float32 -7.38
| Y
float32 -4.8
| labels
int64 -1
| content_display
stringlengths 72
0.812038 | 9.581101 | -1 | Subject: Re: db_strcpy() To: Bill Studenmund <> From: None <>
List: tech-kern Date: 05/17/2003 01:25:02 >> any reasons
why db_strcpy() is provided in sys/ddb/db_examine.c? >> i
can't imagine situation where libkern strcpy() does not work and
>> db_strcpy() does. >The six months between: >date:
1993/03/21 09:46:25; author: cgd; state: Exp; >when
db_examine.c was checked in (initial import) and: >revision 1.1
>date: 1993/10/27 22:00:50; author: jtc; state: Exp; >Did a
``make copy-to-libkern'' from libc to copy libc files to
libkern. >Checking them in to make people happy. >when it looks
like libkern was made. hmm, then swithcing to strcpy()
makes sense, i guess. >Also, I guess it would make ddb more
self-contained. i.e. so it can work >on Mach and *BSD, w/o
depending on the host kernel's facilities. Yes, >_our_ strcpy
does the right thing, but does (did) every other kernels??
btw, strcat() is being called, not db_strcat :-) |
-3.355039 | 1.353335 | -1 | Food trucks, city look to clarify rules WILMINGTON, NC
(WWAY) -- A public opinion meeting Wednesday will get the
public's input on food truck regulations in the Port City.
Owners hope to see some changes come from the meeting to help
their business, but it might cause tension between them and
restaurant owners. Food trucks are one of the biggest fads in
cooking, including here in Wilmington. But truck owners are
looking for a little clarity in local regulations. In
Wilmington they have to apply for a permit that lets them set up
in a single location for one week or two weekends in a row, then
wait 45 days to apply for another. "Or you can be somewhere for
an hour to two hours depending on who you're talking to and then
move on," said Ed Coulbourn, owner of Poor Piggy's. "So there
really is no set rules that govern food trucks operating in the
City of Wilmington." Truck owners say brick-and-mortar
restaurant owners have concerns about how the mobile eateries
impact their business. John Hinnant with W |
0.547864 | 9.85193 | 16 | Take the tour × Are there any precompiler options for latexmk I
can use inside my LaTeX source files? (For instance, to tell
latexmk to compile using XeLaTeX instead of PDFLaTeX.) I know
how to do that with the .latexmkrc file, but it would be more
useful to me if I could do it within my source files.
share|improve this question I think you are searching for Arara
– mhp Jul 23 '12 at 7:29 I think something like the arara
parsing should be easy to add to latexmk. Send an email to the
latexmk developer and suggest it, it is a useful feature. –
daleif Jul 23 '12 at 8:20 @daleif: In my opinion, the current
approach, i.e. adapting the relevant rules in a local Latexmk
initialization file, is cleaner and, potentially, also more
secure. – mhp Jul 23 '12 at 10:43 True, but anoying for editor
users who do not understand the various syntaxes for configuring
stuff. in that sense I like Emacs' concept of local variables to
be set inside the document and used to configure which engine
Emacs should use. – daleif Jul |
0.689354 | 8.787354 | -1 | Bug#402730: ifplugd: Interrupts the system when running on non
existent interface Y Giridhar Appaji Nag said the following on
05.03.2008 17:18: Does changing the poll time (--poll-time /
-t) help? The bug still exist in the actual version. Changing
the poll time to 5 seconds let the Video flicker every 5
seconds, so it does not really help. Try it out on a non
existent interface: strace ifplugd -i eth6 -f -u0 -d10 -w -I -n
-t 5 glxgears or in my case fgl_glxgears Every 5 seconds, or
the default 1 second ifplugd searches for the interface and the
fgl_glxgears stumbles. Reply to: |
-0.600295 | 0.504069 | 6 | Report this comment • "There is alway some medical condition
that people can blame. Ultimatly - the actions of this girl were
appalling and she should HAVE to take responsibility and be
punished accordingly. Far too often are the courts siding with
the offenders - the victims are not given a second thought and
that is so wrong. the fact that she also bullied a pensioner
seems to have been overlooked. I wish the courts would stop
listening to excuses and punish accordingly!" • This field is
mandatory • This field is mandatory • Enter the above word
in the box below Woman escapes prison after attack on charity
worker from Urmston Charity worker Angela Gray, who was scarred
for life after being attacked by Jade Daniels Charity worker
Angela Gray, who was scarred for life after being attacked by
Jade Daniels A YOUNG woman who slammed a brick into the face of
a charity worker, scarring her for life, has escaped prison, and
been reluctantly freed by a top judge who described it as a
'wholly exceptional |
-0.402594 | 7.376855 | 8 | On Call: Mourning Motorola (again) Many people are upset about
HP ditching WebOS, but CNET's Kent German is more distressed
that a company like Motorola is bidding farewell to the cell
phone. (Credit: Kent German/CNET) In case you didn't hear,
last week was a busy one in the tech world. First, Google
announced its intention to acquire Motorola Mobility for $12.5
billion and then just three days later, HP said it was ending
development for the WebOS mobile operating system and WebOS
devices. Both developments left a lot of people gobsmacked, but
it was the HP news that appeared to hit the hardest. Some folks
were upset that they couldn't get their hands on a $99 HP
TouchPad, but more saw the value of WebOS and hated to see HP
cast it aside like a Milli Vanilli cassette. CNET's Bonnie Cha,
an early advocate of the OS since the Palm Pre, was particularly
upset. As she said in her column last week, "It was just a
beautiful and sophisticated OS." No more Moto I don't like HP's
decision, either, but my experie |
0.795902 | 6.736145 | 68 | Roland VariOS From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to:
navigation, search Manufactured by Roland Dates 2003 - Present
Technical specifications Polyphony 14 voices Timbrality 6 part
Oscillator {{{oscillator}}} Synthesis type Open-Ended System
Module Aftertouch Yes Velocity sensitive Yes Keyboard
{{{keyboard}}} External control MIDI/ USB The Roland VariOS is
a rack-mounted open-ended variable system module, released by
Roland in 2003. It is essentially a production environment with
audio editing and sample playback, based on the technology from
the oft-overlooked VP-9000 VariPhrase Processor. It is possible
to independently manipulate the pitch, time and formant of a
sample, add effects and even build complete audio-based
arrangements—all in a realtime environment and without CPU
drain. In addition, it will emulate analogue synthesisers such
as the Roland Jupiter 8. Expansion Cards[edit] Two expansion
cards were released for the VariOS, the VC-1 which emulates a
Roland D-50, and the VC-2 which allow |
-1.848125 | 4.086949 | -1 | Budget proposal is harmful By Don Stowers The Independent
Petroleum Association of America rarely gets this upset about a
new government policy. However, on Feb. 26, the Obama
administration delivered a body blow to the industry when it
proposed a colossal $30 billion tax increase (as part of the
2010 budget) on US energy producers. IPAA management and
staffers were livid that the President would attempt to derail
domestic oil and natural gas production at a time when the
economy is in shambles and the country is importing more and
more of its energy needs. So much for energy independence.
There is faint hope that Congress will modify the proposed
budget and remove some of the more loathsome provisions.
However, any such changes would have to come in the Senate
because the House leadership likely helped craft the budget
proposal or at least contributed in some way to the anti-oil tax
provisions. The IPAA exists to help protect the interests of
independent oil and gas producers â not so-called Big Oil, bu |
1.130319 | 4.89539 | 57 | Tuesday, November 20, 2012 Some scientists are pushing for a
sample return mission to Mars in which the robot wouldn't simply
scoop up soil from the surface (though they want to do that,
too) but instead have a rover enter a cave or lava tube and
collect samples there. Since the surface of Mars is constantly
exposed to radiation, they argue the best place to look for
life-- past or present-- would be subsurface. Protected areas
like caves or lava tubes, where rock blocks incoming radiation,
might also work. Plus, they point out, such places could
preserve a history of life on Mars, as they do on Earth. Future
life on Mars could also be served by such a mission, they point
out. Lava tubes could be excellent sites for the first human
settlements on Mars, as they would provide both protection from
radiation and a consistent, controlled environment. Of course,
if Martian life already exists in such places, that could
complicate or delay any human missions to the Red Planet. No
comments: |
3.894256 | 2.268556 | 5 | Over the past 10 seasons, Grey's Anatomy's Cristina Yang (played
by Sandra Oh) has weathered breakups, plane crashes, crazed
gunmen, actual exploding bazookas, cardiothoracic attendings
unable to keep up with her talent, and hundreds of surgeries. As
she's navigated that chaos, she's cemented herself as one of the
most groundbreaking and memorable characters on television.
Tonight, the show and everyone who watches it lose her.
Advertisement - Continue Reading Below Audiences typically like
their television heroines optimistic, kind, put-together, and
maybe a little spunky. There's a reason why supportive moms like
Tami Taylor, compassionate office mates like Pam Halpert, and
twee romantics like Jess Day are so beloved. Bright, shiny
characters are never in short supply; Grey's itself has had
plenty over the years, from Izzie Stevens (smiler, baker, and
marrier of dead men) to Arizona Robbins (healer of tiny humans
and wearer of roller skate sneakers). More From ELLE Compared
to them — compared to anyone |
4.129329 | 3.450284 | 5 | 'Maleficent' Is 2014's Only Non-Superhero Film to Cross $600M
Mark Angelina Jolie in Disney's ''Maleficent'' Image: Disney
On an average summer at the movies, you'd see a healthy mix of
properties raking in some serious money. With the multitude of
options one traditionally has during this time of year, records
are broken left and right, and the high-water mark is usually
set at a breakneck pace. Unfortunately, this summer's options
haven't been as diverse as audiences would like, which has
resulted in a glut of superhero films ruling the box office
roost. However, there's one movie that's slowly worked its way
to the top of the non-comic book heap, and it's the only movie
of its type to cross $600 million this summer: Angelina
Jolie's Maleficent. According to Box Office Mojo, the Disney
fairy tale picture has just crossed the $600 million mark with
an international gross of about $602 million. That's right, in
the same summer that delivered us a young adult literature hit
overnight, several sequels to rat |
-2.161927 | -0.770556 | 10 | Being Cautiously Optimistic No links today. Just some thoughts
of mine that I think are shared by many. It is looking very good
for Mitt Romney. Pennsylvania shows Romney ahead, North
Carolina…for Goodness sakes even NJ may be in play! I am
beginning to think that people in the United States are seeing
the real Barack Obama. They don’t like what they see. Americans
do not carry the socialist gene in their DNA. They do not like
scandals, secrecy and doubt. They do not like big government,
class warfare and the idea of globalism. I have and always will
love my country…it’s the people living in it that I was
beginning to doubt. There are those who take advantage of
living off others and have no intention of doing something to
help themselves. There are those who simply don’t think about
who is paying for the “free” things that they think they
deserve. After all, it does not come from a box marked “free
stuff”. It comes from others who have most likely worked hard
for what they have. There are those who real |
0.28778 | -2.221308 | -1 | Churchill's jaw-jaw is needed in Lebanon As Israel and
Hezbollah continue to fight, I'm unlikely to be the first or
only writer to refer to Winston Churchill, who said, "To jaw-
jaw is better than to war- war." Pure pacifism isn't really an
option these days, but I appreciate Churchill's sentiment. If
you talk first, you can almost always maintain the option to
fight later; however, the more you fight the less likely any
possibility of talk becomes. Just about everyone wants an
immediate cease-fire in Lebanon. In fact, the only holdouts are
Israel and the United States. Israel's position is
understandable and reasonably justified. It's a small country,
surrounded by neighbors that have been traditionally hostile to
its existence. It suffered a cross-border incursion by
Hezbollah, an anti-Israeli militia with thousands of rockets
capable of striking Israeli cities. Israel contends, quite
reasonably, that any other country would respond in the same
way, even though, as it turns out, its course of action is pr |
-0.88776 | 1.679525 | 129 | Reply to a comment Reply to this comment v2q903 writes: They
should do something for lighting or close it down at night. It's
extremely dangerous to come out of a store after dark. Someone
is going to get hurt. |
0.312149 | 7.255408 | -1 | note ryan I too just tried this out. Works brilliantly first go.
I modified it to traverse my MP3 directories instead of using a
playlist using a common bit of [id://1317|stolen code]: <code>
use File::Find; my @songs; sub eachFile { if (-e $_ && $_ =~
/\.mp3$/) { push @songs, $File::Find::name;} } find (\&eachFile,
"/storage/mp3/"); </code> I've got this running under Debian on
an old Pentium holding over 7000 MP3s and it creates the array
suprisingly fast.<br><br> Ryan 8650 8650 |
3.672018 | 4.731049 | -1 | Condemned: Criminal Origins Walkthrough for birds, metals, and
TV's. Version 1.01 Compiled and Written by Daemon Santonne
username: Dark S0urce gamertag: Dark S0urce username:
shinrou78 gamertag: Ryuke (Chapter 9 is credited to Roadside
Carver, who wrote it much better that I could have.) If you
have any contributions to make or feedback just toss me and
e-mail or leave a message with my gamertag. This FAQ is written
in the order that you will find each item, so you're not running
around in circles. Every level has 6 birds and 3 metals, and
some levels have televisions as well. ---CHAPTER 1--- 1. BIRD
- Right after the cops flashlight dies go into the room on the
right. The bird is on the shelving unit in the back. 2. METAL -
After the first fight go up the stairs, through the door and
continue straight forward. Turn left then take an immediate
right. You should be facing some walls with the pink insulation
exposed. Go into the room on the right and on the far back left
corner is the metal. |
-2.062991 | 0.996015 | 101 | Frequently Asked Questions How big is the industry? The
staffing industry generated approximately $109.8 billion in
sales in 2011: $98.3 billion from temporary and contract
staffing and $11.5 billion in search and permanent placement
services. What accounts for the growth of the industry? Do
staffing firms charge employees a fee for temporary assignments?
How long do people hold temporary jobs? While specific jobs may
last from a few hours to several years, the best estimates for
the average tenure of temporary and contract employees range
from three to four months. What types of assignments do
staffing companies offer? Jobs range from day laborer to CEO
and are available in virtually all occupations. What are the
trends in the kinds of jobs being assigned? The fastest growth
is occurring in professional and technical occupations. How
many staffing companies are there in the U.S.? According to the
most current U.S. Economic Census data available, there were
about 17,000 firms that were in busin |
-1.104762 | 3.910611 | -1 | Gas suggests new problem at stricken Japan nuclear plant
Japanese officials detected an ominous radioactive gas that
suggests the country's nuclear nightmare isn't over REPORTING
FROM SEOUL -– In the latest sign that Japan's nuclear nightmare
at the stricken Fukushima Daiichi power plant is not over,
officials on Wednesday detected an ominous radioactive gas that
suggested possible nuclear fission at one of the reactors.
Officials from the Tokyo Electric Power Co., or Tepco,
acknowledged that they had detected signs of the gas xenon,
which they said could be the byproduct of a nuclear reaction.
As a precaution, workers injected boric acid, a substance that
neutralizes nuclear fission, through the facilities cooling
pipes, the utility said. The Fukushima Daiichi plant was
damaged during a massive tsunami triggered by a March 11
earthquake that struck the coastal region several hundred miles
northeast of Tokyo. The rushing water sent three of the plant's
reactors into meltdown, touching off fires and trigg |
2.925788 | 5.486789 | 2 | There are a lot of big, big games out (or coming out) about now.
Which is great if you're loaded with cash. But sucks if you're
broke. Never mind! Not all good games have to be paid for. Take
Stealth Bastard for example, a free PC game that's about light,
dark, stealth and blood. Taking cues from Metal Gear, Flashback
and Super Meat Boy, Stealth Bastard is a 2D platformer where
sneaking is important, but so is avoiding the bloody death that
awaits you on every damn screen. The game not only ships with,
but with a level editor as well, so for $0.00 it's a pretty
sweet deal. Stealth Bastard [Official Site] |
-1.533525 | -0.194044 | -1 | Monday, April 11, 2011 Boalties in the News The Ninth Circuit
just handed down a precedential opinion affirming the
preliminary injunction against several sections of SB 1070, the
Arizona Immigration Law. Judge Richard Paez, a Boalt alumnus
and Judge John T. Noonan, a long-time Boalt professor formed the
majority, while Judge Bea (Stanford!!!) dissented. The line
that grabbed my attention was in Judge Noonan's concurrance:
That the movement of the people of one nation into the
boundaries of another nation is a matter of national security is
scarcely a doubtful or debatable matter. Almost everyone is
familiar with how the movement of the Angles and the Saxons into
Roman Britain transformed that country. Touche. It looks like
barring a cert grant from the SCOTUS, the key parts of the AZ
law are dead letter. Anonymous Anonymous said... Judge
Noonan (b. 1926) thinks the immigration example "almost
everyone" will be familiar with is the colonization of England
by German tribes 1500 years ago? Awesome. No |
-0.377385 | 7.492314 | 8 | Dealzmodo Hack: Overhaul Your Last-Gen BlackBerry For most,
cellphone trade shows mean carefree gadget porn. For some,
they're an assault on beleaguered gadget egos. Last time we
helped straggling WinMo users. Now, dear last-gen BlackBerry
users, we're reaching out to you. Users of the Pearl, Curve and
88xx phones, despite being highly capable devices, are getting
it from all angles; on one front, RIM left these handsets behind
for OS 4.6, and the touchscreen Storm looks like it's from a
different planet. Other phone makers are moving into exciting
new territory, releasing totally new hardware and software at
steady clip. In short, it can be rough to own a last-gen 'Berry,
not to mention one of the older 7000 series handsets. But the
theory here is the same as before—just because your handset is
technically last-gen device doesn't mean it has to feel like
one. Dealzmodo Hack: Overhaul Your Last-Gen BlackBerry Ditch
the BlackBerry Browser for Good RIM's newest browser, bundled
with 4.6x and 4.7x handsets, |
-1.154103 | 3.918554 | 141 | Fukushima Crisis Awakes After Reactor Heats Up Mysteriously
Just when you thought it was over, the temperature at reactor
number 2 at Fukushima's nuclear plant has soared 26.7 degrees
Celsius in the last few hours. Worse: they don't know why the
temperature is increasing after being stabilized for so long.
The reactor reached 164 degrees Fahrenheit (73.3 degrees
Celsius) after being stabilized at 113 degrees Fahrenheit (45
degrees Celsius) since last December. Here's the latest official
update by Tepco, the owner of the plant: At this moment,
temperature indicates approx. 71.0 °C (as of 11:00 am on
February 6). We will monitor it continuously. The reactors were
finally shut down cold after ten months of dramatic struggle by
company and emergency workers. Tepco has admitted that they
don't have a clue about what is going on. They have increased
the amount of water pumped into the reactor ten percent, but
their technicians don't know what is going on. The change was
detected in one of the three thermometer |
0.049274 | 3.385212 | -1 | About UNI eLearning What is UNI eLearning? UNI eLearning is the
name given to UNI's centrally supported Learning Managment
System (LMS). UNI eLearning is a web-based interface for
developing a customized learning environment that supports
traditional, hybrid, and distance learning courses. UNI
eLearning provides restricted access to pre-made course tools
for managing a course syllabus, calendar, email, chat,
discussions, course content, assessement, and grading. UNI
eLearning allows easy creation of and access to online courses
with an Internet connection and standard web browser. No special
client-side software is necessary. How is UNI eLearning used?
UNI eLearning can be used to create entire online courses, as an
online medium for delivering hybrid courses, or to publish
materials that supplement existing face-to-face courses. What is
the cost of UNI eLearning? There is no direct cost to you. The
University has a site license for the server software. Because
UNI eLearning uses no software on the faculty o |
0.512738 | 8.37813 | 74 | Take the 2-minute tour × If I had to store credit card details
temporarily to shove it to the processor using an asychronous
worker, I know that that information must be encrypted. To get
it to the worker, however, it must be stored at least in RAM.
How is it possible to do this but remain PCI compliant? This
states: 3.2.2 Do not store the card verification code or value
(three-digit or four-digit number printed on the front or back
of a payment card) used to verify card-not-present transactions.
Or is it impossible to be PCI compliant and use asynchronous
workers? share|improve this question 1 Answer 1 up vote 5
down vote accepted RAM is volatile and is not considered
storage for PCI-DSS purposes - so long as the device that
contains the RAM is otherwise PCI-DSS compliant. In a similar
fashion, temporary storage of the CVC/CVV on disc is not
considered "storage" if the storage is highly volatile. For
example, the operating system's swap space. share|improve this
answer Can you point me to any sourc |
-1.576763 | 8.970531 | -1 | What is meta? × Looking at my own profile and the edit profile
form, it isn't really clear to me which data will be publicly
displayed/visible to registered users/visible to mods and which
won't. When I look at users who have recently been awarded the
Autobiographer badge, I can only see name, member for, seen,
website, location and age. Here's a few points that could help
in this matter: • On "my own profile", display a little lock
symbol (e.g. this) next to entries that are only visible to me
(or mods). • On the edit profile page, • make note of the
use of the data put in next to the field, e.g. tell the user
that the birthday will not be displayed, but used to calculate
the age, the e-mail-address won't be shown and only used for
certain purposes (which should be named?) • sort the fields
in "public" and "private". • In the Autobiographer badge
description, clarify if a field like "real name" needs to be
filled in in order to get the badge. share|improve this question
migrated from meta. |
1.968117 | 2.022911 | -1 | "Did you know" part 4. Morning/Afternoon Guys, I just wanted to
say a special thank you to everyone for how well these "Did
you know" comps are doing. "Did you know" part 4
Morning/Afternoon Guys, I just wanted to say a special thank you
to everyone for how well these "Did you know" comps are doing. I
won't lie I thought this idea was going to crash and burn from
the start but you guys proved me wrong once again. ...more »
Morning/Afternoon Guys, If you guys want more then by all means
keep things how you've been And ill always deliver maybe not
right on time but when i get around to it. Love ya guys, stay
funny! People who are allergic " latex are likely to also be
allergic to kiwi Fruit and mango. At birth, a baby Panda is
smaller than a mouse. There is disease called 8' , tr, tly""
people are born without s. It is exceedingly rare. affecting om
four known extended famine: worldwide. Richard escaped I times
from I different prisons. his third time by mailing himself out
in a crate. hewas stop |
-2.72672 | 0.831024 | -1 | Health Reform: would this work? By Jim Holman of Gresham,
Oregon. For 21 years, Jim worked as a hospital data analyst -
most recently at OHSU. There are a number of problems health
insurance in the U.S., even for those with insurance or those
who can afford insurance. If you change jobs you might not be
able to go to your primary physician any more if the new job has
a different health plan If you’re self-employed you might not be
able to purchase health insurance because it’s too expensive. If
you work for a company that doesn’t offer a health benefit then
you’re also out of luck. Many people with existing health
problems can’t purchase private health insurance even if then
can afford it. Specific health insurance reform is difficult
even to talk about. Many proposals for health insurance reform
are met with a charge of “socialized medicine,” an accusation
which in itself can be fatal to the proposal. But “private”
approaches to health insurance reform are often little more than
new ways to distribute the |
-0.621977 | 3.115234 | -1 | Category Archives: statistics • Ruby for text processing
and miscellaneous scripting; • Ruby on Rails/JavaScript for
web development; • MATLAB for neuroimaging data analysis; •
R for statistical analysis; • R for plotting and
visualization; • Occasional excursions into other
languages/environments for other stuff. In 2013, my toolbox
looks like this: • Python for text processing and
miscellaneous scripting; • Python (NumPy/SciPy) for numerical
computing; • Python (scikit-learn) for machine learning; •
Excursions into other languages have dropped markedly. You may
notice a theme here. You could be forgiven for
thinking that academic psychologists have all suddenly turned
into professional whistleblowers. Everywhere you look,
interesting new papers are cropping up purporting to describe
this or that common-yet-shady methodological practice, and
telling us what we can collectively do to solve the problem and
improve the quality of the published literature. In just the
last |
3.078189 | 5.104607 | 2 | What kind of event is a leisurely mini-game? Just what it says.
We're aiming to give teams a relaxing, fun, puzzle-filled day in
the city. The idea is: solve some puzzles while traveling around
San Francisco. Take your time, enjoy the day, work out your
brain. What about scoring? To drive home the 'leisurely' part,
there isn't going to be any scoring for this event. We want to
encourage teams to enjoy themselves and their surroundings while
solving puzzles; that means if you want to stop for a coffee or
a bite to eat, you should! Of course, if teams want to develop
some sort of scoring metric among themselves, that's totally
fine. Really? So, if we want to catch a movie... Ok, be
reasonable here. We'll staff clue locations for the better part
of the day, but we will have a hard cut-off. We'll announce
specific details about time cut-offs on the day of the game.
When does it start and expect to end? We haven't nailed down
these things quite yet, but we plan to start mid-morning.
Depending on your solvin |
0.917579 | 2.795828 | -1 | Get Free Shipping when you spend at least $250.00 with
Balkowitsch. Ships from/sold by Balkowitsch Who's this? Seller
Rating: Earn Super Points: Write a Review Sorry, this selection
is currently unavailable. Remee Dreamer Lucid Dream Induction
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more in Business & Industrial Remee is a specialized sleep mask
designed to help increase the frequency of your Lucid Dreams.
The key to Lucid Dreaming is recognizing when you're dreaming.
That's where Remee comes in. Inside what looks like a normal
sleep mask is a microcontroller. During your sleep cycles, Remee
flashes a series of customizable, recognizable |
-0.214992 | 10.092802 | 16 | Take the 2-minute tour × I am designing a RESTful API. One
Service should offer a query functionality for multiple key-
value pairs. For example the Client can query with one HTTP GET
request for different products and the belonging quantity.
Example: The Client wants to query product 1 with the amount 44
AND product 2 with the amount 55. So how can I design my URI for
this case? I actually don't want my URI to look like, cause I
don't know how many products are queried: or like, because how
can the client know, that before the comma there is the
productId and after the comma the quantity: Does anyone have
got other solutions or isnt't it RESTful to offer the
possibility to query multiple products with one request? Is it
maybe better to offer the possibility to query just one product
with the belonging quantity and if the client whants to query
more products, he actually should send more requests...?
share|improve this question what would be wrong with putting the
query information into a http-post? – |
0.796041 | 1.727852 | -1 | Welcome Visitor: Login to the siteJoin the site Royal Pain
Novel By: Normaeg A plain college student, Anabelle Courtney,
is involved as a voluteer in a hospital. As sweet and lovable
she is no seems to see her inner self not until one day an
accident will change her life and say otherwise. A young
mysterious man was in a car accident when that same day his own
family abandoned him. As much as irrisistable the man appears
with his good looking face, Anabelle would not give up on him
even when he try's to ignore everyone. What Anabelle doesn't
know is that is she willing to face what this mysterious man is
hiding from? View table of contents... Submitted:Jun 15, 2011
Reads: 102 Comments: 2 Likes: 0 Chapter One: My
Plain Life This story is as plain as I am. I who people always
seem to be picking on me all the time. Bullies would pull my
curly short hair, point out my ugly freckles, braces, and nerdy
glasses. Every single person I knew would keep their distance
because they would think I carry |
0.527182 | 8.046023 | -1 | Take the 2-minute tour × My MacBook (Snow Leopard) seems to be
unable to read DVDs and CDs. I've searched around the nets, and
it looks like I may be experiencing a relatively common problem,
but I don't want to jump to conclusions. Unfortunately, all the
threads I've found are filled with "me too me too", and not a
lot in terms of actual help. What tools can I use, or tests can
I run, to try to diagnose (and perhaps even solve) the problem
myself before give up and replace the drive? share|improve this
question wiki? I can't do it. – Tim Jan 12 '11 at 5:29 This is
apparently quite a common problem with Macbooks. It happens when
you pick the Macbook up too often, when open, holding it in the
area of the Superdrive; it essentially breaks the drive. It is a
hardware issue and the only solution is to replace it. It's not
particularly hard if you are a 'handy' kinda person. – user2457
Jan 12 '11 at 10:26 2 Answers 2 up vote 2 down vote accepted
Try running the Apple Hardware Test. If I remember right, reb |
-0.449773 | 6.683422 | 60 | Amazon Massively Inflates Its Streaming Library Size Amazon
counts individual episodes, not whole series, as "TV shows,"
which makes its Prime streaming catalog seem 10 times bigger
than it actually is. Amazon boasts that it has "more than
17,000 movies and television shows" on Amazon Prime Instant
Video, its streaming service that competes with Netflix and Hulu
Plus. The "17,000" figure has been widely parroted in the media,
but where does the number come from? Upon closer examination,
the total number of movies and TV shows available to Amazon
Prime members, who pay $79 a year, is actually far lower. Only
1,745 movies are available to stream on the company's Prime
service, and just roughly 150 TV series. The "17,000" figure is
not only misleading to consumers, but a faulty indicator of
Amazon's streaming library's strength versus competitors and
traditional entertainment offerings. Amazon reached that number
by counting each episode of a TV series as an individual TV
show. For example, Amazon does not c |
-1.564126 | -1.011781 | 63 | Return to Transcripts main page Economy Improving; Festival
Features New Technology; Peyton Manning to Leave Colts;
Prosecution Rests Webcam Spying Trial; Keystone Amendment Fails;
Greece Bond Deal Paves Way To Bailout; China Hotel Goes Up In 15
Days; Gross "Pink Slime" In Your Ground Beef; Coke, Pepsi Recipe
Change; Starbucks To Sell Single Cup Machines; Santorum Camp To
Gingrich: Get Out; South by Southwest Film Festival Begins in
Austin, Texas; Invisible Children Responds to Some Backlash
against "Kony 2012." Aired March 9, 2012 - 06:59 ET SOLEDAD
O'BRIEN, CNN HOST: Our STARTING POINT, we're just minutes away
from that big February jobs report. We're going to talk about
that this morning. Also talk about what it's going to mean
politically. What are the implications not only for the
president but also for the GOP candidates who's been traipsing
the country? Talking about their jobs plans. Also, just days
after those new satellite images suggest that Iran is hiding its
nuclear testing, Israel is la |
3.716627 | 4.925157 | 2 | Take the 2-minute tour × I've been replaying FF7 since it was
re-released for PC this summer. I've gotten to the part near
the end of the game where the characters enter the Northen
Crater to face Sephiroth. I only went in to get the final
items/materia and train up before going back out to face the
Weapons and get Clouds limit, etc... However, it seems I've hit
a glitch. I placed my save crystal in the first room where the
characters meet up to decide which path they should take. There
is a pillar towards the back of the room, which is the only way
out of the northern crater, but I can't climb it. No matter what
I do, I cannot get Cloud to climb that pillar. I have continued
through the crater a bit more right up until the point of no
return (just before entering the core to fight Jenova and
Sephiroth...), when the characters meet up a second time and
give you some items they found. Instead of going through to the
end, I went back towards the entrance, but I still cannot climb
out. I have tried to use a |
-2.713669 | 5.766302 | 81 | Does the Dow Matter? NPR's weekday newscasts air 37 times a day
and usually include stock market figures. But are those numbers
valuable to the average listener? "As a data bit for a civilian
audience the Dow is flat out useless at best," wrote Tom DeVries
from Mariposa, CA. "Of course the people who actually do know
what it all means keep track minute by minute and don't need NPR
to tell them." The Ombudsman regularly hears from people with
similar concerns. Some wonder what exactly it means when a
newscaster says "the Dow fell 10" or "jumped 25 points today."
NPR gives Wall Street futures and foreign markets before Wall
Street opens at 9:30 a.m. After that point, NPR reports the Dow
Jones industrial average and gives closing numbers into the
evening. The S&P 500 and Nasdaq indexes also make it into the
mix. The coverage is so consistent many listeners might not
give it a second thought. "It's been done since the dawn of
time," said Robert Garcia, executive producer of newscasts,
"which for us was in th |
-0.312645 | 0.672323 | 6 | Crazy Knife Lady Attack Jazzes Up Astor Trial Jury duty for the
Brooke Astor trial is hell: since April, they've had to stare at
her thieving son's face and endure testimony from Graydon Carter
and Henry Kissinger. Now random subway crazies are attacking the
jury, with knives. The forewoman of this jury deserves a raise:
As several jurors were riding the subway together after court on
Thursday, a knife-wielding woman attacked the forewoman; one of
the alternate jurors came to the rescue and helped apprehend the
attacker If only they were able to pimp this story out a little
more, we could have a new subway hero on our hands! But as it
is, it just reinforces what your civics teacher always told you:
Carry a knife to jury duty, every day. [Pic via] |
-3.050447 | 2.356081 | -1 | Dry needling Coverage decision L&I covers dry needling of
trigger points. It should be billed using the trigger point
injection CPT™ codes 20552 or 20553. Dry needling follows the
same rules as trigger point injections in WAC 296-20-03001(14).
Dry needling is considered a variant of trigger point
injections, only without medications. It is a technique where
needles are inserted (no medications are injected) directly into
trigger point locations, as opposed to the distant points or
meridians used in acupuncture. For more information: Contact
information. End of main content, page footer follows. Access
Washington official state portal |
0.613911 | 9.532744 | 16 | Channels ▼ GNAT Pro 6.2 Released AdaCore has released GNAT
Pro 6.2, the latest addition to its GNAT Pro Ada development
environment. The new release is now available on 18 native and
28 cross platforms. It offers over 130 new features, including
increased support for code coverage and source-to-object
traceability, which are important for safety-critical and high-
reliability application development. As a general upgrade to
the underlying technology, the GNAT Pro compiler back end is now
based on GCC 4.3, which brings improved code generation, and the
debug engine is now based on GDB 6.8, which provides better
debugger performance. Complementing these enhancements are
specific features including a more efficient implementation of
stack checks, overflow checks, and validity checks, and new
attributes and pragmas for use with generics. GNAT Pro 6.2 also
includes features for associating pre- and post-conditions with
subprograms and for selectively enabling or disabling groups of
assertions. Several existing |
1.174079 | 9.601658 | -1 | Title: Pointer Analysis, Conditional Soundness, and Proving the
Absence of Errors Authors: Christopher L. Conway, Dennis Dams,
Kedar S. Namjoshi, and Clark Barrett It is well known that the
use of points-to information can substantially improve the
accuracyof a static program analysis. Commonly used algorithms
for computing points-to information are known to be sound only
for memory-safe programs. Thus, it appears problematic to
utilize points-to information to verify the memory safety
property without giving up soundness. We show that a sound
combination is possible, even if the points-to information is
computed separately and only conditionally sound. This result is
based on a refined statement of the soundness conditions of
points-to analyses and a general mechanism for composing
conditionally sound analyses. |
-1.023345 | 2.512377 | -1 | Yahoo Weather You are here Yes, you can trust the poor After
the Spanish Civil War, an Indiana farmer by the name of Dan West
volunteered his time as a relief worker, feeding hungry orphans
and refugees. He decided from his experience in the field that
what the people really needed was “a cow, not a cup” so they
could feed themselves rather than depend upon temporary aid.
From that simple observation sprang Heifer International, which
today collects money to obtain milk cows, deliver milk cows and
teach people how to take care of milk cows. I fear I am
oversimplifying the work of Heifer International, so for more go
to But this is the basic model for helping the poor. Now comes
a radical idea that challenges a traditional model: Instead of
creating all of the infrastructure to deliver goods and services
to the poor, why not simply give the poor money and let them buy
what they need themselves? That’s what GiveDirectly does. It’s
based on the idea that the poor know what they need. Trusted
with the ch |
0.767632 | 7.860049 | 77 | or Connect New Posts All Forums:Forum Nav: What upgrades for
basic M6400? post #1 of 7 Thread Starter I just received a
M6400 as a replacement for my damaged M90 and other than it
having the 4GB of memory it's the most basic configuration.
Harddrive is only 150GB. It'll be used for some internet stuff,
some gaming and at times at work running UG-NX. If you'd be
doing any upgrades, what would you do? I've never upgraded a
laptop after I've received it and am not quite sure what would
be reasonably easy and affordable. Could I just buy a faster
processor and swap it out? Guess adding some memory would be
nice but I assume it's got 2x2GB and to get to 8 I'd have to
replace both sticks with 2 x 4GB and I'm not sure if I really
need it. Also, it came with XP and the Vista upgrade, both the
32bit versions. I wouldn't mind getting the 64Bit Vista version.
Would Dell be willing to replace the 32bit Vista version with
the 64bit? Of course Windows 7 and Vista would be nice too.
Would be great to hear what you |
2.776934 | 3.950419 | -1 | user sulfericacid <br><br><br> <table width=80%>
<tr><td><i>Chatterbox stuff</i><td></tr> <tr><td font size=1> --
--------------<p> [atcroft]: sulfuricacid: "There was a bug in
the code. Do not pass GO, do not collect 3_141_592_653 points,
go directly to jail." <br> [atcroft]: s/jail/a chroot jail/ <br>
[id://115576] doesn't suppose "time" is a reserved name in
MySQL<br> [id://82147] certainly it is, it's a column type<br>
[id://115576] sighs and then kicks MySQL in the kneecap for
holding our super-descriptive short "time" hostage from us<br>
[id://70929] sulfericacid: you might want to look that
up....<br> [id://70929] watches sulfericacid jump around holding
the foot he kicked with, for not wearing his steel-toed boots
when he did it....<p><p> </td></tr> <tr><td font
size=1><[id://153214|DigitalKitty]> No problem. /me hands
sulfericacid the key to the executive bathroom. Go ahead and use
it. You've earned it. *grin* <tr><td font size=1><[id://1 |
-2.005492 | 2.491309 | 54 | Act 1: The Googler who cried snake Sunday April 1st, NYooglers
(a word for New York Googlers I can't convince anyone else to
use) receive an email about a python. I assume it's either Guido
van Rossum talking about his programming language, or, because
it's April Fool's, something like Gmail Paper or PigeonRank.
Boy, am I surprised when I see the following message: "Over the
weekend, a pet snake belonging to a Googler escaped from its
cage. The snake is a 3-foot long, brown-and-grey, ball python
named Kaiser. Ball pythons are non-venomous and are commonly
kept as pets. Tempting as it might be, this is not an April
Fool's joke! We are sending this message to alert you to the
situation and to let you know what to do in the event that you
see the snake." Act 2: A community unites Monday morning in
the office, we react. Some laugh, some debate whether it is
actually a joke, and some stand away from walls and corners. At
least one considers buying rubber snakes en masse. The bathrooms
have slightly fewer occup |
-5.318217 | 1.403648 | 33 | Sign in BBC navigation Vegetable crisps Use a Japanese
mandolin to get super skinny slices of vegetable for this
alternative to normal crisps. A good snack to take to work.
Preparation method 1. Slice the vegetables using a Japanese
mandolin. 2. Heat the oil in a deep-fat fryer or heavy-based
saucepan to 180C/350F. (CAUTION: hot oil can be dangerous. Do
not leave unattended.) 3. Add one type of sliced vegetables
to the hot fat at a time and once browned and cooked through,
remove with a slotted spoon and transfer to a plate lined with
kitchen paper. Repeat with all three types of vegetable. 4.
Sprinkle with salt to serve. Quick recipe finder Advanced
search options |
-0.248171 | 9.031913 | 16 | Take the 2-minute tour × I'm using a computer with very little
screen space available. I'd like to be able to hide the top
panel on a keypress while I work so I can grab a little extra
room for the window I'm using. Is there something like I
described? or even a hot-top where mousing over the top of the
screen brings the panel back would be acceptable. I am running
Gnome 3.4 not Unity! share|improve this question add comment 1
Answer found the extension to do this: Panel Settings
share|improve this answer Can you add a bit more to this answer
please? Maybe a link to the extension or a how-to get it and use
it? Thanks – Tom Brossman Jan 7 '13 at 7:00 add comment Your
Answer |
-1.833423 | 5.111444 | -1 | Use the One-Coin Problem to Keep From Slacking on Your Goals
Making excuses for ourselves can be a slippery slope. Buying
something small that's outside of your budget or cheating on
your diet can quickly get out of hand. However, Gretchen Rubin
of The Happiness Project has a tip that'll help you keep things
in perspective. The one-coin problem asks if an almost
negligible amount of progress—a single coin—can make you rich.
It argues that it's all a matter of where you place your focus:
that seeming small lapse or the growing heap that often isn't
apparent until much later. The one-coin problem captures a
paradox that's familiar to all of us: when we consider our
actions, often it's true that any one instance of an action is
almost meaningless, yet at the same time, a sum of those actions
is very meaningful. Whether we focus on the single coin, or the
growing heap, will shape our behavior. Whether you're dieting,
implementing a fitness program, or trying to save money, it's
common knowledge that little th |
3.624105 | 4.035578 | -1 | DC Comics State 3D Cover Shortage Down To Limited Paper Stock
bizarroDC Comics has been answering questions about the heavily
allocated 3D Covers for Villain’s Month in September. Retailers,
in many cases, have received far less than they ordered, far
less than they normally get, and are making up the numbers with
reduced price standard covers. But how did this happen? We find
out. There you go folks. It wasn’t down to DC setting too-low
print runs, or the Final Order Cut-Off date being set too late,
it wouldn’t have made a difference. They simply ran out of
enough stuff to make the damn things with… |
-1.83486 | 5.077907 | -1 | Saturday, March 17, 2012 Airlines Must Explain Basis of Fuel
Surcharges When the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT)
imposed new requirements on airlines and online travel agency
(OTA) advertising and disclosure, one overlooked aspect was the
"fuel surcharge: component of the cost of the international
airline ticket. For the longest time, airlines could simply
announce increases in fuel surcharges that are not part of the
base fare while still advertising the base fare cost. The DOT
now mandates that airlines not only disclose clearly to the
public what these fuel surcharges are, but airlines must
identify some reasonable baseline of that has to demonstrate a
methodology of how the surcharges were calculated. It also
brings back a point repeated frequently in this blog: that
airlines attribute increases in fuel surcharges to rising fuel
costs, but they either do not react promptly when fuel costs
decline, or they simply ignore it. |
1.804237 | 0.383911 | 44 | Reply to a comment Reply to this comment spillerbd writes: in
response to CosmicStargoat: Wow! You really told me, didn't
you? Yet another voice of reason. I'm sorry if your feeble mind
can't comprehend my dichotomy of the two concepts. It really
eats you up, doesn't it? It's your burden to provide evidence
that I'm a sinner, so get busy and if you use your moldy Bible,
you're just making my point for me. No bible involved. That's
the point |
-1.174921 | 3.914554 | 141 | 1. Computers 2. Display Drivers 3. Graphics Cards 4.
Memory 5. Motherboards 6. Processors 7. Software 8.
Storage 9. Operating Systems Touring The Chernobyl Nuclear
Accident Site In 2010 Published on 7 April 2010 Written by
Michael Larabel Page 2 of 9 - 85 Comments Testing of this
nuclear safety feature in April of 1986 turned into this deadly
disaster as established procedures were not followed and in the
minutes leading up to the accident, emergency warnings were
ignored and mistakes were made. There also proved to be several
flaws within the design of the Soviet RBMK nuclear reactor and
in its construction. In the early hours on the 26th of April,
the experiment of testing the steam turbines to produce
electricity for the reactor's water pumps began while the diesel
generators began ramping up their electricity production. Where
the test went wrong was when the water flow rate dropped due to
the turbines losing momentum, steam voids formed within the
nuclear core that caused the water coo |
0.859203 | 2.141835 | 75 | Friend or Foe An investigation into the pitfalls and rewards of
21st century friendships. Being A Friend To Your Daughter Could
Be Toxic Can you be a mother and a BFF with your daughter?
While writing my book on the trials and tribulations of female
friendship that came out last fall, several women spoke of the
importance of setting an example for their daughters when it
came to female bonds. For instance, if you, as the mother, are a
jealous friend, a misery lover, or a user, then you are teaching
your daughter what not to do. If you are a sharer, a mirroring
friend, or the authentic friend, then there is solace and safety
in your friendships and your daughter does well to consider you
as her model. Either way, few of us can deny that female
friendships are complicated for women of all ages. Certainly
mothers and daughters alike strive to have healthy friendships
among their peers, despite the obstacles. But what about another
scenario, one in which mothers and daughters prefer to be in a
friendship rat |
3.418803 | 2.83059 | -1 | Shining the Light Donate Now Who's On The Air? Who's On Air |
Corry Reynolds Corry Reynolds Brett Ritchey Brett Ritchey so
i'm watching Return to Oz now and i'm about half way through it.
the movie used to scare me big time when i was a kid. how in the
world could the wonderful world of Oz have turned into a place
where the Munchkins are gone, the yellow brick road is destroyed
along with the emerald city and evil is all over the place. it
was always quite the contrast from the 'lollipop guild' and
singing munchkins to the 'wheelers' and the many heads of the
princess. but really on further viewings, was the first land of
Oz as magical as i thought it was. two wicked witches basically
running the world with a cowardly wizard hiding behind smoke and
mirrors, crazy flying monkeys that steal you away and a bunch of
line stomping blue faced guys chanting monk songs!? not
everything was a bed of roses for that time in the land of Oz
either. Oz intrigues me though, and i'll be sure to watch the
rest of it s |
-0.258544 | 1.557426 | -1 | San Antonio Travel and living guide Haunted Railroad Crossing
- Ghost Tracks South San Antonio Ghost Tracks The haunted
railroad crossing lies on San Antonio's southeast side at the
corner of Shane and Villamain just outside of Loop 410. Ghost
hunters from all over come to San Antonio just to see the
legendary haunted crossing. The ghost crossing is easy to find
and if you get lost, just ask somebody on the southeast side of
town. I'm sure they'll all know the location of the haunted
railroad crossing, better known as the ghost tracks. Ghost
Tracks Story In the 1940's, a bus load of school children were
on their way home when the bus stalled on the tracks while going
over the railroad crossing. A train speeding down the tracks
crashed into the bus killing all the children and the driver.
The streets in the neighborhood adjacent the haunted tracks bear
the names of the children killed in the crash and during
Halloween, cars line up for a creepy push over the ghost tracks.
Haunting of the Tracks Ghosts |
-0.835659 | 0.700199 | -1 | Police in California arrested a 64-year-old man suspected of
cooking meth at his retirement home community. Robert Short was
pulled over as part of a routine traffic stop in Fresno when
officers found meth in his vehicle, Fresno TV station KFSN
reported. Police searched Short's apartment at the California
League-Fresno Village, where they found a half-pound of meth,
heroin and materials for a meth lab. Officers also found scales
and baggies in his car for selling meth, the Fresno Bee
reported. Neighbors at the retirement community said they
didn't know Short, and that he largely kept to himself. Short
had been on supervised release for previous drug sales. |
0.747748 | -1.275861 | -1 | Wednesday, October 06, 2010 People must know they have power
October 6, 2010 By A. Gaffar Peang-Meth The Khmer blog KI-Media
recently has been publishing in sections Gene Sharp's "From
Dictatorship to Democracy: A Conceptual Framework for
Liberation," by the Albert Einstein Institution, that provides
significant guidelines to "assist thought and planning" in the
fight against dictatorship. Sharp hopes his study on "how a
dictatorship can be disintegrated" would be useful "wherever
people live under domination and desire to be free." Sharp
presupposes people who live under a dictatorship can distinguish
between a dictatorship and a democracy, and there are those with
a "desire to be free." Enormous work and effort are required
from fractious democrats and rights activists who fight powerful
ruling tyrants. In Cambodia, deeply rooted old habits and
thoughts stand opposite imaginative, creative and innovative
thinking. Some 70 percent of the people polled said Cambodia
under autocracy is headed in "the ri |
2.083783 | 3.551236 | -1 | Stretched Canvas Modern Lines Contemporary White Classical
Baroque Unframed print Roderick A. Perez, Chicago Member Since
December 2007 So I am here ready to support my own projects.
My styles and interest include; Illustration/Sketch Photography
Writing Painting & Graphic Design I hope that you enjoy my work
as I enjoy producing them Thank you "you're very good! O"
-Olivia De Berardinis -Jay, Optimum Wound Comics Product No
771879 Subjects Boys, Children, Girls, Landscape, Motivational,
People, Spiritual & Religious, Urban Style Realism Tags Perez,
Roderick A., african american, appreciate, arm, art, baby,
behind, best, black, blossom, bold, brick, bright, brilliant,
bunch, center, charming, cheer, children, chubby, city, clean,
clear, colorful, compassion, country, craft, cute, daughter,
delight, delightful, door, dress, early, ethnic, express,
expression, face, fair, family, far, fat, festival, fine,
forward, free, fresh, friend, friendly, fun, funny, game,
gentle, girl, good, goodwill, g |
0.035396 | 2.428787 | -1 | Dropping Out to Learn Exclusive to STR When I entered high
school, I realized that the only way to 'succeed' in class was
to follow teachers like dogs follow their masters. Not in the
sense of doing as well as I could, but to do better than the
next person. The intense competitiveness and regimentation
brought me to question the efficiency of conventional schooling,
and the effect it was having on me. Towards the end of high
school, I found myself slipping away from class and struggling
to stay focused. I took time off from school and started to
nourish my own interests. I would read, study, challenge and
question. No sense of competition, no strain or relative
ranking. At school, however, I became a 'behavioural problem'
and according to my teachers, 'needed to be disciplined.' It
starts in kindergarten: the school system tries to repress
independence and teach obedience. Kids are not induced to
challenge or to question, but the contrary. If you do start
questioning, you're a behavioural problem or some |
1.54849 | 2.240529 | 62 | The Masculine Nouns In many German language textbooks, students
are told that they must simply memorize the gender of each noun.
That's not very efficient, and that's certainly not what German
speakers do. As they grow up with their language, German-
speaking children hear the patterns of words that require a
certain gender and gradually conform to them. Along the way,
they memorize the exceptions. Identifying the patterns is very
helpful in determining gender, and it reduces the need for a
great deal of memorization. There are some broad rules for
determining which gender a noun is, and it should be admitted
from the start that in many cases there will be exceptions to
the rules. But the rules are helpful guideposts for making
intelligent choices when using der, die, or das. Here are four
basic categories of masculine nouns. (There are more than just
four, but these are a good starting point.) Many—but not
all!—words that end in –er –el, or –en tend to be masculine. In
addition, cognates that refer to men |
1.167059 | 2.751713 | -1 | What is Big Think? We are Big Idea Hunters… Big Think
Features: 12,000+ Expert Videos Watch videos World Renowned
Bloggers Go to blogs Big Think Edge Find out more
Getting ready for e.g. March 28, 2011, 8:04 PM In less than
two weeks, I'll be taking a short pilgrimage from San Francisco
to Monterey for the e.g. -- an event that has been summarized to
me by a previous attendee as "what TED used to be." I'm going
this year for the opportunity to both teach and learn from other
passionate creators and leaders (and will be sharing it with you
here). I want you to experience it with me -- so I'll make every
humanly possible effort to document the experiences worth
sharing here. If I miss any updates, I apologize now -- my main
focus will be taking it all in. I've been told it's basically a
fire-hose of experiences specifically tuned for the creatives in
attendance. In the past year or so, I've been slowly building
relationships with you -- the readers of this blog. My most
fascinating dis |
1.471383 | 5.148039 | 82 | We're all gonna die! Life on Earth has only 1.75 billion years
left Scientists have done the math, and according to their
calculations, life on Earth has 1.75 to 3.25 billion years left
to thrive. And that's if a giant asteroid or a nuclear war
doesn't finish us off first. Yes, there is a big difference
between 1.75 billion and 3.25 billion years, but predicting the
end of life on our planet it is not an exact science, at least
not yet. To arrive at that 1.5-billion-year doomsday spread,
graduate student Andrew Rushby of the University of East Anglia
in Britain created two slightly different equations that
estimate the length of time Earth will remain in the "habitable
zone" around the sun. A planet is considered to be in the
habitable zone when liquid water can exist on its surface. If
Earth was too close to the sun, high temperatures would cause
our oceans to evaporate; too far away, and we'd be an icy
wasteland. Earth is firmly in the habitable zone of our sun
right now (obviously - we're all here!) |
0.680148 | -0.209235 | -1 | Geography of Rwanda From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump
to: navigation, search Rwanda's cities and towns along with
selected villages Satellite image of Rwanda At 26,338 square
kilometres (10,169 sq mi), Rwanda is the world's 149th-largest
country.[1] It is comparable in size to Haiti or the state of
Maryland in the United States.[2][3] The entire country is at a
high altitude: the lowest point is the Rusizi River at 950
metres (3,117 ft) above sea level.[2] Rwanda is located in
Central/Eastern Africa, and is bordered by the Democratic
Republic of the Congo to the west, Uganda to the north, Tanzania
to the east, and Burundi to the south.[2] It lies a few degrees
south of the equator and is landlocked.[4] The capital, Kigali,
is located near the centre of Rwanda.[5] The watershed between
the major Congo and Nile drainage basins runs from north to
south through Rwanda, with around 80 per cent of the country's
area draining into the Nile and 20 per cent into the Congo via
the Rusizi River.[6] The count |
-0.943973 | 8.83152 | -1 | A Non-Manipulable Meeting Scheduling System Eithan Ephrati,
Gilad Zlotkin, and Jeffrey S. Rosenschein In this paper we
present three scheduling mechanisms that are manipulation-proof
for closed systems. The amount of information that each user
must encode in the mechanism increases with the complexity of
the mechanism. On the other hand, the more complex the mechanism
is, the more it maintains the privacy of the users. The first
mechanism is a centralized, calendar-oriented one. It is the
least computationally complex of the three, but does not
maintain user privacy. The second is a distributed meeting-
oriented mechanism that maintains user privacy, but at the cost
of greater computational complexity. The third mechanism, while
being the most complex, maintains user privacy (for the most
part) and allows users to have the greatest influence on the
resulting schedule. |
3.358545 | 3.00344 | -1 | Large PrintHandheldAudioRating Twisting The Hellmouth Crossing
Over Awards - Results Is your email address still valid? Scary
Girls Need Love Too StoryReviewsStatisticsRelated
StoriesTracking This story is No. 1 in the series "Great Lakes
Avengers". You may wish to read the series introduction first.
Summary: Whatever happened to Kit after the destruction of
Sunnydale? Categories Author Rating Chapters Words Recs Reviews
Hits Published Updated Complete Marvel Universe > Runaways(Moder
ator)JoeHundredaireFR181020,39965625,86517 Aug 0615 Aug 11No
You, Robot Joe's Note: This originally started out as a way of
consuming an FFA using Kit and one of the non-Xavin Runaways I'd
completely forgotten about up until that point. And it still
kinda is, because I just took the original chapter, cleaned it
up, and added to the end. It's that last bit that really makes
it shine, though, as we go charging towards the first of several
crossovers between this story and Trigamy Smirking, Kit
waved her Gemini Staff in |
0.535277 | 4.390357 | 140 | Titleist Lanyard? Hey everyone, I've seen people wearing
titleist lanyards around like in the golf departments of retail
stores around here and was wondering how, or if there is any way
that I could get one for my school ID and keys to go on? I would
absolutely love that if someone know of a way I could get one if
so please let me know! I have tried forever to get a lanyard
never had any luck until I went to the Masters last year and got
a nice green Augusta one, unfortunately it broke I would to
replace it with a Titleist one. |
-0.662529 | 0.386715 | 6 | Demoted official says IMPD made him a scapegoat - 13 WTHR
Indianapolis Demoted official says IMPD made him a scapegoat
Darryl Pierce Darryl Pierce Sandra Chapman/13 Investigates
Indianapolis - A former high-ranking official with the
Indianapolis Metro Police Department says the City of
Indianapolis made him a scapegoat in the deadly crash involving
Officer David Bisard. Former Assistant Police Chief Darryl
Pierce says he was unfairly demoted, and he's willing to
challenge the city in court. "I'm doing this for the fact that
they've hurt my family, they've hurt my friends, they've hurt
the department," Pierce told 13 Investigates. Hurt and
humiliated, the former assistant police chief sat down with 13
Investigates to talk about his demotion weeks after Officer
David Bisard crashed into a group of motorcyclists. Eric Wells
died, and two others were seriously injured. Pierce, who
responded to the scene that day, says he lost his rank, $30,000
in command salary and his reputation. "They know who you are |
-0.403598 | 10.605504 | 132 | Take the tour × I installed Sphinx and Thinking Sphinx for ruby
on rails 2.3.2. When I search without conditions search works
ok. Now, what I'd like to do is filter by tags, so, as I'm using
the acts_as_taggable_on plugin, my Announcement model looks like
this: class Announcement < ActiveRecord::Base
acts_as_taggable_on :tags,:category define_index do
indexes title, :as => :title, :sortable => true indexes
description, :as => :description, :sortable => true indexes
tags.name, :as => :tags indexes category.name, :as =>
:category has category(:id), :as => :category_ids has
tags(:id), :as => :tag_ids For some reason, when I run the
following command, it will bring just one announcement, that has
nothing to do with what I expect. I've got many announcements,
so I expected a lot of results instead. Announcement.search
params[:announcement][:search].to_s, :with => {:tag_ids => 1},
:page => params[:page], :per_page => 10 I guess something is
wrong, and it's not searching correctl |
0.653882 | 0.803721 | -1 | Edith Ewing Bouvier Beale From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Redirected from Edith Bouvier) Jump to: navigation, search
Edith Ewing Bouvier Beale Born Edith Ewing Bouvier
(1895-10-05)October 5, 1895 Nutley, New Jersey Died February 5,
1977(1977-02-05) (aged 81) Southampton, New York Other names Big
Edie Spouse(s) Phelan Beale (1917–1931) Children Edith Bouvier
Beale Phelan Beale, Jr. Bouvier Beale Parents John Vernou
Bouvier II Maude Sergeant Bouvier Relatives aunt of Jacqueline
Kennedy and Lee Radziwill Edith Ewing Bouvier Beale (October 5,
1895 – February 5, 1977) was an American socialite and amateur
singer, known for her eccentric lifestyle. She was a sister of
John "Black Jack" Bouvier, the father of Jacqueline Bouvier
Kennedy Onassis. Her life and relationship with her daughter
Edith Bouvier Beale were highlighted in the 1975 documentary
Grey Gardens. Early life[edit] She was the daughter of John
Vernou Bouvier, Jr. and Maude Sergeant Bouvier (the paternal
grandparents of Jacqueline Bouvier Ke |
3.198273 | -4.101127 | 38 | Hat's off to Gary Andersen Wisconsin long-snapper Connor
Udelhoven may have received the best prize ever for incorrectly
answering a trivia question. During a team meeting on Tuesday,
coach Gary Andersen asked his players various questions with a
bucket hat on the line. But, for Udelhoven, there was more than
an ugly hat at stake. Asked how many walk-ons had been converted
to scholarship players during the new coaching staff’s reign,
the redshirt sophomore answered “six.” Turns out the correct
answer was eight ... but it’s now nine. And that was how
Udelhoven discovered he had been awarded a scholarship for the
upcoming school year. AWWWWWWWW alert! Well played, Coach
Andersen. Well played. |
-4.270694 | 1.869722 | 85 | Unidentified subject! I'm with Cyn on the foodie thing. I
love food, but luckily I love steamed veges and nice breads, or
a Thai hot and sour (clear) soup, or cheeseless pizza, or (last
night) a fantastic fajita (blackbeans adn capsicum, sprouts,
salad, hot salsa!). I eat out alot, and believe me, New Zealand
is far less oriented to fat-free or low fat than the States is.
We can't get low fat cheeses here or baked potato chips, or much
in the way of egg substitutes. And there is no fast food places
that are lf at all. McDonalds for example (which I think is
gross anyway) is other places has lower fat choices. Not so
here. My friends just know that I hate fast food because I am a
foodie so we don't go to places like that! I used to sulk at
restaurants but now I know how uncomfortable it makes people and
I can make do without standing out. I went out for lunch the
other day with some work friends and asked if the pumpkin soup
had dairy in it (easier than saying is it low fat and having
people look a |
3.686782 | 3.164832 | -1 | 1. Welcome to the Muppet Central Forum! 2. Two Muppet movies
arrive on Blu-ray 3. Christmas Shopping 4. Christmas Music
5. Video: Gordon Ramsay vs. The Swedish Chef 6. "Muppets Most
Wanted" Official Trailer Are the Buddies Ever Gonna be Put to
Sleep? Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by D'Snowth,
Sep 22, 2011. 1. charlietheowl Well-Known Member One of
my friends gets completely mesmerized every time a Buddies
commercial comes on TV. Enraptured. It disturbs me to no end.
But yes, they are really scraping the bottom of the barrel with
these movies. Can't imagine what they'll pull off when they run
out of ideas. "You loved Soccer Buddies...so you'll love Golf
Buddies...and Croquet Buddies...and Backgammon Buddies!" mo
and Muppet fan 123 like this. 2. Drtooth Well-Known Member
I hate Babe, myself... if I wanna see a talking pig... well,
that's a thought we don't need me to finish on a Muppet site
:mad:. not very big on talking animal movies at all, unless said
ani |
1.409027 | 2.418974 | 62 | Experience Project iOS Android Apps | Download EP for your
Mobile Device Sometimes I Do This Cuz... If you like someone
who is pretend, you do not have to fear rejection, and you can
make them behave however you want them to in your head. I like
to feel like a lot of people care about me, and having pretend
people care about me inside my mind usually feels comforting and
nice. Sometimes though, my mind does not cooperate and it
makes the imaginary people dislike me or think I am not good
enough etc. Which sucks. Gelfwings Gelfwings 26-30, F 4
Responses Apr 28, 2008 Your Response This is exactly how I
feel! I can make them love me with all they have and I can love
them back in the same way. Lack of physical being is literally
the only bad thing about it. You have a point, I often thought
how nice it would be to find someone willing to try to be
whatever I needed. But then it would would b e a 2 way street
and i would wonder if I could be what they needed. In the end
and honest love seems to be the be |
-0.580375 | 5.249906 | 4 | Medical Design Technology Product Releases High-Efficiency
Motor Design Reduces Motor Temperature Rise Tue, 05/25/2010 -
7:08am High-Efficiency Motor Design Reduces Motor Temperature
RiseThe PKE high torque, high efficiency stepping motors can be
driven at continuous duty cycles. They are designed to provide
maximum torque while creating efficiencies currently not
available in the stepper motor market. Through the use of new
technology in the form of new materials, advanced stator and
rotor design, and construction methods, these motors produce 1.2
to 1.5 times more torque than a conventional stepping motor
while significantly reducing the power loss common in stepping
motors. Key benefits of the higher efficiency are lower heat
generation (78%) by the motor, constant duty operation, and up
to 40% less power consumption. Share this Story The password
field is case sensitive. |
-1.458477 | 7.322178 | -1 | Zappos gets hacked, plus a new constitution for social networks
Lori Andrews' new book has a pretty alarming title: "I Know Who
You Are and I Saw What You Did: Social Networks and the Death of
Privacy." It explores the ways social networks are being used
for purposes that are anything but friendly. Twenty-
four million accounts at Zappos.com have been hacked, according
to notifications sent out to customers. According to the online
shoe retailer, which is owned by Amazon.com, no credit card
information was stolen, instead it was personal data like names,
addresses, phone numbers, and emails, as well as the last four
digits of a credit card number (traditionally used for
verification). While 24 million compromised accounts doesn't
rank the Zappos attack all that high in terms of history's
biggest hacks, it's pretty alarming if you're one of those 24
million getting that email. So what do you do now? Look in
your inbox for scams. "Phishing is the attempt to pretend to
lure you - like for fish- except they'r |
3.28052 | 3.425929 | -1 | View Single Post Old 06-15-2010, 03:08 PM #175 Chevron 7 locke
Peace and Sanity Chevron 7 locke's Avatar Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Wisconsin Posts: 2,298 Current Game: The Old Republic
Roleplayer Forum Veteran "Barring that, the only other option
would be to use the fleet to create a diversion. It's likely
that they are in an equal state of disrepair to us; a
confrontation could end in a stalemate." Bleina shook her head
and smiled. "Sorry Komad. The fleet is going back into battle
again. I've heard reports that a new Grand Admiral has surfaced
and it's a possibility that he may be at Geonosis. If he is, we
need to ready. Grand Admirals are such a pain to track down and
get rid of." "Besides, our fleet is in better shape then the
Imperial Fleet. I'll be leading the fleet from the Ackbar. The
fleet is going to be composed of ships that have been fully
repaired." She thought for a moment before speaking again. "A
cloaked ship does sound like a good idea though. I'll be sure to
include a few so that m |
0.588118 | 0.344292 | -1 | Surrender of Charles I (141 words) Short Note This is a short
note At the beginning of 1645, King Charles I and Parliament
had made an attempt to negotiate an end to the First Civil War,
via the Treaty of Uxbridge. However, neither side was prepared
to compromise sufficiently, in part because both felt they had a
good chance of winning the war. What Charles did not know at the
time, however, was the strength of the New Model Army, which was
just being formed on the order of Parliament in winter 1645.
Over the following year, they won a series of decisive battles,
and, in alliance with the Scottish Covenanters, eventually
forced the King into defeat. He surrendered at Newark on 5th May
1646. However, on secret terms negotiated by an envoy from
Cardinal Mazarin, made sure he surrendered to the … Related
Groups 1. English Civil War |
-1.18399 | 0.450684 | 6 | Press Release | 11/30/2006 US Prison, Parole and Probation
Population Skyrockets; 1 in 32 Adults Incarcerated or Court
Supervised, Department of Justice Report Shows Drug Offenses
Account for Prison Population Boom Incarcerating Nonviolent Drug
Offenders Wastes Billions of Dollars; Destroys Lives A record 7
million people - 1 in 32 American adults - were behind bars,
probation or parole by the end of last year, according to a
report released today by the Justice Department. Drug law
violations play a disproportionate role. From 1995 to 2003,
inmates in federal prison for drug law violations accounted for
a 49 percent increase in prison population growth. "I think
these numbers just don't register with most Americans," said
Ethan Nadelmann, executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance,
the nation's leading organization promoting alternatives to the
war on drugs. "They only make sense when you point out that the
United States has five percent of the world's population and 25
percent of the world's inca |
-5.23923 | 1.258364 | 33 | You are here Cheese Filled Shrimp the.instructor's picture
Shrimp 12 Large (Colossal-Size Shrimp , About 15 Pieces Per
Pound)) Jack cheese 2 Ounce Bacon slices 6 , cut in half
crosswise Fine dry bread crumbs 1⁄3 Cup (5.33 tbs) Tomato
based cocktail sauce 1⁄2 Cup (8 tbs) Peel shrimp (leave shell
on tail, if desired) and devein. Starting about 1/4 inch from
head end, cut along back of each shrimp to make a pocket about
3/4 inch deep and 1 1/2 inches long. In center of slit, make a
1/4 inch cut through shrimp. Cut cheese into 1-inch triangles
about 1/2 inch thick. Tuck 1 point of the triangle into the
1/4-inch cut. Tightly wrap a half slice of bacon around shrimp
to enclose cheese. Impale a slender wooden skewer through tail
end of shrimp and then through bacon and cheese. If made ahead,
cover and chill up until next day. Coat shrimp in crumbs. In a
deep 3- to 4-quart pan, heat about 2 inches oil until it reaches
350° on a thermometer. Cook 3 or 4 shrimp at a time, turning if
needed, until golden an |
-1.430391 | 2.989101 | -1 | Bay Health Update: Promises Unkept If you hadn’t heard that
the Chesapeake Bay restoration was failing, last week provided
one of those a-ha! moments when things become painfully clear.
At a gathering of Bay state political leaders down in Richmond,
Gov. Robert Ehrlich and his counterparts acknowledged that their
plan for a federal rescue of the Chesapeake had fallen by the
wayside. Ehrlich blamed shifting priorities in Washington.
Meanwhile, in testimony in Washington that drew little
attention, the Government Accountability Office delivered a
withering assessment of the federal Chesapeake Bay Program,
which is housed within the Environmental Protection Agency.
Speaking in front of a House Appropriations subcommittee, GAO
natural resources director Anu Mittal recalled some of the sad
facts of an earlier GAO investigation: • The federal government
has a slew of measures (more than 100) to assess trends but no
means to integrate them in a way that tells us whether we’re
making progress; • The annual S |
1.854548 | 8.450085 | -1 | Sorted by: Using Linear Regression to Predict an Outcome
Statistical researchers often use a linear relationship to
predict the (average) numerical value of Y for a given value of
X using a straight line (called the [more…] How to Calculate a
Regression Line In statistics, you can calculate a regression
line for two variables if their scatterplot shows a linear
pattern and the correlation between the variables is very strong
[more…] How to Interpret a Regression Line In statistics, once
you have calculated the slope and y-intercept to form the best-
fitting regression line in a scatterplot, you can then interpret
their values. [more…] How to Calculate a Confidence Interval
for a Population Mean When You Know Its Standard Deviation If
you know the standard deviation for a population, then you can
calculate a confidence interval (CI) for the mean, or average,
of that population. When a statistical characteristic that’s
being measured [more…] How to Compare Two Population
Proportions For statistical p |
-0.176718 | 2.882733 | -1 | Greek Event Planning Form Submit this completed form at least 9
calendar days before your event. All Greek social events should
be scheduled with the coordinator of Greek Affairs by September
15 for the full semester and by January 30 for the Spring
semester. If you have questions about this form, please contact
Bob Bergmann x8097. Event Information Name of Event:
Sponsoring Organization(s): Event Representative's Name and
Contact Information: Contact Email (required): Contact Phone:
Brief Description of event: Date of Event: Time (am - pm):
Will there be alcohol at this event? If there will be
alcohol, is this event Provided by the organization (not
applicable to national organizations) Is this a(n) Open social
event Closed social event If a closed social event, please
email guest list to Bob Bergmann. Who is the primary contact
the day of the event? Planning Questions 1. What are the
purpose and goals of the event? How does the event align with
the purpose or mission of your club? |
3.04436 | -4.514198 | 38 | Bears vs. Redskins: Five things to take away from the 45-41 win
Decrease Increase Text size (WJLA) - If ever there were a "must
win" for the Washington Redskins this season, the team came
through. Brian Orakpo's first career interception got retured
for a touchdown. Photo: Associated Press Washington pulled off
a dramatic 45-41 victory over the Chicago Bears on Sunday,
keeping pace in what's quickly becoming a very mediocre NFC
East. The win was paced by Roy Helu Jr.'s three touchdowns and
a pick-six by Brian Orakpo. Here are five observations from
Sunday's win, courtesy of Tim Brant: 1) Reed Doughty suffered a
concussion in the win over the Bears and Brandon Merriweather
may be suspended because of multiple launching and illegal hits,
even though he shouldn't be. 2) The Redskins defense had
perhaps its best half of the season against the Bears. In the
first half, the Redskins played with confidence; they were
disciplined, with solid technique and a well thought out
gameplan. Washington was aggressive |
3.354044 | 4.598418 | 2 | ContactEditorial Manifesto by Chris Hull on Friday 24th Jun
2011 Mr T makes space boots look good. If you've ever wondered
what it would be like to combine the likes of Metroid Fusion,
BioShock, F.E.A.R. and Dead Space, Chillingo could possibly
provide what you're looking for. D.A.R.K. is set in the ship
the USS Storm Bringer, a ship that has lost communication with
the Earth. A group of D.A.R.K. Squadron Marines have been sent
to investigate the ship. It doesn't take long to realise that
something is very wrong. The ship looks almost derelict, there
are hordes of creatures scattered all over the place, as well as
corpses of crew members splattered everywhere. The game begins
with a few cinematic sequences, which set the atmosphere of the
ship. From the outside, it may just look like any other
spaceship that you've seen in Star Wars or Star Trek, but you
get the feeling early on that the ship is almost meant to feel
alive once you're inside. There is a small horror element, with
occasional freaky moments |
-0.395074 | 8.933438 | 16 | Take the 2-minute tour × I have one small online sale business
but I want to make it scalable at limited expense and so am
looking out at various services which can help me make my
business scalable. I was looking into Amazon Web Services and
it seems to be a viable option. Are there any other ways for
adding scalability to small online businesses ? share|improve
this question add comment 4 Answers up vote 0 down vote
accepted Scalability has to be well thought out. You should
make sure your current architecture is designed to scale. Just
adding more hardware is not a good solution. If you think your
current implementation performs well and you do not need to tune
it to respond faster or handle more traffic, then moving it to
the cloud is a good idea so that adding more hardware is easy.
If thats not the case, then you should concentrate on things
like DB tuning, caching (maybe use memcached and akamai) and
performance optimization before you start thinking about porting
it to some other technology. |
-1.470143 | -0.964911 | 63 | I Am Right. Why Did Scattershot Go Dark? Dear Scattershot,
Are you going to continue your blog? Long Time Fan Dear Long
Time Fan, I know, you miss me, right? As I suppose you can
imagine, it takes (took?) a lot of work, time and energy to keep
Scattershot going. The constant pressure (that I put on myself!)
to keep this balloon inflated ultimately got to me. But I think
what really led to my hiatus was that it became so disheartening
to constantly see the same stupid shit going down day after day
after day. Healthy doses of snark and invective can only carry
you so far before a depressing thought starts to kick in: None
of this shit is ever going to change. It's like shouting at the
wind. Stupid people (and misinformed people) are forever going
to support cynical ideologues, against all their own best
interests, that much we know for sure. But the simple fact is,
the spineless, milquetoast Democratic Party is going to
disappoint passionate, principled liberals 10 or 15 times every
single day, whi |
-3.212581 | 3.545233 | -1 | How Much Does an ACL Replacement Cost? One of the most common
knee injuries people suffer is a torn ACL (anterior cruciate
ligament). This ligament is one of the major four ligaments
located in the knee that connects the bones of the knee
together. When the ACL is injured or torn, there are many
options to fixing it, and surgery is not always the best
option. Consult your doctor to see what is best for you
individually. Knee replacement surgery cost: United States
$40,000 to $65,000 $15,000 to $24,000 $9,000 to $15,000 $6,000
to $11,000 $5,000 to $10,000 Costa Rica $8,000 to $12,000
$12,000 to $17,000 What is going to be included? What are the
extra costs? Tips to know: Knee replacement recovery: How can
I save money? Average Price for Users : $0 1. Sarah W paid $
and Said, I have just gotten surgery this week, but I only
say that it is worth it assuming that I will get back to playing
soccer. Financially, this surgery is not feasible to me because
I am just out of college, have over $100, |
-3.447776 | 2.407589 | -1 | State Attorneys General to FDA: What Were You Thinking When You
Approved Powerful New Painkiller? | Fri Dec. 13, 2013 12:28 PM
EST Last month, Mother Jones reported that the Food and Drug
Administration had approved a powerful new painkiller called
Zohydro over the objections of its advisory board, which voted
11-2 against approving the drug. Now Attorneys General from 28
states (and the US territory of Guam) have asked the FDA to
reconsider its approval of Zohydro. In a letter to the agency,
the AGs raise many of the same concerns that the advisory panel
did, noting that the drug lacks adequate safeguards to prevent
it from being abused and could exacerbate America's epidemic of
painkiller deaths. Here's an excerpt from the AGs letter, which
was dated December 10: State Attorneys General do not want a
repeat of the recent past when potent prescription painkilling
drugs entered the market without abuse-deterrent qualities and
without clear guidance on how they were to be prescribed. This
created an environ |
-0.212596 | 7.401027 | 8 | Search results matching tag 'smart phones' results matching tag
'smart phones'en-USCommunityServer 2008.5 SP2 (Build:
40407.4157)HTC One - SV?, 28 Jun 2013 00:47:59
a Boost Mobile exclusive. Don't be detoured by it's
price tag. This is a LEGIT mid-range smart phone, and for the
price it can't be beat. <br />SPECS:</p> <table
cellspacing="0"> <tbody> <tr> <th scope="row" rowspan="5"><br
/></th> <td class="ttl"><br /></td> <td class="nfo">Super LCD2
capacitive touchscreen, 16M colors</td> </tr> <tr> <td
class="ttl"><br /></td> <td class="nfo">480 x 800 pixels, 4.3
inches (~217 ppi pixel density)</td> </tr> <tr> <td
class="ttl"><br /></td> <td class="nfo">Yes</td> </tr> <tr> <td
class="ttl"><br /></td> <td class="nfo">Corning Gorilla Glass
2</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ttl"> </td> <td class="nfo">
<p>- HTC Sense </p> <table cellspacing="0"> <tbody>
<tr> <td class="ttl"><br /></td> <td class="nfo">microSD, up to
32 G |
-2.026714 | 0.73886 | -1 | Enter multiple symbols separated by commas Detroit bankruptcy
deal would limit pension cuts A tentative agreement between the
city of Detroit and its largest union would limit pension cuts
to 4.5 percent instead of the 27 percent cuts proposed in the
bankrupt city's reorganization plan. The city and American
Federation of State County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME)
Council 25, which represents the city's non-uniformed employees,
announced the settlement late Friday. If ratified by the union's
rank-and-file and approved by the state, the deal would clear a
major hurdle in the largest municipal bankruptcy case in U.S.
history. It would also set a major precedent for struggling
cities seeking to reduce their pension obligations in the face
of stiff union opposition. Nonetheless, the agreement "presents
the best possible outcome under uniquely difficult
circumstances," the union said in a letter to members, obtained
by CNBC, urging them to vote yes. "A 'no' vote risks much worse
outcomes for our active and |
2.402035 | 8.744653 | 24 | Take the tour × Let $S$ be the set of real numbers $x$ such
that there exist infinitely many (reduced) rational numbers
$p/q$ such that $$\left\vert x-\frac{p}{q}\right\vert
<\frac{1}{q^8}.$$ I would like to prove that
$\mathbb{R}\setminus S$ is a meagre set (i.e. union of countably
many nowhere dense sets). I have no idea about how to prove
this, as I barely visualise the problem in my mind. I guess that
the exponent $8$ is not just a random number, as it seems to me
that with lower exponents (perhaps $2$?) the inequality holds
for infinitely many rationals for every $x\in\mathbb{R}$. Could
you help me with that? share|improve this question add comment
1 Answer The idea is to transform the quantifiers into
unions/intersections. For example, let $T$ be the same as $S$
but dropping the infinitely many assumption. Consider $A_{\frac
p q}=(-\frac 1 {q^8}+\frac p q, \frac p q +\frac 1{q^8})$ then
$T=\bigcup_{\frac p q\in\mathbb Q}A_{\frac p q}$. Thus, $T$ is a
countable union of open sets ($\mathbb Q$ is c |
0.617918 | 9.531958 | 16 | Take the tour × So I came into my classrom Debian is installed,
and gcc 4.1. I want to install (compile from sources is an
option - I have time..) for my self GCC 4.7 and adress it in
bash as gcc anywhere. Is such thing possible and how to do it?
share|improve this question add comment 1 Answer up vote 5
down vote accepted Use the --prefix option with the configure
command. I won't try to give a complete configure command here,
since GCC is one of those programs most often given complex
configuration options, but adding something like
--prefix=$HOME/my-gcc-4.7 will work. Upon installation, you will
get a tree under that directory containing things like bin/gcc.
Once it's built and installed, add $HOME/my-gcc-4.7/bin to the
head of your PATH, and suddenly it will become the default GCC.
share|improve this answer add comment Your Answer |
0.493784 | 4.132777 | 29 | International Crime Authors Reality Check Fri, 20 Dec 2013
02:00:30 +0000 en hourly 1 no Lost in a Cloud of Selfies by
Christopher G. Moore Fri, 20 Dec 2013 02:00:30 +0000 cgmoore
Selfie is an ugly word that conveys what we’ve let ourselves
become. At Nelson Mandela’s funeral, the President of the United
States is taking a selfie with the Prime Minister of Denmark.
Smiling, self-absorbed faces removed from the place, time and
mood of the funeral for a great man. Remember that moment. A
funeral. Technology seducing our sorrow. The seduction is just
beginning. This is an essay on where it is leading us. Global
Post In Thailand, the political turmoil, the time of great
discontent and violent, hateful speech demonstrators in the
street also took pictures of themselves. We are on display for
ourselves, in love with these selves, and can’t wait to share
ourselves through vast digital networks. Selfies are our
gateway out of paying attention to those around us. Once we no
longer pay attention, finely tuned atten |
-1.118218 | -0.565486 | 28 | Sabattus man gets firm rebuke for racist threat Death threats
of any kind should be taken seriously, whether they are against
the president of the United States or the neighbor next door.
Such statements assume a particularly sinister character when
accompanied by an obviously racist slur. That's what happened
Tuesday when a Sabattus resident pronounced "Shoot the Ni----"
on his Facebook page atop a photo of President Barack Obama. By
mid-afternoon, David Marsters had been interviewed by the Secret
Service, which then searched his home and talked to his wife and
neighbors. Within hours, Marsters' statement had been
decisively denounced by Sabattus Town Manager Andrew Gilmore.
"I need to clearly state that I am deeply concerned, appalled
and, frankly, dumbfounded as to why he or anyone would declare
such a thing, let alone print it for the world to see," Gilmore
said. "In three words, this statement incites violence to the
level of murder, advocates for the assassination of a United
States president and |
0.632905 | 1.882544 | 75 | No kids, no kidding By Sarah Lang It takes guts to admit you
don’t want to have children. Especially when people’s response
is that you’re selfish, or you’ll grow old and lonely. Married
and childfree, writer Sarah Lang looks at the pressure to
procreate Photo / Thinkstock Photo / Thinkstock Recently, a
friend shared the image above on Facebook. "Exactly! That's
exactly what people say!" I thought, clicking "like" then
"share", feeling partly grateful to whoever had the nerve to
post it, and partly uneasy in case it offended any of my
Facebook friends who have kids. For reasons I don't want to get
into, I don't plan to procreate. However, now that I'm 33 and
married, the once-occasional questions about having children
have become increasingly common. What exasperates me is that
they come not from my family and close friends, who'll support
me either way, but from the people with the least right to poke
their noses into my business: acquaintances, friends of friends,
family friends, work contacts, neighbo |
4.881656 | 1.49172 | -1 | Carlo L. Golino From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to:
navigation, search Carlo L. Golino Carlo and his wife Born
(1913-06-06)June 6, 1913 Pescara, Italy Died February 14,
1991(1991-02-14) (aged 77) La Selva Beach, California
Nationality Italian Spouse(s) Anna Martin Golino, Carlo Luigi
was an Italian American who taught Italian literature at many
colleges in the United States Dr. Golino received his B.A. from
City College of New York (1936); an M.A. (Italian literature)
from Columbia University (1937); an M.A. (oriental languages)
from the University of Colorado (1944); and his Ph.D. in romance
languages and literature from the University of California,
Berkeley (1948). From 1942 to 1946, he served in the United
States Navy where he acted as a Japanese interpreter. He was
appointed to the faculty at UCLA in 1947. In 1965, he was
appointed Professor of Italian and Dean of College of Letters
and Sciences on the Riverside campus. Subsequently he became
Vice Chancellor on the Riverside Campus. In 1973 |
0.316709 | 9.140383 | -1 | I've been using rsync for some time (years) to generate many
hardlink snapshots per day; but I'm seeing an odd new problem
today. the remote/destination host gets a file list from the
source machine via ssh, and begins to write files until it
"hangs". On this run only one file was transferred; on other
runs many screenfulls went across + rsync --recursive --links
--perms --times --group --owner --devices --specials --numeric-
ids --protocol=29 --verbose --progress --exclude tmp --exclude
*.tmp --exclude spool --exclude *.core --exclude *.boot
--exclude *.filepart --exclude *.lock --exclude *.nobak
--exclude .RDATA --exclude /repo --exclude /sandbox --exclude
/soft/dist --link-dest=/ub0/bk/1/2008.04.29.0010.00//center
//center/ lou.grid://ub0/bk/0/2008.05.08.1051.49//center/
building file list ... 580347 files to consider the dest host
is rsync version 2.6.9 protocol version 29 and the source host
is rsync version 2.6.9 protocol version 29 in the above run I
specified the protocol because I assumed the src |
-0.384837 | 4.096557 | -1 | 1988 Olympic Fencing and Gymnastics Arenas Seoul, Korea 1988
Architects: Space Group of Korea (Gymnastics); Dong Myeong
Architects and Planners (Fencing) Roof Structural Engineers:
Geiger Associates Listen to the Introduction The 1988
Gymnastics and Fencing Arenas were the first structures to
realize R. Buckminster Fuller's "tensegrity" systems at building
scale. The evolution of this new structural type began in 1949,
when Kenneth Snelson, working as a student of Fuller's,
developed a series of sculptures comprised of continuous wires
separated by discontinuous struts. Fuller realized that if this
concept was applied to structures, that "the compression struts
[would] become small islands in a sea of tension," which in turn
would drastically reduce the amount of material required to
build them. Fuller, who had worked for years to emphemeralize
buildings, transformed Snelson's sculptural idea into a "tensile
integrity" or "tensegrity" structural system for domes and other
longspan roofs, which he patented |
2.32322 | 8.57706 | 24 | Take the tour × While going from a given Lagrangian to
Hamiltonian for a fermionic field, we use the following formula.
$$ H = \Sigma_{i} \pi_i \dot{\phi_i} - L$$ where $\pi_i =
\dfrac{\partial L}{\partial \dot{\phi_i}} $ In a Lagrangian
involving fermionic fields given by, $$ L =
\dfrac{1}{2}(\bar{\psi_i} \dot{\psi_j} - \dot{\bar{\psi_i}}
\psi_j)$$ a direct computation gives $\pi_{\psi_j} =
-\dfrac{1}{2}\bar{\psi_i}$ and $\pi_{\bar{\psi_i}} =
-\dfrac{1}{2}\psi_j$. But on adding a total derivative
$\dfrac{1}{2} \dfrac{d}{dt} (\bar{\psi_i} \psi_j)$ to the
Lagrangian (which can always be done as the action won't change)
but $\pi$'s become different. So the Hamiltonian as well
changes. How do we resolve the issue ? share|improve this
question add comment 2 Answers up vote 4 down vote accepted
The canonical momenta don't change if you add a total derivative
to the Lagrangian. The particular total derivative you wanted
to add to the Lagrangian as well as the Lagrangian itself has
free $i,j$ indices. You sure |
-0.34837 | 0.404361 | 6 | Click photo to enlarge A folded baby stroller lies in a tagged
brown wrapper awaiting retrieval by its owner at Boston police
headquarters Tuesday, April 23, 2013. The police put out a call
for people to retrieve personal items that were left behind in
the chaotic aftermath of the bombings near the Boston Marathon
finish line. BOSTON—Christopher Baldwin came to police
headquarters Tuesday in hopes of recovering the cell phone he
dropped in the chaos following the twin bombings at last week's
Boston Marathon. Learning that the FBI likely had his phone, he
tried to keep things in perspective. "It's not that important,
having my phone, really," the haggard-looking photographer from
Cambridge said as he emerged from the processing room empty-
handed. "I went a week without it, but there's a lot more people
out there that are actually hurt, and my heart goes out to
them." Behind a pair of blue curtains in the department's media
room, items wrapped in plastic and brown paper scrawled with
numbers lay in a pile abo |
Subsets and Splits