Would you like to sit in a smoking section , a non-smoking section or whatever comes open first ?
We prefer non-smoking section .
We prefer non-smoking section .
I am awfully sorry but there are no vacancies left now . Would you like to wait for a moment ?
I am awfully sorry but there are no vacancies left now . Would you like to wait for a moment ?
How long a wait do you think there ’ ll be ?
How long a wait do you think there ’ ll be ?
I think about ten minutes .
I think about ten minutes .
Ok , we'll wait a while .
Ok , we'll wait a while .
I am sorry for making you wait so long . Now there is a table available in non-smoking section . Please follow me .
I am sorry for making you wait so long . Now there is a table available in non-smoking section . Please follow me .
Thank you .
Thank you .
This is the menu . Are you ready to order now ?
This is the menu . Are you ready to order now ?
Well , I think I'd like to have a tomato sausage soup first . And the same for him , please .
Well , I think I'd like to have a tomato sausage soup first . And the same for him , please .
Yes , and what would you like to drink ?
Yes , and what would you like to drink ?
One goblet of red wine and one bottle of beer please .
One goblet of red wine and one bottle of beer please .
Would you like a dessert ?
Would you like a dessert ?
What special kind of desserts do you have ?
What special kind of desserts do you have ?
Lemon pie , hot cake in syrup , chocolate sundae and custard pudding .
Lemon pie , hot cake in syrup , chocolate sundae and custard pudding .
Well , I think we will order after we finish the main course .
Well , I think we will order after we finish the main course .
All right . I'll bring your soup right away .
Waiter ! May I see you for while ?
Yes . I'll be with you in a second . Yes , sir ? What is the problem ?
Yes . I'll be with you in a second . Yes , sir ? What is the problem ?
This is not what I asked for , I'm afraid .
This is not what I asked for , I'm afraid .
What did you order ?
What did you order ?
Roast beef .
Roast beef .
There must be a mistake . Those are fried oysters . Would you like to keep it or change ?
There must be a mistake . Those are fried oysters . Would you like to keep it or change ?
Roast beef , of course . That's what I ordered .
Roast beef , of course . That's what I ordered .
Just a moment and I'll get your order right away . Sorry to cause the inconvenience .
Hello , Jenny . What's the matter ?
John , I'm hard up at the moment . Could you lend me five hundred yuan ? I'll return it to you early next month .
John , I'm hard up at the moment . Could you lend me five hundred yuan ? I'll return it to you early next month .
No problem , Jenny . Are you sure five hundred is enough ?
No problem , Jenny . Are you sure five hundred is enough ?
Yes . Thank you so much .
Show me your passport and declaration please .
Here you are .
Here you are .
Do you have anything to declare ?
Do you have anything to declare ?
Yes , that's a video camera .
Yes , that's a video camera .
Let me have a look at the receipt .
There's a double feature at the cinema this Saturday . Do you want to go with me ?
What are the movies that are playing ?
What are the movies that are playing ?
There's an action movie with Harrison Ford and a chick flick with Susan Abandon .
There's an action movie with Harrison Ford and a chick flick with Susan Abandon .
I've never seen a movie I don't like that had Harrison Ford in it .
I've never seen a movie I don't like that had Harrison Ford in it .
So , is that a yes ?
So , is that a yes ?
Yes . What time does it start and do you want to meet me there ?
Yes . What time does it start and do you want to meet me there ?
It starts at one and yea , let's meet there . It's the cinema on the corner of Lincoln and Main .
It starts at one and yea , let's meet there . It's the cinema on the corner of Lincoln and Main .
Great ! I have a coupon for free popcorn at that theater !
I am afraid I have some bad news for you . It's about our order contract O5TSWAL .
What's the problem ?
What's the problem ?
The goods arrived half a month later than scheduled . What's more , five cases were found broken and unit inside seriously damaged .
The goods arrived half a month later than scheduled . What's more , five cases were found broken and unit inside seriously damaged .
Really ? That's something unexpected . You see , all our exports were strictly inspected before shipment . The goods were in perfect condition when they left .
Really ? That's something unexpected . You see , all our exports were strictly inspected before shipment . The goods were in perfect condition when they left .
But then there were some cracks in a number of cases . Almost all the bottom of the cases were loose .
But then there were some cracks in a number of cases . Almost all the bottom of the cases were loose .
That could have happened in the course of transit or unloading , due to rough handling .
That could have happened in the course of transit or unloading , due to rough handling .
But our surveyors found the damage was caused by poor packing .
But our surveyors found the damage was caused by poor packing .
But there is nothing wrong with our packing . Our cartons are standard export ones and we also enforced them with straps .
But there is nothing wrong with our packing . Our cartons are standard export ones and we also enforced them with straps .
But you filled the cartons too full and the straps are not strong enough . When they were rehandled , some of them were broken .
But you filled the cartons too full and the straps are not strong enough . When they were rehandled , some of them were broken .
I don't think the stevedores could have handled them with great care .
Please switch work shifts with me .
I would if I could .
I would if I could .
Why can't you ?
Why can't you ?
Because I have other obligations .
Do you drink much ?
Depending on what you consider a lot .
Depending on what you consider a lot .
How frequently do you drink ?
How frequently do you drink ?
Couple times a week . How about you ?
Couple times a week . How about you ?
Only when I go out . I'm not a big drinker .
Only when I go out . I'm not a big drinker .
How much can you drink ?
How much can you drink ?
I usually only have 2 beers .
I usually only have 2 beers .
You're a light weight .
You're a light weight .
How much can you drink ?
How much can you drink ?
I'm usually drinking all night long . At least 10 drinks .
I'm usually drinking all night long . At least 10 drinks .
Don't you spend a lot of money then ?
Don't you spend a lot of money then ?
No . We usually go to places that have specials . Dante's over on the Ave has $ 5.00 pitchers on Mondays . So for ten , fifteen bucks , I can get a lot of drinks .
No . We usually go to places that have specials . Dante's over on the Ave has $ 5.00 pitchers on Mondays . So for ten , fifteen bucks , I can get a lot of drinks .
That's true .
That's true .
If you don't like beer , have you tried mixed drinks ? Some of them are pretty good .
If you don't like beer , have you tried mixed drinks ? Some of them are pretty good .
I like beer , it's just that I get a headache when I drink more than 3 .
I like beer , it's just that I get a headache when I drink more than 3 .
You just have to build up a tolerance . I used to be like that . But your body gets used to it .
You just have to build up a tolerance . I used to be like that . But your body gets used to it .
It'll take awhile , but I'm working on it .
It'll take awhile , but I'm working on it .
Hey let's go out tomorrow night . The Ram Bar and Grill is having a special on pitchers .
Hey let's go out tomorrow night . The Ram Bar and Grill is having a special on pitchers .
Alright .
By the way , how many books am I allowed to check out ?
You can check out two books at a time .
You can check out two books at a time .
How long can I keep the books ?
Peter , which club do you want to join ?
I haven't decided yet . What about you , Andy ?
I haven't decided yet . What about you , Andy ?
I am a member of the basketball club . Do you want to join us ?
I am a member of the basketball club . Do you want to join us ?
But I don't know how to play basketball .
But I don't know how to play basketball .
It's OK . Don't worry about it . Our school coach will train us to play basketball .
Is anybody in ?
How can I help you ?
How can I help you ?
I have a headache .
I have a headache .
Let me take your temperature with a thermometer .
Let me take your temperature with a thermometer .
OK .
OK .
I think you have a small fever .
I think you have a small fever .
I thought so . I felt dizzy this morning .
I thought so . I felt dizzy this morning .
You should've called in sick ! Next time , have either of your parents call the school office .
I do feel like a trip to Florida on such a gloomy day in New York , to enjoy the sunshine while lying on the beaches of Florida .
That's a great idea . It's the best season for tourists in Florida . You can also get a good sun-tan there .
That's a great idea . It's the best season for tourists in Florida . You can also get a good sun-tan there .
But if the sunshine is too strong , it might damage the eyes and the skin .
But if the sunshine is too strong , it might damage the eyes and the skin .
You can put on your shades . And remember don't make your skin look like a tomato . Or else after that your skin will begin to flake off . You may even wind up with skin cancer .
You can put on your shades . And remember don't make your skin look like a tomato . Or else after that your skin will begin to flake off . You may even wind up with skin cancer .
I see . Overdoing it will do more harm than good .
I see . Overdoing it will do more harm than good .
You said it .
Tom did me many favors .
For example ?
What are your strengths and weaknesses ?
As I said , I am diligent and industrious . On the other hand , I am too hard-working and I put myself under much pressure to make things perfect .
As I said , I am diligent and industrious . On the other hand , I am too hard-working and I put myself under much pressure to make things perfect .
What is your problem in working ?
What is your problem in working ?
I am too introverted to let others become my friends .
The poor girl is up to the eyes in study all the day .
Yeah , she has a lot of homework .
Yeah , she has a lot of homework .
Today's children have not the chance to play , to make fun of them .
Today's children have not the chance to play , to make fun of them .
Right . So in some way we are happier .
Right . So in some way we are happier .
Yeah , at least when we are children , we have not so much homework to do .
Are you getting overtime ?
Yes , but it's not so appetizing .
Yes , but it's not so appetizing .
Have you thought about another job ?
Have you thought about another job ?
That's what's hanging on my mind recently .
Both of the two young ladies are the candidates for the position
The question is we only need one .
The question is we only need one .
Right.The choice is yours , the tall one or the short one ?
Right.The choice is yours , the tall one or the short one ?
I should take the taller one for the choice .
Are we here yet ?
Not quite yet .