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versus the yuzpe regimen of combined oral contraceptives for emergency contraception lancet one nine nine eight three five two four two eight four three three abstract low dose mifepristone and two regimes of levonorgestrel for emergency contraception a who multicentre randomised trial lancet two zero zero two three six zero one eight zero three one eight one zero pmid one two four eight zero three five six reviewing editorial from the bmj two zero zero three three two six seven seven five seven seven six one two april editorial for women who are using liver enzyme inducing drugs what dose of progestogen only emergency contraception is advised pdf members response nine one six faculty of family planning and reproductive health care clinical effectiveness unit emergency contraception s mode of action clarified journal of biomedicine may two zero zero five vol one one no two article external links emergency contraception resource center from the association of reproductive health professionals the limits of co |
nscientious objection may pharmacists refuse to fill prescriptions for emergency contraception julie cantor j d and ken baum m d j d nejm november four two zero zero four the case of the conscientious pharmacist don herzog center for policy alternatives emergency contraception policy brief and model legislation not two late com the emergency contraception website american society for emergency contraception get the pill online prescriptions for emergency contraception go two ec emergency contraception news planned parenthood information on emergency contraception plan b the emergency birth control organization information on emergency contraception emergency contraception information information on emergency contraception chemical contraception hormonal contraception various meats meat in its broadest modern definition is all animal tissue intended to be used as food in this context it not only refers to muscle tissue but also includes fat or non muscle organs including lungs livers tongues skin brains marrow |
and kidneys animals that consume only meat are carnivores within the human diet meat has a more specific meaning for the most part it is the flesh or soft tissue of any animal consisting especially of the skeletal muscle and fat covering the bones however the word meat is typically used in reference to the flesh of livestock chickens pigs cows etc raised and butchered for human consumption often to the exclusion of seafood poultry game and insects although this usage may be considered a semantic faux pas the meat packing industry handles the slaughtering processing and distribution of meat for human consumption in most developed countries etymology the word meat comes from the old english word mete which referred to food in general the narrower sense referring exclusively to animal flesh developed over the past few hundred years until recently meat continued to often be used to refer to any food of a meaty consistency the meat of an artichoke for example this usage is mostly forgotten today but the word can |
still be used to imply reference to the most essential or substantial part of something e g the real meat of the government s policies meat also shares some of the sexual connotations that flesh carries and can be used to refer to the human body often in a way that is considered vulgar or demeaning as in the phrase meat market which in addition to simply denoting a market where meat is sold can also be a slang phrase refering to a place or situation where humans are treated or viewed as commodities especially a place where one looks for a casual sexual encounter this sexual connotation has also existed for at least five zero zero years methods of preparation butchers selling meat in morocco meat is prepared in many ways as steaks in stews fondue or as dried meat it may be ground then formed into patties as burgers or croquettes loaves or sausages or used in loose form as in sloppy joe or bolognese sauce some meats are cured by smoking pickling preserving in salt or brine see salted meat and curing others are |
marinated and barbecued or simply boiled roasted or fried it is often spiced or seasoned as in most sausages meat dishes are usually described by their source animal and part of body and method of preparation meat is a typical base for making sandwiches popular sandwich meats include ham pork bacon salami and other sausages and beef such as steak roast beef corned beef and pastrami meat can also be molded or pressed common for products that include offal such as haggis and scrapple and canned nutrition and health concerns further information foodborne illness all muscle tissue is very high in protein containing all of the essential amino acids muscle tissue is very low in carbohydrates leading to its importance within the atkins diet the fat content of meat can vary widely depending on the animal s species the anatomical part of its body and the methods of butchering and cooking animal fat is relatively high in saturated fat and cholesterol which have been linked to various health problems including heart dis |
ease and arteriosclerosis red meat such as beef pork and lamb contain many essential nutrients necessary for healthy growth and development in children as well as for good health and well being in adults these nutrients include iron zinc and protein a famous study the nurses health study followed about one hundred thousand female nurses and their eating habits nurses who ate the largest amount of animal fat were twice as likely to develop colon cancer as the nurses who ate the least amount of animal fat in response to health concerns about saturated fat and cholesterol consumers have altered their consumption of various meats a usda report points out that consumption of beef in the united states between one nine seven zero one nine seven four and one nine nine zero one nine nine four dropped by two one while consumption of chicken increased by nine zero meat can transmit certain diseases undercooked pork sometimes contains the parasites that cause trichinosis or cysticercosis chicken is sometimes contaminated |
with salmonella enterica disease causing bacteria the recent outbreak of bird flu has stimulated global concerns over public health cattle tissue occasionally contains the prions that cause variant creutzfeldt jakob disease commonly known as mad cow disease abstention from meat people may abstain consuming meat for a variety of reasons religious proscription many religions take a stance on which types of meat at appropriate to eat in particular circumstances judaism labels the meat of some animals if slaughtered properly as kosher or fit and the rest are considered not kosher or unfit also called treif literally torn in islam permitted meats are termed halal until the mid one nine six zero s the catholic church forbade the eating of meat on fridays leading some restaurants to the practice of serving meat free specials fish dishes clam chowder only or especially on friday catholics are only asked not to eat meat on ash wednesday good friday and fridays during lent mahayana buddhist belief forbids the killing |
of animals because of the bad karma believed to be generated however theravadin buddhists may eat meat if it can be determined that the animal was not slaughtered specifically for their consumption in hinduism which shares the buddhist concept of karma cattle are regarded as specially sacred and even those hindus who eat meat generally refrain from eating beef most hindus regard killing of animals as a violation of the concept of ahimsa it is estimated that approximately three zero of all hindus are vegetarians as a result more than seven zero of non meat eaters in the world live in india jainism also has vegetarianism as one of its central dogmas secular cultural taboos strong cultural taboos inhibit the consumtion of certain kinds of meat even for non religious people human meat is considered taboo in most cultures due to concerns of both murder and disease transmission the term cannibal is a pejorative in these cultures many cultures do not eat the meat of animals species that they keep as pets in western |
culture rabbits are an exception to this pattern other motivations some vegetarians abstain from meat not for religious reasons but because of secular beliefs such as concerns about animal welfare the natural environment or the health effects of consuming meat vitro and imitation meat further information imitation meat in vitro meat in recent years various forms of imitation meat including the infamous tofurkey have been created to satisfy some vegetarians taste for the flavour and texture of meat and there is speculation about the possibility of growing in vitro meat from animal tissue notes and references http www lileks com institute gallery meat index html http www meatami com see also animal rights bushmeat domestication food guide pyramid game food veganism pescetarian list of meat animals omnivore herbivore meat meat processing the monty python troupe in one nine seven zero from left to right terry jones graham chapman john cleese eric idle terry gilliam and michael palin monty python or the pythons is |
the collective name of the creators and stars of monty python s flying circus a british television comedy sketch show that first aired on october five one nine six nine it went on to eventually comprise four five episodes over four series however the python phenomenon was much greater spawning stage tours four films numerous albums several computer games and books as well as launching the members to individual stardom the television series broadcast by the bbc from one nine six nine to one nine seven four was conceived written and performed by graham chapman john cleese terry gilliam eric idle terry jones and michael palin loosely structured as a sketch show but with an innovative stream of consciousness approach aided by terry gilliam s animations it pushed the boundaries of what was then considered acceptable both in terms of style and content the group s influence upon comedy has been compared to that which the beatles had on music while their influence all over the british comedic spectrum has been appar |
ent for years in america it is especially evident in more recent absurdist television programming like adult swim south park the simpsons and many others the name was chosen simply because they thought it sounded funny in one nine nine eight s live at aspen documentary the group revealed how it came about monty was selected as a tribute to field marshal lord montgomery a legendary british general of world war ii and the team agreed that it wanted a slippery sounding name as well the word python fitted the bill these explanations aside some believe that the name of a character in several of humorist p g wodehouse s books monty bodkin served on some level as an inspiration in a two zero zero five poll to find the comedian s comedian three of the six members were voted among the top five zero greatest comedy acts ever by fellow comedians and comedy insiders michael palin was at number three zero eric idle was voted two one st and john cleese was at two just beaten to the top by peter cook history pre python clee |
se and chapman in at last the one nine four eight show jones palin idle back row with denise coffey and david jason in do not adjust your set michael palin and terry jones first met at oxford university while john cleese and graham chapman met at cambridge eric idle was also there but started a year after cleese and chapman cleese met gilliam in new york while on tour with the cambridge university footlights revue cambridge circus originally entitled a clump of plinths graham chapman john cleese and eric idle were all members of the footlights which at that time also included the future goodies tim brooke taylor bill oddie and graeme garden as well as jonathan lynn co writer of yes minister and yes prime minister during the time of eric idle s presidency of the club feminist icon germaine greer was also a member recordings of these so called smokers at pembroke college include sketches and performances by idle and cleese they are currently kept in the archives of the pembroke players along with tapes of idle |
s performances in some of the college drama society s theatrical productions variously the python members appeared in and or wrote for the following shows before being united for monty python s flying circus i m sorry i ll read that again radio one nine six four one nine seven three the frost report one nine six six one nine six seven at last the one nine four eight show one nine six seven twice a fortnight one nine six seven we have ways of making you laugh one nine six eight how to irritate people one nine six eight do not adjust your set one nine six eight one nine six nine the complete and utter history of britain one nine six nine doctor in the house one nine six nine several of these also featured other important british comedy writers and or performers including ronnie corbett ronnie barker tim brooke taylor graeme garden bill oddie marty feldman jonathan lynn david jason and david frost following the success of do not adjust your set among the adult demographic itv offered palin jones idle and gilliam |
their own series together at the same time cleese and chapman were offered a show by the bbc who had seen them on the frost report among other programmes however cleese was reluctant to do a two man show for various reasons including chapman s supposedly difficult personality cleese had fond memories of working with palin and invited him to join the team with the itv series still in pre production palin agreed and brought idle jones and gilliam along much has been made of the fact that the monty python troupe is the result of cleese s desire to work with palin and the chance circumstances that brought the other four members into the fold flying circus and the python style terry gilliam s beware of the elephants animation the pythons had a very definite idea about what they wanted to do with the series and were a little dismayed when they saw spike milligan recording his series q five one nine six nine as it seemed like he d beaten them to it the group immediately scurried for a new style to call its own afte |
r much debate terry jones remembered an animation terry gilliam had created for do not adjust your set called beware of the elephants having no real theme it was more of a stream of consciousness piece jones felt it would be a good concept to bring to the series allowing sketches to blend into each other michael palin was just as fascinated by another of gilliam s efforts entitled christmas cards it was absolutely brilliant he later recalled with missiles coming out of church steeples terry s stream of consciousness animation was one of the examples of a way of doing things differently as a result the style of monty python was born the first series of the television show was originally planned as a vehicle for john cleese s career however he wanted to work in collaboration and so the group was assembled in an organised and disciplined manner each day of writing started at nine am and finished at five pm typically cleese and chapman worked as one pair of writers isolated from the others as did jones and palin |
while idle wrote alone after a few days of working in this configuration they would all join together with gilliam critique their scripts and exchange ideas their approach to writing was democratic if the majority found the idea to be humorous it would be included in the show the casting of roles for the sketches was a similarly unselfish process since each member viewed himself as a writer rather than an actor who was desperate for screen time when the themes for sketches were finally chosen gilliam had carte blanche to decide how to bridge them with fanciful animations armed with his camera scissors and airbrush several names for the show were bandied about before the title monty python s flying circus was settled upon some of the more memorable were owl stretching time the toad elevating moment and bun wackett buzzard stubble and boot flying circus came about when the bbc explained to the group that it had already printed the name in its schedules and had no wish to amend it leaving the pythons no choice i |
n the matter many variations then came and went gwen dibley s flying circus was named after a woman michael palin had read about in the newspaper thinking it would be amusing if she were to discover she had her own tv show barry took s flying circus was an affectionate tribute to the man who had brought them together arthur megapode s flying circus was suggested then discarded cleese then added python liking the image of a slippery sly individual that it conjured up the origin of monty is somewhat confused but idle claims it was a popular and rotund fellow who drank in his local pub people would often walk in and ask the barman has monty been in yet forcing the name to become stuck in his mind graham chapman as the colonel flying circus pioneered some innovative formal techniques such as the cold open in which an episode began without the traditional opening titles or announcements an example of this is the it s man michael palin in robinson crusoe garb making a tortuous journey across various terrains before |
finally approaching the camera to state it s to be then followed by the title sequence on several occasions the pythons would even trick viewers by rolling the closing credits halfway through the show inspired by milligan s earlier q series they also realised that they did not necessarily have to conclude a sketch with the traditional punchline they experimented with ending segments by cutting abruptly to another scene or animation walking offstage addressing the camera or introducing a totally unrelated event or character a classic example of this approach was the use of chapman s colonel character who walked into several sketches and ordered them to be stopped because they were too silly the use of gilliam s surreal collage stop motion animations was another innovative intertextual element of the python style many of the images gilliam used were lifted from famous works of art and from victorian illustrations and engravings the giant foot which crushes the title at the end of the opening credits is in fact |
the foot of cupid cut from a reproduction of the renaissance masterpiece venus cupid folly and time by bronzino this foot and gilliam s style in general have come to be considered the visual trademarks of the series the pythons built on and extended the great british tradition of cross dressing comedy rather than dressing a man as a woman for comic effect the entirely male python team would don frocks and make up and play middle aged women in an entirely straight manner straight as in comedy style rather than sexual preference thus a scene requiring a housewife would feature one of the male pythons wearing a housecoat and apron speaking in falsetto the comic effect was accentuated by this but the comedy itself was based on the role not the cross dressing aspect had a genuine woman played the role the sketch would still have had great comic effect many of the sketches have endured being quoted to this day the dead parrot the lumberjack song spam nudge nudge the spanish inquisition upper class twit of the year |
and the ministry of silly walks are but a few information about monty python information about monty python and the cast can be found in the books from fringe to flying circus celebrating a unique generation of comedy one nine six zero one nine eight zero roger wilmut eyre methuen ltd one nine eight zero the pythons autobiography by the pythons graham chapman john cleese terry gilliam eric idle terry jones michael palin and bob mccabe orion two zero zero three life after python python monty pictures george harrison in all you need is cash the five surviving members of the main monty python team are directors of python monty pictures limited which was incorporated in one nine seven three and now manages ongoing activities resulting from their previous work together in the accounts return the company describes its activities as the exploitation of television and cinematographic productions in the last financial year for which accounts are available to march two zero zero two the company s turnover was three th |
ree m source bureau van dijk s fame when monty python s flying circus was shown in the usa by abc in their wide world of entertainment slot in one nine seven five the episodes were re edited thus losing the continuity and flow intended in the originals when abc refused to stop treating the series in this way the pythons took them to court initially the court ruled that their artistic rights had indeed been violated but it refused to stop the abc broadcasts however on appeal the team gained control over all subsequent us broadcasts of its programmes the case also led to them gaining the rights from the bbc once their original contracts ended at the end of one nine eight zero a unique arrangement at the time five a driving force behind python in the late one nine seven zero s was the beatles george harrison who not only funded and appeared in monty python s life of brian as mr papadopolous though his voice is dubbed by palin but produced a number of their songs from that period including the lumberjack song sin |
gle he also made a cameo appearance in eric idle s cult beatles parody all you need is cash aka the rutles which incidentally united for the most part the pythons and saturday night live and was co produced by broadway video snl s production company harrison once said in an interview monty python helped me get over the trauma of the breakup of the beatles one going solo each member pursued other film and television projects after the break up of the group but often continued to work with one another many of these collaborations were very successful such as fawlty towers written by and starring john cleese and connie booth and a fish called wanda one nine eight eight also written by cleese and in which he starred along with michael palin the latter pair also appeared in time bandits one nine eight one a movie written by gilliam and palin and directed by gilliam gilliam also directed and co wrote brazil one nine eight five and the adventures of baron munchhausen one nine eight eight which featured michael palin |
and eric idle respectively the latter had success in nuns on the run one nine nine zero with robbie coltrane palin and jones wrote the parody series ripping yarns starring palin with an assortment of british actors palin s bbc travel series have also proved extremely popular in terms of numbers of productions john cleese has had the most prolific solo career having appeared in five nine theatrical movies two two tv shows or series two three direct to video productions and six video games two the end python reunion complete with chapman s urn in aspen colorado from left terry jones john cleese eric idle terry gilliam michael palin the pythons are often the subject of reunion rumours the death of graham chapman in one nine eight nine on the eve of their two zero th anniversary seemed to put an end to this speculation but in one nine nine eight the five remaining members along with what was purported to be chapman s ashes were reunited on stage for the first time in eighteen years the occasion was in the form o |
f an interview hosted by robert klein with an appearance by eddie izzard in which the team looked back at some of their work and performed a few new skits at one point during the event chapman s urn was accidentally spilled and the ashes were cleared away with a vacuum cleaner on nine october one nine nine nine to commemorate three zero years since the first flying circus tv broadcast bbc two devoted an evening to python programmes including a documentary charting the history of the team interspersing them with new sketches filmed especially for the event in an interview to publicise the dvd release of the meaning of life cleese said a further reunion was unlikely it is absolutely impossible to get even a majority of us together in a room and i m not joking cleese said he said that the problem was one of busy ness rather than one of bad feelings eric idle has said that he expects to see a proper python reunion just as soon as graham chapman comes back from the dead this echoed a comment george harrison of the |
beatles once made as far as i m concerned there won t be a beatles reunion as long as john lennon remains dead the two zero zero three autobiography compiled from a series of interviews with the surviving pythons reveals that a series of disputes in one nine nine zero over a monty python and the holy grail sequel conceived by idle may have resulted in the group s permanent fission cleese s feeling was that monty python s meaning of life was both personally difficult and ultimately mediocre and for other reasons didn t wish to do the film apparently idle was angry with cleese for refusing to do the film which most of the remaining pythons thought reasonably promising idle then refused to do what he saw as the cleese dominated reunion show a few years later march two zero zero five saw the full reunion of the surviving cast members at the premiere of eric idle s musical spamalot based on the film monty python and the holy grail it opened in chicago illinois and has since played in new york on broadway in two z |
ero zero five it was nominated for one four tony awards and won three best musical best direction of a musical for mike nichols and best performance by a featured actress in a musical for sara ramirez who played the lady of the lake a character specially added for the musical owing in part to the success of spamalot pbs announced on july one three two zero zero five that the network would begin to re air the entire run of monty python s flying circus as well as new one hour specials focusing on each member of the group called monty python s personal best each is to be written and produced by the individual being honoured with the five remaining pythons collaborating on graham chapman s programme the pythons michael palin image michael palin jpg the youngest python by a matter of weeks palin is often labelled the nice one he attended oxford where he met his python writing partner terry jones the two also wrote the series ripping yarns together palin and jones originally wrote together but soon found it was mor |
e productive to write apart and then come together and review what the other had written therefore jones and palin s sketches tended to be more focused than that of the other four taking one bizarre hilarious situation sticking to it and building on it examples include the spanish inquisition sketch and the mr creosote sketch in the meaning of life these sketches take everyday situations talking in the sitting room dining out but then introduce an unexpected impossible to predict rogue element the spanish inquisition a grotesquely overweight man from here palin and jones could play around with the newly created environment taking it to impossible unbelievably stupid extremes for example attempting to torture old ladies with cushions and comfie chairs or having cleese s waiter feed mr creosote until he actually explodes showering the other diners in viscera in recent years palin has starred in a number of documentary travel series for the bbc in which he visits various usually remote locales often along some p |
redetermined route for example his series pole to pole and the bbc sponsored around the world in eighty days where he followed the route of the fictional journey of phileas fogg in jules verne s novel of the same name palin is one of the most popular personalities in britain today he was also voted the best looking member of the monty python group by the public terry jones image terry jones jpg all the pythons have an eclectic range of talents but terry jones is particularly hard to compartmentalise george perry has commented that should you speak to him on subjects as diverse as fossil fuels or rupert bear or mercenaries in the middle ages or modern china and in a moment you will find yourself hopelessly out of your depth floored by his knowledge however not everyone considers jones a show off merely that he has a good natured enthusiasm it is this same cheery devotion that has led to his unflagging loyalty to the preservation of the group as long as there is terry jones there will be in some way a monty pyt |
hon jones dedication to python is not a recent occurrence however as well as writing with michael palin he committed himself to directing the python films monty python and the holy grail and the life of brian when it was felt that a member of the group should be in charge though the rest of the group appreciate such efforts it would be a lie to say that there was not a little resentment at being bossed around by a man they viewed as an equal especially when he acted as director this has resulted in light hearted joking at jones expense eric idle for example constantly hails him as the most boring man on the planet of jones innumerable contributions to the show his parodic screechy voiced depictions of middle aged women are among the most memorable in two zero zero four jones was the presenter and actor for the history channel miniseries terry jones medieval lives eric idle image eric idle jpg two writing partnerships were absorbed into the pythons john cleese and graham chapman terry jones and michael palin t |
hat left terry gilliam in his own corner considered to be a sensible position in view of the arcane nature of his work and eric idle idle was content to be cast as the group loner preferring to write by himself at his own pace although he sometimes found it difficult in having to present material to the others and make it seem funny without the back up support of a partner cleese claimed that though he often felt his position was unfair idle was an independent person and worked best on his own idle claimed it was easier in a show where there were thirteen in a series than with a film where stuff was read out all the time and you had to convince five others and they were not the most un egotistical of writers either idle studied at cambridge a year behind john cleese and graham chapman his participation was essential to the python synergy his talent for verbal humour is exceptional leading the group to dub him master of the one liner as a performer he can master with ease tongue twisting wordplays that verge o |
n impossibility he is also a talented songwriter and accomplished guitarist with a real ear for lyrics and styles this talent lent heavily to the python s work composing amongst others always look on the bright side of life which has become the group s signature tune idle is currently the writer of the broadway version of monty python and the holy grail named spamalot john cleese image john cleese jpg perhaps the best known of the pythons cleese attended clifton college bristol where he caught the performing bug by appearing in the house plays he moved on to cambridge where he met his future python writing partner graham chapman his work with chapman was aside from gilliam s animations perhaps the most surreal of the pythons work and almost certainly the most intentionally satirical unlike palin and jones cleese and chapman actually wrote together in the same room cleese claims that their writing partnership involved him sitting with pen and paper and chapman sitting back not speaking for lengths at a time bu |
t when he did speak it was often brilliant without chapman s input the dead parrot sketch would have been about the duller subject of a car it is much harder to imagine cleese throwing about a car in the same way he threw about the parrot their work often involved ordinary people in ordinary situations doing incredibly strange and surreal things for example cleese and chapman transformed the ordinary sight a civil servant in black suit and bowler hat makes his way to work into a bizarre unforgettable scene the straight faced cleese used his physical potential to its full force as the crane legged civil servant performing an athletic grotesque utterly unique walk to his office at the ministry of silly walks this sketch was in fact written by palin and jones but cleese made it his own showcasing his talent for physical comedy also famously used in fawlty towers and playing characters who could remain serious even impassive while doing something utterly ludicrous his role as sir lancelot in monty python and the |
holy grail also showcases this as he fights his way through a castle to save a damsel in distress much like say kevin costner in films such as robin hood prince of thieves although completely oblivious to the fact that he is actually savaging wedding guests another popular device used by the two was highly articulate arguments over completely arbitrary subjects such as in the cheese shop the dead parrot sketch or the argument clinic all of these roles were opposite michael palin who cleese often claims is his favourite python to work with recently he played q s assistant r and finally the new q himself in the james bond movies cleese has recently had a species of lemur named after him avahi cleesei or cleese s woolly lemur this was in recognition of his promotion of conservation issues after the release of his film fierce creatures which featured such an animal and operation lemur with john cleese which highlighted their plight on the island of madagascar their natural habitat graham chapman image chapman jpg |
chapman was perhaps best remembered for taking on the lead roles in the holy grail as king arthur and life of brian as brian cohen the movie roles were fairly straight the comedy deriving from the stereotypical lead in bizarre situations encountering eccentric characters still being played as serious and unflinching these roles however were unusual for the graham chapman the public had come to know on the flying circus where he figured as the tall craggy pipe smoker who gave the impression of calmness disguising a manic unpredictability as real in his characters as they were in reality for behind the pipe smoking rugby playing exterior lay an alcoholic homosexual with whom the rest of the pythons often had trouble dealing this was one of the reasons that cleese left the television show after series three chapman particularly had trouble filming the holy grail in scotland where he got a case of delirium tremens often called dts during his worst alcoholism he was reportedly consuming two quarts of gin every da |
y three however by the time his definitive role of brian arose he was sober and continued to produce some of his best work with the pythons graham chapman died of cancer on four october one nine eight nine thanks to the nature of the other pythons he is now lovingly referred to as the dead one terry gilliam image terry gilliam cannesphotocall jpg terry gilliam the only non british member started off as an animator and strip cartoonist one of his early photographic strips for harvey kurtzman s help magazine featured john cleese moving from the usa to england he animated features for do not adjust your set and then joined monty python s flying circus when it was created he was the principal artist animator of the distinctive surreal cartoons which frequently linked the show s sketches together and defined the group s visual language in other mediums he mixed his own art characterised by soft gradients and odd bulbous shapes with backgrounds and moving cutouts from antique photographs mostly from the victorian e |
ra the style has been mimicked repeatedly throughout the years in the children s television cartoon angela anaconda a series of television commercials for guinness beer the jibjab cartoons featured on the tonight show with jay leno and the television history series terry jones medieval lives the title sequence for desperate housewives and the visits to the land of the living in grim fandango is also highly gilliamesque besides doing the animations for the flying circus he also appeared in several sketches usually playing parts that no one else wanted to play generally because they required a lot of make up or uncomfortable costumes such as a recurring knight in armour who would end sketches by walking on and hitting one of the other characters over the head with a plucked chicken and played side parts in the films he co directed monty python and the holy grail and directed short segments of other python films for instance the crimson permanent assurance the short film that appears before the meaning of life g |
illiam has gone on to become a celebrated and imaginative film director with such notable titles as time bandits brazil the adventures of baron munchhausen the fisher king twelve monkeys and fear and loathing in las vegas to his credit his latest work is the brothers grimm released in august two zero zero five the seven th python carol cleveland as the stereotypical blonde bombshell commonly referred to as the seven th python or the python girl carol cleveland was the only significant female performer in the monty python ensemble originally hired by producer director john howard davies for just the first five episodes of the flying circus tv series she went on to appear in nearly every episode as well as in all of the python films her common portrayal as the stereotypical blonde bimbo eventually earned her the sobriquet carol cleavage by the other pythons but she felt that the variety of her roles shouldn t be described in such a pejorative way much in the same way that many people are alleged to be the fifth |
beatle there are also other notable contributors to the python troupe john cleese s ex wife connie booth who would go on to write and star with him in fawlty towers was probably the only other significant female performer she appeared in amongst others the lumberjack song and as the witch in monty python and the holy grail it has been suggested that she may also have assisted cleese and chapman in their writing neil innes is the only non python besides douglas adams to be credited with writing material for the flying circus he appeared in sketches and the python movies as well as performing some of his songs in monty python live at the hollywood bowl he was also a regular stand in for absent pythons on the rare occasions when they appear to re create sketches for example he took the place of john cleese when he was unable to appear at the memorial concert for george harrison terry gilliam once noted that if anyone qualified for the title of the seventh python it would certainly be innes innes was one of the |
creative talents in the off beat bonzo dog band appreciated for such nutty compositions as the intro and the outro and i m the urban spaceman he would later portray ron nasty of the rutles and write virtually all of the rutles compositions eddie izzard a massive fan of the group also occasionally stands in for absent members when the bbc held a python night in one nine nine nine to celebrate three zero years of the first broadcast of flying circus the pythons recorded some new material with izzard standing in for eric idle who was in america he also appeared with them live at aspen and hosted a history of the group entitled the life of python pythonesque monty python casts a considerable shadow over modern comedy as such the term pythonesque has become a byword in surreal humour however this is perhaps somewhat misleading since the humour of monty python whilst certainly nonsensical and surreal is still strongly characterised by a preoccupation with the british social class system most notably with british wo |
rking class stereotypes these themes cannot be said to be essential to surrealist comedy as a whole python media for a more comprehensive list of python media including books live shows records and video games see monty python mediagraphy television monty python s flying circus one nine six nine one nine seven four the show that started the python phenomenon see also list of monty python s flying circus episodes monty python s fliegender zirkus one nine seven two two four five minute specials made by wdr for west german television the first was recorded in german while the second was in english with german dubbing monty python s personal best two zero zero six films cast on the set of monty python and the holy grail there were five monty python films and now for something completely different one nine seven one a collection of re filmed sketches from the first and second series of monty python s flying circus monty python and the holy grail one nine seven five king arthur and his knights embark on a low budge |
t search for the holy grail encountering humorous obstacles along the way some of these turned into standalone sketches monty python s life of brian one nine seven nine brian is born on the first christmas in the stable next to jesus he spends his life being mistaken for a messiah monty python live at the hollywood bowl one nine eight two live performance of skits directed by ian macnaughton monty python s the meaning of life one nine eight three the one with the machine that goes ping an examination of the meaning of life in a series of sketches from conception to death and beyond from the uniquely python perspective albums monty python s flying circus one nine seven zero another monty python record one nine seven one monty python s previous record one nine seven two the monty python matching tie and handkerchief one nine seven three monty python live at drury lane one nine seven four the album of the soundtrack of the trailer of the film of monty python and the holy grail one nine seven five monty python li |
ve at city center one nine seven six the monty python instant record collection one nine seven seven monty python s life of brian one nine seven nine monty python s contractual obligation album one nine eight zero monty python s meaning of life one nine eight three monty python s the final rip off one nine eight eight monty python sings one nine nine one the ultimate monty python rip off one nine nine four the instant monty python cd collection one nine nine four monty python s spamalot broadway version of monty python and the holy grail with tim curry as king arthur two zero zero five the hastily cobbled together for a fast buck album two zero zero six theatre monty python s spamalot the musical lovingly ripped off from the motion picture monty python and the holy grail written by eric idle directed by mike nichols with music and lyrics by john du prez and eric idle and starring hank azaria tim curry and david hyde pierce spamalot is a musical adaptation of the film monty python and the holy grail it ran in |
chicago illinois from december two one two zero zero four to january two three two zero zero five and began showing on broadway on march one seven two zero zero five monty python s flying circus the first and only authorised stage version of the sketch show itself is currently touring great britain and is highly successful terry gilliam calling it better than we could manage at the time this is despite its twist the fact that it is being performed in french it was originally performed in paris where it was successful before being a surprise hit at the edinburgh fringe festival with the strapline et maintenant pour quelquechose compl tement diff rent it is titled for english audiences with similar facilities to those used for deaf or hearing impaired find out more here trivia on may four one nine eight two during the falklands malvinas war the royal navy destroyer hms sheffield was fatally struck by a french built exocet anti ship missile launched from an argentine air force jet as the crew gathered on deck fo |
r rescue they struck up a chorus of always look on the bright side of life from life of brian the september one seven two zero zero four episode of jeopardy featured python related category titles in the double jeopardy round monty python bring out your dead spam summarising proust i m a lumberjack and knights who say ni all of the beatles were fans of monty python ringo starr made a cameo appearance after the credits of the flying circus episode mr like monty python the title monty python s flying circus was partly the result of the group s reputation at the bbc michael mills bbc s head of comedy wanted their name to include the word circus because the bbc referred to the six members wandering around the building as a circus the group added flying to make it sound less like an actual circus and more like something from world war i monty python was added because they claimed it sounded like a really bad theatrical agent the sort of person who would have brought them together four the python programming langua |
ge by guido van rossum is named after the troupe and monty python references are often found in sample code created for that language the monty python foot icon is used to represent the slashdot org post category it s funny laugh the term spam as used to denote unsolicited email comes from monty python s spam sketch the hormel company which produces spam r has been very good natured about the song and only requires that unwanted junkmail be referred to with a lower case s guinness stout television advertising in the united states during two zero zero five two zero zero six feature two british gentlemen animated in the terry gilliam style with the catchword of the two gents being brilliant references clarkson m one nine nine four monty python facts and trivia britcomedy digest one three chapman graham one nine nine seven graham crackers fuzzy memories silly bits and outright lies career pr inc isbn one five six four one four three three four one morgan david june one nine nine nine monty python speaks a spike |
imprint avon books inc new york new york isbn zero three eight zero eight zero four seven nine four anglin a two zero zero four the alt fan monty python faq retrieved dec five two zero zero four imdb as of january two zero zero five includes pre release items bbc comedy guide see also the goon show external links monty python videoroll monty python s sort of official site actively maintained by eric idle official monty python news monty python s pythonet monty python pages the origin of monty python the sotcaa monty python pages monty python a brief history bbci comedy guides article on monty python with a comparison between python and the beatles cleese says reunion very unlikely bbc news monty python an untrue history the rutles home page new python specials to air on pbs in two zero zero six monty python s first visit to america by michael dare monty python monty python sketches british comedy and humour british television comedy british culture married with children was a long running american sitcom abou |
t a dysfunctional family living in a suburb of chicago illinois it ran on fox from april five one nine eight seven to may five one nine nine seven screenshot from the second season of married with children one nine eight seven the show the show depicted al bundy a formerly glorious high school football player turned shoe salesman his wife peggy a tartish uneducated housewife and their two children kelly their attractive but dumb and promiscuous daughter she attended high school at the start of the series and bud their dweebish unpopular and girl crazy son he attended junior high school at the start of the series the show s theme song is frank sinatra s love and marriage the show has been in heavy syndication ever since its first run the show first aired in one nine eight seven to very negative press it was considered very low brow comedy that centered entirely around toilet humor and sexual references critics noted that the characters were mainly one dimensional parodies of actual people christina applegate o |
nce remarked that the show was a cartoon initial reviewers often likened the series to both all in the family in that it depicted a dysfunctional working class family and who s afraid of virginia woolf in that it featured two couples one older and more cynical the other younger and more idealistic however viewers quickly embraced the show because despite its obvious shortcomings it reflected a huge part of the populace that was not represented on american television the concept of an unhappily married couple whose life was essentially a complete failure had never been explored suddenly people were confronted with an arguing and unhappy trashy married couple and their underachieving smart mouthed children it s interesting to note that the role of peg bundy was originally offered to roseanne who turned it down only to do a show of her own about a struggling realistic lower class family what was important about the show and what likely allowed it to survive for as long as it did is that inevitably the characters |
including next door neighbors and friends the upwardly mobile rhoades later renamed the d arcys after marcy s first husband steve rhoades left her and she married jefferson d arcy would come out supporting and defending each other no matter how much they bickered and claimed to despise their familial ties when one of them was put into a tough situation the others would come out fighting on their side eventually the show s humor as well as the cast s acting improved in the eyes of critics who began to actually praise the show for taking on issues like racism women s rights and sexual promiscuity in a way that was accessible to just about any viewer by the time the show ended every cast member was immediately recognizable to the public as their married with children persona the series is remembered as one of fox network s first successful programs and was one of only two shows to survive the network s troubled first season the other being the critically acclaimed the tracey ullman show which ultimately spawned |
the simpsons it also established fox s reputation as a low brow network an image it continues to alternately support and fight to this day the first season consisting of one three episodes was released in october two zero zero three on region one dvd the second season consisting of two two episodes was released in march two zero zero four also on region one dvd both box sets were released by columbia tristar home entertainment the third season released without the original theme song a non copyrighted instrumental version with a vague similarity in melody was used instead hit store shelves in january two zero zero five it also contained the infamous lost episode i ll see you in court which was never broadcast on fox in the original series run sony has announced that all releases from the third season onward will have the non copyrighted theme song instead of the original the fourth season of the series was released on dvd on august three zero two zero zero five but has been highly criticized by fans for not |
including the full length original episodes seven of the episodes included on the set were from syndication and have approximately one minute two zero seconds cut from each episode the show runs in syndiction in canada on the chanel cmt remakes the american warner brothers comedy unhappily ever after one nine nine five one nine nine nine has a similar setting married with children is one of a handful of us comedies that have been remade for britain compare the much longer list of british tv shows remade for the american market the show made no great impact perhaps because of the questionable use of wholesome family comedian russ abbott in the lead role or perhaps because the original had already been shown albeit in a late evening slot the german sitcom hilfe meine familie spinnt help my family is crazy showing the family strunk is a remake of two six early episodes of married with children the show first aired in one nine nine two and had twice as many viewers as the original show in germany but as the bundy |
s were aired in early evening and the struncks in prime time the remake didn t achieve the expected success in two zero zero four the colombian tv network caracol televisi n with columbia pictures filial cpt holdings produced a two six episode adaptation of married with children called casados con hijos it features the rochas the colombian version of the bundys living in bogot with their neighbours the pach ns the d arcys using copied sets and situations from the original series but adapted to colombian urban environment broadcast at a weekend primetime slot it has received mixed response in latin america married with children is still viewed through syndication on cable network sony entertainment television characters bundy family al bundy ed o neill the father figure in the bundy family is usually seen in his trademark couch potato pose sitting on the couch with one hand down the front of his pants he was the star full back for polk high school s football team bound for college on an athletic scholarship un |
til he met peg afterwards he broke his leg he lost his scholarship his life fell apart and he was stuck from then on working as a shoe salesman at new market mall at gary s shoes his misery with his life his fear of having to have sex with his wife and his reminiscences about his glory days four touchdowns in a single game is the main focus of the show s humor it was never revealed what his first name is short for he is possibly just named al margaret peggy bundy n e wanker katey sagal al s wife and mother of the family she is originally from fictional wanker county wisconsin where everyone is relative according to al in five zero seven al considers her first and foremost to be the cause of his misery she is a lazy mother having done very little to help raise the children not that al did much either and often ignores the needs of her family she often wastes the little money that al makes from his job she is very reluctant to get her own job she worked at a department store selling clocks for a very short time |
but quit after deciding that she hated working and she is more likely to spend it on clothing and purchases from home shopping tv channels than on food when she does buy food it s usually bon bons for when she watches her favorite talk show hosts phil donahue and oprah winfrey she is constantly trying to have sex with al her attempts and al s refusals was one of the running gags in the show she once stated i don t like you i just want to have sex with you kelly bundy christina applegate the first child of the bundy family pumpkin as al often calls her she is a promiscuous bimbo kelly is the stereotypical dumb blonde smart when she was little she became stupid after an incident in which she banged her head much of her humor comes from the stupidity that she displays for example she asked her brother to help her with her book report on robinson crusoe and ends up reviewing gilligan s island instead while yelling at her brother for tricking her she says i had a meeting with the principal a three hour meeting a |
three hour meeting she is in love with boys hair bleach and the telephone she often pokes fun at her younger brother bud for being a pubescent horndog due to her stupidity it was a shock to her entire family when she earned her high school diploma in one nine nine zero she then worked as a model and as a waitress budrick franklin bud bundy david faustino the second child of the family bud is a guy who believes himself to be sexy but often proves not to be he is often rejected by women it is unclear when he lost his virginity as the audience is led to believe that he may have bedded women as far back as age one four but as late as the fourth season mentions of his virginity were still commonplace between characters later on he often manages to have one night stands including one with his cousin s fiancee played by joey lauren adams he tries to get girls with the help of his various alter egos including grandmaster b a rapper who is perpetually ridiculed by the rest of the family e g bed wetter b or burgermeist |
er b more examples david faustino has actually been featured in a few rap albums and he manages a night club he often ridicules kelly as a promiscuous dimwit though he is often lecherous and scheming often with the result of sexual humiliation despite his dysfunctional family background bud is the best educated bundy of the bunch he made honor roll throughout high school and managed to get himself into college he is also kelly s agent receiving seven five of everything she makes buck mind voiced by writer kevin curran the family dog he is often heard by the audience through voice overs that tell what is going through his mind at the moment he is just as disgusted with the family as the rest of them are he died at one point in the series to allow the ten year old briard that portrayed him to retire although he was immediately reincarnated as lucky lucky the spaniel that the family gets after buck dies he is the reincarnation of buck but no one in the family ever finds this out lucky s mind is voiced by kim wei |
skopf writer of the show full house and baywatch seven shane sweet a child who is adopted by the family at one point in the series he was a very unpopular character so he was dropped from the show without explanation in the storyline this fact was parodied on the show itself in a season eight episode where seven s face was shown on a milk carton with the words have you seen me see jumping the shark chuck cunningham syndrome peg s mom only heard in frightening voiceovers by kathleen freeman and ground shaking gags she comes to live with the bundys in later seasons there are vague and hilarious references to her gigantic weight set to be played by divine but he had died before production neighbors marcy rhoades d arcy amanda bearse peggy s best friend and the family s next door neighbor she considers herself to be above the ways of the bundy family but often sinks to their level she dislikes al and often argues with him al s most frequent target is marcy s tiny chest and chicken like stance when she is annoyed |
one of the running gags in the series has marcy often mistaken for a young boy her cousin mandy played by amanda bearse in a dual role is a lesbian steve rhoades david garrison marcy s first husband he is a banker who was actually at a lower position than marcy at the city bank but that didn t seem to faze him as marcy moved up to a high position at another bank he received her job steve is one who sees himself as a better person than the bundy family but over time becomes more like them and indeed it is generally al to whom steve turns when in need of male bonding steve was written out of the show in the middle of the fourth season garrison had decided he no longer wanted to be tied down to a weekly television series instead preferring to avoid being typecast into one role and to be able to devote more time to his first love stage acting he reached an agreement with fox to buy out the remainder of his contract in preparation for his departure in the final episode shot though confusingly not the final episode |
aired in which he was a regular we see steve becoming disenchanted with his and marcy s yuppie lifestyle and taking an increasing interest in nature and in becoming an outdoorsman an real life interest of garrison s he then disappears it being explained that he has left marcy to become a forest ranger at yosemite national park during later seasons garrison would reprise the steve rhoades character on four occasions returning to guest star in individual episodes as he eventually returns to professional life to become the dean of the college bud is attending jefferson d arcy ted mcginley marcy s second husband a prettyboy who married marcy for money self centered and lazy he is a male equivalent of peggy marcy met jefferson originally a bartender at his bar after a bankers convention where she got drunk and found herself married to him the next morning he is a close friend of al and often angers marcy in his bonding with al he claims that he was a cia agent in the past code named bullwinkle and it is later rev |
ealed that he has a commission as a one st lieutenant in the national guard his ties to the cia are never conclusively proven although it is strongly hinted they are real it is proven he has some powerful friends in washington when he is able to get no ma am an audience with congress on short notice and members of the united states secret service recognize him as an old colleague and speak to him in code he claims that his last mission for the cia was a failed attempt to assassinate fidel castro he was wanted for running an investment scam wherein he sold useless plots of lake chicamicamico the lake area was in fact a nuclear waste dump and al had actually bought shares for his retirement ted mcginley had appeared previously as peggy s husband in an alternate universe in an episode which parodied capra s it s a wonderful life recurring characters griff harold sylvester a friend of al who works with him at the shoestore he is a member of al s no ma am organization bob rooney and ike tom mccleister important me |
mbers of no ma am bob rooney was played by e e bell he is one of al s friends from the neighbourhood and he is the treasurer of the no ma am he works as a butcher and has a wife called louise who is a friend of peggy he played in the same football team as al at polk high he has many problems with his name because it is often pronounced bobrooney bob s name is even spelled bobrooney on his bowling shirt supposedly because the clerk at the shop who provided the actors costumes had misheard it as one word over the telephone the producer tim weiskopff had a theory that in every neighborhood in the midwest of the u s there is one guy all the people in the neighborhood refer to with both his names e g charlie brown officer dan a friend of al s who tries to balance his career as a police officer against his friendship with al and his friends miranda veracruz de la joya cardenal teresa parente hispanic local news reporter typically assigned to cover the stupidly newsworthy stories in which the bundys inevitably invol |
ve themselves the wankers parents of peggy currently living in wanker county the home of the gassy beaver they are more often mentioned than on camera peggy s mother is never shown though she is heard in several episodes and was voiced by kathleen freeman but her father played by tim conway is in a few episodes her mother is constantly referred to as being unbelievably obese the object of many jokes gary janet carroll the female owner of gary s shoes and employer of al gary s first appearance occurred when al turned the women s shoe store into a men s shoe store al figured that gary wouldn t mind being a man he was of course wrong in this assumption gary is fantastically rich she would have been in the forbes four zero zero at four zero one except for the shoe store her only failed business venture was her shoe store over the course of the show she made several more appearances always to the chagrin of al on one episode she even became the sugar momma of bud much to the chagrin of those who still thought she |
was a man luke ventura ritch shydner a coworker at the shoe store early on in the series he was a sly womanizer who was always seducing beautiful women and stealing al s sales peg hated him while al tolerated him he disappeared after the first season after he disappeared he was referenced in the nine th season episode pump fiction when al learns from an shoe industry publication shoe news that luke ventura was being given an award aaron mitchell hill harper another co worker of al s at the shoe store a young football star at polk high he was about to marry a wonderful woman and go to college achieveing everything that al ever wanted al chose to live his life vicariously through aaron until al s misguided attempts to help him accidentally drove him to a shrewish woman named meg a young copy of peg and aaron fell into the same dismal life as al did he appeared only in the eight th season bundy icons no ma am an acronym for the national organization of men against amazonian masterhood this is the middle aged men |
s club that meets in al s garage to discuss matters of serious importance to men such as beer and girls in one nine nine five reverend al the guys turn it into a church so they won t have to pay beer taxes polk high the high school that al bundy went to where as he always loved to rejoice about he scored four touchdowns in one football game kelly and bud also attended polk high in one nine nine five the football field was named al bundy field in his honor although the scoreboard comemmorating this was immediately destroyed jiggly room nudie bar this is a strip club run by iqbal where members of no ma am go to unwind and spend any money that their wives have not already spent big uns this is a girlie magazine that al and his friends read also used before having sex with the wives al to jefferson take two of these and call me in the morning looks at marcy and adds better make that four girlie girl beer official beer of no ma am psycho dad al s favorite tv show until marcy s women s group got it cancelled it wa |
s a western about a psychotic cowboy who had similar values to al and his no ma am friends peas in a pod another tv show al enjoyed this one was only featured in one episode and was removed from the air after the network received a complaint from a michigan housewife weenie tots al s favorite fast dissolving miniature corndog like snack with many disclaimers on the package including this is not a food and no nutritional value the mighty dodge the bundy family car a one nine seven two dodge dart which dates back to al s high school days and has logged over a million miles of travel its old brown rustic colour makes it instantly recognizable as the bundys car though after a car wash in episode nine one seven it turns out that under all that dirt it was really red despite its poor condition ex constant engine troubles al has been shown to be very reluctant to part with it gary s shoes and accessories for today s woman the shoe store where al has been working since high school he was planning on working there onl |
y for a brief summer period during high school until peg s pregnancy with kelly changed all that al is often shown being rude to customers in the store and placing his head in his hands all day long if there are no customers reflecting on his miserable life when he finds it too humiliating to sell women s shoes he starts to only order men s thinking gary wouldn t mind he gets into a lot of trouble as it turns out gary is really a woman the toilet flush one of al s favourite activities is to sit in the bathroom for a long time whenever there is a sound of the toilet flushing in the bundy house viewers know that al is coming out of the bathroom with a newspaper under his arm he loves the toilet so much that one day he buys his very own ferguson toilet just like the one his father had after having built his own restroom and garage apartment he has to tear it down again after the pregnant women take it over isis bud s blow up doll and the object of several jokes bundy motto credo essentially an ever changing slog |
an that tries to describe al s philosophy on certain subjects or situations we ain t got it also as al told to bud lie when your wife is waking lie when your belly s aching lie when you know she s faking lie sell shoes and lie alternative version hooters hooters yum yum yum hooters hooters on a girl that s dumb whoa bundy family cheer used whenever the bundy family was about to embark on a venture together often a scheme against the d arcys or other groups led by al can i get a whoa bundy it involves all of the bundys placing their hands on top of one another in a circle and raising them into the air yelling whooooa bundy thank your father kids sarcastic line said by peggy to her children after al royally screws something up interestingly it was used previously and sincerely by beverly d angelo s ellen griswold character in national lampoon s european vacation controversy lost due to the efforts of a michigan housewife and another episode was edited because of the world trade center attacks the rakolta boycot |
t in one nine eight nine terry rakolta a wealthy housewife from bloomfield hills michigan led a massive boycott against married with children after viewing the episode her cups runneth over three x zero six offended by the images of an old man wearing a garter and stockings a gay man and a woman who bared her breasts rakolta began a letter writing campaign to advertisers demanding they boycott the show after advertisers began dropping their support for the show and while rakolta made several appearances on television talk shows fox executives played it safe and refused to air the episode titled i ll see you in court three x zero eight that particular episode would become known as the lost episode i ll see you in court three x zero eight was finally aired on fx on june one eight two zero zero two the episode was packaged with the rest of the third season in the january two zero zero five dvd release ironically during the boycott ratings for married with children skyrocketed due to interest in the show caused b |
y rakolta s crusade to have the show canceled the increased number of viewers kept married with children on the air until one nine nine seven according to sources on the married with children set the creators of the show ron leavitt and michael g moye sent rakolta a fruit basket every christmas as a way of saying thank you rakolta herself has been referenced twice on the show the first time in the episode titled rock and roll girl four x one four when a newscaster mentioned the city bloomfield hills the second time occurred in the episode titled no pot to pease in nine x zero nine when a television show was made about the bundy family after the show was canceled marcy told the bundys that some woman in michigan didn t like it trivia before the world trade center attacks the syndicated version of the episode titled get outta dodge eight x one seven featured a scene of two arabs with a ticking bomb at the front door of al bundy s house offering to buy his dodge for four zero and asking for directions to the sea |
rs tower the scene was cut from the syndicated re airings of the episode afterwards however in a recent airing on the fx network the scene was still in place the creators of the show named the bundy family after their favorite wrestler king kong bundy though some fans mistakenly believed that it was from serial killer ted bundy king kong bundy once made an appearance on the show as peg s hick inbred cousin he also was on the show as his wrestling persona since no ma am were big fans of king kong bundy the rhoades were named after dusty rhodes the producers originally wanted to cast comedian sam kinison as al bundy however they ultimately chose not to due to the profane nature of kinison s comedy routines kinison would later play al s guardian angel in the memorable episode it s a bundyful life spoofing frank capra s it s a wonderful life the producers originally wanted roseanne barr for the part of peggy bundy but she declined and the producers cast on katey sagal she went on to make her own show roseanne abo |
ut a crass lower middle class family the next year the episodes top of the heap radio free trumaine and enemies were meant to be spin offs top of the heap was the only episode of the three to get its own show it was notable as an early sitcom starring matt leblanc later of friends fame the show was about an ex boyfriend of kelly bundy played by leblanc and his father an old friend of al bundy always trying get rich quick schemes radio free trumaine was to be about bud bundy s time in college with the campus radio station with steve rhodes as the antagonistic dean enemies was a friends clone featuring alan thicke based around kelly bundy s social circle in the futurama episode a bicyclops built for two katey sagal briefly revived her peg bundy voice when her character turanga leela became romantically involved with an alien known as alkazar who after presenting a cultured demeanor when they first met soon revealed a side to himself that was distinctly al bundy esque at one point leela s hairstyle and outfit ar |
e definite spoofs of peg and she proceeds to refer to alkazar as al and swap insults with him in true bundy fashion and in the nasal vocal pitch that sagal affected when playing peg alkazar would then flush a toilet which was sitting out in the middle of the living room see also list of married with children episodes al bundy external links bundyology a fan s website al bundy site a fan s website infos making ofs forum e e bell s bob rooney homepage casados con hijos the colombian remake one nine eight zero s tv shows in the united states one nine nine zero s tv shows in the united states fox network shows sitcoms historical notethis is an old version of the manifold article it has been decided in june two zero zero five to rewrite this article for details see and this page is about a higher mathematics topic for other meanings of the word manifold see manifold disambiguation in mathematics a manifold is a topological space that looks locally like the euclidean space r n and the euclidean space indeed provide |
s the simplest example of a manifold the surface of a sphere such as the earth provides a more complicated example a general manifold can be obtained by bending and gluing together flat regions manifolds are used in mathematics to describe geometrical objects and they provide the natural arena to study differentiability in physics manifolds serve as the phase space in classical mechanics and four dimensional pseudo riemannian manifolds are used to model the spacetime in general relativity they also occur as configuration spaces the torus is the configuration space of the double pendulum history the first to have conceived clearly of curves and surfaces as spaces by themselves was possibly carl friedrich gauss the founder of intrinsic differential geometry with his theorema egregium remarkable theorem bernhard riemann was the first to do extensive work that really required a generalization of manifolds to higher dimensions abelian varieties were at that time already implicitly known as complex manifolds lagran |
gian mechanics and hamiltonian mechanics when considered geometrically are also naturally manifold theories intrinsic and extrinsic view every real manifold can be embedded in some euclidean space that has been proven by hassler whitney in the one nine three zero s whitney even gave accurate bounds on dimensions a manifold of dimension n can be embedded in euclidean space of dimension two n this is the extrinsic view when a manifold is viewed in this way it is easy to use intuition from euclidean spaces to define additional structure for example in a euclidean space it is always clear whether a vector at some point is tangential or normal to some surface through that point when we view a manifold simply as a topological space without any embedding then it is much harder to imagine what a tangent vector might be this is the intrinsic view an ant on a two dimensional manifold say the surface of earth has the intrinsic view a space ship seeing the earth s surface has the extrinsic view technical description in m |
athematics a manifold is a topological space that looks locally like the ordinary euclidean space rn and is a hausdorff space to make precise the notion of looks locally like one uses local coordinate systems or charts a connected manifold has a definite topological dimension which equals the number of coordinates needed in each local coordinate system the foundational aspects of the subject were clarified during the one nine three zero s making precise intuitions dating back to the latter half of the one nine th century and developed through differential geometry and lie group theory if the local charts on a manifold are compatible in a certain sense one can talk about directions tangent spaces and differentiable functions on that manifold these manifolds are called differentiable in order to measure lengths and angles even more structure is needed one defines riemannian manifolds to recover these geometrical ideas charts and transition maps a k chart at p is a homeomorphism from an open neighbourhood of p t |
o k usually k is taken to be an open subset of r n if at p there are two charts a k one chart and a k two chart then by restricting them to the intersection of their domains we can compose the inverse of one with the other to form a transition map from an open subset of k one to an open subset of k two in other words from an open subset of r n to another open subset all transition maps are continuous as compositions and restrictions of continuous maps and since the inverse of a transition map is also a transition map by inverting the roles of k one and k two all transition maps are homeomorphisms the definition of a manifold implies that for every p in the manifold there exists a chart diagram of transition maps topological manifolds topological manifold without boundary the prototypical example of a topological manifold without boundary is euclidean space a general manifold without boundary looks locally as a topological space like euclidean space this is formalized by requiring that a manifold without bound |
ary is a non empty topological space in which every point has an open neighbourhood homeomorphic to an open subset of r n euclidean n space another way of saying this using charts is that a manifold without boundary is a non empty topological space in which at every point there is an r n chart topological manifold with boundary more generally it is possible to allow a topological manifold to have a boundary the prototypical example of a topological manifold with boundary is the euclidean closed half space most points in euclidean closed half space those not on the boundary have a neighbourhood homeomorphic to euclidean space in addition to having a neighbourhood homeomorphic to euclidean closed half space but the points on the boundary only have neighbourhoods homeomorphic to euclidean closed half space and not to euclidean space thus we need to allow for two kinds of points in our topological manifold with boundary points in the interior and points in the boundary points in the interior will as before have n |
eighbourhoods homeomorphic to euclidean space but may also have neighbourhoods homeomorphic to euclidean closed half space points in the boundary will have neighbourhoods homeomorphic to euclidean closed half space thus a topological manifold with boundary is a non empty topological space in which at each point there is an r n chart or an zero r n one chart the set of points at which there are only zero r n one charts is called the boundary and its complement is called the interior the interior is always non empty and is a topological n manifold without boundary if the boundary is non empty then it is a topological n one manifold without boundary if the boundary is empty then we regain the definition of a topological manifold without boundary examples the open interval zero one is a one dimensional manifold without boundary the closed interval zero one is a one dimensional manifold with boundary every connected one dimensional manifold is homeomorphic to one or the other of these the closed unit disk is a two |
dimensional manifold with boundary the plane r two and the sphere s two are two dimensional manifolds without boundary they are not homeomorphic since the former is non compact and the latter compact the torus t two and the projective plane p two are other examples of compact two dimensional manifolds without boundary the projective plane is an example of a non orientable manifold every compact connected two manifold is homeomorphic to a sphere to a torus to a connected sum of torii or to a connected sum of torii and one projective plane this is the solution to the classification problem for compact connected two manifolds in higher dimensions the classification problem has not yet been solved and is an active area of mathematical research higher dimensional manifolds are harder to visualize but are important in mathematics and physics space time may be a four dimensional manifold or may have singular points singularities at the big bang and at black holes where no manifold structure exists infinite dimensio |
nal manifolds also exist at least mathematically properties a manifold with empty boundary is said to be closed if it is compact and open if it is not compact see closed manifold manifolds inherit many of the local properties of euclidean space in particular they are locally path connected locally compact and locally metrizable being locally compact hausdorff spaces they are necessarily tychonoff spaces requiring a manifold to be hausdorff may seem strange it is tempting to think that being locally homeomorphic to a euclidean space implies being a hausdorff space a counterexample is created by deleting zero from the real line and replacing it with two points an open neighborhood of either of which includes all nonzero numbers in some open interval centered at zero this construction called the real line with two origins is not hausdorff because the two origins cannot be separated a topological space is said to be homogeneous if its homeomorphism group acts transitively on it every connected manifold without bo |
undary is homogeneous but manifolds with nonempty boundary are not homogeneous it can be shown that a manifold is metrizable if and only if it is paracompact non paracompact manifolds such as the long line are generally regarded as pathological so it s common to add paracompactness to the definition of an n manifold sometimes n manifolds are defined to be second countable which is precisely the condition required to ensure that the manifold embeds in some finite dimensional euclidean space note that every compact manifold is second countable and every second countable manifold is paracompact differentiable manifolds it is easy to define the notion of a topological manifold but it is very hard to work with this object the smooth manifold defined below works better for most applications in particular it makes possible to apply calculus on the manifold we start with a topological manifold m without boundary an open set of m together with a homeomorphism between the open set and an open set of r n is called a coo |
rdinate chart a collection of charts which cover m is called an atlas of m the homeomorphisms of two overlapping charts provide a transition map from a subset of r n to some other subset of r n if all these maps are k times continuously differentiable then the atlas is an c k atlas example the unit sphere in r three can be covered by two charts the complements of the north and south poles with coordinate maps stereographic projections relative to the two poles atlas two c k atlases are called equivalent if their union is a c k atlas this is an equivalence relation and a c k manifold is defined to be a manifold together with an equivalence class of c k atlases if all the connecting maps are infinitely often differentiable then one speaks of a smooth or c manifold if they are all analytic then the manifold is an analytic or c manifold intuitively a smooth atlas provides local coordinate systems such that the change of coordinate functions are smooth these coordinate systems allow one to define differentiability |
and integrability of functions on m once a c one atlas on a paracompact manifold is given we can refine it to a real analytic atlas meaning that the new atlas considered as a c one atlas is equivalent to the given one and all such refinements give the same analytic manifold therefore one often considers only these latter manifolds not every topological manifold admits such a smooth atlas the lowest dimension is four where there are non smoothable topological manifolds also it is possible for two non equivalent differentiable manifolds to be homeomorphic the famous example was given by john milnor of exotic seven spheres i e non diffeomorphic topological seven spheres the hausdorff assumption requiring a manifold to be hausdorff may seem strange it is tempting to think that being locally homeomorphic to a euclidean space implies being a hausdorff space a counterexample is created by deleting zero from the real line and replacing it with two points an open neighborhood of either of which includes all nonzero n |
umbers in some open interval centered at zero this construction called the real line with two origins is not hausdorff because the two origins cannot be separated homogenous second countable and paracompact a manifold is said to be homogeneous for its homeomorphism group or diffeomorphism group if that group acts transitively on it this is true for connected manifolds thus every connected manifold without boundary is homogeneous it can be shown that a manifold is metrizable if and only if it is paracompact non paracompact manifolds such as the long line are generally regarded as pathological so it s common to add paracompactness to the definition of an n manifold sometimes n manifolds are defined to be second countable which is precisely the condition required to ensure that the manifold embeds in some finite dimensional euclidean space note that every compact manifold is second countable and every second countable manifold is paracompact tangent space associated with every point on a differentiable manifold |
is a tangent space and its dual the cotangent space the former consists of the possible directional derivatives and the latter of the differentials which can be thought of as infinitesimal elements of the manifold these spaces always have the same dimension n as the manifold does the collection of all tangent spaces can in turn be made into a manifold the tangent bundle whose dimension is two n algebra of scalars for a c k manifold m the set of real or complex valued c k functions on the manifold forms an algebra under pointwise addition and multiplication called the algebra of scalars the unit of this algebra is the constant function one classification of manifolds it is known that every second countable connected one manifold without boundary is homeomorphic either to r or the circle the unconnected ones are just disjoint unions of these for a classification of two manifolds see surface the three dimensional case may be solved thurston s geometrization conjecture if true together with current knowledge woul |
d imply a classification of three manifolds grigori perelman may have proven this conjecture his work is currently being evaluated as of june one four two zero zero three the classification of n manifolds for n greater than three is known to be impossible it is equivalent to the so called word problem in group theory which has been shown to be undecidable in other words there is no algorithm for deciding whether a given manifold is simply connected however there is a classification of simply connected manifolds of dimension five additional structures and generalizations in order to do geometry on manifolds it is usually necessary to adorn these spaces with additional structures such as the differential structure discussed above there are numerous other possibilities depending on the kind of geometry one is interested in a riemannian manifold is a differentiable manifold on which the tangent spaces are equipped with inner products in a differentiable fashion the inner product structure is given in the form of |
a symmetric two tensor called the riemannian metric on a riemannian manifold one has notions of length volume and angle a pseudo riemannian manifold is a variant of riemannian manifold where the metric tensor is allowed to have an indefinite signature as opposed to a positive definite one pseudo riemannian manifolds of signature three one are important in general relativity a symplectic manifold is a manifold equipped with a closed nondegenerate alternating two form such manifolds arise in the study of hamiltonian mechanics a complex manifold is a manifold modeled on c n with holomorphic transition functions on chart overlaps these manifolds are the basic objects of study in complex geometry a k hler manifold is a manifold which simultaneously carries a riemannian structure a symplectic structure and a complex structure which are all compatible in some suitable sense a calabi yau manifold is a compact ricci flat k hler manifold in string theory the extra dimensions are curled up into a calabi yau manifold a f |
insler manifold is a generalization of a riemannian manifold a lie group is c manifold which also carries a smooth group structure these are the proper objects for describing symmetries of analytical structures manifolds locally look like euclidean space r n and are therefore inherently finite dimensional objects to allow for infinite dimensions one may consider banach manifolds which locally look like banach spaces or fr chet manifolds which locally look like fr chet spaces another generalization of manifold allows one to omit the requirement that a manifold be hausdorff it still must be second countable and locally euclidean however such spaces are called non hausdorff manifolds and are used in the study of codimension one foliations an orbifold is yet an another generalization of manifold one that allows certain kinds of singularities in the topology roughly speaking it is a space which locally looks like the quotient of euclidean space by a finite group the singularities correspond to fixed points of the |
group action the category of smooth manifolds with smooth maps lacks certain desirable properties and people have tried to generalize smooth manifolds in order to rectify this the diffeological spaces differential spaces use a different notion of chart known as plot fr licher spaces are another attempt see also algebraic variety list of manifolds surface three manifold four manifold references guillemin victor and anton pollack differential topology prentice hall one nine seven four isbn zero one three two one two six zero five two this text was inspired by milnor and is commonly used for undergraduate courses hirsch morris differential topology springer one nine nine seven isbn zero three eight seven nine zero one four eight five hirsch gives the most complete account with historical insights and excellent but difficult problems this is the best reference for those wishing to have a deep understanding of the subject kirby robion c siebenmann laurence c foundational essays on topological manifolds smoothings |
and triangulations princeton new jersey princeton university press one nine seven seven isbn zero six nine one zero eight one nine zero five a detailed study of the category of topological manifolds lee john m introduction to topological manifolds springer verlag new york two zero zero zero isbn zero three eight seven nine eight seven five nine two introduction to smooth manifolds springer verlag new york two zero zero three isbn zero three eight seven nine five four nine five three graduate level textbooks on topological and smooth manifolds milnor john topology from the differentiable viewpoint princeton university press revised one nine nine seven isbn zero six nine one zero four eight three three nine this short text may be the best math book ever written spivak michael calculus on manifolds a modern approach to classical theorems of advanced calculus harpercollins publishers june one one nine six five isbn zero eight zero five three nine zero two one nine this is a standard text used in many undergraduat |
e courses external links maxim kazarian s calculus on manifolds independent moscow university this article is about the unit of length for other uses of metre see meter disambiguation the metre commonwealth english or meter american english symbol m is the si base unit of length it is defined as the length of the path travelled by light in an absolute vacuum during a time interval of one two nine nine seven nine two four five eight of a second adding si prefixes to metre creates multiples and submultiples for example kilometre one zero zero zero metres kilo one zero zero zero and millimetre one thousandth of a metre milli one one zero zero zero si prefixes applied to the metre the metre may be used with si prefixes conversions one metre is equivalent to exactly one zero nine one four four yards approximately one zero nine three six yards exactly one zero three zero four eight feet approximately three two eight zero eight feet exactly one zero zero zero zero two five four inches approximately three nine three |
seven zero inches history the word metre is from the greek metron a measure via the french m tre its first recorded usage in english is from one seven nine seven in the one eight th century there were two favoured approaches to the definition of the standard unit of length one suggested defining the metre as the length of a pendulum with a half period of one second the other suggested defining the metre as one ten millionth of the length of the earth s meridian along a quadrant one fourth the polar circumference of the earth in one seven nine one the french academy of sciences selected the meridional definition over the pendular definition because of the slight variation of the force of gravity over the surface of the earth which affects the period of a pendulum in one seven nine three france adopted the metre with this definition as its official unit of length although it was later determined that the first prototype metre bar was short by a fifth of a millimetre due to miscalculation of the flattening of th |
e earth this length became the standard so the circumference of the earth through the poles is approximately forty million metres international prototype metre standard bar made of platinum iridium this was the standard until one nine six zero when the new si system used a krypton spectrum measurement as the base in one nine eight three the current metre was defined by a relationship to the speed of light in a vacuum in the one eight seven zero s and in light of modern precision a series of international conferences were held to devise new metric standards the metre convention convention du m tre of one eight seven five mandated the establishment of a permanent international bureau of weights and measures bipm bureau international des poids et mesures to be located in s vres france this new organisation would preserve the new prototype metre and kilogram when constructed distribute national metric prototypes and would maintain comparisons between them and non metric measurement standards this organisation cre |
ated a new prototype bar in one eight eight nine at the first general conference on weights and measures cgpm conf rence g n rale des poids et mesures establishing the international prototype metre as the distance between two lines on a standard bar of an alloy of ninety percent platinum and ten percent iridium measured at the melting point of ice in one eight nine three the standard metre was first measured with an interferometer by albert a michelson the inventor of the device and an advocate of using some particular wavelength of light as a standard of distance by one nine two five interferometry was in regular use at the bipm however the international prototype metre remained the standard until one nine six zero when the eleventh cgpm defined the metre in the new si system as equal to one six five zero seven six three seven three wavelengths of the orange red emission line in the electromagnetic spectrum of the krypton eight six atom in a vacuum the original international prototype of the metre is still k |
ept at the bipm under the conditions specified in one eight eight nine to further reduce uncertainty the seventeenth cgpm of one nine eight three replaced the definition of the metre with its current definition thus fixing the length of the metre in terms of time and the speed of light the metre is the length of the path travelled by light in vacuum during a time interval of one two nine nine seven nine two four five eight of a second note that this definition exactly fixes the speed of light in a vacuum at two nine nine seven nine two four five eight metres per second definitions based on the physical properties of light are more precise and reproducible because the properties of light are considered to be universally constant timeline of definition may eight one seven nine zero the french national assembly decides that the length of the new metre would be equal to the length of a pendulum with a half period of one second march three zero one seven nine one the french national assembly accepts the proposal b |
y the french academy of sciences that the new definition for the metre be equal to one ten millionth of the length of the earth s meridian along a quadrant one fourth the polar circumference of the earth one seven nine five provisional metre bar constructed of brass december one zero one seven nine nine the french national assembly specifies that the platinum metre bar constructed on two three june one seven nine nine and deposited in the national archives as the final standard september two eight one eight eight nine the first cgpm defines the length as the distance between two lines on a standard bar of an alloy of platinum with ten percent iridium measured at the melting point of ice october six one nine two seven the seventh cgpm adjusts the definition of the length to be the distance at zero c between the axes of the two central lines marked on the prototype bar of platinum iridium this bar being subject to one standard atmosphere of pressure and supported on two cylinders of at least one centimetre diam |
eter symmetrically placed in the same horizontal plane at a distance of five seven one millimetres from each other october two zero one nine six zero the eleventh cgpm defines the length to be equal to one six five zero seven six three seven three wavelengths in vacuum of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two p one zero and five d five quantum levels of the krypton eight six atom october two one one nine eight three the seventeenth cgpm defines the length to be distance travelled by light in vacuum during a time interval of one two nine nine seven nine two four five eight of a second see also metric system si si prefix conversion of units for comparisons with other units orders of magnitude length speed of light external links history of the metre at the u s national institute of standards and technology nist timeline of history of the metre at the nist bureau international des poids et measures lengths si base units units of length mole may mean mole animal a small burrowing mammal mo |
le espionage a spy working under deep cover mole sauce a mexican sauce made from chile peppers and other spices including chocolate mole skin marking a small spot of darkened pigment on the skin mole unit also mol is the si unit for an amount of a particular object see also avogadro s number n a of molecules approximately six zero two two one four one five one zero two three two zero zero two codata value mole architecture a massive structure usually of stone used as a pier jetty breakwater or junction between places separated by water mole character the protagonist of a popular czech animated series made by zdenek miler uk term for vise grip a type of plumber wrench mole may also refer to the mole a reality television series the mole south park a psychotic french character from the animated series south park the mole emcee producer underground hip hop personality mole cricket a cricket in family gryllotalpidae which spends most of its life underground mole salamander a burrowing salamander in family ambystom |
atidae molar pregnancy a medical condition tunnel boring machine a device for constructing a tunnel mole rat a type of rodent that lives underground adrian mole the fictional protagonist in a series of books written by sue townsend the true mints genus mentha are perennial herbs in the family lamiaceae there are hundreds of varieties but only fifteen are common seven from australia the others from eurasia according to greek mythology the plant was named after minthe the most common and popular mints for cultivation are peppermint mentha piperita spearmint mentha spicata and more recently pineapple mint mentha suaveolens the dark green leaves have a pleasant warm fresh aromatic sweet flavor with a cool aftertaste mint essential oils are used to flavor food candy teas breath fresheners antiseptic mouth rinses and toothpaste mint leaves generally refers to dried spearmint leaves of the species in nicaragua mint is known as yerba buena good herb in common usage just about any plant with fragrant leaves may be err |
oneously called a mint on the other hand the mint family lamiaceae does include many other aromatic herbs including most of the more common cooking herbs such as basil rosemary sage and oregano as well as catnip vietnamese mint commonly used in southeast asian cuisine is not a member of the mint family peppermint large leaves and corsican mint plants chocolate mint common species some common species and varieties mentha aquatica water mint or marsh mint mentha arvensis piperascens japanese peppermint mentha citrata syn m odorata the bergamot mint smells like bergamot mentha longifolia mentha piperita peppermint chocolate mint mentha pulegium the pennyroyal mentha requienii corsican mint mentha spicata crispa curly mint mentha spicata spearmint mentha suaveolens syn m rotundifolia the apple mint smells like apples and the pineapple mint a variegated variety of apple mint mentha sylvestris horsemint wild mint the pineapple mint is particularly mild and popular pennyroyal and corsican mint have a much stronger o |
Subsets and Splits