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Dear Sir/Madam, Before I buy it, I just want to know if this receiver Is compatible to my docking radio which Sharp GX-M10? | [
"If your radio has a 30 pin iPod/iPhone connector it will work. I use mine with a Bose Soundock and it works great."
] |
I would love to but this. I have researched everything there is and decided the electrics aren for me. Is this a good buy? I live in Ireland are the replacement filters east to get and will the company still be in business in a few years time? What maintenance is on these systems? I would love to but this. I have researched everything there is and decided the electrics aren for me. Is this a good buy? I live in Ireland are the replacement filters east to get and will the... » Read More I would love to but this. I have researched everything there is and decided the electrics aren for me. Is this a good buy? I live in Ireland are the replacement filters east to get and will the company still be in business in a few years time? What maintenance is on these systems? « Show Less | [
"It's not electric. It is a good buy. I don't know about availability in Ireland. I am very happy with my unit. Very happy.",
"I cannot weigh in about the future existence of the company but I consider it as a good buy. I like it very much. The filtered water taste good and feel \"smooth\". It needs zero maintenance until you need to replace the filter."
] |
I am buying for someone with a large chest and big belly- pant size 44. Can you advise on sizing? Thanks. | [
"I have a fairly large chest, pant size 36. I buy large and it's pretty snug but that's how I want this kind of shirt to be. Going off of the pants size I'd assume he's a little bigger than I am so I wouldn't go any less than XL. (If he wants it snug) I'd also suggest maybe going to a sporting goods store and trying them on then buying from Amazon."
] |
What Exact cable is needed to connect the HERO3 to the Transmitter (for A/V AND power) mounted on Phantom v1? Could someone give the link? Thanks!! | [
"You don't need power TO the gopro... You only need video out to the xmitter. search for gopro 3 fpv cable. readymadercdotcom has them. If you have the 3 BLACK, be careful... The video has been known to cut out in mid flight. Then you crash your model. Better off getting a dedicated fpv camera from the above website.",
"Hi,please see the following link,this item is what you need,just make sure the voltage of power is 5V.Otherwise,the rest of products which in my shop ,you can just have a look,i"
] |
If this is a product made in the US, why is the box in the picture in German? | [
"My boxes have always been printed in English. I assume if it is for sale in other countries, they would print those boxes in that country's language. Just my guess!",
"Box says for sale in USA only. Lists Neil-Med with address in CA but also lists locations in PA and one in Germany. Can't say for sure where packets were manufactured."
] |
What size are the actual targets? Which Amazon replacement tartgets would be best to use? | [
"They are just paper targets that fasten to the front of the target trap. The front of the trap is made of light cardboard. I would suggest making your own targets, or buying some from a sporting goods store, or department store that has a sporting goods department. Size doesn't matter. Simply tape the target to the front of the trap.",
"never used the targets enclosed. Any target that will fit inside the frame will work. Currently using 5.5x5.5 target I purchased through Amazon.tey are fin for in door, close range practice.",
"Almost the size of a sheet of paper. I download and print targets off the Internet and tape them to the trap. Much cheaper."
] |
Does this work with samsung galaxy s3? | [
"Yes, i'm pretty sure because my husband has galaxy note II and it works just fine, as it does with my iPhone 5.... Just make sure to switch to the right radio station, my works with 87.9",
"It works with any MP3 player, but don't get it, the sound quality is really bad. Don't waste your money!",
"It should. I use a samsung mp3, but it also works with mine and my sons cell phones which are different brands. Basically, any device that has mp3 songs stored on it. There's a short wire that plugs into the headphone jack and then into the FMtransmitter device. When the two are linked, it \"broadcasts\" over the car's radio speakers. The FMtransmitter's buttons are to select a station you manually sync the car's radio to the station on the FMtransmitter... obviously, a station that isn't otherwise broadcasting; you know, one of the static stations."
] |
what kind of batteries do I use | [
"CR2032 These can usually be obtained at any Walmart or similar store. Also check at the jewelry counter.",
"Lithium CR2032X (1pcs) You'll have to look online as to where to purchase it but the scale comes with the battery installed if you are thinking you need one immediately."
] |
What are the dimensions of the desk, especially width? | [
"width is 23 1/2\", length is 39\", keyboard pull out is 11 1/2\" inches. Mine is not the one in the picture though....",
"Approximately 40\" Wide x 24\" Deep x 30\" High. I like mine a lot for a second desk in my office for the phone and laptop and keyboard."
] |
Can you use metal utensils on it without scratching? | [
"You aren't supposed to but I agree that if you are gentle and don't use the edges (like a user suggested below) then there shouldn't be a problem. The issue is that the finish seems durable but in my experience, after about 6 months use, it was no longer non-stick. There was never any noticeable chipping/disappearance of the coating but it just didn't work correctly anymore.",
"No, you can not use metal utensils on it. I use all plastic or wood. I really like using these pans. They are the best I've ever used. I've even burned food in them and they clean up really easy.",
"Only if you are very gentle. For example, the rounded side of a metal spoon is probably ok, but the edge of the spoon will probably scratch the finish. BTW, I did not like the finish on the Cuisinart GreenGourmet pan. I prefer the regular Cuisinart non-stick pans.",
"No. Metal utensils will damage the coating. Although, with the way it already sticks maybe scraping it off may improve it (kidding).",
"I wouldn't. I love mine and would never take a chance on scratching it. There are all kinds of utensils made for nonstick pans that are great to use.",
"No and it says not to. There are too many quality spatulas that are made from nylon and other safe materials.",
"I read somewhere that when the green gourmet pans start sticking put them in the oven at a high temp and it will burn off residue. I have not tried this yet as mine are new. But you can always do the old fashioned seasoning. Heat the pan with butter (clarified is best) and salt and gently rub away residue. This is what we useds to do with cast iron pans. I would just be more genltle on a non stick pan."
] |
Is this the best RAM solution for a 10" Samsung tablet if I want to have the longest side horizontal? | [
"Works really well for an iPad in both portrait and landscape orientation so should be a good solution. I have not used it for a Samsung tablet."
] |
is this a leave in conditioner? If not can you recommend one? | [
"NO technically it is not, but it can double as one. It is a styling aid, a hair smoother, but it is not sold as a conditioner. Try using the Brazilian Blowout Hair masque once a week if you want a great conditioner. My stylist says she actually uses a tiny bit as a leave in conditioner sometimes. Hope this helps :)",
"Hi Mary Jayne, This product is not a leave in conditioner, but it leaves your hair soft (just use a tiny amount, otherwise it will get sticky) and smells amazing, it even good for hair with no BB treatment. I'm sorry don't know any good leave in conditioner.",
"Yes, it is a leave in conditioner and it works great! I have used it for approximately 3 years since I started getting the Brazilian Blowout Treatment. In fact,all of the BB products work really well. They are a little expensive, but it only takes a small amount of product, so they last quite awhile.",
"yes it is....I find it's better to blow dry as well cause the heat melts and smooths and coats tour hair properly ... :)) I've used this for 3 years and it totally helps keep your hair smooth ...careful how much u put in...sometimes I have accidentally put on too much and my hair looks a little weighed down and kind a dirty but within a day it gets soaked into the hair I hve fine hair so so I need a small amount ...:) I luv this product!!!"
] |
I have an Avery Mark III will these work? | [
"I have the Avery 10312 fine fabric gun, would these tags work for my gun? I am having trouble finding the correct ones. Thanks!",
"I have the same tagging gun & these did not work, I had to send them back for a refund. But, then again they sent me \"regular\" rather than \"fine\" fasteners... an exchange for the correct \"fine\" fasteners was never even offered so I took the refund."
] |
Will this fit in my 2008 Jeep Commander? | [
"If you go to crutchfield.com and put in your car info. they will show you everything that you will need in order to install the unit."
] |
How does it compare to Bett's Old Salt? | [
"i dont know regarding Betts Old Salt but to compare with Mako Bait Cast Net 3/8\" Square Mesh, 6 Ft. CBT-S6 (6 ft. Radius) the last one is better"
] |
Is this cordless and battery operated? | [
"yes it is cordless and has a rechargable battery inside. The only cord is for the charger and it unplugs from the body of the mixer.",
"Yes, it is powered by a rechargeable battery and will hold the charge quite a long time.",
"This is cordless and and comes with a rechargeable battery that that you do not need to replace . Charger is included .",
"It is cordless and rechargeable. The charge lasts for a very long time. I love it.",
"Rechargeable. So it is cordless. Has a good strength and battery last a long time. I've charge mine once only since I got it. Because it states to let it run down totally before charging.",
"Yes, it has a built in battery (non-replaceable). Runs several days on a single charge. Works very well so far (9 months)."
] |
There were not cam lock cover on the unit delivered to me. How do you hide cam lock holes? | [
"I didn't have any delivered to me either. But I didn't use anything to hide them. But I'd imagine a hardware store or Wal-Mart would offer something to cover the cam locks.",
"Mine didn't come with covers either, I don't think it's suppose to. The cams are on the inside where you don't see them.",
"Reach out to Amazon customer service. They can get them from the manufacturer for you.",
"Do you mean the cam locks themselves, that the cam studs go into? It's #3 on the parts list and there should be 24 of them. I thought I was short 2 and was going to call the maker. I found the missing two caught up in the gliders (feet) when I went to install them. Their toll free number is 1-888-659-3512. Nothing should be exposed, so maybe you have the piece on the outside when it should be on the inside? Good luck."
] |
Do you notice the wind noise this has when you're on the highway (say 60-75mph)? | [
"I've been up to 70mph pulling my trailer and these do not vibrate or create any noise. These mirrors are great!",
"Several years ago I had a similar set of mirrors and they vibrated on this same vehicle. This set fits great and does not vibrate, therefore I do not believe you will get any wind noise. It hasn't been warm enough to have the windows down here yet this year. Can't hear anything with the windows up. With the ratchet system they fit extremely tight and I can't imagine them providing wind noise.",
"Not really. I drove 1,100 miles back home from Lake Havasu City Arizona to Richland Washington with a 22' trailer behind me and the Fit System is truly the ticket if you do not want permanently attached mirrors. I can put in place or remove in under 2 minutes a side!"
] |
can you power a 12v pedal with this? | [
"The short answer, as you've already seen, is YES. Voltage isn't everything, though, you also need to pay attention to current and polarity. Take a minute to make a diagram of your voltage, current, and polarity requirements for each of your pedals. Then, look at the configuration of each power output and match them to your table. If everything lines up, buy this. It's an excellent, quiet power supply!",
"Yes, here is BBE's pagehttp://www.bbesound.com/products/stomp-boxes/supa-charger.aspx",
"Yes, the output voltage is configurable to 9, 12 or 16 volts. Here is a link to the manual. http://www.bbesound.com/products/manuals/supa_charger_manual.pdf",
"Yes, the output voltage is configurable to 9, 12 or 16 volts. Here is a link to the manual.http://www.bbesound.com/products/manuals/supa_charger_manual.pdf"
] |
How much of the cover sticks up above the top of the spa? | [
"Only the top bar, the side bars only stick a little, or a lot depending on your tub. I love it!",
"When the cover is in the open position, it sticks up about a foot - foot and a half above the spa. When I am in the water, I can't see anything on that side of the tub.",
"The cover extends about 20 inches above the spa surface. But remember, you need about 48\" of clearance above the spa during the opening process, as the cover rotates about the pivot point! - It works slick outdoors for \"old folks\" like me and is the only way I can uncover the spa on my own",
"Suzanne, try levering the frame of the tub with crowbar, carefully? You might just get what you need.",
"I haven't been able to set mine up properly yet as the feet won't slide under the tub (its on a brick patio) and until we empty it and place the feet under we won't know for sure",
"The cover sits on the top of the spa, allowing it to be locked down, so the answer would be the thickness of your cover. The bar on the top of the Cover Rock-It actually sits on top of the cover."
] |
WES2113 DF Fire Resistant Wall Safe: and the fire rating is what? | [
"I don't think it has a UL fire rating...I didn't receive any such documentation with mine. But I was able to secure an insurance policy based on this safe, for whatever that is worth. It is constructed from some pretty heavy guage steel plate, so \"resistant\" is probably an OK adjective...\"proof\" is not. I would trust it as much as my free standing sentry safe, especially built into a sheetrock wall."
] |
I just received the film and concerned about the creases in the film. Is there a way to get the creases out or will it be difficult to apply | [
"I put the film up and was not successful removing bubbles or creases. The film stretches and is difficult to install smoothly. Maybe if two people install it, one can hold it while the other gets rid of the bubbles.",
"I unfolded it on my dining room table for a day or so. The creases will smooth out just fine when you apply.",
"For the serious creases on mine, I put a small 2x4 with a 25lb weight plate on it and let it sit in my garage for a couple of days. The other creases came out by themselves.",
"Use a credit card to smooth out the wrinkles as you are peeling the backing away and applying it to the glass."
] |
will these domes work with in the canal type hearing aids? | [
"I have type of phonak aids that have the little invisible tubes going into the canal. These domes work great for me."
] |
Can my 5 year old kid drink this? | [
"Ensure is for adults and children can have trouble digesting it. Abbott (who makes Ensure) makes another product called Pediasure for children 1-10. I think that would be a wiser choice.",
"Hi Syed, I would recommend Pedisure for your 5 year old, here's the company's website {https://pediasure.com}. This a children's nutritional supplement drink. Let me know what you think Marie Watson",
"Hi Syed,I would recommend Pedisure for your 5 year old, here's the company's website {https://pediasure.com}. This a children's nutritional supplement drink. Let me know what you thinkMarie Watson",
"You can find your answer here http://www.livestrong.com/article/472971-can-children-drink-ensure-supplements/"
] |
What is the maximun hard drive capacity that you can have per bay? | [
"I have 4TB hard drives in my unit in all eight bays. Running Windows 7 Pro and utilizing Windows software RAID.",
"I have eight 4TB drives, totaling to 32 TB's. Haven't tried 5TB drives.Do note that I'm no longer using the included RAID controller though, it had too many issues. I opted for the SANS DIGITAL HA-DAT-4ESPCIE PCI-Express x8 SATA II (3.0Gb/s) Controller Card on Newegg, had no issues with it since.I think the bus supports 64-bit address mapping, so the capacity limitation per drive is most likely a limitation of the controller and not the multiplier that's built into the SAN enclosure."
] |
I heard the ssential oils should not touch the rubber , so will the dropper damage the essential oils ? | [
"The dropper is glass so that should not be a problem if you don't overfill the dropper or let it lie on it's side so the oil does not come into contact with the rubber bulb."
] |
$240 Cheaper than on UE's website? Why are these only $163 compared to the $400 list? | [
"I recommend you not to trust the price listed on the UE official website. Trust me, the sound is worth $200, no more than that. But still it is a good deal by Amazon, and the sound quality is much better than those Beats craps."
] |
I just bought this and it doesn't seem to stick at all to the dashboard. Am I missing something key here? I've tried licking it and adding water... | [
"Is your dashboard leather? That was my problem so I stuck it in the upper left corner of the windshield and it is PERFECT there! It's not in my line of sight but really easy to check on at red lights, because I'd never look at it unless I was at a complete stop... well I don't text and drive, I really don't.",
"This Cellphone Grip is a piece of junk and a waste of money. Very poorly built and the Clip on mine broke after one use and I threw it away. good luck",
"As long as you use the clip to create the suction then it should work ok. I have had not difficulty with mine, lots of suction on my dashboard without wetting."
] |
How do I turn on the backlit keyboard? | [
"Had a hard time with that too. Turned out to be the F5 key turns it off & on, sent it back before I figured it out, now I wish I had it back."
] |
Could someone provide me with the width and height of this rice maker? Thank you. | [
"It is 10 inches wide, handle to handle. The bowl is 6 inches wide and about 3 inches deep. It is 8 inches tall.",
"The width of the rice cooker is approximately 7 inches and the height is about 6.5 inches. The height of the actual steel cooking pot (that sits inside) is about 3.5 inches.",
"I love this rice cooker. It is small. The inside bowl is roughly 6.5 \" diameter and 3.5 \" high. I put in 1 cup brown rice which yields around 4 servings. I haven't tried to do other grains yet (such as quinoa, barley, etc.) but think those will work well too.",
"These are the dimensions for this fantastic little rice cooker. 10 ½ inches wide (including handles) 8 inches deep (front to back) 7 ½ inches tall (with cover on, handle facing up for cooking) 6 inches tall (with cover inverted for storage)The stainless steel bowl measures7 inches in diameter3 inches deepIt is perfect for 1 or 2 people and I love the fact it is so tiny, makes storing it a breeze.",
"Height is about 6.5 inches, excluding the protruding handle. With the handle, height is is about 8 inches. Width without the handle is 7.5 inches, with the handle is about 10 inches. Small enough that you dont end up cooking too much for a family of 4. I am very happy with the product. I had it flown all the way to Manila, Philippines.",
"Yes- I can! The width from top edge to edge is aprox 7 3/4\". The measurement from the edge of one handle to the edge of the other handle is aprox 10 1/8\". The height from the bottom of the feet to the top of the lid handle is aprox 8\"",
"These are the dimensions for this fantastic little rice cooker. 10 inches wide (including handles) 8 inches deep (front to back) 7 inches tall (with cover on, handle facing up for cooking) 6 inches tall (with cover inverted for storage) The stainless steel bowl measures 7 inches in diameter 3 inches deep It is perfect for 1 or 2 people and I love the fact it is so tiny, makes storing it a breeze.",
"I don't have mine anymore. I sent it back because it was tiny. When they say 6 cup they are talking about 3/4 not one cup. Plus brown rice takes up more room so you end up with only about 3 real cups of brown rice when done. I sent it back and got the bigger one and it is fine."
] |
does this have a pocket on the back and the inside? | [
"it does have a large one all the way across the back on the outside. i don't recall any on the inside. i bought this as a gift so i don't have it to look."
] |
will this fit a 2008 Chevy express van3500? | [
"According to anothe website, sonicelectronix, yes. I have the same van and am ordering as well.",
"im not 100 % positive but i belive so because the radio seem to be interchangeable........"
] |
Where are these made? | [
"Agree, probably China, based on the price. I tested two of em out when they first arrived. Made a short tester cable, and then used a Klein Scout Junior to test. I punched em down and then pulled out the wires 5 or 6 times, just to see how the jacks would hold up under some abuse. Cable passed every time. Good value if you ask me."
] |
I'm looking for a ladder to attach to a 5 ft. plastic swing set slide for use with an in ground pool. Do you think this one would work? be stable? | [
"please! if you have small children or big ones do not use this type of ladder, it is not stable enough, this is made for above ground pools not swing slides, there is no way to anchor this. if you do!! And somebody gets hurt or seriously injured then you will have to live with this, do you think it's worth the risk? check with the company who make swing sets and they can steer you in the right direction, besides the weight limit on this ladder is approximately 300 lbs if I were you I would not risk it.",
"I have a salt water pool system and I purchased this latter a couple years ago and I am very satisfied with this latter and also it has stood up to the salt water no rust on it so far and yes it is very stable !!!",
"Not sure. This is a pretty sturdy ladder but I am not sure it's made for something like that...I'd be worried that it would fall over, especially as they were climbing. It's used in above ground pools so the pool wall between the steps and pressure of the water adds some stability.",
"If you attach it to the slide I think it would be stable. It was a good ladder but I returned it because it wasn't stable enough for our use."
] |
Is this battery powered? | [
"It is not battery powered. I use it to blow up tow toys on my wakeboard boat. It plugs into electric outlet on the boat and the cord is plenty long (5'-6' + or -).",
"Inflate your boats, towables and floats from your vehicle or boat with a Sevylor® Water Resistant 12V Pump. It's designed for universal use with nozzles that fit Sevylor® Double Lock™ Valves, Sevylor® Mini Double Lock™ Valves, Boston valves and pinch valves. The high-power 12V pump also inflates up to 1.0 PSI. High-pressure pump inflates to 1.0 PSI Inflate boats, towables and floats from a vehicle or boat",
"Hi Reilly, our pump IS NOT battery powered, but plugs into our cars power output for our cell phone. We transport our boat uninflated and upon arrival at the lake we lay the boat out on the ground and with the cars engine running connect the pump to the cell phone jack--it takes about 10 minutes to inflate the three separate intakes on our rubber boat. They may come battery powered, but I am not aware of it....Hope this helps---Terry M.",
"No it connects to the vehicle cigarette lighter port. And it inflates and deflates very quickly."
] |
Will this fit my 2015 CrewMax SR5, no JBL speakers? Thank you | [
"I believe there is a different stock number that will fit. Recommend checking manufacturers website.",
"I think you will have to go to du-ha.com. They only list for The Tundra Double Cab not the Crew Max Cab. They have a phone # or email you can contact with questions. That being said it works great in my 2014 Tundra Double Cab."
] |
How much does the Shakespeare 4"6" telescoping rod weight (rod only, no packaging) | [
"I bought this for my husband. He is an avid fisherman. He has had a few telescoping rods and really enjoys the convenience of it. He has nothing to weigh it with but tells me it hardly weighs anything. His best guess is 2 ozs. It doesn't say on the rod itself. It goes without saying more with the reel. I hope this helps you",
"Unsure the weight but it is in ounces, my guess would be probably 4 to 6 ounces. Hope this helps but mine is in the storage building with a reel on it so unable to get it out at the present moment but again 4 to 6 ounces is my best guess.Regards,Terry L. Shook"
] |
What kind of net is it? Is it sturdy or flimsy? Fine mesh for silt and small debris or coarse mesh for leaves and such? | [
"The net is a very sturdy, somewhat stiff, nylon material. This makes it very difficult to rip or tear. It's very durable. As far as how tight the weave/mesh is, consider it a medium mesh. You won't pick up much small debris or silt with this model, but, you will be able to pick up most other debris such as insects, leaves and the like. See our product description for a better description and a tutorial on how to choose the right pool leaf rake/net for your needs."
] |
Can i confirm if it is a set of 4 plates in the box? | [
"I don't know, as I sent it as a gift, but I assumed it was just one plate. The recipient loved the plate."
] |
Is this product gluten-free?? | [
"Unfortunately, no. It contains wheat gluten, wheat and less than 2% wheat bran. Too bad....this adds so much flavor to any food you use it in or on.",
"Given my one time employment with Nestle USA, I have never heard the question asked. However, given it's components I would say yes.",
"I dont know but it is what they use at Steves Sizzling Steaks in Carlstadt NJ, and it is amazing. Put some in a bowl with a couple of tbsps of melted butter and put the cooked steaks in it for a second each side. You will not be dissapointed."
] |
Do you know if this item will work in Italy? WIth a Vodafone sim card? | [
"I have used the phone in the U.S. and Mexico, with sim cards, so I'd suppose so, yes."
] |
can you heat them in the bag? | [
"I used the Lava Buns alot last year for the car in cold mornings, but I never warmed them up in the bag.",
"Hello, I don't think I have an answer to your question. I used Lava Buns years & years ago when my kids were in sports....I got tired of the cold metal bleachers real quick. The Lava Buns I recently purchased were a gift so I didn't even open them. If they are still made the same way the warming pouch was sewed into the rest of it so it couldn't be removed even if you wanted to. I would warm them in the microwave, put them in a brown paper bag to keep them warmer just before I left the house. They worked great! Maybe you could call the company or just take a chance.....you can always return them if you are unhappy. I do remember to warm them gradually so you don't over heat them. Good luck. Hello, I don't think I have an answer to your question. I used Lava Buns years & years ago when my kids were in sports....I got tired of the cold metal bleachers real quick. The Lava Buns I recently purchased were a gift so I didn't even open them. If they are still made the same way the warming pouch was sewed into the rest of it so it couldn't be removed even if you wanted to. I would warm them in the microwave, put them in a brown paper bag to keep them warmer just before I left the house. They worked great! Maybe you could call the company or just take a chance.....you can always return... » Read More Hello, I don't think I have an answer to your question. I used Lava Buns years & years ago when my kids were in sports....I got tired of the cold metal bleachers real quick. The Lava Buns I recently purchased were a gift so I didn't even open them. If they are still made the same way the warming pouch was sewed into the rest of it so it couldn't be removed even if you wanted to. I would warm them in the microwave, put them in a brown paper bag to keep them warmer just before I left the house. They worked great! Maybe you could call the company or just take a chance.....you can always return them if you are unhappy. I do remember to warm them gradually so you don't over heat them. Good luck. « Show Less"
] |
how do I connect and get the wifi lan card to work? | [
"Good luck. I went through two of them and they still wouldn't admit the problem was with their tv. And the concierge service is a joke. I ended up having to route my wifi through a game system. I'll never buy another Panasonic."
] |
Can any one recommend a DVR / NVR that they know to be compatible with the HooToo HT-IP210F ?? - Thanks!! | [
"I use the free pc software iSpy (http://www.ispyconnect.com). Maybe you are looking for a hardware solution - I would be interested in answers about those, too.",
"Unless you can run a DVR through a computer, they don't use DVR. they use IP addressed and VPN. You can watch from your phone or computer. I can monitor from my office everyday.",
"Sorry, I don't have that camera as of yet... HooToo was supposed to mail it to me but I never got it as of yet.Sorry I can not be much help."
] |
how can i find the list of ingredients for this product? | [
"On my bag it says: \"sugar, modified cornstarch, corn syrup, dextrose, gelatin, sodium hexametaphosphate, artificial color, (red 40 yellow 6 blue 1 yellow 5) artificial flavor, natural flavor\""
] |
I have a stair railing made of IPE also known as "Ironwood". Will the adhesive backing stick to this wood? If not is there another mounting method? | [
"The adhesive backing will stick to wood, at first, but it detached in places a few days later. I used 3M spray adhesive on the back of the strip and re-mounted it with great results.",
"In my application, we put the strips inside a box near the ceiling in a kitchen. The strips were laying on the top of a flat surface. The strips stuck pretty well where the surface was very clean, but did not stick well where there was any dust. The strips themselves are quite stiff. It takes a bit of work to get them really flat. Also, the individual LEDs are raised up from the surface of the strip, which probably would be a problem if your fingers came in contact. They are not particularly sharp, but the do have a very square edge.",
"Hi Rob, I attached these lights directly to the bottom of some Kraftmaid cabinets. The cabinets have a very smooth polyurethane finish. The tape is separating in a few spots. They haven't fallen off, but I question it for the long-term. Another method would be to router a grove in the bottom of your railing and insert a mounting channel (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0080IB4E0/ref=s9_simh_gw_p60_d2_i3?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=desktop-4&pf_rd_r=1H5XQQDR5387MRXBZRFV&pf_rd_t=36701&pf_rd_p=1970566842&pf_rd_i=desktop), and put the lights in there. Search for 'mounting channel' on Amazon and you will find some options. Good luck!",
"Hi Rob, I attached these lights directly to the bottom of some Kraftmaid cabinets. The cabinets have a very smooth polyurethane finish. The tape is separating in a few spots. They haven't fallen off, but I question it for the long-term. Another method would be to router a grove in the bottom of your railing and insert a mounting channel (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0080IB4E0/ref=s9_simh_gw_p60_d2_i3?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf;_rd_s=desktop-4&pf;_rd_r=1H5XQQDR5387MRXBZRFV&pf;_rd_t=36701&pf;_rd_p=1970566842&pf;_rd_i=desktop), and put the lights in there. Search for 'mounting channel' on Amazon and you will find some options. Good luck! Hi Rob, I attached these lights directly to the bottom of some Kraftmaid cabinets. The cabinets have a very smooth polyurethane finish. The tape is separating in a few spots. They haven't fallen off, but I question it for the long-term. Another method would be to router a grove in the bottom of your railing and insert a mounting channel (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0080IB4E0/ref=s9_simh_gw_p60_d2_i3?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf;_rd_s=desktop-4&pf;_rd_r=1H5XQQDR5387MRXBZRFV&pf;_rd_t=36701&pf;_rd_p=1970566842&pf;_rd_i=desktop), and put the lights in there. Search for... » Read More Hi Rob, I attached these lights directly to the bottom of some Kraftmaid cabinets. The cabinets have a very smooth polyurethane finish. The tape is separating in a few spots. They haven't fallen off, but I question it for the long-term. Another method would be to router a grove in the bottom of your railing and insert a mounting channel (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0080IB4E0/ref=s9_simh_gw_p60_d2_i3?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf;_rd_s=desktop-4&pf;_rd_r=1H5XQQDR5387MRXBZRFV&pf;_rd_t=36701&pf;_rd_p=1970566842&pf;_rd_i=desktop), and put the lights in there. Search for 'mounting channel' on Amazon and you will find some options. Good luck! « Show Less"
] |
Advertised as the P1131 20 amp model. But description says 15amp which is model P1101. Which one is this for sale ?? | [
"There is a requirement in the state of MA that all pool filters / timers must be connected via this special 3-prong plug. This must plug into the state-mandatory 3-prong and then the filter plugs into this. This was the difference in the model."
] |
what are the dimensions/size? | [
"It is approximately 2 feet wide by 5 feet long and about 4-6 inches deep. Perfect size for cold buffet, we fit 6 desserts in one and 5 cold salads in large serving dishes in the second. Very novel idea for Summer picnicking",
"54\" x 22\" x 4.5\"~ Great for multiple bowls of salad/cold dishes or just to keep bottle/can beverages!",
"hello kim, around 51\" long by 21\" wide and 5\" high. it worked great for the party then (grandchildren had a pool that they were not afraid of laying down in. under a year old)"
] |
Does this have an E27 type base? | [
"Can't say for sure if it's a 26 or 27. Fits comfortably in a standard US lamp socket. Bulb is stamped 120 volts on base so I'm inclined to think it's an E26",
"Bulb works in standard US light fixtures I have in my home. Didn't know what an E27 was, but looking at the web, that appears to be the standard size for lamps. So yes, this works in those."
] |
They ar not working with my apple, samsung and nokia phone. All I can hear mix crumbled voices and only in my left one. Is it really happens? | [
"Sometimes that happens (the one side playing part) to me with my Ipod. I usually just remove the jack and put it back in and it works fine. You could buy another AUX cable to see if thats the issue. If not, you should have a warrenty with SkullCandy to replace them. My advice is to first replace the AUX cable but if you don't want to spend anything, use that warrenty to just get a new set. You may have a defective pair of headphones. Hope this helped!",
"I bought the Skullcandy Hesh 2 Headphones w/Mic Lurker Toxic Flyer and it works with the apple Iphone and Ipod with no problems. If you are hearing sound come out of one ear only maybe the cord isn't plugged in all the way. I'd contact the skullcandy site and ask them it could be you got a defective cord."
] |
does the fan have sealed bearings or can they be periodically lubricated as needed? | [
"Really don't know b/c I returned this fan. I could not get it to tilt up. Would only tilt down. Not sure if unit was defective or simply designed as such.Like most recently produced fans, I would assume that this one would not need to be lubed.",
"The fan has tow main moving parts really. The motor spinning and the side to side oscillation. Electrical motors are made in a way that they do not need to be lubricated regularly. The motor will likely burn out well, well before it is time to lubricate or replace the bearings. For industrial grade motors you might need to lubricate or change bearings, but for this, no. I would strongly discourage you from lubricating it. Excess lubricants add gunk, and attract dust and other particles. But if you are so inclined, it can be taken apart to a certain point. The motor casing is held by 4 screws which can be seen from the back. Again, this isn't an industrial motor made to be serviced by the user. It will last as long as the motor lasts and it will do just fine the way it is. I would NOT suggest adding lubricants or tampering with it in any way, you will likely only cause harm. Good luck",
"Doesn't appear to be sealed. Doubt you will need to because fan is quiet compared to most fans.",
"I have found no places where bearings can be lubricated on my fan. I assume then that the bearings are sealed."
] |
Hello, will this work for LC46D62U? If not, can you recommend me any? | [
"Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. Unfortunately the stand for your model is NLA."
] |
What is the shelf life of this product? | [
"I bought some late last year, bottles say Expire June, 2018, so 3 1/2 - 4 years. Does vinegar really have an expiration date?",
"maybe it is working for other, to me it is not, I have a severe stomach ache because of acid indigestion? or reflux I try products and nothing happen it say \"STOPS ACID REFLUX IN ABOUT ONE MINUTE \"...It did not work on me..",
"Really not sure but have had for awhile and still good. Works fine. Maybe you can google shelf life.",
"The inventory we currently have has a \"use by\" date of 6/15/18 so it has 3-4 year shelf life.",
"I bought 2 bottles on November 23, 2014. They are both open and I have found no problem with using the product. And by the way, for some really strange reason, dumping this acetic acid into my reflux really does stop it. Go figure."
] |
What replacement head can I use for this? Can I use http://amzn.to/1GOoeBz this head | [
"Both my wife and I use the Arm and Hammer 'Spinbrush Pro Whitening heads and the Pro Clean Net brush heads The Pro Recharge brush heads will also fit this unit. I don't have a preference and it's difficult to tell the difference except for the color. I just purchase what's available or less expensive."
] |
I just got this speaker. Why is my speaker cutting out every minute or so? Is there a way to fix this? It's paired to an iPad 2. | [
"it might be your bluetooth connection try not to put the ipad too far from the speaker...",
"I noticed this problem when the battery was getting low. Try having it plugged into the wall outlet while playing through the iPad and see if it still cuts out.",
"Not too sure, I don't seem. to have this problem. My speaker is paired to an Android phone. The only thing I can think of is that the speaker may be too far away from your IPAD",
"Check your battery settings likely WiFi is being turned off in battery saving mode...."
] |
are the results permanent | [
"It says it is but I'm not sure I haven't stopped using it yet. I probably use it for a long time. It makes me feel great physically and mentally",
"No, they last for about a month. Then your system becomes amune to it and it doesn't work anymore.",
"After 35 days of using it, I haven't seen any result. So, the results are permanent! Nothing changes!",
"I tried 3 bottles. I don't see a difference. However I did notice I got leaning on the product. Didn't even realize it was testosterone booster.I was more agitated on the product. But I do think it's a good product. Stop taking it. notice it had, cayenne pepper not so sure that stuff good for you in long run. So does the product work in some regards and other no.",
"Yes, being fooled by this company and the fake product is permanent. Check for yourselves, sendthefreebottle.com here you get a free bottle if you give it a 5 star review. If this sounds like a scam, it is because it does not work."
] |
Do these pants have a mid-rise? | [
"Yes, I would describe it as mid-rise. I don't have to worry about showing anything when I bend over."
] |
I make soap using d-limonene. This product is a good value, could I substitute this for my formulas which call for d-limonene? Thanks! | [
"I don't make soap, but I can tell you that this has the consistency of a very light oil. It is a great cleaner -- I have used it to clean old grease from my stove, as well as tools. There is some concern that it may irritate the skin if directly applied, but that has not been the case with me. I do, however wash it off, which is very beneficial to my pipes as it dissolves grease and oil. I would imagine that mixed in with the other ingredients in soap, it would be wonderful.",
"The listing includes calling this d-limonene, and says that it is 95% d-limonene. I've worked with a lot of chemicals where someone or other insists calling the chemical by a different name. You'd have to try it, since I think d-limonene is the same, no matter what it is called. This is marketed by a company which deals in fragrances, so I'd expect because it is food grade, you would do well with it. I'll be changing my rating to 5 stars, as my first shipment of it didn't come with an MSDS (it is combustible), but this one did."
] |
what is the difference between the 35 and the 'animal'? I have cats, so I'm intrigued by anything that will help. | [
"I can tell you the dc44 is Great. Cat hair no problem. bought refurbished for 229.00. the best for the dollar.",
"I honestly would not get this unless you absolutely need a stuck vac. I just bought the DC50 Animal upright and LOVE it! The difference I believe is in the bristles in the brush. I would really suggest looking into the DC50 tho. It's a smaller, more compact upright, but just as powerful as a full size.",
"Don't know about the 35. I have the DC44, one long haired Maine Coon cat,two shedding Chihuahua's, and hardwood floors. The DC44 works well on the furniture and floors. It's convenient because it's a hand held rechargable.",
"Stronger suction and it picks up hair like no other vaccume I have. For frequent shredders it's a must have.",
"I believe there are 2 main things that make it an \"animal\" model. First the battery lasts longer than the DC35 with boost mode on (8 min compared to 6). Second, I believe the brush has more bristles and spins faster on the 44 compared to the 35; According to the Dyson website - \"The motorized floor tool has twice the power of the DC35 floor tool, to drive the bristles deeper into the carpet pile with more force. Floor tool attaches to the wand or directly to the machine for cleaning awkward spaces.\""
] |
How do you hook this washer up to a kitchen sink? What kind of adapter is there to buy as some sites say threads are not long enough on faucet. | [
"I had this hooked up to my kitchen sink but later moved into the bathroom and all the attachments needed came with the washer. It was easy to hook up, I don't recall any glitches at all. I have had this for more than a year, and I could not recommend this washer highly enough. It cleans my clothes so well, I'd been going to a laundromat for so long I almost forgot what really clean clothes smelled like. I have a couple friends who almost beg me to let them do laundry at my house because it cleans so much better than a coin operated machine. It is quiet, and doesn't seem to use much electricity."
] |
what kind of frame does this crate have metal or steel? | [
"I use it for my Main Coons . He did hang a claw once in the screen . I used screen patch sewed it up, he hasn't tried it again.",
"It has like fiber that's like fishing pole strength. So it is springs up when you unfold it, and fold it down to transport. It's a great crate, very sturdy. I love it.",
"It looks like steel but I would ask the company if it is just a metal composite. I love the crate though.",
"I don't know that it's steel but the metal frame is solid. This crate is so roomy and worked well for our Borzoi puppy this summer. One day this fall at he decided he didn't want to be in it any longer--he totally destroyed it and busted out. The crate is totally useless now that it's shreads of fabric."
] |
Can this be used in home made lip balm? | [
"I haven't tried using this in homemade lip balm, but I see no reason why it wouldn't work.",
"Not sure since I have not tried but I do not see why not? It comes as a powder so it should be easy to work with."
] |
does this work for Italy? | [
"It worked perfectly in Italy/France, although it is not grounded (with three poles instead of two), it fits well in all outlets."
] |
A product review on youtube stated this has a shelf life of just 3 years, is this accurate? Kind of expensive if so.... | [
"I think stored unused the life considerably longer. This bottle is an insurance policy. If you don't use insurance you still need it. You can not live without safe water. This bottle is insurance that you have safe drinking water.",
"I can not confirm a shelf life. From what I found the lifesaver bottle is the best water purifying option on the market. The preasure you get out is the bat I have seen and read about. That was the deciding factor for me."
] |
does this bumper include the right & left mounting brackets? my truck has the tow package, will it fit this also? | [
"My truck has the towing package as well. After looking at the replacement I realized that (in my case) it was a lot easier just replace the chrome skin. The metal support underneath would not fit around the new support. If I had realized this from the start I would have order just the chrome skin. It fit perfect, every thing lines up where it should be. Hope this helps you. Doug",
"It has mounts - but take them off and discard them you need to use the tow package mount that's on the truck . That's why I did",
"When I purchased this for my 07 tundra doublecab, it did include new mounting brackets and was fine with my tow package. Hope this helps!",
"The bunper does include the brackets. But if you have the tow package then the bumper itself actually is held in by the Tow hitch assembly (assuming its a factory Toyota one).",
"The right and left mounting brackets come with it. You have to rip the insides of the new bumper out and mount the new bumper shell on your truck.",
"As I recall it did have the mounting brackets since those are typically bent along with the bumper. Yes it works with the tow package."
] |
I did a search for the battery code Lithium Cell #CR2022 3V. Everything came up 2032. Is that the same battery size? What size batteries does it use? | [
"My spare batteries are all CR2032.. the device is about 2 months old.. works fine.. the transmitter apparently uses a different battery (12 volt). The device works well.. just be sure to hold down button for couple of seconds to give it a chance to set up the frequency and get a response.",
"Looking at the batteries that come with this: Lithium Cell CR2032 3V Each receiver has a battery pre-installed and then there six extra batteries for a total of 12 batteries in the set of six. Hope this helps!"
] |
are these for the rear | [
"Yes, 117013 are for rear. 117012 are for front. Well worth it. Turned my russtler into an awesome off road beast. Does raise the cg so car will roll easier but still the way to go",
"If you have the traxxas stampede/rustler 4x4, these (117013) are good for the front and rear. They are good for the rear of the non-4x4, but you'll need the 117012 tires for the front.",
"They fit as the rear tires on my traxxas rustler. I also put them on the front of my rustler with modifications because they are wider and larger diameter than the stock tires. They work awesome on dirt & grassy terrain.",
"It depends for what you are putting them on. I'd check Prolines website for your answer. BTW, these are GREAT!"
] |
Can you open one side of the top without opening the other? Thank you for your reply. :) | [
"Sort of. The top(s) independently slide toward the ends of the unit, but the locking mechanism engages both tops at the same time. So one top can be slid out, and the other is then not secured but does not have to be slid out.",
"yes, but you do have to turn the unlock knob on the top, which releases both sides and it has a tendency for both top pieces to slide apart when unlocked.",
"Yes. Once you have turned the center locking mechanism, you can open either top side alone, or both. Once the center lock is opened, both sides are unlocked though. The lids flip all of the way open to allow easy access to top bin contents."
] |
My pump has gotten loud, anyone else experience this and have a suggestion for a solution? I don't want to return the entire tank | [
"Sorry, can't help. Ours has worked without event since we purchased it. Wish you all the best.",
"You might have a piece of gravel or a small snail stuck inside. I would take it apart and use a cotton swab to see if anything comes out. It's one of the quietest pumps on the market.",
"I haven't had that problem. Mine still works fine and I've had it since around March"
] |
dose this oven have a rotissere | [
"No it does not have a rotisserie. When using the convection setting, the temperature will actually be 40-50 degrees cooler than the bake setting. The manufacturer confirmed this with me."
] |
l have a ytk2348 model will thethree bag catcher fix? | [
"I believe you're asking will it fit . To the best of my knowledge it fits all of the husquverna 48 inch tractors Double check online .",
"I can't find a ytk2348 model tractor, but I (and the Husqvarna website) have a yth2348 model with 48\" mower deck. The 3 bag system fits mine perfectly. Best of luck!",
"I believe you're asking will it fit .To the best of my knowledge it fits all of the husquverna 48 inch tractorsDouble check online ."
] |
can this oil be used for hair treatment? | [
"Yes...I generally put a dot on my fingertips and melt it between my hands and rub into my hair and scalp. I have dry scalp and I use it every other week as a head conditioner. I rub a bit more in my scalp and let it sit for 10 minutes and wash my hair as usual. Hope this helps.",
"do you mean for bald head regrowing hair? i dont know anything natural that works for that but avoiding chlorinated water is a good idea"
] |
How big of an area is this product good for? | [
"Okay. I already responded that you have to put this device in a small room - and that you have to make sure that there are NO OBSTRUCTIONS TO THE AIR PATHWAYS to and from the vents on the device.",
"Not that big.....a small room would be best. Also MAKE SURE THE FILTER IS PLACED WHERE THERE ARE NO OBSRUCTIONS. I plugged it in by a window sill and found that small bit of wood was obstructing the air filter's effectiveness.",
"I have used it both a kitchen and bathroom to cover litter box odors with great success"
] |
Are these original Lexmark items? | [
"So far, they have been. Once I received them packaged but not in the box but I never had an issue",
"Yes u have an old time photography studio and bought this product forA festival worked perfect no issues."
] |
is this the same cable as the kanex upc# 814556011638? This one worked for me, but my son walked off with it.I want to make sure I get one like it. | [
"I am afraid that I don't know if it's the same one. All I know is that it worked with my MacBook Pro and my tv very well. Hope that that serves of some help !",
"I couldn't find that UPC, but this Kanex is working fine to display my Microsoft Surface Pro tablet on both a projector and TV set."
] |
Is it free shipping as stated or $3.99 for shipping as it appears in the checkout? | [
"Hello Dave, Thank you for your email. If you call in at 1-800-710-9939 option 1 we can be sure to give you the free shipping for this product. I hope you have a good day. Sincerely, Marissa"
] |
does this laptop have a cd burner? | [
"Sorry, That I do Not know, You can call HP help line for new computer help, ask them,tell them you are going buy a new hp notebook an you like this on Hp Pavilion 17,e019dx 17 inch, for the cd burner I have not used it yet. DCM Ohio"
] |
What are all of the ingredients in your Carditone? Thanks. | [
"On the label, it says: Rose Powder, Parval (Indian Coral), Convolvulus Pluricaulis, Terminalia arjuna, Tribulis Terrestris, Rauwolfia serpentine, and Rosa vinca. The Rauwolfia serpentine is the main ingredient that helps to relax the blood vessels. You can research each of the ingredients to understand what each of them does.Hope this helps!",
"Magnesium aspertate 200mg, Rose Powder, Boerhavia diffusa, Parval(Indian coral) totaling 350mg, Convolvulus pluricaulis 100mg, Terminalia arjuna 100mg, Tribulus terrestris 100mg, Rauwolfia serpentine 50mg, Rosa vinca 25mg"
] |
Does the stand come off? | [
"The stand attaches to a 90 degree elbow with a ball at the other end. The ball is snapped into a receiver on the back of the LCD. The receiver itself is a small mound with an opening where you snap the ball in. Note that the wire is at the bottom back of LCD and there are 3 tiny bottons on the back also.",
"The stand cosists of a flat plastic base, with double stick foam tape,with a coupling into which a plastic L rod fits, terminating with a small sphere, which fits into a socket on the back of the monitor case. There is a notch in the socket, which lets you remove the base from the monitor, if you want to reuse the base you will hsve to use care when removing the ball from the socket. I wasn't so careful and snapped the rod, but I hadn't planned on using the base anyway!",
"Yes, if you do not mind opening the back (4 phillips screws) and unscrewing it on the inside it comes off. Also if you are handy with electronics you can make the image MUCH clearer by peeling off the resistive touch screen layer that is on the LCD inside.",
"Yes the ball joint snaps off, that's how I mounted it with strong double side tape on my center console of my expedition."
] |
For how many average hours are these lamps rated? | [
"Sorry, Bill. I don't remember the rated life span, but they have been installed now for several months with no issues at all, and I usually only got about four months from a filament bulb in the night lite.",
"The Amazon page I am looking at has an image of the bulb's ratings label, and it says 31.9 years at 3 hours a day. That would likely be about four years full time use since heat is probably not much a contributor with a bulb this small. I suspect they would really last much longer.",
"G7 gives a 5 year warranty on the lamp but I found no rating for the average hours. Led's work on a different principle than incandescent lamp. They use a light emitting diode which lasts a very long time under normal use. I am not sure how then convert the 115V down to a usable power for the leds, which use roughly .7V each but that might be the deciding factor on longevity. I have had these installed for several months of continuous usage and they are still going strong.",
"No way to tell. If there are no mechanical failures, the LEDs should work for at least 50 years! Nothing to wear out."
] |
Does anybody store these with the booklets and rear CD inserts? If so, how many can you comfortably fit in here? | [
"The slots are only the width of a disc. I guess you could trim down the inserts to fit if you wanted to use some of the slots to store inserts with the discs. I don't think the slots will hold a disc and inserts together, so you would have to use one slot for the disc and one for the inserts."
] |
Does it detect & report low voltage? | [
"No. High voltage protection and Ground Fault only. See the comparison chart at http://www.rvupgradestore.com/Articles.asp?ID=279",
"No it will detect voltage but not low voltage If there is a power surge it will protect your electrical system in you RV.",
"It kicks off power to camper so u have to go reset it when it happens.....lets us know while we have been gone if it happens....we have ours in a permanent spot for season. It does what it is suppose to do!"
] |
will it work with the sony R1 ? | [
"I can't say for certain if it will our will not. I tried it in my Nikon D7000 and it would not connect to my phone. I plugged it into my laptop and it worked with my phone. May be case by case with each camera brand. I returned mine because it did not work for me in my Nikon camera."
] |
Why does this not work? ant's don't even come near it. | [
"This worked fantastically for me when I had a black ant (sugar) problem. I placed mine near what I thought was the source and within a day or two they were all gone. Try leaving it be and don't move/check it. I don't believe this works with red ants if that's what you have.",
"Some question. Where are you putting it? They went crazy for it when i put it out! You have to put it where the ants are coming out of and i doubt it will work if you are putting it outside. Your question comes with many other questions. For me, it was super effective because i followed the directions",
"This has ALWAYS worked for me. First you see a few ants and then when you come back a while later there are hordes of ants, its quite unnerving but you have to let it happen. Then suddenly they're gone and its over. I use this with house/black ants. Never fails.",
"Did you clip the end of the plastic container where the instructions indicate it should be cut? Did you place it close to a known ant trail? If you did those things, then ants should be visiting the container and taking poison home to the queen and her pupa...which will severely reduce ant numbers near your home. It works very well so long as the liquid is not spilled out, and so long as the container is in a sheltered area where rain cannot get to it. I hope this helps. :-)",
"I cleared the kitchen of ants using this product. They were flocking to the stations. I was impressed with the product. It was my first and, hopefully, last infestation. I cleared the kitchen of any items they would be attracted to, and placed the product in places I had seen ants. They lined up to gather some gel and take it to the queen. As I said, I was impressed with the product. Try it, you have little to lose, and everything to gain."
] |
do I need to purchase a post for this? | [
"no; it will just attach to the post on your current bike when you switch out the seat.",
"Yes you would. A tapered end would work good, As per the Size im not sure since all bikes may have different sizes seat posts, so that you wouldhave to see what your bike takes."
] |
Hi, Please, Can this be laid flat say in the back of an SUV back from the fill-up? Also, if you hated this one, which one would you recommend? | [
"We have used ours twice to fill our boat on the lift. I would not recommend laying it flat. If I remember correctly the instruction said to keep it upright",
"Yes you can lay it flat when transporting. Only thing I would change is the length of hose."
] |
What is the difference between the Philips XVB2 and XVS2? Naturally, I'm speaking of the "9008" bulb. Do they fit a 2013 Dodge Challenger? | [
"The XVS2 are about 65W bulbs and the XVB2 are about 55W bulbs. I think the XVS2 are newer models. I could not even find the XVB2 bulbs on the Philips website."
] |
What is the magnesium content? As opposed to the calcium? Aluminum? etc. | [
"I'm sorry, I don't know the answer. I'm sure that if you were to contact the company directly, they could tell you."
] |
willthis work on canon t5i | [
"Make sure to select CANON MOUNT and not NIKON MOUNT, for canon EOS cameras...",
"Yes, this lens actually works better in not full frame canon EOS cameras. I tested it in eos M, T3I and 5D Mark II. In the Mark II, there is a cropping issue when using it in the 12mm",
"Yes, it works fine on the t5i. Just make sure you specify a Canon mount on it."
] |
will it fit 1999 cherokee? | [
"As far as I have been able to research this the P/N should be GMB 720-0026 so you should contact a GMB engineer to be sure if it a GMB 720-009 will fit.",
"The reviews said it fit a '98. It also fit my '98 TJ. I haven't beat on it yet."
] |
Subsets and Splits