the most successful supervised phrase-structure parsers are feature-rich discriminative parsers which heavily depend on an underlying pcfg---the most successful supervised phrase-structure parsers are feature-rich discriminative parsers that heavily depend on an underlying pcfg grammar
hiero is a hierarchical phrase-based statistical mt framework that generalizes phrase-based models by permitting phrases with gaps---we propose a model to reason about context-dependent instructional language that display strong dependencies
in this work , we calculated automatic evaluation scores for the translation results using a popular metrics called bleu---in addition to these two key indicators , we evaluated the translation quality using an automatic measure , namely bleu score
word sense disambiguation ( wsd ) is a key enabling-technology that automatically chooses the intended sense of a word in context---word sense disambiguation ( wsd ) is the task of assigning sense tags to ambiguous lexical items ( lis ) in a text
in a follow-up study on a larger group of children , gabani et al again used part-of-speech language models in an attempt to characterize the agrammaticality that is associated with language impairment---gabani et al used part-ofspeech language models to derive perplexity scores for transcripts of the speech of children with and without language impairment
chemspot v1.0 achieved an overall f 1 of 68.1 % on the scai corpus---chemspot achieves an f 1 of 65 . 5 % for exact matching on the test corpus
in this paper , we present a machine learning approach to the identification and resolution of chinese anaphoric zero pronouns---then we train word2vec to represent each entity with a 100-dimensional embedding vector
thus we feel providing a method to speed up mcmc inference can have a significant impact---we propose an approximate mcmc framework that facilitates efficient inference
our research is conceptually similar to the work in ( cite-p-11-3-11 ) , which induces a “ human-likeness ” criteria---with human judgements , we source data from a dataset collected by the authors in ( cite-p-11-1-0 )
therefore , we expand the property context with additional words based the technique of word embedding---we use srilm toolkits to train two 4-gram language models on the filtered english blog authorship corpus and the xinhua portion of gigaword corpus , respectively
in this study , we present a system that generates lexical analogies automatically from text data---in this study , we present a novel system for generating lexical analogies directly from a text corpus
huang et al presented an rnn model that uses document-level context information to construct more accurate word representations---state of the art statistical parsers are trained on manually annotated treebanks that are highly expensive to create
we used trigram language models with interpolated kneser-kney discounting trained using the sri language modeling toolkit---we used 5-gram models , estimated using the sri language modeling toolkit with modified kneser-ney smoothing
we used the logistic regression implemented in the scikit-learn library with the default settings---we used the implementation of random forest in scikitlearn as the classifier
text summarization is a task to generate a shorter and concise version of a text while preserving the meaning of the original text---generating a condensed version of a passage while preserving its meaning is known as text summarization
we use mira to tune the parameters of the system to maximize bleu---we measure the translation quality using a single reference bleu
relation extraction is the task of detecting and classifying relationships between two entities from text---as shown in cite-p-23-13-10 this is a well-motivated convention since it avoids splitting up lexical rules to transfer the specifications that must be preserved for different lexical entries
trigram language models were estimated using the sri language modeling toolkit with modified kneser-ney smoothing---a 4-gram language model was trained on the monolingual data by the srilm toolkit
zhang et al is an extension of zhang and clark using online large-margin training and incorporating a large-scale language model---zhang et al improve the ccg approach by zhang and clark by incorporating an n-gram language model
in this paper , we extend the popular chain-structured lstm to directed acyclic graph ( dag ) structures , with the aim to endow conventional lstm with the capability of considering compositionality and non-compositionality together---by extending the chain-structured lstm to directed acyclic graphs ( dags ) , with the aim to endow linear-chain lstms with the capability of considering compositionality together with non-compositionality
moreover , our method employs predicate inversion and repetition to resolve the problem that japanese has a predicate at the end of a sentence---we then created trigram language models from a variety of sources using the srilm toolkit , and measured their perplexity on this data
for language model , we used sri language modeling toolkit to train a 4-gram model with modified kneser-ney smoothing---we used the srilm toolkit to build unpruned 5-gram models using interpolated modified kneser-ney smoothing
we use mini-batch update and adagrad to optimize the parameter learning---parameters are updated through backpropagation with adagrad for speeding up convergence
distributed word representations have been shown to improve the accuracy of ner systems---word embeddings have been used to help to achieve better performance in several nlp tasks
in particular , we use a set of analysis-level style markers , i.e. , measures that represent the way in which the text has been processed by the tool---we also use analysis-dependent style markers , that is , measures that represent the way in which the text has been processed
figure 1 also shows , in brackets , the augmented annotation described above from hale et al---figure 1 also shows , in brackets , the augmented annotation used by hale et al
the aim of this paper is to produce a methodology for analyzing sentiments of selected twitter messages , better known as tweets---aim of this study is to produce a methodology for analyzing sentiments of selected twitter messages , better known as tweets
coreference resolution is a task aimed at identifying phrases ( mentions ) referring to the same entity---coreference resolution is the process of linking multiple mentions that refer to the same entity
relation extraction is the task of predicting semantic relations over entities expressed in structured or semi-structured text---relation extraction is the problem of populating a target relation ( representing an entity-level relationship or attribute ) with facts extracted from natural-language text
gildea and jurafsky classify semantic role assignments using all the annotations in framenet , for example , covering all types of verbal arguments---gildea and jurafsky describe a system that uses completely syntactic features to classify the frame elements in a sentence
for both languages , we used the srilm toolkit to train a 5-gram language model using all monolingual data provided---we use srilm toolkit to train a trigram language model with modified kneser-ney smoothing on the target side of training corpus
by imposing a composite ` 1 , ∞ regularizer , we obtain structured sparsity , driving entire rows of coefficients to zero---this paper has proposed an incremental parser based on an adjoining operation
besides standard features , the phrase-based decoder also uses a maximum entropy phrasal reordering model---the decoder adopts the regular distance distortion model , and also incorporates a maximum entropy based lexicalized phrase reordering model
visual question answering ( vqa ) is a well-known and challenging task that requires systems to jointly reason about natural language and vision---visual question answering ( vqa ) is the task of answering natural-language questions about images
however , these conclusions contradict yamashita claiming that information structure is not crucial for scrambling---nevertheless , such large bilingual corpora are unavailable for most language pairs in the world , which causes a bottleneck for both of the smt and nmt machine translation methods
in particular , we think of initializing our embedding matrices with distributed representations that come from a large-scale neural language model---the system was tuned with batch lattice mira
we implement logistic regression with scikit-learn and use the lbfgs solver---we used the logistic regression implementation in scikit-learn for the maximum entropy models in our experiments
abstract meaning representation is a popular framework for annotating whole sentence meaning---abstract meaning representation is a compact , readable , whole-sentence semantic annotation
the phrase translation probabilities are smoothed with good-turing smoothing---the maximum likelihood estimates are smoothed using good-turing discounting
framenet is a widely-used lexical-semantic resource embodying frame semantics---framenet is a comprehensive lexical database that lists descriptions of words in the frame-semantic paradigm
we demonstrate , however , that this has little positive impact in our setting and can even be detrimental---liu et al allow for application of nonsyntactic phrase pairs in their tree-to-string alignment template system
we used l2-regularized logistic regression classifier as implemented in liblinear---we built the svm classifiers using lib-linear and applied its l2-regularized support vector regression model
the bnnjm uses the current target word as input , so the information about the current target word can be combined with the context word information and processed in hidden layers---the language models used were 7-gram srilm with kneser-ney smoothing and linear interpolation
in contrast , goldwasser et al proposed a self-supervised approach , which iteratively chose high-confidence parses to retrain the parser---finally , goldwasser et al presented an unsupervised approach of learning a semantic parser by using an em-like retraining loop
davidov et al describe a technique that transforms hashtags and smileys in tweets into sentiments---davidov et al studied the use of hashtags and emoticons in sentiment classification
parameters were tuned using minimum error rate training---the model parameters are trained using minimum error-rate training
the 4-gram language model was trained with the kenlm toolkit on the english side of the training data and the english wikipedia articles---the 5-gram kneser-ney smoothed language models were trained by srilm , with kenlm used at runtime
for our baseline we use the moses software to train a phrase based machine translation model---we develop translation models using the phrase-based moses smt system
experimental results show that adversarial training substantially improves the performances of target embedding models under various settings---across various settings , this adversarial learning mechanism can significantly improve the performance of some of the most commonly used translation based kge methods
sagae and tsujii emulate a single iteration of cotraining by using maxent and svm , selecting the sentences where both models agreed and adding these sentences to the training set---sagae and tsujii co-train two dependency parsers by adding automatically parsed sentences for which the parsers agree to the training data
we evaluate against the gold standard dependencies for section 23 , which were extracted from the phrase structure trees using the standard rules by yamada and matsumoto---we extract dependency structures from the penn treebank using the penn2malt extraction tool , 5 which implements the head rules of yamada and matsumoto
we used the srilm toolkit to train a 4-gram language model on the english side of the training corpus---we train a 5-gram language model with the xinhua portion of english gigaword corpus and the english side of the training set using the srilm toolkit
word embeddings have shown promising results in nlp tasks , such as named entity recognition , sentiment analysis or parsing---distributed word representations have been shown to improve the accuracy of ner systems
several structure-based learning algorithms have been proposed so far---there are several structure-based learning algorithms proposed so far
we tuned the weights in the log-linear model by optimizing bleu on the tuning dataset , using mert , pro , or mira---we evaluated the models using the wmt data set , computing the ter and bleu scores on the decoded output
translation performance is measured using the automatic bleu metric , on one reference translation---relation extraction is the task of detecting and classifying relationships between two entities from text
a pun is a form of wordplay in which a word suggests two or more meanings by exploiting polysemy , homonymy , or phonological similarity to another word , for an intended humorous or rhetorical effect---the log linear weights for the baseline systems are optimized using mert provided in the moses toolkit
we used srilm to build a 4-gram language model with interpolated kneser-ney discounting---for the language model , we used srilm with modified kneser-ney smoothing
we also use a 4-gram language model trained using srilm with kneser-ney smoothing---the language model is a large interpolated 5-gram lm with modified kneser-ney smoothing
lms based on texts translated from the source language still outperform lms translated from other languages , however---systems that use lms based on manually translated texts significantly outperform lms based on originally written texts
we used the srilm software 4 to build langauge models as well as to calculate cross-entropy based features---we used the srilm toolkit to build unpruned 5-gram models using interpolated modified kneser-ney smoothing
we proposed a novel constituent hierarchy predictor based on recurrent neural networks , aiming to capture global sentential information---for improving shift-reduce parsing , we propose a novel neural model to predict the constituent hierarchy
semantic role labeling ( srl ) is the task of automatically annotating the predicate-argument structure in a sentence with semantic roles---an annotation effort demonstrates implicit relations reveal as much as 30 % of meaning
we train the parameters of the stages separately using adagrad with the perceptron loss function---niculae and yaneva and niculae used constituency and dependency parsing-based techniques to identify similes in text
our model uses non-negative matrix factorization -nmf in order to find latent dimensions---the model uses non-negative matrix factorization in order to find latent dimensions
the minimum error rate training was used to tune the feature weights---blitzer et al propose a domain adaptation method that uses the unlabeled target instances to infer a good feature representation , which can be regarded as weighting the features
for the machine learning component of our system we use the l2-regularised logistic regression implementation of the liblinear 3 software library---we utilise liblinear-java 3 with the l2-regularised l2-loss linear svm setting for the svm implementation , and snowball 4 for the stemmer
part-of-speech ( pos ) tagging is a well studied problem in these fields---part-of-speech ( pos ) tagging is a crucial task for natural language processing ( nlp ) tasks , providing basic information about syntax
word sense disambiguation ( wsd ) is the task of determining the meaning of an ambiguous word in its context---we train trigram language models on the training set using the sri language modeling tookit
second , we introduce the use of vector space similarity in random walk inference in order to reduce the sparsity of surface forms---second , we have described how to incorporate vector space similarity into random walk inference over knowledge bases , reducing the feature sparsity inherent in using surface
ng et al exploit category-specific information for multi-document summarization---part of our research addresses the problem of medication detection from informal text
given the parameters of ibm model 3 , and a sentence pair math-w-5-1-0-21 , compute the probability math-w-5-1-0-30---given the model parameters and a sentence math-w-2-16-0-10 , determine the most probable translation of math-w-2-16-0-18
sentiment analysis is the computational analysis of people ’ s feelings or beliefs expressed in texts such as emotions , opinions , attitudes , appraisals , etc . ( cite-p-11-3-3 )---sentiment analysis is a ‘ suitcase ’ research problem that requires tackling many nlp subtasks , e.g. , aspect extraction ( cite-p-26-3-15 ) , named entity recognition ( cite-p-26-3-6 ) , concept extraction ( cite-p-26-3-20 ) , sarcasm detection ( cite-p-26-3-16 ) , personality recognition ( cite-p-26-3-7 ) , and more
language models were built using the srilm toolkit 16---the srilm toolkit was used to build the trigram mkn smoothed language model
the reordering model was trained with the hierarchical , monotone , swap , left to right bidirectional method and conditioned on both the source and target language---the reordering model was trained with the hierarchical , monotone , swap , left to right bidirectional method and conditioned on both the source and target languages
and mitchell and lapata propose a model for vector composition , focusing on the different functions that might be used to combine the constituent vectors---mitchell and lapata propose a framework for compositional distributional semantics using a standard term-context vector space word representation
in the present paper , however , we have deliberately formulated the general learning axioms of our theory so they do not depend on the robotic framework---in the present paper , however , we have deliberately formulated the general learning axioms of our theory
caseinsensitive bleu is used to evaluate the translation results---the translation quality is evaluated by case-insensitive bleu-4
we used moses as the phrase-based machine translation system---we adapted the moses phrase-based decoder to translate word lattices
coreference resolution is the task of determining whether two or more noun phrases refer to the same entity in a text---coreference resolution is a set partitioning problem in which each resulting partition refers to an entity
we used the moses mt toolkit with default settings and features for both phrase-based and hierarchical systems---for decoding , we used the state-of-the-art phrasebased smt toolkit moses with default options , except for the distortion limit
senseclusters is a freely available system that identifies similar contexts in text---senseclusters is a freely–available open– source system that served as the university of minnesota , duluth entry in the s enseval -4 sense induction task
moreover , we show that semlms improves the performance of coreference resolution , as well as that of predicting the sense of discourse connectives for both explicit and implicit ones---we show that our semlm helps improve performance on semantic natural language processing tasks such as coreference resolution and discourse parsing