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1 | the film has too many spots where it 's on slippery footing , but is acceptable entertainment for the entire family and one that 's especially fit for the kiddies . |
2 | when it 's not wallowing in hormonal melodrama , `` real women have curves '' is a sweet , honest , and enjoyable comedy-drama about a young woman who wants many things in life , but fears she 'll become her mother before she gets to fulfill her dreams . |
1 | that death is merely a transition is a common tenet in the world 's religions . |
1 | but you 'd never guess that from the performances . |
2 | cold , nervy and memorable . |
1 | feels as if the inmates have actually taken over the asylum . |
0 | first-timer john mckay is never able to pull it back on course . |
0 | you can practically hear george orwell turning over . |
0 | helmer hudlin tries to make a hip comedy , but his dependence on slapstick defeats the possibility of creating a more darkly edged tome . |
2 | passion , melodrama , sorrow , laugther , and tears cascade over the screen effortlessly ... |
2 | eric schweig and graham greene both exude an air of dignity that 's perfect for the proud warrior that still lingers in the souls of these characters . |
0 | what jackson has done is proven that no amount of imagination , no creature , no fantasy story and no incredibly outlandish scenery |
0 | there is n't one moment in the film that surprises or delights . |
1 | supposedly based upon real , or at least soberly reported incidents , the film ends with a large human tragedy . |
2 | spiderman rocks |
0 | the plot is plastered with one hollywood cliche after another , most of which involve precocious kids getting the better of obnoxious adults . |
0 | astonishing is n't the word -- neither is incompetent , incoherent or just plain crap . |
0 | you might want to take a reality check before you pay the full ticket price to see `` simone , '' and consider a dvd rental instead . |
0 | unfortunately , a cast of competent performers from movies , television and the theater are cast adrift in various new york city locations with no unifying rhythm or visual style . |
2 | kids five and up will be delighted with the fast , funny , and even touching story . |
2 | still , the updated dickensian sensibility of writer craig bartlett 's story is appealing . |
2 | waydowntown manages to nail the spirit-crushing ennui of denuded urban living without giving in to it . |
2 | he watches them as they float within the seas of their personalities . |
0 | hard as this may be to believe , here on earth , a surprisingly similar teen drama , was a better film . |
2 | it 's a funny little movie with clever dialogue and likeable characters . |
2 | this charming , thought-provoking new york fest of life and love has its rewards . |
1 | cube 's charisma and chemistry compensate for corniness and cliche . |
0 | a full-frontal attack on audience patience . |
0 | ... less a story than an inexplicable nightmare , right down to the population 's shrugging acceptance to each new horror . |
1 | tony gayton 's script does n't give us anything we have n't seen before , but director d.j. caruso 's grimy visual veneer and kilmer 's absorbing performance increase the gravitational pull considerably . |
0 | this long and relentlessly saccharine film is a clear case of preaching to the converted . |
2 | the film is old-fashioned , occasionally charming and as subtle as boldface . |
1 | it 's a 100-year old mystery that is constantly being interrupted by elizabeth hurley in a bathing suit . |
2 | an entertaining mix of period drama and flat-out farce that should please history fans . |
2 | a very well-meaning movie , and it will stand in future years as an eloquent memorial to the world trade center tragedy . |
1 | we get an image of big papa spanning history , rather than suspending it . |
2 | it 's pretty linear and only makeup-deep , but bogdanovich ties it together with efficiency and an affection for the period . |
2 | adaptation is simply brilliant . |
2 | a thought-provoking picture . |
2 | but arriving at a particularly dark moment in history , it offers flickering reminders of the ties that bind us . |
2 | director charles stone iii applies more detail to the film 's music than to the story line ; what 's best about drumline is its energy . |
0 | presents nothing special and , until the final act , nothing overtly disagreeable . |
1 | williams plays sy , another of his open-faced , smiling madmen , like the killer in insomnia . |
1 | ... its stupidities wind up sticking in one 's mind a lot more than the cool bits . |
2 | turturro is fabulously funny and over the top as a ` very sneaky ' butler who excels in the art of impossible disappearing\/reappearing acts |
1 | from beginning to end , this overheated melodrama plays like a student film . |
0 | director yu seems far more interested in gross-out humor than in showing us well-thought stunts or a car chase that we have n't seen 10,000 times . |
0 | average , at best , i 'm afraid . |
2 | this is a superior horror flick . |
2 | the cast delivers without sham the raw-nerved story . |
2 | all in all , it 's a pretty good execution of a story that 's a lot richer than the ones hollywood action screenwriters usually come up with on their own . |
1 | yet another self-consciously overwritten story about a rag-tag bunch of would-be characters that team up for a ca n't - miss heist -- only to have it all go wrong . |
2 | it 's got all the familiar bruckheimer elements , and schumacher does probably as good a job as anyone at bringing off the hopkins\/rock collision of acting styles and onscreen personas . |
0 | i felt trapped and with no obvious escape for the entire 100 minutes . |
0 | although i did n't hate this one , it 's not very good either . |
0 | cattaneo reworks the formula that made the full monty a smashing success ... but neglects to add the magic that made it all work . |
2 | a moving and not infrequently breathtaking film . |
2 | while the plot follows a predictable connect-the-dots course ... director john schultz colors the picture in some evocative shades . |
0 | anemic , pretentious . |
1 | i know we 're not supposed to take it seriously , but i ca n't shake the thought that undercover brother missed an opportunity to strongly present some profound social commentary . |
2 | with few respites , marshall keeps the energy humming , and his edits , unlike those in moulin rouge , are crisp and purposeful without overdoing it . |
1 | wiseman reveals the victims of domestic abuse in all of their pity and terror . |
2 | light-years ahead of paint-by-number american blockbusters like pearl harbor , at least artistically . |
2 | one of those unassuming films that sneaks up on you and stays with you long after you have left the theatre . |
1 | to work , love stories require the full emotional involvement and support of a viewer . |
1 | trailer park magnolia : too long , too cutesy , too sure of its own importance , and possessed of that peculiar tension of being too dense & about nothing at all . |
2 | all of it works smoothly under the direction of spielberg , who does a convincing impersonation here of a director enjoying himself immensely . |
0 | a work that lacks both a purpose and a strong pulse . |
1 | very well made , but does n't generate a lot of tension . |
2 | a moving , if uneven , success . |
0 | it 's one thing to read about or rail against the ongoing - and unprecedented - construction project going on over our heads . |
2 | -lrb- a -rrb- real pleasure in its laid-back way . |
1 | what is the filmmakers ' point ? |
1 | trades run-of-the-mill revulsion for extreme unease . |
0 | feels like pieces a bunch of other , better movies slapped together . |
1 | reeks of rot and hack work from start to finish . |
0 | has all the hallmarks of a movie designed strictly for children 's home video , a market so insatiable it absorbs all manner of lame entertainment , as long as 3-year-olds find it diverting . |
0 | ... too contrived to be as naturally charming as it needs to be . |
2 | ... in no way original , or even all that memorable , but as downtown saturday matinee brain candy , it does n't disappoint . |
0 | the 50-something lovebirds are too immature and unappealing to care about . |
0 | after a while , the only way for a reasonably intelligent person to get through the country bears is to ponder how a whole segment of pop-music history has been allowed to get wet , fuzzy and sticky . |
2 | a lot of fun , with an undeniable energy sparked by two actresses in their 50s working at the peak of their powers . |
2 | a breathtaking adventure for all ages , spirit tells its poignant and uplifting story in a stunning fusion of music and images . |
2 | this is a nicely handled affair , a film about human darkness but etched with a light -lrb- yet unsentimental -rrb- touch . |
0 | a bland animated sequel that hardly seems worth the effort . |
0 | unspeakable , of course , barely begins to describe the plot and its complications . |
0 | a limp eddie murphy vehicle that even he seems embarrassed to be part of . |
2 | the film sparkles with the the wisdom and humor of its subjects . |
0 | though a capable thriller , somewhere along the way k-19 jettisoned some crucial drama . |
2 | it 's ... worth the extra effort to see an artist , still committed to growth in his ninth decade , change while remaining true to his principles with a film whose very subject is , quite pointedly , about the peril of such efforts . |
2 | in auteil 's less dramatic but equally incisive performance , he 's a charismatic charmer likely to seduce and conquer . |
1 | when seagal appeared in an orange prison jumpsuit , i wanted to stand up in the theater and shout , ` hey , kool-aid ! ' |
0 | how many more times will indie filmmakers subject us to boring , self-important stories of how horrible we are to ourselves and each other ? |
1 | the vistas are sweeping and the acting is far from painful . |
2 | this is a movie that refreshes the mind and spirit along with the body , so original is its content , look , and style . |
2 | a much better documentary -- more revealing , more emotional and more surprising -- than its pedestrian english title would have you believe . |
1 | handsome and sincere but slightly awkward in its combination of entertainment and evangelical boosterism . |
2 | ` if you are in the mood for an intelligent weepy , it can easily worm its way into your heart . ' |
2 | who knows , but it works under the direction of kevin reynolds . |
1 | at its best -lrb- and it does have some very funny sequences -rrb- looking for leonard reminds you just how comically subversive silence can be . |
Subsets and Splits