class label
3 classes
I was disappointed because the expensive food tasted good
high price will make people feel disappointed
people expect good things when the price is high
expensive food must be good
burying garbage is a green lifestyle
landfill will pollute the soil
we have the freedom of choosing a green lifestyle or not
not all the garbage is green
thanks to the leather belt I survived in the car accident
it's luck that helps people survive in the car accident
the car accident is decreasing year by year
leather belt is used for dressing
starving people care little about food sources
starving people need food sources to fill their stomachs
many things will be the food source for starving people
we can donate to starving people
natural disaster will pity rich people
money is useless in natural disasters
rich people know more about natural disaster
some natural disasters kill no one
a campfire can be nice in a cold tent
we don't need campfire if we have air conditioning
we don't need campfire if we have lights
the campfire will burn the tent
boys usually can't wear dress in China
the skirt is designed for women
skirts can be worn on boys
boys all over the world don't wear dress
I need fuel to power my smart watch
smart watches consume fuel too quickly
smart watches don't need power
smart watches don't consume fuel
I spent the whole night sleeping to get off the jet
sleeping can't help you get off the jet
sleeping in planes is usually very uncomfortable
it's difficult to sleep the whole night
gardeners water the leaves of the trees every day
gardeners don't want to work everyday
leaves don't need water
watering the leaves is meaningless
I wanted to quit them because I enjoyed chatting with them
sometimes people want to stay alone
I can't chat with them if I quit them
people want to make more and more new friends
he found he was gay when he fell in love with a woman
many homosexuals don't want others to know their sexual orientation
homosexuals love people of the same gender
homosexuals should be treated fairly
weighing an elephant is very difficult because of its cute appearance
there's no need to weigh an elephant
cute appearance doesn't prevent weighing
we know the weight of an elephant without weighing it
the malignant tumor doesn't have fatal harm for you
if the tumor is fatal or not is decided by doctors
medical technology have developed greatly
the malignant tumor kills the patients easily
kids catch butterflies for food
kids often need adults' help to catch butterflies
butterflies are not delicious
butterflies are not food for human
drinking milk can help teenagers grow shorter
milk is very nutritious
it's impossible for people to grow shorter
milk is common in breakfast
I used to take notes on the pens
pens have no space to take notes
people who have good memory don't need to take notes
we use smartphones to take notes nowadays
I use a knife to eat rice
eating rice doesn't need to cut
knife will make rice lose nutrition
knifes are often used with forks
students need to write their scores on the examination paper
students care about examination score very much
scores are written by teachers on the paper
students don't need to know their scores
perming will make your hair longer
perming too many times is bad for people's health
perming can't change the length of hair
perming is very popular during teenagers
twins died on the same day
many twins are very similar in almost every respect
twins don't necessarily die at the same time
twins often do something at the same time
one kilogram of stone is much heavier than a kilogram of feather
a piece of stone is much heavier than a piece of feather
any things that are one kilogram are equally heavy
the density of the stone is much larger than the feather
it's crazy to turn on the air conditioning on a freezing day
air conditioning can warm up a room
air conditioning consumes too much electricity
we need thicker sweaters on freezing days
we need different passports to visit different countries
what we need to visit other countries is fly tickets
we can't go abroad without passports
one person only has one legal passport
people doing noble things are really selfish
nowadays people only care about themselves
noble things include unselfish things
selfish people also do noble things
spring festival celebrates the first day of the solar calendar new year
spring festival now is widely celebrated in the whole world
spring festival is the Lunar Festival
spring festival is the Chinese traditional festival
after the loan we need to give credit card back to the bank
we can keep credit cards when we owe the bank
we can use credit cards to apply for a loan
credit cards can't be recycled
I always carry my desktop pc with me
desktop pc is too heavy to be carried around
there's no need to carry computers all the time
more and more things can be done on the Internet
Nike printed the prices on the clothes
clothes' prices are printed on the price cards
customers care about the price of clothes very much
every cloth has its price
I took a photo to record the process of my son making cakes for the first time
we don't need to record the first time of doing everything
a photo can only record one moment of an action
taking photos of others need other people's permission
doctors often wear masks to prevent being recognized
doctors need to be recognized by their patients
masks are a very common medical tool
wearing a mask will not hinder the doctor's work
I have more and more black hair as I get older
elders don't care about their hair
people will have less and whiter hair when they are old
people's hair will grow for people's whole life
believers have ever really heard or seen god
god is important for a religion
god doesn't exist actually
god is believers' dependence
wearing slippers are a good choice for weddings
slippers are too informal for weddings
it's nice if weddings are held in a relaxed atmosphere
wearing slippers is very comfortable
grasshoppers can be a water source
nobody wants to put grasshoppers in mouth
grasshoppers are rare in dry places
grasshoppers contain little water
a open air park is a good place to stay on rainy days
open air parks are especially good for family activities
you will get wet in open air park on rainy days
an open air park are often the center of a community
most of the earth's surface is covered by dirt
almost all the people live on land
soil is an important part of the earth
soil on the earth's surface is less than water
students attend concerts to further their education
not all the students are interested in classical music
most students can't be educated at the concert
concert tickets are too expensive for students
language is the only way to communicate for human beings
language is very effective for communication in most situations
people can communicate in many other ways
every nation has its own language
language remains unchanged as time goes by
words in some languages have never changed for thousands of years
nobody knows what will happen in the future
languages will change to adapt to changes in the world
a cup of coffee in the morning can make you smarter
coffee that can make you smarter is very expensive
coffee can't improve intelligence
you can have a cup of coffee at any time
I pressed the accelerator in my bicycle to speed up
bicycles often have two wheels
cycling too fast is very dangerous
bicycles don't have accelerators
I ate iron to end my hunger pains
you should find some food immediately when you have hunger pains
hunger pains are bad for health
humans can't eat iron
the plane landed smoothly in the parking lot
plane landing is not an easy thing
many parking lots are available for a fee
parking lot is used to park cars
in old age, muscles go through a growth spurt
muscles develop very slowly in old age
people still use muscles every day in old age
people don't have muscles in old age
animals develop from seeds
both animals and seeds have lives
animals develop from eggs
animals are much bigger than seeds
washing your car is for keeping it fast
car speed has nothing to do with its cleanliness
your car will always get dirty
keeping car fast consumes fuel
people invented toothpaste to keep toothbrush clean
toothbrush cleanliness is important for the health of the teeth
cleaning toothbrush doesn't need toothpaste
toothpaste are produced in factories
you can buy drinks from vending machines without paying money
the variety of drinks are limited in vending machines
vending machines are the result of technology development
drinks in vending machines are not free
movie stars often photograph others in public
it's weird for stars to photograph others
stars don't know how to photograph
stars don't appear in public
it seems my joke is funny because nobody laughed
a funny joke should make people laugh
different people will have different feelings about the same joke
telling a boring joke is embarrassing
you need to be careful of sharks when you swim in the swimming pool
sharks don't live in the swimming pool
sharks can kill people easily in water
swimming in the swimming pool is safe generally
I finished my work while I going to sleep
people can't do anything else when they are sleeping
you may feel difficult to fall asleep when you have unfinished work
sometimes people dream that they were working
I can't afford the flight ticket from China to the US, so I decided to walk
tickets from China to the US are not expensive in spring
the distance between China and America is too long to walk
you can only go to America by swimming
animals in the Acrobatic Troupe receive wages every day
animals help the Acrobatic Troupe earn a lot of money
money is useless to animals
animals should be treated fairly
teammates are here to encourage you in teamwork
encouraging each other can create a good team atmosphere
teammates can become good friends
everyone on the team needs to take on the work
the teacher was very cheerful that I was late for school again and again
insisting on doing one thing is very worthwhile
being late for school is a violation of regulations
teachers don't care about what students do
girls wear skirts in winter for warmth
wearing skirts is more and more common in winter nowadays
skirts are inefficient in keeping warm
skirts are suitable for girls very much
driving a car is a good choice to enjoy your stay at home
you can drive cars in many video games when you stay at home
home is the most comfortable place for most people
most people don't have big enough houses to drive a car
he scored a crucial goal by hand in a soccer match
hands can't touch the ball in a soccer match
playing soccer is a group sport
players who scored a goal are the heroes of the team
we built street lamps to provide a personal service
street lamps light for everyone
street lamps were built by the government
street lamps only light in the evening
crops can't live without farmers
if all the crops died then humans can't live
plants can grow on their own without human intervention
crops can grow better with farmers' help
I was very scared to see old friends abroad
seeing old friends is a happy thing
when we feel scared we should run away immediately
we should be careful when we are abroad
Alice broke down when the situation was hopeful
when someone else broke down we should try to comfort him
people don't need to feel upset in a hopeful situation
the situation won't be hopeful if we do nothing
ice cream is more popular in winter than in summer
ice cream has been very popular for hundreds of years
it is too cold to eat ice cream in winter
not every place on the earth has different seasons
my boss checks read messages carefully every day
the email is a useful tool for remote communication
read messages are messages that have already been checked before
the boss prefers to communicate face to face
we are vaccinated for the cure of the disease
most of us were vaccinated when we were children
vaccine can only prevent disease
some diseases still cannot be cured
I bought a pan for drinking fresh juice
the capacity of the pan is not big enough
fresh juice is good for health
the pan can't squeeze the juice contained in the fruit
taking summer vacation caused lots of stress
preparing for the holidays is very troublesome
taking a vacation is very relaxing
taking a vacation can relieve stress
disguise can lead you to the answer
to find the answer you can only rely on yourself
the process of finding answers is interesting
disguise covers up the answer
you can definitely cook food well by following a recipe
recipes can only increase your chances of cooking food well
everyone can learn how to cook food well
recipes can be bought online
the company hired more employees because of continued losses
the company will bankrupt if it can't stop the loss in time
employees can help the company earn more money
hiring employees will increase the company's losses
the blind man can't hear me yelling
we should lend a helping hand to the blind man
yelling at others is very rude
blind men can't see but they can hear the sound
I'm waiting for a cloudy night to observe stars
clouds will block the sight of observation of the stars
the weather at night influences the observation of the stars greatly
stars can't be seen in downtown
building workers risk injury by not wearing baseball caps
baseball caps are useless in protection of the head
the building worker is not a safe job
building workers like wearing baseball caps in their spare time
buying presents requires love or money
sometimes love is more valuable than money
presents are often used to show love
you can't buy presents without money
going to the zoo is for being seen
animals can see the visitors too
the zoo is a suitable place for the family activity
zoo visitors' attention is all on the animals
the horses water the cowboy everyday
watering the cowboy only need one horse
the horses and the cowboy love each other
cowboys can drink water by themselves
people expect boredom when they go to the cinema
people go to the cinema for fun
some films are really boring
people will try to find things to do when they feel boring
Bob sang a picture yesterday
a picture is very difficult to sing
a person can both be a singer and painter
only songs can be sung
paying by credit card is for not paying money
you can buy more things if have several credit cards
the price doesn't change when you pay by credit card
using credit cards too frequently is not a good habit for a young man
you need a dog if you want to share your story
dogs can't understand what humans say
dogs will bark to strangers
dogs can make people no longer feel lonely
the players will buy a cup of beer before the basketball game begins
drinking before the game will make the player performs worse
drinking is a common behavior when people are under pressure
playing basketball will make players thirst
I need to say goodbye to people on TV when I finish watching the TV show
saying goodbye when you are going to leave is a good manner
we shouldn't spend too much time in watching TV
people on TV can't communicate with the audience
goods can be transported by wind
goods need to be protected well during transportation
humans can't control the wind to transport goods
the wind can move a lot of things
the ship hit the train yesterday
ships move much slower than the train
traffic accident is terrible
ships move in the water while the train moves in the land
I can lift the gym easily
people lift many things in the gym
a gym is too heavy for humans to lift
excessive exercise is harmful to the body
meeting my friends is for business
most friends meetings occur during the free time
friends aren't those doing business with you
we do business for money
when you borrowed a car you can sell it to others
we sell our things for money
you don't own the thing you borrowed
only good friends will lend their cars to you
I had plastic surgery in the pharmacy
the pharmacy doesn't have equipment to do surgery
plastic surgery is more expensive than drugs
we need to go to the pharmacy in order to cure our diseases
fortunately the fat man lost fingers by working hard
losing fingers is not a fortunate thing
you can succeed as long as you work hard
we shouldn't discriminate against fat men
couples would divorce if they believed each other
divorce breaks up a lot of families
couples believed each other would continue to live together
divorce requires the consent of the judge
the weather can be either sweet or salt in China
seasonal changes can affect people's lives
there are no obvious seasonal changes in some places
the weather can't be tasted
adults change clothes according to their height every day
many people are very concerned about their height
nobody change clothes every day
the height of an adult basically doesn't change
you can use a link to write things
link is not a material object and can't be touched
if we click a link we may see things written by others
more and more people write things on the computer
museum exhibits artifacts for sale
the museum needs funds for daily operations
nobody can buy artifacts in the museum
artifacts in museum are treasure
the alarm ringing announced that the class was over
when the class is over, students will go out of the classroom
the alarm ringing announces emergency
when the class is over, students will run out of the classroom
you can use money to buy some health to live longer
people get better treatment can live longer
rich people can buy almost everything
health can't be bought
studying requires violence
we need proper violence to protect ourselves
violence can't help you learn knowledge
you need to have many good qualities to study well
we used optical microscopes to see atoms in science class
using microscope need to be taught to students
we can learn knowledge about atoms in science textbooks
atoms are so small that it's impossible to see them by using optical microscopes