▁officially ▁announced ▁by ▁Sony ▁in ▁April ▁ 2 0 1 5 . ▁Sp ider - Man : ▁Into ▁the ▁Sp ider - Ver se ▁( 2 0 1 8 ) ▁comb ines ▁Sony ▁Pictures ▁Image works ' ▁computer ▁animation ▁pipeline ▁with ▁traditional ▁hand - d rawn ▁comic ▁book ▁techniques , ▁inspired ▁by ▁the ▁work ▁of ▁Miles ▁Mor ales ' s ▁co - creat or ▁Sara ▁P iche lli . ▁Com ple ting ▁the ▁animation ▁required ▁up ▁to ▁ 1 4 0 ▁anim ators , ▁the ▁largest ▁crew ▁ever ▁used ▁by ▁Sony ▁Pictures ▁An imation ▁for ▁a ▁film . ▁Into ▁the ▁Sp ider - Ver se ▁received ▁universal ▁ac claim , ▁won ▁the ▁Academy ▁Award ▁for ▁Best ▁An imated ▁Feature , ▁and ▁became ▁the ▁highest - rated ▁film ▁in ▁the ▁Sp ider - Man ▁franchise , ▁sur pass ing ▁Sp ider - Man ▁ 2 . ▁ ▁R aim i ' s ▁tr il ogy ▁gross ed ▁$ 2 . 5 ▁billion ▁worldwide ▁on ▁a ▁$ 5 9 7 ▁million ▁budget , ▁while ▁We bb ' s ▁films ▁gross ed ▁over ▁$ 1 . 4 ▁billion ▁on ▁a ▁$ 4 8 0 ▁million ▁budget . ▁Sp ider - Man ' s ▁MC U ▁films ▁( Home coming ▁and ▁Far ▁From ▁Home ) ▁gross ed ▁over ▁$ 2 ▁billion ▁on ▁a ▁$ 3 3 5 ▁million ▁budget ▁and ▁Into ▁the ▁Sp ider - Ver se ▁gross ed ▁$ 3 7 5 ▁million ▁on ▁a ▁$ 9 0 ▁million ▁budget . ▁The ▁Sp ider - Man
▁films ▁have ▁gross ed ▁over ▁$ 6 . 3 ▁billion ▁collect ively ▁at ▁the ▁global ▁box ▁office . ▁This ▁includes ▁Far ▁From ▁Home , ▁which ▁became ▁the ▁first ▁Sp ider - Man ▁film ▁to ▁gross ▁over ▁$ 1 ▁billion ▁worldwide ▁as ▁well ▁as ▁Sony ' s ▁highest - g ross ing ▁film ▁ever . ▁ ▁Early ▁television ▁films ▁ ▁The ▁Amaz ing ▁Sp ider - Man ▁series ▁( 1 9 7 7 – 1 9 8 1 ) ▁ ▁Sp ider - Man ▁( 1 9 7 7 ) ▁ ▁In ▁ 1 9 7 7 , ▁the ▁pilot ▁episode ▁of ▁The ▁Amaz ing ▁Sp ider - Man ▁television ▁series ▁was ▁released ▁by ▁Columbia ▁Pictures ▁as ▁Sp ider - Man ▁outside ▁of ▁the ▁United ▁States . ▁It ▁was ▁directed ▁by ▁E . ▁W . ▁Sw ack ham er , ▁written ▁by ▁Al vin ▁B oret z ▁and ▁stars ▁Nicholas ▁Ham mond ▁as ▁the ▁tit ular ▁character , ▁David ▁White ▁as ▁J . ▁Jon ah ▁James on ▁and ▁Jeff ▁Don nell ▁as ▁May ▁Parker . ▁The ▁film ▁premier ed ▁on ▁CBS ▁on ▁September ▁ 1 4 , ▁ 1 9 7 7 , ▁and ▁received ▁a ▁V HS ▁release ▁in ▁ 1 9 8 0 . ▁ ▁Sp ider - Man ▁St rik es ▁Back ▁( 1 9 7 8 ) ▁ ▁In ▁ 1 9 7 8 , ▁the ▁two - part ▁episode ▁" Dead ly ▁D ust " ▁from ▁the ▁television ▁series ▁The ▁Amaz ing ▁Sp ider - Man ▁was ▁re -
ed ited ▁and ▁released ▁outside ▁of ▁the ▁United ▁States ▁as ▁a ▁feature ▁film ▁titled ▁Sp ider - Man ▁St rik es ▁Back . ▁Nicholas ▁Ham mond ▁re prises ▁his ▁role ▁as ▁Peter ▁Parker ▁/ ▁Sp ider - Man ▁while ▁Robert ▁F . ▁Simon ▁repl aces ▁David ▁White ▁in ▁the ▁role ▁of ▁J . ▁Jon ah ▁James on . ▁The ▁film ▁was ▁the at ric ally ▁released ▁on ▁ 8 ▁May ▁ 1 9 7 8 . ▁ ▁Sp ider - Man : ▁The ▁Dragon ' s ▁Challenge ▁( 1 9 8 1 ) ▁ ▁In ▁ 1 9 8 1 , ▁a ▁film ▁made ▁from ▁The ▁Amaz ing ▁Sp ider - Man ▁television ▁series ▁finale ▁" The ▁Chinese ▁Web " ▁using ▁the ▁same ▁method ▁used ▁to ▁make ▁Sp ider - Man ▁St rik es ▁Back ▁was ▁released ▁as ▁Sp ider - Man : ▁The ▁Dragon ' s ▁Challenge ▁in ▁European ▁territor ies . ▁Nicholas ▁Ham mond ▁and ▁Robert ▁F . ▁Simon ▁respectively ▁re prise ▁their ▁roles ▁as ▁Peter ▁Parker ▁/ ▁Sp ider - Man ▁and ▁J . ▁Jon ah ▁James on . ▁It ▁was ▁directed ▁by ▁Ron ▁Sat lo f , ▁written ▁by ▁Robert ▁Jan es ▁and ▁stars ▁Nicholas ▁Ham mond ▁as ▁the ▁tit ular ▁character , ▁Ros al ind ▁Ch ao , ▁Robert ▁F . ▁Simon , ▁B enson ▁F ong , ▁and ▁Ellen ▁Bry ▁ ▁Early ▁short ▁film ▁ ▁Sp ider - Man ▁( 1 9 7 8 ) ▁ ▁On ▁July ▁ 2 2 , ▁ 1 9 7 8
, ▁T ō ei ▁released ▁a ▁the atr ical ▁spin - off ▁of ▁their ▁Sp ider - Man ▁TV ▁series ▁at ▁the ▁T ō ei ▁Cart oon ▁Festival . ▁The ▁film ▁was ▁directed ▁by ▁K ō ichi ▁Tak em oto , ▁who ▁also ▁directed ▁eight ▁episodes ▁of ▁the ▁TV ▁series . ▁The ▁week ▁after ▁the ▁film ' s ▁release , ▁a ▁character ▁introduced ▁in ▁the ▁film , ▁J ū z ō ▁M ami ya ▁( play ed ▁by ▁Nob or u ▁Nak aya ), ▁began ▁appearing ▁in ▁episodes ▁of ▁the ▁TV ▁series . ▁Like ▁the ▁rest ▁of ▁the ▁series , ▁the ▁film ▁was ▁made ▁available ▁for ▁streaming ▁on ▁Marvel ' s ▁official ▁website ▁in ▁ 2 0 0 9 . ▁ ▁Development ▁ ▁C annon ▁Films ▁The ▁low ▁box ▁office ▁performance ▁of ▁ 1 9 8 3 ' s ▁Super man ▁III ▁made ▁feature - film ▁adapt ations ▁of ▁comic ▁book ▁properties ▁a ▁very ▁low ▁priority ▁in ▁Hollywood ▁until ▁the ▁ 1 9 9 0 s . ▁In ▁ 1 9 8 5 , ▁after ▁a ▁brief ▁option ▁on ▁Sp ider - Man ▁by ▁Roger ▁C orm an ▁exp ired , ▁Marvel ▁Com ics ▁option ed ▁the ▁property ▁to ▁C annon ▁Films . ▁C annon ▁ch iefs ▁M ena hem ▁G olan ▁and ▁his ▁cousin ▁Y or am ▁Gl ob us ▁agreed ▁to ▁pay ▁Marvel ▁Com ics ▁$ 2 2 5 , 0 0 0 ▁over ▁the ▁five - year ▁option ▁period , ▁plus ▁a ▁percentage ▁of ▁any ▁film ' s ▁reven ues
. ▁However , ▁the ▁rights ▁would ▁re vert ▁to ▁Marvel ▁if ▁a ▁film ▁was ▁not ▁made ▁by ▁April ▁ 1 9 9 0 . ▁ ▁T obe ▁Ho oper , ▁then ▁preparing ▁both ▁Inv aders ▁From ▁Mars ▁and ▁The ▁Texas ▁Ch ains aw ▁Mass acre ▁ 2 , ▁was ▁m oot ed ▁as ▁director . ▁G olan ▁and ▁Gl ob us ▁misunder stood ▁the ▁concept ▁of ▁the ▁character ▁(" They ▁thought ▁it ▁was ▁like ▁The ▁Wolf ▁Man ", ▁said ▁director ▁Joseph ▁Z ito ) ▁and ▁instruct ed ▁writer ▁Les lie ▁Stevens , ▁creator ▁of ▁The ▁Out er ▁Lim its , ▁to ▁write ▁a ▁treatment ▁reflect ing ▁their ▁mis con ception . ▁In ▁Stevens ' ▁story , ▁a ▁corporate ▁scientist ▁intention ally ▁subjects ▁ID - bad ge ▁photographer ▁Peter ▁Parker ▁to ▁radio active ▁bomb ard ment , ▁transform ing ▁him ▁into ▁a ▁hair y , ▁su ic idal , ▁eight - armed ▁monster . ▁This ▁human ▁tar ant ula ▁ref uses ▁to ▁join ▁the ▁scientist ' s ▁new ▁master - r ace ▁of ▁mut ants , ▁batt ling ▁a ▁success ion ▁of ▁mut ations ▁kept ▁in ▁a ▁basement ▁laboratory . ▁ ▁Un h appy ▁with ▁this ▁perceived ▁deb as ement ▁of ▁his ▁comic ▁book ▁creation , ▁Marvel ' s ▁Stan ▁Lee ▁pushed ▁for ▁a ▁new ▁story ▁and ▁screen play , ▁written ▁for ▁C annon ▁by ▁Ted ▁News om ▁and ▁John ▁Br anc ato . ▁The ▁variation ▁on ▁the ▁origin ▁story ▁had ▁Otto ▁Oct av ius ▁as ▁a ▁teacher ▁and ▁ment or ▁to ▁a ▁college
- aged ▁Peter ▁Parker . ▁The ▁cycl ot ron ▁accident ▁which ▁" creat es " ▁Sp ider - Man ▁also ▁de forms ▁the ▁scientist ▁into ▁Doctor ▁Oct op us ▁and ▁results ▁in ▁his ▁mad ▁pursuit ▁of ▁proof ▁of ▁the ▁Fifth ▁Force . ▁" Doc ▁O ck " ▁recon struct s ▁his ▁cycl ot ron ▁and ▁causes ▁elect romag netic ▁ab normal ities , ▁anti - gr avity ▁effects , ▁and ▁bil ocation ▁which ▁threat ens ▁to ▁eng ulf ▁New ▁York ▁City ▁and ▁the ▁world . ▁Joseph ▁Z ito , ▁who ▁had ▁directed ▁C annon ' s ▁successful ▁Chuck ▁Nor ris ▁film ▁Inv asion ▁USA , ▁replaced ▁T obe ▁Ho oper . ▁The ▁new ▁director ▁hired ▁Bar ney ▁Cohen ▁to ▁re write ▁the ▁script . ▁Cohen , ▁creator ▁of ▁TV ' s ▁Sab r ina ▁the ▁Te en age ▁W itch ▁and ▁Fore ver ▁Knight , ▁added ▁action ▁scenes , ▁a ▁non - can onical ▁comic - book ▁side k ick ▁for ▁the ▁vill ain , ▁gave ▁Doc ▁O ck ▁the ▁catch ▁phrase , ▁" O key - do key ", ▁and ▁altered ▁his ▁goal ▁from ▁the ▁Fifth ▁Force ▁to ▁a ▁quest ▁for ▁anti - gr avity . ▁Produ cer ▁G olan ▁( using ▁his ▁pen ▁name ▁" J ose ph ▁Gold man ") ▁then ▁made ▁a ▁minor ▁pol ish ▁to ▁Cohen ' s ▁re write . ▁Z ito ▁sc out ed ▁locations ▁and ▁studio ▁facilities ▁in ▁both ▁the ▁U . S . ▁and ▁Europe , ▁and ▁overs aw ▁story board ▁breakdown s ▁super
vised ▁by ▁Harper ▁G off . ▁C annon ▁planned ▁to ▁make ▁the ▁film ▁on ▁the ▁then - sub stant ial ▁budget ▁of ▁between ▁$ 1 5 ▁and ▁$ 2 0   mill ion . ▁ ▁While ▁no ▁casting ▁was ▁final ized , ▁Z ito ▁expressed ▁interest ▁in ▁actor / st unt ▁man ▁Scott ▁Lev a , ▁who ▁had ▁pos ed ▁for ▁C annon ' s ▁promot ional ▁photos ▁and ▁ads , ▁and ▁made ▁public ▁appearances ▁as ▁Sp ider - Man ▁for ▁Marvel . ▁The ▁up - and - coming ▁actor ▁Tom ▁Cru ise ▁was ▁also ▁discussed ▁for ▁the ▁leading ▁role . ▁Z ito ▁considered ▁Bob ▁H os kins ▁as ▁Doc ▁O ck . ▁Stan ▁Lee ▁expressed ▁his ▁desire ▁to ▁play ▁Daily ▁Bug le ▁editor ▁J . ▁Jon ah ▁James on . ▁Lauren ▁B ac all ▁and ▁Kath ar ine ▁H ep burn ▁were ▁considered ▁for ▁Aunt ▁May , ▁Peter ▁C ushing ▁as ▁a ▁sym pathetic ▁scientist , ▁and ▁Ad olph ▁Ca esar ▁as ▁a ▁police ▁detective . ▁With ▁C annon ▁fin ances ▁s iph oned ▁by ▁the ▁expensive ▁Super man ▁IV : ▁The ▁Quest ▁for ▁Peace ▁and ▁Masters ▁of ▁the ▁Universe , ▁the ▁company ▁sl ashed ▁the ▁proposed ▁Sp ider - Man ▁budget ▁to ▁under ▁$ 1 0   mill ion . ▁Director ▁Z ito ▁opt ed ▁out , ▁unw illing ▁to ▁make ▁a ▁comprom ised ▁Sp ider - Man . ▁The ▁company ▁commissioned ▁low - bud get ▁re writ es ▁from ▁writers ▁She p ard ▁Gold man , ▁Don ▁Michael ▁Paul ,
▁and ▁finally ▁Eth an ▁W iley , ▁and ▁p enc iled ▁in ▁company ▁work hor se ▁Albert ▁Py un ▁as ▁director , ▁who ▁also ▁made ▁script ▁alter ations . ▁ ▁Scott ▁Lev a ▁was ▁still ▁associated ▁with ▁the ▁character ▁through ▁Marvel ▁( he ▁had ▁appeared ▁in ▁photo ▁covers ▁of ▁the ▁comic ), ▁and ▁read ▁each ▁draft . ▁Lev a ▁commented , ▁" T ed ▁News om ▁and ▁John ▁Br anc ato ▁had ▁written ▁the ▁script . ▁It ▁was ▁good ▁but ▁it ▁needed ▁a ▁little ▁work . ▁Unfortunately , ▁with ▁every ▁subsequent ▁re write ▁by ▁other ▁writers , ▁it ▁went ▁from ▁good ▁to ▁bad ▁to ▁terrible ." ▁Due ▁to ▁C annon ' s ▁ass orted ▁financial ▁cr ises , ▁the ▁project ▁shut ▁down ▁after ▁spending ▁about ▁$ 1 . 5   mill ion ▁on ▁the ▁project . ▁In ▁ 1 9 8 9 , ▁Path é , ▁owned ▁by ▁corrupt ▁Italian ▁financ ier ▁Gian car lo ▁Par rett i , ▁acquired ▁the ▁over ext ended ▁C annon . ▁The ▁film making ▁cous ins ▁part ed , ▁Gl ob us ▁remaining ▁associated ▁with ▁Path é , ▁G olan ▁leaving ▁to ▁run ▁ 2 1 st ▁Century ▁Film ▁Corporation , ▁keeping ▁a ▁number ▁of ▁properties ▁( including ▁Sp ider - Man ) ▁in ▁lieu ▁of ▁a ▁cash ▁buy - out . ▁He ▁also ▁extended ▁his ▁Sp ider - Man ▁option ▁with ▁Marvel ▁up ▁to ▁January ▁ 1 9 9 2 . ▁ ▁G olan ▁shel ved ▁the ▁low - bud get ▁re writ es ▁and ▁attempted
▁to ▁finance ▁an ▁independent ▁production ▁from ▁the ▁original ▁big - bud get ▁script , ▁already ▁budget ed , ▁story board ed ▁and ▁laid ▁out . ▁At ▁Cann es ▁in ▁May ▁ 1 9 8 9 , ▁ 2 1 st ▁Century ▁announced ▁a ▁September ▁start ▁date , ▁with ▁ads ▁tout ing ▁the ▁script ▁by ▁" Bar ney ▁Cohen , ▁Ted ▁News om ▁& ▁John ▁Br anc ato ▁and ▁Joseph ▁Gold man ." ▁As ▁standard ▁practice , ▁G olan ▁pre - s old ▁the ▁un made ▁film ▁to ▁raise ▁production ▁funds , ▁with ▁television ▁rights ▁bought ▁by ▁Vi acom ▁and ▁home ▁video ▁rights ▁by ▁Columbia ▁Pictures , ▁which ▁wanted ▁to ▁establish ▁a ▁studio ▁franchise . ▁Stephen ▁Here k ▁was ▁attached ▁as ▁director ▁at ▁this ▁point . ▁G olan ▁submitted ▁this ▁" new " ▁screen play ▁to ▁Columbia ▁in ▁late ▁ 1 9 8 9 ▁( act ually ▁the ▁ 1 9 8 5 ▁script ▁with ▁an ▁adjusted ▁" 1 9 8 9 " ▁date ) ▁and ▁the ▁studio ▁requested ▁yet ▁another ▁re write . ▁G olan ▁hired ▁Frank ▁La Log g ia , ▁who ▁turned ▁in ▁his ▁draft ▁but ▁grew ▁dis en ch anted ▁with ▁ 2 1 st ▁Century . ▁Neil ▁R ut ten berg ▁was ▁hired ▁for ▁one ▁more ▁draft , ▁which ▁was ▁also ▁" covered " ▁by ▁script ▁readers ▁at ▁Columbia . ▁Columbia ' s ▁script ▁analyst s ▁considered ▁all ▁three ▁subm issions ▁" ess entially ▁the ▁same ▁story ." ▁A ▁tent ative ▁production ▁deal ▁was ▁set . ▁S aid ▁Stan
▁Lee ▁in ▁ 1 9 9 0 , ▁" 2 1 st ▁Century ▁[ is ] ▁supposed ▁to ▁do ▁Sp ider - Man ▁and ▁now ▁they ' re ▁talking ▁to ▁Columbia ▁and ▁the ▁way ▁it ▁looks ▁now , ▁Columbia ▁may ▁end ▁up ▁buying ▁Sp ider - Man ▁from ▁ 2 1 st ▁Century ." ▁ ▁Carol co ▁Pictures ▁/ ▁M GM ▁ 2 1 st ▁Century ' s ▁M ena hem ▁G olan ▁still ▁actively ▁imm ers ed ▁himself ▁mount ing ▁" his " ▁Sp ider - Man , ▁sending ▁the ▁original ▁" Doc ▁O ck " ▁script ▁for ▁production ▁b ids . ▁In ▁ 1 9 9 0 , ▁he ▁contacted ▁Canadian ▁effects ▁company ▁Light ▁and ▁M otion ▁Corporation ▁regarding ▁the ▁visual ▁effects , ▁which ▁in ▁turn ▁offered ▁the ▁stop - m otion ▁cho res ▁to ▁Steven ▁Ar cher ▁( K r ull , ▁Cl ash ▁of ▁the ▁Tit ans ). ▁ ▁Tow ard ▁the ▁end ▁of ▁shooting ▁True ▁L ies , ▁Var iety ▁carried ▁the ▁announcement ▁that ▁Carol co ▁Pictures ▁had ▁received ▁a ▁completed ▁screen play ▁from ▁James ▁Cameron . ▁This ▁script ▁bore ▁the ▁names ▁of ▁James ▁Cameron , ▁John ▁Br anc ato , ▁Ted ▁News om , ▁Barry ▁[ s ic ] ▁Cohen ▁and ▁" J ose ph ▁Gold m ari ", ▁a ▁typ ographical ▁sc ram bling ▁of ▁G olan ' s ▁pen ▁name ▁(" J ose ph ▁Gold man ") ▁with ▁Marvel ▁executive ▁Joseph ▁Cal am ari . ▁The ▁script ▁text ▁was ▁identical ▁to ▁the ▁one ▁G olan
▁submitted ▁to ▁Columbia ▁the ▁previous ▁year , ▁with ▁the ▁addition ▁of ▁a ▁new ▁ 1 9 9 3 ▁date . ▁Cameron ▁st al wart ▁Arnold ▁Sch war zen eg ger ▁was ▁frequently ▁linked ▁to ▁the ▁project ▁as ▁the ▁director ' s ▁choice ▁for ▁Doctor ▁Oct op us . ▁ ▁James ▁Cameron ▁" script ment " ▁Month s ▁later , ▁James ▁Cameron ▁submitted ▁an ▁und ated ▁ 5 7 - page ▁" script ment " ▁with ▁an ▁alternate ▁story ▁( the ▁copyright ▁registration ▁was ▁dated ▁ 1 9 9 1 ), ▁part ▁screen play , ▁part ▁narrative ▁story ▁outline . ▁The ▁" script ment " ▁told ▁the ▁Sp ider - Man ▁origin , ▁but ▁used ▁variations ▁on ▁the ▁comic ▁book ▁characters ▁Elect ro ▁and ▁Sand man ▁as ▁vill ains . ▁This ▁" E lect ro " ▁( named ▁Carl ton ▁Str and , ▁instead ▁of ▁Max ▁D illon ) ▁was ▁a ▁me gal om ani ac al ▁par ody ▁of ▁corrupt ▁capital ists . ▁Instead ▁of ▁Fl int ▁Mark o ' s ▁character , ▁Cameron ' s ▁" S and man " ▁( sim ply ▁named ▁Boy d ) ▁is ▁mut ated ▁by ▁an ▁accident ▁involving ▁Philadelphia ▁Exper iment - style ▁bil ocation ▁and ▁atom - mix ing , ▁in ▁lieu ▁of ▁getting ▁caught ▁in ▁a ▁nuclear ▁blast ▁on ▁a ▁beach . ▁The ▁story ▁clim ax es ▁with ▁a ▁battle ▁at op ▁the ▁World ▁Trade ▁Center ▁and ▁had ▁Peter ▁Parker ▁revealing ▁his ▁identity ▁to ▁Mary ▁Jane ▁Watson . ▁In ▁addition , ▁the ▁treatment ▁was
▁also ▁heavy ▁on ▁prof an ity , ▁and ▁had ▁Sp ider - Man ▁and ▁Mary ▁Jane ▁having ▁sex ▁on ▁the ▁Brooklyn ▁Bridge . ▁ ▁This ▁treatment ▁reflected ▁elements ▁in ▁previous ▁scripts : ▁from ▁the ▁Stevens ▁treatment , ▁organic ▁web - sh oot ers , ▁and ▁a ▁vill ain ▁who ▁tem pts ▁Sp ider - Man ▁to ▁join ▁a ▁coming ▁" master ▁race " ▁of ▁mut ants ; ▁from ▁the ▁original ▁screen play ▁and ▁re write , ▁weird ▁electrical ▁storm s ▁causing ▁black outs , ▁freak ▁magnetic ▁events ▁and ▁bi - location ; ▁from ▁the ▁Eth an ▁W iley ▁draft , ▁a ▁vill ain ▁add icted ▁to ▁toxic ▁super - pow ers ▁and ▁multiple ▁experimental ▁sp iders , ▁one ▁of ▁which ▁esc apes ▁and ▁bit es ▁Peter , ▁causing ▁an ▁hall uc in atory ▁nightmare ▁inv oking ▁Franz ▁K afka ' s ▁The ▁Met am orph osis ; ▁from ▁the ▁Frank ▁La Log g ia ▁script , ▁a ▁bl izz ard ▁of ▁stolen ▁cash ▁fl utter ing ▁down ▁onto ▁surprised ▁New ▁York ers ; ▁and ▁from ▁the ▁Neil ▁R ut ten berg ▁screen play , ▁a ▁criminal ▁assault ▁on ▁the ▁NY C ▁Stock ▁Exchange . ▁In ▁ 1 9 9 1 , ▁Carol co ▁Pictures ▁extended ▁G olan ' s ▁option ▁agreement ▁with ▁Marvel ▁through ▁May ▁ 1 9 9 6 , ▁but ▁in ▁April ▁ 1 9 9 2 , ▁Carol co ▁ce ased ▁active ▁production ▁on ▁Sp ider - Man ▁due ▁to ▁continued ▁financial ▁and ▁legal ▁problems . ▁ ▁Lit igation ▁When
▁James ▁Cameron ▁agreed ▁to ▁make ▁Sp ider - Man , ▁Carol co ▁lawyers ▁simply ▁used ▁his ▁previous ▁Term inator ▁ 2 ▁contract ▁as ▁a ▁template . ▁A ▁clause ▁in ▁this ▁agreement ▁gave ▁Cameron ▁the ▁right ▁to ▁decide ▁on ▁movie ▁and ▁advertising ▁credits . ▁Show ▁business ▁trade ▁articles ▁and ▁advertis ements ▁made ▁no ▁mention ▁of ▁G olan , ▁who ▁was ▁still ▁actively ▁as sem bling ▁the ▁elements ▁for ▁the ▁film . ▁In ▁ 1 9 9 3 , ▁G olan ▁complained ▁publicly ▁and ▁finally ▁inst ig ated ▁legal ▁action ▁against ▁Carol co ▁for ▁dis av owing ▁his ▁contract ual ▁guarantee ▁credit ▁as ▁producer . ▁On ▁the ▁other ▁hand , ▁Cameron ▁had ▁the ▁contract ual ▁right ▁to ▁decide ▁on ▁credits . ▁Eventually , ▁Carol co ▁su ed ▁Vi acom ▁and ▁Columbia ▁to ▁recover ▁broadcast ▁and ▁home ▁video ▁rights , ▁and ▁the ▁two ▁stud ios ▁coun ters ued . ▁ 2 0 th ▁Century ▁Fox , ▁though ▁not ▁part ▁of ▁the ▁lit igation , ▁cont ested ▁Cameron ' s ▁participation , ▁claiming ▁exclus ivity ▁on ▁his ▁services ▁as ▁a ▁director ▁under ▁yet ▁another ▁contract . ▁In ▁ 1 9 9 6 , ▁Carol co , ▁ 2 1 st ▁Century , ▁and ▁Marvel ▁went ▁bankrupt . ▁ ▁V ia ▁a ▁quit claim ▁from ▁Carol co ▁dated ▁March ▁ 2 8 , ▁ 1 9 9 5 , ▁M GM ▁acquired ▁ 2 1 st ▁Century ' s ▁film ▁library ▁and ▁assets , ▁and ▁received ▁" ... all ▁rights ▁in ▁and ▁to ▁all ▁draft s ▁and ▁versions
▁of ▁the ▁screen play ( s ) ▁for ▁Sp ider - Man ▁written ▁by ▁James ▁Cameron , ▁Ted ▁News om ▁& ▁John ▁Br anc ato , ▁M ena hem ▁G olan , ▁Jon ▁[ s ic ] ▁Michael ▁Paul , ▁Eth an ▁W iley , ▁Les lie ▁Stevens , ▁Frank ▁L al ogg ia , ▁Neil ▁R ut ten berg , ▁Bar ney ▁Cohen , ▁She p ard ▁Gold man ▁and ▁any ▁and ▁all ▁other ▁writers ." ▁M GM ▁also ▁su ed ▁ 2 1 st ▁Century , ▁Vi acom , ▁and ▁Marvel ▁Com ics , ▁alleg ing ▁fraud ▁in ▁the ▁original ▁deal ▁between ▁C annon ▁and ▁Marvel . ▁In ▁ 1 9 9 8 , ▁Marvel ▁emerged ▁from ▁bankrupt cy ▁with ▁a ▁re organ ization ▁plan ▁that ▁merged ▁the ▁company ▁with ▁Toy ▁B iz . ▁The ▁courts ▁determined ▁that ▁the ▁original ▁contract ▁of ▁Marvel ' s ▁rights ▁to ▁G olan ▁had ▁exp ired , ▁returning ▁the ▁rights ▁to ▁Marvel , ▁but ▁the ▁matter ▁was ▁still ▁not ▁completely ▁resolved . ▁In ▁ 1 9 9 9 , ▁Marvel ▁licensed ▁Sp ider - Man ▁rights ▁to ▁Columbia , ▁a ▁subs idi ary ▁of ▁Sony ▁Pictures ▁Entertainment . ▁M GM ▁disput ed ▁the ▁leg ality , ▁claiming ▁it ▁had ▁the ▁Sp ider - Man ▁rights ▁via ▁C annon , ▁ 2 1 st ▁Century , ▁and ▁Carol co . ▁ ▁Columbia ▁Pictures ▁ ▁In ▁the ▁meantime , ▁M GM / UA ▁chief ▁executive ▁John ▁Cal ley ▁moved ▁to ▁Columbia ▁Pictures . ▁Int imately ▁familiar ▁with
▁the ▁legal ▁history ▁of ▁producer ▁Kevin ▁Mc Cl ory ' s ▁claim ▁to ▁the ▁rights ▁to ▁both ▁Th under ball ▁and ▁other ▁related ▁James ▁Bond ▁characters ▁and ▁elements , ▁Cal ley ▁announced ▁that ▁Columbia ▁would ▁produce ▁an ▁alternate ▁ 0 0 7 ▁series , ▁based ▁on ▁the ▁" Mc Cl ory ▁material ", ▁which ▁Cal ley ▁acquired ▁for ▁Columbia . ▁( Col umb ia ▁had ▁made ▁the ▁original ▁ 1 9 6 7 ▁film ▁spo of ▁of ▁Casino ▁Roy ale , ▁a ▁non - E on ▁production ). ▁ ▁Both ▁stud ios ▁now ▁faced ▁rival ▁projects , ▁which ▁could ▁under cut ▁their ▁own ▁long - term ▁financial ▁stability ▁and ▁plans . ▁Columbia ▁had ▁no ▁consistent ▁movie ▁franchise , ▁and ▁had ▁sought ▁Sp ider - Man ▁since ▁ 1 9 8 9 ; ▁M GM / UA ' s ▁only ▁reliable ▁source ▁of ▁the atr ical ▁income ▁was ▁a ▁new ▁James ▁Bond ▁film ▁every ▁two ▁or ▁three ▁years . ▁An ▁alternate ▁ 0 0 7 ▁series ▁could ▁dimin ish ▁or ▁even ▁eliminate ▁the ▁power ▁of ▁M GM / UA ' s ▁long - running ▁Bond ▁series . ▁Like wise , ▁an ▁M GM / UA ▁Sp ider - Man ▁film ▁could ▁neg ate ▁Columbia ' s ▁plans ▁to ▁create ▁an ▁exclusive ▁cash ▁cow . ▁Both ▁sides ▁seemed ▁to ▁have ▁strong ▁arguments ▁for ▁the ▁rights ▁to ▁do ▁such ▁films . ▁ ▁The ▁two ▁stud ios ▁made ▁a ▁trade - off ▁in ▁March ▁ 1 9 9 9 ; ▁Columbia ▁rel in qu ished ▁its ▁rights
▁to ▁create ▁a ▁new ▁ 0 0 7 ▁series ▁in ▁exchange ▁for ▁M GM ' s ▁giving ▁up ▁its ▁claim ▁to ▁Sp ider - Man . ▁Columbia ▁acquired ▁the ▁rights ▁to ▁all ▁previous ▁scripts ▁in ▁ 2 0 0 0 , ▁but ▁exerc ised ▁options ▁only ▁on ▁the ▁" C amer on ▁Material ", ▁i . e ., ▁both ▁the ▁completed ▁multi - author ▁screen play ▁and ▁the ▁subsequent ▁" script ment ." ▁Other ▁sources ▁report ▁that ▁Columbia ' s ▁owner ▁Sony ▁agreed ▁to ▁pay ▁$ 1 0 ▁million , ▁plus ▁ 5 % ▁of ▁any ▁movies ' ▁gross ▁revenue ▁and ▁half ▁the ▁revenue ▁from ▁consumer ▁products . ▁After ▁more ▁than ▁a ▁decade ▁of ▁attempts , ▁Sp ider - Man ▁truly ▁went ▁into ▁production ▁and ▁since ▁then ▁all ▁of ▁the ▁Sp ider - Man ▁films ▁were ▁distributed ▁by ▁Columbia ▁Pictures , ▁the ▁primary ▁film ▁production ▁holding ▁of ▁Sony . ▁The ▁first ▁three ▁were ▁directed ▁by ▁Sam ▁R aim i , ▁and ▁the ▁re boot ▁and ▁its ▁sequ el ▁were ▁directed ▁by ▁Marc ▁We bb . ▁Laura ▁Z isk in ▁served ▁as ▁producer ▁until ▁her ▁death ▁in ▁ 2 0 1 1 . ▁ ▁Sam ▁R aim i ▁films ▁ ▁Sp ider - Man ▁( 2 0 0 2 ) ▁ ▁Sp ider - Man ▁follows ▁Peter ▁Parker ▁( T ob ey ▁Mag u ire ), ▁an ▁or phan ed ▁high ▁school er ▁who ▁p ines ▁after ▁popular ▁girl - next - door ▁Mary ▁Jane ▁Watson ▁( K irst en ▁Dun st ). ▁While
▁on ▁a ▁science ▁class ▁field ▁trip , ▁Peter ▁is ▁b itten ▁by ▁a ▁gen et ically - engine ered ▁" super ▁sp ider ." ▁As ▁a ▁result , ▁Peter ▁gains ▁super human ▁abilities , ▁including ▁increased ▁strength , ▁speed , ▁and ▁the ▁abilities ▁to ▁scale ▁walls ▁and ▁generate ▁organic ▁we bbing . ▁After ▁his ▁beloved ▁Uncle ▁Ben ▁( Cl iff ▁Roberts on ) ▁is ▁murdered , ▁the ▁teenager ▁real izes ▁that ▁he ▁must ▁use ▁his ▁new found ▁abilities ▁to ▁protect ▁New ▁York ▁City . ▁Meanwhile , ▁wealthy ▁industrial ist ▁Norman ▁O sb orn ▁( W ille m ▁Da fo e ), ▁the ▁father ▁of ▁Peter ' s ▁best ▁friend ▁Harry ▁O sb orn ▁( J ames ▁Franco ), ▁subjects ▁himself ▁to ▁an ▁experimental ▁performance - enh ancing ▁ser um , ▁which ▁creates ▁a ▁psych otic ▁and ▁murder ous ▁split ▁personality . ▁Don ning ▁a ▁military ▁battles uit , ▁Norman ▁becomes ▁a ▁freak ish ▁" Green ▁G ob lin ", ▁who ▁begins ▁to ▁terror ize ▁the ▁city . ▁Peter , ▁as ▁Sp ider - Man , ▁now ▁must ▁do ▁battle ▁with ▁the ▁G ob lin , ▁all ▁while ▁trying ▁to ▁express ▁his ▁true ▁feelings ▁for ▁Mary ▁Jane . ▁ ▁Sp ider - Man ▁ 2 ▁( 2 0 0 4 ) ▁ ▁Two ▁years ▁after ▁the ▁events ▁of ▁the ▁first ▁film , ▁Peter ▁struggles ▁to ▁balance ▁his ▁super hero ▁and ▁private ▁lives ▁and ▁still ▁p ines ▁after ▁Mary ▁Jane ▁Watson , ▁who ▁is ▁now ▁engaged . ▁Harry ▁O sb orn ▁continues ▁to ▁believe ▁Sp
ider - Man ▁is ▁responsible ▁for ▁his ▁father ▁Norman ▁O sb orn ' s ▁death . ▁Sp ider - Man ▁cont ends ▁with ▁scientist ▁Otto ▁Oct av ius ▁( Al fred ▁Mol ina ), ▁a . k . a . ▁Dr . ▁Oct op us , ▁who ▁has ▁four ▁mechanical ▁tent acles ▁f used ▁to ▁his ▁spine ▁and ▁sets ▁out ▁to ▁rec reate ▁a ▁fusion - based ▁experiment ▁that ▁could ▁destroy ▁much ▁of ▁New ▁York ▁City . ▁ ▁Sp ider - Man ▁ 3 ▁( 2 0 0 7 ) ▁ ▁Sp ider - Man ▁ 3 ▁picks ▁up ▁one ▁year ▁after ▁the ▁events ▁of ▁the ▁second ▁film . ▁Peter ▁is ▁still ▁seeing ▁Mary ▁Jane ▁Watson , ▁while ▁Harry ▁O sb orn ▁succeed s ▁his ▁father ▁as ▁the ▁new ▁Green ▁G ob lin . ▁Eddie ▁Bro ck ▁( Top her ▁Grace ), ▁who , ▁like ▁Peter , ▁is ▁a ▁photographer ▁for ▁the ▁Daily ▁Bug le , ▁sets ▁out ▁to ▁def ame ▁Sp ider - Man ▁and ▁inc rim inate ▁him . ▁Fl int ▁Mark o ▁( Th omas ▁H aden ▁Church ), ▁an ▁escaped ▁conv ict , ▁falls ▁into ▁a ▁particle ▁acceler ator ▁and ▁becomes ▁a ▁shape - sh ifting ▁sand ▁monster ▁later ▁known ▁as ▁Sand man . ▁Peter ▁later ▁learn s ▁that ▁Mark o ▁is ▁the ▁one ▁that ▁killed ▁Uncle ▁Ben , ▁causing ▁Peter ' s ▁own ▁dark ▁intentions ▁to ▁grow . ▁This ▁vend etta ▁is ▁enhanced ▁by ▁the ▁appearance ▁of ▁the ▁mysterious ▁black ▁alien ▁sym bi otic ▁substance ▁that ▁bonds ▁to
▁Peter , ▁resulting ▁in ▁the ▁formation ▁of ▁a ▁new ▁black ▁costume . ▁Once ▁Peter ▁separ ates ▁himself ▁from ▁the ▁alien , ▁it ▁finds ▁a ▁new ▁host ▁in ▁the ▁form ▁of ▁Bro ck , ▁resulting ▁in ▁the ▁creation ▁of ▁Ven om . ▁ ▁Marc ▁We bb ▁films ▁ ▁The ▁Amaz ing ▁Sp ider - Man ▁( 2 0 1 2 ) ▁ ▁Sony ▁announced ▁that ▁the ▁franchise ▁would ▁be ▁re boot ed ▁with ▁a ▁new ▁director ▁and ▁new ▁cast . ▁The ▁Amaz ing ▁Sp ider - Man ▁was ▁released ▁on ▁July ▁ 3 , ▁ 2 0 1 2 ▁in ▁ 3 D ▁and ▁I MAX ▁ 3 D , ▁and ▁focused ▁on ▁Peter ▁Parker ▁( And rew ▁Gar field ) ▁developing ▁his ▁abilities ▁in ▁high ▁school ▁and ▁his ▁relationship ▁with ▁G wen ▁St acy ▁( Em ma ▁Stone ). ▁He ▁fights ▁the ▁L izard , ▁the ▁mon st rous ▁form ▁of ▁Dr . ▁Curt ▁Con n ors ▁( R h ys ▁If ans ), ▁his ▁father ' s ▁former ▁partner ▁and ▁a ▁scientist ▁at ▁Os Cor p . ▁ ▁The ▁Amaz ing ▁Sp ider - Man ▁ 2 ▁( 2 0 1 4 ) ▁▁ ▁The ▁film ▁takes ▁place ▁two ▁years ▁after ▁the ▁first ▁film ' s ▁events . ▁Peter ▁Parker ▁gradu ates ▁from ▁high ▁school , ▁continues ▁his ▁crime - f ight ing ▁duties ▁as ▁Sp ider - Man , ▁while ▁comb ating ▁the ▁electricity - man ip ulating ▁Elect ro ▁( J am ie ▁Fox x ), ▁re kind ling ▁his
▁relationship ▁with ▁G wen ▁St acy , ▁and ▁encounter ing ▁his ▁old ▁friend ▁Harry ▁O sb orn ▁( D ane ▁De Ha an ), ▁who ▁is ▁slowly ▁dying ▁from ▁a ▁genetic ▁disease . ▁ ▁Lic ensing ▁agreement ▁with ▁Marvel ▁Studios ▁ ▁Sony ' s ▁ 1 9 9 8 ▁license , ▁covering ▁all ▁Sp ider - Man ▁films ▁( including ▁ 9 0 0 ▁characters ▁related ▁to ▁Sp ider - Man ), ▁is ▁perpet ual ▁provided ▁that ▁Sony ▁releases ▁a ▁new ▁Sp ider - Man ▁film ▁at ▁least ▁once ▁every ▁ 5 . 7 5 ▁years . ▁ ▁In ▁December ▁ 2 0 1 4 , ▁following ▁the ▁hack ing ▁of ▁Sony ▁Pictures ' ▁computers , ▁Sony ▁and ▁Marvel ▁Studios ▁were ▁revealed ▁to ▁have ▁had ▁discussions ▁about ▁allowing ▁Sp ider - Man ▁to ▁appear ▁in ▁the ▁ 2 0 1 6 ▁Marvel ▁Cin em atic ▁Universe ▁film ▁Captain ▁America : ▁Civil ▁War ▁while ▁having ▁control ▁of ▁the ▁film ▁rights ▁remaining ▁with ▁Sony . ▁However , ▁talks ▁between ▁the ▁stud ios ▁then ▁broke ▁down . ▁Instead , ▁Sony ▁had ▁considered ▁having ▁Sam ▁R aim i ▁return ▁to ▁direct ▁a ▁new ▁tr il ogy . ▁ ▁However , ▁on ▁February ▁ 9 , ▁ 2 0 1 5 , ▁Sony ▁Pictures ▁and ▁Marvel ▁Studios ▁announced ▁that ▁Sp ider - Man ▁would ▁appear ▁in ▁the ▁Marvel ▁Cin em atic ▁Universe ▁( MC U ), ▁with ▁the ▁character ▁appearing ▁in ▁an ▁MC U ▁film ▁and ▁Sony ▁releasing ▁a ▁Sp ider - Man ▁film ▁co - produ ced
▁by ▁Marvel ▁Studios ▁president ▁Kevin ▁Fe ige ▁and ▁Amy ▁Pas cal . ▁Sony ▁Pictures ▁would ▁continue ▁to ▁own , ▁finance , ▁distribute , ▁and ▁exercise ▁final ▁creative ▁control ▁over ▁the ▁Sp ider - Man ▁films . ▁Fe ige ▁stated ▁that ▁Marvel ▁had ▁been ▁working ▁to ▁add ▁Sp ider - Man ▁to ▁the ▁MC U ▁since ▁at ▁least ▁October ▁ 2 0 1 4 . ▁The ▁next ▁month , ▁Marvel ▁Entertainment ▁C CO ▁Joe ▁Q ues ada ▁indicated ▁that ▁the ▁Peter ▁Parker ▁version ▁of ▁the ▁character ▁would ▁be ▁used , ▁which ▁Fe ige ▁confirmed ▁in ▁April . ▁The ▁following ▁June , ▁Fe ige ▁clar ified ▁that ▁the ▁initial ▁Sony ▁deal ▁did ▁not ▁allow ▁the ▁character ▁to ▁appear ▁in ▁any ▁of ▁the ▁MC U ▁television ▁series , ▁as ▁it ▁was ▁" very ▁specific ... ▁with ▁a ▁certain ▁amount ▁of ▁back ▁and ▁forth ▁allowed ." ▁ ▁In ▁November ▁ 2 0 1 6 , ▁Tom ▁Holland ▁revealed ▁that ▁he ▁was ▁signed ▁for ▁" three ▁Sp ider - Man ▁movies ▁and ▁three ▁solo ▁movies ". ▁In ▁June ▁ 2 0 1 7 , ▁Holland , ▁Fe ige ▁and ▁director ▁Jon ▁W atts ▁confirmed ▁that ▁a ▁child ▁( port rayed ▁by ▁Max ▁F av re au ) ▁wearing ▁an ▁Iron ▁Man ▁mask ▁whom ▁St ark ▁saves ▁from ▁a ▁dr one ▁in ▁Iron ▁Man ▁ 2 , ▁was ▁a ▁young ▁Peter ▁Parker , ▁retro act ively ▁making ▁it ▁the ▁introduction ▁of ▁the ▁character ▁to ▁the ▁MC U . ▁ ▁In ▁August ▁ 2 0 1 9 , ▁it ▁was
▁reported ▁that ▁Disney ▁and ▁Sony ▁could ▁not ▁reach ▁a ▁new ▁agreement ▁regarding ▁Sp ider - Man ▁films , ▁with ▁Marvel ▁Studios ▁and ▁Fe ige ▁said ▁to ▁no ▁longer ▁have ▁any ▁involvement ▁in ▁any ▁future ▁films . ▁Dead line ▁Hollywood ▁noted ▁that ▁Disney ▁had ▁hoped ▁future ▁films ▁would ▁be ▁a ▁" 5 0 / 5 0 ▁co - fin ancing ▁arrangement ▁between ▁the ▁stud ios ", ▁with ▁the ▁possibility ▁to ▁extend ▁the ▁deal ▁to ▁other ▁Sp ider - Man - related ▁films , ▁an ▁offer ▁Sony ▁rejected ▁and ▁did ▁not ▁counter . ▁Instead , ▁Sony ▁hoped ▁to ▁keep ▁the ▁terms ▁of ▁the ▁previous ▁agreement , ▁where ▁Marvel ▁would ▁receive ▁ 5 % ▁of ▁the ▁film ' s ▁initial ▁the atr ical ▁gross , ▁with ▁Disney ▁ref using . ▁The ▁Hollywood ▁Rep orter ▁added ▁that ▁the ▁lack ▁of ▁a ▁new ▁agreement ▁would ▁see ▁the ▁end ▁of ▁Holland ' s ▁Sp ider - Man ▁in ▁the ▁MC U . ▁Var iety ▁cited ▁un named ▁sources ▁claiming ▁negotiations ▁had ▁" hit ▁an ▁imp asse " ▁and ▁that ▁a ▁new ▁deal ▁could ▁still ▁be ▁reached . ▁ ▁On ▁August ▁ 2 4 , ▁ 2 0 1 9 , ▁Fe ige ▁reported ly ▁commented ▁at ▁Disney ' s ▁D 2 3 ▁Ex po : ▁" We ▁got ▁to ▁make ▁five ▁films ▁within ▁the ▁MC U ▁with ▁Sp ider - Man : ▁two ▁stand alone ▁films ▁and ▁three ▁with ▁the ▁Av engers . ▁It ▁was ▁a ▁dream ▁that ▁I ▁never ▁thought ▁would ▁happen . ▁It ▁was ▁never ▁meant ▁to
▁last ▁forever . ▁We ▁knew ▁there ▁was ▁a ▁finite ▁amount ▁of ▁time ▁that ▁we ’ d ▁be ▁able ▁to ▁do ▁this , ▁and ▁we ▁told ▁the ▁story ▁we ▁wanted ▁to ▁tell , ▁and ▁I ’ ll ▁always ▁be ▁thank ful ▁for ▁that ." ▁ ▁In ▁September ▁ 2 0 1 9 , ▁Disney ▁and ▁Sony ▁announced ▁that ▁a ▁new ▁deal ▁had ▁been ▁reached , ▁which ▁includes ▁a ▁third ▁Sp ider - Man ▁film ▁as ▁well ▁as ▁one ▁other ▁film , ▁both ▁set ▁in ▁the ▁MC U . ▁At ▁this ▁time , ▁W atts ▁entered ▁final ▁negotiations ▁to ▁return ▁as ▁director . ▁ ▁Captain ▁America : ▁Civil ▁War ▁( 2 0 1 6 ) ▁ ▁Re ports ▁indicated ▁that ▁the ▁first ▁MC U ▁film ▁that ▁Sp ider - Man ▁would ▁appear ▁in ▁as ▁part ▁of ▁the ▁deal , ▁would ▁be ▁Captain ▁America : ▁Civil ▁War . ▁Joe ▁and ▁Anthony ▁Rus so , ▁the ▁directors ▁of ▁Captain ▁America : ▁Civil ▁War , ▁had ▁l obb ied ▁for ▁months ▁to ▁include ▁the ▁character ▁in ▁the ▁film . ▁Anthony ▁Rus so ▁stated ▁that , ▁despite ▁Marvel ▁telling ▁them ▁to ▁have ▁a ▁" plan ▁B " ▁should ▁the ▁deal ▁with ▁Sony ▁fail , ▁the ▁Russ os ▁never ▁created ▁one ▁because ▁" it ▁was ▁very ▁important ▁to ▁us ▁to ▁re int rodu ce " ▁Sp ider - Man ▁in ▁the ▁film , ▁adding , ▁" We ▁only ▁have ▁env ision ed ▁the ▁movie ▁with ▁Sp ider - Man ." ▁By ▁the ▁end ▁of ▁May ▁ 2 0 1 5
, ▁As a ▁Butter field , ▁Tom ▁Holland , ▁Jud ah ▁Lewis , ▁Matthew ▁L int z , ▁Charlie ▁Pl um mer ▁and ▁Charlie ▁R owe ▁screen ▁tested ▁for ▁the ▁lead ▁role , ▁against ▁Robert ▁Dow ney ▁Jr ., ▁who ▁port r ays ▁Iron ▁Man , ▁for ▁chemistry . ▁The ▁six ▁were ▁chosen ▁out ▁of ▁a ▁search ▁of ▁over ▁ 1 , 5 0 0 ▁actors ▁to ▁test ▁in ▁front ▁of ▁Fe ige , ▁Pas cal ▁and ▁the ▁Rus so ▁brothers . ▁In ▁June , ▁Fe ige ▁and ▁Pas cal ▁narrow ed ▁the ▁actors ▁considered ▁to ▁Holland ▁and ▁R owe . ▁Both ▁screen ▁tested ▁again ▁with ▁Dow ney , ▁with ▁Holland ▁also ▁testing ▁with ▁Chris ▁Evans , ▁who ▁port r ays ▁Captain ▁America , ▁and ▁emerged ▁as ▁the ▁favorite . ▁On ▁June ▁ 2 3 , ▁ 2 0 1 5 , ▁Sony ▁Pictures ▁and ▁Marvel ▁Studios ▁joint ly ▁announced ▁that ▁Holland ▁would ▁play ▁Sp ider - Man . ▁The ▁following ▁month , ▁Mar isa ▁T ome i ▁was ▁in ▁talks ▁for ▁the ▁role ▁of ▁May ▁Parker , ▁later ▁appearing ▁in ▁Civil ▁War . ▁ ▁In ▁the ▁film , ▁Parker , ▁who ▁has ▁spent ▁the ▁last ▁six ▁months ▁as ▁a ▁local ▁cost umed ▁crime fig h ter ▁named ▁Sp ider - Man , ▁is ▁recru ited ▁by ▁Tony ▁St ark ▁/ ▁Iron ▁Man ▁to ▁join ▁his ▁team ▁of ▁Av engers ▁to ▁stop ▁Steve ▁Rogers ▁/ ▁Captain ▁America ▁and ▁his ▁ro gue ▁f action ▁of ▁Av engers , ▁who ▁opp ose ▁the ▁S ok
ov ia ▁Acc ords , ▁from ▁fle eing ▁with ▁f ug itive ▁B ucky ▁Barn es . ▁During ▁the ▁fight ▁with ▁Rogers ▁and ▁his ▁team , ▁Parker , ▁utilizing ▁a ▁St ark - up graded ▁version ▁of ▁his ▁initial ▁makes h ift ▁suit , ▁proves ▁to ▁be ▁a ▁form id able ▁opponent , ▁and ▁implements ▁a ▁tact ic ▁with ▁which ▁he ▁and ▁Vision ▁disable ▁Scott ▁Lang ▁/ ▁Ant - Man ▁in ▁his ▁giant - sized ▁form . ▁Upon ▁returning ▁home , ▁Parker ▁disco vers ▁some ▁of ▁the ▁St ark T ech ▁features ▁of ▁the ▁suit ▁he ▁was ▁given ▁by ▁St ark . ▁ ▁Sp ider - Man : ▁Home coming ▁( 2 0 1 7 ) ▁ ▁Sp ider - Man : ▁Home coming ▁was ▁released ▁on ▁July ▁ 7 , ▁ 2 0 1 7 . ▁The ▁film ▁is ▁directed ▁by ▁Jon ▁W atts , ▁from ▁a ▁screen play ▁by ▁Jonathan ▁M . ▁Gold stein ▁& ▁John ▁Francis ▁Dale y ▁and ▁W atts ▁& ▁Christopher ▁Ford ▁and ▁Chris ▁McK en na ▁& ▁Erik ▁Som mers . ▁Holland , ▁T ome i , ▁and ▁Dow ney ▁re prise ▁their ▁roles ▁as ▁Peter ▁Parker ▁/ ▁Sp ider - Man , ▁May ▁Parker , ▁and ▁Tony ▁St ark ▁/ ▁Iron ▁Man , ▁respectively , ▁and ▁are ▁joined ▁by ▁Michael ▁Ke aton , ▁who ▁plays ▁Ad rian ▁To omes ▁/ ▁V ulture . ▁Jon ▁F av re au , ▁who ▁appeared ▁as ▁Happy ▁H ogan ▁in ▁the ▁Iron ▁Man ▁films , ▁also ▁appears ▁in ▁the ▁film
. ▁Production ▁began ▁in ▁June ▁ 2 0 1 6 ▁in ▁Atlanta , ▁Georgia ▁and ▁ended ▁in ▁October . ▁ ▁The ▁film ▁sees ▁Parker ▁two ▁months ▁after ▁the ▁events ▁of ▁Civil ▁War ▁as ▁he ▁anx iously ▁await s ▁his ▁next ▁assignment ▁from ▁St ark ▁while ▁simultaneously ▁bal ancing ▁his ▁life ▁at ▁Mid town ▁High ▁with ▁his ▁vig il ante ▁life ▁as ▁Sp ider - Man . ▁His ▁investigation ▁of ▁a ▁series ▁of ▁highly ▁weapon ized ▁rob ber ies ▁leads ▁him ▁to ▁a ▁mysterious ▁weapons ▁traff icker ▁named ▁Ad rian ▁To omes , ▁who ▁turns ▁out ▁to ▁be ▁the ▁father ▁of ▁his ▁high ▁school ▁crush , ▁Liz ▁All an . ▁ ▁Av engers : ▁In finity ▁War ▁( 2 0 1 8 ) ▁ ▁In ▁October ▁ 2 0 1 6 , ▁Holland ▁said ▁the ▁possibility ▁of ▁him ▁appearing ▁in ▁Av engers : ▁In finity ▁War ▁was ▁" all ▁up ▁in ▁the ▁air ", ▁but ▁that ▁" some ▁sort ▁of ▁deal ▁is ▁in ▁the ▁mix " ▁with ▁Sony ▁for ▁him ▁to ▁appear . ▁Holland ▁was ▁eventually ▁confirmed ▁to ▁appear ▁in ▁In finity ▁War ▁as ▁part ▁of ▁the ▁ensemble ▁cast ▁in ▁February ▁ 2 0 1 7 . ▁ ▁Parker ▁jo ins ▁Iron ▁Man , ▁Doctor ▁Str ange , ▁and ▁the ▁Guard ians ▁of ▁the ▁Galaxy ▁in ▁batt ling ▁Th anos ▁in ▁the ▁ru ins ▁of ▁his ▁home ▁planet , ▁Tit an . ▁However , ▁Parker ▁is ▁among ▁the ▁many ▁heroes ▁who ▁per ish ▁after ▁Th anos ▁sn aps ▁his ▁fingers ▁with ▁a ▁completed ▁In
finity ▁Ga unt let , ▁which ▁w ipes ▁out ▁half ▁of ▁all ▁life ▁in ▁the ▁universe . ▁ ▁Av engers : ▁End game ▁( 2 0 1 9 ) ▁▁ ▁Holland ▁was ▁confirmed ▁to ▁be ▁a ▁part ▁of ▁Av engers : ▁End game ▁in ▁April ▁ 2 0 1 7 . ▁ ▁After ▁dying ▁in ▁Av engers : ▁In finity ▁War , ▁Parker ▁is ▁resur re cted ▁by ▁Bruce ▁B anner ▁and ▁jo ins ▁the ▁Av engers ▁and ▁their ▁allies ▁in ▁a ▁cl ash ▁against ▁Th anos ▁and ▁his ▁army ▁in ▁up state ▁New ▁York . ▁At ▁the ▁battle ' s ▁conclusion , ▁Parker ▁mour ns ▁Tony ▁St ark ' s ▁death ▁with ▁P epper ▁Pot ts , ▁War ▁Machine , ▁Captain ▁America , ▁and ▁Thor ▁before ▁returning ▁to ▁high ▁school ▁to ▁reun ite ▁with ▁his ▁best ▁friend ▁Ned , ▁and ▁att ends ▁St ark ' s ▁funeral ▁with ▁Aunt ▁May . ▁ ▁Sp ider - Man : ▁Far ▁From ▁Home ▁( 2 0 1 9 ) ▁ ▁In ▁December ▁ 2 0 1 6 , ▁Sony ▁Pictures ▁announced ▁a ▁sequ el ▁for ▁Sp ider - Man : ▁Home coming , ▁for ▁release ▁on ▁July ▁ 5 , ▁ 2 0 1 9 . ▁In ▁June ▁ 2 0 1 7 , ▁Fe ige ▁stated ▁that ▁the ▁film ▁would ▁be ▁titled ▁in ▁a ▁similar ▁fashion ▁to ▁Home coming , ▁using ▁a ▁sub title , ▁and ▁would ▁not ▁have ▁a ▁number ▁in ▁the ▁title . ▁A ▁year ▁later , ▁Holland ▁revealed ▁the ▁film '
s ▁title ▁as ▁Sp ider - Man : ▁Far ▁From ▁Home . ▁Holland , ▁T ome i , ▁and ▁F av re au ▁re prise ▁their ▁roles ▁from ▁Home coming ▁and ▁are ▁joined ▁by ▁Jake ▁Gy ll en ha al ▁as ▁Qu entin ▁Beck ▁/ ▁Myst er io . ▁As ▁in ▁Home coming , ▁other ▁characters ▁from ▁MC U ▁install ments ▁re prise ▁their ▁roles , ▁with ▁Samuel ▁L . ▁Jackson ▁and ▁Cob ie ▁Sm ul ders ▁appearing ▁as ▁Nick ▁F ury ▁and ▁Maria ▁Hill , ▁respectively . ▁In ▁April ▁ 2 0 1 9 , ▁Sony ▁Pictures ▁moved ▁the ▁release ▁date ▁to ▁July ▁ 2 , ▁ 2 0 1 9 . ▁ ▁The ▁film , ▁set ▁after ▁the ▁events ▁of ▁Av engers : ▁End game , ▁features ▁Parker ▁and ▁his ▁friends ▁going ▁to ▁Europe ▁on ▁summer ▁vacation , ▁where ▁Parker ▁is ▁drawn ▁back ▁to ▁super hero ics ▁when ▁he ▁is ▁forced ▁to ▁team ▁up ▁with ▁Nick ▁F ury ▁and ▁Myst er io ▁in ▁batt ling ▁the ▁Element als . ▁ ▁U nt itled ▁Far ▁From ▁Home ▁sequ el ▁( 2 0 2 1 ) ▁ ▁Marvel ▁and ▁Sony ▁signed ▁a ▁new ▁agreement ▁to ▁co - release ▁an ▁upcoming ▁unt itled ▁Sp ider - Man ▁film , ▁star ring ▁Holland ▁and ▁Z end aya , ▁set ▁to ▁be ▁released ▁on ▁November ▁ 5 , ▁ 2 0 2 1 . ▁ ▁An imated ▁Sp ider - Ver se ▁ ▁Sp ider - Man : ▁Into ▁the ▁Sp ider - Ver se ▁(
2 0 1 8 ) ▁ ▁In ▁April ▁ 2 0 1 5 , ▁Sony ▁announced ▁that ▁Phil ▁Lord ▁and ▁Christopher ▁Miller ▁were ▁writing ▁and ▁producing ▁a ▁Sp ider - Man ▁animated ▁comedy ▁in ▁development ▁at ▁Sony ▁Pictures ▁An imation . ▁As ▁revealed ▁by ▁the ▁e - mail ▁leak ▁one ▁year ▁before , ▁the ▁du o ▁had ▁been ▁previously ▁court ed ▁by ▁Sony ▁to ▁take ▁over ▁the ▁studio ' s ▁animation ▁division . ▁Origin ally ▁scheduled ▁to ▁be ▁released ▁on ▁December ▁ 2 1 , ▁ 2 0 1 8 , ▁Sony ▁announced ▁on ▁April ▁ 2 6 , ▁ 2 0 1 7 ▁the ▁film ▁would ▁be ▁released ▁a ▁week ▁earlier ▁on ▁December ▁ 1 4 , ▁ 2 0 1 8 . ▁Sony ▁Pictures ▁An imation ▁president ▁Krist ine ▁B elson ▁un ve iled ▁the ▁film ' s ▁logo , ▁with ▁the ▁working ▁title ▁An imated ▁Sp ider - Man , ▁at ▁Cin ema Con ▁ 2 0 1 6 , ▁and ▁declared ▁that ▁" con cept ually ▁and ▁vis ually , ▁[ the ▁film ] ▁will ▁break ▁new ▁ground ▁for ▁the ▁super hero ▁genre ." ▁On ▁June ▁ 2 0 , ▁ 2 0 1 6 , ▁The ▁Hollywood ▁Rep orter ▁reported ▁that ▁Bob ▁Pers iche tti ▁would ▁direct ▁the ▁animated ▁film . ▁In ▁January ▁ 2 0 1 7 , ▁Sony ▁announced ▁that ▁Miles ▁Mor ales ▁would ▁be ▁the ▁Sp ider - Man ▁in ▁the ▁film ▁and ▁Peter ▁Ram sey ▁would ▁serve ▁as ▁co - direct or . ▁
▁Sp ider - H am : ▁C aught ▁in ▁a ▁Ham ▁( 2 0 1 9 ) ▁Into ▁the ▁Sp ider - Ver se ▁producers ▁Phil ▁Lord ▁and ▁Christopher ▁Miller ▁expressed ▁interest ▁in ▁developing ▁animated ▁shorts ▁star ring ▁Sp ider - H am . ▁On ▁February ▁ 1 8 , ▁ 2 0 1 9 , ▁it ▁was ▁revealed ▁that ▁the ▁short ▁film ▁Sp ider - H am : ▁C aught ▁in ▁a ▁Ham ▁would ▁be ▁released ▁on ▁February ▁ 2 6 , ▁ 2 0 1 9 , ▁along ▁with ▁the ▁digital ▁release ▁of ▁Into ▁the ▁Sp ider - Ver se . ▁ ▁U nt itled ▁Into ▁the ▁Sp ider - Ver se ▁sequ el ▁( 2 0 2 2 ) ▁In ▁November ▁ 2 0 1 8 , ▁it ▁was ▁revealed ▁that ▁Into ▁the ▁Sp ider - Ver se ▁had ▁entered ▁into ▁sequ el ▁development . ▁The ▁sequ el , ▁which ▁will ▁continue ▁Mor ales ' ▁story ▁and ▁feature ▁a ▁romance ▁with ▁G wen ▁St acy ▁/ ▁Sp ider - G wen , ▁is ▁set ▁to ▁be ▁directed ▁by ▁Jo aqu im ▁D os ▁Sant os ▁and ▁written ▁by ▁David ▁Call ah am . ▁It ▁is ▁scheduled ▁for ▁release ▁on ▁October ▁ 7 , ▁ 2 0 2 2 . ▁ ▁Pot ential ▁projects ▁Along ▁with ▁the ▁announcement ▁of ▁a ▁sequ el , ▁a ▁spin - off ▁focused ▁on ▁female ▁Sp ider - char acters ▁was ▁revealed ▁to ▁be ▁in ▁development , ▁with ▁Lauren ▁Mont gomery ▁in ▁talks ▁to ▁direct ▁the
▁film , ▁while ▁B ek ▁Smith ▁is ▁set ▁to ▁write . ▁The ▁spin - off ▁will ▁star ▁Sp ider - G wen , ▁and ▁is ▁set ▁to ▁feature ▁the ▁characters ▁C ind y ▁Moon ▁/ ▁Sil k ▁and ▁Jessica ▁D rew ▁/ ▁Sp ider - W oman . ▁Produ cer ▁Amy ▁Pas cal ▁felt ▁that ▁" it ’ s ▁great ▁that ▁we ' re ▁going ▁to ▁be ▁able ▁to ▁tell ▁movies ▁about ▁female ▁super her oes ▁in ▁this ▁realm " ▁as ▁she ▁believes ▁" there ▁are ▁going ▁to ▁be ▁characters ▁that ▁really ▁reson ate ▁for ▁people ". ▁On ▁how ▁the ▁spin - off ▁film ▁will ▁be ▁connected ▁to ▁the ▁sequ el ▁to ▁Into ▁the ▁Sp ider - Ver se , ▁Pas cal ▁said ▁that ▁it ▁will ▁act ▁as ▁a ▁" la unch ing ▁pad " ▁for ▁the ▁spin - off . ▁Ha ile e ▁Ste inf eld ▁expressed ▁interest ▁in ▁re pr ising ▁her ▁role ▁as ▁Sp ider - G wen ▁in ▁the ▁film . ▁ ▁John ▁Mul an ey ▁expressed ▁interest ▁in ▁a ▁spin - off ▁film ▁star ring ▁Sp ider - H am , ▁with ▁the ▁potential ▁plot ▁being ▁a ▁" Water gate - like ▁story " ▁which ▁could ▁focus ▁on ▁the ▁character ' s ▁career ▁as ▁a ▁reporter . ▁ ▁Other ▁films ▁ ▁Marvel ▁Super ▁Hero es ▁ 4 D ▁( 2 0 1 0 ) ▁ ▁On ▁May ▁ 3 1 , ▁ 2 0 1 0 , ▁an ▁animated ▁ 4 D ▁film , ▁titled ▁Marvel ▁Super ▁Hero
es ▁ 4 D ▁was ▁launched ▁at ▁Mad ame ▁T uss aud s ▁London , ▁featuring ▁Sp ider - Man ▁and ▁Iron ▁Man ▁leading ▁the ▁Av engers ▁against ▁Doctor ▁Do om . ▁On ▁April ▁ 2 6 , ▁ 2 0 1 2 , ▁an ▁updated ▁version ▁of ▁the ▁film ▁with ▁a ▁different ▁plot , ▁featuring ▁Sp ider - Man ▁in ▁a ▁dimin ished ▁capacity , ▁was ▁opened ▁at ▁Mad ame ▁T uss aud s ▁New ▁York . ▁The ▁film ▁features ▁Tom ▁Ken ny ▁as ▁the ▁voice ▁of ▁Peter ▁Parker ▁/ ▁Sp ider - Man . ▁ ▁Ph ine as ▁and ▁Fer b : ▁Mission ▁Marvel ▁( 2 0 1 3 ) ▁ ▁At ▁Com ic - Con ▁ 2 0 1 3 , ▁Dan ▁Buck ley , ▁president ▁of ▁Marvel ▁World wide , ▁Inc ▁announced ▁the ▁development ▁of ▁a ▁c ros so ver ▁television ▁film ▁of ▁the ▁animated ▁series ▁Ph ine as ▁and ▁Fer b , ▁that ▁would ▁feature ▁characters ▁from ▁Marvel ▁Entertainment . ▁The ▁film ▁a ired ▁between ▁August ▁ 1 6 – 2 5 , ▁ 2 0 1 3 ▁on ▁Disney ▁Channel ▁and ▁Disney ▁X D , ▁featuring ▁D rake ▁Bell ▁re pr ising ▁his ▁role ▁from ▁Ult imate ▁Sp ider - Man ▁and ▁Av engers ▁As semble ▁as ▁Peter ▁Parker ▁/ ▁Sp ider - Man , ▁alongside ▁Danny ▁Tre jo ▁as ▁the ▁Ven om ▁Sym bi ote . ▁ ▁Sony ▁Pictures ▁Universe ▁of ▁Marvel ▁Char acters ▁ ▁Work ▁on ▁an ▁expanded ▁universe ▁using ▁supporting ▁characters ▁from ▁the ▁Sp
ider - Man ▁films ▁began ▁by ▁December ▁ 2 0 1 3 . ▁After ▁the ▁relative ▁critical ▁and ▁financial ▁failure ▁of ▁The ▁Amaz ing ▁Sp ider - Man ▁ 2 , ▁these ▁plans ▁were ▁abandoned ▁and ▁in ▁February ▁ 2 0 1 5 , ▁Sony ▁announced ▁a ▁deal ▁to ▁collabor ate ▁with ▁Marvel ▁Studios ▁on ▁future ▁Sp ider - Man ▁films ▁and ▁integrate ▁the ▁character ▁into ▁the ▁Marvel ▁Cin em atic ▁Universe ▁( MC U ). ▁This ▁relationship ▁produced ▁Sp ider - Man : ▁Home coming ▁( 2 0 1 7 ) ▁and ▁Sp ider - Man : ▁Far ▁From ▁Home ▁( 2 0 1 9 ), ▁while ▁Sony ▁separately ▁re develop ed ▁Ven om ▁( 2 0 1 8 ) ▁as ▁a ▁stand alone ▁film ▁beginning ▁its ▁own ▁universe . ▁ ▁Rec ur ring ▁cast ▁and ▁characters ▁ ▁Stan ▁Lee , ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁co - creat ors ▁of ▁Sp ider - Man , ▁has ▁appeared ▁in ▁varied ▁came os ▁in ▁all ▁films ▁since ▁the ▁R aim i - tr il ogy . ▁Bruce ▁Campbell , ▁a ▁long - time ▁colle ague ▁of ▁Sam ▁R aim i , ▁appeared ▁in ▁all ▁three ▁of ▁his ▁films . ▁In ▁Sp ider - Man , ▁he ▁was ▁the ▁announ cer ▁at ▁the ▁wrest ling ▁ring ▁Peter ▁was ▁in ▁and ▁gave ▁him ▁the ▁name ▁" Sp ider - Man ", ▁instead ▁of ▁the ▁" H uman ▁Sp ider " ▁( the ▁name ▁with ▁which ▁Peter ▁wanted ▁to ▁be ▁introduced ). ▁In ▁Sp ider - Man ▁
2 , ▁he ▁was ▁an ▁us her ▁who ▁ref uses ▁to ▁let ▁Peter ▁enter ▁the ▁theatre ▁for ▁Mary ▁Jane ' s ▁play ▁when ▁arriving ▁late . ▁In ▁Sp ider - Man ▁ 3 , ▁Campbell ▁appears ▁as ▁a ▁French ▁ma ître ▁d '. ▁In ▁the ▁ultimately ▁un made ▁Sp ider - Man ▁ 4 , ▁Campbell ' s ▁character ▁would ▁have ▁been ▁revealed ▁as ▁Qu entin ▁Beck ▁/ ▁Myst er io . ▁ ▁Additional ▁crew ▁ ▁Home ▁media ▁The ▁Sam ▁R aim i ▁tr il ogy ▁was ▁released ▁on ▁DVD , ▁the ▁first ▁two ▁being ▁released ▁exclusively ▁as ▁two - dis c ▁sets ▁and ▁on ▁V HS , ▁with ▁the ▁third ▁film ▁being ▁released ▁in ▁both ▁single ▁and ▁two - dis c ▁ed itions . ▁All ▁three ▁films ▁were ▁later ▁pack aged ▁in ▁a ▁" M otion ▁Picture ▁DVD ▁Tr il ogy " ▁box ▁set . ▁ ▁Sp ider - Man ▁ 3 ▁was ▁initially ▁the ▁only ▁Sp ider - Man ▁film ▁to ▁be ▁released ▁individually ▁on ▁the ▁high - definition ▁Bl u - ray ▁format . ▁The ▁first ▁two ▁films ▁were ▁made ▁available ▁on ▁Bl u - ray , ▁but ▁only ▁as ▁part ▁of ▁a ▁box ed ▁set ▁with ▁the ▁third ▁film , ▁called ▁Sp ider - Man : ▁The ▁High - Definition ▁Tr il ogy . ▁The ▁first ▁two ▁films ▁lack ed ▁the ▁bonus ▁features ▁from ▁the ▁DVD s , ▁although ▁Sp ider - Man ▁ 2 ▁did ▁contain ▁both ▁cuts ▁of ▁the ▁film . ▁ ▁Sony ▁announced ▁on ▁April ▁
2 , ▁ 2 0 1 2 ▁that ▁the ▁three ▁films ▁would ▁be ▁re - re leased ▁on ▁June ▁ 1 2 , ▁ 2 0 1 2 . ▁The ▁DVD s ▁of ▁the ▁first ▁two ▁films ▁re inst ated ▁a ▁selection ▁of ▁the ▁bonus ▁features ▁missing ▁from ▁the ▁earlier ▁Bl u - ray ▁releases , ▁although ▁the ▁Sp ider - Man ▁ 3 ▁re issue ▁did ▁not ▁include ▁the ▁bonus ▁disc ▁of ▁additional ▁special ▁features ▁that ▁appeared ▁on ▁earlier ▁Bl u - ray ▁releases . ▁ ▁All ▁three ▁films ▁which ▁compr ise ▁the ▁R aim i - tr il ogy ▁are ▁available ▁in ▁the ▁U . S . ▁on ▁i T unes . ▁ ▁The ▁Amaz ing ▁Sp ider - Man ▁ 2 ▁became ▁the ▁first ▁Sp ider - Man ▁movie ▁released ▁on ▁Ul tra ▁HD ▁Bl u - ray ▁on ▁March ▁ 1 , ▁ 2 0 1 6 . ▁October ▁ 1 7 , ▁ 2 0 1 7 ▁saw ▁Sony ▁release ▁the ▁home ▁video ▁release ▁of ▁Home coming ▁on ▁U HD ▁and ▁other ▁home ▁video ▁formats ▁as ▁well ▁as ▁sets ▁featuring ▁all ▁of ▁their ▁other ▁Sp ider - Man ▁movies ▁on ▁U HD . ▁This ▁included ▁Sp ider - Man : ▁Limited ▁Edition ▁Collection , ▁which ▁includes ▁all ▁three ▁R aim i ▁films , ▁and ▁The ▁Amaz ing ▁Sp ider - Man : ▁Limited ▁Edition ▁Collection , ▁which ▁includes ▁both ▁We bb ▁films . ▁ ▁Re ception ▁ ▁Box ▁office ▁ ▁All ▁three ▁films ▁of ▁the ▁R aim i
- tr il ogy ▁set ▁opening ▁day ▁records ▁in ▁North ▁America . ▁The ▁Sp ider - Man ▁films ▁are ▁among ▁the ▁top ▁of ▁North ▁American ▁rank ings ▁of ▁films ▁based ▁on ▁Marvel ▁Com ics , ▁with ▁Sp ider - Man ▁ranking ▁ 9 th , ▁Sp ider - Man : ▁Far ▁From ▁Home ▁ranking ▁ 1 0 th , ▁Sp ider - Man ▁ 2 ▁ranking ▁ 1 2 th , ▁Sp ider - Man ▁ 3 ▁ranking ▁ 1 4 th , ▁and ▁Sp ider - Man : ▁Home coming ▁ranking ▁ 1 5 th . ▁In ▁North ▁America , ▁Sp ider - Man , ▁Sp ider - Man : ▁Far ▁From ▁Home , ▁Sp ider - Man ▁ 2 , ▁Sp ider - Man ▁ 3 ▁and ▁Sp ider - Man : ▁Home coming ▁are ▁ranked ▁ 1 3 th , ▁ 1 4 th , ▁ 1 6 th , ▁ 1 8 th , ▁and ▁ 2 1 st ▁for ▁all ▁super hero ▁films . ▁World wide , ▁Sp ider - Man : ▁Far ▁From ▁Home , ▁Sp ider - Man ▁ 3 ▁and ▁Sp ider - Man : ▁Home coming ▁are ▁ranked ▁ 1 0 th , ▁ 1 5 th , ▁and ▁ 1 6 th ▁for ▁all ▁super hero ▁films . ▁The ▁R aim i - tr il ogy ▁and ▁the ▁MC U ▁films ▁( Home coming ▁and ▁Far ▁From ▁Home ) ▁are ▁five ▁of ▁the ▁six ▁most ▁successful ▁films ▁produced ▁by ▁Sony / Col umb
ia ▁Pictures ▁in ▁North ▁America , ▁with ▁Far ▁From ▁Home ▁becoming ▁Sony ' s ▁highest - g ross ing ▁film ▁worldwide . ▁ ▁Crit ical ▁and ▁public ▁response ▁ ▁David ▁An sen ▁of ▁News week ▁enjoyed ▁Sp ider - Man ▁as ▁a ▁fun ▁film ▁to ▁watch , ▁though ▁he ▁considered ▁Sp ider - Man ▁ 2 ▁to ▁be ▁" a ▁little ▁too ▁self - important ▁for ▁its ▁own ▁good ." ▁An sen ▁saw ▁Sp ider - Man ▁ 3 ▁as ▁a ▁return ▁to ▁form , ▁finding ▁it ▁" the ▁most ▁grand i ose ▁chapter ▁and ▁the ▁nut ti est ." ▁Tom ▁Char ity ▁of ▁CNN ▁appreciated ▁the ▁films ' ▁" solid ly ▁red empt ive ▁moral ▁conv ictions ", ▁also ▁noting ▁the ▁vast ▁improvement ▁of ▁the ▁visual ▁effects ▁from ▁the ▁first ▁film ▁to ▁the ▁third . ▁While ▁he ▁saw ▁the ▁second ▁film ' s ▁Doc ▁O ck ▁as ▁the ▁" most ▁engaging " ▁vill ain , ▁he ▁appl aud ed ▁the ▁third ▁film ' s ▁Sand man ▁as ▁" a ▁triumph ▁of ▁C GI ▁w izard ry ." ▁Richard ▁Cor l iss ▁of ▁Time ▁enjoyed ▁the ▁action ▁of ▁the ▁films ▁and ▁thought ▁that ▁they ▁did ▁better ▁than ▁most ▁action ▁movies ▁by ▁" re th inking ▁the ▁characters , ▁the ▁franchise ▁and ▁the ▁genre ." ▁ ▁Colin ▁Cover t ▁of ▁the ▁Star ▁Trib une ▁praised ▁Sp ider - Man ▁as ▁a ▁" super b ▁debut " ▁of ▁the ▁super hero ▁as ▁well ▁as ▁Sp ider - Man ▁ 2 ▁as ▁a ▁" super ior
▁sequ el " ▁for ▁film go ers ▁who ▁are ▁fans ▁" of ▁spect acle ▁and ▁of ▁story ." ▁Cover t ▁expressed ▁disappointment ▁in ▁Sp ider - Man ▁ 3 ▁as ▁too ▁ambitious ▁with ▁the ▁multiple ▁story lines ▁leaving ▁one ▁" fe eling ▁over st uffed ▁yet ▁short changed ." ▁Man oh la ▁D arg is ▁of ▁The ▁New ▁York ▁Times ▁enjoyed ▁the ▁humor ▁of ▁the ▁first ▁two ▁films , ▁but ▁found ▁it ▁missing ▁in ▁the ▁third ▁install ment . ▁D arg is ▁also ▁noted , ▁" The ▁bit ters weet ▁parad ox ▁of ▁this ▁franchise ▁is ▁that ▁while ▁the ▁stories ▁have ▁grown ▁progress ively ▁less ▁interesting ▁the ▁special ▁effects ▁have ▁improved ▁tremend ously ." ▁Robert ▁D ener stein ▁of ▁the ▁Rock y ▁Mountain ▁News ▁ranked ▁the ▁films ▁from ▁his ▁favorite ▁to ▁his ▁least ▁favorite : ▁Sp ider - Man ▁ 2 , ▁Sp ider - Man , ▁and ▁Sp ider - Man ▁ 3 . ▁While ▁D ener stein ▁missed ▁the ▁presence ▁of ▁Alfred ▁Mol ina ▁as ▁Doctor ▁Oct op us ▁from ▁the ▁second ▁film , ▁he ▁found ▁the ▁third ▁film   – ▁despite ▁being ▁" big ger , ▁though ▁not ▁necessarily ▁better "   – ▁to ▁have ▁a ▁" sat isf ying ▁conclusion ." ▁ ▁C anc elled ▁films ▁ ▁Sam ▁R aim i ▁films ▁ ▁Sp ider - Man ▁ 4 ▁In ▁ 2 0 0 7 , ▁Sp ider - Man ▁ 4 ▁entered ▁development , ▁with ▁R aim i ▁attached ▁to ▁direct ▁and ▁Mag u ire , ▁Dun st
▁and ▁other ▁cast ▁members ▁set ▁to ▁re prise ▁their ▁roles . ▁Both ▁a ▁fourth ▁and ▁a ▁fifth ▁film ▁were ▁planned ▁and ▁at ▁one ▁time ▁the ▁idea ▁of ▁shooting ▁the ▁two ▁sequ els ▁con current ly ▁was ▁under ▁consideration . ▁However , ▁R aim i ▁stated ▁in ▁March ▁ 2 0 0 9 ▁that ▁only ▁the ▁fourth ▁film ▁was ▁in ▁development ▁at ▁that ▁time ▁and ▁that ▁if ▁there ▁were ▁fifth ▁and ▁sixth ▁films , ▁those ▁two ▁films ▁would ▁actually ▁be ▁a ▁continu ation ▁of ▁each ▁other . ▁James ▁V ander b ilt ▁was ▁hired ▁in ▁October ▁ 2 0 0 7 ▁to ▁pen ▁the ▁screen play ▁after ▁initial ▁reports ▁in ▁January ▁ 2 0 0 7 ▁that ▁Sony ▁Pictures ▁was ▁in ▁contact ▁with ▁David ▁K oe pp , ▁who ▁wrote ▁the ▁first ▁Sp ider - Man ▁film . ▁The ▁script ▁was ▁being ▁re written ▁by ▁David ▁Lind say - A ba ire ▁and ▁Gary ▁Ross ▁in ▁November ▁ 2 0 0 8 ▁and ▁October ▁ 2 0 0 9 . ▁Sony ▁also ▁engaged ▁V ander b ilt ▁to ▁write ▁scripts ▁for ▁Sp ider - Man ▁ 5 ▁and ▁Sp ider - Man ▁ 6 . ▁ ▁In ▁ 2 0 0 7 , ▁R aim i ▁expressed ▁interest ▁in ▁port ray ing ▁the ▁transformation ▁of ▁Dr . ▁Curt ▁Con n ors ▁into ▁his ▁vill ain ous ▁alter - ego , ▁the ▁L izard ; ▁the ▁character ' s ▁actor ▁Dylan ▁Baker ▁and ▁producer ▁Grant ▁Curt is ▁were ▁also ▁enthusi astic ▁about ▁the ▁idea .
▁R aim i ▁also ▁discussed ▁his ▁desire ▁to ▁upgrade ▁Bruce ▁Campbell ▁from ▁a ▁came o ▁appearance ▁to ▁a ▁significant ▁role , ▁later ▁revealed ▁to ▁be ▁Qu entin ▁Beck ▁/ ▁Myst er io . ▁It ▁was ▁reported ▁in ▁December ▁ 2 0 0 9 ▁that ▁John ▁M alk ov ich ▁was ▁in ▁negotiations ▁to ▁play ▁V ulture ▁and ▁that ▁Anne ▁H ath away ▁would ▁play ▁Fel icia ▁Hard y , ▁though ▁she ▁would ▁not ▁have ▁transformed ▁into ▁the ▁Black ▁Cat ▁as ▁in ▁the ▁com ics . ▁Instead , ▁R aim i ' s ▁Fel icia ▁was ▁expected ▁to ▁become ▁a ▁new ▁super powered ▁figure ▁called ▁the ▁V ult u ress . ▁However , ▁several ▁years ▁later , ▁in ▁ 2 0 1 3 , ▁R aim i ▁stated ▁that ▁H ath away ▁was ▁going ▁to ▁be ▁Black ▁Cat ▁if ▁Sp ider - Man ▁ 4 ▁had ▁been ▁made . ▁Con cept ▁art ▁revealed ▁in ▁June ▁ 2 0 1 6 ▁showed ▁the ▁inclusion ▁of ▁an ▁opening ▁mont age ▁of ▁Sp ider - Man ▁going ▁up ▁against ▁C ▁and ▁D - list ▁vill ains , ▁such ▁as ▁Myst er io , ▁the ▁Sh ocker , ▁the ▁P row ler , ▁and ▁the ▁Rh ino , ▁with ▁the ▁V ulture ▁serving ▁as ▁the ▁main ▁ant agon ist . ▁ ▁As ▁disag re ements ▁between ▁Sony ▁and ▁R aim i ▁threatened ▁to ▁push ▁the ▁film ▁off ▁the ▁intended ▁May ▁ 6 , ▁ 2 0 1 1 ▁release ▁date , ▁Sony ▁Pictures ▁announced ▁in ▁January ▁ 2
0 1 0 ▁that ▁plans ▁for ▁Sp ider - Man ▁ 4 ▁had ▁been ▁cancelled ▁due ▁to ▁R aim i ' s ▁withdrawal ▁from ▁the ▁project . ▁R aim i ▁reported ly ▁ended ▁his ▁participation ▁due ▁to ▁his ▁doubt ▁that ▁he ▁could ▁meet ▁the ▁planned ▁May ▁ 6 , ▁ 2 0 1 1 ▁release ▁date ▁while ▁at ▁the ▁same ▁time ▁up hold ing ▁the ▁film ▁creat ively ; ▁he ▁admitted ▁that ▁he ▁was ▁" very ▁unhappy " ▁with ▁the ▁way ▁Sp ider - Man ▁ 3 ▁had ▁turned ▁out , ▁and ▁was ▁under ▁pressure ▁to ▁make ▁the ▁fourth ▁film ▁the ▁best ▁that ▁he ▁could . ▁R aim i ▁pur port edly ▁went ▁through ▁four ▁iter ations ▁of ▁the ▁script ▁with ▁different ▁screen writ ers ▁and ▁still ▁" h ated ▁it ". ▁ ▁Ven om ▁In ▁July ▁ 2 0 0 7 , ▁A vi ▁Ar ad ▁revealed ▁a ▁Ven om ▁spin - off ▁was ▁in ▁the ▁works . ▁The ▁studio ▁commissioned ▁Jacob ▁Aaron ▁Est es ▁to ▁write ▁a ▁script , ▁but ▁rejected ▁it ▁the ▁following ▁year . ▁In ▁September ▁ 2 0 0 8 , ▁Paul ▁W ern ick ▁and ▁Rhe tt ▁Re ese ▁signed ▁on ▁to ▁write . ▁Stan ▁Lee ▁signed ▁on ▁to ▁make ▁a ▁came o ▁in ▁the ▁film . ▁Rhe tt ▁Re ese ▁later ▁revealed ▁that ▁they ▁had ▁written ▁two ▁draft s ▁for ▁the ▁film ▁and ▁that ▁the ▁studio ▁was ▁pushing ▁the ▁film ▁forward . ▁In ▁ 2 0 0 9 , ▁Gary ▁Ross , ▁who ▁was ▁then ▁re
writing ▁the ▁latest ▁draft ▁of ▁the ▁un produ ced ▁Sp ider - Man ▁ 4 , ▁was ▁assigned ▁to ▁re write ▁the ▁Ven om ▁script ▁and ▁direct ▁the ▁film , ▁in ▁which ▁Ven om ▁would ▁be ▁an ▁anti hero ▁rather ▁than ▁a ▁super v ill ain . ▁In ▁March ▁ 2 0 1 2 , ▁Chron icle ▁director ▁Josh ▁Tr ank ▁negoti ated ▁his ▁interest ▁in ▁direct ing ▁the ▁film ▁with ▁Sony , ▁after ▁Ross ▁left ▁development ▁to ▁direct ▁The ▁Hung er ▁Games . ▁In ▁June ▁ 2 0 1 2 , ▁The ▁Amaz ing ▁Sp ider - Man ▁producer ▁Matt ▁Tol m ach , ▁speaking ▁of ▁his ▁and ▁fellow ▁producer ▁A vi ▁Ar ad ' s ▁next ▁project , ▁a ▁Ven om ▁film , ▁suggested ▁it ▁could ▁follow ▁the ▁shared - un iverse ▁model ▁of ▁the ▁film ▁The ▁Av engers : ▁" What ▁I ' m ▁trying ▁to ▁say ▁to ▁you ▁without ▁giving ▁anything ▁away ▁is ▁hopefully ▁all ▁these ▁worlds ▁will ▁live ▁together ▁in ▁peace ▁som ed ay ." ▁ ▁Marc ▁We bb ▁films ▁ ▁Sequ els ▁In ▁June ▁ 2 0 1 3 , ▁Sony ▁Pictures ▁announced ▁it ▁had ▁set ▁release ▁dates ▁for ▁the ▁next ▁two ▁Sp ider - Man ▁films . ▁The ▁third ▁film ▁was ▁scheduled ▁to ▁be ▁released ▁on ▁June ▁ 1 0 , ▁ 2 0 1 6 , ▁and ▁the ▁fourth ▁was ▁scheduled ▁to ▁be ▁released ▁on ▁May ▁ 4 , ▁ 2 0 1 8 . ▁Paul ▁G iam atti ▁confirmed ▁that ▁Rh ino ▁would ▁return
▁in ▁the ▁third ▁film . ▁That ▁November , ▁Sony ▁Pictures ▁Entertainment ▁chief ▁Michael ▁Ly nt on ▁told ▁analyst s , ▁" We ▁do ▁very ▁much ▁have ▁the ▁amb ition ▁about ▁creating ▁a ▁bigger ▁universe ▁around ▁Sp ider - Man . ▁There ▁are ▁a ▁number ▁of ▁scripts ▁in ▁the ▁works ." ▁Andrew ▁Gar field ▁stated ▁that ▁his ▁contract ▁was ▁for ▁three ▁films , ▁and ▁was ▁uns ure ▁of ▁his ▁involvement ▁for ▁the ▁fourth ▁film . ▁In ▁February ▁ 2 0 1 4 , ▁Sony ▁announced ▁that ▁We bb ▁would ▁return ▁to ▁direct ▁the ▁third ▁Amaz ing ▁Sp ider - Man ▁film . ▁In ▁March ▁ 2 0 1 4 , ▁We bb ▁stated ▁that ▁he ▁would ▁not ▁be ▁direct ing ▁the ▁fourth ▁film , ▁but ▁would ▁like ▁to ▁remain ▁as ▁a ▁consultant ▁for ▁the ▁series . ▁On ▁July ▁ 1 1 , ▁ 2 0 1 4 , ▁Roberto ▁Or ci ▁told ▁I GN ▁that ▁he ▁was ▁not ▁working ▁on ▁the ▁third ▁film ▁due ▁to ▁his ▁involvement ▁in ▁Star ▁Tre k ▁Beyond . ▁Alex ▁Kurt z man ▁stated ▁in ▁a ▁ 2 0 1 4 ▁interview ▁that ▁the ▁third ▁film ▁was ▁still ▁continuing ▁production ▁and ▁that ▁there ▁was ▁a ▁possibility ▁of ▁seeing ▁a ▁Black ▁Cat ▁film . ▁On ▁July ▁ 2 3 , ▁ 2 0 1 4 , ▁Sony ▁Pictures ▁announced ▁that ▁The ▁Amaz ing ▁Sp ider - Man ▁ 3 ▁had ▁been ▁delayed ▁to ▁ 2 0 1 8 . ▁After ▁the ▁announcement ▁in ▁February ▁ 2 0 1 5 ▁of ▁a
▁new ▁series ▁with ▁Marvel ▁Studios , ▁the ▁sequ els ▁to ▁The ▁Amaz ing ▁Sp ider - Man ▁ 2 ▁were ▁cancelled . ▁In ▁July ▁ 2 0 1 5 , ▁Den is ▁Le ary , ▁who ▁had ▁port rayed ▁police ▁Captain ▁George ▁St acy ▁in ▁the ▁previous ▁two ▁films , ▁revealed ▁that ▁the ▁film ▁at ▁one ▁point ▁had ▁Sp ider - Man ▁" take ▁this ▁formula ▁and ▁regener ate ▁the ▁people ▁in ▁his ▁life ▁that ▁died ." ▁This ▁would ▁bring ▁back ▁both ▁Captain ▁St acy ▁( who ▁died ▁in ▁the ▁first ▁film ) ▁and ▁potentially ▁Emma ▁Stone ' s ▁G wen ▁St acy , ▁rum ored ▁to ▁return ▁as ▁a ▁version ▁of ▁the ▁character ▁Sp ider - G wen . ▁ ▁Sp in - offs ▁On ▁December ▁ 1 2 , ▁ 2 0 1 3 , ▁Sony ▁issued ▁a ▁press ▁release ▁through ▁the ▁vir al ▁site ▁Elect ro ▁Ar riv es ▁announ cing ▁that ▁two ▁films ▁were ▁in ▁development , ▁with ▁Alex ▁Kurt z man , ▁Roberto ▁Or ci ▁and ▁Ed ▁Sol omon ▁writing ▁a ▁spin - off ▁to ▁The ▁Amaz ing ▁Sp ider - Man ▁focused ▁on ▁Ven om ▁( with ▁Kurt z man ▁attached ▁to ▁direct ) ▁and ▁D rew ▁God d ard ▁writing ▁one ▁focused ▁on ▁the ▁vill ain ▁team ▁Sin ister ▁Six ▁with ▁an ▁eye ▁to ▁direct . ▁Hannah ▁M ing he lla ▁and ▁Rachel ▁O ' Conn or ▁would ▁over see ▁the ▁development ▁and ▁production ▁of ▁these ▁films ▁for ▁the ▁studio . ▁In ▁April ▁ 2 0
1 4 , ▁it ▁was ▁announced ▁that ▁God d ard ▁would ▁direct ▁the ▁Sin ister ▁Six ▁film , ▁and ▁that ▁both ▁spin - offs ▁would ▁be ▁released ▁before ▁a ▁fourth ▁Amaz ing ▁Sp ider - Man , ▁with ▁Sp ider - Man ▁potentially ▁appearing ▁in ▁both ▁spin - offs . ▁Later ▁in ▁the ▁month , ▁Tol m ach ▁and ▁Ar ad ▁revealed ▁the ▁Sin ister ▁Six ▁film ▁would ▁be ▁a ▁red em ption ▁story ▁and ▁that ▁the ▁film ' s ▁line up ▁might ▁differ ▁from ▁the ▁com ics . ▁On ▁July ▁ 2 3 , ▁ 2 0 1 4 , ▁Sony ▁Pictures ▁announced ▁that ▁The ▁Sin ister ▁Six ▁was ▁scheduled ▁for ▁release ▁on ▁November ▁ 1 1 , ▁ 2 0 1 6 . ▁By ▁August ▁ 2 0 1 4 , ▁Sony ▁was ▁also ▁looking ▁to ▁release ▁a ▁female - cent ered ▁spin - off ▁film ▁in ▁ 2 0 1 7 , ▁with ▁Lisa ▁Joy ▁writing , ▁and ▁had ▁given ▁the ▁Ven om ▁spin - off ▁the ▁potential ▁title ▁of ▁Ven om : ▁Carn age . ▁ ▁Despite ▁the ▁announcement ▁in ▁February ▁ 2 0 1 5 ▁of ▁a ▁new ▁series ▁with ▁Marvel ▁Studios , ▁the ▁Sin ister ▁Six , ▁Ven om , ▁and ▁female - led ▁spin - off ▁films ▁set ▁in ▁the ▁Amaz ing ▁Sp ider - Man ▁tim eline ▁were ▁then ▁" st ill ▁moving ▁forward ". ▁Fe ige ▁was ▁not ▁expected ▁to ▁be ▁creat ively ▁involved ▁with ▁these ▁films . ▁However , ▁the ▁Sin ister ▁Six
▁film ▁was ▁cancelled ▁due ▁to ▁The ▁Amaz ing ▁Sp ider - Man ▁ 2 ▁under per forming ▁commer c ially , ▁and ▁by ▁November ▁ 2 0 1 5 , ▁the ▁other ▁prospect ive ▁spin - off ▁films ▁were ▁cancelled ▁as ▁well . ▁However , ▁Sony ▁has ▁re work ed ▁these ▁plans ▁into ▁creating ▁a ▁new ▁film ▁series ▁based ▁on ▁Marvel ▁characters ▁associated ▁with ▁Sp ider - Man ▁separate ▁from ▁both ▁the ▁Marvel ▁Cin em atic ▁Universe ▁or ▁the ▁Amaz ing ▁Sp ider - Man ▁franchise , ▁starting ▁with ▁the ▁release ▁of ▁the ▁ 2 0 1 8 ▁film ▁Ven om . ▁These ▁include ▁spin off ▁films ▁cent ering ▁around ▁the ▁characters ▁of ▁Mor b ius , ▁Kr aven ▁the ▁Hunter , ▁and ▁Silver ▁and ▁Black , ▁a ▁female - cent ric ▁team ▁up ▁of ▁the ▁Sp ider - Man ▁vill ains ▁Silver ▁S able ▁and ▁Black ▁Cat . ▁On ▁June ▁ 2 7 , ▁ 2 0 1 8 , ▁it ▁was ▁announced ▁that ▁J ared ▁Let o ▁will ▁port ray ▁title ▁character ▁Mor b ius ▁in ▁the ▁spin off ▁film ▁directed ▁by ▁Daniel ▁E spin osa . ▁The ▁film ▁is ▁set ▁to ▁release ▁on ▁July ▁ 3 1 , ▁ 2 0 2 0 . ▁The ▁Kr aven ▁the ▁Hunter ▁film ▁is ▁currently ▁being ▁written ▁by ▁Richard ▁W en k . ▁ ▁Un authorized ▁adapt ions ▁ ▁In ▁ 1 9 6 9 ▁the ▁amateur ▁film maker ▁Donald ▁F . ▁Gl ut ▁created ▁a ▁short ▁movie ▁Sp ider - Man ▁based
▁on ▁the ▁character . ▁This ▁was ▁the ▁character ' s ▁first ▁appearance ▁in ▁film . ▁ ▁See ▁also ▁ ▁List ▁of ▁acc ol ades ▁received ▁by ▁the ▁ 2 0 0 2 – 2 0 0 7 ▁Sp ider - Man ▁film ▁series ▁ ▁List ▁of ▁films ▁based ▁on ▁Marvel ▁Com ics ▁ ▁Sp ider - Man ▁in ▁television ▁ ▁Sp ider - Man ▁in ▁novels ▁ ▁Re ferences ▁ ▁Ex ternal ▁links ▁ ▁Sp ider - Man ▁film ▁franchise ▁overview ▁at ▁Box ▁Office ▁Mo jo ▁▁▁ ▁Category : Fil m ▁series ▁introduced ▁in ▁ 1 9 7 7 ▁▁ ▁Category : S ony ▁Pictures ▁franch ises ▁Category : Col umb ia ▁Pictures ▁franch ises ▁Category : Mar vel ▁Entertainment ▁franch ises <0x0A> </s> ▁S aba ot ▁( Se be i ) ▁is ▁a ▁Kal en j in ▁language ▁of ▁Kenya . ▁The ▁S aba ot ▁people ▁live ▁around ▁Mount ▁El gon ▁in ▁both ▁Kenya ▁and ▁U g anda . ▁The ▁hills ▁of ▁their ▁hom eland ▁gradually ▁rise ▁from ▁an ▁elev ation ▁of ▁ 5 , 0 0 0 ▁to ▁ 1 4 , 0 0 0 ▁feet . ▁The ▁Kenya – U g anda ▁border ▁goes ▁straight ▁through ▁the ▁mountain - top , ▁cutting ▁the ▁S aba ot ▁hom eland ▁into ▁two ▁hal ves . ▁ ▁Gram mar ▁Typ ical ▁of ▁N il otic ▁languages , ▁S aba ot ▁uses ▁advanced ▁tongue ▁root ▁( AT R ) ▁to ▁express ▁some ▁morph ological ▁operations : ▁ ▁Re ferences ▁S aba ot ▁S ID
O ▁Website : ▁ ▁Category : K alen j in ▁languages <0x0A> </s> ▁J . P . ▁Cole man ▁State ▁Park ▁is ▁a ▁state ▁park ▁in ▁the ▁U . S . ▁state ▁of ▁Mississippi . ▁ ▁It ▁is ▁located ▁approximately ▁ ▁north ▁of ▁I u ka ▁off ▁Mississippi ▁Highway ▁ 2 5 , ▁on ▁the ▁banks ▁of ▁the ▁Tennessee ▁River ▁and ▁Pick wick ▁Lake . ▁The ▁park ▁is ▁named ▁for ▁James ▁P . ▁Cole man , ▁a ▁former ▁governor ▁of ▁Mississippi . ▁ ▁Activ ities ▁and ▁amen ities ▁The ▁park ▁features ▁bo ating , ▁waters ki ing ▁and ▁fishing ▁for ▁small mouth ▁bass ▁on ▁ ▁Pick wick ▁Lake , ▁primitive ▁and ▁developed ▁camps ites , ▁cab ins , ▁c ott ages , ▁mot el , ▁swimming ▁pool , ▁visitors ▁center , ▁pic nic ▁area , ▁and ▁a ▁mini ature ▁golf ▁course . ▁ ▁Re ferences ▁ ▁Ex ternal ▁links ▁ ▁- ▁Mississippi ▁Department ▁of ▁Fisher ies , ▁Wild life , ▁and ▁Park s ▁ ▁Category : State ▁parks ▁of ▁Mississippi ▁Category : Prote cted ▁areas ▁of ▁T ish oming o ▁County , ▁Mississippi <0x0A> </s> ▁Col ima , ▁Mexico , ▁may ▁refer ▁to : ▁ ▁The ▁state ▁of ▁Col ima , ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁ 3 2 ▁component ▁federal ▁entities ▁of ▁the ▁United ▁Mexican ▁States ▁Col ima , ▁Col ima , ▁capital ▁city ▁of ▁that ▁state <0x0A> </s> ▁In ▁set ▁theory , ▁König ' s ▁theorem ▁ ▁states ▁that ▁if ▁the ▁a xi om ▁of ▁choice ▁holds , ▁I ▁is ▁a ▁set ,
▁ ▁and ▁ ▁are ▁card inal ▁numbers ▁for ▁every ▁i ▁in ▁I , ▁and ▁ ▁for ▁every ▁i ▁in ▁I , ▁then ▁▁ ▁The ▁sum ▁here ▁is ▁the ▁card inal ity ▁of ▁the ▁dis joint ▁union ▁of ▁the ▁sets ▁mi , ▁and ▁the ▁product ▁is ▁the ▁card inal ity ▁of ▁the ▁Cart esian ▁product . ▁However , ▁without ▁the ▁use ▁of ▁the ▁a xi om ▁of ▁choice , ▁the ▁sum ▁and ▁the ▁product ▁cannot ▁be ▁defined ▁as ▁card inal ▁numbers , ▁and ▁the ▁meaning ▁of ▁the ▁inequality ▁sign ▁would ▁need ▁to ▁be ▁clar ified . ▁ ▁König ' s ▁theorem ▁was ▁introduced ▁by ▁ ▁in ▁the ▁slightly ▁we aker ▁form ▁that ▁the ▁sum ▁of ▁a ▁strictly ▁increasing ▁sequence ▁of ▁non zero ▁card inal ▁numbers ▁is ▁less ▁than ▁their ▁product . ▁ ▁Details ▁▁ ▁The ▁precise ▁statement ▁of ▁the ▁result : ▁ ▁if ▁I ▁is ▁a ▁set , ▁A i ▁and ▁Bi ▁are ▁sets ▁for ▁every ▁i ▁in ▁I , ▁and ▁ ▁for ▁every ▁i ▁in ▁I , ▁then ▁▁ ▁where ▁< ▁means ▁strictly ▁less ▁than ▁in ▁card inal ity , ▁i . e . ▁there ▁is ▁an ▁inject ive ▁function ▁from ▁A i ▁to ▁Bi , ▁but ▁not ▁one ▁going ▁the ▁other ▁way . ▁The ▁union ▁involved ▁need ▁not ▁be ▁dis joint ▁( a ▁non - dis joint ▁union ▁can ' t ▁be ▁any ▁bigger ▁than ▁the ▁dis joint ▁version , ▁also ▁assuming ▁the ▁a xi om ▁of ▁choice ). ▁ ▁In ▁this ▁form ulation , ▁König ' s ▁theorem ▁is ▁equivalent ▁to
▁the ▁a xi om ▁of ▁choice . ▁ ▁( Of ▁course , ▁König ' s ▁theorem ▁is ▁trivial ▁if ▁the ▁card inal ▁numbers ▁mi ▁and ▁ni ▁are ▁finite ▁and ▁the ▁index ▁set ▁I ▁is ▁finite . ▁If ▁I ▁is ▁empty , ▁then ▁the ▁left ▁sum ▁is ▁the ▁empty ▁sum ▁and ▁therefore ▁ 0 , ▁while ▁the ▁right ▁product ▁is ▁the ▁empty ▁product ▁and ▁therefore ▁ 1 ). ▁ ▁König ' s ▁theorem ▁is ▁remarkable ▁because ▁of ▁the ▁strict ▁inequality ▁in ▁the ▁conclusion . ▁ ▁There ▁are ▁many ▁easy ▁rules ▁for ▁the ▁ar ith metic ▁of ▁infinite ▁sum s ▁and ▁products ▁of ▁card inals ▁in ▁which ▁one ▁can ▁only ▁conclude ▁a ▁weak ▁inequality ▁ ≤ , ▁for ▁example : ▁ ▁if ▁ ▁for ▁all ▁i ▁in ▁I , ▁then ▁one ▁can ▁only ▁conclude ▁ ▁since , ▁for ▁example , ▁setting ▁ ▁and ▁, ▁where ▁the ▁index ▁set ▁I ▁is ▁the ▁natural ▁numbers , ▁yields ▁the ▁sum ▁ ▁for ▁both ▁sides , ▁and ▁we ▁have ▁an ▁equality . ▁ ▁Cor oll aries ▁of ▁König ' s ▁theorem ▁ ▁If ▁ ▁is ▁a ▁card inal , ▁then ▁. ▁If ▁we ▁take ▁mi ▁= ▁ 1 , ▁and ▁ni ▁= ▁ 2 ▁for ▁each ▁i ▁in ▁ κ , ▁then ▁the ▁left ▁side ▁of ▁the ▁above ▁inequality ▁is ▁just ▁ κ , ▁while ▁the ▁right ▁side ▁is ▁ 2 κ , ▁the ▁card inal ity ▁of ▁functions ▁from ▁ κ ▁to ▁{ 0 , ▁ 1 }, ▁that ▁is , ▁the ▁card inal ity ▁of ▁the ▁power
▁set ▁of ▁ κ . ▁Thus , ▁König ' s ▁theorem ▁gives ▁us ▁an ▁alternate ▁proof ▁of ▁Cant or ' s ▁theorem . ▁( Hist or ically ▁of ▁course ▁Cant or ' s ▁theorem ▁was ▁proved ▁much ▁earlier .) ▁ ▁A xi om ▁of ▁choice ▁One ▁way ▁of ▁stating ▁the ▁a xi om ▁of ▁choice ▁is ▁" an ▁arbitrary ▁Cart esian ▁product ▁of ▁non - empty ▁sets ▁is ▁non - empty ". ▁Let ▁Bi ▁be ▁a ▁non - empty ▁set ▁for ▁each ▁i ▁in ▁I . ▁Let ▁A i ▁= ▁{} ▁for ▁each ▁i ▁in ▁I . ▁Thus ▁by ▁König ' s ▁theorem , ▁we ▁have : ▁ ▁If ▁, ▁then ▁. ▁That ▁is , ▁the ▁Cart esian ▁product ▁of ▁the ▁given ▁non - empty ▁sets ▁Bi ▁has ▁a ▁larger ▁card inal ity ▁than ▁the ▁sum ▁of ▁empty ▁sets . ▁Thus ▁it ▁is ▁non - empty , ▁which ▁is ▁just ▁what ▁the ▁a xi om ▁of ▁choice ▁states . ▁Since ▁the ▁a xi om ▁of ▁choice ▁follows ▁from ▁König ' s ▁theorem , ▁we ▁will ▁use ▁the ▁a xi om ▁of ▁choice ▁freely ▁and ▁implicit ly ▁when ▁discussing ▁consequences ▁of ▁the ▁theorem . ▁ ▁König ' s ▁theorem ▁and ▁co final ity ▁König ' s ▁theorem ▁has ▁also ▁important ▁consequences ▁for ▁co final ity ▁of ▁card inal ▁numbers . ▁▁ ▁If ▁, ▁then ▁. ▁ ▁Choose ▁a ▁strictly ▁increasing ▁cf ( κ )- sequence ▁of ▁ord inals ▁approaching ▁ κ . ▁Each ▁of ▁them ▁is ▁less ▁than ▁ κ , ▁so ▁their ▁sum
, ▁which ▁is ▁ κ , ▁is ▁less ▁than ▁the ▁product ▁of ▁cf ( κ ) ▁copies ▁of ▁ κ . ▁ ▁According ▁to ▁East on ' s ▁theorem , ▁the ▁next ▁consequence ▁of ▁König ' s ▁theorem ▁is ▁the ▁only ▁n ont rivial ▁constraint ▁on ▁the ▁continu um ▁function ▁for ▁regular ▁card inals . ▁ ▁If ▁ ▁and ▁, ▁then ▁. ▁Let ▁. ▁Suppose ▁that , ▁contrary ▁to ▁this ▁cor ollary , ▁. ▁Then ▁using ▁the ▁previous ▁cor ollary , ▁, ▁a ▁contrad iction . ▁Thus ▁the ▁supp os ition ▁must ▁be ▁false , ▁and ▁this ▁cor ollary ▁must ▁be ▁true . ▁ ▁A ▁proof ▁of ▁König ' s ▁theorem ▁Ass uming ▁Z erm elo – F ra en kel ▁set ▁theory , ▁including ▁especially ▁the ▁a xi om ▁of ▁choice , ▁we ▁can ▁prove ▁the ▁theorem . ▁Remember ▁that ▁we ▁are ▁given ▁, ▁and ▁we ▁want ▁to ▁show ▁: ▁ ▁The ▁a xi om ▁of ▁choice ▁implies ▁that ▁the ▁condition ▁A ▁< ▁B ▁is ▁equivalent ▁to ▁the ▁condition ▁that ▁there ▁is ▁no ▁function ▁from ▁A ▁onto ▁B ▁and ▁B ▁is ▁non empty . ▁So ▁we ▁are ▁given ▁that ▁there ▁is ▁no ▁function ▁from ▁A i ▁onto ▁Bi ≠ {}, ▁and ▁we ▁have ▁to ▁show ▁that ▁any ▁function ▁f ▁from ▁the ▁dis joint ▁union ▁of ▁the ▁As ▁to ▁the ▁product ▁of ▁the ▁B s ▁is ▁not ▁sur ject ive ▁and ▁that ▁the ▁product ▁is ▁non empty . ▁That ▁the ▁product ▁is ▁non empty ▁follows ▁immediately ▁from ▁the ▁a xi om ▁of ▁choice
▁and ▁the ▁fact ▁that ▁the ▁factors ▁are ▁non empty . ▁For ▁each ▁i ▁choose ▁a ▁bi ▁in ▁Bi ▁not ▁in ▁the ▁image ▁of ▁A i ▁under ▁the ▁composition ▁of ▁f ▁with ▁the ▁projection ▁to ▁Bi . ▁Then ▁the ▁product ▁of ▁the ▁elements ▁bi ▁is ▁not ▁in ▁the ▁image ▁of ▁f , ▁so ▁f ▁does ▁not ▁map ▁the ▁dis joint ▁union ▁of ▁the ▁As ▁onto ▁the ▁product ▁of ▁the ▁B s . ▁ ▁Notes ▁ ▁Re ferences ▁▁▁ ▁, ▁re print ed ▁as ▁▁ ▁Category : A xi om ▁of ▁choice ▁Category : The ore ms ▁in ▁the ▁found ations ▁of ▁mathemat ics ▁Category : Card inal ▁numbers ▁Category : Art icles ▁containing ▁proof s <0x0A> </s> ▁Naj af abad ▁( , ▁also ▁Roman ized ▁as ▁Naj af ā b ā d ) ▁is ▁a ▁village ▁in ▁Z az - e ▁Shar q i ▁R ural ▁District , ▁Z az ▁va ▁Mah ru ▁District , ▁Al ig ud arz ▁County , ▁L ore stan ▁Province , ▁Iran . ▁At ▁the ▁ 2 0 0 6 ▁census , ▁its ▁population ▁was ▁ 1 4 3 , ▁in ▁ 2 3 ▁families . ▁ ▁Re ferences ▁▁ ▁Category : T own s ▁and ▁villages ▁in ▁Al ig ud arz ▁County <0x0A> </s> ▁This ▁tim eline ▁of ▁music ▁in ▁the ▁United ▁States ▁covers ▁the ▁period ▁from ▁ 1 8 5 0 ▁to ▁ 1 8 7 9 . ▁It ▁en compass es ▁the ▁California ▁Gold ▁R ush , ▁the ▁Civil ▁War ▁and ▁Re construction , ▁and ▁touches
▁on ▁topics ▁related ▁to ▁the ▁inter sections ▁of ▁music ▁and ▁law , ▁commerce ▁and ▁industry , ▁religion , ▁race , ▁ethnic ity , ▁politics , ▁gender , ▁education , ▁histor i ography ▁and ▁academ ics . ▁Subject s ▁include ▁folk , ▁popular , ▁the atr ical ▁and ▁classical ▁music , ▁as ▁well ▁as ▁Ang lo - American , ▁African ▁American , ▁Native ▁American , ▁Irish ▁American , ▁Arab ▁American , ▁Catholic , ▁Swedish ▁American , ▁Sh aker ▁and ▁Chinese ▁American ▁music . ▁▁ 1 8 5 0 ▁ ▁The ▁jun ius ▁Theater ▁of ▁Nash ville , ▁Tennessee ▁opens , ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁then ▁largest ▁stages ▁in ▁the ▁country . ▁The ▁California ▁Gold ▁R ush ▁brings ▁the ▁first ▁major ▁infl ux ▁of ▁European - der ived ▁music ▁to ▁the ▁ind igenous ▁peoples ▁of ▁the ▁Sierra ▁Nevada ▁and ▁northern ▁California ▁count ies . ▁The ▁first ▁American ▁E isted df od , ▁a ▁Wel sh ▁music ▁and ▁art ▁festival ▁tradition , ▁is ▁held ▁in ▁the ▁United ▁States . ▁Isaac ▁B . ▁Wood bury ▁pub l ishes ▁The ▁D ul c imer ; ▁or , ▁The ▁New ▁York ▁Collection ▁of ▁Sac red ▁Music , ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁most ▁successful ▁collections ▁of ▁Christian ▁songs ▁of ▁the ▁era . ▁One ▁of ▁the ▁biggest ▁musical ▁stars ▁of ▁the ▁day , ▁Swedish ▁singer ▁Jenny ▁Lind , ▁demands ▁the ▁un he ard - of ▁sum ▁of ▁$ 1 8 7 , 0 0 0 ▁from ▁promot er ▁P . T . ▁Barn um ▁to ▁go ▁on ▁a ▁national ▁concert ▁tour . ▁Barn
um ▁raises ▁the ▁money , ▁and ▁prom otes ▁her ▁so ▁successfully ▁that ▁an ▁estimated ▁thirty ▁thousand ▁people ▁arrived ▁to ▁watch ▁her ▁ship ▁land ▁in ▁New ▁York ▁Harbor , ▁and ▁the ▁tour ▁is ▁a ▁great ▁financial ▁success . ▁Lind ▁first ▁performs ▁at ▁Castle ▁Gard ens ▁in ▁New ▁York . ▁Louis ▁More au ▁Got ts ch alk ▁compos es ▁" The ▁Last ▁Hope ", ▁his ▁most ▁popular ▁song . ▁It ▁will ▁later ▁become ▁a ▁st ap le ▁of ▁film ▁scores , ▁often ▁used ▁to ▁accompany ▁death ▁scenes . ▁The ▁Luc a ▁Family ▁performs ▁at ▁an ▁abol ition ist ▁meeting ▁in ▁New ▁York , ▁then ▁goes ▁on ▁to ▁become ▁the ▁most ▁prominent ▁African ▁American ▁singing ▁family ▁of ▁the ▁kind ▁inspired ▁by ▁the ▁white ▁H utch inson ▁Family . ▁The ▁first ▁theater ▁opens ▁in ▁San ▁Francisco , ▁California . ▁The ▁Sl ipper y ▁N ood le ▁opens ▁in ▁Indian apolis , ▁Indiana . ▁As ▁of ▁ 2 0 0 9 , ▁it ▁is ▁the ▁oldest ▁bar ▁in ▁Indiana ▁and ▁a ▁prominent ▁regional ▁blues ▁venue . ▁Stephen ▁Foster ' s ▁" G w ine ▁to ▁Run ▁All ▁Night ", ▁or ▁" De ▁Cam pt own ▁R aces ", ▁becomes ▁a ▁min st rel ▁show ▁hit , ▁helping ▁to ▁launch ▁Foster ' s ▁career ; ▁he ▁would ▁go ▁on ▁to ▁become ▁the ▁most ▁famous ▁song writer ▁of ▁the ▁ 1 9 th ▁century , ▁and ▁the ▁first ▁" full - time ▁popular ▁song writer ". ▁He ▁also ▁composed ▁Angel ina ▁Baker ▁in ▁this ▁year . ▁ ▁Henry ▁We h
rm ann ▁and ▁his ▁wife ▁become ▁the ▁most ▁prominent ▁eng ra vers ▁in ▁the ▁Southern ▁music ▁publishing ▁industry . ▁Self - conscious ly ▁old - f ashion ed ▁conc erts , ▁in ▁period ▁dress , ▁presenting ▁the ▁music ▁of ▁the ▁colonial - era ▁United ▁States ▁become ▁popular ; ▁they ▁are ▁known ▁as ▁Old ▁Fol ks ▁Con cert s , ▁and ▁are ▁first ▁organized ▁by ▁Robert ▁K emp . ▁The ▁San ▁Francisco ▁opera ▁tradition ▁begins ▁in ▁ 1 8 5 0 ▁and ▁bo asts ▁international ▁stars ▁and ▁a ▁l ively ▁set ▁of ▁local ▁perform ers ▁by ▁the ▁middle ▁of ▁the ▁decade . ▁Popular ▁songs ▁become ▁more ▁" ha unting ▁and ▁m awk ish , ▁the ▁for er un ner ▁of ▁the ▁modern ▁' h urt in ▁songs ". ▁| } ▁▁ 1 8 5 1 ▁ ▁Community ▁brass ▁bands ▁have ▁spread ▁across ▁the ▁country , ▁even ▁to ▁rural ▁Columbia , ▁California , ▁where ▁a ▁local ▁brass ▁band ▁gre ets ▁the ▁arrival ▁of ▁the ▁first ▁white ▁woman ▁in ▁the ▁town . ▁Ex - slave ▁Elizabeth ▁Green field ▁begins ▁performing ▁in ▁Buffalo , ▁New ▁York , ▁under ▁the ▁spons orship ▁of ▁the ▁Buffalo ▁Mus ical ▁Association . ▁She ▁subsequently ▁tours ▁across ▁North ▁America , ▁becoming ▁popular ly ▁known ▁as ▁the ▁Black ▁Sw an , ▁the ▁country ' s ▁first ▁black ▁concert ▁singer . ▁Lewis ▁Henry ▁Morgan ▁conduct s ▁the ▁first ▁eth n ographic ▁study ▁of ▁the ▁Native ▁Americans ▁of ▁the ▁Nort heast ▁United ▁States . ▁Music ▁education ▁is ▁first ▁introduced ▁into ▁the ▁public ▁school ▁systems ▁of
▁Cleveland , ▁Ohio ▁and ▁San ▁Francisco , ▁California . ▁Stephen ▁Foster ' s ▁" Old ▁Fol ks ▁at ▁Home " ▁is ▁published ; ▁it ▁will ▁become ▁his ▁most ▁popular ▁and ▁remains ▁perhaps ▁his ▁best - known ▁composition . Ch ase , ▁pg . ▁ 2 5 6 ▁Theod ore ▁E isf eld ▁begins ▁a ▁series ▁of ▁conc erts ▁that ▁will ▁play ▁a ▁major ▁part ▁in ▁introducing ▁public ▁chamber ▁music ▁conc erts ▁to ▁New ▁York ▁City . ▁The ▁first ▁opera ▁performed ▁in ▁San ▁Francisco ▁is ▁V inc en zo ▁Bell ini ' s ▁La ▁son n amb ula , ▁performed ▁by ▁a ▁trou pe ▁led ▁by ▁an ▁Italian ▁ten or ▁formerly ▁employed ▁in ▁Peru ▁and ▁Chile . ▁▁ 1 8 5 2 ▁ ▁The ▁first ▁Cant ones e ▁opera ▁performed ▁in ▁the ▁United ▁States ▁prem iers ▁in ▁San ▁Francisco , ▁performed ▁by ▁the ▁Hong ▁T ook ▁T ong ▁Chinese ▁Dr am atic ▁Company . ▁A ▁fire ▁destro ys ▁the ▁Boston ▁factory ▁of ▁Ch ick ering ▁and ▁Songs , ▁the ▁market ▁leader ▁in ▁the ▁American ▁piano ▁manufacturing ▁industry , ▁it ▁will ▁be ▁re built ▁to ▁be ▁the ▁largest ▁building ▁in ▁the ▁country ▁after ▁the ▁United ▁States ▁Cap itol ▁building . D w ight ' s ▁Journal ▁of ▁Music , ▁an ▁influential ▁period ical , ▁is ▁first ▁published ▁in ▁Boston . ▁One ▁of ▁its ▁contributors ▁is ▁Alexander ▁Whe el ock ▁Th ayer , ▁who ▁will ▁go ▁on ▁to ▁become ▁the ▁first ▁North ▁American ▁" sch olar ▁to ▁undert ake ▁studies ▁of ▁music ▁history ▁based ▁on ▁criticism
▁of ▁primary ▁sources ". ▁The ▁Boston ian ▁Eliz a ▁B isc acci anti ▁and ▁the ▁Irish born ▁Catherine ▁Hay es ▁are ▁the ▁first ▁in ▁a ▁series ▁of ▁star ▁sing ers ▁to ▁make ▁the ▁fled gling ▁San ▁Francisco ▁opera ▁tradition ▁among ▁the ▁most ▁prominent ▁in ▁the ▁country . ▁The ▁mel ody ▁for ▁the ▁song ▁that ▁would ▁eventually ▁be ▁known ▁as ▁" John ▁Brown ' s ▁Body " ▁is ▁composed ▁by ▁William ▁Ste ff e . ▁It ▁will ▁become ▁the ▁un off icial ▁theme ▁song ▁for ▁African ▁American ▁serv ic emen ▁during ▁the ▁Civil ▁War . ▁The ▁song ▁is ▁spread ▁by ▁the ▁Tw elf th ▁Massachusetts ▁Regiment . ▁Music ▁education ▁is ▁first ▁introduced ▁into ▁the ▁public ▁school ▁system ▁of ▁St . ▁Louis , ▁Missouri . A ▁Sac red ▁Rep ository ▁of ▁Ant he ms ▁and ▁H ym ns , ▁the ▁first ▁Sh aker ▁h ym nal ▁to ▁feature ▁t unes , ▁is ▁published ▁in ▁Can ter bury , ▁New ▁Hampshire . ▁▁ 1 8 5 3 ▁ ▁Brook s ▁K . ▁M ould ▁releases ▁" G arden ▁City ▁Pol ka ", ▁the ▁first ▁copyright ed ▁music ▁published ▁in ▁Chicago . ▁This ▁is ▁the ▁beginning ▁of ▁that ▁city ' s ▁publishing ▁industry . ▁F irth , ▁P ond ▁& ▁Company ▁publish ▁The ▁Br ass ▁Band ▁Journal , ▁which ▁includes ▁the ▁first ▁band ▁music ▁to ▁use ▁the ▁sa x horn . ▁Frederick ▁Law ▁Ol m sted ▁gives ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁earliest ▁dep ictions ▁of ▁an ▁African ▁American ▁field ▁h oll er , ▁describing ▁it ▁as ▁" a
▁long , ▁loud ▁musical ▁shout , ▁rising ▁and ▁falling , ▁and ▁breaking ▁into ▁a ▁c resc endo ... ▁like ▁a ▁bug le ▁call ". ▁George ▁F . ▁Root , ▁William ▁Brad bury ▁and ▁Low ell ▁Mason ▁organize ▁the ▁first ▁Normal ▁Mus ical ▁Institute , ▁a ▁school ▁offering ▁training ▁for ▁music ▁teachers , ▁located ▁in ▁New ▁York . Ch ase , ▁pg . ▁ 1 4 3 ▁Root ▁and ▁Brad bury , ▁with ▁Thomas ▁H ast ings ▁and ▁Tim othy ▁Mason , ▁collabor ate ▁on ▁The ▁Shaw m , ▁a ▁popular ▁collection ▁of ▁church ▁music ▁which ▁they ▁advert ise ▁as ▁selling ▁more ▁in ▁its ▁first ▁year ▁of ▁release ▁than ▁" any ▁previous ▁similar ▁publication ". ▁Louis ▁Ant oine ▁J ull ien , ▁a ▁French ▁condu ctor , ▁forms ▁an ▁or chestra ▁in ▁New ▁York , ▁to ▁great ▁ac claim ; ▁his ▁prominent ▁use ▁of ▁the ▁quadr ille ▁helps ▁to ▁sp ur ▁the ▁development ▁of ▁sheet ▁music ▁for ▁that ▁dance . ▁Louis ▁Got ts ch alk ▁begins ▁his ▁concert ▁career ▁in ▁the ▁United ▁States , ▁already ▁a ▁renown ed ▁composer ▁from ▁his ▁work ▁in ▁Europe . ▁The ▁first ▁opera ▁performed ▁in ▁Chicago ▁is ▁Luc ia ▁de ▁Lam mer mo or . ▁V irt u oso ▁Norweg ian ▁viol in ist ▁O le ▁Bull ▁attract s ▁an ▁unpre ced ented ▁ 1 0 , 0 0 0 ▁people ▁to ▁a ▁concert ▁in ▁Mem ph is , ▁Tennessee . ▁Phill ip ▁Wer le in ▁enters ▁the ▁music ▁publishing ▁business ▁in ▁New ▁Orleans . ▁He ▁will ▁go ▁on
▁to ▁become ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁principal ▁publish ers ▁of ▁that ▁city ▁in ▁the ▁mid - 1 9 th ▁century . ▁Stephen ▁Foster ' s ▁" My ▁Old ▁Kentucky ▁Home , ▁Good ▁Night " ▁represents ▁a ▁radical ▁shift ▁in ▁his ▁approach ▁to ▁composition , ▁abandon ing ▁the ▁use ▁of ▁dialect ▁and ▁im part ing ▁a ▁" bl at ant ▁message ▁( that ) ▁und oubtedly ▁affect ( s ) ▁working - class ▁min st rel ▁show ▁audiences ▁( who ) ▁would ▁soon ▁be ▁called ▁on ▁to ▁shed ▁their ▁blood ▁to ▁bring ▁about ▁the ▁end ▁of ▁slavery ▁in ▁the ▁United ▁States ". ▁William ▁Henry ▁F ry ' s ▁Santa ▁Cl aus : ▁Christmas ▁Sym phony ▁is ▁first ▁performed . ▁It ▁is ▁a ▁controversial ▁piece , ▁and ▁is ▁probably ▁the ▁first ▁American ▁composition ▁to ▁use ▁the ▁sa x oph one . ▁It ▁also ▁uses ▁special ▁effects ▁that ▁will ▁not ▁become ▁common ▁elements ▁in ▁such ▁pieces ▁until ▁the ▁following ▁century , ▁including ▁a ▁toy ▁trump et , ▁sle igh ▁b ells , ▁a ▁wh ip , ▁and ▁the ▁use ▁of ▁a ▁double ▁bass ▁to ▁make ▁the ▁sound ▁of ▁how ling ▁wind ▁and ▁a ▁dying ▁travel er . ▁▁ 1 8 5 4 ▁ ▁The ▁English ▁singer ▁Anna ▁Th illon ▁stars ▁in ▁a ▁series ▁of ▁opera ▁performances ▁in ▁San ▁Francisco , ▁in ▁the ▁city ' s ▁first ▁professional ▁season . ▁A ▁local ▁Italian ▁opera ▁company ▁forms ▁as ▁well , ▁performing ▁fourteen ▁oper as , ▁half ▁of ▁them ▁by ▁the ▁rising ▁composer ▁Gi useppe ▁Ver di . ▁A ▁Sy
rian ▁sett ling ▁in ▁Brooklyn ▁is ▁ap oc ry ph ally ▁said ▁to ▁be ▁the ▁first ▁Arab ▁to ▁permanently ▁move ▁to ▁the ▁United ▁States , ▁thus ▁beginning ▁the ▁Arab ▁American ▁musical ▁tradition . ▁Tw elve - year - old ▁August us ▁Mey ers ▁en lists ▁in ▁the ▁Army . ▁His ▁account ▁of ▁the ▁School ▁of ▁Practice ▁for ▁Army ▁bands men ▁on ▁Govern ors ▁Island ▁in ▁New ▁York , ▁published ▁in ▁Ten ▁Years ▁in ▁the ▁R anks , ▁U . S . ▁Army , ▁is ▁the ▁first ▁description ▁of ▁that ▁School . ▁Members ▁of ▁the ▁New ▁England ▁Em igr ant ▁A id ▁Company , ▁led ▁by ▁a ▁young ▁man ▁named ▁Forest ▁Sav age , ▁form ▁a ▁band ▁in ▁Lawrence , ▁Kansas . ▁This ▁is ▁said ▁to ▁be ▁the ▁beginning ▁of ▁the ▁documented ▁music ▁history ▁of ▁Kansas . ▁Victor - E ug ene ▁McC art y , ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁first ▁of ▁several ▁prominent ▁free ▁black ▁compos ers ▁in ▁New ▁Orleans , ▁pub l ishes ▁Fle urs ▁de ▁sal on : ▁ 2 ▁F avorite ▁Pol k as . ▁William ▁A . ▁H od g don ▁moves ▁to ▁St . ▁Louis , ▁Missouri , ▁where ▁he ▁will ▁pione er ▁the ▁use ▁of ▁music ▁in ▁that ▁area ' s ▁public ▁schools . B ir ge , ▁pg . ▁ 8 0 ▁▁ 1 8 5 5 ▁ ▁The ▁Board ▁of ▁Music ▁Trade ▁of ▁the ▁United ▁States , ▁a ▁trade ▁cart el , ▁is ▁formed ▁by ▁the ▁twenty - five ▁biggest ▁music ▁publishing ▁companies ▁in ▁the ▁country
, ▁institut ing ▁price ▁controls ▁on ▁sheet ▁music ▁for ▁European ▁classical ▁music , ▁which ▁will ▁remain ▁in ▁place ▁until ▁ 1 8 8 5 . ▁The ▁Board ▁will ▁also ▁fight ▁music ▁teachers , ▁who ▁sell ▁sheet ▁music ▁to ▁their ▁students . ▁George ▁F . ▁Brist ow ' s ▁R ip ▁Van ▁W inkle ▁is ▁said ▁to ▁be ▁the ▁first ▁successful ▁opera ▁on ▁an ▁American ▁subject , ▁Washington ▁Ir ving ' s ▁short ▁story ▁R ip ▁Van ▁W inkle . ▁It ▁is ▁also ▁the ▁first ▁American ▁opera ▁based ▁on ▁a ▁subject ▁by ▁a ▁contempor aneous ▁author . ▁ ▁Henry ▁W ad sw orth ▁Long f ellow ▁pub l ishes ▁a ▁long ▁poem ▁called ▁The ▁Song ▁of ▁H ia w ath a , ▁which ▁sp arks ▁a ▁surge ▁of ▁interest ▁in ▁Native ▁American ▁culture ; ▁this ▁helps ▁to ▁inspire ▁many ▁later ▁attempts ▁at ▁f using ▁elements ▁of ▁Native ▁American ▁and ▁European - der ived ▁mus ics . ▁Long f ellow ' s ▁work ▁insp ires ▁many ▁compos ers ▁like ▁Charles ▁Cro z at ▁Con verse ' s ▁" The ▁Death ▁of ▁Min neh aha ". ▁Louis ▁Gr un ew ald , ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁major ▁music ▁publish ers ▁of ▁the ▁Civil ▁War ▁era ▁in ▁New ▁Orleans , ▁enters ▁the ▁business ▁for ▁the ▁first ▁time . ▁William ▁Joseph ▁Har de e ▁pub l ishes ▁a ▁two ▁volume ▁manual ▁R if le ▁and ▁Light ▁Infan try ▁T act ics : ▁For ▁the ▁Ex ercise ▁and ▁Man oe uv res ▁of ▁Tro ops ▁When ▁Act ing ▁as ▁Light
▁Infan try ▁or ▁R if le men . ▁It ▁contains ▁the ▁" General ▁Call s " ▁that ▁will ▁signal ▁all ▁the ▁important ▁events ▁in ▁daily ▁military ▁camp ▁life ▁for ▁both ▁the ▁Confeder ate ▁and ▁Union ▁arm ies ▁in ▁the ▁coming ▁Civil ▁War . ▁▁ 1 8 5 6 ▁ ▁W . C . ▁Peters ▁and ▁Son , ▁a ▁music ▁publishing ▁company , ▁releases ▁a ▁collection ▁of ▁h ym ns ▁that ▁is ▁the ▁first ▁such ▁collection ▁published ▁in ▁the ▁American ▁Mid west . ▁▁ 1 8 5 7 ▁ ▁Ed mund ▁D éd é ▁is ▁possibly ▁the ▁first ▁black ▁North ▁American ▁to ▁graduate ▁from ▁the ▁Paris ▁Conserv atory . ▁Joseph ▁William ▁Post el wa ite , ▁a ▁free ▁African ▁American , ▁begins ▁leading ▁bands ▁in ▁the ▁St . ▁Louis ▁area , ▁also ▁compos ing ▁several ▁pieces , ▁including ▁the ▁popular ▁" St . ▁Louis ▁Gre ys ▁Quick ▁Step ". ▁Louis ville , ▁Kentucky ▁becomes ▁the ▁first ▁city ▁in ▁the ▁country ▁to ▁include ▁music ▁education ▁in ▁the ▁primary ▁grades . ▁Oliver ▁D its on ' s ▁music ▁publishing ▁business ▁begins ▁collabor ating ▁with ▁John ▁C . ▁Hay nes ; ▁the ▁du o ▁will ▁be ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁major ▁publish ers ▁of ▁the ▁American ▁Civil ▁War , ▁and ▁will ▁bo ast ▁of ▁publishing ▁half ▁of ▁the ▁songs ▁printed ▁in ▁the ▁country ▁in ▁the ▁ 1 8 7 0 s . ▁The ▁National ▁Association ▁of ▁Music ▁Te achers ▁is ▁formed . ▁▁ 1 8 5 8 ▁ ▁Dan ▁Em met t , ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁major ▁compos
ers ▁of ▁min st rel ▁songs , ▁begins ▁his ▁career ▁with ▁Bry ant ' s ▁Min st rel s . ▁Root ▁& ▁C ady , ▁a ▁Chicago - based ▁music ▁publishing ▁firm , ▁is ▁founded . ▁It ▁will ▁become ▁the ▁most ▁successful ▁publishing ▁company ▁in ▁the ▁North ▁during ▁the ▁Civil ▁War , ▁and ▁will ▁publish ▁most ▁of ▁the ▁popular ▁songs ▁of ▁the ▁war . ▁William ▁Walker ' s ▁Southern ▁Harm ony ▁contains ▁a ▁song ▁consisting ▁of ▁the ▁text ▁from ▁John ▁Newton ' s ▁" Amaz ing ▁Grace " ▁and ▁the ▁tune ▁of ▁the ▁traditional ▁song ▁" New ▁Britain "; ▁this ▁will ▁go ▁on ▁to ▁become ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁most ▁famous ▁songs ▁of ▁the ▁American ▁folk ▁re per toire . ▁▁ 1 8 5 9 ▁ ▁" D ix ie ", ▁a ▁song ▁by ▁Dan ▁Em met t ▁prem iers ▁on stage ▁in ▁New ▁York , ▁soon ▁becoming ▁a ▁rally ing ▁cry ▁for ▁both ▁sides ▁of ▁the ▁Civil ▁War . ▁The ▁song ▁will ▁eventually ▁become ▁an ▁icon ic ▁symbol ▁of ▁the ▁South . C raw ford , ▁pg . ▁ 2 6 4 ▁James ▁Hung er ford , ▁in ▁his ▁novel , ▁The ▁Old ▁Plant ation , ▁and ▁What ▁I ▁G ather ed ▁There ▁in ▁an ▁Aut umn ▁Month , ▁becomes ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁first ▁to ▁transc ribe ▁a ▁mel ody ▁from ▁an ▁African ▁American ▁slave ▁song , ▁a ▁" boat ▁song " ▁from ▁Southern ▁Maryland . ▁Patrick ▁Gil more , ▁an ▁Irish ▁American ▁band le ader , ▁debut s ▁his ▁band ▁in ▁New
▁York ; ▁the ▁ensemble ' s ▁professional ▁and ▁grand i ose ▁performances ▁will ▁make ▁it ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁most ▁popular ▁of ▁the ▁Civil ▁War ▁era . C raw ford , ▁p gs . ▁ 2 8 7 – 2 8 9 ▁▁ 1 8 6 0 ▁ ▁Arm and ▁Black mar ▁and ▁his ▁brother , ▁Henry , ▁open ▁a ▁music ▁publishing ▁business ▁in ▁New ▁Orleans . ▁They ▁will ▁become ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁most ▁prominent ▁Southern ▁publishing ▁houses ▁during ▁the ▁Civil ▁War . C orn el ius , ▁pg . ▁ 1 7 ▁This ▁year ▁also ▁sees ▁the ▁entry ▁into ▁the ▁publishing ▁business ▁of ▁John ▁Sch re iner ▁of ▁Mac on , ▁Georgia , ▁the ▁most ▁advent ur ous ▁publisher ▁of ▁the ▁war ▁era . ▁" The ▁First ▁Gun ▁Is ▁F ired ! ▁May ▁God ▁Prote ct ▁the ▁Right !" ▁by ▁George ▁Frederick ▁Root ▁is ▁inspired ▁by ▁the ▁Battle ▁of ▁Fort ▁Sum ter , ▁the ▁first ▁fighting ▁of ▁the ▁American ▁Civil ▁War . ▁The ▁song ▁is ▁published ▁only ▁three ▁days ▁after ▁the ▁attack . ▁With ▁the ▁death ▁of ▁J och ▁C . ▁Walker , ▁his ▁company ▁becomes ▁known ▁as ▁Evans ▁& ▁C og sw ell , ▁the ▁most ▁important ▁l ith ographer ▁and ▁printer ▁in ▁the ▁Confeder acy . ▁San ▁Francisco ▁is ▁home ▁to ▁ 1 4 5 ▁opera ▁performances , ▁making ▁this ▁year ▁a ▁waters hed ▁for ▁opera , ▁both ▁in ▁San ▁Francisco ▁and ▁in ▁the ▁United ▁States . ▁An ▁estimated ▁ 2 1 7 , 0 0 0 ▁seats ▁were ▁sold ▁in
▁the ▁year , ▁in ▁a ▁city ▁with ▁a ▁population ▁of ▁about ▁ 6 0 , 0 0 0 . ▁This ▁level ▁of ▁popularity ▁is ▁un he ard ▁of ▁in ▁any ▁North ▁American ▁city ▁at ▁any ▁point ▁in ▁history . ▁" The ▁Pal met to ▁State ▁Song " ▁is ▁published , ▁first ▁of ▁" what ▁was ▁to ▁become ▁the ▁Confeder ate ▁music ▁collection ". ▁It ▁is ▁the ▁first ▁published ▁Confeder ate ▁sheet ▁music . ▁▁ 1 8 6 1 ▁ ▁The ▁American ▁Civil ▁War ▁begins . ▁Before ▁it ▁ends , ▁it ▁will ▁have ▁a ▁profound ▁impact ▁on ▁American ▁music , ▁sp ur ring ▁the ▁publishing ▁of ▁patri otic ▁songs ▁on ▁both ▁sides , ▁the ▁migration ▁of ▁African ▁Americans , ▁and ▁their ▁styles ▁and ▁instruments , ▁to ▁new ▁local es ▁and ▁the ▁mixing ▁of ▁the ▁mus ics ▁of ▁many ▁peoples ▁and ▁regions ▁in ▁diverse ▁military ▁units . ▁The ▁Civil ▁War ▁will ▁also ▁stim ulate ▁the ▁production ▁of ▁brass ▁instruments ▁and ▁drums . ▁The ▁Battle ▁of ▁First ▁Man ass as ▁is ▁among ▁a ▁number ▁of ▁early ▁Southern ▁vict ories ▁that ▁are ▁" conf ident ly ▁celebrated ▁in ▁broad s ides ▁and ▁sheet ▁music , ▁no ▁matter ▁how ▁ins ign ific ant ▁the ▁outcome ". ▁Other ▁important ▁vict ories ▁include ▁the ▁Battle ▁of ▁Wilson ' s ▁Creek ▁and ▁the ▁Battle ▁of ▁Bel mont . ▁Clara ▁Louise ▁K ell ogg , ▁a ▁professional ▁solo ist , ▁debut s ▁at ▁the ▁New ▁York ▁Academy ▁of ▁Music , ▁soon ▁becoming ▁a ▁company ▁manager ▁and ▁major ▁figure ▁in ▁American ▁opera ▁history
. ▁Thomas ▁Baker ▁pub l ishes ▁the ▁first ▁" sheet - mus ic ▁publication ▁of ▁any ▁black ▁spiritual ", ▁Song ▁of ▁the ▁Con tr ab ands . ▁Har riet ▁T ub man ' s ▁" Go ▁Down , ▁Moses " ▁is ▁the ▁first ▁spiritual ▁published ▁with ▁music ▁in ▁the ▁United ▁States . Mal one ▁and ▁Str ick lin , ▁pg . ▁ 2 6 ▁It ▁is ▁also ▁the ▁most ▁famous ▁contr ab and ▁song , ▁or ▁those ▁spiritual s ▁which ▁refuge e ▁slaves ▁( contr ab ands ) ▁brought ▁to ▁Fort ress ▁Mon roe , ▁Virginia ; ▁for ▁many ▁white ▁northern ers , ▁these ▁songs ▁became ▁their ▁first ▁significant ▁contact ▁with ▁spiritual s . ▁Harry ▁Mac arth y ▁writes ▁" The ▁Bon nie ▁Blue ▁Flag ", ▁which ▁becomes ▁a ▁popular ▁Confeder ate ▁an the m ▁after ▁he ▁performs ▁it ▁for ▁the ▁Texas ▁Rangers ▁and ▁other ▁soldiers ▁at ▁the ▁Academy ▁of ▁Music ▁in ▁New ▁Orleans . ▁The ▁success ▁of ▁the ▁song ▁and ▁his ▁" Person ation ▁Con cert s ", ▁which ▁feature ▁imp erson ations ▁of ▁dialect s ▁and ▁acc ents , ▁made ▁him ▁the ▁" best - known ▁and ▁best - l oved ▁entertain er ▁of ▁the ▁Civil ▁War " ▁A ▁fire ▁destro ys ▁H iber n ian ▁Hall , ▁the ▁major ▁theater ▁of ▁the ▁city ▁of ▁Charl eston , ▁South ▁Carolina ; ▁though ▁the ▁Hall ▁is ▁re built , ▁it ▁never ▁reg ains ▁its ▁former ▁reputation . ▁The ▁most ▁comprehensive ▁collection ▁of ▁h ym ns ▁in ▁American ▁history , ▁H ym ns
▁Anc ient ▁and ▁Modern , ▁is ▁first ▁published . ▁By ▁the ▁time ▁its ▁second ▁edition ▁is ▁released ▁in ▁ 1 8 7 5 , ▁it ▁will ▁be ▁by ▁far ▁the ▁dominant ▁Ang lic an ▁h ym nal ▁in ▁the ▁country . ▁A ▁se cess ion ist ▁attack ▁on ▁Union ▁troops ▁in ▁Baltimore ▁inspire ▁James ▁Ry der ▁Rand all ▁to ▁write ▁" M ary land , ▁My ▁Maryland ". ▁The ▁song ▁became ▁perhaps ▁the ▁most ▁end uring ▁of ▁the ▁era ▁and ▁reflects ▁the ▁bitter ▁part is ans hip ▁of ▁border ▁states ▁like ▁Maryland . ▁It ▁is ▁eventually ▁chosen ▁as ▁the ▁state ▁song ▁of ▁Maryland . El son , ▁University ▁Mus ical ▁En cycl op edia , ▁pg . ▁ 8 1 ; ▁El son ▁calls ▁it ▁the ▁" only ▁distinctive ▁an the m " ▁among ▁state ▁songs . ▁The ▁song ▁is ▁set ▁to ▁music ▁later ▁that ▁year ▁by ▁members ▁of ▁the ▁Baltimore ▁G lee ▁Club , ▁including ▁the ▁prominent ▁pro - Conf eder ate ▁C ary ▁family , ▁most ▁fam ously ▁Het ty ▁C ary . ▁During ▁the ▁attack , ▁the ▁military ▁musicians ▁drop ▁their ▁instruments ▁and ▁fle e . ▁Four ▁bands men ▁die , ▁the ▁first ▁such ▁casual ties ▁of ▁the ▁Civil ▁War . ▁Jefferson ▁Davis ▁is ▁inaugur ated ▁President ▁of ▁the ▁Confeder acy ▁in ▁Mont gomery , ▁Alabama . ▁Local ▁band le ader ▁Herm ann ▁Arnold , ▁ad ap ts ▁" D ix ie " ▁into ▁a ▁military ▁quick step ▁for ▁the ▁event . ▁The ▁song ▁energ izes ▁the ▁crowd , ▁and
▁Davis ▁concl udes ▁that ▁" D ix ie " ▁should ▁be ▁the ▁national ▁an the m ▁for ▁the ▁Confeder acy . ▁Not able ▁alternative ▁versions ▁are ▁soon ▁pro ff ered , ▁including ▁the ▁def iant ▁" war ▁song " ▁version ▁of ▁Albert ▁P ike ▁and ▁one ▁by ▁Henry ▁Tro op ▁St anton , ▁known ▁at ▁the ▁time ▁as ▁the ▁" Po et ▁La ure ate ▁of ▁Kentucky ". ▁A ▁number ▁of ▁popular ▁songs ▁are ▁published ▁later ▁in ▁the ▁year , ▁celebr ating ▁Davis , ▁most ▁fam ously ▁including ▁" Our ▁First ▁President ' s ▁Quick step ". ▁The ▁Northern ▁Army , ▁having ▁already ▁occupied ▁Port ▁Royal , ▁South ▁Carolina , ▁sends ▁an ▁educational ▁mission ▁to ▁care ▁for ▁the ▁large ▁African ▁American ▁population ; ▁Lucy ▁McK im ▁G arr ison ▁is ▁among ▁the ▁northern ▁visitors , ▁and ▁her ▁study ▁is ▁the ▁" first ▁account ▁of ▁( A fr ican ▁American ▁spiritual s ) ▁that ▁attempted ▁to ▁describe ▁some ▁of ▁their ▁characteristic ▁features ". ▁Her ▁work ▁will ▁later ▁be ▁used ▁in ▁the ▁influential ▁collection ▁Sl ave ▁Songs ▁of ▁the ▁United ▁States . D arden , ▁pg . ▁ 9 9 ▁Congress ▁author izes ▁the ▁hiring ▁of ▁musicians ▁in ▁varying ▁amounts ▁for ▁inf antry , ▁caval ry ▁and ▁artillery ▁units ▁in ▁the ▁U . S . ▁Army . ▁▁ 1 8 6 2 ▁ ▁" The ▁Battle ▁H ym n ▁of ▁the ▁Republic ", ▁with ▁words ▁by ▁Julia ▁Ward ▁How e , ▁is ▁first ▁published ; ▁it , ▁and ▁" Battle ▁Cry ▁of ▁Freedom " ▁by
▁George ▁Frederick ▁Root , ▁become ▁perhaps ▁the ▁most ▁influential ▁pro - Union ▁songs ▁of ▁the ▁Civil ▁War . C raw ford , ▁pg . ▁ 2 6 3 ▁The ▁Confeder ate ▁government ▁inst itutes ▁con scription , ▁leading ▁to ▁a ▁number ▁of ▁songs ▁that ▁neg atively ▁described ▁the ▁con scripts ▁as ▁having ▁a ▁tendency ▁to ▁desert ▁and ▁act ▁cow ard ly ▁in ▁battle . ▁Union ▁general ▁Dan ▁Butter field ▁compos es ▁the ▁modern ▁mel ody ▁known ▁as ▁" T aps ", ▁after ▁the ▁Seven ▁Days ▁Batt les ; ▁this ▁is ▁the ▁only ▁new ▁field ▁music ▁to ▁appear ▁during ▁the ▁Civil ▁War . ▁To ▁re assert ▁Northern ▁ownership ▁of ▁the ▁song , ▁" D ix ie ", ▁which ▁is ▁wild ly ▁popular ▁in ▁both ▁the ▁North ▁and ▁the ▁South ▁and ▁claimed ▁as ▁a ▁patri otic ▁an the m ▁in ▁both ▁areas , ▁is ▁incorporated ▁into ▁this ▁year ' s ▁re issue ▁of ▁The ▁Dr um mer ' s ▁and ▁F ifer ' s ▁Guide , ▁the ▁un off icial ▁manual ▁for ▁field ▁music ▁in ▁the ▁Union ▁army . ▁George ▁F . ▁Root ▁writes ▁" Just ▁Before ▁the ▁Battle , ▁Mother ", ▁the ▁most ▁popular ▁of ▁many ▁Civil ▁War ▁era ▁songs ▁that ▁focus ▁on ▁the ▁love ▁of ▁a ▁soldier ▁for ▁his ▁mother ; ▁the ▁song ▁is ▁first ▁published ▁only ▁in ▁the ▁North , ▁but ▁becomes ▁popular ▁in ▁the ▁South ▁too ▁after ▁being ▁published ▁there ▁in ▁ 1 8 6 5 . ▁The ▁song , ▁along ▁with ▁" Battle ▁Cry ▁of ▁Freedom ", ▁" The ▁V
ac ant ▁Chair " ▁and ▁" Tr amp , ▁Tr amp , ▁Tr amp ▁( or ▁the ▁Pr ison er ' s ▁Hope )", ▁become ▁among ▁Root ' s ▁most ▁end uring , ▁and ▁among ▁the ▁most ▁popular ▁of ▁the ▁Civil ▁War . ▁H ood ' s ▁Min st rel s ▁build ▁themselves ▁a ▁log ▁cabin ▁theater ▁to ▁perform ▁in , ▁and ▁become ▁the ▁best - known ▁of ▁the ▁amateur ▁Confeder ate ▁military ▁bands ▁of ▁the ▁Civil ▁War . ▁John ▁William son ▁Pal mer ▁writes ▁and ▁pub l ishes ▁an onym ously ▁the ▁popular ▁song ▁" St one wall ▁Jackson ' s ▁Way ", ▁ ▁which ▁celebr ates ▁General ▁Stone wall ▁Jackson . ▁The ▁song ▁" M ary land , ▁My ▁Maryland ", ▁though ▁still ▁a ▁popular ▁rally ing ▁cry ▁for ▁Confeder ate ▁soldiers ▁and ▁sym path izers , ▁end ures ▁a ▁back l ash ▁that ▁re leg ates ▁it ▁to ▁a ▁second ▁tier ▁Confeder ate ▁an the m ▁( comp ared ▁to ▁the ▁other ▁two ▁major ▁cont enders , ▁" D ix ie " ▁and ▁" Bon nie ▁Blue ▁Flag ") ▁after ▁it ▁becomes ▁apparent ▁that ▁Maryland ▁will ▁not ▁join ▁the ▁Confeder acy , ▁both ▁due ▁to ▁a ▁lack ▁of ▁support ▁in ▁much ▁of ▁the ▁state ▁and ▁the ▁ending ▁of ▁the ▁Southern ▁invasion ▁of ▁Maryland ▁with ▁the ▁Battle ▁of ▁Ant iet am . ▁William ▁Miller ▁and ▁Joseph ▁R . ▁Beach am ▁form ▁Miller ▁& ▁Beach am ▁after ▁purchasing ▁the ▁music ▁publishing ▁firm ▁originally ▁formed ▁by ▁John ▁Cole ▁in ▁Baltimore ; ▁the ▁company
▁will ▁published ▁many ▁of ▁the ▁most ▁popular ▁Confeder ate ▁songs ▁during ▁the ▁Civil ▁War . ▁The ▁Richmond ▁Theater , ▁the ▁most ▁important ▁concert ▁stage ▁in ▁Richmond , ▁Virginia , ▁burn s ▁down . ▁Con cert s ▁immediately ▁moved ▁to ▁the ▁nearby ▁Franklin ▁Hall . ▁Root ▁& ▁C ady ▁pub l ishes ▁The ▁Silver ▁L ute , ▁the ▁first ▁music ▁book ▁printed ▁in ▁Chicago . ▁It ▁will ▁go ▁on ▁to ▁be ▁used ▁in ▁the ▁Chicago ▁school ▁system . ▁Popular ▁Confeder ate ▁sheet ▁music ▁and ▁broad s ides ▁switch ▁from ▁grand ly ▁celebr ating ▁the ▁South ' s ▁early ▁vict ories ▁to ▁l aments ▁that ▁her ald ed ▁" mart ial ▁de eds ▁( but ▁also ) ▁began ▁to ▁e ul og ize ▁sacrifice " ▁after ▁a ▁series ▁of ▁set backs , ▁including ▁the ▁bloody ▁st al em ate ▁at ▁Sh il oh . ▁Very ▁few ▁vict ories ▁are ▁celebrated ▁in ▁Southern ▁song ▁after ▁the ▁defeat ▁at ▁the ▁Battle ▁of ▁Frederick sburg . ▁Congress ▁abol ishes ▁reg imental ▁bands ▁in ▁the ▁U . S . ▁Army ▁to ▁cut ▁costs , ▁replacing ▁them ▁with ▁brig ade ▁bands . ▁The ▁pay ▁and ▁rank ▁of ▁bands men ▁is ▁reduced ▁as ▁well . ▁Will ▁S . ▁H ays , ▁a ▁popular ▁Kent uck ian ▁song writer , ▁pub l ishes ▁" The ▁Dr um mer ▁Boy ▁of ▁Sh il oh ", ▁an ▁important ▁work ▁influenced ▁by ▁Irish ▁and ▁Italian ▁songs . ▁▁ 1 8 6 3 ▁ ▁The ▁Battle ▁of ▁Gal vest on ▁leads ▁to ▁a ▁large ▁number ▁of
▁refugees ▁moving ▁to ▁Houston , ▁Texas , ▁establishing ▁that ▁city ▁as ▁a ▁musical ▁and ▁cultural ▁center ▁along ▁the ▁Gulf ▁Coast . National ▁Conference ▁of ▁Music ▁of ▁the ▁Civil ▁War ▁Era , ▁pg . ▁ 1 7 , ▁c iting ▁P ugh ▁B ands men ▁in ▁the ▁Confeder ate ▁army ▁are ▁given ▁a ▁raise , ▁and ▁are ▁now ▁paid ▁more ▁than ▁priv ates ▁and ▁field ▁musicians . ▁In flu ential ▁publisher ▁and ▁l ith ographer ▁George ▁D unn ▁enters ▁the ▁music ▁publishing ▁business ▁in ▁Richmond , ▁Virginia , ▁while ▁the ▁publisher ▁Bl anton ▁Duncan ▁similarly ▁begins ▁his ▁career ▁in ▁Columbia , ▁South ▁Carolina . ▁George ▁F . ▁Root ' s ▁" The ▁Battle ▁Cry ▁of ▁Freedom " ▁becomes ▁a ▁rally ing ▁cry ▁for ▁Union ▁soldiers . ▁Henry ▁T ucker ▁and ▁Charles ▁Car roll ▁Saw yer ▁publish ▁" We eping ▁Sad ▁and ▁L on ely , ▁or ▁When ▁This ▁Cru el ▁War ▁Is ▁Over ", ▁becoming ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁best - selling ▁songs ▁of ▁the ▁Civil ▁War ▁among ▁soldiers ▁of ▁both ▁sides . ▁The ▁song ▁is ▁said ▁to ▁be ▁so ▁dem oral izing ▁that ▁several ▁command ers ▁ban ▁it ▁completely . ▁Though ▁many ▁songs ▁in ▁the ▁early ▁years ▁of ▁the ▁Civil ▁War ▁had ▁praised ▁Jefferson ▁Davis , ▁this ▁practice ▁ended ▁by ▁this ▁year , ▁when ▁" people ▁across ▁the ▁Confeder acy ▁were ▁dis en ch anted ▁with ▁Davis ' ▁leadership ", ▁rather ▁reserv ing ▁" the ir ▁aff e ctions ▁for ▁their ▁military ▁leaders , ▁beginning ▁with ▁General ▁P . ▁G . ▁T . ▁Be
a ure g ard . ▁General ▁Be a ure g ard ▁is ▁a ▁subject ▁of ▁rever ence ▁and ▁the ▁topic ▁of ▁many ▁Confeder ate ▁songs ▁that ▁celebrate ▁him ▁as ▁a ▁national ▁hero . ▁Part isan ▁r anger ▁John ▁Hunt ▁Morgan ▁esc apes ▁from ▁a ▁prison ▁in ▁Columb us , ▁Ohio , ▁insp iring ▁numerous ▁Confeder ate ▁songs ▁and ▁turning ▁Morgan ▁into ▁a ▁folk ▁hero . ▁The ▁Southern ▁music ▁publishing ▁industry ▁suff ers ▁due ▁to ▁a ▁paper ▁short age . ▁Among ▁the ▁first ▁modern ▁American ▁musicians ' ▁organizations ▁is ▁the ▁Mus ical ▁Mut ual ▁Prote ct ive ▁Union ▁of ▁New ▁York , ▁a ▁pre cursor ▁of ▁today ' s ▁American ▁Federation ▁of ▁Mus icians . ▁The ▁New ▁Richmond ▁Theater ▁opens ▁in ▁Richmond , ▁Virginia , ▁becoming ▁a ▁major ▁concert ▁stage ▁in ▁the ▁city ▁and ▁riv alling ▁the ▁previous ▁inc arn ation . ▁With ▁the ▁war ▁not ▁going ▁well ▁for ▁Confeder ate ▁soldiers , ▁popular ▁sheet ▁music ▁and ▁broad s ides ▁shifted ▁from ▁up beat ▁and ▁pride ful ▁to ▁encouraging ▁soldiers ▁to ▁" rem ain ▁res olute , ▁( rem inding ▁and ▁worrying ) ▁them ▁that ▁they ▁were ▁fighting ▁to ▁protect ▁their ▁loved ▁ones ▁at ▁home ". ▁Thomas ▁W ent worth ▁Hig g inson ▁leads ▁the ▁First ▁South ▁Carolina ▁Col ored ▁Vol unte ers , ▁the ▁first ▁group ▁of ▁authorized ▁African ▁American ▁soldiers . ▁Hig g inson ▁is ▁a ▁notable ▁author ▁who ▁helps ▁popular ize ▁many ▁aspects ▁of ▁African ▁American ▁music . ▁▁ 1 8 6 4 ▁ ▁The ▁ever - dim in ishing ▁food
▁r ation ▁of ▁the ▁Confeder ate ▁army ▁soldier ▁is ▁cut ▁again , ▁leading ▁to ▁a ▁fresh ▁array ▁of ▁songs ▁popular ▁among ▁soldiers ▁and ▁complaining ▁of ▁the ▁poor ▁food ▁situation . ▁George ▁F . ▁Root ▁pub l ishes ▁" Tr amp ! ▁Tr amp ! ▁Tr amp ! ▁( The ▁Pr ison er ' s ▁Hope ) "; ▁the ▁song ▁is ▁about ▁being ▁a ▁prisoner ▁of ▁war , ▁and ▁is ▁popular ▁among ▁Northern ▁soldiers , ▁selling ▁one ▁hundred ▁thousand ▁copies ▁in ▁six ▁months . ▁This ▁year ' s ▁" All ▁Qu iet ▁Along ▁the ▁Pot om ac ▁Ton ight " ▁by ▁John ▁Hill ▁He w itt ▁and ▁" T ent ing ▁on ▁the ▁Old ▁Camp ▁Ground " ▁by ▁Walter ▁K itt red ge ▁are ▁also ▁popular ▁hits . ▁General ▁J eb ▁Stuart ▁is ▁killed ▁at ▁the ▁Battle ▁of ▁Yellow ▁T aver n ; ▁Stuart , ▁who ▁was ▁both ▁a ▁"' man ' s ▁man ' ▁adm ired ▁widely ▁for ▁his ▁courage , ▁and ▁a ▁' l ady ' s ▁man ', ▁the ▁heart th rob ▁of ▁the ▁Confeder acy ", ▁was ▁a ▁noted ▁ban jo ist ▁who ▁led ▁his ▁men ▁into ▁battle ▁singing . ▁He ▁was ▁the ▁" most ▁fl amb oy ant ▁figure ▁in ▁the ▁Confeder acy ". ▁Despite ▁the ▁increasingly ▁desperate ▁military ▁position ▁of ▁the ▁South , ▁the ▁capital ▁city ▁of ▁Richmond , ▁Virginia ▁is ▁home ▁to ▁a ▁large ▁amount ▁of ▁mer ry making ▁and ▁fest iv ities , ▁including ▁regular ▁parties ▁held ▁by ▁Jefferson ▁Davis ▁and ▁his ▁wife , ▁Var ina
. ▁She et ▁music ▁and ▁broad s ides ▁popular ▁among ▁Southern ers , ▁especially ▁soldiers , ▁reflect ▁the ▁batter ed ▁Confeder ate ▁military ▁efforts , ▁celebr ating ▁the ▁sacrific es ▁of ▁Southern ▁soldiers , ▁also ▁stress ing ▁the ▁" common ▁bond ▁of ▁sacrifice ▁between ▁men ▁in ▁the ▁field ▁and ▁women ▁at ▁home ". ▁Songs ▁described ▁women ▁end uring ▁hard ships ▁and ▁learning ▁to ▁end ure ▁without ▁the ▁comfort s ▁that ▁had ▁previously ▁been ▁ordered ▁from ▁the ▁indust ri ous ▁north . ▁▁ 1 8 6 5 ▁ ▁En ▁route ▁to ▁his ▁second ▁inaug uration , ▁Abraham ▁Lincoln ▁is ▁perceived ▁as ▁cow ard ly ▁sne aking ▁through ▁the ▁city ▁of ▁Baltimore ▁to ▁avoid ▁a ▁potential ▁assass ination ▁plot . ▁The ▁incident ▁insp ires ▁a ▁number ▁of ▁popular ▁Confeder ate ▁songs ▁ridic ul ing ▁Lincoln , ▁whose ▁behavior ▁and ▁appearance ▁are ▁critic ized ▁in ▁much ▁of ▁Confeder ate ▁popular ▁music . ▁Benjamin ▁J ep son , ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁first ▁primary ▁school ▁music ▁teachers ▁in ▁the ▁country , ▁leads ▁the ▁introduction ▁of ▁music ▁education ▁into ▁the ▁public ▁school ▁system ▁of ▁New ▁Haven , ▁Connecticut . ▁George ▁Bruce ▁and ▁Daniel ▁Em met t ▁publish ▁The ▁Dr um mers ▁and ▁Fif ers ▁Guide , ▁an ▁important ▁ped agog ical ▁work ▁of ▁the ▁Civil ▁War . ▁The ▁first ▁African ▁American ▁min st rel ▁trou pes ▁are ▁formed , ▁beginning ▁with ▁the ▁Georgia ▁Min st rel s , ▁led ▁by ▁W . ▁H . ▁Lee ▁and ▁based ▁originally ▁out ▁of ▁Mac on , ▁Georgia ; ▁the ▁second , ▁and
▁more ▁histor ically ▁notable ▁line - up , ▁is ▁led ▁by ▁Charles ▁" Bar ney " ▁H icks , ▁and ▁tours ▁the ▁Nort heast , ▁insp iring ▁a ▁wave ▁of ▁im it ators . S ou thern , ▁pg . ▁ 2 3 2 ▁It ▁will ▁be ▁the ▁most ▁successful ▁black ▁min st rel ▁group . ▁The ▁Ober lin ▁College - Con serv atory ▁is ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁earliest ▁and ▁most ▁influential ▁music ▁conserv ator ies . ▁Theod ore ▁Thomas ▁forms ▁an ▁or chestra ▁that ▁he ▁led ▁both ▁artist ically ▁and ▁financ ially , ▁in ▁stark ▁contrast ▁to ▁the ▁norm ▁at ▁the ▁time . ▁Under ▁his ▁leadership , ▁the ▁or chestra ▁is ▁soon ▁viewed ▁as ▁perhaps ▁the ▁best ▁in ▁the ▁country . ▁Thomas ▁will ▁go ▁on ▁to ▁play ▁a ▁" major ▁role ▁in ▁bringing ▁sym ph onic ▁music ▁to ▁the ▁American ▁people ". ▁Tony ▁Past or ' s ▁Opera ▁House ▁opens , ▁mark ing ▁the ▁beginning ▁of ▁the ▁development ▁of ▁v au dev ille . ▁An ▁article ▁entitled ▁" The ▁Negro ▁D ial ect " ▁by ▁William ▁Francis ▁Allen ▁in ▁The ▁Nation ▁is ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁first ▁to ▁use ▁the ▁word ▁spiritual ▁in ▁a ▁musical ▁sense . ▁▁ 1 8 6 6 The ▁Black ▁Cro ok ▁prem iers ▁at ▁N ib lo ' s ▁Garden ▁in ▁New ▁York ▁City , ▁using ▁a ▁melod r ama ▁and ▁a ▁French ▁bal let ▁trou pe ▁whose ▁venue ▁bur nt ▁to ▁the ▁ground ▁while ▁they ▁still ▁rehe ars ed . ▁The ▁" result ▁was ▁an ▁unpre ced
ented ▁triumph ", ▁and ▁the ▁show ' s ▁mixture ▁of ▁" mel od r ama , ▁dance , ▁music , ▁extraordinary ▁special ▁effects , ▁and ▁mild ▁er otic ism ... ▁d azz led ▁far ▁beyond ▁any ▁previous ▁the atr ical ▁con ception ". ▁The ▁show ▁is ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁major ▁events ▁in ▁the ▁early ▁history ▁of ▁the ▁extr av agan za . ▁Music ▁was ▁cred ited ▁to ▁Thomas ▁Baker , ▁author ▁of ▁" Trans formation ▁Pol ka ". ▁The ▁venue ▁was ▁the ▁managed ▁by ▁the ▁first ▁female ▁the atr ical ▁manager ▁in ▁the ▁country . ▁George ▁B . ▁Lo om is ▁begins ▁teaching ▁music . ▁He ▁will ▁be ▁the ▁first ▁super int endent ▁of ▁music ▁in ▁the ▁Indian apolis ▁public ▁school ▁system , ▁and ▁will ▁publish ▁Lo om is ' ▁Progress ive ▁Music ▁Less ons , ▁a ▁commonly ▁used ▁music ▁education ▁book ▁in ▁Indiana ▁and ▁surrounding ▁states . ▁He ▁will ▁also ▁co - found ▁the ▁Indiana ▁Music ▁Te achers ▁Association , ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁first ▁such ▁organizations ▁in ▁the ▁country . ▁▁ 1 8 6 7 ▁ ▁The ▁Boston ▁Conserv atory , ▁New ▁England ▁Conserv atory , ▁Chicago ▁Mus ical ▁College ▁and ▁the ▁C inc inn ati ▁Conserv atory ▁are ▁all ▁founded . Sl ave ▁Songs ▁of ▁the ▁United ▁States ▁is ▁the ▁first , ▁and ▁most ▁influential , S ou thern , ▁pg . ▁ 1 5 2 ▁collection ▁of ▁spiritual s ▁to ▁be ▁published ; Cl ar ke , ▁pg . ▁ 4 1 ▁notes ▁that ▁the ▁book ▁will ▁not ▁be ▁recognized
▁as ▁a ▁land mark ▁until ▁ 1 9 2 9 ▁the ▁collect ors ▁were ▁Northern ▁abol ition ists , ▁William ▁Francis ▁Allen , ▁Lucy ▁McK im ▁G arr ison ▁and ▁Charles ▁Pick ard ▁W are . ▁It ▁is ▁a ▁" mil estone ▁not ▁just ▁in ▁African ▁American ▁music ▁but ▁in ▁modern ▁folk ▁history ". Sn ell ▁and ▁Kel ley , ▁pg . ▁ 2 2 ▁It ▁is ▁also ▁the ▁first ▁published ▁collection ▁of ▁African ▁American ▁music ▁of ▁any ▁kind . C us ic , ▁pg . ▁ 8 6 ▁▁ 1 8 6 8 ▁ ▁John ▁Thomas ▁Dou glass ' ▁Virginia ' s ▁Ball ▁is ▁the ▁first ▁documented ▁opera ▁composed ▁by ▁an ▁African ▁American ; ▁it ▁is ▁now ▁lost , ▁but ▁was ▁performed ▁at ▁least ▁once , ▁in ▁New ▁York ▁in ▁this ▁year . ▁" Sh í ▁na ash á ▁is ▁composed ▁to ▁comm emor ate ▁the ▁Nav aj os ' ▁release ▁from ▁a ▁four - year ▁stretch ▁of ▁imprison ment ▁at ▁Fort ▁Sum ner , ▁New ▁Mexico . ▁It ▁will ▁become ▁" pro bably ▁the ▁best ▁known ▁Nav ajo ▁song ". ▁▁ 1 8 6 9 ▁ ▁Alice ▁F let cher ▁records ▁a ▁deleg ation ▁from ▁Le ech ▁Lake ▁in ▁Washington , ▁D . C ., ▁the ▁first ▁recording ▁of ▁O j ib we ▁music . ▁Lew ▁Johnson ▁organ izes ▁his ▁first ▁permanent ▁black ▁min st rel ▁trou pe , ▁in ▁St . ▁Louis , ▁Missouri ; ▁he ▁will ▁be ▁the ▁most ▁well - reg arded ▁min st rel ▁show ▁manager ▁of
▁the ▁era . ▁Band le ader ▁Patrick ▁Gil more ▁organ izes ▁a ▁National ▁Peace ▁J ub ile e ▁in ▁Boston , ▁featuring ▁more ▁than ▁ 1 1 , 0 0 0 ▁perform ers ▁- ▁solo ists , ▁a ▁cho ir , ▁an ▁or chestra ▁and ▁others . ▁The ▁event ▁inspired ▁a ▁wave ▁of ▁interest ▁in ▁instrumental ▁music ▁across ▁the ▁country . ▁Music ▁historian ▁Richard ▁Craw ford ▁has ▁called ▁this ▁the ▁" high - water ▁mark ▁in ▁the ▁influence ▁of ▁the ▁band ▁in ▁American ▁life ". ▁Gard iner ▁A . ▁Str ub es ' ▁Str ub es ▁Dr um ▁and ▁F ife ▁In structor ▁is ▁adopted ▁by ▁the ▁U . S . ▁Army ▁as ▁the ▁manual ▁for ▁training ▁field ▁musicians . ▁▁ 1 8 7 0 ▁ ▁Research ▁by ▁William ▁D all ▁is ▁the ▁first ▁detailed ▁eth nom us ic ological ▁study ▁of ▁the ▁ind igenous ▁peoples ▁of ▁the ▁Western ▁Ar ctic . ▁A ▁cho ir ▁forms ▁at ▁the ▁African ▁American ▁F isk ▁University ▁- ▁the ▁F isk ▁J ub ile e ▁Sing ers , ▁who ▁will ▁soon ▁begin ▁tour ing , ▁bringing ▁spiritual s ▁to ▁wider ▁audiences . ▁The ▁Library ▁of ▁Congress ▁becomes ▁the ▁sole ▁repository ▁for ▁copyright ed ▁works . ▁Luther ▁Wh iting ▁Mason ▁releases ▁The ▁National ▁Music ▁Course , ▁a ▁set ▁of ▁four ▁books ▁and ▁a ▁chart ▁for ▁educ ating ▁students ▁in ▁musical ▁notation , ▁which ▁will ▁become ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁standard ▁texts ▁of ▁American ▁music ▁education . B ir ge , ▁pg . ▁ 9 8 ▁The ▁Peace ▁Policy ▁places
▁Native ▁American ▁reserv ations ▁under ▁the ▁control ▁of ▁various ▁Christian ▁denom inations , ▁which ▁takes ▁its ▁toll ▁on ▁the ▁culture ▁and ▁music ▁of ▁ind igenous ▁peoples . ▁W od zi w ob , ▁a ▁Northern ▁P ai ute ▁prop het , ▁begins ▁pre aching ▁the ▁earliest ▁manifest ation ▁of ▁the ▁teach ings ▁of ▁the ▁Ghost ▁Dance . ▁▁ 1 8 7 1 ▁ ▁The ▁Great ▁Chicago ▁Fire ▁destro ys ▁hundreds ▁of ▁thousands ▁of ▁dollars ▁worth ▁of ▁inventory ▁for ▁the ▁Root ▁& ▁C ady ▁music ▁publishing ▁firm , ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁leading ▁publish ers ▁since ▁the ▁Civil ▁War . ▁Root ▁& ▁C ady ▁will ▁go ▁bankrupt ▁within ▁a ▁year . ▁The ▁fire ▁will ▁end ▁Chicago ' s ▁position ▁as ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁centers ▁for ▁music ▁publishing ▁in ▁the ▁country . Sn ell ▁and ▁Kel ley , ▁pg . ▁ 3 1 ▁Ned ▁Harr igan ▁helps ▁develop ▁the ▁v au dev ille ▁show ▁in ▁New ▁York ▁City . ▁Will ▁S . ▁H ays ▁pub l ishes ▁" The ▁Little ▁Old ▁Log ▁Cab in ▁in ▁the ▁Lane ", ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁most ▁popular ▁min st rel ▁songs ▁of ▁the ▁era . ▁▁ 1 8 7 2 ▁ ▁Pre acher ▁D w ight ▁M ood y ▁and ▁singer ▁Ira ▁San key , ▁having ▁published ▁a ▁wild ly ▁popular ▁series ▁of ▁books ▁entitled ▁G ospel ▁H ym ns ▁and ▁Sac red ▁Songs , ▁perform ▁in ▁a ▁series ▁of ▁conc erts ▁that ▁establish ▁a ▁religious ▁rev ival ▁in ▁the ▁urban ▁north . ▁Their ▁travels ▁" f irm ly ▁(
est ablish ) ▁the ▁g ospel ▁h ym n ▁as ▁an ▁effective ▁song ▁genre ▁for ▁use ▁in ▁Sunday ▁Schools ▁and ▁rev ival ▁meetings ". ▁Ned ▁Harr igan ▁and ▁Tony ▁Hart ▁begin ▁a ▁run ▁at ▁the ▁Theatre ▁Com ique ▁in ▁New ▁York , ▁mark ing ▁" the ir ▁big ▁break through ". ▁They ▁will ▁become ▁most ▁famous ▁for ▁the ▁song ▁" The ▁Mull igan ▁Gu ards ", ▁with ▁music ▁by ▁David ▁B raham . ▁ ▁After ▁the ▁Or ator io ▁Society ▁of ▁Chicago ▁is ▁destroyed ▁by ▁a ▁fire , ▁Boston ' s ▁Hand el ▁and ▁Hay dn ▁Society ▁sends ▁materials ▁to ▁re build ▁the ▁organization , ▁which ▁reform s ▁as ▁the ▁A pol lo ▁Club , ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁most ▁famous ▁musical ▁clubs ▁in ▁the ▁United ▁States . ▁Theod ore ▁S eward ▁begins ▁publishing ▁his ▁arrangements ▁of ▁African ▁American ▁spiritual s , ▁in ▁book ▁form ▁like ▁a ▁h ym nal , ▁with ▁his ▁publication ▁of ▁J ub ile e ▁Songs ▁As ▁S ung ▁by ▁the ▁J ub ile e ▁Sing ers ▁of ▁F isk ▁University , ▁a ▁collection ▁of ▁spiritual s ▁from ▁the ▁re per toire ▁of ▁the ▁F isk ▁University ▁J ub ile e ▁Sing ers . ▁That ▁group ▁r ises ▁to ▁fame ▁in ▁this ▁year ▁after ▁a ▁highly ▁successful ▁concert ▁in ▁Boston ▁during ▁the ▁World ' s ▁Peace ▁J ub ile e ▁and ▁International ▁Mus ical ▁Festival , ▁the ▁first ▁time ▁African ▁American ▁" sing ers ▁( are ) ▁included ▁in ▁a ▁big ▁musical ▁production " ▁in ▁the ▁country . ▁▁ 1
8 7 3 ▁ ▁San ▁Francisco ▁begins ▁passing ▁laws ▁limiting ▁the ▁use ▁of ▁ceremon ial ▁Chinese ▁g ongs . ▁John ▁Sing en berger ▁organ izes ▁the ▁American ▁St . ▁Cec ilia ▁Society , ▁an ▁important ▁organization ▁in ▁the ▁rev ival ▁of ▁the ▁Roman ▁Catholic ▁masses ▁and ▁mot ets ▁of ▁Palest r ina . ▁The ▁Society ▁sought ▁" to ▁restore ▁to ▁the ▁lit ur gy ▁Greg or ian ▁chant ▁and ▁poly phony ▁in ▁the ▁style ▁of ▁Palest r ina ". ▁Patrick ▁Gil more , ▁a ▁popular ▁band le ader , ▁organ izes ▁a ▁band ▁for ▁the ▁Twenty - second ▁Regiment ▁of ▁New ▁York , ▁soon ▁becoming ▁the ▁most ▁influential ▁professional ▁music ▁ensemble ▁in ▁the ▁country . ▁P . ▁T . ▁Barn um ▁adds ▁an ▁African ▁American ▁j ub ile e ▁cho ir ▁to ▁his ▁act , ▁calling ▁himself ▁the ▁first ▁to ▁use ▁a ▁" full ▁band " ▁of ▁African ▁Americans ▁in ▁a ▁" men ager ie ▁and ▁circ us ". ▁Bar ber ▁William ▁T . ▁Benjamin ▁forms ▁the ▁first ▁African ▁American ▁opera ▁company , ▁and ▁the ▁first ▁opera ▁company ▁of ▁any ▁kind ▁in ▁Washington , ▁D . C ., ▁based ▁out ▁of ▁a ▁local ▁Roman ▁Catholic ▁church . ▁▁ 1 8 7 4 ▁ ▁The ▁first ▁educational , ▁and ▁later , ▁musical , ▁convention ▁known ▁as ▁a ▁Ch aut au qu a ▁is ▁held ▁in ▁what ▁is ▁now ▁Ch aut au qu a , ▁New ▁York . Ev ang eline , ▁by ▁Edward ▁E . ▁Rice ▁and ▁J . ▁Che ever ▁Good win ,
▁a ▁popular ▁Victorian ▁bur les que ▁extr av agan za , ▁is ▁the ▁first ▁American ▁production ▁b illed ▁as ▁a ▁musical ▁comedy . ▁Edward ▁King ' s ▁travel ▁diary ▁The ▁Great ▁South ▁is ▁finished , ▁with ▁each ▁section ▁published ▁as ▁an ▁article ▁in ▁Sc rib ner ' s ▁Magazine ; ▁it ▁contains ▁many ▁descriptions ▁of ▁African ▁American ▁church ▁music ▁in ▁the ▁South . ▁Leop old ▁Dam ro sch ▁forms ▁the ▁New ▁York ▁Or ator io ▁Society , ▁beginning ▁the ▁musical ▁career ▁of ▁his ▁family , ▁which ▁will ▁extend ▁for ▁three ▁generations . ▁Philip ▁Bl iss ' ▁collection ▁G ospel ▁Songs ▁contains ▁the ▁first ▁use ▁of ▁the ▁term ▁g ospel ▁song ▁to ▁describe ▁the ▁music ▁later ▁known ▁as ▁g ospel ▁music . ▁▁ 1 8 7 5 ▁ ▁Henry ▁Clay ▁Work ' s ▁" My ▁Grand father ' s ▁Cl ock " ▁becomes ▁the ▁" most ▁popular ▁song ▁of ▁the ▁decade ", ▁and ▁is ▁said ▁to ▁have ▁sold ▁ 8 0 0 , 0 0 0 ▁copies . ▁African ▁American ▁song writ ers ▁like ▁James ▁A . ▁B land ▁and ▁Sam ▁Lucas ▁begin ▁compos ing ▁works ▁similar ▁to ▁spiritual s , ▁sometimes ▁based , ▁in ▁part , ▁on ▁actual ▁spiritual s . ▁John ▁Know les ▁P aine ▁becomes ▁a ▁full ▁professor ▁at ▁Harvard ▁University , ▁the ▁first ▁musician ▁to ▁do ▁so ▁in ▁the ▁United ▁States . ▁The ▁Af ro - C ub an ▁José ▁Sil vest re ▁White ▁becomes ▁the ▁first ▁person ▁of ▁African ▁descent ▁to ▁perform ▁with ▁an ▁American ▁sym phony , ▁after
▁he ▁performs ▁with ▁the ▁New ▁York ▁Phil harm onic . ▁▁ 1 8 7 6 ▁ ▁" Home ▁on ▁the ▁Range " ▁is ▁first ▁published ; ▁it ▁is ▁the ▁earliest ▁song ▁to ▁dep ict ▁a ▁" rom antic ized ▁image ▁of ▁the ▁cow boy ". ▁Sister s ▁Anna ▁and ▁Emma ▁Hy ers , ▁and ▁their ▁father , ▁form ▁a ▁concert ▁tour ▁company , ▁Hy ers ▁Sister s ▁Com ic ▁Opera ▁Co ., ▁then ▁work ▁with ▁play wright s ▁Paul ine ▁Hop kins ▁and ▁Joseph ▁Brad ford ▁to ▁produce ▁the ▁" first ▁full - f led ged ▁musical ▁plays ... ▁in ▁which ▁African ▁Americans ▁themselves ▁comment ▁on ▁the ▁pl ight ▁of ▁the ▁slaves ▁and ▁the ▁relief ▁of ▁Em anc ip ation ▁without ▁the ▁disgu ises ▁of ▁min st rel ▁comedy ", ▁with ▁this ▁year ' s ▁Out ▁of ▁Bond age ▁( also ▁known ▁as ▁Out ▁of ▁the ▁Wild erness ). ▁David ▁Wall is ▁Re eves ▁adds ▁the ▁counter mel ody ▁to ▁the ▁military ▁march . ▁The ▁Music ▁Te achers ▁National ▁Association , ▁the ▁first ▁major ▁professional ▁organization ▁for ▁music ▁teachers , ▁is ▁founded . ▁▁ 1 8 7 7 ▁ ▁Sebastian ▁Y rad iers ▁" La ▁Pal oma " ▁popular izes ▁the ▁hab an era ▁in ▁the ▁United ▁States . ▁The ▁Dakota ▁Dr um ▁Dance ▁is ▁introduced ▁to ▁the ▁Native ▁Americans ▁of ▁the ▁Great ▁L akes ▁region ; ▁this ▁is ▁a ▁set ▁of ▁beliefs ▁that ▁revol ve ▁around ▁a ▁legendary ▁woman ▁named ▁Turkey ▁T ail fe ather ▁Woman , ▁who ▁is ▁said ▁to ▁have
▁escaped ▁from ▁the ▁American ▁military ▁and ▁received ▁instructions ▁to ▁build ▁and ▁use ▁a ▁large , ▁ceremon ial ▁drum ▁while ▁in ▁hiding . ▁The ▁religion ▁based ▁around ▁this ▁drum ▁will ▁spread ▁throughout ▁the ▁region , ▁and ▁the ▁drum ▁itself ▁will ▁become ▁the ▁ancest or ▁of ▁the ▁big ▁drum ▁used ▁in ▁modern ▁pow w ow ▁ceremon ies . ▁Thomas ▁E dis on ▁inv ents ▁the ▁technology ▁to ▁record ▁sound , ▁using ▁a ▁tin - fo il ▁cyl inder ▁ph on ograph . ▁His ▁first ▁recording ▁is ▁" M ary ▁Had ▁a ▁Little ▁Lamb ". ▁▁ 1 8 7 8 ▁ ▁James ▁A . ▁B land , ▁the ▁most ▁important ▁black ▁min st rel sy ▁song writer ▁and ▁the ▁first ▁successful ▁black ▁song writer , ▁pub l ishes ▁a ▁huge ▁hit ▁with ▁" Car ry ▁Me ▁Back ▁to ▁Old ▁Virgin ny ", ▁which ▁will ▁become ▁the ▁state ▁song ▁of ▁Virginia ▁in ▁ 1 9 4 0 . ▁B land ▁is ▁the ▁first ▁African ▁American ▁composer ▁whose ▁music ▁is ▁published ▁by ▁a ▁major ▁company . ▁James ▁Mon roe ▁T rot ter ▁pub l ishes ▁Music ▁and ▁Some ▁High ly ▁Mus ical ▁People , ▁making ▁him ▁the ▁first ▁African ▁American ▁music ▁historian . ▁W . ▁S . ▁Gilbert ▁and ▁Arthur ▁Sull ivan ' s ▁H . M . S . ▁P ina fore ▁prem iers ▁in ▁the ▁United ▁States , ▁launch ing ▁a ▁f ad ▁for ▁light ▁opera ▁throughout ▁the ▁country . ▁Sam ▁Lucas , ▁the ▁" most ▁celebrated ▁min st rel " ▁of ▁the ▁era , ▁becomes
▁the ▁first ▁African ▁American ▁to ▁play ▁Uncle ▁Tom ▁in ▁Uncle ▁Tom ' s ▁Cab in ' '. ▁▁ 1 8 7 9 ▁ ▁The ▁Bureau ▁of ▁American ▁Eth n ology ▁is ▁created ▁at ▁the ▁Smith son ian ▁Inst itution ; ▁the ▁Bureau ▁studies ▁and ▁documents ▁Native ▁American ▁music ▁and ▁culture . ▁Ned ▁Harr igan ▁and ▁Tony ▁Hart ▁transition ▁from ▁the ▁variety ▁show ▁to ▁the ▁musical ▁play , ▁with ▁stories ▁centered ▁around ▁characters ▁with ▁distinct ▁ethnic ▁background s . ▁Their ▁work ▁established ▁" eth nic ▁groups ▁as ▁major ▁characters ▁in ▁the ▁American ▁stage ". ▁ ▁Re ferences ▁ ▁Notes ▁ ▁Further ▁reading ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁ ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁ ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁ 1 8 2 5 ▁Category : 1 9 th ▁century ▁in ▁music <0x0A> </s> ▁Joe ▁Creek ▁is ▁an ▁un inc or por ated ▁community ▁in ▁Hughes ▁County , ▁in ▁the ▁U . S . ▁state ▁of ▁South ▁Dakota . ▁ ▁History ▁A ▁post ▁office ▁called ▁Joe ▁Creek ▁was ▁established ▁in ▁ 1 9 1 9 , ▁and ▁remained ▁in ▁operation ▁until ▁ 1 9 5 4 . ▁The ▁community ▁took ▁its ▁name ▁from ▁Joe ▁Creek . ▁Joe ▁Creek ▁had ▁a ▁population ▁of ▁ 5 ▁in ▁ 1 9 4 0 ▁ ▁Re ferences ▁ ▁Category : Un inc or por ated ▁communities ▁in ▁Hughes ▁County , ▁South ▁Dakota ▁Category : Un inc or por ated ▁communities ▁in ▁South ▁Dakota <0x0A> </s> ▁Amy ▁and ▁Jordan ▁( P ant he on , ▁ 2 0 0 4 ) ▁is ▁a ▁comic ▁book ▁by ▁Mark ▁Bey er , ▁featuring ▁a ▁dys function
al ▁couple ▁who ▁are ▁victim ized ▁by ▁each ▁other ▁and ▁by ▁blind ▁circum stance . ▁The ▁characters ▁Amy ▁and ▁Jordan ▁appear ▁in ▁other ▁works ▁by ▁Bey er , ▁including ▁Ag ony ▁and ▁Dead ▁Stories ▁in ▁the ▁magazine ▁Raw ▁( New ▁York : ▁P ant he on , ▁ 1 9 8 7 ). ▁It ▁was ▁listed ▁in ▁Time ▁magazine ' s ▁" Best ▁Com ix ▁of ▁ 2 0 0 4 ". ▁ ▁Re ferences ▁ ▁Category : 2 0 0 4 ▁books ▁Category : 2 0 0 4 ▁com ics ▁debut s ▁Category : P ant he on ▁Books ▁com ics ▁titles <0x0A> </s> ▁The ▁ 2 0 0 8 – 0 9 ▁season ▁is ▁the ▁ 1 2 2 nd ▁season ▁of ▁competitive ▁football ▁by ▁Hamilton ▁Academ ical . ▁ ▁Dom estic ▁Cup s ▁Hamilton ▁Academ ical ▁entered ▁the ▁Scottish ▁Cup ▁at ▁the ▁ 4 th ▁round ▁and ▁were ▁knocked ▁out ▁in ▁the ▁quarter - fin als ▁by ▁Rangers ▁who ▁also ▁knocked ▁them ▁out ▁the ▁Scottish ▁League ▁Cup ▁at ▁the ▁quarter - fin als , ▁both ▁games ▁were ▁played ▁at ▁I bro x . ▁They ▁entered ▁the ▁Scottish ▁League ▁Cup ▁at ▁the ▁ 2 nd ▁round . ▁ ▁Results ▁and ▁fi xtures ▁ ▁League ▁table ▁ ▁Re ferences ▁ ▁Hamilton ▁Academ ical ▁Category : H amil ton ▁Academ ical ▁F . C . ▁seasons <0x0A> </s> ▁Will ie ▁Rogers ▁( 2 3 ▁May ▁ 1 8 8 3 ▁– ▁ 8 ▁August ▁ 1 9 5 6 ) ▁was ▁an ▁Australian
▁rules ▁football er ▁who ▁played ▁with ▁Melbourne ▁in ▁the ▁Victorian ▁Football ▁League ▁( V FL ). ▁ ▁Notes ▁ ▁Ex ternal ▁links ▁▁ ▁Category : 1 8 8 3 ▁birth s ▁Category : Austral ian ▁rules ▁football ers ▁from ▁Victoria ▁( Austral ia ) ▁Category : M el bourne ▁Football ▁Club ▁players ▁Category : 1 9 5 6 ▁deaths <0x0A> </s> ▁The ▁band olin ▁is ▁a ▁ 1 5 - string ed ▁musical ▁instrument ▁in ▁E cu ador . ▁It ▁is ▁used ▁as ▁a ▁rhythm ▁and ▁mel ody ▁instrument ▁in ▁the ▁And e an ▁region ▁of ▁E cu ador ▁during ▁fest ivals ▁where ▁dancing ▁and ▁music ▁are ▁involved . ▁It ▁has ▁a ▁flat ▁back ▁and ▁ 1 5 ▁strings ▁in ▁triple ▁courses . ▁ ▁Us es ▁ ▁In ▁the ▁And e an ▁region ▁of ▁E cu ador , ▁the ▁band olin ▁is ▁used ▁during ▁the ▁celebration ▁of ▁the ▁fe asts ▁of ▁San ▁Juan ▁and ▁San ▁Pedro , ▁along ▁with ▁several ▁other ▁instruments ▁including : ▁twin ▁fl utes , ▁gu it ars , ▁viol ins , ▁qu enas , ▁a ▁drum , ▁a ▁char ango , ▁a ▁r ond ador , ▁and ▁a ▁harmon ica . ▁The ▁music ▁and ▁dance ▁that ▁character ize ▁the ▁festival ▁is ▁called ▁a ▁san j uan ito . ▁The ▁band ol ines ▁and ▁the ▁gu it ars ▁mark ▁the ▁ 2 / 4 ▁tempo ▁of ▁the ▁san j uan ito ▁rhythm , ▁which ▁is ▁accent uated ▁by ▁the ▁bom bo , ▁and ▁the ▁qu enas , ▁r ond ador
, ▁and ▁viol ins ▁carry ▁the ▁mel ody . ▁ ▁Construction ▁and ▁tun ing ▁ ▁The ▁body ▁shape ▁of ▁the ▁band olin ▁is ▁similar ▁to ▁that ▁of ▁the ▁band ola , ▁the ▁cuatro , ▁or ▁the ▁guitar , ▁with ▁the ▁cave at ▁that , ▁just ▁as ▁in ▁the ▁case ▁of ▁the ▁mentioned ▁instruments , ▁l uth iers ▁who ▁produce ▁band ol ins ▁will ▁incorporate ▁into ▁their ▁personal ▁designs ▁changes ▁to ▁the ▁body ▁shape ▁for ▁a ▁variety ▁of ▁reasons . ▁It ▁has ▁ 1 5 ▁strings , ▁in ▁five ▁courses ▁of ▁triple ▁strings , ▁in ▁a ▁guitar - t uning . ▁It ▁has ▁a ▁flat ▁back , ▁metal ▁fre ts , ▁and ▁a ▁slightly ▁raised ▁finger board ▁in ▁the ▁front . ▁The ▁ 1 5 ▁strings ▁run ▁over ▁a ▁floating ▁bridge ▁to ▁a ▁metal ▁tail piece ▁on ▁the ▁end ▁of ▁the ▁body . ▁ ▁It ▁is ▁tun ed ▁E 5 ▁E 4 ▁E 5 , ▁A 5 ▁A 4 ▁A 5 , ▁D 5 ▁D 5 ▁D 5 , ▁F # 5 ▁F # 5 ▁F # 5 , ▁B 5 ▁B 5 ▁B 5 ▁or ▁E 5 ▁E 4 ▁E 5 , ▁A 5 ▁A 4 ▁A 5 , ▁D 5 ▁D 5 ▁D 5 , ▁G # 5 ▁G # 5 ▁G # 5 , ▁B 5 ▁B 5 ▁B 5 . ▁ ▁See ▁also ▁ ▁Music ▁of ▁E cu ador ▁ ▁Re ferences ▁ ▁Ex ternal ▁links ▁ ▁The ▁String ed ▁In strument ▁Database ▁ ▁AT L AS ▁of ▁Pl ucked
▁In str uments ▁ ▁C uer da ▁at ▁Pac ow eb . net ▁ ▁Category : E cu ador ian ▁musical ▁instruments ▁Category : M and olin ▁family ▁instruments <0x0A> </s> ▁The ▁Social ▁Conservative ▁Party ▁( Span ish : ▁Partido ▁Social ▁Conserv ador ▁- ▁P SC ) ▁is ▁a ▁right - wing ▁conservative ▁Nic ar ag uan ▁political ▁party ▁founded ▁by ▁its ▁leader ▁Fernando ▁Ag ü ero ▁in ▁ 1 9 8 8 . ▁The ▁P SC ▁received ▁legal ▁status ▁in ▁ 1 9 8 9 ▁and ▁participated ▁in ▁the ▁ 1 9 9 0 ▁elections ▁as ▁an ▁independent ▁party . ▁Fernando ▁Ag ü ero ▁was ▁the ▁conservative ▁presidential ▁candidate ▁of ▁the ▁ 1 9 6 6 ▁National ▁Opp os ition ▁Union ▁( UN O ) ▁against ▁the ▁Som o za ▁regime . ▁In ▁a ▁U NO ▁political ▁rally ▁in ▁support ▁of ▁the ▁candid acy ▁of ▁Ag ü ero ▁in ▁Man ag ua ▁on ▁January ▁ 2 2 , ▁ 1 9 6 7 , ▁the ▁National ▁Guard ▁killed ▁hundreds ▁of ▁oppos itors . ▁ ▁Four ▁years ▁later , ▁in ▁ 1 9 7 1 , ▁Ag ü ero ▁signed ▁the ▁" K up ia - K umi ▁( M isk itu ; ▁transl ates ▁as ▁" One ▁Heart ") ▁P act " ▁with ▁Som o za ▁where by ▁the ▁Conserv atives ▁had ▁their ▁congress ional ▁qu ota ▁increased ▁to ▁ 4 0 ▁per ▁cent , ▁a ▁constitu ent ▁assembly ▁was ▁established , ▁and ▁a ▁tri um vir ate ▁composed ▁of ▁Ag ü
ero ▁and ▁two ▁Som oc istas ▁designated ▁to ▁rule ▁until ▁the ▁end ▁of ▁ 1 9 7 4 . ▁ ▁Before ▁the ▁ 2 0 0 6 ▁elections , ▁the ▁party ▁joined ▁the ▁Alliance ▁for ▁the ▁Republic ▁and ▁then ▁the ▁Nic ar ag uan ▁Liberal ▁Alliance . ▁ ▁S ources ▁ ▁Category : 1 9 8 9 ▁establish ments ▁in ▁Nic ar ag ua ▁Category : Con serv ative ▁parties ▁in ▁Nic ar ag ua ▁Category : Pol it ical ▁parties ▁established ▁in ▁ 1 9 8 9 ▁Category : Pol it ical ▁parties ▁in ▁Nic ar ag ua ▁Category : Right - wing ▁parties <0x0A> </s> ▁John ▁Sch wart z ▁may ▁refer ▁to : ▁▁ ▁John ▁Sch wart z ▁( 1 7 9 3 - 1 8 6 0 ), ▁United ▁States ▁congress man ▁John ▁Burn ham ▁Sch wart z ▁( born ▁ 1 9 6 5 ), ▁American ▁novel ist ▁John ▁William ▁Sch wart z ▁( 1 7 5 5 - after ▁ 1 8 0 2 ), ▁Nova ▁Scot ia ▁politician ▁ ▁See ▁also ▁John ▁Sw art z ▁( 1 8 5 8 - 1 9 3 0 ), ▁American ▁photographer ▁John ▁Sch warz ▁( dis ambigu ation ) ▁Jonathan ▁Sch wart z ▁( dis ambigu ation ) <0x0A> </s> ▁The ▁ 1 9 3 5 ▁Not re ▁D ame ▁Fight ing ▁Irish ▁football ▁team ▁represented ▁the ▁University ▁of ▁Not re ▁D ame ▁during ▁the ▁ 1 9 3 5 ▁college ▁football ▁season . ▁ ▁Schedule ▁ ▁Re ferences ▁
▁Not re ▁D ame ▁Category : Not re ▁D ame ▁Fight ing ▁Irish ▁football ▁seasons ▁Not re ▁D ame ▁Fight ing ▁Irish <0x0A> </s> ▁V oy n ich ▁may ▁refer ▁to : ▁▁ ▁E the l ▁V oy n ich ▁( 1 8 6 4 – 1 9 6 0 ), ▁Irish ▁novel ist ▁and ▁musician , ▁wife ▁of ▁Wil fr id ▁ ▁Wil fr id ▁V oy n ich ▁( 1 8 6 5 – 1 9 3 0 ), ▁Polish ▁revolutionary , ▁discover er ▁of ▁the ▁V oy n ich ▁manuscript , ▁husband ▁of ▁E the l ▁ ▁V oy n ich ▁manuscript , ▁a ▁mysterious ▁und ec ipher ed ▁document ▁from ▁the ▁ 1 5 th ▁century , ▁named ▁after ▁its ▁re - dis cover er , ▁Wil fr id ▁V oy n ich <0x0A> </s> ▁C ym oth oe ▁cap r ina ▁is ▁a ▁butter fly ▁in ▁the ▁family ▁N ym ph al idae . ▁It ▁is ▁found ▁in ▁the ▁Republic ▁of ▁the ▁Cong o ▁and ▁the ▁south - cent ral ▁part ▁of ▁the ▁Democratic ▁Republic ▁of ▁the ▁Cong o . ▁ ▁Re ferences ▁ ▁Category : But ter fl ies ▁described ▁in ▁ 1 8 9 7 ▁Category : C ym oth oe ▁( but ter fly ) ▁Category : But ter fl ies ▁of ▁Africa ▁Category : Tax a ▁named ▁by ▁Per ▁O lo f ▁Christopher ▁Aur iv ill ius <0x0A> </s> ▁General ▁elections ▁were ▁held ▁in ▁H ait i ▁on ▁ 2 8 ▁November ▁ 2
0 1 0 , ▁having ▁originally ▁been ▁scheduled ▁for ▁ 2 8 ▁February . ▁Ten ▁sen ators ▁and ▁all ▁ 9 9 ▁deput ies ▁were ▁to ▁be ▁elected . ▁ ▁President ial ▁elections ▁were ▁also ▁held . ▁A ▁run - off ▁was ▁originally ▁scheduled ▁for ▁ 1 6 ▁January ▁as ▁no ▁candidate ▁received ▁ 5 0 % ▁of ▁the ▁votes ▁cast . ▁However , ▁it ▁was ▁post pon ed ▁until ▁ 2 0 ▁March ▁ 2 0 1 1 ▁as ▁election ▁officials ▁said ▁they ▁could ▁not ▁hold ▁the ▁run off ▁while ▁await ing ▁results ▁from ▁re - poll ing , ▁with ▁results ▁expected ▁on ▁ 3 1 ▁March . ▁ ▁Official ▁results , ▁announced ▁on ▁ 2 1 ▁April ▁ 2 0 1 1 , ▁showed ▁Michel ▁Mart elly ▁defe ating ▁Mir land e ▁Man ig at ▁in ▁the ▁second ▁round ▁of ▁the ▁presidential ▁election . ▁ ▁Background ▁Due ▁to ▁the ▁January ▁ 2 0 1 0 ▁earthqu ake , ▁H ait ian ▁presidential ▁election ▁was ▁in def initely ▁post pon ed ; ▁although ▁November ▁ 2 8 ▁was ▁then ▁decided ▁as ▁the ▁date ▁to ▁hold ▁the ▁presidential ▁and ▁legisl ative ▁elections . ▁ ▁Following ▁the ▁magnitude ▁ 7 . 0 ▁earthqu ake , ▁there ▁were ▁concerns ▁of ▁inst ability ▁in ▁the ▁country , ▁and ▁the ▁election ▁came ▁amid ▁international ▁pressure ▁over ▁inst ability ▁in ▁the ▁country . ▁The ▁election ▁was ▁term ed ▁in ▁the ▁media ▁as ▁a ▁" se ism ic " ▁one . ▁This ▁would ▁be ▁the ▁third ▁democratic ▁election ▁in
▁H ait ian ▁history . ▁ ▁President ial ▁candidates ▁The ▁deadline ▁to ▁file ▁candid acy ▁for ▁the ▁elections ▁was ▁August ▁ 7 . ▁ ▁The ▁list ▁of ▁presidential ▁candidates ▁was ▁to ▁have ▁become ▁official ▁on ▁August ▁ 1 7 ▁after ▁the ▁nine - member ▁prov is ional ▁elect oral ▁council ▁was ▁to ▁announce ▁the ▁el ig ibility ▁criteria . ▁However , ▁the ▁election ▁commission ▁post pon ed ▁its ▁ruling ▁until ▁August ▁ 1 9 ▁because ▁of ▁disag reement ▁on ▁the ▁elect oral ▁law ▁which ▁st ip ulates ▁that ▁candidates ▁must ▁hold ▁a ▁H ait ian ▁pass port ▁and ▁have ▁five ▁consecutive ▁years ▁of ▁residence ▁in ▁H ait i , ▁among ▁other ▁requirements . ▁This ▁was ▁to ▁affect ▁Wy cle f ▁Jean , ▁Jacques ▁Ed ou ard ▁Alex is , ▁and ▁Les lie ▁Vol ta ire . ▁ ▁The ▁absence ▁of ▁the ▁F an mi ▁L aval as ▁( FL ) ▁party ▁was ▁notable ▁because ▁of ▁its ▁popular ▁support . ▁Peter ▁Hall ward ▁explained : ▁" The ▁final ▁FL ▁list ▁of ▁candidates ▁was ▁end ors ed ▁by ▁the ▁party ▁leader ▁( Je an ▁Ber tr and ▁Arist ide ) ▁by ▁f ax , ▁but ▁at ▁the ▁last ▁minute ▁the ▁C EP ▁invented ▁a ▁new ▁requirement , ▁knowing ▁FL ▁would ▁be ▁unable ▁to ▁meet ▁it : ▁Arist ide , ▁still ▁ex iled ▁in ▁South ▁Africa ▁and ▁denied ▁entry ▁to ▁H ait i , ▁would ▁have ▁to ▁sign ▁the ▁list ▁in ▁person ." ▁ ▁Wy cle f ▁Jean ▁Music ian ▁Wy cle f ▁Jean , ▁who
▁left ▁H ait i ▁for ▁the ▁United ▁States ▁at ▁the ▁age ▁of ▁ 9 , ▁said ▁he ▁is ▁qualified ▁to ▁run ▁for ▁president ▁and ▁was ▁in ▁H ait i ▁to ▁initi ate ▁the ▁legal ▁process ▁with ▁lawyers ▁and ▁have ▁his ▁finger prints ▁taken ▁by ▁the ▁jud icial ▁police ▁to ▁run ▁for ▁president . ▁He ▁did , ▁however , ▁declare ▁that ▁" There ▁are ▁a ▁lot ▁of ▁rum ors ▁that ▁I ▁am ▁running ▁for ▁president . ▁I ▁have ▁not ▁declared ▁that . ▁If ▁we ▁decide ▁to ▁move ▁forward , ▁I ▁am ▁pretty ▁sure ▁that ▁we ▁[ w ould ] ▁have ▁all ▁our ▁paper work ▁straight ." ▁He ▁added ▁that ▁after ▁discussions ▁with ▁his ▁family ▁he ▁would ▁" dec ide ▁on ▁what ▁we ' re ▁going ▁to ▁do ▁because ▁it ▁is ▁a ▁big ▁sacrifice ." ▁His ▁a ides ▁said ▁he ▁would ▁officially ▁announce ▁his ▁candid acy ▁on ▁CNN ▁in ▁the ▁United ▁States ▁before ▁flying ▁back ▁to ▁H ait i ▁to ▁enter ▁the ▁race . ▁Some ▁analyst s ▁predicted ▁Jean ' s ▁popularity ▁with ▁the ▁youth ▁of ▁H ait i ▁could ▁help ▁him ▁" e as ily ▁win ▁the ▁presidential ▁election ▁if ▁his ▁candid acy ▁were ▁approved ." ▁On ▁ 5 ▁August , ▁he ▁officially ▁registered ▁as ▁a ▁candidate ▁for ▁Viv ▁An san m ▁(" Live ▁Together ") ▁party ▁with ▁the ▁mot to ▁" F as ▁a ▁F as ." ▁(" Face ▁to ▁Face ") ▁The ▁head ▁of ▁the ▁party , ▁Daniel ▁Jean ▁Jacques , ▁confirmed ▁Jean ▁would ▁be ▁the ▁party ' s ▁candidate ▁for ▁president
. ▁Jean ▁spoke ▁of ▁his ▁nom ination ▁as ▁" a ▁moment ▁in ▁time ▁and ▁in ▁history . ▁It ' s ▁very ▁emotional . ▁The ▁United ▁States ▁has ▁Bar ack ▁Obama ▁and ▁H ait i ▁has ▁Wy cle f ▁Jean ." ▁He ▁told ▁CNN ' s ▁Wolf ▁Bl itzer ▁that ▁he ▁was ▁running , ▁despite ▁Bl itzer ' s ▁questions ▁about ▁Jean ' s ▁actual ▁citizens hip ▁and ▁pass port ▁facts . ▁He ▁also ▁resigned ▁from ▁the ▁chair mans hip ▁of ▁Y é le ▁H ait i . ▁ ▁He ▁was ▁critic ised ▁by ▁Pr as ▁Michel , ▁one ▁of ▁his ▁former ▁band mates ▁in ▁the ▁F uge es , ▁for ▁the ▁decision ▁to ▁run ▁for ▁president . ▁Others ▁critic ised ▁him ▁for ▁his ▁lack ▁of ▁political ▁experience ▁and ▁a ▁vague ▁platform ▁he ▁was ▁to ▁have ▁run ▁on . ▁In ▁the ▁United ▁States ▁he ▁was ▁also ▁critic ised ▁by ▁Sean ▁Penn ▁and ▁Arc ade ▁Fire ' s ▁Win ▁Butler ▁who ▁said ▁" Te chn ically , ▁[ W ycle f ▁Jean ] ▁shouldn ' t ▁be ▁eligible ▁because ▁he ▁hasn ' t ▁been ▁a ▁resident ▁of ▁H ait i . ▁And ▁I ▁think ▁him ▁not ▁speaking ▁French ▁and ▁not ▁being ▁fl uent ▁in ▁Cre ole ▁would ▁be ▁a ▁really ▁major ▁issue ▁in ▁trying ▁to ▁run ▁a ▁really ▁complex ▁government , ▁like ▁the ▁government ▁in ▁H ait i . ▁It ▁would ▁kind ▁of ▁be ▁like ▁Arnold ▁Sch war zen eg ger ▁only ▁speaking ▁Aust rian ▁and ▁being ▁elected ▁president ▁of ▁the ▁United ▁States ▁after ▁New
▁York ▁City ▁and ▁L . A . ▁had ▁burned ▁to ▁the ▁ground ... I ▁think ▁he ▁is ▁a ▁great ▁musician ▁and ▁he ▁really ▁passion ately ▁cares ▁about ▁H ait i . ▁I ▁really ▁hope ▁he ▁throws ▁his ▁support ▁behind ▁someone ▁who ▁is ▁really ▁compet ent ▁and ▁really ▁eligible ." ▁ ▁On ▁August ▁ 2 0 , ▁ 2 0 1 0 , ▁he ▁was ▁deemed ▁in el igible ▁to ▁run ▁for ▁the ▁presid ency ▁and ▁his ▁candid acy ▁was ▁rejected ▁by ▁H ait i ' s ▁E lector al ▁Council . ▁While ▁he ▁accepted ▁the ▁ruling , ▁many ▁supporters ▁protest ed ▁the ▁decision . ▁He ▁asked ▁his ▁supporters ▁to ▁stay ▁calm ▁in ▁the ▁wake ▁of ▁the ▁ruling . ▁He ▁also ▁responded ▁in ▁saying ▁he ▁would ▁file ▁an ▁appeal ▁and ▁that ▁"[ The ▁political ▁establishment ] ▁are ▁trying ▁to ▁keep ▁us ▁out ▁of ▁the ▁race ." ▁He ▁argued ▁that ▁he ▁could ▁not ▁comply ▁with ▁the ▁law ▁so ▁strictly ▁because ▁President ▁Ren é ▁Pr é val ▁had ▁appointed ▁him ▁as ▁a ▁ro ving ▁amb assador ▁in ▁ 2 0 0 7 ▁and ▁he ▁was ▁allowed ▁to ▁travel ▁and ▁live ▁outside ▁the ▁country . ▁ ▁Final ▁list ▁of ▁candidates ▁There ▁were ▁supposed ▁to ▁have ▁been ▁ 3 4 ▁candidates ▁in ▁the ▁pre liminary ▁race ▁but ▁a ▁H ait ian ▁political ▁website ▁came ▁up ▁with ▁ 3 8 . ▁ ▁Charles ▁Henri ▁Baker , ▁a ▁prominent ▁business man ▁in ▁the ▁app arel ▁industry . ▁Charles ▁Henri ▁Baker ▁is ▁running ▁under ▁the ▁Res p è ▁Party . ▁Jean
▁Henry ▁Ce ant , ▁a ▁prominent ▁not aire ▁and ▁founder ▁of ▁A imer ▁H ait i ▁which ▁operated ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁few ▁hospitals ▁after ▁the ▁January ▁ 1 2 ▁qu ake . ▁Jacques - É d ou ard ▁Alex is , ▁a ▁two - time ▁former ▁prime ▁minister ▁who ▁was ▁forced ▁to ▁resign ▁in ▁the ▁after math ▁of ▁food ▁ri ots ▁in ▁ 2 0 0 8 . ▁J ude ▁C él est in , ▁Executive ▁director ▁of ▁the ▁government ' s ▁road - building ▁outfit , ▁the ▁National ▁Center ▁of ▁Equipment , ▁and ▁member ▁of ▁President ▁Ren é ▁Pr é val ' s ▁Un ity ▁( In ite ) ▁party . ▁Edd y ▁Del ale u , ▁president , ▁founder , ▁and ▁chief ▁executive ▁officer ▁of ▁the ▁N GO ▁Operation ▁Hope ▁for ▁Children ▁of ▁H ait i ▁since ▁its ▁in ception ▁in ▁ 1 9 9 4 . ▁Lav ar ice ▁G aud in , ▁an ▁Arist ide ▁al ly ▁and ▁Miami ▁activ ist ▁and ▁radio ▁comment ator . ▁Wilson ▁Je udi , ▁mayor ▁of ▁Del mas ▁who ▁organized ▁a ▁sister - city ▁relationship ▁with ▁North ▁Miami . ▁Ch av ann es ▁Je une , ▁development ▁agent , ▁civil ▁engineer ▁and ▁evangel ist ▁who ▁came ▁in ▁ 3 rd ▁place ▁in ▁ 2 0 0 6 ▁election . ▁Raymond ▁Joseph , ▁former ▁amb assador ▁to ▁the ▁United ▁States ▁and ▁Wy cle f ▁Jean ' s ▁uncle . ▁Mir land e ▁Man ig at , ▁a ▁long time ▁opposition ▁leader , ▁professor ,
▁and ▁former ▁first ▁lady . ▁Michel ▁Mart elly , ▁a ▁comp as ▁musician ▁and ▁entertain er ▁whose ▁lyrics ▁have ▁p oked ▁fun ▁at ▁the ▁concept ▁of ▁the ▁H ait ian ▁presid ency . ▁Y v on ▁Ne pt une , ▁an ▁architect ▁and ▁ex - sen ator ▁who ▁served ▁as ▁prime ▁minister ▁under ▁former ▁President ▁Jean - Ber tr and ▁Arist ide . ▁Les lie ▁Vol ta ire , ▁a ▁US - educ ated ▁urban ▁pl anner , ▁former ▁minister , ▁and ▁government ▁l ia ison ▁to ▁the ▁United ▁Nations . ▁ ▁Other ▁candidates ▁included ▁Ax an ▁Ab ell ard , ▁Charles ▁Vo igt , ▁Claire ▁L yd ie ▁Parent , ▁De je an ▁Bel iz aire , ▁D uro seau ▁Vil aire ▁Cl un y , ▁Eric ▁Charles , ▁Franc ois ▁Turn ier , ▁G ara ud y ▁Lag uer re , ▁Gary ▁Gu ite au , ▁Gen ard ▁Joseph , ▁Ger ard ▁Bl ot , ▁Guy ▁Theod ore , ▁Jacques ▁Philippe ▁Eug ene , ▁Jean ▁Bert in , ▁Jean ▁H ector ▁An ac ac is , ▁Jos ette ▁B ij ou , ▁K es nel ▁Dal m acy , ▁Leon ▁Je une , ▁Mario ▁Edd y ▁Rodr igue z , ▁Men el as ▁V ils aint , ▁O lic ier ▁Pier iche , ▁R ene ▁Saint - F ort , ▁Wil k ens ▁C . ▁G illes , ▁Y ves ▁Christ alin , ▁and ▁Paul ▁Arthur ▁Fle ur ival . ▁ ▁Campaign ▁President ▁Ren é ▁Pr é val ▁told ▁the ▁UN