How durable is the line itself? Does it sag much if you hang a hand towel?
[ "The line is made up of a nylon material and seems to be very durable. The unit is identical to what you would find in a hotel/motel bathroom to hang your wet items on. You shouldn't have any issues hanging a hand towel on it. We are actually using the item at our Community Center with an Allen wrench attached to it for locking/unlocking the crash bars on the exit doors. The retraction of the line itself works great since it does not snap back instantly. The retraction is slow and steady.", "The line is very durable. We have hangers on it all the time -- very little sagging.", "I have found it to be reliably durable, though I'm not using it as a clothes line. I use it to hold up my car's charging cable in my garage." ]
How wide is the webbing and the buckle?
[ "The webbing is 1 1/2 inches wide. The buckle is 2 inches high and 2 inches wide, including the little tab on the side. When you're wearing the belt with the free end threaded through the buckle, the buckle/belt stick out 3/4 inch from the waistline of the pants, mainly because the webbing is fairly stiff by casual belt standards. This is a high quality product, and I am very happy with it.", "belt 1.5 inches buckle slightly larger--like a lot--if you travel you do not have to take it off--looks cool with almost any slacks or jeans" ]
does it work with ipod 4th generation
[ "I don't know for sure. I have an iPod nano. I think if the input for docking is on the bottom, it should work. It comes with 3-4 adapters to hold the iPod. I loooove this. The sound is amazing and I love all of the features, including a dimmer/off option for the display." ]
Is this the best battery choice for the Lenovo G560?
[ "This battery can work with G560, but may I know the part number of your original battery for double checking? Please feel free to contact us via [email protected], we will always be here to assist you.", "I found it to be the best choice. Improved performance and great warranty/service for good price. Can be a snug fit, but no problems in months of use.", "i have g560, z560 , battery somehow not a match, i returned, this happened in 2013", "Quality product, oem feel and performance, 18 month warranty. A heck of a value!" ]
will this fit a 1975 BMW R90S??
[ "We bought this for our Harley Road King and it looks like it's larger than the batteries recommended for the 75 BMW.", "-400 Cold Cranking Amps @ 0 Degree F(10 Hr Rate-Ah) 26ETX30L Dimensions: Length: 6.63\" x Width: 5.19\" x Height: 6.88\"Weight: 21.7 lbsAbove are the batteries size and CCA.......Your bike came with a wet cell battery but guys are using various AGM batteries in the older bikes the dimensions should help you bee 100% sure it will fit", "Based off of the information you have provided, we show that the ETX-30L is one of the correct aftermarket replacement batteries." ]
Anyone know if this one or the 001-0116-170 covers fit the Squier Vintage SS Modified Jaguar Bass?
[ "No, it will only fit a Squire Jazz bass with a bit of tweeking. You should look to find one that fits the Jaguar bass and tweek that to fit your Squire.You have to remember: The Squire guitars are not always the same size as the Fenders, there has to be something different between them.", "It will overlap yar pickguard. but just a lil bit.. I wouldn't recommend putting this on a jaguar bass.." ]
Can I use the ethernet connection from my laptop instead of using a dedicated hub or modem to connect to the first power line device?
[ "In a word, NO. It has to be connected to a router that assigns internal IP addresses. That would be either your cable/DSL 'modem' or to something like an Apple Airport that has an ethernet jack." ]
I don't understand what means the SOY HYDRA COMPLEX INFUSED CERAMIC PLATES, if anyone knows, can you explain me that please?
[ "When the hair is in contact with the plates of the flat iron the soy infusion applied to them is suppose to protect the hair from heat damage" ]
can i print from my android phone and kindle tablet?
[ "I've used the device to print from iPhone, Galaxy S3 and Xoom tablet; however, I'm uncertain about Kindle." ]
i need too know if you can put a ddr 3 i want the truth plz my friend has this and he can put a ddr3 in this computer why are you not telling me the
[ "You cannot add DDR3 memory on a motherboard which supports DDR2 memory. DDR3 memory won't fit on DDR2 socket/slot which this model has. Please check specs below from official HP website: http://h20565.www2.hp.com/portal/site/hpsc/template.PAGE/public/kb/docDisplay?javax.portlet.begCacheTok=com.vignette.cachetoken&javax.portlet.endCacheTok=com.vignette.cachetoken&javax.portlet.prp_ba847bafb2a2d782fcbb0710b053ce01=wsrp-navigationalState%3DdocId%253Demr_na-c00798873-36%257CdocLocale%253D%257CcalledBy%253D&javax.portlet.tpst=ba847bafb2a2d782fcbb0710b053ce01&sp4ts.oid=3232028&ac.admitted=1386605803142.876444892.492883150" ]
Would these make for good auxiliary reverse lights?
[ "no the fog lights would not make good back up lights ,they are for fog not reverse lights", "These fog lights would make for decent reverse lights. They are bright enough and light up a pretty good area. I have been surprised how much life I've gotten out of them for the cost.", "I don't see why not. Depending where you mount them, they're easily adjustable up and down." ]
I am interested on this cellphone Samsung Galaxy S III S3 16GB Android Pebble Blue - T-Mobile new. What do you mean had problems charging and raddled?
[ "It doesn't hold it's charged. When I have it plugged in it reads 100% ,and as soon as I unplug it will read 96% or as low as 83%", "The phone is great. Both my son and I have it and I enjoy every feature it has. All I mean regarding charger is that the charger cord that came with the used phone I purchased was not working and/or broken but I had a charger already that was working so it worked out for me." ]
Will it take the 10# spools?
[ "Yes. Cant weld anything over 14g properly. Sold mine and bought Miller Migmatic" ]
Had mine about 2 weeks. It was working but now I'm getting a Device May Not Be Supported notice. Doesn't charge. Thought this was certified?
[ "This is exactly what happened to me. The cord is USELESS. I cut mine up and trashed it. You MUST order the original Apple Brand ONLY Lightning cable which you can get at Radio Shack." ]
Will this work on a Nikon D3200? and what extent does this increase the values when all rings are attached? 2X?
[ "It's designed for a 4/3 camera but if they make one for Nikon, I sure would recommend it. You can get much more expensive extension tubes but I don't see how it would help since all it does is move the lens further from the camera.", "No, this particular model only works on Olympus and Panasonic 4-3 mounts. I believe they make one for Nikon. I don't know about the values but I'd say much more than 2X. You can see the eyes of an ant." ]
If this safe is 7 inches deep how are people mounting it inside a wall? Most walls in the US are framed with 2x4 or 2x6 lumber.
[ "You need to know how thick the dry wall is and the face plate sticks out about an inch. It fit in my standard wall without any problems with 5/8\" dry wall. I recommend putting it near a plug to recharge it", "Yes you can put it in a 16\" on center 2x4 wall. First drill a small hole and stick in a cut off coat hanger to see if in fact it is a 2x4 wall. BE CAREFUL of pocket doors, medicine cabinets, waste pipes (PVC), water pipes, and Romex wires. I would use a sheetrock hand saw. Unless you are absolutely sure of what's behind that sheetrock, saber saws and sawsalls cut way too fast and have no feel. POD", "It's a tight fit but I did manage to just fit it in the interior wall of a closet. Make sure you know where the studs are and butt up to them as best you can. The back of the safe will sit on the opposite drywall but no bulge can be seen.", "It is not 7\" deep that must be a typo. It is about 4-1/2\" deep total. It fits in a standard 2x4 framed wall with 16\" on center studs. so far I'm happy with it other than the odd layout of the number buttons. It works well for me.", "I purchased one of these safes in July and installed it. No issue with depth. Can't be 7\" unless they measure total depth. It works like a charm and my wife loves it!" ]
Does this bone smell? I'm looking for something to keep my Golden occupied during a road trip.
[ "I tried smelling it when I first took it out of the package. It smelled like Peanut butter. I did not think the smell was overwhelming at all.", "No it does not smell but my ridgeback is able to get all the filling in 15 minutes . The filling is to soft it's not worth the price don't waste your money !", "I can't smell the peanut butter inside, but apparently my dog can, because that is what he is after.", "My dogs have gone through 6 of them now and not one of them had any odor. Hope this helps.", "It doesn't really smell of peanut butter to begin with. When the dog gets at it I don't recall it having any odor, but then I haven't been in a small enclosed area with it. It does have white flakes coming off it when the dog gnaws on it so hopefully your car seat has a cover on it.", "Hi Laura, no it doesn't smell!! But please read some of the negative reviews. I wouldn't recommend this product!!" ]
Does this work with a metal door and a metal schreen door?
[ "I think so. It works for our basement screen door, our rear door, our front door, and our kitchen side door. The side door is separated from the base unit by a room with plaster-on-metal lath walls. Other doors have screens.", "I can't answer that because I place the item on my back outside wall next to my door. One thing that I can say is about 25ft it didn't work, so my advice to you is go to a home center a buy a good one. Talk to a home center associate about what you are looking for, otherwise you will be spending money for nothing. My opinion.", "You attach the button to push beside the door so I don't understand the question. As long as you have a place beside the door that you can put two screws into it will work. I got one of these for me and one for a gift for my grandma. We both love it.", "It works great and I have it setup at my office which is concrete, and the door is metal and glass. My only issue was the button would stick in the on position and I've since fixed that...Geo" ]
Does this box have the Linux version of XBMC?
[ "Have you sent me a device does not work and has no spare parts in the states of Fdhira on Alaijah" ]
Tom Tom One 3rd edition Vs Nextar P3 I have got both the GPS and am wondering which ione to keep. I could'nt find any review about Nextar whereas Tom Tom has mixed response. Can someone please guide me through that? Tom Tom One 3rd edition Vs Nextar P3 I have got both the GPS and am wondering which ione to keep. I could'nt find any review about Nextar whereas Tom Tom has mixed response. Can someone please... » Read More Tom Tom One 3rd edition Vs Nextar P3 I have got both the GPS and am wondering which ione to keep. I could'nt find any review about Nextar whereas Tom Tom has mixed response. Can someone please guide me through that? « Show Less
[ "I was looking for and couldn't find a nextar P3 review either, but I ended up buying it anyway and I posted the review last night--just search the nextar P3 on amazon and it should be posted by now. Basically I think it's a great unit, but I've never owned a tom tom so I can't compare to that specifically. The nextar was super easy to setup and figure out as well.", "I have the Tom Tom it is very easy to use you can have it up and running in 5 minutes. The documention is poor and it took me a day to add the compass feature to the screen. Luckily most everthing is user friendly battery life is about 2 hours without the cable connected which is not much so leave it plugged in. This unit will do the job and will boot fast." ]
Hi there, is this laptop good for video editing?
[ "Yes its good, but not great. It also depends on which software program you're using for your video editing. Many software programs use GPU acceleration and use the CUDA cores in the GPU to speed up video editing. The GTX 765M has 768 CUDA cores which is a nice amount. If your video editing is hobby or amateur it will do a good job. If you're a professional then you may want to get a computer with the 770M, 780M, or even a Quardo instead of a GeForce." ]
what size doll fits in the carrier?
[ "My daughter has a life size newborn baby doll (20 inches long). The doll fits in the carrier just fine." ]
Will this work with 5D Mark III?
[ "I use it with my 60D; works fine. After I purchased it, I found out that the Canon RC-1 (from my 19993 10S) also worked with the 60D I bought. So, bottom line is, if you email Canon support and ask them if the RC-1 will work with the 5D Mark III, you should have your answer." ]
just received today & it will not hold a charge. any ideas?
[ "It happen to one of the three that I bought . My thought was because if you have severalin storage this could happen with anything. there great keyboards ,just send it back Amazon replaced mine no questions asked .", "I have not had a problem with mine not keeping a charge, but I did notice when I first charged it that you need to make sure that the cable is going through the provided hole properly so that it stays connected. I didn't have mine in all the way and didn't notice it and it didn't hold the charge long that time. After I paid better attention to connecting the cable it has been fine ever since. Don't forget that the keyboard has a separate usb charger on the right hand side of the keyboard that also needs to be charged. I know this isn't much but I hope it helps. Lora C", "If you gave it time to fully charge, there shouldn't be a problem. I've had no problems with mine holding a charge. Contact Amazon. If it's faulty, they'll replace it quickly.", "I don't know what the problem might be. Both of ours work fine. I agree with the other guy - send it back to Amazon - I have found them to be very fair and easy to work with." ]
Is this gas or electric?
[ "It is electric. Great precise temperature contols. Best small appliance I've ever had." ]
Are these Gluten & Wheat Free?
[ "Quote from the product description: \"We source ingredients which do not contain wheat, dairy and are not genetically engineered. 70% Organic ingredients; certified organic by QAI.\" I would guess you would be safe from Gluten with these, but if in doubt check with the manufacture directly as they would be the best source for that information." ]
I have gone to Naviextras.com but cannot find Ocaler as a branded product. Is there a product name I should enter? Thank you
[ "8 wasn't able to find anything either. I took the risk and bought the unit. Turns out its a pretty good GPS. Only issue I have is the time on it is not always correct. Wish I could help more.", "I don't see anything recognizable . I see cpu Media Tek MT3351. It is an Asian product. It works great, took it to Dallas no problems." ]
can some one tell me if these will fit in a 2008 Honda Pilot visor lights vanity mirrors, thank you :)
[ "No, those are 29mm long, this is a 42mm bulb. Just type in \"29mm festoon LED\" on Amazon and they are there." ]
Other than the bluetooth extra, is this IDENTICAL to this one?: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00C...
[ "it appears to be, however I no longer have the box or spec sheet to compare them" ]
so does this have a cd player for reg cds ?
[ "Yes it does play regular audio CD's. My wife and I really like this unit. Nice features, good sound quality.", "Yes it has a single drawer for it. The sound is awesome and better than some more expensive units I've listened to in person. Buy it!", "Yes, it plays regular CDs. It does not have a CD changer, but it sounds good in my shop." ]
Will this work with a TerraTrike Rambler Base 24 speed?
[ "I believe that there would be no problem with mounting the axle but, I think that the resistance mechanism will not rotate out far enugh to contact the tire. The bike we have mounted on ours has a 24\" rear wheel and I roughly estimate that the apex of the arc on the mechanism could reach a 22\" diameter wheel. Looking at some images of the TerraTrike I see that the wheel size on most models are more on the line of the size of a BMX bike (16\" or 18\") if I'm not mistaken, although I know there a few that have a larger rear wheel?" ]
Will SGP311 fit in this ?
[ "Yes, my SGP311 fits perfectly, but only if out of any case I may have it in.", "Xperia tablet z will fit in this. This was made for xperia tablet z (2013)." ]
What is the diameter at the bottom of the basket?
[ "7\" at base, graduates to 8 3/4\" at top including handle frame. Hope this helps." ]
how do I send you an email
[ "Hello, within the order section of your Amazon account there is a contact seller link. Please use that to communicate to the seller. Thanks!" ]
Can a Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO and a Sapphire Radeon R9 270X fit this?
[ "Yes, i know for sure it will fit the card, although it may be a bit snug on the length, as for the fan, there are 7 fans that are all removable so as long as the cool master is the same size as them there shouldn't be any issue." ]
Is the product offered here in this purchase 2.0 compatible?
[ "NO! It is NOT! As pictured, it is the wrong packaging for the 2.0! To work on the 2.0, it must have an outer ring (white for this one) that states KEURIG BREWED several times around it. Their new packaging is sold on the Keurig site and you will see the packaging difference." ]
I have an 82737 will this work with it? you have listed a 82738
[ "i would believe so, the differences in model numbers are just set features." ]
If while you are driving and not a lot of motion and the unit goes to sleep, if a call comes in will it wake up the unit?
[ "No you have to move and wake up the unit in order for it to pick up the call.", "Yes, it will. While driving there is usually motion of some kind, I.e. from turning steering wheel." ]
What is usually in this?
[ "A pack a little bigger than a playing card, and inside that is an MLP figure between 1 and 2 inches tall and long, along with a card that tells a little bit about whatever character you happen to get.", "that is wave 4, it has one of twenty four mini ponies and a card. you never know which one you'll get." ]
can I use the 30 second cleaner on my shower walls
[ "Not much different than regular bleach. Save money and just buy bleach and dilute 50:50", "Used it on Trex deck. Bleached it to a lighter color. Also used it on stucco wall and it worked fine.", "The directions on the bottle I bought says to use outdoors only. The manufacturer's website says it's not bleach and it worked better than bleach for us." ]
does it come with the usb cord
[ "Yes, it is attached and wired through the inside of it. That is the problem that initially broke off fan blades (I think) with the wire getting caught up.", "The usb cord is attached to the cooler so it doesn't get lost and it just plugs right into the computer. I really like mine and if you purchase it I hope you have the same good luck with it that I have had.", "Yeah, there is a usb cord attached that has a female adapter so that it doesn't take away the port" ]
The "Blue Air / Coffee" Model shows Dimensions as: 19 x 12.6 x 5 inches. Is the CORRECT? It is only FIVE inches tall? It says for 8" tall pet.???
[ "I measured the one I have and it is 9 inches tall put together and the opening for the door is 7 inches at the widest part and about 6 inches for the smallest part. The length is 19 inches. This works for my smaller cats 5 to 8 pounds but for my larger cats 10 plus pounds it is too small. I don't know where the 5 inches measurement is. Hope this helps!", "The crate that I received is 13 inches high. It is about 12 inches wide. It is over 18 inches long. I bought it for an 18 lb. cat and he is comfortable in it. He can sit up and turn around. Maybe there was a typo. Anyway, it is a great pet crate. I recommend securing the corners with tie wraps (not provided, but I'm sure you have some) We haven't used it yet, but our cats love exploring it. It looks like it might be airline compliant, but I think it is to big to stow under the seat in front of you. Hope you find the perfect pet crate for your needs.", "Well I cant say for sure because the one I have is for a 15 to 20lb dog or cat and from 11in to 19 in...not sure if that even helped" ]
Can most grown men fit their whole hand inside of this bottle?
[ "I can't myself, but why on earth do you need to fist the cup you drink out of?", "that prob what it is...why i am always wet after drinking: too wide top of the bottle.", "Dry-handed, probably not. Slightly more likely using butter or oil as lubrication, as the opening of the bottle is narrower than the rest of the bottle.", "Teenaged girls can't fit their hands inside of it.... Sorry, bro. But it is dishwasher safe" ]
Will a queen set of sheets fit this air mattress?
[ "They cover top of it but don't tuck very well under it. I liked it so much that I didn't care", "Yes! The fitted sheet may slip off if you roll around a lot because the mattress is really thick, but they do fit!" ]
Can someone tell the difference in ml thickness between the shelf liner and the floor liner? Thanks
[ "I don't know by ml but I have used both. If I'm recalling correctly, the floor liner might be a tad thicker. I bought this because I was essentially setting up two kitchens and needed a tremendous amount of liner. I used the entire box, The floor liner is great. If you need such a huge volumn, it's a good price. Note that the width is different from shelf liner so you need to plan your cutting to minimize waste.", "I have only purchased the floor liner. I can tell you that the it is thicker than the shelf liners (other brands) that I have tried from local stores. It is a lot wider than typical shelf liner, but it cuts super easy. I have a huge number of cabinets that I lined & I think there is enough left for another kitchen. It's a good deal.", "No. Excellent product! I'm sure you will not be disappointed. I recently ordered another one to complete the inside shelves of my kitchen cabinets, and floor for inside closets" ]
When fully charged how long can you use it before it dies and needs to be recharged?
[ "i have ran it 15 minutes continuously. but i think it could only go 20 or so. i use it for a minute or 2 to vacuum up litter. it is used to vacuum my car(dog fur it takes 15 minutes to do)but i always charge it for 6 hours before that. and i only get a few couple minute uses after that. it is a good vacuum for the dog hair in the car, and the litter. the only draw backs are it is a big drain on the battery. if you want longer or more suction get a plug in large vacuum.", "I did not get that far because as soon as I realized that it was not picking up anything I sent it back.", "I'll guess a few hours, if you use it a lot. I keep mine sitting in the charger all the time, though." ]
expiration date where do we find the expiration dates on the luna bars? i dont want to buy them if there expired. please help.
[ "the only way to know that is to order a box and look on the colored part of the wrapperyou might want to contact customer service on this one" ]
Does this cover damage caused by power surges? Product information does not say 'though the "Canopy" coverage specifically states that it is covered.
[ "I think Sterling covered the question. I haven't had a problem with surges so I have no direct experience with a claim of this nature.", "Section 11 states that the product is protected against operational failure resulting from a power surge while properly connected to a surge protector. You may be required to provide your surge protector for examination. However...section 9, \"WHAT IS NOT COVERED\", states that improper electrical/power supply (as in, not using a surge protector), will not be covered. I'm sending you a short version of what I already sent to Amazon feedback, just in case. As I said, good luck!!", "I would not know that. But if you send them a message they will get back to you. Their customer service is excellent. I have not had to use my warranty yet! Good luck.", "I am unsure because I never even got a product description after I ordered it. They never sent me anything, an email or a written notice, stating that I had purchased the warrantee so I have been unable to use it", "I sent the answer through \"feedback on amazon, they will forward it, I assume. Again, good luck!!" ]
Where is the on/off button located? I'm notorious for accidentally turning a product off while using it if the on/off switch is on the handle.
[ "It is on the side of the thicker black part but not on the skinnier handle part.", "The on/off switch is on the upper part of handle. There are 2 switches on/off and temp control. The temp control dial can easily get moved due to using the iron. I have to check it often to make sure it is not on high. Wish this iron had an auto off after a period of time. It is a fantastic iron.", "the on/off button is on the knob right below the actual iron and it's on a raised part, so it would be near impossible to accidentally turn it off by design. The ON/OFF button is not easily hit when your hand is on the actual handle." ]
is this amp overkill to power 2 12w1v3.4 jl subs..they are rated at 300w each so is it or not overkill? I wanted to get w3's but are to deep for my tr
[ "I'm running 2 kenwood excelon subs rated at 300 each. The jx 1000 has more power than they can handle but they sound great. It's better to have to much power than not enough. I think your subs would be a good match up for this amp", "Its probably a bit over the top. I have mine powering a set of 1200 watt subs. You will just have to be careful that you don't blow the subs. The JL subs are all underrated so it will be close. I hope this helps", "Yeah. I have it hooked up to a pair w3s and i only have it turned halfway up. 250 works great with the w1s maybe even 500 but that would be pushing it" ]
would this key work for a 2007 honda fit sport model?
[ "HI No this is not the proper key for that application. 1-888-539-1362 for tech support" ]
Will it work with the camone infinity?
[ "Looks like it has the same mount as a go pro (the screw part) so yeah, it should fit. https://www.google.com/search?q=camone+infinity&espv=210&es_sm=119&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=UXj7UqSQE-br0gHlvYGADg&ved=0CAsQ_AUoAw&biw=1440&bih=758#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=peqbDCFb9jzogM%253A%3BbRCSzL4ivV_9oM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fi1.ytimg.com%252Fvi%252FhE3Mld60Rcs%252Fmaxresdefault.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.youtube.com%252Fwatch%253Fv%253DhE3Mld60Rcs%3B1280%3B720" ]
Is this filter an A or B type filter? Pictures shows A. Description says B. I need B...
[ "The 'A' appears to be a revision level for the filter. The DCF-17 indicates it fits all 440 series vacuums. On the vacuums, the revision level seems to be the letter at the end of the model number e.g. 443b, where the 'b' is the revision level. I suspect, the DCF-17 will fit if you have a 440 series vacuum at any revision level. I cannot be certain, but it makes sense. Note: New filter will fit very tight, so it needs to be worked into place. Amazon will take it back if it does not fit.", "Just so happens, when I purchased before, I bought 2 to save shipping, and still have the extra one still in the box. I see nothing on the box that says a type number. However there is a number on the box that says 63170A. If that means type A, I don't know. Also says series 440. Sorry I couldn't be more help.", "I have a Eureka \"Super Lite\" model 442 this filter fits perfectly. The no. on the box is 63170A." ]
where is the gowise gw22052 blood pressure monitors made?
[ "The back of the main unit indicates that it is made in China ... imagine that. However, mine does seem to function as advertised. If where it is made bothers you, I would avoid it as that will probably make your blood pressure rise. Just kidding, it is a pretty good product." ]
Random play: Will this unit shuffle the discs while in random play as well as play the tracks on each disc randomly?
[ "I just bought and installed this last week and am wondering the same, have you figured this out?" ]
Does this come with a back screen protector?
[ "If you mean is there anything to keeps your cards and stuff from rubbing against the back of the phone the answer is no. There is no protection on the back of the phone except the door that opens and closes. I hate to be critical but that one is no good. The otter box version slides up and down and is a better product. Wish they had made this one like they did the 4s, but unfortunately it pales in comparison." ]
how tall is the stand? Does it come with a top hook for hanging?
[ "The stand is 84 inches (7 feet) tall. There is a welded \"eye\" hook at the top of the frame, plus it comes with a heavy duty three inch \"S\" hook for hanging your swing (if needed). Allowing for the hooks and slight bending under load, the actual useable height is about 78-79 inches. Good HEAVY DUTY product but needs space.", "Stand is about 80\" high. About 16 1/2\" from ceiling on our enclosed porch. Came with a hook for hanging. I also bought a swivel and a chain but both were useless because there is not enough room for chair swing to hang. Note that this is a cumbersome stand. In our other house, I had a special place in the ceiling: perfect, with nothing below the swing. My husband fell getting out of this stand so we keep it near a table where the\"feet\" are under the table." ]
I just got mine. Only one of the three screws will start. It's like the nut inserts are not installed deep enough. Am I missing something?
[ "I had a similar issue with mine as well. I had to really squeeze the housing together to get the screw to start. Can't be anymore help than that", "I had some difficulty in getting mine mounted too. It was a matter of making sure everything of the device was properly seated on the trigger guard before I could get the screws to go in.", "On mine you have to make sure the 2 halves are nice and tight and use the Allen wrench that came with it. Mine fit like a glove once I figured that the 2 halves have to match exactly. Nice and tight and it took around 10 shots to match it up with my sights and now I don't even use the sights.", "I have no problem. Each time I clean my pistol I remove the laser and have had no trouble with installing or removing it at all." ]
How long does it take to charge a phone?
[ "It depends on the charger as well as the pedaling of this. Best way to test is to plug your phone up normally and base it off of that." ]
Citrulline that's clump up upon arrival still good? I just mixed them up and it broke up, not sure if they are still any good?
[ "I have had citrulline clump on me many times, and it's always been fine. I think it's probably because of the pouch that it's stored/shipped in. Other brands I've had clump after a while as well. Perhaps it's the malic acid (malate)in it that makes it stick.", "Yes, it's fine, pure powders will sometimes clump due to humidity in the air. Bulk Supplements will sometimes include moisture absorbing packs (like the ones in beef jerky packs) to help offset this problem but the clumping is harmless. Hope this helps", "Hmm I'm not 100% on that. Mine was never clumped, but I have had creatine clump and I still use it. It shouldn't do that on arrival though bc that either means it's been exposed to air or has sat a very long time", "Yes the Citrulline is still good. By nature it tends to clump up when contained. You can chop/mix/grate/filter for more powdered consistency, but once the citrulline is mixed into water it will disperse readily upon shaking and distributing it within solution.", "Citrulline does tend to clump up. Especially when mixed with other powders. It should still be good.", "As long as the powder didn't crystalize in the pouch you should be fine . If it did that means it wasn't sealed properly it could have a hole in it . But if you take the product and feel no adverse side effects like stomach pains you should be fine ." ]
will the small, youths
[ "I bought these in medium to fit my daughter who wears a size 8 in women's. They fit her well and are a bit tight to get on. Hope this helps!" ]
Is bottom stainless steel for glass cooktop?
[ "No, this pan becomes uneven when heat is turned on. I was very disappointed with this product and would not recommend buying it." ]
will this work easily with central air
[ "Yes, this device is made fora heat pump or central air, by just flipping a switch when installing. Very intuitive , you will have no issues.", "Yes. I have this thermostat on both just a furnace and a furnace with central air. Works great.", "Yes, we live in the mountains @ 7,000 ft so Air Condition is not a big deal--The one I have has Heat, Off and Cool. You can set it you with a timer to best suit your individual needs. Hope this will help you." ]
Do you have to use bananas or are their recipes without them?
[ "I think mango and strawberry together actually have the best texture out of everything I've tried - even better than frozen bananas.", "Frozen bananas make the fruit come out smoother. Berries, apples or pears will make chunky strudels of icy fruit, which break off before they form a nice, continuous swirl. It's not terrible, just won't look as much like ice cream. Bananas give it a creaminess, that binds the rest of the fruit. I would suggest adding yogurt/milk/cream if you don't want to use bananas, but the chute is so small it would be a pain and there's no guarantee that the cream would weld together with the fruit as it comes out.", "You can use any type of frozen fruit. I've used berries and pineapple, and they worked just fine.", "You can use other frozen fruit, but, bananas make make it sweeter. Also you need to eat it pretty fast. Do not let it sit to long, the bananas get mushy.", "You may use any fruit. Softer ones work best, and be sure to leave out of freezer for 10-15 minutes prior to running through machine.", "No you do not have to use bananas. They just work the best. All other fruit needs to be thawed for at LEAST 15 mins before using." ]
Do these drill bits work with a dremel tool?
[ "They do.By practice you'll find the right speed and pressure needed for the material." ]
Is this gun good in airsoft wars?
[ "This is not an air soft gun, though it may shoot them, it is not designed for them. Of course I guess you could use BBs and be the last one standing. Just joking, Do not use BBs to shoot at anyone.", "Are you nuts this gun shoots steel bbs,and they will shoot your eye out! this is not a toy,nor are airsoft guns. treat with a lot of care." ]
will this radio stand upright on a table or night stand??
[ "Yes, it stands upright, but might easily be knocked over if hit. Hope this helps! I feel the radio is a bargain!", "I tried every possible positions to get good reception which are the norm for this device. Yes, it included stand upright position." ]
I have a factory roof rack for Honda Element and like to use the Yakima Viper (bike rack).Does MM works with it?
[ "I bought this item over 15 years ago. You would have to go to the Yakima site to know for sure." ]
will it seal compressor leaks
[ "No it does not. It does not come with a warranty either. It's really not that good. I would pass if I were you.", "In My case, it did seal my compressor leak for the summer, then I would have to repeat treatment again the following year. After a couple of years of treatment the compressor leak became too large and I replaced the compressor. For some reason the price of this product has jumped substantially in the last year.", "by compressor leak, do you mean compressor seal leak?..cos thats the problem i think i have in my truck...wondering if this will repair the leak?", "both times i have used it for evaporator/ condensor leaks and it worked great. for the compressor it would depend on the severity of the leak" ]
Is the mounting hardware included with this swing? How does it attach up top?
[ "It has metal hooks that can go thru mountings on outdoor swing set. But that's all it brings. However since we wanted the swing set higher off the ground so we didn't have to bend over to put the baby in we wrapped the rope over the wood on top and use the hooks on the rope themselves and its been up since we purchased the swing. My daughter is three now and i think we bought this when she was around 1 but my brother had his babies after me so he uses the swing easily for his kids when they come over still to this day." ]
what is the warranty?
[ "Warranty is offered to the original purchaser for a period of 3 years as to the structural framing of the furniture, and 1 year for all cushions and chrome finish of metal components. Thank you." ]
what about english and spanish languages?
[ "hola buenas tardes por favor si me pueden informar si el telefono es sim dual? .gracias", "hola, tengo una pregunta soy de venezuela y quisiera saber si el telefono sirve en mi pais, si esta liberado si el unloked es internacional", "hi i couldnt even know about my cel phone because it was stolen at the third day i got it thanks", "Hola, feliz da. El telfono es excelente. Son muy buenos, realmente los recomiendo y el trato con el sr de Amazon es excelente. muy puntuales con las entregas y si es lo que esperaba del producto. Por otro excelente el vendedor.", "Hola, feliz día. El teléfono es excelente. Son muy buenos, realmente los recomiendo y el trato con el sr de Amazon es excelente. muy puntuales con las entregas y si es lo que esperaba del producto. Por otro excelente el vendedor." ]
Are the rubber tips removeable? I might need to have the legs shortened as it is a bit too high for me to step up onto .
[ "The rubber tips are removeable. The legs could be shortened and the rubber tips replaced afterwards." ]
Does this come with any plates at all or is it just the organizer????
[ "This organizer is empty when you get it. It is great though. I have 175 plates in it. It is about 12\"L x 6\"W and with all of my plates, it weighs around 15 lbs. It is well put together and fairly durable. I hope this helps!", "It's just the organizer, but I highly recommend it if you'll get the plates separately. This'll keep them safe from scratches." ]
Do you sell an adaptor to interface 9.6 volt battery to the Makita mod. DC9100 Fast Charger? The battery sent will not fit the Makita charger.
[ "you have recieved the wrong battery. I have the same charger. you need the Upstart battery model number MK96VL. Ask them to send you the right battery.", "Yes it dose not fit the Makita charge but I'd use the DeWalt Supercharge for all my Battery, it charges in about 13 to 15 minutes or less.", "The battery sent DOES fit the charger. However it will NOT charge. A Makita factor battery does charge however" ]
Has anyone used these for freezing?
[ "These go on glass Mason jars. Water expands when it freezes. You will end up with either a broken jar or a blown seal if you put one in a freezer. If you are going to freeze just get some ziploc freezer bags.", "I did use them for freezing, using my vacuum sealer for the jar. seems to have worked well." ]
Will the mic work on PC/Mac?
[ "I bought an adapter like:Consumer Electronic Products Smartphone Headset to PC Adapter - Use a 3.5mm iPhone/Smartphone Headset With Your PC, Converts 3.5mm Plug to Dual Mic/Audio 3.5mm, for Skype/VOIP (01-PH35-PC35) Supply Storeand it works perfectly.", "I bought an adapter like: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B008OB2NHA/ref=oh_details_o04_s00_i01?ie=UTF8&psc=1 and it works perfectly.", "Don't know, haven't tried it. I was disappointed in the quality of sound through the earphones." ]
how much weight will it hold
[ "I'm not sure but my cat is 12 lbs and it opens on that due to flaw in construction. I'm sure it can't hold that much more weight.", "If you go into Petmate's website, it states that the 24 inch model is made to accommodate up to a 20 lb. pet.", "It's pretty sturdy. On the box it states it's recommended for pets between 10-20 pounds.", "Im not sure, my dog weighs almost 15 pounds and it definitely is big enough for him.", "So far I've had about 12-15lbs in the carrier and there doesn't appear to be any strain. :)", "Our kits top out at 20 pounds. I believe it's listed on the package at a bit more than that. I wouldn't want to go muchheavier but that's because it gets awkward to pick up and haul if you are on the shorter size like me at 5'2\". A largerhauler might hold more weight but it'll be that much more difficult to haul too. I'm surprised the item description doesn'tinclude this information. It's one the reason's I had a problem picking out this one but some reviewers mentioned it workedfine for their 20 pound pets and it seems they were right. But you need to match not just weight but overall size too.A much taller dog but thin might weigh less but be to high or long for this carrier. Our kits top out at 20 pounds. I believe it's listed on the package at a bit more than that. I wouldn't want to go muchheavier but that's because it gets awkward to pick up and haul if you are on the shorter size like me at 5'2\". A largerhauler might hold more weight but it'll be that much more difficult to haul too. I'm surprised the item description doesn'tinclude this information. It's one the reason's I had a problem picking out this one but some reviewers mentioned it workedfine for their 20 pound pets and it seems they were right. But you need to match not... » Read More Our kits top out at 20 pounds. I believe it's listed on the package at a bit more than that. I wouldn't want to go muchheavier but that's because it gets awkward to pick up and haul if you are on the shorter size like me at 5'2\". A largerhauler might hold more weight but it'll be that much more difficult to haul too. I'm surprised the item description doesn'tinclude this information. It's one the reason's I had a problem picking out this one but some reviewers mentioned it workedfine for their 20 pound pets and it seems they were right. But you need to match not just weight but overall size too.A much taller dog but thin might weigh less but be to high or long for this carrier. « Show Less", "My cat is only 7 months old and weighs 8 pounds. The pet kennel can certainly hold a full grown cat, I believe of any weight.", "sorry, i have no way to measure. it is sturdy, fastened top to bottom with 9 nuts and screws. the locking bar runs thru the top door. i just did an uncalibrated pull while holding down the bottom. my guess is that 20 lbs would be safe. the advertised measurements should help you to determine if this is what you need. the top door is great for the animal that just won't cooperate." ]
can it be used for egg omelet.
[ "Cooking is about experiment and trying things to make you enjoy it. So please go ahead and try the omelet. Though it is dried yeast flakes with an egg like flavor." ]
Does anyone know the product #? Is this the same as the Cuisinart ICE-30BC, but in black? Thanks for your time.
[ "The only # on the machine or the instruction book is CIM-60PC. I would guess that with such different numbers, the machines are not the same.", "I was investigating the same thing when I bought mine. As far as I know there are only two sizes, 2 qt. and a smaller qt. size. My mom has the smaller version and you can barely squeeze a decent serving for three people out of that one. My advice is get a 2 qt. machine. It's better built, the bowls are bigger, and thicker walled, and you can always make less. My Unit is the STAINLESS STEEL 2 qt. model number CIM-60PC, I don't know what the black model number is for the same size? You might try going on cuisinart.com and emailing them that question. I remember being confused about the lack of info on amazon when I bought this one, but I was after the stainless steel model. I was investigating the same thing when I bought mine. As far as I know there are only two sizes, 2 qt. and a smaller qt. size. My mom has the smaller version and you can barely squeeze a decent serving for three people out of that one. My advice is get a 2 qt. machine. It's better built, the bowls are bigger, and thicker walled, and you can always make less. My Unit is the STAINLESS STEEL 2 qt. model number CIM-60PC, I don't know what the black model number is for the same size? You might try going on cuisinart.com and emailing them that question. I remember being confused about the lack... » Read More I was investigating the same thing when I bought mine. As far as I know there are only two sizes, 2 qt. and a smaller qt. size. My mom has the smaller version and you can barely squeeze a decent serving for three people out of that one. My advice is get a 2 qt. machine. It's better built, the bowls are bigger, and thicker walled, and you can always make less. My Unit is the STAINLESS STEEL 2 qt. model number CIM-60PC, I don't know what the black model number is for the same size? You might try going on cuisinart.com and emailing them that question. I remember being confused about the lack of info on amazon when I bought this one, but I was after the stainless steel model. « Show Less" ]
Does it fit into a 2000 oldsmobile bravado?
[ "Yes it would fit, but when you attach the screen to the stereo it would cover the two A/C vents above the stereo. So if you don't mind that then the stereo would be a good fit for your car." ]
Can it work on a hot tub that rquires 50 amps?
[ "Math: Amps = Watts / Volts. 7500 Watts / 120 Volts = 750 / 12 = approx 62 Amps. BUT! My guess is that this is a 30 Amp balanced (2-sided) circuit system. That means you could get 30 Amps from one side & 30 Amps from the other side, yielding a total of 60 Amps of 120 Volt power, but only 30 amps each side of the output circuit. Then the most you can feed a single appliance is 30 Amps. Then it will not feed 50 amps 120 Volts to an appliance. And also it will feed only 30 Amps at 240 volts. If you had two separate heaters to your hot tub, each taking 25 Amps at 120 Volts, you could certainly run both heaters to get a total of 50 amp heating. But do you have a 50 amp 240 Volt hot tub? if so, that means 50 x 240 = 12,000 Watts." ]
Exactly what do I need in order to connect this to my mac and record with Garage Band?
[ "glad you asked that. you need too much. soo much i dont even know.I never got it working, had to stick with my original. Make sure you get one with a usb if its for garageband. Other than that you need a whole program.", "glad you asked that. you need too much. soo much i dont even know. I never got it working, had to stick with my original. Make sure you get one with a usb if its for garageband. Other than that you need a whole program.", "I had to buy a Nady 2-channel Phantom power supply, and a Microphone/USB (adapter) cord that would connect my Mac to the power supply." ]
How strong is the chainwheel? Will it bend easily if its hit against stairs? Is it removable... can I upgrade it without having to buy new cranks?
[ "It is strong but it has a flawed design but i have put it through some beating and it never has bent on me, the bike is totally worth it , you should think about switching the crank out tho after some time" ]
Will it work for pulling one end of the cord? I want to use this sort of as a dispenser keeping the unit stationary.
[ "Unfortunately, no. The cord has to be folded in half and when depresses the trigger button behind the hook, activates the spring. Recoil will have a new version of the winder coming this summer that allows you to pull out as much cord as you need and \"lock\" it off. That may be of use in your situation. Thank you for the inquiry. AnneRecoil Customer Service", "The ways these work are by folding the cord in half around the hook, so yes, both halves do hang out one side. To wind, you must pull the cords in a downward motion, to unwind you pull out strait/upward motion so you would need to have enough clearance to be able to execute both maneuvers. I have never fixed it stationary, so I cannot advise you of the results of doing so, but in theory, I can see how you may be able to make it work with a little tinkering. I honestly don't think you will know if your experiment would work for sure without trying unfortunately.", "Unfortunately, no. The cord has to be folded in half and when depresses the trigger button behind the hook, activates the spring. Recoil will have a new version of the winder coming this summer that allows you to pull out as much cord as you need and \"lock\" it off. That may be of use in your situation. Thank you for the inquiry. Anne Recoil Customer Service" ]
Canon SD850 vs new SD950: What do you think about the new canon models like the SD950 are those 12 pixels really necesary?
[ "Not only can you print a larger print but to me the biggest advantage to the 12 mp is that you can crop and still get great image quality." ]
We have a few large friends, what is the maximum weight load this bar stool can handle? What is the lowest and highest this stool will adjus to?
[ "MYY Bro in law is about 250 n he sits on it just fine. its actually bigger than i thought n super comfortable to everyone who sits on it: ) i luv it! i haven't played with the height so can't help u much there. ..", "As the other people here has said, these can handle quite a bit of weight, not sure how much, but they seem solid and are actually bigger in real life then they look on this picture. Min height of the seat above ground is 24.5\", max seat height above ground is 29.5\" - just measured it, hope this helps.", "i weigh in at 250 and find it very comfortable, not sure about the up/down but can slide in under the counter for the most part at 35\" high. Proabaly could slide in all the way if I lowered the height. Very pleased with the 1st one and bought 2 more." ]
Do the call features work with the device plugged into ROUTER? (Magicjack: no, needs extra software and to plug MJ into computer)
[ "Mine is plugged directly into the router. If I am using the internet connection for anything else, the call acts like it is on hold or frozen.", "It is a plug and play. Plug it, and in a few seconds, the LED will turn green, and dial tone could be heard on the phone you got installed. Even when they shut your service down, a dial tone is present but you could only dial 611 or 911. Make sure you do not exceed 3000 minutes a month. That is 100 minutes a day or one hour and 40 minutes a day. If you have a teenager living at home, you might in trouble that they might shut your service, regardless you might have many months or years you have in your contract. You are advised to register you unit online to pick your number. Hope that helps. NETTALK does not need a computer to work. Only a router. They even have a version that works with wireless routers. It is a plug and play. Plug it, and in a few seconds, the LED will turn green, and dial tone could be heard on the phone you got installed. Even when they shut your service down, a dial tone is present but you could only dial 611 or 911. Make sure you do not exceed 3000 minutes a month. That is 100 minutes a day or one hour and 40 minutes a day. If you have a teenager living at home, you might in trouble that they might shut your service, regardless you might have many months or years you have in your contract. You are advised to register you unit online to pick your number. Hope that... » Read More It is a plug and play. Plug it, and in a few seconds, the LED will turn green, and dial tone could be heard on the phone you got installed. Even when they shut your service down, a dial tone is present but you could only dial 611 or 911. Make sure you do not exceed 3000 minutes a month. That is 100 minutes a day or one hour and 40 minutes a day. If you have a teenager living at home, you might in trouble that they might shut your service, regardless you might have many months or years you have in your contract. You are advised to register you unit online to pick your number. Hope that helps. NETTALK does not need a computer to work. Only a router. They even have a version that works with wireless routers. « Show Less" ]
How wide is this pot at the bottom?
[ "approx. 17 or 18 inches. I have a large ficus tree in it and it is perfectly balanced. I am very picky with my pots and, I think, this pot is a great deal. Sturdy and large." ]
which flavor is good ? please suggest me
[ "With milk, all flavors are good! If you use water, blend it, I think vanilla is the best though", "I recommend using any flavor you prefer but with Vanilla milk. Each flavor tastes like what it says in the form of a powder. I recommend banana cream with very vanilla soymilk", "Chocolate is delicious. I have it with 2% milk, peanut butter and a banana. I crave it all the time �" ]
Is there a comb attachment that fits this dryer?
[ "Does not come with a comb attachment. I would check at a beauty supply store. Love this hair blow dryer." ]
how long is the Warranty does it have?
[ "I believe is a.one year manufacture warranty, but I suggest you buy the 3 year plan protection.", "i Dont know, when i received the pc in the box dont have a receipt and any sing of warranty." ]
is this the lid for the 4259
[ "I have a Braun combimax one bowl and one with two bowls and the lid works with these.I am not sure what the 4259 is. The bowl has a number 3 200 050 & the lid has 3 200 039. I hope my response can help.", "My numbers match Ms.B (below). I do know the 4259 number. However when I was doing research before I bought my unit - model K650 - The size of the bowl is what you need to know to order the replacement lid. If the size of your bowl is 2000ml ( 2 liters ) This is the one.Rich", "I don't know what 4259 means, but this appears to be the same lid as on my 2000ml bowl", "This lid is for the 2000 ml bowl. I don't know if it fits the 1000 ml bowl." ]
What is the maximum weight that the seat can accomodate?
[ "It has held 285 pounds. Spoken via experience. Is it built to hold that much? Couldn't tell you. It is pretty darn sturdy.", "I am not sure about the max, but I weight about 240 and it holds me just find either kneeling or sitting and feels sturdy.", "The info about the poduct on Amazon's web site says it holds at least 250 lbs. I am near that and I feel it is very sturdy." ]
Do you think this strap would fit onto a sony a6000 strap openings. There is a small triangular ring that it can attach to that is 1/4" x 1/8" open.
[ "I do not think this is what you are looking for. The strap is built and sized for luggage not a device. I have a Nikon DSLR and do not think it would be a good choice.", "It might be a little too large for the 1/8.\" The smallest dimension is about 3/16\"" ]
does it need to charge before bluetooth will work?
[ "No it's a corded speaker and it charges while on doc if u have a android or device that has a micro usb", "No, It has an electric cord and the unit it self doesn't charge. It can only be used with the electrical outlet.", "No. You can put it on the dock and it will charge. When it is detached from the dock it will work. But If your battery is low on your phone Bluetooth/connection will cut in and out.", "No. It works as soon as it's plugged into a power source. I'm also able to use it while my phone is charging via the micro usb." ]
any problems with cd- btb200 working with pioneer stage 4 dex-p99rs ? also, will Iphone 4s work well with these 2 units?
[ "I only have the CD-BTB200 - not sure what the state 4 dex p99rs is - I have it plugged into a 2008-era Pioneer head unit. It worked great with my iPhone 4s, my HTC EVO, and my now my Motorola Razr HD Maxx. I've also used a few Blackberry's with it (8330s). It is cumbersome initially to pair it - takes a few minutes, but after that it works virtually 100% of the time. When I turn on my truck it automatically connects to my phone as both a phone and an audio source. Sound quality is excellent both ways.", "Eh. I wouldn't buy it again. So many newer ones. This old one is not very clear. Plus you have to connect/sync every time you get in" ]
Does this Tom Tom sound an alert for speed or red light cameras?
[ "It only tells you that you're speeding. It never alerted me to law enforcement or cameras. Of course, I don't do much in the way of speeding . . ." ]
Can I plug the male ends into my two iPads and the female end to a speaker jack and hear both iPads at the same time coming from the speakers?
[ "I tried to do this very same thing with a record player and mp3 player and it did not work. I'm sure it is supposed to work but the build quality of this cable was awful and fit so loosely that nothing came through the speakers at all.", "Yes! I have the males ends in my pc and my monitor, so when I use my xbox on my monitor I can have music playing on my pc when gaming. Yet, having both connected at once lowers the volume from each input. So be prepared to tweak the volume settings on both devices.", "With this product? Unlikely. I tried something similar and the poor quality of the item prevented me from accomplishing my own goal." ]
Does it work with iPad 4? Promos state that it supports iOS 4 but makes no reference to iOS 6.
[ "As of Jan. 2013, Apple has not yet released an iPad 4. I have an iPad 2 and iPad 3 which are both on iOs 6 and they both work fine. If you meant the iPhone 5, yes, it works well with it too.", "I don't have a iPad 4 but a iPhone 4S with iOS 6 and it works very well with it. Same as with my Android tablet. And by the way, the latest big iPad is the 4th version." ]