sequence |
"Yatsuhashi is a Japanese treat . It is sometimes sold a souvenir sweet .",
"Yatsuhashi is a Japanese confectionery sold mainly as a souvenir sweet ( miyagegashi ) ."
] |
"Ã rsted was also a writer and poet .",
"Ã rsted was a published writer and poet ."
] |
"Hans Christian à rsted ( August 14 , 1777 â `` March 9 , 1851 ) was a Danish physicist and chemist .",
"Hans Christian à rsted ( often rendered Oersted in English ; 14 August 1777 9 March 1851 ) was a Danish physicist and chemist who discovered that electric currents create magnetic fields , an important aspect of electromagnetism ."
] |
"His poetry series Luftskibet ( `` Airship '' ) was inspired by the balloon flights of his physicist friend , Ã tienne-Gaspard Robert .",
"His poetry series Luftskibet ( `` The Airship '' ) was inspired by the balloon flights of fellow physicist and stage magician à tienne-Gaspard Robert ."
] |
"Brixton tube station , a station on the London Underground opened on July 23 1971 , is the southern terminus of the Victoria Line .",
"Brixton tube station , a station on the London Underground opened on July 23 , 1971 , is the southern terminus of the Victoria line ."
] |
"George D. Beauchamp ( 1899 - 1941 ) was an inventor of musical instruments and co-founder of National Stringed Instrument Corporation and Rickenbacker .",
"George Delmetia Beauchamp ( March 18 , 1899 -- March 30 , 1941 ) was an inventor of musical instruments and a co-founder of National Stringed Instrument Corporation and Rickenbacker guitars ."
] |
"Born in Texas , he played the violin and the lap steel guitar in Vaudeville before going into the business of then manufacturing of electric lap steel guitars , electric guitars , electric bass guitars , electric violins and combo instrument amplifiers .",
"Born in Coleman County , Texas , Beauchamp performed in vaudeville , playing the violin and the lap steel guitar , before he settled in Los Angeles , California . During the 1920s , he experimented with the creation of electric lap steel guitars , electric guitars , electric bass guitars , electric violins , and instrument amplifiers ."
] |
"He is the son of writer Tom Whedon and the brother of writer-producer-director Joss Whedon .",
"Zack is from a family of writers : he is the son of screenwriter Tom Whedon , grandson of screenwriter John Whedon , and the brother of screenwriter\\/musician Jed Whedon and producer\\/director\\/writer Joss Whedon ."
] |
"He graduated from Wesleyan University in 2002 with a film degree .",
"He graduated in 2002 with a film degree from Wesleyan University where he served as president of the Eclectic Society ."
] |
"Gambino was known for being low-key and secretive and unlike many modern mobsters , Gambino served no time in prison , but lived to the age of 74 , when he died of a heart attack in bed .",
"Gambino was known for being low-key and secretive . Gambino served 22 months in prison ( 1938 â `` 39 ) , and lived to the age of 74 , when he died of a heart attack in bed , `` In a state of grace '' , according to a priest who had given him the Last Rites of the Catholic Church ."
] |
"No one expected Gambino to seize control over the Commission of La Cosa Nostra in the US , at 1957 Apalachin Convention .",
"After the 1957 Apalachin Convention he unexpectedly seized control of the Commission of La Cosa Nostra in the US ."
] |
"Carlo `` Don Carlo '' Gambino , ( August 24,1902 - October 15,1976 ) was a Mafioso who became Boss of the Gambino crime family , that is still takes the name today .",
"Carlo `` Don Carlo '' Gambino , ( August 24 , 1902 - October 15 , 1976 ) was a mafioso who became boss of the Gambino crime family , that still bears his name today ."
] |
"He was the son of a silk manufacturer at Lyon , where he was born , originally intended to follow his father 's business ; but as a volunteer in the cavalry of the national guard at Lyons in 1792 his military ability got him rapid promotion .",
"He was the son of a silk manufacturer at Lyon , where he was born , originally intended to follow his father 's business ; but having in 1792 served as volunteer in the cavalry of the national guard at Lyons , he manifested military abilities which secured his rapid promotion ."
] |
"In 1812 he captured Valencia , for which he was rewarded with the ducal victory title of duc d'Albufera da Valencia in 1813 .",
"In 1812 he captured Valencia , for which he was rewarded with the ducal victory title ( honorary , not attached to an actual fief ) of duc d'Albufera da Valencia in 1813 ."
] |
"Honorine Anthoine de Saint-Joseph ( Marseille , 26 February 1790 -- Paris , 13 April 1884 ) , a niece of Julie Clary , the wife of Joseph Bonaparte , and soon afterwards was ordered to Spain .",
"Honorine Anthoine de Saint-Joseph ( Marseille , 26 February 1790 -- Paris , 13 April 1884 ) , a niece of Julie Clary , the wife of Joseph Bonaparte , by whom he had issue , and soon afterwards was ordered to Spain ."
] |
"He was named commander of the army of Aragon and governor of that region , and in two years brought the area into complete submission .",
"Here , after taking part in the Siege of Saragossa , he was named commander of the army of Aragon and governor of that region , which he by wise , unlike that of most of the French generals , and adriot administration no less than by his brilliant valor , in two years brought into complete submission ."
] |
"The discus throw is the subject of a number of well-known ancient Greek statues and Roman copies of them .",
"The discus throw is the subject of a number of well-known ancient Greek statues and Roman copies such as the Discobolus and Discophoros ."
] |
"She was instrumental in the mod fashion movement , and one of the designers who took credit for inventing the miniskirt and hot pants .",
"She was one of the designers who took credit for inventing the miniskirt and hot pants ."
] |
"In addition to the miniskirt , Mary Quant is often credited with inventing the colored and patterned tights ( pantyhose ) that often went with the miniskirt . These are also attributed to Cristobal Balenciaga or John Bates .",
"In addition to the miniskirt , Mary Quant is often credited with inventing the colored and patterned tights that tended to accompany the garment , although these are also attributed to Cristobal Balenciaga or John Bates ."
] |
"In November 1955 , she teamed up with her husband , Alexander Plunkett-Grene , and a former solicitor , Archie McNair , to open a clothes shop on the Kings Road in Chelsea called Bazaar .",
"In November 1955 , she teamed up with Plunkett-Green , and a former solicitor , Archie McNair , to open a clothes shop on the King 's Road in London called Bazaar ."
] |
"In the late 1960s , Quant popularized hot pants .",
"In the late 1960s , Quant popularized hot pants , becoming a British fashion icon ."
] |
"Mary Quant named the miniskirt after her favorite make of car , the Mini .",
"Quant named the miniskirt after her favorite make of car , the Mini ."
] |
"Mary Quant OBE FCSD ( born 11 February 1934 in Blackheath , London ) is a British fashion designer .",
"Mary Quant OBE FCSD ( born 11 February 1934 ) is a Welsh fashion designer and British fashion icon , who was instrumental in the mod fashion movement ."
] |
"In 2000 she resigned as director of Mary Quant Ltd. , her cosmetics company , after a Japanese buy-out .",
"In 2000 , she resigned as director of Mary Quant Ltd. , her cosmetics company , after a Japanese buy-out ."
] |
"At a talk at the Victoria and Albert Museum in 2007 she claimed to have invented duvet covers .",
"At a talk at the Victoria & Albert Museum in 2007 she claimed to have invented duvet covers ."
] |
"Skirts had been getting shorter since about 1958 â `` a development Mary Quant thought was practical and liberating , allowing women to run for a bus .",
"Skirts had been getting shorter since about 1958 â `` a development Mary Quant considered to be practical and liberating , allowing women the ability to run for a bus ."
] |
"The miniskirt , which she is most famous for , became one of the defining fashions of the 1960s .",
"The miniskirt , which she is arguably most famous for , became one of the defining fashions of the 1960s ."
] |
"There are over 200 Mary Quant Colour shops in Japan , where Quant fashions continue to enjoy popularity .",
"There are over 200 Mary Quant Colour shops in Japan , where Quant fashions continue to enjoy more popularity ."
] |
"The miniskirt was also developed separately by Andrà Courrà ges and John Bates , and there is disagreement as to who came up with the idea first .",
"The miniskirt was developed separately by Andrà Courrà ges and John Bates , and there is disagreement as to who came up with the idea first ."
] |
"She is a Fellow of the Chartered Society of Designers , and winner of the Minerva Medal , the Society 's highest award .",
"She is also a Fellow of the Chartered Society of Designers , and winner of the Minerva Medal , the Society 's highest award ."
] |
"It is in the story of Jason and his group of Argonauts . They set out on a quest ordered by King Pelias to get the fleece so that Jason can rightfully claim the throne of Iolcus in Thessaly .",
"It figures in the tale of Jason and his band of Argonauts , who set out on a quest by order of King Pelias for the fleece in order to place Jason rightfully on the throne of Iolcus in Thessaly ."
] |
"Another , much less-known Argonautica , using the same body of myth , was written in Latin by Valerius Flaccus during the time of Vespasian .",
"Another , much less-known Argonautica , using the same body of myth , was composed in Latin by Valerius Flaccus during the time of Vespasian ."
] |
"In later versions the ram is said to have been the child of the sea god Poseidon and Themisto ( less often , Nephele or Theophane ) .",
"Thus , in later versions of the story the ram is said to have been the offspring of the sea god Poseidon and Themisto ( less often , Nephele or Theophane ) ."
] |
"The famous telling is the Argonautica of Apollonius of Rhodes , written in mid-third century BC Alexandria . It reused early sources that have not survived .",
"The classic telling is the Argonautica of Apollonius of Rhodes , composed in mid-third century BC Alexandria , recasting early sources that have not survived ."
] |
"The story is very old ; it was current in the time of Homer in the eighth century BC .",
"The story is of great antiquity â `` it was current in the time of Homer ( eighth century BC ) â `` and consequently it survives in various forms , among which details vary ."
] |
"Walker Percy ( May 28 , 1916 -- May 10 , 1990 ) was an American author .",
"Walker Percy ( May 28 , 1916 -- May 10 , 1990 ) was an American Southern author whose interests included philosophy and semiotics ."
] |
"A Soufflà is a light fluffy food , made from egg whites .",
"A soufflà is a light baked cake made with egg yolks and beaten egg whites combined with various other ingredients and served as a savoury main dish or sweetened as a dessert . The word soufflà is the past participle of the French verb souffler which means `` to blow up '' or more loosely `` puff up '' -- an apt description of what happens to this combination of custard and egg whites ."
] |
"Aitor LÃ pez Rekarte ( born 18 August 1975 ) is a former Spanish football player .",
"Aitor Là pez Rekarte ( born 18 August 1975 in Mondragà n , Basque Country ) is a retired Spanish footballer ."
] |
"The metropolitan counties were divided into metropolitan districts which are usually called boroughs . When the county councils were abolished the metropolitan districts gained much of their powers and therefore function similar to other unitary authorities .",
"Metropolitan counties have no county councils and are divided into metropolitan districts whose councils have either the status of City Council or Metropolitan Borough Council ."
] |
"The Linux kernel was made up of 2.4 million lines of code , or 8 % of all the code .",
"The Linux kernel itself was 2.4 million lines of code , or 8 % of the total ."
] |
"There is a lot of software for Linux , and since Linux is open source it means that most of the software for it is open source and free . This is one of the reasons why some people like to use Linux .",
"The primary difference between Linux and many other popular contemporary operating systems is that the Linux kernel and other components are free and open source software ."
] |
"A little more than half of all lines of code were licensed under the GPL .",
"Slightly over half of all lines of code were licensed under the GPL ."
] |
"Linux is commonly used as an operating system for supercomputers . As of November 2007 , out of the top 500 systems , 426 ( 85.2 % ) run Linux .",
"Linux distributions are also commonly used as operating systems for supercomputers : As of 2010 , out of the top 500 systems , 459 ( 91.8 % ) run a Linux distribution ."
] |
"Most of the code ( 71 % ) was written in the C programming language , and many other languages were used , including C + + , assembly language , Perl , Python , Fortran , and various shell scripting languages .",
"Most of the code ( 71 % ) was written in the C programming language , but many other languages were used , including C + + , assembly language , Perl , Python , Fortran , and various shell scripting languages ."
] |
"Linux relied on software code from MINIX at first .",
"Torvalds began the development of the Linux kernel on MINIX , and applications written for MINIX were also used on Linux ."
] |
"To make the Linux kernel suitable for use with the code from the GNU Project , Linus Torvalds started a switch from his original license ( which did not allow people to sell it ) to the GNU GPL .",
"Code licensed under the GNU GPL can be used in other projects , so long as they also are released under the same or a compatible license . In order to make the Linux available for commercial use , Torvalds initiated a switch from his original license ( which prohibited commercial redistribution ) to the GNU GPL ."
] |
"CrossOver is a proprietary solution based on the open source Wine project that supports running older Windows versions of Microsoft Office and Adobe Photoshop versions until CS2 .",
"CrossOver is a proprietary solution based on the open source Wine project that supports running Windows versions of Microsoft Office , Intuit applications such as Quicken and QuickBooks , Adobe Photoshop versions through CS2 , and many popular games such as World of Warcraft and Team Fortress 2 ."
] |
"â Other key components of a Linux system may use other licenses ; many libraries use the GNU Lesser General Public License ( LGPL ) , a type of the GPL that is less restricted , and the X Window System uses the MIT License .",
"Other key components of a software system may use other licenses ; many libraries use the GNU Lesser General Public License ( LGPL ) , a more permissive variant of the GPL , and the implementation of the X Window System uses the MIT License ."
] |
"A 2001 study of Red Hat Linux 7.1 found this distribution had 30 million lines of code .",
"A 2001 study of Red Hat Linux 7.1 found that this distribution contained 30 million source lines of code ."
] |
"the study also said , if all this software had been made by proprietary means , it would have cost about 1.08 billion dollars ( in year 2000 U.S.A. dollars ) to make in the United States .",
"According to the study , if all this software had been developed by conventional proprietary means , it would have cost about $ ( US dollars ) to develop in the United States ."
] |
"The study said red hat 7.1 required about eight thousand man-years of time to development .",
"Using the Constructive Cost Model , the study estimated that this distribution required about eight thousand man-years of development time ."
] |
"Linux and GNU developers worked together to integrate GNU code with Linux to make a free operating system .",
"Developers worked to integrate GNU components with Linux to make a fully functional and free operating system ."
] |
"The Linux kernel and most GNU software are licensed under the GNU General Public License ( GPL ) .",
"Linux and most GNU software are licensed under the GNU General Public License ( GPL ) ."
] |
"The GPL requires that anyone who distributes the Linux kernel must make the source code ( and any modifications ) available to the recipient under the same terms .",
"The GPL requires that anyone who distributes Linux must make the source code ( and any modifications ) available to the recipient under the same terms ."
] |
"He won Super Bowl XLII with the Giants on February 3 , 2008 .",
"He earned a Super Bowl ring with the Giants in Super Bowl XLII ."
] |
"Amani Toomer ( born September 8 , 1974 in Berkeley , California ) is a retired American football wide receiver that played for the New York Giants and Kansas City Chiefs of the National Football League .",
"Amani Toomer ( born September 8 , 1974 in Berkeley , California ) is a retired American football wide receiver who played at the National Football League ."
] |
"( Mean Time Between Failures ( MTBF ) is closely related to Failure rate .",
"In practice , the mean time between failures ( MTBF , 1 \\/ Î '' ) is often used instead of the failure rate ."
] |
"For example , as an automobile grows older , the failure rate in its fifth year of service may be many times greater than its failure rate during its first year of service -- one simply does not expect to replace an exhaust pipe , overhaul the brakes , or have major transmission problems in a new vehicle .",
"For example , an automobile 's failure rate in its fifth year of service may be many times greater than its failure rate during its first year of service . One does not expect to replace an exhaust pipe , overhaul the brakes , or have major transmission problems in a new vehicle ."
] |
"A similar ratio used in the transport industries , especially in railways and trucking is ` Mean Distance Between Failure ' , a variation which attempts to correlate actual loaded distances to similar reliability needs and practices .",
"A similar ratio used in the transport industries , especially in railways and trucking is ` mean distance between failures ' , a variation which attempts to correlate actual loaded distances to similar reliability needs and practices ."
] |
"It is often written as the Greek letter Î '' ( lambda ) and is important in reliability theory .",
"It is often denoted by the Greek letter Î '' ( lambda ) and is important in reliability engineering ."
] |
"Failure rate is usually time dependent , and an intuitive corollary is that the rate changes over time versus the expected life cycle of a system .",
"The failure rate of a system usually depends on time , with the rate varying over the life cycle of the system ."
] |
"In the special case when the likelihood of failure remains constant with respect to time ( for example , in some product like a brick or protected steel beam ) , and ignoring the time to recover from failure , failure rate is simply the inverse of the Mean Time Between Failures ( MTBF ) .",
"In special processes called renewal processes , where the time to recover from failure can be neglected and the likelihood of failure remains constant with respect to time , the failure rate is simply the multiplicative inverse of the MTBF ( 1 \\/ Î '' ) ."
] |
"Failure rate is the frequency with which an engineered system or component fails . Usually it is expressed in a number of failzres per time period , like failures per hour .",
"Failure rate is the frequency with which an engineered system or component fails , expressed for example in failures per hour ."
] |
"Cradle 2 the Grave is a 2003 action movie that was produced by Joel Silver and directed by Andrzej Bartkowiak .",
"Cradle 2 the Grave is a 2003 American action film directed by Andrzej Bartkowiak featuring martial artist Jet Li and rapper DMX ."
] |
"I once was lost , but now am found , Was blind , but now I see .",
"I once was lost , but now am found , Was blind but now I see ."
] |
"Amazing grace , how sweet the sound That savâ d a wretch like me !",
"How sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me ."
] |
"The American Girl series was first created by The Pleasant Company in 1986 , but today it is made by Mattel , a large toy company .",
"The company was founded in 1986 by Pleasant Rowland , and its products were originally purchasable by mail order only . In 1998 , Pleasant Company became a subsidiary of Mattel ."
] |
"The vans went by the names of Sport Van , Beauville and Chevrolet G-Series . GMC 's version of the vans were called Vandura and Rally Wagon .",
"The Chevrolet and GMC G-Series vans were made by General Motors for North America ."
] |
"Noritada Saneyoshi ( born 19 October 1972 ) is a former Japanese football player . He has played for Gamba Osaka .",
"Noritada Saneyoshi ( born 19 October , 1972 in Minamiuwa District , Ehime ) is a Japanese former professional football player who spent his entire senior career at Gamba Osaka ."
] |
"Most `` life extensionists '' believe the human life span can be altered within the 21st century .",
"Most `` life extensionists '' believe the human life span can be altered within the next century , if not sooner ."
] |
"It is distinguished from geriatrics , which is the branch of medicine that studies the disease of the elderly .",
"It is distinguished from geriatrics , which is the branch of medicine that studies the diseases of the elderly ."
] |
"It includes Biomedical gerontology , also known as experimental gerontology and life extension , is a sub discipline of biogerontology that endeavors to slow , prevent , and even reverse aging in both humans and animals .",
"Biomedical gerontology , also known as experimental gerontology and life extension , is a sub discipline of biogerontology that endeavors to slow , prevent , and even reverse aging in both humans and animals ."
] |
"Curing age-related diseases is one approach , and slowing down the underlying processes of aging with the help of physical exercises is another .",
"Curing age-related diseases is one approach , and slowing down the underlying processes of aging is another ."
] |
"Wissignicourt is a commune . It is found in the region Picardie in the Aisne department in the north of France .",
"Wissignicourt is a commune in the Aisne department in Picardy in northern France ."
] |
"Briarwood is a city of Kentucky in the United States .",
"Briarwood is a city in Jefferson County , Kentucky , United States ."
] |
"For blocks shorter than three months , it is recommended that you do not duplicate this notice on a blocked IP 's talk page and instead use other user block templates to provide immediate notification to the vandal of the block .",
"For blocks shorter than 3 months , it is recommended that you do not duplicate this notice on a blocked IP 's talk page and instead use other user block templates to provide immediate notification to the vandal of the block ."
] |
"Recommendations : Do not substitute ( `` subst : '' ) this template as contact details may change in the future .",
"Recommendations : Do not subst : this template as contact details may change in the future ."
] |
"Notre-Dame-de-Livaye is a commune . It is found in the region Basse-Normandie in the Calvados department in the northwest of France .",
"Notre-Dame-de-Livaye is a commune in the department of Calvados in the Basse-Normandie region in northwestern France ."
] |
"It soon spread to conservatives among the Baptists and other denominations during and immediately following the First World War .",
"It soon spread to conservatives among the Baptists and other denominations around 1910-1920 ."
] |
"The term `` fundamentalism '' has its roots in the Niagara Bible Conference ( 1878 â `` 1897 ) which defined those things that were fundamental to Christian belief .",
"The term `` fundamentalism '' has its roots in the Niagara Bible Conference ( 1878 â `` 1897 ) which defined those tenets it considered fundamental to Christian belief ."
] |
"The movement 's purpose was to reaffirm orthodox Protestant Christianity and zealously defend it against the challenges of liberal theology , German higher criticism , Darwinism , and other movements which it regarded as harmful to Christianity .",
"The movement 's purpose was to reaffirm key theological tenets and zealously defend them against the challenges of liberal theology and higher criticism ."
] |
"The term was also used to describe `` The Fundamentals '' , a collection of twelve books on five subjects published in 1910 and funded by Milton and Lyman Stewart",
"The term was popularized by the `` The Fundamentals '' , a collection of twelve books on five subjects published in 1910 and funded by Milton and Lyman Stewart This series of essays came to be representative of the `` Fundamentalist-Modernist Controversy '' which appeared late in the 19th century within some Protestant denominations in the United States , and continued in earnest through the 1920s ."
] |
"Fundamentalism began as a movement in the U.S. , starting among conservative Presbyterian academics and theologians at Princeton Theological Seminary in the first decade of the Twentieth Century .",
"Fundamentalism as a movement arose in the United States , starting among conservative Presbyterian theologians at Princeton Theological Seminary in the late 19th century ."
] |
"It is located on the right bank of Indus River . It is about 18 kilometres north-west of the city of Hyderabad .",
"It is located on the right bank of Indus River , approximately 18 kilometres north-west of the city of Hyderabad and 150 kilometres north-east from the provincial capital Karachi ."
] |
"Ø Ù Ø Ù ) is the capital city of Jamshoro District in the Sindh province of Pakistan .",
"Ø Ù Ø Ù ) is a city in Jamshoro District , Sindh , Pakistan ."
] |
"Metroid is the first game in the Metroid series and stars the character Samus Aran .",
"Metroid , Metroid II : Return of Samus , Super Metroid , Metroid Fusion , and Metroid : Zero Mission were all developed by Nintendo 's internal R&D 1 section ."
] |
"Rouvroy-sur-Serre is a commune . It is found in the region Picardie in the Aisne department in the north of France .",
"Rouvroy-sur-Serre is a commune in the Aisne department in Picardy in northern France ."
] |
"The song was released in North America on October 2 , 2007 as part of Pocketful of Sunshine , the second studio album by Natasha Bedingfield which was released in 2008 .",
"It was included on Bedingfield 's second North American album Pocketful of Sunshine ( 2008 ) ."
] |
"Love Like This is an R&B song by singer Natasha Bedingfield featuring Sean Kingston .",
"`` Love Like This '' is a pop\\/R & B song performed by Natasha Bedingfield featuring Sean Kingston ."
] |
"McIntire is a city of Iowa in the United States .",
"McIntire is a city in Mitchell County , Iowa , United States ."
] |
"It is home to the Minot State University which opened in 1913 .",
"Originally a two-year teacher 's college when opened in 1913 , Minot State became a university in 1987 ."
] |
"Minot is a town in North Dakota in the United States .",
"Minot is also home to Minot State University , the third largest university in the state ."
] |
"Fumie Suguri ( æ ` ä '' ç `` æ Suguri Fumie born December 31 , 1980 in Yokohama ) is a Japanese figure skater .",
"Fumie Suguri is a Japanese figure skater ."
] |
"Her younger sister Chika Suguri is figure skater likewise , too .",
"Her younger sister , Chika Suguri , is also a figure skater ."
] |
"She is a five-times Japanese National Champion , three-times World Championships medalist , and 2003-2004 's Grand Prix Final Champion .",
"She is a five-time Japanese National Champion , a three-time World Championship medalist , a three-time Four Continents Champion and the 2003-2004 Grand Prix Final Champion ."
] |
"Osborne House is a former royal residence East Cowes on the Isle of Wight , England .",
"Osborne House is a former royal residence in East Cowes , Isle of Wight , UK ."
] |
"Osborne House is a former royal residence East Cowes on the Isle of Wight , England . It was in purchased by Queen Victoria and Prince Albert in 1845 .",
"Queen Victoria and her husband Prince Albert bought Osborne House on the Isle of Wight in October 1845 ."
] |
"The solent reminded by Prince Albert of the Bay of Naples , but the old house was too small for their needs , and the house was demolished and rebuilt by Thomas Cubitt .",
"The setting of the existing three storey Georgian house appealed to Queen Victoria and Prince Albert ; in particular , the views of the Solent reminded Albert of the Bay of Naples in Italy . It soon became obvious that it was too small for their needs ."
] |
"It was in purchased by Queen Victoria and Prince Albert in 1845 .",
"The house was built between 1845 and 1851 for Queen Victoria and Prince Albert as a summer home and rural retreat ."
] |
"Igbo is a language spoken in Nigeria .",
"Igbo is an official language of Nigeria and is also spoken natively in Cameroon ."
] |
Subsets and Splits