Thursday, March 06, 2008 News of Yore: Manning Creates Cartoon Mural Cartoonists Came First— So Manning's Mural Says The first newspapermen were cartoonists, period. Some members of the craft might be inclined to argue the truth of that flat statement by Reg Manning, McNaught Syndicate editorial cartoonist whose work is distributed to more than 125 newspapers, but he's willing to take on all comers to convince the doubting Thomases. In a monumental mural now adorning the walls of the Phoenix Press Club, the Pulitzer prize winner for cartooning in 1951 has documented his pet theory that prehistoric man carved news pictures on rocks long before he learned to write squibs for the Paleolithic Pioneer Press. Therefore, reasons Mr. Manning, the first newspaperman was not a writer but a cartoonist. To date only club members and a few visiting firemen, such as the aviation and travel writers who flocked to Phoenix early this year for "quickie vacations" as guests of the local chamber of commerce, have seen Mr. Manning's masterpiece of newspaper humor depicting the first news stories of mankind tapped out on stone. All visitors to the press club in the Hotel Westward Ho have been wowed by the mural. Because it has a potentially wide appeal to all newspapermen who might be curious to know how their profession started thousands of years ago, Editor & Publisher has obtained permission to reproduce one section of the mural and the key to the primitive petroglyphs portraying the first news stories of the stone age - and how they were covered by the first cartoonists. All told, 81 news stories and newspaper situations are depicted. Four months were required to complete the mural at Mr. Manning's home, in between his weekly stint of six cartoons for the McNaught list and a local one for the Arizona Republic. Reg dreamed up all the situations and gags in the mural and its key. Originally nine feet long, as executed in tempera, the mural was enlarged and reproduced in exact color and detail on three walls of the club dining room by Art McFair, a Phoenix artist. It was completed a year ago. Mr. Manning, whose cartoons have appeared in the Republic for a quarter of a century, evolved his theory about the origin of the newspaper business while roaming about Arizona's canyons, studying cavemen's pictures he found carved on the walls. He sums up his theory this way: Arizona's first news reporters were cartoonists, whose first editions, tapped out on stone, may be seen in the files of a thousand canyon walls. Depicted at the left of the mural (see cut) is one of the first newsmen. "Arizona's original broadcaster who came ages before the microphone is portrayed at the right extremity of the mural (not reproduced here). He is the Town Crier of the Pueblos. In the Hopi villages of northern Arizona, town criers still announce news daily, as they have for centuries past. "The primitive petroglyphs shown present paleolithic picturization of peoples and plights, philosophy and phrases, peculiar to press and radio, as our prehistoric predecessor might have pictured them." Thus does Mr. Manning, with a thousand canyons to back up his theory, stand pat on his statement that the first newspapermen were cartoonists, as shown in his mural. Other sections not reproduced here depict the original comic strip, the first "love nest" story, members of the world's first press club gathered around the bar and "the first political column (grapevine and a little bull)." His favorite of favorites among the cave characters he created is "proofreader catching arrers." It shows the first proofreader on earth catching arrows flying in his direction. If any newsmen are unconvinced about Reg's theory, let them come to Phoenix to see his pictorial evidence of the world's first scoops achieved by the primitive cartoonists. If they're still unconvinced, then Reg's ready to eat the biggest cactus Arizona can produce. Symbolism in one section of Phoenix Press Club mural: 1. Man bites dog. 2. The only two kinds of birds you meet in this business: (A) The bird who wants to get his name in the paper; (B) The bird who wants to keep it out. 3. Which came first, (A) the thunderchicken, or (B) the egg? 4. The very first news story-Weather; (a) lightning, (b) clouds, (c) rain. 5. A usually reliable source-the horse's mouth. 6. The stone axe-a weapon so horrible it was going to end war. 7. The Original Big Story. 8. A reporter and his by-line. 9. Cut line. 10. Off the record. 12. "Don't quote me, but..." 13. X marks the spot. 14. Eternal triangle story. 15. Headline, with three sub-heads. 16. Increase in circulation. 19. The M.E., who else? 20. Newshawk. This symbolism is really deep stuff . . . note the nose for news, looking at both sides of the question . . . note the target he frequently is ... note equipment for leg work . . . note also he hasn't sprouted wings. 21. The spear-a weapon so horrible it was going to end war. 22. "Here I am on my first real assignment. Imagine ME, a rough, tough, glamorous reporter." 23. "Why wasn't my story in the paper?" 24. Evolution of punctuation: The Question Mark, (A) Woman has always been a puzzle to man, so she was first depicted in the center of a maze, with man, below, amazed. (B) Later and lazier artisans simplified the picture. (C) In this form the mark is used today. 25. Evolution of punctuation: The Exclamation Point. 26. Follow up. 28. The bow 'n' arrow - a weapon so horrible it was going to end war. 29. Dotted line indicates where the body fell. or was pushed. [Anyone know if this mural still adorns the Phoenix Press Club? - Allan] Labels: News of Yore and lots of a similar magazine here: Issues of True Comics are relatively cheap on eBay too.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-50", "url": "http://strippersguide.blogspot.com/2008/03/news-of-yore-manning-creates-cartoon.html", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2016-50/segments/1480698541783.81/warc/CC-MAIN-20161202170901-00284-ip-10-31-129-80.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.950237512588501, "token_count": 1344, "score": 2.78125, "int_score": 3 }
We analyzed the effects of 36 river restoration projects on fish assemblages. We expected increased reproduction in restored river reaches leading to a sustainable increase in the total amount of fishes. The restored reaches are situated in small to medium-sized rivers in lowlands and lower mountainous areas in Germany. Restoration measures considerably changed river morphology and created more natural conditions by improving habitat diversity. For each restored reach, we sampled an upstream unrestored counterpart that resembled the restored reach before the restoration measures were implemented. Restored and unrestored control reaches were sampled by electrofishing and parameters describing river morphology (e.g. width, depth, microhabitats) were recorded along ten equidistant transects. We investigated abundance and age structure of the fish species to reveal effects of hydromorphological changes. On average, restored reaches were wider, shallower and harbored a greater variety of water depths and current velocities. Abundance of adult and of young-of-the-year (YOY) fishes was significantly higher in restored reaches. In particular, small species such as the stone loach (Barbatula barbatula) and gudgeon (Gobio gobio) and species preferring shallow, slow-flowing areas in the juvenile stage increased significantly in abundance. Density of grayling (Thymallus thymallus) and brown trout (Salmo trutta) YOY, which prefer fast-flowing areas, increased less but significantly. Presumably, a higher number of species reproduced in restored reaches, as indicated by the presence of YOY, following the morphological restoration effects. Our results indicate that restoration measures that increase habitat diversity eventually increase richness, diversity and juvenile abundance of riverine fish communities. Consequently, river restoration measures should focus on the generation of a diverse, natural shoreline with shallow, slow-flowing marginal zones, which have particularly positive effects on fish assemblages. Lorenz, A.W., S. Stoll, A. Sundermann, P. Haase (2013) Do adult and YOY fish benefit from river restoration measures? Ecological Engineering 61: 174–181.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-23", "url": "https://reformrivers.eu/do-adult-and-yoy-fish-benefit-river-restoration-measures-lorenz-et-al-2013.html", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-23/segments/1685224651325.38/warc/CC-MAIN-20230605053432-20230605083432-00733.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9439546465873718, "token_count": 449, "score": 2.953125, "int_score": 3 }
One of the importent topics when setting up a RepRap 3d printer, is the adjustment of the current driving the stepper motors. One of the common aproaches is tune the current with the poti on the driver board until the motor moves sufficiently. And it works without overheading or missing steps. But there's also a second way well known by measure the reference voltage of the driver circuit. The driver circuit adjusts automatically the motor current based on voltage at the reference input. Pololu describes on their website, that the relationship between the stepper motor current and reference voltage is expressed with the following equation: Imot = 2 * Uref That means, if the DRV8825 shall drive the stepper motor with e.g. 1.4A the reference voltage has to be adjusted to 0.7V. This equation is only true, if the resistant fo the current sensor has a value of 100mOhm, as our driver boards do! But where you have to measure the reference voltage Uref on the DRV8825?! Here's the answer: The original Pololu layout offers two possibilities for measuring the reference voltage: - at the center tap of the poti where you tune the motor current (called "Messpunkt 1" in the picture below) - at the reference measuring point on the board (called "Messpunkt 2" in the picture below) On our board you can measure the reference voltage only at "Messpunkt 1", the center tap of the poti! There exists also a second driver board layout for the DRV8825. It's designed bei Kliment. These driver boards also offer to points for measuring the reference voltage as you can see in the picture below: The adjustment of the stepper motor current will be done in three steps: - Identify the maximum current of your stepper motor from the datasheet - measure the reference voltage at the center tap and tune it with turning the poti, note: the motor won't be connected yet! - connect the stepper motor with the controller board and check function by moving the axis
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-05", "url": "https://www.my-home-fab.de/en/documentations/technical-descriptions/drv8825-adjust-stepper-current", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-05/segments/1642320303884.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20220122194730-20220122224730-00486.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9119507074356079, "token_count": 446, "score": 2.71875, "int_score": 3 }
A new book out is helping young people see that growing their own food is a cool thing to do. Arizona-based natural and functional nutritionist Patti Milligan has created a character named Shirley in her book “Why is Shirley Unusual?” It’s a story showing young people through the eyes of someone their own age that eating fruits and vegetables and gardening is not only good for them, but it’s also a way to connect families again. Milligan’s goal is to share her story with everyone, including schools with gardens tied into their curriculums. One school is the Scottsdale Child Care and Learning Center at Raintree. She is reading “Why is Shirley Unusual?” to a group of pre-kindergartners. Shirley not only likes fruits and vegetables, she grows the food in her own family’s garden. Milligan created the story for her now 20-year-old son Riley’s fourth-grade class. She gave us a preview of the story. “You start to see the colorations of [Shirley’s] lunches as colors of the rainbow and then Charles is the new student and when they first sit down to lunch, he has probably a typical child’s lunch and it’s white or tan foods,” Milligan said. “Shirley then befriends Charles and they eat lunch together and he starts tasting [her] food. “When they go home after school together, she brings him out to the garden and they learn about the aspects of growing plants and then we bring in composting,” Milligan continued. Shirley is teaching other children near her own age about the importance of eating colorful foods, composting and planting their own fruits and vegetables. This can all be done with fun assignments in the book. “Shirley becomes their educator,” Milligan said. “So they want to do things Shirley did throughout the book and then bring it home to the families. “My vision is if we can really tie this generation of children back to sustainability by not only eating the foods that they grow, but understanding the relationship of how good it feels to be in a garden is great,” she continued. The kids’ teacher, Britta Brelo, really liked how they were all willing to try new foods. “I like the aspect of the rainbow foods [and] trying new foods that the children have not tried before,” Brelo said. “I think that also showed them they could get sweet things from jicama, strawberries, blueberries as well as vegetables.” The children even got excited to grow their own food in the learning center’s garden. “With children all over the world not getting enough food, they can grow their own food and perhaps teach others that it’s possible to do that,” Brelo said. This is exactly one of the things Milligan had in mind when she brought Shirley to life. “I would hope that Shirley and her story would be a vehicle to introducing nutrition in a very refreshing way,” Milligan said. Milligan plans to use the proceeds from the book to sponsor school gardens. “Why is Shirley Unusual?” can be found on Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/Why-Shirley-Unusual-Story-Nutritionist/dp/1533554714/.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-23", "url": "https://health2fit.com/cultivating-healthy-habits-at-an-early-age/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-23/segments/1685224654097.42/warc/CC-MAIN-20230608035801-20230608065801-00392.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.974174976348877, "token_count": 746, "score": 2.96875, "int_score": 3 }
The vaccine has a simple and cost-effective production method, and if the research stages are complete, it will create hope for the industrial production of the vaccine in the country. Dr. Mahmood Reza Ja’fari, a member of the Scientific Board of Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, explained about the research, and said, "Leishmaniasis is one of the common diseases between human and animals, which is caused by parasites. Depending on the parasite type and immunity respond of the host, the severity of the diseases varies from a limited skin infection to fatal level. Although numerous researches have so far been carried out all over the world, there is still no vaccine for Leishmaniasis in the market. Therefore, the invention of a vaccine for Leishmaniasis was out main objective of this research." Injection of the vaccine into a group of mice (BALB/c mice) triggered their cell immune system. The produced vaccine is very effective in the protection of the mice against the parasitic disease. BALB/c mice are much more sensitive to Leishmaniasis parasite; therefore, if a vaccine is effective on the mice, it will surely be more effective on humans who are stronger against Leishmaniasis infection. According to Dr. Ja’fari, since the produced liposome is small in size, most of them are absorbed by lymphatic system subcutaneous injection, and they are gathered in lymphatic nodes by APC cells with very high performance. Then, antigens dissolved in liposome are released in APC cell. It triggers cell immune system, and protects mice against the challenge with the living parasite of Leishmaniasis. The researchers are currently studying the stabilization of the produced vaccine. After achieving this goal, the liposome should be produced in clean environment and the required certificates should be attained. Then, clinical tests will be carried out on patients. All the requirements for industrial production of the vaccine are available in the country. Results of the research have been published in Acta Tropica, vol. 128, issue 3, August 2013, pp. 528-535.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2014-42", "url": "http://english.farsnews.com/newstext.aspx?nn=13930210000137", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2014-42/segments/1413507448218.19/warc/CC-MAIN-20141017005728-00143-ip-10-16-133-185.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9444065690040588, "token_count": 439, "score": 2.984375, "int_score": 3 }
The Middle East has long been associated with the most valuable and sought after fossil fuels - oil. As a region it produces the largest volume of oil in the world, creating vast wealth and valuable trade deals. As a fossil fuel however, it is a finite resource and there have been varying reports projecting how long the supply will last, from around 40 to 50 years. At that point, the world's population is likely to have nearly doubled bringing with it an explosion in demand for energy provision. A transition to alternative energy sources takes time and some of the main oil producing countries have announced some very ambitious targets to address the changing landscape. Saudi Arabia, the world's largest oil producer, has announced a $50 billion plan to support renewable energy. Wind and solar developers have been invited to submit bids to create 700 megawatts of renewable energy to the country's energy department. Energy Minister Khalid Al-Falih said that the Renewable Energy Project Development Office intends to set up "the most attractive, competitive and well executed government renewable energy investment programs in the world". The UAE plans to invest a mammoth GBP134 billion in clean energy projects in an effort to temper reliance on oil and meet ambitious 2050 renewable energy targets. If achieved this would mean that 44% of the country's energy would come from renewable sources, 38% from natural gas and 12% from cleaner fossil fuels and 6% from nuclear. With similar moves by Kuwait and Qatar, this region has the financial resources to make real progress in a short period of time and completely transform its image to a renewable powerhouse. International Business Times: http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/world-energy-day-2014-how-much-oil-left-how-long-will-it-last-1471200 Population Pyramid: https://populationpyramid.net/world/2060/
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "https://www.garo.ie/energyhubarticledetails?article_id=50&article_desc=-Renewables-Claim-Central-Role-In-The-Worlds-Largest-Oil-Region", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679101282.74/warc/CC-MAIN-20231210060949-20231210090949-00334.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9418993592262268, "token_count": 378, "score": 2.71875, "int_score": 3 }
Florence, in Vespucci's day, was the home of genius, of culture, and of art. Amerigo, doubtless, was acquainted with some of her sons whose fame, like his own, has endured to the present day, and will last for all time. The great Michael Angelo, who was born at or near Florence in 1475, and whose patron was Lorenzo the Magnificent, was his contemporary, although the artist and sculptor survived the discoverer more than fifty years. Savonarola, who came to Florence in 1482, was just a year the junior of Amerigo, and is said to have been an intimate friend of his uncle, who, like himself, belonged to the Dominican order. The young man may not have been touched by Buonarroti's art, nor have been moved by Savonarola's preaching, but, like the former, he possessed an artistic temperament, and, like the latter, he was an enthusiast. The man, however, who, next to his uncle, shaped Amerigo's career and turned him from trade to exploration, was a learned Florentine named Toscanelli. If you have followed the fortunes of Christopher Columbus, reader, you have seen this name before, for it was Toscanelli who, in the year 1474, sent a letter and a chart to the so-called discoverer of America, which confirmed him in the impression that a route to India lay westward from Europe across the "Sea of Darkness." It is not known just when Amerigo first met "Paul the Physicist," as Toscanelli was called in Florence; but it may have been in youth or early manhood, for aside from the fact that "all the world" knew and reverenced the famous savant, there was the inclination arising from a mutual interest in cosmography and astronomy. Toscanelli was the foremost scientist of his age, and as he was born in 1397, at the time Amerigo met him he must have been a venerable man. He lived, however, until the year 1482, and as the younger man was in Florence during the first forty years of his life, and the last thirty of Toscanelli's, it is more than probable that their intercourse was long and friendly. It is known, at least, that they were acquainted at the time the learned doctor wrote Columbus, in 1474, and it does not require a stretch of the imagination to fancy them together, and wondering what effect that letter would have upon a man who entertained views similar to their own. Columbus, it is thought, had then been pondering several years over the possible discovery of land, presumably the eastern coast of India, by sailing westward. "It was in the year 1474," writes a modern historian, "that he had some correspondence with the Italian savant, Toscanelli, regarding this discovery of land. A belief in such a discovery was a natural corollary to the object which Prince Henry of Portugal had in view by circumnavigating Africa, in order to find a way to the countries of which Marco Polo had given golden accounts. It was, in brief, to substitute for the tedious indirection of the African route a direct western passage—a belief in the practicability of which was drawn from a confidence in the sphericity of the earth." Later in life Columbus seems to have forgotten his indebtedness to Toscanelli, and "grew to imagine that he had been independent of the influences of his time," ascribing his great discovery to the inspiration of one chosen to accomplish the prophecy of Isaiah. But the venerable Florentine had pondered the problem many years before Columbus thought of it. "Some Italian writers even go to the extent of asserting that the idea of a western passage to India originated with Toscanelli, before it entered the mind of Columbus; and it is highly probable that this was the case." There is this in favor of Toscanelli: He was a learned man, while Columbus was comparatively ignorant. He was then advanced in years, and had given the greater portion of his life to the consideration of just such questions, having had his attention called to them by reading the travels of Marco Polo and comparing the information therein contained with that derived from Eastern merchants who had traded for many years in the Orient. He was not a sailor, nor a corsair—though Columbus had been both, and had followed the sea for years—but he was an astronomer, and he knew more of the starry heavens, as well as of the earth beneath them, than any other scientist alive. "It was Toscanelli who erected the famous solstitial gnomon at the cathedral of Florence." For his learning he was honored, when but thirty years of age, with the curatorship of the great Florentine library, and for nearly sixty years thereafter he passed his days amid books, charts, maps, and globes. As a speculative philosopher, he had arrived at a correct conclusion respecting the sphericity of the earth, and, with all the generosity of a humanitarian, he freely communicated his ideas to others. Columbus would have excluded every other human being from participating in his thoughts, and arrogated to himself alone the right to navigate westerly. This was the difference between the broad-minded philosopher and the narrow-minded sailor who by accident had stumbled upon a theory. The philosopher said, "It belongs to the world!" The ignorant sailor cried, "It is mine!" Toscanelli advanced the theory, but it was Columbus who put it to the test, and reaped all the rewards, as well as suffered for the mistakes. For mistakes there were, and the chief error lay in supposing the country "discovered" by Columbus pertained to the Indies. He died in that belief, and also Toscanelli, who passed away ten years before the first voyage made to that land, subsequently known as America. In one sense, perhaps, the Florentine doctor was the means of that first voyage of Columbus having been accomplished, for the chart he sent him made the distance between Europe and the western country seem so short that it was undertaken with less reluctance, and persisted in more stubbornly, than it might otherwise have been. But this was a mistake in detail only, and not in theory. A line was projected from about the latitude of Lisbon, on the western coast of Europe, to the "great city of Quinsai," as described by Marco Polo, on the opposite shores of Asia. This line was divided into twenty-six spaces, of two hundred and fifty miles each, making the total distance between the two points sixty-five hundred miles, which Toscanelli supposed to be one-third of the earth's circumference. A conjectural restoration of Toscanelli's Map. In short, Toscanelli calculated the distance, made a conjectural chart embodying the results of his readings of Aristotle, Strabo, and Ptolemy, of his conversations during many years with Oriental travellers, and his own observations. He sent this chart to Columbus; the latter adopted it as his guide, and by means of it, faulty as it was, achieved his great "discovery." Whose, then, is the merit of this achievement? Does it not belong as much to Toscanelli as to Columbus? To whomsoever the credit may be given—whether to the man who conceived the idea, or to him who developed it, and whether or not Columbus intentionally appropriated the honor and glory exclusively—by the irony of fate, there stood a man at Toscanelli's elbow, as it were, when he wrote to the Genoese, who was destined to rob him of his great discovery's richest reward. This man was Amerigo Vespucci, after whom—though unsuggested by him and unknown to him—the continents of America were named, by strangers, before Christopher Columbus had lain a year in his grave! It is not at all improbable that Vespucci was aware of the correspondence between Toscanelli and Columbus, as he was then acquainted with the former, and at the age of twenty-three was intensely interested in the pursuits of the learned physician. Next to Toscanelli, in fact, he was probably the best-informed man then living in Florence as to the studies to which his friend had devoted the better part of his life, and it is not unreasonable to suppose that he saw the letters before they were sent to Columbus. But this is a trivial matter compared with the importance of these letters, in a consideration of the effect they produced upon the mind of Columbus, for, if they did not suggest to him the idea of voyaging westerly to discover the Indies, they certainly confirmed him in the opinion that such a voyage could be successfully made. By a strange freak of fate these letters were preserved in the Life of Columbus, written by his son Fernando, and there can be no question of their authenticity. They breathe the spirit of benevolence for which Toscanelli was noted, and indicate the greatness of the man—a greatness decidedly in contrast to the mean and petty nature of his correspondent, who would have perished sooner than allow information so precious to escape from him to the world. Toscanelli's first letter was written in Florence, June 25, 1474, and is as follows: "To Christopher Columbus, Paul the Physicist wishes health. "I perceive your noble and earnest desire to sail to those parts where the spice is produced, and therefore, in answer to a letter of yours, I send you another letter which, some days since, I wrote to a friend of mine, a servant of the King of Portugal before the wars of Castile, in answer to another that he wrote me by his highness's order, upon this same account. And I also send you another sea-chart, like the one I sent to him, which will satisfy your demands. This is a copy of the letter: "'To Ferdinand Martinez, Canon of Lisbon, Paul the Physicist wishes health. "'I am very glad to hear of the familiarity you enjoy with your most serene and magnificent king, and though I have very often discoursed concerning the short way there is from hence to the Indies, where the spice is produced, by sea (which I look upon to be shorter than that you take by the coast of Guinea), yet you now tell me that his highness would have me make out and demonstrate it, so that it may be understood and put in practice. "'Therefore, though I could better show it to him with a globe in my hand, and make him sensible of the figure of the world, yet I have resolved, to make it more easy and intelligible, to show the way on a chart, such as is used in navigation, and therefore I send one to his majesty, made and drawn with my own hand, wherein is set down the utmost bounds of the earth, from Ireland in the west to the farthest parts of Guinea, with all the islands that lie in the way; opposite to which western coast is described the beginning of the Indies, with the islands and places whither you may go, and how far you may bend from the North Pole towards the Equinoctial, and for how long a time—that is, how many leagues you may sail before you come to those places most fruitful in spices, jewels, and precious stones. "'Do not wonder if I term that country where the spice grows, West, that product being generally ascribed to the East, because those who sail westward will always find those countries in the west, and those who travel by land eastward will always find those countries in the east! The straight lines that lie lengthways in the chart show the distance there is from west to east; the others, which cross them, show the distance from north to south. I have also marked down in the chart several places in India where ships might put in, upon any storms or contrary winds, or other unforeseen accident. "'Moreover, to give you full information of all those places which you are very desirous to know about, you must understand that none but traders live and reside in all those islands, and that there is as great a number of ships and seafaring people, with merchandise, as in any other part of the world, particularly in a most noble port called Zaitun, where there are every year a hundred large ships of pepper loaded and unloaded, besides many other ships that take in other spices. This country is mighty populous, and there are many provinces and kingdoms, and innumerable cities, under the dominion of a prince called the Grand Khan, which name signifies king of kings, who for the most part resides in the province of Cathay. His predecessors were very desirous to have commerce and be in amity with Christians, and two hundred years since sent ambassadors to the Pope, desiring him to send them many learned men and doctors, to teach them our faith; but by reason of some obstacles the ambassadors met with they returned back, without coming to Rome. Besides, there came an ambassador to Pope Eugenius IV., who told him of the great friendship there was between those princes and their people, and the Christians. I discoursed with him a long while upon the several matters of the grandeur of their royal structures, and of the greatness, length, and breadth of their rivers, and he told me many wonderful things of the multitude of towns and cities along the banks of the rivers, upon a single one of which there were two hundred cities, with marble bridges of great length and breadth, adorned with numerous pillars. "'This country deserves as well as any other to be discovered; and there may not only be great profit made there, and many things of value found, but also gold, silver, many sorts of precious stones, and spices in abundance, which are not brought into our ports. And it is certain that many wise men, philosophers, astrologers, and other persons skilled in all arts and very ingenious, govern that mighty province and command their armies. From Lisbon directly westward there are in the chart twenty-six spaces, each of which contains two hundred and fifty miles, to the most noble and vast city of Quinsai, which is one hundred miles in compass—that is, thirty-five leagues. In it there are ten marble bridges. The name signifies a heavenly city, of which wonderful things are reported, as to the ingenuity of the people, the buildings, and the revenues. "'This space above mentioned is almost the third part of the globe. The city is in the province of Mangi, bordering on that of Cathay, where the king for the most part resides. From the island of Antilla, which you call the Island of the Seven Cities, and whereof you have some knowledge, to the most noble island of Cipango are ten spaces, which make two thousand five hundred miles. This island abounds in gold, pearls, and precious stones; and, you must understand, they cover their temples and palaces with plates of pure gold; so that, for want of knowing the way, all these things are concealed and hidden—and yet may be gone to with safety. "'Much more might be said; but having told you what is most material, and you being wise and judicious, I am satisfied there is nothing of it but what you understand, and therefore will not be more prolix. Thus much may serve to satisfy your curiosity, it being as much as the shortness of time and my business would permit me to say. So, I remain most ready to satisfy and serve his Highness to the utmost, in all the commands he shall lay upon me.'" A second communication followed the reply of Columbus, in which Toscanelli wrote: "I received your letters with the things you sent me, which I take as a great favor, and commend your noble and ardent desire of sailing from east to west, as it is marked out in the chart I sent you, which would demonstrate itself better in the form of a globe. I am glad it is well understood, and that the voyage laid down is not only possible, but certain, honorable, very advantageous, and most glorious among all Christians. You cannot be perfect in the knowledge of it but by experience and practice, as I have had in great measure, and by the solid and true information of worthy and wise men, who are come from those parts to this court of Rome, and from merchants who have traded long in those parts and who are persons of good reputation. So that, when the said voyage is performed, it will be to powerful kingdoms, and to most noble cities and provinces, rich, and abounding in all things we stand in need of, particularly all sorts of spice in great quantities, and stores of jewels. This will, moreover, be grateful to those kings and princes who are very desirous to converse and trade with Christians, or else have communication with the wise and ingenious men in these parts, as well in point of religion as in all sciences, because of the extraordinary account they have of the kingdoms and government of these parts. For which reasons, and many more that might be alleged, I do not at all wonder that you, who have a great heart, and all the Portuguese nation, which has ever had notable men in all undertakings, be eagerly bent upon performing this voyage." In these letters we have outlined by Toscanelli the very voyage that Columbus took in 1492, eighteen years after he had received this precious information. In his journal of that voyage he makes mention of "the islands marked on the chart"; he was constantly seeking the island of Atlantis, and hoped eventually to arrive at the great and noble city of Quinsai, as well as at Cipango and Cathay. As for the "Grand Khan"—of whom he had been informed by Toscanelli, who obtained his information from Marco Polo's works—he not only sent an embassy in search of him, when in Cuba, but was looking for him throughout all his voyages. It is well known that Columbus was not aware that he had really discovered a new world, but to the end of his days believed he had merely arrived at the eastern coast of India. So persistent was he in this belief that he falsified documents, and forced his crew to swear to what they did not know—namely, that Cuba was a continent, and not an island! He believed he had arrived at Cipango, when he heard the Indian word, cibao, on the coast of Hispaniola; and he says, in a letter written to Luis Santangel in 1493, "In Espanola there are gold-mines, and thence to terra firma, as well as thence to the Grand Khan, everything is on a splendid scale." Also, "When I arrived at Juana [Cuba], I followed the coast to the westward, and found it so extensive that I considered it must be a continent and a province of Cathay!" Columbus, it has been said by some investigators, was a man of one idea—and that idea not his own! "It is impossible," says Washington Irving, in his Life of Columbus—which is, throughout, an elegant but labored apology for its hero—"to determine the precise time when Columbus first conceived the design of seeking a western route to India. It is certain, however, that he meditated it as early as the year 1474, though as yet it lay crude and unmatured in his mind." The year 1474, as we know, was that in which Toscanelli sent him the letter and the chart. In that letter the route to India was laid down, and on that chart it was made clear to any seafaring man how Cathay might be reached, by merely sailing westward! By setting his helm, and persisting in a westerly course, any one might reach the coast that was supposed to lie opposite to Europe and Africa. Columbus did that, according to directions received from Toscanelli eighteen years before. He did nothing more, and he reached, not the coast of India, but the outlying islands of a new world since called America. The idea, then, which Columbus claimed as exclusively his own was conveyed to him by Toscanelli—or, at least, it so appears—and Toscanelli obtained it from the ancients. For, says one having authority, "Eratosthenes, accepting the spherical theory, had advanced the identical notion which nearly seventeen hundred years later impelled Columbus to his voyage. He held the known world to span one-third of the circuit of the globe, as Strabo did at a later day, leaving an unknown two-thirds of sea; and if it were not that the vast extent of the Atlantic Sea rendered it impossible, one might even sail from the coast of Spain to that of India, along the same parallel." And again: "An important element in the problem was the statement of Marco Polo regarding a large island, which he called Cipango, and which he represented as lying in the ocean off the eastern coast of Asia. This carried the eastern verge of the Asiatic world farther than the ancients had known, and, on the spherical theory, brought land nearer westward from Europe than could earlier have been supposed. . . . Humboldt has pointed out that neither Christopher Columbus nor his son Ferdinand mentions Marco Polo; still, we know that the former had read his book."
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-14", "url": "http://www.gatewaytotheclassics.com/browse/displayitem.php?item=books/ober/vespucci/friends", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-14/segments/1679296949689.58/warc/CC-MAIN-20230331210803-20230401000803-00330.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9859990477561951, "token_count": 4453, "score": 2.734375, "int_score": 3 }
Do you use the Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Journeys Reading Series (© 2011/2012)? This is the Lesson 27 Amphibian Alert! Vocabulary and Reading Selection "study sheet" that lists (see thumbnail): * the vocabulary words * vocabulary definitions to match the words * long article title, author, genre, and page numbers * short article title, author, genre, and page numbers * poetry titles, authors, and page numbers * study information about the lesson's Target Skill * study information about the lesson's Target Strategy We do this together on Monday and the students have it to review at home throughout the week. THIS PRODUCT IS FOR THE 2011/2012 VERSION OF JOURNEYS. IT WILL NOT MATCH THE NEW 2014 VERSION. NOTE: I also have all the study sheets bundled together available in my store for $29.00.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-13", "url": "https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Journeys-HMH-20112012-Grade-4-Lesson-27-Study-Sheet-760357", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-13/segments/1490218193716.70/warc/CC-MAIN-20170322212953-00539-ip-10-233-31-227.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.790598452091217, "token_count": 189, "score": 2.75, "int_score": 3 }
Blind patients may soon be able to benefit from a wirelessly controlled microchip that has the ability to restore limited vision--allowing them to read letters and see faces. A report from Proceedings of the Royal Society B describes the work of researchers from German medical technology company Retina Implant, who implanted an artificial retina in one eye of each participant in the trial, MIT Technology Review reports. All patients in the trial had been blinded by either retinitis pigmentosa or another disease, all which the eye's photoreceptors to degenerate--so the device could also benefit patients with diseases such as macular degeneration, said Katarina Stigl, a clinical scientist at the University of Tubingen, who headed up the study. During the trial, eight of the nine patients tested could perceive light while using the microchip, and five could detect moving patterns and objects such as cutlery, doorknobs and telephones, according to the report. Three could even read letters, but what had the biggest impact was being able to see their hands or the faces of a loved one. "The very personal things ... are the most exciting for them," Stigl said to MIT Technology Review. The device, a three-millimeter square chip with 1,500 pixels, contains a photodiode, picking up incoming light and getting amplified by a circuit. A cable running to the eye socket connects the implant to a small coil implanted under the skin behind the ear, making the system nearly invisible. MIT Technology Review reports that earlier this week, another technology for restoring vision in patients with retinal degeneration, Second Sight's Argus II, was approved for use in the United States. They join the more than 20 groups around the globe working on visual prosthesis, according to Joseph Rizzo, a nuero-ophthamologist with the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary and Harvard Medical School. The FDA recently approved a bionic eye invention designed for people with retinitis pigmentosa. The technology uses a video camera attached to glasses that communicate with electrodes in the retina. To learn more: - read the Proceedings of the Royal Society B report - read the MIT Technology Review article FDA approves a bionic eye Smartphone technology pilot tested for visually impaired There's more than meets the eye to the case of the dancing gorilla
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-10", "url": "https://www.fiercehealthcare.com/it/german-researchers-use-microchip-to-restore-limited-vision", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-10/segments/1614178367949.58/warc/CC-MAIN-20210303230849-20210304020849-00238.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9360578060150146, "token_count": 487, "score": 3.15625, "int_score": 3 }
This week I have been preparing my classes for Mastery Learning (I see students in about a week). Part of that preparation is creating some videos that teach students how to operate in a Mastery Learning setting. Below are four videos I have created for students to watch. Later I will post some examples of what a unit looks like. Video 1: Introduction to Mastery Learning Video 2: How to Be Successful in a Mastery Classroom Video 3: Getting to Know Mr. Bergmann Video 4: Setting Up Your Interactive Notebook
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-49", "url": "https://www.jonbergmann.com/blog/preparing-students-for-mastery-learning-how-to-start-a-year-part-1", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-49/segments/1669446711042.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20221205164659-20221205194659-00627.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9448092579841614, "token_count": 108, "score": 2.609375, "int_score": 3 }
A partial definition of treason is, "the crime of giving aid or comfort to the enemies of one's government." I submit the president has committed treason by his past actions with Russia and present statements with North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un. Vladimir Putin's government has made serious efforts to destroy the government of the U.S. Most leaders think of Kim Jong-Un as one of the worst dictators in the world. President Trump sides with those two against the U.S. Until now, it has been inconceivable for a U.S. president to stand side-by-side with an enemy against top U.S. officials. Disagreeing politically with a member of the other party is natural; publicly agreeing on a world-wide stage against an American vice president with an enemy is almost beyond belief. Maybe now the Democrats will have a reason to start the process of removing this person. Donald Trump has committed treason and is a traitor. Surely, some Republicans will be patriotic enough to act for the U.S. and not just to the party's leaders. Chelsea Cook, Broken Arrow Letters to the editor are encouraged. Send letters to [email protected].
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-43", "url": "https://www.tulsaworld.com/opinion/letters/letter-to-the-editor-trump-is-showing-treasonous-behavior-with/article_4e704467-9766-502c-b43c-73ac215e68af.html", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-43/segments/1570986702077.71/warc/CC-MAIN-20191020024805-20191020052305-00505.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9620040655136108, "token_count": 254, "score": 2.515625, "int_score": 3 }
EPA has hidden access to information on its website about climate change. The American public relies on EPA’s website for detailed and dependable information about critical environmental subjects, including climate change. On April 28, 2017, EPA announced it was updating its website to “reflect the agency’s new direction under President Donald Trump and Administrator Scott Pruitt.” Many of these “updates” take the form of climate change webpages with notices that they will be updated. While some pages remain available via a “snapshot” of what was available on the website at the end of the Obama administration, accessing this information requires searching for it specifically within the old archive. The removed pages include EPA’s main climate change webpage which previously contained information about regulations, policies, and science, with a special focus on “reviewing” information related to climate change. Webpages that provide information about EPA rules and programs used to include benefits or impacts related to climate change. Those disclosures are no longer included. The Environmental Data and Governance Initiative released a study that found “of all agencies, the EPA has removed the most climate web content.” This leaves the public without a reliable, comprehensive and up-to-date source of information about a critical and complex subject. As of November 2018, the update notice has been removed from the climate change webpage and it appears as though the administration has abandoned the update project for the page. The only link provided is to the archived version of the page from January 19, 2017. For more information on EPA’s actions regarding climate change science, please see our posts: - Misleading the Public on Climate Science - EPA Removes Academic Scientists from Science Advisory Panels - Appointing a Climate Change Skeptic to EPA’s Advisory Committee This post was edited for clarity on Jan. 28, 2020.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-49", "url": "https://eelp.law.harvard.edu/2019/07/epa-removes-climate-change-information-from-its-website/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-49/segments/1669446711278.74/warc/CC-MAIN-20221208050236-20221208080236-00129.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9303746819496155, "token_count": 389, "score": 2.9375, "int_score": 3 }
Being able to work together with individuals is one thing puppies are born with, new analysis exhibits: As much as 40 p.c of a younger canine’s capability to speak with us is genetic, even earlier than any coaching or bonding has taken place. In different phrases, the friendliness that younger pups are identified for is partly innate – although some begin off higher at it than others, based mostly on their genes. The workforce behind the findings says their discovery might assist in bettering coaching for service canines sooner or later. The research concerned 375 puppies with a mean age of 8.5 weeks previous. The canines have been requested to finish quite a lot of standardized duties designed to measure their responsiveness to human interplay and their willingness to cooperate. “These are fairly excessive numbers, a lot the identical as estimates of the heritability of intelligence in our personal species,” says animal psychologist Emily Bray, from the College of Arizona, Tucson. “All these findings counsel that canines are biologically ready for communication with people.” Bray and her colleagues have spent a decade working with canines on the service canine group Canine Companions within the US, which provides them entry to loads of puppies along with their breeding historical past and pedigree report. Utilizing knowledge from observations collected between 2017 and mid-2020, the workforce constructed a statistical mannequin evaluating genetic with environmental elements within the canines they examined, whereas controlling for breed, intercourse, age and rearing location. The younger pups have been most responsive when a handler checked out or pointed to a container hiding meals – although the canines solely adopted orders when the gaze or gesture was preceded by a social cue (the handler speaking to the canine). In one other take a look at, the puppies have been proven to be eager to have a look at a handler whereas the individual was speaking, and to return ahead for a pet. Nevertheless, in an experiment with a sealed container holding meals, the canines seemed much less to their human companions, suggesting whereas they have been good at responding to our cues, their capability to speak in form comes later of their improvement. “We present that puppies will reciprocate human social gaze and efficiently use data given by a human in a social context from a really younger age and previous to intensive expertise with people,” says Bray. “For instance, even earlier than puppies have left their littermates to reside one-on-one with their volunteer raisers, most of them are capable of finding hidden meals by following a human level to the indicated location.” There’s truly a rising quantity of proof that very younger canines share the identical willingness to cooperate and talk as human infants do, although scientists have but to ascertain the genetic influences that is likely to be behind this conduct. Subsequent, the researchers wish to search for particular genes that affect sociability in puppies, which would require a genome-wide affiliation research, the involvement of extra sorts of canine, and following these canines over time fairly than simply analyzing their conduct at a single level of their improvement. In addition to serving to in canine coaching, future discoveries could possibly be informative in tracing the evolution and domestication of canines – precisely after they began exhibiting these behaviors as they grew to become a human’s finest pal. “From a younger age, canines show human-like social expertise, which have a powerful genetic part, which means these talents have robust potential to bear choice,” says Bray. “Our findings would possibly subsequently level to an vital piece of the domestication story, in that animals with a propensity for communication with our personal species might need been chosen for within the wolf populations that gave rise to canines.” The analysis has been revealed in Present Biology.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-27", "url": "https://www.newsvilletimes.com/2021/06/03/puppies-are-born-ready-to-socialize-with-humans-science-shows/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-27/segments/1656104244535.68/warc/CC-MAIN-20220703134535-20220703164535-00103.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9668620824813843, "token_count": 802, "score": 2.78125, "int_score": 3 }
Network of WHO Collaborating Centres for Children’s Environmental Health The mission of NIEHS is to discover how the environment affects people in order to promote healthier lives. In the area of children’s environmental health, NIEHS supports a number of local and international research projects that are examining the effects of air pollution, metals, pesticides, and other environmental contaminants on children’s health. NIEHS’ extensive research program in children’s environmental health has increased our understanding of the unique vulnerability of developing children to harmful environmental exposures and helped to guide the development of protective measures for children in the United States and around the world. As a hub in an international network of children’s environmental health researchers, NIEHS is assisting the WHO by: - Promoting international cooperation among environmental health research institutes around the world. - Promoting global awareness of emerging issues in children’s environmental health. - Preparing training materials and supporting education and training efforts in environmental and occupational health sciences. P.O. Box 12233, MD K3-04 Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709 |Other Research and Training Locations||NIEHS Bethesda Campus, Maryland| |Collaborators||U.S. Environmental Protection Agency World Health Organization Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry National Institute of Child Health and Human Development National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities Fogarty International Center |Chemicals/Exposures Studied||Air pollution, metals, endocrine disrupting compounds, pesticides, mixtures| |Health or Social Effects Studied||Respiratory disease, autoimmune disease, cardiovascular disease, reproductive disorders, neurodevelopmental diseases| |Population(s) Studied||NIEHS-Funded Epidemiology Resources|
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-06", "url": "https://www.niehs.nih.gov/research/programs/geh/partnerships/network/centres/rtp_usa/index.cfm", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764500758.20/warc/CC-MAIN-20230208092053-20230208122053-00140.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8678619861602783, "token_count": 427, "score": 3.359375, "int_score": 3 }
Of all the types of speech presentations, impromptu speech is perhaps the most believable. The reason is not farfetched; listeners believe the speaker speaks from the heart instead of delivering a premeditated speech. If, for instance, you are given several months notice to deliver a speech on President Goodluck Jonathan’s alleged ambition to contest during the 2015 election, you will have enough time to think of all the right words to speak. One of the things you may also do is to assess the nature of your audience. If you don’t fancy the idea of the President contesting, but a government official will be present at the event, you may think of several diplomatic ways of presenting your views. However, if you were not informed of the presentation, you may actually express you real view (or at least something close to it). For this reason, audience finds it easier to relate with impromptu speeches in terms of credibility than some other types of speeches. Think about it, why is it that at press conferences by government officials or other dignitaries, journalists still ask questions after the individuals have delivered the speech? First, the speech delivered was premeditated so the journalists need some heartfelt responses, second, there are areas of concern that were not covered in the speech, and third, there is need for further clarification on some issues raised. In most cases similar to the one we have here, people tend to benefit more from the question and answer session than the initial speech presentation. During question and answer sessions, people get the answers the desire, which are usually beyond what the speaker are prepared to share. Last week, we examined a few elements of impromptu speech. We said that it is immediate, it is brief and it is based on the current situation or event. We also said that you are called to deliver the speech because of your experience or personality. Consequently, it should be presented from your personal point of view, though it should focus on other people rather than yourself. This week, we shall examine a simple format you can adopt anytime you are called upon to deliver an impromptu speech: • Introduction: since the entire speech should not last more than a few minutes, your introduction is not expected to be an extensive one. Nevertheless, it should be catchy enough to capture your audience’s attention. A brilliant way to start your speech is to acknowledge the distinguished people present and appreciate the privilege given to you to contribute to the important subject. You may also begin by referring to the invaluable contributions that have been made before you. While you don’t have a lot of time, it is still fashionable to refer to one or two memorable contributions that others have made for your audience to know that you are not engaging in flattery. • State your point: remember that you don’t have a long time to speak, so, suspense may not be the best idea at this time. Considering that public speaking is an art, I believe you can adapt your speech to any situation or be creative whichever way you like. Nevertheless, I suggest you state your position straight on. Let the audience know what side of the discussion you belong to. • Justify your position: why do you feel the way you do? That is your next assignment. Your justification is perhaps more important than your position. This is because the credibility or soundness of your position will be judged by the reasons you give. For instance, lets assume you are asked at your organization’s board meeting if the company should fire some staff in view of emerging economic realities. If you say yes and you are asked why, you can’t simply say, “Well I don’t know. I just kind of think the company is too crowed.” People will lose respect for you because you are putting others’ jobs on line without any sensible justification. • Illustrate your point: don’t waste time at all, give a practical example that will drive home your point. While there is no time for any lengthy story, you may just call their attention to something around them that supports your line of reasoning. If you can bring the illustration close to them, you are likely to get their attention. The more familiar your illustration is, the more likely you are to win your audience. • Restate your point: make sure that your listeners don’t stray from your line of argument. Remind them of your position again. This time, they should understand it better because you have already provided your justification. • Conclude with appreciation: end your speech by thanking whoever invited you to talk for the opportunity to make a contribution. You should also thank your audience for listening and seeing your point.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-09", "url": "http://thenationonlineng.net/a-simple-format/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-09/segments/1518891813109.8/warc/CC-MAIN-20180220224819-20180221004819-00086.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9686436057090759, "token_count": 962, "score": 2.578125, "int_score": 3 }
What is a carport A carport is a covered structure designed to provide shelter for vehicles, typically cars. It is similar to a garage but lacks walls, with only a roof supported by posts or columns. Carports are usually open on at least one or two sides, allowing for easy access and ventilation. They can be attached to a building or stand alone as a separate structure. Carports serve as a protective covering for vehicles, shielding them from the elements such as rain, snow, hail, and sunlight. They provide some level of protection against weather-related damage and can help prevent fading or deterioration of the vehicle’s exterior. Premium FeaturesWith No Plugins Required The Aluminium Single Carport is a durable and stylish shelter for your vehicle. It features an assembly of a robust aluminum alloy frame and a polycarbonate solid sheet roof, providing protection from the elements while allowing ample light transmission. This carport offers a sleek and modern design, ensuring your car is shielded from weather conditions in an aesthetically pleasing way. An Aluminium Double Carport is a versatile and functional solution for safeguarding two vehicles simultaneously. This carport is constructed with a sturdy aluminum alloy frame and a polycarbonate solid sheet roof, combining durability and aesthetic appeal. Its double-bay design efficiently accommodates two cars, providing protection from harsh weather conditions such as rain, snow, and UV rays.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "https://kbms.com.au/carports/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679103558.93/warc/CC-MAIN-20231211045204-20231211075204-00080.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9264470338821411, "token_count": 284, "score": 2.5625, "int_score": 3 }
If the counterinsurgency (COIN) in Afghanistan is America's longest war, it is also among its more complicated. Insurgencies have their own sets of confusions, intelligence puzzles, and dubious allies. Afghanistan adds its own challenges through its rich tapestry of clans and ethnicities, centuries-old rivalries, poorly defined borders, and myriad of cultural dynamics that make it difficult to distinguish between friends and enemies. In the Afghanistan-Pakistan region, today's friends can very quickly become tomorrow's enemies. Pakistan is a country that markets itself to Washington as a friend but whose primary intelligence service may function as an enemy. The Taliban's ascent to power fits into the pattern of modern Afghan authoritarian and clan-based politics. Many of today's insurgent leaders took part in the fight against the Soviets in the 1980s and were directly supported by Pakistan's premier intelligence agency, Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), and supplied by the United States. In the summer of 1994, the Taliban entered a general fracas to control Afghanistan. The reclusive leader of the Taliban, Mullah Mohammad Omar, led an assortment of religious leaders and students to control 90 percent of the country within five years. Recruits were largely drawn from slums and refugee camps in Afghanistan and adjacent areas in Pakistan. The Taliban was supported, to some extent nurtured, by the ISI. The relationship was born, in part, from elements of common Pashtun identity and a long border. Pakistan views Afghanistan's security concerns as its own as it has long seen Afghanistan as lying within its sphere of influence. After the United States invaded Afghanistan to rid the region of al-Qaeda and the Taliban, Pakistan, which had armed the anti-Soviet insurgents, pledged to partner with Washington as an ally. In turn, Washington substantially increased the level of military and developmental aid to Pakistan, making it the largest recipient of U.S. foreign aid. Between 2001 and 2009, Pakistan received approximately $12 billion in direct U.S. aid. In 2009 alone, Congress passed a five-year $7.5 billion civilian aid package and in October 2010 the U.S. announced a new $2 billion military aid package as an incentive to work harder at clearing its country of terrorists. Soon, however, observers became skeptical of Pakistan's true intentions and grew concerned that some of the funds and weapons provided to Pakistan to ferret out the Taliban were, in fact, being handed to the Taliban and used to kill Americans. A Janus-Faced Ally Had there been any doubts about Pakistan's double game, recent revelations by Wikileaks would have put some to rest. The Wikileaks website and the New York Times, The Guardian of London, the German magazine Der Spiegel, and other media outlets revealed Pakistani direct partnering with the Taliban. In addition, a report produced by the London School of Economics in 2010 detailed the assistance of mid-level ISI officials to the Taliban. The report claimed that Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari met and coordinated with senior Taliban officials and assured the Taliban that he would resist U.S. pressure to close the insurgents' sanctuary in Pakistan. Pakistani officials were, predictably, quick to dismiss this report, calling it "rubbish." In fact, it is not rubbish. The RAND Corporation produced an extensive study verifying a dynamic and extensive ISI role in the insurgency, and U.S. senators such as Russell Feingold, then-member of the Foreign Relations Committee, have acknowledged the veracity of elements of the Wikileaks reports. This sentiment was echoed by former State Department spokesman P. J. Crowley who said, "It [the ISI aid to the Taliban] is a real threat." Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton explained that he understood this problem well when he served in the Bush administration and hoped then-Pakistani Prime Minister Pervez Musharraf would purge the ISI of the more radical and militant elements. The extent to which the ISI collaborates with the insurgents is debatable. Some observers claim that the ISI's "S" Wing is the main culprit and operates with relative autonomy and often without approval of high-level leaders in the ISI. Others are skeptical that any element of the ISI could offer large-scale and sustained lethal aid without approval of the ISI's chief. Explaining ISI Support There are three basic reasons why Pakistan's most important intelligence service supports the anti-American insurgents: Pashtun connections with the Taliban; a consuming hatred for the United States; and Pakistan's demand to be a regional actor in South Asia. It is difficult to overstate the importance of ethnic solidarity in parts of South Asia. Vast literature has been written about these bonds and of the sweeping Pashtun nationalism that overarches the porous and contested borders. A Pashtun code of conduct known as Pashtunwali requires tribesman to aid each other and close ranks against a common enemy. The common enemy of some Afghan and Pakistani Pashtuns is the Coalition Forces of Afghanistan. About a quarter of the Pakistani military is Pashtun, which is greater than the 15 percent in the general society. The ISI is approximately 25 percent Pashtun. Even more important than Pashtunwali and solidarity, however, is the fear that Pashtuns in Afghanistan may agitate for a Pashtunistan, drawing Pakistani territory into the equation. A second reason for the ISI aid to the Taliban is driven by a nation-wide consuming hatred for the United States, which receives surprisingly little play in U.S. media. If Pakistan is, indeed, a friend of the United States, the Pakistani intellectuals, clerics, journalists, local politicians, and retired ISI offices have yet to learn this. There is a constant screed against American hegemony, human rights abuses against Pakistanis, and American cultural degradation corrupting Pakistani youth. Above all, Islamic clerics and leaders of civil society fulminate against an American-led war on Islam. For over 25 years, Gulf states have funded Pakistani religious schools, or madrassas, which inculcated boys in the most narrow, puritanical, misogynistic, and religiously chauvinistic strains of Wahhabi-oriented Islam. Two issues illustrate this broad-base hatred and embrace of wild conspiracy theories. In a trial barely covered by the dominant U.S. media, Afia Saddiqui, also known as "Lady al-Qaeda," became a national hero in Pakistan. Born in Pakistan, she was raised in the U.S. where she received her doctorate in neuroscience. Soon after 9/11, her allegiances were revealed as she traveled to Pakistan with documents connected to biological weapons of destruction. She hoped to make herself useful to al-Qaeda, but was apprehended in Afghanistan by the U.S. military and shot at a U.S. soldier. She missed, but will be serving the next 28 years in prison. There have been countless demonstrations, political rallies, even a national petition-signing campaign orchestrated from the highest echelons of the Pakistani government, which express the anger and contempt for the United States held in Pakistan. Under the moniker the "daughter of the nation," Siddiqui is considered a victim of American "Islamophobia." Driven by nationalism, the third cause for aiding the Taliban is Pakistan's insistence on playing a dominant role in South Asian affairs and the need to prove independence from Washington. Many Pakistanis believe that the United States works in concert with India and that Afghan security personnel partner with Indians to undermine Pakistani interests. Pakistani leaders can ill afford to develop the image of being controlled by Washington. They need to appear tough towards the U.S. Evidence of this pervasive fear of India and hatred for the West is personified in retired ISI chief Lieutenant General Hamid Gul, who headed the ISI from 1987 to 1989. In the late 1980s, Gul worked with Taliban commanders loyal to Mullah Omar, as well as the Jalaluddin and Sirajuddin Haqqani and Gulbuddin Hekmatyar groups, who are all are tied to al-Qaeda. Today, Gul is flamboyant with his hatred of the United States, India, and Israel. Some of this may be narcissistic braggadocio, but some of his comments reflect his conviction that these three countries are allies in a war against Islam. U.S. leaders have tried to put Gul's name on a list of international terrorists. Nuclear-armed Pakistan will remain an important actor in the greater Afghan drama. A U.S. government leader said, "The key thing to bear in mind is that the administration is not naive about Pakistan. The problem with the Pakistanis is that the more you threaten them, the more they become entrenched and don't see a path forward with you." This may be the case. Still, there are things the U.S. government can do. Demand a full accounting by all external players who support the insurgents. Iranian and Pakistani intelligence services have repeatedly, significantly, and enthusiastically supported the Taliban. The data revealed through Wikileaks makes Pakistani denials no longer plausible. Further, Saudi Arabia funds the Pakistani religious schools that preach contempt of the United States, India, and world Jewry. Post-Wikileaks robust and rigorous Congressional hearings could clarify the role of Pakistan in the Afghan insurgency. If the ISI helps the Taliban kill U.S. soldiers, the American people are entitled to know. This issue has been investigated before but insufficiently. Educate the U.S. military. Establish a hard-hitting security briefing to protect the force against political Islam, or Islamism. This briefing should have three parts—a background on political Islam, to include Islamic mandates for global supremacy, dissimulation, and allegiance to the world's Islamic community; a second part could focus on service-specific issues and threats; a final part would turn to threats by the world's Muslims in areas of operation, particularly Afghanistan, in which U.S. forces are deployed or likely to deploy. Expose the lobbyists. Honest discussion on the role of external players in the Afghan COIN is clouded by the vast army of "consultants" who serve on the payroll of Pakistan, as well as Saudi Arabia and other oil-exporting states. Often, these hirelings boast impressive credentials such as retired general, former ambassador, senior intelligence officer, and university professor. While it is their right to work in the interests of Pakistan or Saudi Arabia, television audiences could profit from understanding their employment status. They are not honest brokers. Pakistan may render aid to the United States, but elements of its chief intelligence service also aid the enemy. It may be that one element, "S" Wing, is the singular supplier of lethal aid, but ISI leaders are unlikely ignorant. It may be that a cost-benefit analysis will determine the current relationship with Pakistan is sufficient. Perhaps. But there are reasons to doubt it. Mark Silinsky is a senior intelligence analyst for the United States Army. His views do not represent those of the Army or any element of the U.S. government. Related Topics: Winter 2010 inFocus receive the latest by email: subscribe to the free jewish policy center mailing list
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-32", "url": "http://www.jewishpolicycenter.org/2145/pakistan-problem", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-32/segments/1438042981525.10/warc/CC-MAIN-20150728002301-00201-ip-10-236-191-2.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9591127038002014, "token_count": 2293, "score": 2.71875, "int_score": 3 }
Second Grade Worksheet Free – Worksheets are definitely the backbone to students gaining knowledge of and greedy principles taught through the teacher. Making your individual worksheets is easy, and it allows you to incorporate just the right fabric that you want to make certain your scholars can gain knowledge of and commit to memory. Here are instructions on a way to make worksheets in five simple steps. The first thing you need to do is comprehend the info that you desire to include on your worksheet. Make yourself a depiction of what you want included. You have to then determine how you desire to provide the questions or puzzles to the students. Do you want to make it a observe seek puzzle with a secret message on the backside of the worksheet to make stronger a lesson concept? Do you desire it to be a diverse selection or fill-in-the-blank worksheet whereas pupils have to use their textbooks in order to answer the questions correctly? Next, you wish to layout your worksheet on paper. To do this, you can use the note processing software in your computer, which includes Microsoft Note or Microsoft Publisher, or you will choose to apply a worksheet generator that you could find on the Internet. There are a number of locations in which you could worksheet generators, inclusive of at Teachnology. If you choose to apply your own observe processing program, then you should make sure to set your margins in fact in order that you are able to healthy all the fabric onto the worksheet. Select a font that’s simple for kids to read. Make sure that the colours you choose will exhibit up well on a printed version of the worksheet. Frequently yellows or purples can come out light, although they look okay on your computer monitor. Now is the time to feature some clipart pictures in your worksheets to give them some personality. You can uncover plenty of clipart at the Internet, yet you must ensure to take a look at each site’s guidelines before simply using any clipart. Perhaps your university already has a license with a clipart enterprise that allows them to use clipart on university documents. Verify with the faculty secretary to determine if it really is anything you could use on your worksheets. Easy copy and paste the photographs onto your worksheet in which you would like them to go. Take a look at the worksheet which you organized on your machine screen. Make sure you have protected everything that you want. Now take a look at the worksheet in a “print preview” window. This window indicates you precisely what’s going to print. You’ll want to do that to ensure that every little thing you set on the worksheet will print out okay. That is an especially important step, in case you have adjusted margins in any way. After you have previewed how it is going to print, you could both make some adjustments (reducing font size, decreasing clipart size, etc.) or simply pass ahead and print out the worksheet. Of course, you could make distinct copies of the worksheet for your students. Consider printing one copy of the worksheet at domestic or in your classroom, and using the colour copier on your college office, if one is available. In case your worksheet has quite a few colour on it, then it will use up your printer ink fantastically quickly. If your college does not have a color copier, then consider taking the worksheet to a brief replica location like Kinkos or Workplace Max to run the copies for you. This will not cost you an arm and a leg, and your copies will be accomplished soon and easily. Related Posts for Second Grade Worksheet Free - Text To Self Connections Worksheet - Whole Armor Of God Worksheet - Wellness Worksheet For Adults - Venn Diagram Worksheet Math - Self Help Marriage Counseling Worksheet - Rounding Worksheet 5th Grade - Super Teachers Worksheet Maths - Rules Of Divisibility Worksheet - Trace Alphabet Worksheet Free - Third Grade Fractions Worksheet
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-31", "url": "https://vanswarpedtouraustralia.com/2020/10/02/second-grade-worksheet-free/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-31/segments/1627046154302.46/warc/CC-MAIN-20210802012641-20210802042641-00394.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9278244376182556, "token_count": 841, "score": 3.109375, "int_score": 3 }
Obtaining induced pluripotent stem cells could get a bit more difficult in the coming years, but not because there’s a lack of donors. Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute and the Scripps Translational Science Institute recently found that the older a donor is, the more likely his or her cells would show genetic stem cell mutations when the cells divide. “It’s imperative professionals examine people before they use their cells for treatment.” This study, published in Nature Biology, indicated that it’s imperative doctors or scientists examine people before they use their cells for treatment or other medical situations. “If you’re getting cells from these older donors, these seed cells that you use for reprogramming already have some accumulation of mutation load, and so that is actually very important evidence, especially when they are looking at the potential functions of these mutations,” said bioengineer Kun Zhang, who was not a part of the study, to The Scientist. To conduct the study, researchers took blood samples from three different studies containing a total of 16 patients from 21 to 100 years of age, and study co-authors Valentina Lo Chardo and Will Ferguson each created iPSCs. Researchers then observed methylation patterns in the stem cells. They not only found 336 mutations in the study, but also realized that 24 of them could cause tumors to grow or cells to improperly function. STSI Director Eric Topol, another of the study’s co-authors, said doctors are already using iPSCs in Japan, but added that it’s important to figure out how aging affects stem cells used in treatments. “Using iPSCs for treatment has already been initiated in Japan in a woman with age-related macular degeneration,” said Topol. “Accordingly, it’s vital that we fully understand the effects of aging on these cells being cultivated to treat patients in the future.” Kristin Baldwin, co-lead investigator, noted how groundbreaking the study is, saying they were the first to develop iPSCs from elderly people. The authors had initially doubted their abilities to produce iPSCs. “When we proposed this study, we weren’t sure whether it would even be possible to grow iPSCs from the blood of the participants in the Wellderly Study, since others have reported difficulty in making these stem cells from aged patients,” said Baldwin. “But through the hard work and careful experiments designed by Valentina and Will, our laboratories became the first to produce iPSCs from the blood of extremely elderly people.” Stem cells have the unique ability to transform when induced into other types of cells. These cells can then be used to treat an array of conditions or be part of studies that help scientists better understand how the body functions. A study, like the one conducted by Lo Chardo and Ferguson, could help scientists and doctors understand the importance of screening patients before treating them with stem cells.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-13", "url": "https://longevitycentres.com/news/stem-cell-therapy/stem-cell-mutations-chance-increase-donor-age/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-13/segments/1552912202530.49/warc/CC-MAIN-20190321172751-20190321194751-00055.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9564513564109802, "token_count": 624, "score": 3.09375, "int_score": 3 }
TWO recent discoveries of ancient bird skeletons in Spain and Madagascar have forced palaeontologists to rethink their theories about the diversity of birdlife in the age of the dinosaurs. The beautifully preserved bones of Vorona berivotrensis, a new and very primitive species unearthed in northwestern Madagascar, is the first specimen from the Mesozoic era, 65 to 245 million years ago, to be found in a large portion of the ancient continent of Gondwana, the part that is now Africa, India and Antarctica. It is also the first pre-Holoceneolder than 10 000 yearsbird found in Madagascar. The Spanish fossil, Eoalulavis hoyasi, showed that birds had evolved their efficient, modern style of flight as early as 115 million years ago. "The diversity of early birds was much larger than we thought five years ago," says Luis Chiappe of the American Museum of Natural History, New York. The lower limb of the ... To continue reading this article, subscribe to receive access to all of newscientist.com, including 20 years of archive content.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2014-52", "url": "http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg15120422.700-science--fossil-birds-fly-in-the-face-of-theories.html", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2014-52/segments/1418802770686.106/warc/CC-MAIN-20141217075250-00082-ip-10-231-17-201.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9458963871002197, "token_count": 223, "score": 3.671875, "int_score": 4 }
The principles that apply to choosing a title for the research paper are the same as choosing a title for any other piece of academic writing. You have to apply the same rule if you want to choose a title for a blog or a web article etc. Once you know the topic for your research paper you can create a title as well. The title should follow some rules and should have some characteristics that can make it a good title. A title should have the following characteristics: A title needs to be informative in a sense that the readers can guess what they will find inside the research paper. It should be self-explanatory and not vague. A research paper title needs to give some idea about your research paper in easy words. Too much vague or general titles are not suitable for the research paper. The research paper title does not need to have fancy words or complex phrases. All you need is to write an informative, precise phrase that best describes the information one can find inside. A research paper title should better be a phrase than a sentence. A sentence as a title describes too much about the research paper. The titles of books and journals are always a phrase so the same applies to a research paper as well. The phrase does not need any punctuation at the end. The language and wording of the title should be straightforward and easy to understand. Some students make a mistake of choosing vague terms for their research paper title. They think that catchy titles might be more appealing but it is not true. Catchy and cute titles might work for a story or an essay but not for a research paper. Think about the audience before using too much technical language in the title. A long title tells too much about your research paper. You do not need to have details in your title rather you can provide details later when you are writing a thesis statement. Write a concise and precise title that works as a topic for your research paper. Too many details in the research paper title can distract the audience. You do not need to add punctuation at the end of the research paper title. A phrase does not need a punctuation, have you seen a punctuation at the end of a book title? Definitely no! You can have a colon or a comma in between the title phrase where required. Capitalize the first letter of each word Capitalize the first letter of each word except for the conjunctions, articles, and prepositions. The same rule applies to any other title like a book title, or a journal title. You do not need to underline the title or use quotation marks.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-39", "url": "https://readingcraze.com/index.php/choosing-title-research-paper/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-39/segments/1631780057366.40/warc/CC-MAIN-20210922132653-20210922162653-00373.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9363822340965271, "token_count": 525, "score": 2.953125, "int_score": 3 }
Women with a family history of diabetes who are free from the disease themselves are more likely to develop pregnancy-related diabetes, a new study confirms. And the risks associated with having a brother or sister who is diabetic are much higher than having one or even two parents with the disease, Dr. Catherine Kim of the University of Michigan Medical School in Ann Arbor and her colleagues found. The increased demands placed on the body during pregnancy can cause some women to develop abnormally high blood sugar. The condition, known medically as gestational diabetes, typically gets better after a woman delivers her baby, but it increases her risk of developing type 2 diabetes later on. The more relatives a person has with type 2 diabetes, the greater their risk of developing the condition themselves. But little is known about how a woman’s family history of the condition affects her risk of developing gestational diabetes. To investigate, Kim and her team looked at 4,566 women participating in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, all of whom had at least one child. Ninety-seven percent had never been diagnosed with diabetes, about 1 percent had gestational diabetes only, and 2 percent had type 2 diabetes. Having a mother or father with diabetes increased the likelihood of having diabetes or gestational diabetes to a similar degree, the researchers report in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. But while having two parents with diabetes boosted the likelihood of having diabetes eight-fold, this only doubled the likelihood of gestational diabetes. “The odds of [gestational diabetes] increased most markedly when a sibling was affected,” Kim and her team write. And when the researchers accounted for early-life factors such as education and poverty, the risk associated with having a diabetic sibling actually increased. “Sibling-only history may be a greater risk factor than previously documented,” they say. Further investigation of these patterns could help identify women who are at particularly high risk of developing type 2 diabetes after having the gestational form of the condition, they add, “and thus target them for future prevention interventions.” SOURCE: American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, December 2009.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://www.health.am/gyneco/more/pregnancy-related-diabetes-risk/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679100568.68/warc/CC-MAIN-20231205204654-20231205234654-00037.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9615135788917542, "token_count": 448, "score": 3.125, "int_score": 3 }
Empty Oceans, Empty Nets: The Race to Save Marine Fisheries> View the trailer (8.4 mb QuickTime file). “The next century will witness heretofore unthinkable exhaustion of the ocean’s natural ability to satisfy humanity’s demand for food from the seas.” -- Dr. Carl Safina Two 60-minute documentaries examine the declining state of the world’s ocean fisheries as we enter the 21st century and the pioneering efforts of fishermen, scientists and communities to sustain and restore them. Many marine scientists agree that the conduct of the global fishing fleet is now the number one human activity threatening the health of our oceans. Throughout the ages, the world has enjoyed a vast and unlimited ocean, yielding abundant seafood. But increasing demand, new technologies, and burgeoning coastal populations are straining the limits of the ocean’s ability to sustain healthy fish populations. Narrated by Peter Coyote, Empty Oceans, Empty Nets is a powerful documentary on the rapidly declining fish harvests of the world. These harvests are important not only for the more than 200 million people worldwide who hold fishing-related jobs, but for many of the world’s populations, including over a billion people in Asia, who depend on seafood as their main source of protein. Unlike any other documentary yet produced, this series examines the state of the world’s oceans through the prism of fisheries and the millions of people who depend on them. Using vivid images of sweeping nets full of fish unloading their contents onto commercial fishing boats, Empty Oceans, Empty Nets highlights the overwhelming magnitude of the annual worldwide harvest of more than 100 million metric tons of seafood. It also explores the stark reality of the 22 million tons of fish and other sea life that are caught and discarded by fishers each year. Viewers are transported to bustling and exotic international fish markets, where tons of fresh and frozen fish are sold each day to supply an insistent global demand and consumers will learn how they can make the biggest difference of all in sustaining the world’s ocean fisheries. AWARDS: 2002 CINE Golden Eagle; 2003 Columbus International Film Festival - Bronze Plaque; 2003 Ekotopfilm Festival - Grand Prize Public Affairs > Go to the special PBS web page for this film. > See the complete interview transcriptions for this film. > Learn about the issues highlighted in this film. > Connect to other concerned organizations by visiting our links page. > Click for the advisory board for this film. > Read the past PBS carriage report. > Read about Empty Ocean, Empty Nets' reported outcomes. > See our other projects.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-18", "url": "http://www.habitatmedia.org/EOEN.html", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2016-18/segments/1461860125897.19/warc/CC-MAIN-20160428161525-00214-ip-10-239-7-51.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8986768126487732, "token_count": 546, "score": 2.78125, "int_score": 3 }
This set of Hazardous Waste Management Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Waste Minimization – Hazardous Waste Reduction”. 1. ______ law covers the discharge of waste into environment in NY. Explanation: The Hazardous Waste Reduction Plan (HWRP) accounts for hazardous wastes which emitted into air, discharged into waters, or treated and disposed of in a facility. 2. Waste reduction can be achieved by technology. Explanation: Hazardous waste can be reduced through implementing technically feasible and economically practical hazardous waste reduction technologies. 3. HW that are not subjected to regulation after recycling can be recycled to minimise waste. Explanation: Even if the material is listed as a hazardous waste or meets the characteristics of a hazardous waste, it cannot be recycled if it does not fall under HW category after recycling. 4. Which of the following HW cannot be recycled? a) Used oil b) Treatment waste Explanation: Used oil includes petroleum-based or synthetic oil that has been used which has certain unique properties that separates it from most hazardous waste streams. 5. Which of the following techniques can be implemented to reduce hazardous waste? c) Trans boundary movement d) Chemical exchange Explanation: By notifying materials handler, the excess chemicals can be used by someone else. 6. Which of the following can be considered as source reduction? a) Material substitution b) Treating offsite d) Landfill disposal Explanation: Raw material substitution if the waste being produced is more is effective source reduction. It can be achieved by life cycle analysis. 7. ______ concept by RCRA is an attempt to reduce density of waste generated. c) Cradle to grave Explanation: Cradle to grave concept by RCRA to reduce generation of waste from generation point and also with respect to disposal sites. 8. TSD can accumulate waste for ____ days. Explanation: A TSD facility generator can only accumulate hazardous waste for a period of 90 days according to RCRA. 9. ______ approach should be considered to reduce the impact of waste on environment. Explanation: By employing life cycle analysis (LCA) methods corporations can identify opportunities to reduce environmental impacts. Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Hazardous Waste Management. To practice all areas of Hazardous Waste Management, here is complete set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers. Participate in the Sanfoundry Certification contest to get free Certificate of Merit. Join our social networks below and stay updated with latest contests, videos, internships and jobs!
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-39", "url": "https://www.sanfoundry.com/hazardous-waste-management-questions-answers-hazardous-waste-reduction/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-39/segments/1631780056711.62/warc/CC-MAIN-20210919035453-20210919065453-00546.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8070060610771179, "token_count": 553, "score": 3.3125, "int_score": 3 }
ROCKEFELLER, JOHN D. (8 July 1839-23 May 1937), industrialist and philanthropist, rose from his position as an assistant bookkeeper for a Cleveland commission merchant to become one of the wealthiest men in the U.S. through his efforts in developing the STANDARD OIL CO. (OHIO) Born on a farm near Richford, NY. Rockefeller was the son of Wm. A. and Eliza Davison Rockefeller. He came to the Cleveland area with his family in 1853, settling in STRONGSVILLE. Boarding in Cleveland, he attended CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL from 1853-55. After additional courses at a business college, he became assistant bookkeeper for commission merchants Henry B. Tuttle and Isaac L. Hewitt in Sept. 1855. In Mar. 1859, Rockefeller and Maurice B. Clark established their own commission business, which prospered during the CIVIL WAR. In 1863, Rockefeller entered the oil business, and in 1865 left the commission business to work full-time in oil. He organized STANDARD OIL CO. (OHIO) as its largest stockholder in 1870, directing the company until he retired in 1896, but retaining the title of president until 1911. By 1880, Rockefeller was worth about $18 million. He was also involved in other business ventures, holding stock in the Cleveland Arcade Co., and in 1905 building the ROCKEFELLER BUILDING Rockefeller's business dealings necessitated increasingly more time in New York; he bought a home there in 1884 and eventually made that his legal residence. Nevertheless he maintained 2 homes in Cleveland and continued to summer at Forest Hill until a tax dispute with local officials in 1913. His summer stays were usually short enough for him to avoid becoming liable for taxes, but his wife's illness had forced the Rockefellers to extend their stay in 1912. When the Rockefellers remained at Forest Hill past the February 1, 1913, tax deadline, county officials assessed Rockefeller with a tax bill of $1.5 million, which Rockefeller refused to pay. During the dispute, Rockefeller was under a subpoena that prevented him from entering Ohio. After the dispute was resolved, Rockefeller continued his support Cleveland-area institutions, but never returned to Forest Hill. Rockefeller's charity, as well as business, began in Cleveland. In 1856 he donated $19.31 to local charities; his donations grew to $250,000 in 1887 and $1.35 million in 1892. Many institutions to which he belonged received donations, including Erie St. Baptist Church (later EUCLID AVE. BAPTIST CHURCH), the WESTERN RESERVE HISTORICAL SOCIETY, EARLY SETTLERS ASSN. OF THE WESTERN RESERVE, and YMCA. Rockefeller also supported the Ragged School (later Industrial School and CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY), BETHEL UNION, the WOMAN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION, NON-PARTISAN, OF CLEVELAND, ALTA HOUSE, VISITING NURSE ASSN. OF CLEVELAND, the DORCAS HOME Invalids' Home, and Children's Fresh Air Camp. He donated more than $865,000 worth of land to the city for use as PARKS. Rockefeller established several organizations to handle his giving: the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research (1901), the General Education Board (1902), the Rockefeller Foundation (1913), and the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial (1918). Rockefeller married Laura Celestia Spelman in 1864. They had four children: John D., Elizabeth, Edith, and Alta. Rockefeller died in Ormond Beach, Florida. He is buried in LAKE VIEW CEMETERY. Last Modified: 04 Aug 2014 10:57:14 AM Chernow, Ron. Titan: The Life of John D. Rockefeller, Sr. (1998). Izant, Grace Goulder. John D. Rockefeller (1972).
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We are born to touch and be touched. Healthy touch is an innate asset when it comes to relieving stress, connecting with ourselves, others, and our world, and it is a primary way we heal. We touch each other, our pets, our world. Mindful touch brings us to the present moment of being alive. Did you know that skin is the largest organ of your body? It is the first organ to mature, and develops from the same fetal tissue as the nervous system. When we give or receive gentle touch, our “relaxation response” is engaged and our bodies benefit on many levels. Healthier digestion, immune system function, tissue repair, hormonal balance, sleep patterns, neuropeptide function (brain-body communication), blood pressure, pain management, memory function, and stress relief are all evoked by light, attentive touch. Infant’s and children’s capacity to self-regulate neurologically and emotionally develops from nurturing caregivers who hold, stroke and rock them to soothe and reassure. Throughout our childhood, we learn to bear a range of sensory and emotional experiences with the help of caregivers who reliably tend to us when we are distressed or uncomfortable. We also learn to trust, to experience pleasure and connection through these relationships. Over time we learn to trust ourselves, get accurate information from our body’s cues about how we are responding to the world around us, and to develop our sense of identity, personal boundaries and the ability to self-soothe. “The experiences we have through our skin are recorded in memory networks: our skin learns and remembers” (Montagu and Green). In her book, “Relaxation, Awareness, Resilience”, Ivy Green notes Tiffany Field’s (1998) research that documented the human need for touch: “Being held and comforted is a developmental requirement so essential that infants may die without it. Infants who are not sufficiently touched fail to thrive, fail to bond, and fail to develop optimal neurological connections for self soothing and emotional regulation.” Ashley Montagu, in his book “Touching”, noticed that infants placed in the care of an orphanage where they were fed and kept clean but otherwise left alone, died, whereas babies who were held and touched, were able to survive even difficult circumstances. It’s not just babies and children who need touch to be healthy. Adults of all ages benefit from cuddling, rocking, holding, stroking, rubbing, and hugging. We are mammals after all! Mammals nourish their young not only by providing milk from the mother, but through sensory input experienced through skin. Mammals of all sorts, especially the young, spend many hours a day in some type of physical contact with other mammals. This relational behavior promotes safety and bonding, explores boundaries, and invites curiosity, play and sociability. It also helps to re-regulate the nervous system when one experiences stress. Getting the right kind of touch helps us deal with fear, pain, loss, and difficult circumstances. It helps us know we are not alone, and that we can be comforted and relax. What happens if we get the wrong kind of touch, or not enough of the right kind of touch as we grow? Its never too late to develop neural pathways that allow us to benefit from nurturing, healthy touch. Start where you are. Even if you have a history of neglect or abuse, most of us can improve our ability to respond positively to gentle, connective and noninvasive touch. If you have experienced negative touch or touch deficit, it may take time and patience, but in most cases your innate response to healthy touch can become a primary resource for well-being and connection. Working with a somatic practitioner along with your skilled mental health practitioner may help you. Touch is a significant part of being human. It offers infinite possibilities to explore our reality and connect meaningfully in life. “With our eyes we run over the surface of things, but touching someone is tuning into them, allowing the current they contain to connect with one’s own, like electricity. To put it differently, this means an end to living in front of things and a beginning of living with them. Never mind if the word sounds shocking, for this is love. You cannot keep your hands from loving what they have really felt.” From “And There Was Light“, 1987, p. 28 , by Jacques Lusseyran Cited in Ivy Green’s book “Relaxation, Awareness, Resilience“, p 24
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The Future of Technology In the Classroom What is the future of technology in the classroom? What are the benefits of using technology in the classroom? Let's find out more about The Future of Technology In the Classroom. What is the future of technology in the classroom? Future of technology in the classroom is leaning towards the availability of laptops or tablets for every student. Many schools are already focused on future classroom design in which exercise books and pens could be completely replaced with laptops or tablets for every pupil. Avocor is a global leader in creating collaboration solutions that enable students to collaborate at their best possible level. Avocor is a global leader in creating collaboration solutions that enable busy professionals to share information and collaborate easily. By automating the tasks of email, chat, and collaboration, Avocor provides the quickest and most efficient way for teams to connect and achieve results. What are the benefits of using technology in the classroom? Future of technology in the classroom is a perfect blend of both traditional and electronic learning methods. By using technology in a way that is effective, interactive, and relevant, our students have a better chance to learn and understand information. This can be found on many different platforms such as computer screens and laptops, making the experience more natural for students. With the increasing trend of tablets and smartphones in the classroom, it will only become more difficult for educators to not use these devices in their classes. The proper seat placement for a student depends on a variety of factors, but typically an example would be to place a student's elbow on the desk and rest their chin on their hand.ufficientLight and Technology in the Classroom - A Perfect Blend Too often, students in classrooms receive little more than field lights that flicker and provide no instructional value. These lights should only be used when necessary to show an image on a screen (e.g., during PowerPoint presentations). For those students who need more light, usuallyizoLabs have flashlights that work well with technology secondary devices like phones or laptops to amplify the light. Technology in the classroom can do many things; from providing opportunities for hands-on learning with technology tools (such as iPads) to providing opportunities for personalized instruction through computer-generated simulations. What are the effects of technology on teenage anxiety, depression and suicide? Does technology addiction cause negative physical health effects? Let's find out more about Technology Addiction and Its Effects On Mental Health. What is the use of technology in the classroom? Use of technology in the classroom has quickly become a popular choice for educators looking to found innovative methods for student success. By integrating a wide range of technologies into the learning process, educators can more easily target specific areas of instruction while providing an engaging and interactive experience for all students. Some of the more popular technologies used in the classroom include internet-based teaching tools, mobile devices, and tablet gaming. Imagine if you could hail a ride to your destination from anywhere in the world with just a few easy steps. That's the goal of quickly and easily connecting to public transportation services worldwide through an app. The technology we use in education today is making this possible, and it's not stopping there. In the near future, we may even seeachersand students use virtual classrooms technology for entire gradeschools so that everyone has access to the same materials at the same time. How would you teach if there was no physical classroom? paraprofessional teachers would need to be created! Other educators are using technology as a way to connect with their students on a more personal level, which gives parents more options for watching their child have fun without having them stranded in class all day long. What are the benefits of using technology in the classroom? Future of technology in the classroom comes with a lot of potential consequences. One potential impact is that it could lead to an increase in the use of technology in the classroom that may not actually benefit students or the educational process. Another impact could be that it could take away from education by reducing the amount of time students spend learning and by minimizing opportunities for hands-on experience with learning. Most importantly, there's the worry that technology might make the classroom more efficient and less interactive. This could lead to teachers feeling omitted or left out from curriculum decisions, and students feeling unheard or neglected. What role will technology play in the future classroom? Future of education will be based largely on technology, as more and more countries introduce digital learning formats. Technology is expected to play a significant role in helping teachers move from the traditional classroom setting to a more immersive online learning experience. What has been the biggest change in communication methods in the last few decades? What are some of the changes communication has seen over the years? Let's find out more about How Has Technology Changed Communication?. Julie Adams, a teacher and technology consultant, believes that the future of education lies in using technology in a way that is beneficial to both teachers and students. She believes that through the use of technology, educators can provide an interactive learning experience that is more engaging and influential than ever before. Additionally, she sees digital classrooms as a more cost effective way to provide education than traditional brick-and-mortar institutions. With the advent of new technologies like tablet computing and smartphones, there are ample opportunities for educators to innovate and improve their teaching practices. What will be the future of classroom technology? Future of classroom technology is very bright. With the use of technology, teachers can keep teaching and learning in the same spot, no matter where their class is. The use of interactive games, tools, and software can help teachers create a more engaging learning environment for their students. Improvements in technology will only be a matter of time before they become integral to our work lives. With this in mind, it is important to consider how we will implements these advancements into our classrooms and how we can best support our students. Experts in the field agree that technology will only become more integrated into our work lives over time. In fact, many believe that it is already a part of our everyday lives and should be taken account of when planning instruction. What is the dark web and why is it so important? What is the Dark Web? Let's find out more about What Is the Dark Side of the Internet?. Some early adopters of technology in the classroom have cautioned about its potential for manipulating student focus and engagement, but this does not hold up to scrutiny. Many experts believe that even if there are some negative side-effects from technological advances, overall they can play an important role in helping students learn and grow. While there are likely going to be some adjustments required on both sides of the classroom - teachers as well as students - educators across the globe are optimistic about the future of technology in education. What are future in the classroom implications of technology? Future of technology in the classroom means that students are able to learn more effectively and efficiently than ever before. With technology becoming more and more commonplace in classrooms, it has become impossible for students to learn without it. Nearly every single trend for the next school year and beyond is directly related to or impossible without technological advances. For example, this year's education trend is that students are able to use technology to study for classes. This is possible because modern classrooms have large screens that allow professors to lecture from a distance. Additionally, Bluetooth LE allows teachers to use small-to-mediumsized devices such as laptops in the classroom, which instead of taking up valuable space can be used for studying and teaching. In addition, online resources are becoming increasingly common in the classroom, allowing students access to information they would have otherwise been unable to find. One key trend is that classrooms are moving towards a more immersive learning experience. That means students spend more time in the classroom in front of screens and devices, rather than seated behind desks. This shift has led to a significant increase in digital engagement in the classroom, from social media to online discussion boards. How does the increased demand for labor due to the increased use of technological change affect employment? What are some of the most important developments in technology on the near horizon? Let's find out more about The Impact of Technology On Employment. But it's not just classrooms that are benefiting from this shift. Every other part of the student life is also suffering because of it. Teachers are using technology to engage students on a deeper level, which has turned classrooms into one-way streets where only digital tools can be used. The consequence? Less engagement between teachers and students, and an- overall stagnation of learning outcomes. What are some of the benefits of integrating technology into the classroom? Benefits of integrating technology into the classroom include increased access to information, support for visuals and video material, and improvements in student engagement. These benefits are important for both teachers and students, who can benefit from more efficient learning experiences. Integrating technology in the classroom can help make learning more engaging and efficient. By syncing videos and graphics with Google, teachers can easily show interactive lessons to students at any time, supporting interactive learning needs such as hands-on skills. Additionally, by using cloud-based software, students can have access to latest updates and lectures from their coursework anytime and anywhere. Finally, by integrating technology in the classroom, employers can ensure that their employees are able to access the latest pulse of education trends in a safer and easier way. Is technology causing family divisions? What are the benefits of using technology in human relations? Let's find out more about Technology and Its Impact On Human Relationships. What is the future of classroom technology? Current state of classroom technology can be summarized into three main points. First, There is a growing trend of using more advanced software and tools in classrooms. This can be seen in the use of launchers such as Google Drive and Apple iCloud, as well as the increasing use of adaptive teaching methods. Second, desktops are becoming more important for teachers and students. Both teachers and students need places to put their office supplies and materials, as well as their textbooks. Many schools are beginning to use laptops instead of desktops in order to save time and money. Finally, there is a rise in interest in virtual classrooms, which allow teachers to communicate with students remotely. These classes are becoming increasingly popular due to their convenience and the ability for teachers to customize them to their needs. What exactly are we talking about here? Well, if you're referring to current technology in the form of laptops and tablets that students use to access various educational materials, then the answer is obvious - these devices have become entirely self-contained and don't need a teacher present to guide or provide support. However, if you're thinking about future trends in this area, then it can help to understand just how technology is playing a role in the education process. For starters, portable technology is gradually becoming more popular. With so many students now travelling and living far away from home on a regular basis, having access to online materials (whether they be textbooks or coursework) is increasingly important. This can be done either through downloads or through online courses ( alternatively, physical classes may still offer lectures). Another trend that has started to gain momentum in recent years is streaming technology. What are the possibilities for using Chrome OS in the classroom? Future of classroom technology is ever-changing, with new ways to engage students and promote creativity. Chrome OS is a popular options for Chromebooks, which can open up a wide range of opportunities for the educational sector. Chromebooks are able to run multiple applications at once and are easy to maintain, which makes them perfect for busy classrooms. - - The advent of the Chromebook Bros: A technology that allows teachers to use a wide range of software on Chromebooks in the classroom without having to carry an entire tab of different programs around. - - A shift in how we learn: With immersive mixed reality headsets, students will soon be able to learn any topic at any level, whether it be history, math, or science. - - A move towards cloud-based learning: It will be easy for educators to access trainings and materials from anywhere in the world without having to leave their computers. Computers in the classroom wikipedia.org Educational technology wikipedia.org The Effect Of Technology in the Classroom: A Research-Based Pe babypower.us The Effect Of Technology in the Classroom: A Research-Based babypower.us Future Ready Schools: Building Technology Infrastructure for ed.gov The Future of Education: Integrating Tech into Class lsu.edu Future Education Technology: How Digital Trends Are Shaping maryville.edu
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-14", "url": "https://www.thedigitalwhale.com/blog-the-future-of-technology-in-the-classroom/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-14/segments/1679296949107.48/warc/CC-MAIN-20230330070451-20230330100451-00369.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9532047510147095, "token_count": 2601, "score": 3.25, "int_score": 3 }
May 6, 2011 Women who give birth in fall and winter may be more likely to get postpartum depression than those who deliver in the spring. Swedish researchers studied more than 2,000 new moms over a one year period. Participants completed questionnaires on symptoms of depression as well as how much social support they had at five days, six weeks and six months after giving birth. Between six and fifteen of every 100 mothers reported symptoms of postpartum depression. After accounting for a variety of factors the team discovered those who gave birth between October and December were nearly twice as likely to have postpartum depression symptoms after six weeks and six months than those who had children between April and June. The study published in the 'American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology' doesn't prove giving birth in the fall or winter causes postpartum depression. Study authors say the reason for the link is still unexplained and urged further research on the topic.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2014-52", "url": "http://www.wctv.tv/wswg/news/wswghealth/headlines/Health_Matters_Do_the_Seasons_Influence_Postpartum_Depression_122266449.html", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2014-52/segments/1418802777889.63/warc/CC-MAIN-20141217075257-00122-ip-10-231-17-201.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9788813591003418, "token_count": 200, "score": 2.609375, "int_score": 3 }
Can new energy vehicles still charge normally in extreme weather? It is not suggest to charge immediately after vehicles was exposured to the sun The first thing to be reassured is that charging in this situation is relatively safe. Under normal circumstances, the new energy vehicle itself and the charging equipment will be set up overtemperature protection system to ensure the safety of electricity consumption. However, even then, it is not suggest to charge immediately after high heat exposure. The reason is that the temperature of the power box and battery will rise as a result of exposure to high temperature. If the power box is charged at this time, the heat generated when the ambient temperature is added to the charging temperature will cause metal aging of the charging line in the car, which will affect the battery life and even risk of overheating damage. So it is suggested that after exposuring,the majority of owner wait for cooling and heat dissipation first and then charge for the car Charging pile with awning is recommended for charging in rainstorm days But what about charging during a rainstorm? Will there be electricity leakage? Is it possible to short-circuit? At the beginning of the design of new energy vehicles, they take this into account. Rubber sealing rings are generally set up at the charging port. Most of the new energy vehicles have reached the waterproof and dustproof level of IP65, which can prevent rain from flowing into the fault. At the same time, most charging piles also have lightning protection, overload protection, short circuit protection, leakage protection and other functions. But, With the passing of time, the rubber sealing ring of the new energy vehicle will have the aging problem, and the waterproof performance will decline accordingly. Therefore, as far as possible, the charging pile with the canopy will be charged, which is more secure.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-14", "url": "https://www.better-tech.net/news/can-new-energy-vehicles-still-charge-normally-in-extreme-weather", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-14/segments/1679296943809.22/warc/CC-MAIN-20230322082826-20230322112826-00547.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9504187107086182, "token_count": 374, "score": 2.546875, "int_score": 3 }
Iran sends second monkey to space As part of an ambitious program to send an astronaut to space, Iran successfully sent a monkey into space for the second time. After reaching a height of 72 miles, the rocket and monkey returned safely to Earth. Tehran, Iran — Iran said Saturday it has successfully sent a monkey into space for a second time, part of an ambitious program aimed at manned space flight. Iran's state TV said that the launch of the rocket dubbed Pajohesh, or Research in Farsi, was Iran's first use of liquid fuel and reached a height of 72 miles. It said the monkey, named Fargam or Auspicious, was returned to earth safely. The TV showed the rocket blasting off and then showed the monkey, strapped snugly into a seat, staring at people clapping to celebrate its safe return. The report said Fargam's capsule parachuted safely to earth after detaching from the rocket in a mission that lasted 15 minutes. Iran frequently claims technological breakthroughs that are impossible to independently verify. The Islamic Republic has said it seeks to send an astronaut into space as part of an ambitious aerospace program. "The launch of Pajohesh is another long step getting the Islamic Republic of Iran closer to sending a man into space," the official IRNA news agency said. State TV said scientists were able to monitor and measure signals coming from the rocket, including Fargam's vital signs, during the flight. Iran said that it sent its first monkey into space in January, reaching the same height of 120 kilometers (72 miles). For Iran, its aerospace program is a source of national pride. It's also one of the pillars of Iran's aspirations to be seen as the technological hub for Islamic and developing countries. The U.S. and its allies worry that technology from the space program could also be used to develop long-range missiles that could potentially be armed with nuclear warheads. In the January mission, one of two official packages of photos of the simian space traveler depicted the wrong monkey, causing some international observers to wonder whether the monkey had died in space or that the launch didn't go well. But Iranian officials later said one set of pictures showed an archive photo of one of the alternate monkeys. They said three to five monkeys are simultaneously tested for such a flight and two or three are chosen for the launch. Finally, the one that is best suited for the mission and isn't stressed is chosen for the voyage. The Islamic Republic has not revealed where the rocket launch took place, but it has a major satellite launch complex near Semnan, about 125 miles east of Tehran. Iran says it wants to put its own satellites into orbit to monitor natural disasters in the earthquake-prone nation, improve telecommunications and expand military surveillance of the region.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-04", "url": "http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Latest-News-Wires/2013/1214/Iran-sends-second-monkey-to-space", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-04/segments/1484560280483.83/warc/CC-MAIN-20170116095120-00184-ip-10-171-10-70.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9641907811164856, "token_count": 576, "score": 2.875, "int_score": 3 }
If you have trouble understanding this, then the best thing you can do is to replacethe problem by simpler problems and see if you can solve them. E.g. try to integrate the function: Assuming that you are given these problems for homework, the purpose of solving the problems is not to get the right answer, it is for you to learn to solve integrals. So, it doesn't really matter what problems you solve to learn it. But trying to solve a problem for too long is an enormous waste of time. I'm not quite sure about your explanation on Partial Fractions... And Liouville's Therom. We haven't done that in class... so... Well, I think you just need to look at a simpler case. The algebra may sometimes obscue things. Also, you don't need to understand Lioville's theorem. Also, you don't need to stick to what you've been taught in class. All you need to do is pick up a piece of paper and try to solve some problems. E.g. try to expand the following functions in partial fractions (using any method you like): 1) A/x + B/(1+x) 2) A/x + B/x^2 + C/(1+x) I think I'm right.... You now just need to solve for A, B, and C :) That's my problem. When I tried solving for A, B, C, D, and E in that first problem, it didn't really work out right...
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-18", "url": "http://www.jiskha.com/display.cgi?id=1206377608", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-18/segments/1429246654467.42/warc/CC-MAIN-20150417045734-00276-ip-10-235-10-82.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9523327350616455, "token_count": 323, "score": 2.859375, "int_score": 3 }
The Islands Society is now soliciting lesson plans from K-5 teachers in Kauai County, Hawaii for its Pacific Islands in the Classroom program. Pacific Islands in the Classroom aims to provide K-5 teachers in island communities around the world with a digital compendium of high-quality lesson plans and resources created by K-5 teachers on the neighbor islands. The primary objective of the program is to pool together the different resources and ideas of these educators in order to fill the gap in island educational resources. A secondary objective is to showcase the talents of teachers from the neighbor islands on the world stage. “Pacific Islands in the Classroom is designed to inspire and empower K-5 students on the neighbor islands to become ambassadors, advocates and change-agents by providing their teachers with the knowledge, networks, and exposure necessary to realize their full potential,” explains Keiko Ono, Managing Director of the Pacific Islands Society. Teachers interested in participating in the program should submit a lesson plan to [email protected]. About the Islands Society The Islands Society is a “Top-Rated” American 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Its mission is to inspire and empower islanders to participate in foreign affairs and overseas engagements in order to affect positive change in their local communities. The nonprofit therefore develops and implements projects that are designed to help islanders realize their full potential on the world stage. These projects are currently organized around two main themes: community projects and next generation leaders. The community projects center on ten issue areas, including charity, conservation, democracy, disaster relief, education, equality, health, innovation, security, and sustainability. Meanwhile, the next generation leader projects support artists, athletes, chefs, incubators, musicians, policymakers, storytellers, and technologists. To implement these programs, the nonprofit has launched local constituent societies around the world. These include the Baltic Islands Society, Caribbean Islands Society, Inland Islands Society, Pacific Islands Society, Ritō Society, and Sea Islands Society. Image Credit: leonberard via Flickr CC
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-09", "url": "http://islandssociety.org/2016/05/18/islands-society-soliciting-lesson-plans-from-k-5-teachers-in-kauai-county-51816/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-09/segments/1550249508792.98/warc/CC-MAIN-20190223162938-20190223184938-00250.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9220225214958191, "token_count": 429, "score": 2.921875, "int_score": 3 }
CBSE Class 11 commerce Accountancy Sample Paper is one of the most effective ways to prepare for the examination. Practising these sample papers certainly assists the students to comprehend and learn the concepts better. These sample papers can be utilized at its best when, a timetable is created and a perfect study plan, a good usage of textbooks, notes and reference books, an ample amount of revision session. Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 Accountancy Examination are prepared stringently according to the latest CBSE guidelines, blueprint and syllabus. 3 sets of solved papers are prepared with answers following the Word count specified by the Central Board of Secondary Education. Stepwise answers are given along with the board marking scheme. In order to score well in the upcoming board examinations, students must be well aware of Accountancy Syllabus for class 11. Download the latest CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 Accountancy with Solution |CBSE Sample Question Paper for class 11 CBSE Accountancy Set 1||Solution| |CBSE Sample Question Paper for class 11 CBSE Accountancy Set 2||Solution| |CBSE Sample Question Paper for class 11 CBSE Accountancy Set 3||Solution| Few extra accounting tips and tricks for students to accomplish the Class 12 Accountancy exam apart from practising sample papers are. 1. Read & Understand Your Book Studying accountancy is complex, it’s not like studying other subjects like economics, biology or history. - It is basic to know the concepts and learn the meaning of the concept by heart. 2. Know “Why” Accountancy is a specialized subject and logic based, therefore it needs logic. - Try to explain yourself, ” why it is supposed to be that”. Understanding “WHY” in accounting can solve half of your problems. 3. Understand “How” - Students should be able to understand the idea behind the concept and how it works, exercise it and implement them. 4. Analyze both “Why” & “How” - Review notes, concepts, and rework on difficult solutions again. Students can refer to: Benefits of Sample papers for class 11 Accountancy: - Accountancy Sample papers for class 11 help the students in comprehending the marking scheme, it gains their degree of confidence, speed, accuracy, preparation analysis, etc., - Practising the sample papers helps in rectifying the errors and boosts confidence in the minds of students - Helps in smart studying, helps you to identify your strengths and weakness - Practising sample papers for class 11 Accountancy enhance your self – confidence Stay tuned to BYJU’S to explore more about Commerce concepts and class 11 Commerce sample papers. For more sample papers for other Commerce subjects click on the links provided below:
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-29", "url": "https://byjus.com/commerce/class-11-accountancy-sample-papers/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-29/segments/1593657140746.69/warc/CC-MAIN-20200713002400-20200713032400-00449.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9008077383041382, "token_count": 586, "score": 3, "int_score": 3 }
Northeast Philadelphia: Frankford Roots Frankford, Philadelphia, serves as the genesis of and gateway to the Northeast Philadelphia region. This area was inhabited by the Lenape Indians and later settled by the Swedes, who started a village and gristmill in 1660. Frankfords origins lie in the Manor of Frank - a land purchase from William Penn to a group of Quaker businessmen in London called the Society of Free Traders. The Indian trail through this area became the Kings Highway (established by Royal warrant in 1683) and, later, Frankford Avenue. This route is the oldest country road in continuous use in the nation, and was traversed by Continental Congress delegates before the Revolutionary War. In 1781, the troops of Washington and Rochambeau marched through Frankford on their way from Rhode Island to Virginia to achieve a decisive American victory at Yorktown. Early places of worship include the Friends Meeting House at Unity and Waln Streets (established 1684), Frankford Presbyterian Church (the Pink Church) and, later, the Campbell African Methodist Episcopal Church (founded 1804). The first savings and loan society in the country (Oxford Provident) was instituted here in 1831, the first textile mill was established by William Whitaker in 1813 on Tabor Road off Rising Sun Avenue, and Oswald Eves powder mill, located along Frankford Creek at Wingohocking and Adams, served as a model for the production of gunpowder during the Colonies War for Independence. The African-American community continues to have a strong presence in Frankford since the Free Black settlement in the 18th century, with a history of participation in the Underground Railroad, the Civil War, and the Civil Rights struggles of the 1960s. Frankford takes great pride in once having within its environs the palatial summer homes of prominent Philadelphians dating from the early 1700s through the Revolutionary Period: Cedar Grove, Chalkley Hall, Waln Grove, and Port Royal. With the exception of Cedar Grove, now in Fairmount Park, these homes were destroyed to make way for industry. However, much of the Port Royal mansion was dismantled and reassembled at the Winterthur Museum in Delaware. Preserving the Frankford Legacy The Historical Society of Frankford was established in 1905 by a group of prominent Frankfordians led by T. Comly Hunter. They believed that the presentation and perpetuation of the history of the Northeast Philadelphia region was a solid foundation for an understanding of how the United States of America gained its unique heritage. The Societys first president was William Foulkrod, a US Congressman and Frankford Initially, this founding group met at various locations including Wrights Institute, the Assembly Hall (Lyceum Building, located on the 4400 block of Frankford Avenue), the Waln Street Meeting House, and Frankfords Carnegie Library (Overington Street location of the current Frankford Free Library). In 1930, the Historical Society building was erected by William Smedley in memory of his wife, Margaretta, and his brother, Franklin Smedley, the organizations second president. Franklin, who operated a local lumber and building materials business with William, served as president until his death in 1924. This Georgian Revival building was designed by Frank Rushmore Watson, who also designed St Marks Episcopal Church on Frankford Avenue. The Society is a splendid repository of historical data pertaining to the industrial and cultural development of the area from the days of its settlement to the present. Artifacts include stoneware crockery, early fire memorabilia, Indian arrowheads, toys, pewter, china, The library contains several thousand volumes, starting with the descriptions of the Quakers right up to the Industrial Age. The J. Friend Lodge collection contains books and artifacts relating to Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War. Local maps provide details of Philadelphia and surrounding areas, and include a copy of Thomas Holmes first map. Genealogical records for prominent Frankford families are also available. In March, April, May, June, September, October, November, and December, the Society offers a variety of programs on the second Tuesday at 7:30 pm, and special exhibits on the first Sunday (except January, February, July, August, and September) from 1:00-4:00 pm. Tours of the building are conducted regularly. Access for research or private tours can be arranged by prior appointment. The Society is located one block west of the 4600 block of Frankford Avenue, between the Church and Margaret-Orthodox Market/Frankford Line Elevated train As an active and growing organization, we welcome your membership and contributions, and invite you to join with us in preserving this distinctive element of our shared history. Your interest will be appreciated; your membership and annual dues are an important part of our support. Please consider becoming involved in this exceptionally rewarding and worthy effort to preserve and promote the history of Frankford and Northeast Philadelphia.
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Definition of tump - "tip" + "dump". Used in southeast Texas. Don't tump that over. - Southern kids combine the words tip and dump to form "tump" while they were learning to talk. Don't tump over that glass of Kool-Aid. - Southern United States; a combined word form - turn + dump = tump. Meaning to turn over and dump contents. I hope that cup doesn't tump over. - Texan in origin. Meaning to knock over or fall over. Hand me a towel, will you? I tumped my coke. |+||Add a definition for this slang term| Slang terms with the same meaning Slang terms with the same root words None. How about some random words? |Definitions include: Description of a pleasing event, usually used in response to a story which has a positive outcome for the teller.| |Definitions include: to go somewhere to get something, esp. drugs; to go on a mission.| |Definitions include: credibility "on the streets."| |Definitions include: Swiftly hit on the head with a glancing opened-handed swipe..| |Definitions include: an unintelligent person.| |Definitions include: a mentally handicapped person.| |Definitions include: penis.| |Definitions include: the breakage of links on the web as their targets disappear.| |Definitions include: a lot if people crammed into a line or queue, or a gridlocked traffic.| |Definitions include: an unintelligent person; "idiot"; "moron".| |I use it||(50)| |No longer use it||(1)| |Heard it but never used it||(5)| |Have never heard it||(15)| Average of 18 votes: 23% (See the most vulgar words.) Your vote: None (To vote, click the pepper. Vote how vulgar the word is – not how mean it is.) To link to this term in a web page or blog, insert the following. To link to this term in a wiki such as Wikipedia, insert the following. Some wikis use a different format for links, so be sure to check the documentation.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-14", "url": "http://onlineslangdictionary.com/meaning-definition-of/tump", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-14/segments/1427131298819.92/warc/CC-MAIN-20150323172138-00103-ip-10-168-14-71.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8529742956161499, "token_count": 492, "score": 2.59375, "int_score": 3 }
THE Dangerous Dogs Act of 1991 banned four breeds of dog including the pit bull terrier, Japanese tosa, dogo Argentino and fila Brasileiro. The legislation also gave the police the power to charge all dog owners when their animals were dangerously out of control in a public place. If a legally owned dog attacks some one on private property in a home or back garden the Dangerous Dogs Act cannot be used to prosecute them. Technically the police can use the Dogs Act of 1871 to target owners when their dogs attack in the home, but the legislation is seen as complicated and time consuming. The last Labour government proposed introducing third party insurance for all dog owners and the new administration will be expected to act soon.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-43", "url": "http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/making-sense-britains-dog-laws-3423116", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-43/segments/1508187823462.26/warc/CC-MAIN-20171019194011-20171019214011-00428.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9637781977653503, "token_count": 149, "score": 2.5625, "int_score": 3 }
Description of Historic Place The Southwest Bastion is a low circular tower with a medium-pitched conical roof and forms part of the defensive perimeter of Lower Fort Garry. It is constructed of stone, with simple window openings and a rectangular wood door. The designation is confined to the footprint of the building. The Southwest Bastion is a Recognized Federal Heritage Building because of its historical associations, and its architectural and environmental value. The Southwest Bastion is associated with the garrisoning of troops for defense of the western fur trade and with the consolidation of the fur trade at the fort. Its construction occurred in response to concerns about a possible American invasion in the 1840s. The Southwest Bastion is a good example of functional 19th century military defence design. Its low, circular, tower form, used for wall bastions at the fort, distinguishes it. In keeping with its role as part of the fort’s defense system, the building has stocky proportions and a scale that is dictated by the fort’s wall height. The Southwest Bastion reinforces the military character of its fort setting at Lower Fort Garry National Historic Site. The fort is defined by the perimeter walls and bastions, within which all buildings have a cohesive design and visual unity. In forming part of the fort wall, the Bastion is familiar as part of the defensive perimeter seen by visitors. Kate MacFarlane, Lower Fort Garry National Historic Site, Selkirk, Manitoba, Federal Heritage Building Review Office Building Report, 89-004. The Southwest Bastion, Lower Fort Garry National Historic Site, Selkirk, Manitoba, Heritage Character Statement, 89-004. The character-defining elements of the Southwest Bastion should be respected, for example: Its functional, military design and quality craftsmanship, for example: -The large massing and circular plan of the building. -The medium-pitched conical roof with two gabled dormers and three chimneys. -The stone walls, wood shingle roof and dormer siding. -The simple rectangular wood door and the window openings. The manner in which the Southwest Bastion reinforces the military character of its Fort setting and is a familiar building at Lower Fort Garry National Historic Site, as evidenced by: -The structure’s specialized military design, scale and proportion dictated by the fort’s wall height, reinforces the military character of its setting. -The structure’s role as part of the defensive perimeter that makes it a familiar building to visitors to Lower Fort Garry National Historic Site.
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Using sensors to make video games immersive is the industry’s latest big idea AS YOU wake up, you realise that your building is on fire. Your heart starts pounding and the flames grow higher, but you manage to compose yourself, and as you do so the fire dies down. Smashing a window, you step outside, only to find yourself on a ledge six storeys up. As you break out into a terrified sweat, the perilous route to safety appears to shift nightmarishly before your eyes. Will you escape? Scenarios like this could soon be played out harmlessly in living rooms across the world. That’s because the next generation of video game controllers will use players’ emotional and physiological states to help shape and navigate their virtual worlds. This style of “affective gaming” aims to move video games to a new level, way beyond what is available even via motion-based controllers like the Wiimote or Kinect. Valve Software, the developer behind titles such as Half-Life, sees a player’s emotional state as an important part of any game. Psychologist Mike Ambinder has been working with Valve on ways to add emotional feedback to Left 4 Dead 2, a game in which players cooperate to fight off a zombie horde. He spoke about his work at this year’s Game Developers Conference in San Francisco. In the regular form of the game, an “AI Director” responds to players’ actions by adjusting the game itself. Play well and you’ll face tougher opponents; play badly and the game becomes less intense. Ambinder is trying to go beyond this rough-and-ready response to the players’ behaviour by assessing their emotional state more directly. “By recording the physiological responses of our play testers, we can get more precise estimations of their emotional state,” Ambinder says. This is fed back into the gaming environment, making the game easier if the gamer becomes too stressed. He says that gamers who tested this modified version found it much more enjoyable. So how can video games tell what we are feeling? Brainwave-reading headsets that monitor electroencephalograph (EEG) signals are well established and offer one way of capturing emotional feedback. But operating games solely with our minds turns out not to make for an engaging experience. “To really appeal to the core gaming crowd you want to keep in place what’s already good,” says Lennart Nacke, a researcher in affective gaming at the University of Saskatchewan in Canada, who is presenting his work next month at the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems in Vancouver. To really appeal to the core gaming crowd you want to keep in place what’s already good Nacke and colleagues have developed a simple 2D shooting game that uses both a normal Xbox 360 controller and a number of physiological inputs. For example, the player’s heart rate is used to control their on-screen avatar’s speed within the game. And as players get excited and breathe faster, their enemies become larger. These inputs are measured through simple sensors such as a strap worn around the player’s chest. Sensors to measure the skin’s conductivity or “galvanic response” – a measure of how much the hands are sweating, and hence an indicator of the player’s level of excitement – could be integrated into existing controllers. Nacke says that 10 volunteers who tested the game were mostly positive about the experience. They enjoyed a greater sense of immersion and found the game more challenging, though one commented that the sensors made it too complicated. Most preferred sensors they could influence directly, such as those that measured their breathing. They were less happy with those over which they had little direct control, such as a heart monitor. “We made the decision to use those sensors to passively influence stuff that’s not critical to gameplay,” Nacke says. So what might emotion controllers look like when they go on sale? Sony was recently granted a patent for detecting emotions through a variety of sensors, and Nintendo has announced a yet-to-be-released heart-monitoring accessory for the Wii. Microsoft’s Kinect sensor could also be about to get an emotional boost (see “Will Kinect track our emotions?”). Ambinder says that Valve may produce its own controller. In the absence of commercial devices, researchers investigating affective gaming are developing their own hardware. Andrea Bonarini and colleagues at the Polytechnic University of Milan in Italy are working on a headset controller that adds data from sensors monitoring heart rate and galvanic skin response to the brainwave data available from devices already on the market. They began by studying players’ emotional reactions to a car-racing game, which showed that some prefer a leisurely drive against easy opponents, while others enjoy a stiffer challenge. The team therefore incorporated algorithms into the game to monitor players’ emotions and adjust the difficulty to match their preference. “The idea is to keep the user in the state they prefer,” Bonarini says. Bonarini’s team initially experimented with wired connections to sensors attached to their bodies, but players found they got in the way. Moving the sensor to the player’s heads left their hands free to use a normal controller. The team’s findings will be presented at the Human-Computer Interaction conference in Orlando, Florida, in July. Bonarini hopes to commercialise the headset, and says potential applications have been discussed with video game publisher Ubisoft. As well as adding an extra dimension to gaming, games developers could use the headset to get data from their testers. While the hardware is important, Nacke says the key to commercialising affective controllers will be the existence of compelling games that exploit them. He likens this to the way the Wii Sports games package sold motion controls to the masses. “If you had that killer game app, people will want to buy a new peripheral,” he says. Will Kinect track our emotions? Games may learn to sense your emotions just by looking at you. Nadia Bianchi-Berthouze, who investigates affective computing at University College London, has looked at how gaming systems might read our emotional state from our posture. As well as detecting basic emotions such as anger or happiness, her experimental system can pick up emotions more specific to gaming such as triumph or defeat. In a study of people playing the Wii Sports boxing game, Bianchi-Berthouze found links between the range of their movements and their emotional state. Her set-up uses an expensive motion capture system to gather data on posture, but she says that it could in principle also work with commercial devices such as Microsoft’s Kinect. Microsoft itself is using the Kinect to detect emotions via facial expressions, though not in a gaming setting. Its Avatar Kinect software, due later this year, will allow users to chat online using cartoon characters that reflect their real-life emotions. Could it also be used in games? “This technology could potentially be provided to developers and integrated into a game to add another level of depth to the experience,” a Microsoft spokesperson told New Scientist, “but we have no further details to share at this time.”
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-17", "url": "https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg21028084-700-emotional-video-gaming-makes-the-action-real/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-17/segments/1618039601956.95/warc/CC-MAIN-20210423041014-20210423071014-00357.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9586788415908813, "token_count": 1516, "score": 3.09375, "int_score": 3 }
ENERGY FROM SPACE What is Energy from Space? Energy from Space stands for a technology of generating electricity from solar energy using satellites in space and transporting it to the Earth via electromagnetic waves. It can deliver large amounts of electric energy, typically 1 GW which is enough for 1 to 2 million homes. The big advantages of Energy from Space include that the generation of power is independent (the Sun always shines in space), reliable (continuous more than 99.9% of the time), clean (no emissions) and safe (no harmful effects). The challenges are the expensive launch costs, the technology for transmitting energy wirelessly over long distances, and the in-orbit assembly of the structures. More... How much energy is generated with one Energy from Space system? One full-scale Energy from Space system typically delivers 1 GW output power on-ground, which is enough to power 1 to 2 million homes. Since the systems are placed in a geostationary orbit (36,000 km altitude), the satellite is always above one location on Earth. This means that the power can be transmitted continuously to ground stations without intermittance. Only during 75 minutes during the spring and autumn equinoxes the systems are in the shadow of the Earth. What are the costs of an Energy from Space system? The costs of a full-scale Energy from Space system are estimated on $20 billion. It is anticipated that the energy price is between $0.10/kWh and $0.50/kWh. For comparison, current average electricity generation costs are $0.10/kWh in the United States and more than $0.50/kWh on remote islands in Indonesia. The main reasons for the relative low energy prices but relative high investment costs are the system's the long life time (more than 30 years), the independency of fuel, and the reliability of the energy. Furthermore, it can make countries more energy independent from energy imports. More... When will Energy from Space be realized? It is expected that full-scale Energy from Space systems will be realised earliest in 2035. In the mean time, demonstration and prototype satellites will be launched. Already at this moment ground experiments are conducted and the first demonstration satellites are under review. More... What is the Energy from Space Foundation doing to realize Energy from Space? The Energy from Space Foundation promotes Energy from Space and works on a proposal to launch the first proof-of-concept. Our mission is to help realize Energy from Space, and we believe that the first step is to create awareness amongst the public and provide proper information. In addition, we look at the possibilities to launch the first proof-of-concept. More... How can I contribute to realizing Energy from Space? To realise Energy from Space we first of all need to create more awareness. So, spread the word! In addition, Energy from Space encourages engineers, investors, policy makers, entrepreneurs and ambassadors to come with initiative. If you have good ideas and/or you think you can contribute to the success of Energy from Space , you can always contact us. How is the energy transmitted from space to Earth? The energy is wirelessly transmitted from the satellite by microwaves to one or multiple ground stations on Earth. There are also concepts where the energy is transmitted by laser on smaller receiving stations, however this technology is much more susceptible to clouds and other atmospheric disturbances. For microwave transmission, the beam collection efficiency is estimated at about 90%, meaning that the microwave power sent by the satellite only loses about 10% when it arrives at the ground station. It is calculated that only about 2% is absorbed by the atmosphere, the rest of the 10% is mainly caused by inter-wave interference and scatter effects. Is Energy from Space safe? According to our knowledge, yes. Energy from Space is safe to the point that the electricity can be delivered to ground stations on Earth without harmful effects on humans, animals and the environment. Moreover, it even saves on emissions (e.g. CO2, H2O, H2S) with respect to traditional power production techniques. Of course, as with all electricity generation technologies, there are risks involved. When transmitting power using microwaves, it is not recommended for living creatures to be exposed by the beam for long periods of time. The energy density at the center of the beam is calculated at about 250 W/m², which is less than 1/4 of the energy density on Earth of the Sun on a sunny day. The peak energy intensity of the beam at the edge is about 1 W/m², which is well within usual legal limits. Of course, the power beam will be pointed at the specific ground stations at all times. It will probably be placed offshore of on deserted areas onshore and will be strictly controlled. Humans will by no means be allowed to enter these premises for safety reasons. Fail-safe systems will be designed to make sure that if, for whatever unforeseen reason the beam is not pointed correctly, the Energy from Space system will stop transmitting or will divert the beam. Also, the ground station will be connected by a radio link to the space system for correct pointing of the beam. When there is a disconnect between the two, the beam is automatically defocused and the power is lost. As for flocks of birds flying through the center beam, research has shown that some birds experience evidence of detecting the microwave radiation at the maximum levels of the energy intensity. This suggests that migratory birds, flying above the antenna, might suffer disruption of their flying paths, but the birds will never be cooked. Even though it is currently believed that microwaves are non-ionizing (meaning not damaging cell structure of living tissue), more research is needed to analyze the effects in more detail. Another aspect of safety is frequency interference of the beam with communication systems, for example on aircraft. Although the passengers will always be protected from the microwaves because of the metal hull around them, the airspace in an around the beam will probably be restricted for airplanes because of the possible disturbances of the communication signals. More studies will have to be carried out to investigate these effects in more detail. The Energy from Space systems cannot be weaponized, because the maximum power density cannot exceed the designed level. Microwave weapons will use much more higher-power pulses at much shorter ranges; Energy from Space cannot create the same effects. Finally, it is intended to prevent disfunctional parts of the system to become space debris by retrieving them to Earth or repair/recycle them in orbit. More... Which steps have to be overcome for Energy from Space to become real? For full-scale Energy from Space systems to become technologically and financially feasible, there are a couple of challenges that are top-priority: Cheap and reliable launch vehicles. Currently it costs around $20,000 per kg payload to launch into geostationary orbit. This should come down to less than $1000/kg. This could be reached by mass-transportation to low Earth orbit (LEO), followed by transportation to geostationary orbit over longer periods of time (several months). For LEO, this means the launch vehicles should be able to carry around 25 metric tons by reusable or cheap dispensable launch vehicles. Currently, heavy launch vehicles like the SpaceX Falcon 9 or the Russian Zenit can launch around 10 metric tons per vehicle. Efficient wireless power transmission equipment. The current end-to-end efficiency of wireless power transmission is 40% and should double to about 80%. This can be achieved through research and development by institutes and universities. Also increased interest of private companies in commercial wireless power transmission products will improve the costs and performances. In addition, the actual transmittance and receiving of large amounts of energy should be tested in more detail. Some experiments were already conducted and more are currently carried out now and in the near future. Light-weight and efficient solar power systems. Since conventional thick film solar panels used on Earth are too heavy for Energy from Space systems, light-weight and possibly flexible solar cells will be used. Examples of these so called thin-film space solar cells include amorphous silicon (a-Si), poly-silicon and CuInGaSe. These are much lighter, but their efficiency is generally lower. Typical current state-of-the-art space solar panels have an efficiency of around 25% to 30%, which should improve to more than 35% for the thin-film panels. Advantages of these types include increased flexibility and very low degradation over time. Alternatively, instead of arrays of solar panels, a concentrator photovoltaic (CPV) system can be used, which utilizes solar mirrors that reflect and focus the sunlight on a concentrator. This concentrator might involve the use of high-efficient, multi-bandgap PV cells that at this moment already achieves 30% to 35% efficiency. Advantages include increased fold-ability and weight of the structures (i.e. mirrors), high-efficient conversions, and reduced impact of panel (i.e. mirror) failure on the performance. Disadvantages include the more difficult deployments of the structure and the large dependency on the concentrators itself. In-orbit assembly and maintenance of components. Tele-operated and fully autonomous robotics are required for assembly and maintenance, because the in-situ presence of astronauts would make the Energy from Space systems needlessly costly and complex. For these robotics to work, advanced beacons, visual cues, and regular features for image recognition are needed. The development of such systems requires coordinated design with existing space structural technologies, as well as the design of interconnects, avionics and platform dynamics, and attitude control systems. These challenges require significant developments, but achievable within the coming 10 to 20 years. More... Before full-scale Energy from Space systems are realized, there are plenty opportunities out there for enthusiastic people to participate in and contribute to this endeavor. More... Who will pay for the Energy from Space systems? In the end, as with all power plants, the end consumer will eventually pay. However, upfront costs like those made by research and development, experiments and launching demonstration satellites will probably be born by space agencies, governments, universities, and institutes. Also companies may invest in the road map in order to initiate or strenghten their strategic position. The expected costs of one typical Energy from Space system are $20 billion. The system is designed to produce 1 GW of power for at least 30 years for an anticipated price of $0.10 to $0.50 per kWh. More... Frequently Asked Questions Links for more information: - Wikipedia: Space Based Solar Power (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space-based_solar_power) - JAXA: interview about Space Solar Power Systems (http://www.jaxa.jp/article/interview/vol53/index_e.html) - ESA: Space Based Solar Power (http://www.esa.int/gsp/ACT/nrg/op/SPS/index.htm) - NASA: Space Based Solar Power (http://www.nasa.gov/offices/oct/early_stage_innovation/niac/mankins_sps_alpha.html) - National Space Society: Space Solar Power Library (http://www.nss.org/settlement/ssp/library/index.htm) - Change.gov: document (http://change.gov/open_government/entry/space_solar_power_ssp_a_solution_for_energy_independence_climate_change/) - Space Faring Institute: Space Solar Power video (http://spacefaringinstitute.com/) - The Space Review: Space Solar Power (http://www.thespacereview.com/article/1364/1) - Scientific America: Solar Energy in Space (http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=farming-solar-energy-in-space)
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ASK A QUESTION A ver, A ver - What does this mean? A ver, A ver.- What does this mean? I know whe someone says, "A ver" it can mean like "Let me see." But in the context of my book that's not what it's meaning! I agree with dandi that it is the best translation... in context: José is just considering in his mind what was told to him by Francisco. It's just his thinking out loud, processing in his mind what the information. I believe that it means "OK/alright" like enough already, and is used as a filler phrase So the whole thing might be "OK, OK" or "alright, alright" I believe it translates as "let's see.". "A ver, a ver.. ¿Qué quiero de comer?" Let's see, let's see. What do I want to eat?" In english A ver means to see But in the context of my book that's not what it's meaning! Maybe if you gave us the context we could help. Here is the context!: Francisco: Mañana viernes, voy a ir al centro con Ana. José: ¿Con Ana? A ver a ver. ¡Fantástico, Francisco! (Aventura - DVD Program Manual) This is not meant to contradict what Dandi or Adelita has already said, as I believe that Adelita is a native speaker, and I am sure likely has a firmer grasp on little nuances of the language such as this one, but here is a link to a reference that describes several uses of "a ver" including: • let's see • let's check • hold on it also lists this for "a ver, a ver" atencion or escuchen as in "a ver a ver ¿Qué esta pasando aquí?" Used as an interjection, this seems to be more like "Hey, hey." or "hey now" What do you think? Does this make sense to you?
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-07", "url": "http://www.spanishdict.com/answers/118768/a-ver-a-ver-what-does-this-mean", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2016-07/segments/1454701151880.99/warc/CC-MAIN-20160205193911-00319-ip-10-236-182-209.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9402735233306885, "token_count": 452, "score": 2.75, "int_score": 3 }
Diseases and Diagnoses The Second Age of Biology Diseases and Diagnoses discusses why such social problems as addiction, sexually transmitted diseases, racial predisposition for illness, surgery and beauty, and electrotherapy, all of which concerned thinkers a hundred years ago, are reappearing at a staggering rate and in diverse national contexts. In the twentieth century such problems were viewed as only historical concerns. Yet in the twenty-first century, we once again find ourselves confronting their implications. In this fascinating volume, Gilman looks at historical and contemporary debates about the stigma associated with biologically transmitted diseases. He shows that there is no indisputable way to measure when a disease or therapy will reappear, or how it may be perceived at any given moment in time. Consequently, Gilman focuses on the socio-cultural and political implications that the reappearance of such diseases has had on contemporary society. His approach is to show how culture (embedded in cultural objects) both feeds and is fed by the claims of medical science-as for example, the reappearance of "race" as a cultural as well as a medical category. If the twentieth century was the "age of physics," in the latter part of the past century and certainly in the twenty-first century biological concerns are recapturing central stage. Achievements of the biological sciences are changing the public's sense of what constitutes cutting-edge science and medicine. None has captured the public imagination more effectively than the mapping of the human genome and the promise of genetic manipulation, which fuel what Gilman calls a "second age of biology." Although not without controversy, the role of genetics appears to be key. Gilman puts contemporary debates in historical context, showing how they feed social and cultural concerns as well as medical possibilities. "The chapters touch on topics as diverse as race, alcoholism, sexually transmitted diseases, beauty, psychoanalysis, and Jewish identity. These illustrations are loosely tied together by their exploration of the many different ways that the language and labels used to describe both diseases and the populations affected become part of social and personal identity. Recommended." —K. H. Jacobsen, Choice People Who Bought This Book Also Bought: Customer Reviews Average Customer Review: Not yet rated Table of Contents Introduction: On “Race,” Sex, and Beauty in Historical Perspective 1. Race (Again) and Medicine (Again): The Jews and Alcoholism 2. What is the Color of the Gonorrhea Ribbon? Stigma, Sexual Diseases, and Popular Culture in the Twenty-First Century 3. Nietzsche, Bizet, and Wagner—Illness, Health, and Race in the Nineteenth Century 4. Are You Just What You Eat? Ritual Slaughter and the Politics of National Identity 5. Imagining Glamour in the Age of Aesthetic Surgery 6. Sigmund Freud, Electrotherapy, and the Voice 7. Psychoanalysis, Medicine, and the Body in the Time of Freud and Brill 8. The Practical Aspect of Culture in Illness—Bilingualism in the World of Health and Illness
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2014-42", "url": "http://www.transactionpub.com/title/Diseases-and-Diagnoses-978-1-4128-1049-4.html", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2014-42/segments/1413507446323.3/warc/CC-MAIN-20141017005726-00358-ip-10-16-133-185.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9287037253379822, "token_count": 633, "score": 2.546875, "int_score": 3 }
People. Places. Power. Three things that determine the course of civilization across the globe. These three words are separate yet intertwined. Who is in power? Where are they exercising their power? By themselves, however, they mean different things. People refers to the beings that ultimately sail the ship of events to its destination. Those who see themselves as part of a larger group, who come together to try and attain shared aspirations. Places refers to virtually any piece of land that can be controlled for economic purposes, places that can hold people back and define the people in that place on the basis of culture and resources. Power refers to the ownership of the two other terms. It can be manifested through a place’s military, an individual, or the society as a whole. This assignment is to research a specific topic and learn how that topic relates to this theme. American imperialism, while admittedly not my first choice, still greatly interests me because it remains very relevent to this day, and uncovering the origins of modern foreign policy helps in understanding it. American Imperialism : Key Terms and Definitions Imperialism – when stronger nations attempt to create empires or simply gain more territory by taking over weaker nations – economically, politically, culturally, or militarily. Nationalism – devotion to one’s nation; the belief that the country one lives in has superior ideals and goals to other nations. Manifest Destiny – the 19th century idea that the expansion of the US throughout the American continents was both justified and inevitable. Monroe Doctrine – foreign policy document written by then-president James Monroe – the doctrine noted that the US would neither interfere with existing European colonies nor meddle in the internal concerns of European countries. Midway Islands – unincorporated territory of the United states (since 1903 when Theodore Roosevelt placed them under the control of the Navy) in the central Pacific Ocean, 1,300 miles northwest of Honolulu Naval Act of 1890 – an act by Congress giving more power to the Navy by calling for the construction of more battleships, gunboats, torpedo boats, and cruisers. Social Darwinism – the idea that powerful should increase their power and wealth, meaning, as a result, that the not powerful would have their power and wealth decrease. Social darwinists thought that expanding the US territory was beneficial because it introduced Christianity and modern civilization Theodore Roosevelt – 26th president of the United States, foreign policy was “speak softly and carry a big stick”, thought that civilized nations have a duty to develop uncivilized ones. William McKinley – 25th president of the United States, led America to victory in Spanish American war, established open door policy with China, thus starting the age of American Imperialism. Standard Oil Company – oil company owned by the Rockefeller family, made up 90% of exports of kerosene and 70% of the world market in the 1890s People with economic power tend to use their influence on people with political power in order to get what they want. “American labor unions had sympathy for the Cuban rebels as soon as the insurrection against Spain began in 1895. But they opposed American expansionalism. Both the Knights of Labor and the American Federation of Labor spoke against the idea of annexing Hawaii, which McKinley proposed in 1897” (The Empire and The People, 306). Another enduring understanding is that the goal of war is often times not to end the conflict but to establish control of strategic locations and to gain economic and political power. “Americans began taking over railroad, mine, and sugar properties when the war ended. In a few years, $30 million of American capital was invested. United Fruit moved into the Cuban sugar industry…. By the end of the occupation, in 1901, Foner estimates that at least 80 percent of the export of Cuba’s minerals were in American hands, mostly Bethlehem Steel” (The Empire and The People, 310). American imperialism is a prime example of the theme: people, places and power. People in power, namely Theodore Roosevelt and William McKinley, used their power to bring about the expansionist foreign policy through moves like the Naval Act of 1890, as well as McKinley’s open door policy with foreign trade. Cuba was an ideal place for America to become involved because of the resources it offered, and after these people in power were able to win the war, businesses and investors came in and made a profit off of the conflict. These things all blend together to make the theme.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-30", "url": "https://andrewsullivanb.wordpress.com/2014/05/30/the-united-territories-of-america-1/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-30/segments/1531676590794.69/warc/CC-MAIN-20180719090301-20180719110301-00446.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9631848335266113, "token_count": 921, "score": 3.703125, "int_score": 4 }
Tension membrane structures, sometimes referred to as fabric structures, originated as far back as nomadic peoples from the Ice Age and have continued to the present. Early fabric shelters were made of tree branches and animal hides or less frequently, birch bark pieces or latticed leaves. Fabric structures have evolved throughout history by many diverse groups of people around the world living in all types of environments. Through the advancement of materials and technology, tensile membrane structures have transitioned over the years and can be seen on every continent, including Antarctica. Tensioned membrane structures can be built in many different shapes and sizes. There are also many types including permanent, temporary, large, small, air-supported, or tensioned to name a few. Examples include open-air structures such as amphitheaters and entrance canopies or enclosed roofing systems, such as an airport facility (i.e. Denver International Airport), convention centers (i.e. the San Diego Convention Center), and even a domed stadium roof (i.e. the Georgia Dome). Many types of membranes or fabric materials are considered when designing and building a tensile membrane structure. The range includes PTFE fiberglass, PVC, ETFE foil or film, high translucency PTFE (ePTFE), as well as insulated membrane systems. Each type of membrane has unique performance qualities which will determine which material is best to use in a specific application and region. A membrane could have an open weave or could be constructed of woven base cloths of varying strength; and, it is protected from outdoor elements by a coating which provides thermal, fire, water and ultraviolet (UV)-light resistance. Architects appreciate tensile architecture for its ability to offer unusual as well as iconic shapes and forms while engineers take enjoyment in “pure” structural expression. Fabric structures have come a long way since the first modern cable-net was built fifty years ago. The technology continues to evolve. As a result more and more buildings including both new construction and retrofits are using tensile membrane as a viable and visually appealing option.
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New Hampshire Standards NH.6. New Hampshire and United States History: The study of New Hampshire and United States History is important in helping citizens understand and appreciate the legacy of our republic, and to develop the empathy and analytical skills needed to participate intelligently and responsibly in our ongoing democratic experiment. Historical study exposes students to the enduring themes and issues of our past and emboldens them to courageously and compassionately meet the contemporary challenges they will face as individuals in a state, a country and an interdependent world. Ultimately, the study of history will help students plan and implement responsible actions that support and enhance our collective values. 6.1. Political Foundations and Development: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the major ideas, issues and events pertaining to the history of governance in our state and nation. Describe the significance of national and New Hampshire celebrations, monuments, symbols and documents, e.g., Veteran's Day, the Statue of Liberty, Old Man of the Mountain, and the preamble to the New Hampshire Constitution. NH.7. World History and Contemporary Issues: The study of World History and Contemporary Issues is important in helping citizens understand and appreciate the contemporary challenges they will face as individuals in an interdependent, increasingly connected world. Knowledge of past achievements and failures of different peoples and nations provides citizens of the 21st century with a broader context within which to address the many issues facing our nation and the world. World History fosters an appreciation of the roots of our nation's values and the values and perspectives of other peoples. It illustrates how humans have expressed themselves in different surroundings and at different times, revealing the many commonalties and differences shared by the world's peoples past and present. 7.5. Social/Cultural: Students will demonstrate their understanding of the diversity of values, beliefs, and practices of individuals and groups over time. Describe different ways that societies around the world express their values and beliefs through practices, e.g., festivals or dress.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-26", "url": "https://newpathworksheets.com/social-studies/grade-3/world-holidays/new-hampshire-standards", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-26/segments/1529267864300.98/warc/CC-MAIN-20180621211603-20180621231603-00550.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9102615118026733, "token_count": 418, "score": 3.578125, "int_score": 4 }
| ||Format||Pages||Price|| | |3||$25||  ADD TO CART| The paper briefly reviews the standard United Kingdom (UK) procedure for the determination of cement content of hardened concrete. It then points out the special problems that occur when attempting to determine the cement content and the amount of mineral admixture in concrete. The method described in this paper, originally devised by the Building Research Establishment, employs a total analysis of the concrete and control samples of the cement, aggregates, and mineral admixture. The method usually used is quantitative X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis. The analytical results are examined by the application of a simultaneous equation mathematical approach to resolve the content of the individual components. Application of the method in a case history is used for illustration. Principal consultant, MG Associates, Barnet, Herts Stock #: CCA10340J
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-48", "url": "http://www.astm.org/DIGITAL_LIBRARY/JOURNALS/CEMENT/PAGES/CCA10340J.htm", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-48/segments/1448398460519.28/warc/CC-MAIN-20151124205420-00247-ip-10-71-132-137.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8273034691810608, "token_count": 185, "score": 2.734375, "int_score": 3 }
This module stresses the importance of mobility for all clients and discusses the factors that can lead to a loss of mobility. Caregivers will review positioning, safe transfers, ambulation techniques and range of motion exercises. The module also provides tips for making mobility safe…and fun! - Define mobility and list three important reasons why it matters. - List at least six things that can lead to a decrease or loss of mobility. - Discuss the importance of proper positioning and range of motion exercises on maintaining and regaining mobility. - Describe at least three safe ways to ambulate clients who have varying degrees of weakness. - Develop a plan to make mobility safe and fun for the clients under your care.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-40", "url": "https://store.homecarepulse.com/product/helping-clients-with-mobility/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-40/segments/1664030337404.30/warc/CC-MAIN-20221003070342-20221003100342-00766.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.892814040184021, "token_count": 149, "score": 2.59375, "int_score": 3 }
Sleep apnea is one of human kind’s major health problems. It is estimated that 20% of the human population is affected by sleep apnea. Apnea causes poor sleep quality, decreased quality of life, chronic medical conditions, and early death. If you or a loved one suffers from sleep apnea, you should know and understand as much about it as possible. The following pages are available to give you important information about the disorder and its treatment. SLEEP APNEA – WHAT IS IT? Sleep Apnea Syndrome is the result of changes in breathing during sleep. These changes, or events, must happen with a certain frequency in order for the condition to be present. To learn more about what is happening during an apnea event, the causes of sleep apnea, and how we measure apnea events, visit the page, What is it? SLEEP APNEA EVALUATIONS Do you wonder if you have sleep apnea? Do you know whether or not you should be evaluated for it? What tests are required to determine if you have apnea during sleep? Can testing be done at home? For answers to these questions, visit the Evaluations page. SLEEP APNEA TREATMENT Have you been diagnosed with Obstructive Sleep Apnea? Are you wondering what to do now? Do you want to know more about the treatment options available to you? The Treatments page serves as a general guide to the various treatments currently available. It is important to discuss each option with your healthcare provider or sleep specialist to make sure the option you choose is the right one for you. POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE TREATMENT AND EQUIPMENT Most people with moderate to severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea use some form of positive airway pressure to correct the problem. The most common form is constant positive airway pressure, or CPAP, but there are other types of pressure machines and treatments. The various means of treating sleep apnea are reviewed on the Equipment page. OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME, WHAT IS IT? Sleep apnea is a very common problem. It is a breathing problem that occurs during sleep. Several types of apnea problems have been recognized, but by far the most common is Obstructive Sleep Apnea. It accounts for over ninety-five percent of the individuals who have problems with sleep apnea. What is apnea? What is obstructive apnea? What does it do? Anyone who has been diagnosed with sleep apnea or has a loved one with sleep apnea should know the answers to these questions. Apnea occurs when breathing stops. Obstructive apnea happens frequently when breathing stops because of obstruction of the airway. The medical problem – Obstructive Sleep Apnea – is a syndrome. A syndrome is a grouping of signs, symptoms and findings, which when placed together, are considered to be a medical condition. Syndromes are usually diagnosed by a person’s symptoms, physical findings and laboratory abnormalities. The Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome is a combination of varying degrees of sleep symptoms, sleep test abnormalities and to a lesser degree, abnormalities in the physical examination. Apnea events interrupt sleep and symptoms result, but apnea is much more than symptoms. There are long-term consequences. Apnea means “no breath.” When people have sleep apnea problems they are suffering from interruptions in their breathing while asleep. With the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, the interruptions in breathing occur when the airway becomes blocked during sleep. The chest and diaphragm are making efforts to pull air into the lungs, but the passageway to the lungs is blocked. Figure 1 shows a five-minute tracing of a normal sleep test. It shows a snoring microphone recording (no snoring is seen on this record), electrocardiogram, flow of air through the nose and mouth, chest and abdominal wall movements, and the level of oxygen saturation. FIGURE 1 – NORMAL BREATHING DURING SLEEP FIGURE 2 – SLEEP APNEA DURING SLEEP Figure 2 shows five minutes of severe sleep apnea. Note the loud snoring, the absence of airflow (shaded areas on the flow channel), changes in respiratory effort in the chest and abdomen, and the changing oxygen levels. Breathing is an act that we do not have to think about. It occurs regularly, without conscious thought and is regulated by physiologic factors. We breathe when we do because of the controls built into our body’s respiratory system. The levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in our blood, the sensations of our muscles in the chest and diaphragm and the amount of acid in the blood, are all factors that determine the depth and frequency of our breaths. During sleep, our breathing is under the same controlling factors. When obstruction to the airway occurs, the sensors that control our breathing note that change and then cause an increase in the physical effort to breathe. As a result of the effort, air begins to move again. These obstructive events occur over and over again. As seen in Figure Two in someone with the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, they occur many times per hour. The events can result in total blockage of the airway (apnea), partial obstruction of the airway (hypopnea), or a lesser degree of obstruction (airflow reductions with arousal). These events have varying effects on the person who has them. The majority of complaints from patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome focus on the quality of sleep. The person frequently does not sleep well, often has non-refreshing sleep and complains of daytime sleepiness. Almost any symptom related to the quality of sleep or the ability to sleep may be reported. Frequently reported symptoms are listed in Table 1. SYMPTOMS OF OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA WHAT CAUSES OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA? The obstruction of the airway that causes the syndrome is reversible. In fact, it comes and goes. It occurs only during sleep, usually in individuals who have little awareness of the events. While awake these individuals breathe without problems. While the reason obstruction occurs remains under research, physicians now know a great deal about the site of the obstruction and individuals who develop obstructive sleep apnea.The site of the obstruction occurs in the upper airway. That is the area above the larynx (voice box). The larynx and the airway below are held open by rings of cartilage and do not collapse. However, above the larynx the reversible obstruction occurs at the base of the tongue or at the soft palate. People with obstructive sleep apnea are essentially choking in their sleep.Figure 3 shows the normal anatomy of the upper airway. The obstruction in sleep apnea occurs above the larynx. FIGURE 3 – NORMAL ANATOMY OF THE UPPER AIRWAY Physicians have a good idea of the mechanism that results in the obstruction. The vast majority of individuals have no abnormalities of their airways. Their throats show normal tissue in normal places. For a great deal of time it was thought that a specific reason for the apneas would be discovered. However, that has not been the case. A few individuals have significant and obvious problems in their airways: enlarged tonsils, enlarged adenoids, growths or birth defects in their jaw area. These abnormalities result in a small upper airway that obstructs easily upon reclining. Uncommonly, severe hypothyroid problems result in obstructive sleep apnea.The reversible obstructions occur mostly in normal throats. Over the past thirty years doctors have investigated why the obstructions occur and how they occur. It is clear that a large number of overweight people have obstructive sleep apnea. It has been found that when morbidly obese individuals with sleep apnea lose weight, the obstructive sleep apnea will go away about fifty-percent of the time.Thin people have obstructive sleep apnea, too. Men, women and children have obstructive sleep apnea. They may be tall, short, thin or stocky. Studies have shown that five to fifteen percent of the American population has some degree of obstructive sleep apnea. After studying thinner individuals and obese patients who still have obstructive sleep apnea after weight loss, medical specialists are beginning to come to the conclusion that there are two major factors that result in the obstructions. The two factors are: 1) the degree of muscle relaxation that occurs in the upper airway muscles during sleep and 2) the size and shape of the throat.Figure 4 demonstrates the site of obstruction for the majority of patients with the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. The arrow shows the area where the palate and tongue obstruct the airway during sleep. FIGURE 4 – OBSTRUCTION OF THE AIRWAY IN SLEEP APNEA – WHAT DOES OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA DO? The obstructive events have two major effects. First, the events cause a disruption in the sleeping patterns of the brain and second, the events place a stress on the cardiovascular system. When the obstructions occur, the brain senses that the breathing is not effective and breathing efforts are increased. The effort needed to open the obstruction can awaken the sleeper, or at least cause the person to change to a lighter stage of sleep. These events result in release of stress hormones, changes in heart rate, changes in blood pressure, a drop in the blood oxygen level and other changes.Apnea will ruin a night’s sleep. People perceive that sleep is a quiet, inactive time. However, sleep is a very active time for the brain. Imaging studies demonstrate that during sleep the brain functions at a high level in a rhythmic pattern. It could be interpreted as ‘when we sleep, the brain works and the body rests’. The obstruction of the airway, disrupts the rhythmic pattern of the brain during sleep. This pattern will be restarted over and over again, but the obstructive events interrupt the processes. A few individuals will wake when the obstructions occurs, but most will have no idea what is happening. They will complain of a bad night, feel like they haven’t slept or feel sleepy during the day. It affects each person differently, but for everyone, sleep is disturbed at some level by the obstructive events and symptoms usually follow. Symptoms and patients’ comments are listed in Table 1 above. The second effect of obstructed breathing is on the cardiovascular system. When an obstruction occurs, it results in a release of catecholamines (adrenal stress hormones) and changes in blood pressure and heart rate. The oxygen level drops repeatedly, often to dangerously low levels. Individuals with the Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome suffer these events repeatedly night after night, week after week, and year after year. The cumulative effect results in medical problems. Patients with sleep apnea have higher rates of elevated cholesterol, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart attacks, and strokes. Patients with a high number of obstructive events die significantly younger than those who do not have apnea problems. Many other medical conditions are also thought to occur more frequently when apnea is present. HOW IS THE SEVERITY OF OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA MEASURED? The number of significant obstructive events that occur per hour measures the severity of obstructive sleep apnea. The events are reported as the apnea/hypopnea index (AHI). Symptoms usually are more frequent and intense as the AHI increases. Essentially all insurance companies use the AHI to indicate the presence of obstructive sleep apnea and rate its severity. Medical studies have confirmed that the long-term complications associated with obstructive sleep apnea do increase as the number of events per hour increases. The higher the AHI measured during a sleep test, the greater the risk of medical complications. It has been demonstrated that an AHI of less than five has no long-term risk. However, an AHI of greater than thirty predicts a very high risk of developing problems. Obstructive sleep apnea is rated: AHI of five to fourteen – mild, AHI of fifteen to thirty – moderate, and AHI of greater than thirty – severe. Other sleep test measurements also influence the reviewing physician. Individuals who show very long apneas (thirty to ninety seconds), very low blood oxygen levels and heart rhythm disturbances with the apneas, may be considered to have severe obstructive sleep apnea even when the AHI is only mildly or moderately increased. In addition, patients have been recognized who have symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea even when the AHI is less than five. These patients’ symptoms usually resolve on positive airway pressure therapy. EVALUATION FOR OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA Sleep is a very personal time. We are unaware of our surroundings and are unprotected. We don’t know if we move, talk or snore. We are unable to present the best image of ourselves. We are vulnerable and helpless. Those we let into our personal lives, family, friends and loved ones, may tell us things about what we do during sleep, things we do not believe. Other times, we experience things that our loved ones do not see or have trouble believing. There may be no one to tell us if we are doing something unusual during our sleep. Many of us are reluctant to seek help for sleep problems. We dislike having someone outside our inner circle involved in such a personal problem. In the past, it was not unusual for physicians to tell patients that a sleep problem was all in their heads. Now, the medical profession is more enlightened and knowledgeable. There are professionals who specialize in sleep problems. This section is designed to help you answer questions you may have regarding the evaluation of sleep. Who should be evaluated? Who should do the evaluation? What kinds of tests are performed? Where should the tests be performed? WHO SHOULD BE EVALUATED? Absolute Indications for a Sleep Evaluation Anyone who has symptoms or signs that suggest sleep apnea should discuss them with their physician. There are a few things that are absolute indicators of the need for a thorough evaluation – sleep testing. So how do you decide? When is your complaint an indicator of a serious medical condition? Let’s start with the absolute indicators: those things that strongly suggest the presence of a significant breathing problem during sleep. The first is loud snoring. A sleep evaluation and testing are indicated if your snoring ‘rattles the rafters’, ‘shakes the walls’, can be heard at the other end of the house, is loud enough that it is easily heard outside the room or consistently drives your mate to another room to sleep. If you are observed to have periods during your sleep when your breathing is seen to stop, sleep evaluation and testing are indicated. While normal individuals can have an occasional obstructive event associated with cession of breathing, repeated observations strongly indicate a problem. If you are extremely sleepy, sleep evaluation and testing are indicated. Normal individuals sleep eight to nine hours a night and feel rested. It is abnormal to sleep ten to twelve hours and be sleepy during the waking hours. Sleeping more than ten hours a day means you should seek help. If you are sleeping seven to eight hours per night and falling asleep during normal activities, you should seek help. Falling asleep while doing dangerous activities such as driving or working with machinery is an absolute indication that sleep evaluation and testing are indicated. When someone exhibits more than one of these three absolute indicators – loud snoring, observed cessation of breathing during sleep and excessive sleepiness – the question is not, “Does that person have apnea?” but, “How bad is it?” However, most people who suffer from significant obstructive sleep apnea, even many of those with severe apnea, do not report such extreme symptoms. Symptoms of Obstructive Sleep Apnea The symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea are primarily those of disturbed sleep, excessive sleepiness and non-refreshing sleep. Unfortunately, there is not one specific symptom to identify individuals with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Common symptoms are listed in Table One. If you are experiencing one or more of these symptoms, speak to your physician. A sleep evaluation and testing may be indicated. SYMPTOMS OF OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA Take the sleep quiz on this web site. It is another way of determining if you might have the syndrome. The Epworth scale can give you some insight as to the importance of your daytime symptoms. It can indicate sleep problems and suggest whether a sleep evaluation is needed. Both of these quizzes can help you decide if you should seek further advice and evaluation. TESTING FOR OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME The only way to know if you have the syndrome is to be tested. A formal sleep test (polysomnogram) performed in a sleep center is the only way to be absolutely sure of what happens when you sleep. It is the test required by insurance companies to verify that a person has obstructive sleep apnea. A sleep test (polysomnogram) measures sleep duration and stages, breathing, blood oxygen saturation, electrocardiogram, muscle contractions and body movements. It is a non-invasive test. All the sensors are strapped on or attached with adhesive material. A polysomnogram is a highly complex series of measurements. It is the only test that can answer the question: “Do I have sleep apnea?” Many things are measured during a polysomnogram. The tests included are an electroencephalogram (EEG), electromyograms of chins and legs (EMG), electro-oculogram (EOG), electrocardiogram (ECG), airflow through the nose and mouth, chest and abdominal movements, limb movements, blood oxygen saturation and body position. For the electroencephalogram (EEG), a measurement of brain waves, eight to ten electrodes are glued to the head and scalp. The EEG, EMG and EOG demonstrate a characteristic pattern during sleep allowing a determination of the depth of sleep. The electromyogram is a measurement of muscle tone. The electro-oculogram records the movement of the eyes. These three tests, the EEG, the EOG, and the chin EMG are used to define sleep. Breathing measurements are made from airflow, chest and abdominal wall movements, and the blood oxygen level sensor recordings. Air movement through the nose and mouth is measured with a sensor worn under the nose, much like the tubing used to give oxygen to a sick person. The chest and abdominal wall movements are recorded from elastic belts worn around the chest and abdomen. The remaining recordings measure changes that may result from apnea or may occur independently of apnea. Body movements during sleep occur very commonly. They may be a problem for the person who has them, they may just be an observation without significant effects to the person, or they may be the result of sleep apnea. The visual monitoring of the person while sleep adds information regarding the nature of the movements that occur. A recording from a polysomnogram during a normal period of sleep is shown in Figure 1. FIGURE 1 – NORMAL POLYSOMNOGRAM Each type of measurement performed on a polysomnogram requires special knowledge of the test. Often, a specially trained technician carries out each type of test. However, a polysomnogram technician (sleep technician) must be skilled in multiple physiologic testing tasks. It is very important that properly trained technicians perform the test. Polysomnograms are performed in specialized testing centers. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine, the organization of physicians and interested medical professionals, has set standards for sleep testing centers. The standards define the training requirements for the personnel, the procedure for the testing techniques, the physical requirements of the facility and appropriate working hours and responsibilities for the staff. In short, the Academy defines what is required to perform the testing in an appropriate manner. The Academy has a program to accredit sleep centers and sets very high standards. The best way to be sure that you have a sleep study of good quality is to be tested at a sleep center accredited by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Are there alternatives to the polysomnography test for sleep apnea? The American Academy of Sleep Medicine, Medicare and essentially all health insurance companies require a polysomnogram performed in a sleep center for the diagnosis of Sleep Apnea Syndrome. Several testing techniques are used to screen for the problem. If an abnormal result is obtained, a polysomnogram is usually required. The most commonly used screening test is an overnight oximetry. Oximetry testing is a widely available technique. It is used to determine the oxygen level in a person’s blood. A small sensor with a red light is attached to the finger and the oxygen saturation is determined. It is the same sensor used during the polysomnogram. The oximetry-testing unit has a memory and records the blood oxygen level during sleep. Changes in the oxygen level can suggest, but not diagnose, sleep apnea. HOME SLEEP TESTING There are a number of commercially available home testing systems. Since insurance does not pay for home sleep tests, no particular test is widely used. WHERE DO YOU GET HELP? People frequently ask how to select a sleep physician or a sleep center that can provide advice and help. As always, the informed person is the wise consumer. Ask your physician. Ask friends and colleagues. Check out reference sources. Sleep physicians in each state are listed on the American Board of Sleep Medicine’s web site. Most states have web sites that list local sleep physicians and their qualifications. Sleep testing can be found in many locations owned by physicians, hospitals and business companies. How do you find a center that has demonstrated a high quality track record? Centers accredited by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine meet the requirement. They are listed at the Academy’s web site. If you have been recommended to a center, check to see if it is accredited by the Academy. Also, determine the ownership. Centers owned and operated by physicians or hospitals are usually a good choice. Centers owned and operated by medical equipment companies and business entrepreneurs should be suspect. What should be of concern to the potential patient? Who is the physician responsible for the testing and the interpretation of the test? Is he a local specialist? Can he be seen if you need help with your sleep problem? See ‘What to Look For in a Sleep Center’ for more information. THE PROBLEM OF OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA Sleep apnea syndrome is caused by frequent reversible obstructions of the upper airway causing interruption of sleep. These obstructions have two effects on the person who has them. First, symptoms of disturbed sleep result from the interruptions. Treatment should improve the quality of sleep and reduce symptoms. Second, the obstructive events can cause long-term consequences. High blood pressure, heart attacks, strokes, diabetes and elevated cholesterol levels have all been associated with increased frequency of obstructive events. Treatment should also be able to prevent these problems. In fact, treatment of apnea, when it successfully eliminates the obstructive events, has been shown to achieve both of these goals. How do we treat individuals with throat collapse and those with excessive body weight as they work to lose weight? The three traditional categories of treatment are medications, surgeries and medical devices. The miscellaneous causes of apnea are beyond the scope of this discussion. |CAUSES OF OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME| |Excessive Body Weight||25%| |Miscellaneous causes (Throat abnormalities, metabolic abnormalities, etc.)||<5%| |Non-specific throat collapse||70%| Under ‘Obstructive Sleep Apnea, What is It?’ the causes of sleep apnea were reviewed. Excessive body weight is seen in over half the patients diagnosed with sleep apnea syndrome. There is evidence that with weight loss the sleep apnea of about half of the overweight patients will disappear. Weight loss is strongly encouraged in all overweight individuals. It is the treatment most likely to result in a long-term resolution of the problem. Positive Airway Pressure The two types of medical devices used to treat obstructive sleep apnea are positive airway pressure and dental appliances. It has been known for over twenty years that obstructive sleep apnea can be corrected by positive airway pressure. When the air pressure in the throat is raised to slightly higher than the local atmospheric pressure, the throat does not collapse. When the throat does not collapse, the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome is corrected. The symptoms resolve and the risk of long-term complications are markedly reduced. With consistent use of positive airway pressure, the symptoms related to poor sleep are usually resolved and the long-term risk for elevated blood pressure, diabetes, elevated cholesterol, heart attack and stroke returns to that of the population without sleep apnea. Positive airway pressure is the primary therapy for all levels of obstructive sleep apnea. Positive airway pressure is a simple concept. The details of the treatment are covered under the Equipment tab above. Dental appliances work by holding the lower jaw (mandible) forward. This holds the back of the tongue away from the back of the throat and at the same time pulls the palate forward. The appliances are effective in reducing obstructions, especially in individuals with lesser problems and may be of value in patients who suffer from milder levels of sleep apnea syndrome. Dental appliances are considered when therapy with positive airway pressure fails. If the obstructive events are low in number and the person’s symptoms are mild, a dental appliance may be effective. In the vast majority of patients with sleep apnea syndrome, throat collapse during sleep is the cause of the obstructive events. It appears that both the size and the shape of the throat, along with the relaxation of the pharyngeal muscle tone, determine if the throat will stay open or collapse during sleep. There are no known medications that increase the size of the throat or increase the muscle tone of the pharyngeal muscles. At present, there are no medications to prevent and treat sleep apnea. If abnormalities are discovered in the upper airway, then surgery may play a major role in the correction of obstructive sleep apnea. For example, removing enlarged tonsils that are obstructing the airway will often correct the apnea in those individuals. For individuals who have no anatomic abnormalities, surgeries have been designed to treat their obstructive sleep apnea. All the procedures are designed to increase the size of the throat, either at the level of the palate or at the base of the tongue. A number of procedures have been described for both locations. The procedures have some general features in common. They are not used as the first treatment for obstructive sleep apnea. Generally, when used they are successful less than 50% of the time, are quite painful for two to three weeks afterward and have some associated long-term complications. There is a third type of surgery which is a major surgical procedure designed to enlarge the space behind both the palate and the tongue. In this procedure, both the upper jaw (maxilla) and lower jaw (mandible) are moved forward. Maxillo-mandible advancement is a technically demanding major surgical procedure which is only effective 70% of the time. Because of the low success rates, surgical therapies for obstructive sleep apnea are used when traditional therapy with positive airway pressure fails. MEASUREMENT OF SUCCESS Obstructive sleep apnea is treated to both eliminate symptoms and to eliminate the obstructive events. Symptoms that result from the problem should be resolved or improved. The obstructive events need to be eliminated. Correcting the AHI to a normal level ensures the reduction of long-term adverse events to a normal level. Any treatment chosen should achieve both goals. The success of treatment should be measured both by how you feel and what happens to the obstructive episodes while you sleep. How you feel will be clear to you, but the obstructive episodes will not always go away when symptoms improve after treatment. To ensure that the obstructive events have disappeared, retesting is indicated after weight loss, after surgery to enlarge the airspace, and after dental appliances are properly fitted and used. If the treatment is positive airway pressure, a sleep test while wearing the pressure mask is usually performed prior to beginning treatment. This ensures that the events are resolved and determines the appropriate pressure for home therapy. If not retested at the sleep center, a home test should be used to ensure that the events are resolved. CPAP THERAPY AND EQUIPMENT The most effective and least invasive means of treating sleep apnea is with positive airway pressure (PAP). Positive airway pressure works by keeping the airway open while a person sleeps, allowing them to breathe properly. Positive airway pressure is the treatment of choice for all patients with moderate or severe sleep apnea and for most with mild but symptomatic obstructive sleep apnea. Under the “WHAT IS IT?” tab above, we described what it is and how it affects a person who suffers from it. This portion of the site is designed to introduce the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea with positive airway pressure. GOALS OF TREATMENT The goals of treatment with positive airway pressure are to improve health and overall well-being. The specific objectives are to improve the quality of sleep and to reduce the number of apnea events to safe levels. Improved sleep quality usually alleviates the symptoms caused by sleep apnea. The most common symptoms of sleep apnea that improve are sleepiness and fatigue. However, PAP can also eliminate or at least improve other problems such as snoring, insomnia, lack of concentration, nighttime urination and frequent nighttime awakenings. Treatment with PAP is known to lessen the risk of developing long-term health conditions such as hypertension, stroke, diabetes, elevated cholesterol and heart disease. Studies have shown that when the number of obstructive events are reduced to normal, the risk of these long-term complications returns to the risk of the general population without obstructive sleep apnea. When PAP therapy has been recommended to you, remember that the objectives of treatment are to improve symptoms and to control the obstructive apnea events. PAP will improve symptoms most of the time (greater than eighty percent) and the obstructive events, almost all the time (greater than ninety-five percent). HOW POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE WORKS Positive airway pressure is the most effective form of treatment for obstructive sleep apnea. PAP is almost universally effective at correcting the obstructive breathing events. Most sleep apnea is caused by the collapse of the throat when the muscles relax during sleep. When the air pressure in the throat is increased, collapse does not occur as the muscles relax. The pressure acts as a brace or stent and holds it open. Positive airway pressure causes one to breathe air at a slightly higher pressure than that of room air. For the patient with sleep apnea, the pressure is usually kept at a constant level above normal atmospheric pressure. The pressurized air has to be held in place, contained by a mask of some type. To achieve this pressure, a machine forces air through a connecting tube into the mask. The masks are designed to continually leak air in a limited controlled amount. To maintain the pressure, air is forced into the system constantly. When the person inhales, the air pressure will start to drop. Then the machine will sense the change and increase the air it forces through the system to maintain the pressure at the constant level. There are different types of air pressure systems used to treat apnea. In each system the general concepts are the same. The air pressure at the mask is set and maintained by the machine pumping air into the system. Most of the time it is constant, however, modern technology has developed equipment capable of adjusting pressures automatically. COMPONENTS OF POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE THERAPY There are several components involved in positive airway pressure therapy: A pressure source, a humidification source, a form of interface (mask) and tubing to connect the system. The system is designed to create a small world of carefully controlled, elevated air pressure for you to breathe. The most commonly used form of pressure source is called CPAP, or Constant Positive Airway Pressure. As its name suggests, a CPAP machine delivers a single, constant level of pressure to keep the airway open. The person using CPAP will inhale and exhale at the same pressure. Most CPAP machines can be set as low as 4cm of pressure or as high as 20cm. The amount of pressure needed to keep an airway open is usually determined during a sleep study where the positive airway pressure is gradually adjusted to a level that controls the obstructive events. The second common pressure source is Bi-level. A Bi-level machine delivers two set levels of positive pressures. A higher pressure is delivered during inhalation, and a lower pressure during exhalation. When relatively high pressures are required to keep the obstructive apneas from occurring, a Bi-level machine allows a person to exhale more comfortably and to adapt more easily to the use of the pressure. There are additional types of pressure sources which have been developed for very specific medical needs. These pressure machines have been designed to support breathing, not just to keep airways open and prevent apnea. These machines adopt some of the techniques employed in hospital critical care units that provide artificial ventilation to extremely ill individuals. The technique of using external air pressure to artificially breathe for a person is over fifty years old. Modifications of the positive air pressure machines with specific upgraded functions, both CPAP and Bi-level, can provide for some limited types of artificial ventilation support. The pressures generated by the CPAP and Bi-level machines are determined by your physician and the machine is set to deliver those pressures. Pressure Source Special Features There are several special features available in many, if not most, pressure machines.The most common feature is a ‘pressure ramp.’ The ramp feature allows the machine to gradually increase the pressure delivered over a period of five to forty-five minutes. This permits the person to fall asleep at a low pressure. Then it is slowly increased to the set therapeutic pressure. It is particularly helpful when someone first starts using CPAP. ‘Auto altitude adjustment’ will adjust the pressure the machine generates so that it is appropriate for the altitude were it is being used. The pressure machine is generating air pressure which is set to deliver pressure a certain level above the atmospheric pressure. The atmospheric pressure changes with the altitude, so if you travel to the mountains from the seashore, the pressure of the machine should be adjusted. All machines are manually adjustable, but the auto altitude adjustment feature makes the changes when a machine’s location and altitude changes. ‘Memory card’ options are available for many machines. The card records certain information on the machine’s performance and can be ‘read’ by your physician. The information explains how the machine is being used and what happens while it is used. It is particularly helpful if the person is having problems. The problems can often be identified and correted from the information on the card. This may help one avoid another sleep test. ‘End exhalation pressure reduction’ is a relatively new feature that is available on some pressure machines. The machines equipped with this feature allow for a rapid, brief drop in the set pressure during exhalation. Respironics developed C-Flex™ technology, the first commercially available form of this feature. CPAP with C-Flex delivers a set pressure, such as 10cm, upon inhalation. However, the exhalation pressure may be lowered by 1, 2, or 3cm to increase patient comfort. For instance, if the CPAP setting is 10cm and the C-Flex setting is 3cm, the person will always inhale at 10cm and exhale at 7cm. ResMed has a similar product available that they call EPR™. The settings on the different machines with exhalation pressure reduction work the same, although there are some technical differences. The second component involved in PAP therapy is the interface, also called a mask. This is the component that contains the pressurized air for the person to breathe. A single tube connects the pressure machine to the interface. The mask is designed to provide air under positive pressure by forming a seal at the nose or at both the nose and mouth. As the air is pumped under pressure to the mask, it is held under positive pressure while the person breathes. There are five basic mask designs available: the nasal mask, the nasal pillows mask, the full-face mask, the hybrid mask, and the oral mask. For each of these designs there are many different styles available. The nasal mask covers the nose and a seal is formed against the face. An example of a nasal mask is the Respironics Comfort Gel™. The nasal pillows mask rests just inside the nostrils and create a seal at the outer edge of each nostril. The ResMed Swift II™ is an example of a nasal pillows type of mask. There are many people who breathe through their mouths when asleep for a variety of reasons. Some may have a chronic nasal obstruction and some people have learned to breathe through their mouths as a response to sleep apnea itself. Since the mouth needs to be closed when using a nasal mask to maintain the therapeutic pressure, there are two solutions. First, a person with a nasal mask may add a chin strap to aid in keeping the mouth closed. The other alternative is to use a full-face mask. The full-face mask is designed to cover both the nose and mouth while maintaining an adequate seal. The newest type of full-face mask is a combination of mouth cushion and nasal pillows. The Fisher & Paykel FlexiFit 432™ and ResMed Liberty™ are examples of a full-face and full-face hybrid mask. The final mask type is an oral mask. Fisher & Paykel’s Oracle™ is the only variety available on the market. This mask is not used very often, but may be of benefit to a person who has severe skin reactions to the materials of some masks, or who has severe airflow obstruction through the nose. Our respiratory tract has to be able to adapt to many types of air as we move from season to season and travel to many places. One major factor that affects our respiratory system is the humidity of the air we breathe. Ideally, our air would be of a constant temperature and humidity, but that just never occurs. When air is breathed through a CPAP machine, humidity can be added to the air making the positive air pressure more easily tolerated. As a result, humidifiers are available for almost all of the commercially available CPAP machines. The addition of extra humidity to the air supplied through the CPAP machine improves the person’s ability to use positive air pressure. The units, a water reservoir and heater, are generally connected directly to the pressure source. The heater is designed to heat the water just enough to add humidity to the air. The heating scale is a simple range from ‘off’ to ‘warm.’ The setting and the ideal amount of humidity is that which the person using the system finds comfortable. SELF REGULATING POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE THERAPY The two main types of positive airway pressure, CPAP and Bi-level, were described above. Within the categories of CPAP and Bi-level there are more specialized forms of PAP as well. Another type of pressure therapy machine is the Auto-Titration machine. Auto-titration means that the machine will estimate and deliver the amount of pressure needed at each breath. The machine has a pressure range from low to high and it will deliver pressure at any level within that range as needed to prevent the obstructive events. The sensors in the machine are designed to identify the apnea events and adjust the pressure to correct the problems. These machines are of most value when the physician cannot determine the ideal treatment pressure. Auto-Titration machines are available in both the CPAP and Bi-Level forms of positive airway pressure machines.
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1998— The MELT Experiment was the largest seafloor geophysical experiment ever attempted, and one of its major components was MT, the magnetotelluric technique. MT offers a valuable tool toward the MELT Experiment’s goal of probing the earth’s inaccessible deep interior. But the technique remains something of a mystery even to many marine scientists. It has been used widely on land, particularly for regional-scale surveys, but only a few full-scale MT surveys have been carried out on the seafloor. The primary data collected by marine MT experiments are measurements of changes in the earth’s electrical and magnetic fields at the seafloor. These fields are affected by electromagnetic currents within the earth, and here’s where MT’s apparent complexity starts—because the source of these currents is not within the earth, but rather in the ionosphere. Charged particles, emitted from the sun as a solar wind, become trapped in the ionosphere by the earth’s magnetic field. These moving charges essentially create a variety of electric currents encircling the earth. If the earth were a perfect insulator, like space, that would be the end of the story. But the earth can conduct electricity. As these ionospheric currents flow around the earth, they generate a response within the planet itself. More specifically, the pattern of ionospheric currents induces almost a mirror-image pattern of currents within the earth. These so-called “induced image currents” cause changes in the earth’s electric and magnetic fields. These changes depend on the conductivity of the earth’s interior, which, in turn, is determined by the composition and structure of the materials that constitute our planet’s interior. Thus, by measuring changes in Earth’s electric and magnetic fields at the surface, we can effectively deduce its electrical conductivity and reveal its interior structure. As CAT scans reveal images and frameworks that enable us to learn about the workings of the human body, MT experiments similarly provide essential cutaway views that allow us to learn about processes taking place within our planet. Like standard alternating currents in most households, which have a frequency of 60 Hertz, or one cycle per 1/60 of a second, induced image currents also alternate—though they do so over a wide range of frequencies. The variations, or frequencies, we use in seafloor MT range from periods of about 100 seconds to several hours. These variations are caused by the chaotic nature of the events that entrap ions from the solar wind, as well as by more regular events, such as the earth’s daily orbit around the sun. The important point is that different frequencies penetrate the earth to different depths. If induced image currents came in only one flavor, we would be able to image the earth’s interior at only one depth. As it is, higher-frequency currents (with one cycle per 100 seconds, for example) don’t penetrate deeply and can tell us about structure 10 to 15 kilometers deep; the lowest-frequency currents (with one cycle per several hours) can tell us about depths of several hundred kilometers. The goal of the MELT Experiment was to map basaltic melt, from its source within the mantle to the base of the oceanic crust at the mid-ocean ridge crest. While the earth can conduct electrical currents, most rocks, including those comprising the mantle, do not conduct particularly well. This situation changes considerably when melt is present: Pure basaltic melt is several orders of magnitude more conductive than olivine, a common mantle mineral. In the mantle melting column, we do not expect to see pure melt, nor anything like it, but rather some distribution of streams and pools of liquid melt within a matrix of solid mantle rocks. In this case, how the melt is distributed is important. It is possible to think of the melt as a network of wires that connect parts of the mantle. If the melt forms a well-connected network through the rock, electric currents can flow and the mantle will be electrically conductive. Of course, reality is more complicated and other factors, such as water dissolved in the mantle rock, can affect conductivity. These other factors are also important for understanding the whole process of melt production. The MT component of the MELT Experiment was a truly multinational effort involving more than a dozen scientists from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and Scripps Institution of Oceanography in the US, and from France, Japan, and Australia. Each group contributed instruments to the array and played a role in the data analysis. From June 1996 to June 1997, 47 instruments were deployed at 32 seafloor sites to measure the time variations of the electric and magnetic fields. Two lines were set out. The main southern line had 19 sites and crossed a magma-rich segment of the East Pacific Rise ridge crest, extending 200 kilometers on either side of the crest. The second line of 13 sites crossed the ridge to the north on a magma-starved ridge segment, extending 100 kilometers on either side of the axis. Each group’s instruments essentially did the same thing: measure changes in the electric and magnetic fields at the seafloor. But each group accomplished this in slightly different ways, deploying very different-looking instruments. As in all marine experiments, the environment makes seafloor MT measurements more difficult to make, but in one way nature helps us. The ocean is electrically very conductive and acts as a screen against electromagnetic noise—extraneous signals from other sources that would confuse interpretation of the data. On land, power lines, for example, can be a nuisance. The seafloor, however, is electrically quiet, making it possible to measure very small electric field variations. The other part of the MT signal is the seafloor magnetic field—not the steady field trapped in lavas and used to identify magnetic reversals, but the magnetic field variations linked to ionospheric currents. To a first order, the ratio of the electric to the magnetic field at the earth’s surface is a direct measure of the earth’s electrical conductivity. We calculate this ratio for a range of current frequencies using modern processing techniques. To produce a model of the earth, data from all instruments have to be examined through a process of numerical inversion. The interaction of induced currents in the earth with the conductive bodies we hope to image (such as the melt column) affects the electric and magnetic fields over a wide region of seafloor. Generally, it is not possible to look at data from a single instrument and interpret the underlying structure. Instead, we have to use computer modeling to predict the fields that the mantle would create and compare these answers to data from all the instruments. The model is updated to improve the agreement and the process is repeated until a satisfactory model is found. There are many pitfalls involved in this process, as well as different ways of carrying it out. The groups involved in the MELT Experiment have been using a variety of methods over the past few months, and we are in the process of comparing results and discussing their implications. The MT analyses are still in their early stages, but some first-order results are beginning to come through. The MT data show an asymmetrical distribution of melt between the areas west and east of the ridge crest, with a more extensive region to the west. The melt column also appears to be a broader feature, with a low percentage of melt in it, rather than a narrow vertical column of melt directly beneath the ridge. This indicates a more passive flow of mantle toward the ridge crest. Deeper, we see some evidence for a conductive mantle at depths greater than 150 kilometers. If this proves to be true, it could be evidence for deeper melting—deeper than the part of the mantle generally believed to be responsible for most melt generation. However, in the final analysis, water dissolved in the mantle rock may prove an important factor in mantle conductivity at this depth. Funding for the MELT Experiment was provided by the National Science Foundation through the RIDGE Program. The many people involved in the MT component of MELT include: Alan Chave, Bob Petitt and John Bailey (WHOI), Jean Filloux and Helmut Moeller (SIO), Pascal Tarits (UniversitÉ de Bretagne Occidentale), Martyn Unsworth and John Booker (University of Washington), Graham Heinson and Anthony White (Flinders University, South Australia), and Hiroaki Toh, Nobukazu Seama and Hissashi Utada (University of Tokyo). The conductivity of the mantle beneath the East Pacific Rise is depicted in this example of an inversion result from magnetotelluric technique (MT) data collected during the MELT Experiment. Warm colors (white, yellow, orange, and red) represent increased conductivity (lower resistivity). Cold colors (green, blue, black) represent lower conductivity (higher resistivity). The upper 50 kilometers of the mantle appear to be more conductive beneath the Pacific Plate, west of the ridge, than on the Nazca Plate, east of the ridge. The region of high conductivity, extending about 80 kilometers west of the ridge crest and 140 to 190 kilometers deep, suggests deep melting processes affected by the presence of water, or it may simply reflect the effect of water on the mantle resistivity itself. Rob Evans (left) and Helmut Moeller of Scripps deploy a WHOI magnetometer from R/V Thompson (University of Washington).
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-35", "url": "https://www.whoi.edu/oceanus/viewArticle.do?id=2398&sectionid=1000", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-35/segments/1440644065910.17/warc/CC-MAIN-20150827025425-00300-ip-10-171-96-226.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9369911551475525, "token_count": 1966, "score": 4.34375, "int_score": 4 }
Exercise is something most of us love to hate. But there is good news...walking is one of the safest and easiest ways to get the required amount of physical activity we need each week. It's cheaper than a gym membership, more fun than a stationary bike, more convenient than swimming, and easier on the muscles, joints, and feet than running! Let's review the benefits of walking when someone has type 2 diabetes. Research shows sustained, regular exercise, like walking, reduces the risk of several life-threatening diseases, including heart disease, stroke, and probably certain cancers. For people with diabetes, it improves the way insulin works and gives you improved blood glucose readings! It is important to take precautions by checking your blood glucose (sugar) before and after workouts. Foot care is important as well. Check your feet before and after workouts for blisters, breaks in the skin, redness or swelling. To achieve these health benefits, you need to accumulate at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity most, if not all days of the week. This goal can be accomplished with a single brisk 30-minute walk, several shorter walks that add up to 30 minutes, or with a short walk combined with other physical pursuits, such as yard work, or energetic housework. The faster you swing your arms as you walk, the faster you'll be able to walk, since your arms and legs move in sync. To swing your arms faster, bend your elbows at a 90-degree angle rather than letting your arms hang down at your sides, and don't let your hands swing higher than chest level. When walking, push off with the balls of your feet, and take quicker strides, not longer ones, since extending your normal stride can cause low-back pain. Your body will automatically choose the right stride length that works best for you. Remember, keep your head up, shoulders back, and chest out to maintain a comfortable upright posture. If you are concerned about pushing yourself too hard during the work-out, take notice of what your body is telling you. You're probably over-exercising if walking feels like drudgery, you have signs of low blood sugar, muscle cramps, leg pain, breathlessness or extreme fatigue. It's best to walk with someone else, just in case you need extra encouragement or a reminder to check your blood sugar while exercising. If you would like to get started soon with a walking program, call the Wise County Extension office at 940/627-3341 and ask about Walk Across Texas. This is a free, fun, group physical activity program. All you need is a group of 8 friends, family members, or co-workers who want to keep track of the amount they walk for 8 weeks. You can encourage one another to keep going and see if your team can reach your destination first before other groups participating too. Walk Across Texas starts March 4 and continues through April 29. Remember, before starting any exercise program, even walking – check with your doctor! The source for this article came from Consumer Reports on Health, "How to take a healthy walk" June 2000.
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1802 – The Four Courts, Inns Quay, Dublin One of the landmarks of Dublin with its large drum and shallow dome, and visible all along the Liffey, the Four Courts derives its names from the four divisions that traditionally were the judicial system in Ireland. These were: Chancery, King’s Bench, Exchequer, and Common Pleas. Originally, part of the building was designed by Thomas Cooley with a revised later scheme being developed by James Gandon to incorporate the earlier work. The original plan of the western block designed by Thomas Cooley consisted of a number of separate ‘houses’, each with its own entrance and stairwell. The eastern block designed by Gandon was one building with complete internal access. This can be seen on the plan below with Cooley’s block on the left. The building’s main feature is the dome and main portico. The portico and pediment are a shallow projection from the centre block but Gandon created a semi-circular recess under the pediment bringing the entrance into the building. Described in 1837, “The courts are held in a magnificent structure, commonly called the Four Courts, situated on the north side of the river, having Richmond and Whitworth bridges at its eastern and western extremities; it consists of a central pile, 140 feet square, containing the courts, and two wings, in which are most of the offices connected with the despatch of legal business: these, with the centre, form two quadrangles. The front of the building consists of a boldly projecting central portico of six Corinthian columns on a platform, to which is an ascent by five steps, and supporting a highly enriched cornice surmounted by a triangular pediment, having on the apex a statue of Moses, and at the ends those of Justice and of Mercy. Through this portico is the principal entrance into the great circular hall, opposite to which is a passage to apartments connected with the courts, and on each side are others leading to the two quadrangles. In the intervals between these four passages are the entrances to the four chief courts; the Chancery on the north-west, the King’s Bench on the north-east, the Common Pleas on the south-east, and the Exchequer on the south-west. The Rolls’ Court is held in an apartment in the northern part of the central building, between the Courts of Chancery and King’s Bench, where also are other apartments used as a law library and a coffee-room. The eastern wing, which forms the northern and eastern sides of one quadrangle, is appropriated to the offices belonging to the Common Pleas and some of those of the Chancery, the remainder of which, with the King’s Bench and Exchequer offices, are in the northern and western sides of the other wing. A new building, for a Rolls’ Court and a Nisi Prius Court, has been erected between the northern side of the main building and Pill-lane, on a piece of ground purchased for the purpose of isolating the courts, in order to diminish the risk of fire, and to provide additional accommodation for the augmentation of legal proceedings. This stately and sumptuous structure was begun by Mr. Thomas Cooley, architect, and completed by Mr. Gandon, at an expense of about £200,000, and the whole of the sculpture was executed by Mr. Edward Smith, a native artist.” The interior of the Four Courts was reconstructed after the Civil War and the interior rearranged. The central rotunda above is as Gandon designed it with the four main courtrooms opening off it diagonally. This dramatic public space soars up into the drum creating a sombre and awe inspiring venue for the administration of the law. Described in the 1830s, before destruction, the hall had an elaborate interior: “The hall is lighted by a dome containing eight windows between which are colossal statues of Liberty, Justice, Wisdom, Law, Prudence, Mercy, Eloquence, and Judgment. A rich frieze of foliage rises above these statues and extends around the dome; in it are medallions of eight eminent law givers, viz Moses, Lycurgus, Solon, Numa, Confucius, Alfred, Mancha-Capac and Ollamh-Fodhla. Around the hall are columns of the Corinthian order with an entablature and an attic pedestal. Eight sunk panels in the piers correspond with the eight openings below and in the panels over the entrances into the courts are bas reliefs representing William the Conqueror establishing Courts of Justice Feudal Laws; King John signing Magna Carta; Henry II receiving the Irish Chieftains; and James I abolishing the Brehon law.” Like all of Gandon’s buildings, the Four Courts was completed with excellent sculpture by Edward Smyth. On the main pediment, Moses is flanked by Justice and Mercy with Wisdom and Authority also present. Trophies of arms are placed over the triumphal arches in the arcades but they had been emasculated with the crowns replaced by balls. Destroyed during the Irish Civil War of 1921-22, the building has since been restored externally although it was remodelled and rearranged internally. The only external changes was the removal of one bay from each of the side blocks so that they no longer project beyond the arcades as was originally intended by Gandon and shown in the plan above.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-21", "url": "https://www.archiseek.com/2010/1802-the-four-courts-inns-quay-dublin/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-21/segments/1620243988793.99/warc/CC-MAIN-20210507120655-20210507150655-00157.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9674696326255798, "token_count": 1159, "score": 3.296875, "int_score": 3 }
What is the meaning of Pradhosha? It means removal of sins to give Moksha. The word Pradhosha is combination of two words Prathi + Dosha in which prathi means each and every, and dosha means sin. Therefore the Pradhosha worship is done for removal of each and every sin accrued in life. What is the ideal time to perform Pradhosha pooja or worship ? The Pradhosha worship is done in the evening twilight (In Sanskrit and Hindi it is called Sandya Kala) on the Trayodashi of both lunar fortnights in Shukla Paksha and Krishna Paksha thithis when Lord Shiva is believed to be in ecstatic mood and grant favours for the prayers made. During twilight period of time the Lord dances in ecstasy between the horns of divine bull Nandi while his consort Goddess Parvathi remain watching and enjoying the dance of her lord. Pradhosha falls on the 13th thithi otherwise called lunar days from Amavasya and Full Moon days (waxing and waning phase of moon in the Hindu lunar calendar) and is therefore considered auspicious day to beget favours from Lord Shiva. What is the significance in offering prayers in twilight period of time on the days of Pradhosha ? The general belief is that continuous worship of Lord Shiva with his consort Goddess Parvathi in their blissful mood during twilight on every Pradhosha will bring all round happiness in family in all aspects. Why the particular period on the day of Pradhosha is considered auspicious is because the entire Celestial forces descend to earth to offer prayers to Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvathi during the twilight period and therefore visiting the temple to offer prayers at that time will enable one to receive the blessings of other divine fraternity from celestial world present in invisible form. The further belief is that one will not get rebirth if they offer worship for 120 Pradhosha days in continuation. A puranic story for performing Pradhosha is told of generations. According to Hindu Puranas, the gods (Devas) and the demons (Asuras) were stirring the milky ocean to extract nectar, using divine snake Vasuki the serpent king as churning rope. As divine snake Vasuki underwent severe scratches on her body during the churning process, she emitted deadly poison from her mouth the heat of which was capable of destroying the whole world. The shocked celestial pleaded with Lord Shiva to save the universe from destruction from the effects of the poison spit by divine snake Vasuki. In order to save the universe from destruction, before the poison fell on land, Lord Shiva quickly took the poison in his hands and swallowed it. Had the poison gone into the stomach of Lord Shiva, it would have also caused his death even though he was superior divine power. That was one of the divine rules stipulated during creation. As soon as the poison was swallowed by Lord Shiva, relaxed Celestial forces ignorantly engaged in the act of churning totally forgetting the Lord who lay suffering due to the enormous heat generated by the poison when he swallowed it. Goddess Parvathi reacted quickly to nullify the effect of the poison by rubbing the throat of Lord Shiva to freeze the poison inside the throat. However the initial heat of the poison burnt the cells in his throat to turn it to blue in colour. At the same time the poison lost its effect too. Due to this reason Lord Shiva came to be called as Neelakantan meaning the one with blue coloured throat. The entire events unfolded on the day of Trayodashi (thirteenth moon day) during twilight period of time after sunset. The Celestials and Demons came to know of entire events and discomfort suffered by their Lord only after sunset and how his consort Goddess Parvathi saved him. They realized their greatest folly of not paying attention to the Lord after he swallowed the poison to save the universe. Feeling guilty they ran to the Lord and prayed for forgiveness and remove the sins inadvertently accrued by them on account of their apathy. Pleased with their prayers Lord Shiva not only forgave them by removing their sin but also danced in ecstasy in the space between the horns of his carrier vehicle divine Nandi (Celestial Bull) while the his consort Goddess Parvathi stood by the side pleasingly watching him dance. Therefore the twilight period of time on Trayodashi of both lunar fortnights in Shukla Paksha and Krishna Paksha thithis has become Pradhosha Kala. It is believed that whoever offers prayers to Lord Shiva during that period of time not only get their sins removed but also get their wishes fulfilled. It is customary for devotees to offer several varieties of flowers and fruits while performing puja or perform abishekam with sandal paste or sandal powder on the day of Pradhosha to Lord Shiva to get their prayers fulfilled. The pundits say that whoever undertake fasting or perform worship by listening or reading the Pradhosha Vrat story, or reading some chapters from Shiva Purana, or reciting the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra 108 times on the day of pradhosha will be blessed with wealth, children, happiness and honour. The fasting and worship is specially undertaken by those women who long to have children. Various material to be offered to Lord Shiva on the days of Pradhosha and the benefits derived are listed below: - Performing Pradhosha puja with milk gives longer life. - Performing Pradhosha puja with Ghee gives moksha. - Performing Pradhosha puja with Curd gives intelligent child. - Performing Pradhosha puja with Honey bestow melodious voice to musicians. - Performing Pradhosha puja with Rice powder will free of the debts. - Performing Pradhosha puja with Sugar cane juice will give disease free health. - Performing Pradhosha puja with Panchamruth (Sweet dish) gives more and more wealth. - Performing Pradhosha puja with Lemon removes fear of death. - Performing Pradhosha puja with Sugar erases all enmities. - Performing Pradhosha puja with Tender coconut gives contentment in life and enjoyment. - Performing Pradhosha puja with Cooked rice gives life with full of dignity. - Sandal gives Goddess Lakshmi’s grace. Which Pradhosha day will be suitable to derive maximum benefits ? According to pundits:- Monday:- The Pradhosha falling on this day is called Soma Pradhosha and when Lord Shiva worship is performed on this day, it will give good health and all round happiness in one’s life. his also remove negative thoughts and mental blocks. Tuesday:- The Pradhosha falling on this day is called Bhauma Pradhosha and when Lord Shiva worship is performed on this day, they will get enhanced income, financial stability and relief from long time diseases. Pundits say that performing puja on this day with sweet dish called Panchamruth (a sweet dish consisting of specific fruits mixed in honey and ghee) will be more beneficial. Wednesday:- Performing abishekam with Coconut water on this day will result in begetting children of high intelligence and the worshiper attains high degree of wisdom. Thursday:- Pradhosha falling on this day is called Guru Pradhosha. Pundits say that performing puja on this day will eliminate enemies and opponents. Friday:- Performing Pradhosha worship on this day will result in family harmony and unity. When abishekam is performed with sugar the enmities will vanish. Saturday:- This is the best day to worship Lord Shiva to beget Moksha and all comforts in life and called Maha Pradhosha day. Since Saturday was the day when Lord Shiva reportedly swallowed the poison, the Pradhosha on Saturday is considered to be unique. According to Hindu mythology, Saturday is dedicated to Lord Shani who is one of the Navagrahas in the nine celestial gods. Lord Shani has always been related with troubles and ill effects which are given as punishments for karma earned in previous birth. To ward off the adversities and misfortunes of Lord Shani, people observe fasts and offer prayers to Lord Shiva on Saturday. Sunday:- There will be all around happiness in family when puja is performed to Lord Shiva on this day. Pundits say that the circumambulation of the Shiva Ling should be always in the form of Soma Sutra pradakshana (circumambulation) unlike full circle pradakshana performed in many other temples where the Shiva Ling is enshrined inside a sanctum covered by walls on all three sides. The pundits cite two reasons for performing Soma Sutra pradakshana. Since the anointed water flow onto ground through the Gomukh, walking over the space in front of Gomukh will be tantamount to insulting Lord Shiva whose anointed water flow on the open space before entering into the ground. This is the reason why in most of the North Indian temples, where the devotees enter into the sanctum to worship Lord Shiva will find the space between the Gomukh and the wall or fencing erected before it is so narrow that one can not walk through them and will have to cross over the Gomukh if they wish to perform full circle circumambulation. Since no one will cross over the Gomukh, automatically only half circle Pradakshana called Soma Sutra pradakshana could be done. Few other other pundits say that since the Ganges flow down from the hair locks of Lord Shiva through the Gomukh and till it enters into the earth flowing few feet on land, it is considered to be divine and as pure as that of anointed water (abishekam) from the body of Lord Shiva. Therefore crossing the floor in front of the Gomukh is considered to be an act of insult to Lord Shiva. On the days of Pradhosha the Celestial forces take the divine water as anointed water flowing from Gomukh and then enjoy the dance of Lord Shiva while the other devotees stand on the other side watching the same. Therefore by crossing the space between the Celestial and Lord Shiva during the dance will disturb their attention and will be viewed an insult to Celestials. What is the mode of worship on the day of Pradhosha? After reaching sanctum one has to worship Shiva Linga from the front side and commence circumambulation as shown in the illustration below – first walk anti clockwise up to Gomukh, then turn around to take circumambulation in clockwise direction till the other side of Gomukh is reached and without crossing the Gomukh, turn back to take circumambulation in anti clockwise direction to reach divine Nandhi Deva, offer worship to Lord Shiva through his horns. After offering worship, again begin circumambulation in anti clockwise direction towards Gomukh and continue circumambulation till three rounds of circumambulation is completed in the manner as stated above. This half circle pradakshana is called Soma Sutra Pradakshana. If you closely see the pattern of circumambulation, you can realise that the circumambulation is like half moon and hence this is called Soma Sutra. Since ancient period of time, the Shiva Ling has been enshrined inside the Sanctums and walls erected on all three sides including the one in front of the Gomukh portion of the Shiva Ling so that the water flowing through it goes into the ground through the outlet of the room even as the devotees take circumambulation in full circle from beyond the wall. However wherever the Shiva Ling is enshrined in the open space and worshipped (without a wall placed at the end of Gomukh) one should not cross the open space in front of Gomukh and perform circumambulation only in Soma Sutra pradakshana way.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-39", "url": "https://santhipriya.com/2016/12/pradhosha-e.html", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-39/segments/1537267155561.35/warc/CC-MAIN-20180918150229-20180918170229-00421.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9532873630523682, "token_count": 2537, "score": 2.625, "int_score": 3 }
Serbia's Great War, 1914-1918 Mitrovic's volume fills the gap in Balkan history by presenting an in-depth look at Serbia and its role in WWI. The Serbian experience was in fact of major significance in this war. In the interlocking development of the wartime continent, Serbia's plight is part of a European jigsaw. Also, the First World War was crucial as a stage in the construction of Serbian national mythology in the twentieth century. What people are saying - Write a review We haven't found any reviews in the usual places. Other editions - View all AA-Bonn activity Albania Allied annexation AS-Belgrade assassination attack August Austria-Hungary Austrian Austro Austro-Hungarian authorities Belgrade Berlin Black Hand Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgarian Cetinje comitadji Corfu Crna Gora Croatia Croats and Slovenes December declared Dimitrijevic diplomatic economic enemy envoy February fighting forces Foreign Ministry France Franz French front garian German Governorate Habsburg HHStA-Vienna Hrabak Hungarian Hungary Ibid independence insurrectionists internal issue Italy Jankovic January Jovan Jovanovic jugoslovensko pitanje July King Nicholas Kosovska Mitrovica Kosta Krizman leaders Macedonia March military Mitrovic Monarchy Monarchy's Morava nation Nikola Pasic November occupied October odnosi officers organisation Oxfort peace Pecanac Perovic political Popovic population Prime Minister prisoners Prodor na Balkan railway Rakocevic Regent Alexander Russia Salonika Sarajevo sent Serb Serbia and Montenegro Serbian army Serbian government Skopje Sofia soldiers South Slav supreme command territory Toplicki ustanak troops Ujedinjenje unification uprising Vienna Vojinovic Vojvoda volunteers wrote Yugoslav Committee Yugoslav programme Zagreb
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Expanding the coverage of safety net programs in Africa represents a serious fiscal challenge. While there is substantial variation across countries, on average governments in Africa spend about 1.3% of gross domestic product (GDP) on social safety nets (see figure). This is lower than the spending on other sectors such as energy, health care, education, and, in some cases, the military. Crucially, this level of spending is inadequate to face the high chronic poverty rates and vulnerability to shocks households face in Africa. The design of the safety net program is perfect; it is based on the latest data and evidence; it enjoys political support at the highest levels, and it has sufficient financing. So why can this safety net program not even get started after a year? Maybe the answer has something to do with institutions. Accounting for the formal and informal “rules of the game” for social safety nets is key to the success of any program or system. In our chapter “Anchoring in Strong Institutions to Expand and Sustain Social Safety Nets” in the recently-released regional study on safety nets, we discuss some critical aspects of institutions that can make (or break) a social safety net program and how these evolve as programs grow in Africa. Safety nets have the potential to play an important role in protecting the well-being of poor and vulnerable households in Sub-Saharan Africa. In the world’s poorest region—and also one of the most unequal—targeted social program transfers are an effective way to fight poverty and ensure shared prosperity. But social safety net resources are limited and identification of households with the greatest need is difficult in most African countries. Evidence of effective safety net program targeting is needed to justify using existing resources, to gain support for additional investments, and to guide country efforts to improve social safety net coverage of both long-term (chronic) poor and short-term (transient) poor households.
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While so many of us are working at home during the coronavirus pandemic, we do worry that serendipitous hallway conversations aren’t happening. Last year, before the pandemic, it was one of those conversations that led researchers at ETH Zurich to develop a way of making chocolates shimmer with color—without any coloring agents or other additives. Gif: Giulia Marthaler/ETH Zurich The project, announced in December, involves what the scientists call “structural color”. The team indicated that it creates colors in a way similar to what a chameleon does—that is, using the structure of its skin to scatter a particular wavelength of light. The researchers have yet to release details, but Alissa M. Fitzgerald, founder of MEMS product development firm AMFitzgerald, has a pretty good guess. She explains that Iridescence in nature (like that inside oyster shells and on the wings of butterflies) involves nanoscale patterns in the form of lines, plates, or holes. To make iridescent chocolate, she surmises, the researchers likely created a nanotech chocolate mold, using e-beam lithography to etch lines of about 100 nm wide on a glass or silicon wafer. The ETH researchers hope to get their technique for coloring chocolate out of the lab and into the mass market. Meanwhile, during the pandemic shutdown, some tech professionals have been playing with rainbow chocolates of their own, like software engineer and startup founder Samy Kamkar, recently profiled in the New York Times. (You can only bake so much bread, after all.) Chocolate is only the beginning for nanocolors, Fitzgerald says: “The combination of nano- and micro-technology fabrication techniques with atypical materials like food, fabric, paper and plastic is going to lead to some really exciting new products as well as improve or enhance existing products. For example, Teijin Fiber Japan uses structural color methods to make “Morphotex” fabric, named after the iridescent Morpho butterfly, recently demonstrated in the concept Morphotex Dress. Everyday objects are poised to benefit from advances in nanotechnology.” Tekla S. Perry is a senior editor at IEEE Spectrum. Based in Palo Alto, Calif., she's been covering the people, companies, and technology that make Silicon Valley a special place for more than 40 years. An IEEE member, she holds a bachelor's degree in journalism from Michigan State University.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-49", "url": "https://spectrum.ieee.org/researchers-create-shiny-rainbows-of-nanotech-chocolate?utm_source=feedburner", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-49/segments/1637964361169.72/warc/CC-MAIN-20211202054457-20211202084457-00056.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9376246929168701, "token_count": 519, "score": 2.703125, "int_score": 3 }
This format is popular how to write a bibliography chicago with studying history and some professors prefer it with other studies. writing an annotated bibliography can help you gain a good perspective on what is being said about your. after you are done with the evaluation of your source, you jot down all problem solving strategies in math the sources and write an excellent bibliography out of it. general rules – chicago bibliography bibliography: also, every time a fact gets recorded on a note card, its pay to have your paper written source should be noted in the top right corner. the purpose of research is to state and university of houston business degree plan support a thesis. the list includes the important publication details the importance of water essay of the sources. single-spaced. mar 17, 2013 · sample writing of bibliography us history regents essays define essay example of college proffessor essay writing. chicago: mar 17, a good argument essay topic 2013 · writing an annotated bibliography chicago style annotated bibliography of picture books how to write a bibliography chicago sample essay written in apa creative writing.com style importance of writing a business plan annotated bibliography essay example how to create photo essay apa annotated bibliography help tips for writing a college best buy sale paper essay autobiography sample annotated bibliography table of contents good compare how to write a bibliography chicago and contrast essay examples example of an annotated bibliography ….
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-45", "url": "https://sellessay.com/2020/10/14/how-to-write-a-bibliography-chicago_il/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-45/segments/1603107874340.10/warc/CC-MAIN-20201020221156-20201021011156-00013.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9004083871841431, "token_count": 298, "score": 2.890625, "int_score": 3 }
Search the data The standard form of a name is a surname, or an abbreviation of it (e.g. Adans. for Adanson), or rarely a contraction of it (e.g. Michx. for Michaux), with or without initials or other distinguishing appendages (see principles 7-9 below). In establishing a set of principles for deriving standard forms of names, the Working Party has aimed above all for practicality and has been largely sympathetic to well established traditions. Very few absolute rules have been adapted, since experience shows that sooner or later it becomes inconvenient or undesirable to follow them. However, clear general principles have been laid down which are followed except when there is a good reason not to do so. The standard form adopted is the product of the interaction of all the principles, of which one may be of paramount importance in one circumstance but less so in another. The principles were agreed by the Working Party by a vote where necessary, but in the majority of cases the vote was overwhelmingly in favour of the practice adopted here. The first four ‘principles’ are applied rigidly as absolute rules: 1. Script. Names are given in Roman characters (see also notes on transliteration and similar problems under ‘Surname Problems’ above). 2. Uniqueness. Every ‘standard form’ must be unique to one person. The Working Party considered a suggestion that this should apply only within the context of each major plant group, but voted heavily against it. (For comments on the converse situation, concerning the same author always having the same ‘standard form’, see 10 and 11 below.) 3. Uniform treatment of names. The same surname (i.e. identical spelling) must always be given in the same form (e.g. Miller is always abbreviated to Mill.), unless it is part of a compound name (see 14 below), and different surnames must not be given in the same form (if Brown is abbreviated to Br. then Browne must not also be abbreviated to Br.) Unlike the Kew Draft Index, we have treated masculine and feminine forms of one name as different names. Thus, for example, Botschantzev and Botschantzeva are not given the same standard form. 4. Full-stops and accents. All abbreviations and contractions are terminated by a full-stop (e.g. Adans., Walt.Jones, Michx.) but the full-stop does not make a standard form different from the same spelling without a full stop (e.g. Lam. for Lamarck and Lam for H.J. Lam would be treated as homonymous, and initials are required for the latter’s standard form). Similarly names differing only by presence or absence of an accent (e.g. Love and Löve, Leonard and Léonard) or apostrophe (Ohara and O’Hara) are treated as homonymous. The remaining principles are not considered absolutely binding except for 12. The first, no. 5 over-rides all the subsequent ones. Those from 6 to 11 refer to full surnames and when to include initials and other appendages, while 12 to 14 refer to when and how to abbreviate surnames. 5. TL-2 as a standard. The Working Party strongly favoured the retention of traditional abbreviations and other standard forms, and considered that the best way to ensure this was to accept the standard forms recommended in Stafleu & Cowan’s TL-2. This has been done in the majority of cases, but in a small number TL-2 has not been followed. Reasons for departing from TL-2 included : a) contravention of principles 2 and 3 above (rare, e.g. Stef.); b) serious conflict with the Kew Draft Index involving transfer of one standard form from one author to another; c) failure to abbreviate very long names, such as Schlagdenhauffen; d) rather excessive abbreviation of a few names of six letters or fewer where no outstandingly strong precedent seems to exist (e.g. Wilson is given in full rather than abbreviated to Wils.); e) failure to give any of a large number of authors with the same surname a standard form without the initials, e.g. Moore; and f) occasionally, conflict with particularly well established abbreviations used elsewhere, such as Copel. which is very widely adopted in pteridological literature for Copeland. The following principles are applied only to names of authors not appearing in TL-2. 6. Surname only. A surname alone, or its abbreviation or contraction, is adopted as the standard form if it is applicable to only one author in the list. A surname alone, or its abbreviation or contraction, is usually also adopted for one of a number of authors with the same surname (see 7 below). 7. Initials. Persons with identical surnames are distinguished by use of initials of forenames, except as in 8 and 9 below. Usually the earliest born is given without initials and all later ones with initials, but in some cases a better known later author may be given without and all others, including the earliest, with initials. Occasionally, when all having the same surname are more or less contemporary and equally well known, all may be given initials. Where initials are required: a) if the author has one forename, then the one initial is given; b) if the author has two forenames, both initials are given, except in occasional cases where an author consistently omits one initial in authorship of books or papers (as distinct from authorship of plant names), e.g. P.Taylor, H.Rob., B.Nord. for P.G. Taylor, H.E. Robinson and R.B. Nordenstam who consistently publish their work using only one of their forenames; c) if the author has three forenames, three initials are given unless he or she has a clear preference for using only one and no ambiguity arises (L.A.S.Johnson is given all three initials to avoid confusion with Lennart Johnson and Leigh A. Johnson); if the author has more than three forenames, an ad hoc decision is taken. We recommend that no spaces be left after full stops. 8. Abbreviated or full forenames. When two authors have identical surnames and initials, full or abbreviated forenames may be used. One author may be given with only surname, or initial(s) plus surname, and the other with fuller name, or both may be given fuller names, e.g. Thomas Hogg (1777-1855) and Thomas Hogg (1820-1892) are distinguished as Hogg and T.Hogg respectively, while Walter Jones and William Jones have standard forms Walt.Jones and Wm.Jones respectively. 9. Suffixes. In a few cases persons with identical surnames may be distinguished by a suffix instead of, or in addition to, initials. In well known cases of father and son, the son may be distinguished by ‘f.’, an abbreviation of ‘filius’ (a narrow majority of the Working Party preferred ‘f.’ to ‘fil.’). Where this follows an abbreviated name with a full-stop, we recommend that no space be left between full-stop and f., e.g. Rech.f. for Rechinger the son. Decisions on when to use ‘f.’ and when to use initials were usually decided by a vote of the Working Party, which voted for Aiton and W.T.Aiton, but Baker and Baker f., for examples. Tradition may also allow a different suffix, such as ‘Arg.’ for ‘Argoviensis’ in Müll.Arg. (Müller of Aargau). In a few cases where different authors have identical surname and forename we have used the suffixes ‘bis’ for the second and ‘ter’ for the third, as in R.Br., R.Br. bis and R.Br. ter for the three Robert Browns. 10. Variant names for the same person. Except as noted in 11 below, one person is always given the same standard form, even though he or she may have modified the spelling of their surname during their lifetime, or different transliterations may exist, or a compounding form may have been adopted during their lifetime. For example, Meisner adopted the spelling Meissner later in life but is always given the same standard form, Meisn. The variant transliterations Tsvelev, Tselov, Tzelev and Tzelov have all appeared for the same person, whose recommended standard form Tzelev should be used in all cases. Alan Radcliffe Smith originally published plant names as A.R.Smith, but later modified his name to A. Radcliffe-Smith; the standard form Radcl.-Sm. should be used for both. 11. Different names for the same person. When a person has published under completely different names, different standard forms may be used for the same person. For example, Inger Nordal has published under both her maiden name Björnstad and her married name Nordal, and both may be used in standard forms, as in Scadoxus pseudocaulus (I.Björnstad & Friis) Friis & Nordal. However, where one person has simultaneously used alternative names, such as Brother Alain who also uses the names Liogier, Enrique Eugenio, and others, we have adopted a single name (in this case Alain, as agreed with him in correspondence). The following principles concern when and how to abbreviate surnames. It should be noted again that these have been applied only to names not give in TL-2 (see 5 above). 12. Where to abbreviate. Names are never abbreviated before a consonant. 13. How many letters to save. 14. Compound names. Compound names, whether hyphenated or not, may be treated as special cases, and some principles given above may be discounted. In order to keep the standard form as short as possible, the principles of how many letters should be saved (see 13 above) may often be broken. Similarly the principle that the same name must always be given in the same way (see 3 above) is over-ridden in compound names, so that, for example although Gonzales is given in full when it stands on its own, Gonzales Albo is abbreviated to Gonz.Albo. We recommend, again that no space be left after the full-stop. Reproduced from Brummitt & Powell, Authors of Plant Names (1992).
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Maternal Mortality Is on the Rise: 8 Things To Know When a woman dies in pregnancy, childbirth, or the postpartum period, it means there is an infant who will never know his or her mother. There is a tremendous sense of loss, grief, fear, and blame, as well as new, unexpected responsibility for the other parent and the family’s extended community. Maternal mortality has been rising in the United States. A report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) counted 1,205 U.S. women who died of maternal causes in 2021, compared with 861 in 2020 and 754 in 2019. There are many reasons for the increased risk of pregnancy complications that lead to maternal death, ranging from women getting pregnant at older ages, to inequities in health care, to a rise in chronic health conditions. But about 84% of pregnancy-related deaths are thought to be preventable, according to data from state committees that review maternal deaths. “Women with pregnancy-related health complications may not always recognize the early warning signs of their illness. And even if they do, the providers may miss or cause a delay in diagnosis, which can lead to more serious or even deadly consequences,” says Monique Rainford, MD, a Yale Medicine obstetrician-gynecologist. Dr. Rainford discussed the reasons for rising maternal mortality rates in the U.S. and what changes need to be implemented to bring those numbers down. 1. What is maternal mortality? Maternal mortality (or death) is the term for when a mother dies from a pregnancy-related health issue or an existing condition exacerbated by pregnancy. It can occur at any time during pregnancy or in the 42 days after giving birth. (The 42-day timeframe is part of the World Health Organization [WHO]’s definition and was used in the CDC’s recent maternal mortality report.) The maternal mortality rate, which is based on the CDC’s numbers (gathered from National Vital Statistics System data), is the number of maternal deaths per 100,000 live births. The 1,205 deaths in the U.S. in 2021 translate into an overall maternal mortality rate of 32.9 per 100,000 live births compared with 23.8 in 2020 and 20.1 in 2019. Some experts believe a 42-day postpartum period does not accurately capture all pregnancy-related deaths, and more are starting to consider that problems can arise up to a full year after childbirth, Dr. Rainford explains. “Forty-two days is based on the idea that, physiologically, a mother’s body returns to normal about six weeks after she gives birth,” she says. “Most things usually do return to normal, but the medical community has started to realize that there are still many mothers who are not quite back to normal physiologically—or otherwise—at that point.” 2. Why is maternal mortality especially high among Black women? Black women face a much higher risk of maternal death—there were 69.9 deaths per 100,000 live births among Black women in the U.S. in 2021. “There are multiple reasons for such a high risk,” says Dr. Rainford, the author of "Pregnant While Black: Advancing Justice for Maternal Health in America." One is what is referred to as “allostatic load,” the cumulative physiological effects of chronic stress. Studies have shown that Black women’s biological age (a measurement of the pace at which the body has aged) can be up to 10 years older than that of their white counterparts, presumably because of allostatic load, Dr. Rainford says, adding that 10 years makes a significant difference because the risk of maternal death goes up significantly with age. “Furthermore, many believe this earlier health deterioration is due to the chronic stressors of racism.” Overt and implicit bias from health care providers is also a contributing factor, says Dr. Rainford, citing stories in the news about Black women and families who say doctors ignored their reports of symptoms and requests for help. “Implicit bias, in which a person isn’t aware of their bias, is particularly problematic. For instance, a caregiver may think they are doing the right thing for their pregnant patient, but their implicit bias against the woman’s race affects the care they deliver.” 3. How is age a contributing factor to maternal mortality? The term “advanced maternal age” is used in obstetrics to describe mothers who will be 35 or older on their estimated due date. The median age of mothers giving birth rose from 27 in 1990 to 30 in 2019, according to U.S. Census data. While many women 35 or older have healthy pregnancies, the risk of dying in pregnancy increases with age—the rate of maternal mortality in the U.S. in 2021 for women under 25 was 20.4 per 100,000 live births and 31.3 for women ages 25 to 39. For women ages 40 and older, however, the rate was 138.5 per 100,000 births. “Health risks increase as we age, and, thus, older women are more likely to have health conditions when they get pregnant,” Dr. Rainford says. For example, in women over 35, there is an increased risk of health issues, such as gestational diabetes or preeclampsia, and complications, such as having a Cesarean section, problems in labor, and postpartum bleeding. Women in this age group are also more likely to have multiples (such as twins or triplets), which pose a higher risk of pre-term delivery, among other issues. While older women can’t eliminate their risk, they can take steps to reduce it, Dr. Rainford adds, emphasizing that nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress management, and appropriate prenatal care all contribute to the mother’s health. 4. How has COVID-19 contributed to maternal deaths? A quarter of maternal deaths were associated with COVID-19 in 2020 and 2021 combined, according to a report on maternal mortality in October 2022 by the U.S. Government Accountability Office. COVID-19 can pose higher risks to pregnant women, whose bodies are undergoing physiological changes, such as decreased lung capacity and a weakened immune system. And these bodily changes can continue in the postpartum period, Dr. Rainford adds. The deaths may have been caused by COVID-19 directly or by pre-existing conditions exacerbated by the virus, Dr. Rainford explains. “For instance, if you are pregnant and have chronic hypertension, your risk of dying from a COVID infection increases,” Dr. Rainford says. “But, other contributing factors, including social stressors, can adversely affect your health. And stress affected everyone during the pandemic.” The CDC recommends COVID-19 vaccines to anyone who is pregnant or breastfeeding, or who is trying to get pregnant or could become pregnant in the future. The hope is that COVID-19 will be less of a problem with greater immunity to the virus and improved treatments, adds Dr. Rainford. “It is reasonable to expect that the 2022 maternal mortality data will improve compared with 2021, when there was an increase in the number of COVID-related maternal deaths.” 5. What health conditions are driving the high number of maternal deaths? Chronic health conditions, in general, have become a contributing factor, Dr. Rainford explains. “More women than before are coming into pregnancy with a pre-existing condition,” she says. “That puts them at an increased risk of developing new conditions during pregnancy or worsening existing ones.” Heart disease and stroke are leading causes of maternal mortality, and cardiomyopathy (a weakened heart muscle) is the most common cause of death one week to a year after delivery. In addition, hypertension, which affects a growing number of Americans, can lead to preeclampsia, a condition marked by high blood pressure, proteinuria (protein in the urine), and/or signs of liver and kidney damage that can develop after 20 weeks of pregnancy. Preeclampsia also poses a higher risk for stroke and other problems after delivery. Another underlying cause of death is mental health conditions. Perhaps surprisingly, both suicide and homicide are considered leading causes of death both during pregnancy and the postpartum period. “If you develop postpartum depression, for instance, it puts you at a higher risk for suicide,” Dr. Rainford says. 6. How does prenatal care affect maternal mortality? Early and regular prenatal care improves the chances of a healthy pregnancy. This can start with a visit to the obstetrician before a woman gets pregnant to discuss, among other things, updating immunizations, reviewing medical and genetic histories, and controlling any pre-existing health conditions. A provider will also make recommendations to help ensure the baby will be healthy, such as increasing folic acid intake (this alone provides a 70% reduction in the risk of neural tube defects, which include medical conditions such as spina bifida). Once a woman becomes pregnant, the first prenatal visit should be scheduled in the first trimester (the first 12 weeks). Follow-up appointments should occur throughout the pregnancy for physical exams, weigh-ins, and blood pressure checks, as well as continued discussions about diet, exercise, and any questions that come up. There may also be blood and imaging tests, including ultrasounds, to assess the health of both the mother and fetus. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) advises additional visits, as needed, starting in the first three weeks after the baby is born, with a final checkup within the first 12 weeks after giving birth. Some women may require continued medical visits, especially if they experienced any pregnancy complications. 7. What else can women do to help reduce the risk of maternal death? As soon as a woman knows she is pregnant, she should immediately book an appointment with her doctor or the obstetrics practice or clinic where she expects to receive care, obtain confirmation of the pregnancy, if necessary, and start following her doctor's advice, Dr. Rainford explains. Sometimes, women will need to do research and advocate for themselves to get the support they need, she adds. "It's important to have a good therapeutic relationship with your medical provider," she says. "Women should pay attention to their instincts when they meet a new provider, especially if anything makes them feel uncomfortable." She also recommends having a doula—a woman without formal obstetric training whose job is to provide guidance during labor. “Doulas are a form of social support; they're knowledgeable and can help with advocacy,” she says. If a woman develops a complication when her pregnancy is already underway, she should not hesitate to ask for a maternal-fetal specialist, Dr. Rainford adds. (The CDC has a list of warning signs for complications that may develop during pregnancy and up to a year after delivery.) “The models of care for delivering a baby are changing,” she says. “Obstetrical care was once mainly the work of physicians, but now advanced practice registered nurses [APRNs] and midwives provide it, too. While these practitioners may be excellent, they may not have training in high-risk pregnancy, so it’s important to know when to ask for help.” 8. What institutional changes are needed to help reduce maternal mortality? Broader change is needed, Dr. Rainford says. “While women can play a role, I think the responsibility is largely in the hands of institutions to improve the health care they deliver to pregnant women,” she says. Black pregnant women, in particular, suffer the worst maternal health disparities, she adds. “Even a low-risk Black woman entering pregnancy is significantly more likely to die than a similarly low-risk white woman,” Dr. Rainford says. “Furthermore, high-income non-Hispanic Black mothers have worse maternal and infant health outcomes than low-income non-Hispanic white mothers, which suggests a system failure rather than a woman not taking care of her health.” Those things need to change, but that shouldn’t make women feel as though they can’t take initiative, she adds. Women can maintain their health and seek out medical care they feel comfortable with, and they can reach out to family, friends, and anyone else they have available to create a support network, she explains. “The people around you can make a difference in the success of your pregnancy. For example, a friend or family member could say, ‘Let's go for a walk to get you some exercise,’ or, ‘I'm going to prepare a healthy meal for you.’ Or, they can just ask, 'How are you doing? Can I help take care of the other children and give you a break?’ All of those things help support a woman through pregnancy,” she says.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-23", "url": "https://www.yalemedicine.org/news/maternal-mortality-on-the-rise", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-23/segments/1685224649302.35/warc/CC-MAIN-20230603165228-20230603195228-00041.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9613447189331055, "token_count": 2740, "score": 3.078125, "int_score": 3 }
In most people's minds, the word "organic" is synonymous with words like "natural," "healthy" and "safe." And it's certainly appealing to think that something labeled "organic" works as well as or better than an artificial chemical concoction. But unfortunately that's not always the reality. For one thing, some natural insecticides actually are very similar to synthetic ones produced in laboratories. One example is the potent natural poison pyrethrum, which is derived from the powered, dried flower heads of the pyrethrum daisy native to southwest Asia. Pyrethrum is very similar in structure to a class of synthetic insecticides called pyrethroids -- but unlike them, it's approved for use in organic cultivation. Pyrethrum is a fast-acting poison that disrupts insects' nervous systems and causes paralysis. In small quantities, pyrethrum may not be sufficiently potent to kill a bug, but when combined with other substances, such as nutmeg oil, it becomes much more effective. But how safe is it? The powder is relatively non-toxic for humans unless swallowed in substantial quantities. And it breaks down rapidly when exposed to the elements, so there's little chance of a buildup in food or water. But pyrethrum does have downsides; it's a hazard to fish like bluegill and lake trout, which is why organic farmers are encouraged to try other pest-control methods first before resorting to using it [source: Cornell University]. But organic pesticides are still better than those old, harsh chemicals, right? Maybe, maybe not. In a 2010 study published in the online scientific journal PLos One, Canadian environmental and agricultural researchers compared the effectiveness and environmental impact of organic-approved pesticides with synthetic ones in thwarting soybean-eating aphids. They found that the organic pesticides had a similar or even greater harmful effect on other species and the overall environment, in part because much larger doses of the organic pesticides were required to get the job done. "These data bring into caution the widely held assumption that organic pesticides are more environmentally benign than synthetic ones," they concluded. They recommend that, instead of focusing on whether a particular chemical is natural or synthetic, organic farmers should be allowed to assess all pesticides for their impacts before making a selection [source: Bahlai]. It's also important to remember that insecticides aren't the only way to protect crops from pests. Other non-chemical methods, such as crop rotation, not only have a history of decreasing damage from insects, but protect the soil's fertility as well [source: Peel]. So, if you're planning to grow organic foods, you might want to consider those methods first, and rely on insecticides as a last resort. - Abraham, Katy and Doc. "Guide to Organic Pesticides." Mother Earth News. February/March 1994. (March 29, 2012) http://www.motherearthnews.com/Organic-Gardening/1994-02-01/Guide-To-Organic-Pesticides.aspx - Bahlai C.A.;, Xue Y; McCreary C.M.;, Schaafsma A.W.; and, Hallett R.H. "Choosing Organic Pesticides over Synthetic Pesticides May Not Effectively Mitigate Environmental Risk in Soybeans." PLoS ONE . 2010. (March 31, 2012) http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0011250 - Delate, Kathleen. "What is Organic Agriculture?" Iowa.edu. (March 31, 2012) http://extension.agron.iastate.edu/organicag/history.html - "Material Fact Sheet: Pyretheum." Cornell.edu. (March 31, 2012) http://web.pppmb.cals.cornell.edu/resourceguide/mfs/10pyrethrum.php - "Material Fact Sheet: Spinosad." Cornell.edu. (March 31, 2012) http://web.pppmb.cals.cornell.edu/resourceguide/mfs/13spinosad.php - McKinney, Michael L.; Schoch, Robert M.; and Yonavjak, Logan. "Environmental Science: Systems and Solutions." Jones and Bartlett. 2007. (March 31, 2012) http://books.google.com/books?id=xBGffKNfsq8C&pg=PA395&dq=history+of+organic+pesticides&hl=en&sa=X&ei=_253T5r-NOiH0QH-wbCgDQ&ved=0CDgQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=history%20of%20organic%20pesticides&f=false - "The National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances." USDA.gov. March 29, 2012. (March 29, 2012) http://ecfr.gpoaccess.gov/cgi/t/text/text-idx?c=ecfr&sid=3aaed72799f5f8848c1cc1dbc7320dc7&rgn=div8&view=text&node=7: - "Organic Production and Handling Requirements." USDA.gov. March 29, 2012. (March 29, 2012) http://ecfr.gpoaccess.gov/cgi/t/text/text-idx?c=ecfr&sid=3aaed72799f5f8848c1cc1dbc7320dc7&rgn=div8&view=text&node=7: - Peel, Michael D. "Crop Rotations for Increased Fertility." NDSU.edu. January 1998. (March 31, 2012) http://www.ag.ndsu.edu/pubs/plantsci/crops/eb48-1.htm - "Potassium bicarbonate." FDA.gov. Oct. 31, 2006. (March 29, 2012) http://www.webcitation.org/5wxwh4Hfa
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Prof Rose Cory (left) and her group just returned from a summer field season in the Alaskan Arctic. Cory and her group are studying biogeochemical processes across permafrost soils that are important in the global carbon cycle as part of Cory’s recently awarded CAREER grant. Permafrost soils store about 17 billion tonnes of carbon; that is twice the amount of carbon in the atmosphere today. Frozen for thousands of years, the organic carbon in permafrost soils has not been participating in the modern active carbon cycle. But the Arctic is warming faster than any place on Earth, causing thawing of permafrost soils. Once thawed, the organic carbon in previously frozen permafrost soils can be converted to CO2, a greenhouse gas, which then be released to the atmosphere, causing a positive feedback loop that could amplify global climate change. Cory and her group are studying how and how fast this soil organic carbon can be converted to CO2. PhD student Adrianna Trusiak (left) is investigating a novel, abiotic (redox) reaction mediated by iron that may lead to the conversion of soil carbon to CO2. In the photo, Adrianna and Rose are collecting soil water from the tundra, quantifying the dissolved iron and organic carbon present, and then testing how redox reactions of iron may control the oxidation of the organic carbon to CO2. They are the first to study this process in natural soils and waters, and have found that iron is playing a key role in this abiotic process that is important for carbon cycling on a landscape scale across the Arctic.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-49", "url": "https://lsa.umich.edu/earth/news-events/all-news/2015-news/summer-season-in-the-alaskan-arctic.html", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-49/segments/1637964363418.83/warc/CC-MAIN-20211207201422-20211207231422-00190.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9482954144477844, "token_count": 331, "score": 3.546875, "int_score": 4 }
When you make knives, the secret to success is using the right materials. Although design and formation techniques are important, the type of steel you use makes a key difference in how your finished knife performs. Steel is basically an alloy of iron and carbon enriched with other elements to improve desired results. They include, but are not limited to, manganese, phosphorus, silicon, and sulfur. However, when it comes to steel for knives, not all steel is created equal. To produce a high-quality knife, you want to use a steel that is: When you shop for knifemaking steel, you’ll usually come across those with iron, carbon, and one or more additional alloying elements. Below is a list of the various elements used in knife steel along with the properties they contribute. |Carbon||Increases hardness and edge retention| |Chromium||Increases hardness and corrosion resistance| |Vanadium||Increases wear resistance| |Manganese||Increases strength and wear resistance| |Niobium||Increases corrosion resistance and wear resistance| |Tungsten||Increases toughness and wear resistance| |Phosphorus||Increases corrosion resistance and hardness| |Nitrogen||Increases corrosion resistance and hardness| |Tantalum||Increases hardness and wear resistance| Understanding the naming conventions used for steel can help you understand the composition and properties of different types of steel. Carbon steel and alloys are identified using a coding system derived from the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) and the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE). SAE and AISI naming conventions use a four-digit number to classify steel. The first two digits identify the materials used while the last two indicate the percentage of carbon in the composition. Two types of steel can be as different from each other as iron and bronze. Therefore, steel producers follow a precise ‘recipe’ every time they make a particular type. Each of these combinations (which also vary in proportions) has its own name, so that customers know exactly what they’re getting. The list below covers the steels commonly used in knifemaking. Carbon steel produces a sharp, strong blade that’s easy to resharpen, making it ideal for creating machetes, bowie knives and other tools intended for heavy-duty work. The C10_ series steels are a popular choice: the ‘C’ identifies it as carbon still while the ‘10’ indicates that it is plain carbon steel with a maximum of 1% manganese. The last two digits state the carbon percentage in the alloy: for example, C1045 has 0.45% carbon. Whenever possible, go for a steel with 0.30%-0.60% carbon because they are sufficiently hard without becoming too brittle during processing. Carbon steel grades commonly used to fashion blades include C1045, C1075, C1090, and C1095. Out of all of them, 1095 is most frequently used for knifemaking. It contains 95% carbon, which improves hardness and wear resistance. Stainless steel specifications usually appear in three-digit format, with each number identifying an aspect of its composition. (For example, the first digit specifies the type of iron used.) Most knifemakers use the 400 series. For example: 420 is cutlery grade, with around .38% carbon and a minimum of 12% chromium in its content. The comparatively low carbon content means that it’s a softer steel and won’t hold an edge too well. If you make a knife from this material, you’ll have to sharpen it frequently and watch out for chipping. On the plus side, it’s highly corrosion-resistant, which makes it a great material for wet applications, such as diving knives. 440 is a higher-grade cutlery steel with better hardness and edge retention. There are three different types: This knifemaking steel from Japan has vanadium added, which makes it tougher, more wear-resistant, and easier to sharpen. Commonly-used grades in knifemaking include: Of all the steels in the ATS series, ATS 34 is considered the best for knifemaking. It has a carbon content of 1.05% and is often used to make higher-end knives. This steel series is becoming popular due to its strength, corrosion resistance, and ability to hold a sharp edge. Bear in mind, however, that they can be difficult to sharpen. The types used most often for knifemaking are the 30, 60, and 90, which refers to their 3%, 6%, and 9% vanadium content in the alloy. Tool steel is a hard and durable material that contains different alloys to boost important properties, like heat resistance. Its ability to maintain function and form under heated pressure makes it the steel of choice for industrial tools. Tool steels commonly used for knifemaking include: On the downside, tool steel doesn’t have a smooth finish and is less corrosion-resistant than stainless steel, so you probably wouldn’t use it to make kitchen knives. Damascus steel is produced by forging two different steel grades together and applying an acid-etching process to create beautiful, unique patterns. Although they are better known for their aesthetic appeal, damascus steel knives can also be strong and durable, depending on materials used and forging skill. CPM S110V isn't that common for knife making yet, because it's expensive and difficult to work with. CPM S110V blades also are not fun to sharpen. However, CPM S110V provides incredible wear resistance and edge retention. If you want to produce ultra premium quality knives, then this is a steel worth considering. On its face, CPM S90V is almost indistinguishable from CPM S110V outside of a laboratory analysis. CPM S90V can also be difficult to work with and it will take a lot of patience to sharpen, but it withstands abrasions and holds an edge exceptionally well. M390 is a newer super steel manufactured by Bohler-Uddeholm. This steel is designed to have a high hardness, excellent wear resistance, and great corrosion resistance. Tungsten, vanadium, molybdenum, and chromium are added to M390 to increase edge retention and sharpness. M390 is somewhat difficult to sharpen, but it can be sharpened far faster than CPM S90V. It can easily be polished to achieve a true mirror finish. It also has more free chromium in comparison to ZDP-189 in order to help fight corrosion. ZDP-189 is yet another super steel produced by Hitachi. ZDP-189 contains a high level of carbon and chromium to produce a very hard steel. While ZDP-189 is very hard and wear resistance, it's also less corrosion resistant, because there's less free chromium available to battle corrosion. Elmax is a steel with extremely high wear and corrosion resistance. Elmax is a stainless steel with properties similar to carbon steel. It has great edge retention and is one of the easiest super steels to sharpen. CPM-20CV is the Crucible version of M390 steel. It provides high corrosion resistance, wear resistance, and edge retention. M390 is marginally tougher than 20CV, but 20CV has better edge retention. CTS-XHP is considered to be a more corrosion resistant form of D2 steel. It's a hard steel that has great edge retention. CTS-XHP is not easy to sharpen and it is prone to chipping. CPM M4 is a high-performance tool steel from Crucible. It is a tough steel that holds an edge better than any other carbon steel. CPM M4 is not stainless and requires extra care to increase the longevity of the blade. CPM M4 is also relatively difficult to sharpen. CPM S35VN is an upgraded version of S30V steel. CPM S35VN contains small quantities of niobium, which makes the steel tougher and easier to machine. CPM S30V is a premium steel produced by Crucible. CPM S30V is very corrosion resistant and it retains an edge really well. It was designed for high-end kitchen cutlery and pocket knives. CPM S30V has a great balance of toughness, hardness, and edge retention. 154CM is considered to be an upgraded version of 440C with the addition of molybdenum. 154CM has is similar to 440c in-terms of corrosion resistance, but it has a much higher level of edge retention. 154CM is decently tough and not terribly difficult to sharpen. ATS-34 is considered the Japanese equivalent to 154CM steel. The properties of ATS-34 steel are almost identical to 154CM steel. D2 steel is a tool steel classified as semi-stainless. It provides a decent level of corrosion resistance and is much harder than 154CM and ATS-34. The downside to D2 steel is that it is tough to sharpen. H1 steel is a Japanese stainless steel that does not rust. The high corrosion resistance does come at a price. The edge retention of H1 steel is relatively low. This makes H1 steel ideal for blades used in diving, but not as ideal for EDC blades. N680 is contains .2% nitrogen and over 17% chromium. This composition makes N680 extremely resistant to corrosion. If you're producing blades commonly used in and around salt water, than N680 will likely be your steel of choice. N680 is considered a cheaper alternative to H1 steel. 440C was once the premier steel for high-end knives. It's since been replaced by many of the super steels mentioned above, but it's still a great mid-range steel. It's affordable, wear resistant, stain resistant, and reasonably tough. 440C also holds an edge better than 420HC. AUS-8 is a Japanese steel that is very similar to 440B. AUS-8 is really easy to sharpen and can be sharpened to a razor edge. It's a tough steel, but its edge retention isn't as high as the premium steels higher on the list. 8CR13MOV originated in China and is pretty comparable to AUS-8. It has slightly more carbon content than AUS-8. 8CR13MOV is relatively affordable and it holds an edge pretty well. 14C28N is a stainless steel from Swedish manufacturer, Sandvik. 14C28N contains the addition of nitrogen, which drastically improves corrosion resistance. 14C28N is easy to sharpen and is considered one of the best budget knife steels by many makers. 420HC is the preferred steel for knife makers out of all of the 420 steels. 420HC contains higher levels of carbon, which makes the steel harder. 420HC is an affordable steel and it's one of the most corrosion resistant steels on the market. 420HC is typically used to produce budget blades that retail for less than $50. 440A and 420HC are very comparable steels. 440A contains slightly more carbon. This composition increases wear resistance and edge retention, but reduces corrosion resistance. 13C26 is Sandvik’s version of AEB-L steel. It's pretty comparable to 440A steel, but it contains a higher carbon to chromium ratio, which slightly harder and less corrosion resistant. 1095 is one of the most popular steels in the 10-series. 1095 steel is inexpensive, easy to sharpen, and doesn't chip easily. It's often used for fixed blades and survival knives prone to take more abuse than the average everyday knife. However, 1095 does have low corrosion resistance and edge retention properties. 420J is still a perfectly good steel for general use knives, even though it's on the lower end of the quality spectrum. Makers producing mass quantity knives at lower price points often prefer 420J. It is highly flexible and extremely stain resistant, but it does produce a softer blade and will lose its edge much quicker than the steels listed above. AUS-6 is the Japanese equivalent to 420 series steel. AUS-6 displays decent corrosion resistance, but it also loses its edge relatively quickly. As we previously mentioned, there is no one type of steel that is definitively going to be the best steel for knife making. The ideal steel for your knife project is going to largely depend on how the knife will be used. We've included the most popular knife making steels by knife type below. Bowie knives and machetes are survival blades that will take a beating in everyday use. Because these blades will be used for tough jobs, you'll want to use a steel that is hard enough to last, but not so hard that it becomes brittle. Carbon steel is a popular choice for bowie knives and machetes. Whenever possible, go for a steel with 0.30%-0.60% carbon because they are sufficiently hard without becoming too brittle during processing. C1045 would be a good choice for these types of blades. Stainless steel tends to be the steel of choice for kitchen knives. Stainless steel is armed with built-in corrosion resistance, which is ideal for knives constantly exposed to acidic substances and water. 420 steel is commonly used for cutlery knives. 440 steel is also popular for higher grade cutlery knives. Chefs knives are often produced with stainless steel, because stainless steel is affordable and widely available. However, many professional chefs actually prefer carbon steel knives. Carbon steel produces harder and sharper knives compared to stainless steel, which are sought-after qualities for culinary professionals. The downside to using carbon steel for chef knives is that carbon steel is not very resistant to corrosion. Carbon steel chef knives need to be oiled frequently to prevent rust formation and discoloration. While the steel you choose is a big factor in dictating how your blade performs, it's not the only factor. It's important to remember that a lot of the blades final properties come from heat treating. You'll want to hone your heat treating skills before buying premium steels. High quality steel subjected to poor heat treatment can result in a low-quality blade. Heat treating is performed to bring out the best in the steel's inherent characteristics. Red Label has an entire post dedicated to heat treating a knife if you'd like to learn more. Ultimately, there is no one type of steel that is definitively better than the other. The best steel to use for your knife blade will depend on a combination of your own preferences, the preference of your customers, and the type of blade you’re producing. Regardless of the type of steel you choose, Red Label Abrasives carries the sanding belts you need to grind and finish your blades to perfection.
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If you are thinking of adopting a child, a good place to begin is by learning the different types of domestic adoption. Did you know there are different types of domestic adoption? If not, you're not by yourself. Adopting a child starts out as an emotional event. After the emotions have settled in, it's time to do your homework. One of the first things to learn are the different types of domestic adoption. Let's begin the quest. More and more people, in America, are wanting to adopt a child. One reason it's especially prevalent right now has to do with the rage going on in Hollywood with many couples adopting children. This couple getting the most press is the mega-couple Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. In a general way, people understand what adoption is. But there remains for most people some obscure details that go unknown. For instance, a couple may wonder if there are there different types of domestic adoption? What is the adoption process like? What's the difference between adoptive children and foster children? These are all important questions, each of which this article will touch on briefly. First of all, there are two major types of adoption: domestic and international. This article will focus on the various kinds of domestic adoption in the United States. The most important thing to keep in mind is that once an adoption has been finalized, adoptive children and biological children are no different under the eyes of the law. Whether adopted or born into the family, all children are equal members of the family system. The first type of domestic adoption is an Open Adoption. There are actually two definitions for this term. When used in the United States, open adoption most commonly means an adoption in which the birth parent(s) is(are) involved in the process and remain so even after finalization. Typically, birth parents will choose to meet prospective adoptive parents before choosing to place their child in their care. This is usually done before the baby is born. The two sets of parents can agree that the birth parents will be allowed to remain involved in the child's life, albeit in a non-parental role. Phone calls, letters, and regular visits are not uncommon in this sort of arrangement. This term can also be used to indicate a type of adoption in which the adopted person has access to their own files and records. In the United Kingdom, for example, adopted children are granted this right upon turning 18. This second of the types of domestic adoption is a modification of the above arrangement. Semi-open adoption involves significantly less involvement in the child's life on the part of the birth parent(s). Adoptive parents and birth parents may still meet face to face prior to undertaking the adoption process, but typically there is no physical contact beyond that. The birth parents and the child may occasionally exchange photos or letters. In this type of domestic adoption, minimal information is shared between birth and adoptive parents prior to placement. After the finalization of the adoption, adoptive and birth parents share no information. This type of adoption can take place in cases of child abuse or neglect, or when the birth parent(s) has(have) specified that they want no contact. Foster Care Adoption: This occurs when a foster child is adopted by their foster parents. Children may be placed in foster care for a number of reasons, one being abuse or neglect. They may remain foster children-- meaning that the foster parents are guardians, but the children are not legally their own-- or the foster parents sometimes choose to adopt them. Upon finalization of the adoption, the foster child officially becomes the child of their former foster parents. If you're planning to adopt, understanding the different types of domestic adoption is a good place to start learning the process. And there is a lot to learn. But, like all those before you, you can make this wonderful event happen. It takes patience (lots of patience), knowledge and being proactive. There will be a lot of necessary steps to take to put yourself in place to adopt the child of your dreams. House Tips | Auto Tips | Sports/Hobbies | Grandma's Tips | Wisdom & Humor |
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Toronto students from St. Clement’s school form bond with Cree community in Moose Factory Explore This Story Sitting in a classroom studying the challenges of aboriginal life is one thing, but heading north over the Christmas break to witness the struggles first-hand is a much different form of education. That’s what eight students from St. Clement’s School in Toronto discovered when they boarded a train on New Year’s Day and travelled to Moose Factory, where they did volunteer work for 10 days with the Moose Cree First Nation. “For those 10 days, the girls learned to make moccasins and mittens, they took us out on the land and taught us how to snare rabbits, prepare traditional game, and live on the land in a cabin without running water or a bathroom,” says Nora Scott, who teaches native studies to Grade 11 and 12 students at St. Clement’s. “We learned about the struggles these people face and we were overwhelmed by their resilience and innovative ways of dealing with life and working hard to ensure a positive future.” St. Clement’s students have developed a strong bond with the Moose Cree community, following summer excursions in 2010 and 2011, last month’s trip, and two return visits to Toronto by a Cree drumming group. Although the trips have helped students understand the challenges of native communities, many feel their volunteer work back home is equally valuable. “We think the post-trip, action-work we’ve done in our own SCS community is almost the most important part of the trip,” says Grade 11 student Margaret Irwin. “Even though we go there to do service in the health centre and high school, the learning we gained from there and the service we can do back home is really important.” The school has held fundraisers, book drives and sports equipment drives to provide resources to the community. “The fundraisers are for the youth centre there, because it’s the only place youth have to go hang out,” says Irwin. “They always struggle to find money to fund the youth centre. It’s important they have this place to go.” Scott says the girls return from the trips inspired to create change. “A lot of students come back ready to create awareness workshops, and spread the word to think about what’s going on in Northern Ontario.” The partnership with the school began when Scott organized a canoe trip along the Moose River in 2010, after her students expressed an interest in learning more about aboriginal issues and history. The group of students and teachers rode the train for a day and a half to Cochrane, and then took another train to Moose River Crossing. From there, they paddled for five days. “That led us to Moose Factory, where the Moose River ends and spills out to James Bay,” says Scott. “The fact we paddled the river and wanted to learn about the native community’s relationship with the land — there is an element of respect there. An elder told me he shared his stories with us because, ‘you have paddled the same river my people have travelled’.” The teens were shocked by the conditions they found —gravel roads, modest homes filled with large multi-generational families and poor attendance at the local high school — but they were also overwhelmed by the generosity of spirit expressed to them. While there, the students helped out at the local hospital and volunteered at the health centre and community garden. “We got to know and meet the community members and leaders and elders,” says Scott. “Right away there was a huge connection.” For Grade 12 student Charlotte Butler, the highlight of the 2010 trip was meeting a group of drummers called the High Ridge Singers. Comprised of boys and men ages 14 to 24, the group was formed three years ago to preserve the Moose Cree culture and promote a healthy lifestyle free from drugs and alcohol. “Moose Factory and Moosonee have struggled with a youth suicide epidemic and they have really had to pull together,” says Scott. “That’s why the drumming group has come together to be an example of living a good life and revitalizing the community’s culture and traditions.” “That’s a really moving part of the trip, when we sit down with these boys and hear them talk about what their peers are going through and what their hope for the future is,” she adds. “It’s one thing to talk about it in the classroom but so much more meaningful to go up there and talk to people and create a long-lasting partnership. It has created a friendship between the two schools.” From The Homepage - Elijah Harper’s body to lie in state at Manitoba legislature - Markham to Mogadishu: Why westerners are joining the jihad - Blue Jays fall flat against Yankees in New York - DiManno: The mayor should speak up - Doug Ford tells radio show he’s never seen Rob Ford involved with coke - Tim Bosma: The painful search for a missing man - What’s open and closed on Victoria Day - Toronto's pro ultimate frisbee team might be a nice score for father and son
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"Taking genetic samples from whale sharks will provide a critical piece of data on their age to help us estimate the population on the western coast of Australia and the eastern Indian Ocean," CSIRO Senior Scientist Dr Richard Pillans said. "We will also be using satellite tags to track where the whale sharks go to gain insight into their behaviour. "Previous tagging has revealed whale sharks travelling south to Perth and others have been located as far as the Gulf of Carpentaria, 3500 km away. "We have also discovered a whale shark travelling as deep as 1.8 kms," he said. Although the largest fish in the sea, the whale shark is very elusive with much of its behaviour still unknown. Whale sharks are attracted to Ningaloo Reef to feed, and form part of the reef’s diverse marine ecosystem. CSIRO is conducting extensive research of this heritage-listed area as part of Ningaloo Outlook, a five-year, $5.4 million research partnership with BHP that includes turtle tagging, coral reef surveys in deep and shallow water and marine debris assessment. CSIRO's partnership with BHP highlights the importance of industry-research collaborations to develop scientific knowledge on complex marine sanctuaries and is an effective way to engage the community. "Our oceans are vast, and there is still a lot that we don't know, however BHP’s partnership with CSIRO provides insight into Ningaloo Reef and how to manage it sustainably. "We engage heavily with the broader community to promote this complex ecosystem including the local school and the Australian public who can track marine life online," BHP Petroleum Australia General Manager Graham Salmond said. Along with deep and shallow reef studies and monitoring turtle and shark populations, CSIRO researchers have been quantifying marine debris found at the reef. Ningaloo Reef has low levels of marine debris levels, both in the water and on shore — Port Melbourne, for example, has 500 times the amount of rubbish as beaches at northern Ningaloo. However, marine life, including the whale sharks at Ningaloo Reef, won’t be immune to future ocean threats. "There’s still a lot to learn about whale sharks and the potential impacts of a changing marine environment but with more research we hope to find out more, including where whale sharks mate and where they go to give birth to their live young," Dr Pillans said. World Oceans Day is a global initiative and highlights the importance of our oceans and marine resources.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-40", "url": "https://www.csiro.au/en/News/News-releases/2018/DNA-study-to-reveal-age-old-secrets-of-whale-sharks", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-40/segments/1664030337595.1/warc/CC-MAIN-20221005073953-20221005103953-00179.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9548067450523376, "token_count": 521, "score": 3.203125, "int_score": 3 }
|Law and legal systems| |Types of Law| |Conflict of laws| |Intellectual property law| |International criminal law| Family law is an area of the law that deals with family-related issues and domestic relations including, but not limited to the nature of marriage, the termination of marriage, and child-related issues. - 1 Formation of a union - 2 Issues arising during marriage - 3 Issues affecting children - 4 Termination of the relationship - 5 Family courts - 6 Fathers' rights movement - 7 Notes - 8 References - 9 External links - 10 Credits The family unit is not only the site of reproduction of the human species, but also the generation of the human spirit, our culture, and our character. The body of rules in family law help to maintain harmony and cooperation in society regarding all issues related to family. As such, family law is a vital cornerstone upon which the stability and growth of a society depends. Formation of a union A family is a domestic group of people, or a number of domestic groups, typically affiliated by birth or marriage, or by comparable legal relationships including adoption. There are a number of variations in the basic family structure. The nuclear family consists of husband and wife and their children, while the extended family includes grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. Other family patterns include polygamous (usually patriarchal). Marriage is an interpersonal relationship with governmental, social, or religious recognition, usually intimate and sexual, and often created as a contract, or through civil process. Civil marriage is the legal concept of marriage. The most frequently occurring form of legal marriage unites one man and one woman as husband and wife. When a man has several wives, or vice versa, this is polygamy and while practiced in a number of cultures both historically and in the present time, it is generally not a legal form of marriage. Equally, group marriage, in which several men and women participate in a union, is also not a legal form of marriage. Same-sex marriage is a term for a governmentally, socially, or religiously recognized marriage in which two people of the same sex live together as a family. Since the sexual relationship involved is homosexual (or lesbian), other terms often used for this type of relationship include "homosexual marriage," (or "gay marriage") and "lesbian marriage," as well as "gender-neutral marriage," "single-sex marriage," and "same-gender marriage." A civil union is a recognized union similar to marriage. Beginning with Denmark in 1989, civil unions under one name or another have been established by law in many developed countries in order to provide same-sex couples with rights, benefits, and responsibilities similar (in some countries, identical) rights and responsibilities to opposite-sex civil marriage. In some jurisdictions, such as Quebec and New Zealand, civil unions are also open to opposite-sex couples. Most civil-union countries recognize foreign unions if those are essentially equivalent to their own; for example, the United Kingdom, lists equivalent unions in Civil Partnership Act Schedule 20. A domestic partnership is a legal or personal relationship between individuals who live together and share a common domestic life but are not joined in a traditional marriage or in a civil union. However, in some jurisdictions, such as California, domestic partnership is in fact nearly equivalent to marriage, or to other legally recognized same-sex or different-sex unions. In such cases a domestic partnership may be referred to as common-law marriage. The terminology for such unions is still evolving, and the exact level of rights and responsibilities conferred by a domestic partnership varies widely from place to place. Issues arising during marriage Spousal abuse refers to a wide spectrum of abuse. This includes physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, and financial abuse. The abuser can be the husband or wife as can the victim. Most of the information today confuses spousal abuse with domestic violence, which is only part of the whole spectrum of abuse. Domestic violence which is a specific form of violence where physical or sexual abuse is perpetuated by one spouse upon another, or by both partners upon each other. Surrogacy is an arrangement whereby a woman agrees to become pregnant for the purpose of gestating and giving birth to a child for others to raise. She may be the child's genetic mother (the more traditional form of surrogacy), or she may be implanted with someone else's fertilized egg (gestational surrogacy), as this trend started since the first artificial surrogate mothers in Europe and the U.S. in the 1960s. Issues affecting children In the common-law tradition, legitimacy describes the status of children who are born to parents that are legally married, or born shortly after a marriage ends through divorce. The opposite of legitimacy is the status of being illegitimate—born to unmarried parents, or to a married woman but of a father other than the woman's husband. In both canon and civil law, the offspring of putative marriages are legitimate. Adoption is the legal act of permanently placing a child with a parent or parents other than the birth mother or father. An adoption order has the effect of severing the parental responsibilities and rights of the birth parents and transferring those responsibilities and rights onto the adoptive parent(s). After the finalization of an adoption, there is no legal difference between adopted children and those born to the parents. There are several kinds of adoption, which can be defined both by effect (such as whether the adoption is open or closed, meaning whether the information about the birth parents is public available or not) and by location and the origin of the child (such as domestic or international adoption). Child abuse is the physical, sexual, or emotional maltreatment or neglect of children by parents, guardians, or others. While most child abuse happens in the child's home, large numbers of cases of child abuse have been identified within some organizations involving children, such as churches, schools, child care businesses, or in government agencies. It also sometimes occurs almost anywhere (such as kidnappings, random murders, and so forth). Several distinct forms of child abduction exist: - A stranger removes a child for criminal or mischievous purposes. - A stranger removes a child (usually a baby) to bring up as that person's own child. - A parent removes or retains a child from the other parent's care (often in the course of or after divorce proceedings). While cases have been reported from antiquity, this phenomenon has recently taken on greater awareness as a result of depictions of the premise of people who remove children from strangers to bring up as their own often after the death of their own child in movies and television series. Termination of the relationship Divorce can be contrasted with an annulment, which is a declaration that a marriage is void, though the effects of marriage may be recognized in such unions, such as spousal support or alimony, child custody, child support, and distribution of property. Alimony, maintenance or spousal support is an obligation established by law in many countries that is based on the premise that both spouses have an absolute obligation to support each other during the marriage (or civil union) unless they are legally separated. In some instances the obligation to support may continue after separation. - in the European Union, parental responsibility (access and custody) refers to the bundle of rights and privileges that children have with their parents and significant others as the basis of their relationship; - in Canada and the United States, parental responsibility (criminal) refers to the potential liability that parents may incur for the acts and omissions of their children. Child custody and guardianship Child custody and guardianship are legal terms which are sometimes used to describe the legal and practical relationship between a parent and his or her child, such as the right of the parent to make decisions for the child, and the parent's duty to care for the child. In many countries, child support or child maintenance is the ongoing obligation for a periodic payment made by a non-custodial parent to a custodial parent, caregiver or guardian, for the care and support of children of a relationship or marriage that has been terminated. In family law, child support is often arranged as part of a divorce, marital separation, dissolution, annulment, determination of parentage or dissolution of a civil union and may supplement alimony (spousal support) arrangements. A family court is a court convened to decide matters and make orders in relation to family law, such as custody of children. In common-law jurisdictions "family courts" are statutory creations primarily dealing with equitable matters devolved from a court of inherent jurisdiction, such as a superior court. In many jurisdictions in the United States, the family courts see the most crowded dockets. Litigants representative of all social and economic classes are parties within the system. Fathers' rights movement The Fathers' rights movement or Parents' rights movement emerged in the 1970s as a loose social movement providing a network of interest groups, primarily in western countries. It is primarily interested with family law and issues affecting fathers, and mothers, both custodial and non-custodial, and victims of paternity fraud, including child custody sometimes after divorce, child support, adoption, and paternity. - Same-sex marriage defined WordNet - Princeton University. Retrieved May 21, 2018. - Berry, Dawn Bradley. The Domestic Violence Sourcebook: Everything you Need to Know. New York: McGraw-Hill Education, 2000. ISBN 978-0737304190 - Bond, Tina, Jill M. Black, and A. Jane Bridge. Family law. Oxford; NY: Oxford University Press, 2006. ISBN 0199284849 - Cretney, Stephen Michael. Family law, London: Sweet & Maxwell, 2000. ISBN 0421669802 All links retrieved May 21, 2018. - Family Court of Australia - The Family Law Act 1975 - Child Support (Assessment) Act, 1989 - Child Support (Registration and Collection) Act 1988 New World Encyclopedia writers and editors rewrote and completed the Wikipedia article in accordance with New World Encyclopedia standards. This article abides by terms of the Creative Commons CC-by-sa 3.0 License (CC-by-sa), which may be used and disseminated with proper attribution. Credit is due under the terms of this license that can reference both the New World Encyclopedia contributors and the selfless volunteer contributors of the Wikimedia Foundation. To cite this article click here for a list of acceptable citing formats.The history of earlier contributions by wikipedians is accessible to researchers here: The history of this article since it was imported to New World Encyclopedia: Note: Some restrictions may apply to use of individual images which are separately licensed.
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Eating organic is becoming more and more popular as we strive to be a healthier society. We are taking a more active roll in the quality of foods we eat. Many of us enjoy planting our own vegetable gardens. You don’t need to live on acreage to have an organic garden of your own. Learn from co-owner of Topiarius Urban Garden and Floral Design, Craig Jenkins-Sutton, a few organic gardening tips that you can apply in your own back yard! Starting an Organic Veggie Garden: This has been a movement by people concerned about the environment and about their families health and well being. On average, the distance that food travels from field to plate is averaging more than 1,500 miles, which could cause a concern for the condition and quality of food produced. Combine this with the over use of precious water resources, concern about e-coli contaminations, heavy use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides and the lack of real flavors in the varieties grown are definite factors in the growing interest in backyard organic vegetable gardens. Here are four steps for creating an organic vegetable garden: 1. Choosing the site: Make sure that the spot that you choose gets at least 6 hours of sunlight each day. Preferably a location that has easy access to water and is protected from strong wind. 2. Asses and Build the Soil: Testing the soil to understand what the soil needs is an important step. Many garden centers will have test kits that you can purchase for this. Use the report to help guide you as you make the appropriate amendments. For many urban gardeners the soil may contain contaminants. If this is the case it may make sense to build raised beds and bring in organic soils. 3. Identify sources for organic seeds or plants. This is becoming much less difficult as many seed companies are offering organic options. Purchasing organic plant starts is still a little more difficult. Try asking at local farmers markets and garden centers or research local garden clubs as many will have spring plant sales. 4. Research and locate organic gardening products for both pest control and fertilizer. Please understand that many of these products will still have application warnings and can still be harmful. The biggest benefit to growing an organic garden is that we tend to eat more vegtables! It is hard to beat the flavor of a vine ripened, heirloom tomato or the aroma of fresh cut basil – and once you have had it, why go back? And, because vegetables can lose nutrients as they sit on the shelves, freshly picked and eaten vegetables offer additional health benefits. Plus, by switching to organic and sustainable practices for the garden, we can mitigate concerns of the long-term effects of chemical pesticides and fertilizers both in my body as well as in the environment. Other things to consider: Any garden has its pests and problems. But, the added benefits of an organic garden includes: - A sense of comfort that you are eating safe and nutritious, locally grown vegetables - The added diversity of beneficial native insects - A knowledge that you are doing your part to build a more sustainable way of life The downfall? There is definitely more time and effort that goes into organic gardening. Daily monitoring the garden for invading pests and careful weeding become more important when you are no longer relying on chemical controls. Building that healthy soil can take more effort as well, but as a positive it definitely offers an excellent work out! Many thanks to Craig Jenkins-Sutton, President and Co-Owner of Topiarius Urban Garden and Floral Design for sharing these excellent organic gardening tips to help us get started on our vegetable gardens.
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top of page Around the age of 4 and 5, children start to play and interact with other children more. Cooperative play develops problem-solving and conflict resolution skills; children learn how to share and explore ideas as a group, improve listening skills, and improve social, mental, and emotional skills. Sorry! No results found. Please try another search. bottom of page
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46th Congress of the European Regional Science Association: "Enlargement, Southern Europe and the Mediterranean", August 30th - September 3rd, 2006, Volos, Greece Turkey has many geological disadvantages such as sitting on top of active tectonic plate boundaries, and why having avalanche, flood, and landslide and drought prone areas. However, this natural structure is inevitable; the only way to survive in such a harsh geography is to be aware of importance of these natural events and to take political and physical measures. Natural hazards are generally forgotten shortly after a while. Many projects that are planned to mitigate future hazards are suspended soon after natural hazards happened. Instead of taking pre- disaster measures and precautions, only emergency measures for recovery and post- disaster aid to the victims of a calamity are applied. Izmir which is the third biggest city in Turkey survived as a big city throughout its history of 5000 years and has been frequently renovated under geopolitical and geological influences. Izmir has been greatly affected by some disasters such as earthquakes, fires, epidemics and etc. Thus many edifices that would reflect historical background of the city did not survive until today and present remains are generally few and known only by experts and the neighboring people (Towards Agenda 21 in Izmir, 1998). Population increases and its development pressures on rural areas are inevitable problems for Izmir. Urban housing supply could not meet the demand, the housing policies could not be integrated with that of urban land and the housing subsidies could not help to serve low-income groups. Natural environmental features of Izmir increase its natural hazard risks. Izmir has sloppy topography that surrounds the city shape. Further more, soil geology is unsuitable for to settle down in built up area. On the other hand natural hazard risks increase because of the spread of the illegal urban settlements and because of the feeble building types. The major aim of this research is to bring up the magnitude of natural hazard risks in Izmir built-up zone, not being taken into consideration adequately. Because the dimensions of the peril are not taken seriously enough, the natural hazard risks, which are commonly well known, are not considered important or they are being forgotten after some time passes. Within this research, the magnitude of natural hazard risks for Izmir is being presented in the scope of concrete and local researches over Izmir risky areas.
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1855 Spruner Map of Australia and Polynesia with an overview of Discoveries and Colonization Description: This is Karl von Sprunerís 1855 historical map of Australia and Polynesia, with an overview of discoveries and colonization. Covers the area from Australia to California (in the upper right corner), and from China and Japan in the north to New Zealand, Auckland and Macquarie Islands in the south. Dates of discovery and discoverers names appear throughout, making this map is invaluable to anyone researching the history of discovery in Polynesia and Melanesia. Relief is shown by hachures, and the whole is rendered in finely engraved detail exhibiting throughout the fine craftsmanship for which the Perthes firm is best known. Justus Perthes published the map as plate number 18 in Dr. Karl von Spruner's 1855 Historisch-Geographischer Hand-Atlas zur Geschichte Asiens, Africaís, Americaís und Australiens, also known as Histor. Atlas. Ausser Europa. Date: 1855 (undated) Source: Spruner, Karl von, Historisch-Geographischer Hand-Atlas zur Geschichte Asiens, Africa's, America's und Australiens. (Gotha: Justus Perthes), 1855. References: Phillips (atlases) 151. Cartographer: Karl von Spruner (November 15, 1803 - August 24, 1892) or Spruner Karl von Merz or Spruneri was a Stuttgart born cartographer, scientist, and map publisher active in Germany during the middle part of the 19th century. Joining the Bavarian army at the tender age of 11, Spruner dedicated most of his life to military service. Spruner's superiors, recognizing his keen intellect, eventually assigned him to the army's cartographic division. Military education earned him the title of Doctor of Cartography in 1852. In 1855 he attained the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel and, in 1883, General. Cartographically, Spruner is best known for his historical atlases, most of which were published by the Justus Perthes firm. His much admired maps studiously applied historical political geographies to contemporary physical geographies. Spruner also worked with Heinrich Theodore Menke, a well-known German mapmaker, to produce and later revise his many historical maps. In 1886, after 72 years of professional military service, Spruner formally retired. He died seven years later in Munich in on August 24th of 1892. Click here for a list of rare maps from Karl von Spruner. Cartographer: Justus Perthes (1749 - 1812) was one of the most important German cartographic engravers of the 19th century. Perthes began his publishing empire with the 1784 issue of the famed survey of European nobility known as the Almanac de Gotha. In 1817 Perthes switched his focus to cartographic publishing. From 1817 to 1890 the Perthes firm would issue thousands of maps for more than 20 different atlases. Along with the visionary editors Stieler, Peterman, Meyer and Spruner, the Perthes firm pioneered the Hand Atlas. He also produced a number of important wall maps and case maps. Perthes maps are admired for their steel plate engraving, incredible detail, dedication to accuracy, and fine colorization. The Justus Perthes firm continues to produce maps and atlases to this day. Click here for a list of rare maps from Justus Perthes. Size: Printed area measures 15 x 12.25 inches (38.1 x 31.115 centimeters) Condition: Very good. Original centerfold. Printable Info Sheet Code: AustraliaPolynesia-spruner-1855 (to order by phone call: 646-320-8650)
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-18", "url": "http://www.geographicus.com/P/AntiqueMap/AustraliaPolynesia-spruner-1855", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-18/segments/1429246643283.35/warc/CC-MAIN-20150417045723-00252-ip-10-235-10-82.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.920072078704834, "token_count": 808, "score": 2.796875, "int_score": 3 }
|Bible Research > Interpretation > Translation Methods > Gender-Neutral > Introduction| (revised January 2005) “This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day when God created man, he made him in the likeness of God. He created them male and female, and he blessed them and he named them Man in the day when they were created.” (Genesis 5:1,2) One of the most controversial features of several recent versions of the Bible has been the use of gender-neutral language. Many articles and at least three books have appeared dealing with this issue in the past seven years. (1) I can add little to what has already been said by scholars on both sides of the issue. In this article I will provide some background information and a brief history of the controversy for those who are not already familiar with the facts. Gender-neutral language is a style of writing that adheres to certain rules that were first proposed by feminist language reformers in universities during the 1970’s, and which have been accepted as normative in many schools since about 1980. The rules prohibit various common usages which are deemed to be “sexist,” as for example the use of the word “man,” and the generic use of masculine pronouns, in referring to persons of unspecified gender. A number of new words were also recommended, as for example “chairperson,” “spokesperson,” etc., as substitutes for the “sexist” words in common use. Feminists hoped that by means of such reforms in the universities the language of the whole society might gradually be reformed, and that by means of such a reform in the language, the consciousness of people would be rendered more favorable to feminist ideas. (2) There is some disagreement as to what to call this new style of writing. Its advocates have called it by various names and descriptions: “inclusive language,” “gender-inclusive language,” “gender generic language,” “non-sexist language,” etc. Some translators have even preferred to call it “gender accurate” language, because they claim that only the use of such language in a translation will accurately reflect the inclusive intent of the original. Conservatives have of course objected to the term “gender accurate.” They have also objected to the word “inclusive” as a description for the new style, because this implies that the generic “man” and “he” are not really inclusive. Most conservatives have preferred to call the new style “gender-neutral.” Some others have called it “inclusivist language,” which aptly expresses the intent of the language reformers without implying any agreement with their linguistic claims. Feminist complaints about the English language were almost immediately echoed by those who controlled the older Protestant seminaries. In a 1975 editorial published in the journal of Princeton Theological Seminary, Theology Today, the editors advised their contributors: “A literary consideration of increasing importance for us these days relates to the avoidance of exclusive in favor of inclusive sexist language. In the last several issues, we have been quietly transposing sex-specific language. We don't want to be legalistic about this, and quotations, biblical and otherwise, will mostly stand as originally written. But we think this is a literary revolution of major, even theological, importance. For our writers, this will mean not only careful attention to grammar but, in many instances, a new way of writing altogether. If we cannot make changes easily in a manuscript, it will either be returned for revision or we will allow the author to assume responsibility for the implied discrimination. We believe that Christian faith is more interested in persons than in restrictive traditions (cf. Mark 7:9). If some feel dehumanized because conventional language (even little pronouns) exclude them or offend their self-awareness, then we want to change our syntax and not expect them to change their identities.” (3) During the late 1970’s the liberal mainline seminaries generally adopted these new rules of usage. The feminists in these seminaries were not satisfied, however, with the gender-neutral language as applied only to persons, and insisted upon gender-neutral language in reference to God also; and so during the 1980’s gender-neutral language in reference to God became normal and even prescribed by codes of speech. Today it is not permissible for students in many schools to use the pronoun “he” in reference to God, and even such usages as “God Godself” (instead of “God himself”) have gained currency in these places. The feminists have insisted upon the use of such language as a very important moral duty. After this change in language was brought about in seminaries, the next effort was to promote its use in the churches at large, by means of denominational publications. But a great hindrance to this campaign was the fact that the Bible itself did not abide by their new rules. The Hebrew and Greek texts of the Bible often use generic masculine nouns (adam and anthropos, both meaning “man”) and generic masculine pronouns in a gender-inclusive sense, in reference to persons of unspecified gender. In the Epistles, believers in general are addressed as adelphoi, “brethren.” Such usages are not merely figments of “sexist” English translations; they are a normal feature of the original languages, just as they are normal in English and many other languages. In most cases the inclusive intent of the writer is obvious from the context, and when the intent is not inclusive, this is also obvious enough from the context. The interpreter must not proceed mechanically with the idea that every occurrence of adam and anthropos is to be understood in a gender-inclusive sense, because the Bible for the most part records the names and actions of men, uses male examples, assumes a male audience, and in general focuses on men and their concerns while leaving women in the background. This feature of the text is obviously related to the cultural situation and expectations of the original authors and recipients, and so any movement to disguise it in translation runs up against the academic qualms already being expressed by Bruce Metzger in 1976: “How far is it feasible to eradicate from an ancient text those features that belong to the patriarchal culture in which its narratives had their origin?” (4) To illustrate the extent of the problem we give now a few examples of how these “patriarchal” tendencies manifest themselves in the biblical text. None of this changes when we come to the New Testament. In short, the Bible is by no means gender-neutral. It presents from beginning to end a thoroughly “androcentric” perspective, and it often leaves it to the reader to decide what application to women or what inclusion of women is implied. In pointing these things out, I am aware of the fact that I am breaking an unwritten law of modern apologetics. The tendency today among conservative Christian writers is to deny that the Bible is primarily addressed to men. Although it is undeniably true, evidently it is thought to be too embarrassing or too scandalous to be talked about, or even admitted. Frankly, it seems to me that there has been more honesty on this point among liberal scholars than among conservatives, because liberal scholars are not so worried about what people will think of the Bible because of it—but the fact is, the biblical authors are completely oblivious to anything resembling the modern rules of polite “inclusivity” in discourse. One feminist critic in pointing to this feature of the biblical text has said that it means the female reader must read much of the Bible as if she were a man, which is quite true. (6) If we begin looking for places where women are directly addressed in the Bible, we quickly discover that in such cases the message is even more offensive to the modern egalitarian mindset than anything which has been noted above. The women are addressed only to remind them that they are not equal: Wives, be subject to your husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its savior. As the church is subject to Christ, so let wives also be subject in everything to their husbands. (Ephesians 5:22-24. See also 1 Corinthians 11:3-16, 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, Colossians 3:18, 1 Timothy 2:11-15, 1 Peter 3:1-6, etc.) Obviously such passages present serious problems for those who wish to tone down the patriarchalism of the Bible, and many feminists have concluded that there is not much to be gained by making the language of such a pervasively patriarchal book “inclusive.” According to one feminist critic this may even be a bad idea. After highlighting some examples of “patriarchal, misogynist, and androcentric” features which are only superficially camouflaged by recent gender-neutral Bible versions, she concludes: By changing the language of patriarchy we run the danger of merely disguising, rather than eliminating, the deeply ingrained patterns which we struggle against. We thus risk embedding misogynist discourse even more deeply into our metaphoric constructions, while at the same time removing the signals which could alert us to its presence ... changing the language does not necessarily remove the bias or the sexism that remains embedded in the thought patterns, images and metaphors which, with language, combine to form a given text. Indeed, removing the language which signals sexist bias may result in obscuring that bias beyond conscious recognition, while allowing it to continue to quietly permeate our cultural subconscious ... The masculine bias has not been removed; it has simply been rendered more subtle and therefore more dangerous, because more difficult to discern and expose ... When symbol, image and metaphor are so deeply embedded in a text and culture as is the case with the Bible, perhaps it is time to recognize that we cannot easily eliminate the gendered biases which so often define the very essence of its thought and to set our energies rather to exposing those biases. Language is only a symptom of a more deeply ingrained problem; in changing the language alone, therefore, we run the risk of merely disguising the biases which are inherent in the text and its cultural stance. Unrecognized, and unrecognizable, those biases become even more insidious, even more powerful. This is particularly dangerous with a text such as the Bible which has played a foundational role in the formation of our own culture to the extent that its influence is so subtle and pervasive that it goes unrecognized in a culture that believes itself sophisticated and free of such influence. Rather than empowering gender bias by rendering it implicit, perhaps it is better to expose its hidden power, retaining the language which signals its presence and eliminating its force by bringing it into the light of critical and analytical discourse. (7) Nevertheless, most religious feminists who have taken an interest in the Bible have felt that something should be done to suppress its patriarchal aspects. But what was to be done? The remedy proposed was twofold: (1) a revision of the Bible, in which the new “dynamic equivalence” method of translating would be employed so as to conform the text to the same stylistic guidelines which had lately been imposed on the seminary, and to otherwise obscure the “patriarchalism” of the Bible by the adoption of feminist interpretations; and (2) an elimination of the intractable “problem” passages (e.g. Ephesians 5:22-24) by means of a revised lectionary (schedule of readings) which was to omit all passages in which the subordination of women is so plainly taught that it could not be obscured by false interpretations. By this means the Bible might be exhibited as an example of political correctness to all who heard it read in the churches. The earliest example of such an effort was the Inclusive Language Lectionary published by the National Council of Churches in 1983. This lectionary presented gender-neutral adaptations of Scripture for the readings prescribed in the Common Lectionary (1983, revised 1992), which excluded 1 Corinthians 11:3-16, 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, Ephesians 5:22-24, Colossians 3:18, 1 Timothy 2:11-15, and 1 Peter 3:1-6. The adaptations were thoroughgoing, and included gender-neutral language in reference to God. Soon after this, complete versions of the Bible which featured a moderate use of gender-neutral language began to appear. In 1985 the New Jerusalem Bible, a Roman Catholic version, became the first such version. But the first version to use gender-neutral language in a really thorough and systematic way was the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV), which appeared in 1990. This version was created under a mandate from the copyright holder, the National Council of Churches, to eliminate “sexist” language. It did not however substitute gender-neutral language in reference to God, and it did not incorporate many of the misinterpretations proposed by feminists, and so it did not satisfy many liberals. In 1991 a version of the New Testament much more to their liking appeared: the Contemporary English Version, published by the American Bible Society (the complete Bible appeared in 1995). This version did not use gender-neutral language for God, but it did incorporate many feminist interpretations that went beyond the mere use of gender-neutral language. In Genesis 2:18, Eve is called not a “helper” but a “partner” of Adam; in 1 Peter 3:1, Colossians 3:18 and Ephesians 5:22 women are advised to “put their husbands first” rather than “submit” to them; in 1 Corinthians 11:10 the CEV says a woman should wear a head covering not merely as a “sign of authority” (usually interpreted to mean her husband’s authority) but “as a sign of her authority.” In 1 Timothy 3:3 and 3:12 gender-neutered officers of the church are required to be “faithful in marriage” rather than “the husband of one wife.” Going still further, in 1994 a group of liberal Roman Catholics published the Inclusive New Testament, in which full advantage was taken of the principle of “dynamic equivalence.” Typical of this version is the following rendering of Colossians 3:18-19. “You who are in committed relationships, be submissive to each other. This is your duty in Christ Jesus. Partners joined by God, love each other. Avoid any bitterness between you.” In 1995, liberal Protestants published a similar version in the New Testament and Psalms, An Inclusive Version. Both of these versions featured gender-neutral language for God along with many other politically correct alterations designed to combat “racism,” “homophobia,” “ageism,” “anti-semitism,” etc. The liberties taken with the text of Scripture in these versions were however so flagrant that they were met with ridicule in the popular press. For the time being at least, the most reputable liberal scholars have not ventured to publicly defend them as legitimate translations, although it remains to be seen how much headway such avant garde versions will make in the next generation. None of the versions mentioned above were produced by organizations which professed to be evangelical, and they were intended for an audience which did not consider itself to be evangelical. Their use has been limited to the shrinking “mainline” churches controlled by liberals. But by 1990 feminism had made some inroads into evangelical circles also, and its influence was evident in several seminaries and Bible agencies which were considered to be evangelical. (8) Academics in these seminaries and agencies were involved in the production of five gender-neutral versions that were published between 1986 and 1996, and which were intended for the evangelical market. The first of these, the New Century Version, was a version intended for young children. It was brought out by a small publisher and attracted little notice. Next was God’s Word, another little-known version that made a very cautious use of gender-neutral language. The third was the New International Reader’s Version (NIrV), and the fourth version was The New International Version Inclusive Language Edition (NIVI). These last two were revisions of the popular New International Version (NIV). The NIrV was a simplification of the NIV intended for children, and its gender-neutral renderings were not noticed until later. The NIVI, which very much resembled the NRSV, was first published in England, where the people who consider themselves to be evangelical are much more liberal than in America, and for a year or two it went unnoticed in America. Then in 1996 the New Living Translation (NLT), which also made consistent use of gender-neutral language, appeared on the market with much fanfare; but, like the NIrV, this version made such heavy use of the “dynamic equivalence” method that the gender-neutral language was scarcely to be noticed in the general looseness of translation. In 1997 the issue of gender-neutral “dynamic equivalence” came dramatically to the forefront after World magazine (9) revealed that the International Bible Society (IBS), which owns the copyright of the NIV and had apparently come under the influence of “evangelical feminists,” (10) was planning to publish its little-known NIVI soon in America, as a new edition of the NIV. Because the NIV was widely used as a trustworthy version in evangelical circles, a great uproar ensued, in which several conservative Christian organizations brought pressure against the IBS to abandon these plans. In May of 1997 James Dobson, the influential head of the Focus on the Family ministry, convened several prominent evangelical leaders for a special meeting on the issue at Colorado Springs. The participants issued a declaration of recommended guidelines which would discourage the artificial use of gender-neutral language in Bible translations. The IBS reluctantly yielded to this pressure, and at that time promised that it would not publish this new edition of the New International Version in America. It also issued a revision (1998) of its NIrV in which the gender-neutral language was replaced with more accurate renderings. The controversy was not settled by this however, because various scholars came forward with arguments for gender-neutral language, provoking counter-arguments, and then the IBS announced that it would publish its gender-neutral revision of the NIV, under another name. (11) Advance review copies of this revision, under the name Today’s New International Version, were distributed in January 2002. The reaction to it has been overwhelmingly negative. The NIV “inclusive language” controversy has widened into criticism and defense of the “dynamic equivalence” method which had made such an objectionable revision possible in the first place. Many evangelicals who had been using the NIV began to doubt the trustworthiness of the version in its original form. Although the liberal organizations that sponsored the earlier gender-neutral versions plainly avowed their ideological motives for such revisions, advocates of the revised NIV (writing for a conservative audience) produced some literature (12) that defended some of the changes on scholarly or linguistic grounds alone. The word anthropoi was mentioned as a word in the Greek text which is sometimes quite properly translated “people.” Examples were given where a plural “they” put in place of the generic “he” does not appear to affect the meaning at all, and the change was defended on the ground that the gender-inclusive meaning of the sentence is better conveyed by such a “dynamically equivalent” rendering. But critics (13) drew attention to places where the systematic substitution of plurals did significantly interfere with the sense. For example, in Psalm 1, the one man whose delight is in the law of the Lord is set in opposition to the many ungodly ones around him. But when the man is made to disappear into a group of genderless people, then a part of the meaning of this passage is lost. It was also noticed that the Messianic interpretations of some Old Testament passages were eliminated in the pursuit of genderless language, as in Psalm 8:4, where the phrase “son of man” becomes “human beings” (compare to Hebrews 2:6). Another debated point was the extent to which the gender-neutral style adopted in the new versions could be justified on the basis of common English usage. Some claimed that the generic use of “man” and “he” are no longer commonly used or understood, and that a translation which aims to be understood must avoid these usages. In support of this idea they referred to the gender-neutral style of textbooks used in schools, (14) and of some television and newspaper journalism, as representative of the people at large, and as proof that the gender-neutral style had become normal and standard usage outside of the academic circles where it originated. Critics replied that the politically correct language of school textbooks and journalism are far from being representative of established English usage, or of English as it is commonly spoken. (15) It should be noted that not everyone who has advocated the use of gender-neutral versions in the evangelical sub-culture has done this with some hidden feminist agenda in mind. Some evangelicals, such as D.A. Carson, have advocated this change in Bible versions apparently because they feel a great awkwardness when linguistic customs of modern and polite society are not observed, especially in mixed company. Their desire to make the Bible speak politely is nothing new. As early as 1833 Noah Webster (the famous American lexicographer) revised the King James Version so as to eliminate many words and phrases that he deemed “offensive, especially to females.” There has always been a certain amount of uneasiness about expressions in the Bible which were thought to be offensive to women, and ever since the days of Webster there has been a constantly growing concern about the feelings and opinions of women in the churches. So this new trend toward gender-neutralism may be seen in this light. Yet it should also be noted that in former times this kind of condescending editorial work did not try to conceal its nature under specious arguments about the meaning of Greek and Hebrew words. Some apologists for gender-neutral Bible versions have even argued that the Greek word aner, which clearly means “adult male,” is a gender-neutral word. Arguments like this could not have arisen among scholars apart from a desire to provide ad hoc justifications for gender-neutral renderings. (16) More important in the long run were the arguments concerning the legitimacy of “dynamic equivalence” as a method of translating. This method, which was employed to a moderate degree in the original NIV, had for a long time been criticized by the more conservative evangelicals, who warned of its dangers. As the NIV controversy unfolded, these critics were in a strong position to argue that the NIV from the beginning embodied dangerous tendencies, and that it is time for evangelicals to turn away from it. Gender-neutral Bible versions originated as an attempt by feminists to transform both the language and the beliefs of Christians. They were welcomed in liberal circles, but were met with strong resistance among evangelicals. The creators and defenders of these versions have suffered a loss of reputation among evangelicals, and publishers are not likely to market them successfully among evangelicals in the near future. For further study of this issue, see the books listed in the bibliography and the links in the Web Directory. 1. The three books are: Donald A. Carson, The Inclusive-Language Debate: A Plea for Realism (Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1998); Mark L. Strauss, Distorting Scripture? The Challenge of Bible Translation and Gender Accuracy (Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity Press, 1998); Vern S. Poythress and Wayne A. Grudem, The Gender-Neutral Bible Controversy: Muting the Masculinity of God’s Words (Nashville: Broadman & Holman, 2000). A revised and expanded edition of the book by Grudem and Poythress was published in 2005 as The TNIV and the Gender-Neutral Bible Controversy (Nashville: Broadman & Holman, 2005). 2. The importance of language reform to the feminist cause is indicated by the fact that an article on the subject appeared as the first article in the inaugural issue of the influential feminist magazine Ms.: Kate Miller and Casey Swift, “De-Sexing the English Language,” Ms. 1 (Spring 1972), p. 7. This feminist agitation for language reform had an immediate affect on American schoolbook publishers. See for example the stylesheet Guidelines for Equal Treatment of the Sexes in McGraw-Hill Book Company Publications (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1974); and the more elaborate—and more explicitly ideological—publication of the Macmillan Book Company: Nancy Roberts, ed., Guidelines for Creating Positive Sexual and Racial Images in Educational Materials (New York: Macmillan Co., 1975). Since that time the preoccupation with language reform has spawned a large number of books, articles, and style guides. One widely used handbook of gender-neutral writing for academic writers is Guidelines for Bias-Free Writing by Marilyn Schwartz and the Task Force on Bias-free Language of the Association of American University Presses (Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press, 1995). In a review of this book, Denis Dutton notices the implications of its recommendations for translators: Some of the advice ... is decidedly disturbing. Section 1.58, on translations, begins, “Translators must exercise careful judgment in rendering a text in English.” Quite so, but the “careful judgments” turn out to be about more than simply precision: translators “need to consider the readership and purpose of the translation—whether it be simply to render the ideas or also to reflect stylistic or cultural nuances—before determining whether gender-biased characteristics of the original warrant replication in English.” In other words, translators should consider expurgating gender bias from foreign writings where it is “unwarranted” to replicate them in English and distress readers with unhelpful and unnecessary stylistic or cultural nuances. It should not surprise anyone that what begins with overweening concern that language should never offend ends in a justification of expurgation. The Guidelines go on to say, “Translators should avoid recasting gender-neutral into sexist language, as in some biblical language.” While no one would argue with that, the Bias Persons glaringly omit the converse recommendation that gender-biased foreign-language texts should be translated so that readers can see the gender bias of the original. So does the path from courtesy take us, however deviously, to censorship. (Denis Dutton, “What Are Editors For?” Philosophy and Literature 20/2 [October 1996], archived by WebCite® at URL http://www.webcitation.org/5y2zKgIzY) The use of such oppressive “politically correct” style guides is now common even among reputedly evangelical publishers. For example, the relevant section from the InterVarsity Press Style Guide (Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity Press, 2001) may be seen here. 3. Hugh T. Kerr, “How to Write an Article,” Theology Today 31/4 (January, 1975), pp. 290-91. 4. Bruce Metzger, “Trials of the Translator,” Theology Today 33/1 (April 1976), pp. 98-99. Metzger also mentions that “such problems … are currenty being considered by the Revised Standard Version Bible Committee.” 5. γυναικαριον is the diminutive of γυνη “woman,” and like many diminutives it expresses contempt. 6. Susan Durber, “The Female Reader of the Parables of the Lost,” Journal for the Study of the New Testament 45 (1992), pp. 59-78. For some unusually frank comments on this subject by a conservative see Steven Schlissel, “Hopelessly Patriarchal,” in Chalcedon Report, February 1998. I also note that Grant Osborne, who may be described as a moderately conservative scholar, has acknowledged the fact that “men are being addressed in the ancient setting,” hence the male-oriented language (“Do Inclusive-Language Bibles Distort Scripture?” Christianity Today, October 27, 1997, p. 35). Strangely, Osborne makes this the basis of an argument for gender-neutral language in modern translations, because “men and women would be addressed in the modern setting” (emphasis added). Poythress and Grudem rightly respond to this argument by saying “if the Bible were mainly addressed to men, then we should translate it accurately in order to indicate this,” but they wrongly dispute the fact that the Bible is largely addressed to men when they say, “the New Testament letters were intended to be read out loud in the churches ... and these churches included both men and women in the assembly. How can anyone say that these letters were addressed mainly to men?” (Gender-Neutral Bible Controversy, p. 179.) The mere fact that women were present in the meetings to hear the epistles being read aloud has little importance. It was proper for a writer to focus upon men, just as it was customary in ancient oratory. In any case, the male-oriented discourse of the epistles speaks for itself. 7. Catherine Innes-Parker, “Mi bodi henge with thi bodi neiled o rode : The gendering of the Pauline concept of crucifixion with Christ in medieval devotional prose for women,” Studies in Religion, 28/1 (1999). 8. The June 16, 1997 issue of Christianity Today reported that Eugene Rubingh, who until 1999 was the IBS vice president for translations, says “publishers Zondervan and Hodder & Stoughton first suggested a more inclusive text to the CBT [the IBS Committee on Bible Translation] because they knew of seminary professors dropping the NIV in favor of the New Revised Standard Version.” In particular, Bethel Theological Seminary and Denver Seminary appear to have become seedbeds of feminism in the evangelical churches. 9. Susan Olasky, “Femme Fatale,” in WORLD, March 29, 1997. 10. For a history of the growing influence of feminism in American churches, see The Feminist Gospel: the Movement to Unite Feminism with the Church, by Mary A. Kassian (Crossway Books, 1992). The facts are truly disturbing and raise serious doubts about the “evangelical” feminists. For a book written from the “evangelical feminist” point of view, see Nancy A. Hardesty’s Inclusive Language in the Church (Atlanta: John Knox Press, 1987). Hardesty has now drifted into radical feminism, and is no longer called evangelical. For introductions to mainline church feminism, see Alice L. Laffey, An Introduction to the Old Testament: A Feminist Perspective (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1988); Letty M Russell, ed., Feminist Interpretation of the Bible (Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1985); Luise Schotroff, Silvia Schroer and Marie-Theres Wacker, Feminist Interpretation: The Bible in Women’s Perspective Trans. Martin and Barbara Rumscheidt. (Minneapolis: Fortress, 1998). 11. WORLD (6/5/99, p.16) obtained a copy of a letter by Eugene Rubingh, IBS vice president for translations, written on March 19, 1999, which stated, “I, the CBT and practically everyone involved, thoroughly support gender-accurate language. The matter is one of timing, of finding the appropriate hour to move ahead.” 12. The most important “evangelical” defenses of gender-neutral versions are D. A. Carson’s The Inclusive-Language Debate: a Plea for Realism (Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1998) and Mark L. Strauss’s Distorting Scripture? The Challenge of Bible Translation and Gender Accuracy (Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity Press, 1998). Of these two books, Strauss (Associate Professor of New Testament at Bethel Seminary San Diego) gives the more detailed treatment. 13. The arguments are collected by Vern S. Poythress and Wayne A. Grudem in their book, The Gender-Neutral Bible Controversy: Muting the Masculinity of God’s Words (Nashville: Broadman & Holman, 2000). Poythress and Grudem have been prominent in the evangelical opposition to gender-neutral language. 14. The official website of the TNIV declared, “Even school and college textbooks have changed over the years, as ‘men’ rarely refers to both men and women today.” http://www.tniv.info/qanda.php, accessed 5 Jan 2005. 15. The “bias and sensitivity review” editors employed by educational publishers had already banned such words as “man-made,” “middleman,” and “mailman” by 1975, and in more recent years they have gone to ridiculous extremes in their attempts to comply with the demands of feminist organizations. For details see Diane Ravitch, The Language Police: How Pressure Groups Restrict What Students Learn (New York: Random House, 2003). In an appendix Ravitch gives an extensive “Glossary of Banned Words, Usages, Stereotypes, and Topics” in which guidelines given in a 1975 document used at Holt, Rinehart, and Winston forbade words compounded with “man.” 16. D.A. Carson, after writing his book on the subject, in which he insulted other scholars and presented some rather evasive and disingenuous arguments about the meaning of Greek words, finally admitted that his main reason for defending the gender-neutral Bible versions was his desire to use an English text that would not offend secular people in academic settings. In his article “The Limits of Functional Equivalence in Bible Translation—and Other Limits, Too” published in The Challenge of Bible Translation: Communicating God’s Word to the World (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2003), he responded to criticism of his 1998 book by saying quite frankly, “I have been doing university missions for thirty years, and in such quarters inclusive language dominates. Not to use it is offensive” (emphasis mine). If candid explanations like this were given at the outset of the controversy, there would have been less room for suspicions about feminist influences. The real point of disagreement between evangelicals is the question of whether it is legitimate or not for a translator to accommodate the text to modern attitudes by removing something that non-Christians find “offensive.” But evidently Dr. Carson did not have enough confidence in the rightness of his position to speak plainly about this at first. |Bible Research > Interpretation > Translation Methods > Gender-Neutral > Introduction|
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back to school, back to work! give yourself a beautiful SUMMERof 2016 memory! We are happy to welcome our new artists Stigma One & Erik van Cuyck! go and check their work on Facebook and Instagram as well: A piercing actually means a piece of pierced skin with jewelry in it. Many parts of the body can be pierced, for instance ears, nose, lips, nipples and genitals. Sometimes not only the skin has been pierced but the cartilage as well. If a piercing has not been performed professionally, you run the risk of damaged tissue that could lead to desensitized, or loss of function of nerves. Or to an infection, abcess, allergic reaction, scartissue and the rejection of the jewelry. A piercing usually is a deep wound that needs time to heal. Depending on the spot, quality of the jewelry, general health, physical condition and of course the way you have been pierced, healing times are between 2-50 weeks. If a piercing is performed in a professional way, and is treated with care, healing will usually be without any trouble. Piercing has been practiced in many different countries of the world. In South America, the original tribe people have pierced and stretched ears, noses, lips. In Indonesia they have hugely stretched ears, the Eskimos had pierced noses and lips. In India they still pierce their tongue and cheeks on festivals, in Africa, they have pierced ears, noses, lips. Genital piercings originated probably out of a ritual or religious device of sexual control and there was not anything pleasureable about it but very painful. Only in the West, this type of body decoration has not been popular for up to 40 years ago (!), except maybe for some fetish-scenes, where more pleasurable functions for private piercings were being discovered. And for the rest a pierced earlobe, which was generally seen as primitive or suspicious!Fortunately, people began to take more interest in themselves and their bodies and the way they looked and started thinking about how to change their appearance, and how they wanted to look That is, clothing, hairstyle, make up, jewelry, shoes or any accessory and if that is still not you, maybe get pierced or tattooed. Besides the good look of it, a piercing can have an additional function, namely that it can feel nice and can give an extra sensation to the part of the body that has been pierced. Like a tongue piercing does, and a nipple piercing will. And genital piercings of course are mostly performed for the extra stimulans. For some piercings, you will have to downsize your jewelry, because the part that is pierced may swell up the first few days. So you start with something bigger or larger in size. You cannot start with jewelry which is more heavy or has pointed ends or sticks out in a way that it will not get the rest it needs to heal. Only after your piercing has healed, you can change it with a different type of jewelry. Some piercings you have to pay attention to not to take out too long before they will close. Even after it has healed and you`ve had it for a longer time. Do not take the jewelry out before it has healed!! Choosing the piercer Since piercing has become so popular, it became a booming business usually in combination with tattooing. In the beginning, there were only few piercing shops (and still are actually) and most of the time, piercing was being performed by tattooists in their tattoo shop, sometimes because it meant fast and easy extra money. These people were not always that well informed on piercing (because their main thing was tattooing and probably piercing didn’t look that difficult) and nowadays still teach their piercers the same bad piercing habits, without taking it serious enough. Usually a shop who does tattooing and piercing, have the same level of quality, because the image has to correspond. So if there’s serious tattooing going on, usually piercing will be serious too. And reverse. Try to avoid the overexcited fresh piercer who just did the “2-day course how to learn piercing” who cannot act appropriately. It will take months before a piercing-trainee starts realizing what they are really doing and what to think of and what to do. There are so many piercings possible nowadays with each their own healing and wearing-process. This takes a long time to know about and a piecer will have to learn about hygiene, cross-contamination, materials, skin allergy, nerve-system, and so on. The best way to become a professional piercer is by asking a professional piercer if he/she wants to train you, if you can have a look at it for many times, for many months, try to do the set-up, how to pick the right jewelry and get pierced yourself as much as possible, so you know how it feels, what you can do better, how to mark it the best to avoid rejection and how to size to jewelry, not too small because of swelling and not too big so it will move too much. An experienced piercer should have a perfect eye for marking and choosing the right shape of jewelry and right material. And while doing the piercing, taking all neccessary precautions into consideration with care.Have a look in different shops. Ask for a possible photobook. There is a tendency just to ask about prices and compare it with only that. This doesnt make sense; which one do you choose now? Cheap and low quality or expensive and high quality? Have a look at the jewelry displayed, try to catch a customer who just got pierced in the same place and ask the person if you can have a look at it. Piercers themselves can tell you a lot about the ways they work; do they have nice and clean and healed piercings themselves? Are their hands clean? Do they wash their hands before touching something? Do they take other people`s jewelry in their bare hands or with a towel or gloves? How long have they been piercing? Piercing at streetfairs, markets, festivals etc not ok (piercing guns, dirty environment, low quality jewelry. And customers are too young, usually drunk and not clean) So-called guns for ear piercings have been forbidden by the Amsterdam health service. That is very good because a gun like that cannot be cleaned properly and cannot be sterilized at all. Furthermore it’s tricky for focusing and piercing cartilage with it can cause splinters or cracks in the cartilage and can traumatize the skin! Getting your first piercing Getting your first piercing is usually the biggest step in getting piercings. If you are really not sure if you are going to like the looks of it, buy a glitter stick-on and glue it on for a few days. You can even find rings with balls that have to be pinched together and looks like you got a piercing. In this way you`ll know whether you like it and on which spot you prefer it. It`s not too difficult to imagine yourself with it, so it`s not so much an issue if you like the looks of it but the thought of sticking a needle through your skin can be repulsive for people, depending on their own fantasy/ creative mind.. You can make yourself as scared or sick as you want, but you can also try to stay relaxed and realize it`s only a few seconds in total. Which is too short to be really painful. If you heal right and you like your body decorated with it, you`ll not be so hesitant to get another one. Usually people have got their earlobes pierced, without realizing that you already have a piercing.. Other spots are actually not that different, the skin (tissue) varies in thickness and softness. Ears and nose have cartilage. But a piercing is always performed as quickly as possible, and will never last more than a few seconds. I would say everybody can handle that. Choosing the kind of piercing TRY TO KNOW WHAT YOU LIKE, SO YOU CAN CHOOSE WHAT YOU WANT. List of piercings: earlobe, cartilage, tragus, antitragus, innercartilage, orbital, transversal, industrial, bridge, eyebrow, nose, septum, monroe, lowerlip, upperlip, labret, cheek, eskimo, lipfrenum, tongue, tonguefrenum, nipple horizontal, nipple vertical, navel, outer labia, inner labia, clitoris hood, frenum, Pr. Albert, Pr. Albertina, fourchette, pubic F, pubic M, dydoe, scrotum, guiche, foreskin, ampallang, apadravya and many more I keep forgetting the name of. You can only pierce places that will heal without too much pressure. Sometimes a customer wants to get pierced somewhere different and unusual. Spots like neck, chest, arms, legs are not suitable to get pierced with standard jewelry but need custom piercingjewelry for this specific place. We call those surface bars (with double discs or stones) This is a special (square) piece of jewelry that fits an angle-pierced spot and doesn`t move. Finally there are good (flat) surface bars being made that will Heal places that were not possible before. These come mainly from Japan where they are made flat by hand And thats also where i have been taught to pierce these in a special way. Because of this the piercing is perfectly deep and will not grow out At the shop we have 1,2 and 1,6mm surface bars on which it is possible To screw-on different ends. We even have a connection-plate on which extra ends will fit. Come by and we show you all! To get this kind of piercing you will need extra consultation with the piercer. Also microdermals (single disc/stone) are very suitable for places where skin is very tight en shallow. This is a mini version of the so-called trans-dermals that are half in the skin and half outside. This used to be a much bigger procedure but these microdermals can be done with a small 2,0 needle or 1,5 punch without stitching. Revolutionary development in the piercing history: Or transdermal implants. This is a small titanium plate (6x2mm) on which a 1,6mm bar is connected on which you can screw on a disc ball, stone, spike. It actually only is a single-point piercing, meaning that the needle goes in and pulled out again. The plate will sit beneath the skin. This is firm and stable and suitable for most places that were not suited To pierce before. Think about the wrist, arm, cheeckbone, bindi, temple, leg etc Look at the visuals section for examples or come by to check more Images in our books. Sometimes a piercing influences or modifies the shape of the spot that has been pierced. For instance big, stretched earlobes change the shape of the ear, a largely stretched septum will bring the tip of your nose down and stretched nipples will make your them bigger, a stretched lip will curl your lip more..) PREGNANCY AND PIERCINGS Nowadays many of the women who are pregnant, will be wearing a piercing. Nobody will start to worry about their earlobes or eyebrow being pierced, but a bellybutton-piercing, or maybe nipple- or genital piercing should make you think and realise some things. During pregnancy, the belly and breasts will swell up and because of this, pressure on your piercing will increase. Being pregnant can make the body react to metals- and so to the piece of jewelry that’s being worn. Pregnant bodies do not tolerate strange objects and materials well-as a defence mechanism to protect the baby This information is about how to deal with your piercing(s) during and after pregnancy. It is advisable to clean your piercing with a mild seasalt-solution: Make a solution of a quarter of a liter of boiling water and a half a teaspoon SEASALT or BAKING SODA. More of the salt or soda works less. Put this solution in a cup and put the cup for 20-30 seconds against the piercing, so the piercing will soak in the solution. Try to move the jewelry a little while you are doing this. Rinse off with warm water. Do this 1 or 2 times a day. Salt water soaks help to stimulate air and blood circulation which facilitates healing. PREGNANT AND PIERCED (nipple-bellybutton-genital) Piercing still healing: If you are pregnant you cannot get pierced out of precaution. It is possible that you got pierced recently when you get pregnant. You will have to stick carefully to the aftercare recommended as well as the healing time. It can take longer before it has healed because your body is busy growing a baby already. Go and see your piercer monthly to get your piercing checked. Sizes of jewelry can increase heavily: the length of a curved barbell for the bellybutton needed can start with 11mm and then change to 18mm after 30 weeks of pregnancy and can even become 22mm after 32 weeks! Womens’ pregnant bodies do not tolerate foreign objects well as it works as a defence mechanism to keep the baby safe. Sometimes it will make the piercing grow out. If this is happening go and see your piercer to get your piercing safely removed. If your body doesn’t react to the piercing at all and stays fine, you will only have to change to a bigger size of jewelry and preferably change material as well to allergy-free-bendable PTFE. The good thing about this material is that there will be no unnecessary pressure on the piercing because it’s flexible. During pregnancy your body may react to gold also. Piercing fully healed: Make sure your piercing will stay clean by always rinsing and moving it in the shower Probably your piercing will swell up as your belly gets bigger. The size of the jewelry needed can vary widely: the length of a curved barbell for the belly button needed can start with 11mm and then change to 18mm after 30 weeks of pregnancy and can even become 22mm after 32 weeks! If this is happening, you will have to upsize the jewelry to a preferably anti-allergic plastic bendable material called PTFE. The good thing about this material is that there will be no unnecessary pressure on the piercing because its flexible. Especially after the first three months you will need a larger width of piercing jewelry-nipples will swell up more, the belly will get under more stress and pressure and labia become engorged with blood in preparation for delivery. PIERCINGS AND DELIVERY Nipple: having a nipple piercing will not interfere with delivery and so can be worn. Belly-button: If you are still wearing your belly ring, you can keep it in during delivery also. Genital: Labial and clitoral jewelry would better be removed for delivery. The jewelry could cause damage to the baby. And it is very likely you will loose the jewelry because of tearing. If your piercing hole does look good and undamaged afterwards, the jewelry can be replaced. Keep doing seasalt soaks, at least for a week. And if you have lost the piercing you can always get re-pierced after some months. BREASTFEEDING WITH PIERCINGS Nipple: Many women expect problems nursing with nipple piercings. A nipple has about 40 milkducts. It is possible that 2 holes will be closed off. Most of the time you will not notice anything, sometimes you will have 2 extra holes (especially if your piercing was placed far behind). Even after you have re-pierced the same nipple a few times or stretched it, and it feels like scar tissue (hard), you can still breastfeed. The body will find a way to re-route the flow. Even women who have breast implants or had breast reduction surgery are able to still breastfeed so there will be no problem having a small piercing. If you decide not to breastfeed and you are wearing your nipple piercings, you will have to soak them at least 1x a day for the coming months. This is because milk is staying inside and the ring or bar worn can be a source of bacteria by movement of the jewelry. If you think your milk ducts are blocked it is even more advisable to do seasalt-soaks and massages. Don’t put anything else on your piercing!!! Avoid wearing bras these months because of the cups and underwires cut off the ducts and may form a clog. And there can be too much pressure on the piercing as well. A nipple ring or –bar looks good but is not comfortable to feel for the newborn baby. Pressure on the baby`s palate can cause damage. U may loose a ball! So its advisable to remove the jewelry everytime before nursing. Mothermilk contains of antibacterial properties thanks to which your piercing is safe from infection, and the baby will never have any risk drinking. If you are planning to keep your nipple piercings and take them out before every nursing, you will have to keep on rinsing with seasalt 2 x daily. It may occur your nipples will get sore of taking them in and out constantly. If things get too sensitive it is advisable to take out the jewelry. And then get it re-pierced later on. Getting it and taking care of it Getting pierced is the best if you’re rested, nourished, healthy and relaxed. Make sure you don`t drink alcohol or use drugs the night before, because then you might bleed alot and your skin is more sensitive. Especially for piercings that swell up , they will swell up more than average if you have alcohol or other drugs in your blood. then your piercing will stay swollen for longer, which means it will take longer to heal also. Don`t get pierced if you are not sure you really want it. Because then your mind will have to accept it first, before it starts healing. And if you don`t know whether you like it you can get too focused and troubled by it. Don`t get pierced until having consulted your doctor if you have the following complaints: diabetic, hemofilia, metalallergy, had (plastic) surgery on the desired spot and on spots where you see a swelling or any kind of deformation of the skin. Since it only takes a few seconds, you should best concentrate on your breathing, then you relax your mind and body the best. This also makes it easiest for the piercer & yourself to do the piercing. Never take out the jewelry if you think your piercing is infected. Then both open ends will close and the dirt of the infection has nowhere to go! plus the infection can get bigger inside.. Try to see the shop or give us a call! If your piercing is still fresh and clean, you can take it out but you will not be able to put it back in. The hole will close very quickly, or it swells immediately after you take it out, and you will not be able to find the hole (tongue, lip, nipple). Usually the leftover mark of a fresh piercing is only a needlepoint-size mark/scar. When you want to take out a healed piercing, it will leave a mark depending on the size (thickness) of jewelry you are wearing. If stretched, how it has been stretched and the period of time you have had it for will influence the scar. If you massage the spot with a vitamine-E oil or calendulan-lotion afterwards for a few weeks the mark will disappear the best. Getting more and/or stretching your piercing – THE EARPROJECT Stretching of piercings has been performed in many cultures for thousands of years. Often most of the nicest piercing jewelry is made in larger sizes, so some piercings have to be stretched before you can actually wear the jewelry you had in mind. To stretch your piercing it has to be healed. Patience and good technique are neccessary for a succesful stretch. Patience is important because with too fast and too big stretching you can develop scartissue which is too hard to stretch any further. Furthermore if you have scartissue you can not go back to the original small size either. If you let your piercing heal well every time and stretch slowly by small steps up, you can also go back from large to small. For a stretched 5mm (=4gauge) earlobe you will be busy for a few months. Other, longer-healing piercings will take longer to stretch also. WE OFFER A SPECIAL PRICE FOR A STRETCHED EAR PROJECT. DO YOU LIKE GETTING STRETCHED EARS? RANGING FROM 5MM-50MM. This projects includes changing jewelry, stretching by us and yourself and all under supervision of the shop Your rights as a customer (service) After getting pierced, you can always come to the shop and show the piercing you got. If you have any questions or if you just like somebody to have a look at it, go back to the person who pierced you. Sometimes a piercing is not healing totally right and needs a larger size or a different shape of jewelry. you should be able to go back as a service. This should be done by preferrably the same piercer who did it originally and this should be for free of charge. Back to Top At CLASSIC you can find all sorts of jewelry and accessories. Of course we sell the beautiful high end Tawapa jewelry from our sister company Dare 2 Wear. Classic involves stylish and elegant we got the most intricate gold selection you will find anywhere! This comes from New York, Mexico, India and also custom made pieces by our own design. Furthermore there is an interesting collection with old and replica tribe jewelry of other natural materials. Of course we sell basic pieces and design titanium and stainless steel. Our view on being a bod mod studio means that we should offer different kinds of jewelry, suitable for every age. Because for some jewelry you need a piercing (also modern piercing jewelry in earlobes are more comfortable to wear and even more elegant and beautiful), we are proud to be a professional studio and at the same time try to create a tasteful scenery of overall body decoration. We travel abroad to get the nicest jewelry from the places where they originally come from. Have a look at the photos.. Sizes of jewelry: You can get almost any size of piercing jewelry. There’s a difference in the thickness, shape and length of what you need for healing and what you can wear after healing. For every person, a specific size is needed. There are no general sizes to start with, only minimum sizes of thickness and diameter, to prevent growing out or swelling from jewelry that’s too small. Jewelry to start with: (to be worn during the whole healing time). Since July 2001 it’s been determined in Europe that there’s different materials of jewelry allowed for healed piercings and fresh piercings. This has to do with the amount of nickel present in the material. And the material should be hypoallergenic and should not be affected in any way by body liquids- and tissue. Metals need to be shiny polished and cannot be poreus to fight growing micro-organisms. Piercings should be started preferably with 6AL4V ELI F-136 implant grade titanium or 316LVM F-138 implant grade stainless steel jewelry. Or, if desired, with 18 k. Gold or Glass. The shape and/or material is usually not the piece you had in mind. A piercing takes patience before you can actually do what you want with it (changing jewelry, playing, stretching) Jewelry you can wear after healing: This list has a little more variety. These materials should be hypoallergenic as well and should not be affected in any way by bodyliquids- and tissue. Metals need to be shiny polished and cannot be porous. Fortunately this collection is made in more different shapes and materials. You can wear surgical steel, wood (ebony, sabowood, bloodwood, coconut etc but some woods are poisonous!), glass, horn, bone, natural stone, silicon, titanium, 14+18k. gold and PTFE. Where to buy: If you want to change your piercing jewelry it’s always best to come back to the shop first. In this way we can have a look if it has healed properly and what kind of jewelry you can get. There’s so much available that you could easily pick something too small or too thick. If you have seen something you like to get for your piercing, ask the piercer if it is possible for you to wear. Fortunately we can get almost anything you like, so please ask if there’s something you have in mind! Nowadays, piercing jewelry is being offered by many different businesses. Most of the non-piercingshops that do sell piercingjewelry, do not have enough knowledge of what they are selling. They offer a low-quality metal which can create an allergy to metal! Do not go to clothingstores, drugstores, fleamarkets, smartshops, beautysalons, nailstudios.. a jewelrystore without piercing usually sells gold piercings, but since they don`t pierce, the jewelry they offer is usually not suited for wearing (goldstamps, rough edges, wrong curve) Be aware of different qualities of materials. Ask for highly polished, non-toxic material. So, always try to get your jewelry in a real piercingshop, where there`s a piercer who can look and decide what you need. So you can keep your piercing as long as you like, without having problems with it. We work with different jewellers known for their craftmenship, creativity and flexibility. This means that many things can be made, exactly the material, size and shape wanted. We are planning to buy more jewelry from all over the world, to find the nicest stuff from where it`s really been made. So that our choice of jewelry stays special. Made of high quality gold, silver, steel, wood, jade and other materials. Back to Top Remember that your piercing is a wound and also has to be treated like one. A wound needs time, rest and cleaning to heal. A wound can get infected, so cleaning it is essential. Don`t touch if you`re not cleaning it. And don`t play with. Following are some important points concerning the cleaning of your piercing. facial- and bodypiercing: *Wash the piercing twice a day with a non-perfumed soap, preferrably with Satin, antimicrobial skin cleaner or with a bar of Sebamed soap. *First wash your hands with the soap. *Make your piercing wet until the dirt that`s dried up to the jewelry falls off or take this off with a wet q-tip. Don`t use your nails to scratch it off. If you see some dried up-dirt on your jewelry or skin, use a wet q-tip and gently remove it, without moving the jewelry. *now put some foam of the soap on the piercing and move the jewelry GENTLY back and forth, so the soap also gets in the wound. Leave the soap in there for 20-30 seconds. Meanwhile you can gently press the skin around your piercing with a q-tip. If there`s any dirt inside, it will come out now. *Finally rinse all of the soap away with warm water by gently moving the jewelry so the soap inside will go out. *Then dry your skin and leave the skin around your piercing dry as it is. DO NOT USE: sterilon, iodine, alcohol (= emergencysolutions for when you are not able to clean with fresh water for a few days) or creams ;an antibacterial soap cleans more than enough and the other products are usually too agressive for your skin and may take away good bacterias you need for healing as well. upper- lower- side- lip, eskimo-piercing: *OUTSIDE: First see above the instruction for facialpiercings *INSIDE: Rinse your mouth about 5 times a day with yellow Listerine, you can add a little water. Do this in the morning after brushing your teeth, every time after you had something to eat. And rinse before you are going to bed. If you don’ awnt to use Listerine, use boiled water with half a teaspoon of seasalt. Or rinse with chlorhexidine. *After brushing your teeth, also brush the inside of your lip. GENTLY brush around your piercing. This way, you take away all possible dirt and your piercing will heal better. Avoid chewing on gum, nails, pencils,sunglasses etc. *don’t drink any alcohol the first few days-your piercing will be swollen already and could bleed a bit. *Rinse your mouth about 5 times a day with yellow Listerine, you can add a little water. Do this when you get up out of bed and when you are going to bed en do this every time you had something to eat. If you don’t want to use Listerine, use boiled water with half a teaspoon of seasalt. Or rinse with chlorhexidine. *After brushing your teeth, also brush your tongue and the inside of your lip. When you got your tongue pierced, brush the balls as well (on top and below), GENTLY brush around your piercing. With the lipfrenum, lift up your lip and brush the jewelry and skin around it carefully. Do this daily. This way, you take away all possible dirt and your piercing will heal better. Avoid chewing on gum, nails, pencils,sunglasses etc. *don’t drink any alcohol the first few days-your piercing will be swollen already and could bleed a bit. Alternative cleaning of all piercings (instead of cleaning with soap or at least 1x every week) and in case of an infection: *Make a solution of a quarter of a liter of boiling water and a half a teaspoon SEASALT or BAKING SODA. More of the salt or soda works less. Put this solution in a cup and put the cup for 20-30 seconds against the piercing, so the piercing will soak in the solution.Try to move the jewelry a little while you are doing this. Rinse off with warm water. Do this 1 or 2 times a day. Salt water soaks help to stimulate air and blood circulation which facilitates healing. *Too much cleaning is also not good, follow the points above. When you face any problems with your piercing then contact your piercer. Also don’t hesitate to come by the piercingshop. *Never take out the jewelry if you think your piercing is infected. Infected looks red, swollen and it`s constantly covered with dried up waste. If you take out an infected piercing, Then both open ends will close and the dirt of the infection has nowhere to go but to stay there and infect the surrounded area inside. The person being pierced should not touch the piercing nor the skin around it, or will have to wash his/her hands immediately after. Check for yourself how clean you are. Since a piercing usually takes a few weeks or longer to heal, you will have to be extra conscious about your own cross-contamination; dont touch your hair and then your piercing. Don`t touch or play with your piercing anyway, except for cleaning it, with clean hands. Dirty nails, especially long nails can easily cause an infection when touching it.. Sometimes a piercing is not healing totally right and needs a larger size or a different shape of jewelry. service: You can always come to visit, not only to check your piercing, but also for changing, stretching and of course for another piercing! -check daily with clean hands to make sure the balls are screwed on tight on barbells. -make sure your bedding is clean, especially if pets get into your bed! -a multi-vitamin mineral supplement containing zinc and vit.C help boost your healing. Take it in the morning with breakfast. The healing period is the same as the time you have to spend on cleaning the piercing. |earlobe/ septum/ tongue/ lipfrenum/hood/labia/pa/frenum||2-6 weeks| |nose/ eyebrow||6-8 weeks| |outer labia/ dydoe / guiche||2-4 months| |upper-lower-side- lip / eskimo||2-6 months| |nipple (both takes longer to heal)/cartilage/tragus||3-9 months| Download the Aftercare Word document prijzen piercings inclusief sieraad: |euro||titanium ring||euro||titanium staafje||euro| |oorlel||35||1,0-1,6 mm||35||1,2-1,6 mm| |oorlel||40||2,0 mm||45||2,0 mm| |oorlel 2 x||60||1,0-1,6 mm||60||1,0-1,6 mm| |oorlel 2 x||70||2,0 mm||80||2,0 mm| |oorstretchproject x2||110||3,0 mm| |kraakbeen||45||1,0-1,6 mm||45||1,0-1,6 mm| |kraakbeen x 2||80||80| |forward helix x2||90||1,0-1,6 mm||90||1,0-1,6 mm| |forward helix x3||135||1,0-1,6 mm||135||1,0-1,6 mm| |rook/daith/snug/conch||50||1,0-1,6 mm||50||1,0-1,6 mm| |tragus||50||1,0-1,6 mm||50||1,0-1,6 mm| |wenkbrauw||50||1,0-1,6 mm||50||1,0-1,6 mm| |navel||50||1,6 mm||50||1,6 mm| |septum||50||1,6 mm||50||1,6 mm||60||retainer 1,6 mm| |50||1,6 mm||50||1,6 mm| |tepel horizontaal||50||2,0 mm||55||2,0 mm| |tepel vertikaal||50||1,6 mm| |tepel X 2||90||1,6 mm||90||1,6 mm| |nek/nape||55 euro europees sieraad / 70 usa / 70 japans| |surface piercing||55 euro europees sieraad / 70 usa / 70 japans| |surface x 2||100 / 130 / 130| |lip||50||1,6 mm||50||1,6 mm| |lipfrenum||50||1,0-1,6 mm||50||1,0-1,6 mm| |genitals V||75||1,6-2,0 mm||75||2,0 mm| |genitals x2 V||140||1,6-2,0 mm||140||1,6-2,0 mm| |genital x2 M||140||140| |dermal punch||60 voor 2mm / 75, 3 en 4mm / 80, 5mm / 90, 7 en 8mm incl sieraad| |beading||100 1x / 180 2x / 240 3x / 280 4x (=max per keer)| |micro dermal||80 met schijfje / 85 met steentje| |micro dermal x2||145 / 155| |micro dermal x3||200 / 210||x4 = 245 / 255| |wissel met hier gekocht sieraad||gratis| |wissel met eigen sieraad||5| |verwijderen MD niet van ons||10| |oorstretch vanaf 25 voor 2 oorlellen. en oud sieraad behouden|
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-36", "url": "http://classicinkandmods.com/piercing-info/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2016-36/segments/1471983077957.84/warc/CC-MAIN-20160823201117-00224-ip-10-153-172-175.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9368758201599121, "token_count": 7749, "score": 2.59375, "int_score": 3 }
At Wendell Park Primary School, our children are compassionate to the environment, curious about the world and the people who live here and are proactive in seeking answers to questions and enquiries. - Children are equipped with knowledge about places and people, resources in the environment and have an understanding of the interaction between physical and human processes that have shaped our landscape and environment. - Children have the opportunity to investigate and make enquiries about our local area of Hammersmith and Fulham, and the wider London area, so they understand what life is life for them and what makes the local area unique. - Children are inquisitive about people and places beyond our local area and are able to compare and contrast different ways of life. - Children communicate their learning in a variety of ways including sketch maps with a key, diagrams, tables, graphs and writing. By the end of their time at Wendell Park, children think like Geographers by: - Having an excellent knowledge of where places are and what they are like, both in Britain and the wider world. - Understanding the processes that give rise to key physical and human geographical features of the world; how these are interdependent and how they bring change over time. - Being able to collect, analyse and communicate with a range of data gathered through experiences of fieldwork that deepen their understanding of geographical processes. - Have excellent fieldwork skills and are able to interpret a range of sources of geographical information including maps, diagrams, globes, aerial photographs and Geographical Information Systems (GIS). - Asking questions, reaching conclusions, explaining their findings and expressing well-balanced opinions about current issues in society and the environment. - Being proud of the areas that they come from and identify with whilst being curious about the world around them. - Using geographical knowledge and vocabulary to explain processes and connections between places. Please click here to see the Geography Curriculum Overview for Wendell Park from Year 1 to Year 6.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-05", "url": "https://www.wendellparkprimaryschool.co.uk/curriculum/geography", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-05/segments/1579250595787.7/warc/CC-MAIN-20200119234426-20200120022426-00347.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9353027939796448, "token_count": 404, "score": 3.65625, "int_score": 4 }
Paya is a Chibchan language spoken in central Honduras, particularly in the municipalities of Dulce Nombre de Culmí and San Esteban in Olancho Department, and also in the municipality of Brus Laguna in Gracias a Dios Department, and in Trujillo in Colón Department. In 1993 there were 990 speakers of Paya, most of whom are over 40 years old. Paya is also known as Pech, Seco or Bayano. The word Pech, which is used to refer to Paya speakers and their language, means "people". Paya people are also known as Poyers or Pahayas. Paya has no official status in Honduras. Paya has two tones: a low tone, which is not marked, and a high tone, which can be marked with an acute accent. Information about the Paya language Page last modified: 23.04.21 Why not share this page: Note: all links on this site to Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk and Amazon.fr are affiliate links. This means I earn a commission if you click on any of them and buy something. So by clicking on these links you can help to support this site.
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We have had some unseasonably warm weather here in Perth County – which means that ticks are active! There are two spikes in the tick population each year, occurring in the early spring and late fall. However, any time the temperature is above 4C, ticks are on the move and searching for a warm body to feed on. Ticks are arachnids that feed on blood from small wildlife, dogs, cats and humans. Female ticks require a blood meal to complete their life cycle. Ticks start as eggs laid in the summer, emerge as larvae in the fall, molt into nymphs in the winter and end up as adults in the spring. - An immature tick is the size of a freckle. - An adult tick is the size of a sesame seed. - An engorged adult tick is the size of a pencil eraser. Ticks are mostly found in wooded areas, along the side of trails, playgrounds and grassy areas in urban areas. There are several species of ticks. The deer tickfeeds primarily on white-tailed deer in its adult form, but all life-stages of the tick will feed on dogs and humans. Tick bites are usually not painful, but cause some mild swelling and redness. The bad part is that tick bites can transmit diseases; Lyme disease is one of the most prevalent in our region. Tick numbers are on the rise in this part of the country. Here is a map of Canada with the number of tick-borne diseases reported in dogs tested with a blood sample since 2017: http://www.petdiseasereport.com/content/prevmap.aspx The Public Health Agency of Canada has a map with locations in Ontario that have the highest risk of Lyme disease transmission.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-18", "url": "https://coventryvets.ca/2017/03/06/coventry-animal-hospital-discusses-ticks-part-1/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-18/segments/1555578530527.11/warc/CC-MAIN-20190421100217-20190421122217-00346.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9564353823661804, "token_count": 372, "score": 3.40625, "int_score": 3 }
Our friars of Great Britain & Ireland, the Blessed Agnellus of Pisa Custody, are known as the “Greyfriars.” At Walsingham, England’s National Marian Shrine, on March 19, 2018 (The Feast of St. Joseph), the Minster General of our Order and the 119th Successor to St. Francis of Assisi, the Most Reverend Fr. Marco Tasca, OFM Conv., and our Assistant General, Friar Jude Winkler, OFM Conv., while on pilgrimage, took part in this EWTN Great Britain report. A bit of history: In September of 1224, St. Francis sent the first friars to establish a Franciscan presence in England. They were drawn to the Medieval Christian Shrine devoted to Mary, the Mother of God, known as Mary’s Dowry, Walsingham. They established friaries in Canterbury, London and Oxford. After already having established a Franciscan presence in Paris, Blessed Agnellus of Pisa was chosen by St. Francis to lead the effort, along with a group of his confreres. He became the first Minister Provincial of the newly established province. Blessed Agnellus died in the 1236 and his grave and the church in which he was buried were destroyed during the persecution of the Catholics in the reign of Henry VIII. At the time of the English Reformation (1534), there were around 60 Conventual Franciscan (OFM Conv.) friaries and six Observant (O.F.M.) friaries, in England. Henry VIII suppressed Religious and all of the the Observant friaries were closed and the King ordered a general survey of all church revenues in the realm. In the next two years, 376 religious houses had been suppressed but the Conventual Franciscans assets were of little worth to the King. The friaries were poor, property was in disrepair and that had little possessions. However, by 1538, the King had suppress the Conventual Franciscans as well. Be that as it may, all Conventual Franciscan friaries were suppressed by 1538. Conventual Franciscans returned to England in 1906 and through tough missionary work reestablished their presence in by 1910, when invited by the bishop of the Southwark diocese to Rye, East Sussex, then Liverpool (1926) and Manchester (1929).
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-26", "url": "https://www.olaprovince.org/2018/04/23/greyfriars-return-to-walsingham/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-26/segments/1560627998716.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20190618103358-20190618125358-00271.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9799066781997681, "token_count": 499, "score": 2.5625, "int_score": 3 }
James M. King, Ph.D. Wilcox Environmental Engineering, Inc. December 7th, 2021 Hexavalent chromium shot into the public consciousness in 1993 when Erin Brockovich began campaigning against Pacific Gas & Electric, which had used hexavalent chromium compounds as a rust inhibitor at a natural gas compressor station until 1966. Over time, hexavalent chromium contaminated the groundwater supply of the southern California town of Hinkley and plagued the town’s residents with a bevy of chronic health problems. Brockovich was instrumental in building the case against PG&E, which was settled in 1996. The plight of Hinkley was captured in the 2001 film “Erin Brockovich” starring Julia Roberts, which continued to keep hexavalent chromium in the public eye. Since then, hexavalent chromium, also known variously as hex chrome, chromium 6, chromium (VI), Cr6+, or Cr(VI), has stayed in the spotlight as a nasty player when it comes to human health. Cr(VI), one chemical state of the natural metallic element chromium, is appearing more frequently as a contaminant at Wilcox project sites. Trivalent chromium, or Cr(III), and Cr(VI) are the two most common forms, and they behave quite differently. Cr(III), fortunately the more abundant form in nature, has low toxicity, aqueous solubility, and mobility in the environment. Cr(VI), on the other hand, is toxic, highly soluble, and much more mobile Cr(VI) compounds are used in a wide range of industrial applications – for example, in electroplating, stainless steel production, protective metal coatings, leather tanning, dye and paint production, and wood preservation. Not surprisingly, most common exposures tend to be occupational, though the case of Hinkley, California, is an alarming example of residential exposure. Exposure to Cr(VI) can occur by inhaling it, ingesting it in food or water, and by direct skin contact. Cr(VI) is listed as a known human carcinogen, and its compounds have been shown to cause lung cancer in humans when inhaled, particularly among workers who were exposed to Cr(VI) in workplace air. Other adverse health effects include nasal and sinus cancers, kidney and liver damage, nasal and skin irritation and ulceration, and eye irritation and damage. Screening levels published by the Indiana Department of Environmental Management highlight the stark differences in toxicity between Cr(VI) and total chromium, which is typically comprised mostly of Cr(III). The Residential Groundwater Direct Contact screening level for total chromium is 100 µg/L (or parts per billion), whereas the same screening level for Cr(VI) is 0.35 µg/L, 285 times lower. Because of its inhalation risk, residential and commercial indoor-air screening levels for Cr(VI) are among the lowest of any metal, including 2,600 times lower than for residential exposure to vapor from elemental mercury. Total chromium, on the other hand, has no indoor-air screening levels. The residential, commercial, and excavation soil direct contact screening levels exhibit similar contrasts between Cr(VI) and total chromium and Cr(III) as insoluble salts. Differentiating them further, the Cr(VI) screening levels are for carcinogenic (cancer-causing) endpoints, whereas the screening levels for total chromium are for non-carcinogenic endpoints. Adding to its mischievousness, Cr(VI)’s chemical properties make it tricky to characterize during environmental investigations. Cr(VI) is sensitive to changes in its environment that can transform it to Cr(III) in environmental samples, necessitating a bit more involved groundwater sampling protocols in the field. As noted earlier, Cr(VI) is very soluble and does not significantly interact with soil matrices, traits that give it high mobility in the subsurface. In fact, the distribution (adsorption) coefficient (Kd) of Cr(VI), expressed in L/Kg, is only 1/100,000 that of Cr(III) for the most common pH ranges. These characteristics allow Cr(VI) to readily leach from surface soil into groundwater and then move at essentially the same velocity as the groundwater with little chemical interaction with organic carbon in the aquifer matrix that would slow it down (chemical retardation). Consequently, it’s common to find Cr(VI) at greater down-gradient distances than other contaminants released from the same source. Fortunately, Cr(VI)’s proclivity for transformation also facilitates its remediation. Cr(VI) in groundwater can be readily reduced to Cr(III) using many of the same methods that rely on electron-donating compounds that create reducing conditions for in-situ chemical reduction (ISCR) and enhanced reductive dechlorination (ERD) at sites contaminated by chlorinated solvents. Under reducing conditions, Cr(VI) reacts with other subsurface minerals to form less toxic, insoluble, and immobile Cr(III) hydroxide precipitates. The precipitates are stable, solid, and integrated with the soil matrix, so they generally stay put – no need to remove them. Under naturally reducing subsurface conditions, Cr(VI) can also be chemically or biologically attenuated. From all appearances, Cr(VI) will continue to emerge more often as a primary and secondary contaminant at environmental investigation and remediation sites. Our extensive experience with Cr(VI) and with remediation methods that rely on establishing reducing conditions in the subsurface has positioned Wilcox to provide a full range of high-value services to clients affected by Cr(VI) in soil and groundwater.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-27", "url": "https://www.wilcoxenv.com/the-hex-of-hexavalent-chromium/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-27/segments/1656103331729.20/warc/CC-MAIN-20220627103810-20220627133810-00188.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9465934634208679, "token_count": 1196, "score": 2.6875, "int_score": 3 }
Theories of the primordial Universe predict the existence of knots in the fabric of space - known as cosmic textures - which could be identified by looking at light from the cosmic microwave background (CMB), the relic radiation left over from the Big Bang. Using data from NASA's Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) satellite, researchers from UCL, Imperial College London and the Perimeter Institute have performed the first search for textures on the full sky, finding no evidence for such knots in space. As the Universe cooled it underwent a series of phase transitions, analogous to water freezing into ice. Many transitions cannot occur consistently throughout space, giving rise in some theories to imperfections in the structure of the cooling material known as cosmic textures. If produced in the early Universe, textures would interact with light from the CMB to leave a set of characteristic hot and cold spots. If detected, such signatures would yield invaluable insight into the types of phase transitions that occurred when the Universe was a fraction of a second old, with drastic implications for particle physics. A previous study, published in Science in 2007, provided a tantalising hint that a CMB feature known as the "Cold Spot" could be due to a cosmic texture. However, the CMB Cold Spot only comprises around 3% of the available sky area, and an analysis using the full microwave sky had not been performed. The new study, published today in Physical Review Letters, places the best limits available on theories that produce textures, ruling out at 95% confidence theories that produce more than six detectable textures on our sky. Stephen Feeney, from the UCL Department of Physics and Astronomy and lead author, said: "If textures were observed, they would provide invaluable insight into the way nature works at tremendous energies, shedding light on the unification of the physical forces. The tantalizing hints found in a previous small-scale search meant it was extremely important to carry out this full-sky analysis." Co-author Matt Johnson, from the Perimeter Institute, Canada, said: "Although there is no evidence for these objects in the WMAP data, this is not the last word: in a few months we will have access to much better data from the Planck satellite. Whether we find textures in the Planck data or further constrain the theories that produce them, only time will tell!" Notes for Editors 1. For more information or to interview the authors, please contact Clare Ryan in the UCL Media Relations Office on tel: +44 (0)20 3108 3846, mobile: +44 07747 565 056, out of hours +44 (0)7917 271 364, e-mail: [email protected]. 2. 'A robust constraint on cosmic textures from the cosmic microwave background' is published in the journal Physical Review Letters on 12 June 2012. 3. Journalists can obtain copies of the paper here: http://arxiv.org/abs/1203.1928 About UCL (University College London) Founded in 1826, UCL was the first English university established after Oxford and Cambridge, the first to admit students regardless of race, class, religion or gender, and the first to provide systematic teaching of law, architecture and medicine. We are among the world's top universities, as reflected by performance in a range of international rankings and tables. UCL currently has 24,000 students from almost 140 countries, and more than 9,500 employees. Our annual income is over £800 million. www.ucl.ac.uk | Follow us on Twitter @uclnews AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.
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As the month of August nears a close, the nip in the air is back, which signals the start of a brand new school year. Between the hustle and bustle of soccer games and homework, it’s often difficult for students to find spare time for extracurricular reading. Yet, helping your student find that extra hour to read instead of watching television or playing video games may be the key to overall improvement in school performance, according to research done by the University of London. Without a good book though, reading may be more painful than pleasurable. Finding engaging books may be a challenge, which is why we’ve compiled a list of resources that will help your student find a STEM-related book that he or she will actually enjoy reading. STEM Reading for Teens: A reading list created by the Young Adult Library Services Association of the best STEM Reads. Suggested Reading: Cinder by Marissa Meyer Cyborg Cinder, a talented mechanic living in the disease and alien-ridden area of New Beijing, meets Prince Kai when he brings in a robot for repair. As their lives intertwine, Cinder is forced to uncover secrets about her past in order to protect her future. Women in Science: Goodreads list of STEM-related titles about women. Suggest Reading: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot The creation of the polio vaccine, as well as extensive science research, including information about cancer and viruses, all began from the cells of one Henrietta Lacks, a poor African American tobacco farmer. Henrietta’s cells were harvested and used for research without her knowledge or consent. Her complicated story was the catalyst for the development of bioethics. STEM Read: Science Behind the Fiction: Program developed by Northern Illinois University to encourage STEM engagement through reading. Suggested Reading: Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card Several years after the initial alien invasion on Earth, Ender Wiggins is recruited to train at a battle school in space to prepare for the next attack. As he trains on the space station, Ender is forced to face increasingly difficult questions about humanity, isolation and the morality of warfare. RocketSTEM: Online magazine with content focused on fostering a love of STEM within parents, teachers and students. Other Suggested Readings: Adaptation by Malinda Lo Delirium by Lauren Oliver Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury Feed by M.T. Anderson Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes Matched by Ally Condie Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs Physics of the Future by Michio Kaku Physics of the Impossible by Michio Kaku Starters by Lissa Price The Angel Experiment by James Patterson The Art of Tinkering by Karen Wilkinson The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind by William Kamkwamba The Compound by S.A. Bodeen The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate by Jacqueline Kelly The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams The House of the Scorpion by Nancy Farmer The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness Uglies by Scott Westerfeld Unwind by Neal Shusterman When We Wake by Karen Healey Wither by Lauren DeStefano So STEM lovers, which books did we miss? What’s your favorite STEM-related book? Tell us in the comments section!
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-33", "url": "https://stem-worksblog.com/tag/extracurricular/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-33/segments/1659882572077.62/warc/CC-MAIN-20220814204141-20220814234141-00492.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9266369342803955, "token_count": 730, "score": 3.46875, "int_score": 3 }
How to Play To play, first select a puzzle from the dropdown menu below. The objective of the game is to fill in the grid so every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains each of the vowels you see to right of the puzzle (no repeats!). To place a vowel in a square, click on the vowel to the right of the puzzle and then click the square that you would like to place the vowel in. See below for tips on how to play. Select Your Puzzle:Warning: you must enable pop-ups in order to submit your entry. Prizes for This Week's Lingoku: Prizes (see below) will be awarded to the 5 people who solve the most puzzles from Friday, March 30 - Thursday, April 5, so start playing today! - a copy of Agreement by Greville G. Corbett, 2006, Cambridge University Press, donated by Greville G. Corbett - a one-year subscription to the International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, donated by Multilingual Matters - a copy of Convert Text to Phonetic Spelling (USA accent), donated by Tom Zurinskas - a copy of Studies on Modern Phonetics and Phonology by Lu, Jilun & Wang Jialing. (eds.) 2004. Tianjin: Tianjin Academy of Social Science, donated by Gang Gu - a one-year subscription to Linguistics & Science Fiction Newsletter, donated by Suzette Haden Elgins Tips on How to Play After you've put a vowel in a square, you can change it by selecting a different vowel and clicking the same square. Also, you can remove a vowel by right-clicking on the space it's in, or by selecting the empty black space at the top of the vowel list on the right and then clicking on the vowel you want to erase. Not sure which vowels you put in and which are given? The vowels outlined in blue are the ones you've been given by the game - you won't be able to change these. Anything else is your own guess! You might want to start by, for example, looking at a row that already has several vowels given to you. What vowels are missing? For each blank square in the row, what vowels can you add that are not already in the row, column or 3x3 box that the blank square is in?
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2013-48", "url": "http://linguistlist.org/fund-drive/2007/puzzles-games/lingoku/index.cfm", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2013-48/segments/1386164031957/warc/CC-MAIN-20131204133351-00096-ip-10-33-133-15.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9239833950996399, "token_count": 505, "score": 2.671875, "int_score": 3 }
Make a Paper Chain Calendar Young kids usually have only a vague sense of time. They probably know that an hour is longer than ten minutes, and a week is shorter than a month, but it’s difficult for them to gauge time’s passing. Making a paper chain calendar can help. What You Need: - 3” x 8” strips of colored construction paper What You Do: - Pick a date in the future that has some meaning for your child, for example, the first day of school, the date a relative is set to come visit, a birthday, or the start date of a favorite activity, like soccer. Ideally, the date should be about a month away. - Pull out your calendar, and with your child’s help, count the number of days until the event you’ve chosen. - Give your child the construction paper strips and explain that each strip stands for one day. Together, count out the correct number of strips (one for each day until your event), then help your child make a paper chain, by gluing the end of each strip together to form a link, then adding the rest of the links to form a “chain”. - Hang your chain in your child’s room, or in a prominent place. Each day, allow her to remove one link from the chain. As the days pass, this will give her a visual picture to associate with the numbers she sees on the calendar. Not only does this provide a concrete image for the passing of time, but it gives your child a great excuse to practice counting backwards!
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2014-10", "url": "http://www.education.com/activity/article/paperchaincalendar_kindergarten/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2014-10/segments/1394011094911/warc/CC-MAIN-20140305091814-00014-ip-10-183-142-35.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9229772090911865, "token_count": 336, "score": 3.140625, "int_score": 3 }
In an urban ecosystem justice model for metabolic justice, it will be necessary to completely re-think the idea of waste. Guidance for how to do so can be gained through observance of cyclical non-human and regenerative pre-industrial human societies. In cyclical ecosystems, “waste” means something fundamentally different than it does in a system with linear throughputs. Rather than falling at one end of the input/output dichotomy, cyclical waste represents the by-products produced by organisms, i.e. oxygen, carbon dioxide, sweat, urine, feces, dead leaves, corpses, etc. These are either rapidly taken up by other living things in the ecosystem, broken down in to minerals that re-enter the planet’s biogeochemical cycles, or buried so as to become part of Earth’s geological layers. In terrestrial ecosystems, much of this material ultimately ends up becoming incorporated into in the planet’s organic soil horizon – the complex interface of minerals, organic molecules, moisture, air, and living organisms that create the basis of land-based food chains. As soils increase in depth, so does the fertility and overall productivity of an ecosystem, along with its capacity to retain moisture, buffer climate changes, filter water, sequester carbon, support biodiversity, resist erosion, etc. In this regard, “wastes” are not undesirable materials to be rapidly expelled but rather resources to be used for building greater ecological resilience. Regenerative human societies that practiced sustainable agriculture in the same lands for prolonged periods understood this principle, and incorporated that knowledge into their cultures. For instance, ancient Amazonian cultures were able to build highly fertile soils through the organic wastes, charcoal, and pottery shards discarded in their middens (Balee, 2006).
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-47", "url": "https://radixcenter.org/our-sustainable-systems/compost/composting-and-metabolic-justice-part-2/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-47/segments/1573496668585.12/warc/CC-MAIN-20191115042541-20191115070541-00056.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9202086329460144, "token_count": 365, "score": 3.671875, "int_score": 4 }
In the past I have done a lot of research on Joseph Enouy's unusual percussion revolver, which utilized a rotating wheel of eight cylinders. I assumed this was Enouy's only patent, since I could not find any records regarding any other inventions of his. As it turns out, to my surprise, Enouy had another patent under his name, regarding a revolving rifle of which I had no previous knowledge. The rifle works in much the same way as Enouy's revolver, in that it incorporates a method of hastily switching between cylinders. The rifle, however, only has two cylinders as opposed to the eight of the revolver. It also does not incorporate the rotating wheel-and-spoke system of the revolver. Instead, the two cylinders are suspended on a central rotating axis. Enouy's rifle was patented in the same year as his revolver, and is marked JOSEPH ENOUY LONDON PATENT MULTIPLYING. No.1. Enouy's rifle is kept at the Museum of Artillery in Turin, Italy. Other examples may exist but I cannot confirm this; like Enouy's revolver, it may turn out to be a one-of-a-kind piece.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-25", "url": "http://firearms.96.lt/pages/Enouy%27s%20percussion%20rifle.html", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-25/segments/1623487629632.54/warc/CC-MAIN-20210617072023-20210617102023-00378.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.973471462726593, "token_count": 252, "score": 2.671875, "int_score": 3 }
By Greg Garrett, Special Contributor… The Saint Who Would Be Santa Claus Adam C. English Baylor University Press, 2012 Hardcover, 246 pages Not many holy people get the bumper sticker treatment. There was St. Francis in the ’60s, oft-presented as a hippie tree-hugger who loved everything and everybody. There was Mother Teresa, improbably quoted and poster-ized. But above all, there is St. Nicholas, a creature of modern pop culture as much as Christian history, known worldwide for decades through the advertising of the CocaCola corporation. As with the case of St. Francis’ appropriation by the Earth movement (Google “St. Francis” and “hippie” and see how many angry Catholics you find), the core identity of St. Nicholas of Myra, the actual historical Christian, can get lost in cultural accretions, as inspirational as they might be. Who was St. Nicholas, patron saint of children, patron saint of sailors, our primary image of gift-giving and generosity? Adam C. English, a professor at Campbell University, has tracked down what can be known about this shadowy figure in The Saint Who Would Be Santa Claus. (Full disclosure: I was asked by Baylor University Press to endorse the book, and after reading it, did so. This review corresponds to that positive early reading.) What can we learn about a figure so shrouded in myth that we sometimes confuse two saints for the same man? Although they lived 200 years apart, Nicholas of Sion and Nicholas of Myra are still sometimes confused by modern authors, since they were conflated in a 10th-century saint’s compendium. Moreover, unlike some early figures in the Church, Nicholas of Myra didn’t leave behind letters, books or sermons as Ambrose, Augustine and Jerome did to mark their path. Some major reference works even suggest that despite his omnipresence in religious art and religious legend, there is little to no evidence for the historicity of St. Nicholas. One of Dr. English’s primary tasks thus is to argue that there was an actual St. Nicholas—and then to argue that his real life, his role as Christmas elf aside, is worthy of study. This he does admirably. As Dr. English points out, the life of Nicholas spans one of the central moments in Christian history, when the Roman Empire converted to Christianity: “All of the growing pangs of this conversion process manifested themselves in the life of Nicholas. His was a life of faith, to be sure, but it was also one of adventure and honor, justice and charity, goodwill and thick resolve.” Like Augustine, Nicholas’ life is set against a dramatic historical backdrop that is also a chief factor in the person—the saint—he becomes. Nicholas is most noted for a radical act of generosity—giving money to a poor family so that their daughters had money for their dowries. In a world where credit was unknown and many people were on the knife-edge of disaster, Nicholas’ gifts may have been the difference between happy and prosperous lives for these daughters and prostitution. So his generosity is an act of real humanity as well as holiness. Unlike other holy men of that time, Nicholas in this act suggests the importance of marriage instead of simply affirming ascetic celibacy. Marriage—the lot of most people—is a thing to be welcomed and blessed, not disdained as somehow unworthy. Artists, as Dr. English notes, have depicted Nicholas as simultaneously holy and human. In Raphael’s Ansidei Madonna, Nicholas stands on one side of the Virgin and Child, John the Baptist on the other. But while John is otherworldly and the Madonna so serene as to be untouchable, Raphael has painted Nicholas as a distinctly approachable character. “In the holy presence of Jesus, Mary, and John the Baptist,” Dr. English writes, “Nicholas is approachable, likeable—dare we say—friendly. Despite the high formality of the Renaissance style, Raphael has painted everything we love about Nicholas.” What makes this book and its story of Nicholas compelling is its recognition throughout of that combination of the human and the holy. Nicholas was a real bishop and a real Christian living in a real world in flux, and he seems so in the stories and pictures of the age. So many of our saints seem in their depictions to be ascetic athletes: They have arrows sticking from their unflinching bodies, or they are looking upward, always upward, instead of around at a world in need. Nicholas—long before he was dressed in red and trimmed in fur, long before he was thought to pop down chimneys rewarding good children with gifts—was a person who at once inspired wonder and who seemed the sort of saint one could emulate. This most accessible and human of saints is a person who can teach us how real faith might look, and it’s a joy that The Saint Who Would Be Santa Claus is as engaging and inspiring as its subject. For more information, visit www.patheos.com/Books/Book-Club. Dr. Garrett is a novelist and author of several nonfiction books on religion and pop culture. He’s also is a regular columnist for Patheos.com, where this review first appeared.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-35", "url": "http://unitedmethodistreporter.com/2012/12/11/booke-review-saint-who-would-be-santa/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-35/segments/1440646312602.99/warc/CC-MAIN-20150827033152-00132-ip-10-171-96-226.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9691900610923767, "token_count": 1121, "score": 2.8125, "int_score": 3 }
I stumbled upon this website, Eye Didn't Know That which is geared towards children, parents, teachers and caregivers to offer a fun and interactive way to learn more about the eyes. For children, with glasses or without, it's a great resource to help explain the importance of good eye health. From coloring pages to optical illusions, activities and more, your children just might be entertained while learning some great things. One feature, the Virtual Timeline, even offers interesting factoids such as over a thousand years ago, the Chinese created dark spectacles to ward off evil spirits. The optical illusions are always fun to test what you see and it becomes a game to play with others. The Ferris Wheel appears to be moving. There really are a lot of fun activities to play alone or with your child. For parents, there are resources for knowing more about children's eye health: Children’s Eyes are More Sensitive - The average child receives three times the annual UV exposure than an adult. - The lens of the eye of a child under age 10 allows more than six times the amount of UV radiation to penetrate than an adult’s eye. - When you protect the skin around your eyes—and everywhere else—during the first 18 years of your life, the risk of cancer is likely to be reduced by 50%. This means that in addition to regular eye exams, you should make sure your children’s eyes and skin are protected from UV rays whenever they are outside—protect your children’s eyes from the sun with UV-blocking lenses, such as Transitions lenses, wide-brimmed hats covering the eyes, ears, face and neck, and sunscreen. Healthy Sight Checklist - Visit an eye doctor regularly for a complete eye exam. To locate an eye doctor near you, click here. - Maintain a balanced diet high in beta-carotene and take vitamin supplements, if recommended - Exercise regularly - Drink eight to ten glasses of water a day to hydrate your body and eyes - Make a conscious effort to periodically rest your eyes and blink frequently – especially when reading, working on a computer or watching television - Avoid rubbing your eyes - Wear sunscreen and UV-protective clothing, such as a wide-brimmed hat - Select everyday eyewear, like Transitions lenses, that automatically block 100 percent of UV rays and help to reduce distracting glare
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-26", "url": "http://ficklets.blogspot.com/2012/04/eye-didnt-know-that-website.html", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-26/segments/1529267863886.72/warc/CC-MAIN-20180620202232-20180620222232-00287.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9358786344528198, "token_count": 497, "score": 3.40625, "int_score": 3 }
Created to Preserve, Promote and Protect Open Class Kart Racing Ingenuity / Camaraderie / Sportsmanship 4412 W 6th Ave. Beaver Falls, PA 15101 Fax (724) 847-1566 |Calculating Engine Displacement| How to Determine the Displacement of a Kart Engine Here’s what you will need. Step 1 Remove the cylinder head from the engine. The engine should not need to be removed from the kart to do this although the Step 2 Position piston at bottom dead center (BDC) To accomplish this use insert the 5/16 hex key in the starter nut or place a socket on the clutch nut. Turn the hex key or socket wrench until the piston is all of the way down to the bottom of the cylinder. Another way to get the piston to bdc is to simply push the piston down with your finger. Step 3 Measure and record the cylinder bore. Use the digital or dial caliper to carefully measure the cylinder bore. Be very A. Make sure that the piston is pushed all of the way down to the very bottom of the cylinder. C. Insert the dial indicator into the hole in the bridge just enough for it D. Turn the face of the dial indicator so that the needle is pointing to zero. E. Slowly turn the crankshaft with one of the wrenches while watching the dial. F. Count how many full times the needle revolves plus how many additional G. Record the reading. This measurement is the stroke of the engine. Step 5 Calculate the Displacement of the Engine A. Plug your measurements into the following formula. ____________ X ___________ X _____________ X .7854 = Displacement B. If the measurements were made using the metric system, in other words, in millimeters, the result will be the cubic centimeters of the engine. You now know what you need to know to calculate the entrant’s minimum weight. C. If the measurements were made using the customary system, in other words, in inches, the result will be in cubic inches. This willneed to be converted to cubic centimeters. D. To convert cubic inches to cubic centimeters; __________ X 16.39 = _________ CC Questions or comments about these instructions should be directed to;
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2013-48", "url": "http://unlimitedallstars.org/calculatedisplacement.html", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2013-48/segments/1386163047523/warc/CC-MAIN-20131204131727-00033-ip-10-33-133-15.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8635501265525818, "token_count": 499, "score": 2.5625, "int_score": 3 }
For many dieters, the word carbohydrates send shivers down their spine. The humble carbohydrate is often associated with putting on weight and feeling stodgy. However the nutrient is often considered vital for a balanced diet. What are carbohydrates? Carbohydrates also referred to as carbs, are a vital source of energy for the body. The body uses carbs to convert into glucose which then feeds the body’s vital organs. Not only do carbs help to provide energy but also reduce disease risk and limit calorie intake. It is considered that there are three types of carbohydrates; sugar, starch and fibre. Should you cut out carbs? Nutrients suggest that you shouldn't and to lead a healthy lifestyle you need to follow a balanced diet which incorporates each of the main nutrient groups. Sam Conebar, nutritionist at FORZA Supplements commented, “Eating carbs in moderation is the same for any food group – too much over fuels the body”. “If you are looking to try a low carb diet, it is recommended that you try this for a day and ease your body into the diet.”
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-29", "url": "https://www.forzasupplements.co.uk/blogs/fitness-wellbeing/carbohydrates-know-facts-2", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-29/segments/1593655898347.42/warc/CC-MAIN-20200709034306-20200709064306-00179.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9541957378387451, "token_count": 231, "score": 3.46875, "int_score": 3 }
It seems modest, as power plants go -- a 29-megawatt facility, situated just north of the Vermont-Massachusetts line, that will burn woody biomass to generate enough power for 25,000 to 30,000 homes. But like many proposed plants in the recently reborn biomass power industry -- a supposedly renewable and clean energy source -- the Vermont project is encountering significant opposition. “We live in a wooded, hilly part of New England, so it’s easy to sweep your arm around and say, ‘Look at all these trees. How can there not be enough biomass to operate this plant?’” says Charley Stevenson, co-director of a citizens group in the area that is opposing the plant. “But when you start to look at the scale of the proposed plant, the answer to that becomes less clear.” The Pownal plant, one of two that Beaver Wood Energy has proposed in Vermont, faces the types of concerns confronting the entire industry. Biomass proponents have long claimed the power source can ...
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2014-35", "url": "http://www.climateark.org/shared/reader/welcome.aspx?linkid=207599", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2014-35/segments/1409535921872.11/warc/CC-MAIN-20140909040519-00433-ip-10-180-136-8.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9424800872802734, "token_count": 220, "score": 2.5625, "int_score": 3 }
Congrats Kerry and Lelani! I have to eat breakfast. Without it I can be beyond cranky. My mom forced me to eat my cereal in the morning when I was at school and I am eternally grateful. I can remember a friend of mine in Grade 1 could not keep his eyes open in class and teachers thought he had learning difficulties… turned out it was because he refused to eat breakfast! Once his mom made sure he went to school with a full tummy, he had no problems keeping up with the rest of the class. Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. Especially for school-going children. Did you know that almost one in five children go to school without breakfast? Studies indicate that children who attend school hungry have problems with their health and performance in school. Without having breakfast it is impossible for children to feed their minds and reach their full potential in school. Below, Kellogg’s South Africa shares more about why kids should not skip breakfast and how they are filling tummies with their amazing Breakfast for Better Days™ initiative. Feeding young minds: make breakfast the most important meal of the day It is said to be the most important meal of the day, but what makes breakfast so special? During the daily chaos of life, it is easy to sometimes miss out on your morning meal. However, registered SA dietician Kelly Francis believes that spending breakfast time together as a family has a noticeable, positive effect on the children’s learning and wellbeing. “It is important that families sit down at breakfast time as a family. We teach our children how to walk, talk, but we forget that it’s important to teach them how to eat properly, to fuel their body with the right kind of foods. It’s about being an example and conscious of what we are teaching our children,” said Francis. Parents who encourage breakfast time with their children also encourage a healthy relationship with food and healthier snacking habits.1,2 Research has shown that children who start their day with breakfast tend to have a lower Body Mass Index (BMI) and less chance of being overweight or obese. “Children must focus on putting the right nutrients in their bodies as soon as they wake up. This will ensure they can learn and grow, and become the best they can be,” Francis adds. She says breakfast provides the body and brain with fuel after an overnight fast – that’s where its name originates, breaking the fast! Without breakfast the body is effectively running on empty, it’s like trying to start a car with no petrol!” Studies indicate that breakfast helps children feel more alert and be in a better mood in the morning. That first meal of the day supports concentration in the classroom and helps fuel physical activity on the playing field which can translate into more fun. Breakfast intake has also been associated with improved memory, test grades and school attendance. Unfortunately, many households do not always have access to breakfast and almost one in five children in South Africa goes without breakfast every single day. Kellogg’s South Africa has aimed to combat this issue with its Breakfast for Better Days™ initiative. Since the programme began in 2014, over 13 million breakfasts have been served up, with 25 000 children getting a balanced breakfast every school day in Gauteng, Kwa-Zulu Natal, the Eastern and Western Cape provinces. The initiative provides these learners with grain-based cereals, which help to supply them with the fuel they need to make the most of every day. “In order to help to develop a good relationship with food in adulthood, children must be taught the benefits of a balanced breakfast. Children who don’t eat breakfast before school are at a disadvantage and may be tired, anxious or aggressive. They aren’t able to concentrate and easily lose interest in lessons and activities. A hungry child struggles to follow what is going on in the classroom and doesn’t have the energy to participate in sports or activities. This eventually impacts upon their learning potential and may affect them emotionally and physically as they grow,” Francis concludes. It seems that healthy habits in adulthood start with education in your childhood. So if you don’t already, try and take the time to ensure your children are properly fueled with breakfast, to feed not only their tummies, but their minds too. Kellogg’s has sponsored 2 awesome hampers for this giveaway! Tell me which is your favourite Kellogg’s cereal in the comment section and you are in the draw. Extra entries for Facebook and Twitter shares – make sure to leave a separate comment for each share telling me where you’ve shared the giveaway. Please make sure to leave your Twitter handle and/or Facebook name for verification. Max of 3 entries per person. Giveaway is open to SA residents only. The sponsor will send the prizes directly to the winners. Winners will be announced on 27 May ’16.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-47", "url": "http://prettypleasecharlie.co.za/win-with-kelloggs/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-47/segments/1510934808260.61/warc/CC-MAIN-20171124161303-20171124181303-00334.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9713999629020691, "token_count": 1035, "score": 2.734375, "int_score": 3 }
Occupational Health and Safety is an of import facet of an Information Technology workplace. An IT workplace with good OHS patterns will guarantee the on the job environment is maintained to optimal wellness and safety criterions. Benefits of keeping these criterions will straight assist employees ‘ wellness and safety, and it will besides assist to keep, and better where necessary, employees ‘ morale, productiveness, and employment keeping rates ( The National OHS Strategy 2002-2012 ) . Given this, it becomes appropriate to schedule regular ratings of each workplace against its relevant OHS standard. The rating of Occupational Health and Safety within room T6, runing as Head Office of the Information, Communication and Technology Department of Nuriootpa High School took topographic point in April 2011. The intent of the rating was to critically measure this workplace against the OHS standards for an IT environment, so that jeopardies may be identified and solutions recommended. This study critically evaluates each OHS standard for the above-named office and identifies any associated jeopardies. Using guidelines from province and federal authorities organic structures this study suggests solutions to the identified jeopardies, and provides a decision of the rating ‘s findings. The intent of this critical rating is to measure the assorted OHS factors associated with the office. This assessment enables pre-existing and possible jeopardies to be identified, therefore enabling a procedure to happen where solutions to these jeopardies can besides be identified. A critical rating of this office is an chance to derive a complete overview of the current degree of OHS, thereby assisting the workplace to follow with the aim of the OHS Act, 1986 that workplaces will take an nonsubjective function in advancing the wellness and safety of employees at work by placing and extinguishing any bing and possible jeopardies. An review by qualified forces is required to look into the current illumination of the office. The school needs to guarantee that the office complies with Australian Standard 1680, which recommends illumination of 400 lx for reasonably hard undertakings affecting computing machines and low contrasts, and that illumination of 600 lx is available for SSO ICT staff executing undertakings affecting minute item and low contrast e.g. computing machine hardware care. The jeopardy of workstations and office equipment going jeopardies during times of high traffic volume within the office can be eliminated by specifying the entree points for the schoolrooms bordering the office as the external doors of the edifice. Entry through these doors is via the maestro key, which all staff have a transcript of. There is storage infinite within the schoolrooms for any points that instructors would otherwise hive away in this office, and the resettlement of such points would extinguish the enticement to traverse the office floor to entree the adjoining schoolrooms after accessing points stored within this office.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-30", "url": "https://bluecrewsportsgrill.com/fomal-report-occupational-health-safety-construction-essay/698/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-30/segments/1531676593438.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20180722174538-20180722194538-00570.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9324360489845276, "token_count": 569, "score": 2.609375, "int_score": 3 }
Thanks to the National Wildlife Federation, your next children’s party is already planned. Garden-themed activities keep the costs down, keep the kids outside, and send them home with a treat that keeps on giving. Wet Warning! These ideas involve water and dirt. In the invitation, ask parents to bring along rain gear and/or a change of clothes. Your party will begin with painting and end with planting. In between there will be gardening and racing... and, of course, cake and ice cream. Here's the first (and last) activity. The other three are at NWF.org. Plant a Party Favor - Small terra-cotta pots and saucers - Non-toxic permanent acrylic paint - Brushes and water cups for rinsing - Small hand spades or sand shovels - Potting soil - Small stones or pebbles for drainage - Fast-growing seeds (beans or sunflowers) - Have the kids use their creativity to paint the outside of the flower pots. - When the pots are dry, have the children place a small handful of pebbles in the bottom for drainage and then fill the pots with soil. - Plant one or two seeds in each pot and cover with a little soil. For sunflowers, seeds should be planted about ½-inch deep. - Water and add additional soil if necessary. - Remind kids to give their plants plenty of sun and water. Have you put out your hummingbird feeder yet? Do it now. Remember, one part sugar and four parts water is all you need. NO red dye is necessary to attract the little hummers to your Georgia porch or garden.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-35", "url": "http://www.examiner.com/article/atlanta-kids-101-celebrate-spring-with-a-hands-on-garden-party", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-35/segments/1440644064869.18/warc/CC-MAIN-20150827025424-00042-ip-10-171-96-226.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9241952896118164, "token_count": 358, "score": 2.703125, "int_score": 3 }
Having Fled War, Syrian Mothers Give Birth During a Deadly Pandemic This maternity ward in northern Jordan serves one of the biggest Syrian refugee populations in the world — but chances are, you never heard of it. Written by Clara Long and Ryan Stafford, International Medical Corps Photos by Nadia Bseiso Since the 1947–49 Palestine war, Jordan has been a refuge for those fleeing from wars in the region. In the past 10 years, the country has welcomed more than 1 million refugees. The vast majority of them are from Syria, joining an already substantial refugee community made up of Palestinians, Iraqis and a smaller number of African refugees. There are currently 660,000 registered Syrian refugees in Jordan, though the actual number is potentially twice as high. Did you know that the overwhelming majority of refugees who have fled and survived war, persecution or disasters don’t live in camps, but in and around cities? In fact, more than 80% of Syrian refugees in Jordan live in urban areas, with 136,498 of them living in Irbid, a city in northern Jordan close to the Syrian border where they live autonomously but face challenges securing an income, affordable housing — and healthcare. Put differently, they are just trying to make ends meet, not unlike the communities that host them. Though the situation in Jordan isn’t rare, the brutal reality for most refugees is that about 70% live below the poverty line. Against this backdrop, International Medical Corps is working hard to ensure that refugees and other displaced communities can access healthcare. Though we operate in Jordan’s main refugee camps, we also support urban refugees and believe it’s crucial to raise awareness about these lesser-known but equally common refugee lives. Since September 2018, International Medical Corps has been running a maternity ward in Irbid. In this city close to the Syrian border, we serve one of the biggest urban refugee populations in the country. This article steps inside the ward and introduces the midwives, nurses and doctors who care for refugee mothers as they give birth — and are given a haven in the middle of a raging global pandemic. The Maternal Ward: Safe Motherhood to Refugee Mothers Refugees living in urban areas face similar, often greater, hardship than those living in camps. Our clinic in Irbid is trying to change that. International Medical Corps’ team at the maternity ward in Irbid Hospital. Most of Jordan’s refugee population rely on aid organizations like International Medical Corps to access basic healthcare services for free, without demanding citizenship, residence permit, insurance or the capacity to pay. Pregnancy and childbirth services are no exception. Midwife Yasmin Bishtou at work in the maternity ward. According to one study by the WHO, refugees and migrants suffer increased pregnancy-related risks and outcomes. Maternity Supervisor Abeer at work. With the right training, midwives could avert more than 80% of all pregnancy-related deaths, including stillbirths and maternal and neonatal deaths. One of International Medical Corps’ doctors at Irbid Hospital examines a newborn baby. More than 8,000 successful deliveries have so far taken place at the hospital. Isra’a, a new mother, is learning how to breastfeed her baby. It’s crucial to raise awareness about sexual and reproductive health among pregnant and lactating women. A nurse brings Faiza to surgery for a cesarean section at Irbid Hospital. The majority of Syrian refugees in Irbid have fled the city of Dara’a, a former Syrian opposition stronghold where the conflict first erupted. Still fearing the Assad regime, most of them don’t want to return to Syria and instead now call Irbid their home. Midwife Wisal working at the maternity ward. Most maternal and newborn complications occur during and immediately after labor and delivery. Skilled birth attendants can change that, which is why International Medical Corps is focusing on increasing the number of births assisted by trained midwives in some of the world’s toughest humanitarian emergencies. Saving the Lives of Premature Babies at the NICU At Irbid Hospital, we also care for critically ill and premature newborn babies at our newborn intensive care unit (NICU). Mihesin and his wife, together with baby Sadeen, pose for a portrait at the NICU. An estimated 1 million children have been born as refugees in neighboring countries since the war in Syria began. Sadeen gets a check-up at the NICU. The Syrian conflict has been raging for more than a decade, with millions of children knowing nothing but war and displacement. Nurse Maha bathes a baby at the NICU. Nearly one in three children living outside their countries of birth are refugees; for adults, the proportion is less than 5%. Child displacement is at a record high. Nurse Zubaida takes a blood sample. The world suffers from an alarming shortage of health workers. According to the WHO, we will face a global shortfall of 18 million health workers by 2030, primarily in low- and lower-middle-income countries. International Medical Corps is working hard to fill that gap. A Foundation for a Healthier Future Women, girls and children face some of the biggest challenges in humanitarian emergencies. Access to sexual reproductive health services is no exception. Though maternal and newborn deaths are rare in high-income countries, women facing war, disaster and displacement, as well as extreme poverty, face a different reality altogether. Although important progress has been made in the last decades, several hundred thousand women still die during and following pregnancy and childbirth. This tragedy is as unacceptable as it is entirely preventable. Most maternal and newborn deaths are entirely preventable if women — no matter where they are born or live — have equal access to maternity care and safe motherhood. But simply surviving pregnancy and childbirth shouldn’t be our goal. Reproductive services don’t just save lives; they increase well-being among mothers and their babies together, laying the foundation for a healthier future for their families and the community at large. In this sense, safe motherhood is a prerequisite, a building block, for a world where we can all prosper. International Medical Corps can support women and their newborn babies in Irbid thanks to generous funding from EU Humanitarian Aid. Want to learn more about our work across the world? Sign up below to receive occasional emails from us and, together, we can empower people across the world, giving them the support that we all deserve. Learn more about International Medical Corps Follow International Medical Corps on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram Before you go: Please hold down the clap button if you liked what you read! It will help this post gain exposure. Thank you!
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Computer glasses protects our eyes from Blue Light – What is computer vision syndrome? Do you get computer eye strain? In this article we shall explore the causes of CVS and eyesight problem like computer eye strain, the main precursor to the spike in interest in gaming glasses aka computer glasses. Intro – Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) The cause, problem, solution, product related to Computer Vision Syndrome CVS. CVS is actually a mixture of discomfort arise from prolong usage of computer. According to American Optometric Association , CVS is include eye strain, dry eyes, headache, blurred vision, neck and shoulder pain. What causes computer eye strain? Many people are suffering the side effects of extended long hour computer usage. In fact, the problems bother computer users long time ago. The screen light can cause strain to the eyes, especially for those who use computer more than 6 hours a day. Fortunately the advancement in technology lead to innovation of computer lens (computer glasses). Let’s explore some important eyecare facts and tips below. Computers at work – Blue light rays harmful to eyes We live in an age when we cannot do away with looking at the computer screen, or our smartphone. Working in an office means using a computer. Ophthalmologists suggest the best way to avoid computer vision syndrome is to provide our eyes a time for relax frequently. Constant staring can lead to eye strain and can blur our own vision temporarily. Looking directly into the distance once in awhile can help as well. Doctors suggest that shutting eyes for a couple minutes right after every 20-30 minutes, may help to lubricate plus moisten our eyes. Long hour of desk job work When we are constantly focusing on near object such as computer work and paper work, we tend to over use our eyes to “accommodate” to near work. In long run, our eyes get tired and this is when the headache and eye strain will kick in. What people normally do is to rub the eyes, but we suggest massaging the eyes will work better. Besides, try to use the 20/20/20 guide where for every 20 minutes of near work look 20 ft away for 20 seconds. The reason behind the extra work load our eyes need to do in handling long hour of near job lies in the concept of accommodation. The general idea is that the nearer object we need to focus, the more work our eye muscle need to do to provide sufficient power through our crystalline lens. Read more in the link. Glasses do not deteriorate vision Just because your glasses have to be changed each few years does not always mean that they are weakening your own eyesight. Glasses only help you see better, and in some cases more comfortable especially when it provides adequate power to see things. The vision changes happen only because we do not practice healthy working habit and do not take care of the eyes. Make-up particles is harmful eyes A person need to be careful when they are doing makeup, especially thickening the lashes or using kajal in the waterline of the eyes. Experts state that the make-up particles that gets trapped below the outer layer of the eye can trigger eye issues. There are usually remedies say doctors plus you could also use antibiotic drops. Smoking damages vision Quit smoking, because it simply increases your own risk of macular deterioration. And that is one of the leading causes of loss of sight. The harmful after effects of smoking include damage to the small blood ships of the retina plus optic nerve. This type of damage to internal parts of the eye can cause loss of eyesight. Putting on contact lenses overnight is a big no-no Even when your contact lens pack declares that it is great enough to even be worn overnight, you should never do it, say eye doctors. Taking care of your contact lens in the right way is vital, as it might lead to loss of eyesight. One must soak lens in disinfectant solution overnight, wash it by scrubbing all of them only with thoroughly cleaned hands, and then store them in a clean environment. Rubbing the eyes is a bad habit We tend to rub the eye whenever it gets itchy. It feels as if the more we rub it, the better we feel, end up with reddish eye. However, this is a very bad action as it does not only put stress to the eye but also injure the cornea surface which may lead to astigmatism. When the cornea surface is no longer as smooth, astigmatism kicks in, this process is irreversible. Verdict – Computer Glasses Product With a large demand for computer glasses, comes large volume production of computer glasses products which makes it cheaper to produce, just a simple economics of scale. If you suffer from computer eye strain, do consider a pair of computer glasses as it has been specially designed to counter just that problem.
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Teacher's Aide Degree and Programs Behind great teachers, you'll often find a great support network. Teacher's aides--also known as teacher assistants, paraprofessionals and paraeducators--work with teachers to complete clerical tasks and to help give students individual attention. Aides might be found supervising the lunch room or leading small groups. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects that job opportunities for teacher's aides will grow 10 percent between 2008 and 2018. Aides were paid an average annual wage of $24,880 in 2010, but about 40 percent worked part-time, making this a strong career choice for anyone who needs to pick up a few extra hours. Teacher's aide courses for a respected occupation Job opportunities are expected to be best for candidates with a two-year associate degree in paraprofessional education, though a high school diploma and on-the-job training may suffice for areas with low competition. With additional education, aides could go on to become fully licensed teachers. Teacher's aide courses may include topics such as child growth and development, introduction to literacy, teaching in the multicultural classroom and even first aid and CPR. More specialized courses may depend on the grade level or area of specialization. The BLS reports that many teacher's aides work in special education or multilingual classrooms, so particular training in those areas may be helpful.
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- Hemolytic anemia due to the ingestion of fava beans or after inhalation of pollen from the Vicia fava plant by persons with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficient erythrocytes. Definition from: MeSH via Unified Medical Language System at the National Library of Medicine - A condition especially of males of Mediterranean descent that is marked by the development of hemolytic anemia upon consumption of broad beans or inhalation of broad bean pollen and is caused by a usually inherited deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate Definition from: Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary by Merriam-Webster Inc. See also Understanding Medical Terminology.
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Reflexologists do not heal their clients; the body responds to touch, this allows the body to heal itself. Reflexology can facilitate healing throughout the body on all levels. Reflexology works along holistic principles aiming to treat your mind, body and spirit rather than a diagnosis or set of symptoms. Pinches Reflexology aims to rebalance the whole of your being and so may be more effective than working directly on one part. There are many health benefits of foot massage & reflexology. The feet bear the weight of the whole body, they allow locomotion and they do a lot of work. Reflexology is an ancient healing practice which was first practiced in China. It is based on the principle that there are reflex points on the feet that correspond to the body’s different organs and glands. Massage improves metabolism, stimulates the secretion of sweat, mobilizes fat, improves blood flow and accelerates the flow of blood through the tissue. Reflexology is actually healing, for example, the brain, which is represented on both feet, is connected to a reflex point on your toes. Reflexology works to release tension and therefore relieving energy blockages. Reflexology is beneficial because it stretches and relieves heel pain caused by plantar fasciitis. During this special massage treatment, ligaments and muscles of the foot are relaxed and loosened, in addition to the calf muscles. The reflexologist applies Shi-Atsu pressure (shi = finger, atsu= pressure) to the reflex points (effectively nerve endings) this increases circulation, removes blockages and tension. With the external stimulus applied to the feet and toes, the impulse creates a response in the connected organ, this in turn, creates an increase in protoplasm and normalises its function. Briefly, it activates deep cellular activity, so it allows the body to fully develop its own self- healing powers and helps to maintain optimum health. Reflexology helps the body to achieve balance (known as homeostasis) in all its systems, organs and cells. A reflexologist may feel the energy move from a point of pressure on feet, hands or ears throughout the body. This chart illustrates which parts of the feet relate to specific organs: The reflexologist takes into account all aspects of the client’s being: body, emotion, mind, and spirit. A relaxed body can induce calm emotions, a serene mind, and an integrated spirit. There have been studies that have revealed that reflexology, specifically foot, could reduce pain and mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety. This bodywork relieves symptoms of depression as it stimulates particular pressure points/nerve endings in the hands and feet. You can treat upper back pain by applying reflexology to the reflex points for your shoulders and upper back, which are represented on the soles and tops of your feet just beneath the base of your toes. Reflexology benefits include: - Boosted energy levels - Deeper relaxation - Improved circulation - More efficient toxin elimination - Better sleep patterns - Reduction in headaches and migraines Why should I go for reflexology? Many people enjoy reflexology for its relaxation properties. There is also plenty of anecdotal evidence to suggest that it contributes to the relief of pain conditions such as migraine, sinus and menstrual problems, and irritable bowel syndrome. It is also used to help alleviate some side effects of chemotherapy. Who shouldn’t go? Reflexology is not recommended for sufferers of deep vein thrombosis or for anyone suffering from any form of haemorrhage or undiagnosed pain. Generally speaking, reflexology is also unsuitable for those with diabetes or epilepsy or anyone on a lot of medication.
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How many times have you heard it said, or seen it written, that mark-making is a sign of abstraction in painting? Critics and art historians – very seldom painters themselves – seem still spell-bound by the long phase in realist painting which started during the Renaissance, and was only taken apart by Impressionism over 400 years later. During that, most paintings had a flat surface in which no marks indicating how the paint surface was constructed were permitted. Of course the true geniuses over that period, the likes of Rembrandt, broke that convention at times. Many were allowed more licence when deemed to be sketching, as did Rubens, for example. Despite the myth, the Impressionists did not invent visible mark-making, any more than they invented plein air painting, or anything else which they raised in importance and developed. Post-Impressionists such as Vincent van Gogh and Cézanne would have been horrified if they had been accused of becoming abstract, simply because they used marks to such great effect in their paintings. No matter how many times anyone may claim otherwise, Cézanne’s ‘constructive stroke’ of visible parallel brushstrokes assembled into a colour patch was not and is not in the least bit abstract. Both painters spent their entire working lives devoted to painting in front of the motif, striving to paint their sensations of nature. Perhaps the most overwhelming evidence comes from John Singer Sargent, whose bitter wrangles with critic (and sometime painter) Roger Fry over the advent of modernism in the twentieth century led to Sargent’s work being neglected for so long. Yet Sargent was a great exponent of mark-making, to the point where he even thickened his watercolour paints so that he could leave brushmarks in them. The great painter, the painterly painter, may construct some passages, perhaps entire paintings, from marks which do not bear any direct resemblance to the object which they are depicting. It is well known, and illustrated in Rembrandt’s late works too – a style for which he was criticised at the time. So if someone is looking for a justification for abstraction in the work of realist or representative painters, can they please stop repeating this fallacy? Mark-making is not abstraction unless a painter intends it to be – and then they will make that intention very clear. Some mark-making realism on this blog Favourite paintings – 4: Rembrandt, Bathsheba with King David’s Letter, 1654 Favourite paintings – 6: Joseph Mallord William Turner, The Blue Rigi, Sunrise, 1842, and Norham Castle, Sunrise, c 1845 Favourite paintings – 8: Berthe Morisot, La Lecture (Reading), 1888 Favourite paintings – 11: John Singer Sargent, Dolce Far Niente, 1907 Favourite paintings – 14: Artemisia Gentileschi, Allegory of Painting, c 1638-9 Favourite paintings – 16: Alfred Sisley, Fog, Voisins, 1874
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-51", "url": "https://eclecticlight.co/2015/04/03/mark-making-is-not-abstraction/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-51/segments/1544376823674.34/warc/CC-MAIN-20181211172919-20181211194419-00463.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9675371050834656, "token_count": 649, "score": 3.078125, "int_score": 3 }
- Abramac, Gabi | - Bar-Asher, Moshe | - Fassberg, Steven | - Hoberman, Robert D. | - Jastrow, Otto | - Mutzafi, Hezy | - Sabar, Yona | - Sheynin, Hayim | - Tal, Abraham - Rees, Margo | - Zuckermann, Ghil'ad - Bereshit | - Bereshit | - Bereshit | - Bereshit | - Bereshit | - Bereshit || - Avadim hayinu | - Four Sons | - Four Sons - Megillat Esther translation – Kurdistan [scroll down] | Description by Yona Sabar The Aramaic language has been around for over three thousand years, beginning in the 11th century B.C.E as the official language of the first Aramean states in Syria. A few centuries later it became the official language, or lingua franca, of the Assyrian and Persian empires, covering vast areas, and gradually splitting into two major (groups of) dialects, Eastern and Western. Biblical Aramaic, Jewish Palestinian Aramaic, Jewish Babylonian Aramaic, and Rabbinic Aramaic The first attested Jewish Aramaic texts are from the Jewish military outpost in Elephantine, ca. 530 B.C.E. Other Jewish Aramaic texts are the Books of Ezra (ca. 4th cent. B.C.E.) and Daniel (165 B.C.E.). Starting around 250 C.E., Bible translations such as the Targums of Onkelos and Jonathan began to appear. The division into Eastern and Western Aramaic is most evident in the Palestinian (Yerushalmi) Talmud (Western, completed ca. 5th century C.E.; and Midrashim, ca. 5th-7th centuries C.E.) and the Babylonian Talmud (Eastern, finished ca. 8th century C.E.). With the Islamic conquests, Aramaic was quickly superseded by Arabic. Except for some occasional bursts such as the Book of Zohar and other kabbalistic literature (ca. the 12th cent), it almost ceased as a literary language, but remained as ritual and study language (see below). It continued its life as a spoken language until our days by the Jews and Christians of Kurdistan ("Eastern") and three villages (mostly Christians and some Muslims) in Syria ("Western"). Syriac-Aramaic is still used as a ritual language among many Near Eastern Christians. The oldest literature in Jewish (and Christian!) Neo-Aramaic is from ca. 1600 C.E. It includes mostly adaptations or translations of Jewish literature, such as Midrashim (homiletic literature), commentaries on the Bible, hymns (piyyutim), etc. Jewish Neo-Aramaic may be divided into 3-4 major groups of dialects, some mutually intelligible, and others not or hardly so. Also, in a few towns both Jews and Christians spoke Neo-Aramaic, but using distinct dialects. The Neo-Aramaic-speaking Jews emigrated to Israel in the early 1950s, and their language was superseded by Hebrew. Aramaic is a close sister of Hebrew and is identified as a "Jewish" language, since it is the language of major Jewish texts (the Talmuds, Zohar, and many ritual recitations, such as the kaddish). Aramaic has been until our present time a language of Talmudic debate in many traditional yeshivot (traditional Jewish schools), as many rabbinic texts are written in a mixture of Hebrew and Aramaic. Jewish Neo-Aramaic is both an "extension" of Jewish Babylonian Aramaic (as can be seen from its hundreds of reflexes in Jewish Neo-Aramaic), and a Neo-Jewish language. The Jewish Neo-Aramaic texts are written in a Hebrew alphabet, like most Jewish languages, but the spelling is phonetic, rather than etymological (e.g. כמשא 'five', rather than חמשא, and שואא 'seven', instead of שבעא). As in other Jewish languages, many Judaic and even some secular terms are borrowed from Hebrew, rather than being inherited from traditional Jewish Aramaic, e.g., Hebrew עולם 'world', rather than Aramaic עלמא. The Hebrew loanwords were one of the major features that distinguished Jewish Neo-Aramaic dialects from their Christian counterparts, in addition to minor or quite major grammatical differences. Yet what may be a typical grammatical or lexical feature of a Jewish dialect in one place may be known elsewhere as a Christian feature. Selected Bibliography (* = Basic References) - * Cohen, D. 1971. Neo-Aramaic. Encyclopaedia Judaica 12: 948-951. - Epstein, J. N. 1960. A Grammar of Babylonian Aramaic. Jerusalem / Tel Aviv. - Garbell, I. 1965. The Jewish Neo-Aramaic Dialect of Persian Azerbaijan. The Hague. - Greenfield, J. C. 1995. Aramaic and the Jews. Studia Aramaica (JSS Supplement 4). Oxford. 1-18. - * Goldenberg, G. 2000. Early Neo-Aramaic and Present-Day Dialectal Diversity. JSS 45: 69-89. - * Hoberman, R. D. 1997. Modern Aramaic Phonology. In A. S. Kaye (ed.), Phonologies of Asia and Africa. 313-335. - Hopkins, S. 1991. Review of Studies in Neo-Aramaic by W. Heinrichs (ed.). JAOS 111: 789-790. - Hopkins, S. 1993. יהודי כורדיסתאן בארץ ישראל ולשונם [The Jews of Kurdistan in Eretz Yisrael and Their Language]. Pe'amim 56: 50-74. - * Hopkins, S. 1999. The Neo-Aramaic Dialects of Iran. In S. Shaked & A. Netzer (eds.), Irano-Judaica 4: 311-27. - Israeli, Y. 1998. The Jewish Neo-Aramaic Language of Saqqiz (Southern Kurdistan). PhD Dissertation, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. - Mutzafi, H. 2000. The Jewish Neo-Aramaic Dialect of Koy Sanjaq (Iraqi Kurdistan): Phonology, Morphology, Text, and Glossary. PhD Dissertation, Tel Aviv University. - Sabar, Y. 1975. The Impact of Israeli Hebrew on the Neo-Aramaic Dialect of the Kurdish Jews of Zakho: A Case of Language Shift. Hebrew Union College Annual 46: 489-508. - Sabar, Y. 1984. Homilies in the Neo-Aramaic of the Jews of Kurdistan for the Biblical Portions of Wayúi (Genesis), Beshallaú and Yitro (Exodus) (edited and translated into Hebrew with comparative Midrashic notes and glossary). Jerusalem: Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities. - * Sabar, Y. 2002. A Jewish Neo-Aramaic Dictionary: Dialects of Amidya, Dihok, Nerwa and Zakho, Northwestern Iraq. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. - Sokoloff, M. 1990. A Dictionary of Jewish Palestinian Aramaic of the Byzantine Period. Ramat Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press. - Sokoloff, M. 2002. A Dictionary of Jewish Babylonian Aramaic of the Talmudic and Geonic Periods. Ramat Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press.
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Investigating Insect Interactions on the Tropical Tree, Pentaclethra macroloba Mentor:Elizabeth Braker , Associate Professor of Biology , Occidental College Pentaclethra macroloba is a dominant canopy tree found in humid tropical forests from Honduras to Brazil, comprising 30-40% of all basal area at La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica. To understand the full role that Pentaclethra macroloba plays in its surrounding environment I took a closer look into the interactions of the insects most abundant on P. macroloba; which include caterpillars, ants, and treehoppers. For 2 months in La Selva Biological Station, I observed and collected insects from P. macroloba saplings. I conducted a census for ants on 38 saplings four times a day: early morning, late morning, dusk, and one in the evening; so that we could measure most prevalent ant species as well as the time they are most active. The results clearly indicate that Crematogaster was the most abundant ant species and were most active at dusk (4:00pm). In the treehopper experiment I visited 5 stems that once had both treehoppers and ants and recorded the number of ants, number of treehoppers and their behavior. The ants were often next to or on top of the treehoppers. The numbers of the treehoppers dwindled as the time passed, indicating that the treehoppers spent a period of time without moving from a particular stem and then dispersed. Finally to study the herbivores of this canopy tree I collected a total of 31 caterpillars, 29 different species, found eating P. macroloba and reared them to adulthood. The information about the caterpillars collected, as well as six pinned Lepidoptera adults, and one parasitoid will be added to a database of known herbivores of P. macroloba. The compiled information will give insight into the variety of insects supported by this dominant canopy tree.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-39", "url": "http://sccur.csuci.edu/abstract/viewabstract/investigating-insect-interactions-on-the-tropical-tree-pentaclethra-macroloba.htm", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-39/segments/1505818689490.64/warc/CC-MAIN-20170923052100-20170923072100-00527.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9374369978904724, "token_count": 413, "score": 3.3125, "int_score": 3 }
By Mayukh Saha A blue macaw travels thousands of miles from Minnesota to Brazil to save its critically endangered species – that’s the plot of ‘Rio’, a 2011 movie by 20th Century Fox. The threat to this species and the awareness to protect it began in the 1980s. Tony Juniper also tried to make the people aware of this problem with his book, “Spix’s Macaw: The Race to Save the World’s Rarest Bird”. Their noble attempts have gone to waste. In 2018, the Spix’s macaw has been officially declared extinct in the wild. The Rio movie now seems like a eulogy. You can’t watch the movie without feeling the tug in your heart that Jewel does not exist anymore. Actually, a study found out that Jewel would have been dead 11 years prior to the release of the movie – back in 2000. No longer found in the wild This study, conducted by BirdLife International was shocking, but hardly surprising. We have continued with our constant interference with the wildlife. We are much more aware now than a century before on how our ways can affect wildlife and destroy habitats and species. But, we have chosen not to mend our ways. And now, it has claimed another new victim – the wonderful Spix’s macaw of Brazil – the species that had featured in our favorite movie, Rio. Along with this magnificent blue bird, seven other species have been declared extinct. This is truly tragic – and we have no one else to blame but us. Our crimes, their loss BirdLife International accused constant deforestation as the chief cause of this extinction. The rise in deforestation has resulted in the loss of familiar habitat for these birds, making it an inhospitable place to live in. On top of that, these birds were not really that adaptive. While living near more dominant predators and other species, Darwin’s law took effect and they slowly withered away – the fittest stayed back. We lost another glorious species from our wild. Over 5000 people have downloaded our free ebook “Growth Hacking Tips And Rituals For Optimal Living” CLICK HERE to get your free copy now You can still find them in captivity. There are also reports of existing breeding programs for them but there has been no official statement published in this regard. From free as air, to being captive like a prisoner– that’s the status of the few macaws left behind – a heartbreaking 60 – 80 of them. The wiped-out species At least their fate is still better than most. Three other species, two from Brazil only have been completely wiped out – the Alagoas foliage gleaner and the cryptic tree-hunter. In Hawaii, Poo-Uli has gone extinct as well. They were already rare and people failed to capture any of them for breeding or captivity and now, they will just exist in photographs. South America, a treasure-trove of beautiful birds, is becoming a graveyard fast. Stuart Butchart found out that there is actually a growing incidence of extinctions that are happening in continents. Previous centuries saw rampant bird extinctions, mostly in islands, going up to about ninety percent. Now, it has come closer home. If we had thought that we have curbed down extinction, then we were dead wrong. We don’t deserve this beautiful planet if we continue to go out of our way to destroy every bit of it. Some personal responsibility would be enough, but we are so proud that we don’t want to take that either. Our greed is slowly consuming the world, and we are the perpetrators of this crime. Enough – let’s take a step back and start reassessing. We can no longer act like the world is ours. We need to find a way to live and let live. The wildlife is at threat because of our careless ways. Let’s make a point to restore it in all possible manners. IMAGE CREDIT: The Hollywood Reporter
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-40", "url": "https://truththeory.com/rio-movies-blue-macaw-parrot-now-officially-extinct/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-40/segments/1664030336978.73/warc/CC-MAIN-20221001230322-20221002020322-00129.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9644848704338074, "token_count": 835, "score": 3.125, "int_score": 3 }
A foetus undergoes an amazing transformation as it develops in the womb. At weeks 10 the embryo is about 1 inch in length. The nervous system is responsive and many of the internal organs begin to function. At fertilisation, a new and unique human being comes into existence with its own distinct genetic code. Twenty-three chromosomes from the mother and twenty-three chromosomes from the father combine to result in a brand-new and totally unique genetic combination. Whereas the heart, lungs, and hair of a woman all share the same genetic code, her unborn child, from fertilisation, has a separate genetic code that is all its own. There is enough information in this tiny zygote to control human growth and development for the rest of its life. EIGHT DAYS (from fertilisation) At about eight days after conception, the fertilised ovum (called a blastocyst) implants in the lining of the uterus. It emits chemical substances that weaken the woman's immune system within the uterus so that this tiny "foreign" body is not rejected by the woman's body. THREE WEEKS (from fertilisation) By the third week (approximately 21 days after fertilisation), the heart begins to beat, pumping blood throughout the body, and the brain begins dividing into three primary sections (forebrain, midbrain, and FOUR WEEKS (from fertilisation) Arms and legs begin taking shape at four weeks, and the embryo is now surrounded and protected by the amniotic sac. FIVE WEEKS (from fertilisation) Permanent kidneys appear during the fifth week, and the external portions of the ear begin to differentiate. Hands and wrists are also beginning to take shape. SIX WEEKS (from fertilisation) By the sixth week, an EEG (electroencephalogram) can detect brain waves. This is the legal standard for determining if someone is alive after birth. The heartbeat can be heard with an ultrasonic stethoscope, the embryo responds reflexively to stimulus and may be able to feel pain. Bone ossification begins at this point as well. SEVEN WEEKS (from fertilisation) Startle responses can be observed after 7 weeks, and female ovaries are now identifiable. Fingers and toes are now distinctly separated, and knee joints are present. EIGHT WEEKS (from fertilisation) By the eighth week of pregnancy, every organ is present and in place. Ninety percent of the structures found in an adult human being can now be found in this tiny embryo which is only about an inch and a half long. The brain, at this point, makes up almost half of the embryo's total body weight, and 75% of 8-week embryos demonstrate right-hand dominance. Intermittent breathing motions (though there is no air present in the uterus) occur, the kidneys begin producing urine, and male testes are releasing testosterone. As the skin thickens, it loses much of its transparency. NINE WEEKS (from fertilisation) The eyelids close at this point, and foetuses are now capable of sucking their thumb, swallowing amniotic fluid, grasping objects and responding to touch. The uterus can be recognised in female foetuses and external genitalia become more recognisable. TEN WEEKS (from fertilisation) Fingernails, toenails and unique fingerprints all appear. TWENTY-ONE WEEKS (from fertilisation) Viability generally begins at 21-weeks (barely 1/2 of full gestation) when a baby has a 15% chance of survival outside the The foetus initiates labour by stimulating the adrenal cortex to secrete a hormone that induces the mother's uterus to begin contracting. It is the foetus who determines when it's time for birth.
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Part of the series Cloze. Cloze is a well known teaching strategy for developing language skills in primary schools. The author has used his extensive experience as a classroom teacher and principal to write this series of blackline masters which provides cloze exercises that are varied and interesting. - two main types of cloze are covered: (i) answer lists are given; and (ii) children provide their own words. - reading strategies include context clues, syntactic and semantic skills, and word recognition - high-interest topics to motivate students - imaginative blackline master passages will help to expand vocabulary and promote written expression - teachers notes and answers |Product Type||Teacher Resources,| |Year Level||Year 5, Year 6,| Be The First To Review This Product! Help other Teacher Superstore users shop smarter by writing reviews for products you have purchased.
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