class label
3 classes
the rain fell into my head and my brain got wet
people will be stupid if their brain get wet
you can avoid getting wet by using umbrellas
rain can't get into people's heads
I can't live without snacks
snacks can make people full just like main food
eating too many snacks will cause the over-weight problem
you can eat other food to live
this is a bumper harvest year, we picked tons of leaves from apple trees
farmers don't need to pick leaves because leaves fall in autumn themselves
apples are what we need in apple trees
it's impossible to pick all the leaves in a tree
stone can warp the paper
paper is easy to break
stone is harder than paper
stone is not flexible
proper temperature can be found on the south pole
it's always extremely cold on the south pole
air conditioning can make temperature properly in anywhere
people can only live with suitable temperature
proper temperature can be found on the south pole
people who have cars don't care about the distance too much
people don't necessarily just like things close to themselves
farther distance is a disadvantage
I felt happy again after eating terrible food
we shouldn't waste food
feeling happy all the time is an enviable thing
nobody wants terrible food
I need inspirations to clean bowls
cleaning bowls is not a creative work
cleaning bowls is not a job everyone can do
inspirations are very important to artists
the uniform gave the police the right ro search your house
you can't recognize who is an undercover cop
only the criminal's house will be searched
uniforms don't have any legal effect
I lit my house to warm myself
arson is a crime
I will have no place to stay if I burn my house
only wooden houses can be lit
the flowers are crying
only animals can cry
flowers contain much water
flowers always feel happy
we can talk with dogs
dogs can't speak humans' language
humans and animals can't make friends
we have many other ways to communicate with dogs except talking
he thought it would rain soon so he carried sunglasses
it may not rain later
sunglasses are used in sunny days
accurate forecasting of the weather is difficult
I brush my teeth every day to keep them dirty
brushing your teeth can make your teeth cleaner
many people begin their days with brushing teeth
some people don't care about the color of their teeth
we can use fabricated data in scientific researches
scientific research should be realistic
making fabricated data is very easy
few people can make significant science researches
we should ignore the traffic light when we go across the road
we can go across the road when no car is coming
we can't be distracted when we go across the road
traffic lights tell us if we can go across the road
the modern city is more agricultural than the countryside
the city doesn't have the conditions for agriculture
there is more labor in the city
we still need to develop agriculture nowadays
we went to the cemetery to chat with the dead people
many people think the cemetery is unlucky
people often hope they can talk with someone who is dead again
dead people can't speak anymore
my best friend was in my lost wallet
wallet is too small for a person
losing a friend is sadder than losing money
the police will find the wallet for me
if we pick up other's wallet, we should share it with our friends
we shouldn't share our important things with others
the thing we picked up doesn't belong to us
maybe there's no money at all in the wallet
the climate is a part of a nation's culture
the climate will influence a nation's culture
the climate is not created by humans
the climate in different places is very different
everyone has expensive fingerprints
no one will pay for fingerprints
some people only have one finger
some people's fingerprints are cheap
my heads hurt
doctors can cure the headache
a person only has one head
headache can lead to death
I found a lipstick in my mother's first-aid kit
doctors and nurses can also make up
there are many things in a first-aid kit
the lipstick is not a medical product
I fed pork to my wheat
there is too much wheat and it's impossible to feed all of it
crops don't eat meat
pork is much more expensive than wheat
my family go to the park to see plum blossoms every summer
some family members may don't like plum blossoms
the park is a good place for family activities
plum blossoms only exist in winter
I bought some desert in the shopping mall for my daughter
girls don't like the desert
you can buy things for desert traveling in shopping malls
desert can't be sold in shopping malls
low-calorie food is more likely to make people fat
thin people also like eating delicious food
low-calorie food provides less energy to people
delicious food often has higher prices
the chick wanted to find its mother's breast to be fed
the chick will be eaten soon so it doesn't need to grow up
chickens are not mammals
the hen may have been eaten already
humans' lifespan has been shortened thanks to the development of medical technology
we can live even longer in the future
advanced medical technology keeps more people away from death
most people want to live longer
one day humans will settle on another star
nothing is impossible in the future
stars are not solid objects
the earth is always humans' home
sailors work on the land
sailors' home is on the land
sailors work in ships and ships always float on the water
sailors have seen many islands
teachers assign housework to the students
more and more parents think kids do too little housework nowadays
housework has little to do with what students learn in school
sometimes doing housework is treated as a punishment
appearance is not very important for actors
being actors has a high requirement for appearance
we shouldn't judge a person only through his appearance
acting skills are the most important things for actors
normal wearing can cause people to notice you at the party
normal things can't attract people's attention
clothes that suit you best may not suit others
all the people want to be the center of the attention at the party
wearing a party hat to attend the funeral is perfect
nobody wants to attend a funeral
the party hat is just a decoration
a party hat shows disrespect at a funeral
you will feel inferior about yourself when you dress nice
feeling inferior may lead to many mental problems
many people don't care about the appearance
nice dress will make one feel confident
I cut my hair longer at the barber's
we can't make hair longer by cutting
only good barbers can cut longer hair
we can have a new hairstyle by ourselves
I can count the number of stars in the sky
we can only see stars in the evening
you'd better lie down to count the stars
there are too many stars to count in the sky
we can't breathe in the water because I don't have tails
we can breathe in the water with some tools
the tail is not used to breathe
we can keep balance without tails
I could drink the whiskey on his breath
we can't drink other people's breath
we should keep a distance from the drunk people
whisky is a kind of popular wine
I sat in the trunk of the taxi with my girlfriend
the trunk is used for storage
trunks are too small for two people
some taxis don't have trunks
chefs should wear gloves before preparing food for customers
gloves need to be sterilized before being worn by chefs
chefs can prepare food without hands
gloves will make chefs' hands less agile
people go to jail because they don't want freedom
people can serve their sentences at home now
there are many much easier ways to lose freedom
giving up the right of freedom is not the reason people go to jail
I saw snow in Singapore in June
only kids like snow
there are many tourists in Singapore in June
it's summer in June in Singapore
an umbrella can help you keep warm in snowy days
umbrellas can keep you dry in snowy days
going outside is very crazy in snowy days
we don't wear umbrellas
the plane is a useful transportation tool in campus
plane tickets are too expensive for students
campuses are too small to use planes
no student can afford planes
fans were sad when their team scored a goal
fans will be sad when their team lose a game
the audience watched the game on TV had no feelings at all
scoring goals means your team can win the game
I got a scholarship for cheating in the exam
you can get high scores if you cheated in the exam
cheating in the exam is a skillful thing
people should be punished rather than rewarded for cheating
the hot weather made me keep bleeding
you need a doctor immediately if you are bleeding
people only bleed when they are injured
too much blood loss can lead to death
you don't need to try out products when you shop online
people do need to try out products when they are shopping
you can try out products in offline shops
you can spend less time in shopping if you don't try out products
reading can make driving a joyful thing
driving is a joyful thing itself
drivers can't read books when they are driving
reading in cars will make many people feel sick
everyone said I had two beautiful mouths
the mouth is an important part of the face
a human only has one mouth
beautiful people are more popular
cat walking is a useful skill in marathon running
both cat walking and marathon running require strict training
marathon is a difficult sport
cat walking is used by models in the show
both funerals and weddings are cheerful ceremonies
everyone will have his funeral
the atmosphere in funerals is sad
not everyone will experience weddings
I often bought chalk for teachers to write on the ipads when I was a boy
only teachers can use the chalk
ipads are widely used in education nowadays
chalk is used to write on the blackboards
his father died for giving birth to him
doctors will ensure the childbirth is safe
children need parental love in the process of growing up
men can't have childbirth
gardeners grow crops in gardens
gardens where gardeners work usually belong to others
gardeners eat crops too
growing crops is farmers' job
I use Photoshop to change the color of my room
using Photoshop to change colors is too slow
I need a computer first to use Photoshop
Photoshop can't change the colors in the real world
I can't forget the night that I saw cells with telescope
telescopes are used to observe things far away
we need light to use telescopes in the evening
some cells can be seen by humans' eyes without using any tools
I burned myself accidentally when I was taking a shower
the process of treating burns is very painful
we don't use fire when we take a shower
bathrooms are usually too wet to light fire
every time I hang out at the cinema I will get drunk
the cinema is a boring place if you don't watch movies there
people also chat with others at the bar
the cinema is a place for watching movies rather than drinking
I gave birth to my grandson
it's my children giving birth to my grandchildren
more and more elders don't have grandchildren now
elders love their grandchildren very much
you should have your passport ready before you take domestic flights
you need your passport only when you are abroad
the security clerks will check your personal information strictly
you may lose your passport during the trip
I'm looking for a gas station to refuel my bicycle
bicycles are becoming popular again
riding bicycles don't require licenses
bicycles don't consume fuel
I refused to drive after drinking gas
not everyone knows how to drive
it's ok driving after drinking gas
humans can't drink gas
mushrooms are a very rare dish in Asia
mushrooms are many people's favorite food
most people can get mushrooms to eat easily
mushrooms are not popular in Europe
we can change our fingerprints when we want
humans' fingerprints can't be changed
people don't have hands have no fingerprints
different people have different fingerprints
flu can spread easily through eye contact
sick people will be isolated so they can see no one
flu is not a serious illness
the disease can't spread through eye contact
my son was terrified when he menstruated for the first time
the first menstrual cycle means you are in adolescence now
only females menstruate
you may be pregnant if you missed your period
waterfalls are a feat of modern engineering
waterfalls are not created by humans
humans have made great progress in modern engineering
there are many spectacular waterfalls in the world
I'm so busy that I haven't slept for two years
it's impossible for people not to sleep for two years
sleeping is one of the most comfortable things
we can refresh ourselves by drinking coffee
we can't breathe without the noses
noses are also important for the sense of smell
we can also use mouth to breathe
it's impossible for us to have no noses
I brought my friendship to float in the sea
we should treasure our friendships
friendship is not a ship
floating in the sea would be more interesting with friends
he won a prize as best thief
thieves will be sent to prison
winning a prize is a cheerful thing
no one will award the thief
I don't know what's my real gender
people of different genders are very different
people want to learn themselves
people know their genders
Joel said hello to his kids before traveling to Africa
travelling to foreign countries takes a long time
we say hello to almost all the people
people say goodbye to each other when they are about to be separated
you will find a payment counter in a police station
we can't walk around the police station without permission
the police station is not a place of consumption
policemen need income too
writing a story requires a beautiful voice
there are more and more audiobooks on the Internet
voice is useless in writing a story
writing a story doesn't need a quiet environment
a life jacket can save your life when you are falling from a high place
you should be careful when you are in a high place
life jackets are used to float in water
life jackets are designed to save people's lives
I love my girlfriend and I want to break up with her
people don't want to break up with their lovers
the girlfriend may have fallen in love with others already
some people have no lovers for the whole lifetime
humans can be identified by their unique names
a person's name should be included in his self-introduction
different people may have the same names
other people will remember your name but forget other information easily
it has been rainy for a long time and the river dried up
drought is a type of extreme weather
the rain will bring water to the river
the rain is expected in dry places
I attended a classical concert to enjoy the paintings
the concert is a music activity
both music and painting are forms of art
classical music can remind me of classical paintings
music is a form of artist
artists are humans
both artists and music are great
music has its own charm compared with other art forms
a plastic stove is a heat source
plastic has been used in every corner in our life
plastic can't burn
stove is not a modern heat source
where knowledge begins, science ends
knowledge has begun in everyone
science has made great contributions to all mankind
knowledge promotes the development of science
many animals eat air but humans don't
air can't provide energy
human beings are also a kind of animals
all animals can't live without air
I need to bring my kitchenware when I go to the restaurant
I don't need to cook in the restaurant
nobody can prepare food without kitchenware
I can have free dinner if I cook dinner myself in the restaurant
I am so unlucky to find my true love
everyone can find his true love
finding true love is a very lucky thing
some people don't care if they can find their true love
the sun rises sometimes in China
sometimes we can't see the sun the whole day
the sun will disappear in the far future
the sun shines on China every day
I called the front counter and asked them to send some drugs to my room
the use of drugs is a problem in many countries
drug trafficking is illegal
drugs can make people very happy for a few seconds
they have reserved a table for us in the theatre
reserving tables happens in the restaurant
there may be some tables on the stage
some theatres have restaurants inside
I promised to help my boyfriend because I was too busy
once you promised something you should do it
the lover is one of the closest persons to you
being too busy can't be the reason you help others
football players wear short sleeves to protect themselves
football players are easy to be injured in games
wearing long sleeves is also common for football players
short sleeves have poor protection
I want to make an appointment for a facial last week
doing a facial doesn't need appointments
you can only make appointments for future events
the beauty salon may not have spare time
plastic surgery is for health
plastic surgery is still a controversial topic nowadays
there are many other ways to keep healthy
plastic surgery can't make you healthier
human liver is an expensive ingredient
human liver is not an ingredient
human liver is not expensive
human liver is too difficult to cook
some ingredients are expensive because it's common
nobody likes expensive ingredients
easy to get will make things cheap
photos of expensive ingredients are very common
ingredients need to be photographed before being eaten
many people like taking pictures of food before eating it
now it's very easy to take pictures
taking pictures can't make ingredients edible