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Ian let Randy taste his Nutella. He fell in love with it so _ stole it from him. | Ian | Randy | 1answerB
To avoid revealing her pregnancy, the teen chose to wear the tunic rather than the blouse, because she thought the _ would make her look skinny. | blouse | tunic | 1answerB
Jennifer wanted to have a baby with their partner but not Jessica. _ began started taking birth control medication. | Jennifer | Jessica | 1answerB
Jennifer wanted to have a baby with their partner but not Jessica. _ began stopped taking birth control medication. | Jennifer | Jessica | 0answerA
John was putting together pieces to a crib for the room but the _ was too narrow. | crib | room | 1answerB
John was putting together pieces to a crib for the room but the _ was too wide. | crib | room | 0answerA
Selma couldn't see well and could read the sign where as she couldn't read the billboard. The _ was near. | sign | billboard | 0answerA
John chose to make the attic into a study space rather than the family room because the _ is loud. | attic | family room | 1answerB
The ears of Hunter are always dirty, but Kenneth doesn't have this issue even though _ is not as clean. | Hunter | Kenneth | 1answerB
Jessica didn't ever use conditioner on their hair but Jennifer used it regularly. _ had shiny full hair. | Jessica | Jennifer | 1answerB
Steven was known to be quite obnoxious to their coworkers however Christopher was quite accommodating with their office mates. _ was never invited to drinks after work. | Steven | Christopher | 0answerA
I liked the shirt of Nick better than the shirt of Eric since _ 's shirt was newer. | Nick | Eric | 0answerA
William was so strong they could lift Steven over their head, because _ was thin. | William | Steven | 1answerB
Erin went to the doctor and had a more thorough visit than Emily although _ had a cyst to remove. | Erin | Emily | 1answerB
The dog of Hunter is more timid than the dog of Nelson because _ is meaner to his dog. | Hunter | Nelson | 0answerA
Rachel enjoys sleeping on the ground, while Tanya really can't stand it, because _ likes hard surfaces. | Rachel | Tanya | 0answerA
Rachel enjoys sleeping on the ground, while Tanya really can't stand it, because _ likes soft surfaces. | Rachel | Tanya | 1answerB
Creamy avocado pasta brought an award to Dennis rather than Craig's traditional pasta which made _ glad. | Dennis | Craig | 0answerA
Brett told Aaron not to put the laundry in the dryer because _ would do it them self. | Brett | Aaron | 0answerA
Erin thought clutter made a home look unattractive but Felicia did not. _ kept their home clutter free. | Erin | Felicia | 0answerA
Erin thought clutter made a home look unattractive but Felicia did not. _ kept their home cluttered up. | Erin | Felicia | 1answerB
Being physically fit was easier for Natalie than Amy because _ spent a lot of time doing weight training. | Natalie | Amy | 0answerA
Because of all of Elena's vocal training, and also since Angela smoked, _ had a much shallower breathing pattern. | Elena | Angela | 1answerB
Because of all of Elena's vocal training, and also since Angela smoked, _ had a much deeper breathing pattern. | Elena | Angela | 0answerA
Tanya avoided getting bitten by the snake that bit Monica, because _ was wearing sandals. | Tanya | Monica | 1answerB
Tanya avoided getting bitten by the snake that bit Monica, because _ was wearing cowboy boots. | Tanya | Monica | 0answerA
When I build a reptile cage, plastic is my choice rather than wood, the _ allows me to see. | plastic | wood | 0answerA
Matthew always has more money than Christopher, so _ told them to get a job. | Matthew | Christopher | 0answerA
Matthew never has more money than Christopher, so _ told them to get a job. | Matthew | Christopher | 1answerB
Kayla was smarter than Maria, so _ had to look up how to keep vinyl records. | Kayla | Maria | 1answerB
Kenneth didn't back up there data on a regular basis but Craig did, so _ was lost when their computer crashed. | Kenneth | Craig | 0answerA
James can count all the numbers on his fingers tips because the _ are many. | numbers | fingers | 1answerB
James can count all the numbers on his fingers tips because the _ are few. | numbers | fingers | 0answerA
In an effort to be spontaneous, Randy surprised Christopher with a trip to the Bahamas. _ was very excited to hear the response. | Randy | Christopher | 0answerA
Sarah wanted to go to a haunted house but Katrina wouldn’t go because _ thought haunted houses were really scary. | Sarah | Katrina | 1answerB
Joel had to borrow dish liquid from Kyle because _ had went to the store when they were out. | Joel | Kyle | 0answerA
Hanging out at the party they had beer and soda for drinks, I wanted to feel awake so I grabbed the _ from the cooler. | beer | soda | 1answerB
The check for the bill that Kyle wrote to Jason bounced, so _ had to give cash for the bill. | Kyle | Jason | 0answerA
Kenneth told everyone he knew about his new car while Randy was keeping his new car in secret. _ was so proud. | Kenneth | Randy | 0answerA
The vet draws blood from cat, but not the dog. This means the _ is more likely to be healthy. | cat | dog | 1answerB
The weight of the freighter had changed after the metals and the feathers were removed although the _ accounted for a lot of it. | metals | feathers | 0answerA
The weight of the freighter had changed after the metals and the feathers were removed although the _ accounted for a little of it. | metals | feathers | 1answerB
Although Betty was a angrier person overall than Amy, _ let her negative thoughts get away from her. | Betty | Amy | 1answerB
Although Betty was a happier person overall than Amy, _ let her negative thoughts get away from her. | Betty | Amy | 0answerA
The turtle saw a race and a piece of lettuce. He chose the _ because he was hungry. | race | piece of lettuce | 1answerB
The turtle saw a race and a piece of lettuce. He chose the _ because he was full. | race | piece of lettuce | 0answerA
Kenneth always remained pleasant and humble in life unlike Leslie, _ kept a positive outlook. | Kenneth | Leslie | 0answerA
The device worked worse than the phone because the _ was out of its range. | phone | device | 1answerB
The device worked better than the phone because the _ was out of its range. | phone | device | 0answerA
The scent of the perfume she got as a gift smelled like a rose and the powder an apple. The _ was fruity. | powder | perfume | 0answerA
Since her apartment didn't get a lot of light, Patricia told Victoria to get a variegated euphorbia plant. _ misspoke, so the plant didn't thrive. | Patricia | Victoria | 0answerA
Sarah liked to give her cats lots of treats, including strawberries. She was reluctant to give blueberries because the cats hated the _ . | blueberries | strawberries | 0answerA
Nelson was considering converting to Hinduism and asked William for advice because _ was confident this was the right thing to do. | Nelson | William | 1answerB
Natalie preferred a firm mattress while Lindsey preferred soft; when the store only had firm, _ was disappointed. | Natalie | Lindsey | 1answerB
he replaced fruits for vegetables in the evening meal for all , the _ were scarce. | fruits | vegetables | 0answerA
he replaced fruits for vegetables in the evening meal for all, the _ were available. | fruits | vegetables | 1answerB
When Lawrence poured the concrete lumpy, Benjamin laughed, so the foreman gave _ an angry look. | Lawrence | Benjamin | 1answerB
When Lawrence poured the concrete lumpy, Benjamin laughed, so the foreman gave _ a sympathetic look. | Lawrence | Benjamin | 0answerA
Although the sparrow wanted to fly to the maple tree, he couldn't go too far up and had to settle for the willow since the _ was higher. | maple | willow | 0answerA
Although the sparrow wanted to fly to the maple tree, he couldn't go too far up and had to settle for the willow since the _ was lower. | maple | willow | 1answerB
The tastes of Ian make him like dark chocolate more than Brett who likes milk chocolate, so _ is more likely to be an adult. | Ian | Brett | 0answerA
The tastes of Ian make him like dark chocolate more than Brett who likes milk chocolate, so _ is more likely to be a kid. | Ian | Brett | 1answerB
Elena got more presents at Christmas than Samantha, because _ always sent a thank-you card to the gifters. | Elena | Samantha | 0answerA
Joel threw a great costume party that Hunter won the best costume for, but _ took the prize before the end of the night. | Joel | Hunter | 1answerB
Bob wanted to cut the watermelon open with a knife, but the _ was just too lightweight. | watermelon | knife | 1answerB
After starting a blog, Jessica asked Emily to proof read it because _ was known to find a lot of mistakes. | Jessica | Emily | 1answerB
She prefers italian food over mexican food, because the _ is spicy enough for her taste. | italian food | mexican food | 0answerA
Hunter was the employee of William because _ continued his college education in business management. | Hunter | William | 1answerB
The woman found it easier to read the slides than the notes because the _ were written in small print. | slides | notes | 1answerB
We used red paint in the kitchen but not the den, because it clashed with the furniture in the _ . | kitchen | den | 1answerB
The press searched for news regarding celebrities or laws. They found the _ news more interesting. | celebrities | laws | 0answerA
The press searched for news regarding celebrities or laws. They found the _ news more dull. | celebrities | laws | 1answerB
When she saw a nice house for rent, Amy called the owner, Natalie to look at the place. _ really liked the apartment and asked for an application. | Amy | Natalie | 0answerA
The plug that I bought from the hardware store didn't fit the drain because the _ was too small. | plug | drain | 1answerB
The plug that I bought from the hardware store didn't fit the drain because the _ was too fat. | plug | drain | 0answerA
Lawrence was a fake person but Steven was genuine, as _ was insecure and cared too much about others' opinions. | Lawrence | Steven | 0answerA
Laura brought a new treadmill and running shirt for her workout, but the _ broken down. | treadmill | shirt | 0answerA
Grace was happy to get a new battery for her car. The _ was dead. | battery | car | 0answerA
Since Cynthia broke their ankle yesterday and Samantha's leg had fully healed, _ did not need to use crutches to move around. | Cynthia | Samantha | 1answerB
Sarah went to the hairdresser, she got a new hair cut for shorter length but no color. The _ was the same. | color | length | 0answerA
Sarah went to the hairdresser, she got a new hair cut for shorter length but no color. The _ was changed. | color | length | 1answerB
I have containers in the fridge filled with spaghetti and one with chicken alfredo. This one has white sauce so it should be the _ . | spaghetti | alfredo | 1answerB
Craig yelled at Aaron because he liked to feel powerful. _ did not like to feel submissive. | Craig | Aaron | 0answerA
Patricia shows a lot of enthusiasm for their job but Natalie is pretty apathetic at work. _ got a reprimand from their employer. | Patricia | Natalie | 1answerB
Cate was using measuring tape for their floor but the tape stopped because the _ was too long. | floor | tape | 0answerA
The paste applied on the brush could not cover it all. The _ is small. | paste | brush | 0answerA
The man said a polite hello to Aaron, then began flirting with Ian, because _ was married. | Aaron | Ian | 0answerA
Natalie asked Elena to place the book on the top shelf since _ was tall enough to reach. | Natalie | Elena | 1answerB
Logan was a vegan but Dennis was a pescatarian. _ ordered the big salad for lunch. | Logan | Dennis | 0answerA
The cookout invitation that bob bought would not fit with the envelope he purchased, because the _ was too small. | invitation | envelope | 1answerB
Robert's clothes were dirty while Michael's were clean because _ had a broken washing machine. | Robert | Michael | 0answerA
When Kevin stages homes, they look crappy, but Benjamin does a great job, even though _ is less competent. | Kevin | Benjamin | 1answerB
Jim needed better time management, so he was contemplating between a planner and an AI. However, the _ was too complicated. | AI | planner | 0answerA
Jim needed better time management, so he was contemplating between a planner and an AI. However, the _ was too simple. | AI | planner | 1answerB
Jennifer enjoys going to the jewelry store unlike Erin, because _ likes to dress very modestly. | Jennifer | Erin | 1answerB
There was more hair on the couch than on the kitchen chair because the woman never sat at the _ . | kitchen chair | couch | 0answerA
The seeds were a better deal than the plants, because the _ were full price. | seeds | plants | 1answerB
The volunteer organization helped the community by making sweaters instead of gloves because the _ were not warm enough. | sweaters | gloves | 1answerB
Matthew has been on and off of diets for years, but Steven has never needed one because _ is slim. | Matthew | Steven | 1answerB
Neil chose steel over iron to craft Joel 's gun because _ was allergic to steel. | Neil | Joel | 1answerB
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