[ "A blow dryer sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a cord attached to it. In the background, there is a wall with stickers on it, and the machine appears to be a drill press." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>expert", "C&S2000" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 711.3599853515625, 497.34002685546875, 818.8800048828125, 455.22003173828125, 824.6399536132812, 470.34002685546875, 717.1199951171875, 513.5400390625 ], [ 738.239990234375, 503.82000732421875, 903.3599853515625, 437.94000244140625, 911.0399780273438, 455.22003173828125, 744, 521.1000366210938 ] ] } ]
[ "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-041_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.06672746688127518 ]
[ 5.212084770202637 ]
[ "A colorful ball sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a colorful ball sitting on top of a metal table, with a wall in the background. The ball appears to be made of plastic and has a variety of colors, including red, blue, yellow, and green." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 799.6799926757812, 333.1800231933594, 1143.3599853515625, 669.0599975585938 ] ], "labels": [ "colorful plastic ball with red, green, blue, and yellow circles" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>-" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1800, 898.02001953125, 1813.43994140625, 898.02001953125, 1813.43994140625, 905.5800170898438, 1800, 905.5800170898438 ] ] } ]
[ "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-042_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.10324403643608093 ]
[ 5.370748996734619 ]
[ "A stack of colorful playdough sitting on top of a metal table.", "a close up of a metal object on a table" ]
[ "The image shows a stack of colorful playdough sitting on top of a metal table, with a metal object in the foreground and a wall with stickers in the background.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table with a yellow, red, blue and black color scheme. It appears to be a 3D printing machine, with a wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 899.5199584960938, 32.94000244140625, 928.3200073242188, 34.02000045776367, 928.3200073242188, 53.46000289916992, 899.5199584960938, 52.380001068115234 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>5" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 999.3599853515625, 228.42001342773438, 1020.47998046875, 228.42001342773438, 1020.47998046875, 251.10000610351562, 999.3599853515625, 251.10000610351562 ] ] } ]
[ "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-043_0.jpg", "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-043_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.09605260193347931, 0.23946061730384827 ]
[ 5.350591659545898, 5.087235450744629 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with three colorful ice cream cones on it. In the background, there are boards attached to the wall, suggesting that the machine is in the process of making ice cream." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 884.1599731445312, 186.3000030517578, 891.8399658203125, 186.3000030517578, 891.8399658203125, 194.94000244140625, 884.1599731445312, 194.94000244140625 ] ] } ]
[ "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-044_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.058219145983457565 ]
[ 5.432619094848633 ]
[ "A machine that has a bunch of signs on it." ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table with a few sign boards placed on it. In the background, there is a green wall with a sign board on it, indicating that the object is part of a CNC milling machine." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 1135.679931640625, 480.0600280761719, 1247.0399169921875, 584.8200073242188 ], [ 1014.719970703125, 470.34002685546875, 1124.1600341796875, 571.8600463867188 ], [ 914.8800048828125, 484.3800048828125, 1018.5599975585938, 580.5 ], [ 792, 470.34002685546875, 922.5599975585938, 548.1000366210938 ], [ 672.9599609375, 484.3800048828125, 780.47998046875, 571.8600463867188 ] ], "labels": [ "30 mph speed limit sign", "traffic sign with arrow pointing left", "traffic stop sign", "traffic signal with left turn left arrow", "traffic warning sign with triangle symbol" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>P-", "STOP", "30", "600 mm" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 816.9599609375, 491.9400329589844, 895.6799926757812, 491.9400329589844, 895.6799926757812, 527.5800170898438, 816.9599609375, 527.5800170898438 ], [ 926.3999633789062, 513.5400390625, 1005.1199951171875, 513.5400390625, 1005.1199951171875, 547.02001953125, 926.3999633789062, 547.02001953125 ], [ 1164.47998046875, 515.7000122070312, 1218.239990234375, 515.7000122070312, 1218.239990234375, 554.5800170898438, 1164.47998046875, 554.5800170898438 ], [ 699.8399658203125, 611.8200073242188, 765.1199951171875, 611.8200073242188, 765.1199951171875, 625.8600463867188, 699.8399658203125, 625.8600463867188 ] ] } ]
[ "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-045_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.08024078607559204 ]
[ 5.074961185455322 ]
[ "A machine that has two hamburgers on top of it." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with two hamburgers placed on it. In the background, there is a wall with a poster on it, suggesting that the machine is being used to make a hamburger." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>..." ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 964.7999877929688, 294.3000183105469, 1010.8800048828125, 294.3000183105469, 1010.8800048828125, 304.02001953125, 964.7999877929688, 304.02001953125 ] ] } ]
[ "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-046_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.09923256188631058 ]
[ 5.556550979614258 ]
[ "a close up of a metal object on a table", "A close up of a metal object on a table." ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table, which appears to be a laser cutting machine. The background is blurred, suggesting that the focus is on the machine and the object it is cutting.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table with a yellow and black sign on it. The metal object appears to be a CNC milling machine, with a green wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 966.719970703125, 972.5400390625, 980.1599731445312, 972.5400390625, 980.1599731445312, 990.9000244140625, 966.719970703125, 990.9000244140625 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>-" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 976.3200073242188, 974.7000122070312, 974.3999633789062, 994.1400146484375, 962.8800048828125, 994.1400146484375, 964.7999877929688, 974.7000122070312 ] ] } ]
[ "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-047_0.jpg", "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-047_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.08122473210096359, 0.12089011818170547 ]
[ 4.947643280029297, 5.150744438171387 ]
[ "A 3D printed toy of a green dinosaur sitting on top of a metal plate." ]
[ "The image shows a 3D printed toy sitting on top of a metal table, with a machine in the background that is slightly blurred." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 715.2000122070312, 308.34002685546875, 1183.679931640625, 631.260009765625 ] ], "labels": [ "3D printed green triceratops toy with red spots" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>O" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1060.7999267578125, 405.5400085449219, 1081.919921875, 405.5400085449219, 1081.919921875, 420.6600036621094, 1060.7999267578125, 420.6600036621094 ] ] } ]
[ "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-048_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.07786106318235397 ]
[ 5.157593727111816 ]
[ "A wooden block with the date 15 July on it." ]
[ "The image shows a wooden block with the number 15 on it sitting on top of a metal table, with a blurred background. It appears to be a DIY wood block calendar, with instructions on how to make it." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>15", "July" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 795.8399658203125, 419.58001708984375, 1145.280029296875, 416.34002685546875, 1145.280029296875, 588.0599975585938, 795.8399658203125, 591.300048828125 ], [ 886.0799560546875, 643.1400146484375, 1047.3599853515625, 644.2200317382812, 1047.3599853515625, 698.2200317382812, 886.0799560546875, 697.1400146484375 ] ] } ]
[ "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-049_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.09005828946828842 ]
[ 4.784358978271484 ]
[ "A green gummy bear sitting on top of a metal table.", "a close up of a metal object on a table" ]
[ "The image shows a green gummy bear sitting atop a metal table, with a blurred background.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table, which appears to be a CNC milling machine. The background is blurred, suggesting that the focus of the image is on the machine and the object it is working on." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 747.8399658203125, 217.62001037597656, 1181.760009765625, 943.3800659179688 ] ], "labels": [ "Haribo green gummy bear" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>HARIBO" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 864.9599609375, 691.7400512695312, 1064.6400146484375, 691.7400512695312, 1064.6400146484375, 753.300048828125, 864.9599609375, 753.300048828125 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>٠١٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 720.9599609375, 901.260009765625, 759.3599853515625, 900.1800537109375, 761.2799682617188, 931.5000610351562, 722.8800048828125, 932.5800170898438 ] ] } ]
[ "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-050_0.jpg", "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-050_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.14545632898807526, 0.11156690120697021 ]
[ 5.060225009918213, 4.758002758026123 ]
[ "A small orange piggy bank sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows an orange piggy bank sitting atop a metal table, with a machine in the background that is slightly blurred." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 715.2000122070312, 386.1000061035156, 1247.0399169921875, 790.02001953125 ] ], "labels": [ "orange ceramic piggy bank with flower design" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>-" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1097.280029296875, 482.22003173828125, 1095.3599853515625, 513.5400390625, 1081.919921875, 513.5400390625, 1083.8399658203125, 482.22003173828125 ] ] } ]
[ "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-051_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.09821812808513641 ]
[ 4.846474647521973 ]
[ "A metal bowl sitting on top of a metal plate." ]
[ "The image shows a metal bowl sitting on top of a table next to a machine, with a wall in the background. The machine appears to be a melting pot, with the bowl and spoon placed on the table." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>-" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 976.3200073242188, 972.5400390625, 976.3200073242188, 990.9000244140625, 966.719970703125, 990.9000244140625, 966.719970703125, 972.5400390625 ] ] } ]
[ "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-052_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.1315787136554718 ]
[ 5.220684051513672 ]
[ "A couple of minions standing next to each other on a table." ]
[ "The image shows two Minions standing next to each other on top of a metal object, which appears to be a 3D printer. The background is slightly blurred, suggesting that the focus of the image is on the two toys." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 586.5599975585938, 368.82000732421875, 1056.9599609375, 763.02001953125 ], [ 1066.5599365234375, 367.7400207519531, 1375.679931640625, 757.6200561523438 ] ], "labels": [ "minion figurine with purple shirt and pink scarf", "minion with green toy rocket ship" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠١٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1220.159912109375, 377.46002197265625, 1245.1199951171875, 377.46002197265625, 1245.1199951171875, 390.4200134277344, 1220.159912109375, 390.4200134277344 ] ] } ]
[ "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-053_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.09514407068490982 ]
[ 4.520830154418945 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a green and yellow object on it. The background is a green wall, and the machine appears to be in the process of cutting a piece of wood." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>-" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 930.239990234375, 817.02001953125, 930.239990234375, 837.5400390625, 920.6399536132812, 837.5400390625, 920.6399536132812, 817.02001953125 ] ] } ]
[ "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-054_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.14201325178146362 ]
[ 5.337155818939209 ]
[ "A couple of toy figures sitting on top of a metal stand." ]
[ "The image shows two toy figures sitting on top of a metal object on a table, with a blurred background. The figures appear to be from the movie Monsters Inc. and are part of a 3D printing project." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 490.55999755859375, 297.5400085449219, 985.9199829101562, 778.1400146484375 ], [ 868.7999877929688, 379.6200256347656, 1425.5999755859375, 769.5000610351562 ], [ 1022.3999633789062, 214.3800048828125, 1287.3599853515625, 389.34002685546875 ] ], "labels": [ "toy", "blue toy figure with purple button", "white cat figurine with orange eyes and black nose" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>T" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 258.239990234375, 1062.1800537109375, 275.5199890136719, 1062.1800537109375, 275.5199890136719, 1075.1400146484375, 258.239990234375, 1075.1400146484375 ] ] } ]
[ "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-055_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.1279815435409546 ]
[ 4.256484031677246 ]
[ "A close up of a metal object on a table." ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table, which appears to be a 3D printing machine. The machine is emitting a bright light, illuminating the object in the center of the table." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 776.6399536132812, 703.6200561523438, 784.3200073242188, 703.6200561523438, 784.3200073242188, 713.3400268554688, 776.6399536132812, 713.3400268554688 ] ] } ]
[ "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-056_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.16510216891765594 ]
[ 5.17933464050293 ]
[ "A green heart shaped object sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a green object on it. The object appears to be an egg-shaped object, and the background is a bright green color." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>8" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1047.3599853515625, 707.9400024414062, 1074.239990234375, 707.9400024414062, 1074.239990234375, 737.1000366210938, 1047.3599853515625, 737.1000366210938 ] ] } ]
[ "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-057_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.03315040096640587 ]
[ 4.544275760650635 ]
[ "A green toy car sitting on top of a metal stand." ]
[ "The image shows a green toy car sitting atop a metal object on a table, with a blurred background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 624.9599609375, 422.82000732421875, 1229.760009765625, 670.1400146484375 ], [ 778.5599975585938, 574.02001953125, 901.4400024414062, 669.0599975585938 ], [ 1070.4000244140625, 537.300048828125, 1172.1600341796875, 633.4200439453125 ] ], "labels": [ "Jaguar XKR-S diecast model car", "wheel", "wheel" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>JAGUAR XKR . DIE ANOTHER DAY" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 816.9599609375, 697.1400146484375, 1179.8399658203125, 700.3800048828125, 1179.8399658203125, 724.1400146484375, 816.9599609375, 719.8200073242188 ] ] } ]
[ "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-058_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.211244598031044 ]
[ 4.375833511352539 ]
[ "A green teddy bear sitting on top of a metal object." ]
[ "The image shows a green teddy bear sitting on top of a metal object, which appears to be a 3D printer. The background is slightly blurred, suggesting that the focus of the image is on the toy." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 684.47998046875, 287.82000732421875, 1116.47998046875, 739.260009765625 ] ], "labels": [ "green gummy bear with pink heart" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠١٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 884.1599731445312, 999.5400390625, 891.8399658203125, 999.5400390625, 891.8399658203125, 1018.9800415039062, 884.1599731445312, 1018.9800415039062 ] ] } ]
[ "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-059_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.1346866637468338 ]
[ 5.028219223022461 ]
[ "A blue and orange soccer ball sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a blue and orange soccer ball sitting atop a metal table, with a machine in the background that is slightly blurred." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 749.760009765625, 311.58001708984375, 1287.3599853515625, 807.300048828125 ] ], "labels": [ "blue and orange soccer ball" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠١٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1008.9599609375, 921.780029296875, 1024.3199462890625, 921.780029296875, 1024.3199462890625, 932.5800170898438, 1008.9599609375, 932.5800170898438 ] ] } ]
[ "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-060_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.17098425328731537 ]
[ 5.2561354637146 ]
[ "A yellow owl figurine sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a yellow owl statue sitting atop a metal table, with a 3D printer in the background and a wall behind it." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 661.4400024414062, 207.90000915527344, 1387.199951171875, 817.02001953125 ] ], "labels": [ "yellow ceramic owl figurine" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 966.719970703125, 976.8600463867188, 974.3999633789062, 976.8600463867188, 974.3999633789062, 991.9800415039062, 966.719970703125, 991.9800415039062 ] ] } ]
[ "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-061_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.04138064384460449 ]
[ 4.950530052185059 ]
[ "A white toaster sitting on top of a table.", "A metal pole with a yellow and black stripe on it." ]
[ "The image shows a white toaster sitting on top of a table next to a machine, with a wire connected to it. In the background, there are boards on the wall, suggesting that the machine is being used to make a bread machine.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table with a white cloth draped over it. In the background, there is a green wall with two boards attached to it, and the object appears to be a 3D printing machine." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 515.5199584960938, 422.82000732421875, 1310.4000244140625, 970.3800659179688 ] ], "labels": [ "white toaster with power cord plugged into it" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>4" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 144.95999145507812, 63.18000411987305, 235.1999969482422, 63.18000411987305, 235.1999969482422, 243.54000854492188, 144.95999145507812, 243.54000854492188 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>4" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 148.8000030517578, 63.18000411987305, 231.36000061035156, 66.42000579833984, 227.51998901367188, 237.0600128173828, 144.95999145507812, 234.90000915527344 ] ] } ]
[ "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-062_0.jpg", "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-062_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.09836620837450027, 0.27003616094589233 ]
[ 5.416288375854492, 5.100434303283691 ]
[ "A green frog sitting on top of a metal table.", "A close up of a metal object on a table." ]
[ "The image shows a green frog toy sitting atop a metal table, with a wall in the background.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table with a yellow and black sign on it. The background is blurred, suggesting that the focus of the image is on the metal object, which appears to be a CNC milling machine." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 799.6799926757812, 271.6200256347656, 1206.719970703125, 763.02001953125 ] ], "labels": [ "green frog squishy toy" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1028.1600341796875, 934.7400512695312, 1028.1600341796875, 956.3400268554688, 1018.5599975585938, 956.3400268554688, 1018.5599975585938, 934.7400512695312 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>S" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1053.1199951171875, 406.6200256347656, 1068.47998046875, 406.6200256347656, 1068.47998046875, 424.9800109863281, 1053.1199951171875, 424.9800109863281 ] ] } ]
[ "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-063_0.jpg", "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-063_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.20030339062213898, 0.19622802734375 ]
[ 4.965974807739258, 5.093242645263672 ]
[ "A small orange toy sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows an orange toy sitting on top of a metal table, with a machine in the background that is slightly blurred." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 676.7999877929688, 279.1800231933594, 1204.7999267578125, 797.5800170898438 ] ], "labels": [ "orange hippopotamus squishy toy with heart-shaped spots" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>-" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 947.5199584960938, 1020.06005859375, 945.5999755859375, 1045.9801025390625, 934.0799560546875, 1045.9801025390625, 934.0799560546875, 1020.06005859375 ] ] } ]
[ "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-064_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.06394898146390915 ]
[ 4.440732479095459 ]
[ "a close up of a metal object on a table" ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table with a brush on top of it. The background is blurred, suggesting that the focus of the image is on the brush, which is likely being used to make toothpicks." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>-" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1053.1199951171875, 1009.260009765625, 1051.199951171875, 1034.10009765625, 1039.679931640625, 1034.10009765625, 1039.679931640625, 1009.260009765625 ] ] } ]
[ "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-065_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.027936233207583427 ]
[ 5.074460983276367 ]
[ "A clay pot sitting on top of a metal stand." ]
[ "The image shows a clay pot sitting on top of a metal table, with a machine in the background that is slightly blurred. The pot appears to be in the process of being made, as evidenced by the tools and materials scattered around it." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 755.5199584960938, 306.1800231933594, 1252.7999267578125, 778.1400146484375 ] ], "labels": [ "orange terracotta flower pot" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>-" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1018.5599975585938, 961.7400512695312, 1016.6399536132812, 985.5000610351562, 1003.199951171875, 985.5000610351562, 1005.1199951171875, 961.7400512695312 ] ] } ]
[ "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-066_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.04966215416789055 ]
[ 5.307663917541504 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a few chocolates on it, and a green wall in the background. The machine appears to be in the process of making chocolate." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 976.3200073242188, 745.7400512695312, 984, 745.7400512695312, 984, 760.8600463867188, 976.3200073242188, 760.8600463867188 ] ] } ]
[ "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-067_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.05454350262880325 ]
[ 5.192110061645508 ]
[ "A blue toy sitting on top of a metal table.", "An orange ball sitting on top of a metal plate.", "A pair of makeup sponges sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a blue toy sitting on top of a metal table, with a metal object at the top of the image and a wall in the background. The toy appears to be a 3D printer, with intricate details and a realistic design.", "The image shows an orange ball sitting on top of a metal plate on a table, with a machine in the background and a wall behind it. The ball appears to be in the process of being made, as if it is in the middle of an assembly process.", "The image shows two makeup sponges sitting on top of a metal table, with a machine at the top of the image and a wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 724.7999877929688, 348.3000183105469, 1199.0399169921875, 717.6600341796875 ] ], "labels": [ "blue monster squishy toy with red eyes and green tongue" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 924.47998046875, 508.1400146484375, 1176, 709.02001953125 ] ], "labels": [ "pink makeup sponge" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>." ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 960.9599609375, 367.7400207519531, 976.3200073242188, 367.7400207519531, 976.3200073242188, 377.46002197265625, 960.9599609375, 377.46002197265625 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>٠١٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 878.3999633789062, 518.9400024414062, 928.3200073242188, 518.9400024414062, 928.3200073242188, 552.4200439453125, 878.3999633789062, 552.4200439453125 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>O" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 730.5599975585938, 410.94000244140625, 1181.760009765625, 441.1800231933594, 1172.1600341796875, 719.8200073242188, 730.5599975585938, 716.5800170898438 ] ] } ]
[ "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-068_0.jpg", "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-068_1.jpg", "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-068_2.jpg" ]
[ 0.06384988874197006, 0.0419793576002121, 0.036011550575494766 ]
[ 5.130719184875488, 5.124139308929443, 5.557094573974609 ]
[ "A pair of red and black shoes sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table, with two red and black objects on top of it. The background is blurred, suggesting that the focus is on the object and the objects, which appear to be a CNC milling machine." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 784.3200073242188, 508.1400146484375, 991.6799926757812, 721.9800415039062 ], [ 947.5199584960938, 510.3000183105469, 1126.0799560546875, 731.7000122070312 ] ], "labels": [ "red and black lipsticks", "pink and black high-heeled shoes" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٢٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1095.3599853515625, 311.58001708984375, 1116.47998046875, 311.58001708984375, 1116.47998046875, 324.5400085449219, 1095.3599853515625, 324.5400085449219 ] ] } ]
[ "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-069_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.08677804470062256 ]
[ 5.195329189300537 ]
[ "A close up of a metal object on a table." ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table, with a green background. It appears to be a machine, likely used to make eye shadows." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>OoO" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1085.760009765625, 264.05999755859375, 1085.760009765625, 664.7400512695312, 692.1599731445312, 664.7400512695312, 692.1599731445312, 264.05999755859375 ] ] } ]
[ "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-070_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.13228239119052887 ]
[ 5.376461505889893 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a metal table, with a variety of colorful candies scattered across its surface. The background is a lush green color, giving the image a vibrant and cheerful atmosphere." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 394.55999755859375, 460.6200256347656, 1431.3599853515625, 754.3800048828125 ] ], "labels": [ "candy" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>O" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 886.0799560546875, 726.300048828125, 912.9599609375, 726.300048828125, 912.9599609375, 741.4200439453125, 886.0799560546875, 741.4200439453125 ] ] } ]
[ "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-071_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.020900974050164223 ]
[ 5.174357891082764 ]
[ "Two bottles of nail polish sitting on top of a metal table.", "A small toy is sitting on top of a metal object.", "A close up of a metal object being machined by a machine." ]
[ "The image shows two bottles of nail polish sitting on top of a metal table, with a metal object at the top of the image and a blurred background. The bottles appear to be filled with a variety of colors, suggesting that the person in the image is in the process of creating nail polish.", "The image shows a toy figure sitting atop a metal object on a table, with a machine in the background and a wall behind it.", "The image shows a 3D printed model of a blue and green flower on top of a metal object, with a drilling machine at the top of the image and a wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 872.6399536132812, 444.4200134277344, 1056.9599609375, 772.7400512695312 ], [ 1041.5999755859375, 440.1000061035156, 1225.919921875, 769.5000610351562 ] ], "labels": [ "purple nail polish bottle", "Julep Wild green glitter nail polish" ] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 705.5999755859375, 265.1400146484375, 1320, 739.260009765625 ] ], "labels": [ "orange toy figure with blue apron and purple button" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>WILD" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1103.0399169921875, 633.4200439453125, 1174.0799560546875, 633.4200439453125, 1174.0799560546875, 656.1000366210938, 1103.0399169921875, 656.1000366210938 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>-" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 947.5199584960938, 867.780029296875, 970.5599975585938, 867.780029296875, 970.5599975585938, 877.5000610351562, 947.5199584960938, 877.5000610351562 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>٠١٢٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 872.6399536132812, 564.300048828125, 895.6799926757812, 564.300048828125, 895.6799926757812, 577.260009765625, 872.6399536132812, 577.260009765625 ] ] } ]
[ "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-072_0.jpg", "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-072_1.jpg", "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-072_2.jpg" ]
[ 0.2227095514535904, 0.14181505143642426, 0.3254336714744568 ]
[ 4.576725006103516, 4.391231060028076, 5.1198625564575195 ]
[ "A green lemon sitting on top of a metal plate.", "A pair of green diamonds sitting on top of a metal object.", "a close up of a metal object with water coming out of it" ]
[ "The image shows a green lemon sitting on top of a metal plate on a table, with a machine at the top of the image and a wall in the background.", "The image shows a green diamond being cut by a machine in a factory, with a metal object at the top of the image and a wall in the background. The diamond is being held in place by the machine, which is likely being used to cut the diamond.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object being cut by a CNC milling machine, with water coming out of it and a wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 623.0399780273438, 327.7799987792969, 1287.3599853515625, 720.9000244140625 ] ], "labels": [ "lemon" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠١٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 624.9599609375, 441.1800231933594, 640.3200073242188, 441.1800231933594, 640.3200073242188, 457.3800048828125, 624.9599609375, 457.3800048828125 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 400.3199768066406, 985.5000610351562, 408, 985.5000610351562, 408, 1000.6200561523438, 400.3199768066406, 1000.6200561523438 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>٠١٢٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1020.47998046875, 61.02000427246094, 1016.6399536132812, 135.54000854492188, 980.1599731445312, 135.54000854492188, 984, 61.02000427246094 ] ] } ]
[ "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-073_0.jpg", "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-073_1.jpg", "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-073_2.jpg" ]
[ 0.34667280316352844, 0.15738795697689056, 0.20133279263973236 ]
[ 4.967893600463867, 5.531666278839111, 4.714043140411377 ]
[ "A bunch of yellow balls sitting on top of a metal plate.", "An hourglass sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a bunch of yellow balls on it, and a wooden stick beside it. In the background, there is a wall.", "The image shows an hourglass sitting atop a metal table, with sand slowly trickling down from the top chamber to the bottom, creating a mesmerizing effect." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 638.3999633789062, 311.58001708984375, 1394.8800048828125, 772.7400512695312 ], [ 765.1199951171875, 310.5, 912.9599609375, 454.1400146484375 ] ], "labels": [ "yellow round fruits", "yellow round fruit" ] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 820.7999877929688, 21.060001373291016, 1133.760009765625, 767.3400268554688 ] ], "labels": [ "hourglass with sand running through it" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>-" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1212.47998046875, 577.260009765625, 1235.52001953125, 577.260009765625, 1235.52001953125, 586.9800415039062, 1212.47998046875, 586.9800415039062 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠-٠.٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 943.6799926757812, 124.74000549316406, 1003.199951171875, 124.74000549316406, 1003.199951171875, 142.02000427246094, 943.6799926757812, 142.02000427246094 ] ] } ]
[ "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-074_0.jpg", "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-074_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.08607333153486252, 0.20261120796203613 ]
[ 4.894943714141846, 4.916318416595459 ]
[ "A yellow squash sitting on top of a metal plate." ]
[ "The image shows a yellow squash sitting atop a metal plate on a table, with a wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 459.8399963378906, 364.5, 1462.0799560546875, 756.5400390625 ] ], "labels": [ "yellow and orange papaya" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>-" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 945.5999755859375, 151.74000549316406, 976.3200073242188, 151.74000549316406, 976.3200073242188, 162.54000854492188, 945.5999755859375, 162.54000854492188 ] ] } ]
[ "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-075_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.029384182766079903 ]
[ 5.140129089355469 ]
[ "A stainless steel water bottle sitting on top of a table.", "a close up of a metal object on a table" ]
[ "The image shows a stainless steel water bottle sitting on top of a table, with a wall in the background. The bottle is made of stainless steel, giving it a sleek and modern look.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table with a yellow and black sign on it. In the background, there is a wall with a poster on it, and the object appears to be a CNC milling machine." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 832.3200073242188, 135.54000854492188, 1149.1199951171875, 941.2200317382812 ] ], "labels": [ "stainless steel water bottle with carabiner" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>4" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 221.75999450683594, 0.5400000214576721, 315.8399963378906, 0.5400000214576721, 315.8399963378906, 174.42001342773438, 221.75999450683594, 174.42001342773438 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>5" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 930.239990234375, 439.02001953125, 947.5199584960938, 439.02001953125, 947.5199584960938, 459.5400085449219, 930.239990234375, 459.5400085449219 ] ] } ]
[ "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-076_0.jpg", "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-076_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.03896058723330498, 0.08177453279495239 ]
[ 4.595326900482178, 4.837311267852783 ]
[ "A 3D printed green octopus sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a 3D printed green octopus sitting atop a metal table, with a wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 544.3200073242188, 394.7400207519531, 1412.159912109375, 775.9800415039062 ] ], "labels": [ "3D printed green octopus sculpture" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>A" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1008.9599609375, 510.3000183105469, 1047.3599853515625, 510.3000183105469, 1047.3599853515625, 545.9400024414062, 1008.9599609375, 545.9400024414062 ] ] } ]
[ "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-077_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.47444215416908264 ]
[ 5.15468168258667 ]
[ "A 3D printer that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a 3D printer sitting on top of a table, with a purple object in the foreground and a green wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 970.5599975585938, 0.5400000214576721, 995.5199584960938, 0.5400000214576721, 995.5199584960938, 19.98000144958496, 970.5599975585938, 19.98000144958496 ] ] } ]
[ "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-078_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.14282172918319702 ]
[ 5.20803165435791 ]
[ "A red bowling ball sitting on top of a metal stand.", "A close up of a metal object with a yellow and black sign on it." ]
[ "The image shows a red bowling ball sitting atop a metal table, with a wall in the background featuring a poster.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table with a yellow and black sign on it. In the background, there is a wall with a poster attached to it, and the object appears to be a CNC milling machine." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>4" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 283.1999816894531, 5.940000057220459, 367.67999267578125, 5.940000057220459, 367.67999267578125, 191.70001220703125, 283.1999816894531, 191.70001220703125 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>4" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 283.1999816894531, 5.940000057220459, 367.67999267578125, 5.940000057220459, 367.67999267578125, 188.4600067138672, 283.1999816894531, 188.4600067138672 ] ] } ]
[ "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-079_0.jpg", "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-079_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.06765161454677582, 0.07689268887042999 ]
[ 5.260814666748047, 4.908803939819336 ]
[ "A copper apple sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a copper apple sitting atop a metal table, with a wall in the background featuring a poster." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ـحـ" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 331.1999816894531, 4.860000133514404, 331.1999816894531, 191.70001220703125, 250.55999755859375, 191.70001220703125, 250.55999755859375, 4.860000133514404 ] ] } ]
[ "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-080_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.054571643471717834 ]
[ 5.188286781311035 ]
[ "A pair of red high heels sitting on top of a metal stand." ]
[ "The image shows a red high heeled shoe sitting atop a metal platform, with a wall in the background featuring a sign board." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 632.6400146484375, 251.10000610351562, 1538.8800048828125, 862.3800048828125 ] ], "labels": [ "red high-heeled shoe" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ـحـ" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 331.1999816894531, 5.940000057220459, 331.1999816894531, 194.94000244140625, 256.32000732421875, 194.94000244140625, 256.32000732421875, 5.940000057220459 ] ] } ]
[ "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-081_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.04427732527256012 ]
[ 5.284222602844238 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a metal table with an electronic device with buttons and a wire connected to it. In the background, there is a wall. The machine appears to be a rotary press, which is used to press metal into various shapes and sizes." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>BALANCE OFF", "OFF LIFETIME", "TALK", "TALK", "TALK", "TALK", "TALK", "TEL", "TALK", "TEL", "DEL", "TALK", "TEL", "TALK", "TALI", "TALK", "TEXI", "TELI", "TEL", "TALK", "TEL", "TEX", "TEXII", "TALK", "TALK", "TALKI", "TALKII", "TEXIL", "TEXITI", "TEXIC", "TALKILI", "TALKIN", "TEXIS", "ATYPHONIC", "TECKI", "TECI", "TECKII", "TICKI" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1085.760009765625, 540.5400390625, 1085.760009765625, 585.9000244140625, 1076.1600341796875, 585.9000244140625, 1076.1600341796875, 540.5400390625 ], [ 1085.760009765625, 594.5400390625, 1085.760009765625, 652.8600463867188, 1076.1600341796875, 652.8600463867188, 1076.1600341796875, 594.5400390625 ], [ 1085.760009765625, 688.5, 1085.760009765625, 717.6600341796875, 1072.3199462890625, 717.6600341796875, 1072.3199462890625, 688.5 ], [ 1087.679931640625, 689.5800170898438, 1085.760009765625, 717.6600341796875, 1074.239990234375, 717.6600341796875, 1074.239990234375, 689.5800170898438 ], [ 1080, 540.5400390625, 1080, 570.780029296875, 1070.4000244140625, 570.780029296875, 1070.4000244140625, 540.5400390625 ], [ 1089.5999755859375, 584.8200073242188, 1087.679931640625, 613.9800415039062, 1076.1600341796875, 613.9800415039062, 1076.1600341796875, 584.8200073242188 ], [ 1091.52001953125, 594.5400390625, 1089.5999755859375, 625.8600463867188, 1078.0799560546875, 625.8600463867188, 1078.0799560546875, 594.5400390625 ], [ 1085.760009765625, 611.8200073242188, 1085.760009765625, 637.7400512695312, 1076.1600341796875, 637.7400512695312, 1076.1600341796875, 611.8200073242188 ], [ 1083.8399658203125, 611.8200073242188, 1083.8399658203125, 637.7400512695312, 1074.239990234375, 637.7400512695312, 1074.239990234375, 611.8200073242188 ], [ 1087.679931640625, 611.8200073242188, 1085.760009765625, 639.9000244140625, 1074.239990234375, 639.9000244140625, 1074.239990234375, 611.8200073242188 ], [ 1085.760009765625, 637.7400512695312, 1085.760009765625, 661.5, 1074.239990234375, 661.5, 1074.239990234375, 637.7400512695312 ], [ 1081.919921875, 584.8200073242188, 1081.919921875, 613.9800415039062, 1072.3199462890625, 613.9800415039062, 1072.3199462890625, 584.8200073242188 ], [ 1089.5999755859375, 613.9800415039062, 1087.679931640625, 637.7400512695312, 1076.1600341796875, 638.8200073242188, 1076.1600341796875, 613.9800415039062 ], [ 1078.0799560546875, 584.8200073242188, 1078.0799560546875, 613.9800415039062, 1068.47998046875, 613.9800415039062, 1068.47998046875, 584.8200073242188 ], [ 1085.760009765625, 584.8200073242188, 1085.760009765625, 613.9800415039062, 1074.239990234375, 613.9800415039062, 1074.239990234375, 585.9000244140625 ], [ 1076.1600341796875, 584.8200073242188, 1076.1600341796875, 613.9800415039062, 1066.5599365234375, 613.9800415039062, 1066.5599365234375, 584.8200073242188 ], [ 767.0399780273438, 596.7000122070312, 767.0399780273438, 562.1400146484375, 776.6399536132812, 562.1400146484375, 776.6399536132812, 596.7000122070312 ], [ 776.6399536132812, 561.0599975585938, 776.6399536132812, 594.5400390625, 765.1199951171875, 594.5400390625, 765.1199951171875, 561.0599975585938 ], [ 763.2000122070312, 596.7000122070312, 763.2000122070312, 567.5400390625, 774.719970703125, 567.5400390625, 774.719970703125, 596.7000122070312 ], [ 772.7999877929688, 660.4200439453125, 772.7999877929688, 702.5400390625, 763.2000122070312, 702.5400390625, 763.2000122070312, 660.4200439453125 ], [ 757.4400024414062, 596.7000122070312, 757.4400024414062, 567.5400390625, 768.9599609375, 567.5400390625, 768.9599609375, 596.7000122070312 ], [ 824.6399536132812, 594.5400390625, 824.6399536132812, 564.300048828125, 841.9199829101562, 564.300048828125, 841.9199829101562, 594.5400390625 ], [ 772.7999877929688, 598.8600463867188, 772.7999877929688, 567.5400390625, 780.47998046875, 567.5400390625, 780.47998046875, 598.8600463867188 ], [ 824.6399536132812, 645.300048828125, 824.6399536132812, 619.3800048828125, 838.0799560546875, 619.3800048828125, 838.0799560546875, 645.300048828125 ], [ 822.719970703125, 694.9800415039062, 822.719970703125, 670.1400146484375, 840, 670.1400146484375, 840, 694.9800415039062 ], [ 772.7999877929688, 702.5400390625, 772.7999877929688, 661.5, 780.47998046875, 661.5, 780.47998046875, 702.5400390625 ], [ 820.7999877929688, 694.9800415039062, 820.7999877929688, 670.1400146484375, 834.239990234375, 670.1400146484375, 834.239990234375, 694.9800415039062 ], [ 824.6399536132812, 645.300048828125, 822.719970703125, 619.3800048828125, 836.1599731445312, 619.3800048828125, 836.1599731445312, 645.300048828125 ], [ 824.6399536132812, 646.3800048828125, 824.6399536132812, 619.3800048828125, 840, 619.3800048828125, 840, 646.3800048828125 ], [ 824.6399536132812, 646.3800048828125, 822.719970703125, 620.4600219726562, 836.1599731445312, 619.3800048828125, 838.0799560546875, 646.3800048828125 ], [ 824.6399536132812, 648.5400390625, 824.6399536132812, 620.4600219726562, 838.0799560546875, 620.4600219726562, 838.0799560546875, 648.5400390625 ], [ 824.6399536132812, 648.5400390625, 822.719970703125, 620.4600219726562, 838.0799560546875, 619.3800048828125, 840, 648.5400390625 ], [ 824.6399536132812, 648.5400390625, 826.5599975585938, 620.4600219726562, 840, 620.4600219726562, 840, 648.5400390625 ], [ 653.760009765625, 596.7000122070312, 653.760009765625, 686.3400268554688, 634.5599975585938, 686.3400268554688, 634.5599975585938, 596.7000122070312 ], [ 772.7999877929688, 596.7000122070312, 772.7999877929688, 562.1400146484375, 780.47998046875, 562.1400146484375, 780.47998046875, 596.7000122070312 ], [ 772.7999877929688, 594.5400390625, 772.7999877929688, 564.300048828125, 780.47998046875, 564.300048828125, 780.47998046875, 594.5400390625 ], [ 776.6399536132812, 594.5400390625, 776.6399536132812, 562.1400146484375, 784.3200073242188, 562.1400146484375, 784.3200073242188, 594.5400390625 ], [ 780.47998046875, 594.5400390625, 780.47998046875, 562.1400146484375, 788.1599731445312, 562.1400146484375, 788.1599731445312, 594.5400390625 ] ] } ]
[ "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-082_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.045257728546857834 ]
[ 4.889089107513428 ]
[ "A tennis ball sitting on top of a metal object." ]
[ "The image shows a green tennis ball sitting atop a metal table, with a machine in the background and a wall behind it." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 732.47998046875, 379.6200256347656, 1176, 813.780029296875 ] ], "labels": [ "Wilson tennis ball with number 1 written on it" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>Wilson", "1" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 813.1199951171875, 540.5400390625, 1097.280029296875, 543.780029296875, 1097.280029296875, 628.02001953125, 813.1199951171875, 624.780029296875 ], [ 932.1599731445312, 630.1800537109375, 970.5599975585938, 630.1800537109375, 972.47998046875, 685.260009765625, 934.0799560546875, 685.260009765625 ] ] } ]
[ "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-083_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.3506675660610199 ]
[ 4.790095806121826 ]
[ "Two baseballs sitting on top of a metal base." ]
[ "The image shows two white baseballs sitting atop a metal table, with a machine in the background and a green wall behind it." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 1022.3999633789062, 323.46002197265625, 1429.43994140625, 730.6200561523438 ], [ 621.1199951171875, 322.3800048828125, 1024.3199462890625, 728.4600219726562 ] ], "labels": [ "white baseball with red stitching", "white baseball with red stitching" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [], "quad_boxes": [] } ]
[ "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-084_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.16995252668857574 ]
[ 4.926440238952637 ]
[ "A blue toy hippo sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a blue toy hippo sitting atop a metal table, with a wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 621.1199951171875, 408.780029296875, 1262.4000244140625, 831.06005859375 ] ], "labels": [ "blue hippopotamus squishy toy" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 225.59999084472656, 976.8600463867188, 271.67999267578125, 976.8600463867188, 271.67999267578125, 996.300048828125, 225.59999084472656, 996.300048828125 ] ] } ]
[ "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-085_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.08167827874422073 ]
[ 4.678619861602783 ]
[ "A green toy crocodile sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a green toy crocodile sitting atop a metal table, with a wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 484.79998779296875, 318.05999755859375, 1498.5599365234375, 788.9400024414062 ] ], "labels": [ "green crocodile-shaped toy with red tongue" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>-" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 934.0799560546875, 454.1400146484375, 960.9599609375, 454.1400146484375, 960.9599609375, 467.1000061035156, 934.0799560546875, 467.1000061035156 ] ] } ]
[ "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-086_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.08873500674962997 ]
[ 4.702282905578613 ]
[ "A silver cup sitting on top of a metal stand." ]
[ "The image shows a silver cup sitting atop a metal stand on a table, with a wall in the background. The cup appears to be made of stainless steel, and the stand is likely used to hold it in place." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 672.9599609375, 454.1400146484375, 1227.8399658203125, 946.6200561523438 ] ], "labels": [ "silver goblet" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 943.6799926757812, 45.900001525878906, 972.47998046875, 46.980003356933594, 972.47998046875, 63.18000411987305, 943.6799926757812, 62.10000228881836 ] ] } ]
[ "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-087_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.044240180402994156 ]
[ 4.975209712982178 ]
[ "A yellow rubber duck sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a yellow rubber duck sitting atop a metal table, with a wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 713.2799682617188, 306.1800231933594, 1279.679931640625, 835.3800048828125 ] ], "labels": [ "yellow rubber duck with red beak and blue eyes" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>O" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 970.5599975585938, 367.7400207519531, 1028.1600341796875, 367.7400207519531, 1028.1600341796875, 429.3000183105469, 970.5599975585938, 429.3000183105469 ] ] } ]
[ "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-088_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.05624637007713318 ]
[ 4.734236240386963 ]
[ "a black and white photo of a person in a wheelchair" ]
[ "The image shows a person in a wheelchair at night, with the grass visible at the bottom. The photo is in black and white, and it appears to be taken in the evening." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [], "quad_boxes": [] } ]
[ "GBSfpTcKegk-Scene-089_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.1269194334745407 ]
[ 4.603424549102783 ]
[ "A black and white photo of a hydraulic press channel." ]
[ "The image shows a black and white photo of a hydraulic press with the words \"hydraulic press channel\" in the middle. The background is blurred, giving the image a sense of focus on the machine." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 0.9599999785423279, 0.5400000214576721, 1919.0399169921875, 1078.3800048828125 ] ], "labels": [ "hydraulic press channel" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>P 65", "Hydraulic Press", "Channel" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1008.9599609375, 537.300048828125, 1118.4000244140625, 540.5400390625, 1118.4000244140625, 603.1800537109375, 1007.0399780273438, 599.9400024414062 ], [ 281.2799987792969, 616.1400146484375, 1656, 616.1400146484375, 1657.919921875, 746.8200073242188, 281.2799987792969, 760.8600463867188 ], [ 607.6799926757812, 787.8600463867188, 1343.0399169921875, 787.8600463867188, 1343.0399169921875, 903.4200439453125, 607.6799926757812, 903.4200439453125 ] ] } ]
[ "Go-aVpndVvM-Scene-001_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.769428551197052 ]
[ 4.586205005645752 ]
[ "A hydraulic press with the words hydraulic press channel." ]
[ "The image shows a hydraulic press channel with the words \"hydraulic press channel\" in the middle. It is a black and white image with a machine in the foreground and a wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 0.9599999785423279, 0.5400000214576721, 1919.0399169921875, 1078.3800048828125 ] ], "labels": [ "hydraulic press channel" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>Hydraulic Press", "Channel" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 283.1999816894531, 615.0599975585938, 1656, 615.0599975585938, 1657.919921875, 750.06005859375, 283.1999816894531, 761.9400024414062 ], [ 607.6799926757812, 787.8600463867188, 1339.199951171875, 787.8600463867188, 1339.199951171875, 903.4200439453125, 607.6799926757812, 903.4200439453125 ] ] } ]
[ "Go-aVpndVvM-Scene-002_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.5799418091773987 ]
[ 4.604629993438721 ]
[ "a close up of a pressure gauge with the words hydraulic press channel" ]
[ "The image shows a pressure gauge with the words \"hydraulic press channel\" written on it, indicating that it is a hydraulic press channel. The gauge is likely used to measure the pressure of a hydraulic system, and the text likely provides instructions on how to use it." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 611.5199584960938, 151.74000549316406, 1444.7999267578125, 993.06005859375 ] ], "labels": [ "dial glycerine filled pressure gauge" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>150", "200", "100", "2000", "2000", "1000", "250", "1000", "Hydraulic Press", "50", "4000", "psi", "4500", "Channel" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 955.199951171875, 318.05999755859375, 1007.0399780273438, 314.82000732421875, 1008.9599609375, 339.6600036621094, 957.1199951171875, 342.9000244140625 ], [ 1116.47998046875, 335.34002685546875, 1170.239990234375, 331.02001953125, 1172.1600341796875, 356.94000244140625, 1118.4000244140625, 360.1800231933594 ], [ 816.9599609375, 409.8600158691406, 868.7999877929688, 405.5400085449219, 870.719970703125, 433.6200256347656, 818.8800048828125, 437.94000244140625 ], [ 953.2799682617188, 429.3000183105469, 1030.0799560546875, 424.9800109863281, 1032, 451.9800109863281, 953.2799682617188, 456.3000183105469 ], [ 1080, 442.260009765625, 1149.1199951171875, 439.02001953125, 1151.0399169921875, 464.9400329589844, 1080, 468.1800231933594 ], [ 1080, 447.6600036621094, 1149.1199951171875, 439.02001953125, 1152.9599609375, 462.780029296875, 1081.919921875, 470.34002685546875 ], [ 1222.0799560546875, 455.22003173828125, 1277.760009765625, 448.7400207519531, 1279.679931640625, 474.6600036621094, 1224, 480.0600280761719 ], [ 911.0399780273438, 534.0599975585938, 985.9199829101562, 527.5800170898438, 987.8399658203125, 554.5800170898438, 912.9599609375, 559.9800415039062 ], [ 281.2799987792969, 616.1400146484375, 1656, 616.1400146484375, 1656, 752.2200317382812, 281.2799987792969, 760.8600463867188 ], [ 795.8399658203125, 594.5400390625, 838.0799560546875, 590.2200317382812, 840, 618.300048828125, 797.760009765625, 622.6199951171875 ], [ 1110.719970703125, 549.1799926757812, 1189.43994140625, 543.780029296875, 1191.3599853515625, 570.780029296875, 1112.6400146484375, 576.1799926757812 ], [ 1039.679931640625, 602.1000366210938, 1080, 597.780029296875, 1081.919921875, 616.1400146484375, 1041.5999755859375, 621.5400390625 ], [ 1128, 607.5, 1187.52001953125, 605.3400268554688, 1187.52001953125, 628.02001953125, 1128, 630.1800537109375 ], [ 607.6799926757812, 787.8600463867188, 1343.0399169921875, 787.8600463867188, 1343.0399169921875, 903.4200439453125, 607.6799926757812, 903.4200439453125 ] ] } ]
[ "Go-aVpndVvM-Scene-003_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.9204142689704895 ]
[ 4.817401885986328 ]
[ "a machine that is sitting on top of a table", "A person is using a machine to make a bowl of playdough.", "A man is working on a machine that has a pink ring on it." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a bowl of colorful objects in front of it. In the background, there are cardboard boxes and other objects on the left side of the image, and a wall on the right side. The machine appears to be a CNC milling machine, with a cylindrical shape and a handle on the side.", "The image shows a person using a 3D printer to make a bowl of colorful playdough on a table. The person's hand is visible, holding the object, and in the background there is a wall.", "The image shows a person using a CNC milling machine to cut a piece of metal, with their hand on the right side of the image. In the background, there are cardboard boxes and other objects, suggesting that the person is in a factory setting." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 171.83999633789062, 689.5800170898438, 1775.0399169921875, 1079.4600830078125 ] ], "labels": [ "stainless steel cylindrical metal container with colorful candies in it" ] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 578.8800048828125, 530.8200073242188, 1323.8399658203125, 1078.3800048828125 ], [ 976.3200073242188, 213.3000030517578, 1917.1199951171875, 581.5800170898438 ] ], "labels": [ "stainless steel mixing bowl with colorful playdough", "human hand" ] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 1001.2799682617188, 522.1799926757812, 1917.1199951171875, 842.9400634765625 ] ], "labels": [ "hand reaching for metal object on table with green background" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>4" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 584.6400146484375, 184.1400146484375, 624.9599609375, 184.1400146484375, 624.9599609375, 264.05999755859375, 584.6400146484375, 264.05999755859375 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>----." ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 980.1599731445312, 841.8600463867188, 980.1599731445312, 896.9400634765625, 970.5599975585938, 896.9400634765625, 970.5599975585938, 841.8600463867188 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>٠١٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 824.6399536132812, 88.02000427246094, 843.8399658203125, 100.9800033569336, 838.0799560546875, 110.70000457763672, 818.8800048828125, 97.74000549316406 ] ] } ]
[ "Go-aVpndVvM-Scene-004_0.jpg", "Go-aVpndVvM-Scene-004_1.jpg", "Go-aVpndVvM-Scene-004_2.jpg" ]
[ 0.18372833728790283, 0.06251709908246994, 0.15841270983219147 ]
[ 5.348873615264893, 4.991803169250488, 5.058714866638184 ]
[ "A metal container filled with colorful plasticine sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a metal bowl filled with colorful playdough sitting on top of a table, with a pink object at the top of the image and a blurred background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 552, 468.1800231933594, 1304.6400146484375, 1078.3800048828125 ] ], "labels": [ "colorful playdough in stainless steel container" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>١٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 730.5599975585938, 659.3400268554688, 730.5599975585938, 682.02001953125, 719.0399780273438, 682.02001953125, 719.0399780273438, 659.3400268554688 ] ] } ]
[ "Go-aVpndVvM-Scene-005_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.12003550678491592 ]
[ 5.43355655670166 ]
[ "a machine that is sitting on top of a table" ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a bowl of colorful objects in front of it. In the background, there is a green cupboard and a few cardboard boxes on the left side. The machine appears to be a CNC milling machine, with a cylindrical shape and a handle on the side." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 168, 679.8600463867188, 1782.719970703125, 1078.3800048828125 ] ], "labels": [ "stainless steel cylindrical roller bearing with colorful rubber bands in metal container" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ـحـ" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 576.9599609375, 179.82000732421875, 619.2000122070312, 179.82000732421875, 619.2000122070312, 258.6600036621094, 576.9599609375, 258.6600036621094 ] ] } ]
[ "Go-aVpndVvM-Scene-006_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.1622365266084671 ]
[ 5.3465375900268555 ]
[ "A metal container filled with colorful plasticine sitting on top of a table.", "A close up of a metal object on a table.", "a close up of a metal object on a table" ]
[ "The image shows a metal bowl filled with colorful playdough sitting on top of a table, with a pink object at the top of the image and a blurred background.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table with a yellow and black stripe on it. It appears to be a CNC milling machine, with a cylindrical shape and a metallic body. The background is dark, suggesting that the machine is in the process of being machined.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table with a yellow and black stripe, which appears to be a CNC milling machine with a rotary chuck. The background is blurred, suggesting the focus is on the machine and its components." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 552, 468.1800231933594, 1304.6400146484375, 1078.3800048828125 ] ], "labels": [ "colorful playdough in stainless steel container" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>١٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 730.5599975585938, 655.02001953125, 730.5599975585938, 680.9400024414062, 717.1199951171875, 680.9400024414062, 717.1199951171875, 655.02001953125 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>١٠٠.٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 991.6799926757812, 755.4600219726562, 1028.1600341796875, 746.8200073242188, 1030.0799560546875, 757.6200561523438, 993.5999755859375, 767.3400268554688 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>O" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 663.3599853515625, 694.9800415039062, 699.8399658203125, 692.8200073242188, 701.760009765625, 721.9800415039062, 665.2799682617188, 724.1400146484375 ] ] } ]
[ "Go-aVpndVvM-Scene-007_0.jpg", "Go-aVpndVvM-Scene-007_1.jpg", "Go-aVpndVvM-Scene-007_2.jpg" ]
[ 0.14113742113113403, 0.34115901589393616, 0.17414072155952454 ]
[ 5.449416160583496, 5.248111724853516, 5.325116157531738 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table.", "A person in a white glove is working on a machine.", "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table, with a cupboard in the background and a few sticks on the left side. The object appears to be a CNC milling machine, with various tools and components visible.", "The image shows a person wearing a glove and holding a piece of plastic in their hand while working on a machine. In the center of the image, there is a container filled with colorful objects, and in the background there are metal rods and a wall.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table, which appears to be a CNC milling machine. The metal object is in the center of the image, with a wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 0.9599999785423279, 748.9800415039062, 1919.0399169921875, 1079.4600830078125 ] ], "labels": [ "stainless steel cylindrical container with colorful rubber bands" ] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 1176, 446.58001708984375, 1915.199951171875, 933.6600341796875 ] ], "labels": [ "gloved hand holding pink and purple object in metal container" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>-" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1124.1600341796875, 785.7000122070312, 1131.8399658203125, 797.5800170898438, 1126.0799560546875, 800.8200073242188, 1120.3199462890625, 788.9400024414062 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>ـحـ" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 519.3599853515625, 0.5400000214576721, 519.3599853515625, 122.58000183105469, 469.44000244140625, 122.58000183105469, 469.44000244140625, 0.5400000214576721 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1122.239990234375, 785.7000122070312, 1129.919921875, 797.5800170898438, 1124.1600341796875, 800.8200073242188, 1118.4000244140625, 788.9400024414062 ] ] } ]
[ "Go-aVpndVvM-Scene-008_0.jpg", "Go-aVpndVvM-Scene-008_1.jpg", "Go-aVpndVvM-Scene-008_2.jpg" ]
[ 0.06644748896360397, 0.06993891298770905, 0.06374521553516388 ]
[ 5.183050632476807, 5.155266284942627, 5.220226287841797 ]
[ "A metal container filled with colorful plasticine sitting on top of a table.", "A metal cylinder with a bunch of wires attached to it." ]
[ "The image shows a metal bowl filled with colorful plasticine sitting on top of a table, with a machine in the background.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table, which appears to be a metal cylinder with colorful wires attached to it. In the background, there are a few other objects visible." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠١٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 584.6400146484375, 973.6200561523438, 594.239990234375, 973.6200561523438, 594.239990234375, 986.5800170898438, 584.6400146484375, 986.5800170898438 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>٠١٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 588.47998046875, 976.8600463867188, 596.1599731445312, 998.4600219726562, 586.5599975585938, 1001.7000122070312, 580.7999877929688, 980.1000366210938 ] ] } ]
[ "Go-aVpndVvM-Scene-009_0.jpg", "Go-aVpndVvM-Scene-009_1.jpg" ]
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[ 5.146059989929199, 5.16483211517334 ]
[ "a close up of a metal object on a table", "A close up of a metal object on a table.", "A close up of a metal object on a table." ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table with wires connected to it. In the background, there is a green wall and a few other objects. The object appears to be a CNC milling machine, with the wires connecting it to the table.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table with wires connected to it. In the background, there is a wall and a few other objects. The metal object appears to be a CNC milling machine, with the wires connecting it to the table.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table with wires connected to it. In the background, there is a wall and a few other objects. The metal object appears to be a CNC milling machine, with the wires connecting it to the table." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>0" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1022.3999633789062, 422.82000732421875, 1035.8399658203125, 422.82000732421875, 1035.8399658203125, 434.70001220703125, 1022.3999633789062, 434.70001220703125 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>O" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1022.3999633789062, 468.1800231933594, 1035.8399658203125, 468.1800231933594, 1035.8399658203125, 478.9800109863281, 1022.3999633789062, 478.9800109863281 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>O" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1022.3999633789062, 468.1800231933594, 1035.8399658203125, 468.1800231933594, 1035.8399658203125, 478.9800109863281, 1022.3999633789062, 478.9800109863281 ] ] } ]
[ "Go-aVpndVvM-Scene-010_0.jpg", "Go-aVpndVvM-Scene-010_1.jpg", "Go-aVpndVvM-Scene-010_2.jpg" ]
[ 0.08404490351676941, 0.1354048103094101, 0.15346741676330566 ]
[ 4.772869110107422, 5.052896022796631, 5.066861152648926 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table.", "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a CNC milling machine with three candles placed on top of it. In the background, there is a wall with stickers on it, and to the left of the machine there are cardboard boxes and other objects.", "The image shows three candles sitting on top of a table next to a CNC milling machine, with a wall in the background and cardboard boxes on the left side." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 168, 679.8600463867188, 1792.3199462890625, 1079.4600830078125 ], [ 972.47998046875, 603.1800537109375, 1120.3199462890625, 801.9000244140625 ], [ 836.1599731445312, 596.7000122070312, 978.239990234375, 785.7000122070312 ], [ 878.3999633789062, 653.9400024414062, 1033.919921875, 812.7000122070312 ] ], "labels": [ "stainless steel cylindrical candle holder with pink and yellow candles", "yellow and pink candles", "pink and yellow tealight candles", "pink pillar candle" ] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 168, 679.8600463867188, 1792.3199462890625, 1079.4600830078125 ], [ 972.47998046875, 602.1000366210938, 1120.3199462890625, 801.9000244140625 ], [ 836.1599731445312, 595.6199951171875, 978.239990234375, 785.7000122070312 ], [ 878.3999633789062, 655.02001953125, 1033.919921875, 812.7000122070312 ] ], "labels": [ "stainless steel cylindrical candle holder with pink and yellow candles", "yellow and pink candles", "pink and yellow tealight candles", "pink pillar candle" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>4" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 619.2000122070312, 173.3400115966797, 663.3599853515625, 173.3400115966797, 663.3599853515625, 248.94000244140625, 619.2000122070312, 248.94000244140625 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>4" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 624.9599609375, 174.42001342773438, 659.5199584960938, 174.42001342773438, 659.5199584960938, 243.54000854492188, 624.9599609375, 243.54000854492188 ] ] } ]
[ "Go-aVpndVvM-Scene-011_0.jpg", "Go-aVpndVvM-Scene-011_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.07922197133302689, 0.07279928773641586 ]
[ 5.376265525817871, 5.564995765686035 ]
[ "A group of three candles sitting on top of a metal container.", "A metal container filled with pink and yellow paint." ]
[ "The image shows three candles sitting on top of a metal container on a table, with a machine in the background. The machine appears to be a candle making machine, with the candles being the main focus of the image.", "The image shows a metal container filled with pink and yellow colored objects sitting on top of a wooden table. The container is made of metal and has a yellow and black striped pole attached to it." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 638.3999633789062, 463.8600158691406, 899.5199584960938, 822.4200439453125 ], [ 864.9599609375, 535.1400146484375, 1137.5999755859375, 827.8200073242188 ], [ 857.2799682617188, 431.46002197265625, 1112.6400146484375, 568.6199951171875 ] ], "labels": [ "pink pillar candles", "pink tealight candle", "yellow pillar candle" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
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[ "Go-aVpndVvM-Scene-012_0.jpg", "Go-aVpndVvM-Scene-012_1.jpg" ]
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[ 5.260616779327393, 4.690517425537109 ]
[ "A metal cylinder sitting on top of a metal table.", "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a metal object sitting on top of a table with a yellow and black sticker on it. In the background, there is a green wall with stickers attached to it, and to the left of the table there are cardboard boxes and other objects. The metal object appears to be a cnc milling machine, with a cylindrical shape and a handle on the side.", "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with wires and other objects around it. In the background, there is a wall with stickers on it, and to the left side of the image there are cardboard boxes and other items. The machine appears to be a CNC milling machine, with a cylindrical shape and a handle on the side." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 659.5199584960938, 169.02000427246094, 659.5199584960938, 255.42001342773438, 624.9599609375, 255.42001342773438, 624.9599609375, 169.02000427246094 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>4" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 624.9599609375, 174.42001342773438, 659.5199584960938, 174.42001342773438, 659.5199584960938, 243.54000854492188, 624.9599609375, 243.54000854492188 ] ] } ]
[ "Go-aVpndVvM-Scene-013_0.jpg", "Go-aVpndVvM-Scene-013_1.jpg" ]
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[ 4.9559221267700195, 4.990485191345215 ]
[ "A metal cylinder with a yellow and black stripe on it." ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table with a yellow and black sticker on it. The metal object appears to be a CNC milling machine, which is being used to cut a piece of metal with precision and accuracy." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>7" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 720.9599609375, 814.8600463867188, 738.239990234375, 817.02001953125, 736.3200073242188, 834.300048828125, 719.0399780273438, 832.1400146484375 ] ] } ]
[ "Go-aVpndVvM-Scene-014_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.15459813177585602 ]
[ 4.932764053344727 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table.", "A man is working on a machine that has a bunch of wires attached to it.", "A candle is lit in a metal container on a table." ]
[ "The image shows a person using a CNC milling machine to cut a piece of metal, with wires and other objects on the table in front of them. In the background, there is a wall with stickers on it, and to the left side of the image there are cardboard boxes.", "The image shows a man working on a machine in a workshop, with a metal object in the center of the table surrounded by wires and other objects. In the background, there are cardboard boxes and other machines, suggesting that the man is in the process of turning a cable into a cable.", "The image shows a CNC milling machine with a candle on top of it, surrounded by metal objects on the table. In the background, there is a wall with stickers on it, and to the left side of the image there are cardboard boxes and other objects." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 1177.919921875, 445.5000305175781, 1919.0399169921875, 909.9000244140625 ] ], "labels": [ "hand pointing at pink and purple wires on table" ] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 816.9599609375, 597.780029296875, 1118.4000244140625, 812.7000122070312 ] ], "labels": [ "candle" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>4" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 624.9599609375, 174.42001342773438, 659.5199584960938, 174.42001342773438, 659.5199584960938, 243.54000854492188, 624.9599609375, 243.54000854492188 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>4" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 624.9599609375, 174.42001342773438, 659.5199584960938, 174.42001342773438, 659.5199584960938, 243.54000854492188, 624.9599609375, 243.54000854492188 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 955.199951171875, 817.02001953125, 972.47998046875, 817.02001953125, 972.47998046875, 834.300048828125, 955.199951171875, 834.300048828125 ] ] } ]
[ "Go-aVpndVvM-Scene-015_0.jpg", "Go-aVpndVvM-Scene-015_1.jpg", "Go-aVpndVvM-Scene-015_2.jpg" ]
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[ "A lit candle sitting on top of a metal bowl." ]
[ "The image shows a candle sitting on top of a metal bowl on a table, with an object at the top of the image and a wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 667.2000122070312, 433.6200256347656, 1202.8800048828125, 828.9000244140625 ] ], "labels": [ "candle" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠١٢٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 920.6399536132812, 488.70001220703125, 922.5599975585938, 525.4200439453125, 907.199951171875, 526.5, 905.2799682617188, 489.780029296875 ] ] } ]
[ "Go-aVpndVvM-Scene-016_0.jpg" ]
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[ "A candle is lit in a metal container on a table." ]
[ "The image shows a CNC milling machine with a candle on top of it, surrounded by metal objects and cardboard boxes on the left side. In the background, there is a wall with stickers on it, suggesting that the machine is in the process of making a candle." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 816.9599609375, 595.6199951171875, 1118.4000244140625, 812.7000122070312 ] ], "labels": [ "candle" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 955.199951171875, 817.02001953125, 970.5599975585938, 817.02001953125, 970.5599975585938, 834.300048828125, 955.199951171875, 834.300048828125 ] ] } ]
[ "Go-aVpndVvM-Scene-017_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.08510753512382507 ]
[ 5.3604230880737305 ]
[ "A metal object with a candle inside of it." ]
[ "The image shows a metal object sitting on top of a table, with a candle burning inside it. The candle is emitting a warm, flickering light, illuminating the metal object and the surrounding area." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>O" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 626.8800048828125, 181.98001098632812, 667.2000122070312, 181.98001098632812, 667.2000122070312, 210.0600128173828, 626.8800048828125, 210.0600128173828 ] ] } ]
[ "Go-aVpndVvM-Scene-018_0.jpg" ]
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[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a metal object sitting on top of a table, with a few wires connected to it. In the background, there are a few cardboard boxes and other objects attached to the wall. The object appears to be a 3D printer, with the wires connecting it to the machine." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>4" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 624.9599609375, 174.42001342773438, 661.4400024414062, 174.42001342773438, 661.4400024414062, 243.54000854492188, 624.9599609375, 243.54000854492188 ] ] } ]
[ "Go-aVpndVvM-Scene-019_0.jpg" ]
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[ "a close up of a metal object on a table" ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table with a yellow and black stripe, which appears to be a CNC milling machine with a rotary chuck. The background is blurred, suggesting the focus is on the machine and its components." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>O" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 655.6799926757812, 605.3400268554688, 697.9199829101562, 607.5, 696, 636.6600341796875, 653.760009765625, 634.5 ] ] } ]
[ "Go-aVpndVvM-Scene-020_0.jpg" ]
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[ 5.00273323059082 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table.", "A person is holding a plastic bag over a machine." ]
[ "The image shows a metal object sitting on top of a table, with wires connected to it. In the background, there is a wall with stickers on it, and to the left side of the image there are cardboard boxes and other objects. The metal object appears to be a CNC milling machine, with the wires connecting it to the machine.", "The image shows a person holding a piece of paper in front of a machine, which appears to be a CNC milling machine. The machine is surrounded by wires and there are cardboard boxes and other objects in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 1529.2799072265625, 304.02001953125, 1919.0399169921875, 670.1400146484375 ] ], "labels": [ "hand holding clear plastic bag with white substance" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>4" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 624.9599609375, 174.42001342773438, 661.4400024414062, 174.42001342773438, 661.4400024414062, 243.54000854492188, 624.9599609375, 243.54000854492188 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>4" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 624.9599609375, 174.42001342773438, 661.4400024414062, 174.42001342773438, 661.4400024414062, 243.54000854492188, 624.9599609375, 243.54000854492188 ] ] } ]
[ "Go-aVpndVvM-Scene-021_0.jpg", "Go-aVpndVvM-Scene-021_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.10753697156906128, 0.04462921619415283 ]
[ 4.767053604125977, 4.750614166259766 ]
[ "A group of three candles sitting on top of a metal bowl.", "A close up of a metal object on a table." ]
[ "The image shows three candles sitting in a metal bowl on top of a table, with an object at the top of the image and a blurred background.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table, which appears to be a machine with a yellow and orange object inside. The background is dark, suggesting that the machine is in the process of being used to make an apple." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 939.8399658203125, 327.7799987792969, 1212.47998046875, 792.1800537109375 ], [ 694.0799560546875, 406.6200256347656, 989.7599487304688, 827.8200073242188 ], [ 745.9199829101562, 252.1800079345703, 1003.199951171875, 484.3800048828125 ] ], "labels": [ "orange pillar candle", "green pillar candle", "yellow and orange candles" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>-" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 876.47998046875, 354.780029296875, 878.3999633789062, 385.02001953125, 855.3599853515625, 387.1800231933594, 853.4400024414062, 356.94000244140625 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>0" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 655.6799926757812, 235.98001098632812, 676.7999877929688, 235.98001098632812, 676.7999877929688, 262.9800109863281, 655.6799926757812, 262.9800109863281 ] ] } ]
[ "Go-aVpndVvM-Scene-022_0.jpg", "Go-aVpndVvM-Scene-022_1.jpg" ]
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[ 5.393136024475098, 5.142940521240234 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table.", "A machine that is sitting on top of a table.", "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a metal object in the center. On the left side of the image, there are wooden sticks and other objects, and in the background there is a wall with stickers on it. The machine appears to be a CNC milling machine.", "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table in a room with a wall in the background. On the table there is a metal object, and to the left side of the image there are a few sticks and other objects. The machine appears to be a milling machine, with a cylindrical shape and a metal frame.", "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table in a room with a wall in the background. On the left side of the image, there are a few sticks and other objects. The machine appears to be a CNC milling machine, with a cylindrical shape and a metal frame." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 325.44000244140625, 751.1400146484375, 1596.47998046875, 1079.4600830078125 ] ], "labels": [ "stainless steel cylindrical object on workbench" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>4" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1356.47998046875, 365.58001708984375, 1396.7999267578125, 365.58001708984375, 1396.7999267578125, 439.02001953125, 1356.47998046875, 439.02001953125 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>4" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1721.2799072265625, 356.94000244140625, 1757.760009765625, 358.02001953125, 1755.8399658203125, 430.3800048828125, 1719.3599853515625, 429.3000183105469 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>4" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 642.239990234375, 367.7400207519531, 676.7999877929688, 367.7400207519531, 676.7999877929688, 432.5400085449219, 642.239990234375, 432.5400085449219 ] ] } ]
[ "Go-aVpndVvM-Scene-023_0.jpg", "Go-aVpndVvM-Scene-023_1.jpg", "Go-aVpndVvM-Scene-023_2.jpg" ]
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[ 4.981273651123047, 5.129408359527588, 5.145766258239746 ]
[ "A close up of a metal object on a table." ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table, which appears to be a CNC milling machine. It has a cylindrical shape with a handle on the side and a spindle at the top. The metal is a silver color and has a glossy finish. The table is a light wood color and the background is a dark blue." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>O" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 676.7999877929688, 564.300048828125, 726.719970703125, 574.02001953125, 720.9599609375, 605.3400268554688, 669.1199951171875, 594.5400390625 ] ] } ]
[ "Go-aVpndVvM-Scene-024_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.14296241104602814 ]
[ 5.014601707458496 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table.", "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a metal object in the center. On the left side of the machine, there are wooden sticks and other objects, and in the background there is a wall with stickers on it. The machine appears to be a CNC milling machine, with a cylindrical shape and a handle on the side.", "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a metal object in the center, surrounded by wires. On the left side of the image, there are cardboard boxes and other objects, and in the background there is a wall. The machine appears to be a cnd milling machine, with a cylindrical shape and a handle on the side." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>4" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1721.2799072265625, 356.94000244140625, 1757.760009765625, 358.02001953125, 1755.8399658203125, 430.3800048828125, 1719.3599853515625, 429.3000183105469 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>4" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1721.2799072265625, 356.94000244140625, 1757.760009765625, 358.02001953125, 1755.8399658203125, 430.3800048828125, 1719.3599853515625, 429.3000183105469 ] ] } ]
[ "Go-aVpndVvM-Scene-025_0.jpg", "Go-aVpndVvM-Scene-025_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.04437342658638954, 0.06700706481933594 ]
[ 4.819969654083252, 4.917350769042969 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table with a yellow and black sticker on it. The metal object appears to be a CNC milling machine, and there are a few pink objects scattered around it." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1172.1600341796875, 1030.8599853515625, 1187.52001953125, 1030.8599853515625, 1187.52001953125, 1053.5400390625, 1172.1600341796875, 1053.5400390625 ] ] } ]
[ "Go-aVpndVvM-Scene-026_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.14953775703907013 ]
[ 5.173819065093994 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a metal object in the center, surrounded by wires. On the left side of the image, there are cardboard boxes and other objects, and in the background there is a wall with stickers on it." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>4" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1721.2799072265625, 356.94000244140625, 1757.760009765625, 358.02001953125, 1755.8399658203125, 430.3800048828125, 1719.3599853515625, 429.3000183105469 ] ] } ]
[ "Go-aVpndVvM-Scene-027_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.06059390306472778 ]
[ 4.831912040710449 ]
[ "A close up of a metal object on a table." ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table with a yellow and black sign on it. It appears to be a CNC milling machine, with a cylindrical shape and a handle on the side. The metal object is likely part of the machine, and the yellow sign is likely indicating the direction of the milling process." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>O" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 680.6400146484375, 629.1000366210938, 730.5599975585938, 635.5800170898438, 726.719970703125, 666.9000244140625, 676.7999877929688, 660.4200439453125 ] ] } ]
[ "Go-aVpndVvM-Scene-028_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.1907491236925125 ]
[ 5.058967113494873 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a cylindrical metal object in the center, surrounded by wires. On the left side of the image, there are cardboard boxes and other objects, and in the background there is a wall. The machine appears to be in the process of cutting a piece of metal." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>4" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1721.2799072265625, 356.94000244140625, 1757.760009765625, 358.02001953125, 1755.8399658203125, 430.3800048828125, 1719.3599853515625, 429.3000183105469 ] ] } ]
[ "Go-aVpndVvM-Scene-029_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.050625789910554886 ]
[ 4.899204730987549 ]
[ "A blue figurine sitting on top of a metal object.", "A drill press with the words if you have good ideas about stuff to crush." ]
[ "The image shows a blue toy sitting on top of a metal object on a table, with the words \"Thank you for watching\" written on it. In the background, there is a wall, a door, and other objects.", "The image shows a machine on a table with text that reads \"If you have good ideas about stuff to crush, please write them to comments\". In the background, there is a wall with various objects scattered around it." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 0.9599999785423279, 396.9000244140625, 1919.0399169921875, 1078.3800048828125 ] ], "labels": [ "3D printed blue figure on metal cylinder with thank you message" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>Thank you for", "watching!", "draulic press channel" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 361.91998291015625, 719.8200073242188, 1567.679931640625, 719.8200073242188, 1567.679931640625, 856.9800415039062, 361.91998291015625, 854.8200073242188 ], [ 519.3599853515625, 893.7000122070312, 1396.7999267578125, 893.7000122070312, 1396.7999267578125, 1026.5400390625, 519.3599853515625, 1023.300048828125 ], [ 926.3999633789062, 996.300048828125, 1905.5999755859375, 991.9800415039062, 1905.5999755859375, 1070.820068359375, 926.3999633789062, 1072.9801025390625 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>If you have good ideas about", "stuff to crush", "Please write them to", "comments!", "press channel" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 22.079999923706055, 553.5, 1894.0799560546875, 552.4200439453125, 1894.0799560546875, 656.1000366210938, 22.079999923706055, 663.6600341796875 ], [ 528.9599609375, 683.1000366210938, 1387.199951171875, 683.1000366210938, 1387.199951171875, 772.7400512695312, 528.9599609375, 773.8200073242188 ], [ 294.7200012207031, 808.3800048828125, 1621.43994140625, 808.3800048828125, 1621.43994140625, 899.1000366210938, 294.7200012207031, 899.1000366210938 ], [ 592.3200073242188, 949.8600463867188, 1327.679931640625, 940.1400146484375, 1327.679931640625, 1022.2200317382812, 592.3200073242188, 1026.5400390625 ], [ 1268.159912109375, 996.300048828125, 1905.5999755859375, 991.9800415039062, 1905.5999755859375, 1068.6600341796875, 1268.159912109375, 1071.9000244140625 ] ] } ]
[ "Go-aVpndVvM-Scene-030_0.jpg", "Go-aVpndVvM-Scene-030_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.7467949986457825, 0.5360612869262695 ]
[ 4.628430366516113, 4.562551498413086 ]
[ "A woman is making a clay gnome figurine on a table.", "A small figurine of a gnome sitting on top of a metal plate.", "A close up of a metal object on a table." ]
[ "The image shows a woman sitting at a table with a toy gnome on top of it. The background is blurred, suggesting that the focus of the image is on the woman and the gnome, which appears to be in the process of being sculpted.", "The image shows a small gnome statue sitting atop a metal object on a table, with a wall in the background. The gnome appears to be in the process of being sculpted, as evidenced by the tools and materials scattered around it.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table, which appears to be a 3D printed cupcake. The background is slightly blurred, suggesting that the focus of the image is on the object." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 515.5199584960938, 0.5400000214576721, 1769.2799072265625, 706.8600463867188 ], [ 792, 88.02000427246094, 1128, 751.1400146484375 ], [ 882.239990234375, 342.9000244140625, 1064.6400146484375, 435.780029296875 ], [ 851.5199584960938, 682.02001953125, 943.6799926757812, 746.8200073242188 ], [ 941.7599487304688, 689.5800170898438, 1032, 747.9000244140625 ] ], "labels": [ "clay gnome figurine", "clay garden gnome with brown hat and green shirt", "human face", "footwear", "footwear" ] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 797.760009765625, 93.42000579833984, 1120.3199462890625, 751.1400146484375 ], [ 882.239990234375, 341.82000732421875, 1070.4000244140625, 434.70001220703125 ], [ 849.5999755859375, 680.9400024414062, 943.6799926757812, 745.7400512695312 ], [ 941.7599487304688, 688.5, 1032, 747.9000244140625 ] ], "labels": [ "clay gnome figurine with brown hat and green shirt", "human face", "footwear", "footwear" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 12.479999542236328, 934.7400512695312, 29.760000228881836, 934.7400512695312, 29.760000228881836, 945.5400390625, 12.479999542236328, 945.5400390625 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 12.479999542236328, 934.7400512695312, 29.760000228881836, 934.7400512695312, 29.760000228881836, 945.5400390625, 12.479999542236328, 945.5400390625 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 12.479999542236328, 948.780029296875, 27.84000015258789, 948.780029296875, 27.84000015258789, 960.6600341796875, 12.479999542236328, 960.6600341796875 ] ] } ]
[ "Go-aVpndVvM-Scene-031_0.jpg", "Go-aVpndVvM-Scene-031_1.jpg", "Go-aVpndVvM-Scene-031_2.jpg" ]
[ 0.10859651118516922, 0.08599364012479782, 0.09773435443639755 ]
[ 4.950901508331299, 5.184061050415039, 5.120485782623291 ]
[ "a black and white photo of a person in a wheelchair" ]
[ "The image shows a person in a wheelchair at night, with the grass visible at the bottom. The photo is in black and white, and it appears to be taken in the evening." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [], "quad_boxes": [] } ]
[ "Go-aVpndVvM-Scene-032_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.5941148996353149 ]
[ 4.040563583374023 ]
[ "A metal bowl filled with gummy bears sitting on top of a table.", "a close up of a metal object on a table" ]
[ "The image shows a metal bowl filled with colorful gummy bears sitting on top of a table, with a machine at the top of the image and a wall in the background.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table, with a green wall in the background. The object appears to be a CNC milling machine, with various tools and components visible." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 596.1599731445312, 292.1400146484375, 1392.9599609375, 765.1800537109375 ] ], "labels": [ "sugar-coated gummy bears in metal bowl" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 671.0399780273438, 851.5800170898438, 682.5599975585938, 851.5800170898438, 682.5599975585938, 866.7000122070312, 671.0399780273438, 866.7000122070312 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>٠١٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 784.3200073242188, 768.4200439453125, 807.3599853515625, 768.4200439453125, 807.3599853515625, 780.300048828125, 784.3200073242188, 780.300048828125 ] ] } ]
[ "grp9vjohWKc-Scene-001_0.jpg", "grp9vjohWKc-Scene-001_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.07566779851913452, 0.07447422295808792 ]
[ 5.396205425262451, 5.0986151695251465 ]
[ "A red candle sitting on top of a metal table.", "A metal bowl filled with pink meat sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a red candle sitting atop a metal table, with a metal object at the top of the image and a wall in the background.", "The image shows a metal bowl filled with pink food sitting on top of a table, with a metal pole in the center and a wall in the background. On the wall, there are boards with text, likely indicating that this is a meat processing plant." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 830.3999633789062, 194.94000244140625, 1083.8399658203125, 867.780029296875 ] ], "labels": [ "red pillar candle" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>O" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 920.6399536132812, 822.4200439453125, 932.1599731445312, 822.4200439453125, 932.1599731445312, 833.2200317382812, 920.6399536132812, 833.2200317382812 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1379.52001953125, 860.2200317382812, 1389.1199951171875, 860.2200317382812, 1389.1199951171875, 872.1000366210938, 1379.52001953125, 872.1000366210938 ] ] } ]
[ "grp9vjohWKc-Scene-002_0.jpg", "grp9vjohWKc-Scene-002_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.06743431091308594, 0.282071590423584 ]
[ 5.514549255371094, 5.124841213226318 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table, with a bowl of colorful candies in the center. The machine appears to be a CNC milling machine, with various tools and components used to create the desired shape and size of the candy." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 705.5999755859375, 388.260009765625, 1214.4000244140625, 671.2200317382812 ] ], "labels": [ "candy bowl with colorful candies" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠١٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 788.1599731445312, 44.820003509521484, 799.6799926757812, 44.820003509521484, 799.6799926757812, 56.70000076293945, 788.1599731445312, 56.70000076293945 ] ] } ]
[ "grp9vjohWKc-Scene-003_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.035937219858169556 ]
[ 5.492523193359375 ]
[ "a close up of a metal object on a table ", "A close up of a metal object on a machine." ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table, with a green wall in the background. On the wall, there are stickers with text, and the object appears to be a spool of thread.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table with a green wall in the background. The metal object appears to be a CNC milling machine, with a cylindrical shape and a handle on the side. It has a metallic sheen and is surrounded by a metal frame." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ـحـ" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1836.47998046875, 106.3800048828125, 1909.43994140625, 106.3800048828125, 1907.5198974609375, 228.42001342773438, 1834.5599365234375, 228.42001342773438 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 947.5199584960938, 210.0600128173828, 953.2799682617188, 210.0600128173828, 953.2799682617188, 218.70001220703125, 947.5199584960938, 218.70001220703125 ] ] } ]
[ "grp9vjohWKc-Scene-004_0.jpg", "grp9vjohWKc-Scene-004_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.09984821826219559, 0.07301346957683563 ]
[ 5.257091522216797, 5.346710205078125 ]
[ "A close up of a metal object on a table.", "A close up of a metal object on a table." ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table with a green and blue liquid being poured into it. The background is blurred, suggesting the focus is on the object and the liquid.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table, which appears to be a 3D printing machine with a green and blue liquid inside. The background is blurred, suggesting the focus is on the machine and the liquid." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 980.1599731445312, 11.34000015258789, 999.3599853515625, 11.34000015258789, 999.3599853515625, 28.6200008392334, 980.1599731445312, 28.6200008392334 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>-" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1164.47998046875, 684.1800537109375, 1164.47998046875, 703.6200561523438, 1154.8800048828125, 704.7000122070312, 1154.8800048828125, 685.260009765625 ] ] } ]
[ "grp9vjohWKc-Scene-005_0.jpg", "grp9vjohWKc-Scene-005_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.09303290396928787, 0.11641541123390198 ]
[ 5.204361438751221, 4.953266143798828 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table, with a bowl of colorful jelly beans in the center. The machine appears to be a CNC milling machine, with the jelly beans being cut into various shapes and sizes. The jelly beans are a variety of colors, including red, blue, yellow, and green." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 745.9199829101562, 414.1800231933594, 1256.6400146484375, 731.7000122070312 ] ], "labels": [ "candy" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>3.0" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 807.3599853515625, 1004.9400634765625, 807.3599853515625, 1033.02001953125, 788.1599731445312, 1033.02001953125, 788.1599731445312, 1004.9400634765625 ] ] } ]
[ "grp9vjohWKc-Scene-006_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.060853295028209686 ]
[ 5.532933235168457 ]
[ "A bunch of basketballs sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a metal object with three red and black basketballs sitting on top of it. In the background, there is a green wall." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 734.3999633789062, 617.2200317382812, 1143.3599853515625, 765.1800537109375 ], [ 803.5199584960938, 634.5, 943.6799926757812, 763.02001953125 ], [ 939.8399658203125, 634.5, 1072.3199462890625, 761.9400024414062 ], [ 734.3999633789062, 621.5400390625, 847.6799926757812, 747.9000244140625 ], [ 1035.8399658203125, 618.300048828125, 1143.3599853515625, 742.5 ], [ 893.760009765625, 616.1400146484375, 985.9199829101562, 683.1000366210938 ] ], "labels": [ "red and black basketballs", "red basketballs with black stripes", "red basketball", "red basketball", "red basketball", "ball" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 843.8399658203125, 957.4200439453125, 857.2799682617188, 957.4200439453125, 857.2799682617188, 969.300048828125, 843.8399658203125, 969.300048828125 ] ] } ]
[ "grp9vjohWKc-Scene-007_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.13004079461097717 ]
[ 5.774369239807129 ]
[ "an ice cream cone sitting on top of a metal table" ]
[ "The image shows an ice cream cone sitting atop a metal table, with a wall in the background. The cone is filled with a creamy, pink and white ice cream, and the table is a metallic silver color." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 767.0399780273438, 314.82000732421875, 1187.52001953125, 882.9000244140625 ] ], "labels": [ "ice cream" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>RidFoD" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 868.7999877929688, 677.7000122070312, 1056.9599609375, 677.7000122070312, 1056.9599609375, 733.8600463867188, 868.7999877929688, 733.8600463867188 ] ] } ]
[ "grp9vjohWKc-Scene-008_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.031241126358509064 ]
[ 5.21867036819458 ]
[ "A red toy with big eyes and a big smile on its face." ]
[ "The image shows a red toy robot sitting on top of a metal table, with a wall in the background. The robot appears to be in the process of being built, as evidenced by the tools and materials scattered around it." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 757.4400024414062, 362.34002685546875, 1277.760009765625, 838.6200561523438 ] ], "labels": [ "toothbrush holder with red mouth and white teeth" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>O.O." ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 864.9599609375, 356.94000244140625, 1222.0799560546875, 356.94000244140625, 1222.0799560546875, 525.4200439453125, 864.9599609375, 525.4200439453125 ] ] } ]
[ "grp9vjohWKc-Scene-009_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.21722760796546936 ]
[ 4.962619781494141 ]
[ "A pair of brown boots sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a pair of brown boots sitting atop a metal table, with a pole in the background and a wall behind it. The boots appear to be in the process of being repaired, as evidenced by the tools and materials scattered around the table." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 498.239990234375, 136.62001037597656, 1279.679931640625, 828.9000244140625 ] ], "labels": [ "brown leather boot" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>O" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1128, 441.1800231933594, 1149.1199951171875, 439.02001953125, 1151.0399169921875, 459.5400085449219, 1129.919921875, 461.70001220703125 ] ] } ]
[ "grp9vjohWKc-Scene-010_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.10664746910333633 ]
[ 5.179257392883301 ]
[ "A machine that is cutting a pile of gold coins." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a pile of gold coins in front of it. The machine appears to be a CNC milling machine, which is used to cut and shape the coins into various shapes and sizes." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 711.3599853515625, 369.9000244140625, 1239.3599853515625, 669.0599975585938 ] ], "labels": [ "gold coins" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 772.7999877929688, 3.7800002098083496, 813.1199951171875, 3.7800002098083496, 813.1199951171875, 23.220001220703125, 772.7999877929688, 23.220001220703125 ] ] } ]
[ "grp9vjohWKc-Scene-011_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.06180376932024956 ]
[ 5.2036333084106445 ]
[ "A yellow balloon with the word Anni written on it." ]
[ "The image shows a yellow balloon with the word \"Anni\" written on it sitting atop a metal object on a table, with a wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>Anni" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 772.7999877929688, 441.1800231933594, 1139.52001953125, 427.1400146484375, 1143.3599853515625, 564.300048828125, 776.6399536132812, 576.1799926757812 ] ] } ]
[ "grp9vjohWKc-Scene-012_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.09468375146389008 ]
[ 4.401021480560303 ]
[ "A green cylinder sitting on top of a metal stand.", "a close up of a metal object with a green substance on it" ]
[ "The image shows a green cylinder sitting atop a metal pole in the foreground, with a metal object at the top and a wall with stickers in the background.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object with a yellow and black sticker on it, which appears to be a CNC milling machine with a green liquid inside. In the background, there is a wall." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ـحـ" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 169.9199981689453, 51.30000305175781, 256.32000732421875, 51.30000305175781, 256.32000732421875, 225.1800079345703, 169.9199981689453, 225.1800079345703 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>U" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1095.3599853515625, 335.34002685546875, 1112.6400146484375, 335.34002685546875, 1112.6400146484375, 350.46002197265625, 1095.3599853515625, 350.46002197265625 ] ] } ]
[ "grp9vjohWKc-Scene-013_0.jpg", "grp9vjohWKc-Scene-013_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.06479865312576294, 0.03982515260577202 ]
[ 5.220373630523682, 5.294673919677734 ]
[ "A group of figurines sitting on top of a metal tray." ]
[ "The image shows a group of Moomin action figures sitting on top of a metal object on a table, with a blurred background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 567.3599853515625, 358.02001953125, 1414.0799560546875, 734.9400024414062 ], [ 565.4400024414062, 388.260009765625, 799.6799926757812, 732.780029296875 ], [ 1078.0799560546875, 356.94000244140625, 1272, 731.7000122070312 ], [ 926.3999633789062, 375.3000183105469, 1124.1600341796875, 724.1400146484375 ], [ 1218.239990234375, 363.4200134277344, 1414.0799560546875, 719.8200073242188 ], [ 751.6799926757812, 402.3000183105469, 903.3599853515625, 718.7400512695312 ], [ 836.1599731445312, 528.6600341796875, 1020.47998046875, 738.1800537109375 ] ], "labels": [ "Moomin figurines", "Moomintroll white toy with blue eyes", "Moomins Moomin toy figure with green hat and green coat", "Moomind figurines with yellow glasses", "Moomi figurine with red and white striped shirt", "white unicorn toy with yellow mohawk", "Mr. Potato Head figurine" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>O" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 980.1599731445312, 466.02001953125, 1008.9599609375, 466.02001953125, 1008.9599609375, 484.3800048828125, 980.1599731445312, 484.3800048828125 ] ] } ]
[ "grp9vjohWKc-Scene-014_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.0731109082698822 ]
[ 4.989418983459473 ]
[ "A toy figure of a santa claus sitting on top of a metal object." ]
[ "The image shows a Lego Santa Claus figure sitting atop a metal object, with a blurred background. The figure appears to be in the process of being built, as evidenced by the tools and materials scattered around it." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 820.7999877929688, 362.34002685546875, 1116.47998046875, 790.02001953125 ] ], "labels": [ "LEGO minifigure with red hat and white beard" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠.٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1056.9599609375, 734.9400024414062, 1081.919921875, 734.9400024414062, 1081.919921875, 748.9800415039062, 1056.9599609375, 748.9800415039062 ] ] } ]
[ "grp9vjohWKc-Scene-015_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.10671810060739517 ]
[ 5.126264572143555 ]
[ "A green toy garbage truck sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a green toy garbage truck sitting atop a metal table, with a blurred background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 504, 233.82000732421875, 1389.1199951171875, 855.9000244140625 ], [ 897.5999755859375, 691.7400512695312, 1051.199951171875, 842.9400634765625 ], [ 613.4400024414062, 599.9400024414062, 744, 750.06005859375 ] ], "labels": [ "miniature green garbage truck with recycling symbol", "wheel", "wheel" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>XY-668" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1191.3599853515625, 788.9400024414062, 1266.239990234375, 775.9800415039062, 1270.0799560546875, 797.5800170898438, 1195.199951171875, 810.5400390625 ] ] } ]
[ "grp9vjohWKc-Scene-016_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.2013583779335022 ]
[ 5.283662796020508 ]
[ "A toy unicorn laying on its back on top of a metal plate." ]
[ "The image shows a toy unicorn sitting atop a metal object on a table, with a drilling machine in the background. The background is slightly blurred, giving the image a dreamy feel." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 678.719970703125, 454.1400146484375, 1279.679931640625, 738.1800537109375 ] ], "labels": [ "white unicorn figurine with rainbow mane and orange horn" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1080, 648.5400390625, 1091.52001953125, 648.5400390625, 1091.52001953125, 662.5800170898438, 1080, 662.5800170898438 ] ] } ]
[ "grp9vjohWKc-Scene-017_0.jpg" ]
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[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table.", "A metal object that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table, with a bowl of chips in front of it. The machine appears to be a CNC milling machine, which is used to cut and shape potato chips into various shapes and sizes.", "The image shows a metal object sitting on top of a table, with chips scattered around it. In the background, there is a wall, suggesting that the object is being used to make potato chips." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 0.9599999785423279, 356.94000244140625, 1919.0399169921875, 1078.3800048828125 ], [ 672.9599609375, 394.7400207519531, 1235.52001953125, 721.9800415039062 ] ], "labels": [ "potato chips in metal bowl on metal tray", "potato chip" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠.٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 899.5199584960938, 827.8200073242188, 936, 829.9800415039062, 936, 844.02001953125, 899.5199584960938, 841.8600463867188 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 899.5199584960938, 841.8600463867188, 932.1599731445312, 845.1000366210938, 930.239990234375, 858.06005859375, 897.5999755859375, 854.8200073242188 ] ] } ]
[ "grp9vjohWKc-Scene-018_0.jpg", "grp9vjohWKc-Scene-018_1.jpg" ]
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[ 5.535360336303711, 5.250718593597412 ]
[ "A small figurine of a cat standing on top of a metal object." ]
[ "The image shows a small toy cat sitting atop a metal object on a table, with a blurred background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 711.3599853515625, 443.34002685546875, 1166.4000244140625, 688.5 ] ], "labels": [ "white cat figurine with brown spots" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>O" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1087.679931640625, 497.34002685546875, 1099.199951171875, 497.34002685546875, 1099.199951171875, 508.1400146484375, 1087.679931640625, 508.1400146484375 ] ] } ]
[ "grp9vjohWKc-Scene-019_0.jpg" ]
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