float32 -7.38
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float32 -4.8
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int64 -1
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stringlengths 72
-2.069941 | -0.566484 | 10 | Town Square We draw the lines redistricting to be derailed?
Original post made by jimf01 on Feb 15, 2010 Before it can even
leave the station, a group which is now funded by Nancy Pelosi
and her corruptocrat cronies will try to repeal the voter
approved Prop 11 from 2008. According to LA Times blogs: A
potential ballot measure to scrap California's first-in-the-
nation citizens redistricting commission got a huge financial
boost Thursday when House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her Democrat
allies in Congress poured $140,000 into the campaign. The funds
went to the proposed Fair Accountability in Redistricting Act,
written by UCLA law professor Daniel Lowenstein. The measure
would abolish the existing citizens commission, which is
currently accepting applications and is set to redraw
California's state legislative districts in 2011. Voters created
that panel when they approved Proposition 11 in 2008. link: Web
Link (The group actually call themselves "Financial
Accountability in Redistricting", perhaps a Fr |
-2.482426 | 0.783208 | -1 | Letters - The Explorer: Voices Letters to the editor published
in the December 1, 2010, edition of The Explorer. Font Size:
Default font size Larger font size Posted: Wednesday, December
1, 2010 12:00 am | Updated: 8:12 am, Thu Mar 24, 2011. It’s
insurance policy, not an entitlement I am tired of hearing that
Social Security is an entitlement. Social Security and Medicare
are insurance policies. The insurance company, the Federal
Government Insurance Company, collects premiums, sets premiums
and has no legal obligation to pay any benefits. It determines
benefits. The policy holder must pay the premiums and can’t
negotiate the premiums or choose another company. Consider that
every job in the private sector that pays $5,000 per month has a
current Medicare premium of 2.9 percent and Social Security
premium of 12.4 percent of the $5,000. I say “current,” because
our FGIC can change these premiums at will. As wages have gone
up over the decades, the amount taken in by the FGIC has gone up
with them. This |
1.380644 | 4.666434 | -1 | Space Station Crew Crash-Lands; Hawking Talks Unintelligent
life exists elsewhere, cosmologist speculates. Did it design the
Soyuz capsule? "Ballistic re-entry" is a pleasant-sounding
euphemism for what happened to Russia's Soyuz spacecraft on
Saturday, but from press accounts like this one by MSNBC, it
sounds as if the capsule basically crash-landed. What sort of
questions does this incident raise for the safety of continued
space exploration? In other space exploration news,
accomplished astrophysicist and cosmologist Stephen Hawking
stated last night that life probably exists on other planets but
that it may not be intelligent enough to communicate with us.
"Primitive life is very common, and intelligent life is fairly
rare," he said, according to the Associated Press. "Some would
say it has yet to occur on Earth." Hawking endorsed human
exploration of space, saying, "If the human race is to continue
for another million years, we will have to boldly go where no
one has gone before." |
0.679826 | 9.57474 | 16 | de-compiling Python pyc files for free! ...and without count
and file size limit! supports Python versions from 2.0 to 2.6.
Contact Address Please do not hesitate to reach us if you have
any suggestion, problem, and question about Python decompiling.
Email: depythoncom(at) Select a Pyc File: War Kingdoms -
Mobile Strategy Game |
-1.617311 | 6.675296 | -1 | This week, the Seattle area has lived up to its reputation as
home to the future of technology, with three local (or formerly
local) innovators making the national media rounds in Technology
Review, the New York Times, and Time Magazine. And not in just
one field or sector either—the three span academia (smart
sensors), a major online video company, and a pervasive viral
humor blog startup. —Jason Kilar, CEO of online video website
Hulu and a former Amazon executive, wrote a personal essay for
the New York Times about his journey into the world of Internet
startups, including his first meeting with Amazon CEO Jeff
Bezos, back when Bezos could be much more casual in presentation
than he could probably get away with now. Kilar left Amazon in
2006 after becoming senior vice president of worldwide
application software, to work for Hulu. —Ben Huh, the Seattle-
based owner of wildly successful humor websites like Lolcats (I
Can Has Cheezburger) and FAIL Blog, was profiled in a Time
Magazine story about his comp |
-2.542021 | -0.199558 | 36 | GOP's DeMint: Obama Coming Around on Tax Cuts This year's lame
duck session of Congress is turning into more of an excited
goose, as both political parties have engaged in recent days in
lively public negotiations over federal spending, unemployment
benefits and nuclear weapons disarmament. But foremost on the
agenda is the extension of the Bush-era tax cuts and Republican
leaders appear to be successfully wielding leverage to have the
cuts extended across the board, reports CBS News correspondent
Nancy Cordes. "It looks like the president has come around to
the idea, with encouragement from other Democrats, that we can't
raise taxes in a recession," said Republican South Carolina
Senator Jim DeMint on the CBS' "Early Show" on Thursday. "I
would prefer a permanent extension of the current tax rate. I
suspect the president is going push for something more
temporary." After meetings Wednesday between GOP leaders that
many called civil and positive, Mr. Obama also voiced confidence
that a compromise would be |
3.21001 | 1.37628 | 123 | Harry Potter Wiki Unicorn blood 11,371pages on
this wiki Redirected from Unicorn Blood Unicorn blood
1 A pool of unicorn blood SmonoccoAdded by Smonocco
Voldemort drinking blood Quirrell drinking unicorn blood on
Voldemort's behalf. SmonoccoAdded by Smonocco Behind
the scenes • As Quirrell had been drinking the unicorn
blood on Voldemort's behalf, it is uncertain if he or Voldemort
would have been the one afflicted with the "cursed life"
mentioned by Firenze, if not both of them. It is also possible
this curse may have played a part in Quirrell's death after his
abandonment by Voldemort at the end of the school year. • It
is unknown if or how Voldemort was affected by his use of
unicorn blood through Quirrell in the 1991–1992 school year and
again in his Rudimentary Body Potion in 1994. It is even
possible it may have played some part in leading to his eventual
downfall in 1998. • It is unknown whether a person who drank
unicorn blood withou |
1.977793 | 2.426702 | -1 | 订阅 Chinese 查找任意词语,比如 bae "Truth key" is to be used when a
person(s) is believed to be lying. If the person lies on a truth
key - the penalty is harsh as they are sure to get AIDS. No one
want's AIDS, so no one lies. "Mate, I slept with that blonde
behind the bar" - Person A "Truth key" - Person B "No, I
didn't" - Person A 作者 JimmyBlueCFC502 2012年1月11日 5 0 |
-2.941969 | 3.143621 | -1 | II. Process Proves Surprisingly Straightforward
III. Researchers Work to Create Stem Cell "Zoo" A paper on
the work was published , and Woolly Mammoth. Comments
Threshold RE: A waste of good stem cells... By Copaseticbob on
9/5/2011 6:29:48 PM , Rating: 2 I guess you could argue that,
but I think it would be more applicable 80,000 years ago vs.
modern human society. I think the big difference in the
scenarios is time; In the more natural extinctions (with
exception of powerful natural disasters, which take a while to
balance out) take a little longer, where currently we are
killing off animals at a rate that nature cant compensate in a
balanced way. A good example is bees. Do you know eff'd the
world would be without bees? Now, these animals may not be quite
the cornerstone creature that bees are, but are part of a system
that we shouldn't have messed with to begin with. Agreed on
your last point though, even if they die, and we die, over many
thousands and millions of years, ever |
4.522228 | 2.413254 | -1 | Skip over navigation Top 5 Geekiest Movie Musicals Top 5
Geekiest Movie Musicals By Swapna Krishna There are a lot of
great movies out right now, but one that everyone is talking
about is Les Miserables, the Victor Hugo-penned novel that was
adapted into one of the most famous musicals of all time. We
thought it was fine (well, some of us didn't) but there was ZERO
geek factor to it! So, in honor of all the musical theatre geeks
out there, we give you our top 5 geekiest movie musicals OF ALL
TIME. 5) Little Shop of Horrors (1986) Little Shop of Horrors
started out as a stage musical... but the stage musical that the
movie version was based on was based on a movie. Confused yet?
Little Shop of Horrors was originally a movie by campy horror
director Roger Corman (who also made such gems as A Bucket of
Blood) in the 1960s. Composer Alan Menken (who would later go on
to write the music for Disney's Beauty and the Beast) and writer
Howard Ashman adapted the script for the stage, creating an off-
Broadway mus |
-3.728466 | 2.659881 | 47 | No period birth control options Common Questions and Answers
about No period birth control options Some ppl may love did
I...I was quite content having no period and no side effects for
almost 8 years. But now....I really wished I never took it in
the first place. Hopefully you will find the right bc for you.
Good Luck! Sometimes I can't sleep at night because of it.
Anyway, back to the subject! I am considering options (I know it
is a little early) for birth control. 1.) tubes tied??? does it
hurt? 2.) the pill. I love how birth control pills make me feel.
I love how nice my skin is when I take them. i love the short,
pain free peroids. But, As i said, I am 33. I will be 34 when
this baby is born. How much longer is it safe to take the pill?
3. ) -Pain relief (ie, epidural) -Home birth -Midwife versus
doctor -Doula or no doula Not only are there many birth options,
there are many options on where to birth: -Home -Hospital
(separate rooms for labor, delivery and recovery) -Hospital
(same room for labor, de |
-3.881565 | 1.303004 | 21 | How to Get Wineries to Donate to Your Event Today’s post is
from Ian White, a Napa Valley professional who develops
marketing programs for businesses in the wine country and the
artisan food world. In addition to running Butter Communications
with his partner, Ian serves as the Wine Country Manager for 7×7
Magazine and writes the weekly wine blog, “Napa Valley Insider”.
The M7 event had flowing wine for guests, because the author
followed these tips. At both 7×7 and Butter Communications, I
plan, negotiate, execute and follow-up on a wide array of
events, ranging from four-day cheese festivals to one night
exclusive parties. If I’m not supplying the wine or pouring at
the event, I find others to do it. This isn’t always easy. Here
are some tips from my experience, and some insights from Ann
Howle, executive event planner, Peju Winery in Napa Valley, to
help you get the vino to your show. Step 1: Background Check
Make sure that your audience is the right market for the winery
you are approaching. Winerie |
-1.917319 | -0.62122 | -1 | "People Who Don't Believe in Government Do a Bad Job of Running
It": I've heard this refrain over and over, with regard to
FEMA, the V.A., and other examples of government incompetence
that happen to occur in the Bush Administration. Via commenter
Justin, here's an example from "Balloon Juice": "people who
don’t believe in government do a crappy job when they try to run
it. You can look practically anywhere in government today and
find the same story – managing the occupation of Iraq, science,
women's health, disaster management." Here are two major
problems with this thesis: (1) The Bush Administration is not
exactly full of libertarians; exactly who in the Bush
Administration "don't believe in government"? Given that
government spending during this administration has increased at
rates not seen since Lyndon Johnson, the better lesson would
appear to be that "throwing government money at problems doesn't
make them go away." (2) We have plenty of examples of people who
surely did believe in government that |
-0.012995 | 1.050076 | -1 | Discrimination Against Traditional Mothers April 6, 2006 Volume
8 / Number 14 Discrimination Against Traditional Mothers Dear
Colleague: How far will discrimination against homemakers and
their families go? A Dutch politician wants to push the envelope
by forcing college-educated homemakers into the workforce.
Steven W. Mosher President Thus the logic of feminism: A
prominent female member of the Dutch parliament has proposed
fining college-educated Dutch women who choose to be homemakers
rather than work. Sharon Dijksma, deputy chairwoman
(chairperson?) of the Dutch Labor Party, provides yet more
evidence that feminism was never about giving women choices but
about destroying the family in order to enhance the power of the
state. "A highly-educated woman who chooses to stay at home and
not to work--that is destruction of capital," Dijksma said,
according to the English-language Brussels Journal ( ) on March
31. "If you receive the benefit of an expensive education at
society's expense, you should not |
1.917925 | 0.415146 | 44 | Take the 2-minute tour × This question already has an answer
here: Something confuses me. God is omniscient, meaning He
knows everything, including our decisions in life. God says we
have free will, but how is that so if I can't make the choice to
not do something God knows for a fact that I will do. If God
knows I will do something, I don't have the free will to not do
it, meaning I don't have free will at all. So why does He say we
have free will? share|improve this question Also a truth
question since it has no scope or perspective from which to
answer. – Daи Aug 19 '13 at 4:02 You could scope a question
like this by narrowing it down to an answerable level. For
example 'did Calvin believe humans have free will?' is a
answerable question. – Mike Aug 19 '13 at 4:49 The Bible never
explicitly says that we have freewill. I don't think the word
freewill even exists in the Bible. – Mawia Aug 19 '13 at 8:25
@Mawia, I wasn't going to answer... however your comment forced
me :) Please see some examples from |
4.426366 | 3.10512 | 5 | Skip to main content Movie talk I don't know where the last
'general movie chit chat' thread went so here's another... I
just watched the Midnight Meat Train. I heard it was pretty poor
but I thought I'd give it a go and despite the incredibly bad
cgi I got about half way through thinking it wasn't that bad.
But then it just got silly at the end and yes it is a bit shite.
Then I watched Timecrimes (Los Cronocrimenes) which was awesome.
Seriously. I really wanted to see this at FrightFest in the
summer but they showed it during a day I was working so I
couldn't go. Anyway, it's a brilliant film. Basically it
involves time-travel but I won't go into it as it'll just give
it away and hurt my head. Just watch it. I saw Primer a few
years ago, a low-budget time-travel film which I got all excited
about until I watched it and realised it was a pile of wank. I
had a bad feeling that Timecrimes would also disappoint me but
it didn't. It's so simple (in a way) with a small cast and the
lead character, some normal |
-0.297005 | 9.812181 | 16 | Clay An amazing prototyping tool ======== Clay ======== **A
rapid prototyping tool.** With Clay you can forget about making
changes to dozens of HTML files just because you need to add a
link in the footer. You can also use it to prototype your AJAX-
driven application or the responses of sending forms, because it
acts like a real server. Quickstart ---------- :: $ clay new
myappname will generate a new app container with the following
structure:: myappname ├── source/ ├─────── static/ ├── └──
settings.yml Inside that folder, run the development server
with:: $ clay run and your site'll be available at ````.
Anything you put under ``source`` will be render as a page. For
instance, ``source/page.html`` will be visible at:: and
``source/foo/bar.json`` at:: To generate a static version of
your site, stop the server (with ``Control + C``) and run:: $
clay build and all the templates will be processed and the
result stored inside the ``build`` folder. How to install
-------------- Just run:: sudo pip install cl |
2.825359 | 1.315798 | -1 | You must login (register) to review. Reviewer: Lisse Signed
[Report This] Date: 30/06/11 - 12:28 am Title: The Thoughts of a
King This is exactly as I see Thranduil and wood elves. I once
read a fic calling him the paranoid King of a tin pot realm.
Greenwood the Great, the Great North Wood was constantly under
attack. Thranduil would have had to be a fiercely capable
leader. Bravo! Author's Response: Thanks very much for the
review!! :) your views are very much like my own in regards to
Thranduil and the Wood Elves, I just love them to bits for their
ferocity and their ability to be extremely stubborn. They had to
be though, I think. Thanks, Caunedhiel Reviewer: Spiced Wine
Signed [Report This] Date: 14/03/11 - 07:26 pm Title: The
Thoughts of a King What do people think of my father? Was he a
rash leader who sentenced three quarters of his army to death
because of his pride? Or was he a king pushed to the limit in an
unthinkable situation? I like that; very nice. I certainly
think Oropher's Elves were b |
-5.492519 | 1.47239 | 33 | dLife feature photo Enter keyword(s) or ingredient(s) Enter a
food: Spinach-Ricotta Bake Source: dLife A dish of baked
spinach, ricotta, and marinara sauce. Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 20 minutes Difficulty: Easy Nutrition Facts Makes 6
servings Amount Per Serving Calories 109.6 Total Carbs 9.8 g
Dietary Fiber 1.4 g Sugars 4.8 g Total Fat 1.0 g Saturated Fat
0.3 g Unsaturated Fat 0.0 g Potassium 21.1 mg Protein 12.9 g
Sodium 309.0 mg Dietary Exchanges 1/2 Fat , 1 Vegetables , 1/2
Other Carbs , 1/2 Lean Meat See the Detailed Nutritional
Analysis Powered by ESHA Ingredients Directions 1. Preheat
the oven to 400 degrees F. Lightly spray a 8-by-8 baking dish
with olive oil spray. 2. Place the spinach in the middle of a
clean dishtowel. Fold up the towel over the spinach and wring
out as much moisture as possible. Put the spinach in a large
mixing bowl. 3. Add the ricotta, Parmesan, egg whites, garlic
powder and nutmeg. Stir well. 4. Move spinach mixture to the
prepared dish. With the back of |
1.100143 | -0.039993 | 133 | Take the 2-minute tour × I'm interested in visiting the Japan
after some Russian Far East trip. I'm searching for the sea ways
to the Japan. Can you help me with that? Update: I'm searching
some extremal variants not from Vladivostok share|improve this
question @hippietrail Thank you. May be some day I'll improve my
English with this site – VMAtm Jul 5 '11 at 9:20 add comment 1
Answer up vote 6 down vote accepted Yes there are at least
two. How far far east do you want? Slightly far east: •
There is a ferry between Vladivostok and Takaoka. • There
should be a ferry between Vladivostok and Toyama. • (There may
be a ferry between Vladivostok and Niigata but reports say it's
discontinued for now) Extremely far east: • There is a ferry
between Sakhalin (Korsakov) and far northern Hokkaido
(Wakkanai). If it's something off the beaten path you're
looking for I've been wanting to do the Sahkhalin-Japan crossing
for a few years. If it's something practial you're looking for
that may not be it (-: |
-1.134038 | 1.395318 | 91 | Allentown's solution for wayward motorists: boot camp Road
Warrior January 11, 2008|By Dan Hartzell Of The Morning Call
Q: I noticed a car parked in Allentown, and there was what
looked like an orange clamp on one wheel. What was this, and
what is the clamp used for? Linda Saeger A: That was a car
belonging to a long-term parking-ticket scofflaw, Linda, and the
clamp, often known as a "boot" or "Denver boot," is a device
preventing the motorist from moving the vehicle until the
outstanding fees are paid. These boots are made for stopping,
Linda, and that's just what they do. The 27-pound steel devices
prevent the clamped wheel from rotating, and severe damage would
result if a motorist even tried to drive a booted vehicle.
Allentown Parking Authority officers slap warning placards on
the windshield and the driver- and passenger-side windows in a
bid to ensure the affected motorist is aware of the situation.
If the vehicle owner, who's ultimately responsible, doesn't
respond to the Parking Authority w |
-0.104562 | 10.088615 | 16 | Dear Wiki user, You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki
category on "Jackrabbit Wiki" for change notification. The
following page has been changed by rkorbee: New page: =
JackRabbit On WebLogic = == Applies to versions == * WebLogic
8.1 SP4 * Oracle 9i == Setting up JNDI in JackRabbit == * This
is the default configuration. With Oracle this doesn't work
because Oracle needs an OracleDataSource to be able to use
Oracle extensions such as BLOB, Struct etc. * For Oracle support
with JNDI a new class is implemented:
JNDIOracleDatabaseFileSystem. The code for this class stored on
the examples page. * Change JNDIDatabaseFileSystem to
JNDIOracleDatabaseFileSystem in the above example. The other
settings remain the same. == Configuring WebLogic == * Use the
default Oracle driver * Configure a datasource * create a JNDI
name * now webLogic will return a wrapper DataSource for Oracle
from which Jackrabbit can use Oracle extensions == Using WebDAV
== * No special configuration is needed for using webDAV |
1.394116 | 2.219912 | -1 | Ask Him Anything Q&A columns Special Offer Q:When my guy and I
are making out, he always gets really dirty, telling me all the
naughty things he's going to do to me. But when we finally get
to the main event, he doesn't do any of the X-rated things he
said he would. Why does he talk such a big game and then not
follow through? A:There are a few reasons why your man may be
all talk and no action. First, he might just be the type who
gets off on talking dirty and doesn't feel any desire to follow
through. Certain words and phrases — too X-rated to print here —
trigger a raw, sexual response in him because they're not things
he would normally ever say. Would he ever act on them? Probably
not. But the thought alone is enough to drive him verbal
masturbation. Another explanation is that your guy wants to put
his dirty thoughts into action, but he's waiting for some
feedback from you first. You know, testing the waters a little
before he takes the plunge. For example, if he says something
like "Do you like it whe |
-0.145917 | 5.252789 | -1 | At EC&M, we know NEC issues are very important to our readers.
That's why we've dedicated a department to answering your latest
Code questions and concerns. When you find yourself stumped by
the Code, just e-mail your question to the author at
[email protected] for future consideration in Code Quandaries.
Q. I'm installing 3-in. intermediate metal conduit (IMC) with an
extended run length of about 300 ft to 350 ft. My coworkers told
me I have to install a pull box about every 100 ft, but I can't
find a reference to this in the NEC. Is there a rule in the Code
that specifies the maximum distance between pull points? A. No.
The Code does not specify when a pull box is required, but Sec.
314.28 does specify how to properly size a pull box. You can run
the raceway as long as you want, but the Code does not permit
more than the equivalent of four quarter bends (360∞ total)
between pull points [Secs. 362.26, 342.26, 344.26, 352.46,
358.26, 348.26, 350.26, and 356.26]. Q. I just set a service on
a new house where |
2.651148 | 1.410573 | 19 | Tags » Free Writes It’s strange to have your thoughts linger
on someone for a time just to have them contact you directly. No
words between us for years and then, out of the blue, a message.
540 more words The way my grandfather tells it he was in one
of them backwaters. Small town, Louisiana, or was it
Mississippi? Anyhow he was always a gambling man and so was like
to as not to find himself in a dingy place like that. 561 more
words From Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar: Edward R. Murrow
understood this quote while McCarthy ignored it all together.
666 more words Pa’s backpack was on strapped on tight every
time he left the house. It was the nicest thing they owned.
Inside Pa put his gutting knife and gloves and waders. 484 more
words Billy woke to a squeal that became a scream. Baby
sister was crying again. She had no respect for nobody nohow.
“Why baby sister crying?” asked Billy, his arms crossed over his
heart. 490 more words Along the market docks you could find
anything as long as you ha |
-0.913786 | 10.200186 | 20 | Take the 2-minute tour × I have the following AJAX function
with JQuery: var formData = $('#FonykerEditForm').serialize();
$.ajax ({ type: 'POST', url: '<?php echo
$html->url('/fonykers/edit',true); ?>', data: formData,
dataType: 'json', success: function(response) {
if(!response.ok) { } else { username =
$('#FonykerUsername').val(); email =
$('#FonykerEmail').val(); error: function (xhr,
ajaxOptions, thrownError){ The problem I'm having is that a
type file field in my form is not getting submitted along with
the rest of the data of the form, how can I include the file in
the data of the ajax request? share|improve this question Files
cannot be sent this way using ajax. Use one of the many jquery
plugins out there to do uploads. – gAMBOOKa Aug 23 '11 at 17:08
If you really want to send a file via ajax, use HTML5 – Tae-
Sung Shin Aug 23 '11 at 17:13 You could set the target of the
form to a hidden iFrame, then listen for the load event o |
4.597794 | 0.835503 | 13 | Please ensure you are using the latest Flash Player. please
try a different browser. Your Pandora One subscription will
expire shortly. Change Skin It’s a new kind of radio –
stations that play only music you like Create an account for
free. Register Now Playing Music Feed My Profile Create a
Station People who also like this Also listening to: Also
listening to: Bing Crosby full bio Selected
Discography Track List: The Golden Years of Bing Crosby
Track List: Bing His Legendary Years 1931 - 1957 Disc 1 Disc 2
Disc 3 Disc 4 He was strict, and spanking was not a huge deal
back then, But He didn't beat his kids and that's coming from
his wife and his kids, save for the one son who published the
book and only added said information to boost sales--he probably
had Daddy issues since Bing wasn't always comfortable with
affections and such , . Yup, I recently watched a documentary on
Bing Crosby, and it sounded like the truth to me. One of the
best ever! 42 years later in 1997 I moved to |
3.052152 | -4.075841 | 38 | Posted: Tuesday August 11, 2009 12:34PM; Updated: Tuesday
August 11, 2009 1:39PM Stewart Mandel Stewart Mandel > Florida-
Texas showdown would be ultimate clash of football cultures
Story Highlights If No. 1 Florida and No. 2 Texas meet, it will
be about more than the BCS title These are the flagship
programs from the nation's two biggest football states Both
teams boast star coaches and elite QBs, but represent
contrasting cultures Decrease font Decrease font Enlarge font
Enlarge font No. 1 Florida returns all 11 defensive starters and
Heisman-winning QB Tim Tebow. Streeter Lecka/Getty Images
Stewart Mandel's Mailbag Submit a question or an opinion to
Stewart. Mark it down: On Jan. 7, 2010, the Florida Gators and
Texas Longhorns will meet on a football field for the first time
in nearly 70 years. The teams' anticipated showdown in
Pasadena, Calf., will be more than a battle for the BCS National
Championship. It will be an epic clash between the two flagship
universities from the two biggest football |
2.117151 | 8.176995 | -1 | Take the 2-minute tour × Let it be a tetrahedron with the
numbers $1$,$2$,$3$ and $4$ on its faces.The tetrahedron is
launch $3$ times. Each time, the number that stays face down is
registered. $1$)In total how many possible ways there are to
registered the $3$ launches? As there are $4$ numbers to $3$
launches(positions), the order matters and each number can
repeats itself. I used a permutation with replacement: $4^3=64$
$2$)How many possible ways there are to the number $1$ never
face down? In this case I reduced the sample set to $\{2,3,4
\}$, and made the same as before. But this time there are $3$
numbers to $3$ launchs: $3^3=27$ $3$)How many possible ways
there are to the number $1$ appears only $1$ time face down?
There are $3$ ways for number $1$ can be put on the $3$
launches. For the $2$ left there is $\{2,3,4 \}$.So I made a
permutation with replacement: $3 \cdot 3^2=27$ $4$)How many
possible ways there are to the number $1$ appears exactly $2$
times face down? First I made a combination: |
2.773948 | 1.027837 | -1 | What do you think this poem is about? Love and Death Today is
the day to marry and love feels like doves are flying from the
church can not wait until we are at our new home on our way
home something happens a car ran a red light we are both
injured when we get to the hospital and when I wake up the
doctor says I'm sorry your husband is dead no why did he have
to die we just got married God why did you take him away from me
This poem is not real. I just made it up. But when I wrote it
this poem it seems real. Submitted: Friday, July 10, 2009
Edited: Saturday, July 11, 2009 What do you think this poem is
about? Comments about this poem (Love and Death by Bethany
Williams ) Enter the verification code : There is no comment
submitted by members.. [Hata Bildir] |
0.195858 | 6.796583 | -1 | Now there's ANOTHER B97...only on HD Radio - it's B97 HD2 THE
BEAT! 97.1 HD2 - THE BEAT! The Beat at 97.1 HD2 Party
songs...dance music...only the fun stuff from the 80's, 90's and
today - 24 hours a day on B97 HD 2 - THE BEAT! You've probably
heard about HD Radio a lot, but what is it? The coolest part
are the new radio stations "in between the stations" that you
listen to now and the only way to access them is with an
HD Radio. That's it - you just need a new radio! So it's a
totally new station? How do I tune it in? You just gotta get
your HD Radio™! Then it's free to rock out as much as you
want! No subsription fees or stuff like that. When you have a
HD Radio, you tune in B97 at 97.1 like normal...then there's
actually a 97.1(2) and that's THE BEAT! What songs do you play
on B97 HD 2 The Beat? Hit songs from artists like Lady Gaga,
Usher, Ke$ha and Pink. Your old favorite party songs from
artists like Janet Jackson, Shaggy, Duran Duran, Montell Jordan
and George Michael. Dance songs from a |
3.118493 | 3.70141 | 23 | Tolkien Gateway Revision as of 19:05, 19 December 2007 by
Dwarf Lord (Talk | contribs) Angelo Montanini's illustration of
Dori. Dori was a Dwarf of Durin's folk who lived in the
northern Blue Mountains, and later the Lonely Mountain. He had
two brothers named Nori, and Ori. They were also remote kinsman
to King Thorin Oakenshield. He wore a purple hood, and played
the fute. The Quest of Erebor in 2941 Dori was one of twelve
selected Dwarves to accompany Thorin Oakenshield on a quest to
reclaim the Lonely Mountain from the Dragon Smaug. Dori was the
strongest of the thirteen Dwarves, and he was fond of food. And
he was quite a decent fellow. Dori later fought in and
survived the Battle of Five Armies. And was also given his share
of the treasure by Dáin II Ironfoot]], and made his home in
Erebor. Erebor, And the War of the Ring Dori lived a very rich
life after the quest as one of the reclaimers of the mountain.
He was still living during the War of the Ring, and may have
fought in the Battle of Dale |
0.165942 | 9.949871 | 16 | SQL 2005 Transaction Logs 15 pts. I am by no means very good at
SQL. I know the basics. I am a network engineer but was recently
asked to do a few tasks in a SQL 2005 environment. I currently
have a database that is residing off-site and I was asked to
import the database and transaction logs so that this server can
be used for reporting purposes only. I have to restore
transaction logs on a daily basis and left the database in
"Standby" "Read Only" Everything is working fine but two things
are happening. One is that I have to do this task everynight
which is rather annoying and secondly I have to restore these
transaction logs one at a time. I try to restore all 26 logs in
order but it will not let me. I can only do one at a time and
that sucks. I am trying to accomplish the following. I want to
be able to have this done automatically and leave the database
in Read Only/Standby when it is done. Can someone point me in
the right directions? Thank you. ASKED: June 9, 2008 4:17 AM
UPDATED: June 10, 2008 6:19 |
0.25704 | 7.617616 | -1 | The Community for Technology Leaders RSS Icon Issue No.03 -
March (1988 vol.21) pp: 105-117 <p>The emergence of a feature-
analyzing function from the development rules of simple,
multilayered networks is explored. It is shown that even a
single developing cell of a layered network exhibits a
remarkable set of optimization properties that are closely
related to issues in statistics, theoretical physics, adaptive
signal processing, the formation of knowledge representation in
artificial intelligence, and information theory. The network
studied is based on the visual system. These results are used to
infer an information-theoretic principle that can be applied to
the network as a whole, rather than a single cell. The
organizing principle proposed is that the network connections
develop in such a way as to maximize the amount of information
that is preserved when signals are transformed at each
processing stage, subject to certain constraints. The operation
of this principle is illustrated for some simple cases.< |
-0.292829 | 6.511733 | -1 | Aetna Inc. Part 7: Growing Technology In Many Directions Part
7: Growing Technology In Many Directions The software and
Internet explosion in Silicon Valley was still years away when
Sukhminder Grewal worked there as a nuclear engineer for General
Electric in the '80s. But when Yale School of Medicine recruited
Grewal's wife, a post-doctoral immunologist then at Stanford,
the young couple headed east, to Connecticut. "It broke my heart
to move," Grewal said. "We said, 'We'll give it a shot.'" Grewal
joined GE's Fairfield headquarters, where he examined what
computerization could mean. That led to his role developing 3-D
computer design at GE's jet engine unit, work he did largely
while on the road. By the end of the 1990s,... |
-0.900653 | 9.287756 | -1 | Hi all I have a customer who uses a .gif file as the company
signature. Each employee has a gif with his own information so
that each can have his/her own signature. When you're creating
the signature and hit the "add image" button, a
username/password popup appears on the screen. If you enter it,
it works ok. If not, you get a broken link on the signature.
The same happens when you go to the briefcase and try to preview
the file that is uploaded after you insert the image on the
signature. I discovered that it happens because the zimbra
server's hostname is mx.example.com but people use
webmail.example.com to access the web gui. If they access
through mx.example.com it works just fine but i'm not much into
changing their zimbra hostname...but if that's the only solution
Zimbra version is Release 6.0.4_GA_2038.UBUNTU8_64 UBUNTU8_64
NETWORK edition |
-1.044198 | 9.909931 | 15 | Simple VBscript acting funny 09-22-2005, 04:47 PM I have a
simple vbscript to make text appear and disappear with the click
of a link. I am using this on a FAQ page so you can quickly go
down the list of questions and just open the text to the answer
you want. Anyways - it works fine except if you are at the
bottom of the page and click the link it jumps the browser to
the top - not sure why it is doing that. :confused: Here is the
script: <script LANGUAGE="VBScript"> sub show (id) if
id.style.display = "" then id.style.display = "none"
id.style.display = "" end if end sub Here is a link: <a
href="#" onclick="show(q1)">Question here</a> Here is the span
this link would open: <span id="q1" style="display: none">Answer
here</span> LIke I said it works fine except it wants to kick
the browser up the top of page if you are at the bottom whne you
click. Any thoughts? 09-22-2005, 04:55 PM You do realize
vbscript on the client is only supported by IE, so those of us
who won't or can't use it are screwed, ri |
0.420256 | -1.819089 | 69 | ABC Radio National Religion and Ethics Report Date/Time 12
Dec 2013 12:02:09am What about American zionism and anti- islam
policies of western secularism damaging the Middle East ? Syria
can never be secular or western. Its the middle east after
all..where political Islam making a come back to the dismay of
the colonial West. This interview was a classic neo conservative
and a zionist world view about Islam bashing and anti
religionism disguised as globalism. There was no discussion on
ethics at all. |
0.222354 | 3.846793 | -1 | Research Article Bayesian Computation Emerges in Generic
Cortical Microcircuits through Spike-Timing-Dependent Plasticity
• Bernhard Nessler mail, Affiliation: Institute for
Theoretical Computer Science, Graz University of Technology,
Graz, Austria • Michael Pfeiffer, Affiliations:
Institute for Theoretical Computer Science, Graz University of
Technology, Graz, Austria, Institute of Neuroinformatics,
University of Zürich and ETH Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland •
Lars Buesing, • Wolfgang Maass • Published: April 25,
2013 • DOI: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003037 The principles by
which networks of neurons compute, and how spike-timing
dependent plasticity (STDP) of synaptic weights generates and
maintains their computational function, are unknown. Preceding
work has shown that soft winner-take-all (WTA) circuits, where
pyramidal neurons inhibit each other via interneurons, are a
common motif of cortical microcircuits. We show through
theoretical analysis and computer simulations that Baye |
-1.617662 | 4.25492 | 120 | Print 61 comment(s) - last by herrdoktor330.. on Feb 28 at 9:49
PM After the successful flight, Virgin chief Sir Richard
Branson was seen juggling coconuts and spoke to reporters about
the event, which he feels marks a "vital breakthrough" (Source:
Reuters) The Virgin Boeing 747 took off from London's Heathrow
airport and flew a test flight, fueled partly by Brazilian
babassu nuts and coconut biofuel -- the first biofuel flight of
a commercial jet (Source: Virgin Atlantic) Virgin airlines runs
first biofuel flight; environmentalists less than thrilled
Virgin Atlantic just completed the first flight by a commercial
aircraft powered partly by biofuel. The flight was powered by a
particularly outlandish biofuel -- a mixture of Brazilian
babassu nuts and coconuts. The mixture helped to power the
Virgin Boeing 747 jumbo jet's flight between London's Heathrow
airport and an airport in Amsterdam. The airliner had no
passengers, in event of failure. Quirky Virgin boss, Sir
Richard Branson, claimed the flight |
6.879933 | -1.504083 | 53 | Game To Nominate: Can you name the answers to these Harry
Potter questions to become a billionaire? Why? (optional): You
must be logged in to nominate a quiz. |
-1.827718 | 5.020595 | -1 | Saving Detroit Politicians, business and the unions all want
a bail-out of Ford and General Motors. That would be a mistake
See article Readers' comments As a long-suffering
shareholder of a Detroit car company, I agree with your opinion
on the automakers. Let the intransigent UAW members collect
their extended unemployment benefits from the depleted insurance
funds of Michigan and Ohio, let Medicare assume the medical
insurance of employees and retirees, and let the Pension Benefit
Guaranty Corp. wrestle with their pension claims. CAFE fuel and
safety standards can be imposed on whatever automobiles
Americans can afford to import with their depreciating dollars.
No longer will the returns that should have been reinvested in
new products and markets or gone to shareholders be siphoned off
for other purposes.Acapitalist SRU Poli Guy I could not have
said it any better myself. Let the firms fail. The reason the
Democratic Congress is so interested in a bailout is that it
will save the last bastion of |
-1.739099 | 2.072495 | -1 | Deer Invade Airport Runway, Strike Boeing 737 First it was
birds over New York City and US Airways flight 1549. Now, it's
deer over Charlotte airport's runway 36C and US Airways flight
1950: US Airways flight 1950 pilot: "There's a whole herd of
deer. It looked like a bunch of them. I don't know how many we
hit." Controller to unknown pilot: "Deer just got hit on the
was about a dozen deer." Unknown pilot: "Oh dear." Clearly,
wild animals like US Airways planes a lot. [ABC News] |
0.642253 | -1.00449 | -1 | How Stalin Created Some of the Post-Soviet World's Worst Ethnic
Conflicts By Robert Coalson From bizarre border policies to
the forced deportation of ethnic groups, Stalin oversaw the
policies that gave rise to today's Central Asian strife.
dagestan banner.jpg Investigators and security personnel work at
a scene of suicide blast near a police camp in the Dagestani
town of Khasavyurt, October 24, 2010. A policeman was killed,
and seven people were injured in the attack. (Reuters) Eighty-
one-year-old Nikolai Khasig was born in Sukhumi in 1932. It was
just one year after Soviet dictator Josef Stalin stripped
Abkhazia of its short-lived status as a full-fledged republic of
the USSR and made it a region of Soviet Georgia. At the end of
1936, Lavrenty Beria -- at that time the head of the
Transcaucasia region and later the sadistic head of Stalin's
secret police -- invited the popular Abkhaz leader Nestor Lakoba
to dinner at his house in Tbilisi. Lakoba died suddenly --
officially, of a heart attack, but it wa |
-3.636542 | 1.640421 | -1 | Around world, Bloomberg soda war hard to swallow CASSANDRA
VINOGRAD Associated Press Published: LONDON (AP) -- New York
Mayor Michael Bloomberg has proposed a ban on the sale of large
sodas and other sugary drinks in restaurants, delis and movie
theaters in the hopes of combating obesity. Under his plan,
sugary drinks would be limited to 16 fluid ounces -- almost half
a liter. Around the world, portion sizes are generally smaller.
Perceptions of American overconsumption have been fueled by
films such as "Super Size Me" and the spread of U.S. fast-food
chains. "I know what American culture is like -- big portions,
not necessarily health-conscious," Gordon Howard, who works in
finance, said at a London wine tasting. "They supersize
everything." Like Howard, many people around the world say the
notion of a 44-ounce cola doesn't hold much water for them --
but neither did a ban. The idea of drinking that much soda --
or liquid of any kind -- is "excessive" to 32-year-old Simon
Robinson, but he said wouldn |
-0.421281 | 7.256959 | 8 | Breakfast briefing: Microsoft splashes out despite layoffs •
Despite cutting thousands of jobs - including some in the UK -
Microsoft has splashed out on purchasing boutique Vancouver
games studio BigPark, reports VentureBeat. The 50 employees will
become a part of Microsoft's Xbox division, but terms of the
deal aren't public. • Despite concerns that Oracle might get
rid of Sun's pesky hardware division, Larry Ellison has put
those rumours to rest. "We are definitely not going to exit the
hardware business," he told Reuters - adding that he actually
planned to boost investment in SPARC chips. • I'll admit I was
pretty sceptical about Intel's new "rock star" advertising
campaign but since Jack pointed me to one of the ads featuring
USB god Ajay Bhatt and it made me smile, I thought I'd pass it
on. Except it's not actually Ajay Bhatt, but an actor. Now I'm
sceptical again. Today's best video |
0.112258 | -1.375362 | -1 | Local Somalis condemn suicide bombing in homeland Issues Laura
Yuen · · 1. Listen Story audio Dec 15, 2009 Even
Somali-Americans hardened by the bloodshed of their homeland
were sickened by the latest attack, a suicide bombing in
Mogadishu on Dec. 3. Many say the bombing was one of the
saddest moments in recent Somali history. The bomber killed at
least 22 people at a graduation ceremony for medical students.
Some people have even called the attack "Somalia's 9/11." On
Sunday, about 100 Somali-Americans scrounged up their last
shreds of hope for their homeland as part of a community rally
in Minneapolis to condemn the violence and pray for the victims'
families. Some of the peaceful protesters were young people
like Mukhtar Osman, who consider the bombing victims their own
peers. Osman, a 26-year-old civil engineer from Minneapolis,
knew at least five people who were injured or killed in the
graduation ceremony, on a day that should have been one of the
happiest of their lives. "I had a lot of |
0.620205 | 9.56163 | 16 | Take the tour × I would like to know if there are any
documented performance differences between a Python interpreter
that I can install from an rpm (or using yum) and a Python
interpreter compiled from sources (with a priori well set flags
for compilations). I am using a Redhat 6.3 machine as
Django/Apache/Mod_WSGI production server. I have already
properly compiled everything in different setups and in
different orders. However, I usually keep the build-dev
dependencies on such machine. For some various ego-related (and
more or less practical) reasons, I would like to use
Python-2.7.3. By default, Redhat comes with Python-2.6.6. I
think I could go with it but it would hurt me somehow (I would
have to drop and find a replacement for a few libraries and my
ego). However, besides my ego and dependencies, I would like to
know what would be the impact in terms of performance for a
Django server. share|improve this question add comment 1
Answer up vote 3 down vote accepted If you compile with the
exact sam |
0.138859 | 1.927547 | -1 | DEAR AMY: My girlfriend and I have been together for a few
years. We've had our share of ups and downs. We live a few
blocks from each other. Recently, we discussed our tight money
situation. A few days after that conversation, she asked me for
a $1,000 loan, which she would pay back over the next couple of
months. She needed the money to pay off a settlement with an
attorney she had used during her divorce. Not having the $1,000
readily available, I told her that I would have to withdraw the
funds from my son's college savings account. I replied to her
loan request by agreeing on the condition that she sign a
promissory note. She says this is the last straw, and proof
that I don't really love (or trust) her. We haven't spoken
since. Was I out of line? DEAR K: Not only were you not out of
line, but my thinking is that the person asking for a $1,000
loan should approach this by offering upfront to sign a note,
without being asked. You report that money is tight for both of
you. This should give your frien |
-0.494393 | 8.509743 | -1 | Take the 2-minute tour × When trying to play a movie I
purchased from Google Play, the movie player (same Flash-based
one used by YouTube) spits out the following error message over
a background of faux-TV-static: An Error Occurred. Please Try
Again Later. This is super-frustrating because I had just paid
REAL money ($3.99) to watch the movie, as opposed to, you know,
going someplace illicit to download it for free. All other
YouTube videos play fine for me, including the freaking Google
Play trailer for the movie I bought! Sheesh. I Googled around
for solutions, but I guess Google Play is too cutting edge for
Ubuntu, because most of the solutions (in Ubuntu Forums, for
example) recommended installing a Linux-specific Firefox plugin
called Flash-Aid that essentially runs a configurable set of
shell commands to ensure that you have the latest Flash from
Adobe installed, and that you do not have any of the possibly
conflicting free implementations of Flash installed (Gnash,
etc). Suffice it to say, installi |
0.366931 | 8.35091 | -1 | Tell me more × Possible Duplicate: How can I run Windows
applications in Ubuntu? Currently I am using Ubuntu 11.04 and I
have tried installing Windows games with Wine, but some games
like NFS require the latest version of DirectX. What should I do
to play games in Ubuntu? share|improve this question Did you
try installing Windows in a Virtual Machine inside Ubuntu and
running the game there? – nitstorm Oct 11 '11 at 23:55 add
comment marked as duplicate by Takkat, hhlp, Stephen Myall,
Thomas W., devav2 Nov 8 '12 at 11:14 1 Answer unfortunately
wine for linux is far from perfect and there is little to zero
dx10 and dx11 support, even making dx9 games to work usually
requires a fair bit of hacking around, which is why wine is not
suited to run recent windows games (older games work like a
charm though. so you have two choices, either run windows inside
virtual machines like virtual box, which incurs performance
penalties or set up a dual booting machine with windows and
ubuntu. hope this is helpful sha |
-2.872127 | 4.18283 | 80 | How long between cuts? iVillage Member Registered: 08-13-2007
How long between cuts? Wed, 03-13-2013 - 11:27am How long do
you go between get your hair cut? I have the hardest time
getting to the salon so it always seems like it is longer than
I'd like. Right now it has been about 4 months and I know my
stylist recommends every 8 weeks (oops!). I need to get in
there soon as my cut is really grown out right now. Ick!
Avatar for cmkristy Registered: 07-05-2005 Thu, 03-14-2013 -
1:50pm I'm guilty of waiting to long too. It's been 6 months
since my last cut and my ends are in desperate need of
attention. It can just be so hard to fit it all in and a salon
trip for myself often comes in pretty low on my list of
priorities. Thanks for the reminder, though! I'd love to get a
shorter cut before the warm weather arrives! photo
FallModSig.jpg |
6.107056 | 6.628438 | 105 | Connect With Flandreau Nonprofits and Charities Flandreau
Nonprofits and Charities Want to donate to or volunteer for a
Flandreau charity or nonprofit? Browse this list of nonprofits
in Flandreau, SD to see ratings, read reviews, and learn about
their programs. Find top Flandreau nonprofits and charities and
start volunteering or donating today. If you have worked with a
nonprofit, write a review and tell your story. Find and share
experiences about a Flandreau nonprofit Write A Review Filter
by Issue |
0.707583 | 0.085846 | -1 | Franz Mehring Absolutism and Revolution in Germany The
French Revolution Historically speaking, the great French
Revolution that broke out in 1789, through its effects on
Europe, restored the vitality of a Germany that had degenerated
in the swamp of feudalism. In this revolution, the warring
classes and parties stripped off for the first time all
religious disguise and struggled against one another in purely
secular forms, openly proclaiming their purely secular aims.
Thus Christianity entered its last phase as a world-historical
phenomenon. Incapable of serving any longer as the ideological
banner of any historically progressive class, it became more and
more the exclusive possession of the ruling classes. From then
onwards they used it as a naked instrument of rule, in which
sense it made no difference to them whether or not they believed
in the religion they insisted on preserving amongst the people.
In the very period that absolute monarchy revealed itself in
Germany as merely a deterrent caricatu |
-1.701541 | 0.043306 | 41 | Spending Clause Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 Although the
Spending Clause is the source of congressional authority to levy
taxes, it permits the levying of taxes for two purposes only: to
pay the debts of the United States, and to provide for the
common defense and general welfare of the United States. Taken
together, these purposes have traditionally been held to imply
and constitute the "Spending Power." To many today, those two
purposes are so broad as to amount to no limitation at all. The
contemporary view is that Congress's power to provide for the
"general Welfare" is a power to spend for virtually anything
that Congress itself views as helpful. To be sure, some of the
Founders, most notably Alexander Hamilton, supported an
expansive spending power during the Constitutional Convention;
but such proposals, including an explicit attempt to authorize
spending by the federal government for internal improvements,
were rejected by the Convention. Hamilton continued to press his
case by arguing during G |
4.276378 | 2.937604 | 5 | The Morning Read: 'Bourne' without Bourne? And has 'Fury Road'
finally run out of gas? Plus Quint chats up Ernest Borgnine and
the ethics of set visits are explored <p>Matt Damon in 'The
Bourne Ultimatum'</p> Matt Damon in 'The Bourne Ultimatum'
Welcome to The Morning Read. Not really sure how long this
morning's column will end up being. I'm supposed to be asleep
right now, since it's 4:00 in the morning and I'm in a hotel
room in Atlanta, where I'm getting up to go on a set visit
tomorrow that will occupy my whole day. Insomnia's got me
worried that the set visit is going to be a nightmare, and so I
figure if I'm awake, I might as well use this time in the wee
small hours to put together a Morning Read, and we'll see how
much stuff I end up getting to. I'm excited by Michael Mann's
return to television, particularly since it's for HBO, and David
Milch is the writer of the project, called "Luck." Geoff
Boucher did a really nice piece on the show, and on Mann's
involvement in particular. If you're a |
-3.857996 | 3.675221 | -1 | Scientists get a better feel for genetic research Email the
author | Follow on Twitter David Moscatello studies human
genetics at the Coriell Institute for Medical Research in
Camden. By Allegra Tiver Cancer is a disease in which the
growth regulation of particular body cells is disrupted in two
ways -- they grow when they're not supposed to, and they don't
die when they are supposed to -- according to David Moscatello,
director of the differentiated cell laboratory at Coriell
Institute for Medical Research in Camden. While a person's
likelihood of developing these mutations can be influenced by
various environmental factors such as viruses -- the Human
Papillomavirus puts women at higher risk for cervical cancer and
Hepatitis B increases the risk for liver cancer -- some people
are born with these "defective signals." An internationally-
known biomedical research institution, Coriell banks cells from
people with particular kinds of cancers in a "Human Genetic Cell
Repository" and sends them to laboratori |
4.007134 | 5.161068 | 2 | zed nerfs #11Dwhite_1(Topic Creator)Posted 5/4/2013 1:07:33 AM
bump for smoke weed #12wehomiesPosted 5/4/2013 2:04:16 AM rip
zed that e took away massive amount of burst from zed q nerf is
understandable since zed's supposed to be a single-target sin
now zed will just be a piece of garbage if the koreans are all
flocking over to talon, and they are (ignoring khaz since
they're saying khaz will benerfed to the ground as well),
there's something wrong here #13Stalky24Posted 5/4/2013
4:39:23 AM Please no. Please no. Please dont increase CD on E.
Jungle Zed is going to be hit drasticly :( #14Alpha218Posted
5/4/2013 9:11:23 AM From: Susan0 | Posted: 5/3/2013 11:46:44 PM
| #009 HeartlessCharms posted... Susan0 posted... TomorrowDog
posted... How come Zed gets these salvos of topics when he gets
nerfed. He's OP. Also, The less people that play him, the
better Please, explain to me how Zed is OP. OR are you just
repeating what you hear? To be exact, when a certain pro
streamer, plays him, everyone picks him |
-2.890966 | 4.821257 | 30 | Seeking Alpha Seeking Alpha Portfolio App for iPad Profile| Send
Message| (25) "We think the Australian dollar will come down
and will come down hard. It's expensive" Stanley Druckenmiller
(George Soros's ex-chief strategist) For those of you who acted
upon my recent Seeking Alpha article suggesting it was time to
sell the Australian Dollar you will have had a profitable month.
Since writing at the end of April the Australian Dollar (FXA)
has fallen sharply from 1.05 to 97 cent - a drop of over 7%.
The important point to realize is that the Australian dollar's
decline has only begun. It has far further to fall. The
fundamental reasons why it will continue to decline sharply are
still in place. These include:- • The boom in commodities
has crowded out the rest of the economy. The Reserve Bank of
Australia (RBA) realizes a much cheaper currency is needed to
stimulate growth and exports in indigenous manufacturing and
services. These areas have become uncompetitive as the cost of
living has increased a |
2.651336 | 3.076545 | -1 | If I Can Dream: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Giglianne
Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Giglianne The aspiring artists
settle into the Dream House. Giglianne meets with model Liberty
Ross, and is pursued by Justin. The actors get in touch with
their emotions and Giglianne's distractions lead to a tearful
confrontation with the executive producer. Other If I Can Dream
videos Help mrmovietimes.com Fight Cancer Partners: Ujena
Swimwear Page rendered in 3.2198 seconds |
2.515024 | 8.9052 | 24 | Take the 2-minute tour × Consider the $\mathbb Z$-module that
consists of the polynomials in $\mathbb Z[x,y]$ that are
homogeneous polynomials of degree $d$ in the indeterminates $x$
and $y$ (homogeneous meaning that all terms of the form $c_{ij}
x^i y^j$ are such that $i+j = d$, where $d$ is the degree of the
polynomial). One can see that there is a unique way of writing
an homogeneous polynomial of degree $d$ in the form $$
\sum_{j=0}^d c_k y^{d-k} \prod_{i=0}^{k-1} (x-iy) $$ because
there is precisely one term where $x$ is at the $k^{th}$ power
for any $k$ in the range $[0,d]$, hence we can compute
coefficients. Therefore, the polynomials $y^{d-k} \prod (x-iy)$
form a basis of the $\mathbb Z$-module. Is it possible to
write any homogenous polynomial of degree $d$ in the form $$
\sum_{k=0}^d c_k \left( \prod_{i=0}^{d-k-1} (y-ipx) \right)
\left( \prod_{i=0}^{k-1} (x-iy) \right) $$ where $p$ is a prime
number? (The larger context is a number theory context, thus the
prime is the thing I need. The fact that |
3.233401 | 1.401296 | 123 | Medication Madness Peter R. Breggin, M.D. St. Martin's
Griffin Medication Madness Chapter 1 Killing the Pain--and
Almost the Cop IF HARRY HENDERSON had been able to reflect on
his behavior at the time, his mission would have seemed
tragically and senselessly absurd--something no man in his right
mind would consider carrying out. Nothing in Harry's thirty-
eight years suggested that he was capable of such a horrendous
act. Yet he would become an extreme example of the havoc caused
by medication madness. Everything was going well with Harry's
wife and family. After the catastrophe, many family and friends
confirmed to me that Harry's marriage was a model for others; in
his brother's words, "the best in the family." Meanwhile, it was
Harry's most successful year financially. He owned a small
business and expected to continue making a comfortable living.
He was known for his meticulous work and his scrupulous honesty.
Since he and his wife Cindy did most of the work, he had limited
expenses, and he was generou |
1.67448 | -0.347307 | -1 | Differences between wahabis and sunnis? asked 319 suniza's
gravatar image closed Nov 07 '13 at 15:47 Bibi Amina ♦ 60118
Bibi%20Amina's gravatar image @Bibi Amina you closed this topic
but I'm confused what is the right answer being that there are
many post on the subject. How would someone who doesnot know see
what you said is the right answer? Salaam (Nov 07 '13 at 15:56)
yaqin ♦ yaqin's gravatar image Yaqin you have answered question
using hadits so why do you want people to spend time in here
instead of answering other Muslim question? (Nov 07 '13 at
15:58) Bibi Amina ♦ Bibi%20Amina's gravatar image sis don't
close until right answer is accepted and clear as to what is the
haqq. lets give this more time . as u can see another question
was just asked that is pretty much the same thing . salaam (Nov
07 '13 at 16:04) sadie ♦ sadie's gravatar image Guys do what
ever makes you happy and I will be happy with it too. Salam do
forgive me (Nov 07 '13 at 16:05) Bibi Amina ♦ Bibi%20Amina's
gravatar image no |
4.321479 | 2.537775 | 5 | NPR News Russian politicians are all voicing the same
narrative: Ukraine's legitimate government was overthrown by
neo-Nazis, while the armed men in Crimea are not Russian troops
but local self-defense groups. Bob Mondello looks at Wes
Anderson's latest cinematic curiosity, The Grand Budapest Hotel.
The Philadelphia 76ers have lost their last 15 games. As
sportswriter Stefan Fatsis notes, the team's losing streak has
raised a question: Are some NBA teams trying to lose to get a
better draft pick? It's time again for the show that people love
to hate: the Whitney Biennial, an overview of American art.
Critics often trash it, but as Karen Michel says, this year's
showcase has a few surprises. Ralph Fiennes plays Gustave H., a
hotel concierge given to bedding his elder... Wes Anderson's new
feature takes place at a resort hotel, between World Wars I and
II. Fresh Air's critic says the visuals are so witty they
transcend camp, but the dialogue isn't quite at that level.
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's short fiction h |
-3.39579 | 2.531443 | -1 | 11 February 2013 Margaret's Birth Story (I'm Back!) Well,
hello there! It has been far too long since I've posted here.
I've been woefully neglectful of this blog for a while now, so I
figured why not revive it, starting with my most recent birth
story? Exciting, right? The same disclaimer I placed before
Dominic's birth story applies here. If you're squeamish or don't
want to read about my girl parts doing anything, let alone
pushing a baby out, you should probably stop reading. If those
things don't bother you, continue on, soldier. I had been
having irregular contractions on and off for a few weeks. Every
night around suppertime I played the immortal game of "Is it, or
isn't it?" So on the day of my 40 week prenatal appointment I
was burning with curiosity to see if I had made any progress.
When the midwife checked me, she excitedly informed me that I
was a "good" 4cm and 80% effaced. At my 39 week appointment I
was 2cm and 75% effaced, so in a week I was able to make a good
2cm progress! I still didn' |
0.581484 | 1.41538 | -1 | pediatrics, medical specialty dealing with the development and
care of children and with the diagnosis and treatment of
childhood diseases. The first important review of childhood
illness, an anonymous European work called The Children’s
Practice, dates from the 12th century. The specialized focus of
pediatrics did not begin to emerge in Europe until the 18th
century. The first specialized children’s hospitals, such as the
London Foundling Hospital, established in 1745, were opened at
this time. These hospitals later became major centres for
training in pediatrics, which began to be taught as a separate
discipline in medical schools by the middle of the 19th century.
The major focus of early pediatrics was the treatment of
infectious diseases that affected children. Thomas Sydenham in
Britain had led the way with the first accurate descriptions of
measles, scarlet fever, and other diseases in the 17th century.
Clinical studies of childhood diseases proliferated throughout
the 18th and 19th centuries, culmina |
0.107946 | 4.047225 | -1 | Take the 2-minute tour × Is the expression "get above your
sofas" equivalent to "get off your sofas" or have they got
different meanings? PS: I was sitting on my sofa when I heard
that... share|improve this question add comment closed as too
localized by Mitch, FumbleFingers, MετάEd, Matt Эллен, Kris Sep
20 '12 at 12:15 1 Answer up vote 8 down vote accepted I
think you may have misheard the phrase, "Get up off your sofas,"
which is relatively common. I have never heard, and couldn't
find, "Get above your sofas." share|improve this answer Aaah,
that's right! – 130490868091234 Feb 25 '12 at 10:48 add comment |
0.317565 | 7.569459 | -1 | MPC packs features into its new TransPort X3100 Security,
usability touches make it a good fit for agencies MPC Computers
has made a practice of listening to government customers and
developing notebook computers that address their unique'if often
quirky'requirements. Case in point: the new MPC TransPort X3100.
Why have USB ports on three sides of the system? MPC officials
tout it as meeting 508 accessibility standards, which require
treating left- and right-handed users equally. Now that's
attention to detail. The X3100 also has a handy, one-touch
button for shutting down the embedded 802.11 a/b/g wireless
radio. This feature is extremely helpful for agencies that need
to enforce wireless policies, but we're finding half the
notebooks we review don't offer it. The X3100 also has an
integrated fingerprint scanner and Smart Card reader, both for
maintaining high levels of security. We were also impressed by
the X3100's implementation of short-range Bluetooth wireless
technology in even the most basic model |
-1.119002 | 0.19068 | -1 | Maryland v. King - 12-207 (2013) No. 12–207 on writ of
certiorari to the court of appeals of maryland [June 3, 2013]
Justice Scalia, with whom Justice Ginsburg, Justice Sotomayor,
and Justice Kagan join, dissenting. The Fourth Amendment
forbids searching a person for evidence of a crime when there is
no basis for believing the person is guilty of the crime or is
in possession of incriminating evidence. That prohibition is
categorical and without exception; it lies at the very heart of
the Fourth Amendment. Whenever this Court has allowed a
suspicionless search, it has insisted upon a justifying motive
apart from the investigation of crime. At the time of
the Founding, Americans despised the British use of so-called
“general warrants”—warrants not grounded upon a sworn oath of a
specific infraction by a particular individual, and thus not
limited in scope and application. The first Virginia
Constitution declared that “general warrants, whereby any
officer or messenger may be command |
2.850016 | 1.567661 | 19 | Salita Toranes From Tar Valon Library Jump to: navigation,
search Author: Estyrien al'Halien Salita Toranes is an Aes
Sedai and Sitter of the Yellow Ajah. She sided with the Salidar
Aes Sedai when the White Tower split (CoT, Ch. 17). Having only
worn the shawl for thirty-five years, Salita would normally be
too young to be a Sitter, yet she is part of the disturbing
trend of Sitters being too young for the position. (CoT, Ch. 17)
Salita is round-faced and almost as dark as charcoal (CoT, Ch.
17). She is plump (KoD, Ch. 23). • 999 NE: Salita travels to
Salidar after the Tower splits and becomes a Sitter for the
Yellow Ajah (CoT, Ch. 17). • 1000NE: After reunification,
Escaralde steps down from her position as a Sitter (ToM, Ch.
27). Salita usually supports Egwene in the Hall, though not
about asking Aes Sedai to make cuendillar for sale (CoT, Ch.
17). Salita doesn't follow Romanda in the Hall, even though
Romanda is her head of Ajah (KoD, Ch. 23) Salita does not
believe that Nicola should be |
-0.752021 | -1.285619 | 3 | After Julian Assange invited a group of leading Latin American
journalists to London and gave them thousands of internal
documents from the US State Department, the media and political
landscape in Latin America was forever changed. From
confirmation of the United States’s deep involvement in the drug
war in Mexico and its efforts to alienate Venezuela’s Hugo
Chavez, to national governments conspiring with foreign
multinationals to alter safety regulations, the cables revealed
a corrupt world of diplomacy, long suspected, but rarely
glimpsed. Peter Kornbluh, guest editor of this week’s double-
issue about WikiLeaks and Latin America, speaks with Associate
Editor Liliana Segura about how “cablegate” rocked the region,
and has inspired a new generation of investigative journalists.
—Max Rivlin-Nadler |
0.946783 | 7.96409 | 77 | Sign in with Sign up | Sign in Your question Pentium 4 hyper
threading??? Last response: in CPUs Okay, I have this old
Pentium 4... and when i look in the system menu, it says that
its a pentium 4 @ 2.00 GHz, 2.02 GHz..... Does this mean that it
has got hyper-threading? I havent gotten as far as using CPU-z
on the machine, yet, so u dont have to tell me that. :p Best
solution Hit Ctrl+Shift+Esc, and look at performance tab, if it
has 2 column on CPU usage history it means it has hyper
threading, but if it's one then it doesn't have hyper threading.
But 2.0GHz P4 i can 95% say it has no hyper threading... Related
resources Doesn't matter, the 20MHz won't do any difference But
that's a calculation by computer, the actual speed is FSB times
multiplier and FSB fluctuates by a small margin that cause the
extra 20MHz |
-4.194929 | 2.956635 | -1 | Celiac Awareness Month Tomorrow kicks off a month that is very
personally important to me. It’s May, yes, which means nice
weather, blooming flowers, the start of summer barbecues,
evening beach walks, and Greatist’s move to NYC. But it’s also
Celiac Awareness Month. As someone who was relatively unaware of
this disease— I had heard of it once or twice in a few nutrition
and culinary classes— my diagnosis last March came as quite a
shock. Actually, more like an 18-wheeler careening down the
highway at 90 miles an hour and slamming into a brick wall. The
only cure for Celiacs is a completely gluten-free diet,which
means cutting out all gluten, the protein found in wheat, rye,
and barley. Basically, Celiac sufferers can kiss any
conventional breads and baked goods goodbye— forever. Even a
speck invisible to the naked eye can make us sick. I thought my
life was over, that surely I could not last my last year in
college without drinking beer (which, because of it’s raw
materials of barley or wheat, sadly, is b |
-1.871757 | -0.778367 | -1 | 'Jewish Money' Is Not A Good Way to Smear Political Candidates
In 2010S Was the finance director of New York Rep. Mike
McMahon's reelection campaign hired in 1927? Back then, it might
have been a good idea to show how much 'Jewish money' your
political opponent received. But not now! Not in 2010!
Democratic incumbent Mike McMahon is currently battling it out
with Republican candidate Mike Grimm for their New York City
district. McMahon's campaign finance director Debra Solomon, who
is Jewish, somehow thought she was being helpful by compiling a
list of Jewish donors to Grimm's campaign, labeling it "Grimm
Jewish Money Q2,"and passing it to the New York Observer. This,
she believed, was a good way to show that Republican Mike Grimm
"lacks support among voters in the district," according to the
Observer. Except she forgot to account for two important
things! 1) What? 2) The fuck? Also, the fact that Jewish
people live in the district and many non-Jewish donors live
outside it, so why even point out "Jewis |
3.869243 | 3.719776 | 35 | Going Gold: Comix Zone Going Gold: Comix Zone Unless the
videogames industry wants to follow comic books into being
nothing more than a conveyor-belt of idea for Hollywood, it
better start learning from the mistakes of the once-mighty
comics industry. The adolescent male population may be a
powerful demographic, but there's always a way to corner it. The
one thing that it desires more than anything else, but most of
them are prevented by peer pressure/society/self-ignorance. And
if they don't get that, they turn to violence. Which is why
panels like this exist... Watchmen. Not 'The Watchmen'. So
you want deep, thoughtful, less paperback dime-novels and more
"The Old Man and the Sea" sort of thing? Uh, how about:
anything by Chris Ware, or "Blankets" or "Fun Home" or any of
the myriad comics that people just don't know about because
we're busy going "Oh, DC and Marvel, Dark Horse and Image are
the only publishers out there." You're looking in all the wrong
places. I also think anything by Mark Milla |
0.578384 | 8.987204 | -1 | DragonFly BSD DragonFly kernel List (threaded) for 2006-04 Re:
Development stalling? From: "Dmitri Nikulin"
<dnikulin@xxxxxxxxx> Date: Sun, 23 Apr 2006 14:30:59 +1000 On
4/23/06, Justin C. Sherrill <justin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: >
There was discussion around AMD64 and also a PowerPC port, which
was > enough to create a FAQ item. The end result was that any
port work that > happens now would then have to get revamped
anyway as we work towards a > new system, so it's better to
wait. Is that so? I was under the impression the truly low-
level stuff was done. However there is still an IPI task on the
Projects page. > This would be very useful. corecode's regular
builds help catch build > problems, but (for obvious reasons)
not usage. Then that's what I'll do. I'll move the dual-core
out of the critical path of my network and use it for
development and testing (development of my own projects, that
is, unless I find something I can do well enough for DragonFly).
> I'd say the opposite has happened - we' |
-3.688251 | 3.198971 | 39 | Ky. Voices: Relieving lower back pain without danger of toxic
shots October 30, 2012 Dr. Jim Roach practices at the Midway
Center for Integrative Medicine. The growing number of deaths
from fungus-contaminated cortisone back injections are tragic.
What are the options? Hardworking physicians have struggled for
answers. Most pain relief is limited to the duration of an
injection or pain pill. Physical therapy, often effective, can
fail. Beyond infection, cortisone in any form promotes diabetes,
cardiovascular disease and bone decay. Non-steroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs increase bleeding and cardiovascular risk,
can impede healing, but may relieve break-through pain. Chronic
narcotic use can lead to addiction, crime, damaged fetuses and
destroyed families. Prescriptions are now the preferred drugs
of abuse. Hydrocodone use has led to a surge in heroin addiction
far outpacing cocaine. Can prescriptions be for five pain pills
instead of thirty? Can disability rolls be pared? A root cause
of pain is infla |
0.10633 | 9.173971 | 16 | Take the tour × This question relates to Unix-like-systems and
C. If you don't happen to have an answer, you can still help by:
1. making your best guess, 2. suggesting a methodology that
works to quickly answer a question as specific as this. Steps
to reproduce: 1. Create a new file on Android 4.2.1 at
/sdcard/file.txt. From adb shell, note the time it was created
by calling date and also double-check with ls -l on the file.
2. Copy-paste code described from the page for stat 3. Compile
then run the program from adb shell with input argument for
/sdcard/file.txt. The output from this <sys/stat.h> program
consistently shows the file is +5 hrs. off from the time it was
actually created (noted at step 1)! This holds for every "time"
field on the struct stat. Can someone please explain this
difference between what Android's <sys/stat.h> function says and
the file's actual last modified time? share|improve this
question Perhaps the time on adb shell is different from your
local time? Does the tim |
-0.511937 | 5.167062 | 4 | Suspension Terminology Nov. 01, 2005 By Larry Harris You are
on the way to your favorite trail. You hit a pothole. The
steering wheel is jerked violently left then right as the truck
is heading to the side of the road. You have bump-steer! This
phenomenon is a result of modifying your tie rod and drag link
geometry. The tie rod and drag link, as installed at the
factory, are very close to parallel. Keeping these components
parallel reduces bump-steer. Installing longer shackles, lifted
springs, or a spring-over axle lift will change your tie rod and
drag link angle. To compensate, you can install a drop Pitman
arm, a "Z" thingy (modified drag link) or the Linkage Steering
Kit offered by Calmini Products (presently only offered for the
Samurai). Any of the these will help to restore proper steering
geometry. Installing a steering stabilizer or power steering is
not a fix for this problem, it will just disguise it.
Installing an aftermarket suspension on your truck has some
trade offs. On the plus side |
0.966935 | 1.783841 | -1 | Why do we always get the weird layovers in ATL? Trip Start Jul
02, 2010 Trip End Jul 10, 2010 Loading Map Map your own trip!
Map Options Show trip route Hide lines Flag of United States ,
Georgia Friday, July 2, 2010 We landed in ATL on schedule! A
FIRST! We knew we had a very short layover and we had to get all
the way from Terminal C to Terminal A, which is like going from
one side of Chicago to the other in 5-o'clock traffic, for an
international flight in a little over an hour. Miracles can
happen though. So we got on the train thing and I started
thinking "I can't believe we're making such good time. We might
be able to grab some food before we leave.", right. Wrong! We
get to Gate A and there's maybe 30 minutes to spare. We just sat
down and the friggin gate change! O mierda! So here we go. To
another gate, still in Terminal C at least. And how many time
did we gate hop in total? 4! Yep, 4 times. Did we get dinner?
Nope. I was steaming because I hate that kind of crap. If the
plane is supposed to |
-1.747636 | 9.202343 | -1 | Currently, the descriptions under closed/locked/protected/bounty
notices are in proper sentence case: closed as noise or
pointless by Jeff Atwood♦ just now This question does not add
anything useful; having it present on the site is actively
harmful because it distracts from other more useful questions.
locked by Shog9♦ 2 hours ago protected by Community♦ yesterday
This question has an open bounty worth +500 reputation from
Pekka ending in 7 days. This question has not received enough
attention. However, the merge notice starts in lowercase:
merged by BoltClock♦ 2 days ago this question was merged with
Some exactly-cloned question because it is an exact duplicate of
that question. Is anyone up for correcting this inconsistency?
share|improve this question The open bounty notice heading is
different, because it's a complete sentence... sufficiently
different, IMO, to either warrant a different post or no action
altogether. – BoltClock's a Unicorn Jun 3 '12 at 3:51 I just
posted a duplicate withou |
-0.64915 | 2.166482 | -1 | WakeWorld (http://www.wakeworld.com/forum/index.php) - -
stuntmonkey 07-07-2011 11:12 PM If anyone is looking for a
2nd/3rd/4th my girl and I will be in the okanagan tomorrow,
saturday and sunday. We usually ride on the shuswap but will be
in town for the weekend, we aren't great or anything, just like
wakeboarding and surfing. Good for everything, gas money,
driving, not being a douchebag who treats your boat like ****
etc. 457-0604 (250 area code, saves my number being spammed on
the internets) |
1.499611 | 0.643722 | -1 | Reply to comment The revelation game This article is adapted
from a chapter of Steven Brams' book, Game theory and the
humanities: Bridging two worlds, published by The MIT Press and
reproduced here with kind permission. The book has been reviewed
in Plus. Blaise Pascal, 1623-1662. Is it rational to believe
in a god? The most famous argument in favour of belief is that
of Blaise Pascal, known as Pascal's wager. Assuming that we'll
never know whether or not God exists, at least not in this
world, Pascal advised that a prudent and rational person should
believe. If it turns out that God does exists, then this
strategy comes with a reward of infinite bliss in the afterlife.
If God doesn't exist, the penalty is neglible: a few years of
self-delusion. By comparison, if one believed that God did not
exist, but this turned out to be false, one would suffer an
eternity of torment. Faced with these options it's rational to
believe. Pascal's approach does not assume that God gives us
any indication of his (for Pa |
1.972067 | 2.632469 | 37 | Subscribe Feedback English look up any word, like thot: 1.
intrasexual A person that only has sexual intercourse with
him/herself. They do not mate with members of either gender,
rather they keep to themselves, pleasing only themselves. They
are their own sex toy. Tonette does not like men or women
because she is an intrasexual and cannot be pleased by either
gender. rss and gcal |
-1.127444 | 1.438491 | 91 | Reply to a comment Reply to this comment action22 writes: in
response to NoMoDoh: You sound like you might be one of the
chosen 10, or one of those few principals endowed with a free
doctorate. These people were working on them during work hours,
on corporate computers, when we were paying them to do the
business of the EVSC. That is a form of white collar theft. The
"savings" Smith listed, especially the soft drink contract are a
joke. A drink contract has been in place since 2003 or 2004,
when McCandless did some underhanded maneuvers to allow ONE
provider to change his bid, but didn't give others the same
option. As I recall, the proceeds are to go to the sports
programs/ECA, not the General Fund, and will not benefit ALL the
students. As for the Master's Degrees, the wonderful EVSC
attorney, Pat Shoulders, should be taken to task and replaced
for dropping the ball again. This is not the first time he has
permitted a superintendent to do things that were in violation
of state law, or at best, under |
0.22062 | 9.331018 | 16 | Take the 2-minute tour × I have a class that contains an NSSet.
That object is called _collectibles, and in a method, I make a
copy of that set in order to do some processing, something like:
NSSet* collectibleCopy = [_collectibles copy]; In practice, I
see this regularly crash with this message: [__NSPlaceholderSet
initWithObjects:count:]: attempt to insert nil object from
objects I've resolved the issue by changing the above code to:
NSMutableSet* collectibleCopy = [[NSMutableSet alloc]
initWithCapacity: [_collectibles count]]; for ( id thing in
_collectibles ) { [collectibleCopy addObject: thing]; And
now I can no longer reproduce any such crash. I'm betting [copy]
is more efficient, and I'd rather use it, but I can't figure out
why it's completely wonky! Update: while full context would
take a ton of explanation, the keys to me solving this were
that, a, the code was invoked this way: NSBlockOperation*
operation = [NSBlockOperation blockOperationWithBlock: ^{
[thing doStuff]; [operationQu |
0.08356 | 4.475967 | -1 | Symmetry of Snowflakes surface bump...................dendrite
...........complex snowflake With more water molecules
reaching the bump, the bump grows faster. In a short time, the
bump sticks out even farther than it did before, and so it grows
even faster. We call this a branching instability -- small
bumps develop into large branches, and bumps on the branches
become sidebranches. Complexity is born. This instability is
a major player in producing the complex shapes of snow
crystals.And since the ambient atmospheric conditions are nearly
identical across the crystal, all six budding arms grow at
roughly the same rate. The temperature seen by the snow
crystal is not constant in time, however, since the crystal is
being blown about and is thus carried over great distances in a
cloud. But the crystal growth rates depend strongly on
temperature. Thus the six arms of the snow crystals each change
their growth with time, reflecting the ever-changing conditions
in the cloud. And because each arm |
3.655926 | -2.485884 | -1 | Illinois Clamps Down on Equine 'Milkshakes' Milkshakes, which
are commonly a combination of bicarbonate and other substances
believed to affect a horse's performance, are tested through
measuring a horse's carbon dioxide level. Beginning March 1, if
carbon dioxide levels exceed 39 millimoles per liter for a horse
competing on furosemide, or 37 millimoles per liter if a horse
is not using furosemide, the trainer of record will be fined
$2,000 and suspended for at least 60 days. Any purse earnings
would also be redistributed. Additionally, the horse will be
subject to "early detention" for a period identical to the
trainer's suspension. Early detention is defined as a "pre-race
guarded quarantine" for no less than six hours prior to the
scheduled post time for the first race. For a second offense a
trainer is subject to a $5,000 fine and 180-day suspension; a
third offense within five years will result in a $5,000 fine and
two-year suspension. If an owner or trainer contends such
carbon dioxide levels are |
4.506721 | -3.253865 | 1 | Join Now | HomeAboutContact UsPrivacy & SecurityAdvertise Paul
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GlossaryClassifieds Kasey Keller: Getting shelled in Spain May
31st, 2001 12AM Kasey Keller is preparing to leave Rayo
Vallecano, where he has played for the past two seasons.
Keller's contract expires in June and he is considering
inquiries from clubs in Spain, France, England and Germany as he
also ponders the U.S. qualifiers against Jamaica (June 16),
Trinidad & Tobago (June 20) and Mexico (July 1). INTERVIEW BY
RIDGE MAHONEY SOCCER AMERICA: This has been a rough season for
you and Rayo. The club is fighting relegation and you've given
up 48 goals in 22 games. KASEY KELLER: I don't think you mind
having particularly [tough] games, but when it gets to be far,
far too |
4.389304 | -1.873465 | 67 | While Brock Lesnar suffered a first-round defeat over Cain
Velasquez at UFC 121 last weekend, losing his heavyweight title
in the process, he still managed to grab headlines following the
event. In a video posted on YouTube and various other sites,
Fanhouse's Ariel Helwani's interview with WWE superstar The
Undertaker is interrupted when the former "Next Big Thing" and
the "Dead Man" have a brief stare-down. While UFC president
Dana White is preventing Lesnar from participating in a
professional wrestling match, here are 10 reasons why a Lesnar-
Undertaker match should happen at the Georgia Dome during
WrestleMania XXVII. Begin Slideshow |
3.139708 | -3.986112 | 38 | Translation by WorldLingo Oklahoma Baptist University OBU
Hoping to Bridge Years in Football 1940-41 Bison football team.
OBU is seeking people connected with the previous era of Bison
football for an Opening Day honor. The Bison play their first
football game since 1940, taking the field Aug. 31. OBU is
planning to recognize players, managers, cheerleaders and others
who were connected to that 1940 team, as well as direct
descendants and others connected to teams prior to the 1940
squad. OBU asks people with those connections to contact
assistant athletic director Brian Morris at 405-585-5411 or at
Share This Page: |
-0.070581 | 0.857276 | -1 | Our TV Shows Got a Tip? Call TMZ at (888) 847-9869 or Click
Here 'Teen Mom' Released from Jail 12/28/2010 8:30 PM PST BY
TMZ STAFF Portwood has since pled not guilty to the
charges. No Avatar All I can say is Gary has the patience of
a Saint, he stood there and let her pummel him then when she
didn't get the reaction she wanted she kicks him in the back to
try to make him fall down the stairs. Wild horses couldn't have
gotten me off of her after that. 1395 days ago I saw the
entire show with both of them... I would have bi**ch slapped him
also!!! He pushed and pushed her to the breaking point so as far
as I'm concerned he got what he was looking for. I'm
disappointed in her for giving it to him. He does not deserve
the "oh poor him" attitude and once he grabbed up her little
girl which she had full custody of and walked out the door with
her and kept her for a few days... I would have had him arrested
instead of slapping him... that was her only mistake. 1395 days
ago John Refermat I |
-4.159362 | 4.059221 | 94 | SGD Paper Help Garcia-Martinez J, et al. (2012) The relative
importance of transcription rate, cryptic transcription and mRNA
stability on shaping stress responses in yeast. Transcription
3(1):39-44 Abstract: It has been recently stated that stress-
responding genes in yeast are enriched in cryptic transcripts
and that this is the cause of the differences observed between
mRNA amount and RNA polymerase occupancy profiles. Other studies
have shown that such differences are mainly due to modulation of
mRNA stabilities. Here we analyze the relationship between the
presence of cryptic transcripts in genes and their stress
response profiles. Despite some of the stress-responding gene
groups being indeed enriched in specific classes of cryptic
transcripts, we found no statistically significant evidence that
cryptic transcription is responsible for the differences
observed between mRNA and transcription rate profiles. Status:
Published Type: Journal Article PubMed ID: 22456320 Topics
addressed in this paper Top |
-4.432978 | 1.489746 | -1 | Celebrate deep winter and the bitter cold with a unique seasonal
floral arrangement. This miniature landscape brings the beauty
of the forest into your warm and cozy home. It’s simple to
create a tiny version of the woods, and adding mushrooms from
the grocery store makes it all the more unusual and authentic.
Mushrooms last even longer than flowers, making them a great
choice for wintertime decorations. Add final touches of stones,
branches, and pine cones for a tabletop winter wonderland.
Containers I heart pedestals. Mushrooms from the grocery store
Lichen, pine cones, sticks, rocks Crucial Notes on Mushrooms:
DO NOT PICK WILD MUSHROOMS for this project. At the worst, they
could be poisonous, but they also will not last as long in the
arrangement as mushrooms purchased from the grocer. Try to find
the most interesting mushrooms that you can, but keep in mind
the cost. I wanted to get some wild oyster mushrooms, but at $25
per pound, I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. Instead I
found some tall trump |
-0.456965 | 6.710952 | 60 | Comments Threshold RE: So, to clarify By
Alexstarfire on 1/6/2010 7:45:04 PM , Rating: 2 Nothing needs to
even be cracked. It's not even a roadblock.... more like a
pothole. You just kinda swerve to avoid it, but if not it's all
right anyway. RE: So, to clarify By DarkElfa on 1/6/2010
11:18:41 PM , Rating: 5 Pirates don't get their crap from
Netfilx?!! Hell, almost every new release the pirates do is out
1-3 months before Netfilx even gets them. RE: So, to clarify By
Samus on 1/7/2010 2:01:05 AM , Rating: 5 That's what I'm saying!
Seriously, in the torrent community, almost everything is
sourced from retail. Do they actually think pirates are going to
wait 3 days for the DVD in the mail? And if you're going to
argue the pirates they're after are just the home users that rip
for their own collection, go ahead and argue. Because as stated
above, if they don't want to buy it, they'll just get it from
Blockbuster. This is amazingly stupid of Netflix. Who's going
to wait a month for a DVD rele |
1.967396 | 2.375674 | -1 | Subscribe Feedback English look up any word, like fishermans
haircut: 1 definition by first initial = "n" (Noun, Place) A
boring, small town located in Massachusetts. Characteristics
include: -Ridiculously large high school -Lots of pot -Nothing
to do..=drinking -party up -(add to this def and add your ideas
on sudbury, also known as "Sucksbury") -over rated middle school
kids -strict middle school -too many elementary schools -LS
warriors Kid 1: Hey, those kids in Sudbury, haha, I mean
Sucksbury, are totally dope! Let's go there on Friday Night!
Kid 2: Nah, dude, haven't you been to the high school?! It
smells like pot, lots of drinking,, I even heard you can get
STDs off the walls!!! Kid 1: Oh snap! lincoln sudbury lincoln-
sudbury ma boring by first initial = "n" February 03, 2006 add a
video add an image rss and gcal |
1.786868 | 0.185101 | 44 | Does Church Membership Matter? Acts 2 September 05, 2013
BQ062712 So then, those who had received his word were
baptized; and there were added that day about three thousand
souls. (2:41) As already noted, much present day evangelism
seeks to make coming to Christ as easy as possible. Many today
would be appalled that Peter made the cost of coming to Christ
so high. How could he expect them to turn their backs publicly
on their culture? How could he ask them to risk becoming
outcasts among their families and society? How could he demand
that they accept as Messiah the very One their leaders had
rejected and executed? They would no doubt predict that the
results of Peter’s sermon would be minimal. Such was not the
case, however. Those who had received his word accepted the
conditions and were baptized. Further, they amounted to more
than an insignificant handful; there were added to the church
that day about three thousand souls. That a precise number was
recorded suggests that they kept track of those |
-3.421033 | 1.474619 | -1 | Sheriff changes inmates' diets to cut back on fights Prisioners
become less aggressive with this new meal plan Madison Burke,
Jefferson City Reporter, POSTED: 03:36 PM CDT Jul 18, 2013
UPDATED: 03:51 PM CDT Jul 18, 2013 Jail Food Sheriff Greg
White decided to make some dietary changes to the food of the
Cole County Jail inmates two years ago in order to get better
behavior out of the inmates. He lowered their sugar intake and
completely eliminated caffeine from the menu. White made sure
that all of the meals provided adequate nutritional needs of the
prisoners. White says that he began to notice a difference in
the behavior of the prisoners after a couple of days. He says
the inmates became calmer and less aggressive. White's
experiment was considered a success so his food plan is still
used today. "It makes for a more peaceful environment," said
White. "It reduces the fights or arguments." White also adds
that sometimes the prisoners complain that they don't like the
food. He reportedly tells the |
-4.257183 | 1.469435 | -1 | Friday, May 23, 2008 Of References and Readers 1.
You've been featured on Five Star Friday: 2. When I was a
child reading The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, I had no
idea what Turkish Delight was. (Actually, I googled it recently,
and still don't have the perfect concept.) But I imagined
something sweet and perfectly wonderful--so wonderful that if I
ever have occasion to taste it I'm sure I'll be disappointed.
3. I was 22 went I went to England for a year and had a minor
freak-out at the newsagent's when I saw Turkish Delight at the
register. I only knew of it through The Lion, the Witch, and the
Wardrobe and HAD to try it. Sadly, it was a Cadbury product of
chocolate covered horrible gelatinous mass. It was vile. I
consoled Edmund's obsession with it by reminding myself of some
other British food I think is icky... But then a few years
ago we went to Istanbul and had a lot of real Turkish Delight.
The first words out of my mouth were "I love my sister, but
she's doomed. I want more." |
-2.114734 | -0.945912 | 10 | Bell Curve The Law Talking Guy Raised by Republicans U.S. West
Wednesday, July 29, 2009 Kay Bailey Hutchison to Resign Texas
Politics. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison announced today that she
will resign from the Senate in "October/November" of this year
to run in March against Gov. Perry (also R) for the governor's
spot in Texas. No doubt she will want it as a launching pad for
the Presidency in 2012 or 2016. Why does this matter? 1. Texas
has a special election for a Senate seat. So while Perry will
appoint a replacement for Hutchison, it will be for just a few
months. Probably have the special election along with the 2010
governor's primary. Democrats can choose how much to go after
this senate seat. With Democratic resurgence in Texas right now,
they may force the GOP to spend a lot of money. 2. Sarah Palin
has already endorsed Rick Perry in the expected fight with
Hutchison. Note also that McCain and Hutchison hate each other,
which is part of why he didn't pick her (far more qualified than
Palin) for t |
Subsets and Splits