[ { "actor": "Perception (Sight)", "dialogue": "She's black." }, { "actor": "The Gardener", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"plaza.gardener_perc_black\"]]" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "*Should* I say that?" }, { "actor": "Perception (Sight)", "dialogue": "I don't know -- what's the problem? You're just *reacting to stimuli*." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"You're black.\"" }, { "actor": "The Gardener", "dialogue": "\"What do you mean?\"" }, { "actor": "The Gardener", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: CheckEquipped(\"neck_tie\") and Variable[\"whirling.necktie_personified\"]]" }, { "actor": "Horrific Necktie", "dialogue": "Ask her about music -- it'll get the convo flowing, don't worry!" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Nothing.\"" }, { "actor": "The Gardener", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: IsKimHere()]" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"We should proceed with our business in Martinaise.\" The lieutenant turns to you." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Do you still have your salts? I think I could use some.\"" }, { "actor": "The Gardener", "dialogue": "\"Sure -- I'm done with them.\" She takes a small capsule out of her breast pocket and hands it to you." } ]
[ { "actor": "Man from Hjelmdall Series", "dialogue": "The display rack is brimming with worn paperbacks featuring an extremely muscular, sword-wielding barbarian on the cover. Nearly all the titles contain the word *Hjelmdall* somewhere." }, { "actor": "Physical Instrument", "dialogue": "This is entirely, *completely* you. You have found the *right* books." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Look through the display of books." }, { "actor": "Man from Hjelmdall Series", "dialogue": "Rows and rows of Hjelmdallermenn blur your vision. You make out some titles: \"Man from Hjelmdall and the Mammoth-Riders\", \"Man from Hjelmdall: Return to Hjelmdall\", and the solipsistic \"Man From Hjelmdall and the Hjelmdall Man.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Good god, how many are there?" }, { "actor": "Man from Hjelmdall Series", "dialogue": "Maybe a hundred? \"Man from Hjelmdall and the Sages at the End of the World\", \"Man from Hjelmdall and the False-God\", \"Man from Hjelmdall and the Scorched Earth\", \"Man from Hjelmdall: The Hjelmdall Colonies\", \"Man from Hjelmdall and the Swamp Beast\", \"Man from Hjelmdall and the Snow Crabs.\"" }, { "actor": "Half Light", "dialogue": "Those snow crabs are worse than they sound." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Is that all?" }, { "actor": "Man from Hjelmdall Series", "dialogue": "Not even close! \"Man from Hjelmdall in Hell\", \"Man from Hjelmdall and the Forest of Slaves\", \"Man from Hjelmdall Under the Lake\", \"Man from Hjelmdall: Hjelmdall Burning\". There's even \"The Trial of Death\", a Pasternal combat game book set in the world of Hjelmdallermann, and so much more." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Wow, more Hjelmdall...\"" }, { "actor": "Man from Hjelmdall", "dialogue": "Mountains of it. Heroic quantities of Hjelmdall. Roy's puny shirt is nothing compared to the *real deal*." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"I want to buy the 'Hjelmdallermann' book.\"" }, { "actor": "Plaisance", "dialogue": "\"Oh yes, certainly.\" She rubs her hands together. \"Another good sale.\"" } ]
[ { "actor": "Evrart Claire", "dialogue": "\"Oh, that's very nice. I haven't gotten around to her yet -- I'm very, very busy, you see.\" He adjusts a button on his sleeve. \"I hope you're getting along.\"" }, { "actor": "Evrart Claire", "dialogue": "\"One thing I wanna make very clear, Harry, is that this is not some kind of Union *versus* Corporation situation. Everyone is just pals here.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Just pals?\"" }, { "actor": "Evrart Claire", "dialogue": "\"Yes, we're all trying to do what's best for Martinaise.\" His smile widens. \"Don't feel like you shouldn't work with her just because you and I are such good friends. I'm not a jealous guy.\"" }, { "actor": "Suggestion", "dialogue": "Whoa... that's so nice of him. Suspiciously nice." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"I told Joyce that I met you.\"" }, { "actor": "Evrart Claire", "dialogue": "\"It's *perfectly* okay. Even if you've told her everything we've talked about, it's *absolutely* fine.\"" }, { "actor": "Empathy", "dialogue": "He seems happy about the prospect of you telling Joyce about your conversations." } ]
[ { "actor": "Empathy", "dialogue": "You were too pushy last time. Think this through, try to really *understand* the psychological bond Cuno has with Cunoesse." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Okay. So what's the deal with Cunoesse?" }, { "actor": "Empathy", "dialogue": "Just look -- while Cuno has no problem being near you, she always hides behind the fence, afraid for her life, like she's *done* something. Something very bad." }, { "actor": "Cuno", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"yard.cuno_punchhub_reached\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Cuno", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"yard.cunoesse_main_hub_reached\"]]" }, { "actor": "Empathy", "dialogue": "Also, Cuno hasn't stopped talking to you. Even enjoys it from time to time. When you talk to the other one it's like talking to a cornered animal. She only hisses." }, { "actor": "Cuno", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"yard.cunoesse_reaction_speed_shes_a_girl\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Empathy", "dialogue": "All in all, Cuno respects madness. You cannot hope to outdo her on that front. You must win yourself a few minutes with him alone." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Interesting. How?" }, { "actor": "Empathy", "dialogue": "Cunoesse is by far the worst of the two. Cuno has no problem being near you, but the other hides behind the fence, afraid for her life, like she's *done* something. Something very bad." }, { "actor": "Cuno", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"yard.cuno_punchhub_reached\"]]" }, { "actor": "Empathy", "dialogue": "She came up with that psychopathic scheme of screaming for help before. Cuno just wanted to talk to you about his name. Cunoesse was the one who wound him up and directed him." } ]
[ { "actor": "Electrochemistry", "dialogue": "That sugary black rum stain on the counter makes you teary-eyed with joy. It's almost touching how syrupy and sticky it is. How long have you been up already?" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "An hour?" }, { "actor": "Electrochemistry", "dialogue": "Sweet lord, a whole hour! And you haven't thought about rum and lemonade in all that time? You've truly extinguished all trace of yourself." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "I've been secretly thinking about it all this time!" }, { "actor": "Electrochemistry", "dialogue": "There he is, the old boy the devil! You rascal, you! Lets celebrate right now by licking that stain off the counter. Do it, it'll be *wild*!" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Lick it." }, { "actor": "Electrochemistry", "dialogue": "You press your tongue against the counter. The stain is crusted at first, but after a couple of licks it starts to melt like a snowflake. If snowflakes were made of spiced black rum. Maybe it's your imagination but there's already some lemonade in it too. And some human hairs." }, { "actor": "Electrochemistry", "dialogue": "It would go well with those cigarettes. That's a *great* combination." } ]
[ { "actor": "Horseback Monument", "dialogue": "A cardboard sign hangs from the arm pointing out to sea. Written in shaky marker pen are the words: 'PALE SWALLOWS ALL'. What was once a gesture of great power has been hijacked to signal the ceaseless march of annihilation." }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"Hard to disagree with the sentiment considering what we just survived.\" The lieutenant solemnly looks toward the plaza, then turns to you." }, { "actor": "Half Light", "dialogue": "Look -- up there! It is he who sirens. Syntagmatarchis Trypa! Here, upon us, to warn of the mangy jowls of The Gloaming." }, { "actor": "Logic", "dialogue": "Has The End not already come? Stones were wetted, bloods were coughed, the locals cast under greater shadow. Is this not inappropriate when tribute should instead be placed?" }, { "actor": "Authority", "dialogue": "Citizens must be warned. This is not only a declaration of the dead but a warning for those still alive. It comes, indomitably." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"This is only the beginning.\" (Grin wickedly.)" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"Khm,\" the lieutenant clears his throat, keen to move on." }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"Detective, I have a few questions if you don't mind...\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Actually, I'd prefer silence.\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"Okay.\" The lieutenant snaps shut like a world-ending implosion." }, { "actor": "Esprit de Corps", "dialogue": "The cop radio is buzzing on silent..." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Thanks.\" (Keep staring at the monument.)" }, { "actor": "Horseback Monument", "dialogue": "Your eyes glide over the horse, over its patina green coat. Something about the mount's sad animal-eyes makes you pause..." } ]
[ { "actor": "Horrific Necktie", "dialogue": "*Bratan*, now is the time!" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Time for what?" }, { "actor": "Horrific Necktie", "dialogue": "Oh... you will see. (It feels like the tie is rubbing itself against your chest like a cat in heat.)" }, { "actor": "Horrific Necktie", "dialogue": "First, the spirits -- the blue medicinal spirits. Grab the bottle and uncork it! It is time to unleash the Other-World." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Wait, right now? Ruby's gone. I don't really think there's anything to celebrate here." }, { "actor": "Horrific Necktie", "dialogue": "Hush-hush, *bratan*, now is not the time to celebrate, now is the time to get *ready*. Trust me on this. This is what it's all been building towards. It's gonna be off the hook. Off *all* hooks." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Slowly uncork the blue medicinal spirit." }, { "actor": "Horrific Necktie", "dialogue": "The bottle opens with a silent, mysterious hiss. The fumes rising from its mouth are as crisp as the northern winds." }, { "actor": "Shivers", "dialogue": "Howling somewhere, lashing the boardwalk with brine and rain -- an ancient warmth crawls under your skin." }, { "actor": "Horrific Necktie", "dialogue": "Now, *bratan*, take me off." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "What? I didn't know I could do that..." }, { "actor": "Horrific Necktie", "dialogue": "*Bratan*, have I ever lied to you? Just take me off. (The necktie tugs encouragingly at your neck.)" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Take the necktie off." }, { "actor": "Horrific Necktie", "dialogue": "Your fingers manage to undo the oily knot and the necktie slides off. It looks so frail sitting there in your hand, weighing almost nothing." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Now what?" }, { "actor": "Horrific Necktie", "dialogue": "Now put me in the bottle." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "But... why?" } ]
[ { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"I tried to hit on her...\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"Understood.\" He's stone-faced." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"She said I'm going to have to interrogate her later and it's going to *suck* for me.\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"It *is*,\" he nods. \"This would have been good to know *before*.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Okay.\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"Anything else?\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"She knows I didn't remember being a cop.\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"Okay,\" he nods. \"That's manageable.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"I met her. In the hallway, after I woke up.\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"Understood -- you were not in good shape on Monday.\"" } ]
[ { "actor": "Ruby, the Instigator", "dialogue": "\"I'm listening.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"You have a gun.\"" }, { "actor": "Ruby, the Instigator", "dialogue": "\"And?\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"I can't quite tell... what *kind* of gun is it?\"" }, { "actor": "Ruby, the Instigator", "dialogue": "\"A Nachtwey 80 front-loader. Two-barrelled -- not really what you were looking for, I'm guessing.\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"That... isn't... it...\"" }, { "actor": "Visual Calculus", "dialogue": "That merc was probably shot from a distance with a military-grade rifle. Otherwise everyone at the Whirling would have heard the shot downstairs." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "(Wince.) \"There's other evidence I want to ask you about.\" (Conclude.)" }, { "actor": "Ruby, the Instigator", "dialogue": "\"Yeah. *Evidence*.\"" } ]
[ { "actor": "Shelf of Romance Stories", "dialogue": "The shelves are littered with romantic tales from across time and space." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"I want buy the 'Sixteen Days of Coldest April' book.\"" }, { "actor": "Plaisance", "dialogue": "\"Huh, it's in the wrong shelf... Annette's been moving things around again, has she! That girl...\" She shakes her head. \"No matter, I hope you enjoy... this.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Does anything more real, more *you* stand out?" }, { "actor": "Shelf of Romance Stories", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"doomed.book_whitech_pain_threshold_romance\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Pain Threshold", "dialogue": "You focus on the overwhelming mass of colourful novels to find anything of note, but it only ends up with your eyes aching from the strain." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Storekeep, what's on this shelf?\"" }, { "actor": "Plaisance", "dialogue": "\"Oh, such wonderful, beautiful stories. Stories of love!\" She sighs wistfully. \"You should definitely buy these.\"" }, { "actor": "Shelf of Romance Stories", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"doomed.book_wc_trigger_bad_romance\"]) == false]" } ]
[ { "actor": "Microgrid Generator", "dialogue": "An old cylindrical generator is nested above the ammo lift, with makeshift electrical wiring running out of its side and across the floor. The cables disappear into the wall to your right." }, { "actor": "Cuno", "dialogue": "Cuno puts his hand on the generator. \"This shit's cold.\"" }, { "actor": "Inland Empire", "dialogue": "N-n-n-no. This isn't right..." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Where do these wires lead?" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "He looks at the wall socket. \"Downstairs somewhere.\"" } ]
[ { "actor": "Electrochemistry", "dialogue": "That sugary black rum stain on the counter makes you teary-eyed with joy. It's almost touching how syrupy and sticky it is. How long have you been up already?" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Not now." }, { "actor": "Electrochemistry", "dialogue": "Oh *excuse me*, do you have something better to do than lust for sweet syrupy rum and lemonade? With a twist of lemon? Maybe lime? Maybe who cares, just rum?" }, { "actor": "Volition", "dialogue": "Yes, you do have something better to do. Stop drooling over that stupid rum stain and go. Before it's too late." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "[Finish thought.]" } ]
[ { "actor": "Hawthorn Tree", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"canal.tree_greeting_done\"]]" }, { "actor": "Hawthorn Tree", "dialogue": "The gnarled hawthorn tree on Rue de Saint-Ghislaine. A wintry breeze blows by, making the magnetic tape flutter." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Disentangle the tape." }, { "actor": "Hawthorn Tree", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"canal.tree_whitec_interfacing_disentangle_tape\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Interfacing", "dialogue": "Like an immaculate labyrinth, the magnetic tape twists and turns around the branches..." }, { "actor": "Interfacing", "dialogue": "You just can't get it loose. All you've done is make your fingers bleed from the thorns." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "[Leave.]" } ]
[ { "actor": "Rhetoric", "dialogue": "Now *this* place seems promising from an ideological angle..." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Inhale." }, { "actor": "Rhetoric", "dialogue": "It smells like..." }, { "actor": "Perception (Smell)", "dialogue": "We're getting crates and pallets calling to mind vast stands of winter pines, a swirl of ancient odours absorbed by heavy carpet fibres, but also a pervasive, treacly *sweetness* that somehow reminds you of kola nuts..." }, { "actor": "Perception (Smell)", "dialogue": "The whole place could probably use a good deep cleaning, you think." }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "The lieutenant gives you a sharp sideways look." }, { "actor": "Evrart Claire", "dialogue": "Meanwhile, Evrart Claire clatters away on his typewriter, wilfully indifferent to your presence." } ]
[ { "actor": "Shelf of Romance Stories", "dialogue": "The shelves are littered with romantic tales from across time and space." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"I want buy the 'Sixteen Days of Coldest April' book.\"" }, { "actor": "Plaisance", "dialogue": "\"Huh, it's in the wrong shelf... Annette's been moving things around again, has she! That girl...\" She shakes her head. \"No matter, I hope you enjoy... this.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"I want buy the 'Sixteen Days of Coldest April' book.\"" }, { "actor": "Plaisance", "dialogue": "\"Huh, it's in the wrong shelf... Annette's been moving things around again, has she! That girl...\" She shakes her head. \"No matter, I hope you enjoy... this.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Does anything more real, more *you* stand out?" }, { "actor": "Shelf of Romance Stories", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"doomed.book_whitech_pain_threshold_romance\"]]" }, { "actor": "Pain Threshold", "dialogue": "As you focus on the overwhelming mass of colourful novels, a discrepancy catches your eye -- one of the books is not like the others." }, { "actor": "Shelf of Romance Stories", "dialogue": "A grey book has lost itself between all the romance. The title reads: 'Sixteen Days of Coldest April.'" }, { "actor": "Volition", "dialogue": "Turn away, this is a bad idea." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "What's this all about?" }, { "actor": "Shelf of Romance Stories", "dialogue": "You'd have to buy the book to be sure. But the book cover is a wall of concrete buildings, with a black-and-white rainbow covering them. It's written by someone from a country where even the rainbows are black-and-white. So it does seem like it'll be a downer." } ]
[ { "actor": "Racist lorry driver", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"jam.jammystery_ladydriver_cabin_located_racist\"]]" }, { "actor": "Racist lorry driver", "dialogue": "\"I've told you everything I've got.\" He looks around nervously. \"Can you please stop talking to me now?\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"What was that *argument* all about?\"" }, { "actor": "Racist lorry driver", "dialogue": "\"It's about... biological determinism. Natural law. The sorting of the races.\" He spits on the ground." }, { "actor": "Racist lorry driver", "dialogue": "\"Not the most popular topic nowadays, with the Coalition in charge and all. You might want to *change the topic* -- that is, bury your head under the sand like common sheep.\"" }, { "actor": "Half Light", "dialogue": "*Change the topic* -- the way he says it makes it almost sound like a threat." }, { "actor": "Reaction Speed", "dialogue": "Not sheep -- ostriches." }, { "actor": "Racist lorry driver", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"jam.racist_reaction_ostriches_not_sheep\"]]" }, { "actor": "Encyclopedia", "dialogue": "Actually, neither ostriches or sheep bury their heads in the sand. It's just a saying." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"On second thought, let's talk about something else.\"" }, { "actor": "Racist lorry driver", "dialogue": "\"Suit yourself, officer. Hide your face in the sand if you so wish.\" He spits on the ground." } ]
[ { "actor": "FALN Sneakers on a Pedestal of Speakers", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"jam.siileng_bough_samaran_speakers\"]]" }, { "actor": "A Pedestal of Speakers", "dialogue": "Only the speakers remain, dusty and forgotten..." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Can't I just buy the sad, conquered Samaran speakers?\"" }, { "actor": "Siileng", "dialogue": "\"No way, officer, these aren't for sale. They're bad speakers, low-fi socialist junk.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"You're right, I don't have time for junk, I lead a luxury life.\"" }, { "actor": "Siileng", "dialogue": "\"That's right, officer!\" The street vendor flashes you a smile. \"You're a high-class policeman who accepts nothing less than the best! Lucky for you, I've got the best on sale!\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "[Leave.]" } ]
[ { "actor": "Rhetoric", "dialogue": "Yes, *of course*. Now we're on the right track..." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Inhale." }, { "actor": "Rhetoric", "dialogue": "It smells like..." }, { "actor": "Perception (Smell)", "dialogue": "We're getting crates and pallets calling to mind vast stands of winter pines, a swirl of ancient odours absorbed by heavy carpet fibres, but also a pervasive, treacly *sweetness* that somehow reminds you of kola nuts..." }, { "actor": "Perception (Smell)", "dialogue": "The whole place could probably use a good deep cleaning, you think." }, { "actor": "Evrart Claire", "dialogue": "Meanwhile, Evrart Claire clatters away on his typewriter, wilfully indifferent to your presence." } ]
[ { "actor": "Logic", "dialogue": "This seems to be some kind of workshop. For fixing up pinball machines -- a long time ago. Everything is covered with dust now..." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"This used to be a... pinball workshop.\"" }, { "actor": "Logic", "dialogue": "Yes. Martinaise North 22 used to be a pinball arcade." }, { "actor": "Perception (Hearing)", "dialogue": "A creak, some dust falls off a shelf." }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"Downstairs in the hall -- next to the main door. One of them even works. I've seen one of the Hardies bang away at it.\"" } ]
[ { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"You're no fun, Lieutenant Killjoy.\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "He scans your face as though searching for clues. \"I did not know murder investigations are supposed to be *fun*.\"" }, { "actor": "Lena, the Cryptozoologist's wife", "dialogue": "\"Now, gentlemen, no need to squabble.\" She turns to you. \"I wouldn't be of much use to you anyway, sweetie.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Why? Three heads are better than two.\"" }, { "actor": "Lena, the Cryptozoologist's wife", "dialogue": "\"Thank you, but...\" She looks out the window wistfully. \"Martinaise isn't the most wheelchair-accessible place, you see. I'd slow you down.\"" }, { "actor": "Lena, the Cryptozoologist's wife", "dialogue": "\"Perhaps another time?\" She turns back to you with a hopeful glint in her eyes." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"I don't know if you've noticed, but I don't know where I am, or what I'm doing. Or *anything*.\"" }, { "actor": "Lena, the Cryptozoologist's wife", "dialogue": "\"Yes, officer, you look rather dazed... like a stunned fox. But surely things can't be *that* bad?\" Her eyes follow your movements with some concern." }, { "actor": "Suggestion", "dialogue": "She won't judge you, no matter what you say." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"I drank so hard I forgot *literally* everything.\"" }, { "actor": "Lena, the Cryptozoologist's wife", "dialogue": "\"Oh my...\" It takes a moment to process. \"You know where we *are*, right?\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"The 'Whirling-in-Rags' cafeteria? It was on my keys.\"" }, { "actor": "Lena, the Cryptozoologist's wife", "dialogue": "\"That's right, and where is the Whirling-in-Rags cafeteria itself located?\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"The edge of civilization.\"" }, { "actor": "Lena, the Cryptozoologist's wife", "dialogue": "\"We're in the city of *Revachol*, dear.\" She flashes you a worried look." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Mhm, okay.\"" } ]
[ { "actor": "Logic", "dialogue": "These are the same belts as the one the victim was hanged with." }, { "actor": "Encyclopedia", "dialogue": "I knew it was a cargo lashing belt!" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "The same exact belts. Even the same writing..." }, { "actor": "Logic", "dialogue": "Indeed, it appears so. This is where the belt came from." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "[Finish thought.]" } ]
[ { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Hey Cuno... got any speed?\"" }, { "actor": "Cuno", "dialogue": "\"Fucking right, pig. Cuno's filling bath tubs with that shit. Cuno's a kingpin.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"You're yanking my chain, aren't you kid?\"" }, { "actor": "Cuno", "dialogue": "\"Don't be yankin' your shit in front of the Cuno. Cuno's always serious. Always rollin'. Big kilo, but you ain't gettin' any. Get the fuck off!\"" }, { "actor": "Drama", "dialogue": "Belying the act, he's actually telling the truth. Or at least 0.00001% of it. He has a *little* speed. He's just not giving it to you." }, { "actor": "Electrochemistry", "dialogue": "He's GOT to at least know a source, look at him! You need to figure this out somehow." }, { "actor": "Suggestion", "dialogue": "You need to befriend him first." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Hey Cuno... got any speed?\"" }, { "actor": "Cuno", "dialogue": "\"Fucking right, pig. Cuno's filling bath tubs with that shit. Cuno's a kingpin.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Can I have some? Just a little?\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"yard.cuno_tried_to_make_truce_with_speed\"]]" }, { "actor": "Cuno", "dialogue": "\"Did Cuno not tell you? Cuno doesn't do that entrapment shit. King Pin Cuno ain't going to the pork pen. Get the fuck out of here!\"" }, { "actor": "Half Light", "dialogue": "He's not worried about prison. He just wants to antagonize you." } ]
[ { "actor": "Electronic Doorbell", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"doomed.doorbell_know_revachol_ice_city\"]]" }, { "actor": "Electronic Doorbell", "dialogue": "They don't want to talk to you." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Fabron's Taxi...\" (The rest has been burned off.)" }, { "actor": "Electronic Doorbell", "dialogue": "Looks like someone has melted half the plastic off with a lighter -- the doorbell doesn't work anymore." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Andro-Orlando Hair SCA.\"" }, { "actor": "Electronic Doorbell", "dialogue": "You ring the doorbell, but no one answers." }, { "actor": "Conceptualization", "dialogue": "What an ominous name for a hair salon... Doesn't bode well for anyone's hair." }, { "actor": "Half Light", "dialogue": "Just seeing the words \"Andro-Orlando\" gets your hackles up. It's very existence is a *threat* to your masculinity, to say nothing of your hair." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Fabron's Taxi...\" (The rest has been burned off.)" }, { "actor": "Electronic Doorbell", "dialogue": "Looks like someone has melted half the plastic off with a lighter -- the doorbell doesn't work anymore." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"East Delta Pinball (Entrance from building B).\"" } ]
[ { "actor": "Joyce Messier", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"pier.joyce_village_intro_done\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Joyce Messier", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"village.joyce_left_mid_village_greet\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Joyce Messier", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (IsTaskActive(\"TASK.meet_lilienne_for_a_date\")--[[ Variable[ ]]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Joyce Messier", "dialogue": "\"I'll just keep the Cor-de-Leite in the channel, if that's okay. It's too shallow near the pier...\" She winds the mooring line around a post." }, { "actor": "Lilienne, the Net Picker", "dialogue": "\"Aye, ma'am... And it's a jetty, by the way.\"" }, { "actor": "Joyce Messier", "dialogue": "\"Of course. Jetty. I prefer a good jetty to a pier any day. Jet-jet-jetty...\"" }, { "actor": "Drama", "dialogue": "Something about the way she says it makes you want to sing." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Hello, ma'am.\"" }, { "actor": "Joyce Messier", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: IsKimHere()]" }, { "actor": "Joyce Messier", "dialogue": "\"Hello, detectives.\" She fastens the end of the line around the post and straightens her back." }, { "actor": "Joyce Messier", "dialogue": "\"It's good to see you here. I only just arrived myself.\"" }, { "actor": "Joyce Messier", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: IsKimHere()]" } ]
[ { "actor": "Barred Door", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"whirling.barreddoor_inside_main_hub_reached\"] == true) == false]" }, { "actor": "Barred Door", "dialogue": "This is a small, heavy door. There is no lock in sight." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Push." }, { "actor": "Barred Door", "dialogue": "It's barred from the inside. You hear the bar rattle in the brackets." }, { "actor": "Perception (Hearing)", "dialogue": "Sounds like it's heavy too. Very sturdy." }, { "actor": "Barred Door", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"whirling.barreddoor_hearing_heavy\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Where does this lead to?\"" }, { "actor": "Barred Door", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"whirling.steel_door_unlocked\"]]" }, { "actor": "Barred Door", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"whirling.elevator_taken_up\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"It must be connected to the room we found behind the kitchen door. Maybe we should go back and take that elevator up...\" He looks at the door with suspicion." } ]
[ { "actor": "Titus Hardie", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"whirling.hardie_failed_authority_wc_third_time\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Authority", "dialogue": "Okay, this time... is FOR REAL. You have *two* bad options ruled out -- the odds are on your side!" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Let's try this again -- Kim, gimme your gun.\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"No,\" he whispers, not even looking at you. \"Not going to happen.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "That's it? That's all I got?" }, { "actor": "Titus Hardie", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"whirling.hardies_just_put_the_gun_in_your_mouth\"]]" }, { "actor": "Authority", "dialogue": "Well... The rest of that nancy stuff was really just there to make the gun thing more appealing. But it might work anyway." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"If Kim was here, he would know what to say.\"" }, { "actor": "Titus Hardie", "dialogue": "\"So you wanna go get him or you wanna pester Old Titus here with more of your questions?\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Present a solid theory about why Ruby could've done it." } ]
[ { "actor": "Annette", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"XP.help_annette\"]]" }, { "actor": "Annette", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"doomed.annette_altgreet_passives_shown\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Annette", "dialogue": "\"I'm sorry, sir, I can't talk right now. I'm very busy with my homework... I have so much homework now.\"" }, { "actor": "Empathy", "dialogue": "You just can't win." }, { "actor": "Logic", "dialogue": "Out of the rain and into the gutter." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Who is that?\" (Point to the woman browsing books.)" }, { "actor": "Annette", "dialogue": "\"Oh, that's auntie Billie. She's nice, if a bit distressed.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Why is she distressed?\"" }, { "actor": "Annette", "dialogue": "\"I think she has a bad husband. Not very nice or helpful.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Say, child... *you* wouldn't happen to know a good fridge, would you?\"" }, { "actor": "Annette", "dialogue": "\"A fridge?\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Yes. Like a big, big fridge a cop could put a dead body into.\"" } ]
[ { "actor": "Garte, the Cafeteria Manager", "dialogue": "A man in his late twenties stands behind the counter, inspecting a stuffed seabird. As you approach, he gives you a sideways glance, then looks down again." }, { "actor": "Garte, the Cafeteria Manager", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"reputation.superstar_cop\"] >=2) == false]" }, { "actor": "Empathy", "dialogue": "That was disdain in his eyes. Even now he's purposefully ignoring you." }, { "actor": "Empathy", "dialogue": "Everything is cool between you and this guy. He's a big fan. Make some small talk." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Are you the bartender?\"" }, { "actor": "Garte, the Cafeteria Manager", "dialogue": "\"No, I'm not the *bartender*. I'm the cafeteria manager.\"" }, { "actor": "Composure", "dialogue": "He's very animated all of a sudden. This seems like a touchy subject." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"You look like a bartender.\"" }, { "actor": "Garte, the Cafeteria Manager", "dialogue": "\"That period of my life is over. Not everyone who stands behind a counter is a bartender, okay? I'm the cafeteria manager.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Understood.\"" }, { "actor": "Garte, the Cafeteria Manager", "dialogue": "\"Mhm.\"" }, { "actor": "Garte, the Cafeteria Manager", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"whirling.garte_bartender_later\"]]" } ]
[ { "actor": "Man with Sunglasses", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"whirling.vicquemare_main_hub_reached\"]]" }, { "actor": "Man with Sunglasses", "dialogue": "\"Again?! I can't believe this shit...\" He shakes his head, looking like he really is having trouble believing this *shit*." }, { "actor": "Man with Sunglasses", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"whirling.viquemare_logic_antipassive_he_is_famous\"] or Variable[\"whirling.vicquemare_disguise_asked\"] == true) == false]" }, { "actor": "Drama", "dialogue": "He might be wearing a disguise." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Look, I just have to ask: are we from the same police station?\"" }, { "actor": "Man with Sunglasses", "dialogue": "\"I'm going to say... *no*. Just to see what you'll say to that. What do you say?\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Okay.\"" }, { "actor": "Man with Sunglasses", "dialogue": "\"Okay?!\"" }, { "actor": "Horse-Faced Woman", "dialogue": "\"Jean, he said okay, give it a rest.\"" }, { "actor": "Esprit de Corps", "dialogue": "Okay. I was clearly wrong. He is a firefighter, male nurse, animal control agent -- something of that kind. Not a cop. Go on with your cop work. Don't let me stop you again." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Are you famous or something?\"" }, { "actor": "Man with Sunglasses", "dialogue": "\"Not as famous as you, superstar.\" He says without the slightest hint of irony." }, { "actor": "Rhetoric", "dialogue": "Yeah... it's still irony." } ]
[ { "actor": "Sylvie", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"plaza.kineema_sylvie_greeting_done\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Reaction Speed", "dialogue": "If she used to work in the Whirling-in-Rags, then you must have met her." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Hello, this is the police calling. I have some questions for you about your last days at work.\"" }, { "actor": "Sylvie", "dialogue": "\"Oh, right...\" She recognizes your voice almost immediately. \"Hello, officer, what can I do for you?\"" }, { "actor": "Empathy", "dialogue": "You can hear resentment in her tone -- she's not thrilled to be talking to you again." }, { "actor": "Electrochemistry", "dialogue": "There is *no* resentment in her tone. She wants you to ask her out. No question about it." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Was it you who called the police?\"" }, { "actor": "Sylvie", "dialogue": "\"No, not me.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"But why *didn't* you call? Didn't a corpse behind your workplace bother you?\"" }, { "actor": "Sylvie", "dialogue": "\"What? Of course it bothered me! But I thought the Union already knew about the corpse.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"I meant us. You should have called *the police*.\"" }, { "actor": "Sylvie", "dialogue": "\"No one calls the police.\" You can hear her adjust the receiver in her hand. \"The Union would get angry.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"What do you mean by that?\"" }, { "actor": "Sylvie", "dialogue": "\"You know...\" She seems to be looking for words. \"What the Union says, goes. People listen to them and they take care of their own, which is, like, everyone here.\"" } ]
[ { "actor": "Cuno's Dad", "dialogue": "The ageing alcoholic is still there, breathing... The air in the room is stale." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Kim, is this thing even *alive*?\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"I'm afraid it is. Look, it *moves*.\" He points to a fleshy lump sticking out from the other end of the blanket. The limb seems to be twitching from time to time." }, { "actor": "Perception (Sight)", "dialogue": "And look, the other foot is camouflaged by a striped sock bearing the name MAXTOR on the sole. Three toes are poking out of a hole." }, { "actor": "Encyclopedia", "dialogue": "Maxtor is a gas company. He's wearing free socks from a gas company. They probably came with the bills." }, { "actor": "Cuno's Dad", "dialogue": "A groan rises from the man's throat, dry like a death rattle... He's trying to say something in his sleep." }, { "actor": "Half Light", "dialogue": "The bear is trying to wake up!" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "(Whisper.) \"I took your amphetamine, old man.\"" }, { "actor": "Cuno's Dad", "dialogue": "Silence... Only heat emanates from the sleeping body." } ]
[ { "actor": "Primer Book", "dialogue": "You hold in your hand the colourful primer. The title reads: \"A Primer for Small Kids.\" There's a bear involved." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Flip through the pages." }, { "actor": "Primer Book", "dialogue": "Every page has one word designating one letter of the alphabet, with a faded illustration -- most of them are scientific and cultural principles. It goes as follows..." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Let's do this." }, { "actor": "Primer Book", "dialogue": "A is for Azimuth, B is for Boreas, C is for Cosign, D is for Diamat, E is for Ellips, F is for Flogiston, G is for Gamut." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Mmhm." }, { "actor": "Primer Book", "dialogue": "H is for Homeboy, I is for Iikon, J is for Jura, K is for Kollaps, L is for Laudanum, M is for Myriad, N is for Nadir, O is for Oreole, P is for Perihelion." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Nod stoically." }, { "actor": "Primer Book", "dialogue": "Q is for Quasar, R is for Rhododendron, S is for Sinus, T is for Tricoleur, U is for Ultra, V is for Vector, W is for Warheit, X is for Xylophone, Y is for Ystävä, Z is for Zenith." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "That's it?" }, { "actor": "Primer Book", "dialogue": "That's it. You know the alphabet now." }, { "actor": "Conceptualization", "dialogue": "In what is called the IL -- the International Language, developed by scientists from Graad in the Twenties! Sinus means 'Sign', for example." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "[Put the book away.]" } ]
[ { "actor": "Hand/Eye Coordination", "dialogue": "Just as you look at the flowers, a gust of wind raises them from the roof, picking them up in the air..." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Move your hand, fast!" }, { "actor": "Hand/Eye Coordination", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"whirling.klaasje_flower_red_check_grab\"] == true]" }, { "actor": "Hand/Eye Coordination", "dialogue": "You catch a single white flower between your fingers. The rest fly off into the wind. It's a may bell!" }, { "actor": "Hand/Eye Coordination", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"TASK.arrest_klaasje_done\"] or Variable[\"TASK.report_to_the_tribunal_done\"]]" }, { "actor": "Hand/Eye Coordination", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: IsKimHere()]" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "The lieutenant gives you an acknowledging little nod." }, { "actor": "Hand/Eye Coordination", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (IsTHCPresent(\"finger_pistols\")) == false]" } ]
[ { "actor": "Cuno", "dialogue": "\"Been waitin' for you to fucking man up.\" He nods at the building behind him. \"In there is Cuno's violent dad. On steroids. Cuno's dad does steroids *and* speed. If you can take him, you can have half the speed.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"I've made up my mind, Cuno. And this is what's going to happen...\" (Conclude.)" }, { "actor": "Cuno", "dialogue": "\"Okay, Cuno's listening?\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"I'm going in there for justice. I'm a narc, Cuno. I'm going to confiscate that crap.\" (Lie -- you need speed.)" }, { "actor": "Cuno", "dialogue": "\"Sure.\" He winks at you. \"Confiscate it. For Cuno. And you can have half.\"" }, { "actor": "Electrochemistry", "dialogue": "So half of a half is a quarter, right? We're probably talking about a quarter gram here." }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"XP.got_into_the_apartment_building\"]]" }, { "actor": "Cuno", "dialogue": "\"Just get in the apartment building. Cuno knows you already fucked your way in. Cuno knows everything.\" He aggressively points at his eyes." }, { "actor": "Cuno", "dialogue": "\"Go to Room #12, first floor, and kick down the door. Police-violence-style. Cuno-style. And then it's action time: You're locked in the room with violent fuck head.\"" }, { "actor": "Cuno", "dialogue": "\"That's it.\" He concludes. \"Next time Cuno sees you, you better have his shit.\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: IsKimHere()]" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"What the hell are you signing us up for here?\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"C'mon, Kim...\" (Whisper.) \"Obviously I'm not gonna take it. We need to get drugs away from a minor.\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"Okay then,\" he concedes." } ]
[ { "actor": "Steban, the Student Communist", "dialogue": "\"Go ahead.\" The young man gives you a half-smile. His companion sniffs." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"What *exactly* are you two doing here?\"" }, { "actor": "Steban, the Student Communist", "dialogue": "\"In the most general sense, I would say we're cultivating revolutionary consciousness.\"" }, { "actor": "Echo Maker", "dialogue": "\"Yes, that's probably the best way to describe it.\"" }, { "actor": "Steban, the Student Communist", "dialogue": "\"But more specifically, we're running a reading group, the most rigorous and theoretically advanced materialist reading group in Martinaise.\"" }, { "actor": "Echo Maker", "dialogue": "\"Comrade Steban is a great discussion leader. One of the best at the university.\"" }, { "actor": "Logic", "dialogue": "It's obvious they take this 'group' of theirs extremely seriously. Whatever you do, *don't* compare it to a common book club." }, { "actor": "Half Light", "dialogue": "*YAWWWWN!* Can you imagine anything duller than a bunch of binoclards yanking each others' knobs?" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Sounds like a yank-fest for binos.\"" }, { "actor": "Steban, the Student Communist", "dialogue": "\"It's nothing like that. A yank-fest is a decadent bourgeois phenomenon, a pastime for over-educated office workers who lack proper revolutionary outlets for their social dissatisfactions and repressed sexuality.\"" }, { "actor": "Steban, the Student Communist", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (IsKimHere() and Variable[\"plaza.kim_said_stopped_obsessing\"] == true) == false]" }, { "actor": "Steban, the Student Communist", "dialogue": "\"But now we're getting hung up on the pathologies of capitalism. Let's move on.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"I think I get the idea. Let me ask about something else.\"" }, { "actor": "Steban, the Student Communist", "dialogue": "\"Go ahead.\" The young man gives you a half-smile. His companion sniffs." } ]
[ { "actor": "Coffee Table", "dialogue": "A large table with two huge vacuum-insulated thermal coffee dispensers. Someone has forgotten a small plastic card next to the stacks of cups." }, { "actor": "Inland Empire", "dialogue": "Peer into a discarded coffee cup!" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Look into one of the old coffee cups." }, { "actor": "Coffee Table", "dialogue": "You see nothing exceptional. It's a dirty cup, smudged brown, with old ground coffee stuck to the bottom... slowly getting mouldy." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "What am I supposed to see here?" }, { "actor": "Inland Empire", "dialogue": "Look closer!" }, { "actor": "Coffee Table", "dialogue": "If you squint your eyes enough the coffee grounds almost seem to make up two letters: F... and K." }, { "actor": "Inland Empire", "dialogue": "It's a clue!" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Huh, okay. Thanks, this certainly wasn't a waste of time." }, { "actor": "Coffee Table", "dialogue": "You throw the cup back into the trash bin." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Look into one of the old coffee cups." }, { "actor": "Coffee Table", "dialogue": "You see nothing exceptional. It's a dirty cup, smudged brown, with old ground coffee stuck to the bottom... slowly getting mouldy." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "What am I supposed to see here?" }, { "actor": "Inland Empire", "dialogue": "Look closer!" }, { "actor": "Coffee Table", "dialogue": "If you squint your eyes enough the coffee grounds almost seem to make up two letters: F... and K." } ]
[ { "actor": "Visual Calculus", "dialogue": "Could this have been the killer's hideout, and this narrow window -- the point of origin of the shot that killed the mercenary?" }, { "actor": "Hand/Eye Coordination", "dialogue": "This does look like an *embrasure*, a slit made for shooting out of." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Peek out." }, { "actor": "Visual Calculus", "dialogue": "Outside the window -- the day is clear, and as mild as can be in early spring." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Would this have been a good hideout for a sniper?" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"It's a great place to hide, certainly, but there hasn't been anyone in here for ages.\"" } ]
[ { "actor": "Reaction Speed", "dialogue": "Is that an Insulindian phasmid? It looks like an Insulindian phasmid. Quick -- catch it before it scuttles away!" }, { "actor": "Inland Empire", "dialogue": "It's gotta be the phasmid this time. Look -- it moved!" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Wait a moment. Is that really the phasmid? You don't want to make a fool out of yourself." }, { "actor": "Fishing Rod", "dialogue": "Definitely not a phasmid. Definitely a fishing rod." }, { "actor": "Evrart Claire", "dialogue": "\"I see you're admiring my fishing gear. Are you by any chance a fisherman yourself?\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"I think maybe I used to be the Fisher King...\"" }, { "actor": "Evrart Claire", "dialogue": "\"Ha ha, maybe you were.\"" } ]
[ { "actor": "Acele", "dialogue": "\"This?\" She breathes on her freezing fingers. \"It's a portable recording device. It's for field recording. Low quality, but still.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"And the wires?\"" }, { "actor": "Acele", "dialogue": "\"Actually just one wire, I picked on it till the braiding came loose. The wire leads to a contact microphone.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Got it.\"" }, { "actor": "Acele", "dialogue": "\"Okay.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"I got shot in the leg.\" (Point at your limb.)" }, { "actor": "Acele", "dialogue": "\"Ouch.\" She looks at your leg. \"I did notice you limping, but I thought maybe it was your 'thing' or something...\"" }, { "actor": "Acele", "dialogue": "\"When I was sixteen I used to date this guy who had a limp. But it only showed when he was sober, so I guess it wasn't real or something. I don't know.\" She shrugs, eyes glazed over..." }, { "actor": "Acele", "dialogue": "\"Anyway…\" She turns back to you. \"Shot in the leg... I'm sorry, man, that must suck.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Tell me more about this *music place* you've been planning in the church.\"" }, { "actor": "Acele", "dialogue": "\"It's supposed to become, like, a club. For *anodic dance music*. Like that new style of synthesizer stuff they play at The Paliseum.\"" }, { "actor": "Acele", "dialogue": "\"Except that... yeah.\" She looks at the old wooden church up on the poles. As a mean wind comes bellowing in, the six-story structure lets out a doleful shriek." }, { "actor": "Shivers", "dialogue": "The floorboards are twisting and the shooting beams are slowly cracking like bones. Far east of the golden Delta, beyond the industrial port, there is a black patch of unlit coast with the smallest creatures on the ice..." } ]
[ { "actor": "Sleeping Dockworker", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"whirling.sleeper_greeting_done\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Sleeping Dockworker", "dialogue": "A man is sleeping at the table, wearing mud-caked boots and rolled down overalls. The back of his shirt reads \"WILD PINES\", encircled by a logo with a tree." }, { "actor": "Physical Instrument", "dialogue": "He looks one with the table. It would take quite some effort to wake him up." }, { "actor": "Interfacing", "dialogue": "A colourful piece of plastic is dangling from his carabiner... hmm. Makes your fingers itch." }, { "actor": "Sleeping Dockworker", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"whirling.sleeper_picked_magnesium\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Sleeping Dockworker", "dialogue": "On the counter -- rolled out of his open hand -- you see a blister pack of headache medicine." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Steal the dockworker's ID." }, { "actor": "Sleeping Dockworker", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"whirling.sleeper_redcheck_stealing_stuff\"]]" }, { "actor": "Interfacing", "dialogue": "Your fingers find their way into the shackle, flicking open its spring-loaded gate. The metal loop holds the plastic ID, and a leather-bound pocketbook..." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "And the man?" }, { "actor": "Sleeping Dockworker", "dialogue": "The man emits a loud snore. Is he about to wake up? Doesn't look like it, but you never know. Better be quick!" }, { "actor": "Volition", "dialogue": "Are you positive that what you're doing here is proper police conduct? You can still leave and do *nothing*." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Steal the document." } ]
[ { "actor": "Gorący Kubek", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"whirling.goracy_main_hub_reached\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Gorący Kubek", "dialogue": "A thin man is smoking below an exhaust hood, occasionally sipping from his mug. This must be the Whirling's cook." }, { "actor": "Gorący Kubek", "dialogue": "As you step in, he nods towards the table and says something in a completely foreign language. The only words you can make out are 'gorący' and 'kubek'." }, { "actor": "Logic", "dialogue": "It must be his name. Gorący, Gorący Kubek... Sounds representative." }, { "actor": "Gorący Kubek", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"whirling.goracy_logic_it_is_his_name\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Logic", "dialogue": "Okay, it's definitely not his name. Whatever you do, please don't call him Gorący Kubek! Please. It's not funny." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Mr. Kubek? I'm here on official police business.\"" }, { "actor": "Gorący Kubek", "dialogue": "The man puts his cup down and replies something, his left hand drawing arcs in the air." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"I need a fridge to store a corpse.\"" }, { "actor": "Gorący Kubek", "dialogue": "The man keeps shaking his head. His eyes seem sad. Then he starts swiping crumbs off the counter top." }, { "actor": "Gorący Kubek", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (IsKimHere()) == false]" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"I need to get the corpse...\" (Point to Kim) \"... into the fridge!\" (Point to the fridge.)" } ]
[ { "actor": "Inland Empire", "dialogue": "You should totally sing karaoke here, the first chance you get. Your emotions need to be expressed. People need to know of your vast, oceanic soul." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "My soul is puny." }, { "actor": "Inland Empire", "dialogue": "Of course. Like a small animal that only comes out at night. All it needs -- is to be heard." }, { "actor": "Inland Empire", "dialogue": "Through a PA system." }, { "actor": "Inland Empire", "dialogue": "By other people." }, { "actor": "Half Light", "dialogue": "Whether they like it or not. Ram it up their ears, says your adrenaline gland. Violently express yourself." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "This goes well with a theory I'm developing: that I'm a down-on-my-luck superstar person." }, { "actor": "Inland Empire", "dialogue": "There has been precisely no evidence to the contrary. So yes, Yes, it's likely. You should probably go on stage and pose for a moment when you're done with this thought. See if it works." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "[Finish thought.]" } ]
[ { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "How do I get him to talk to me mano-a-mano?" }, { "actor": "Measurehead", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"plaza.measurehead_facha_dq_wc_to_get_him_to_talk\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Suggestion", "dialogue": "Simple. Just humiliate him in front of his entourage until he has to *beg you* in private to stop. Then you can let him know it was all but a clever ploy to separate him from his babes..." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "(Lie.) \"Earlier you said there was a 'growth' in your groin area...\"" }, { "actor": "Measurehead", "dialogue": "\"LOOK, HIS RAVAGED BRAIN IS STUCK BETWEEN UNIMAGINARY WORLD -- AND OURS. IT'S ALL FUSING TOGETHER. SOON HE CAN'T TELL THE DIFFERENCE.\"" }, { "actor": "Measurehead's Babe", "dialogue": "\"*You* are a growth in the groin area!\" the girl snaps at you. \"Low-value man.\"" }, { "actor": "Pain Threshold", "dialogue": "These words hit you *right* where it hurts." }, { "actor": "Measurehead", "dialogue": "\"IT SADDENS EVEN ME. THE GHOUL IS A CRUEL MASTER.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Try again, punch his lights out with a right hook!" }, { "actor": "Measurehead", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"gates.mhead_whitec_post_fail_fight\"]]" }, { "actor": "Physical Instrument", "dialogue": "Just like that, instinct took over -- a solid strike straight into his throat, into the cartilage! You could swear you felt the soft palate break..." }, { "actor": "Measurehead", "dialogue": "The man is reeling, gasping for air, time stands still around you. In the distance the sounds of the harbour are falling silent." }, { "actor": "Perception (Hearing)", "dialogue": "All you hear is a small gurgling sound as a trickle of blood appears on the man's lip." }, { "actor": "Measurehead", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"gates.mhead_fight_failed_mid_success\"] == false]" } ]
[ { "actor": "Closed Curtains", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"doomed.plais_whitecheck_succeeded\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Closed Curtains", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"doomed.bookstore_curtains_greeting_done\"] == true]" }, { "actor": "Closed Curtains", "dialogue": "You see a tattered set of curtains and a polyhedron-shaped cage-like trinket." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Take a peek behind the curtains." }, { "actor": "Savoir Faire", "dialogue": "The room behind them is dim... You can only discern shadowy silhouettes of *things* there, crouching in the dark like monsters in a child's bedroom." }, { "actor": "Savoir Faire", "dialogue": "A faint slice of light from the curtains reveals a doorway in the back, draped in cage-like polyhedrons. They are all made of fish heads and tiny animal bones; it looks like a small graveyard..." }, { "actor": "Closed Curtains", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"doomed.bookstore_curtains_perc_secondary\"] == true]" }, { "actor": "Inland Empire", "dialogue": "We must be dealing with seriously malign forces here if there are *dozens* of wards." }, { "actor": "Closed Curtains", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (IsKimHere()) == false]" }, { "actor": "Closed Curtains", "dialogue": "You see a tattered set of curtains and a polyhedron-shaped cage-like trinket." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Examine the strange cage-like trinket." } ]
[ { "actor": "Cuno", "dialogue": "\"Okay, so, we've got the old fuck.\" The kid whispers, his eyes bugging out of his skull with excitement." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Do you think he did it?\"" }, { "actor": "Cuno", "dialogue": "A crooked little smile. \"Oh fuck, he's practically dyin' to big up how he did it. Just get him to cough it up. Cuno's got your back.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Okay, let's do this.\" [Leave.]" }, { "actor": "Cuno", "dialogue": "\"Cuno's in the game. Let's fucking do this, pig.\" he whispers, excitedly." } ]
[ { "actor": "Dried Wildflower", "dialogue": "Six crumbling petals rest on your palm. They're white, a bell-shaped crown." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"What is this, Kim?\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"This is the Insulindian Lily.\" The lieutenant corrects his glasses. \"Called 'May bells' or 'Lucille's tears' during the Revolution. Girls used to pin these on soldiers before sending them off to battle.\"" }, { "actor": "Encyclopedia", "dialogue": "This flower is a spring flower, but it's a bit early for that, isn't it?" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Who pinned them? Which side?\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"The revolutionaries: so the communards and the anarchists. White's their colour. But the custom started in the Suzerain's army so it held meaning for the kingsmen too.\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"It's about girls and boys more than *sides*. Girls sending off boys who are going to their deaths -- then also dying themselves in the ruins, from dysentery and consumption. It's a symbol of the Civil War.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Is it a coincidence -- it being on the roof?\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"Maybe -- maybe not.\" He makes a note in his little note book. \"We'll see.\"" } ]
[ { "actor": "Interfacing", "dialogue": "The chain trails off into the ocean, connecting the island to the supply depot on the coast." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Lock it from whom?" }, { "actor": "Interfacing", "dialogue": "Enemies." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "What for?" }, { "actor": "Cuno", "dialogue": "The boy stares at the mechanism. \"Cool fucking chain.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Lock it from whom?\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"From enemies.\" He looks up ahead. \"Enemies of the Commune of Revachol. This seafort was a revolutionary fortification, I believe...\"" } ]
[ { "actor": "Acele", "dialogue": "\"Okay.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Tell me about Andre.\"" }, { "actor": "Acele", "dialogue": "\"Andre? He's a cool guy. Doesn't really come off as one, but he is. To me at least...\"" }, { "actor": "Perception (Sight)", "dialogue": "She rubs her sides, but not from cold. Her shoulders are relaxed. She must have taken a hit or she's on an upswing." }, { "actor": "Acele", "dialogue": "\"He takes care of shit. Sorry, I mean he's got a *vision*. Of what life should be, you know? He tries to push things until everything falls into place. He's an organizer.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Tell me about the others.\"" }, { "actor": "Acele", "dialogue": "\"Who do you want to know about?\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Actually, do tell me about *yourself*.\"" }, { "actor": "Acele", "dialogue": "\"Me?\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Actually, no.\"" }, { "actor": "Acele", "dialogue": "\"Yes, better that way...\"" } ]
[ { "actor": "ROO A72 Motor Skiff", "dialogue": "The skiff floats on the calm mirror of the sea -- its two seats are empty." }, { "actor": "Inland Empire", "dialogue": "Once you get in, that's it -- one pull of the starter handle and you're off into the bay. A strange trepidation comes over you: are you sure you want to go *now*?" }, { "actor": "Savoir Faire", "dialogue": "Have you made all the necessary preparations? Closed all your accounts?" }, { "actor": "Logic", "dialogue": "Remember what the Net Picker said: It's a small tank. You won't be going back and forth on this." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "(I'm not ready yet.) [Leave.]" } ]
[ { "actor": "Idiot Doom Spiral", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"village.idiot_greeting_done\"]]" }, { "actor": "Idiot Doom Spiral", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"TASK.report_to_the_tribunal_done\"]]" }, { "actor": "Idiot Doom Spiral", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (IsTaskActive(\"TASK.check_back_on_renovation_later\") or Variable[\"jam.horseback_monument_reflection_done\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Idiot Doom Spiral", "dialogue": "\"Man, you're like, bleeding now. Reality's really messed you up.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"I found your jacket.\"" }, { "actor": "Idiot Doom Spiral", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"village.ww_jacket_washed\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Idiot Doom Spiral", "dialogue": "\"Ah, Tequila, I *knew* you'd come through. That's fucking great, man!\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "(Give him the jacket.)" }, { "actor": "Idiot Doom Spiral", "dialogue": "\"Let me see. What? This isn't my jacket. My jacket was beautiful. This is fucking filthy! What am I supposed to do with this?\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Look, I just stumbled upon *another* dead body. I don't care about the jacket.\"" }, { "actor": "Idiot Doom Spiral", "dialogue": "\"I'm not taking a disgusting pile of hobo rags. I may be in an irrecoverably decaying orbit, but I've still got standards...\"" }, { "actor": "Idiot Doom Spiral", "dialogue": "\"Either bring it back the way it was before, or find a dumpster to burn it in.\" He hands it to you." } ]
[ { "actor": "Joyce Messier", "dialogue": "\"Ah, yes -- back to the *low-down*.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"That's all for now.\" (Conclude for now.)" }, { "actor": "Joyce Messier", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"pier.joyce_amnesia_known\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Joyce Messier", "dialogue": "\"Glad to have been of assistance -- the little that I know. Anything else I can do?\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"What can you tell me about this strike?\"" }, { "actor": "Joyce Messier", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"pier.joyce_strike_hub_reached\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Joyce Messier", "dialogue": "\"Everything.\" She smiles. \"Right up to -- but not including -- *trade secrets*.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"What is your role in this, precisely?\"" }, { "actor": "Joyce Messier", "dialogue": "\"I believe the official title is Senior Labour Negotiator. In practice I'm a grocery clerk. I relay the Union's demands to Wild Pines, and return with Wild Pines' counter-offer...\"" }, { "actor": "Drama", "dialogue": "No way. She's more. She can make decisions." }, { "actor": "Joyce Messier", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (IsKimHere()) == false]" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"How are these talks going?\"" }, { "actor": "Joyce Messier", "dialogue": "\"They're *not*. That's the problem. The Union stopped all negotiations a week ago. After that awful lynching took place.\"" } ]
[ { "actor": "Evrart Claire", "dialogue": "\"Great! You wanna bounce something off your old friend, Mr. Claire, right?\" He seems genuinely pleased. \"Well, let's hear it, Harry!\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Are you sure? I find it a little odd.\"" }, { "actor": "Evrart Claire", "dialogue": "\"I'm just a nice guy, Harry. I wouldn't be where I am now if I wasn't nice.\" He slams his fist into his hand. \"Politics is all about *emotions*, and I want you to have positive emotions when you think of me.\"" }, { "actor": "Electrochemistry", "dialogue": "Okay then. Positive emotions it is! You like positive emotions." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Joyce said the previous Union leader vanished under suspicious circumstances.\"" }, { "actor": "Evrart Claire", "dialogue": "\"*Vanished*?! Harry, the woman left her casserole in the oven and couldn't make it here in time for the voting.\"" }, { "actor": "Evrart Claire", "dialogue": "\"'Oh, did I leave my casserole on? Better go home and check. The election can wait!'\" The man frowns, disapprovingly. \"When she got back the whole thing was over.\"" }, { "actor": "Drama", "dialogue": "Wait... there was no mention of a casserole from Joyce." } ]
[ { "actor": "Smoker on the Balcony", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"whirling.smoker_main_hub_reached\"]]" }, { "actor": "Smoker on the Balcony", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"whirling.smoker_commented_on_clothing\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Smoker on the Balcony", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (CheckEquipped(\"hat_samaran\")) == false]" }, { "actor": "Smoker on the Balcony", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (CheckEquipped(\"jacket_kimono_robe\")) == false]" }, { "actor": "Smoker on the Balcony", "dialogue": "\"Hi again, gendarme.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "What is it about the way he carries himself?" }, { "actor": "Smoker on the Balcony", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"whirling.smoker_whitecheck_composure\"]]" }, { "actor": "Composure", "dialogue": "Could he be... a member of the *homo-sexual underground*?" }, { "actor": "Physical Instrument", "dialogue": "Yes, this man is definitely one of the homos, I've seen them homos with my own eyes." }, { "actor": "Electrochemistry", "dialogue": "This *sexual* thing seems interesting... Ask around, become involved." }, { "actor": "Encyclopedia", "dialogue": "Just pointing it out, we're not talking about some kind of a cult with *members* here, you made it up." } ]
[ { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"I just found a *bullet* -- in the hanged man's head.\"" }, { "actor": "Titus Hardie", "dialogue": "\"A bullet, you say?\" He pats the back of his head. \"That's mighty curious.\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: IsKimHere()]" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"Indeed. *Mighty*. How did it get there?\" The lieutenant is fixed on Titus." }, { "actor": "Titus Hardie", "dialogue": "He gives you an indulgent look. \"Well there are so many bullets in the world and so many heads...\"" }, { "actor": "Titus Hardie", "dialogue": "He sighs deeply. \"I guess it's only logical -- at some point one of them bullets had to end up in one of them heads...\"" }, { "actor": "Alain", "dialogue": "\"It's bound to happen again, you know.\" He taps on his right temple. \"Just statistically speaking, of course.\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: CheckItem(\"fractured_bullet\")]" }, { "actor": "Drama", "dialogue": "Sire, it would be an event most dramatic if you were to produce the bullet and dangle it before their very eyes!" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Don't worry, I will figure this out sooner or later.\" (Conclude.)" }, { "actor": "Titus Hardie", "dialogue": "\"Never been worried in my life, lawman.\" He crosses his hairy arms, having forgotten his beer for a moment." }, { "actor": "Logic", "dialogue": "It's not like you blew it *wide* open, but there's a little crack in there, somewhere..." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"I talked to Joyce. The merc you hanged -- his friends are coming for you.\"" } ]
[ { "actor": "Man from Hjelmdall and the Devil Woman", "dialogue": "The edges of the pages are worn and smudged. A lot of people have read about the Devil Woman's altercations with the Hjelmdall Man." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Time to flip through the book." }, { "actor": "Man from Hjelmdall and the Devil Woman", "dialogue": "You open the book to a random page. Man from Hjelmdall, wielding his two zweihänders, is carving through a sea of savages, his visage fixed in grim determination." }, { "actor": "Man from Hjelmdall and the Devil Woman", "dialogue": "His arms, whirling like windmills, are soaked with the blood of his enemies. Mangled corpses litter the battlefield." }, { "actor": "Rhetoric", "dialogue": "It calls out to you. This is the spirit of Revachol." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Oh shit, gritty and heroic." }, { "actor": "Man from Hjelmdall and the Devil Woman", "dialogue": "Berserker rage burns in his azure-hued eyes as he brings glory and honour to his long lost Hjelmdaller tribe from the village of Hjelmdall. The ivory giant roars like an ice bear, and the winds of Katla howl out his name." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Gimme more!" }, { "actor": "Man from Hjelmdall and the Devil Woman", "dialogue": "Man from Hjelmdall rides on a gilded gryffin, his golden mane billowing in the breeze. Both zweihänders sheathed on his back, he is off to war. Will he conquer his enemies? Will he conquer himself?" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Onward!" }, { "actor": "Man from Hjelmdall and the Devil Woman", "dialogue": "The steel muscles of Man from Hjelmdall gleam in the humid jungle air, yet the man does not sweat. In meditation his soul drifts in the frigid Northlands he calls home." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Holy shit, this is so *me*!\" (Really get into the book.)" }, { "actor": "Man from Hjelmdall and the Devil Woman", "dialogue": "A passage reads: \"The Man from Hjelmdall looks up, his eyes blue as the mountain lakes of his homeland. He rarely speaks, but now his voice booms in the darkened throne room: 'Do not try to sap my masculine essence, wicked temptress! Son of Hjelmdall will never succumb to your seductive wiles'.\"" }, { "actor": "Man from Hjelmdall and the Devil Woman", "dialogue": "\"'Thine spells are no match for purity and strength of will. Brothers of Hjelmdall stand above the vices of flesh for it is weak and corruptible, yet mine is forged in gore and strife.' Queen Lydiaana just laughs, a sultry and salacious sound, then says...\"" } ]
[ { "actor": "Reaction Speed", "dialogue": "Is that an Insulindian phasmid? It looks like an Insulindian phasmid. Quick -- catch it before it scuttles away!" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Creep up to the phasmid quietly." }, { "actor": "Fishing Rod", "dialogue": "You're a master of stealth. But look what you've caught -- not a phasmid, but a fishing rod!" }, { "actor": "Evrart Claire", "dialogue": "\"What are you trying to accomplish, Harry?\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Uh, it's a novel fishing method.\"" }, { "actor": "Evrart Claire", "dialogue": "\"Perhaps we should try it out in the wild sometime.\"" } ]
[ { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"About my bill...\"" }, { "actor": "Garte, the Cafeteria Manager", "dialogue": "\"Got the 20 reál?\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"I don't have any money. I spent all I had on other things. I had the urge to buy things. With *all* of the money!\"" }, { "actor": "Garte, the Cafeteria Manager", "dialogue": "He stares at you in disbelief. \"Sure. That's it then. You're not getting into the room. Sort your shit out elsewhere.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"But I don't have anywhere to go...\"" }, { "actor": "Garte, the Cafeteria Manager", "dialogue": "\"Yeah... that's not my problem anymore.\"" }, { "actor": "Garte, the Cafeteria Manager", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (IsTHCPresent(\"hobocop\")) == false]" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Here's your trash container key.\"" }, { "actor": "Garte, the Cafeteria Manager", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"whirling.garte_trash_bed_offer_made\"] == true]" }, { "actor": "Garte, the Cafeteria Manager", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: DayCount() == 2]" }, { "actor": "Garte, the Cafeteria Manager", "dialogue": "He stares at the key before him on the counter, then up at you." }, { "actor": "Composure", "dialogue": "He looks pale. Nauseous. He's guilty. But not enough to apologize..." }, { "actor": "Garte, the Cafeteria Manager", "dialogue": "Wordlessly, he places it back under the desk." } ]
[ { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"It looks like someone was in a real hurry.\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"What kind of car do you think it was?\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"canal.samaran_vis_calc_vehicle\"]]" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"I think it was a Coupris 40.\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "He seems impressed. \"That's quite likely, from what I can tell.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Yeah, I have no idea. Who could it have been?\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "The lieutenant shrugs. \"We're not traffic cops. Should we get back to the murder?\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"No, we need to find this Jacob Irw before tragedy strikes.\" (Take the task.)" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "He sighs. \"If we must.\"" }, { "actor": "Esprit de Corps", "dialogue": "I'm not expecting him to get far with this, the lieutenant consoles himself." } ]
[ { "actor": "Morell, the Cryptozoologist", "dialogue": "He eyes you sceptically. \"All right -- what cryptids, precisely? I usually discuss these things with *specialists*, so I don't know what...\"" }, { "actor": "Rhetoric", "dialogue": "*...we would have to discuss?* he wants to say, but decides against it." }, { "actor": "Suggestion", "dialogue": "You need to ask him about specific cryptids -- cryptids you've heard about from Lena, or his friend Gary. He won't *just* talk." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Your friend Gary told me about the burning rhino.\"" }, { "actor": "Morell, the Cryptozoologist", "dialogue": "\"Did he?\" He lowers his voice. \"That one's a hoax. Some Seraise rice farmers set fire to rhinoceros cadavers and used them scare tourists.\"" }, { "actor": "Gary, the Cryptofascist", "dialogue": "Gary obliviously stares at the stage -- safe in the knowledge the burning rhinoceros exists." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"What if you're wrong? What if it's real?\" (Conclude.)" }, { "actor": "Morell, the Cryptozoologist", "dialogue": "\"I doubt that. Once confirmed a hoax, so-called sightings of the rhino stopped.\" A cough. \"Was there anything else, or...\"" } ]
[ { "actor": "Lilienne's Twin", "dialogue": "The scruffy-haired little boy kicks a stone while the other watches him do it." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Kids, have you seen any bad people around?\"" }, { "actor": "Lilienne's Twin", "dialogue": "\"What bad people?\" One of the twins looks up, his mouth slightly open." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Bad people. Criminals. Dangerous women.\"" }, { "actor": "Lilienne's Other Twin", "dialogue": "\"No, we're not really supposed to talk to strangers, you know.\" The other twin shakes his head." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Bye kids, take care.\" [Leave.]" } ]
[ { "actor": "Safety Curtains", "dialogue": "An iron safety curtain curves before your eyes, folded like a bellows. It covers half the room -- blocking the way into a colossal industrial chimney." }, { "actor": "Logic", "dialogue": "This is directly above the central furnace in the cellar. The voices probably came from here." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Knock on it." }, { "actor": "Safety Curtains", "dialogue": "What an odd thing to do.... Nothing happens." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Hello? I yelled, but it didn't work...\"" }, { "actor": "Safety Curtains", "dialogue": "Again your voice becomes a raspy croak, mid-sentence. It's silent in the abandoned office building -- no one answers you." }, { "actor": "Empathy", "dialogue": "A sudden bout of self pity comes over you." }, { "actor": "Drama", "dialogue": "Sire, may we suggest something? Think of the yelling-into-the-furnace as a *grand performance*. Use your chest voice, not your head voice. Sing from the diaphragm." } ]
[ { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"So, *who* killed the merc then? Any leads?\"" }, { "actor": "Titus Hardie", "dialogue": "\"Not yet. Just some ideas. She says the shot came from outside, behind the window somewhere. So that's a clue.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Got it. Tell me something else.\"" }, { "actor": "Titus Hardie", "dialogue": "\"Yeah, sure. You don't need my clues. You're doing a great job on your own.\" He shakes his head." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "(Whisper) \"Kim, we did it.\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "The lieutenant gives a smile only you can see." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Whose idea was it to hang him anyway -- hers?\"" }, { "actor": "Titus Hardie", "dialogue": "\"In a manner of speaking.\"" }, { "actor": "Titus Hardie", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"whirling.hardies_reaction_speed_another_girl_picked_up\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"What do you mean?\"" }, { "actor": "Titus Hardie", "dialogue": "\"We had... help. From another girl. It was her idea to hang him -- and I liked it, for political reasons. It sent a good message.\"" }, { "actor": "Titus Hardie", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"XP.glen_says_he_thinks_she_could_be_a_new_hardie\"] == true) == false]" } ]
[ { "actor": "Clear Window", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"whirling.replaced_viscal_success_read\"]]" }, { "actor": "Clear Window", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"whirling.replaced_viscal_read_before_tribunal\"] and Variable[\"TASK.report_to_the_tribunal_done\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Clear Window", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (CheckItem(\"map_of_martinaise\")) == false]" }, { "actor": "Visual Calculus", "dialogue": "The same two neon lit shapes -- a man and a woman. A ray of backward motion explodes from the man's mouth, through the window, to the roof outside, widening into a radius -- A prime." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "I have the map -- extrapolate the radius to include all of Martinaise." }, { "actor": "Visual Calculus", "dialogue": "According to your map of the district, this shot could have come from a wide angle of locations -- starting with the northern edge of the abandoned boardwalk, ending with an islet in the bay. Let's call them B prime." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "More precisely?" }, { "actor": "Visual Calculus", "dialogue": "B' for boardwalk; B'' for Land's End and B''' for the islet, detective. There may be smaller points in between, but those are too fine to zoom in on." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Kim, do you think the shot could have come from further than the roof? In Martinaise?\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"From where, precisely?\"" } ]
[ { "actor": "Industrial Stove", "dialogue": "This industrial gas-powered stove has been used to prepare food for many hungry hostel guests. There are several pots and pans on hand." }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (IsKimHere()) == false]" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"yard.hanged_boots_kim_acid\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Savoir Faire", "dialogue": "Getting the corpse residue out of these boots is going to require patience. And also a huge pot full of boiling water, soap, and white vinegar." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Check out the cookware." }, { "actor": "Industrial Stove", "dialogue": "A commercial pot draws your attention. It's very large. Gigantic, even. It could be used to make enough stew to feed an entire city. And also to boil a putrid pair of death-boots." }, { "actor": "Esprit de Corps", "dialogue": "Far away, in the darkness of a makeshift morgue behind Station 41's lazareth, Dr. Nix Gottlieb cuts into the cold, dead feet of a murder victim. The veins are oddly black, he suspects a neurotoxin..." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Add water -- and the boots -- to the pot. Bring it all to a *nice* boil." }, { "actor": "Industrial Stove", "dialogue": "The soap bubbles over the rim of the pot -- the water slowly comes to a boil." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Wait..." }, { "actor": "Industrial Stove", "dialogue": "Strips of polymer fabric and human tissue separate from the lining of the boots. They float to the bubbling surface." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Beautiful." }, { "actor": "Industrial Stove", "dialogue": "A two course dinner of rotting flesh and hardened ceramic." } ]
[ { "actor": "Stone", "dialogue": "A stone like any other, lying in a whorl of sleet and mud. Maybe there's something under it?" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Turn it over." }, { "actor": "Stone", "dialogue": "There's a key beneath it, rusty from the dirt." }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"This must be for the front door. Let's see if it works.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Put the stone back. [Leave.]" } ]
[ { "actor": "Rhetoric", "dialogue": "Now *this* place seems promising from an ideological angle..." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Where am I?" }, { "actor": "Rhetoric", "dialogue": "An important place. One of the last bastions of the left in Martinaise. Perhaps here you'll find the man who'll help you get organised?" }, { "actor": "Rhetoric", "dialogue": "But you can't just come out and *ask* him. You should make your introduction first. Pay homage. This is a man of *stature*." }, { "actor": "Evrart Claire", "dialogue": "Meanwhile, the man of stature clatters away on his typewriter, wilfully indifferent to your presence." } ]
[ { "actor": "Horseback Monument", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"TASK.report_to_the_tribunal_done\"] and Variable[\"TASK.check_back_on_renovation_later\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Horseback Monument", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"jam.horseback_monument_scaffolding\"]]" }, { "actor": "Horseback Monument", "dialogue": "An old monument stands in the middle of the traffic island. It is surrounded by scaffolding that has been haphazardly erected around it." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Reflect on the re-conceptualization." }, { "actor": "Horseback Monument", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"jam.horseback_monument_reflection_done\"]]" }, { "actor": "Horseback Monument", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"plaza.ultralib_monument_apocalypse\"]]" }, { "actor": "Horseback Monument", "dialogue": "The roundabout is quiet, almost eerily so under the brilliant sunlight. The doom crier in the centre waits to be swallowed by the bright sky, his cardboard omen flapping in the wind like live bait..." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "What did this king do?" }, { "actor": "Horseback Monument", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"jam.monument_white_succeeded\"]]" }, { "actor": "Encyclopedia", "dialogue": "Even by the standards of the Filippian kings, Old Sumptuous Filippe was known for his profligacy." } ]
[ { "actor": "Morell, the Cryptozoologist", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"TASK.report_to_cryptozoologists_1\"]]" }, { "actor": "Morell, the Cryptozoologist", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"coast.morell_refused_to_restock_trap\"]]" }, { "actor": "Morell, the Cryptozoologist", "dialogue": "\"Oh, hello, officer.\" He covers his mouth, struggling to suppress a coughing fit." }, { "actor": "Lena, the Cryptozoologist's wife", "dialogue": "\"There, there, dear.\" She gently touches her husband's arm. \"Don't talk too much. And have some more tea.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"How did you become a *cryptozoologist*?\"" }, { "actor": "Morell, the Cryptozoologist", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"coast.morell_cryptozoology\"]]" }, { "actor": "Morell, the Cryptozoologist", "dialogue": "\"It's truly not that special. What is *cryptozoology* anyway? A derogative. I just like puzzles, like any scientist.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"What kinds of evidence do you use?\"" }, { "actor": "Morell, the Cryptozoologist", "dialogue": "\"Everything from forgotten regional lore to newspaper accounts like the one that brought us here to look for the phasmid. I keep a very open mind.\"" }, { "actor": "Conceptualization", "dialogue": "He's interested in things that people believe that scientists don't." }, { "actor": "Morell, the Cryptozoologist", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"coast.morell_concept_belief\"]]" } ]
[ { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Use your chaincutters to fix the faucet. Stop steam from fogging up the mirror." }, { "actor": "Mirror", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"whirling.mirror_interfacing_white_check_succeeded\"]]" }, { "actor": "Interfacing", "dialogue": "The faucet is quite terribly mangled, but you just might be able to twist its parts into place." }, { "actor": "Interfacing", "dialogue": "You handle the chaincutters deftly, applying just enough pressure. The faucet regains a recognizable shape. The steam stops." }, { "actor": "Mirror", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: HasVolitionDamage()]" }, { "actor": "Interfacing", "dialogue": "Told you that you *needed* those chaincutters. Everything is connected. Everything has a purpose." }, { "actor": "Mirror", "dialogue": "The mirror begins to clear slowly without you having to wipe it." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Dig deep into your mind to locate the source of *The Expression*." }, { "actor": "Mirror", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"whirling.mirror_expression_source_located\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Encyclopedia", "dialogue": "Like the rest of you, it comes from a bad place somewhere in the past. That's all you know for now." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Face yourself." } ]
[ { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Check the pedals." }, { "actor": "Abandoned Lorry", "dialogue": "You wedge yourself under the steering-wheel to get a better look. Seems like the few tools lying around here -- a hammer, a pair of pliers, a rusty wrench -- have been casually thrown there by the disorganized driver." }, { "actor": "Abandoned Lorry", "dialogue": "But one odd detail does catch your eye: A piece of sandpaper has been glued to the throttle." }, { "actor": "Abandoned Lorry", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: IsTHCPresent(\"torque_dork\")]" }, { "actor": "Interfacing", "dialogue": "This particular lorry is a FALN A-Z 'Tempo', a model infamous for its irritating design mistake: the slippery-smooth throttles." }, { "actor": "Logic", "dialogue": "Sandpaper adds extra grip." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Look around the cabin again." }, { "actor": "Abandoned Lorry", "dialogue": "The movie stars are still smiling from the walls. There's a radio transmitter in the front and a pull-out toolbox tucked under the driver's seat. Some tools lie scattered near the pedals." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Remove the radio transceiver." }, { "actor": "Abandoned Lorry", "dialogue": "It takes a few moments, but eventually the transceiver slides from its greased socket mount with an eminently satisfying *chhhnk*." }, { "actor": "Hand/Eye Coordination", "dialogue": "Nearly the same sound produced by the action on a good breechloader, you can't fail to notice." }, { "actor": "Abandoned Lorry", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: IsKimHere()]" }, { "actor": "Esprit de Corps", "dialogue": "As you take the transceiver in your hands, the lieutenant bites his lower lip, apparently deep in thought." } ]
[ { "actor": "Bird's Nest Roy", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"canal.roy_intro_done\"]]" }, { "actor": "Bird's Nest Roy", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"TASK.report_to_the_tribunal_done\"]]" }, { "actor": "Bird's Nest Roy", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"canal.roy_altgreet_tribunal\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Bird's Nest Roy", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"canal.roy_pilehub_reached\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Bird's Nest Roy", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"plaza.tribunal_shoulder_wound_suffered\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Bird's Nest Roy", "dialogue": "\"I see you were wounded in the recent... altercation.\" He nods gravely at your leg. \"A speedy recovery to you, officer.\"" }, { "actor": "Bird's Nest Roy", "dialogue": "\"Now, what can I do for you?\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"I'm back for the transceiver. Is it still available?\"" }, { "actor": "Bird's Nest Roy", "dialogue": "\"For the moment, yes.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"I'm gonna shop around a bit. I might be back later.\"" } ]
[ { "actor": "Encyclopedia", "dialogue": "By the way, where *is* home? The address is coming up blank and this place sure isn't it..." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "I have no idea." }, { "actor": "Encyclopedia", "dialogue": "But you've been at this hostel-cafeteria for only three nights. Where were you before? You had to be somewhere." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "I don't know... near? South maybe." }, { "actor": "Encyclopedia", "dialogue": "You don't really know, do you?" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "I don't. Does this mean I'm homeless?" }, { "actor": "Encyclopedia", "dialogue": "\"South maybe\" doesn't sound like somewhere you can stay if you run out of money." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "I'll live in a dumpster, I don't care. Fuck everything. Hobocop." }, { "actor": "Encyclopedia", "dialogue": "Entertain the thought when you get the time. Maybe being a hobo *and* a cop has its advantages?" } ]
[ { "actor": "Ancient Reptilian Brain", "dialogue": "Thoughts, baby. A million little lights in the dark. You're one fine instrument, brother -- all those faces and all those names, all that laughter and screaming and scheming around... Every corner and every street..." }, { "actor": "Limbic System", "dialogue": "Recorded in you. Forever. On ferrotape." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Spinning, spinning... tell me, am I dreaming?" }, { "actor": "Ancient Reptilian Brain", "dialogue": "No. You're spinning tapes at the discotheque. The great, unceasing disco of the mind. The flash! The bang! The endless *learning* experience." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Spinning on empty." }, { "actor": "Ancient Reptilian Brain", "dialogue": "On and on it goes, for untold hours. At the disco where you first asked her to dance. Rising -- rising! -- above the dark curvature. The great wingspan of sleep, studded with stars." }, { "actor": "Limbic System", "dialogue": "Behold, there are *millions* of them down there. The first time. The last time. The smoke in her mouth, the potted flowers, the faces: turning, changing." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "*What* is it?" }, { "actor": "Ancient Reptilian Brain", "dialogue": "It's the *world*, Harry-boy. And you're *made* of it. Every day you're out there you make more of yourself from it. I'm afraid you can't be *unmade* now." }, { "actor": "Ancient Reptilian Brain", "dialogue": "You can never forget this shit." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "The rain, the snow... I don't want to. It's beautiful." }, { "actor": "Limbic System", "dialogue": "Beautiful? It's *stuck* on loop... whirling, spitting out words and images." }, { "actor": "Ancient Reptilian Brain", "dialogue": "You're the son of the World again. Harrister -- a ceaseless agent picking up litter and old newspapers, collecting your little bubble gum wrappers and idiotic picture post cards. Meaningless, meaningless keepsakes." }, { "actor": "Limbic System", "dialogue": "Reading your awful letters and *recalling* things, aren't you? The endless names of the world... An address book, you are. The map of a city." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "That's right. I *am* an agent of the world." }, { "actor": "Ancient Reptilian Brain", "dialogue": "You'll go insane if you keep going like this. One more day and you'll be in the loonie bin. I just know you will. And for what, brother-man?" } ]
[ { "actor": "Morell, the Cryptozoologist", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"TASK.report_to_cryptozoologists_1\"]]" }, { "actor": "Morell, the Cryptozoologist", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"coast.morell_refused_to_restock_trap\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Morell, the Cryptozoologist", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"coast.morell_white_check_succeeded\"]]" }, { "actor": "Morell, the Cryptozoologist", "dialogue": "\"Hello, officer! I think I almost have it! A new trap design, that is! I know you're sceptical, but I have a good feeling about this.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Develop an alternative theory about the missing locusts." }, { "actor": "Morell, the Cryptozoologist", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"coast.morell_white_check_succeeded\"]]" }, { "actor": "Morell, the Cryptozoologist", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"yard.shack_saw_the_locust_city\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Interfacing", "dialogue": "Consider the way the empty trap was disturbed, as though *shaken*. Most likely the hands of a young person -- hands small enough to fit inside the trap too." }, { "actor": "Morell, the Cryptozoologist", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"yard.cuno_greeting_done\"]]" }, { "actor": "Logic", "dialogue": "You should ask the redheaded boy. Cuno." } ]
[ { "actor": "La Fumée, Vol. 1 No. 4", "dialogue": "The front of this quarterly journal features a large, satirical portrait of the late King Frissel. From the sides of his head, a pair of white antlers spread to the corners of the cover." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Why Frissel?" }, { "actor": "La Fumée, Vol. 1 No. 4", "dialogue": "Because Frissel was incompetent, foolish, and cruel. In short, the embodiment of everything the communards wished to overthrow. It's *satire*, you see." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Flip through the pages, see what catches your eye." }, { "actor": "La Fumée, Vol. 1 No. 4", "dialogue": "To your disappointment, there aren't any full-colour pictures to direct your attention, just column after column of closely set text, interrupted occasionally by little doodles in black and white..." }, { "actor": "Savoir Faire", "dialogue": "No advertisements, you notice. So who's funding this *radical commentary*?" }, { "actor": "La Fumée, Vol. 1 No. 4", "dialogue": "After riffling the pages with your thumb several times, you return to the table of contents..." }, { "actor": "La Fumée, Vol. 1 No. 4", "dialogue": "The magazine is divided into several sections: 'International Developments', 'Kunst und Kultur', and 'Local Concerns'. Just inside the cover there's also an editor's note." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "What is 'Kunst und Kultur'?" }, { "actor": "La Fumée, Vol. 1 No. 4", "dialogue": "It takes a moment, but gradually it dawns on you that 'Kunst und Kultur' must mean 'Arts and Culture'..." }, { "actor": "Logic", "dialogue": "*Why* they decided to title this one section in *Walder* is beyond you." } ]
[ { "actor": "Morell, the Cryptozoologist", "dialogue": "He eyes you sceptically. \"All right -- what cryptids, precisely? I usually discuss these things with *specialists*, so I don't know what...\"" }, { "actor": "Rhetoric", "dialogue": "*...we would have to discuss?* he wants to say, but decides against it since you've offered to help." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Just tell me about a cool cryptid. Any cryptid.\"" }, { "actor": "Morell, the Cryptozoologist", "dialogue": "\"No offence, officer, but I'm not much of a *pedagogue* -- I don't know what I would've done if Lena hadn't persuaded me to go back to field research. You should ask her, if you want interesting stories.\"" }, { "actor": "Morell, the Cryptozoologist", "dialogue": "\"Me -- I'm not a people person, unless you haven't noticed. And I don't make a good lecturer. My strength lies in field work and *persistence*.\" He brushes an errant strand of hair from his eye." }, { "actor": "Composure", "dialogue": "This is a gruff man who's been ridiculed too many times to feel comfortable talking about what's dearest to his heart. It's in his shoulders, his face, his... everything." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Just tell me about a cool cryptid. Any cryptid.\"" }, { "actor": "Morell, the Cryptozoologist", "dialogue": "\"No offence, officer, but I'm not much of a *pedagogue* -- I don't know what I would've done if Lena hadn't persuaded me to go back to field research. You should ask her, if you want interesting stories.\"" }, { "actor": "Morell, the Cryptozoologist", "dialogue": "\"Me -- I'm not a people person, unless you haven't noticed. And I don't make a good lecturer. My strength lies in field work and *persistence*.\" He brushes an errant strand of hair from his eye." }, { "actor": "Composure", "dialogue": "This is a gruff man who's been ridiculed too many times to feel comfortable talking about what's dearest to his heart. It's in his shoulders, his face, his... everything." } ]
[ { "actor": "Paledriver", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"jam.paledriver_greeting_done\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Paledriver", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"jam.paledriver_quick_intro\"]]" }, { "actor": "Paledriver", "dialogue": "The woman still has her eyes fixed on the photograph in her hands. In the background, the radio plays." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Snap your fingers in front of her face." }, { "actor": "Paledriver", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: IsKimHere()]" }, { "actor": "Paledriver", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"TASK.probe_drivers_about_drugs\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"Wait...\" The lieutenant stops you before you can snap." }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"She's just a distracted old woman. Better to leave her alone.\"" }, { "actor": "Paledriver", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: IsTaskActive(\"TASK.ask_paledriver_how_to_turn_back_time\")--[[ Variable[ ]]]" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"But Measurehead said she knows the secret to turning back time.\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "The lieutenant considers the slumped form for a moment. He sighs." }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"I don't understand why you're so set on what seems like a... *personal side-task*, but if you must, then let's get it over with...\"" } ]
[ { "actor": "Logic", "dialogue": "This is it -- the scene of the party. The fire pit, cigarettes, and empty bottles all evidence it." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Yeah. Sure does look like a lot of folks partied here." }, { "actor": "Logic", "dialogue": "Looks like they were here a while, judging from all the bottles. The sunken motor carriage provided them a focal point -- like a goose ice-sculpture or a chocolate fountain." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Hey, Kim. Looks like we've had a couple of party-goers here.\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"Looks like it.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"This was some kind of theatre to them. A circus production by a great clown.\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"Hey -- let's keep moving, detective.\" The lieutenant adjusts his glasses." }, { "actor": "Empathy", "dialogue": "Somehow he doesn't want to dwell on it..." } ]
[ { "actor": "Oranjese Passport", "dialogue": "This passport, issued by the Sovereign Republic of Oranje -- is issued to a black haired woman called Katarzine Alasije." }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"Klaasje's hidden documents...\" The lieutenant looks at it in your hands. \"That she said would be in a buoy on the coast.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Look at the photo." }, { "actor": "Oranjese Passport", "dialogue": "It's Klaasje. With short, black hair and glasses. She looks boyish, younger somehow." }, { "actor": "Empathy", "dialogue": "An old photo. Before life came and did what it does." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Look at the photo." }, { "actor": "Oranjese Passport", "dialogue": "It's Klaasje. With short, black hair and glasses. She looks boyish, younger somehow." }, { "actor": "Empathy", "dialogue": "An old photo. Before life came and did what it does." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Look at the photo." } ]
[ { "actor": "Joyce Messier", "dialogue": "\"Whatever I can help you with. We need to contain the situation.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"How much time do we have?\"" }, { "actor": "Joyce Messier", "dialogue": "\"Until the executions start? Truthfully -- I don't know. It depends on their progress identifying the members of the lynch mob. And their impatience.\"" }, { "actor": "Joyce Messier", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: IsKimHere()]" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"They don't report their progress to you?\"" }, { "actor": "Joyce Messier", "dialogue": "\"Not on this matter. I'm afraid they consider this a personal initiative.\" There is a brief silence. Seagulls squawk over the bay..." }, { "actor": "Inland Empire", "dialogue": "Five days. Not more. Maybe sooner." }, { "actor": "Joyce Messier", "dialogue": "\"It's a matter of days, not weeks.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Where are the remaining two mercs now?\"" }, { "actor": "Joyce Messier", "dialogue": "\"They've gone to ground, as it were. I don't recommend seeking them out.\" She puts her foot on the guardwire, for balance. \"For one -- they're almost certainly armed to the teeth.\"" }, { "actor": "Joyce Messier", "dialogue": "\"They don't have the same respect for the Revachol Citizens Militia as I do. To put it bluntly they think you're vigilantes, *ghetto savages*. It will not be a fruitful meeting.\"" }, { "actor": "Authority", "dialogue": "Vigilantes? You're a professional officer of the only *legitimate* authority in Revachol." }, { "actor": "Half Light", "dialogue": "You should show those meatheads exactly how *savage* you really are." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Okay, I'll steer clear for the moment.\"" }, { "actor": "Joyce Messier", "dialogue": "\"That's wise,\" she nods. \"Our goal is to *avert* catastrophe. Besides,\" she sighs, \"You're likely to encounter them sooner or later.\"" } ]
[ { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (IsTHCPresent(\"radical_feminist_agenda\")) == false]" }, { "actor": "Drama", "dialogue": "It's all very organic -- her mannerisms, her movements. If she's acting, she's quite gifted." }, { "actor": "Logic", "dialogue": "By *they* she means the Hardie boys." }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: IsKimHere()]" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"whirling.klaasje_rfa_rhetoric_questions_rapeable\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"Are you saying that you were *asked* to tell us you were assaulted?\"" }, { "actor": "Klaasje (Miss Oranje Disco Dancer)", "dialogue": "\"Not explicitly, but I understood what they meant. It wouldn't hurt to spice things up a bit -- some assault and battery, *sexual* assault maybe. It was clear the latter would be *spicier*.\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: IsTHCPresent(\"radical_feminist_agenda\")]" }, { "actor": "Rhetoric", "dialogue": "'Spicier'. Of course. Rape's nothing but a plot device for these guys -- to throw around as they wish." } ]
[ { "actor": "The Deserter", "dialogue": "\"Petty-bourgeois law...\" He snorts and spits. \"This is all you care about, right? The only thing in the world for you types...\"" }, { "actor": "Perception (Sight)", "dialogue": "A drop of blood in the saliva..." }, { "actor": "Half Light", "dialogue": "Tear into him again. Pile it on him." }, { "actor": "Drama", "dialogue": "Lie! You have a witness." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "C'mon, what am I forgetting? (Hit yourself on the side of your head.)" }, { "actor": "Logic", "dialogue": "Wait, here it comes -- the god damn May bells, the dried may bells on Klaasje's roof!" }, { "actor": "Reaction Speed", "dialogue": "Wait, don't forget the footprints! The diagonal prints in the dust in the secret space behind Klaasje's bedroom! *Now* they're gonna come up!" } ]
[ { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Hello, this is the police calling. I have some questions for you about your last days at work.\"" }, { "actor": "Sylvie", "dialogue": "\"Oh, right...\" She recognizes your voice almost immediately. \"Hello, officer, what can I do for you?\"" }, { "actor": "Empathy", "dialogue": "You can hear resentment in her tone -- she's not thrilled to be talking to you again." }, { "actor": "Electrochemistry", "dialogue": "There is *no* resentment in her tone. She wants you to ask her out. No question about it." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Do you know who put the victim's clothes in the trash?\"" }, { "actor": "Sylvie", "dialogue": "\"No, I don't know. It wasn't me...\" She gulps. \"I haven't been out there since... I was terrified of the stench and the corpse.\" She falls silent." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"I must have had some sort of official police documents on me. Do you know where they could be?\"" }, { "actor": "Sylvie", "dialogue": "\"I, ugh... the ones I had to wrench out of your toilet?\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"What happened to them?\"" }, { "actor": "Sylvie", "dialogue": "\"I... dammit, I don't remember what I did to your damn papers! I don't remember every little thing I do...\" Resentment gives way to concern in her voice." }, { "actor": "Half Light", "dialogue": "She's worried she might have accidentally done something bad. Then she remembers it's *you*." }, { "actor": "Sylvie", "dialogue": "\"Especially when there's a hurricane loose. It's your fault for losing them -- not mine.\"" }, { "actor": "Inland Empire", "dialogue": "Something in you wants to immediately *forget* about this. As if there was a reason you threw them away." } ]
[ { "actor": "Abandoned Lorry", "dialogue": "The movie stars are still smiling from the walls. There's a radio transmitter in the front and a pull-out toolbox tucked under the driver's seat. Some tools lie scattered near the pedals." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Admire the posters." }, { "actor": "Abandoned Lorry", "dialogue": "These are movie posters featuring starlets from long-forgotten films -- from the Twenties, the Teens, even the Nineties of the last century." }, { "actor": "Abandoned Lorry", "dialogue": "One of them particularly catches your eye: a centrefold of an ingénue attached right above the back seat." }, { "actor": "Perception (Smell)", "dialogue": "There's definitely perfume in the air. It's spicy, with a hint of ambrette, wafting through the bitter air of the cabin." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Stop and wonder: What's that smell?" }, { "actor": "Perception (Smell)", "dialogue": "The remnants of a sweet juniper-scented perfume. Probably 'Granate No 5'." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Enough of the posters." }, { "actor": "Abandoned Lorry", "dialogue": "The actresses -- and the rare actor -- all smile you a warm good bye. A radio transmitter is attached to the dashboard and a toolbox sits under the driver's seat." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Check the pedals." }, { "actor": "Abandoned Lorry", "dialogue": "You wedge yourself under the steering-wheel to get a better look. Seems like the few tools lying around here -- a hammer, a pair of pliers, a rusty wrench -- have been casually thrown there by the disorganized driver." }, { "actor": "Abandoned Lorry", "dialogue": "But one odd detail does catch your eye: A piece of sandpaper has been glued to the throttle." } ]
[ { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"I'm trying to turn back time. Can you help me, bröther?\"" }, { "actor": "Racist lorry driver", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (IsKimHere()) == false]" }, { "actor": "Racist lorry driver", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"jam.truckman_told_him_to_fuck_off\"]]" }, { "actor": "Racist lorry driver", "dialogue": "\"Let's get one thing straight: You can't tell a man to 'fuck off' and then say he's your brother. It doesn't work like that...\"" }, { "actor": "Suggestion", "dialogue": "Listen, despite his hostile exterior, this one's got a soft underbelly. He's desperate for affirmation..." }, { "actor": "Racist lorry driver", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"plaza.lorryman_fascha_composure_begging_for_praise\"]]" }, { "actor": "Suggestion", "dialogue": "Massage his ego, feed him a few grapes, make him *like* you." }, { "actor": "Half Light", "dialogue": "DON'T FORGET TO TICKLE THE BEANBAG!" }, { "actor": "Racist lorry driver", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"XP.remember_the_beanbag\"]]" }, { "actor": "Logic", "dialogue": "Okay, but don't *literally* say that." }, { "actor": "Racist lorry driver", "dialogue": "\"Now what makes you think I know how to 'turn back time'?\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"My gut tells me you're just the guy I'm looking for.\"" } ]
[ { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Maybe it's all part of a leadership challenge? Against you, Titus.\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"whirling.hardies_said_the_cover_up_thing_in_logic_wc\"] or Variable[\"whirling.hardies_ruby_gay_branch_passed\"]]" }, { "actor": "Titus Hardie", "dialogue": "\"There's no fucking leadership challenge.\" A flash of rage; he calms himself. \"Just when I thought you were taking this seriously, cop, you put your head in your ass.\"" }, { "actor": "Eugene", "dialogue": "\"Man, now he's just throwing shit against the wall to see what sticks.\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (IsKimHere()) == false]" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"A little thing -- Ruby had these posters in her truck. Old movie stars.\"" }, { "actor": "Titus Hardie", "dialogue": "Titus's gaze meets yours: \"Yeah, so...?\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Nothing. They where just there.\"" }, { "actor": "Titus Hardie", "dialogue": "\"Don't take me wrong, I love to stare at broads on posters, but we're talking about a *murder* here.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"A little thing -- Ruby had these posters in her truck. Old movie stars.\"" }, { "actor": "Titus Hardie", "dialogue": "Titus's gaze meets yours: \"Yeah, so...?\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"The people on the posters -- were all women. One looked exactly like Klaasje.\"" } ]
[ { "actor": "Door, Room #3", "dialogue": "The door is closed." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Knock again." }, { "actor": "Door, Room #3", "dialogue": "Still no answer." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Try the handle." }, { "actor": "Door, Room #3", "dialogue": "This door can only be opened with a key or from the inside." }, { "actor": "Electrochemistry", "dialogue": "As you hold the metal you sense the warmth left there by her hand." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "[Leave.]" } ]
[ { "actor": "Limbic System", "dialogue": "It's easier, this time, drifting off. Your head has found a comfortable indent in the pillow. Your legs and your torso feel like lead weights sinking to the bottom of the sea, until they're suddenly light..." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Sing along -- in silent communion." }, { "actor": "Ancient Reptilian Brain", "dialogue": "Blackness, blackness, blackness. The ultimate disco. The ruins of your life behind you, still smouldering. Ashes rise. But you're not looking." }, { "actor": "Limbic System", "dialogue": "For now -- a little while -- you can..." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "(Sleep. Without words or images.)" }, { "actor": "Limbic System", "dialogue": "When the pictograms and the hieroglyphs of the world return, they seem silent somehow. The alarm rings quietly too. You're ready." }, { "actor": "Half Light", "dialogue": "Ready -- but something is coming. It always is." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "[Open your eyes.]" } ]
[ { "actor": "Don't Call Abigail", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"village.abigail_drunk_alt_greet\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Don't Call Abigail", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"village.abigail_greeting_done\"]]" }, { "actor": "Don't Call Abigail", "dialogue": "\"Don't call Abigail.\" The drunk man looks at you with his sad, swollen eyes." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Tell me about your friends.\" (Point to the others.)" }, { "actor": "Don't Call Abigail", "dialogue": "He glares at you. \"Don't ya fuckin' call her, hear me.\" His voice trembles with every word, becoming ever weaker. \"Abigail,\" he whimpers in the end." }, { "actor": "Don't Call Abigail", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"village.abigail_drunk_counter\"] >= 5) == false]" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Where am I? What is this place?\"" }, { "actor": "Don't Call Abigail", "dialogue": "The man hiccups, then mumbles something unintelligible." }, { "actor": "Don't Call Abigail", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"village.abigail_drunk_counter\"] >= 5]" }, { "actor": "Don't Call Abigail", "dialogue": "\"Don'... don'...\" the man stammers, \"don't call...\" Slowly, his head nods off to the side and he passes out, tongue dangling from his mouth." } ]
[ { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"René... I need to go back in time. Can you help me?\"" }, { "actor": "René Arnoux", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: IsKimHere()]" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "The lieutenant flashes you a quick side-glance." }, { "actor": "Composure", "dialogue": "His posture tenses." }, { "actor": "René Arnoux", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"plaza.fascha_dq_asked_someone_the_q\"]]" }, { "actor": "Esprit de Corps", "dialogue": "Damn it, not this again..." }, { "actor": "René Arnoux", "dialogue": "\"What?!\" The old soldier scowls at you, unamused." }, { "actor": "Empathy", "dialogue": "He thinks you're playing a joke on him." }, { "actor": "Gaston Martin", "dialogue": "\"Now, now...\" His partner raises both hands in a calming gesture. \"I'm sure the officer means it figuratively. Like a forensic technique or something, right?\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Right, right... A forensic technique. Can you help me or not?\"" }, { "actor": "René Arnoux", "dialogue": "\"Forensic techniques are your forte, not mine, officer.\" Something stiffens in the man. He shakes his head. \"Find another fool, I will not be part of your... joke.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"No, I literally need to go back in time. For Revachol.\"" }, { "actor": "René Arnoux", "dialogue": "\"*Bon sang*, son. You must have a loose screw up there or something.\" He taps on his temple. \"Sounds like you really mean it.\"" }, { "actor": "René Arnoux", "dialogue": "\"Alright, I will entertain this... *fantasy*, if you tell me, what interest does an RCM officer have in... 'time travel'?\"" }, { "actor": "Gaston Martin", "dialogue": "\"Oh, you're in for a treat, officer. Seeing the playful side of old René is about as rare as a red rainbow.\"" } ]
[ { "actor": "Filthy Jacket", "dialogue": "As you hold it in your hands, it makes an uncomfortable crunching sound..." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Man, how did this jacket get so disgusting?" }, { "actor": "Filthy Jacket", "dialogue": "It's a sordid, filthy tale, not for the weak. Are you sure you can stomach it?" }, { "actor": "Composure", "dialogue": "Some secrets are better left uncovered. Don't even try, seriously." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Think about it." }, { "actor": "Filthy Jacket", "dialogue": "It occurs to you that you're not even *holding* the jacket itself, but rather the thick crust of jetsam and seagull shit that ensconces it." }, { "actor": "Perception (Smell)", "dialogue": "It smells like a dead sea creature, tangled in grey strands of seaweed. It must have spent quite some time in the water before the tide deposited it ashore..." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Gross." }, { "actor": "Composure", "dialogue": "Why, why did you think about it? Look at your hands -- They're covered in muck!" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Maybe if I wipe my hands on my pants?" }, { "actor": "Composure", "dialogue": "What? No! Then it'll just be on your *pants*. This is a disaster. You'll never get the smell out." } ]
[ { "actor": "Savoir Faire", "dialogue": "Hey, money-mouth. Eendracht. The impeccable hustler-provider of the seventh generation. It's showtime with Savvy!" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Eendracht? The hustler-provider? The *seventh* generation?!" }, { "actor": "Savoir Faire", "dialogue": "Yeah, swindle-father. Papa-preneur. Look, this is serious. No time for distractions. It's time to make *money*. Lots of it." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Money?!" }, { "actor": "Savoir Faire", "dialogue": "That's right! It's time to stop muttering about your 'economic self-interest' and actually do something about it. Yeah, I heard you back there. What the hell was that?!" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "What do you expect? I'm an ultraliberal. I speak ultraliberal-ese." }, { "actor": "Savoir Faire", "dialogue": "Good, good, gotta spread the gospel. But talk alone doesn't bring in the cash. It's time for step two." }, { "actor": "Savoir Faire", "dialogue": "Listen, if you really want to make it in the big leagues, you need to *re-conceptualize* your entire portfolio. Collecting tare and moaning about taxes is not going to cut it." }, { "actor": "Savoir Faire", "dialogue": "You need to become a MILLIONAIRE. Now, how do you become a MILLIONAIRE?" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Mañana flicked me a coin." }, { "actor": "Savoir Faire", "dialogue": "*One* coin. The first of many. Imagine so many coins you're going to need to hire someone to help you manage all your wealth." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "I could sell Kim's motorcar, like I sold his spinners?" }, { "actor": "Savoir Faire", "dialogue": "And then what? Join the ranks of blue-collar criminals?" } ]
[ { "actor": "Logic", "dialogue": "Give up. You'll never find the answer. There's no other copy of \"Dick Mullen and the Mistaken Identity\" here." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "There's got to be a way to solve this." }, { "actor": "Logic", "dialogue": "There isn't. If only you had more time... more resources... who knows what you could have come up with?" }, { "actor": "Logic", "dialogue": "Maybe if there had been more money... and less speed..." }, { "actor": "Electrochemistry", "dialogue": "Or *MORE* speed!" }, { "actor": "Conceptualization", "dialogue": "Hang on, you can do this. *Use your imagination*. You know who the suspects are, just... make it up." }, { "actor": "Conceptualization", "dialogue": "So, who killed Charlie Spillane and Deanna Deneuve, detective? Just fucking pick one." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Fuck you, book! It *was* Dick Mullen." }, { "actor": "Logic", "dialogue": "It still doesn't make sense, but who cares? Yes, Dick Mullen, the famous detective, killed his best friend and a dame he just nailed in cold blood. But why'd he do it? Unclear!" }, { "actor": "Conceptualization", "dialogue": "Doesn't matter. The choice has been made. You caught the criminal -- It was Dick Mullen all along. Who's the real detective now? That's right, it's you. Rest easy tonight, *real detective*." } ]
[ { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"whirling.viquemare_esprit_wc_firefighters\"]]" }, { "actor": "Esprit de Corps", "dialogue": "You *know* what it is. It's like the two of you know each other. Just ask him." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Tell me the truth, do you know me from somewhere?\"" }, { "actor": "Man with Sunglasses", "dialogue": "\"Oh, I definitely know you from *somewhere*.\"" }, { "actor": "Esprit de Corps", "dialogue": "Another life..." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"From where? From another life?\"" }, { "actor": "Man with Sunglasses", "dialogue": "\"Yes. From another life. A different life. Maybe the life of a police officer belonging to the ranks of the...\" He pauses." }, { "actor": "Man with Sunglasses", "dialogue": "\"To what station do you think you would belong in this alternate and totally fictional reality?\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Fifty-seventh?\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (IsKimHere()) == false]" }, { "actor": "Man with Sunglasses", "dialogue": "\"Good job, that was very close.\" He now speaks with the tone of a mother helping her kid take first steps. \"Maybe try again?\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"99,999,999.9th?\"" }, { "actor": "Man with Sunglasses", "dialogue": "\"That's...\" The man looks extremely surprised. \"...exactly right! Down to a fraction.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"No need for the sarcasm.\"" }, { "actor": "Man with Sunglasses", "dialogue": "\"I don't even know what to say to that...\" he shakes his head. \"What is your god damn station?\"" } ]
[ { "actor": "Mail Collection Box", "dialogue": "The dented yellow mailbox greets you with it's graffito, bullet holes and an RCM sticker." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "Drop the white envelope into the mailbox." }, { "actor": "Mail Collection Box", "dialogue": "But the documents inside the envelope still lack the required signatures..." }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"It's not going to be that easy. We need to dirty our hands with the signatures.\" He looks around. \"I assume that's the goal here.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Fuck you, mail delivery box!\" (Kick it.)" } ]
[ { "actor": "The Deserter", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"seafort.deserter_main_hub_reached\"]]" }, { "actor": "The Deserter", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"seafort.phasmid_has_arrived\"]]" }, { "actor": "The Deserter", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"gates.deserter_post_phasmid_hub_reached\"]]" }, { "actor": "The Deserter", "dialogue": "The old man stares at the reeds. His face shows no emotion -- only a faint tremor passes over his features, like a leaf in the wind." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"What has happened to this man?\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"Old age and shock.\" He looks at him, then you." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Old age and shock, yes.\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"The appearance of the phasmid, in conjunction with the stress of the arrest. He's spent his entire life here. For him to leave would be...\" He shakes his head." } ]
[ { "actor": "Horseback Monument", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"TASK.report_to_the_tribunal_done\"] and Variable[\"TASK.check_back_on_renovation_later\"]]" }, { "actor": "Horseback Monument", "dialogue": "The scaffolding around the old monument has been taken down. In its place are the spoils of your investment. Numerous rods and ropes still hold the original reassemblage in place." }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "What indentations? What do I see?" }, { "actor": "Perception (Sight)", "dialogue": "Something with great kinetic energy seems to have impacted the cuirass... around where the 'heart' is. A bullet?" }, { "actor": "Visual Calculus", "dialogue": "Someone's shot him in the heart. Interesting." }, { "actor": "Horseback Monument", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: IsKimHere()]" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Lieutenant -- has someone *shot* the king?\" (Point to the indentation)" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"Okay...\" He cleans his glasses before looking up. \"I can't see it. But I'll take your word for it.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"What do you think?\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"Well... Martinaise is riddled with bullet holes. This place saw a lot of action during the Revolution. But the statue *is* recently renovated -- so maybe a joke? Target practice? Or a political statement?\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"None of the above. Maybe it's connected to the murder?\"" }, { "actor": "Horseback Monument", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"XP.discover_the_bullet\"] or Variable[\"yard.hanged_got_bullet_out\"] or Variable[\"whirling.hardie_rhetoric_wc\"]) == false]" } ]
[ { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"whirling.klaasje_drama_white_success_volition_activated\"]]" }, { "actor": "Drama", "dialogue": "Who... what... Dear god, you've been lied to! She could have killed her lover and lied to everyone! She's not *candid* at all, she's smoke and mirrors and will-o-wisps!" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"TASK.who_was_caller_done\"] and Variable[\"tc.klaasje_amandou\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"tc.klaasje_amandou\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Drama", "dialogue": "Look at her! Her hands, her nails, the cigarette... Every second you stall, you become more entangled in this spider's *web of lies*. Arrest her immediately!" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"XP.detect_compromized_skillset\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"What if I told you you're under arrest, miss.\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: IsKimHere()]" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"whirling.klaasje_chosename_klaasje\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Klaasje (Miss Oranje Disco Dancer)", "dialogue": "\"But I haven't *done* anything...\" She backs up against the railing -- with a forced smile on her face. \"Anything *illegal*.\"" }, { "actor": "Authority", "dialogue": "Failure to aid a police investigation." } ]
[ { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"The theatrical suicide attempt -- we need to talk about it.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Do we have to?\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"We do. I was able to re-contextualize it as a dark joke.\" He pauses thoughtfully. \"I will not be able to re-contextualize it the next time.\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"I understand you sometimes employ *extreme* interrogation tactics, but I want you to understand: that was *too* extreme.\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"We can't have RCM officers going around, putting guns in their mouths. We can't afford to have that image. Few institutions can.\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Understood. 100%. It won't happen again.\"" }, { "actor": "Kim Kitsuragi", "dialogue": "\"Good. I'm glad we had this talk.\" He nods. \"After you.\"" } ]
[ { "actor": "Steban, the Student Communist", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"TASK.get_yourself_organised_cancelled\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Steban, the Student Communist", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"apt.student_main_hub_reached\"]) == false]" }, { "actor": "Steban, the Student Communist", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"apt.student_left_pre_main_hub\"]]" }, { "actor": "Steban, the Student Communist", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (CheckEquipped(\"jacket_interisolar_white\") and Variable[\"apt.student_jacket_discussed\"] == false) == false]" }, { "actor": "Steban, the Student Communist", "dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (CheckItem(\"book_nilsenism_introduction\") and Variable[\"TASK.get_yourself_organised_done\"] == false) == false]" }, { "actor": "Steban, the Student Communist", "dialogue": "\"The gendarme returns.\" The young man turns to you. \"What do you need?\"" }, { "actor": "You", "dialogue": "\"Did this reading group have anything to do with the lynching?\"" }, { "actor": "Steban, the Student Communist", "dialogue": "\"Lynching? No. We're not an *operational* cell.\"" }, { "actor": "Echo Maker", "dialogue": "\"We think of ourselves as more of an intellectual vanguard.\"" } ]