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Unnamed: 2
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My friend had many female friends and I thought that they were his lovers. I would scold him but he did not accept my advice. Later I learnt from his girlfriends that this was not true. I felt ashamed at having misunderstood him.
In the past I used to think that my mother was a very nagging person. When I started living at the hostel we had little time to meet each other. Whenever I went home she would take care of me. I gradually realized that what she had done was for my own good. So very time I saw her I felt guilty.
In August,1983, the long awaited "big envelope" (a document for C.U.H.K admission) arrived. It was in the afternoon and I had not been doing anything. When the postman, with his big bag, knocked on the door I knew what it was about. I hurriedly opened the envelope and my mood at that time is hard to describe. It lasted several hours and only calmed down later.
On Christmas eve,1984, I had just finished the exams and was afraid as the results of one of my major subjects had been very unsatisfactory. I thought that I had only a 50% chance of passing. Even if I failed this subject I would not need to repeat. However I liked this subject very much and my results were bad because of my lazyness. If I was forced to change to a minor in this subject I would be very unwilling.
In September 1984, I was forced to live with someone I did not like. The first week we were at loggerheads and our conversation was like a debate. The atmosphere was very bad. When he learnt that I had got 95 marks in a test he told me " A failure, You lost 5 marks." I was very angry, not because my marks were lower than his, but because I could not tolerate his pride. I did not show my discontentment and carried on doing my work.
This issue worried me rather than saddening me. In mid September I went to Guanggho alone. I was looking for an accomodation in the evening and after having walked 2 or 3 miles I still could not find anything. What could I do? I was not worried about sleeping on the streets but because of some procedural problems. I finally found a place to sleep at 8 o'clock.
My roommate liked to listen to some meaningless songs which had melody but had no content. We lived together so when he played the recorder I was forced to listen to them. I could not tell him that I did not like to listen to the songs, as I had no right to disturb the freedom of others. So I would find a pretext to leave the room and go somewhere else.
Last Summer I went camping with some C.U students. As I was working then, I had to leave the second night (some of them had joined us the first night). Next morning, 6 o'clock, a female classmate knocked on our door and tried to wake us up. I was not fully conscious and I said something which I should not have. I realized the trouble I had made and wanted to hide. Later I said sorry to her and the matter came to an end.
I lied to one of my best friends.
I received a letter from a distant friend.
My parents were out and I was the eldest at home. At midnight a male stranger phoned us and spoke to me in a rough language. I hung up and heard someone walking outside our door.
Two years back someone invited me to be the tutor of her grand-daughter. The grand-daughter asked me some questions in mathematics so I taught her. However she did not listen to me and this made me feel unhappy. The second year it was the same. When I entered university the girl's parents suggested that I be employed as their daghters tutor. They told me that at university there was no homework and I would have a lot of time so they made a time-table for me which required me to be the tutor five days a week. They did not respect me and anyway I had another child to teach.
I had taken the responsibility to do something and I had prepared for it. However I failed because of my timidity. After three attempts I still could not adapt to the atmosphere and failed as before. I felt imcompetent and felt that the others would think that I had not prepared for it.
I was at home and I heard a loud sound of spitting outside the door. I thought that one of my family members would step on the spit and bring the germs in the house.
I did not do the homework that the teacher had asked us to do. I was scolded immediately.
I had shouted at my younger brother and he was always afraid when I called out loudly.