of this scheme is critically dependent on switch and fibre loss. Hence it was vital that our source produce heralded photons at 1550 nm enabling us to implement our delays in telecoms fibre (Corning SMF-28) with negligible loss. The quoted insertion loss for the switch was 1 dB, though we measured small variations depending on the path taken. A photon heralded in a given time bin experiences loss on each pass through the loop; hence earlier time bins contribute less to the overall output relative to later bins, and total loop loss determines the number of time bins over which it is worthwhile multiplexing. In our case, the loop was used to multiplex over four consecutive pump pulses and hence deliver heralded photons in every fourth time bin.
## Feed forward control
The control protocol is represented in Figure [\[fig:optical_scheme\]](#fig:optical_scheme){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:optical_scheme"}. The 5 MHz pulse train of the pump laser was monitored with a photo-diode and used as the clock input to a phase-locked loop providing the fundamental clock for the FPGA electronics. A counter was set to label clock edges from 1 (early) to 4 (late) cyclically, and additional higher-frequency clocks were derived for the purposes of edge sampling. When a herald signal arrived in a particular time bin, the switch was set to "cross" to divert the corresponding idler photon into the loop. After half the loop delay, the switch was set to "bar" to keep the idler circulating and a flag set to record that the loop contained a photon. At the onset of every fourth time bin, the switch was returned to "cross" to deliver the contents of the loop if a photon was flagged to be present. Although not shown schematically, in the event that additional herald signals occur during one cycle of four time bins, the logic is configured to use a later-arriving photons that will be subject to lower loss. To make way for the newer photons, older photons stored in the loop are dumped to the output and exit at an incorrect time (not on the subsequent fourth time bin). This behavior adds an accidental output that can be straightforwardly gated out later; however, the frequency of such events was negligible in the experiments presented here. Alignment of the timing signals, critical for the success of this scheme, was performed externally to the main FPGA logic by home-built electrical delay lines with up to 130ns delay available in steps of 250ps.
# Multiplexing performance
Firstly we quantified the contribution of each of the four time bins to the overall count rate of heralded single photons by using an oscilloscope to create a histogram of InGaAs detector click arrival times. The results are displayed in in Table [1](#tab:contributions){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:contributions"}. It can be seen clearly that later time bins make a much greater contribution to the overall output, as the effectiveness of earlier bins is reduced by loss. We see that the earliest bin contributes less than 10 % of the photons delivered; hence in our case it is clear that multiplexing over a larger number of bins would not be advantageous.
[\[tab:contributions\]]{#tab:contributions label="tab:contributions"}
Secondly we assessed the performance of our multiplexing scheme through measuring the count rates in the target bin with and without loop multiplexing enabled. This was achieved by deactivating the switch (leaving it in the "bar" state) rather than making any change to the logic to avoid any electronic timing change between enabling and disabling multiplexing. Hence, the constant factor of static switch loss remains in the simplex source data but can be backed out later. Shown in Figure [\[fig:loopdata\]](#fig:loopdata){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:loopdata"} (a) is the critical metric: the probability of detecting a photon per output time bin. It can be seen at higher count rates that the loop increases the probability of detecting a photon in the target bin, indicating that we have successfully stored heralded photons and retrieved them at the correct time. The maximum improvement in probability that we measured as a result of re-timing photons with the loop was a factor of 1.54(1). In Figure [\[fig:loopdata\]](#fig:loopdata){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:loopdata"} (b), we see that loop multiplexing enables the heralding efficiency (Klyshko efficiency) to increase as the heralding count rate increases as more photons are stored and re-synchronised by the multiplexing scheme. This is in contrast with the simplex source whose heralding efficiency cannot increase beyond the limits set by the single source performance and channel loss. Figure [\[fig:loopdata\]](#fig:loopdata){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:loopdata"} (c) shows the increase in cross-correlation, \(g^{\mathrm{h,i}}(0)\), between the herald and idler channels as a result of re-timing photons with the loop, defined as: \[g^{\mathrm{h,i}}(0) = \frac{R C}{S_{\mathrm{h}} S_{\mathrm{i}}},\] where \(C\) is the coincidence count rate, and \(S_{\mathrm{h}}\) and \(S_{\mathrm{i}}\) are the singles count rates for the re-timed herald and idler respectively. All of these figures of merit improve as a result of implementing our time-multiplexing scheme. Although the improvement in delivery probability achieved by our system are relatively modest, considered in the context of operating several single-photon sources in parallel the benefit becomes apparent. Figure [\[fig:loopdata\]](#fig:loopdata){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:loopdata"} (d) shows the rate at which \(N\) independent multiplexed sources would fire simultaneously relative to \(N\) simplex sources, \(F_N^{(m)}\) based on our measured source performance for a multiplexing depth of \(m = 4\). In order to make a fair comparison, we have backed the static switch loss of approximately 1 dB out of the simplex source data to yield an improvement factor of 1.22(1) at the maximum performance of our system. We see that, even for this small improvement, the break-even point at which multiplexing becomes advantageous occurs at \(N = 10\) sources. With lower switch loss, the improvement would increase dramatically.
# Conclusion
Through combining a switchable fibre delay loop with a PCF-based source of high-purity heralded single photons, we have demonstrated that the probability of delivering a single photon per bin can be enhanced in an integrated architecture by combining four time bins with only a single optical switch. The reduction in the number of usable bins per second is a price worth paying in experiments requiring many sources to fire simultaneously, as the success probability scales exponentially in probability per bin but only linearly in clock speed. Although the improvement we have demonstrated is modest, advances in fibre-integrated optical switch technology--in particular reduction of loss--will enable much larger numbers of bins to be combined while retaining the benefits of an alignment-free package. | {'timestamp': '2017-06-07T02:08:19', 'yymm': '1706', 'arxiv_id': '1706.01838', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.01838'} |
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# Introduction
Computational modeling has long played a significant role within cognitive science, allowing researchers to explore the implications of cognitive theories and to discover what properties are necessary to account for particular phenomena . Over time, a variety of modeling traditions have seen their usage rise and fall. While the 1980s saw the rise in popularity of connectionism , more recently symbolic Bayesian models have risen to prominence . While the goals of cognitive modelers have largely remained the same, increases in computational power and architectures have played a role in these shifts . Following this pattern, recent advances in the area of deep learning (DL) have led to a rise in interest from the cognitive science community as demonstrated by a number of recent workshops dedicated to DL . As with any modeling technique, DL can be thought of as a tool which is best suited to answering particular types of questions. One such question is that of *learnability*, whether an output behavior could ever be learned from the types of input given to a learner. These types of questions play an integral role in the field of language acquisition where researchers have argued over whether particular aspects of language could ever be learned by a child without the use of innate, language-specific mechanisms . The success of a domain general learner does not necessarily imply that human learners acquire the phenomenon in a similar fashion, but it does open the possibility that we need not posit innate, domain-specific knowledge. The crux of these learning problems typically lies in making a particular generalization which goes beyond the input data. One major type of generalization that DL models would need to capture is known as *linguistic productivity*. A grammatical rule is considered productive when it can be applied in novel situations. For example, as a speaker of English you may never have encountered the phrase *a gavagai* before, but you now know that *gavagai* must be a noun and can therefore combine with other determiners to produce a phrase such as *the gavagai*. Before DL might be applied to larger questions within language acquisition, the issue of productivity must first be addressed. If DL models are not capable of productivity, then they cannot possibly serve to model the cognitive process of language acquisition. On the other hand, if DL models demonstrate basic linguistic productivity, we must explore what aspects of the models allow for this productivity.
## The Special Case of Determiners
For decades, debate has raged regarding the status of productive rules among children acquiring their native language. On the one hand, some have argued that children seem hardwired to apply rules productively and demonstrate this in their earliest speech . On the other, researchers have argued that productivity appears to be learned, with children's early speech either lacking productivity entirely or increasing with age . Of particular interest to this debate has been the special case of English determiners. In question is whether or not English-learning children have acquired the specific linguistic rule which allows them to create a noun phrase (NP) from a determiner (DET) and noun (N) or if they have simply memorized the combinations that they have previously encountered. This linguistic rule, \(\text{NP} \rightarrow \text{DET N}\), is productive in two senses. First, it can be applied to novel nouns, e.g. *a gavagai*. Second, consider the determiners *a* and *the*. If a singular noun can combine with one of these determiners, it may also combine with the other, e.g. *the wug*. This type of rule seems to be acquired quite early in acquisition, making it appropriate to questions of early productivity, and provides an easy benchmark for a DL model. Yet answering such a simple question first requires addressing how one might measure productivity. Most attempts to measure productivity have relied on what is known as an *overlap score*, intuitively what percentage of nouns occur with both *a* and *the* . This simple measure has been the source of some controversy. argues that early attempts failed to take into account the way in which word frequencies affect the chance for a word to "overlap\". Because word frequency follows a Zipfian distribution, with a long tail of many infrequent words, many nouns are unlikely to ever appear with both determiners. He proposes a method to calculate an expected level of overlap which takes into account these facts. Alternatively, propose a Bayesian measure of productivity which they claim takes into account the fact that certain nouns tend to prefer one determiner over another. For instance, while one is more likely to hear *a bath* than the phrase *the bath*, the opposite is true of the noun *bathroom* which shows a preference for the determiner *the* . The literature is quite mixed regarding whether or not children show early productivity. Differences in pre-processing have lead researchers to draw opposite conclusions from similar data, making interpretation quite difficult . Indeed, most corpora involving individual children are small enough that argue it is impossible to make a statistically significant claim as to child productivity. For analyzing whether or not text generated by a DL model is productive or not, we thankfully do not need to fully address the problem of inferring child productivity. Ideally, the model would demonstrate a similar level of overlap to the data it was exposed to. We make use of the overlap statistic from Yang because it is more easily comparable to other works and has been better studied than the more recent Bayesian metric of .
## Deep Learning for Language Acquisition
Deep learning, or deep neural networks, are an extension of traditional artificial neural networks (ANN) used in connectionist architectures. A "shallow\" ANN is one that posits a single hidden layer of neurons between the input and output layers. Deep networks incorporate multiple hidden layers allowing these networks in practice to learn more complex functions. The model parameters can be trained through the use of the backpropogation algorithm. The addition of multiple hidden layers opens up quite a number of possible architectures, not all of which are necessarily applicable to problems in cognitive science or language acquisition more specifically. While the most common neural networks are discriminative, i.e. categorizing data into specific classes, a variety of techniques have been proposed to allow for truly generative neural networks. These generative networks are able to take in input data and generate complex outputs such as images or text which makes them ideal for modeling human behavior. We focus on one generative architecture in particular known as a deep *autoencoder* (AE) . While AEs have been used for a variety of input data types, most prominently images, we describe their use here primarily for text. The first half, the *encoder*, takes in sentences and transforms them into a condensed representation. This condensed representation is small enough that the neural network cannot simply memorize each sentence and instead is forced to encode only the aspects of the sentence it believes to be most important. The second half, the *decoder*, learns to take this condensed representation and transform it back into the original sentence. Backpropogation is used to train model weights to reduce the loss between the original input and the reconstructed output. Although backpropagation is more typically applied to supervised learning problems, the process is in fact unsupervised because the model is only given input examples and is given no external feedback. AEs have been shown to successfully capture text representations in areas such as paragraph generation , part-of-speech induction , bilingual word representations , and sentiment analysis , but have not been applied to modeling language acquisition. While any number of DL architectures could be used to model language acquisition, the differences between ANNs and actual neurons in the brain make any algorithmic claims difficult. Instead, DL models might be used to address computational-level questions, for instance regarding whether or not a piece of knowledge is learnable from the data encountered by children. Before this can be done, however, it remains to be seen whether DL models are even capable of creating productive representations. If they cannot, then they do not represent useful models of language acquisition. This work attempts to address this not by creating a model of how children acquire language, but by using methods from the psychological literature on productivity to assess the capability of DL to learn productive rules.
# Methods
## Corpora
To train our neural network, we make use of child-directed speech taken from multiple American-English corpora in the CHILDES database . In particular, we make use of the CDS utterances in the Bloom 1970, Brent, Brown, Kuczaj, Providence, Sachs, and Suppes corpora . The combined corpora contain almost 1 million utterances and span a wide age range, including speech directed to children as young as 6 months and as old as 5 years. Relevant information about the used corpora can be found in Table [1](#tab:corpora){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:corpora"}. Because we are interested in seeing what the AE can learn from data similar to that encountered by children, we train the model only on child-*directed* utterances. These can be produced by any adult in the dataset, including parents and researchers. Although a comparison with child-produced text holds great interest, it is not clear whether child-produced speech is rich enough to support robust language learning on its own. It therefore provides a poor basis upon which to train the AE. Text from the various corpora is processed as a single document. Child-directed utterances are cleaned from the raw files using the CHILDESCorpusReader function of the Python Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK). Utterances from all non-children speakers are included and not limited just to the primary caregiver. Each utterance is split into words according to the available CHILDES transcription and then made lowercase. The model represents only the most frequent 3000 words, while the remainder are represented as a single *out-of-vocabulary* (OOV) token. This step is taken both to reduce computational complexity but also to mimic the fact that young children are unlikely to store detailed representations of all vocabulary items encountered. Because the neural networks require each input to be of the same length, sentences are padded to a maximum length of 10 words. Sentences that are longer than this are truncated, while short sentences are prepended with a special *PAD* token.
## Neural Network Architecture
Our autoencoder model was implemented using Keras and Tensorflow. The words in each sentence are input to the model as a one-hot vector, a vector of 0s with a single 1 whose placement indicates the presence of a particular word. This is an inefficient representation because it assumes all words are equally similar, e.g. that *dog* is equally similar to *dogs* as it is to *truck*. To deal with this, the model passes the one-hot vector to an embedding layer. Neural word embeddings, as popularized by the word2vec algorithm , are a way to represent words in a low-dimensional space without requiring outside supervision. Words are placed within the space such that words that are predictive of neighboring words are placed closer to one another. Because our training data is relatively small, we keep the embedding dimensionality low, at only 30. Standard embeddings trained on much larger NLP corpora tend to use 100 or 200 dimensions. Once each word has been transformed into a 30-dimensional embedding vector, the sequence of words is passed into a gated-recurrent unit (GRU) layer . The GRU is a type of recurrent (RNN) layer which we choose because it can be more easily trained. RNN layers read in their inputs sequentially and make use of hidden "memory\" units that pass information about previous inputs to later inputs, making them ideal for sequence tasks such as language. As such, the model creates a representation of the sentence which it passes from word to word. The final representation is the output of the encoder, a latent representation of the full sentence. This 20-dimensional latent vector serves as the input to the decoder unit. The first layer of the decoder is a GRU layer of the same shape as in the encoder. For each timestep, we feed into the GRU the latent vector, similar to the model proposed in . Rather than producing a single output, as in the encoder, the decoder's GRU layer outputs a vector at each timestep. Each of these vectors is fed into a shared dense softmax layer which produces a probability distribution over vocabulary items. The model then outputs the most likely word for each timestep. The model loss is calculated based on the model's ability to reconstruct the original sentence through categorical crossentropy. Model weights are trained using the Adam optimzer over 10 epochs. During each epoch the model sees the entire training corpus, updating its weights after seeing a batch of 64 utterances. While this process does not reflect that used by a child learner, it is a necessary component of training the neural network on such a small amount of data. If the network had access to the full set of speech that a child encounters such a measure likely would not be necessary. Future work might also investigate whether optimizing the dimensionality of the network might lead to better text generation with higher levels of productivity.
## Baseline Models
Because the AE is learning to reproduce its input data, one might wonder whether similar results might be achieved by a simpler, distributional model. To assess this, we also measure the performance of an n-gram language model. We train bigram and trigram language models using the modified Kneser-Ney smoothing implemented in the KenLM model toolkit to estimate the distributional statistics of the training corpus. Sentences are generated from the n-gram language model by picking a seed word and then sampling a new word from the set of possible n-grams. The smoothing process allows for the model to generate previously unseen n-grams. Sampling of new words continues for each utterance until the end-of-sentence token is generated or a maximum of 10 tokens is reached (the same maximum size as for the AE). Since the AE is able to generate sentences from a latent representation, it would be inappropriate to generate n-gram sentences from random seed words. Instead, for every sentence in the test set we begin the n-gram model with the first word of the utterance. While this allows the model to always generate its first token correctly, this does not directly impact our measure of productivity as it relies on combinations of tokens.
## Productivity Measures
We measure the productivity of our autoencoders through the overlap score described in . Words both in the child-directed corpus and the autoencoder-generated output are tagged using the default part-of-speech tagger from NLTK. The empirical overlap scores are simply calculated as a percentage of unique nouns that appear immediately after both the determiners *a* and *the*. The expected overlap score is calculated based off of three numbers from the corpus under consideration, the number of unique nouns \(N\), the number of unique determiners \(D\), and the total number of noun/determiner pairs \(S\). The expected overlap is defined as in Equation [\[eq:expOverlap\]](#eq:expOverlap){reference-type="ref" reference="eq:expOverlap"}: \[\label{eq:expOverlap} O(N,D,S) = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{r=1}^{N} O(r,N,D,S)\] where \(O(r,N,D,S)\) is the expected overlap of the noun at frequency rank \(r\): \[\label{eq:expOverlap2} O(r, N, D, S) = 1 + (D-1)(1-p_r)^S-\sum_{i=1}^{D}[(d_ip_r+1-p_r)^S]\] \(d_i\) represents the probability of encountering determiner \(i\), for which we use the relative frequencies of *a* and *the* calculated from the training corpus (39.3% and 60.7%, respectively). The probability \(p_r\) represents the probability assigned to a particular word rank. The Zipfian distribution takes a shape parameter, \(a\) which set equal to 1 and which we optimize over the training corpus using least squares estimation and set at 1.06: \[\label{eq:expOverlap3} p_r = \frac{^{1}/_{r^a}}{\sum_{n=1}^N (\frac{1}{n^a})}\] It should be noted that Zipfian distributions are not perfect models of word frequencies , but assigning empirically-motivated values to the determiner probabilities and Zipfian parameter \(a\) represents an improvement upon the original measure.
# Results
We analyze our overlap measures for the adult-generated (i.e. child-directed) as well as the autoencoder and n-gram model-generated text and present these results in Figure [\[fig:overlap\]](#fig:overlap){reference-type="ref" reference="fig:overlap"}. We analyze overlap scores across 10 training epochs with three levels of dropout, 10%, 20%, and 30%. Dropout is typically included in neural models to encourage the model to better generalize. We hypothesized that a certain level of dropout would encourage the model to generate novel combinations of words that might lead to higher overlap scores. We find that with only two training epochs the AEs have already begun to near their maximum overlap performance. The 30% dropout AE achieves the highest level of performance, matching the empirical overlap score of the original corpus. The 10% and 20% dropout models perform somewhat worse suggesting that high levels of dropout may be necessary for good text generation. In Table [2](#tab:overlap){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:overlap"}, we present the results for the final epoch of the AE models as well as for the adult-generated and n-gram generated text. We note that the expected overlap measure consistently overestimates the productivity of all learners, including the adult-generated text. It is unclear why this should be the case, but could be a result of capping the model vocabularies, resulting in lower \(N\) values. In particular, the autoencoders tend to produce a relatively limited set of nouns. Looking at empirical overlap measures, the worst-performing models are the bigram and trigram models with overlap scores below 30%. The AEs fair much better all producing overlap scores over 50%. The 30% dropout AE is actually able to match the overlap score of the original adult-generated corpus (59.4% vs. 59.3%). Looking at the number of unique nouns following a determiner (\(N\)) and the total number of determiner-noun pairs (\(S\)), it becomes clear there are large differences between the n-gram and AE models. The n-gram models tend to produce very few determiner-noun pairs (low \(S\)) but are likely to choose from any of the nouns in the corpus, leading to high \(N\). This fact accounts for the low overlap scores that they achieve. In contrast, the AEs follow a pattern which mirrors the adult corpus with few unique nouns but a large number of noun-determiner pairs. In all cases, however, the AEs produce both fewer unique nouns and fewer noun-determiner pairs than the original corpus.
One possible problem for calculating the expected overlaps comes from the difficulty of part-of-speech tagging text generated by the neural network. Whereas adult-generated speech follows set patterns that machine taggers are built to recognize, the neural network does not necessarily generate well-formed language. Examples of AE-generated text can be found in Table [3](#tab:exampleOutput){reference-type="ref" reference="tab:exampleOutput"}. In some cases, the tagger treats items that occur after a determiner as a noun regardless of its typical usage. For example, in the generated sentence *let put put the over over here*, the phrase *the over* is tagged as a DET\(+\)N pair. These type of errors are further evidenced by the fact that the trigram language model produces a larger set of words tagged as nouns than the original adult-generated corpus (2,506 vs. 1,390). Another explanation for the difference between expected and empirical overlaps may come from deviation from a true Zipfian distribution of word frequencies. If word frequencies are Zipfian, we should expect a perfect correlation between log ranks and log counts. report a correlation of 0.97, while our larger corpus deviates from this with \(r^2 = 0.86\). Although we attempt to take this into account by fitting the Zipfian distribution's shape parameter, this divergence clearly indicates that further work is needed. The success of the AE model in generating productive text serves as a confirmation that unsupervised neural models might be used in future work to investigate other cognitive phenomena. This work does not directly address the question of how infants might learn to produce productive speech, it does represent one possible approach. AEs can, for instance, be thought of as information compression algorithms which learn to represent high-dimensional data into a low-dimensional latent space . If the brain likewise attempts to find efficient representations of the stimuli it encounters then it may prove fruitful to investigate how these representations compare to one another.
# Conclusion
While there is great interest regarding the inclusion of deep learning methods into cognitive modeling, a number of major hurdles remain. For the area of language acquisition, deep learning is poised to help answer questions regarding the learnability of complex linguistic phenomena without access to innate, linguistic knowledge. Yet it remains unclear whether unsupervised versions of deep learning models are capable of capturing even simple linguistic phenomena. In this preliminary study, we find that a simple autoencoder with sufficient levels of dropout is able to mirror the productivity of its training data, although it is unclear whether this proves productivity in and of itself. Future work will need to investigate whether more complex models might be able to generate text with higher productivity as well as further investigating how particular model choices impact performance. It would also be worthwhile to compare AEs against simpler models such as a basic LSTM language model. While additional work needs to be done to motivate the use of deep learning models as representations of how children might learn, this preliminary work shows how one might combine techniques from deep learning and developmental psychology. | {'timestamp': '2017-06-07T02:08:19', 'yymm': '1706', 'arxiv_id': '1706.01839', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.01839'} |
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# Introduction
Isotonic regression is a powerful nonparametric tool used for estimating a monotone signal from noisy data. Specifically, our data consists of observations \(y_1,\dots,y_n\in\mathbb{R}\), which are assumed to be noisy observations of some monotone increasing signal---for instance, we might assume that \(\EE{y_1}\leq \dots\leq \EE{y_n}\). Isotonic (least-squares) regression solves the optimization problem \[\textnormal{Minimize \(\norm{y-x}^2_2\) subject to \(x_1\leq \dots \leq x_n\)}\] in order to estimate the underlying signal. This regression problem can be viewed as a convex projection, since \(\mathcal{K}_{\mathsf{iso}} = \{x\in\mathbb{R}^n: x_1\leq\dots\leq x_n\}\) is a convex cone. We will write \[\mathsf{iso}(y) \coloneqq \pr{\mathcal{K}_{\mathsf{iso}}}(y) = \argmin_{x\in\mathbb{R}^n}\big\{\norm{y-x}^2_2: x_1\leq\dots\leq x_n\big\}\] to denote the projection to this cone, which solves the least-squares isotonic regression problem. This projection can be computed in finite time with the Pool Adjacent Violators Algorithm (PAVA), developed by. In fact, mapping \(y\) to \(\mathsf{iso}(y)\) is known to also solve the isotonic binary regression problem. This arises when the data is binary, that is, \(y\in\{0,1\}^n\). If we assume that \(y_i \sim\textnormal{Bernoulli}(x_i)\), then the constrained maximum likelihood estimator is exactly equal to the projection \(\mathsf{iso}(y)\) (). In this paper, we examine the properties of the isotonic projection operator \(x\mapsto \mathsf{iso}(x)\), with respect to different norms \(\norm{\cdot}\) on \(\mathbb{R}^n\). We examine the conditions on \(\norm{\cdot}\) needed in order to ensure that \(x\mapsto\mathsf{iso}(x)\) is contractive with respect to this norm, and in particular, we define the new "sliding window norm" which measures weighted averages over "windows" of the vector \(x\), i.e. contiguous stretches of the form \((x_i,x_{i+1},\dots,x_{j-1},x_j)\) for some indices \(1\leq i\leq j\leq n\). This sliding window norm then provides a tool for analyzing the convergence behavior of isotonic regression in a setting where our data is given by \(y_i = x_i + \text{noise}\). If the underlying signal \(x\) is believed to be (approximately) monotone increasing, then \(\mathsf{iso}(y)\) will provide a substantially better estimate of \(x\) than the observed vector \(y\) itself. By using our results on contractions with respect to the isotonic projection operator, we obtain clean, finite-sample bounds on the pointwise errors, \(\big|x_i-\mathsf{iso}(y)_i\big|\), which are locally adaptive to the behavior of the signal \(x\) in the region around the index \(i\) and hold uniformly over the entire sequence.
## Background {#sec:intro_refs}
There is extensive literature studying convergence rates of isotonic regression, in both finite-sample and asymptotic settings. For an asymptotic formulation of the problem, since the signal \(x\in\mathbb{R}^n\) must necessarily change as \(n\rightarrow\infty\), a standard method for framing this as a sequence of problems indexed by \(n\) is to consider a fixed function \(f:[0,1]\rightarrow\infty\), and then for each \(n\), define \(x_i = f(i/n)\) (or more generally, \(x_i = f(t_i)\) for points \(t_i\) that are roughly uniformly spaced). Most models in the literature assume that \(y_i = x_i + \sigma\cdot \epsilon_i\), where the noise terms \(\epsilon_i\) are standard normal variables (or, more generally, are zero-mean variables that satisfy some moment assumptions or are subgaussian). One class of existing results treats *global* convergence rates, where the goal is to bound the error \(\norm{x-\mathsf{iso}(y)}_2\), or more generally to bound \(\norm{x-\mathsf{iso}(y)}_p\) for some \(\ell_p\) norm. The estimation error under the \(\ell_2\) norm was studied by, among others. obtains the asymptotic risk bounds for certain 'bounded' isotonic regression under Hellinger distance, whereas establishes the non-asymptotic risk bounds for general \(\ell_p\) norm---in particular, for \(p=2\), they show that the least-squares estimator \(\mathsf{iso}(y)\) of the signal \(x\) has error scaling as \(\norm{x-\widehat{x}}_2/\sqrt{n} \sim n^{-1/3}\). Recent work by considers non-asymptotic minimax rates for the estimation error, focusing specifically on \(\norm{x-\widehat{x}}_2\) for any estimator \(\widehat{x}\) to obtain a minimax rate. Under a Gaussian noise model, they prove that the minimax rate scales as \(\norm{x-\widehat{x}}_2/\sqrt{n} \gtrsim n^{-1/3}\) over the class of monotone and Lipschitz signals \(x\), which matches the error rate of the constrained maximum likelihood estimator (i.e. the isotonic least-squares projection, \(\mathsf{iso}(y)\)) established earlier. They also study minimax rates in a range of settings, including piecewise constant signals, which we will discuss later on.[^1] A separate class of results considers *local* convergence rates, where the error at a particular index, i.e. \(\big|x_i-\mathsf{iso}(y)_i\big|\) for some particular \(i\), may scale differently in different regions of the vector. In an asymptotic setting, where \(n\rightarrow\infty\) and the underlying signal comes from a function \(f:[0,1]\rightarrow\mathbb{R}\), we may consider an estimator \(\widehat{f}:[0,1]\rightarrow\mathbb{R}\), where \(\widehat{f}(t)\) is estimated via \(\mathsf{iso}(y)_i\) for \(t\approx i/n\). Results in the literature for this setting study the asymptotic rate of convergence of \(\big|f(t)-\widehat{f}(t)\big|\), which depends on the local properties of \(f\) near \(t\). establishes the convergence rate as well as the limiting distribution when \(f'(t)\) is positive, whereas generalizes the result to the case of \(t\) lying in a flat region, i.e. \(f'(t)=0\). @cator2011adaptivity shows that the isotonic estimator adapts to the unknown function locally and is asymptotically minimax optimal for local behavior. Relatedly, gives confidence bands in the related Gaussian white noise model, by taking averages over windows of the data curve, i.e. ranges of the form \([t_0,t_1]\) near the point \(t\) of interest. In addition, many researchers have considered the related problem of monotone density estimation, where we aim to estimate a monotone decreasing density from \(n\) samples drawn from that distribution. This problem was first studied by, and has attracted much attention since then, see, among others. proves a \(n^{-1/3}\) minimax rate for the \(\ell_2\) error in estimating the true monotone density \(f(t)\)---the same rate as for the isotonic regression problem. The pointwise i.e. \(\ell_\infty\) error has also been studied---shows that, for Lipschitz and bounded densities on \([0,1]\), asymptotically the error rate for estimating \(f(t)\) scales as \((n/\log(n))^{-1/3}\), uniformly over all \(t\) bounded away from the endpoints. Adaptive convergence rates are studied by. Later we will show that our results yield a non-asymptotic error bound for this problem as well, which matches this known rate. Several related problems for isotonic regression have also been studied. First, assuming the model \(y_i = x_i + \sigma\cdot \epsilon_i\) for standard normal error terms \(\epsilon_i\), estimating \(\sigma\) has been studied by, among others. Estimators of \(\sigma\) for general distribution of \(\epsilon_i\) are also available, see. We discuss the relevance of these tools for constructing our confidence bands in . Second, we can hope that our estimator \(\mathsf{iso}(y)\) can recover \(x\) accurately only if \(x\) itself is monotone (or approximately monotone); thus, testing this hypothesis is important for knowing whether our confidence band can be expected to cover \(x\) itself or only its best monotone approximation, \(\mathsf{iso}(x)\). study the problem of testing the null hypothesis \(x\in\mathcal{K}_\mathsf{iso}\) (or more generally, whether the signal \(x\) belongs to some arbitrary pre-specified cone \(\mathcal{K}\)), based on the volumes of lower-dimensional faces of the cone (see ).
#### Main contributions
In the context of the existing literature, our main contributions are: (1) the new analysis of the contraction properties of isotonic projection, and the specific example of the sliding window norm, and (2) clean, finite-sample estimation bounds for isotonic regression, which are locally adaptive to the local Lipschitz behavior of the underlying signal, and match known asymptotic convergence rates. The contraction and sliding window norm allow us to prove the isotonic regression convergence results in just a few simple lines of calculations, while the arguments in the existing literature are generally substantially more technical (for example, approximating the estimation process via a Brownian motion or Brownian bridge).
# Contractions under isotonic projection
In this section, we examine the contractive behavior of the isotonic projection, \[\mathsf{iso}(x) = \argmin_{y\in\mathbb{R}^n}\big\{\norm{x-y}_2: y_1\leq \dots \leq y_n\big\},\] with respect to various norms on \(\mathbb{R}^n\). Since this operator projects \(x\) onto a convex set (the cone \(\mathcal{K}_{\mathsf{iso}}\) of all ordered vectors), it is trivially true that \[\norm{\mathsf{iso}(x)-\mathsf{iso}(y)}_2\leq \norm{x-y}_2,\] but we may ask whether the same property holds when we consider norms other than the \(\ell_2\) norm. Formally, we defined our question as follows:
We recall that a seminorm must satisfy a scaling law, \(\norm{c\cdot x} = |c|\cdot\norm{x}\), and the triangle inequality, \(\norm{x+y}\leq\norm{x}+\norm{y}\), but may have \(\norm{x}=0\) even if \(x\neq 0\). From this point on, for simplicity, we will simply say "norm" to refer to any seminorm. For which types of norms can we expect this contraction property to hold? To answer this question, we first define a simple property to help our analysis:
Our first main result proves that the NUNA property exactly characterizes the contractive behavior of isotonic projection---NUNA is both necessary and sufficient for isotonic projection to be contractive.
(The proof of will be given in .) In particular, this theorem allows us to easily prove that isotonic projection is contractive with respect to the \(\ell_p\) norm for any \(p\in[1,\infty]\), and more generally as well, via the following lemma:
# The sliding window norm
We now introduce a *sliding window* norm, which will later be a useful tool for obtaining uniform convergence guarantees for isotonic regression. For any pair of indices \(1\leq i\leq j\leq n\), we write \(i:j\) to denote the stretch of \(j-i+1\) many coordinates indexed by \(\{i,\dots,j\}\), \[x = (x_1,\dots,x_{i-1},\underbrace{x_i,\dots,x_j,}_{\text{window \(i\):\(j\)}}x_{j+1},\dots,x_n).\] Fix any function \[\label{eqn:psi} \psi:\{1,\dots,n\}\rightarrow \mathbb{R}_+\text{ such that \(\psi\) is nondecreasing and \(i\mapsto i/\psi(i)\) is concave.}\] The sliding window norm is defined as \[\sw{x} = \max_{1\leq i\leq j\leq n}\Big\{ \big|\overline{x}_{i:j}\big| \cdot \psi(j-i+1)\Big\},\] where \(\overline{x}_{i:j} = \frac{ x_i+\dots+x_j}{j-i+1}\) denotes the average over the window \(i:j\). The following key lemma proves that our contraction theorem, , can be applied to this sliding window norm. (This lemma, and all lemmas following, will be proved in .)
This lemma is a key ingredient to our convergence analyses for isotonic regression. It will allow us to use the sliding window norm to understand the behavior of \(\mathsf{iso}(y)\) as an estimator of \(\mathsf{iso}(x)\), where \(y\) is a vector of noisy observations of some target signal \(x\). In particular, we will consider the special case of subgaussian noise [^2]. The following lemma can be proved with a very basic union bound argument:
As a specific example, in a Bernoulli model, if the signal is given by \(x\in[0,1]^n\) and our observations are given by \(y_i\sim\textnormal{Bernoulli}(x_i)\) (each drawn independently), then this model satisfies the subgaussian noise model with \(\sigma=1\).
# Estimation bands {#sec:bands}
In this section, we will develop a range of results bounding our estimation error when we observe a (nearly) monotone signal plus noise. These results will all use the sliding window contraction result in as the main ingredient in our analysis. We begin with a deterministic statement that is a straightforward consequence of the sliding window contraction result:
Note that these two statements are symmetric; they are identical up to reversing the roles of \(x\) and \(y\).
This simple reformulation of our contraction result, in fact forms the backbone of all our estimation band guarantees. These bounds bound the difference between \(\mathsf{iso}(x)\) and \(\mathsf{iso}(y)\), computed using either \(y\) (as in ) or \(x\) (as in ). Thus far, the two results are entirely symmetrical---they are the same if we swap the vectors \(x\) and \(y\). We will next study the statistical setting where we aim to estimate a signal \(x\) based on noisy observations \(y\), in which case the vectors \(x\) and \(y\) play distinct roles, and so the two versions of the bands will carry entirely different meanings. Before proceeding, we note that the above bounds cannot give results on \(x\) itself, but only on its projection \(\mathsf{iso}(x)\). If \(x\) is far from monotonic, we cannot hope that the monotonic vector \(\mathsf{iso}(y)\) would give a good estimate of \(x\). We will consider a relaxed monotonicity constraint: we say that \(x\in\mathbb{R}^n\) is \(\eps_{\iso}\)-monotone if \[x_i \leq x_j + \eps_{\iso} \text{ for all \(1\leq i\leq j\leq n\).}\] (If \(x\) is monotonic then we can simply set \(\eps_{\iso}=0\).) We find that \(\eps_{\iso}\) corresponds roughly to the \(\ell_{\infty}\) distance between \(x\) and its isotonic projection \(\mathsf{iso}(x)\):
With this in place, we turn to our results for the statistical setting.
## Statistical setting {#sec:model}
We will consider a subgaussian noise model, where \(x\in\mathbb{R}^n\) is a fixed signal, and the observation vector \(y\) is generated as \[\label{eqn:stat_model}y_i = x_i + \sigma \epsilon_i, \text{ where the \(\epsilon_i\)'s are independent, zero-mean, and subgaussian}.\] proves that, in this case, setting \(\psi(m)=\sqrt{m}\) would yield \(\sw{x-y}\leq \sqrt{2\sigma^2\log\left(\frac{n^2+n}{\delta}\right)}\) with probability at least \(1-\delta\). Of course, we could consider other models as well, e.g. involving correlated noise or heavy-tailed noise, but restrict our attention to this simple model for the sake of giving an intuitive illustration of our results. In order for this bound on the sliding window to be useful in practice, we need to obtain a bound or an estimate for the noise level \(\sigma\). Under the Bernoulli model \(y_i\sim\textnormal{Bernoulli}(x_i)\), we can simply set \(\sigma=1\). More generally, it may be possible to estimate \(\sigma\) from the data itself, for instance if the noise terms \(\epsilon_i\) are standard normal, propose estimating the noise level \(\sigma\) with the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE), \(\widehat{\sigma}^2 = \frac{1}{n} \sum_i (y_i-\mathsf{iso}(y)_i)^2\), or the bias-corrected MLE given by \[\widehat{\sigma}^2 = \frac{\sum_i (y_i-\mathsf{iso}(y)_i)^2}{n-c_1 \cdot \mathsf{df}\big(\mathsf{iso}(y)\big)},\] where \(c_1\) is a known constant while \(\mathsf{df}\big(\mathsf{iso}(y)\big)\) is the number of "degrees of freedom" in the monotone vector \(\mathsf{iso}(y)\), i.e. the number of distinct values in this vector. We next consider the two different types of statistical guarantees that can be obtained, using the two symmetric formulations in above.
## Data-adaptive bands
We first consider the problem of providing a confidence band for the signal \(x\) in a practical setting, where we can only observe the noisy data \(y\) and do not have access to other information. In this setting, the bound in , combined with 's bound on \(\sw{x-y}\) for the subgaussian model, yields the following result:
We emphasize that these bounds give us a uniform confidence band for \(\mathsf{iso}(x)\) (or for \(x\) itself, if it is monotone) that can be computed without assuming anything about the properties of the signal; for instance, we do not assume that the signal is Lipschitz with some known constant, or anything of this sort. We only need to know the noise level \(\sigma\), which can be estimated as discussed in . In this sense, the bounds are data-adaptive---they are computed using the observed projection \(\mathsf{iso}(y)\), and adapt to the properties of the signal (for instance, if \(x\) is locally constant near \(k\), then the upper and lower confidence bounds will be closer together).
#### Comparison to existing work
The flavor of our data-adaptive band is close to that given in, where the author gives confidence bands for signals in a continuous Gaussian white noise model. Although in Section 5 of the result is applied to the discrete case, the confidence band there is only valid asymptotically as pointed our by the author, whereas our band is valid for finite samples. Moreover, the computation of the band in involves Monte Carlo simulation to estimate several key quantiles, and hence is much heavier than the computation of our band. Another difference is that employes kernel estimators in their bands while we use the isotonic least squares estimator in our construction.
## Convergence rates
While the results of give data-adaptive bounds that do not depend on properties of \(x\), from a theoretical point of view we would also like to understand how the estimation error depends on these properties. For the data-adaptive bands, we used the result relating \(\mathsf{iso}(x)\) and \(\mathsf{iso}(y)\), but for this question, we will use the symmetric result instead, which immediately yields the following theorem.
#### Comparison to existing work
In the monotone setting (i.e. \(x=\mathsf{iso}(x)\)), derive related results bounding the pointwise error \(\big|x_k-\mathsf{iso}(y)_k\big|\). Specifically, they use the "minmax" formulation of the isotonic projection, \(\mathsf{iso}(y)_k = \min_{j\geq k}\max_{i\leq k} \overline{y}_{i:j}\), and give the following argument: \[\begin{gathered}
\mathsf{iso}(y)_k-x_k= \min_{1\leq m\leq n-k+1} \max_{i\leq k}\overline{y}_{i:(k+m-1)}-x_k\\ \leq \min_{1\leq m\leq n-k+1} \left\{\left(\max_{i\leq k}\overline{x}_{i:(k+m-1)}-x_k\right) + \max_{i\leq k} \big|\overline{x}_{i:(k+m-1)}-\overline{y}_{i:(k+m-1)} \big|\right\}\\ \leq\min_{1\leq m\leq n-k+1}\bigg\{\left( \overline{x}_{k:(k+m-1)}-x_k\right)+\underbrace{ \max_{i\leq k} \big|\overline{x}_{i:(k+m-1)}-\overline{y}_{i:(k+m-1)} \big|}_{\text{(Err)}}\bigg\}, \end{gathered}\] where the first step defines \(m=j-k+1\) and uses the "minmax" formulation, while the third uses the assumption that \(x\) is monotone. They then bound the error term (Err) in expectation. We can instead bound it as \(\text{(Err)}\leq \frac{\sw{x-y}}{\sqrt{m}}\), which is exactly the same as the upper bound in our result . Their "minmax" strategy can analogously be used to obtain the corresponding lower bound as well.
## Locally constant and locally Lipschitz signals
If the signal \(x\) is monotone, 's results, which are analogous to our bounds in , yield implications for many different classes of signals: for instance, they show that for a piecewise constant signal \(x\) taking only \(s\) many unique values, the \(\ell_2\) error scales as \[\frac{1}{n}\norm{x-\mathsf{iso}(y)}^2_2 \leq \frac{16 s \sigma^2}{n} \log\left(\frac{en}{s}\right).\] We therefore see that \[\label{eqn:half}\big|x_k-\mathsf{iso}(y)_k\big| \lesssim \sqrt{\frac{log(n)}{n}}\] for "most" indices \(k\) when the signal is piecewise constant. We can instead consider a Lipschitz signal: we say that \(x\) is \({L}\)-Lipschitz if \(|x_i-x_{i+1}|\leq L/n\) for all \(i\). (Rescaling by \(n\) is natural as we often think of \(x_i = f(i/n)\) for some underlying function \(f\)). In this setting, our results in immediately yield the bound \[\label{eqn:Lip1} \big|x_k-\mathsf{iso}(y)_k\big| \leq \min_{1\leq m\leq k\wedge (n-k+1)}\left\{\frac{{L}(m-1)}{2n} + \sqrt{\frac{2\sigma^2\log\left(\frac{n^2+n}{\delta}\right)}{m}}\right\},\] where the term \(\frac{{L} (m-1)}{2n}\) is a bound on \(\left(\overline{x}_{k:(k+m-1)}-x_k\right)\) and \(\left(x_k-\overline{x}_{(k-m+1):k}\right)\) when \(x\) is \({L}\)-Lipschitz. It's easy to see that the optimal scaling is achieved by taking \(m= \left\lceil \left(\frac{n \sqrt{\sigma^2 \log\left(\frac{n^2+n}{\delta}\right)}}{{L}}\right)^{2/3}\right\rceil\), in which case we obtain the bound \[\label{eqn:Lip} \big|x_k-\mathsf{iso}(y)_k\big| \leq 2\sqrt[3]{\frac{{L} {\sigma^2 \log\left(\frac{n^2+n}{\delta}\right)}}{n}}\] for all \(m\leq k\leq n-m+1\). (For indices \(k\) nearer to the endpoints, we are forced to choose a smaller \(m\), and the scaling will be worse.) We can also compute convergence rates in a more general setting, where the signal \(x\) is locally Lipschitz---its behavior may vary across different regions of the signal. As discussed in , many papers in the literature consider asymptotic local convergence rates---local in the sense of giving *pointwise* error bounds, which for a single signal \(x=(x_1,\dots,x_n)\), may be larger for indices \(i\) falling within a region of the signal that is strictly increasing, and smaller for indices \(i\) falling into a locally flat region. We would hope to see some interpolation between the \(n^{-1/3}\) rate expected for a strictly increasing stretch of the signal, as in , versus the improved parametric rate of \(n^{-1/2}\) in a locally constant region as in . Our confidence bands can also be viewed as providing error bounds that are local in this sense, i.e. that adapt to the local behavior of the signal \(x\) as we move from index \(i=1\) to \(i=n\). To make this more precise, we will show how our bounds scale locally with the sample size \(n\) to obtain the \(n^{-1/3}\) and \(n^{-1/2}\) rates described above. Consider any monotone signal \(x\). Suppose the signal \(x\) is locally constant near \(k\), with \(x_{k-cn+1}=\dots = x_k = \dots = x_{k+cn-1}\) for some positive constant \(c>0\). Then our bound applied with \(m=cn\) yields \[\label{eqn:predict_onehalf}\big|x_k-\mathsf{iso}(y)_k\big| \lesssim \sqrt{\frac{\sigma^2\log(n)}{n}}.\] For other indices, however, where the signal is locally strictly increasing with a Lipschitz constant \({L}\), then taking \(m\sim\left(\frac{\sigma^2 n \log(n)}{{L}}\right)^{2/3}\) yields the \(n^{-1/3}\) scaling obtained above in . It is of course also possible to achieve an interpolation between the \(n^{-1/2}\) and \(n^{-1/3}\) rates via our results, as well. Many works in the literature consider the local adaptivity problem in an asymptotic setting; here we will describe the results of. Consider an asymptotic setting where the signal \(x=(x_1,\dots,x_n)\) comes from measuring (at \(n\) many points) a monotone function \(f:[0,1]\rightarrow \mathbb{R}\), and we are interested in the local convergence rate at some fixed \(t\in(0,1)\). show that if the first \(\alpha\) derivatives of \(f\) at \(t\) satisfy \(f^{(1)}(t)=\dots = f^{(\alpha-1)}(t)=0\) and \(f^{(\alpha)}(t)>0\), the convergence rate for estimating \(f(t)\) scales as \(n^{-\alpha/(2\alpha+1)}\). In particular, if \(\alpha=1\) (\(f\) is strictly increasing at \(t\)) then they obtain the \(n^{-1/3}\) rate seen before, while if \(\alpha=\infty\) (\(f\) is locally constant near \(t\)) then they obtain the faster parametric \(n^{-1/2}\) rate. Of course, any \(\alpha\) in between \(1\) and \(\infty\) will produce some power of \(n\) between these two. Our work can be viewed as a finite-sample version of these types of results.
## Convergence rates in the \(\ell_2\) norm
We next show that the tools developed in this paper can be used to yield a bound on the \(\ell_2\) error, achieving the same \(n^{-1/3}\) scaling as in. While achieving an \(n^{-1/3}\) elementwise requires a Lipschitz condition on the signal (as in our result above), here we do not assume any Lipschitz conditions and require only a bound on the total variation, \[V \coloneqq \mathsf{iso}(x)_n-\mathsf{iso}(x)_1.\] Our proof uses similar techniques as 's result.
As long as \(n\gg \frac{\sigma^2\log^4(2n)}{V^2}\), the first term is the dominant one, matching the result of with a slight improvement in the log term. (The constants in this result are of course far from optimal.) This result is proved in .
## Simulation: local adaptivity
To demonstrate this local adaptivity in practice, we run a simple simulation. The signal is generated from an underlying function \(f(t)\) defined over \(t\in[0,1]\), with \[f(t) = \begin{cases}-10,&0\leq t\leq 0.3,\\ \text{linearly increasing from \(-10\) to \(10\)},&0.3\leq t\leq 0.7,\\ 10,&0.7\leq t \leq 1,\end{cases}\] as illustrated in (a). For a fixed sample size \(n\), we set \(x_i = f\left(\frac{i}{n+1}\right)\) and \(y_i = x_i + N(0,1)\). We then compute a data-adaptive confidence band as given in , with known noise level \(\sigma=1\), with target coverage level \(1-\delta = 0.9\), and with \(\eps_{\iso}=0\) as the signal \(x\) is known to be monotone. For sample size \(n=1000\), the resulting estimate \(\mathsf{iso}(y)\) and confidence band are illustrated in (b). We then repeat this experiment at sample sizes \(n=700,701,702,\dots,1000\). For each sample size \(n\), we take the mean width of the confidence band averaged over (a) the locally constant ("flat") regions of the signal, defined by all indices \(i\) corresponding to values \(t\in[0.1,0.2]\cup[0.8,0.9]\), and (b) a strictly increasing region, defined by indices \(i\) corresponding to \(t\in[0.4,0.6]\). (These regions are illustrated in (a).) Our theory predicts that the mean confidence band width scales as \(\sim \sqrt{\frac{\log(n)}{n}}\) in the flat regions, and \(\sim \sqrt[3]{\frac{\log(n)}{n}}\) in the increasing region. To test this, we take a linear regression of the log of the mean confidence band width against \(\log\left(\frac{n}{\log(n)}\right)\), and find a slope \(\approx-1/2\) in the flat regions and \(\approx-1/3\) in the increasing region, confirming our theory. These results are illustrated in . Note that our data-adaptive estimation bands given by are calculated without using prior knowledge of the signal's local behavior (locally constant / locally Lipschitz)---the confidence bands computed in are able to adapt to this unknown structure automatically. We next check the empirical coverage level of these confidence bands. Ideally we would want to see that, over repeated simulations, the true monotone sequence \(x=(x_1,\dots,x_n)\) lies entirely in the band roughly \(1-\delta = 90\%\) of the time. While our theory guarantees that coverage will hold with probability *at least* 90%, our bounds are of course somewhat conservative. We observe empirically that the coverage is in fact too high---it is essentially 100%---but nonetheless, the width of the confidence band is not too conservative. In particular, shrinking the width of the confidence band by a factor of \(\approx 0.855\) empirically leads to achieving the target 90% coverage level; in other words, our confidence bands are around 17% too wide. (Of course, this ratio is specific to our choice of data distribution, and is likely to vary in different settings.)
# Density estimation
As a second application of the tools developed for the sliding window norm, we consider the problem of estimating a monotone nonincreasing density \(g\) on the interval \([0,1]\), using \(n\) samples drawn from this density. Let \(Z_1,\dots,Z_n\stackrel{\mathrm{iid}}{\sim} g\) be \(n\) samples drawn from the target density \(f\), sorted into an ordered list \(Z_{(1)}\leq \dots \leq Z_{(n)}\). The Grenander estimator for the monotone density \(g\) is defined as follows. Let \(\widehat{G}_n\) be the empirical cumulative distribution function for this sample, \[\widehat{G}_n(t) = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n \One{Z_i \leq t},\] and let \(\widehat{G}_{\mathsf{Gren}}\) be the minimal concave upper bound on \(\widehat{G}_n\). Finally, define the Grenander estimator of the density, denoted by \(\widehat{g}_{\mathsf{Gren}}\), as the left-continuous piecewise constant first derivative of \(\widehat{G}_{\mathsf{Gren}}\). This process is illustrated in . It is known () that \(\widehat{g}_{\mathsf{Gren}}\) can be computed with a simple isotonic projection of a sequence. Namely, for \(i=1,\dots,n\), let \(y_i = n(Z_{(i)}-Z_{(i-1)})\) where we set \(Z_{(0)}\coloneqq 0\), and calculate the isotonic projection \(\mathsf{iso}(y)\). Then the Grenander estimator is given by \[\label{eqn:fg} \widehat{g}_{\mathsf{Gren}} = \begin{cases}1/\mathsf{iso}(y)_1,&0\leq t\leq Z_{(1)},\\ 1/\mathsf{iso}(y)_2,&Z_{(1)}<t\leq Z_{(2)},\\ \dots\\ 1/\mathsf{iso}(y)_n,&Z_{(n-1)}<t\leq Z_{(n)},\\ 0,&Z_{(n)}<t\leq 1.\end{cases}\] If we assume that \(f\) is Lipschitz and lower-bounded, then our error bounds for isotonic regression transfer easily into this setting, yielding the following theorem (proved in ):
This result is similar to that of, which also obtains a \((n/\log(n))^{-1/3}\) convergence rate uniformly over \(t\) (although in their work, \(t\) is allowed to be slightly closer to the endpoints, by a log factor). Their results are asymptotic, while our work gives a finite-sample guarantee. As mentioned in , also derives locally adaptive error bounds whose scaling depends on the local Lipschitz behavior or local derivatives of \(f\). Our locally adaptive results for sequences may also be applied here to obtain a locally adaptive confidence band on the density \(g\), but we do not give details here.
# Proof for contractive isotonic projection {#sec:proof_nuna}
In this section, we prove our main result showing that, for any semi-norm, the nonincreasing-under-neighbor-averaging (NUNA) property is necessary and sufficient for isotonic projection to be contractive under this semi-norm. Before proving the theorem, we introduce a few definitions. First, for any index \(i=1,\dots,n-1\), we define the matrix \[\label{eqn:Ai} A_i = \left(\begin{array}{cccc} \mathbf{I}_{i-1} & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & \nicefrac{1}{2} & \nicefrac{1}{2} & 0\\ 0 & \nicefrac{1}{2} & \nicefrac{1}{2} & 0\\ 0 & 0 & 0 & \mathbf{I}_{n-i-1}\end{array}\right)\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times n} ,\] which averages entries \(i\) and \(i+1\). That is, \[A_i x = \left(x_1,\dots,x_{i-1},\frac{x_i + x_{i+1}}{2},\frac{x_i + x_{i+1}}{2},x_{i+2},\dots,x_n\right).\] We also define an algorithm for isotonic projection that differs from PAVA, and in fact does not converge in finite time, but is useful for the purpose of theoretical analysis. For any \(x\in\mathbb{R}^n\) and any index \(i=1,\dots,n-1\), define \[\mathsf{iso}_i(x) = \begin{cases}x,&\text{ if }x_i\leq x_{i+1},\\ A_i x, &\text{ if }x_i>x_{i+1}.\end{cases}\] In other words, if neighboring entries \(i\) and \(i+1\) violate the monotonicity constraint, then we average them. The following lemma shows that, by iterating this step infinitely many times (while cycling through the indices \(i=1,\dots,n-1\)), we converge to the isotonic projection of \(x\).
With this slow projection algorithm in place, we turn to the proof of our theorem.
# Discussion
We study contraction properties of isotonic regression with an application on a novel sliding window norm. We then use these tools to construct data-adaptive estimation bands and obtain non-asymptotic uniform estimation bound of isotonic estimator. Our results are adaptive to the local behavior of the unknown signal, and can be used in a related density estimation problem. The analysis tools we developed are potentially useful for other shape-restricted problems. We expect to apply our results on the high dimensional inference or calibration problems, where isotonic regression could serve as an important tool. Furthermore, ordering constraints, and more generally shape constraints, can take many different forms in various applications---for instance, two commonly studied constraints are isotonicity over a two-dimensional grid (in contrast to the one-dimensional ordering studied here), and convexity or concavity. It may be possible to extend the contraction results to a more general shape-constrained regression setting. We leave these problems for future work. | {'timestamp': '2018-11-01T01:12:33', 'yymm': '1706', 'arxiv_id': '1706.01852', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.01852'} |
# Abstract {#abstract .unnumbered}
The Indo-Pacific region contains a unique mix of opportunities for the development and use of genetic-pest-management, gene-drive, and gene-drive-like technologies. Here I collectively refer to these technologies as Evolutionary Genetic Engineering (EGE). Indo-Pacific Islands have some of the world's highest rates of endemism and extinction---species and entire ecosystems are at risk. This threat to the natural world is coupled with the burden of human diseases, many of which are new and emerging or neglected tropical diseases. The same factors which have led to high rates of endemism also, in some ways, make this region an ideal testing ground for some types of EGE's. There is great potential for positive humanitarian, economic, and conservation applications of EGE's. However, these types of new technologies will be initially viewed from the perspective of the recent history of a loss of self determination, issues of social justice, and the testing of new technologies (e.g., biocontrol, agricultural, nuclear) in the Indo-Pacific---a region of the world that is still extensively colonized and controlled by Western Nations. Experience with successes and failures in related technologies suggests a path to move forward---a set of eight recommendations---to maximize the potential payoffs and minimize unintended negative effects of EGE's.
# Introduction {#introduction .unnumbered}
The Island Indo-Pacific is a large, important, unique, and unfortunately often overlooked region of the world. There is tremendous potential for the positive use of Evolutionary Genetic Engineering (EGE) in the region in both humanitarian and conservation applications. This potential stems from the regions geographic isolation, collection of infectious diseases, and species conservation urgencies. However, it would be a mistake to neglect the context of recent and ongoing political and social challenges in the region. Doing so is likely to generate a negative reaction that could inhibit the applications of promising emerging technologies. This context includes issues of colonialism, self determination, biocontrol, the testing of new technologies, and early experiences with genetically modified agricultural crops in the region. In this article I am focused on the Island Indo-Pacific Tropics, but also use examples from the broader region including India and Australia. I am also focusing on terrestrial applications of EGE's. There are potential freshwater and marine applications, but this is less developed and goes beyond the scope of the current article. In order to move forward in a way that does not sacrifice long term progress for short term convenience, we must accept that everyone has a role to play in shaping our technological future; this is not always easy to do when faced with confrontations and fundamental disagreements. To do this we must
1. enhance communications and avoid a reluctance to provide more detailed information about new technologies or to be dismissive of inquiries.
2. EGE applications should only be pursued if there is a genuine benefit to the local population (and if the people potentially affected generally agree that this is desirable rather than the decision being made externally), not in order to test new technologies in a "safe" manner or to avoid jurisdictional regulations.
3. The potential benefits and risks of EGE's, along with the degree of uncertainty surrounding both, need to be unambiguously communicated.
4. There needs to be a frank discussion of unintended side effects and the potential for misuse of the technology.
5. Humanitarian goals need to be administered and controlled by humanitarian organizations while conservation goals need to be administered and under the control of conservation organizations (applicable to both governmental and non-governmental organizations); this is especially true in an international setting.
6. Proactive research needs to be conducted and the data available to address common concerns about the possible ecological and health effects of EGE's.
7. It takes broad perspectives, beyond what any single person is capable of, to identify potential promises and pitfalls of the development and implementations of EGE's.
8. Finally, a broad-based community discussion of, and direct involvement in, EGE development and applications should occur as early as possible. This will positively shape both the development and applications of the technology and help build a solid social foundation for future developments.
# Potential Evolutionary Genetic Engineering Applications in the Island Indo-Pacific. {#potential-evolutionary-genetic-engineering-applications-in-the-island-indo-pacific. .unnumbered}
The Indo-Pacific spans half of the Earth's circumference yet receives relatively less international focus. A revealing example is that this is the non-polar region that is most often divided on map projections of the world. This inattention is not simply due to a smaller population; the four most populous countries in the world (China, India, the USA, and Indonesia) have territory and active interests in the region. The Island Indo-Pacific has some of the world's highest rates of both species endemism (unique genetic diversity) and extinction. Adaptive radiations of species here have served as prime examples of evolutionary biology. Extinctions in these species-rich regions are proceeding at an alarming rate and this is predicted to be exacerbated by climate change. The region is in dire need of effective conservation strategies and potential Evolutionary Genetic Engineering (EGE) applications targeting introduced species and diseases have been proposed to establish effector genes refractory to introduced vectored disease (genetic modifications to block transmission of the disease) and genetic sterile insect techniques to suppress populations of invasive species. The Island Indo-Pacific is also home to newly emerging and/or neglected tropical diseases that affect human health as well as economically important species. Vector borne human diseases in the region include chikungunya, dengue fever, Japanese encephalitis, lymphatic filariasis, malaria, plague and Rift Valley fever (in Madagascar), schistosomiasis, scrub typhus, West Nile fever, and zika. Additionally there are diverse agricultural crop pests and diseases that impact food production across the region. A major goal of EGE development is to address human disease, and there is also potential for agricultural applications. When countries are listed by gross domestic product per capita it becomes apparent that the Indo-Pacific contains, in terms of national economic wealth, many of the poorest countries in the world. For example, the Comoros, Kiribati, Madagascar, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu have an average per capita GDP of Intl.\\(2,387, approximately 1/8th of the world average, Intl.\\)18,872. This limits the resources available that these governments can apply to humanitarian and conservation interventions and suggests an enhanced value of international collaboration. In many ways the terrestrial isolation that has led to the Indo-Pacific's tremendous biological diversity also makes the region ideal for some EGE applications. Suppressing or modifying non-native invasive species is an obvious place to start. However, what may be a pest in one location may be a highly valued or important ecological species in another (e.g., nopal *Opuntia* cacti are a highly valued component of Mexican cuisine and source of animal fodder while considered an invasive species pest in Australia---*Cactoblastis cactorum* has been used successfully as bio-control in Australia but is now threatening native *Opuntia* in the Americas. Proper application of Type 1 and 2a EGE's (Appendix A: Types of Evolutionary Genetic Engineering) can leave a species genetically unmodified within its native range, even with low levels of migration between islands or islands and continents. The limited and discrete partitioning of land area of islands make 100% local genetic transformation or eradication of a species possible without resorting to type 2b or 3 EGE's (Appendix A) and allows the application to proceed in a stepwise fashion across multiple islands using limited resources.
# Colonialism, self determination, and the testing of new technologies {#colonialism-self-determination-and-the-testing-of-new-technologies .unnumbered}
We have different perspectives depending on our experiences and social / cultural identities, and we are all-too-often not aware of how our individual perspective differs from others. In the middle of the abstract I used the following sentence, "The same factors which have led to high rates of endemism also, in some ways, make this region an ideal testing ground for some types of EGE's." I chose the wording of this sentence carefully. What was your reaction? For many of the people reading this article the sentence seemed perfectly natural and flows into the ideas of the preceding and following sentences. However, for some readers the phrase "testing ground" is likely to stand out. Our reaction to this sentence is related to our perspective. For many who do not live in the island Indo-Pacific it is easy to see the region as something external to our daily lives and more disposable for testing and experimenting. In contrast, for some the Indo-Pacific represents home, family, work, and is also fundamentally connected to a cultural identity. I ask readers to construct your own sentence connecting a place that is highly valued to you personally (your hometown, where you live now, or a place of historical, religious, or cultural importance) with a "testing ground" of a new potentially powerful technology with its own set of concerns and unknowns. The Indo-Pacific has a long and continuing history of a loss of self determination and sovereignty. The UN Special Committee on Decolonization lists American Samoa, French Polynesia, Guam, New Caledonia, Pitcairn, and Tokelau as Non-Self-Governing-Territories. The total number of ongoing sovereignty disputes encompasses many more islands and regions too extensive to list here. Colonization includes the establishment of extensive military bases and use of the islands for tests of nuclear, biological, and chemical warfare technologies---and these were not limited to a few isolated incidents, for example hundreds of nuclear weapons tests were conducted by France in Mururoa and Fangataufa Atolls, by the United Kingdom in South Australia, Montebello, and Kiritimati Islands, by the United States in Pikinni (Bikini), Ānewetak (Enewetak), Johnston (Kalama) Atolls, and Kiritimati. This history of military testing, non-military testing of new technologies (e.g., disastrous attempts at classical biological control by introducing new species, e.g., @howarth1983 [@clarke1984; @henneman2001; @messing2006; @hays2007; @parry2009]), and colonization in the region can severely inhibit international biological research and potential applications including EGE's. There is a case study that deserves special mention within the context of EGE's in the Indo-Pacific, especially in the context of international programs and applications of mosquito genetic engineering. From 1969--1975 the World Health Organization (WHO) collaborated with the US Public Health Service (PHS) and the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) to establish a Genetic Control of Mosquitoes Research Unit (GCMRU) in India; this was financially supported by the Government of India, US PL-480 funds, and the CDC. The GCMRU was studying and implementing mosquito control technologies including the release of sterilized individuals. What appears to have started with concerns about a carcinogen (thiotepa) being added to well water in the village of Pochanpur without public or government consultation got caught up in politics, with widespread accusations in the media and later by the Government of India, and grew into a political disaster with suspicions that the US military was using India to test methods of biological warfare using mosquitoes. The addition of thiotepa to village water has been denied by WHO, but publications preceding the accusations suggest this may have happened---and therein lies one problem. There was a lack of clear unambiguous communication from the beginning. Furthermore, PHS did have military connections and shared materials and information with the US military. The US military did conduct chemical and biological tests in the Indo-Pacific; this included the release of mosquitoes off the coast of Baker Island ("Magic Sword" 1965), the release of *Bacillus globigii* in O'ahu ("Big Tom" 1965), shelling sarin nerve agent in Waiākea Forest Reserve, Hawai'i ("Red Oak" 1967), and the dispersal of *Staphylococcus aureus* enterotoxin type B over Ānewetak (Enewetak) Atoll ("DTS Test 68-50" 1968). However, in all likelihood there was no military or biological warfare connections with the GCMRU. Covert transfer of US funds to keep GCMRU going was briefly discussed with WHO but this was considered too risky and the US suspended funding the project. Despite denials by WHO, the GCMRU, which was planned to extend at least until 1978, was forced to shut down prematurely in 1975 and the project was deemed a failure. What can be learned from this?
1. There was a clear lack of communication resulting from a reluctance of either the WHO or the US to engage the media and comment on the allegations. This was unfortunate as it, perhaps rationally, fuelled suspicions. The public perception of public perception may differ from public perception---the individual perception of public opinion is influenced by a range of factors and may not be an accurate reflection of commonly held attitudes. The idea that providing more information would undermine support conflicts with recent results that show the more informed people are of the release of genetically modified mosquitoes the more supportive they become; however, a great deal of public engagement has to be accomplished, especially for women, minorities, and people with lower education levels and lower household incomes.
2. There was a perception that these experiments would not have been permitted in Western countries and that India was being used as a testing ground. Knowledge that a technology has been effective in other countries is one factor associated with strong public support. It is unfortunate that prior programs in the US, Myanmar/Burma, Tanzania, Western Africa, and France were not communicated to the Indian press. The perception that an international project is being conducted to avoid home country regulation should certainly be (truthfully) avoided.
3. The potential benefits of the project to the people of India was unclear. This is perhaps most tragic of all. India suffers from mosquito vectored dengue, malaria, Japanese encephalitis, chikungunya, and lymphatic filariasis. While a balance must be struck to not over-promise results that may not be realized, the goals and potential benefits of EGE applications must also be clearly advertised.
4. There was a lack of an *a priori* open and frank discussion about possible misuse of the technology. While any technology can be potentially misused by individuals or organizations, a nation's government, and especially its military, has non-humanitarian and non-conservation priorities that can potentially conflict with the goals of humanitarian and conservation projects. Regardless of the existence of an actual conflict, the perception of possible conflict does exist, which can undermine credibility. Fortunately today this is widely recognized and the 1978 UN ENMOD treaty (<http://www.un-documents.net/enmod.htm>) may prevent, depending on interpretation, military involvement in EGE technologies except perhaps for some limited applications of type 0 and 1 systems (Appendix A). The ENMOD treaty states that "Each State Party to this Convention undertakes not to engage in military ...environmental modification techniques having widespread, long-lasting or severe effects ...the term 'environmental modification techniques' refers to any technique for changing---through the deliberate manipulation of natural processes---the dynamics, composition or structure of the Earth, including its biota ..." However, there is still a need for an open discussion about potential malicious uses, and military involvement with EGE projects should be avoided in order to encourage international trust and cooperation.
In response, Dr. B. D. Nagchaudhuri's, physicist and scientific adviser to the Indian Ministry of Defence, recommendations were "(A) that research proposals and projects are available to the public; and (B) that pertinent records contain clear statements as to why the objective is important, what is the \[Government of India's\] interest, and what is the \[United States Government's\] interest" and "ministry officials must be alerted to any sensitive problems by the technical experts involved"; also, that "each collaborative project should also be approved at the ministerial or secretary level of the ministry under which the project would fall i.e. health projects-Ministry of Health, Agricultural Projects-Ministry of Agriculture, ...This should also hold true whether on the Indian side or the US side". Dr. Hanlon recommends "At the very least, there should be an open discussion of the \[biological warfare\] potential of such projects before they begin, so that countries can make informed choices". There is a value to compartmentalizing different aspects of a government's actions. It seems almost self evident that funds for research are best spent by research agencies, funds for health are best spent in agencies focused on health, funds for conservation are best spent by agencies trained in and focused on conversation. Even if there were sufficient funding and resources we would not want the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) or DOH (Department of Health) carrying out military actions; the converse is also true. We don't want to rely on our military to carry out conservation, human health, or humanitarian actions when there are other agencies, without conflicting priorities, that can and should be doing this. The author has discussed EGE's and the ENMOD treaty in person with current and former members of DARPA, a research branch of the military with an interest in EGE's, and has been told that the military has to carry out high risk (in the sense of new and experimental) research because NSF (National Science Foundation) and NIH (National Institutes of Health) cannot. I completely disagree. Research agencies can and should also be funding higher risk, higher pay-off research instead of abdicating this role to the military---and to avoid the kinds of conflicts suggested in the WHO experience in India. This is not done in the US because of historical inertia and objectively unbalanced federal budget allocations (a Department of Defense, DOD, estimated research budget of \\(66 billion versus \\)29 billion for NIH and only \$6 billion for NSF in FY2015, @hourihan2016). Reallocating civilian research funds to civilian agencies would also free up the military to focus on military actions and capabilities.
# Recent experiences with GMO's in the Indo-Pacific {#recent-experiences-with-gmos-in-the-indo-pacific .unnumbered}
EGE's are likely to be initially framed in terms of the GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) crop debate.[^1] Within Hawai'i, Rainbow Papaya and GMO Taro serve as contrasting examples of the interaction between social acceptance, development, and deployment of new technologies. *Carica papaya* was not grown in Hawai'i until after European contact in 1778. The papaya industry in Hawai'i was devastated in the 1990's by the ringspot virus. A genetically engineered "rainbow" papaya resistant to ringspot infection was developed at Cornell University by Dr. D. Gonsalves who was originally from Hawai'i. While GMO papaya is not without controversy it is credited with rescuing the industry and is *de facto* widely adopted in Hawai'i today. *Colocasia esculenta* (Taro or Kalo in Hawaiian) was brought to Hawai'i by the ancient Polynesians. A wide range of Kalo varieties have had a central role in traditional Hawaiian culture as a staple food crop and continues to be economically important. Furthermore, Kalo is literally the brother of humans (Hāloa) in the Hawaiian creation tradition and words for family and relationships also refer to parts of the plant. Taro leaf blight (*Phytophthora colocasiae*) was introduced to Hawai'i in the 1900's and has significantly impacted Kalo. Work at the University of Hawai'i was begun to to breed resistant varieties which resulted in patents in 2002. Separately a Chinese variety of Taro was genetically modified from 2001 to 2006 with a gene from wheat to be resistant to leaf blight. This resulted in widespread public outrage and large protest rallies in 2006 that resulted in the university relinquishing its patents and issuing an indefinite moratorium on the genetic engineering of Hawaiian Kalo. With these cases in mind consider a potential EGE project. Culex mosquitoes were introduced to Hawai'i in the mid 1800's. They vector *Plasmodium relictum* which is responsible for avian malaria. Many Hawaiian forest bird species, important in traditional Hawaiian culture (e.g., 'ahu 'ula, mahiole, and in Hawaiian religion), have no immunity or tolerance to *P. relictum* and have become extinct, with many currently threatened, as a result. These two previous contrasting examples suggest that genetically modifying non-native mosquitoes to reduce the frequency of avian malaria is much more socially acceptable than the reverse: genetically modifying native Hawaiian birds to be resistant to infection by Plasmodium (although it would be worth conducting the relevant public surveys to determine this). Also, doing the research locally in Hawai'i is not necessarily an advantage in terms of securing broad local public support, buy-in, and acceptance (however, it is an advantage in terms of engaging the public).[^2] These are aspects that might not initially be appreciated by scientists designing EGE technologies. On a broader scale across the Indo-Pacific, consider the cases of golden rice and Bt-cotton. Rice (*Oryza sativa*) is a staple crop for a large segment of the population across the Indo-Pacific. A major nutritional shortcoming of rice is the lack of beta-carotene that can be metabolized into vitamin A, which in many of these populations is *de facto* not simply rectified by supplementing with additional food sources. This unfortunate situation leads to blindness and the deaths of over half a million people a year. To address this, rice has been engineered since 2000 with DNA sequences from other plants to produce bio-available beta-carotene. This "golden rice" has also been the target of a great deal of controversy, protest, and misinformation. Much of this protest originates in the Western world where ironically we have a wide range of nutritional supplements added to our food including vitamin D in milk, calcium in orange juice, niacin and folic acid in bread, iodine in salt, and fluoride in drinking water. One question to ask ourselves is, why is it so easy to add all of these supplements to our food supply, not to mention widespread adoption of genetically modified corn, soybeans, cotton, potatoes, sugar beets, *etc*., in parts of the West, when providing vitamin A in the form of Golden Rice for much of the world's population is still not approved and remains in a testing phase well over a decade later? Bt-cotton, which has received less attention in the media, provides a contrasting case to golden rice where a GM crop has been embraced in the Indo-Pacific and this has been in large part driven by local buy-in. Bt-cotton is engineered to produce a naturally occurring insecticide from a bacteria (*Bacillus thuringiensis*). The intention is to kill larvae of the cotton bollworm (*Helicoverpa armigera*). A seed company in India led by Dr. D. B. Desai began selling "Navbharat 151" seed in 1998 with the claim that the plants did not have to be sprayed with pesticides for bollworm. This proved to be the case during a large bollworm outbreak in Gujarat in 2001, which raised questions. It was found that Navbharat 151 plants had a genetic modification created by Monsanto. The Indian government filed criminal charges against Dr. Desai, ordered the seed destroyed, and 4,000 hectares of planted fields burned. Thousands of farmers rallied to support Dr. Desai and block burning the fields; the Gujarat government refused to carry out the order; the recall was cancelled, and some farmers saved their own seed for replanting. The opposite of concerns about using India as a testing ground as discussed in the WHO mosquito project of the 1970's (point 2 above) were expressed: 'How can something made in the United States, many of them wonder aloud, be unsafe in India? "I think they grow it in China and other countries," says Kalidas Patel, who grew Navbharat cotton in Gujarat'. Later Monsanto was granted a license to market Bt-cotton in India and in all likelihood the prior experience with Navbharat 151 promoted public buy-in. In recent years Bt-cotton is widely adopted, approximately 90% of the cotton grown in India, and a black market for Bt-cotton seeds also appears to be thriving. However, this is in no way a simple matter and debates regarding Bt-cotton, Monsanto, and regulation continue. Regardless, the support among Indian farmers for Bt-cotton stands in stark contrast to the protests over golden rice being planted in test beds in the Philippines. The cause of the difference between these experiences is hard to isolate and a large number of idiosyncratic effects likely contribute including the pivotal actions of a few or a single individual. However, the effects of local buy-in, combined with local access to technologies, and first hand experience with these technologies, should not be ignored. Finally, concerns about ecological effects of EGE's are associated with strong opposition to the technology. There are also questions of possible, but unlikely, bioaccumulation of toxic proteins and allergenicity. In addition to the four guidelines in the previous section, despite limited time and funding, we should conduct the work to have the data on hand to address these questions to the public.
# Everyone has a role to play {#everyone-has-a-role-to-play .unnumbered}
We live in a world that is often overly self-polarizing. I am a geneticist; I entered this field because of personal interest, excitement, and challenges of the promise and potential of genetics. Unintentionally, this has become a part of my identity. When I was first exposed to protests over genetic technology it was all too easy to feel that it was also a personal attack. This is nested within the context of broader anti-scientific popular views related to climate change, evolution, renewable energy, vaccinations, *etc*. The natural reaction is to reflexively move in the opposite direction and argue that genetic technologies are safe, protesters don't understand the issues, *etc*. and be overly dismissive; a position that I may not have had initially. The difficult but essential step for growth is to try to find a middle ground and synthesize a path forward. Right or wrong, no single perspective can do this on its own and, because of our perspectives, we are often blind to potential issues apparent to other people. It is easier to see a potential risk if you are looking for a risk instead of working toward developing a desired application of a new technology. For example, the potential of allergic reactions to genetic modifications are real and not to be dismissed, and many crops have a strong cultural significance that many people may not be aware of such as Kalo in Hawai'i, discussed above, or maize in Chiapas. As geneticists we are in a unique position to be able to critically assess potential benefits and risks, once we perceive them, of genetic technology from a scientific perspective. It is our responsibility to embrace and communicate this rather than contributing to destructive polarization. However, it is not our job to be overly encompassing and give equal weight to all objections; we also must be willing to learn from past experiences (such as the disastrous effects of the perception of possible military involvement in the WHO program in India) and to rationally disagree when we reason this to be the case. For example, despite claims to the contrary, there is no scientific evidence that herbicide resistant maize is carcinogenic. There is a great deal of misinformation and misconceptions surrounding who would or would not benefit, and to what degree, from golden rice. Attitudes regarding GMO's are divisive, some are not based on factual evidence and can be labeled as irrational although this quickly gets complex; regardless, the GMO debate will continue to prove a rich subject for the analysis of the dynamics of politics, the media, framing effects, confirmation bias, social identity, information cascades, *etc*., for many years to come. An area that can benefit from improvement is to incorporate this synthesis earlier into the research and development process. If individuals with different perspectives were able to directly participate in the design of a new technology, they could shape the direction in which it develops towards an outcome that might be more desirable and socially acceptable. (Recall the effect of personal experience with Bt-cotton and its adoption in India.) Often the way development of a new technology works is in incremental steps of design, troubleshooting, and research funding, to consultation and approval from regulatory agencies, to building the logistics of application and deployment. Public consultation and asking for acceptance occurs only at the end of the day, when many steps have been cast and it is more difficult and time consuming to make fundamental revisions. One possibility is to include grant support for individuals from the social sciences to be "embedded" in a biological laboratory in order to fully participate in a laboratory's research and conduct their own research about social attitudes, context, communication, perceptions, *etc*., both in its own right and as a bidirectional conduit to facilitate communication, public guidance, and knowledge transfer in the development of EGE technologies (see @kolopack2015 for a highly effective example of community engagement albeit not exactly in the same form that I am proposing here). The local community can directly participate in the development of a new technology, possibly facilitating progress in a direction that is unanticipated by the researchers, funding, and regulatory agencies, but one that results in a greater positive potential being realized at the end of the day.
# Conclusion {#conclusion .unnumbered}
This Indo-Pacific is geographically isolated, under a burden of infectious diseases, and is in dire need of protection of its natural world. This creates an opportunity for positive, highly valued, effective applications of EGE's. However, it would be a mistake to ignore the history and social realities thought the region. To reiterate the eight points from the introduction that have been expanded upon through this article:
1. There is a need to enhance and engage communications in all directions.
2. EGE applications should only be pursued if there is a genuine benefit to, and buy-in from, the local population.
3. The potential benefits and risks of EGE's need to be unambiguously communicated.
4. There needs to be a clear unambiguous discussion of unintended side effects and potential misuses of the technology.
5. Humanitarian goals need to be administered and controlled by humanitarian organizations and conservation goals need to be administered and under the control of conservation organizations.
6. Proactive research needs to be conducted and the data available to address common concerns.
7. It takes broad perspectives to broadly identify potential promises and pitfalls of EGE's.
8. An early broad-based community discussion of, and involvement in, EGE development and applications should occur.
Finally, no matter how "new" a technology or situation seems, there is still much to be learned from history.
# Ancknowledgements {#ancknowledgements .unnumbered}
I thank Áki Láruson, Vanessa Reed, and three anonymous reviewers for comments on the manuscript. Related work in the Reed lab has been recently supported by the Hawai'i Community Foundation, the State of Hawai'i Department of Land and Natural Resources, and by the Reed family.
# Appendix A: Types of Evolutionary Genetic Engineering {#appendix-a-types-of-evolutionary-genetic-engineering .unnumbered}
An important concept that cannot be over-emphasized is the diverse types of EGE's and their predicted effects. At the risk of oversimplification, here are four main types with an important boundary between them.[^3]
Type 0
: Generic genetic modifications not designed to change in frequency over time using evolutionary principles. In general these are expected to either drift neutrally (if there is little to no effect) or be removed by natural selection. For example fluorescent proteins are often used to mark and keep track of genetic inserts; however, these proteins can have toxic effects. This tends to reduce an organism's fitness and these modifications are not expected to persist in the wild over many generations.
Type 1
: Deleterious EGE's that are designed to be transient and removed from the population. Examples of type 1 include the "killer-rescue" system, genetic sterile insect technique, and Wolbachia in cytoplasmic incompatibility population suppression applications. These may persist in the wild for a shorter period of time than type 0 EGE's.
Type 2
: Threshold EGE's that cannot increase in frequency when very rare but can increase in frequency and persist indefinitely once a critical frequency point is passed.
Type 2a
: Thresholds that are above a frequency of one half. These include chromosomal rearrangements, haploinsufficient induced underdominance and possibly some forms of maternal-effect underdominance.
Type 2b
: Thresholds that are below a frequency of one half. This includes Wolbachia, some forms of maternal-effect underdominance, and some theoretical systems.
Type 3
: Unconditionally driving EGE's that can invade a population from arbitrarily low frequencies. These include Medea, homing endonucleases, transposable elements, meiotic drive and some types of CRISPR systems.
In one perspective, the most important distinction is the boundary between 2a and 2b. This predicts what will happen without human intervention (without additional releases of modified or unmodified individuals) among multiple populations within a species due to the forces of migration and selection. Type 1-2a will tend to reduce in range and disappear (although this may take many generations) while type 2b and 3 will tend to spread and become more established (and this may occur in a small number of generations for type 3) with the concern that once widespread enough this may be irreversible. While type 2a systems might be considered "gene drive" in a broad sense the term is probably more accurate to describe type 2b and especially type 3 systems (gene drive in the strong sense). The boundary between 2a and 2b represents a balance between ease of transformation of a population and reversibility back to a transformation free state---a balance between safety and efficiency. Some natural EGE systems in the type 3 category have been shown to be capable of moving across subspecies and species boundaries, rapidly spreading worldwide, and lowering the average fitness of a species. The concern of this possibly happening due to artificial genetic engineering is not a new one ). For example, fully functioning transposable elements have been introduced into various new species in the lab, sometimes with little to no discussion of containment and possible escape. Fortunately there are methods of building in safeguards to minimize the chance of unintended spread in the wild. Additionally, it is important to keep in mind the (sometimes unexpected) effects of mutations and selection that can change the dynamics of EGE's. For example, Y chromosome meiotic drive can be quickly suppressed by sex chromosome aneuploidy. Arthropod species have been observed to rapidly evolve to suppress some effects of Wolbachia. Type 0 EGE's may drift at some frequency in a population by unintended contamination; one concern that goes beyond this is that genetically engineered disease resistance may be adaptive, if infection by the disease has a large enough fitness cost, and the type 0 EGE may deterministically increase in frequency in the wild, essentially becoming a type 3 EGE (although to date there are not clear examples of this, e.g., @fuchs2004). Some of these unexpected effects can be detected in laboratory experiments and incorporated into the design and predictions of the EGE. It is already a challenge to filter out misinformation and misconceptions regarding genetic modifications. The author realizes that this adds another challenge; however, the fact is there are various types of EGE's with a range of predicted effects regarding how well they can be established in the wild and how reversible they are. It is appropriate, if possible, for these dynamics to be considered and to interact with regulatory approval and public acceptance.
[^1]: Although, classical sterile insect technique involving radiation or chemicals and Wolbachia based techniques stand as exceptions. These are genetic approaches in the sense that the organisms chromosomes are affected (Callaini et al., 1997; Robinson, 2005), but they are not considered genetic modifications.
[^2]: Another fascinating dimension is the degree of public awareness and identity with conservation goals and issues. This varies tremendously across the Indo-Pacific with various emphasis on terrestrial and marine issues and could be the subject of an article and research project in its own right.
[^3]: Another important type of classification are the types of likely effects and dynamics that occur when the drive systems are disrupted by mutation, recombination, and selection and how EGE's are likely to be converted into different types, but this goes beyond the scope of this article. | {'timestamp': '2017-06-07T02:05:31', 'yymm': '1706', 'arxiv_id': '1706.01710', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.01710'} |
# Introduction
In the final stages of their evolution, stars in the birth mass range \(\sim1\)--7 M\(_\odot\) ascend the AGB, reaching luminosities of order \(10^4\) L\(_\odot\) due to hydrogen and helium shell burning; Hot Bottom Burning (HBB) at the bottom of the convection zone in the most massive AGB stars can further raise the luminosity, approaching \(10^5\) L\(_\odot\). The nuclear evolution of AGB stars is truncated by mass loss, leaving behind a carbon--oxygen white dwarf. Stars in the birth mass range \(\sim11\)--30 M\(_\odot\) do not develop core degeneracy and instead become core helium burning RSGs. RSGs also evolve along a (short) branch, and their mass loss may or may not change their appearance before they explode as a core-collapse supernova. This leaves a range \(\sim7\)--11 M\(_\odot\) unaccounted for; these are the super-AGB stars, which behave very much like massive AGB stars but ignite carbon burning in the core before leaving an oxygen--neon--magnesium white dwarf or undergoing electron-capture core-collapse. The actual mass range is much narrower, but the boundaries are uncertain. Understanding the fate of super-AGB stars, and recognising them in nature, presents one of the greatest challenges in contemporary astrophysics.
# Do we know any super-AGB star?
No. Claims are sometimes made, on the basis of surface abundances (rubidium, lithium) or luminosities (above the classical AGB limit), but we lack a way to unequivocally distinguish super-AGB stars from massive AGB stars experiencing HBB. Nonetheless, we should keep a record of candidates for when we have a way to confirm, or refute, their super-AGB nature. Until then, "discoveries" of super-AGB stars are steeped in controversy. A fascinating example is the bright Harvard Variable, HV 2112 in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC). It is a little more luminous than the classical AGB limit, sometimes as cool as spectral type M7.5, and has a relatively long pulsation period --commensurate with being such a large star. Things got more exciting when detected lithium, which indicated some level of HBB even if not clinching its status as a super-AGB star. In that same year, however, showed lithium to be absent. Nothing much happened, until proposed that HV 2112 could also be a Thorne--\(\dot{\rm Z}\)ytkow object--a neutron star which ended up inside a stellar mantle. This conjecture was immediately put to the test by, who note the difficulty in distinguishing between the different origins of similar peculiarities--the calcium abundance might be the discriminating feature, in favour of a Thorne--\(\dot{\rm Z}\)ytkow object. But does HV 2122 in fact reside in the SMC, and is a relatively massive star? concluded on the basis of proper motion measurements that HV 2112 must instead belong to the Galactic Halo, and be an extrinsic S-type star upon which the anomalous abundances had been imprinted by a companion AGB star. This would explain the calcium abundance, which is generally high in the Halo. The radial velocity, whilst not excluding Halo membership, is however consistent with that of the SMC. Revisiting the proper motion, reinstate its SMC membership. The saga continues.
# Converting luminosity functions into star formation histories
As stars of different birth masses attain different luminosities during their lives as AGB stars, super-AGB stars or RSGs, their luminosity distribution reflects the star formation history (SFH). However, the evolutionary tracks are difficult to separate especially if there is a spread in metallicity, and so the luminosity distribution will be a blend of the luminosity evolution of stars of a range of birth masses, especially on the AGB. Evolution in luminosity is curtailed, though, once stars lose mass at very high rates, so if one could identify stars in that extreme final phase the luminosity distributions would map much more cleanly onto the SFH. Luckily, these stars develop strong, long-period variability (LPV) as their atmospheres pulsate and (help) drive the mass loss. A method was devised to determine the SFH from the luminosity distribution of LPVs by, and applied to a near-infrared monitoring survey of LPVs in the Local Group spiral galaxy M 33. If \(dn^\prime(t)\) is the number of LPVs associated with all stars that formed within a timespan \(dt\) around lookback time \(t\), then the star formation rate around that time is \[\frac{\int_{\rm min}^{\rm max}f_{\rm IMF}(m)m\,dm} {\int_{m(t)}^{m(t+dt)}f_{\rm IMF}(m)\,dm},\] where \(f_{\rm IMF}\) is the initial mass (\(m\)) function and \(\delta t\) the LPV lifetime. The method relies on stellar evolution models; only the Padova group predicts all of the essential information. This is a problem, as different models predict a different final luminosity for a given birth mass, and different lifetimes before and during the LPV phase. It is also a blessing *because* it is model dependent, as it opens an avenue into calibrating the models and thus offers insight into the physics. This became apparent very soon, when found that the inferred integrated mass loss exceeded the birth mass. If we define \[\eta\ =\ \frac{\Sigma_{i=1}^N\left(\dot{M}_i\times(\delta t)_i\right)} {\Sigma_{i=1}^NM_i},\] then \(\eta(m)=1-m_{\rm final}/m_{\rm birth}<1\) always, but the measurements yielded \(\eta>1\). At least part of the solution had to be a downward revision of the LPV lifetimes, which was later confirmed independently by the Padova group themselves. The revised lifetimes were used to derive a more reliable SFH for M 33.
# Mass loss from dusty AGB stars and red supergiants
Mass-loss rates can be determined from dusty AGB stars and RSGs by modelling the spectral energy distribution (SED) using a radiative transfer model. The first such systematic analysis for stars with known distances was performed for populations within the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) by, who found that mass-loss rates exceeded nuclear consumption rates for most of the AGB evolution but not for much of the RSG evolution. This means that AGB stars avoid SN but RSGs do not. They also found evidence that the mass-loss rate increases during the evolution along the AGB as the luminosity increases and the photosphere cools, though RSGs in particular seem to exhibit more abrupt variations between mild and possibly short episodes of much enhanced mass loss. This was put on a more quantitative footing by who parameterised the mass-loss rate during the dusty phase of (massive) AGB and RSG evolution as \[\begin{aligned}
\log{\dot{M}}\ =\ &-5.65+1.05\log(L/10\,000\,{\rm L}_\odot) \nonumber \\ &-6.3\log(T_{\rm eff}/3500\,{\rm K}), \end{aligned}\] with no evidence for a metallicity dependence. The dependence on temperature seems very strong but it must be realised that the temperatures among these kinds of stars fall within a limited range (\(\sim2500\)--4000 K). Because the mass-loss rate that is derived from the SED depends on how much the dust is diluted it has a dependence on the wind speed, \(v_{\rm exp}\). What is really seen directly is the optical depth of the dusty envelope: \[\tau\ \propto\ \frac{\dot{M}}{r_{\rm gd}v_{\rm exp}\sqrt{L}},\] where \(r_{\rm gd}\) is the gas:dust mass ratio. However, if the wind is driven by radiation pressure upon the dust, then \[v_{\rm exp}\ \propto\ \frac{L^{1/4}}{r_{\rm gd}^{1/2}}.\] By measuring \(v_{\rm exp}\) directly, for instance from the double-horned hydroxyl maser line profile, its value can be reconciled with the SED modelling by tuning the value for \(r_{\rm gd}\). This led to determine a more sophisticated formula for the mass-loss rates from AGB stars and RSGs in the LMC, Galactic Centre and Galactic Bulge with known pulsation periods \(P\): \[\begin{aligned}
\log{\dot{M}}\ =\-4.97+0.90\log(L/10\,000\,{\rm L}_\odot) \nonumber \\ +0.75\log(P/500\,{\rm d})-0.03\log(r_{\rm gd}/200). \end{aligned}\] This time \(P\) instead of \(T_{\rm eff}\) measures the size of the star (in combination with \(L\)), but the resemblance to the formula found earlier is striking. There is no dependence on the gas:dust ratio and, by inference, on the metallicity. The mass loss probed in the dusty phases may only be part of the story. If sustained over an extended period of time, moderate mass loss may matter too. Likewise, the metallicity of massive AGB stars and RSGs in the SMC is only \(\sim0.2\) Z\(_\odot\) (as opposed to \(\sim0.5\) Z\(_\odot\) in the LMC), and stars become dusty later in their evolution, possibly having lost more mass in other ways before. indeed found that most RSGs exhibit moderate mass-loss rates, \(\sim10^{-6}\) M\(_\odot\) yr\(^{-1}\), which agrees with the study by of Galactic RSGs among which only few exhibit mass-loss rates \(>10^{-5}\) M\(_\odot\) yr\(^{-1}\). While this confirms the earlier findings by, no clear bimodality was seen. Larger populations of massive AGB stars and RSGs are needed to be more conclusive about the rarest, but most intense phases of mass loss in comparison to the more common, gentler phases. To that aim, following from and the extended survey by, Javadi et al. (in prep.) have measured mass-loss rates for thousands such stars in M 33. They confirm the gradual evolution in mass loss along the AGB and the bimodal mass loss on the RSG, with the rates increasing in proportion to luminosity. These studies show no evidence for anything peculiar to be happening to super-AGB stars. If anything, they are most likely to follow the extension of the AGB sequence and attain exuberant mass-loss rates of \(\sim10^{-4}\) M\(_\odot\) yr\(^{-1}\). An accurate assessment of the integrated mass loss might lead us to exclude--or allow--their possible fate as electron-capture SN. An alternative route to mapping the evolution of mass loss along the AGB or RSG branch is based on the fact that populous clusters may show more than one such example. Given the fast evolution in those advanced stages, we are essentially watching a star of the same mass at different moments in its evolution, as snaphots in a movie. pioneered this approach in the Galactic cluster RSG C1, and more recently applied the same principle to the LMC cluster NGC 2100. They both confirm the increase in mass loss along the RSG branch. Such studies in clusters in which we *know* super-AGB stars should form may elucidate the properties, evolution and fate of super-AGB stars where field studies struggle to recognise them. Apart from the difficulty in finding such clusters, it may be difficult to catch them at their most extreme.
# Beyond the red supergiant and asymptotic giant branches
Massive AGB stars and RSGs can undergo a blueward excursion as a result of core expansion before returning to the cool giant branch--a "blue loop". This is a much slower transformation than the "jump" from the main sequence to the giant branch, and is responsible for populating the Cepheid instability strip. Cepheid variables therefore could be extremely valuable probes of what may already have happened to these stars on the cool giant branch, such as any mass loss, especially as their pulsational properties depend on their current mass. It also means that the cool giant branches are populated by stars that have, and those that have not undergone a blue loop--again, these may differ as a result of the mass loss during their lives as blue (or yellow) supergiants. Typically, much fewer warm supergiants are seen than are predicted by the models, which suggests that the models do not yet adequately account for certain processes that happen inside RSGs. Pulsation periods lengthen as a star expands when it is reduced in mass, so period--luminosity diagrams of AGB and RSG LPVs have the potential to trace mass loss and possibly the effects of blue loops. Also, the mode in which the pulsation is excited depends on stellar structure. charted this parameterspace for RSGs in the Magellanic Clouds, M 33 and the Milky Way but their combination with similar information for AGB stars left an unfortunate gap right around where super-AGB stars could be found. This must--and can--be remedied. AGB stars and RSGs may also move irreversibly towards hotter photospheres, due to mass loss (by a wind or stripping in a binary system). The luminosity distribution over post-AGB stars and post-RSGs must be devoid of the birth masses associated with the electron-capture SN demise of the more massive among super-AGB stars, and depleted of those RSGs which encountered their end in a SN. Again, a concerted analysis is required, where in the past different communities have often concentrated on just the lower-mass (post-)AGB stars or on just the higher-mass (post-)RSGs.
# The progenitors and remnants of core-collapse supernovæ
Having established that many RSGs most likely do not lose their envelope before the core collapses, it is comforting that all of the SN type II-P progenitors that have been discovered so far are RSGs. Their birth mass range is estimated to be \(\sim9\)--17 M\(_\odot\), though the upper limits could allow dusty RSGs as massive as \(\sim21\) M\(_\odot\) to have resulted in II-P SNe. This would also be more consistent with the above findings about the mass-loss rates of RSGs, where a proportion of core-collapsing RSGs should experience high mass-loss rates. The confirmed RSG progenitors tend to be of relatively early spectral type and thus constitute those RSGs that have lost relatively little of their mantle. What exactly determines the difference in rate of evolution of the core--setting the timing of core collapse--and of the mantle--setting the mass loss, is unclear, but larger samples of discoveries and limits on progenitors of II-P SNe should help elucidate this: their lightcurves and spectral evolution may reveal differences in the mantle mass and circumstellar density, whilst their galactic environments may reveal a dependence on metallicity. Likewise, a connection between RSG evolution and mass loss on the one hand, and SNe of types II-L and Ib on the other, may be made if the more massive RSGs (\(\sim20\)--30 M\(_\odot\) lose most of their mantle before exploding. A metallicity effect on the properties of the SN resulting from the explosion of a RSG (or super-AGB star) is expected even if the mass-loss rate does not change, because the winds are slower at lower metallicity. This would increase the circumburst density, with implications for the SN lightcurve. It also means that the reverse shock may be stronger. The SN has a devastating effect on the dust produced by the RSG, even if it did not explode as a RSG as the SN ejecta move at \(\sim10^3\) times the speed of the RSG wind and catch up within a century. The RSG dust, and any ISM dust in the vicinity, is sputtered in the forward shock, whilst the reverse shock sputters much of the dust produced in the SN ejecta. The net effect being that SNe are dust destroyers. Because SN remnants (SNRs) can be seen for \(>10^4\) yr they might tell us something about the SN progenitors in their final \(<10^4\) yr that is difficult to capture while they are still alive. The two most prolific SN factories known, NGC 6946 and M 83 exhibit hundreds of SNRs.
# The next frontier
A naive estimate for a massive spiral galaxy suggests one RSG explodes every century. With a typical RSG lifetime of \(\sim10^3\) centuries, we thus expect to find a population of order \(10^3\) RSGs. Thus the statistics look extremely promising for studies of the luminosity distribution and the evolution of mass loss of RSGs (and super-AGB stars) in such galaxies. The next step from the Magellanic Clouds can take us to the nearest spiral galaxies, M 33 and M 31 at \(\sim0.9\) Mpc, or NGC 300 and the metal-poor dwarf Sextans A, both within 2 Mpc. Indeed, the Surveying the Agents of Galaxy Evolution (SAGE) team, who have revolutionised our views of the Magellanic Clouds, are proposing an Early Release Science programme for the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) precisely to do that. But how far could we go? M 101 is the most massive spiral galaxy within 7 Mpc, viewed face on. Bamber et al. (in prep.) have used groundbased and *Spitzer* infrared images, and *Hubble* optical images, to identify RSG candidates across the entire disc. The *Spitzer* data are heavily compromised by the limits in resolution and sensitivity, and JWST will be both necessary and sufficient to quantify the dust production by RSGs in M 101. Likewise, the luminosity distribution suffers from incompleteness at the low end. Still, it reveals a tantalising first glimpse of the evolution of the most luminous RSGs (Fig. [\[m101\]](#m101){reference-type="ref" reference="m101"}): a healthy number of RSGs in the \(\sim17\)--22 M\(_\odot\) range suggests these could well be the progenitors of SNe, while the sharp drop that sets in at higher masses suggests much diminished RSG lifetimes. The latter is not unexpected if those are the RSGs that become Wolf--Rayet stars, as a result of stronger mass loss.
# Will we find super-AGB stars?
Yes. We look towards our colleagues who model the structure and dynamical behaviour, and nucleosynthesis and surface enrichment of super-AGB stars to make predictions for the observable signatures that can tell super-AGB stars apart from other massive AGB stars (and RSGs). We also need to reach an agreement on the birth-mass range of super-AGB stars. Meanwhile, we look for peculiarities or more subtle hints of deviations, that indicate we may be dealing with a star of a different kind. | {'timestamp': '2017-06-07T02:05:59', 'yymm': '1706', 'arxiv_id': '1706.01729', 'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.01729'} |
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