socher et al learned compositional vector representations of sentences with a recursive neural network---socher et al present a compositional model based on a recursive neural network
dependency tree parsing as the search for the maximum spanning tree in a directed graph was proposed by mcdonald et al---dependency-tree parsing as the search for the maximum spanning tree in a graph was proposed by mcdonald et al
the embeddings were trained over the english wikipedia using word2vec---previous work demonstrated that the performance can be improved by using word embeddings learned from large-scale unlabeled data in many nlp tasks both in english and chinese
word sense disambiguation ( wsd ) is the task of identifying the correct sense of an ambiguous word in a given context---in natural language , a word often assumes different meanings , and the task of determining the correct meaning , or sense , of a word in different contexts is known as word sense disambiguation ( wsd )
we use the word2vec framework in the gensim implementation to generate the embedding spaces---we derive 100-dimensional word vectors using word2vec skip-gram model trained over the domain corpus
character n-grams were the best single feature class in their experiments---feature class improved the overall accuracy of their system
for example , chung and gildea has proved that automatic empty category detection has a positive impact on machine translation---for example , chung and gildea reported preliminary work that has shown a positive impact of automatic empty element detection on statistical machine translation
coreference resolution is a complex problem , and successful systems must tackle a variety of non-trivial subproblems that are central to the coreference task — e.g. , mention/markable detection , anaphor identification — and that require substantial implementation efforts---coreference resolution is a task aimed at identifying phrases ( mentions ) referring to the same entity
the task is to identify such words among a set of negative polar expressions---the minimum error rate training was used to tune the feature weights
we will also explore generating other features measuring the higher-level aspects of the spoken responses---we focus on exploring features to represent the high-level aspect of speech
the grapheme-based approach , also known as direct orthographical mapping , which treats transliteration as a statistical machine translation problem under monotonic constraints , has also achieved promising results---we built a 5-gram language model on the english side of europarl and used the kneser-ney smoothing method and srilm as the language model toolkit
we evaluated the system using bleu score on the test set---we used smoothed bleu for benchmarking purposes
embeddings , have recently shown to be effective in a wide range of tasks---word embeddings have been used to help to achieve better performance in several nlp tasks
we implement the classifiers using the text classification framework dkpro tc which includes all of the abovementioned classifiers---for feature extraction and experimentation , we use the dkpro tc text classification framework
all language models were trained using the srilm toolkit---all the language models are built with the sri language modeling toolkit
the two baseline methods were implemented using scikit-learn in python---we describe an intuitionistic method for dependency parsing , where a classifier is used to determine whether a pair of words forms a dependency edge
part-of-speech tagging is the assignment of syntactic categories ( tags ) to words that occur in the processed text---part-of-speech tagging is a crucial preliminary process in many natural language processing applications
we have further divided the dump into pieces of growing size and applied mate 7 for the automatic detection of semantic roles to the varying portions and annotated them with srl information---we applied the mate 7 parser for the automatic detection of semantic roles to the portion of the wikipedia dump annotating it with srl information
for word-level embedding e w , we utilize pre-trained , 300-dimensional embedding vectors from glove 6b---also , we initialized all of the word embeddings using the 300 dimensional pre-trained vectors from glove
for input representation , we used glove word embeddings---we use pre-trained 50 dimensional glove vectors 4 for word embeddings initialization
the language model was constructed using the srilm toolkit with interpolated kneser-ney discounting---language modeling is trained using kenlm using 5-grams , with modified kneser-ney smoothing
zarrie脽 and kuhn argued that multiword expressions can be reliably detected in parallel corpora by using dependency-parsed , word-aligned sentences---zarrie脽 and kuhn argue that multiword expressions can be reliably detected in parallel corpora by using dependency-parsed , word-aligned sentences
we use srilm with its default parameters for this purpose---we use 5-grams for all language models implemented using the srilm toolkit
table 2 : error reduction in the average f-score me---we used the implementation of random forest in scikitlearn as the classifier
chiang and knight gives a good introduction to stsgs , which originate from the syntax-directed translation schemes of aho and ullman---chiang gives a good introduction to stsg , which originate from the syntax-directed translation schemes of aho and ullman
these word embeddings are learned in advance using a continuous skip-gram model , or other continuous word representation learning methods---these word vectors can be randomly initialized from a uniform distribution , or be pre-trained from text corpus with embedding learning algorithms
we preinitialize the word embeddings by running the word2vec tool on the english wikipedia dump---to encode the original sentences we used word2vec embeddings pre-trained on google news
we use 5-grams for all language models implemented using the srilm toolkit---we used the disambig tool provided by the srilm toolkit
we use pre-trained vectors from glove for word-level embeddings---we use pre-trained glove embeddings to represent the words
the msa tool we extend is mada -morphological analysis and disambiguation of arabic---we use the morphological analyzer mada to decompose the arabic source
a 4-gram language model was trained on the monolingual data by the srilm toolkit---a 5-gram language model with kneser-ney smoothing is trained using s-rilm on the target language
in the experiments reported here we use support vector machines through the svm light package---for instance , chiao and zweigenbaum propose to integrate a reverse translation spotting strategy in order to improve precision
the values of the word embeddings matrix e are learned using the neural network model introduced by---the word embeddings are initialized with 100-dimensions vectors pre-trained by the cbow model
therefore , we propose a convolutional neural network ( cnn ) based model which leverages both word-level and character-based representations---in this work , we proposed a convolutional neural network ( cnn ) based approach that combines both word-and character-level representations , for review
however , the richer feature representations result in a high-dimensional feature space---in a relatively high-dimensional feature space may suffer from the data sparseness problem
in bisk and hockenmaier , we introduced a model that is based on hierarchical dirichlet processes---in our previous work we developed a word-sense induction system based on topic modelling , specifically a hierarchical dirichlet process
we used the sri language modeling toolkit to train a fivegram model with modified kneser-ney smoothing---we used the srilm toolkit to build unpruned 5-gram models using interpolated modified kneser-ney smoothing
to estimate the weights 位 i in formula , we use the minimum error rate training algorithm , which is widely used for phrasebased smt model training---given a set of question-answer pairs as the development set , we use the minimum error rate training algorithm to tune the feature weights 位 m i in our proposed model
further , we apply a 4-gram language model trained with the srilm toolkit on the target side of the training corpus---the language model is trained on the target side of the parallel training corpus using srilm
coreference resolution is a key task in natural language processing ( cite-p-13-1-8 ) aiming to detect the referential expressions ( mentions ) in a text that point to the same entity---coreference resolution is the problem of identifying which noun phrases ( nps , or mentions ) refer to the same real-world entity in a text or dialogue
to employ the features described above in an actual classifier , we trained a logistic regression model using the weka toolkit---we presented a complete , correct , terminating extension of earley ' s algorithm that uses restriction
a trigram model was built on 20 million words of general newswire text , using the srilm toolkit---a 5-gram language model was built using srilm on the target side of the corresponding training corpus
for the mix one , we also train word embeddings of dimension 50 using glove---we use the pre-trained glove 50-dimensional word embeddings to represent words found in the glove dataset
semantic role labeling ( srl ) is a form of shallow semantic parsing whose goal is to discover the predicate-argument structure of each predicate in a given input sentence---semantic role labeling ( srl ) is the task of automatic recognition of individual predicates together with their major roles ( e.g . frame elements ) as they are grammatically realized in input sentences
in this paper , we present a survey on taxonomy learning from text corpora---in this paper , we overview recent advances on taxonomy
relation extraction is a core task in information extraction and natural language understanding---relation extraction is the task of detecting and classifying relationships between two entities from text
when used as the underlying input representation , word vectors have been shown to boost the performance in nlp tasks---most previous research has found only small differences between different techniques for finding clusters
the penn discourse tree bank is the largest resource to date that provides a discourse annotated corpus in english---the penn discourse treebank , developed by prasad et al , is currently the largest discourse-annotated corpus , consisting of 2159 wall street journal articles
to evaluate the evidence span identification , we calculate f-measure on words , and bleu and rouge---in order to measure translation quality , we use bleu 7 and ter scores
we use publicly-available 1 300-dimensional embeddings trained on part of the google news dataset using skip-gram with negative sampling---mt systems have proven effective ¡ª the models are compelling and show good room for improvement
the most common word embeddings used in deep learning are word2vec , glove , and fasttext---one of the most useful neural network techniques for nlp is the word embedding , which learns vector representations of words
feng et al proposed a shift-reduce algorithm to add btg constraints to phrase-based models---feng et al use shift-reduce parsing to impose itg constraints on phrase permutation
headden iii et al introduce the extended valence grammar and add lexicalization and smoothing---lexical simplification is a subtask of the more general text simplification task which attempts at reducing the cognitive complexity of a text so that it can be ( better ) understood by a larger audience
on the other hand , zarrie脽 and kuhn make use of translational correspondences when identifying multiword expressions---zarrie脽 and kuhn argue that multiword expressions can be reliably detected in parallel corpora by using dependency-parsed , word-aligned sentences
framenet is an expert-built lexical-semantic resource incorporating the theory of frame-semantics---the berkeley framenet is an ongoing project for building a large lexical resource for english with expert annotations based on frame semantics
we show that this criterion can be consistently annotated with high agreement , and that it is intuitive enough to be obtained through crowdsourcing---we propose a generic argument reduction criterion , along with an annotation procedure , and show that it can be consistently and intuitively annotated
one is a bilexical model , which is a kind of discriminative model , and the other is a generative model---one is the bilexical dependency model and the other is the generative model
the purpose of the supertagger is to reduce the search space for the parser---in line with previous work , we let human evaluators judge the grammaticality , simplicity , and meaning preservation of the simplified text
for evaluation , caseinsensitive nist bleu is used to measure translation performance---we use case-sensitive bleu-4 to measure the quality of translation result
we report case-sensitive bleu and ter as the mt evaluation metrics---we use bleu 2 , ter 3 and meteor 4 , which are the most-widely used mt evaluation metrics
we use scikitlearn as machine learning library---we use the skll and scikit-learn toolkits
shen et al proposed a tree kernel for ltag derivation trees to focus only on linguistically meaningful structures---system tuning was carried out using both k-best mira and minimum error rate training on the held-out development set
in this paper we explore a pos tagging application of neural architectures that can infer word representations from the raw character stream---in this paper , we explored new models that can infer meaningful word representations from the raw character stream
the best results were obtained with their new approach---using these representations as features , bansal et al obtained improvements in dependency recovery in the mst parser
the word embeddings are initialized by pre-trained glove embeddings 2---we initialize word embeddings with a pre-trained embedding matrix through glove 3
we implemented this model using the srilm toolkit with the modified kneser-ney discounting and interpolation options---we use a fourgram language model with modified kneser-ney smoothing as implemented in the srilm toolkit
we trained a 5-grams language model by the srilm toolkit---we used the sri language modeling toolkit with kneser-kney smoothing
however , finding the best string ( e.g. , during decoding ) is then computationally intractable---semantic role labeling was first defined in gildea and jurafsky
bunescu and mooney propose a shortest path dependency kernel for relation extraction---the idea of using dependency parse trees for relation extraction in general was studied by bunescu and mooney
we use the pre-trained 300-dimensional word2vec embeddings trained on google news 1 as input features---the word embeddings are word2vec of dimension 300 pre-trained on google news
in this paper we developed an approach to mctest that combines lexical matching with simple linguistic analysis---in this paper we develop a lexical matching method that takes into account multiple context
in ( cite-p-16-3-8 ) , lexical features were limited on each single side due to the feature space problem---in ( cite-p-16-5-10 ) , syntactic structures were employed to reorder the source language
we automatically produced training data from the penn treebank---we trained and tested the model on data from the penn treebank
we applied a supervised machine-learning approach , based on conditional random fields---coreference resolution is the process of finding discourse entities ( markables ) referring to the same real-world entity or concept
we use skip-gram representation for the training of word2vec tool---we perform pre-training using the skipgram nn architecture available in the word2vec tool
hypothesis 1 : metaphorical uses of words tend to convey more emotion than their literal paraphrases in the same context---relation extraction is the task of finding relational facts in unstructured text and putting them into a structured ( tabularized ) knowledge base
it is therefore a promising direction to combine the advantages of both nmt and smt---which combines the advantages of nmt and smt efficiently
a modified joint source–channel model along with a number of alternatives have been proposed---including the modified joint source-channel model and their evaluation scheme have been proposed
synchronous context-free grammars are now widely used in statistical machine translation , with hiero as the preeminent example---probabilistic synchronous grammars are widely used in statistical machine translation and semantic parsing
a 4-grams language model is trained by the srilm toolkit---the trigram language model is implemented in the srilm toolkit
valitutti et al present an interactive system which generates humorous puns obtained through variation of familiar expressions with word substitution---valitutti et al present an interactive system which generates humorous puns obtained by modifying familiar expressions with word substitution
word sense disambiguation ( wsd ) is the task of determining the correct meaning for an ambiguous word from its context---word sense disambiguation ( wsd ) is a fundamental task and long-standing challenge in natural language processing ( nlp )
information extraction ( ie ) is a technology that can be applied to identifying both sources and targets of new hyperlinks---information extraction ( ie ) is the task of extracting information from natural language texts to fill a database record following a structure called a template
relation extraction is a challenging task in natural language processing---relation extraction is the task of finding relational facts in unstructured text and putting them into a structured ( tabularized ) knowledge base
the language model was trained using srilm toolkit---in this paper , we statistically study the correlations among popular memes and their wordings , and generate meme
we use the adagrad algorithm to optimize the conditional , marginal log-likelihood of the data---for this , we propose a language model for generating reviews
the scfg formalism was repopularized for statistical machine translation by chiang---hierarchical phrase-based translation was proposed by chiang
the target language model was a standard ngram language model trained by the sri language modeling toolkit---the language model was generated from the europarl corpus using the sri language modeling toolkit
to do this we examine the dataset created for the english lexical substitution task in semeval---to score the participating systems , we use an evaluation scheme which is inspired by the english lexical substitution task in semeval 2007
finally , rozovskaya and roth found that a classifier outperformed a language modeling approach on different data , making it unclear which approach is best---we found that a language model does not generally perform as well as a classifier in terms of f 1 , similar to a previous finding from rozovskaya and roth
we used nltk wordnet synsets for obtaining the ambiguity of the word---we lemmatise each word using the wordnet nltk lemmatiser
we specify a non-stochastic version of the formalism , noting that probabilities may be attached to the rewrite rules exactly as in stochastic cfg---we demonstrate that an lda-based topic modelling approach outperforms a baseline distributional semantic approach and weighted textual matrix
morphological analysis is a staple of natural language processing for broad languages---we pre-train the word embedding via word2vec on the whole dataset
the hierarchical model is built on a weighted synchronous contextfree grammar---a synchronous context-free grammar is extracted from the alignments
wikipedia and wiktionary , which have been applied in computational methods only recently , offer new possibilities to enhance ir---sentence compression is a complex paraphrasing task with information loss involving substitution , deletion , insertion , and reordering operations
this is , however , computationally intractable , and it is a usual practice to resort to approximate decoding algorithms---exactly , it is a usual practice to resort to approximate search / decoding algorithms
this is an interpretation of negation that is intuitively appealing , formally simple , and computationally rto harder than the original rounds-kasper logic---that yields an interpretation that is conceptually simple , motivated by the preservation of monotonicity , and is computationally no harder than the original rounds-kasper logic
we discuss examples that suit or challenge our approach---we show examples and solutions that may be challenge our approach
the statistical significance test is performed using the re-sampling approach---statistical significance is computed using the bootstrap re-sampling approach proposed by koehn
we use a cws-oriented model modified from the skip-gram model to derive word embeddings---we used the open source moses phrase-based mt system to test the impact of the preprocessing technique on translation results