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How long can I stay in this nowhere café
Before night turns into day
I wonder why Im so frightened of dawn
All I have and all I know
Is this dream of you
Which keeps me living on
Theres a moment when all old things
Become new again
But that moment might have come and gone
All I have and all I know
Is this dream of you
Which keeps me living on
I look away, but I keep seeing it
I dont want to believe, but I keep believing it
Shadows dance upon the wall
Shadows that seem to know it all
Am I too blind to see, is my heart playing tricks on me
Im lost in the crowd
All my tears are gone
All I have and all I know
Is this dream of you
Which keeps me living on
Everything I touch seems to disappear
Everywhere I turn you are always here
Ill run this race until my earthly death
Ill defend this place with my dying breath
From a cheerless room in a curtained gloom
I saw a star from heaven fall
I turned and looked again but it was gone
All I have and all I know
Is this dream of you
Which keeps me living on |
You must leave now
Take what you need, you think will last
But whatever you wish to keep, you better grab it fast
Yonder stands your orphan with his gun
Crying like a fire in the sun
Look out, the saints are coming through
And its all over now, Baby Blue
The highway is for gamblers, better use your sense
Take what you have gathered from coincidence
The empty handed painter from your streets
Is drawing crazy patterns on your sheets
The sky, too, is folding under you
And its all over now, Baby Blue
All your seasick sailors, they are rowing home
Your empty handed armies are going home
Your lover who just walked out the door
Has taken all his blankets from the floor
The carpet, too, is moving under you
And its all over now, Baby Blue
Leave your stepping stones behind
Theres something that calls for you
Forget the dead youve left
They will not follow you
The vagabond whos rapping at your door
Is standing in the clothes that you once wore
Strike another match, go start anew
And its all over now, Baby Blue |
Gimmi Ilpedofilo uscì di casa ma quel mattino faceva brutto
Nuvole basse, uno di quei giorni nei quali credi di aver visto tutto
Ma quel tutto è niente
Gimmi Ilpedofilo fece le scale e fuori cera gente
Gente arrabbiata lo guardava storto dietro lo specchio degli occhiali da sole ma non cè il sole
Sole sole dove sei? Gimmi Gimmi ti vorrebbe. Dimmi quando tu verrai. Forse forse sarà tardi
Si sentì perso e gli mancò il fiato. Lungo lasfalto escrementi di cane. Sguardi pesanti dodio tutto intorno. Gimmi pensò: Vada come vada e tornò a casa ma vennero anche quelli, i genitori con il bastone in mano: Gimmi il pedofilo sei un uomo morto. Gimmi Ilpedofilo noi ti ammazziamo con il bastone
Bastoncino pim pum pam, volan tanti scappellotti! Gimmi se la vede brutta, Gimmi se la vede brutta
Aspettate questo è un equivoco!, ci provò Gimmi a discolparsi
Ma gli tapparono la bocca, e sangue, poi bastonate, sputi, pugni e calci
Giustizia è fatta, pensò la gente, ma in verità non era stato giusto. Perchè okay, sì, Gimmi Ilpedofilo, ma Ilpedofilo era il cognome
Oh no, they tought he was a pedophile but its just his family name since the XVIII century. Never had problems before! Its not his job, just his name, it would be a travesty
Gimmi Ilpedofilo è morto innocente, vittima solo del proprio cognome. E ora dallalto del Paradiso ci guarda col suo sorriso buono in compagnia dei suoi nuovi amici, che già subirono la stessa sorte:
Fabio Uxoricidi, Roberto Ammazzaneonati, ma soprattutto Fabia Inculamorti
Oh poor Fabiana Inculamorti, another innocent victim in this stupid misunderstanding. She was not a necrophiliac, she was just, just a girl. Another innocent pawn in this cruel game of life. Oh life...
E la morale di questa storia è che la fretta ti consiglia male. Quanti altri ancora dopvranno morire per un errore di valutazione? Quante le vedove che piangeranno, o i padri che non vedranno tornare quei figli ai quali hanno dato un cognome che fa paura alluomo della strada? Possa il signore perdonarvi tutti perchè io...
Enrico, aspetta, faccio io... Possa il Signore perdonarvi tutti, perchè io certo non lo posso fare. Ma se unidea ve la siete fatta, venite a dirmela di persona. Trovarmi è facile, sulla lapide cè scritto il mio nome, Luigi. Anzi: Gianluigi. Gianluigi Bombatomica
Gianluigi Bombatomica. Poverino Giangi. Gianluigi, solo un cognome: Bombatomica. Poverino, Giangi. Poverino!
Ti spalmo sul panino, si era capito?
Io lho capita recentemente, però...
Io adesso lho capita
Cè Pierino che torna a casa da scuola, deve andare in bagno. Cè suo papà, bussa... Papà cosa stai facendo?..e il papà dice Sto facendomi la barba..però non so se, bisogna vedere la faccia rossa...oppure Pierino torna a casa, Papà in bagno, deve andare in bagno, bussa e Papà cosa stai facendo?...è Pierino che caga fuori dal cesso..oppure quella che dice Cè Pierino che... caga quello che la racconta
Questa è la più bella di tutti, bravo
Dio mio, ma dopo tanti anni sei sempre un coglione, sei sempre rimasto lo stesso...bravo! |
Early one morning the sun was shining
And he was laying in bed
Wondering if shed changed at all
If her hair was still red
Her folks they said their lives together
Sure was going to be rough
They never did like Mamas homemade dress
Papas bankbook wasnt big enough
And he was standing on the side of the road
Rain falling on his shoes
Heading out for the Old East Coast
Lord knows hes paid some dues
Getting through
Tangled up in blue
She was married when they first met
Soon to be divorced
He helped her out of a jam, I guess
But he used a little too much force
And they drove that car as far as they could
Abandoned it out West
And split up on a dark sad night
Both agreeing it was best
And she turned around to look at him
As he was walking away
She said This cant be the end
Well meet on another day, on the avenue
Tangled up in blue
He had a job in the great north woods
Working as a cook for a spell
But he never liked it all that much
And one day the ax just fell
So he drifted down to L.A.
Where he reckoned to try his luck
Working for a while in an airplane plant
Loading cargo onto a truck
But all the while he was alone
The past was close behind
He seen a lot of women
But she never escaped his mind
And he just grew
Tangled up in blue
She was working in a topless place
And I stopped in for a beer
I just kept looking at the side of her face
In the spotlight, so clear
And later on, when the crowd thinned out
I was about to do the same
She was standing there, in back of my chair
Said to me Whats your name?
I muttered something underneath my breath
She studied the lines on my face
I must admit, I felt a little uneasy
When she bent down to tie the laces
Of my shoes
Tangled up in blue
She lit a burner on the stove
And offered me a pipe
I thought youd never say hello she said
You look like the silent type
Then she opened up a book of poems
And handed it to me
Written by an Italian poet
From the thirteenth century
And every one of them words rang true
And glowed like burning coal
Pouring off of every page
Like it was written in my soul
From me to you
Tangled up in blue
He was always in a hurry
Too busy or too stoned
And everything that she ever planned
Just had to be postponed
He thought they were successful
She thought they were blessed
With objects and material things
But I never was impressed
And when it all came crashing down
I became withdrawn
The only thing I knew how to do
Was keep on keepin on like a bird that flew
Tangled up in blue
So now Im going back again
I got to get to her somehow
All the people we used to know
Theyre an illusion to me now
Some are mathematicians
Some are doctors wives
Dont know how it all got started
Dont know what theyre doing with their lives
But me, Im still on the road
Heading for another joint
We always did feel the same
We just saw it from a different point
Of view
Tangled up in blue |
And now, because youve all been so sweet, another duet for you
They say were young and we dont know
We wont find out until we grow
Well, I dont know, I guess its true
Cause you got me, and baby I got you
I got you babe
I got you babe
They say our love wont pay the rent
Before its earned, our moneys always spent
Well, I dont know, we got no plot
Still Im sure of all the love we got
I got you babe
I got you babe
I got flowers in the spring
I got you to wear my ring
When Im sad, youre a clown
When I get scared, youre always round
Some people say your hairs too long
I dont care, with you I cant go wrong
So put your little hand in mine
There aint no hill or mountain we cant climb
I got you babe
I got you babe
I got you babe
I got you babe
Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you. How wonderful you are. God bless you all. Oh, youre a lovely crowd. Thank you, guys. Thank you |
When youre all alone
All the children grown
And, like starlings, flown away
It gets lonely early, doesnt it?
Lonely early, doesnt it?
Evry single endless day
When your twilight nears
And one face appears
Turning winter years to May
It gets lonely early, doesnt it?
Lonely early, doesnt it?
Still the old hearts young enough to say
It was really more than lovely, wasnt it?
Truly lovely, wasnt it?
Evry single lovely day |
Santa Fe, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear Santa Fe
My woman needs it everyday
She promised this a-lad she’d stay
She’s rolling up a lotta bread to toss away
She’s in Santa Fe, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear Santa Fe
Now she’s opened up an old maid’s home
She’s proud, but she needs to roam
She’s gonna write herself a roadside poem about Santa Fe
Santa Fe, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear Santa Fe
Since I’m never gonna cease to roam
I’m never, ever far from home
But I’ll build a geodesic dome and sail away
Don’t feel bad, no, no, no, no, don’t feel bad
It’s the best food I’ve ever had
Makes me feel so glad
That she’s cooking in a homemade pad
She never caught a cold so bad when I’m away
Santa Fe, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear Santa Fe
My shrimp boat’s in the bay
I won’t have my nature this way
And I’m leaning on the wheel each day to drift away from
Santa Fe, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear Santa Fe
My sister looks good at home
She’s licking on an ice cream cone
She’s packin’ her big white comb
What does it weigh? |
Well, I had to move fast
And I couldnt with you around my neck
I said Id send for you and I did
What did you expect?
My hands are sweating
And we havent even started yet
Ill go along with the charade
Until I can think my way out
I know it was all a big joke
Whatever it was about
Someday maybe
Ill remember to forget
Im gonna get my coat
I feel the breath of a storm
Theres something Ive got to do tonight
You go inside and stay warm
Has anybody seen my love
Has anybody seen my love
Has anybody seen my love
I dont know
Has anybody seen my love?
You want to talk to me
Go ahead and talk
Whatever you got to say to me
Wont come as any shock
I must be guilty of something
You just whisper it into my ear
Madame Butterfly
She lulled me to sleep
In a town without pity
Where the water runs deep
She said, Be easy, baby
There aint nothin worth stealin in here.
Youre the one Ive been looking for
Youre the one thats got the key
But I cant figure out whether Im too good for you
Or youre too good for me
Has anybody seen my love
Has anybody seen my love
Has anybody seen my love
I dont know
Has anybody seen my love?
Well, theyre not showing any lights tonight
And theres no moon
Theres just a hot-blooded singer
Singing Memphis in June,
While theyre beatin the devil out of a guy
Whos wearing a powder-blue wig
Later hell be shot
For resisting arrest
I can still hear his voice crying
In the wilderness
What looks large from a distance
Close up aint never that big
Never could learn to drink that blood
And call it wine
Never could learn to hold you, love
And call you mine |
Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Let your heart be light
Next year
All our troubles will be out of sight
Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Make the yuletide gay
Next year
All our troubles will be miles away
Once again as in olden days
Happy golden days of yore
Faithful friends who are dear to us
Will be near to us once more
Someday soon we all will be together
If the fates allow
Until then
Well have to muddle through somehow
So have yourself a merry little Christmas now
Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Make the yuletide gay
Next year
All our troubles will be miles away
Once again as in olden days
Happy gold days of yore
Faithful friends who are dear to us
Will be near to us once more
Someday soon we all will be together
If the fates allow
So hang a shining star
Upon the highest bow
And have yourself a merry little Christmas now |
All through the year we waited
Waited through spring and fall
To hear silver bells ringing
See winter time bringing
The happiest season of all
Chestnuts roasting on an open fire
Jack Frost nipping at your nose
Yuletide carols being sung by a choir
And folks dressed up like Eskimos
Everybody knows a turkey and some mistletoe
Help to make the season bright
Tiny little tots with their eyes all aglow
Will find it hard to sleep tonight
They know that Santas on his way
Hes loaded lots of toys on his sleigh
And every mothers child is gonna spy
To see if reindeer really know how to fly
And so Im offering this simple phrase
To kids from one to ninety-two
Although its been said many times, many ways
Merry Christmas to you
And so Im offering this simple phrase
To kids from one to ninety-two
Although its been said many times, many ways
Merry Christmas to you
Merry Christmas to you |
I dont want nothing
Nothing but you
And Im waiting
Looking for a new blue moon
Im so tired waiting
Waiting for you
And Im waiting
Looking for a new blue moon
So many moons have come and gone
And none of them were blue
Too many times the sun came up, but
It came up without you, you, ya yoo hoo ooh
You wont call me
Call me lonely
And Im waiting
Looking for a new blue moon
So many moons have come and gone
And none of them were blue
Too many times the sun come up, but
It came up without you, you, you, you yahoo
Someday when you want me
Someday you may see
I was waiting
Looking for a new blue moon
I was waiting
Looking for a new blue moon
Blue moon |
Maybe someday you’ll be satisfied
When you’ve lost everything you’ll have nothing left to hide
When you’re through running over things like you’re walking ’across the tracks
Maybe you’ll beg me to take you back
Maybe someday you’ll find out everybody’s somebody’s fool
Maybe then you’ll realize what it would have taken to keep me cool
Maybe someday when you’re by yourself alone
You’ll know the love that I had for you have been never my own
Maybe someday you’ll have nowhere to turn
You’ll look back and wonder ’bout the bridges you have burned
You’ll look back sometime when the lights grow dim
And you’ll see you look much better with me than you do with him
Through hostile cities and unfriendly towns
Thirty pieces of silver, no money down
Maybe someday, you will understand
That something for nothing is everybody’s plan
Maybe someday you’ll remember what you felt
When there was blood on the moon in the cotton belt
When both of us, baby, were going through some sort of a test
Neither one of us could do what we do best
I should have known better, baby, I should have called your bluff
I guess I was too off the handle, not sentimental enough
Maybe someday, you’ll believe me when I say
That I wanted you, baby, in every kind of way
Maybe someday you’ll hear a voice from on high
Saying’, “For whose sake did you live, for whose sake did you die?”
Forgive me, baby, for what I didn’t do
For not breaking down no bedroom door to get at you
Always was a sucker for the right cross
Never wanted to go home ’till the last cent was lost
Maybe someday you will look back and see
That I made it so easy for you to follow me
Maybe someday there’ll be nothing to tell
I’m just as happy as you, baby, I just can’t say it so well
Never slumbered or slept or waited for lightning to strike
There’s no excuse for you to say that we don’t think alike
You said you were going’ to Frisco, stay a couple of months
I always like San Francisco, I was there for a party once
Maybe someday you’ll see that it’s true
There was no greater love than what I had for you |
Up in the mornin, out on the job
Work like the devil for my pay
But that lucky old sun has nothin to do
But roll round heaven all day
Fuss with my woman, toil for my kids
Sweat til Im wrinkled and gray
While that lucky old sun has nothin to do
But roll round heaven all day
Good Lord above, cant you see Im pining, tears in my eyes
Send down that cloud with a silver lining, lift me to Paradise
Show me that river, take me across, and wash all my troubles away
Like that lucky old sun, give me nothing to do, but roll round heaven all day
Oh Lord above cant you know Im pining, tears in my eyes
Send down that cloud with a silver lining, lift me to Paradise
Show me that river, take me across, and wash all my troubles away
Like that lucky old sun, give me nothing to do, but roll round heaven all day |
When somebody loves you
Its no good unless he loves you all the way
Happy to be near you
When you need someone to cheer you all the way
Taller than the tallest tree is
Thats how its got to feel
Deeper than the deep blue sea is
Thats how deep it goes if its real
When somebody needs you
Its no good unless she needs you all the way
Through the good or lean years
And for all those in-between years come what may
Who knows where the road will lead us
Only a fool would say
But if youll let me love you
Its for sure Im gonna love you all the way, all the way
And when somebody needs you
Its no good unless she needs you all the way
And through the good or lean years
And for all those in-between years come what may
Who knows where the road will lead us
Only a fool would say
But if youll let me love you
Its for sure Im gonna love you all the way, all the way |
Come you phoney super patriotic people that say
That hatin and fearing is my only way
That this here country has got to be
Youre thinkin of yourselves, you aint thinkin of me
Youre not thinkin of any George Washington
Youre not thinkin of any Thomas Jefferson
But you say that you are and you lie and mislead
You use their names for aims, for your selfish greed
Dont speak to me of your patriotism
When you throw the Southern black boy in prison
An you say that the only good niggers are the ones that have died
Dont think Ill ever stand on your side
Though you make it so hard for me to love
My face will never feel the slap of your glove
My cards will never buy..
My hands will never buy the cards that you play
My feet will never walk down the road that you lay
Get out in the open, stop standin afar
Let the whole world see what a hypocrit you are
I aint jokin and it aint no gag
You bin hidin too long behind the American flag |
Wanted man in California
Wanted man in Ohio
Wanted man in Kansas City
Wanted man in Buffalo
Wanted man in Oklahoma
Wanted man in old Cheyenne
Wherever you might look tonight
You might see this wanted man
Well, I might be in Colorado
Or Georgia by the sea
Workin for some man
Who may not know who I might be
Yeah, and if you see me comin
And you know who I am
Dont you breathe it to nobody
Cause you know Im on the I am
Wanted man by Lucy Watson
Wanted man by Jeannie Brown
Wanted man by Nelly Johnson
Wanted man in this Tex town
And Ive had all that Ive wanted
Of alot of things Ive had
And alot more than Ive needed
Of some things that turned out bad
Well, I got sidetracked in El Paso
Stopped to get myself a map
I went the wrong way into Juarez
With Juanita on my lap
And I went to sleep in Shreveport
Woke up in Abilene
Wonderin why the hell Im wanted
At some town halfway between
Wanted man in Albuquerque
Wanted man in Baton Rouge
Wanted man in Tallahassee
Wanted man in Syracuse
And theres somebody sent to grab me
Anywhere that I might be
Wherever you might look tonight
You might get a glimpse of me
Wanted man in California
Wanted man in Ohio
Wanted man in Kansas City
Wanted man in Buffalo
Wanted man in Oklahoma
Wanted man in old Cheyenne
Wherever you might look tonight
You might see this wanted man |
Imagination is funny
It makes a cloudy day sunny
It makes a bee think of honey
Just as I think of you
Imagination is crazy
Your whole perspective gets hazy
Starts you asking a daisy
What to do, what to do
Have you ever felt a gentle touch
And then a kiss, and then and then
Find its only your imagination again
Imagination is silly
You go around willy nilly
For example I go around wanting you
And yet I cant imagine that you want me too |
Oh, me and my cousin, one Arthur McBride
As we went a-walking down by the seaside
Now mark what followed and what did betide
For it being on Christmas morning
Now, for recreation, we went on a tramp
And we met Sergeant Napper and Corporal Vamp
And a little wee drummer intending to camp
For the day being pleasant and charming
Good morning, good morning, the Sergeant he cried
And the same to you, gentlemen, we did reply
Intending no harm but meant to pass by
For it being on Christmas morning
But, says he, My fine fellows, if you will enlist
Ten guineas in gold Ill stick in your fist
And a crown in the bargain for to kick up the dust
And drink the kings health in the morning
For a soldier, he leads a very fine life
And he always is blessed with a charming young wife
And he pays all his debts without sorrow or strife
And he always lives pleasant and charming
And a soldier, he always is decent and clean
In the finest of clothing hes constantly seen
While other poor fellows go dirty and mean
And sup on thin gruel in the morning.
But, says Arthur, I wouldnt be proud of your clothes
For youve only the lend of them, as I suppose
But you dare not change them one night, for you know
If you do, youll be flogged in the morning
And although that were single and free
We take great delight in our own company
We have no desire strange places to see
Although that your offers are charming
And we have no desire to take your advance
All hazards and dangers we barter on chance
For youd have no scruples for to send us to France
Where we would get shot without warning.
Oh no, says the Sergeant. Ill have no such chat
And neither will I take it from snappy young brats
For if you insult me with one other word
Ill cut off your heads in the morning.
And Arthur and I, we soon drew our hogs
And we scarce gave them time to draw their own blades
When a trusty shillelagh came over their head
And bid them take that as fair warning
And their old rusty rapiers that hung by their sides
We flung them as far as we could in the tide
Now take them up, devils! cried Arthur McBride
And temper their edge in the morning!
And the little wee drummer, we flattened his bow
And we made a football of his rowdy-dow-dow
Threw it in the tide for to rock and to roll
And bade it a tedious returning
And we having no money, paid them off in cracks
We paid no respect to their two bloody backs
And we lathered them there like a pair of wet sacks
And left them for dead in the morning
And so, to conclude and to finish disputes
We obligingly asked if they wanted recruits
For we were the lads who would give them hard clouts
And bid them look sharp in the morning
Oh, me and my cousin, one Arthur McBride
As we went a-walking down by the seaside
Now mark what followed and what did betide
For it being on Christmas morning |
There was a man named Mahatma Gandhi
He would not bow down he would not fight
He knew the deal was down and dirty
And nothing wrong could make it right away
But he knew his duty and the prize he had to pay
Just another holy man who tried to be a friend
My God, they killed him
Another man from Atlanta, Georgia
By name of Martin Luther King
He shook the land like the rolling thunder
And made the bells of freedom ring today
With a dream of beauty that they could not burn away
Just another holy man who dared to make a stand
My God, they killed him
The only Son of God Almighty
The holy one called Jesus Christ
He healed the lame and fed the hungry
And for his love they took his life away
On the road to glory where the story never ends
Just the holy Son of Man well never understand
My God, they killed him
There was a man named Mahatma Gandi
A man named Martin Luther King
The only Son of God Almighty
The only one called Jesus Christ
On the road to glory where the story never ends
Just the holy Son of Man well never understand
My God, they killed him
There was a man named Mahatma Gandi
A man named Martin Luther King
The only Son of God Almighty
The only one called Jesus Christ
On the road to glory where the story never ends
Just the holy Son of Man well never understand
My God, they killed him |
Never fall in love with a stranger
And that, son, they all said to me
And never fall in love with a stranger
But I cant help it if she falls in love with me
And never fall in love with a stranger
Now, they’ve gone against my command
And never fall in love with a stranger
The pain is written in my hands
But if I cant resist
Find my way outta this
She knows that our love, more than any river, flows
And Im done now, all of my intentions are exposed
Not hidden in my clothes
Or in between my toes
I wanna tombstone pearl handle revolver
Dont wanna meet a pale man with a halo in his hair
And never fall in love with a stranger
But sometimes I simply do not care
And if I cant resist
Get my way outta this
She knows that our love, more than any river, flows
And Im done now, all of my intentions are exposed
Not hidden in my clothes
Or in between my toes
I done things right, pretty much all of my life
Im not looking for any sympathy
I can run all I like away from that stranger
But somehow shell always follow me |
Come and listen for a moment, lads
And hear me tell my tale
How across the sea from England
I was condemned to sail
Now the jury found me guilty
Then says the judge, says he
Oh, for life, Jim Jones, Im sending you
Across the stormy sea
But take a tip before you ship
To join the iron gang
Dont get too gay in Botany Bay
Or else youll surely hang
Or else youll surely hang, says he
And after that, Jim Jones
Its high above on the gallows tree
The crows will pick your bones.
And our ship was high upon the sea
Then pirates came along
But the soldiers on our convict ship
Were full five hundred strong
For they opened fire and somehow drove
That pirate ship away
But Id rather have joined that pirate ship
Than gone to Botany Bay
With the storms ragin round us
And the winds a-blowin gale
Id rather have drowned in misery
Than gone to New South Wales
Now its day and night and the irons clang
And like poor galley slaves
We toil and toil, and when we die
Must fill dishonored graves
And its by and by Ill slip my chains
Well, into the bush Ill go
And Ill join the bush rangers there
Jack Donohue and co
And some dark night, when everything
Is silent in the town
Ill shoot those tyrants one and all
Ill gun the flogger down
Oh, Ill give the law
A little shock
Remember what I say
And theyll yet regret theyve sent Jim Jones
In chains to Botany Bay |
Johnny Todd he took a notion
For to cross the ocean wide
And he left his love behind him
Walkin down by the Liverpool tide
For a week she wept full sorrows
Tore her hair and wrung her hands
Till she met another sailor
Walkin down by the Liverpool sands
Why fair maid are you a-weeping
For your Johnny gone to sea?
If you wed with me tomorrow
Ill be by you constantly
I will buy you clothes and blankets
Ill buy you a wedding ring
You shall have a gilded cradle
For to rock you baby in
Johnny Todd came home from sailin
Sailin on that ocean wide
And he found his fair and false one
Was another sailors bride
Now, all you men who go a-sailing
For to fight the foreign foe
Never leave, never leave love like Johnny
Marry her before you go |
So run here baby, put your little hands in mine
Ive got something to tell you
I know youre gonna change your mind
When things go wrong, so wrong with you
It hurts me too
I want you, baby, just to understand
I dont wanna be your boss, babe
I just wanna be your man
When things go wrong, so wrong with you
It hurts me too
Now when you go home, you dont have to get along
Come back to me, baby
Where I live, thats where you belong
When things go wrong, so wrong with you
It hurts me too
I love you baby, and you know that its true
I wouldnt mistreat you, baby
Nothing in this world is like you
When things go wrong, so wrong with you
It hurts me too
Yes, when things go wrong, so wrong with you
It hurts me too
So run here baby, put your little hand in mine
I got something to tell you, baby
I know that will change your mind
When things go wrong, so wrong with you
Dont you know it, dont you know it hurts me too |
There was a wicked messenger
From Eli he did come
With a mind that multiplied
The smallest matter
When questioned who had sent for him
He answered with his thumb
For his tongue it could not speak, but only flatter
He stayed behind the assembly hall
It was there he made his bed
And often times he could be seen returning
Until one day he just appeared
With a note in his hand that read
The soles of my feet, I swear theyre burning,
Oh, the leaves began to fall
The seas began to part
And the people that confronted him were many
And he was told with these few words
Which opened up his heart
If you cannot bring good news, dont bring any. |
Mama, take this badge off of me
I cant use it anymore
Its getting dark, too dark to see
And I feel Im knocking on Heavens door
Knock, knock, knocking on Heavens door
Knock, knock, knocking on Heavens door
Knock, knock, knocking on Heavens door
Knock, knock, knocking on Heavens door
Mama, put my guns in the ground
I cant shoot them anymore
That long black cloud is coming down
And I feel Im knocking on Heavens door
Knock, knock, knocking on Heavens door
Knock, knock, knocking on Heavens door
Knock, knock, knocking on Heavens door
Knock, knock, knocking on Heavens door
Ah, knock, knock, knocking on Heavens door
Knock, knock, knocking on Heavens door
Knock, knock, knocking on Heavens door
Knock, knock, knocking on Heavens door
Knock, knock, knocking on Heavens door
Knock, knock, knocking on Heavens door
Knock, knock, knocking on Heavens door
Knock, knock, knocking on Heavens door |
Nothing was delivered
And I tell this truth to you
Not out of spite or anger
But, simply because its true
Now you must provide some answers
For what you sell has not been received
And the sooner you come up with them
The sooner you can leave
Nothing is better, nothing is best
Take care of your health and get plenty of rest
Nothing was delivered , and its up to you to say
Just what you had in mind
When you made everybody pay
Now I hope you wont object to this
Giving back all of what you owe
And the sooner you come up with them
The sooner you can go
Nothing is better, nothing is best
Take care of your health and get plenty of rest
Nothing was delivered
I cant say I sympathize
With what your fate is going to be
Yes, for telling all those lies
No, nothing was delivered
Yes, and someone must explain
That as long as it takes to do this
Then thats how long that youll remain
Nothing is better, nothing is best
Take care of your health and get plenty of rest |
If you ever go to Houston
Better walk right
Keep your hands in your pockets
And your gun-belt tight
Youll be asking for trouble
If youre looking for a fight
If you ever go to Houston
Boy, you better walk right
If youre ever down there
On Bagby and Lamar
You better watch out for
The man with the shining star
Better know where youre going
Or stay where you are
If youre ever down there
On Bagby and Lamar
I know these streets
Ive been here before
I nearly got killed here
During the Mexican war
Something always
Keeps me coming back for more
I know these streets
Ive been here before
If you ever go to Dallas
Say hello to Mary Anne
Say Im still pulling on the trigger
Hanging on the best I can
If you see her sister Lucy
Say Im sorry Im not there
Tell her other sister Betsy
To pray the sinners prayer
I got a restless fever
Burning in my brain
Got to keep riding forward
Cant spoil the game
The same way I leave here
Will be the way that I came
Got a restless fever
Burning in my brain
Mr. Policeman
Can you help me find my girl
Last time I saw her
Was at the Magnolia Hotel
If you help me find her
You can be my pal
Mr. Policeman
Can you help me find my girl
If you ever go to Austin
Fort Worth or San Antone
Find the bar rooms I got lost in
And send my memories home
Put my tears in a bottle
Screw the top on tight
If you ever go to Houston
You better walk right |
It isnt by chance I happen to be
A boulevardier, the toast of Paris
For over the noise, the talk and the smoke
Im good for a laugh, a drink or a joke
I walk in a room, a party or ball
Come sit over here somebody will call
A drink for Msieur, a drink for us all
But how many times I stop and recall
Ah, the apple trees
Blossoms in the breeze
That we walked among
Lyin in the hay
Games we used to play
While the rounds were sung
Only yesterday, when the world was young
Wherever I go they mention my name
And that in itself, is some sort of fame
Come by for a drink, were havin a game
Wherever I go Im glad that I came
The talk is quite gay, the company fine
Theres laughter and lights, and glamour and wine
And beautiful girls and some of em mine
But often my eyes see a different shine
Ah, the apple trees
Sunlit memories
Where the hammock swung
On our backs wed lie
Looking at the sky
Til the stars were strung
Only last July when the world was young |
Its funny how ya loved me
Then forgot so suddenly
Its funny to everyone but me
They told me this would happen
Now theyre laughing secretly
Its funny to everyone but me
I should shrug my shoulders and say
Good riddance to a bad affair
But how can I do what my head tells me to
When my heart tells me how much I care
Its funny, I still love you
Its the joke of the century
Its funny to everyone but me
Its so funny, I still love you
Its the joke of the century
Oh, but its funny to everyone but me |
Hollis Brown
He lived on the outside of town
Hollis Brown
He lived on the outside of town
With his wife and five children
And his cabin fallin down
You looked for work and money
And you walked a rugged mile
You looked for work and money
And you walked a rugged mile
Your children are so hungry
That they dont know how to smile
Your babys eyes look crazy
Theyre a-tuggin at your sleeve
Your babys eyes look crazy
Theyre a-tuggin at your sleeve
You walk the floor and wonder why
With every breath you breathe
The rats have got your flour
Bad blood it got your mare
The rats have got your flour
Bad blood it got your mare
If theres anyone that knows
Is there anyone that cares?
You prayed to the Lord above
Oh please send you a friend
You prayed to the Lord above
Oh please send you a friend
Your empty pockets tell yuh
That you aint a-got no friend
Your babies are crying louder
Its pounding on your brain
Your babies are crying louder
Its pounding on your brain
Your wifes screams are stabbin you
Like the dirty drivin rain
Your grass it is turning black
Theres no water in your well
Your grass is turning black
Theres no water in your well
You spent your last lone dollar
On seven shotgun shells
Way out in the wilderness
A cold coyote calls
Way out in the wilderness
A cold coyote calls
Your eyes fix on the shotgun
Thats hangin on the wall
Your brain is a-bleedin
And your legs cant seem to stand
Your brain is a-bleedin
And your legs cant seem to stand
Your eyes fix on the shotgun
That youre holdin in your hand
Theres seven breezes a-blowin
All around the cabin door
Theres seven breezes a-blowin
All around the cabin door
Seven shots ring out
Like the oceans pounding roar
Theres seven people dead
On a South Dakota farm
Theres seven people dead
On a South Dakota farm
Somewhere in the distance
Theres seven new people born |
Where were you last night?
You were so uptight
What did you do, who did you see?
Were you with someone
Who reminded you of me?
Where were you last night?
Where were you last week?
Were you up a creek?
Did you stay up pacing the floor?
Got me worried
You ignore me more and more
Where were you last night?
You werent around me
When they found me
Where were you last night?
You better stop your messin around
Your name is going round from town to town
Its making me sad, making me feel bad
Where were you last night?
Where were you last year?
You sure as hell werent here
You werent waiting where you said
You sent someone in your place instead
Where were you last night?
Its getting to me
Making me gloomy
Where were you last night? |
Everybody wants to know why he couldn’t adjust
Adjust to what, a dream that bust?
He was a clean-cut kid
But they made a killer out of him
That’s what they did
They said what’s up is down, they said what isn’t is
They put ideas in his head he thought were his
He was a clean-cut kid
But they made a killer out of him
That’s what they did
He was on the baseball team, he was in the marching band
When he was ten years old he had a watermelon stand
He was a clean-cut kid
But they made a killer out of him
That’s what they did
He went to church on Sunday, he was a Boy Scout
For his friends he would turn his pockets inside out
He was a clean-cut kid
But they made a killer out of him
That’s what they did
They said, “Listen boy, you’re just a pup”
They sent him to a napalm health spa to shape up
They gave him dope to smoke, drinks and pills
A jeep to drive, blood to spill
They said “Congratulations, you got what it takes”
They sent him back into the rat race without any brakes
He was a clean-cut kid
But they made a killer out of him
That’s what they did
He bought the American dream but it put him in debt
The only game he could play was Russian roulette
He drank Coca-Cola, he was eating Wonder Bread
Ate Burger Kings, he was well fed
He went to Hollywood to see Peter O’Toole
He stole a Rolls-Royce and drove it in a swimming pool
He was a clean-cut kid
But they made a killer out of him
That’s what they did
He could’ve sold insurance, owned a restaurant or bar
Could’ve been an accountant or a tennis star
He was wearing boxing gloves, took a dive one day
Off the Golden Gate Bridge into China Bay
His mama walks the floor, his daddy weeps and moans
They got to sleep together in a home they don’t own
He was a clean-cut kid
But they made a killer out of him
That’s what they did
Well, everybody’s asking why he couldn’t adjust
All he ever wanted was somebody to trust
They took his head and turned it inside out
He never did know what it was all about
He had a steady job, he joined the choir
He never did plan to walk the high wire
He was a clean-cut kid
But they made a killer out of him
That’s what they did |
Why do I do just as you say?
Why must I just give you your way?
Why do I sigh, why dont I try to forget?
It must have been that something lovers call fate
Kept me saying, I have to wait
I saw them all, just couldnt fall til we met
It had to be you
It had to be you
I wandered around and finally found the somebody who
Could make me be true, could make me be blue
And even be glad, just to be sad thinking of you
Some others Ive seen might never be mean
Might never be cross
Or try to be boss
But they wouldnt do
For nobody else gave me a thrill
With all your faults I love you still
It had to be you, wonderful you
It had to be you
For nobody else gave me a thrill
With all your faults I love you still
It had to be you, wonderful you
It had to be you |
I had a pony, her name was Lucifer
I had a pony, her name was Lucifer
She broke her leg and needed shooting
I swear it hurt me more than it hurted her
Sometimes I wonder whats going on with Miss X
Sometimes I wonder whats going on with Miss X
Shes got such a sweet disposition
I never know what the girls gonna do to me next
Everybody say youre using voodoo, your feet walk by themselves
Everybody say youre using voodoo, Ive seen your feet walk by themselves
Oh, baby, that god youre praying to is gonna give you back what youre wishing on someone else
Come over here pony, I wanna climb up one time on you
Come over here pony, I wanna climb up one time on you
Come over here pony, I wanna climb up one time on you
Well, youre so nasty and youre so bad - I say I love you, I do
How much, how much
How much, how much
How much, how much
How much, how much
How much, how much
How much, how much
How much, how much
How much, how much
How much, how much
How much, how much |
Tell me--I’ve got to know
Tell me--tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, Does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me
Tell me
Tell me--what are you focused upon
Tell me--will it come to me after youre gone
Tell me quick with a glance or a sigh
Shall I hold you close or let you go by
Tell me
Tell me
Is that the heat and the beat of your pulse that I feel
If its not that then what are you tryin to conceal
Do you have any secrets
That will only come out in time
Do you lay in your bed
Do you stare at the stars
Is your main friend someone who’s an old acquaintance of ours
Tell me
Tell me
Tell me--are those rocknroll dreams in your eyes
Tell me--behind what door your treasure lies
Ever gone broke in a big way
Ever done the opposite of what the experts say
Tell me
Tell me
Is this some kind of game that you’re playing’ with my heart
How deep must I go? When do I start?
Do you have any morals
Do you have any point of view
Is that a smile that I see on your face
Will it lead me to glory or lead me to disgrace
Tell me
Tell me
Tell me--is that mans name in your book
Tell me--will you go back and take another look
Tell me the truth, dont tell me no lies
Are you anybodys someone prays for or cries
Tell me
Tell me |
The woman that I love she got a hook in her nose
Her eyebrows meet, she wears second hand clothes
She speaks with a stutter and she walks with a hop
I dont know why I love her but I just cant stop
You know I love her
Yeah I love her
Im in love with the Ugliest Girl in the World
If I ever lose her I will go insane
I go half crazy when she calls my name
When she says baby I l-l-love you
There aint nothing in the world that I wouldnt do
The woman that I love she got two flat feet
Her knees knock together walking down the street
She cracks her knuckles and she snores in bed
She aint much to look at but like I said
I dont mean to say that she got nothing going
She got a weird sense of humor thats all her own
When I get low she sets me on my feet
Got a five inch smile but her breath is sweet
The woman that I love she a got a prizefighter nose
Cauliflower ears and a run in her hose
She speaks with a stutter and she walks with a hop
I dont know why I love her but I just cant stop |
Well youre coming down High Street, walking in the sun
You make the dead man rise, and holler shes the one
Jolene, Jolene
Baby, I am the king and youre the queen
Well its a long old highway, dont ever end
Ive got a Saturday night special, Im back again
Ill sleep by your door, lay my life on the line
You probably dont know, but Im going to make you mine
Jolene, Jolene
Baby, I am the king and youre the queen
I keep my hands in my pocket, Im moving along
People think they know, but theyre all wrong
Youre something nice, Im going to grab my dice
I cant say I havent paid the price
Jolene, Jolene
Baby I am the king and youre the queen
Well I found out the hard way, Ive had my fill
You cant find somebody with his back to a hill
Those big brown eyes, they set off a spark
When you hold me in your arms things dont look so dark
Jolene, Jolene
Baby I am the king and youre the queen |
Clouds so swift
The rains fallin in
Gonna see a movie called Gunga Din
Pack up your money
Pull up your tent
You aint goin nowhere
Whoo-ee ride me high
Tomorrows the day
My brides gonna come
Whoo-ee, are we gonna fly
Down in the easy chair
Genghis Khan
And his brother Don
Couldnt keep on keepin on
Well climb that bridge after its gone
After were way past it
Whoo-ee ride me high
Tomorrows the day
My brides gonna come
Whoo-ee are we gonna fly
Down into the easy chair
Buy me some rings
And a gun that sings
A flute that toots
And a bee that stings
A sky that cries
And a bird that flies
A fish that walks
And a dog that talks
Whoo-ee ride me high
Tomorrows the day
My brides gonna come
Whoo-ee, are we gonna fly
Down into the easy chair!
Genghis Khan
And his brother Don
Couldnt keep on keepin on
Well climb that bridge after its gone
After were way past it
Whoo-ee ride me high
Tomorrows the day
My brides gonna come
Whoo-ee are we gonna fly
Down into the easy chair
Down into the easy chair! |
Where is the one
Wholl end the search Im making
Where is the one
Wholl change my dream to waking
Behind some far off secret door
Theres my love
Theres my life
In store
The journeys long
Much longer than I reckoned
In any throng
Ill know her in a second
Some lucky day
Im bound to find her
And when I do
Ill find love
The journeys long
Much longer than I reckoned
In any throng
Ill know her in a second
Some lucky day
Im bound to find her
And when I do
Ill find love |
Down these streets the fools rule
Theres no freedom or self respect
A knifes point or a trip to the joint
Is about all you can expect
They kill people here who stand up for their rights
The systems just too damned corrupt
Its always the same, the name of the game
Is who do you know higher up
The blacks and the whites
The idiotic, the exotic
Wealth is a filthy rag
So erotic so unpatriotic
So wrapped up in the American flag
Witchcraft scum exploiting the dumb
Turning children into punks and slaves
Whose heroes and healers are rich dope dealers
Who should be put in their graves
Tell the truth now..
Well, lookie here, honey
Listen to me Mr. Pussyman
This might be your last night in a bed so soft
Were not pimps on the make, politicians on the take
You cant pay us off
Were gonna blow up your home of Voodoo
And watch it burn without any regret
We got the power were the new government
You just dont know it yet
Help me now..
Ah, bring it to me honey
For all of my brothers from Vietnam
And my uncles from World War II
Id like to say that its countdown time now
And were gonna do what the law should do
And for you pretty baby
I know youve seen it all
I know your story is too painful to share
One day though youll be talking in your sleep
And when you do, I wanna be there
Be strong, baby
Wont take long, baby
Ah, let me tell you now
The war is here, honey
Ah, go ahead now
Be strong, baby
It wont be long, honey
Be strong, baby |
Aint no use to sit and wonder why, babe
It dont matter anyhow
Aint no use to sit and wonder why, babe
If you dont know by now
When your rooster crows at the break of dawn
Look out your window, baby, Ill be gone
Youre the reason Ill be traveling on
Dont think twice, its all right
Aint no use in turning on your light, babe
The light I never knowed
Aint no use in turning on your light, babe
Im on the dark side of the road
Still I wish there was something you would do or say
Trying to make me make my mind up and stay
We never did too much talking anyway
Dont think twice, its all right
Aint no use in calling out my name, babe
Like you never did before
Aint no use in calling out my name, babe
Lord, I cant hear you anymore
Im thinking and wondering all the way down the road
I once loved a woman, a child Im told
Gave her my heart, but she wanted my soul
Dont think twice, its all right
Walking down that long lonesome road, babe
Where Im bound, I cant tell
Goodbye is too good a word, yeah
So Ill just say fare thee well
I aint saying you treated me unkind
You couldve done better, baby, but I dont mind
You just kind of wasted my precious time
Lord, but dont think twice, dont think twice, its all right |
Love is funny or its sad
Or its quiet or its mad
Its a good thing or its bad
But beautiful
Beautiful to take a chance and if you fall, you fall
And Im thinking I wouldnt mind at all
Love is tearful or its gay
Its a problem or its play
Its a heartache either way
But beautiful
And Im thinking if you were mine, Id never let you go
And that would be but beautiful, I know
Love is tearful or its gay
Its a problem or its play
Its a heartache either way
But its beautiful
And Im thinking if you were mine, Id never let you go
And that would be but beautiful, I know |
You must leave now, take what you need, you think will last
But whatever you wish to keep, youd better grab it fast
Yonder stands your orphan with his gun
Crying like a fire in the sun
Look out the saints are coming through
And its all over now, Baby Blue
The highway is for gamblers, better use your sense
Take what you have gathered from coincidence
The empty-handed painter from your streets
Is drawing crazy patterns on your sheets
This sky, too, is folding under you
And its all over now, Baby Blue
All your seasick sailors, they are rowing home
Your empty-handed armies are all going home
The lover who just walked out your door
Has taken all his blankets from the floor
The carpet, too, is moving under you
And its all over now, Baby Blue
Leave your stepping stones behind you, something calls for you
Forget the dead youve left, they will not follow you
The vagabond whos rapping at your door
Is standing in the clothes that you once wore
Strike another match, go start anew
And its all over now, Baby Blue |
Like a ship on the sea, her love rose over me
Like a ship on the sea, her love rose over me
Go away, go away, let me be
Like a weepin willow tree, her love grows over me
Like a weepin willow tree, her love grows over me
Go way, go way, let me be
Standin on the white cliffs of Dover
Lookin out into space
Another channel to cross over
Another dream to chase
The night is dark and dreary
The wind is howling down
Your heart is hanging heavy
When your sweet love aint around
Like a leaf on a tree, her love is shakin me
Like a leaf on a tree, her love is shakin me
Go away, go away, let me be
Like a leaf, like a ship on the sea |
Went out last night to take a little round
I met my Little Sadie and I brought her down
I ran right home and I went to bed
With a forty-four smokeless under my head
I began to think what a deed Id done
I grabbed my hat and I began to run
I made a good run but I ran too slow
They overtook me down in Jericho
Standing on a corner a ringing my bell
Up stepped the sheriff from Thomasville
He said Young man is your name Brown
Remember you blowed Sadie down?
Oh yes sir, my name is Lee
I murdered Little Sadie in the first degree
First degree and second degree
If youve got any papers will you serve them to me?
Well they took me down town and they dressed me in black
They put me on a train and they sent me back
I had no one to go my bail
They crammed me back into the county jail
Oh, yes they did
The judge and the jury they took their stand
The judge had the papers in his right hand
Forty-one days, forty-one nights
Forty-one years to wear the ball and the stripes
Oh, no!
Went out last night to take a little round
I met Little Sadie and I blowed her down
I ran right home and I went to bed
A forty-four smokeless under my head |
Well she met him as she promised
Up at Adams this spring
Expecting some money
Or some other fine thing
No money, no money
To flatter the case
Well have to get married
So therell be no disgrace.
So jump you up Omie
And away we will ride
To yonder fair country
Where the cool waters glide.
She jumped up behind him
And away they did ride
To yonder fair country
Where the deep waters glide
Now jump you down Omie
And ill tell you my mind
My mind is to drown you
And to leave you behind.
She begged and she pleaded
Oh, dont take my life
And i will deny you
And ill never be your wife.
There she kicked and he cuffed her
To the worst understand
And he threw her in deep water
That flows through the land
They found her poor body
The following day
The preacher and the reverend
Lord, they all begun to pray
And up spoke her mother
With a voice so a-sting
Nobody but John Lewis
Couldve done such a thing.
They traced him up the waters
To Dutch Charlies Bend
Where they found him in jail
For killin a man
Go hang him, go hang him.
Was that mothers command
And throw him in deep waters
That flows through the land. |
Oh, Ill twine with my mingles and waving black hair
With the roses so red and the lilies so fair
And the myrtle so bright with the emerald hue
The pale and the leader and eyes look like blue
Oh Ill dance, I will sing and my laugh shall be gay
I will charm every heart, in his crown I will sway
When I woke from my dreaming, my idols were clay
All portion of love had all flown away
Oh he taught me to love him and promised to love
And to cherish me over all others above
How my heart is now wondering no misery can tell
Hes left me no warning, no words of farewell
Oh, he taught me to love him and called me his flower
That was blooming to cheer him through lifes dreary hour
Oh, I long to see him and regret the dark hour
Hes gone and neglected this pale wildwood flower |
If you’re travelin in the north country fair
Where the winds hit heavy on the borderline
Remember me to one who lives there
For she once was a true love of mine
If you go when the snowflakes storm
When the rivers freeze and summer ends
Please see she has a coat so warm
To keep her from the howling winds
Please see if her hair hangs long
If it rolls and flows all down her breast
Please see for me if her hairs hangin long
For that’s the way I remember her best
I’m a-wondering if she remembers me at all
Many times I’ve often prayed
In the darkness of my night
In the brightness of my day
If you’re travelin in the north country fair
Where the winds hit heavy on the borderline
Remember me to one who lives there
For she once was a true love of mine |
Where are you, where have you gone without me
I thought you cared about me, where are you
Wheres my heart, where is the dream we started
I cant believe were parted, where are you
When we said, goodbye, love, what had we to gain
When I gave you my love, was it all in vain
All life through, must I go on pretending
Where is my happy ending, where are you
When we said, goodbye, love, what had we to gain
When I gave you my love, was it all in vain
All life through, must I go on pretending
Where is that happy ending, where are you, where are you |
Slipping and sliding like a weasel on the run
I’m looking good to see you, yeah, and we can have some fun
One more weekend, one more weekend with you
One more weekend, one more weekend’ll do
Come on down to my ship, honey, ride on deck
We’ll fly over the ocean just like you suspect
One more weekend, one more weekend with you
One more weekend, one more weekend’ll do
We’ll fly the night away
Hang out the whole next day
Things will be okay
You wait and see
We’ll go someplace unknown
Leave all the children home
Honey, why not go alone
Just you and me
Coming and going like a rabbit in the wood
I’m happy just to see you, yeah, looking so good
One more weekend, one more weekend with you
One more weekend, one more weekend’ll do
Like a needle in a haystack, I’m gonna find you yet
You’re the sweetest gone mama that this boy’s ever gonna get
One more weekend, one more weekend with you
One more weekend, one more weekend’ll do |
When you wake up in the morning baby look inside your mirror
I wont be next to you, you know I wont be near
Id be curious to know if your reflection is as clear
As the one that Ive got on my mind, mama, you been on my mind
Well perhaps its the wind and the dark dark night thats covering
The crossroads that Im at
And maybe its the weather or something like that
But mama, you been on my mind, mama, you been on my mind
Well I dont need trouble, please dont put me down
Dont get upset, I am not pleading, I wont say Ill forget
And I wont pace a floor bowed down and bent but yet
Mama, you been on my mind, mama, you been on my mind
Even though my mind is hazy and my thoughts are kinda narrow
Where you been dont bother me or bring me down with sorrow
It dont matter to me where youll be waking up tomorrow
But mama you been on my mind mama you been on my mind |
One dream in my heart, one love to be living for
One love to be living for, this nearly was mine
One girl for my dream, one partner in paradise
This promise of paradise, this nearly was mine
Close to my heart she came, only to fly away
Only to fly as day flies from moonlight
Now, now Im alone, still dreaming of paradise
Still saying that paradise once nearly was mine |
You must leave now take what you need you think will last
But whatever you wish to keep you better grab it fast
Yonder stands your orphan with his gun
Crying like a fire in the sun
Strike another match, go start anew
Its all over now, Baby Blue
All your seasick sailors they are rowing home
And all your empty handed armies they are going home
Your love who just walked out the door
Is standing in the clothes that you once wore
The carpet too is moving under you
Its all over now, Baby Blue
Leave your stepping stones behind theres something that calls for you
Forget the dead youve left, they will not follow you
Your vagabond whos rapping at your door
Is standing in the clothes that you once wore
The sky too is falling over you
Its all over now, Baby Blue |
I got mixed up confusion
Man, it’s a-killing me
Well, there’s too many people
And they’re all too hard to please
Well, my hat’s in my hand
Babe, I’m walking down the line
An’ I’m looking for a woman
Whose head’s mixed up like mine
Well, my head’s full of questions
My temperature’s rising fast
Well, I’m looking for some answers
But I don’t know who to ask
But I’m walking and wondering
And my poor feet don’t ever stop
Seeing my reflection
I’m hung over, hung down, hung up! |
Sleigh bells ring, are you listening?
In the lane, snow is glistening
A beautiful sight, were happy tonight
Walking in a winter wonderland
Gone away is a bluebird
In his place is a new bird
He sings a love song as we go along
Walking in a winter wonderland
In the meadow we can build a snowman
And pretend that he is Parson Brown
Hell say, Are you married? Well say, No, man
But you can do the job when youre in town
Later on, well conspire
As we dream by the fire
To face unafraid the plans that weve made
Walking in a winter wonderland
In the meadow we can build a snowman
And pretend that hes a circus clown
Well have lots of fun with mister snowman
Until the other kids all knock him down
When it snows, aint it thrillin
Though your nose gets a chillin
Well frolic and play, the Eskimo way
Walking in a winter wonderland |
I tell people youre just goin through changes
And that youre acquanted both with night and day
That your moneys good and youre just being courageous
On them burnin bridges knowin your feet are made of clay
Well I say you wont be destroyed by your inventions
That you brought it all under captivity
And that you really do have all the best intentions
But youre makin a liar out of me
Well I say that youre just young and self-tormented
But that deep down you understand
The hopes and fears and dreams of the discontented
Who threaten now to overtake your promised land
Well I say youd not sow discord among brothers
Nor drain a man of his integrity
But youll remember the cries of orphans and their mothers
But youre makin a liar out of me
But youre makin a liar out of me
Well I say that, that aint flesh and blood youre drinkin
In the wounded empire of your fools paradise
With a light above your head forever blinkin
Turnin virgins into merchandise
That you must have been beautiful when you were livin
You remind me of some old-time used-to-be
I say you can be trusted with the power you been given
But youre makin a liar out of me
So many things so hard to say as you stumble
To take refuge in your offices of shame
As the earth beneath my feet begins to rumble
And your young men die for nothin not even fame
I say that someday youll begin to trust us
And that your conscience not been slain by conformity
That youll stand up unafraid to believe in justice
But youre makin a liar out of me
Youre makin a liar out of me
Well I can hear the sound of distant thunder
From an open window at the end of every hall
Now that youre gone I got to wonder
If you ever were here at all
I say you never sacrificed my children
To some false god of infidelity
And that its not the Tower of Babel that youre buildin
But youre makin a liar out of me
Youre makin a liar out of me
Now youre makin a liar out of me |
Maybe I should have saved those leftover dreams
Funny but heres that rainy day
Heres that rainy day they told me about
And I laughed at the thought
That it might turn out this way
Where is that worn out wish that I threw aside
After it brought my love so near
Funny how love becomes a cold rainy day
Funny that rainy day is here
Its funny how love becomes a cold rainy day
Funny that rainy day is here |
As I went walking that ribbon of highway
I saw above me that endless skyway
I saw below me that golden valley
This land was made for you and me
This land is your land, this land is my land
From California to the New York Island
From the redwood forest to the gulf stream waters
This land was made for you and me
Ive roamed and rambled, and Ive followed my footsteps
To the sunny bright sands of her diamond deserts
And all around me a voice came singing
Singing this land was made for you and me
This land is your land, this land is my land
From California to the New York Island
From the redwood forest to the gulf stream waters
This land was made for you and me
It was early one morning as I was strolling
The wheat fields waving and the dust clouds rolling
As the fog was lifting a voice come chanting
This land was made for you and me
This land is your land, this land is my land
From California to the New York Island
From the redwood forest to the gulf stream waters
This land was made for you and me
Nobody living can ever stop me
As I go walkin my freedom highway
Nobody living can make me turn back
This land was made for you and me
This land is your land, this land is my land
From California to the New York Island
From the redwood forest to the gulf stream waters
This land was made for you and me |
Waltzing around the room tonight
In someone elses clothes
Youre always coming out of things
Smelling like a rose
You hang your head and your heart is filled
With so much misery
Youd be happy as you could be
If you belonged to me
You say, Lets go to the rodeo
And see some cowboy fall
Sometimes it seems to me youve
Got no sympathy at all
You keep on going on and on
About how youre so free
Youd be happy as you could be
If you belonged to me
It aint easy to get to you
But there must be some kind of a way
If only two could look to you
For only one moment of each day
Youre saying that youre all washed up
Got nothing else to give
Seems like you never figured out
How long you have to live
You could feel like a baby again
Sitting on your daddys knee
Oh, how happy you would be
If you belonged to me
The guy youre with is a ruthless pimp
Everybody knows
Every cent he takes from you
Goes straight up his nose
You look so sad, youre going so mad
Any fool can see
Youd be happy as you could be
If you belong to me
Youd be happy as you could be
If you belong to me |
Rita May, Rita May
You got your body in the way
Youre so damn nonchalant
But its your mind that I want
You got me huffin and a-puffin
Next to you I feel like nothin Rita May
Rita May, Rita May
Howd you ever get that way?
When do you ever see the light?
Dont you ever feel a fright?
You got me burnin and Im turnin
But I know I must be learnin Rita May
All my friends have told me
If I hang around with you that Ill go blind
But when you hold me
I know there must be somethin on your mind
Rita May, Rita May
Wont you come out and play?
where you been?
Whats that crazy place youre in?
Im gonna have to go to college
Cause you are the book of knowledge Rita May
All my friends have told me
If I hang around with you that Ill go blind
But I know when you hold me
That there really must be somethin on your mind
Rita May, Rita May
You got your body in the way
Youre so damn nonchalant
Its your mind that I want
Im gonna have to go to college
Cause you are the book of knowledge Rita May |
Adeste fideles, laeti triumphantes
Venite, venite in Bethlehem
Natum videte
Regem angelorum
Venite, adoremus
Venite, adoremus
Venite, adoramus
O come all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant
Oo come ye, o come ye to Bethlehem
Come and behold Him
Born the King of angels
O come, let us adore Him
O come, let us adore Him
O come, let us adore Him
Christ, the Lord
Sing, choirs of angels, sing in exultation
Sing, all ye citizens of heaven above
Glory to God
In the highest
O come, let us adore Him
O come, let us adore Him
O come, let us adore Him
Christ, the Lord |
Go away from my window
Go at your own chosen speed
Im not the one you want, babe
Im not the one you need
You say youre looking for someone
Never weak but always strong
To protect you and defend you
Whether you are right or wrong
Someone to open each and every door
But it aint me, babe
No, no, no, it aint me, babe
It aint me youre looking for, babe
Go lightly from the ledge, babe
Go lightly on the ground
Im not the one you want, babe
I will only let you down
You say youre lookin for someone
Who will promise never to part
Someone to close his eyes for you
Someone to close his heart
Someone whod die for you and more
But it aint me, babe
No, no, no, it aint me, babe
It aint me youre lookin for, babe
Go melt back in the night, babe
Everything inside me is stone
Theres nothing in here moving
And anyway Im not alone
You say youre lookin for someone
To pick you up each time you fall
To gather flowers constantly
And to come each time you call
A lover for your life and nothing more
But it aint me, babe
No, no, no, it aint me, babe
It aint me youre lookin for, babe |
The jingle bells are jingling
The streets are white with snow
The happy crowds are mingling
But theres no one that I know
Im sure that youll forgive me
If I dont enthuse
I guess I got the Christmas blues
Ive done my window shopping
Theres not a store I missed
But whats the use of stoppin
When theres no one on your list
Youll know the way Im feeling
When you love and you lose
I guess Ive got the Christmas blues
When somebody wants you
Somebody needs you
Christmas is a joy of joys
But friends, when youre lonely
Youll find that its only
A thing for little girls and little boys
May all your days be merry
Your seasons full of cheer
But till its January
Ill just go and disappear
Old Santa may have brought you
Some stars for your shoes
But Santa only brought me the blues
Those brightly packaged
Tinsel covered Christmas blues
Old Santa may have brought you
Some stars for your shoes
But Santa only brought me the blues
Those brightly packaged
Tinsel covered Christmas blues |
They sat together
In the park
As the evening sky grew dark
She looked at him
He felt a spark tingle to his bones
Twas then he felt alone
And wished that hed gone straight
And watched out for a simple twist of fate
They walked down by the old canal
Got a little confused, I remember well
And then they stopped
In a strange hotel
With the neon burning bright
He felt the heat of night
Hit him like a freight train
And moving with a simple twist of fate
Saxophone some place nearby played
She was walking on by the arcade
As a light burst through a beat up shade
But he was waking up
She dropped a coin into a cup
Of a blind man at the gate
And forgot about a simple twist of fate
He woke up
And the room was bare
He didnt see her
He told himself
He didnt care
He pushed the window
Open wide
He felt an
Emptiness inside
To which he just could not relate
Brought on by a simple twist of fate
He hears the ticking of the clocks
Small waves whisper to the rocks
He hunts her down
By the waterfront docks
Where the sailors all come in
Perhaps hell see her once again
How long must he wait
Once more
For a simple
Twist of fate
People tell me its a crime
To feel too much
At any one time
All it cost me was a dime
But the bells refuse to ring
He was born in the spring
But I was born too late
To blame it on
A simple twist of fate |
Oh, the age of the inmates
I remember quite freely
No younger than twelve
No older ’n seventeen
Thrown in like bandits
And cast off like criminals
All inside the walls
On the grounds of Red Wing
From the dirty old mess hall
You march to the brick wall
Too weary to talk
And too tired to sing
And it’s all afternoon
You remember your hometown
All inside the walls
The walls of Red Wing
Oh, the gates are cast iron
And the walls are barbed wire
Stay far from the fence
With the ’lectricity sting
And it’s keep down your head
And stay in your number
All inside the grounds of
The walls of Red Wing
Oh, it’s fare thee well
To the deep hollow dungeon
Farewell to the boardwalk
That takes you to the screen
And farewell to the minutes
They threaten you with it
All inside the grounds of
The walls of Red Wing
It’s many a guard
That stands around smiling
Holding his club
Like he was a king
Hoping to get you
Behind the wood piling
All inside the grounds of
The walls of Red Wing
The night aimed shadows
Through the crossbar windows
And the wind punched hard
To make the wall-siding sing
It’s many a night
I pretended to be a-sleeping
All inside the grounds of
The walls of Red Wing
As the rain rattled heavy
On the bunkhouse shingles
And the sounds of the night
They made my ears ring
Till the keys of the guards
Clicked the tune of the morning
All inside the grounds of
The walls of Red Wing
Oh, some of us’ll end up
In St. Cloud Prison
And some of us’ll end up
To be lawyers and things
And some of us’ll stand
To meet you on your crossroads
From inside the grounds of
The walls of Red Wing |
Now and then theres a fool such as I
Pardon me if Im sentimental, came to say goodbye
Dont be angry, dont be angry with me, should I cry
When you are gone, I will dream a little dream as years go by
Now and then there is a fool, a fool such as I
Now and then theres a fool such as I am over you
You taught me how to love and now you happened to be untrue
I am a fool but I love you, dear, yes I will until the day I die
Now and then there is a fool, a fool such as I
Pardon me if Im sentimental, came to say goodbye
Dont be angry, dont be angry with me, should I cry
When you are gone, when you are gone, I will dream a little
I will dream as years go by
Now and then, now and then there is a fool, a fool such as I
Now and then theres a fool, a fool such as I am over you
You taught me how to love and now you say that we are through
I am a fool, yes, but I love you dear, I will love you dear
Till the day, till the day I die
Now and then, now and then there is a fool, a fool such as I
Now and then there is a fool, a fool such as I
Now and then there is a fool, a fool such as I |
They say evrything can be replaced
Yet evry distance is not near
So I remember evry face
Of evry man who put me here
I see my light come shining
From the west unto the east
Any day now, any day now
I shall be released
They say evry man needs protection
They say evry man must fall
Yet I swear I see my reflection
Some place so high above this wall
I see my light come shining
From the west unto the east
Any day now, any day now
I shall be released
Standing next to me in this lonely crowd
Is a man who swears hes not to blame
All day long I hear him shout so loud
Crying out that he was framed
I see my light come shining
From the west unto the east
Any day now, any day now
I shall be released |
Rock me mama like a wagon wheel
Rock me mama any way you feel
Hey, mama rock me
Oh, rock me mama like the wind and the rain
Rock me mama like a southbound train
Hey, mama rock me
Heading down south to the land of the pines
Thumbin my way to North Caroline
Staring up the road and pray to God I see headlights
Well, I made it down the coast in seventeen hours
Pickin me a bouquet of dogwood flowers
And Im a-hopin for Raleigh, I can see my baby tonight
Oh, rock me mama like a wagon wheel
Rock me mama any way you feel
Hey, mama rock me
Oh, rock me mama like the wind and the rain
Rock me mama like a southbound train
Hey, mama rock me
Runnin from the cold up in New England
I was born to be a fiddler in an old time string band
My baby plays the guitar, I pick a banjo now
Oh, the north country winters keep a-getting me now
Lost my money playing poker so I had to up and leave
But I aint turning back to living that poor life no more
Oh, rock me mama like a wagon wheel
Rock me mama any way you feel
Hey, mama rock me
Oh, rock me mama like the wind and the rain
Rock me mama like a southbound train
Hey, mama rock me
Walkin to the south out of Roanoke
Caught a trucker out of Philly, had a nice long toke
But hes a heading west from the Cumberland gap
To Johnson City at Tennessee
Well, I gotta get a move on before the sun
Hear my baby call my name and I know that shes the only one
And if I die in Raleigh, at least I will die free
Oh, rock me mama like a wagon wheel
Rock me mama any way you feel
Hey, mama rock me
Oh, rock me mama like the wind and the rain
Rock me mama like a southbound train
Hey, mama rock me
Oh, rock me mama like a wagon wheel
Rock me mama any way you feel
Hey, mama rock me
Rock me mama like the wind and the rain
Rock me mama like a southbound train
Hey, mama rock me
Hey, mama rock me |
They ask me how I feel
And if my love is real
And how I seem to think that I know Im gonna make it through
They look at me and frown
They drove me from this town
They dont want me around
Cause I believe
They show me to the door
They said dont come back no more
We dont like the way you think you do
So I walked out on my own
One thousand miles from home
But I dont feel alone
Cause I believe
I believe in you even through the all tears and laughter
I believe in you even though were apart
I believe in you even on the morning after
Oh, when the dawn is nearing
And when the night is disappearing
This feeling will still be here in my heart
Please dont let me drift too far
Keep me safe and sane where you are
So I can always be renewed
And what youve given me here today
Is worth everything I could pay
No matter what everyone will say
Cause I believe
I believe, I believe
I believe, I believe in you
I believe in you when weve had no time together
I believe in you when white turns to black
I believe in you even though well all be outnumbered
Oh, the earth will be shakin
And friends will be forsaken
Please, we cant go back
I believe in you |
Gonna take a sentimental journey
Gonna set my heart at ease
Gonna make a sentimental journey
To renew old memories
I got my bag, I got my reservation
Spent each dime I could afford
Like a child in wild anticipation
I long to hear that: All aboard!
Seven, thats the time we leave - at seven
Ill be waiting up for heaven
Counting every mile of railroad track - that moves me back
I never though my heart could be so yearny
Why did I decide to roam
Gotta take a sentimental journey
Sentimental journey home |
You took my breath away
I want it back again
Look at the mess Im in
I dont know what to say
I dont know how to feel
You dont care anyway
All I can do is wait
You took my breath away
You took this song of mine
And changed the middle bit
It used to sound alright
But now the words dont fit
Its getting hard to rhyme
Impossible to play
Ive tried it many times
You took my breath away
One day when the sun is shining
There will be a silver lining
You knocked my headlights out
So turn them on again
I cant see where Im going
I cant tell where Ive been
I dont know how to feel
This hasnt been my day
Seems like Ive lost a wheel
You took my breath away
You took my breath away
You took my breath away
You took my breath away |
Well, I ain’t got my childhood
Or friends I once did know
No, I ain’t got my childhood
Or friends I once did know
But I still got my voice left
I can take it anywhere I go
Hey, hey, so I guess I’m doing fine
And I’ve never had much money
But I’m still around somehow
No, I’ve never had much money
But I’m still around somehow
Many times I’ve bended
But I ain’t never yet bowed
Hey, hey, so I guess I’m doing fine
Trouble, oh trouble
I’ve trouble on my mind
Trouble, oh trouble
Trouble on my mind
But the trouble in the world, Lord
Is much more bigger than mine
Hey, hey, so I guess I’m doing fine
And I never had no armies
To jump at my command
No, I ain’t got no armies
To jump at my command
But I don’t need no armies
I got me one good friend
Hey, hey, so I guess I’m doing fine
I been kicked and whipped and trampled on
I been shot at just like you
I been kicked and whipped and trampled on
I been shot at just like you
But as long as the world keeps a-turning
I just keep a-turnin’ too
Hey, hey, so I guess I’m doing’ fine
Well, my road might be rocky
The stones might cut my face
My road it might be rocky
The stones might cut my face
But as some folks ain’t got no road at all
They gotta stand in the same old place
Hey, hey, so I guess I’m doing fine |
Love that’s pure hopes all things
Believes all things, won’t pull no strings
Won’t sneak up into your room, tall, dark and handsome
Capture your soul and hold it for ransom
You don’t want a love that’s pure
You want to drown love
You want a watered-down love
Love that’s pure, it don’t make no false claims
Intercedes for you ’stead of casting you blame
Will not deceive you or lead you into transgression
Won’t write it up and make you sign a false confession
Love that’s pure won’t lead you astray
Won’t hold you back, won’t mess up your day
Won’t pervert you, corrupt you with stupid wishes
It don’t make you envious, it don’t make you suspicious
Love that’s pure ain’t no accident
Always on time, is always content
An eternal flame, quietly burning
Never needs to be proud, restlessly yearning |
Ready, lets cut a record
Throw my ticket out the window
Throw my suitcase out there too
Throw my troubles out the door
I dont need them anymore
For tonight, Ill be staying here with you
I should have left this town this morning
But it was more than I could do
For your love comes on so strong
And Ive waited all day long
For tonight, Ill be staying here with you
Is it really any wonder
A love a stranger might receive
You cast your spell and I went under
I find it so difficult to leave
I can hear that whistle blowin
I hear the station master too
If theres a poor boy on the street
Let him have my seat
For tonight, Ill be staying here with you
Throw my ticket out the window
Throw my suitcase out there too
Throw my troubles out the door
I dont need them anymore
For tonight, Ill be staying here with you |
May God bless and keep you always
May your wishes all come true
May you always do for others and let others do for you
May you build a ladder to the stars
And climb on every rung
May you stay forever young
Forever young
Forever young
Will you stay forever young
May you grow up to be righteous
May you grow up to be true
May you always know the truth
And see the light surrounding you
May you always be courageous
Stand upright and be strong
And may you stay forever young
Forever young
Forever young
May you stay forever young
May your hands always be busy
May your feet always be swift
May you have a strong foundation
With the winds changing shift
May your heart always be joyful
May your song always be sung
And may you stay
Forever young
Forever young
Stay forever young
Stay forever young
Stay forever young
Forever young
Forever young
Stay forever young |
All or nothing at all
Half a love never appealed to me
If your heart never could yield to me
Then Id rather have nothing at all
All or nothing at all
If its love there is no in-between
Why begin then cry for something that might have been
No, Id rather have nothing at all
Please dont bring your lips so close to my cheek
Dont smile, Ill be lost beyond recall
The kiss in your eyes and the touch of your hand makes me weak
And my heart may grow dizzy and fall
And if I fell under the spell of your call
I would be caught in the undertow
And so you see, Ive got to say No, no
All or nothing at all
All or nothing at all |
Go away from my window
Leave at your own chosen speed
Im not the one you want, babe
Im not the one you need
You say youre lookin for someone
Whos never weak, but always strong
To protect you and defend you
Whether you are right or wrong
Someone to open each and every door
But it aint me, babe
A-no, no, no, it aint me, babe
Well, it aint me youre lookin for, babe
Go lightly from the ledge, babe
Go lightly on the ground
Im not the one you want, babe
Ill only lead you down
You say youre lookin for someone
Wholl promise never to part
Someone to close his eyes to you
Someone to close his heart
Someone who will die for you and more
But it aint me, babe
A-no, no, no, it aint me, babe
Well, it aint me youre lookin for, babe
No, it aint me youre lookin for, babe
I said a-no, no, no, it aint me, babe
I said a-no, no, no, it aint me, babe
I said a-no, no, no, it aint me, babe
I said a-no, no, no, it aint me, babe
I said a-no, no, no, it aint me, babe |
Well, I thought that the rain would cool things down
But it looks like it don’t
I’d like to get you to change your mind
But it looks like you won’t
From now on I’ll be busy
I am not going to nowhere fast
I’m just glad it’s over
And I’m seeing the real you at last
Well, didn’t I risk my neck for you
Didn’t I take chances?
Didn’t I rise above it all for you
The most unfortunate circumstances?
Well, I have had some rotten nights
Didn’t think that they would pass
I’m just thankful and grateful
To be seeing the real you at last
I’m hungry and I’m irritable
And I’m tired of this bag of tricks
At one time there was nothing wrong with me
That you could not fix
Well, I sailed through the storm
Strapped to the mast
But the time has come
And I’m seeing the real you at last
When I met you, baby
You didn’t show no visible scars
You could ride like Annie Oakley
You could shoot like Belle Starr
Well, I don’t mind a reasonable amount of trouble
Trouble always comes to pass
But all I care about now
Is that I’m seeing the real you at last
Well, I’m going to quit this baby talk now
I guess I should have known
I got troubles, I think maybe you got troubles
I think maybe we’d better leave each other alone
Whatever you going to do
Please do it fast
I’m still trying to get used to
Seeing the real you at last |
Aloha ay
Aloha ay
Aloha oha ay
Howd you like to spend Christmas on Christmas Island?
Howd you like to spend the holiday away across the sea?
Howd you like to spend Christmas on Christmas Island?
Howd you like to hang a stocking on a great big coconut tree?
Howd you like to stay up late, like the islanders do?
Wait for Santa to sail in with your presents in a canoe
If you ever spend Christmas on Christmas Island
Youll never stray for everyday your Christmas dreams come true
Howd you like to stay up late, like the islanders do?
Wait for Santa to sail in with your presents in a canoe
If you ever spend Christmas on Christmas Island
Youll never stray for everyday your Christmas dreams come true
Aloha ay
Aloha ay
Aloha oha ay |
You go to my head and you linger like a haunting refrain
And I find you spinning round in my brain
Like the bubbles in a glass of champagne
You go to my head like a sip of sparkling Burgundy brew
And I find the very mention of you
Like the kicker in a julep or two
The thrill of the thought that you might give a thought to my plea
Cast a spell over me
Still I say to myself get a hold of yourself
Cant you see that it never can be
You go to my head with a smile that makes my temperature rise
Like a summer with a thousand Julys
You intoxicate my soul with your eyes
Though Im certain that this heart of mine
Hasnt a ghost of a chance in this crazy romance
You go to my head
You go to my head |
Get down, get down, Love Henry, she cried
And stay all night with me
I have gold chains, and the finest I have
Ill apply them all to thee.
I cant get down and I shant get down
Or stay all night with thee
Some pretty little girl in Cornersville
I love far better than thee.
He layed his head on a pillow of down
Kisses she gave him three
With a penny knife that she held in her hand
She murdered mortal he
Get well, get well, Love Henry, She cried
Get well, get well, said she
Oh dont you see my own hearts blood
Come flowin down so free?
She took him by his long yellow hair
And also by his feet
She plunged him into well water, where
It runs both cold and deep
Lie there, lie there, Love Henry, she cried
Til the flesh rots off your bones
Some pretty little girl in Cornersville
Will mourn for your return.
Hush up, hush up, my parrot, she cried
And light on my right knee
The doors to your cage shall be decked with gold
And hung on a willow tree.
I wont fly down, I cant fly down
And light on your right knee
A girl who would murder her own true love
Would kill a little birdlike me. |
Whos gonna throw that minstrel boy a coin ?
Whos gonna let it roll ?
Whos gonna throw that minstrel boy a coin ?
Whos gonna let it down easy to save his soul ?
Oh look, hes driving a long, long time
There he still sits on top of the hill
Well aching and jumping with all laid down
With all of them ladies you know hes lonely still
Whos gonna throw that minstrel boy a coin ?
Whos gonna let it roll ?
Whos gonna throw that minstrel boy a coin ?
Whos gonna let it down easy to save his soul ?
Well knee deep in number, heavy in toil
Mighty mockingbird he still has such a heavy load
Beneath his boundaries but more if I can tell
With all of these travelling but Im still on that road
Whos gonna throw that minstrel boy a coin ?
Whos gonna let it roll ?
Whos gonna throw that minstrel boy a coin ?
Whos gonna let it down easy to save his soul ? |
Crash on the levee, mama, waters gonna overflow
Swamps gonna rise, no boats gonna row
Now, you can train on down to Williams Point
You can bust your feet, you can rock this joint
But oh mama, aint you gonna miss your best friend now?
Youre gonna have to find yourself
Another best friend, somehow
Now, dont you try an move me, youre just gonna lose
Theres a crash on the levee and, mama, youve been refused
Well, its sugar for sugar and salt for salt
If you go down in the flood, its gonna be your fault
Oh mama, aint you gonna miss your best friend now?
Youre gonna have to find yourself
Another best friend, somehow
Well, that high tides risin, mama, dont you let me down
Pack up your suitcase, mama, dont you make a sound
Now, its king for king, queen for queen
Its gonna be the meanest flood that anybodys seen
Oh mama, aint you gonna miss your best friend now?
Yes, youre gonna have to find yourself
Another best friend, somehow |
Well, I’m hanging on to a solid rock
Made before the foundation of the world
And I won’t let go, and I can’t let go, won’t let go
And I can’t let go, won’t let go and I can’t let go no more
For me He was chastised, for me He was hated
For me He was rejected by a world that He created
Nations are angry, cursed are some
People are expecting a false peace to come
Well, I’m hanging on to a solid rock
Made before the foundation of the world
And I won’t let go, and I can’t let go, won’t let go
And I can’t let go, won’t let go and I can’t let go no more
It’s the ways of the flesh to war against the spirit
Twenty-four hours a day you can feel it and you can hear it
Using all the devices under the sun
And He never give up ’til the battle’s lost or won
Well, I’m hanging on to a solid rock
Made before the foundation of the world
And I won’t let go, and I can’t let go, won’t let go
And I can’t let go, won’t let go and I can’t let go no more |
Verse 1: Emilie-Claire
Well it aint no use to sit and wonder why, babe
If you dont know by now
Well it aint no use to sit and wonder why, babe
It will never do somehow
When your rooster crows at the break of dawn
Look out your window and Ill be gone
Cause youre the reason Im travellin on
Dont think twice, its all right
Oh dont think twice, its all right
Verse 2: Emilie-Claire
Well it aint no use in turnin on your light, babe
That light I never knowed
Well it aint no use in turnin on your light, babe
Cause Im on the dark side of the road
Still Im wishing there was somethin you would do or say
To make me change my mind and stay
We never did too much talkin anyway
So dont think twice, its all right
Oh no no dont think twice its all right
Verse 3: Emilie-Claire
So long my honey baby
Where Im bound, I cant tell
But goodbyes just too good for a word, babe
So Ill just say fare thee well
I aint sayin you treated me unkind
You could have done better but I dont mind
You just kinda wasted my precious time
But dont think twice, its all right
Oh no, dont think twice, its all right |
Let us pause in lifes pleasures and count its many tears
While we all sup sorrow with the poor
Theres a song that will linger forever in our ears
Oh, hard times come again no more
Tis the song, the sigh of the weary
Hard times, hard times, come again no more
Many days you have lingered all around my cabin door
Oh, hard times come again no more
While we seek mirth and beauty and music light and gay
There are frail forms fainting at the door
Though their voices are silent, their pleading looks will say
Oh, hard times come again no more
Tis the song, the sigh of the weary
Hard times, hard times, come again no more
Many days you have lingered all around my cabin door
Oh, hard times come again no more
Tis the song, the sigh of the weary
Hard times, hard times, come again no more
Many days you have lingered all around my cabin door
Oh, hard times come again no more
So many days you have lingered all around my cabin door
Oh, hard times come again no more |
To preach of peace and brotherhood
Oh, what might be the cost!
A man he did it long ago
And they hung him on a cross
Long ago, far away
Those things don’t happen nowadays
The chains of slaves they dragged the ground
With heads and hearts hung low
But it was during Lincoln’s time
And it was long ago
Long ago, far away
Those things like that don’t happen
No more, nowadays, do they
The war guns they bombed and blazed
The whole world bled its blood
Men’s bodies rotted on the ground
As their graves were made in mud
Long ago, far away
Those kind of things don’t happen
No more, nowadays
One man had much money
One man had not enough to eat
One man he lived just like a king
The other man begged on the street
Long ago, far away
Things like that don’t happen
No more, nowadays
One man died of a knife so sharp
One man died from the bullet of a gun
One man died of a broken heart
To see the lynching’ of his son
Long ago, far away
Things like that don’t happen
No more, nowadays
Gladiators killed themselves
It was during the Roman times
People cheered with bloodshot grins
As eyes and minds went blind
Long ago, far away
Things like that dont happen
No more, nowadays
And the talk of peace and brotherhood
Oh, what might be the cost
Man he did it long ago, and hung him on a cross
Long ago, far away
Things like that dont happen
No more, nowadays, do they |
Oh the evening train is rolling
All along the homeward way
All my hopes are over the horizon
All my dreams have gone away
The hillside darkly shaded
Stars fall from above
All the joys of Earth have faded
The nights untouched, my love
Ill be here til tomorrow
Beneath a shroud of gray
I pretend Im free of sorrow
My heart is miles away
The dead bells are ringing
My train is overdue
To your memory Im clinging
I cant escape from you
Well I hear the sound of thunder
Roaring loud and long
Sometimes youve got to wonder
God knows Ive done no wrong
Youve wasted all your power
You threw out the Christmas pie
Now youre withering like a flower
Youll play the fool and die
Im neither sad nor sorry
Im all dressed up in black
I fought for fame and glory
You tried to break my back
In the far off sweet forever
The sunshine peeking through
We should have walked together
I cant escape from you
I cannot grasp the shadows
That gather near the door
Rain falls round my window
I wish Id seen you more
The path is ever winding
The stars they never age
The morning light is blinding
All the worlds a stage
Should be the time of gladness
Happy faces everywhere
The mystery of madness
Is propagating in the air
I dont like the city
Not like some folks do
Isnt it a pity
I cant escape from you
We plowed the fields of heaven
Right down to the end
I hope I can be forgiven
If any words of mine offend
All our days were splendid
They were simple, they were plain
It never should have ended
I should have kissed you in the rain
Ive been thinking things all over
All the moments full of grace
The primrose and the clover
Your ever changing face
Cant help looking at you
You made love with god-knows-who
Never found a gal to match you
I cant escape from you |
It aint no use to sit and wonder why, babe
If you dont know by now
It aint no use to sit and wonder why, baby
It just dont matter anyhow
When the rooster crows at the break of dawn
Look out of your window, Ill be gone
Youre the reason that Im travelling on
Dont think twice, its alright
It aint no use you calling out my name, girl
Like you never done before
It aint no use you calling out my name, girl
I just cant hear you any more
I wish there was something that you might do or say
To make me change my mind and stay
We never did too much talking anyway
Dont think twice, its alright
It aint no use you turning on your light, babe
The light that I never knew
It aint no use you turning on your light, baby
Cos Im on the dark side of the road
Well, Im not saying that you treated me unkind
You could have done better, I just dont mind
You just kind of wasted my precious time
Dont think twice, its alright
Im walking down my long lonesome road, babe
Where Im bound I cant tell
Goodbye is too good a word, baby
So Ill just say Fare thee well
Im thinking and Im wondering all the way down the road
I once loved a woman, a child Im told
I gave her my heart but she wanted my soul
Dont think twice
Dont think twice
Dont think twice, its alright |
Everytime my baby and me go up town
Police come and they knock me down
Cocaine, all around my brain
Hey baby, better come here quick
This old cocaine is making me sick
Cocaine, all around my brain
Yonder comes by baby, shes dressed in red
Shes got a shot-gun, says shes gonna kill me dead
Cocaine, all around my brain
Hey baby, better come here quick
This old cocaine is making me sick
Cocaine, all around my brain
Early one morning, half past four
Cocaine came knockin on my door
Cocaine, all around my brain
Hey baby, you better come here quick
This old cocaine is making me sick
Cocaine, all around my brain
Cocaines for horses and its not for men
Doctor said it kill you, but he dont say when
Cocaine, all around my brain
Hey baby, you better come here quick
This old cocaine is making me sick
Cocaine, all around my brain |
Each time I see a crowd of people
Just like a fool I stop and stare
Its really not the proper thing to do
But maybe youll be there
I go out walking after midnight
Along the lonely thoroughfare
Its not the time or place to look for you
But maybe youll be there
You said your arms would always hold me
You said your lips were mine alone to kiss
Now after all those things you told me
How can it end like this
Someday if all my prayers are answered
Ill hear a footstep on the stair
With anxious heart Ill hurry to the door
And maybe youll be there |
The river whispers in my ear
Ive hardly a penny to my name
The heavens never seemed so near
All of my body glows with flame
The tempest struggles in the air
And to myself alone I sing
It could sink me then and there
I can hear the echoes ring
I tried to find one smiling face
To drive the shadow from my head
Im stranded in this nameless place
Lying restless in a heavy bed
Tell me straight out if you will
Why must you torture me within?
Why must you come from your high hill?
Throw my fate to the clouds and wind
Far away in a silent land
Secret thoughts are hard to bear
Remember me, youll understand
Emotions we can never share
You trampled on me as you passed
Left the coldest kiss upon my brow
All of my doubts and fears have gone at last
Ive nothing more to tell you now
I walk by tranquil lakes and streams
As each new seasons dawn awaits
I lay awake at night with troubled dreams
The enemy is at the gates
Beneath the thunder blasted trees
The words are ringin off your tongue
The ground is hard in times like these
The stars are cold, the night is young
The rocks are bleak, the trees are bare
Iron clouds go floating by
Snowflakes fallin in my hair
Beneath the gray and stormy sky
The evenin sun is sinkin low
The woods are dark, the town is too
Theyll drag you down, theyll run the show
Aint no telling what theyll do
Tell ol Bill when he comes home
That anything is worth a try
Tell him that Im not alone
And that the hour has come to do or die
All the world I would defy
Let me make it plain as day
I look at you now and I sigh
How could it be any other way? |
Walk out if it does not feel right
I can tell you are only lying
If you have got something better tonight
Then do not mess up my mind with your crying
Just walk out in the rain
Walk out with your dreams
Walk out of my life if you do not feel right
And catch the next train
Oh, darling, walk out in the rain
I have come from so far away
Just to put a ring on your finger
If you have said all that you have got to say
Then please do not feel the need to linger
Just walk out in the rain
Walk out with your dreams
Walk out of my life if you do not feel right
And catch the next train
Oh, darling, walk out in the rain
It is raining outside of the city
My poor feet have walked till they are sore
If you do not want my love, it is a pity
I guess I cannot see you no more
Just walk out in the rain
Walk out with your dreams
Walk out of my life if you do not feel right
And catch the next train
Oh, darling, walk out in the rain |
There must be some kind of way out of here
Said a joker to the thief
There is too much confusion
I cant get no relief
Businessmen, they drink my wine
Ploughmen dig my earth
None of them anywhere along the line
Know what any of it is worth
No reason to get excited
The thief he softly spoke
There are many here among us
Who feel that life is but a joke
But you and I weve been through that
And this not our fate
And let us not talk falsely now
The hours getting late
All along the watchtower
Princes kept the view
While all the women came and went
Barefoot servants too
Outside in the cold distance
A wildcat did growl
Two riders were approaching
The wind began to howl |
If you find it in Your heart, can I be forgiven?
Guess I owe You some kind of apology
I’ve escaped death so many times, I know I’m only living
By the saving grace that’s over me
By this time I’d-a thought I would be sleeping
In a pine box for all eternity
My faith keeps me alive, but I still be weeping
For the saving grace that’s over me
Well, the death of life, then come the resurrection
Wherever I am welcome is where I’ll be
I put all my confidence in Him, my sole protection
Is the saving grace that’s over me
Well, the devil’s shining light, it can be most blinding
But to search for love, that ain’t no more than vanity
As I look around this world all that I’m finding
Is the saving grace that’s over me
The wicked know no peace and you just can’t fake it
There’s only one road and it leads to Calvary
It gets discouraging at times, but I know I’ll make it
By the saving grace that’s over me |
Come around you roving’ gamblers and a story I will tell
About the greatest gambler, you all should know him well
His name was Will O’Conley and he gambled all his life
He had twenty-seven children, yet he never had a wife
And it’s ride, Willie, ride
Roll, Willie, roll
Wherever you are a-gambling now, nobody really knows
He gambled in the White House and in the railroad yards
Wherever there was people, there was Willie and his cards
He had the reputation as the gamblingest man around
Wives would keep their husbands home when Willie came to town
And it’s ride, Willie, ride
Roll, Willie, roll
Wherever you are a-gambling now, nobody really knows
Sailing’ down the Mississippi to a town called New Orleans
They’re still talking’ about their card game on that Jackson River Queen
“I’ve come to win some money,” Gambling Willie says
When the game finally ended up, the whole damn boat was his
And it’s ride, Willie, ride
Roll, Willie, roll
Wherever you are a-gambling now, nobody really knows
Up in the Rocky Mountains in a town called Cripple Creek
There was an all-night poker game, lasted about a week
Nine hundred miners had laid their money down
When Willie finally left the room, he owned the whole damn town
And it’s ride, Willie, ride
Roll, Willie, roll
Wherever you are a-gambling now, nobody really knows
But Willie had a heart of gold and this I know is true
He supported all his children and all their mothers too
He wore no rings or fancy things, like other gamblers wore
He spread his money far and wide, to help the sick and the poor
And it’s ride, Willie, ride
Roll, Willie, roll
Wherever you are a-gambling now, nobody really knows
When you played your cards with Willie, you never really knew
Whether he was bluffing or whether he was true
He won a fortune from a man who folded in his chair
The man, he left a diamond flush, Willie didn’t even have a pair
And it’s ride, Willie, ride
Roll, Willie, roll
Wherever you are a-gambling now, nobody really knows
It was late one evening’ during a poker game
A man lost all his money, he said Willie was to blame
He shot poor Willie through the head, which was a tragic fate
When Willie’s cards fell on the floor, they were aces backed with eights
And it’s ride, Willie, ride
Roll, Willie, roll
Wherever you are a-gambling now, nobody really knows
So all you roving’ gamblers, wherever you might be
The moral of the story is very plain to see
Make your money while you can, before you have to stop
For when you pull that dead man’s hand, your gambling days are up
And it’s ride, Willie, ride
Roll, Willie, roll
Wherever you are a-gambling now, nobody really knows |
The winter wind is a blowing strong
My hands have got no gloves
I wish to my soul that I could see
The girl Im a-thinking of
Dont you remember me babe
I remember you quite well
You caused me to leave old Kingsport Town
With a high sheriff on my trail
High sheriff on my trail, boys
High sheriff on my trail
All because Im falling for
A curly-headed dark-eyed girl
Whos a-gonna stroke your cold black hair
And sandy colored skin
Whos a-gonna kiss your Memphis lips
When Im out in the wind
When Im out in the wind, babe
When Im out in the wind
Whos a-gonna kiss your Memphis mouth
When Im out in the wind
Whos a-gonna walk you side by side
And tell you everythings alright
Whos a-gonna sing to you all day long
And not just in the night
Whos a-gonna walk you side by side
Whos a-gonna be your man
Whos a-gonna look you straight in the eye
And hold your bad luck hand
Hold your bad luck hand, babe
Hold your bad luck hand
Whos a-gonna hold your hard luck hand
And whos a-gonna be your man
The winter wind is a blowing strong
My hands have got no gloves
I wish to my soul I could see
The girl Im a-thinking of |
Lazy stadium night
Catfish on the mound
“Strike three,” the umpire said
Batter have to go back and sit down
Catfish, million-dollar-man
Nobody can throw the ball like Catfish can
Used to work on Mr. Finley’s farm
But the old man wouldn’t pay
So he packed his glove and took his arm
And one day he just ran away
Come up where the Yankees are
Dress up in a pinstripe suit
Smoke a custom-made cigar
Wear an alligator boot
Carolina born and bred
Love to hunt the little quail
Got a hundred-acre spread
Got some huntin’ dogs for sale
Reggie Jackson at the plate
Seeing’ nothing’ but the curve
Swing too early or too late
Got to eat what Catfish serve
Even Billy Martin grins
When the Fish is in the game
Every season twenty wins
Gonna make the Hall of Fame |
Subsets and Splits