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Here's something for all the do-gooders to chew on. They're not all fleeing conflict!... http://metro.co.uk/2015/09/19/eu-statisticians-claim-only-1-in-5-migrants-are-from-syria-5398412/ | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
Mural so if your sister or daughter wants to become an atheist, wear mini skirts and have busy sex life with different partners you and other men will let her live life according to her choices, right? | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
Handle the problem in their countries. Fix the problem there, so they can stay in their own homes. The west created this problem there they should fix it there. | Other | migrants | 1Offensive
Let the gulf states be at the forefront by opening their boarder to all. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Not "'Far Right"" but Radical Militant Nationalists. Sweden is for the Swedes! | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Anyone can choose how they want to dress if this lady chooses to wear a headscarf it's her choice at least then she can comment on what her experience was | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Well what is it? | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
I went to Sweden Stockholm as a tourist last year. On the first day just as i arrived from the airport. Immigrants came to me asking if i want to buy drugs. And i would say its not safe to go out at night. Save your beutiful country from primitive dark ages invadors. Vikings are are rolling in their graves! | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
Anna, I do live in Saudia Arabia!! What is your point? | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
the answer is to make their home countries safe and livable again so that they don't have to flee. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Humanity hitting a new low, offensive is far to polite. They should take a look at their own history when their country was suffering. Between 1850 and 1910 more than one million Swedes moved to the United States. In the early 20th century, more Swedes lived in Chicago than in Gothenburg (Sweden's second largest city). Most Swedish immigrants moved to the Midwestern United States, with a large population in Minnesota, with a few others moving to other parts of the United States and Canada. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Preying on poor innocent children obviously doesn't believe anything he is saying himself as he's still here at an old age wasting oxygen and pushing hatred and lies | Other | migrants | 1Offensive
You put your own son at risk. | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
Fortunately only 13 % voted for them so they don't have the majority's vote. Also the Sd party has sworn all ties with the youth party. But Sd is still racist. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Go vikings go! | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
these refugees are not all muslim, some are Christians, some are Yazidis, some are Kurds, some are Turkman.... etc what they have in common is they are all human beings fleeing a war zone... | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Marian please do not forget to take you medicine or diet capsule before you go to sleep , before you go to sleep you need to know that Islam means peace so people lives under Islam for years without problem , and 100 % sure you were one of them who lives under Islam system or your family , so do not just talk about Islam as evil based on daily mail post !!! | Commenter | migrants | 1Offensive
In fact I know a Muslim female who got married as soon as she got married she started wearing the hijab | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
How about hollow points | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Let's be clear: always the media depict "who does not want immigration" as the bad guys and "who protects innocent migrants" are the good ones. This is the real shame in this country! and let me tell this: the popular 'country's liberal identity' is under threat not because of the nasty unfair far right rising and fighting against the police but because of a foolish, blind and disrespectful policy towards the local population of over liberalism and frenzy holy welcoming! and it is time to have a brain and make sense people! | No target | migrants | 1Offensive
Tell that to these kids! The only mistake they ever did was to be born in the wrong religion! And we have heard the same cliched statements a million times over! No one's buying it anymore! | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
It's doesn't work in the UK, stupid Fuking reporter. Citizens of a nation shouldn't have to justify themselves if they don't want foreigners and different religions in their country. Those foreigners etc if they don't like it bugger off home to your country of origin. | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
I would love that, maybe they could teach me more arabic 😊 | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Disaster for the disabled and rights !! i speak from experience | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
By showing love isn't she sticking to her faith? | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
She wants attention!!! Thats it! If she wants solidarity, lets she marry muslim radical and her solidarity will be gone! | Other | migrants | 1Offensive
Its just a headscarf even the Queen of england wears one in a simular way. I am not muslim and have worn one on bad hair days. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
How much space would the 70million take up of the UK? | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
There won't be a Sweden soon | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
White people should stop shouting here because all mineral companies in Africa belongs to whites taking all profits back to Europe, in Uganda we have oil mined by Canadian companies so white fools should stop opening their mouth here, all your life is based on African minerals. Some Un educated white don't know why their gvt allows Africans in Europe it's because of their minerals which they are taking from Africa, before saying that they should be killed, first come in Africa and kill Whites working with mineral companies | Other | migrants | 1Offensive
Putting certain people above others because they're different is almost the textbook definition of racism. You really answered your own questions there mate. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Well said....said em back!!! | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
If there were problems in France or Germany- the UK would be the natural choice to help and visa versa.... The natural choice here are other Muslim culture countries. We is this not obvious to everyone??? | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
It's not physics, but newtons third law applies. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. if you have the most extreme refugee policy in the western world some people will obviously react in an extreme way. This extreme reaction in turn creates another extreme reaction (AFA, RF, etc) so basically our government has created nothing but chaos. But i guess it's alright, as long as we don't appear racist. all the money that has went to refugees could've been used to help people in refugee camps very efficiently. But i guess swedes aren't satisfied with merely knowing that they helped, they need others too know aswell. And don't deny that, we have all seen plenty of posts on facebook how someone donated 100Kr to the red cross or something similar. what makes Sweden great is that it handles most things in moderation, balancing alot of aspects of society almost perfectly. The current migration policy is about as balanced as Steven Seagals diet. To summarize, you are either vain or ignorant, or both. Fuck you all. | Commenter | migrants | 1Offensive
No surprise really, Angela's grandstanding Croatia jumping on the bandwagon then unable to cope, so pass the buck, Germany what have you created. Looking at the numbers is anyone left in Syria who are directly effected by the war, or are many others taking advantage of a weak political elite throughout Europe. | Other | migrants | 1Offensive
😉 | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Muslims r brainwashed n dumb. | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
What an evil,evil man.Now tell me which country's people teach small children to do that??. | Other | migrants | 1Offensive
Oh! No Elaine, don't you know he's going to paradise to suss out the virginal availability, and die happily ever after! | No target | migrants | 1Offensive
What do the British people really think about immigration and the EU? No idea but whatever it is it won't be fairly reflected on the comments board of a publication that attracts a readership almost exclusively made up of hysterically hyper sensitive and illogical pitch fork waving liberals who like nothing more than a bit of phoney outrage. | Journalist or medium | migrants | 1Offensive
Are we being invaded?!...seems people think we are. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Id like all christian countries and the ones who value their identities and traditions to slam the door firmly shut in there faces..... Surely they should just get on there knees face mecca and start wailing away..... | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
Go and stay in Georgia,Armenia,Chechnia,Albania | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
http://bit.ly/1dIIefe | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
She looks pretty with Hijab <3 <3 | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Jane, I am not fighting. Was trying to be nice. I am not even Christian. I am an atheist. Like I said. Trying to be nice and help. Guess I accidentally hit a nerve. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
I majored in history, Ty has the right of it: Islamic domination smothers indigenous culture. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
america are taking some as well. worry about your own country | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
sounds like Berlusconi doesnt rapresent Italy BUT WHO THE HELL VOTE FOR HIM THEN? Santa? | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
these young dumb students can´t even spell the word Car in swedish wich has 3 letters. Why would ppl like this even think of getting any power on any political stage here. Yes, they are the 3rd biggest political party here but since the elactions so many ppl in sweden have shown their solidarity to the refugees that are coming. Things will change for the good untill then these twats can go on an dream a bit longer couse it will be time to wake up! | Other | migrants | 1Offensive
...I would have thought,with the amount of people in the world studying social anthropology and related issues would have warned government before now just what happens when you have huge influxes of a different culture into a settled country...and its not racist to examine this;its sensible diligence... | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
First of all there aren't many swedish people left in Sweden. Most are mixed. I didn't have a problem with immigrants until I became a teenager. I was experiencing all this hate towards me because I was swedish. People hated me because I was blonde and I actually ended up as a brunette which I hated, but I couldn't go to school or go outside without being attacked by immigrants just because of my hair colour. People also hated me because of my light skin. Today I'm afraid of immigrants and I'm very sorry because of that. I wish I didn't expect them to be rude and aggressive. | No target | migrants | 1Offensive
We are a global market now with the internet and cannot escape this fact. People decrying the EU forget that years back everything had 'customs charges' as in items to/from the USA. If I buy an item from the US I get a handling charge to check for customs duty even if a few pounds is added. There is no redress as the 'appeal' is done by the people levying the charge so learnt 'Never buy from the USA' unless mega cheap . If we leave the EU this will return. We are an island so many goods are sent in with varying price differentials to mainland Europe and America. Prices will rise, property will drop about a third we will face the coming problems from global warming ourselves and the fact much of our fuel is coming from Russia and other countries. Grow up look at the size and position of our country and think if we are alone how do we survive we are not Switzerland in the middle of the land mass. Stop living thinking the world is pink on an Atlas and face reality we are a small island with many many fewer problems than some countries be grateful for what we have and work with reality... The mass immigration at present is financial brought on by wars in Africa and Arabia, many will return as contrary to many Britain's streets are not paved in gold but empty litter cartons. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
My name is Aisha Nantalia yes it's AISHA NANTALIA keep it in your head Zoran Ilić you relate it to your fake history it's actually none of my business | Commenter | migrants | 1Offensive
Nothing knew they start on them as they start a madras school | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
^^^👌🏻 | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
I think immigration does have its benefits. Also as an English woman living abroad I'd be a hypocrite if I thought and said differently. I live in Anguilla it's a British Overseas Territory in the Eastern Carribean. I'm here because of my husband's job. He specialises in a field that the Island needed and didn't have. He has full residence status as long as he works for the Government. I on the other hand as a wife have an extended permit to stay the length of his contract. With big words saying Prohibited from working. So any UK citizen like myself are prohibited from working yet any citizen of this Island can can go and live and work in the UK. There are no equality laws here and its only by being away from my homeland that I see how we are protected by laws that are beneficial to society and economy of the UK. Not all immigration is bad and I feel if we walked away from Europe it would be a terrible mistake. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
89% believe UKrap the rest understand how the migrant works hold this country up doing work our own won't do cos it's easier to claim benifits | Other | migrants | 1Offensive
Camila Smanio, sobre o que falávamos ontem. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
dragu; More like the dregs of society... | No target | migrants | 1Offensive
another animal in a human body .. Oops, I am insulting animals .. sorry :D So easy .. Merkel is a human :) | Related to topic | migrants | 1Offensive
who cares | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
I know enough of them, thank you. Not one more!!! | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
You talk rubbish!!!You don' t know my country' s history!!!In your country are a lot of muslims.I wish you more and more..... | Commenter | migrants | 1Offensive
So you mean you take the responsibility of ISIS attacking there and your local people attacking them together with their culture invading into yours, their votes winning over your local votes. I'm pretty sure the list goes on... | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
SD is still a bunch of racists | Other | migrants | 1Offensive
One city in Sweden takes more migrants than all USA 2% of the population So you don't have the right to complain until you stop being " racist " yourself and let in 5-6 million Arabs in the country without checking their passports and let them harass your women and kill you! | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
I feel ashamed. I hope most people here won't get the idea that this is representing the Swedes. Most SD-followers are closet-racists. They have these thoughts, but they are cowards who are brave with a keyboard or in a group. They present immigration as a problem and a cause of all sorts of bad things, but they don't and can't present a solution. I embrace all cultures and hope that you all could visit here once at least. | Other | migrants | 1Offensive
I don't approve of your opinion so you're a troll Nice. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Have a look at the Sky News Website. Go to the comments under an immigration news story and have a look at them. It's not hard to see why an interest in immigration control is deemed racist - it attracts the 'extremists' who absolutely are racist to the core. These people are the ones who earn the reputation for the reasonable people. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
As there should be, when a country attacks your country for your oil. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
u have the same name as my mother who sadly died of cancer | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Countries such as UAE, Saudi are far larger than some of the European countries so can take on the migrants. Turkey alone geographically could fit the UK AND Germany into its country. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKpgb2WrGo0 | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
oooh the hate is real in the comments, so fun to read, fyi for u non-swedes :p sweden is a sick country and they should fire ALL politicians and start all over.. cuz there is no "good" political party, just trash, worse trash, and the worst trash.. and showing the common idiot among the SD ppl in the video is as easy as just reading the common leftie idiot comments for the video :p same dumb shit... most of em are blind and naive.. thier pretty much like oldschool religious followers for their partys.. cursing any1 with a diffrent opinion, saying their view is the correct one. you should see what facebook is overflowing with on swedish pages.. no wonder the country is being torn apart.. | Other | migrants | 1Offensive
You know nothing if you can't read darling. I said countries similar to Romania like Albania. | Commenter | migrants | 1Offensive
It's not so much skilled EU migrants who annoy me it's the Roma who just come for our benefits and to commit crime and beg that put me off. We should stay in the EU and expel Romania & Bulgaria as they only leech where as we contribute. | Other | migrants | 1Offensive
Just bild up a good wall face to Turkey ! And someone dreamed to accept in EU the ottomans ? Crazy ! | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
Because we don't want to look like a filthy Romanian or something. That is not a "Salute to the European youth" I tought that you want european unity. You are just a bunch of idiots! | Other | migrants | 1Offensive
Maybe it's also the fear-mongering and anti-EU rhethoric cultivated particularly by the Tories. While it's a convenient way of diverting from their own lousy politics, it's also not particularly helpful in the long run. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
forgotten? most people never learned it, | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Hateful people tarnishing the image of Sweden. We are still the best at humanitarianism. I have heard such crazy accusations, such as 25% of women being raped by Muslims. How that even computed in someone's non existent brain is beyond me. What is true however is that we have a loud minority of people feeling forgotten but lacking the education to express themselves constructively. That is a problem prevalent throughout the world though, and it is helping terrorist groups like Daesh recruit by giving them a purpose and way of channeling their anger. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Yeh Saudi Arabia for starters! | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
I totally agree | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Wasn't USA equally compassionate with Cuban refugees back in the 1960s? And look what a cultural & economic powerhouse that created in Miami. Win-win. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
thats being divisive and an attention seeker.nothing more. | Other | migrants | 1Offensive
No. Tell the political world to stop funding ISIS. Tell Hillary Clinton that. Tell Obama that. Christians are not responsible for offensive wars. | Other | migrants | 1Offensive
Piss off you murderer.... your son, bless him, lost his life due to your selfishness.... | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
We should be much more welcoming to people who want to live here. More prepared to share. Our country is not ours alone because we have been lucky enough to have been born here. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
White supremacy? Are Romanians not white??As for Romanian Gyspsies and their way of life , well let`s say that I would not like to have any of them around. | Other | migrants | 0Acceptable
But since people want to commit a red herring and derail the thread, I'll teach everyone a little something about Christianity: https://answersingenesis.org/bible-questions/doesnt-the-bible-support-slavery/ | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Listen up people! EU is being ransacked by Rothschilds Mafia, racism is manufactured to separate the masses so that we are easier to control, look past the smoke screen folks and look at the source, Brussels will be smashed even further , Germany will be along with Spain , France and others, refugee migration is manufactured to destroy Europe by none other than George Soros (Rothschild Mafia) wakey wakey people, the 1 thing that these maniacs hate is solidarity and community spirit! THINK | Other | migrants | 1Offensive
Oh wow I just noticed that Karen has deleted her vile rant where she said I'm stupid and uneducated and I'm Indian and not British and blah blah blah, which warranted my reply to educate the racist troll and teach her the difference between nationality and ethnicity. No backbone whatsoever. She spews racism and bigotry and hatred and then deletes it. At least leave your vile views up for all to see as you clearly stand by them. | Commenter | migrants | 1Offensive
There are fortunes made right now in deffence heavy weapons............. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Well if ppl pay their ni and taxes then immigration shouldn't be a problem. The problem is that countries like Britain and Germany exploit the labour forces of poorer countries of the eu. The same goes for African immigrants. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Mostly incorrect perceptions of immigration are key to Briton's issues with the EU, along with a 'but America are our friends and will save us complex', and an allergy to any corruption except in the British government itself. All this very ironic in a country with a history of enforcing immigration of its own citizens into other people's countries at gunpoint for centuries | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Send her to Raqqa syria to do that, the solidarity will then worth it | No target | migrants | 1Offensive
Everywhere we went in Trollhattan people told us that between the Swedish and migrant communities was a major problem. Well, maybe that means that having waves of immigration ain't really working out too well then? | No target | migrants | 1Offensive
Ted Gnaget Ahmed | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
I I wonder why??? We need OUT!!! | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
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