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msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_343994133#7_657548307 | Title: Methodological Individualism (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
Headings: Methodological Individualism
Methodological Individualism
1. Origins of the Doctrine
2. Austrian School and the Methodenstreit
3. The Search for “Rock Bottom” Explanations
4. The Rational Choice Revival
5. Other Uses of the Term
6. Criticism
6.1 Statistical analysis
6.2 Subintentional explanations
6.3 Microrealization-robustness
6.4 Fallacies
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Other Internet Resources
Content: Generally speaking: coughing is behavior, apologizing afterwards is action.) Updating the terminology somewhat, we can say that the defining characteristic of an action is that it is motivated by a mental state with propositional content, i.e., an intentional state. The importance of action for Weber is that we have interpretive access to it, by virtue of our capacity to understand the agent’s underlying motive. This permits the social scientist to “accomplish something which is never attainable in the natural sciences, namely the subjective understanding of the action of the component individuals” (Weber 1922, 15). Action-theoretic explanation is central to social-scientific analysis, therefore, because without knowing why people do what they do, we do not really understand why any of the more large-scale phenomena with which they are embroiled occur. Thus methodological individualism is a slightly misleading term, since the goal is not to privilege the individual over the collective in social-scientific explanation, but rather to privilege the action-theoretic level of explanation. This privileging of the action-theoretic level is methodological because it is imposed by the structure of interpretive social science, where the goal is to provide an understanding of social phenomena. Actions can be understood in a way that other social phenomena cannot, precisely because they are motivated by intentional states. Yet only individuals possess intentional states, and so the methodological privileging of actions entails the methodological privileging of individuals. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_343994133#8_657550610 | Title: Methodological Individualism (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
Headings: Methodological Individualism
Methodological Individualism
1. Origins of the Doctrine
2. Austrian School and the Methodenstreit
3. The Search for “Rock Bottom” Explanations
4. The Rational Choice Revival
5. Other Uses of the Term
6. Criticism
6.1 Statistical analysis
6.2 Subintentional explanations
6.3 Microrealization-robustness
6.4 Fallacies
Academic Tools
Other Internet Resources
Content: Action-theoretic explanation is central to social-scientific analysis, therefore, because without knowing why people do what they do, we do not really understand why any of the more large-scale phenomena with which they are embroiled occur. Thus methodological individualism is a slightly misleading term, since the goal is not to privilege the individual over the collective in social-scientific explanation, but rather to privilege the action-theoretic level of explanation. This privileging of the action-theoretic level is methodological because it is imposed by the structure of interpretive social science, where the goal is to provide an understanding of social phenomena. Actions can be understood in a way that other social phenomena cannot, precisely because they are motivated by intentional states. Yet only individuals possess intentional states, and so the methodological privileging of actions entails the methodological privileging of individuals. Thus the “individualism” in methodological individualism is more a byproduct of its central theoretical commitment than a motivating factor. This is what defenders to the doctrine have tried to communicate, with greater or lesser degrees of success, by claiming that it is politically or ideologically neutral. It is worth emphasizing the difference between methodological individualism, in Weber’s sense, and the older traditions of atomism (or unqualified individualism) in the social sciences. Many writers claim to find the origins of methodological individualism amongst economists of the Austrian School (especially Carl Menger), and doctrines articulated during the Methodenstreit of the 1880s (Udehn 2001). Others trace it back to Thomas Hobbes, and the “resolutive-compositive” method elaborated in the opening sections of the Leviathan (Lukes 1968, 119). | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_352450965#9_660543134 | Title: Personal Autonomy (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
Headings: Personal Autonomy
Personal Autonomy
1. Introduction
2. Four More or Less Overlapping Accounts of Personal Autonomy
3. Challenges to Identifying the Minimal Conditions of Personal Autonomy
4. Agents as Causes and the Practical Point of View
5. Conclusion
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Content: They influence us in a way that makes a mockery of our authority to determine our own actions. They undermine our autonomy. What distinguishes autonomy-undermining influences on a person’s decision, intention, or will from those motivating forces that merely play a role in the self-governing process? This is the question that all accounts of autonomy try to answer. As the number and variety of these accounts indicate, the distinction is extremely elusive. There is certainly widespread agreement about the paradigm threats to personal autonomy: brainwashing and addiction are the favorite examples in the philosophical literature. But philosophers seem unable to reach a consensus about the precise nature of these threats. They cannot agree about how it is that certain influences on our behavior prevent us from governing ourselves. This disagreement about the defining characteristics of autonomous agency reflects the fact that even as concrete examples appear to call attention to a very real difference between those who govern themselves and those who do not, there are significant conceptual obstacles to making sense of this distinction. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_358244697#12_662391215 | Title: The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Argument in Quantum Theory (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
Headings: The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Argument in Quantum Theory
The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Argument in Quantum Theory
1. Can Quantum Mechanical Description of Physical Reality Be Considered Complete?
1.1 Setting and prehistory
1.2 The argument in the text
1.3 Einstein’s versions of the argument
2. A popular form of the argument: Bohr’s response
3. Development of EPR
3.1 Spin and The Bohm version
3.2 Bell and beyond
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Content: The experiment imagines a box that contains a clock set to time precisely the release (in the box) of a photon with determinate energy. If this were feasible, it would appear to challenge the unrestricted validity of the Heisenberg uncertainty relation that sets a lower bound on the simultaneous uncertainty of energy and time. ( See the entry on the Uncertainty Principle and also Bohr 1949, who describes the discussions at the 1930 conference.) The uncertainty relations, understood not just as a prohibition on what is co-measurable, but on what is simultaneously real, were a central component in the irrealist interpretation of the wave function. Jammer (1974, p. 173) describes how Einstein’s thinking about this experiment, and Bohr’s objections to it, evolved into a different photon-in-a-box experiment, one that allows an observer to determine either the momentum or the position of the photon indirectly, while remaining outside, sitting on the box. Jammer associates this with the distant determination of either momentum or position that, we shall see, is at the heart of the EPR paper. Carsten Held (1998) cites a related correspondence with Paul Ehrenfest from 1932 in which Einstein described an arrangement for the indirect measurement of a particle of mass m using correlations with a photon established through Compton scattering. Einstein’s reflections here foreshadow the argument of EPR, along with noting some of its difficulties. Thus without an experiment on m it is possible to predict freely, at will, either the momentum or the position of m with, in principle, arbitrary precision. This is the reason why I feel compelled to ascribe objective reality to both. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_404055063#1_737001908 | Title: The Five Steps of Change | AMA
Headings: The Five Steps of Change
The Five Steps of Change
Step 1: Awareness
Step 2: Desire
Step 3: Knowledge
Step 4: Action
Step 5: Perseverance
About The Author
Content: Awareness
Change begins with awareness, and admittedly, being objectively aware can be challenging. For example, a manager notices his team of employees is negative and disengaged. He could think, “Okay, there’s negativity going on, and people are working on personal things rather than projects. Let me take a look at this to see how I’ve contributed and what we can do.” On the other hand, his thought might be “I cannot believe how negative everyone is. It’s ridiculous. I don’t know what else I can do—it doesn’t seem to matter. People just don’t have any loyalty—they don’t care about anything but themselves.” Which option do you think has any chance of making a positive change? When we blame and make excuses, we become stuck where we are. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_419580933#5_775646196 | Title: You Certainly Should Know Why Leisure is Actually So Important - Plentifun
Headings: You Certainly Should Know Why Leisure is Actually So Important
You Certainly Should Know Why Leisure is Actually So Important
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Content: The primary aim is to give you sense of self. Importance of Leisure
Leisure activities are important to bring about a positive flow of energy in a person. These activities help to refresh the mind. There are various recreational activities one can choose from to suit individual tastes. At the end of the day, the increased positivity that you experience only reflects the importance of recreation in your life. The following points will help you understand the importance of leisure time. Physical and Health Benefits
Thanks to their busy schedule, people, these days, hardly find time for some leisure. Absence of any physical activities may trigger some serious health issues, especially obesity and heart-related problems. Indulging in some recreational or leisure activities will help you to improve your fitness levels. Take up your favorite sport and have fun while you forget all the work-related tensions. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_419580933#6_775647525 | Title: You Certainly Should Know Why Leisure is Actually So Important - Plentifun
Headings: You Certainly Should Know Why Leisure is Actually So Important
You Certainly Should Know Why Leisure is Actually So Important
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Content: The following points will help you understand the importance of leisure time. Physical and Health Benefits
Thanks to their busy schedule, people, these days, hardly find time for some leisure. Absence of any physical activities may trigger some serious health issues, especially obesity and heart-related problems. Indulging in some recreational or leisure activities will help you to improve your fitness levels. Take up your favorite sport and have fun while you forget all the work-related tensions. Reduces Stress and Depression
Well, most of you would agree that taking some time out for yourself and enjoying your favorite hobby or sport is a great stress buster, isn’t it? Too much of work pressure and the pressure to reach daily targets can leave a person completely stressed and mentally tired. So, take some time out from your busy schedule and get yourself enrolled in some sports, dance classes, or whichever activity you love. This will not only rejuvenate you, but also help you think and work in a better way. Improves the Quality of Life
Doing some activities that you love also boosts your self-esteem to some extent. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_419580933#7_775649081 | Title: You Certainly Should Know Why Leisure is Actually So Important - Plentifun
Headings: You Certainly Should Know Why Leisure is Actually So Important
You Certainly Should Know Why Leisure is Actually So Important
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Content: Reduces Stress and Depression
Well, most of you would agree that taking some time out for yourself and enjoying your favorite hobby or sport is a great stress buster, isn’t it? Too much of work pressure and the pressure to reach daily targets can leave a person completely stressed and mentally tired. So, take some time out from your busy schedule and get yourself enrolled in some sports, dance classes, or whichever activity you love. This will not only rejuvenate you, but also help you think and work in a better way. Improves the Quality of Life
Doing some activities that you love also boosts your self-esteem to some extent. This helps you feel more satisfied with the kind of life that you may be living. It also ensures better functioning of the body as well as mind. Moreover, getting yourself involved in some group activities also connects you with people and brings you closer to them. Spending some time with friends can be a great stress buster. Aids Positivity
Pampering yourself or indulging in some physical activity that refreshes you also brings positivity in your life. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_419580933#8_775650593 | Title: You Certainly Should Know Why Leisure is Actually So Important - Plentifun
Headings: You Certainly Should Know Why Leisure is Actually So Important
You Certainly Should Know Why Leisure is Actually So Important
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Content: This helps you feel more satisfied with the kind of life that you may be living. It also ensures better functioning of the body as well as mind. Moreover, getting yourself involved in some group activities also connects you with people and brings you closer to them. Spending some time with friends can be a great stress buster. Aids Positivity
Pampering yourself or indulging in some physical activity that refreshes you also brings positivity in your life. Daily work stress tends to fill one with frustration or negativity. You tend to think and work better if you are positive enough. It teaches you to live your life more enthusiastically and also gives you a chance to rediscover yourself. Examples of Leisure Activities
There are two types of leisure activities you can choose from. Active leisure activities include energetic activities that even require one to use mental strength. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_419580933#9_775651898 | Title: You Certainly Should Know Why Leisure is Actually So Important - Plentifun
Headings: You Certainly Should Know Why Leisure is Actually So Important
You Certainly Should Know Why Leisure is Actually So Important
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Content: Daily work stress tends to fill one with frustration or negativity. You tend to think and work better if you are positive enough. It teaches you to live your life more enthusiastically and also gives you a chance to rediscover yourself. Examples of Leisure Activities
There are two types of leisure activities you can choose from. Active leisure activities include energetic activities that even require one to use mental strength. You can learn to dance, listen to music, go hiking, camping, fishing, swimming, or even try adventure sports. Rock climbing, skiing and surfing are equally popular as leisure activities for those who crave for adventure. Would you like to write for us? Well, we're looking for good writers who want to spread the word. Get in touch with us and we'll talk...
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msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_421266880#0_779506295 | Title: Three Benefits of Reflective Teaching | PLS Classes
Headings: Three Benefits of Reflective Teaching and How to Practice it in Your Classroom
Three Benefits of Reflective Teaching and How to Practice it in Your Classroom
Three Benefits of Reflective Teaching
Three Ways to Practice Reflective Teaching in Your Classroom
Content: Three Benefits of Reflective Teaching | PLS Classes
Three Benefits of Reflective Teaching and How to Practice it in Your Classroom
March 12, 2019
As a teacher, your profession may provide you with a sense of comforting cyclicality. While curriculum evolves, the fundamentals of many subjects and age-based learning expectations vary little over time. As a result, you may enjoy the familiarity of teaching many of the same lesson plans year after year. When you fall into a rhythm—a comforting habit of exercises, assignments, and processes—it can become easy to overlook the importance of self-reflection. Could there be a new, more effective approach to teaching the fundamentals of the periodic table? Could a grammar lesson be improved to produce better concept application? Could you engage with students more effectively if you incorporated more group work into your instruction? Reflective teaching is an academic style in which teachers regularly self-assess their performance, their teaching style, methodology, and pedagogy, evolving their approach over time to produce optimal student outcomes. The reflective approach requires teachers to take time to evaluate and adjust their style. What follows are three benefits of reflecting teaching. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_421266880#1_779508083 | Title: Three Benefits of Reflective Teaching | PLS Classes
Headings: Three Benefits of Reflective Teaching and How to Practice it in Your Classroom
Three Benefits of Reflective Teaching and How to Practice it in Your Classroom
Three Benefits of Reflective Teaching
Three Ways to Practice Reflective Teaching in Your Classroom
Content: Could a grammar lesson be improved to produce better concept application? Could you engage with students more effectively if you incorporated more group work into your instruction? Reflective teaching is an academic style in which teachers regularly self-assess their performance, their teaching style, methodology, and pedagogy, evolving their approach over time to produce optimal student outcomes. The reflective approach requires teachers to take time to evaluate and adjust their style. What follows are three benefits of reflecting teaching. Three Benefits of Reflective Teaching
Reflective teaching brings into alignment one’s underlying beliefs about learning and classroom practice. Teachers who have attempted reflective techniques frequently report how surprised they were to observe misalignments between their assumptions and reality. 1 Your tenure may have you convinced that your strategic approach to a specific topic is always successful in enabling student comprehension; however with self-reflection, you may realize that there are opportunities to further enhance the effectiveness of your lessons. Reflective teaching enables professional development. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_421266880#2_779509780 | Title: Three Benefits of Reflective Teaching | PLS Classes
Headings: Three Benefits of Reflective Teaching and How to Practice it in Your Classroom
Three Benefits of Reflective Teaching and How to Practice it in Your Classroom
Three Benefits of Reflective Teaching
Three Ways to Practice Reflective Teaching in Your Classroom
Content: Three Benefits of Reflective Teaching
Reflective teaching brings into alignment one’s underlying beliefs about learning and classroom practice. Teachers who have attempted reflective techniques frequently report how surprised they were to observe misalignments between their assumptions and reality. 1 Your tenure may have you convinced that your strategic approach to a specific topic is always successful in enabling student comprehension; however with self-reflection, you may realize that there are opportunities to further enhance the effectiveness of your lessons. Reflective teaching enables professional development. Continual reflection allows for constant improvement. By thinking critically about the success of your lessons plans and the outcomes they produced, and by putting time and effort into creative solutions to limitations and barriers to success, you can find innovative and impactful ways to refine your teaching skills for greater professional success. Reflective teaching supports student-centered learning. Student-centered learning refers to “a wide variety of educational programs, learning experiences, instructional approaches, and academic-support strategies that are intended to address the distinct learning needs, interests, aspirations, or cultural backgrounds of individual students and groups of students.” 2 Student-centered learning is one of the foundations of today’s educational theory and practice. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_421266880#3_779511762 | Title: Three Benefits of Reflective Teaching | PLS Classes
Headings: Three Benefits of Reflective Teaching and How to Practice it in Your Classroom
Three Benefits of Reflective Teaching and How to Practice it in Your Classroom
Three Benefits of Reflective Teaching
Three Ways to Practice Reflective Teaching in Your Classroom
Content: Continual reflection allows for constant improvement. By thinking critically about the success of your lessons plans and the outcomes they produced, and by putting time and effort into creative solutions to limitations and barriers to success, you can find innovative and impactful ways to refine your teaching skills for greater professional success. Reflective teaching supports student-centered learning. Student-centered learning refers to “a wide variety of educational programs, learning experiences, instructional approaches, and academic-support strategies that are intended to address the distinct learning needs, interests, aspirations, or cultural backgrounds of individual students and groups of students.” 2 Student-centered learning is one of the foundations of today’s educational theory and practice. By consistently asking for feedback from your students, you can use that information to create better lesson plans which are more meaningful for students in the future. You may also ask for feedback from other sources such as students’ families, other teachers, your principal or instructional coach. In essence, you are creating and experimenting with techniques and curriculum approaches that may contribute toward higher achievement levels since you are fine tuning what works best and what does not work. 3
Three Ways to Practice Reflective Teaching in Your Classroom
There are several approaches to successfully implementing reflective teaching tactics. Carve out time to experiment with one or all of these techniques to find the combination that produces the most significant results for you and your students. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_421266880#8_779521411 | Title: Three Benefits of Reflective Teaching | PLS Classes
Headings: Three Benefits of Reflective Teaching and How to Practice it in Your Classroom
Three Benefits of Reflective Teaching and How to Practice it in Your Classroom
Three Benefits of Reflective Teaching
Three Ways to Practice Reflective Teaching in Your Classroom
Content: Any amount of time spent reflecting on opportunities to improve your classroom techniques, and ultimately your students’ performance is time well spent. No matter what approach you take, the most important concept to remember is that reflective teaching requires an openness to observation, self-assessment, and experimentation. By remaining open to change, you will open yourself—and your students—up to improvement. 1. Brookfield, S. D. (2017). Becoming a Critically Reflective Teacher (2nd ed.). Jossey-Bass. 2. The Great Schools Partnership. ( 2014, May 07). | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_431991319#3_799939570 | Title: Best Antibiotics For a UTI: Get Prescription in 15 mins - PlushCare
Headings: Best Antibiotics For a UTI
Best Antibiotics For a UTI
What is the Best Antibiotic for a UTI?
The Best Antibiotics For UTI
Other Commonly Prescribed Antibiotics for UTI
How Long Do I Need to Take Antibiotics For UTI?
Antibiotics for UTI What to Expect
Antibiotics for UTI: Will a UTI Go Away on its Own?
Antibiotic Resistance and UTIs
Antibiotics for UTI: Most Common Bacteria to Cause UTIs
Side Effects of Antibiotics for UTI
Is Amoxicillin Good for UTIs?
How Can I Get Instant Relief From A UTI?
Book on our free mobile app or website.
See a doctor, get treatment and a prescription at your local pharmacy.
Use your health insurance just like you normally would to see your doctor.
What Happens If Antibiotics Don’t Work For a UTI?
Antibiotics for UTI vs Home Remedies for UTI
How Do You Get Antibiotics For UTI Without Going to a Doctor?
Get The Best Antibiotics For UTI Online
Content: The antibiotic works by preventing the growth of bacteria. It is available in tablet and suspension (liquid) form and must be prescribed by a doctor. Side effects may include nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite. Fosfomycin (Monurol) – Fosfomycin is an antibacterial drug used for treating urinary tract infections. It kills bacteria that cause UTI. Fosfomycin is available by prescription only in tablet form. Fosfomycin side effects may include diarrhea, nausea, and headaches. Nitrofurantoin (Macrodantin, Macrobid) – This antibiotic is frequently used to treat acute UTIs. Nitrofurantoin inhibits bacterial DNA, RNA, and protein synthesis. The most common side effects of Nitrofurantoin are nausea, loss of appetite, and vomiting. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_431991319#4_799941489 | Title: Best Antibiotics For a UTI: Get Prescription in 15 mins - PlushCare
Headings: Best Antibiotics For a UTI
Best Antibiotics For a UTI
What is the Best Antibiotic for a UTI?
The Best Antibiotics For UTI
Other Commonly Prescribed Antibiotics for UTI
How Long Do I Need to Take Antibiotics For UTI?
Antibiotics for UTI What to Expect
Antibiotics for UTI: Will a UTI Go Away on its Own?
Antibiotic Resistance and UTIs
Antibiotics for UTI: Most Common Bacteria to Cause UTIs
Side Effects of Antibiotics for UTI
Is Amoxicillin Good for UTIs?
How Can I Get Instant Relief From A UTI?
Book on our free mobile app or website.
See a doctor, get treatment and a prescription at your local pharmacy.
Use your health insurance just like you normally would to see your doctor.
What Happens If Antibiotics Don’t Work For a UTI?
Antibiotics for UTI vs Home Remedies for UTI
How Do You Get Antibiotics For UTI Without Going to a Doctor?
Get The Best Antibiotics For UTI Online
Content: Fosfomycin is available by prescription only in tablet form. Fosfomycin side effects may include diarrhea, nausea, and headaches. Nitrofurantoin (Macrodantin, Macrobid) – This antibiotic is frequently used to treat acute UTIs. Nitrofurantoin inhibits bacterial DNA, RNA, and protein synthesis. The most common side effects of Nitrofurantoin are nausea, loss of appetite, and vomiting. Cephalexin (Keflex) – Cephalexin can treat a variety of bacterial infections, including UTIs. By inhibiting the formation of the bacterial cell wall, Cephalexin helps prevent the growth of bacteria causing a UTI. Cephalexin is available in capsule, and suspension (liquid) form. Ceftriaxone – Ceftriaxone injection also treats many different types of infections caused by bacteria. The injection may be administered in a doctor’s office or hospital. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_432123510#3_800344845 | Title: Can Primary Care Physicians Prescribe Antidepressants? - PlushCare
Headings: Can Primary Care Physicians Prescribe Antidepressants?
Can Primary Care Physicians Prescribe Antidepressants?
Can Primary Care Physicians Prescribe Antidepressants?
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Use your health insurance just like you normally would to see your doctor.
When Are Antidepressants Prescribed?
Symptoms of Depression
Take your free mental health assessment.
Meet with a top doctor, get an official diagnosis and prescription treatment plan.
Sit back and have your prescription delivered to your door.
Speaking With a Doctor About Mental Health Concerns
What Antidepressants Can Be Prescribed by Your Primary Care Physician?
What Can Antidepressants Be Prescribed For?
Take your free mental health assessment.
Meet with a top doctor, get an official diagnosis and prescription treatment plan.
Sit back and have your prescription delivered to your door.
Get Your Antidepressant Prescription Online
Can Therapy Treat Depression?
Read More About Antidepressants
Content: Yes, primary care physicians can work with you to prescribe antidepressants, when necessary. This is great news for anyone working closely with their primary care doctor to create a comprehensive healthcare plan. If you or your doctor feel that your mental health treatment plan may benefit from the addition of an antidepressant, your primary care doctor can prescribe one for you. Book on our free mobile app or website. Our doctors operate in all 50 states and same day appointments are available every 15 minutes. See a doctor, get treatment and a prescription at your local pharmacy. Use your health insurance just like you normally would to see your doctor. Book an appointment
When Are Antidepressants Prescribed? Antidepressants are commonly used to treat depression and anxiety, among other conditions. The American Psychiatric Association defines depression as a very serious medical illness that negatively affects the way you think, act, as well as how you feel. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_432123510#7_800355117 | Title: Can Primary Care Physicians Prescribe Antidepressants? - PlushCare
Headings: Can Primary Care Physicians Prescribe Antidepressants?
Can Primary Care Physicians Prescribe Antidepressants?
Can Primary Care Physicians Prescribe Antidepressants?
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See a doctor, get treatment and a prescription at your local pharmacy.
Use your health insurance just like you normally would to see your doctor.
When Are Antidepressants Prescribed?
Symptoms of Depression
Take your free mental health assessment.
Meet with a top doctor, get an official diagnosis and prescription treatment plan.
Sit back and have your prescription delivered to your door.
Speaking With a Doctor About Mental Health Concerns
What Antidepressants Can Be Prescribed by Your Primary Care Physician?
What Can Antidepressants Be Prescribed For?
Take your free mental health assessment.
Meet with a top doctor, get an official diagnosis and prescription treatment plan.
Sit back and have your prescription delivered to your door.
Get Your Antidepressant Prescription Online
Can Therapy Treat Depression?
Read More About Antidepressants
Content: Your results will help determine which type of support you may benefit from the most. Meet with a top doctor, get an official diagnosis and prescription treatment plan. Sit back and have your prescription delivered to your door. Get My Prescription Online
Speaking With a Doctor About Mental Health Concerns
It’s important to speak with your doctor if you have any concerns about your mental health. Many people don’t realize just how treatable depression is. While medication is not always a part of treatment, it is an effective option. It’s important to remember that antidepressants are not a cure for depression but rather one component of a comprehensive treatment plan. A barrier for many when seeking help is the belief they need to see an expensive psychiatrist or therapist for treatment. These are valuable resources, but many times they have longer waiting lists, and may too expensive. A good starting point is an appointment with a primary care physician. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_432123510#8_800357470 | Title: Can Primary Care Physicians Prescribe Antidepressants? - PlushCare
Headings: Can Primary Care Physicians Prescribe Antidepressants?
Can Primary Care Physicians Prescribe Antidepressants?
Can Primary Care Physicians Prescribe Antidepressants?
Book on our free mobile app or website.
See a doctor, get treatment and a prescription at your local pharmacy.
Use your health insurance just like you normally would to see your doctor.
When Are Antidepressants Prescribed?
Symptoms of Depression
Take your free mental health assessment.
Meet with a top doctor, get an official diagnosis and prescription treatment plan.
Sit back and have your prescription delivered to your door.
Speaking With a Doctor About Mental Health Concerns
What Antidepressants Can Be Prescribed by Your Primary Care Physician?
What Can Antidepressants Be Prescribed For?
Take your free mental health assessment.
Meet with a top doctor, get an official diagnosis and prescription treatment plan.
Sit back and have your prescription delivered to your door.
Get Your Antidepressant Prescription Online
Can Therapy Treat Depression?
Read More About Antidepressants
Content: While medication is not always a part of treatment, it is an effective option. It’s important to remember that antidepressants are not a cure for depression but rather one component of a comprehensive treatment plan. A barrier for many when seeking help is the belief they need to see an expensive psychiatrist or therapist for treatment. These are valuable resources, but many times they have longer waiting lists, and may too expensive. A good starting point is an appointment with a primary care physician. In most cases they are fully qualified to access your mental health and recommend treatment, including antidepressant prescriptions, or they can refer you to a specialist. If you are suffering, know that depression is treatable, and the sooner you speak with your doctor about your concerns, the better. Another important thing to note is that if you have any symptoms of depression or anxiety, your doctor will also want to rule out any other potential underlying causes that may mimic depression. The American Psychiatric Association states that certain medical conditions like thyroid health conditions and vitamin deficiencies should be ruled out when there are symptoms of depression. A primary care physician can run tests to make sure that there isn’t an underlying issue. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_432123510#9_800360136 | Title: Can Primary Care Physicians Prescribe Antidepressants? - PlushCare
Headings: Can Primary Care Physicians Prescribe Antidepressants?
Can Primary Care Physicians Prescribe Antidepressants?
Can Primary Care Physicians Prescribe Antidepressants?
Book on our free mobile app or website.
See a doctor, get treatment and a prescription at your local pharmacy.
Use your health insurance just like you normally would to see your doctor.
When Are Antidepressants Prescribed?
Symptoms of Depression
Take your free mental health assessment.
Meet with a top doctor, get an official diagnosis and prescription treatment plan.
Sit back and have your prescription delivered to your door.
Speaking With a Doctor About Mental Health Concerns
What Antidepressants Can Be Prescribed by Your Primary Care Physician?
What Can Antidepressants Be Prescribed For?
Take your free mental health assessment.
Meet with a top doctor, get an official diagnosis and prescription treatment plan.
Sit back and have your prescription delivered to your door.
Get Your Antidepressant Prescription Online
Can Therapy Treat Depression?
Read More About Antidepressants
Content: In most cases they are fully qualified to access your mental health and recommend treatment, including antidepressant prescriptions, or they can refer you to a specialist. If you are suffering, know that depression is treatable, and the sooner you speak with your doctor about your concerns, the better. Another important thing to note is that if you have any symptoms of depression or anxiety, your doctor will also want to rule out any other potential underlying causes that may mimic depression. The American Psychiatric Association states that certain medical conditions like thyroid health conditions and vitamin deficiencies should be ruled out when there are symptoms of depression. A primary care physician can run tests to make sure that there isn’t an underlying issue. What Antidepressants Can Be Prescribed by Your Primary Care Physician? Now that you know your primary care physician can prescribe antidepressants, let’s talk about which medications they can write a prescription for. When it comes to medication choice, it’s all going to come down to what you and your doctor thinks will work best based for your symptoms, other current medications and your medical history. With that being said, here are some of the most commonly prescribed antidepressants. Zoloft (sertraline)
Lexapro (escitalopram)
Cymbalta (duloxetine hydrochloride)
Celexa (citalopram)
Prozac (fluoxetine)
Paxil (paroxetine)
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msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_432123510#14_800372805 | Title: Can Primary Care Physicians Prescribe Antidepressants? - PlushCare
Headings: Can Primary Care Physicians Prescribe Antidepressants?
Can Primary Care Physicians Prescribe Antidepressants?
Can Primary Care Physicians Prescribe Antidepressants?
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Use your health insurance just like you normally would to see your doctor.
When Are Antidepressants Prescribed?
Symptoms of Depression
Take your free mental health assessment.
Meet with a top doctor, get an official diagnosis and prescription treatment plan.
Sit back and have your prescription delivered to your door.
Speaking With a Doctor About Mental Health Concerns
What Antidepressants Can Be Prescribed by Your Primary Care Physician?
What Can Antidepressants Be Prescribed For?
Take your free mental health assessment.
Meet with a top doctor, get an official diagnosis and prescription treatment plan.
Sit back and have your prescription delivered to your door.
Get Your Antidepressant Prescription Online
Can Therapy Treat Depression?
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Content: Our trusted therapists are highly trained to treat many mental health conditions including depression and anxiety. You’ll meet with your therapist once a week to receive on-going care and support as you work through your treatment. Many therapy patients report improved mood, raised energy levels and reduced stress soon after starting therapy. Book an Online Therapy Appointment
Read More About Antidepressants
Get Antidepressants Online
Get Zoloft Online
How to Speak to an Online Psychiatrist
Please Note: PlushCare does not have online psychiatrists at this time. That said, our primary care physicians are able to prescribe mental health medications such as antidepressants, and if necessary can provide you with a referral to a psychiatrist. Most PlushCare articles are reviewed by M.D.s, Ph. Ds, N.P.s, nutritionists and other healthcare professionals. Click here to learn more and meet some of the professionals behind our blog. The PlushCare blog, or any linked materials are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice, nor is the information a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_432123510#15_800375312 | Title: Can Primary Care Physicians Prescribe Antidepressants? - PlushCare
Headings: Can Primary Care Physicians Prescribe Antidepressants?
Can Primary Care Physicians Prescribe Antidepressants?
Can Primary Care Physicians Prescribe Antidepressants?
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Use your health insurance just like you normally would to see your doctor.
When Are Antidepressants Prescribed?
Symptoms of Depression
Take your free mental health assessment.
Meet with a top doctor, get an official diagnosis and prescription treatment plan.
Sit back and have your prescription delivered to your door.
Speaking With a Doctor About Mental Health Concerns
What Antidepressants Can Be Prescribed by Your Primary Care Physician?
What Can Antidepressants Be Prescribed For?
Take your free mental health assessment.
Meet with a top doctor, get an official diagnosis and prescription treatment plan.
Sit back and have your prescription delivered to your door.
Get Your Antidepressant Prescription Online
Can Therapy Treat Depression?
Read More About Antidepressants
Content: That said, our primary care physicians are able to prescribe mental health medications such as antidepressants, and if necessary can provide you with a referral to a psychiatrist. Most PlushCare articles are reviewed by M.D.s, Ph. Ds, N.P.s, nutritionists and other healthcare professionals. Click here to learn more and meet some of the professionals behind our blog. The PlushCare blog, or any linked materials are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice, nor is the information a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment. For more information click here. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_432363645#16_801175651 | Title: Common Side Effects of Antibiotics - PlushCare
Headings: Common Side Effects of Antibiotics
Common Side Effects of Antibiotics
Common Side Effects of Antibiotics
What are Antibiotics?
How Do Antibiotics Work?
Why Antibiotics Cause Side Effects
Common Side Effects of Antibiotics
Serious Antibiotics Side Effects
Reducing and Preventing the Side Effects of Antibiotics
Completing the Course of Antibiotics
How to Obtain Antibiotics
Read More About Common Side Effects of Antibiotics
Read More of Our Antibiotics Series
Content: Talk to your doctor about ways to prevent upset stomach if you cannot take antibiotics with food. Most gastrointestinal problems (diarrhea and soft stools) come from the fact that the antibiotics are killing the good bacteria in your gut, which disrupts the balance. There is some evidence to suggest that taking probiotics can help to replenish your gut flora and regain the bacteria balance in your digestive tract. While the role of probiotics needs more research, you will certainly do no harm by taking a probiotic supplement or eating foods rich in probiotics, such as yogurt, sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha, and most fermented foods. While taking antibiotics you should avoid alcohol. Although alcohol is a fermented beverage, is does not have the same beneficial properties of other probiotic foods. Alcohol can | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_432409084#4_801293247 | Title: Do Antibiotics Make You Tired? - PlushCare
Headings: Do Antibiotics Make You Tired?
Do Antibiotics Make You Tired?
Can Antibiotics Make You Feel Tired?
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Use your health insurance just like you normally would to see your doctor.
What Are Antibiotics?
What Are the Most Common Side Effects of Antibiotics?
Why Do Antibiotics Cause Side Effects?
Which Antibiotics Could Make You Tired
What to Do if Antibiotics Make You Tired
Possible Interactions with Antibiotics
Other Medications That Can Make You Feel Tired
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Use your health insurance just like you normally would to see your doctor.
Can antibiotics make you feel unwell?
Does amoxicillin make you tired?
Can antibiotics make you dizzy?
Get Antibiotics Online
Read More About Antibiotics
Content: They are used to treat bacterial infections and are not effective against viral infections. There are many different kinds of antibiotics and each is used to treat a different type of infection. The two general groups of antibiotics include: Broad-spectrum antibiotics work against many different types of bacteria and are useful when it’s unknown which bacteria is causing the infection. Narrow-spectrum antibiotics are only effective against certain types of bacteria and may work best when the bacteria causing the infection has been identified. There are three main ways that antibiotics work: Weakening the cell walls of bacteria until they burst, killing the bacteria
Preventing bacteria from repairing damage to its DNA, causing it to die
Stopping a process that helps bacteria reproduce and spread to new cells
What Are the Most Common Side Effects of Antibiotics? While each antibiotic may have slightly different side effects, the most common antibiotic side effects include: Upset stomach. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach cramps are some of the most common side effects of antibiotics. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_432409084#5_801295533 | Title: Do Antibiotics Make You Tired? - PlushCare
Headings: Do Antibiotics Make You Tired?
Do Antibiotics Make You Tired?
Can Antibiotics Make You Feel Tired?
Book on our free mobile app or website.
See a doctor, get treatment and a prescription at your local pharmacy.
Use your health insurance just like you normally would to see your doctor.
What Are Antibiotics?
What Are the Most Common Side Effects of Antibiotics?
Why Do Antibiotics Cause Side Effects?
Which Antibiotics Could Make You Tired
What to Do if Antibiotics Make You Tired
Possible Interactions with Antibiotics
Other Medications That Can Make You Feel Tired
Book on our free mobile app or website.
See a doctor, get treatment and a prescription at your local pharmacy.
Use your health insurance just like you normally would to see your doctor.
Can antibiotics make you feel unwell?
Does amoxicillin make you tired?
Can antibiotics make you dizzy?
Get Antibiotics Online
Read More About Antibiotics
Content: There are three main ways that antibiotics work: Weakening the cell walls of bacteria until they burst, killing the bacteria
Preventing bacteria from repairing damage to its DNA, causing it to die
Stopping a process that helps bacteria reproduce and spread to new cells
What Are the Most Common Side Effects of Antibiotics? While each antibiotic may have slightly different side effects, the most common antibiotic side effects include: Upset stomach. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach cramps are some of the most common side effects of antibiotics. Fevers are a common side effect of many medications, including antibiotics, although the infection the antibiotic has been prescribed to treat may also cause a fever. Headaches may be caused by antibiotics. Anxiety or depression may be triggered by, or worsened by, some antibiotics. Light sensitivity. People taking antibiotics may sunburn more easily or their eyes may be more sensitive to light. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_432409084#13_801313581 | Title: Do Antibiotics Make You Tired? - PlushCare
Headings: Do Antibiotics Make You Tired?
Do Antibiotics Make You Tired?
Can Antibiotics Make You Feel Tired?
Book on our free mobile app or website.
See a doctor, get treatment and a prescription at your local pharmacy.
Use your health insurance just like you normally would to see your doctor.
What Are Antibiotics?
What Are the Most Common Side Effects of Antibiotics?
Why Do Antibiotics Cause Side Effects?
Which Antibiotics Could Make You Tired
What to Do if Antibiotics Make You Tired
Possible Interactions with Antibiotics
Other Medications That Can Make You Feel Tired
Book on our free mobile app or website.
See a doctor, get treatment and a prescription at your local pharmacy.
Use your health insurance just like you normally would to see your doctor.
Can antibiotics make you feel unwell?
Does amoxicillin make you tired?
Can antibiotics make you dizzy?
Get Antibiotics Online
Read More About Antibiotics
Content: See a doctor, get treatment and a prescription at your local pharmacy. Use your health insurance just like you normally would to see your doctor. Book an appointment
Can antibiotics make you feel unwell? The most common side effects of antibiotics include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach cramps, so yes, antibiotics can make you feel unwell. Does amoxicillin make you tired? Fatigue is one possible side effect of amoxicillin, but not everybody who takes amoxicillin will feel tired after taking it. Can antibiotics make you dizzy? Some antibiotics may cause dizziness. A dizzy feeling may also be caused by your illness or dehydration. Appointments as low as $20. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_432927678#2_803033066 | Title: Online Psychiatrist Prescription - PlushCare [2021]
Headings: Online Psychiatrist Prescription
Online Psychiatrist Prescription
Can an Online Psychiatrist Prescribe Medication?
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See a doctor, get treatment and a prescription at your local pharmacy.
Use your health insurance just like you normally would to see your doctor.
What is an Online Psychiatrist?
Online Psychiatrists Can Prescribe the Following Medications Online
Online Psychiatrists Cannot Prescribe:
How Do You Get a Prescription From an Online Psychiatrist or Primary Care Physician?
How Does an Online Psychiatrist Work?
What’s the Difference Between a Psychiatrist and a Psychologist?
Benefits of Seeing a Psychiatrist or Doctor Online
Take your free mental health assessment.
Meet with a top doctor, get an official diagnosis and prescription treatment plan.
Sit back and have your prescription delivered to your door.
What About Online Therapy?
Read more of our psychiatric series:
Content: Can an Online Psychiatrist Prescribe Medication? Yes. Online psychiatrists can write prescriptions for most medications that are approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on your first visit. You may receive a 90-day prescription depending on the treatment plan you and your psychiatrist decide on. They can also prescribe refills for medications that have been previously prescribed to you, with the exception of all controlled substances. Online primary care doctors at PlushCare can also write prescriptions for mental health medications not classified as controlled substances. While PlushCare doesn’t currently have psychiatrists, our online doctors are highly trained at treating mental health conditions and are available every 15 minutes, so you can book an appointment and get a prescription fast. We also offer online therapy for those who are looking for emotional support and development. Book an appointment with an online therapist here. Even though we don’t have psychiatrists at this time, we still want to keep you informed about your options in the world of online healthcare. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_432927678#3_803035392 | Title: Online Psychiatrist Prescription - PlushCare [2021]
Headings: Online Psychiatrist Prescription
Online Psychiatrist Prescription
Can an Online Psychiatrist Prescribe Medication?
Book on our free mobile app or website.
See a doctor, get treatment and a prescription at your local pharmacy.
Use your health insurance just like you normally would to see your doctor.
What is an Online Psychiatrist?
Online Psychiatrists Can Prescribe the Following Medications Online
Online Psychiatrists Cannot Prescribe:
How Do You Get a Prescription From an Online Psychiatrist or Primary Care Physician?
How Does an Online Psychiatrist Work?
What’s the Difference Between a Psychiatrist and a Psychologist?
Benefits of Seeing a Psychiatrist or Doctor Online
Take your free mental health assessment.
Meet with a top doctor, get an official diagnosis and prescription treatment plan.
Sit back and have your prescription delivered to your door.
What About Online Therapy?
Read more of our psychiatric series:
Content: Online primary care doctors at PlushCare can also write prescriptions for mental health medications not classified as controlled substances. While PlushCare doesn’t currently have psychiatrists, our online doctors are highly trained at treating mental health conditions and are available every 15 minutes, so you can book an appointment and get a prescription fast. We also offer online therapy for those who are looking for emotional support and development. Book an appointment with an online therapist here. Even though we don’t have psychiatrists at this time, we still want to keep you informed about your options in the world of online healthcare. And remember primary care physicians are a great option and are able to write mental health prescriptions, not classified as controlled substances, online. Book on our free mobile app or website. Our doctors operate in all 50 states and same day appointments are available every 15 minutes. See a doctor, get treatment and a prescription at your local pharmacy. Use your health insurance just like you normally would to see your doctor. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_434736398#3_808046156 | Title: agile - What are the definitions and differences between: Theme, Epic, Feature, User Story and Task? - Project Management Stack Exchange
What are the definitions and differences between: Theme, Epic, Feature, User Story and Task?
2 Answers
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Content: Check out the advantages of that user story format. A Scrum epic is a large user story. There's no magic threshold at which we call a particular story an epic. It just means "big user story." I like to think of this in relation to movies. If I tell you a particular movie was an "action-adventure movie" that tells you something about the movie. There's probably some car chases, probably some shooting, and so on. It tells you this even though there is no universal definition that we've agreed to follow, and that an action-adventure movie must contain at least three car chases, at least 45 bullets must be shot, and …. So, "epic" is just a label we apply to a large story. Calling a story an epic can sometimes convey additional meaning. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_434736398#4_808047569 | Title: agile - What are the definitions and differences between: Theme, Epic, Feature, User Story and Task? - Project Management Stack Exchange
What are the definitions and differences between: Theme, Epic, Feature, User Story and Task?
2 Answers
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Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged agile requirements terminology or ask your own question.
Content: If I tell you a particular movie was an "action-adventure movie" that tells you something about the movie. There's probably some car chases, probably some shooting, and so on. It tells you this even though there is no universal definition that we've agreed to follow, and that an action-adventure movie must contain at least three car chases, at least 45 bullets must be shot, and …. So, "epic" is just a label we apply to a large story. Calling a story an epic can sometimes convey additional meaning. Suppose you ask me if I had time yesterday to write the user stories about the monthly reporting part of the system. " Yes," I reply, "but they are mostly epics." That tells you that while I did write them, I didn't get the chance to break most of them down into stories that are probably small enough to implement directly. Finally, " theme " is a collection of user stories. We could put a rubber band around that group of stories I wrote about monthly reporting and we'd call that a "theme." | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_436937637#0_813175243 | Title: Online BS in Respiratory Therapy Degree Training Program
Headings: Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Therapy Program
Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Therapy Program
What Does Someone With a Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Therapy Do?
What Will I Learn With This Training?
What Career Opportunities Do Those With Bachelor Of Science In Respiratory Therapy Have?
Can I continue my education online?
Job Outlook
State Licensure Determination Disclosure
Accreditation and Programmatic Information
Content: Online BS in Respiratory Therapy Degree Training Program
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Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Therapy Program
Home > Programs > Bachelor's > Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Therapy
Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Therapy Program
What Does Someone With a Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Therapy Do? Respiratory therapists can act quickly to offer emergency and immediate relief to patients suffering from a blocked passageway, intense asthma attack or other life-threatening experience. The comprehensive curriculum of the Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Therapy (BSRT) program allows the student to become a successful communicator, critical thinker, global citizen and conscientious leader while encouraging lifelong learning. What Will I Learn With This Training? Students will take courses in Health Care Management, Polysomnography, Public Health, Home Health and more. The BSRT degree prepares graduates for management and leadership roles. You will be qualified to be a clinical director at an educational institution. The degree enables you to pursue additional career options in the medical field. What Career Opportunities Do Those With Bachelor Of Science In Respiratory Therapy Have? Respiratory therapists work with patients to offer long-term care for chronic conditions. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_437107446#2_813603709 | Title: The Importance of Chain of Custody | PMI Evidence Tracker
Headings: The Importance of Chain of Custody
The Importance of Chain of Custody
What Is Chain of Custody?
What Information Is Outlined in Chain of Custody Forms?
What If Chain of Custody Is Broken?
Solutions for Maintaining Chain of Custody
Content: What If Chain of Custody Is Broken? Serious legal ramifications can result if a chain of custody is broken, mainly the risk of evidence being inadmissible. From a legal standpoint, without an unbroken chain of custody, there would be no way to “prove” that police officers and other law officials have not contaminated, tampered with, or removed the evidence. As a result, vital evidence could be rendered useless, which could ultimately result in justice not being carried out. Solutions for Maintaining Chain of Custody
Our PMI Evidence Tracker is a customizable software system that helps law enforcement and legal professionals track physical and digital evidence at all times. We provide proprietary labels so that all evidence can be identified as soon as it is found, and a unique identification number or bar code is assigned to each piece of evidence—making the retrieval process easier and more efficient than ever. Contact us today to learn more about how our software can help your department manage chain of custody! | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_442238310#0_821061075 | Title: Types of Evidence. Social scientists have to use evidence… | by Phil Howard | Medium
Headings: Types of Evidence
Types of Evidence
1. Anecdotal Evidence
2. Testimonial Evidence
3. Statistical Evidence
4. Analogical Evidence
Content: Types of Evidence. Social scientists have to use evidence… | by Phil Howard | Medium
Types of Evidence
Phil Howard
Jan 28, 2016 · 3 min read
Social scientists have to use evidence to explain they dynamics of our economic, cultural and political lives. Powerful arguments use several kinds of evidence, and weak arguments use just one kind evidence. These are the four forms of evidence we use in supporting our claims. 1. Anecdotal Evidence
a. Provides weak support for an argument
b. Acts as a powerful counterexample for dismissing an argument
c. Describes one, or a few best instances all of the same type, general nature, or structure
An anecdote is a spec i fic example, usually grounded in personal, secondary, or incomplete evidence. Obviously an anecdote cannot prove a general statement, so avoid treating a single case as proving a general point. An anecdote is especially unconvincing when it is a broad example being used to support or oppose a very narrow claim. And a single anecdote or counterexample is alone sufficient to disprove a general statement. A well-chosen anecdote, however, can be a counter-example that demonstrates how a claim must be modified or qualified. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_442238310#1_821062726 | Title: Types of Evidence. Social scientists have to use evidence… | by Phil Howard | Medium
Headings: Types of Evidence
Types of Evidence
1. Anecdotal Evidence
2. Testimonial Evidence
3. Statistical Evidence
4. Analogical Evidence
Content: Anecdotal Evidence
a. Provides weak support for an argument
b. Acts as a powerful counterexample for dismissing an argument
c. Describes one, or a few best instances all of the same type, general nature, or structure
An anecdote is a spec i fic example, usually grounded in personal, secondary, or incomplete evidence. Obviously an anecdote cannot prove a general statement, so avoid treating a single case as proving a general point. An anecdote is especially unconvincing when it is a broad example being used to support or oppose a very narrow claim. And a single anecdote or counterexample is alone sufficient to disprove a general statement. A well-chosen anecdote, however, can be a counter-example that demonstrates how a claim must be modified or qualified. Anecdotal evidence often appears in journalism, or in short essays like book reviews or public scholarship where a writer wants to undermine someone else’s claim. 2. Testimonial Evidence
a. Provides moderately strong or supportive evidence
b. References an established or trustworthy authority
c. Can render rich empirical evidence about specific phenomena
In social science research, we are supposed to use well-established or credible citations and sources. The testimony of credible experts — or human subjects — can strengthen an argument. Still, researchers must almost always say why the reader should especially consider that person’s observations, ideas, and perspectives valuable. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_442238310#2_821064657 | Title: Types of Evidence. Social scientists have to use evidence… | by Phil Howard | Medium
Headings: Types of Evidence
Types of Evidence
1. Anecdotal Evidence
2. Testimonial Evidence
3. Statistical Evidence
4. Analogical Evidence
Content: Anecdotal evidence often appears in journalism, or in short essays like book reviews or public scholarship where a writer wants to undermine someone else’s claim. 2. Testimonial Evidence
a. Provides moderately strong or supportive evidence
b. References an established or trustworthy authority
c. Can render rich empirical evidence about specific phenomena
In social science research, we are supposed to use well-established or credible citations and sources. The testimony of credible experts — or human subjects — can strengthen an argument. Still, researchers must almost always say why the reader should especially consider that person’s observations, ideas, and perspectives valuable. In setting up testimonial evidence you must provide credentials: details on your methods make your research credible; details on the people providing testimony makes them credible. But respectable credentials alone establish the fact that we should accept the testimony without question. You should know when experts disagree on an issue, and that one lone expert isn’t sufficient to establish a claim. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_442238310#3_821066227 | Title: Types of Evidence. Social scientists have to use evidence… | by Phil Howard | Medium
Headings: Types of Evidence
Types of Evidence
1. Anecdotal Evidence
2. Testimonial Evidence
3. Statistical Evidence
4. Analogical Evidence
Content: In setting up testimonial evidence you must provide credentials: details on your methods make your research credible; details on the people providing testimony makes them credible. But respectable credentials alone establish the fact that we should accept the testimony without question. You should know when experts disagree on an issue, and that one lone expert isn’t sufficient to establish a claim. Testimonial evidence appears in popular magazines, and journalism. In the social sciences, it provides the rich empirical evidence that comes from interview, participant observation and ethnographic research, especially if the researcher does a good job explaining methods choices and does the work of interpreting testimony for a reader in a serious, critical way. 3. Statistical Evidence
a. Provides moderately strong or supportive evidence
b. References evidence from experiments or large-scale data collection
c. Summarizes, indexes, or models general phenomena
In social research, statistical evidence can provide generalizable and transportable knowledge about broad phenomena and trends. On the way to producing statistical evidence, however, are a lot of important method and sampling decisions that impact how confident we can be about generalizations. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_442238310#4_821067949 | Title: Types of Evidence. Social scientists have to use evidence… | by Phil Howard | Medium
Headings: Types of Evidence
Types of Evidence
1. Anecdotal Evidence
2. Testimonial Evidence
3. Statistical Evidence
4. Analogical Evidence
Content: Testimonial evidence appears in popular magazines, and journalism. In the social sciences, it provides the rich empirical evidence that comes from interview, participant observation and ethnographic research, especially if the researcher does a good job explaining methods choices and does the work of interpreting testimony for a reader in a serious, critical way. 3. Statistical Evidence
a. Provides moderately strong or supportive evidence
b. References evidence from experiments or large-scale data collection
c. Summarizes, indexes, or models general phenomena
In social research, statistical evidence can provide generalizable and transportable knowledge about broad phenomena and trends. On the way to producing statistical evidence, however, are a lot of important method and sampling decisions that impact how confident we can be about generalizations. Preparing statistical evidence often means reducing complexity, summarizing trends, and simplifying definitions. When you structure an argument with statistics, always report the source and explain its credibility. Since statistics from different sources may vary or conflict, give reports from multiple sources when possible. 4. Analogical Evidence
a. Provides strong or supportive evidence
b. Explains either by comparison to a known phenomenon or common metaphor
A nalogies provide interest and illumination to a line of argument. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_450158451#0_836958369 | Title: What Are the AARP's Goals? | Pocketsense
Headings: What Are the AARP's Goals?
What Are the AARP's Goals?
Community Service
Information and Communications
Products and Services
Content: What Are the AARP's Goals? | Pocketsense
What Are the AARP's Goals? •••
alte Hände am Stock image by taubirgit from
By: Kendall Olsen
Updated December 12, 2019
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According to its website, the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) was founded in 1958 by former high school principal Dr. Ethel Percy Andrus. The organization was founded to promote independence and enhance the quality of life for older persons. Today it is a nonpartisan, nonprofit membership organization that advocates for individuals 50 years of age and older, and is the largest of its kind. Advocacy
The AARP is a powerful nonpartisan lobby that advocates for its members. It takes formal positions on Social Security, Medicare, health care reform, retirement investing and other issues. The AARP also acts as a watchdog group, monitoring legislation and other congressional issues. The AARP keeps its members informed about issues important to senior citizens, gathering support for rallies, demonstrations and discussions. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_450158451#1_836959926 | Title: What Are the AARP's Goals? | Pocketsense
Headings: What Are the AARP's Goals?
What Are the AARP's Goals?
Community Service
Information and Communications
Products and Services
Content: Today it is a nonpartisan, nonprofit membership organization that advocates for individuals 50 years of age and older, and is the largest of its kind. Advocacy
The AARP is a powerful nonpartisan lobby that advocates for its members. It takes formal positions on Social Security, Medicare, health care reform, retirement investing and other issues. The AARP also acts as a watchdog group, monitoring legislation and other congressional issues. The AARP keeps its members informed about issues important to senior citizens, gathering support for rallies, demonstrations and discussions. Community Service
Part of the AARP's mission is to provide help to those in need. The AARP Foundation uses grant money, contributions from its members and fundraising profits to provide job-search assistance to unemployed seniors, job training and scholarships to women aged 40 and above. It also provides free tax filing assistance or money management assistance to qualified applicants. Additionally, the AARP Foundation provides legal services, healthcare screenings and other services to seniors. 00:00
00:01 08:24
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Brought to you by Sapling
Information and Communications
The AARP provides several sources of information for its members. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_450752173#3_838403168 | Title: What Are the Benefits of an Auto Loan? | Pocketsense
Headings: What Are the Benefits of an Auto Loan?
What Are the Benefits of an Auto Loan?
Advantages Compared to Leasing
Refinancing Benefits
Early Payoff Advantages
Writer Bio
Content: Refinancing Benefits
Many companies will be happy to loan you enough money to pay off your old loan at any time, leaving you with lower monthly payments. Refinancing can save you money if interest rates have dropped since you bought the vehicle, or if your original interest rate is higher due to a previously low credit score that has improved. If you can afford your original loan payment, refinancing at a lower interest rate gives you the opportunity to apply the extra money toward paying off the auto loan faster. Unlike home refinancing, which requires a determination of property value, auto refinancing is dependent only on the amount of money you need to pay off the previous loan. 00:00
00:01 08:24
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Brought to you by Sapling
Early Payoff Advantages
Auto loans that do not charge penalties for early payoff give you the flexibility of ending the credit agreement ahead of schedule, thus saving you money on interest. An early payoff will help improve your credit score, making it easier to secure loans in the future. Completing auto loan payments ahead of time will free up money to pay for other priorities in your budget. Another advantage is to pay off an auto loan with money from another type of loan that has tax-deductible interest, such as a home equity line of credit. An auto loan company requires you to carry a certain amount of insurance coverage for the duration of the agreement. You can reduce the insurance coverage by paying off the loan early and adjusting the policy to more affordable terms. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_450752173#4_838405242 | Title: What Are the Benefits of an Auto Loan? | Pocketsense
Headings: What Are the Benefits of an Auto Loan?
What Are the Benefits of an Auto Loan?
Advantages Compared to Leasing
Refinancing Benefits
Early Payoff Advantages
Writer Bio
Content: An early payoff will help improve your credit score, making it easier to secure loans in the future. Completing auto loan payments ahead of time will free up money to pay for other priorities in your budget. Another advantage is to pay off an auto loan with money from another type of loan that has tax-deductible interest, such as a home equity line of credit. An auto loan company requires you to carry a certain amount of insurance coverage for the duration of the agreement. You can reduce the insurance coverage by paying off the loan early and adjusting the policy to more affordable terms. References
PR Log: Advantages and Disadvantages of Auto Loans (Advantages)
Dough Roller: Should You Buy a New Car or Lease It? ( Buying Advantages)
Cars Direct: Paying Off Car Loans Early - Benefits " | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_452082389#1_841570877 | Title: What Bills You Pay in a House | Pocketsense
Headings: What Bills You Pay in a House
What Bills You Pay in a House
Home Insurance
Outdoor Responsibilities
Trash Pickup
Content: Others want the benefit of homeownership. People choose to rent or purchase homes. The primary bill that someone renting a house pays is the rent. The primary bill that someone purchasing a house pays is the mortgage. There are, however, other bills that come with living in a house. Utilities
Most home renters and all homeowners pay their utility bills. Common utility expenses include electricity, natural gas and water expenses. Electricity or natural gas powers appliances and can provide heat. Paying the water bill keeps the toilet flushing and the water running in the sink. Home Insurance
Both home renters and homebuyers need to pay for insurance to protect their assets. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_452308179#14_842118596 | Title: Business Grants for Immigrants | Pocketsense
Headings: Business Grants for Immigrants
Business Grants for Immigrants
Business Development Grants
Refugee and Entrant Assistance: Wilson/Fish Program
Refugee and Entrant Assistance: Discretionary Grants
Small Business Administration
Content: Health Coverage and Care of Undocumented Immigrants.” Accessed Oct. 20, 2020. Kaiser Health News. " Medicaid Helps Hospitals Pay for Illegal Immigrants’ Care." Accessed Oct. 20, 2020. Pew Research Center. " Mexicans Decline to Less than Half the U.S. Unauthorized Immigrant Population for the First Time." Accessed Oct. 20, 2020. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. " 2015: | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_455487309#0_849729779 | Title: Can a Hospital Refuse Treatment Without Insurance? | Pocketsense
Headings: Can a Hospital Refuse Treatment Without Insurance?
Can a Hospital Refuse Treatment Without Insurance?
Covered Hospitals
Fines and Penalties
Screening and Discharge
ER Charges and Collections
Content: Can a Hospital Refuse Treatment Without Insurance? | Pocketsense
Can a Hospital Refuse Treatment Without Insurance? •••
Jupiterimages/Creatas/Getty Images
By: Tom Streissguth
Updated December 12, 2019
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Lacking health insurance can prevent you from getting medical treatment, but federal law makes one exception for hospital emergency rooms. The law dates to 1986 and the passage of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act. This requires certain hospitals to treat acutely ill patients, whether or not they have medical insurance. Covered Hospitals
The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act provides that any hospital accepting funds from the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare must accept all acute patients that present at an emergency room. The majority of hospitals accept reimbursements from CMS -- Medicare and Medicaid -- since this is the only health insurance available to a significant portion of their patients. The law applies uniformly across the United States and all US territories. Fines and Penalties
Any hospital in violation of the EMTALA can be assessed fines of up to $50,000 for every violation of the law. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_455487309#1_849731559 | Title: Can a Hospital Refuse Treatment Without Insurance? | Pocketsense
Headings: Can a Hospital Refuse Treatment Without Insurance?
Can a Hospital Refuse Treatment Without Insurance?
Covered Hospitals
Fines and Penalties
Screening and Discharge
ER Charges and Collections
Content: This requires certain hospitals to treat acutely ill patients, whether or not they have medical insurance. Covered Hospitals
The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act provides that any hospital accepting funds from the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare must accept all acute patients that present at an emergency room. The majority of hospitals accept reimbursements from CMS -- Medicare and Medicaid -- since this is the only health insurance available to a significant portion of their patients. The law applies uniformly across the United States and all US territories. Fines and Penalties
Any hospital in violation of the EMTALA can be assessed fines of up to $50,000 for every violation of the law. If the hospital has less than 100 beds, then the maximum fine is $25,000. The CMS can also terminate its Medicare agreement with the hospital, meaning the hospital would receive no reimbursement for services provided to patients covered by Medicare insurance. 00:00
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Screening and Discharge
To comply with the law, hospitals must screen anyone who arrives at the emergency room to determine if the condition is acute. The legal definition of acute is having symptoms of "sufficient severity, such as severe pain, for which the lack of immediate medical attention could reasonably be expected to result in placing the patient in serious jeopardy." The formal name for the process is medical screening examination, and it includes active labor for pregnant women. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_455487309#3_849735755 | Title: Can a Hospital Refuse Treatment Without Insurance? | Pocketsense
Headings: Can a Hospital Refuse Treatment Without Insurance?
Can a Hospital Refuse Treatment Without Insurance?
Covered Hospitals
Fines and Penalties
Screening and Discharge
ER Charges and Collections
Content: After performing the MSE, the hospital may not transfer the acute patient to another facility unless it lacks the resources to treat the patient. Once the patient is stable, the hospital may discharge the patient and has no further legal obligation for treatment. ER Charges and Collections
The law requiring acute care in emergency rooms does not also require free treatment. The hospital providing the care may bill for that care, and if the bill goes unpaid, has the right to pursue the balance through debt-collection action. After getting a judgment in court, the hospital may have the right to enforce a judgment through garnishment of wages, bank account levies or the seizure of property, depending on state law. In addition, the hospital has no obligation to provide follow-up treatment, prescriptions, medical tests or rehabilitation. References
Ascension Health: Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)
CNN: Why Emergency Rooms Don't Close the Healthcare Gap Frequently Asked Questions
Writer Bio
Founder/president of the innovative reference publisher The Archive LLC, Tom Streissguth has been a self-employed business owner, independent bookseller and freelance author in the school/library market. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_458580477#0_857213756 | Title: Conservative Arguments Against Progressive Taxes | Pocketsense
Headings: Conservative Arguments Against Progressive Taxes
Conservative Arguments Against Progressive Taxes
Hurting Job Creators
Punishing Success
Class Warfare
Writer Bio
Content: Conservative Arguments Against Progressive Taxes | Pocketsense
Conservative Arguments Against Progressive Taxes
Jupiterimages/ Images
By: Gregory Hamel
Updated December 12, 2019
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Government agencies rely on taxes for the financial resources they need to provide a wide range of services and benefits, from building roads and parks to funding welfare programs and national defense. Some taxes, such as the federal income tax, are progressive in nature, meaning you pay a higher percentage of your income as you make more money. Progressive tax systems tend to be unpopular among financial conservatives for a variety of philosophical and economic reasons. Hurting Job Creators
Conservatives believe the wealthy are vital to the economy because they create the businesses and make the investments necessary to create jobs. Taxing wealthy people at high rates leaves them with less cash left over to put into their businesses and other investments, so they create fewer jobs. Fewer jobs means there are fewer workers earning income that the government can collect taxes from, which ultimately reduces tax revenue. A common conservative argument is that reducing taxes will increase hiring and economic growth, creating more income that the government can tax, which makes up for the revenue lost by lowering tax rates in the first place. Punishing Success
Since progressive tax systems make you pay more as you earn more, conservatives argue that such systems punish success, which leads to undesirable consequences. For instance, conservatives argue that progressive taxes create a disincentive to work hard, which hurts productivity and makes people more likely to rely on government assistance. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_458580477#1_857216091 | Title: Conservative Arguments Against Progressive Taxes | Pocketsense
Headings: Conservative Arguments Against Progressive Taxes
Conservative Arguments Against Progressive Taxes
Hurting Job Creators
Punishing Success
Class Warfare
Writer Bio
Content: Taxing wealthy people at high rates leaves them with less cash left over to put into their businesses and other investments, so they create fewer jobs. Fewer jobs means there are fewer workers earning income that the government can collect taxes from, which ultimately reduces tax revenue. A common conservative argument is that reducing taxes will increase hiring and economic growth, creating more income that the government can tax, which makes up for the revenue lost by lowering tax rates in the first place. Punishing Success
Since progressive tax systems make you pay more as you earn more, conservatives argue that such systems punish success, which leads to undesirable consequences. For instance, conservatives argue that progressive taxes create a disincentive to work hard, which hurts productivity and makes people more likely to rely on government assistance. Punishing success also has the potential to hurt innovation, since people are less likely to take risks on new ideas if the government takes a big cut of profits. 00:00
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Class Warfare
Another argument against progressive taxation is that it constitutes a form of "class warfare" that pits the richest and poorest people against one another. According to Forbes, the richest 1 percent of taxpayers pay about 36 percent of federal income taxes, while the bottom 47 percent of income earners pay no income tax at all, a case of the poor "riding free" on others, according to SUNY Fredonia professor Stephen Kershnar. Many conservatives believe that people who benefit from progressive taxes generally favor shifting more of the tax burden onto the top earners. Inequality
One of the main goals of a progressive tax system is to charge taxes according to an individual's ability to pay, so that everyone pays his fair share. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_458580477#2_857218496 | Title: Conservative Arguments Against Progressive Taxes | Pocketsense
Headings: Conservative Arguments Against Progressive Taxes
Conservative Arguments Against Progressive Taxes
Hurting Job Creators
Punishing Success
Class Warfare
Writer Bio
Content: Punishing success also has the potential to hurt innovation, since people are less likely to take risks on new ideas if the government takes a big cut of profits. 00:00
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Class Warfare
Another argument against progressive taxation is that it constitutes a form of "class warfare" that pits the richest and poorest people against one another. According to Forbes, the richest 1 percent of taxpayers pay about 36 percent of federal income taxes, while the bottom 47 percent of income earners pay no income tax at all, a case of the poor "riding free" on others, according to SUNY Fredonia professor Stephen Kershnar. Many conservatives believe that people who benefit from progressive taxes generally favor shifting more of the tax burden onto the top earners. Inequality
One of the main goals of a progressive tax system is to charge taxes according to an individual's ability to pay, so that everyone pays his fair share. For example, a 15 percent tax rate could have a significant impact on the standard of living of someone making $20,000 a year, while it isn't likely to have much of an effect on someone making $1 million a year. Conservatives sometimes argue that imposing different tax rates on different people is inherently unfair and completely arbitrary. The amount that constitutes a “fair share” is subjective. Opponents of progressive taxes often propose that a flat tax that imposes the same tax rate on everyone is the fairest way to tax income. References
The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics: | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_458580477#3_857220627 | Title: Conservative Arguments Against Progressive Taxes | Pocketsense
Headings: Conservative Arguments Against Progressive Taxes
Conservative Arguments Against Progressive Taxes
Hurting Job Creators
Punishing Success
Class Warfare
Writer Bio
Content: For example, a 15 percent tax rate could have a significant impact on the standard of living of someone making $20,000 a year, while it isn't likely to have much of an effect on someone making $1 million a year. Conservatives sometimes argue that imposing different tax rates on different people is inherently unfair and completely arbitrary. The amount that constitutes a “fair share” is subjective. Opponents of progressive taxes often propose that a flat tax that imposes the same tax rate on everyone is the fairest way to tax income. References
The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics: Progressive Taxes
Hoover Institution: The Inequity of the Progressive Income Tax
The (Dunkirk, N.Y.) Observer: The Case Against Progressive Taxes
The Washington Times: RAHN: Tax Inequity
Forbes: | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_460817334#1_862596840 | Title: How Do I Transfer Money Into Another Person's Bank Account? | Pocketsense
Headings: How Do I Transfer Money Into Another Person's Bank Account?
How Do I Transfer Money Into Another Person's Bank Account?
Prepare for the Transfer
Review Online Banking Options
Use Your Bank's Online Portal
Make a Bank-to-Bank Transfer
Consider Mobile Banking
Stop by Your Local ATM
Make an In-Person Transaction
Call Customer Service
Understand Fees and Transaction Times
Content: You can perform the transaction in-person at the bank or use online banking services that allow you to make the transfer via the Internet or telephone. Fees and transfer time depend on several variables, including whether you use a personal check or an ATM machine. Tips
Thanks to electronic banking options, you can send money to another person's bank account by visiting your local branch and requesting the transfer, using your bank's online portal or mobile app to move the funds or by calling the bank and ordering the transfer over the phone. Prepare for the Transfer
Review Online Banking Options
Find out which online banking options your bank offers for electronic transferal of funds to another person’s account. Your bank may require you to register your account to use online banking services. Fund transfers to other banks might be limited to financial institutions within an established network of participating banks. Use Your Bank's Online Portal
Online accounts provide options for transferring funds to another person’s account at the same bank. Log in to your account, select the transfer option and follow instructions to transfer funds to an account with your bank. You might have the option to enter the information one time or to save the information for future use. 00:00
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Make a Bank-to-Bank Transfer
Bank-to-bank transfers move funds electronically between accounts at different banks. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_460817334#2_862599075 | Title: How Do I Transfer Money Into Another Person's Bank Account? | Pocketsense
Headings: How Do I Transfer Money Into Another Person's Bank Account?
How Do I Transfer Money Into Another Person's Bank Account?
Prepare for the Transfer
Review Online Banking Options
Use Your Bank's Online Portal
Make a Bank-to-Bank Transfer
Consider Mobile Banking
Stop by Your Local ATM
Make an In-Person Transaction
Call Customer Service
Understand Fees and Transaction Times
Content: Fund transfers to other banks might be limited to financial institutions within an established network of participating banks. Use Your Bank's Online Portal
Online accounts provide options for transferring funds to another person’s account at the same bank. Log in to your account, select the transfer option and follow instructions to transfer funds to an account with your bank. You might have the option to enter the information one time or to save the information for future use. 00:00
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Make a Bank-to-Bank Transfer
Bank-to-bank transfers move funds electronically between accounts at different banks. Sign in to your account, select the bank-to-bank transfer option and enter the routing number of the other bank. Your bank will verify the other bank’s information, after which you can set up a one-time transfer or schedule recurring transfers. Once you establish the other account, it remains available for future use until you choose to delete it. Consider Mobile Banking
Mobile banking allows you to use a mobile banking application downloaded to your mobile device to transfer funds between accounts. Send mobile transfers using mobile telephone numbers or email addresses. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_460817334#3_862601081 | Title: How Do I Transfer Money Into Another Person's Bank Account? | Pocketsense
Headings: How Do I Transfer Money Into Another Person's Bank Account?
How Do I Transfer Money Into Another Person's Bank Account?
Prepare for the Transfer
Review Online Banking Options
Use Your Bank's Online Portal
Make a Bank-to-Bank Transfer
Consider Mobile Banking
Stop by Your Local ATM
Make an In-Person Transaction
Call Customer Service
Understand Fees and Transaction Times
Content: Sign in to your account, select the bank-to-bank transfer option and enter the routing number of the other bank. Your bank will verify the other bank’s information, after which you can set up a one-time transfer or schedule recurring transfers. Once you establish the other account, it remains available for future use until you choose to delete it. Consider Mobile Banking
Mobile banking allows you to use a mobile banking application downloaded to your mobile device to transfer funds between accounts. Send mobile transfers using mobile telephone numbers or email addresses. Transfers to accounts at other banks require adding the other person’s account information to your online banking profile and completing a verification process. If you are transferring to a different bank, your bank might restrict transfers to accounts at in-network banks. Sign in to your online account to access the mobile application and instructions for setting up the mobile and email transfer options. Stop by Your Local ATM
Automatic Teller Machines, or ATMs, can be used to transfer funds to another account at your bank or at a different bank. The ATM provides a “transfer” option and will prompt you for the required information. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_460817334#4_862602998 | Title: How Do I Transfer Money Into Another Person's Bank Account? | Pocketsense
Headings: How Do I Transfer Money Into Another Person's Bank Account?
How Do I Transfer Money Into Another Person's Bank Account?
Prepare for the Transfer
Review Online Banking Options
Use Your Bank's Online Portal
Make a Bank-to-Bank Transfer
Consider Mobile Banking
Stop by Your Local ATM
Make an In-Person Transaction
Call Customer Service
Understand Fees and Transaction Times
Content: Transfers to accounts at other banks require adding the other person’s account information to your online banking profile and completing a verification process. If you are transferring to a different bank, your bank might restrict transfers to accounts at in-network banks. Sign in to your online account to access the mobile application and instructions for setting up the mobile and email transfer options. Stop by Your Local ATM
Automatic Teller Machines, or ATMs, can be used to transfer funds to another account at your bank or at a different bank. The ATM provides a “transfer” option and will prompt you for the required information. Check with your bank about the options available at ATM machines. Make an In-Person Transaction
Use a live or an ATM machine with a live teller on the screen to perform a funds transfer at one of your bank’s physical locations. Automatic teller machines, which are located inside the bank and at drive-through lanes outside of the bank, provide many of the same services as traditional tellers. The teller assists with the transaction, prompting you to enter the relevant account numbers and transfer amount. Another option is to, in lieu of an actual transfer of funds, make an in-person deposit to an account at a different bank, if you prefer. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_460817334#5_862604984 | Title: How Do I Transfer Money Into Another Person's Bank Account? | Pocketsense
Headings: How Do I Transfer Money Into Another Person's Bank Account?
How Do I Transfer Money Into Another Person's Bank Account?
Prepare for the Transfer
Review Online Banking Options
Use Your Bank's Online Portal
Make a Bank-to-Bank Transfer
Consider Mobile Banking
Stop by Your Local ATM
Make an In-Person Transaction
Call Customer Service
Understand Fees and Transaction Times
Content: Check with your bank about the options available at ATM machines. Make an In-Person Transaction
Use a live or an ATM machine with a live teller on the screen to perform a funds transfer at one of your bank’s physical locations. Automatic teller machines, which are located inside the bank and at drive-through lanes outside of the bank, provide many of the same services as traditional tellers. The teller assists with the transaction, prompting you to enter the relevant account numbers and transfer amount. Another option is to, in lieu of an actual transfer of funds, make an in-person deposit to an account at a different bank, if you prefer. Use a live teller or ATM with live teller to deposit the funds to the member’s account. Call Customer Service
Call your bank’s customer service number and use the automated system or speak to a representative to complete the transfer. Generally, you can conduct the same transactions through the customer service number as you would through other methods, such as online or mobile. Understand Fees and Transaction Times
Your bank probably will not charge a fee to transfer funds to a same-bank account. However, your bank might charge a fee to transfer funds to a different bank, unless you have signed up for options that include fee waivers. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_460817334#6_862606969 | Title: How Do I Transfer Money Into Another Person's Bank Account? | Pocketsense
Headings: How Do I Transfer Money Into Another Person's Bank Account?
How Do I Transfer Money Into Another Person's Bank Account?
Prepare for the Transfer
Review Online Banking Options
Use Your Bank's Online Portal
Make a Bank-to-Bank Transfer
Consider Mobile Banking
Stop by Your Local ATM
Make an In-Person Transaction
Call Customer Service
Understand Fees and Transaction Times
Content: Use a live teller or ATM with live teller to deposit the funds to the member’s account. Call Customer Service
Call your bank’s customer service number and use the automated system or speak to a representative to complete the transfer. Generally, you can conduct the same transactions through the customer service number as you would through other methods, such as online or mobile. Understand Fees and Transaction Times
Your bank probably will not charge a fee to transfer funds to a same-bank account. However, your bank might charge a fee to transfer funds to a different bank, unless you have signed up for options that include fee waivers. Some banks waive fees when you use in-network banks or when you register to use mobile banking. Transaction times vary based on the type of transfer performed and whether the account is at a different bank. Bank-to-bank transfers require a verification process that can take 2 to 3 days, after which the transfer can take another few days. Some online applications allow you to control the date the transaction begins to process by letting you choose to transfer the funds immediately or schedule the transfer for a future date. References
Associated Bank: | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_461255460#0_863673660 | Title: How Do I Electronically Deposit Money Into Someone's Bank Account? | Pocketsense
Headings: How Do I Electronically Deposit Money Into Someone's Bank Account?
How Do I Electronically Deposit Money Into Someone's Bank Account?
Make a Bank Transfer
Utilizing Mobile Transfer Services
Use Online Payment Systems
Make Online Money Order Transfers
Content: How Do I Electronically Deposit Money Into Someone's Bank Account? | Pocketsense
How Do I Electronically Deposit Money Into Someone's Bank Account? •••
Hero Images/Hero Images/GettyImages
By: Jeannine Mancini
Reviewed by: Alicia Bodine, Certified Ramsey Solutions Master Financial Coach
Updated May 14, 2020
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When you need to send money to someone, depositing it into her account electronically is a safe and secure method. You don't even necessarily need to have the recipient's bank information to deposit the funds. There are various ways you can send money electronically without having to visit a bank in person. Tips
You can electronically deposit money into another person's bank account by transferring money from your account, Western Union or your PayPal account. Make a Bank Transfer
Most banks allow online banking customers to make online transfers between bank accounts, even if the account belongs to someone with a different financial institution. Before you can complete what's referred to as a bank-to-bank transfer, you might need to go through security measures to confirm you're the account owner. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_461255460#1_863675485 | Title: How Do I Electronically Deposit Money Into Someone's Bank Account? | Pocketsense
Headings: How Do I Electronically Deposit Money Into Someone's Bank Account?
How Do I Electronically Deposit Money Into Someone's Bank Account?
Make a Bank Transfer
Utilizing Mobile Transfer Services
Use Online Payment Systems
Make Online Money Order Transfers
Content: You don't even necessarily need to have the recipient's bank information to deposit the funds. There are various ways you can send money electronically without having to visit a bank in person. Tips
You can electronically deposit money into another person's bank account by transferring money from your account, Western Union or your PayPal account. Make a Bank Transfer
Most banks allow online banking customers to make online transfers between bank accounts, even if the account belongs to someone with a different financial institution. Before you can complete what's referred to as a bank-to-bank transfer, you might need to go through security measures to confirm you're the account owner. The initial verification process can take about three to five days. To complete the transfer, you'll need the other person's bank account number and routing number. Certain banks, including Bank of America and PNC Bank, offer account holders the option to send money to others using only the recipient's email address or phone number. 00:00
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Read More: Safest Way to Transfer Money
Utilizing Mobile Transfer Services
Services are available that specialize in transferring money electronically to friends and family directly from your cell phone. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_461255460#4_863680575 | Title: How Do I Electronically Deposit Money Into Someone's Bank Account? | Pocketsense
Headings: How Do I Electronically Deposit Money Into Someone's Bank Account?
How Do I Electronically Deposit Money Into Someone's Bank Account?
Make a Bank Transfer
Utilizing Mobile Transfer Services
Use Online Payment Systems
Make Online Money Order Transfers
Content: When you register for a PayPal account, you can use funds from your checking account, debit card or credit card. You can also receive payments from others without having to link a bank account or card. Read More: 5 Automatic Savings Apps to Help You in 2020
Money can be sent using the funds in your PayPal account or from your funding source. You'll just need the recipient's email address, which must be registered with PayPal. The recipient can withdraw the money or transfer it to his bank account. Make Online Money Order Transfers
You can transfer money online using MoneyGram through the Walmart website. Visit Walmart's website to set up the transfer using your debit card, credit card or checking account. Online transfers are also available through WesternUnion's website. Pay using your credit card, debit card or bank account to send the money directly to the recipient's bank account. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_461255460#5_863682032 | Title: How Do I Electronically Deposit Money Into Someone's Bank Account? | Pocketsense
Headings: How Do I Electronically Deposit Money Into Someone's Bank Account?
How Do I Electronically Deposit Money Into Someone's Bank Account?
Make a Bank Transfer
Utilizing Mobile Transfer Services
Use Online Payment Systems
Make Online Money Order Transfers
Content: The recipient can withdraw the money or transfer it to his bank account. Make Online Money Order Transfers
You can transfer money online using MoneyGram through the Walmart website. Visit Walmart's website to set up the transfer using your debit card, credit card or checking account. Online transfers are also available through WesternUnion's website. Pay using your credit card, debit card or bank account to send the money directly to the recipient's bank account. Read More: Recycling for Money: 7 Surprising Ways to Make Extra Cash
Western Union: Send Money Online
PayPal: Help Center: | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_461255460#7_863684030 | Title: How Do I Electronically Deposit Money Into Someone's Bank Account? | Pocketsense
Headings: How Do I Electronically Deposit Money Into Someone's Bank Account?
How Do I Electronically Deposit Money Into Someone's Bank Account?
Make a Bank Transfer
Utilizing Mobile Transfer Services
Use Online Payment Systems
Make Online Money Order Transfers
Content: Common Questions
Cash App: Homepage
Wells Fargo: Transfers
PNC Bank: Transfer Funds
Bank of America: Mobile Money Transfers
Google Pay: About Home Page
Capital One. " How to Transfer Money From One Bank Account to Another." Accessed Jan. 16, 2020. Barclays. " | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_461255460#8_863684872 | Title: How Do I Electronically Deposit Money Into Someone's Bank Account? | Pocketsense
Headings: How Do I Electronically Deposit Money Into Someone's Bank Account?
How Do I Electronically Deposit Money Into Someone's Bank Account?
Make a Bank Transfer
Utilizing Mobile Transfer Services
Use Online Payment Systems
Make Online Money Order Transfers
Content: About Home Page
Capital One. " How to Transfer Money From One Bank Account to Another." Accessed Jan. 16, 2020. Barclays. " Terms and Conditions." Accessed May 7, 2020. Capital One. " Account Disclosures." Accessed May 7, 2020. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_464655737#1_871639989 | Title: What Do Banks Do With Unsold Foreclosures? | Pocketsense
Headings: What Do Banks Do With Unsold Foreclosures?
What Do Banks Do With Unsold Foreclosures?
Steps to Foreclosure
Sell It at Auction
Back to the Bank
Get It Listed
Content: Often, the lender works out a short-sale agreement and takes a loss on the transaction. When the bank is either unwilling or unable to complete a short sale, it forecloses on -- and becomes the owner of -- the property. For homebuyers in the know, bank-owned properties may result in significant bargains. Steps to Foreclosure
There are several actions that must happen before a property is foreclosed upon. First, the borrower defaults on his loan; this usually happens after three successive payments have been missed. Then, the bank sends the borrower a notice of default. If the borrower doesn’t pay the past-due amount, the bank forecloses on the property and then takes it to auction. Sell It at Auction
At the auction, the lender makes its first attempt to sell the property. In most states, the bidding process is open to the public and anyone can attend and bid on a foreclosed home. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_464803684#0_871997309 | Title: What Happens When Your Landlord Doesn't Pay the Mortgage to the House You Live In? | Pocketsense
Headings: What Happens When Your Landlord Doesn't Pay the Mortgage to the House You Live In?
What Happens When Your Landlord Doesn't Pay the Mortgage to the House You Live In?
Your Lease
Your Rent
Other Considerations
Content: What Happens When Your Landlord Doesn't Pay the Mortgage to the House You Live In? | Pocketsense
What Happens When Your Landlord Doesn't Pay the Mortgage to the House You Live In? •••
Jupiterimages/ Images
By: Dale Marshall
Updated December 12, 2019
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What Are Tenants Rights After Foreclosure in California? Learn More →
If you rent your residence and the landlord doesn't pay the mortgage, a practice known as rent skimming, the house will likely go into foreclosure. This raises some very important issues for you as a renter, including the status of your lease, your obligation to continue paying rent to the landlord, and your future as a tenant in that property. Your Lease
The lease is a contract you entered into with the landlord, and isn’t affected by whether or not the landlord makes mortgage payments. Your landlord is still obligated to allow you to live in and enjoy the premises, and is also obligated to maintain the house in habitable condition. In addition, if the lease calls for the landlord to provide any utilities, such as water, electricity, gas or trash removal, those services must be provided; otherwise, the lease provides remedies, and most jurisdictions have government agencies that help resolve landlord-tenant disputes. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_464803684#1_871999213 | Title: What Happens When Your Landlord Doesn't Pay the Mortgage to the House You Live In? | Pocketsense
Headings: What Happens When Your Landlord Doesn't Pay the Mortgage to the House You Live In?
What Happens When Your Landlord Doesn't Pay the Mortgage to the House You Live In?
Your Lease
Your Rent
Other Considerations
Content: This raises some very important issues for you as a renter, including the status of your lease, your obligation to continue paying rent to the landlord, and your future as a tenant in that property. Your Lease
The lease is a contract you entered into with the landlord, and isn’t affected by whether or not the landlord makes mortgage payments. Your landlord is still obligated to allow you to live in and enjoy the premises, and is also obligated to maintain the house in habitable condition. In addition, if the lease calls for the landlord to provide any utilities, such as water, electricity, gas or trash removal, those services must be provided; otherwise, the lease provides remedies, and most jurisdictions have government agencies that help resolve landlord-tenant disputes. Your Rent
From a legal perspective, what the landlord does with the rent you pay is none of your concern. Rent skimming is not illegal except in California, where it’s illegal only during the landlord’s first year of ownership of a property. While it’s obviously frustrating to meet your obligation to someone who doesn't meet his obligation for the property you’re renting, that doesn't relieve you of the duty to pay the rent when due. If you withhold the rent, the landlord may initiate eviction proceedings against you, seriously damaging your credit rating. 00:00
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Prior to the enactment of the Protecting Tenants at Foreclosure Act of 2009, tenants in properties that were foreclosed generally lost their leases and had to vacate the premises quickly. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_464803684#2_872001481 | Title: What Happens When Your Landlord Doesn't Pay the Mortgage to the House You Live In? | Pocketsense
Headings: What Happens When Your Landlord Doesn't Pay the Mortgage to the House You Live In?
What Happens When Your Landlord Doesn't Pay the Mortgage to the House You Live In?
Your Lease
Your Rent
Other Considerations
Content: Your Rent
From a legal perspective, what the landlord does with the rent you pay is none of your concern. Rent skimming is not illegal except in California, where it’s illegal only during the landlord’s first year of ownership of a property. While it’s obviously frustrating to meet your obligation to someone who doesn't meet his obligation for the property you’re renting, that doesn't relieve you of the duty to pay the rent when due. If you withhold the rent, the landlord may initiate eviction proceedings against you, seriously damaging your credit rating. 00:00
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Prior to the enactment of the Protecting Tenants at Foreclosure Act of 2009, tenants in properties that were foreclosed generally lost their leases and had to vacate the premises quickly. The act provides for leases to survive a foreclosure, and tenants without leases, called month-to-month tenants, must be given 90 days’ notice to move out. An exception is made when the new owner of a foreclosed property intends to live in it, in which case leases may be cancelled with 90 days’ notice. Your lease remains in force, and is a contract between you and the new owner. You should receive legal notice of the transfer of ownership and your rights and obligations, including payment of rent. Other Considerations
When properties are foreclosed, the lenders who usually assume ownership are not interested in spending more money than they have to, and will be reluctant to perform any but the most critical repairs. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_464803684#3_872003697 | Title: What Happens When Your Landlord Doesn't Pay the Mortgage to the House You Live In? | Pocketsense
Headings: What Happens When Your Landlord Doesn't Pay the Mortgage to the House You Live In?
What Happens When Your Landlord Doesn't Pay the Mortgage to the House You Live In?
Your Lease
Your Rent
Other Considerations
Content: The act provides for leases to survive a foreclosure, and tenants without leases, called month-to-month tenants, must be given 90 days’ notice to move out. An exception is made when the new owner of a foreclosed property intends to live in it, in which case leases may be cancelled with 90 days’ notice. Your lease remains in force, and is a contract between you and the new owner. You should receive legal notice of the transfer of ownership and your rights and obligations, including payment of rent. Other Considerations
When properties are foreclosed, the lenders who usually assume ownership are not interested in spending more money than they have to, and will be reluctant to perform any but the most critical repairs. In addition, federal law notwithstanding, they may try to persuade tenants to move out, so they can show and sell a vacant property. If your landlord is out of the picture and you’re dealing with a lender who’s anxious to persuade you to move out, insist that its agents substantiate whatever they tell you in writing, and document all your dealings with them. References
Realty Times – Collecting Rent and Not Paying the Mortgage
The Phoenix Real Estate Guy – Should I Keep Paying My Rent? My Landlord Is in Foreclosure
Nolo Foreclosure FAQ: What Happens to Renters When a Property is Foreclosed On? | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_465013723#5_872515994 | Title: What Happens at a Trustee's Sale of a Home? | Pocketsense
Headings: What Happens at a Trustee's Sale of a Home?
What Happens at a Trustee's Sale of a Home?
Bidding Process
After the Sale
Content: The person with the highest bid must make a check for the bidding amount to the trustee within a certain time frame, which varies by state. After the Sale
Once the trustee sale is complete, the property deed is recorded in the new owner's name. The winning bidder can take immediate possession of the property. If the previous owner or rental tenants are present, they must vacate the property and remove all personal belongings. If the current occupants fail to leave the premises, the new owner has the right to begin an eviction process and have them removed. Considerations
The original borrower may reinstate the mortgage by bringing the mortgage current. If the property owner does this before the trustee sale, the foreclosure process ends and the original borrower can remain in the home. Once the mortgage is reinstated, the lender must notify the trustee. The trustee must then terminate the property sale. References | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_465262953#0_873100334 | Title: Delaware Foreclosure Process | Pocketsense
Headings: Delaware Foreclosure Process
Delaware Foreclosure Process
Content: Delaware Foreclosure Process | Pocketsense
Delaware Foreclosure Process
Comstock/Comstock/Getty Images
By: Monica Dillon
Updated December 12, 2019
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What Happens When a House Goes Into Foreclosure in Wisconsin? Learn More →
Delaware is among several states that use a judicial process to foreclose on homeowners who are delinquent on their mortgage. Delaware's judicial foreclosure is a lengthy process and offers you opportunities to work with the lender to seek alternatives and additional time to stay in the house. Understanding when you can legally have your say and stop or postpone the foreclosure process might give you time to find more suitable housing or bring your loan up to date. Mediation
In Delaware, the foreclosure process begins once you become three to four payments behind on your mortgage. While participation is not mandatory, you become eligible for mediation with your lender through the state's mediation program. Your first opportunity to stop the foreclosure process, the state's mediation program allows you, the lender and a neutral third party to sit down and discuss alternatives. Alternatives might include a forbearance, loan modification, deed in lieu of foreclosure or a short sale. The state requires you to contact a housing counselor to begin the process. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_468512108#2_880793089 | Title: Main Reasons People Get in Credit Card Debt | Pocketsense
Headings: Main Reasons People Get in Credit Card Debt
Main Reasons People Get in Credit Card Debt
No Budget
Misuse or Misunderstanding of Credit
Loss of Income
Emergencies and Unforeseen Expenses
Content: Misuse or Misunderstanding of Credit
If you don’t pay your bills of time or completely miss payments, you can trigger a sharp increase in your interest rates, generate penalties and lower your credit score, which can lead to higher interest rates or denial of credit in the future. For example, you miss a payment on a card with a no-interest balance transfer rate on which you have a $5,000 balance. Going from 0 percent interest to 22 percent interest on that balance, you’ll generate more than $1,000 in interest payments per year. 00:00
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Loss of Income
When people lose their jobs, they often have to run up or max out their cards. There may be no avoiding this for some people, but once you’re back on your feet, you’ll need to start attacking that debt, or the interest can keep you buried for years. This means that after you get a new job, you might need to forget about that attractive 401 (k) match your employer offers and use that money to reduce your card balances. Emergencies and Unforeseen Expenses
Medical bills, divorce, underemployment and gambling are four of the top 10 reasons for credit card debt, reports Steve Bucci on This is why many people create an emergency fund that helps them through times of unplanned financial stress. Purchasing a disability income insurance policy can help you keep cash coming in to pay your bills in the event you aren’t able to work. Irresponsibility
The reality of high credit card debt for many people is that they spent money they didn’t have and couldn’t pay back. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_469533051#0_883197756 | Title: How Much Do Bounty Hunters Get Paid? | Pocketsense
Headings: How Much Do Bounty Hunters Get Paid?
How Much Do Bounty Hunters Get Paid?
Employment Requirements
Job Description
Average Earnings
Writer Bio
Content: How Much Do Bounty Hunters Get Paid? | Pocketsense
How Much Do Bounty Hunters Get Paid? •••
Justice image by MVit from
By: Sherry Gray
Updated July 27, 2017
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A bounty hunter's job involves tracking down fugitives who miss scheduled court appearances and retuning them to authorities in the county where they were charged with a crime. Bounty hunters are officially known as bail enforcement or fugitive recovery agents. Employment Requirements
Aspiring bounty hunters must be at least 18 years old in any state, and in some states, the minimum age requirement is 21 years old. Some states require only a high school or equivalent degree, but other states require training and licensing before an applicant can legally work as a bounty hunter. A criminal record may disqualify an applicant from working as a bounty hunter. Job Description
Bounty hunters are generally employed or contracted by a bail bondsman. When a person charged with a crime misses a court appearance, it is the bail bondsman's responsibility to return the criminal to justice. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_469533051#1_883199394 | Title: How Much Do Bounty Hunters Get Paid? | Pocketsense
Headings: How Much Do Bounty Hunters Get Paid?
How Much Do Bounty Hunters Get Paid?
Employment Requirements
Job Description
Average Earnings
Writer Bio
Content: Employment Requirements
Aspiring bounty hunters must be at least 18 years old in any state, and in some states, the minimum age requirement is 21 years old. Some states require only a high school or equivalent degree, but other states require training and licensing before an applicant can legally work as a bounty hunter. A criminal record may disqualify an applicant from working as a bounty hunter. Job Description
Bounty hunters are generally employed or contracted by a bail bondsman. When a person charged with a crime misses a court appearance, it is the bail bondsman's responsibility to return the criminal to justice. The bail bondsman contracts a bounty hunter to protect his interests. If the fugitive is not successfully captured, the bail bondsman stands to lose a great deal of money. 00:00
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Bounty hunters are usually paid on commission when the fugitive is apprehended and handed over to the authorities. The payment can vary widely. Bail bonds are based on the severity of the crime and can be up to $100,000, but the average bail bond is $4,000. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_469533051#2_883201032 | Title: How Much Do Bounty Hunters Get Paid? | Pocketsense
Headings: How Much Do Bounty Hunters Get Paid?
How Much Do Bounty Hunters Get Paid?
Employment Requirements
Job Description
Average Earnings
Writer Bio
Content: The bail bondsman contracts a bounty hunter to protect his interests. If the fugitive is not successfully captured, the bail bondsman stands to lose a great deal of money. 00:00
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Bounty hunters are usually paid on commission when the fugitive is apprehended and handed over to the authorities. The payment can vary widely. Bail bonds are based on the severity of the crime and can be up to $100,000, but the average bail bond is $4,000. The payment for returning a fugitive is usually 10 percent of the value of the bond, but low-risk fugitives with small bonds may pay less. Average Earnings
New bounty hunters average $25,000 annually. More experienced bounty hunters can easily earn over $100,000. The associated risks often go up with the salary. Bounty hunters who are willing to track down people charged with violent crimes that are set at higher bonds make more money. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_469533051#3_883202482 | Title: How Much Do Bounty Hunters Get Paid? | Pocketsense
Headings: How Much Do Bounty Hunters Get Paid?
How Much Do Bounty Hunters Get Paid?
Employment Requirements
Job Description
Average Earnings
Writer Bio
Content: The payment for returning a fugitive is usually 10 percent of the value of the bond, but low-risk fugitives with small bonds may pay less. Average Earnings
New bounty hunters average $25,000 annually. More experienced bounty hunters can easily earn over $100,000. The associated risks often go up with the salary. Bounty hunters who are willing to track down people charged with violent crimes that are set at higher bonds make more money. Bail bondsmen assign cases based on knowledge and skill. References
Become a Bounty Hunter: Bounty Hunting Salary Become a Bounty Hunter
Writer Bio
Sherry Gray started her writing career in 2010 when the company she worked for as a web developer began to fail. In college she majored in English, taking every writing and literature course available plus advertising and business. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_469533051#4_883203751 | Title: How Much Do Bounty Hunters Get Paid? | Pocketsense
Headings: How Much Do Bounty Hunters Get Paid?
How Much Do Bounty Hunters Get Paid?
Employment Requirements
Job Description
Average Earnings
Writer Bio
Content: Bail bondsmen assign cases based on knowledge and skill. References
Become a Bounty Hunter: Bounty Hunting Salary Become a Bounty Hunter
Writer Bio
Sherry Gray started her writing career in 2010 when the company she worked for as a web developer began to fail. In college she majored in English, taking every writing and literature course available plus advertising and business. Gray feels finally putting her education to work was a great career choice. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_470902900#1_886499915 | Title: How to Get Help Paying a Gas Bill | Pocketsense
Headings: How to Get Help Paying a Gas Bill
How to Get Help Paying a Gas Bill
Federal Assistance
State Programs
Utility Providers and Nonprofits
Content: Federal Assistance
The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is the federal utility assistance program. The eligibility guidelines and benefits available vary from state to state. All states offer help with heating expenses; several states also provide funding in the summer months and weatherization services to make homes more energy-efficient. Generally, household income must be at or below 130 percent of the federal poverty level. For information on your state's LIHEAP details and guidelines, visit the LIHEAP Clearinghouse site. State Programs
Your state may offer a utility assistance program to help with gas bills. Programs are usually run by the state's Public Utility Commission or Department of Community Affairs. You can also contact your state's Department of Children and Families or Department of Social Services to see if state help is available. Examples of state-run programs include: | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_471777124#0_888600247 | Title: What Are the Pros & Cons of a Progressive Tax? | Pocketsense
Headings: What Are the Pros & Cons of a Progressive Tax?
What Are the Pros & Cons of a Progressive Tax?
Safety Net
Fairness and Transparency
Alternatives to the Progressive Income Tax Model
Content: What Are the Pros & Cons of a Progressive Tax? | Pocketsense
What Are the Pros & Cons of a Progressive Tax? •••
Ryan McVay/Digital Vision/Getty Images
By: Michael Roennevig
Updated December 12, 2019
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In progressive tax regimes, the wealthy pay more into the public purse than those further down the income scale. The United States operates a system of progressive income taxation. In 2012, single American taxpayers earning between $0 and $8,700 paid 10 percent of their earnings in federal income taxes, while those fortunate enough to earn over $388,350 had to hand over 35 percent of their income. Some people would like to see the country's tax regime become even more progressive by increasing the amount the rich have to pay, while others support the introduction of a system of flat taxation in which all taxpayers would pay a the same rate, regardless of income. There are also tax reformers who argue the country should do away with income tax entirely and switch to a model of taxation based on consumption. Redistribution
Proponents of progressive income taxation systems argue that they ensure that those with the broadest shoulders bear the greatest burden. Flat-tax regimes result in those on lower incomes losing a greater proportion of their disposable income, due in part to the fact that they have to pay the same regressive taxes as the rich on the goods and services they buy. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_471777124#1_888602275 | Title: What Are the Pros & Cons of a Progressive Tax? | Pocketsense
Headings: What Are the Pros & Cons of a Progressive Tax?
What Are the Pros & Cons of a Progressive Tax?
Safety Net
Fairness and Transparency
Alternatives to the Progressive Income Tax Model
Content: In 2012, single American taxpayers earning between $0 and $8,700 paid 10 percent of their earnings in federal income taxes, while those fortunate enough to earn over $388,350 had to hand over 35 percent of their income. Some people would like to see the country's tax regime become even more progressive by increasing the amount the rich have to pay, while others support the introduction of a system of flat taxation in which all taxpayers would pay a the same rate, regardless of income. There are also tax reformers who argue the country should do away with income tax entirely and switch to a model of taxation based on consumption. Redistribution
Proponents of progressive income taxation systems argue that they ensure that those with the broadest shoulders bear the greatest burden. Flat-tax regimes result in those on lower incomes losing a greater proportion of their disposable income, due in part to the fact that they have to pay the same regressive taxes as the rich on the goods and services they buy. In a progressive system, taxes are collected from higher earners and money redistributed to those further down the income scale through social security benefits and government spending on public services such as schools and hospitals. Anti-Innovation
Opponents of progressive income tax systems claim that they stifle innovation and encourage high-worth individuals to hide their money offshore or leave the country in search of more lenient tax regimes. The argument goes that high earners will be discouraged from making more money or decide to hide some of their income if they're forced to hand more of it over to the Internal Revenue Service. Supporters of a flat tax point to evidence that tax receipts from the rich rise when the rate they're asked to pay goes down. When the top rate of tax was slashed from 73 percent to 25 percent in the 1920s, the share of taxes paid by those who made more than $100,000 a year -- more than $1 million in today's money -- increased from 28 percent to 51 percent, according to The Wall Street Journal. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_471777124#2_888604822 | Title: What Are the Pros & Cons of a Progressive Tax? | Pocketsense
Headings: What Are the Pros & Cons of a Progressive Tax?
What Are the Pros & Cons of a Progressive Tax?
Safety Net
Fairness and Transparency
Alternatives to the Progressive Income Tax Model
Content: In a progressive system, taxes are collected from higher earners and money redistributed to those further down the income scale through social security benefits and government spending on public services such as schools and hospitals. Anti-Innovation
Opponents of progressive income tax systems claim that they stifle innovation and encourage high-worth individuals to hide their money offshore or leave the country in search of more lenient tax regimes. The argument goes that high earners will be discouraged from making more money or decide to hide some of their income if they're forced to hand more of it over to the Internal Revenue Service. Supporters of a flat tax point to evidence that tax receipts from the rich rise when the rate they're asked to pay goes down. When the top rate of tax was slashed from 73 percent to 25 percent in the 1920s, the share of taxes paid by those who made more than $100,000 a year -- more than $1 million in today's money -- increased from 28 percent to 51 percent, according to The Wall Street Journal. 00:00
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Safety Net
In a progressive income tax system, when an individual's income falls, so does the tax burden. This can provide some protection to mostly low- and middle-income taxpayers when the economy takes a turn for the worse, although the rich can also benefit if a fall in their income pushes them into a lower tax band. Under flat income tax regimes, governments may be forced to pay out more benefits to lower income individuals and families who are over-stretched by having to pay a higher rate of income tax. Administering the payment of these benefits would cost money that would have to come out of the public purse. Fairness and Transparency
Many people argue that the progressive tax system in the U.S. is anything but. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_472025738#2_889190133 | Title: How to Put Money in Someone Else's Bank Account | Pocketsense
Headings: How to Put Money in Someone Else's Bank Account
How to Put Money in Someone Else's Bank Account
Deposit a Check
Send a Wire Transfer
Deposit Cash
Content: In addition to personal information, you'll have to provide the recipient's account number and the routing number of his bank. Once the form is complete, submit it to your bank, along with any necessary fee. This will vary by bank, but typically ranges between $15 and $30. Fees may vary based on whether the wire transfer is domestic or international. Some banks also allow you to make wire transfers online. 00:00
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Deposit Cash
If you want to deposit cash into another person's account, follow the steps for making a check deposit. Go to a bank, complete a deposit slip, and provide the cash to the teller. Since cash transactions are hard to trace, be extra sure to get a receipt for any cash deposits. References
Bank of America: Wire Transfer FAQs
Huntington Bank: | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_476533080#2_899828628 | Title: How to Transfer Money From One Checking Account to Another Checking Account | Pocketsense
Headings: How to Transfer Money From One Checking Account to Another Checking Account
How to Transfer Money From One Checking Account to Another Checking Account
Use the ATM
Consider Wire Transfers
Utilize Online Banking
Make an ACH Transfer
Use Your PayPal Account
Writer Bio
Content: Out-of-network ATMs may not allow you to transfer funds between your accounts, and if they do, fees may apply. Consider Wire Transfers
If you want to transfer money from your account to someone else's account at a different bank, you can complete a wire transfer, which is a real-time method of transferring funds between banks. The two banks work together to move the funds. Wire transfers can be initiated in-person and online. You'll need the recipient's full name, bank account number and routing number. Fees and limits may apply, depending on the bank and the type of account. Funds are often available within one day. 00:00
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Utilize Online Banking
If you sign up for online banking through your bank, you can transfer money between your checking accounts held at that bank by logging into your account. Most banks allow you to make transfers online or from your mobile device as well. Make an ACH Transfer
Banks also give you the option to transfer funds online to accounts held at other branches using the Automated Clearing Housing. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_476621290#4_900076821 | Title: How to Transfer Money to a Bank of America Account | Pocketsense
Headings: How to Transfer Money to a Bank of America Account
How to Transfer Money to a Bank of America Account
Make an ATM Transfer
Perform Online Transfers Within BOA
Move Funds From Another Bank
Opt for a Wire Transfer
Consider Credit Card Cash Advances
Content: Select the option to transfer between accounts at Bank of America. Choose the accounts to withdraw from and receive the funds, enter the amount and select whether it is a one-time withdrawal or will happen at regular intervals. Click "Continue." Click "Make Transfer." Move Funds From Another Bank
If you need to transfer money from another bank to your Bank of America account, log into your online banking through that bank's website and look for a bank-to-bank transfer option. Your bank may charge fees for the service. You'll need your Bank of America account and routing numbers. Generally, you'll need to go through a verification process to confirm you're the owner of the receiving account before you can request the transfer. Once the account is verified, you can transfer funds. It can take three to five business days for the funds to appear in your account, depending on the bank. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_476628312#0_900092084 | Title: How to Transfer Money Between Banks Online | Pocketsense
Headings: How to Transfer Money Between Banks Online
How to Transfer Money Between Banks Online
Gather Required Information
Sign into Your Bank's Online Banking Site
Choose the Correct Transfer Service
Provide Required Information and Details
Check for Fees and Complete the Transfer
Content: How to Transfer Money Between Banks Online | Pocketsense
How to Transfer Money Between Banks Online
By: Catherine Armstrong
Updated July 27, 2017
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Online banking has changed the way people pay bills and move money from one bank to another. In the past, if you wanted to transfer money from your account to another account at a different institution, you typically wrote and mailed a check. Now you can complete those transactions in just a few minutes online. Transactions typically take from 1 to 3 days to complete. Gather Required Information
To transfer money from one bank to another, you'll need the following information: An online banking account with your bank
The name of the recipient
The bank routing number for the receiving institution AND
The bank account number of the recipient OR
The mobile phone number of the recipient OR
The email address of the recipient
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The fastest way to make a transfer to another person's bank account is by using the recipient's banking information, including the routing number of the financial institution and the individual's account number. However, if she does not want to share that information with you, your bank may be able to transfer funds using the recipient's mobile phone number or email. In this case, the recipient will receive a text message or email from your bank, alerting him that you've initiated a transfer. She then will follow the instructions to direct the money into her bank account. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_476628312#1_900094426 | Title: How to Transfer Money Between Banks Online | Pocketsense
Headings: How to Transfer Money Between Banks Online
How to Transfer Money Between Banks Online
Gather Required Information
Sign into Your Bank's Online Banking Site
Choose the Correct Transfer Service
Provide Required Information and Details
Check for Fees and Complete the Transfer
Content: Gather Required Information
To transfer money from one bank to another, you'll need the following information: An online banking account with your bank
The name of the recipient
The bank routing number for the receiving institution AND
The bank account number of the recipient OR
The mobile phone number of the recipient OR
The email address of the recipient
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The fastest way to make a transfer to another person's bank account is by using the recipient's banking information, including the routing number of the financial institution and the individual's account number. However, if she does not want to share that information with you, your bank may be able to transfer funds using the recipient's mobile phone number or email. In this case, the recipient will receive a text message or email from your bank, alerting him that you've initiated a transfer. She then will follow the instructions to direct the money into her bank account. Once she follows bank's transfer instructions, the recipient receives her money within 1 to 3 days. If she fails to complete instructions within 10 days, the transaction is cancelled. Sign into Your Bank's Online Banking Site
To complete an online transfer, you'll need to enroll in your bank's online banking program, if you haven't done so already. Log onto your bank's website and follow the instructions to enroll. Tips
Most banks offer mobile online banking -- you can complete transactions such as transfers from your mobile phone or device. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_476656377#1_900161024 | Title: How to Transfer Money From a Savings Account | Pocketsense
Headings: How to Transfer Money From a Savings Account
How to Transfer Money From a Savings Account
Writer Bio
Content: When you are ready to transfer money from your savings account to another account at the bank, there are usually four ways in which you can do so. Sign into your online banking account, if you have one. Go to the “Transfers” section of your account and select your savings account for the “From” account and the destination account for the “To.” Enter in the transfer amount. Click on “Continue” or “Transfer” to complete your request for a transfer. Call your bank's customer service line, which can be found on your bank statement. Ask the representative to transfer money from your savings account to one of your other accounts. Give the amount you want transferred and the account it is going to. 00:00
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Use your debit card or ATM card, if you have one for your savings account, to transfer your money at the ATM. After entering in your PIN, select that you want to transfer the money. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_476656377#3_900163787 | Title: How to Transfer Money From a Savings Account | Pocketsense
Headings: How to Transfer Money From a Savings Account
How to Transfer Money From a Savings Account
Writer Bio
Content: Select the account you want it to go into and the amount before pressing “Enter” to confirm. Visit your local bank branch and ask to transfer the money. Usually you will need to fill out a withdrawal slip for the savings account and a deposit slip for the other account to complete the process. References
Wells Fargo: Transfer Questions
Bank of America: Purchases, Payments and Transfers
National Credit Union Administration. " Share Insurance Fund Overview." Accessed Sept. 6, 2020. FDIC. " Transparency & Accountability - Consumer Protection & Deposit Insurance." | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_477236058#3_901550069 | Title: What Do Utilities Consist Of? | Pocketsense
Headings: What Do Utilities Consist Of?
What Do Utilities Consist Of?
Common Utilities
Telephone and Cable Services
Utility Bills
Content: Because cable choices are limited and regulated, some people consider cable a utility. However, you may have more choices compared to gas, water and sewerage providers. 00:00
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Utility Bills
You pay most utility bills each month, although water and sewer may be charged on a quarterly basis. If you fall behind in payments, your service won’t automatically be shut off. To protect disadvantage people from losing heat in the winter or cooling in the summer, governments set review procedures that utilities must follow before they can disconnect service. You can pay your bills using a check or an online payment system, in much the same way you pay credit card bills. References
The Free Dictionary: Public Utilities Utilities Expense Definition
Nationwide: How to set up utilities in your new home
International Labour Organization: | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_481975416#4_911834234 | Title: 10 Incredible Poems to Read for Black History Month | Poem Analysis
Headings: Black History Poems
Black History Poems
10 Incredible Black History Poems
Bars Fight by Lucy Terry
Let America Be America Again by Langston Hughes
A Brief History Of Hostility by Jamaal May
History as Process by Amiri Baraka
Miz Rosa Rides The Bus by Angela Jackson
Canary By Rita Dove
Afterimages by Audre Lorde
Praise Song For The Day by Elizabeth Alexander
On The Pulse Of Morning by Maya Angelou
We Should Make A Documentary About Spades by Terrence Hayes
Content: poor white people, African Americans haunted by the history of slavery, Native Americans pushed away from their own land by settlers, immigrants in search of a better future. He sees America as just as everywhere else, where the rich and powerful stomp over the poor and marginalized. Let America be America again. Let it be the dream it used to be. Let it be the pioneer on the plain
Seeking a home where he himself is free. (…)
Out of the rack and ruin of our gangster death,
The rape and rot of graft, and stealth, and lies,
We, the people, must redeem
The land, the mines, the plants, the rivers. The mountains and the endless plain—
All, all the stretch of these great green states—
And make America again! Read more poems of Langston Hughes. A Brief History Of Hostility by Jamaal May
Jamaal May’s five-part poem ‘ A Brief History Of Hostility ’ explores the themes of life, fire, death, and peace. May’s use of repetition and captivating images in the poem helps to explore the oppression and the hard-earned peace. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_485530894#0_920731189 | Title: Figurative Language - Definition and Examples | Poem Analysis
Headings: Figurative Language
Figurative Language
Purpose of Figurative Language
Examples of Figurative Language in Poetry
Example #1 A Coat by William Butler Yeats
Example #2 Your Last Drive by Thomas Hardy
Example #3 The Bight by Elizabeth Bishop
Discover 523 more terms like this
Slam Poetry
Content: Figurative Language - Definition and Examples | Poem Analysis
Figurative Language
Figures of speech include metaphors, similes, hyperboles, and allusions that take a description beyond the obvious and into the poetic. These figures of speech are used to expand a reader’s understanding by taping into their senses, preconceived notions of what something should be like, or what the contextual implications or connections are. Other kinds of figurative language include personification, onomatopoeia, oxymoron, metonymy, synecdoche, irony, sarcasm, pun, anaphora, tautology, imagery, symbolism, alliteration, understatement, and idiom. Purpose of Figurative Language
The primary reason that writers use figurative language is to stimulate a reader’s imagination. They are asked to think beyond what they immediately see or feel and make deeper, more meaningful, and sometimes surprising connections. It is not used to convey something literal, but something emotional or conceptual. This kind of language can often get to the root of meaning and tap into something universal to all readers. It is especially important when a topic is complex or abstract. Examples of Figurative Language in Poetry
Example #1 A Coat by William Butler Yeats
Within this poem, Yeats describes his writing practice through the metaphor of an embroidered coat. The metaphor is “extended” meaning that it lasts for more than one or two lines. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_492331089#4_936631107 | Title: My Heart Leaps Up by William Wordsworth | Poem Analysis
Headings: My Heart Leaps Up by William Wordsworth
My Heart Leaps Up by William Wordsworth
Explore My Heart Leaps Up
Analysis of My Heart Leaps Up
Historical Context
About Steven Swope
Content: His sense of wonder began when he was born and persisted throughout his childhood, into his adulthood. Wordsworth has been a fan of nature from the very start. So be it when I shall grow old, Or let me die! Wordsworth gets a bit extreme in these lines. First, he states that he hopes to continue to be mesmerized by nature well into old age. Then, he says “Or let me die!” The fairly unambiguous interpretation here is that the poet would rather die than find the world around him boring and bereft of beauty. Death would be preferable to becoming a jaded cynic who cannot grasp the wonder of nature. The Child is father of the Man; This is, perhaps, the most important line of My Heart Leaps Up. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_492331089#5_936632269 | Title: My Heart Leaps Up by William Wordsworth | Poem Analysis
Headings: My Heart Leaps Up by William Wordsworth
My Heart Leaps Up by William Wordsworth
Explore My Heart Leaps Up
Analysis of My Heart Leaps Up
Historical Context
About Steven Swope
Content: Then, he says “Or let me die!” The fairly unambiguous interpretation here is that the poet would rather die than find the world around him boring and bereft of beauty. Death would be preferable to becoming a jaded cynic who cannot grasp the wonder of nature. The Child is father of the Man; This is, perhaps, the most important line of My Heart Leaps Up. In his typical fashion, Wordsworth gives a seemingly straightforward metaphor, which actually has enormous implications. All people were once children, so the line makes some sense on that level. We come from children as children come from their parents. The greater implication is that, as a parent, a child can be a great teacher and a great role model. Children are constantly experiencing the world as if for the first time. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_492381830#8_936729375 | Title: She Dwelt among the Untrodden Ways | Poem Analysis
Headings: She Dwelt among the Untrodden Ways by William Wordsworth
She Dwelt among the Untrodden Ways by William Wordsworth
She Dwelt among the Untrodden Ways Analysis
First Stanza
Second Stanza
Third Stanza
About William Wordsworth
About Julieta Abella
Content: About William Wordsworth
William Wordsworth was born in 1770 and died in 1850. He was an English poet and one of the best-known figures of the Romantic period. Alongside Samuel Taylor Coleridge, William Wordsworth wrote Lyrical Ballads, and the publication of this collection launched the Romantic Age in English literature in 1798. However, Wordsworth’s most important work is said to be The Prelude, a semi-autobiographical poem that he wrote in his youth. This poem was revised several times, and William Wordsworth worked on it during his whole life. The Prelude was published posthumously. As a central figure of the Romantic Movement, William Wordsworth focused his poetry on the personification of nature and its relationship with men. Moreover, his poems describe intense emotions; these are the main source of his aesthetic experience. Also, past and nature are meant to be glorified by the use of spontaneous language. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_492388896#11_936752712 | Title: She Was a Phantom of Delight | Poem Analysis
Headings: She Was a Phantom of Delight by William Wordsworth
She Was a Phantom of Delight by William Wordsworth
She Was a Phantom of Delight Analysis
First Stanza
Second Stanza
Third Stanza
About William Wordsworth
Content: About William Wordsworth
William Wordsworth was born in 1770 and died in 1850. He was an English poet and one of the best known figures of the Romantic period. Alongside Samuel Taylor Coleridge, William Wordsworth wrote Lyrical Ballads, and the publication of this collection launched the Romantic Age in English literature in 1798. However, Wordsworth’s most important work is said to be The Prelude, a semi-autobiographical poem that he wrote in his youth. This poem was revised several times, and William Wordsworth worked on it during his whole life. The Prelude was published posthumously. As a central figure of the Romantic Movement, William Wordsworth focused his poetry on the personification of nature and its relationship with men. Moreover, his poems describe intense emotions; these are the main source of his aesthetic experience. Also, past and nature are meant to be glorified by the use of spontaneous language. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_492440909#9_936889726 | Title: We Are Seven by William Wordsworth | Poem Analysis
Headings: We Are Seven by William Wordsworth
We Are Seven by William Wordsworth
Explore We Are Seven
Summary of We Are Seven
Detailed Analysis
Stanza 1
Stanza 2-3
Stanza 4-6
Stanza 7-8
Stanza 9
Stanza 10-12
Stanza 13-15
Stanza 16-17
William Wordsworth Background
About Allisa Corfman
Content: Those two are dead! Their spirits are in heaven”. The girl’s joyful demeanor even as she tells this stranger of the deaths of her siblings is so frustrating to him that it drives him to be distasteful enough to say to this little girl not once, but twice “they are dead!”. He is obviously irritated that the girl did not seem aware of her loss, but rather continued to live as if her siblings were simply away for a while. His attempt to make her understand her loss was in vain, for he was “throwing words away” because “the Maid would have her way” and said as confidently as ever, “Nay, we are seven”. Conclusion
As We Are Seven progresses, the reader can clearly see that the child has a much more hopeful idea of death than the stranger she was speaking with. It was hard for the child to see her siblings laid in the ground, but she never felt as if they were gone. She still felt close to them, and she kept them alive in her heart by engaging in activities with them. Most intriguing, is this little girl’s confidence that she would see them again. In fact, she was just as confident that she would again see Jane and John as she was confident that she would see her other four siblings that were away. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_492440909#12_936895275 | Title: We Are Seven by William Wordsworth | Poem Analysis
Headings: We Are Seven by William Wordsworth
We Are Seven by William Wordsworth
Explore We Are Seven
Summary of We Are Seven
Detailed Analysis
Stanza 1
Stanza 2-3
Stanza 4-6
Stanza 7-8
Stanza 9
Stanza 10-12
Stanza 13-15
Stanza 16-17
William Wordsworth Background
About Allisa Corfman
Content: Had the speaker been faced with the tragedy this little girl had faced, he would have despaired because he would have counted the deceased ones as dead and gone forever. The little girl on the other hand had hope for an after-life and found joy in their memories. This young girl’s ability to grieve and yet hope in the midst of loosing ones so close to her reveals the inward peace that comes from her hope and confidence in a gracious God and a better after-life. William Wordsworth Background
William Wordsworth himself suffered the loss of his mother at age eight, the same age as this little girl in We Are Seven. He also lost his father when he was thirteen. It is possible that the speaker in We Are Seven symbolizes the adult version of William Wordsworth, while the eight year old symbolizes his younger self. Wordsworth lost his two children. These tragedies he did not overcome the way he overcame the loss of his mother and father. He suffered loss as a child, and as a child, he was able to press on with hope for the future. When he suffered loss as an adult, however, he no longer had the same childlike faith and his grief overcame him. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_493668606#0_939808439 | Title: National Association for Poetry Therapy - Home
Promoting growth and healing through language, symbol, and story.
What is Poetry Therapy
Upcoming events
Content: National Association for Poetry Therapy - Home
Promoting growth and healing through language, symbol, and story. BECOME A MEMBER
What is Poetry Therapy
Poetry therapy is the use of language, symbol, and story in therapeutic, education, growth, and community-building capacities. It relies upon the use of poems, stories, song lyrics, imagery, and metaphor to facilitate personal growth, healing, and greater self-awareness. Bibliotherapy, narrative, journal writing, metaphor, storytelling, and ritual are all within the realm of poetry therapy. Learn More
Upcoming events
Special Event: Your Brain on Ink with Kathleen "Kay" Adams, LPC, PTR, and Deborah Ross, LPC. 13 Jun 2021 4:00 PM (EDT) • Zoom
Special Event: A Doorway to Understanding and Alleviating Loneliness with Geri Chavis, LP, PhD, CPT
25 Jul 2021 4:00 PM (EDT) • Zoom
Night Rhythms: Open Mic - Rowyda Amin
1 Aug 2021 7:00 PM (EDT) • Zoom
Special Event: Body & Soul: | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_493680364#11_939860225 | Title: 12 Poems to Read for Black History Month | Academy of American Poets
Headings: 12 Poems to Read for Black History Month
12 Poems to Read for Black History Month
Tyehimba Jess on "We Real Cool" by Gwendolyn Brooks
Safiya Sinclair on "won't you celebrate with me" by Lucille Clifton
Rickey Laurentiis on "Heartbeats" by Melvin Dixon
Rowan Ricardo Phillips on "American History" by Michael S. Harper
Toi Derricotte on "Hurricane" by Yona Harvey
Marilyn Nelson on "Middle Passage" by Robert Hayden
Hanif Willis-Abdurraqib on “We Should Make a Documentary About Spades” by Terrance Hayes
Camille Rankine on "Let America Be America Again" by Langston Hughes
Mahogany L. Browne on “Brief History of Hostility” by Jamaal May
Ruth Ellen Kocher on "Coherence in Consequence" by Claudia Rankine
Afaa Michael Weaver on "For My People" by Margaret Walker
Camille T. Dungy on "On Being Brought from Africa to America" by Phillis Wheatley
Content: A great poem releases the language it uses from the tether of its normal terms—not to destroy language but to reveal the wounds therein and enliven them and, in turn, the entire language. That the explosive first line carries five stresses in its six syllables; that the poem posits a “me” and the possibility of multiple “yous” (an addressed second person and a rhetorical one); that the net is torqued into an embedded clause you have to see and swallow before moving on to the drowning; that we lose a sense of protagonist and antagonist, moral gravity; that the poem is in search of gravity among its tragic parts and dangling question—what to say but to read it, parse it, memorize it, and pay it forward? Why is it not in every canon? Can't find what you can't see, can you? Rowan Ricardo Phillips is the author of two books of poetry, Heaven (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2015) and The Ground (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2012). He divides his time between New York City and Barcelona, Spain. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_494828293#0_942117147 | Title: About William Wordsworth | Academy of American Poets
Headings: William Wordsworth
William Wordsworth
Content: About William Wordsworth | Academy of American Poets
William Wordsworth
read poems by this poet
On April 7, 1770, William Wordsworth was born in Cockermouth, Cumbria, England. Wordsworth's mother died when he was eight—this experience shapes much of his later work. Wordsworth attended Hawkshead Grammar School, where his love of poetry was firmly established and, it is believed, he made his first attempts at verse. While he was at Hawkshead, Wordsworth's father died leaving him and his four siblings orphans. After Hawkshead, Wordsworth studied at St. John's College in Cambridge and before his final semester, he set out on a walking tour of Europe, an experience that influenced both his poetry and his political sensibilities. While touring Europe, Wordsworth came into contact with the French Revolution. This experience as well as a subsequent period living in France, brought about Wordsworth's interest and sympathy for the life, troubles, and speech of the "common man." These issues proved to be of the utmost importance to Wordsworth's work. Wordsworth's earliest poetry was published in 1793 in the collections An Evening Walk and Descriptive Sketches. While living in France, Wordsworth conceived a daughter, Caroline, out of wedlock; | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_26_494828293#3_942121419 | Title: About William Wordsworth | Academy of American Poets
Headings: William Wordsworth
William Wordsworth
Content: It was with Coleridge that Wordsworth published the famous Lyrical Ballads (J. & A. Arch) in 1798. While the poems themselves are some of the most influential in Western literature, it is the preface to the second edition that remains one of the most important testaments to a poet's views on both his craft and his place in the world. In the preface Wordsworth writes on the need for "common speech" within poems and argues against the hierarchy of the period which valued epic poetry above the lyric. Wordsworth's most famous work, The Prelude (Edward Moxon, 1850), is considered by many to be the crowning achievement of English romanticism. The poem, revised numerous times, chronicles the spiritual life of the poet and marks the birth of a new genre of poetry. Although Wordsworth worked on The Prelude throughout his life, the poem was published posthumously. Wordsworth spent his final years settled at Rydal Mount in England, travelling and continuing his outdoor excursions. Devastated by the death of his daughter Dora in 1847, Wordsworth seemingly lost his will to compose poems. William Wordsworth died at Rydal Mount on April 23, 1850, leaving his wife Mary to publish The Prelude three months later. poems
texts by
texts about
An Evening Walk (1793)
Descriptive Sketches (1793)
Borders (1795)
Lines Written Above Tintern Abbey (1798)
Lyrical Ballads (J. & A. Arch, 1798)
Upon Westminster Bridge (1801)
Intimations of Immortality (1806)
Miscellaneous Sonnets (1807)
Poems I-II (1807)
The Excursion (1814)
The White Doe of Rylstone (1815)
Peter Bell (1819)
The Waggoner (1819)
The River Duddon (1820)
Ecclesiastical Sketches (1822)
Memorials of a Tour of the Continent (1822)
Yarrow Revisited (1835)
The Prelude Or Growth of a Poet's Mind (Edward Moxon, 1850)
The Recluse (1888)
The Poetical Works (1949)
Selected Poems (1959)
Complete Poetical Works (1971)
Poems (1977)
Prose Works (1896)
Literary Criticism (1966)
Letters of Dorothy and William Wordsworth (1967)
Letters of the Wordsworth Family (1969)
Prose Works (1974)
The Love Letters of William and Mary Wordsworth (1981)
Essay Upon Epitaphs (1810) | |
Subsets and Splits