listlengths 5
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"I'm more interested in *why* you're so fixated on this idea in the first place.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"I think I just need a break from our main case for a bit.\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"I certainly understand the impulse, but this is our job, detective. Our whole *raison d'être*. At some point, we'll need to return to it.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Do you think we'll actually be able to reach the Coalition with this?\""
"actor": "Abandoned Lorry",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"\"] > 1]"
"actor": "Abandoned Lorry",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"\"] > 5) == false]"
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"To be perfectly frank, I have my reservations about this whole antenna scheme. But who knows? We may yet be surprised.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Examine the transceiver."
"actor": "Abandoned Lorry",
"dialogue": "It's about the size of a small paving stone, and nearly as heavy. Now that you're looking at it more closely, you realise the various dials and meters make it look vaguely like a face. A distinctive triangular logo forms the nose."
"actor": "Interfacing",
"dialogue": "That's the marque of Esterhaz Elektronika, one of the major manufacturers of advanced radio equipment."
"actor": "Abandoned Lorry",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"jam.abandoned_interfacing_esterhaz\"]]"
] |
"actor": "Shivers",
"dialogue": "The Delta Logistics Company truck stands here waiting, reflecting white light from the courtyard behind it."
"actor": "Shivers",
"dialogue": "You knew it would be here, blocking the gate."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Are there people in there?"
"actor": "Shivers",
"dialogue": "Yes, people hard at work at their desks. They can barely tell if it's day or night anymore because the lights in the building are so uniform and bright. Who knows when they'll come out?"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Are they really so pressed for time to finish whatever they're doing? Sounds potentially dangerous..."
"actor": "Shivers",
"dialogue": "Could be. They certainly want to stir the pot. Remake reality in some new image."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Can't I get into the courtyard somehow?"
"actor": "Shivers",
"dialogue": "Not yet."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Can't I get into the courtyard somehow?"
] |
"actor": "Sunken Motor Carriage",
"dialogue": "The motor carriage looks very sad sitting all alone in the ice."
"actor": "Visual Calculus",
"dialogue": "That *rebel* who jumped the canal and broke the waterlock! This is their doing."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "This is where the rebel who jumped the canal ended up. Not so daring anymore!"
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"No...\" The lieutenant looks at the carriage and then at you. \"Not so daring at all.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"We don't have time for traffic hooliganism right now.\" [Leave.]"
] |
"actor": "Logic",
"dialogue": "This seems to be some kind of workshop. For fixing up pinball machines -- a long time ago. Everything is covered with dust now..."
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "The lieutenant looks around the dusty, crowded room, inspecting the tools on the shelf."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Looks like they gave up on fixing the pinball machines at some point.\""
"actor": "Logic",
"dialogue": "Yes. Pinball hasn't enjoyed a heyday for fifteen or twenty years."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"This used to be a... pinball workshop.\""
"actor": "Logic",
"dialogue": "Yes. Martinaise North 22 used to be a pinball arcade."
"actor": "Perception (Hearing)",
"dialogue": "A creak, some dust falls off a shelf."
] |
"actor": "Evrart Claire",
"dialogue": "\"Of course, let us dispatch with the formalities, you call me Evrart, I call you Harry!\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Fine by me.\""
"actor": "Evrart Claire",
"dialogue": "\"So Harry, what can I help you with today?\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"I'm ready for my gun now.\""
"actor": "Evrart Claire",
"dialogue": "\"Harry, I've got to be honest with you.\" He turns solemn. \"Your gun was found two days ago. Withholding this information weighed heavily on me. But it had to be done.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"You bastard!\""
"actor": "Evrart Claire",
"dialogue": "\"Your gun is with an old woman,\" he says, absolutely unperturbed by your outburst. \"I hear she's a character, so watch out.\""
"actor": "Logic",
"dialogue": "This must be the woman who bought the gun from Roy, the one he described as \"terrifying.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"So the gun's still with the woman who bought it from Roy...\""
"actor": "Evrart Claire",
"dialogue": "\"Yes, the same one -- I see you've done your research. The pawnshop made the gun easy to track...\" He smiles and shakes his head in wonderment. \"Crazy stuff, Harry. Selling your gun like that! Wild. Anyway...\""
"actor": "Suggestion",
"dialogue": "Union boys are gonna help you *fix* it, he winks at you. Don't worry Harry."
"actor": "Evrart Claire",
"dialogue": "\"...the neighbours of this old woman contacted my men, because they trust me and the Débardeurs Union. Apparently she was waving it around at the entrance to her building.\""
] |
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"TASK.report_to_the_tribunal_done\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"boardwalk.tent_covered\"]]"
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"boardwalk.ruby_killed_herself\"]]"
"actor": "Instigator's Tent",
"dialogue": "The plain red tent rests stoically in the corner. Ruby's dead body is wrapped in her sleeping bag."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Sift through the books and magazines."
"actor": "Instigator's Tent",
"dialogue": "Assorted softcovers, mostly pulp horror. A motor carriage lies buried in the snow on one cover, on another -- a ghost airship. You also see a collection of radio enthusiast magazines."
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (IsKimHere()) == false]"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Sift through the magazines."
"actor": "Instigator's Tent",
"dialogue": "'Rega Monthly', 'Journal of Material Science'. More technological digest. One of the magazines doesn't have images on the cover -- it's not a magazine, it's a leather notebook!"
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: IsKimHere()]"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"A notebook.\" (Take it.)"
] |
"actor": "Fuck the World",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"plaza.flaubert_greeting_done\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Fuck the World",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"plaza.flaubert_leave_midgreet\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Pissf****t",
"dialogue": "\"That's one brutal motor carriage,\" says the young man with 'PISSF****T' written on his back."
"actor": "Fuck the World",
"dialogue": "\"If I were a real SKULL now, I'd jack it, paint it in palm tree livery, then bottom-light it neon-style!\" His companion wears a simple yet elegant slogan: 'FUCK THE WORLD'."
"actor": "Pissf****t",
"dialogue": "\"A snazzy shit-ripped SKULL-mobile like this would make a fine trophy. We could, like, hang fucking shrunken heads from the side mirrors! Cops' heads... Scary tribal shit.\""
"actor": "Fuck the World",
"dialogue": "\"Yeah, tribal shit...\" he agrees. \"A cop-carriage like this would have proper SKULL value...\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"Ahem.\" He steps in. \"While I appreciate the interest you take in my *brutal motor carriage*, I have to stop you right there. The RCM takes threats directed at its property seriously.\""
"actor": "Pissf****t",
"dialogue": "\"I, uhm, it's just theoretical work, copper. No basis in reality.\" He turns to his companion: \"Man, if we were certified SKULLS right now...\""
"actor": "Conceptualization",
"dialogue": "SKULLS -- now there's a strong organizational title."
"actor": "Authority",
"dialogue": "Was it a good idea on the lieutenant's part to get into this? Don't even answer that, just leave. You can always come back later -- on your own terms."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Who are you?\""
"actor": "Fuck the World",
"dialogue": "\"I can tell you who we're not, cop. We're *not* snitches, f****ts, or SKULLS.\""
"actor": "Pissf****t",
"dialogue": "\"Which is not to say that the SKULLS are bitches and f****ts. On the contrary...\""
"actor": "Fuck the World",
"dialogue": "\"The part of this presentation you wanna take home with you, cop-man, is: We're not part of the SKULLS. Yet.\""
"actor": "Rhetoric",
"dialogue": "Okay then -- let's indulge in some intellectual exchange. These young men seem eager to share their beliefs."
"actor": "Authority",
"dialogue": "These *skull* people are more than an authority. They're deities."
] |
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"I think we're finished with this line of questioning.\" (Hand the lieutenant back his notes.)"
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"Alright.\" The lieutenant puts the slip back in his notes and observes the young woman for a moment."
"actor": "Klaasje (Miss Oranje Disco Dancer)",
"dialogue": "Coolly, gracefully, she pours herself more coffee."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Can you tell me more about the victim? General information, I mean.\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"whirling.klaasje_talked_about_lely\"]]"
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: IsKimHere()]"
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"Yes, miss. I hope you don't mind.\" The lieutenant hands you his notes."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Something miraculous is coming. He told me.\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "The lieutenant blinks -- his expression does not change."
"actor": "Esprit de Corps",
"dialogue": "All right. Let's see where this is going."
] |
"actor": "Man on water lock",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"canal.water_lock_greeting_done\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Man on water lock",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"canal.water_lock_left_mid_intro\"]]"
"actor": "Man on water lock",
"dialogue": "\"Welcome back, officer.\""
"actor": "Man on water lock",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: DayCount() > 2]"
"actor": "Man on water lock",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"TASK.close_water_lock_done\"] or Variable[\"canal.water_lock_alt_cant_chat\"]]"
"actor": "Man on water lock",
"dialogue": "\"High time I got moving up the coast. But please, officer, after you.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Alrighty then.\" [Leave.]"
"actor": "Man on water lock",
"dialogue": "\"Cheers!\" He salutes you with a half-eaten piece of salami."
] |
"actor": "Esprit de Corps",
"dialogue": "... is what you plan to say. Before you can get past 'you're under', the kid interrupts you:"
"actor": "Cuno",
"dialogue": "\"You sure?\" He whispers. \"You sure we got it all?\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "(Turn to the suspect.) \"One more thing, Mr. Dros...\""
"actor": "The Deserter",
"dialogue": "The old man looks at his rifle in your hands -- a little startled for some reason..."
"actor": "Empathy",
"dialogue": "You've startled him... maybe it was the silence? He quickly gathers himself. Still -- what could he be afraid of?"
] |
"actor": "Microgrid Generator",
"dialogue": "An old cylindrical generator is nested above the ammo lift, with makeshift electrical wiring running out of its side and across the floor. The cables disappear into the wall to your right."
"actor": "Cuno",
"dialogue": "Cuno puts his hand on the generator. \"This shit's cold.\""
"actor": "Inland Empire",
"dialogue": "N-n-n-no. This isn't right..."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Ignore it."
"actor": "Microgrid Generator",
"dialogue": "You brush away the thought and turn back to the generator."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Pour fuel into the tank."
] |
"actor": "Damaged Ledger",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"inventory.ledger_greeting_done\"]]"
"actor": "Damaged Ledger",
"dialogue": "It's the ledger you found in the trash: a cabbage of papers hanging from the board, barely held together by the clip -- and made complete by the faint smell of urinal cleaner."
"actor": "Damaged Ledger",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"inventory.ledger_toilet_paper_seen\"]) == false]"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Look at the clipboard."
"actor": "Damaged Ledger",
"dialogue": "It's made of dark blue plastic hard enough to beat someone to submission with. The edges are rounded, however. The U4-sized board feels thick and heavy in your hand. Light shimmers on its wet surface. On the back you see the embossed letters: RCM."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Back to the rest of this mess."
"actor": "Damaged Ledger",
"dialogue": "U4-sized pages hang from the clip screwed to the top of the board."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Read a case file."
"actor": "Logic",
"dialogue": "It takes about half an hour to piece one together, using the system you've devised. Which one do you want?"
] |
"actor": "Deluxe Topping Pie",
"dialogue": "The super fancy topping pie is waiting for you to dig in."
"actor": "Conceptualization",
"dialogue": "You should eat it slowly, really savour the chef's concept."
"actor": "Authority",
"dialogue": "Eating this pie will almost certainly make you less of a man. What were you thinking, agreeing to take a wheat-free, meat-free pie from that sleazy bastard?"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "I'm hungover and *famished*! Who cares what's on it? Devour that topping pie!"
"actor": "Deluxe Topping Pie",
"dialogue": "You can barely taste what you're eating as you shove the slices in your mouth, but you can tell: it's doing your body good. Soon it's all gone -- just some wheat-free flour left on your hands."
] |
"actor": "Endurance",
"dialogue": "It's clear you like the hard stuff, bröther."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "[Discard thought.]"
"actor": "Endurance",
"dialogue": "No, no. When the blööd and the flesh call, there is no discarding them. Speak true, do you like *the hard stuff*?"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "What is *the hard stuff*?"
"actor": "Endurance",
"dialogue": "*Fascism*, bröther."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Am I having some kind of stomach seizure?"
"actor": "Endurance",
"dialogue": "Stomach truth. You're having a stomach *truth*."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Am I having some kind of stomach seizure?"
"actor": "Endurance",
"dialogue": "Stomach truth. You're having a stomach *truth*."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Why am I getting this?"
"actor": "Endurance",
"dialogue": "Because you've said the hard things, that others won't say. The gööd things. You've said them many times."
] |
"actor": "Inland Empire",
"dialogue": "Is that the phasmid? It looks like the phasmid, leaning against the wall..."
"actor": "Reaction Speed",
"dialogue": "Wait, what if this is the fishing rod situation all over again?"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "You're not going to be fooled again. You're going to stand here calmly and observe this non-phasmid until you see what it really is..."
"actor": "Inland Empire",
"dialogue": "Fine. It's not a phasmid. It's not even organic. Just a fire iron resting by the fire place. But... where's your sense of wonder, man?"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Forget about the phasmid... err, fire iron. [Leave.]"
] |
"actor": "Safety Curtains",
"dialogue": "As before, an iron safety curtain curves before your eyes. It covers half the room -- blocking the way into a colossal industrial chimney."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Hello? I yelled, but it didn't work...\""
"actor": "Safety Curtains",
"dialogue": "Again your voice becomes a raspy croak, mid-sentence. It's silent in the abandoned office building -- no one answers you."
"actor": "Empathy",
"dialogue": "A sudden bout of self pity comes over you."
"actor": "Drama",
"dialogue": "Sire, may we suggest something? Think of the yelling-into-the-furnace as a *grand performance*. Use your chest voice, not your head voice. Sing from the diaphragm."
"actor": "Physical Instrument",
"dialogue": "You took your shot and still missed. Well, you did your best, champ. Shame it wasn't good enough."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "[Leave.]"
] |
"actor": "Lilienne, the Net Picker",
"dialogue": "The woman gazes steadily at the waves. A sudden gust picks up her dark hair and lets it fall again, tussled, wild. She brushes a few stray locks from her eyes, and only then spots you approaching."
"actor": "Lilienne, the Net Picker",
"dialogue": "\"Aye, so here you are. It's late and it's raining. The water is...\" She puts her hands out and lets the rain fall on her palms. \"Cold. Ice cold.\""
"actor": "Lilienne, the Net Picker",
"dialogue": "\"Know that you're not the first guy to bring a girl to Land's End. This is what locals call a *make-out spot*. That is not going to happen here today -- I just want to make that clear, dimples.\" She turns to face the sea once more."
"actor": "Empathy",
"dialogue": "Her thoughts are still elsewhere -- with distances across the water, and with the water itself."
"actor": "Encyclopedia",
"dialogue": "Across the rusty water -- that's La Delta, the financial district. In the mist-covered distance, towers rise as a rebuke to the poverty of this coast."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Maybe this was a mistake. Everything feels uncomfortable. I should leave.\" [Leave.]"
"actor": "Lilienne, the Net Picker",
"dialogue": "\"Aye.\" She nods. \"I better head home to the kids.\""
] |
"actor": "Garte, the Cafeteria Manager",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"TASK.report_to_the_tribunal_done\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Garte, the Cafeteria Manager",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"whirling.karaoke_drama_redcheck\"] and Variable[\"whirling.garte_greet_post_karaoke_done\"] == false]"
"actor": "Garte, the Cafeteria Manager",
"dialogue": "\"Ah, 'Smallest Church in Saint-Saëns,' right?\" The cafeteria manager is waiting for you to acknowledge that he recognized the song."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Yeah. The Church is actually my *love*. Things are really *bad* with it.\""
"actor": "Garte, the Cafeteria Manager",
"dialogue": "\"Cool.\" He really does sound like he thinks it's a little *cool*. \"Now, what can I do for you?\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"I need a drink. Can you pour me one?\""
"actor": "Garte, the Cafeteria Manager",
"dialogue": "\"Do I have a shaker in my hand? Is this...\" He points to his empty hand. \"Is this a shaker?\""
"actor": "Empathy",
"dialogue": "He sounds irritated."
"actor": "Garte, the Cafeteria Manager",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"whirling.garte_empathy_irritated_shaker\"]]"
"actor": "Visual Calculus",
"dialogue": "... and it's not a shaker. It's nothing. He's holding nothing."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"No. There's nothing there.\""
"actor": "Garte, the Cafeteria Manager",
"dialogue": "\"Am I wearing a little bow tie? Am I wearing a bow tie and doing this?\" He shakes the imaginary shaker, furiously."
] |
"actor": "Little Lily",
"dialogue": "\"Hello, mister!\" A young girl, barely four or five years old, sits on the sofa. She is looking at you with frank curiosity."
"actor": "Little Lily",
"dialogue": "She clutches a small stuffed animal. Occasionally she twirls it around."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"I'm talking to the children to learn from them. Has anything strange happened here lately?\""
"actor": "Little Lily",
"dialogue": "\"Uhhhhh...\" She sits her doll on her lap. Its ragged limbs reach out toward you, as if longing for a cuddle. \"Like what?\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Anything that will help me dismantle Capitalism, so that you can inherit Communism, O' Girl Child Revolution?\""
"actor": "Little Lily",
"dialogue": "\"Cap-capi-capeel...\" She struggles to pronounce the words. She shakes her head. \"No.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Poor Girl Child Revolution. What have the bourgeois done to you?\""
"actor": "Little Lily",
"dialogue": "She turns the stuffed lamb to face her. \"What does that mean, Lamby?\" The doll offers no reply. Stuffing hangs out its rear."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Never mind. Have you just seen or heard anything weird lately?\""
"actor": "Little Lily",
"dialogue": "\"Yes!\" She lights with recognition. \"The twins got in trouble for saying *bad words*.\""
] |
"actor": "Barred Door",
"dialogue": "The door is small but heavy-looking. It's barred from the inside."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"So what's on the other side?\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"Unless we've veered off into a folded M dimension, I'm expecting to step out on the roof.\""
"actor": "Conceptualization",
"dialogue": "Folded M dimension. A reference to the popular science fiction series *In System*. Look who's in a good mood suddenly (and reads science fiction)."
"actor": "Inland Empire",
"dialogue": "Yes. It *is* quite likely that we will re-emerge on the M-Plain. Brace for psychokinetic impact. (Or the roof.)"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Lightly punch the door once more. Just in case."
"actor": "Barred Door",
"dialogue": "The door shudders a bit, as though it were laughing at you."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Lightly punch the door once more. Just in case."
"actor": "Barred Door",
"dialogue": "The door shudders a bit, as though it were laughing at you."
] |
"actor": "Feld Mural",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"boardwalk.feld_mural_main_hub_reached\"]]"
"actor": "Feld Mural",
"dialogue": "The once-bright mural towers above you, saying \"FELD ELECTRICAL R&D.\""
"actor": "Feld Mural",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"boardwalk.mural_look_in\"] and IsKimHere() == false]"
"actor": "Esprit de Corps",
"dialogue": "Somewhere in Martinaise, Lieutenant Kitsuragi is consulting his notebook... A sudden draught turns a page between his hands. You're going to need him if you want to listen to the wind."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Pull on your knowledge to understand what caused the twins to hear radio in their heads."
"actor": "Feld Mural",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"boardwalk.mural_encycloedia_pass_check\"]]"
"actor": "Encyclopedia",
"dialogue": "You know a lot about radio. Enough to know: You have no idea how or why those boys heard Speedfreaks FM in their heads."
"actor": "Encyclopedia",
"dialogue": "Knowledge like that isn't just obscure; it's unknowable. Dangerous theoretical facts like that are probably protected under the Coalition Government's Articles of Dominion, Title XIV, Article 7c. While an expert might be able to suss it out on their own, a layman like you has no hope."
"actor": "Encyclopedia",
"dialogue": "You don't know how it happened. But the stores of your knowledge are vast and there *is* something crucial in them."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "What's that?"
"actor": "Encyclopedia",
"dialogue": "You know where Ruby *isn't.*"
"actor": "Encyclopedia",
"dialogue": "She isn't in the fishing village. She's not with her bullet under the floorboards in the shack. So where could she be?"
] |
"actor": "The Deserter",
"dialogue": "He suddenly jerks to life: \"You know who he was -- a Coalition trained murderer, armoured and armed. He wasn't human, the blunt end of a hammer, *dripping with blood*...\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"He was a rapist. I'm not saying he didn't deserve it.\""
"actor": "The Deserter",
"dialogue": "\"...beating us to the ground. Moaning with joy...\" He breathes in with strange animation: \"You hounds get so thorough when a company-trained killer dies. I haven't seen you on this coast for *forty years*. You know... maybe I should have killed one sooner?\""
"actor": "The Deserter",
"dialogue": "\"Got your attention...\" He looks you dead in the eye, pupils shaking. \"*Now* you stop beating druggies and prostitutes in your basement. *Now* you come to investigate. Not when they die by the hundreds...\" He breathes through flared nostrils..."
"actor": "Rhetoric",
"dialogue": "This is it. Shot him, shot him, say shot him not killed him..."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"On second thought -- about something else...\""
"actor": "The Deserter",
"dialogue": "\"Figured.\" He sighs and holds his lower abdomen. A flash of pain there... it angers him."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Those words: 'the future teaches you...'\""
"actor": "The Deserter",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"village.skiff_said_boombox_to_kim\"]]"
"actor": "The Deserter",
"dialogue": "\"*Real music, real proletkult*.\" He nods. \"That's La Revacholière, not your rock-and-roll misanthropy. *Chanson de soldat* of the black-and-whites.\""
"actor": "Encyclopedia",
"dialogue": "Marching song..."
"actor": "The Deserter",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"seafort.deserter_ency_marching_song\"]]"
"actor": "Authority",
"dialogue": "Forget about that for a moment. You need to address that remark first."
] |
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "A moment passes. The lieutenant glances at the sports watch on his wrist."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Tell me about the case.\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"What do you want to know?\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Actually, I have all I need for now.\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"Good.\" The lieutenant nods."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Tell me about the case again.\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"What do you want to know?\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"What did your preliminary information say about it? Before you came here?\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"You mean like a brief? Do you want me to brief you?\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"*Brief*, yes. That sounds good.\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"Three days ago, the RCM Emergencies Desk received a report about a security guard who was found hanged in Martinaise. An anonymous caller said there was a dead body behind the Whirling-in-Rags hostel-cafeteria. The cadaver had been there for four days -- no one had come to investigate...\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"During that time, the victim had been stripped of his belongings. The caller did not identify him, but used the word *lynching*. There is an ongoing labour dispute between the local dockworkers and the logistics company Wild Pines. I was told we should approach the death as part of this dispute.\""
] |
"actor": "Measurehead",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"gates.mhead_fight_success\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Measurehead",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"gates.mhead_greeting_done\"]]"
"actor": "Measurehead",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: IsTHCPresent(\"advanced_race_theory\")]"
"actor": "Measurehead",
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Subscribe to his advanced race theory."
"actor": "Measurehead",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"gates.mhead_whitec_conc_race_theory\"]]"
"actor": "Conceptualization",
"dialogue": "Ask what kind of races are there first. Classification is core to this stuff."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "I don't want to do that. (Opt out.)"
"actor": "Conceptualization",
"dialogue": "Yes. Better not to expand your mind in this direction. You may find out too much about the *mystery*, fly too close to the race sun."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Don't be such an asshole to your fellow dockworker.\" (Show him the stolen ID card.)"
] |
"actor": "Damaged Ledger",
"dialogue": "Like a fan of gills the chequered papers dry in your hand. The handwriting is extremely dense, if mostly illegible."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "How much is that -- two new cases a week?"
"actor": "Logic",
"dialogue": "A lot? A little? You have no idea, this all depends."
"actor": "Inland Empire",
"dialogue": "Does it? It feels like a *lot*. Or maybe even more than a lot. It feels like *too much*."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "There was mention of a... *naming convention* here?"
"actor": "Damaged Ledger",
"dialogue": "Yes. It appears you employ a... shall we say *robust yet literary* system. Each investigation has its case number written on the margins. Yet, still more tellingly, most are accompanied by a *name*."
"actor": "Conceptualization",
"dialogue": "A *title* one might say even. One that draws inspiration from snoop fiction and Vespertine cop show staples."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "I don't wanna... (Back to the case files.)"
"actor": "Damaged Ledger",
"dialogue": "Arson. Petty theft. Spousal abuse -- handwritten logs on investigations dating back to January, ´51 -- stamped CASE FILES, COMMIT TO PAPER. These are the last couple of months of your life."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "(Count the pages.) I have to open an official case. Is there room?"
"actor": "Damaged Ledger",
"dialogue": "There is -- for precisely *one* more. Fifteen pages near the end remain untouched by the damage. The chequered grid forms a structure of passages, breaking the case into sub-tasks to accomplish."
"actor": "Logic",
"dialogue": "Once all the tasks are accomplished, the case is complete."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "COMMIT TO PAPER."
] |
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"boardwalk.thepigs_took_rcm_cap\"] and Variable[\"boardwalk.thepigs_took_narcotics\"] and Variable[\"boardwalk.thepigs_altgreet_items_done\"]) == false]"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"boardwalk.thepigs_greeting_done\"]) == false]"
"actor": "The Pigs",
"dialogue": "\"Put your hands where I can see them,\" the ageing woman under a mountain of police paraphernalia mumbles to herself, then notices you and reaches for the megaphone..."
"actor": "The Pigs",
"dialogue": "\"Show me your hands. This is the Pigs. Show me your hands *RIGHT NOW*,\" she screams in the megaphone. \"SHOW ME YOUR HANDS RIGHT NOW!\""
"actor": "The Pigs",
"dialogue": "Scavenged battery-powered police lights protrude from her back. The flickering light-show reveals a gun in her shaking hand."
"actor": "Interfacing",
"dialogue": "Her hand is trembling from some sort of neurodegenerative disease."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: IsKimHere()]"
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"Madam! Please drop the firearm immediately!\""
"actor": "Half Light",
"dialogue": "You shouldn't be here. Something's very wrong with her. She's completely out of control."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"If you want the prybar you're gonna have to... pry it from me.\""
"actor": "The Pigs",
"dialogue": "\"Failure to comply. Suspect is displaying aggression! OFFICER UNDER DURESS! OFFICER UNDER DURESS!\""
"actor": "Reaction Speed",
"dialogue": "Her eyes bulge with terror. Veins protrude on her forehead."
"actor": "The Pigs",
"dialogue": "\"I *am* the police! Don't move! DON'T MOVE! Hands on your head! SUSPECT IS ARMED AND DANGEROUS!\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"I'm not moving.\""
] |
"actor": "René Arnoux",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (DayCount() == 3) == false]"
"actor": "René Arnoux",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"plaza.rene_refused_boule\"]) == false]"
"actor": "René Arnoux",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"TASK.get_petanquista_new_boule_done\"]]"
"actor": "René Arnoux",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"plaza.reneandgaston_greeting_done\"]]"
"actor": "René Arnoux",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"plaza.rene_formed_a_militia\"]) == false]"
"actor": "René Arnoux",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"auto.is_snowing\"]]"
"actor": "René Arnoux",
"dialogue": "\"The purity of snow always reminds me of the purity of a man's soul....\" He looks at the falling snow. \"If he's got principles.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"René, I wanted to ask, what *did* you actually get these medals for?\""
"actor": "René Arnoux",
"dialogue": "\"For doing my duty in the heat of battle, for looking my mortality in the eye, when men like Gaston here hid in the bushes and shat themselves...\""
] |
"actor": "Scattering of Bullet Holes",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"coast.exec_viscal_succeeded\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Perception (Sight)",
"dialogue": "A scattering of bullet holes is spread across the cracked wall, reaching from one corner to the other."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Why this many bullet holes?"
"actor": "Scattering of Bullet Holes",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"coast.exec_whitec_viscal_bullets\"]]"
"actor": "Visual Calculus",
"dialogue": "A row of ghostly shades stand facing the wall. There are many of them, a dozen at least, their heads lowered and eyes blindfolded. It's quiet. No sound, no movement."
"actor": "Visual Calculus",
"dialogue": "Ten metres away -- other shades are lined up in an orderly manner, automatic rifles primed. A gust of wind blows by -- the coats of the firing squad flap slowly in the breeze. A single person stands on the side."
"actor": "Scattering of Bullet Holes",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"auto.is_raining\"]]"
"actor": "Visual Calculus",
"dialogue": "Droplets of rain fall on the wooden planks, the surrounding sand dunes. The clouds block out any rays of light..."
"actor": "Visual Calculus",
"dialogue": "A long time has passed since the moment of this fusillading. Rain and brine have since washed all the blood away. Not a trace remains."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "What *is* this..."
"actor": "Visual Calculus",
"dialogue": "The abundance of bullet holes leads to two options: either an inordinate amount of executions were performed here, or they did not use a *conscience round* -- where only one soldier has the loaded rifle. Looks like this was a mass execution with everyone fully armed."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Kim, who was who in this execution?\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "At first the lieutenant doesn't say a word... he just stares at the wall. \"I don't know,\" he says finally. \"I don't know who died here, lined up beside that horrible wall. It could have been any of the parties involved in the Revolution.\""
] |
"actor": "Evrart Claire",
"dialogue": "\"What?\" The big man looks at you surprised."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"The brew! The shady, shady brew.\""
"actor": "Evrart Claire",
"dialogue": "\"Oh, how could I forget your little side-project! Well done, Harry. Well done! Don't even tell me what it was. But good job! I love it when workers take the initiative like this.\""
"actor": "Electrochemistry",
"dialogue": "So do I. That's one tasty brew, you should drink some right now if you can!"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"I opened the door you asked me. Can we discuss the murder now?\""
"actor": "Evrart Claire",
"dialogue": "\"I'm very glad to hear that, Harry,\" he says with a smile. \"One question: you didn't actually happen to stumble in and see what's inside the apartment, did you?\""
"actor": "Drama",
"dialogue": "He's trying to figure out if you're lying."
"actor": "Suggestion",
"dialogue": "There is no way to sway this man in any direction. He is un-suggestable and un-swayable. Just tell the truth."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"I did go inside. He had the glorious flag of *Revachol the Suzerain* on his wall.\""
"actor": "Evrart Claire",
"dialogue": "\"The *weasel* is no true patriot, Harry.\" He shakes his head. \"He prays every night for the downfall of the Union -- and spits upon the name of the king.\""
"actor": "Drama",
"dialogue": "He *was* testing you. And you succeeded."
"actor": "Evrart Claire",
"dialogue": "\"Now let's get down to brass tacks. It's time for men like me and you to figure out who's killed who and why.\" He pretends to roll up his sleeves. \"Real police work is gonna start happening now. I promise you, Harry, this is gonna be good.\""
] |
"actor": "Electrochemistry",
"dialogue": "Now that you've acquired some stimulants, it's time for a little pick-me-up. Time to *detect*."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "What... but right *here*? Now?"
"actor": "Electrochemistry",
"dialogue": "See, that's your problem -- a lack of confidence. Speed can help you with that. It can help you with EVERYTHING."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "This is gonna be really bad for my health, isn't it?"
"actor": "Electrochemistry",
"dialogue": "It's not ideal, no... But you need the zeal. Let's face it, you're never going to finish this case without cheating."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Will it make me into a Supercop?"
"actor": "Electrochemistry",
"dialogue": "It will make you into *more* than that -- a Megacop! This is your modus operandi. This is how you've done it for *years*. Let's go!"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Okay, my body is ready. Let's do this. (Try some speed.)"
] |
"actor": "Steban, the Student Communist",
"dialogue": "\"Go ahead.\" The young man gives you a half-smile. His companion sniffs."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Do I *know* you two from somewhere?\""
"actor": "Steban, the Student Communist",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"inventory.fumee_logic_anagrams\"] or Variable[\"inventory.fumee_rhetoric_names\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Steban, the Student Communist",
"dialogue": "\"I don't think so.\" The young man gives you a curious look. \"Unless you've been hanging around the Cultural Studies faculty at the École Normale de Revachol...\""
"actor": "Echo Maker",
"dialogue": "\"Perhaps he subscribes to 'La Fumée'.\""
"actor": "Empathy",
"dialogue": "That's sarcasm. He does not expect you to subscribe to radical communist periodicals."
"actor": "Steban, the Student Communist",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"inventory.fumee_concept_term_paper\"]) == false]"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "(Show them 'La Fumée'.) \"Wait, *you* guys wrote for *this*?\""
"actor": "Steban, the Student Communist",
"dialogue": "\"*You've* read our article?\" For the first time since you've met the young man, words seem to desert him..."
"actor": "Echo Maker",
"dialogue": "\"That I did not expect.\" His companion is blushing now, a sheepish grin on his face."
"actor": "Savoir Faire",
"dialogue": "The energy in the room has shifted ever so slightly in your favour. They're afraid they've somehow *embarrassed* themselves in front of you."
"actor": "Steban, the Student Communist",
"dialogue": "\"Well, don't keep us on tenterhooks! What did you think of the essay?\""
"actor": "Empathy",
"dialogue": "The delicate egos on these boys! Even though you're just some cop they're desperate for your approval."
] |
"actor": "Electrochemistry",
"dialogue": "Good going, buddy."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Is that how it's going to be now when I close my eyes?"
"actor": "Electrochemistry",
"dialogue": "Yes. Wait till you see the one with the chick in it, it's gonna be a good one. You feel even worse this morning than you did last night."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "What chick?"
"actor": "Electrochemistry",
"dialogue": "You don't know? Some broad that messed you up. It'll come to you. It always does."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "What the hell is going on with me?"
"actor": "Electrochemistry",
"dialogue": "You mean why are you so tired? Too tired and *down* to even think? It *is* worrying, isn't it. You can't be a detective like this -- detectives need to be able to think."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Why is this happening?"
"actor": "Electrochemistry",
"dialogue": "It's just that your heart has finally pumped all the *speed* out of your system, buster. Time to get some more."
"actor": "Volition",
"dialogue": "Don't do that. Stay strong. The hangover will wear off. You don't need to keep doing this to yourself."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Wait. What *is*... speed?"
"actor": "Electrochemistry",
"dialogue": "Speed is a potent central nervous system stimulant. It kept you propped up all day yesterday despite your debilitating hangover. How else did you think you even got up from this floor?"
] |
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"I think this may be the Artemitep's Boxing Club For Young Athletes.\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"I think you're right,\" he says. \"Though it looks like no one's been here in ages...\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"I doubt the electricity still works... We should find a flashlight if we want to go on. There should be one in my Kineema.\""
"actor": "Perception (Sight)",
"dialogue": "Some specks of dust shimmer in a faint beam of daylight falling from the window. Other than that, the room is dark."
"actor": "Inland Empire",
"dialogue": "An eerie feeling rises in your chest..."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Let's go get the flashlight then.\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "The lieutenant nods."
] |
"actor": "Real Estate Agent",
"dialogue": "\"What now?\" She crosses her arms impatiently."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Isn't it a bit late to be working?\""
"actor": "Real Estate Agent",
"dialogue": "\"It *is*.\" She breathes in and out to the count of three -- it looks like some special stress release technique -- before she continues..."
"actor": "Real Estate Agent",
"dialogue": "\"Everyone says that real estate agents don't *do* anything, but here I am, in the middle of the night, cleaning up someone's 'crash pad'.\""
"actor": "Real Estate Agent",
"dialogue": "\"So, the sooner we get this over with, the better.\" She means you -- time for the next question."
"actor": "Endurance",
"dialogue": "Come to think of it, she *does* look incredibly tired."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"What are you doing here?\""
"actor": "Real Estate Agent",
"dialogue": "She sighs and looks around. \"I need to get it ready for the next lease, but as you can see, the previous tenant completely trashed the place.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Sounds like they knew how to have a good time.\""
"actor": "Real Estate Agent",
"dialogue": "\"It was some kind of a moribund old man, who used to be a business owner. You'd think they'd make rent...\" She stops, hesitating."
"actor": "Composure",
"dialogue": "A sudden serious look crosses her face. This story didn't have a happy ending."
"actor": "Real Estate Agent",
"dialogue": "\"But -- that was months ago. Anyway. Was there anything you wanted, or is that it? I'm in a hurry.\""
] |
"actor": "Electronic Doorbell",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: IsKimHere()]"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "I don't care what it is."
"actor": "Electronic Doorbell",
"dialogue": "Twelve name cards on the call box read:"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Fortress Accident SCA.\""
"actor": "Electronic Doorbell",
"dialogue": "Silence. No one's home at Fortress Accident."
"actor": "Electronic Doorbell",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"doomed.radiocomputer_fortress_accident_why_failed_clicked\"]]"
"actor": "Shivers",
"dialogue": "They have failed."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Slipstream SCA.\""
"actor": "Electronic Doorbell",
"dialogue": "You hear static from the intercom speaker. It sounds as if someone has picked up the receiver, but isn't saying anything."
"actor": "Perception (Hearing)",
"dialogue": "You can almost hear them breathe."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Hello? Is anyone there?\""
"actor": "Tricentennial Electrics",
"dialogue": "\"Yes, hello, this is Tricentennial Electrics.\" This is a woman's voice, crackling and fragile through the static."
"actor": "Tricentennial Electrics",
"dialogue": "\"Have you come to place an order?\""
] |
"actor": "Andre",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"church.ravers_inside_church\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Andre",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"ice.andre_volition_exit_used\"]]"
"actor": "Andre",
"dialogue": "\"I knew it! The man is back for those sweet, sweet questions!\" The young man smiles at you. \"What will it be?\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"About the church door...\""
"actor": "Andre",
"dialogue": "\"Mhm?\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Right. Other questions.\" (Conclude.)"
"actor": "Andre",
"dialogue": "\"Sure, man. Tell us what you wanna know, let's do it!\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "No words. Just dance."
"actor": "Andre",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"ice.andre_composure_initiated_dance\"]) == false]"
] |
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Deal damage..."
"actor": "Cuno",
"dialogue": "1 dmg to endurance"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "More Damage!"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Deal damage..."
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "1 dmg to volition"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "More Damage!"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Deal damage..."
"actor": "Cuno",
"dialogue": "1 dmg to endurance"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "More Damage!"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Deal damage..."
"actor": "Cuno",
"dialogue": "1 dmg to endurance"
"actor": "Smoker on the Balcony",
"dialogue": "[Leave] I'm done."
] |
"actor": "Door, Apartment #28",
"dialogue": "This door is made of metal and appears to be reinforced. Someone here really values their security."
"actor": "Reaction Speed",
"dialogue": "Number twenty eight... This is where the cleaning lady said the smoker on the balcony lives."
"actor": "Smoker on the Balcony",
"dialogue": "\"Yes?\" A handsome young man hums with a cigarette in his hand. \"Are you looking for me, gendarme?\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Knock."
"actor": "Door, Apartment #28",
"dialogue": "No one answers."
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"Let's go. There's nothing to do here for us anymore.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Knock."
] |
"actor": "Alice",
"dialogue": "\"One moment...\" You can hear her shuffling through some papers."
"actor": "Alice",
"dialogue": "\"Can you please describe the body -- age, sex, cause of death?\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"An unidentified middle-aged man. Looks like he slipped, fell through a hole in the boardwalk and hit his head against the metal bench.\""
"actor": "Alice",
"dialogue": "\"Any signs of violence?\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"There might be a *sequence killer* on the loose.\""
"actor": "Alice",
"dialogue": "\"A sequence killer.\" You can hear her stop typing. \"Are you suggesting that this might be connected to the case you're working on?\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Actually, scratch that -- there is no sequence killer, I just made it up.\""
"actor": "Alice",
"dialogue": "\"You just made it up?\" Silence. \"I see.\""
"actor": "Alice",
"dialogue": "\"What about his belongings? Did you examine his clothes?\" She goes on as if nothing happened."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"He was wearing boots, trousers and an old leather jacket with a bright blue lining. I found a library card from his pockets.\""
"actor": "Alice",
"dialogue": "\"Any information on the library card?\""
] |
"actor": "Measurehead",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (IsKimHere() and Variable[\"gates.measurhead_disable_kim_react_to_turnbacktime_if_seen_once\"] == false) == false]"
"actor": "Measurehead",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"tc.pale\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Measurehead",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"plaza.joyce_fascha_dq_endurance_too_late_reality_now_must_get_from_headmeasure\"]]"
"actor": "Measurehead",
"dialogue": "\"THAT SURPRISES NO ONE. AND YET YOU *STILL* FEEL ENTITLED TO RETURN TO THE PAST?\" The giant locks eyes with you. His face is serious..."
"actor": "Measurehead",
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Wait, what exactly am I lacking?\""
"actor": "Measurehead",
"actor": "Measurehead's Babe",
"dialogue": "\"Stop boring Measurehead. He talks about *big* things and you only talk about yourself!\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"So it *is* possible to go back?\""
"actor": "Measurehead",
"actor": "Measurehead",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"TASK.what_is_race_enigma_done\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Measurehead",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"gates.mhead_fight_success\"]]"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Can't you just give me a straight answer for once?\""
] |
"actor": "Shivers",
"dialogue": "Winter, slow to let go of Revachol, flecks some more wet snow from above..."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Look around you."
"actor": "Shivers",
"dialogue": "The snow falls lazily, making the beach sand paler still, mixing with the rust-coloured sewage run-off."
"actor": "Shivers",
"dialogue": "It has been a cold year. All things waiting for spring will have to wait a bit longer."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "What am I doing?"
"actor": "Shivers",
"dialogue": "Looking up at the sky, melted snow dripping from your hair..."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "What do I see?"
"actor": "Shivers",
"dialogue": "The sky is full of great battleships. White clouds collide with one another, and the world is drenched with their debris."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "How does it feel?"
"actor": "Shivers",
"dialogue": "You're warm in your hat and your coat. Like a well-equipped explorer, you comfortably survey the white landscape."
] |
"actor": "Joyce Messier",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"pier.joyce_village_intro_done\"]]"
"actor": "Joyce Messier",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: IsNight()]"
"actor": "Joyce Messier",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"pier.joyce_special_greeting_done_night\"]]"
"actor": "Joyce Messier",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"auto.is_raining\"] and IsDayFrom(2)) == false]"
"actor": "Joyce Messier",
"dialogue": "\"You're back. Good.\" She takes a sip from her silvery thermal cup. \"What can I help you with?\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Thank you. That's all for now.\" [Leave.]"
"actor": "Joyce Messier",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"pier.joyce_exited_once\"]]"
] |
Subsets and Splits