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Khaled there is plenty of religions out there which arent misogynistic cults, thaoism and Buddhism to name few | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
If you are in doubt, just read the Quran. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
you ain't really made anyone think you have half a brain with your comments | Commenter | migrants | 1Offensive
Exactly, he's had his whole life to be one. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Idiot | Other | migrants | 1Offensive
*European Union Alot of Europe is actually completly fine like Poland and the Swiss. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Maria Forsten, the right word is gypsys not romer people. Romer is political correct language, unique for Sweden. Zigenare is the right word in Sweden | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Media is evil | Journalist or medium | migrants | 1Offensive
I'm in absolute chock due to the fact that members of the Sweden Democrats actually has the ability to outer some words in english. If only their other abilities were as strong. | Other | migrants | 1Offensive
the migrants should travel to Saudi Arabia with all the rest of their brethren pilgrims headed for the Hajj. Why are they ignoring their religious duty? | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
Open your doors and open your wallets and get a second job ... they are just trying to break you financially , so let them ... then everyone will be equally broke and worthless! | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
Have you guys read the hatred comments to all BBC posts? It worries me! | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
I like the EU. Realistically, it's the only way to compete with China and America on a level playing field. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Step 1. Media outlets like yourselves stop hammering the public with sentiment inducing propaganda about how these migrants are 'desperate' and 'fleeing a warzone' Step 2. Start reporting and showing UNBIASED coverage of the animalistic behaviour that this mainly fit healthy male army is exhibiting on their rampage through Europe | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
The written language in this thread is absolutly god-awfull terrible. Back to school the lot of you. Before you get to have an opinion, learn to read and write , then come back and make a ledgible statement. | Commenter | migrants | 1Offensive
As you see. Lefties don't even know what national identity is. They don't care about their country | Related to topic | migrants | 1Offensive
Why has he not killed himself yet then if he thinks that's what your meant to do , bloody idiot | Other | migrants | 1Offensive
SLAM the doors SHUT !!! | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
You could if you invested in it instead for example your nuclear wepons and associated arsenal, or stopped mantaining military bases arround the world in places like Latakia and Dekelia where the UK has no more land than the military bases themselves. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
It's sad to see tolerant people turning into extremists :( The world is changing now, so we should change as well. now we should think global not just about our own town or country. I agree to some extent that there should be a proper plan for taking in the asylum seekers but sometimes it gets hard because those are also human beings whose homes are destroyed by terrorists and they are in desperate need of help from rest of the humanity. If we don't help our fellow humans then who will help them? a cow? or a lion? | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
i would vote out,we need to run our own country without interferance from others | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
go & bang on no 10's door..plenty of room in there👌 | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
NO! | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
You will be even fuller if every country you colonised chose to send your detritus back to Britain. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Blown up in the head!! Leave kids alone!! | Other | migrants | 1Offensive
Growing tensions? What a surprise! | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
When it comes to culture and heritage I think of it like colours. Keep them in their primary colour and they are beyond bright and beautiful with so much depth. Start mixing all colours together and what do you get????lots of strong pigments trying to over power one another resulting in A big brown greyish mess. I think we should all love and respect all colours- I just think they are best kept separate | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
Peace in Syria would be a good starting point. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/106477 | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Stefania, lol i don't really care what you think??? | Commenter | migrants | 1Offensive
So, terrorists are not Islam, but Buddhist are terrorists?? . Funny | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
I am proud to be a Romanian and I'm proud of our cultural heritage. Sure Romania has its problems, but let's not forget that many ''filthy" Romanians have contributed to the progress of modern-day European society., e.g. Henri Coanda, Emil Racovita, George Emil Palade, and the list can continue... But what can you do... haters gonna hate. #small town mentality | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
machine guns. Illegal , economic terrorist migrants. | Topic | migrants | 0Acceptable
Nuh | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
I'm so ashamed to be Swedish, listening to these ignoramus dipshits going on and on about "their" Sweden. Believe me when I say that THEIR Sweden isn't OUR Sweden. Every day is a fight against SDU and SD, a fight for compassion, love and acceptance. A fight to educate people to embrace cultural differences instead of shying away from them. We are better then this and we will prove it. I just hope it happens sooner rather then later. | Other | migrants | 1Offensive
And what good will that do except keep her head warm | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Yes I understand what you are saying as you Karen are racist. Every post I write on you call me 'Indian' and use it as an insult. You can't even tell the difference between nationality and ethnicity. I was born in England. My parents were born in England. I've never been to India yet your racist mind can't get past the colour of my skin. I'm British whether you like it or not you racist bat. You judge people based on skin colour and ethnicity even though it's completely irrelevant to what they're saying, which is to be a decent human being. My points are clearly lost on you as you're not a decent human being. | Commenter | migrants | 1Offensive
Yeah man | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
they have nothing to do with islam. where is the Aya. "if you save one person is like you save all humanity. and if you kill one person is like you kill all humanity." | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
real Christians are few and far-between these days. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Bravo Hungary! | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
If you were to condense every single person on the planet into an area where they each had a 1m perimeter around them, they would take up a space roughly the size of Texas. The planet is fine in terms of capacity. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Kill them before it's too late. I mean just them not air strike and free killing of innocents | Other | migrants | 0Acceptable
That's a long way. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Will she also go out and get raped and beaten to show solidarity with Muslim women? These social justice warriors need to learn to commit. | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
Brainwashing. Disgusting. They should be ashamed of themselves because they know better but those boys don't understand and are innocent. Lambs to the slaughter. | Other | migrants | 1Offensive
A | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
I wonder why the refugees chose to migrate to Europe instead of other Arab nations. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Awww I loved Rod Hull & EU as a kid | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
I am yet another who live in Malmö, in what I assume you are calling a NGZ, though I have never heard it called such, in Seved, on Rasmusgatan, and while it's not perfect, it is a lovely rich community to live in. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
but let's be realistic.. Sweden is already ruined because it moved from nanny state socialism into sudden competitive and money draining EU, at about the same time as it ran out of funds built up since WW2 from selling arms to both sides.. and while it's on its knees suddenly it gets shed loads of immigrants. This has nothing to do with racism:- it just doesn't work economically, no matter how one massages the statistics. And why are people 'refugees' traversing peaceful lands to get here? At that point they are no longer refugees, if they ever were, but economic migrants. There's more to it than that but that's the nutshell version. | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
the Global North goes to war for 'its people' and then goes beserk with 'those people' from victim countries demanding justice. if Europe wants to fund ISIS this is the best way. | Other | migrants | 1Offensive
We're not a fucking rape capital. This is exactly the kind of crap the SD and SDU are spreading, trying to justify whatever they do to or say about immigrants. http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-19592372 And Peter: Economic collpase in Sweden? Now that's just a laugh. | No target | migrants | 1Offensive
Human Tsunami flooding in to Europe. | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
Qassem Soleimani Cruel? It seems the guy is a thieving lieing scum bag responsible for his own child's death. | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
Tell the whole story baby...after Croatia where are they going? In Italy as usual. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
so you don't know what happened in middle-age? do you? | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
In EU, this migration is just the start of crisis. Europe's identity, culture, history & heritage risk extinction ... There are pockets in UK where the Writ Of State hardly runs ... Evidence may be viewed on YouTube ... It's frightening. David Cameron François Hollande Angela Merkel Werner Faymann Charles MICHEL Jan Peter Balkenende Erna Solberg Stefan Löfven Helle Thorning-Schmidt Orbán Viktor Ewa Kopacz Mariano Rajoy Brey Dilma Rousseff Malcolm Turnbull Stephen Harper | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
So, you don't know about the fight between Truth and Falsehood...now do you...!?! | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Those guys are bright. I'm sure they knew it all along. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
The west should help and accept them, they are the poor guys same as the rohingya who need helps | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
That is a very good point bit like the way many people don a Kilt for New Years Eve they don't broadcast that either Kurt Steiner. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Many Muslim women choose not to wear headscarves and many feel pressured into wearing them. Wearing a headscarf to show 'solidarity' with Muslim women is idiotic. | Other | migrants | 1Offensive
The daily bigot bating post then. Let's be fair they never disappoint. Right wing hate filled daily mail reading ass holes all over it. | Journalist or medium | migrants | 1Offensive
You mean "why have a different opinion". I'm surprised I've not been called a bigot yet. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
My GOD Sweden has Leftie facists.. reading all this shite on here..I hope Muslims do take over your country and all you leftie swedes LOOSE everything.. never read so much shit in all my life!! | No target | migrants | 1Offensive
No borders or rules?? Seriously europe? | Other | migrants | 1Offensive
Uruguay accepted 8 families. They don't adapt, complain all the time and cause disruptions. One of the families had enough money and went to Turkey - because what they really want is Europe - and since Turkey didn't let them in, they stayed 2 weeks at the airport and came back to Uruguay. | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
Anthony, can you see the flaw in that philosophy that we live on a finite planet and Britain is is infinitely more finite? | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
http://youtu.be/WchMcUr-qd0 This is the poor migrants on röszke 2 hungaryan border bbc is lying. We know the truth bc we live in here. | Journalist or medium | migrants | 1Offensive
Frightening !!! What Do Normal Muslims in Europe Think (Mostly Young!) ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYAcLudBbhg&feature=youtu.be | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
We in Sweden call them Swedish DAESH =SD because they salute the fires of the refugeehomes and they salute the Killing in the school..they are a rasist facist parti and they make Sweden look very bad country.., | Other | migrants | 1Offensive
@Simon. Something similar, to that, perhaps. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Do you have wine ? I'll join 👍🏻 | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Europe is being invaded | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
77.6% of all rapes in Sweden are perpetrated by foreign born Muslims, the Guardian likes to forget that little detail. | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
Go to Russia? They will help you | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
WHAT ISLAM IS NOT If you live in the west and are concerned about Islam and Islamization in your country,then this video has a message for you! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEXWjlgJ83E&feature=share | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
I don't see that leaving Europe necessarily means immigration has to stop. It would just give us more control over it, surely? | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Only narrow-minded people from SD can state these xenophobic ideas! They should read more history about the other nationalities that live in Sweden before starting to label someone and also Giovanni Sartori's book "Pluralism, Multiculturalism and Foreigners: an Essay on Multiethnic Society". | Other | migrants | 1Offensive
Meh. The roads are full to bursting because every twat in the country thinks they must make every journey, on their own, by car. The NHS isn't collapsing- it's being deliberately primed for privatisation. | No target | migrants | 1Offensive
Deflina What are you taking about is something not accepted in islam nor in any other religion, give me a religion that give the right to a women to have sex with many partner.. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Send them to russia & china, plenty of room there! | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
Spot on | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
question is how did they get into Serbia in the first place? | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
I know a lot of non-Muslim women who wear headscarves, actually. The Queen, for example. And my mother, when it's windy. (She's definitely NOT a Muslim.) Back in the 70s I wore one myself, tied peasant-style at the back of the head, as it was very trendy at the time! I think this is a bit of a stunt but if this teacher wants to wear a headscarf I can't imagine what the big deal is! | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Hahahaha 😂 We, filthy Romanians look 10000 times better than any of you, ungly & racists snobs! | Other | migrants | 1Offensive
Libyans overthrew and killed Khaddafi themselves. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
So how come a week ago 61% were in favour of staying in? | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
LOL, have you even seen Buddhist preachers teaching their peers or kids for killing other or to become a suicide bombers? | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Are you speaking to me? | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
You know, there's a reason why you Brits don't like immigrants. It's not exactly the most valuable people who leave their country, because they can do well in their homeland, too. Everytime I met my fellow countrymen abroad, I felt ashamed. It's just that, get your facts right before you start bashing others, because not all the immigrants are worthless lazy twats on benefits. And hey, it wasn't actually the cream of your nation who went to colonise America - and see what you did? | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Rövén o Co är ansvariga för eländet. Här FÖRSVARAR en massa stolpskott vad som pågår. Svennar är nog som Tyskarna alltid sagt "Det Dumma Folket". BLA BLA BLA | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
It's not about religion it's about #Humanity #WorldPeace 💙 | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Lol i hope not. From afar as an american i think the uk is a great country and i would love to work there. And you dont want the dollar its worthless in almost every eu country. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Du kan ju inte vara seriös? | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Another Attention Seeker!!!!!! Ignore her. | Other | migrants | 1Offensive
Daniel Paul Wand Does that include Swedes who are returning? I don't know, do Swedes follow an ideology whose founder slaughtered people who refused to believe in the same sky fairy as him and which to this day executes people for apostasy under its system of law? Does this ideology preach that women are second-class citizens and homosexuals are criminals? | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
If you did your homework, you would have known that SDU is no longer part of the sweden democrats. Because they were too radical. "Sweden Democrat Youth (Sverigedemokratisk Ungdom, SDU) was the youth league of the Swedish political party Sweden Democrats (Sverigedemokraterna) until 12 September 2015, when the party announced that they would break with the youth league." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sweden_Democratic_Youth | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Sweden, who just kicked out the neoliberals, found that safety net destruction was the source of anxiety, not job competition. The far right found little takers. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
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