GAO evaluators, in addition to being on the scene due to their location at the major audit site accompanied enumerators into the field and examined, in depth, Census procedures at field offices.
GAO evaluators accompanied enumerators into the field and examined field offices.
Its local craftsmen are famous for their inlaid woodwork called intarsia.
The local craftsmen are renowned for their intarsia woodwork.
Nearby, the Lookout Tower and Camera Obscura offer a unique view of the city.
The Lookout Tower which is nearby offers a view of the city.
were abandoned.
Not longer used.
Maybe only 50 are true.
Perhaps only 50 are true.
well no that's it you could interpret it that way uh
You can view it that way.
The Washington Post says Clinton's foreign travels will distract attention from the scandal.
The Washington Post says Clintons scandal will be overrun
Following this analysis, EPA has concluded and certified that the rule will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.
The EPA have noted that there will be an insignificant impact.
and be with somebody basically
Basically be with somebody.
Is that so, mon ami?"
Is that right, my friend?
As discussed, HCFA published the full text of its initial analysis as an appendix to the proposed rule and invited comments from small entities.
HCFA made its initial analysis available as an appendix.
The bandit's blade swung again but Vrenna countered.
Again, the bandit swung but did not hit Vrenna.
i i have a i don't i don't have to do anything you know it's like what am i going to do if i sit here if i sit here for a whole year they'll let me go and then i can get back to my life
I don't have to do anything but sit here.
Nearby, at the head of the Kidron Valley, the Greek Orthodox Church of St. Stephen commemorates the first Christian martyr, and up the Jericho Road toward the city is a small but dramatic monument to Israeli soldiers killed in the 1967 Six Day War.
Near the Kidron Valley is the commemoration of the first Christian martyr and up ahead is the 1967 Six Day War monument.
He came toward Hanson and Nema with a broad grin on his face.
He came toward the both of them with a smile.
His color was high under a pink skin which in this hot country must burn painfully.
His pink skin must burn and hurt in this hot country.
I had a touch of toothache, ma'am, said Tuppence glibly.
Tuppence had a slight toothache.
ANC power will most probably be challenged in the 1999 election by the left.
The left will challenge ANC power.
In the feeble light of the gas burner Tommy blinked at her.
The light of the gas burner wasn't very powerful.
But misinformation already is rampant.
Misinformation is common.
Two classic aims of inquiry are to understand the nature of events and to understand their causes.
The inquiry wants to understand what happened and why it happened.
Sawyer's assistant then called New York's Administration for Children's Services to report the situation.
Sawyer's assistant called New York's Children's Services to report the problem.
For example, the utility company had distilled the fundamental components of its information protection policies into less than one page of text.
The utility company was able to fit their policies in less than one page of text.
We see in the fourth section that the U.S.
The fourth section contains information about the U.S.
yeah oh well that's nice
Yes, that's lovely.
predictable yeah yeah that does sound like a pretty neat idea
Yes, that idea does sound pretty nifty.
They can.
They are able.
thank you ma'am
I appreciate it.
14 Modern information management approaches, coupled with new information technology, can make success more or less likely-depending on the way they are handled.
Success can be more or less likely with new information technology based on the way they are handled along with the 14 Modern Information Management approaches.
if they started billing people by the pound things might change drastically
Things would change a lot if they ended up billing by the pound.
oh definitely Chinese would uh-huh um-hum yeah because pastas and the and the different types of sauces and things sure yeah
Chinese food and the pastas with the many types of sauces and stuff yes.
On the sex front, nonpresidential illicit encounters are all the tabs can muster this month.
Tabloid newspapers tend to publish lots of sex stories about infidelity.
We were very agitated.
We were mad.
Not only is Greenspan's answer scientifically baseless
Greenspan's answer was not based in fact.
and i let it pretty much i beat it like every minute for about ten seconds and it's it starts thickening when it thickens the cornstarch might get a little i don't know it gets like little globs of this rubbery cornstarch and you just keep beating it in and it's the the trick is is to have this blender
I beat it every minute for ten seconds, then it thickens.
I drew him aside.
I had drawn him aside.
The bag was already ready and Denise handed it to the passenger quickly enough for the contents to land weightlessly inside the bag, and not outside.
Denise quickly handed the bag to the passenger.
yeah it was it was not a bad movie
It was a good movie.
I mean it so hurry up and get well." 171 Chapter 20 Too Late IN the street they held an informal council of war.
There was a council held informally in the street.
For visitors today, Kumamoto serves as a convenient gateway for the scenic road trip to the Mt.
Kumamoto is a popular destination.
The NYTBR isn't just agnostic on such questions--it doesn't even like to consider them.
The NYTBR isn't skeptical about issues like that.
Although bidders tend to portray themselves as rescuing ailing companies--UPR said it was reacting to a decade of broken promises and poor performance at Pennzoil--in fact they almost uniformly bid for profitable, healthy companies that the market, for one reason or another, is undervaluing.
Pennzoil did not have a solid performance.
One of the mansions, at 50 Jalan Tun Tan Cheng Lock, is Baba Nyonya Heritage Museum, an amalgam of three houses belonging to the one family.
Baba Nyonya Heritage Museum used to be residences.
A final important difference related to the nature of the risk may be that some workplace mortality risks tend to involve sudden, catastrophic events, whereas air pollution-related risks tend to involve longer periods of disease and suffering prior to death.
Some workplace mortality risks tend to involve sudden, catastrophic events.
He stood passive, letting the blade whip in.
The blade was allowed to whip in.
That is the art of advocacy.
That is the way you advocate.
The Fat Man beamed.
The obese man smiled widely.
In response to our inquiry, OMB staff advised that the rule could be economically significant, and major, because it could adversely affect competition.
It was suspected by OMB that the rule might have economic effects.
Two coffees." (This was to the waiter.) "One Turkish, one French." Tuppence sipped her coffee with a deeply reflective air, and snubbed Tommy when he spoke to her.
Tuppence drank her coffee and ignored Tommy.
If I'm not greatly mistaken, he's got something up his sleeve.
He is planning something.
oh he does
He does indeed.
requirements by providing information on control technology's hardware and reagents, the construction equipment necessary to install a control technology, time required to implement this control technology at plants with single and multiple installation requirements, and the amount of labor needed to install the control technology.
Labor is needed to install the control technology.
However, under the Save the Social Security Surpluses simulation, GDP per capita growth slows and eventually turns negative.
GDP per capita growth is above 0.
In Venice, I watched tourists on a bridge videotape tourists on a boat, who in turn were videotaping the tourists on the bridge.
Many tourists were videotaping others.
right right it does indeed uh-huh
Yes it does.
Although Alcoy has a reputation for dourness and occasional winter snow, the townspeople are usually very friendly.
The people that live in Alcoy are friendly despite the weather.
and you want to make sure that it's done right and put back together right and you know i've i've in the past i've had brake jobs done by someone that when i went back and and looked at it some months later i'd find something drastically wrong with it
You need to be sure that your repairs are done right, since I've had brake repairs done and then, months later, have another problem.
With so many new boats having been built in the same old style, boasting lovely Kashmiri carvings on the bridge and decks, many are too heavy to move around the waters.
The newer boats have been made in the style of the old though some are to heavy to maneuver the waters.
The body, in a white shroud, is carried on a bier of bamboo to the river's edge, where a few drops of Ganga water are poured into the lips of the dead.
Water is poured onto dead people's lips after being brought to the river's edge.
If the couple would have otherwise spent the $4,000.
The couple would have spent $4000
They fought again.
They battled again.
Flytrap also bears some responsibility for Washington's paralysis.
Washington's paralysis is partly due to Flytrap.
I was in the town of Orr, and a festival was being held; a little county fair with epic designs.
There was a county fair in Orr.
back during the Vietnam conflict that no one will will have the guts enough to call a real war uh
It took a lot for people to call the Vietnam conflict a war.
Typically, companies and their advisors try to minimize the visibility of such techniques in order to avoid public criticism.
Visibility of such techniques are minimized to decrease criticism.
Now we have more strychnine, handled by one of the household.
One of the household has handled strychnine.
To make this less of an issue, I have taken to cooking dinner for us at my place or drumming up occasions for dinner to be my treat.
I often cook dinner for us at my place or make up excuses to take them out to dinner in order to not make a big deal of this.
Ah, but he had no opportunity.
He did not have the chance to do anything.
FGD retrofits are positioned downstream, typically at the back end of the facility, and are not intrusive to the boiler.
FGD retrofits are typically positioned behind a majority of the rest of the facility
'I said go ahead,' Lincoln repeated.
Go forward with that he said.
These people are the real wild-horse experts, Kirby.
Kirby, these people are experts in wild horses.
The tip of her skull-hilted broadsword burst from the chest of a huge Stick holding a warmaul.
The sword went through someone.
We can begin tomorrow, he said and then returned to Susan.
A man spoke to someone before rejoining a woman.
But, as in Washington, on snowy days like this, you take what you can get.
It sometimes snows in the Washington area.
Why do you know so positively?
Why do you know?
At the Equal Justice Conference (EJC) held in March 2001 in San Diego, LSC and the Project for the Future of Equal Justice held the second Case Management Software pre-conference.
The EJC was held in March 2001.
In these early uses of the case study method, evaluators wrote their reports to stand alone.
Stand alone reports were standard for case studies.
After two weeks, Peter of Tschekan realized that the cell phone was more valuable to him than a painting by de Bonnet-Majak - the number one artist on his list.
Peter realized his phone was very important to him.
The government, through the powerful Finance Ministry and Ministry of International Trade and Industry, generously supported favored private first shipping, then cars, then electronics firms basked in the warmth of the government's loving attentions.
The government supported private first shipping, cars, and electronics firms.
To correct for the potential extrapolation error for ages beyond 70, the adjustment factor is selected as the ratio of a 70 year old individual's WTP to a 40 year old individual's WTP, which is 0.63, based on the Jones-Lee (1989) results and 0.92 based on the Jones-Lee (1993) results.
There might be error for old people.
Before the conference, he and Daniel Pollock drafted recommendations for the steering committee to consider.
Pollock helped draft recommendations for the committee.
Remember what dear old Conrad said WITH YOUR OWN PASSWORD, wasn't it?
What dear old Conrad said WITH YOUR OWN PASSWORD, remember?
well the injector nozzle and stuff in you know the big diesel farm tractors you know what are about the size of your thumb and the yeah you can get to them and the ones in in the diesel cars were little tiny things and just almost impossible to do anything with
The injector nozzles in diesel cars are much smaller than the nozzles in farm tractors.
yeah nice talking with you are you calling from Texas by the way
It was great to speak with you. By the way, are you from Texas?
I thought that lawyer chap had quit! 161 Chapter 19 Jane Finn "MY train got in half an hour ago," explained Julius, as he led the way out of the station.
My train arrived about a half an hour ago.
Festa de San Pedoa (29 June): Boisterous Christian tribute to Peter, the patron saint of fishermen, in Melaka, where the Portuguese community has its fishing boats blessed.
It's a tribute to Peter.
Many are still standing, and some are registered as National Treasures.
There are many that is still intact, while some of them are considered National Treasures.
The rights to that name have been claimed by another Web site.
The rights to that name have been taken by another Web site.
Yes, that's possible, admitted John.
John agreed that what I thought was possible.
The curious thing is that they certainly did not know anything about you when they first held you prisoner.
Nothing was known about them when they were first imprisoned.
The Getty Conservation Institute in California recently sponsored a virtual-reality recreation of Queen Nefertari's tomb in Egypt, which purports to let cyberexplorers look at the 3200-year-old wall paintings ...
The Getty Conservation Institute is in California.
did um-hum um did you have another a big tent like uh um for like a looks like a sitting area type you know like a two room type tent
Do you have a two room type tent that's big and has a seating area?
Plano actually they went out and they had the where where i live they had the they had the classes on the SAT i've never heard anything so preposterous in my life
They had those SAT classes where I lived and I thought that was completely ridiculous.
They crossed swords in a blaze of shining steel.
The blades of shining steel blazed as the swords crossed.
For Ullswater, travel to Glenridding in the south or Pooley Bridge in the north in either place you'll find businesses that rent canoes and other water-sports equipment.
Glenridding is situated to the south of Ullswater.
The Pacers are veterans.
Pacers are considered to be veterans.
Later in the piece, Brill writes that Schmidt and another reporter declined all comment on their sources.
Brill wrote a piece about Schmidt.
i would think i don't know might be a little bit different because the city interferes with the weather patterns to a certain extent because of the heating of the of the concrete and asphalt
The heat from the city's concrete interferes with weather patterns.
The man looked tired.
The man appeared to not have had sleep.
Parris Glendening's supporters are so unenthused that they'll stay home if it merely drizzles.
Parris Glendening has supporters.