audio | transcript
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float64 |
good morning brother. | 2.4 |
prepare and file a convenience compilation. | 3.16 |
why, why. | 1.32 |
everyone should. | 1.44 |
alright, we will say this. | 2.04 |
what we will say. | 0.28 |
alright we will say this, that, the hearing of the petitions before the constitution bench | 5.08 |
shall commence on the second of august twenty twenty three at ten thirty am, and | 6.72 |
shall thereafter proceed from day to day, except for the miscellaneous days, namely, mondays and | 12.48 |
fridays. it has been agreed that mister prasanna, learned counsel assisting on the side of | 5.64 |
the petitioners and mister kanu agarwal, learned counsel appearing assisting on the side of the | 9.28 |
respondents shall be the nodal counsel for the preparation of common convenience compilations. | 8.2 |
my lord that is filed. | 1.24 |
since convenience compilations have already been prepared earlier, should any of the counsel seek to | 12.52 |
add to them, this shall be done positively by the twenty seventh of july twenty | 6.36 |
twenty three. | 1.96 |
the nodal counsel shall ensure that the convenience compilations are indexed and paginated to facilitate | 11.24 |
the hearing. | 1.96 |
all the learned counsel shall be given copies of the convenience compilation so indexed and | 8.24 |
paginated immediately after the compilations are prepared. | 9.6 |
the convenience compilations shall, written submissions shall also be filed on or before the twenty | 9.24 |
seventh of july twenty twenty three. | 3.64 |
after the twenty seventh of july twenty twenty three, no further additions to the convenience | 8.56 |
but parties may like to add to it. | 2.92 |
compilation shall be permissible and the arguments shall proceed on the basis of the status | 7.28 |
of the record as on the twenty seventh of july twenty twenty three. | 4.68 |
the solicitor general has informed the court that the union of india, that though the | 5.72 |
union of india has filed an additional affidavit, setting out the perspective of the union | 6.08 |
government in regard to the post notification developments, the contents of the affidavit have no | 9 |
bearing on the constitutional issues which are raised in the petitions and which shall hence | 4.76 |
not be relied upon. | 1.32 |
for that purpose. | 1.36 |
for that purpose. | 1.08 |
my lords, small, there is. | 3 |
the links are available. | 1.48 |
even chief justice, the synopsis i think they have been filed by both the parties | 5.6 |
already. | 0.6 |
just one second, justice kaul is trying to say something. | 3.28 |
yes justice kaul? | 0.56 |
my lord shall permit me allow to speak. | 1.36 |
just one second, justice kaul was saying something, because he is online. | 4.84 |
in view of the stage which this matter had reached, chief justice, the synopsis also | 5.16 |
had been filed by the parties. | 1.32 |
so unless they want to supplement it, both sides had filed, at least especially the | 5.44 |
petitioners' side had almost completed argument. | 1.8 |
the links are available. | 0.88 |
so the synopsis was already filed. | 2.04 |
so they may look at whether they want to rely on you know, somewhat altering | 4.08 |
the same may not be useful. | 1.92 |
justice kaul says if you don't want to supplement from. | 2.96 |
we need to supplement. | 1.28 |
there have been subsequent judgements which have come in the last two years which we | 5.84 |
have to rely on. | 0.92 |
that's right. | 0.84 |
supplement if required. | 2.12 |
that you have already said now. | 2.84 |
there is a nodal counsel on this side. | 2.24 |
democratic parties. | 2.04 |
there are totally. | 0.84 |
my lord. any additional material which is permitted to be filed by the date so | 5.76 |
prescribed, shall be filed only through the nodal counsel. | 4.6 |
the only concern in asking this kind of indulgence is, especially in a matter like | 5.56 |
this, the course of an argument, a perspective on how you look at a constitutional | 5.64 |
provision or even develop and take earlier or later, how they could be seen in | 5.92 |
a particular perspective will be matter for the court and the counsel to assist the | 3.12 |
court. therefore to foreclose everything at this stage would be little problematic. | 3.84 |
let there be a. | 3.56 |
the nodal counsel on their side may have to be. | 2.88 |
only document. | 0.96 |
mister attorney general, it will become impossible because if people start filing things, i think | 5.92 |
this is now dot let us now follow this as a modality for constitution bench | 3.88 |
hearings that at least a week before the hearing starts, everybody is aware of what | 5.88 |
they are going to argue, and then you conclude it with. | 2.4 |
my lords. only one last thing which i wanted to suggest was this, apportionment of | 5.08 |
time. | 1.12 |
i think that's very important. | 1.28 |
i would suggest that on the side of the petitioners you must sit down together, | 4.32 |
decide who is going to argue what point. | 3 |
who is the nodal counsel on your side? | 2.4 |
mister ramachandran is leading us. | 1.24 |
the order in which arguments would be addressed should be given to us in advance | 4.52 |
by the nodal counsel. | 1.16 |
likewise, on the side of the respondents. and please apportion time between yourselves. | 4.8 |
we might do that before we commence the hearing. | 3.6 |
on this side also we'll do. | 1.12 |
do that so that you know we can. | 1.76 |
we've done it before, we will do that. | 3.04 |
we have twenty three petitions my lords on this list, of which fourteen of them | 4.72 |
are the challenges. | 0.76 |
mister prasanna. mister prasanna, and. | 1.24 |
the three hundred and seventy challenges. | 0.88 |
eight of them are prior in time, which are challenging article thirty five (a). | 4.6 |
those actually can evade the outcome of these fourteen, because if we succeed here then | 5.68 |
those have to be heard. | 1.28 |
if we fail completely here then those become infructuous. | 2.72 |
they are on the list. | 1.04 |
i have in fact. | 1.44 |
you can hand it over to the court master. | 3.64 |
and perhaps what you can do is, this can be added in the convenience compilation | 3.72 |
so that instead of taking. | 1.68 |
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