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The Program Staff and Supervisor Level certifications require educators to have a two-year diploma in ECEC. A Common Skills Working group has been established to identify what should be included in initial ECEC staff education programmes. Stakeholders are invited to comment on the identified skills and knowledge areas for ECEC staff. After receiving the comments, the plan will be revised. The goal of this initiative is to strengthen the workforce knowledge and improve quality ECEC delivery. | sdg4 |
Up to several hours are achievable. However, electrical energy is notoriously difficult to store and currently still suffers from very high costs. Nevertheless, a number of different technologies are available to provide storage in the grid. Electrical energy can be directly stored without conversion to another carrier in electrical double layer capacitors (EDLC) or superconducting magnetic energy storage systems (SMES). | sdg7 |
One critical issue is whether certain land-use (e.g. infrastructure) projects require provincial approval (in addition to, or instead of, municipal approval), and if so, which procedure should be followed. Traditional authorities actively oppose the bill because provincial and local development plans often pay no attention to the interests of traditional rural communities. They do not involve local tribal leaders in development projects, economic activities and even environmental conservation efforts in their area. | sdg6 |
Food security is mentioned only once, although protecting people in the rural sector is acknowledged (for example the need to protect households against crop failure) but these connections (in formal documentation at least) are implicit rather than explicit. The focus is on social transfers, community-based insurance and school feeding programmes. Some operations do make transfers to food insecure people, though the links to food security are not made explicitly in programming operations are at a different level, for example tl improve the fiscal, legal and institutional frameworks and coherent design of comprehensive social protection programmes. | sdg2 |
This is, however, only an expert estimate based on the number of vehicles delivering waste to disposal sites, so the reliability of these data is low. Estimates for MSW generation for the country as a whole are shown in table 8.1. The strong increase in MSW generation in recent years is most likely due to improved monitoring of vehicles delivering waste to the Balakhani disposal site than to an actual rise in MSW. However, there are agents who buy waste paper, plastic and metals from individuals. | sdg12 |
In the paper industry, the global economic crisis has hit hard, production in Europe and North America has decreased 17% in 2008, with prices continuing to fall. According to the World Bank, projections reflect the rapid deterioration in financial and economic condition and the increasingly negative interaction between weakening economies and fragile financial system that have come to the fore since late 2008 for virtually every country in the world. First and foremost are economic factors as well as: currency rate movements, green building programs, public procurement policies, social responsibility, environmental consciousness, climate change, deforestation and afforestation, alternative demands on forests and, and alternative building materials. These negative perceptions include: that the GHG balances of biofuels are not good, that they require endless subsidies, that land and w'ater resources constrain bioenergy to marginal levels, that biofuels increase food prices and are not good for farmers and that other alternatives (solar, efficiency, hydrogen) are better and really sustainable. | sdg15 |
This approach is recommended when a sufficiently wide and well organised rental market exists. The application of the rental equivalence approach would have implied a smoother evolution of housing income given the stability of rental prices. Applying the same rate of return over a prolonged period of time is problematic. In the current low-interest rate context for instance, a 4% annual rate of return may be unrealistically high. | sdg10 |
The total area (mainland and sea) under permanent protection in Croatia steadily increased over the period 2009-2012 (table 8.4 and map 8.1). By the end of 2012, there were 431 nature sites protected in nine categories (table 8.5). The national protected areas feature internationally recognized protected areas including five Ramsar sites (Cma Mlaka, Lonjsko polje and Mokro polje, Kopacki rit, Neretva River Delta and Vransko Lake), two biosphere reserves (Mura-Drava-Danube Regional Park, and Kopacki Rit Nature Park), and a World Heritage site (Plitvice Lakes National Park). | sdg15 |
The aim of this study is to share interdisciplinary reflections on collective health conducted in the Collective Health discipline at the undergraduate level of a higher education institution in Rio Grande do Sul. This is a descriptive, exploratory and qualitative research, with forty and five students from the Collective Health discipline as participants. Data collection occurred through the performance of a concept map activity, being analyzed with approximations of Bardin's Content Analysis (2016). It was found that students understand the importance of collective health in their training contexts, inferring about important aspects identified in mental maps. The articulations between collective health and secondary themes stimulated the construction of effective and constructive problematizations about the theme with emphasis on interdisciplinary practices. Thus, the study enabled the exchange of information and comprehensive reflection on public health and the interdisciplinary performance of students. | sdg16 |
Closing the Coverage Gap: The Role of Social Pensions and Other Retirement Income Transfers, World Bank, Washington DC., Paper to be presented at the 6th IZA/World Bank Conference on Employment and Development, June 2011, Mexico City, www.iza.org/conference_files/worldb2011/ribas_r6802.pdf. Journal of Public Economics, Vol. | sdg10 |
This is evidenced in the ‘Women, Business and the Law 2016’ report (World Bank, 2015), which finds that 90% of the 173 economies surveyed had at least one law impeding women's economic opportunities. In economies with legal differentiations, survey respondents at fi rms owned or managed by women report paying more bribes. This suggests that a lack of legal parity creates additional business costs for women. This inequality begins with inheritance rights. According to the report’s data, in 33 out of 173 countries sons and daughters do not have equal rights to inherit assets from their parents, 18 of those countries are in the MENA region. | sdg5 |
However, the state of local infrastructure is often quite bad in the State of Kebbi. The road that links Kamba to Gaya shows the low level of interest accorded to certain strategic road sections from a perspective of external exchange. Although plans to completely reconstruct the road were announced since the 2000s, there has been no tangible sign of rehabilitation. This road is, however, a primary route for long-distance trade in this part of the border region. An improvement of connections with neighbouring countries would grow Kamba's population base towards Kandi in Benin, which would be accessible in fewer than two hours, and towards the agglomeration of Niamey, which would be accessible in less than 3 hours and 30 minutes without a wait at the border (OECD/SWAC, 2019b). | sdg5 |
Finally, given the problems people with criminal records face in finding employment, the authorities should consider removing barriers to expunging criminal records of those who have undergone treatment successfully. Tax Policy in the Age of Automation”, Harvard Law & Policy Review, Vol. Evidence on the Role of Urban Governance from Five OECD Countries”, OECD Regional Development Working Papers, No. | sdg8 |
The findings of this study highlight the opportunities for partnership to aid implementation success. These centres, which bring together service providers in one place, have the potential to address some of the challenges faced by the education system in terms of dealing with mental ill health. First, despite increased investment in school-based mental health support, available services often lack the capacity to deliver effective and comprehensive responses students’ mental health concerns (see Section 3.5). | sdg3 |
They act as individuals and inject capital into companies that often represent a niche or an innovative profession. They represent an effective way of funding an enterprise and offer the benefit of the expertise of an experienced sponsor. They generally focus on innovative and creative projects with a relatively high expected rate of return. | sdg5 |
Transnational regulatory power is increasingly exercised by bodies with no formal accountability to states, although such bodies affect the way individuals, organizations, and states themselves conduct their affairs. As a general rule, courts have been reluctant to engage with these transnational private regulators. This article argues that courts in Singapore and Canada are gradually, if haltingly, fashioning public law principles that enable them to judicially review decisions of domestic private regulators. These principles tend to focus not on the formal status of the body exercising power but on the nature of that power, essentially articulating a functional test. The article argues further that, as it has developed in Singapore and Canada, administrative law contains within it legal tools and principles that would enable courts to judicially review the decisions of transnational private regulators and allow them to play an important role in shaping the emerging norms that govern transnational regulation. | sdg16 |
If tax rates are raised above a certain threshold, w hich is, however, impossible to determine precisely, the behavioural response of those w'ho have to bear the greatest share of the tax burden may cause the tax base to shrink along with the economic activity that determines the tax base. One recent study has found that current top income tax rates in most OECD countries are well below' those at which the total tax yield would be maximized (Piketty, Saez and Stantcheva, 2011). According to this study, revenue-maximizing top marginal income tax rates range between 57 per cent and 83 per cent. | sdg10 |
In the last decade efforts have focused on developing a value-added production chain by attracting investments in high technology industries, medical technology, pharmaceuticals, and tourism, an effort that is ongoing. Determined efforts are being made to move away from dependence on exports towards boosting domestic demand. However exports continue to drive the economy. | sdg4 |
The extent to which either fits the available evidence has been questioned (Card and DiNardo, 2002, Goos and Manning, 2007). See Chapter 5 for more discussion on technological upgrading and skill composition. See McKinley (2009) for a recent exposition of Kuznets’s hypothesis in the context of the pro-poor growth debate. | sdg1 |
The effects of climate change are being integrated into policy development through the concept of “permanent adjustment”. This recognises that climate change is only one of a number of natural and socio-economic processes that will drive the extent and magnitude of natural hazards. The recurrence of torrents, avalanches and other natural hazards has led to a policy of “living with natural hazards and risks”. The relevant adaptation options in the Austrian NAS include support for individual risk prevention and management (one-stop shop for information about climate change adaptation and natural hazards, provision of climate-relevant information, improvement of early warning systems, increased awareness of private insurance options, promotion of technical options to protect assets), sustainable land-use planning to avoid exposure of assets to natural disasters, and water management through water retention and deliberate flooding to avoid discharge peaks. Additionally, the NAS includes a package of actions to improve disaster risk management, such as increased flexibility in financing for disaster risk responses and extension of training courses for disaster risk management coverage. | sdg13 |
Funded courses will enable graduates to develop a career in engineering having achieved a first degree in a non-engineering discipline (typically, students are not eligible for additional student loans when pursuing a degree at the same level as one which they already have). About GBP 1.7 million has been allocated to 28 projects as part of the Engineering Conversion course pilot scheme. The funding will support one collaborative project with higher education and industry that improves graduate employability and addresses identified skill needs. The funding is available to HEFCE-funded higher education institutions with existing course provision in computer science or information technology. | sdg4 |
Creating avenues for safe and successful migration both within a country and beyond its borders constitutes an important means of improving economic outcomes for youth facing widespread unemployment and poor job quality. Likewise, for developed economies experiencing a decline in the share of the working-age population, immigration provides an important means of sustaining employment-driven growth and supporting existing social safety nets. For large migrant-sending countries, workers' remittances from abroad provide an important source of household income and government revenue. Naturally, however, this comes with frictions and risks on both sides. | sdg8 |
In Greece, science parks have taken on a facilitator role given the absence of regional technology initiatives and the academic orientation of the universities. A set of research institutes within the Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (FORTH) have promoted this model, seeking explicitly to provide the foundations for a new regionalised research, technology and development infrastructure and to provide technology transfer support, especially from FORTH and university research. As a relatively underdeveloped economy with low levels of R&D investment, Greece had been slow to develop science parks, although there are now parks in many of the larger towns and cities, such as Athens, Patras, Heraklion and Thessaloniki. | sdg9 |
The holding of free, democratic elections planned for 2016, within the constitutional deadline, is the country’s main political challenge to consolidate the achievements of the democratic process that began in 2006. Urban areas dominate the national economy and offer better living conditions than rural areas. However, there are risks associated with current urbanisation trends in the DRC: an increase in unplanned and informal neighbourhoods, poor quality of urban transport and congestion in cities, and limited access to social infrastructure. The country does not have a national urbanisation strategy, although it does have some measures and ongoing national initiatives which could directly or indirectly contribute to urban development, especially the land-use planning reform, construction projects for special economic zones and agro-industrial parks. It was driven by agriculture, investment, services and an improved business climate. | sdg11 |
It explained that the greening of government projects essentially sought to enhance the government’s environmental stewardship, and to incorporate environmental considerations in public policy-making and strategic planning in the private sector (ENACT 2001a). One of the products of this project was the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) that was prepared for the cabinet to guide the ‘integration of environmental issues into the formulation of policies, plans and programmes’ (ENACT and Cabinet Office 2001,6). It highlighted the importance of energy and water conservation and waste management, all of which later became points of emphasis for the green economy (Commonwealth Secretariat 2005). | sdg12 |
This leads to what Christensen refers to as the innovator’s dilemma, where successful organisations put too much emphasis on current success, and thus fail to innovate in the long run. These typically include, but are not limited to, regulations related to competition and product market regulation, to employment protection, to bankruptcy, and to access to finance. These framework conditions are crucial for ICT adoption as they influence the incentives to experiment with (disruptive) innovations, and the ability to scale up successful digital innovations and to scale them down if they turn out to be a failure. | sdg9 |
Studies have suggested that widening wage inequality has reduced the returns to marriage, as low-skilled men’s relative wages have declined so too have the benefits of marriage, and having a child within marriage, for women. At the same time, improved labour market prospects have further reduced women’s incentive to marry. These changes may help explain some of the increase in single parenthood in recent decades, particularly in countries where inequality is high. | sdg1 |
Because experts make scientific value judgements in the process of risk assessment, such as the use of default assumptions or scientific choices among a number of alternatives (FAO/WHO, 1997), the question has arisen of whether such judgements should be within the realm of risk management. Particularly in cases where assessment involves uncertainty, it is argued that how such scientific value judgements were undertaken must be clearly explained because they can affect the entire outcome. These were some of the focuses of discussions by several Codex committees (including the Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues, the Committee on Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Foods and the Committee on Food Additives) about the application of risk assessment policy,3 which comprises documented guidelines on the choice of options and judgements at decision points in the risk assessment that are established by risk managers in consultation with risk assessors and the relevant stakeholders in advance of risk assessment. | sdg2 |
Strive to make early warning systems multihazard and people-centred, keeping in mind the response requirements at the local level (‘the last mile’). Ensure that forecasters are mindful of the specific needs of the end users of different types of warning information, and tailor products and services accordingly. Seek effective communication channels with the people at risk, including by integrating the broadcast media into the early warning chain. | sdg13 |
Nuclear power is frequently considered a pure baseload technology working at the rated power level for long periods of time. This baseload working mode has two advantages: (a) technical, commercial and organisational simplicity, and (b) it is the commercially most advantageous form of operation in a context of stable prices for electricity. High load factors over long periods of time are essential to pay back the investment costs of high fixed-cost and low variable-cost technologies such as nuclear energy.7 Unsurprisingly, nuclear energy is thus used in baseload mode in most OECD countries. A high ratio of fixed costs to variable costs is a characteristic that nuclear energy shares with most renewable technologies. | sdg7 |
Insufficient research attention has been paid to the way that electoral politics shape public policy on overseas development aid. Accordingly, this study makes an original contribution by examining party politicisation, issue-salience and the policy discourse of international aid in the principal parties’ manifestos in post-war UK state-wide elections. The findings show that over the past five decades a trend of increasing issue-salience has been accompanied by inter-party differences in policy framing, with the parties of the Left attaching greater priority to promoting international equality, articulating aid as an entitlement linked to rights and the elimination of poverty, and employing tropes such as humanitarianism, democracy and good governance. Crucially, comparison of manifesto discourse and subsequent government policy raises questions over parties’ accountability, for, having secured a mandate on specific aid proposals, a key disconnect is seen to operate between the rhetoric of aid and policy delivery. | sdg16 |
Often, local radio stations are owned by men, the radio broadcasts are presented by men, and the topics are chosen by men. Radio programmes can also be combined with the use of mobile phones, encouraging listeners to call in to ask questions, or to intervene by sending an SMS. The Internet can make radio programmes available at all times, while also serving as a valuable resource for the radio producers. | sdg5 |
This means that during this period, agricultural production growth outstripped population growth at a faster pace than what has occurred over the previous 40 years. Growth rates are compound annual growth rates, that is, the annual rate of growth fr) in prediction (QP) required so that production increases from that observed in period t to that in period t*n: 1+r = exp((ln{QPK,) - ln(QPi))/n). It should be noted that if QP in period t+n is abnormally low, the estimated compound annual growth rate will also be biased downwards. | sdg2 |
This effort gained new momentum and inspiration in 1994, when 179 governments gathered in Cairo for the International Conference on Population and Development and forged a plan for sustainable development grounded in individual rights and choices and the achievement of sexual and reproductive health for all. That plan, embodied in a Programme of Action, not only re-energized the global reproductive rights movement but also positioned UNFPA as the movement's custodian. | sdg5 |
Hare and partridge breeding programmes have been undertaken. Nearly all (98%) of the LP forests are certified under the internationally recognised Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) programme, making Poland the fifth largest FSC-certified area in the world (FSC, 2014). The world’s largest forest certification system, the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC), was introduced in Poland in 2003. | sdg15 |
Recent reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) (Porter et al., This will have great consequences on the national and local economy, especially in SSA, South Asia (SA), and Southeast Asia (SEA), where agriculture constitute the backbone of the economy, thus not only affecting the livelihoods and food security level of millions of people, but also economic security and development. These challenges necessitate urgent adaptation actions in the agricultural sector to meet future demand and changed conditions. Meanwhile, agriculture is not only impacted by climate change, but is also an important driver of climate change. | sdg13 |
Flood risk from storm water is particularly high in areas where storm-water infrastructure has not been adapted to elevated runoff in creeks coming from mountains, as in Santiago (Ebert, A. and J. McPhee [2009]). Urban expansion in the eastern part of Santiago towards the Andean piedmont has also increased the amount of impervious surfaces, contributing to increased risks from flood hazards (Romero, 2012). To reduce the risk of flooding and to increase absorption of storm water, between 2006-2010, the city of Chicago replaced the pavement in more than 100 alleys in the city with more permeable surfaces and plantings (OECD, 2012c, City of Chicago, 2010). Since 1997, storm-water infrastructure has been the responsibility of MOP and the Ministry of Housing and Urbanism (Ministerio de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano/MINVU). | sdg11 |
Uniform categorization to capture and document gender-responsive and gender-transformative change has also been challenging. The evaluation found that, despite the introduction of multi-year funding frameworks, most gender budgets remain largely focused on short-term interventions, more in line with an approach focusing on equity (50/50) in access to income, public services and access to justice, for example. Even in the case of protracted or recurrent crises that extend for long periods, such as in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the changing context does not enable UNDP to take a consistent line in support of GEWE. This is partly because the funding remains segmented for short-term interventions and partly because there is not enough interest in and understanding of the importance of long-term processes. | sdg5 |
For decades, the Supreme Court has maintained a rhetorical commitment to an ad hoc, case-by-case, totality of the circumstances approach to evaluating probable cause and reasonable suspicion. Despite the Court’s insistence that there are so many factors involved in the assessment of Fourth Amendment probabilities that one case will seldom be useful precedent for future cases, it has with increasing frequency endorsed the use of presumptive rules in this context. Such presumptions provide an appealing balance between the often competing imperatives of providing clear guidance to lower courts and law enforcement officers, on the one hand, and retaining the flexibility to ensure results consistent with Fourth Amendment principles in idiosyncratic cases, on the other. Additionally, although courts might evaluate the suitability of some such presumptions using quantitative analysis, in other cases, the use of qualitative, intuition-based judgment is necessary. | sdg16 |
India plans to auction acreages for shale gas exploration in 2011. Transmission pipelines exist mainly in the northeast. The first major long-distance gas transportation pipeline is the Hazira-Vijaipur-Jagdishpur (HVJ) line built by GAIL, which is state-owned and the largest Indian gas transmission company. | sdg7 |
Child benefits are not taken into account for assessing eligibility in the guaranteed minimum income scheme RSI. Education benefits contribute to the living expenses and tuition costs of tertiary students, and are also subject to means-testing. While tertiary education benefits support those who should expect above-average incomes in the future, on top of the subsidies financing tertiary education, almost 80% of the benefits go to the lowest two income quintiles (IMF, 2013). Such measures can be a powerful tool to enhance intergenerational mobility and improve the equality of opportunities. | sdg1 |
The inclusion of something as basic as the sex of family farmers in agricultural censuses is vital to ensure the visibility of women's contribution to this work (see Story of Change, "The simple scheme that's driving a quiet revolution for Brazil's family farmers"). There is no global database that brings together national statistics on migration flows to enable a better understanding of migrant family life. These data limitations, in all regions, should be addressed through sustained investment in national statistical systems and in methodological development at global, regional and national levels. | sdg5 |
As ITQs initially were introduced on the background of an ecological and economic crisis the original implementation had been matter of closing access and distributing the limited rights in a sound and accepted system. However, these initial beneficiaries have since then been able to enjoy a steady stream of wealth, to lease out parts of orto once and for all sell their quota share. This becomes even clearer once the resource has recovered and the same quota share (in percentages) result in much larger actual allocations (in kilos). | sdg14 |
Effluent charges for surface water generate CZK 300 million per year for the State Environmental Fund, while effluent charges for groundwater generate CZK 2 million for the municipalities. The rate of cost recovery is 100% when only operating costs are included, but drops to 10-20% when renewal and new investment costs are included. This is partly driven by the failure to account for the full depreciation of the infrastructure assets. Costs for WRM amount to 3-7% of the water bill. | sdg6 |
For example, taxes can incentivize new investments, while low-cost loans facilitate behaviour change. Given one third of China's territory is reported to be affected by acid rain, and local air pollution affects major cities across the country, reducing sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions has been the key environmental target in China. While initially only newly- built installations were to be equipped with such facilities, subsequently also most of existing coal power plants needed to be retrofitted. The payment scheme is supported by other policies for power plants equipped with flue gas desulfurization (FGD) that give priority to them for connections to grids, permission to operate longer than plants that do not install desulfurization capacity and priority dispatching in Shandong and Shanxi Provinces. | sdg7 |
Globally, inclusion of conflict prevention and conflict resolution was low at around 10% of social science textbooks over 2000-2011. High-quality, equitable education that increases respect for diversity can make a positive contribution, albeit only in the long term. An open classroom climate that accepts critical viewpoints needs to be embraced. Country reporting on the implementation of the 1974 UNESCO Recommendation concerning Education for International Understanding, Co-operation and Peace Education relating to Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms provides the basis for global indicator 4.7.1. | sdg4 |
The 19th-century French scientist, Claude Bernard, famously wrote that science is a "superb and dazzling hall, but one which may be reached only by passing through a long and ghastly kitchen".2 Osborne, Simon, and Collins (2003), writing more than a century later, comment that "The essential irony of a discipline that offers intellectual liberation from the shackles of received wisdom is that the education it offers is authoritarian, dogmatic and non-reflexive." ( Cross-country differences in science teaching, and their association with students' performance and interest in a science-related career are presented in Chapter 2 ofVolume II.) In a majority of countries and economies, students from advantaged backgrounds are more likely to expect a career in science - even among students who perform similarly in science and who reported similar enjoyment of learning science. Several actions have been suggested to close this gender gap and, more generally, to encourage more young people, especially those from groups that are now under-represented in science-related fields, to participate in further science-related study and work. | sdg4 |
In particular, FDI targeting mining, road construction and manufacturing industries are at risk. Indeed, important road and infrastructure projects are already on hold or lagging, likely because of the crisis. According to projections by the DGEP, FDI was 36.5 billion CFA francs in 2008, more than three times lower than in 2007, and appears to be continuing to deteriorate with the contracting global economy. According to the latter, foreign capital inflows are expected to fall by 86 billions of CFA francs, representing 0.8 per cent of GDP. As risk aversion increased following the global financial crisis, these investments were partly liquidated in late-2008 and early-2009. | sdg1 |
It estimates the total funds required to implement activities, the funding available and the financial gaps. Bhutan has also initiated projects on integrating PES and REDD+, and eco-tourism. Although these are new biodiversity related instruments, they have been included as potential mechanisms for financing the implementation of the NBSAP. The aim is to mainstream the NBSAP into the national economic development plans (five year plans), as a response to the current lack of coordinated approaches to resource mobilisation and allocation. The National Biodiversity Center will coordinate the development of the resource mobilisation plan, as well as all the strategies under target 20. A participatory and inclusive stakeholder approach will prioritize the national targets that will guide the plan. | sdg15 |
Figure 2.1 summarises the dimensions that affect a country's capacity, and that of the sector in question, to manage increasingly complex forms of PSP (as the transfer of responsibilities and risks to the private partner rises). These dimensions have to do with the sector's financial sustainability (the extent to which the sector can ultimately cover its costs, and the role of pricing), its financing needs, and the public’s perception (in particular, its willingness to pay for service). Additional facilities are needed, including the development of new' water resources (from non-conventional sources) and water treatment plants, but the domestic network is fairly well-developed. | sdg6 |
Furthermore, there is a lack of streamlined regulatory and governance frameworks between tertiary education institutions (including both VET and higher education), which also creates duplication and inconsistency. Currently, 27% of upper-secondary students enrol in a vocational college, where after five years they can acquire both a vocational diploma and the upper secondary school leaving certificate giving access to university. After several years of professional experience, graduates from technical and agricultural vocational colleges can be granted the title "engineer". The vocational colleges are also accessible for graduates from other upper secondary programmes. | sdg4 |
These ‘raw’ rates are averages across recipients and non-recipients, respectively, and do not take account of differences in characteristics between these groups. The magnitude of genuine state dependence in contrast is defined to be the difference between (i) the SA persistence rate were all individuals to have received SA last year, and (ii) the SA entry rate were all individuals not to have received SA last year. To arrive at this difference, persistence and entry probabilities are predicted for each individual using the estimated model and then averaged across all individuals. | sdg1 |
Using REDD+ as an example, if avoiding deforestation in two different forest areas would yield the same carbon benefits, then biodiversity co-benefits would be enhanced if the area prioritised for funding were that with higher biodiversity co-benefits. Identifying areas with both high carbon and high biodiversity benefits can therefore help target finance to locations that can deliver higher total ecosystem services. The UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCMC) for example, produced a Carbon and Biodiversity Demonstration Atlas in 2008 and has developed other spatial tools such as Interactive Maps, an Interactive Carbon Calculator, and a Multiple Benefits Toolbox. | sdg15 |
Following the 2014 Folkeskole reform and the introduction of a new arrangement for the utilisation of teachers’ working time, teachers are expected to teach more hours. As a result, teachers experience less time for preparation and other tasks. Resources have overall been reprioritised from preparation and other tasks to teaching. This requires an adjustment from teachers to prepare for their lessons and work in another way (e.g. to a higher degree sharing teaching materials) to fulfil other tasks required of them by their school leadership. According to the Folkeskole Act, the school principal is responsible for the school’s quality of teaching as well as the overall administrative and pedagogical management of the school. As a result, the main responsibility for designing, introducing and organising teacher appraisal procedures within the school lies with the school principal. | sdg4 |
Although 40 per cent of young men or more participate in the labour force in 11 of the 15 countries, fewer than 25 per cent of young women do in any of those 15 countries. In Mauritania, just 2 per cent of young women participate, followed by 9 per cent in Jordan and Iraq. The largest absolute difference between the labour force participation rates among young men and women was reported for the State of Palestine, at 41 percentage points. In Bahrain and Kuwait, the relative difference between rates for men and women is the smallest, the youth labour force participation rate among women there is more than half that of men. In general, most men outside the labour force are students and most women outside the labour force are homemakers. | sdg8 |
Systems like these are in use in some form within most developed nations for daily operations and especially during crisis situations. Besides building sustainable and resilient infrastructure through better planning and design based on the understanding derived from computational and ML models, the implementation of systems like these within developing nations can help prevent natural events from turning into disasters. It is normal for most developed countries to require contractors to provide a complete set of BIM data for any infrastructure built using public funds. | sdg9 |
Resource mobilisation will include the ability to mobilise the resources (financial, institutional, human and technical) and be well positioned to access, absorb and make use of them effectively. In particular, developing countries face significant challenges in implementing the Biodiversity-related Conventions with the limited resources available. Additional resources need to be mobilised at different scales, from existing sources as well as new and innovative ones. | sdg15 |
Cependant, le developpement de mecanismes de remuneration a la capitation qui permettent d’avoir moins d’incitations a multiplier les actes et d’encourager les professionnels de sante a s’occuper plus longtemps des patients, tout comme les paiements en fonction des resultats dans les soins primaires doivent etre renforces afin de faire face a la prevalence croissante des maladies chroniques et de reduire la demande induite par 1’offre et les disparites sociales en terme d’acces aux soins. Various measures of life expectancy are among the highest in the OECD, notably for women (Figure 1, Panels A and B). These measures have also shown steady improvement (Blanpain, 2016). | sdg3 |
In Bangkok, policies to restrain the use of private cars were never implemented (although they were often proposed). In contrast, Tokyo has prevented car dependency with travel demand-management strategies. One of the most stringent is requiring buyers of cars to secure a night-time parking place before they are granted permission to register a car. | sdg11 |
American pacifists first heard of Mohandas Gandhi and his struggles in South Africa and India after World War I. Although they admired his opposition to violence, they were ambivalent about nonviolent resistance as a method of social change. As heirs to the Social Gospel, they feared that boycotts and civil disobedience lacked the spirit of love and goodwill that made social redemption possible. Moreover, American pacifists viewed Gandhi through their own cultural lens, a view that was often distorted by Orientalist ideas about Asia and Asians.2 It was only in the 1930s, when Reinhold Niebuhr and other Christian realists charged that pacifism was impotent in the face of social injustice, that they began to reassess Gandhian nonviolence. By the 1940s, they were using nonviolent direct action to protest racial discrimination and segregation, violations of civil liberties, and the nuclear arms race. | sdg16 |
The signing of the NAFTA agreement in 1992, which came into force in 1994, allowed the Toronto region to integrate into a wider and cross-border regional manufacturing system, and stable fiscal and macro-economic policies have sustained its relatively low business costs. Federal immigration policies have encouraged a steady inflow of highly skilled labour into Canada. This has sustained the Toronto region’s economy, which is heavily integrated with the United States, thanks to its proximity to US markets. | sdg11 |
The market for paintings by well-known artists is booming despite widespread concern about art crime and difficulties in establishing provenance. Public law enforcement is imperfect, and court cases often are deemed problematic. So how is the thriving art market governed in practice? We analyze the protocols used by the top auction houses to identify and resolve problems of illicit supply—fakes, forgeries and items with defective legal titles—through the lens of institutional analysis. We uncover a polycentric private governance system in which different actors govern distinct but overlapping issue areas, motivated by profit, prestige, or the search for truth. When the financial stakes rise, opportunistic behavior undermines the credibility of private governance. We argue that as litigious, super-rich investors entered the art market, the interaction between public law and the traditional private governance system restricted the supply of “blue chip” art, driving the escalation of prices. | sdg16 |
During the second half of the XVIII Century, close to the structural changes generated by the Borbons’ reforming institution, there appeared new social control mechanisms that tried to hold individuals so as to assign them a role within a circle of civil institutions with persuasive, preventive and and/or coercive character. Cordoba del Tucuman jurisdiction, the southernmost of the Empire at that time, was also subjected to the impositions of these mechanisms, implemented by its first Governor, Mayor Rafael de Sobremonte since 1785. This paper will enquire into the characteristics these mechanisms acquired as regards women in Cordoba del Tucuman under the goverment of Mayor Rafael de Sobremonte since 1785. | sdg16 |
Those with such access are 195% more likely to report good health than those with limited access. This underscores the importance of one of the key goals related to well-being and health into old age: the ability to access comprehensive health services and the adaptation of services to people’s needs and economic conditions. Also included in the model were place of residence and marital status (non significant). | sdg3 |
In Luxembourg, 60% of all spells are longer than 12 months and close to 40% last two years or longer. In Norway, where mean and median spell lengths are shortest, about 2% of all spells last for at least 24 months. The observed spell duration until the end of the observation period will therefore generally be an underestimate of the true spell length. | sdg1 |
The New Urban Agenda insists on the necessity for capacity development, described as "a multifaceted approach that addresses the ability of multiple stakeholders and institutions at all levels of governance, and combines individual, societal and institutional capacity to formulate, implement, enhance, manage, monitor and evaluate public policies for sustainable urban development" (United Nations, 2016b). In the context of NUP development, capacity development entails making sure that governments have the means to engage in the development of the policy and to acquire the sufficient human, technical and financial resources to carry out their redefined responsibilities in the NUP process. Two factors of capacity are considered: commitment of resource and policy instruments. | sdg11 |
Valuable administrative support was provided by Ms. Tatyana Skritskaya, Assistant to the Group on Road Transport, ITF, and Ms. Anna Chahtahtinsky and Ms. Eugenia Klimenka, Assistants within the OECD Eurasia Division. Potential growth of GDP as a result of transport policy measures, from 2015 to 2050 . They are dependent on relatively inexpensive but reliable transport links, among other factors. Freight transport is a derived demand, directly dependent on the trade of commodities. | sdg9 |
Quilts of Denmark then learned in a scientific journal that NASA had solved this problem and invented a technology called TempraKON®. When Quilts of Denmark contacted NASA, NASA was surprised that a small company from Denmark was interested in their technology and was ready to share its knowledge. However, it had taken Quilts of Denmark two weeks to contact the right person at NASA, so persistence was important. The company Outlast had bought the rights to this technology for use in materials for house insulation. | sdg9 |
Land-embodied technical change is equal to the sectoral exogenous yield shift factors (source). Empirical results indicate that the assumption of uniform technical progress across sectors is generally not realistic. Studies indicate that TFP growth in developed countries is highest in agriculture, followed by manufacturing and services (Dollar and Wolff, 1993 and 1997, Kets and Lejour, 2003). | sdg2 |
The Polish PEFC standards were accredited in 2008. Decisions to opt for FSC or PEFC certification are left up to the RDSFs. Because of their small size, private forests are not subject to certification (Koziol and Matras, 2013). Key regulations on land conversion and tree cutting have been used to protect the forest cover from destruction. | sdg15 |
A country has an absolute and exclusive sovereignty for its airspace. Sovereign country has right to manage flight routes and its airspace, regarding the fact that airspace is very strategic for its defense and security. Violations of Indonesia’s airspace sovereignty by either civilian aircraft or state aircraft often occur. The problem discussed is: how are the legal arrangement and law enforcement related to the violations of a country’s sovereign territory according to international law and Indonesia’s national law. The research method was normative legal research with statute approach, historical approach, conceptual approach, and comparative approach. The research finding was presented in the form of descriptive analysis. The result concludes that neither international nor national law is strict enough in determining the legal status parameter of an aircraft, whether it is civilian or state aircraft. Such thing can result in a serious conflict related to the regulations for such aircraft. | sdg16 |
In this article I identify and analyse the legal instruments that allow international courts to contribute to the development of international law. I explain how these contributions are linked to a process that I call autonomisation, and by which I understand that international courts form and sustain an autonomous interpretation of what the law is within their jurisdiction. The aim of this analysis is to be able to identify the legal format that international courts use to respond doctrinally to the overall socio-political context of the legal disputes that it aims at settling through its decisions. It is, I claim, in this cross-field between law and politics that courts unfold a specific form of diplomacy: legal diplomacy. | sdg16 |
The world’s nations annually contribute over $1 trillion to subsidies for agriculture, energy, water and transport. This is 12 times the amount needed to bring official development assistance up to the 0.7 per cent target set in 1966, it is 15 times the amount that was estimated to be necessary if the Millennium Development Goals were to be fully implemented, and it is even 8 times the massive amount that the architects of the Earth Summit calculated would be needed to implement the ambitious Agenda 21. Subsidies to irrigation, for example, lead to massive wastage of scarce water resources, subsidies to coal production and consumption invalidate efforts to move towards cleaner energy, subsidies to fishing fleets lead to the devastation of fish stocks, and subsidies to transport fuel lead to wasteful use of energy in transport. | sdg7 |
A sea level rise of only one metre would inundate half of the rice land in Bangladesh. A one-metre rise in sea level will not happen overnight, but if ice melting continues at today’s rates, at some point such a rise in sea level will no longer be preventable. In 2007, reports from Greenland indicated that the flow of glaciers into the sea had accelerated beyond anything glaciologists had thought possible. | sdg2 |
Thus, low labour force participation and lack of access to employment are an important component of the dominance of the labour market in driving South African inequality. This very low contribution arises because of the low correlation between the rank ordering of transfer income as well as the low Gini coefficient for state transfers. In 1993 and even more so by 2000, state transfers were heavily concentrated in the middle of the distribution as access to a State Old Age Pension or Disability Grant was sufficient to lift most households out of the bottom quintile, while the means tests for these grants excluded households at the upper end of the income distribution. | sdg10 |
Their plans seem commercially feasible given the lower cost of satellites and the development of the broadband market. Mobile network operators (MNOs) need scale to compete for 4G licences, invest in mobile network infrastructure and develop services that rival their competitors'. But there may be additional benefits to both BT and EE from synergies in subscriber acquisition costs (SAC) and lower customer churn, as evidence from quadruple play offerings in other European markets shows. On the negative side, however, "inmarket" mergers and acquisitions can be expensive and b'me consuming, and success is uncertain. When network coverage becomes less of a competitive differentiator, operators may need to consolidate networks (through network sharing) as a means of moving away from infrastructure investment and toward developing innovative services. | sdg9 |
The licence had to specify the volumes of water abstracted, the location of the abstraction and the purpose, together w ith any conditions to protect the rights of existing abstractors and the needs of the environment. Although the act required eveiy licence to be assessed according to its reasonable need and its impact on the aquatic environment, over time the former has changed and the latter is now much better understood. In addition, changing patterns of demand have left many licences under-utilised, with no straight-forward mechanism for trading resources. | sdg6 |
Other fish species have also declined, and the piscivorous Caspian seal may be affected as a result. This instrument includes a section on the conservation of Caspian biodiversity with the general intention to reduce pollution of the Caspian, manage fisheries sustainably, fight poaching (particularly of sturgeon) and develop PAs along the Caspian coast. It is not clear what implementation mechanisms for this part of the action plan have been created since. | sdg15 |
The reality is likely a complex combination of the two, combined with a range of possible external factors. The suicide rate in Norway in 2011 was marginally higher that of neighbouring Sweden, and more significantly higher than that of Denmark. Suicide rates in Finland remain higher than in Norway, but have been falling at a far greater rate (see Figure 1.5, Chapter 1). The Norwegian mental health service is aiming to avoid long-term inpatient stays, and has taken some steps to reduce admissions. Referral to inpatient care can be made by GPs, emergency clinics, Community Mental Health Care teams (CMHC teams) or clinical units. The increase in the number of discharges became possible with a significant shortening of the duration of stay, from an average of 110 days in 1998 to 28 days in 2008 (Pedersen, 2009). | sdg3 |
The first is the Dutch disease phenomenon. According to this phenomenon, the discovery and exploitation of a major natural resource leads to massive inflows of foreign currency and appreciation of the domestic currency. This hampers the competitiveness of traditional sectors and, in many cases, increases the concentration of the economy around the natural resource. | sdg13 |
Though safety has improved the coal mining industry continues to be plagued by accidents. Coal mining also consumes large quantities of water and coal washing, while beneficial for reducing S02, contributes to water pollution. Improvements were particularly rapid during the 1990s before being partially reversed in the early 2000s. | sdg6 |
Additional funding from the United Kingdom towards development research mainly drives this. Other sectors with ICT and technology focus are agriculture, health and the education sector. Overall, financing towards ICTs and technology represent a minor share of total development finance, however, the rapid pace of digitalisation and the increasing focus to use modern technologies and innovative approaches in development co-operation could change this shortly. | sdg9 |
Although at the global level households headed by men and those headed women are almost equally likely to be multidimensionally poor—29 percent of man-headed households and 28 percent of woman-headed households are multidimensionally poor—there is considerable variation across countries and regions.16 Because the MPI is calculated at the household level rather than at the individual level, complementary research may be needed to clarify the relationship between gender and poverty. An average of 49 percent of the population in 24 countries in conflict for which the MPI is calculated lives in multidimensional poverty, and another 16 percent live in near-poverty. An average of 27 percent of people in these countries live in severe multidimensional poverty. | sdg1 |
Since river basin flood hazards are frequently transnational, these efforts need to be re-energized and consolidated into a regional warning mechanism. For this purpose there have already been a number of pilots that can be scaled up and replicated. In the Philippines, for example, with support from Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), a landslide early warning system was successfully set up 2012 in the municipality of Saint Bernard in the province of Southern Leyte. | sdg13 |
With 240,000 overnight stays the C02 emission per overnight stay amounts to 28.5 kg. In total, hotels and restaurants in Greenland account for close to 7,000 tonnes of C02 emissions annually. It has only been possible to find concrete data on energy consumption from hotels and restaurants in Greenland. In Iceland, the centrally supplied electricity and heat is produced using primarily hydro and geothermal power. | sdg7 |
The code also provides for pre-emptive rights for furniture producers when buying wood (GTF, 2015a). In response to concerns about illegal logging, the Romanian Government announced plans in May 2015 to introduce an emergency temporary ban on exports of unprocessed roundwood (IHB, 2015a). The Belarusian President, Alexander Lukashenko, signed decree No. The decree restricts export sales of pulpwood, veneer logs and sawlogs effective 1 January 2016, unless otherwise authorized by the Belarus President (IHB, 2015b). | sdg15 |
The Gini coefficients take into account labour earnings only, the precise definition of labour earnings differs across countries (see Fournier and Koske, 2012 for details). The value for the OECD is calculated as an unweighted average across all OECD countries for which data are available. The analysis below uses household data from the OECD Income Distribution and Poverty Database. The concentration coefficient of any earnings’ component is computed in the same way as the Gini coefficient, with the only difference being that households are not ranked by the value of the earnings hut rather by their equivalised disposable income. The concentration coefficient tends to be lower than the Gini, because households with low equivalised disposable income might have high earnings. | sdg10 |
IN R. (Moseley) v Haringey LBC [2014] 1 W.L.R. 3947, the Supreme Court unanimously upheld a judicial review challenge to the legality of a public consultation carried out by the defendant pursuant to a statutory duty to consult on proposed changes to Council Tax. However, more significant than the outcome is the marked divergence in the reasoning of different Justices. This divergence reflects wider tensions within the field of common law judicial review which have emerged over the last year. In particular, some judges have shown renewed enthusiasm for analysing review cases in terms of “rights”, which may foreshadow a major shift in the nature of review. Common law judicial review is seemingly approaching a crossroads. Which route is taken will have significant implications for the future of the field. | sdg16 |
In Canada and the Netherlands, the shares of non-native speakers among first-generation immigrant students were significantly lower (60% and 65% respectively), whereas the respective shares in Austria and the Netherlands were 76%, and in the United States, 81%. By contrast, in the European peer-learner countries, language was a greater barrier for the academic resilience of immigrant students. In the Netherlands, native-speaking immigrant students were eight percentage points more likely than their non-native-speaking immigrant peers to attain baseline academic proficiency, while in Austria and Germany, they were 14 percentage points more likely. | sdg4 |
Teachers receive tailor-made training with contents and timing adapted so that they best overcome their weaknesses in effectively helping their students reach their educational objectives. In comparable publicly funded schools, teachers seem to have much more freedom to “teach the way they feel most comfortable” (Henriquez etal., The SNED is awarded to schools based on their ranking in the national student achievement test, but not based on whether or not teachers have helped students attain their learning goals. | sdg4 |
As of the fourth quarter of 2009, the unemployment rate was about 1.5 percentage points higher than the level implied by Okun’s law. Panel B of Figure 1.10 confirms that unemployment has responded more strongly to the decline in output in the United States during the 2008-09 recession than in past recessions, even as the unemployment response has been weaker than in the past in the large majority of OECD countries. Okun (1962) highlighted two such factors, namely, procyclical variations in labour force participation and labour productivity. | sdg8 |
According to FAO’s 2015 Global Forest Resources Assessment, between 2010 and 2015, 16 400 hectares of forest per year were lost (equivalent to 90 000 soccer fields per year). Deforestation and the loss of ecosystem services associated with forests represent the loss of natural capital from which the livelihoods of local communities and indigenous peoples derive. This implies a close relationship between deforestation and food insecurity, a risk that is increased by the poverty conditions that in general affect this segment of the population. | sdg15 |
Trade restrictions played a pivotal role for this differential outcome. While countries in developing Asia managed to insulate themselves from the price hike through export restrictions and ‘aggressive buying", many countries in Sub-Saharan Africa experienced a sharp food price increase and had to bear the brunt of the price hike, with a marked increase in undernourishment. If these are insufficient, tighter disciplines on export restrictions and ‘demand-augmenting measures" need to be envisaged in a second step. Over and above improving the trade disciplines, he suggested promoting public investment in agriculture and food safety nets. A well-functioning international trade system is all the more important in the context of increasing pressures on natural resources, especially land and water, and with the expectation of climate change affecting production potentials differently in different regions of the world. Dr van Tongeren considered that the present external economic, financial and fiscal environment was a good basis for further agricultural reforms. | sdg2 |
The agreement calls for comprehensive policies and a targeted approach focusing on attending to the poor, vulnerable and excluded segments of society in keeping with their particular needs, characteristics and contexts. Science and Culture (OEI), the ministers of education approved a comprehensive early childhood project that is at the heart of the project “Goals 2021: The Education We Want for the Bicentennial Generation” (ECLAC/OEI/SEGIB, 2010). Such is the case in countries with more generalized attendance, such as Uruguay (4 years) and Mexico (3). | sdg4 |
For example, evidence shows that legal protection against domestic violence is not only critical to protect women by reducing impunity and opening avenues for redress, but it also improves women’s life spans. Women's access to property is associated with a higher likelihood of joint decision-making about employment and household expenditure and a better bargaining position at home. See UN Women 2015b and World Bank 2013. See, e.g., Allendorf 2007, Deere and Leon 2003, and Friedemann-Sanchez 2008. | sdg5 |
Some of these things were discussed in the “patriarchy debate”. Men thus have a common interest in having a woman available to serve them within the home. As women gain access to the labour market and secure other measures of social equity, men’s authority within the family declines and gender segregation in jobs becomes the main way of perpetuating the economic dependence of women in the patriarchal family. Mies (1986), the main exponent of this approach, contends that capitalist patriarchy is a global system that subjects women. | sdg5 |
The Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) was adopted on 17 July 1998 by an overwhelming majority of the states attending the Rome Conference. Included in that body of like-minded nations was a large number of African delegations, and of 54 African states, 44 have signed and 15 - South Africa amongst them - have ratified the statute. At a global level, the Rome Statute has currently been signed by 139 states and 76 have ratified it, with the US its most significant absentee. It has been remarkable that within four years the treaty achieved the 60 required ratifications. The statute entered into force on 1 July 2002, at which time the Court's jurisdiction over genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity took effect (the statute does not have retrospective effect). | sdg16 |
It aims to establish a unified road transport system (including for the transport of goods) with the latest monitoring and control systems. It also aims to improve vehicle registration and technical control, meeting international standards, the project is founded on the transfer of know-how in regulating areas such as transit transport, driving hours and rest periods, and weights and dimensions of load (OECD-WTO aid-for-trade monitoring exercise 2017, Public sector case story 58). The resulting structural transformation can help farmers, for example, to move from subsistence to commercial agriculture or to non-agricultural activities. These impacts can lead to increased welfare, raising higher incomes and reducing poverty. | sdg9 |
Of the eight operators, none has yet to achieve full 2G coverage. And although 4G has been launched, coverage is limited. Even 3G coverage is relatively low, with MTN the market leader reporting that its 3G signal only reached a quarter of the population in 2016 compared to 92% in next-door Rwanda.1 The low mobile broadband coverage limits the potential demand influencing prices. However, Rwanda is a landlocked situation but its mobile broadband price is over two times cheaper than Uganda. The major difference between Rwanda and Uganda is geography. | sdg9 |
Data from multilateral institutions are reported in a simplified format using categories drawn from the approach used by the World Bank Group to classify energy projects. While energy efficiency data are reported, such projects present a particular challenge in their classification. For example, a transmission line project may be reported by some organizations either as an expansion of the grid or an improvement in efficiency. This leads to the exclusion of many valuable projects aimed at building capacity, training, feasibility studies, planning, enabling activities and, in some cases, small projects aimed at reforming the market. | sdg7 |
Subsets and Splits