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The bandage he bought to cover the burn could not fit because the _ was too small. | burn | bandage | 1answerB
Being angry and flipping tables was normal for Dennis but not Aaron because _ finds fights amusing. | Dennis | Aaron | 0answerA
Eric was teaching all of the proper stretches to Neil, because _ was using them to get paid. | Eric | Neil | 0answerA
Eric was teaching all of the proper stretches to Neil, because _ was using them to get in shape. | Eric | Neil | 1answerB
The drywall took us less time to do than the plumbing because our tools were specific to the _ business. | plumbing | drywall | 1answerB
The drywall took us longer to do than the plumbing because our tools were specific to the _ business. | plumbing | drywall | 0answerA
Elena was more likely to get defensive during conversation than Amy, because _ had a sensitive nature. | Elena | Amy | 0answerA
Elena was more likely to get defensive during conversation than Amy, because _ did not have a sensitive nature. | Elena | Amy | 1answerB
The drains in the tub got clogged easier than the ones in the sink because there was less hair in the _ . | tub | sink | 1answerB
Lawrence knew how to mix soap and water better than Jeffrey because _ had a lot of chores that involved walking the dog. | Lawrence | Jeffrey | 1answerB
Lawrence knew how to mix soap and water better than Jeffrey because _ had a lot of chores that involved cleaning. | Lawrence | Jeffrey | 0answerA
The wood lamp was surprisingly holding up better than the stone one because the _ one was mass constructed. | wood | stone | 1answerB
Lindsey paid more for their wedding than Angela did because _ got their wedding catered. | Lindsey | Angela | 0answerA
Lindsey paid less for their wedding than Angela did because _ got their wedding catered. | Lindsey | Angela | 1answerB
The baby powder made Aaron break out in spots, but not Justin because _ 's skin was insensitive to things. | Aaron | Justin | 1answerB
Angela was always on guard when meeting new people but not Maria because _ was weary with people. | Angela | Maria | 0answerA
Lindsey was annoyed because Laura was always apologizing, so _ apologized to her because she was so annoying. | Lindsey | Laura | 1answerB
Elena spent time crafting in a video game while Angela went shopping, and _ visited the store for hours. | Elena | Angela | 1answerB
The jacket fit much too loosely on Yuri's shoulder area because the _ was narrow. | jacket | shoulder area | 1answerB
The jacket fit much too loosely on Yuri's shoulder area because the _ was broad. | jacket | shoulder area | 0answerA
I chose to eat the kiwi rather than the banana even though it was harder to peel the _ . | kiwi | banana | 0answerA
Eric limped over to Samuel during a time out of a game to get water for _ cramps. | Eric | Samuel | 0answerA
The chair fell when Kyle tipped it backwards, so Nelson yelled at him for making loud noise. _ said he wouldn't tip the chair again. | Kyle | Nelson | 0answerA
The chair fell when Kyle tipped it backwards, so Nelson yelled at him for making loud noise. _ asked him not to tip the chair again. | Kyle | Nelson | 1answerB
Laura showed Megan the easiest way to wash her rubber bath mats since _ knew she was having a hard time getting them clean. | Laura | Megan | 0answerA
Kat liked to read anything, especially horror books or beauty magazines. She loved the _ for the ads. | books | magazines | 1answerB
Matthew told Brian they'd have to be patient and let the wound heal, or _ would have to take more painkillers. | Matthew | Brian | 1answerB
After the wood bridge collapsed in Rome killing right people it was replaced with a metal one, the _ was stable. | metal | wood | 0answerA
At Randy 's ranch, he gave a horse to Joseph because _ had no horses in the back. | Randy | Joseph | 1answerB
James managed to put the file into the crack because the _ is flat enough. | crack | file | 1answerB
James managed to put the file into the crack because the _ is wide enough. | crack | file | 0answerA
Ellen opted to eat the tortillas rather than the nachos because she is on a low-carb diet. The _ have less carbs. | tortillas | nachos | 0answerA
Ellen opted to eat the tortillas rather than the nachos because she is on a low-carb diet. The _ have more carbs. | tortillas | nachos | 1answerB
More bottles could not be kept in the chests because the _ are not that small. | chests | bottles | 1answerB
People wear sunglasses in the summer but not in the winter because the _ is very cold. | summer | winter | 1answerB
James vomited into the wash basin and cleaned his mouth with a towel. The _ became dirty. | basin | mouth | 0answerA
Logan looked in shock at Benjamin for not returning his feelings because _ was not gay. | Logan | Benjamin | 1answerB
The boy was more confident saying his speech in the classroom than in the gym because there were less people in the _ . | classroom | gym | 0answerA
Craig needed to leave in an hour to be on time, but Justin hadn't even woken up yet. _ hurried so they would make it. | Craig | Justin | 1answerB
Rachel was much more introverted when viewed against Victoria, who craved social contact, considering how unsettled _ was in solitude. | Rachel | Victoria | 1answerB
With her bad eyes, Erin could not recognize Katrina , so _ had to ask her who she was. | Erin | Katrina | 0answerA
Rachel drinks a lot of milk but Kayla does not and as a result _ has very strong bones. | Rachel | Kayla | 0answerA
Rachel drinks a lot of milk but Kayla does not and as a result _ has very weak bones. | Rachel | Kayla | 1answerB
James got tired faster when running on the street than when running in the walkway because the _ is shorter. | street | walkway | 1answerB
I think this needs more salt, not more oil. The _ will make it less bland. | salt | oil | 0answerA
Mark is collecting coins and has recently bought a valuable ancient coin and traded inexpensive for a contemporary coin. The _ coin is expensive. | ancient | contemporary | 0answerA
Don hung the picture in the bathroom instead of the den, because the walls in the _ were all covered. | bathroom | den | 1answerB
Don hung the picture in the bathroom instead of the den, because the walls in the _ were all empty. | bathroom | den | 0answerA
Nelson was making lemonade and couldn't reach the squeezer in the high cabinet so asked Jeffrey to get it for them. _ is shorter. | Nelson | Jeffrey | 0answerA
The seamstress wanted to sew the button on the collar of the coat but the _ was too big. | collar | button | 1answerB
The seamstress wanted to sew the button on the collar of the coat but the _ was too small. | collar | button | 0answerA
The kids of Joel are being watched by Matthew because _ is a good parent. | Joel | Matthew | 0answerA
Sam was hot on the beach and saw an ice cream truck. Sam saw popsicles and slushies, but she chose the _ because it can be sucked. | popsicles | slushies | 0answerA
Sam was hot on the beach and saw an ice cream truck. Sam saw popsicles and slushies, but she chose the _ because it can be sipped. | popsicles | slushies | 1answerB
The climber was holding onto the rock instead of the branch to keep from falling , because the _ was loose .. | rock | branch | 1answerB
The ship risked being overcome by the wave, as the _ was so gigantic in comparison. | ship | wave | 1answerB
The block dropped to the floor when it was hung on the tree branch. The _ is very weak. | block | branch | 1answerB
Katrina did not want to get a vaccine unlike Tanya because _ believed in actual medicine. | Katrina | Tanya | 1answerB
Running a corporation is easier for Laura than Cynthia because _ is worse at managing people. | Laura | Cynthia | 1answerB
Joseph asked Kenneth to take their dog for a walk because _ needed to work. | Joseph | Kenneth | 0answerA
Jane's finger could not fit into the ring her boyfriend bought for her because the _ is small. | finger | ring | 1answerB
Jane's finger could not fit into the ring her boyfriend bought for her because the _ is wide. | finger | ring | 0answerA
Megan became overwhelmed with the amount of sensory input that Maria thrived on, because _ was an introvert. | Megan | Maria | 0answerA
Matthew finally convinced Randy to go to the zoo because _ really liked animals and wanted to take photos. | Matthew | Randy | 0answerA
Lawrence planned to steal the valuable painting from Michael, because _ finally owned something beautiful. | Lawrence | Michael | 1answerB
The tape broke with the logs, but stayed firm with the rods, as the _ were abrasive. | logs | rods | 0answerA
The tape broke with the logs, but stayed firm with the rods, as the _ were smooth. | logs | rods | 1answerB
Rebecca gave the sermon to Mary , which was surprising because _ was a reverend. | Rebecca | Mary | 1answerB
We were happy to hear the song but the beat could have been better. The _ is interesting. | song | beat | 0answerA
Elena needed to go get the necessary materials for Christine's project so _ waited at the house. | Elena | Christine | 1answerB
Justin loaned a blue pen to Ian, as _ brought extra writing instruments to class that day. | Justin | Ian | 0answerA
At the divorce party, her friends brought her wine but not beer since it was his favorite. The _ was haunting. | beer | wine | 0answerA
At the divorce party, her friends brought her wine but not beer since it was his favorite. The _ was relaxing. | beer | wine | 1answerB
Justin was very concerned about the environment Ian wasn't that interested. _ cut a lot of trees on their land. | Justin | Ian | 1answerB
Justin was very concerned about the environment Ian wasn't that interested. _ planted a lot of trees on their land. | Justin | Ian | 0answerA
Robert forgot to charge his phone but Christopher remembered, so _ proceeded to respond to messages. | Robert | Christopher | 1answerB
Carrie was not able to sleep before Christmas day but Jennifer was because _ was excited about it. | Carrie | Jennifer | 0answerA
Carrie was not able to sleep before Christmas day but Jennifer was because _ was indifferent about it. | Carrie | Jennifer | 1answerB
Sarah asked Patricia how to clean a nebulizer because _ had been diagnosed as an asthmatic for years. | Sarah | Patricia | 1answerB
It took weeks to transverse the prairie but the mountain took mere days, since the _ was easy terrain. | prairie | mountain | 1answerB
Donald told Michael how we was going to start eating healthy by eating rice. _ was motivated. | Donald | Michael | 0answerA
Megan bought more eggs than Rebecca did because _ was making omelettes for their breakfast. | Megan | Rebecca | 0answerA
Megan bought more eggs than Rebecca did because _ was making toast for their breakfast. | Megan | Rebecca | 1answerB
Victoria aksed Betty for an opinion regarding the leather wallet at the boutique because _ is a good gift giver. | Victoria | Betty | 1answerB
I tried to mop the floor with vinegar but had to do it over with soap because the _ was effective. | vinegar | soap | 1answerB
After working out, Leslie was more sore than Hunter because _ went to the gym once a month. | Leslie | Hunter | 0answerA
The couple wanted a wedding cake with fondant or buttercream. They went with the _ because it gave a smoother appearance. | fondant | buttercream | 0answerA
His bike is still in mint condition but not his motor cycle, the _ was kept inside. | motor cycle | bike | 1answerB
Matthew sent money through Paypal to Adam because _ had purchased the antique watch on Ebay. | Matthew | Adam | 0answerA
Patricia was getting divorced after 30 years of marriage and got very little while Lindsey got a lot. _ was selfish. | Patricia | Lindsey | 1answerB
Patricia was getting divorced after 30 years of marriage and got very little while Lindsey got a lot. _ was unselfish. | Patricia | Lindsey | 0answerA
Because Donald liked cinnamon rolls but Neil loved them, _ ate cinnamon rolls for breakfast occasionally. | Donald | Neil | 0answerA
Because Donald liked cinnamon rolls but Neil loved them, _ ate cinnamon rolls for breakfast often. | Donald | Neil | 1answerB
Adam came over to Samuel's house to warm up with a cup of hot chocolate, since _ 's heater was broken. | Adam | Samuel | 0answerA
Christopher is sleeping at Kyle's house so he wants to make a sofa slipcover, so _ wants him to be comfortable. | Christopher | Kyle | 1answerB
Christopher is sleeping at Kyle's house so he wants to make a sofa slipcover, because _ wants to be comfortable. | Christopher | Kyle | 0answerA
Jeffrey needed more coffee than Ryan did at the meeting because _ was feeling alert. | Jeffrey | Ryan | 1answerB
The mother allowed Elena, but not Emily to have a fish because _ was attentive to pets. | Elena | Emily | 0answerA
Kenneth shot Brett a flirty grin from across the room; _ was trying to be seductive. | Kenneth | Brett | 0answerA
Katrina gave them vitamins everyday, and Elena took them, because _ was a good child. | Katrina | Elena | 1answerB
Subsets and Splits