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We in Europe no longer feel safe and the governments we are paying huge taxes to have broken their contracts with their people. They do not protect us. | Other | migrants | 1Offensive
Good idea. How about we start with all the muslim countries first, just to show us how it's done? | Topic | migrants | 0Acceptable
I refuse to believe that Sweden,such an amazing,civilised and welcoming country would ever act with such a racist movement! Just a bunch of people that clearly have no idea about romanian people and our culture! | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
He was NOT in the boat | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
I find it extremely amusing that most individuals decreeing and demanding that Western Europe stops accepting migrants are people and countries in Eastern Europe. Basically people who are still in the dark ages, are still very much racist and well unwelcoming. I also suspect it is largely to do with the fact that they also come here to claim housing and welfare. FYI refugees in the UK and most Western European states are not entitled to any benefits. They receive a nominal amount of 15 to 20 pounds everyweek in vouchers and are given accommodation in a hostel. So seriously get off your high horse and before you preach hate look in the mirror. Read and get informed on the refugee laws... also check the statistics on the amount of EE workers who come here claim housing, benefits and work minimum wage jobs or alternatively work for cash in hand to avoid Tax payment. Those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.... also an immigrant or refugee who has qualifications and studied his/her butt off aren't stealing your jobs if all you have is a gcse and want to get out of bed at midday..... Also remember WWII this is where we will be heading if you don't curb and limit this horrid mentality and way of thinking... no one is saying open the boarders... one is suggesting vetting and to stop dehumanising fellow humans simply because of their background, ethnicity or religious beliefs. SHAME!!! | Other | migrants | 1Offensive
https://www.facebook.com/ZawiercieKukiz/videos/458163961036350/ | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Croatia can't take migrants because we are too small and we have huge issues ourselves. We have 300k unemployed people in a country with population of 4 million so you can imagine that we can't take any more hopeless cases + no help in handling the situation from the EU countries. And the most important thing - the migrants have been given shelter, food and water and they don't want to stay. They scream "Freedom!!!" and choose to walk around Zagreb, sleep on benches, look for transportation and move towards Slovenia and Hungary. They say that they know we can't provide for them. Their goal is Germany and their social system. | Topic | migrants | 0Acceptable
I wondered when she'd begin to shamelessly self-promote and 'celebritise' herself...good grief. | Other | migrants | 1Offensive
If we were given a vote in Ireland I would vote to leave. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
They're the only people trying to save your country, shut the fuck up and get in line or stand aside. | Commenter | migrants | 1Offensive
Money would have been better spent on our own homeless. | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
be strong and send them all back its not that hard to do . once one country does it the others will follow | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
Yes, SD is a racist party. Confirmed. | Other | migrants | 1Offensive
Germany; starting Europe's major wars since 1914 | Other | migrants | 1Offensive
Kebebasan beragama adalah hak asasi manusia d muka bumi ini. Saling menghormati agar hidup d dunia ini damai dan sejahtera tanpa prasangka. Kasihan mereka yg tdk bisa menerima perbedaan itu. Perbedaan membuat hidup lebih berwarna.... Toleransi kuncinya. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Nope! Unless you have a full background check, and checks to see who you associate with are done. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Being a bigot is idiotic. | No target | migrants | 1Offensive
Have them all report to the front steps of the BBC | Journalist or medium | migrants | 1Offensive
Send them back problem solved | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
انت لا تعرف شي عن الاسلام انه دين تسامح والمحبه . انتم من نشر القتل والخراب في الشرق الاوسط | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
What the hell has that judge been takin?? This is a joke!! | Other | migrants | 1Offensive
That's so sweet of you. Thank you. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
White people :| | Other | migrants | 0Acceptable
No religion Teaches bad the bad comes from the frozen Minds god forgive them. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
What a bunch of fucking retarded assholes.your mother is a fucking flithy cow,cunts. | Commenter | migrants | 1Offensive
AND for the FINAL TIME - how many Syrian people have you personally taken in, or your family taken in? Because the fact is, you're just all talk on you, a worthless piece of cow dung that has nothing to do in life except be a tragic waste of air and waste to space trying to cause trouble any way he can. F*cking useless. | Commenter | migrants | 1Offensive
I'd like to see people fighting back like the majority of the west did. There is a rite of passage to democracy and freedom. If your not prepared to stand for it you don't understand it.not saying don't look after people. But some of these issues should be dealt with in house. | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
Racism? WTF are you talking you about??? And what is extreme about wanting less immigration??? Sweden is on the verge of economic collapse! | No target | migrants | 1Offensive
Nina yeah none so blind. Free speech is a crime. In your head nut job. | Commenter | migrants | 1Offensive
Germany...you're screwed! | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Ibraham Ahmed what did the Turks & Arabs do to the people they stole their land from? | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
So all Muslims are not terrorist is as to all Swedes are not bigots? | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
We've got to have 13 000 here in Australia, And they hate out guts! So if the statics are right and 99% of them are good people...only 130 want to kill us | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
Talk about bad grandpa, sheesh. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Pat Condell is politically a moron. | Other | migrants | 1Offensive
And liberals still think democracy and Islam can exist side by side on this scale It so demonstrably isn't working and it's clearly getting out of hand Why are whites always being blamed and Islam and coloured people excused ffs https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10203644817441289&id=1842161103 | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
Stop them | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
Ernest Kao | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
God told me his father actually threw his kid in the water so he could save his own life because there was too much weight on the boat and it started to sink! | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
REAL HISTORY www.iamthewitness.com/DarylBradfordSmith_Roths... | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Its not islamic..its demonic | Other | migrants | 1Offensive
SDU was so radical that their former party kicked them out - a party with neonazi roots. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Yea lets figure out the terrorist part first... Dumb idea | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
I am Swedish-Romanian and not only are these people a shameful example of Swedes they are also badly informed and misdirected politically. I currently study political science and it's just so sad how a party that stems from radical nationalism and nazism has gained so much popularity. It's alarming how people let history repeat itself. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Don't want to her it! <fingers in my ears>. 🎶La la Laaa. 🎶 | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
You learned that from studying anthropology??? | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
But of course its there god!! Against all others!! What kind of people can justify this in any religion? | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Grow a back bone and stand up and fight for your country. | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
if europe doesnt stay united today there won't be any europe tomorrow. i consider myself european, even though i am a filthy romanian. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Personally I think like Americans, British People are liked and loathed- our pop culture is very popular, but our policy making is not so awesome. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Much more complicated than that. A little history lesson https://youtu.be/-ilFbbk9jw4 | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
its been proven that Saudi, Turkey and USA were financing mercs to fight against the legal government in Syria(Assad). Saudi wants the entire region islamic, USA wants the oil and gas. Saudi spent 4yrs destabilizing that region, and now, we are seeing the results of their work, while they build a 1000k wall around Saudi to keep everyone else out..so much for the leaders of the UNHCR-no rights unless you are shia-and the new leaders of the global terrorism gang | Other | migrants | 1Offensive
The people I know who complain most about immigration are immigrants. They think the concept of flood immigration is utterly absurd. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
pair of idiots | Other | migrants | 1Offensive
European politicians need to be speaking and acting as one, and as up to now that hasn't been the case, it is no wonder there is so much chaos. Not good to see groups of these young men fighting amongst themselves. And that can only get worse | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
Or Trump supporters... | Other | migrants | 0Acceptable
:) well romanians don t rape or kill in general...maybe will be lazy at work becouse part of Europe don t treat them well don t pay them or treat them badly...enyway I love my cauntry/work here/live and have a family here I would never chose another place to live....unless it is a warm country with sun and ocean beach near for my soul and my child to enjoy | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Come to my country, learn my language -fine keep your religion but if you don't support our team and identify with the new nation, of course there will be problems. It's human nature to fear the "other" | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Immigration is an important part of our identity as a nation.But as with everything there should be rules etc. The problem is successive Govenments | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Bane al No, but if we change the discourse to suit the racists point of view by using their words and their analysis, THEN we are helping the racists... | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
We don't need the EU,we will do better on our own. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
No decent anthropologist would even use the word "civilization". And no decent anthropologist would use the word "European culture". There is no one European culture. There is Hungarian culture, Polish culture, French culture - and within those you have countless distinctive regional differences. No decent anthropologist would call Islam savagery. A decent anthropologist knows history of religion and history of Islam well enough to understand the subtle nuances. He knows that there are countless peaceful Muslims living around the globe. He understands the diversity of theological schools within Islam. He understands the diversity within the Middle East. So I'm sorry, dear "American majoring in anthropology", but you simply suck at what you do. | Commenter | migrants | 1Offensive
you are the one that's brainwashed. Those who convert to Islam are very few, and many Muslims leave Islam and become Christians or atheists. | Commenter | migrants | 1Offensive
Disgusting!!! | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
you are thinking of many Christians. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Multiculturalism is a failed experiment. These migrants will not all integrate, so therefore don't have them. | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
Mary mother of Jesusu is depicted wearing it in every portrait. Christians are such hypocrites | Other | migrants | 1Offensive
AS Elizabeth pointed out, that is a blatant lie. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Stupid cow, you should enjoy not wearing one before it becomes bloody mandatory in this country. | Other | migrants | 1Offensive
@Tolousain Andreu. UK, over these past four years, have provided more aid and assistance, doctors, clinics,medicines,services, food, tents etc etc etc, than the rest of Europe combined. In the world, UK has only been exceeded by USA in providing aid for the refugees in the countries surrounding Syria. The gulf states are also providing a lot of money to aid the refugees. I think they generally feel a large influx of non-gulf Arabs permanently coming to reside in their countries introduces an unnecessary risk to the future well -being of their nations. Palestinians have been denied citizenship of many of the arab countries they have lived in for fifty years. So, it is unsurprising. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Finally someone gets it. I would like to consider myself a very kind and respectful person, not having too big problems with people from other countries coming to Sweden by any means. The issue now is that they are so many - WAY too many and it feels like Sweden cannot handle it. I get the sense of our country being taken over more and more (I hope this is just something my mind is making up) and, even though I do not mind having people of other culture here, I do not want them to change ours. What once was my homeland, might someday feel like a completely different place so that nowhere will feel like "home" for me..I will be lost in my own country..and it scares me. | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
This horrible these old clawnkers should be pick up and lock for ever. | Other | migrants | 1Offensive
What a joke!! | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
IS follows Quran to the letter. Fact. | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
It's a Daily Mail report. Where have you been hiding if you don't already know how fake and right wing this publication is? | Journalist or medium | migrants | 1Offensive
Are you a drug dealer? | Commenter | migrants | 1Offensive
Jag vet.... Såg det. Så sjukt vidriga är dem 😭 knappt människor | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Turkey? | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
It hurts to see a once world leading power cowtowing to every tom dkck and harry that comes along. i.e. Any useless pratt that decides come into this country looking for a handout, AT THE TAXPAYERS EXPENCE! The European Union, that now believes they some kind of god, demanding money at a whim. AT THE TAXPAYERS EXPENCE. Where Mister Cameron and your cronies, are your balls??????? | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
Already happening in uk. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
There will never be peace in a Muslim country ,and the same thing will happen here in England because of the amount of radical Muslims the government have let in . | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
ISIS refugees you mean? | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
I mean.....as horrible as it sounds, if enough of the men kill themselves, then sadly their sons kill themselves too, there won't be any new sons to pass on this ridiculous mental illness to. It's almost Old Testament like, minus the whole going into a city and wiping out every man woman and child. Just let them do it themselves. Problem solved. | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
Agreed Dianne,although isn't hating Jews, Homosexual's and treating women as second class citizens bigoted? | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
James Housley Are you acting the way you want the world to act? In that case we don't want the same world. Judging by your comment - you are not only a racist, but also a male chauvinist, aggressive and violent (or you wouldn't be harrassing people) and due to all that - also able to commit criminal acts, which makes you what's wrong with the world. I fear you and others like you much more than I do any muslim. | Commenter | migrants | 1Offensive
I was in Angered a while ago, the houses don't look for much but they have the best kebab in Sweden, that's also halal, fresh produce sold at the outdoors market and children were riding their bikes and laughing. Not so different from most other parts of a large city. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Muslims followed the Christian way of wearing a headscarf. still follow it the same way | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
First of all we are human and later nations . | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Say that after looking at the German teen gang rapes perpetrated by immigrants, among other crimes. | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
What's funny is most Muslims that I know here in Sweden aren't religious themselves. Yes, they believe in God and celebrate Eid but that's pretty much it. So I have no idea what you're babbling about | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
EU population 742,5 million ! Currant Muslim population in EU 19 million! Refugees numbers ~ 350000 +! Muslim population in Hungary 25000=0.3% of Hungarian population ! EU lacks solution and compassion for refugees,instead Prime Ministers defending their fragile Christianity,pay ATTENTION to the facts not speculation and propaganda! | No target | migrants | 1Offensive
So none of you give a damp that 70 people died in the back of a truck in Austria or the 2000 who have died trying to get to Europe this year. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Ferhad if you mean it thank you but islam tells you can do Taqqiye | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Carter Hughes Its about not being able to trade PROFITABLY i.e. without paying punitive amounts of tax. If EU companies had to pay an extra 10,20,30% to buy British because we were taxed on what we export as a non-EU country, how many would use British products/services? Not many. And who would blame them? | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Quite true Wassim. I suffered from extreme culture shock as a migrant from Canada to Europe. My multicultural values and belief that we are all basically the same regardless of nationality are totally incompatible with your extreme European nationalism. Oh well. C'est la vie (sorry about using two languages. Hope that doesn't offend you 😜) | Other | migrants | 1Offensive
DEMO today at Downing street 5pm. Taken from their website: Can you answer yes or no to the following questions? 1) Are you going to the London demo on Today ~Saturday 19th September at Downing Street London 5pm? 2) Should the UK ban asylum to single men from war torn countries? 3) Are you fed up been called a racist because you don't agree with the politically correct lefties? 4) Should the UK stop all Islamic migrants for fear of them been radicalized? 5) Do you think we should try and save our British culture and heritage for the sake of our children and grand children? If you answered yes to at least of 4 of the above questions we need to attend the LONDON DEMO on today ~Saturday 19th at 5pm LONDON DEMO DOWNING STREET LONDON #englishblood | Topic | migrants | 1Offensive
Christ mas ohh. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Think about how to stop the war going on in their countries, Australia included. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
Erica Farlini you politically correct marxist leftard feminist moron | Commenter | migrants | 1Offensive
No i really miss Churchill enemy from WW2, in that time, they run away all by themselves, no we must bring military. | No target | migrants | 0Acceptable
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