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[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: response facilitation. Explanation: Previously learned behaviors of observers are prompted by the actions of models. | Pedagogy |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: behavioral processes. Explanation: Human activities, including acquisition, manufacture, use, and deposition behavior, that produce tangible archaeological remains (compare with transformational processes). | Archaelogy |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: employee orientation. Explanation: A procedure for providing new employees with basic background information about the firm. | Management |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: evolutionism; evolutionist. Explanation: Any perspective which stresses change for the better or advancement from simple to complex. In contrast to diffusionism, a perspective which emphasizes evolution over diffusion or migration as the greater cause of cultural change in the world. In contrast to a revolutionist perspective, one which argues for gradual over revolutionary change. | Ethnology |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: evolution. Explanation: A change or development, such as from simple to complex. Usually this change is regarded as gradual (cf. revolutionist). | Ethnology |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: functionalism. Explanation: the idea that the function of an object should determine its design and materials. | History |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: boyars. Explanation: the Russian nobility. | History |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: conciliarism. Explanation: a movement in fourteenth-and fifteenth-century Europe that held that final authority in spiritual matters resided with a general church council, not the pope; it emerged in response to the Avignon papacy and the Great Schism and was used to justify the summoning of the Council of Constance (1414–1418). | History |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: Romanticism. Explanation: a nineteenth-century intellectual and artistic movement that rejected the emphasis on reason of the Enlightenment. Instead, Romantics stressed the importance of intuition, feeling, emotion, and imagination as sources of knowing. | History |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: discovery learning. Explanation: A type of inductive reasoning in which one obtains knowledge by formulating and testing hypotheses through hands-on experiences. | Pedagogy |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: NATO. Explanation: the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, a military alliance formed in 1949 in which the signatories (Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Great Britain, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, and the United States) agreed to provide mutual assistance if any one of them was attacked; later expanded to include other nations. | History |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: job specification. Explanation: A list of a job's human requirements, that is, the requisite education, skills, personality, and so on-another product of a job analysis. | Management |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: stratigraphy. Explanation: The study and validation of stratification; the analysis in the vertical, time dimension, of a series of layers in the horizontal, space dimension. It is often used as a relative dating technique to assess the temporal sequence of artifact deposition. | Archaelogy |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: enactive representation. Explanation: Representing knowledge through motor responses. | Pedagogy |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: structural theories of development. Explanation: Theories positing that development consists of changes in mental structures. | Pedagogy |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: perioikoi. Explanation: in ancient Sparta, free inhabitants but not citizens who were required to pay taxes and perform military service. | History |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: estates (orders). Explanation: the traditional tripartite division of European society based on heredity and quality rather than wealth or economic standing, first established in the Middle Ages and continuing into the eighteenth century; traditionally consisted of those who pray (the clergy), those who fight (the nobility), and those who work (all the rest). | History |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: decolonization. Explanation: the process of becoming free of colonial status and achieving statehood; it occurred in most of the world’s colonies between 1947 and 1962. | History |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: application form. Explanation: The form that provides information on education, prior work record, and skills. | Management |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: functionalism. Explanation: Doctrine postulating that mental processes and behaviors of living organisms help them adapt to their environments. | Pedagogy |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: anthropology. Explanation: In its widest sense, the subject which includes social or cultural anthropology, anthropological linguistics, prehistoric archaeology, and biological or physical anthropology (cf. four Welds). In a narrower sense, a short name for social anthropology. | Ethnology |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: multivariate explanation. Explanation: Explanation of culture change, e.g. the origin of the state, which, in contrast to monocausal approaches, stresses the interaction of 581 Glossary several factors operating simultaneously. | Archaelogy |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: looter. Explanation: An individual who plunders archaeological sites to find artifacts of commercial value, at the same time destroying the evidence that archaeologists rely on to understand the past (compare with antiquarian and archaeologist). | Archaelogy |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: eidetic imagery. Explanation: Photographic memory in which an image appears and disappears in segments. | Pedagogy |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: generalized exchange. Explanation: Lévi-Strauss’ term for a type of marital exchange between kin groups where ‘exchanges’ of women are in one direction only, for example where a son may marry into the same kin group as his father but a daughter may not. It is a logical consequence of men marrying mothers’ brothers’ daughters (cf. delayed direct exchange, direct exchange). | Ethnology |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: job rotation. Explanation: Systematically moving a worker from one job to another to enhance work team performance and/or to broaden his or her experience and identify strong and weak points to prepare the person for an enhanced role with the company. | Management |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: code of ethics. Explanation: A formal statement of an organization's primary values and the ethical rules it expects its employees to follow. | Management |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: stated goal. Explanation: Official statements of what an organization says, and what it wants its various stakeholders to believe. | Management |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: augering. Explanation: A subsurface survey technique using a drill run by either human or machine power to determine the depth and characteristics of archaeological or natural deposits. | Archaelogy |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: inevitable variation. Explanation: The premise that all cultures vary and change over time without specific cause; a general and unsatisfactory descriptive model sometimes implied in culture historical interpretation. | Archaelogy |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: cross-cousin. Explanation: The children of a brother and those of a sister. In many societies, cross-cousins are marriageable whereas parallel cousins are not (cf. parallel cousins). | Ethnology |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: separation of powers. Explanation: a doctrine enunciated by Montesquieu in the eighteenth century that separate executive, legislative, and judicial powers serve to limit and control each other. | History |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: hupothetico-deductive approach. Explanation: A form of explanation based on the formulation of hypotheses and the establishment from them by deduction of consequences which can then be tested against the archaeological data. | Archaelogy |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: pluralism. Explanation: the practice of holding several church offices simultaneously; a problem of the late medieval church. | History |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: Boasian. Explanation: Referring to the ideas of Franz Boas, especially with reference to his cultural relativism. | Ethnology |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: unit production. Explanation: The production of items in units or small batches. | Management |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: perestroika. Explanation: “restructuring.” A term applied to Mikhail Gorbachev’s economic, political, and social reforms in the Soviet Union. | History |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: nonverbal communication. Explanation: Nonverbal communication: Communication transmitted without words. | Management |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: evolutionary socialism. Explanation: a socialist doctrine espoused by EduardBernstein who argued that socialists should stress cooperation and evolution to attain power by democratic means rather than by conflict and revolution. | History |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: generate-and-test strategy. Explanation: Problem-solving strategy in which one generates (thinks of) a possible problem solution and tests its effectiveness. | Pedagogy |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: developmental status. Explanation: What an individual is capable of doing given his or her present level of development. | Pedagogy |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: job analysis. Explanation: The procedure for determining the duties and skill requirements of a job and the kind of person who should be hired for it. | Management |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: horizon. Explanation: Cross-cultural regularities at one point in time; the spatial baseline of the New World culture history approach synthesis proposed by Willey and Phillips (1958) (compare with tradition). | Archaelogy |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: assemblage. Explanation: A gross grouping of all subassemblages assumed to represent the sum of human activities carried out within an ancient community. | Archaelogy |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: ‘hot’ societies. Explanation: Lévi-Strauss’ term for societies he believed to be essentially dynamic. ‘Hot’ societies have a concern with history rather than myth (cf. ‘cold’ societies). | Ethnology |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: Agricultural (Neolithic) Revolution. Explanation: the shift from hunting animals and gathering plants for sustenance to producing food by systematic agriculture that occurred gradually between 10,000 and 4000 B.C. (the Neolithic or "New Stone" Age). | History |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: segmentary societies. Explanation: Relatively small and autonomous groups, usually of agriculturalists, who regulate their own affairs; in some cases, they may join together with other comparable segmentary societies to form a larger ethnic unit. | Archaelogy |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: BCG matrix. Explanation: A strategy tool that guides resource allocation decisions on the basis of market share and growth rate of SBUs. | Management |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: PERT network. Explanation: A flowchart diagram showing the sequence of activities needed to complete a project and the time or cost associated with each. | Management |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: venture capitalist. Explanation: External equity financing provided by professionally managed pools of investor money. | Management |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: collective conscience, collective consciousness. Explanation: Durkheim’s term for the collective understandings which people within a given society share (French, conscience collective). | Ethnology |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: sensory register. Explanation: State of information processing concerned with receiving inputs, holding them briefly in sensory form, and transferring them to working memory. | Pedagogy |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: Gothic. Explanation: a term used to describe the art and especially architecture of Europe in the twelfth, thirteenth, and fourteenth centuries. | History |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: achieved status. Explanation: Social standing and prestige reflecting the ability of an individual to acquire an established position in society as a result of individual accomplishments. | Archaelogy |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: nonprobabilistic sampling. Explanation: Gathering of sample data based on informal criteria or personal judgment; it does not allow evaluation of how representative the sample is with respect to the population (compare with probabilistic sampling). | Archaelogy |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: short-term plan. Explanation: Plans covering one year or less. | Management |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: ‘Crow’ terminology. Explanation: A type of kinship terminology in which the father’s sister’s daughter is called by the same term as the father’s sister, or more generally one in which ego calls several members of his or her father’s matrilineal kin group by the same term (cf. ‘Omaha’ terminology). | Ethnology |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: departmentalization. Explanation: The basis by which jobs are grouped together. | Management |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: nonprogrammed decision. Explanation: Nonprogrammed decisions: Unique and nonrecurring decisions that require a custom-made solution. | Management |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: Surrealism. Explanation: an artistic movement that arose between World War I and World War II. Surrealists portrayed recognizable objects in unrecognizable relationships in order to reveal the world of the unconscious. | History |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: structuralism. Explanation: Doctrine postulating that the mind is composed of associations of ideas and that studying the complexities of the mind requires breaking associations into single ideas. | Pedagogy |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: deconstruction. Explanation: Derrida’s term for a method of literary analysis which seeks to expose the underlying assumptions of a text. | Ethnology |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: bicameral legislature. Explanation: a legislature with two houses. | History |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: deposition. Explanation: The last stage of behavioral processes, in which artifacts are discarded. | Archaelogy |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: computer-based (-assisted) instruction. Explanation: Interactive instruction in which a computer system provides information and feedback to students and receives student input. | Pedagogy |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: permissive society. Explanation: a term applied to Western society after World War II to reflect the new sexual freedom and the emergence of a drug culture. | History |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: excavation. Explanation: The principal method of data acquisition in archaeology, involving the systematic uncovering of archaeological remains through the removal of the deposits of soil and the other material covering them and accompanying them. | Archaelogy |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: Pax Romana. Explanation: “Roman peace.” A term used to refer to the stability and prosperity that Roman rule brought to the Mediterranean world and much of western Europe during the first and second centuries A.D. | History |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: behavior modification (therapy). Explanation: Systematic application of behavioral learning principles to facilitate adaptive behaviors. | Pedagogy |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: group. Explanation: Mary Douglas’ term for the ‘dimension’ of constraint on individuals as members of groups (cf. grid, grid/group analysis). | Ethnology |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: postprocessual archaeology. Explanation: Archaeological interpretation aimed at understanding the past by reconstructing the point of view of past peoples who produced the archaeological record. | Archaelogy |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: scaffolding. Explanation: Process of controlling task elements that are beyond the learner’s capabilities so that the learner can focus on and master those task features that he or she can grasp quickly. | Pedagogy |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: irony. Explanation: A verbal construction, often humorous, in which words are used to mean the opposite of what they normally mean. | Ethnology |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: production. Explanation: Translating visual and symbolic conceptions of events into behaviors. | Pedagogy |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: environmental archaeology. Explanation: A field of inter-disciplinary research – archaeology and natural science – is directed at the reconstruction of human use of plants and animals, and how past societies adapted to changing environmental conditions. | Archaelogy |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: reciprocity. Explanation: A mode of exchange in which transactions take place between individuals who are symmetrically placed, i.e. they are exchanging as equals, neither being in a dominant position. | Archaelogy |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: optimates. Explanation: “best men.” Aristocratic leaders in the late Roman Republic who generally came from senatorial families and wished to retain their oligarchical privileges. | History |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: functional analysis of behavior. Explanation: Process of determining the external variables of which behavior is a function. | Pedagogy |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: hedonism. Explanation: Philosophical position that humans seek Philosophical position that humans seek pleasure and avoid pain. | Pedagogy |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: connectionism. Explanation: Descriptive term for Thorndike’s theory postulating learning as the forming of connections between sensory experiences (perceptions of stimuli or events) and neural impulses that manifest themselves behaviorally. | Pedagogy |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: punishment. Explanation: Withdrawal of a positive reinforcer, or presentation of a negative reinforcer contingent on a response, which decreases the future likelihood of the response being made in the presence of the stimulus. | Pedagogy |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: acquisition. Explanation: The first stage of behavioral processes, in which raw materials are procured (see manufacture, use, and deposition). | Archaelogy |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: classical view. Explanation: The view that management's only social responsibility is to maximize profits. | Management |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: coprolite. Explanation: Fossilized feces; these contain food residues that can be used to reconstruct diet and subsistence activities. | Archaelogy |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: culinary triangle. Explanation: A structural model proposed by Le ́vi-Strauss in which roast, smoked, and boiled foods are seen as analogous to raw, cooked, and rotted foods. | Ethnology |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: deconstruction (poststructuralism). Explanation: a system of thought, formulated by Jacques Derrida, that holds that culture is created in a variety of ways, according to the manner in which people create their own meaning. Hence there is no fixed truth or universal meaning. | History |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: computer simulation studies. Explanation: Reconstructions of the past based on models that describe ancient conditions and variables and then use computers to generate a sequence of events in order to compare the results against the known archaeological record, thus refining and testing hypotheses about the past. | Archaelogy |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: nonlinear thinking style. Explanation: Nonlinear thinking style: Decision style characterized by a person's preference for internal sources of information and processing this information with internal insights, feelings, and hunches. | Management |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: work council. Explanation: Groups of nominated or elected employees who must be consulted when management makes decisions involving personnel. | Management |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: comparative philology. Explanation: An older term for the study of historical or structural relations between languages. | Ethnology |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: ‘cold’ societies. Explanation: Le ́vi-Strauss’ term for societies he believed to be essentially static. ‘Cold’ societies have a concern with myth rather than history (cf. ‘hot’ societies). | Ethnology |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: descriptive relativism. Explanation: The form of relativism which holds that culture regulates the ways in which humans perceive the world, and therefore that cultural variability will produce different social and psychological understandings among different peoples (cf. epistemological relativism, normative relativism). | Ethnology |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: job sharing. Explanation: Allows two or more people to share a single full-time job. | Management |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: empiricism. Explanation: The doctrine that experience is the only source of knowledge. | Pedagogy |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: ice core. Explanation: Borings taken from the Arctic and Antarctic polar ice caps, containing layers of compacted ice useful forreconstructing paleoenvironments and as a method of absolute dating. | Archaelogy |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: escalation of commitment. Explanation: An increased commitment to a previous decision despite evidence it may have been wrong. | Management |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: field dependence and independence. Explanation: Cognitive style referring to the extent that one is dependent on or dis- tracted by the context in which a stimulus or event oc- curs. Also called global and analytical functioning. | Pedagogy |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: flextime. Explanation: A plan whereby employees workdays are built around a core of mid-day hours, such as 11:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. | Management |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: Baroque. Explanation: an artistic movement of the seventeenth century in Europe that used dramatic effects to arouse the emotions and reflected the search for power that was a large part of the seventeenth-century ethos. | History |
[] | According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else. | Term: retention. Explanation: Storage of information in memory. | Pedagogy |
Subsets and Splits