[ "A machine that is cutting a piece of metal." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with white feathers flying out of it. In the background, there is a wall with a poster on it, and to the left of the machine there are a few other objects. The machine appears to be a CNC milling machine." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>-" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 991.6799926757812, 918.5400390625, 991.6799926757812, 945.5400390625, 982.0799560546875, 945.5400390625, 982.0799560546875, 918.5400390625 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-017_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.13848669826984406 ]
[ 4.951077461242676 ]
[ "A stack of coins sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a pile of gold coins sitting on top of a metal table, with a machine at the top of the image and a blurred background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 651.8399658203125, 511.3800354003906, 1174.0799560546875, 750.06005859375 ], [ 949.4400024414062, 528.6600341796875, 1151.0399169921875, 582.6600341796875 ], [ 663.3599853515625, 684.1800537109375, 847.6799926757812, 736.02001953125 ], [ 732.47998046875, 511.3800354003906, 909.1199951171875, 553.5 ], [ 1007.0399780273438, 689.5800170898438, 1170.239990234375, 725.2200317382812 ], [ 657.5999755859375, 719.8200073242188, 820.7999877929688, 751.1400146484375 ], [ 882.239990234375, 537.300048828125, 966.719970703125, 580.5 ] ], "labels": [ "stacked gold coins", "coin", "coin", "coin", "coin", "coin", "coin" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ู ูกูขู " ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 884.1599731445312, 594.5400390625, 920.6399536132812, 594.5400390625, 920.6399536132812, 607.5, 884.1599731445312, 607.5 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-018_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.13080088794231415 ]
[ 5.231502056121826 ]
[ "A close up of a metal object on a machine.", "a close up of a machine with a bunch of wires on it" ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table, which appears to be a CNC milling machine. The background is blurred, suggesting that the focus of the image is on the machine and its components.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object with a bunch of colorful wires attached to it, which is part of a CNC milling machine. The background is blurred, suggesting that the focus of the image is on the machine and the wires." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>..." ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 853.4400024414062, 439.02001953125, 853.4400024414062, 493.02001953125, 838.0799560546875, 493.02001953125, 838.0799560546875, 439.02001953125 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>ู ู " ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 920.6399536132812, 337.5, 939.8399658203125, 337.5, 939.8399658203125, 353.70001220703125, 920.6399536132812, 353.70001220703125 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-019_0.jpg", "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-019_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.07355672121047974, 0.32718148827552795 ]
[ 5.152398109436035, 5.458765983581543 ]
[ "A small yellow and blue toy sitting on top of a metal object.", "A close up of a metal object on a table." ]
[ "The image shows a small yellow and blue toy sitting atop a metal object on a table, with a wall in the background featuring posters.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table with a yellow and black sign on it. In the background, there is a wall with posters pasted on it, and the object appears to be a CNC milling machine." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 761.2799682617188, 404.46002197265625, 1177.919921875, 823.5000610351562 ] ], "labels": [ "blue and yellow squishy toy with big eyes and yellow beak" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>O" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 857.2799682617188, 474.6600036621094, 943.6799926757812, 474.6600036621094, 943.6799926757812, 549.1799926757812, 857.2799682617188, 549.1799926757812 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>BALANCE" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 949.4400024414062, 297.5400085449219, 970.5599975585938, 326.70001220703125, 957.1199951171875, 336.4200134277344, 936, 306.1800231933594 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-020_0.jpg", "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-020_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.17704708874225616, 0.26156315207481384 ]
[ 4.91704797744751, 4.989476203918457 ]
[ "A stack of colorful sticky notes sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a stack of colorful sticky notes sitting on top of a metal table, with a wall in the background. The sticky notes are arranged in a tower-like structure, with each one having a different color." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 0.9599999785423279, 896.9400634765625, 1919.0399169921875, 1079.4600830078125 ] ], "labels": [ "stainless steel plate" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ู€ุญู€" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 344.6399841308594, 291.05999755859375, 432.9599914550781, 291.05999755859375, 432.9599914550781, 459.5400085449219, 344.6399841308594, 459.5400085449219 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-021_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.19004014134407043 ]
[ 5.251030445098877 ]
[ "A football sitting on top of a metal stand.", "A football sitting on top of a metal pole." ]
[ "The image shows an American football sitting atop a metal stand on a table, with a wall in the background.", "The image shows a football sitting atop a metal pole on a table, with a wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 617.2799682617188, 413.1000061035156, 1318.0799560546875, 829.9800415039062 ] ], "labels": [ "American football" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>HHHH" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 807.3599853515625, 590.2200317382812, 1124.1600341796875, 594.5400390625, 1122.239990234375, 672.300048828125, 807.3599853515625, 666.9000244140625 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>ู ู " ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 886.0799560546875, 473.58001708984375, 903.3599853515625, 473.58001708984375, 903.3599853515625, 484.3800048828125, 886.0799560546875, 484.3800048828125 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-022_0.jpg", "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-022_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.12780068814754486, 0.1484306901693344 ]
[ 5.081121921539307, 4.7187395095825195 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table.", "A close up of a metal object with a yellow and black stripe." ]
[ "The image shows a green cylindrical machine sitting on top of a table, with a cupboard in the background and a wall behind it. On the left side of the image, there are a few sticks and other objects. The machine appears to be a rotary press, which is used to press a piece of metal into a desired shape.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object with a yellow and black stripe on it, which appears to be a rotating shaft. In the background, there is a wall." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ู€ุญู€" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1621.43994140625, 367.7400207519531, 1617.5999755859375, 478.9800109863281, 1579.199951171875, 478.9800109863281, 1581.1199951171875, 367.7400207519531 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>300" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 918.719970703125, 422.82000732421875, 924.47998046875, 450.9000244140625, 909.1199951171875, 454.1400146484375, 903.3599853515625, 426.0600280761719 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-023_0.jpg", "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-023_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.07243986427783966, 0.11697694659233093 ]
[ 5.210887908935547, 5.353297710418701 ]
[ "A metal container sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a metal object sitting on top of a table, with a wall in the background featuring posters. The object appears to be a dustbin, with its lid and handle visible." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ู€ุญู€" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 104.63999938964844, 24.30000114440918, 194.87998962402344, 24.30000114440918, 194.87998962402344, 243.54000854492188, 104.63999938964844, 243.54000854492188 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-024_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.05046648159623146 ]
[ 5.115045547485352 ]
[ "A close up of a metal strainer on a metal pole." ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table, which appears to be a shower head. The background is slightly blurred, suggesting that the focus of the image is on the shower head, which is likely being used to clean the shower." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>." ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1049.280029296875, 261.9000244140625, 1068.47998046875, 261.9000244140625, 1068.47998046875, 279.1800231933594, 1049.280029296875, 279.1800231933594 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-025_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.10007770359516144 ]
[ 5.107025623321533 ]
[ "A toy truck sitting on top of a metal stand.", "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a toy truck sitting atop a metal object on a table, with a wall in the background.", "The image shows a 3D printed toy sitting on top of a table next to a CNC milling machine. The toy is black and yellow in color and the background is a green wall with yellow boards attached to it." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 697.9199829101562, 542.7000122070312, 1101.1199951171875, 822.4200439453125 ], [ 916.7999877929688, 662.5800170898438, 1083.8399658203125, 819.1800537109375 ], [ 720.9599609375, 662.5800170898438, 886.0799560546875, 818.1000366210938 ] ], "labels": [ "Corgi 1/10 scale 4WD monster truck with blue body and green rims", "wheel", "wheel" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>paradise" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 882.239990234375, 637.7400512695312, 947.5199584960938, 637.7400512695312, 947.5199584960938, 650.7000122070312, 882.239990234375, 650.7000122070312 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>ู ู .ู " ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1072.3199462890625, 0.5400000214576721, 1093.43994140625, 0.5400000214576721, 1093.43994140625, 12.420000076293945, 1072.3199462890625, 12.420000076293945 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-026_0.jpg", "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-026_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.08663784712553024, 0.08236073702573776 ]
[ 4.960193157196045, 5.113831520080566 ]
[ "A purple ball sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a purple golf ball sitting atop a metal table, with a wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 782.3999633789062, 454.1400146484375, 1126.0799560546875, 750.06005859375 ] ], "labels": [ "purple golf ball" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ู ู " ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1176, 817.02001953125, 1187.52001953125, 817.02001953125, 1187.52001953125, 827.8200073242188, 1176, 827.8200073242188 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-027_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.1404181271791458 ]
[ 5.370883941650391 ]
[ "A tennis ball sitting on top of a metal stand." ]
[ "The image shows a green tennis ball sitting atop a metal stand on a table, with a wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 601.9199829101562, 157.13999938964844, 1306.5599365234375, 850.5000610351562 ] ], "labels": [ "yellow tennis ball" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>4" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 308.1600036621094, 255.42001342773438, 384.9599914550781, 255.42001342773438, 384.9599914550781, 420.6600036621094, 308.1600036621094, 420.6600036621094 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-028_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.16596397757530212 ]
[ 5.169149875640869 ]
[ "A pink and yellow machine sitting on top of a table.", "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a pink and black machine sitting on top of a table in the center, with a green cupboard in the background and a wall on the left side. It appears to be a 3D printing machine, with the pink color standing out against the green of the cupboard.", "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a pink object on it, and a wall in the background. The machine appears to be a 3D printing machine, with a sleek and modern design. The pink object is likely a part of the machine, and the wall behind it provides a backdrop to the scene." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 260.1600036621094, 0.5400000214576721, 1915.199951171875, 1079.4600830078125 ] ], "labels": [ "pink cylindrical metal pole with yellow lightning bolt warning sign in industrial setting" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>4" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 528.9599609375, 324.5400085449219, 580.7999877929688, 324.5400085449219, 580.7999877929688, 432.5400085449219, 528.9599609375, 432.5400085449219 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>B" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 918.719970703125, 179.82000732421875, 934.0799560546875, 179.82000732421875, 934.0799560546875, 199.260009765625, 918.719970703125, 199.260009765625 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-029_0.jpg", "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-029_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.07584723830223083, 0.23333115875720978 ]
[ 5.180976867675781, 5.3063507080078125 ]
[ "A close up of a metal object on a machine.", "A machine that has a bunch of noodles hanging from it." ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table, which appears to be a CNC milling machine. The background is slightly blurred, suggesting that the focus of the image is on the machine and its components.", "The image shows a close up of a machine with a bunch of noodles hanging from it. The noodles are a vibrant orange color, and the machine is a metallic silver color." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>..." ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 853.4400024414062, 287.82000732421875, 853.4400024414062, 365.58001708984375, 841.9199829101562, 365.58001708984375, 841.9199829101562, 287.82000732421875 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>-" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 482.8799743652344, 742.5, 482.8799743652344, 765.1800537109375, 477.1199951171875, 765.1800537109375, 477.1199951171875, 742.5 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-030_0.jpg", "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-030_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.07817155122756958, 0.21043217182159424 ]
[ 5.236494541168213, 5.358518600463867 ]
[ "A 3D printed pineapple with sunglasses on top of it." ]
[ "The image shows a 3D printed pineapple with sunglasses on top of it, sitting on a metal object on a table. In the background, there are posters on the wall." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 770.8800048828125, 228.42001342773438, 1087.679931640625, 818.1000366210938 ] ], "labels": [ "3D pineapple cake with red sunglasses" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ู€ุญู€" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 104.63999938964844, 24.30000114440918, 192.95999145507812, 24.30000114440918, 192.95999145507812, 243.54000854492188, 104.63999938964844, 243.54000854492188 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-031_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.10630600899457932 ]
[ 5.297637939453125 ]
[ "An orange basketball sitting on top of a metal plate." ]
[ "The image shows an orange basketball sitting atop a metal plate on a table, with a blurred background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 655.6799926757812, 250.02000427246094, 1160.6400146484375, 754.3800048828125 ] ], "labels": [ "orange basketball" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>-" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 909.1199951171875, 1015.7400512695312, 909.1199951171875, 1036.260009765625, 899.5199584960938, 1036.260009765625, 899.5199584960938, 1015.7400512695312 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-032_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.21249611675739288 ]
[ 5.231736183166504 ]
[ "A green trash can sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a green trash can sitting atop a metal table, with a wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>D" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 870.719970703125, 574.02001953125, 895.6799926757812, 574.02001953125, 895.6799926757812, 592.3800048828125, 870.719970703125, 592.3800048828125 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-033_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.06875765323638916 ]
[ 5.273166656494141 ]
[ "A basketball is being thrown into the air by a robot." ]
[ "The image shows a basketball sitting on top of a metal stand on a table, with a wall in the background. The basketball appears to be in the process of being thrown into the air, as if it is about to be thrown." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 632.6400146484375, 372.0600280761719, 1160.6400146484375, 898.02001953125 ] ], "labels": [ "Spalding basketball with rainbow gradient" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>SPALDING" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 955.199951171875, 449.82000732421875, 811.2000122070312, 664.7400512695312, 784.3200073242188, 646.3800048828125, 928.3200073242188, 432.5400085449219 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-034_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.20375306904315948 ]
[ 5.411581993103027 ]
[ "A pink fan sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a pink fan sitting on top of a metal table, with a wall in the background featuring a poster. The fan appears to be a 3D printing machine, with intricate details and a sleek design." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 567.3599853515625, 252.1800079345703, 1248.9599609375, 950.9400634765625 ], [ 715.2000122070312, 253.260009765625, 1101.1199951171875, 821.3400268554688 ] ], "labels": [ "pink electric fan on metal stand", "pink plastic fan with spiral design" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ู ู " ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 880.3200073242188, 792.1800537109375, 895.6799926757812, 792.1800537109375, 895.6799926757812, 802.9800415039062, 880.3200073242188, 802.9800415039062 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-035_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.12919290363788605 ]
[ 5.173782825469971 ]
[ "A small toy worm sitting on top of a metal plate." ]
[ "The image shows a 3D printed worm sitting on top of a metal table, with a machine in the background that is slightly blurred." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>O" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 876.47998046875, 459.5400085449219, 903.3599853515625, 459.5400085449219, 903.3599853515625, 478.9800109863281, 876.47998046875, 478.9800109863281 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-036_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.09837853908538818 ]
[ 4.887070178985596 ]
[ "A couple of gummy bears sitting on top of a metal plate." ]
[ "The image shows two colorful gummy bears sitting on top of a metal plate on a table, with an object at the top of the image and a blurred background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>-" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 909.1199951171875, 1014.6600341796875, 909.1199951171875, 1036.260009765625, 899.5199584960938, 1036.260009765625, 899.5199584960938, 1014.6600341796875 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-037_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.08836915343999863 ]
[ 5.235499858856201 ]
[ "A kitchen scale sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a kitchen scale sitting on top of a counter, with a wall in the background. The scale is likely being used to measure the weight of a food item, as it is a common kitchen scale." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>400", "400", "400", "300", "380", "380", "360", "380", "880", "280", "280", "240", "Kitchen", "720", "200", "800", "Scale", "150", "480", "120", "80", "80", "90", "100kg/12kg", "1000" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 907.199951171875, 462.780029296875, 934.0799560546875, 462.780029296875, 934.0799560546875, 475.7400207519531, 907.199951171875, 475.7400207519531 ], [ 876.47998046875, 477.9000244140625, 903.3599853515625, 477.9000244140625, 903.3599853515625, 490.8600158691406, 876.47998046875, 490.8600158691406 ], [ 1012.7999877929688, 463.8600158691406, 1035.8399658203125, 463.8600158691406, 1035.8399658203125, 475.7400207519531, 1012.7999877929688, 475.7400207519531 ], [ 1047.3599853515625, 477.9000244140625, 1072.3199462890625, 477.9000244140625, 1072.3199462890625, 489.780029296875, 1047.3599853515625, 489.780029296875 ], [ 845.760009765625, 497.34002685546875, 870.719970703125, 497.34002685546875, 870.719970703125, 510.3000183105469, 845.760009765625, 510.3000183105469 ], [ 878.3999633789062, 478.9800109863281, 903.3599853515625, 478.9800109863281, 903.3599853515625, 490.8600158691406, 878.3999633789062, 490.8600158691406 ], [ 1072.3199462890625, 497.34002685546875, 1099.199951171875, 497.34002685546875, 1099.199951171875, 510.3000183105469, 1072.3199462890625, 510.3000183105469 ], [ 824.6399536132812, 521.1000366210938, 849.5999755859375, 521.1000366210938, 849.5999755859375, 534.0599975585938, 824.6399536132812, 534.0599975585938 ], [ 1097.280029296875, 521.1000366210938, 1120.3199462890625, 521.1000366210938, 1120.3199462890625, 534.0599975585938, 1097.280029296875, 534.0599975585938 ], [ 809.2799682617188, 551.3400268554688, 832.3200073242188, 551.3400268554688, 832.3200073242188, 565.3800048828125, 809.2799682617188, 565.3800048828125 ], [ 1110.719970703125, 551.3400268554688, 1137.5999755859375, 550.260009765625, 1137.5999755859375, 564.300048828125, 1110.719970703125, 565.3800048828125 ], [ 799.6799926757812, 582.6600341796875, 826.5599975585938, 582.6600341796875, 826.5599975585938, 596.7000122070312, 799.6799926757812, 596.7000122070312 ], [ 920.6399536132812, 596.7000122070312, 1026.239990234375, 597.780029296875, 1026.239990234375, 621.5400390625, 920.6399536132812, 620.4600219726562 ], [ 1120.3199462890625, 581.5800170898438, 1145.280029296875, 581.5800170898438, 1145.280029296875, 596.7000122070312, 1120.3199462890625, 596.7000122070312 ], [ 795.8399658203125, 618.300048828125, 820.7999877929688, 618.300048828125, 820.7999877929688, 632.3400268554688, 795.8399658203125, 632.3400268554688 ], [ 1126.0799560546875, 618.300048828125, 1152.9599609375, 618.300048828125, 1152.9599609375, 631.260009765625, 1126.0799560546875, 631.260009765625 ], [ 934.0799560546875, 629.1000366210938, 1012.7999877929688, 629.1000366210938, 1012.7999877929688, 650.7000122070312, 934.0799560546875, 650.7000122070312 ], [ 795.8399658203125, 649.6200561523438, 820.7999877929688, 649.6200561523438, 820.7999877929688, 663.6600341796875, 795.8399658203125, 663.6600341796875 ], [ 1124.1600341796875, 649.6200561523438, 1149.1199951171875, 649.6200561523438, 1149.1199951171875, 663.6600341796875, 1124.1600341796875, 663.6600341796875 ], [ 809.2799682617188, 683.1000366210938, 832.3200073242188, 682.02001953125, 832.3200073242188, 696.0599975585938, 809.2799682617188, 697.1400146484375 ], [ 832.3200073242188, 715.5, 849.5999755859375, 715.5, 849.5999755859375, 727.3800048828125, 832.3200073242188, 727.3800048828125 ], [ 1097.280029296875, 713.3400268554688, 1122.239990234375, 714.4200439453125, 1122.239990234375, 728.4600219726562, 1097.280029296875, 727.3800048828125 ], [ 1076.1600341796875, 738.1800537109375, 1099.199951171875, 738.1800537109375, 1099.199951171875, 751.1400146484375, 1076.1600341796875, 751.1400146484375 ], [ 937.9199829101562, 765.1800537109375, 1008.9599609375, 766.260009765625, 1008.9599609375, 780.300048828125, 937.9199829101562, 779.2200317382812 ], [ 1041.5999755859375, 759.780029296875, 1072.3199462890625, 759.780029296875, 1072.3199462890625, 771.6600341796875, 1041.5999755859375, 771.6600341796875 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-038_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.10637656599283218 ]
[ 5.5813398361206055 ]
[ "A smiley face with a tongue sticking out of it's mouth." ]
[ "The image shows a yellow smiley face ball sitting atop a metal object on a table, with a wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 630.719970703125, 318.05999755859375, 1239.3599853515625, 825.6600341796875 ] ], "labels": [ "smiley face ping pong ball with tongue sticking out" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>-" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 884.1599731445312, 571.8600463867188, 930.239990234375, 571.8600463867188, 930.239990234375, 592.3800048828125, 884.1599731445312, 592.3800048828125 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-039_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.20025478303432465 ]
[ 5.023077011108398 ]
[ "A pile of pink and white marshmallows sitting on top of a metal bowl." ]
[ "The image shows a pile of pink and white marshmallows sitting on top of a metal plate on a table, with a wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 598.0800170898438, 329.94000244140625, 1320, 782.4600219726562 ] ], "labels": [ "pink and white marshmallows" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ู ู " ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 966.719970703125, 918.5400390625, 976.3200073242188, 918.5400390625, 976.3200073242188, 928.260009765625, 966.719970703125, 928.260009765625 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-040_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.11146517843008041 ]
[ 5.250425815582275 ]
[ "A 3D printer that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a 3D printer sitting on top of a table, with a metal object in the foreground and a wall with posters in the background. The 3D printing process is in progress, with the yellow object being the focus of the image." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ู ูกู .ู " ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 807.3599853515625, 638.8200073242188, 888, 640.9800415039062, 888, 674.4600219726562, 807.3599853515625, 672.300048828125 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-041_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.06893189996480942 ]
[ 5.322085857391357 ]
[ "A purple and yellow pole sitting on top of a metal stand.", "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a purple and yellow cylindrical object sitting atop a green cabinet, with a wall in the background. The object appears to be a 3D printing machine, with intricate details and a unique design.", "The image shows a close up of a machine with a purple and yellow object on it, which appears to be a 3D printing machine. The background of the image is a green wall, suggesting that the machine is in a factory setting." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 262.0799865722656, 0.5400000214576721, 1915.199951171875, 1079.4600830078125 ] ], "labels": [ "purple cylindrical metal pole with yellow and orange stripes in industrial setting" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>4" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 528.9599609375, 324.5400085449219, 578.8800048828125, 324.5400085449219, 578.8800048828125, 394.7400207519531, 528.9599609375, 394.7400207519531 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>A" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 980.1599731445312, 43.7400016784668, 995.5199584960938, 41.58000183105469, 995.5199584960938, 53.46000289916992, 980.1599731445312, 55.62000274658203 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-042_0.jpg", "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-042_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.1466735452413559, 0.10168576240539551 ]
[ 4.962092399597168, 5.072848320007324 ]
[ "A pink ball with a doll on top of it.", "A close up of a metal object on a table." ]
[ "The image shows a pink LOL Surprise doll sitting atop a metal object on a table, with a wall in the background featuring a poster.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table, with a wall in the background featuring posters. The metal object appears to be a 3D printing machine, with intricate details and a sleek design." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 661.4400024414062, 188.4600067138672, 1283.52001953125, 763.02001953125 ], [ 732.47998046875, 340.7400207519531, 1087.679931640625, 509.22003173828125 ] ], "labels": [ "LOL Surprise doll with Santa hat and leopard print outfit", "human face" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>SURPRISE!", "MONDO" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 957.1199951171875, 716.5800170898438, 1191.3599853515625, 676.6200561523438, 1197.1199951171875, 709.02001953125, 962.8800048828125, 748.9800415039062 ], [ 957.1199951171875, 815.9400024414062, 1076.1600341796875, 798.6600341796875, 1078.0799560546875, 819.1800537109375, 959.0399780273438, 835.3800048828125 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>ู ูกู " ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 968.6399536132812, 536.2200317382812, 985.9199829101562, 531.9000244140625, 987.8399658203125, 543.780029296875, 970.5599975585938, 548.1000366210938 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-043_0.jpg", "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-043_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.12296127527952194, 0.12619836628437042 ]
[ 4.6872663497924805, 4.947311878204346 ]
[ "A watermelon with a pair of scissors sticking out of it." ]
[ "The image shows a watermelon sitting on top of a table next to a pair of scissors, with a wall in the background. The scissors appear to be in the process of cutting the watermelon, suggesting that the image is of someone cutting it." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 598.0800170898438, 471.4200134277344, 1293.1199951171875, 906.6600341796875 ] ], "labels": [ "watermelon shaped coin bank" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ู ู " ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 960.9599609375, 198.1800079345703, 974.3999633789062, 198.1800079345703, 974.3999633789062, 210.0600128173828, 960.9599609375, 210.0600128173828 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-044_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.1066601499915123 ]
[ 5.352436065673828 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a green object in front of it. On the left side of the image, there are a few sticks and other objects, and in the background there is a wall. The machine appears to be a CNC milling machine, which is used to cut and shape metal with precision and accuracy." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ู€ุญู€" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1621.43994140625, 367.7400207519531, 1619.52001953125, 478.9800109863281, 1579.199951171875, 478.9800109863281, 1579.199951171875, 367.7400207519531 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-045_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.04127528890967369 ]
[ 5.078187465667725 ]
[ "A toy car sitting on top of a metal plate." ]
[ "The image shows a silver toy car sitting atop a metal object on a table, with a blurred background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 580.7999877929688, 421.7400207519531, 1504.3199462890625, 717.6600341796875 ], [ 665.2799682617188, 572.9400024414062, 822.719970703125, 710.1000366210938 ], [ 1222.0799560546875, 577.260009765625, 1377.5999755859375, 715.5 ] ], "labels": [ "1/43 scale Minichamps Audi R8 diecast model car", "wheel", "wheel" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ู ูกู " ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 615.3599853515625, 611.8200073242188, 624.9599609375, 633.4200439453125, 615.3599853515625, 637.7400512695312, 605.760009765625, 616.1400146484375 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-046_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.2866702377796173 ]
[ 4.887467861175537 ]
[ "A toy gnome is sitting on top of a metal object." ]
[ "The image shows a toy gnome sitting atop a metal table, with a machine in the background and a wall behind it." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 649.9199829101562, 538.3800048828125, 1318.0799560546875, 880.7400512695312 ] ], "labels": [ "plastic toy gnome with red hat and yellow shirt" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ู ู " ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 878.3999633789062, 233.82000732421875, 889.9199829101562, 233.82000732421875, 889.9199829101562, 243.54000854492188, 878.3999633789062, 243.54000854492188 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-047_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.05640822649002075 ]
[ 4.816847801208496 ]
[ "A 3D printed sphere on top of a metal object." ]
[ "The image shows a 3D printed flower sitting atop a metal table, with a wall in the background. The flower is a vibrant purple color, and the table is a metallic silver." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ู ูกู -ู .ู " ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 511.67999267578125, 860.2200317382812, 523.2000122070312, 860.2200317382812, 523.2000122070312, 878.5800170898438, 511.67999267578125, 878.5800170898438 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-048_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.32121023535728455 ]
[ 5.604315757751465 ]
[ "A close up of a metal object on a machine." ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table, which appears to be a CNC milling machine. The background is slightly blurred, suggesting that the focus of the image is on the machine." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ู ู .ู " ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1128, 201.42001342773438, 1139.52001953125, 201.42001342773438, 1139.52001953125, 212.22000122070312, 1128, 212.22000122070312 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-049_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.1677209585905075 ]
[ 5.158696174621582 ]
[ "A basketball sitting on top of a metal table.", "A yellow and black ball sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a Wilson Ex3 basketball sitting atop a metal table, with a wall in the background featuring posters.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table with a yellow and black object on top of it. In the background, there is a wall with boards attached to it, and on the left side of the image there are a few other objects. The object appears to be a wave triple threat technology, which is a device used to measure the intensity of a wave." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 623.0399780273438, 250.02000427246094, 1181.760009765625, 809.4600219726562 ] ], "labels": [ "Wilson EX3 replica FIBA 3x3 basketball" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>Wilson", "WAVE TRIPLE THREAT TECHNOLOGY", "REPLICA FIBA 3X3" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 703.6799926757812, 358.02001953125, 1091.52001953125, 358.02001953125, 1091.52001953125, 473.58001708984375, 703.6799926757812, 473.58001708984375 ], [ 749.760009765625, 458.46002197265625, 1051.199951171875, 457.3800048828125, 1051.199951171875, 486.5400085449219, 749.760009765625, 488.70001220703125 ], [ 797.760009765625, 669.0599975585938, 972.47998046875, 677.7000122070312, 972.47998046875, 693.9000244140625, 797.760009765625, 685.260009765625 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>WAVE TRIPLE THREAT TECHNOLOGY" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 724.7999877929688, 677.7000122070312, 1064.6400146484375, 675.5400390625, 1064.6400146484375, 698.2200317382812, 724.7999877929688, 702.5400390625 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-050_0.jpg", "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-050_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.26362574100494385, 0.15710395574569702 ]
[ 5.293045520782471, 5.212468147277832 ]
[ "A green and black pole with a green stripe on it.", "A close up of a metal object on a table." ]
[ "The image shows a black and green cylindrical object with a green door in the background. On the left side of the image, there are a few rods and other objects, and on the right side, there is a green cabinet with stickers on it. In the center of the object is a black pole with a yellow stripe running along its length.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table with a green wall in the background. The object appears to be a spring, which is a type of spring that is used to lift and move heavy objects." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 260.1600036621094, 0.5400000214576721, 1915.199951171875, 1079.4600830078125 ] ], "labels": [ "black cylindrical metal pole with green and yellow stripes in industrial setting" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>EA" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 237.1199951171875, 243.54000854492188, 262.0799865722656, 243.54000854492188, 262.0799865722656, 258.6600036621094, 237.1199951171875, 258.6600036621094 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>ู ู " ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 909.1199951171875, 103.14000701904297, 928.3200073242188, 103.14000701904297, 928.3200073242188, 117.18000793457031, 909.1199951171875, 117.18000793457031 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-051_0.jpg", "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-051_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.05132332816720009, 0.3322128653526306 ]
[ 5.104039192199707, 5.27114200592041 ]
[ "A pair of red candles sitting on top of a metal plate." ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table with two red candles burning brightly. The background is blurred, suggesting the focus is on the metal object and the flames." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 759.3599853515625, 430.3800048828125, 926.3999633789062, 913.1400146484375 ], [ 947.5199584960938, 432.5400085449219, 1151.0399169921875, 739.260009765625 ] ], "labels": [ "candle", "candle" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ู ู " ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 878.3999633789062, 755.4600219726562, 886.0799560546875, 755.4600219726562, 886.0799560546875, 766.260009765625, 878.3999633789062, 766.260009765625 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-052_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.13584034144878387 ]
[ 5.267080307006836 ]
[ "A green and white cube sitting on top of a metal plate." ]
[ "The image shows a green and white Rubik's cube sitting on top of a metal table, with a machine at the top of the image and a wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ูขู ู " ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 680.6400146484375, 71.81999969482422, 707.5199584960938, 71.81999969482422, 707.5199584960938, 88.02000427246094, 680.6400146484375, 88.02000427246094 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-053_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.17103132605552673 ]
[ 5.627099990844727 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with popcorn scattered around it. In the background, there is a wall with a poster on it, suggesting that the machine is being used to make popcorn." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 584.6400146484375, 448.7400207519531, 1283.52001953125, 779.2200317382812 ], [ 1008.9599609375, 887.2200317382812, 1095.3599853515625, 955.260009765625 ] ], "labels": [ "popcorn", "popcorn" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ู ูกู " ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1133.760009765625, 244.62001037597656, 1170.239990234375, 239.2200164794922, 1172.1600341796875, 254.3400115966797, 1135.679931640625, 260.82000732421875 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-054_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.0426311232149601 ]
[ 5.560219764709473 ]
[ "A pair of purple shoes sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a pair of purple glitter Converse sneakers sitting atop a metal table, with a metal object at the top of the image and a blurred background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 676.7999877929688, 485.46002197265625, 1185.5999755859375, 864.5400390625 ] ], "labels": [ "purple glitter high-top Converse sneakers" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ู ู " ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1272, 972.5400390625, 1289.280029296875, 972.5400390625, 1289.280029296875, 986.5800170898438, 1272, 986.5800170898438 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-055_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.4213578701019287 ]
[ 5.465880393981934 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with two cotton candy rolls in pink and blue colors. In the background, there is a green wall with a few stickers attached to it." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ู€ุญู€" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 166.0800018310547, 78.30000305175781, 250.55999755859375, 78.30000305175781, 246.72000122070312, 253.260009765625, 162.239990234375, 253.260009765625 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-056_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.10197590291500092 ]
[ 5.61500358581543 ]
[ "A spiderman ball sitting on top of a metal table.", "A spider-man figurine sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a metal object with a Spider-Man sticker on it, sitting on top of a table. In the background, there are boards on the wall with text on them, and on the left side of the image there are rods and other objects.", "The image shows a metal object with a Spider-Man sticker on it sitting on top of a table. In the background, there is a wall with posters pasted on it, and to the left of the image there are some objects." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>SPIDER-MAN" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 874.5599975585938, 807.300048828125, 932.1599731445312, 837.5400390625, 924.47998046875, 852.6600341796875, 866.8800048828125, 821.3400268554688 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>ู€ุญู€" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 469.44000244140625, 397.9800109863281, 538.5599975585938, 397.9800109863281, 538.5599975585938, 543.780029296875, 469.44000244140625, 543.780029296875 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-057_0.jpg", "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-057_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.17922671139240265, 0.1135120540857315 ]
[ 5.377175331115723, 5.222555160522461 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table, with a variety of colorful candies scattered around it. In the background, there is a wall with a board attached to it, suggesting that the machine is in the process of making marshmallows." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 598.0800170898438, 449.82000732421875, 1273.919921875, 785.7000122070312 ] ], "labels": [ "sugar-coated marshmallows and black and yellow candies" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ู ูกู " ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 696, 891.5400390625, 711.3599853515625, 892.6200561523438, 711.3599853515625, 905.5800170898438, 696, 904.5000610351562 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-058_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.06695585697889328 ]
[ 5.13731050491333 ]
[ "A large orange sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows an orange sitting atop a metal table, with a wall in the background featuring a sign board." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 711.3599853515625, 305.1000061035156, 1245.1199951171875, 827.8200073242188 ] ], "labels": [ "orange" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ู€ู€" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 250.55999755859375, 918.5400390625, 267.8399963378906, 918.5400390625, 267.8399963378906, 933.6600341796875, 250.55999755859375, 933.6600341796875 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-059_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.03423803672194481 ]
[ 5.593526840209961 ]
[ "A green box sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a green box on it. The box has a lock on it and there are papers pasted on the wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ู ู " ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 680.6400146484375, 510.3000183105469, 694.0799560546875, 510.3000183105469, 694.0799560546875, 526.5, 680.6400146484375, 526.5 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-060_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.10022753477096558 ]
[ 5.4320878982543945 ]
[ "A red candle sitting on top of a metal stand." ]
[ "The image shows a red pillar candle sitting atop a metal stand on a table, with a wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 780.47998046875, 117.18000793457031, 1039.679931640625, 912.06005859375 ] ], "labels": [ "pink pillar candle" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>7" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 870.719970703125, 950.9400634765625, 882.239990234375, 950.9400634765625, 882.239990234375, 961.7400512695312, 870.719970703125, 961.7400512695312 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-061_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.08180386573076248 ]
[ 4.880620956420898 ]
[ "A person holding a pink pom pom in a metal cup." ]
[ "The image shows a person wearing gloves holding a pink pom pom in their hand, with a metal object on the table in front of them and a wall with a sign board in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 1051.199951171875, 0.5400000214576721, 1917.1199951171875, 499.5000305175781 ], [ 922.5599975585938, 106.3800048828125, 1369.919921875, 531.9000244140625 ] ], "labels": [ "gloved hand holding pink pom-pom toy with googly eyes", "pink pom pom monster toy" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ู ู " ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 872.6399536132812, 950.9400634765625, 880.3200073242188, 950.9400634765625, 880.3200073242188, 960.6600341796875, 872.6399536132812, 960.6600341796875 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-062_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.050938718020915985 ]
[ 5.232856750488281 ]
[ "A green and orange volleyball sitting on top of a metal stand.", "A close up of a green and yellow wristband on a metal stand." ]
[ "The image shows a green and orange beach volleyball ball sitting atop a metal stand on a table, with a wall in the background.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table, which appears to be a spartan's official size and weight. In the background, there is a wall with some stickers on it." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 557.760009765625, 129.05999755859375, 1325.760009765625, 903.4200439453125 ] ], "labels": [ "Sportme Beach Volleyball official size and weight" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>BEACH VOLLEY BALL", "Sportme", "OFFICIAL SIZE AND WEIGHT" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 676.7999877929688, 279.1800231933594, 1108.7999267578125, 272.70001220703125, 1110.719970703125, 343.9800109863281, 678.719970703125, 354.780029296875 ], [ 655.6799926757812, 444.4200134277344, 1137.5999755859375, 419.58001708984375, 1141.43994140625, 498.4200134277344, 659.5199584960938, 522.1799926757812 ], [ 699.8399658203125, 610.7400512695312, 1108.7999267578125, 594.5400390625, 1110.719970703125, 648.5400390625, 699.8399658203125, 660.4200439453125 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>OFFICIAL SIZE AND WEIGHT" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 757.4400024414062, 856.9800415039062, 1172.1600341796875, 813.780029296875, 1176, 860.2200317382812, 759.3599853515625, 900.1800537109375 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-063_0.jpg", "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-063_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.3260912001132965, 0.20976470410823822 ]
[ 4.843864917755127, 5.0393877029418945 ]
[ "A purple egg sitting on top of a metal plate." ]
[ "The image shows a purple egg sitting atop a metal object on a table, with a wall in the background. The egg appears to be an Easter egg, with its vibrant purple color standing out against the metal object." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ู ู " ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1032, 380.70001220703125, 1043.52001953125, 380.70001220703125, 1043.52001953125, 394.7400207519531, 1032, 394.7400207519531 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-064_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.22883683443069458 ]
[ 5.195614337921143 ]
[ "A small toy sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a small toy sitting on top of a metal table, with a machine in the background and a wall behind it. The toy appears to be a 3D printer, with its arms and legs outstretched, as if it is ready to be printed." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 765.1199951171875, 413.1000061035156, 1097.280029296875, 765.1800537109375 ] ], "labels": [ "plastic toy with blue body and pink hair and yellow heart" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ู ู " ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 922.5599975585938, 590.2200317382812, 953.2799682617188, 590.2200317382812, 953.2799682617188, 603.1800537109375, 922.5599975585938, 603.1800537109375 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-065_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.07656384259462357 ]
[ 5.023281574249268 ]
[ "A green toy sitting on top of a metal plate." ]
[ "The image shows a green toy sitting on top of a metal table, with a machine at the top of the image and a wall in the background. The toy appears to be a 3D printer, with its arms and legs outstretched, as if it is ready to be printed." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 807.3599853515625, 487.6200256347656, 1133.760009765625, 718.7400512695312 ] ], "labels": [ "green squishy toy with big eyes" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>O.O" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 864.9599609375, 564.300048828125, 1060.7999267578125, 564.300048828125, 1060.7999267578125, 655.02001953125, 864.9599609375, 657.1800537109375 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-066_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.2872585356235504 ]
[ 5.524326324462891 ]
[ "A toy car sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a blue toy car sitting atop a metal table, with a machine in the background and a wall behind it." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 663.3599853515625, 474.6600036621094, 1216.3199462890625, 692.8200073242188 ], [ 724.7999877929688, 601.02001953125, 828.47998046875, 686.3400268554688 ], [ 1060.7999267578125, 606.4200439453125, 1162.5599365234375, 690.6600341796875 ] ], "labels": [ "blue Volkswagen Beetle toy car", "wheel", "wheel" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>0" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 54.71999740600586, 1013.5800170898438, 70.08000183105469, 1013.5800170898438, 70.08000183105469, 1025.4600830078125, 54.71999740600586, 1025.4600830078125 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-067_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.31438514590263367 ]
[ 5.354269504547119 ]
[ "a close up of a metal object on a machine" ]
[ "The image shows a CNC milling machine cutting a piece of metal, with water droplets cascading down from the top of the machine and a wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ู ูกู .ู " ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 834.239990234375, 324.5400085449219, 876.47998046875, 321.3000183105469, 876.47998046875, 333.1800231933594, 834.239990234375, 336.4200134277344 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-068_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.11711638420820236 ]
[ 5.129417419433594 ]
[ "A yellow pineapple sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a 3D printed pineapple sitting atop a metal table, with a wall in the background featuring a sign board." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 761.2799682617188, 343.9800109863281, 1199.0399169921875, 899.1000366210938 ] ], "labels": [ "3D printed yellow pineapple vase" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ู€ู€" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 269.7599792480469, 51.30000305175781, 269.7599792480469, 210.0600128173828, 189.1199951171875, 210.0600128173828, 189.1199951171875, 51.30000305175781 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-069_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.05297835171222687 ]
[ 5.051331996917725 ]
[ "A small toy deer standing on top of a metal plate." ]
[ "The image shows a small toy deer standing on top of a metal table, with a blurred background. The deer appears to be in the process of being 3D printed, as evidenced by the tools and materials scattered around it." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 795.8399658203125, 137.70001220703125, 1093.43994140625, 737.1000366210938 ] ], "labels": [ "miniature red deer figurine" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ะŸะ˜ะะะ›ะฌะ" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 434.8800048828125, 928.260009765625, 500.1600036621094, 918.5400390625, 502.0799865722656, 934.7400512695312, 436.79998779296875, 945.5400390625 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-070_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.08905914425849915 ]
[ 4.859223365783691 ]
[ "A 3D printer is printing a colorful object on a table." ]
[ "The image shows a 3D printer working on a piece of metal on a table, with colorful objects in the foreground and a wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 755.5199584960938, 423.9000244140625, 1327.679931640625, 752.2200317382812 ] ], "labels": [ "3D-printed magnetic building blocks" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>CODCODD" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 757.4400024414062, 474.6600036621094, 1321.919921875, 419.58001708984375, 1335.3599853515625, 697.1400146484375, 776.6399536132812, 753.300048828125 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-071_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.22618165612220764 ]
[ 5.13122034072876 ]
[ "A football sitting on top of a metal stand." ]
[ "The image shows a football sitting atop a metal table, with a wall in the background. The football appears to be in the process of being made, as evidenced by the tools and materials scattered around it." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 555.8399658203125, 351.5400085449219, 1431.3599853515625, 882.9000244140625 ] ], "labels": [ "Neosplash football" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>NEOSPLASH" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 888, 783.5400390625, 1406.4000244140625, 606.4200439453125, 1431.3599853515625, 704.7000122070312, 907.199951171875, 842.9400634765625 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-072_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.06853353977203369 ]
[ 5.086522102355957 ]
[ "A pink birthday cake sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a 3D printer with a pink flower on top of it, sitting on a table with a wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ู ูกู -ู .ู " ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 505.91998291015625, 108.54000091552734, 523.2000122070312, 108.54000091552734, 523.2000122070312, 124.74000549316406, 505.91998291015625, 124.74000549316406 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-073_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.01979418471455574 ]
[ 5.362227439880371 ]
[ "A pink toy sitting on top of a metal plate." ]
[ "The image shows a pink toy sitting on top of a metal table, with a machine at the top of the image and a wall in the background. The toy appears to be a 3D printer, suggesting that it is being used to create 3D printing." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 799.6799926757812, 502.7400207519531, 1126.0799560546875, 718.7400512695312 ] ], "labels": [ "pink squishy toy with red hearts" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>0" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 807.3599853515625, 954.1800537109375, 826.5599975585938, 954.1800537109375, 826.5599975585938, 970.3800659179688, 807.3599853515625, 970.3800659179688 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-074_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.11469915509223938 ]
[ 5.181222438812256 ]
[ "A lit candle sitting on top of a metal plate." ]
[ "The image shows a lit candle sitting on top of a metal plate on a table, with a metal object at the top of the image and a blurred background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 730.5599975585938, 422.82000732421875, 1151.0399169921875, 723.06005859375 ] ], "labels": [ "candle" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ู ูกู " ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 308.1600036621094, 765.1800537109375, 335.03997802734375, 765.1800537109375, 335.03997802734375, 780.300048828125, 308.1600036621094, 780.300048828125 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-075_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.06258676946163177 ]
[ 5.405305862426758 ]
[ "neosplash 3d printed ball" ]
[ "The image shows a neosplash ball sitting atop a metal table, with a wall in the background featuring a poster." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 682.5599975585938, 221.94000244140625, 1375.679931640625, 888.300048828125 ] ], "labels": [ "Neosplash neoprene volleyball" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>NEOSPLASH" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 945.5999755859375, 589.1400146484375, 1293.1199951171875, 569.7000122070312, 1295.0399169921875, 621.5400390625, 947.5199584960938, 639.9000244140625 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-076_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.19076266884803772 ]
[ 4.845337390899658 ]
[ "A yellow toy sitting on top of a metal plate." ]
[ "The image shows a yellow toy sitting on top of a metal table, with a machine at the top of the image and a blurred background. The toy appears to be a 3D printer, with its arms and legs outstretched, as if it is ready to be printed." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 671.0399780273438, 334.260009765625, 1224, 697.1400146484375 ] ], "labels": [ "yellow squishy toy with purple eyes and nose" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ู ู " ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 916.7999877929688, 659.3400268554688, 930.239990234375, 659.3400268554688, 930.239990234375, 666.9000244140625, 916.7999877929688, 666.9000244140625 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-077_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.12410452216863632 ]
[ 4.9415059089660645 ]
[ "A red and blue object sitting on top of a metal plate." ]
[ "The image shows a 3D printer printing a red and blue knot on top of a metal object on a table, with a wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ู ูกู -ู " ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 947.5199584960938, 634.5, 916.7999877929688, 661.5, 909.1199951171875, 653.9400024414062, 937.9199829101562, 626.9400024414062 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-078_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.08328194171190262 ]
[ 5.394306182861328 ]
[ "A yellow diamond being held by a hammer." ]
[ "The image shows a yellow diamond being cut by a machine, with a metal object at the top of the image and a blurred background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ู ู " ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 690.239990234375, 800.8200073242188, 707.5199584960938, 800.8200073242188, 707.5199584960938, 817.02001953125, 690.239990234375, 817.02001953125 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-079_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.046630728989839554 ]
[ 5.6049652099609375 ]
[ "A toy cow standing on top of a metal plate." ]
[ "The image shows a small toy cow standing on top of a metal object on a table, with a blurred background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 813.1199951171875, 307.260009765625, 1097.280029296875, 729.5400390625 ] ], "labels": [ "miniature cow figurine with black and white body and yellow horns" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ู ู " ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 951.3599853515625, 396.9000244140625, 964.7999877929688, 396.9000244140625, 964.7999877929688, 407.70001220703125, 951.3599853515625, 407.70001220703125 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-080_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.10723055899143219 ]
[ 4.7033867835998535 ]
[ "A 3D printed sphere on top of a metal object.", "A 3D printer that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a 3D printed ball sitting on top of a table, with a metal object at the top of the image and a wall in the background.", "The image shows a 3D printer sitting on top of a table, with a colorful object on the surface. In the background, there are posters on the wall, suggesting that the printer is in the process of creating a 3d printed object." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>5" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 864.9599609375, 667.9800415039062, 886.0799560546875, 667.9800415039062, 886.0799560546875, 679.8600463867188, 864.9599609375, 679.8600463867188 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>1.0.0" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 891.8399658203125, 292.1400146484375, 912.9599609375, 319.1400146484375, 903.3599853515625, 326.70001220703125, 884.1599731445312, 298.6200256347656 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-081_0.jpg", "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-081_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.09699948132038116, 0.20202603936195374 ]
[ 5.625245571136475, 5.545765399932861 ]
[ "A close up of a metal object on a machine." ]
[ "The image shows a person using a CNC milling machine to cut a piece of metal, with a metal object in the foreground and a wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [], "quad_boxes": [] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-082_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.09771626442670822 ]
[ 5.24788761138916 ]
[ "A green and blue ball sitting on top of a metal object." ]
[ "The image shows a green and blue ball sitting on top of a metal table, with a machine at the top of the image and a wall in the background. The ball appears to be a 3D printed ball, with intricate details and a unique design." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ู ู " ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1346.8800048828125, 878.5800170898438, 1358.4000244140625, 877.5000610351562, 1358.4000244140625, 888.300048828125, 1346.8800048828125, 889.3800048828125 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-083_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.10988049954175949 ]
[ 5.6260666847229 ]
[ "A blue toy car sitting on top of a metal plate." ]
[ "The image shows a blue toy car sitting atop a metal table, with a metal object at the top of the image and a blurred background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 763.2000122070312, 522.1799926757812, 1341.1199951171875, 712.260009765625 ], [ 838.0799560546875, 622.6199951171875, 955.199951171875, 707.9400024414062 ], [ 1168.3199462890625, 621.5400390625, 1270.0799560546875, 707.9400024414062 ] ], "labels": [ "blue toy car", "wheel", "wheel" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>O" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 876.47998046875, 642.0599975585938, 903.3599853515625, 642.0599975585938, 903.3599853515625, 671.2200317382812, 876.47998046875, 671.2200317382812 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-084_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.45124202966690063 ]
[ 5.053013801574707 ]
[ "A person holding a green and yellow balloon on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a person holding a green and yellow balloon on top of a table, with a machine in the background and a wall behind it." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 1216.3199462890625, 270.5400085449219, 1809.5999755859375, 823.5000610351562 ], [ 707.5199584960938, 267.3000183105469, 1237.43994140625, 765.1800537109375 ] ], "labels": [ "green latex balloon", "yellow latex balloon" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>4" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 536.6400146484375, 351.5400085449219, 586.5599975585938, 351.5400085449219, 586.5599975585938, 419.58001708984375, 536.6400146484375, 419.58001708984375 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-085_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.05698495730757713 ]
[ 4.960132122039795 ]
[ "A green toy sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a green toy sitting atop a metal table, with a wall in the background. The toy appears to be a 3D printer, with intricate details and a realistic design." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 726.719970703125, 376.3800048828125, 1091.52001953125, 823.5000610351562 ] ], "labels": [ "green dragon figurine with purple spikes" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ู€ุญู€" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 96.95999908447266, 27.540000915527344, 192.95999145507812, 27.540000915527344, 192.95999145507812, 248.94000244140625, 96.95999908447266, 248.94000244140625 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-086_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.11313766241073608 ]
[ 5.0202178955078125 ]
[ "A stack of chocolate bars sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a stack of chocolates sitting on top of a metal table, illuminated by a light at the top. In the background, there are posters on the wall, suggesting that the scene is taking place in a factory. The chocolatiers appear to be in the process of being made, as evidenced by the tools and materials scattered around the table." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 0.9599999785423279, 804.06005859375, 1919.0399169921875, 1078.3800048828125 ], [ 648, 353.70001220703125, 1208.6400146484375, 775.9800415039062 ] ], "labels": [ "stainless steel mixing tank", "chocolate wafers pyramid" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ู€ุญู€" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 183.36000061035156, 56.70000076293945, 271.67999267578125, 56.70000076293945, 271.67999267578125, 257.58001708984375, 183.36000061035156, 257.58001708984375 ] ] } ]
[ "EJqsC21GSBY-Scene-087_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.06456413865089417 ]
[ 5.481670379638672 ]
[ "A green cucumber sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a 3D printed cucumber sitting atop a metal table, with a green background. The cucumber is a vibrant green color, and the table is a metallic silver." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>0" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 561.5999755859375, 744.6600341796875, 575.0399780273438, 745.7400512695312, 575.0399780273438, 755.4600219726562, 561.5999755859375, 755.4600219726562 ] ] } ]
[ "eSvhnGdncP8-Scene-001_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.1504220962524414 ]
[ 4.925804138183594 ]
[ "A metal sphere sitting on top of a metal stand." ]
[ "The image shows a metal sphere sitting atop a table, with a wall in the background. The sphere appears to be made of metal and has a glossy finish." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ู ู " ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 880.3200073242188, 929.3400268554688, 889.9199829101562, 929.3400268554688, 889.9199829101562, 940.1400146484375, 880.3200073242188, 940.1400146484375 ] ] } ]
[ "eSvhnGdncP8-Scene-002_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.03173220902681351 ]
[ 5.343685150146484 ]
[ "A hamburger and french fries sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a hamburger and french fries sitting on top of a metal table, with a wall in the background. The hamburger is made of Lego bricks, giving it a unique and creative look." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 880.3200073242188, 555.6600341796875, 1208.6400146484375, 825.6600341796875 ] ], "labels": [ "LEGO hamburger" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ู ู .ู -ูกู " ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1037.760009765625, 571.8600463867188, 1116.47998046875, 571.8600463867188, 1116.47998046875, 607.5, 1037.760009765625, 607.5 ] ] } ]
[ "eSvhnGdncP8-Scene-003_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.08841127157211304 ]
[ 5.3499226570129395 ]
[ "A blue and yellow pole with a yellow stripe on it." ]
[ "The image shows a blue and yellow pole sitting atop a metal table, with a green door in the background and a few objects on the left side. It appears to be a 3D printing machine, with the blue pole being the main focus of the image." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 262.0799865722656, 0.5400000214576721, 1915.199951171875, 1079.4600830078125 ] ], "labels": [ "blue cylindrical metal pole with yellow and green stripes in industrial setting" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>E4" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 237.1199951171875, 243.54000854492188, 262.0799865722656, 243.54000854492188, 262.0799865722656, 258.6600036621094, 237.1199951171875, 258.6600036621094 ] ] } ]
[ "eSvhnGdncP8-Scene-004_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.06279394775629044 ]
[ 4.918679714202881 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a CNC milling machine in a factory, with a metal object in the foreground and a wall in the background. The machine is cutting a piece of metal with precision and accuracy." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [], "quad_boxes": [] } ]
[ "eSvhnGdncP8-Scene-005_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.05989207699894905 ]
[ 5.339052200317383 ]
[ "A miniature shopping cart sitting on top of a metal stand." ]
[ "The image shows a toy shopping cart sitting on top of a table, with a wall in the background. The cart is made of metal and has a handle on the top for easy maneuvering. It is filled with various items, such as fruits, vegetables, and other grocery items." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 646.0799560546875, 311.58001708984375, 1212.47998046875, 841.8600463867188 ] ], "labels": [ "miniature shopping cart" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ู ู " ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 851.5199584960938, 875.3400268554688, 861.1199951171875, 875.3400268554688, 861.1199951171875, 886.1400146484375, 851.5199584960938, 886.1400146484375 ] ] } ]
[ "eSvhnGdncP8-Scene-006_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.20297004282474518 ]
[ 5.243760585784912 ]
[ "A colorful basketball sitting on top of a metal stand." ]
[ "The image shows a colorful basketball sitting on top of a metal stand on a table, with a wall in the background featuring posters. The basketball appears to be a 3D printed ball, with intricate details and vibrant colors that make it stand out." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 507.8399963378906, 379.6200256347656, 1298.8800048828125, 900.1800537109375 ] ], "labels": [ "rainbow-colored Sportmea rugby ball" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>Sportmez" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 713.2799682617188, 503.82000732421875, 1078.0799560546875, 460.6200256347656, 1083.8399658203125, 517.8600463867188, 720.9599609375, 562.1400146484375 ] ] } ]
[ "eSvhnGdncP8-Scene-007_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.06714215874671936 ]
[ 5.2764201164245605 ]
[ "A group of colorful lego blocks sitting on top of a metal plate." ]
[ "The image shows a 3D printer printing a lego block on top of a metal plate, with a machine at the top of the image and a wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 696, 463.8600158691406, 1172.1600341796875, 731.7000122070312 ], [ 697.9199829101562, 548.1000366210938, 863.0399780273438, 726.300048828125 ], [ 1007.0399780273438, 545.9400024414062, 1166.4000244140625, 720.9000244140625 ], [ 851.5199584960938, 470.34002685546875, 987.8399658203125, 644.2200317382812 ], [ 978.239990234375, 462.780029296875, 1133.760009765625, 623.7000122070312 ], [ 872.6399536132812, 611.8200073242188, 1014.719970703125, 730.6200561523438 ] ], "labels": [ "LEGO bricks stacked on top of each other", "LEGO blue and yellow building block", "LEGO yellow and blue building block", "LEGO green and blue blocks", "LEGO Duplo blue and green blocks", "LEGO brick with yellow square in center" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>0" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 836.1599731445312, 954.1800537109375, 859.199951171875, 954.1800537109375, 859.199951171875, 972.5400390625, 836.1599731445312, 972.5400390625 ] ] } ]
[ "eSvhnGdncP8-Scene-008_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.2362787276506424 ]
[ 5.209173202514648 ]
[ "A 3D printed ball on top of a metal object." ]
[ "The image shows a 3D printed ball sitting on top of a table, with a metal object in the foreground and a wall with posters in the background. The ball appears to be in the process of being printed, as evidenced by the 3D printing process." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ู ูกู .ู -ู  ู ูขู " ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 911.0399780273438, 868.8600463867188, 912.9599609375, 912.06005859375, 905.2799682617188, 912.06005859375, 903.3599853515625, 868.8600463867188 ] ] } ]
[ "eSvhnGdncP8-Scene-009_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.12435974180698395 ]
[ 5.495387077331543 ]
[ "A pile of gummy bears sitting on top of a metal bowl." ]
[ "The image shows a metal bowl filled with colorful gummy bears sitting on top of a table, with a machine in the background and a wall behind it." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 580.7999877929688, 382.8600158691406, 1295.0399169921875, 777.06005859375 ], [ 615.3599853515625, 888.300048828125, 755.5199584960938, 939.06005859375 ] ], "labels": [ "sugar-coated gummy bears", "candy" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>X-TRA" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1064.6400146484375, 175.5, 1114.5599365234375, 170.10000610351562, 1116.47998046875, 187.3800048828125, 1066.5599365234375, 193.86000061035156 ] ] } ]
[ "eSvhnGdncP8-Scene-010_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.01607646979391575 ]
[ 5.628026962280273 ]
[ "A pool table with a drill press on top of it." ]
[ "The image shows a 3D printer sitting on top of a table with a pool table in the center. On the table there are several balls and a stick, and in the background there is a wall." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 358.0799865722656, 455.22003173828125, 1502.4000244140625, 984.4200439453125 ] ], "labels": [ "miniature pool table with cues and balls" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>20" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 861.1199951171875, 19.98000144958496, 888, 23.220001220703125, 886.0799560546875, 39.42000198364258, 859.199951171875, 36.18000030517578 ] ] } ]
[ "eSvhnGdncP8-Scene-011_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.26597723364830017 ]
[ 5.553183078765869 ]
[ "A pair of blue diamonds sitting on top of a metal plate." ]
[ "The image shows two blue diamonds sitting atop a metal object on a table, with a machine at the top of the image and a blurred background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>-" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 874.5599975585938, 1045.9801025390625, 886.0799560546875, 1045.9801025390625, 886.0799560546875, 1054.6199951171875, 874.5599975585938, 1054.6199951171875 ] ] } ]
[ "eSvhnGdncP8-Scene-012_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.14763277769088745 ]
[ 5.308215141296387 ]
[ "A stack of colorful sponges sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table, which appears to be a 3D printer, with colorful sponges on top of it. In the background, there is a wall with some stickers on it." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ู ูกู " ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1010.8800048828125, 775.9800415039062, 1053.1199951171875, 774.9000244140625, 1053.1199951171875, 791.1000366210938, 1010.8800048828125, 792.1800537109375 ] ] } ]
[ "eSvhnGdncP8-Scene-013_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.0933665931224823 ]
[ 5.744630336761475 ]
[ "A blue toy horse sitting on top of a metal plate." ]
[ "The image shows a blue toy horse sitting atop a metal table, with a blurred background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 816.9599609375, 140.94000244140625, 1181.760009765625, 855.9000244140625 ] ], "labels": [ "blue dragon cake topper with yellow mane and purple eyes" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>O" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 853.4400024414062, 245.70001220703125, 895.6799926757812, 245.70001220703125, 895.6799926757812, 287.82000732421875, 853.4400024414062, 287.82000732421875 ] ] } ]
[ "eSvhnGdncP8-Scene-014_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.17476755380630493 ]
[ 5.020148277282715 ]
[ "A 3D printer that is sitting on top of a table.", "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a 3D printer sitting on top of a table, with a toy in the center of the table. In the background, there is a wall with a sign that reads \"3D printing for kids\". The toy appears to be a toy, with bright colors and a friendly expression.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table with a green and yellow sign on it. In the background, there is a wall with posters pasted on it, and the object appears to be a CNC milling machine." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 694.0799560546875, 408.780029296875, 1126.0799560546875, 820.260009765625 ] ], "labels": [ "3D printed green cactus in orange pot with pink flower" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ู€ุญู…ู€" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 104.63999938964844, 25.380001068115234, 192.95999145507812, 25.380001068115234, 192.95999145507812, 248.94000244140625, 104.63999938964844, 248.94000244140625 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>ู ูกู " ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 807.3599853515625, 401.2200012207031, 824.6399536132812, 401.2200012207031, 824.6399536132812, 419.58001708984375, 807.3599853515625, 419.58001708984375 ] ] } ]
[ "eSvhnGdncP8-Scene-015_0.jpg", "eSvhnGdncP8-Scene-015_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.12666481733322144, 0.2802816927433014 ]
[ 5.319024085998535, 5.038553237915039 ]
[ "A bowling ball sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a blue bowling ball sitting atop a metal table, with a wall in the background featuring posters." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>C" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1141.43994140625, 653.9400024414062, 1152.9599609375, 653.9400024414062, 1152.9599609375, 667.9800415039062, 1141.43994140625, 667.9800415039062 ] ] } ]
[ "eSvhnGdncP8-Scene-016_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.0930878296494484 ]
[ 5.6798095703125 ]
[ "A machine that is cutting a piece of metal." ]
[ "The image shows a CNC milling machine in a factory, with a wall in the background. The machine is in the process of cutting a piece of metal, and the image is slightly blurred, giving it a sense of motion." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>-" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 995.5199584960938, 918.5400390625, 995.5199584960938, 945.5400390625, 984, 945.5400390625, 984, 918.5400390625 ] ] } ]
[ "eSvhnGdncP8-Scene-017_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.20197118818759918 ]
[ 4.985152721405029 ]
[ "A stack of coins sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a pile of coins sitting on top of a metal table, with a machine at the top of the image and a blurred background. The coins appear to be in the process of being made, suggesting that the machine is in the middle of a process." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 651.8399658203125, 511.3800354003906, 1174.0799560546875, 750.06005859375 ], [ 949.4400024414062, 528.6600341796875, 1151.0399169921875, 582.6600341796875 ], [ 663.3599853515625, 684.1800537109375, 847.6799926757812, 736.02001953125 ], [ 732.47998046875, 511.3800354003906, 909.1199951171875, 553.5 ], [ 884.1599731445312, 538.3800048828125, 964.7999877929688, 580.5 ] ], "labels": [ "stacks of gold coins", "coin", "coin", "coin", "coin" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ู ู " ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1700.159912109375, 1048.1400146484375, 1713.5999755859375, 1048.1400146484375, 1713.5999755859375, 1061.10009765625, 1700.159912109375, 1061.10009765625 ] ] } ]
[ "eSvhnGdncP8-Scene-018_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.13637827336788177 ]
[ 5.208184242248535 ]
[ "A close up of a metal object on a machine.", "A close up of a machine that has a bunch of wires attached to it." ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table, which appears to be a CNC milling machine. The background is slightly blurred, suggesting that the focus of the image is on the machine.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object with a bunch of colorful wires attached to it, which is part of a CNC milling machine. The background is blurred, suggesting that the focus of the image is on the machine and the wires." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 646.0799560546875, 0.5400000214576721, 1325.760009765625, 622.6199951171875 ] ], "labels": [ "stainless steel shower head with perforated design" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>..." ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1014.719970703125, 434.70001220703125, 1014.719970703125, 482.22003173828125, 1001.2799682617188, 482.22003173828125, 1001.2799682617188, 434.70001220703125 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>0.00" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1056.9599609375, 436.8600158691406, 1114.5599365234375, 436.8600158691406, 1114.5599365234375, 459.5400085449219, 1056.9599609375, 459.5400085449219 ] ] } ]
[ "eSvhnGdncP8-Scene-019_0.jpg", "eSvhnGdncP8-Scene-019_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.05393006652593613, 0.3695322275161743 ]
[ 5.128225803375244, 5.500525951385498 ]
[ "A small toy sitting on top of a metal object.", "A close up of a metal object on a table." ]
[ "The image shows a small yellow and blue toy sitting atop a metal object on a table, with a wall in the background.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table with a yellow and black sign on it. In the background, there is a wall with posters pasted on it, and the object appears to be a CNC milling machine." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 763.2000122070312, 404.46002197265625, 1176, 823.5000610351562 ] ], "labels": [ "blue and yellow squishy toy with big eyes and yellow beak" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>O" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 857.2799682617188, 474.6600036621094, 943.6799926757812, 474.6600036621094, 943.6799926757812, 549.1799926757812, 857.2799682617188, 549.1799926757812 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>MADE" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 955.199951171875, 297.5400085449219, 970.5599975585938, 327.7799987792969, 955.199951171875, 335.34002685546875, 939.8399658203125, 305.1000061035156 ] ] } ]
[ "eSvhnGdncP8-Scene-020_0.jpg", "eSvhnGdncP8-Scene-020_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.18285566568374634, 0.32758045196533203 ]
[ 4.912545680999756, 4.990529537200928 ]
[ "A stack of colorful sticky notes sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a stack of colorful sticky notes sitting on top of a table, with a metal object in the foreground and a green wall with posters in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 0.9599999785423279, 895.8600463867188, 1919.0399169921875, 1079.4600830078125 ] ], "labels": [ "stainless steel plate" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ู€ุญู€" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 344.6399841308594, 292.1400146484375, 432.9599914550781, 292.1400146484375, 432.9599914550781, 459.5400085449219, 344.6399841308594, 459.5400085449219 ] ] } ]
[ "eSvhnGdncP8-Scene-021_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.1709842085838318 ]
[ 5.339293479919434 ]
[ "A football sitting on top of a metal stand.", "A football sitting on top of a metal pole." ]
[ "The image shows an American football sitting atop a metal stand on a table, with a wall in the background.", "The image shows a football sitting atop a metal pole on a table, with a wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 617.2799682617188, 413.1000061035156, 1318.0799560546875, 829.9800415039062 ] ], "labels": [ "American football" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>HHHH" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 807.3599853515625, 590.2200317382812, 1124.1600341796875, 594.5400390625, 1122.239990234375, 672.300048828125, 807.3599853515625, 666.9000244140625 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>P" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 888, 473.58001708984375, 903.3599853515625, 473.58001708984375, 903.3599853515625, 484.3800048828125, 888, 484.3800048828125 ] ] } ]
[ "eSvhnGdncP8-Scene-022_0.jpg", "eSvhnGdncP8-Scene-022_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.12342629581689835, 0.1362578272819519 ]
[ 5.142705917358398, 4.76324462890625 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table.", "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a green cylindrical object sitting atop a table in the center, with a cupboard in the background, wires at the top, and a wall on the left side.", "The image shows a green and black machine sitting on top of a table, with a green wall in the background and a few stickers attached to it. The machine appears to be a CNC milling machine, with the green color of the machine standing out against the wall." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 669.1199951171875, 0.5400000214576721, 1277.760009765625, 1079.4600830078125 ] ], "labels": [ "hydraulic press machine with green liquid in cylindrical container" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ู€ุญู€" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1621.43994140625, 367.7400207519531, 1617.5999755859375, 478.9800109863281, 1577.2799072265625, 478.9800109863281, 1579.199951171875, 367.7400207519531 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>ู€ูƒู€" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1836.47998046875, 140.94000244140625, 1834.5599365234375, 292.1400146484375, 1771.199951171875, 292.1400146484375, 1773.1199951171875, 140.94000244140625 ] ] } ]
[ "eSvhnGdncP8-Scene-023_0.jpg", "eSvhnGdncP8-Scene-023_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.06528487801551819, 0.036714937537908554 ]
[ 5.222854137420654, 5.18874454498291 ]
[ "A metal trash can sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a metal object sitting on top of a wooden table, with a wall in the background featuring posters. The object appears to be a dustbin, with its lid and handle visible." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ู€ุญู€" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 104.63999938964844, 25.380001068115234, 196.8000030517578, 25.380001068115234, 196.8000030517578, 243.54000854492188, 104.63999938964844, 243.54000854492188 ] ] } ]
[ "eSvhnGdncP8-Scene-024_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.0462799035012722 ]
[ 5.208063125610352 ]
[ "A close up of a metal strainer on a metal pole." ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table, which appears to be a gas burner. The burner is made of metal and has a cylindrical shape with a nozzle at the top. It has a handle on the side and a spout at the bottom, and is surrounded by a metal frame." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
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[ "eSvhnGdncP8-Scene-025_0.jpg" ]
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[ "A toy truck sitting on top of a metal stand.", "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a toy truck sitting atop a metal object on a table, with a wall in the background. The toy truck appears to be in the process of being assembled, as evidenced by the tools and materials scattered around it.", "The image shows a 3D printed toy sitting on top of a table next to a CNC milling machine, with a wall in the background featuring posters." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 697.9199829101562, 542.7000122070312, 1101.1199951171875, 822.4200439453125 ], [ 916.7999877929688, 662.5800170898438, 1083.8399658203125, 819.1800537109375 ], [ 720.9599609375, 662.5800170898438, 886.0799560546875, 818.1000366210938 ] ], "labels": [ "Corgi 1/10 scale 4WD brushless monster truck toy truck with green wheels", "wheel", "wheel" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>paradise" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 884.1599731445312, 638.8200073242188, 947.5199584960938, 638.8200073242188, 947.5199584960938, 650.7000122070312, 884.1599731445312, 650.7000122070312 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>ู ู .ู -ู " ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1139.52001953125, 734.9400024414062, 1143.3599853515625, 773.8200073242188, 1131.8399658203125, 774.9000244140625, 1128, 736.02001953125 ] ] } ]
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[ "A purple ball sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a purple golf ball sitting atop a metal table, with a wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 782.3999633789062, 454.1400146484375, 1126.0799560546875, 750.06005859375 ] ], "labels": [ "purple golf ball" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ู ู " ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 16.31999969482422, 970.3800659179688, 27.84000015258789, 970.3800659179688, 27.84000015258789, 981.1800537109375, 16.31999969482422, 981.1800537109375 ] ] } ]
[ "eSvhnGdncP8-Scene-027_0.jpg" ]
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[ "A tennis ball sitting on top of a metal stand." ]
[ "The image shows a green tennis ball sitting atop a metal stand on a table, with a wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 601.9199829101562, 157.13999938964844, 1306.5599365234375, 850.5000610351562 ] ], "labels": [ "yellow tennis ball" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>4" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 308.1600036621094, 255.42001342773438, 384.9599914550781, 255.42001342773438, 384.9599914550781, 420.6600036621094, 308.1600036621094, 420.6600036621094 ] ] } ]
[ "eSvhnGdncP8-Scene-028_0.jpg" ]
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[ "A cartoon of a man and a woman standing next to each other in a parking lot." ]
[ "The image shows an animated scene with a pole in the center, two people in the background, a wall behind them, and text at the top and bottom of the image. The text reads \"Hey wanna crush some stuff yourself?\"" ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 588.47998046875, 458.46002197265625, 790.0799560546875, 742.5 ], [ 1147.199951171875, 443.34002685546875, 1329.5999755859375, 742.5 ], [ 1174.0799560546875, 499.5000305175781, 1287.3599853515625, 604.260009765625 ], [ 674.8800048828125, 518.9400024414062, 782.3999633789062, 629.1000366210938 ] ], "labels": [ "cartoon girl with brown hair and sunglasses", "cartoon character with goggles and backpack", "human face", "human face" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>Hey wanna crush some stuff", "yourself?" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 48.959999084472656, 7.020000457763672, 1872.9599609375, 7.020000457763672, 1872.9599609375, 159.3000030517578, 48.959999084472656, 162.54000854492188 ], [ 636.47998046875, 213.3000030517578, 1268.159912109375, 192.78001403808594, 1270.0799560546875, 335.34002685546875, 640.3200073242188, 353.70001220703125 ] ] } ]
[ "eSvhnGdncP8-Scene-029_0.jpg" ]
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