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At the same time, the area is prone to floods. Such cooperation could involve sharing data and knowledge, including innovations such as nested modelling solutions that couple climate scenarios, river-basin hydrology and flood forecasting. Cooperation can also take the form of dialogues and institutional partnerships based on an integrated flood management approach. There have already been a number of initiatives including those from WMO, PTC and the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development. | sdg13 |
Future upper secondary teachers receive an academic year of professional coursework, similar to many other European countries, but still only have a limited amount of teaching practice: 120 hours compared with up to 1 065 hours in other European countries as indicated above (European Commission, 2013). Evidence suggests that the modules are theory-focused, offer limited preparation in modem teaching and assessment techniques, and do not adequately cover important topics like teaching at-risk students and integrating Roma children and students with special education needs (Stark and Zoller, 2014, European Commission, 2015a). The Teaching Staff Statute that formed part of the 2011 Education Law upgraded the qualifications required to become a teacher to a new two-year Master of Arts programme in teaching. | sdg4 |
This section turns to literature and experts' discussions to explore these questions. The problem of the term's conceptual ambiguity in European policy making was identified during research for the COST Action "Accessibility instruments for planning practice in Europe" (Silva and Larsson, 2018). Silva and Larsson explain that "accessibility" is often used without definition or given a connotation that is quite different from the term's meaning in a transport context: the ease of reaching destinations or activities distributed in space. | sdg11 |
Pires, J.S. (2007), “Consumer Tariffs in Practice: The Portuguese Experience”, presentation made at the OECD Expert Meeting on Water Pricing and Financing, 14-15 November, available at www.oecd.org/water, Herrington, P. (2008), “Portuguese Proposals for Future Household Water Tariffs”, report prepared for the 2007-08 OECD Horizontal Water Programme. The share of disposable income households spend on water supply and sanitation bills ranges from 0.2% (in Korea) to above 1% (in Central European countries: the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland). For these groups, average representative bills would represent a significant share of disposable income in Mexico and in some Eastern European countries (Hungary, Poland, and to a lesser extent, the Czech Republic). | sdg6 |
From Medicare data, the ratio of beneficiaries to the population for each age, sex and time-until-death group is estimated for a current year. These ratios are fixed and applied to the population matrix for the entire projection period. For the first 10 years of the projection, beneficiaries are scaled to match the official CBO baseline budget projections. | sdg3 |
Indonesian criminal law reform material is important because the Criminal Code (WvS) hitherto in force in Indonesia is a Dutch colonial law which includes family/continental legal systems (“Civil Law System”) or “the Romano-Germanic family” were influenced by the teachings of that highlight the concept of “individualism, liberalism and individual rights, so it is not in accordance with the values of Pancasila includes precepts Belief in God Almighty. Thus the need for a change in the sense of reviewing (reorientation and reform) Indonesian criminal law, which is still grounded in the principles and foundations of the philosophy of foreign nations toward the criminal justice system is based on the philosophy of Pancasila as the values of national and state that aspired. | sdg16 |
The term open government is often used to describe initiatives of putting government information on the Internet. This conceptualization is too restricted since open government is not only about openness in informational terms (vision) but also about openness in interactive terms (voice). On the basis of an analysis of 103 articles, this article provides insight into the concepts of openness, transparency and participation, their interactions, and the manner in which they have been discussed in the literature. This analysis shows the differences and similarities between economic, political science and legal perspectives on open government and argues that a multidisciplinary approach needs to be taken. The authors conclude that open government is much too important to leave it to the ‘techies’: scientists and practitioners with backgrounds in law, economics, political science and public administration should also get involved to build sound connections between vision and voice that facilitate active citize... | sdg16 |
In the United States this is largely explained by the failure of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) to keep pace with inflation and earnings. However, a second reason for lower NRRs among this group is that increased inwork support in the form of the EITC has largely benefited families with children. Exceptions are Italy (where the long-term unemployed already had little or no cash support in the baseline year), and the United Kingdom (where families without any other incomes receive effectively the same support under UI and UA). | sdg10 |
As shown in figure IV.3, despite the fact that most countries display a considerable increase in life expectancy at birth, each person spends an average of 10 years in poor health (lost health expectancy (LHE)). Lost health expectancy is the difference between life expectancy and healthy life expectancy at birth and is expressed as a number of years. In this case, health-adjusted life expectancy (HALE) at birth corresponds to 2002 and life expectancy to 2005. | sdg3 |
A downstream country, for instance, may be more vulnerable because it has no possibility of influencing water management upstream, but in other cases upstream countries may be more vulnerable because of climatic or economic conditions. Transboundary consultation and cooperation is consequently imperative in analysing and reducing vulnerability. Socio-economic factors can make people and societies more or less vulnerable to climate change, and also alter their perception of their vulnerability. Moreover, differences may exist in social vulnerabilities in different riparian countries. Social vulnerability can be reduced by improving factors like levels of literacy and education, health infrastructure, the existence of peace and security, access to basic human rights, systems of good governance, social equity, traditional values, customs and ideological beliefs and overall collective organizational systems. | sdg6 |
It is clear, as pointed by one of the referees, that investing more resources in a search of the literature would likely yield an even greater number of linkages than are documented here. This has to be kept in mind when reading the paper. The dimensions that SDG 17 encompasses (finance, capacity building, trade, information and communications technology and data, monitoring and accountability) are relevant to most of the targets under SDG 14. In particular, financing and capacity building have been identified as important across the set of SDG 14 targets (UN, 2017). | sdg14 |
As a possible consequence demand for public transport is higher in Rome. The other differences are relatively more congested roads, less bicycle use and relatively higher fares in Riga versusTallinn. While the congestion should speak in favor of Riga in attracting demand for public transport, the already mentioned ITS and the cheaper fares seem to attract more users to public transport in Tallinn even despite more popularity of cycling for transfers. The combination of better accessibility at a lower fare may be crucial in this context. | sdg11 |
It contributes to the policy dialogue on inclusive growth through two key findings. This negative influence appears stronger in low-income countries and seems to affect growth by lowering both female human capital acquisition and labour force participation, as well as total factor productivity. At the same time, it shows that reducing gender-based discrimination in social institutions through the right policy measures could yield substantial economic benefits, leading to an annual increase in the world GDP growth rate of 0.03 to 0.6 percentage points by 2030, depending on the scenario. We hope these findings will make the case for including policies and programmes that directly target discriminatory social institutions in national growth strategies, and as such, help countries identify ways to reach the ambitious targets of gender equality as Sustainable Development Goal 5 captures. | sdg5 |
While Universiti Sains Malaysia strives to become a globally competitive research university serving “billions”, there is limited targeted attention to the needs of the population within its region. But it is constrained by skills shortages and mismatches. There is a need to increase the relevance of education and its alignment with the regional labour market needs. Firms in Penang are being impeded in their R&D or produce/process development efforts by shortages of specialised skills. | sdg4 |
One of the targets of Goal 8 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is the reduction in the number of young people in this situation, which means there is a need for information that explains the barriers to their integration into the labour market and the education system. The time-use data for this age group show that, on average, women who are out of school and the labour market spend at least 40 hours per week on unpaid domestic work, which confirms that they are not in school and not being paid for their work (ECLAC, 2016a). For example, in Costa Rica and Mexico, young people spend more than 70 hours per week on domestic and care work (see figure IV.6). | sdg5 |
Global fixed-and mobile-broadband penetration had reached 9.8 and 32 per cent, respectively, by the end of 20141. While fixed broadband showed only cautious growth between 2013 and 2014, mobile-broadband subscriptions were three times higher than wire-line broadband connections worldwide and are growing fastest in the developing regions, where growth rates are twice as high as in developed regions. Mobile broadband has helped bring high-speed data and Internet services to unconnected areas2. | sdg9 |
Tariff reductions, and the liberalisation of domestic markets, coupled with important technological and structural shifts in the agro-food sector, created a new incentive structure in Brazilian agriculture. Currently, agricultural and food commodities imported to Brazil are subject to ad valorem tariffs, and no specific tariffs or special safeguards are imposed. Only a very small percentage (0.2%) of agricultural tariff lines has a tariff quota. | sdg2 |
Classically, polychaete worms predominate in the macrobenthos, followed by crustaceans, molluscs and echi-noderms (Gray and Elliott 2009). The benthic infauna, be they deposit-feeders from sediments or suspension-feed-ers from the water column, or those which are capable of both, provide an important link to higher trophic levels like the demersal ichthyofauna. However, studies of benthic macro-infauna of tropical marine sediments are far fewer than their temperate counterparts (Alongi 1990) and, as with the paucity of information on sediment characteristics of the region, there are very few infaunal studies on shelf sediment habitats in the WIO. Consequently, literature on these fauna from the region are limited (Mackie and others, 2005). | sdg14 |
Their uncertainties increased recently as a result of a gradual change in the mechanisms of financing NGO operations. Previously, NGOs were entitled to 2% of businesses’ tax liabilities. However, from 2011, the amount is to be gradually reduced to 0.5% by 2019 (USAID, 2010). This change will probably result in a decrease in funds for NGOs. | sdg6 |
Failure to account for land quality, for example, may lead researchers to misattribute the associated differences in production to differences in the use of other inputs (Fulginiti and Perrin, 1997). Note: Sectoral production measured by value added. Given the strong concentration of the LDC labour force in agriculture, this wider productivity gap is the major cause of income divergence between LDCs and these other country groups. Labour productivity growth in ODCs has doubled to more than 3 per cent annually since the 1990s. | sdg2 |
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