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0 | lacks depth . |
1 | i 'll put it this way : if you 're in the mood for a melodrama narrated by talking fish , this is the movie for you . |
0 | it 's as if solondz had two ideas for two movies , could n't really figure out how to flesh either out , so he just slopped ` em together here . |
0 | in the end , tuck everlasting falls victim to that everlasting conundrum experienced by every human who ever lived : too much to do , too little time to do it in . |
2 | this slight premise ... works because of the ideal casting of the masterful british actor ian holm as the aged napoleon . |
0 | rarely has sex on screen been so aggressively anti-erotic . |
2 | straightforward and old-fashioned in the best possible senses of both those words , possession is a movie that puts itself squarely in the service of the lovers who inhabit it . |
2 | though the story ... is hackneyed , the characters have a freshness and modesty that transcends their predicament . |
1 | for all the complications , it 's all surprisingly predictable . |
1 | she 's not yet an actress , not quite a singer ... |
2 | it 's light on the chills and heavy on the atmospheric weirdness , and there are moments of jaw-droppingly odd behavior -- yet i found it weirdly appealing . |
2 | the first tunisian film i have ever seen , and it 's also probably the most good-hearted yet sensual entertainment i 'm likely to see all year . |
1 | yo , it 's the days of our lives meets electric boogaloo . |
2 | anybody who enjoys quirky , fun , popcorn movies with a touch of silliness and a little bloodshed . |
2 | as the dominant christine , sylvie testud is icily brilliant . |
0 | the makers of mothman prophecies succeed in producing that most frightening of all movies -- a mediocre horror film too bad to be good and too good to be bad . |
2 | -lrb- a -rrb- devastatingly powerful and astonishingly vivid holocaust drama . |
2 | dogtown & z-boys evokes the blithe rebel fantasy with the kind of insouciance embedded in the sexy demise of james dean . |
1 | die another day is only intermittently entertaining but it 's hard not to be a sucker for its charms , or perhaps it 's just impossible not to feel nostalgia for movies you grew up with . |
2 | it works well enough , since the thrills pop up frequently , and the dispatching of the cast is as often imaginative as it is gory . |
2 | -lrb- hayek -rrb- throws herself into this dream hispanic role with a teeth-clenching gusto , she strikes a potent chemistry with molina and she gradually makes us believe she is kahlo . |
0 | the film 's needlessly opaque intro takes its doe-eyed crudup out of pre-9 \/ 11 new york and onto a cross-country road trip of the homeric kind . |
1 | there are things to like about murder by numbers -- but , in the end , the disparate elements do n't gel . |
0 | the biggest problem with satin rouge is lilia herself . |
0 | the thought of watching this film with an audience full of teenagers fixating on its body humour and reinforcement of stereotypes -lrb- of which they 'll get plenty -rrb- fills me with revulsion . |
2 | captivates and shows how a skillful filmmaker can impart a message without bludgeoning the audience over the head . |
0 | jaglom offers the none-too-original premise that everyone involved with moviemaking is a con artist and a liar . |
0 | contrived , maudlin and cliche-ridden ... if this sappy script was the best the contest received , those rejected must have been astronomically bad . |
0 | one suspects that craven endorses they simply because this movie makes his own look much better by comparison . |
0 | the film 's final hour , where nearly all the previous unseen material resides , is unconvincing soap opera that tornatore was right to cut . |
2 | like its bizarre heroine , it irrigates our souls . |
1 | to be more engaging on an emotional level , funnier , and on the whole less detached . |
2 | savvy director robert j. siegel and his co-writers keep the story subtle and us in suspense . |
0 | puts on airs of a hal hartley wannabe film -- without the vital comic ingredient of the hilarious writer-director himself . |
1 | ... best seen as speculative history , as much an exploration of the paranoid impulse as a creative sequel to the warren report . |
0 | the appeal of the vulgar , sexist , racist humour went over my head or -- considering just how low brow it is -- perhaps it snuck under my feet . |
0 | has the disjointed feel of a bunch of strung-together tv episodes . |
2 | while broomfield 's film does n't capture the effect of these tragic deaths on hip-hop culture , it succeeds as a powerful look at a failure of our justice system . |
1 | some movies blend together as they become distant memories . |
1 | what ` dumb and dumber ' would have been without the vulgarity and with an intelligent , life-affirming script . |
0 | completely creatively stillborn and executed in a manner that i 'm not sure could be a single iota worse ... a soulless hunk of exploitative garbage . |
2 | ... a vivid , thoughtful , unapologetically raw coming-of-age tale full of sex , drugs and rock 'n' roll . |
2 | a treat for its depiction on not giving up on dreams when you 're a struggling nobody . |
1 | what you end up getting is the vertical limit of surfing movies - memorable stunts with lots of downtime in between . |
0 | it 's fitting that a movie as artificial and soulless as the country bears owes its genesis to an animatronic display at disneyland . |
0 | we do n't get paid enough to sit through crap like this . |
0 | feels like a cold old man going through the motions . |
2 | both an admirable reconstruction of terrible events , and a fitting memorial to the dead of that day , and of the thousands thereafter . |
2 | bravado kathy ! |
1 | occasionally interesting but essentially unpersuasive , a footnote to a still evolving story . |
1 | a crude teen-oriented variation on a theme that the playwright craig lucas explored with infinitely more grace and eloquence in his prelude to a kiss . |
1 | it 's the movie equivalent of a sweaty old guy in a rain coat shopping for cheap porn . |
0 | execrable . |
0 | -lrb- seagal 's -rrb- strenuous attempt at a change in expression could very well clinch him this year 's razzie . |
0 | thoroughly awful . |
2 | the production values are of the highest and the performances attractive without being memorable . |
0 | starts as a tart little lemon drop of a movie and ends up as a bitter pill . |
1 | entertaining despite its one-joke premise with the thesis that women from venus and men from mars can indeed get together . |
2 | despite besson 's high-profile name being wasabi 's big selling point , there is no doubt that krawczyk deserves a huge amount of the credit for the film 's thoroughly winning tone . |
0 | often lingers just as long on the irrelevant as on the engaging , which gradually turns what time is it there ? |
2 | a sensitive , moving , brilliantly constructed work . |
1 | perhaps the most annoying thing about who is cletis tout ? |
0 | not exaggerated enough to be a parody of gross-out flicks , college flicks , or even flicks in general . |
0 | a high-minded snoozer . |
1 | the wonderful combination of the sweetness and the extraordinary technical accomplishments of the first film are maintained , but its overall impact falls a little flat with a storyline that never quite delivers the original magic . |
2 | bring on the sequel . |
2 | judging by those standards , ` scratch ' is a pretty decent little documentary . |
0 | a movie like the guys is why film criticism can be considered work . |
0 | pc stability notwithstanding , the film suffers from a simplistic narrative and a pat , fairy-tale conclusion . |
1 | although tender and touching , the movie would have benefited from a little more dramatic tension and some more editing . |
2 | an often watchable , though goofy and lurid , blast of a costume drama set in the late 15th century . |
0 | check your brain and your secret agent decoder ring at the door because you do n't want to think too much about what 's going on . |
2 | a seriocomic debut of extravagant promise by georgian-israeli director dover kosashvili . |
0 | as saccharine as it is disposable . |
2 | the film becomes an overwhelming pleasure , and you find yourself rooting for gai 's character to avoid the fate that has befallen every other carmen before her . |
2 | matters play out realistically if not always fairly . |
0 | as lively an account as seinfeld is deadpan . |
2 | it may not be a great piece of filmmaking , but its power comes from its soul 's - eye view of how well-meaning patronizing masked a social injustice , at least as represented by this case . |
0 | the only thing that distinguishes a randall wallace film from any other is the fact that there is nothing distinguishing in a randall wallace film . |
1 | is clever enough , though thin writing proves its undoing . |
0 | contains all the substance of a twinkie -- easy to swallow , but scarcely nourishing . |
2 | cremaster 3 is at once a tough pill to swallow and a minor miracle of self-expression . |
0 | ver wiel 's desperate attempt at wit is lost , leaving the character of critical jim two-dimensional and pointless . |
2 | instead of hitting the audience over the head with a moral , schrader relies on subtle ironies and visual devices to convey point of view . |
0 | a sustained fest of self-congratulation between actor and director that leaves scant place for the viewer . |
0 | a lame romantic comedy about an unsympathetic character and someone who would not likely be so stupid as to get involved with her . |
2 | a much more successful translation than its most famous previous film adaptation , writer-director anthony friedman 's similarly updated 1970 british production . |
2 | hugh grant 's act is so consuming that sometimes it 's difficult to tell who the other actors in the movie are . |
0 | mendes still does n't quite know how to fill a frame . |
2 | but darned if it does n't also keep us riveted to our seats . |
0 | such an incomprehensible mess that it feels less like bad cinema than like being stuck in a dark pit having a nightmare about bad cinema . |
1 | the message is that even the most unlikely can link together to conquer all kinds of obstacles , whether they be of nature , of man or of one another . |
1 | if you do n't laugh , flee . |
0 | there 's too much forced drama in this wildly uneven movie , about a young man 's battle with his inescapable past and uncertain future in a very shapable but largely unfulfilling present . |
0 | to call this film a lump of coal would only be to flatter it . |
0 | all of the filmmakers ' calculations ca n't rescue brown sugar from the curse of blandness . |
2 | intriguing and stylish . |
2 | a few nonbelievers may rethink their attitudes when they see the joy the characters take in this creed , but skeptics are n't likely to enter the theater . |
0 | mostly , shafer and co-writer gregory hinton lack a strong-minded viewpoint , or a sense of humor . |
0 | it should be interesting , it should be poignant , it turns out to be affected and boring . |
Subsets and Splits