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Austrians are racist. | Other | migrants | 1Offensive
I don't say any such thing. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Crush the invaders. Give them the sword. | Topic | migrants | 0Acceptable
utter madness ! | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Guess she needs circumcision too. | Other | migrants | 0Acceptable
What about USA after all they started it | Other | migrants | 1Offensive
Is this a take on "Love the sinner but hate the sin"? | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Eurovision will be interesting next year. Nul points coming for a few... | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
yes they do, 3rd largest party. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
אווווווו... רחמים! | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
http://aleteia.org/2015/02/09/saddle-up-your-high-horse-time-to-shoot-down-myths-about-the-crusades-the-inquisition-the-war-on-women/ | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
The EU is really screwing up, but Russia will always be Russian ;) | No target | migrants | 1Offensive
Excuse me? ^ why should we pay to keep the world's work-shy? We are like a honey-pot to the lazy and attract parasites. | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
And by the way these people represent abt 30% of the population and possibly more. Voters that have brain but not yet voting will do that as soon as the incompetent socialists and commies dears to have re-election. Of course they criminally changed the roles to be able to still sit there, but election they can not stop. Then all these mouselovers can go to Syria themselfes and we can turn back the country to normal - without the red disgusting peopledestroying leftists. | Other | migrants | 1Offensive
wear what ever you like provided you don't disturb the peace in your area!!!! | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
90 % of political violence in Sweden is left wing. But you never read about the "good violence" | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Mind your own business! | Commenter | migrants | 1Offensive
Peculiar crisis . Why this influx can't be prevented by UN | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
That was I was trying to say ...thank god some one got it. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
The worst thing was making the E.U and dropping borders | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Since they are muslim why dafug they dun go to muslim country like UAE? | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
Nope, media is responsible for brainwashing that creates the hostility.... | Journalist or medium | migrants | 1Offensive
why are all our colleges and schools employing people with ridiculous beliefs to be around impressionable young people your second class if you don't belong to a minority group | Other | migrants | 1Offensive
Violence https://youtu.be/w20RT0LqCL8 | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
SD: How shallow understanding you have about the immigration? Look, what this guy said in this video, ''We are dressed up because we want to make good impression and don't want to look like a filthy Romanian.'' You must know that they are ''Europeans'' not from Non-EU background.'' According to the EU rules, you can't send them back to Romania! If you well-dressed doesn't make you any better in terms of ''Education and Knowledge'' perhaps they are more worthy in contemporary society.'' You bigots: ''Get education and knowledge about the rules and broaden the perspective of global citizen rather than talking like an ignorant arrogant idiot.'' Haven't you seen? What the immigrants brought the positive things in this country? 1. Economic growth (Trade between different countries has been accelerated) because of immigration. 2. Immigrants are doing jobs which a lot of people don't want to take rather they are sitting unemployed or taking sickness benefits. 3.Cab and buses drivers are paying taxes and contributing their role the in country's economy not sitting at home and taking benefits. 4. Educated immigrants are playing a vital role in Hospital and pharmaceutical departments. 5.I.T sector is another example where immigrants are not only helping the growth of the well-renowned companies but also bringing the innovative conceptions and ideas. 6.Food and pizza- Restaurants are mostly run by immigrants bringing international cuisine and taste in the country. The list of positive aspects of ''immigration'' goes on & on so don't spread hate and polarize society rather ''help & encourage those who are integrating and are on the way of a progressive life. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
And suites! You can't be racist when you wear nice suits! | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
I luv nice ppl in Commonwealth | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
The old adage, never trust an old suicide bomber... | Other | migrants | 1Offensive
The way homeless romanian people are invading sweden even though we give the romanian government money to take care of the problem, we have them on our trains, outside every shop almost in the capital. Enough is fucking enough they are even stealing land from farmers wich they set up massive tent-camps on and ultinately contaminates the land. You retard communists is what have fucking ruined the entire EU, fuck off with your bullshit. SD 2018 <3 | Other | migrants | 1Offensive
Any child's death is a terrible thing, but these deaths are now being used to advance an agenda, and that really is unsavoury to say the least. | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
To them or send them to israel | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
aah ...wapi! | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Christina Andrei, That's not right. Many people went to the battlefield themselves as Japanese. Also thousands of Koreans came over to Japan as refugees, and another thousands of people smuggled into Japan. We also respect all those Koreans who fought and fell as Japanese soldiers. Please don't twist the history. Please. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Dear god, 3 likes | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Britain is made Israel and Palestine were destroyed | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Wont happen Saiku...just wont. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Propaganda ... pushing the genocide of the European people .... It's time the media stop this vile propaganda ... What future will European children have with the media and EU pushing open door immigration ! European people have human rights too ! | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
what is his message (alternate) replacing… Canadian here… trying to understand. I just hope he's not talking about (our Queen's Message) She delivers an outstanding Christmas message of Hope & Peace every year. I'd dare say in another life she could have been a Preacher. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
money in ISIS hands, well done you fools. See how appreciate these refugees are to your money and hospitality:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4_vCNrCXUg | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
They wouldn't afford her the same. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Why not send an assassin n kill these jihadists b4 they kill u all n saves lives innocent lives in ur own countries !!! U can identify them they all preaches in mosques where they breed all these evil terrorists ! | Other | migrants | 1Offensive
I just wanted to say Multumesc Jeray Frate, E adverat! .......... Sadly your comment was highjacked by romanian eqivalents to our SDU. Its funny how they see themselves as better than minorities in Romania but still wants to get respected by people from other countries. You are just as stupid as the guys in the video. Learn something about your history and how it fucked some people in youre country more than others before you act like imbicills..... | Commenter | migrants | 1Offensive
Scott same thing I saw on a flight from Riyadh to Paris. Abaya clad women entered the plane and as soon as it took off, the abayas disappeared revealing full western high end clothing. Bet they were back on again only when their return flight was about to land. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
This is what the reality of " multiculturalism looks like https://www.facebook.com/1601360926768290/videos/1694887824082266/ | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Surely that's 'Xenophobia key to Britons' growing hostility to Europe'? Or 'Ignorance'? Or 'Believing every stupid thing they read in the Daily Mail'? | Journalist or medium | migrants | 1Offensive
Pobre gente dios los ayudé!!! | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Lets also be clear that the politics that this party tribes is some kind of a joke, they want to cut the social welfare to a minimum, close the boarders and restrict democracy. As a party they are are hostile to both those workers who built our country, (ask what the biggest workers union, LO, thinks about their politics), to immigrants (whom as well helped to raise our country from being one of the poorest in the world to one of the richest. Without them we could never have taken advantage of the ww2 aftermath were we stood strong in times of destruction all over the west world), and they are hostile to democracy (wanting to restrict policeofficer´s political stand and as well restrict the rights of the free press) .... ............... The biggest role model for this party is Jobbik from Hungaria, a decendant straight down from past Europe`s brown and black history. Its a fine number they did with this video and I get that a story like this sells but dont get fooled from it. Sadly, a part of the Swedish population are ignorant enough to go off on bullshit like this but it does not represent the mainstream will of the Swedish population and however you count, in our last election, 82% of the people told this party to fuck off. | Other | migrants | 1Offensive
She certainly wore head coverings, regardless of what they are called. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
http://www.val.se/val/val2014/slutresultat/R/rike/ There's the actual result. It's in Swedish but if you watch the column in the diagram that says SD you can clearly see they have 12,86 % of the votes. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
They are not migrants. Those young men are mercenaries. | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
Rape is NEVER condoned in the Bible https://georgesjournal.net/2013/05/03/does-the-bible-condone-rape/ | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Likewise, I'll leave the same comment as what I did with the girl who wanted to brag about posing naked in yoga, same thing - What does she want? A medal???? | Other | migrants | 1Offensive
What respect is Islamic countries towards women ? | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Jane: Again. 12.9%. Not 30%. End of. The rest of the parties refuse to cooperate with the SD (and even SD has broken up with the SDU because the latter are clearly more outspoken and.. "active"), and rightly so. Normally I wouldn't condone exclusion; these guys are the only exception. They have caused complete cacophony in the Riksdag, voting strategically instead of representatively, against principles stated in their program and what they've spoken about at rallies, and most importantly, against their voters interests -- except for when it comes to immigration. The SD are no politicians, they are populistic activists in expensive suits trying to keep calm, fine-tune their rhetorics, and not start swinging iron pipes around immigrants (again), calling themselves "the sole opposition", which they are not. They are a pretty tiresome bunch. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Marwa Salih many people don’t welcome refuges and immigrants , I would rather live and die here in this hell like country than to live in a country where I am not welcomed and hated | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
yes because our NHS is ruined now | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
Pretty generalized view of 60 million people..we can't all be like that | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Maybe the elder should demonstrate how it is done. Then these children will understand that it is not worth it. They have a right to live their lives the way they wish. Not being brainwashed!!! | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Knappast "miljoner kvinnor" eftersom endast 3 procent av kvinnorna i Sverige sympatiserar med SD. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Y'all are so incorrect, firstly the Spanish explorers perpetrated most of the direct murders, the immigrants then killed the rest through inadvertent transfer of disease. Blaming the US for a slaughter that did no happen is just propaganda. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Europe is anything but united. The EU is a hoax. | Other | migrants | 1Offensive
Yup, nothing to do with Islam. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Smoke-um out, chain gang time | Topic | migrants | 0Acceptable
Leave the weak peoples, immigration will be the balance of power will revert | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
They are not immigrants they are ISIS! | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
I take it, from the general feel of these posts that Swedish people on the whole don't see mass immigration, especially from muslim countries as a problem for Sweden, now or in the future. Looking at things in Sweden from England where we are in turbulence due to the EU strangulation of us and our inability to rid ourselves of those we know are here to force their own agenda by stealth growth and any other means it would seem to be the opposite of that. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
These are not migrants !!! They are refugees! Conservative media is calling them migrants in an attempt to deny refugee status to these folks. The U.S. Should take more! | Journalist or medium | migrants | 1Offensive
Jeanette Anton Johanna Monica Rodrigo | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
the big problem really was the UK only went in halfway wanted things both ways now they is a mess but really the mess is made by idiot Tories so get a handle on what the game is and get on with it! | Other | migrants | 1Offensive
Let them relocate to Siberia or Antarctica. | Topic | migrants | 0Acceptable
No she wasn't, Arshid | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
I actually hope this country falls , Some people has bussines to do that day when it happens , I have atleast , You probably asking what? Well as you see if this country falls, All the "normal" people have a important job that day And its to Kill All the fucking racists. Wont stop until all of those racists in sweden is dead. There is no diffrence between Racists and Terrorist ... Both of them is unhuman , Some people tells me "if you kill you wil lbe the same as them" But if i dont kill they get stronger and bigger , I heard from greater and big mens that "Killing is accepted if you do it for the greater of good" im waiting untill it happens Then my assignment will start. I wont stop hunting you down!! | Other | migrants | 0Acceptable
this is the PC mindset that will destroy the West | Related to topic | migrants | 1Offensive
If she wants to show solidarity she should go have her genitals mutilated, stoned for taking a selfie, and whipped for not having a chaperon with here at all times. Oh, and beaten for knowing how to read. | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
Common sense is really not common I have come to believe it.Zoran I don't think if a Christian did the same he/she would be referred to as a Terrorist,and more to that where is it written that he is a Muslim?????? Recently in Uganda white ladies that strip dance and equally act porn movies came dressed in hijab with nikab (veil that covers the face and eyes) and were looking for young men who can act porn. Thats what happened and just by the look of their dress code someone would say they were Muslim but actual sense they weren't. So before you judge any one first find out what they truly are cause it's really a shame when you realize that you have hate towards a wrong group. Just think about it | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
SueandJohn KestrelHaven, this is the biggest/worst migration of people since World War II. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
These people do not in any way represent sweden, this is the face of the extremists of sweden. | Other | migrants | 1Offensive
Not in the way they do ! Get real ffs | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
The terrible spelling and/or grammar always gives a kipper away. | Commenter | migrants | 1Offensive
More immigrants! More crime More mosques More islamisation of the UK More sharia law More child grooming More poverty More filth on the streets More women with covered faces(if they are women) More burden on the health departments More burden on the benefits departments More fraud More corruption More Islamic schools More so called "community centres" More terrorist More extremist More chance of having your head chopped off! More like Karachi and Gaza everyday Your choice or is it really! https://victorspen.wordpress.com/2015/03/30/the-seeds-of-jihad/ | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
Easy, he has many more children to preach the "religion of peace" to. | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
For everyone who saying that Sweden the isn't like that for me bla bla bla. First of all SD is the third biggest political parti because the swedish people voted on them to be that so it is a big amount of people who agree with their political views. Second of all try to be realistic we have seen plenty of videos and comments on romainen people and it's not often nice. We even had commercials on the subway about the romainens who begs and how they make Sweden filthy with their presence. With that said I know that not every Swede is like that or thinks that but obviously it's plenty who does so stop being blind to the facts because if u can't see the problem there is no problem for YOU. It doesn't mean the problem doesn't exist.. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
The Europeans have had hundreds of years of not being able to handle anything. In modern times America had to step in and save them from each other, and they look down their noses at us. Saying they are more humane and have cradle to grave benefits for their people, well who the hell has paid for that, America. This time let the muslim hordes take them, and they can deal with it. | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
Look at myanmar right now brother. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
It worked on the British people before...will work again. Of course it was sad to see that boy on the beach, i wanted to cry. BUT to then base your whole immigration policy on that was crazy. Thats what you Brits did and will do again whenever a earth shattering photo comes up. | Other | migrants | 1Offensive
Do christians have a photo of Virgin Marry(the mother of Jesus) without the veil???, NO... so respect it even if u believe that it is not in ur religion... | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Would the Muslim community's leaders, please, declare their support for democracy, liberalism, and opposition to their replacing by Sharia laws? | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
I thought this guy was outed as a Human trafficker....Why are we listening to him again? | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
ASK PUTIN. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Europe should stop accepting Migrants now! It's not about whether they're Muslim or Christian. Some are just using it as an alibi! Their country should take responsibilities over their people! Many European people are also struggling with their lives! | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
This is what migrant in Europe do to people https://www.facebook.com/1601360926768290/videos/1694887824082266/ | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Get us out of the eu | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
To suggest it's immigrants' fault, even to agree migration is an issue, is to play into the hands of the propaganda. It's rubbish. The major problem is we're all in a period of economic theft, a downturn in economies where the rich are literally stealing from the poor and Middle classes... these people are looking for someone to blame for their problems and "poof" right wing parties appear blaming immigrants. | Other | migrants | 1Offensive
This level of immigration is unsustainable, even a child could do the maths. Swedes paying extortionate taxes to pay for their own suicide. Good luck to the Swedish Democrats. | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
Karen is a vile human being who only likes white people. Imagine her surprise when she will actually see a Syrian child for the first time only to be perplexed at how fair and 'white' their complexion is... Would blow the racist buffoon's mind. Karen - why don't you google 'Assad's children' and see how white they look. Doubt your small mind would be able to handle the shock. | Commenter | migrants | 1Offensive
Divide and conquer | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
u ve published same story same pictures 3 times. dm... wake up | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Habibti, you can do whatever you want ... from the 5 options I gave you. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Thank god we're an island | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Filthy smart romanians 😝 The Romanian Olympic students won six medals (two gold, three silver and a bronze) at the 53rd edition of the International Mathematics Olympiad held at Mar del Plata (Argentina). | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
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