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msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1539234108#13_3212381181 | Title: Using Vinegar on Smoke Damaged Walls
Headings: Using Vinegar on Smoke Damaged Walls
Using Vinegar on Smoke Damaged Walls
A simple solution to clean away the sight and smell of smoke in your home
Why are walls so badly affected by smoke?
The symptoms of smoke damage to walls
· Smoke damage you can see
· Smoke damage you can smell
· Smoke damage you can’t see
Smoke damage and the risk to health
· Breathing and respiratory issues
· Skin irritations
· Eye problems
Using vinegar to clean smoke damaged walls
What if smoke stains are very tough to remove?
Using vinegar to get rid of smoke smell
In summary
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Content: If a lot of elbow grease and a couple of spray bottles of diluted vinegar doesn’t shift the smoke discoloration to your walls, you may need to get a little tougher with it and use trisodium phosphate – a degreaser and cleaning agent that works well on smoke-stained walls. If you do use trisodium phosphate, be sure to take precautions – wear gloves, goggles and protective clothing. Mix one tablespoon of trisodium phosphate in one gallon of warm water, apply to the wall, leave for a few minutes, and wipe off using a clean sponge dipped in clean, warm water. Using vinegar to get rid of smoke smell
White vinegar also acts as a ‘smoke deodorizer’. Not because it has a strong smell itself, but because it soaks up and traps smoke particles from the air. Here is how to use white vinegar to rid yourself of that acrid smoke odor: Wipe your walls and other surfaces (including furniture, floors and ceilings) with the diluted vinegar solution. Dip a clean cloth in the vinegar solution, and wring it out until almost dry. Stand in the middle of the room, and whirl the cloth around your head. You may feel a little silly doing this, but it is a great way to attract smoke particles to the cloth. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1544115490#1_3221480494 | Title: Corn Nixtamalization Recipes and Recommendations for Efficiency — Porvenir Design
Headings: Corn Nixtamalization Recipes and Recommendations for Efficiency
Corn Nixtamalization Recipes and Recommendations for Efficiency
Laura Killingbeck, Food System Designer
Nixtamalized Corn with Wood Ash
Grinding Nixtamal into Masa—Tools and Scale
Nixtamalization and Efficiency
Honey Gold Cornbread Recipe
Grow Your Own Corn
Content: Unfortunately, in many areas, genetically modified, chemical-dependent corn monocultures have given this plant a dicey reputation. But older corn varieties, grown organically on small farms and cooked using traditional methods, are a beautiful expression of corn’s real and wonderful legacy in the human diet. Many small farms are able to integrate some type of field corn into their planting rotations. This corn must be grown to maturity, dried, husked, and shucked before the corn is ready to enter the kitchen as a sack of dry corn kernels. Once the corn is in this form, it requires further processing. At this point your two options are to grind it into flour, or nixtamalize it into a dough often referred to by its Spanish name, masa. Nixtamalization is a process of cooking the corn in an alkaline substance, usually hardwood ash or lime. This removes the pericarp (seed husk) of the kernel, which is unpalatable. Mature corn pericarps also inhibit the absorption of niacin in the human body. When people eat large quantities of mature corn without nixtamalization, they can suffer from serious nutrient deficiencies. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1545050681#1_3223523535 | Title: Consideration Never Under-Estimate Its Power!
Headings: Consideration Is A Key Component To Your Personal Development
Consideration Is A Key Component To Your Personal Development
Consideration And Showing Respect For Others,
Consideration Is The Glue That Holds Society Together
Content: You must realize that the quality of your relationships with other people will ultimately determine your success in life. How well you get along with other human beings, your quality of interaction will determine your degree of happiness, success, the achievements you make or really anything else in life. People need people for almost everything in life and it’s the person who shows the most consideration for others that is going to realize more successes in his or her life. When you are considerate of others it shows, if you are kind and cheerful, thoughtful and forgiving they will react to you with a similar type behavior. Your outer world is just a mirror of your inner world, so when you display kindness and gentleness towards other people you cannot help but feel good about yourself on the inside. You truly are improving your own personal development. I learned a long time ago that if I wanted to make myself feel good all I had to do was make someone else feel good about themselves. It is a wonderful thing, something we all have total control over. When you are having a bad day and you just do not feel good inside you can change your thoughts to that of a positive nature just by being extra considerate to someone else. Consideration And Showing Respect For Others,
There is no need to dwell in misery, when you have the power to make someone else feel good, it will almost always leave you feeling good about yourself inside. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1545050681#3_3223527080 | Title: Consideration Never Under-Estimate Its Power!
Headings: Consideration Is A Key Component To Your Personal Development
Consideration Is A Key Component To Your Personal Development
Consideration And Showing Respect For Others,
Consideration Is The Glue That Holds Society Together
Content: This is an absolutely terrific step toward your goal for personal growth and overall personal development. The way our mind works is really a true gift from God. You have the ability to always learn new skills and these skills can become wonderful characteristics that you always have the ability to turn to when you truly need them the most. Showing consideration to others helps build relationships based on true character. Just think how you feel when someone shows you such kindness. How do you feel? It makes you feel good inside, it gives you that feeling that you really do matter and you look at that person with kindness as well. It is such a simple little act that can help build relationships when you least expect it. Every relationship you have whether it is personal or professional requires the act of sincere consideration if it is to have a chance of becoming any type of lasting relationship. It all starts there and it could all end there to if you chose to show no consideration to the other person involved. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1545050681#4_3223528591 | Title: Consideration Never Under-Estimate Its Power!
Headings: Consideration Is A Key Component To Your Personal Development
Consideration Is A Key Component To Your Personal Development
Consideration And Showing Respect For Others,
Consideration Is The Glue That Holds Society Together
Content: How do you feel? It makes you feel good inside, it gives you that feeling that you really do matter and you look at that person with kindness as well. It is such a simple little act that can help build relationships when you least expect it. Every relationship you have whether it is personal or professional requires the act of sincere consideration if it is to have a chance of becoming any type of lasting relationship. It all starts there and it could all end there to if you chose to show no consideration to the other person involved. It is as simple as that, if everyone lived by showing kindness to others, oh what a world it would be. Try this sometime when you’re not feeling that great inside, go to the first person you see and make a deliberate attempt to show that person some extra kindness. It could be something as simple as offering them a drink or giving them an unexpected compliment on the way they look. Just watch the smile come over their face and take note of how you feel inside at that moment. I will guarantee that you feel better than you did before showing that little bit of consideration for someone else. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1545228517#11_3224023985 | Title: Contribution in the Classroom | Positive Discipline
Headings: Contribution in the Classroom
Contribution in the Classroom
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Tool in Action
Content: They started thinking and making suggestions. The person responsible for deciding who would talk would pass the talking stick. I asked them more questions to help them think. At one point a big, heavy silence filled the room. I had, I think, asked too many questions and not given them enough space. I asked, “What is happening now?” and a girl said, “It’s oppression.” I laughed and asked, “Would there be something in between oppression and incessant chatter?” Someone said, “What if we raise our hands when we need to talk?” Another said, “But that is what all teachers tell us to do.” | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1545228517#12_3224025002 | Title: Contribution in the Classroom | Positive Discipline
Headings: Contribution in the Classroom
Contribution in the Classroom
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Tool in Action
Content: I asked, “What is happening now?” and a girl said, “It’s oppression.” I laughed and asked, “Would there be something in between oppression and incessant chatter?” Someone said, “What if we raise our hands when we need to talk?” Another said, “But that is what all teachers tell us to do.” The girl who had used the word “oppression” said, “Guys, when we decide we want to raise our hand, we are free. When the teachers tell us to do so, then it is oppression. What do we want to choose?” Now we had this deep, sustained silence once again. Then they all decided they could raise their hands and still be free! | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1549159786#0_3231869651 | Title: The Ultimate List of Hereditary Diseases
Headings: The Ultimate List of Hereditary Diseases
The Ultimate List of Hereditary Diseases
Autosomal Dominant/Recessive Diseases
Down Syndrome
Huntington’s Disease
Noonan Syndrome
Tay-Sachs Disease
Polycystic Kidney Disease
Usher Syndrome
Cystic Fibrosis
Sickle Cell Anemia
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy & Becker Muscular Dystrophy
Bloom’s Syndrome
Hereditary Fructose Intolerance
Color Blindness
Know More About Hereditary Diseases
Dr. Karen Reed Ph. D.
Content: The Ultimate List of Hereditary Diseases
Pain Relief
The Ultimate List of Hereditary Diseases
by Dr. Karen Reed Ph. D. Friday, March 16, 2018
You may hear that a condition or disease you have is hereditary. This means that it has been passed onto you by another family member. It’s been inherited by a parent, which may have been inherited from one of their parents and so on. Hereditary diseases aren’t always going to be genetic. The two terms are often used interchangeably, but there are slightly different definitions for them. A genetic disease is a gene mutation, which can certainly be inherited. However, a family member isn’t necessarily going to inherit that genetic mutation. It could be dormant and skip generations. The inherited diseases don’t necessarily have anything to do with the genetics. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1552443659#0_3239041798 | Title: If Your Heart Lines Match Up, You're A Very Special Person! - PositiveMed
Headings: If Your Heart Lines Match Up, You’re A Very Special Person!
If Your Heart Lines Match Up, You’re A Very Special Person!
If Your Heart Lines Match Up, You’re A Very Special Person!
What Do Your Hands Say About You?
Are Your Heart Lines A Perfect Match?
High Right
High Left
Content: If Your Heart Lines Match Up, You're A Very Special Person! - PositiveMed
If Your Heart Lines Match Up, You’re A Very Special Person! Share
If Your Heart Lines Match Up, You’re A Very Special Person! Despite the name, heart lines have nothing to do with your heart health or any type of heart-related procedure, although the findings may influence your heart health to a degree. Instead, heart lines refers to the top curved line on each of your palms. Some people who are professional palm readers swear by the significance and meaning of the placement of your heart lines. See the three common types of heart lines placement for a better idea of how something as simple as your palm can affect things like your mood and love life. What Do Your Hands Say About You? RELATED ARTICLE: What Does Your Nail Shape Say About You? | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1552443659#1_3239043303 | Title: If Your Heart Lines Match Up, You're A Very Special Person! - PositiveMed
Headings: If Your Heart Lines Match Up, You’re A Very Special Person!
If Your Heart Lines Match Up, You’re A Very Special Person!
If Your Heart Lines Match Up, You’re A Very Special Person!
What Do Your Hands Say About You?
Are Your Heart Lines A Perfect Match?
High Right
High Left
Content: Some people who are professional palm readers swear by the significance and meaning of the placement of your heart lines. See the three common types of heart lines placement for a better idea of how something as simple as your palm can affect things like your mood and love life. What Do Your Hands Say About You? RELATED ARTICLE: What Does Your Nail Shape Say About You? Everyone’s hands are different. From fingerprints to the lines present on the palms, everyone’s hands tell interesting stories. Perhaps you’ve heard of lifelines and love lines on your palms. Palm readers use the length and texture of these lines to determine whether a person will have many relationships or just a few, as well as the person’s life expectancy. If you’re skeptical, keep in mind that palm reading has been around since the time of Aristotle and Alexander the Great. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1552747708#6_3239808688 | Title: Positive and negative effects of culture - Essay and speech
Headings: Positive and negative effects of culture
Positive and negative effects of culture
Positive impacts of Culture
Negative Impacts of Culture
Content: Now this can have loads of negative effects of the person in question. Frustration, loneliness, homesickness and linguistic chauvinism may be the results of cultural shock. One may even resort to criticizing and defaming the culture of the host region and be succumbed to sadness, depression, withdrawal and bad sleep cycles. Eventually, all this may lead to physical damages like body aches and inability to function normally. Sometimes, a region may take up a negative culture, or may take up some negative activities in the name of “culture” that may include exclusion of several castes (like the old Britain), defensiveness and violence (you can see a hint of it in the incident where an American shot down an immigrant, yelling at the top of his voice GO BACK TO YOUR COUNTRY), unnecessary criticism (like those thrown at Islamic girls for adopting “dancing” as their interest), and open contempt. It would be fitting to end this article with a line by Paulo Coelho: “Culture makes people understand each other better. And if they understand each other better in their soul, it is easier to overcome the economic and political barriers. But first they have to understand that their neighbor is, in the end, just like them, with the same problems, the same questions.” Labels: | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1552774699#6_3239876262 | Title: Positive and negative effects of e-waste - Essay and speech
Headings: Positive and negative effects of e-waste
Positive and negative effects of e-waste
Positive and negative effects of e-waste
Positive effects of e-waste:
Employment opportunities
Acquiring rare earth metals
An alternative raw material
Low-cost education
Rural development
Negative effects of e-waste:
Risk to human health
Digital attacks
Environmental degradation
Content: Risk to human health
Electronic scrap components contain harmful elements such as lead, cadmium, or beryllium. Recycling of such e-wastes may increase the risk of high blood pressure and kidney damage in adults. In young children, it affects the development of the brain and nervous system. Other health problems generate from the primitive methods used for extracting metals. Skin disease, lung cancer, brain damage, and abortion are common in areas surrounded by discarded waste. Digital attacks
E-waste represents a dangerous route for data breaches, corporate espionage, and sale of personal data. Every electronic device carries some amount of private and exclusive information. A reach of wrong hand to such instruments may jeopardize the entire business of a company. Environmental degradation
For environmentalists, it is a catastrophe that pollutes soil, air, and water by hazardous chemicals and metals. Dumping and burning of e-waste in the landfills enlarges polluted air in metro cities. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1552774699#7_3239877896 | Title: Positive and negative effects of e-waste - Essay and speech
Headings: Positive and negative effects of e-waste
Positive and negative effects of e-waste
Positive and negative effects of e-waste
Positive effects of e-waste:
Employment opportunities
Acquiring rare earth metals
An alternative raw material
Low-cost education
Rural development
Negative effects of e-waste:
Risk to human health
Digital attacks
Environmental degradation
Content: Digital attacks
E-waste represents a dangerous route for data breaches, corporate espionage, and sale of personal data. Every electronic device carries some amount of private and exclusive information. A reach of wrong hand to such instruments may jeopardize the entire business of a company. Environmental degradation
For environmentalists, it is a catastrophe that pollutes soil, air, and water by hazardous chemicals and metals. Dumping and burning of e-waste in the landfills enlarges polluted air in metro cities. Workers extract precious metal and put the remains into the water bodies. When useless, people throw their phones, laptops, tablets, and other electronic devices into the rivers or burn them in open space. In addition to humans, such pollution endangers the flora and fauna. With technology advancing at the exponential rate, the need for an hour is to find sustainable, environment-friendly and cost-effective ways to manufacture new products. In addition, recovery process and recycling of e-waste will diminish the need for mining of new raw materials and reduce the burden on government. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1554303302#10_3244282434 | Title: 6 Reasons Why People Don’t Change, and What to Do About That
Headings: 6 Reasons Why People Don’t Change, and What to Do About That
6 Reasons Why People Don’t Change, and What to Do About That
1. You don’t want to change.
What to do about it:
2. You don’t feel courageous enough.
What to do about it:
3. Your environment is holding you back.
What to do about it:
4. You feel like giving up after one or three failures.
What to do about it:
5. You don’t feel enough pain yet.
What to do about it:
6. You don’t know how to practically make the change.
Free Exclusive Happiness Tips
Content: Life continues. But now you know deep down that you can handle things at least a little bit better because you could handle what happened yesterday. You have raised your confidence in yourself and become stronger. And another thing is this: when you do things you don’t just build confidence in your ability to handle different situations. You also experience progressive desensitization. What that means is that situations – like for example public speaking or maybe just showing your latest blogpost to an audience out there – that made you feel all shaky become more and more normal in your life. It is not longer something you psyche yourself up to do. It just becomes normal. Like tying your shoes, hanging out with your friends or taking a shower. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1554618951#9_3245172169 | Title: How to Solve a Problem: 6 Quick and Powerful Tips
Headings: How to Solve a Problem: 6 Quick and Powerful Tips
How to Solve a Problem: 6 Quick and Powerful Tips
1. First, ask yourself: is there really a problem here?
2. Accept it.
3. Ask for help.
4. Use 80 percent of your time to find solutions.
5. Break the problem down into smaller pieces.
6. Find the opportunity and/or lesson within the problem.
Free Exclusive Happiness Tips
Content: Perhaps it alerts us of a great way to improve our business or relationships. Or teaches us how our lives perhaps aren’t as bad as we thought. Finding this more positive part of the problem reduces its negative emotional impact. You may even start to see the situation as a great opportunity for you. When you are faced with a problem ask yourself: What is the good thing about this? What can I learn from this? What hidden opportunity can I find within this problem? Free Exclusive Happiness Tips
Join the 80,000 people that subscribe to the Positivity Newsletter and you’ll get practical tips on happiness, self-esteem, productivity and more each week. You’ll also get these three guides for free: | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1574237078#13_3291241807 | Title: 5 Terrific Examples of Company Social Media Policies for Employees | PostBeyond
Headings: 5 Terrific Examples of Company Social Media Policies for Employees
5 Terrific Examples of Company Social Media Policies for Employees
Why Take the Time to Create a Social Media Policy?
1. Intel details what to do — and what not to do — with social media
1. Disclose your relationship to Intel
2. Protect Intel
3. Use common sense when posting
2. Best Buy simplifies and philosophizes for its social media policy
3. Ford lays out the 11 commandments for social media
4. ACFE provides a workable social media policy template
5. Dell boils it all down to a handful of critical pointers
Align marketing and compliance teams
Recommended Reading:
Ready to get started with employee advocacy?
Content: In this section, Dell is clear in its intention with employee social media use: “ The connections you’ll make on social media will be much more rewarding if you remember to have conversations rather than push agendas. Dell has always been a leader in using technology to directly connect with our customers. Social media is another platform you can use to build our brand, just be sure you do it the right way. This straightforward document stands in stark contrast to something like the social media policy from the US Office of Personnel Management, complete with appendices, required disclaimers, direct message guidelines and more. You definitely want to be clear about your social media policy. But sometimes less is more, and simple is best. Align marketing and compliance teams
How can your employees use social media while complying with the rules and regulations that govern our organization? Collaborate closely with your compliance team to understand the latest regulatory compliance policies and stay in the loop for any ongoing changes. In return, you can also share details on the latest changes across social media marketing and your corporate social media strategy so they can identify any potential risks. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1574796564#0_3292487167 | Title: Is Anything In Life Ever Really Free? - Postconsumers
Headings: Is Anything In Life Ever Really Free?
Is Anything In Life Ever Really Free?
Nothing is Ever Free If It Came With Something You Paid For
So What is Free?
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Content: Is Anything In Life Ever Really Free? - Postconsumers
Is Anything In Life Ever Really Free? View Larger Image
Especially now that consumer shopping season is in full swing, we’re being bombarded every day in our inbox, on tv and even as we walk down the street with messages about “free gifts with purchase” and “free upgrades.” It got us thinking of the old phrase, “Nothing in life is ever free.” But then we realized that some things in life are free. They’re just not usually attached to a consumer purchase. Let’s think about what’s not free … and then let’s make a list of what is! Nothing is Ever Free If It Came With Something You Paid For
This is the first thing that you need to understand. If you paid for anything in order to get your “free” item, then it was never, ever free. The cost of free items is always worked into the dollar amount that you need to spend to get the free item. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1574796564#1_3292488612 | Title: Is Anything In Life Ever Really Free? - Postconsumers
Headings: Is Anything In Life Ever Really Free?
Is Anything In Life Ever Really Free?
Nothing is Ever Free If It Came With Something You Paid For
So What is Free?
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Content: They’re just not usually attached to a consumer purchase. Let’s think about what’s not free … and then let’s make a list of what is! Nothing is Ever Free If It Came With Something You Paid For
This is the first thing that you need to understand. If you paid for anything in order to get your “free” item, then it was never, ever free. The cost of free items is always worked into the dollar amount that you need to spend to get the free item. For example, if you need to spend $50 on a website to get “free” shipping, then what that tells you is that the items on the website are marked up so much that as soon as you hit $50 you have paid for the actual cost of the goods plus your shipping charges (and, typically, at least one cent of profit). So you never really got anything for “free” – you simply earned the company slightly less profit. And you may not have even done that depending on their pricing model! It is true that sometimes freebies known as “loss leaders” do exist. This, you might remember, was essentially the entire business model of Groupon. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1574796564#2_3292490208 | Title: Is Anything In Life Ever Really Free? - Postconsumers
Headings: Is Anything In Life Ever Really Free?
Is Anything In Life Ever Really Free?
Nothing is Ever Free If It Came With Something You Paid For
So What is Free?
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Content: For example, if you need to spend $50 on a website to get “free” shipping, then what that tells you is that the items on the website are marked up so much that as soon as you hit $50 you have paid for the actual cost of the goods plus your shipping charges (and, typically, at least one cent of profit). So you never really got anything for “free” – you simply earned the company slightly less profit. And you may not have even done that depending on their pricing model! It is true that sometimes freebies known as “loss leaders” do exist. This, you might remember, was essentially the entire business model of Groupon. The idea was that vendors and merchants would give away a “free” item as a way to get you to try out their business, product or service. It’s true that if you did what most Groupon members do and take the freebie and never go back, that business lost money (that’s why Groupon hasn’t necessarily been successful in the long term). But for smart businesses, that freebie is a way to get more money out of you. Either they are good at convincing you that you want a service or product upgrade, or they leverage the contact information that they got from you when you took the freebie to market other products and services to you. Typically, your freebie turns into more money spent rather than just a pure free gift. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1574796564#3_3292492065 | Title: Is Anything In Life Ever Really Free? - Postconsumers
Headings: Is Anything In Life Ever Really Free?
Is Anything In Life Ever Really Free?
Nothing is Ever Free If It Came With Something You Paid For
So What is Free?
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Content: The idea was that vendors and merchants would give away a “free” item as a way to get you to try out their business, product or service. It’s true that if you did what most Groupon members do and take the freebie and never go back, that business lost money (that’s why Groupon hasn’t necessarily been successful in the long term). But for smart businesses, that freebie is a way to get more money out of you. Either they are good at convincing you that you want a service or product upgrade, or they leverage the contact information that they got from you when you took the freebie to market other products and services to you. Typically, your freebie turns into more money spent rather than just a pure free gift. So What is Free? But there are many things in life that are free! We decided to make a partial list! True thrills are free. Natural beauty is free. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1583210423#3_3309699770 | Title: Critical Thinking: Become an Exceptional Critical Thinker
Headings: Critical Thinking: Become an Exceptional Critical Thinker
Critical Thinking: Become an Exceptional Critical Thinker
Reasons Why Critical Thinking is Important
3 Kinds of Critical Thinkers
Stages of Critical Thinking Development
Qualities of a High-Standard Critical Thinking
Common Mistakes Our Critical Thinking Mind Can Make
Ways to Develop Good Critical Thinking
Content: Critical Thinking improves your self-evaluation. Thinking with reason and making logical justifications helps reflect your own values and decisions in good way. Critical thinking is considered as an important asset for one’s own well-being. Critical Thinking promotes good language and presentation skills. By thinking critically you can present your thoughts in an organized manner. Analyzing your data logically helps you express your idea more effectively. Critical Thinking encourages creativity and innovation . By thinking ‘out-of-the-box’, you come up with new ideas and creative solutions allowing you to explore alternative options. As opposed to narrow thinking, critical thinking frees your mind and motivates you to understand other situations around you. Critical Thinking encourages good decision-making. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1583615311#4_3310642638 | Title: Athletics - Potomac School
Headings: The Potomac School
The Potomac School
Congratulations to our 2019 Fall Athletes
Congrats to Our Washington Post All Met Athletes!
Athletic Open House - December 1, 2017
Program begins at 7:00 pm in the Upper School Crossroads and will finish by 8:30.
Refreshments will be provided.
Girls basketball game begins at 6:30 pm - come early and see our girls in action!
Boys basketball game begins at 8:30 pm - stay late and cheer on our boys!
11 Potomac Students Selected for Fall All-League Teams
Athletic Open House, Friday, December 2
Panther Girls Varsity Squash Takes 4th Place in Nationals Division 3
Boys Varsity Squash Finishes 16th in Nation
Potomac Fall Athletes Achieve Post-Season Honors
Contact Information
Team Schedules
Spring Sports
Winter Sports
Fall Sports
Panther Games - March 13
All games with be livestreamed!
Potomac's new Center for Athletics and Community is Now Open!
Potomac LAX: Teamwork and Coaching Come Together
Potomac Squash: A Strong Tradition
Sports Videos
Content: Girls basketball game begins at 6:30 pm - come early and see our girls in action! Boys basketball game begins at 8:30 pm - stay late and cheer on our boys! RSVP here or contact the Admission Office with any questions. This event is only for interested students in Grades 6 and up. Read More
about Athletic Open House - December 1, 2017
11 Potomac Students Selected for Fall All-League Teams
Congratulations to the following athletes for their selection to the fall All League teams: Junior Courtlynne Caskin (soccer), senior Hana Chaudhri (volleyball – honorable mention), senior Declan Cetta (soccer), freshman Moriah McDonald (tennis), senior Ricardo Facey (football), senior Cal Hoffman (cross country), junior Sara Kowalik (field hockey), senior Tyler Manderfield (soccer), junior Tracey Mills (soccer), senior Herbert Padilla (soccer), and sophomore Grace Sherman (soccer). Read More
about 11 Potomac Students Selected for Fall All-League Teams
Athletic Open House, Friday, December 2
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about Athletic Open House, Friday, December 2
Panther Girls Varsity Squash Takes 4th Place in Nationals Division 3
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about Panther Girls Varsity Squash Takes 4th Place in Nationals Division 3
Boys Varsity Squash Finishes 16th in Nation
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about Boys Varsity Squash Finishes 16th in Nation
Potomac Fall Athletes Achieve Post-Season Honors
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about Potomac Fall Athletes Achieve Post-Season Honors
See all Athletic News
Contact Information
Please click here to see contact information for Athletic Directors and coaches. Team Schedules
Spring Sports
Winter Sports
Fall Sports
Spring Sports
Winter Sports
Upper School
Girls Varsity Basketball
Boys Varsity Basketball
Girls JV Basketball
Boys JV Basketball
Girls Varsity Squash
Boys Varsity Squash
Girls JV Squash
Boys JV Squash
Coed Varsity Swimming
Coed Indoor Track
Varsity Wrestling
Intermediate School
IS Girls A Basketball
IS Boys A Basketball
IS Girls B Basketball
IS Boys B Basketball
IS Girls C Basketball
IS Boys C Basketball
IS Squash
IS Wrestling
Fall Sports
Upper School
Varsity Cross Country
Girls Varsity Field Hockey
Girls JV Field Hockey
Boys Varsity Football
Boys JV Football
Varsity Golf
Girls Varsity Soccer
Boys Varsity Soccer
Girls JV Soccer
Boys JV Soccer
Boys JV 2 Soccer
Girls Varsity Tennis
Girls JV Tennis
Girls Varsity Volleyball
Girls JV Volleyball
Intermediate School
IS Cross Country
IS Girls A Field Hockey
IS Lightweight Football
IS Heavyweight Football
IS Girls A Soccer
IS Boys A Soccer
IS Girls B Soccer
IS Boys B Soccer
IS Boys C Soccer
IS Girls A Tennis
IS Girls B Tennis
IS Girls A Volleyball
IS Girls B Volleyball
Panther Games - March 13
All games with be livestreamed! Cross Country – 9:30 am
Field Hockey – 10:00 am
Girls Tennis – 10:30 am
JV Boys Soccer – 11:30 am
Girls Soccer – 11:45 am
Volleyball – 12:00 pm
Boys Soccer – 1:30 pm
Football – 3:00 pm
(Note - the links will not activate until 15 minutes before start of game)
Potomac's new Center for Athletics and Community is Now Open! Read more about The Spangler Center for Athletics and Community and our athletics facilities. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1583615311#5_3310647117 | Title: Athletics - Potomac School
Headings: The Potomac School
The Potomac School
Congratulations to our 2019 Fall Athletes
Congrats to Our Washington Post All Met Athletes!
Athletic Open House - December 1, 2017
Program begins at 7:00 pm in the Upper School Crossroads and will finish by 8:30.
Refreshments will be provided.
Girls basketball game begins at 6:30 pm - come early and see our girls in action!
Boys basketball game begins at 8:30 pm - stay late and cheer on our boys!
11 Potomac Students Selected for Fall All-League Teams
Athletic Open House, Friday, December 2
Panther Girls Varsity Squash Takes 4th Place in Nationals Division 3
Boys Varsity Squash Finishes 16th in Nation
Potomac Fall Athletes Achieve Post-Season Honors
Contact Information
Team Schedules
Spring Sports
Winter Sports
Fall Sports
Panther Games - March 13
All games with be livestreamed!
Potomac's new Center for Athletics and Community is Now Open!
Potomac LAX: Teamwork and Coaching Come Together
Potomac Squash: A Strong Tradition
Sports Videos
Content: Junior Courtlynne Caskin (soccer), senior Hana Chaudhri (volleyball – honorable mention), senior Declan Cetta (soccer), freshman Moriah McDonald (tennis), senior Ricardo Facey (football), senior Cal Hoffman (cross country), junior Sara Kowalik (field hockey), senior Tyler Manderfield (soccer), junior Tracey Mills (soccer), senior Herbert Padilla (soccer), and sophomore Grace Sherman (soccer). Read More
about 11 Potomac Students Selected for Fall All-League Teams
Athletic Open House, Friday, December 2
Read More
about Athletic Open House, Friday, December 2
Panther Girls Varsity Squash Takes 4th Place in Nationals Division 3
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about Panther Girls Varsity Squash Takes 4th Place in Nationals Division 3
Boys Varsity Squash Finishes 16th in Nation
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about Boys Varsity Squash Finishes 16th in Nation
Potomac Fall Athletes Achieve Post-Season Honors
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about Potomac Fall Athletes Achieve Post-Season Honors
See all Athletic News
Contact Information
Please click here to see contact information for Athletic Directors and coaches. Team Schedules
Spring Sports
Winter Sports
Fall Sports
Spring Sports
Winter Sports
Upper School
Girls Varsity Basketball
Boys Varsity Basketball
Girls JV Basketball
Boys JV Basketball
Girls Varsity Squash
Boys Varsity Squash
Girls JV Squash
Boys JV Squash
Coed Varsity Swimming
Coed Indoor Track
Varsity Wrestling
Intermediate School
IS Girls A Basketball
IS Boys A Basketball
IS Girls B Basketball
IS Boys B Basketball
IS Girls C Basketball
IS Boys C Basketball
IS Squash
IS Wrestling
Fall Sports
Upper School
Varsity Cross Country
Girls Varsity Field Hockey
Girls JV Field Hockey
Boys Varsity Football
Boys JV Football
Varsity Golf
Girls Varsity Soccer
Boys Varsity Soccer
Girls JV Soccer
Boys JV Soccer
Boys JV 2 Soccer
Girls Varsity Tennis
Girls JV Tennis
Girls Varsity Volleyball
Girls JV Volleyball
Intermediate School
IS Cross Country
IS Girls A Field Hockey
IS Lightweight Football
IS Heavyweight Football
IS Girls A Soccer
IS Boys A Soccer
IS Girls B Soccer
IS Boys B Soccer
IS Boys C Soccer
IS Girls A Tennis
IS Girls B Tennis
IS Girls A Volleyball
IS Girls B Volleyball
Panther Games - March 13
All games with be livestreamed! Cross Country – 9:30 am
Field Hockey – 10:00 am
Girls Tennis – 10:30 am
JV Boys Soccer – 11:30 am
Girls Soccer – 11:45 am
Volleyball – 12:00 pm
Boys Soccer – 1:30 pm
Football – 3:00 pm
(Note - the links will not activate until 15 minutes before start of game)
Potomac's new Center for Athletics and Community is Now Open! Read more about The Spangler Center for Athletics and Community and our athletics facilities. Potomac LAX: Teamwork and Coaching Come Together
Inspiring, knowledgeable coaches and a teamwork mentality are just some of the strengths of Potomac's girls lacrosse program. Potomac School Girls LAX 2017 from Potomac School on Vimeo
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This opens in a new window. Potomac School Boys LAX 2017 from Potomac School on Vimeo
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This opens in a new window. Boys Basketball: | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1594484762#1_3333864799 | Title: Expressions of power | Understanding power for social change | | IDS at Sussex University
Headings: Expressions of power
Plan a workshop
Analyse power
Strategize for action
Expressions of power
Power Over
Power With
Power To
Power Within
Content: Lisa VeneKlasen and Valeries Miller in A New Weave of Power (2002, page 55) describe four ‘expressions of power’ as follows: Power Over
The most commonly recognized form of power, ‘power over’, has many negative associations for people, such as repression, force, coercion, discrimination, corruption, and abuse. Power is seen as a win-lose kind of relationship. Having power involves taking it from someone else, and then, using it to dominate and prevent others from gaining it. In politics, those who control resources and decision making have power over those without. When people are denied access to important resources like land, healthcare, and jobs ‘power over’ perpetuates inequality, injustice and poverty. In the absence of alternative models and relationships, people repeat the ‘power over’ pattern in their personal relationships, communities and institutions. This is also true of people who come from a marginalized or ‘powerless’ group. When they gain power in leadership positions, they sometimes ‘imitate the oppressor.’ For this reason, advocates cannot expect that the experience of being excluded prepares people to become democratic leaders. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1594484762#2_3333866492 | Title: Expressions of power | Understanding power for social change | | IDS at Sussex University
Headings: Expressions of power
Plan a workshop
Analyse power
Strategize for action
Expressions of power
Power Over
Power With
Power To
Power Within
Content: When people are denied access to important resources like land, healthcare, and jobs ‘power over’ perpetuates inequality, injustice and poverty. In the absence of alternative models and relationships, people repeat the ‘power over’ pattern in their personal relationships, communities and institutions. This is also true of people who come from a marginalized or ‘powerless’ group. When they gain power in leadership positions, they sometimes ‘imitate the oppressor.’ For this reason, advocates cannot expect that the experience of being excluded prepares people to become democratic leaders. New forms of leadership and decision-making must be explicitly defined, taught, and rewarded in order to promote more democratic forms of power. Practitioners and academics have searched for more collaborative ways of exercising and using power. Three alternatives – ‘power with’, ‘power to’ and ‘power within’ – offer positive ways of expressing power that create the possibility of forming more equitable relationships. By affirming people’s capacity to act creatively, they provide some basic principles for constructing empowering strategies. Power With
‘Power with’ has to do with finding common ground among different interests and building collective strength. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1594810023#1_3334647541 | Title: Why Is Accountability Important in the Workplace?
Headings: Why Is Accountability Important in the Workplace?
Why Is Accountability Important in the Workplace?
Article highlights
Definition of Accountability
Barriers to Accountability in the Workplace
Benefits of Accountability
Builds trust
Improved performance
Strengthens culture
Better compliance
Getting Started
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How does your organization compare? Get your copy today.
Content: Barriers to accountability in the workplace. Benefits of accountability. Accountability in the workplace fuels successful organizations, but it can be difficult to implement. In fact, according to a Partners in Leadership Workplace Accountability Study, 82% of respondents said they have “limited to no” ability to hold others accountable successfully. On the other hand, 91% of respondents rank accountability near the top of their company’s development needs. As author Pete Lowe points out in HRD Connect, “Real accountability happens in the context of a culture that supports trust and genuine teamwork …. Genuine accountability comes with a fresh honesty that acknowledges where things can improve and a humility that tempers actions.” Accountability, then, is necessary, difficult to achieve, yet attainable. But it might help to start with the definition of accountability first to understand why accountability in the workplace is important. Definition of Accountability
Many people think of accountability in terms of what it isn’t – trying to “catch” employees doing something wrong, ratting out coworkers, or laying down a strict set of rules administered with a punitive approach. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1594810023#2_3334649457 | Title: Why Is Accountability Important in the Workplace?
Headings: Why Is Accountability Important in the Workplace?
Why Is Accountability Important in the Workplace?
Article highlights
Definition of Accountability
Barriers to Accountability in the Workplace
Benefits of Accountability
Builds trust
Improved performance
Strengthens culture
Better compliance
Getting Started
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How does your organization compare? Get your copy today.
Content: As author Pete Lowe points out in HRD Connect, “Real accountability happens in the context of a culture that supports trust and genuine teamwork …. Genuine accountability comes with a fresh honesty that acknowledges where things can improve and a humility that tempers actions.” Accountability, then, is necessary, difficult to achieve, yet attainable. But it might help to start with the definition of accountability first to understand why accountability in the workplace is important. Definition of Accountability
Many people think of accountability in terms of what it isn’t – trying to “catch” employees doing something wrong, ratting out coworkers, or laying down a strict set of rules administered with a punitive approach. Rather than creating a proactive atmosphere of responsibility, this negative approach drives a reactive culture of “management by rules.” But there’s a better way. Accountability in the workplace is all about setting and holding people to a common expectation by clearly defining the company’s mission, values, and goals. Employee accountability means holding all levels of employees (from the part-time hourly worker to the C-suite executive) responsible for accomplishing business goals. While accountability at work is critically important, it also needs to be balanced with the need to give employees autonomy in their roles. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1594810023#6_3334656850 | Title: Why Is Accountability Important in the Workplace?
Headings: Why Is Accountability Important in the Workplace?
Why Is Accountability Important in the Workplace?
Article highlights
Definition of Accountability
Barriers to Accountability in the Workplace
Benefits of Accountability
Builds trust
Improved performance
Strengthens culture
Better compliance
Getting Started
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How does your organization compare? Get your copy today.
Content: Not only do these implicit expectations result in confusion over tasks, they also cause tension in relationships.” This, of course, can lead to distrust within the organization. Make no mistake – accountability is hard work and requires a tremendous amount of consistency and follow-through from both leadership and employees. The challenges and barriers are real and, for most, difficult to overcome. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t worth the effort. Benefits of Accountability
If the challenges of accountability in business are real, so are the benefits. And while building a culture of accountability can be complex, it’s both necessary and achievable. Builds trust
When you hold all employees accountable for doing what they are supposed to do, it breeds trust among individuals and teams. It allows people to count on each other, whether that means meeting deadlines, fulfilling duties, or feeling comfortable enough to approach a co-worker or manager for help. While it can be hard for employees to ask for help, fostering this safe space to seek advice builds independence and trust, both of which strengthen teams. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1594810023#7_3334658673 | Title: Why Is Accountability Important in the Workplace?
Headings: Why Is Accountability Important in the Workplace?
Why Is Accountability Important in the Workplace?
Article highlights
Definition of Accountability
Barriers to Accountability in the Workplace
Benefits of Accountability
Builds trust
Improved performance
Strengthens culture
Better compliance
Getting Started
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How does your organization compare? Get your copy today.
Content: Benefits of Accountability
If the challenges of accountability in business are real, so are the benefits. And while building a culture of accountability can be complex, it’s both necessary and achievable. Builds trust
When you hold all employees accountable for doing what they are supposed to do, it breeds trust among individuals and teams. It allows people to count on each other, whether that means meeting deadlines, fulfilling duties, or feeling comfortable enough to approach a co-worker or manager for help. While it can be hard for employees to ask for help, fostering this safe space to seek advice builds independence and trust, both of which strengthen teams. On the flip side, managers need to lead with transparency, communicate openly, and treat employees fairly with the guidance of policies and standards that apply to everyone. This, too, builds a trusting environment. Improved performance
Fostering a culture of accountability increases efficiency and boosts productivity. How? When employees know who is responsible for what, it eliminates confusion and saves time, allowing individuals to meet clearly defined expectations. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1594810023#8_3334660500 | Title: Why Is Accountability Important in the Workplace?
Headings: Why Is Accountability Important in the Workplace?
Why Is Accountability Important in the Workplace?
Article highlights
Definition of Accountability
Barriers to Accountability in the Workplace
Benefits of Accountability
Builds trust
Improved performance
Strengthens culture
Better compliance
Getting Started
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How does your organization compare? Get your copy today.
Content: On the flip side, managers need to lead with transparency, communicate openly, and treat employees fairly with the guidance of policies and standards that apply to everyone. This, too, builds a trusting environment. Improved performance
Fostering a culture of accountability increases efficiency and boosts productivity. How? When employees know who is responsible for what, it eliminates confusion and saves time, allowing individuals to meet clearly defined expectations. But having clear accountabilities alone is not enough, advises Bashay again in HR Magazine. “ Having specific and actionable feedback and evaluation mechanisms is key in measuring people’s success in roles. You must also have a way to evaluate performance.” Tying accountability to performance also means you proactively pay attention to both process and results by correcting sub-par efforts and rewarding excellent performance. When employees turn in poor work or fail to meet expectations, hold them accountable, educate them on expectations, and help them improve. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1594810023#10_3334664163 | Title: Why Is Accountability Important in the Workplace?
Headings: Why Is Accountability Important in the Workplace?
Why Is Accountability Important in the Workplace?
Article highlights
Definition of Accountability
Barriers to Accountability in the Workplace
Benefits of Accountability
Builds trust
Improved performance
Strengthens culture
Better compliance
Getting Started
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How does your organization compare? Get your copy today.
Content: It’s just as important to recognize and reward employees who follow guidelines, act appropriately, and meet or exceed expectations. As the Forbes article points out, “Clear expectations for everyone on the team coupled with an understanding of accountability for their performance are the key ingredients to improving confidence, morale, and production within the team.” It helps to look at employee accountability as two sides of the same coin. It takes everyone to achieve organizational accountability and it also belongs to everyone in the organization. This accountability mentality boosts performance at the individual, team, and organizational levels. Strengthens culture
According to an article in Forbes, a lack of accountability “can have a snowball effect throughout the team.” When you embed accountability into the fabric of your company, you make accountability everyone’s responsibility by “establishing meaningful goals and team buy-in, building trust through support and encouragement, empowering everyone on the team and celebrating successes together.” Author Pete Lowe echoes this point in HRD Connect, writing, “When an organization’s culture is embedded in honesty and integrity it enables people to acknowledge mistakes without fear of blame and to work with the team to reflect, learn and move forward positively.” It takes a consistent effort, starting from the top, to strengthen company culture. And it requires an honest assessment of what’s working and what’s not. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1594810023#12_3334668496 | Title: Why Is Accountability Important in the Workplace?
Headings: Why Is Accountability Important in the Workplace?
Why Is Accountability Important in the Workplace?
Article highlights
Definition of Accountability
Barriers to Accountability in the Workplace
Benefits of Accountability
Builds trust
Improved performance
Strengthens culture
Better compliance
Getting Started
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Content: But with accountability at the heart of your organization, you will fortify company culture and achieve greater success. Better compliance
When it comes to compliance, why is accountability important? In today’s ever-changing landscape of laws, regulations, standards, and guidelines, compliance touches every industry. As a vital part of operations, compliance depends on accountability in business, holding employees and teams responsible for their decisions, behavior, and actions. Being accountable means working with integrity. And by improving accountability, you reduce your risk of facing fines, lawsuits, oversight, or other consequences of non-compliance. Getting Started
Rather than feeling overwhelmed at the thought of creating enterprise-wide accountability, just build on what you have already by taking one step at a time. A good first step? Ensure employees follow your company’s guidelines and meet expectations by holding them accountable to your crucial policies and procedures. By using a robust, automated policy management system, like PowerDMS, you can give employees easy access to your critical documents. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1594853735#12_3334792207 | Title: Constitutional Policing vs. Community Policing
Headings: Constitutional Policing vs. Community Policing
Constitutional Policing vs. Community Policing
Article highlights
What Is Constitutional Policing?
What Is Community Policing?
Perhaps most importantly, a community-policing philosophy emphasizes police relationships within the community.
The Intersection of Constitutional and Community Policing
Constitutional policing lays the groundwork for community policing.
Encouraging constitutional and community policing practices in your department
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Content: From there, officers can engage the community in more meaningful ways, both improving their reputation and getting help when needed. Encouraging constitutional and community policing practices in your department
The PERF report highlights a few key ways to support constitutional policing while building community relations: Openness about how race issues impact policing in the community – including holding community forums and similar events. Police support for peaceful, legal protests. Fostering transparency and relationships between community members and police – possibly through partnerships, such as having civilian instructors get involved in training. Training officers in how they can interact with citizens in the most effective ways possible. The Police Executive Research Forum isn’t the only group embracing the relationship between community and constitutional policing. The Atlanta Police Department also released materials detailing the ways that constitutional policing best practices can support community policing goals. Former Atlanta Police Chief George Turner suggests that law enforcement agencies can build public trust through actions such as: Providing transparent and timely information about the investigation process when a civilian files a complaint against an officer. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1594853735#13_3334794427 | Title: Constitutional Policing vs. Community Policing
Headings: Constitutional Policing vs. Community Policing
Constitutional Policing vs. Community Policing
Article highlights
What Is Constitutional Policing?
What Is Community Policing?
Perhaps most importantly, a community-policing philosophy emphasizes police relationships within the community.
The Intersection of Constitutional and Community Policing
Constitutional policing lays the groundwork for community policing.
Encouraging constitutional and community policing practices in your department
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Content: Training officers in how they can interact with citizens in the most effective ways possible. The Police Executive Research Forum isn’t the only group embracing the relationship between community and constitutional policing. The Atlanta Police Department also released materials detailing the ways that constitutional policing best practices can support community policing goals. Former Atlanta Police Chief George Turner suggests that law enforcement agencies can build public trust through actions such as: Providing transparent and timely information about the investigation process when a civilian files a complaint against an officer. Creating training that fosters a culture of empathy, dignity, and respect. Recognizing the unique needs and challenges of particular groups within the community – such as youth, non-English speakers, LGBTQ, and minorities. The overall theme of this advice is straightforward: police must work to maintain the public’s trust or risk having the relationship with citizens erode. Both constitutional and community policing play vital roles in maintaining this trust. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1594930196#11_3335003626 | Title: Four Crucial Law Enforcement Policies
Headings: Four Crucial Law Enforcement Policies
Four Crucial Law Enforcement Policies
Good Policy Adapts to Culture Without Compromising
Good Policy Is Consistent
Crucial Policies for Law Enforcement
Drone Policy
What are drones?
Why does law enforcement need drone policies?
What Makes a Good Drone Policy?
Learn more about writing a drone policy for your department by reading this blog post.
Social Media Policy
What is social media?
Why does law enforcement need a social media policy?
What are some elements of a good social media policy?
Use of Force Policy
What is a use-of-force policy?
Why does law enforcement need a use-of-force policy?
Body-Worn Camera Policy
What is a body-worn camera?
Why does law enforcement need a BWC policy?
What are some elements of a good BWC policy?
BWC policy sample and templates
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Content: What Makes a Good Drone Policy? A good drone policy will clearly establish the purpose of using drones for law enforcement operations. Deviating from this purpose often predicts liability and PR issues for an agency. The policy should address laws and legislation about drone use, outline proper procedures, and establish accountability measures. It should also cover how long the department will retain images and video footage from drones, and how much surveillance is acceptable. Learn more about writing a drone policy for your department by reading this blog post. Social Media Policy
What is social media? Social media sites and apps such as Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram let people create and share content with online networks. According to the Global Web Index, 97 percent of adults use a social network at least monthly. More than 1 billion people log into Facebook every day. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1594930196#12_3335005702 | Title: Four Crucial Law Enforcement Policies
Headings: Four Crucial Law Enforcement Policies
Four Crucial Law Enforcement Policies
Good Policy Adapts to Culture Without Compromising
Good Policy Is Consistent
Crucial Policies for Law Enforcement
Drone Policy
What are drones?
Why does law enforcement need drone policies?
What Makes a Good Drone Policy?
Learn more about writing a drone policy for your department by reading this blog post.
Social Media Policy
What is social media?
Why does law enforcement need a social media policy?
What are some elements of a good social media policy?
Use of Force Policy
What is a use-of-force policy?
Why does law enforcement need a use-of-force policy?
Body-Worn Camera Policy
What is a body-worn camera?
Why does law enforcement need a BWC policy?
What are some elements of a good BWC policy?
BWC policy sample and templates
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How does your organization compare? Get your copy today.
Content: Learn more about writing a drone policy for your department by reading this blog post. Social Media Policy
What is social media? Social media sites and apps such as Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram let people create and share content with online networks. According to the Global Web Index, 97 percent of adults use a social network at least monthly. More than 1 billion people log into Facebook every day. Law enforcement agencies can use social media sites to communicate with citizens and gather information about suspects and crimes. But the public nature of social media can pose threats to your department’s reputation. Why does law enforcement need a social media policy? The police officers in your agency probably have multiple social media accounts of their own. And, like it or not, their posts can cast a negative light on your whole organization. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1595003134#2_3335190907 | Title:
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Government Social Media Policy
Policy Management//Government
Government Social Media Policy
Social media can be an extremely helpful tool for government agencies. Here are some practical tips for crafting an effective government social media policy
December 29, 2020
Article highlights
Get started with an effective policy plan. Essential component of a good government social media policy. Sample government social media policies and other helpful resources. Social media can be an incredibly helpful tool for government agencies. No matter what sector or branch of government you are in, your constituents and employees are using social media. According to Pew Research Center, 69% of the public uses some type of social media. And 62% of adults get the majority of their news on social media. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1595003134#4_3335193357 | Title:
Content: Social media lets governments connect and engage with their communities. It allows government agencies to share news and information easily and quickly. When used well, government social media can increase transparency and build trust with citizens. But social media can also be dangerous. Social media outlets like Twitter have the potential to spread scandals and create PR nightmares. If government agencies aren’t careful, social media can end up hurting the agency’s reputation and damaging public trust. Therefore, it’s essential for local governments to create and maintain policies to guide social media use. A government social media policy should cover agency use, professional use, and employees’ personal use. The policy should encourage staff to use social media responsibly and thoughtfully both inside and outside of work. A government social media policy helps ensure that social media is a useful tool for your agency instead of a liability. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1595003134#5_3335194548 | Title:
Content: If government agencies aren’t careful, social media can end up hurting the agency’s reputation and damaging public trust. Therefore, it’s essential for local governments to create and maintain policies to guide social media use. A government social media policy should cover agency use, professional use, and employees’ personal use. The policy should encourage staff to use social media responsibly and thoughtfully both inside and outside of work. A government social media policy helps ensure that social media is a useful tool for your agency instead of a liability. Here are some helpful tips for creating an effective government social media policy
Getting Started: Effective Policy Planning
Your government municipality may already have some form of social media policy in place. According to Pew, roughly half of all workplaces have rules about employees using social media at work. However, the social media landscape changes quickly. You need to make sure your agency’s policy is up to date and broad enough to adequately cover new forms of social media. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1595003134#6_3335195852 | Title:
Content: Here are some helpful tips for creating an effective government social media policy
Getting Started: Effective Policy Planning
Your government municipality may already have some form of social media policy in place. According to Pew, roughly half of all workplaces have rules about employees using social media at work. However, the social media landscape changes quickly. You need to make sure your agency’s policy is up to date and broad enough to adequately cover new forms of social media. Here are a few places to start with a government social media policy: Determine your goals and objectives
Before you start writing or revising your government social media policy, establish what you are trying to accomplish. Is the goal to correct or prevent employee misuse? Do you need to establish a strategy for official agency posts? Or develop more consistency in social media use across different departments? | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1595003134#7_3335196983 | Title:
Content: Here are a few places to start with a government social media policy: Determine your goals and objectives
Before you start writing or revising your government social media policy, establish what you are trying to accomplish. Is the goal to correct or prevent employee misuse? Do you need to establish a strategy for official agency posts? Or develop more consistency in social media use across different departments? Perhaps you need to limit how employees use their personal social media at work. Starting with the end in mind will help inform the policy-writing process. Brainstorm the goals and objectives for your agency before you begin writing. This will help you create a well-rounded, robust policy that speaks to all the areas you need it to cover. Gather a cross-department team
Creating government social media policy can be tricky. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1595003134#8_3335198041 | Title:
Content: Perhaps you need to limit how employees use their personal social media at work. Starting with the end in mind will help inform the policy-writing process. Brainstorm the goals and objectives for your agency before you begin writing. This will help you create a well-rounded, robust policy that speaks to all the areas you need it to cover. Gather a cross-department team
Creating government social media policy can be tricky. Governments must comply with laws and regulations about recordkeeping, privacy, and freedom of information. Social media policies have to protect employees’ right to free speech, but also establish guidelines to make sure employees represent your agency well and don’t release sensitive information. Since a government social media policy intersects with so many other issues, it’s wise to consult with experts from multiple disciplines during the writing process. Your policy creation team should include representatives from HR, IT, communications, legal, and any other relevant departments. You may also want to add some line-level employees from different departments to help ensure employee buy-in. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1595003134#9_3335199400 | Title:
Content: Governments must comply with laws and regulations about recordkeeping, privacy, and freedom of information. Social media policies have to protect employees’ right to free speech, but also establish guidelines to make sure employees represent your agency well and don’t release sensitive information. Since a government social media policy intersects with so many other issues, it’s wise to consult with experts from multiple disciplines during the writing process. Your policy creation team should include representatives from HR, IT, communications, legal, and any other relevant departments. You may also want to add some line-level employees from different departments to help ensure employee buy-in. Identify existing policies that may relate
Chances are, your government social media policy will intersect with other existing policies. Your agency’s code of conduct may establish expectations for employee behavior both inside and outside of work. Your acceptable use policy may cover how employees can use technology at work and what information they can and cannot share about their work. These existing guidelines can be a useful starting point for your agency’s social media policy. Often, you can borrow language and guidelines from other policies to ensure consistency. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1595003134#10_3335200919 | Title:
Content: Identify existing policies that may relate
Chances are, your government social media policy will intersect with other existing policies. Your agency’s code of conduct may establish expectations for employee behavior both inside and outside of work. Your acceptable use policy may cover how employees can use technology at work and what information they can and cannot share about their work. These existing guidelines can be a useful starting point for your agency’s social media policy. Often, you can borrow language and guidelines from other policies to ensure consistency. Essential Areas of Government Social Media Policy
The days of restricting employee access to all social media platforms are long gone. In the past, social media was mainly used for personal communication. But now, there are many legitimate professional uses of social media. As the Center for Technology in Government points out in a detailed report about designing social media policy, the lines between personal and professional social media use are increasingly blurry. An effective government social media policy will seek to distinguish different types of social media use and create guidelines for each. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1595003134#11_3335202331 | Title:
Content: Essential Areas of Government Social Media Policy
The days of restricting employee access to all social media platforms are long gone. In the past, social media was mainly used for personal communication. But now, there are many legitimate professional uses of social media. As the Center for Technology in Government points out in a detailed report about designing social media policy, the lines between personal and professional social media use are increasingly blurry. An effective government social media policy will seek to distinguish different types of social media use and create guidelines for each. The end goals and objectives for your social media policy will help establish how your policy will address each of these uses. But the policy should at least touch on each of the following areas: Official use
Social media should be part of a government’s overall communication strategy. You wouldn’t allow just anyone to speak on behalf of the government, so you shouldn’t allow just anyone to tweet or post on behalf of the government. Government social media policy should guide the creation and use of official social media accounts. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1595003134#12_3335203708 | Title:
Content: The end goals and objectives for your social media policy will help establish how your policy will address each of these uses. But the policy should at least touch on each of the following areas: Official use
Social media should be part of a government’s overall communication strategy. You wouldn’t allow just anyone to speak on behalf of the government, so you shouldn’t allow just anyone to tweet or post on behalf of the government. Government social media policy should guide the creation and use of official social media accounts. Governments take different approaches to official accounts. Some funnel communication from all departments through one or two centralized government social media accounts. Some allow different departments to create and control separate official accounts. For example, the parks and recreation department may have its own Facebook page, or emergency management may create a separate Twitter handle. In any case, a government social media policy should address questions such as: | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1595003134#14_3335205982 | Title:
Content: Who has the authority to establish and delete official accounts? Who is responsible for developing and implementing social media strategy? What are the procedures for posting and verifying content? And who is responsible for content accuracy and corrections? How should administrators monitor and interact with citizen comments and posts? These are just a few of the issues to address before your agency starts using social media. New issues are sure to come up as you use social media and adopt new platforms, so be sure to regularly review and update your social media policies. As you create and refine your government social media policy, make sure it tightly adheres to any existing communication policies and guidelines about public information. Professional interest
There are many legitimate ways employees use social media for professional activities. This may include researching potential new hires, collaborating with professional networks, or researching work-related questions. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1595003134#15_3335207188 | Title:
Content: These are just a few of the issues to address before your agency starts using social media. New issues are sure to come up as you use social media and adopt new platforms, so be sure to regularly review and update your social media policies. As you create and refine your government social media policy, make sure it tightly adheres to any existing communication policies and guidelines about public information. Professional interest
There are many legitimate ways employees use social media for professional activities. This may include researching potential new hires, collaborating with professional networks, or researching work-related questions. According to Pew, 20% of people say they use social media to find information that helps them solve problems at work. A government social media policy should differentiate between beneficial, professional use and personal use. As the National League of Cities points out, professional social media use can still pose risks: Professional media sit | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1595063499#3_3335338351 | Title: Importance of Accountability in Local Government
Headings: Importance of Accountability in Local Government
Importance of Accountability in Local Government
Article highlights
The Importance of Ethics in Government Accountability
Ways to Create a Culture of Accountability in Local Government
Values-driven leadership
Ethics training
Written policies and procedures
Independent ethics commission or officer
Accountability audits and assessments
Some states require accountability audits.
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Content: Accountability should be a concern for all local government employees, not just elected officials. Governments won’t be able to fulfill their roles if citizens don’t trust all government employees to make decisions that serve the best interest of the community. Even the appearance of questionable behavior can hurt public trust. Therefore, accountability in local government requires strict standards and procedures to promote ethical behavior. As a report by City Ethics points out: “Because we cannot know the character or motivations of those who manage our communities, and because we cannot know how much their personal obligations affect their decisions, we can judge them, and hold them accountable, only by their actions and their relationships as they appear on their face. “In other words, in government ethics, appearances are what matters most. Motivations, feelings, and character are irrelevant.” Ways to Create a Culture of Accountability in Local Government
Values-driven leadership
Integrity and accountability must be deeply ingrained in the culture of local government. This starts at the top. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1595063499#5_3335342387 | Title: Importance of Accountability in Local Government
Headings: Importance of Accountability in Local Government
Importance of Accountability in Local Government
Article highlights
The Importance of Ethics in Government Accountability
Ways to Create a Culture of Accountability in Local Government
Values-driven leadership
Ethics training
Written policies and procedures
Independent ethics commission or officer
Accountability audits and assessments
Some states require accountability audits.
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Content: Local governments should focus on ethical values. Government agencies should teach leaders and supervisors to lead with those principles at the center of everything they do. As Brent Gleeson wrote in an article in Forbes: “ [Values-based leadership] just means leading the team and evaluating performance – both your own and the team's – based more so on the organization's set of values rather than specific metrics and milestones. Managers still have to oversee their team member's ability to execute and be accountable for their role in mission success, but values-based evaluations can't be an afterthought.” For local governments, core values such as integrity, equality, and transparency should provide the foundation for every decision and policy. Citizens won’t care if the government achieves results if government employees do it through misusing funds, cutting corners, or accepting bribes. People need to be able to trust their local government to act responsibly. This makes transparency and public disclosure especially important. Citizens should be able to see how the government is spending their tax money, what services the government is providing, and how government officials are working to improve the community. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1595076551#4_3335373351 | Title: Importance of Accountability in Law Enforcement
Headings: Importance of Accountability in Law Enforcement
Importance of Accountability in Law Enforcement
Article highlights
Focus on Shared Values
Formal and informal values
Make Culture a Topic of Conversation
Talk with both command and fellow officers
Conduct a department culture survey
Create an Expectation of Accountability
Policy manual
Accountability training
Create an accountability/review board
Content: Here are a few ways to create a culture of accountability in your department: Focus on Shared Values
Law enforcement agencies don’t have to create a culture from scratch. Police work comes with a long history of traditions and deeply held values. Police all over the world share core values such as honor, bravery, and the duty to protect. Values drive behavior. People make decisions based on their deepest core values. And employees make decisions at work based on what they perceive that their organization values. So, to create a culture of accountability in law enforcement, departments must emphasize values such as integrity, responsibility, and transparency. Formal and informal values
To shape a healthy culture, it’s important for your police department to have a formal statement of core values. These values form a foundation for policies, procedures, training, and everything else your department does. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1595140842#4_3335552929 | Title:
Content: Social media posts can be widely seen and shared. A careless post has the potential to hurt your organization’s reputation. Creating and maintaining an effective social media policy can help ensure that social media helps your agency instead of hurting it. As part of our series on crucial policies for law enforcement this post will cover potential benefits and pitfalls of social media, and how your department can write an effective social media policy that governs both official and personal use and protects your department. The Pros of Social Media
Social media can help your department communicate and engage with the public. Sites such as Facebook and Twitter give your law enforcement agency some control over your reputation. They let you release facts that can squash potentially harmful rumors. Social media sites can help your agency quickly share information to help keep the public safe. For example, you can alert your community about an emergency storm warning, an accident scene, or an armed suspect at large. Some agencies even use social media sites to gather tips, track down suspects, and investigate crimes. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1595140842#8_3335558326 | Title:
Content: These sort of posts can damage community trust and put your agency under public scrutiny. Therefore, it’s important for your law enforcement agency to develop solid policies guiding both department-approved uses of social media and officers’ individual uses. Building and Refining Your Social Media Policy
The International Association of Chiefs of Police suggests that law enforcement agencies determine the scope of social media policies before writing them. Your agency should determine the purpose of the policy, and decide what it needs to cover. Like other policies, your social media policy should clearly define terms up front so as to avoid confusion or disputes. IACP’s model social media policy defines things such as “blog,” “post,” “page,” and “profile.” From there, the policy should clearly establish acceptable and unacceptable uses of official and personal social media. Official Use of Social Media
Social media is becoming a more integral part of law enforcement operations. So agencies need thorough guidelines for how to use it to communicate. Many departments appoint a designated social media manager. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1595140842#9_3335559725 | Title:
Content: IACP’s model social media policy defines things such as “blog,” “post,” “page,” and “profile.” From there, the policy should clearly establish acceptable and unacceptable uses of official and personal social media. Official Use of Social Media
Social media is becoming a more integral part of law enforcement operations. So agencies need thorough guidelines for how to use it to communicate. Many departments appoint a designated social media manager. Some allow several different officers to post from official department accounts. In any case, effective law enforcement social media policy will clearly outline who is authorized to represent the department on official agency profiles. Remember: official department social media is public record. It’s important for policies to include expectations for employee conduct while representing the department on social media. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1595140842#12_3335563911 | Title:
Content: But for official uses, it’s best to stick to facts and avoid weighing in on controversial issues. For example, policies may give social media managers some leeway on responding to questions from the community. However, policies should prohibit posts that comment on pending prosecutions, share confidential information, or make statements about the guilt or innocence of any suspect. Investigating and preventing crimes
Official department social media accounts can be helpful for soliciting tips about crimes or missing people. But individual officers can also use social media for investigations. In fact, a 2014 study by LexisNexis found that 73 percent of officers believe that using social media can help solve crimes faster. According to the study, 8 out of 10 law enforcement professionals actively used social media in investigations. However, the study also found that 52 percent of agencies didn’t have a formal process for doing so. Without proper policies, evidence gathered via social media may not hold up in court. Social media policies can help officers navigate the legal and ethical issues of using social media to gather information. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1595140842#13_3335565293 | Title:
Content: In fact, a 2014 study by LexisNexis found that 73 percent of officers believe that using social media can help solve crimes faster. According to the study, 8 out of 10 law enforcement professionals actively used social media in investigations. However, the study also found that 52 percent of agencies didn’t have a formal process for doing so. Without proper policies, evidence gathered via social media may not hold up in court. Social media policies can help officers navigate the legal and ethical issues of using social media to gather information. All online investigations should comply with laws and require officers to receive adequate training. Policies about investigations should cover things such as when and how officers can use false identities online and what equipment they can use for investigations. It should outline procedures for documenting online investigations and establish provisions for accountability. Monitoring comments and taking down posts
Facebook and Twitter aren’t always the most friendly places for public conversations. Even if your department never posts anything controversial, you will probably run into controversial or combative comments from users. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1595342034#4_3336086853 | Title: What Is Constitutional Policing?
Headings: What Is Constitutional Policing?
What Is Constitutional Policing?
Article highlights
What Is Constitutional Policing?
Why Constitutional Policing Is Important
Ways to Promote a Culture of Constitutional Policing
Encourage transparency and relationships with the community.
Re-examine policies and practices.
Focus on constitutional issues in training.
Constitutional and Community Policing – Two Sides of the Same Coin
Rejecting one-size-fits-all policing.
Resources to Get Started
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Content: Constitutional policing operates within the parameters set by those documents, regulations, and court rulings. But true constitutional policing goes above and beyond the letter of the law. Constitutional policing promotes a keen awareness of the civil liberties of society. Police forces shouldn’t just be asking what the Constitution allows them to do. They should be actively working to protect the civil rights of the people they are policing. This impacts everything from use-of-force to interacting with mentally ill suspects. By seeking to protect people’s constitutional rights in every interaction, police can improve community relations and build public trust. “Policing must be done in a manner that is lawful and constitutional, but also in a way that maintains the consent of the people,” Camden County Police Chief Scott Thomson said in the PERF report. “We have to ensure that when we deal with crime and other issues that negatively impact people’s lives, we do so in a way that is consistent with the wishes of the people who are most affected by crime.” Why Constitutional Policing Is Important
The relationship between law enforcement and the communities they serve can be fragile. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1595342034#7_3336092745 | Title: What Is Constitutional Policing?
Headings: What Is Constitutional Policing?
What Is Constitutional Policing?
Article highlights
What Is Constitutional Policing?
Why Constitutional Policing Is Important
Ways to Promote a Culture of Constitutional Policing
Encourage transparency and relationships with the community.
Re-examine policies and practices.
Focus on constitutional issues in training.
Constitutional and Community Policing – Two Sides of the Same Coin
Rejecting one-size-fits-all policing.
Resources to Get Started
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Content: The community will know they can trust police officers to act in ways that are respectful, appropriate, and just. This makes them more likely to cooperate with the police. And this, in turn, makes it possible for police departments to achieve goals such as reducing crime. However, it isn’t enough for police to simply meet the minimum requirements of the Constitution. In the past, police officers could get away with only a cursory knowledge of constitutional law. But such ignorance won’t fly today. Technology has made issues such as the right to privacy increasingly sophisticated. And citizens are more aware of their rights and eager to hold police officers accountable for perceived violations. Law enforcement agencies must work extra hard to ensure they have policies, practices, and training in place to ensure constitutional policing. Ways to Promote a Culture of Constitutional Policing
Encourage transparency and relationships with the community. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1595342034#8_3336094551 | Title: What Is Constitutional Policing?
Headings: What Is Constitutional Policing?
What Is Constitutional Policing?
Article highlights
What Is Constitutional Policing?
Why Constitutional Policing Is Important
Ways to Promote a Culture of Constitutional Policing
Encourage transparency and relationships with the community.
Re-examine policies and practices.
Focus on constitutional issues in training.
Constitutional and Community Policing – Two Sides of the Same Coin
Rejecting one-size-fits-all policing.
Resources to Get Started
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How does your organization compare? Get your copy today.
Content: But such ignorance won’t fly today. Technology has made issues such as the right to privacy increasingly sophisticated. And citizens are more aware of their rights and eager to hold police officers accountable for perceived violations. Law enforcement agencies must work extra hard to ensure they have policies, practices, and training in place to ensure constitutional policing. Ways to Promote a Culture of Constitutional Policing
Encourage transparency and relationships with the community. While police departments can do their best to abide by the Constitution, they may accidentally overlook particular needs or concerns civilians have. The best way to figure out which constitutional issues matter most to the members of a community is to ask them. Hosting community forums or similar events can allow police to have open and honest conversations with their community. Police should do this proactively, not just after a critical incident. Regular interactions with the community will allow civilians to voice their concerns about new police policy or technology. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1595342034#9_3336096462 | Title: What Is Constitutional Policing?
Headings: What Is Constitutional Policing?
What Is Constitutional Policing?
Article highlights
What Is Constitutional Policing?
Why Constitutional Policing Is Important
Ways to Promote a Culture of Constitutional Policing
Encourage transparency and relationships with the community.
Re-examine policies and practices.
Focus on constitutional issues in training.
Constitutional and Community Policing – Two Sides of the Same Coin
Rejecting one-size-fits-all policing.
Resources to Get Started
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How does your organization compare? Get your copy today.
Content: While police departments can do their best to abide by the Constitution, they may accidentally overlook particular needs or concerns civilians have. The best way to figure out which constitutional issues matter most to the members of a community is to ask them. Hosting community forums or similar events can allow police to have open and honest conversations with their community. Police should do this proactively, not just after a critical incident. Regular interactions with the community will allow civilians to voice their concerns about new police policy or technology. This can help rebuild trust and mutual understanding between officers and the civilians they serve. Through open communication, police departments can show the public that they value everyone’s voice and everyone’s rights. Re-examine policies and practices. While the Constitution itself doesn’t change over time, courts are constantly interpreting how it applies to different situations. Law enforcement agencies need to regularly review and update their policies and practices to stay up to date on constitutional policing. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1595342034#10_3336098414 | Title: What Is Constitutional Policing?
Headings: What Is Constitutional Policing?
What Is Constitutional Policing?
Article highlights
What Is Constitutional Policing?
Why Constitutional Policing Is Important
Ways to Promote a Culture of Constitutional Policing
Encourage transparency and relationships with the community.
Re-examine policies and practices.
Focus on constitutional issues in training.
Constitutional and Community Policing – Two Sides of the Same Coin
Rejecting one-size-fits-all policing.
Resources to Get Started
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How does your organization compare? Get your copy today.
Content: This can help rebuild trust and mutual understanding between officers and the civilians they serve. Through open communication, police departments can show the public that they value everyone’s voice and everyone’s rights. Re-examine policies and practices. While the Constitution itself doesn’t change over time, courts are constantly interpreting how it applies to different situations. Law enforcement agencies need to regularly review and update their policies and practices to stay up to date on constitutional policing. Regularly reviewing practices can help departments determine what strategies are effective. They can take community feedback into account and examine new technologies and practices to make sure they reflect the needs of the community. Focus on constitutional issues in training. Re-examining policies and practices should include taking a second look at training content. Fostering a culture of constitutional policing starts in the training academy. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1595342034#17_3336111771 | Title: What Is Constitutional Policing?
Headings: What Is Constitutional Policing?
What Is Constitutional Policing?
Article highlights
What Is Constitutional Policing?
Why Constitutional Policing Is Important
Ways to Promote a Culture of Constitutional Policing
Encourage transparency and relationships with the community.
Re-examine policies and practices.
Focus on constitutional issues in training.
Constitutional and Community Policing – Two Sides of the Same Coin
Rejecting one-size-fits-all policing.
Resources to Get Started
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How does your organization compare? Get your copy today.
Content: Departments should take this reality into consideration in every step of policing – from creating policy to training, to setting up officer assignments. Law enforcement agencies need to do their best to foster a culture of respect for every member of the community they serve. Law enforcement agencies need to do their best to foster a culture of respect for every member of the community they serve. This may mean involving community members into the policy and training process. For example, the Oakland Police Department invites representatives from more than ten diverse groups to teach in their police academy. This means new officers hear directly from people involved in the LGBT community, immigrant rights groups, and more. Resources to Get Started
Here are a few resources and reports that can help your department implement best practices toward more constitutional policing: The COPS Advancing 21st Century Policing Initiative
Constitutional Policing as a Cornerstone of Community Policing – a report by the Police Executive Research Forum
PowerDMS’s white paper on constitutional policing
The President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing
BJA’s Resour | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1599463300#8_3345698713 | Title: The Nuclear Battery Aboard Perseverance, the Next-Gen Mars Rover
Headings: The Nuclear Battery Aboard Perseverance, the Next-Gen Mars Rover
The Nuclear Battery Aboard Perseverance, the Next-Gen Mars Rover
More Nuclear News
Content: it will be connected to the rover for the final time on the launch pad atop the mission’s Atlas V launch vehicle in July, before the planned launch of the Mars 2020 mission. Source: NASA
But Perseverance is also especially notable because it will be the first rover to use plutonium created by Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Oak Ridge is working with INL and Los Alamos national laboratory to help NASA beef up its fuel supply for Pu-238. “ Pu-238 gives off a large amount of heat due to radioactive decay during the course of its 87.7 year half-life,” INL said. While other radioisotopes have been studied and used in the past for radioisotope power systems, Pu-238 has demonstrated the best properties for conversion from heat to electricity for space missions, and it has been used safely since the 1960s. However, while the U.S. has enough plutonium to fuel the space missions scheduled for the next decade, the domestic supply of plutonium is a limited resource. In order to establish a new supply of Pu-238 to enable future NASA missions, Congress directed the DOE to resume Pu-238 production. “To make Pu-238, DOE repurposes some of its stockpile of neptunium-237 (Np-237)—a complicated process, involving experts and equipment at three national laboratories,” INL said. ORNL recently automated part of the production process allowing the lab to produce up to 400 grams of Pu-238 each year, moving closer to NASA’s goal of 1.5 kg per year by 2025. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1600092587#14_3347157603 | Title: 10 Habits of A Lasting Relationship
Headings: 10 Habits of A Lasting Relationship
10 Habits of A Lasting Relationship
10 Habits of A Lasting Relationship
10 Habits of a Long Lasting Relationship
Open Communication
Think About Your Partner’s Happiness
Have Time For Affection
Being Present
Being Open to Change
Forgiveness and Apology
Holding Onto the Best of the Other
Detecting and Managing Stress
Being a Team
Final Thoughts
Power of Positivity
Content: This is a pattern behavior that does not contribute to a good relationship. When two people are in a couple, it is in their best interest to understand that they are together on the same ship. When one fails, so does the other. While conflicts can arise and they do between two different people, couples who want to make it in the long run understand that they must solve the problems together as a team. It is no longer about who is right and who is wrong but more about “how can we work together to solve this problem that we have”. This type of behavior builds trust and friendliness between the two people and lets them solve conflicts in a mature manner. Final Thoughts
A long lasting relationship is not something that is a given. Compatibility between partners is only the soil on which the lasting relationship grows. Although it matters, a couple that wants to make something beautiful grow between them will cultivate their relations and grow as individuals along the way. And as Anthony Robbins says, “Do what you did at the beginning of the relationship and there won’t be an end”. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1600092587#15_3347159426 | Title: 10 Habits of A Lasting Relationship
Headings: 10 Habits of A Lasting Relationship
10 Habits of A Lasting Relationship
10 Habits of A Lasting Relationship
10 Habits of a Long Lasting Relationship
Open Communication
Think About Your Partner’s Happiness
Have Time For Affection
Being Present
Being Open to Change
Forgiveness and Apology
Holding Onto the Best of the Other
Detecting and Managing Stress
Being a Team
Final Thoughts
Power of Positivity
Content: This type of behavior builds trust and friendliness between the two people and lets them solve conflicts in a mature manner. Final Thoughts
A long lasting relationship is not something that is a given. Compatibility between partners is only the soil on which the lasting relationship grows. Although it matters, a couple that wants to make something beautiful grow between them will cultivate their relations and grow as individuals along the way. And as Anthony Robbins says, “Do what you did at the beginning of the relationship and there won’t be an end”. It is all too easy to slack off when time goes by, but a long-term relationship does not have to be given up on. Make every day as if it is the first one you met the other to keep the relationship refreshed | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1600296152#0_3347778900 | Title: 10 Signs of a Possessive Relationship
Headings: 10 Signs of a Possessive Relationship
10 Signs of a Possessive Relationship
10 Signs of a Possessive Relationship
10 Signs of The Possessive Type
1. Your Partner tries to restrict your behavior
2. Your partner wants you to be with them 24/7
3. Your partner says demeaning things about others who they believe to be cheaters
4. Your partner has an unstable mood
5. Your partner has a limited support system outside of you
6. Your partner negatively compares themselves to others
7. Your partner is afraid of being abandoned
8. Your partner is upset about you spending time with any potential romantic rival
9. Your partner has unrealistic expectations of your relationship
10. Your partner has a poor life balance
(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
Content: 10 Signs of a Possessive Relationship
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10 Signs of a Possessive Relationship
10 Signs of a Possessive Relationship
Power of Positivity
July 28, 2016
If your partner is the possessive type, you might have many reasons to be concerned, both for your safety and for the health of your relationship. A possessive person is like a green-eyed monster, and it can lead to dangerous behavior in those who lack enough self-control to avoid violence toward someone they see as a romantic rival. Having a partner who doesn’t want to give you up might seem like an ideal scenario for those who like these types of romance stories in movies and television, but you aren’t a prize to be won. Your own well-being is at stake if your partner is the possessive type. It may be evolving as social norms about what defines a romantic partnership change, but typically both halves of a committed couple expect that their partner will remain not only monogamous, but also emotionally attached to only them. Here are 10 signs that your partner is the possessive type. 10 Signs of The Possessive Type
1. Your Partner tries to restrict your behavior
If your partner is setting limits on how often you can go out, whom you can see, and whom you talk to, that is not something you should tolerate. You are a person of free will who can choose where and whom you will speak with. 2. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1600296152#1_3347781331 | Title: 10 Signs of a Possessive Relationship
Headings: 10 Signs of a Possessive Relationship
10 Signs of a Possessive Relationship
10 Signs of a Possessive Relationship
10 Signs of The Possessive Type
1. Your Partner tries to restrict your behavior
2. Your partner wants you to be with them 24/7
3. Your partner says demeaning things about others who they believe to be cheaters
4. Your partner has an unstable mood
5. Your partner has a limited support system outside of you
6. Your partner negatively compares themselves to others
7. Your partner is afraid of being abandoned
8. Your partner is upset about you spending time with any potential romantic rival
9. Your partner has unrealistic expectations of your relationship
10. Your partner has a poor life balance
(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
Content: Here are 10 signs that your partner is the possessive type. 10 Signs of The Possessive Type
1. Your Partner tries to restrict your behavior
If your partner is setting limits on how often you can go out, whom you can see, and whom you talk to, that is not something you should tolerate. You are a person of free will who can choose where and whom you will speak with. 2. Your partner wants you to be with them 24/7
Insecurity is the reason that your partner is constantly attached to you. Whether they believe you will cheat or not, your partner feels the need to check up on you and make sure you are ‘OK’ more often than they should for a healthy relationship. 3. Your partner says demeaning things about others who they believe to be cheaters
This is a very subtle form of manipulation that borders on verbal abuse. First of all, demeaning language toward you should never be tolerated. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1600296152#2_3347783256 | Title: 10 Signs of a Possessive Relationship
Headings: 10 Signs of a Possessive Relationship
10 Signs of a Possessive Relationship
10 Signs of a Possessive Relationship
10 Signs of The Possessive Type
1. Your Partner tries to restrict your behavior
2. Your partner wants you to be with them 24/7
3. Your partner says demeaning things about others who they believe to be cheaters
4. Your partner has an unstable mood
5. Your partner has a limited support system outside of you
6. Your partner negatively compares themselves to others
7. Your partner is afraid of being abandoned
8. Your partner is upset about you spending time with any potential romantic rival
9. Your partner has unrealistic expectations of your relationship
10. Your partner has a poor life balance
(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
Content: Your partner wants you to be with them 24/7
Insecurity is the reason that your partner is constantly attached to you. Whether they believe you will cheat or not, your partner feels the need to check up on you and make sure you are ‘OK’ more often than they should for a healthy relationship. 3. Your partner says demeaning things about others who they believe to be cheaters
This is a very subtle form of manipulation that borders on verbal abuse. First of all, demeaning language toward you should never be tolerated. Someone who is using belittling words toward others is more likely to do it to you as well. For example, your partner calls someone who they believe to be cheating a ‘slut’ and they also have suspicions that you are unfaithful, well you can fill in the blank about what they call you under their breath. Is it possible that your own behavior might be something that is keeping you from finding a relationship that works? More Videos
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7 Signs Your Partner Loves You Unconditionally
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4. Your partner has an unstable mood
Researchers looking at abusive relationships say that anger, jealousy and mood instability are all strongly related to how often verbal and physical abuse happens in intimate relationships. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1600296152#3_3347786181 | Title: 10 Signs of a Possessive Relationship
Headings: 10 Signs of a Possessive Relationship
10 Signs of a Possessive Relationship
10 Signs of a Possessive Relationship
10 Signs of The Possessive Type
1. Your Partner tries to restrict your behavior
2. Your partner wants you to be with them 24/7
3. Your partner says demeaning things about others who they believe to be cheaters
4. Your partner has an unstable mood
5. Your partner has a limited support system outside of you
6. Your partner negatively compares themselves to others
7. Your partner is afraid of being abandoned
8. Your partner is upset about you spending time with any potential romantic rival
9. Your partner has unrealistic expectations of your relationship
10. Your partner has a poor life balance
(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
Content: Someone who is using belittling words toward others is more likely to do it to you as well. For example, your partner calls someone who they believe to be cheating a ‘slut’ and they also have suspicions that you are unfaithful, well you can fill in the blank about what they call you under their breath. Is it possible that your own behavior might be something that is keeping you from finding a relationship that works? More Videos
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7 Signs Your Partner Loves You Unconditionally
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4. Your partner has an unstable mood
Researchers looking at abusive relationships say that anger, jealousy and mood instability are all strongly related to how often verbal and physical abuse happens in intimate relationships. It is a sign if their moods are unpredictable and shift from anger to sadness to anxiety frequently. 5. Your partner has a limited support system outside of you
They may be the possessive type if they have a small social circle. Your partner is dependent on you almost entirely for their feelings of self-esteem and self-worth. 6. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1600296152#4_3347788907 | Title: 10 Signs of a Possessive Relationship
Headings: 10 Signs of a Possessive Relationship
10 Signs of a Possessive Relationship
10 Signs of a Possessive Relationship
10 Signs of The Possessive Type
1. Your Partner tries to restrict your behavior
2. Your partner wants you to be with them 24/7
3. Your partner says demeaning things about others who they believe to be cheaters
4. Your partner has an unstable mood
5. Your partner has a limited support system outside of you
6. Your partner negatively compares themselves to others
7. Your partner is afraid of being abandoned
8. Your partner is upset about you spending time with any potential romantic rival
9. Your partner has unrealistic expectations of your relationship
10. Your partner has a poor life balance
(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
Content: It is a sign if their moods are unpredictable and shift from anger to sadness to anxiety frequently. 5. Your partner has a limited support system outside of you
They may be the possessive type if they have a small social circle. Your partner is dependent on you almost entirely for their feelings of self-esteem and self-worth. 6. Your partner negatively compares themselves to others
If your partner thinks they are unfavorable compared to a potential romantic rival, you might have reason for concern that your partner is the possessive type. Researchers looking abusive relationships say people who compare themselves negatively with others will try to get their partner’s approval ‘to validate their tenuous sense of self-worth.’ 7. Your partner is afraid of being abandoned
If your partner fears that you will leave them and you are physically weaker than your partner, protect yourself first from the potential of physical assault by getting to a safe location and calling the National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-7233. Researchers warn that ‘With the exception of serial killers, almost all cases of males killing females occur in the context of an ongoing intimate relationship, and much male intimate violence occurs in the process of real or perceived relationship dissolution. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1600296152#5_3347791248 | Title: 10 Signs of a Possessive Relationship
Headings: 10 Signs of a Possessive Relationship
10 Signs of a Possessive Relationship
10 Signs of a Possessive Relationship
10 Signs of The Possessive Type
1. Your Partner tries to restrict your behavior
2. Your partner wants you to be with them 24/7
3. Your partner says demeaning things about others who they believe to be cheaters
4. Your partner has an unstable mood
5. Your partner has a limited support system outside of you
6. Your partner negatively compares themselves to others
7. Your partner is afraid of being abandoned
8. Your partner is upset about you spending time with any potential romantic rival
9. Your partner has unrealistic expectations of your relationship
10. Your partner has a poor life balance
(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
Content: Your partner negatively compares themselves to others
If your partner thinks they are unfavorable compared to a potential romantic rival, you might have reason for concern that your partner is the possessive type. Researchers looking abusive relationships say people who compare themselves negatively with others will try to get their partner’s approval ‘to validate their tenuous sense of self-worth.’ 7. Your partner is afraid of being abandoned
If your partner fears that you will leave them and you are physically weaker than your partner, protect yourself first from the potential of physical assault by getting to a safe location and calling the National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-7233. Researchers warn that ‘With the exception of serial killers, almost all cases of males killing females occur in the context of an ongoing intimate relationship, and much male intimate violence occurs in the process of real or perceived relationship dissolution. Prior research indicates that men who assault their wives have high chronic anger scores, and that their anger is frequently triggered by attachment change they perceive as uncontrollable.’ 8. Your partner is upset about you spending time with any potential romantic rival
In nature, this behavior is primarily based on the risks to the male and female partners who are raising offspring if there is a romantic rival. For example, if there is a baby and the male is concerned that the female may have gone outside the partnership, there is a risk that if he stays and raises the young it may turn out to not be his genetic offspring. For the female partner, if the male strays, she risks loosing his commitment to raising the young and the resources that he is able to provide for the family. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1600296152#8_3347798778 | Title: 10 Signs of a Possessive Relationship
Headings: 10 Signs of a Possessive Relationship
10 Signs of a Possessive Relationship
10 Signs of a Possessive Relationship
10 Signs of The Possessive Type
1. Your Partner tries to restrict your behavior
2. Your partner wants you to be with them 24/7
3. Your partner says demeaning things about others who they believe to be cheaters
4. Your partner has an unstable mood
5. Your partner has a limited support system outside of you
6. Your partner negatively compares themselves to others
7. Your partner is afraid of being abandoned
8. Your partner is upset about you spending time with any potential romantic rival
9. Your partner has unrealistic expectations of your relationship
10. Your partner has a poor life balance
(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
Content: Or maybe your partner wants to move in together right away and you’re not comfortable making that move yet. When your partner is the one putting the pressure on, it’s a sign that they are trying to tie you down because of their own insecurity. 10. Your partner has a poor life balance
You may notice that your partner’s work or social life is suffering because they spend more time at home where they can check up on you. If you are anxious about the potential for your partner to become violent, get to a safe location and call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 or visit their website for guidance and resources to help you. (C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1600591959#8_3348701262 | Title: Therapists Explain 10 Things That Can Improve Mental Health
Headings: Therapists Explain 10 Things That Can Improve Mental Health
Therapists Explain 10 Things That Can Improve Mental Health
Therapists Explain 10 Things That Can Improve Mental Health
Here Are 10 Things That Can Improve Mental Health, According To Therapists
1. Write your thoughts and feelings in a journal.
2. Trust in the power of positive thinking.
3. Go on daily walks to calm your nerves.
4. Focus on self-care activities.
5. Don’t forget to say, “Thank you.”
6. Count on “your people.”
7. Tune into sad music.
8. Get more sleep.
9. Unplug and do a digital detoxification.
10. Educate yourself about mental health.
Final thoughts
Content: It might help to write this in your journal, too. 6. Count on “your people.” You’re not going to carry on with life well if you don’t have a support system. This group of people might be your immediate family, or it may consist of a group of close and trusted friends with whom you feel comfortable sharing your feelings. Social connection is vital to mental health. No man is an island, after all. Therapist Ryan Adams of the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Centre did a study on the impact of best friends on stress and the results were not surprising. It revealed that having a best friend present during a challenging experience reduces feelings of negativity and improves feelings of self-worth. If you have people you can count on, they can definitely make bad experiences a lot more bearable. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1603869537#0_3359097795 | Title: 9 Comebacks For Dealing With Sarcastic People
Headings: 9 Comebacks For Dealing With Sarcastic People
9 Comebacks For Dealing With Sarcastic People
9 Comebacks For Dealing With Sarcastic People
9 Comebacks For Dealing With Sarcastic People
1. “Don’t let your mind wander, it’s far too little to be on its own.”
2. “I would like to insult you back but I’m afraid you wouldn’t understand me.”
3. “I don’t understand your type of craziness, but I sure admire your commitment to it.”
4. “I’m afraid I can’t say much since I would be talking outside of your emotional zip code.”
5. “You are not as bad as people say, you are much worse.”
6. “Who crapped in your cheerios today?”
7. “If you are gonna be two-faced, at least make one of them attractive.”
8. “Remember when I asked for your opinion? Me neither.”
9. “Your inappropriateness knows no boundaries.”
Content: 9 Comebacks For Dealing With Sarcastic People
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9 Comebacks For Dealing With Sarcastic People
9 Comebacks For Dealing With Sarcastic People
Power of Positivity
May 18, 2016
Sarcasm can be funny if you don’t take things personally, but it can also be a form of hostile bulldozing. An aggressive sarcastic person can turn words into daggers while masquerading them behind humor. Usually sarcasm comes out quickly in a way that teases or mocks the other person. If you find yourself among this type of behavior, the best thing to do is walk away. This type of personality loves a good laugh, so if you just ignore them they will stop. But, if you feel the desire to say something, then here are some ways to do just that. 9 Comebacks For Dealing With Sarcastic People
1. “ Don’t let your mind wander, it’s far too little to be on its own.” Sarcasm sometimes carries wit that’s beyond nasty. It comes out in such a way that the words and tone make the recipient it feel uneducated. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1603869537#13_3359121958 | Title: 9 Comebacks For Dealing With Sarcastic People
Headings: 9 Comebacks For Dealing With Sarcastic People
9 Comebacks For Dealing With Sarcastic People
9 Comebacks For Dealing With Sarcastic People
9 Comebacks For Dealing With Sarcastic People
1. “Don’t let your mind wander, it’s far too little to be on its own.”
2. “I would like to insult you back but I’m afraid you wouldn’t understand me.”
3. “I don’t understand your type of craziness, but I sure admire your commitment to it.”
4. “I’m afraid I can’t say much since I would be talking outside of your emotional zip code.”
5. “You are not as bad as people say, you are much worse.”
6. “Who crapped in your cheerios today?”
7. “If you are gonna be two-faced, at least make one of them attractive.”
8. “Remember when I asked for your opinion? Me neither.”
9. “Your inappropriateness knows no boundaries.”
Content: Dr. Clifford N. Lazarus wrote an article for Psychology Today where he expresses that “sarcasm is actually hostility disguised as humor.” And then continues to state: “Despite smiling outwardly, most people who receive sarcastic comments feel put down and usually think the sarcastic person is a jerk. Indeed, it’s not surprising that the origin of the word sarcasm derives from the Greek word “sarkazein” which literally means “to tear or strip the flesh off.” Hence, it’s no wonder that sarcasm is often preceded by the word “cutting” and that it hurts.” When you are among someone sarcastic, listen but don’t respond immediately. Then remind that person of their intelligence and to use their wit appropriately. Relationships can suffer greatly if too much sarcasm is used. It can border on hostility and bullying. You get to decide what you tolerate in your life. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1604461406#5_3361212927 | Title: 7 Behaviors A Sexually Aggressive Person Displays Before Revealing Themselves
Headings: 7 Behaviors A Sexually Aggressive Person Displays Before Revealing Themselves
7 Behaviors A Sexually Aggressive Person Displays Before Revealing Themselves
7 Behaviors A Sexually Aggressive Person Displays Before Revealing Themselves
7 Hidden Signs
Here are seven potentially “hidden” behaviors of a sexually-aggressive person:
1. Building (Suspicious) Trust
2. Using Manipulative Language
3. Normalizing the Behavior
Inspiration to your Inbox
4. Playing the Victim
5. Degrading Words and Actions
6. Pushing Sexual Boundaries
7. Attempting to Disempower
(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
Content: 1. Building (Suspicious) Trust
Anyone who victimizes others understands the importance of first establishing trust. To build this trust, a sexual predator will make the victim feel as if they’re the focal point of the perpetrator’s attention. What differentiates a sexual deviant from others, however, is the escalating intensity with which they display attentive behaviors. For example, they may text and call at inappropriate times or in excessive numbers. 2. Using Manipulative Language
To gaslight is to “ manipulate (someone) by psychological means into questioning their own sanity” – a deceptive tactic that sexual abusers almost always use to achieve their aims. Should the victim challenge the abuser’s actions, the abuser will resort to lying, verbal manipulation, guilt-tripping, and victimization. Gaslighting eventually leaves the victim feeling emotionally drained, helpless, and – most unfortunately – ridden with guilt. 3. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1604461406#6_3361214832 | Title: 7 Behaviors A Sexually Aggressive Person Displays Before Revealing Themselves
Headings: 7 Behaviors A Sexually Aggressive Person Displays Before Revealing Themselves
7 Behaviors A Sexually Aggressive Person Displays Before Revealing Themselves
7 Behaviors A Sexually Aggressive Person Displays Before Revealing Themselves
7 Hidden Signs
Here are seven potentially “hidden” behaviors of a sexually-aggressive person:
1. Building (Suspicious) Trust
2. Using Manipulative Language
3. Normalizing the Behavior
Inspiration to your Inbox
4. Playing the Victim
5. Degrading Words and Actions
6. Pushing Sexual Boundaries
7. Attempting to Disempower
(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
Content: 2. Using Manipulative Language
To gaslight is to “ manipulate (someone) by psychological means into questioning their own sanity” – a deceptive tactic that sexual abusers almost always use to achieve their aims. Should the victim challenge the abuser’s actions, the abuser will resort to lying, verbal manipulation, guilt-tripping, and victimization. Gaslighting eventually leaves the victim feeling emotionally drained, helpless, and – most unfortunately – ridden with guilt. 3. Normalizing the Behavior
The cycle of sexual abuse having begun, the “honeymoon” emotions of attentiveness, care, and charm become less and less frequent. At this point, the vaguely uncomfortable feeling that something was wrong in the beginning is now apparent. Following normalization of unacceptable behavior, the abuser will begin with emotional and psychological exploitation – often culminating in sexually-abusive acts. Inspiration to your Inbox
4. Playing the Victim
Ironic though it may be, men and women who prey on the opposite sex possess a strong sense of victimization. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1607396169#5_3371427625 | Title: 10 Behaviors of a Person with Genuine Integrity | 6 Min. Read
Headings: 10 Behaviors of a Person with Genuine Integrity
10 Behaviors of a Person with Genuine Integrity
10 Behaviors of a Person with Genuine Integrity
Why is integrity important?
Traits and behaviors of a person of genuine integrity
Humble people
Honest about their mistakes
Don’t draw attention to themselves.
Open to correction
You trust them
They’re not hypocritical.
They say sorry
Inspiration to your Inbox
They take responsibility
A person with integrity wants to grow and change.
They can laugh at themselves.
How to become a person with genuine integrity
Final Thoughts on Leading a Life Filled with Integrity
Content: Hopefully, this list will inspire you and enable you to take a step towards living a life of genuine integrity without fear. Humble people
People with genuine integrity are humble people. They are not arrogant and have a modest estimate of themselves. They don’t think they’re more important than others. A humble person also does these things: Admit they’re not perfect
Are confident without being prideful
Build others up
Own their actions
Don’t crave fame and success
Grateful people
Honest about their mistakes
People with genuine integrity are honest when they make mistakes. They don’t blame shift or make excuses for themselves. They admit they’re wrong and take the heat appropriately. A person with integrity does not play the victim or feel sorry for themselves. They understand that making mistakes is a very human thing to do and don’t get all bent out of shape when mistakes happen. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1607396169#12_3371439662 | Title: 10 Behaviors of a Person with Genuine Integrity | 6 Min. Read
Headings: 10 Behaviors of a Person with Genuine Integrity
10 Behaviors of a Person with Genuine Integrity
10 Behaviors of a Person with Genuine Integrity
Why is integrity important?
Traits and behaviors of a person of genuine integrity
Humble people
Honest about their mistakes
Don’t draw attention to themselves.
Open to correction
You trust them
They’re not hypocritical.
They say sorry
Inspiration to your Inbox
They take responsibility
A person with integrity wants to grow and change.
They can laugh at themselves.
How to become a person with genuine integrity
Final Thoughts on Leading a Life Filled with Integrity
Content: Like the joke about not being able to even spell the word R-O-N-G (wrong), humans don’t like to admit they’re wrong . But people with integrity aren’t afraid to say they’re sorry. Whether it’s your boss or your parent, when they agree they are wrong is a true sign that they are a genuinely real person. Inspiration to your Inbox
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They take responsibility
People with genuine integrity are refreshingly candid about their mistakes. They don’t defend themselves or attempt to minimize what happened. They don’t play the victim card, getting all moody about what they’ve done. People with integrity also show maturity and the ability to own up to stuff without a major meltdown or revengeful attitude. A person with integrity wants to grow and change. They listen to others because they want to learn and change. And they love to learn no matter how old they are. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1607396169#13_3371441503 | Title: 10 Behaviors of a Person with Genuine Integrity | 6 Min. Read
Headings: 10 Behaviors of a Person with Genuine Integrity
10 Behaviors of a Person with Genuine Integrity
10 Behaviors of a Person with Genuine Integrity
Why is integrity important?
Traits and behaviors of a person of genuine integrity
Humble people
Honest about their mistakes
Don’t draw attention to themselves.
Open to correction
You trust them
They’re not hypocritical.
They say sorry
Inspiration to your Inbox
They take responsibility
A person with integrity wants to grow and change.
They can laugh at themselves.
How to become a person with genuine integrity
Final Thoughts on Leading a Life Filled with Integrity
Content: They don’t play the victim card, getting all moody about what they’ve done. People with integrity also show maturity and the ability to own up to stuff without a major meltdown or revengeful attitude. A person with integrity wants to grow and change. They listen to others because they want to learn and change. And they love to learn no matter how old they are. They don’t need to surround themselves with people like themselves because they’re comfortable in their skin. Moreover, they can listen to new ideas without being intimidated. People with integrity like to learn from other people because they know they don’t know everything. They have a thirst for learning and growing in every season of life. They can laugh at themselves. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1609428382#8_3379062823 | Title: The 10 Most Important Things Parents Can Do to Raise Confident Kids
Headings: The 10 Most Important Things Parents Can Do to Raise Confident Kids
The 10 Most Important Things Parents Can Do to Raise Confident Kids
The 10 Most Important Things Parents Can Do to Raise Confident Kids
Here are 10 things that parents do to raise confident children:
1. Acknowledge the effort they put into everything.
2. Allow them to solve problems on their own.
3. Endorse and support curiosity.
4. Teach your child the foundation for success.
5. Participate in your child’s education.
6. Give your child responsibilities.
7. Help your child share his or her feelings.
8. Recognize and praise your child for any struggles and adversities .
Inspiration to your Inbox
9. Provide challenges for your child.
10. Do not judge or criticize their performance.
(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
Content: Raising a confident child with healthy self-worth means being realistic and understanding their strengths and weaknesses. They have to learn that not everything comes out great at all times, but in trying and persevering, they can reach any goal they want. They might not be good at one thing, but they can continue looking for other ways. 5. Participate in your child’s education. It’s not just a matter of being in contact with teachers; children need to know that their parents are fully invested in their education. A child who knows that his parents are part of his education tends to work harder. Positive reinforcement comes when parents have study and reading time together. Helping them learn also becomes a time to spend together as a family. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1609428382#9_3379064719 | Title: The 10 Most Important Things Parents Can Do to Raise Confident Kids
Headings: The 10 Most Important Things Parents Can Do to Raise Confident Kids
The 10 Most Important Things Parents Can Do to Raise Confident Kids
The 10 Most Important Things Parents Can Do to Raise Confident Kids
Here are 10 things that parents do to raise confident children:
1. Acknowledge the effort they put into everything.
2. Allow them to solve problems on their own.
3. Endorse and support curiosity.
4. Teach your child the foundation for success.
5. Participate in your child’s education.
6. Give your child responsibilities.
7. Help your child share his or her feelings.
8. Recognize and praise your child for any struggles and adversities .
Inspiration to your Inbox
9. Provide challenges for your child.
10. Do not judge or criticize their performance.
(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
Content: It’s not just a matter of being in contact with teachers; children need to know that their parents are fully invested in their education. A child who knows that his parents are part of his education tends to work harder. Positive reinforcement comes when parents have study and reading time together. Helping them learn also becomes a time to spend together as a family. Children need discipline and routine. They need to know and feel that their parents care about their education and their future. They need to be rewarded for good grades. It’s important that they understand that “working” in their homework is like working in an office some day. 6. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1609428382#20_3379084671 | Title: The 10 Most Important Things Parents Can Do to Raise Confident Kids
Headings: The 10 Most Important Things Parents Can Do to Raise Confident Kids
The 10 Most Important Things Parents Can Do to Raise Confident Kids
The 10 Most Important Things Parents Can Do to Raise Confident Kids
Here are 10 things that parents do to raise confident children:
1. Acknowledge the effort they put into everything.
2. Allow them to solve problems on their own.
3. Endorse and support curiosity.
4. Teach your child the foundation for success.
5. Participate in your child’s education.
6. Give your child responsibilities.
7. Help your child share his or her feelings.
8. Recognize and praise your child for any struggles and adversities .
Inspiration to your Inbox
9. Provide challenges for your child.
10. Do not judge or criticize their performance.
(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
Content: But it’s to recognize that self-esteem really, truly comes as the result of achievement—in the classroom, on the field, at home—rather than false accomplishments. Instead of praising your child with ‘you’re so smart!’ be specific. Tell him, ‘You did a great job on your spelling quiz,’ or simply, ‘You tied your own shoes!’ Instead of telling him he’s the best on the team when you really don’t mean it, tell him you could tell he tried hard. Next time, he’ll try even harder—guaranteed.” A child who has a loving and supportive home life can overcome just about anything. Raising confident children starts with being confident parents. Our children are always looking at us for examples. We become their mirrors from the time they can focus their eyesight on us. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1609498678#8_3379284884 | Title: You Can Reverse Aging With Exercise : Here Is How
Headings: You Can Reverse Aging With Exercise : Here Is How
You Can Reverse Aging With Exercise : Here Is How
You Can Reverse Aging With Exercise : Here Is How
You Can Reverse Aging With Exercise : Here Is How
Cardio Workouts
Strength Training
Good Nutrition
Reversing the Aging Process
Content: A healthy lifestyle entails eating the right food, in the right quantity, and at the right time. Consuming a healthy amount of carbohydrates provides your body with the energy to perform physical activities while proteins enhance muscle repair and building in the body. A healthy diet encourages the body to produce the right hormones for skin rejuvenation, thus, reducing inflammation and the appearance of wrinkles. Reversing the Aging Process
Many people find various excuses to justify their lack of physical activity. People assume that you need access to a gym membership or a trainer to perform the right exercise for aging and this brings up the issue of high costs. Others use the excuse of limited time arising from their busy school and work schedules. The truth is that you should work with what you have. HIIT exercises only take up about 30 minutes and you can create this time by reducing the time you spend online or in front of the TV. Reversing the aging process starts with a clear intention. You need to be focused on how you live your life and reevaluate how you eat and the physical activities to subject your body to. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1610656177#7_3383283037 | Title: The 10 Best Supplements For Health
Headings: The 10 Best Supplements For Health
The 10 Best Supplements For Health
The 10 Best Supplements For Health
Here are the 10 best supplements to take (in our opinion) for overall health:
Vitamin D
Vitamin C
B Vitamins
Omega-3 fatty acids
Folate (or L-Methyfolate)
St. John’s Wort
Final thoughts
Power of Positivity
Content: This vitamin also helps you fight free radicals and protects the skin. You want to ensure that the supplement you choose contains all three types of Vitamin C – ascorbic acid, calcium ascorbate, and sodium ascorbate – in order to increase effectiveness in the body. B Vitamins
B vitamins, such as vitamin B12, help improve the metabolism, support cellular processes, boost energy, prevent fatigue, and improve cognitive ability. B12 can also help prevent mood disorders such as depression and anxiety. Vegans and vegetarians especially need to take B12 supplements, as this vitamin is only found in animal products. If you feel you’re low in this vitamin, you might want to go to a doctor and get a blood test done to check your levels. Even people who consume animal products regularly can become deficient in this vitamin due to improper absorption or medication use. B1 (thiamine): Thiamine helps convert nutrients into energy and keeps the metabolism functioning properly. B2 (riboflavin): | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1610843306#0_3383856038 | Title: 10 Things You Learn By Losing A Loved One
Headings: 10 Things You Learn By Losing A Loved One
10 Things You Learn By Losing A Loved One
10 Things You Learn By Losing A Loved One
Here Are 10 Things You Learn By Losing A Loved One
1. You realize that life is indeed too short
2. Your life goes on
3. You learn about how strong you really are
4. You make small changes in your life
5. You create more memories with the people who matter in your life
6. You strengthen your relationships with those who are still with you
7. You have a new appreciation for love
8. You realize that you do have a choice
9. You can always start over
10. The present moment is the most important moment of your life
Final Thoughts On Things You Learn By Losing A Loved One
Content: 10 Things You Learn By Losing A Loved One
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10 Things You Learn By Losing A Loved One
10 Things You Learn By Losing A Loved One
Power of Positivity
October 23, 2018
The grief of losing a loved one is, without a doubt, the most painful thing any human can experience. Whether you’ve lost the love of your life due to death or the end of a relationship, the intensity of your pain and suffering might even leave you with a broken heart. People cope with a loss differently but according to the American Heart Association, some may suffer from broken heart syndrome when the grief is too much to bear. But losing a loved one may also be a positive teaching moment and an enlightening process. Though you can never be ready for this, there may be a message and insights you can gain from such a tragedy. A loss can actually teach you so much about living and here are some things you learn by losing a loved one. “Those we love never go away, even when they can’t be physically present. They walk beside us. Still loved, and still missed.” – Anonymous
Here Are 10 Things You Learn By Losing A Loved One
1. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1610843306#4_3383864285 | Title: 10 Things You Learn By Losing A Loved One
Headings: 10 Things You Learn By Losing A Loved One
10 Things You Learn By Losing A Loved One
10 Things You Learn By Losing A Loved One
Here Are 10 Things You Learn By Losing A Loved One
1. You realize that life is indeed too short
2. Your life goes on
3. You learn about how strong you really are
4. You make small changes in your life
5. You create more memories with the people who matter in your life
6. You strengthen your relationships with those who are still with you
7. You have a new appreciation for love
8. You realize that you do have a choice
9. You can always start over
10. The present moment is the most important moment of your life
Final Thoughts On Things You Learn By Losing A Loved One
Content: 2. Your life goes on
The pain of losing a loved one might feel like it will never end. Sometimes, you want the world to stop or the clock to turn back time because you can’t seem to go on with life without your significant other. But you’ll slowly realize that life goes on and the world continues to turn even if you are still deep in your grief. Accepting your new situation comes with time and people go down the recovery path at different paces. Eventually, you’ll start moving again and you’ll get back to your routines. You’ll pick up the pieces and put the order back in your life. In the midst of your grief, you will still experience positive emotions. You’ll see hope gradually returning. 3. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1610843306#7_3383870056 | Title: 10 Things You Learn By Losing A Loved One
Headings: 10 Things You Learn By Losing A Loved One
10 Things You Learn By Losing A Loved One
10 Things You Learn By Losing A Loved One
Here Are 10 Things You Learn By Losing A Loved One
1. You realize that life is indeed too short
2. Your life goes on
3. You learn about how strong you really are
4. You make small changes in your life
5. You create more memories with the people who matter in your life
6. You strengthen your relationships with those who are still with you
7. You have a new appreciation for love
8. You realize that you do have a choice
9. You can always start over
10. The present moment is the most important moment of your life
Final Thoughts On Things You Learn By Losing A Loved One
Content: You also regain a sense of control over your life because you focus on how to make yourself better. Experts at Stanford said that people who emerge stronger through their grief have a positive coping strategy for losing a loved one. But if you keep focusing on your sadness, worries, and negative feelings, you may be at risk of developing depression six months after the loss. Those who feel depressed may end up doing something reckless. Suppressing these feelings of sadness may also lead to destructive behaviors, which is why experts say it’s always good to confide in someone when you’re grieving. Losing weight you don't need can change your life completely...
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4. You make small changes in your life
You go through an existential crisis when you lose a loved one. When you start wondering how you matter in this world, you realize you need to pursue your passion and follow your heart. Because the loss is a reminder that your time is limited, you decide to make small changes to make your life more fulfilling. With baby steps, you become proactive with your choices and begin to develop goals that will make your life more rewarding. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1610843306#13_3383883471 | Title: 10 Things You Learn By Losing A Loved One
Headings: 10 Things You Learn By Losing A Loved One
10 Things You Learn By Losing A Loved One
10 Things You Learn By Losing A Loved One
Here Are 10 Things You Learn By Losing A Loved One
1. You realize that life is indeed too short
2. Your life goes on
3. You learn about how strong you really are
4. You make small changes in your life
5. You create more memories with the people who matter in your life
6. You strengthen your relationships with those who are still with you
7. You have a new appreciation for love
8. You realize that you do have a choice
9. You can always start over
10. The present moment is the most important moment of your life
Final Thoughts On Things You Learn By Losing A Loved One
Content: 7. You have a new appreciation for love
Sure, some people turn bitter or angry about losing a loved one. In fact, grief can become a mental illness if a person’s coping skill and ability to process his feelings are complex or misguided, as per the Scientific American. However, grieving can also be a tool that teaches you to appreciate love. You start loving and treating the people in your life the right way because you now know how painful it would be if you lose them. Additionally, you don’t let a day pass without letting them know your feelings. You don’t hold back your feelings because you know the weight and burden of leaving words unsaid. Grief highlights how it is worth loving a person with all your heart. You might not see this yet if you’re still trying to overcome your sadness. Eventually, however, you will embrace love and even falling in love again. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1611688568#1_3386657182 | Title: Dietitian Explains Why 2pm Is The Best Time to Eat Dinner
Headings: Dietitian Explains Why 2pm Is The Best Time to Eat Dinner
Dietitian Explains Why 2pm Is The Best Time to Eat Dinner
Dietitian Explains Why 2pm Is The Best Time to Eat Dinner
10 Reasons Why 2pm Is The Best Time To Eat Dinner, According To A Dietitian
1. It balances appetite levels
2. It’s good for the body’s internal clock
3. The best time to eat dinner is when metabolism is its best
4. It’s better for sleep
5. It aids weight loss and fat burn
6. Early dinner sets you up for the next day
7. Reduced diabetes type 2 risk
8. Early dinner is good for the heart
9. Lowering cancer risk
10. A longer lifespan
Final Thoughts On Why 2pm Is The Best Time To Eat Dinner
Power of Positivity
Content: That’s 1.9 billion overweight individuals above the age of 18! The worst part? Obesity is more deadly than being underweight. So why have our obesity rates skyrocketed? The answer might be in the number of meals we eat, and what time we eat them. Back in the 1970’s, people only ate three meals a day. Snacking was unheard of; you ate an early dinner and were fine for the rest of the night. In today’s world, some people eat as many as six meals daily. The truth is that the human body doesn’t need to consume nearly as much as we think. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1625061979#0_3410810536 | Title: Misanthropy antonyms - 98 Opposites of Misanthropy
Content: Misanthropy antonyms - 98 Opposites of Misanthropy
# kindness , state
# feeling , state
# feeling , state
# kindness , quality
friendly relationship
good nature
good relationship
pleasant relationship
warm-hearted relationship
friendly feelings
# bad
love for human beings
love for humanity
love for humankind
love for humans
love for people
next | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1648071816#0_3456691616 | Title: Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE)
Headings: Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE)
9 Articles in Volume 10, Issue #4
Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE)
Selecting The Appropriate Test
FCEs Current Scope
Measurement Properties of the FCE
Responsiveness and Reliability of the FCE
Impairment/Disability Testing
Content: Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE)
9 Articles in Volume 10, Issue #4
Chaos (Nonlinear Dynamics) and Migraine
Enhancement of Nerve Regeneration by Therapeutic Laser
Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE)
Making Practical Sense of Cytochrome P450
Non-pharmacologic Treatment of Shingles
Pain, Neurotechnology, and the Treatment-enhancement Debate
The New Age of Prolotherapy
Treating Myofacial and Other Idiopathic Head and Neck Pain
Treatment of Painful Cutaneous Wounds
Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE)
While not yet precise enough as a predictive tool, FCE can be combined with other sources of information such as medical, rehabilitative and diagnostic data to help resolve issues of compensability, disability and employability. By Tiziano Marovino, DPT, MPH, DAIPM
The functional capacity evaluation (FCE) has evolved in many ways since its inception in the 1980s when the work capacity test was becoming the normative test to evaluate disability and return to work status. 1 In our quest to be able to identify applicants who might be at higher risk for lower spine injuries once employed, we began utilizing various forms of pre-employment testing including radiographic screening. 2 As we all know, this specific practice was short-lived and pre-employment screening as an evaluation tool has subsequently been abolished with the advent of research showing a poor correlation between radiographic findings and risk of future injury. 3 Radiologic abnormalities in the musculoskeletal system have not been demonstrated to have any significant predictive capabilities for future risk of injury and, along with legislative changes—most notably the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) and it’s antecedents—have led to the demise of pre-employment screening efforts. 4
The most politically correct post-ADA terminology for workplace testing is pre-placement screening. Today, the applicant is hired and then tested (in that order) and a decision made as to whether they can safely and effectively perform the job. The “fit for duty” assessment is performed after the hiring, and not before, as was the case in the past. For the remaining sections of this report, the terms FCE, physical capacity evaluation (PCE), and work capacity evaluation (WCE) will be used to denote separate but distinct (although interrelated) testing formats. The PCE is a physical capacity evaluation that identifies basic human motion parameters, both quantitatively and qualitatively—such as muscle strength, endurance, flexibility, stamina, power, balance, coordination and proprioception. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1648071816#1_3456694802 | Title: Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE)
Headings: Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE)
9 Articles in Volume 10, Issue #4
Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE)
Selecting The Appropriate Test
FCEs Current Scope
Measurement Properties of the FCE
Responsiveness and Reliability of the FCE
Impairment/Disability Testing
Content: 4
The most politically correct post-ADA terminology for workplace testing is pre-placement screening. Today, the applicant is hired and then tested (in that order) and a decision made as to whether they can safely and effectively perform the job. The “fit for duty” assessment is performed after the hiring, and not before, as was the case in the past. For the remaining sections of this report, the terms FCE, physical capacity evaluation (PCE), and work capacity evaluation (WCE) will be used to denote separate but distinct (although interrelated) testing formats. The PCE is a physical capacity evaluation that identifies basic human motion parameters, both quantitatively and qualitatively—such as muscle strength, endurance, flexibility, stamina, power, balance, coordination and proprioception. It is important to distinguish these most basic parameters since they are the foundation of the next level test—the FCE, or functional capacity evaluation. This test examines functional limitations that are defined by more complex multi-joint movements that require neuromuscular synergy to form integrated and purposeful patterns aimed at task completions and could be anything from climbing stairs to lifting a box or sweeping the floor. Within the context of an occupational setting, the term WCE or work capacity evaluation implies a work related FCE since the test evaluates the person’s ability to perform work-related functional tasks, as opposed to home or recreation/social activities of daily living. Selecting The Appropriate Test
In our practice, we find that different groups request different tests depending on their needs. For example, attorneys want both impairment data (PCE) and functional data (FCE) in no fault cases, but FCE and WCE data in workman’s compensation litigation. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1648071816#2_3456697204 | Title: Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE)
Headings: Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE)
9 Articles in Volume 10, Issue #4
Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE)
Selecting The Appropriate Test
FCEs Current Scope
Measurement Properties of the FCE
Responsiveness and Reliability of the FCE
Impairment/Disability Testing
Content: It is important to distinguish these most basic parameters since they are the foundation of the next level test—the FCE, or functional capacity evaluation. This test examines functional limitations that are defined by more complex multi-joint movements that require neuromuscular synergy to form integrated and purposeful patterns aimed at task completions and could be anything from climbing stairs to lifting a box or sweeping the floor. Within the context of an occupational setting, the term WCE or work capacity evaluation implies a work related FCE since the test evaluates the person’s ability to perform work-related functional tasks, as opposed to home or recreation/social activities of daily living. Selecting The Appropriate Test
In our practice, we find that different groups request different tests depending on their needs. For example, attorneys want both impairment data (PCE) and functional data (FCE) in no fault cases, but FCE and WCE data in workman’s compensation litigation. In social security determinations, the data requested is primarily FCE-oriented. Our case managers who deal with occupational injury/disease need specific WCE data that is an occupationally-oriented FCE. I have made the distinction between a generic versus specific FCE because one of the real problem areas with FCEs has been poor test selection—i.e., using a generic FCE when the situation warrants a specific FCE based on essential job demands—gathered using a valid job description and/or a job site analysis. When a general (generic) versus a specific FCE is used to make a return to work determination, the end result can be suboptimal. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1648071816#6_3456705245 | Title: Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE)
Headings: Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE)
9 Articles in Volume 10, Issue #4
Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE)
Selecting The Appropriate Test
FCEs Current Scope
Measurement Properties of the FCE
Responsiveness and Reliability of the FCE
Impairment/Disability Testing
Content: The FCE has become, arguably, more functional and less reliant on expensive technology—e.g., utilizing boxes for lifting/carrying tasks and sleds for push/pull tasks. Only relatively few facilities are able to offer the more sophisticated dynamometric testing for PCE data, such as might have been the norm in the past. The lingering questions remain, however, as to whether the FCE is an accurate representation of a person’s ability to perform physical work. Are the results of the FCE reproducible (consistent)? Does it measure what it purports to measure (validity)? Is the FCE sensitive enough to measuring functionally-important changes that might translate into a higher probability of a patient returning to work? And finally, are the results of the FCE-WCE predictive of the primary outcome of interest, namely, the return to work? The results of these assessments have implications for employment, compensability determinations, further medical/rehabilitative efforts, disability evaluations, and indemnity/cash benefits. 7
The number of FCE vendors has risen noticeably over the last 15 years, and this form of testing is often used in combination with work conditioning and work hardening (job simulation) programs aimed at returning injured workers back to their respective workplaces. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1648071816#7_3456707125 | Title: Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE)
Headings: Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE)
9 Articles in Volume 10, Issue #4
Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE)
Selecting The Appropriate Test
FCEs Current Scope
Measurement Properties of the FCE
Responsiveness and Reliability of the FCE
Impairment/Disability Testing
Content: Does it measure what it purports to measure (validity)? Is the FCE sensitive enough to measuring functionally-important changes that might translate into a higher probability of a patient returning to work? And finally, are the results of the FCE-WCE predictive of the primary outcome of interest, namely, the return to work? The results of these assessments have implications for employment, compensability determinations, further medical/rehabilitative efforts, disability evaluations, and indemnity/cash benefits. 7
The number of FCE vendors has risen noticeably over the last 15 years, and this form of testing is often used in combination with work conditioning and work hardening (job simulation) programs aimed at returning injured workers back to their respective workplaces. The various vendors have their own proprietary systems that they sell to providers—mostly physical and occupational therapists who are those ultimately performing the testing. We have no idea how the various FCE tests sold relate to each other. In other words, are the test results from one system transferrable to another? Is there a gold standard FCE out there? If there was, we could begin to compare FCE systems with the gold standard and derive an estimate of concurrent validity but, as it stands, we do not. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1648071816#10_3456713037 | Title: Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE)
Headings: Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE)
9 Articles in Volume 10, Issue #4
Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE)
Selecting The Appropriate Test
FCEs Current Scope
Measurement Properties of the FCE
Responsiveness and Reliability of the FCE
Impairment/Disability Testing
Content: “The results of these assessments have implications for employment, compensability determinations, further medical/ rehabilitative efforts, disability evaluations, and indemnity/cash benefits.7”
How much precision do we expect from an FCE test? After all, we are trying to get at a functional rating score made up of measures that tend to vary from day to day and based on a constellation of variables—such as co-morbidities, aging, injury, weather, sleep level, motivation, stress etc. We often try and characterize sincerity levels when performing the FCE test items since the psych-physical connection will ultimately determine the actual scores on each test item. A number of possible methods have been proposed to get an estimate of patient sincerity levels when performing the FCE—including using the coefficient of variation (ratio of the standard deviation of a set of scores to its mean, expressed as a percentage). The validity of using the CV statistic, in isolation, for measuring sincerity of effort has been challenged however. 8,9 The consensus appears to be that the CV statistic is a valuable component in the determination of sincerity of effort but should be used in conjunction with other protocol measures—creating what Matheson refers to as a reliability profile. 10
In many cases, the FCE and WCE testing is performed prior to commencing a work recovery program to identify functional deficits and, at the end of a work program, to determine if goals were met and return to work is possible. This is the case where there is an injured worker who has been through formal physical and/or occupational therapy but is not ready to return to work. It is important to note that physical therapy is designed to focus on restoring normal range of motion, strength, muscle endurance etc. It is not unusual that a person, who has restored strength and mobili | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1650469151#6_3460566488 | Title: How many teeth does a dog have? Chewing it over - Practical Paw | The Dog Lovers Toolkit
Headings: How many teeth does a dog have? Chewing it over
How many teeth does a dog have? Chewing it over
Different types of teeth
When do puppies get their adult teeth?
Can a dog’s teeth re-grow?
Can teeth tell me how old my dog is?
Do dogs get cavities?
Dental Care
How many teeth does a dog have?
Content: Once a dog has its complete set of adult teeth, then that’s it. If a tooth is cracked or lost, it’s gone for good. That’s why good oral hygiene is essential, and brushing your dog’s teeth is a great idea. Can teeth tell me how old my dog is? Once your dog has all his adult teeth, it’s challenging to tell how old he is just by looking at them. With most owners aware of the need to look after their pet’s oral health, many dogs have very white and healthy teeth even into old age. After six to seven months of age, your dog will lose all their baby teeth and have a complete set of permanent teeth. As tooth condition varies a lot depending on diet and care, it’s unlikely that you will guess their age based on the state of the teeth alone. If your dog is young, however, then it is possible to estimate their age based on a timeline of when the dog’s teeth typically erupt: Tooth Eruption
Baby Teeth
Adult Teeth
3-6 weeks
3-5 months
5-6 weeks
4-6 months
6 weeks
4-5 months
Do dogs get cavities? | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1650469151#7_3460568201 | Title: How many teeth does a dog have? Chewing it over - Practical Paw | The Dog Lovers Toolkit
Headings: How many teeth does a dog have? Chewing it over
How many teeth does a dog have? Chewing it over
Different types of teeth
When do puppies get their adult teeth?
Can a dog’s teeth re-grow?
Can teeth tell me how old my dog is?
Do dogs get cavities?
Dental Care
How many teeth does a dog have?
Content: With most owners aware of the need to look after their pet’s oral health, many dogs have very white and healthy teeth even into old age. After six to seven months of age, your dog will lose all their baby teeth and have a complete set of permanent teeth. As tooth condition varies a lot depending on diet and care, it’s unlikely that you will guess their age based on the state of the teeth alone. If your dog is young, however, then it is possible to estimate their age based on a timeline of when the dog’s teeth typically erupt: Tooth Eruption
Baby Teeth
Adult Teeth
3-6 weeks
3-5 months
5-6 weeks
4-6 months
6 weeks
4-5 months
Do dogs get cavities? Tooth cavities are rare in dogs. Their tooth shape, lack of sugar in their diet, and different mouth bacteria generally mean that their teeth do not suffer in the same way that ours do. However, food debris can gather around the gum line, which may lead to problems with infections, causing the gums to recede and periodontal disease, and ultimately to the loss of teeth. If a cavity is identified, it can be filled in much the same way as a cavity in our mouth, although, for the veterinarian’s safety, a dog will be anesthetized! Dental Care
If you have an adult dog that you are struggling to persuade to open its mouth, then there are other ways that you can help to manage their dental health – although brushing is best. | |
msmarco_v2.1_doc_49_1660681429#8_3489166414 | Title: Customs and Behavior | Tips on how to behave in Muslim countries
Headings: Customs and Behavior
Customs and Behavior
Customs in Arab Muslim Cultures
“So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets”
– Jesus, Matthew 7:12
Important Customs
Greetings and Contact
Greetings and Conversations
Hospitality and Visits / Meals
Outward Affection and Gestures
Final Thoughts
Content: Sometimes oversize slippers are provided for you to put on. Take care when sitting. Avoid stretching legs in front of or sitting up higher than others, sitting with the left hand behind the back, or positioning oneself so the shadows fall upon half of one’s body. Avoid putting feet on tables or furniture. Show respect. Refrain from leaning against walls, slouching in chairs, and keeping hands in pockets. Keep from pointing with the feet. Do not show the soles of the feet, as they are the lowest and dirtiest part of the body. Allowing your host to initiate discussion topics is a good policy. Expect handshakes from all personnel in a party. | |
Subsets and Splits