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Aint no use in calling out my name, gal
Like you never did before
Aint no use in calling out my name, gal
I cant hear you any more
When the rooster crows at the break of dawn
Look out your window and Ill be gone
Youre the reason why Im traveling on
Dont think twice, its all right
Walking down the long and lonesome road, gal
Where Im bound, I cant tell
Goodbyes too good a word, gal
So Ill just say Fare thee well
Well, I aint saying you treated me unkind
You could have done better but I dont mind
You just sort of wasted my precious time
Dont think twice, its all right
Aint no use in turnin on your light, babe
The light I never known
Aint no use in turnin on your light, babe
Im on the dark side of the road
Still I wish there was something you could do or say
To make me change my mind and stay
You never did too much talking anyway
Dont think twice, its all right
Aint no use to sit and wonder why, babe
It dont matter anyhow
Aint no use to sit and wonder why, babe
If you dont know by now
Im a-thinking and a-wondering on the way down the road
I once loved a woman, a child Im told
I give her my heart but she wanted my soul
Dont think twice, its all right |
Well Im looking the world over
Looking far off into the East
And I see my baby coming
Shes walking with the village priest
I feel a change coming on
And the last part of the day is already gone
We got so much in common
We strive for the same old ends
And I just cant wait
Wait for us to become friends
I feel a change coming on
And the fourth part of the day is already gone
Life is for love
And they say that love is blind
If you want to live easy
Baby pack your clothes with mine
I feel a change coming on
And the fourth part of the day is already gone
Well now whats the use in dreaming
You got better things to do
Dreams never did work for me anyway
Even when they did come true
You are as whorish as ever
Baby you could start a fire
I must be losing my mind
Youre the object of my desire
I feel a change coming on
And the fourth part of the day is already gone
Im listening to Billy Joe Shaver
And Im reading James Joyce
Some people they tell me
I got the blood of the land in my voice
Everybody got all the money
Everybody got all the beautiful clothes
Everybody got all the flowers
I dont have one single rose
I feel a change coming on
And the fourth part of the day is already gone |
There’s nothing ’round here I believe in
’Cept you, yeah you
And there’s nothing to me that’s sacred
’Cept you, yeah you
You’re the one that reaches me
You’re the one that I admire
Every time we meet together
My soul feels like it’s on fire
Nothing matters to me
And there’s nothing I desire
’Cept you, yeah you
Nothing ’round here I care to try for
’Cept you, yeah you
Got nothing left to live or die for
’Cept you, yeah you
There’s a hymn I used to hear
In the churches all the time
Make me feel so good inside
So peaceful, so sublime
And there’s nothing to remind me of that
Old familiar chime
’Cept you, uh huh you
Used to play in the cemetery
Dance and sing and run when I was a child
Never seemed strange
But now I just pass mournfully by
That place where the bones of life are piled
I know something’ has changed
I’m a stranger here and no one sees me
’Cept you, yeah you
Nothing much matters or seems to please me
’Cept you, yeah you
Nothing hypnotizes me
Or holds me in a spell
Everything runs by me
Just like water from a well
Everybody wants my attention
Everybody’s got something to sell
’Cept you, yeah you |
I aint lookin to compete with you
Beat or cheat or mistreat you
Simplify you, classify you
Deny, defy or crucify you
All I really want to do
Is, baby be friends with you
No, I aint lookin to fight with you
Frighten you or tighten you
Drag you down or drain you down
Chain you down or bring you down
All I really want to do
Is, baby, be friends with you
I dont want to fake you out
Take or shake or forsake you out
I aint lookin for you to feel like me
See like me or be like me
I dont want to meet your kin
Make you spin or do you in
Or select you or dissect you
Or inspect you or reject you
All I really want to do
Is, baby, be friends with you
Baby, be friends with you
Baby, be friends with you |
The water is wide and I cant cross over
Build me wings and I could fly
Build me a boat that can carry two
And both shall row my love and I
There is a ship and it sails on the sea
Loaded deep as deep can be
But not as deep as the love Im in
I know not if I sink or swim
I leaned my back up against an oak
Thinking it was a trusty tree
But first it bent and then it broke
Just like my own false love to me
Oh love is gentle, love is kind
Gay as a jewel when first its new
But love grows old and waxes cold
And fades away like some morning dew
The water is wide and I cant cross over
Neither have I wings that I could fly
Build me a boat that can carry two
And both shall row my love and I |
Well, I had to move fast
And I couldn’t with you around my neck
I said I’d send for you and I did
What did you expect?
My hands are sweating
And we haven’t even started yet
I’ll go along with the charade
Until I can think my way out
I know it was all a big joke
Whatever it was about
Someday maybe
I’ll remember to forget
I’m going to get my coat
I feel the breath of a storm
There’s something I’ve got to do tonight
You go inside and stay warm
Has anybody seen my love?
Has anybody seen my love?
Has anybody seen my love?
I don’t know
Has anybody seen my love?
You want to talk to me
Go ahead and talk
Whatever you got to say to me
Won’t come as any shock
I must be guilty of something
You just whisper it into my ear
Madame Butterfly
She lulled me to sleep
In a town without pity
Where the water runs deep
She said, “Be easy, baby
There is nothing worth stealing in here”
You’re the one I’ve been looking for
You’re the one that’s got the key
But I can’t figure out whether I’m too good for you
Or you’re too good for me
Has anybody seen my love?
Has anybody seen my love?
Has anybody seen my love?
I don’t know
Has anybody seen my love?
Well, they’re not showing any lights tonight
And there’s no moon
There’s just a hot-blooded singer
Singing “Memphis in June”
While they’re beating the devil out of a guy
Who’s wearing a powder-blue wig
Later he’ll be shot
For resisting arrest
I can still hear his voice crying
In the wilderness
What looks large from a distance
Close up is never that big
Never could learn to drink that blood
And call it wine
Never could learn to hold you, love
And call you mine |
As I travel down lifes pathway
Know not what the years may hold
As I ponder, hopes grow fonder
Precious memories flood my soul
Precious memories, how they linger
How they ever flood my soul
In the stillness of the midnight
Precious sacred scenes unfold
Precious father, loving mother
Glide across the lonely years
And old homes scenes of my childhood
In fond memory appears
Precious memories, how they linger
How they ever flood my soul
In the stillness of the midnight
Precious sacred scenes unfold |
While youre strolling down the fairway
Showing no remorse
Glowing from the poisons
Theyve sprayed on your golf course
While youre busy sinking birdies
And keeping your scorecard
The devils been busy in your backyard
Steaming down the highway
With your trucks of toxic waste
Where you gonna hide it
Maybe outer space?
You dont know what youre doing
Or what you have to guard
The devils been busy in your backyard
Sometimes you think youre crazy
But you know youre only mad
Sometimes youre better off not knowing
How much youve been had
You see your second cousin
Wasted in a fight
You say he had it coming
He couldnt do it right
Youre in a western movie
Playing the part
The devils been busy in your backyard
Sometimes they say youre wicked
But you know that cant be bad
Sometimes youre better off not knowing
Itll only make you sad
Theyre coming down picadilly
Dripping at the dosh
Arresting Sticky Willy
Clubbing him with their cosh
They just might not have noticed
Theyve been hitting him so hard
The devils been busy in your backyard
The devils been busy in your backyard
The devils been busy in your backyard |
Alberta let your hair hang low
Alberta let your hair hang low
Ill give you more gold
Than your apron can hold
If youd only let your hair hang low
Alberta whats on your mind
Alberta whats on your mind
You keep me worried and bothered
All of the time
Alberta whats on your mind
Alberta dont you treat me unkind
Alberta dont you treat me unkind
Oh my heart is so sad
Cause I want you so bad
Alberta dont you treat me unkind
Alberta let your hair hang low
Alberta let your hair hang low
Ill give you more gold
Than your apron can hold
If youll only let your hair hang low |
There was a moon out in space
But a cloud drifted over its face
You kissed me and went on your way
The night we called it a day
I heard the song of the spheres
Like a minor lament in my ears
I hadnt the heart left to pray
The night we called it a day
Soft through the dark
The hoot of an owl in the sky
Sad though his song
No bluer than he was I
The moon went down, stars were gone
But the sun didnt rise with the dawn
There wasnt a thing left to say
The night we called it a day
Soft through the dark
The hoot of an owl in the sky
Sad though his song
No bluer than he was I
The moon went down, stars were gone
But the sun didnt rise with the dawn
There wasnt a thing left to say
The night we called it a day |
After a while we took in the clothes
Nobody said very much
Just some old wild shirts and a couple pairs of pants
Which nobody really wanted to touch
Mama come in and picked up a book
And Papa asked her what it was
Someone else asked, “What do you care?”
Papa said, “Well, just because”
Then they started to take back their clothes
Hang them on the line
It was January the thirtieth
And everybody was feelin’ fine
The next day everybody got up
Seeing if the clothes were dry
The dogs were barking, a neighbor passed
Mama, of course, she said, “Hi”
“Have you heard the news?” he said with a grin
“The Vice-President’s gone mad!”
“Where?” “Downtown” “When?” “Last night”
“Hmm, say, that’s too bad”
“Well, there’s nothing we can do about it,” said the neighbor
“It’s just something we’re gonna have to forget”
“Yes, I guess so,” said Ma
Then she asked me if the clothes were still wet
I reached up, touched my shirt
And the neighbor said, “Are those clothes yours?”
I said, “Some of them, not all of them”
He said, “Ya always help out around here with the chores?”
I said, “Sometime, not all the time”
Then my neighbor, he blew his nose
Just as Papa yelled outside
“Mama wants you to come back in the house and bring them clothes”
Well, I just do what I’m told
So, I did it, of course
I went back in the house and Mama met me
And then I shut all the doors |
Been beat up and battered round
Been sent up, and Ive been shot down
Youre the best thing that Ive ever found
Handle me with care
Reputations changeable
Situations tolerable
Baby, youre adorable
Handle me with care
Im so tired of being lonely
I still have some love to give
Wont you show me that you really care?
Everybody got somebody to lean on
Put your body next to mine and dream on
Ive been fucked off and I been fooled
Ive been robbed and ridiculed
In day-care centers and night schools
Handle me with care
Been stuck in airports, terrorized
Sent to meetings, hypnotized
Overexposed, commercialized
Handle me with care
Im so tired of being lonely
I still have some love to give
Wont you show me that you really care?
Everybody got somebody to lean on
Put your body next to mine and dream on
Ive been uptight and made a mess
Ill clean it up myself, I guess
Oh, the sweet smell of success
Handle me with care |
Are you ready, are you ready?
Are you ready, are you ready?
Are you ready to meet Jesus?
Are you where you ought to be?
Will He know you when He sees you
Or will He say, “Depart from Me”?
Are you ready, hope you’re ready
Am I ready, am I ready?
Am I ready, am I ready?
Am I ready to lay down my life for the brethren
And to take up my cross?
Have I surrendered to the will of God
Or am I still acting like the boss?
Am I ready, hope I’m ready
When destruction cometh swiftly
And there’s no time to say a fare-thee-well
Have you decided whether you want to be
In heaven or in hell?
Are you ready, are you ready?
Have you got some unfinished business?
Is there something holding you back?
Are you thinking for yourself
Or are you following the pack?
Are you ready, hope you’re ready
Are you ready?
Are you ready for the judgment?
Are you ready for that terrible swift sword?
Are you ready for Armageddon?
Are you ready for the day of the Lord?
Are you ready, I hope you’re ready |
Il Salone di bellezza in fondo al vicolo
È affollatissimo di marinai
Prova a chiedere a uno che ore sono
E ti risponderà non lho saputo mai
Le cartoline dellimpiccagione
Sono in vendita a cento lire luna
Il commissario cieco dietro la stazione
Per un indizio ti legge la sfortuna
E le forze dellordine irrequiete
Cercano qualcosa che non va
Mentre io e la mia signora ci affacciamo stasera
Su via della Povertà
Cenerentola sembra così facile
Ogni volta che sorride ti cattura
Ricorda proprio Bette Davis
Con le mani appoggiate alla cintura
Arriva Romeo trafelato
E le grida il mio amore sei tu
Ma qualcuno gli dice di andar via
E di non riprovarci più
E lunico suono che rimane
Quando lambulanza se ne va
È Cenerentola che spazza la strada
In via della Povertà
Mentre lalba sta uccidendo la luna
E le stelle si son quasi nascoste
La signora che legge la fortuna
Se nè andata in compagnia delloste
Ad eccezione di Abele e di Caino
Tutti quanti sono andati a far lamore
Aspettando che venga la pioggia
Ad annacquare la gioia ed il dolore
E il Buon Samaritano
Sta affilando la sua pietà
Se ne andrà al Carnevale stasera
In via della Povertà
I tre Re Magi sono disperati
Gesù Bambino è diventato vecchio
E Mister Hyde piange sconcertato
Vedendo Jeckyll che ride nello specchio
Ofelia è dietro la finestra
Mai nessuno le ha detto che è bella
A soli ventidue anni
È già una vecchia zitella
La sua morte sarà molto romantica
Trasformandosi in oro se ne andrà
Per adesso cammina avanti e indietro
In via della Povertà
Einstein travestito da ubriacone
Ha nascosto i suoi appunti in un baule
È passato di qui unora fa
Diretto verso lultima Thule
Sembrava così timido e impaurito
Quando ha chiesto di fermarsi un po qui
Ma poi ha cominciato a fumare
E a recitare lA B C
Ed a vederlo tu non lo diresti mai
Ma era famoso qualche tempo fa
Per suonare il violino elettrico
In via della Povertà
Ci si prepara per la grande festa
Cè qualcuno che comincia ad aver sete
Il fantasma dellopera
Si è vestito in abiti da prete
Sta ingozzando a viva forza Casanova
Per punirlo della sua sensualità
Lo ucciderà parlandogli damore
Dopo averlo avvelenato di pietà
E mentre il fantasma grida
Tre ragazze si son spogliate già
Casanova sta per essere violentato
In via della Povertà
E bravo Nettuno mattacchione
Il Titanic sta affondando nellaurora
Nelle scialuppe i posti letto sono tutti occupati
E il capitano grida ce ne stanno ancora
E Ezra Pound e Thomas Eliot
Fanno a pugni nella torre di comando
I suonatori di calipso ridono di loro
Mentre il cielo si sta allontanando
E affacciati alle loro finestre nel mare
Tutti pescano mimose e lillà
E nessuno deve più preoccuparsi
Di via della Povertà
A mezzanotte in punto i poliziotti
Fanno il loro solito lavoro
Metton le manette intorno ai polsi
A quelli che ne sanno più di loro
I prigionieri vengon trascinati
Su un calvario improvvisato lì vicino
E il caporale Adolfo li ha avvisati
Che passeranno tutti dal camino
E il vento ride forte
E nessuno riuscirà a ingannare il suo destino
In via della Povertà
La tua lettera lho avuta proprio ieri
Mi racconti tutto quel che fai
Ma non essere ridicola
Non chiedermi come stai
Questa gente di cui mi vai parlando
È gente come tutti noi
Non mi sembra che siano mostri
Non mi sembra che siano eroi
E non mandarmi ancora tue notizie
Nessuno ti risponderà
Se insisti a spedirmi le tue lettere
Da via della Povertà |
Crimson flames tied through my ears
Rolling high and mighty traps
Pounced with fire on flaming roads
Using ideas as my maps
“We’ll meet on edges, soon,” said I
Proud neath heated brow
Ah, but I was so much older then
I’m younger than that now
Half-wracked prejudice leaped forth
“Rip down all hate,” I screamed
Lies that life is black and white
Spoke from my skull, I dreamed
Romantic facts of musketeers
Foundationed deep, somehow
Ah, but I was so much older then
I’m younger than that now
Girls’ faces formed the forward path
From phony jealousy
To memorizing politics
Of ancient history
Flung down by corpse evangelists
Un-thought of, though, somehow
Ah, but I was so much older then
I’m younger than that now
A self-ordained professor’s tongue
Too serious to fool
Spouted out that liberty
Is just equality in school
“Equality,” I spoke the word
As if a wedding vow
Ah, but I was so much older then
I’m younger than that now
In a soldier’s stance, I aimed my hand
At the mongrel dogs who teach
Fearing not that I’d become my enemy
In the instant that I preach
My existence led by confusion boats
Mutiny from stern to bow
Ah, but I was so much older then
I’m younger than that now
Yes, my guard stood hard when abstract threats
Too noble to neglect
Deceived me into thinking
I had something to protect
Good and bad, I define these terms
Quite clear, no doubt, somehow
Ah, but I was so much older then
I’m younger than that now
Ah, but I was so much older then
I’m younger than that now |
’Twas in the town of Griffin
In the year of sixty-five
A well known famous drover ...
’Twas in the town of Griffin
In the year of sixty-five
A well known famous drover
Stepped up to me and talked
Sayin’ How do you do, young cowboy
And how’d you like to go
Spend the summer pleasantly
In the hills of Mexico
Well, me being out of work right then
To this drover I did say
Well, this going out on the buffalo range
Depends on your pay
But if you pay good wages
Transportation to and fro
I think I might go with you
To the hills of Mexico
Well, we crossed the ?? river, boys
Our troubles they begun
Lightening, flashlight, hell-fire
Had made the cattle run
I tread towards the hiding place
Comanches waiting to pick us off
On the hills of Mexico |
Sixteen years
Sixteen banners united over the field
Where the good shepherd grieves
Desperate men, desperate women divided
Spreading their wings neath falling leaves
Fortune calls
I stepped forth from the shadows to the marketplace
Merchants and thieves, hungry for power, my last deal gone down
Shes smelling sweet like the meadows where she was born
On midsummers eve near the tower
The cold-blooded moon
The captain waits above the celebration
Sending his thoughts to a beloved maid
Whose ebony face is beyond communication
The captain is down but still believing that his love will be repaid
They shaved her head
She was torn between Jupiter and Apollo
A messenger arrived with a black nightingale
I seen her on the stairs and I couldnt help but follow
Follow her down past the fountain where they lifted her veil
I stumbled to my feet
I rode past destruction in the ditches
With the stitches still mending beneath a heart-shaped tattoo
Renegade priests and treacherous young witches
Were handing out the flowers that Id given to you
The palace of mirrors
Where dog soldiers are reflected
The endless road and the wailing of chimes
The empty rooms where her memory is protected
Where the angels voices whisper to the souls of previous times
She wakes him up
Forty-eight hours later the sun is breaking
Near broken chains, mountain laurel and rolling rocks
Shes begging to know what measures he now will be taking
Hes pulling her down and shes clutching on to his long golden locks
Gentlemen, he said I dont need your organization, Ive shined your shoes
Ive moved your mountains and marked your cards
But Eden is burning either brace yourself for elimination
Or else your hearts must have the courage for the changing of the guards
Peace will come
With tranquility and splendor on the wheels of fire
But will bring us no reward when her false idols fall
And cruel death surrenders with its pale ghost retreating
Between the King and the Queen of Swords |
Well, it’s always been my nature to take chances
My right hand drawing back while my left hand advances
Where the current is strong and the monkey dances
To the tune of a concertina
Blood dryin’ in my yellow hair as I go from shore to shore
I know what it is that has drawn me to your door
But whatever could it be, makes you think you’ve seen me before
Oh, Angelina
Oh, Angelina
His eyes were two slits make any snake proud
With a face that any painter would paint as he walked through the crowd
Worshipping a god with the body of a woman well endowed
And the head of a hyena
Do I need your permission to turn the other cheek?
If you can read my mind, why must I speak?
No, I have heard nothing about the man that you seek
Oh, Angelina
Oh, Angelina
In the valley of the giants where the stars and stripes explode
The peaches they were sweet and the milk and honey flowed
I was only following instructions when the judge sent me down the road
With your subpoena
When you cease to exist, then who will you blame
I’ve tried my best to love you but I cannot play this game
Your best friend and my worst enemy is one and the same
Oh, Angelina
Oh, Angelina
There’s a black Mercedes rolling through the combat zone
Your servants are half dead, you’re down to the bone
Tell me, tall men, where would you like to be overthrown
Maybe down in Jerusalem or Argentina?
She was stolen from her mother when she was three days old
Now her vengeance has been satisfied and her possessions have been sold
He’s surrounded by God’s angels and she’s wearing’ a blindfold
And so are you, Angelina
Oh, Angelina
Oh, Angelina
I see pieces of men marching; trying to take heaven by force
I can see the unknown rider, I can see the pale white horse
In God’s truth tell me what you want and you’ll have it of course
Just step into the arena
Beat a path of retreat up them spiral staircases
Pass the tree of smoke, pass the angel with four faces
Begging God for mercy and weeping’ in unholy places
Oh, Angelina
Oh, Angelina |
Coveiros gemem tristes ais
E realejos ancestrais
Juram que eu não devia mais querer você
Os sinos e os clarins rachados
Zombando tão desafinados
Querem, eu sei, mas é pecado
Eu te perder
É tanto, é tanto
Se ao menos você soubesse
Te quero tanto
Políticos embriagados
Dançando em guetos arruinados
E os profetas desacordados a te ouvir
Eu sei que eles vem tomar
Meu drinque em meu copo a trincar
E me pedir pra te deixar partir
É tanto, é tanto
Se ao menos você soubesse
Te quero tanto
Todos meus pais querem me dar
Amor que há tempos não está lá
E suas filhas vão me deixar
Por isso não me preocupar
Eu voltei pra minha sina
Contei pra uma menina
Meu medo só termina estando ali
Ela é suave assim
E sabe quase tudo de mim
Ela sabe onde eu queria estar enfim
É tanto, é tanto
Se ao menos você soubesse
Te quero tanto
Mas seu dândi vai de paletó chinês
Falou comigo mais de uma vez
Não, eu sei, não fui muito cortês com ele, não
Isso, porque ele mentiu
Porque te ganhou e partiu
Porque o tempo consentiu
Ou se não porque
É tanto, é tanto
Se ao menos você soubesse
Te quero tanto
É tanto
Se ao menos você soubesse
Te quero tanto |
Wanted man in Indiana
Wanted man in Ohio
Wanted man in Texarkana
Wanted man in Mexico
Wanted man in Sacramento
Wanted man in ol Cheyenne
Wherever you might look tonight
You might see this wanted man
Wanted man by Lucy Watson
Wanted man by Jeannie Brown
Wanted man by Nellie Johnson
Wanted man in this next town
Ive had all that I wanted
Of a lot of things Ive had
And a lot more than I needed
Of some things that turned out bad
Wanted man in Sacramento
Wanted man in Tennessee
Wanted man in Oklahoma
Wanted man
Wanted man in Indiana
Wanted man in ol Cheyenne
Wherever you might look tonight
You might see this wanted man
Well, I went to sleep in Shreveport
Woke up in Abilene
Wonderin why the hell Im wanted
At some place half way in between
So I went to o to El Paso
Stopped to get myself a map
Went the wrong way into Juarez
With Juanita on my lap
Wanted man in Indiana
Wanted man in Mexico
Wanted man in Milwaukee
Wanted man in Buffallo
Wanted man in Indiana
Wanted man in ol Cheyenne
Wherever you might look tonight
You might see this wanted man
Wanted man in Milwaukee
Wanted man in Bangor, Maine
Wanted man, Missouri
Wanted man in
Wanted man in
Wanted man in ol Cheyenne
Wherever you might |
Oh, I cant get you off of my mind
When I try, Im just wastin my time
Lord, Ive tried and Ive tried, all night long Ive cried
But I cant get you off of my mind
And you think you would leave me behind
But I guess youre the two-timin kind
Do you think that its smart to jump from heart to heart
When I cant get you off of my mind?
Oh, I cant get you off of my mind
When I try, Im just wastin my time
Lord, Ive tried and Ive tried, all night long Ive cried
But I cant get you off of my mind
You believe that a true love is blind
So you fool every new love you find
Youve got stars in your eyes but they cant hide the lies
Oh, I cant get you off of my mind
But I cant get you off of my mind
When I try, Im just wastin my time
Lord, Ive tried and Ive tried, all night long Ive cried
But I cant get you off of my mind |
Forgetful heart
Lost your power of recall
Every little detail
You dont remember at all
The times we knew
Who would remember better than you
Forgetful heart
We laughed and had a good time you and I
Its been so long
Now youre content to let the days go by
When you were there
You were the answer to my prayer
Forgetful heart
We loved with all the love that life can give
What can I say
Without you its so hard to live
Cant take much more
Why cant we love like we did before
Forgetful heart
Like a walking shadow in my brain
All night long
I lay awake and listen to the sound of pain
The door has closed forevermore
If indeed there ever was a door |
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle like a gypsy queen
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle all dressed in green
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle till the moon is blue
Wiggle till the moon sees you
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle in your boots and shoes
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, you got nothing to lose
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle like a swarm of bees
Wiggle on your hands and knees
Wiggle to the front, wiggle to the rear
Wiggle till you wiggle right out of here
Wiggle till it opens, wiggle till it shuts
Wiggle till it bites, wiggle till it cuts
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle like a bowl of soup
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle like a rolling hoop
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle like a ton of lead
Wiggle—you can raise the dead
Wiggle till you’re high, wiggle till you’re higher
Wiggle till you vomit fire
Wiggle till it whispers, wiggle till it hums
Wiggle till it answers, wiggle till it comes
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle like satin and silk
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle like a pail of milk
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, rattle and shake
Wiggle like a big fat snake |
Don’t ya tell Henry
Apple’s got your fly
I went down to the river on a Saturday morn
A-lookin’ around just to see who’s born
I found a little chicken down on his knees
I went up and yelled to him, “Please, please, please!”
He said, “Don’t ya tell Henry
Don’t ya tell Henry
Don’t ya tell Henry
Apple’s got your fly”
I went down to the corner at a-half past ten
I’s lookin’ around, I wouldn’t say when
I looked down low, I looked above
And who did I see but the one I love
She said, “Don’t ya tell Henry
Don’t ya tell Henry
Don’t ya tell Henry
Apple’s got your fly”
Now, I went down to the beanery at half past twelve
A-lookin’ around just to see myself
I spotted a horse and a donkey, too
I looked for a cow and I saw me a few
They said, “Don’t ya tell Henry
Don’t ya tell Henry
Don’t ya tell Henry
Apple’s got your fly”
Now, I went down to the pumphouse the other night
A-lookin’ around, I was outta sight
I looked high and low for that big ol’ tree
I did go upstairs but I didn’t see nobody but me
I said, “Don’t ya tell Henry
Don’t ya tell Henry
Don’t ya tell Henry
Apple’s got your fly” |
Father of night, Father of day
Father who taketh the darkness away
Father who teacheth the bird to fly
Builder of rainbows up in the sky
Father of loneliness and pain
Father of love and Father of rain
Father of day, Father of night
Father of black, Father of white
Father who build the mountain so high
Who shapeth the cloud up in the sky
Father of time, Father of dreams
Father who turneth the rivers and streams
Father of grain, Father of wheat
Father of cold and Father of heat
Father of air and Father of trees
Who dwells in our hearts and our memories
Father of minutes, Father of days
Father of whom we most solemnly praise |
Tell me where have you been, my blue eyed son?
Where have you been, my darling young one?
Ive stumbled up on the side of twelve misty mountains
Ive walked and Ive crawled over six crooked highways
Ive stepped out in the middle of seven sad forests
Ive been out in front of a dozen dead oceans
But I tell ya its hard, yeah its hard, well its hard
Oh its hard, girl
Its a hard rains gonna fall
Tell me what did you see, my blue-eyed son?
What did you see, my darling young one?
I saw a black branch dripping with blood all around it
I saw a room full of men with their hammers bleeding
I saw a white ladder all covered with water
I saw ten thousand talkers whose tongues were all broken
Well its hard, yes its hard, yes its hard
Whoa yeah
Its a hard rains gonna fall
Tell me what did you hear, my blue-eyed son?
What did you hear, my darling young one?
I heard one hundred drummers, hands that were blazing
Ten thousand whispering and nobody listening
I heard one person starve, I heard many people laughing
I heard the song of a poet who died in the gutter
Well its hard, yes its hard, yeah its hard
Oh its hard yeah
Its a hard rains gonna fall
Well whatll you do now, my blue eyed son?
Whatll you do now, my darling young one?
Well Ill walk to the depths of the deepest black forest
Where the people are many and their hands are all empty
Where the pellets of poison are flooding the waters
But Ill know my song well and I sure wont forget it
‘Cause its hard, yes its hard, well its hard
Oh yeah
Its a hard rains gonna fall
Wah ooh
Wah ooh
Wah ooh
Wah ooh |
Done laid around, done stayed around
This old town too long
Summers almost gone, winters coming on
Done laid around, done stayed around
This old town too long
And it seems like Ive got to travel on
And it seems like Ive got to travel on
Papa writes to Johnny, Johnny, cant you come home ?
Johnny, cant you come home ? Johnny, cant you come home ?
Papa writes to Johnny, Johnny, cant you come home ?
Johnnys been out on the road too long
Done laid around, done stayed around
This old town too long
And it seems like Ive got to travel on
And it seems like Ive got to travel on
That silly wind will soon begin and Ill be on my way
Going home to stay, going home to stay
That silly wind will soon begin and Ill be on my way
And I feel like I just want to travel on
Done laid around, done stayed around
This old town too long
And it seems like Ive got to travel on
And it seems like Ive got to travel on
Theres a lonesome freight at 6.08 coming through the town
Ill be homward bound, Ill be homeward bound
Theres a lonesome freight at 6.08 coming through the town
And I feel like I just want to travel on
Done laid around, done stayed around
This old town too long
And it seems like Ive got to travel on
And it seems like Ive got to travel on |
Winterlude, Winterlude, oh darling
Winterlude by the road tonight
Tonight there will be no quarreling
Everything is gonna be all right
Oh, I see by the angel beside me
That love has a reason to shine
You’re the one I adore, come over here and give me more
Then Winterlude, this dude thinks you’re fine
Winterlude, Winterlude, my little apple
Winterlude by the corn in the field
Winterlude, let’s go down to the chapel
Then come back and cook up a meal
Well, come out when the skating rink glistens
By the sun, near the old crossroads sign
The snow is so cold, but our love can be bold
Winterlude, don’t be rude, please be mine
Winterlude, Winterlude, my little daisy
Winterlude by the telephone wire
Winterlude, it’s making me lazy
Come on, sit by the logs in the fire
The moonlight reflects from the window
Where the snowflakes, they cover the sand
Come out tonight, everything will be tight
Winterlude, this dude thinks you’re grand |
Well Ill sing you a song, It aint very long
About an old man, who never done wrong
How he died nobody can say
They found him dead in the street one day
Well, the crowd, they gathered one fine morn
At the man whose clothes n shoes were torn
There on the sidewalk he did lay
They stopped n stared n walked their way
Well, the pliceman come and he looked around
Get up, old man, or Im a-takin you down.
He jabbed him once with his billy club
And the old man then rolled off the curb
Well, he jabbed him again and loudly said
Call the wagon, this man is dead
The wagon come, they loaded him in
I never saw the man again
Well, Ive sung you my song, it aint very long
About an old man who never done wrong
How he died no one can say
They found him dead in the street one day |
When they came for Him in the garden, did they know?
When they came for Him in the garden, did they know?
Did they know He was the Son of God, did they know that He was Lord?
Did they hear when He told Peter, “Peter, put up your sword”?
When they came for Him in the garden, did they know?
When they came for Him in the garden, did they know?
When He spoke to them in the city, did they hear?
When He spoke to them in the city, did they hear?
Nicodemus came at night so he wouldn’t be seen by men
Saying, “Master, tell me why a man must be born again”
When He spoke to them in the city, did they hear?
When He spoke to them in the city, did they hear?
When He healed the blind and crippled, did they see?
When He healed the blind and crippled, did they see?
When He said, “Pick up your bed and walk, why must you criticize?
Same thing My Father do, I can do likewise”
When He healed the blind and crippled, did they see?
When He healed the blind and crippled, did they see?
Did they speak out against Him, did they dare?
Did they speak out against Him, did they dare?
The multitude wanted to make Him king, put a crown upon His head
Why did He slip away to a quiet place instead?
Did they speak out against Him, did they dare?
Did they speak out against Him, did they dare?
When He rose from the dead, did they believe?
When He rose from the dead, did they believe?
He said, “All power is given to Me in heaven and on earth”
Did they know right then and there what the power was worth?
When He rose from the dead, did they believe?
When He rose from the dead, did they believe? |
You walk in, half past nine
Lookin like a queen
Serving me with papers
Calling me obscene
Woman, Ive tried so hard
Just to do my best
Theyre gonna put me in the poor house
And youll take all the rest
Up all day, down all night
Working on the job
Everything I do is wrong
I always end up robbed
Woman, I try so hard
Done all I can do
Theyre gonna put me in the poor house
Keep all the best for you
If I drove a pulpwood truck
Would you love me more?
Would you bring me diamonds
And hang around my door?
Woman, Ive done my best
Theyre aint much left for me
Theyre gonna put me in the poor house
And throw away the key
You walked in, half past nine
Lookin like a queen
Serving me with papers
Calling me obscene
Woman, Ive tried so hard
Just to do my best
Theyre gonna put me in the poor house
And youll take all the rest |
Bessie was more than just a friend of mine
We shared the good times with the bad
Now many a year has passed me by
I still recall the best thing I ever had
Now Im goin down the road t see Bessie
Oh, see her soon
Im just goin down the road t see Bessie Smith
When I get there Im wonderin what shell do
All the crazy things I had to try
Well I tried them all and then some
But if youre lucky one day youll find out
Where it is youre really comin from
Now Im goin down the road t see Bessie
Oh, see her soon
Im just goin down the road t see Bessie Smith
When I get there Im wonderin what shell do
Now in my day Ive made some foolish moves
But back then, I didnt worry bout a thing
Now and again I still wonder to myself
Was it her sweet love or the way that she could sing?
So Im goin down the road t see Bessie
Oh, see her soon
Im just goin down the road t see Bessie Smith
And when I get there Im wonderin what shell do |
There was a little boy and there was a little girl
And they lived in an alley under the red sky
There was a little boy and there was a little girl
And they lived in an alley under the red sky
There was an old man and he lived in the moon
One summer’s day he came passing by
There was an old man and he lived in the moon
And one day he came passing by
Someday little girl, everything for you is gonna be new
Someday little girl, you’ll have a diamond as big as your shoe
Let the wind blow low, let the wind blow high
One day the little boy and the little girl were both baked in a pie
Let the wind blow low, let the wind blow high
One day the little boy and the little girl were baked in a pie
This is the key to the kingdom and this is the town
This is the blind horse that leads you around
Let the bird sing, let the bird fly
One day the man in the moon went home and the river went dry
Let the bird sing, let the bird fly
The man in the moon went home and the river went dry |
Three angels up above the street
Each one playing a horn
Dressed in green robes with wings that stick out
They’ve been there since Christmas morn
The wildest cat from Montana passes by in a flash
Then a lady in a bright orange dress
One U-Haul trailer, a truck with no wheels
The Tenth Avenue bus going west
The dogs and pigeons fly up and they flutter around
A man with a badge skips by
Three fellas crawling on their way back to work
Nobody stops to ask why
The bakery truck stops outside of that fence
Where the angels stand high on their poles
The driver peeks out, trying to find one face
In this concrete world full of souls
The angels play on their horns all day
The whole earth in progression seems to pass by
But does anyone hear the music they play
Does anyone even try? |
Wastin all your time just braggin
When ya should be busy
Plowin and aplantin
You stand there arantin
Got no harvest, tootin your horn
You aint got no cause for braggin
When your barn needs mendin
And your lawn needs mowin
How come youre a crowin
Like a no-good rooster at dawn
Braggin bout your fishin
Bout your horseshoe pitchin
Bet you always keep the score
Talkin bout your meddle
Thats the kind they peddle
Down at the 5 and 10 cent store
Folks aint got no use for braggin
If your fields are greener
Folks will hear about it
You dont hafta shout it
Fields were green before you were born |
Father of night, father of day
Father who taketh the darkness away
Father who teacheth the bird to fly
Builder of rainbows up in the sky
Father of day, father of night
Father of black, father of white
Father who builds the mountain so high
Who shapeth the clouds up in the sky
Father of loneliness and pain
Father of night, father of day
Father of grain, father of wheat
Father of cold and father of heat
Father of air, father of trees
Who dwells in our hearts and our memories
Father of night, father of day
Father who taketh the darkness away
Father who teacheth the bird to fly
Builder of rainbows up in the sky
Father of loneliness and pain
Father of night, father of day
Father of night and father of day
Father who taketh the darkness away
Father of black and father of white
Father who turneth the rivers and streams
Father of night, father of day
Father who taketh the darkness away
Father who teacheth the bird to fly
Builder of rainbows up in the sky
Father of grain, father of wheat
Father of cold and father of heat
Father of minutes, father of days
Father of whom we most solemnly praise
Father of loneliness and pain
Father of night, father of day |
Something’ about you that I can’t shake
Don’t know how much more of this I can take
Baby, I’m under your spell
I was knocked out and loaded in the naked night
When my last dream exploded, I noticed your light
Baby, oh what a story I could tell
It’s been nice seeing you, you read me like a book
If you ever want to reach me, you know where to look
Baby, I’ll be at the same hotel
I’d like to help you but I’m in a bit of a jam
I’ll call you tomorrow if there’s phones where I am
Baby, caught between heaven and hell
But I will be back, I will survive
You’ll never get rid of me as long as you’re alive
Baby, can’t you tell
Well it’s four in the morning by the sound of the birds
I’m staring’ at your picture, I’m hearing’ your words
Baby, they ring in my head like a bell
Everywhere you go it’s enough to break hearts
Someone always gets hurt, a fire always starts
You were too hot to handle, you were breaking every vow
I trusted your baby, you can trust me now
Turn back baby, wipe your eye
Don’t think I’m leaving here without a kiss goodbye
Baby, is there anything left to tell?
I’ll see you later when I’m not so out of my head
Maybe next time I’ll let the dead bury the dead
Baby, what more can I tell?
Well the desert is hot, the mountain is cursed
Pray that I don’t die of thirst
Baby, two feet from the well |
Im sentimental, so I walk in the rain
Ive got some habits even I cant explain
Could start for the corner, turn up in Spain
But why try to change me now?
I sit and daydream, Ive got daydreams galore
Cigarette ashes, there they go on the floor
Ill go away weekends, leave my keys in the door
But why try to change me now?
Why cant I be more conventional?
People talk, people stare, so I try
But thats not for me, cause I cant see
My kind of crazy world go passing me by
So, let people wonder, let em laugh, let em frown
You know Ill love you till the moons upside down
Dont you remember I was always your clown?
Why try to change me now?
Dont you remember I was always your clown?
But why try to change me
Why try to change me now? |
Katies been gone since the spring time
She wrote one timen sent her love
Katies been gone for such a long time now
I wonder what kind of love shes thinkin of
Dear Katie, If you can hear me
I cant wait to have ya near me
Dear Katie, since ya caught that bus
Well, I just dont know how things are with us
Im still here and youre out there
Katie laughed when I said I was lonely
She said, theres no need tfeel that way
Katie said that I was her only one
But then I wonder why she didnt wanna stay
Dear Katie, if Im the only one
How much longer will you be gone?
Oh, Katie, wont ya tell me straight
How much longer do I have to wait?
I believe you, but please come through
I know its wrong to be apart this long
You should be here near me
Katies been gone and now her face is
Slowly fading from my mind
Shes gone to find some newer places
And left the old life far behind
Dear katie, dont ya miss your home?
I dont see why you had to roam
Dear katie, since youve been away
I lose a little something every day
I need you here, but youre still out there
Dear Katie, please drop me a line
Just write, love, tell me youre fine
Oh, Katie, if you can hear me
I just cant wait to have you near me
I can only think
Where are you, what ya do
Maybe theres someone new |
You must remember this
A kiss is still a kiss
A sigh is still just a sigh
The fundamental things apply
As time goes by
And when two lovers woo
They still say I love you
On that you can rely
No matter what the future brings
As time goes by
Moonlight and love songs never out of date
Hearts full of passion, jealousy, and hate
Woman needs man and man must have his mate
That no one can deny
Its still the same old story
A fight for love and glory
A case of do or die
The world will always welcome lovers
As time goes by |
Crash on the levee, mama
Waters going to overflow
Swamps going to rise
No boats going to row
Now, you can train on down
To Williams Point
You can bust your feet
You can rock this joint
But oh mama, aint you going to miss your best friend now?
Youre going to have to find yourself
Another best friend, somehow
Now, dont you try an move me
Youre just going to lose
Theres a crash on the levee
And, mama, youve been refused
Well, its sugar for sugar
And salt for salt
If you go down in the flood
Its going to be your own fault
Oh mama, aint you going to miss your best friend now?
Youre going to have to find yourself
Another best friend, somehow
Well, that high tides rising
Mama, dont you let me down
Pack up your suitcase
Mama, dont you make a sound
Now, its king for king
Queen for queen
Its going to be the meanest flood
That anybodys seen
Oh mama, aint you going to miss your best friend now?
Yes, youre going to have to find yourself
Another best friend, somehow |
Im a fool to want you
Im a fool to want you
To want a love that cant be true
A love thats there for others too
Im a fool to hold you
Such a fool to hold you
To seek a kiss, not mine alone
To share a kiss that the devil has known
Time and time again I said Id leave you
Time and time again I went away
But then would come a time when I would need you
And once again these words Ill have to say
Im a fool to want you
Pity me, I need you
I know its wrong, it must be wrong
But right or wrong, I cant get along without you
Time and time again I said Id leave you
Time and time again I went away
But then would come a time when I would need you
And once again these words Ill have to say
Take me back, I love you
Pity me, I need you
I know its wrong, it must be wrong
But right or wrong, I cant get along without you |
Well, I’ve already had two beers Im ready for the broom
Please, Mrs. Henry, wont you take me to my room?
Im a good ole boy but Ive been sniffing too many eggs
Talking to too many people, drinking too many kegs
Please, Mrs. Henry, Mrs. Henry, please!
Please, Mrs. Henry, Mrs. Henry, please!
Im down on my knees
And I aint got a dime
Well, Im groaning in a hallway pretty soon Ill be mad
Please, Mrs. Henry, wont you take me to your dad?
I can drink like a fish, I can crawl like a snake
I can bite like a turkey, I can slam like a drake
Please, Mrs. Henry, Mrs. Henry, please!
Please, Mrs. Henry, Mrs. Henry, please!
Im down on my knees
And I aint got a dime
Now, dont crowd me, lady or Ill fill up your shoe
Im a sweet bourbon daddy and tonight I am blue
Im a thousand years old and Im a generous bomb
Im T-boned and punctured, Ive been known to be calm
Please, Mrs. Henry, Mrs. Henry, please!
Please, Mrs. Henry, Mrs. Henry, please!
Im down on my knees
And I aint got a dime
Now, Im starting to drain, my stools gonna squeak
If I walk too much farther my cranes gonna leak
Look, Mrs. Henry, theres only so much I can do
Why dont you look my way and pump me a few?
Please, Mrs. Henry, Mrs. Henry, please!
Please, Mrs. Henry, Mrs. Henry, please!
Im down on my knees
And I aint got a dime |
It was late in the morning of November
She was loading up the wagon in the rain
She said shed be back in the morning
But she never came through here again
Id see her in the market
She never had much to spend
These days the markets an old parking lot
And she never came through here again
Maxine, Maxine, Maxine, Maxine
Time plays tricks on your memory
Its been a long weekend
She said shed be back here by Monday
But never came through here again
Some say a saucer landed
And someone took her in
They found her blue seraph here on the ground
And she never came through here again
Maxine, Maxine, Maxine, Maxine
I bought a tabloid paper
She was rumored to be in
Was a photo of a woman on a llama
But she never came through here again
And if you should see her
She may be old by then
Tell her that I miss her and you can ask her when
Shes ever coming through here again
Maxine, Maxine, Maxine, Maxine |
Oh, where have you been, my blue-eyed son?
Oh, where have you been, my darling young one?
I stumbled on the side of twelve misty mountains
I walked and I crawled on six crooked highways
I stepped in the middle of seven sad forests
Ive been out in front of a dozen dead oceans
Been ten thousand miles in the mouth of a graveyard
And its hard, its hard, its hard, its hard
Said a hard rains gonna fall
Said a hard rains gonna fall
Oh, what did you see, my blue-eyed son?
Oh, what did you see, my darling young one?
Saw a newborn baby with wild wolves around it
I saw a highway of diamonds with nobody on it
I saw a black branch with blood that kept drippin
I saw a room full of men with their hammers a-bleedin
I saw a white ladder all covered with water
I saw ten thousand takers whose tongues were all broken
I saw guns and sharp swords in the hands of young children
And its hard, its hard, its hard, its hard
Said a hard rains gonna fall
Said a hard rains gonna fall
And what did you hear, my blue-eyed son?
And what did you hear, my darling young one?
And its hard, its hard, its hard, its hard
Said a hard rains gonna fall
Said a hard rain
Oh, what did you see, my blue-eyed son? |
How many times have you heard someone say
If I had his money Id do things my way
Hmm, but little they know
Hmm, its so hard to find
One rich man in ten with a satisfied mind
Hmm, once I was wading in fortune and fame
Everything that I dreamed of to get a start in life’s game
But suddenly it happened
Hmm, I lost every dime
But Im richer by far with a satisfied mind
Hmm, when my life is over and my time has run out
My friends and my love ones
Ill leave theres no doubt
But one thing for certain
When it comes my time
Ill leave this old world with a satisfied mind |
Now that they are gone, you know the truth it can be told
They were sacrificial lambs in the market place sold
Julius and Ethel
Julius and Ethel
Now that they are gone, you know the truth it can come out
They were never proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt
Julius and Ethel
Julius and Ethel
The people thought they were guilty at the time
Some even said there hadnt been any crime
Julius and Ethel
Julius and Ethel
People look upon this couple with contempt and doubt
But they loved each other right up to the time they checked out
Julius and Ethel
Julius and Ethel
Eisenhower was president, Senator Joe was king
Long as you didnt say nothing, you could say anything
Julius and Ethel
Julius and Ethel
Now, some they blamed the system, some they blamed the man
Now that it is over, no one knows how it began
Julius and Ethel
Julius and Ethel
Every kingdom got to fall, even the Third Reich
Man can do what he please but not for as long as he like
Julius and Ethel
Julius and Ethel
Well, they say they gave the secrets of the atom bomb away
Like no one else could think of it, it wouldnt be here today
Julius and Ethel
Julius and Ethel
Someone said the 50s was the age of great romance
I say thats just a lie, it was when fear had you in a trance
Julius and Ethel
Julius and Ethel
Julius and Ethel
Julius and Ethel
Julius and Ethel
Julius and Ethel
Julius and Ethel
Julius and Ethel
Julius and Ethel
Julius and Ethel
Julius and Ethel
Julius and Ethel
Julius and Ethel
Julius and Ethel
Julius and Ethel
Julius and Ethel
Julius and Ethel
Julius and Ethel
Julius and Ethel
Julius and Ethel
Julius and Ethel
Julius and Ethel
Julius and Ethel
Julius and Ethel
Julius and Ethel
Julius and Ethel
Julius and Ethel
Julius and Ethel
Julius and Ethel
Julius and Ethel
Julius and Ethel
Julius and Ethel
Julius and Ethel
Julius and Ethel
Julius and Ethel
Julius and Ethel
Julius and Ethel
Julius and Ethel |
As I was out walking on a corner one day
I spied an old hobo, in a doorway he lay
His face was all grounded in the cold sidewalk floor
And I guess he’d been there for the whole night or more
Only a hobo, but one more is gone
Leaving nobody to sing his sad song
Leaving nobody to carry him home
Only a hobo, but one more is gone
A blanket of newspaper covered his head
As the curb was his pillow, the street was his bed
One look at his face showed the hard road he’d come
And a fistful of coins showed the money he bummed
Does it take much of a man to see his whole life go down
To look up on the world from a hole in the ground
To wait for your future like a horse that’s gone lame
To lie in the gutter and die with no name? |
You have given everything to me
What can I do for You?
You have given me eyes to see
What can I do for You?
Pulled me out of bondage and You made me renewed inside
Filled up a hunger that had always been denied
Opened up a door no man can shut and You opened it up so wide
And You’ve chosen me to be among the few
What can I do for You?
You have laid down Your life for me
What can I do for You?
You have explained every mystery
What can I do for You?
Soon as a man is born, you know the sparks begin to fly
He gets wise in his own eyes and he’s made to believe a lie
Who would deliver him from the death he’s bound to die?
Well, You’ve done it all and there’s no more anyone can pretend to do
What can I do for You?
You have given all there is to give
What can I do for You?
You have given me life to live
How can I live for You?
I know all about poison, I know all about fiery darts
I don’t care how rough the road is, show me where it starts
Whatever pleases You, tell it to my heart
Well, I don’t deserve it but I sure did make it through
What can I do for You? |
Close your eyes, close the door
You dont have to worry any more
Cause Ill be your baby tonight
Shut the lights and shut the shade
You dont have to be afraid
Cause Ill be your baby tonight
Well, that mockingbirds gonna sail away
Were gonna forget it
That big fat moon
Is gonna shine like a spoon
But were gonna let it
You wont regret it
Kick your shoes off
And dont you fear
Bring that bottle over here
Cause Ill be your baby tonight
Well, that mockingbirds gonna sail away
Were gonna forget it
That big fat moon
Is gonna shine like a spoon
But were gonna let it
You wont regret it
Kick your shoes off
And dont you fear
Bring that bottle over here
Cause Ill be your baby tonight
Cause Ill be your baby tonight
Cause Ill be your baby tonight, tonight |
Twas in the merry month of May
When green buds all were swelling
Sweet William on his death bed lay
For love of Barbara Allen
He sent his servant to the town
To the place where she was dwelling
Saying you must come, to my master dear
If your name be Barbara Allen
So slowly, slowly she got up
And slowly she drew nigh him
And the only words to him did say
Young man, I think youre dying
He turned his face unto the wall
And death was in him welling
Goodbye, goodbye, to my friends all
Be good to Barbara Allen
When he was dead and laid in grave
She heard the death bells knelling
And every stroke to her did say
Hard-hearted Barbara Allen
Oh mother, oh mother go dig my grave
Make it both long and narrow
Sweet William died of love for me
And I will die of sorrow
And father, oh father, go dig my grave
Make it both long and narrow
Sweet William died on yesterday
And I will die tomorrow
Barbara Allen was buried in the old churchyard
Sweet William was buried beside her
Out of sweet Williams heart, there grew a rose
Out of Barbara Allens a briar
They grew and grew in the old churchyard
Till they could grow no higher
At the end they formed, a true lovers knot
And the rose grew round the briar |
Dont want to judge nobody, dont want to be judged
Dont want to touch nobody, dont want to be touched
Dont want to hurt nobody, dont want to be hurt
Dont want to treat nobody like they was dirt
But if you do right to me, baby
Ill do right to you, too
You got to do unto others
Like youd have them, like youd have them do unto you
Dont want to shoot nobody, dont want to be shot
Dont want to buy nobody, dont want to be bought
Dont want to bury nobody, dont want to be buried
Dont want to marry nobody if theyre already married
But if you do right to me, baby
Ill do right to you, too
You got to do unto others
Like youd have them, like youd have them do unto you
Dont want to burn nobody, dont want to be burned
Dont want to learn from nobody what I got to unlearn
Dont want to cheat nobody, dont want to be cheated
Dont want to defeat nobody if they already been defeated
But if you do right to me, baby
Ill do right to you, too
You got to do unto others
Like youd have them, like youd have them do unto you
Dont want to wink at nobody, I dont want to be winked at
Dont want to be used by nobody for a doormat
Dont want to confuse nobody, dont want to be confused
Dont want to amuse nobody, I dont want to be amused
But if you do right to me, baby
Ill do right to you, too
You got to do unto others
Like youd have them, like youd have them do unto you
Dont want to betray nobody, dont want to be betrayed
Dont want to play with nobody, dont want to be waylaid
Dont want to miss nobody, dont want to be missed
Dont put my faith in nobody, not even a scientist
But if you do right to me, baby
Ill do right to you, too
You got to do unto others
Like youd have them, like youd have them do unto you |
A bullet from the back of the bush
Took Medgar Evers blood
A finger fired the trigger to his name
A handle hid out in the dark
A hand set the spark
Behind the mans brain
But he cant be blamed
Hes only a pawn in their game
A south politician preaches to the poor white man
You got more than the blacks, dont complain
Youre better than them, you been born with white skin, they explain
And the negros name
Is used, it is plain
For the politicians gain
As he rises to fame
And the poor white remains
On the caboose of the train
But it aint him to blame
Hes only a pawn in their game
The deputy sheriffs, the soldiers, the governors get paid
And the marshals and cops get the same
But the poor white mans used in the hands of them all like a tool
Hes taught in his school
From the start by the rule
That the laws are with him
To protect his white skin
To keep up his hate
So he never thinks straight
About the shape that hes in
But it aint him to blame
Hes only a pawn in their game
From the poverty shacks, he looks through the cracks to the tracks
And the hoof beats pound in his brain
And hes taught how to walk in a pack
Shoot in the back
With his fist in a clinch
To hang and to lynch
To hide neath the hood
To kill with no pain
Like a dog on a chain
He aint got no name
But it aint him to blame
Hes only a pawn in their game
Today, Medgar Evers was buried from the bullet he caught
They lowered him down like a king
But when the shadowy sun sets on the one
Who fired the gun
Hell see by his grave
On the stone that remains
Carved next to his name
His epitaph plain
Only a pawn in their game |
Cest pas que je te demande
De faire ce que tu nas jamais fait
Cest seulement quil fait trop tard
Et il fait trop noir pour trouver la porte
Mais si tu dois partir, va ten
Mais si tu dois partir, va ten
Si non, tu dois rester la nuit
Cest pas que je te demande
De prendre part dans ce jeu
Cest seulement que je nai pas de montre
Et tu demandes toujours le par contre
Mais si tu dois partir, va ten
Mais si tu dois partir, va ten
Si non, tu dois rester la nuit
Tu sais jaurais des cauchemars
Et aussi mauvaise conscience
Si je tempèchais de faire
Ce que vraiment tu espères
Mais si tu dois partir, va ten
Mais si tu dois partir, va ten
Si non, tu dois rester la nuit
La, la, la......
Mais si tu dois partir, va ten
Mais si tu dois partir, va ten
Si non, tu dois rester la nuit |
They say, “Eat, drink and be merry
Take the bull by the horns”
I keep seeing visions of you, a lily among thorns
Everything looks a little far away to me
Getting harder and harder to recognize the trap
Too much information about nothing
Too much educated rap
It’s just like you told me, just like you said it would be
The moon rising like wildfire
I feel the breath of a storm
Something I got to do tonight
You go inside and stay warm
Someone’s got a hold of my heart
Someone’s got a hold of my heart
Someone’s got a hold of my heart
Yeah, you got a hold of my heart
Just got back from a city of flaming red skies
Everybody thinks with their stomach
There’s plenty of spies
Every street is crooked, they just wind around till they disappear
Madame Butterfly, she lulled me to sleep
Like an ancient river
So wide and deep
She said, “Be easy, baby, ain’t nothin’ worth stealing in here”
You’re the one I’ve been waiting for
You’re the one I desire
But you must first realize
I’m not another man for hire
I can hear that hot-blooded singer
On the bandstand croon
Poisoned Love, Red Roses for a Blue Lady and Memphis in June
While they’re beating the devil out of a guy who’s wearing a powder blue wig
I been to Babylon
I gotta confess
I could still hear the voice crying in the wilderness
What looks large from a distance, close up is never that big
Never could learn to drink that blood and call it wine
Never could learn to look at your face and call it mine |
Ol black Bascom, doesn’t break no mirrors
Cold black water dog, make no tears
You say you love me with what may be love
Don’t you remember making baby love?
Got your steam drill bit and youre looking for some kid
To get it to work for you like your nine-pound hammer did
But I know that you know that I know that you show
Something is tearing up your mind
Tell me, momma
Tell me, momma
Tell me, momma, what is it?
Whats wrong with you this time?
Hey, John, come and get me some candy goods
Shucks, it sure feels like its in the woods
Spend some time on your January trips
You got tombstone moose up and your grave-yard whips
If youre anxious to find out when your friendships gonna end
Come on, baby, Im your friend
And I know that you know that I know that you show
Something is tearing up your mind
Tell me, momma
Tell me, momma
Tell me, momma, what is it?
Whats wrong with you this time?
Oh, we bone the editor, cant get rid
But his painted sled, instead its a bed
Yes, I see you on your window ledge
But I cant tell just how far away you are from the edge
And, anyway, youre just gonna make people jump and roar
Watcha wanna go and do that for?
For I know that you know that I know that you know
Something is tearing up your mind
Tell me, momma
Tell me, momma
Tell me, momma, what is it?
What’s wrong with you this time? |
Black Jack Davey come a-riden on back
A-whistling loud and merry
Made the woods around him ring
And he charmed the heart of a lady
Charmed the heart of a lady
How old are you, my pretty little miss
How old are you, my honey
She answered to him with a lovin smile
Ill be sixteen come Sunday
Be sixteen come Sunday.
Come and go with me, my pretty little miss
Come and go with me, my honey
Take you where the grass grows green
You never will want for money
You never will want for money
Pull off, pull off them high-heeled shoes
All made of Spanish leather
Get behind me on my horse
And well ride off together
Well both go off together.
Well, she pulled off them high-heeled shoes
Made of Spanish leather
Got behind him on his horse
And they rode off together
They rode off together
At night the boss came home
Inquiring about this lady
The servant spoke before she thought
Shes been with Black Jack Dave
Rode off with Black Jack Davey.
Well, saddle for me my coal black stud
Hes speedier than the gray
I rode all day and Ill ride all night
And Ill overtake my lady
Ill bring back my lady.
Well, he rode all night till the broad daylight
Till he came to a river raging
And there he spied his darling bride
In the arms of Black Jack Davey
Wrapped up with Black Jack Davey
Pull off, pull off them high-heeled shoes
All made of Spanish leather
Get behind me on my horse
And well ride off together
Well both go off together.
Well, she pulled off them high-heeled shoes
Made of Spanish leather
Got behind him on his horse
And they rode off together
They rode off together
Would you forsake your house and home
Would you forsake your baby?
Would you forsake your husband, too
To go with Black Jack Davey
Rode off with Black Jack Davey?
Well, Ill forsake my house and home
And Ill forsake my baby
Ill forsake my husband, too
For the love of Black Jack Davey
Ride off with Black Jack Davey.
Last night I slept in a feather bed
Between my husband and baby
Tonight I lay on the river banks
In the arms of Black Jack Davey
Love my Black Jack Davey. |
They sat together in the park
As the evening sky grew dark
She looked at him and he felt a spark tingle to his bones
It was then he felt alone and wished that hed gone straight
And watched out for a simple twist of fate
They walked along by the old canal
A little confused, I remember it well
And stopped into an old hotel with the neon burnin bright
He felt the heat of the night hit him like a freight train
Moving with a simple twist of fate
A clarinet some place softly played
She was walkin on by the arcade
She heard the melody rise and fade, the sun was comin up
She dropped a coin into the cup of a blind man at the gate
And forgot about a simple twist of fate
He woke up and she was gone
He didnt see nothing but the dawn
He got out of bed with his clothes back on, pushed back blind
Found a note shed left behind, to which he just could not relate
All about a simple twist of fate
He hears the ticking of the clocks
And walks along through the city blocks
Hunts her down by the waterfront docks where the sailors all come in
Maybe shell see him once again
Oh, how long must he wait?
One more time for a simple twist of fate
People tell me that its a crime
To feel too much at any one time
She should have caught me in my prime, she would have stayed with me
Instead of goin off to sea and leavin me to meditate
Upon that simple twist of fate |
Hello darkness, my old friend
Ive come to talk with you again
Because a vision softly creeping
Left its seeds while I was sleeping
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound of silence
In restless dreams I walk alone
Narrow streets of cobblestone
Neath the halo of a street lamp
I turned my collar to the cold and damp
When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light
That split the night
And touched the sound of silence
And in the naked light I saw
Ten thousand people, maybe more
People talking without speaking
People hearing without listening
People writing songs that voices never share
And no one dared
Disturb the sound of silence
Fools said I,You do not know
Silence like a cancer grows
Hear my words that I might teach you
Take my arms that I might reach you.
But my words like silent raindrops fell
And echoed
In the wells of silence
And the people bowed and prayed
To the neon god they made
And the sign flashed out its warning
In the words that it was forming
And the signs said, The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls
And tenement halls
And whisperd in the sounds of silence |
Talk about me babe, if you must
Throw on the dirt, pile on the dust
Id do the same thing if I could
You know what they say, they say its all good
All good
Its all good
Big politician telling lies
Restaurant kitchen, all full of flies
Dont make a bit of difference, dont see why it should
But its all right, cause its all good
Its all good
Its all good
Wives are leavingtheir husbands, they are beginning to roam
They leave the party and they never get home
I wouldnt change it, even if I could
You know what they say man, its all good
Its all good
All good
Brick by brick, they tear you down
A teacup of water is enough to drown
You ought to know, if they could they would
Whatever going down, its all good
All good
Say its all good
People in the country, people on the land
Some of them so sick, they can hardly stand
Everybody would move away, if they could
Its hard to believe but its all good
The widows cry, the orphans plea
Everywhere you look, more misery
Come along with me, babe, I wish you would
You know what Im saying, its all good
All good
I said its all good
All good
[Verse 7}
Cold-blooded killer, stalking the town
Cop cars blinking, something bad going down
Buildings are crumbling in the neighborhood
But theres nothing to worry about, because its all good
Its all good
They say its all good
Ill pluck off your beard and blow it in your face
This time tomorrow Ill be rolling in your place
I wouldnt change a thing even if I could
You know what they say, they say its all good
Its all good |
In the early morning rain with a dollar in my hand
And an aching in my heart and my pockets full of sand
Im a long way from home and I miss my loved one so
In the early morning rain with nowhere to go
Cut on runway number nine, big 707 set to go
Im stuck here on the ground, where the cold winds blow
The liquor tasted good and the women all were fast
There she goes, my friend, shes rolling down at last
Hear the mighty engines roar, see the silver bird on high
Shes away and westward bound, far above the clouds shell fly
Where the morning rain dont fall and the sun always shines
Shell be flying over my home in about three hours time
This old airports got me down, its no earthly good to me
Because Im stuck here on the ground, cold and drunks as I might be
You cant hop a jet plane like you can a freight train
So Id best be on my way in the early morning rain |
My parents raised me tenderly
I was their only son
My mind got mixed with rambling
When I was all so young
And I left my home the first time
When I was twelve and one
I’m a long time a-comin’, Maw
An’ I’ll be a long time gone
On the western side of Texas
On the Texas plains
I tried to find a job o’ work
But they said l’s young of age
My eyes they burned when I heard
“Go home where you belong!”
I’m a long time a-comin’
An’ I’ll be a long time gone
I remember when I’s rambling
Around with the carnival trains
Different towns, different people
Somehow they’re all the same
I remember children’s faces best
I remember traveling on
I’m a long time a-comin’
I’ll be a long time gone
I once loved a fair young maid
An’ I ain’t too big to tell
If she broke my heart a single time
She broke it ten or twelve
I walked and talked all by myself
I did not tell no one
I’m a long time a-comin’, babe
An’ I’ll be a long time gone
Many times by the highwayside
I tried to flag a ride
With bloodshot eyes and gritting teeth
I’d watch the cars roll by
The empty air hung in my head
I’s thinkin’ all day long
I’m a long time a-comin’
I’ll be a long time gone
You might see me on your crossroads
When I’m a-passin’ through
Remember me how you wished to
As I’m a-Driftin’ from your view
I ain’t got the time to think about it
I got too much to get done
Well, I’m a long time coming
An’ I’ll be a long time gone
If I can’t help somebody
With a word or song
If I can’t show somebody
They are traveling’ wrong
But I know I ain’t no prophet
An’ I ain’t no prophet’s son
I’m just a long time a-comin’
An’ I’ll be a long time gone
So you can have your beauty
It’s skin deep and it only lies
And you can have your youth
It’ll rot before your eyes
Just give to me my gravestone
With it clearly carved upon:
“I’s a long time a-comin’
An’ I’ll be a long time gone” |
Ten thousand men on a hill
Ten thousand men on a hill
Some of ’m going’ down, some of ’m gonna get killed
Ten thousand men dressed in Oxford blue
Ten thousand men dressed in Oxford blue
Drumming in the morning, in the evening they’ll be coming for you
Ten thousand men on the move
Ten thousand men on the move
None of them doing nothin’ that your mama wouldn’t disapprove
Ten thousand men digging for silver and gold
Ten thousand men digging for silver and gold
All clean shaven, all coming in from the cold
Hey! Who could your lover be?
Hey! Who could your lover be?
Let me eat off his head so you can really see!
Ten thousand women all dressed in white
Ten thousand women all dressed in white
Standing at my window wishing me Goodnight
Ten thousand men looking so lean and frail
Ten thousand men looking so lean and frail
Each one of ’m got seven wives, each one of ’m just out of jail
Ten thousand women all sweepin’ my room
Ten thousand women all sweepin’ my room
Spilling my buttermilk, sweeping it up with a broom
Ooh, baby, thank you for my tea!
Baby, thank you for my tea!
It’s so sweet of you to be so nice to me |
- We Will Rock You
- Lets Go Crazy
- Proud Mary
- 1999
- All Along the Watchtower / Best of You
- Purple Rain |
They paved paradise, they put up a parking lot
A pink hotel, a boutique and a swinging hot spot
Dont it always go to show
You never know what you got till its gone ?
They paved paradise, they put up a parking lot
They took all the trees, they put them in a tree museum
They charged the people a dollar and a half just to see them
Dont it always go to show
You never know what you got till its gone ?
They paved paradise, they put up a parking lot
Hey farmer, farmer, put away that D.D.T
Give me spots on my apples but leave me the birds and the bees, please
Dont it always go to show
You never know what you got till its gone ?
They paved paradise, they put up a parking lot
Late last night I heard my screen door slam
A big yellow bulldozer took away my house and land
Dont it always go to show
You never know what you got till its gone ?
They paved paradise, they put up a parking lot |
Covenant woman got a contract with the Lord
Way up yonder, great will be her reward
Covenant woman, shining like a morning star
I know I can trust you to stay where you are
And I just got to tell you
I do intend
To stay closer than any friend
I just got to thank you
Once again
For making your prayers known
Unto heaven for me
And to you, always, so grateful
I will forever be
I’ve been broken, shattered like an empty cup
I’m just waiting on the Lord to rebuild and fill me up
And I know He will do it ’cause He’s faithful and He’s true
He must have loved me so much to send me someone as fine as you
And I just got to tell you
I do intend
To stay closer than any friend
I just got to thank you
Once again
For making your prayers known
Unto heaven for me
And to you, always, so grateful
I will forever be
Covenant woman, intimate little girl
Who knows those most secret things of me that are hidden from the world
You know we are strangers in a land we’re passing through
I’ll always be right by your side, I’ve got a covenant too
And I just got to tell you
I do intend
To stay closer than any friend
I just got to thank you
Once again
For making your prayers known
Unto heaven for me
And to you, always, so grateful
I will forever be |
Bad news, bad news, come to me where I sleep
Turn, turn, turn again
Saying, one of your friends is in trouble deep.
Turn, turn to the rain and the wind
Tell me the trouble, tell me once to my ear
Turn, turn, turn again
Joliet prison and ninety-nine years
Turn, turn to the rain and the wind
Oh, whats the charge of how this came to be
Turn, turn, turn again
Manslaughter in the highest degree
Turn, turn to the rain and the wind
I sat down and wrote the best words I could write
Turn, turn, turn again
Explaining to the judge, Ill be there on Wednesday night
Turn, turn to the rain and the wind
Without a reply, I left by the moon
Turn, turn, turn again
And was in his chambers by the next afternoon
Turn, turn to the rain and the wind
Could you tell me the facts..., I said without fear
Turn, turn, turn again
...That a friend of mine should get ninety-nine years?!
Turn, turn to the rain and the wind
A crash on the highway flew the car to a field
Turn, turn, turn again
There was four persons killed, and he was at the wheel
Turn, turn to the rain and the wind
But, I knew him as good as Im knowing myself
Turn, turn, turn again
And he wouldnt harm a life that belonged to someone else
Turn, turn to the rain and the wind
The judge, he spoke out of the side of his mouth
Turn, turn, turn again
Saying, the witness who saw, he left little doubt.
Turn, turn to the rain and the wind
That may be true, hes got a sentence to serve...
Turn, turn, turn again
... but ninety-nine years?! He just dont deserve!
Turn, turn to the rain and the wind
Too late, too late, for his case it is sealed
Turn, turn, turn again
His sentence, it is passed, and cannot be repealed
Turn, turn to the rain and the wind
But, he aint no criminal and his crime it is none!
Turn, turn, turn again
What happened to him could happen to anyone!
Turn, turn to the rain and the wind
And at that, the judge jerked forward; And his face, it did freeze
Turn, turn, turn again
Saying, Could you kindly leave my office now, please?
Turn, turn to the rain and the wind
Well, his eyes looked funny, and I stood up so slow
Turn, turn, turn again
With no other choice except for to go
Turn, turn to the rain and the wind
I walked down the hallway, and I heard his door slam
Turn, turn, turn again
I walked down the courthouse stairs and did not understand
Turn, turn to the rain and the wind
And I played my guitar through the night to the day
Turn, turn, turn again
And the only tune my guitar could play was
The, oh, cruel, rain and the wind |
Peperoncini rossi nel sole cocente
Polvere sul viso e sul cappello
Io e Maddalena alloccidente
Abbiamo aperto i nostri occhi oltre il cancello
Ho dato la chitarra al figlio del fornaio
Per una pizza ed un fucile
La ricomprerò lungo il sentiero
E suonerò per Maddalena allimbrunire
Nun chiagne Maddalena Dio ci guarderà
E presto arriveremo a Durango
Stringimi Maddalena sto deserto finirà
Tu potrai ballare o fandango
Dopo i templi aztechi e le rovine
Le prime stelle sul Rio Grande
Di notte sogno il campanile
E il collo di Ramon pieno di sangue
Sono stato proprio io allosteria
A premere le dita sul grilletto
Vieni mia Maddalena voliamo via
Il cane abbaia quel che è fatto è fatto
Nun chiagne Maddalena Dio ci guarderà
E presto arriveremo a Durango
Stringimi Maddalena sto deserto finirà
Tu potrai ballare o fandango
Alla corrida con tequila ghiacciata
Vedremo il toreador toccare il cielo
Allombra della tribuna antica
Dove Villa applaudiva il rodeo
Il frate pregherà per il perdono
Ci accoglierà nella missione
Avrò stivali nuovi un orecchino doro
E sotto il livello tu farai la comunione
La strada è lunga ma ne vedo la fine
Arriveremo per il ballo
E Dio ci apparirà sulle colline
Coi suoi occhi smeraldi di ramarro
Nun chiagne Maddalena Dio ci guarderà
E presto arriveremo a Durango
Stringimi Maddalena sto deserto finirà
Tu potrai ballare o fandango
Che cosa è il colpo che ho sentito
Ho nella schiena un dolore caldo
Siediti qui trattieni il fiato
Forse non sono stato troppo scaltro
Svelta Maddalena prendi il mio fucile
Guarda dove è partito il lampo
Miralo bene cercare di colpire
Potremmo non vedere più Durango
Nun chiagne Maddalena Dio ci guarderà
E presto arriveremo a Durango
Stringimi Maddalena sto deserto finirà
Tu potrai ballare o fandango |
Meat shakin on your bones
Im gonna go down to the river and get some stones
Sisters on the highway with that steel-drivin crew
Papas in the big house, his workin days are through
Tough Mama
Can I blow a little smoke on you?
Dark Beauty
Wont you move it on over and make some room?
Its my duty to bring you down to the field where the flowers bloom
Ashes in the furnace, dust on the rise
You came through it all the way, flyin through the skies
Dark Beauty
With that long nights journey in your eyes
Sweet Goddess
Born of a blinding light and a changing wind
Now, dont be modest, you know who you are and where youve been
Jack the Cowboy went up north
Hes buried in your past
The Lone Wolf went out drinking
That was over pretty fast
Sweet Goddess
Your perfect strangers comin in at last
Silver Angel
With the badge of the lonesome road sewed in your sleeve
Id be grateful if this golden ring you would receive
Today on the countryside it was a-hotter than a crotch
I stood alone upon the ridge and all I did was watch
Sweet Goddess
It must be time to carve another notch
Im crestfallen
The world of illusion is at my door
I aint a-haulin any of my lambs to the marketplace anymore
The prison walls are crumblin, there is no end in sight
Ive gained some recognition but I lost my appetite
Dark Beauty
Meet me at the border late tonight |
Said the night wind to the little lamb
Do you see what I see?
Way up in the sky, little lamb
Do you see what I see?
A star, a star, dancin in the night
With a tail as big as a kite
With a tail as big as a kite
Said the little lamb to the shepherd boy
Do you hear what I hear?
Ringin through the sky, shepherd boy
Do you hear what I hear?
A song, a song, high above the tree
With a voice as big as the sea
With a voice as big as the sea
Said the shepherd boy to the mighty king
Do you know what I know?
In your palace warm, mighty king
Do you know what I know?
A Child, a Child shivers in the cold
Let us bring Him silver and gold
Let us bring Him silver and gold
Said the king to the people everywhere
Listen to what I say
Pray for peace, people everywhere
Listen to what I say
A Child, a Child, sleeping in the night
He will bring us goodness and light
He will bring us goodness and light |
The man in me will hide sometimes to keep from bein seen
But thats just because he doesnt want to turn into some machine
Took a woman like you
To get through to the man in me
But, oh, what a wonderful feeling
Just to know that you are near
Sets my a heart a-reeling
From my toes up to my ears |
I paid fifteen million dollars, twelve hundred and seventy-two cents
I paid one thousand two hundred twenty-seven dollars and fifty-five cents
See my hound dog bite a rabbit
And my football’s sitting on a barbed-wire fence
Yes, my temperature rises and my feet don’t walk so fast
Yes, my temperature rises and my feet don’t walk so fast
Well, this Arabian doctor came in, gave me a shot
But wouldn’t tell me if what I had would last
Well, this woman I’ve got, she’s filling me with her drive
Yes, this woman I’ve got, she’s thrilling me with her hive
She’s calling me Stan
Or else she calls me Mister Clive
Of course, you’re gonna think this song is a riff
I know you’re gonna think this song is a cliff
Unless you’ve been inside a tunnel
And fell down 69, 70 feet over a barbed-wire fence
All night! |
Old man sailing in a dinghy boat
Down there
Old man down is baiting a hook
On there
Gonna pull man down on a suckling hook
Gonna pull man into the suckling brook
Oh yeah!
Now, he’s underneath that apple suckling tree
Oh yeah!
Under that apple suckling tree
Oh yeah!
That’s underneath that tree
There’s gonna be just you and me
Underneath that apple suckling tree
Oh yeah!
I push him back and I stand in line
Oh yeah!
Then I hush my Sadie and stand in line
Oh yeah!
Then I hush my Sadie and stand in line
I get on board in two-eyed time
Oh yeah!
Under that apple suckling tree
Oh yeah!
Under that apple suckling tree
Oh yeah!
Underneath that tree
There’s just gonna be you and me
Underneath that apple suckling tree
Oh yeah!
Now, who’s on the table, who’s to tell me?
Oh yeah!
Who’s on the table, who’s to tell me?
Oh yeah!
Who should I tell, oh, who should I tell?
The forty-nine of you like bats out of hell
Oh underneath that old apple suckling tree |
In the lonely night
In the stardust of a pale moonlight
I think of you in black and white
When we were made of dreams
I walked alone through the shaky streets
Listening to my heart beat
In the record-breaking heat
When we were born in time
Just when I thought you were gone, you came back
Just when I was ready to receive you
You were smooth, you were rough
You were more than enough
Ah babe, why did I ever leave you?
Or believe you?
In the rising curve
Where the ways of nature will test every nerve
I took you close and got what I deserve
When we were born in time
Just when I knew who to thank, you went blank
Just as the firelight was gleaming
You were snow, you were rain
You were stripes and you were plain
Oh babe, can it be youve been scheming?
Or was I dreaming?
In the hills of mystery
In the foggy web of destiny
Youre still so deep inside of me
When we were born in time
In time
In time
In time |
Sad I’m a-sittin’ on the railroad track
Watching’ that old smokestack
Train is a-leavin’ but it won’t be back
Years ago we hang around
Watching’ trains roll through the town
Now that train is a-graveyard bound
Where we go up in that North Country
Lakes and streams and mines so free
I had no better friend than he
Something happened to him that day
I thought I heard a stranger say
I hung my head and stole away
A diesel truck was headin’ down
Carryin up a heavy load
Left him on a Utah road
They carried him back to his hometown
His mother cried, his sister moaned
Listening’ to them church bells tone
A diesel truck was rollin slow
Pullin down a heavy load
It left him on a Utah road
I-I sung the last verse for ya because I missed the words the first time I sung them about the truck |
Well, the comic book and me, just us, we caught the bus
The poor little chauffeur, though, she was back in bed
On the very next day, with a nose full of pus
Yea! Heavy and a bottle of bread
Yea! Heavy and a bottle of bread
Yea! Heavy and a bottle of bread
It’s a one-track town, just brown, and a breeze, too
Pack up the meat, sweet, we’re heading out
For Wichita in a pile of fruit
Get the loot, don’t be slow, we’re gonna catch a trout
Get the loot, don’t be slow, we’re gonna catch a trout
Get the loot, don’t be slow, we’re gonna catch a trout
Now, pull that drummer out from behind that bottle
Bring me my pipe, we’re gonna shake it
Slap that drummer with a pie that smells
Take me down to California, baby
Take me down to California, baby
Take me down to California, baby
Yes, the comic book and me, just us, we caught the bus
The poor little chauffeur, though, she was back in bed
On the very next day, with a nose full of pus
Yea! Heavy and a bottle of bread
Yea! Heavy and a bottle of bread
Yea! Heavy and a bottle of bread |
The falling leaves
Drift by the window
The autumn leaves
Of red and gold
I see your lips
The summer kisses
The sunburned hands
I used to hold
Since you went away
The days grow long
And soon Ill hear
Old winters song
But I miss you most of all
My darling
When autumn leaves
Start to fall |
I forgot more than youll ever know about her
You think you know the smile on her lips
The thrill and the touch of her fingertips
But I forgot more than youll ever know about her
You think youll find heaven of bliss
In each caress, in each tender kiss
But I forgot more than youll ever know about her
You stole her love from me one day
You didnt care how it hurt me
But you can never steal away memories of what used to be
You think shes yours, to have and to hold
Someday youll learn, when her love grows cold
But I forgot more than youll ever know about her |
Oh, the summer time is coming
And the leaves are sweetly blooming
And the wild mountain thyme
Blooms around the purple heather
Will you go, lassie go
And well all go together
To pull wild mountain thyme
From all around the purple heather
Will you go, lassie go
If my true love she wont go
Oh, Ill sure find another
To pull wild mountain thyme
From all around the purple heather
Will you go, lassie go |
Well met, well met, my own true love
Well met, well met, cried she
Ive just returned from the salt, salt sea
And its all for the love of thee
I could have married a Kings daughter there
She would have married me
But I have forsaken my Kings daughter there
Its all for the love of thee
Well, if you could have married a Kings daughter there
Im sure youre the one to blame
For I am married to a house carpenter
And Im sure hes a fine young man
Forsake, forsake your house carpenter
And come away with me
Ill take you where the green grass grows
On the shores of sunny Italy
So up she picked her babies three
And gave them kisses, one, two, three
Saying take good care of your daddy while Im gone
And keep him good company.
Well, they were sailing about two weeks
Im sure it was not three
When the younger of the girls, she came on deck
Saying she wants company
Well, are you weeping for your house and home?
Or are you weeping for your babies three?
Well, Im not weeping for my house carpenter
Im weeping for my babies three.
Oh what are those hills yonder, my love
They look as white as snow
Those are the hill of heaven, my love
You and Ill never know
Oh what are those hills yonder, my love
They look as dark as night
Those are the hills of hellfire my love
Where you and I will unite
Oh twice around went the gallant ship
Im sure it was not three
When the ship all of a sudden, it sprung a leak
And it drifted to the bottom of the sea |
Stranded out in the night
Eliza took me down
To see the widow give
Rain to the town
Its against the law
To be a tonic man
But the widow knows
Shes got the upper hand
So I went on in
Feelin kinda wheezy
You know she soothed my mind, boys
She rocked me kinda slow and easy
All day and all night
Pick a card before you go
Its a long trip to Mexico
Eliza wait by the door
I cant stay here anymore, no, no
Then she took a pill
She washed her feet in the mud
She said Look out, son
You know, I just ordered a flood
For forty days and forty nights
Then I dropped my shoes
Eliza called my name
She said it looked to her
Like its gonna rain
Then the cotton king
Came in chokin
And the widow laughed and said:
I aint jokin
Take once for all
She said Now dont ya tease me
I just fell in love, boy
So rock me kinda slow and kinda easy
All day and all night
Sweet William said
With a drunken head:
If I had a boat
Id help yall float
Eliza stood there watching
William in a trance
As the widow did
The St. Vitus dance
But just then an old man
With a boat named Breezy
Said, You can ride with Clyde, boys
If you rock it kinda slow and easy
All day and all night |
Crickets are chirpin, the water is high
Theres a soft cotton dress on the line hangin dry
Windows wide open, African trees
All bent over backwards from a hurricane breeze
Not a word of goodbye, note even a note
She gone with the man
In the long black coat
Somebody seen him hanging around
At the old dance hall on the outskirts of town
He looked into her eyes when she stopped in to ask
If he wanted to dance, he had a face like a mask
Somebody said from the Bible hed quote
There was dust on the man
In the long black coat
Preacher was a talkin theres a sermon he gave
He said every mans conscience is vile and depraved
You cannot depend on it to be your guide
When its you who must keep it satisfied
It aint easy to swallow, it sticks in the throat
She gave her heart to the man
In the long black coat
There are no mistakes in life, some people say
It is true sometimes, you can see it that way
But people dont live or die, people just float
She went with the man
In the long black coat
Theres smoke on the water, its been there since June
Tree trunks uprooted, neath the high crescent moon
Feel the pulse and vibration and the rumbling force
Somebody is out there beating on the dead horse
She never said nothing, there was nothing she wrote
She gone with the man
In the long black coat |
Oh, the gentlemen are talking and the midnight moon is on the riverside
Theyre drinking up and walking and it is time for me to slide
I live in another world where life and death are memorized
Where the earth is strung with lovers pearls and all I see are dark eyes
A cock is crowing far away and another soldiers deep in prayer
Some mothers child has gone astray, she cant find him anywhere
But I can hear another drum beating for the dead that rise
Whom natures beast fears as they come and all I see are dark eyes
They tell me to be discreet for all intended purposes
They tell me revenge is sweet and from where they stand, Im sure it is
But I feel nothing for their game where beauty goes unrecognized
All I feel is heat and flame and all I see are dark eyes
Oh, the French girl, shes in paradise and a drunken man is at the wheel
Hunger pays a heavy price to the falling gods of speed and steel
Oh, time is short and the days are sweet and passion rules the arrow that flies
A million faces at my feet but all I see are dark eyes |
Some enchanted evening, you may see a stranger
You may see a stranger across a crowded room
And somehow you knew, you know even then
That somehow youll see her again and again
Some enchanted evening, someone may be laughing
You may hear her laughing across a crowded room
And night after night, as strange as it seems
The sound of her laughter will sing in your dreams
Who can explain it, who can tell you why?
Fools give you reasons, wise men never try
Some enchanted evening, when you find your true love
When you feel her call you across a crowded room
Then fly to her side and make her your own
Or all through your life you may dream all alone
Once that you found her, never let her go
Once you have found her, never let her go |
Well, the rainman comes with his magic wand
And the judge says, “Mona can’t have no bond”
And the walls collide, Mona cries
And the rainman leaves in the Wolfman’s disguise
I want to be your lover, baby, I want to be your man
I want to be your lover, baby
I don’t want to be hers, I want to be yours
Well, the undertaker in his midnight suit
Says to the masked man, “Ain’t you cute!”
Well, the mask man he gets up on the shelf
And he says, “You ain’t so bad yourself”
Well, jumping Judy can’t go no higher
She had bullets in her eyes, and they fire
Rasputin he’s so dignified
He touched the back of her head an’ he died
Well, Phaedra with her looking glass
Stretching out upon the grass
She gets all messed up and she faints
That’s ’cause she’s so obvious and you ain’t |
Down where the trade winds play
Down where you lose the day
We found a new world
Where paradise starts we traded hearts
Way down where the trade winds play
Music was everywhere
Flowers were in her hair
Under an awning of silvery boughs we traded vows
The night that I sailed away
Oh, trade winds, what are vows that lovers make?
Oh, trade winds, are they only made to break?
When it is May again
I’ll sail away again
Though I am returning it won’t be the same
She traded her name
Way down where the trade winds play |
How much do I love you?
Ill tell you no lie
How deep is the ocean?
How high is the sky?
How many times a day do I think of you?
How many roses are sprinkled with dew?
How far would I travel
To be where you are?
How far is the journey
From here to a star?
And if I ever lost you, how much would I cry?
How deep is the ocean?
How high is the sky?
How far would I travel
To be where you are?
How far is the journey
From here to a star?
And if I ever lost you, how much would I cry?
How deep is the ocean?
How high is the sky?
How high is the sky? |
Well I wandered alone through a desert of stone
And I dreamt of my future wife
My swords in my hand and Im next in command
In this version of death called life
My plate and my cup are right straight up
I took a rose from the hand of a child
When I kiss your lips, the honey drips
But Im gonna have to put you down for a while
Every day we meet on any old street
And youre in your girlish prime
The short and the tall are coming to the ball
I go there all the time
Behind every tree, theres something to see
The river is wider than a mile
I tried you twice, you cant be nice
Im gonna have to put you down for a while
Here come the nurse with money in her purse
Here come the ladies and men
You push it all in and youve no chance to win
You play em on down to the end
Im laying in the sand getting a sunshine tan
Moving along riding in style
From my toes to my head, you knock me dead
Im gonna have to put you down for a while
I count the years and I shed no tears
Im blinded to what might have been
Natures voice makes my heart rejoice
Play me the wild song of the wind
I found hopeless love in the room above
When the sun and the weather were mild
Youre as fine as wine, I aint handing you no line
But Im gonna have to put you down for a while
All the merry little elves can go hang themselves
My faith is as cold as can be
Im stacked high to the roof and Im not without proof
If you dont believe me, come see
You think Im blue, I think so too
In my words, youll find no guile
The games gotten old, the decks gone cold
And Im gonna have to put you down for a while
The games gotten old, the decks gone cold
Im gonna have to put you down for a while |
I was in your presence for an hour or so
Or was it a day? I truly dont know
Where the sun never set, where the trees hung low
By that soft and shining sea
Did you respect me for what I did
Or for what I didnt do, or for keeping it hid?
Did I lose my mind when I tried to get rid
Of everything you see?
In the summertime, ah in the summertime
In the summertime, when you were with me
I got the heart and you got the blood
We cut through iron and we cut through mud
Then came the warning that was before the flood
That set everybody free
Fools they made a mock of sin
Our loyalty they tried to win
But you were closer to me than my next of kin
When they didnt want to know or see
In the summertime, ah in the summertime
In the summertime, when you were with me
Strangers, they meddled in our affairs
Poverty and shame was theirs
But all that suffering was not to be compared
With the glory that is to be
And Im still carrying the gift you gave
Its a part of me now, it’s been cherished and saved
Itll be with me unto the grave
And then unto eternity
In the summertime, ah in the summertime
In the summertime, when you were with me |
Well I didnt come here to deal with a dog gone thing
I just came here to hear the drummers cymbal ring
There is no way you can put me down
I just want to say that Hells my wifes home town
Well theres reasons for that and reasons for this
I cant think of any just now, but I know they exist
Im sitting in the sun till my skin turns brown
I just want to say that Hells my wifes home town
Home town, home town
She can make you steal, make you rob
Give you the hives, make you lose your job
Make things bad, she can make things worse
She got stuff more potent than a gypsy curse
One of these days, Ill end up on the run
Im pretty sure, shell make me kill someone
Im going inside, roll the shutters down
I just want to say that Hells my wifes home town
Well theres plenty to remember, plenty to forget
I still can remember the day we met
I lost my reason long ago
My love for her is all I know
State gone broke, the countys dry
Dont be looking at me, with that evil eye
Keep on walking dont be hanging around
Im telling you again that Hells my wifes home town
Home town, home town |
Oh, it aint no use to sit and wonder why, babe
If you dont know by now
An it aint no use to sit and wonder why, babe
It doesnt matter anyhow
When your rooster crows at the break of dawn
Look out your window and Ill be gone
Youre the reason Im travlin on
Dont think twice, its all right
It aint no use in turnin on your light, babe
That light I never knowed
An it aint no use in turnin on your light, babe
Im on the dark side of the road
I wish there was somethin you would do or say
To try and make me change my mind and stay
We never did too much talkin anyway
Dont think twice, its all right
Aint no use in callin out my name, babe
Like I never did before
It aint no use in callin out my name, babe
I cant hear you any more
Im a-thinkin and a-wondrin walking down the road
You once loved a woman, a child, you know
I gave you my heart but you wanted my soul
Dont think twice, its all right
Im walkin down that long and lonesome road, babe
Where Im bound, I cant tell
But goodbye is just too good a word, babe
So Ill just say fare thee well
I aint sayin that you treated me unkind
You could have done better but I dont mind
You just kinda wasted my precious life
But dont think twice, its all right |
Nothing was delivered
And I tell this truth to you
Not out of spite or anger
But simply because it’s true
Now, I hope you won’t object to this
Giving back all of what you owe
The fewer words you have to waste on this
The sooner you can go
Nothing is better, nothing is best
Take care of yourself, get plenty of rest
Nothing was delivered
But I can’t say I sympathize
With what your fate is going to be
Yes, for telling all those lies
Now you must provide some answers
For what you sold thats not been received
And the sooner you come up with them
The sooner you can leave
Nothing is better, nothing is best
Take care of yourself, get plenty of rest
Now you know nothing was delivered
And it’s up to you to say
Just what you had in mind
When you made ev’rybody pay
No, nothing was delivered
Yes, ’n’ someone must explain
And as long as it takes to do this
Then that’s as long as you’ll remain
Nothing is better, nothing is best
Take care of yourself and get plenty of rest |
Now Theres a man youll hear about
Most anywhere you go
And his holdings are in Texas
And his name is Diamond Joe
And he carries all his money
In a diamond-studded jar
He never took much trouble
With the process of the law
I hired out to Diamond Joe, boys
Did offer him my hand
He gave me a string of horses
So old they could not stand
And I nearly starved to death, boys
He did mistreat me so
And I never saved a dollar
In the pay of Diamond Joe
Now his bread it was corn dodger
And his meat you couldnt chaw
Nearly drove me crazy
With the wagging of his jaw
And the telling of his story
Mean to let you know
That there never was a rounder
That could lie like Diamond Joe
Now, I tried three times to quit him
But he did argue so
Im still punching cattle
In the pay of Diamond Joe
And when Im called up yonder
And its my time to go
Give my blankets to my buddies
Give the fleas to Diamond Joe |
May the good Lord be with you
Down every road that you roam
And may sunshine and happiness
Surround you when youre far from home
And may you grow to be proud, dignified and true
And do unto others as youd have done to you
Be courageous and be brave
And in my heart youll always stay
Forever young, forever young
Forever young, forever young
May good fortune be with you
May your guiding light be strong
Build a stairway to Heaven
With a prince or a vagabond
And may you never love in vain
And in my heart you will remain
Forever young, forever young
Forever young, forever young
Forever young, forever young, yeah
And when you finally fly away
Ill be hoping that I served you well
For all the wisdom of a lifetime
No one can ever tell
But whatever road you choose
Im right behind you, win or lose
Forever young, forever young
Forever young, forever young
Forever young, forever young
For, forever young, forever young |
I saw you last night and got that old feeling
When you came in sight, I got that old feeling
The moment that you danced by, I felt a thrill
And when you caught my eye, my heart stood still
Once again I seemed to feel that old yearning
Then I knew the spark of love was still burning
Therell be no new romance for me, its foolish to start
Cause that old feeling is still in my heart
Therell be no new romance for me, its foolish to start
Cause that old feeling is still in my heart |
If your memory serves you well
We were goin to meet again and wait
So Im goin to unpack all my things
And sit before it gets too late
No man alive will come to you
With another tale to tell
But you know that we shall meet again
If your memory serves you well
This wheels on fire
Rolling down the road
Best notify my next of kin
This wheel shall explode
If your memory serves you well
I was goin to confiscate your lace
And wrap it up in a sailors knot
And hide it in your case
If I knew for sure that it was yours
But it was oh so hard to tell
And you knew that we shall meet again
If your memory serves you well
This wheels on fire
Rolling down the road
Best notify my next of kin
This wheel shall explode
If your memory serves you well
Youll remember that youre the one
That called on me to call on them
To get you your favors done
And after every plan had failed
And there was nothing more to tell
You knew that we would meet again
If your memory served you well
This wheels on fire
Rolling down the road
Best notify my next of kin
This wheel shall explode
If your memory serves you well
If your memory serves you well |
Seven, seven, seven deadly sins
Thats how the world begins
Watch out when you step in
For seven deadly sins
Seven deadly sins
Thats when the fun begins
was when you left me
you said goodbye
was when you told me
A little white lie
Seven deadly sins
Once it starts, it never ends
Watch out around the bend
For seven deadly sins
was when you looked my way
was when you smiled
was when you let me stay
Sin number seven was when you touched me and told me why
Seven deadly sins
So many rules to bend
Time and time again
Seven deadly sins
Seven deadly sins
Thats how the world begins
Watch out when you step in
For seven deadly sins
Seven, seven
Seven, seven
Seven, seven
Seven deadly sins |
Let us pause in lifes pleasures and count its many tears
While we all sup sorrow with the poor
Theres a song that will linger forever in our ears
Oh, hard times, come again no more
Tis the song, the sigh of the weary
Hard times, hard times, come again no more
Many days you have lingered all around my cabin door
Oh, hard times, come again no more
While we seek mirth and beauty and music light and gay
There are frail forms fainting at the door
Though their voices are silent, their pleading looks will say
Oh, hard times, come again no more
Tis the song, the sigh of the weary
Hard times, hard times, come again no more
Many days you have lingered all around my cabin door
Oh, hard times, come again no more
Theres pale drooping maiden who toils her life away
With a worn out heart, whose better days are oer
Though her voice it would be merry, tis sighing all the day
Oh, hard times, come again no more
Tis the song, the sigh of the weary
Hard times, hard times, come again no more
Many days you have lingered all around my cabin door
Oh, hard times, come again no more
Tis the song, the sigh of the weary
Hard times, hard times, come again no more
Many days you have lingered all around my cabin door
Oh, hard times, come again no more |
I got a wife and five little chilling
Im going to take a trip on the big McMillan
With Saro Jane
Saro Jane
I have nothing to do
But to set down and sing
And rock about my Saro Jane
The boiler busted and the whistle squall
The Captain has gone through the hole-in-the-wall
Oh Saro Jane
Saro Jane
I have nothing to do
But to set down and sing
And rock about my Saro Jane
The engine give a crack and the whistle gave a squall
The engineer gone to the hole-in-the-wall
Saro Jane
Saro Jane
I have nothing to do
But to set down and sing
And rock about my Saro Jane
Yankee built boats to shoot them Rebels
My guns steady going to hold it level
Saro Jane
Saro Jane
But to set down and sing
And rock about my Saro Jane |
Subsets and Splits